Middle School
F,or Taunton
A complete reorganization of the Catholic elementary schools in Taunton was envisioned in a proposal made public last night by Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Superintendent of Schools for the diocese of Fall River. The proposal was described to a group of priests, teachers, and parishioners representing each of the seven parish elementary schools in Taunton. Father O'Neill's plan calls for establishment of a new middle school for grade 6, 7, and 8 in the present Msgr. Coyle High School building. That building will become available next September when Coyle High School merges with Bishop Cassidy High School. In the new plan, all seven Catholic elementary schools would dliscontinue their upper grades, and send their students. to the new central middle school. Parishes would continue to operate their own schools for grades 1 to 5, but the possibility of some of these schools merging with one another was left open. Turn to Page Six
Announce Schools Exams, Tuition· All the Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Fall River will conduct an Entrance and Placement Examination for new student~ at 8:30 on Saturday morning, Feb. 6. Students wishing to enter any of these schools next September should report to the . school of their choice. With plans for the mergers of the five high schools being reexamined and finalized, the Bishop Gerrard Hi~h School will welcome students who were planning to attend Jesus-Mary Academy, Dominican Academy, and Mount St. Mary Academy. The Coyle-Cassidy High School also prepares for its first cooed group to formally register, while faculty and students work to unite the two Taunton schools. Tuition rates for the high schools in the Diocese of Fall River are as follows: Attleboro Bishop Feehan High School (for boys and girls) ($325) Fall River Academy of the Sacred Hearts (for girls) ($325) Bishop Connolly High School (for boys) ($450) Bishop Gerrard High School (for girls) ($325) (Exam to be held at former Mount St. Mary Academy) New Bedford H~ly Famly High School (for boys and girls) ($225)0 St. Anthony High School (for boys and girls) ($200)0 North Dartmouth Bishop Stang High School (for boys and girls) ($325) Taunton Coyle - Cassidy High School (for boys and girls) ($325) (EJ!;am to be held at Cassidy High School)
° $50
reduction for members of the parish.
The ANCHOR An Anchor of ,the Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 21, ,1971 $4.00 per year Vol. 15, No.3 © 1971 The Anchor PRICE 10¢
Offensive' Movies • Rising In Nation NEW YORK (NC) ....... Movies Film Newsletter, available at a have hit rock bottom in offen- $6 a, year subscription from siveness ,and public disgust over NCOMP, Suite 4200, Chrysler this type of fare is being regis- Building, New York, N. Y., tered at the box office. 10017, films are rated in six catThe conclusions are indicated egories-ranging from A-I, famin two reports reviewing the i1y entertainment, to C, con1970 film situation-'-the National demned. ' Catholic Office for Motion PicVariety reported "Airport," tures (NCOMP), and Variety, with a G (family) rating from weekly show business publica- the industry and an A-I rating tion. from NCOMP, was the top NCOMP's Jan. 15 Catholic Film grosser of 1970. Another G-rated ' Newsletter, reviewing the indus- film, "Hello Dolly!" also was' try'~. output duringI97~, ass~rt- ,among, the top 10, the' repqrt, ed the degree of offensiveness . said. " , . . " in the objectionable fare of 1970 The Catholic Film Newsletter has far exceeded anything pro- said th~ 1970 output of 32 A-I duced in the past." rated films was six more than Variety, in a compilation of the 1969 output, but there was the top grossing films of 1970, a higher number of objectionable reported there was not a single films, especially in the C cateX-rated movie among the top 10. gory, where an all-time high of An X-rating of a film is designed 59 were listed, compared to 40 to prohibit youngsters under 17 a year ago. years of age from attending. The Newsletter noted a subJesuit Father Patrick J. SulIi- stantial decrease in the number van, NCOMP director, disclosed of movies suitable for adolesthat from Jan. 1 through Dec. cents-23 in 1970 compared to 31, 1970, the Catholic agency reo 47 in 1969. The highest percenviewed a total' of 332 m'ovies. tage of suitable movies (36.8) Of these, only 32 were rated in 1970 was 122 in the A-III, (A-I) suitable for family enter- suitable for adults class, while ,tainment. ' there also was listed 38 films in In the twice-monthly Catholic Turn to Page Twenty
Educators Plan to .Elevate CCD Teaching Quality WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho- form in cooperation with the Iic religious educators will be Center for Applied, Research, an given an opportunity to evalu- independent church research orate and improve their classroom ganization based in WashingtoQ. performance by taking part in a Coordinator of the project is project launched ,by the Nation- 'Sister Mary Sarah Fasenmyer, al Center for Religious Educa- acting dean of the School of Ed-' tion-Confraternity of Christian ucation at the Catholic UniverDoctrine. sity of America. CCD educators throughout the . Father William Tobin, the nacountry are to receive by March tional center's assistant director, self-evaluation forms to help said the project, which, he dethem survey their attitudes and scribed as "informational and understanding of themselves as motivational", was designed to teachers, their students, the help the religious' educators imgoals of religious education, the prove their teaching competency. nature and process of learning, He said the questionnaire the organization of a program would be'distributed through diof religious education and the ocesan religious education ofsetting -and supportive services fi<;es to religion teachers in parof a religious education program. ochial schools and the CCD, the The National Center of Religi- Church's out-of-school religious ous Education, a division of the education program. United States Catholic ConferAn advisory council, including ence's education department, is Father Tobin, religious education preparing the self-eva,luation Turn to Page Six
Sunday Opens Week 01 Prayer for POWs For two years Teresa Getchell of St. Margaret's parish, Buzzards Bay, has been living in a limbo' of ignorance concerning the fate of her husband, Capt. Paul E. Getchell, shot down over Laos two years ago. "We have had no word about him at all," said the young mother of two children, Karen, 5, and Gregory, 6. "All I can tell the children is that their daddy is lost in the jungle." Today Mrs. Getchell is spearheading a statewide letterwriting campaign to heads of states holding American prisoners of war. She said the week of Jan. 24 through 31 has been designated "Write a Letter" week by the National League of Families of Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. "We tell people all we're asking is five minutes and .25," said Mrs. G~tchell. "The five minutes is the time it takes to write a letter, and the quarter is for air mail postage to Hanoi." Letters should be brief, she said, and should ask for release of information concerning pris.· oners of war and men missing
in action. They should also urge that such men should receive humane treatment. Government negotiations for prisoner release or information have not been successful, noted Mrs. Getchell, but since largescale letter writing and sending , of petitions has begun, world opinion has been a factor in influencing Hanoi to release films and information, and forward mail to prisoners' families. Mrs. Getchell said sl1e sponsored a Cape Cod letterwriting campaign in October. She has appeared on television and given speeches urging cooperation with the project. Area chairmen for the' campaign, from whom bumper stickers urging support are also 'available, .are Antone Shaker, 366 Freelove Street, Fall River; the American Red Cross, 52 Ash Street, New Bedford; and Mrs. Getchell at P. O. Box 93, East Wareham. "I've been d~ing this work for six months," said Mrs. Getchell. "Before I felt so frustrated doing nothing. Now at least I feel I'm doing what I can." Turn to Page Twenty
HUSBAND MISSING IN ACTION: Mrs. Paul Getchell of East Wareham writes one of her many letters seeking information on her husband missing in action in Southeast Asia. '
French Studying Question Of Building Churches PARIS (NC)-To build or not If this building policy conto build churches-that is the tinues, anotper $90 million will question for French Catholics. be necessary in the next 10 And a recently published study years to provide for the 6 milof their views on the issue failed .lion to 8 million newcomers to to indicate a clear-cut answer to the cities: the questiion. Where the money is to be The study was done under found has been overshadowed by the auspices of the Society for another, more fundamental, quesSociological Study (SARES) at tion that divides the most, acthe request of the bishops' Na- tive French Catholics into two tional Committee on Church camps: is it still necessary to Construction. build churches? About 2,500 Catholic churches For'the study, a random sample have been built in France since of 1,000 persons was' interview1945. The government undertook ed. . payment for about 1,000 in war The study indicated that the restoration ,programs, but the French generally think of the others cost varying dioceses church in the context of a viiTurn to Page Twenty, about $90 million.
i THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 21,,1971,
Mexica-n.;.Americans to File
. I
Defamatioll1 ' of Character Suit
OFFICIAL APPOINTMIENT Rev. John J. Smith, assistant at St. James Church, Ner Bedford as Delegate of the Bishop, for Se inarians an~ Diocesan Director of Vocations, I
NAMED: Bishop Cronin has appointed Rev.' John .J. Smith, assistant at St. James \ I 'Church, New Bedford as DelI egate of the Bishop for SemFall River. inarians and Diocesan Director of Vocations. The ap. . I ' , pointment is, effective .Jan.
,ApP?intment effective Saturday, January 2 , 1971.
Set Guidelines for Sp
D@ITfii)DnB~ S~ts Human De'velopmenf-Funds, St" SO~B@~' I!vetrning
WASHINGTON (NC)-Declaring that Frito Bandito advertisements have "gone far enough" in stereotyping Mexican-Americans as undesirables, the head of a Mexican-American group said the mischievous "bandito" is headed to court. Domingo Nick Reyes, director of the National Mexican- , American Anti-Defamation Committee, told NC News his organization would file a $610 million malicious defamation of character suit against the corn chip company that sponsors the ads, its advertising agency and two major communications networks. Defendants in the suit to be filed ,in a federal district court in Washington, D. C., include the Frito-Lay Company of Dal1as, Tex., the Foot,' Cone and Belding ad agency and the .Columbia Broadcasting System and the American Broadcasting Company. The anti-defamation committee, Reyes' said, is asking $100 in damages for each of the 6.1 million Mexican-American men, women and children in the United' States.' ,Other MexicanAmerican media' groups, he added, had joined the committee in the suit. In Bad Light , Reyes'said Frito-Lay officials had reneged on -an announcementmade last February that the company had decided to phase' out the "BandJto" ads because of pressure from Mexican-_ American ·groups. He said members of that ethnic group had objected that the "Bandito" 'presented the Spanish-speaking in a bad light, depicting them 115 thieving, lazyand shiftless, always clothed in sombreros and toting pistols and not like anyone who would be likely to' get ahead. NBC props Ads The Frito-Lay television ads feature'the "Bandito" caricature in humorous. situation~" tricking
SAN ANTONIO (NC) - De- . op should'decide who will revi~w St. Dominic's Church, Swansea spite some lay opposition, bish- the projects. I ' ops will decide who is to review In the co~rse of their pl~ri will sponsor a: -social' evening, projects sponsored by groups in ,ning, commIttee members e- for new,arid old members of the their dioceses seeking funds vealed some of ~~e proble~s t~at parIsh from 6 to'midnightSaturfrom the U. S. bishops'. anti- face the co~mlt~e, t~e bIshops day night, Jan. 31 at Venus de poverty drive, the CampaIgn for and. those fmall~ deSIgnated Ito Milo Restaurant. A social hour from 6 to 7 will be followed by Human Development. get some of the JPoney. I a smorgasbord from 7 to 8 and That was one of the key 'Assist oor . J guidelines set by members of the When the co~mltt~e ended l,tS "music for dancing and listening" campaign's national committee t~ree-day meetl.ng, I~ h.ad oqt- until midnight. Rev. Daniel E. when it met here to start plan- hned ~ome baSICj gUldehnes f9 r Carey, pastor, announces that all ning. how to spend the estimated a.wardmg funds t local ~nd nji- former pastors will be invited to $7.5' million total which cain- tlOnal programs to assist t~e attend. . Reservations will be needed' paign directors expe'ct from the poor and had el~cte~ a b~a~k nationwide collection of last docto,r, a Me~lcan-AmerICa,n and identification tags will be Nov. 22. judge and anAp~rlachia~social issued to all guests. "Not a week goes by but what 40 . b 'tt worker as committee offIcers. ' Th e" -mem er comml ee, . f' . h h' h' I d 25 I't I d The COmmIttee 0 bls ops, a new famity or two joins St. W IC. mc u es al y, a so . e- priests Religious and lay per- Dominic's," noted Father Carey. termmed that all groups seekmg 'I ,. , "The fact that all the former pas'f d' h I' d sons a so: I ' t d th t th b' un mg, even t ose not a Igne 'th 'r' . t' nSls e a poor e m,- tors will be invited should inWI re I~IOUS organJz~ Ions vol'ved in the plartning and opterest those who have fond memwould be gIven equal consldera- era t'Ions 0 f ~ny ~If ' - ories of years gone 'by. Many tion. . e -h ePi proJ I . ects funded by the group. ~ younger c'ouples have joined the N~w, 'Superi·or _ It w~s also decIded that all Stressed the ur entneed to p~rish in recent 'years and this ST. COLUMBANS (NC) ,commit~ee' funds would' be de- educate affluent C ristrians and wi1\. give them a chance to widen posited, in . min?ritY.-ow~ed; or sensitize them to the problem~ their circle of friends in the area. Father Richard Steinhilber left Nebraska for Dublin, Ireland, to managed fmanclal mstItutIons, of the poor. . I So make your reservations now take over his new duties as. suand. that fir~s participatin~ in Emphasized the need for ini and reserve your baby sitter." ,perior general of the Society of Project Equah~y would be gIven novation of efforts to assist preference in purchasing mate- the poor arid disadhntaged and Ecumenical Service St. Columban. He is the first AJllerican to head the worldwide rials used by the committee. suggested the us~ of Churctr A motion to empower the ex- property as sites fdr low-incomel The' unity of· Christians' in society of rili,ssionaries. ecutive board to allocate up. to housing developme~ts. \ Christ will be celebrated at" an $500,000 for program proposals' The interim comfittee presi-' ecumenical service to be held already. received was defeated' dent; Bishop Edwaro A McCar-1 at 7 Sunday night, Jan. 24 at the after .the committee votedl to thy of Phoenix, A~iz., presided I First Baptist Church, North Main ~nc. hold its next meeting April 30- over the meeting. Discussion re- j and Pine Streets, Fall River. May 2 in St.' Louis. vealed that not all committee \ Members of all, denominations Funeral ,Seniice Bishops Decide members agreed 6n how the I are invited. The program wilUnEdward F. Carney campaign could bel[t help the i clude a procession with banners, 549 County Street During discus~ion on the ex~ (poor. " ,i traditional and' folk hymns, an New Bedford 999-6222 tent of power bishops should : alJdioviSual presentation, and a Servi~g the are~since 1921 have o~e~ the prop~sals" Mi~s, Prelate to Work candlelight ceremony. Mae Glthng of, Baltimore' saId I '. she, opposed the idea becaus~ In Poor Parish bishops would' turn programs PORT ELIZABE~H (NC) _ ~v~r to their diocesan structures...' Bishop Ernest Gre~n has reDIocesan groups kn9w less than signed as head of th1e Port Elizanyone about what's going on," abeth 'diocese and Jill work as 1 she argued. ,an ordinary priest i~1 one of the I: 'She suggested later that offi~' poorest and more' i~olated par- : BISHOP CONNOLLY HIGH cial Human Development Cam- ishes in the Capeto*n archdiopaign units in each diocese cese. ' SATURDAY; JANUARy"23, 1971~2.4P.M. shOUld. serve as review bo'ards In a letter to the Southern , for local proposals,' but, the Cross, a SoutQAfric~n Catholic' committee ruled that each bish- weekly, Bishop Greery expressed For Pco-el'1lt,s and Pr'ospedive, Students . his gratitude for the cooperation
Michael C. Austin
"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~~'~'''~'~~~'~~''''''''''''''''''''''''""'"'''',''''' '~~i[tv:~d ~~~si~a~:~1:~u:hec~~~~
Second 'Class Poslage Paid at Fall River, Mass" Published every Thursday at .410 High!and A 'enue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver, Subscription price by mail, poslpaid $4,00 per year.
f. .
cese and he thank d all lay people: and their or amzatlOns for their loyalty and in.dness.
other cartoon characters into giving him their corn chips. Reyes noted the anti-defamation committee had attempted to contact the company about the ads, but he said "they never responded to any of our communications." • Reyes added that ABC and CBS network representatives refused to drop the advertisements, but that NBC officials had decided not to carry the ads on its :affiliates. He said NBC spokes,men told him the action was based on the network's recognition of its responsibility toward the public. Frito-Lay officials were not available for comment. and CBS ~nd ABC spokesmen in New York said they were not in a position to give immediate comment on the suit.
Irish Productnon To Aid MDfisio!l1$ Ttl Colurn ban Fathers will present direct from _Dublin "Ireland '71" at 8 on Friday eve~ ning, March 5 in the auditorium of Bishop Connolly High School, at the junction of Routes 6 and 24 on Elsbree Street, Fall River. . All tickets are $3 and may be obtained at The Irish Specialty Shop, 130 South Main Street or at Suliivan's Church Goods Store. 377 Second Street. All proceeds will be for Columban Foreign Missions.
Necrology JAN. 27 Rev, John -T. O'Grady, 1919, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, 1955, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River. JAN. 28 Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, 1947, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket. Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, !961, Pastor, St. John Evangelist. Attleboro.
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Rome 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.
672-2391 I Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E.' Sullivan
D. D.
Wilfred C. Sullivan .Driscoll
FALL RIVER, MASS. 672-338,1
T.el 676-1071
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
Thurs., Jan. 21, 1971
NEW YORK (NC) - The de- them to imagine they can make cision of an American company a trip to the moon. In a review to present a series of 12 films ,in the newsletter, NCOMP calls for showing at matinee through- the motion picture a "pleasant out the United' States has been story that small children will described as "a major break- thoroughly enjoy because it is, through i:l providing worthwhile from beginning to end, entirely made for them." entertainment for children." Praise The National Catholic Office The other films in the series for Motion Pictures offered the words of praise to Xerox Films, will also be foreign-made and a producer of movies of many dubbed into English. This techkinds, primarily intented for nique was employed for "the school and library. Children's Film Festival on telEi-Support for the company's entry vision which received much critiinto the theatrical distribution cal and popular praise. field was asked by the film ofIn its discussion of children's fice in the initial copy of its films in a separate article in the Catholic Film Newsletter for Catholic Film Newsletter, NCOMP pointed out that, the Amer1971. ican film tradition has been to Can Help "You can help, of course, by make. general audience movies, a type of production which in bringing your children to . the first of the Xerox matinees cases contains material that is when it appears in your neigh- beyond the experience and inborhood," th~ publication de- terest level of the youngest c1ared. "Not just in order that viewers." the theater will book the rest of "While it would be harmful," the sedes, but that the s,uccess the NCOMP continued, "to try of the idea will stimulate what to shield children completely we need most: our own national from the adult world, it is necessupply of children's - not just sary that they also have their family-motion pictures." own kind of movie to enjoy. The initial offering in the Xer- Xerox is making a significant ox Films series is "The Wishing contribution toward this end, Machine," a fantasy about two and hopefully it will influence fuCzechoslovakian boys. whose ture American production in this _ visit to an industrial fair leads direction. "
Vatican Representatives. Complete Round of Ecumenical Sessions VATICAN CITY (NC)-Rep- includes the World Jewish Conresentatives of the Vatican gress, the Council of. Synagogues offices specializing in dialogue of America and the American and ecumenism have completed Jewish Committee, was'the first a round of pre-Christmas meet- of its kind to be held in Rome. ings separately with represen- It was organized by the unity tatives of Judaism, Protestant- secretariat's section for relations between Catholics and ism and Islam. Representatives of the Vati- Jews and by the international can's Secretariat for Christian Jewish committee. The aim of the meetings was Unity met with members of the International Jewish Committee to discuss from a religious point for Interreligious Consultations of view, concrete plans and proto work out means of improving cedures to improve relations berelations between the two reli- tween the two communities in gions. all parts of the world. It also At about the same time, unity studied how to develop closer secretariat officials met with COllaboration in' areas of comrepresentatives of the World mon interest, such as justice and Lutheran Federation and the peace, human rights, religious World Alliance of Reformed freedom and the struggle against Churches to examine the possi- rncism and discrimination. bility of expanding official diaCommon Conviction logue on the theology of marMeetings between the unity riage and the problems of mixed secretariat and the World Lumarriage. Meanwhie, officials of the Sec- theran Federation and the World retariat for Non-Christians had Alliance of ~eformed Churches also concluded a series of meet- grew out of earlier meetings in ings with representatives of the ·1969 and 1970. The two Protestant groups exSuperior Council of Arab Affairs of Cairo, discussing rela- pressed the need for clarifying tions between the Catholic with the Catholic Church various points of theology of marChurch and Islam. riage, such as the question of Catholics, Jews The meeting with the interna- marriage as a sacrament and of tional Jewish committee, which the indissolubility and validity of marriage. ' L'Osservatore Romano, the Commutes Bishop's Vatican City daily newspaper, Death Sentence reported that "those attending YAOUNDE (NC) - Cameroun the Rome meetings unanimously President Ahmadoua Ahidjo com- agreed on the importance and muted to life imprisonment the urgency of the entire problem of death sentence given to Bishop the theology of marriage and of Albert Ndongmo of Nkongsamba mixed marriages." The Vatican City daily said and two other defendants convicted of plotting to kill Ahidjo, the participants "al§o expressed their common conviction that it Radio Cameroun said. Bishop Ndongmo, 44, had re- is th'e particular responsibility ceived another sentence of life of the Church to clarify the imprisonment after beng con- Christian concept of marriage in victed of plotting to overthrow the light of the present·day crisis of the institution of marriage." the' head of state.
Makin,g Chi.ldren's Movies Praiseworthy Endeavor
Cardinal Urges Return fo God CHICAGO (NC) - Cardinal John Cody of Chicago told a TV interviewer here that contempo-
rary problems from drugs to the housing crisis can be solved by a ......... ' return to religion and to God. The cardinal predicted that the majority of modern young people "will come through" despite their involvement in personar and political crises. Asked what he thought was his role, the cardinal said "to help solve the urgent problems of today," citing his work at a summit conference called "to stop the trouble that was here." The cardinal was referring to the meetings at city hall that resulted in the ending of Dr. Martin Luther King's openhousing marches in the Summer of 1966. The cardinal added, "Times have changed, particularly in the racial issue. People have changed. They want more au" tonomy. I agreed with them. For every priest or Religious that leaves the priesthood or the convent, Cardinal Cody said, "we need two or three to replenish the supply." But he predicted that departures from the ranks of the clergy will slow down. Some young priests who demDEFENDER FOR UNBORN BABY: ,Dr. M. H. Backe-r, onstrate- 'for changes in the are inspired by high Jr., father of 13 children and doctor of obstetrics and gyn- Church motives, the cardinal admitted, ocology in St. Louis has been authorized by a judge to argue but he said that their actions ocin behalf of "infant doe" in a suit which s'eeks to abolish casionally betray their clerical dignity. ' Missouri's abortion law. NC Photo.
Every father~even the youngest-should read Maryknoll's free booklet on wills! Sixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what your heirs car lose if you die without a will. Page 5 discusses why you need a lawyer's help in drawing up your will. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to include. No father, young or old, should neglect his will.' Maryknoll's booklet will convince'You!
Mail the coupon for your copy today! • __ .D •• ~--------~~-----------_·
Maryknoll Fathers 50 Dunster Road Chestnut Hill, Mass, 02167
Dear Fr. Leo Shea: Please send me your booklet on making a will. I understand there is no obligation.
. I
'. ". .... , ..... ,.. \.. .. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs: Jan. 2.1, 1971 " . . ,. ... • ~ . . , I ' - _. '1-"-.
O.rganlzers Deny Charges of Bias In Passio.n' Play
OBE'RAMMERGAU (NC}-Qrgan.izers of. the Oberammergau Passion Play denied charges that the 1970 version of the play was biased against the Jews, Toni Preisinger, the play's diM rector, said the play followed the Bible and history. His com· ments .were incluued in a document entitled "Oberammergau 70·8Q" .recently published' here; Mayor Ernst Zwink, also writing. in the' publication, rejected the charge that the play' was anti-Semitic. He said that charge . was "trumped up" and that men of .goodwill stood by Oberammergau. Preisinger linked the criticism to the American Jewish Committee, which had pressured for changes in the script" which it claimed were prejudicial against Jews. ' . Preisinger said that the 1970 play was seen by 530,000' persons, who, he claimed; approved of the present version. He added that visitors to Oberammergau had urged ·the play' organizers not to give in to the AJC's demands,
Underlying many features of our so-call d "youth c:ulture" which adults disapprove of-withdra; aI, apparent . aimlessness, improvidence, drug-t~king-liFs someth~ng . which responsible 'people, old and young, have to confront. Th.is is the existential des. ~" . ';' pair .felt by thousands of .the of each other's ~hysical presence young - students, workers, -and the reduction· of life ,to dropouts-when they take a the most ~Ieine~tal bodily exer~ .look at' their contemporary cises and expressio~s." .' I' ·society. '. '. '. . '. , In' a word; they are prepared " You do not need to be ·very psychologically Jfor ~he' ruined old '. or 'very wise .to' conclude world they beli ve to lie; in~vi-
ta::~'iSa::ad~se LnSOIi~g
or: diverting such de~pair with praise for the PleaSUrej of the consum~r society: It is 0 use, preach'ing a rootless opti ism or arguing from history .that.theworst d6.~es BARBARA not always happen. The alienated younga~e. beyond ~he WARD comfortable arguments. There would. seem t~ jbe in fact only . two ways in wh ch their despair . EDUCATING CHANGE: Rev. Donald Coughlin of can be lessened o.r their search Chicago is responsible for educating t~e archdi.ocese's Cathfor reality turnEld into less po- olics about new forms of communal, worship and other \ . that mankind's oldest and most tentially destructive channels'. .changes. to come. NC Photo. . I" . i passionate pursuit is war. You do not need to have reflected a Great Tr~itiOn f'raises Commuting great deal or read a lot of his~. The first is ~he way of St. Death Sentences tory to believe that a system of nation-states, all claiming exclu- Francis of Assis~ or, in our own NEW YORK (NC)-Dr. Cynsive rights and exclusive sover- . day,. Mother Thetesa. 'Some. gi~nt thia C. Wedel, president of the Church Authoritie,s Skeptical of Polish eignty, is' the almost inevitable souls, without t~ought of pot'itiNational Council of Churches, '. Premier's Declaration institutiomil framework of re- calor institutional change,· commended Gov. . Winthrop, I ' peated conflict; plunge to the heart. of the world's ROME (NC) _ Caution and•. Then he asked: "What doees Rockefeller .and the governments miseries. and . oppressions and even skepticism were the pre- he mean by normalization? He of Spain and the Soviet Union You need 'almost no informawork there, amo~g the most ~is- dominant' reactions of Church might also be referring to recog- for recently. communting death tion'at all to know that the erable and oppressed, to rest9re authorities to a declaration by nition by the Holy See of Po- penalties of condemned men.. greatest nation-states, if' they an commu~ist p'o'land'snew .pre~ier land's sovereignty over the: In a New 'Year appeal for were to enter 'war in the late t~ t?em· some~eIlse of' hun: clemency and ,restraint:·of'·,vlo.! 'Oder-Neisse" territories, some-, dlgmty. . .. 1 .' . '. .J' .' .. th.at hiS g()vernment ~I11 .seek 20th' century would be virtually. . . , : '~full moralization" of ItS rela- 'thing' the regime, would dearly' lence, Mrs. Wedel u'rged' ail . . certain to use nuclear weapons. . These. ded~cat~d like." .. men' and tions with the Cathoic Church. leaders particularly state goverFrom these insights to the belief women also hV~ m the pads: or .. ", " 'd to put an end to punishnors, It sh'the same,old But·he .said the Church would that the nuclear destruction.. of encampmen t s. Ihey 'be Iong ,It'· 0 h I ' t'story,f sal. th' . ment by death. f one Ig ecc eSlas IC o· e· certainly accept whatever IIberthe human race is not far distant th Ch' h' a t t dT "Without trying to assess their e urc: ,gri rt~ I.lon.1 ~ statement' issued to' the Polish· ties and tights the Polish regime, cannot be regarded as' a wholly °Th's rved e tnefl? - parliament by. Premier Piotr 'in its 'present 'insecure position; guilt or innocence or the fairness irrational deduction. So why not bc0rt,tmunes or s need s. . y 0 no ear . . . , . . .. . .' .' . of their trials,.the NCe considers might.. feel It advantageous to despair? Why not' withdraw? dirt or mud or cdld or filth. Like . Jar:os zewlcz. that no condemned man deWhy not give up and, drop out? the Sono! M~nJ they. haverto. "When .thepeople .get eXI:I~- recognize.. .serves such a harsh and irreverwhere to lay. their' ·heads. I,lut perated With the government, It West GermaI). officials have sible sente~ce" as the death Grim Mood every act, everyl impulse, ev~ry runs. to tl:te Ch.u~c.h for.h~lp. But agreed' to recognize PolisI:t sov- penalty, Mrs. Wedel' said. The mood of some of them has waking hour goes not tof\nd when t~e pohtlclans thmk the ereignty over the former Gerbeen grimly and brilliantly de~ them their own [personal "idEm~ d.anger IS over,' they start put- man territory east of the Oderscribed by Lewis Mumford in his tity" or ~'reality" but.to find 90d tm~ ?,ressures on.. the Church Neisse rivers, but the Vatican "' ..' will not appoint Polish residenindispensable' book, "The Myth in the least of His creatures and .agam.. of the Machine'~ (Vol. II, p. 372): to make to th~ ~!tildren .of ~an '. ~e Cited .the experience Of tial . bishops to head the .dioceses ... Cleansers . .. . the total saCrifice of lIfe a;nd' rQhsh CatholIcs lifter, WI~dyslaw untIl the agreement receives parreat 'These' J souls H,ve Gomulka -rode to power m 19?6 Iia.mentary approval; a Vatican. 9 th rt f 0 I r diS "More alert in their responses energy. neither in a bourgeois past nor on e same so 0 p P.U a - source earlier told NC News. At 94 TREMONT STREET . than the older generation' to a nuclear future but in the et~r- c.ontent that ,has bu~st ~ut anew . present, the dioceses are run by what is going' on before their j P I d d th t h TAUNTON, MASS. nal present of active love.. I m q an a~ IS Ime as Polish bishops.. acting as aposI . . , overthrown him. . . tolic administrators. eyes,' an active minority. among . Tel. 822-0621 the young are behaving as if a The' other way of action hes "Gomulka released the' cardlnuclear catastrophe had already in' profQund insti~utional change nal-Cardinal Stefan Wsyzynski, in fact occurred. In their minds and in active, dedicated dtizen primate of Poland, who had + ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• they are now living among pressure ~o bring it about. For been under detention three years HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE MEN, in your vo- 'I'{'",\ . the ruins, without any perma-· the Christian, t3ere can be ~o _ and signed a pact with the nent shelter, without any regular doubt about t~e priority. fIn bishops.. supply of food, without any cus- Western, technological society, "As soon as he felt strong toms or habits except those they the nation-state has become the enough, after about a year, he c/o Brother Guy, c.r.x. ",., , ',. .~ improvise from day to day, with- Moloch, the J+ggernaut, the turned .... the agreement into a 704 BRUSH HILL ROAD MILTON, MASS. 021B6""'~' . . ... ... . .. .... ......... . ... out books, without academic monstrous claimant' of God-Ii.ke worthless piece of paper." . credentials, without any fixed rights and power.' It has to be Another official in the Vatican vocation or career ... In their ,restained ·and tamed if the risk described Jiiroszewicz's stateunconscious, the young are Iiv- of nuclear war i~ to' be fin'ah y ment as "tactiCal." ~ ing in a post-catastrophic world, overcome.' This r~straint c'an be . and their conduct would be ra-' exercised only by a world cointional in terms of that world. . . munitv acclWtinglthe rule of I~w Many of them escape to the and the' obligatiod of the genetal ~ open country, form temporary welfare which ate the foundalROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford, pads, communes,' encampments, tions of 'domestid peace. . Ii anesthetize' themselves to cold, .' I . I Ie One of S~uthern New England's Finest Facilities rain, mud, hardship, repulsive It may seem, ~ great leap ,of Ii sanitary conditions, accept pov- faith from the existential despair erty and deprivation.' But.. in of the young to the recent sonte. Now Available for compensation, they recover an what uninspiring Icelebrations 'of elemental animal fai~h, perform the United Natidns' 25th amli-·,.. acts of mutual aid, hospitality versary. But Christians mJst>··~»",... .~·"of N' ,.>i¥ffi an'! love, share fully whatever make th.!1 t act of ~elief. N~ oth.er " .The Falmouth National Bank . FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 food and drink they can get hold instrument of 10rld order is .F~LMOUTHG • MA~;S. IMI . , • . , , ! By the 'illialte feen ...nu of' and get pleasUl'e simply out available for. thel .support. I ' · " . , . WtrJtmqf1Wi1KWfff&:::
I. 1
.Same' Old 'Story
Casey-Sexton,. Inc.
';::~n~:::a:::·;:e~t:~eX:::~~,7~B::~;~:::, . .. . .. .
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CHICAGO (NC)-The American Catholic school system is not in danger of financial collapse but is getting stronger and better, according to a Methodist seminary professor. "There is no objective evidence that Catholic parochial schools are in financial difficulties," says Dr. John M. Swomley Jr., professor of social ethics and philosophy of religion at the St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo. In the cover story in the Jan. 13 issue of Christian Century, interdenominational weekly published here, Dr. Swomley quoted various Catholic educational leaders as denying that the parochial school system might close down without public aidincluding Cardinal Terrence Cooke of New York and the priests in charge of several major diocesan school systems where some schools have been closed or consolidated. The article noted that consolidated schools "appear in the statistics as closed schools and therefore create the impression that the whole Catholic school system is in crisis." "The parochial school system is in no' danger of collapse but is merely sloughing off inefficient units," Dr. Swomley stated. "Such units are most often found in rural areas with declining population, or in the' inner city where black nonCatholics have replaced the white Roman Catholics who fled to the ,~~b\1r.b~,'~" ': '. "~ .~a.d.i,cral, d~~line "j!" t/le, nationaL ~irtpi ra~e in ,the 1,9~0:s.in~ cluded a decline in Catholic' births~ he said, so fewer Catholic children-a 14 per cent decrease in the last. five yearsare entering school.. More Teachers In addition. Catholics no longer "consider themselves an embattled. 'minority" needi~g separate schools to maintain their faith. Those factors, plus a Catholic population shift to the suburhs have- given church 'school svstems a chance to consolidate, and o~t for fewer children in each class, Dr. Swomley concluded. He quoted Father C. Albert Kooh president of the National Catholic Educational Association. as saying that the number of teachers employed in Catholic schools fl,ctllalIv increac;ed in the years 1963-69, while pupil enrollment declined. "It seems to me," Father Koob was quoted. "if you were going to pull out all the stops and discontinue 'your school svstem then you would have a ~arked
SHA Students Announce Traditional Open House for Eighth G'raders Students at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will hold their traditional open house for eighth graders and their parents from 7 to 9:30 Sunday night, Jan. 31. Freshmen will host II program including a gymnastics exhibition and a slide show of daily activities. Refreshments , will be served. Class chairman Beth Bishop is in charge of arrangem~nts.
MAYAN MISSION: Father Bart Ferrero, Salesian priest from Italy talks with some of his friends near the mission.
The article observed that "the Catholic schOOl system is. bv desip,n. improving and strengthenin~ itself, and it seeks public funds in order to assist this process, rather than to keep small, obsolete parish schools open."
Also Edward McIntyre, a scholAlso at SHA, "The Bridge," II arship to Holy Cross; Marsha supplement to the school paper, Moses, UMass; David Rochefort, "Shacady," will be issued four Providence College: Theresa Ser- . times yearly, between publica- vais, St. Luke's Nurses' Training tions of the larger periodical. School. And. eight students have had New at Holy Family is the Ski poems accepted for "Young America Sings," a national poetry Club, which has as officers Wilanthology. They are Marilyn liam Furtado Jr., president~ TomDuffy, Martha Flanagan, Mary ette Monty, vice-president; PatHarrington, Claire Heaney, Bar- ,ricia Cabral, secretary; Sharon bara Jennings, Kathy Murray, Smola, treasurer: Mark Muldoon, Christine Plourde and Harriet senior advisor; Patricia Corbette, junior advisor.' On ~he club agen: Wolfe. daare several day trips and a . March weekend in New HampEarly Acceptances shire. Early acceptances to coll«;!ges
.. "J ~"
':". '··John Cumm.ings .IS an activator. I'
~ .•' .
.' ~
~. ' .• ~
' .
John B. Cummings', Jr. does more than just talk, he acts. As Marketing Officer' developing business for the bank, John is also helping to develop the community.
rected the c.Y.O. Tennis Tournament for . seven years. He is also a member of the Portsmouth Abbey and Regis College Alumni Association and. Holy Name Parish.
, Active in community affairs, John is chairman of the city's Task Force on Recre, ation. As a member of the Chamber of Commerce he h<l:s served on various committees and is currently chairman of its Environmental Control Committee. He is active in The United Fund, Heart Fund and Citizens Scholarship Foundation. John has also di-
John does more than just help the community as a banker, he acts to help make The Fall River area a better place to live and work. The Fall River National Bank has many people like John B. Cummings, Jr., serving as a'ctivators, helping the community.
, The bank that does more than just talk'
Leaves Law School NOTRE DAME (NC)-William D. Lawless will leave as dean of the University of Notre Dame law school Feb. 1 to return to New York City as a partner in a law firm Lawless left as a member' of the New York Su. preme Court to head the university's law school 30 months ago.
and nursing schools have been received by 10 students at Holy Family High. New Bedford. Neil Earney has been accepted at Marquette and UMass and other seniors and their colleges include 'David Beaulieu, Janine Bourassa, Elizabeth Cormier and Steven Paul, Stonehill College; Mary Lou LeBoeuf, Stonehill and Westfield State.
... '
tier-line in tJ,e te'lcJ,i'l" "t"ff"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 21, 1971
Method ist Sees Catholic School System Better
~@]DD llio~@[[
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55 North Main St.
SHOPPERS' OFFICE 153 South Main St.
STAFFORD SQUARE 1001 Pleasant St.
SWAISEA OFFICE Route 6, Swansea
SOUTH EID OFFICE 1001 South Main St.
of. Fall
River-Thurr' Jan. 21, 1? 1
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,Mid'dle"SchoofforTaunton Con~inued
from. Page One school would be able to expand plan would or curtail' 'enrollment as condicreate the first middle school in tions changed, thereby assuring the city of Taunton. The public' Catholic . education for these school 'system is embarked on a' . grades for the, foreseeable program of developing middle future,". schools, ~he first of which will The new school would be staffed by the Sisters who presopen in 1972. The, new Catholic middle enUy staff, the seven schools in' school would accommodate Taunton, along with a group of about 525 pupils, 'or .about 175 laymen brought together, from in each 'grade. The school would the various' schools.' It· is estibe co-educational. mated that' the staff, 'would be . In describing the proposal, comprised. 'of about 13 Sisters Father O'NeiIl explai'ned that and six laymen. Transportation "the plan is consistent with cur- would be provided by the City rent educational' thinking which of Taunton according to its maintains that a middle school present policy. is the best means of providing School "authorities point out excellent education for these. that the· Coyle High School upper elementary grades." He building is well suited for a noted that it is difficult to pro- middle school because of its vide a good variety of courses, special facilities. These include specialized teaching, and neces- a' large auditorium-gymnasium, sary facilities and equipment in science labs, spaces for music a school that has only one class , and art instruction, areas which ·for each grade in',self-contained can be used for large group inclassrooms." By bringing a larg- struction, and several rooms er group of students together in which can be used for small disa school specially designed for ,cussion groups. The 'school also these age groups," Father O'Neill contains a large 'cafeteria and, continued, "we can, provide bet- ample' outside playing fields. AIter grouping of students, a more though used as a boys' school # flexible schedule, and a greater in the past, 'girls' facilities will The sad figures are in and New York Cit, shows that variety of subjects and extra be added.. in the year 1970 1,100 people died from na cotic-related curricular activities." In asking the parish represencauses. About half of these were under the a e of 23, and , F~ther O'Neill also p~int~d tatives to' consider the proposal 215 were 19 or under. The leading cause of death in the ,out that as enr~llment varIes m carefully, Fr. O'Neill stressed . . h 15 . : . the future, a smgle school for that the proposal has some limicity m t e to 35. age group was narcotics, c iefly heroin. these grades wiIl be better able tiItions. The new school would The youngest to die was q. I to adjust. "At the present," Fr. not be able to accommodate all In 1950 there were 199 su~h deaths, in 1965, -30,6 O'NeiIl explained, "an individual of the youngsters present(y in deaths;. in 1968, 654 narcotic deaths. The ramatic rise parish school. can make only one grades 6, 7, and 8 in the seven last year is due, according' to deputy chief medical e~- of two decisions: to stay ?pen individual elementary schools, aminer Dr. Michael M. Baden, to "the teen-agers who in or to close. The new .mlddle which :' is in keeping with the If adopted, the
Narcotic Deaths
previol.ls years would have .used marijuana but instea;d are taking heroin-probably because of the glamorizing , I of it, through publicity." There is no question thaJ the nation' is in a drug's crisis. And this is true of smaller cities and in suburbia a's well as of the great ":letropolitan centers. ~ i OFFICIAL NEWSPA~ER OF THE'DIOCESE O,F FAll RIVER It does n.o good to pretend it can't- happer here-it iis ,Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River happening. And it does no service to the problem to neglect , 410 Highland Avenue Jhe roots, of the drug ctiltur~scape from teality 'ins~• . ' I ' Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 cunty among young people, ego-boost, an answer to the PUBLISHER complications of life, a too permissive societyl a desire to Most Rev. Daniel A.-Cronin,' D.D:, S.T.D. b~ in"the swim, a form of rebellion, a new tYbe of fun; !l GENERAL MANAGER . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER . lack of strong moral principles and an aC'COIIiI>.anying spir- Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.Rev. John P. Driscoll .,it of sa~rifice. " '.. ,'~,I . . . . lelrY Preli-FlII River
Continued from Page One speCialists from .Catholic Univer- . sity, and diocesan, directotli of religious education, wiil review a draft of the self-evaluation form late in January. The form will then be reviewed again by consultants representing various aspects of ligious education. Before distribl,ltion, th~ questionnaire will be field-tested by CARA in at least three localities, including the District of Columbia. Father Tobin said the national center was attempting to offer diocesan religious education offices a means to obtain "a profile of the needs of their catechists." He said the center's National 'Congress of Religious Education, ' " set for Oct. 27-31 in Miami, Fla., would concentrate on teacher in- , terests and needs.
There is currently rising in the nation a Z.P.G. movement which argues that Zero Population Gr~wth is neces- . sary if this country is to ,overcome its sbcial and'" environmental problen{s. And many Z.P.G. atlvocates urge birth control di~ics of every type and the, ~vailability I of I abortion as ways of controlling population] A severe blow has .been struck at th~ir arguments by th~ United States Government chief prO~SSional dem.,ographer. This population expert, Conrad F. Taeuber, has said that· social and economic factors and the distributi9n· of population are much more impo ant than the growth of population. I i Mr. Taeuber pointed out that "changfng standards ~nd habits, in activities, tech?ology and I the style: of hfe have much more to do With the accumulation and disposition of waste 'materials and pollutartts than does the- number of persons involved." For eJl:ample, wh:ile the population increased 13 per cent in .tHe sixties, the total volume of goods and services grewJ 60 per cept. From 1930 to 1968 the population rose 63 er cent whHe petroleum consumption went up 300 per certt and natural I : gas consumption 800 per cent. , .In ot~er words, ,the ~tabilization or de9rease of p~pUlatIo~ Will not. au~omatlcally ,mean a decrease in consumptIOn of many Items or a change from the present high standard of living. ~ I Mr. Taeuber said that "pollution, high' crime rat~s, transportation problems and other social ill are not primarily a result of our rate of population gr wth." Trartsportation experts, for example, attribute any of th~ir problems to the one person-one car m~nt~lity of commuters. And if New York City were emptie~ of its many millions tomorrow, these would be replacedl by an eqJal ~umber of millions wishing to go "w.here t~e action i~." , Mr. Taeuber further points out t~at pro~lems of providing jobs, equal opportuI!ity, adequate etlucation, en, hancing rural economies are problems that! will riot be , ~olv~d by decreasing population. "A lower r~te, of grow,th )S I!0t an automatic soluti<m to the proble1's which colnfront us." _, '," ' : It is always a temptation, as Gilbert !<jeith Chester-' t?n once observed, when confronted 'by three hat,S and five persons to arrive at a solution by cutting off two' heads. But, a progressive and truly 'civilized Jociety solves th~ problems by searching out ways to' firtd two more hats., I' I - The solution of problems by attacking pe~soris 'smacks too much of. a '.'final· solution" apprpach, ~allS into' t~e trap of placmg mto the hands of government or committees the most sacred elements of human life and activity. Government is a servant of people, n· t their ,ma~ ter much less their dictator or exterminator. nd the solution of problems by immoral methods atta ks the rela1 tionship between God and man that is funda, ental to life, here and hereafter. '
general position of the', diocese that enrollment must be curtailed in view of the shortage of teaching Sisters. Fr. O'Neill also pointed out that it would' be somewhat more expensive to operate a good middle school program, so tha t a higher tuition would have to be anticipated. It was also stressed that the parishes of Taunton would have to consider themselves as 'responsible for this school as for elementary their- 'individual schools, and would have to insure the diocese that through tuition and parish subsidy the per-pupil cost of operating the school would be met. The new plan allows for each of the individual parishe~ to continue' to operate its own' , school for grades 'I 'to 5;, However, diocesan officialS point out that six of the' seven s~hools--' exist in pairs, in, which two schools are lo'cated with'in a block of each ot!:Jer in three separate schoo,ls of the city. Fr:' O'Neill suggested that the.se schools should eventually consider the advantages of joining together and housing their students in one or other school. Apart from the obvious economies of plant maintenance, it. was stressed that better education would also be achieved through more flexible grouping or the larger number of students in each grade. Parish representatives were asked at last night's meeting to consider the new proposal on the parish level, and report their decision to the diocese as soon as possible. If the plan were to be implemented for next September, the 'decision would have to be made within a matter of weeks. ' Father O'Neill pointed o'ut that this should not be a completely new idea for the people of Taunton, since a Special Task Force has been' studying the Catholic schools of Taunton for ,the past year, and has, had OP,en discussions in each parish. He feels confident he ,noted that al~ though there is a certain pressure .of time, the final decision as to whether to go ahead, with the plan can be made within matter of weeks.
Edits Review WASHINGTON (NC)-Xaverian Brother James P. Clifton has been appointed editor-in-chief of The American Ecclesiastieal Review, succeeding Father' Patrick Grandfield.
I, I
!' THE ANCHOR-Diocese, of Foil River-Thurs. Jon. 21, 1971
Propose Inactive Pri'ests Retur" KEARNY (NC) - A return to the ministry by all inactive priests who desire it, even if they are married" was proposed here by a special committee of Newark archdiocesan Priests' Senate. The proposal was among 12 recommendatione by the senate's ad hoc committee of concern which had been charged with drafti~g a prograI!1 to' change the current "negative' climate" toward priests who have left active ministry. Each proposal will be put to a vote when the senate meets again Feb. 1. Four of the proposals,' senate' spokesmen explained, are in·
tended only as an expression of opinion on the direction it is .believed the Church ought to take. Among them is the pro· posal for the reintegration .of priests into the ministry, even where they have married. Other suggestions of this na~ ture are for the ordination 'of married men, discontinuation of the laicization process and admission to the diaconate for non·' functioning priests wishing to serve in that role. The report ·was presented to the senate by Father Thomas E. Davis, chaplain at Montclair State. College; on behalf' of the 12-member committee on which four former priests served.
. " . when you become a member of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
First, your membership offering helps Pope Paul himself in one of his' most ambitious and heartfelt works: The relief of 'hunger, disease, ignorance and poverty among tragic population 'groups in the Near East . He looks to this Association - through your membership and gifts - to bring a long missing ,dignity to 'these helpless people . . . to nurse them, feed, clothe, and shelter them ... to give them h.ope ... to bring them the ,sacraments. Your enrollment in the Association does this. And it also prings you a share in the blessings of the Mas:;es of grateful prie'sts engaged in this work. (We will be pleased to send you a list of privileges granted to members by the \;Ioly Father.) This is the time of the year to enroll in this Association, .either individually or as a family, and to enroll your friends. Please send us your name and the names of others you wish to enroll. We will send you, with our deep appreciation, a membership certificate you will be proud to have. The members.hip offering fo,' one year is only $2 per person, $10 for. a family. The offering for perpetual membership is $25 per person, $100 for a family. You may enroll your deceased as well, of course ($25). Please mail now the coupon below. You have our thanks, and that of the Holy Father and' the thousands 'whose lives you will improve.
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EPISCOPAL VISITATION TO TAUNTON: Bishop Cronin was principal concelebrant at a Mass in St. 'Mary's Church, Taunton ori last Thursday afternoon and greeted members of his flock after the Mass. Top: Bishop Cronin, assisted by Rev. James F. Lyons, left, pastor of St. Mary's and Rev. Msgr. Maurice ~ouza, right, pastor of Sf. Anthony's, is elated as he receives William Elliott as Mrs Angelina Annunziato leaves. Center: Miss Margaret Hoy departs as Sr. Margaret Mary meets the Bishop. Bottom: Ecstasy radiates from the countenance of David Low, a student at St. Mary's School, as .he meets .his Shepherd, Bishop Cronin.
NEAR EAST MISSIO-NS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
i i
TH~ ANCHOR-~iocese of Foil River:-Thurs'1on, 21, 197 1
Asserts Apathy CiQuses ,Poverty
Tender, .Slender Desibns Herald Spring'sComiirg
SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Retired San Antonio Archbishop Rober~ E, Lucey told members of the Campaign for Human Development's national committee here . that· the apatHy of Christians lies behind the continued. existence of poverty. Pointing out that state and federal governments have spent billions to eradicate poverty but .. that it still exists, the archbishop warned commit~ee members not to plan on ending poverty by next November. Describing poverty as a curse, a tragedy and a disgrace, Archbishop Lucey pointed out that the Catholic Church has always tried to meet the .needs of the poor by establishig. hospitals. orphanages and other charitable institutions. But. he added, poverty still' has not bee'n conquered. "We've got to talk to the world. Talking in the pulpit Qn Sunday morning. is necessary, but it is, not enough. it won't reach the world," he said. The .archbishop spoke at the - ·first national committee mee:ting of the Campaign for Human Development, held at Assump· . . tion Seminary ~erc, '.
While the blustery winds are blowing,a9d the frigiq New England air enc~urage~ us to stay ~ndoors'lwhat bette~ time is there to begmsewmg our sprmg warorobe? Yes~ stnin~e:'as it may· seem, .as far as the seams~tess is coni. cemed, ,Spring is just a snip ", · and a 'stitch away, and if Slender oats. I you're taking. weeklY,sewing .coats ar~curVf'er and q~itT lessons, it's about 10 lessons ,slende~ agam, WI h a hemlm~ · away, . Now, . doesn't that time schedule give you that extra in. . ' '? · cen t Ive,' . .
that either covers the kne:s of falls well below, ne pa~tlculaf coat pattern that couldn t helpI but catch your eye (and that I ·wqWtw::WtW::iww::;m;w would love to m~ke if I were still taking sewing lessons) is a Givenchy design that has Ii , ,." By· look of Sherlock Hblmes with it~ . belted waistline a~d detachabl~ circular cape. V?gue Patte~ -'MA~ILYN Book shows it in. a sharp look r ing red plaid, buj' it would b~ RODERICK e:;ually effective iry a solid shadef I like the Miss logue designsf l15~J::iW@;jiit¥KiMIim;tm . they are fresh, ypung .looking If my words 'of wisdom haven't· . and it doesn't ta~e. an expert. 'urged you to run right down to_ seamstress to Wh;IP them .. up: your favorite fabric shop, ,peruse ~any" of them a~e . what the~ the patterns, and immediately call, Very. EaSY.~ery Vogue, I buy, some material, then a peek . which means ~ha~ they do, ?ot :at the 'new .pattern books hit- have all ~hemtn at: de~adm~. , ti,ng:uie .stan9s' should certainly that goe~ mto ~he eSlgn~r spat! ',speed 'you"oq your .way, '. " . terns ,~n~er, thIs ~rademark. , Cons~mer G~ouP .: Tender Dresses . As 'pnce$ contldue to accele; . CHEST!'lUT HILL. (NC) One of. the' 'first impressions rate', more 'and mote wpmen are Father Robert .J: McEwen, pro. you receive.·a~ you flip'tttrou~h . ?~irig forced'into t~e home s~wt fesso~' cif economics 'at Boston ·the pag~s. of.. one, Of. th,~se {ash-·· mg ma.rk?t, only tie ,funny, th~ng. College here;' hils .been 'elected · ion tomes, IS, that skIrts haye . about. It 'IS that th yare fmdmg president 'of the 'Association of .Massachu~etts Consumers. Inc, really descen.ded;·and ,the odd out that they are' njoying' it as · part aqout it is ~hat suade!1 Iy'. much as if it werenjt a necessity~ 'The 'Jes.uit .priest 'has worked in' they look pretty all right..'There ." Getyourseif out of the T V [ . N 'MADONNA Children and. family' , co~~ume~' problems for more · will be a few. that will awaken doldrums~take ud sewing' an'd .. " AN' AM~R~C.f.\, , . , ' . : . thal,l two decades. - memories of th~ fortiesan.d.even let your own crbativity tak~ life are mQst. prec'io,u~.' natural re.s~~rces.. Welfare refo~ · som'e' .of, the,,late, thirties,. but. over. '. . '1'. . . I which develops pri~e and responsIbIlIty wIll pay large dIVon th~ whole they ha,:e a new _ . _'1_.' idends for. a small: mvestment. NC Photo. CHAS. 1971 look, . . .. ,0 . ; " . : ' .• The dress is making a come-' Permits Obserl'ance . , . I . , .
ba.c~, .~t's:~of( fl~~iriga~d.;v
Investig' ate.' ·.C. ha'rg'
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. ery.. Religious' •. , femmme, ,m fact:. tend~r ~: I~. t~e: .- VIASHINGTON .(NC)-A new .. '. word that V<,>gue 'IS ~smg ~o. ~e-: .regulati~n in the f~deral registe~ Director Welcomes Inquiry 'In'to P, rogr'~m .' scnbe t~e new styles... .. . . 'widens:go'verninen~ antl-!iiscrim J. CO~,.' IN.t~· . . .'" , .' . Ify?u. do mana~e to get'to " i:)ation rule~ ,an~ .tequi~es c,omJ Of Sending Indian Girls Abroad 254 ROCKDALE A VENUE _ a fabnc store, or If. the. school panies o.n .f.eq.eral c,l,ntra.tts. to .al.~ '. -. , tak ewmg lessons I. I ' .CHERUVANDOOR, (NC) -The The Vatican commission has h NEW BEDFORD, MASS: were you, .e then s . your fIrst ,low employesand toobs,,:rve' 0'f the' I:nstjtut~ that pre. already sent out about 4,00,0 i ' 'd'I'r':"ctor: sells matenals, ous holidays Skbbatlis rehgl other' C pared' Indian girls bein.g'. sent to questionnaires to priests, Church . '. "j gIance a t th ~ sp'rJ'nr>~ fa brl'cs wl'll . than on Sunday. wpo you to th'7 needle and. The new rule is designed prii convents abro.ad said he wel- institutions, nuns, parents and thread. Bold white and dark nnrilv to benefit J ws a'nd Sev J comes the investigation of 'the . other' person,s, seeking informa'plai~s,. Indian prints,. knits .in. cnth-Day' Adventi~ts, who ".Ob1 program' by a Vatican commis··' tion ~bout the' circl,lm.stances in' HEATING OILS I h'!>,t co Io,rs, and m -' ,.. .which the .g'iris .were sent abro,ad se.I've the Sabbath I f.rom .Fr.lday, sion', .marve.ous COMPLETE' · tere!!tlJ?g .te~ t ures ~I II c~r?, ~ou c'/ening through 'S~turday, i Father 'cyriac Puthenpura, .in the. controversial'grogram. . HEAT~NG SYSTEMS ~rom .the flr~t, days. o~ Sp.n~g, It also implemen~s a five-year 1 head of the Nirmala BhaYlln Sec. The .:c~'mmission will also h'old .' mto ~arl~. Fall.:: , :,' ,'. . bId ~xecutive orde~ barring ~isJ ular Institute here, told.NCNew!!· hearings'at whi~h 'the public'ca'n : .,INSTALL~D , . The SUItS you sew for Sprmg' crimination on theJbasis of race! he . is "nof worried about the appear and give evidence', 24 HOUR OIL 'BURNER' ~vill hav.e a briefer.jac~e.t than 'color, 'teligion~ se'or national fin'dings' ~f the commission be~ Father Puthenpura said that . . SERVICE m prevIous seasons, I? fact, arigin by emPIoyert holding fed.. cause only truth will ·come. out. Archbishop Anthony Padiyani of some tops are very, remlmscent·· eml contracts or. ubcontracts. 'I after the. 'inquiry." , 'Chailgarriacherry' had visited the BUDGET PLANS of the battle -jacket or Eisenhow:, . . '. : ., .. ' , _ ' institute'recently and was "much r er J'acket of thoe forties; With . . . . . . .',' "Earlier,. members of the in. k " satisfie~" with. its wpr . The Vargas Oil Co, protects I vestigating commission - three these mini toppings, skirts' are ' Hit Ma Ie Ch a acter your family's heating comfort soft and full and in~many cases ·Of. UN Secretariat . ' priests name~ by the ~.vatican. The priest said also that he is all year round. . . I ·1' and a f01.!rtl1 .nanied locally-:".., still trying to. have his passport · are worn with turtle neck j~r.seys or dickeys. . . UNITED NATIqNS (N9. --;. met with Father Puthenpurl,t a~d,' resto~ed: ~t was revoked in Au· TRY US FIRST . Most of the top staff posltlOn~ "~made a,fact-firiding tour: of hi~ . gust.: w.h~n.he was about to 3-6592 , at the United N~ti~)DS are filled' ins~iti.lte; .wher~ girlsgofng.: t~ :·.·.leave..~or.Lo.nd.0n to appear on'~ Catholic Paper Marks: by men,. an~. wo~en e~ploy~s ·.E~ropean. c~nvent~ . too~ pa~Cin .. televls.lon program, . .,' , .' Christian Unity We'ek .- do not ·hke.lt. . a' three-week' orIentatIOn ..pro-. .. EDMONTON ·(NC)-A·.Catho- . .O( 607 !ienior. staff posts i~ . gram. . . ,... ' ., m~m~~~'m~~~m~mm~~~.~~~.~.J~*~~~*~'~J~!rj.fliJ·~"'"r,. ~*rfo~*eJ!rj~r.!.*~·r,,,,~. lic newspaper' here ill ·.tanada.;.the UN secre~ariatj 38~,3 per:· ',. ' . • .. ..... .. '. . '"
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Unity:'Week aC1 ,with, an' ecumenically edited,: i~-, .~or.ding.~o ;an ~nol ICla' en; surve)i sue devOted entirely.to the .. BV' rita!1e.. ~~. a: ~ou.P ~f'UN women' ble. .' .. .em·ployees: :'. , ~ . The. special.issue of Th~ 'West-, .J;:sther HerIitz" 0 ,the Israel~ · ern Catholic .:Reporter Was' :'ws-: delegationan~ Fe~arida For~ig~' .tributed widely in Protestant a~d 'nano, ~n adViser ~o the Itahan · Anglican, as well as' <:atho~lc, delegat1~n! ,re~ortet on the ..sur-I, 'churches throughout' western. vey, dun.ng· 'diSCUSSIons on .paYI Cana·da. ". _. . .' , rai~es byt~eYN C?~neral Assem-i A team of mne guest :ed.ltors, ·.bly s adm. Im~.tratIYle . and· bud·, representing' a cross-section.- of churches' ill the Alberta provo. ince, joined .'Douilas .J~ ;'Roche, editor of the Catholic' f>ap~r; 'in preparing the·editio~~ : :.' "
.'U'S :. . .... . . . . '" " .. glrl;sJroD;! IndIan were bemg ex·. . plOlt!'!d when. th,ey .w,ere sent ~o Eu~?pean convents..:, . ," ,'u was' ch~rged that they were'.' being used' as serva~ts and givenrrienial tasks instead of, being trained' as fun merribers of their' Religious communities, . '...
W·.· . ·.HI·T.E' ··,··.S.··.p,·: ,}\" ..,.. , . :':,.. . ~:,., : .,.'.' :,~. ,:, . ... , " . ' ," . , . . . . . . . . . , , ' . " '.',' .:. j=
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getary commIttee. . '. I In October the recruitingpro-' ~ 1343 PLEASANT STREET.. '.' " :. '., ,'. . ," F.A,L.·. L.','RIV, ~'~'i;' ~ . The ·two painted a dismal pic'l· gram was suspended, l?ending in· ~ ~,ture ofaqvancemeht opportuni.· vestigations by ,the I,ndian bish- "', ". ' '673-7-780 . " , . . : '" . ties for women atthe UN for thel' ops and India's go.vernment, as . : . " , ' :.; . , ..... ,C?~!Ilige~". -I" v.rEOIl as 1Jythe VatIcan. ,J~n~Ugulm~~~~~~ -,
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What Th,ey D,on't TeU You At Preco(a,na COlnference;§
Thurs., Jan. 21, 1971
Gala WHI Benefit Holy Union Nuns
Last week was unusually chaotic. Nothing serious, just lots of little straws piled up until the place looked like an uncleaned stable. My husband was short-handed at his business and I was trying to ,help out. In my absence, the house fell apart. By Wednesday night, if I had had an I realized that one of the kids offer, I would have gladly had to have lunch to be in time a doctor's appointment. We left home. Thursday, morn- for had gourmet peanut butter sanding, I tried to' extract some promises from the children to help when they got home from school. "I'd help Mom, but I have to
The Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts will benefit from the fourth annual dinner dance sponsored by the Friends of the Holy Union. To be held Sunday night, Feb. 7 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, the evening will feature entertainment by the Jack P' John Trio, and a roast beM dinner. "Your interest in the Sisters and your appreciation of their work in your parish and with your children in the schools can be very meaningfully expressed by your presence at this gala affair," said Frank S. Feitelberg, chairman of the ,special gifts committee for the annual benefit. Tickets are available from him at P.O. Box 787, Fall River 02722.
wiches on top of the rest of the rubbl~.
Astounding Vision To make the doctor's office in time, I had to leave immediately. At least the appointment, was scheduled so I would get home before the rest of the children returned from school. The doctor By was late; the children were home for an hour before I got back. MARY There are times when my children's vision is absolutely asCARSON tounding. They walked into that FRIENDS OF ST. ANNE'S INSTALL: Principals at mess and never saw it. Not only Tuesday's installation luncheon of the Friends of St. Anne's Finland !President that, they piled the after-school Hospital, Fall River, were: Mrs. Roland Desmarais, mem- To 'Visit I$Ufi~~ snacks on top of it. VATICAN CITY (NC)-PresWhen I .walked in the door, bership; 'Mrs. Alfred J. Roy, president; Mrs. Michael J. go to the library to do a projident Urho Kekkonen of Finland Mahon, retiring president: Mrs. Edward J. Steinhof, viceI didn't know where to turn. The ect." will make an official visit to "I have a scout meeting, but best alternative was right back, president; Mrs. Orner D. Plourde, hospitality. Two checks- Pope Paul VI on Feb. 1, 1971. if I get home early, I'll help you out the door. But I got caught one for $500 from the Friends and another of $1000 from It will be the first visit to the in my escape. then." .the '(Jift Shop-were' presented to the hospital in memory Vatican in modern times by a My husband was' coming ,in! "I'll be. late. I have biology ,of the ·lateMother Pierre Marie, O.P. ' Finnish head of state. Finland club after school and I don't rxceot that the details were dif-, and, the Holy See established want to miss it. There's a' priest, ferent, his day had niatche'd, diplomatic relations in 1965. . . . -and he ,still had· to ' mine coming to' our meeting who speak ,at it meeting that night. _ keeps tropical fish. He's going According to the Quide to to help us set up:' a big aquariHe was exhausted and had 'to' ' , ' Scottish Co'tholic Nurses' Get Guidelines Catholic Missions, there were in have some rest. But after taking 1968 a total of 2,853 Catholics um." In ,Abortion Operations One of the kids came' down . one look at the kitchen, he came in Finland out of a population for. breakfast, carrying a basin up with a suggestion. "There's GLASGOW (NC) Guidelil)es The guidelines were issued of' over 4,600,000. and promptly threw up. I was just a bit left in the bottle. Let's issued to Scotland's Catholic Dec. '28, the Feast of the, Holy Non-Finnish religious persontrying to get the mear into the i':it down and have a drink. Then nurses' forbid them' to give es- Innocents, which commemorates nel serving in that country inrest of the crew,-whono longer I'll go get a' nap; 'the mess won't sentia! assistance ,in abortion the Bethelehem children slain by clude 20 priests" six Brothers ; seem' so bad .. ~ and 'maybe your' '. fel~ hungry., ., ,:. :.-' , operations"but ,permits them-: to·, King Hero~. The feast also was and 36 Sisters. There are five . tooth will even stop hurting:" give pain, relief, comfort. and chosen by the English and Scot- - Cat.holic parishes and ,five Dentist, Too I pushed enough of the clutter post-operative care to women tish bishops as a, Day of Repara- church associations and three away to clear the corner of the having abortions. tion and Atonement for abortion Catholic schools with, 384 stuThe baby' had the most misThese are the main points in operations. erable head cold I ever saw. She table while he mixed a drink. dent pupils. The two of us sat there, up to couldn't sleep, eat, breathe, or our elbows in dirty dishes" the the guidelines: . , According to Miss McShane, stop crying.' Brealdast was one empty bottle' between 'our Catholic nurses should always principal nur~ing officer of the of those "happy" meals. . glasses. A quick evaluation of' show charity toward patients maternity unit at Southern genSeveral of them felt they were the whole sight would indicate having abortions; eral Hospital here and presigetting sick, but I decided it Catholic nurses may not give dent of the Catholic Nurses' R.ent an we had been at it for three days was the effect of the other two. straight. essential assistance in abortion Guild, the guidelines' were preI sent them to school, under operations such as handing over pared because the British Aborprotest, fully expecting a call 'instruments or material. tion Act of 1967 specifically Guess What 380 FOURTH STREET from the nurse within the next Nurses opposed to abortions permits nurses to opt out of The back door opened; our Fa;1 ~iver 673-9942 hour. I finally got the baby oldest son walked in. "Hey, should be prepared to look after abortion operations and also be697 ASJHLEYBLVD. soothed enough that she went to guess what. I'd like you to meet abortion patients in all neutral cause there have been many reNew Bedford 993-0111 sleep. , the priest who came to 'our biol- matters, giving pain relief, com- quests for guidance.As I started to catch my ogy club. He drove me' home fort and post:operative care. Objections should be made breath, I remembered I had an and would IiIke to see our, fish Seek Rapport known in letters to the principal appointment with the dentist. tanks." '= BOGOTA (NC)-Catholics and There was nothing anyone of nursing officer.. The place was so' upset, but I Nurses should make their po- Anglicans in Latin America are just couldn't take the time to us could sav that, would imon' abortion known when , seeking to learn more of each sition prove the situation. tidy up. At that point, I preferother and b~ better partners in But I could 'just imagine hirn they seek employment. red having my teeth dril\E,!d to i 'the continent's living raising place exSince opposition may to ,explain to the 'other, trying staying at home. take standards. This effort will The project he had been , priests back at the rectory ... "I tra bu'rdens on other staff mem- , a further step forward ,here Feb., working on started as a chipped don't understand it., They say so bets, . non-participating , nurses 9-14 when 20 delegates from tooth and a' loosened filling. By , much of a: child's character de- should try to make' compensa- each church, come together:. . other' direction by high tion in and' environ· ,'pends on heredity the time he had it cleaned out, it ,felt like he was drilling up , ment. He 'seems like such a nice standards Of work in the wards .:.!!1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III 111111111111111111111111111111II11111!!. into my forehead. He was prob- ,kid ... but both his parents are and' other .. ~ .'hospital a'reas. ':' " MallY Requests ing a bit and "fortunately" obviously alcoholics." OF found a weak spot. When he hit The guidelines were distribCARROLL & COMPANY representing World's Finest the nerve, he didn't have' to tell Dr. Donovan Named uted by the' Catholic' Nurses Chocolate. Serving over 100,000' Colleges and me what happened. , " . ., Guild of Scotland not .only to Catholics but also non-Catholic Schools throughou!, the country.. By the time I got home, I was To .Colleges !Ppst. ,SOUTH' ORANGE ·(NC)-Dr.' nursing organizations' and pUbli-' feeling a little less than perky. What Does World's Finest' Chocola~e Offer?' Coming into my messy kitchen ' Alfred D. Donovan, vice-presi- :, cations and all Scottish members '" ' didn't help. The day's laundry, dent of Seton Hall University" of ·Parliament. 1. Quality products. piled in the hamper, had been' has 'been' named the first full2. !'ersonalized Label~'. standing on top of the' laundry time executi~e director of the3. Absolutely no risk involved. '= from the day before. But some- Association of Indepe.ndent Col· 4'. Professionally Organized. place along the line, the" m'oun~ , leges and Universities in New', "Roofing' Contractor 5. You pay for only what you sell. . tain had collapsed and the wash Jersey. STEEPLE JACK WORK The .association is composed was scattered out around the 6: Most Important PROFIT. ' of 16 independent accredited in· ' kitchen table. A Specialty , For Further Information send for a ,Free 'Brochure . I really couldn't see much of stitutions~ including five Catho488 CIJmber~and Street the kitchen table anyway. That lic colleges and universities. It r-:orth Attleboro, Mass. 'Wr~te to-CARROILL ,& COMPANY DISTIROBUTOIR.$ was buried under the remains of engages in fund·raising and' 1-695-,0322 , public relations activities on bebreakflJst. ' .~Q~~:~~::~~;2~~~##~#:.~ ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;;" I was just getting started when half of member institutions.
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ANCHOR~Diocese':of Fall River-Thur . Ja~.,21, 19,71
Wolf~l$ New Book Eiplai~s Significance of ·Odd· i'tle:
. What can that possibly mean? Such is one's thought on seeing the title of Tom, Wolfe's new ook-..,..RadiC'al , ChiCk ,and 'Mau-Mauing the Flak· Catchers. ( arrar, Str~us . , and Giroux, 19 Union Sq., West,. New Yor, N.Y. 100(i)3.· $5.95). The "&" is,,qf course, ' , . , " I. ,readily int~lligible. But the nothing co~c~et~ is reSUlting] rest?" ~ell, '''Radic~l Chic," Mau-maumg. I~ another nafle according to Mr. Wolfe, is' for. conf~ontatlOrL And confron. t y 'g'Idd s y an d gIanc- tatlOn . ',dIffers, . '. '. f~om , ' demonstral J et Set socIe
. . .- I' t 'th' d' I tlon. A clvd ngh s demonstratIon " mg mvo vemen, WI ra Ica movements such as the B'lack may ,occaSIOn a; g~neral, va~ue . ... " . '. fear. But the' obJectIve of a conPanthers. And the fl~st sectl~n'frontation is' "t~ frighten white of the book, so styled, deals prm-. '. . i cipaIly with the famous party men persona,IlY,. ac,e to face ", .. to separate the an from all the 1W&£%JIgiitmnu~KImJj power and props of his office. j' . One need not agree with Mr. , Wolfe's jUdgm~nts or relish his • I By , , style' at its most xtravagant, but probably has to gree that li~ is RT. REV. telIing us some hing which Mre ought to know.' i MSGR. Chicago Ghetto I JOHN S. David Quam en wrote "1'0 Walk the Line ( nopf; 501 M~di KENNEDY son Ave., New Y rk, N.Y. 10~03.·
given early in 1970 by Leonard Bernstein and his' wife in their New York apartment at which members of the Jet Set met members of the Panthers. The purpose was to raise bail money. As for "Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers," the translation is somewhat 'as ,foIlows. Flak , Catcher is Mr. Wolfe's term for ~he ~an i~ any po~erty 'agency who IS aSSIgned to hsten to comp.laints and apparently, but I}ot
~5~~e5~nb~f~;~, h~~!~~~U;~i~17s~d;~
note. on the au or informs Ius that Mr. Quamm n spent one his coIlege summers in the Chidgo ghetto. I This first nov I,. then, is, one' can safely surmi e, in large pkrt autobiographical. It is about: a Yale man who s end; the su!mmer in 1968 in t~e Chicago ghb!to , I The fictitious Yale man is John ScuIly who oins a grouplof young, non-Chica oan'whites llv-
. MISSION GATHERING: Brother Lawrence Kieffer, S.V.D.,a Divine Word Missionary· from Bellevue, Iowa, makes some ·new friends in the Maiwata 'Mission in New Guinea. Brother Kieffer has just been assigned -to the Maiwara Mi.ssion. I-!e experienced an earthquake on his first night at the mission. NC Photo.' , .
Bishop's Issue Warning on Pornography See Demands, fo'r Repr'essive Laws
LONDON (NC)"':""'If th~ mountDeclaring that it may be diffi- is most evid.ent. For this reason, ing wave of pornography is not .cult to define decency, the f>i(>h'- . for the aut1}entic Christian ... in stopped, an outrag¢d public will ops stated that it is still possi.bl~· . in the field of sexual morality demand repressive, legislation ,to,recognjze a public nuisance. ' . there are evidently complex and "Once more we' 're~ind Chris- . difficult situations. controlling the trend toward in-' decency in' ·the arts 'and<rominu: .': tians:" th'ey:said "that the most , .' Christians, who unselfishly nications me?ia. :' :.. ;" ,', ,. :: cohvfncing argu~ent is good' ex- try to reach the ideal should not . That. warnmg ,~~s, ~ssue.d by "ample. Good family life, decency ,!ose ,heart when they (ail. We t.h~ ,br~ho~~ of ~ .~nglal)~.,,',.I;l!1~ ,in -word .and, 'ac~, r~~ponsibi'jty. . :fail:. oft~~ ..¢nqugh, . i.n ~any them. And mau-ma~mg is the ment a,nd ,doing"" .m!!thing -which, ~al~s~.ln'a. 24-page:7,O~0~wC!rd·. 'li'nd, ·tes'ttaint,~ these ate 'not.J'~hing~." . . (",to \,1: : ' . :.. ;.,•.•. "Ethical Guide toot. the :N~,~i6~"'" 'gloolity ,~irt~e~. riie~ q~1l1iiiy' of', .':>B·ut~t\tl1e~ Iiishbps'·"-ildded,. \Awe performance by which militant the.v 'caIl commu 'ity-organizing. complaints terrorize a flak catchMr. Quammen' ' principal con- address~d to ~athohcs of Bfltam. life which, they show is its own cannot excuse ourselves too ~.. .r~adily rWhe~, ~e , ign;9r~' th~ ?~. An exam~~e, w~i~h o~~~r.fed ~ cern, is, with., t e',~ relati,o~shiP. . lfe b~sh.op~ .boo,~leti ch.all.e,ng- " commen~lI:ti!>I'!';':, :., ... '" In San FranCISco Is'lengthdy i:le- which"develops'b' tween the'priv-' mg Chnstl~n~ty. aqd:. Chflstlans,: .. !!Doubtiess ',it is 10' the 'matter .,.,~ang¢rof temptations which' ,are of purity that human weakness avoidable.". " Hege~ and transient ScuIly and a . covers a WIde range of current scribed 'by Mr. Wolfe. moral, pro~~em~ .fr?m .porn~gra-..: .", 1)1e ,~t~iC:8I ..g,!ic;l,e; .~a~ ~J)ased Playin~ With Dynamite. black .vouth.. Tytone' WlIliams. : on replies to .questions "put to •The piece' on the' B~rnstein : Williams' is ·}jig, 'loud,;fotrl- phy tq hIJac,:kmgs,., :abductJons,: Rosary Crusaders al~ohol,sedatives ,and ,~r!lnquil. 'Catholic societies and irirlividuparty a,n~f its aftermath :deflates, . mquthed; ,hei~ .rrom a. brok~n izers~ . To VisitH'oly teind' . als in recent months. home 'if it does not discredit Radical· , ~as been In. a reformatory , WASHINGTON (NC) -..,; Father , Decrying the. spread . of' porChic:The 'celebrities, reai, or fake, ?nd.a prison, is,' ria t~oublema~.er nography" .the· 1?ishops ·said. it Patrick Peyton; director of the · 'are not genuine1y committed to m .hlgh school, a, d IS a mem~er . was becoming more and' more· worldwide Family Rosary Cru- the radical causes with which of $l gang.' " ' . I sade, will head an international revolting,to ordinary, people: , 'they make brief, gingerly con~Diffuse, Ant~-Climactie " . The bishops said: 'that a'back- pilgrimage to -the Holy Land . tact. They see i~ the causes. a " His trea~ent of;SculIy is antilash -against smut could lead ·to· :from·May 23 to '30. Est. 1197 means of getting l!.. vicarious " pathetic on the lsurface, but! a '!total repression'" which' they ·In preparation for the pilthrill and also some p:tblicity. . '.bond is formed...However, . c~n" Builders Supplies 'grimage, the Holy Cross priest said the public does not want. . There is something reprehen- Wiiiia~s help Sc lIy when 'oUter - 2343 Purchase Street Few of. the morality-related' with· the ,familiar ,motto ."The , sive in faddishly taking up the blacks viciously attack the White issues were overlooked, as the, .family that prays together, stays New Bedford Black Panthers' much as. these' stranger? It is o~ the answer to bishops di,scussed . abortion, eu- together,". wiU·launch a Rosary 99.5661 ~ame peo~le, previo~sly took up; ,this question that I,the book turAs." thanasia, atomic and biological .Crusade in the Holy Land on " rock mUSIC, the tWlst-frug genre "Mr. Quammen is a writer' 'of weapons, iminigtation, the pri- Feb, 11, which will build' to' a " . ,of dances,' Pop' Art; Camp, the obvious' gifts an(1 considerable' macy of consCience, and, contra- climax, on 'the last' day of 'the ,..-------~---...,; .. cl,>urting. of pet primitives such as power. But he is Inotyet an ac- ' ception. ' pilgrimage, May .30.' , .. the·,~olhng Stones 'and Jose Tor~ complished novel~st. His book :is Of the 13 specific subjects in The ,.Catholic Travel 'Office in See Us First res. All these were more or less ,interesting throQghout for .its the. booklet, the bishops stress 'this City has' been designed to tri.vial. The P~nthers are some-. conveying of the Isights, sounds, "Marriage. and Sexual Morality" handle pilgrimage arrangements. . ' smell, tension of the. black ghJt- . · thmg else agam. .See Us Last . , .' and "Conscience."'!. .', .. To. li~e. oneself Up ~ith them to, and ~or itsm~kingpainfullY . m. all._senousness. and In fuIl re- ' clear what it i~ for a young , ahzatll,>n of what· the .conse-· white to enteran~ endure it.. [. ,Redu,ce.Fasting But See Us ~uences may' be,. is an explicable, But the novel,jis 'diffuse and ,Period in Canada ,If dangerous, course of action. ant!-c1imactic. ·Many a' readbr B t t tt t th P ' ,OTTAWA (NC),--;-Patients and Over 35 Years u 0 a empt 0 use e an- Will find the, Ian uage, with its 'staff members in Canadian ho~-' thers for one's own silly, ephem- authentic mindle s obscenities' of Satisfied Service' eral purposes, is like' playing' unstomac·hable. . , ' pitals have been. authorized to Reg. Master Plumber 7023 'with dynamite, an idiotic' busi- ' .. receive Commun'ion 'after a ,15JOSEPH RAPOSA, 'JR.' ,
. :.St~rtevant &
Montie Plumbing & . '. IJeatingCo.,
alcoholic beverages.,' '. . 'Frighten White Men' , HELSINKI(N ) - Blasphemy Permission to observe the reThe trouble with Mr. Wolfe's is now a crime i Finland that· 'duced fast period ~as, given for. piece, about the sad lot of the can bring .~ pris1n sentence ~p a three"year period by the Yatiflak catchers is that it may be to two years, In, the p~rliamer-,can's Congregatio~',for the Sac, . read .as showing up the whole .tary debate last month over this faments. It does not affect ear· poverty program as a boondoggle change. in -the .peryal .code, oppo-, lier regulations authorizing, the and a fraud. nents argued ,that a prison seh- . sick to take .non-alcoholic. beverHe does explicitly make theten~~ w~s not ar effective re- ages and .~edicines,any time bepoint that the program is, 'quite ho.blhtatlOn· measure, but pro- fore receIVmg Communion., . accid~ntally, d,eveloping .morale .ponents considere~ it 'importaht Patients and persbnnel in hosamong ,the urban poor. 'But his .as., emphasizing, I Chrlstianiti's pitals,in the .United .Statesare depiction of mau-mauing in San' place as a cornerstone of Finnish ,still bound by the "normal oneI hour, Euchar,istic fa,st. Francisco strongly suggests tha~ sogiet)'. ,
806· NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675~'i497
Norris H. Trip'p SHEET,.' METAL .' J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL . INDUSTRIAL' COMMER'CIAL 253. Cedc:ir 'St" .New 'Bedford
CHEVROLET - J~OJ Kings Hwy.' NEW ~EDFORD Open Evenings
HiE ANCHOR-Diotese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 21, 1971
KEEPING BUSY: Two _residents'of Marian Manor, TaUnton, say Harold Conlon; 82, works at her lifetime hobby of painting. She also keeping busy is the secret .of iong, healthy' life; .Left"~1iss Alma Desilets, runs. a weekly: workshop session for home' residents and' aids in prep....87, ;.sho.ws,j,he.r.i handiwork tQ,' S~ster:; Rita MaIi~~' _~upetior:"Right, .MrS. '~ arations for tli~ Man~r's::'Yec:lrtY.. bazaar. " . : .. : . r
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Mar'ian: ~l1:nor. ,Residents 'Find:~'ct!vity ·Key:·to 'Lo~g and' Hea.lthY· Lives ••.
••• ,..
"Painting is like swimming. Looking,inqre'llke a Young·60 graphs of relatives and friends. .the wonderful work they do . you never forget' it. no matter thim 82. slim and erect in:a navy is a testament to .her fruitful life. here," she said, "Keeping busy .is the royal how long you've been away..... bl~e:pant suit. Mrs. ~onlon, who In her youth. 'she said. she car.On the door of a room on the. road to hap~iness and- health" Mrs. Conlon was_ happy 'to dis-. is t-he·sister of the late Dr:Wil- third 'floor is a' sign' that an- , ried lunch pails to the mills. "It say two residents of Marian co~er. She· joined an' adult edu- Uam Creamer-of Fall River and nounces "Alma's Gift Shoppe." paid quite well. Better than the Manor. Taunton. The two young- cation class to, brush up~' of Sister John Elizabeth. guid- Seated in an' armchair ,drawn up stores." She later ran a handsters in' spirit. both, women in· ance counselor of Sacred Hearts beside a window is Miss Alma craft and millinery business from their 80's. are leading active and . Never Forget .It Academy. tali{ed .about the Desilets. and before her. spread her home', ' , ; stimulating lives because 'of their . "We· belonged to· the, St. workshop she hasstart~d.for the out in a colorful array on the .. c.arrIed .Lunch Pans hobbies. . . Petersburg' Beach' - Community .residents. bed, are .examples ~f the handiSister Rita. Marie. superior of . Club and I complained one day She r,eealled fondly her sister cleverly designed and executed Starts Workshop . the modern and well run home that they didn't have enough Delia. who was her roommate pleasant and full. for the elderly. is' rightfully activity so they promptly ~lected at the :Manor until she· passe<J It meets in the recreation ,proud of her two guests. ,'. me Ways and Means Chairman.~· room every Priday morning and away la,st year. "She was 96 and . Alma's Gift Shoppe In her. second floor private Mrs. Conlon said she immediate- she is ready· to teach handcrafts Miss Desilets. 87, was a life- she had never been bedridden:' room in the Summer .Street rest Iy formed a hobby grouP. the· to all ,comers, both ambulatory Recalling her sister's devotion long resident of St. Roch's parhome that was once the Taunton success of .whi.ch .is attested to and wheelchair .patients; and generosity. she pointed ·out ish in Fall River. She. has been ..Inn, Mrs. Harold Conlon-"Kit" by a. handsome ~n. and calendar She is especially proud of one at Marian Manor .for three two photographs of Franciscan to ller friends-sets up her easel stand she has in her room with priests on her bureau. Her sister. man, from her group. in his 80·s. years. and paints almost every day. a gold inscription· that reads "To· though· she had never met these who has had' several strokes yet "I'm as happy as the days are Painting for Mrs. Conlon has Ki~ Conlon":""in appreci.ation of is learning ·toknit. Her pupils long." this gentle and charming young men. had. when they were been' a lifelong interest. In .her your community activities in rec- . make it variety of decorative and lady declared. "Days go by fast seminarIans in Canada, paid for . tastefully furnished room that is reaction. hobbies and art." their educations, She also paid useful items for the yearly aglow with much of her handi~ ,Her husband became· ill "and November bazaar at the Manor. when you're working:' the expenses of one of them who Though 'she is losing her eyework she'spoke of the avocation the Conlons' moved to Cortnecti"Last year' we made close to- sight she works on nevertheless. had gone to 'Rome for his'doctllat has brought so much joy to cut. "Whtm he died it was the torate .in theology. He now her life. end of the world for me: Art 'was $1.000 selling afghans. shawls. sewing, crocheting all kinds of teaches' at a seminary' in Mon"When I was a youngster my a lifesaver and I turned my·room· vests, .dolls. teddy bears ...... all cleverly designed and executeed treal. mother used to say 'Give her a into a studio and taught paint- sorts of things. and we're al- dolls, animals and useful ·articles. Sister Rita indicated that all ready' bUsy on next year,:' she She explained that because of the 130 residents of the Manor glass of water and a painting ing." said Mrs. Conlon. said. . her failing eyesight, she works would be infinitely happier jf brush and Kit is happy!'· She "If anyone wants to paint. he On a' maple desk in her room almost entirely by her sense of sent me to Sister Bernadette can be taugllt." she insists. not-· they were as active as these two Louise at Sacred Hearts Acad, ing -that two of the 16 pupils' she were drying seven exquisite touch, and that accounted, she women whose work is as vital emy in. Fall River for painting had in' Connecticut none of wooden pl.aques decorated witli said, for the varied and amusing and beautiful as their lives. . lessons, but very soon after I whom h~d held a b;ush before. original oil paintings, she had expressions on many of the' 60 done in the last few weeks. clown dolls she has made in the graduated from the Rhode Island ,have gone far in the art world. '''Thank Almighty God I'm last year. School of Design I .married ·and '_ Mrs. Conlon's dream when she when my three chil<Jren· came came to ·Marian· Manor three healthy," this vital woman exThe down. dolls. along with along I had no m9re time for years ago was to teach art to claimed. "I go out every day. .I her other' handmade articles are ONE STOP _ painting." .the residents, but in this respect don't have an idle moment. sold all year round' at 'the Manor SHOPPING CENTER "I didn't touch a paintbrush she has been disappointed. No When I'm not painting I'm read- and Miss Desilets donates all • Television '. Grocery again u'ntil after my husband' orie sofaI' has been eager to ing. If you sit and do nothing profits to the Novitiate of the • Appliances:. Furniture retired. We moved to St. Peters-' learn. She shares her own lovely your whole body deteriorates." Dominican Sisters· of the Presen-, Her room. filled with her tation, the order that staffs burg, Florida, and I found I had paintings With: the residents by 104 Allen St., New Bedford a lot of time on my hands;" she displaying a varying group of beautiful handwork along with, Marian Manor. "So that they can - 0"997.9354 a great many framed photo- train more Sisters to continue recalled. them in the dining room. 'I ,-;
By· Dorothy
THE ,ANCHOR-Dioce~e of Fall' River-Thurs. Jan.: 21, 197:1
Sttuffin~ C~@the~""DrtTI ~almn[9J@r "ggJi(:kW@y. fr@ ·~~®@oi ,'~@@m By Joseph and Marilyn lRodeir~c
We haven't seen .th-e movie "Love Story" ut we have been fascinated by the reviews we have rea . To a man the reviewers have recommended the movie s being we1l done and worth seeing. However, invariabl they hav I gone to great pains to apolorate and why lither' have tile ogize for the tear-jerking, cleanest, or the irtiest famil~, melodramatic, con t r i v e d around. plot. This amazeS me. ActThe rea'son wa very visibl~.
ually the moviegoing public has, been subject to more contrivance in the last decade than in all the previous 'years the, movies were in existence. We have been inundated with the futility of life, the crass, the ugly, the immoral, the hopeless; moviegoers looking back on the movies of the '60s will most assuredly think back on us as a lost generation if they really believe that the movies chronicled our age." Actually ~he movie~ ~on trived to show us the ,very worst we had to offer because they felt that the worst was' what' we wanted to 'see: Escapism Wanted The decline of the movie industry says as much as anything about, how 'wrong they were about. what the people wanted. Granted., there ,were segments of the community who were looking to be scandalized and shocked, but for most of us the movies rem;iined as a mixture of escapism and pure entertainment. Love Story proves by its fantastic box office success that there., is, sti,ll an audience for escapIsm. , .' . , ,,' I am sure we will now' see a flood of movies modeled after Love Story, and I am equally sure that they will be terrible fare. Any picture attempting to capitalic:e on the audience loses a great deal in the making because people are guessing wha't will sell rather than what makes a good movie. Hollywood has a long history of subverting the art of' movie-making to the art of making a dollar, but at least the fare. although just as unrealistic; will be, more palatable for the American viewer. 0
In the Kitchen,
Some 'day, I expect, to find the cat.in the washing qlachine. This '. probab,ility could} occur for two reasons: ,one, I have, without it' doubt, one of the nosie!?t felines around and two, everything in: this 'hou1se hits the wash at 'one time or another. I know I'm being picky but there·:' inust be' children:' 'somewhere in this world who wear a nightgown or a pair of pajamas more than one night; and do you real,ty think it's' neces~ary to throw a housecoat in the hamper when the only outing it took was' out of the closet and down the staIrs to the refrigerator, since its: last dunking. Really, how dirty can those stairs' ilhd that reft~~erator be? ' . Visib,le Reason' With great research (I really did; take a course - in research afi(~~i development, but, I didn't' hav~ this in mind) and persistent: detective work. I have discov,ered why J:lly hampers bulge at ,th§ ,seams, why my giant size' detergent apPears to evap~ d
and took very Eittle Sherlock ·Holmes deductiO~ on my paft 'once I started r any to check the contents of sa d hampers be· fore they hit the washing se~" \tion of the bas ment, ,where everything looks' Idirty if. it js or not. '. The cal,lse was ~uite 'obvious...!.. it is much easierl for my children to throw t~eir clothes in. the hamper than Ito hang them lip (just think of all the energy one needs. to lift I a hanger off a bar, slide an O~Utfit on it, ana replace the hang r). . ! i
'What Was
Serrans SPOnSOr Vocations' ,Program Sixty-eight students, faculty members and guests wE!re present at last Thursday's Folk Festival, Social at Bi~hop Feehan High. School Attleboro that was conducted under the sponsorship of Attleboro'.District Serra Club. The program opened with a Folk Mass offered by ReV:. James A. Clark, chaplain at ~he Attleboro Diocesan High St~ool. Students assisted at the Mass and Richard Cash, a senior acted as lector for the first reading. Rev. Edward J. I3yington, as" sistant at St.John the Evangelist Church, Attleboto, a former FBI man and a' me!I'ber of' the
· Intelligence Service of the U.S. Army, preached the homily with. :' a stress on vocations.
College Av'ens Money ,Crisis
The truth of Jat really going on hit me between the · eyes whaf I start d to' discover bit and pieces 0 Jason's to~s WORCESTER (NC);""'- When a in this famous' amper along · college: announces, that it, has no with such ,things as an orange major money problems, it's news' peel (from the 0 ange' he took these days, and Holy Cross has to his room yest rday), an urimade just that ~nnouncement. eaten' piece .of' pop-tart, and Father John E. Brooks,' presieven a stray plat or two. This dent of the Jesuit college, told varied assortment f trivia, along · parents of Holy Cross students · with similar itetns. from th'e I I that spenping would be cut back girls' rooms, clUe": me in 'as tp and a slight ,tuition increase what' was actuaiIy happening would imposed, bu.t that the S k 1971-72be college upstairs, when I I t out an ulti- n& D o n budget would matum such as •That upstai~s,':HQlUDan l!.oaym~1I'Il ee stay balanced. ' had better be cle n when I gp New [)'iv@r~(f! law "Holy Cross is fortunate that up there-or else.' The rooms ROME (NC)....:..The· first legal p,ot cleaned but mwashing got step toward 'a national referen- it has not so expanded its prodoubled. ' ' dum to annul Italy's.new divorce grams that an intolerable super-, At the moment . I'm working law was taken by' a group of structure finds itself tottering on a solution to this clothing laymen called' the Catholic AI- · on shifting sands of uncertain financial underpinning," he said problem by initi~ting my twp liance. female offspring ~nto the my~. The group presented a formal in a letter to the p~rents. t~ries of the wastier and dryer. request for' the: referendum at The tuition increase of $130 Perhaps if they sh~re the burden the offices of Italy's highest ap- will bring total tuition charges of the l~undry thEly won't be so peals court, the Court of Cassa- ,up to $2,480 a year. Student free to toss evertthing into it. tion. . ,, 'health service charges 'will also I have a feeling, a.t cat really, The referendum to abolish di- increase by $20. . , better watch out. , 'vorce _ introduced into Italy Now tha~ man of us have Dec. I, despite protests by the barred swordfish f om our tables, Vatican that divorce violat~s L@$ Angeles NuWas we find that we have to, look Italy's concordat with the Holy SeU~te DospLIIl'e' for other fish fav rites to serve . h h our families, 'This is a very el~. _ See--wdl be etd in t e spring LOS ANGELES (NC~A fi~ pf 1972 provided it clears all gant recipe for so e. 1 legal hurdles. One legal require- . nancial sett,lement and an il)vi," Filet of Sol . Shelly ment is the' collection of half a tation to' resume teaching' in" archdiocesan schools has apparmillion signatures. 6 filets of sole Other groups are also prepar-' ently ended the four-year-old 2 stalk~;celery ing to submit requests' of their dispute between Church officials 1 mediup1 sized nion., .own for a referendum on divorce: , a~~ what were the Sisters of the 1 clove garlic, • rushed Italian law calls for ,the eventual .1mr.n~culate Heart of Mary. 5 Tablespoons il I unification of substantially, sim· , The financial' settlement was Yz cup" 'blanch1ed almondS, ilar requests. '. . . , between some 300 of th~ former' finely chop~ed The Holy See has not shown · religious community who had' reo, Yz cup ,chicken stock warmth. toward the ·project· of 'organized: in 'January 1970 into 2 slices "white bead, crumbep 'referendum; which, many' ob-, a voluntary association. and a pinch of nutmer ' , 1 , "servers· fear would 'touch, off minority gI:oup of 50 kept pinch of mace . I . viol~nt' antagonisms between - their canonical stat1,ls' under ,the 1 teaspoon s!llt I Catholics and secl,llaris.ts' and- re- name of 'the California Institute freshly ground ~epperopen ,the anti-Church and,' a'n- of the, Most Holy and' Immacu-' juice of: Yz"lemqn ; ':ticlerical ,woundsthiit ~fflicted . late Jieart of the Blessed, Virgin;' Yz cup ,dry Y{hi~e' wine . .,19th-ceritu~y Italy.' :,,' ~ary. . J' 1) Chop- the celhy and onioh . 1III11IIIl"ltlllllr"1I1'IIIII"""m,,u"""'ltll"'Il,iUl'-tUl'~'II~IIII~lln"lOUI;'t1"tlll;'I"'ti'''' /(1'"==-=-====__""""'_""...........- " i ! very fine and addtgarliC and almonds. Saute this for ,5 minute~ spread on ~ach of· the filets. A1I"TLEBORO"S. in a medium' size skillet in 2 Ron up and s'ecure Iwith toothlI.eadingG,arden Center Tablespoons of', il. Add ,the picks. 0." • chicken stock and rumbs to this 3 Pour the remaining 3 Tablemixture'. and '~ea.~on with the . ,spoons ,of oil in a fIat baking mace, nu~meg and salt. 'I dish and arrange the 'stuffed fi-', . South Maill'l& Wf,l1I Sis. 2 Place' the 6 f~lets bn a fiat 'lets in. it.. Sprinkle with. the lem~, . , .. surface, sprinkle ilightly with on juiCe ~n<l "win,e.,; ," salt and pepper. Di ide the dress- _ 4 Bake in: a. 425 :Oven for. 25 222-0234' 'ing into 6 equal portions' and . minutes or ui,},tif ni~ely brown. 0
Music for the Mas~ and the entertainment that constituted the social portion of the program was- furnished by Folk Singers from Providence College. Sister Dell~ Ann Chartrand, . O.L.V.M., of the Diocesan CCD Office and Sister Betty Anderson, O.L.V.M., of the New'Bed· ford Spanish Speaking Center presented an 'audience-particip..ation panel in'or.der -to enlighten the students "as to "where the action is".:" The program "closed • with'. a " question and answer p'eriod:',: .
°A$k 'Chu'~ches Mark World Leprosy Day NEW YORK, (NC) - Catholic and Protestarit parishes throughout the country have been invited 'to' join the 18th annual " World Leprosy Day observance' Sunday, Feb. 14. The invitation ,came from Jesuit Father John G. Furniss, chairman of the board of the DamienDutton Society, named for the two Catholic pioneer missionaries' among .Iepers in Hawaii, and Dr. Oliver Hasselblad, president, American Leprosy Missions. The observance' originated in 1954 and has spread to more than 100 countries. Its aim is. to focus public attention on leprosy problems and to support organi~ zations campaigning' again~t· thE:! disease.
Wit H. RILEY &: SON, Il1c.,
, Gasoline Fuel and Ran,ge
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G. ~o BOILER BURNER UNITS Rural Bottled Gas Service . 61 COHANNET ST
TAUNTON Attleboro - No.. Attleboro Taunton
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 21, 1971
Three Cape CCD Un.its Offer Multi-IJled-ia, Presen,tation.' Creation, Qestruction and re-creation in Christ were the themes of a multi-media presentation held recently at St. Francis Xavier parish center, Hyannis, for high schools of religion from St. Francis Xavier; Our Lady of the. Assumption, Osterville; and Our. Lady of Victory, Centerville. Forty jun~ors from Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, presented the program for over 200 students from the Cape pat;ishes, drawing on material originally prepared for their annual school retreat. The three Cape parishes have combined their high school CCD programs "to provide a sense of com-' munity among the teenagers of the three churches and to' increase the availability of priests', Sisters and lay cate- , chists in the' program," according to Sister Christine Marie, MSBT of St. rrands Missionary Cenade, Hyannis. In the top picture, Cape youth and their Fall River guests prepare a table for celebration of the liturgy. From left, Pam Oliva, Osterville; Danny CarHn, Centerville; John Powers, Hyannis; Brenda Daignault, '. Denise St. Laurent, 'Kathy Duffy, all of Sacred Hearts Academy. Second picture shows jpurney on "the lon~ ~:md win~-' ing road of life." Girls, all from SHA, are Rosemary rer-. . reira, Pamela Silva, Rosemary Frank, Patti Harney; JaniCe . Mendes, Donna Berube. Priests participating in program are, from left, Rev. James Hipp, SS.CC., Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich; Rev. Edward Correia, Our Lady of Victory; 'Rev. Terence Keenan, St. Francis Xavier; Rev. James Fahey, 6ur Lady of the Assumption. Last, the most important people of all-the Cape teens for whom the program was planned.
SHA students ~t~nd by collage <iepicting creation. They are BarbaraConl()n; Mary Jane Silvia, Beverly Mendonca.
6% '-Term Deposit Certificates. two-three years 5%%-TE'rm Deposit Certificates, one year 5~2%-90.Day Notice ',5% %-Regular Savings *Daily interest on all savings plans 'Dividends payable monthly.
307 Main Street, South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664' Yarmouth S.hopping PiCiza Dennis Port
Hyannis Osterville
Regional Meeting To Start R'elief Fund ~ppeal.
THE, ANCHOR:"-Diocese of Fall River-Thu s. Jan. 21, 1971
La'u~s Msgr.\ Baroni ~ Goal' Of, Black~Ethnic' Coalition , I ,
NEW YORK (NC)-The 25th annual Catholic Relief Overseas Aid Fund Appeal was ~icked off at a series of r<~gional meetings throughot!t the United States, beginning here on Jan. 18. The planning meetings, 'according to a spokesman for the annual drive conducted under the auspices of the American that ,~sgr. Barom nee~ not course, becom~ just that! I and Catholic hierarchy, will review apologIze t?, anyone" whIte or Governor George Wallace" for the activities of Catholic Relief black, for hIS record m the area 'one, is desper~ltelY hoping, .that , Services during 1970, and will ~1till%%m:;;:mmWmW%WJill they will. " ',I formulate programs for the variFor his, ow part, however, ous regions in support of the ,By, ' Professor Rei9h is' convi~ced ., NEW GREEK ORTHODOX BISHOP: Archimandrite ,forthcoming appeal. that when white ethnics develpp The annual drive, to be held a greater sen~e of their' own . Christodoulos Kall~s, left, talks with his former pastor, during the week of March 14"MSGR. identity' and discover what he Archbishop Iakovos, who encouraged Kallas 'in his vocation. 21, will end with a special Laerefers to as their "servitude," tare Sunday collection' in the ,GEORGE G.' we are likely t~ see', "a', real ex-: majority of the nation's 18,000 plosion in America: Black 'rage, Catholic churches. ,HIGGINS.', , " black pride, blatk' militance, give In addition to New York, re-, . Rablbi iFraises Catholic Scholarship us some idea of what' it will be' gional planning meetings have like. been scheduled for: Boston, Jan. I'n Bible Studies of race relations and pointed out, "But with' :whites, the self-de20; Washington D.C., Jan. 22; NEW YORK (NC)-A rabbi CBS-TV; network called "Re- Detroit, Jan 25; Chicago, Jan. 27; in addition, that that he is work- ception has bJen greater, iand ing night and day to put, togeth- perhaps that will make the truth had high praise for Cahtolic ligion 70." Other panelists were Milwaukee, ,Jan. 29; Portlimd er viable coalitions' between all the more infhriating. Stud~nts scholarship in Bible s'tudies on a United Methodist Bishop A. (Ore.), Feb. 1; San Francisco, black and, ,ethnic . blue collar are beginning to discover their nationally televised review,of the James Armstrong of North and Feb. 3; San Antonio, Feb. 5 and ' South, Dakota; the Rev. J. Metz New Orleans, Feb. 8. wo.rke.rs-;-CQalitions which, hope-, servitude, and are" angry, i but year's news in religion. Rabbi Robert Gordas, profes-' Rollins, executive director of the fully, -will' help to bridge the 'objectively speaking the sel'viAid 70 Countries , potentially, dangerous gap that tude' of ,stude~ts i'g -not' Very SOl' of'religion at. Temple, Uni- National Committee of Black now, divides them in so many great.' . . . }vorkers are: far versity 'in Philadelphia, ,called Churchmen, and Jo-ann Price, a Highlight of each meeting, communities throughout the behind the students and; the "the rebirth or' interest in the, correspondent for the National which priests, school superin' United States. blacks in awa~eness" but \yhen Bible by Catholic scholars the Catholic News Service. tendents, Confraternity of Chrismost significant 'event of the Msg.... 'Baroni knows better that awarenes! finally comes, In his praise of Catholic Bibli- tian Doctrine teachers and lay ~han most of os how difficult theY, will repo ,sess their i6. tel- past decade." cal scholarship, Rabbi Gordas leaders are expected to attend, The rabbi was a part of a cited in particular the New it will be to achieve this ob- lects, their selv s, and their man:ective. He knows that there is hood." - I l', partel on a special show on the American Bible, the "superb will be a report by several of the 17 appeal diocesan directors little hope of solving the so-callWhen ethnic like Msgr. i Bament of the CCC in ,Gary is translation" which has climaxed who toured' Africa, Asia· and ed race problem. ~n this country ron.i sa~s thingf like t~at" ma~y simply one more indication that the Church's Biblical, efforts of Latin America last November. unless' and until blacks and ur- whIte hberals, as preVIOusly mc The purpose of their trips was white ethnics are ,concerned only the past 10 years. ban whites learn to pool their c1icated, accuse Ithem of copping, about tjleir_ own' problems and He also cited as a "very ex- to evaluate the effectiveness' of resources in a, joint effort to, out on the issue of white racism. are running away. from the issue cellent translation" the New' En- the various CRS aid programs solve'their commoh problems.' Curiously enoJgh, however, I glish Bible and he urged Chris- conducted in individual counof white raCism. Experience has also convinced' haven't notice~ any of them Bill Kovach of the New York tian leaders to encourage ,furth- tries. him that this will never happen, making this lame accusation , Times reports, hqwever, that lo- er Biblical scholarship. During the pa~t year, CRS dishowever, until the ethnics them- ,against Professor Reich despIte "It can't be read in a purely tributed food, clothing and medical black leaders ,in Gary do not selves become more conscious the fact that hit Ivy League ,creshare this opinion. The meeting devotional manner," he added. cine to the' needy of all races of their own identity and more c1entials' as an activist in. the at which CCCwas organized, "It must be studied." in 70 countries, in addi'tion to ,. convinced of their own ability to ~rea of race ~elations andi his It was Rabbi Gordas' opinion Mr. Kovach wrote in, the Dec. '7 financing and supervising' socioreform the "system and get off personal knowl~dge of the et~nic issue of the Times, "was closely that the Bible will provide the economic self-help development the treadmill on which they problem are much less ,impreswatched by black organizers ultimate solution to the problem projects. During 1970, CRS also are now marking time. sive than MsgJ' Baroni'S', ' who are pulling together a paral- of whether people should be responded with emergency aid lel organization in their commu- more concerned with "personal to natural disasters in Peru, Search for Ident,ity , Positive Program ; nity in the city of Gary, which salvation or the collected and Puerto Rico, the Phiiippines and In this respect, Msgr. Baroni De that as it may,' I am ~ure has an 80 per c~nt black popu- corporate' life of society as a East, Pakistan. would undoubtedly agree with k that Professor J<.eich was favor- lation. As Obadiah Simms, the whole." The total global aid programs Charles Reich, Professor of Law ably, impressed~ven if some central black organizer, watched When the panelists were askafYale University, when he says I conducted by CRS last year were iiherals and s me black mili- the issues develop in the mara- ed to assess the year's happenin his, new book, "The Greening valued in excess of $158 million, tants were no -by Msgr. Ba- thon' CCC convention, he ex- ings in the field of religion, they of America," that "the realquesincluding 565,240 tons of relief tion, 'for the (white) worker just rani's stlccess i helping to put pressed optimism that the or- divided evenly on the principle supplies. as for the black man, is 'Who together, just a few weeks' ~go, ganizations )VOtiid eventually factor wh,ich prevailed. Bishop am I? What sort, of culture what would ap ear to bea via- unite "because once they start 'Armstrong and Rabbi Gordas ble working cla s,pressure group, . working they'll' begin to smoke were of the opinion that the inshol,lld I have, what is my herittrospection which the churches the Calumet ommunity <;::on- out common enemies.'; age, where shOUld my pride be?'" ress and synagogues were experienc"Redemption," Professor Reich n , in Gary, India'na. Where Credit Is Du~ ing was the most vital concern. The CCC, wh ch brings togethcon,tinues, "might mean, among Miss Price and Rollins cited , other things" a search, for one's er into one umbtella organization Msgr. Baroni can be counted the churches' out-reach - their origins, background and uni- approximately 1150 community upon to do everything within, queness. One possible b~ginning ornanizations of widely diffetent his own power to put together involvement in society. The NC correspondent said might be a ,search for one's socially and political coloration, such a black-ethnic coalition as ethnic identity, the course pur- has adopted at 10-point action ,a working model for dozens of that in her opinion the most imsued by the militant blacks. program to com at pollution land other highly industrialj.zed com- portant, event. of the year was , "Most whites, when they came pOlitical, corrup ion,_ seek' tax. re- munities throughout the United the papal trip to the Far East, to this' country, lost their ethnic form and fi'1d open space for State's. He and his associates , calling it a symbol of the Cath, identity in. the melting pOt. people in a country crowded by mayor may not succeed in their olicChurch's "going to the peoWhite youth, in searching for a giant steel mill . efforts, but I,' for one, am will- ple. culture of their 'own, have in . ing ,to give ~ubstantial odds that Working Together I they will. large measure looked to black As Haynes ohnson pointed Msgr. B,arolli hl(Js reason to be culture as a model; the whites started with none of their own. out in a recent storr onCC y 'in " proud of what he and his associ"But white peopIe' have, lost the Washington Post, ,"The ,Con- ates in the eth'nil:' movement an' have accomplish~d in bringing traditions too; folk music, arts gress'. . . thusI symbolizes,' ' and crafts" myths and legends, attempt to demonstrate that' the the CCC into existence. Let's at ,history, cooking. To rediscover white ethnic American can: be hope that his liberal critics will' this is to rediscover some of enlisted in a catn~ign to cr~ate take another look at this devel- , one's sources." change at a focal level ,and opment and begin to give credit· through an app al based not on where credit is due instead of When Awareness Comes , fear,nor prejud ce, but on a~'po- .pretending that they and they Professor Reich doesn't, think, "sitive , political' rogram.',' " I , alone have the a'n'swer to the' 115 WILLIAM NEW,B'EDFORD, MASS. -and neither does Msgr. Baroni.', Th~ie are 'u· doubted\y ,some terrible evil 'of white racism in -that middle and lower middle' who will say, t at the establ,ish-' 'the United states.
In a recent release of this column I felt obliged to defend the good name of Msgr. Geno BarO!i of the USCC Task Force (and of· others who share his' concern about t~e problems facing ethnic working cla s Americ~ns) against the charge of cop" i ping out on the issue of white cla~s white' et ni~s are ne~E;s racism in this country'. I~ sanly an ultra. conservatlv~, . ' . much less a re~ctlOnary, force m said, among ot~er thmgs, the United Statfs. They could, of
Mos,t, Significant ,
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famous for
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of
The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, tall River
Together with South Congregational Church, the parish is observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with alternatin~ church services. Tonight Rev. Dennis Albrecht of the . Lutheran Church will speak at Our Lady of Victory on Christian Unity. Tomorrow Sister Christine Marie, MSBT will speak on unity and conduct a contemporary service at South Con~re~ational Church. On Satl'rrla". al<;o at the Connregational Church. Rev. Edward Correia of Our Lady of Victory and Rev. Robert Sargent will conduct a dialogue sermon. Sunday will conclude the series with a 6 P.M. service at Our Lady of Victory, at which Rev. Alexander Chandler will preach. ST. MARY'S CA1l'HEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Mothers' Club will sponsor a penny sale at 7:30 Tuesday night, Jan. 26 in the school. The public is welcome. SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD Under sponsorship of the Home and School Association, Joe Di Biase will present an ev'l~i'1p, of organ meloc\ies at 7:30 Saturday night, Jan. 30 at Keith Junior High School. The program will include popular and oldtime selection's. Tickets are available from Ronald L'Italien and Ray Rain· ville. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER
The monthly meeting of the Women's Guild will take place at 8 Monday night, Jan. 25 in the parish hall at County and Studley Streets. A games party will be featured with Miss Fran<;es McCarthy as hostess. Mrs. James E. Welch will be chairman of the hospitality hour. Plans are in the making for a March style show. Those interested. in modeling may contact Mrs. Henry Collard. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE; FALL RIVER Girl Scouts of TroOD 1116 will tour the New Bedford StandardTimes Saturday afternoon, Jan. 30 under the leadership of Mrs. Stanley Bielusiak.
NEW YORK (NC) - Privatecolleges, including church-related institutions, "will no longer be able to serve higher education and the nation with strength unless significant aid is soon forthcoming." This conclusion was based on a survey of 75 per cent of the country's 762 private, accredited four-year colleges and universities. It was. sponsored by the Association of American Colleges. These institutions, according to a report issued with the results of the survey, will have a combined operating deficit in the . 'current fiscal year totalling about $87 million. Officials of the association, noting that the survey was representative of all sectors of pri·
vate higher education, called the study the most comprehensive on the fiscal status of private colleges. The survey's report made the following points: Grants made directly by the federal government to private colleges for general use or physical facilities were termed the type preferred by those institutions. However, aid in "virtually any form," including grants and loans given directly to students, also appeared acce·ptable. 'Getting Redder' The most popular means of reducing a deficit was to borrow or transfer money from unappropriated funds, while the generally accepted way to head off deficits was to increase tuition.
The granting of .student aid was placing a considerable burden on the private schools. During the last four years, this has increased by $10 million, a boost of 904 per cent. The report concluded that "private colleges and universities are apprehensive, and!hey have reason to be. Most colleges in the red are staying in the red, . and many are getting redder, while colleges in the black are generally growing grayer." The increase in deficits, according to the association's research director, William W. Jellema, took on a quickened pace after 1968. Factors in the rise of the deficit were increased costs for instruction, building, maintenance and security.
ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A whist party sponsored by the priests of the parish will be held Saturday night, Jan. 30 in the church hall. Parishioners are asked to donate prizes and grocery items for awards. They may be brought to the rectory or deposited in the church vestibule at any Mass. The CYO will sponsor a dance from 8 to 11 Friday night, Jan. 29 in the parish hall. Knights of the altar will hold a practice session at 10 Saturday morning, Jan. 23. A penance service for third p,raders will take place at 7:30 Tuesday night, Feb. 2. Senior citizens are invited to card parties held at 1:30 every Friday afternoon. Cash prizes and refreshments. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER
A malasada supper and dance are scheduled for Saturday night, Feb. 20 in the church hall. Supper will be served from 6 to 8, with dancing to follow until 11. There will be an open meeting Sunday, Jan. 31 to make plans for this event. Representatives of all parish societies are asked to attend. The Children of Mary will hold a cake sale following each Mass Sunday, Jan. 24. Donations are requested for any kind of pastry. A CYO potluck supper will be held at 6:30 Saturday night, Jan. 23 in the hall. Entertainment will be by "Mr. Vincent," hypnotist.
A folk Mass will be celebrated at 5 Saturday afternoon, Jan. 23.
MOUNT CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Lucy Marks and Mrs. Beverly Souza are in charge of the cake sale to be conducted under the sponsorship of the . PTA at the Stop and Shop on Rockdale Ave. on Saturday. The eighth grade was awarded the attendance banner for the most parents present at the last PTA meeting. Debra Ferro, Olga Sardinha, Aim Vasconcellos, David Bates and Anthony Ferreira were panelists who discussed with eighth graders the courses available in their respective schools, namely, Dartmouth High, Stang, Holy Family, Roosevelt Jr. High and New Bedford Vocational. The executive board acted as refreshment committee.
In a letter to Niagara students and their parents, the Vincention priest said he regretted that the trustees' action might displease some parents and students.
Parents Support Colleg·e Decision NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-The president of Niagara University here has expressed "full accord" with a board of trustees' decision not to allow cooed visitation privileges in' dormitory rooms. Father Kenneth F. •Slattery also expressed support of the board's decision to retain "the Catholic 'nature of Niagara," even if it means sacrificing $250,000 annually in state aid.
"To those who may be gravely dissatisfied," Father Slattery said, "I would suggest consider-' ation of a transfer to an institution more to their liking." Asked whether he thought many studel)ts would take him up on the suggestion, Father Slattery told NC News: "The opinion around is no." "The reaction so far has been good," he said. "I've been receiving letters and phone calls from parents indicating their agreement with the stand of the university."
Report Stresses Private Colleges Need Help
Foil River-Thurs. Jon. 21, 1971
Enclosed is my Family Membership Enrollment of $6.00 for one year.
Enclosed is my Family Perpetual Enrollment of $100.
Enclosed is my extra special sacrifice of $ _
Name'_ _-'--_-.,..-
Addressi City
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THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH SEND YOUR GIfT TO The Rev. Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara National Director 366 Fifth A venue New York, New York 10001
The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of _F.all River-Thur~. Ja!'. ~.1, 1,971 )'
, I
·m~n:t~:~~~ ~~:'~/~~~~:~g ~~' tmm;!mMWM%~@m~~I""
'Saturday confessions, ,but I do 'know about one. Thaf parish is in Macon" Georgia, and it~ weekIybulletin'describes the coogregati(;m: !l community steeped in tradition, but on the move in our '. modem world. "Saint Joseph's is 'the mother chUrch, of Middle' Georgia. It served ,Catholics scattered from the Florida border to the mountain~ of Tennessee.. Even the great m~tropolis" of. Atlanta was once its mission. ":Rich in 'history and 'str~ng in fait~,St. Joseph's .t<><;laY is striving to. keep alive the traditions. of 'the 'past and give,: th'eril vitality in keeping ·with the exciting times in which we live." Gray-haired and 'hard-working Father William Coleman shep"'lrrl,<; this flock. aided by an' associate pastor, Father. Thomas
.: '.
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setting, of a confessfonal room. The carpeted and spacious area ,for penance is actually a conFR. JOSEPH M. verted baptistry, a space made .CHAMPLIN available when the pastor renovated this church and moved its font forward to the sanctuary. flW~;w;W;,@B&~~"': A partition within .the "room . I ,gives penitents the option of an the very 'black tair... They a\- anonymous, behind-the-screen arternate hearing 'confessions lat rangement or' of an open, facethe customary, 4:00-5:30 'and . to-face encounter. In either case, 7:30-8:30'.peri.ods but penitents the individual no longer must know exactly wh will be in the whisper, but can speak normally, "box" at: what Ihours. An an- yet· with an assurance of nouncement in. the bulletin o:ne secrecy. , week, for' exam1e, reads: "ConFather 'Coleman' has ordered fessions on Sa urday will ,:,be a, pamphiet rack for the confesheard in the, afternoon by siomil room, a shelf ,to contain Father Healy an in the evening appropriate literature for this by Father ColelTfan." !doreovrr, sacrament.. The priest will then. ' each priest att{lches, a name be a~le easily to assign passages' plate to the· confessional duri,ng . from these publications as penances or suggest, particular his own tour 0qduty. ' By
MJE.Nl' fe<' VE hOoW.
Healy, "the yOl,mg priest sWAithcRAAt
. ':~.'" ."How do I love thee? L~t me . , : I.' : , count the ways." With these mt-.-mmlllW;;11MtWll,%il'I words ,begins the famous, love sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett B' Browning. No one expression of Y · love was able to' capt~re the ,~ "depth' and breadth'and heights" FR:·CARLJ.: of her love." :' . . PFEIFER, S.J~· 'T~e mystery of love escapes ' neat, all-inclusive definition: Men' and, women of every age· have fafltiPWfN'%11EP1'f' .been .inspired, to· invent ,new , .. " " ' , . .wqros, ·new symbols; to describe. It is u:u( t~~~ 'for several r.e-' ,thl;!ir experience,' inadequately lit '. cent cen'turies~.· the :manner; qf best. Love' is a reality 'with, so . celeorating',' ihe~j'EUCharist was 'many dimensions that it can be froze'n 'intoa ~iJrt form mold,and expressed only, by a ri<:hvariety, t~e theoi,.OgiCll!," ·e.xp~anation,! of of words, symbols, gestures,;md this sacrament became rigidly actiQns. "How do I IQv~ thee? limited.Caihoti'c who are ad~its Let me count the ways!" today grew up during this. final'· U;.is not surprising then that period, of, unifdrmity: of, valid" · Christians down through,· the cen- celebration aiid 'acceptable'defituries' have found' surprisingly nition: wh,erevel.-on'~ w.ent'! i~ . different ways. of describing and this. country', or througnout ".the' celebrating, tlieEucliarist; which world, ·th·e Mass was offer-edl:in Vatican Council' II names a sac- the same manner, in the same
Turn to
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planations of the Eucharist were everywhere almost ,verbally identical. Such ~onstraintis not' 'typical of the Church's experience of the ,Eucharist. The variety weare' today.,..exp~riencing ~ ·a· va~~etYi that for many of.us may well..be d'" ' lsconcertmg - IS muchmore characteristic of the, celebration , of the "sacrament ~flove" in the 'long history of the Church. '. , ,.- "'Development.: ~For '. centUries there' 'were no fixed,: ·prayers or, rituills.,' ,The local Bishop' or priest' adapted the words and gestures of the .Mass to the. occasion. The language wa~- that of the people pariticip~ting; the symbols and gestures 'were taken from the local' culture. We do not even 'nave a uniform account of the words of Jesus 'at: the· last Supper, the First Mass. The New Testament records four differing
FAciN°G' ~DEATH AND'~wtAThiMEsum AFTER-·otii ~f
There is a section Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians where the style really, soars, 4:16-5:10: Here Paul compares the troubles of this life and the life we can have in heaven. It is one of the most important sections of Paul's letter., It gave " us pieces of the Christian doctrine about what will happen to the souls of the just between the time of their deaths and the Lord's second coming at the end of the world. It also gives us pieces of the 'best ,Christian spirituality concerning 'how we , should face death. Notice how positive Paul is in . this' section. In 4:14 he wrote; "For we know 1 that God; who raised. the Lord Jesus to life, will also raise us up with 'Jesus' and bring us, together with 'you, 'into his presence." Now he writes, ill 5:1" "God will have.a house in. \.
. EUCHARIST: Communicant places host in ciborium and then prepares herself for the reception of Communion , -the focal point of the Mass.' ,. . .
CC:::'Z~lt;:,,[d~~;~~~F~J ., By
heaven for us to live in, a home he hims,elf m"ade l which 'will last forever." , -" . If you took, these sentences by themselves' ou 'might conelude that Pau!" I say'in,g he and the Corinthia~' Christians; to whom he wrote rill all be saved and will enjoy 9ternal happiness with God. " I • ' Always Rea~ in .Context I For sound ihterpretation of t~e. B~b~, ho~r~er, there is a.
i 1
that says you 'must take into consideration what the sacred author wrote in' other sections, and' also what other biblical auth!>rs wrote about the particular topic. The least one can do here, of course, is to read the whole ~ntext of this section, and one therefore, comes quickly to ·5:10 where Paul reminds us, ~'For all' of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by him, so. that each one may receive what he deserves,' according to what he has done, ,good or bad, in his bodily .life.'.' You will see now why I'said . . th' a t th e begmmng at· Paul compares the troubles of this life and the life we "can" have in heaven. ,Yes, Paul actually talks about the life we. "will" have in heaven. But, in vie,w of that sentence in 5:10, I think you will Turn to Page Seventeen
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IN SUNSHINE ,OF UPWARD TREND: Priestgaz~s out at the brightness, of the day produced' by tlie upswing in the numbers of 'persons going., to C~nfession. at one, church that hopefully will lead to a similar trend in.others.
FLAME AT KENNEDY GRAVE: Faith in the Resurrection enflames the soul with a hope that mitigates the sadness at death.
Continued from Page Sixteen booklets which complement his own words of advice. In addition, the pastor hop'es soon an artist,' through proper colors, symbols and paintings, may add to the room a special atmosphere radiating warmth, joy, forgiveness and peace. Frequent Subject in Homilies,. Confessions are up in Macon, but not simply because of a change in the furniture. The clergy preach and teach about this subject, indicate a willingness to listen and help plan' programs geared for the Christian growth of their parishioners. A few excerpts from the "Parish Programs" brochure' -iHustrate what I mean: . "Confessions"'-confessions are
Son, Jesus. The most important thing we do is pray together. Yet, readying ourselves for . prayer by a good life. requires help. In many ways our,: parish program provides us with such help." Just how much are confessiems at St. Joseph's on the increase?' According to Father Coleman the parish formerly averaged a half-dozen penitents in the afternoon and again in the evening. TOday' the number has risen to about 25 on each occasion.
What kind of people come? The saved? Older persons? Traditionalists reverting to habits of . earlier days. Some fit these categories, of course, but many have long hair or thick beards, wear beads or c~rry' babies in their regularly heard ... Many people arms. . They represent the prefer to spend a longer time . younger, 'now generation.. So than the regular hours aliow. In much so that an eiderly: lady this case calI the rectory for an living nearby complained about appointment for a counseling .the great crowd of "hippies" type confession," who drop. into this Macon, Geor"Counseling - Any perSon' wrestling with a problem will gia, church every Saturday afterfind in the parish priests some- noon. a. nd evening. Discussion Questions one very' willing ;10 listen and help discover possible solutions;' .. In any time of need you are ai1. What factors would you ways welcome at St. Joseph's say have contributed to the inrectory," , c r e a s e in confessions in St. ;ro"What is a parish? A parish seph'S Ch\!r:ch in Georgia? is people-united at the altar in 2. How' does frequent confesworship of God through His sion benefit a Christi\ln?
F'acing Death Continued from Page Sixteen many people are consoled by. the agree that w~ should say Paul correct interpretation of 5:8, was speaking optimistically when but many others feel that such he used "will" instead of "can." thoughts are far· beyond them In 5:8 Paul writes, .with the and they prefer to remain with editorial plural,' that he would what Paul writes in 5:7, "For our prefer to be in Maven right then Iffe is a matter of faith, not ot and there instead of having to sight," and in 5:9, "More. than deal with the trouble of this anything else; however, we want life, "(we) would much prefer to .please him (Le., the Lord), to leave our home in this body . whether" 'in our home here or and be at home with the ·Lord." there." In 5:8, when Paul writes he It is this sentence especially which through the centuries has would prefer to be in heaven been cited by theologians when rather than in this life, he makes they tried to explain what hap- the comment with the introducpens, to the souls of the just tory 'phrase, "We 'are full of) courage, and would much prefer after death. .. ," another way of translating Angelle Doctor's Interpretation it brings out what he means perSt. Thomas Aquinas summed haps more emphatically. "We up the traditional interpretation even haye the courage to prefer when .he wrote in the 13th cen- to leave our home· in this body tury that this sentence makes it and be at home with the Lord," Courage impossible to hold the idea that Yes, the judgment lies ahead. the souls of the just arl'! not immediately brought after death Even so, it is courage that into tl1e vision and presence of should dominate in the Christian God. There had been some who soul. Look back through this held that the souls of all the section 4:16-5:10 and see how dead were kept in the darI(, as many times Paul stresses the deit were, until the day of judg- sire for the next life. A~ain. as ment, and only then would the always with Paul, it comes down just, or saved, see God and en- to this, whether you really love joy the blessings of heaven, or the Lord or not. If you do, you can look forward with courage life with the Lord. to meeting him, even if you have It has been my experience that sinned. Incidentally, if you are consistent with the traditional inAlumni to Ho~or terpretation of 5:8, which we disBoston Archbishop cussed above, you will have to BOSTON (NC)-Catholic Uni- hold that in 5:10 Paul is talking versity of America alumni here not about the Last Judgment will honor Boston Archbishop but about a meeting with Christ Humberto S. Medeiros, a Cath- immediately after death. How olic University graduate for his else could the souls of the just outstanding achievements in the enter right away into the vision and presence of God? field of social injustice. Discussion Questions Ed McMahon, host on the I. What does Paul say in SecJohnny Carson show and national president of the univer- ond Corinthians about Christ's sity's alumni association will MC judgment of tpe dead? 2. When,' according to St. the Jan. 20 award dinner. University president Clarence C. Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas, Walton will present the alumni are the souls of the just tJrought into G9d's presence? .award to the archbflJhop. I', ...
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan.2!, 1971
Upswing 'in Confe$sions
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.Euch,arist: Sacrament of Love
ELECTED: Dan Sienkie'wicz, a freshman at ,Wayne University, Detroit has been named National Cya President, NC Photo.
Rule's' on Ca'de'tis . S Ob Jector tatus
Continued from Page Sixteen expressions of the "words of consecration" at the Last Supper (l Cor. 11: 23-25, Mk 14:' 22-25, Mt. 26: 26-29, Lk 22: 15-20), none of which_js exactly the same as that used in the Mass today. At different periods of the Church's history, certain dimensions of the mystery of the Eucharist took. on more significance. Small, intimate celebrations in private homes were normal according to the Acts of the Apostles: In later times and cultures large, solemn' ceremonies were cherished. Full active. participation of all the faithful' ";"as taken for granted in earlier days of Christianity, whereas silent, awefiIled, distance marked the Eucharist in later centuries. While early groups of Christians enjoyed the presence of Jesus asa friend at their table, ,'other' equally devout Christians knelt in solitary wonder before the Lord whom they dared not receive but once a year. As the celebration differed from place to place and century to century, .so did the Church's understanding and interpretation of her' experience. This, too, is already evident in the New Testament. The Gospels and epistles at one time describe the "breaking of bread" in terms of the risen Christ with His friends, at another time they view the Eucharist as a sacrificial offering. Sometimes the stress is on the
meal, through which those who share the body and blood ot Christ become intimately united with Him and with each other. As Christians discovered more and more of the riches of the Eucharist, they drew on' many themes from the Scriptures, alI of which express one or more ot the dimensions of the mystery of love which is the Eucharist. Our present liturgy still records many of these. The Eucharist is the sign ot the New Covenant, the new and final marriage bond between God and His people, between Christ and His Church. It 'is the "marriage feast" celebrating this unbreakable bond of love. The Mass is also clearly seen as sacrifice, replacing for alI time other religious sacrifices. The Paschal Lamb, slain and raised from the dead for our salvation, is the victim. Here one eats not of manna as did the Hebrews in the desert, but of the very Bread of Life; Almost every major theme of the Scriptures is drawn upon in the New Testament in an attempt to say what the Eucharist realIy is. Later ages drew upon the art, poetry and philosophy of every culture where Christians were to be foun~ to try anew to communicate the meaning of the' "sacrament of love," Even when variety was limited during recent centuries, the faithful created many non-liturgical, unofficial forms of Eucharistic ·celebration. Now, with the encouragement of Vatican Council H, Catholics around the world are experiencSays Drug Problem ing once again a: greater freedom to adapt their celebration to Same Everywhere particular situations and to deSAIGON (NC) - New York scribe the Eucharist in richer Cardinal Terence Cooke com· and more varied' formulations . mented here that the drug prob- Religious education has the task lem among American soldiers of opening up the Church's eu"is p~obably no worse than it is charistic riches to young and old elsewhere in the world." alike, so that the new variety is The cardinal's. remark came experienced as· an. expression of at the close of his annual' love. Christmas visit with American Discussion Questions GIs overseas.. Cardinal Francis 1. Why is the Eucharist .called Spellman, his. p~decessor as the sacrament of love? archbishop of New York and 2. How has the way Chrismilitary vicar' of U. S. ~rmed tians celebrate the Eucharist. forces, started the yearly visits. changed .through the centuries? Cardinal Cooke told newsmen that despite the drug problem here, which he said was the ELECTRICAL same problem among the same Contradors age group in the States and elsewhere, troop morale appeared to be high., Military officials, faced with growing drug use among soldiers as the decreasing pace of the war brings increased boredom, have .started several programs aimed at solving the drug prob· ;~ lem and cutting down the num944 County Sf. ~ ber of deaths and injuries attribNe~ Bedford uted to drug use.
NEW YORK (NC)-An' Army colonel's lack of knowledge' about exclusion of religious requirements for conscientious objection was cited as a major reason why a former West Point cadet won a stay from' assignment to active duty. Cary E. Donham', of New Baden, III., appealed to leave the military academy last August asa conscientious objector, the first .cadet to make such arequest. The CO status was denied and Donham was inducted last Fall fora three year tour of active duty. A U. S. Court of Appeals ruled here that the Army had been prejudiced in rejecting Donham's beliefs. The Army ·had said the young man beliefs lacked "the necessary depth 'of sincerity." The Court said the Army failed to abide by' a Defense Department regulation that the hearing officer of Donham's case be "knowledgeable in policies and . procedures relating to conscientious objectors' matterc," Upholding the contention of the former !=adet's lawyers that the Army colonel who heard the case was not familiar enough with such policies, Judge J. Jo- . seph Smith said: "He was' not aware of the elimination of religious requirements for conscientious objection. Moreover, he apparently lacked the necesl!ary objectivity to be a fair, knowledgeable hearing officer," . Since' the earlier decision has been reversed, the Army must now choose between ordering a rehearing or appealing the latest decision to the, Supreme Court.
Collection Record . CINCINNATI (NC) - A new record for special collections in the Cincinnati archdiocese was set when a total of $387,212 was contributed to the anti-poverty C;1mpaign for Human Development, sponsored by the U.S. bishops.
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Seek Equanty' Of, Services In Schools
THE AN~HOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur . Jon. 21,'1~71 l , I '
Catholic Pentecostalism Transitional Phenorrienon
In her book, Belief, MagiC, and Anomie, Ithe,;late so~ial anthropologist Anne Parsons has two extremely mterestlng essays on Italian Pentecostals in New York.l-ThiS group is not part of the new. wa:re of CathoHc pentjCostalism, put is a separate denommatlOn, ' , . ,I avowedly Protestant in its nalists have flailed aw~y ~errily orientation.Dr. Parsons' an- at the culture..3 f the Imr~llgra~t ': '
alysls shows hoW. Pentecost-
ahsm serves as a brldg~ between the .old country Cathohc culture and the new \,:,orld Protestant culture f~r those who choose to ~ry to ad~ust t? the New World In a fashIOn dlffe~ent. from that followed by most ImmIgrants. U}~o/&p.~tm:;m2I:irp'
• 'By
The Italian Penecostals combine in their services the strong emotionalism of South Italian, culture with the staid sober reo specability of' lower middle class and working class American Protestantism. Accordin~ to Miss Parsons, Pentecostalism has -tra· ditionally' been a religion of cuI:. ture change; she even n~te~, that Corinth in the time of St. Paul was an, unstable and changing .city. Many social scientists' would add that Pentecostalism among , blacks seems to play a role not dissimilar to that which Mi<;<; Parsons describes among the Ital· ians. If this model of Pentecostalism as a transitional religion in the midst of severe culture change has any utilitY, what can it tell us about the current popularity of Pe:1tecostalism in the Americim Catholic Church? What is the culture that is collapsing? What i~ the new cultnrc thnt is hein~ tol;en on? What ~re the prospect)'; for the future? It should be noted that in the :lbsence of any empiri<;al data: the best that can be o'ffered in the way of answers to such ouestions are tentative hypotheses, derived mere from ge,-' eralJheory than from empirical research. Hopefully, someone will attempt the research itt the fu· ture. Very Vague The culture that is collapsing is "Catholic culture" or, to use words which may have more value connotation than one would wish, the culture of the immigrant ghetto. Catholic intellectuals and jour-
Pope Names Bishop WASHINGTON (NC), - Pope 'Paul VI has named ~ Missouri priest, Father ,Charles Roman Koester, an auxiliary bishop to Cardinal John Carberry in the St. ,. Louis archdiocese. Father Koester, 55, a native of Jeffer-, son City, was ordained in De· cember, 1941 and has served as associate pastor and pastor in half a dozen parishes in St. Louis during his 29 ',years in the priesthood.
ghetto, assummg that since It had very little teaning in their lives, it had no relevance to the lives of. anyon.' ; Yet the stablt certainties, :the sense of a firm contact with reo ligious: reality, the firm orgl1 ni . zational s,tructU,~e, the brisk land confident(:leader hip of the cllfrgy all provided a ystem of m~an ing and belon ing-or, if one wishes, of faith, and commuhity' -which played an extremely I important r<?le in Ithe lives of millions of peopl~. .,' ,i If Catholic <Ji.tlture, is collapsing it is not 10 much beduse the vast majo~ity of Catholics find it irreleva~t-an increasing number do--but because; the leadership grou~s in_the Church" particularly priests and ReligiJUBILARIAN AND ASSOCIATES: Father Reitan ous, no longer ~have any c6nfi- meets with some of the five million children who are dence -in it. . I members of the Pontifical Association of the Holy ChildThe 'new cult re that is emer· hood. ging is still ve~ vague. It :emphasizes the personalist,: the free-wheeling, he flexible, ,; the emotional; it rray or may not be an improvement on its ,predecessor, but i1 is certainly; difPIITSBURGH (NC)-The Very children in the Catholic elemenferent.· I . Rev. Augustus O. Reitan, C.S.Sp., tary schools imd schools of 'reli: More impqrt'lntly for the, Penwill mark 25 yeats as an execu- gion throughout· the 50 states tecostal phenomenon, the new tive of the Pontifical Associa- and operates through Mission culture is Stilj very uncert,ain . tion of the Holy Childhood, Directors in about 150 (Arch)Dio· Something new is aborning, I but ceses, what it will b and whether it world\,Vide missioh-aid society of children, on Saturday, Jan. 30. . The Association was founded will re~pond]O' the religious Father Reitan 'was appointed in 1843 in Paris, France, to edu-, '1eeds of large segments of, the C:ltholic popul tion remains to on that date in 1946 as'Assistant , cate and tra.in Catholic children ,National Director of the ASso, in mission activities and to raise be seen. ' ,! -0" 'dation in the ,United States, funds to help negl~cted children 'Ne 'Way' , serving under the now Bishop in missions all over the world. Richard Ackerman, C.S.Sp., of · P entecosta IIsr IS, at t h e;' ,unCoyington, Ky., conscious level, a way some ','peoIn 1956, ~ Father Reitan was Recommends College p:e can hedge their bets.' The person,aI, the ~motional, the,' in- promot~d to National Director Join' Notre Dame formal can be ~ombined with the of the Holy' Childhood in the NOTRE DAME (NC)-Consult· c:!rtainties and,' the support United States and in 1967 was ants hired by St. Mary's College which the old I Catholic culture named' a vice president of the and the University of Notre' provided. Indeed, one can claim Superior Council, which directs Dame ,have recommended that , a contact withl the supernatural the work. of the Associatiori St. Mary's join Notre Dame as Y,'hich few in the old culture throughout the world. He is the a 'distinctive school operating woul~ have cl~im~d' unless 'they' second American ,to be appointed within the university's framewere part of tHe "private revela- to the international executive work. committe~ of the Holy Childhood. tion" milieu. The, IO,500-word report, pre· 'J't the same time, one cart al- Bishop Ackerman, was the first. pared by Drs. Rosemary P~rk Ordained in 1941, Father Rei· of the University of California so be confiden that one is! part I of the avante g~rde, that one,., has tan has spE)nt his priestly life in and Lewis B. Mayhew, of Sanfound a "new Iway" for Ameri- Holy Childhood, work. Before ford, urged that St.' Mary's adopt can Catholicist;rt. Pentecost,,"lism joining the National Office as the. official name "St. Mary's appeals. in other words, because Assistant National Director, he 'College in the University of it combines thJ old and the' new ,worked for the Holy Childhood N9~re Dame" and concentrate on and eases for: some people the while serving as assistant pastor an educational program primar. crisis of trans tion. -' , at St. Anthony's 'in Millvale, Pa., ily for women. • , I ;, But is it authentic religion? A a Pittsburgh suburb. : Notre Dame president Father The Holy Childhood has a Theodore M. Hesburgh and St. sociologist wo~ld have a hard time answerin$ such a ques~ion. memBership of some five million Mary's ac~ing president Sister M. It does resp01d to certail1 ex· Alma Peter said. that the report tremely important religious and Court Overturns was released to allow interested I ' personal needs and undoubtedly parties to study it before memo re?rese~ts a lowerrul religio~s Am."sh CO'n'v."ct."ons bers of both schools' boards of OrientatIon. ' MILWAUKEE (NC) - A 6-1, .trustees discuss it at a 'joint The social s ientist would, like ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme meeting in March. . the eCclesiastj'Cal leader, view Court has overturned earlier skeptically the Pentecostal claim' convictions of three ,Amish faof direct access to tI:te slip'erna· thers' who had refused to enroll BEFORE YOU tura!. But his lnost pertinent ob- their children in New Glarus BUY -TRY servation on GatholicPentecost- High School fo'r religious rea· 'alism would ~e his hunch that sons. it is a transitional' phenomenon' The cou'rt decision in effect exand will last rio longer than the empts Amish children from that transition 'doe~. Like most' ,other portion of Wisconsin's' compul. OLDSMOBILE sect-like groups the Pentec,?stals sory school attendance law that Oldsmobile-Peugot·Renoult will probably,l be a· one-genera- requires two iyears of high, 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven , tion phenomebQn. ' s<;hool!i. I,
Friend of Missionland Children Marks, 25th Year in Association
JEFFERSON 'cITY (NC)-Two bills supporting parents' choice of private or parochial sc;hools for their children have been in'troduced in, the Missouri House of Representatives. The bills call for a contract for purchase of services from non public schools in' the state and for equal services to all children attending, ,qualified elementary and secondary schools. David McMahon, St. Louis county attorney and president of the Missouri Association for Nonpublic Schools, commented on the number of legislators signing the bills. "The fact that there are more than 80 signatures on these two bills," he said,"indicates that a growing number of Missquri legislators recognize that assis-. tance to the public schools of Missouri is directly tied to the economic survival of the qualified non public schools, in Mis-' souri. Taxpayer Benefits , "Certainly the taxpayer is 'the one who benefits," McMahon added. "Parents and friends of children in nonpubt'ic scho'ols continue to build and maintain more than 549 schools at no additional cost to the taxpayer." The group McMahon heads is a statewide organization oJ parents and children enrolled in Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish schools.
Enrolls in Black Culture Course JERSEY CITY (NC) - Last year Jesuit· Father VictorR. Yanitelli, president of St. Peter's College, returned to the class· room as a te~cher. This year he'll be back in the classroom again - as a student. In a letter to faculty members, . Father Yanitelli urged as many as possible to take a course on Urban Black Culture and reo vealed that he intended to do so himself. The course will be taught by Attorney Raymond Brown, a past president of the Jersey City branch of the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People. '
SHELL HEATING OILS South • Sea Streets , Hyannis Tel. 49·81 .
.... THE ANCHOR-Diocese cf Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 21, 1971
of SMU
By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach
..... . o' oJI Hockomock League Conttender§ Carry Atttieboro AArea Hopes
Francis L. Kelly, Jr., is, as the name indicates, a true Irishman. Unfortunately, the luck of the Irish. hasn't rubbed off on the Southeastern Massachusetts University basketball team. Through their first nine games, The greater Attleboro area, generally a hot-bed of the Corsairs had managed to high school basketball, currently has only two clubs that dent the victory column on only are in contention for league honors and possible tourna- one occasion. The way things ment berths. Both North Attleboro and Oliver Ames of are going, Kelly is about to become a part· of the' second Easton are battling with disaster exstraight Sharon and Canton for Hock- 7-1 record. Included in the vic- periencedhardwoOd by the North Darttory column is a win over Attleomock League supremacy. the first for North in over mouth institution. A year ago, Sharon leads the loop, as' aboro, Kelly was a member of the vardecade... expected, but has not been able sity squad which managed only With Attleboro and cross-town six victories in 26 tries. to open up any a!>preciable daylight between itself and its plJr- rival Bishop Feehan High apparBut, like the other members ently out of the Bristol County of the team, the steady dose of suers. Trailing the circuit leaders by League race" Mansfield far be- defeats has failed to dampen his a slim one game entering play hind in the Hockomock battle spirits. this week, the area clubs will and Norton trailing Tri-Valley Standing a mere six-feet in, have an uphill fight. However, leader Bellingham by an insur- height (small for a college baswith over half the season still mountable margin the area's only' ketball player), Kelly relies on remaining to· be played and" hope rests wi~h North' and Oliver all-out hustle in a bid to get everyone shooting for pre-season Ames. the job done., The same can be Seekonk is in fourth place in said of the entire SMU roster favorite Sharon, the locals win be taking one game at a time the Narry League and s(ill in which averages a shade better lmowing that another loss could position to land a tourney berth. than six-feet. 'move them., out·, of the title But, witn Holy Family High of SMt; has never been known . New Bedford and Somerset un- for the big man. And without a picture. Coach Ken Pickering's North 'defeated in loop play the War- big man, very few teams can Red Rocketeers commence this riors are all but mathematically win consistently on the college week's action with an impressive out of the title race. level. The present Corsair roster lists only eight men above the Kavanaugh Buds for Scoring Honors six-foot level with 6'-4 Richie While the picture is rather last week 68-52. With that vic- Garro the tallest. The other bleak in Attleboro, the same is tory in hand' the Spartans have seven vary from an even six true for other diocesan areas to be considered among the best feet to two inches taller. Three except New Bedford an~ Cape in the circuit. Only a 57-56 loss players are listed as under sixto New Bedford Vocational mars feet. Cod. If things go according to form, the John O'Brien coached SparCross Country Captain which is unpredictable in high tans' record. Kelly came to the North DartA win over New Bedford will school basketball, both sections mouth campus in 1968 following of the diocese will produce two , have to be considered a miracle. his graduation from Case High But, the veteran O'Brien has champions. in Swansea. While in high school New Bedford will take on masterminded many an upset he was a three-letter man, playBishop Stang High of Dartmouth during his tenure at Stang. ing basketball a'nd baseball and The contest will match a running for the cross country in an important Bristol County contest tomorrow night on the strong New Bedford team that team. features a balanced scoring atDiocesan's home court. Following jayvee experience in Coach Sal Lombardo's Crim- tack and' strong rebounding baseball and basketball, Kelly son and White have scored over against a smaller Stang club that moved to the varsity level in 100 points in each of two league relies on hustle to. offset s~ze both sports as a sophomore and games and have had little diffi· disadvantage.. 'remained in that capacity However, the Spartans do throughout his junior and senior culty with four loop opponents to date. Although there was have the league's leading scorer years. some speculation ,regarding the on their side. Gerry Kavanaugh He was a four-year member of Whalers when the compaign be- is ,leading all' County scorers cross country varsity and capgan, there is no doubt that they with an impressive 28 points per are now the class of the league. game average and will definitely Stang shocked many by up- be the man New Bedford has to Plan to Publish, setting Durfee High of Fall River stop. 0
Swansea Junior .on Corsair Varsity
• • • • • •
FRANCIS KlELLY tained the team in his senior year. As a freshman in college, Fran played the entire season with the junior varsity and began his sophomore season in a similar role. But late in the season and, with an eye toward a rebuilding program, Coach John Pacheco promoted the Swansea native to
Heads New Office OfCommunicClliions
PHOENIX (NC) Phoenix Bishop Edward A. McCarthy has named Jerry Burns, former director of public affairs for the National Council of Catholic Men, to head Phoenix's new diocesan office of communications. The office will serve as liaison between the diocese and the press on Church-related and secular matters. It will also proyide the Phoenix community with in,formation about diocesan activiinterim Breviary MIAMI (NC)-Members of. the ties. Whaling CitYo Looks for Four, Delegates board of directors of the national Burns resigned from his c~un Kavanaugh is following in the is the number one Narry club. federation ofdiocesari liturgical cil position to take the Phoenix If New Bedford and Holy, commissions announced here post. He had served the NCCM footsteps of Joe Mills who led the Spart~ns last year and fin- Family continue to perform as that the Catholic' Book Publish~ for two years and had spent ished the season with a 21 point they have, the County and Narry ing company in New York will seven years as executive director per game average to top all' BCL titles will go to Whaling City soon publish an interim breviary. of the National Newman Founmarksmen. If Kavanaugh does teams. Both clubs should qualify Similar . interim breviaries, dation in Washington before win the scoring crown he will be for tournament play even if they prepared while the official text moving to the men's council the third Spartan to do so in- as falter in their championship bids. of the Roman breviary is under- post. New Bedford Vocational and many years. Kevin Phelan won .Stang are among those clubs going t;€vision and ,translation, the honors in 1968-69. have been approved ip several . While New Bedford has been 'that have an excellent chance countries, including Canada.''CONRAD SEGUIN rolling along in. the County to gain a to!1rney berth. If· 'both The interim breviary follows BODY COMPANY League,' Holy Family High has rio. then the greater New' Bedbeen carrying. the Whaling City forri llrea will boast at least four the proposed format of the RoAluminum or Steel man breviary and includes a re'hopes in the Narraganset League, qualifiers. 944 County Street vised psalter, the proper prayers' Barnstable is almost a sure And, as expected, Coach Jack NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Nobrega's Blue Wa've is perched bet to win the Capeway Confer- for each season and American 992-6618 on top with a 5-0 league' mark ence title and a strong favorite hymns and' prayers. Other topics discussed at the to do well in post-season action. entering this week's action. The C!ipe and Islands League semi-annual directors' meeting Somerset has been able to keep pace with the Parochials will also send a representative included the revised funeral rite through the early stages of the to Boston Garden giving the and plans for an October 1971 campaign, but the prognostica- Cape at least two state title con- meeting of diocesan liturgical commissions in San Francisco. tors maintain that Holy Family tenders.
the varsity. Kelly got into enough games to earn his letter. This year,' he is a 'full time member of the "big" team. ElectrIcal Engineer Major Fran is the son of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Francis Kelly, 46 Shawmut Ave" Swansea and is one of six younger Kellys. Brothers Kevin and Jeffrey are students at ,Case as is sister Patricia. Stephan is a student at th~ Gardner School and little Anne-Louise is awaiting her' induction into the school system next September. The Kelly are communicants of Our Lady of Fatima Parish. An Electrical Engineer major, Fran is a ham radio buff and is also a photographer for the SMU Torch (school newspaper). Following his graduation, Kelly will either enter graduate school, or Uncle Sam's Air Force.
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THE ·ANCHORThurs., Jan. 21, ·1971
. I
Continued from Page One the 'A-IV class, suitable for adults with reservations.' NCOMP liste1 5q movies in the B class, objectionable in part for all, which was. an· increase of 10 in the same category in 1969. NCOMP said of the 332 movies· reviewed in 1970, there were .12 major American distribution companies which released 221~ . '''Inspite of the widespread opinion that 1910 was not a banner year for quality entertainment NCO!'v1P's analysis of these 221 releases reveals that . at least 37 films could be consid. erect superior motion picture fare - a reasonably good creative' record for any year. Few of these films, however. were suitable for children," the News. letter said. NCOMP said the maior American distributors releas~d 67 objectionable movies in 1970, "almost. a third of their entire product." "This record may explain in part· Jhe moral concern of many about the direction that current film making has taken," NCOMP , said "This is not simply a questi.on of a quantitative comparison with the past; the degree of offensiveness in the objectionable fare of 1970 has far' exceeded anything produced in the past."
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The Eurniture Wonderland , I of the EClst
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prayer for POWs Continued from Page One : She and her husband are originally from Maine, but moved to Buzzards Bay three years ago, -' when Capt. Getchell was attached to Otis Air Force Base. "They are very good at the base," said Mrs. Getchell. "If any news· should <;ome through about Paul, I would be first to hear it. They tell me to ignore rumors that might appear in the press or on television." A registered nurse, she is on' ,,' duty two days a week at Tobey' : Hospital in Wareham. '~B,ut right now I'm on .leave· of absence working on the letterwritin~ campaign·... . She is a daily communic~nt at St. Margaret's, and assists the parish CCD program when her schedule permits. Her husband was on the CCD executive board and active in the Knights of Columbus. Mrs. Getchell pays tribute to .the support given her by Rev. John G. Carroll. pastor of St. Margaret's, and the practical as- sistance of Sister Rosemary, M.S.B.T., who has helped her with mimeographing, typing and general correspondence. . "This work keeps me going," she sums up.
French Churches Continued from Page One lage, but a village of their imagination that symbolizes an idealized past. Many have difficulty accepting the architectun~ of. modern places of worship, which they feel is in contrast to the image of 'the church of the past. The French, the study indicated, are attached to their churches because the churches still evoke the past. In this request, the church functions as a "landmark," a point enabling . them to get their bearings.
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