t eanco VOL. 39, NO.3.
Friday, January 20,1995
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
$11 Per Year
Bishops' statement on !,·;", Roe v. Wade anniversary
As the 22nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade approaches, we wish to
'I"'~ reiterate the Church's constant and unchangeable opposition to
any and every abortion as the direct takingof innocent human life. \ We continue to be committed to working to protecl the dignity of '" every human life. We joined our brother bishops of the United ~I"".@ States in a pastoral statement issued last November entitled "Confronting a Culture of Violence." In that document we stated that :'~ "for our part, we oppose both the violence of abortion and the use ., of violence to oppose abortion." It is our prudential judgment that at this time a moratorium on public demonstrations and prayer vigils before abortion clinics is ill order. This docs not imply a negative judgment about the integrity of intention of those who have demonstrated before <Hinics nor is it intended to limit the right of every American to free l!-ssembly and free speech. We hope that this moratorium might create an atmosphere in which civil discourse between those who oppose abortion and those who favor it might be encouraged to ~he benefit of women, their children and our society as a whole. , Surely few, if any, Americans see abortion as a moral good. A (;ommon search for alternatives to abortion would be a positive force for good in our society. We commit ourselves and our dioceses to make ourselves available tojoin with persons of good will, whatever their personal convictions on these matters, in providing realistic and compas,sionate a.lternatives to abortion. We call on others to join us in this 'new venture. i Ma Y ary,t~ wugh her powerful i nte~cession, obtain forUj the igrace to see more clearly the face of her Divine Son in every15aD, womartand child and thus learn to love the Lord in all our brothers and sislers. tBernard Cardinal Law, Archbishop of Boston tMost Rev. Sean O'Malley, OFM C~p.• Bishop of Fall River tMost Rev. Kenneth Angell, Bi~hop of Burlington I tMost Rev. Leo O'Neil, Bisbdp of Manchester , tMost Rev. John Elya, Melkitel Bishop of Newton tM.ost Rev. Joseph Gerry, OS8.: Bishop of Portland tMosr~ev. Thomas Dupre, AdministNltor, Diocese ofSpringfield tMostRev. Daniel Rcilly, B~op of Worcester
I ON JAN. 13, Elizabeth Ann and Amy Catherine Roma became the first twins to be presented at the annual Bishop's Charity Ball, which marked its 40th year and Bishop Sean O'Malley's 25th anniversary of ordination. The presentees are daughters of Deacon Paul and Jean Roma of Christ the King parish, Mashpee. Additional Ball photos appear on pages 8-9. (H ickey photo)
On Asia trip
Pontiff finds new energy MANILA, Philippines (eNS) -- A playful Pope John Paul II, despite his halting steps, seemed to find new energy as well as new uses for his cane during a five-day stay in the Philippines. At the Jan. 14 prayer vigil for World Youth Day, the pope used the cane to wave to the more than I million young people stretched far beyond his sight. He conductl:d a song with the silver-handled cane, then began twirling it to the delight of the teens. The main focus of the pope's Jan. 12-16 Manila stay was the young people and their mission in the world, but the visit also included a special message broadcast to Catholics in China and praise for the faith of Filipinos, 83 percent of whom are Catholic. The faith of Filipinos and the popularity of Pope John Paul combined to set a record for crowd size at a papal event. Police estimated up to 4 million people gathered for the Jan. 15 Mass closing World Youth Day. The densely packed crowd forced Philippine officials to fly the pope by helicopter to the Mass instead of having him ride in a popemobile the two miles from the apostolic nunciature. With hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets of the papal motorcades and the very spontaneous mood of Pope John Paul, security quickly became a major concern.
When the pope waded into a crowd of child dancers at the airport arrival ceremony, "there was chaos, but it was a healthy chaos," said Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the papal spokesman. He said Jan. 14 that the Philippine government had informed the Vatican about reports of threats against the pope's life during the visit. In one case, police said they arrested a man after finding bombmaking materials in an apartment near the papal nunciature in Manila. "But the Philippine authorities have not: asked us to make changes in the Holy Father's schedule," Navarro-Valls said. And, "he will not stop his close contacts with people."
Top Secret The pope made no allusions to the security issues, but he did admit he was aging. When young people at the vigil started chanting "Lolek," his childhood Polish nickname, the pope told them, "Lolek was a child; John Paul II is an old man." The groans of the youths showed they did not agree, so the pope said, "just call me Karol," explaining his given name was what people called him once he became a young man. In another departure from his prepared text, the pope announced, a day early, that the 1997 world youth gathering would be in Paris. After an aide whispered some-
thing in his ear, the pope said, "Oh, I have revealed a top secret." In his first meeting with the youth Jan. 13, the pope said young Catholics have a responsibility to join "the church's never-ending mission to proclaim the Gospel of salvation to the ends of the earth." At the vigil he said they must face "the challenge of having a purpose, a destiny and of striving for it." He urged them to reject the "false teachers" in science, culture and the media who try to convince them there is no definite truth and no sure path to happiness. All a re called to "the vocation of love," he said, love of God and one's neighbors shown in solidarity and in sharing with others the good news of God's love. During his Jan. 15 Mass homily, the pope asked young people to work to close the generation gap and help heal the "immense frustration and suffering" found in many families. "I am asking you to build bridges of dialogue and communication with your parents," he said. "Be a healthy influence on society to help break down the barriers which have been raised between generations," the pope said. "Be a sign of hope for the church, for your countries and all humanity," he told them. "May your light spread out from Manila to the farthest corners of the wor,ld." Turn to Page II
Pro-lifers once again head to Washington With CNS reports There may be no way to assess the impact of the late-December abortion clinic shootings in Brookline and in Norfolk, Va., on the Jan. 23 March for Life until that day, said the march's organizer. "( don't have any kind of feel" on turnout, said Nellie Gray. who has organized the event since the first annual march in 1974. The Fall River Diocesan ProLife Apostolate is sponsoring two buses to Washington, DC, for the march and attendant pro-life activities, and while organizer Marian Desrosiers initially feared that news of the clinic shootings might result in some participants cancelling, instead "10 more people signed up" the following week. Regardless of the effect of the recent violence at Clinics, Miss Gray said, the march's tone' will remain the same: "a very prayerful march for all the victims of abortion: the preborn, the victims in the 'aboratorium: the reported alleged shooter .... We must edu-
cate Washington officials about the sanctity of life for everyone. born and preborn." "That's the position we have taken for 22 years," she said. "and now the numbers are growing." Miss Gray was referring to the two clinic workers killed and the five wounded in the Dec. 30 attacks. and to the alleged gunman, John C. Salvi III. About 93 diocesans are registered to participate in the Pro-Life Apostolate pilgrimage. They will join Bishop O'Malley at the events in Washington. Additional buses leaving from Attleboro and Cape Cod are being sponsored by Massachusetts Citizens for Life, and Secular Franciscans are sending a bus from Fairhaven with a stop in Fall River. "Everyone's excited and very upbeat about it," said Mrs. Desrosiers. assistant to Pro-Life Apostolate director Father Stephen Fernandes. Turn to Page 13
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 20, 1995
ON THE SET of Confluence in 1986: from left, Rabbi Korff, Truman Taylor, Bishop Hunt and Father Graziano.
Confluence's influence By Marcie Hickey They left no stone unturned from major world events to pressing social and religious issues: War and peace. The economy. Politics. Welfare. Children. AIDS. Abortion. Conscience. Death and the afterlife. Women's role in society and religion. Capital punishment. Scripture. In other words, "Everything u nder the sun" was the topic, and when the discussion program "Confluence" ended its IS-year run on WLNE Channel 6 at the end of 1994... "I don't think there's any subject we hadn't taken up," said Father Peter Graziano, pastor of St. Mary's parish, Mansfield, who represented the Catholic viewpoint on the show. Moderated by WLNE's Truman Taylor, the Sunday morning program featured a roundtable examination of issues by panelists Father Graziano, Right Rev. George Hunt, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Providence, and retired Rabbi Baruch Korff. Their weekly discourse, which ran in new segments annually from September to June, was intended to be spontaneous, with the panelists usually learning the topic du jour just a few minutes before taping. When not analyzing theological or moral matters, they were examining secular events or issues from a religious perspective. For example, when Mt. St. Helens erupted in Washington state in 1980, "We discussed God impacting nature - the question of God's will" in the midst of natural destruction, Father Graziano recalled. For the priest, who was director of Diocesan Catholic Social Services during the program's run, and for his colleagues on the show, Confluence was "an important part of pastoral ministry. The ecumenical dimension, the interfaith di. mension and the notion of discussing every issue imaginable was very important" in helping viewers gain insight into issues, tht<ir own faith tradition and that of others. That ministry was aided as much by the trio's rapport as by the topics themselves. The panelists, who sometimes taped four programs at a sitting to work around their busy schedules, became good friends, and that "really impacted bur discussions," Father Graziano said. "It was a good relationship, deep
friendship and respect," which enabled the three to appreciate each others' beliefs and their differences, said the priest. "We could honestly agree to disagree. There was no tension. It was a wonderful thing to see, for the three of us to discuss all these issues in a friendly way." Father Graziano became part of Confluence upon the recommendation of then-diocesan communications director Father John Hogan, whom Truman Taylor approached in 1979 with the proposal for the program. The original Protestant panelist, Baptist ininister Paul Gillespie, was succeeded by Bishop Hunt after the minister was transferred to Milwaukee about three years later. Confluence was piloted with four programs on family life, "to see if people would respond," Father Graziano said. And respond they did - "Channel 6 has said it was the most popular public service program over the years." Originally airing in Channel 6's broadcast area of Southeastern Massachusetts, Rhode Isiand, and Southeastern Connecticut and Long Island, Confluence expanded its reach over the years with the growth of cable TV. The series' final segment was quintessential Confluence. While it began on a farewell note, the nostalgia was soon displaced as a discussion topic evolved: What was the most important religious event of the past 15 years? When Rabbi Korff averred that it was the election of Pope John Paul II, Father Graziano disagreed - but only because the pope was elected in 1978, the year before Confluence was launched. Bishop Hunt then suggested that it was the fundamentalist trend emerging in various religions, whether Christian, Jewish or Mus- . lim. "And we got right into the subject," Father Graziano recounted. "Sud~enly there were two minutes left and Truman Taylor said, 'Hey, this is our last program.''' So absorbed in their exchange, "We forgot!" . said the priest. In the remaining moments, he said, the panelists thanked their viewers and said goodbye. ThoiJgh the show's popularity hadn't waned, Confluence's participants simply felt it was time to
Christia.n Unity' Week: looking back on a year of progress WASHINGTON (CNS) - As Catholics and other Christians gather to pray for Christian unity Jan. 18-25, they can reflect on 1994 as a year of intense ecumenical activity on many fronts; Among the significant ecumenical advances in 1994, even a short list would have to include: - A major international Catholic-Lutheran agreed statement on "Church and Justification." - A Catholic-Assyrian accord ending church-dividing differences that go back more than 15. centuries. - A U.S. Catholic-Orthodox statement settling the difficult issue of "uniatism." - Pope John Paul l1's strong emphasis on church unity and ecumenism in his apostolic letter on preparations to mark the start of the third millennium of Christianity. The theme for this year's Week of' Prayer for Christian Unity is "Communion in God - Life Together." The theme reflects a strong focus of churc路hes in recent years on' the need to translate the growing expression of common faith among theologians into concrete shared life and witness on the local level. Bishop O'Malley participated in Christian Unity activities Jan. 18 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, and will close the week at a service 5:30 p.m. Jan. 25 at,Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford. The yearly week of prayer for unity was begun in 1908 by Father Paul Wattson, an. Episcopalian convert to Catholicism who formed the Graymoor, or Atonement, friars as a' Franciscan religious order dedicated to Christian unity. The week of prayer was extended throughout the Catholic Church in 1916 by Pope Benedict XV, and since the 1960s, when the Catholic Church really entered into the Christian ecumenical movement, it has become an occasion for 路innumerable interfaith services. Since 1966 the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches has joined the Vatican as official co-sponsor of the week. This year'sjoint message of U.S. Christian leaders celebrates "the progress that has been made through common witness, through dialogue on the essentials of the Christian faith and through the renewal of our worship." At the same time, it says, the wars and other painful divisions and in human society today make "even more poignant the failures 11111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I111111111111
wrap up, with schedules increasingly difficult to juggle and Bishop Hunt retiring. As any sharp network executive would concur, it's best to "end when the ratings are still good, and end it on a high note," Father Graziano said . ,Tapes of the programs will be kept at Brown University in the archives of the Jewish studies program. Father Graziano hopes Confluence's lasting influence will be as an example of amicable ecumenism and interfaith dialog. "I'm grateful to Channel 6 for thinking it was important enough to give us 15 years," he added. "It was a wonderful time for all of us."
of communion among our divided Christian churches." "Is Christ divided?" the message asks. . "I f there is one Christ," it adds, "those loyal to him must find ways to serve the unity of the church. Is not the gift of communion in God a call to share life together?" "The very fact we set aside a week of prayer for the unity of the Christian church is a witness to the need for more study, more collaboration and more spiritual conversion, if the unity Christ willed is to be realized," the message says. Among the ecumenical advances of 1994, the Catholic-Assyrian accord last November was issued as a formal "Common Declaration" by Pope John Paul 11 and Patriarch Dinkha IV of the Assyrian Church of the East. They declared that Catholics and Assyrians share a common faith in the divine and human nature of Christ, in effect ending the Christological differences that have divided the churches since the Council of Ephesus in 431. With its "Church and Justification" text, the Lutheran-Roman Catholic International Dialogue addressed one of the most fundamental points of division between Roman Catholics and the churches of the Reformation. In December the leaders of the Lutheran Church in Germany presented the pope with a declaration that their church's 16th-century condemnations of Roman Catholicism do not apply to the modern church. They expressed hope that an analogous Roman Catholic document would be approved soon. Many hope a mutual lifting of Catholic and Lutheran condemnations, a project under active consideration on both sides for more than a decade, can be completed by 1997, the 450th a nniversary of the Council of TrenCs decree on justification condemning what Catholics then understood to be Lutheran teachings. At one level Catholic-Anglican relations came up against another stumbling block in 1994 when the Church of England, mother church of the Anglican Communion, ordained its first women priests. But authorities on both sides were
agreed that it was a serious issue needing further ecumenical discussion and that dialogue on other issues of faith and church life should continue. The Vatican took a major step toward approval of earlier Anglican-Catholic consultations last路 March when it said that no further work is needed for the presl~nt to clarify the statements of suhstantial agreement on Eucharist and ministry contained in the 1982 Final Report of the first Ang.licanRoman Catholic International Consultation. In addition, the second consultation, which began its work in 1982, issued a major joint :;tatement on ethics, affirming that even when their churches differ injudgments on certain moral issues, they share a common ground of fundamental Christian moral principles. In the United States, the national Catholic-Orthodox dialogue has played a strong role in trying to maintain dialogue and constructive relations between Catholic and Orthodox bodies amid the strains following restoration of religious freedoms in Eastern Europe and the nations of the former Soviet Union. Its statement on uniatism affirmed arid reinforced a 1993 international dialogue statement on the legitimacy and spiritual right!: of those Eastern churches that have historically reunited with Rome, while at the same time recognizing that a reunion of the churc:~es today must take a different approach. Brother Jeffrey Gros, associate director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, cited among other important U.S. ecumenical developments: - A joint pilgriamge last November of eight U.S. Episcopal and Catholic bishops to Canterbury and Rome. - A decision by the Southern Baptist Convention at its meeting in June to approve the continuation of the Catholic-Baptist COIIversation. It was the first time that the conversation, which has gone on for 20 years, was given cor..vention-level approval.
CRS, World Food Program collaborate~ BALTI MORE (CNS) - Catholic Relief Services has signed an agreem'ent to distribute food for the United Nations' World Food Program, marking the WFP's first such agreement with an international nongovernmental organization. The agreement is aimed at helping both organizations to distribute food to the victims of wars and natural disasters. CRS, the overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics, will focus on local distribution and monitoring. The "memo of understanding"
l\lARIAN MEDAL CEREMONY TELECAST Martha's Vineyard Telemedia Cable Channel 8 Januaty 23 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
makes CRS officially the first pri.. vate volunteer organization tc work with WFP, which is not set up to distribute food. The formal working agreement covers joint collaboration in emergency relief operations, and operations for feeding long-term refugee and displaced persons. Catherine Bertini, executive director of WFP, said the U.S. government is the major food donor for the Rome based WFP, giving 30 to 40 percent of the food or funds. In addition, she said, "We purchase over $200 million [in food] in developing countries," which helps local economies. The agreement highlights the division of labors between WFP and CRS, Ms. Bertini said. "We can't do our job without somebody who handles distribution of food," she said, adding that CRS' role "will help ensure that those people most in need, particularly women and children, receive the right amount of food, at the right place and at the right time."
Catholic Cha'ritfes to aid flood victims ALEXANDRIA, Va. (CNS) Catholic Charities USA is seeking donations to help those affected by the floods in California, which have caused an estimated $300 million in damages, forced 3,000 people out of their homes and left at least II people dead. "The floodwaters are still high, and more rain is expected ... so it will be some time before officials can determine precise needs," Jane Gallagher, director of disaster for Catholic Charities USA, said Jan. 13. A series of storms caused the severe f1oodi.ng in both Northern and South(:rn California that forced thousands of people to evacuate and severely damaged crops. President Clinton has called 34 California counties federal disaster areas, and Transportation Secretary Federico Pena announced an initial $5 million in federal funding to pay for repair to roads and bridges. About half of those counties are within the Sacramento diocese. All of the Catholic schools in the diocese were closed Jan. 10 -and some for part of the following day. Catholic Charities USA's Disaster Response Office is offering SISTER JOSEPH MARIE LEVESQUE, OP the Catholic Charities agencies in the affected areas emergency grants of up to $10,000 to help lowincome residents with emergency needs. For most large-scale disasters, Catholic Charities USA sends an Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM initial recovery grant so the local As a member of the Dominican Cap., has appointed Sister Joseph Sisters ofSt. Catherine of Siena of agencies can, for example, purMarie Levesque, OP, as director Fall River for over 20 years, Leves- chase supplies, help families reloof Cathedral Camp and Retreat que has served as a General Coun- . cate, or train trauma counselors. Center, East Freetown. Sister cilor, treasurer of Dominican AcaA special effort is made to reach people not helped by other proLevesque succeeds Father Charles demy, plant administrator of the A. Jodoin, who will continue to Mother House complex, and Trea- grams and to concentrate on recovery over the long term. serve the camp as chaplain., surer General oft~e congregation. Sister Levesque was educated in Under Bishop O'Malley's rethe local Catholic school system structuring of youth ministry in and holds degrees from Regis Col- the dioces(:, the new director will lege, Syracuse University and work in a collaborative effort with Rhode Island College. She has other diocesan ministries serving taught at the elementary and high youth under the newly established school levels in Fall River and in Secretariat for Youth. Plattsburg, NY. ,
Donations for the flood victims can be se~t to ~atholic Charities USA-California Floods, 13331 Pennsylvania Ave., Hagerstown,
MD 21742. Checks and money orders should be made payable t~ Catholic Charities USA-Disaster Response.
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.,Book prizes given CHICAGO(CNS)- The American Catholic Historical Association has awarded its annual book prizes to a University of Toronto lecturer and a University of San Francisco professor. Announcement of the $500 prizes was made at the association's 75th annual meeting in Chicago. The John Gilmary Shea Prize went to Brian P. Clarke, Toronto, for his book, "Piety and Nationalism: Lay Voluntary Associations and the Creation of an Irish-Catholic Community in Toronto, 18501895." It was published by McGillQueen's University Press, Montreal. The Shea prize, established in 1944, is awarded annually to the American or Canadian author
whose book has made the most original and significant contribution to church historiography. The Howard R. Marraro Prize went to San Francisco's Elisabeth G. Gleason, president of the association, for her book, "Gas pal'o Contarini: Venice, Rome, and Reform," published by the University of California Press. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointment: Sister Joseph Marie Levesque, D.P., Director of Cathedral Camp and Retreat Center in East Freetown.
Effective Immediately
EGAN'S I!eligious Gifts
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 20, 1995
• •- . "
the living word
Getting Back to the Word Bible study is one aspect of religious education that has been relegated to the proverbial back burner. Many of our parishes and schools simply do not have Scripture study programs, and many children in religious education are not exposed to Bible stories. We are spending a great deal of time with the new catechism, and rightly so. However, in some situations, these efforts are overshadowing the importanGe of the Word of God. It would be ironic, not to mention confusing, were we to be concerned with handing on the Word as it is reflected in the new catechism while neglecting the Word itself. In most parishes that do offer a Bible study program, it is comprised ofa very small group, those. who can afford the time to participate in such discussions. Many who do involve them-. selves in such studies are doing so because of their personal experience of conversion in the mode of fundamentalismborn again Bible people. All in all, few Catholics really work at becoming more knowledgeable about the Bible. This is indeed unfortunate. The Fathers of Vatican II declared that access to sacred Scripture should be open wide to the Christian faithful. First and foremost, all priests, deacons, catechists, CCD teachers should be immersed in Scripture study. Sad to say, in many situations this is not the case. Very few CCD programs oreven Catholic schools have a Bible studies component. Once a mainstay of Christian formation, Bible stories were replaced by butterflies, coloring books and burlap banners. In fact Bible stories became looked upon'as an archaic means of religious instruction, not relevant to the times. For decades children in Catholic religious education classes, be they in our schools or CCO programs, were ·denied the life-giving Word becaus.e some so-called expert preferred new approaches to the religious education process. Today we are reaping this harvest of ignorance. Religious education programs, especially in primary levels, must once again turn to the Bible story approach in order to . build a firm faith foundation. Likewise, clergy and all who share professionally in the world of religious education must constantly involve themselves in Bible studies. From the pulpit or in the classroom, .one cannot preach what one does not embrace. Homilies should reflect the selection of Scripture designated by the church, made applicable to our times and to needs at hand. Too often sermons flow from the sports and editorial pages of secular publications. In such situations people are not being fed the Word 'of God. It takes time, effort and study to effectively communicate the Word. Those who have been called to preach the Word have a serio'us obligation to. work at it professionally and effectively. You cannot "wing it." This generation cannot use the excuse that language is a barrier to understanding the Bible. We have approved translations in our own language, and we have tremendous educational tools at our disposal to teach arid preach the Word. It's time for all in the church to become more Bible conscious; not merely to parade the Word a.round sanctuaries in liturgical settings but to take the good book. open it up and learn what God wants us to know. The Bible is the dialogue between God and man. As St. Ambrose well put it. "we speak to Himwhen • we pray and we listen to Him when we read the divine oracles." The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall Rive;
C'\S Ocltmann·lj PI photo
"At every opportunity pray in the Spirit, using prayers and petitions of every sort." Eph. 6:18
School prayer issue increasingly. murky WASHINGTON (CNS) - Voluntary school prayer is back on the congressional agenda, right up' there with the economy and government reform.. While it is touted by some as a means to reverse the nation's moral decline, not everyone sees it as the country's salvation. The issue gained momentum just days after Republicans won control of Congress. and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. R-Ga .. announced support for a constitutional amendment permitting prayer in public schools. He promised a House vote by July 4. The U.S. Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools in 1962. And Jesuit Father Robert Drinan, former congressman and Georgetown University law professor, said he feds the same about it now as he did when. he voted against it in Congress 20 years ago. He believes the "difficulties [of school prayer~ would outweigh the benefits." His view, he said, echoes the 'stance the U.S. Catholic bishops last took publicly on the issue in 1983. That year, when a proposed constitutional amendment for school prayer went before Congress, Msgr. Daniel Hoye, then U.S. Catholic Conference general secretary, told members of the Senate judiciary Committee that prayer without instruction in religious tradition was not sufficient. Msgr. Hoye is now pastor at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro. "For many children, prayer alone will not necessarily lead to a deeper understanding of faith, or even to the significance and importance of prayer itself," Msgr. Hoye said at the time. The proposed amendment had "symbolic value and only minimal pedagogical value," he said, and could not "justify the problems it might create in terms of the American diversity of religious beliefs and traditions and the right of religious minorities in our pluralistic society." In lieu of prayer, Msgr. Hoye'
recommended public schools proreligious broadcaster Rev. I)at mote values consistent with the Robertson. nation's 'religious heritage. Kapp said his firm has b(:en "There are alternatives," Father "actively involved in working out Drinan told Catholic News Servthe language of the proposed ice. "It's not prayer or nothing." amendment" with Rep. Ernt:st For example, he said, schools Istook Jr., R-Okla., who initiated should teach about religion so it in October. students could learn about faiths "We are opposed to anythi:ilg other than their own. requiring people to pray, but at a Jesuit Father F. Michael Perko, graduation or in another setting, professor of English and history at they should be able to," he said. Chicago's Loyola University, also According to a release from emphasized a middle ground, such Istook's office, 78 percent of Ameras the reinforcement of values. icans support school prayer. But, he said, "I'm not persuaded Istook, in a column he wrote for historically" that the Constitution's USA Today, said: "We hear 'difounders intended "to ban any versity,' 'tolerance' and 'inclusion' overt form of religion in SChools. as buzzwords. Then we're told not Yet the issue is what to do in a to tolerate somebody else's prayer, society that's increasingly plurathat somehow it is a danger to us." listic." According to the Anti-DefamaHelen Hull Hitchcock, director tion Leagu'e of B'nai B'rith, sup- of Women for Faith and Family, porters of the proposed amend- said that "banishment of religiou:; ment are not promoting religious expression seems unfair discrimi.. freedom, but "are seeking to in- nation against religious believers." trude their religious views into the She supports a movement to re.. school, and to do so in a way store school prayer. which would inevitably make chilRussell Shaw, public affairs didren in the religious minority feel rector for the Knights of Colum. conflicted or outcast." bus, said the Knights have historiThe ADLjoined other religious cally supported restoring prayer groups at a press conference .in "whether by constitutional amendWashington to oppose the prayer ment or legislation." amendment. . "While restoration of bona fide "I don't think Catholics should prayer on a voluntary basis is forget," warns Bill Bassett, profesideal," he said, "the Knights would sor of law at Jesuit-run University also support at least a neutral of San Francisco, "that Catholic moment of silence." schools developed and became as But even the moment of silence, large as they did precisely because already mandated in Alabama, Catholic students were subject to Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolmany proselytizing influel1ces in ina and Tennessee, is contentious. public schools from reading the According to Bassett, nothing is King James version of the Bible or wrong with a moment of silence, saying Protestant prayers," he said. unless it is a "backdoor attempt" But those who support a school- to reintroduce specific religious prayer amendment contend it is values. not to make others feel left out, Others say such quiet moments but rather to guarantee students' are always available to students freedom of speech. . and are often used, particularly "There is still an amount of hos- before an exam, for a quick prayer. tility on behalf of courts and "If you think the debate is comschools treating students of faith," plex so far," Father Petro noted, said Gene Kapp, spokesman for "look at the demographics ... as the American Center for Law and America becomes more pluralisJustice, a public-interest law firm tic, it will make the confusion so in Virginia Beach, Va., founded by far child's play in comparison."
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 20, J995
\Parenting Dear Dr. Kenny: My infant has turned into a toddler. Now that he's 2, he thinks he's in charge of the world. He says "no" to every request. Every toy is "mine;" I had heard of the "terrible 2s" but this is beyond what I'd expected. We loved and indulged him so much as.a baby. Did we do wrong? Are more surprises ahead? (Chicago) . You did well in indulging your infant. That is the proper parental response to babies. And yes, you · have more surprises ahead. Infancy is perhaps the only time in life when needs and wants are synonymous. Infants cry to be held. to be touched, to be loved. What they want is what they need. Total indulgence is appropriate. You cannot spoil a child under I. Babies need to know that the world is OK,'a place where your needs get met. Babies need the. "love parent." Toddlers, however, need something .else. In our book "WholeLife Parenting,"(Continuum, 1982, available by writing The Kennys), we describe seven stages of life and the .differing parental responses required. Toddlers need the "boss parent." From age 2 to 5, children need limits and controls, what many
WINNING POSE: Richard C. Finke's photo of Susie Baron and her children was one of 100 winners in Parade Magazine's annual photo' contest. The picture originally appeared in the St. Louis Review Catholic newspaper. (CNS photo)
Dorothy Day's loneliness By Msgr. George G. Higgins Dorothy Day's commitment to the poor impelled her to live with them, share their suffering, give up her own privacy and her own men· tal and spiritual as well as physical comforts.' It occurs to me, however, that "poverty," in the material sense of the word, was not her heaviest cross. She'suffered even more, I should think, from what the German theologian, Father Johannes Metz, has .aptly referred to as the poverty of uniqueness and superiority, which, he pointed out, is the honor al1d burden of history's great men and women. "Each," he reminds us, "carried a secret in his heart that made him great and lonely; each had his own exceptional mission, which, because it was without parallel, offered him neither protection nor guarantee among other men. No one enjoys such responsibility." Father Metz goes on to say that every secret of this type "makes one poor, especially when its enigma scandalizes others and is misunderstood." The one possessing such a secret, the one weighed down with the poverty of uniqueness and superiority, will inevitably. be tempted, as Jesus was in the desert, ,,'to repress the painful loneliness and individuality that foreshadow the terrible poverty and desolation of death, to betray [his] mission w'flatever it may be" and to retreat into the anonymity of private life. This may account for Dorothy Day's decision to title her auto.biography "The Long Loneliness." God gave her a lonely mission, and' she must have been tempted more than once to call it quits. . We have it on the authority of her biographer, Willi.am Miller,
child-care experts call "loving guidance." Noone wants a 2-yearold to run the world. Many demands are made of the toddler. This is the time to learn toilet training, not to hit or bite or hurt your playmates, table manners, to stay out of the street and many other social skills. When the child begins school, he or, she is ready for another parenting style, the "model parent." From 5 to 10 or 12 are the years of industry, enthusiasm, wanting to imitate and please parents and teachers. . . Early school years are a time to work together. Helping your child with collections, cleaning a room together,leat:ning to cook, playing. basketball or baseball in the backyard, doing chores. Children are copycats, and parents want to set a good example. . Then come the teenage years. Problems arise with disrespect, foul mouth,loss of interest in homework and school, and later, fast cars, drinking, relationships with the opposite sex. Teens, like 2s, are rebellious. The teen years call for the "safety-net parent," parents wise and skilled enough to exert control without getting into an authoritative battle for control~ In the teen years, a parent's best
By Dr. JAMES& MARY KENNY means of control may be c'lrfew, cars and cash. At the same time, the parent needs to quietly take the obvious precautions, to make sure the brakes on the child's car work, that alcohol is not available, that they are not out past II, etc. In the young adult years. children need a "lovingly detached parent." Starting fresh in the world, our children need the chance to try their wings. The early adult years are not the time for parental advice and control. Rather, the parent needs to say: ''I'm here if you need me." Hopefully, the adult years blossom into a relationship of best friends. Adult children and parents share common interests. Finally, in later years the roles may be reversed, and the parents may need care. Adult children become the caretakers. Parents love and shape and guide their children. The "2s" mark the first major change in your child's growth and development.
Way to go! This is the 178th year for The Farmers' Almanac, anticipated mainly for its predictions of what kind of a winter we're going to have. . But the Almanac packs in' a lot more than just information about blizzards or breezes to come. All this is cushioned with items of the heart-and-humor variety. This year, the venerable almanac is challenging people to recall times when an unsolicited good deed came their way - welcomed, but perhaps taken for granted. Calling this "part of an international crusade," the editors are designating 1995 as ·the "year to catch people in the act of doing good deeds." They feel thatbecause everyone . is so busy these days, and so.ciety so impersonal, people tend to forget to thank a person for his or her volunteered good deed .. "We forget to take the time to thank the cashier who goes out of his/ her way to help you find the apple juice; we overlook a waiter or waitress who scrounges up a
peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich for your finicky 3-year-old," they explain. They feel we should "positively reinforce;' people for their acts of kindness. . . To make this a real campaign, they've suggested the catch phrase ."Way to go!" as a way to capture your enthusiasm and gratitude more effectively than just saying thanks. They've even produced an official Farmers' Almanac card that pictures a weather vane and proclaims "You've been caught in the act of doing a good deed! Way to go!" People are invited to help this slogan catch on and also to send their stories about the good deeds done to them to the Farmer's Almanac, Good Deeds, Box 1609, Lewiston, ME 04241. That got me thinking about my own recent experiences. For one, I fell and damaged 'my foot. A neighbor, knowing I was hobbling, quietly brought my morning newspaper from the end of the driveway to my
that during the early years of the Catholic Worker Movement she was, in fact, so tempted. But following the example of Christ in the desert- - her desert being a series of Catholic Worker retreats at Easton, Pa. ........: she made her choice irrevocably to live for the rest of her life with the poverty and the long loneliness of her own exceptional mission. Her decision to do so cost her more than any of us will ever know in terms not only of loneliness, but of misunderstanding, sheer human ignorance or malice and what must have been for most of her life a terrifying sense of futility. The secret of her perseverance, by her own account, is that throughout her entire life she kept repeating at all times "that the Christian point of view was to keep in mind the failure' of the cross." She knew from personal experience - experience filtered through intense personal prayer - what her faithful disciple Cesar Have you heard about "Baby Chavez was to discover in his own Think It Over?" It's a baby-sized away with using duct tape to hold the "bottle" in place. time and place, namely, as Chavez doll that can be programmed to Somehow the idea of a 15-yearput it to one of his biographers, cry, demand attention and not old nodding face first into his or "there is no way on this earth in accept comfort-from anyone but a her school cafeteria lasagna because which you can say yes to man's · specific person. he or she was awake feeding"Baby dignity and know that you're going Teen-parenting classes have Think" at 2, 4 and 6 a.m. tickles to be spared some sacrifice." "adopted" the doll to give' young me.. In her own case, as in that of · people a working knowledge of It taps into a deep emotion felt Chavez, Ms. Day's willingness to , what ~'real":parentingentails.'. ' by many who have lovingly nurmake this sacrifice derived from Teachers a.ssign .. "Baby:' to a tured infants, toddlers, pre-ad. her belief that, in doing so, she was stud.entfor ji 24~~~tir period. Any.. faithfully followirig the example of thing beyond that would probably. olescents and teens: revenge,' Christ. " .. be grounds for sohle type of Iii wsuit. Appaiently,'natunll family planMs. Day decid'ed early on that Among other things; \~Baby" cail ning devotees have made no proas a Christian she must try to the require its student-par~nt tQ r~ nounce.mentson "Baby Think" as best of her ability to follow in his spond to irritating demands for yet.·1 can understand their ambi. footsteps. She did so heroically '~feeding." Students must insert a valence. Is "Baby" a psychological and by her own testimony did so jack into 'its. back which' must 'type of artificial birth control, 'or is with "a joy that made her want to remain in place fora half~hour or it a natural· way'to 'persuade teens kiss the earth in worship, because: so. ...'.' that abstinence 'makes'a: wh61~ lot his feet once trod that same earth." . ., As in real life, one cannot get 'of sense? .
A practice baby
By ANTOINETTE BOSCO I. _ door until I was walking more normally. He deserved more than a thank you. Way to go! Then there was the office meeting where a co-worker, saying nothing, noticed an empty wastl~ basket and set it inverted before me so I could elevate my foot. Way to go! With all the bad news thaI: pounds away at us via television and newspapers, we need to be reminded that a lot of good comes our way, too, if only we recognize it. The campaign begun by the Farmer's Almanac is refreshingly simple: Just notice and affirm acts of kindness. My reaction? Way to go!
Cannot help but wonder: Could an' adolescent version of "Baby Think" be created to field test people who think th'ey might be interested in teaching, youth ministry 'or, volunteering ·to chaperon the junior class car wash? A "Baby Yo Dude" could be progiainmea'to curl its'lip;eat any type of fast fdod and \~rriumble three exch.:mges: . " I. "Huh?: What? Why. do you ask?'" ...' J r :.-. 2. "Did arty-one. call fOJ! me?" 3. "Can I use the car?"
A parent's blessing at a wedding
Casey calls for moral leadership
PHILADELPHIA (CNS) The November elections signaled "a tidal wave" of national discontent, outgoing Pennsylvania Gov. Robert P. Casey told students at a Jesuit-run prep school in Philadelphia. Q. My son is getting married "Anyone who tells you the unand I am wonderine how to live a ease in this country. the genesis of parents' blessing to the couple. that tidal wave, was limited to MJ' sister and I were married at economic concerns is missing a the same time, and our father had very basic point," Casey told stuus kneel and pray and blessed us. dents at St. Joseph's Preparatory It meant a lot, and I would like to School. "The vast majority of do this for our son. Americans recognize that our Can you suggest anything that problems are fundamentally spir"oul~ help us to know bow to do itual and moral in character." ,omethine like this? (Iowa) By FATHER JOHN There are going to be some A. First of all, no officially DIETZEN "who ride the wave" and others approved ceremony is necessary "who will be swept away by it," _ _ _for the bJessi~ mention. "Bless them each night. Pray at Casey said... It's as simple as that, Either by yourselves·o-r-iii con::--fa6Tewllli them each evening. Ler---and that'5 whythts-eotlntl) teBay-junction with the parents of your them hear you singing the songs of is in dire need of true leadership, son's fiancee, you could prepare faith and reading the holy Scrip- moral leadership of a high order and minister such a blessing using t u r e s . · which makes no apology for speakScripture passages, prayers (tradi- . "Let them know that fasting and ing in those terms." tional or some you make up) and almsgiving, care fOT the poor and Casey, whose last day in office other appropriate words and ac- the sick, and daily intercession for was Jan. 17, \Vas at St. Joseph's to tions. justice and for peace arc what you receive the Jesuit-run school's St. Joseph Award. Jesuit Father HerAs parents and as fellow Chris- hold most dear." tians, this would be a wonderful This publication is the response bert B. Keller. principal, said that and proper way for you to express of the AmeriCan bishops to a 1984 if the young John F. Kennedy your love, prayers and hopes for "Book of Blessings" published by were writing his "Profiles in Courthe bride and groom. the Vatican Congregation for Di- age" today. Casey would certainly Your question gives mean oppor- vine Worship, which suggested that rate a chapter. tunity again to call attention to a local churches adapt and expand Father Keller commended the marvelous book, ·published about the rites for local usc. Jesuit-educated Casey for the exsix years ago uI)der the auspices of The idea of lay men and women traordinary courage and tenacity the bishops of the United States, giving "officiaJ" blessings of the he showed by persisting in his goal of becoming governor, even after "Catholic Household Blessings and church perhaps still seems strange Prayen." to some Catholics. three unsuccessful campaigns. He This excellent volume contains While priests or deacons, if they also praised Casey's defense of numerous varieties of blessings, are present, normally preside at pre barn human life, a position celebrations of special times and bleslIings, the church does not which ostracized him from the seasons, and prayers, all designed exclude others from 'doing so. national Democratic Party, and ," fo.r _use within family surroundings. Lay men and women, says the his refusal to give up in 1993 after "': .~ In a section titled "Blessings . Vatican edition, "in virtue of tbe undergoing a heart-livertransplant. Related to Marriage" you will find universal priesthood, a dignity they Casey chaHenged the students Just what you're looking for, the possess because of their baptism as potential leaders of the future. blessing of an engaged couple, to and confirmation•. may celebrate saying they will one day face the be celebrated by both families if certain-blessings ... by use of the question. "What did you do when possible, perhaps at a meal to- rites and formularies designated you had the power? ... Did you for a lay minister. lose your nerve or speak out for getber. The Foreword and Introduction "Such laypersons exercise this what you knew was the truth?" briefly discuss family prayer and ministry in virtue of their office On abortion, the issue on which how to use the book to the best (for example. parents on behalf of he is most famous for speaking spiritual advantage. their children) or by reason 'of out, Casey predicted that it "will Since we're on the subject, a few some special liturgical ministry or never take a permanent place in lines are worth quoting. "Begin to in fulfillment ofa particular charge our culture," pray beside your children even in thechurch"("'Book of Blessings," "The people in this room will see when they are very young. General Introduction 18). their children or grandchildren "Pray in your own words, by an "Catholic Household Blessings studying the decision of Roe vs. means, but pray especially the and Prayers" is a spiritual asset in Wade with bewilderment. as a sad words ofthe church. Pray because any home, not only for fam'ilies and mysterious aberration, a sad but for individuals and couples and mysterious chapter in Ameriyou yourself need to pray. Then, as your children grow, invite them without children as well. can history, when a great nation into this prayer. It is published by the U.S. Cath- briefly lost its way:' he said. olic Conference, and Should be Now that Casey will no longer have the pulpit of the governoravailable through any bookstore. ship of a major state, who will provide pro.-life leadership within the Democratic Party? Will Casey Jan. 23: Heb 9: 15,24-28; force the party to confront the Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 abortion issue by declaring his candidacy for the presidency? Jan. 24: Heb 10:1-10; Ps Jan, 21 But he turned aside questions 40;2,4,7-8,10-11; Mk3;31-35 about his future plans with an 1983. Rev. M,gr. Henri A: Hamel, Retired, St, Joseph, New, offhanded. "Oh, I've got to get a Jan. 25; Acts 22:3-16 or job." . Bedford. 9: 1-22; Ps 117:1-2; Mk 16:15Jan. 24 18 195 I, Rev. Edward H. Finnegan. S.J., Boston College Faculty Jan. 26: 2 fm 1:1-8 or Ti 1977, Rev. Thomas F. McMor1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3,7-8,10; Mk row. Assistant, Our Lady of Vic4:21-25 tory. Centerville For Christian Unity Jan. 27; Heb 10:32-39; Ps Jan. 25 1987, Rev. Jack Hickey. O.P.• A lmighty God. help us 37:3-6,23-24,39-40; Mt 4:26Dismas House, Nashville. Tenn. to procloim the Good News 34 Jan, 27 0/ your love, that all who Jan. 28: Heb 11;1-2,8-19; 1919, Rev. John T. O'Grady, hear it may be reconciled to Assistant, Immaculate Conception. Lk 1:69-75; flIk 4;35-41 you through Christ who Fan River Jan. 29: Jer 1:4-5,17-19; died lor us and rose again 1955, Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, Pastor, St. Michael, FaU River Ps71:1-6,15-17; 1Cor 12:31andreigns with you and the 1988, Rev. Thomas E. Lockary, 13;13; Lk 4:21-30 Holy Spirit, one God, now C.S.c., Stonebill College, North and/orever. Amen. Easton
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 20, 1995
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 20, 1995
PRESENTEES, above, await the start of the 1995 Bishop's Charity Ball at the Venus de Milo in Swansea. Below, Stephanie Ann Clements of St. Patrick's parish, Wareham, greets the bishop; presentee Anastatia Quirk ofSt. Pius Tenth parish, South Yarmouth, and her grandmother, Joanne Quirk. (Hickey photos)
PRINCIPAL Bishop Connolly High School Fall River, MA
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(508) 678-2828 Application deadline: February 15, 1995
AT THE BALL: From top left, Sacred Hellrt parish, Taunton, presentee Emily Peloquin with her grandmother, Anchor staff member Helen Morley, and her parents, Carolyn and Peter Peloquin; Fall River area presentees with the bishop; Dathelle Fournier, Holy Ghost parish, Attleboro, and parents Deacon Paul and Florence Fournier; Nidole Allain, St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth, with brother Matthew Allain, parents Mr. and Mrs. B¢rnard R. Allain, and grandmother Eileen Medeiros; Katherine Miller, Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, presented by her grandfather, Frank Miller; the
bishop with Ball director Father Daniel L. Freitas and lay chairpersons Matthew Martin, president of the New Bedford area St. Vincent de Paul SoCiety, and Bella Nogueira, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women; St. Joseph's, Taunton, presentee Rachel Andrade and parents Joseph and Manuela Andrade; hospitality committee members who were presentees 25 years ago: from left, Alicia Kullas Mozzone, Denise Messier Erickson, Roseanne Moniz, Susan Lackey Lefevre. (Hickey photos)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan; 20; 1995
Community norms impact teens' attitude about sex What community factors spur sex tor teenage girlS anaWJfat helps prevent it? A recent national study found higher school dropout rates, lack of adult5 at home, increased crime rate, and, surprisingly, availability of family planning clinics hikes sexual activity, while religious faith was the most important factor deterring it. The study involved 566 Africa nAmerican and 1,286 white teenage girls from a nationwide study. Individual data on the participants was combined with information on community characteristics at both the neighborhood and county level. The study determined the extent neighborhood ··social norms" influence individual behavior, as well as how county characteristics might offer greater opportunity for risk behaviors to take place. Researchers analyzed three aspects of each teenager's sexual activity: the likelihood of premarital sex, the frequency of having sex in the prior three months, and the proportion of months spent sexually active in the preceding three years. A girl's religious commitment was the individual characteristic that most strongly discouraged the initiation of premarital sex for both races. Higher levels of family income, the mother's level of education, and the teen's educational attainment were also linked with less likelihood of becoming sexually active. Higher school drop-out rates influenced the "frequenoy of intercourse" among both whites and African-Americans. A surprising finding was that sexual activity increased for both racial groups with the presence of a family planning clinic and if it was used more frequently in the community. Particularly of concern was the finding that presence of the clinic - regardless of whether a study participant had actually visited it or not - increased sexual activity. The researchers sugg'ested, "The provision of family planning services may also suggest to teens greater community tolerance for sexual activity." Among African-Americans, visiting a family planning clinic was also associated with increased frequency of sex. The authors cautioned that no causal link between clinic use and increased sexual frequency can be assumed, since adolescents may have gone to the clinics after they began having sex. Yet the authors noted that "access to reproductive information and contraceptives may lower the per... ceived risks of pregnancy asso· ciated with frequent sexual activity." . Incounties where more women"
work fun-time, sexual activity was at higher levels Io-r-6oth raCial groups. The researchers noted that "young women who live in neighborhoods where few adults are present during the day are less closely supervised" and consequently more likely to engage in sex. The study further found that teens living with a single parent were more likely to become sexually active as well as have intercourse more often than those living with two parents. The researchers commented that where marital norms are more tenuous, teen activity rises. Families relocating contributed to a higher frequency of sex among white teens, but not for AfricanAmericans, perhaps reflecting social disorganization and a sense of alienation for the whites. Factors that related to the "consistency" of sexual activity, measured by months in which teens had been sexually active, tended to be similar to those for the frequency of having sex. The authors concluded that "although a young woman's sexual behavior is private and highly personal, it is shaped by the characteristics of the community in which she lives." The "direct" effects of some neighborhood and county characteristics were lowered when the teenager's individual characteristics were considered, suggesting that their influence was primarily ··indirect" by influencing-the teenager's own characteristics. Such w.as the case with some of religion's effect: "the negative influence of community religiosity on a [white1female's likelihood of having premarital intercourse works largely through its impact on the teen's own religious values." Those teenagers who were more religious were much less likely to engage in premarital sex. Nevertheless, some effects of religion were more direct; the "frequency" ,of sex among sexually active white women was lowered by the surrounding community's religiosity, regardless of their personal religiosity. In general. a teenager's decision of whether or not to engage in premarital sex is determined more by her own personal values and family situation, while her frequency of having sex is influenced more by her surrounding neighborhood and community environment. "Communities that provide more family planning services to adolescents ... are characterized by a more tolerant normative atmosphere with respect to adolescent s~xual behavior,'" the researchers noted. National Institute of HealthcQre Research report
Look beyond disabilities, couple says· DA YTON, Ohio(CNS) - They took each other for better or for worse when they exchanged wedding vows 31 years ago. For Jim and Mary Lou Beers, a Catholic couple from St. Mary Magdalene Church in Willowick, Ohio, that ··worse'· came just nine years later when Jim. then in his 305 and the father of four young children, suffered a massive stroke. The stroke left him paralyzed. A tall, energetic man who had worked as an industrial tool salesman, Jim could no longer walk. talk or do any of the routine activities most take for granted. He now relied on others, especially Mary LOll, for his every need. The road has been rough, they readily admit But through their tremend.a..ll..S.-ilo~ve~f~nOL-'=Cll.-"JWJ:"--_
and their complete trust in God, the Deerses are surviving the challenges that have been placed in their paths, and are sharing their inspirational story today with people throughout Ohio. The couple made an appearance recently at a Faith and Sharing Retreat in Dayton. Called "Change of Heart," the retreat was aimed at motivating disabled Catholics to look beyond their disabilities and see how God is positively working in tbeir lives. Together, with Mary Lou presiding and Jim adding comments through a laptop computer, the couple spoke honestly and compassionately about how the stroke ha~ changed their lives. Following his stroke, Jim was in a comatose state. Docton did not even expect him to live. "His eyes were the only place I could see light," said ,Mary Loq, But "what looked dead came to life'" one morning, Mary Lou said, when Jim squeezed her hand, his first movement in more than 90 days. "I was astonished," she said. "Right away, I wanted to find out what he remembered." Pregnant with their fifth child, Mary lou asked Jim to squeeze her hand for each child they had. He squeezed four times. Mary Lou's husband was back. During those three months, Jim and Mary lou's children had not been permitted to even visit their father. When they were allowed finally. Mary Lou explained to retreat participants how her 2year-old son Jim, who is named after his father, hopped maner-offactly on his father's paralyzed body, climbed under his respirator tubes and said: ,··Dad, me loves you!" "What the medical profession called a ·vegetable,' a little child called 'Daddy,'" said Mary Lou, summing up this powerful moment. It was then, she said, that "we began a new llfe." A month or so later Jim was taken off the respirator; a year later, he was back home. The family began communicating with Jim through signs. A look at the ceiling meant he was thirsty, for example. As signs became more confusing, they tried spelling out words with letters of the alphabet. One press of the hand would represent the letter A, for example. It was slow and cumbersome, but the only way. "For 16 years, the only way we could talk was through signs and the alphabet," said Mary Lou. But then carne the computer. The device, Which is used by many stroke victims who lose their ability to speak, was generously given to the Beerses by a salesman friend, whose
MARY LOU Beers holds a microphone to the laptop computer which communicates messages typed in by her husband, Jin, at a recent retreat in Dayton, Ohio. A stroke left Jim unatle to walk or talk. (CNS photo) only stipuation was that Jim "use it to talk al>out God." And wih it, Jim has. For 17 years, he ald Mary Lou have been proclaimirg their message at Faith and Sharirg Retreats, schools and other eduation and religious programs thrmghout the state. At the (hange of Heart retreat in Dayton,the Reerses encouraged participant to indeed "change their hearts," t< look beyond the disabilities tlat may restrict them in some ways Those restrictions don't have to b: binding, the couple said. "That's what having an open heart is all about - being able to see beyondour temporary bodies," explained \(ary Lou. "This stroke has taught us what it means to be alive. Our bodies cannot be confined whe. we allow the spirit to take over.' Along wth God's unconditional love comfS, Jim and Mary Lou's
total commitment to each other. Their marriage has withstood one of the toughest tests of love. And they "love each other now more than ever,'" they said. "I,think we~v.e_grown t-o undustand what love is," said Mary Lou. "I'm not so sure in those starry-eyedl days of wedding gowns and frostin,g on faces that we really understood what it meant to lay down our lives for each other. We've grown to understand that real love is real faithfulness and tenderness., "That's not to say there aren't rough days. and that it hasn't been a hard journey in many ways," Though he is unable to speak, one thing is certain: Jim's heart speaks voDumes about his wife Mary Lou_ After he pressed thekeys of his computer for a few moments, Jim asked rhetorically, ··See why I love her so much?"
A~gressive behavior
in children related to family structure
While debate continues over how showed that boys from motherto best curail the large problem of alone families were over three times aggressivebehavior in the nation's as likely t(l) be in the top third of schools, a lew study indicates fam- aggressive behavior ratings as boys ily struct.re could stand as an from mothler/ father families. Agimportantnedictor of such behav- gressive girls were over two and a ior. half times as likely to be from I n a SIUCy of 393 fourth-graders mother-alOine homes. from low 8l.d middle-income famThe researchers suggested that ilies in tte Baltimore area, reintervention strategies for reducsearchers tom the John Hopkins ingaggressiive behavior should seek School 01 Hygiene and Public Health drew assessments ofbehav~ to compensate for limited aduJt monitoring, such as offering highly ior from tlch child's teacher and structured after~schoo) programs. from the clild's primary caregiver. Considering that"development pathChildren tom the following four familytypcs wereincluded: mother ways leadimg to delinquency, drug alone, mollerl father, motherI gnuxl- use, and criminali-ty have been marked by aggressive behavior as mother, ani mother I male partner. early as the firsl grade," the findParents reports showed only a ings may have implications for slight and :tatistically insignificant prevention strategies far beyond higher risl of aggressive behavior just classro1om behavior. for childr.n from mother-alone families. fhe results from the Nalional fnstitutl" 0/ Hf'ohhcare teacher asessment, however, Research report
World War II hero monk honored in Washington
~)( ELEVATING EXPERIENCE: Pope John Paul II waves to the crowd at St. Thomas University in Manila as he descends a grandstand on an elevator. (eNS/ Reuters photo)
Pontiff finds new energy Continued from Page One Among those attending the Mass was an official delegation from the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, a government-approved organization that does not recognize the pope's authority over Chinese church affairs. In a message broadcast to mai nland China Jan. 14, Pope John Paul insisted that to be Catholic one must be united with the pope. "A Catholic who wishes to remain such and to be recognized as such cannot reject the principle of communion with the successor of Peter," he said. The pope explained that contrary to the communist government's assertion that papal authority amounts to foreign interference in Chinese internal affairs, unity with the pope and, therefore, with the universal church is an essential part oft.he Catholic faith. In a Jan. 14 speech marking the 25th anniversary of the churcnrun Radio Veritas and in a Jan. 15 address to the Federation of Asian Bishops' ,Conferences, the pope praised the faith and courage of Chinese and other Asian Catholics who have remained loyal to the church despite persecution. The pope also told the more than 150 Asian bishops, gathered at San Carlos Seminary in Manila, that as the third millennium approaches, evangelization remains the highest priority of the church, but "evangelization must never be imposed." Evangelization "involves love and respect for those evangelized. While ever insisting on the church's right and 'duty to proclaim with joy the good news of God's mercy, Catholics must carefully avoid any suspicion of coercion or devious persuasion," the pope said. "If the church in Asia is to fulfill its providential destiny, evangelization as the joyful; patient and
progressive preaching of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ must be your absolute priority," he said. ~ The pope spoke of the need in the near future for a synod of Asian bishops, just as the African bishops met in ~ynod last year. The papal visit also featured events focusing specifically on the Philippines, including a 20-minute private meeting with President Fidel Ramos, the Philippines' first Protestant head of state. Ramos has been at odds with the Philipine bishops over his government's family planning program, which includes the promotion of contraceptives. Although Navarro-Valls said the issue was not discussed in the meeting with the president, the pope made his support of the bishops' position clear during a meeting with members of the bishops' conference. Leaving Manila Jan. 16, the pope called on Filipinos to continue the commitment to justice and a better life, whic,h marked their mostly nonviolent transition to full democracy in 1986. "Above all, no one should pull back from the great demand of real and effective solidarity, a new solidarity between individuals, in families and throughout society," he said. "There has to be a renewed sense of responsibility of everyone for everyone else; we are, each of us, our brother's keeper." On the second leg of the fournation, 10-day trip, the pope arrived in Papua New Guinea Jan. 16 urging reconciliation among the nation's people. He offered prayers for the inhabitants,. of Bougainville, a cop~ per-mining area on an island off the east coast of Papua New Guinea, torn by four years o(guerrilla warfare.•, ' . . Bishop Luke M,atlatarea of Bereina told journalists the fight-
WASHINGTON (CNS) - Father Bruno's "children" are older now. Some are retired and have grandchildren. Most have gray hair and wrinkles. During World War II, when they were Jewish children in Nazioccupied Belgium, Benedictine Father Bruno Reynders hid 400 of them in a defiant underground railroad operation that saved them from the Nazis. About 18 of those "hidden children" who live in the United States recently gathered in Washington to cdebrate the story of Father Reynders. They met his nephew and wartime assistant, Michel Reynders, and participated in an Anti-Defamation League Holocaust Education Project at Washington Archdiocesan schools. The Benedictine monk and theologian used his monastery as operating base and his brother's home . as transit point. He arranged food ration cards and false identity papers for the children, and financial support for the families who sheltered them. Children were also hidden in convents and monasteries. The penalty for any of these actions was death. In January 1944, the Nazi Gesta po raided Father Reynders' monastery and he was forced into hiding, but he continued his rescue mission until Belgium's liberation later that year. The Hidden Child Program provides Holocaust ed ucation in archdiocesan Catholic schools and spreads the story of thousands of children w~o were saved by Christians. Even today the story of their separation from their parents and life under false identities and religions is little known. "Each one of us is living proof that even in that hell called the Holocaust, there was goodness, there was kindness, and there was love and compassion," said Abraham H. Foxman ADL national director and himself a hidden child from Poland. Anne Weissmenn, one of Father Reynders' children who gathered to honor him, said she did not recognize the priest when he took her into hiding. "He was in a disguise," she said, "he didn't look like a priest." The day she left with him, clutching a photo of her mother, was the last time she ever saw her mother, she said. She learned years later that her mother was taken that very day by the Gestapo and killed.
Flora Singer, a Silver Spring, Md., resident saved by Father Reynders, spoke, along with his nephew, at St. John's College High School and St. Anselm's Abbey School. "I'm here because there were people who were willing to risk their lives," Mrs. Singer said. "Father Bruno stole. He lied. He did what 'good' people aren't supposed to do, and I am alive because of that." . "I've lived a very productive life," she said, "because I have lived my life trying in my own little way to emulate Father Bruno. I have children and grandchildren, and every day I thank Father Bruno for that." In his talk at St. John's, Michel Reynders, now a Colorado physician, said, "Protection of the innocent and an aversion to intolerance and injustice motivated my uncle... Discrimination and contempt, he could not take." For his heroism, the Belgian monk, who died in 1981, was honored in Israel's Yad Vashem memorial garden as one of the "Righteous Gentiles Among the Nations."
"Chilling spectacle" VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Showing euthanasia on Dutch television was a "chilling spectacle" for people who believe in the sacredness of human life. said a commentary in the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. The commentary criticized the televising of a film in which a doctor injected a 55-year-old man first with a sedative and then with a poison. Dutch la wallows euthanasia and assisted suicides under certain conditions. These include that -the patient is terminally ill. is suffering unbearable pain and requests death. It is "horrible to bring a criminal event into homes," said the commentary by Franciscan Father Gino Concetti, a moral theologian, in the Vatican newspaper.
Duchess meets pope VATICANCITY(CNS)- Pope John Paul II recently held a private meeting with a member of Britain's royal family, the Duchess of Kent, who was received into the Catholic Church in January 1994. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valis did not comment on topics discussed during the 25minute audience, but he quoted her as saying, "I came as a pilgrim and I left our meeting with joy in my heart." The duchess was the first British royal to become a Catholic since King Charles II, who turned to Catholicism on his deathbed in 1685. At the time of her reception into the church, her office issued a brief statement saying the decision followed years of careful thought and a long period of instruction. Since 1961 she has been married to the Duke of Kent, who is 18th in line of succession to the throne.
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ing in Bougainville has been "scaled down" in the last six months. However, he said, members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army continue to insist the Papuan government must give the province more of the revenue from the mines operated by multinational corporations. The main purpose of Pope John Paul's Jan. 16-18 visit to Papua New Guinea was the beatification . of Peter To Rot, a lay catechist martyred during the World War II Japanese occupation. The pope expressed regret that he.could not beatify To Rot on the island of New Britain, where he lived and taught the faith despite Japanese restrictions. The area suffered massive. damage when the volcanoes Vulcan and Tavurv erupted in September..
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Retirement nears for 12 U .8. bishops
Of the other bishops eligible to WASHINGTON (CNS) - Two of the top prelates in the U.S. retire this year, the one best known Catholic Church - Cardinals John to U.S. Catholics is Bishop Malone. J. O'Connor of New York and He has been vice president and James A. Hickey of Washington president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and is the - will mark their 75th birthday in only man below the rank of arch1995. bishop ever to head the conferThere are 12 other active U.S. ence. He has long been an influenbishops who are already 75 or will tial figure in the U.S. church in turn 75 during 1995. fields ranging from Catholic social Among them are the last three teaching and public policy to active bishops in the country who Catholic higher education and participated in the Second Vatican ecumenism. Council as bishops. They are Archbishop Francis Other bishops who will be 75 M. Zayek of St. Maron of Brook-. Iyn, Bishop James W. Malone of this year are: --.: Bishop Walter J. Schoenherr, Youngstown, Ohio, and Auxiliary Feb. 28, an auxiliary of Detroit Bishop John J. Ward of Los since 1968. , Angeles. - Bishop Robert F. Garner, When they retire, there will still April 27, an auxiliary of Newark, be a few U.S. bishops who were in N.J., since 1976. Rome during the 1962-65 council - Bishop Ward, Se'pt. 28, an as priests, but none who p'articiauxiliary of Los Angeles since 1963. pated asa bishop. - Archbishop Zayek, Oct. 18, By church law a bishop is expectwho became the first bishop of ed to submit his resignation to the U.S. Maronite Catholics in 1966. pope on his 75th birthday. Pope Since 1982 he has had the personal Paul VI, who made the rule, typiFIRST STRA W: Pope John Paul II tries on a Filipino title of archbishop. cally delayed retirements only in straw hat upon his arrival in Manila, Philippines, on the first of extraordinary situations, such as several trips he plans for this year. (CNS/ Reuters photo) in dioceses in Eastern Europe where the church was under siege. Under Pope John Paul II, however, it has become more common for retirement to be delayed for VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The several months or even a year or example, the pope discusses the VATICAN CITY (eNS) Vatican newspaper and Italian more, unless a bishop has health When Pope John Paul II began a story ofCain and Abel - the first problems, specifically asks to be church leaders condemned as imIO-day swing through the Far East murder - and proceeds to suggest of his duties or is out of moral the artificial insemination relieved in early January, he kicked off ways to combat what he calls a techniques used to produce a baby favor with Roine. what is expected to be an extremely conspiracy against life in today's girl from the egg of a woman who Often the pope delays accepting busy year of papal travels, Vatican world, the sources said. The encycdied' two years earlier. a resignation. until after a bishop meetings and important docu- , lical is expected to be a landmark The birth of baby Elisabetta in reaches an.approaching anniversdocument of his pontificate and ments. early January stirred a storm of ary. , If things go as planned, 1995 one sure to stir'reaction worldwide. Cardinal. Hickey" for example, controversy and ethical soul-searchwill take the 74-year-old pope to In addition, the pope is said to is apparently in good health and ing in Italy, ,p.articularly because five 路continents and, add nearly be working on a major document will, mark ~wo majorcilnniversaries the chil~'s:~.l!r.r.9gate.l1)ot.h~ris ,her 50~OOO miles the most in 10 oli ecumenism, to be. published his 50th as a p'ries~ and 30t,h as a ,own aunt -;- ~er father's sister., years' - onto his frequent-flyer during a year of important ecuChurch leaders, who emphabishop - in the 1,8 months followmenical events. The Orthodox total. . sized that the, baby deserves love ing his 75th birthday. The tentative schedule calls for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholoand support, denounced as "monCardinal O'Connor.' also apmew I of Constantinople plans to separate papal'visits to Belgium, strous" the biological procedure in parently in good health. reached the Czech Republic and Slovakia make his first visit to the Vatican which the dead woman's fertilized his 75th birthday Jan. ,IS. I>ut his and the pope. in June, giving the in April and May. eggs were kept frozen until a suris at 50th anniversary as a priest After a summer break, the pope two religious leaders an opportunrogate mother was found. The the cnd of,' the year. then plans to crisscross Africa In ity to strengthen strained relations woman, who was undergoing ferSeptember on a tour of English-, between their churches. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tility treatment at the time, died in French- and Portuguese-speakingBesides the African post-synodal that its concerns go beyond those a car accident in late 1992. countries, probably including apostolic exhortation, the pope of sexual morality to include the The Vatican newspaper L'OsSouth Africa. During the visit, he will be working throughout the broader aspects of women's rights, would like to unveil his apostolic' latter part of 1995 on the followincluding violence, and exploita- servatore Romano, said Jan. II that the methods involved were letter on the African church, a up document to last fall's synod on tion aimed against women.' . follow-up document to the Afri- religious life. In addition, over the Back at the Vatican, another immoral on several levels. For one thing, the freezing of can synod held in 1994. next several months he is expected debate will no doubt pick up steam In November, the pope is sched- to guide initial planning for sevwhen U.S. and Vatican scholars embryos as if they are "industrial products" for use at a future date is uled to address the United Nations, eral regional synods to be held meet to discuss use of English a "horrible and offensive" pracon its 50th anniversary, then shut- leading up to the year 2000. inclusive language in Scripture and tle around the Northeast on pasIn 1995 the International Cathothe liturgy. The talks could affect tice, said a commentary by Father toral visits to New York, Newark, lic-Jewish Liaison Committee plans ,the fate of two Scripture transla- ' Gino Concetti, the newspaper's N.J., and Baltimore. The trip was to meet in a major dialogue sesmoral theologian. tions intended for liturgical use postponed last year because of the sion, the first since 1992, Vatican that have been approved by U.S. In addition, the use of one such pope's slow-healing broken thigh. sources said. Vatican and Jewish bishops but held up by the Vatican. embryo usually involves destrucIf, all this isn't enough, Vatican officials are still working out time, Sometime in April the pope is tion of the rest, which is a "crime planners say the pope is still deter- place and agenda items, but among expected to squeeze in a visit to against life," it said. Trent in northern Italy to commined to visit Beirut, Lebanon, the probable topics is a Catholic In the third place, women or and Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, statement on the Holocaust that memorate the 450th anniversary couples who decide to "adopt" of the historic council there, which these preserved embryos, although whenever security conditions are . has been under preparation for right. The cancellation of both several years. was considered the church's answer they may be motivated by good trips last year left the pope deeply Looming large on the horizon to the Protestant Reformation. intentions" "go 'against the illicit disappointed. are two important U.N.-sponsored For the pope, 1995 brings a full The' Polish-born pope has always meetings, to which the Vatican plate of activities. What Vatican said he enjoys his international will be sending high-profile dele- ' officials point out is that all this forays, but he will also have plenty gations. In March, the World Sum- comes in addition to the fixed or of work to do back home in the mit for Social Development in semifixed calendar of annual Vatican. One of the first items on Copenhagen, Denmark, will pro- events, which keeps growing: major the papal agenda is publication of vide a forum for church social liturgical ceremonies at Easter and his long-awaited encyclical on Hu- teaching on issues ranging from Christmas; papal messages on man life, "Evangelium Vitae" ("T-he ,economic justice, to population world peace, refugees, missions, Gospel of Life"). the priesthood and vocations; yearcontrol. According to Vatican sources, In September, the Fourth World ly Vatican-sponsored meetings on ,the 185-page encyclical focuses on Conference on Women in Beijing health care problems and scientific abortion, contraception, artificial is already being billed in some issues; and the hundreds of "roufertilization, euthanasia and ex- quarters as a showdown between tine" papal meetings and audienperiments on human embryos and the church and women's liberation ces with bishops, world leaders fetuses. The pope offers theologi- . proponents on such issues as abor- and groups of international excal refleCtion and practical ethical tion, sterilization and birth con- perts. guidelines. trol. The Vatican, however, wants For the pope, it doesn't leave In the section on abortion, for to use the event to demonstrate much time to recover from jet lag.
Pope. plans busy 1995
- Bishop Edward T. Hughes, Nov. 13, who has been a bi!hop since 1976 and bishop of Metuchen. N.J .. since 1986. - Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe, Nov. 20, who has been bishop of Jefferson City, Mo., since I ~69. Bishops 75 or older but still active at the start of 1995 are: - Bishop Alfred L. Abramowicz, whose 75th birthday was Jan. 27, 1994. He has been an auxiliary of Chicago since 1968. - Bishop Joseph T. O'Kt:efe, who was 75 March 12, 1994. He has been a bishop since 1982 and bishop of Syracuse, N.Y., since 1987. - Bishop Timothy J. Lyne, who was 75 March 21, 1994. He has been an auxiliary of Chicago since 1983. - Bishop Edward D. Hl:ad, who was 75 Aug. 15, 1994. He has been a bishop since 1970 and bishop of Buffalo, N.Y., since 1973. - Bishop Michael J. Dudick, who was 75 Feb. 24, 1991. He has been bishop of the Ruthenian diocese of Passaic, N.J., since 1968.
Vatican paper condemns technique~s used for Italian baby's birth nature of substitute maternity," it said. The church teaches that surrogate motherhood is contrary to woman's dignity, to matrimonial unity and to the dignity of human procreation, it noted. Italian C~rd,inal Ersilio Tonini said the case was a "monstrous manipulation" that revealed serious defects in Italian law. , "This i's' ilO longer fertility. We;N!;J~aclJ~,Q,.th~. PllinLo[ producing human' beings as if they were boxes," he said. But he added that baby Elisabetta, like all human beings, is a "child .of God" and must be welcomed. -. The case prompted calls by italian officials for more stringl:nt controls on artificial inse'mination procedures. Aldo Isidori, a member of the country's national bioethics commission, said it was unacceptable that fertilized eggs be stored, after a woman's death and then "distributed like supermarket items: one for the aunt, one for somebody else and one to throwaway."
Missioners essential VAT1CAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II praised the missionary activity of religious world wide, saying their work in spreading the Gospel is an essential contributi,)n to the modern-day church. The pope said the rich history of missionary effort illustrated how efforts at personal sanctification among religious should be balancl:d by apostolic work on behalf of the whole church.
Phone trees are suggested pro-life project
Continued from Page One Among participants will be ProLife Apostolate essay contest winners Meghan Montouri, whose entire family will attend the march, and Beth Roma. "There are quite a few teenagers" in the group, "which we were happy to see," said Mrs. Desrosiers. The Apostolate's buses will depart from Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich, at 6:45 a.m. Jan. 22, with stops at Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich, and Holy Name Church, New Bedford. The group will stay at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill. They will attend a Jan. 22 vigil Massat the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a Jan. 23 morning' Mass at the basilica, and the rally and March for Life, gathering on the Ellipse at noon. Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles, chairman of the bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities, is the scheduled celebrant and homilist for the vigil Mass, to be followed by the National Rosary for Life. Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston is to celebrate the morning Mass. Bishop O'Malley will be among concelebrants of the Masses and will march with the diocesan group. He will also host a Jan. 22 breakfast for them and celebrate Mass before their departure on Tuesday morning.
Wake-Up Call The march's theme is" And the Cock Crowed," a reference to the New Testament accounts of Jesus' Passion during which Peter denied Christ. "America is denying the humanity of children" by its acceptance of abortion, Miss Gray said. "Absolutely no one is justified in killing an innocent born or preborn human begin." Like last year, the march is not being held on the Jan. 22 anniversary date of Roe vs. Wade because it falls on a weekend. Organizers believe turnout - and post-march access to members of Congress is greater if the rally is held on a weekday. The March for Life also is to sponsor a weekend conference Jan. 21-22 at a Washington hotel in conjunction with the march. The evening of the march, the 14th annual Rose Dinner will be held in Washington. Its principal speaker will be retired New York Giants guard Christ Godfrey, president of Pro-Life Athletes. Helen Alvare, the' U:S. bishops' pro-life spokeswoman, said she thought the turnout for the march could be lower because the shootings "could caust: some people to stay a way because they want to not engage in a ny public protest at aiL" On the other hand, Ms. Alvare said, "the pro-life movement. is feeling pretty persecuted at the moment" due to all pro-lifers being criticized for the actions of a violent few. "It has galvanized the pro-life movement in a way," she said. "They know thc:ir conscience is clear. They may want to turn out. "The March for Life is always peacefuL" Ms. Alvare said she expects a greater presence of counterprotestel's who support legal abortion. They were virtually invisible in 1993, when President Clinton used the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision, which legalized abortion virtually on demand, to
CARDINAL BERNARD F. LAW and Gov. William Weld emerge from the cardinal's residence after their meeting last week to discuss the abortion issue. (eNS photo) liberalize federal abortion-related restrictions. By contrast, they were more vocal during President Bush's years in office when he vetoed abortionrelated measures passed by Congress, many of which dealt with federal funding. In Massachusetts In another observance of the Roe v. Wade anniversary, Massachusetts Citizens for Life will hold its annual Assembly for Life I to 3 p.m. Jan. 22 at John Hancock Hall in Boston. The featured speaker will be Harvard University la w professor Mary Ann Glendon, who will offer reOections on "The Hidden Face of the Pro-Life Movement." MCFL. will honor the winner of its essay contest for high school students and "Walkers of the Year" - persons who have raised the most pledge money t.hrough the October Respect l.ife Walk for Mothers and Children. Catholic clergy joining the interfaith assembly will be Cardinal l.aw. Boston Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence J. Riley and Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Worcester. Cardinal Law, who met Jan. II with Gov. William F. Weld to discuss the abortion issue, has also announced that beginning Feb. 4. prayer senices for life will be held in five churches Mthe archdiocese each Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. After their meeting, the governor and cardinal said they agreed on several points: - A woman must be thoroughly informed not only about the medical proced ure which abortion entails, but also about the "arious alternatives and support available from private and public sources. - Weld's recent executive order to facilitate adoption should be more widdy known and shared with women who are considering an abortion. Abortion should be the last option. - Society must have education programs that develop self-esteem in teenagers, and young people must know that. in the words of Weld, "abstinence isa live option" in Massachusetts.
- Prenatal care along with food and nutritional education must be available to pregnant women. They must not feel that society has abandoned them. - Efforts to reform the current welfare system must not place an even greater pressure on pregnant women to abort their children. Weld and Cardinal Law said they would meet again in about a month to measure the progress made on those points. InacolumnfortheJan.13issue of The Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper, Cardinal Law called his meeting with Weld "a significant conversation showing how persons who differ on the issue of life can be in agreement on seeking alternatives to abortion." He reiterated his reasons for calling'a local moratorium on clinic protests. saying it was "suggested to permit a conversation to begin." "In the past week, it has become abundantly more clear to me that there has been no substantive conversation between those of us who arc pro-life and society as a whole. at least not in Boston. during the past decade." Cardinal Law wrote. "Routinely. the pro-life message has been either ignored or caricatured." But. he said. his call for a moratorium does not mean any ambiguity on the church's pro-life position nor a lack of respect for those who have participated in peaceful protests at abortion clinics in the past. To those who have participated. "I want to give my assurance that the call for a moratorium does not deny my ad miration for your commitment to life." the cardinal said. "It is. rather. an urgent suggestion that the message you proclaim may be heard more effectively if expressed in another way." In an editorial for its Jan. 13 edition. The Pilot spoke of the "explosive" atmosphere in the Boston area following the clinic shootings and said the meeting between Weld and Cardinal Law "is a harbinger of hope that civil discourse in the thorny issue of abortion may replace anger, loathing and! any temptation to violence."
WASHINGTON(CNS)- With no major pro-life battles currently pending in Congress, sponsors of National Project Life Sunday are asking Catholic parishes to organize phone trees that could provide a quick response to new legislative propqsals. "When critical votes are pending. phone networks are an invaluable tool for activating a significant number of people in a short period of time," according to materials on the new venture. A joint project of the National Committee fora Human Life Amendment and the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. National Project Life Sunday featured postcard campaigns to Congress in 1993 and 1994. The 1993 campaign centered on the Freedom of Choice Act and the 1994 battle was against the inclusion of abortion coverage in national health care reforms. "Both postcard campaigns were decisive factors in turning abortion advocates' proud predictions of legislative victories into defeats two years in a row," said a new report on the campaigns from the committee, a Washington-based Catholic prolife group. The committee and the bishops' pro-life office designated Jan. 22, the 22nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision. as National Sign-Up Sunday for Project Life Phone Trees. Among pro-life topics likely to come before the I04th Congress are "funding for abortion, welfare reform, health care reform, the promotion of abortion in foreign countries, and embryo research," the committee said. A 16-page brochure on National Sign-Up Sunday says those who sign up for the phone trees need not have "a strong legislative background or gifted ability for
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 20, 1995
public speaking." The only requirement is a willingness to make a quick call to Congress one to 10 times a year to leave a message a bout pending pro-life legislation, it said. Program materials are available from the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, 1511 K St. N.W., Suite 335, Washington, DC 20005. Phone: (202) 3930703. Fax: (202) 347-1383.
Not supermen ROME (CNS) - The head of Opus Dei, Spanish Bishop Javier Echevarria Rodriguez, said the power of his organization is based more on prayer than on alleged worldly inOuence. "We don't consider ·ourselves supermen, but people like everyone else - able to make mistakes, but capable also of loving God utterly in everyday life," told an Italian newspaper. Bishop Echevarria, 62, was among 10 prelates ordained Jan. 6 by Pope John Paulil. Unlike most of the bishops, who will administer dioceses, he heads the Opus Dei personal prelature, whose worldwide membership includes some 75,000 lay people and 1,500 priests.
South Africa visit? VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A visit by Pope John Paul II to South Africa next fall could help boost morale for the country's difficult post-apartheid reconstruction, a South African bishop said. Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg said tentative plans call for the pope to make a 24-hour stopover in South Africa during an expected African trip in September 1995 that would combine brief stops in several regions of the continent in a celebratory closing phase of the African synod, held in Rome last April. A more complete pastoral visit to South Africa's 3 million Catholics would ha ve to come later.
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In our schools around the diocese Club utilizes the services to obtain hourly satellite images and radar reports, as welI as the most up-to-date forecasts and weather statements from all parts of the country and the world. The school has gone "high-tech" in the area of audiovisuals as well. This past summer, Coyle and Cassidy joined the "Channel One family," instalIing televisions in each of the 29 main classrooms. Each morning during homeroom, the school community watches a 12-minute newscast geared toward young adults. Teachers have been using the news programs and specials to prompt class discussions. As part of the Channel One service, the school also subscribes to "The Classroom Chann'el." Via the satellite dish on top of the school's roof, the school receives two hours of programming per night that is recorded automatically on a VCR. These tapes have been used by teachers looking for the most recent information available in their subject area. Coyle and Cassidy also, through the generosity of the Class of '94, purchased a character generator for the closed-circuit television system which allows groups, teams, and other organizations to send announcements about meetings and deadlines to the student body ,throughout the day. The school also has the ability to, show video productions to the entire school a'-the same time as it did "And The Band Played On" on World AIDS Day. , The school can send live telecasts from a small TV studio. Candidates for student government positions were able to give their speeches over the TV system without having to call a school-wide assembly. ,The CC guidance department has, gone automated as weU through the· implementation ,of the Discover Software System, authorized by the Amefican College Testing Service. Students have access to a computerized col, lege ,se~rch system which allows them instant access to information on more than 3,300 colleges and universities throughout the world. It can also integrate career and , college search processe$. More than 100 colIeges have sent in recruitment videos for students to preview. Eyen the Coyle and Cassidy telephone system is automated. Each teacher has his or her own audio "mail box" fo'r messages through the AU DEX system. A caller to the syhool can be connected to any department or faculty member within seconds. With all of these improvements in the area of technQIogy, Coyle and Cassidy High School wilIcontinue to , surge ahead on the information superhighway. I
Coyle-Cassidy junior Eric Hahn ofA ssonet merges on the information superhighway in the school's computer lab.
TAUNTON - Coyle and Cassidy High School is cruising in the high-speed lane of the information super' highway. Since making,technology and compu,te~ science a part of the school's academic board in 1992 and making Sister St. Paul Collard; SSJ its chairperson, Coyle-Cassidy has, been on the cuttiilgedge of technology in the classroom. With its upcoming $1.5 million addition, which includes a state-of-the-art technology center and computer labor-' atory, the school will continue to integnite'the latest in technology into its curriculum for all subjects.' Through the efforts of Sister Colla~d' Coyle-Cassidy has been able to stay on top of changes in the computer industry and to purchase the best, most adaptable equipment for the school. Sister ColIard has attended , many'.conferences to learn the techniques needed to present information to staff and' students, and recently conducted a six-week;after-school workshop for staff. She is also presenting a course in computer application for diocesan teachers. " , During this academic year, Coyle-Cassidy students are being trained on brand-new Macintosh LC 575 computers with CD-ROM capabilities. In addition, Coyle and Cassidy owns a Power Mac with which videotapes and' live television images can be processed. These machines are hooked up to either laser-jet or ink printers. Two color ink jet printers are being used in the popular art and music class, "Creativity and the Computer.': . Many other, disciplines have integrated the new technology. Spanish classes are using CD-ROM information to improve. their listening, speaking, and writing comprehension. Students view a brief video on the CD-ROM program ane! their responses to oral questions are recorded by the computer.. They then can save the information on a floppy disk for later evaluation by the teacher. "The new GD-ROM technology also alIow~ Spanish students to create an electronic portfolio," says Spanish instructor Bill Breen; "If done over two or three years, a student' and his or ht:r teacher can folIow his or her progress throughout different levels." The introduction to computer science class researched the information superhighway and presented projects requiring use of on-line services. One project involved utilizing on-line services to debate a political issue, observ" ing tendencies of the various geographic regions for later class discussion. A second offered simulating a family's search for the perfect vacation spot. Students could work in groups, given a certain dolIar figure to spend. They could then research geographic areas, determine costs and, finalIy, "book" tne "ideal" vacation using the superhighway. . The library also has seen'improvements in the technological field through IBM-compatible machines. Students and faculty members who are doing research can, utilize the SI RS program, which allows access to 800 different magazine and newspaper sources. Information is updated quarterly.. Additional computers with CDROM capabilities allow students to do research in scie,nce, historY,literature, and the arts. The library also has several electronic encyClopedias as welI as Scribner's Windows on hand. , .' Coyle and Cassidy accesses two on-line services, Amer- .' ita On-Line apdCompuServe. teachers and students can use thes~ progfams,in various way~, including electronic mail and the Internet. The Coyle and Cassidy Weather
Luke Connolly, an eighth-grader at St. Mary-Sacred Heart S chool, North A itleboro, receives a certificate lind map from geography teacher Mary Jane Burke after' winning the school's gi/ography bee. School winners are eligible to compete for a national championship Lind $25,000 scholarship given by National Geographic WlJrld and the Chrysler Co;poration. Fifth- through eighthgrades who also compeied in the geography bee w.~re:. Blake Sigman, Donald Phillips, Brendan Poirier, Jw;tin Chapman, Thomas Taylor, Erica Sa,ntos, Jonathan ' Connolly and Lyndsey Au~in. '
St. Joseph's School NEW BEDFORD - Seventh .and eighth grade students, with the guidance of. teacher Amy Bowen, are researching science fair projects. The fair wilI be held in January this year, an,earlier date than in previous years, due to an earlier date for .the regional science fair at Bristol Community College~'in whic.h'St. Joseph's Sl:Udent compete. ' I ,
Bishop Stang High' NORTH DARTMOUTH - A placement test for eighth-graders interested in attending Bishop Stang m,xt year has been scheduled for 8 a.m. Jan. 21. Applications will be distributed at the time of the test or may be obtained from the admissions office, 996-5602.
,Concern/or families
Participants waveflags and sing at World Youth'Day opening events in Manila. (CNSj Reuters photo)
MANILA. Philippines (CNS) - Today's youths W3,nt their families to be more stable and their parents more responsible, said delegates at the International Youth Forum in Manila. Spokeswoman Julie ,Constante said delegates to the forum identified "decaying morality, authoritarian rule and hard times" as factors largely responsible for today's family crises. Confronting those crises was one theme discussed in , the forum at the Catholic University of SI. Thomas in Manila Jan. 6-10. reported UCA News, an Asian chur,;h news agency based in Thailand. Nearly 240 young people from 100 countries met as a lead-up to the 10th World Youth Day celebration Jan. 10-15. Delegate Maria Nickolola Georguiera said that in Bul- , garia, communist rulers prohibited religion for 45 ycars. People stayed away from the church because they fean:d arrest and jail. As a result, there was no church to guide the people on, morality, she said. The situation is similar in post-communist Russia, said Marianna Iassemchik. The "instability of life" now, she said. is making! things difficult for families to live normally. Russia today has so many broken families and sing:le parents, Miss Iassemchik said, that she fears Russian children are growing up without guidance from parems and will not have proper values. ' .Maria de los Angeles Garriga Gonzalez, a delegate from ,Cuba, said the economic, problems that plague Cuba are also tearing families apart. Division is a part (If • life for Cuban families: she said. with young people forced out of home by pressures to study and 'get ahead in life and ,separation of families because oft he' exodus (If many Cubans seeking green'er pastures in other .land~;, such as the United States.
By Charlie Martin
HOLD MY HAND With a little love A nd some tenderness Well walk above the water, Well rise above the mess With a little peace And some harmony . Well take the world together, We11 take them by the hand Because I got a hand for you Because I want to run with you ¥es the day I saw you Standing there ¥our hair was down Over your eyes No comb had touched your hair I said get up And let me see you smile I tell you we'll walk The road together We'll walk the road a while Because I got a hand for you Be(:ause I got a hand for you I want to run with you Hold my hand Hold my hand Hold my hand Because I want to love you The best that I can See I was wasted And I was wasting time Til I thought about your problems, I thought about your cry ¥ou see I stood up And 1 scream.ed aloud I don't want to be Above your problems I don't want to be Above you, proud Written by: Mark Bryan/Dean Felber/Darius Ruck~r/Jim"Soni" Sonefeld. Sung by: Hootie and the Blowfish (c) 1994 by Atlantic Recording Corp., WEA International HOOTIE AND the Blowfish: like their sound even more than What a great name for a band! I their name. I went into the music
store to listen to their single "Hold My Hand" and stayed to hear the whole disc. Could this song's opening words be true? "With a little love and some tenderness" could we "walk above the water" and "rise above the ~ess"? What would happen in our human family ;r each of us practiced a "little peace and some harmony"? Could we bring "the world together.... take them by the hand"? We can do much to change our world by reaching out to one person at 'a time. Committing ourselves to such an effort starts with looking around at our family, school and parish. and recognizing who needs help, Most of us will not have to look far. Are there children in your school or neighborhood who could benefit from the caring, positive influence ofa teen? Are there elderly people in your parish who rarely get visitors and who might be delighted to have a teen drop in on them periodically? Do you live with parents who struggle to balance the family budget and thus need the encouragement of someone appreciating all their efforts? To be today's followers of Jesus is to love the best that we can right in the situations that make up our everyday lives. Indeed, the:re are so many ways to extend the hand of our caring right here, right now. In a recent column I urged readers to think about goals for the coming year. As I said then, this is a process that I· highly recommend for building more quality and satisfaction into our lives. Who can say what will happen if you set personal goals that offer others "a little love and some tenderness"? Be specific. Be clear. Be bold. Who will you reach out to in 1995 with your hand of caring? ¥our comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, In 47635.
World Youth Day offered new perspectives for North Anlerican participants MANILA. Philippines (CNS) For North American young people thousands of miles from home. World You.th Day '95 meant being surrounded by new Filipino friends and. for a few. a personal meeting with Pope John Paul II. "It's funny how youjust clam up when you meet him." said Amy Wortmann. 25. one of t-he two U.S. delegates to the International Youth Forum that preceded World Youth Day. She,receiveda rosary and handshake from the pope Jan. 13 after a Mass for forum delegates. Ms. Wortmann, a campus minister at the University of Dayton in Ohio. said she was worried about the hesitating steps of the pope as he entered the chapel. But his obvious enthusiasm for the young peoph: and the way he individually greeted them relieved her fears. "He put his hand on me: It was not the hand of a weak man," she said. The other U.S. delegate. 29year-old Brian Johnson. thanked the pope for being "a living example of peace." "He has helped me realize that to bring peace to the world, you .~-
have to have peace with yourself. and peaee with yourself means peace with God." said Johnson, the assistant director of the diocese of Galveston- HoustOn's youth office. Johnson was the exuberant moderator of a special World Youth Day session for U.S. and other Engli~,h-speakingparticipants at Manila's Astrodome. He did not face much of a challenge getting thousands of young people to sing loudly the World Youth Day '95 theme song, "Tell the World of His Love." Msgr. Dennis Schnurr. who was executive director of World Youth Day '93 in Denver. said there were "anywhere between 2.000 and 4.000" young people from the United States in Manila. but no one had been able to pin the figure down further. The delegates experienced the universality of the church. but saw the truth of the faith expressed in many different ways. he said. "They go home with a greater appreciation that universality does not mean uniformity." said Msgr. Schnurr. who will become general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in February.
For Jeffrey Fuentebella, 20, the gathering was an opportunity to show the land where he was born to four friends from St. Theresa parish in Phoenix. Attending World Youth Day for the first time, Fuentebella said. "From what I heard, the last World Youth Day was an awesome experience and I didn't want to miss it again." His friend John Lowry. 22. did go to Denver and saw at least one obvious difference. "Denvercostusabout 150bucks and this is costing 10 times that amount. but I really couldn't put a price on the experience." he said. , The U.S. bishops attending the event were: Cardinals Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia: Archbishop William .I. Levada of Portland. Ore.: Bishops William K. Weigand of Sacramento. Calif.; Tod D. Brown of Boise. Idaho; Roger L. Schwietz of Duluth, Minn.: San Francisco Auxiliary Bishops Carlos A. Sevilla and Patrick J. McGrath; and Auxiliary Bishops Roger L. Kaffer of Joliet. 11I.; and Kevin M. Britt of Detroit.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 20, 1995
By Christopher Carstens All over America, kids are getting together with friends at night - on their computers! There's a whole new world of electronic communication out there, and teens are leading the pack on the "information superhighway." To get in on the action, you need a computer and a modem, which is a device that lets your computer communicate over telephone lines. With those basic tools you're ready to go. There are a number of ways to hook up. The most familiar are the big, commercial computer services. They're really terrific, but it's easy to run up a big bill. Trust me, I know from painful experience. Often, a better place for teens to start is with a local "bulletin board service" or BBS. as they are known. Most of the time a BBS is actually somebody's computer, sitting on a table in a back room, hooked up to the phone line by a modem. Software on the program lets users dial in and communicate with each other using the central computer as a message base. Almost any town of good size will have a BBS these days, and big cities have literally hundreds. There is usually no charge to the callers - unless you call long distance, and then the phone company will hit you with a toll for the call. You begin your BBS session by typing in the phone number on your computer. Your modem will chirp and whistle, and a welcome will flash across your computer screen. ¥ou're on. Once you're in, there are a variety of things to do. Teens especially seem to like the kind of BBS service with "chat lines." Chat services let several users log in at the
same time and "talk" to each other through the computer. Lots of people like to use "handles" instead of their real name·s. Each brief message appears as it is typed and entered. During a typical chat session, your computer screen looks something like this: "Ranger Rob: Hi everybody, what's up'! Sokko Girl: Hey. Ranger Rob. welcome. Glad you got your homework done. Ranger Rob: Sokko Girl, it was a drag, but oh well. Who else is here? Bartolo: I'm here, Ranger. Can I copy your homework?" Mostly the talk is light, like a group of friends talking over a soda. Still, chat can get pretty personal and even deep at times. I've "listened in" on a number of boards and seen teens be really supportive and helpful. I've also seen some jerk behavior. It seems to come with the territory. As with anything, there are some traps to watch for. First, on the commercial services, it is really easy to run up a big bill. Second, you don't know who some of those people really are. Someone claiming to be a 15-year-old girl may really be a 47-year-old man. For this reason you should never give your full name or home phone number to somebody you only know from the BBS. There are real creeps out there. They can't hurt you over the computer, but you don't want to invite them to your house. But mostly. the electronic world is fun and interesting. It's a way to "meet" new people and learn how others think. That's what communication is all about.
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CATHEDRAL CENTER of RENEWAL, E. FREETOWN St. Stanislaus, FR, confirmation. retreat Jan. 20-22. St. Elizabeth Seton, N. Falmouth, confirmation retreat, Jan. 21. St. John the Baptist . confirmation retreat Jan. 22. Registrations are bei ng accepted 'for Tuesdays at the Lake series, to be held II a.m. to I:30 p.m. Feb. 7-28, and for the Bishop's Day of Renewal for Laity, Feb. 25. Information: 7633994.
Ri~~·~~F~i·.·:J~~:·20"'{995··:···DAR.TMouTH·ljLTR·iYA"·~.' ·'···A'A·CATHO.Li~S'OC'iA.L SE'R~I'CES
SERRA CLUB, NB Meeting 7 p. m. Jan. 23, White's of Westport; Rev. George Harrison, head of diocesan secretariat for youth will speak on" A Year of Renewal of Youth Ministry."
Meets 7:30 p.m. Jan.·23. Holy Cross Fathers, Tucker Rd., Dartmouth, for palanca Mass celebrat~d by Faiher Steve Avila and commlssioning of Cursillo 153 team. Rick Zuber will host and Donald and Diane Sylvia will b.e in charge of palanca. Food donations for Market Ministries will be collected. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH RCIA inquiry classes will begin soon; interested persons may con-' 48 1065 A I tact rectory, 5 . renewa session for parish ministers will be held in parish hall following II: 15 a.m. Mass Sunday.
i~for~~t'i~~1 regi~t~~ti.on: 674,4681. AdoptlOnmformatlOnmeetmgfor New Bedford Office. Support Attleboro, Taunton, New Bedford group for Spanish-speaking parents. and Fall River areas, 7 to 9:30,p.m. Information: 997-7337. , Feb. 28, Catholic Social Services, Attleboro Office: Adult children 783 Slade St., FR. Information: from troubled families group. In674-4681. formation: 226-4780. Hyannis Office: educatiomil/sup- HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBOR.O port group for parents of adopted Respect life holy hour 8:30 to 9:30 adolescents meets Jan. 25, Feb. I p.m. Jan. 22. and 8. ~arents and friends of gay ST. JOSEPH, NB and lesbIan youths meet 7 to 9 p.m; Adoration of Blessed Sacrament second Tuesda~s. Ad.olescent boys Mondays except holidays followgroup for dealtng With death and. ' .' loss meets 3 to 5 p.m. first and third mg II. a:m. Mass ~ntll. 4:30 p.m. B d ct Ad t Th d f th th I f ene I Ion. ora Ion IS alsc I held tio~/~e:rs~r~tion~ 7~f-~T71. n orma- Fridays, followi~g.9 a.m. Mass until F II R' Offi" Ed . II 6:30 p.m. BenedictIOn at St. Theresa Church N B a Iver Ice: ucatlOna support group for parents of adopted ST. MARY: F AIRHA VEN adolescents meets Feb. 2, 9, 16, Ch" U' W k March 3. Educationall s~pport group v' 2~lstlan OIty ee prayer serfor latency age (7-11) children meets Ice .30 p. m. Jan. 22. 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in March. ST. JAMES, NB The parish will participate in a Weight management without dietnational pro-life phone tree si~:n-up ing program will meet for 10 weeks 5:30 to 7 p.m. Feb. 9. project IIIIIIio_ on Jan._.... 22. _beginning ...._IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIio _
Hospitals offer pulmonary rehabilitation
persons are invited to submit their weekly parish bulletin and news items ofinterest to Steering Points, the Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. DIOCESAN OFFiCE OF yOUTH EVANGELIZATION Auditions for the upcoming musi~ cal "Godspell" will be held 7 p.m. Jan. 27 and 28 at SI. Patrick's parish center, 760 Slade SI. FR. Information: 672-8467.
"WITH FAITH" members Alex Kuzenov, Joanne Kennedy and Joanne Coughlin will perform Christian music in the 6:30 p.m. Jan. 28 installment of LaSalette Shrine's Coffee House Series. A 4:30 p.m. Mass will precede the concert at the Attleboro shrine. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Respect life day of prayer Jan. 23 beginning with 8 a.m. Mass followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until7 p.m. prayer service and Benediction.
ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Dermody Cleaners continues its Coats for Kids program through January; used children's coats will be cleaned and repaired fordistribution by parish Vincenfians.
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Cardiopulmonary outpatients can achieve an enhanced level of overall fitness through a new service being offered by Saint Anne's and Charlton Memorial hospitals in Fall River. the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program provides outpatients with appropriate education and exercise to help them reach and maintain optimum levels of strength and well ness to better control their conditions. "Graduates of these programs . have improved exercise performance and self confidence, understand their disease better, and require fewer and shorter hospitalizations," says William C. Sheehan, M .b., the program's medical director. "The program is also demonstrably cost-effective." , Patients have the option of attending three classes per weel for two months, or two classes per week for three months. Each 90minute session combines practical education with a supervised exercise routine. Patients of all ages can participate in the programs, which are currently accepting patients through physician referral. Through the supervised exercise program, patients can safely increase strength, stamina and overall fitness. The education component gives patients a clearer understanding of their disease as well as practical strategies for maintaining good health through proper diet and medication. The segments also cover related health topics such as stress reduction and coping with illness through ·humor. "Our basic goal is to improve their functional level at home, improve their quality of life and ·get them s'tarted on a regular exercise program," says Joyce Grusmark, MS, PT, co-director o'f the cardiopulmonary rehabilitation de.partment and assistant director Of the physical therapy department ·at Charlton. G'rusrrlark says the programhelp's patients lead fuller lives by teaching them how to pace 'their work and giving them confidence to par'iicipate iii recreational activities. 'Because 'patients 'are better'aware of their condition arid' specific medical needs, they also' tend to recognize symptoms and crisis 'periods sooner, and, iOn fum, seek medical intervention earlier. Patients are able to avoid the more serious medical complications of their disease and recover more quickly when problems do develop, resultin'g in shorter and less frequent hospitalizations. For more information on upcoming classes and entrance criteria, contact Saint Anne's Hospital at 674-5600 ext. 2392 or 'Charlton
Memorial Hospital at 679-7076 ext. 7076. Prostate support group Saint Anne's Hudner Oncology Center is holding an educational support group for men with prostate cancer beginning Jan. 23l'rom 2 to 3:30 p.m. Meetings, to be held in the hospital's Nannery Conference Room, will include a presentation of a pertinent topic related to prostate cancer, followed by open discussion. More information on the Prostate Cancer Support Grou:? i.s available from Fred Barbosa, MSW, oncology social workers, 674-5600 ext. 2279, or Rosemarie Baylies, RN, BSN, MHP, OCN, 675-5688. Clinical Social Worker Fernando Barbosa, MSW has been appointed a clinical social worker in the community and social work services department at Saint Anne's Hospital Barbosa's responsibilities will include treatment planning and helping patients and their families with the emotional, psychol'ogical and social traumas associated with their illness. Barbosa holds a bachelor's degree in social service humanities from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. He earned a master's from the Rhode Island College School of Social Work, graduating magna cum laude and receiving the Mary Davey Award for excellence in social work. He is a licensed clinical sodal worker, and is fluent in Portuguese. Before coming to Sa.int Anne's Hospital, he was a child welfare worker for the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. Barbosa is also a member of the National Association ofSoc:ial Workers (NASW). He resides in Johnston, RI, with his wife Teresa and their two-year old daughter Alexa Dan'ee.
Tole'ra'flee needed K'HARTOUM, Sudan (CNS) - Catholic 'Ieaders warned tha t a Christian-M uslim dialogue recently inaugurated under Sudanese government aU'Spic'es requires freedom and tolerance. The inaugural took place at a conference titled "I nterreligiolls 'Dialogue - Peace For All." organized under the government-sponsored Coullcil for Int,ernational People's Friendship and attended by more than 100 obsl:rverso 'Many Catholics at the conference said privately that the meeting was an attempt to improve the Sudanese government's image abroad. Sudan has been accused of serious abuse of non- Muslims.