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Bishop To Ordain Six

LaSalette Missioners

Six Missiona.ries of La Salette will be ordained by Bishop Connolly at cere­ " monies set for 10 Saturday "morning, Feb. 2 in St. Mary's Cathedral. They are Brother

Roger Labouliere, Brother Mau­ rice J. Martineau, Brother Roger Benoit, Brother George Loiselle, Brother Romeo Levasseur and Brother Franklin Major. At the same ceremony the

Bishop will also ordain three Diocesan priests. Brother Labouliere, the son of Mrs. Lydia Labouliere, 1193 Rod­ man Steet, Fall River, is from Turn to Page Twelve

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 17, 1963

Vol. 7, No. 3 ©

1963 The Anchor

PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year

Dr. 'Ratner Lists Dangers In Birth Control Pills ...


WASHINGTON (NC) - A prominent phySIcian has llrged a go-slow approach to oral contraceptives because of their potentially harmful physical effects. Dr. Herbert A . Ratner, Oak Park, Ill., director of public health, says the attitude of informed persons supply birth control informa­ lias changed "from" inno­ tion and devices to any public cence to sophistication" as relief recipient "with a spouse more has become known or' child" who requests them. .bout the effects of the birth Dr. Ratner noted before that control pills. decision that the Federal Food Dr. Ratner's "medical critique" and Drug Administration has of the oral contraceptives is con­ liniited use of the pills to not tabled in a leaflet published more than two years for any NEW NOVITIATE: Announcing the establishment of the Grey Nuns Novitiate in aere by the Family Life Bureau, woman because of uncertainty Fall River are ,left to right: Sister St. Pierre Gonzales, S.C.G., superior; Rev. Lucien National Catholic Welfare Con­ about their long-range danger"s. .Madore, spiritual director of St." Joseph's Home; and Sister St. Matilde, S.C.G. ference. . The leaflet comments on the The leaflet is a revision of a "distinctly American pheno­ memorandum submitted by Dr. menon" of unqualified enthu~ Ratner to the Illinois PUblic Aid siasm for new drugs and says € o mmission during the recent the general public impression dispute over use of tax funds to about the birth control pills has support contraceptives for wel­ been that they are "1) tremen­ fare clients. The commission dously effective, 2) remarkably Yoted six to four in early safe, 3) unusually free from December to use tax funds to Turn to Page Seventeen

Sisters of Charity To Open

U.S. Novitiate in Fall River

Leper Missionary Thanks Diocesan. Donors for Help

. With the approbation of Bishop Connolly, announcement has been made by the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, popularly known as the Grey Nuns, that the community will found a postulancy and novitiate at St. Joseph's Orphanage, :<'all River. To open in September. the new foundation will serve young women from the United States, who will no Contributors to the annual Diocesan collection for the longer go to the Quebec be at St. Joseph's Orphanage, 56 will be established. "Some five or six postulants relief of leprosy directed by Msgr.Raymond T. Considine motherhouse for their period St. Joseph Street, where a floor will enter the community in of" the institution will be re­ for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith are thanked of" postulancy and novitiate. modeled for its new use. In the September at the new facility. by Rev. John Sweeney, Maryknoll Missioner stationed in Temporary headquarters will near future, separate quarters Reverend Mother Mary of Korea, and known as the . Grace, super:ior general of the Grey Nuns, is expected to visit "leper priest" in recognition the convent in September and of his years of devotion to assist at official opening cere­ those afflicted with this dis­ monies. Meanwhile, Mother St. Martin, report to Msgr. Considine, provincial of this area, will Father Sweeney notes that he' come to St. Joseph's to initiate bas in operation six leprosy cen. In preparation for future missionary work, 14 seminarians from La SaIette Major plans for the novitiate and direct tel'S, each with mobile teams Seminary in Attleboro provide weekly religious instruction classes for more than 430 a campaign of publicizing it to working from them. interested young women. ''They serve some 70 groups of children of three neighborjng p'arishes: St. Mary's, Norton; St. Stephen's, Dodgeville . The Sisters of Charity of and St. Mary's, Hebronville. Am"ong them are three Brothers from the Fall River Diohomeless outcasts and" a greater Quebec were founded in Mont­ " number of early cases living at cese: Brother Paul-Andre Much of the seminarians' free following article. Pictures of the real in 1771 by Mother d'You­ home whose tragic secret we try Gagnon and Brother Ronald time is spent" .preparing their classes in action appear on page ville. Later the community di­ ~ keep." Hebert, F a II R i vel', and classes, with emphasis on the use 15 of this issue o~ The Anchor. vided into six branches, in­ The Maryknoll dispensaries Life in a semb:lary is as varied cluding the Quebec house, which have over 11,000 patients, "not Brother Wtlliam Slight, New of visual aids. The seminary bus cooperates in this project too, as one can possibly imagine. The was established in 1849 and ec>unting thousands of general Bedford. They, with their 11 cO'-work­ pro v i din g transportation for candidate for the priesthood made its first United State. eases," but with their present foundation, that at St. Joseph'. ers,' prepare for their work" of many of the' catechism class finds himself lost in metaphy­ facilities can see only about one­ by a course in child children. sical concepts and suddenly Orphanage, in 1890. third of this number regularly. instruction This work has been going on awakes from his philosophic psychology and also gain" much Other American houses are Father Sweeney operates' a experience from service as coun­ for the past 15 years at La" musings as he begins to sweep Sacred Heart Home, New Bed­ Iransient home" for non-infected selors at Camp Pius XI, a boys' Salette Seminary and thoughts the back stairs of the seminary. ford, and the Franco-American children of lepers and continu. Summer" camp operated. by the of the young teachers them­ A varied life offers many con­ Orphanage, Lowell. The com­ .uy resettles cured or arrested La Salette community at En­ selves are presented by Brother versational topics, and these are munity operates schoola and Turn to Page Four field, N.H. Paul Charbonneau, M.S. in the Turn to Page FourteeP hospitaltl in Canada

LaSa lette Semtnarmns · · P re pare f or p. rtest l y


Ministry Teaching Area Children Catechism





Oppo,ses State 'B04:»k Subsidy

Aid to Public Schools 'Only Violation of, Consti,tution

. PR.oVIDENCE·( N C ) -­ The Uhode Island unit of the American C i viI Liberties Union has announced oppo­

CmCAGO (NC) - A Catholie law school dean argued here that the Constitution's ban on an established religion would be violated by Federal aid to public schools only. Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J., dean of the Boston College law school, stressed that the granted or denied to citizens be­ public schools' policy of cause of their religious faith or silence on religion amounts their lack of it. "2) If the state, in ,the pur­ to "an official establishment

Mass Ord'o






THE ANCHOR, second' Class Postage Paid at Fau la, Man. Publislled every Tbursda,at 410 Highland' Avenull",Falf River Mass. II¥. 1M. C8tboltc:. Press. OJ the Diocese. of Fall RiVer. Sub$cripttoa price, II, mall, tQStpald $4.00 lI!lI' vea,',

.JAN,. 20 Rev. Roland J. Masse, 1952, AsSistant, N4tN Dame.. Fall River


AC:LU Attorney:

THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fan River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1963

suit of a legitimate public pur­ of secular values." pose, selects means to achieve Hence, Father Drinan con­ cluded, "the granting of funds this purpose which have an in­ only to the public school is a cidental effect of assisting re­ violation of the establishment ligion, such means are not there­ clause (of the Constitution) by unconst!tutionaI. 3) No sectarian teaching or because such a policy endorses, and prefers one educational and religious practice may be con­ philosophical orthodoxy over all stitutionally permitted on the premises of a tax-supported others." school - even if student and Spelled Out teacher 'participation' is • on a The Jesuit educator empha­ sized the "quasi-public" nature truly voluntary basis." of nonpublic schools but noted Clear Decisions that this fact has yet to be Referring to the group of specifically spelled out in U.S. 'rulings in which the court in public policy or court decisions. 1961 upheld the constitution­ He pointed out that sOJ1\e six ality 04 the Sunday sales 'million students - about 12 per laws of a number of states, cent of the total U.S. school en­ Father Drinan said these deci­ rollment - at ten d . Catholic sions "made it very clear that schools and commented: . the requirement of separation , "Any program designed to ele­ between Church and State does 'vate the nation's standards of not mean that the State, in educational excellence w hie h carrying out a legitimate secular ignores the 12 per cent of' the purpose, must do so in a way' nation's school children enrolled which gives no aid to religion." ~ nonpublic _schools is, ne­ He said advocates of Federal 'glecting in a serious manner a aid for Catholic schobls :base sigriificant element in the popu­ their case on the principle "that lation." , '. the State" in carrying out its Absolutes secular goals in the field of edu­ .He outlined three "absolutes" cation, can comply with the First Amendment if it makes with regard to religion and edu­ cation which he said have available funds for strictly secu-. em e r ge d 'from recent U.S. Jar purposes in all schools," Sup I' em e 'Court rulings in Permeation Argument Church-State cases.: Father Drinan acknowledged "1) The beriefits of public the so-called "perme~tion" argu­ welfare legislation may not be ment against aid to secular edu­ cation in' Catholic schools­ namely, that even secular sub­ jects are,'so "permeated" with religion in Catholic classrooms FRIDAY-Mass of 1 Sunday aft­ . er Epiphany. IV Class. Green. that public funds cannot be used to 'support their teaching. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Sec­ He said this argument "must ond Collect St. Prisca, Virgin assume ... that the State is con­ and Martyr; no Creed; Com­ stitutionally required to seek out , mon Preface.. . ways to carry out its secular SATURDAY-Mass of the Bless­ ; ed Virgin for Saturday. IV objectives which will not .give Class. White. Mass Proper; even incidental aid to·religion." Gloria; Serond Collect SS. . The opinions' in the Sunday Marius, Martha, Audifax, and law cases, he declared, "express­ Abachus, Martyrs; Third Co}.,. ly deny the existence of any ; leet st. Canute, King and Mar_ such constitutional requirement." Father Drinan argued. that tyr; no Cre~d; Preface of I "permeation" by values of some Blessed Virgin. 'SUNDA Y~II Sunday after kind is inevitable in every text­ Epiphany. rr ClaSs. Green. book and all instruction - even , Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; in the public schools. He con­ tinued: 'Preface of Trinity. "If the State therefore cannot MONDAY - St. Agnes, VIrgin and Martyr. III Class. Red. constitutionally give pub lie Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; money for instruction in secular subjects if religious values are Common Preface. TUE5DAY-5S. Vincent and rommingled in the instruction, Anastasia, Martyrs. III Class. the State is equally disabled Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no from financing instruction in secular subjects where the orien­ Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-5t. Raymund of tation of the instruction is, by Pennafo.rt, Confessor. III Class. silence or by implication, per­ White. Mass Proper; Gloria; meated with a' secularistic out­ Second Collect, St. Emerenti. look. ana, Virgin and Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface. of THURSDAY~St. Timothy, Bish­ The following films are to :be op and Martyr ill Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; added to the lists intbeir respec­ tive classifications: Common' Preface. Unobjectionable for general patronage: Thirty Years of Fun. Unobjectionable for adults: Marriage of Figaro; Nine Hours to Rama, Separate classification: Eclipse Jan.20-0ur Lady of Mount (this statement about the moral Carmel, New Bedford. vacuum of modern man may St. Patrick, Wareham. seem pessimistic in that any Jan. 27-5t. Anthony, Taun­ positive suggestion of hope is ton. but indirectly' implied). Sacred Heart, Fall, River. Change of classification: To 'Bishop Stang Convent; No. Kill a Mockingbird (substantial Dartmouth. changes in final version warrant Fep. 3~Holy Name, ,New change from ·"unobjectionable for Bedford. adults" status to "unobjection­ St. Joseph, Fall River. 'able for adults and adolescents." Jesus Mary Convent, Fall This film extols personal hon­ River. esty and integrity and is there­ Feb. l()--Our Lady of Fatima, fore recommended to adults and Swansea. . young people). St. Mary, North AttIe'­ boro.


OPERATION DEEPFREEZE: Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., right, president of the University of Notre Dame and a member of the National Science Board, joins Dr. Lawrence Gould on an inspection tour' of the Navy's "Operation Deepfreeze" in Antarctica. NC Photo.




Ohio Prelate' Explains Council

To Ministerial Association

sition to a state commission'. recommendation that tax-paid textbG'Oks be loaned to pupils at private schools. ' Milton Stanzler, ACLU coun.­ sel he're, told a Providence Ki­ wanis Club meeting that al­ though the commission's study "carri'E!s no actual weight" le­ gally, the ACLU would back a court case on the issue if the recommendation is enacted into law. Stanzler said there is no im­ mediate need for such legisllJ. tion since nonpublic schools have existed and undoubtedly would continue to exist without the ,book ,aid. Gov. John Chafee in his reeent inaugural address said his administration proposed to provid:e within constitutional limits certain textbooks to pri­ vate school pupils. The attorney. disputed the child benefit theory in the prQ. posal that science, mathematics and foreign language-'textbooks would aid the student, not a school. He contended this theory could be carried to such lengths as aid to provide desks, heating systems or higher pay fat teach. ers as benefits to private schooi 'stUdents.

. Citing the observation of Olle STEUBENVILLE (NC)-Bish­ op, John King Mussio of Steu­ l'rotestant delegate-observer at tPe Council who .said that the benville commented on the Sec­ ond Vatican Council before the Gouncil's spirit was a "hospit;il­ local ministerial association in fty, of miDd and heart beyond all ,praise," Bishop Mussio said:' .. an unprec~dented gathering. .' Bishop, Mussio, who saluted , '~'The idea 'of 'hospitality' ;0£ the. local clergymen as "Feilow mind' really does express 'the Ministers of the Word of God;" new spirit, displayed by all.' It said the ministers' invitation, to is a readiness to confer with him was "expressive of that. tre.­ others, to in~titute a dialogue in mendous impetus that is Illoving order to know how others think . C~ICAGO (NC), - ' Virtually men everywhere to approach of the important questions of all applicants to Catholk high one another with an open miIid man's destiny; to know, others schools in the Chicago archdio­ and a heart vivified with Cbris­ 'c~e ,,;ill be accepted next Sep­ better through that knowl­ tian charity." . tembe:r, according to Ms~. edge to come to an understand­ The occasion was especially ing of their thought and their Wiiliam E. McManus, archdioc_ significant because the Bishop ways." esan school superintendent. This and the association in 1946 will be possible because in the waged a long dispute over the last three years 15,000 new seata morality of gambling in general have been added to the archdio­ and church bingo in particular. cese's high schools, he said.' Sixteen years ago, Bishop ''This expansion represents an, Mussio wrote a pastoral letter - NEW ORLEANS (NC) - An investment of over $30,000,000 in to Catholics here taking a stand estimated 1,000 additional publie high school buildings," he said~ against the rode of morality he' and parochial school students in The program boosted the high said 'the association was trying this area will make closed re_ school system's seating capacity . to impose on the community. treats during the current school 1'09 71,000. ! The dh;pute received national year because of use of the KC­ attention and a book was written Abbey camp near Covington, La. on its ramific~tions. ·The camp was used as an ex­ 'Hospitality of Mind' perimental retreat center during Speaking in the Mount Zion the 1961-62 school year. It has ' ,.... Inc. I Baptist church here, Bishop .been in use every weekend since -, ,,' Mussio told a breakfast meeting October. A retreat is scheduled '. FUNERAL SERVICE of the Ministerial Association. of every weekend for the remainder Steubenville and Vicinity that of this school year, according to there is a spirit of hope for peace Sister Mary Barbara, O.P., of the 549 COUNTY ST. among men and the Vatican Confraternity of Christian Doe. Council has intensified this trine staff which sponsors the NIEW BEDFORD, MASS.

spirit. retreats. :'l.




Chic:ago High Sc;:hools Add 15,000 Desks


Students to Make

Retreat at Camp

;Michael C. Austin

Introduce Measures To Curb Obscenity WASHINGTON (NC) -Many congressmen on the opening day of the 88th Congress introduced bills and resolutions designed to deal with the problem of obscen­ ity. ..Rep. Glenn Cunningham of, Nebraska, sponsor of two such measures, told the House that "a new flood of objectionable and possibly obscene material ia being sent to persons across the country from New York and other places." Cunningham, cited the opera': tions of, one publisher whose promotional material has report. edly drawn 25,000 romplainta from persons to whom it was mailed.

Priests' Day The Holy Cross Fathers at St. Joseph's Hall, Tucker Road, North Dartmouth, will sponsor a day of recollection for priests from 12:30 to 4 Thursday after. noon, Feb. 7. The program will be held at the hall.

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(DpeR Evenings

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 17, 1963

Exh'orts Presence of Press -At 'Next Council Session

Expelled Pri'est Says Showdown·· Due in Sudan

WINDSOR (NC) - An easing of restrictions on the press during the second session of the Second Council which

convenes On September 8 was advocated here by Auxiliary

Bishop G. Emmett Carter of London, Onto "Many of us were not satisfied with the . bishops were surprised at how Council news service,". Bish­ ,outspoken they were." op Carter said.. "We felt the Bishop Carter said occasion­ secrecy observed at previous ally there were sharp differences Councils was no longer neces­ sary and that newspapermen should be allowed in the ses­ sions." European Attitude The Bishop said changes re· sulting from the Council will be mainly "in the areas of attitudes and ideas," but their effect "may Dot be felt for many, many years." He speculated: "Most of the changes will be permissive. Bishops may be given permis­ sion, for instance, to use more English in the Mass. But whether th.ey do so or not is up to them. They are not being told what to do." During an interview here Bishop Carter said the strongest advocates for changes in attitude were bishops from France, Ger­ many, Holland and Belgium. He added: "We Noth American

.Celebrate Mass In· Eight Rites ROME (NC)-Masses in eigbt different Rites and sermons in eight languages-including Gae. lie-highlighted Rome's annual eight-day prayer eampaign for Church unity, started 121 years ago by St. Vincent Pallotti. The octave was sponsored by members of the religious com. munity the new saint founded, the Society of the Apostolate­ generally known as the Pallot­ tine Fathers. It took place in the downtown Church of Sant' Andrea della Valle. The Rites were Maronite Byzantine-Ukrainian, Byzantine­ Rumanian, Byzantine-Slav, By­ zantine-Greek, Ethiopian, Syrian and Armenian. Besides Gaelic, the sermons were given in Ger­ man, Spanish, English, French, Dutch and Polish. St. Vincent started the eight­ day devotion as a solemn cele­ bration of the octave of the Epiphany to illustrate the Church's unity and universality, and to pray for a more perfect realization of these attributes.

of opinions on matters of meth­ ods and attitudes expressed dur­ ing the sessions·. He detailed: "Many bishops feel that often our doctrine is state~ too harshly. Those of other faIths are re­ pelled. Opinion. was expressed at the Council that emphasis should be shifted from the

statement of the dogram to the actual words of Christ, as recorded in the Gospels." Present Custom Passe Bishop Carter said former councils were concerned largely with condemnations and defini­ tions, but the Second Vatican Council has been considerably different. He said the stringent regulations governing the press is one of the hold-over customs from previous councils and should be changed. Reaction of observers from other faiths who attended the Council were described by Bishop Carter as "excellent." He said the non-Catholic observers were impressed by the freedom of speech and by the bishops' concern with making the Catho­ lic Faith significant to the aver­ age man.

Calls Teachers" Stand Absurd SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A resolution adopted by the Cali­ fornia Federation of Teachers advocating a ban on all religious practices, inclUding prayer, in public schools "has gone pretty far in the ... direction of absurd­ ity," a paper stated here.. The criticism came in an edi­ torial in the San Francisco Ex­ aminer, daily morning news­ paper. The editorial noted the teach­ ers favored a ban on all prayer, Christmas song and passages from the Declaration of Inde­ pendence and the Star Spangled Banner in which God is men­ tioned. The editorial said: "These are absurdities."

Urges More Sermons on Catholic View of Modern Socia I Problems CLEVELAND (NC) - A so­ Catholic faith and moral prob­ ciologist advocated here that lems of a personal nature form preachers devote more sel'lmons the major concern in preaching, to today's social problems with Msgr. Carney said. It viewpoint of a Catholic solu. "Our vision in most instances tion. -. does not comprehend the sins Msgr. Francis W. Carney, di­ of society, nor the relation be­ rector of St. John's College so­ tween private and public mor­ cial education institute, told the ality," he added. Catholic Homiletic Society that He emphasized -that colleges, as a group clergymen are not universities and seminarie-s only abreast of the scientific know­ recently have begun teaching ledge available today on social Catholic social doctrine· effec­ problems. tively. He urged a wider reading Some 75 priests from the U.S. program for priests. Negative Attitudes and Canada attended the so­ ciety's meeting which featured "Our sociaf lives are such that discussions on preaching and we often aspire to a social class teaching homiletics in semi­ beyond that in which we were naries. born, and we have little Major Concern _ lingering sympathy for the "Good social studies and eco­ problems of people we left behind," Msgr. Carney said. nomic analyses are seldom uti­ lized," Msgr. Carney said. "For "Our a t tit u des on social example, priests would be more problems are more likely to be inclined to read a popular digest in the negative. We seldom take on marriage and the family than - an affirmative and positive ap­ a scholarly publication." proach to pr~blems in terms of. Dogmatic facts relative to a Catholic solution." he added.

Bishop Reports BAKER (NC)-Bishop Fran­ ds P. Leipzig of Baker reported on the first session of the Second Vatican Council to members and guests of St. _Stephen Episcopal church here. The Rev. Mr. Louis L. Perkins, Rctor of St. Stephen, invited members of the Presbyterian IllIld Methodist churches to attend Iihe meeting. A question and an­ ~er period followed Bishop J"eipzig's ~ort.


GLEN OAKS (NC) - An American missionary priest just expelled from the Sudan said here that there "will

ROSARY MAKERS: Women employees at the Brqn­ eondi factory in Loreto, Italy, put the final touches on some of the 10 million rosaries and nine million medals produced in this shrine city: NC Photo.

Produces Rosaries Ancient Shrine City of Loreto Site of Modern Factory LORETO (NC) ~ The clang of stamping presses, the click of stringing machines and the whirling scream of steel cutting steel characterize the pious and prosperous faCtory of "Ditta Nicola Brancondi," which claims the title of the world's largest producer of rosaries. Chances are that if you have a rosary brought to you from Italy, it was made in this quiet shrine city not far from Venice on the AdrIatic. And even if your rosary was bought in America, it is quite possible it­ was made in Loreto, since the factory supplies 60 per cent of all rosaries imported in the United States. The factory was founded by Nicola Bra nco n d i in 1860. Though it still bears the foun­ der's name, the present boss is, one of his descendents, 38-year­ old Luigi Fanini. The energetic and enterprising Fanini _ has tr,ansformed the factory from a quiet family business into a big­ scale organization which turns out more than 10 million rosaries and nine million medals a year. Antique Setting The two-story, white-walled building stands at the base of the ancient stone walls above which rises the soaring basilica which .enshrines the Holy House of Loreto, believed to have been the house of Mary at Nazareth. Notwithstanding the antique

setting, the Brancondi factory is a thoroughly modern and tech­ nically complicated operation. Row on row of punch presses and stamping machines thunder­ ously turn out thousands of rosaries an hour. "We employ 350 people in the factory the year round and have another 1,400 at work in their homes," Fanini says proudly. The home workers are mostly women who pick up the com­ ponent parts which go into making rosaries and take them home to string them together. "We have always encouraged .work at home since it does not take the mother out of the house," he explained.

Prayer at Inaugura-I CONCORD (NC)-Bishop Er­ nest J. Primeau of Manchester gave the invocation at the inau­ guration of John W. King, 44, a Manchester lawyer, as New Hampshire's 88th Glovernor. King, son of an Irish immigrant shoemaker, is the first Demo. crat to serve as the state's chief executive in 40 years and the second Catholic to hold the office.



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definitely be a showdown" be. tween the Moslem-led govern· ment and the Negro minority in the southern Sudan. "I don't know how soon it will come, nor can I predict its sue. cess," said Father r.wrence Endrezzi, F.S.C.J., "but I am certain that it will come."

Father Endrezzi, a veteran of nine-and-a-half years' service in the southern SUdan, was inter­ viewed at his family's Long Is­ land home here.. Father Endrezzi said there was nothing dramatic about' his expulsion from the Sudan. "We had been told that we had six weeks to leave the country because the purposes of our coming to the Sudan no longer existed," he said. More to Follow He was among the first con­ tingent of 15 Catholic mission. aries from the Juba vicariate to be expelled as part of the Sudan's move to extinguish Christianity in the southern part of the country. At last report, some 50 Catholic missionaries and 10 -Protestant missionaries­ including five Americans with families - had been expelled from the Sudan. "More will follow," Father Endrezzi emphasized. "I know of at least four more from my vicariate who have received word that they must leave."


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Report Says USO Pr(ltgram Aided Troops' Moral'e In Crisis Buildup

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963

Diocesan Donors Aid Lepers

WASHINGTON (NC) - The 'USO program of the National Catholic Community Service in southern Florida bolstered'mor­ ale of thousands of U.S. service­ men during the Cuban crisis military buildup there, accord­ ing to a report. The report, submitted to the NCCS executive committee by its chairman, Edward B. Hanify. Boston attorney and a Fall River mitive, said hundreds of civilian volunteers - including members of church and women's groups, and top religious, busi­ ness and civic leaders - took part in the program. To help meet demands of the, critical situation, NCCS ,tempo-


The 10th annual World Lep­ from Page One patients. 'These latter work at rosy Day, whose purpose is to awaken public. opinion to the poultry breeding and reforesta­ plight of the world's 15 million tion projects. "Costs of everything have sufferers of Hansen's disease (leprosy) has been set for Jan. ~ed," writes the missioner. "Gas for our five vehicles is 27. The observance is sponsored about .70 per gallon and weare by the Catholic-oriented Order of Charity headed by Raoul Fol­ over $5,800 in debt for two am­ bulances bought last year-c _ lereau of France. "Another costly setback is due to the return to us of some 80 children from an orphanage that bad received them. We can't send them back to their diseased parents and to provide new quar­ ters for the youngsters is a problem." NEW YORK (NC) - The Father Sweeney reports that other missions in his area are National Legion of Decency receiving aid from European in 1962 put most of the countries "taking over some of American films it reviewed our stations and allowing us to in one of its three "A" classifi­ visit new ones. These are big cations. advances, but millions of dollars One hundr.ed and fifty-three and hundred1l of workers are of the 187 U.S. movies reviewed needed to wipe out leprosy." were placed.in the "A" group, He pays tribute to his co­ according to a statistical sum­ workers, including a young mary of, the legion's work. The Korean woman doctor who has summary is part of a legion worked with the mission since booklet listing films reviewed 1956. She was recently operated from October, 1961, to October, on for' gastric cancer, with her chance of recovery given -as 1962. _The legion rated 66 domestic 1 in 100. Although two-thirds of her films, or 35.30 per cent of the stomach 'was removed, siie U.S. films reviewed, as in Class . A-II. Fifty-one domestic films, walked down five stories and out. of the hospital 12 days after or 27.27 per cent, were rated as her operation. Father Sweeney Class A-I, morally unobjection­ able for general patronage. credits her recovery to the pray­ Thirty-six or 19.25 per cent, ers ·of her co-workers and pa­ were rated Class A-III, morally tients all over Korea. unobjectionable for adults. High Praise Twenty-seven American films, The missioner himself was the or 14.44 per cent, were placed in Class B, morally objectionable recipient last August of a cita­ tion from the President of in part for all. No American Korea, awarding him the Order films were condemned in 1962, of Cultural Merit National Medal but seven were placed in for his work in promoting the separate classifications. Of the 88 foreign films re­ "spiritual, physical and social welfare" of the people of Korea. viewed, the legion condemned 15, seven more than in 1961 and His comment was that the dis­ tinction had been equally earned the highest total for any year since the legion began rating in by his co-workers in the Cath­ 1936. olic Leprosy Service. It rated 22 foreign films all W~th his report, Father Swee­ ney sent Msgr Considine a copy Cla,ss A-I; 14 as A-II; 15 as A-III; of a description of conditions in 19 as Band 3 as separate. South China under the Com. munists. The Chinese document was prepared by a young mem­ LA PAZ (NC)-Construction ber of the Legion of Mary -who has started on Bolivia's first escaped to Hongkong six years ago. It is the last definite word Catholic university, it was an· Maryknollers have received nounced here by Archbishop about their Gate of Heaven Carmine Rocca, Apostolic Nun­ cio to -this South American Asylum in Ngai Moon, China. n details atrocities against country. The university, scheduled to members of the Legion of Mary open in 1964, is located in Co­ and sacrileges committed in the chabamba, Bolivia's second larg­ Ngai Moon chapel. Many Le­ est city. Archbishop Rossa said gionaries were jailed and tor­ it will be "one of the largest and tured, some barely survived, ac­ most complete on the continent." -cording to latest reports and at least one former mission em­ 'ployee died bf starvatiqn.

Classify Most

1962 Movies

In Class 'A'

First University

Pope Receives Copy

Of 1963 Yearbook

, VATICAN CITY (NC) - The first copy of the 1963 official Vat i can yearbook, Annuario Pontificio, has been presented to Pope John by Archbishop An­ gelo Dell'Acqua, Substitute for Ordinary Affairs of the Papal Secretariat of State. The 1,864-page' yea r boo k carries statistics as of Dec.' 31, 1962. It has 38 more pages than the 1962 edition because of the increased number of bishops and the listings of the various com.. missions and other organizations connected with the Ecumenical Council. , Twenty of the car din a I s' coat's-of-arms have been altered to include episcopal crosses on those of the cardinal deacons who were consecrated bishops by the Pope last Holy Thursday and to include the devise of the Knights of Malta on the shields of cardinals who belong to that order.

'Hospital Addition ~ALAMAZOO (N C )' : A $185,000 gift from the Kalamazoo Foundation will allow Borgess Hospital, operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph here in Michigan, to complete a construction proj­ ect started in 1958 but stalled because of lack of fundt

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Sister Mary 'Ellen Berna­ dette, O. Carm., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Mag a n 0, 531 East Main Street, Fall River, has pro­ nounced perpetual vows as a Carmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm. The com­ munity staffs the Catholic ­ Memorial Home, Fall· River and Our Lady's Haven, Fair­ haven.

Cardinal Insists Pope Is Well BOSTON (NC)-The health of His Holiness Pope John XXIU is still good, Richard Cardinal Cushing said, "despite the ru­ mors you may hear." The Arch­ bishop of BQSton cited himself as an example of how unfounded rumors about the health of prominent churchmen may be circulated. "Don't believe the rumors that the Pope has cancer and .will die and that's the _end of the Ecu­ menical Council," he .said. "Eight years ago they said I had ,cancer and gave me eight months to live-but I'm still here and hope to be for some time." The Cardinal spoke briefly at a private Mass he, offered for Mrs. George S. McKenna of Needham on her 99th birthday. More than 50 members of Mrs. McKenna's family attended the Mass, which was offered in the home of her son-In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Cauley of Needham.


Fuel and Range


BOMBAY (NC) - Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, said here that China's aggression against India was the logical outcome of the commu­ nist country's decade-long re­ cord in North Korea, Vietn~. Tibet, Burma and Malaya. He said at a sPecial symposium on the Indo-Chinese conflicttlUit "it has jerked WI back into reality from the artificial atmOs­ phere we had created fot our­ selves." He asserted that in trusting China, India had forgotten that she was not dealing with the China of philosophers of a thousand years. ago but with a new China which is essentially "expansionist" and backed by a dangerous ideology. Cardinal




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crisis of the invasion had brougbt India back, to spiritual realit7. ' "Man 'needs God, if not for an;r­ thing else, for the hourly strife 01' everyday life." he said. rarily' transferred two stat! memberll from Washington tie Florida. They are Isabel Powell 'and Nancy Lilly. . _'Over Wide Area The rl~port Indicated that one of the most important Service. during tms period was assistance - to chaplains, including distri~ _tion of more than 15,000 religioutl articles. The men served by NCCS were scattered over a wide area from Homestead to Fort Lauder­ dale. R e que-s t s poured into Thomas Buller, NCCS director in. Miami for playing cards, small games, stationary, maga­ zines, and other reading ma­ terial. Appeals for these items were made through televisiOJl, radio and newspapers and three truckloads of such items weN distributed to the various basea. Free tickets were provided tit football games, theaters, restau­ rants, s kat i n g and bowliDC arenas. Sightseeing trips We1!8 organized. College and other e. . tertainment groups staged a&­ base shclws and families invitecl men to their homes for dlnner& Several hun d red additional junior volunteers were recruited for danees and social activi~ NCCS rl~ports.


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Cites Failure to Distinguish

Trif,ling From Tremendous

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of


Ages gone by, in the paleolithic period. of our seminary days; a new book by Gilbert K. Chesterton was an event of IlOwering importance. He was a bright star of our firma­ ment, dispelling the murk of textbook and enehiridion, and Ilis penchant for paradox, up to a point at least, was the ledges, but he finds her less whetstone of our callow imi­ prone to indulge in trivialities many of the sects with tation.. Therein, of course, . than which he is more intimately

_ked the danger, for he was the familiar. 'Worst of all possible models to Church Finance . Ilk to, the des­ This is gratifYing, surely, pair of the dis­ though it may be countered by cerning and the our own consciousness of the perfect pitfall ac~al amount of triviality which lor the facile. is found in the conduct of the l5ut it was Catholic life. There are tre­ «lorious fun at mendous trifles (with an em­ the time to phasis quite the opposite of what Ile mmer "the Chesterton intended) in every lteretics in 'his phase of institutional Catholic aanner, and in­ living, trifles which are trans­ esmuch as the ferred all too easily into the per-. Ileretics .seemed sonal experience of that life. to enjoy it as When we consider, for ex­ aueh as he did, thel'e was ample - ample; the amount of time and .tertainment all around. Bow will remembered, thus, energy expended upon a detail like church finance, a matter was the announcement of Tre­ aenoous -Trifles, a collection of which ought to be handled with . . lugitive essays. Pennies an absolute minimwn of fuss were saved for it and its arri~l and confusion, the criticism comes home to us. Ill. the mail was hailed with We have not yet reached 8everential joy. maturity in dealing with this It failed, inevitably, to live problem, and as a result our im­ WIP to such expectations, what maturity hounds us, clergy and book would not under so cloying laity alike. The trifle becomes • handicap. The best thing about tre1pendous in parish and dioce­ • was its title, a kind of inspired san life. laucksterism, for the trifles dis-' - Couneil A~ne~ tussed were indeed tremendous, Then there are trivialities of matters like the existence of Cod, the immortality of the soul, status in Catholic living, found ed the cheering properties of as commonly among the laity as among the clergy. How much a sound beer. these clog the' way of progress or Chesterton could rise, on oc­ even deflect the workings of easion, to superlative heights, gl"ace only those experienced in but he was also capable of des­ such domestic details can know. cending to rather dreary depths There has been evidenced, of prose posturing and staying during the first session of the there page after page. Council, an acute consciousness Profound Philosopher of the evil implicated in this triviality and a strong desire to Yet he was, withal, a genu­ .ely profound philosopher. The deal handly with it. Please God it succeeds! The Church is the .an who could grasp the es:­ .ence of Thomistic thought and first of all.the. democracies in translate it for contemporary her essential spirit; she must .nderstanding with such not remain manacled by a relic of feudal aristocratism. lItrength and ease as he' demon­ lItrated in his study of the , Birth Prevention Angel 'of the Schools was no We Catholics recognize these mere popularizer. It was as trivialities and identify them.. 60ugb he communed with the Sometimes we move to elimi­ insights of St. Thomas' and had nate them, though in this we are made them the verY substance often the victims of inertia. of his own mind. But we know them for what One is tempted to lament the . they are, trifles.. We distinguish them from the things that really ~cessity which drove him to journalism week after week, count. We may do it instinctively but we do it. though with the kindred rea!iza­ ....on that for certain natures the In this we stand in contrast coad of the deadline is the only with those who do not share the oifset for sheer laziness. calm guidance of the teaching Church. Dr. Niebuhr himself, in It was the title. of his book which came to mind the other article cited, affords an uncom­ day when reading an article in fortable illustration of this dif­ Christianity and Crisis written ference, which amounts in reali­ ty to a failure to distinguish the by Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr. It dealt with the blatant triviality trifling from the tremendous. For in speaking of the relig­ of so much of modern institu­ tional Christianity, particularly ious trifles which sunder men today he lists as a fault of the regarded as an obstacle of enor­ mous weight lying in the path Catholic Church her perennial of an approach- to Christianity insistence upon condemning ar­ - generically - on the part of tificial birth prevention as a sin tIlose sincere non-believers who ag,ainst the fundamental moral . . are interested solely in what is . law. of final significance. It is this triviality, he· remarks, which baffles men today, and Lashes FoI17 leads them to wonder if the As one of the outstanding Church can be sincere or well­ Protestant theologians and writ­ .-s of the day, Niebuhr-has never informed. Life Is Tremendous tgared the lash in castigating ~igious folly of whatever kind, But life is not a trifle. Life it is charaeteris1:ic ·of happens to be tremendous. And him that he bas 'been tar more U is this strange bllndnesloa aerci1ea to its manifestation the part of Dr. Niebuhr and so . . oontemporaIT Protestantism man,- of his colleagues in the tIum in the catholic Church. Protestant minist:r7 which in He does not understand the turn baffles us. Cburcb, as he eandidly aclmowFor it is life itself which is at .take in this whole vexatioua problem, and it is life itself which they seem to expect us to WASHINGTON (NC) A be willing to forswear. t28,700 National Science Founda­ This is the inability to ten tion grant has been made to the what is trifling from what is College' of St. Teresa conducted tremendous with a vengeance" Only when we shall have elimi­ ~ the Sisters of 81. Francis at Winona, Minn., to conduct a six­ nated life can the problem be­ wee k mathematics Summer come .trifling. By then, when. tr'ainin.g course for elementary death reigns supreme, it wont -.:hool personneL matter.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963

Pope Grants Tradition'al Audience to VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope .John contrasted the openings of the First and Second Vatican Ecumenical Councils at his an. nual audience for Rome's nobil­ ity. The nobles were l~d by Prince Aspreno Colonna, Prince A~ist.. ant at the Papal Throne, who paid homage to the Pope and expressed joy over the opening of the· council and the Pontiff's recovery from his recent illness.

Pope John noted that the opening of the Second Vatican Council was greeted with respect by all levels of society-through­ out the world and with a spon­ taneity and cordiality that he called truly exceptional. . Wide Representation The beginning of the First Vatican Council was quite dU­ ferent, the Pontiff pointed out. He recalled that many govern­

ments were hostile to the sum­ moning of that council and that the response of non-Catholic churches to the invitation fA) attend it from Pope Pius IX was saddening. On the contrary, he said, 86 special missions were sent by the world's nations to the second council's opening ceremonies, while there was wide represen­ tation of non-Catholic churches during the council.


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...,, T':fE ANCH9R-,-Oiocese oUall. River-Th.urs.,)~n.17, 1963 . .. ,-. "


Unity Since the Chair of Unity Octave began iIi 1907 as an

"eight-day period of prayer for religious unity, its influence

has been felt with ever-increasing force. Indeed, the first fruits were to bring its founder, Father Paul Francis, and his Episcopalian religious communitY'" - the Society of the Atonement - into the Church two years after the

'Octave began.

The Octave begins tomorrow and with the remarkable changes in the religious atmosphere of the world brought about by Pope John and the Ecumenical Council, the aims of the Octave seem more realistic and give more encouragement for hope than ever before. . One of the results of past Octaves is certainly in evidence today. The idea of reunion, looked upon only a few short years ago as a wild hope or a most extraordinary dream of faith, now seems quite within the realm of pos­ sibility, perhaps not right away or even for many years, • but as a realizable possibility s9me day. If praye~ of the past have caused this present situa­ tion to come to pass, prayers now and in the future must be redoubled to build on what has been started.

8, lEY. JOHN ..



S1. aathony's Church, R", lIedfonl

Readers are invited to submit que.. Ii6n on religious matters of general intere~t. As evidence of g~od 'Iaith, all questions must be signed. Nam~ wiU Mt, however, be published. Address inquiries to Rev. John' 1L Foister, St. Anthony Rectory, 1359 Acushnet Ave.; New Bedford, Ma-.

Eulogy for a Wall


OF Robert M: Hutchins, president of the Fund for the Republic and former chancellor of the University of Chicago, PRAYER spoke ~m encouraging eulogy when he said this week that the "wall of separation" between church and state, had no future. ' th~ W ££k With th£ Hutchins attacked this phrase as a figure of speech rather than a reasonable idea. The Constitution of the By REV. ROBERT W. H()VDA, ~atholic University United States, in touching on what has become a very complicated issue, concerns itself primarily with prohibiting the establishment of anyone religion to the detriment of TODAY-St. Anthony, Abbot.' " MONDAY-,-St. Agnes, Virgin; all others. The Constitution does not attempt to solve the ' Monks 'may be freed '(as' are­ Martyr. The first session of the' questions arising from the presence of many religions in women Religious and priests in Ecumenical Council has made a country by the phrase "wall of separation"-a phrase, the West) from the responsibil­ Catholics more conscious' than incidentally, first written by President' Thomas Jefferson, ities of normal family life. 'But­ ~ver before of the 'scandal of their salvation is no more soli­ Christian disunity, So the, annual, a ma,n Who did not bike, part in the adoption of the First tary than that of the rest of us, week ,of pray,er for the ur:ti~y of Amendment to which it is a~plied. for their vows bring them into' the Church has a special appeal' The Constitution also guarantees the exercise of free­ a different kind of family, no, and urgency for us this year. dom to all religions. And, Hutchins maintained, aid to all less social, no less demanding of The virgin has always been a' educational institutions that meet federal standards would self-denial, but illustrating an­ symbol of the Church. This feast other aspect of the Gospel mes­ of a virgin martyr reminds us of promote religious freedom as well as education. And in­ sage. "The Son of Man is com­ the and imperfection cidental aid to religion as a by-product can be disregarded, ing" (Gospel) is a vivid expec-' whichsuffering are realities of the' 'as it has been disregarded in the case of legislation on tation in the Church and must Churchs' existence in this world.. bus transportation, free text books, hospitals, the GI Bill be vividly seen even in her', We must pray ,and work for unity. But also we must underof rights, school lunches, the National Defense Education earthly life. TOMORROW-Mass as on Sun-: stand' that in time and on ear·th Act, and scholarship and fellowships awarded by public agencies, some of which are granted to theological schools. day. Lest that concern for our ' the answer.' to our prayer may The fact is that private' and parochial schools are just as brothers and sisters, for our fam- not be preCIsely what, we expect. , ily and social nature, become an much public schools as are those which carry the name excuse TUESDAY-SS. Vincent and for unfaithfulness to God, public school. For private and parochial schools serve the the Gospel teaches that we serve ,Anastasius, Martyrs. The total public interest, perform a pubiic function, foster th~ pub­ others best, as Jesus served us reliance of the Church upon God lic good, and are considered public for pm,:poses of compul­ all, by absolute fidelity to the' is, the ,great lesson of today's Father's Will. Christian love, is Mass. As we pray for the unity sory attendance laws. not matter of following the of Christians, it is a salutary Private and parochial schools, no less than public othera sheep, of being borne along thought. How much of our divi­ schools, exist by the will of the 'parents in whom is vested by every breeze or fashion. sion and separation has come about because we have been the privilege and the right to educate children. No one school system has the right to set itself up ns a monopoly' ST. MARY ON SATURDAY. more ~ttentive to kings and gov­ Mother and Bride ( Gospel and ernors, parents, brothers, rela­ in the educational field. tives and friends (Gospel), than ::Communion Hymn) are the Vir­ If private and parochial schools perform a public func­ gin's great titles of veneration. we have been to, the Word of tion, then they have just as much right to public funds as Her ministry is, as is the minis-. God? a school established by a civic community. And if, as a by­ try of every Christian, one which - St. Raymond· product of public aid, religion is aided" then this is inci­ points to and serVes another. She of WEDNESDAY Pennafort, Confessor. Our' dental to the public service performed. Indeed, to go a step seeks no spotlight, makes no opening' prllyer (Collect) today claims. "Behind her the virgins further, it is a working out of the Constitutional guarantee shall be led 'to the king" (En-' links the holy man we celebrate', of freedom of religion. trance Hymn). All is for the with confession and' penance,



Rev. James O. Yerkes re­ eentJy commended the "open h 0 u Is e" experiment held a.t St. J'ames CI~urch, New Bed­ lord. But, as ~e pointed out, is therE' the same enthusiasm in looking at things Protestant? Do Ilriests actually forbid all Catholics to honestly seek re­ union with Protestants? How can they when higher offidals seem. to be encouraging it? And how can we invite Prot.' estants, Jews and others to our services without doing them the same courtesy, and thus encouraging true' unity? H.U.

The entire Catholic Church suffer,s from having a great pari of Christianity , living separate­ ly from the Christ - founded body today. It

was such a con­

scious suffering

't ha t bloomed 'Into the CO'1­ \loking of the Seconel Vatican

Council. It is an

attempt to put

the h 0 use in order, to re-examine all that might give reason for continuing this separation, to clarify and show the Church' in its true light and tlierefore be able to proudly and correctly boast, "Here, my friends, is the Cath­ olic Church in all its splendor. Come, look a,nd see. Return to your place there, the place that was your own fathers'." (Pope John) In this there can be no d~if­ ference' between the 'Pope, and Bishops and Priests. The Priests are only the ministers, the rep­ resentatives of the area's Bish­ op. They repeat his work on a smaller and more intimate scale. All of them are animated with the p:rofound desire that 'Waf! Christ"s "that, aU may be one." But all of them also hold' to certain 'restrictions concerni'ng psrticipation in non - Catholic worshi.p. It was the Pope and Bishops who constituted it pa·rt Of Canon Law and it is they who are its official interpre1 ~rs. The "open hO,use" of St. James 'Church was an echo of, the King. Our devotion to her must Christian'reunion). Hard enough it is to confess Council. 'It' was an attempt '.'to not obscure t~is central truth. our own sins and accept our re- dispel some false ideas and perSECOND SUNDAY AFTER - sponsibility. How much more haps, to- make mutual religioull The drivers of Massachusetts have established an un­ EPIPHANY. Jesus continues His difficult to involve our ancestors ideas more clear." It was nob in enviable high for the year just concluded by breaking a Epiphany (His manifestation as and venerated figures of' the any s,ense a ,religious service. 25-year record of deaths. The year 1962 saw 700 die, on Lord) at a wedding feast (Gos-. past in the kind of penance fOr When Protestants and others are pel). His touch transforms water corporate guilt which is part' of, invited to our services, it is cerMassachusetts streets and highways. The figure is appalling. And, despite all the measures 'to wine, an earthy feast to a the healing process sought by _ tainly not so that they ,may of eternal happiness. the ecumenical movement! participate, in such. Only Catho­ taken by' the community - strict ticket enforcement, re­ sacrament The Mass itself is an example, lics possessing the deputation evaluation of dangerous areas, more intensive driver of that transforming touch. !,-", 'Jap'ariese Premier" given 'by Baptism and Confirm a­ training programs - ,the ultimate responsibility is in the human meal, human fellowshIp, ", ' , , t i o n , may offer together' witb hands of the driver, the individual himself. around a table, becomes at the Lauds Pope John the priest" the Sacrifice of the , ' . ' Mass. . ­ A sign along the Connecticut Turnpike says, "You Last Supper a sacred sign of, glory. "The Lord sent forth' :rO~YO (NC)-Japa~.ese P!eHowever, the invitation ex­ drive as you live." It is an accurate one. A person's driving final his Word and healed them", mler Hayato Ikeda praIsed Pope tended, to us by many Protestants reflects his personality, his character - or lack of it, his (Gradual) has for the Christian:~ John X:XIII i~ his .New Year's is not such. Here we are invited emotions and their degree of control. a universal application. message to thIS natIOn. to take an active part in their Only negation, sin, is excluded The Premier, a Buddhist, said service. This we cannot do. As in from the blessing of His coming that the person who impressed all things, charity must reign and His hard won dominnion." 'him' most during his tour of but' charity on both sides. There The application is most obvious,: ,~urope last year' was the P~m- must be an honest attempt to un­ most apparent in the case of tiff. He stated that the Pope" derstand the other's point 'of . those earthly things which He' impressed him not only as a view also. The invitation must "has made actual instruments of' religious leader' but as a man be received with kindneSs 'ahd , ,His grace: the water of Baptism,': who ,personifies the,qualities-he appreciation. The Cat ho Ii c'.

the bread and wine, of the' most admires. stance - revealing belief·' in

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Eucharist, etc. He transforms' He said that w;hen he and his something, definite, authorita­

without destroying. He creates party met the' Pope he had a tive, should more than just be

Published weekly by The Catholic Press at the Diocese at Fall Ri'!er a new reality without mutilating feeling that there' was a man respected but also be valu'ed 410 Highland Avenue the old. who "is not of.this world. He highly. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-]151 ,So the First Reading teaches declared that the meeting with If one, does, not draw, the,line that the fellowship of His Mys- ' "the Pope, together with his ob- somewhere, where will we PUBLISHER tical Body is a unity of diverse" servations in some of the more stop? If one can - because .of Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0.. PhD. beings, with none of the richness' Catholic parts of: Europe, had politeness - participate in any GENERAL MANAGER ASST, GENERAL MANAGER (or oddities of our humanness" given him an irisight into a deep form of worship, then why not Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. ,lost in the ,process of incorpora- religious feeling 'which is 30' attend pagan rites also? Sf.. Paul MANAGING EDITOR .:,tion. The Word heals, makes noticeably lacking 'in the Japan:'luore than once gave, the .. Wl;101e, by love ,Qf today." ,, ,~ .Turn .to 'P.age Sevev Hugh J. Golden

Appalling Figure




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tlCluistian" ~,thatenough. To, clay., names meaQnext:~:hoth-

:;;t'D~~i~ ri:~::~IY ~~

there is something C)f'Christ is all of them. But somethiitg is not' enough. We are not at liberty to worship Christ as our desires IRld whims dictate, We' must worship Him as He has' demanded and pointed out and authoritatively appointed tb e Church to act in His Name. That is the only sure way. Others may be attractive, easy, emo'tionally-satisfying but they are men's ways and not God's.' '. Secondly, the Church's reStric, 'tions are established so as ~o do more than try to point. our Christ's way. They are to preach from the housetops a doctrine distasteful to many today:, one 'cannot be i n d iff ere n tj. one church is not as good as another. The Catholic Church is alone the one, •true Church established 'personally and for all times by 'Jesus Christ.






..' :





',Jjy Man.<nt..Unsworth

~ Cites Advantages Of Closer State, Church Relation

Thurs•• J,an.,17. 1963,'

. ' As is ,the ciLSewith mo~t· ,padshe~ 'i~,:the 'Diocese, as well as those throughout' the countrY, St. William's in Fall River h~d humble beginnings. When 'the new parish was SAN JUAN (NC) ....,...Ad­ established in 'June of 1905 from St. Patrick's parish, Mass was first celebrated in a vantages of h arm 0 n i-o us store on Stafford, Road: 'very soon, however, Rev. Patrick E. McGee, ,first pastor, built Church~tate relations in a both a church and rectOry " ' n a t i o n were pointed up by '" , at the' edge of the secti9n Archbishop, James Peter Davis , 0 W 'as M apIewood p'ark. of San Juan in a sermon at the 1m That r c to r y, since comCathedral of San Juan Bautista.


Gov. Luis' Munoz Marin of pletely renovated and redecoPuerto Rico was in the congre­ rated, still ,serves ,as the, resi­ dence for the clergy of St. Wil- ' gation which assisted at the

11am's Church. Mass honoring Our Lady of Pro­ The original church wasrevidence, protectress of Puerto

Rico. Also present was Bishop placed year ago Alfre'd F . Men d ez, C ..., S C 0f 'th' ab little tifulover a edifi of WI t a eau Geone~ dC~ Arecibo, P~R. .

con emporary rglan eSlgn. "There are several authorities

The old St. William'S, which had in this world," Archbishop

been built underground, has Davis said. "When these autho­ been turned into a haIl for rUies unite in the harmonious

parish recreation, suminer school understanding of fruitful colla- 0

and all-purPOse space. ' boration, society is well served

In May of 1911, Father McGee, and God is truly served.

who had done so much, to estabNorms of ,Conduct

Ush the new parish, left and was "The fundamental principles

succeeded by Monsignor Henry . of morality revealed to man in

J Noon, who remained at st. Thirdly, there are dangers to , William's for only two years. . nature, in the exercise of his be avoided by Catholics. If one Monsignor John McKeon was ' proper reason and in the divine were to indiscriminately parti- named third pastor. The history positive revelation are the norms eipate in non-Catholic services, of St. William's is not one 'of of conduct and the fruits are be would expose himself to de- many drastic changes but of peace and prosperity," the Arch­ veloping a indifferent, atti~~de constant. application to parish ,bishop said. The Governor had been in­ and weak ening hi sown L;.'th ....,. . duties, of gradual improvements ST. WI~LIAM'S, FALL RIVER ,Bis presence ma,y alS,O,be a c;l.use and alterations as needed, and ,ited to the Mass by the Con­ ,"'th' ' fraternity of Our Lady of Provl­ dal to 0 th er wealt-er " of scan. ~canof steady g r o w t . t e d p astor a t St. Patrl'ck Hurley su.....eeded him. d ence, W:..u<;.U. '-'-'­ o11cs and to ProtestantswlW neyh was . appom .." sponsored the ~flUi.cklYsee that this Father Do7'1e William's. He' served ,t her e " Father Hurley was to remain ceremony. The Governor's pre­ .posedly cherished faith does not,,' ,In 1921, Rev. John P.Doyle throughout the war and post- two years, until the assignment sence was regarded as another ;.ctually mean thatmueh, tiP' him.", came to St. William's parish, to :war period, and in 1949,' Rev. In 1951, of Msgr. Raymond Con- step' in heali~ the breach ~Xindre£usal would per)1ap,s pro-, remain, almost tWenty years; , sidine, 'who is the present pastor. tween Church and State whieh " yoke food for thouglitanti 'lead: During his pastorate, Rev. Thom,It is due to Msgr. Considine tbatflared intO the open two yean , ' 'to an intellectual inquirY the ' as F. Maloney~ later to become, St. William's parish can boast ago• . !~i.trch'sPosi:tion. rector' of Louvatn University , " ,its gracious rectory and taste~ . ' ..'" and late AWl:iliary Bishop of fully appointed new church. Zouaves to Donate ReUnion of Christian Chur~hes, the D i 0 c e s e of ProVidence, , would be graee bey~ndimagina- . served as assistant in the Fall LONDON' (NC) - Trafalgar ~isting bi~ in caring f~r ap- Pontifical Throne tlon. It is not foreseetl for the River parish for two years. Square, forum in the heart of proXimately ,2500 parishioners QUEBEC, (NC)...;.The ,Papal Immediate future by either-ProtDur' last this capital where politicians have been Rev. Lester Hull and, Zouaves of Quebec will present atant or Catholic authorities. - mg the ' few years of and rabblerousers traditionally ,for the past three years, R~v., the pontifical throne for the new But there is hope' that men will ,Father Doyle's pastorate, he was goad London crowds, will ,be the James A. McCart~y: Cons~ctl?n Basiliea of OUr La~ of the Holy I rally to the call of Christ. Such W,hoanbdd'Rev·edJames ~stan' Gleason, site of a rally marking Chris- of the ne~ edIfice, With Its Rosary at Cap de la Madeleine, -'- m' this momen~ of w - a servas aSS! t after Mund baptistry and centu.... old , Is the Chur..... • Father' Maloney, continued u'e tians' desire for unity next Sun- bell, was begun . ~Que., it was announced here b,. ' ' OIl by' MagInnis, Co iL unc work of the parish until Father day. . -, Walsh and Kennedy in Septem- Col. A. A. Trudel of the organ, But there shall not be a dis- . Doyle's death. CatholIcs, AnglIcans and rep- ber f 1960 It d d" t d b ization. uuction of aU in d i v I dual III 1940, Rev. 'Francis J; Malo- resentatives of other major . 0 • was e lea e y The original Papal Zouaves, a churches so as to creat'some new ' Christian churches will climb Bishop Connolly Nov. I, 1961. volunteer corps which formed congregation that shall thence-. 'onto the giant base of the Parish organizations, in addi- 'the principal part of the' ponti. forth be called by all "Christ's ,column honoring Lord N,elson tion to Christian Doctrine classes fieal military forces, were chiefChurch." Christ has not ,failed, . and speak about the cause, of " taught by nine Sisters of Mercy, ,ly French and :peIgians recruited in hispromise'to watch over and the Octave of Prayer for Chris- include the Women's Guild; the in 1890 to defend Pope Pius XL , guide the Church until He ~ tim Unity to the Sunday Ctlristophers, Boy Scouts and Later other countries raised vol­ ,turn to judge. 'FhiS,He, has: ' , VATICAN CITY (NC) -Pope crowds. All will join in reciting ,Brownies. unteers for the Zouave corps.

, always done, is doing, and, shall John said here that the work of the Lord's Prayer and in a read­ do. This very same Qhu.rch; has . ,rewriting draft resolutions, for' ,ing from the Bible. ' , ~lways existed ,since He 1;ounded,the next session of the Ecumeni-, The Catholic Bishops of Eng~ it, does now exist, and shall con- cal Council is moving swiftly , land and Wales decided at their '" tinueto do so. There are today but quietly. I ' ,October meeting in Rome to en. found many substitutes, many At an audience granted to , Courage the observance of the ," yariations . of this one ,Ch~ch, , ,Rome's Mayor Glauco Della octave from Jan. 18 to 25 .with Institute ·of Adult Education, , but the one Church still is here. 'Porta, the Pope also said that he ,special solemnity.

Union Ia the returning ofaR hopes the Council's second sesThey recommended that spe­ 1963 Spring Session~ , these groups to the one Fold. sion, scheduled to open Sept. 8, cial votive :Masses for' the unity Charity and justice demand that, will be its last. of the Church be 'offered on the TUESDAYS-FEBRUARY 5 -APRll.30r 7:30 -9:30 P.Me such a return be as kind as posPope John said: . first and last days of the octave, "The work of preparing the and suggested evening Masses aible. The earnestness and overRegtstratiof'l by men1 Of' February 5 and Febnrary 12-7:00 PoM. to ':30 ".M. flowing love of the searching second and, if God wills it, the or Benediction on days of the .. Holy CfoOIi HaR ' ' Father' must 'replace all' aspects' last session continueS' at an ac-, octave pastors judged practi~al. Minim"", 12 per cia... $20~ payabl. at reglstratloft, of a judge or conqueror. But in' celerated rhythm, but almost ell Christ - His Will - must silently. " reign; there can be no compro-, ' "We trust in the prayers and British Organization ClASSES (ltart February 5), 7:30"9:30 P.M. mises on that. We as Catholics • the active collaboration of the Aids Peru Mission COHVERSAOONAL FRENe ~ ,must ever 'be careful that the' laity, which bas already , been LIMA (NC) - Twenty-eight REAL ESTATE door is ever open, that our love, shown in many. ways and which dispensaries aided b,. the Catho­ SPEED READING and charity is always eager ,to go haS been welcomed." lie Relief ,Service' - National. f~rth, that there are no obstacles ., CREATiVE WRITING FOI PLEASURE. PROFIT 'AND PUIlICATION Catholic Welfare Conference' in th2 way. Difficulties? 'Of PUaLlC SPEAKING Spanish Employers mission in, Peru have received eourse' there will be But PAINTING AND DRAWING $3,000 from the Oxford Commil;­ with honest attempts, charitable CttARM AND POI$E PIe d ge M ore Pay tee for Famine Relief, a British encounters, t rue intellectual COMMUNISM: OlD PHILOSOPHY, NOW NfW DIRECTIONS LOYOLA (NC) A group fund-raising organization that aearching, but especiallJ' with INSURANCE of Catholic ,employers in this helps refugees and needy people the grace of Christ, who caD Basque province of Guipuzeoa throughout the :world. , PERSONNa. MANAGEMENT bann us! lAWS have pledged joint17 to give The donation was ,the first their workers an active share sent by the 'Oxford oqanization . HOW TO USTEN TO MUSIC ,£ n doms Bowling in the operation of thetr con"; fa its program to assist indigent MATHEMATiCS REVIEW ' cerns. people in Latin America. ' ( e -.. waft may be adjvltedto needs, deW. aftd badarCM!ftd All ey I n te gralon, t· It was in Guipuzeoa that railThe $3,000 was presented to oIltvdenb.) LOUISVILLE (NC) - , '1be ,road workers firlIt went on strike '1 u. n Car din a 1 Landazuri THE A I C. Of THE STOCK MARJCET Louisville arehdiocesan ia November, 1961, • move R'cketts, 0 .F .-., ..... ~"U A -'-bisbo U i.... .. ed ffHoi,. ~_ I P 0f THE CttUaors TEACttlNGS ON BUSlN~SS. LABOR AND GOVERNMENr ~ame' n OR uas enuors e or... which sparked further labor Lima, by Henry C. Ravazzin, THE FORMAnON Of AMfRICANPOlmCAL OPiNION to achieve racial intell'ation of ,protests .in much of 'northern,' director of the CRS-NCWC mis­ ,NUTRmoN,(~ those iistWe,ted in ,cliett" hoine, ~~et. hygien" local ,bow:ling alleYL " ,Spain. B,. the end ,of last lIIaT. 'aon in Lima. Medicines will be .. , . ' . ' , Effect o'fthe action is to put approximately 100,000 workers pu r c ,h a sed with the funds, .,~",.,_._ , Louisville's largest bowling or· in the northem region were on ',:Ravazzin said. 'PlEASEREGISTH WITH: ganziation in back of ~ inte-, strike despite the, :fac:t that grationeffort. Louisville Holy Spanish law makes it ilfegal to . ,REV. EDWARD F. HENNESSY. C.S.C•• DIRECTOR ,Name Societies sponsor' 146 ,strike. " University Grallf INSTlTUT~ OF ADUlT~UCATION teams bowling at eight alleys. The decision to give the DAYTON (NC)-~ Univer. Integration of 'the bowling workers a share in business sUy,of Dayton has been awarded Stonehill College. North Easton, Massachusetts alleyS is being sought by the' operations took place during the a $40,700 grant by the National Name _ ..•_ ~ .• _._._u_._. _ . Louisville Human Relations seventh' session of Employers" Science Foundation for a Sum. Commission. an' official city ,,,Social Action, helc1 at the Shrine mer institute for high school Address ._u_u_,_._"_. ._ agency headed by the mayor and of. Loyola., Some 70 employers teachers of mathematics. This Board of Aldermen. According fI'om Loyola and representatives will be the third consecutive Course ....•_ •.. ._•.•_ _._..........•.•.•..•....••.__. _ to a commission spokeSman~ only" from the' nearby provinces of", math Summer Institute at the . . . . . . Oech Pel........ StoIl.11I1 CoIfege) one bowling alley in the, Ken- 'Vizcaya, Alava,Navarre .and . Marianlsts' Institution, Father tuck,. city i.tl now integrated. Logrono ·took, pan. B8¥,zOlld A. ,Roesch, ,SM.. aid.

man'.'suP-, , on

'PIan U.' "Ity·-Ra II'Y ,In ,London Forum

"'Work of Council Pleases ,Pope '



Stonehill College







ANCHOR':":OloceSe ., THE -.. _. ..

of Fan River-ThUrs.,' J~n: 17 ~ '1963 - ." .

PlariCo~ferenCe On .Fomi Iy Life,·


Welcomes Long; Dull' Janu~ry'

.OT'I'AWA (Ne) , - Canada" Gov. Gen.. and: Mrs.' Georget Vanier 'have announced they . will sponsor a national confer­ encecm' family life here in the ,SprIng of 1964. .

After Exhausting Yule Whirl By .Mary Tinley Daly


and I, ~ The long, dull days of JanuID-y ~:re-upon erie, ani kind of glad. It may be, undoubtedly is, a sign' of advanCing age, but the' simplification of life in every de­ partmentis rather a'relief after the whirl of the holidays. The holidays were fun, .Do ' doubt about that: the splen. and a temporary distaste for did feast of, Christmas, the sweets. feasting, 'the visiting' and Even the mail has taken on

,Religious a ~ d educational leaderil, social welfare' workeM and others will be invited :to participate, Main p'urpose of the conferlmce will 'be . to provide opportunity for persons inte-" rested in the welfare and stabi­ lityof the family to confer, change' information and vie. on. experiences and to 'make ie­ eomme,ndations. "ThE: family is the basic unit of our :lociety," .the ._ Governor General ,sa~d. "Upon its strengtla and vitality. depends the moral fib:re, of. a nation. Yet many factors in our contemporary s~ ciety make it difficult for young people to achieve a successful marriage.and a happy family re-. lationship. Attitudes of indif­ ferenCE! and disintegrating forcea abound. There is widespread dis­ regard for spirituill values.


being visited, the' stay-up-lateevery-night habit simply' '00cause we were' ' . in a gala mood, the h ear i n g f. rom '0 I d

a new complexion, GOne are all the heart - warming messages

from friends and acquaintances.

Nowadays, we get mail all right, 'th th . . d .t even W l e lDcrease pos age, but most of,it comes in win­ dowed envelopes, to our house f r i end s,' 'the as it does to 'yours, and we find · gifts' exchanged ,that the alluring phrase "You (and often re-'· don't bave to 'pay until next • . exchanged for year" has lost some of its charm. sizes), fhe . . ' house bedecked "Next year" is now. in its best and" Down To Earth decorated with Like an astronaut after a glitter; , glorious whirl in space, landing , Howe v e r, '. with a plump 'in .the cold water, GOING BLIND, .BUILDS ~HRINE: His sight failing, , along, about "Little Christmas" we come down to earth rather Joseph GrescoofCleveland, a, former carpenter and cabinet I time, 'comes a bit' of a' sag. The. gratefuIiy in these long dull day. maker, decided to build an indoor, shrine in honor. of the' 8 es~ Little loaves · Christmas tree ("Grandma's OfTJha?-hu:ary~ , ' . bi ba Blessed Mother.. Now only' a shadow to Gresco; the grotto- Of St Ge~evieve · jerky little tree" as Sean called e' ouse may seem a t re " " ' ." ' . i 'it tliisyear)'lost most of its ,withalUheglitter gone, but it's type shrine is made almost entirely of ,s~ashells which he . ,QU:le:BE C(NC) ,-:..., Fift7 · needles and 'was 'taK(m down be-' clean and. more easily kept that· gathered· o~ ,a recent· trip to ~Florida. . NC Photo.' " ' thousand "petits' pains", (little; ,. fore 'all the ornaments slid to way. The kitchen, scene of m a n y , - . loaves» of Ste. Genevieve were , the floor. 'The holly~ so gay apd a confab, can actually be cleaned ',' , .blessed in Our Lady of Victories; perky',shriveled up and dropped up and left t~at way for' hoUrs church' here in" '8 . ceremony -. its berries, the'wreath'on' the at a time. Mealsbeeomethiee. dating back to 'the arrival of the ',front door grew' Sadder and tinies":a-day .affairs and a little ' , ::,' .' " ~ , . . , first French settlers in Canad&., · limpei';t1ie mistletoe, haviilg . old:'fashioned ' dieting ... is' ,the . ':: AI.a'ska 'Ta'xpay~ OppOSEtS O,peration. , '!'he. loaves are ,only ihumb-;; : fulfilled itS function, alsO wit~ order ,of the day, Sort of, a prac. . . . ' . d ., , . ' : er'ed•. : : '. ... '. . tice'Spinforthe lasting th3t. '~' "'., ~.,.H. oS.p'ital -b,'.Y' S. t;· ' Joseph. Sisto sIze and are made of flour, salt' . , . and ,water. They' are baked h . J•' . wm come with Lent. " .. . . . , ., , . .,u . , . , '. . ",. 'The t u r key, having' goile JUNEAU : (NC) _ Leasing. a operate a .hospital being built by p'arishii()ners and brought to the: The, reco,rd player' is stillEicl, through every conceivable -vvay . thank goodness; and the telev~ , Iios~ital-~ buiit with public funds: the 'city 'of', KetChikan. . ' church to be ,blessed. ' . ,~ of' cOoking, from itS first i>ro~d , sionturned.ori only for nev,,:s as , to eatholic nunil who will operL~en1sbrief:says that if; the .' Ste. IGenevieve is'said to ha~: ,I ist e'n r n gbrown 'chestnut- ,evening quietse'ttles do~~ with , ate 'it'violates'.theU.S. Constitu'- leasmg arrangement Is permltt~d saved :Paris ,from famine in 451 · stuffed entrance, on through cold Ginny hitting the booksJ~ .p'r~~ tion, ,abi'ief,filed with, the to, stand, the hospital .will be _by 'bril~ginginfive boat .load, '. . turkey'-, re-heated. "other. . paration for-dreaded Jnld"Ye~rs. ' Alaska Supreme eQurt argueS"" , cond uC.ted,under "rul· ~ fl our d ' . .side," . : . es and. re~- UJ. urmg a siege by the . ' siiCed, and heated wi~h dreS!li.ng, . The ,long~ dark eYe~i,ngs, ;:Ind' . , ' . . ,. . .'" ulations of a religious group Huns., " ' :·turkey salad, ,and turkey hash at a fire bla.zing on the hearth are . ,T,~e b~l,ef· ",as flIed WIth ~h,e ,'contrary to h,is beliefs and thu,s . h .d' 't f' 1 t' . . . ., , The 1~raditiOl'i of blessing' smaJl . last ' reac e . I ,s lOa, res 109 CQnducive not ~nly:~ th9i9U~h '~!Jrt-on beliC\lf, of...Ket.~hik.an, prev'ep.tirighim' from: exercising 'loaveiH>f, bread was instituted in : place in the soup pot;~mpl~ ,enjoyment of, the ·b.oo~s"r~eiYed - ~las~a" ~xpay:el' 'O.l\f. LIen. He ' his' rights of, freedom of . reli- Paris land was brought to' the ' . wlth,celery, omonl! ',an,9, ri~e: ' for, Chri.st,m.·.as b..ut",fo,.r, m.e,n,d.. in.g, ~..' a.ppea.lmg. a decl.·sion .of the gion,by compelling him to' sup- , little' c::hurch . . that. ti ~, '. 'i.n 'Quebec by' tIM · Th .. a t·, ~•.. , "0 n.e '; ~ap, ,,,re ~ ,knitting and a drowsinesstb8t 'JrU'st DIstrIct Superior Court, port a religious establishment." sets in ~t about,iil o'clock." which'dil!missed a'suit by Lien . 'The, Alas~ ,Supreme Cou~ ',earliestset~lers.: :: " · turkey.' . . The back~to-work'-'back,.~ andothers:againsta"lease ar- . announced earlier that it would ReqUests for .the liitle lo~ve.· : '.. SaJDe,thlDl~ w~th.th~ big ham: , wonderful.at ~ party; then on to scihOoi; early-to~bed ,r~utine onc~ nmgeJD,ent· under w~ichSisters 'hear oral arguments in the con- cQme to Quebec from many par-tal · ham-~n.,eggs, ,to ,minced .ham more becomes the normal way of St. Joseph, of. Newark would troversy next April or May. ' of ,the w o d e L ;

p-ro, 't'es"t"'S:'"Lea:se .' t ' Nuns ' ,0 r

'. ,

ars "


_-...;----,.;;.-----..;.;,-.....:.-----------------"""'i-----.. .

loaf, and its appearance shorn bone a's making of life, actually welcomed,a~t.er .. •. good-bye stock , the relaxed mood of the holloo . . - _ '... · for' beans()up. , :,' ':',.; " . ::days. "" . ','. ,. ,:

.,The fruit. cake,from initial: M'atte;r of f.act, it's kind of e~ smooth. slices to crumbs is at hilarating to get up for early' lal!tall gone. So are the'cookies Mass these days, not look around and the eggnog, all; however, for one at 11 o'clOck or noon. leaving telltale trace's in the. . God bless these long <lull days. form of a thickened waistline of Januaryl




Death Imrtlihent l3eforeOrdination,o"

Priest, 95, Surviy~s, Classm,ates,

. " CINc':iNr..~Tl (NC)~Msgr. J•. ' A native Of Hanov.er; Ger•. Benry Schengber, ord~ined fQur.~ many,he.atten~ed Charl~magne

months before his'chlssinates in . College at OSn~brueck, !lndcom­

1893 because his' death seemed 'pletec:I 'his studies for the. priest- '

Inlmhient; died' .here 'at age '9$,' hood a.tl'4ou'ntS~.Mary'isemi!Qng after all h!s classmates'. , . narY here;:"~:,-,- ~.~ " ,.. ,..;. ,'; .

Archbishop ~a:rl. J. ,Alter, of .. A.rchbishop.:William· H. Elcler.

, CiJiClnnati offIciated at the 'PoP'~. ,cQ~vincie<,i,',th~t '!b!l 'YC?~~$ _ien#-,

· tificalRequiem ~Massoin .St. narillD. wo:uld not> SlirvivEnvhat '. ,

Francls.de$iiies' c~urch,~hei, ' appearecI to be 'a,:seriquil.C8 Of ' " ' :&Isgr. "Sr;!:l~rigl>Eil' ~a(ibeeh pa~ ;'. tut>el'~u~~jllis, u,Jltil,tlJtf Jti~~' or~i: .• ' tOr for riiore.thlln 40 years: ._. ,nation·dat.e;:oriain¢:,piJri.fOUr . 'The fragiW,~~t,a.lwaYs'",igO~~ "mQiiilJs',~at:ly,",,!~~::~~, )~~~. ;: , OUS priest' died'in Good Samilr'..l:)espiteoccaiJioJial setbac~ III '. ',itaD Hospital' iv.hen 'he,had b~n he~ib:,¥~iif;·$c}jengb~r. , , a patient for a\:l(),u,t aYear.})ri~_ a,ctiv:~:·past9(apd:t~ac~er •. ': . ; .

"to that 'he had been 'active in' hiS ' .

. parish and'bad:ti:'elebrated Mass", Raiser~ Elect

dailY for' his parishioners; . He Ne~ offi~~~s of St~ ci~tli~rine-.

would' have'(jbservea-the ;7Ofh FuDc( ~llisi},1~ ,'~m~.it~e,,' ~pxi.

'anillverjlary 'o~', his 'ordin#ion 'liary' to, the Dominican Sisten . ,

. 'U11~ ~eaJ:' .r• .. '>:::.' .:, .... ; of 'Park 'sireet 'Fall River. '. . ". ", ~ .. ' _. _ ..,....... ~ '~<.



was_ ";


'Fund' l '.


, . ':,'



. ':.N··' '.' ,. Ii.: ::: '. ':". ':.". ,: :. ,1up~,' lJIl'$:,~orge un ,~wyer, ,:':':'Y'




m: : .,

E~' J.'el1eti~r~


president;,:Mrs.' Normand'. Th~ <':DE:'l::ftQir, (~C)",:,",SiElt~i::MlU'Y, :.~'c>~t~k, yic.e~pi.~~ide~; ,.'l\fN; . ~. LeoPavlowski took her oath 'Of· Gariepy, '. secretllry;: Mr~. JOY : admission. to the bar' in ,. ,cere~ , .. :Q: ,Reed, tr~asurer.The ~nita!p'

.. mony"her~;' t!iereby: 'bec~ming ·.I)oun~~s lts ',Jlext:re~\ilai m~~ the" first :-DUn in' MlchlgaritG·. ~g for, :~esda)'; Fei:>.5. ,~ " bec~me ,.'~" la,Viyer~:· after -,en:teriDg ~~ " Va~entJ~e .~~st ,..is, -set,·~~ ~.~~. ." religious l i f e ; ' , " . ··daY,Feb., I ,at, ~miDlC811. .A~ Sister. MarY . j.e~, euperVisOr .clem'Y•.: ' of ,offices at .Mount Carmel' ......._~..._ _..._ _. ._ ...

Mercy' Hospital here; was gradu':. , ated magna cum laude from the Univer~ity of'Detroit law sehOn1:

Norrii 'H. Tri'pp SHEET METAL

Silver Tea Annual Silver Tea of Mt. st. Mary .Academy Alumnae Asso­ ciation, Fall River, will be held at 3 SUilday afternoon, Jan,27 at the academy. Miss Marjorie Morin is chai~man. '


J. TESER, Prop.


INDUSTRiAl , COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar 'Sf. New Bedford WY 3-3222








,'A~,":FR:.E£~·P1N,T OF:HOOD~·IC.E.ICR~AM, ;' ~'J""" .With. eVery' hal<f~ gailoh: lof '., 1IIIIIIIIIIrtJ! Che:rry~Plrieapp,le ice, t:~eam' ',- ""': "

.-J=--=-'l.~ There's


pint of Hood 'lee' Cream in ;tbe1blVQr of your , choice ,wlliting tor YQU lit your store., Just buy a half-gall~n of lJood Cherry~PineappleIce Cream ••.• c~hunks of.ehemes and pineapple in creamy Hood Vanilla. ~rhe pint 'is yours' free. ACT NOW - THIS OFFE~.IS L,IMITEDI .





Churc:h!s·\ Po,~,tionon':Steady'; Dating Sufficiently Explicit· •

',' ,




By Father' john L. Thomas, Sol.

. ,i


, , ;' "Your recent advi~e::tO the two college freshmen who felt they were in love .was· just what my 17-year-old son ne~de4 to confirm his conviction that 'going steady' is thoroughly approved by. the Church, provided no proxi­ m.ate danger of sin is in­ volved.' Naturally, I was this may indicate a serious quite shaken by your reply, failure in parental guidance and 8i~ce my son has been goiilg an unfortunate mistake on the

1934 and

'T r.u···e···.·':...FO'U" de·r·.'. .


.on •





MANCHESTER (NC) -7 A Jewish woman is head of a New Hampshire drive to enable three immigrant priests to establish "settlement houses" for the .re­ habilitation of wayward youths. Mrs. Sarah Bresnick is gen­ eral chairman of a $100,000 cam­ paign for ''Operation Salvation of Yout~" started by three ­ members of the ancient Italian Com m u nit y, the Somaschan Fathers.. The SOy director is Father Lorenzo Netto, C.R.S., who came here two years ago with Father Tiziano Marconato, C.R.S. They were joined three months ago by Father Cesare DeSantiS, C.R.8., who is the superior 'of the Somaschan Fathers' head­ quarters here. . . Repa,. America Hardly able to speak English when they arrived from Italy, Fathers Netto and MarcOnato were surprised when they Were welcomed by Bishop Ernest j. Primeau of Manchester, sPeaking Italian. They said they.bad come from Italy "to repay in another cUrrency - by helping. AmeriCa . with. its ,juvenUe deUnq~!lCY ~bl~':- fOr. the wa,.AInfri~ eW." hel~ ltaliails. rebuil,d ~ur~es,. iilstitutions, and pUblic b.uildl,nga£ter World' War IL" . :,'~, .iirstof. the SOY~~~ ·~ent . houses" for.·pre-.teen. bop "is scheduled tq be constructeil

~eadY,with a Catholic girl since part of the couple, once the situ-' he was)(): Her parentS condone ation occurs, we must try to deal it; since priests' with it prudently. he talks to say Involves Problems 'every case is In the case under discussion. different' where the couple were apparently not does 'tb8t leave engaging in morally objectionme?: Hasn't the able practices, they were. de­ Church'taken termined to continue their edu­ an official posi.. cation, and provision bad been tlon on this made for them to attend separate matter?'" . colleges. After' reread- Taking all these circumstances lng the article into consideration, 1 did not ad­ you' mention, vise the parents to attempt to Regina, about break the affair up directly ­ all I can say is that if your they had already tried persua­ ,.oung son discovered in it 'any sion - but warned them of an confirmation of his convictions the social, psychological, and' about steady dating, be should moral problems lnyolved in receive an "A plus" for in- such lengthy courtships. ,«enuity orereative imagination. U the parents find 'that the rm sure he could find almllar couple canuot· ~ve' theSe .~ coMirmation: "'in acOP1'of the lems' "SUcceWullt" ·they . Should . telephone directoty,~ searsMUi take a more direct approar:!l.' . CONVERT$: OF.MISSJONS:AJapanese· journalist Roebuck catalogue; :or' a:pa , Considered in Contesi and his wife, praying the Rosary"in their home-at OSaka Mamp cOnection. " . ':,,·l.·t As I see it, Regina,.a false as- Japan. 'have offered to devote.' their. lives to the Ciuireh . " " bunecUate Problem' , :: .. I', sumption running through your 'hi" .. .., , , . . My' ,position' in· regard' .;~ letter is .thatif the; ·.ChUl'cl1 . as eatec 8ts m the Talwia Catholic M.issiQD,.1a:paiLAu~ eteady. dating by: young 'cOuples would only come out with a ·tine Aoyanag'i converted to: Cafholicism.· in ~9na~:"JO­ wlll>.. can .. ~ve po .reuot.W>le blanket cond~~ation of. steady, nurtured his faith through the years. of . World War II tJiiS. Sp~ . t~ug~t ,~, marriage has· been: c1ating,all your problema would when?e was an officer in the. Jll,panese,army.' NC :Photo; a~e .~ct here. ~J;l~~~t. ;: and ,I had 4~ped,: be solved. ;. ; : . . . . '" ' ,8#ordO . of:~' ~fIc~~ntb'.clear.. '. . . . . , '.1.., Unfortunately, adeq'uate solu.I{yacinth Circle, New;:ae<U~d In the article,' you mept!on;: tioDii' of complex' problems' are . . .'n··. :P~~ghters.pf Isabella, wUlhQ],d a which did not address itse.u;. ~ never that· simple. ' In' the pie-' sQ~al evening. ';1')lesd;lY, ,Jan. 22. the' problem of steady dating' but sent instance; 'we ··are dealing .' . . , offered advice on how to deal with the whole area of premariPrefate, U.S. Offica'lPay GJowing Tribute A. gam\!. P~. and refreshments will be featJ.!,red. The, unit named With' a couple' of college tresh- tal cross-sex associations in a T0 Provmcla . . I 0f l' mail rank who thought . they technically advanced society Hoy CrQSs Sisters Mrs.: .r~liaMorri~ alternate to a were in love, I carefully spelled which demands' that youth unWA.SHINGTON (N.C) - .An He said the hospital, which sta~e. JDeeting this weekend., in .' out the objectionable social and dergo h f .an ever increasing period arebb IS?~ and a h Igh -rank 109 will provide 250 beds initially, Boston. moraL consequences of such pre.. 0 SerIOUS' formal training and U.S. offICIal lauded the efforts will be a success and a tremen­ mature emotional. involvements education in preparation for full 0 f a nun w h 0 ma d e pOSSI'ble the dous benefit to the community. . SERVING

and then. proceeded. to counsel adul t participation. construction of an eight-million- of Silver Spring. the parents on how .to deal' with The problem of steady dating dollar hospital' in suburban fiNE ITALIAN fOOD,

the specific case at hand. must be considered in this con- Silver Spring, Md. 'Here in Spirit' Since the 'couple thought.. 'they text,that is, when legitimate . .' '. . , in lo\.e· ~ and, ~eY, :~p'-, .1loeill1 demands require that the . ArchbishopPatri~ A. O~Boyle' . Anthony ;r. Celebrezz~ Sette-. RESTAURANT and 'lOUNGE parentIy were as much in love gap between pubertY and social of .Washington , said at the dedi- tary' of the ,U.S•.Department: of " ,. I " ' . as a couple could be at this maturity be lengthened, pre-cation of Silv~r ~pring Hospital HeaIt~EducationandWelfare on.lakeSabbatici . atate.in their careers _ this was m~ital cross -sex associations that the hosIlltal3 true loun.der sai~' Uthjlt Mother: Constantine: iOM Bay.$t.-eet " : the immediate problem that had .must be regulated accordingl,... was ~otherMaryConstantiJle, whose vision and devotion had to be. treated. Church F1mcUoo' who died the Past October.: so large a par.t.m making this' AUNTOH . VA' 4-1714, Objections Are Clear It is the function of the Chureh' Mother Constantine, who' was h!>9Pital a reality; is· here' in If 1 read your letter correctly, ~ define the norms of c:h:astity, P~vincia1of tbe .Ho17 ;C,rQlilS spirit today." ,.ourobjection to my article Js the sacred responsfbility of the Sisters! eastern provmce, did £be He 1ilso said: ·that "'wbea we 'Duplicating Methocl~ .two-fold. First, 1 should have marriage vocation, and theobU- pltmeer wgrk 'ibat 1eii ·to~- .speak of what -a, free demoerae,.

1I8ed'thIs occasion to condemD. gatlons of parents to provide for .trucHas of the hospitaL Re- _. ClUl aclIieve, we ~ Of ,what,

iiE~ iaDuplic~. Mead,. dating .directly; and sec- :the ·spiritual and social educa-' peated efforts to r;Hse fUndS for individua}s. 'l:aJl "set in· 'moUO!l ­

OII.d, "X .sho.uld have told the ..tion of ·their chiWren. . "the hospital -seemed de8tiDed 'to .of what .·dedroated and· ~ • Gestetn.. "aper.s parents to put a Stop. to th.i& -at~enee the Church condemnataB, untilfhe R'Oly Cr~' SWenI i~Ua1 ,stich ·.Mother Con­

• Heyer • Masters . fair at once, for in DOt &Hng ;so. llll3' form of premarital·cnms- consented tofurnisb a . . stantine canaceo.mplish lathe • Photocopy • Stenci.. I implied that it was .cruite UD_sex associationtbat interfmes amoun'tof theflmds IIDli to aa-lernce other fcliow men;;" Complete '.oct.ry.Service objectiODable, provided it ,were with the :fulfilIment of the ~Bove minister·the hospi1la1. properly bandled. demands. . Archbishop O~oyle aaidUle Guild for Btind. If you rereaci the firat ..everal Since steady dating .normally llospital"refl.<eets the indoml­ The New Bedf6M Catholie paragraphs ·of my article, I think leads to emotional involvement. . table 'faith; tremendous COllrage 9.21CO·IJNTY STR£ET you will find the rel.ill7 cogent . it ls an obviously objectionable . and 1:bx!1tle;a perseverance of 'Guild 'for the Blind will hold • objections to premature .steady practice whenever it is not di- MotDer ·Constantine. Us true .meeting tonight 'at a o'c1ocII: in SOMERSET OS 2-1131 -the. ~ts .ofColumbus. lIome. datin~ clearly expressed. _. itrectly .related to marriage or ·founder." hinders adequate' preparation hinders adequate preparation tor for l~e, ,and it.. creates moral . life. . ',' . probl~thatiew yoitM cOUples ':CaIi" amoral' code be made are capabt~'Qf handUrig..:· . more explicit? .' . ;::' AC<:YIttPUsIJ.~' :.Faef . ;.~ .;. .' '. ::.: . ' . , ..•.. . .

Yo~~cond·.obiectiori in'di-' ' -' '. ' ~. ..

eates!i·. a.·eonsiderable <lack.·of ~:. J~ :Nuns, Laywom~n . . .

logic(.~;.~eU asJailure:W ~e' leave for Bogota ..'

Into ,:col'lslderation all the'ele;'; . . ' . .....'.:­ mentsiavolved in the case as .EVANSVILLE.(N~)':"'-'fhirt~en.

presented. . ... SISters. of. ~t. Benedic~ ~d a

Accepting ,'an 1iccomplish~ laywoman. hav: left . here .for

fact and attempting to deal with Bogota, ColumbIa, to ,do·mis$ion- '.

its cOnsequences does not.neces..; ary: ~o~ at th~ College of San .

sarlly 'iildicaktha:t'o~eapprove~ ': C~rlosther~.. .....:... ..;

of it or of, the 'factors' that pro.., . '. :They . receIve~ thea miss~on .'

duce~' it,. anY mQre th~ your.. cross.es _at ~ ~erep1ony' !l~. the Co~

acceptance' of. the .fact that your' ven~.Qf;.th~ ~~ate Conc~

lIOn had . a caSe of poison ivy ~ ti()n m Ferdinan,d, ;.Ind.~ ~t .whl.ch

and your attempt to deal with BishopH~ J. GrimmeJsman

it would ~d1cate 'Yopr; aPProval': .. pi ~.allSV1U~ p~d~r:.. - . '. , " ' " : " ., """ of th. e itch· ~'t\1e weleQ cQll-.); Theo CO~from: efghtidif,:" t, '1 RO~M' ' i , ' ., ,.' ,. ','. .. .....t>.. ·.1"·· .. · · . , ' -, . ' ':' \ ... tact that caus~diC' .,: C_'.: ferent Benecf.1 ecotivents. The i' '.' ' .de~tio""'] 'l:eUrn:et'a'end C'.iit1rolle -:"m.un", tlus' '..,; Eighteen-year-olds ~e ~lll~!Ul ,accompanying them . ,-' .. , ~~."., ." yo .., ",.' ' . , " ".: ...... <, .JlL!6~, ,,':", '. ., ' .;.: .bleot becoming deePI,,; ~~;:~..J:Ud7:·~D;~.~'~r~ ;S.~~( ..•. I'~.'w:!8Y ~n may lead through .th:e·Hollt li&nd,..Parl:s, Loui:de$, Fatima, Knock,.m- ",c,,',




Jewish Woman Aids Priests


Asst. Soclolou, Prot.-St. Louis

Jan. 17,

Da,rlClfiag .ellaods. '"

'. E




for most


\ ," ':'ANTOINETTS . .., .e ·'.' <.,. ",~ )ev~~~an.~~ ~()l~ai. J~~m~~~ur. v~cii.~on ~T@~ .;t0i, r+963• ~!!{':~':" \! .expe~en~~:travel ~~ee s~o,! .~u, ,~~, ;bli~~~on, ;i1lus~ted '~ook~:}, f: :':~

lnVOIV~~: i ~~" \ ~~ur ~


Infant of' p~~' u'e'" .) •. i ,throlIgh .no The Infant'{of pragUe~GUtldOf" ,; :)R~! HC?I\:\E"FOR,T"E.~~EI) :: le~, how!.ou' can:'VlSl~ the::shrlne ofJ..!~~~~~~_~~~op.·:~()no~eal1Y"~ !!.~tly, . <,'," at. Mary's Home, New Bedford, 'BME~'rSD WOMd~N .co~ortably. send thIS coupon to'" --. will h ld bl' . .e urroun ,nos I I o a pu IC spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 .Saturd~y. night, Feb. 9 at the h~me. Mrs. Bernard Vercellone and ~rs. Elmer Page are In charge 01. arrangements.

Clean, Comfortable living



Antoinette Picard. Prop.


ME 6-4921 Mills Rd. & Slade Cor. lei.


CATHOLIC 'TRAVEL OFFICE • . 'I Dupont Circle Bldg., Washington 6,1 D. C•••. If it's a Catholic shrine I ..' . ' ~TO s Mr. Hodgson has been there.

I; ,:








. .







SOy:5 UN Troops Loo'ted Churches In I<atanga

'Thurs., Jon. 17, 1963

Expect Pilgrims From 10 Nations At Canonization

BRUSSELS (NC) - A prelate from the Congo l)as ' .c 0 n fir m e d reports that Un i ted Nations Ethiopian

ROME (NC) - More than 8,500 pilgrims from 10 na­ tions, inc1uding the United States, are expected to at­

troops looted and damaged a, number of Catholic churches in his ·See. Archbishop Joseph Cornells, ·O,S.B., of Elisabethville, capital of the Congo's secessionist pro­ .vince of Katanga, made the confirmation. The Ethiopian soldiers were serving with forces which took over Elisabethville in the UN drive to force Katanga to recog­ nize thE! authority of the Congo's· central government in Leopold­ ville. (In Elisabethville, Fat her Edouard Kileshie, Vicar General of the E:lisabethville archdiocese, protested against "the flagrant breach by United Nations troops of international conventions sacred to all civilized nations." ("S a c rei i g i 0 u s profani­ ties were committed against the Holy Eucharist," the priest de­ clared j,n his protest to UN rep­ resentadve Elias Mathu.) Archbishop Cornelis said ill an intelrview here; Bomb Convent "According to reports I per-' sonally received;. the Ethiopians completely looted St. Benedict'• church and broke into the taber"; nacIe of another church in the Kasa·pasuburb of Elisabethville. .­ "St. Boniface's church was hit . by :tW(),' mortar salvos. Sisters' . took· 'shelter in the cellar all night while their convent 'was being severely bombed. "The reports also ~nfirm the cruelty of the killing of' Katan­ gese civilians.' A girl was: vio- . lated .lInd bayonneted in the' stomach. Two others were vio- ' lated and kilied."·

'tend the canonization of Blessed Vincent Pallotti here Sunday. A m 0 n g the thousands at

tending will be two persons

cured through the intercession

of the new saint. They are An­

gelo Balzarani di Roccasecca

dei Vol s g i, instantaneously

eured of a severe carbuncular

infection, and Margherita Sand­

ler, who was cured of multiple


About 100 of the new saint's

relatives will be present for the

eeremony in St. Peter's. Two of

them, Vincent and Marcellus

Pallotti, will carry the painting

depicting the miracles of Blessed

Vincent in the procession into

the basilica.

Society Founder The liturgical feast of the new · saint will be Jan. 22 and will be celebrated with Special solem­ nity at the church of Sant'An­ · drea della Valle in Rome. This church was frequented by the saint and still today it is the BEATIFICATION: Under the approving eye of Sister Dolores ,or Holy- Trinity school scen'e of the annual octave of the in Dallas, Texas, Joan O'Connbrand' Phillip Civello pu~ the,finishing touches to'a bul-, · Chair of Unity, instituted by beatification of, Mother Seton, j'oundress of the letl'n' board proclaiming th,e forthcomin" Blessed PallottL . , 6 The body of the saint will b~ .American' Sisters' of Charity. The .communities in the V.S. 'which elaim Mother· Seton . placed in the' church on Monday as their foundresS'hiwe.a total of 9,90,0 members. NC Photo. after procession· through R~e. The' following· day Mass will' be eelebrated by Father Wilhelm Mohler, Rector of the Suciety' of the Catholic Apostolate, which St. ;Vincent founded.' " ... The traditional t rId U u M'; which follows the ,canonization' WASHI~GTON (NC)~torie..· 'l~ge,$:47,1OO;CatholicUniver~' EastOn, $32,700; UniV!'lrsity Of of a saint, will also" take"place . hill College. of ~orth Easton' sity ,~f Anlerica, Washington,' 'Detroit, $49,5,00; College of. ~t. in the~' churCh;and·there'·will 'be is one of the 21 Catholic colleges . $~3,000;; George.to-wn University, Thomas, . St. Paul; $48,600;, St. lOienm Masses in the Armenian and. university among the .287 Washington, $52,000 and $49,- Ma;ry's College, Winona, $19,000 and,Byzantine Rites. ' .... coopeJ:ati~g·. w~th a ' EederaJ .. 300; 'Notre D~me University; a'nd $33,400; St. ·I;.ouis Univer­ On: Sunday, Jan. 27, Paolo" agency in next S,Ummer'~ $24.2 $154,900, and $77,800; Bost9n .sitY,$49,4oo. and $23,800; . . Cardinal ,Marella, kchpriest of million. program of institutes for College, $58,200, $13,600' and·· Seton Hall University; SOuth·, the'Vatican basilica;' wiU cele­ highSChool science, .arid ma.the'!'. $~2,OOO; College of the HoiY. Orange,· ,$32,300; FordhainU:ni.~, ' brate' Mass for all seminarianS matics teachers. ' Cross, Worcester,· $57,000 ,and versity'; Ne.w York City, $59,300 of Rome and later that afternoon The' Catholic oolleges· were $55,500; and $44,000';' Un~versi~ of pay:' the ·saint'.s body will be carrie~ given a total of .$1,447,7oo·in· sto ne hill College, North; ton, . Ohio, '$40,700; seton Hi~ Plulmbing ~lieating in. proces.siohthrciugh thestreetti Federal money by the National, • '." . College, Greensburg, $45,2QO;' . : Over··35 Year. of "old R()~e," where, the saint S~ience. Foundation. The fu~<ls Villanova' University;' $50,000;­ O'f satisfied Se~i~e lPei\~ most of his time working WIll, support the Summer, In- .' , " . . ,.' . ." incarna'te. Word College, i San'· to Save sOuls: , . stitute's co~tS and provide $75 A'ritonio,$28;500; SeattleUniver:':' .. tofl NO. MAIN; STREET

. .", . sity,· $76;200;· Marquette Uni"':! L'ater it will be taken baclt to . a week 'stipends for enrollees,' the' church of San Salvatore, i~tra:vel allowances 'arid .allotments . ROCKFORD, (NC) - ''To t~, 'versitY; Miiwaukee, $35,500 an.a . Fall Il~iver . OS 5..7497

Ondaand placed' inth~ crystal :for.four dependents: according. the idea that "Cat~olicism per- '$53,200; .Catholic UIiiversity Of ..._ ....~ ..........~,;,;,;,,~ _ _~

eas~et . where it .. has ~e.n,p,e-: to the foundation; . .' taios' only' to individual and ,puerto~RicO;~9,500.· ~ ' . : i IIenied. . About 21,000 teachers are ex- family morality and has nothin~ .... , " . , " '. pected', to attend. tbeinstitutei 'to· say abOut ;soc~a~ moralityu'BishopElko t.O Joi.n .1' which are sponsored each Sum- to lose .the true VISIon of Catho~ .. . .• "" . ':" ,." . mer ,by the· 'foundamon,at se.;. 'licisin,"FatherLouis J. TwO- .·In .Oc;tGVe "'. :', :1 :" ,,,,.....L. .: .. ~ lected accredited' p~blic and . mey, 'S.J,;' editor of Social Order~' CHICAGO'{NC) _ "A Divine'" private, institutions. . • ~ said" ,her~. . , '.':" .-­ Liturgy· (MaSs)" aceorc;Uij'g' to iDe" Some of. ~he ~ath~lic mstItu~ Speakmg !Jefore a meetmg of Byzantine Rite be' offered' WASHINGTON (NC) -:-' The . the 'Catholtc .En;tployers an~ at Loyola University here Sun­ U.S. Supreme Court has refused tions partIclpattng m the pro­ to rev.iew, the conviction of a ~ta~ will cond~ct more.than one Mana~ers ASSOCIatIon, the Jesuit d:iy as part of the annual Chair mstttuteand Will be rennbursed added. . ' . of Unity Octave .obServance. eonscientious objector' who re­ fused to submit to induction into accordingly. The full list of par-"We have been turnlI~g ~ut . Bishop Nicholas' T. Elko of ti.cipants and the dollar grants .from ou~ schools and semmarles . the Byzantine Rite Diocese of . the 'armed forces. OIARlEs F. . people lr:eproachable in the.ir pittsburgh will offer the Divine The court did. not comment on gIven. the?1 follows: . . . ROCKDALE AVINUI Umverslty of San FranCISCO, perso~al l~ves, but who go off In LitUrgy. ~uxiliary Bishop Aloy'; its action in dismissing the ap­ • ., IEDFORD. MASS. pe'al of Charles Henry Beaver of $36,400; Loretto Heights Col-a~l dlr~ctIons w.henthey enter sius J. Wycislo of Chicago will . the SOCIal, .pOlitlcal and .econo- preach Gibsonville, N.C., who bas~d his 5k 5 C OU rt eVlew mic .order, as' thou?h . ~e ha.d The 'observance will be sponelaim for exemption from mili­ Smut Conviction not1:lin~ to offer ~clety.. ,lOred by the u niv e r Ii ity'. tary service on the fact that be . ' . "Christ's doctrme appltes to .1 . dr" . '" is a:. Jehovah's Witnesses'minis­ WASHINGTON (NC)-A Nor- the whole of life, whether on the . a umnae so a lty. ter. ' folk, Va., merchant has. askeci individual or social level" be The u.s. Court of Appeals for t~e U.~. Supr:m~ Court to re- went on, "and Catholics, whether R. A.WILCOX CO.

the' Fourth Circuit rejected Ylew hIS CO~vlctlOn for ~now-they' be priests, lIuns, or laity, it Beaver's: appeal last Oct. 3. The mgly possessmg obscene htera­ they understand the soCial doc~ . OFFICE. FURNITURE

court noted then that although ture. . . trines of the Church, they inust

........ 1ft I........ D.n,.....

Beaver became a Jehovah's Wit­ Arthur Goldstem, ~perator of labor to bring Christ into the

nesses minister on or about May a Norfolk store sellmg maga­ • DESKS • CHAIRS institutional framework of so­

9, 1959, he did not report this zines, boo~s,. soft. dri.nks and ciety." FILING CABiNETS' to his draft board until after candy, ~atntatns m ·hlS appeal The priest from St. Louis, long

• FIRE FILES • SAFIS receiving his order for induc­ to the hIgh court that th~ mag­ active with' numerous social


tkm in August of that year. azines .. fo~ whos~ possesSIon be aetion groupS; addressed some


On Dec. 17 the Supreme Court was ~nvlcted are ..n~t . obscene . 50 members' of' the employers .. ~reed to review the convictions and t~at th~. Vtrgtn~a anti­ and managers group, who have R.A~ WILCOX CO. of two other conscientious ob-' obscemty!aw Ul unc?n~htution~L banded. together to apply the ..22 IEI)FOIlD .ST. jectors who refused to submit . Goldst~m. ~as.trt~ b{lfofe. social teachings 9 the ChUrch f PALL RIVER, 5-7'" to induction into military ser­ JUry l~t Aprl15tn Norf~lk Cor­ to modern business situations.' . . . poration Court. He was found vice. ..,'. '. . . Classified Induetible guilty and fined $500..His ap. The two 'men - Malcolm­ peal was 'rejected Oct. 4 by the OVer 33 Yean Experience Lebert Parker and Richard R. Virginia Supreme CoUrt Of ~p- . SUBURBAN Harshman, '. members of: ',the peals. Thepu.bltca~ioiul irivolved . GAS CORP. • . . .., .. " , " . . . Church of Jesus Christ, Sullivan, . in Goldstein's case include is, '.. ' Ill. : sought total exemption Sues of two nudist magazines BOTTLED AND BULK GAS . · from military' service because of and a magazine published ill GAS' APPLlANtES their religious beliefs but in­ • Denmark and devoted to "phy.. 4 Sho~Jt""" to' tlte~d were classified inductible kal and' psychical ideas. . . . . . . . . . '..... J~J3.

HyOlHlltl , ,fal""'" ii'l noncombatant CapaCity. AI'umnLSupper \MaIII ... ... .. ~, ..

. In . refu'sing to granfthem Alumni' and Friends· ol st. ' • t:O''' ..'rovhl~ 11 ...INO ,

total exemption, the government . .0,...... ,.,7OJ.,:~·,WaterStreet noted that they worked' for -: a Vincent's.,Home, Fan 'River, win ' .... ', ' eM .. ~ndy .' factory, some' of" whose ...,'; .'. ·'MMi Bedford "'",' ..; ; :>.,: ,; _. \.~~.~. '),.... ;.~:6 4,.' . . • : ­ 'products' were sold t~ the ~., ", ' .'

High. School



,:Rehg'lon .Touches . 'Whole of Li.fe· ,.

Rej'ects, Appea I·'



Of'Ob'''ector , J". . "















.wy.nall J-Mll

, ." ern~en~ {or

~rmy, ra~~


~~r:a).~gMf~e::18:~=;: .,.,~" _,.,.'~-"~., ".', ".IlIIiioiO!~

Hol1Ib:~ ~,~~~c:'· .......---.""'"""'~iIiii'· . ..............



~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'ii!I!I;'i!!iI'<............--iiil





THE ANCHOl\Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963

Prelate Predicts

Liturgy Changes

After Council


Council Dispels Church Image As "Closed"


Changes in the liturgy will

go into effect within a few

months of the closing of the

Second Vatican Council, Arch­

bishop Thomas A. Boland of

Newark predicted here.

The prelate, who played a

leading role in the American

Hierarchy's pre par a t ion for

Council sessions, said that any

modifications made in the liturgy'

will not be "world-shaking."

He strongly doubted the pos­

sibility of "universalizing the

liturgy," noting that "the in­

. dividual bishop has to adapt his spiritual food to the pastoral mentality of his flock." (L'Osservatore· Romano, Vati;.

can City daily newspaper, dis­

closed in December that the

Council Fathers have approved

use of local languages in the

liturgy and given national and

regional bishops' conferences the

power to decide on the vernacu­

lar question. The vote is subject

to the approval of Pope John

lOWA CITY (NC) - A'll official Protestant observer at the Second Vatican Coun­ cil said here it is "no longer accurate, if it ever was," te think of the Catholic Church as a "closed, com p I ace n t and sectarian body that has nothing to learn from anybody else." Dr. James H. Nichols of the Princeton Theological Seminary offered this comment during a panel discussion of the Council with Bishop Robert E. Tracy of Baton Rouge, La. The discussion was held under the sponsorship of the State University of Iowa here. Dr. Nichols, a Presbyterian, said the official observers were called upon so often to express reaction to plans being laid be­ fore the Council that "you could say we were almost unofficial consultors." . The observers were treated with courtesy "that coultt not have been sur pas sed," Dr. Nichols said. He added: "In two months of speeches at the Council, there was not ·one single phrase calculated, to af­ 'front or hu~iliate Protestant or . ,Orthodox Christians. All the·· . diff~rences' arestiU there., l~ don't think any major, problem 'i3 il). any sense solved. Never­ theless the whole atmosphere .i., so different that, as (Augustin)" Carqinal Bea (president of the· Vatican's Secretariat for ~ro- i motIng Christian Unity) saYs, it . is .~, re~l . miracle. One' would n!!ver I)~ve ~,elieved.: that. thia coulq happen, .' , ,"The single .~ost striking im­ pression, I brought away 'from,,, .' the Council," he .said, 'lwas of the" ... maturity, d e p t h, intellectual, grasp .alJdspiritual discipline· 'represented .', by the .gI:oup of,' Rom.an Catholic theologians who have' been' assigned the task of leaq,ing ecumenical discl,1ssi~.. witn·thenon~atholicchur(:hes."


Helpful Information Archbishop Boland, who is PONTIFF WELCOMES U.S. AMBASSADOR: His Holiness Pope John XXIII re­ marking his tenth year as heild'ceives U.S. Ambassaqor to Ghana, William Mahoney and his. family during a special ~u­ of this archdiocese, was elected dience in the ,Vati~n.,Ambassador Mahoney and his wife, .Alice, center,; chatte? w~th by his.to fellow U.S. Bishops ·in· the Holy Father wI'th the ai,d Of Msgr. Thomas Ryan, standmg, the. Pope s Eng.hsh Rome be chairman of 12 'study d m-. ' commissions on the Council. ',', -terpreter. The' Phoenix, Ari~na; family. was on vacation in Rome from the· Ambassa or 8 These oommissions, said· the 'African post.· NC Photo. . ., ' prelate in an -interview, .pre­ " .ented information to thebish- ' ops that was designed, to be' "helpful, . interesting and make for better understanding of the. matte!,"s under oonsideration at· Co~Pilot the Council." As chairman; Archbishop" BOSTON (NCD - "I couldn~ "The plane has 'a· cruising plane, includes a shot gun, '. Boland met once a week with put it in a crate.. So the ·only range of .about 300 mil~s," he' tropical survival kit, a machete, the entire bOdy of the commis­ thing left to· do was tci fly it explained, "blit we'll stop' wher. signal ~~ares ap,d mirrors, a first . sions and often held separate down there." ever gas is available." .Tiining aid kit,: a six-day· supply' of mee'iings . with individual com­ With these' parting' words,:- of the flights will depe~d parUy. water and a 'solar-powered still missions. "Sometimes there was . Father JohnL. SUllival), of the. on the w~atb:er,. h~- saId, sinee.. for distilling more, if necessary. a meeting every day of the' missionary' Society of St. James the plane'Is nC?teqUIpped f~r ~ Father Sullivan, who said that· week," he said, "depending upon the' Apostle, climbed into the ..strument lan~mgs:' . . 'he will "fly QY the book .and what was under discussion at cockpit. of a. seoond~han:d, two... Safety eqUIpment aboard the. not take chances," is· a licensed the Councll." seater Piper Cub and ~k, off . pilot with .more than 500 hours on a weeklong fligQi.,to Chica· i off!ying to his" credit. '. ., .. ,'. " . . Copilot witll' him for· the trip layo"Peru;" .' ·'·is his father, ,John L. Sullivan of· I' The airplane ·il, •. ,gift ,to a Scituate, Who plans to .11y back .A Canl,ldian priest, Father .. Paul· .•. WAS HI N G TON (NC) ~. on ..'regulaJ;'ly scheduled airline. IIti. MooneY,· from his i~rmer P800:' ,J h" P H' l' . Archbishop osep . ' ur ey.' O· '. "L . . . S'.· . LOUISVILLE,' (NC) '-:'A 'six. rishioners' in T:oronto;.·F a ther ·:Bish~p. ~f.. St. AI1gi.lsti~e,: Fla.,.-: .' pe... echne erleS.'. year vetera,n of missionary serv./ MooneY is n(lwwo!king in Chi- h b ed b P e'd t ' .' MAKES, YOUI ice. ;n Laos s.aid here that t.he.re .. '.' ~alayo with Ii group of diocesan ,~se~n ,na~ . . Y.·. r SI, «:n. ";'WithCounCiI Report" ... P f C d Ken~tdy 10 a Slx-.m~~ CO~I~US.",. .,. CAR RUN' BmE1t is a great need for .··de.d!~a~..priestssent to eru rom ana B.· sion.to PrePare for"the ~thag,.. c, : . TOR01l1TO, (NC)..;,....A Report.; ,. .... Car DMIeN Americans" in that strife-torn "I used the same type plane niversary. ob~erVapce Clf. St... ,on tAe,~qumenical.Council"will 80utheast Asian land. for miSsion-hopping when I was . Augustine. . .. .pe tne title of the first talk to be ..... Service· Stati• • Father MlitiMenger,b.M.I.,' down there," said Father Sulli. ~ The'quadricentennial, observ- .' given.in t~e. "Relig.ion and Life" stressed the' need for Americana. van, who has also served 'as .... a~ce,. ~f: the .f.ounding '. of St.'" ,lecture.senes .openmg here Sun.. "WAO can speak the language, missJonary in Pem. .He: is .now Augustine,. fi r st. p.ermanent. .day, Jan. 27. .: leai'D the customs and eat the ~ngaged in obtaining and ship.' Christian settlement in what is The speaker w111 be Father food of the Loatians. We ne~ ping supplies needed by other now th~ United States, take Gre1;t0ry Baum, O.S.A., dire~tor men to win the hearts of the priests in the area~ place in 1965. . of t~e Center ~or E~umemcal people." . Father Sullivan'. flight plan It w s on Se t. 8 1565 that StudIes at St. Michael s College In this connection Fa·the.­ includes stops· for refueling aj. a . p, , and a consultor of the Ecumen. :Menger recalled the work of 'the proximately every 200 mile. .the Spamsh explor~r Don Pedro 'ieal Councilis Secretariat for' late Dr. Tom D:ooley, famed, for during his trip. Menendez de AyIles founded Promoting Christian Unity. his medical apostolate in the the settlement. ThIS was 55 years N'n th r '11 • before the Pilgrims landed at l I e 0 e pe~sons WI . ~lve J'unglse ·of Laos. He called ·Dr. PIymou th Rock in' 1620. e~t~es, G. includmg AUXiliary SC h'00.I StU dY ,roup G· Dooley "one of the most, out­ . Emmet Carter of .BIShop standing men I have met any­ 0 T f E Illuminated Cross ,London, Ont., who will speak INVESTED IN

where in the world." . n our 0 urope' Archbishop Hurley sponsored on March 10. The lectures are CATHOLIC CHURCH

The Oblate misSionary priest QUEBEC (~"C)~Members Of the setting up last September of being offered by the Clltholic AND HOSPITAL BONDS

described .conditions in Laos, the Royal Commission on. Edu­ the St. Augustine Foundation, Information Center. In Units of $500 or More where he was first assigned in cation in Quebec province are which will have .charge of ob­ 1956, in a talk to the Louisvill~ making a tour of educational in­ servanees planned for the quad­ Serra Club. He is scheduled to': stitutions in Europe prior. 110 ricentennial. year . at.' historic "',",''''''''''''''''~ return soon to Laos. completing their report. religlous sites in St. Augustine.. Minneapolis. Minnesota Cites Destruction They' are visiting institutions Among these is the Mission of for detailed informaUon Father Menger said the little and studying the educational Nombre de Dios, where the first' ~' write to kingdom, slighUy smaller than set-up in France, England, Bel­ parish Mass in this Country was CHARLES A. MURPHY Italy, is vital to the defense of gium, Sweden, Norway, Den­ offered by. Father'. Francisco Rel'llkred Representative southeast Asia. " mark, Germany and Switzerland, Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, a 145 Pond Street "It is a corridor leading from prior to returning in ~ebruary. diocesan priest who accompanied . Winchester. Mall1l. Red China and North Vietnam to Members of the COmmission Menendez. ' PA 9-2696 365 NORTH FRONT STREET South Vietnam, Cambodia, are Msgr. A. M. ~arent, former' The foundation also plans to Burma and Thailand," he ex. rector of Laval University, chair­ place 'an ~lluminated cross, more Name . NEW BEDFORD \ plained. man', Sister Marie Laurent de th an 100 f eet h'gh i the wa.ers ~ During the recent warfare in 1 ,n Adclre.. ...... .... . Rome, Jeanne Lapointe, Gerard where the 'Spanish ships lay at ~ WYman 2·5534 ~ Laos among rightists, commu- FI'II'on Guy Rocher, David Mun­ h' nists and left-leaning neutralists, . ' 2!1lc or.' ". . . roe Paul Larocque and John H50 per cent of the Catholic i n : - ' . ' r-----~-----­ atitutions - ' schools, .rectories, .McIlhone. ., . churches, oonvents, dispensaries, ._ , . -were destroYed," according tD Extend Edu-cation. Father Menger. TAICHUNG (NC) _ Provi­ Maint"nan~ Ivppil... , dence' Junior College, - ,.estab­ 'SWEEPERS '-' SOAK' Council Expert: -lished herein 194$ by Sisters 'DisINPEcTANts. '. ST. CLOUD (NC)- Father Providence from 8aint-Mary­ at' Vincent A. Yzermans, editor ,of. of-the-Woods" Iti.d., has been .. PlRE'IXTtNGUIIHRJ the St. ClOUd Visitor, newspaper made a four-year college of arts of the St. Cloud diocese ·here ill and llCiences by :the Nationalist

Minnesota, has been named an _ Chinese Mipistry ',of :E:d:u~tion.

opert Gi the Second VaUcaa" The ministry's action' makes it 11"PURCtfASE ST. ". '"

Council, accorcUng. ~ inf9~- the first institution for .girls .m

'NlYilmPORD ST.,:':',:-; BEDFORD, MASS. tian'.· ·received at the Chanc:~ Fonnosa where' student. eaD ·:WV 147""'''''' .•.•;..;..,.; • :,' .••,_;,_.~.:-_ . ,..,;.'.•.' ;;'•.' -':. . : _'_'.' .'•..- - . __ ".. : .. . ' .I:.., ,. ,_., _:;,..,;; ~ ~ _V~~~- < ~ .',~~".:4eBree.­

Missione~ Fath'erActs ,as,.


Flies Plane' to Peru :for Missionary Son

.,P,Ian: O.bservance .:At- St.• ,Augu·st.-.n'e,

Says L.G.o.'S,,··.'.N. e.e.,'ds.' :mer·l·c·a.ns' . A'I-d'










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, 12 ~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive.r::T~ur.~.~.J,a,n. 17, 1963




God' Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,


What did'I see at the Council? This is ~he first of a Aeries OD that su;bje~t. Iilaw poverty. ,I never. before saw such poverty in the Church. I have seen the poor elinging to the hillsides of. Rio de Janiero; I have seen children with l:lO clothes- other than pap~ torn from billboards; r have seen the poverty on Chinese trams, as refugees pushed down from the North to escape CommuniSt persecution with no other wordly goods than a black sack con­ taining a little black bread; I have seen lepers in Uganda dragging their stumps to a Catholic asylum, where white habits and whiter souls greeted them 'with the love of Christ.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy ,Morley. Callaghan, the Canadian writer whom Edmund Wilson' has called "the m~st unjustly neglected novelist in the English language," tells us in, That Summer in Paris (Coward-McCann. $5) of his early association with Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. This was, brief on the Riviera. But Scott had a but 'close, mostly in Paris fatal instinct for courting hu­ just prior to the stock mar­ miliation, for putting himself


ket crash of 1929 and the eclipse squarely in the middle of an of boom times, the jazz age,' and embarrassing p 0 sit ion from which he should have recoiled. the so - called Fitzgerald seemed anxious to lost generation. be in Hemingway's company, ap­ H1's' recollec­ parently envied the easy terms tio'ns' of the era on which Callaghan was with and its chief Hemingway, and finally came literary person­ along - with no warm encou­ alities m a k e ragement from Hemingway ­

alities make en­ to one of the boxing bouts. He grossing read­

undertook to serve as time­ ing. keeper.

Ca 1 I a g ­ The happenings of that after­

h' a n" f i r st·

noon are brUliantly described by E L E C TED: Father Jo­ sketches his,

Callaghan, and they were to seph . Connors, S.V.D., pro­ o' w n back­ have repercussions for years to fessQr of homiletics at the

ground. In 1923, at the age of 20, he sought and come. For the first time, Cal­ got a job on the Toronto .Daily laghan k n 0 c ked Hemingway Society of the Divine Word

down. Fitzgerald, horrified, said seminary, Techny, III., was Star. This was during the sum­ that this had occurred',because elected pre sid e n t of the mer vacation from his' univer­ he had inadvertently let the CathQlic Homiletic Sociew sity studies' which were wpte­ pare him for the law: He wanted . round run Ii' minu~extra. Thi.· during. . th~.· .orgl!Jlizati~n'$ tli"be Ii ,writer, and Heniingway' brought .. burst of savage abuse annual meeting in Cleveland. bad worked 'as .: rePottei iii from Hemingway, which crushed NC.Ph~to.: Toronto; was then a . 'European Fitzgerald... e()'trespondetlt: of, tne' star,' and 'D~e'am FUlltiled" ;,' .. l.;. '. j would shortly be' back in toWIi;' ··Afterward the three 'went ,to a, ~ Upon' his return,' "atiii~ lJtoadLshouldered, brown-eyed, cafe. for a drink.'· "Anyone· '. CQntinued from Page· One' .bigh'-'colored man' with a 'heaVy: watching," says Ca 1.1 a g.h an, St.' John· the BaptiSt· parish. black:' musfache;" .he struckilp "would .have believed that. we He attended'the paroChial school' ." friendship with CallaghaIt 'a1;" were three writers talking about· prior to his entry in 1949 to La most 'at once: Already Hemilig'­ a, llteraryproblem. No one could Salette Minor Seffiinary,Enfield,' waY' was' c6nvinced of hiS own' have imagined anything, had N. H., where he completed high happened that could be heart­ genius, already he was deter­ mined to .. be "the champ," and breaking. Well; I had come a school studies. Further studies were com­

long way to have my two friends ~lreadY legends were .beginning get together with me, and here pleted at' La Salette' College,

to mushroom about him. Brewstel" and La Salette Sem:. , When Callaghan showed him a, they were." inary, Attleboro. First religioUs . Shortly therafter the Callag­ short" story he had done, Hemingway expresSed a 'h i g h' hans left Paris, and Callaghan profession was made in 1956 at La Salette novitiate,' Center never again saw either Heming­ op~nion of it. '. .. Harbor, N. H. . Hemingway was soon' gone' way or Fitzgerald. All three of these men were from Toronto, but not bejQre he Brother Martineau had awakene9 in Callagnan a, at some time, and In. tJome· wise, Brother 'Martineau, son of Mr. Wish to-go. to Paris, then a center' Catholic. Fitzgerald, like Callag-' Arthur Mart~eau, Manchester,'

of excitiIig new work in many' han, was 'acradle Catholie, but, N. H., spent four years at Enfield; of the arts. Joyce 'lived th~re" had long ,since given up ,practice two at· East Brewster and: one and . so did Fitzgerald. It .was' of his religion . and, although year in Center Harbor, 'where he· Callaghan's dream to ~ye' the: urging the Callaghans to go into pronounced his first' vows in eompanionsbipof Ernest and the church of St. Sulpice. to see 1957. ' the huge columns, would not SCott. He has one brother an Oblate

First Novel himself enter it. Hemingway was Father stationed at Lowell and

: Fitzgerald, whom Callaghan a Catholic for a short time only. another brother -preparing· 'for the Diocesan priesthood· of Man­ lia'd not yet met, 'strongly re-, Fascinating Aceoun& chester.. The ordinandi also baa 'cioinmended the latter'a work to I P k' e d i t t th As for Callaghan, he does n~t ~*xwe I er ms, or a e disavow his religion but. one two sisters in religious life, ODe Scribner publishing house. Cal,.. a Missionary Sister of Our Lad7

}aghan ,came to ,New York,. had gets the impression that,: to say of Africa- 'and another Sister of

a- session with Perkins. and was the least, it is not dominant In the Presentation of Mary.

elated to learn that Scribners his life. In the course of the Brother Roger Benoit lathe­ would bring out his first novel. book, he says a. number' of son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore In their publicity, his name peculiar things ontbe subject. Benoit, Southbridge, Mass.; and and work were linked with For example, ''The saints, tor­ Brother George Loiselle 1.1 the Hemingway's, an4 tJlis lnjudi- rnented by the anguish of the son of Mr. and Mrs. George. dous course brought the re- ,flesh, wanted to reject the Loiselle, Pawtueket. viewer's wrath upon Callat:han, human condition.''' This is a Both young men followed. the

~~hough ~emin~ay, jea~ t:1f negative and ~til.way o~ same course of trainuig as .them .

bi~ reputation, VOICed no dissent. viewing the saints, and quite the! classmates. _

; " '.' reverse of the actual truth and of, , , A . former "La Salette lEly,

i ,.F'r~endly Bouts ,"~ . .' th~ autheti'tic Catholic meri~ality;., lJrother, Bro~er :l.~om~ Levas- i .. j ~aving. fi~shed law school, .T.he book as a, yl,hQle provides! seur is the~ son of' Mrs.J;>ora, L. l of the: Ca1la:ghap, married, and he and 'il' fascinating" ;"Boril'; in"Van' ~i{ wp:~,~t.o~t for..~aris ..There literary temperament, of the! ~lfound,HemtngwaY'~end1y hard work :which writing is, of! .. as:ever~biS'fainetncreastng, and the differences in approacb. fol';'; a: i secol1d mariiige·~ontracted. .lowed by,. 'contemporai:'ies, of the:

This' timtf. he had married envies, frictions, r~ntmentS, as a lay brother and left for 'the Pauline Pfeiffer; she was a and feuds in which 'writers get

Catholic and Hemingway had 'involved with one onother.

~;li:;~e~~~~dsOfinL~94~~: just been, re'ceiv'ed into· the, .

missionaries to be assigned to Church.

I , . that station. After seven )'eart . To his surprise, Callaghan disStudy he returned to the United States covered t,hat' HemingWaY, wa·s. "Co'llege Resou" rce's ': . and requested admission as a out . of iouch with Fitzgerald, candidate for the priesthood. ab,out· whose writing' 'he' wills ' . TRENTON: (NG)--Gov. RiCh­ coolly noncommittal and whose aid J. Hughes said he plans \9' He ];1l1S,Spent tlie Pastsix'yeara'. stYle of living he obviously did appoint an impartial board to', at La Salette Semimiry in Attle-;, bora, ·stu~ing plti~osoPl1Y, and, $~ admire. . study '''all college resources, pub:-': .tJteolqgy; ", . . ~:.;\ ' :1;C~lla~h,an .. h~~i,?one ~~e /_u.cax;t~;p~v,a.te~~~_inN~V'!;Jerse~.: ; Bro91et-, l\fa~r bl*mg ~ ..tolr,ege..~., llJ;ld .Hl!.~~~g,~, : Th.,.e..' .!i'O.vertl0r !d~~~osed therl ~y 'sul(~est~~ that.-th~. ,~":,-pla.njrl. .hiS',annual message ~ :: Brother ~ajot Jstbeson of:!

ea!Honally .go ,a few rqunds:,; the Legisl~ture; Its rparticul~: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Major,:'

Hemingway, wa$ the bigger" but'.,: feature ,was·the, iriclusion. of pri~; l'fasb,ua, N•.Ii. .H~ a.~te~4ed.. s~:i,

dalnaghan:was tpe .faster,..:and in.' .vatecillieges because, Ii: recent. Francis'''XaVler '~obl"'p:rlOr' to!

~Wir friendly 'bours the'woUld- 'state-"sponsored study was lim1i his entry at, the Epfield minor:


b~! champ was never able to preited to public institutions. ' ' seminary in 194if - . . n'jl. ' ,;. Gov. Hughes mlade only brief .: First religious profession was::

.: Sarage Abuse mention of the previous study,' made in 1956 and perpetual vows

, Independently of Hemingway, known as the Strayer Report, were taken in 1959. After two

the Callaghans me~ Scott and and undertaken last year for the years of study at La Salette

Zelda Fitzgerald. They were state Department of Education., Seminary in' Attleboro, Brother

romantic figures, exquisitely That report urged the expendi-: Major taught for a year at East

dressed, maintaining a lavish ture of $27 million for five years Brewster, then resumed ht.

preparation for the priestboocL apartment, regularly sojourning on public higher education.



But at the Council I saw. the poverty behind this poverty. I saw the bishops on whose shoulders rest this terrible wud and hunger and suffering. Often they lbled up before my Council seat, begging, a l:ew Mass stipends to keep their priests alilve. I saw the poverty of bishops 'from behind the Iron Curtain, who slept thUe . un a room '. because they could .not, aff'l)rd, separate quarters;'1 saw otie prelate with­ out a pectoral eross - he sold It to' Ilay his way to the Council; I saw the Poverty of another bishop who had to leave '~he Council because a cyclone and typhoon wiped out- most ot the churches; in bls. missions; I saw the povertJ' of one bishop wbo gave up the best diocese in a coun'h'y

to accept the poorest, alter three had Ire­

fused the impoverCshed area. Does not a mother suffer more for the hunger of her child

than the child himseU? These bishops have also suffered more

for the poverty of their -priests and p~)ple tb,an the priests and

people themselves. Never before did.1. lilee the ,poverty of ,Chri.tt as I saw it.at the Council.. I,saw t~.ChJ;ist hungry at the MoUllito, thirsty at the weIland without'l\ cup, lf1e~ln,g under the stars. tor the birds had their nests ,but the Son of Man had nowhere

to lay Hill head. . . .




'1 tried to heip them. I told theml'WU dolD&' mJ' best. Itut, . i felt 80 inadequate. The. Bob" Father lIAs ,appointed :me Prelli- . e1entot his Pontifical Mission Societies' In tile United States, Del· .

'J'el all lean do-and this is 90 JiWe-·lsto collect ali average

per capita contribution of 27 cents ·from United States CathoJicil

each year for his Missions. WiIJ yOli noj~inChrlst·s Name.' Who .'

'though rich became poor, and 'in Mary's name, who could aflorel .,.

only two doves_when she oftered the' God-Child In the '!'empie, make an offering each month for the poor I saw at the Colindl

- and will see when I again' return! Tbank J"Ou!

GOD LOVE YOU to F.M. for, $11.05 "To thank the Saeted Heart for helping me find employment. I shall send additional' checks periodically." '" to L.K. for $1 "To thank God for my return to the SacraIl1;ents, I want to help spread the Faith in the Missions." ... to C,J. and Friends for $:t60 ''We earned this by. putting on shows in' the neighborhood." ... to Anonymous for $10 "My New Year's resolution was to send an offering to the

Mission!! each month, and this' is the first il1Stal~ent."

WORLDMlSSION, a quarterlY' ma~:~zine of' missionar,. ae:" '

tlvItles edited by Most Rev. Fulton 'I. liMen,' Is the ideal gift··

for priests; nUllS,' seminarians or laymen. Send $5 ior a one-year:)

IIUbscripUon to WORLDMlSSlON, 366 Filfth Avenn~ New York

l. N~ York. :

Cat oat this column; piDJ'oar _moe.to it and man It • tIae Moat Re•. FUlt9n I. Sheen, NaUODal Director of the 'SoeielJ' for the ~opap,tioDof the Faith, ~66 Fiftb Avenue. NewytRk ' l. N.Y., or J'ourDlocesan Dlree~r. R,]~.RE'V. RAYMOND .T.. .. CONSIDINE, S68Norih Mabi:Str~t. Fall Rlwr•. Masa.'

YOURS. TO LOVE AND TO GIVEf .... tw. eI. DAUOMTII 01' IT. I'AUL ..... 0eiI

....... lift . . . . . laIO-wtM. . -tI an. of 80d '1Iy MrilIttI Hila ia • MIuf_ whicIt _ ....


...... I .... Moliotl PlcfU...... IV. . . . , . . netYWheR, %eaten ~

... Wont ..

Iirh. ,...u


. .,.....,

lit "'" . . . . .

Apoatotate 'MaY _ilw to,



A. i"AUl :.

10 ST. PA.Ul'S AVE.

.oSlO" 10.



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WM" M'A'N~ N'I'NG (0~,~:,: '. '"


fir~~~f~O~~:::=iO:a~~e 1~':



.Poverty Behind Poverty--.


Rreco'llections of Jazz Era Make' Engrossing Reading


- ........


.. '







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Thousands: :of Diocesan 'Students;-'

lHE ANCHOR­ Thurs.~Jan~ 17, 1963

Meeting Challenge of Midyears With - Increased' Study Hours


Charges Italian .' Movies Nearing B tt· f SI ' '. 0 omo ope

The school year is now almost half over and students

in all Diocesan high schools are. settling down to long

hours of study preparing for mid-year exams. Most conversations seem to center around mathematics, English, VATICAN CITY (NC) -:­ sciences and other school . The immorality of Italian subjects as students wonder And students at Mount ,St. movies has' been denounced if they will meet the chal- 'Mary's Academy in Fall. River in an editorial by L'Ossen8­ I~nge of mid-years. D~n~es, will produce the three act com. tore Romano. dates and other social activities . edy, "Meet Me in St. Louis." The editorial was written 'by' have taken a back seat and par. Three performances will, be the .Vatican mty daily's editor, Raimondo Manzini, after he saw ents are cooperating. by curtail. ; given Tuesday, Feb. 12 through ing telephone chats and televi. 'Thursday, Feb. 14. a series of stills in a magazine sion. The ~chool atmosphere is All upperclassmen were in· from an as yet unreleased filled with serious thought and vited to participate in the try. Italian film. He asked: "How long will immoral constudy. outs and a double cast of 24 At Coyle High in Taunton students was chosen for the pro. formity continue to sully a large exams begin Friday, Jan. 18 and duction. Male roles will be per~ part of motion picture produc­ tions, 'particularly the Italian?" close Tuesday, Jan. 22. They will formed by guest actors froin cover .all material given since neighboring schools: Leading He said that no "artistic ex­ the beginning of the school year. man will be Ronald St. Onge; a cuses can reasonably 'be invoked At Jesus-Mary Academy in student at Providence College. to project on the screen the Fall River mid-year exams 'will The entire production is'under' photographic vision of the final be spaced, giving each girl a day the direction of Sister. Mary -and extreme amorous moments." in between to catch her breath Mercy, R.S.M. ' He also noted that "certain prin­ and go on to the next one. Exams At Dominican, Academy n ciples and liinitations should be there begin Monday, Jan. 21 and Fall River senior members of established through tacit agree­ end Friday, Jan. 25. Each exam the literary circle atte'nded a ment among producers them­ will cover a double period. meeting recently at the French '. selves. This' should be- done ill .And at Bishop Cassidy High in Alliance Club. A talk by the BISHOP' CASSI~Y OFFICERS: Senior Class officers the interest of art as well as of I Taunton students will take their Mayor of Newport on jazz festi. at Taunton's brand-new Bishop' Cassidy High School are the prestige of the industry and mjd-year 'exams in a new set- vals in France was the feature from left, standing, Mary Jean Yelle,vice,.president; An~the dignity of artists." ting. Already the girls feel quite of· the evening. F~~ey, secretary; Christine Haggerty; treasurer; seated," Get There First at home in the new school build.. Morm, · c Iasspresl· ·d~nt and preside.nt 'of school chap.ter The' editorial , ·questioned the' .. Sel.ien. ce Fair, . ' 1 ' .M ary' ' . ing and look .forward to the. Seven Stang,s,eriior~.~nd ..,t:w.o efficiency of ,the Italian govern-. week after examinations. . Stang juniors have had poems of National Honor Society•. ;" . ment'sfilm review offices and Silver Tea accepted for pu~licatiori'tn:"The declared that some clearly imIn spite. of exams,' however, National High' School, P,oetry . the functions of a high school ~een. ,background with large" moral movies have been allowed life must go on and the students AnthologY""7:Ar,ner:ica, Sll}gs,;i :The sodality, its purpose, and, the .re~ , white letters and shamrocks em. to be shown in public movie at Sacred Hearts Academy in . senJors ,are Terence Gorman, quirements for me~berllhip•. " . blematic of the school. Feehan. houses. It stated: '' , Fall River look forward to com. _ Raymond Sherman,. Janet SaUl. Valentine Dance :. j~s wi~·bP. ,proud to display this' "Meanwhile, the bottom of the pany day at·; the Academy on nier, Diane Riendeau, Doris Editors for the next issue, of banner at aU school functions.. downhill slope is nearly being Sunday, Jan. 27. On that day area fontaIne and Sheryl Martino of the "Feehan Flash". are Frank. Feehan Is also the recipient of reached,if there is a bottom to eighth grade girls will be enter. New :B~d:ford' ··.an~ Mi\lrgaret MeCauley, arid Paula Sharon. two other gifts. One is a set of this void. It is sad to have to tained at an open house projiram.' Smith of ~outh ·DaI:,tniptith·. The Layout editor is Martin Funke. science, volumes entitled, "The ,repeat it, but Italian movies These girls, prospective students, juniors,. are John ::Moss. of Fair Membership on' the editorial- .Life Nat!J,re .Series." ,This is the. now. more than· ever before seem will also participate' in' phases River':and Richard Rheaume Of. staff of the paper is on a rotation' gift of· Rev, George'Nolan of the first.'; to want· to get to the bottom ,. W es t port . All of academic life in '.high schooi .' . were awarded, cer. . basis this year in order to give ' Columban Fathers, Milton. The . and tryout recreational and ath-: tificates 'of. 'acceptan'ce. at the membe'rs of the journalism club ,other isa gift of records from letic facilitieS. A tour 'of the new student., g()verninent ,. JIieeting varied experience in publishing the parents of Feehan students . . to be used in ,the music ap'pre­ building and refreshhtents will held, ·recently· in the school the paper. ronclude the' program. auditorium, ' '. 'Guidance for the' business . ciation activity class. " Truck Body Builden 'Also on Sunday, Jan. 27 the'· .'I'h~FeeJ1aI.l·Science.Fair .will 'world was inthe news this week' 'And the junior class at Bishop . Almpllium or Steel Alummi.e Silver Tea will be held'. be held Wednesday through Frt. at Sacred Hearts Academy· in ;Stang High will sponsor a Val.en. , 944 County St.' , at Mount St. Mary's Academy' in' day, Feb., 6 through"8,' in the Fall River. Interested seniors, . ~tine'dance' Friday, Feb. 8. A con. NEW BEDFORD', MASS." Fall River. This will ,he the firSt' school auditorium. The beSt.proj-, under the ·supervision· of Sister' ,test· is now· in progress for' the " . WY 2-6611_', ' alumnae .Social function, to which. ects will be pUt Oft public exhl- . Maria Annunciata took part in ..choice of a theme. '

seniors at the academy will be bition and .a selection of· these the Massachusetts'State Employ. ," Congratulations to· Raymond

the- Diocesan merilServiCe Guidance ·Prograpl. . Sherman' and Sheryl Martino,

invited. This popular' affair prO- will 'be entered A general aptitude test battery . ,both students. at Sta,ng. They

vides Sisters and students a weI.. science' Fair; come opportunitY to meet old Honor Society and individual interviews were ' ,have been selected winners in .

friends of the Mount. _The. Discussioh. Club at Holy included in the program. Scoring. ,t~~ boys' and girls' divisions' of

, Pdricipal'speak~~wiil.beRev;' Family will present it film strip ,highest in the tests were ~nthia th(! ·Elks'Youtp. Lea'dership"con::'

,Robert Kaszynski. Benediction and tape reeordingoni'Com. Ponte, Marguerite Zembo Mad. test.

will follow his address. munist Encirclement" to the eline DiSanto 'and Jean S~ith.

And at Bishop Feehan High in student body sopn. The purpose Christmas is over but Feehan' ,

Attleboro' plans' are being made' of the club is to inform .itS mem~ High is still receiving gifts. A

to entertain incoming freslimen ,. bers of the tecbniques of. com. school banner has been donated

at an open house. A date early rilUnism and the, beSt' 'wa,y to bya friend. -It has an 'emerald,

in February will be set' aside and ,fight them. The film is one'in a

students from the area .. will bl!'" series which have been; shown \SiS$%SSSS$Si%%%$SSSS'O invited.to tour the building and by the club. . ' ,,' . see what Feehan 'has to offer its Twenty-eight . students 'more

futurestude?ts. '. ' than twice as many afl'1a;iyear,

Junipero Club . have been inC\ucted' into· the

, Retreats have been high on Msgr. Prevost HighSch()oi chapBUSINESS AND

list of 'a~ivjties for many stU. ~r' of the .National,Honor SodDUPLICATI~G MACHINES

dents at Prevost High School in' ety.,In additiopto high schola~ Second. and,. M~rgall .~.

Fall :aiyer and,' Slt. - Anthony's' tic standing,.:reciuisites for ' High in New"Bedford~'At'Prevost membership ,inClude character ' FALL. RIVER ' . · 41 of the ria seniors :a~companied 'leadership' and,,'service'tCi th~ WY 2-0682_ OS 9-6712

J3rother:Vfnc'~nt to.Our Lady of hi" "" ." EJ M GINN P . . ,

Fatima Retreat House. in Man':' sc T~~; Cha~tel' 'I~cl~d~,;~ , ~:.r:'I::i:l"r:::'=:::S::l:C:i:s=·C''~.;::rioiP:s':a~

· ..~ ~ Mo're' .and .mc)re "b~yers . viile. N~ne 'seniors iniiCie up the . -seniors and 15;iuniors. seniors .r·_ .........'"'-:o.....-~""!""-~-~~~

eontingent"fr'oi.J:1:,~~:: Aiit~(my~s. whO were.rec~~tly elect~;~ of~ - , . ' ,',AnLEBOR~S .; -­ NE¥{~ild , . ,~,~d' a1 :H;olr: ~~;il~. High, ill .\'iic~rs- ,,-:,e~e '. ~-presi~epts Jl}ch.: 1Ata«ling , Garden ten";

, . ~~w .~edfc;)l:d,. the ,J1:t;nl(~r Ser~a ard Jusseaume and RODert Goy. ~;" ;:2AR~':' ," :~J.uP, 'Y~ic~:,~ee;ts:,lii-montLl~, otte;. Treasure. ~o~i¥ ' Co~;, .' .. wIlt !'lave Rev".EdW;t~4, Duffy Of' an~ Secretary ·Norman Duinaine. ft "'~.

, St.'".{ames' pill:'iS!t -iQr,.a' guest : At Bishop FeehariHigh',iil At.sPeaJt:~ .,.!\,.l~h9u&h· this is' the "tleboro, plans",ar.e, >.,' 1>,.e,in'.'g',.'. m'ade' . h. .. " .

,advantag~"6l'the: ,.... 'Cl " , ut Main· a Wall Sts. 1 t· , t'" t th' 'J i' 1..r!! y~a~ .. lla e, ,un. pero .. ub, 10r the forma~!on. ~~?a. .SodalitY, . . . ':" . :the official name of .this organ- 01. our Lady. Rev. J'ohn'·DriScoU H , ilECONOMY'!:AVJOLOA~f ~*!9ri; A~I! ~~ i-plu,ot ~ Holy.. will addre~ ~~. ~~aentbOdY on -' ,:" CA ' ~~M' ' " ., : .. ,- ~ '! . . ' .... ' .'"). -' "',.... • • -. ,• • '. rain.ilY;it:1)a~ be¢i{ priVil.eged ' " . , ;,::,.' ,-; .' ". : • ..:' : . . .•. "'0:; . , ~ .~e&r many" .no~ . sPea~ers. , 'n1ep.urpQse of th'e c:)rglinization .. T.his.C:o"~e~ie,,n' ~. ~ ;~m~niy savi~g I ;Ia~~ff~rs car buye;s' . is tof9ster' vocationS, to the.reU­ : ~a~~ a<dvcln!~ges. A.val~a~le ~t'any PI our 3.' Neigllborhood : · ,fuus lUe.' :' '.-. ;,,' . I;, 'c). '::·~B.ank.I"_ . ~ ..... . .,.~. ~Me~WM~:bi.:St;Lo~I8·: . . ..... . Dr~atic' SOCiety '8tBish-" C














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president:· Patrichi 'Vogel,' vi~ , president;. Janet· 'Saulnh~r, secre;" ~t1" The group .Ml planning the pro4uctioil-of a one;'aCtplay for a. Studentgovernmeftt assembly m .the near'futUre. ' Meanwhile at' :Sacred Heart. Academy in Fall River Spanish, students are preparing a pro­ gram for Pan American Day, April 14, under the direction of Sister Carmen Joseph. Native dancing, sing-alongs and skits, all in Spanish, will make up the entertaiIUnent.




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:'?f 14:



Rev.. 'John J.'Toomey, New Bedford ,Maryknolfer, 'Di'esin New Orleans


Maryknoll, N. Y. Father Toomey

" died in his sleep in New Orleans

, Friday 'night where he was as­

assigned to vocation and promo­ 'tion work for the 'Maryknoll

" Fathers.

A native of New Bedford, he

".erved nearly 30 years doing,

mission work in China. Father Toomey experienced two periods of captivity and'imprisonment in ,the orient. The first was during World War n when he was cap­ , tured by the Japanese in Hong :Kong where he was the superior of 52 Maryknoll priests in ,China. After being confined in .Sta.nley Prison Camp there he , was released by the Japanese to . "act as the American Red Cross , , representative. . After the war he returned to ,. South China from the United ,States and was in charge of a FATHER TOOMEY. M.M. Boys Town in Kwangtung Prov­ ,-ince. When the Communists gained control, Father Toomey ordained to the priesthood in ,-. " was held under house arrest and 1922. He sailed for his first as. then expelled from China in signment in the orient that same Fall~ , . 1952. , He is survived by his brother, Since then he served at Mary­ knoll's Chinese Mission at 2311 Joseph D. Toomey of 326 Cot­ Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, tage Street, New Bedford, and two sisters, Mrs. James E. Ryan and in New Orleans. , Fat her Toomey graduated of the same address and Mrs. Mary Langlois of Boston. from 51. Charles College, Catons­ A Solemn Requiem Mass was .ville, before beginning studies for the priesthood at St. Mary's offered in St. Anthony of Padua . Seminary, Baltimore. He en· Church, New Orleans on Mon­ tered Maryknoll in 1918 and Wll8 da7­

LaSalette 'Sem~naria.ns Teach'

;. COQ.ti~ued from Page One education of their children Il8 , never lacking in a seminary.' one of ~eir primaIjobUgations Convetsationhere .at the La' and chief privileges. To mold &lette Seminar7 in AtUeboro minds is not ,the sole ideal and often centers on catechetics in ' prerogative' of the professional general and on the religious in-' educator, or the' responsibility struction of more than 430 .chi!- of the state. This parental privi­ ,dren in' particular. Ca:techetics . lege should be jealously guarded :;, affords an entire gamut of con- ' and never, totally delegated to ;. versational topics, ranging from' others. And the initial efforts of . , . ,the ty pic a I "kids-say-the-' parents to provide religious in-, ". darndest-tbings" story to the struction for their children will ' : methods of explaining the 'Mys- ' be thwarted if they fail to assure . ,'tical Body to fifth graders. ' their children of a contiQ.ued , A Privileged' Apostolate 'and gr?wi~g religious edu~a:, The, religious instruction of, Uon. Wh.at 18 begun in the first :, children is a veritable apostolate - com~uDlon: class should not .be , which teases a seminarian's ,forgptten histol'7 on"graduation , , eagerneSj; to launch out into the day. A Suggestion '-.priestly ministry. ;rhis particular It would perhaps be profitable :" 8postol'ate draws its powerful ; magnetism from its irilportance ,for .parent;; to acquaint them.nd ,far-reaching significance 'selves witli the newer catechism , >which stretch out into Eternity. books and to notice the format and approach ·to Christianity 80 The religious instruction of from .yester-day's cate­ , children will greatly infiuence different chisms. . (he final score ,of man7 lives. Question 'lind answer formats This, ' the seminarian realizes are all but obsolete. A new po­ t~ough ,perhaps not as intensely, sitive approach centered on the as he would wish. But he refuses to shoulder this responsibility redemptive coming of Christ guides the emphasis of modern alone. One Brother expressed it this catecheticS. The Bible becomes , way to his ,pupils' parents: "To • living source of spiritual wealth, telling the great 8t0l'7 of :tell the truth, I almost feel like Salvation. an intruder. Once a week, as it Acquainted with these new 'were, your most glorious. right approaches. the parent. will ~ ~and privilege - preparing. your ' little Christian for the closest' able to direct his child, accord­ union with Christ "in .this, world iaglr and aim at understlancling rather at memorization. - will become mine:" 'These are ,just a ,few '01: the , 'Indeed. .does sot 'the ,heavier th:ougbts ,that 'catechists would part of the burden restwUhthe, .p arents? No matter 'how,well ,like to bring -into many Christian ,trained catechists are, 'no ma.tter homes.' R must not be inferred, how extensive their course in how~ver,thatparentalinterest. child psychowgy, no matter 'how in religious education is totally e f f e c t i v e 'their visual aidS, laeking, always and evel'7where. 'nothing can supplant the role of an ~eeontrar7, more ·than ODe .' gratified arili tl:Ie parent 'inshapinlf a child'.g eatecbistllasbeen encouraged by the stimUlatiag life by religious instruction, Not oDly is it' the parent Who and, genuine interest of parents. It niustbe emphasized that can see to it that '. catechism iesson 'is: .studied, but' it -is the tile religious ,instr.Uctloo oJ. parent anIy whO 'can ,guide 'the ,children ,is pr,imarily the "privi­ weekly religious instructions of lege of :parents. Pa,rental re­ llis child into action, who caR sponsibility ,is imperative. And this .respanslbility,is wellexem­ direct religion as 'the life­ , shaping ancl.informing force that pl~ by • mothe!" who re­ moved her childfl'omreligious it is. We are becoming more aware instruction cla~sthat :teaching of the sad fact that the religious were a religion of fear and took 'education of ,our Catholic youth it upon herself to teach 'her' child does not run parallel with, secu- ' a 'religion of 'love. la-r education. After the. grade 'years, .religious instruction is 'generally on the decline. We ,WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. - expect our young peopM to go Peter W. Rodino, Jr., of New out into an adult world equipped lersey has introduced a bill ,to ~~h a child's .knowledge of re- . declare Oct. 12, Columbus 'D87.. ,1iglOn. , . ' • legal holida7. The bill (Ii. It. .Jneffect, parents shauld"con:-' 1118) was referred to 'the Bouse aider the ,.eontinuedreligioWi IUdici8r7Committ~ .



. '!~

__ ...



_._ •





-FINAL "BIG ".111(1-

Rev. John J. Toomey, M.M.,

'12, was buried this morning at



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·LaSalettes Teach Catechism


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THE ANCHOR-'Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 17,1963

lBy Msgr. George G. Higgins

WASHINGTON (NC) - Tra­ ditional government "neutrality" toward religion in the United States requires that public school Bible .reading be allowed ta continue, the U.S. Supreme Court has been told in a brief filed on behalf of the School District of Abington, Pa., and the Pennsylvania Superintendent of Public Instruction.


By the time this column appears in print the news­ paper strike in New York City and the much more serious 'Culf and East Coast longshoremen's strike may, hope­ lolly, have been settled. Meanwhile, almost all of the daily aewspapersa nd independ' lOt magazines which I have to dragon indefinitely, regard­ *»lsulted are up in arms less of the consequences. -.bout both of'tlhese strikes. Compulsory arbitration, if it


iIB fact, [ have yet to read an ever comes, would be just as .. u-out defense of either stl'ike distasteful to employers as it aeept in oHiwould be to unions. clal union pubI would recommend that both Mcations and I the labor leaders and the em­ laave the imployers involved in these two pression ·t ha t strikes take time out to read a 'evensome of recent book entitled "New Hori­ .eseare not zons For American Labor" by eotnpletely sold Joseph A. Beirne, president of 1JI1 the merits of the Communications Workers of IIIe strikes. Amer~ca (Public Affairs Press, - Not b.ei ng Washington, D.C., $3.25). 1Dll:v .acquainted Vast Changes with " o f 1ihe This is one of the m.ost re­ IIlngled iss1iea freshingly honest .andseilf-critiIII dispate, I dcm't bow whether cal books ever written .1:)yan • twe :strikesm questioZl. can American labor leader. irt .i11 lie justified ormrt. I am inclined 'particularly frank ill its reap­ . . :think, hawev.er, that tbe praisal of strikes (and, by im­ .mons invol~dwou1d be well plication, of lockouts as well). :advised :to ·get their menbac'k: Mr. Beirne is all in -favor Gf to work as. soon as possible if safeguarding the right 1;0 strike canarriv-e at a half-way and the corresponding right Gf ~onablecompr~mise wi t.hemployers to call a lockout. JIleir employers. He is adamantly opposed to They }Vould have little or compulsory al'bitration. aothing to gain, it seems to me, "But," says Mr. Beirne - and ,.d much to lose if they were this is the crux of 'his argument .. allow these strikes to run on - ''history has moved on; the 'ladefinitely. Even if they were American industrial machine has ... win out .against their em- become ever more comp'lex, and ployers .in a .long drawn out the new technology is producing battle of nerves, they might :such vast changes in industry well discover, in the end, that that the old methods are rapidly they had scored a Py11l'hic vic- becoming obsolete." ~y. There isn't sPace enough to Restrictive Legislation list here all of the new methods 'The New York printers might or new approaches recommended 41scover that their "victory" had by Mr. Beirne. Suffice it to say 4riven two or three New York that he is convinced that both aewspapersout of business and I abo l' and management are Iaad thereby eliminated a num- headed for trouble if. theyre­ 1ber of jobs for their own mem- fuse to keep up with the times. 'tiers. "Many of the old slogans and And both the printers and the old devices," he warns, "simply lIDngshoremen might discover are not good enough." ·lIb.ey had lost favor not only with Behind Times traditional eriticsof organized Mr. Beirne possibly would not 'llIiborbut with many old line agree with my conclusion that triends of .the labor movement his warning is directly appli­ _ well. cable to the New York newsAnd while fhetwo unions in paper strike and the Gulf and ,question may think they can af": E a s t C 0 a s t longshoremen's lord to disregard :public opinion, strike. Both the unions and the !tile labor movement as a whole employers involved have failed aighthave to pay a heaVY price to keefj up with the times. They lor their intransigence. An ap_ have made a mess of collective I'arent victory for these two. bargaIning in their resPective lWlionsmight conceivable .saddle industries. h entire labor .movement with It will be to their advantage .uchmorestringent and re- if they voluntarily adjust them­ ~lItrictive labor legislation. selves to the vast changes which have taken place in American New Approaches industry before theX do any Of caurse, the employers inmore damage to the institution ~lved in these strikes would of collective bargaining as we .also be well advised to meet the have come to know it in this 1U1ions .ha1f way. 'They would country - and before they tempt have no .more to gain than the the government, beyond the l1ID.ions, and just as much ta lose. breaking point, to 'drag them they were to get their backs scl'eaming into the second half __ and permit these two strikes. of the 20th century..

M E D A. LIS T: Bert M. Walz, executive secretary of the Madison, Wis., DiBeesan Union of the Holy Name. will receive ·Ws year'sVeroe1ti Medal, annaalawardoftbe National Holy Name .&ciety. NC Photo. .

Wh'ite .Peop:le. V·isit ·Neg;roHomes fin lPiilg,rima.ge 'of Unde,rsta'ndi'ng ,CH[CAGO (NC) - ~ g IIappened in Chicago and its -rbum.ll !recently that never bap.. pened !before.

their . attitudes • . The pilgrimage of iWlderstaml­ ~>sponsored Jointly by <Cath­ . <DUes, Protestants and ,Jews, WM IFw ·dlhe first time m. ifIW; made by about l,588wmtes \bdo aelirqpmq, w:bic1l :.mae .11unIe apadmelluaDd bmleslWlhse Ia'be!led u.e '"DeIIt .'R!~W :some 450Negre!f.."mes 1Jhre. ... 'eiib"" .~ fhe .·naticm, 1White 'Thisestimate\WJUl mde 1br I*JPle Yi&ite4I 1Wi1IhNepeea" Father William Bqaa, usW­ . . . . homes .on a maQive:"" :ant .pastor of st. . ~ "I!bet" Wked abGut·~ 'Cburch,and • :member .or ~ about 1iheirjo'bfl·ana illhe'ir 1Frien~J!louae, 'CaIthoJic mter­ racl81movement w.hicIlspDkesl !the project. 'The ~torsgathered .first JD iSAN JUAN (NC)-!Arcbbisll0p 10 chlll'cllesandsynagogu.es .aroundtheareatbea divided ,Imnes P.iDavis of SanJuanldm­ ,eiated at the chanting d a 'llIe Jln1lo sma11groups. :Oe1ml. in the Cathedral 'of San .Arranging the vifdts betweea Bautista here inPuer.to ;guests and host :families were Rico in thanksgiving .for the h"b­ Friendship House. the Church ,eration ,of 1,113 invasion :prisan:" Federati~ of Greater \ Chicago _s .from Cuba. Theceremo:QY and the Ohicago Federation of iflhe Union of Amel'ican .Beb1teWI' 'wassponsored byCub81'l 4'cdlu.­ Organizations. aees here.

'Tha'nksgiving !Rite




toward each other.

that many of our customs compel

the (~onclusion that our public life contains a religious leaven."

It adds that the high court "has stated that the First AmeDLdment requires only that the government should beneu­ tral, not friendly or hostile, to re!igilln. The maintenance of such :o.eutralityin the matter of re!igi1)n in a nation that has this The brief is a detailed defense traditional religious leaven in of Bible reading in Pennsylvania its public life r-equiresthatthe public schools, which was held gover:nment neither add to nor to be unconstitutional I a s t subtr~tctfrom such leaven. February by a special three-' judge Federal court. J~stablisbed Traditiona Warns of Precedent ". . . This court is not re­ The brief, which asks the quired, under the First Amend­ Supreme Court to reverse the ment, to eradicate from this na­ lower court's ruling, warns that tion's public life all voluntary a decision against Bible reading custoDlS and established tradi­ tions which some might consider would be a precedent for' eli­ minating "from the public life to hav'e religious -connotations. .0£ this nation all those customs "... The Legi.slatureofPenn­ and traditions thatevidenee the' :sylvlUliacannot be ·forced by • religious nature and origin of few p(l!"sons to abandon avolun­ our country and are now and tarily attended Bible reading 'have long been cherished and practi':e which has been :tradi­ .accepted .by a vast majority of tional inPennsyivania Jar cen­ the .peaple." «atiolli, 'CN1 the groend 1hat The brief says the Supreme wch lread.inC prOT.i.dM. 'aa 'Court itseU has affirmed "that establishment of Rllgion,' • we ·are a religious people, and held ,the DOUrt below."


Lay TheoJ'ogians




'Neutrality' Tradition Requires Permitt.ing School Bible Reading

Old Methods of Settli.ng Labor.~ Disputes Obsolete Director. NCWC Socia.! Action Department

Conduct 'Forums SAN FRANCISCO (NC) ­ seventy-two inquiry forums have been conducted by 22 grad-' nates of the University of :San Francisco's Institute of Lay The­ ology. It was 'disclosed here at the institute's convention. The lay theologians, who work as parish .advisers specializing in conv~rsions, conducted the fo­ rums since the program took the f!eld on July 1, 1961, reponed Father Eugene Zimmers, S.J.. founder of the institute. Laymen selected to attend the institute· undertake an intensive 10-month training course' before they are assigned to work in parishes. The inquiry forum dir~tors DOW work in 38 parishes in seven dioceses in the West.





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Fr. Weigel Says Council Observers 'Genuinely Happy' With Treatment

signs." An eJJ:ample is amenOr­ rhea (cessation of menstruation) which occurs in up to three per cent of· the women taking the pills. Since this is also a chief sip of pregnancy, expensive labElratory tests may be neces­ sary to determine whether or not pregnaney is present. -Oral contraceptives can have serious. medical complications in the ease of pregnant women un­ wittingly placed on contracep­ tive medication. Dr. Ratner notes that the male sex hormones in the contraceptive pills are "cap­ able of masculinizing female fetuses,'" thereby producin'g the

condition known as hermaphro­ ditism. &nn~d in Norway -R e c e n:t observations have sh<>wn t hat tln-omophlebitis (blood clotting) sometimes re­ sulting in death may occur in women using . the pills. "Al­ though medical committees hasti­ ly appointed by the government and drughouses have concludet;l that these cases seem coinci­ dental, one is circumspect in concluding that the last word on this has not been said," Dr. Ratner comments. The leading manufacturer of the pills, in its advertising di.,. rected to the.medical profession. includes the statement that it is "difficult to confirm or to deny statistically a causal relation­ ship" between use of the pills and thrombophlebitis. On the basis of the same ,evidence, Nor­ way has discontinued use of the pill. Dr. Ratner notes that in a January, 1962, poll of the med­ ical advisory committee of the Chicago Planned Parenthood or­ ganization, a majority of the physicians said they would not prescribe oral contraceptives for WASHINGTON (NC) A their wives or daughters. Other Mass in the Armenian Rite was medical SOUl'ces, including the offered here Sunday to ask God's British medical journal the Lan­ blessing ,on the Chair of Unity cet, have cautioned against pro­ Octave, Jan. 18-25, a period of longed use of the pills, he says. prayer for the conversion of At the 1962 meeting of the lapsed Catholics and those out­ American College of Surgeons, side the Church, Msgr. Stephen Stepanian of he says, the possibility was St. Mark's Armenian Catholic raised that use of the piUs might Church in Philadelphia offered extend the fertility of women the Mass in the National Shrine "into the fifth and sixth decades of the Immaculate Conception. of life, opening up a brand new Armenian Christians, had their dimension and' era of geriamc origin in the fourth century in obstetrics." The oral contraceptives study what is today the state of Georgia in the Soviet Union. is available from the Family They total about a quarter of a Life Bureau, NCWC, 1312 Mass. Ave" N.W" Washington 5, D.C., million. A wen-lmown member of the at 10 cents. per c9PY. Quantity Armenian church in Gregorio r~tes are available on request. Pietro XV Cardinal Agagianian, Prefect of the Sacred Congre­ gati<>n for the Propagation of the • A 'AMILY THAT • Faith, B.AR-B-Q CHICKENS

Continued from Page One toxic side effects. 4) inexpen­ sive." Dr. Ratner goes. on. however, to Ust a number of "medical , difficulties that might be en­ coimtered" in the use of the pills. Among these are the fol­ lowing: -.The pills produce "a high incidence of toxic side effects." In Puerto Rico, where the pills have been widely used fOl' four years, 43 per cent of all users had significant side effects; other studies put the figure as high as 71 per cent of users. Among the undesirable side effects reported by Puerto Rican women using pills are nausea, bloating, distress in the lower abdomen, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, nervousness, weight changes, increased skin pigmen­ tation and vaginal bleeding. In many cases these side effects have required increased medical care and discontinuance of the pills. -The oral contraceptive is· "a powerful stimulator" of growth in preexisting uterine tumors (fibromyomas). It is usually estimated that the in­ cidence of sucl1 tumors is 20 per cent in white women· and 30 per cent in Negro women. though the figures may be­ higher. Enlargement of such tumOl's as a result of taking birth con­ trol pills can lead to "gyriec~lo­ gkal complications, additional office visits, hospitalization and .urgery," Dr. Ratner says. -Oral contraceptive can re­ .ult in "distortion of diagnostic

TO SAINTHOOD: Blessed Vincent Palotti~ founder of the Society .of the Catholic Apostolate '(Pallotine Fa­ thel'S) , will be canonized Sunday at St. Peter's Basi­ lica in Rome, January 20. NC'Photo·.

6,533 Priests

4;1> -

The Catholic weekly. Jalisco published here reports this and S335. that the 185 pri~sts or­ dained in the country last year br~ the total of diocesan pl"i~s to 5,043 and the number Of, Religious pri~sts to 1,490. Mexico has 32,896,607 Catho­ lics in a total population of 3~,­ 75&,289. In the United States, the ratio of Catholics to priests ia less than 800 for every priest.


WHEREVER ST. PAUL'S TRA VELlS TOOK HIM, cframa and violence seemed to break out! At Phillip±, bi& words put him. til pIison, then· an earthquake destroyed the walls ... At Ephesul a wlulle city rose In anger and confusiOD, at his talk; on the' war to Malta he was shipwrecked, , Havinl escaped this he: wu bi~ten by a viper. Then a1 Puteoli be st"H' one week wit!dD the shadow of Mount Vesuvius,. not far from Pompeii, and Her,. eulaneum . You Imow what bappened' t.. those ancient ciu.t shortly after Paul passed. by. ThiS very dramatic man bact. world-shaking message: the doc'rine of the Mystical Body of Christ ... Many of our missionaries walk (much more quie~ In St. Paul's footsteps in. the Holy Land today. You can help.by lendillg us a STRINGLESS GIFT which we can use where most needed.







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"Tbe tragic beauty of the face of Christ Shines in the face of man;" So says Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. in a poem from hIs new book (The World for WeddiD& Rin~. Macmillan' Co,) . , , The young missionary DAMIEN DE VEUSTER had nothing .of the' paet about him that day when he first landed at the' MOLOKAI leper colony and looked at the crowd before him. Yet where molt men would have .seen only ugliness, the scars of' sickness, he law the face of Christ. tragic yet beautiful . , • Today this dis­ ease has lost much of its age-old dread due to medical advancel tbat make possible a cure. Still, throughout our NEAR EAST territor·ies we must provide care fol' its victims . , . JoiD our DAMIEN CLUB and send $1 a, montb fOl' this great cause,

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VATICAN CITY (NC) - An American Redemptorist. mis­ sionary has been named the first bishop of the newly created

Brazilian diocese of ParanagQa. Bishop-elect Bernard Nolker, C,SS,R., a native of Baltimore, has sPent all 23 years of hia priestly life in the BraDl mis­ mons. Born on September 25, 1912, he entered the Redemptorist congregation in 1934 and was ordained on June 18, 1939. He has served as pastor in Ponta Para and Paranagua, and wu the founder and rector of the Redemptorist minor seminary at Ponta Grossa.


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RATE Resources over

Institute Director COLOGNE (NC) - Josedt Cardinal Frings,. Archbishop of Cologne, has' appointed Msgs. Paul Adennuer, son of Germ• . Chancellor- Konrad Adenauer, . ' director of Germany's CathoDl Central Institute for M ~ and Family Problems whiell. . . its headquarters here.

TWICE EACH YEAB the manaaon wiDda Iiweep over-India. 0­ - &heir way toward the. high Himalayan peaks they let fan thm S t fh keavy burdeDll of ~aier. drenchiDa tIi•.

~I!~. countryside below • . . To the DOCR

.c.. d'~ people of India, the monsoon briDII

~ ~ both hope IlDd despair. RaiDll ~

G; 0 their' parched fields make the cralD

~' grow so tile women can make gruel fOl'

t tile single daily meal • . : But the __

phOOD5 also tear down their frqil. shelters. In the village of' VAROOa, III the diocese' of TmUV ALLA, Kenle, • "chu.rch" is a hut provided by BiShop Holy Fmhtr's MisJi01l Aid Mar AthanasiltS , .. When the- milstOD Iltation opened a few months ago, DOl ftrthtOrimtalChurch asi.n&'le Cathotict livY iD VAROOD. Already more than ODe bundred have been converted: ... Bm the monsoons threaten and the CatholiclIl of VAli.OOB fear 0Idr fraU chapel will not ~anct up to the storm. A stronger buildiq ean be erected for $4.006-$2,000 for the- land, $2~OOO for ClOD­ .truetion. Won't yon belp now. before the big wind: darte· .. blow?



FARMS • WAUKESHA (NC) The • •.145 Washington St., ..airhavenj. Just off Route 6 Latin America vocations picture, : though far from glowing, may WY 7-9336 be on the upgrade, according to Watch for Siena a U, S. vocations specialist. While out for a Drive • Harry O'Haire, executive sec­ retary of Serra International, at this· Delightful Spot. offered this estimate following a visit to a number ·of Latin American nations, Here in Wisconsin to attend a public relations seminar at Mount St. Paul-College, a Salva­ i!!!~~ torian Fat her s' seminary, O'Haire said the Serra program . FRE'E/KIT in La tin America is gaining \E\\'cR~ \ momentum. Serra is a laymen's organization which works to promote vocations.

given books which 'Were the basis of council discussione. They heaqi every word spoke., translated into their Gwn Jaa,. guage. Father Weig~ also explainedl that the observers who had ... point to make, could do tblll through the Holy See's Secre­ tariat for Promo.ting, Christi. . Unity, The secretariat held a meetiDi with observers weekly and ~'

able to introduce their observa­ tions into discussion at councA sessions, The Jesuit was confident thM the brotherly reception give-. the observers has achieved a greater friendliness betweea Catholicis.m and their churcbe&.


GUADALAJARA (NC) - The Catholic Church in this country starled the new year with 6,533 priests, one for every 5,035



BALTIMORE (NC)-The non­ Catholic delegate-observers at the ecumenical council were "genuinely and sincerely happy" with their treatment, a promi­ nent ecumenist who translated for them said here. . Father Gustave 'Weigel, S.J., a professor at Woodstock Col. lege, Jesuit seminary, also said that the observers' presence and the actions of. the, assembled bishops "have made it clear that ecumenical action is something essentially Catholic." In an interview, Father Weigel added: "The Catholic Church, formally and fully, accepted the ecumenical drive as something proper to Catholics. Within Catholicism, therefore, ecu­ menicism is no longer under any kind of question.... Father Weigel,· who spent the first session of the Second Vati­ can Council translating the Latin proceedings for some of the Protestant and Russian Orthodox observers, said the observers "saw the council intimately and froin the. inside." Sees Greater Friendliness "They were kept from noth­ tng,.. he said. Observers were

Mexico Now Has

Mass Intention Is Unity Octave

Vocati'ons Increase II;' Latin Americ~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River"':'lhurs., Jan. 17, 1963'

Dangers From Birth. Control Pills


PlANaS CARDINAL SPILlMAN. PresW."t .... .....,. T••faa, 'Nat, ...., . heel elf ............. tor

CATHOLIC NEAa EAIT WIi.'AR. A5SOCIAnON 4.' lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17;"'. 1C






Foil River-Thurs'., Jan. 17; 1963


Schedules Annual Acies

The Parish Parade

ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, NEW BEDFORD The Booster Club of the Par­ ish will sponsor a Spaghetti and Meat Ball Supper Saturday, Jan. 26, from 5 to 7:30 P.M. in the ~chool cafeteria. Tickets are 99c and the public is invited to this Family Night. ST. THERESE, NEW BEDFORD 81. Anne's Sodality will spon­ a March style show, with Mlbi. Conrad Gaudreau as chair­


The Legion of Mary will hold its annual Acies for active and auxiliary members at 2:30 Sun­ day afternoon, March 17 at St. Mary's Cathedral Fall River. Legionaries from all parts of the Dioce8e will attend and Bishop Connc,lly. will be presiding pre­ late. The Legion announces that its new central praesidium, Queen . of All Hearts, intended for those from parishes where no local unit is active, meets at 7 every Wednesday night at the Catholic Community Center, Franklin Street, Fall River. An exception is made the second Wednesday of each month, when the meeting is held at 6:30 at St. Vincent's Home, North Main Street.

ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD A supper meeting and whist will be enjoyed by Women's Guild members at 6:30 Wednes­ day night, Feb. 6 in the school hall. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER The annual malasada supper sponsored by the parish is set for 7:30 Saturday night, Feb. 23 in the parish hall. A penny sale will follow.


ST. ANTHONY OF' DESERT, SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER NORTH ATTLEBORO A variety show to benefit the Parish Boy Scouts will hold Father Sharbel Center will be Charter Night exercises at 6:30 held at 2:30 and 7:30, Sunday Saturday night, Jan. 19. A beef . afternoon and evening, Jan. 27 stew supper will be served and at the Women's Club, Walnut ,parents and friends are invited. Street. English and Arabic se­ Cub Scouts will hold a pack lections will include songs, meeting at 7:30 Wednesday dances, comedy skits and mono­ night, Jan. 30 in the parish hall logues. Featured will be a one­ Both units will join in observ­ act play in English and Arabic. ance of Scout Sunday, Feb. 10. Director and general chairman is Attendance at 8:15 Mass Sunday Edward A. Peters. morning will be follo-Ned by a Members of the Blessed Mother breakfast prepared and served Guild will participate in a day ... by:' parish Girl Scouts. Parvuli of recollection from 10 to 4:30 Dei awards will be presented to Sunday, Jan. 20 at Corpus Cubs at 5 the same afternoon. Christi Retreat House, Newport. Catholic Young Adult Organ­ T·lle program will include Mass ization planned an area mem· at 11, all-day exposition of the bership drive at an officers Blessed Sacrament and three meeting last night. New advisors conferences by Rev. Urban for the group are Mr. and Mrs. Bronder, S.V.D. Armand Lapierre. ESPIRITO SANTO, OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Mary Guimond is in New officers of Our Lady of charge of a program of Portu­ Assumption Club include Carlos guese entertainment and films Santos, president; Severeno AI­ to be held at 2 Sunday afternoon, fama, vice-president; An dr e Jan. 27 in the parish hall. Pro­ Ramos, and Mrs. Carlos Santos, ceeds 'will benefit the church secreta,ries; Manuel Cabral, treas­ and school fund. urer. ST. ELIZABETH, ST. JOHN BAPTIST, FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Laura Mello is chairman New officers of the Ladies Guild include Mrs. John P. of a penny sale slated for Satur­ day, Jan. 26 by the Women's Pateakos, president; Mrs. Rich­ ard Gonsalves, vice-president; Guild. A malasada supper and Mrs. John Espinola, secretary; dance Saturday, Feb. 23 will feature next month's program, Mrs. Stanley Franczyk, treas-­ -with Mrs. Delores Amaral to be urer. The. unit plans a cake sale chairman. Donat~ons for the sl,lP­ per may be brought to the regu. Sunday, Jan. 27.

lar meeting of the unit, set for SANTO CHRISTO,

Wednesday, Feb. 13. FALL RIVER

To be installed Sunday, Feb. 1'7 are new officers of the Coun­

eil of Catholic Women, including Mrs. Mary Fontes, president; Mrs. Mary C. Souza, vice-presi­ dent; Mrs. Deolinda Furtado and Mrs. Mary Slusack, secretaries; Mrs. Florence Reis, treasurer. Next regular meeting is Tues­ ci9y, Feb. 12. SACRED HEART, .FALL RIVER The Women's Club is organ. izing a glee dub and members interested in joining are asked to contact any officer. The unit .,,?, plans a penny sale in February. Guests will be welcome.



The Social Group plans a sup­ per and parishola Saturday night, Jan. 19. Supper will be served from 6:30 to 8 with the sale to follow. Mrs. Anna Man. cini is in charge of arrangements. Next regular meeting is Monday, Feb. 4. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER A penny sale will be held at 7:30 this Saturday night by the PTA and Alumni: Mrs. Matthew Stasiowski, chairman, requests workers to meet at the Polish National Home at 7:30 tomorrow night to complete arrangements. Donations may also be brought at that time. Next regular meeting. of the unit is WedneSday, Feb. 6. T\1ird grade mothers will be hostesses. ST. ROC", FALL RIVER The slate of officers elected to head the Council 'of Catholic Women for the coming year are: Mrs. Romeo Charest, president; Mrs. Claire Charbonneau, vice­ president; Mrs. R<!nald Fortin, secretary; Mrs. Charles Pelissier, i:J treasurer; and Mrs. Maurice, Ouellette, historian. Serving as directors will be: Mrs. 'Pierre Gagnon, Mrs. Ernest Gagnon, . and Mrs. Donald' Domingue.

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will sP9n-. sor a whist party at 8 Monday night, Jan. 28 in the church hall. Arrangements are under the· di­ rection of Mrs. William J. Sun­ derland Jr. and Mrs. James Sunderland. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Three troops of Brownie Scouts newly organized in the parish are under the direction of Mrs. Hector Belanger. Mrs. James Gavigan and' Mrs. Owen Mc­ Gowan. CYO juniors will hold a Com­ munion breakfast following 8:15 Mass this Sunday morning in the school hall. Speaker will be Rev. James E. Murphy, curate at St. Patrick's Church; Fall River. Tickets must be purchased by, today. Also this Sunday, CYO seniors will conduct a cake sale in the school following all Masses. Donors are asked to leave cakes in the school between 7 and 8 Saturday night. The Women's Guild announces a Mid-Winter Gala for Saturday night, Jan. 26 at the Venus de Milo. Door and dance prizes will be awarded and the school im. provement fund will benefit from proceeds ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a bean supper from 6 to' 7:30 this Saturday night in the parish hall. Square dancing will follow. Mrs. Ernest Mercier and Mrs. Adrien Baraby are in charge of arrangements. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER New officers of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are Albert Petit, president; Emile Dozois, Leadore Salois, Raymond Boulay, vice­ presidents; Louis A. Lussier, clerk; Ernest D. Plante, treasu­ r~.

Sololns Propose New Prayer Amendments

WELCOME TO MISSIONS: Father Hugh O'Rourke, S.S.C., right, shows his· brother, Father Paul, S.S~., a road sign near Bhamo, Burma. When Father Paul arrives in Manila he will be greeted by another O'Rourke, Sister Mary Loyola. The Colurnban missionaries O'Rourke are from Providence. NC Photo.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Six congressmen ha've proposed on the first day of the 88th Con­ gress constitutional amendments to continue public school prayer and Bible reading. Resolutions for this purpose were in.troduced by Reps. Frank J. Becker of New York, Steven B. Derounian of New York, John Bell ,Williams of Mississippi, William C. Cramer of Florida. George Huddleston, Jr., of' Ala­ bama, ,md D. R. Matthews of Florida. The resolutions all were re­ ferred to the House .Judicia..,. Committee.

Maronite Service At P~iory School In observance of the Church Unity Octave, Chor-Bishop Jo. seph Eid, pastor of St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River, has been invited to celebr.ate High. Mass in the Maronite Rite at Portsmouth Priory at 8:30 this Saturday morning. A'ccompanying C h 0 r - Bishop Eid will be the St. Anthony of the Desert choir, led by John A. Monsour, and the parish organ­ ist, Carl Beshara. Students at Portsmou,th Priory will be in attendance and will have available to them a Mar­ onite Rite manual recently pub­ lished by Chor-Bishop Eir;l., who will also address them briefly on differences between the Maron. ite and Roman celebrations of Mass.





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963


'New Bedford Qu'intets Face Top-Flight Hoop Enemies Fairhaven's Fitzgerald URI Cornel

By Jack Kineavy

New Bedford schoolboy hoop followers will be faced with a delightful dilemma tomorrow night when the .city's three teams meet top-flight opponents in what may b~ aptly described as the games of the week. Only Holy Family will be at home, however. The Parochials, surprise vic­ boast a front line with height, tims of Old Rochester last speed and good shooting ability. backcourt tandem of Bona­ Friday, need' to duplicate The lewicz and Keithley showed

To Make Big Jump

Into Varsity Next Season

By Lynn Kennedy In Fairhaven, where bas­ ketball is synonomous with sports, there are two names most frequently mentioned.

One is the Reverend Barton 'Leach, now of Long Island, who led the great Blue hoop com­ bines :n 1948, '49, and '50. The other, 12 years or so Leach's jun­ ior, is Mike Fitzgerald who sparked' the 1960, '61, and '62 Fairhaven teams. Reverend Leach, who has long since tossed aside his basketball togs for the pulpit, went on to stardom at the University of Pennsylvania, but Fitzgerald is just beginning his coolegiate ca­ reer at the University of Rhode Island. And he could make it "big", just like Leach, because the talent is there. Every Honor While at Fairhaven, not an athletic giant, "Fitzie" copped about every conceivable honor 'an athlete could. The Fitzgerald household' on Church Street in Mattapoisett is a veritable treas­ ure 7 tx-ove of trophies, plaques, and certificates - selected All Bristol' County in basketball and baseball for three consecutive years, twice named to all Eastern Massachusetts scholastic hoop squads by the Boston Record. American', chosen by the South­ eastern Massachusetts Board of B8$ltetball Officials in 1962 as ~e; area's outstanding player, and ~ on. The list is impressive. Also a top student, Mike was chosen to attend Boys' State in his junior year. He was presi. dent of his class twice. He was awarded the Sparrow Cup, an annual award given the out­ standing scholar-athlete in the graduating class. He gained rec­ ognition as a member of the National High School Honor So­ ciety (winding up his three years at Fairhaven with a solid 86 overall average). But probably the highlight of Mike's intellec­ tual ;adventures was his selection as one of several New England delegates to the National Youth Conference on the Atom held in Chicago each Fall. Mike made Life magazine (Dec. 8, 1961 is­ sue) as one of the nation's bud­ ding young scientists. Now URI h!\s Mike. Chased by more than 20 colleges and unJ: versities, he chose Rhode Island. Although he won't admit it, "Fitzie" hopes to write a sequel MIKE FITZGERALD

to the sports chapter his brother, Paul wrote at Kingston back in to join RI's fast varsity company inside and out. Sports Informa­ the mid-50s. Brother Paul iron­ tion Director Tom Doherty free­ ically· enough was doing his • season from now. "Scrimmaging against th~m ly admits Mike has all the moves starring on the gridiron as an (the Varsity) was rough. They needed to become a top collegiate engineering major. Three sea­ sons in the Ram front wall, Paul, killed us," Mike attests. "That player. What he does will de. Charlie Lee and Steve Chubin pend on his ability to make the, a tough 175-pounder, made sev­ eral All- Yankee Conference 'can really fire them up and hit. big jump into the rougher ranks teams and his senior year was Frank (meaning 6' 7" Frank of varsity ball. Double Figures named. to the Ail-East NCAA Nightingale of New Bedford) is doing well, too.'" But Mike' has small college 'll, He was gradu­ With the RI Frosh, Mike haa a special comment for a Brook­ ated in 1957 with a civil engin­ been in double figures in every lyn, N. Y. basketballer by the eering degree to go along with name of Jimmy Cymbella, who, ballgame. In six outings, Fitz­ a high "B" average. incidentally, is not eligible this gerald and his mates have Engineering Major year. A transfer from the Naval dropped only two contests, 80-79 Mike plans on anenglneering Academy to the Kingston cam· to Brown and 79-77 to UMass. math, major (and an unofficial pus, Cymbella broke all the "He's definitely shown up well so far," Doherty candidly admit­ major in basketball). The son of 'Frosh scoring records at Annap­ ted. "Everyone's pleased with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald, olis . "He's great, and RI oppo­ and a' communicant of St. An­ nents will find that out next his progress." Already, it would seem, Mike thony's Church, Mike was, at year when he becomes eligible.", Fitzgerald's started writing that . Stronger .last reports doing well in both sports chapter. But Rhody fans Cardinal Koenig Ends the 'classroom and on the hard­ As far as Fitzgerald is con­ wood. Playing a "wing" in cerned RI "will be better the haven't seen anything yet. Ski-Training Course Rhody's 1-2-2 offensive pattern, next time around,", this despite VIENNA (NC) - The 57-year­ plus bringing the ball up, Mike the fact they are currently very old Cardinal-Archbishop of Vi­ has been averaging close to 22 much in the Yankee Conference enna has returned here after points a tilt. High for the season title picture with UConn and completing a military chaplains' was his 30 markers against the UMass. A so-so 9-6 on the season, ski.training course at the Tyro­ Northeastern Frosh. RI is a young team that will lose lean village of Wattens: He also hit for 29 against both only Lee through graduation. Franziskus tardinal KOenig, the' Quonset Flyers and Brown With fellows like Dick Chabat who is also Military Vicar of Freshmen, and in his most recent and Cymbella (not to mention Austria's Armed Forces, wore an opting had 21 against the PC Fitzgerald) moving up to the Austrian Army uniform for the Frosh. At 6' 3", "Fitzie" is the varsity next season, the Rams course which lasted several days. tallest of the RI yearlings. His are a cinch to be stronger. Cardinal Koenig spent four coach; Billy Beird, and Rams' Where Mike will play is a hours on skis every day, regard­ varsity boss Ernie Calverley, are question. Strictly front court in less of the weather. high on the Fairhaven sharp­ high school, he is being groomed The sports-minded Cardinal shooter. He definitely fits in for the outside. For his size, also took pari in the chaplains' with Calverley's future plans, al­ he's a deft ballhandler who table tennis competition. Hia though,Mike, always honest with passes well and moves quickly. final standing in the contest wu the :mswers, admits he bes a Shooting is not a question, for not revealed. ' tough row to hoe if he expect. Mike can jump and score both

their initial round victory over speed and aggressiveness, han­ front-running Prevost to move dled the ball well and moved back into con· it into the big men adroitly. tention. The Closed Shop Map I e Leafs, To be perfectly candid and at coached by Ray the risk of incurring the wrath Carvalho and of Coach Karam, it is our hum­ paced by Den­ ble impression that the contest nis Pontes and in the Bristol County race is for Roger Plante, second place. Weare only too have run up an aware of the inconsistent per­ impressive formances that are characteristic string of seven particularly of high school consecu­ teams. Nonetheless, this Durfee tive league vic­ club, even though stripped of tories sin c e dropping the opener to Holy four of its five starters of last season, showed to such advan­ Family. Prevost completed first half tage against the Warriors that play in the nine member Narry it was the general consensus circuit last Friday by taking on that the boys could have an independent Dartmouth 1a s t off night and still spreadceagle Tuesday in a non-league encoun· . the County field. Traveling the farthest-as is' ter. The ~~arry race shapes. up as their wont in an independent one of the tighest in years with capacity-will be the Crimson Prevost, Case and Holy Family of New Bedford High who have stamped as the class of the loop. an important engagement with' The Cardinals went into the powerful Sod!erville, current Greater Boston Leagues. Coach WeStport game on Tuesday one­ half game behind Prevost but leaders of the always strong with i a full game cushion over Roge Lemenager's club emerged Holy Family. No definite pattern victorious in their first meeting, has yet emerged, however. We've a pre-Christmas affair in New mentioned that Prevost's only Bedford. but beating the Red loss was to ,Holy Family; Case, and Black on their own court is on the other hand, bowed to ,a task that relatively few clubs have been able to accomplish in Prevost prior to taking the meas­ recent years. use of Holy Family. Track Notes The Narry title race is further enlivened by the existence of a Mlention of New Bedford re­ fairly strong trio of clubs that minds us that Coach Al make up the loop's middle Boucher's Crimson trackmen ground. In this grouping we turned in another superlative would include Old Rochester, effort in last week's B.A.A. Meet which has authored the season's at Boston Garden finishing sec­ upset to date; Somerset, a pre­ ond to Rindge Tech on the' dominantly junior class outfit strength of 11 points. AI Boch­ which may be expected to come man (second in the record along with experience, and a breaking 45-yard hurdles), Ken vet Ii ran Apponequet quintet Rose (runnerup in the shotput), which has yet to be outclassed James Harrison (fourth in the despite its four loss record. 1000) and Paul Mandeville (fifth in the dash) were the point Prevost at Holy Family Tomorow night's game at ,getters for New Bedford. Kennedy Center falls into the , A number of schools from the must category for coach Jack 'area participated in the 'meet Nobrega's charges'. It's actually but inasmuch as most are COM. one of those two game affairs paratively smaller and less ex. in the sense that a defeat will perienced, they were unable to get on the schoreboard in open drop the Family two games be­ hind the Leafs while a victory class competition. The State will effect a deadlock. Both Meet one week from Saturday clubs will be at full strength for will be a graded affair and we this one; it should be a hummer. look for schools such as Fal­ mouth, Dartmouth, Fairhaven New Bedford Vocational root­ ers will throng the Fall River and Somerset, to mention a few, Armory tomorrow night for the to challenge squads of their own size. climactic clash between the Arti­ The weather and the hassle sans and the Hilltoppers, both between the A.A.U. and the Ot whom took undefeated records into this week's competition. N.CA.A, served to limit the Voke came up with a 21-point crowd at Saturday's K of.C final quarter to wrest a close Games to something estimated one from Fairhaven last Friday at '1,000. Which was the greater while a physically strong Durfee factor is not known but the warning by the N.C.A.A. against combine disposed of hitherto un­ beaten Coyle with comparative participation in non-sanctioned meets was observed by local col­ ease. We were most impressed with leges. This resulted in the can., the performance of coach Skip cellation of the bulk of the re­ Karam's defending 'champions lays and also restricted partici. whose effective defense limited pation in the top events to the Warriors to exceedingly few servicemen, club athletes and a few who ran unattached. A good scoring opportunities, par­ sorry mess. ticularly in the first half. In Isi­ dor, Siegfried and Captain Woody Berube, the Hilltoppers

Interpol Cooperates

In Smut Crackdown

OTTAWA (NC)-A new get­ tough policy on obscene litera­ ture here has been linked to an international crackdown on ob­ llCenity operations in Europe and North America. The Ottawa Citizen, daily newspaper, has stated that the drive is being coordinated by Inter~I. the international police agency. As part 'of the local crack­ down, a 21-year-old seaman was .entenced in Magistrate's Court to ~ a $300 fine or serve 45 days in jail on two charges con­


obscene material.






". ,


~ 'THE, ANcHOR"';"

" Thurs., Jan. 17, 1963

Sister Reports Sovi'et Citizens Want Peace


. l

.'" ..




Charity Ban Again TremendousSuccess

....,....j. ',':




than anything else the Rus­

sian men in the street wants

peace, according to a nun

who spent 30 days there last


Sister Mar y Consolata, a

faculty member at Clark College

here in Iowa, said that where­

ever she, went in the Soviet

Union, a frequent question of

. Soviet citizens was: "You do

not want war, do you? Your

country will not bri~ us into

war?" .

One major value of visits by

Americans to Russia, she be­

lieves, is that they give oppor­

tunities for Americans to assure

Soviet citizens that they share

their desire for peace.

A doctoral student in the de­

partment of Slavic langages at

Harvard University, Sister Mary

... Consolata went to Russia last

Summer on a study grant from a


Attend Church Her trip included visits to

several of the Soviet republic,

-- Russian, Uzbek, Georgial

Ukrainian and the Crimea ­

and such cities as Moscow,

Leningrad, Tbilisi, Lvov, Sevas­

topol and Bukhara.

In several cities she found

Russian Orthodox churches open

for worship and attended by

young people as well as the

middle-aged and older.

Sister Mary Consolata said

there were signs of neither great

enthusiasm nor marked resent­

ment toward the status quo of

their society among· most Soviet

citizens. However, she' added,

their increasing awareness that

U.S. standards of living far sur­

pass their own makes them im­

patient for more and better

material goods.

Catholic Schools'

Free for Many

CARACAS (NC)-The Vene­

zuelan Catholic Secretariat for

Education has released figures

showing that 43 per cent of

pupils attending Catholic grade

schools pay no tuition.

It also noted that education is

given free to 24 per cent of

Catholic high school studentS.

The figures were released, the

secretariat said, to answer press

reports that stated it was "ex­

ceptional" that there were "some

free schools" under Church di­


"Private Catholic schools in . ' Venezuela," the secretariat de­

clared, "will become entirely

free, according to the wishes of

the bishops, when the state

gives them an equitable share

• . . of its educational budget." The secretariat reported that

of 172 Catholic schools enrolling

52,952 students at the elementary

level and 12,158 at the high

school level, 17,248 and 2,078 stu­

dents, respectively, are being

educated free of .charge.


Monsignor Present At Anglican Rite


MOl'."'TREAL (NC)-A repre.

sentative of the Cardinal-Arch­

bishop of Montreal attended the

enthronement here Of the Rt.

Rev. Robert Kenneth Maguire as

Anglican Bishop of- MontreaL

Msgr. Harold Doran of St.

Patrick's church represtnt Paul

Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbish.

op of Montreal, at the ceremony

in Christ Church cathedral. Car­

dinal Leger had entered Hotel

Dieu Hospital the day before

because of heart'fatigue brought

on by mor..ths of uninterrupted


Bishop Maguire, 39, succeeds

the Anglican Archbishop John

Dixon, who has retired.

The Anglicans of Montreal

have taken an active part in dis­

cussions with members of the

ecumenical commission of the

Montreal archdiocese set up by

Cardinal Leger


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