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VOL. 48, NO.2· Friday, January 16, 2004




Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Religious, lay people, legislators will rally to defend traditional marriage • The meeting will take place January 25 at 2 p.m., in Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. By AIME A. LACHANCE JR. SPECIAL TO THE ANCHOR

FALL RIVER - A group calling itself the "One Man-One Woman Coalition for Marriage" hopes to muster a: veritable army of supporters in an attempt to protect and retain the unique relationship

of marriage in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A number of religious, lay leaders, clergy, and people from many faiths are expected to gather at Bishop Connolly High School on Sunday, January 25, at 2 p.m., to set in motion an overturn of the November 18 ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriages in the state. Massachusetts Legislators have been ordered by Turn to page J3 - Marriage

Call Senate President Travaglini: Don't delay marriage vote By


fice needs to be swamped. The message is simple: The Boston Globe and Herald newspapers re- Vote on February II! Don't wait for the court to ported January 13 that Senate President Robert E. rule on the separate issue of creating civil unions. Travaglini may postpone the February I I vote on In March will be the presidential primary, in the the marriage issue. Travaglini's spokesperson Ann summer will be the Democrat National ConvenDufresne said that Travaglini will wait until a de- tion, and in the fall will be statewide elections. cision comes down from the Supreme Judicial Any delay beyond February I I increases the Court on the civil unions issue. If the SJC fails to chances that the marriage vote will get lost in all issue a ruling before February 11, Travaglini will these shuffles. So calls are critical.. call off the joint session and not vote on the MarAnd don't forget to contactyour own legislariage Affirmation and Protection Amendment. ,tor~ to urge their supportfQrMA &J!,A. C~1l61?-' (MA & PA) until a ruling comes down. The SJC 722-2000 to be transferred to 'your' state senator could simply hold off indefinitely until after the and state representative. Stay on top of the fastdeadline passes for voting on MA & PA this year moving marriage developments by visiting and the amendment dies. www.macathconf.org'or calling;617-367-6060. Please call Travaglini's office at 617-722-1500 A complete list of'state senators and representaor E-mail RTravagl@senate.state.ma.us. His of- tives in the Diocese of Fall River is listed on page 10.

PARTICIPANTS IN the 2003 March for Life head toward the U.S. Capitol on their way to the Supreme Court building in Washington. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected for the upcoming 31 st annual march, which marks the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion on demand. (CNS photo by Don Blake, The Dialog)

'Life principles' the thrust, is theme of 2004 March for Life • Young adults 'are among those heading from the diocese to witness to the Respect for Life cause.

DIOCESAN GRADE schools in Fall River recently celebrated the "First-Ever" Futbol Sala jamboree and did so with a formal check presentation representing the donation made by Citizens-Union Savings Bank to help fund the start-up costs for the program. From left, Jeff Pettine of Citizens-Union Savings Bank presenting the check to James McNamee, principal of Bishop Connolly High School; William Sampaio (program volunteer-director), Jean Willis, principal of St. Stanislaus School, Principal Anne Conlon of Notre Dame School and Holy Union Sister Marie Baldi, principal of St. Michael School. Nearly 100 students participated in the jamboree held at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. Sponsored by CitizensUnion Savings Bank and the south 'Coast angels Football Club, Futbol Sala, or "no-walls" soccer is a combination of soccer and basketball. Students in Fall River diocesan grade schools who elected to sign up will begin league play on January 24.

said Marian Desrosiers, assistant director of the of the Pro-Life Apostolate led by Father Stephen A. Fernandes. The youths are from all four Catholic high schools in the diocese. Bishop Feehan in Attleboro By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR is sending 25; Coyle and Cassidy AND CNS NEWS REPORTS in Taunton, 18; Bishop Connolly FALL RIVER - An esti- in Fall River, 78; and Bishop mated 375 people, including a Stang in North Dartmouth, 171. Nine more students hail from record number of young people from the Fall River diocese, will Holy Family Parish in Taunton, accompany Bishop George W. and another four from Neustra Coleman and 10 members of the Senora de Guadalupe Parish in clergy to the nation's capital Janu- New Bedford. They, and 70 adults from nuary 21-23 for the annual March for Life to show solidarity for the merous parishes across the dioPro-Life Apostolate's right-to-life cese will board seven buses at Holy Name of the Sacred Heart movement. Some 305 young people, the of Jesus Churchyard on January largest contingency of youth the 21 at 7:45 a.m., that will take them diocese has ever sent to the an- to Washington. They will be livnual peaceful demonstration now ing heralds of the sponsors' observing its 31 st anniversary of choice of "Build Unity on the Life the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade Principles," the theme for the decision that legalized abortion January 22 rally on the Ellipse virtually on demand, represent and march to the U.S. Capitol and schools throughout the diocese, Turn to page J3 - Lift

'the 'a~ ,









Sister Mary Oliveira SUSC FALL RIVER - Holy Union tician at B.M.C. Durfee High Sister Mary Oliveira, 73, for- School. She was also a volunteer comerly known as Sister Claire Edward, of the Holy Union ordinator of religious studies at Community at 570 Rock Street, Our Lady of Health Parish in died Jan uary 8 at the Ph iIIi P Fall River; and after her retireHulitar Impatient Hospice Cen- ment was a pastoral minister at ter in Providence, R.I. St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall Born in Fall River, one of River until a few months before nine children of the late Fran- her death. cisco and Clara (Afonso) Within her community, Sis-' Oliveira, she graduated from ter Mary was for several years a Espirito Santo School and Sa- director of novices; and was cred Hearts Academy. She en- Peace and Justice coordinator tered the Holy Union Novitiate for the U.S. Province of the . on Aug. 22, 1949, and made her Holy Union Sisters and its repfinal profession of vows on Aug. resentative on the International 22, 1958. Holy Union Peace and Justice She earned a hachelor's de- Committee. gree from Villanova University Besides her Holy Union Sisin Pennsylvania, a master's de- ters, she leaves a brother, Edgree in counseling from Provi- ward Oliveira of Brockton; and dence College, a master's de- two sisters, Holy Union Sister gree in education with a major Belmira Oliveira, and Theresa in Learning Disabilities from Nientimp, both of Fall River. Bridgewater State College, and She was also the sister of the late a certificate in pastoral ministry Sister Lia Oliveira, FMM; Marfrom Sl. Joseph's College in garet Silvia, Beatrice West Hartford, Conn. Vasconcellos, Maximine Sister Mary taught in. Oliveira and Alfonso Oliveira. Taunton at Immaculate ConcepHer funeral Mass was celtion School and at S1. Anthony's ebrated Monday in S1. Mary's School where she was also a Cathedral, Fall River. Burial principal: at S1. Michael's was in S1. Patrick's Cemetery, School in Fall River; and for 25 Fall River. The Waring-Sullivan years was a special .needs Home of Memorial, Cherry (cache!" in the' Fall, Ri vcr· Pu hlic"PI ace, 178 Winter Street, Fall School System; and' later as a River, was in charge of arrangespecial needs tutor and diagnos-' ments.

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Pastoral councils should offer advice, not orders, pope says By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY ...:.- Parish' councils and diocesan pastoral councils are to offer advice, not orders, to the pastor and bishop, Pope John Paul II said. . "A balanced relationship between the role of the laity and that which properly belongs to the diocesan ordinary or pastor must be safeguarded," the pope told members of the Congregation for Clergy. . Meeting the congregation members January 10, the pope said that lay people must "take an . active part in the mission of the Church," offering their input and expertise, but without confusing their role with the role of the bishop or pastor. "In exercising·theiroffice, legitimate pastors never are to be considered simply executors of decisions deriving from the majority opinions" of the parish or diocesan pastoral council, he said. The hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church was willed by Christ, the pope said. While all members of the Church have an equal dignity and a role to play, the roles are not the same for everyone. The congregation held its plenary meeting January 8-10 at the Vatican; the meeting focused on collaboration with lay people through parish and pastoral counci Is and on the ministry of priests

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Friday, January 16, 2004

1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9,1617,21,23; Mk 2:18-22 1Sm16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22,2728; Mk 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:3233,37,40-51; Ps 144:1-2,9-10; Mk 3:1-6 1 Sm 18:69;J9:1-7; Ps 56:2-3,9-14; Mk 3:7-12. 1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4,6,11 ; Mk3:13-19 2 Sm 1:1-4,1112,19,23-27; Ps 80:2-3,5-7; Mk 3:20-21 Neh 8:2-4a,56,8-10; Ps 19:810,15; 1 Cor . 12:12-30 or 12:12-14,27; Lk 1:1-4;4:14-21

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THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Chrisunas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUC6cription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS sem address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

at Catholic shrines and sanctuar.ies. Cardinal Dario Castril,lon Hoyos, prefect of the congregation, told the pope the members had examined various aspects of the functioning of the councils, "some of them very worrying, and proposed indications to present to Your Holiness." The cardinal said the. congregation's proposals for the correct functioning of the councils underline the "diverse and specific participation of each of the faithful in the edification of the Church." The proposals, he said, would help local church structures "recognize, defend and distinguish with greater clarity the particular gift of each member of the Church and heal or remove the possible confusion of roles, functions or theologi~ cal and canonical conditions." Cardinal Adam J. Maida of Detroit, a congregation member, said the discussion was based on the vision of the Church as a communion of people in Christ. "We all have a responsibility to contribute to the life of the Church," he said, but the roles people play are distinct based on whether they are lay or ordained. Cardinal Maida said the plenary was an opportunity to share with cardinals from other countries and from the Vatican the overwhelmingly positive experience of parish councils and diocesan pastoral councils in the United States. . Problems arise, however, when people think in political terms and feel that a consultative role is meaningless unless they have decision-making powers, the cardinal said. . But in the Church, he said, "a

pastor cannot delegate his role to the lay faithful. He must lead, but he must also listen to advice." "People have a right and obligation to speak and pastors have an obligation and right to listen," the cardinal said. . "The plenary session was in many ways an affirmation of the system in most dioceses of the United States," he said. Turning to the discussion on pastoral ministry at shrines, sanctuaries and other places of pilgrimage, Pope John Paul said, "These sacred places attract numerous faithful searching for God and, therefore, open to a more in.cisive proclamation of the Good News and to the call to conversion." The pope said it is important that the priests assigned to work in the shrines have a well-developed pa~toral sensitivity, a "paternal sense of welcome," and arc gifted preachers and catechists. Shrines often are places where Catholic faithful seek the sacrament of reconciliation, he said. "The confessor, especially in a shrine, is called to reflect in his every gesture and word the merciful love of Christ," he said. Cardinal Maida said the congregation members wanted to acknowledge the importance of priestly ministry in shrines. The cardinal said the plenary meetings of Vatican congregations "are very important in the life of the Church." The meetings bring together cardinals, bishops and experts from ai'ound the world and provide time for "a real dialogue," he said. "I always leave these meetings energized," he said. "You see that the Church really is the living body of Christ."

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks _ Jan. 19 1999, Rev. Thomas E. O'Dea, Associate Pastor, SI. Lawrence, New Bedford . Jan. 20 1952, Rev. Roland 1. Masse, Assistant, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Fall River

Jan. 21 1983, Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, Retired, SI. Joseph, Fall River . Jan. 24 195 I, Rev. Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., Boston College Faculty 1977, Rev. Thomas F. McMorrow, Assistant, Our Lady of . Victory, Centerville 1999, Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton Jan. 25

1987, Rev. Jack Hickey, a.p., Dismas House, Nashville, Tenn.


Friday. January 16, 2004

- Diocesan Announcement Please make your VOICE heard! OnSunday, January 25, rallies'to protect marriage as the union between one man & one woman are scheduled in the cities of Fall River, Springfield and Worcester. All rallies will start at 2 p.m. and finish at 4 p.m. The locations: St. Peter-Marion HighSchool, 781 'Grove Street, Worcester; Bishop Connolly

High School, 373 Elsbree Street, Fall River; and Cathedral High School, 260 Surrey Road, BISHOP WILTON D. Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, discusses the results of a national audit of diocesan policies and practices mandated by the bishops' "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People." Bishop Gregory, flanked by Kathleen McChesney, executive director of the bishops' Office for Child and Youth Protection, and National Review Board member William Burleigh, gave the briefing in Washington. They said nearly 90 percent of U.S. dioceses have fully complil;ld with the requirements set forth to better protect minors against clerical sexual abuse. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec)

Sex abuse audit report includes national recolTIlTIendations By


tional Review Board that oversees the bishops' compliance WASHI~GTON The na- with the charter, said the board tionwide audit of sexual abuse "concurs with the recommendapolicies and practices of Catho- tions" outlined in the report and lic dioceses reported on a week urges the bishops' conference to ago went beyond assessing each adopt them. The audits of 191 U.S. diodiocese's current performance' against the standards of the bish- ceses were conducted by the ops' "Charter for the Protection Boston-based Gavin Group, of Children and Young People." composed chiefly of former FBI As a result of their meetings agents, between June and Nowith bishops, diocesan person- vember 2003. Most of the report on the aunel, abuse victims, law enforcement and social service person- dit findings, released in Washnel and other interested persons, ington January 6, was devoted the independent auditors came to assessing each diocese's perup with a substantial list of na- formance in light of the current tionwide recommendations to charter. In an important eight-page improve the Church's response to the sexual abuse issue in the chapter at the end of Section One, however, the report says future. It also recommended that the the audit process also helped unbishops sponsor a new national cover additional ways to make study - "an external study of Church environments safer for (voluntary) victims/survivors children and improve the for the purpose of identifying Church's response to victims better methods for responding to and their famiJies. It said stroncomplaints of sexual abuse by ger ways to assure future acclergy or other Church person- countability were also found. Topping the list of recomnel." At the press conference intro- mendations was a propos,al to ducing the report, Kathleen strengthen sexual abuse awareMcChesney, executive director ness, prevention and response at 'of the bishops' national Office the level of parishes, schools for Child and Youth Protection, and other local Church facilities said, "We arc in the process of nationwide. It recommended ini ti ati ng" the victi m study rec- that the bishops' national office prepare guidelines for dioceses ommended by the report. She said the bishops' Ad Hoc to integrate all aspects of charCommittee on Sexual Abuse has ter implementation at the parish already reviewed that recom- level. It also suggested identifymendation and backed it, and ing and instituting national efher office has been putting to- fectiveness measu\:ements for gether "the framework of a safe environment programs wi th in the nex t two-to-three study we'd like to do." , Justice Anne M. Burke, an il- years. It recommended that the Oflinois Appellate Court judge and acting chairwoman of the Na- fice for Child and Youth ProtecCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

tion develop and carry out training programs for diocesan review board members and safe environment coordinators. The audit repQrt had more than 50 speci fic recommendations on the charter's 17 articles, highlighting additional ways to strengthen the charter or improve its implementation. Among eight recommendations on victim healing, outreach and reconciliation; for example, the report included a suggestion that dioceses support and encourage more research into effective therapies for Victims. Another recommendation was that each bishop identify every victim whn has not yet met with the bishop or his designee and ask for a meeting. The report asked bishops to assure that priests do not wear clerical garb, as has happened in a small number of cases ,in the past year, when appearing as defendants in criminal cases involving sexual abuse of a minor. ,It asked for c1ari fication of the meaning of "prayer and penance" in the article referring to , the lives of priests who were removed from ministry because of abuse but were not laicized. The report recommended that tbe o,n-site audit procedure used in 2003 be used again for the 2004 audit. It suggested thilt these yearly data be gathered and maintained by the national office. McChesney said no single approach works for all victims, but such a study could "identify things that worked very well and those that didn't."

Springfield. Come and learn why your help is critical, and what you can do before February 11, when the legislature takes up the Marriage Affirmation & Protection Amendment. For more information, contact traditionulrnurrial!c@hotllluil.com or call 508842-0914.

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Friday, January 16, 2004

the living word .

. Don't get too q}nfident , On the surface it seems as if the American economy is indeed recovering. The expectations of Christmas sales were fulfilled, and the retail world continues its never-,ending sales. As far as Wall Street is concerned, the N~w Year holds路 great promise for market activity. Soaring stock numbers have once more provided a confidence level for investors. Yet; for all that glitters, there are some who really believe that we are on a very shaky economic road full of potholes and bumpy curves. People have become so buoyed up by a false sense of economic stability that they are refusing to consider oth~r factors, which indicate that we should be more prudent in our recovery estimates. First and foremost, there is Iraq and all that entails, including the war on terror. What was once federal surplus is now nati-onal debt. Paying the war bills has plunged the nation into a very deep hole, which could bring about a fiscal crisis. It seems difficult to imagine that we can get over this reality without new taxes. This idea of course is simply dismissed by the administration. Given , other areas of concern, it should not be ridiculed. For example, the falling dollar is playing havoc in so many areas of commerce. In a global market where the dollar held sway TEEN-AyERS SING AND DANCE DURING A LIFELINE PROGRAM PRESENTATION SPONSORED BY for so maJiy decades, its decline is having many side effe~ts. Aside, 'NATIONAL EVANGELIZATION TEAMS, ALSO KNOWN AS NET, IN ST. PAUL, MINN. YOUNG t'rom' the ,issue of exports, the dollar ,is tied up as the currency of . . PEOPLE DESCRIBE THE PROGRAM, WHICH ASKS TEENS TO COMMIT TO VOLUNTEER WORK FOR the O.P.E.C. The weak dollar has kept the price of oil in im inflated ONE YEAR, AS LIFE-CHANGING. (eNS PHOTO 'BY DAVE HRBACEK, CATHOLIC SPlRlT) state. If this continues, inflation could be around the COrner. Next' would be the rise in interest rates, and off we go again. We must also-realize that many workers and families find them"THIS IS MY GOD, AND I WILL PRAISE HIM" (EXODUS 15:2). selves in an economic plight. Many laid-off workers have not been able to find secure jobs. 'So many cannot afford health care, and many corporations are 'cutting' back on this perk. Family savings are emptied by extended sickness. Many programs for the needy and poor have been termiQated. State budgets are in tatters. The elderly retired have seen their pensions evaporate. Low interest rates on savings have placed people in a very real financial crisis.' By DAVID R. CARUN This is not to say that there was any- '_ came tumbling down, and Catholics U!leJllPJ9,Yme~Lb.e~efit~;f9r,~.~nY.~'Pe.ricans .h~y~ simply vapor-, ized. Many whQ depend on so~ial security have seen their benefits Catholics of the older generation, thing wrong, with Vatican II. It was mixed freely with thei'f fellow erode. of '. ~I ~ like me, old enough to remember a necessary Council: necessary to Americans, even going so far as to . In such a world, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer. We what the Catholic Church in steer the Church away from the anti- intermarry with them. The second change was what need a basic balance, which will ensure that no one really gets left America was like in its heyday, of- Protestantismth that had marked it behind. After all, we should remind ourselves that the develop- ten ask:. themselves, "What hap- since the 16 century Council of may be called "the Great Cultural ment of economic and commercial activity is meant to provide for pened? What caused the Church, Trent, which had launched the Revolution of the 1960s." Prior to which was once so full of vitality, to Counter-Reformation. The changes the 1960~ the dominant moral force the needs of people. In the sphere of social justice, the economic go into decline?" made by Vatican II were relatively in the United States was Liberal life is not meant solely to multiply goods or incre'ase power or The usual' answer given is minor, but the fact that any changes Protestantism. But by the time the profit; it is ordered tirst of all to the service of person, of the whole "Vatican II." The Second Vatican at all were made in a Church that "60s were over, the Protestant heperson, and of the entire human community. Council m~t from 1962 to 1965, and ~ad been apparentiy imry1Utable for gemony had been overthrown, and As we edge OUf way intO the New Year,' we should be alert, and it was in the latter half of the 1960s, centuries stimulated many Catholics the newly dominant moral force was even wary, wh~n .we g,loat ~b.ol;lt the goo';! ~irpes., There are obvious just after the dosing of the Council, to believe that the door "was open to secularism: a nonreligious, even anmore and bigger changes. And so tireligious, set of beliefs and values , areas Qf.concerri. We' cannot depend on government to fix all our that the decline suddenly began. That there was a decline, who can they pushed for these changes and practices. The "command posts woes. It does indeed have the responslb'ility to Secure the conl'mon good in such a way that all peqple can prosper. But it must be deny? Thousands of priests, includ- justifying their push .in the name of of culture" - that is, the national press, the elite colleges and universtated that individuals also must share their efforts and wo~ks in ing a few. bishops, abandoned the "the spirit of the Council." priesthood. Tens, of thousands of sities, the entertainment industry If the Council ,had taken place in evolving an economy that is stable and secure. Too many want nuns left the convent. The number more quiet times, its negative impact were being taken over by seculargovernment to do all the work. We should know that the lessons' of of newpriestiyand religious voca- would have been slight. But it was ists, and would'fall increasingly into history teach that we cannot have it路 both ways. America'is indeed tions dropped precipitously, as off a the Church's bad luck that it took. their hands in subsequent decades. a place of great opportunity. Government must provide the atmo- cliff. Sunday Mass attendance fell place at almost the same moment as Practices that had been taboo under .sphere in which each citizen can take advantage of this fact for his dramatically. Thousands of Catho- two important changes in American ' the Protestant Establishment - e.g., or her own welfare and that of the common good. In these uncer- licschools dosed. Catholic colleges life occurred. The ,combination of unmarried cohabitation, abOition, tai'n times, let's not get too comfortable in our easy chairs. continued to flourish, but frequently these three factors produced a "per- homosexuality - suddenly became The Executive Editor at the cost of watering down their fect storm" that has come near to quite acceptable according to the Catholic character. The Catholic sinking the Catholic Church in new Secularist Establishment: press lost most of its readers. With America. It was a colossal stroke of hisfew exceptions, lay Catholics no One change was the incorpora- torical bad luck that Catholics en,longer paid heed to the Church's tion ofCatholics into the mainstream , tered the American cultural mainteaching that contraception is sinful. ' of American social, econQmic, and stream 'at precisely the moment Catholics divorced and remanied at cultural-life. When Catholic immi- when the mainstream' was losing the same rate as their fellow Ameri- grants -.Irish, Germans, Italians, its Protestant-Christian character OF~ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER, cans. And they had premarital sex Slavs, French-Canadians - first and taking .on a strongly antiPublished weeklx by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River and abortions at the same rate too: came to the United States, they were Christian character. Given this bad . 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 , For the most part, Catholic vot~rs at the bottom of the American socio- 'luck, the ensuing decline was inFall Ri~er, MA, 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007' did not hesitate, and do not hesitate economic hierarchy. But by the evitable. Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 today,.to vote for pro-abortion po- 1950s they had been so successful David R. Carlin is a professor of . E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org litical c~ndidates. And as if all this in climbing the ladder that they were sociology and philosophy at the Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address' wasn't bad enough, thousands of now ready to take their rightful place Community. College of Rhode Ispriests had sexual contacts with un- as full and equal members ofAmeri- land. He,is the author ofthe recently . EXECUTIVE EDITOR derage boys. . can society. Their success was sym- published book, "The Decline and Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Vatican II, one must admit, had bolized by the election in 1960 of Fall of Catholicism in America" EDITOR NEW.S EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER something to do with this decline: America's first Catholic president. (Sophia Institute Press). He can be' David B. Jollvet B(lrbara M. Rels James N. Dunbar something, but far from everything. The walls of the Catholic "ghetto" , reached at drcarlin@hotmail.com.

.'. Why did the American Catholic 'Church decline?



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Friday, January 16,2004

the anc~

We mis,s Cam a lot Last Monday night, the t~ere being so many teams out banners hanging from the there. "Why" doesn't matter FleetCenter ceiling, displaying though. What's important is that . the retired numbers of nine today's young hockey fans Boston Bruins reminded me of a won't witness the same pa.ssion big old jack-o-Iantern grin; with and desire of the Boston Bruins a noticeable gap silling right in of the 70s, 80s and early 90s. the middle. The space between The Bruins won only two Phil Esposito's No.7 and Stanley Cups in that span, but it wasn't for lack of effort. They Johnny Bucyk's No.9 created the illusion of an ice hockey weren't always the most player who ,had taken an errant stick or puck in the choppers, or perhaps an ill-placed elbow or punch. How appropriate was is it that the gapped-grin was caused by ex-Bruin By Dave Jolivet Cam Neeley? Just how many opponents of No. 8 resembled the FlcetCenter ceiling because of a talented players or the biggest, but they were always entertainNeeley shot, check or melee? ing and gave the fans a bang (or Last Monday night, the Boston Bruins retired Neeley's 10) for the buck. Not today. It was a thrill to be there and No.8, sending it to the rafters, watch Neeley be recognized for cosmetically repairing the his dedication to the Bruins and blemished Cheshire grin high the fans of New England. And it above the icc surface. was sad to think we may never Neeley may perhaps be the sec his kind again. . last of a dying breed of Bruins But all is not lost though. who gave his heart and soul for Young sports fans in the New the team and the fans every England area do have a team to single time his blades sliced follow that has the same traits as through hockey arenas across the aforementioned Bruins the U.S. and Canada. l just teams - the New England don't sec that kind of commitment coming from today's bears Patriots. Today's Pats are the embodiment of teamwork, hard on icc. Some say it's the money work and dedication to the sport or perhaps because it isn't as and fandom. difficult to make it to the big They're not the most talented leagues as it once was, with

.My View

from the Stands

or the biggest; yet, here they sit one game away from their third Super Bowl appearance sjnce 1996. Indianapolis Colt quarterback Peyton Manning may be shredding opposing defenses, but his precise pass attack must penetrate one of the toughest defenses in the league Sunday afternoon. And that won't be easy. Add to that the fact that he'll be staringdown the barrel of a team with the most heart in the modern sports world - and that's just plain brutal. Just like the Bruins of yore - teams no.one wanted tQ face. Slightly older fans will surely remember watching No.4 for the Bruins do amazing things on icc, even when his wheels were rapidly deflating. Well, there's another No.4 in town that's doing the same thing. The Patriots',Adam Vinatieri has been golden for ' the past few seasons - his unbelievable kick in the Snow Bowl in January 2002, and just weeks later, his deadly laser to win the Super Bowl in New Orleans. Well, the golden foot seemed to have tarnished a bit this season - little known to the fans, but largely because of a bad back. But just how big was Adam's 46-yardJield,goa\.i1) frigid conditions last Saturday night? The man booted what

Toledo diocese ·unveils fresh presentation on priesthood By CHRISTINE


TOLEDO, Ohio - So that the crushing noise of the world doesn't drown o!Jtthe small still voice, the call to serve the Lord as a priest is about to be amplitied in the Toledo diocese. Vocations director Father David Nuss and assistant director Notre Dame Sister Marilyn Marie Ellerbrock met more than 1.0 months with a group of marketing professionals to help present the vocations message with power. "I realized we needqd a comprehensive'strategy and we needed help gelling there," Father Nuss said. "I've seen some generic messages by other dioceses," he added. "The one-size-tits-all message lacks power. We needed to identify what drives those men and women who want to live this life of service." Graphic artist Joe Pinciotti, who created the visuals, said, "Our ultimate goal was to put a contemporary :.lIld positive spin on vocations. We targeted a younger generation - a generation that has grown up with MTV and the Internet. We captured that

by using inspiring and contemporary colors with a clever play on words that makes you look and think twice about the message. "The traditional and I;lassic images of sculptures on the outside of Rosary Cathedral help keep the history alive in the spirit of the Catholic tradition. It is a mix of the old and new," Pinciolli. added. Yet Father Nuss said that the entire effort is not just about imag~s, slogans and marketing. "Our goal is to help men who hear the call to serve know how to take the next step," Sister Marilyn Marie said. "Ir's the whole notion of doing whatever we can to help those who hear the possibility that God is calling them. Where do they go when they hear that call? That's what this effort addresses." The committee's research unearthed several obstacles men face in dealing with a ca'll to a priestly vocation. "Some men feci unworthy. That is 'one thing that surfaced," Father Nuss said. Parental resistance was also noted in the painstaking research. "We really couldn't address the ways to promote the priesthood without first

looking at the challenges to the message." Karen Ranney-Wolkins, a member of the <;9mmittee, said, "We chewed on a lot at our meetings. This is not like an invitation to join the Army. I foun.d myself embracing the creative challenge of bringing the information sensitively to those wrestling with the little, niggling voice inside." Father Nuss said the heart of the project is the Website at: ww:toledovocations.com. "Tow'ard this end, the Website has been expanded into an impressive resource that goes far beyond men who are interested in priesthood. Special recourse sections have been built for educators, priests, parish personnel and parents." And there are several messages. "One thing this effort conveys is that the priesthood is not a default vocation," Sister Marilyn Marie said; "It's really a celebration of priesthood something we all have taken for granted." Father Nuss agreed. "This is a . shot in the arm for priests," he said. "It shows the truth of the beauty of the call to serve. I'm not a marketer. I'm just a happy priest. I want to show that."

5 surely must have felt like a And Cam Neeley? He's still remnant from one of this knocking out a few teeth region's zillion stonewalls taking the bite out of cancer. nearly 140 feet into a cross wind And for those hits, he'll spend through a narrow opening half a no time in the penalty box! Dave Jolivet, editor of The football field away. Clutch? Most Orr-like! Anchor, is a former sports One can't help be feel sorry editor/writer, fwd regularly gives olle fall's perspective for young sports tykes today not able to watch ice hockey 011 the ullique world of they way it was meant to be sports. played. But at least they can ge't Comments are welcome at . daveiolivet@a"cllOmews.org. their football that way.

Letter to the Editor Editor: I have just. finished reading Bob McGowan's leller to the editor in the December 26 edition. In his objectiohslO the U.S. bishops' opposition to same-sex marriage, he talks of love as though it only implies married love as far as the bishops arc concerned. He's wrong. Love is universal, which includes us all: family and friends regardless of sex. I would

suggest that Mr. McGowan open his (New American) Bible to the Old Testament Book of Leviticus, chapter 18, verse 22 on the sanc'tity of marriage. The answer is there. All those who profess to believe that the Bible is God's word and also favor same-sex marriage need to read it.

Loretta G. Doucette East Falmouth


20, 2004

Courscs arc itS follows: .Momby 4106:30 PI'\. PRINCIPU:S OF l'IORAl. DH,'ISION prcsculc,1 hy Dr. Rohcrl BoHr)' Homlav 7 10 9:30 l~j\\' GRACE AND NATURE

'. ',.,. ~ . . . , P~';'SC!'It;\Lk('~~iV7g'fl~r 11ohPJlq:'~::'ill " :h,c~4~y 4.,IO,6,:;3PJ~~J"," ~JN/~l9.l\JP~~~~l~\I~l'S\:$.};~': Y}~I',9~~,


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prcscull·,1 y Dr. AlI'·l·I'l· IlagslwlII 'lilCsllav 7 lo 9:30 I~M. THE WISDml l.JTERATURI: . prcscnlcd hy Dr. l'.llricl~ Rci,1 WhIncsllay 4 to 6:30 1~)\1. .REUGIO;\l ,\I"IlI1I1: l\.t\IERICAN I~EPLfBI.IC prcscnll,,1 by Rcv. Panl Scavcr, O.l~ Wc,lncs,la y 4 lo 6:30 I~]\l. PATRISTIC THEOLOGY prcsculc,1 hy Dr. Dcspiua Pr.lssa. Wcdncsday 7 lo 9:30 I~N. SPECL\L Ul'ES'nO~S IN JOIIANNINE '111EOI.OGY prcsculc,1 by Dr. William Bouucy Tlmrsllay 4 lo 6:30 1~j\1. CIlRlSTJAN ANTIlROPOI.OGY prcscntc,1 by Rcv. Davi,1 Stokes

.' . 'Ca1l401~865:-22'74 o'r \y'rit~: Tll~oIogy P~pl? IP~~~i~'~~lC~(~;;Ii~~~;'P;ovi~l~ncc,''i~'" 0291'8 . I,



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Friday, January 16, 2004


De Paul work goes on which nationally provides $8.4 million," he s'aid, listing some During the recent holiday assistance to more than·12 million . season, a U.N. report gave the, of these good work~ as a residen.people in need each year. I leamed tial housing program, setting up devastating news that hunger about the origins of the St. Vincent affordable housing and an assisted worldwide is worsening, with 840 rent program, aiding the disabled, de Paul Society, its work3l1d its million people - one in seven providing food, clothing, medical deeply spiIitual underpinnings rilalnourished and food-deprived: Publicity Chairmen are one Sunday a month. aid, legal help and transpOItation when I was a reporter for The When repOits of poverty and asked to submit news items for Long Isliwd Catholic back in the pain come out, it's good to be services. this column to The Anchor, MASHPEE - Th,e Third Or- reminded that there are other Lou D' Arienza, a member for '60s and e3l'ly '70s. I often spent· P.O. Box 7, Fall' River, 02722. der of Carmelites will meet Sun42 years, underscores that the St. time with the late Luke Smith, the. stOlies giving us hope that the'poor Name of city or town should be day for an evening of prayer and dynamic leader who got the Vincent de Paul Society "blings are not always forgotten. In the included; as well as full dates study following the 5:30, p.m. hope" to people "regardless of week I read about the world's organization going after the of all activities. DEADLINE IS Mass. For more information call color, race or religion." escalating hunger, I was NOON ON FRIDAYS. Dottie Cawley at 508~477-2798. Most impOItant are "the talking to Msgr. PatIick Events published must be of s·piritual , . Annshaw, home visits," he says, interest and open to our general NEW BEDFORD - The .adviser ofthe St. Vincellt "because you get to know readership. We do' not carry noDaughters of Isabe!la, Hyacinth de Paul Society in the who you're helping." tices of fund-raising activities,Circle No. 71, will meet January Diocese of Rockville That is exactly the which may be advertised at our spilit of St. Vincent de regular rates, obtainable from 20 at 7 p.m. in the parish hall of Centre on L<;>ng Island, . our business, office at 508-675- Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of N.Y., and to James Dilts, Paul, the 17th centuI)' Jesus Church. Refreshments and' the executive director. . By Antoinette Bosco 7151. pIiest who wrought no activities will follow. miracles, saw no visions, They told me of the' food, ATTLEBORO - Grief educlothing, housing, built no churches. He 'cation programs will be held at the NORTH DARTMOUTH believed that the Lord had fumiture and other La Salette Retreat House January A' Widowed Support Group, for services their diocesan society Rockville Centre diocese was sent him to preach the Gospel to 22: February 5, 1'9; March 4, 18; . those widowed five years or less, gives to several thousand families fOITI1ed in 1962. I wrote stOIies the poor: "Our Lord's chief work and April I, 15 from 6:30-8 p.m. will meet January 28 at 7 p.in. at each year. . abo'ut the good work they did with was for the poor." Nor did this They will also be held January 26; . the Family Life Center, 500 holy 'man found a society. That This is a service like no other I those who lived on the margins bf . Feb 9, 23: March 8, 22; April '5., Slocum Road. came two·centUlies later when know of. "We nave no stIict society: the poor. 19 froni 1.0:30 a.m. to noon. For This included work with and another man, Blessed Frederic guidelines for giving. We ask, more information call Sister Judith NORTH FALMOUTH - A' 'What do you need and what Ozanam, believed the same, made for plisoners through the Dismas Costa at 508-824-6581. Cancer SUPPQlt Group meets at St. needs to be done?'" said Dilts. He Committee - work that continues the same social commitment and Elizabeth -Seton every third went on to tell touching stOIies, . ,r.) today. Msgr. AITI1shaw, then a founded a society, bearing the FALL RIVER-Mass will be Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. such as one about the plight of a . chaplain at the Nassau County jail, name of the holy man who had celebrated January 22 at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 508~ family after the father was hint in explained how the society is a inspired him. at St. Anne's Church, 818 Middle 563-7770. the'91l1 disast~i·. "He lost his liaison between prisoners and their I asked Msgr. Armshaw why Street. A healing service and business, and financial problems families, also providing legal and he had remained involved with the Benediction of the Blessed SacraORLEANS- The ,Separated- escalated. We stepped in to help. medical services, clothing and job St. Vincent de Paul Society for so ment will follow. The rosary will Divorced Catholics Support No matter what the StOI)' is, if assistance upon their release. many decades. His answer was he recited at 6 p.m. For more in- Group will meet January 25 at. 7- there's a legitimate need, we'll Dilts said it was "the generosity powelful: "Because this is the ~est' formation call 508-674-5651. p.m. in the parish centerofSt. Joan help." of people" that helped them reflection of what Chlist said, that of Arc Church. It will include the' 'I had long known about the provide selvices for the needy. the condition for getting to heaven FALL RIVER - A Catholic video "Di vorce Recovery," by work of this worldwide service, "Last year our expenditures were is to care for and love the poor." television prograril entitled "Boa Andy Morgan. For more informa" Nova da Vida," will appear on tion call Father Richard Roy at Channel 20 in Portuguese, Janu- 508-255-0170. ary 21 at 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by I have changed my mind On the other hand, If you on the side of the Churchthe Communications Department .SOMERSET':"'" The Vocation can;t beat them, maybe you can sponsored team. This has been a of the diocese, it wi II be the sixth Awareness Team of St. Thomas about the idea of the Knights of pmticularly difficult challenge part of a series "Christians Ask." More Parish will sponsor a holy Columbus owning and operating, join them. Am I hinting that the for Catholic high school foothall hour for vocations January 22 at a National Football League team, Vatican should also pick up a FALL RIVER - Cath'olic So- 7:30 p.m. in the church. Refresh- even though they could probably world-class soccer club as well' . teams when they play one another; one hears simultaneous cial Services will hold an informa~ ments will follow the evening of pick up the Oakland Raiders at a . as a National Hockey League squad? Even a baseball and a - prayers at both ends of the field tion session January 25 at the 1600 song. and prayer. For more infor- good price about now. For one thing, the Knightsbasketb~1I team? Absolutely! Is that go something like, "Dear Bay Street onic~ from I :30~3::30 , mati.on call 508-673-7831. have no specificgeo,....-,;,;.,---...;..~.:.....--....:r--::::::::::--"'h Heavenly Father and p.m. for illl persons interested in adopting a child from a foreign WAREHAM - A Couples graphic affiliation that I Mary Queen of Heaven,. please help us vanquish country Or a domestic newborn. R~treat will be held the weekend .know of. So, for example, our foes by flattening For registration call 508-674- of March 19 at the Sacred He3lts if they tried to convince them like pancakes and 4681. Refreshments will be Retreat Center, 226 Great Neck the city fathers and dishing out mild served. For more information·call Road. For more information call 'mothers of Kalispell,' contusions and an - . 508:674-4681. 508-295-0110 or 'E-mail: Mont., to build a $400 million stadium and By Dan Morris occasional concussion. retreats@sscc.org. In your n'1mes, Amen." convention center for a HYANNIS - Father Roger On the positive side, . Landry will begin an adult eduWEST HARWICH - The . team, there. no doubt maybe the Congregation cation course entitled" The Con- CelebrateLife Committee of Holy would be righteous, this brilliant or what? ,Talk about for the Doctrine of the Fan could troversial and Often Misunder- Trinity Palish is sponsOling a Mass. indignation from Knights in a platform of communication influence when playoff games stood Issues in Catholicism," for'life January 22 at 7 p.m. at the every place from Sacramento with the world! are scheduled and cut down on January 25 from 6-8 p.m. at St. church.. Father Thomas Rita will and Little Rock to Walla Walla Maybe there could even be conflicts with Mass times. Francis Xavier School, 33 Cross' be principal celebrant and anq Peoria ---:- especially if they were contractors and wanted part something established like the Maybe they could do something Street. Other sessions will follow' homilist. . - of that $400 million job. Congregation for the Doctrine of about how long it takes to review So, the oDvious solution is for the Fan or the Pontifical Council NFL plays. the Vatican itself to become the for Sports and Television This certainly does not cut out owner. Better yet, how cool Royalties.' any role for the Knights of ATTLEBORO The Rebekah McHau!' - . . would it be if Vatican City Sure, there areSOl11e dicey Columbus. Actually, there must Attlehoro Serra Club recently Wives and guests were also in formed its own sporis conglom-, theological issues - like what be the business moxie and held its holiday meeting afld attendance and each received a erate? names could you give.any of organizational talent in that \velcomed '24 nu'ns fl:oin Mercy gift. The meeting closed with a This all came to me while I these teams, given that lots of the _ group to backbone the operation. Mount, Bishop Feehan High prayer by'chaplain Father Francis was watching hockey and soccer good ones already are taken Wait a minute! Are there any School, Sturdy Memorial Hos- Crowley. The Serra Club pro- coverage on a Canadian TV "Cardinals", "Saints," "Padres," major SpC)(1S franchises who've pit,il and Jesus and Mary Con- motes vocations to the priesthood station. "What would the world :"Angels," "Devil Rays." been named "The Knights"? ",'ent, Plai nvi lIe. It was held at and religiou~ life. For more infor- be like," I wondered, "if the. Also, one would have to Hmmmm. Folan's Reslilllrant in North mation write: Serra Club, P.O. world and the media took·· squarely face the question of Comments are welcome. EAttleboro and musical entertain- Box 1015, North Attleboro, MA religion as seriously as it does whether or not God was slightly mail Uncle Dan at ment was provided by vocalist 02761-1015.. sports coverage?'" more - or a whole lot more - ' cnsuncleO]@yahoo.com.

The. Bottom Line

A Vatican' spor~s conglomerate?

The offbeat wor Id of Uncle Dan

Attleboro Serra Club holds meeting

Friday, January 16, 2004

the anch~


The permanency of Permanent Deacons Q. The Church, in her step toward the priesthood. They wisdom, usually moves priests are "permanent," then, only in every several years. Permanent that sense, not with the underdeacons, however, seem to be standing of being permanently in just that, permanent. Once one diocese, city or parish. Second, the Church, in the installed in a parish they apparently are here to stay, and essentially the Church has no authority over them. The pastor, of course, has authority over the deacon, but no By Father real economic authority. Unless he is retired, John J. Dietzen the company he is employed by may initiate a serendipitous change, person of the local bishop, does but not for the good of the have authority over permanent Church or the deacon. deacons. The sacrament of holy orders includes three levels or It's also politically difficult for a pastor to "fire" a deacon degrees of clergy, deacons, who has deep roots in the priests and bishops. Just as for the priesthood, therefore, a community and in the parish. candidate for the permanent The deacon has established diaconate must be accepted, friends and supporters, and prepared and finally ordained those who think otherwise. under the authority of a particuMost of the time, as I understand it, he is not paid by the lar diocesan bishop. After ordination, the deacon Church or the parish. We all know the Church is a receives hh faculties, his permission to preach, officiate at spiritual institution, but the weddings and funerals, and reality of worldly politics perform other parish and cannot be denied. The liturgical duties (that do not deacon's access to the "boss" include offering Mass, of course) gives him decided advantage. from the bishop. For a serious Has the Church ever considreason the bishop may also ered these problems? What is the solution'! (North Carolina) withdraw those faculties.

Questions and Answers

A. Several realities you mention are inherent in the nature of the permanent diaconate as it exists in the United States and other Western nations. I think, however, there are some misconceptions in your understanding of deacons. Permanent deacons are so designated to distinguish them from traditional deacons, who are ordained to that order as a

From there on, the reality is pretty much as you describe it. A lot of dialogue, collaboration and mutual trust are required between the pastor of the parish where the deacon will serve and the deacon - and, if he is married, his family. Speaking for myself, having worked as pastor with many permanent deacons, I have known them to be without

exception zealous, hardworking, cooperative and deeply motivated servants of the parish community. To my knowledge, the great majority of deacons and pastors feel the same. Obviously, not every situation works out that smoothly. An employer may transfer the deacon to ',another community, where the process of dialogue and partnership between a new bishop and pastor and the deacon needs to be renewed. Personality differences are also inevitable, and not all priests are equally skilled for, or open to, collaborative ministry with deacons and other staff personnel, a potentially huge problem, of course, when pastors change. To answer your question, I see no solution, except the obvious one. When these kinds of situations arise, we would hope everyone affected would have enough respect for the talents, responsibilities and feelings of others, enough respect for the pastoral vision of the Church in re-establishing the permanent diaconate and enough basic goodness to keep the good of God's people uppermost in their concerns. R<irely are these problems insoluble, if those involved, in fact, wish to solve them.

A free brochure in English or Spanish outlining marriage regulations in the Catholic Church and explaining promises in a mixed marriage is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651.

A FILIPINO boy wipes the face of a replica of the Black Nazarene during a religious procession in the Quiapo district of Manila January 9. Thousands of pilgrims turned out for the annual celebration escorting the original Black Nazarene statue of Jesus Christ through the streets. It was brought to the Philippines from Mexico in the 17th century. Many Filipinos believe it to be miraculous. (CNS photo from Reuters)

La Salette Retreat Center , ',' 947 Park Street Attleboro, MA 02703-5115 508-222-8530 ,..


Women's Retreat


Healing Retreat; Afternoon of Recollection; Directed Retreat Weekend; Men's Retreat


Portuguese Retreat; Afternoon of Recollection; Women's Retreat; Married Couples' Retreat


Women's Retreat; Easter Triduul)l; Afternoon of Recollection; Single's Retreat; Secretary/Administrative Assistant's Day

Knights of Columbus awards 52 vocations scholarships NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CNS) - As part of its continued commitmentto promote vocations, the Knights of Columbus has awarded 52 new scholarships to seminarians enrolled in four-year theology programs in the United States and Canada. In addition, 80 scholarships for seminarians were renewed, bringing the total number of grants from the Knights to 132 for the 2003-04 academic year. Each grant is valued at $2,500 and covers tuition, room and board. Of the 52 new scholarships, 37 were awarded from the Father Michael J. McGivney Vocations Scholarships Fund, established in 1992 and named for the Knights' founder. The other 15 grants were from the Bishop Thomas V. Daily Vocations Scholarships Fund, named for the Knight's supreme chaplain, the retired bishop of Brooklyn, N.Y. The Father McGivney scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and the Bishop

Daily grants are made on the ba- for a seminarian studying in his For more information, please call or write Retreat Secretary sis of merit. Preference is given archdiocese. to seminarians who are Knights or whose fathers are members, but all qualified applicants are considered. More than 80 percent of this year's recipients are Knights or the sons of Knights. For the 2003-04 academic year, 32 U.S. and five Canadian seminarians are receiving Father McGivney scholarships. Bishop Daily scholarships have been awarded to 12 U.S. and three Cathrough your donation nadian seminarians. Since 1992, these two scholarship pro- ' to the Catholic grams have assisted more than Communication Campaign 650 seminarians. More than half of those helped by the Knights in your parish this have gone on to be ordained. write: weekend "The Knights of Columbus do so much good for the Church TELEVISION MASS APOSTOLATE and among their great and lasting achievements is their supP.O. BOX 2511 port for priests and seminarFALL RIVER, MA 02122路2511 ians," wrote Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark, N.J., in a letMsgr. Stephen J. Avila, Director ter thanking Carl Anderson, suE. Kearns, Assistant Director John preme knight, for a scholarship

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Fall River diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniv!!rsary of the diocese. Please note that AU parish histories will run in the order they were founded - including parishes that have been suppressed or merged. Histories ofmerged parishes will run according to the time-line.

St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans ORLEANS - The first per- . manent Catholic population in the Orleans area arrived in 1919 from the Island of St. Pierre to work .for the French Cable Company. As the nearest churches· were in Brewster and Wellfleet, they of- . ten attended Mass in the living room of the Norgeot Family's home. In 1947, Bishop James E. Cassidy founded St. Joan of Arc Parish to meet the growing needs of the Catholic population on the lower Cape. Father James Lynch was appointed pastor and a new church on Ridge Road was dedicated on Aug. 15, 1947. In 1952, a mission, the Church ofthe Visitation, was established in Eastham and St. Joan of Arc School was opened the next year, becoming the first Catholic schopl on Cape Cod. Sisters of Divine Providence staffed the school until their departure caused it to close in 1969. In 1962, a thrift shop was· started in the original rectory building. Now housed in the former school building, this shop continues to be of service to the

included Fathers Francis Coady, community. Father Lynch died in 1965, and James Buckley, Edward McIsaac, Father William McMahon was Martin Buote, Mark Hessi()n, Tom named the second pastor. Because McGlynn, Raymond Robida, of the growing number of summer Herbert Nichols, and Joseph visitors, weekend Masses were held Mauritzen. in the Orleans Cinema from 1966 Deacon Don Biron served faithuntil a multi-purpose building was fully with Father Clark, whil~ Fa- . constructed behind the former ther Richard McCormick, SOB, school in 1970. Father McMahon and Father Robert Kemmery, ascelebrated his 40th anniversary and sisted with weekend Masses. . his retirement in 1980. Father John Father Clark retired in 1996 and Andrews became the third pastor Father Roy returned as the ·fifth that same year. pastor. In 1997 the parish celWith the help of many enthusi- ebrated its 50th anniversary. In astic parishioners, Father Andrews 1999 the mission Church ofthe supervised the construction of a Visitation became part of Our new church which was dedicated Lady of Lourdes Parish where by Bishop Daniel Cronin on Aug. Father John Andrews was pastor. 12, 1984. In 2000 a new rectory/office buildIn 1985 Judy Burt Walker be- ing was completed. gan her ministry as coordinator of Father Richard M. Roy is the religious and adult education~ and current· pastor. Norman continues in that position. In 1991 McEnaney and Jack Twerago are Father Andrews left to become the deacons. Judy Burt Walker is pastor of St. Bernard's in Assonet, the director of religious education and Father James Clark was wel- and Carol Abel is director of mucomed as the fourth pastor. sic. The rectory is at 61 Canal From 1992 to 1993, Father Ri- Road, P.O. Box 336, Orleans, MA chard ~py_ was assigned as paro:: . 02653-0336. It can be reached by chiai, vicar. Other priests· who . telephone at 508-255-0170; by served as assistants over the years FAX at 508-240-6741; and by Email at joanarc@c4.net.

St. Thomas More Parish, S·omerset SOMERSET - St. Thomas More Parish began as a mission of St. Patrick's Church in North Somerset. During the pastorate of Father Thomas P. Doherty, plans were made to build a mission chapel at the corner of County Street and Luther Avenue on land owned by the Fall River diocese. Construction began in 1937 and the first Mass in St. Thomas More Chapel was celebrated. on the first Sunday in May of 1938. It was dedicated on May 22 by Bishop James E. Cassidy. Father Felix Childs, then pastor at St. Patrick's, was responsible for the mission. Combined attendance at St. Patrick's and St. Thomas More Chapel was about 1,000 weekly. On Dec. 1, 1949, the mission chapel was canonically established as an independent parish and Msgr. William Harrington was the first pastor of St. Thomas More Church. The former home of Dr. Boker on County Street became the first rectory. Religious education classes for elementary grade students

were taught by religious Sisters and physical growth continued. and lay people in the church The basement hall ·was redebasement. Father John Hackett signed to include 10 classrooms taught ~hose in high school. and an education center; an el.Father Joseph Welch suc- evator was installed; and a new ce,eded Father· Harrington in organ as well. 1955 and the current rectory on The administration needs led Luther Avenue was built. The to Dolores Highsmith beeomparish grew and the original ing the parish secretary. . church could not accommodate , Msgr. Henry T. Munroe bethe more than 5,000 parishio·- carrie the next pastor in 1989, ners at that time. . and he was succeeded by FaFath~r Howard Waldron be- thee John J. Steakem in 1995. came pastor in 1964 with a Father Steakem was invested as mandate to build a new church. a Prelate of Honor of His HoConstruction began in 1965 a~d.· ·liness on the afternoon of Oct. the house of worship was dedi': .t'7~ 1999 and died 12 days later cated on Nov. 6, 1966 by following a battle with cancer. The current pastor, Fath~r:: Bishop James L. Connolly. The masterpiece of the Edward J. Byingto.n, arrived at stained glass windows is the St. Thomas More Parish on series of five over the choir loft. June 28, 2000. Father'Ralph D. The central panel depicts St. . Tetrault is a part-time assistant. Thomas More, and those flank- Dr. Victor Haddad is the deaing it included symbols of his con and Dennis D. Griffin is dicourageous and saintly life. The rector of religious education. circular baptistery is a shrine Dolores Highsmith is parish to the Blessed Mother. Analu- secretary and Joan Cuttle is diminum spire with electronic rector of music. The rectory is chimes topped the church and at 386 Luther Avenue, the basement included a kitchen Somerset, MA 02726. It can be and large parish hall. reached by telephone at 508During the pastorate of 673-7831; By FAX at 508-730Msgr. John J. Regan from 1978 1396; and by E-mail at to 1989, the history of spiritual stthomasmoresomerset@comcastnet.


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Friday. January 16. 2004


St. Anthony's Parish, Mattapoisett MAITAPOISEIT - When the Dio- new congregation were of Portuguese birth cese of Fall River was established in 1904 .or background. In 1911 a church was built on land given by separating Southeastern Massachusetts from the Diocese of Providence in Rhode by Dennis and Ellen Mahoney at Barstow Island, there was only one Catholic Church and Hammond streets. It was twice enlarged between New Bedford and Cape Cod~ the and a basement hall provided. Land for a small mission church of St. Patrick in Catholic Cemetery on North Street was also Wareham, which was served by, Corpus given by the Mahoneys, and on Oct. 12, 1934, the cemetery was blessed by Father Christi Parish in Sandwich. In May 1905, three priests of the Con- Thaddeus Bouhuysen, SS.CC. In 1944, the gregation of the Sacred Hearts ofJesus and church was damaged by fire, but was later Mary arrived in the new diocese from Bel- restored. On March 5, 1954, St. Anthony's was gium at the invitation of Bishop William Stang. They settled in Fairhaven and made a separate parish by Bishop James L. Connolly, and Father George founded St. Joseph Parish there. One of the first missions established was Weisenborn, SS.CC., was appointed the in Mattapoisett. Previously only the small first pastor. The former Purrington House on Main number of Catholics who came to the town as farmers, domestic employees or trades- Street became the r:.ectory. In 1957, an old barn on the property men and laborers connected with shipbuilding, were required to go to New was turned into a Youth Center. In 1960 Bedford - usually to St. John the Baptist the current rectory on Barstow Street was or St. Lawrence parishes - for Mass and acquired, and the old rectory became a consacraments. However, in the summer vent for the Religious of the Love of Ood, months, a priest from St. Lawrence's a group of Sisters, exiled from Commuwould celebrate Mass in the old Purrington nist Cuba, who were welcomed into the parish and assisted with the religious eduHall. With the advent of the Sacred Hearts cation program. The old church was showing the effects Fathers, Mass was celebrated regularly, first in the town hall and then in the former of wear and the growing parish needed a Advent Church at the corner of Church larger church by the 1960s. Ground for a and Mechanic streets. In June 1908, Bishop new church was broken in 1972, and the Daniel F. Feehan gave permission to erect new church was dedicated by Bishop the Stations of the Cross in the building Daniel A. Cronin in 1974, assisted by pastor, Father Raphael Flammia, SS.Cc. referred to as St. Anthony's Chapel. The Sacred Hearts Fathers withdrew St. Anthony, who was born in Lisbon, was a fitting choice for a patron because from staffing several parishes, including almost all of the founding families of the St. Anthony's, in January 1987, and the

church passed into care of the Fall River diocese and Father Barry W. Wall became the pastor. The church was refurbished in the 1990s. The current pastor is Father Leonard M. Mullaney, and the deacon is Robert L. Surprenant. Mary Chaplain is coordinator of religious education; Carol A. Rego is parish secretary; Karen Antonsen-DeVoe

is choir director; Charles Jamieson is the organist; and Manuel Freitas is in charge of maintenance. The rectory is at 22 Barstow Street, P.O. Box 501, Mattapoisett, MA 02739-0501. It can be reached by telephone at 508-758-3719; by FAX at 508-758-3019; and by E-mail at st.anthony@verizon.net.


Catholic school students find that haircuts can help others By JOE


like having real hair," said Weeks. Locks of Love has helped DETROIT - Seven students I, 100 children since it was from Our Lady of Guadalupe founded in 1997. Middle School for Girls have The students originally learned that, in order to give, thought of making Locks of sometimes you have to put your Love its Christmas community heads together. ' service project where they Or, in this case, your would to learn to raise hair. funds, choose service In December the stu"It's important because some kids dents each donated at least don't have hair,"said Lorena Galvan, projects, organize charity efforts and evaluate how 10 inches of their hair to Locks of Love, a nonprofit a fifth-grader at the middle school,' they've impacted the community. organization that makes "and I just want to help out.", The students ultimately and donates wigs for childecided to donate health dren who have lost their hair due to diseases or accidents. to Locks of Love goes to help kits to a local soup kitchen for "It's important because some childr~n who lost their hair from their community service project, kids don't have hair," said alopecia areata, a disease that but some still thought donating Lorena Galvan, a fifth-grader at affects more than 2.2 million their hair was too good of an idea the middle school, "and I just children in the United States and to pass up and even convinced causes the body to become aller- four parents to jqin in the project. want to help out." "The girls have been amazLocks of Love, based in gic to its own hair. Locks of Love, which collects ing," said Sandra Gonzales, the Florida, takes hair donations by mail. The girls found the organi- 3,000 ponytails weekly, also girls' service learning teacher zation while trying to find a com- makes wigs for children who have who in the spirit of the moment munity service project on the lost their hair because of other donated her hair, too. "They truly diseases, burns or animal attacks. know what it is to give." Internet. For them, giving from the Each wig that the nonprofit Following the directions on heart, and the head, simply company produces takes six the Locks of Love Website at www.locksoflove.org, the girls months and costs about $1,000 makes sense. "If you have so much hair," had their hair tied into ponytails, - money raised through donasaid fifth-grader Marie clipped and sent to the organiza- tions. The average hairpiece tion. Donated hair should be at from a for-profit business costs Villalpando, ~'why cut it and not between $3,500 and $5,000. do anything with it?" least 10-inches long. Besides, she added enthusias"That's actually how most of "What's really neat is that, once our volunteering takes place," (the wigs are) on the child, it's , tically, "it'll grow right back!" ,CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

TEACHER SANDRA Gonzales braids a student's cut hair before sending it off to Locks of Love. Several members of her class at Our Lady of Guadalupe Middle School for Girls in Detroit agreed to donate their hair to the nonprofit organization that makes and donates wigs for children who have lost their hair due to diseases or accidents. (eNS photo by Shawn D. Ellis, Michigan Catholic)


said Amy Weeks, volunteer coordinator for Locks of Love. "We don't solicit for any money, salon participation or any ponytails," she told The Michigan Catholic, archdiocesan newspaper of Detroit. Most of the hair that's donated



the anchof(S)


Friday, January 16, 2004

State senators and representatives in the Diocese of. Fall River .

Demetrius Asalis Antonio ED. Cabral

Christine Canavan Robert Correia James H. Fagan David Flynn Thomas N. George Susan W. Gifford Shirley A. Gomes Patricia Haddad Mark A. Howland


Robert M. Koczera .

John A. Lepper Matthew D. Patrick Jeffrey D. Perry Elizabeth A. Poirier Michael J. Rodrigues

William M. Straus David B. Sullivan Philip Travis


o i:.. . ~j.''"4Jl'i


'If) IH#Jl,,路'):I .... ~J


Parish Coverage





Eric T. Turkington


Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, NB; Our Lady of the Assumption, NB; St. Anne, NB; St. Francis of Assisi, NB; St. Hedwig, NB; . Sl. James, NB; Sl. John the Baptist, NB Holy Cross, South'Easton; Immaculate Conception, Easton' Good Shepherd, FR; Holy Trinity, FR; Our Lady of Health, FR; SS. Peter & Paul, FR; St. Anne, FR; St. Stanislaus, FR Holy Rosary, Taunton; St. Anthony, Taunton; St. Jacques, Taunton; St. Joseph, Taunton; St. Mary, Taunton; St. Paul, Taunton St.-Ann, Raynham Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Pius X, South Yarmouth St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; St. Patrick, Wareham Holy Redeemer; Chatham; Holy Trinity, West Harwich; Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; St. Joan of Are, Orleans; . St. Mary, Seekonk; St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton; St. John of God, Somerset; St. Patrick, Somerset; St. Peter, Dighton, St. Thomas More, Somerset Holy Name, NB; Our Lady of Fatima, NB; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, NB; St. John Neumann, East Freetown; St. Lawrence, NB Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, NB; St. Anthony of Padua, NB; St. Casimir/Our Lady of Perpetual Help, NB; St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. Joseph-St. Therese, NB; St. Kilian, NB; St. Mary, NB Holy Ghost, Attleboro; St. John, Attleboro; St. Joseph, Attleboro; St. Stephen, Attleboro; St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Attleboro Christ the King, Mashpee; Our.Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; St. Anthony, Falmouth; St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset Corpus Christi, East Sandwich St. Mark, North Attleboro; St. .Mary, North Attleboro; Sacred Heart, North Attleboro Espirito Santo, FR; Notre Dame, FR; Our Lady of Grace, Westport; Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, FR; Our Lady of the Immaculate' Conception, FR; St. Anthony of Padua, FR; St. George, Westport; St. John the Baptist, Westport . St. Joseph, Fairhaven; St. Mary, Fairhaven; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Rita, Marion St. Joseph, FR; St. Michael, FR; St. Mary's Cathedral, FR; Holy Name, FR; Santo Christo, FR; St. Bernard, Assonet St. Louis de France, Swans'ea; St. Mary, Norton; S!: Michael, Swansea; Our Lady of Mt. Sarmel, Seekonk; St. Domil:Jic, Swal:Jsea St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth; St. Joseph, Woods Hole; St. Mary-Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Patrick, Falmouth; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven

Parish Coverage

Brian Joyce Joan Menard

Therese Murray

Robert O'Leary



Mark Pacheco


JoAnn Sprague Robert Travaglini

.................. .

. .. . .. . . . . . .



617-722-2323 617~ 722-2810

Rep.ChristineCanavan @hou.state.ma.us Rep.BobCorreia@aol.com



Rep.DavidFiynn@hou.state.ma.us 617-722-2017 617-722-2487 Rep.ThomasGeorge@hou.state.ma.us 617-722-2090 . Rep.SusanGifford@hou.state.ma.us 617-722-2803 Rep.ShirleyGomes@hou.state.ma.us











617-722-2090 617-722-2976

RepJeffreyPerry@.hou.state.ma.us Rep. EI izabethPoirier@hou.state.ma.us




Rep. Wi lIiamStraus@hou.state.ma.us


Rep.DavidSu II ivan @ho~.state.ma. us




Rep.EricTurkington @hou.state.ma.us

617-722-1643 617-722-1114

BJoyce@senate.state.ma.us JMenard@senate.state.ma.us
















Rep.DemetriusAtsalis@hou.state.ma.us Rep.AntonioCabral @hou.state.ma.us


Holy Cross, South Easton; Immaculate Conception, Easton St. Mary's Cathedral, FR; Espirito Santo, FR; Good Shepherd, FR; Holy Name, FR; Holy Trinity, FR; Notre Dame, FR; Our Lady of Grace, Westport; Our Lady of Health, FR; St. John of God, Somerset; Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, FR; Immaculate Conception, FR; Sacred Heart, FR; Santo Christo, FR; SS. Peter & Paul, FR; St. Anne,FR; St. Anthony of Padua, FR; St. Bernard, Assonet; St. Dominic, Swansea; St. George, Westport; St. John Neumann, East Freetown; St. John the Baptist, Westport; St. Joseph, FR; St. Louis de France, Swansea, St. Michael, Swansea; St. Michael, FR; St. Patrick, Somerset; St. Stanislaus, FR; St. Thomas More, Somerset Holy Name, NB; Our Lady of Fatima, NB; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, NB; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, NB; Our Lady of the Assumption, NB; Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, NB; St. Anne, NB; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett; St. Anthony of Padua, NB; St. Casimir/ Our Lady of Perpetual Help, NB; St. Francis of Assisi; NB; St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. James, NB; St. John the Baptist, NB; St. Joseph, Fairhaven; St. Joseph-St. Therese, NB; St. Kilian, NB; Sl. Lawrence, NB; St. Mary, I:'JB; St. Mary, Fairhaven; St. Hedwig, NB Corpus Christi, East Sandwich; Holy Trinity, West Harwich; St. Anthony, East Falmouth; St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth; St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset; St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; St. Patrick; Falmouth; St. Pius X, South Yarmouth ChriSl.the King, Mashpee; Holy Redeemer, Chatham; Holy Trinity, West Harwich; Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; Sl. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; St. Joan of Are, Orleans; St. Mary-Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton; Holy Rosary, Taunton; Immaculate Conception, Taunton; St. Ann, Raynham; St. Anthony, Taunton; St. Jacques, Taunton; St. Joseph, Taunton; St. Joseph, Woods Hole; St. Mary, Taunton; St. Patrick, Wareham; St. Paul, Taunton; St. Peter, Dighton; St. Rita, Marion Holy Ghost, Attleboro; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk; St. John, Attleboro; St. Joseph, Attleboro; St. Mary, Seekonk; St. Mary, Norton; St. Mary, Mansfield; St. Stephen, Attleboro State Senate President

Mark Montigny

617-722-2692 617-722-2140




Friday, January 16, 2004


SACRED HEART Father Gregory Bezy, who founded the Sacred Heart Auto I,.eague in 1955 after his niece and nephew were killed in a car crash, places a plastic Christ.figure on the dashboard of a car in this undated photo. The league continues to promote careful auto travel, asking drivers to make driving an act of prayer. (CNS photo from Sacred Heart Auto·League)

Prayerful driving is key tenet of Sacred Heart Auto League' By Joe CATHOLIC


News SeRvice

DETROIT - As car companies start showing off their new vehicles at auto shows across the country in 2004, Americans are going to be checking out a lot of new, stylish rides. And, as they do, some priests are issuing a reminder: No matter what size a car or truck is, Jesus can always fit. Today, more than 800,000 Catholics around the country are members of the Sacred Heart Auto League, a popular organization of the Sacred Heart League in northern Mississippi that promotes careful and prayerful driving. And countless more Catholics bring Christ to mind while driving by getting their vehicles blessed. "We ask people to submit themselves to careful driving, and make it an act of prayer," said Father Charles Yost, spiritual director for the Sacred Heart Auto League. "It does make people conscious of being polite and careful drivers." The auto league - which in the. 1960s made famous the plastic Jesus statue that could be allached to a car's instrument panel - was founded in 1955 hy Sacred Heart Father Gregory Bezy, whose niece and nephew were killed in a car crash.

At the time, Detroit's Mike McDonald, a pari'shioner automakers were rapidly putting at Divine Child in Dearborn and more cars on the road, the sales manager at Fairlane Ford Eisenhower administration was in the same city. "I've had an ocbuilding the interstate highway casion twice where a priest has system and deaths on roadways come (to the dealership) to bless were becoming commonplace. a car before it was 'driven." Father Bezy. conceived the "I've blessed a lot of cars - ' league in hopes it would make I couldn't even count" how the road a safer place. . . many, said Father Artemio The idea is "something he Galos, associate pastor at St. felt that was given to him by the Sylvester Parish in Warren. Sacred Heart," Ed Savage, chief "That's a popular devotion." executive of the Sacred Heart Father Galas, who is Filipino, League, told The Michigan said the blessing of cars is comCatholic, newspaper of the De-' man in the Filipino community. troit Archdiocese. "To bless (vehicles) is for The league has a prayer for protection and guidance," Faits drivers to say when they get ther Galos said, "but most of all behind the wheel. It reads in it's just to acknowledge that we part: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, are merely stewards of the grant me a steady hand and things we have, and God's the watchful.eye, that none be hurt owner." as I pass by. Teach me to use To look at some car advermy car for others' needs and tisement themes - such as never miss the beauty of thy. "Fuel for the soul," "Like a world through excessive rock" and "We shall keep faith" speed." ' - spirituality would seem to Sacred Heart priests say playa role in the marketing of Mass each day for the league's vehicles. members. In turn, the members But au to com panies don't send annual donations to help know or care anything about a the Sacred Heart priests based person's spiritual beliefs, acin Walls, Miss. cording to Detroit-area But the auto league isn't the automakers. only way to make Jesus a "We don't usc (religion) as a backseat driver. Other Catholics factor in our market research," get their cars blessed by parish said James Kenyon, a marketing priests. spokesman for Daimler "It docs happen a lot," said Chrysler AG.

11 Peg Holmes, vehicle sales and marketing spokeswoman for General Motors, said GM doesn't look at its ,customer's religious beliefs, either. The reason, she said, is that religious beliefs have little to do with what a person wants in a vehicle. Marketing "has more to do with psychographics - what a person's lifestyle is," said Holmes. "If you like a sporty car, you like a sporty car," she added. "You can have 100 people in church, but they're not all the same just because they go to the same church." In other words, religion can bring different types of people together -but to sell cars and trucks automakers find it beneficial to focus on what makes people di fferent. That's the reason, Holmes said, that GM doesn't advertise in religious media outlets. Indeed, most auto makers stay away from faith-based publications, radio and television stations. Some deil1ers, however, arc different. For example, Martin "Hoot".McInerney, who has been a car dealer in Detroit for 50 years and owns six dealerships, sponsors shows on a Catholic radio station. McInerney, a Catholic, says his customers care about his sponsorship of such shows. ,"You'd be surprised," he said. "A lot of people come in here, and they te II me it's the only reason they came in here. II makes you feel good."


Apparently, it can make a buyer feel good, too. Reid Gough, who attends St. Colman Parish in Farmington Hills, recently bought a ncw Lincoln Navigator at McInerney's Southfield dealership. Faith matters whell huying a car, Gough said, because you could support someone with the same beliefs. "I think it's a support-type thing," said Gough, who heard McInerney was a sponsor of Catholic radio. "We have to support each other." The toll-free number for the Sacred Heart Auto League is (877) 873-3304.





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Friday, January 16, 2004

A PANORAMIC view of terrain on the planet Mars is pictured in an image from NASA's robotic probe, Spirit, January 3. The craft, which was to search for evidence of water and possible life, landed on its intended target in the Gusev Crater. The successful deployment of an antenna facilitated transmission of photographs and other data. (CNS photo from NASA via Reuters)

Vatican astronomers' thrilled' at Spirit probe landing on Mars By CAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE


The British-built Beagle 2 landed on been once upon a time," said Brother Coyne laughed, "Ask the theOlogians. It Mars December 25, but no radio signal had Consolmagno. would be ve.ry, very interesting." RONiE -;-, Engineers at the U.S. space:; been rece!y,ed t6indi~ate it survived. But Father Cpyne said there's more at Brother Consolmagno said ~hat any disagency. NASA, weren't the only people' The six"wheeled Spirit robot was to "stake than just a mere search for other coveries made by the Spirit should aug- thrilled at the successful landing of the sniff out signs of life or conditions that. forms of life. ment, not necessarily change, one's reliSpirit on Mars. Vatican asti'onamers, too, support life,. "What would be truly incredible would gious beliefs. were Ov~(:ioyed and relieved at the robot's "It's an engineering success. A huge be, to discover life on'Mars that's indepen"The challenge for both science and resafe touchdown last week. breakthrough," said U.S. Jesuit Father 'dent of life on Earth," he said. ligion is to put the details into a broader "We used tO,joke about how the Mar- George Coyne, director of the Vatican "In the early stages of the planets being 'picture, a deeper understanding of who we tian star wars defense system was so good Observatory. formed, a lot, of material was exchanged are and why we're here," he said. hecause it has been able to keep out so , "Previous orbital studies of Mars' sur- between Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Brother Consolmagno said space promany invading interplanetary probes from face show clearly that there may have been Earth. So it is conceivable that life may grams "have been a beacon of hope in a Earth," said U.S. Jesuit Brother Guy 'water on Mars. Now with the Spirit on the have transported itself in theseprimordial world of bad news. They make us feel the Cbnsolmagno, an astronomer, planetary ground, the probe will dig underneath the exchanges when pieces of planets plum- wonder and joy of seeing humanity be able s~jen~isvnd curat0.r of, the ,vatican meteplanet's dry surface .looking for water or meted into each other," Father Coyne said. to reach up to the sky and touch the stars." orite~c0He~:ti'on:,._J.~'__ ~ .',', :...' ~'" '.;!.:"chemic,al :evidence .that there. l)1qy;.h,ave, .. ", "Bu~ ,wh~,t. if scieJ:1ti~t~ were to discover He recalled that when he watched the J~:d.hiYJn~·e.~"nMo;,~·t~!·y'Je'(!b'pes fH.1i~e'''' 61~'eWWaie'}~;':Fati1e/r Coyne said::' .. ,": '" 'life that has rio'thing to 'do 'with the DNA we first manned landing of Apolio I I"on the rnade it successfully onto the red planet: Brother Consolmagno said NASA sci- have here on Eatth? That would mean life is moon in 1969 the turmoil of the Vietnam the Viking I and 2, which both landed in entists aimed the probe to land in a large absolute)y aQundant in the universe~" Fath~r War was in full force. 1976, and the Mars Pathfinder in 1997. crater that may have been a lake. The 1'0- Coyne said. "If life had two beginnings, one "That event of human beings stepping 'The Russians have sent a number of bot, he said, will look and test for minerals here on Earth and one on Mars, then statisti- foot for the first time on the moon was so probes as well as the Americans and there that would suggest the presence of water. 'cally ,life could have emerged millions of momentous, it made me realize that life's may' still be some hope yet the Beagle 2 , "Water is needed for life and such a dis- time~ elsewhere beyond the solar system." temporary crises will pass. It's the work will send a signal it has landed," Brother covery would open up all new questions When asked what the theological im- of the world's scientists and saints that is Consolmagno said. as to is there life there now or had there pact of such a discovery' would be, Father remembered forever," he said.

'V~tican gives Syro-Malabar Church ,rig~t to appointits,own bishops By ANlO AKKARA CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE





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NUNS ACCOMPANY an elderly woman as they leave a service at St. Mary's Church, a Syro-Malabar parish in Ambakad, outside Trichur, India. The, Syro-Malabar Church traces its origins back to St. Thomas the Apostle. Many of its three million members reside in the southern state of Kerala. (CNS photo by Anto Akkara)


TRICHUR. India (CNS) - A Vatican official said India's SyroMalabar Church has been given the right to appoint its own bishops, paving the way for the Church's full self-governing status. Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, a Syrian who heads the , Vatican's Congregation for Eastern Churches, made the announcement at the biennial assembly of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India in Trichur. , The announcement was considered an important step for the Church in resolving a dispute over liturgy and administration. In 1992, Pope John Paul II made the Syro-Malabar Church a self-governing church and asked it to organize its own synod for administration. However, he reserved to the Vatican the power to :decide on the Syro-Malabar Church's liturgy and the appointment of bishops. In 1998, the Vatican gave the .Church the right to decide on liturgy.

Syro-Malabar Church officials hailed the decision on appointing bishops as an important milestone for the centuries-old church, which traces its origins back to St. Thomas the Apostle. "The church of St. Thomas the Apostle has been recognized as a mature church which can stand on its own legs," Father Paul Thelakkat, church spokesman, told Catholic News Service. Father Bosco Puthoor, executive director of the church's Liturgical , Research Center; told CNS that· "this is recognition that our church has become mature and can decide on thy appointment of our bishops." The Syro-Malabar Church had' been divided over a liturgical dispute in which some of. its 3.1 million members wanted to revive ancient church traditions, including a Chaldean liturgy, while others sought revisions along modern . lines. The rift divided bishops, priests and laity into two camps, led by the Ernakulam-Angamaly and Changanacherry archdio.ceses.

• This division on liturgy led to street demonstrations by pliests in the late I990s. Later, the bishops worked out a formula to ease the acrimony based on liturgy. P. T. Chacko, one of the lay, founders of the Liturgical Action Committee, which has opposed a return to the Chaldean liturgy, said the Vatican decision is a "positive one with negative effects." "We are happy because we were demanding this light for years. But we arc wonied that the old divisions could crop up again when it comes to the selection of new bishops exercising the new power:' Chacko, said. Father Thelakkat, editor of the Catholic Malayalam-Ianguage weekly Light of Truth, said, "Un, fortunately, the issue has been seen as a matter of power sharing (rather) than sharing the mandate of the Lord for evangelization." Fourteen of the 26,SyroMalabar dioceses are based in Kerala in southern India; II dioceses are in other parts ofIndia and one is in Chicago.

Friday, January 16, 2004


Life MORE THAN 100 foreign diplomats attend the "state of the world" address given by Pope John Paull! in the Sala Regia at the Vatican January 12. The pope urged the international community to help the Iraqis "retake the reins of their country." (CNS photo from Catholic Press Photo)

Marriage the high court to implement its four-to-three vote, same-sex marriage decision with 180 days (six months) of the Novem.ber 18 ruling. Currently, that means it has only four months to comply with the order which is against history, tradition, faith, and reason. Citizens are being urged to contact Gov. Mitt Romney and legislators so that they might work to delay implementation of the court's decision. The spotlight has now shifted to the state Legislature, set to meet February II in Constitutional Convention to vote whether to support the Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman in 'order to promote "the stability and welfare of society and the best interests of children." In essence it would rule out that "any other relationship shall not be recognized as marriage or its legal equivalent." If a majority of the 200-member Legislature, comprised of 160 state representatives and 40 senators, endorses the Amendment, the Legislature would have .to repeat its action in 2005 and 2006. Then, finally, the state's electorate - the voters themselves would decide the fate of the constitutional amendment in November 2006. According to the coordinators, it is truly a question for the people: "We the people want the right to decide what constitutes marriage - to promote the stability and welfare of society. Tell your legislators to vote Yes on the .proposed bill, H.3190." The bill is authored by Rep. Philip Travis of Rehoboth, and others: However, if there is a negative vote by the Legislature next month, it would kill the proposed saving amendment. The important vote will come on February I I, which coinciden~ tally is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, to whom Catholics pray for intercession. The lay coordinators include, Lloyd McDonald, 508-430-1559, from Holy Trinity Parish in East Harwich on Cape Cod; Donald

Continued from page one

Girard, 508-699-7029, from St. Mark's Parish in North Attleboro; Beatrice Martins, 508-678-3351, from Holy Trinity Parish in Fall River; and Aime A. Lachance Jr., 508-679-6294, from Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish in Fall River. The group is working in close cooperation with Massachusetts Family Institute; and with the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the bishops. The coalition has prepared flyers about the rally and is offering the flyers to pastors for use as parish bulletin inserts this weekend. Even as the rally in Fall River is taking place, others are planned in Springfield and Worcester. The four Catholic bishops of Fall River: Bishop George W. Coleman of Fall River, Bishop Thomas Dupre of Springfield, Bishop Daniel Reilly of Worcester, and Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., of Boston, have joined in the.battle to safeguard the definition of marriage, and have issued letters. Responding fo the Supreme Court's decision, the ~ishops labeled it "a national tragedy" that set the state "to erode even further the institution of marriage as a human reality which the state should protect and strengthen for the good of society." The bishops emphasize that "marriage isa gift of God which, in its natural order, allows for the growth of the human family and society. It is not just one life-style choice among many." The bishops have declared that, "This time frame is a sure formula for chaos, because there is no "real opportunity (for citizens) to respond reasonably." In a speech to about 600 Boston archdiocesan priests on December 16, Archbishop O'Malley asserted that if the fight is lost "because of our cowardice or inertia, we shall have to answer to God." Coordinators of the FalI River rally hope that the appeal by the bishops especially to the Catholic laity to call upon their legislators to support one manone woman marriage in the Amendment at issue, will be

taken to heart. The issue is not just religious but also a public policy concern because marriage is recognized as a public institution. The Massachusetts Catholic Conference in a 28-page document points out that historically and almost universally "marriage law endorses the union between one man and one woman" due to its unique value in bringing forth children. But MCC says the four-judge Supreme Court majority decided that marriage has nothing to do with procreation and children. Instead, the judges concluded that marriage is "a momentous act of self-definition" for adults. Added to that, MCC observes; these judges also rejected the wisdom of thousands of years: that children do best in a home with a' mother and father. Chief Justice Marshall, writing 路for the majority, smeared defenders of traditional marriage. She blamed the restriction of marriage to one man and one woman as "rooted in persistent prejudices against those who are (or who are believed to be) homosexual." . The Catholic Church vigorously denies such a charge and laments that a Sl:lpreme Court judge would stoop to make the accusation. The Church has al. ways upheld the dignity of homosexuals as persons, but cannot approve of homosexual marriage. The MCC warns that a very great danger in legalizing samesex marriage is that the state will then be in a position to force churches, individuals and private companies to act against their moral convictions by imposing penalties on them, based on (false) charges of "bias, hate and a desire to harm" homosexuals. Massachusetts defenders of the traditional concept of marriage . are not alone. The federal government and 37 states have already enacted legislation to protect the detinition of marriage. And there. is successful precedent. People in Hawaii and Alaska have amended their constitutions, to reverse decisions by ~heir courts to redefine marriage.

Continued from page one

Supreme Court buildings in own quarters for their two days in Washington. . Washington. The young men will be guests "Some people think unity is everybody holding hands, and we at St. John Catholic Church in all be nice to one another," said McLean, Va., while the young Nellie Gray, who has directed women will be staying at Pope each March for Life since the first Paul VI High School in Fairfax, one in 1974. ..Va. Adults in the group will be he "We're not talking about that. We're talking about unity in the housed for their three-day stay at life principles - no exceptions, the Hyatt Rcgency Hotel on Capitol Hill. . no compromises." . Many events have long been Gray defines possible exceptions and compromises as "life of in the planning. Before the man.:h, the mother, health of the mother, a youth rally and Mass will take rape, incest, a deformed child and place at the MCI Center, downtown Washington's pro sports all that." The March for Life Education arena. The rally will feature mu& Defense Fund will sponsor a sician Steve Angrisano and convention at a Capitol Hill hotel Franciscan Father Stan Fortuna, January 20-21 that will include a the "rapping priest," followed by session on problems facing the Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul Pro-Life movement. Convention S. Loverde of Arlington, Va., as speakers include Gray, Priests for main celebrant. Also before the march, the Life founder Father Frank Pavone, Human Life International National Pro-Life Religious president Father Thomas Council will host the National Euteneuer, journalist Russell Memorial for the Pre-Born and Shaw and two Pennsylvania Re- Their Mothers and Fathers at an publicans in 路the U.S. House, undetermined Senate office buildReps. Melissa Hart and Patrick J. ing on Capitol Hill. The l'1:ee ecumenical event will include prayer, Toomey. After their arrival, the Fall praise, music and awards. Guests River contingent will be among a will include actress-singer Melba' capacity crowd that is expected to Moore and Alveda King Tookes, jam the Basilica of the National niece of the Rev. Martin Luther Shrine of the Immaculate Con- King Jr. After the march, Priests for ception for its annual National Prayer Vigil for Life, which be- Life will host a "Silent No More" gins with a January 21, 8 p.m., vigil on the steps of the Supreme vigil Mass with Cardin.a,L William Court. Expected"lb: pal'ti'cipate H. Keeler of Baltimore as princi- were Moore, Tookes and actress Jennifer O'Neill. pal celebrant and homilist. The March for Life's annual Although Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York will celebrate Rose Dinner will be held Janua Mass on Thursday morning on ary 22, following the rally and the march day, the local contin- march. The guest speaker will be Pepperdine Univer~ity constitugent will have its own liturgy. Bishop Coleman will celebrate tional law professor Douglas Mass for the locals on Thursday, Kmiec, talking on "Life and the January 22 at II a.m., at Holy Necessary Relationship Between Rosary Parish at the corner of Law and Morality." Kmiec had Third and F streets in the capital. been dean of the law school at The Following that, they will board Catholic University of America, buses and be taken to the march Washington. American Collegians for Life site. Following the march, at apprCiximately 12: 15 p.m., the will conduct a weekend student young people will board buses for leadership conference at Cathothe return trip home, arriving in lic University January 23-25 to New Bedford about 3 a.m., on which high school juniors and seniors are welcome. The keyFriday, January 23. While many of the marchers note speaker is Dr. Bernard coming from across the nation Nathanson, the onetime aborwill sleep in the basilica's ~ase颅 tionist who later became an arment, the Fall River diocese's dent abortion foe and a Cathoyoung people will also have their lic.




On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath wit~ the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades),' and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses . committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.





Friday, January ~ 6, 2004

-COYL.E AND Cassidy High School Senior and President of its Leadership Society, Ashley Do"Vningwelcomes Bishop . George W. Coleman during a recent visit to the Taunton .. schooL The bishop celebrated Mass for students and was given a Coyle and Cassidy jacket sporting his name and graduation year. . .


. KINDERG"ARTEN STUDENTS from St. Mary's School, Mansfield, get ready for a recent school prayer service. They were r~sponsible for the songs and Scripture readings.

ALEXANDER doCOUTO of Our Lady of Mount Carmel .. School, New Bedford, holds a fire hose during a recent field trip to a New Bedford Fire Station. Classmates Evan Edwards and Kayla Medeiros look on. Below, stuqents pose near a fire engine. The trip gave students an opportunity to learn about' fire safety firsthand and gain a hands-on experience into the life of a firefighter.

... STUDENTS FROM the' Wee Deliver Program at SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, get a behind-thescenes tour of the post office by路 program coordinator Pat Egan. Each year, they participate in a maildl?livering program and get hands-on ex.perience. At right, the Cat in the Hat elicits a smile from four,th-grade teacher Douglas Medeiros. The 'Dr. Seuss character led.stLidents to the main post office downtown.





STUDENTS FROM St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, take part in a St. Nicholas Day celebration last month.







Souper Bowl gears up for annual football-themed charity drive

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Friday, January 16, 2004

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SENIORS MELISSA Cournoyer and Andrew Hartnett of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, are congratulated by Principal Mary Ann Miskel upon being nominated for the $1,000 National Honor Society Scholarship. They will compete with 250 students nationwide for the award.

WASHINGTON - Come February I, millions of Americans will be glued to the television, watching the Super Bowl. That same day, 60 teen-agel's high school age and up will be answering phones in Columbia, S.c., taking down information from Church youth groups around the country about how much money they have collected to benefit their local food banks. Now known officially as the Souper Bowl of Caring - the last two words were tacked on by organizers after the National Football League expressed some discomfort with the original namethe fund-raiser is one of those rare endeavors where 100 percent of the money collected goes to char· ity. The drive has youth groups ask churchgoers for a dollar and/or a canned good as they leave church on Super Bowl Sunday. The Rev. Brad Smith, a Presbyterian minister and Souper Bowl founder, has been crisscrossing the country this fall touting the Souper Bowl. His travels included a stop in November at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Houston - coincidentally, the site of this year's NFL championship game - to encourage participation. Rev. Smith said he passed out plastic footballs at the conference. While the footballs cost less than a dollar each, he told the youths they were "$500 footballs" be.cause each Catholic youth group that took part in last year's Souper Bowl campaign averaged $500 in contributions. The donations were

turned over to their local food McNair arc honorary national chairs of the Sou per Bowl. Onebanks or feeding programs. One Catholic youth group's time NFL quarterback, coach and experience is highlighted in broadcaster Sam Wyche asked Souper Bowl promotional litera- each of the 32 NFL coaches to ture. "We had fun," read the re- consider signing on as honorary port from parish youths at St. co-chairmen of the 2004 Sou per Christopher Church in Galt, Ca- Bowl effort; 28 said yes. "The National Football lif., who delivered nearly 500 food items and prizes to a League's been very helpful to us," women's shelter. The group spent Rev. Smith said. But don't confuse the Souper four hours at the shelter eating lunch, playing games and singing Bowl effort with the Campbell songs using both voices and sign Soup Co.'s "Click for Cans" online promotion. In the language. Last year's Sou per Bowl re- Campbell campaign, football fans ported $3.53 million in donations can visit a Website and click on collected by 11,095 organiza- the helmet of their favorite NFL .tions. That brings the total to $20 team. Campbell will then donate million collected since the; a can of its Chunky soup in the campaign's start in 1990, when name of that team. As of Decemonly 20 South Carolina churches . bel' 3, more than 2.16 million cans had been donated. Campbell said took part. In an interview with Catholic it will donate up to five million News Service, Rev. Smith said cans of Chunky soup to hunger he wants to get 20,000 church relief charities across the country. In the two weeks preceding youth groups from all denominations to take part i R the 2004 Super Bowl Sunday, Sou per Souper Bowl. Lest the teen-age Bowl organizers will visit 10 citSou per Bowl phone operators ies in the East and South - seven get swamped, youth groups can of them with NFL teams - in a also visit the Website, specially marked recreational vewww.souperbowl.org, to record hicle as part of a "Blitzathon" to how much they've collected and inspire youths in those cities to will donate to their local charities. take part in a January 31 "servi.ce "We've hit Lutheran, Method- blitz" of involvement in anything ist, AME (African Methodist from volunteering in food banks Episcopal) and Catholic youth to giving other kinds of assistance conferences" this year, Rev. to the poor and elderly. "We want to have a very inSmith said. "I have been impressed with the depth, the com- tentional, significant push in passion, and the willingness to Houston," with 2,000 youths of move beyond themselves and do all faiths taking part, Rev. Smith said. With thousands of reporters for others." The pro football community in Houston looking for stories rehas been involved with the lated to the Super Bowl, the Sou per Bowl effort. Houston Sou per Bowl wants to give them Texans co-owners Bob and Janice "a real feel-good story," he added.


Going clubbing? By KASE JOHNSTUN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Surfing'the Web, I came across the L1FETEEN.com Website. This is a Website for young Catholic teens to discuss music, movies, video games and other important stuff. Catholic teens hash over life, relationships, sex and drugs in the established Teen Talk section of the Website, lending advice to each other in a Christian way. One dialogue struck me as odd and out of place, so I clickcd on it. The heading is "going clubbing." As I read, I found it really interesting. Here is what the young man wrote: "Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, "I am a college freshman who

loves the Lord so much I can't describe it. "A couple of my friends have invited me to go to a hip-hop/ R&B nightclub for some dancing. I want to go for some good clean fun and dancing. "One problem: I can't dance. How does one dance at a nightclub? Or how do I dance at all? People just say 'move to the music,' but I don't even know how to do that. I'd appreciate any and all advice. "I will keep you all in my prayers. Thanks. God bless. "Your Brother in Christ, Ray" I thought this letter was so stellar for one reason. Ray wasn't worried about the evils of the clubbing scene. He already was clear about what he believed. He

was not scared of being sucked into the land of the demons when he entered the club. Ray had moved on. His only concern was - dancing, which, -~51


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Coming of

~, flge of course, he should be scared of as a college freshman. We all are really bad at this, speaking from a male perspective. Ray received a lot of responses. Some touted him for even entering that evil place, say-

ing that he was walking into a den of sin: "It would be nice to have some nice clean and healthy fun. Dancing can be a good and healthy activity, which we can enjoy with friends. "Trouble is you might be entering a not-so-clean place. The vast majority of hip hop and R&B music is very dirty and godless. The dancing is just about as bad. I know myself I don't like to dance, but even if I !Jid I would never want to go to a club, knowing the things that go on in there." Others gave Ray great advice on dancing. One girl told Ray to watch videos on television and to move with the dancers. She consented that some of the videos were de-

grading but told Ray to block that out and just dance. The best advice I saw came from another teen. She told him to tell his friends he isn't very good at dancing. She said they would respect that and not push him too far on the dance floor. ( like this advice because as soon as I enter a dance club I become a permanent pillar on the edge of the floor, planted in stone, scared of movement. In my opinion, Ray has it right. He knows that there arc some places that may not be so perfect, but that won't stop him from having good, clean fun. He has his shield. He has no stress, because his mind is made up. Now, how to dance? Can't help ya on that one.

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fR~d..@y"'.January 16, 2004

Up to 22 U.S. bishops could retire for age reasons in 2004 WASHINGTON (CNS) When Bishop Anthony G. Bosco of Greensburg, Pa., retired January 2 at the age of 76, he was the first of as many as 22 active U.S. bishops who could retire in 2004 because of age. Last year there were 33 U.S.. bishops who were already 75 or reached that age during the year. By year's end 17 of them had retired. Church law says that at age 75 a bishop "is requested to present his resignation" to the pope; The pope may refuse a bishop's resignation. or delay accepting it, and Pope John Paul II has often kept bishops in their posts for a year or more after they celebrate their 75th birthday. The age-75 rule, which implemented a policy established by the world's bishops in 1965 at the Second Vatican Council, was incorporated into general Church law for the Latin church in 1983 and for the Eastern Catholic churches in 1991. Bishop Bosco, a priest since 1952, was a bishop since 1970 and headed the Greensburg diocese since 1987. He turned 76 la"t August I. At the start of 2004 there were 15 still-active bishops in the United States besides Bishop Bosco who were already 75 or older. They are: - Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of W~rcester, M~&.; . - Melkite Bishop John A. Elya of Newton, Mass.; - Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka, president ofthe PontifIcal Commission for Vatican City;

- Auxiliary Bishop Leonard J. .Olivier of Washington; ~ Bishop Stephen Hector Doueihi of St. Maron of Brooklyn for the Maronites; - Ruthenian Bishop Andrew Pataki of Passaic, N.J.; . -'Bishop Frank J. Rodimer of Paterson, N.J.; ---.: Auxiliary Bishop Joseph J. Madera ofthe U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services; - Auxiliary Bishop Charles J. McDonnell of Newark, N.J.; Bishop Lawrenc~ J. McNamara of Grand Island, Neb.; Archbishop John' F. Donoghue of Atlanta; - Bishop Bernard W. Schmitt of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va.; - Bishop George K. Fitzsimons of Salina, Kan.; - Bishop Joseph J. Gerry of Portland,-Maine.; . - Auxiliary Bishop Francis X. Roque of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services; An additional six bishops will turn 75 during 2004. They are: -January 17: Auxiliary Bishop George O. Wirz of Madison, Wis.; - February 23: Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Costello ofSyra. cuse, N.Y.; - July 22: Auxiliary Bishop David Arias of Newark; - July 26: Archbishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio; , --':"'November 5: Bishop Manuel Batakian of the Armenian Catholic Exarchate of U.S.A. and Canada; December 14: Bishop Norbert M. Dorsey of Orlando, Fla.

The ttEW 2004 Directory & Buyvn· Guide for the Diocese of Fall River is in productionI Same compact size for easy referenceI

To obtain your copy. send a check for $14.00 (includes shipping & handling) to: Directories. P.O. Box 7, Fall River 02722 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT C. OUVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY FElTELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY






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POPE JOHN Paull! watches as Andrew Philip performs during the pontiff's weekly general audience at the Vatican recently. Circus workers from the Italy-based American Circus were among those attending the audience. (CNS photo from Reuters)

,Lawmakers, backing abortio~, euthanasia advised not to receive Communion By



they present themselves, until such time as they publicly renounce their support of these most unjust practices." The two documents followed reports in the secular press in December that Archbishop Burke had sent private letters to three Catholic legislators in the diocese, warning them of the spiritual dangers of their votes against human life. According to Archbishop Burke, the notification became necessary as "an outcome of his correspondence with Catholic legislators. None of the three lawmakers to whom he wrote ac-, cepted his invitation for a private meeting to discuss their voting records, and in letters to the bishop indicated they were not open to changing their positions. "After several exchanges of letters, it became clear in all three cases that there was no willingness to conform to the teaching of the Church," he said. "So the notification became a necessity in order that the faithful in the dio~ cese not be scandalized, thinking that it is acceptable for a devout Catholic to also be pro-abortion." Archbishop Burke has declined to name the three politicians but secular news reports have identified two of them as . state Sen. Julie Lassa and U.S. Rep. David R. Obey, D-Wis. "I've come to understand as bishop that there is a real confusion on the part of many people in the diocese with regard to the relationship of the moral law to our civil laws," he added. "So I wanted to write a letter to clarify this."

News SeRVice

LA CROSSE, Wis. - Archbishop Raymond L. Burke has - formally notified Catholic lawmakers in the La Crosse diocese that they cannot receive Com-, munion if they continue to support procured abortion or euthanasia. The four-paragraph canonical notification, published in last week's edition of The Catholic Times, the La Crosse diocesan newspaper, called upon Catholic legislators in the diocese "to uphold the natural and divine law regarding the inviolable dignity of all human -life." "To fail to do so is a grave public sin and gives scandal to all the faithful," it said. "Archbishop Burke, who is to be installed January 26 as St. Louis' new archbishop, released the canonical notification along with a lO-page pastoral letter to Catholics in the La Crosse diocese about their political responsibility to uphold the value of human life. He noted that the documents were issued while he was serving as diocesan administrator of LaCrosse following his pe<;ember appointment as archbishop of St. Louis. "Catholic legislators who are members of the faithful of the Diocese of La Crosse and who continue to support procured abortion or euthanasia may not present themselves to receive holy, Communion," the notification said. "They are not to be admitted to holy Communion, should


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In the letter, titled "On the Dignity of Human Life and Civic Responsibility," Archbishop Burke said many Catholics misunderstand the concept of "separation of church and state," taking it to mean that Church teachings have no application to political life. The letter affirms, on the contrary, that Catholics have the obligation to form their political judgments from Church teachings, "especially in what pertains to the natural moral law, that is, the order established by God in creation." "If the Catholic Church in~isted to legislators that they vote for laws that punish people who steal, no one would find anything objectionable in that," said the archbishop in the document. "People all recognize that to take someone else's property is a crime. The natural law teaches us that. So also it teaches that human life is inviolable." The archbishop's notification on reception of Communion cites a passage from the "Doctrinal Note on Some Questions Regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life," issued by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in January 2003. That document reiterates the pope's teaching that Catholics involved directly in lawmaking bodies have a "grave and clear obligation to oppose" any measure that is an attack on human life. "For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them," it says.

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