
Page 1

69 Yea rs Priest Fr. Marchildon' Buried Today ,

Beloved of countless pilgrims to St. Anne Shrine in Fall River, Very Rev. Vincent Marchildon, O.P., died in' Montreal at the age of 97. Funeral serv.ices for the longtime shrine director were celebrated this morning at 10 o'clock with burial in the shrine vault in the lower church. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxil-, iary Bishop of Fall River, presided. Many recognized a special charism in the humble priesthis special love and devotion for the poor and the suffering. He. had a unique gift for comforting people. He was most unselfish. Recognized by his yellowish Dominican habit, he /!lways lived poorly, was content with the bare minimum, wmingly wore old clothes, shunned the luxurious and even the most common conveniences. His tremendous spiritual influence_on several generations of


. 8 dJ The ~~!t

Zealous Priests ANCHOR Need Not Be Extremists

Vol. 16, No. 3, Ja~. 20, 1972 Price 10¢ $4.00 per year

men and women who vis~ted the shrine was undoubtedly due to his warm, kind and under~tand~ ing personality but more espee pecially to the deep faith' and holiness which' radiated from him, inspired confidence in others and won him the reputaPHICADELPlfIA (NC) - The tion of being a living saint. In" number of vocations among' wodeed, countless people credit him with obtaining for them men in the Philadelphia arch·diocese decreased about 37 per miraculous cures. ,cent,in 1971, but the number of Confessor to generations of priests, he knew what it was to men entering religious life. was suffer. He was partially blind the same last year as in 1970, In ,releasing thes~·" figures, for some 25 years and since 1955 suffered an increasingly archdioces~n ,vo~~iott ,; ,director more serious amnesia following Msgr. Edward J. Thompson noted that, in the past, female voca. a serious automobile accident. Born on May 21, 1876 in' Bat- , tions were three' times higher iscan, P. Q., Canada, he studied than male vocations. In ,,1971, at Nicolet College and then en- however, male vQcations'·',num." tered the novitiate of the Do- bered 143 while female vocations minican Fathers at St. Hya- totaled 76, down 45 from 1970. Msgr. Thompson offered three ' cinthe, Canada where he reobservations about the. decline ceived the habit of the Order on in female vocations: Aug. 13, 1898. Women Religious are still go,Following philosophical and ing through more dramatic Tum to Page Two· changes and adjustment!! than, are male Religious, which causes reluctance among aspirants; The Sister's image is not as clear and well-defined as the priest's and no one 'identifies with a life style that is not yet completely renovated; and . Priests, 'Brothers and, seminarians more believingly, more convincingly, and' more enthusiastically try to' promote vocaTum to Page Fifteen

D.erector Aff.erms Ma' Ie Vocatlons Hold.eng Steady

Names New Adminis!trator; Reassigns One Assistant

AMSTERDAM (NC)-"People must pay more attention to those priests who remain in the celibate ministry" than to those who leave the ministry, Bishop Adrian J. Simonis of Rotterdam said in an interview in the magazine Elseviers. . "The many hardworking priests," the bishop said, "must be encouraged." The support given at the reo. cent ,Synod of Bishops to the' Church's law on priestly celibacy "must have been the inspiration of the Holy Spirit," the bishop added. Bishop Simonis' appointment Jbout' Ii year ago to head the Rotterdam diocese created a controversy when many groups of Hberal priests and laity said they would' not accept him as bishop and asked him to refuse the appointment. He had been considered a spokesman for' conservative Catholics at the Dutch National Pastoral Council and supported

Pope Paul's 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the Church's traditional opposition tbartificial birth controt'.': ' , Bishop Simonis said that sl:bce, his consecration he' has vis'fled 80 of the 200 parishes in his 'diocese and that he "was well:received everywhere." The bishop said that abou~\.,O per cent of Dutch Catholics are on the extreme left, 10 per" cent .n the extreme right, an~ ~O per cent in the middle. ,', In the past, he said, "we may have paid too much attention to the extreme progressives because they demanded so much attention and because we were afraid of them starting an underground Church. But that may be the reason for us now having a traditionalist underground Church;" 'Bishop Simonis said he' thinks that there should be 'an ecumenical movement inside the Roman Catholic Church, because' nobOdy wants a second Reformation: ":

Rev. Joao Medeiros Retires As St. Elizabeth's' Pastor

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, " Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin S.T.D. Bishop of the Diocese of "today 1iOceded to the request ,of' Fall River, today announced the Rev. Joao Medeiros and accepted assignment of a parish adminishis resignation as pastor of St. tootor and the re-assignment of tlizabeth Parish, Fall River, a parish assistant. which he has headed for the past 17 years. Rev. Daniel L. Freitas assist111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ant at Santo Christo Parish, Fall Born in Povoacao, St. Micha~l; River, has been named adminisAzores, Feb. 18, 1902, Fath'er trator of St. Elizaheth Parish, Medeiros is the son of the l~te Fall River, succeeding Rev. Joao , ' J oao J. and the late, Maria i. Medeiros who has retired. Carmo Medeiros. Educated at Rev. Joao C. Martins, assistant the S~minary. of Angra, '.fercei~a, Azores, he was ordalined on Noy. pastor at, St. Elizabeth Parish, 7, 1926 in Terceira by the Most Fall' River, to Santo Christo Parish, FaH River as assistant Rev. D. Antonio A.C.Meirell~S. Following ordination he wa,s pastor. assigned as an assistant in Santa Both assignments will beCome Cruz, F,lores and in July 19~'s effective on Wednesday, Feb. 9. , , , was named pastor iIi" Lomba, Father Freitas was born on ,,' Flores. In December of 1931; March 5, 1925 in Terceira, , Father Medeiros was transferred Azores, the son of Maria Luz to the' pastorate in Ribeira Guen Leonardo and the late Jose L. tex, St. Michael, Azores. Freitas. In February of 1938, Father Educated at the Sem,inary' ,of ,Medeiros arrived in the Diocese Angra and St. Mary's Seminary, " Rev. Joao Medeiros Rev. Daniel L. Freitas 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 of Fall River and was assigned Baltimore, he was' ordained on, as an assistant in Immaculate June ,11, 1949 in St. Mary's Conception Parish, New Bedford. Cathedral, Fall River, 1:lY Bishop Following assignments- -in the Connolly, 'formei'ly Bishop of Fall River Parishes of St. Elizathe Diocese, of Fall River. ,beth and Espirioo Santo, he was Following ordination, the new, Tum to _Page Six administrator' of St', Elizabeth's Twenty-four years of, service Fall River in ,1948, immediately Sister Mary Grace, "Joe buttonTum to Page Fifteen . to the Diocese came to an end after her profession':in religious holed the chaplain and demand" Tuesday for Sister Mary Grace, life. She has remained in the city ed, 'Can she, make me a Catholic While I'm asleep?'" . ',O.P., .of the, Rose Haw.thorne, ever, since. , , • ,', ,', 'Lathrop Home in Fall River, who ~,", Sunday was a time for remiShe admitted she preferred has'retired t? her, com~unlty's nisciOig about her years at the men patients. "I've always taken Fall River Caravan of. the mothel'house 10 Hawthorne, N. Y. Home. Among her visitors was care of the men~thank God'" BURLINGTON' (NC)-Bishop,· . "I'm originally from' New Sister Barbara Walsh, S.U.S.C., In recent years she has done Order of Alhambra will initiate elect John A. Marshall of Bur- York, but I feel as if Fali',Riverls, ,pI'inc'ipal df Holy Name School, office work at the Rose Haw- Bishop Cronin into its ranks at a Hngton says he has faith iIi my home," said the 70-year-old', .Fcfll' River', who has' been "visit- thorne Home, but she has not reception honoring the prelate young people because "they have Sister last Sunday as friends ,'ing, the Rose Hawthorne since forgotten her beloved patients. to be held Saturday night, Jan. the programs and will work to thronged the Rose Hawthorne' '1 was in high schooL" Recently, she said, there was an 22 at White's restaurant, Westreform society." Home to bid her good:bye. She Th'e two recalled some of ,the old man who couldn't be kept port. Also to take place is reception "I have confidence in their has been confined to a wheel- patients for whom Sister Mary from wandering the halls. "He - goodness," the bishop said at a chair for s'ome time, and' has Grace, had cared for, over the' was lonesome, that's all," said of new members and installation press conference during which been unable to join in' commu- years, 'one cantankerous gentle-' Sister. So she installed her type- of officers of Fall River and he covered a wide range of nity activities. At the New York man in particular, who wasn't writer next to his bed and kept Worcester caravans of the ortopics on what his plans would motherhouse, she said, facilities a Catholic and whose chief fear him busy and contented doing ganization. The Order of the Alhambra is be as bishop, 'are such that she will be able to was that the religious would litNe jobs for her. Over the years, Sister Mary dedicated to assistance of reHe said that some youths have participate fully. somehow succeed in making him Page Six . Tum Tum to Page Twelve Tum to Page Three' Sister Mary Grace came to one against his will. Once, said

Week of Prayer for"

Christian .Unity



Retires' After 24 Years of Se'rvice' To Incurable Cancer Patients

Be.sho'p Elec't' H'as" F'aith in Youth

Initiate Prelate Into" Alhambra



.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FalLRiyer7'Thurs. Jan: 20, 19.72




OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENTS Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, assistant pastor at Santo Christo Parish, Fall River to St. Elizabeth Parish, Fall River as administrator. . ' Rev. Joao C. Martills,' assistant at St. Elizabeth Parish, Fall. River to Santo Christo Parish, Fall River; as assistant.. , Assi&nments ·are effective Wednesday, February 9; 1972..

Bishop of Fall River \


Bishop Cronin's' Letter Prayer of Unity Week Dearly beloved in Christ, I ' The Second Vatican Council provided new directions for Catholic ecumenical activity. The special office of the Holy See charged with the responsibility of supervising ecumenism throughout the Universal Church has published precise guidelines, and~Diocesan statutes have implemented on tI:te local level programs calctilated ,to underscor~ the respect and recognition which we owe to 'our brothers who are separated from us'in faith. It remains now for each and every Catholic' to put into practice the inspired direction which has been provided. Suspicion and .prejudice must be put aside. Our youngsters, , firm and fUll in their commitment to our Faith, must be instructed in the understanding of and compassion for those , whose belief differs from our own.

Annually,' a period of special prayer for Christian Unity is observed in the month· of January. Harkening tp, the plea, "That all may truly be one," uttered by Our Divine Savior at the Last Supper, I urge the earnest prayer of all· .pten of good will especially during this coming Week of Christian Unity. With every prayerful good wish, I remain Devotedl)' yoiJrs in Christ,

Bishop of Fall River

Necrology JAN. 24

Rev. E~wa:rd H. Finnegan, S.J:·, 1951; Boston' Coll,:ge faculty. JAN. 27'

Rev. John T. O'Grady, 1919" A:ssistant, Immaculate C;0nception, .Fall River. . Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, 1955, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River.

Earnestness Even when there is talent, culture, knowledge, if there is ~ot earnestness, "it does not go to the root of things.

M·I04 . Alexander vs Nameika Ex ,capite: Defect of Form

EDICTAl CITATION Insofar as the wherebouts 'of Anna Nameika, . party in the' case of Alexander unknown, We cite the said Anna' Nameika vs Nameika, Protocol .Number M·I04 are to appear before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on January 28th, 1972, at 10:00 A.M., at 344 Highland Avenue; Fall River, MassaChusetts, to give testimony to establish:

WHETHER THE MARRIAGE IN QUESTION BE NULL? Pastors and others having knowledge of the whereabouts of the said Anna Nameika are advised to notify her in regard to' this Edictal Citation. HENRY ·T. MUNROE, I Offlcialis Given from the Seat of the Tribunal . on the 12th day of January, 1972. ROLAND BOUSQUET, Secretary and Notary

THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid' at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 b¥ the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.

Handicapped Children Produce Newspaper Cit Be Campus Sc;hool CHESTNUT HILL .(NC)-Edi- tive 'to learn how to read," Ger tors and publishers struggling ard said, "now, hopefully, they with production costs and other won't consider their other" prob- . professional problems should re- 'lems quite so 'impossibleto'solve;' joice with the kmJwledge thaLa and theyfiiight have Ii bit more,: new publication has appeared incentive to tackle them." on the campus of Boston ColDr. Eichorn said that' The lege despite the severest handi- Roberts Center Light will pr'o-' caps of· Lts pr09ui:tion staff. Claim the "good news" tha~ The unusual newspaper, The chi~dren are making advances in' 'Roberts' Center Light,is the work a normal classroom and they are of 56 severely handicapped learn1ng to cope with life de~' chHdren, ages 3 to 18, who at- spite their handi<:llips. tend the university's Campus School in Robert51 Center here. ,Planners of the two-year-old school wanted to prove to local school systems in Massachusetts FR. MARCHILOON that most "uneducahle" handiVAtICAN ·CITY (NC)-Pope; i capped youngsters can be edu- Paul VI opened the new year cated in community day schools with the 160 citizens of Rome's with proper' facilities. Most se- Boystown and .told them that verly handicapped children in peace is "beautiful, but diffiContinued from Page One Massachusetts cUITently are sent cult." tl\eolo!lical courses at the Do- to special fraining schools in The Pope traveled to the min'ican House. of Studies in Ot· other st~tes. , "Citta dei Ragazzi" on the outtawa:, Father Marchildon was or· Boston . CoHege's Campus dained on Jan. I, 1903 in the Sch-ool was' "founded under the skirts of Rome to join the youngCathedral of Ottawa by BIshop direction of Dr. John Eichorn, sters at Mass and in a city 'a's~ sembly' as his' own special' ob~ .Duhamel. chairman of the university's.spe- servance of the World Day of The late beloved director of cial education department. Peace. St. Anne's Shtine' was assigned' . Credits Sltudents The 74-year-old Pope told his to the Dominiban Monastery in He said most o:f the credit for young listeners that peace is "so Fall RJver in October, 1905 and the school's successes can be difficult and complex that some 'served as an as~istant in St. traced to the parb:icipation of the think 'it a dream, a myth, a Anne's Parish~ Excep.t for thE;! students in both aCademic, arid utopia. We, on the other hand, years 1913-17 when he was ~s­ skill.Jbu;lding projects such as say that peace is something difsigned as a missionary preacher the production of their own ficult; yes, indeed very difficult; in Otta,wa, his ien-tire priestly life school paper. but it is possible and it is a duty. was spent in Fall River. When Raymond. Gerard of the That means that much 'work In 1923, he was released from schOQ} staff suggested. that the must be done in order to obtain his dt.:ities as assistant ..pastor children publish. their own news- peace." and entrusted with the' develop- paper ("Just like the kind your The Pope told his listeners: m'ent of the Shrine of St. Anne. parents read"), few believed it "Peace does not come by itself Op July 31, 1928, the Superiot could be done. . . . . It is the result of great GEmeral of the: Dominican Ordet "The children' were so skepti- efforts, of great,plans. We must otil'icially named Father Marchi!. cal it was difficult getting them wish it; we must deserve it. AO(~ don as first I,director of. the 'started," Gerard said. note this, we must· all wish it; shrine. . "If they didn',t have the ability we must all deserve it." From the beginnning ofthi:s to: write," . the instructor said, \ At the Mass the Pope. 'was: new assignment, he introduced "I let them diCtatt!; iftheywrote prayerful and serious, but aftermany activities into the life of only in braille, it would be trans- ward he went to. the circular the shrine. During the month lated; if they could 'take photo- assembly hall of the 26-year-old following his official appoint- gr:aphs, they could be staff pho- Boystown, and listened with ment as director, he introduced tographers." great attenti<m to the welcome Have More Incentive the perpetual novenas on Tuesspeech of teenage Mayor Fau!l~ Gerard found some profesdaYS and fOl'Il1ed a ladies~ choir Scappini. , ,': to, pl'ovide singing during shrine sional people wh.o volunteered The Pope replied with great to compile the layout work and services. I affection and more than" once 'In ],930, 'hJ introduced the a printer who supplied paper, placed his hand on the boy's pract.ice of h'a~ing the pilgrims 'labor and some of the cost. shoulder. Before leaving he dis"The, end product was -very march in proCession with the tributed gifts, medals and Italian sta.tue of St. :Anne during the :convihcing ... it llooked like a cake. newspaper," he 'said, "and the Sunday afternoon devotions. . children's attitude· changedv.ery Air.oooig the many accomplish- rapidly." '. ments during his life were: orNoting that the children acganizer and first director of St. quired "a bbt more faith, more Inc. Anne's Parish Conference of the self-confidence, and more incenSt. Vincent de Paul Society, bur.Funeral Service sar at t.he monastery .and adminFools istrator of. "La. Semaine. ParoisEdward F. Carney "Great" ~en undertake great siale",a weekly paper' f()unded 549 County .Street. I :in: 1911 .·by : ~he Dominican things because they are great; New Bedford 999-6222"· fools, . because they think them Fathers a~ St. ?>nne's. Serving the ~r:ea since 1921 --Vauvenargues easy. On. Aug. 21, ~939, Father Mar. childon was given". the .title of "Preacher G¢nerar' .. bY the .Master General of the Domini. can Order, ·in recognition of his zeal and' excellence in the preaching th'e word of God over ,many years. On June I, '1956, in recogni37'3 ELSBREE RIVER, tiQn of' his outstanding services . . STUET, FALL / . rendered to the Church in the (Junction of Rc)utes 24. & 6) 'Telephone 676-1071 fu"tfi11ment of his priestly minI I ist;ty, he was, ar-rarded the Benem¢rentiMedal'i a papal recogni· tion of ~ "well-deserving person."


Peace Beautiful:: But Difficult ... '"

.Shrine iDirector

Michael C. Austin:

BISHOP CONNOLLYHIGH SCHOOL College Prepa~~tory School for Boys _ '


Charity Speak not injurious words, neither in jest nor earnest; scoff at none although they give occasion. ~eorge VVashington

Parimts and Prospective Students Saturda'y, Jan. 29, 1972-2 to 4 P.M. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Saturday, Feb. 5, 1972-8: 15· A.M.


Fall River Group Sets Ecumenical Service Sunday

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 20, 1972,

The Fall River Clergy Association will conduct an Ecumenical Service on Sunday evening, Jan. 23 at Bishop Connolly High School, Elsbree Street, Fall River. The affair will open at 6 o'clock when coffee and dessert will be' served. This happening is part of the universal celebration of Christian Uni.ty Week now being held and continuing until Jan: 25, and to which the public is invited. The committee arranging the a'fifair is composed of-Rev. James Carey of St. John's Episcopal Church, Rev. Edward' Vander Hey of .the First Baptist Church and Rev. Arthur de Mello of Our Lady of Health Church, all .in Fall River. Father de Mello is vice-president of the Clergy Association and coordinating committee chairman of Ecumenical Services.

WASHINGTON (NC)-The National Conference of Catholic Charities held its eighth, annual Institute on Administration this week at Fordham University's School of Social Service, Liocoln Center, N.Y. For the first time, the Administrative Institute was cosponsored by the Lutheran. Council in the U.S.A. and the Board of Socilil Ministry, Lutheran Church in America. During the three-day institute 50 administrators studied the application of modern management techniques to agencies and in· stitutions.

Catholics" Lutherans S~onsor Institute


Two-Week Bargain

Europ'ean ~9J~aav

Bishop-Elect Continued from Page One been disillusioned because some of the hopes they had realized a few years ago have not been rea,lized. "Now, however, the young people seem more stable. They are stiH idealistic, but they have the programs and will work to reform society." The bishop told the newsmen he would enter as bishop "with no preconceived programs but with a resolve to do my very b8st. I hope to bring a sound spiritual leadership. I see my responsibility. as one of service, so it is necessary to know· first' what the diocese needs." He had encouragement for the parish priest. "I see him very much a's a spiritual leader. He must be involved with the spiritual changes. He must be part of the world he is involved in." He did not flatly rule out the role of priests in politics, but he said he believes strongly that there is much work for priests at a time when there is a critical shorta'ge of priests.

New Organization To F.ght Hunger

leadership of

ESCORT BISHOP CRONIN' TO HIS BOX AT CHARITY BALL: Mrs. James H. Quirk, left, of St. Pius Tenth Parish, So. Dartmouth and Mr. Gerald Brillon, extreme right, of St. Theresa's Parish, So. Attleboro, co-chairmen of the 17th Annual Bishop's Charity Ball escort Bishop Cronin, center, to his box of honor at the formal opening of Friday evening's affair. Also accompanying the Ordinary were Bishop Connolly, second left, formerly Bishop of the Diocese and Bishop Gerrard, second right, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese.

Fafhe, Hen,yR. CANIJEl

States Boston1s, Education Priorities BOSTON (NC)-In a statement reaffirming pastoral commitment to religous education, Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros has called for "the fullest possible cooper'aton" with public officials whenever parochial schools cannot continue to operate in local communities. The archbishop made the appeal for community-wi~e cooperation in a statement of educational priorities for the Boston Archdiooese. His statement committed the archdioc'ese to a continuation of the Church's schools "in all areas-the cities, the towns, the suburbs, and wherever there is a poverty of spiritual ideals or a lack of Christian values."

DAYTON (NC) -A new na· tional organization is being formed here to encourage the fight He said that situations may against world hunger through 'arise, however, in which individthe broad application of new de- ual schools' may, no longer be velopments in ,food production. viable. He called for community Called MAP (More Argricul- cooperation in planning for tural Production), the organiza- centralizaton of Catholic schools tion already has attracted spe- 'and "the fullest possible coopcialists with recognized expertise eration" with public officials. in fields related to its objectives. "Responsible participation in But the vast majority of our civil community, as well as MAP's members will be non- a serious interest in the educaspecialists who are personally tional future of all children deconvinced that the ultimate suc- mands the fullest cooperation cess in the struggle against with public educatonal authorihunger must be found in agri- ties," the archbishop declared. cultural nations, according to the He said that pastors who feel founder of MAP, George· M. Bartheir schools witl be unaible to mann, Dayton editor of the Cathcontinue after June .1972 should olic Telegraph, Cincinnati archdioecsan newspaper, and for 13 years farm writer for the SpringNew Vice-President field, Ohio, Sun. WASHINGTON (NC)-John F. Emergency food relief from . Fink, a 15-year veteran at Our surplus-producing nations often Sunday Visitor, Inc., has been is vital and, must continue, ac- appointed OSV's executive vicecordihg to Barmann. But this president. Announcing the apapproach to hunger cannot be pointment was Bishop Leo A. the final answer to the world Pursley of Fort Wayne-South probleJ:11:..... ,~e~~._

advise the archdiocesan director of education before Feb. 15 "in order to allow sufficient time for the consderation of their educational problems." Quality Educaton Archbishop Medeir,os' statement emphasized that the highest ranking priorities for the ar,chdiocese include "excellence in quality of all programs of religious education" and "a con· stant examination and revital· ization" within every parish. He reaffirmsd h'is determina-

'tion to provide' CathoJ,ic schools particuIarly in' areas where quality education is needed "and where people suffer the most from imposed and oppressive poverty." He endorsed religious groups that have made their primary apostolate "to serve our brothers and sisters caught iri the 'hellish circle' of unwanted poverty," and he exhorted others to con· sider as a matter of urgency the "complei~e staffing" of' schools that serve the poor.

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PAPAL AUDIENCE An audience with His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, is scheduled, as well as a comprehensive tour of Vatican City. These are only a few of the high spots! Write or call Father Canuel today for detailed itinerary.

r--------------, I Henry Canuel. (phone I R..,.



3~;r~~~~'::: :,~ctary

New Bedford. Mass. 02740


Dear Father Canuel: Please send your 'colorfUl

illustrated new folder to:



I I I . I



Upper ~ape CeD , .,,: Takes ',Time Out'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese,otFall River-Thurs. Jan;,20i 197.2".



,Bishopsl ,Synod Guide'lines Promote Social Justice' Discussing the role of the Church and particularly the ,role of the ordained priest in the social and political ,order, the recent Synod of Bishops took, a middle-of-the-r<;?ad position. It,\stressed the right and the duty ofthe Church, and of the ordained priest, to The . Synod's middle-of-thepreach and to give witness road approach to debatable isto justice at every level of sues referred to above has alsociety, to denounce viola- ready ,been' subjected, predicttions of justice, to help' promote the full development of persons'


ably, to severe criticism' in certain quarters. Some people want the Church to do less, others wa:nt it to do more than the Synod documents recommend. Some people -define' the Church in rather narrow hierarchical terms, others define, it more broadly and more accurately as the total People, o~ God. Adequate



AlD FQR INDIA: Members of the Missionaries of Charity in London, prepare bales o( clothing for shipment to lVIo~:her Teresa's mission in Calcutta. NC Photo.

"We all need time to think things over and get that: 'shot in the arm' to help u's in our work." So say members of the Upper Cape CCD Board, and for that reason they are sponsoring a day of recollection for area' CCD teachers and all others "in' spending a day taking inventory." ,A day with the, theme "Time Out to Be Me" will be offered frqm 9:30 to 4:30 Saturday, Jan. 22 at Craigville on Cape Cod. Registration wiH be $3 and reservations may. be made through any area CCD teacher. "The sacrifice of one,Saturday , may be just the tonic needed to see us through the rest of the Winter program feeling we are doing so with some re~ults," say organizers.' '

Wisdom Wise men, though all laws were abolished, would lead the same life. -Aristophanes

Some .fear that the Synoa documents overemphasize the social and of nations - and to do all implications of the Gospel mesthat this involves without fear sage, others feel that the documents are wishy:washy in their Pe'ople'sStore Helps Navajo Comlmunity or favor. But, it also noted that the in- treatment of the Church's social ,~,~ Purchase Goods, Avoid Debt stitutional church "is not alone mission and are lacking in vision , I ' PINON (NC) - ThePeople''S velopment, some 70 Navajo responsible for justice in the' and courage. And so it goesworld" and has neither the com- from one end of the spectrum StQre gives cus~omers no credit, families formed The People's but no high prices either. Store. Its only mar!mp goes to petEmce nor the responsibility 'to to ,the other. My own feeling is that what It is II food cooperative found- pay utHity bills and the salaries oHer concrete solutions to par-. the Synod said about the social ed ar:.d run by 'the Navajo Indi- of three employes; any profit is ticular social problems. mission of the Church, and the ans who live here in Arizona, 45 returned to customers at the end In its statements on the Ministerial Priesthood and on World specific role of the, ordained miJIes from the' nearest reserva- of the year. The food cooperative will Justice, the Synod strongly em- priest in the field of social re- tion town and 100 miles from eventually be financially selfphasized that, under ordinary form is reasonably adequate as the nearest department store. circumstances, the laity have the a statement of general principles - Until its frouniling, residents of sufoficient. Members hope fo exprimary responsLbility for effect- but is not and was never'intend- this isolated Navajo community pand it to include II credit union, CHAS. F. ing necessary structural changes ed to be the final word on this saip they sho~ped at a local a marketing cooperative, ~ cafe, matter. trading post. They claimed that and a barber shop. Even a launin'society. ' For this reason, the' Synod , The Synod :-: to, its credit, in establishment offered the te- dromat is being cohsidered, since the nearest one now is 50 miles , ca'lled upon priests to be "mind- this writer's opinon - deliber~ velise of The J:>eople's Store ' ful of the laity's maturity, which ately refrained from. getting hi'gh prices aildeasy credit. away. Representatives from three is to be valued highly when it is bogged down in particulars. ~any 8~id the;y were trapped OIL CO., INC. a question of their specific role." , Fully cQnscious of the fact that mto owmg larg~ su~s-a~d 80 other cQlITlmunities have already per Gent of Pmon s reSIdents come to Pinon to discuss the soci,al; economic and political 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE It also called upon the laity success of The Peaple's store NEW BEDFORD, MASS. "to fulfill their temporal obliga- , ,conditions vary enormously from ,~al'n .:,ess than $3,000 a year. WIth the, help of a ~24,65~ and the possibility of starting tions with fidelity and compe- one part of the world to the similar' cooperatives of their tence" and to do so on their own other, the Synod made no pre- grant from. the U.. S. blshops 1970 Campalgn for ,Human Deown. The.main problem, the reptense at being able to come up free initiative, acting not as repwith a set of definitive formulae , "'"'''''''''''''' '"''''''''''''''!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "'"'' resentatives said, is finding seed resentatives Of or spokesmen for , ,HEATING OILS the Church, but as mature and or propositions which could au路 and unller what rubric-if the money in such poor communiindependent members of society tomatically be supplied across Church is effectively to carry ties. COMPLETE The: Campaign 110r Human Dewho "have the same right and the board, without reference to out its indispen~able role in the velopment has made 165 such' HEATING SYSTEMS duty to p,romote the ,common local need and circumstances. promotion of, sqoial justice. f.rom funds collected in grants IN,STALLED good as do other, citizens." Local Autonomy Local Rrograms 1970. there is nothing. in the Synod Priests in Politics For this reason, the final sec24 HOUR, OIL BURNER document on World Justice to Should priests become direct- tion of the Synod's document on prevent the local ctlUrthes from SERVICE Iy involved in partisan poHtics? World Justice pointedly notes fulfilling their responsibilities in On this question,' the Synod, that "the examination of con- thh~ regard. Critics of the docuBUDGET PLANS onc~ again, "split the differ. science which we have made to- mellt to the contrary notwithThe Vargas Oil Co. protects ence." It pointed out that "ingether regarding the Church's standing, it's a set of forwardOver 3S 'Years ' your family's heating comfort circumstances in which there involvement in action for justice looking guidelin~s aimed at proof Satisfied Service all year round. legitimately exist different polit- will remain ineffective if it is moting an al'l-out effort on the Reg. Master Plumber 7023 ical" social and economic op- not given flesh in the life of our' paIit of the entire Church in beJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. TRY US FIRST tions." , looal churches at all their levels." 806 NO. MAIN STREET half O'f social jJstice. But it urged p'riests, as a genTo this end, ,the document Fall River 675-7497 , 'tholse who thtnk that the doceral rule, to maintain a' certain caUs upon national episcopal umellt is too conservative should distance from partisan politics, conferences "to pursue the per- not throw up their hands in denoting that "care mU'3t be taken Ispectives" which we have had spair. To the' contrary, they, lest his (the priest's) option ap- in view during these days ... for should roll up their sl'eeves and pear to Christians to be the only instance by setting ,up centers try to fashion local programs of legitimate one or become a of social and theologkil! re- social action which may be more cause of division' among the search." to their liking. . faithful." The use of the word "perspecIn doing so,' however, they on the Cape What the Synod set out to do tives" in this context is signifi-' wiLl want to bear in mind that in this area was to stress once cant. It suggests 路that the Synod their own pet projects and their The Highest Savings Dividends again the urgent need for a wanted ,it clearly understood that ',ow~ particular understanding' of deeper involvement in the field " it was opting for the principle the: Chu:rch's rol:e in the field of Allowed by Law of social reform on the 'part of of pluralism and for a large de- social reform m~y not necessar.all the member~ of the Church- gree of local auton-amy. ily :rnreet with the approval of" 5 ~ % - Regular Savings 'bishops, priests, religious, and It remains, then, for the local other groups i'n the Catholic 5 '12% - 90 Day Notice members, of the laity, but espec- churches to take up where the comm:;Jnity and, 'for that reason, 5 %,% - Term Deposit Certificates, ,1 yr. ially the laity-while at the same Synod路 left off and to assume can,not be forced upon the com6% - Term' Deposit Certificates, 2~3 yrs. time noting, with equal emphasis, their own responsibility in the munity at lar.ge. This is merely that the Church should not and area of social reform and try to .mother way of saying that the Bank by mail - it costs you nothing does not claim "technical com- figure out as best they can (lin . prindple of pluralism, like it or petence in the secular order" and consultation with all segments not, cuts both ways. But more fully recognizes and respects the of the Catholic communty) what about that in the next release , 307 MAIN sr., SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS. 02664 latter's autonomy. needs to be dpne-:-and b~ whom' of thiB (;olumn. t..... ........ \ ~



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'THE ANCHOR-~iocese of Foil River-Thurs. Jdn. 20, 1972


Accuse Government of Terrorism BUENOS AIRES (NC)-Members of the liberal Thrrd World Priests' Movement have accused the rightist government. of Gen. Alejandro Lanusse of. waging a ."campaign of intimidation" to spread fear among the' people, . following the "illegal and vio,lent" arrest" of a .movement leader. The leader, Father Alberto Fernando Carbone: was arrested Jan. 6 at 3 A.M. Intelligence agents who broke into the residence, where he lives with some 20 other priests, would not allow him to change into street clothes. . Father Carbone and Ricardo

Beltran, a printer who was, also arrested, were accused of staging an armed attack on the naval base at Zarate, 50 miles northwest of here. Two navy officers were wounded in the unsuccessful attempt to raid the base's arsenal. A leftist guerrilla group called the Montoneros has said it staged the raid. . Twelve Third World priests, joined by a Methodist minister, .issued a statement calling the arrests part of "a campaign of intimidation to spread fear among the people." They said that Father Carbone was falsely charged and was being maligned in government releases.





You are needed ... to act as a Mom or Dad to an orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. The cost is very little. The satisfaction is great, More than half of the 1,400,OQO refugees in the Holy Land are boys and girls. A great many 'are orphans, Some.barely exist by begging for milk, food, clothing. Others are in'the Holy Father's care -' supported by the generous friends of Near East Missions ... You can 'adopt' one of these children and guarantee him (or her) three meals a day, a warm bed, love and companion'ship and preparation to earn his own living. An orphan's support costs only $14 a month ••• $168 a year. Send us the first month's support and we, will send your 'adopted' child's photO. You can write to him or her. rh~ ~ister who cares for your child will write to you, if the child cannot write yet. A close bond of love will develop. Please send the coupon with your offering today.





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MADONNA MANOR VISITOR: Bishop: Cronin distributes Holy Communion to guests at the No. Attleboro Home for Aged. Center: "Can you top this" is reflected in the faces of onlookers as Bishop Cronin chats with one of the guests. Bottom: Ordinary of the Diocese receiving Madonna Manor guests following the Mass. Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Tours, who are at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River and Marian Manor in Taunton, also staff the No. Attleboro Home for the Aged. Rev. James A. Drury; chaplainat the Manor, assisted Bishop Cronin at the Mass and -the episcopal visitation. . .













NEAR EAST' MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840


.~:. ~''':''0i\~-Dioceseofi:~11 River:"'Thui'S~ jan. 20, 1972 . ". . . 'j




, Continued from'



Page One

named ~pastor of St. 'Elizabeth's in January, 1955. 'In 1969, Father Medeiros saw :\Iedical statisticians tell us that each year 200,000' . -the realization of an educational men and women die prematurely - before age 65 - of . project in his birthplace of Pavoacao in the Azores. In 1962, heart attacks. And medical thinking now is that the key noting the need of a high'school to preventing these deaths lies with the pediatrician, th~ , " fn his native village, he, sponbaby doctor. sored the construction of a sec· , I ondary, school of education in The approach is for the physician to' begin with the order, to, serve the students fiii· ishing, elementary school" and .- very young and their diets, training children to eat a low eliminat~ the~,'Jeaving of their fat, low cholesterol diet, therby preventing adult arterio" henries: and paying board and Sclerosis. ':room in the, school at Ponta Delgadil" 51-,miles ~~ay. It is amazing to see what lengths medicine ,willing , Some of th~, funding for the to go to in order to guarant,ee better health arid longer project 'came fI:om the ,Maria life. That is one reason why it is all the, more unbelievable 'Isabel do Canno de Medeiros 'Fouiidation, created by 'Father that recent campaigns are, being mounted to favor liberalMedeiros 'in . memory·of his izing laws on, abortion. ' , mother. ,The Fall 'Ri~er benefactor reo' A baby is born and immediately e~erY aspect of med'turned to his native village ,in icine is brought forward to insure his health then and for . 1969 to be present' 'at the dedica,the future. But the pro-abortionfsts advocate the, killing, of tion of the new high school. It was blessed by Most, Rev. the unborn baby with apparently not /a second thought. , , ' ", . ,Manu~i de Medeiros Guerdiro, ,""'~' Ii " , ;,., Bishop of Nampula iIi tl!e pres· ,A strange attitude indeed· to take toward life. 1~;;"::::"1 il/ \, 'f\. \\ \ "', enceof the: district governor, ~II i/' /,,1)l tI~"" ~\' rl \I, '1'\ \ \-..\, m' embers 0 f th e benef a ctor's -fam ~ Why should 'life be so 'sacred a few months after l/ ~; \. , ; "~ ny. !' {( , . . birth and. not sacred at all a few months before birth? . , 'M· 1 . I' h i ' I At the time of the dedica.tion, i u tip Y t e Oave$.", a . bust 'of Father Medeiros the I _ . ' The fundamerital touchstone is that life in all its rn:m;,;~:'t:::~r.:~~mf'Jfu"WA~"W:~tmFmrnIDmlimml),@lliH:miii:~!!mmimimm.tillllil!!iIlIUnmmllll'work of one 'of St. Michael's aspects and 'from its inception is and must be kept sacred. I. ~, " , , ' , , .' best, ,known s~ulptors, Nu~idico . Indeed, 'the convenience pr even the health and happiness ·Bessone, was unveiled. t t k d ' t h h" The work of art wa's 'a gift of ' of one person canno a e prece ence over ano er u- "; el).' wal~ P,ovoacao to th.e school in acman's right to live. When the unborn baby has no voice NEW YORK (NC)""';'The Arch- the Divine, at which he will also kn~wl~geme.nt of Father Mewith which to protest, and when the laws of the Common- . bisho!l of C~ntellbury, spiritual speak. 'delrosb~neflc~nce and con~~rn wealth are his protector, then the,se laws must be kept and l~ader of th~1 w'9rldwide' AngliUnity Week __ observed ,Jan. for the VIllage s new gen~ratlon. voice,S m~st be raised in their support. .,' can Communion, will be cited 18 to 25--is ,an BLnnual period of While at St. Elizabeth's in Fall ~an, ~!6 by t~e Graymoor Friats ' prayer and special services be· River, he supervised the remodLife itself is'precious and 'is be'safeguardeq:,.}'pis ,for his 'efforts to promote gun in. 1908 by the Graymoor eIling of the parish hall and the is an absolute. Once direct action is taken agains,bilrio~e'nf Arl~iliCan-Rom~n Catholic re- tTi!lrs,.,-as 'the 'Society:. of. 'the, renovation Of thesariCtuary ac, " union at the international level. ,AtonemenLis known: In recent .,cording to' the "mind of'Vatican life, then no life is sacred. ":' ", The Christi~n Unity, citation ye~rs it his liad wide, ecumellical 'Council II.' ' :", 'will be' presented to the arcb-- appeal' and many other Christian Father Medeiros will retire on ~i'shop, Dr. ~ichael Ramsey, at chur~hes have,'. been~ observing Feb. 9 a'nd take up residence in t~e headquarters 'in Garrison, . the week. the Catholic Memorial Home, N. Y., of th~ Roman Catholic The Graymoor'visit is described 'Fan rover. There is a Chinese proverb that says: If there is' right Society of ther Atonement during as a' private ;affair, without in the soul, there is beauty in the person; if there is beauty a: week-long lecture visit by the newsmen or public present, so in the person there is harmony in the family' if there is ~rimate to th~ New York area. ,that theprimate may be more at harmony in the family' there is order in th~ ~ation' if It will be maqe in J>ehalf o~ the ease among the .friars. Both that Continued from Pageo.~e . " 'ld . ' qrayrrloor .ECllmemcal Institute and th!!, St. Patnek's appearance ,t~ere is order in the nation, there is peace in the wor . by FHther Michael" F. Daniel, wHI be ecu~elli~al "firsts." tarded children. Over $5 million " 'S;.A., f:ather general. ' It wiH be the first visit of an has b,een raised by' members for That wraps the whole situation up, into a peat' solu: Previous r~ciI>ients of the Archbishop of Cantel'buryto' a this purpose since 1958. Among " tion, but the fact is that families and nations and the world ,a.ward were I Jesuit ,Father U. S. 'Catholic religious ,order-' Alhambra projects is the award.,-- all are made up of individuals. And the strength of the 9h~r1es. Boyer, of Un!tas Inter- significantly, one founded in ing of. scholarships to te~chers whole is the strength of all its components. nrtwn~l (196 Cardu~al .Law- 1898 by Episcopalians' who en- attending classeS. in special, edu- . r~nce .' Shehap of Baltlmorl~ tered, the Roman', Catholic ca~ion.Some ·1,000 such grants :0 964);: the late Cardinal Augus- Church in 1909 asa body: ' , have" been ma(je' 'in the .United · In the midst of all the activity' taking"plac~ today, , tin Bea (1965),1 and the America~1 p' With C '~ai States and Canada. ' movements on' an area and national scale to bring about Lutheran 'historian and author, rays. , a r , The: local 'caravan has aided changes in the ciVic and ecclesiastical climate of the coun- 'Dr- Martin'Marty (1968). N(I,Alfuough Dr. Ramsey was try, it is still good to remember' tlJ.at· the individual, does '. ar ard has bee~ given' in the past ,given, a ,sight-!lee:ing tour: of; St. Nazareth HaIl,' St. Vincent's Home and ,St. Vincent's' Day , count and can" have an effect on 'the whole. Many people .. four y~ars.' Patrick's, on his last .visit "two I Sermon at Cathedral years ago, and kJ)eltbriefly with Camp: have little confidence in the individual, -in his effect:on the ,: Dr. Ra~~e~,'s' visi~ to New Cardinal ~erence C?o~e to. pray New Officer,S . . whcHe, -and this 'causes them 'to think Of, change 'onlyiri Yoll" i~ponsorE!d by Trinity Epis e at. the .mam altar, ,.t IS ~h~ved terms. of .massive movements, of great :sweeping reforms, c~pa.l Institute' will also include' t,h~s. wl:Il be,. the, fIrst ,tlm~ the " New Officers"of thtrFalI River and not in ,the quiet day-by~day' pregress: tijat 'individuals,· IUrlity Week ~ermon Jan. 23 at Spl~lt~al head of the ChurcQ, of ~ caraVian 'are' Roger" ··Ouellett~. and families can and do make. The Chinese proverb has st. :p~trfck's' Cathedral, foHoW.Englan.d"has .. pr~acp~d, from- !l ,grand:' commander;' Edgar St. .d~ ,a morning service at the Cathohc· pulp~tm thiS country. .. ¥ves':"vice .: grand commander; validity. ' . ' ... , EpIscopal,Cathedral,of St. John ' ·Dr. 'Ramsey was; selec!ed' for Thomas Levesque,' grand 'scribe; i the award because' of. hIS sup- Edward Nowak, scribe' 'of ex~," port of the, Anglican-Roman chequer: Rev. Arthur Levesque n"E~cca I grlmage Catholic International Consulta. , is the caravan" chaplain.' ' , . , I .• . .... ." ~, :, :,cHEBRON(NCFIsrael's Mos.. ' tion,which is studying areas of Chairman for the re~eption is lein citizens m~y be permitted t<) theological 'convergence between Conrad Desmarais, ,who anm~ke the pill.gbmage to Mecc&. the .two church bodies,. and his ~ounces, that formal', ceremonies . this yeilr; according to inform·il. many other' efforts iri'. ecumen- ,will be .followe4 by a diIl:ner and , , " . ' . ' . :ti911 received, b~ Hebron's mayor, ism. ' :. , 'dancing. The 'public is invited , , .' ". '·Sneilm Hoh~mined Ali Ja'abri, ' For the Trinity Institute lec- ., and reservations 'may be made OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER~, OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER' froln the court Iof King Feisal of tures, to be 'given Jan. 24-26 on , ,with /1-ny member. · Published weekly by The Catholic Press of. the Diocese of Fall River Afa'bia. ISllael's Moslems ha~e the subject of (~111e Charismatic 410 Highland Avenueb~enexCluded Ifrom ,the pilgrim.. Christ,'" he will 'share the lecture . ,'Contempt, Fall River, Mass. 02722, 675-7151 :age ever since 1948, when the ,platfoI'IY,l' with, Metropolitan AnPUBLISHER Arab states ba'nned all contacts ,thony Bloom, 'Patriarchal 'Exarch There' is nothing that people ' with Israel. 'According to the 'and" Russian' Orthodox Archbish- ,bear more impatiently, ?r for, , Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S:T.D·pr~cElPts of t~e -KOraIl, , every ,01" in London., .. give less, than contempt; and GENERAL MANAGER' ASST. GENERAL MANAGER M6slem shoul1 make the trip :' ArchbishopR,amsey will arrive an injury is much sooner forgot,Rev. Ms~r.,Da!",iel;F. Shal!c;?o,:M.A.:'" ,Rev~. John P.. Dris,~oll,' ;to: Me<:ca at lleast once in his i.nNewYor~ on·Jan.21 and re- ten than an ins1.iit. ' • ,~lelry ,pr'.I~=-~~~~~ _-'- __.. _.-.....~ ~ _" ~ _~ ~~..:. _._~ _" . _"~_ '- _ lli,f£~;f!l~t:. __ ,__ .' , , __._ ,_ ' turn to Lon~on a:week' later. --Chesterfield

, Life







AnghcanArchblshop of 'Canterb,""ry,' 'T' Rec1elve I· Graymoor ' ' 'A" d' '. " '"", .


Chinese Proverb








; .









tHE ANCHOR-Diocese o~ Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972 "


. ·PLAN SNow BALL: Leaders of Coyle and Cassidy Memorial High Schoql organizations meet to· plan Snow Ball scheduled for Saturday , night, Feb. ~. Left, seated, Brother Thomas Mulryan, C.S.C., chairman; Mrs. Francis J. powers, president of Coyle-Cassidy Mothers' Club; James /

Ventura, Monogram Club representative; standing, Brother Armel Latterell, Fathers' Club representative. Right, committee members, including (seated) Edward Johnson, Mrs. William Drummond, Mrs. Donald,Wade; standing, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Dow-d, Mrs. Frank Mendes.

Snow Bailon Feb. 5 P'arents and Monogramists Unite to Aid Athletic Programs at Coyl~-Cassidy , ';WhenCoyle and Cassidy High Schools merged to fonn the new Coyle and Cassidy Memorial High School in Taunton, there' was also a merger of pride, spirit and. determination on the part of parents and students," declared Mrs, Fr,ancis J. . PcOwers, president of the Mothers' Club of the combined schools. She made the statement in announcing that the Mothers' Club, Fathers' Club and Monogram Club will sponsor a Snow Ball on Saturday night, Feb. 5, for the purpose, of maintaining an athletic program at CoyleCassidy.


the people who want to become involved, have decided to do whatever can be done, now for this new, school, still in its infancy, so it can continue to grow and shelter our young for four very' important years of their lives,giving them standards and ideals which they will catry with them forever."

Ne jamais mourir • • •

Brooklyn to Try Team Ministry

BROOKLYN (NC) Two Brooklyn priests will become equal partners of an· experimental team ministry to serve the needs of Catholic families who Student Concern will move into a new 803-unit Coyle-Cassidy students have high-rise cooperative in, tlhe shown grea~ concern for. their Spring. new school, said Mrs. i Powers. The team approach is seen by "Many of the boys and girls got Brooklyn's Bishqp Francis J. together one weekend a~d paint- Mugavero, who approved it, and -ed the classrooms, thus saving the diocesan Priests' Senate, the school thousands o~ dollars. which originated ~he proposal, as The Mothers' Club has peen ac- a way to ease problems of an tive with many fun~·raising overcrowded parish and give two events";""a Penny Sociaj and a younger priests pastoral responSpring Fair are now in the plan- sibility in a diocese where pas: ning stage. torates are accorded priests only "And now the parents and after many years' service. fdends of Coyle and Cassidy Team ministries have been High School 'are joining forces effectively initiated in other dioto put on the gala Snow Ball. ceses. This will be a "first" in "There is also a raffle. being the all-urban Brooklyn see. held in conjunctiot:l wi'th the The team members are Father dance--a seven day all-expense Edward J. K,iernan, 43,. a paris.h paid cruise to Bermuda for two! priest, and Father Edward' V. The lucky winner will be an- Wetterer, 32, a chaplain at Pratt nounced at the Snow Ball. There Institute. . will be dancing to the music' of A diocesan spokesman said Jack Shea and The Tempos and the two will be able to "explore a buffet will be served," all options in ministering to the Explaining the need for the needs 'of a parish" and notably ball, Mrs. Powers said, "Since those of persons about to move the budget for athletics .depends into Twin' Towers; cooperaHve, greatly on gate receipts, there a high rise complex. is never anything certain as to Father Wetterer said he and the amount of money which will FatJher Kiell"nan will live at a, be taken in. Thanksgiving Day, residence near the ,complex, call with its torrential rains, did on many people, and work with much to dampen the hopes for existing community .a-gencies; a 'financially' successful year schools and ecumenkal organiin athletics; , ' zations. Adult education, reliPeople Who Care gious education and the liturgy " ::Ar{!..~o the people who care, will .have high priorities.

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. Addresse Ville







I' I

THE ANtHOR-Diocese of Fall,


Riv~JThurs~ Ja~. 20, 1972 1-

S'pring C.Oafsto -C~st Les-s, H,oodle1d Styles P6,pular ,


_' With, all this lovely springlike weather it's impossible to think winter (of course, by thetlme this c.gets printed we could be in the middle' of a blizzard), but it still has been interesting to 'watch what the "female population is wearing in winter coats. l Women realize the value of 'bought Meryl a short coat paying 'lower prices for coats for Christmas, but the lure of and having a variety of them. the, midi was too much for No longer do you find women her and she traded her shortie for a longie with a hood. 'This Wimer a hood is another essential item, especially on the




, young girls' ,coats, and one but no one is a member of the "in" grOup unless she' has' a hooded coat (that is if you're a , -member of the teen"'8.,ge set). ,Smug Hoods Manufacturers are agreeing that this has been the year of - the 'coat and that everything from the pea jacket to the elegant leather beauties, trimmed with' fur, has been selling )ike hotcakes. Girls find that the hood on the back not only a<Ids to the appearance of the coat but also' is great if our unpredictable 'New England weather takes over, for then all you have to do is "hoods up" and you're, snug' as that bug in a rug. The most popular silhouette in the coat field this year is very , slender and quite tailored. Cut trimly and folloWing the shape of the body, it's the very lean and young who set this style off. Colors are more subdued than in previous years and a neutral like navy has been and will be a favorite among the young (get out the lint brushes, girls). No sooner will we be through searching the bargain racks for a pick from the ,Winter coat field than we'll have to, begin our hunt for a ,really great Spri~g coat. Lower Prices '

buying one good or best coat each season and then being forced to build the rest of their wardrobe around it. , The poPularity of' the ensemble (the matching coat and dress or the,jacket and dress) has set them t~inking about the coat as a fashion must rather than a basic necessity. Fina:Ily, to further throw your schedule out of whack, get look~ ing for that special coa:tor coats because you've only got 12 weeks between now and Easter Sunday!

,. BOX HOLDERS AT BALL: Mr. Clayton·:B. Rennie, right, and Mrs. Rennie, left, of" Taunton witli their daughtet and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Griffin o~ Somer~et,' center are clost observant during the presentation ceremonie.s of 32 young ladles to BIshop, Crl;nin dtiring Friday Night's 17th Annual Bishop's Charity Ball. i I

Lo'u,yain I



-BRUSSELS ~NC) - American$ and also offers practical minist- count the needs of both develop· ,no longer hav~ to learn Flemish erial experience with the large ed' and underdevolped nations. to st.ucly philosophy or theology English-language Catholic coin- , The university wanted to atat, the world'~ oldest Catholio munity in Brussels. An ~~ea of tract more than just seminarians, particular pride is the catechetics however, .and last year English urtiversity her~. , "WASHINGTON (NC) "-The Courses taught in English :are program, which takes into ac- also· entered the philosophy de", first ,isSue of ,People,official bEjing establis~ed by the Uni. partment on the undergraduate publication of the' National v~rsity of Lo~vain to attract level. Foreign students can now Council of Catholic Laity, has mpl'e: foreigne~s to the student either complete their last two appeared here with a cover bddy. ' I ' years of undergraduate study at photograph of-you ,guessed itLanguage prOblems, which led Louvain and receive a degree a crowd of people., to dashes betWeen French and SPOKANE (NC) - Changes there, or do a junior year abroad , The ,new magazine is printed Flemish language groups in Bel- are occurring in the nearly in the department. So far almost in both ~nglish and Spanish, and ,gium, caused al split in this 550- 4,OOO'-member congregation of all the 30 full-time students paruses many photographs. It re- year-old university in 1968, re- Holy Names SisteJrs, but esssenticipating are Americans. places Word, publication of the sulting in a $eparate Flemish- tials' of the teaching order reThis program offers real, adI ' National Council of Catholic speaking school. Because Flem- main the same, according to tihe vantages to' Americans wanting Women, and Parish Today, mag- ish is not an !international lan- nuns" 'executive board. .to study at a European univer·' azine or'the National Council of ' guage, the Flerrtish section found At a board meeting in SpoCatholic Men. Both councils it Idifficult to r~cruit foreign stu- kane, Superior General Marte sity. ,Unlike junior-year-abroad programs sponsored by many have, combined at the- national, 'dents, ~(nd in 1969 a decision was Lacroix emphasized that faith but not the local level, to form m~c1e t.o offer Iprograms in En- remains the essential cornerstone Catholic colleges in which American professors are brought to the NCCL. glish tel broaden the university's of Siste~s'reIigious lives. But, Europe to act as instructors, the I I ' _,Editor Carolyn Shennan told she said, while Sisters continue' entire permanent faculty of 14 I • NC News the magazine is aimed scppe., The result lias, been qUite a to work in schools throughout the at all lay Catholics, regardless . subcess for th~ university. The United States and Canada,' they at 'the Louvain program are regular faculty members of the of age or language group, and fitst English-l~nguage program, will see new roles open for them. Flemish university. will rely heavily on reader conw~ich offers a I'complete bach~l­ Some Sisters, for instance, are tributions. Though the school once had or, to doctorate level course In now doing pastoral work for a reputation for specializing in I ' "We're going to present facts theology, has I drawn students bishops, making home visitations on topics that everybody's interThomism, this is no longer the ested in,' without trying to cram fr6m all over the world, with an, as edrUca.tors, ,directing diocesan case. All but two of the profesopinions down people's throats," increas:lng nurrtber from Africa and parish education program, sors are, priests, but the curric. Asia, as vl1ell as the United teaching other teachers and help- ulum covers everything from she explained, "For' example" an,p States. , ing the illiterat{! at home and in we're going to have two {irticles Plato to existential phenomenolCatechetics Program , ,mission 'countlries, she said. I . giving different viewpoints about ogy, the current specialty of the The program inCludes full The order also is considering ,schools. the prisoners of war in Vietnam. of theology allOwing members to work for We're going to have another courses in all kreas I national and inter:natio~al agenschool, prayer pair about the Just before we get ready to cies, drawing ·salaries just as any amendment, giving, reasons to Initialte, Eddcation consider our income taxes we'll other work While remaining in need a shot of good news for vote for and against it. "Justice the congregation. hope readers will react in "I • ONE STOP the female of the family-this SALISBURY I(NC)-The bish· Delegates of tile 'order's 11 SHOPPING CENTER news could come iIi the form of a spirit of reconciliation.',', ops of ~~hodesia have initiated a provinces discussed these' possian announcement that Spring • Television • Grocery pr6gram of edufation and action bilities at Washington province coats will run much more in the Nun, Says Pakistani' to :promote justice. r' , • Appliances • Furniture headquarters in Spokane. In the low~price range. The Ilrogram,l prepared by the past, such meetings have been Destroyed Missions bi~POP's" Comm~ssion for Justice held only at the order's mother- 104 Allen St., New Bedford 997-9354 COCHIN (NC>-:-Five mission and :Peace, includes a monthly house in Montreal" Canada. . . Chu,rch to., Pqrticipate , stations in the Dinajpur diocese ieaflet containihg a' model serIn ,Planning Council in East Pakistan were 'destroyed mon, dlscussiort questions, sug-, in the'recent conflict, according gestioml on' ho'w to implement TANANARIVE, (NC) - The to' a letter written by a nun I I h' .' b·ISh opscon ' ference 0f 'thOIS coun· working there. tM' Chl,lrch's teac mgs on JUSI try will participate 'in the Natice, and documents on the speWriting to a priest here who ciffc topic for Jach month. ; tional Coundl of Planning, being The topic of I the first leaflet, formed to advise the government was once a missionl!-ry in that· on social and economic develop" diocese, Sister Teresita VaUapilly ,foli January, isl the equality of' " ment. identified the mission stations alI, men. ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford At a recent plenary assembly, destroyed by Pakistani troops In a recent booklet the RhoOne of Southern New England's Finest Facilitles the bishops' conference gave its as Benedwar, Patharghata, Ro- de$ian bishops I said that the' cooroinating secretary the task hanpur and Thakurgaon. white-dominated government of of designating one or more deleShe said' the troops lined up Pr~mier Ian Smith "is committed Now Available for gates to represent the Church at nuns, patients and staff at St. po(itkally to a i policy of racial . Vincent's hospital in Dinajpur separato .development". The the council's meetings: There' are about 1.4 million ' under trees and were about to Chhrc:h is comIriitted divinely to· Catholics in the Malagasy Re- shoot them until a Father Bonolo a policy ot" no?-racial, free ~e­ FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 public's population 'of more than came running up and stood in . vel'opment. These two poliCies _.• . • •. . . _.__ . ~~on~ ~f}~e. ~a.c~~ne. ~~ms. ar~ funqamentally opposed." 6.7 million.

MO'gazine's First Issue Publ ished

Holy NarnesNuns SeeN,ew Rolles












! I,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-T~urs. Jan. 20, 1972

From' M,om's Point of Vilew Fo·otball's Not 5,0 Glo,rious '


I used to look forward to Thanksgiving' because it was the end of football for the year. Now it seems to just ,go, on and on with post-season games leading into next year's pre-season games. I can believe the story I read about the man who was dead in front of the TV set for ing with the high school team. Every day, he drilled, ran, jogthree days. Nobody noticed ged, exe~ised and otherwise enuntil there,was no football joyed h'imself in the 90 degree on the television. For all I've been told about the wisdom, strategy, strength and sportsmanship that goes

weather. On the way home one day, he passed some adults play'ing tennis. He commented, "Isn't it awful hot for tennis?" I mentioned his enthusiasm to several other "football parents." One father told me his son dis'located his finger so grotesquely that his wife got hysterical. So the father took the boy to the hospital, had it set, paid the bill, and was bringin'g him home to ease his wife's worry.


Team's Waiting Was the kid concerned about his mother? "Pop, can you drop into playing the game, I still me off at the footbaU field? The think it brings out the worst in team is waiting for me." people, and sometimes borders Another mother was braver on stupidIty. 'than I; she attended all her son's Th'is may not be true of pro- games. He was regularly injured fessional players. I don't know but all he worried about· was, any of them ... but it sure "I ,hope my mobher doesn't run doesn't look like they are over- ,out on the field and embarass flowing with the milk of human me." kindness as they deHberately try But my son assured me that to kill each other. high school footbaJil was safe Most of my experience with ... and he was almost right. On football players ,is with the the next to the last day, we had "back-lot" variety. I have a son a calf from the coach. "Somethat th'inks footba'1l is second thing has happened to his knee. only to eating. He plays violent- We're bringing him right home; lyon the street with a group of but you beHer have it checked the neighborhood nuts. They at the hospitaL" slam into each other, slam into The 'X-rays sl)owed' a chipped telephone 'poles,slam into' bone in his knee. parked cars, slam into concrete After surgery, a week in the sidewalks. '.. and it's all fun. hospital, another week at home, If his sister bumps into his chair while he's eating lunch, he and several weeks on crutches, he's recovered very well. My screams, "she's hurting me!" biggest problem was holding him Football Saint down. While he was still hobbling _ I realize I have a lot to learn about the game; for example, I' around the house, he kept comwas rinsing ,a few dishes as my plaining, "Mom, wll you stop son ran into the kitchen for a worrying about me. I'm fine. I drink of water. I asked him to ,can play with the kids on the wait a minute until I finished at street ... on one crutoh." His five .year old' sister is 'the sink. He paced' nervously, right. She calls it fitball. impatiently, furiously. Finally, he s:lid, "Mom, would you hurry up! I'm in the middle Sees No Resolution of .football game ... and the Of Kent State Trag,edy pass is coming t.o me." Now I don't know anything HUNTINGTON (NC) - The aboiJt the game, but do you 1970 tragedy at Kent State UnireaIlly stop to get a drink of versity never will be resolved water while the pass is coming according to an article in the to you? Jan. 23 issue of Our Sunday If he had the dediCation to his Visitor, nati'onally circulated religion that he has to football, Catholic wee~ly. he'd be a saint. '" The trials are over, wrote In August, he started practic- Murray Powers, retired managing editor of the Akron, Ohio Beacon' Journal, but Kent State Bishops Ask Halt still is pl~gued with memories of the tragedy. To Moral Pollution The townspeople, Powers said, NAIROBI (NC) - The bishOps of Kenya called on the govern- 'have not put their worries aside, ment, other authorities and all and the' fact that J8-year-olds responsible persons to protect now can vote in bhe community has not lessened their fears. African society and culture Powers, chief professor emeresp~cially children-from moral itus of journalism at Kent State, pollution. In a statement following their spent weeks interviewing people recent meeting, the African bish- involved in the tragedy, and ops cited the dangers of the "ex- found the students "apathetic" ploitation of sex as big business" despite the fact that 10,380 of and the "catastropic avalanche them signed petitions demanding, the U, S. Justice Department of pornography, immodest dress and indecent behavior." They call a fede~al jury to probe into said that these can lead to "the the killings. As far as all the destruction of th'e cradle of our ,courts are concerned the Kent St~te case is closed. society - the family."


..•.. ~.-'l.. t •• ".". .. , ..


,_ ..••• , •••












TAUNTON PRESENTEE: Bishop Cronin greets Joseph Castro of Holy Family Parish, Taunton who is presenting his daughter, Janice. ,

Priest Hlea,ds Drug Edu,c ati10n Office The office will operate out of WASHINGTON (NC) - Trinitarian Father Roland Melody, the office of the U.S. Catholic department of who has several years experi- Co"nference's ence counseling drugs addicts, . health affairs, directed by Msgr. has been named coordinator of Harrold A. Murray. Father Methe newly established Catholic lody's appointment is effective February I, according to a conOffice of Drug ,Education. ference news release.

Bishop Stresses M'ory's ',Rolle

Msgr. Murray said Father Melody is expected to develop a resource agency to serve as a clearing house for drug education material, seminar assistance, and a source of expert counseling available to dioceses throughout the country.

among the poor and the destitute in the United States and Puerto Rico. He did graduate work in theology at the Catholic University of America in Washington, and in Rome. Ordained in 1961, Father Melody has counseled addicts and lectured on drug problems in New York, Virginia and Kentucky. For the past two years he has been director of a narcotic referral program at the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, N.J.

SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Mary has never receded in the minds and hear,ts of Catholics, despite rumors and reports to the conFather Melody is the author trary, Archbishop Francis J. "The problem of drug abuse of a book called "Narco Priest," Furey of San Antonio told the Mariological Society of America is a massive one which weighs which recounts his experiences at its 23rd annual convention heavily on the minds of parents traveling with the New York and all who are concerned with City Narcotics Squad, and a-' here. The archbishop reminded that the well-being of young people," book of poetry entitled "Written the Second Vatican Council had .'Msgr. Murray stated. "In estab- in Every Key." stressed the importance of lishing the Catholic Office for Mary's role in the Church's life. Drug Education, we are initiating Mariani!,;t Father Charles W. a small but hopefully significant Neumann of San Antonio, who step towards its alleviation." was named to head the society, '''We are fortunate to have in cited differences .between traFather Melody a person witn the ditional devotion to Mary and knowledge and enthusiasm nein-depth theological studies cessary to coordinate this efabout her place in the' Church: fort," the monsignor added. 'While'Vatican II tried to break After, graduating from Seton some of the traditional modes of thought about her; the priest Hall University, Father MelOdy . said, many theologians have entered the Missionary Servants' really not succeeded in overcom- of the Most Holy Trinity, a reing 'pre-Vatican II concepts. ligious community that works Society spokesmen said that Mariological studies are increasing. They cited the organization's 'growing membership list and said that the quality of. Marian sClholarship has improved dn recent years. at Chosen vice-president of the flroup was Oblate Father George F. Kerwin of Washington, D. C. The organization's permanent secretary is Franciscan Father Juniper Carol of Port Charlotte, 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Fla., who founded the Mariological society.






THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972



\ \'

FATHERS ESCORT DAUGHTERS: Left photo: Mr. Louis F. Fayan" Jr. and daughter, Anne Marie,a presentee, of St. Thomas More Parish" Somerset are received by the Bishop dUri~ the presentation! cerem~nY'i I

Asserts Rejected Pra,yerMeaswe



, ,

Congregationall,s" ~resbyteri~,sMle.rge

LONDON (NC)-Members of the Presbyterian Church of England and the, Congregational Church in England and Wales NEW HAVEN (NC)-The ed- have ratified ~a plan to merge {tor of a Knights of Columbus the two churches into the publication has said that despite, United Reformed Church. obvious' drawbacks of the reVoting in presbyteries and cently 'defeated school prayer county unions throughout the a~endment, it had value "which country, church· members demshould not 'be overlooked." onstrate~ overwhelming support In a Columbia magazine edi-, for the proposal, which was rectorial, dated February, 1972, ommended-,by the separate govElmer Von Feldt wrote that had erning assemblies of the two the amendment passed "it would churches last May. have served as a gesture that Anglican Archbishop Michael the public is fed up with the inRamsey' of Canterbury .said, after creasing secularist philosophy of votes were tallied that "it gives 'court decisions, over the' past encouragement to the cause of three decades. Christian unity." The proposed amendment, According to spokesmen, the which was publicly opposed by new church will probably hold its the United ,States Catholic Con- first united assembly in October fenmce, before its defeat would of this' year. The membership ,have permitted voluntary'prayer of nearly 250,000 will be disin schools and other public build- tributed among about 2,500 ings. churches now either Congregational or Presbyterian. Half a Loaf Hopes for Real Movement that Von Feldt advised A total of 1,668 of the 2,280 "church men who reject the Congregational churches-repre, prayer amendment as not meet- senting 82.2 percent of the Coning fully the basic problem gregational membership-voted might consider the counsel that in favor of the merger. Among half a loaf is better than none the Presbyterians, all 14 of the and that the whole loaf may be regional prespyteries supported obtained more easily bit at a the union, and only two of the time." "Certainly such an amendDeplore lBombing men,t would constitute a dramatic gesture to the courts, emNOTRE DAME (NC) - In a phasizing that they must listen statement they described-_ as to the people seeking to secure '''unique in the hi!"tory of the full religious freedom as well as ' congregation," members of the to the strident secularists Holy Cross religious order have screaming for higher walls of deplored the renewed bombing of North Vietnam. ' church~state separation.

Had Value


Right: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishioners of New Bedford, Mr. Felix Witkowicz and his daughter Janice meet Bishop Cronin as one of the 32 presentatioos was made.,



f_;N'~ Churd:.'s 308 congregations with. ,gland is SChedUkld' to vou! on St. Mark's Parish, Attleboro Mid their support. whether to unite 'with the MethSpokesmen ',for the two odist Church in this country. The Falls will sponsor a one-day churches expressed their elation Methodist Church has already Celebration of Life from 1 to 7 at the outcome of the ballot. announced its support of such on Sunday, Jan. 30. Celebration of Mass will be part of the six' The Rev. John Huxtable, Con- a union. hour long program. gregational Secretary, said: "This Also commenting on the ConAll high school- students in is: a most exc~ting moment fot gregational - Presbyterian union, ,u~," H~ added ithat he hopes to the Rev. Arthur L. MacArthur, grades 9 to 12 are invited and se¢ a quickening movement Presbyterian Secr~:tary and Mod-, the ofifering, is $1.25 and will towaJ;d unity ~ among British ,erator of :hjs church's General include a catered supper. Guest speakers win be' two Churches. ' I Assembly, said that this will be' On. May 3 this year, the Gen· the first organic union ot two members of the Community of eral Synod of the C~rch of En- separated churches after all the God's Word (Jesus People) and years of "so mUlch talk about two local high school studer!:ts. unity." He added that he now Registration will be held after Sa,'s Reconciliation, hopes for "a real movement of the Masses on Saturday evening, ren'ewa!." ReJ»I'Dces ,-,ostility and Sunday, Jan. 22 and 23. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-ReconstrucHon, 'rehabilitation and recon,ciliiation have replaced hostilities that led i to the 1967·70 Nigeria:n civil war, according to a Holy Rosary Sister who works in that African bountry. ' j'~nle people ilre working as if there was never "!- war," she said in an. interview here before returning to Nig~ria. Sister Edith said the people of tM East Central State (formerly Biafra) and the central ,governm~nt "seem to be making a very g09d hand 'at putting the past aside and taking a forward, look." The central government put down the ~ecessionist Biafrans in the con'flict in which aim~st a :million people of the former Eastern Region diea of starvation. Sister Edith,who was on a six-weelcs visit, here, said that the Cat~10lic Church in the East Central State is "absolutely thriving" with vocations far surpaflsing the seminary's ,capacit.y. • \,'\: ';'\i'y'V'V'y~" . '/,'1 Y' ,..... ,<.,.'.\.• (,'.. ,'.,'•• •••.v.'.....:•. ', " " ...; " •.•, ..'" ... ··'..:./,··.....··'A."..\·~~,'\',\·.~ ,',", .\..J.~.-.~~


l'HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972



CAPE AND ATTLEBORO AREAS REPRESENTATIVES: Left: Miss Charity Ball. Right: Henry Chaput escorts his niece Miss Marjorie L. Roy Diane E. Black of Holy Trinity Parish, Harwich, with her father, Maynard of St. Mary's Parish, Seekonk during her presentation ~o the Bishop. Black, Jr., center, are fomially received by the Bishop during Annual ,-

Regime Forbids CWxm Tecadlers To Mention God MIAMI (NC) - Teachers in Cuba are under strict orders not to mention God, said Edelmira Ponce Miyares on her arrival here. 'f.he 31-year-old' woman, a teacher .from Bayamo, Oriente Province, added that "the Cuban regime keeps watch on all teachers to determine which ones go to church, attend Mass, talk about religion with neighbors or mention God to students." Inspectors from ·the ministry of education, Miss Ponce said, periodically remind teachers that they must follow programs denying "the existence of God" and asserting that the state can care for all the people's needs. Keep Faith Some teachers who do not comply or openly profess their religion are tried and .sent to work camps, 'she said. Others are simply fired. Miss Ponce, who came to Miami as a refugee in the Cuban airlift, spoke at .Freedom House here. She said children often ask parents and relatives if it is true that there is no God. The older people keep their faith and instruct the youngsters in basic religion, she said. Only public schools function in Cuba. Premier Fidel Castro nationalized all private schools in 1961, including more than 300 Church-related institutions.

Youth Youth is a frightening age ... so many problems; so little wisdom to solve them. -Hoving

• 1ft

Heed Expert Testimony NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Jurors cannot ebjectiveiy decide what is legaHy obscene without the benefit of expert testimony, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled here in overturning an obscenity ;onviction.

HollyWood, Calif~, to Dallas, Tex. In its -..mon, tile -rtPeltate court neted that the government

The decision concerned the case of William Groner,a book distributor, who was found guilty by a lower federal court for shipping allegedly obscene' books in interstate commerce from

CALCUTTA (NC) - Bishop Michael D'Rozario of Khulna in what is now Bangladesh said Christians were .more secure than other minority groups even in the midst of hostilities there. Some members" of minority groups asked for and were given medails and crucifixes to avoid per.secution, the bishop' said. Bishop D'Rozario visited Archbishop Lawrence T. Picachy of Calcutta who offered him whatever assistance Calcutta's Ca'tholics could give for the people of the Khulna' area. Meanwhile" in Dacca, the former acting president of Bangladesh, Syed Nazrul Islam, said his government was committed to a policy of absolute religious liberty for all communities. He said tha{ while Bangladesh would be a secular state, "the essence of secularism presupposes that all religions must have fuH freedom."

ProvideftCe Bishopl. Ordination Jan. 26 PROVIDENCE (NC)":"'Bishopdesignate Louis E., Gelineau will be installed as bishop of Providence in episcopal ordination ceremonies here Wednesday, Jan. 26 in Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. The bishop-designate, former vicar-general and chancellor of the Burlington, Vt., diocese, was elevated to the hierarchy in midDecember. Archbishop John F. Whealon of Hartford, Conn., will be the principal concelebrant at the ordination Mass. He will be assisted by other bishops from Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine. Retired Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Burlington will be the prin'cipal consecrator. Coconsecrators will be Bishop Bernard F. Flanagan of Worcester, Mass., and Auxiliary Bishop Edward C. O'Leary of Portland, Me. Bishopdesignate Gelineau, a native of Burlington, succeeds Bishop Russell J. McVinney who died last Summer.

ChristiGfts Sec.,re In Bangladesh

ELECTRICAL Contractors



Smut Cases did not introduce expert witness 1leetilftoRy ill the ~ cewt but presented as evideRce some of the allegedly obscene publications.

,'..-ce C••e.... ,CHICAGO 'fNC)-Father Eta~ J. ~ 41f Sen FraneiscG ....6 heeft naMelI futt time. iirectw

of peace aOO justice by tile roJational Federation of Priests' The appeals court said its own Councils here. inability to form an opinion in The appointment was an· the case "is th~ basis for our nounced in Priests-USA, monthly holding that expert testimony is NFPC newsp&per, which' said required on the elements of ob· Father Boyle has resigned as scenity in order to furnish juries pastor of Sacred Heart Church and this court with an objective in San Francisco's black ghetto. basis for deciding on the issue' AiOCording to the publication, of first amendment rights." Father Soyle fQr the past four In the earlier court case, years at the church "gave his Groner contended that the books fun support to community or· are not obscene. He also claimed ganizations like the Black Pan· that the books themselves did ther Party. The Black Panthers not provide sufficient evidence based their free breakfast proof obscenity to sustain the ver- gram in Sacred Heart :Church dict. ~alt .. ,


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~ •






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972

Holiness Ha$ a,'Lot: tQ Do, With What . You W~:a_r


,. It happened again last week. I sat' among a group of , - . nuns who were being castigated by a bishop for wearing hiygarb. He began it asa joke, saying something original like, "These days you can't tell a nun from a non-nuri," and he let it ,take, him right into ' his point, "People will not reThat 'would present another 'k problem, however, because I'm spect you if you 100k l1 e. a inevit'l1lbly talking on family relilay woman." By that time, gious education or problems 'facI was trying to hide under the ingCatholic parents today. If I seat, Oh Sinful of Sinful, Ye pretend I am a,:nun, hence holier Mothers. I knew exactly how a 'than my st,ate, allows, I can't lower caste felt 'and if I had speak from ,the experience of ijmWr%:m.w1®F'1tl:Uill~'~%· having children, an obviously un· holy experience unless, of course, one is listening to a Mother's Day sermon. By ~t religDous' education congresses, it is not so holy to be a DOLORES parent, not becau'se we look like lay women but because, parents CURRAN, ' are the bane of CCD .programs. Unless, of cou~sethey're teach· ing. Then· they're' the "good " 'women ~hoYl?lunteer." "·H%~:mwWJs:':::F~\.w

been sitting, next to ine, I would have moved. . Fortunately, the nuns sittil1g near me didn't know' I was a, lay woman, hence unholy,' so ,they sat'there and ignored me. (Now that I' consider, how do I know they weren~t lay women, too, squirming . lest they might be revealed?) I wonder if those priests, mono signors, bishops, and cardinals who get so emotional about the absence of habits realize how their \ words' reflect, upon lay women. Actually, their words reveal more abOut their attitude toward us than they would like, I suspect. If they feel that nuns are less dedicated by looking like lay women, that tells us just where' on the holy. ladder , they place lay women. Modified Habit




Less, Credible

On ,the other hand, it·is holy and good to be. a parent at a religious education congress, if ,the listeningaudienoo is parents', ,because then: they ,believe you, linless you have on a habit. Then you are more holy·.but less credible. , This whole thing is getting v~ry confusing so I think I'll go baok to bishops and other holy men. It really upsets me when I see them without their robes and mitres. One can hardly reo spect a who looks like her husband or father unless, of course, irs Father's Day i~ church or mission night on mar· riage. It used to be that priests drove long black cars and wore their black coats open so you could see their collars and ·holiness. Now they dI1ive VoIKswa'gens, 'even light blue ones, and wear zip-out lining' allwea'ther coats and you lose respect for them. Because they look like men. Or something like that.

SAY FAREWELL: 'Bidding goodbye to Sister Mary Grace,O~P~~ho retires from Rose . Hawthorne :Lathrop Home, Fall River, after 24 years service to Diocese, are Sist~r Matthew,C.P.; Miss Joan Callahan, office worker.at Home; and Sister Barbara Walsh, SUSC, principal of Holy Name School, Fall River, and longtime friend of the Home.. ~ister Grace willl retire to her community's motherhouse in Hawtho~e, N.Y. '

Sister Grace



Continued from Page One GraGe has had a special friend. shi:p. with Bishop Connolly, whom she knew years before she entered the Rose Hawthorn~! cdrnmunity. Hb was among hel' visitors last week. . She met him, she said, becalls~ as a lay persdn she had organized the Antones, an auxiliary to the Servants of Relief. He aS,ked her assi~,tance in founding ing an Antone chapter in St. Paul, when he, was stationed in that city, and thereafter he kept in touch with her. She was amcmg guests at his in$tallation as' Bishop of FaIt Rivet, and he: was one of the first she told of her plans to eqtel' the Rosel Hawthorne com· munity. .' Their . long association was <:rowned in 1970 when he .presE:nted her jwith the' Marian Mbd~l1 for her years of work in - the Diocese.

f attend ~ lot of' religious _edu'· cation congresses. Most of them are keynoted by the bishop of the diocese so I hear the talk about holy l\abits and unholy hemlines a few times a year: I've reached the point of considering geting a modified habit-a little veil and a little collar to wear . 'Tapes for Africa' with .a dark shiI'tdress to take Displease Africans myself out of the caste system VATICAN CITY (NC) - The during opening addresses by worn has arrived that African ordinar-ies. 'broadcasters are not happy with Vatican Radio's African-oriented products. Nuncio Mediator Although the criticisms were In Santo'Domingo made in mid-December at an official comerence of', Christian SANTO DOMINGO (NC) Archbishop, Luciano Storero, broadcasters from east and cenVatican nuncio here, mediated tral Africa, and, although the between terrorist guerillas and papal nuncio to Zambja was, at government forces to stop a gun ine .meeting, by mid·January no battle that cost the lives Of 13 official reports had arrived at' persons. \"atkan Radio. Six guerillas, wanted for a A '''recommendations for acbank holdup,' and other terror- tion report," from - the conferist activities, holed up in a cave ence in Lusaka, :Zambia, was near the ail'pOrt here and held ,expected in February. However more ,than 1,000 troops at bay', an account received through the' for 16 hours. Association of Episcopal ConferArchbishop Storero, who has ences in Eastern Africa, which been nuncio' for nine months sp~nsored tht: conference, said:sought a cease-fire from Presi"Serious -questions were raised dent Joa4uin Balaguer,' who ahout the value of the 'tapes for gave him a guarantee of a fair Afirica' generously contributed trial for the two surviving guer- by Vatican Radio. More atten-, rillas. Nine of the dead were tion should be paid to major government troops. events taking place in Rome The Vatican representative such as the. , . Synod of Bishops, and the relevance' of important a:~so negotiated with the families .' of the guerrillas for their sur- 'Vatican documents to the Afri<?an situation:" render:

BeifOl'e entering religion, said Sisteir Mary Grace, she was for 30 years employed by the Metropolitan Life' Insurance Company in New York. :She had all her fellow-'lVOrkers: contributing to the Servants of Relief. "I was oolle<:ting more: than $100 weekly," she said. Het c:ontact with the commu" I nity bl~gan, by chance, when with a :frIend she attended what she thought was a bridge party. "We brought along a couple of pa¢ks of cards/' she .said, "but we four.:d ourselves making pads fori the Sisters instead of playing I game!)." .', . , Although Sister said her attitucle towards sewing was "If you can get a safety pin' instead, use it," she found herself thoroughly Imthusec\ about the worlt of ·the SeNants:. A born organ-

RetiresAf~ter .

24 Years' Service

izer, she quickly recruited a had hoped to enter religious life dozen friends for, work parties for many years, family responsiin her own home. "The first time bilities prevented her from doing we took pads to St. Rose's Can· so,until 1947, when she was 45. cer Home in New York, I vowed But long before, Mother.' Rosi.': I'd never go hack," she said. "It one of the co..rounders of the was so sad to see all those peo· Servants of Relief, had said that' pIe. But I loved the Sisters, they 'she could enter at .any age. were so jolly and kind, and I ·did "We'd have taken her at age go back." 1001" said a Sister. The Anoones, beginning with "Be sure to thank people alt'd the small group meeting in Sis- say how grand it's been to work ter Mary Grace's house, grew to with them," said Sister Mary' an organization with hundreds Grace last Sunday. of members ga1hered in 200 -'For herself, she said that in groups.in many parts of the her new home she'd continue to country: This year they will mark visit patients - "especially" the their 40th' anniversary. "Two of boys'~-and for the rest, "I'll the founding members are still try to prepare myself for ~eaven. with us," said Sister Mary Grace. as I've tried tcllprepare my paFamily Project tients." One of those members Is now Sister Mary Gra,ce's sister-in~ law. "She met my brother through the Antones." The religious' entire f~mily became 'involved with the Antones, she recounted. "Hundreds of people would come' to my house for card parties. My fa,ther would sometimes think the place vias going to collapse, there were so many people in it. And we'd have card tables everywhere, in .the bedirooms _and _all over~ My brothel'S would say, 'Where are we ,going, to, ,sleep tonight?' " . Although Sister Mary Grace '



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River':'"Thurs. Jan.,20, 19-72 ;




•( . '

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; :,


'Co'nfes'sional Is: 'Nollong:er Place to Wait in Line'

Publicity ganizations. news items Anchor,,' P. .02722.

ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The school board wilJ sponsor a '~gigantic auction" Saturday night, Jan. 29 in the school hall, with Bob Marier as auctioneer. Items may be inspected f.rom 6 to 7 P.M. and the sale will begin at 7. A snack bar will be 'open for refreshments. . Donations of antiques, furniture, dishes, glassware, books and knickknacks are. requested and piJekups may be arranged by calling Eugene Connors, telephone 673-0454, or Al Labossiere 672-9730. Clothes are not needed for this sale.

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick . Of all of the changes I have observed in the Church in the past 10 years, I suppose the greatest has to be the very observable on~ that the confessionat is no 'longer the active place it was in my youth. I can remember the priest admonishing the children to . go to Saturday afternoon secret formula that will convince confes~ion . so

my family to hang up 'their'

that they clothes. What is then~ about would not holti up the many' chairs, beds, and dqorknobs that,



adults who appeared on Satur- appeals to them more than a, day evening. Confession meant conventional hanger?' "What is standing in a relatively: long line the enticement that'· lures them waiting your turn and getting to .throw their coats across; the angry at the pushy boy in front bed rather than having them of you who was trying to beat . repose where they belong - in everyone into the box. the hall closet. .. When one did go in the eveBecause I was an only child ning, one was sure to see.a long' . and also because my mother be· line Qif adults. Now, when I go lieved that childhood should be to confession, I find that I am a time of leisure, I never really in compartive isolation. Unless learned to -tak~ care of my own I am badly mistaken, the number clothes until I got married' and of penitents has diminished to realized' ~hat the only. per~Qn' . the point where I question the who was' going to erid. up takusefulness of tying a priest ing care of my clothes wa~' me down to prescribed hours. and-.that'it did nothing for a speTraumatic Experience cialdress to repose on a bedConfessIon was to many' pro-' room chair' 'for a day or two, pie "an irksome rite filled with (As Arohie would say,"Those great trauma: As a 'boy I looked were the days.") forwara to confession with Needs Help about the same ant-icipation as When my own offspring came jumping off the Empire' State along' I vowed that they would Building. My very grievous sins not grow up as unedu~ated in may not have been overly dis- hOl,lsehold matters as I - they graceful to the priest hearing my would learn neatness from the confession,. but to 'me they were beginning. Well, sad to say, they earth-sha'king. have not been getting the mes.. Now I look back al.t them with sage. I'm talking AC and they're a chuckle, but they were no listening 'DC. . Therefore ,1 appeal to' my laughing matter at the time. ·For many people the trauma is still readers.. If you have any magic present and with. even the hint' formuia for installing neatness that confession is passe, 'many' in one's offspring, I would be have dropped out of the habit of eternally grateful if you would share it. Send solutions to one going. ,I l).appened to be talking to a worn..iout· mother whose only friend about this and h.e told me comfort is that I should be well that when he was a boy faced. on my way to a 19 inch waist., with wh?t he considered a dif.fi· line if picking clothes up off' cult confrontation with a priest, the floor and out from under the he 'would travel as far as he bed is any path to a figure like' could to a church where he was Debbie Drake's. This is one of those' dishes unknown. Maybe this is what everyone is doing today, going . that can be made the night be.. to confession in' neighboring fore and just reheated when you communities . and not in their come f.rom; work. -own ·parishes. In the Kitchen Beef Vegetable Casserole ~ I'm searching - not for the Margarine Fountain of Youth or the legen- 3 pounds boneless chuck roast" qary city of Atlantis but for cut in % in~h slices (sliced, something far more elusive-the not cubed) salt and white pepper. ' crumbled marjoram leaves 1 can (10Y2' ounces) condensed McGraw Hill Books golden mushroom soup Buys Herder Firm 6 medium potatoes, peeled and NEW YORK (NC)- McGraw cut into Y2 inch .slices Hill BOQk Company ·lias acquired 4 large carrots, peeled and sliced Herder and Herder of New York, diagonally publishers of religious and gen" 1 can (1 pound) whole onions, eral trade books. drained The purchase price was not chopped parsley disclosed. Sources close to Herd-' 1) Brown the meat in a skillet ·er and Herder said the firm's with the margarine, adding meat annual sales volume is about $2 slices a few at a time and broWiD" million. ing on both sides. _Verlag Herder of Freiburg, 2) Season with salt, pepper Germany, Herder and Herder's and marjomm and transfer to a parent company, sold the New 3 to 4 quart casserole. York firm's assets to McGraw 3) Add 1 cup of water to skil-· Hill. Werner M. Linz, Herder let to loosen pan drippings, pour and Herder executive viCe-pres- over 'meat with soup, cover ident, said he would continue tightly and bake in a 325 oven managing Herder, which will 2 hours longer. function as a separate publish4) Add the potatoes; carrots . ing unit of McGraw Hill. and onions and bake covered· 1 "ltjs our firm intention to re- more, hour. Sprinkle with pars. ,emphasize and expand our re- ley. A lot of goody ieftovers willligious p.ublishing program,"he also be around -after your family :said.' enjoys this tasty, ?~S~; 0


chairmen of parish "'or: are. asked ·t~· submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River

.ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, ,FALL RIVER 'The Mothers' Club will conduct its 'first meeting of tlie new year' at 7:30 on Tuesday night, Jan. 25 in the Cathedral SchooL


Archbishop Gonzi,

. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH' YARMOUTH ,"Bazaar for All Seasons" Plans were announced at a meeting of' the Women's Guild by Mrs.. Ger, trude Sa,ntry, chairman. ,. T!:le, event w'ill take place Wedries~ ,day, July 19, and preparatory workshops are being held each Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the church hall. HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will sponsor a "Fun Night with Monty" from 8 to midnight Saturday, Jan. 29. Instructions on new dances will be offered and "regular dancing" will also take. place. Refreshments will be served. ST; JAMES, NEW BEDFORD The newly-formed Couples Club will sponsor a Winter Frolic from 8 to midnight Saturday, Jan. 29 in the church haJJ. Dance music will be by the Gene Oiiver Trio. Mr. ,and· Mrs.. Richard .Lemos are co-chairmen -for the event. .

ST. JOSEPH'S, .ATTLEBORO . Boy Scout Troop· No. 37 will ST. PATRICK, hold its Winter Camporee week" WAREHAM I , end, Jan. 21-23· at the IndependSt. Patrick's Circle. will sponent Sportsman, Club. The, troop sor a bake' sale. aft~r aU the' J\~a . l.ONDON ,(NC) - Archbishop will leave the parish yard at Masses on Sunday, Jan. 23 in Miichael GOIizi of Malta flew to 6:30, .on Friday evening and re- .the parish hall. Anyone desiring Rome and then here in an ef- turn at 3 on Sunday afternoon. to donate a cake or pie for the . Members of the ~dward Doug- sale is asked to bring her don'afort to smobth or stop British las White Assembly, fourth de- tion in a box to the parish haJJ ,withdrawal from the tiny. Medigree Knights of Columbus to- on Saturday 'afternoon, Jan. 22 terranean isl'and with an almost ' totally Cat~olic population of gether with their families will between three and fiye. :half a million. . '.- 'attend a speciall Mass at· 5 on ST. ·THOMAS .MORE, Following:a three-day visit in Sunday evenin:g, Jan. 23 and SOMERSET then proceed to 'the hall for supRome' during .which he talked The Women's Guild will hold with the' Po'pe, he arrived here per; an "open meeting' iIi' Febru~rY 'with plans Ito speak to Prime ST. "JOHN. OF «(iOD,' ", 'and Dr. JohnE. Mannin.g of Fall Miinister Edward Heath at 10 SOMERSET River will speak 'on"New Pedi'Downing St~eet. The Women's Guild will spon- atrics." , The archbishop, 86, stresSed sor a F-ashi<ln Show On WednesPlans for a penny sale' in 'that he had Ino official negotiat- day evening, March 8 at the April will be under the direction ,. ing powers, but that he hoped to Venus de Milo in Swansea. A of Mrs. John RusseJJ, chairman'. Ipave the w~y for a solution of Chicken dinner will, be served Ith,e dispute I which arose wh.en at 6:30 and the show will follow. ST. MARY, . ,the British tefused demands by Fashions for the entire family , NEW BEDFORD I the ~ndependent island for vastwill be shown. and t,ickets may 'Plans have been finalized for :Iy iJ:tcrease~ payments for de- ,be obtained fliOmMrs. Alice the Women's Guild sponsored I fense facilities ~hey still mainArruda at 4-0246 or Mrs. Bella annual Valentine Dance sched!taiin there. But just days earlie~ Nogueira at 3-€iI45. uled for Saturday night, Feb. 12 Any further information about with music by the Generation ,,Malta and the Soviet Union had :revealed that they had signed a the evening's affair may be ob- Gap. Dancing will be from 8 to ':tradE~: and co~mercial agreement, rtainedby contacting Mrs.. Janet midnight. arousing fears of expanding So- Lebel at 8-7735. Mrs. Dorothy Heap, chairman, . , 'viet influen~e. has announced that tickets may The issue lin Maltais not t)O- ST. JOSEPH, be obtained from any memb~r of ., NEW' BEDFORl) IliticBll, the archbishop said here. The Couples' Cl~b will con- the guild. ." !Malta's 'socialist prime minister," . IDom Mintoff, demanded that the ,.,,,,d.uc~ a Wmter Carmval conIBritish mov~ out by Jan. 15 be- srstmg of a d~llce and a buffet !" I. . on Saturday mght, Jan. 29 from ,cause, there. IS no money 10 the 8 t 'd' ht M" '11 b 'h d! f h i ' tl 0 ml mg. e I an s,o t e government, so lat 'ded b G'll' FUSIC WI :recently he :was unable to pay pr~1 R ~ l~ ~h e~~. f k t !somE~ of the wages of some of .rs. egma . - an er, Ie e ! th' I • " chall"ffian, has announced t.hat , Ie emp oyees. t' k t . bt bt' ed f Re;ports in!the Daily Telegral>h, . IC e s m~y ! 0 am rom . "Serving the Community ian irhportaht national paper any committee member. Since 1873" [here, sugge~t that Mintoff had igiven indire~t encouragement to Lutherans Examine Cities Service Petroleum_ !the archbis~op's efforts by: a Liturgical Garb' Products 'thlreat to seize Church prope~t.y OS~O (NC)--A .questionnaire ito help pay. his government's !debts jf no 'money is forthcClm- has been distributed by the Gasolene & Diesel Fuels ;ing from other sources by' the Clergy Association of the NorFuel Oils lend of JanJary. However, per- wegian Lutheran State Church to determine preferences on the Liquified Petroleum Gas 'soJnsclose tojthe archbishop have type ·of vestments to be worn i d~enied such ,rumors. Stewart-Warner Winkler , In Rome,~o official report of .for L.utheran liturgical services. Heating & Cooling. :th'e ~onversa,tion. was given by "Remarkably enough,". accord~ Installations I,the Vatican, ~hose press spokes- ing' to'Pastor Leif Otterson, sec'man, Federico Alessandrini, lim- retary general of the association, 'ited himselfito saying that "the "such a question has. never. been 24-Hour Burner' SerVice dealt with' in Norway.' The old !two discussed pastoral and, 448 BROApWAY, TAUNTON :ligious ,topiGs." The archbishop canon law only says that the I had met th'e day before with pniest should we,ar a special robe, Attl'eb'~ro:-,- No.' Attleboro i Card!pal Je~n Villot,:. Papaj Sec- but nothing is said of how it Townton .. re1tary of S~ate. should ;look.'· • •••• + •••• !-

Prelate. Pleads . Ita'is Case



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Pope Included in 'Most-Admired'

The 1960's was a decade of the CO's. During those years, there was a significant .increase in the' number. of young men who objected in conscience to military service. Heavy drafts calls for Vietnam began in 1964. From that year until mid-1971, the number of men classified as pliniu-y regiments in the Spanish conscientious objectors (Class Sahara. 'This harsh treatment deplored recently by an 111-0) rose from 7,400 to more wa's nation delegation of the Council than 34,000.


Prior to this decade, pacifists were almost exiCIusively members of the so-called "peace churches," suoh as the Mennonites; the Church of the Brethren and the Fr,iends. It is'worth noting that in the 1960's, a growing number of those requesting consoientious Qbjector (CO) status have ,been members of the "mainline" dhurches. Although Mennonites continue to make up the majority of objectors,' there is a remarkable increase in' the number of CO's who are Oathonc: an increase of almost 400 per cent. Young men who seek classification as CO's, and who are refused the 1-0 classification, may be forced to serve prison sentences rather than submit to military conscript1iqo. A survey '. was recently taken among these '-rnen,'- diJSCI:osing,' 'that . among tlhose who identilfied their church affiliat·ion, the number who are Catholic is second only to the number who are 'Jehovah's Witnesses. Not Unique The issue of conscienUousobjection is not .a phenomenon unique to -America. Among the approximately 20 nations, presently providing exemption .for objectors to .mHitary service, legislation varies widely, from the Dan'~sh law which recognizes a broad range of personal bases ror objectors, to' the Bolivian system which restricts exemption to Mennonites. Most of the nations of Western Europe have recOgnized the rights of objectors for several years. In fact, West· Germany 'has about as .many class·ified objectors as' the United States; and Norway has established 'a tmin'ing school for CO's which includ'es the study of peace and conflict theory, and theoretical and practical instrucbiorlin nonviolence. La'st year; the Italian government made provision for the first time to grant exemption from military service for persons who' object ,to 'war on. religious or pMlosophical grounds. The reactionary government of Spain continues to view conscientious objectors to miHtary service as virtual traitors, and those who claim CO status are given' ~O-year prison terms and/or t:ours of duty with disci-

I)iligence Those men who try to. do something and fail are infinitely better off than those who try to do nothing and beautifully suc·ceed. -Jones


THE ANCHOR-Oio~ese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972

Selective Supported By American" Hierarchy

of Europe. The right to object in consoience to war has also been pJoaced before the United Nations. In 1971, the Human R~ghts Commission received a petition signed by 40,000 people from 27 nations requesting that conscientious objection be included as one of the basic human rights recognized by the United Na· REV. JOAO C. MARTINS , tions. In the United States, legal guarantees for the rights of CO's ,have been established for som~ time as a result of the political Continued from Page One struggle for such iegislation . served as an assistai'lt at Mt. waged by peace churches over Carmel Parish, New Bedford and the last century. in September of the same year 'Selective Objection went to Catholic University, A more recent and most re- Washington. On' May I, 1951 markable development has been Father Freitas was assigned to the leadership shown by the Santo Christo Parish, FaIr River American bishops in support of where he has served until his selective conscientious objection new assignment as administra(SCO). Here, the issue is not tor of St. Elizabeth Parish, Fall not the conventional position of River. .; ,,:i.. 'absolute pacifism which disFather Fre'itas was named a avows all v,iolence,' a pOsition member eX the Diocesan Comaliso supported by the American mission for Divine Worship by hierarchy. Bishop Cronin on Feb. ,4, 1971.. TIre issue of selective consciFather Martins was born on entious objection is a contem17, 1931 in St. Sebastiao, Aug. 'Poriu-y application of the tradi· tional just war doctrine of the .Terceira, Azores, the son of Joao Church. In endorsing this posi- .C. Martins and Rita C. Ferreira. Educated at the Seminary at tion, the bishops support those citizens who in conscience ob- Angra, Terceira, the newly assigned .assistant at Santo Chr.i~to ject to a particular -war.' . In doing so, they recognize Parish was ordained on AprU'lO, that adequate legislative appa- 1955 by the Most Rev. Manuel retl1'S has not been devised to ac- A. Carvalho an the Cathedral of commodate the exercise of such Jesus the Saviour in' Angra, Tercitizens' rights, but, as they ceira, Azores. stated in their 1968 pastoral Following orqination, he came Whlich .c~lled for a change' in the to the Diocese of Fall. River and Selective Service Act to allow was assigned as an assistant at exemptions ror SCO's, they also St. Anth<;my of Padua Parish, said that whether the law is Fall River. Following .10 years changed or not, ."we' continue to at the Fall River Parish, Father hope that in the .all-important Martins was reassigned in 1965 issue of war and peace; all men to St. Anthony Parish, East Falwill follow their conscience." mouth, where he served until For persons interested in keep- .May, 1968, at which time he was ling posted on deve!opmen'ts in transferred to St. Elizabeth Parthe field, one of. the most reli- ish, Fall River. able sources is the "Reporter for Conscience Sake," published monthly by the National. InterVOCQ~ti,oi1S religious Service Board. for ConContinued fr~m Page One scientious" Objectors, in Washington, D. C. tio~s ,while Sisters, who used to be eager to recruit for their communities, now: seem reluc'Ask I ~·dep.end~nce tant to do so. Other statistics indicated that For Lutherans" vocations from coileges' wereSTRADSBOURG (NC)-A reform commission .of the Luther- numerically the same' as in 1970 an Church of Alsace and Lor- (3i)~ Diocesan girls' high schools raine ha's recommendeq,'that the produced ,21 less vocations (49) church become more indepen- and private high school vo<;ations decrea~ed from 21' to 7. dent of the' state. " At present a special· law' dating bac~ to 1802, when Napoleon I united all French'· Lutherans, provides for the payment of pas-tors' salaries by the state, reli· gious instruction i~ public schools and governmental selection of the head· of the church: Suspended ,during the 1940-44 German occupation,. the law, "which applies only ,to the bi5 lingual- German and FrenchAIsace-Lorraine area, was restored at the end of World War

PRINCETON (NC) - A sampiing of the American public has named President Nixon the most-admired, man for .the third strai'ght year, according to the Gallup Poll organization. Evangeli~t Billy Graha~ w~s second, With Pope Paul VI m eigh~h place right after VicePreSident Agnew and consumer crusader Ralph Nader. Gallup said that'l,904 adults

surveyed between Dec. '10 and.l~~ were asked: "What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part· of the world, do you admire the most?'~ The top ten were Nixon Gi-a: ham, Sen. Edward M. Ke~n~~y~.· former President Johnson 'Sen:· Hubert Humphrey, Agne~, N~;.· del', Pope Paul, Bob Hope and' Gov. George Wallace of Alabama. ,




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Those Strange People. • • A.' person not famitiar with the depths of our Faith, religious life, or the priesthood, must think that missionaries are strange people . . . and by material standards alone, this is true. .


Is it not· strange to want to devote· years of study, work and spiritual growth in preparation for. a whole life-time. of service to people in another country, with a different culture. in the poorest conditions imaginable? Is it not strange. that~ 'young and ambitious person would willingly give up the opportunities for a family, social life, and the financl,al rewards ;~~ education and profession can provide? . ': ~!: .



.. ;,:; ;'<Yes, missionaries may seem to be strange peopie~ but then, ail Christians seem to be strange to those who have never experienced Christ and His Love in their lives! ".. , . If the. missionary or Christian life seems strange, ii's only because Gbd,and His ways are strange. He. became a man, not' as a powerful, kingly ruler, but as the Suffering-Servant; Christ· taught a message of love for the least of people, even our own . enemies; He taught ,that the Kingdom of Heaven belonged to , the poor in spirit; He died and rose again; He told a small gtou~' of poor fishermen to go out and tell' His Good· News to the Whole world; and, strangest of all, He lives today in each ,of us, so· that through our Iives--oour love-and our service to others, HE IS PRESENT and ACTIVE. in our world todlU'!

Christ entrusted His Mission to the Church, and WE A~E the Church. We are all called to express the love and presende of Christ to others in our own lives. And like Christ, our lo.~e is ail.embracing-it is a love without frontiers. '.' ~ For the undeq,rivileged and poverty·stricken people of' the Third World-for the billions of human beings who have not yet';'heard the Good News of how much God loves them-the missionary is the SIGN OF CHRIST present and active among them. To whatever field of service he is called . . . whatever sacrifice he must endure , ... whatever demands are made on his love .;:' . above all, the missionary remains a.· iiving witness of Christ and His Church. Without this love of .Christ and the Church, the missionary and his service to the world would not make sense; but with it, a life~time of giving is not long enough! We are joined to each and every missionary by more than the support of a worthy cause-we share in their life and work by a bond of faith and 'community as the People of God.: Missionaries depend on each of us to help them ° to join with them. And YOUR sacrifice for the missions is the .only help, encouragement, ,and support they have. 0


. Please' send a generous sacrifice for them' today, arid may , you find in loving others, not a stranger, but Christ ° • your" brother. . 0

-"'~""""------------------~--~-----------'; SALVATION AND. SERVICE are the worle of The Society ,

.:" .: , : , : : . ,


,, : ,,, ,,

: :

for the Propagation of- the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your' offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave! New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your loc~ Diocesan Dir.ector., The Rev. Msgr. RayMond T. Considine 368 North Main. Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 NAME ADDRESS


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CITY................................................................... STATE............................. ZIP............ 1-20-72 __ ,

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972,







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A S'ign of, Grace: Mal,rimon,y.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: In matrimony the man is called to "leave father 'and mother and unite with his wife." NC Photo. . ,

Sacram~nls: Many of us have. the experience of being very' disappointed Wlith our parish. It does not seem to be alive or doing anything. 'There is little sense of community. People are not particularly friendly. The Sunday. Mass ,celebration does not seem to have . 'much meaning. ., Many peoPle feel that there simply must be mote to it than this if it is to be worthwhile con,tinuing 'w,ith ,Church ' memb~r­ ship. Others !think that 'be~ause the Sacraments are supposed to confer' grace i of themselves the partic;ipation :of ~he community does not matter so much, though the clffects of the sacramental grace are nof apparent in the lives of the padshionesrs, Th,e missing link in both ,positions is that 'the sacraments are supposed to be acts of personal' commitment of the members, and that is why we can say they are acts of the Church which is contbuing and extending the actio::l [)f Jesus Christ' himself. Parishioners' Role A community does not act at all unless its members act. If my pat'is~1 is not alive, the first question I have to ask is what I -am doing and what I could be doing as an active member of a community that exists to redeem thE wor.Id. If, the ,effects of sacramental grace are not apparent in the lives of the parishionet's, we should ask ourselves what kind of personal commitment to the salvation of the world we are actually making when We celebrate the! sacraments. If Catholics do not often ask themselves tliese questions whIm they compla'ln about their parishes, that m;ay be because of a certain .tendency to think in terms of active and Passjve membership of the Church of

Grace is the indwelling power -for a Christian to be head is not of the love of God. It comes as ' to be a superior, but to be a 'God's "free gift and transforms servant. If the husband wants our poo~ selves into the perfect to fulfill the role of ':head" he beauty of Christ. must do it in the way Christ Grace comes to us when we made 'himseU head of. the believe in and accept the mys- Church. That is, he should do tery of Christ. It begins to show for his wife what Christ does itself when we begin to live like for the Chl\rch: love her, nourChrist in the "world. It becomes ish and loqkafter. her .as part of visible' as a sign to all the world himself, and above all sacrifice At a time when many adult when aU 'our lives reflect the his life for her (Eph. 5, 23-26). mystery of Chr.ist and the love The man is caHed to "leave Cath,)lics admit to being conof God which took flesh in him. father and mother and unite fuseC: about many aspects of with his wife" (Eph. 5,31). She today's Church, almost every is called to accept this, as the group of Catholic adults seems Chun:h accepts Christ's love, to know the definition of a sacaiowing him, to love her and rament~ At meetings in city after By serve her ·and die for her (Eph. after city around the United 5,24). When generous love meets States I have found groups of FR. QUENTIN willing response; "the twC! will parents, religion teachers and priests able to recite in unison become one" (Eph. 5,31). QUESNELL, S.J. without prompting that "a sacSelflessness, rament is an outward sign instiFor this is how it is with Christ and those who believe in St. Paul reminds ,us that Chrishim. No one knows whysacritianmarried Hfeis a perfect exfice for another is the real way By ampleof how this can happen. to happiness. It doesn't foHoW , First ~f all: "Wives should be logically' from any laws of naIFR. CARL.~. subject to their husbands as to ture. It is a mystery-the greatthe Lord (Ephesians 5,22) as the ItFEIFEl, est mysfery ever. That mystery Christian myst~ry teaches us we ,isprocla'imed "by Christ o.n' th~ . , ..., should see Christ in 'all our felcross.'The worl4's only'hope fqr low men (Matt. 25,35ff.)' and we salvation is in self-givi!lglov:e' 't~%ligHt~ri)M¥%Wl" should ali ·be subj~ct to ~!1e another for the sake of Christ" ... an& every marliiect 90u pleex- ;,' :tutec1 by Christ to give grace." periences 'the truth of. this. ' : ' W:'lile .few groups seem to (Ephesians 5,21). ' When' ,a ,mar;I'ied couple pledge have much, confidence in ex" Two Become One, .their love and' faithfulness' to' plaining just what is meant by A ma~e-oriented culture may , 'orie another,. they proclailP their "grace" or how the sacraments ten the husband he is "head of faith, in Christ's' ~ay. They pro- ''''give grace'! or in what way ,his wife." Paul reminds him that '"Turn' to i>age Seventee!l ,they are ~'signs", there is an uno,

~. .Sacraments a~

~_ . •' .• _ ~:-""_' ... :..,

<;.~_- -.·;-, ..... 7·.~:F':I'J·V·

Signs, of Gr,ace,



the sacrament.. ~f.. Holy, !of there is a boundary line be'Orders as the boundry line, be-' tween active and ·passive, it can' tween them. 'Bt.it. this" is 'a 'dis-. 'more 'c()rrectly be identified with . tortian of the traditional~ doc-, the sacrament of Confinnation. 'In earliest times there was' 'no such boundary line and the iJ:litJiation ofa new member into the Christian commundty led By through Baptism' and a rite equivalent to Confirmation .MONIKA straight to the Eucharist. Since . . BELLWIG ,we have been baptizing infants, lit is obvious that children and young people will be passive 'members until they l;ome to' a . trine of the "character" confer" point of personal decision to red by, 'Baptisn~, Cc;mfirmation leave the :Church. or to· assume , . T~rn to' Pag~, Eighteen and Hol~ Orders.

II Confirl1Jlati~n: How Celebrate It?! Bishop Charles Buswell, a tall, friendly, gentleman who shepherds the small diocese of Pueblo, Colq. is, in my book, a very, very fine ChI1istian, priest, and bishop. Over the past decade I . have watched this servant of the Lord move among people during conventions and, read a ~etter he wrote to one troubled cleric who had r,esigned from the ministry. I also have noted his courageous, unpopular stands on, several delicate issues and heard glOWing, first-hand reports aJbout him from Pueblo priests, religious and laity.

Many of tho~ ideas; interestingly enough, 'are now incorporated into the revised rite of confirmation just issued by the Holy See. In future articles I will discuss at some length that renewed ritual which may possibly be ready for prOVisional use by


The ever-smiling leader shared some of his pastoral insights with diocesan liturgical commisSion members at a national meeting in San. Francisco last October. He spoke as part' of a panel on "Confirmation: How Celebrate It In Our Time?" and suggested several practical ways to improve the liturgy of this. sacrament.

the time this column appears.in print. Now, however, I would like to recall some of the specific recommendations Bishop Buswell offered us at the convention in CalifornIa. He encourages more person~I, less assembly line-like liturgical celebrations' for confirmation. That naturally is easier in smaller areas like Pueblo than in the huge chun:hes of New York Oity, but where there is a will we generally Clm find a way to '" shakable convic:tion that how- a'chieve what we want. ever the Catho!'ic doctrine of Pre-Visitation sacraments is to be explained In Bishop Buswell's diocese Christ gave, us these "signs" in they try to develop a warm comorder to give us "grace". munity spirit before the cereThe Genera],. Catechetical Di- mony through a potluck supper rectory issued recently by the at the parish in which bishops, Vatican confirms this generally pl1iests, parents, sponsors a·nd accepted convktion about the children .mix and meet. This sacraments as "Signs of grace": gives the confirming prelate an "The sacrament:s must be repre- opportunity to talk infor-mally sented ... not only as' remedies with the boys, and gids (or for sin and its consequences, but adults) and develop a rapport , especially as soW'Ces of grace which w.m carry over to the litin individuals and in communi- urgy which follows soon after ties." (No. 5fi). the luncheon. If the sacramen,ts, are sources, I think in most instances toof grace and the· sacramental day the bishop is only a name, sign signifies that grace, then it " an otly hand on the forehead, a would, seem tha.t taking a good distant face which appears on , look, at the "~igns",might help the scene for hour and then us better understand "grace."·' fades, away until the 'next time', Gruce: Love an authoritative 'voice, a man Perhaps the best place to start dressed' in different clothes. A would be the Sa'crament of preparatory meal or some'simiMatrimony. Here tht;l sign is the lar gathering in advanCe could mutual, commitment in love and help, correct those impressions trust of a man and a woman. 'and 'creat a more human image Throughout the Scriptures the of the bishop. . covenant of .Jove entered' into by', .'Here is an additional step to . Tum to PSl~e Eighteen; , Turn to Page Nineteen

Signs of Grace


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972

Au~hor Recalls Early Life

Among Whittier 'Friends' There is irony in the title of M. F. K. Fisher's new book, Among Friends (Knopf, 501 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. $6.95). "Friends," as here used, refers to Quakers, specifically those in Whittier, California, which was a predominantly Quaker town when Mrs. Fisher's because she could not stand her isolation and loneliness. family moved there in 1912. There were also the harmless She was then three. The tramps who came to the back 0


door to be fed, a species once familiar and fairly numer·· ous everywhere, but now practicaHyex,tinet. True, there are vagrants today, as weB as ,dropouts arid' the Skid Row people, but they' are not at all the same as yesterday's tr!lmps.


End of Era


So much that is irrevocably past is affectionately recalled by Mrs. Fisher: the iceman who chipped off some slivers for small fry; the bits of tar. that children surreptitiously chewed as they watched the steamroller go up and down their street; the calliope which brought a steaming end to the circus parade; band concerts all Summer long, the delights of vacationing in a truly primitive .cottage by the sea; children's parties free of sophisticated features; brisk marching, to a heartily thumped piano, in school corridors during rainy day recess. Mrs. Fisher is certainly right in maintaining that America has never matched its sentimental involvement in the first World War. Thus, little girls like her formed squads and did military drill. Women knitted relentlessly and rolled bandages. There were stirring or melting songs about "our .boys over there." It was still the age ,of innocence. The Kennedy parents were not regular churchgoers, but insisted on their c~j.\dren's going weekly to Sunday school, until the youngsters forcefully pointed out the inconsistency. Instead of changing their own ways, the parents consented to the chilo dren's giving up Sunday school. Here was a shift which became all too common, marking the end of an era.

Friends of Whittier were not really friendly to anyone of a different religion. Mrs. Fisher's people were Episcopalian and Evangelical. They ranked above Catholics, who, in turn, were rated higher than the two Jews in town. There were no blacks, but some Mexicans kept to themselves in a slum called Jim Town. Mrs. Fisher's maiden name was Mary Kennedy. The aloof Friends took that "Kennedy" as infantile proof that the family was Irish, and, being Irish, Mr. Kennedy had to be an Irish cop, and Mrs. Kennedy an Irish cook. Their daughter Mary was taunt· ed with this allegation by her schoolmates of the friendly per· ... suasion: Happy Life

ln 'fact, her father had bought the ailing local newspaper, worked hard at keeping it going and improving it. He succeeded, and his family's fort.unes advanced accordingly. They had a . happy, if far from tranquil, life, and it is of this, as she remem· bers the schooldays portion of it, th'at Mrs. Fisher is writing here. Since she is famous for her books about food and cooking, one would expeot these subjects to figure in her current books, Vendetta of Silence and they do. But they are not its pr.incipal element. That is recA few seasons ago, Ann Corollection of a time more than nelisen published an extraordihalf a century ago, a place nary book, Torregreca. The title which has changed vastly, and a was the fictitious name which vanished way of life. Miss Cornelisen gave to a southFor example, the Kennedy ern Italian town in which she . home was full of books. The .lived for many years. She adults read aloud, to one another grasped and commu.nicated the and to the children. Mary should peculiar feel of the place and the read at five, two years before life of its inhabUants. she went to school. No one Now she has produced V~n· taught her formally; she just detta of Silence (AUantic-Little, picked it up. She dispelled doubts Brown, 34 Beacon St., Boston, about her suddenly realized skill Mass. 02106. $6.95); which ·she by reading from a book which dubs-reluctantly, one gathersshe had never opened before, a novel. An author's Note says, her grandmother's copy of The "All the names of characters in Imitation of Christ. this book were' invented by' me. ... As for the story-at the reYesterday's Tramps quest of my publishers and my For anot~er thing, there were lawyer, I have agreed to call this spare rooms, almost always oc· a novel. Perhaps it is more com~ cupied by visitors, some of fomable to think of it as such." whom made length!, stays as Perhaps. weH as heavy demands. The Did Miss Cornelisen alter the hospitality was ungrudging. book's form or content in any Since the author's mother was way after agreeing to classify a lady of leisure, seldom without it as fiotion? One wonders. It a book in her hand, there was a centers in a woman, unnamed succession· of hired girls, one bUJt with the initials A.C., who of the best loved being a black takes a house on the outskirts of woman named Cynthia, who left a southern I·talian t,own styled o

GUEST SPEAKER: Bob Gladieux of the New England Patriots was the guest speaker at the annual Father-Son Banquet of the Attleboro Area Serra Club. With Gladieux are Serra Pres. Edward Lambert, Paul Rockett, Brian Duffy, and Paul Rockett, Jr.

Laity Group Protests 'Negative Carping' PITTSBURGH (NC) - Relying mosBy on balance sheets made public each year in Catholic diocesan newspapers, the National Assodation of Laity issued a highly critical report on nationwide Church finances. It accused the American bishops of being "incomplete and misleading" with their figures. The NAL sent copies of its 112-page compilation to members of the lJ., S. Congress along with a letter urging that it be weighed in deteI1mining whether public money should go to help parochial schools, since sufficient financial data about the Church "is not avaHable." The report by the liberal laity group drew immediate response in Wa'shington from the National, Conference of Catholic Bishops. An NCCB press spokesman termed the NAL complaints "negative carping" and remarked: "This is a classic case of the self-appointed 'watchdog' barking up the wrong tree." 'A' to 'F' The NAL put together financial reports issued last year in 61 of the nation's 165 dioceses

San Basilio, in order to get on with the writing of a book. She becomes involved in the tangled affairs of the town, and these are the subject of the book she ultimately produces. Immensely Complicated

This is a very clumsy device, and it breaks .down embar· rassingly. The story is immensely and tortuously complicated, \ hardly to be worked out without a computer. It is told disjointedly, and is· never satisfactorily resolved. What commands the reader's attention-and, fatally for the narrative, the author's attention as well-is the intricate, bizarre functioning of ,the complex society of San Basilio. But in this, Miss Cornelisen is repeating, or elaborating on, much that she haS already given us in Torregrec::a.

and archdioceses, then graded In a statement responding to them like teachers preparing the NAL, Russel Shaw, informa· student report cards, and a scale tion director of the NCCB and from "A" t'O "F" according to the U. S. Catholic Conference, the completeness of revealed described the grading system as data. a "Mickey Mouse gimmick" and No diocese got an "A" and said that the NAL seems to be only one-New Orleans-got a more interested in "grabbing "B". A grade of "C" was as- headlines" than in improving signed to 11 dio.ceses. A barely Church financial, reports. passing "D" went to 28 others, and' "F" marks were applied to 36 dioceses, including 15 which the NAL said have no intention Continued from Page Sixteen of issuing any financial report. nounce pubbicly that they are Cited by the NAL as the- ready to try to live in love to source for 40 of the 61 diocesan be patient, kiind, not jealous, not financial reports was the weekly boastful or conceited; never rude newspaper of the diocese. The or selfish, not taking offense, source of the remaining third not cherishing resentment, al· was either not indicated . ways ready to excuse, to trust, or was identified as a special to hope and to endure whatever report or bulletin circulated comes" (I Corinthians 13, 4·7). ,fully or partly within a diocese. This is the way of Chnistian love. It reads like a handbook 'Grabbing Headlines' 'for successful marriage. "It is a In at least one case, the NAL rating is already obsolete. Com- mystery. It is a great sacrament" menting on a i970 report of the (Eph. 5;32). Chicago archdiocese, the NAL gave it a D rating and com· plained that it had given "a I typically incomplete account of I ,the operations of the central : SHEET METAL: 1 ' 1 business office of a diocese." I J. TESER, Prop. I A more complete ~nd up-to- : RESIDENTIAL: date financial report, giving : INDUSTRIAL : many though not all of the de- : COMMERCIAL: tails sought by the NAL, was 1253 Cedar St., New Bedford I I published by the Chicago arch- II 993-3222 I diocese in early J.anuary. I I 6""""""""""".






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Sacrarnents a·s Signs 'of Grace

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 20, 1972


Names Moynihan Candidate For 'Man of the Year'

,In 'almost enough t'ime to be named the "Ma~ of the Year," one candidate has at least started off 1972 with a flash. He is Daniel Patrick Moynihan, ,~hose post-Christ- , 'mas escapades were a rare dash ofb.rilliance in an other- ': wise lackluster year. I guess ' it's ,nosecret that I greatly What' is' to'be'regreted is not that Mr.; Moynihan ,did not talk admire the waythe Finn Mc- but that' Mr. Humphrey did. Any Cool of FraI).cis Street puts' speaker with self-reSljJect should down both, the,' right· and the left. But seldom has he done it . with so much zest as during this twelfthn'ight. On the day after


" "


,simply leave the stage· When the heckling begins, give' those re~ sponsible for the meeting five minutes to restore order,' ,and ,then , depart - with a promIse that a statement for his services will be sent on the morrow., It shou'ld be that' simple. Society should not yield, ib, ,night of free speech to the professional disrupters - which is: of course precisely what schol, arly organiz>ations do when they cravenly surrender to th~ir more nutty young members. 'Dolt of the Year'

If Moynihan ,gets the award Christma's, he took on J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, indicating as man of the year for standing that it was ·Vime the national dis- up for fuoeedom of speech, Barry. grace of Mr. Hoover's arbitrary Commoner, the weI.l publidzed and unchecked power be brought ecologist, gets the nod for being to an end. His point that being the dolt of the year. Mr.Cominvestigated by the FBI is indeed moner ,was outraged at Moyni· intimidation, if being bored to han for failing his duty as vice· death is intimidation, has to be president of the AAAS by not one of the best lines of the sea- giving his speech. son. The best that can he said Bat Daniel Patrick was only about Mr. Commoner is that he warming up. Two days l'ater ,he , is a phony. It is an obligation of took on, the pompous American speakers to face hecklers and Asociation for the Advancement tomatoes, but «t is appraently of Science, (AAAS) and refused not the obligation of men like to address the meeting of these Mr. Commoner to see that those acadenric windbags because Hu- who come to destroy freedom bert Humpl}rey had been heckled of sp'eech 'are not kept out or, and hit with a tomato at their. artematively, put where they bepresumably dignified scholarly long-behind bars' on disorderly sessions. More than that, he conduct charges. hinted that the, treatment of Mr. Commoner has presumed Humphrey smelled of fascIsm. to lecture all the rest of us Thescientists recoiled in horror. about respect for the environ,· Who could possibly think they ment~f.or animals and birds and were fascIsts just because they air 'and water. But he apparently permitted' their spoiled brat rad- 'assumes no responsibility to see ical toughs to disrupt a meeting? that organizations, meetings and human beings' are respected. It ,Surrender to Nutty 'Is bad, a,ccoroing to Mr., Com.. ,It is time, indeed long past moner, to pollute the environ.. Wne, that someone draw the line ment (and I strongly agree). but 'on the subject of disruption of 'it is apparently not bad to pO,I·· meetings by, New Left thugs. If lute meetings. the scholaI:ly organizations are 'Great Progress' not able io exercise any restraint over their uriruly offA:lmost as bad as Mr. Comspl'ing, and if they are unwilling moner a~e those other scie~tists. to c'alil the police' to maintain who informed the press that order, ,then they have no right things were much bett'er' at this to expect anyone to speak at year's. rpeetings than.in the past, their meetings. Great progress is being made. One can' rejoice that only a few sessions are disrupted, only a. Xaverian Fathers few spea·kers are insulted, only Elect Superior a few fonner public officials HOLLISTON (NC)-Father Ed- have vegetables thrown at them. ward Zannoni, who has served My, isn't it impressive how much as a seminary rector and public progress science is making. Some relations director, was elected day it may progress so fiar that provincial superior of the Xaver- free exchange of ideas becomes ian Missionary Fathers in the possible. at the province's United States MoynIhan is nothing but a J ' general assembly here. , loud-mouthed: shanty' Irishman. He succeeds Father Robert S. As one who has been called the Maloney, who was named the same thing by self-righteous Xaverians' vicar general last Oc- 'academics who think that everytober in Rome. thing the Iri'sh do is irpmoral and Father Zannoni's term will run that everythig they do is of 'unfor three years. A graduate of questionable virtue, even if it St. Francis major seminary in means caving in to fascists beMilwaukee, he was ordained in cause they daim to be radicals, 1959. He later' served as a vo- I, can only say more power to cation director, Pl;lblic relations him. official and rector of Xaverian Or, as we put it.in the mother, Prep-Seminary in .-Holliston. "tongue, "Slainte, Pat!", , ... , ",- ..:.,"I.].r .'],/ .3$.~.. :i..~":)t;~ ..:\~::.~~.., .. ~a.1...J;..4. 9~9..v:p j.~ of. ~'. ~.-~" ,> ~~'~.'" .;,~_.'~ ~"'• .(_ /".-~- _....~..:'" _:.. '. ~ •• '.










IE:stablishes New . . iC:harity Vehicle i




ORLANDO (NC)-Bishop Wil'liam D. Borders of Orlando has 'apPOinted ~ Florida hanker to · <:reate a new vehicle for charitable giving las a foundation for human concerns. I

The 'bishop said he has en; trusted ChatJes F. Lorenz; who has 10 year~ experience in cQmrnere;ial banking, with the tMk : of "commurticating to' people of , . rnea:ns the ~a3:t they can play in extending I Christ's kingdom i through Catholic schools, all forms of religious education and the broad a~ea of social service , I to those in heed." .




Father Neil A. Sager, diocesan 'com:ptroller :and pastor of St. ! Peter Parish, Deland, said the i foundation for human concerns (yet to be ;officially named) is "'unique in florida and its lipproach may be unique in the 11a:tion." i


Continued from Page Sixteen bride :and groom has signified the deep rela'bionship or covenant God and, man freely enter into. The first and most meaningful unde'rstanding' of "grace" is in terms of God's love for each of us, inviting us, enabling us, to enter into a relation$hip of loving trust with him. Grace is not a thing, but a relationship of love that has the power to transform ,us into loving persons. As ' St.' Augustine wrote centuries ago,"We are loveable, Lord, because you.love us," ( But gra'ce is not merely a per, sonal, indiv:idual relationship with :. GOd. His grace or love' for us enables us to en.ter into a community of love, willing to share our gifts with others. The Eucharist signifies this bond of love between individuals and is the source' of their deeper unity into a community 6f believers. God's grace is an inner power to bring peace, harmony, joy, understanding, mutual concern and 'love, creating a "People of God." Eating and drinking from the "'One loaf" and the "one cup" unites us into "one body with _Christ and with each other." Symbolisms Baptism and Confirmation by their: symbolism reveal still more about God's grace in the lives of those, united with God in the community of, believers. Pouring or immersing in water symbolizes .(according to the images used in the Bible) the entrance into a new l'ife marked by freedom. Christ in coming to give us the ~ullness of life, came to br.ing freedom, .and wherever the Spirit of Christ is present, there is true freedom. This is the mar.k· of true "sons of God" who share the very life of God. The oia of Confirmation, to-


Saciraments:' Signs of . Grace' Continued from 'Page Sixteen ·pe'rs:mal re~ponsibi1ity in the :community.: ,However, i the situation may •have existed I from the beginning. 'In the, acts fof the' Apostles we read of many instances wh~~re "people wer~ baptized and the ,Spirit was ~mmediately evid(lnt .in them thr<?ugh their quite (~X­ :traordinary !wisdom and courage, and through the peace, pathat charllc'tie'nee and Jclndness , . teJ1ized theirllives. However, 'we :may also read between the lines :that it was! not always so, for Ithe Acts giye instances of the :community gathering around per',sons previohsly ' baptized, ..nd ,laying hand~ on them to pray ,that <the Spinit might be given ito them. THey expected visible iresults. i I' EverYone's Task I

In the coJrse of time Coniir'matilm was tecognized as a sep, , I \' larate sacram,ent gIven on a separatE! occasion, usually by a [separate mihister, the BisMp. I .• 'The person rho has been cQnfirmect is supposed to Come to ;the Euchal'liSt as one who C'in :tl'uly receive lit because he brimgs :his. mature p~rsonal commitment ;to th;e encounter with Christ. to :help constit¥te the community fommiment. :He does not expect Ithe already existing community [to ca,rry him: aJ.ong as a passen~er, IJike an ttnconfirmed child. I

are ,entitled as members to share what the already existing sommunity has to give them. That of the confirmed is that they are officially commissioned to constitute the community by the life commitment each of them conributes: to the Eucharistic celebration. It is easy to see, then that Holy Orders d1~signates 'certain men to .assemble the community for worship and to preside over the Eucharist. It does not lay on them the entire' burden of making the Church a' living and effective community, for this is the task we all share.

Charge Churches With Complicity NEW YORK (NC)-'-A unit of the National COlllncil of Churches has accused 10 Protestant denominations, induding some outspok~n opponents of the Vietnam war, of complidty in the "immoral and socially injurious acs" 'cif major military contractors.

gether with the ",laying on of qands" by the Bishop, symbolizes (aga'in from biblicaI1~ages) something of the joy, suppleness, richness, and openness .that oomes with un'ion with God in ,a gracious relationsh'ip. Strength, too, is signified, but a strength marked by the gentleness' that charactel'izes the presence of Christ's Spirit. Grace nurtures graciousness. God's Concern The dialogue of sorrow and absolution that is the sacramental sign of Penance reveals God's ir.ace as the forgiving, merciful actiwty of ChrJst in our lives. God's love or grace ~s so great that even if we break our covenant relationship with Him,' he is always ready to forgive and renew the relationship. Not even sickness or death is' strong enough to wea'ken 'the. bond of love initi~ted by our Father. His concern is so strong, that just as Jesus healed the sick and ra'ised the dead, so ·he continues to renew .man ,in the ,face of suffering and sickness, to bring him to new life even after death. All this is sym,bolized by the s'acramental sign of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Just as- the Christian community stands by the sick and dying to the end, praying, anointing with oil, God's graCious love never deserts us An the fact of life's ShadOws. , Final~y, there remains the sacramental sign of Holy. Orders~ The Bishop ,lays his hands on the head of a man, ordaining" him to serve the community of bel·ievers. This sign remains as ' a constant reminder that God's grace comes to us' through the fra~j,le reality of men within a. very human community, of other men and women. ; Re1igious education today, as the General Catechetical Directory urges, (No. 57),' focuses on tJhe sa~ramen.tal "signs" in order to lbetter uncover the riches of God's "grace" that is ours in Christ Jesus. AnLEBORO'S

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In a 50-page: report entitled Investments, TechnologicalWarfare Sind the MilitaryIndustrial Complex," the NCC's Corporate Information Center said the 10 denominations, representing about a fourth of U.S. church membership, and the NCC itself, have a total of nearly $203 million invested in 29 corporations that last year produced more than $10 billion worth of, war I1llaterial.. ..... " "Chu~ch




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tHE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 20, 1972


Confirmation Continued from Page Sixteen personal,ize the ceremony. Nor- mally the bishop moves along from person to person confirm,ing while a choir sings, with or without. the congregation, suitable songs .to fill up the iong, empty inteI'Via!l that results. Bishop Buswel:} recommends, instead, announcing each individual's name plus the child's parents and godparents as confirmation is conferred.


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Norton Hlah Coach

Divisional Alignments Set for SE Mass Conference Fall Sports

Since confirmation forms part of the Christian initiation process and complements baptism, Pueblo's bishop would like to see the baptismal name reta,ined and employed. in the confirmation lituJ1gy.

Constitution, by laws and pplicies-accepted. President -elected. Board of Governors for Athletic Affairs-elected. Board of Governors for Non~athletic Affairs-elected. The . Southeastern Massachusetts Conference is a reality. The Standing Committee of Athletic Directors will' continue cuit will sponsor a single eight team league in soccer.. meeting to work on alignIn aligning 'the teams into ment of those schools th~t I

will be competing in Winter and Spring sports to be sponsored by the new league. However, since consideration will be given to this year's record, the committee will not present its recommendations until the completion of the respective schedules. But,' 'the alignment of teams for boy's Fall sports has been presented and accepted unanimously by the member schools. The draft calls for divisional play in football and cross country. For geographcal reasons the cir-

divisions four factors were taken into consideration: I, enrollment (boys in grades 10-12); 2, won· loss record for the past four years; 3, strength of schedule and 4, other criteria such as double sessions, regionalization' and the like. While geography was definitely a factor of consequence when aligning the soccer teams, it was not a prime consideration of the athletic directors when they were evaluating the football and cross country teams.

Holy Water

HOW LIVES CHANGE: From wrestling villain to teaching brother-that is the live-story of the Golden Mask whose wrestling years are gone. He is now Brother Frank Wayland, and teaches acrobatics to school children. NC Photo.

. One Narry Loop Delegate in Top Bracket

Sisters of Mercy Meeting Specifies Continu·ed Dress of Religious Habi,ts

In accord with the guidelines set down in the by-law!::, the league will operate with three divisions in both football arid cross country. The alignments will be evaluated at the end of two years with changes being made at that time if necessary. Of the 26 member schools, 20 participate in football, 18 in cross country and 11 in soccer. All football teams will play seven conference games and have two open dates on which to schedule non-conference clubs or teams within the conference that they are not assigned to play. In cross country each school will compete on a dual meet basis with the teams in its division. Since there is to be a single soccer league the league will schedule home and away contests to give each .soccer school 14 loop matches. Eight schools have been placed in mvision I for football.· l\here will be' no scheduled inter-divi-

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Sisters of Mercy, who number more than 700, will continue to wear. the religious habits for all' professional and apostolic work and for religious and social gatherings. The dress standards were announced at the order's mother house in Merion near Philadelphia at the Sisters' recent annual meeting. Sisters were told that on occasions unrelated to Church or professional endeavors, they may exercise personal choice in dress. They were reminded, how· ever, that the clothing should be . appropriate for religious women and reflect simplicity of life. The Sisters work in the dioceses of Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, Portland, Ore.; Allentown, Pa., Camden, N. J.; Raleigh, N. C., and Richmond, Va. The order has a mission in Jam-· shedpur, India. \

sional play for the top seeded schools. However, each may schedule two additional games to complete its nine game schedule, which mayor may not inc1ude other Conference teams. The schools in Division I consist of four clubs from the Bristol County League, three from the Capeway Conference and one from the old Narry league. Attleboro, Taunton, Bishop Feehan of Attleboro and Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy are the County teams. Somerset is the lone Narry representative. Falmoulh, Barnstable and Dartmouth come from the Capeway. Fairhaven leads the list of Division II schools followeO by Seekonk, Bishop Stang of Dartmouth, Bourne, Dennis-Yarmouth and Dighton-Rehoboth. Case High of Swansea, Old Rochester of Mattapoisett, Wareham, New Bedford Vocational, Norton and Diman Regonal comprise Division III.

D-Y Regionals 24-0 Meets Class A Champs In order that each school play a seven game slate, inter-divisional play will take place. between the second and' third divisIons. The top two clubs in Division II will play the top two in Division III, the middle two will play each other and the bottom two in each division will meet. Interdivisional games will not count toward the divisional championships. In aligning the cross country schools, like football, the prime factor was competitiveness. The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional Green Dolphins head the list of harriers. The Regionals who have compiled an unbelievable 24-0 record in dual meet competition over the past four years, will attempt to extend that streak next Fall against the best the area . has to offer. ,~J,:mQng.

Pennia-Yarmouth's .di-

visional foes is Attleboro, winner of this year's' State Class A cross country championship. The Jewelers, who under Coach Tom Crowe .haveonly been competing in cross country for three years, should be a true test for the Regionals. Somerset,Barn-' table, Falmouth and Seekonk round out the top divsion. Stang, Dartmouth, Taunton, Dighton-Rehoboth, Coyle and Case will be in the second bracket. While Bishop Connolly of Fall River, Old Rochester, Norton, Dimail, Wareham and Westport are the. Division III members.. Since there are only 11 soccer schools in the Conference and three of those schools are on the Cape, it was decided that the circuit would have a single soccer league until more members participate in interscholastic soccer. The soccer league is vir-

19 .

During the annual meeting the Sisters also discussed their. apostolic work and emphasized their

Teachers Resign LONDON (NC) - Almost all the permanent teaching staff of Corpus Ohristi College, Britain's major national institute of religious education, resigned in a dispute with the founder and patron, .Cardinal John Heenan, over the appointment of visiting lecturers. The basic disa'greement, however, is over' the nature of religious education itself.

dedication to the service of the poor, the sick, and those depr.ived of the necessary skills to live in dignity. The Sisters reaffirmed their spiritual commitment in terms of renewal, emphasizing the need for "the virtue of mercy. Ordinal'lily, the Sisters of Mercy renew vows eaoh year in local convents. This year, however, Sisters from all convents except those in Oregon and India came to Merion.

Move Secretariat To Washington SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-The U.S. bishops' Secretariate for Catholic-Jewish Relations will move to Washington, D.C., at the end of January after four years on the campus of Seton Hall University here. -Father Edward Flannery, secretariat director, said the new offices will be located at the U.S. Catholic Conference building. He said the move was being made as part of a reorganization: of the bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious' Affairs, of which his secretariat is a part. Father Flannery said the sec· retariat was originally headquartered here because so much of the work with the Jewish community is centered in New York and because of the location here of Seton Hall's Institute of Judeao-Christian Studies.

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tually the same as the SEMass Soccer League, with Old Rochester the sole new member and Durfee High of Fall River and New Bedford no longer involved in league play. Barnstable, Falmouth and Dennis-Yarmouth will "continue their affil.iation with the Cape Soccer league.


PARK MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile.Peugot-Renault 67 Middle' Street, Fairhaven .

For the same reason and to dink confrmation 'Wdth the Eucharist, he generally celebrates the sacrament within Mass and communicates aill present for the ceremony under both kinds. The Introduction to this restored rite supports him in that practice. "Ordinarily confirmation takes place within Mass in order to e1Cpress more clearly the fu~da­ mental connetction of this sacrament with the .entirety of Chr~ian initiation. The latter reaches its culmination in the communion of the body and blood of Christ. Therefore, the newly-conf.irmed should partid·pate in the eucharist which completes their Christian initiation." A fi~, but signif.icant recommendation: Ma'ke full use of the sacramental signs found in the ceremony. For example, sprinkle all present, not just the confirmation candidates, with holy water after the renewal of baptismal vows. And do so in sufficient quantity to impress ,on the community' that this really as water, th'at it bears a connection with baptism, that we reaffirm promises made at the font whenever we cross ourselves with blessed water.


Eliminate 'Wipers' Bishop Buswell likewise strongly UiI'ges using generous quanti-. ties of oil at. the confirmation rite - and leaving it on afterwards. I always wondered about the wisdom·of instant and.. effi· cient priest "wdpers" who walked after the bishop and immediately rubbed off on carefully prepared pieces of cotton the little chJIism cross traced on each candidate's forehead. Sacramental rites are signs wthich should be visible to our external senses. If we can see the ()IiI and feel it and retain this anointing for a few hours, then perhaps we will understand more clearly the indelible character, the permanent seal of the Lord we have received as a gift from God.

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