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t eanc 0 VOL. 40, NO.3.

Friday, January 19, 1996



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THEN AND NOW, Sandra Curry Dias (left) was presented to Bishop Sean O'Malley by her father, Richard, as she had been 25 years ago~ Sondra Viveiros (right) walks with her father, John, brother of Father Joseph Viveiros. 28 young women met Bishop O'Malley,aUhe 41st annual Bishop's Charity Ball on January 12. See additional photos throughout this issue. (Mills photos) . - ....

Despite winter's chill, Ball

makes'~pringtime Magic'

Motta, J r., president of the Attle- dette Armstrong. As each name by Christine Vieira Mills Evening gowns swished and shiny . boro area St. Vincent de Paul was called, presentees, accompaSociety, and Katherine M. Lanblack patent leather shoes peeked nied by their escorts, strode down out from under tuxedo trousers as cisi. diocesan president of the the long aisle to be introd uced to proud parents escorted theirdaugh- Council of Catholic Women. the bishop, flanked by his coters to the Bishop's Charity Ball on "Springtime Magic," the ball chairpersons. The bishop stood in January 12. Hundreds, including theme that many were longing for front of a large mural, depicting a the 28 presentees, gathered at Venus on a night chilled by freezing rain, bea utiful garden, painted by Sister de Milo Restaurant, Swansea, for was brought to life by the decoraGertrude Gaudette, OP. Cordially an evening of fun, dancing and tion committee, headed by Clauwelcoming them to the ball, Bishop appreciation of the many ways in which Catholic Charities helps the diocese. Begun by Bishop James L. Connolly (bishop from 1951-1970) in 1956, the Bishop's Ball wasan idea borrowed from t~e diocese of Minneapolis' "Snow Ball," a soiupheld the program, saying "parWASHINGTON (CNS) - The ents have no right to tailor public ree held in January as a fundraiser U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to for the diocese. Bishop Connolly, school programs to meet their inhear an appeal of a Massachusetts always having shown a keen intercase allowing condoms to be dis- dividual religious or moral preferest in the welfare ofchildren, orig- tributed in public schools is "an ences." The Catholic Action League of inated the project of an annual unconscionable dereliction of Massachusetts condemned the U.S. charity ball largely to benefit the duty," said a Massachusetts CathoSupreme Court for refusing to Nazareth schools for children with lic organization. hear Curtis vs. School Committee special needs and the diocesan The court without comment Jan. camps for underpriviledged chilof Falmouth. 8 declined to take a case involving The league's executive director, the distribution of condoms in dren. c.J. Doyle, called the decision "an. The ball soon beoame the social senior and junior high schools in unconscionable dereliction of duty event of the year. attracting thouFalmouth, Mass. The program alwhich further empowers bureausands including political dignitarlows school nurses to provide them ies, well-known actors, and many to children upon request and after· crats and teachers' unions to trample on the rights of parents." parents eager to have their daughcounseling about their proper use Attorney Jay Sekulow of the ters "presented" not only to the and sexually transmitted diseases. American Center for Law and Jusbishop, but also into the social Vending machines with condoms tice, representing the parents who scene of the diocese. are available at Falmouth High brought the suit, said the Supreme Today, the bishop's 41st CharSchool. Court "has missed an important ity Ball still continues to draw a School officials decided in 1991 opportunity to let parents be parmotivated crowd excited to proto distribute condoms without pamote the worthwhile ministries of rental consent, and a majority of ents with their children when it comes to the issue of sexual acthe many charitable apostolates the town's voters affirmed the protivity." within the diocese. Sponsored by gram in a 1992 election. "A condom has more constituBut following the school offithe Diocesan Bishop's Charity Ball tional protection in America today Committee. the Society ofSt. Vincials' decision, parents in the town than parents and children," Sekucent de Paul, and' the Diocesan sued the school committee. low said in a statement. Council of Catholic Women, this The case made it to the state's Doyle said it is "a sweeping year's bal) was co-chaired by Joseph Supreme Court, which last July

O'Malley presented each young woman with a velvet bo~ of rosary beads. Taunton presentees were: Lucy Bairos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Bairos of St. Anthony's parish; Jennifer Grenier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grenier of Holy Family parish; Kathleen Turn to Page 13

Massachusetts Catholic group protests Falmouth condom case decision


Of Or4inarg tTi7tU

Index Church & World 12 Daily Readings 5 Editorial 4 Family Fare " 10 11 Healthwise Mail Packet 11 Our Rock & Hole.. 15 Steering Points 16 Youth News 15

usurpation of the rights of parents to control the moral and religious upbringing of their children" to allow schools to distribute condoms to Catholic children against the wishes of their parents. "When the state effectively encourages minors to violate their religious beliefs and to disregard the religious convictions of their parents, and facilitates them in doing so, then that is nothing less than a government-sponsored assault on the constitutionally protected right to the free exercise of religion," said Doyle's statement. "This is not government neutrality toward religion, but outright government hostility to religion and religious values, which breaches the separation of church and stlite by turning public schools into forums for counter-religious propaganda." Doyle said the ruling reminds people of the need to affirm teachings of Pope John Paul II about parents being the primary educators of children.

Deacon Paul Lamb The biography of Paul T. Lamb, one of four men' ordained to the transitional diaconate on Jan. 6 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River,



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was unavailable to be included with the other deacons' at. press time last week. Paul Terrence Lamb was born in 1937 in Washington, D.C. to' Leon F. and Evelyn (Smith) Lamb. He attended Georgetown Preparatory High School and later earned a philosophy degree from Notre Dame University. . In 1967, he earned a law degree from Columbus School of Law at Catholic University of America. In 1991 Lamb received his Masters in Sacred Theology from John Paul II Institute. He attended Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell', Conn. Lamb also served as an officer in the United States Army.





lessons helping the homel,ess

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*As of December 3 f,

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SISTER GERTRUDE Gaudette, 路OP, beautifully captured the theme of the Bii;hop's Charity Ball, Springtime Magic, with her painting of a garden scene. (Mills photo)


Victor Boucher Antonia Britto Mary T Butler Tony Carvalho Manuel "Pat" Costa Walter 1. Eaton Lois Fagan Rev. John R. Foister Gerard Fortin Pauline R. Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Grenier Rose Grillo Annelle Hagerman Dr. An!!e Marie Higgins Dr. Thomas F Higgins Henry T Hindle Willie Holmes John Knight Antoinette Janeczko Marcel A. La Vigne Mary Levitre Isabelle Matos Edward C. Michno In honor oj Dorothy Moniz Genevieve R. Nowak Stanley Nowak Raymond E. Parise Raymond Poisson In honor oj Rose C. Sasso - Marian Medal Joseph C. Saulino Maurice Semine Muriel G. Shurko Germaine St. Pierre Marina Steinhouse U1deric Richard, Jr. U1deric Richard, Sr. Emily Rossmore In 'honor oj Albert R. Vezina



Interfaith prayer' event marks Roe anniversary Before many depart for Washington~ D.C., to attend the annual

March for Life, more than 1,000 pro-lifers are expected to fill John Hancock Hall in Boston for Massachusetts Citizens' For Life 23rd Annua'l Interfaith Assembly for Life on January 21 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. This peaceful, prayerful interfaith event commemorates the 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States. Among the clergy who will be leading the audience in prayer during the Assembly are Rabbi Rachmiel Liberman of the Jewish Educational Center in Brookline; Most Reverend John A. Elya, B.S.a., D.D., Melkite-Greek Eparch of Newto'n; Pastor Steven Chin, Pastor of the Chinese Evangelical Church; the Most Reverend Daniel Reilly, D.D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester; and Pastor Ingo Dutzmann of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church of the Way. Musical offerings will be provided by the Mt. Calvary Baptist Choir and Irish singer David Parkes. Mrs. Molly Kelly, who has won national路 acclaim for her wise yet witty presentations on chastity and respect for human life, is to be featured as keynote speaker. r

"We are delighted to have Molly Kelly as our principal speaker for this major,interfaith prayer event," said Madeline McComish, President of Massachusetts Citizens For Life. "Thoughtful and intense, yet equally humorous and compassionate, Molly Kelly conveys a pro-life message that is both positive and uncompromising. What better speaker to address our audience as we begin this year of challenge and opportunity." In addition to attending the assembly; many Massachusetts prolifers will travel to Washington, D.C., where they will join tens of thousands of their fellow Americans in the annual March for Life on January 22. Additional 4,etails may be obtained through M CFL's state office at 617-242-4199.

Civil rights for all ZAGREB, Croatia (CNS) Cardinal Franjo Kuharic of Zagreb has reiterated his defense of civil and human rights for Serbs living in Croatia. To maintain the reputation of Croatia, "the authorities must safeguard people and guarantee safety to all citizens," he said in an interview with the Catholic weekly ttewspaper, Glas Koncila.

CLEVELAND (CNS) - Debspecial understanding of the limbie Schneider has worked nine itations of living on the stn~et. years as a nurse at Cleveland Clinic, As one nurse observed, it does little good to prescribe two teasbut she had to mingle with homepoons of medicine when your less people at St. Malachi Center . patient doesn't carry teaspoons to learn real-life health care. around . . She is one of about 30 nurses and doctors in the Cleveland area Patients at the clinic for the who offer their services, free of' homeless - who spend a lot of charge, to people who come each time walking and sometime:; sleepMonday evening to the center, an ing outdoors - seek help for resoutreach of St. Malachi Parish piratory conditions, asthma, hyperand the Co~munity ofSt. Malachi. tension, colds, diabetes and dental "This, to me, is what nursing and mental health. really is," said Ms. Schneider in an Ms. Schneider said her work in interview with the Catholic U ni- th~ rehabilitation and epilepsy versity Bulletin, newspaper of the monitoring, department at CleveCleveland diocese. land Clinic has been changed by Most of the clients are middle- her experience with the homeless. She used to devise elaborate aged men who wear loose-fitting programs of home care for patients. layers of clothing and quietly file But after working with the homeiilto the clinic after eating the hiss, she understands that complex dinner provided on Mondays at care is impractical for most people. the center. "This has got me thinking路, 'Can Many are regulars, who come they sustain what we've asked them for a weekly dose of prescribed to doT" she said. "It made my medication. Others stop in for a sympathetic ear or for help finding /practice a little more practi,;al." Volunteer nurse Harriet Coela shelter for the night. Some are ing, who coordinates the pwgram, disoriented. All look weary and said it meets a serious need. overburdened. "We feel very strongly that health The center runs independently care costs today are so hi~:h and of the parish and community, but there are so many needs, that if members of both are its main suphealth care professionals were wilporter路s. For years St. Malachi ling to volunteer once a mor..th, we Center provided the meals and a could meet some of the needs," she monthly clinic, sponsored by a said. federally funded program, HealthSt. Malachi Center also .helps care for the Homeless. The proensure that people who are intimigram operates several sites around dated by a larger hospital get the Cleveland. care they need, said board member But Bonnie Ameche, a nurse Horst Quintus. from St. Malachi's, realized there "It's a good opportunity for the was a need for more accessible, people to get some help in a nonmore frequent health care and in threatening environment," Quin1991 asked the Greater Cleveland tus said. Nurses Association for help in getDr. Daniel Meges, a member of ting volunteer, nurses and doctors St. Albert the Great Parish in to staff a weekly clinic. As more North Royalton, has volunteered professionals became involved, they for three years because he felt a brought donations of equipment, special calling. including stethoscopes, scales, ther"I figure there was always somemometers, bandages and medicathing more I should do than :iit in a tion samples. . cushy office," said Meges. Earlier this year, the U.S. Public For Ms. Schneider the ministry . Health Service approved a grant offered to the homeless by St. toenable Healthcareforthe Home-' Malachi is "what keeps me drawn less to coordinate such health serto the church." vices at eight sites in Cleveland, "This church community takes including St. Malachi. care of the geographical communSo now two paid outreach ity," she added. "This is what God workers and two nurses - one a meant when he said, 'Lov~ one Jesuit volunteer - oversee the another.' It makes me proud to be project and provide some contia part of the church." nuity in care of clients. As Ms. Schneider learned, being GODIS ANCHOR HOLDS a nurse to the homeless requires


Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., Jan. 19, 1996

Dispute settled WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The U.S. Commerce Department has agreed to revise a long-standing policy forbidding the use of federal funds for virtually all sectarian radio broadcasting after Fordham University filed a suit challenging the policy. A unit of the Commerce Department has cited the policy in denying a grant to build a new radio tower for the Fordhamlicensed public radio station. The station, W FU V-FM, has broadcast a Sunday Mass since its founding in 1947. The one-hour Mass is the only scheduled religious pro-

gram in WFUV's 168 hours of broadcasting per week. The new policy says that grant applicants will not be ruled ineligible merely because the grant might result in some incidental benefit to sectarian interests. Fordham had applied for a $262,858 grant from the National Telecommunications and 1nformation Agency to help cover the cost of the new tower. The grant was denied in October 1993.



• Cards

'FOUR WOMI:N, who had been presented to Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in 1971, returned to the Bishop's ball after 25 years. From left, Qonna Perry Klamkin, Donna Evangelho Jusseaume, Joanne Quirk Ault, and Sandra Curry Dias. (Mills photo) ,

Snowstorm produces a blizzard of good works WASHINGTON (CNS)- Parishes, hospitals and shelters in the northeastern United States coped with closed roads, waist-high snowdrifts, canceled services and stranded worshipers as a result of early January's record snowfall. The Jan. 7 and 8 blizzard and additional inches of snow that fell a few days later forced cities and towns to a halt from the: Carolinas to Maine for much ofthc·week. At least 80 deaths were blamed on the' weather, and several states were given federal assistance to clean up from the storms. But Catholic hospitals, shelters and parishes throughout the region reported stories of tireless volunteers who kept essential services operating. "It's amazing the way people rise to the challenge, even the patients," said Mih Menster, director of community relations at St. Agnes Medical Center in Philadelphia, where an all-time record of 30 inches of snow fell Jan. 8. The hospital operated by the Franciscan Sisters was unusually busy because it was one of the few hospitals in the area with an emergency-room entrance that was free enough of snow for ambulances to get there, Menster said. "Even the hospital president was going out to pick up staffers in a fOllr-wheel drive," said Menster. Among the many volunteers shuttling employees to the hospital were the snow-experienced drivers from a neighborhood pizza restaurant. "They called and said, "We're used to driving in this, we can help,''' Menster said. St. Lucy's Homeless Programs in Jersey City, N.J., were operatingat more than capacity, although social services and outreach coordinator Bill Harris said the need for shelter didn't seem particularly exacerbated by the blizzard. The shelter has a normal capacity 01'80 but was up to its usual winter level of 100 homeless people. The shelter run by the Archdiocese of Newark was having trouble getting its outreach team onto the streets, however, Harris said. One of the vehicles the team uses to bring food and blankf:ts to home-

less people who choose to stay out was broken down and the other was snowed in. But the New Jersey Port Authority came to the rescue and agreed to make some of its buildings available as backup, he said. In Baltimore, Our Daily Bread, soup kitchen staff and volunteers worked their way through the snow to make sure a 14-year streak of serving daily 'meals cotHin'ued. Franciscan Brother8ob Artman', ' program manager, said the dining room got a bonus of'some of 40 turkeys donated to area charities bya Sheraton hotel. l'he food had been intended for a benefit dinner that was canceled because of the storm. At Carroll Manor Nursing Home in Hyattsville, Md., and Providence Hospital in Washington, staff members slept in their offices and empty patient beds to keep the two institutions run by the Daughters of Charity operating. "We always keep ,a'lot.of'people here because the needs ra'nge from removing snow from ,the parking lot to someone who' 'can operate the emergency generator, to an operating·Jtfoom nurse who must be availablefor emergency surgery to the dietician who must feed all these people," said Daughter of Charity Sister Carol Keehan, president of the hospital. Catholic Medical Center, which operated four hospitals and other clinics throughout Queens and Brooklyn, N, Y., had a struggle even getting emergency patients in for care. Ambulances were unable to get down unplowed side streets, so drivers had to park ob main roads and bring patients on stretchers down unshoveled sidewalks, said Stephen E. Phelps,' director of public relations. St. Mary's, Mary Immaculate, St. Joseph's and St. John's hospitals set up dormitories for staffers forced to stay overnight. "As with any emergency, anyone who can get here does whatever he can to he'lp when he can, and then we worry about titles and overtime later," said Phelps. Parishes in a dozen states found it was anything but normal to try

to keep a schedule ot Masses and activities. In Annandale, Va., whereabout two feet of snow kept most everything in nearby Washington and its other suburbs closed for most of a week, parishioners at St. Michael's Church kept a 12-year tradition of perpetual eucharistic adoration alive. Father Vincent Bork said parish'i<:>ners we~e' s'pending .the night inthe chapel, taking shifts at prayer, then curling up in sleeping bags while companions maintained the vigil. Members of the perpetual adoration team who live nearby trudged through the,snow for their scheduled shifts and others were picked up at home by volunteers with four-wheel drive vehicles, Father Bork said. "They've had this going for 12 years," he said. "The people want it, they love it and, they want to keep it going." , Father Paul A., Byrnes, pastor, of St. Michael's Chwch in Frost~ . burg, Md., where more than 3 feet . of snow fell, wa,s forced to cancel a funeral for the first time in his 33 years as a priest. Family members of thedeceased couldn't get out of their driveway, he reported. And in metropolitan Baltimore, as in churches throughout the area, vigil Masses on Jan. 6, the night before the storm, were packed. Father George B. Moeller said more than I ,oon parishioners made it to 5 p.m. Saturday Mass and another 700 for the 7 p.m. liturgy at St. Joseph in Fullerton, Md. He said he had received calls from several parishioners asking whether he expected the parking lot to be cleared for Sunday Masses in the midst of the blizzard. "N ot without an act of God," he told them. But the storm brought a moment of "special wonder" to Father Christopher J. Whatley, associate pastor of Sacred Heart in Glyndon, Md, When 18 people arrived for Sunday's noon Mass, he brought cha irs close to the altar for "a warm, intimate and prayerful" liturgy. "It was one of the more beautiful moments I've experienced as a priest," Father Whatley said.

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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 19,1996 '

. the moorina-,

the living word

The Time is Now

Each day we witness profound changes in our institutions and in the way people are bonded together. These changes greatly impact the life of the political community which exists for the common good. This body is comprised of many different people, therefore a great diversity of people exist, and 'rightly so. Yet, to protect this diversity authority is needed. This authority, whether elected or appointed, must act primarily as a moral force which depends on the conscientious dis. charge of its responsibilities. This political authority should always be exercised within the limits of morality. Because of the complexities of modern life, government has found itself intervening in social affairs. . However, public authority which properly concerns itself with the ~elfare of all its citizens has the duty of ensuring that serious danger to public morals and ethical progress do not result from a perverted use of its responsibilities. The recent Supreme Court decision supporting the condom policies of the Falmouth school system is another example of the state legislating morality apart from ethical accountability. The mere act of refusing to hear the Curtis vs. School Committee of Falmouth was simply poor judgment. In such a situation the court again further eroded parental rights. A condom has more legal status than a child or, parent. This is m9re than horrendous and clearly indic~tes the drastic undermining of the family by the state. The encouragement of condom use is nothing more than encouraging sexual activity among young students. It tells them to do what they want, when they want regardless of the consequences. Policies such as those approved by the Falmouth School Committee only serves to hurt children and destroy families. Rather than support the fundamental rights of parents, their CN:./Cleo pho.o divisiveness is pulling cJnildr~n away from their parents. This is not the proper function of the body politics. The responsibility AGREAT-GRANDMOTHER CUDDLES WITH HER GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER. of elected officials is to act in a moral and ethical manner THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT SEEKS RESPECT FOR THE LIVES OF THE giving primary suppor.t to the basic social entity of our society" , , ' YO.UNGEST TO THE ELDEST OF GOD'S CHILDREN. nameiy, t'he Jilriiily: R:i'lisi"ng·children.aridigulding l~ith in rigljt created·throug~·Hiri) . .and' for H;im."'Coll:16 living is the duty of the family. Anything and anyone destroying this trust acts irresponsibly and dangerously. Taking into account the total reality of adolescence with its peer pressures, striving for independence and biological onslaughts, anything By Father Kevin J. Harrington United Nations International Conthat encourages and enhances immoral behavior is ethically The things which the Holy abominable. The 23rd anniversary of the dis- ference on Population and Devel- Father is said to be rigid about are Currently in many states parental rights legislation is a topic astrous Supreme Court decision op.ment, the administration used the very things involving right and legalizing abortion, "Roe vs. the words pregnancy termination wrong and that are a part of our of political concern. The. fundamental role of responsible parWade," is an appropriate time to under the general category of re- inheritance of faith, which is iments should be recognized as a fundamental law. Through the possible to compromise. We should focus on an aspect of this contro- productive health care. years, we have seen the government take over the role of After the tragic violence at a give God some credit in a,cknowlversy that is often over-looked. parenting. Parents, not politicians and bureaucrats, must raise The aborted babies are' faceless Brookline abortion clinic, a coun- edging that when it come!: to rules their children, Today the. state has assumed the role of parental- but the men and women responsi- selor complained that the media it is a good idea to write them in ble for their conception are not. kept referring to her workplace as stone. It is foolhardy to think that protector. Those state agencies created to help children and Many of them have s'orely regret- an abortion clinic. She asserted in any future pope will ever change parents should indeed be encouraged, especially in cases of the traditional Catholic teaching ted their decision and have found an interview, "I hate that term," . child abuse. Yet, the vast majority of children in this country and ended the interview with these on abortion. healing in support groups. Many are living in a loving and caring family atmosphere. These What is often ignored in the Catholics have sought the healing words: "It ought to be called a people are finding that their family beliefs and practices are graces of the sacrament of reconci- pla'ce of healing or care." abortion debate is the pope's comThis double-talk seems to put a liation'. Others have failed to see passion for the sinner. Ho'w reincreasingly becoming the subject of ridicule and prejudice by the enormity of their offense be- new twist on the traditi~'nal Chris- freshing are his words in contrast government offices and agencies that simply exist to fulfill cause of a defective conscience due tian wisdom of hating the sin and to those who deny the reality of sin - their own objectives and goals: loving the sinner. Contemporary and define compassion as I~nabling to denial. conventional wisdom seems to those to persist in their sinfulness! We must always preach and teach that the mission of being Denial is one of the most comthe primary vital cell of society has been given to the family by mon defenses known to humanity. teach us to deny the sin before it' An old Redemptorists sayi:ng worth can be acknowledged as sinful. God Himself. It is imperative that people of goodwill bind remembering is that priests should As one sage quipped, "Denial ain't Those who confront sin face to together to see that family rights are perfectly safeguarded in no river in Egypt." The most com- face without minicng words, like preach from the pulpit against sin like a lion but reconcile like a lamb mon form of denial of sinful becivil legislation. The time for that is NOW. Pope John Paul II did in Evange-

,:',' . . ': :"AIf.were..

Denying the sin doesn't make it go aw:ay

. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887. Highland Avenue P.O, BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O, Box 7 or call telephone number above



Rev, John F, Moore

Rosemary Dussault' ~



havior is often accompanied by euphemisms. For example, the awful genocide in Bosnia is referred to as "ethnic cleansing" while an abortion is benignly referred to as a "termination of pregnancy." The Clinton Administration has raised the use of euphemisms to an art form. In doing so, it has enabled people to persist in their denial. Our president is aware that he is addressing a national electorate when he repeats his mantra that he wants abortions to be "safe, legal and rare." , Before the last congressional election Hillary Rodham Clinton called abortion wrong but not something that should be criminalized. However, in Cairo at the

Iium Vitae (the Gospel of Life), are accused of being rigid or inflexible. The adjective, "principled," is rarely used by the media in describing the pope or those who agree with his position: Instead, it seems to be used only in history books about people who had a clear vision of what is right and wrong, such as Abraham Lincoln. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River.. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.

from the confessional.

I close with a sample from Evangelium Vitae with the pope acting less like a lion and more like a lamb to women who have had abortions. "The church is aware of the many factors which have influenced your decision, and :;he does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shatter:ing decision. The wound in your' heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourself over with humility and trust to repentanCI?"

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Reform through repentance Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Isaiah ~1:23-9:3 1 Corinthians 1:10-13,17 Matthew 4:12-23 In today's gospel Matthew presents the beginning of Jesus' public proclamation of the kingdom of heaven as the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy of"a great light" arising for"a people living in darkness." As we hear the beginning of Jesus' preaching in G,l1ilee, let us identify with the first apostlesPeter, Andrew, James, and Johnby responding whole-heartedly to the demands of God's kingdom with the refrain oCthe responsorial psalm: "The Lord is my light and my salvation" (Ps 27). The Isaiah reading is the opening section of a messianic oracle which describes the Lord's deliverance of Israel from the Assyrian armies. At first, the Lord had "degraded the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali" by allowing Assyria under Tiglathpilesear 1Il to take captives and territory from those tribes, but now "he has glorified the seaward road, the land west of the Jordan, the District of the Gentiles" through a mighty deliverance of his people from Assyria. The prophet goes on to praise the Lord for his victory. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. The people of Israel rejoice "as at the harvest" or "as ... when dividing spoils," because the Lord has smashed "the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulder, and the rod of their taskmaster." In the second reading from the beginning of I Corinthians Paul is combating the problem offactionalism. The community has divided into groups claiming allegiance to Paul, Apollos (another apostle from Alexandria in Egypt), Cephas (Peter), and Christ. For Paul such division is rooted in a misunderstanding of the gospel message. The Christian gosp«:l is not the "wisdom" of a particular Christian preacher. In fact, by the standards of philosophical wisdom, the gospel is folly, because its content is the cross, i.e., the message about Jesus, a crucified Messiah. Paul asks the Corinthians, who seem to

DAILY REA[)INGS Jan. 22: 2 Sm 5:1-7,10; Ps 89:20-22,25-26; Mk 3:22-30 Jan. 23: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps24:7-10; Mk3:31-35 Jan. 24: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5,27-30; Mk4: 1-20 Jan. 25: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1-2, Mk 16:15-18 Jan. 26: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3,7-8,10; Mk 4:26-34 Jan. 27: 2 Sm 12:1-7a,1017; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Jan. 28: Zep 2:3,3:12-13; Ps 146:6-10; 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12a



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Funding loss threatens N.J. Catholic hospitals



TRENTON, N.J.(CNS)- Despite a plea from the state's Catholic bishops, the New Jersey Legislature ended its 1995 session Jan. 9 without new funding for charity care - leaving Catholic hospitals holding the bag for about $2 million a week in unreimbursed services. The former legislation expired Dec. 31. In a statement in mid-becember, the state's bishops warned that a failure to revive the fund "would not only expose the urban poor to a denial of health care but also would be catastrophic to our hospitals."

be allied to the apostle who had' baptized them, "Was it Paul who was crucified for you?". He then reminds them of the difference between the worldly wisdom of philosophy and the power of the cross. Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with eloquent wisdom, lest the. cross of Christ be empti~d of its power. Matthew's accountof the beginning of Jesus' preaching proclaims that a new age has dawned when the light of salvation IS now mani~ fest to the whole world. John's arrest serves as a kind of signal for Jesus to begin his mission. After first withdrawing from the desert of Judea to Galilee, Jesus leaves his home town of Nazareth and takes up residence in Capernaum, a small fishing village on the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee. Despite the apparent obscurity of this place in contrast to Jerusalem, Matthew understands Jesus' Galilean ministry as the ultimate fulfillment of Isaiah's ancient prophecy.

They called on Gov. Christine Todd Whitman and the Legislature "to lay aside any partisan differences and adopt a joint approach to this problem."

"Land ofZebulun, land of Naphtali along the ~ea beyond the Jordan, heathen Galilee: a people living in darkness has seen a great light. On those who inhabit .a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen." , Jesus' initial preac~ing is exactly the same as John's: "Reform your lives! The kingdom of heaven is at hand" (see Matt 3:2). The term "kingdom of heaven" is Matthew's reverent paraphrase for "kingdom of God." It does not mean heaven in the sense of a disembodied afterlife with God, but rather it refers to the arrival of God's kingdom of justice and peace within this world, as will be evident in Jesus' preaching in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7). In contrast to John whose mission was limited to preaching repentance and baptizing in the desert of Judea (Matt 3), Jesus begins a more public and universal mission by calling commori fishermen to leave their nets and become "fishers of men" (see Jer 16: II).. Eventually their mission will extend to all the nations (see Matt 28:1620). This universality is anticipated in Jesus' initial tour through the whole of Galilee which Matthew summarizes in the follo'wing way. He taught in their synagogues, proclaimed the good news of the kingdom, and cured the people of every disease and illness.

William F. Bolan Jr., executive director oCthe New Jersey Catholic Conference, the bishops' state public policy agency, told Catholic News Service that without new funding legislation, the hospitals would begin to feel the financial crunch shortly after Jan. 15, when the final checks would arrive reimbursing them for services in 1995. New Jersey has no public hospitals. Its charity care fund provides about $400 million a year for health care - $300 million to reimburse private profit and nonprofit hospitals for charitable health services and $\00 million to provide subsidized health insurance for the working poor. Bolan said various proposals offered by the governor or legislators in 1995 all foundered in partisan bickering over where to raise the money for the fund. The 1996 session of the Legislature opened Jan. 10, the swearing in of legislators delayed one day by the blizzard that swept up the East Coast earlier that week. In their statement the bishops called adequate health care "a fundamental right of every human being." "U nfortunately, it seems that the health care of the poor is most frequently threatened when resources in our economy become limited," they said. "The charity care fund is a way to insure that all people receive care when they are sick."

They warned that state nonfunding would exacerbate problems the poor and dderly already face from expected federal cutbacks in Medicare and Medicaid. There are 13 Catholic hospitals in the state, most serving predominantly urban areas where the highest levels of charity care occur. In 1995 the Catholic hospitals provided at least $92 million in charity care that was or would be reimbursed by the public fund.

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Diocese of Fall River -

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Fri., Jan. 19, 1996


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19, 1996



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FATHER DANIEL Freitas shows off his token ofappreciation at the Bishop's Ball. He was presented with this gift by Msgr. George Coleman and Bishop O'Malley on the occasion of his retirement from the Catholic Charities office. (Mills photo)

Does our giving compare? By Father Eugene Hemrick What variables determine whether parishioners will give more or less in the collection basket on Sunday? Thanks to a ·recent study by Dean Hoge at The Catholic University of America, we have a good picture of giving patterns that helps answer this question. . When Catholic levels of giving are· compared to those in other denominations, Hoge finds that in conservative Protestant chllfches giving is higher than in rna inline Protestant churches, and in both giving is higher than in Catholic parishes. Research findings on Catholic giving tell us that parishioners with more education or higher incomes do not necessarily give more. Age, however, is a factor. People who are middle-aged or older tend to give more than young adults. Contrary to what many think, parents are not deterred from giving when they have ,children in a Catholic school. Those paying for a Catholic ed ucation give more than m31l:Y others, as do married couples with children. '. The feeling ~mo~g laity that they have the opportunity to participate sufficiently in decisions about'church finances is associated with higher.giving; as is 'the' perception that. church leaders are ',accountable in the 'use of bhtirch funds. Belief in the traditions of the church and its sacramental life, and regular participation in the Sunday liturgy, are related to higher giving. Yery important to increased giving is one's love for the parish and a sense of loss at the thought of having to leave it. Hoge also found that it matters little, in terms of giving, whether a Catholic is 'at odds with church teachings. In this conclusion 'he differs from some other researchers who hold that Catholics who disagree with teachings on birth ~on­ trol and abortion tend to give less. Finally, parishioners' in smaller parishes tend to give somewhat more than those in larger ones. So the H oge report alerts u.s that giving will be somewhat higher or lower depending on the direction of several variable factors: age;

A language of His own Meanwhile, I had walked to God always answers prayers, the nuns used to tell us in Catholic Sixth Avenue. figuring this might help since I had to get to Sixth and school. And' God's answer, they 52nd, a straight run uptown. said, is either yes or no. Well, I've learned that there's an Another 10 minutes went by, and no cab. God wasn't listening. in-between. Sometimes God an'swers prayers in a way th'at's hard What I hadn't noticed was'that I to recognize immediately. I conwas at a bus stop, and suddenly there was a bus. I asked the driver, clude that God has a unique lan"Does this go to 52nd?" He said guage to use in answering prayers. A case in point occurred recently yes. I got on, and then I saw the when I was sched uled to do a radio sign that read, "Exact change only." interview about my book, "FindCoincindentally, I had visited ing Peace through Pain." I had-to my son Frank and family the night be at the station at 9: 10 in the before because they t,oo live in morning. New York. When I left for Mary's To make sure I wouldn't be late, place, he had put six quarters into I went to New York the night , my coat pocket, suggesting that before, staying with my daughter the bus might come before a cab, Mary and her family, who live in and it would take me a block or so Manhattan. away from where I was going. Well, that part of the country Well, I had gotten a cab. And was having a frigid cold wave that the quarters were still in my pocket day and the next. So I decided to - exact change for the bus! I arrived at the station at 9:30, allow extra time in the morning of the interview, figuring that because the scheduled time of the taping. of the extreme cold more people Everyone was lovely to me and than usual would be taking cabs, very understanding about my delay. and I might have a longer wait The taping went great, and I left. than usual. N ow I was kind of praying again, I was right. However, what I and I was about to let the Lord had not figured on was not being know I had made my appointment able to get a cab at all. After nearly no thanks to divine intervention in 40 minutes I began to pray. I asked getting me a cab. But my brain the Lord to please not let me be took over, reminding me that what late and lose the interview. I had really asked for was that I

education, size of the parish, the faith and faith practices of parishioners, family size and even ·the number of married parishioners. These variables come with the parish territory. U.nderstanding The seven deadly sins have been them helps a parish better know a popular theme of columns and what to expect. sermons for hundreds of years: If, for example, the parish is pride. anger, glutton, envy, sloth, comprised largely of young people lust, greed. whose incomes, education and reliEach of them has a positive side, gious practices are below average, but in the extreme they are all and they don't have children, the wicked enough to do a p'erson in. parish will probably face a much Sins to avoid. bigger challenge raising the level of giving than one comprised of The seven sins got me thinking first of all in a more positive vein. middle-age parishioners or famiWhat are the virtues I would 'like lies with high incomes, more edumy children to possess: What would cation and good religious practices. I like to pass on, hopefully by parOn the other hand, the report points us to variables that can be ental example more than lecture, to my children? changed. For example, a parish can take Then my mind wandered to some steps to involve parishioners in especially modern virtues. What decision making, it can develop are the virtues we need for today's better practices of accountability and tomorrow's world? Too often and encourage more active particthese virtues go unspoken. unipation, and it can become more heralded. personal and hospitable so that One reason thlit they may'go' people's love for It grows. (As unmentioned .isl1hat they require' obvious as thes~.Iatter suggestions changes in- us ad,ults as well. Farsound. it was neglect of them that alm'ost brouglit'db'wn'the'Am~ri­ better tO,lecture our children on'· : ..the conventidnal'wro~gsto'avoid ' 'can automobile industry.) These..are the, same principles , rather than i,~yo,lve ~ur~~!ves)n,a. Pope PaulYI said were'needed for the renewal. ,of the .church, and ~.ec.e.nt,ly. Pop,e. Johr Paul'lI has stressed"such ideas in his call for · religious unity. . ,Hoge's research once again points lowardpnlctices and attitudes that not only will help parishes remain solvent, but more important will help them become' warm Christian communities.



would not be late for the interview, that I could keep my appointment. It struck me that, of course, the Lord had answered my prayer, though not as I had expected. I remember reading once that we get too specific in our prayers of petition, expecting God to act like some "cosmic bellhop," serving our every request. I wanted a cab. God a.rranged for a bus and six quarters. It just took me-awhile to understand God's language. You know, I think God i!: always there to help, but not by sprinkling miracles upon command. Which brings back yet another of the nuns' favorite axioms: "The Lord helps those who help themselves." That's probably why, in answering prayers, God uses his own language. If we got everything we asked for on our terms, we'd get lazy. No caring Father would let that happen.

Eight lively virtues

By change of attitudes to meet new needs. Dr. JAMES & Here is my list of eight lively virtues for today: -Save our planet. Recycle, MARY Don't waste. Repair small appliances. Treat everything with KENNY reverence. Replace what you use.' -Respect life. Follow your much alcohol, drugs. Stay slim in ·heart. Have a reverence for allliva nation of overweight :?eople. ing things: plants. animals, human Exercise regularly. conception. -Give life your best. Develop -Drive safely. Remember, a your talents to the fullest. Work caris a powerful weapon. Wear hard. Study hard. Play hard. your seatbelt, Observe speed lim-Be generous: Give of' your its. Signal when you tum. Don't time and money to make this a drink and drive. -Be civil. Avoid mean speech. . better world. Avoid being suckered by the notion that happiness Speak well of others or not at all. comes from buying and owning Notice something positive about stuff. Stuff only gets in the way. everyone and comment on it. True happiness comes from loving -Don't judge, Leave that to and from thinking beautiful God. The major problem in formthoughts. ing positive interpersonal relationReader questions on family livships (otherw\se known as love) is our tendency tQj>u(fge one another. ing and ctJild care to be answered -Stay fit. Your body is a tem- ,in pri.nt,are,invited. Address quesple'of t'he, Spirit. Don't-treat it: like tions:1!~eKennys;219 W. Harrison; Ren/,selaer, Ind. 4797~;:. a, landfill: .~V9icl junk foods, too







Office defends lotto MANILLA, Philippines (CNS) - The head ofthe Philippines lottery rejected church criticism of ·the national sweepstakes, saying that it provides considerable support to church-run charities. · Manuel Morato, chairman of the Philippines Charity Sw~epstakes Office, said that "without lotto and sweepstakes money, 87 hospitals and rural clinics would be forced to close," UCA News; an Asia church' news agency based in Thailand, reported.-

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RESIDENTS OF Zivinice, near the Tuzla Air Base in Bosnia, look at American sol.diers ,from the 325th Airborne Division as they walk down.~_street. The U.S. troops were part of a , , NATO force along the Bosilia-S-erb frontlines. (CNS,! Reuters photo)

Catholic burial after a suicidE~ Q. More than 60 years ago, my parents purchased burial space in our local Catholic cemetery. Both were Catholics in good standing. A few years later, following total collapse of his busiO€~ss, my father took his own life. Due to prevailing (:hurch law he was not allowed burial in "consecrated ground"and was interred in another cemetery. This broke my mother's heart. Until the day she died she prayed that her husband could be beside her in the Catholic cemetery. Has the church relaxed the rules today to allow my father to be reburied with our mother? Are we to believe that becau:.c he took- his own life he is condemned for eternity? (Ohio) A. The church today has no law

Are tattoos so terrible after all? Probably one of the most frustrating things about being a Baby Boomer and having children is that you have to advise them in serious tones not to do things that you yourself would really like to try - like buying a $250 car and seeing if it will go across country without a spare or a breakdown. Or getting a tattoo. I have just spent an interesting hour sounding exa.ctly like my father. trying to convince our oldest Son that a tattoo is not in his best interest unless it's one of those stick-on kind of a fairy princess that comes off only when you have embarrassed yourself at t~e athletic club after forgetting you have it on. "Think long and hard," I told him, "before you deface your body on a whim with a picture of a dragon and flames that will be part of your anatomy the rest of your life." "I wasn't thinking of a dragon and ..... he started. "Or even a heart that says, '] love mommy,'''] interrupted. "Tattoos are for people who shave their heads and lift weights for a living in places named Sing-Sing or Fulsam or The Big House." "Uncle Melvin has one," he pointed out. "Uncle Melvin was in the Navy on leave in San Diego and decided to become tattooed in a mental state one might dt:scribe as less than enlightened." How could I admit I always liked Melvin's tattoo'! But that was part of an era whc:n young men were being sent overseas to fight in the name of freedom. Tattoos became a bond, a talisman, a real pain in the rear if you did not marry the girl whose name you had scarred into your shoulder. I tried a different approach.' "Let's be fair here. We've invested a lot in Retin-A, vitamins, Tetracycline, dermatologists and Clearasil to keep your skin healthy, and now you want to have some stranger permanently etch-a-sketch on it?" "It·s my skin," he insisted. "Send me a bill for the skin care." "A lot of our society associates


explicitly denying Catholic burial, or a Catholic funeral Mass, for those who have taken their own lives. It is true that under the former Code of Canon Law (before 1983) those who deliberately killed themselves were among those deprived of a Christian burial. Even then, however, the rule was softened by several factors, including awareness that such violent action against oneself often (if not most of the time, or even always) assumes a psychological unbalance so severe as to leave one's moral responsibility in serious doubt. ~


tattoos with fellows in smelly leathers and oily jeans who ride motorcycles longer than moving vans and usc eight-pound lug wrenches to perform outpatient surgery without an anesthetic," I counseled. "This could affect your credit rating." He shook his head. "You know, it's not like I'm thinking about having 'I crave roadkill' tattooed across my for"head." . "Instead of a tattoo," I said, "maybe you could grow your hair shoulder length, wear old boots and a trench Goat from the Thrift Shop and quote Mao on street corners."

For example. one of the most highly respected commentaries on church law, first written not long after your father died, notes that the rule concerning suicides will· rarely apply "where the more or less common opinion prevails that suicide usually results from nervous or mental derangement" (Bouscaren-Ellis, "Canon Law," 1951 ed. p. 683). Thus, it may be questioned whether the wisest, most perceptive decision was made for your father's burial. Be that as it may, the penalty of denying Christian burial no longer applies to suicide, nor for that matter to several other categories of people mentioned in the former law. A different decision would lj.lmost certainly be made today. If you're still considering reburial, , suggest you talk with your parish priest, or someone els!: in an official position, and ask what steps are necessary. As for your final question, it is

He made a face like he used to when he'd drink milk after a bite of grapefruit. "Dad, I've seen your college pictures." "Well, at least when you come to your senses you could shave the beard, store the coat and use the boots in the woods." '" am already 'at' my senses," he insisted. "Anyway, what is so terrible about a small crucifix on my shoulder blade'!" "With something like 'The Lord is my shepherd; under itT' "No," he replied. "I was thinking about something in Latin." "Your mother isn't going to like this at all," , told him. Which was true. On the other hand, if she didn't come unglued maybe it's a sign that I could talk her into looking around for a $250 car this' spring and going for a joyride.

Y o.ur comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way NE, Arlington, Wash. 98223.


The La Salette Shrine Community extends its deep gratitude to the following for their special contributions to the Christmas Festival of Lights: Fr. Marc Bergeron, of St, Anne's Parish, Fall River, for loaning his St. Nicholas Collection,

Fr. Timothy Goldrick of St. Bernard's Parish, Assonet, for loaning his Nativity sets,

.Fr. Manuel Pereira, M.S., of La Salette Shrine, for his Portuguese Village display and


Diocese of Fall River -

helpful to remember that in its burial' rituals the church makes no judgment about the deceased in any way, apart from the intentions it proclaims so strongly in the ceremony itself. As the Order of Christian Funerals says, "The church through its funeral rites commends the dead to God's mercifUl love and pleads for the forgiveness of their sins." (n.5). Fortunately for those who have taken their own lives, as for the rest of us, judgment and hope rest in the mercy of God.

Q. I know A.D: is Latin for "anno domini," the year of the Lord, and B.C. is English, before Christ. My Protestant friend is writing a book on family genealogy. I gave her your column about tracing baptism information and she was thrilled to have it. She asked, however, why B.C. is in English. Surely it isn't the same in other languages. Can you explain? (New Jersey) A. I'm not sure what explana-

Fri., Jan. 19, 1996


tion is possible, but your friend is right, of course. Germans use "anno Domini" in some official documents, but usually it is v. Chr. or n. Chr., "VOl''' (before) or "nach" (after) Christ. The French have avo J-e or ap. J-C, before ("avante") or after ("aprez") Jesus Christ. As' have explained previously, the practice of dating events before or after the birth of Christ began with a Roman monk about 1,500 years ago. Before that, dates were based on an endless variety of historic happenings or events connected with important personalities. By now we're so accustomed to present practice that we don't realize how much it simplified the writing of history in Western civilization, at least until now. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about the sacrament of penance is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111.61701.

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Sr. Gertrude Gaudette, O.P., of Fall River, and Mr. Alhert LaPierre, of North Attleboro, for their creative talents. Their displays were inspiring and appreciated by thousands of pilgrims.

Cannel Terrace On the Campus of St. Patrick's Manor 933 Central Street. Framingham, MA 01701·4892 • 508-879-8000


HEATHER CROSBY (left photo),.with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Crosby of Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford, accepts a box ofrosary beads from the bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riendeau of St. Ann's parish" Raynham, present their daughter, Beth (center) and Lucy Bairos (right) is introduced by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jose Bairos of St. Anthony, Taunton. (Mills photos)


MR. AND MRS. Jesse B. Law III of Sacred Heart parish, 'Oak Bhiffs, (left) introduce their daughter, Olivia, to the bishop. Anne Donohoegreets Bishop O'Malley with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth. (Mills photos)


RESIDENTS·~FSomerset pose with Bishop O'Malley: Fro111 left are, Catherine.Marcilleo(St.Louis de France, Swansea,

Stepha11ie C;:z,epi.el oJ St. Stapi~laus, Fall River, Elizabeth Shannon ofSt. 'Thomas More, SOQlerset, and Elizabeth Ramos of St. .' . •.... .' r. I . ,- , ; John of God,.Somerset. (Mills photo) " . . . '.' . '. " , i ~ •

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L'Osservatore Romano:

Rome and the Permanent Diaconate "What is spec(fic to the life and ministry of deacons could be summarized in a single word:fidelity ", the Holy Father said to those taking part in plenary assembly ofthe Congregationfor·the Clergy, when he received them in audience. A translation of his address. which was given in Italian. follows. Your Eminence, Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and in the Priesthood, Dear Brothers and Sisters, I. I am pleased to meet you on the occasion of the plenary assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy, which is examining a question of particular importance for the Church: "The Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons". I affectionately greet Cardinal Jose Sanchez, the Prefect, whom I thank for his words. I also greet Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, the Secretary, and the members of the Congregation, together with the officials and experts who give you their valuable service. You have organized these intense days of reflection and dialogue on the basis of an Instrumentum laboris. which has taken into account the suggestions and contributions of every Episcopal Conference. In addition to your satisfaction at the work achi,eved and the results so far reached, you intend to prepare a document concerning the life and ministry of the permanent deacon, similar to that for priests, which you saw'to at your last plenary session. Thus it will be possible to offer providential practical guidance following the Second Vatican Council's decisions. I encourage and bless your efforts, motivated as they are by a deep love for the Church and for our brother deacons. Fidelity to Catholic tradition should mark deacon's ministry 2. Since the diaconatc has been restored to the Latin Church "as a proper and permanent rank of.the heirarchy" (Lumen gentium. n. 29), the directives and guidance of the Magisterium in its regard have increased. One need only recall

Magisterium has clearly described deacon's tasks In particular, he must sholl' a strong sense ofunity with the Successor of Peter, with the Bishop and with the presbyterate of the Church for whose service he was ordained and incardinated. It is of great importance for the formation of the faithful that the deacon, in exercising the duties assigned to him, should promote an authentic and effective ecclesial communion. His relations with his own Bishop, with the priests, with other deacons and with all the faithful should be marked by a diligent respectfor

the various charisms and duties.

DEACON PETER Huntowski greets Martha Dahl during a Communion service at Community Memorial Nursing Home in Spooner, Wis. Huntowski holds Communion services at nursing homes and parishes when a priest is not available to celebrate Mass. (CNS/ Lucero photo) the light of the experience acquired so far, it is necessary to proceed with careful theologica,l research and prudent pastoral sense, in view of the new evangelization on the threshold of the third millennium. The vocation of the permanent deacon is a great gift of God to the Church and for this reason is "an important enrichment for the Church's mission" (Catechism of the Catholic Church. 1571). What is specific to the life and ministry of deacons could be summarized in a single word: fidelity. Fidelity to the Catholic tradition,


By virtue of the sacrament received,an indelible spiritual character is impressed upon him, which marks the deacon permanently and precisely as a mdnister of Christ. Consequently he is no longer a layman nor can he return to the lay state in the strict sense (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1583). Pope Paul VI's teachings and, in particl)lar those contained in the Motu proprio Sacrum diaconarus ordinem (18 June 1667, AAS 59 [19671 697-704) and Ad pascendum (15 August 1972, AAS 64 [19721. 534-540), which remain a basic reference point. The doctrine and discipline explained in these documents have found their juridical expression in the ne:w Code of Canon Law. which must inspire the development of this sacred ministry. Several catecheses which I addressed to the the faithful during the month of October 1993 were also devoted to the permanent diaconate. Reflecting on the ministry and' life of permanent deacons, and in

especially as witnessed to by the lex orandi, fidelit.y to the Magisterium, fidelity to the task of reevangelization which the Holy Spirit has brought about in the Church. This commitment to fidelity is, first of all, an invitation carefully to promote throughout the Church a sincere respect for the

theological, liturgical and canonical identity proper to the sacrament conferred on deacons, as well as for the demands required by the ministerial functions which, in virtue of receiving Holy Orders, are assigned to them in particular Churches. 3. In fact, the 'sacrament of Orders has- its own nature and effects, ~hatever the; degree in

which it is received (episcopate, presbyterate or diaconate). "Catholic doctrine, expressed in the liturgy, Magisterium and the constant practice of the Church, recognizes that there are two degrees of ministerial participation in the priesthood of Christ: the episcopacy and the presbyterate. The diaconate is intended to help and serve them .... Yet Catholic doctrine teaches that the degrees of priestly participation (episcopate and presbyterate) and the degree of service (diaconate) are all thre:e conferred by a sacramental act called 'ordination', that is, by the sacrament of Holy Orders" (Cathechism ofthe Catholic Church. n. 1554). By the imposition of the Bishop's hands and the specific prayer of consecration, the deacon receives

Only when one keeps to one's own tasks does communion become effective and each can fulfill his own mission. 4. Deacons are ordained to exercise a ministry of their own. which is not that of a priest, because they "receive the imposition of hands \not unto the priesthood but unto the ministry'" (Lumen gentium, n. 29). Therefore they have specific tasks whose content has been clearly described by the Magisterium: "To assist the Bishop and priests in the celebration of the divine mysteries, above all the Eucharist, in the distribution of Holy Communion, in assisting at and blessing marriages - if they are delegated by the Ordinary or the parish priest (cf. CIC, can. 1108, § I) - in the proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, in presiding over funerals, and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity"(cf. Cate-

chism of the Catholic "CFiurch. n.

The exercise of the diaconal ministry - like that of other ministries in the Church - requires per se of all deacons, celibate or married, a spiritual allirude of total dedication. Although in certain cases it is necessary to make the ministry of the diaconate compatible with other obligations, to think of oneself and to act in practice as a "part-time deacon" would ha ve no sense (cf. Directoryfor the

Ministry and Life of Priests. n. 44). The deacon is not a part-time employee or ecclesiastical official, but a minister of the Church. His is not a profession, but a mission! It is the circumstances of his life .prudently evaluated by the candidate himself and by the Bishop, before ordination - which should, if necessary, be adapted to the exercise of his ministry by facilitating it in every way. The many problems which are still to be resolved and are of concern to pastors should be examined in this light. The deacon is called to be a person open to all, ready to serve people, generous in promotingjust social causes, avoiding attitudes or positions which could make him appear to show favoritism. In fact, a minister of Jesus Christ, even as a citizen, must always promote unity and avoid, as far as possible, being a source of disunity or conflict. May the attentive study which you have undertaken in these days provide useful guidelines in this area. Turn to Page 13


n Christmas Eve 1932, two missionary priests baptized the first 12 members of the Church in Wa in northwe,st Ghana. Today, just a little more than six decades later, Catholics in Wa number 156,000, or 24% of the total population. .. Anselm Bemile was in one of the first baptism classes in the area. Later, he would become a catechist in the Wa Diocese and the father of eight, including a son, Paul, who is today Wa's newest bishop. .. "As I look back, I see the finger of God at work in my life," Bishop Paul Bemile said. "I also see God's work being accomplished in me and the whole diocese through the Propagation of the Faith. It is the Propagation of the Faith which is at the very heart of the growth of the Church here, and which helps it continue to grow. I rely on those who so faithfully support the Propagation of the Faith for the future growth and evangelization of this vibrant local church."

a particular configuration to Christ. the Head and Shepherd of the Church, who, forlove of the Father, made himself thf: least and the servant of all (cf. Mk 10:43-45; Mt 20:28; I Pt 5:3). Sacramental grace gives deacons the necessary strength to serve the People of God in the "diakonia" of the liturgy, of the Word and of charity, in communion with the Bishop and his presbyterate(cf. Catechism ofthe Catholic Church. n. 1588). By virtue of the sacrament received, an indelible spiritual character is impressed upon him, which marks the deacon permanently and precisely as a minister of Christ. Consequently he is no longer a layman nor can he return to the lay state in the strict sense (cf. Cathechism ofthe Catholic Church, n. 1583). These essential characteristics of his ecclesial vocation must pervade his readiness to give himself to the Church and must be reHected in his outwind behavior. The Church expects of the permanent deacon a faithful witness to his,ministerial state.

1570; cr. Lumen gentium. n. 29; Sacrosanctum Concilium. n. 35; Ad gentes. n. 16).




Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 344 Highland Avenue • Fall River, MA 02720 "Attention: Column." No. 101 ANCH.1I19/96 $100 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 $ (other)

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Please remember The Societylorthe Propagation 01the Faith when·writing orchangingyour WilL

- 10

THE ANCHOR-:-Uiocese of Fall River~Fri., Jan. 19, 1996

路Alzheirneor's ~educatfon series' aids caregivers

,Family closeness key for ill teens Family closeness ranked as a key factor in the emotional well being of teenagers grappling with chronic illness, a recent .study found. ' The study compared 1683 middle school and high school students with chronic illnesses to a similar number of students without chronic illnesses in each offive ethnic groups: European-American, African-American, Asian, American Indian, and Hispanic. Chronic conditions included cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, and seizure disorders, along with arthritis, scoliosis, and asthma, if severe enough to limit daily activities. The researchers assessed the students' perception of their emotional well-being. They also measured factors which might affect their emotional health, such as concerns about peer relationships, worrie.l' about school, and concerns about future occupations, as well as their sense of their body image and their perception of their family's closeness. For adolescents with chronic illnesses, the leading factors influencing emotional wdl-being were first their body image, and second family closeness. For adolescents without a chronic illness, the most important factor was family closeness, followed by body image. Students who perceived their family connectedness as high obtained .significantly higher emotio,nal well-being scores than those who saw it as moderate. However, those perceiving family closeness as moderate obtained significantly higher scores than those who perceived their family as not very close. M ore students with chronic conditions had negative body images than students free from these illnesses. Also a slightly higher percentage of chronically ill students saw their family connectedness as low. They also had more worries about peer relationships and the future. In all five ethnic groups family closeness and a positive sense of body image were the two mos.t important factors in predicting emotional well-being, whether a

chronic illness was present or not, the researchers noted. They concluded that a family caring and belonging "is, indispensable to adolescent emotional well-being." They noted, "Although adolescents with chronic conditions do less well than adolescents without chronic' conditions, having a disability is not the most influential factor on emotional well-being. Family connect~dness is of fundamental importance for ,adolescents' emotional health." Since more students with chronic illnesses rankep family closeness as low, the researchers recommended strengthening a sense of family belonging, while at the same time avoiding parental overprotectedness which may lower the adolescent's sense of self and body image.

National Institute of Healthcare Research

When her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Claudette Bourassa's world came to a screeching halt. After consulting with specialists and amassing as much literature' as she could find, her unending quest to understand the disease brought her to Catholic Memorial Home's recent Alzheimer's Educational Series. Over 70 participants attended "Alzheimer's Disease: An Educational Series," featuring several Catholic Memorial Home staff members a~ speakers. Participants received a selection of reference/ reading materials about each of six topics presented. The sessions were open to family members, caregivers, members of the community and health care, workers. The series was part of an ongoing effort to bring. health' care information' to the community. "We consider our work 'here at Catholic Memorial Home to be a ministry not only to our residents and their families, but to elders and their families in the community," said Sister Sean Connolly, O. Carm., ad ministrator at Catholic Memorial Home. 路"Iil many instances, caregivers in the community aren't always educated about Alzheimer's disease. Since many of our staff members have had specialized

trall1lng in working with Alz- said Lisa Cadime, BSN, unit manheimer's residents, we can extend ager of the Memorial Home's Alzout staffs knowledge into the heimer's unit. "They need to know community. We are able to pro- the degenerative process of the vide helpful and practical infor- disease and specific questions to mation'forthose caring for loved ask if they need to seek placement ones with the disease," said Anne in a' long-term care fa,:ility when Marie Kelly, director of staff home care becomes too ,difficult." Catholic Memorial Home dedidevelopment at the Memorial cated Fall River's first specialized Home. Series topics were chosen to Alzheimer's care unit in November 199~. The Considine Unit, which rt;present a wide spectrum in Alzheimer's care from basic under- contains two "neighborhoods" for standing of'the disease and non- individ uals in varying sl:ages of the verbal communication with the disease, is home to 4~: men and Alzheimer's resident to the thera- ' women. Alzheimer's disease i~; a chronic, peutic intervention of activities and a family member's personal degenerative disease flat affects reflections of a loved one's disease. and 'eventualiy destroys memory, "The series was great. Listening judgment and reason. Currently to other people who care for some- over 4.5 million individuals in the one with Alzheimer's disease helps United States are diagnosed with you feel that you're not alone," the disease. It strikes ,:>ne in ten people who are age 65 and older, said Mrs. Bourassa. Besides the useful information and nearly half of those who are and tips the speakers offered, the age 85 and older. series helped caregivers accept the Catholic Memorial Horne hosts complex emotions they experience a daytime support group for carewhile caring for a loved one with givers of persons with Alzheimer's Alzheimer's disease. "As caregiv- disease or related memc,ry impairers we need to learn fo understand ing illnesses in the c(lmmunity. our emotions and put our reality The group is held from 12:30 to 2 in perspective. It's OK to grieve or p.m., on the fourth Tue~;day of the to'be angry," said Mrs. Bourassa. month. Everyone is welcome to "It's important for caregivers to attend and admission i~; free. For try to understand as much as they more information, pleasl~ call John can al:!out Alzheimer's disease." Rogers, LSW, at 679-0Uitl.

ONE OF the beautiful aspects ofthe Bishop's Charity ball is the pride that families show in support oftheir presentl~es. The Fulham family, top left, stands with their pastor Father Thomas Rita of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, Ostervill;~. From left, Gerard, Jennifer, Kathleen and Elizabeth Fulham. Top right photo, Elizabeth Ramos of St. John of God, Somerse;t, poses with her parents, Luis and Tina Ramos, sisters, Ann Ramos and Julie Gagliardi, and Andy Desrosiers. St. Mary's pari!;h, New Bedford, presented Anne Vardo, bottom left. She is surrounded by, front from left, Priscilla Vardo, Rachel Tisdelle, Joy Vardo, (rear) Charles Vardo, Jacqueline Vardo, Joseph Taveira, Charles Vardo, and Jonathan Vardo. In the bottom right photo, Marcie Beth Bricault of St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, stands with grandparents Noella Bricault and David and Alice Rogl~rs, and parents DO[1ald and Carolyn Bricault. (Mills photos)

Rural Life promoted JONESVILLE, Mich.(CNS)Dolores DeBacker thinks both farmers and city dwellers sh,ould learn more about the issues affecting agriculture and how Catholic social teaching applies to them. "I'm not saying I'm going to change the world, but I hope to bring an awareness of food issues," said Mrs. DeBacker, who lives on an .800-acre farm just north of J O'1esville in south-central Michigan. She is working with the Michigan Catholic Conference and represenfativesfrom several Michigan ,diocesesto help build the Catholic rural life moveme'rit in the state.-"') .


Mitchell M. Levy, M.D.,

HealthWise I

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Reducing the length of stay can belt1efit the patien't Combining high quality care and decreasing the length of time patients stay at Saint Anne's Hospital has proven to be beneficial to patients and their families. The term "length of stay" describes the amount oftime a patient spends in thc~ hospital. Length of stay is an important statistic by which most hospi~ tals are evaluated for their per~ formance in delivering optimal care to patients. According to Mitchell M. Levy, M.D., Associate Direc~ tor of Critical Care at Saint Anne's Hospital, "Our goal in reducing a patient's length of stay is to continue to enhance care by providing efficient, adequate and compassionate care to our community. Pa~ tients can be assured that they will not be discharged until they are able to complete their recovery at home and our assistance is no longer neces~ sary." Patient care is improved when length of stay decreases because patients re~ceive the appropriate level of care for their illnesses and hospital and physician services become more proficient. An early dis~ charge enables patients to re~ cover at home in a healthy and familiar setting with their fam~ ily. Less time in the hospital

also allows patients to get a good night's sleep - a task easier to achieve at home. Physicians, hospital staff, patients and family members all play an important role in decreasing length of stay. Phy~ sicians provide exceptional care while the hospital staff works diligently to identify and overcome any potential obstacles prolonging a patient's stay. Patients and fatuilies learn about available services to con~ tinue care after discharge from the: hospital. "We all work together for a smooth recov~ ery and an increased sense of well~being," said Dr. Levy. In addition to this initiative, the medical and hospital staff have implemented critical pathway guidelines for treat~ ing common illnesses. "Critical pathways set a standard of excellence in patient care by ensuring that tests are ordered in a timely fashion, discharge planning begins early in the hospital stay and delays in diagnostic imaging are avoid~ ed," explained Dr. Levy. This quality assurance sys~ tern established by critical pathways allows medical pro~ tocols to be individually tai~ lored to each patient's needs in a timely and efficient m~n~ ner - ensuring the best care is provided to the community.

ical Care at Saint Anne's Hospital. He is a graduate of the University of Buffalo. Dr. Levy c:ompleted his Straight Intc~nal Medicine Residency at Presbyterian Medical Center, University ofColorado and later became Chief Medical Resident. Dr. Levy i.'i board certified in Internal and Critical Care Medicine. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Internal and Critical Care Medicine and an Elected Fel.. low, American College of Critical Care Medicine. He has numerm.lS research pro.. jects and publications to his credit.


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Computer porn Dear Editor: With the drastic changes in the use of computers in which pornography is prominently featured, it surely is time for all concerned citizens and especially church leaders to emphasize the moral harm being done to our people. and especially our young. It is a well-known fact that promiscuous attitudes learned through the use of pornography, are enormous factors in the uncontrolled increase in pre-marital sexual relationships among our adults, Some time ago, New York state bishops issued a statement that is still true today! The statement read in part: "Pornography is an evil that desensitizes and degrades adults that use it, insults and victimizes all women, promotes sexual violence, and puts children who have easy access at terrible risk. Pornography thus corrupts our whole society by violating society's greatest asset: the Godgiven integrity and dignity of every human being, and a breakdown of our public mOJrals!" Legislation is now pending in Congress to curb the filth and obscenities now tak-, . ing over our computers. The public apathy of our citizens has caused an· indifference among our prosecutors in bring-, . 'ing violators of our obscenity laws to ju·stice. Our communities and all individuals must loudly demand that our citizens are entitled to the minimum standards of public decency, both morally and constitutionally! Thomas A. Walsh Roslindale, MA

Home away from home


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,.lan. 19, 1996

is Associate Director of Crit..

Dear Editor: I'm serving our country overseas in Okinawa, Japan as a U.S. Marine. (love to read about good news back at home. Your paper has helped me continue my Catholic faith and hal. helped in dealing with the "real" world. You have a great paper and I appreciate it. I'm a resident of Somerset and a parishioner ofSt. Patrick's Church. Keep up the good work. Peace. PVT. James R. Durette Okinawa, Japan

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COFFEE HOUSE - JOANNA FISH Saturday, J,ar'uary 20 - 6:30 PM Cafeteria/Good-will offering PORTUGUESE HEALING SERVICE Sunday, January 21 - 2:00 PM Father Manuel Pereira, M.S. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, January 24 10:00 AM & 7:15 PM Classroom above Gift Shop - All welcome

BETHANY NIGHTS WITH JOHN POLCE Friday, January 26 - 7:30 PM Shrine Chapel -

Good-will offering



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 19, 1996





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pro-Life marchers hope for good weatltler

WASHINGTON (CNS) - With ing to contemplate for' Sandra just a difference of two weeks, the Alley, public affairs director for Jan. 7-8 blizzard that buried much the National Park Service of the ofthe East£oast would have been 'National Capitol Area. She was back in her office Jan. crippling, though probably not II for the first time after three days fatal, to an annual national march of storm-closings and three weeks against abortion on the Capito~. Participants in the annual March of budget-crisis furlough. A new for Life, from the White House to storm the next day closed the fedthe Capitol each January, have eral government again, making gathered through rain, bitter cold the return of federal workers to and several inches of snow before, Washington offices short-lived. Had, the government been on but never quite as big a storm as the two-foot walloping ofthis year. furlough the day the march was "We would have marched any- scheduled, it would have been up way" if the blizzard of '96 had to Park Service and District of coincided with the event, said Nel- Columbia police to, make a decilie J. Gray, president of March for sion about asking organizers to cancel in the event of a big storm, Life. Each year since Jan. 22, 1973, Ms. Alley said. "What we look at is health and when the U.S.' Supreme Court handed down the ruling in Roe vs. safety and whether we could hanWade that legalized abortion dle it," she said. "Chances are you throughout the country, as many couldn't get into the Ellipse ifthere as 75,000. people have come to was this much snow anyway." Ms. Alley sai'd as far as she Washington on the anniversary of , the ruling - or the weekday clos- knew, the Park Service had never est to it if it falls on a weekend -to asked such a large event to cancel protest the decision and lobby because of the weather, partly beCongress, the president and the cause the March for Life is o~ of the few regular large-scale activiPEDESTRIANS FIND there's nowhere to go but the high court to reverse it. In 1987, participants arrived in ties during the winter. But the lessnowy streets as they walk in northeast Washington, D.C. Jan. town to falling snow, with about sons of January's blizzard raised 9, after nearly two feet of snow fell. Those planning on attend- half a foot on the ground by the plenty of "what if' questions, she ing the annual March for Life next week are hoping for better time the march started and an acknowledged. For starters, how would marchaccumulation of II inches by the conditions. (CNS/ Roller photo) end of the day. Miss Gray said it's ers even,get in to town and where impossible to reschedule an event would they go? Buses that bring in that involves as' many people from people from across the country park outside the city at lots at the so many states. "So, we do the best we can with Pentagon and RFK Stadium and the weather we are given," she elsewhere. said. ' "They're not going to get around WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In give a legitimacy to the study of The prospect of having even a to plowing RFK when there are an attempt to make doctors more a- faith and medicine that had not scaled-down crowd of a few thou- stilI streets to clear," Ms. Alley ware of what one called "the over- previously existed. sand people try to descend upon said. "You're always fighting for time looked and often critical" role of the Ellipse behind the White House ,Four days after the blizzard, religion in medicine, the John Tem- in the medical school curriculum," during a blizzard was too impos- side streets throughout Washingpleton Foundation has awarded he said. But the grant money and $10,000 grants to five medical the Templeton name give strength schools. tothosewhoweretryingtogetthe "The time has come when we issue before medical students, he owe it to our students to tell them said. with an intellectual sophistication The Templeton' Foundation, that religion has a central place in established by investment manager WASHiNGTON (CNS)-Small "Through small church communthe realm of medical education," and Presbyterian layman John M. church communities are "a source ities, Latino Catholics are finding of great hope for the whole church'" a way to preserve and share the said Dr. George R. Simms, profes- Templeton. funds projects in three sor offamily and community med- broad areas: science and religion; and "a model that can be utilized rich cultural and faith expressions icine at Penn State UniversityCol- spirituality and health; and ed ucaby other Catholic communities," and family values that help them lege of Medicine in Hershey, Pa., tion. according to a new guide prepared face the challenges of a rapidly among grant recipients. Since 1972. Templeton has by the U.S. Bishops' Committee changing world," the bishops say Simms and David J. Hufford, awarded the annual Templeton. on Hispanic Affairs. in the guide. "Steadfast, active professor of humanities and bePrize for Progress in Religion to The phrase "small church com- church communities linked with havioral science at Penn State address the absence of a Nobel munities" describes small groups the larger parish community should medical schooL will lead a seminar Prize for work in that area. It is the of Catholics wit.hin parishes who be encouraged and promoted." for fourth-year medical student!\ largest annual prize awarded in gather for prayer, reflection, muThe guide concludes with a sercentering on "religious beliefs, the world, with the amount changtual support and serviCe to the ies of questions which small church p'ractices and traditions and their ing yearly to keep ahead of the church and community. co'mmunities can use for self-evaluaimp'act upon medical ethics, menNobel Prize. "You find. small church com- tion or in beginning new communtal and physical health, end-of-life The National Institute for Health munities in all parts of the coun- ities. It also provides a suggested decisions and other important Care Research is administering try, giving Catholics - particu- model for gatherings of small aspects of medical practice." the faith and medicine program larly, Hispanics - new forms of church communities, including Also receiving $10.000 for simfor the Templeton foundation. In expressing a very deep spirituality prayer, scriptures, hymns and ilar courses were: addition to the grants, the proand sense of mission," said Ronaldo reflection. - Albert Einstein College of gram will include lectures and Cruz, executive director of the For further information call the Medicine at Yeshiva University in seminars at medical schools and Bishops' Secretariat for Hispanic Secretariat for HisPlinic Affairs, New York, where the course also elsewhere about the link between Affairs. (202) 541-3150. religion and faith. Lecture mateThe docu'ment, called "Comwill be open to medical students from the Catholic Medical Center rial will also be available on videos. munion and Mission: A Guide on of Brooklyn and Queens. "Few medical school curricula Small Church Communities for -- East Tennessee State Univercurrently pay attention to religious Bishops and Pastoral Agents:.' lists , sity's James H. Quillen College of factors despite growing awareness some common elements found in Medicine in Johnson City. Tenn. among practitioners of the need to small church communities: Johns Hopkins University address all aspects of the patient's - Their small size allows memSchool of,Medicine in Baltimore. life and to help patients become bers "to delve more deeply into -- Ohio State University Colfull. collaborating partners in their Christian life ona more personal lege of Medicine in Columbus. medical care," said a fact sheet level, while at the same time· A Catholic priest will be among about the grant program. remaining intimately linked to the ll:achers of Ohio State's course on "A wide range of studies have church's universal mission." faith and medicine for first-year shown that religious commitment -'They "reinforce the communstudents.' plays a significant role in improvitarian nature of church life." "Everyone's heart is touched by ing outcomes in such illnesses as -.They reflect Pope John 'Paul a spiritual reality of one kind or heart disease, cancer, recovery from II's call for new parish structures another," said Paulist Father Mark- surgery, depression and substance which allow new forms of expressing the Christian life.. David Janus, an assistant profes- ; . abuse," it said. "The demonstrated , sor of psychiatry at Ohio State's benefits of religious commitment - Through ongoing envangelimedical school since 1992. . indicate that the medical communzation, 'their members "are funFather Janus told Catholic News ity should consider·the ,important - damentally missionary agents of Service that th~ J!.p!I?I~Hmg~li.~!L_..r~l~ .9f.~p.!r.i.t.uatilx,~n,,~~!~~!lJ.s:!!!".e.;:: ..... ".tl!~ r,c;jgn...Qf..G!;l4,::. ,. ,.;., ,. ,." "'. , , •.

Medical students to learn role of faith in healing

Guide published on small parish groups

ton remained unplowed, causing traffic gridlock on streets that wert; passable. And even if people made it to town for a march during a major storm, getting to the mall area would be another hurdle. The city's subway syste'm was overwhelmed by the combination of trains that were snowed in at "uncovered rail yards and swarms of passengers who left ~heir cars at home. Even with schools closed and many people taking the day off Jan. II, rail and automobile commuters reported delays of two hours or more on trips that normally take 20 minutes. Helen Gohsler, president of the Scranton ~hapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life, normally arranges for about five bunloads of people to come from her area for the march. In times of wet or sub·freezing weather, some individuals have canceled, but only once has her group had to turn back a.nd miss the march altogether. "One time we got as fair as the Beltway (the .freeway circling Washington) and had to turn back because of the snow," Ms. Gohsler said. Like. the rest of the East, the Scranton area was slowly digging out from between 16 and 20 inches of snow that fell Jan. 7 al1td 8, but she said there were no seri.ous discussions about changing plans for Jan. 22. "It's a matter every year of taking a chance on the weather," she said. .

CRS increase:s aid BALTIMORE(CNS)-- Witha peace treaty in effect in BosniaHerzegovina, Catholic Relief Services announced plans to dramatically incre,ase its aid for rebuilding. During the four years of civil war, CRS provided relief supplies in Sarajevo and outlying areas, more than 65 percent of whil:h were produced locally, rather than imported, according to the agency. CRS used local suppliers fN bread, socks, underwear and textiles that were distributed throughout the area, said CRS deputy executive director Louise Wilmot. Keeping up productivity in local industries is putting relief agencies in a better position for helping rebuild wartorn communities, she said. "While these projects have provided sustenance, their real value gOl:S far beyond mere provision of food and clothing," she said. "Of equal importance is their role ill giving people the opportunity to be productive and support their Jamilie.s - activities that are crucial to the restoration of pride and dignity.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 19, 1996


Permanent diaconate Continued from Page Nine life. sustained by the exercises of piety recommended by the Church 5. With the restoration of the (cf. Sacrum diaconatus ordinem. permanent diaconate, the possibilnn. 26-27: AAS 59 (1967), 702ity was recognized of conferring 703). Carrying out ministerial and this order on men of a mature age apostolic activities, fulfilling poswho are already married, but once sible family and social responsibilordained they cannot remarry ities and lastly practicing an intense should they be widowed (cf. Sacrum diaconatus ordinem. n. 16, AAS personal life of prayer require of the deacon - whether celibate or 59 (1967), 701). married - that unity o/Iife which "It should be noted, however, can only be attained, as the Second that the Council maintained the Vatican Council taught, through ideal of a diaconate open to younger men who would devote themselves deep union with Christ (cf. Prestotally to the Lord, with the com- byterorum ordinis. ·n. 14). mitment of celibacy as well. It is a Dear brothers and sisters, as I life of 'evangelical perfection', thank you for your active involvewhich can be understood, chosen ment in this plenary assembly, I and loved by generous men who would also like to put into the want to serve the kingdom of God hands of her who is the Ancilla MARCIE BETH Bricault, Elizabeth Theresa Butler, and Lindsey Ciombor share a laugh in the world, without entering the Domini the fruit of the work to priesthood to which they do not which you have applied yourselves. with Bishop O'Malley during the Bishop's Charity Ball. (Mills photo) feel called, but nevertheless receivI ask the Immaculate Virgin to ing a consecration that guarantees accompany the Church's effort in and institutionalizes their special this important field of pastoral . service to the Church through the activity in view of the new evangeliContinued from Page One came with the 25th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Zak of Blessed zation. conferral of sacramental grace. presentation of four women. Part Sacrament parish. These men are not lacking today" Moulding, daughter of Mr. and of the presentee class of 1971, Representing New Bedford were: (Catechesis at the General AudiMrs. Robert Moulding of ImmacDonna Perry Klamkin representHeather N. Crosby, daughter of ence, 6 October 1993, n. 7; COsulate Conception parish; and Beth ing Fall River, Donna Evangelho Mr. and Mrs. James Crosby of servatore Romano English edition, Riendeau, daughter of Mr. and Jusseaume representing Taunton, Our Lady of Fatima parish; Teresa 13 October 1993, p. II). Mrs. Paul Riendeau of St. Ann's Joanne Quirk Ault representing Dzieciolowski, daughter of M r. Sales And Service parish, Raynham. Cape Cod and the Islands, and Spiritual life must be and Mrs. Stanley Dzieciolowski of From Attleboro were: Marcie sustained by personal prayer Sandra Curry Dias representing our Lady of Perpetual Help parBeth Bricault, daughter of Mr. Fall River's Largest 6. The spirituality of the diacoNew Bedford, also had the opporish; Nissa N. Lourenco, daughter and Mrs. Donald J. Bricault of St. tunity to meet Bishop O'Malley. nate "has its source in what the of M r. and Mrs. Antonio LouDisplay of TVs Mary's parish, Seekonk; Elizabeth Second Vatican Council calls 'the Bishop O'Malley addressed the renco of Immaculate Conception Theresa Butler, daughter of Mr. sacramental grace of the diacoassembly, commending the young parish; Stephanie L. Taber, daughRCA - ZENITH - SYLVANIA and Mrs. Richard M. Butler,Jr.of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Taber nate' (Ad gentes. n. 16)" (Catechewomen for their devotion to their St. Theresa of the Child Jesus par1196 BEDFORD STREET parishes and charitable organiza- sis at the General Audience, 20 of St. Anthony parisb, Mattapoiish; and Lindsey Ciombor, daughOctober 1993, n. I; L 'Osservatore 673-9721 tions. "It's wonderful that people sett; and Anne Vardo, daughter of ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Ciom- Mr.and Mrs.ChariesVardoofSt. Romano English edition, 27 Octoare giving of themselves in the bor ofSt. Mark's parish, Attleboro ber 1993, p. II). By virtue of ordispringtime of their lives," he said. Mary parish. Falls. nation, this is defined by the spirit "I read the biographies of these Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington is of service. "This Service should Cape Cod presentees included: young women and ,was amazed at the 'dioce!larichreCrbrbf lhe ball Danielle Cash, daughter of Mr. how much they do." He listed their first of all take the form of helping but each area of the diocese has its Est. 1962 the Bishop and the priest, both in and Mrs. Francis Cash of Our own director: Rev. Bruce M. Neywork with St. Vincent de Paul liturgical worship and the apostoLady of the Cape parish, Brewster; lon, Attleboro; Rev. Thomas L. societies, CCD, youth ministry, Religious Anne Donohoe, daughter of Mr. church choir and many other late .... However, the deacon's serRita, Cape Cod and the Islands; is also directed to his own Articles vice and Mrs. John Donohoe of St. groups as examplary of good steRev. John F. Andrews and Rev. Christian community and to the Elizabeth Seton parish, North Vincent F. Diaferio, assistant direcwardship practices to young and Books • Gifts whole Church, to which he must Falmouth; Faith Louise Donovan, tors for Fall River; Rev. Ralph D. old alike. foster a deep attachment, because daughter of M r. and Mrs. Richard Tetrault, New Bedford; and Rev. Following his speech, he and Church Supplies M. Donovan of Holy Trinity par- Manuel P. Ferreira, Taunton. Msgr. Harrington made a surprise of her mission and divine instituish, West Harwich; J'ennifer Fulpresentation, to Father Daniel tion" (ibid., n. 2). A special part of the program 428 Main 51. • Hyannis, MAo2601 ham, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Freitas who retired from the minTo fulfill his mission, the dea508-775-4180 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 Gerard A. Fulham, Jr. of Our istry last year. con therefore needs a deep interior Lady of the Assumption parish, Osterville; Olivia Benoit Law, VATICAN CITY (CNS)'- Midaughter Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. La w III of Sacred Heart parish, grants are obliged to obey the laws Oak Bluffs; and Sarah M. McAu- of any country they enter, but those countries also have an obliley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gation to respect and protect the Kenneth McAuley of St. Mary'sf human rights of anyone who comes Our L:ady of the Isle parish, to their borders, Pope John Paul Nantucket. II said. . Representing Fall River were: Stephanie Czepiel, daughter of M r. The fact of people fleeing their and Mrs. Eugene Czepiel bf St. homes because of violence, politStan isla us parish; Rebecca Hetu, ics or economics is "one of the The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene most remarkable phenomena of and a telephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education Hetu of St. John the Baptist parour time~," the pope said. coordinators and permanent deacons. ish, Westport; Danielle Marie "It is a phenomen~ which often Lavoie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a creates problems for societies, and Alban Lavoie ofSt. Joseph parish; listing of priests by years of ordination. for that reason, I renew my appeal. Catherine M. F. Marcille, daughto governments that they always ter of M r. and Mrs. Francis M. confront immigration with full Send this coupon to: ANCHOR Publishing Co., Marcille of St. Louis de France respect for human rights," the pope parish, Swansea; Betty Ann P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 said. Medeiros, daughter of Mr. and Please send me copy(ies) of the 1996 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY Upholding a nation's laws and Mrs. Augustine Mede:iros of EspiAND BUYERS' GUIDE protecting its identity should not rito Santo parish; Elizabeth Joy exclude treating all people equally, Payment enclosed ($5 per copy plus $2 postage and handling per copy) Ramos, daughter of M r. and Mrs. he said. Rather legality and equalLuis Ramos of St. John of God ity should complement one another. parish, Somerset; Stephanie Lynn Richard, daughter of M r. and Mrs. NAME: "If there is an attempt to be Peter Richard of Sts. Peter and inspired by both of these values, Paul parish; Elizabeth Shannon, the reality of migrati~n can be seen ADDRESS: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas not as a threat to security and wellStreet/P.O. Box City Zip Shannon ofSt. Thomas More par- being, but as a sign of the times, a ish, Somerset: Sondra Viveiros, sign of a civilization called to deal This rnessage sponsored by the following business concerns in the Diocese of Fall River daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. with identity and universality dif-, FEITELBERG INS. AGENCY DURO FINISHING CORP. Viveiros of St. Elizabeth's parish; feroce and equality at the same GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY GLOB~ MFG. CO. and Tracey A. Zak, daughter of time," the pope said.

'Springtime Magic' a success

Eastern Television


Two fold obligation

It's time to order the 1996 Diocesan Directory

Local students win Rev. Uo'gan award William J. Synnott, Chairman of The Rev. John F. Hogan Scholarship Fund reports that four area students attending Providence College have received awards totaling $6,300.00 for the 1995-1996 academic year. Kerri Beth Arruda, a graduate of Durfee High School, Fall River, was a wa rded $1,600.00. The daughter of Raymond and Beverly Arruda of Fall River, she is a senior majoring in special/ elementaryeducation. Jennifer Azevedo, the rec:ipient of$700.00, is a Providence College junior majoring in health policy management. She is the daughter of John and Cynthia Azevedo of Westport and a 1993 graduate of Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. Joshua Des Roches, the son of Conrad and Florence Des Roches of Acushnet received $3,000.00. A graduate of New Bedford High School, he is a Providence College junior with a major in accounting. Sheila Reilly, a first year student at Providence College received $1,000.00. The daughter of Joseph and Alice Reilly of Fall River, Ms. Reilly is a 1995 graduate of Bishop Connolly High School.

The Rev. John F. Hogan Scholarship Fund was established in the memory of Father Hogan, a wellknown and well-liked local priest who at the time of his death in 1986 was Pastor, of St. Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth. Fund rais(ng efforts led to the collection of more than $126,000.00 which was placed in trust at Providence College. Since its inception the fund has awarded nearly $75,000 to area students. On behalf of all donors to the Rev. John F. Hogan Scholarship Fund, Mr. Synnott congratulated each of the award recipients, expressed the hope that each would make a serious and earnest effort in their studies and endeavors at Providence College, and that each in their own way could well serve the memo'ry of Father Hogan by an act of kindness to another. The Scholarship Fund Committee has completed its formal fund raising efforts but continues to accept contributions. Anyone wishing to make a gift or in need of more information may contact Providence College or Attorney William J. Synnott, 398 County Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 or at (508) 999-1539.

STUDENTS FROM the First Eucharist class at St. Joseph Church, Taunton, and many of their peers enlivened their Christmas Eve celebration by dressing in parts of the nativity scene during the Christmas pagent. During his homily Father Raul Lagoa, pastor, told the story of Barrington Bunny, a tale of unconditional love given by a rabbit to another creature, Mr. Mouse. '

,HFHN holds early bird registration Holy Family-Holy Name School, 91 Summer Street, New Bedford, is holding a special 'Early Bird Registration' day for the 19961997 school year on January 28 from 10:30 a.m. to I:00 p.m. and January 29 through February 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Holy Family-Holy Name School provides quality education in the Catholic tradition with a variety of opportunities for social, spiritual and creative growth through community service, junior choir, music' lessons, chess club, stamp club. computer lab and family activities. It also offers a preschool program for children starting at the age of .


extended care program from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.

, ", ,fro-Life Essay Contest For Catholic StUdents in the Diocese of Fall River Gr~des 7,8 and 9 (Category 1) Grades 10, 11 and 12 (Category 2) SpQDsored by the Pro-Life Apostolate , ,of the Diocese of Fall River Notices, rules and deadline 1. The. essay contest is sponsored to coincide with the 23rd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton (January 22, 1973), by whic:h induced abortion was made legal; for virtually any reason, at any time in the nine mOJ.1ths of pre~nancy., 2. The title' of each essay is to be "Once a Human, Always a Human. " The' essay should be 400-600 words in It::ngth. Typed or computer-generated documents are prefenlble, double-spaced. If handwritten, the text ,should be plainly legible. Only one side of each sheet of paper should be used and the papers should be stapled together. Complete identification ofthe author (name, address and phone number ofthe 'author, together with his or her grade and school) should be on a separate final page stapled tc! the essay. ' ','

3. Students ingrades 7-12 who are enrolled at any Calholic school or parish religious education program in the diocese are eligible to enter, Essays will be grouped and judged in twq~ategories according' to grade level: grades 7, 8 ~md 9 compr.~s~ theJirst c~tegoTy and grades 10, 11 and 12 com.prise '. '" the second category. :



To Mary

THE FEAST, of the Epiphany 路was celebrated at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, with a dramatization 'of the Gospel by the kindergarten class. The baby Jesus was played by John Paul Stapleton, Mary by Emily Donnelly and Joseph by Joshua Macedo. After the liturgy each student was presented with a "golden coin," a gift from the three kings. Students also attended the weekly Advent prayer service, Destination Bethlehem, where 195 gift packets of soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, face cloth and shampoo were given to the Market Ministries New Bedford shelter for the homeless.

Our Lady ofGuadalupe, mystical rose, we look to you to in,tercede for all God's holy people. Protect ,our pope, and all who bear the responsibility of leadership in the Church. Help those who call on you in need. Obtain for us from Jesus a persevering faith in the face of doubts, a deep'ening hope.amid life's difficulties, and a burning love for God, for Jesus your Son, for you, and for one another. May this love unite usfor ever. Amen.

4. Judgment of the essays' will be m~de. based upon content (factual andmotiv~tional -- 80%) and style,. (punctuation, grammar, etc. -- 20%). The staff of the Pro-Life Apostolate will make initial judgment of the essays received and final judgment will be determined by members Of the Dioc:esan Pro~Life Committee. 5. Wi~,ners ,'Will be,advised immediately upon receipt of the de"cision'andpublication of winning essays will appear in the March 22nd edition of the The Anchor. First prize winnt:rs in ~ach.,categorY will be., awarded one $100 U.S. Savings Bond; second prize ill each category will be awarded a $50 U.S. Savings B9~d',i:.Au~orsof the first prize essays will read their work to"fue,congregationassembled at the annual Pro路Life Mass",ith ~Jshop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., at St. Mary's Cathedral in FaURiver on March 25, 1996, at 12:00 noon: 6. peac:llinefor submission of essays is February 23, 1996. Th~yshould"be inailedorlland-delivered to the office of the PrcrLife Aposto1ate,' 500 'Slocum Rd.~ No. Dartmouth, Q7747:293Q,.~eL, 997':2290. If mail~d, February 23 is the deadline, for receipt. not postmark; please plan accordingly, Ifhand-d,elivered,th~office closes at 3 p.m. In either cas,;:, no entriescan,be,accep~edafter3p.m;, February 23. If there ar~any questions, call the Pro-Life Apostolate.

The Anchor Friday, Jan. 19, 1996


teen-agel's and their clothes. That's the way it works with AIDS, too.


Does your environment control you? By Charlie Martin

CARNIVAL live wal~;ed these streets A virtual stage It seemed to me Makeup on their faces Actor. took their place Next to me. I've walked these streets In a carnival of sights To see all the cheap thrill-seekers The vendors and the dealers They crowd around me. Have I been blind Have I been lost Inside myself And my own mind hypnotized, Mesmerized by what My eyes have seen? I've wallced these streets In a spectacle of Wealth lInd poverty In the diamond markets The scarlet welcome carpet That they Just rolled out for me. I've wallted these streets In the madhouse asylum they can be Where a wlld-eyed misfit prophet On a traffic Island stopped And he raved of saving me. Have I been wrong Have I been wise To shut my eyes And play along Hypnotized, paralyzed By what my eyes have found By what my eyes have seen What they have Been? Written and Sung by Natalie Merchant (c) 1995by Indian Love Brlde/Elektra Entertainment Group NATALIE MERCHANT's "Tiger Lily" CD launched her solo career. Many of us appreciated her abilities as lead singer for 10,000 Maniacs. Now her talent is even more apparent in the lyrics and sound on this disc. Off her new release is the hit cassingle "Carnival." The accompanying video shows Ms. Merchant taking pictures as she walks around in a seedy part of town. She compares the sorriness of these scenes to a carnival where "all the cheap thrill seekers, the vendors and

the dealers crowd around me." . If you live in a large city, her snapshots are familiar to you. Even if you live in an extremely rural area, all the same sights are readily available through television or your local video rental store. I think the "vendors" we're talking about here include all the people who try to "sell" us a questionable or harmful values system that they claim is fun or bold or exciting. Certainly, we can look for more in life than what the "ven-

dors" all around us offer. We can choose to act in ways that bring lasting satisfaction into our lives and do genuine good for us and for others. Ms. Merchant speaks about how just living in this atmosphere affects' us. She asks: "Have I been lost inside myself and my own mind, hypnotized, mesmerized by what my eyes have seen?" She may be right. The atmosphere around us has its influence. Even when we are not actively involved with thrillseeking, the constant exposure to it via television, movies, music and other aspects of our culture can tend to mesmerize our sensitivities. Consequently, we need to eva Iuate what we focus on and how we use our time. This will mean, furthermore, that we need to be careful about who we choose as friends. If you are spending lots of time with people who don't hold similar values to yours or whose attitudes toward life are negative, it will affect you. You can lose sight of the importance of what you hold as right and hopeful. That's one reason I am so supportive of parish youth groups. Their activities provide teens with alternatives to the carnival of today's entertainment. Youth groups bring friends together for fun, to share ideas and to design projects that do what I have suggested: build satisfaction for one's own life while doing good things for others. We need not be hypnotized by what the vendors of society's carnival offer us. Instead, we can make choices that produce long-term benefits. If you are not involved with your parish youth group, check it out. Something very positive awaits you. Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport" IN 47635.


By Christopher Carstens It works like this. Jon is shopping one day at the mall, and there's this really great cotton sweater in the window. It's got that floppy grunge quality perfect for wearing over a shirt - or two shirts and a vest. You know the look. A guy's gotta live, and Jon just has to have that sweater. He wears it home and still has it on when he and Anna go out that night. Anna notices that the sweater goes well with her outfit, and gentlemen Jon peels it off and lets her wear it. "Just for tonight." But in the car on the way home, they have their fifth argument of the week. As Anna climbs out of the car Jon shouts angrily, "I don't ,have to deal with this in my life." "Right," snaps Anna, furiously. "You don't. We're done. This relationship is over." She slams the door and marches into her house - still wearing Jon's new sweater. J on doesn't bother calling about the sweater. "It's the cost of my freedom." A week later, Anna isat a party, wearing Jon's sweater, dancing with Matt, a guy she thinks is real cute from a school across town. "Nice sweater," he says, just making some conversation. "You like it - it's yours," Anna replies, with a sly grin, and the surprised stranger finds the sweater in his hands. Anna leaves with her- friends, and Matt goes home with Dave. Dave forgot his jacket, and Matt gives him the sweater. So it goes from Dave to Lisa, from Lisa to Ed, from Ed to Tony, and from Tony ... You've got the picture. One sweater has a way of moving around through the network of friendly and romantic contacts. That's the way it works with

You can't get AI DS by borrowing a sweater. You get AIDS through sexual contact or sharing needles. You probably don't know any teen-agel's with AIDS. I work in a hospital, and I can hardly recall anybody with the disease who wasn't at least 20. That's a big part of the problem. AI DS is a time bomb, a slow killer. You don't know you have it, nobody around you knows you have it. So it gets passed along innocently. If your thumbs turned bright red when you got an HIV infection, there would be no epidemic. People with ted thumbs would be careful, and their friends would be careful, and the infection would not get passed along. But it's invisible, and you can pass around the infection for years and years - with no symptoms, no outward signs. There is a little bit of good news about AIDS. The doctors are getting better at staving off the devastation of the disease, and some groups - mostly men and women over 30 - are being more careful and cutting down their rates of infection. But most of the news is bad, and the worst is that H IV infection is becoming more and more common among teen-agel's. The infection is working its way down the age range. Estimates vary, but experts agree that there are around three-quarters of a million men, women and teenagers in the United States with AIDS. It is not going away. There's only one safe assumption. You must assume that anybody you have contact with may carry the disease. Don't be paranoid, but don't be stupid - make sure you're not next on the list. Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, clo Catholic News Service,3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.


Coyle and Cassidy gets 1996 rolling Winter sports are well underway at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, and! the Warriors are off to a great start. The boys' basketball team, captained by seniors Eric Ferris of Taunton and Derek Chaves of Assonet, have posted four wins in its first five games. The girls' team claiming two wins so far, are captained by seniors Sheryl Marshall of Middleboro and Jen Kraus. . The defending Division III Eastern Massachusetts champion hockey team have continued their winning ways early on. Captained by Steve Neumeister, it is the first time in school history that a member of the junior class has been chosen as a hockl~y captain. In girls' track, senior Christine Ensko, a school record holder in many sprint events, is the student captain. Jake Sunderland ofTaun-

ton and Nick Walsh of Lakeville share the captain duties for the boys' track team. The varsity cheerleaders are in their final preparations for their trip to Florida in February to vie for the national championship. The girls placed second in state competition in November to earn their second straight trip to the nationals. The cheerleaQer capt~ins are Dionne Melo of Raynham and Melissa Simas of Taunton. School history was .made in the Coyle and Cassidy gym on Decem~ bel' 21 when Eric Ferris became the third player in schopl history to break the I,OOO-point barrier. With a little more than five minutes remaining in the first half in the Warriors' game against Diman Vocational, Fall River, Ferris sunk a free throw for this I,000th point. Only James Bradshaw (Coyle '65) and Emily Larocque (CC'84) have

scored more than 1,000 points. Ferris became: the boys' all-time leading scorer with 1,057 points, surpassing Bradshaw (1,055) last week in Coyle and Cassidy's win over Bristol-Plymouth. Christmas was made brighter to many needy families in the greater Taunton area through the efforts of the Coyle and Cassidy community. The Christmas GiftShop, sponsored by the National Honor Society, benefited more than 400 families by distributing toys. The response was so great that leftover toys were donated to the St. Vincent de Paul apostolate of Taunton. In addition, the school was able to provide more than 40 Christmas dinner baskets to area families. Despite two "snow days," many students found their way through tbe snow to help deliver the baskets.

SENIOR ERIC FERRIS, basketball captain at Coyle and Cassidy High School,. Taunton, sinks. his I,OOOth point. Ferris is only the third CC player to attain this milestone.



THE ANCHOR--Diocese.of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 19, 1996

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMI:N are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall , River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activIties. Please send news of tuture rather than past events. Due to limited space and aloo because notices ot strictly parish affairs normally appear In a parish's own bulle lin, we are torced to limit Items to events ot general Interest. Also, we do not normally carry notices of fundralslng activities, which may be advertised at our regular rales, obtain· able trom The Anchor business office, tele- ' phone (508) 675·7151. , On Steering Points Items, F~ Indicates Fall River; NB Indicates New Bodtord.

CATHOLIC ALUMNI ClLUB The Catholic Alumni Club, an international Catholic singles club, will hold a monthly social gathering Jan. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at th(; Ground . Round restaurant at the Silver City , Galleria mall, Taunton. Meetings , are held on the third Sunday of each month, are 'open to anyone interested in joining the'club, and dress is casual. For information, call 824837801'(401)944-5117.

HOSPICE OF COMMUNITY , NURSE ASSOC., F AIRHA VEN This hospice is offering a 24 hour training program for volunteers designed to provide friendship, support, and practical assistance to terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers are also needed in the office, as advisors, and in fundraising. Weekly training sessions begin Jan. 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, call JoAnn Beaulieu, Coordinator of Volunteers, tel. 999-3400. Bereavement support groups focused on the unique needs of children and adolescents' who are coping with 'death and grief will be offered Jan. 23 from 7-9 p.m. and continue for eight sessions. Pre-registration is req,uired. For information, call Pat Potter at 222-0118. KNJGHTS OF COLUMBUS The K of CFalmouthCouncil813 urge all brother Knights 'to write or call President Clinton to show support for a bill that would outlaw the partial birth aborti'on procedure and implore him not to veto it. '

'CAPE COD WIDOWED SUPPORT GROUP The group will meet Jan. 28 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, and will discuss 'the topic ",Eating _better-feeling better-being better." ' CURSILLO All are invited to the Palanca Mass for the Cursillo communities' of Somerset! Swansea for the team and candidates of Cursillo #155 on Jan. 25 at 7 p:m. at St. Patrick Church, Somerset. Three men from the Somerset! Swansea Ultreya will also be commissioned at that time. Father George Bellenoit will be the celebrant. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD Rev"Dr. Charles Hume, pastor of the Orthodox Congregational Church, Mansfield, will speak on Ecumenism at the 4 p.m. Mass on Jan. 20. Father Graziano will speak on the same subject the next day at the 10 a.m. service in Dr. Hume's church. YOUTH 2000 A three day retreat for all confirmation students and those recently confirmed will be held March 8-10 at St. Anne's School, Fall River. Registration must be made by Feb. 14, tel. (401) 625-52~6. HOSPICE OUTREACH, BEREAVEMENT SERVICES The Grief Education Series scheduled fo begin Jan. 19 has been delayed to Jan. 23, from 10:30 to noon. The series will continue Feb. 6, Feb. 20 and March 5. All meetings will take place at the Hospice Outreach office, Clemence Hall, 243 Forest St.,Fall River. A class for widows and widowers begins Jan. 30 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The main topic will be: "What is normal grief?" The se'ssion will take place in room 134, Clemence Hall. Information or registration for either event: tel. 673-1589.













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ST. PATRICK, WAREJHAM Respect Life Mass, Jan. 21 at 10:00 a.m .. Coffee and donuts will follow. All welcome. All are invited to attend two nights of spiritual renewal at St. Patrick's on Jan. 25 and Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. Guest speakers will include Pat and Don Turbitt from The People of God's Love Cliristian co:nmunity. ST. MARY, SEEKONK An adult bible study group will discuss Matt 13: 1-23, the- parable of the sower and the seed Jan. 23 from 8-9 p.m. or Jan. 24 from 1-2 p.m. both in the parish center,

JOANNA FISH LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Joanna Fish will launch the 1996 Coffee House season Jan. 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the shrine cafeteria. Most of the coffee houses will take place on Saturday evenings at 6:30 p.m:in the cafeteria. 1nformation, or to be on the Coffee House mailing list: tel. 222-5410.

OFFICE OF AIDS MINISTRY All are welcome at "Embracing the Mystery," a service of prayer and healing for persons living with H IV! AIDS, their families, friends and ·caregivers. It will take place Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. at Saint Anne's Hospital Chapel, 795 Middle St. Fall River. Information: tel. 674-5600. ext. 2295. NEW BEDFORD CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB The New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club will hold its executive board meeting Jan. 24 at 7 p.m., St. Lawrence Rectory, 110 Summer Street, NB. For information call Joan Sylvia, tel. 993-8825.

Priest who helped integ~rate bowling congress hono:red BROOKLYN, N. Y. (CNS) - A Brooklyn priest who wa,s instrumental in striking the "whites only" provision, from the rules of the American Bowling Congress i'n the 1950s was inducted into. the congress' Hall of Fame in 1995. Father Charles T. Carow, a longtime bowler and associate of the Brooklyn Catholic Youth Organization's bowling league, spearheaded a five-year crusade to change the 34-year rule restricting mempership to white males. ' "Father Carow was a very strong man" said Eric deFreitas, a 1994 bowling congress Pioneer Hall of Farner who worked closely with Father Carow to get the,provision changed. "He left a great legacy behind. "Everyone in bowling circles at the time knew him, and knew what he stood for, and, they had the highest respect for him," deFreitas added .."He gave us a great deal of spiritual guidance and the encouragement to keep up the fight." Father Carow, who was executive director of the New York Bowling Association, 'a 'unit of the American ,Bowling Congress, began his fight in 1945 when two black teams ,in the Brooklyn CYO league were denied membership in the congress. When his initial protests questioning the legality ofthe rule went unheeded, he stepped up the battle. He traveled to the 1'947 convention ofthe bowling congress in Los Angeles to appeal to the membership to amend the constitution and eliminate the "whites only" clause. He persisted in the following years, speaking at conventions in Detroit in 1948 and Atlantic City, N.J., in 1949, but his proposal was rejected by a unanimous vote each time. At the Atlantic City convention, Father M.F. Wasniewski of Pine Grove, Wis" a member of the American Bowling Congress executive board for seven years, 'resigned his position in protest of the board's opposition to FatherCaro'w's 'resolution. Although Father Carow's protests went unheeded by congress members, support for his cause grew on the national level. Organizations such as the Congress of Industr-ial Organization, the Natio'nal Association for the Ad-

vancement of Colored People, the Anti-Defamation Leagtle and the American Veterans Committee, among others, joined th,~ fight. At the 1950 conventi()n in Columbu's, Ohio, the congress' general counsel Michael Dllnn noted that the organization faced lawsuits in four states against its discriminatory rules. "We ,:ould win suits in 48 states, but we would most certainly lose in th·~ court of public opinion," he told the convention. "The Catholic Youth Organization has tried since 1945 to call attention to the' injustice of such a limitation on racial grounds," the priest added. "We were always sure that, in time, hone:;t consideration would result in the conclusion reached ~by the delegates in convention." DeFreitas, who organized a league of Brooklyn's black bowlers in 1945, said he could feel Father Carow's presence as he helped present the priest's Hall of Fame award to Brooklyn Bishop Thomas V. Daily. "It was a wonderful feeling to be here to present the award," he said. "Father Carow would always tell me at our Sunday night organizational meetings at the City Hall Bowling Center in Manhattan that 'Someday, a change will take place. You have to believe the day will come.' I'm happy that I was able to live long enough to he part of the 'change."


defend:~ life

VATICAN CITY(CN:~)- The future of humanity depends on respect for human rights, particularly the right to life from conception to natural death, Pope John Paul II told the Netherlands' new ambassador to the Vatican. While not specifically mentio::ting the Netherlands' permissive legal eli: mate for euthanasia and assisted suicide, Pope John Pa'lIl made clear the church's teaching that it is not up to society to decide who has the right to live and who should die. The pope said,he hoped the church's teaching on human life and dignity would be accepted in the Netherlands and that the country's media would present it in an objective way.

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