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The 'ANCHOR "",It."
An Anchor of the So.ul, Sure, and Firm-ST. PAUL '
River, Mass.
Vol. 3, No. 4
Thur~day, jan. 22, 1959, Second Class Mail Priyileges Authorized at Fan Riyer. Mass.
PRICE lOe '$4.00 per Year
Subscription Drive ()pens Next Month cpa "~
Plans are now 'being formulated in The ANCHOR office for the third campaign
to bring the Diocesan Catholic newspaper into every home. St.. Michael's Pari8~ Ocean Grove, in 1958 was the first in the Diocese to reach the ideal- The
ANCH9R in every home.. The Circulation Department also announced today that ten parishes throughout the Diocese attained the quota set by the office. Every, subscriber will receive by ma~l during the week of Jan. 25 a renewal 'envelope. On Sunday, Feb. 1, envelopes will be distributed in all parishes of the Diocese for new subscriptions. Feb. 8 is designated as The ANCHOR Sunday in the 105 parishes in the - Diocese. In the first issue of The ANCHOR, Bishop Connolly endorsed the official Catholic Newspaper of the Diocese with these words, "The Catholic pulpit needs the help of the Catholic Press, Much of our conviction, Turn to Page Eighteen
Chancery Office W~rns Against Chain Letters The Chancery Office of the Diocese is once more warning against "prayer chain letters" sent through ,
'VISITOR FROM PAKISTAN: The Rev. Albert A. ~roce, esc, vice-president of Notre Dame College; Dacca, Pakista:n, was a ,recent visitor at Stonehill College, North ~a;s,ton. He is shown, right, with'the Very Rev. Richard H. ~ullivan,' CSC, president of Stone!'till. !
Government to ~Query Reds' Qn" Bishop Walsh Ar,rest
the mail. The recipient of the letter is instructed to start a novena to ,Our Lady of Fatima reciting the enclosed prayer. Within a few days a favor is assured. The person is 'to send copies of the novena to friends and thus coiltinue' the chain of novenas. The Church does, of course, encourage the faithful to pray and make novenas.. BJit the Church does not-as do these chain letters-threaten that harm 'Turn to Page Eighteen
WASHINGTON (NC)-More information on the whereabouts and charges against Maryknoll Bishop James E. Walsh will be sought at the next U.S.-Red China talk in W ~r!\aw on Feb. 13, State Department sources indicate. PARIS (NC) -Maurice The Reds announced on crown colony serving as tQe free :Dee~ 15 that the Cumber- world's listening post to Red Cardinal Feith} has urged land, Md.native, the last U.S. China, observers of the pattern .members ,of the French Catholic missioner on, the of treatment accorded by the 'Cathblic clergy to avoid tak-
Clergy to Stay O'ut of -Politics
communists to Catholic missionmainland, has been arrested for violation of Chinese laws which aries speculated that Bishop Walsh was being conditioned for they did not specify. In mid-January the commun- the usual mock "trial." The Reds were thought to be ists said that the 67-year-old Bishop was in "normal health,~ trying to extort a "confession of but Red China's foreign affairs guilt" from the veteran missiondepartment added that it er. When and if they succeed in this, the "trial" will be held and icthought" the prelate was being the Bishop will be given a prisheld in Shaghai. In both cases, these pieces of on sentence. Tl:iese jail terms usually range sCanty information 'were disclosed' only after pressure from from one to five years, though the United States which had observers would not be surprised acted on unconfirmed rumors , if the prelate's se'ntence were circulating in Hong Kong that reduced in view of the virtual 'the American had disappeared "house arrest" he has undergone , from his Shanghai residence since 1953. State Department sources in Sometime in early or mid-OctoWashington rep9rted that V. 's. ber. ;Ill Hong Kong, the British Turn te Page' Eighteen
lng part in political struggles. The Cardinal's recommendations' have been made in connection with nationwide elections scheduled in the Spring for local Turn to ,Page Eighteen
BISHOP'S NIGHT IN ATTLEBORO: Serrans of the Attleboro district were hosts to the Bishop on the occasion of the Annual Bishop's' night. Left to right: Gene Farrell, president; Bishop Connolly; Russell Brennan, vice-presi. dent; Rev. James F. McCarthy, chaplain of the Attleboro Serra Club. ,' ,(Story on Page Sixtee~
Santiago Prelate Suggests Reforms for Better Cuba SANTIAGO (NC)-The Archbishop of Santiago has praised the revolutionary triumph of Fidel Castro and his followers and called upon the country's new government to improve the liyes of the people: Archbishop Enrique Perez li~ted t~e achie.vement of . his antes made 'nine reform mne, pomts~whIC~ a~e ~amly Se r. concerned WIth SOCIal Justice and proposals III a .2,650-word clean ,overnment~asthe second letter read in all of the stage of the revolution. The first 'churches of Oriente province, the birthplace of Mr; Castro's 26th of July Movement. , He called the overthrow of the former government a "triumph" gained by the "valiant followers" of Mr. Castro. The leader himself was praised as "a man of exceptional qualities." Archbishop Pere:z; Serantes
Catholics- Observe Eighth Annual Bible Week Starting on Sunday
WASHINGTON (NC) - The eighth annual Catholie Bible Week, which emphasizes the value of reading, and studying Holy' Scripture, will be ,observed ~ationally from Sunday, Jan. 25 to Feb. 1. The Catholic Biblical Association of America, which directs the observance ,in. augurated by the U.S. Bish.ops, through the episcopal committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, has issued a special appeal to pastors to assist in the observance. Turn te Page Eighteen
Two Red Controlled' Agencies Now Buy The Boston Pilot
,Brown University' Students Seek New All-Faith Campus Church PROVIDENCE (NC)-An appeal has been made for a. eampus church that would be used for religious services for faiths at Brown University. This proposal has 'been made ~ the Daily Herald, student newspaper. 'The newspaper suggested conversion, the newspaper said. the university use one-tenth "Give us a church, ~ot a done' . . over lecture hall or Jazz concert of the receIpts from athletIc building in which to hold our ~vents to defray the cost of religious services and (to) grow
I,luilding such a church. At prese'nt students do not bave any formal facilities for ~ligious worship, although a f,ormer class building is being ~ade over into a chapel. ,Commenting on the building
spiritually in the ways, of our respective faiths." Approximately 20 per cent of the student body at Brown is Catholic. Mass' is now offered on Sundays, holidays and first Fridays in a classroom.
stage, the overthrow itself and 'the installation of a new government was "glorious, but is noW' ,closed," he said. In his nine "points to be con. sidered," the Archbishop listed: 1. Let no one lose sight of the fact that man is a son of God and that His ultimate aim is over and Turn to Page Thirteen
CAPE COD F AMILY DISCUSSION PANEL: Participating in the discussion on the educational task of parents were left to right, front: Rev. Walter J. Buckley, pastor ..of Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville, Mrs. Martin Joyce, president of'District 5 NCCW; Rey. James A. Clark, St. Mary's assistant, New Bedford; a:nd Mrs. Manley Boyce, chairman. Left to right, rear, Dr. StanleyJ. Koczera, Dr. Arthur F. Buckley, and Dr. William S. Downey, all of New Bedford. '
BOSTON (NC) - The local archdiocesan newspaper is conducting a campaign to promote wider circulation and Pilot staff members are surprised at how wide it has become. They have two Moscow subscribers. The Library of the Academ,. of Sciences and the Council for the Study of Religious Bodies, both in the communist capital, are among the new subscribers. Subscriptions have been en. tered through the Four Continent Book Corporation, New York City, which, as an official agency ()f the Soviet Union's governmeni publishing house, is registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent.
FEBRUARY IS CATHOLIC, PR'ESS MONTH, The Catholic Pulpit Needs the Help of the, Catholic Press -BISHOP
T~e ANCHOR,Should,cReach' and Should Be Read in Every .Home ill Every Parish .....:. ;iDioc:... r ' ,
• I
""-;2' ,.. . '. ~ THE ANCHOR
Spy SY$tem' .Still .Here
".\ Thurs.• J~n 22, 1959
Parents to ~eet At New.Bedf()rd;·' Taunton Panels'
The communist, espionage 'network in the ·Uni~d States 4'is more extensive and ef. Continuing,a Diocesan-wide ficient than eve r before,"series of discussions according to' the U. S. House of . Representatives Committee' on dealing with the educational Un-American Activities. task of parents, programs The committee says it would will .be held in Taunton and be dangerous 'to underestimate New Bedford on Thursday even"Soviet scientific and technoing, Jan. 29 under the sponso.... logical capability,:' as this ship of the DioceSan Council of · "would seriously threaten our Catholic Women. security and very existence." At The Taunton meeting, for Di9the same time, it adds, an eQ.ual triet Three of the Dioces&a threat is posed by any underCouncil, will be held at 8 o'clock estimating of "the efficiency, at Sacred Heart 'School Hall on broad-scope and importance of Second. Street. Mrs. Emily Pelcommunist espionage" in the czarski is . chairlady and the struggle between the U. S. and Sacred .Heart . PaJ;ish Council '. Soviet ·Russia. will serve as hostess group: The committee speaks_ in a In New 'Bedford the mee~ing report entitled "Patterns of Comis scheduled for 8 o'clock atSt. munist Espionag~," made public Hy.acinth Ghtirch .Hall, !ind will at 'a time when' the Reds are . be directed'by District Two, with '. boasting' . of an impressive '. Mrs. 'Edna O'Leary as chairlaii,l. achievement· in outer space exDr. Willitlrt S. Downey, Jr., i:>m. '. ploration, and predicting'. still Arthur F. Buckley and Dr. Shinother accomplishments in this 'leyi Koczera will be heard ia field. New Bedford, with Rev. Ja~ea i'.~spionage has played a vital A. Clark as moderator. . · role in keeping the 'USSR In Taunton the panel will in· abreast of the United States in clude Dr. Robert W. Small, Dc. the sci~ptific' and technological Thomas H. Flynn and. Dr. AIfield and in giving it the opporCAMP FIRE GIRLS' 'MEET THE PEOPLE': Father Henry L. Madden, O.F.M.,· bert G. Hamel Rev. Luiz G. tunity to outstrip .us . in some Merfdonca" wi~' .aCt as mod~ ,areas once it .. has acquired 'our . explains altar symbols.' in St. ,Mary's' Catholic Church, Americus;Ga., to visiting Blue· B~rds, :. basic secrets,", the committee of junior members of the 9~wp. Fir,e Girls. It was , part o(..t he org~11:ization's"~~et ~~e,.:P~ple".a.t c;he meetingS' open to ' . '. ·the U. S. Congress asserts. : . , project. Th'rough this program; Camp Fire. GirI~ in m0r.e than 3,000 eommumtle~ .~r,oss '·.p,arents,)li w.ill~i~cu~ ~.e :~~ . The report charges .that com- the nation learned to know more their hoine towns. NC Photo. of mothers and fathers 10 1Oformmunist embassies, consulates, , 1 ' .' • • iog their dlilaten"of the physi~aI , UN deiegations, trade and other ·aspects.oflife:The Family'and missions have been, and are . . ., ~ Parent Edu~iltion Committee'· of presently, used as legal co~en BALTIMORE, Md. (NC)-The .fruits of·the· Caldeyconversion, Times·.as asSistant to Joyce Kil- the Diocesao' 'Council' 'has made by the.Kremlin's spy rings. sacristan and sometime switch-,recalled there .'~was no, change at " .mer, 'famous poet· and 'coiivert",arrangements 'for.tJ:!.e meetings, 'board operatori:.at. the Jesuits" "Ca,l5iey, except 'Y~. w.~~~. po ,'who wa!l killed while serving' his with' Mrs. Dorothy'Koczera;New . Mass Ordo ~ Loyola College ·here is a disciple lon~er Anglicans. All of us came 'country' in World "War, I; . With:: Bedford,' diocesan chairman, ill FRIDAY-St. Raymond of Pen- of anonymit",lilihciugh he topk 'into"the Church' as O'bla'tes of St.. the·entry into the war,'Mr.·Watts , charge..•.;" . , . .', nafort, Confessor. Sim'ple, part in one of the ··most famous '····Benedict'·and'·'begari "the 'nOvi- , was,cclasSified 'as' analien ..'and White. Mass Proper; Gloria; ,convert niov~ments in; history, ,·tiate." . /'. . returned to England.' ·Therehe ·'·'G~od:Ex~mpl~',· Second Collect SL'Emerentin'ii; w·:hen the Chair of·Unity'.• Octave became associate editor of the . Although he accepted Catholi-· . . CINCINNATI (NC)"':-Memben Virgin and Martyr; Common 'w'as l'n l·tS I·.nf·ancy.· I . . Encyclopaedia Britannica a.nd . cism, Mr. Watts decided to leave Preface ' . . Ch . t h W tts later joined the staff of the Brit- of the Cincinnati Archdiocesan '-ATUR'DAY --..:. St.. TimothY', Henry rIS op er . a was .the monastic life; .his vows as a . h F . Off' H t d Council of' Catholi';) Men' will '" a monk' 'of the Church of Eng- religious were invalidated by the. IS orelgn· lee. e re.urne . take part ina door-to-4oor Bishop and Martyr. Double. land's Benedictine order at Cal- abbey's conversio.n. .' to the U. S. and' magazine work Red. Mass Proper; Gloria;' 'dey Abbey, when the' community in 1930. In 1947 he came here to paign' next month to ohtaia 10,000 new subscribers for the Common Preface. • •. h . : Shortly after his arrivaUri this L~yola. College. . The life .of. Henry Christopher Catpoli~ Telegraph-Regi'ster. SUNDAY - Septuagesima Sun- ~~i~;db~~~ ~ai~~~~ g:l~~~ i~na~ country, Mr. Watts joined the day. Double of II Class. Violet. ,I·sland. off the coast of Wales and 'editorial staff of The Lamp, a h . I t f I f MassJ?roper; No Gloria; Sec-. . magazine published by Father Watts as pen y 0 e ements· 0 ond Collect Conversion of St.' a center of'Christendomdating Paul 'and dedicated, to church 'suspense i10d drama for any P I A . tl Th' d C 11 t·· ;back .to the sixth century;~ The unl·ty··.· La't'er·· .h'e' 'worked for biographer of the Church Unity ,;1U,';. pos~; .11:. ,.0. ec ,. conver ted .'Benedict'ne St Peter .Apostle' Creed' ' . 1 s: inoved . America magazine and then . movemerit, 'but it's a' story'wh1ch, '~h~r~'acY' .. f.ace . . '. 0 f'th" e Tr"··'t'.y . ... . ' . ':from C~ldey in 1~28 to. Prink- • P re 101. h Abb 'GI t d joined the staff of the New York never will . be told as long as' Mr. Arthur Jans~n, Reg. Phal:m. MONDAY_St:polycarp,Bishop·~>nas e~.near·. ouces.er an " . Watts has his own way; 'He .DIABETIC- AND SICK 'ROOM and Martyr. Double:){ed: Mass the C:aldey.Abb~Y. n~w IS .c.onobserved: . . sUP'p,i.IES· . Ptoper' Gloria' Common.Pref-'· "ducted by TJ;appl,sts, ~hoengage . ~ .• SO,p, . "I am' a most 'uninteresting ace." . ' ...( .: '. -, .. in the;~~anufacture of p e f f u t n e . s . '. per·sori.'" '" " 204 ASHLEY80ULEVARD,' TUESDAY-St. John''Chrysos- and coIo,gn~. -. ". WY 3-8045 tom Bishop Confessor and 'lfhe '1913 mass converSIOn at , . ~~ Doctor of"th~ Church. D~>uble. 'Galdey ~~s•.the •. second· which. The Mo'st Reverend Bishop white" 'Mass Proper; Gloria-;; . >ock. ed the:'¥~lic:~n~c?urch. in .J/unes L.Conriolly, D.D., preCreeCl; Common'·prerace. ;' '~hose days. T~re!'l yea~~ earlIer, sided 'and gave the finaIObs01U-';J . , .. WEDNESDAY-St. Peter Nolas~;Father.Pau); .James Watson R!d tion at the funeral Saturday of " .... co, Confessor. Double. White. the Anglican' comInunity.o.f men Mrs. Nora C .. Chippendale, mothE' Mass Proper; Gloria; Secon<:lahd"~omenat Gr~ymoor Monas.. 'er of Re\:,. John A: 'Chippendale, Collect St. Agnes, Virgin and' "tery in Garrison, N. Y., into the pastor of St. Patrick's ~hurch, Martyr; Common Preface. . .' Catholic fold. He ·founded the .. Wareham•. THURSDAY:" '. 'St. ) Francis De' .'. Society of the Atonement Friars. Father Chippendale' celebrated Sales,Bishop, Coniessor'ilncf ; in ·1908, while an ,Anglican, the Solemn High Mass of'RequiE'ectrica' Doctor 'of the Church. Double. 'Father "Paul founded the Chair em ·in the Holy Name Church, 'White: .Mass . Proper; Gloda; . of Unity Octave, eight days of Fall River. He was assisted by Contractors Creed; Common ·Preface.· prayer now observed worldwide Rev. Donald A. Couza; deacon, for the_reunion of Christendom and. Rev. James 'A. McCarthy, Jew.s" New.spaper. ..' ,. and the' ,cC?nversio~ of. non- .sub":deacon. 464 Seconcl' St... ·Ho'n"o'rs .Ca' r·d.·n·a'l b~lievers. The bctav,e. is observed 'c' haplains··· to the·'Most Rever" ':. . .' . from. January 18, feast of St. , BOSTON ·(C)-'-His Eminence '::"Peter~s"Chair at Rome, to Janu- end Bishop we;e ReV. James E.· __ FALl·RIVER .... ;.~ ... ..' Richard Ca~dinal CUshiri~:Arch~: ,ary 25; feast of the conversion of Gleason' of Falmo.uth and Rev. bishpp '.' of BoSton,. 'has . been St. ·Paul. ,'.' Arthur W. Tansey of St. Mary's : OSborne 2-21A3' , I ,'/, I named "man of.'thlil ye~r"by the.·Calde;y Con;ersion Cathedral.. Rt. Rev. Humberto l J . h Ad . f ··th t 's . . ' . . Medeiros was master of .ceree'Y~s , . v?cae, ... e co~.n r ! : . M~:.Watts,who pi~fers to re. largest Engbshlanguage Jewish, .. I.'" , b'"' ·t ." h'l v'e 'ng mOnIes. ,1. You get sound advice newspaper. ".: '~'" . ; '. . .. m~~n ~n.o. sc.ur~ YW I e 1 WI '. b~s~ on' 130 The ·ne\vspaper·'saluted ~'1Iie tpe: :cont~n~llng dr!'-ma of the DAUGHTERS OF, ST..PAUL. of ~.xp,erienq;t: . ' .'. :' : ., . Cardinaf. ~ .. chUrchnian;. orat~i. Leg'lon ..' Decency IIIvile young girk (14-23) '10' k.bor .• and adminIstrator, and Cited h i s . . '. 2. We . currently pay a. wor,k on behalf' of sChools and .The' foHowirig films are to be Christ's vast vineyard as an Apostle Of .... savings dividend of . . . Edifications: Pre., Radio, Movies and. Tea. hospitals. The citation' stressed' . added"'~· .the~lil!tS:}~ their revision. 'With these modern means, dlese' 3% per year. the Cardinal!s' Statement .that. spective ·.classificatioa;i~: .:. . . Missionary .Sisters. bring Christ's DoctriM "there is nothing "in: Ca~holi~ : . ; Unobjectionable for' General .. all. regardless 01 race, color ow aMCI. .3. Ser:vice. is prompt" doctrine that ·should· adv.er~el~'··:Patronage:.,....Black Orchid; I Was' . For information write Ie: .. considerate, ·helpful. affect the attitude' of ~hrlstIans ;. Monty's Double, Sul?marine' ~aREV. MOTHER SUPERIOR Opeft Friday _ings titl.• toward'Jews.". :: . , . :. :haw~. '. . '. . . 50 ST• .pAUl·S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS, r---,;"",.,....-----~-~-: :c, :Unobjectionibi!'l-i~r-Adults' and .• '. . . BANK' BYMAJL FOR'rY( Adolescel)ts-Gunman from. I,.ar- ., < '.' at'
· ne-T·.eme· Anglican Monk Recalls Mass...Con,:·v,.· ~i'•·. .s io.~ ,'" O
se h p ed res.. e.s' ·.·At Requiem."
.i . · rOUTH'
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3 'Good Reasons for ·saving . at The Old Red· Sank
L' EC'TR'IC'.·C.O·:.'
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<,-.DEVGTIO.N . · ;i: >' for All Jan. 25-r-~.t...~tbQ'~)''''o:'faun,:, ·:-:-::G,4~, Gir!sal}d G~ngsters. . ·t'ori::"·' ... ··.. ·,··,' ,........•... O'bje(!tion:Detailed :methods of
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Gives U.S. Superiority Over Russia
TH~ ANCHORThurs., Jan 22, 1959
Pope John Lauds Large Families
WASHINGTON (NC)-The economic system' can never be matched by Russia so long as this country follows a "moral approach" to its "human resources," Secretary of , VATICAN CITY (NC)-"EvLabor James P. Mitchell said here. ery family founded on work. While the Soviets may be . deny ourselves and our future mutual respect and on the fear able to equal this country's by denying our brothers opporof God constitutes the strength tunity," because of age, race or purely 'material' achieveand . solidity of' the villages, creed. ments, "they will never be cities and. nations," Pope John He added that the "key" to able' to match a United States has declarel:i. good labor management relawhose clear purpose and reason tions is "the exercise of the virfor being is the extension and The God-fearing family is the protection of individualliberty,~' tues - wisdom and prudence, strength of the nation, he exunderstanding and in any collecMr. Mitchell said. plained, adding "it is the nucleus tive bargaining system, fortitude The Labor Secretary was' adand foundation of every virtue, dressing a conference on "Moral" ... And certainly their opposites, the protection against dangers of anger and greed and impatience, Foundations of E con 0 m i c corruption, the source of new disrupt those relations." Growth," sponsored here by the and healthy energies for the welfare of individuals an~ of Foundation for Religious Action School System in the Soci;il and Civil Order, an civilized society." Mr. Mitchell added that he has TAG DAY AT ST. ANNE'S: Claudette Salois of Fall inter-religious organization. Pope John cited the hidden "serious misgivings" about the River pins first tag on Bishop Connolly as St. Anne's School Some Worry sufferings of the Holy Family U. S. school system. He charged of Nursing Sodality conducts tag day today to purchase in- . and expressed his concern for He stated: "Some people are that it "oveilooks the three cubator ~nd croupette for Sister, Mary Patricia, former the difficulties faced by large worried about an economy that major requirements for full eduhas too many automobiles for cation - discipline, excellence student now a missionary in Bagdad. At left is Dorothy families. Because of their faithand faith." . its needs and not enough teachDenault of New Bedford and in rear,Theresa LaPointe of . fulness to the law of God, he said, they often suffer trials and ers for its schools; that can pay "Apparently our schools are Somerset. privations unknown to others. a man $50,000 a year for advertrying not to frighten anyone," He invited better-off families to tising soap while '5,000 migrant he said. "They don't want to help their needy brothers. workers have no soap; that has frighten the parents by discia surplus of comic books and not 'plining the children. They don't The Pope expressed concern enough nurses. . want to frighten the children by. for' young men and women "They are asking whether or proposing long hours of arduous whose desire to raise their own "I have seen many beautiful children die this way and not such an economy can adework. They don't want to families is confronted with the quately represent the true aspirmy heartbreaks each time. Each time I -think-jf only frighten the school board by serious difficulties af these ations 'of this nation. They are suggesting a weeding out of usetimes. He remarked in what apsbmeone in Am~rica could see." asking what distinguishes such less courses. peared to be a reference to the an economy with its premium on So writes Sister Mary P~triciafrom Ba·ghdad. aging populations in countries "And as a result they fail to material success and its demand When' Patricia Sullivan babies to Sister Patricia as to the where the birth rate declines, ~orrie to grips with the basics of for increasing production-from education." . 'd t d f t'h' S· d' Oldy one who can give them that "the world wasn't created an economy mounted by a' slave gra ua e rom e acre. hope. to become a cemetery." state that also places a premium Hearts Academy in Fall on material success and demands River and entered St: Anne's increasing production." School of Nursing she wanied Human Resources ,. Officers of the. subordinate ·to become· a good nurse. She The difference, he .said, lies in the U. S. approach to its "human' Co.urts 'of the Catholic Order of . became just tha t. .And when she resources"; in the fact that it ·Foresters in the Fall. River area entered, the Novitiate of the are planning' a membership drive regards its people ~'not as units Domillican .Sisters of' Charity. of of production, but as individua'ls, '. and· the formation of a new Southeastern Massachusetts As- the Presentation of the Blessed, sacred in. aspect, of eternal From. th .• sociation of: Courts within the Virgin Mary in Tours, France, worth,_of inherent dignity." . Order. Even more than today, Mr. she had but one dream-to be... Mitchell continued, the -expand'M~~bers have voted support come a missionary. nursing.;. ed U. S. economy of the future of the drive 'proposed by Hervey will have to be based.on moralParadis of Concord, N. H., New Sister. com •• 'a Everyone who remembers Pat ity. Citing a "skilled worker England' supervisor. shortage," he declared that "we .. Also under consideration are from St. Anne's knows that her. ways of -increasinc the activities answer to the sacrifices of misof the Forest Rangers youth Vatican Paper 'Hits program, as well as a 'general. sion life was-a big smile. Guesses on Visits reactivation of co,..operative lmd Dispensary for Poor VATICAN CITY (NC)-Both beneficial pursuits by the indiSister· Mary Patrici~ became L'Osservatore Romano and Vati- vidual Courts in the Order can Radio have taken exception ..towards the church parishes of a missionary-how could she be anythUig ~lse?-and -she has to new stories reporting on prowhich they ate a part. been laboring in Baghdad where' jected or supposed visits of His .' Special emphasis is placed on Holiness Pope John XXIII to the role which the Foresters she is in charge of a dispensary for the poor. She cares for about various places. play in the advancement of CathThe Pontiff's trips outside olic action on the local, as well 100 persons a day-not only Vatican walls have given' rise in as the national level, and of the giving them medical care but b.k.d und., "" IUp.rvl.IOII of THI certain sections of the press, and great benefits derived therefrom. cleaning them and being a living model of the Works of Mercy in particularly in Italian papers; to TRAP!IST MONK' " th. Allb'r II . Speakers at a promotional' their midst. . . conjectures on the Pope's future tilt O.n.... . meeong included Paradis, Tim-. plans. Asked by the girls of the St. Pope John has broken prece- othy J. O'Leary, Jr. of New Bed- Anne's School of Nursing Sodaldent several times since the be- ford, field representative, and- ity what they could do for her, ginning of his pontificate by Ernest F. Menard of New 'Bed- Sister wrote: "We do not have going to Rome seminaries and ford: State treasurer. The Courts represented at the a lab or pharmacy or oxygen hospitals, and to the city's main tent or blood bank or 100 other' meeting were St. Anne, Notre jail. things which to me were always Dame and Sauval Courts, all of L'Osservatore Romano said considered as necessities until I· that the newspapers' intentional Fall River. came to Baghdad." anticipating of the Pontiff's next George L. Ledoux of Fall moves "gives rise very often to River, Vice Chief Ranger of the "We receive little babies and erroneous, fantastic and incon- State Court" was chairman of . young children six or seven sistent information." the event. . months old up to two or two and . a half years sick with pneumonia. I use a nasal catheter and an 02 cylinder but you can imagine a little six months old baby who is already struggling for breath, who doesn't understand that the rubber tube which . he thinks is blocking his nostril is actually to save his life. He fights frantically and wears himBy BRIAN' CRONIN self out and the parents sit and 1. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded by:-(a) Pope hold the poor little fellow down S' I until finally he hasn't the Pius IX'? (b) t. Vmcent de Pau? (c) Frederick Ozanam? (d) strength 'to fight back any more. €ardinal Newman? Z. What were the initials meaning "Jesus o,f Nazareth, King of the It has happened so often. I have Jews" which Pontius Pilate inscribed over the Cross'?:seen many beautiful children die (a) A.M.D.G.? (b) I.H.S.? '(c) I.N.R.I.? (d) R.I.P.? this way and my heart breaks 3. The Patroness of the United States is:-(a) Mary Immaculate? each time. Each time I think-If (b) St. Francis Cabrin'i? (c) St. Elizabeth? (d)' St."Rose of Lima? only someone in America could 4. Whose ear was cut off by Peter in the Garden of Gethsemene?:--:' see.'" . (a) Barabbas? (b) Judas~.(c).l'4~lchus? (d) M.elchoil:? . ' The m~mbers' of the Sodality 5. "PoPe" is a Greek WOrdme,:Ullng:-,;-(a) Fattier? (b) Holy? (c)' ccinsee the need through Sister for ba~k. Prince? (d) Envoy?' '. ' . . . ' . ' . ' ; .;'" . .. Patricia's' eyes.. And' they are t.. How. many ~ears. dic:I -Ctl,:,i~t .. s~n4· on.,~rttr .i.~· public ljfe?:-,..•.: . holdin'« a tag day iii the HospitaL (a) 3'1 '(b) 33?' (c) 21? " ; ' " .::. . ..... ;.?> .' today to see if they can ~nd T. A' majority of. two'third'-l>lwi ,one' iSirequireq iii':ih~;elec~loD of Sister some much needed equip• ~o~e. Who:.v.~ell?·:;::-~a~ .The_~?~~n :It<?ta?.,'bt Vatican '·'ment. 'Shen~ds'-an incubatot,. a ~ Monks!!' Gitiz~ns? (c). The-'GoUege:o~;Ca~din~ll!~ (e:t)' :r¥"~~~lian;HielO~·;.. :croupette. and . o~hei' su'ppliesto i archy?,. " , . . ;-.: ' . . "';,' ": .;:.' '. . save·"these .be,"Jtiful babies" ol '.:,[I:~~ large!l~ i~U:I'C~ -,iJ' ... th~, w~rl~js: ;:-,:,(.a): St: P.~t¢r'~, Vatic8:": Baghdad.' . . . ~~ew di$~yery hon~$t ~.tinl ~IL' /'" .. Cit,·! (b) ·Notre-Daine.Paris-?"(c) Westminster Abbey, Lc)ndon? .. ' . .' .,. .., •.',.:•... ; ':.,., ;'.' .i t . ' :: . . ' ; : :•.•, ;.•.:. '._ . • .: : : : : . . . • . . ,'.'. :.,..A.!l,(i .ttten.,perha~ ,her· heart .-~ :.. . ... '..... :Qt..eyourself lO.. markjl for .eachcorr~t'aMw~;.~page.II: fteed,not)~r~ak'l1cr those. of poor ~.:. '1~ . '1 . \ . l . ~tinc: ao~~.xc~l~e41t•. :"T9~V el:T. Good;_ io:-G~;~'i .5e),E!W',,: ." ., '.' paceata: _00 '. brine ..· tbeic : Jlick
St. A~ne's Is. Very Close to Baghdad When Babies' Lives Are at Stake
Foresters Seek N~w Members'
Trappist Monk.
u er
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Hollywood in Focus
Hails Warner's Approval Of 'Happiness Movies"
.,. ; THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan 2'2, 1959
Hub Archdiocese Reduces Military Clergy Shortage
By William H.Moorlng "Happiness is still tlie.b~st-selling commodity at theater boxoffices; although many' picture makers seem to have · fonrotten or lost sight of the fact", says Jack L. Warner, he~d of the big Warner Studios, just home from a long, ,eventful sUiy in Europe. · at any rate, for daring to say. If the nation's movie crit- · that I d(). . ics accept popular, publie Catholic. Press enjoyment as their yardFrom variou~ quarters I hav~
BOSTON (NC) - Seven Boston' archdiocesan priests have volunteered to serve as armed forces chaplains---one
of the largest single .grOlJPS of peace time volunteers. . When they are commissioned the Boston archdiocese will hav~ 55 priests serving as chaplains to Catholics in the military service and their families. 'The new volunteers will help relieve the shortage of Catholic chaplains reported by the Mili, tary .Ordiriariate at the last meeting of the U. S. Bishops. It is. estimated' the armed forces had 119 fewer Catholic chaplains than their quotas allowed. The 1958 Official Catholic' Directory lists 1,769 chaplains in the ordinariate. A survey indicates the Army Is 62 priests shor't, the Navy 15 and the Air. Force 42. The gravity . of this' situation is emphasized by the fact that about 800,000 Catholics are in the armed forces and, in addition" there are more than one million dependents of these service personnel.
stick of appraisal, they do not received clips of an article headappear to agree with Mr. Warn- ed "Hollywood's Creed-ANYer., Most· of. THING GOES",in which a'comtheir lists of mentator I do not know and 1958 "bests" inshal' not name, insists that Holclude a prelywood has embarked on an ·unponderance paralleled film spree of sensualsultry or angry, ity, sin and violence". They ask social dramas what, if anything, they should such as "The \ do about this article. My advice .. Difiant Ones" is that they ignore it. . (voted best film As "proof positive;' that Holof 1958 'by the New York critics' lywood ihtends to make nothing circle); "I Want to Live", ."Cat but shockers a:'ld to ignore con;' on a Hot, Tin Roof", "God's Lit- demnation of criticism by various tle Acre", "The. Goddess" and' civic, religious and parental or"A Night to Remember". ganizations, the writer of this "Gigi", M<?M's Leslie Caron- article cites five· of the year~s · ·Louis Jourdah-Maurice Cheval-' outstanding money-making pic-. WILL HELP CONVERT OTHERS: Father John J. ier musical and Warners' Tab tures. ' Hoar hears Mrs. Gertrude Anderson, 59, a re.cent convert, Hunter-Gwen Verdon fantasy, These are: "Sayonara", (!Pey~ pledge one y~ar of full· time volunteer service as a "doer" "Damn Yankees,'~ appear to be ton . Pla~e", "The Vikings", the only two "happy", movies to for the Convert Makers' of Ameri~a (CMOA)., in St. Benbob up with any,copsistency in "Kings Go Forth" and "Cat on , edict's Church, Pontiac, Mich. She will work in the organa Hot, Tin Roof".. the critics' selections this year. Not. one of these films gave ,ization's headquarters in· Pontiac: .It has several 'thousand Editbr . This does not surprise me. It members throughout the' United States'. NC Photo. . , ~ALT LAKE CITY (NC) - . is an old fetish of show business rise 'to .the slightest moral objection -on the part .of the Na'that heavy drama rates more Father Lawrence P. Sweeney serious attention' than musical tional 'Legion of Decency. Two has 'been . named editor of ihe \ comeCly whenever the art or were approved for "adults and Intermountain Catholic 'Register, three for craftsmanship of theater' is un';" adolescents~ and c Salt Lake City diocesan· weekly. FuU~Tiltle' "adults". . He succeeds Father Robert Pol-' der review. PONTIAC (NC) - A woman She has a master's 'degree tr.om This may be a kind of' han'glock. Trend to Realism who became a convert to the over from the ancient showCertainly there is ,a trend 'Church jus: nine months ago· the University of Michigan and has taught history and languages' world notion that' no .actor 'or towards increasing realism in has offered'a year of her life . An Invitation at both the high school and colaCtress was worth the salt among .movies. The social and moral . to Christ' in a simple ceremony For a Short Vocotion or Rest Come To lege level. the "greats" until he or she had rebel tends more and ·more to here.. , . . Real Happiness played a character gone mad. become the great, dramatic hero Mrs. Gertrude Anderson, 59, Mrs. Anderson, who has been Changes Mind of our times. has made the pledge as a "doer" NEWPORT, Rhode Island a widow since 1943, learned of Still.. to a remarK'able degree, for .Convert Makers of America Facetiously one might say that Open all year. Re':'sonable rates. CMOA last Fall when she. read . 'Home atmosphere. Yearly, monthly, 'one thing most wrong with the. morally controversial story ma- before Father John J. Hoar. an article in a Catholic newsterial has been, and is being, so Seeks 'Converts weekly or week,end reservations. movies today is that too many paper. She wrote for the CMOA Peaceful, relaxing location on the treated inQ.motion' pictures as to She will spend the next year of the characters are mad and handbook that explains the methocean. Large attractive rooms. Invitminimize or completely avoid as a fulltime volunteer worker that quite a number of. writers ods used in winning converts-ing m';"ls.. • Unobstructed view of in the CMOA headquarters at who visualize th.em must be ditto. giving moral offence. Narragansett Bay. A Catholic resiIt would be well in' every Pontiac. As a member of the'lay . and ended up by ,going all the To give measured evaluation dence for women. Daily Mass. Resiway and giving fuIr time to furto what Jack Warner says about diocese and perhaps every parish, apostola.te, she will offer all her dent Chaplain. Elevator to all floon. ther the work at the headquartto organize more positive, Cath- . work as a true. gift for Christ, "happiness versus unhappiness" Conducted by the ers office.· ' , olic support of morally accept'considering it as "a penance for (in moVie U~emes, one must, ho.wSisters of 5t: Joseph of Cluny " Discussing the courage it takes my own sins and those of· other ever•. 'be guarded 'against sw~ep able movi~s, as 'vell as muste.rTel.: Newport VI 6-1000 or write: ing more telling resistance sinners both past and present in . to drop home' ties and· to serve ing generalizations. Not all the Mother Superior witp no pay in return,' she reagainst every movie the 'Legion the' world," according to the "happiest", films of 1958 were 91 Washington' Street, Nowport, I. I. plied: "It didn't take courage; of ·Decency· finds morally of, pledge. she recited. among the most successful at the I felt' my religion was an all-out , She has elected -to pay her boxoffice. Not all the "unhappi- fensive, thing-a 100 per cent sur~ender. The best way to do this is own living expenses and' will est" films 'wete among those As for pay, I do receive a return through' the formation ,of local strive to live in a spirit of least successful: for my work. In the last halfAgain we ·should not forget Movie Discussiop groups, prop- ·humility, poverty and meditative erly informed and led, as pro- prayer. While seeking these vir- . year, and particularly since I that only a relatively short till)e took up CMOA work, I have posed more than a year ago by tues the emphasis of' her life ago Jack L. War'ner himself had found an inner wholeness, a Bishop William Scully of Alwill be on the work to which 'so forgotten or lost sight of the happiness." bany, then head of the Episcopal she is dedicated-to convert 'welling . ,.., fact that "people do not go to CITIES SERVICE' Committee on Motion Pi~tures,· ,America through CMOA. theaters to be shocked, frightThe daughter of Protestant ened; angered or worried", Radio and Television. DISTRIBUTORS par.ents, Mrs. Anderson was born And one good rule for any as to permit his company to re:. lease the far from happy "Baby such group' to follow would be' on a farm near Holland, Mich. Gasoline to study the Catholic press Doll." " He then said: "You have' to critiques and cohi'mns and give R. A., WILCOX CO. and Range no time at all to ill-based comgive the public what it wants". OFFICE FURNITURE A large segment of the public, ment, written for the sake of it is true, quickly convinced Mr. .sensationalism. With this tbe iii Stock for Im.ediat. DeIi••1'Y Warner that "Baby Doll" was secular press is as flagrantly mis•. DESKS • CHAIRS OIL BUR~ERS leading as some of the film ads' not exactly it. The fiim did not FILING CABINETS' it coaxes out of the movie buslose money, It did not make G. E.,.BQILER BURNER UNITS •. fiRE FILES • SAFES as much as Mr.. Warner had iness. MILLION DOLLAR FOLDING TABLES counted upon either. Nun',s Story FOr prompt delivery AND CHAIRS Want Entertainment Just as everyone in Hollywood BALLROOM & Day & Night' ServiCe When he says, as he now does, expected Warners. to give "The that "people go to motion pic- Nun's Story" an Academy-quali- ' Available for Rural Bottled Gas Serv.ice 21 BEDFORD' ST tures to be entertaii\ed and en- fying pre-release showing in HolBanquets,~ Testimonials, Etc• . FAU RIVER 5·1838 61 COHA~",ET ST. joy themselves . . not to be lywood, prior to Dec. 31, 1958, .' lectur'ed nor. depressed"; this · the film was quietly' and' mysterTAUNTON ForOFull Information Contact particular columnist-critic is · iously sent back to cutting rooms Attleboro - No. Attleboro ROLAND GAMACHE for further editing: A promised' right behind him. Taunton WYman 9-9984 preview of the film was post.When he advises his fellow pr()ducers to quit making ':seamy, pone~. Inside information suggests sordid m()vies and concentrate ... on pictures that have basic ele- ,that Audrey Hepburn, as Sister ments of love, life and the 'pur- Luke, gives an outstanding persuit of happiness", one can only formance that almost. certainly. would have won Academy nomhope he will be. listeried to. . , As Mr. Warner says: "Pictures ination. On the strength of these .. Make '1959 Your reports many mo,viecritics inwhich give' a lift instead of a , shove do not have to be Polly- cluded Miss Hepburn., among Success Y.ear .' anna stories 'comprised of pap likely contenders for the "best . fOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE actress" award of 1958-59. Now·:· and platitudes". ATT~ND NIG,HT SCHOOL. . He can point to the success of she is disqualified. AT ANY OUR T~REE B·ANKS.· ']lelfi_ NOW for Cour_ jD: Some on the inside Hollywood" ,. his company's "No Time for SerBookkee'pinll" Offiee MlU!IIlOnee tracl< 'figure 'that Warners .. geants" and the cu;rent money. Dulness l\fath ReTiew Co~ · spinner "Auntie Marne", as the dropped "The Nun's Story"'as an' Shorthand Di~t. A.;eountinc best possible .public endorsement Academy prospect in order not· -Typewriting Payroll Keepin'c .Soulli Bank ~~EDICD£~ North &ak of his opinion. . to ·.place :it in competition with 1499 2 Rodney' . ft ~ • ., CLASSES SL.\-In JANUARY 26' AcushlMll . Which reminds me that I must . "Auntie Marne". It will not sur. , Write or Phone. W~man 5:7024 '.-eh!h<l . Aft, prise me .if Rosalind Russell is' .' .:quote "Auntie Marne" w'ith caunominated for' that picture'. · tion. The Legion of. Decency apOF NEW BEDFORD , ·proves it for·"Adults" and many,' , ,However, I. think· the real reaMAIN BANK PURCHASE AND WILLIAM STREETS son why "The Nun's Story" is readers "gree it is an-excellent. 908 PURCHASE STREET M_ber FederGl Deposit I ~ _ COf"J)Orcattoa show. Others--all of them either being .edited, is Jack Warner's N.EW BEDFORD shy or cowardly-anonymously order to make all Warner pic... flay me for liking the film,or . ~r~s as. "happy as: Posli1b1e". "
Lay Convert Pledges Year's Work As Unpaid Volunteer'
'S~e"a Maris
Three Convenient Offices
to Serve You
The'. Cttmpbell School
Balancing the Books
Lauds 'Father Considine's Book on· Latin America
Seeks' Teachers To Staff China High. School
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. KennedyA pene,trating survey of South America and Central America, with special attention to the situation of the Church there, is presented by Father, John J. Considine of Maryknoll in New Horizons in Latin America (Dodd, Mead. $5). As readers of 4Father where, he testifies, lay activity Considine's previous book on is on the increase.. Latin America and Africa It may take ti)e form of a know, he is an astute ob- millionaire businessman's set-
server, with a facility for etch- ting a .quickening Christian e~ ample to his many employees, 'ing homely, vignettes which reduce a general situation to in- and his facilitating in every way their living the Catholic life and tensely human doipg apostolic work. and rea, d i 1 Y Or it may take the highly efunderstandable fective form of "block missionterms. Some of aries" who, organized throughwhat he reports out a city, regularly visit every , is based on con,family in their respective dissiderable range tricts, provide instruction, and of reading, but account for beautiful neighborthe 'backbone hood achievements in attending and the flesh of conducting block prayer visiting, his book are th~ sick, caring for the needy, drawn from his organiZing festivals, plays, neighpersonal obserbori)ood sports." vation' during One gets the impression of a thousands of Church stirring to life after a miles of travel. period oC somno,lence, of a He here acquaints us with a world extensive and· varied. But Church going out beyond the certain problems seem comm''l area of the church building and demonstrating. its appositeness ~ all of it, and in most of it to all the phases of everyday . the Church is confronted with almost identical difficulties and life, of a Church at .long last oppOrtunities. So (much the beginning to tap resources hithreader gathers for himself, for erto unused, and to employ techthe author does little general- niques calculated to meet imperious needs. izing. Protestant Inroads Gives Historical Background' Nor is this happening a moHe begins with no fewer than siz chapters on Brazil. This is ment too soon. For Protestantism has made considerable inunderstandable in view of roads in these 'traditionally Cath-, Brazil's vastness: "The country olic lands. is the size of the United States Protestant missionaries, mostplus an extra Texas, the size of , ly from the 'United States, began Europe minus the Scandinavian going to Latin America in great' Peninsula . . . Since in the 1950 numbers when, in World War II, census some 50 millions of its mission areas in the Orient were population declared themselves Catholic, it can properly describe dosed to them. Their work is well 'organized and financed, itself the largest Catholic nation giving evidence of careful plan. in the world." ning. He goes on to consider the They have set up much needed othel' republics, even to small educational insti:utions,' social est. In most instances a summary agencies, medical facilities. They of historical background is sup- make shrewd and effective use plied, as well as' the. synopsis of radio and other communicaof present social, economic, and tions media. Their door-to-door political conditions and a sketch canvassing has won them many of the state of the Church. followers. In virtually every case, the An indication of their impact is last-named is not good. The sad furnished by the, fact that in consequences of the days when Brazil there are 1,500 candidates there was union of Church and preparing for the Protestant State'still exact their toll, as do ministry, whereas for the Catho, the lack of sufficient instruction lic diocesan clergy there are in religion, the failure to form 1,200 major seminarians. 'a genuine Catholic' mind and In Guatemala there were, in authentic Catholic spirituality, 1954, 500 Protestant missionaries the protracted neglect of vital as agafnst a total of about 325 Christian social leadership, and, Catholic priests and religious. fundamentaliy, the llPpalling Corrective Efforts fewness of pri~sts. 'It is ,plain that Catholic ofScarcity of, Priests ficials have learned something In Argentina, for example, from observing the Protestant there are 17 million ..Catholics, mode of, operation. They have, but only 4,300' priests, which for example, seE!n the Protestants means one priest for every 4,000 skillfully exploit ..the Church's people. Although the capital, lack of contact with the masses Buenos Air~s, is better situated in many places. in this resp-ect than most of the They have seen, too, the succountry, the average parish num- ' cess of Protestant lay programs. bers 27,000 people. Already these have prompted The paucity of priests is in corrective effort, and this can be some degree attributable to the expected to increase. There are other contenders for family's opposition to having a son enter clerical life. Father the hearts and minds of Latin One is Spiritism, Cons~dine quotes a Brazilian nun, Americans. cas saying, "Twenty years ago which 'claims millions of adwhen I was professed, the av- herents, especially in Brazil. Anerage family in Brazil exper- other is Communism, which ienced a distinct sense of dread takes rich advantage of poverty at the thought of having a80n and social.injustice. Doubtless there are multitudes a priest. The nineteenth century , disrepute into which the priest- of Latin, Americans who are hood had fallen is now in great permanently lost to the Church, and the Church there will be part dissipated. A telling eliort is being made beset with problems for decades, . to present- the' priesthood as a to come. Nevertheless, a new and better lofty and demanding vocation, the nobility of' which is bound era for CatJ:1,olicism seems to imto stir admiration and aspIration pend in these countries to the south. And these countries appear in many Of the young. in a fair way to become a much . But an adequate supply of more prorriinentand weighty .;. priests will not be available for force in the world than ever a formidable time to come, pos- before.. sibly g'enerations. In the interval, It behooves us of the United , there is the crucial task of put,-' States to learn more about them, tingthe Church' in livening indeed to become closely famtouch with the millions who iliar with them. We should know, never see a priest. . for instance, what is their attiLay Activity Increases tude toward the United States, The means of course, is' lay and why this is in large measure action. And, what Father Con- unfavorable. A book like Father 'aidine has to report about this Considine's is an excellent means is 'one of the Most encouraging with which to begin the learning features of his book. li':Vel7- pl'QCeS&.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan 22, 1959 .
BOSTON (NC)-A Maryknoll missioner is in this country searching for lay teachers' to staff a 'new high school he has opened in Hong Kong. He is Father Peter A. Reilly, or Roslindale (Mass.) home on his second furlough in 18 years from mission work in the Orient. Applications Galore "Some of the things associated with American schools, such as cutting classes, cribbing, and juvenile delinquency are unknown in our school," said Father Reilly. "The pupils are so glad to attend se'lOol that many of them walk miles without any breakfast to get there. Last year, we had 8,000 applications for the 1,500 vacancies."
NEW PORTRAIT OF ST. JUDE: is shown at Our Lady's Chapel. Fr. Jordan McGrath, O.F.M., the artist of the painting, has just finished blessing it. Fr. Cosmas F. Timlin, O.F.M., the director of the Novena to St. Jude at the Chapel, looks on. '
Maryland M~asure Seeks to Keep Youths Away From Obscene Movies' ANNAPOLIS (NC)-Legislation which would bar children under 18 froin obscene movies> has' been introduced in both ,houses of the Maryland State Legislature.' Under the bill, the restriction would' be made by the State Board of Motion Picture Censors, which would be permitted to license certain films for exhibition only to persons 18 or over. Violators would be subject to a fine of $25 for each offense. Strong Backing A similar bill, which \yould have made the determining age 16 instead of 18, was rejected recently by the State Legislative Council atter a public hearing. The proposed law has received the backing of the Holy Name 'Society, Knight's of Columbus, International Federation of Cathlie Alumnae and the Catholic Daughters of America, as well
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as many other religious and civic organizations. Editorial Support. The' 'coordinating council of the Baltimore Parent-Teacher Association has passed a resolution declaring the measure would' promote the ',velfare I of "those unfortunate chilqren whose parents do not understand the need for censorship."
The modern primary and sec. ondary school awards Chinese al well as English diplomas. Recently the school was granted permission by the Education Department of Hong Kong to opell the highest form (class), quali. fying graduates as fully accredited high school students. "One of the biggest needs at the moment is for fully qualified teachers, particular1)" in English, and the sciences," said Father Reilly. "I'd be interested in hearing from any serious, qualified lay teachers who would be willing to work in Hong Kong to promote Catholic education and count.eract nearby communist influence."
When it's time
The Baltimore American, a s,ecular daily, published an editorial in favor of the Legislatipn in whiCh' it stated: "This is' not blue-,nose censorship, but a practical move to combat a wid~ly recognized evil influence on our young people." I
to retire . • • Buy
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'COMPARE ••• then ioin the
Sun6eam BREAD
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" AdiIltEducatiori' '.' .. ,
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'... ,',:'. ~f., .:;: :~~' \.:. .::: ...... ;:,
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, The new 'space age has brought ina new' school age, and ever since Sp.utnik ushered in a new.era there has been, mucli- debating and not· a few charges and changes regarding the school system.; . , ' · It is Kenerally agreed that the children deserve the very best on every level of education. Elementary schools, high schools, colleges-all must offer'the best in standards and discipline. But after college-what? Not a whole'lot is said about ad'ult education. A few' . "television programs, some appeal to build up reading .J1abits -that seems to be the extent of adult education. · The Church is concerned about this problem. She is spending millions of dollars and, what is more important, is giving hundreds of thousands of priests and religious to the work of education of children and. young men and women. She' is concerned that .those whom she has'had a hand in educating continue their education iI)to adult life. , She tries to bring this about by study clubs of ,various types. One of her greatest sources of educating is through her. publications-magazines and newspapers. ' And that is why the Bishops have urged every Catholic family to subscribe to some Catholic publication and to read it. For in that way, .the work of adult education continues. Our· own diocesan newspaper-The Anchor-is surely a means to help the, whole family continue its Catholic education. \
.,'. ,/
Wee}{ly Calepdar Of Feast Days TODAY-SS. Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs. St. Vincent w~ a SpaQish deacon who was t~r tured to death for the Faitll under Diocletian in Valencia in 304. St. Anastasius was a Persian monk who suffered agonies from prolonged, savage tortures , and finally, was beheaded by Cnosroas, King of Persia, in 628. His head was brought to Rome a'nd deposited in a church dedicated fo, him and 81. Vincent..
Any Yielding?
QfJESTIONS . The United States has been subjected to temptation. Time will tell whether or not there has been yielding. .~ltd Mr: Mikoyan's visit in this country has had as its only ANSWERS purpose the furthering of the aims of communist Russia. The magic gimmick has been the idea of trade: Trade 'E for peace ~s an appealing' idea~and el?peciallyso if. there _l!Y REV. JAMES A. McCARTHY is the prospect of a feW-dollars to be made. No American Holy Name Church-Fall River should be so naive as to' believe that Russia is offering the Fl,'equentIy in Diocesan paobligatory, but· the intention . olive branch of trade for any motive other than its own ends. ,pers and Catholic literature in specified is not. Usu-ally, howgeneral we see the expression: ever, the special inteJltion speci· American reaction to Mikoyan's proposals should be "Thou are a priest forever acfied by the priest is intended to made with this in mind. There can be n() illusions on our· cording help you in some parti'cular' to the order of Melchipart about sincerity and goodwill and honesty in the comsedech." Who was Melchiseproblem or to inculcate some munists. Their fruits of past actions betraY them-treach- _, dech, and why is the Catholic particular devotion, and compliPriesthood associated with ance'with the request will prove' ery, murder, mass extermination, atheism, the ideal of him? to be spiritually profitable. So, Communism as the world leader. • Melchisedech was 'a Canaanite il an intention has been recomIt can ,be devoutly hoped, then, that the idea of money K;ing Salem (Jerusalem) and mended, it is' advisable not to to be made by trade will not be the lever used to weaken a HighofPriest in the time of the pray "unintention~lly". this country by the Communists. The temptation has been Patriarch Abraham. It is menIf a Catholic 'thinks that by held out. Has there-will there be yielding? ' . tionedin Genesis (xiv, 18-20) committing a certain sin he
Togetherness in Worship There. is a word currently making the rounds wnose, use is almost always good' for a laugh. The word is "togetherness." It has ,been used i~ so many settings and for for ,so many purposes-legitimate and otherwise-from selling shoes to explaining a state of mind-that its proper meaning' is lost sight of. It expresses the very human need' for companionship, .. for acceptance;.for social action, for'activity as a member of a"group. . , , Very often Catholics lose sight of. this with regard to their worship of God. They know that they have an obliga": tion to acknowledge the suprema~y of (j(}d and this they try to 'do. They know that they can do this adequately; not, by themselves but with and in and through Jesus Christ in the Sacrifice·of the, Mass. And this they do. But they do not realize that they ·are called upon to. worship God union with their brother Catholics; they do not realize enough that they belong to a worshipping .community...:....-the Church. They lose sight of the social aspect of the Church. The silence that up to now' has prevailed throughout the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass has done little to teach the social side of worship. The priest has done the speaking as befits the celebrafing minister who alone consecrates. The congregation's participation-because it has been of the spirit and has expressed itself in bodily attitude and attention r~ther than in words-has not given the faithful a complete enough concept of worshipping' together. . Now that the congregation is participating more fully than before' by .answering the prayers of the priest arid prayi~g in s'orne instances along with him vocally,.this 'social aspect of worship should make itself felt. "Togetherness~' will beCOme more of a reality in the . order of worship.
that he offered an unbloody sacrifice of bread and wine in thanksgiving for Abraham's victory over the four kings of the East. In Psalm six verse .4, Mel.chisedech is recognized as a type or ,foreshadowing of the priesthood of the ~uture Messias. The similarity betw'een Melchisedech· and Christ is very' close: , 1) Melchi!?edech was a King .. , and High Priest; Cl1rist is King of Heaven' and Earth and High Priest 'of' Infinite Sacdfice. I . 2) Melchisedech was ruier of the " "City of' Peace" (English .translation of Jerusalem); Christ is the Prince 'of Peace iii Messianic lore. . 3) Melchisedech means' "king· of righteousness"; Christ was the personification of righteousness and justice. Hence, Melchisedech was a closer parallel to the Catholic Priesthood than any other per-.· son or .group up to the time of' Christ. Must the penance given by the priest be said immediately after confession?
will be excommunicated, but . actually this is' not so, is he excommunicated anyway?
TOMORROW-St. Ravmond 'af Pennafort. Confessor. He was a distinguished teacher and member of. the Spanish nobility, who in mid-life entered the Dominican Order and eventually became Master General. He was an adviser of Pope Gregory IX and worked with St. Peter Nolasco in the foundation of the Order 'of Our Lady of Hansom for the Redemption of Captives. Recognized as one of the most learned men of his time. he died, a centenarian, In 1275. SATURDAY - St. Timothy, Bishop-Martyr. He was converted by St. Paul and accompanied the Apostle on visits to cities in Asia Minor' and Greece. Eventually he was consecrated Bishop of Ephesus' by St. Paul. He was martyred about the year 97. Infuriated worshinpers of the Enhesian idol" Diana, stoned him to death. . SUNDAY - The Conversion of St. Paul. In his zeal for the 'Jewish law, Saul became a persecutor of Christians. On his way 'to Damascus to seize all Jews who professed Christ and ,bring them to Jerusalem as examples . to others, Saul was surrounded by a light from heaven and stricken blind. A voice cried: "Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute Me?" ,He was led to Damascus, where' he was cured miraculously of his blindness, embraced the Faith and· was bapI tized Paul.
,No. Only Ecclesiastical legisMONDAY-St. Polycarp, Bishlation can attach a penalty like op-Martyr. He 'was Bishop :of excommunication to a crime. In this, sin and penalty differ. If Smyrna and .a disciple of St. one perfornted an act, thinking John. When persecution broke it to be mortally sinful, he would out in 167, he was arrested and ordered to deny his Faith. When be guilty.,O;f mortal sin, because of his intention while' doing it; he refused, his heart was pierced, ~ut to incur excommunication, '. with a sword and his bod7 !he -law of the Church must spe,. burned. cifically state that this penalty 'rUESDAY~St. John .ChrY9is attached'to the particular act. But, speaking of inten~ion, J~e ostom, Bishop-Confessor-Doctor. sin would take 'on added gravity . A Syrian, he was born in Antiin' the case mentioned 'in the och in,344. For'six ye'ars he lived question, 'because the attitude of as an' ascetic in a mountain retreat, before he was orda'in'ed the sinner is one of defiance and became "the eye, the ear Church authority, as well as,' acand the -hand of his bishops.... ceptance of the moral 'evil He was named Bishop of Coninvolved in .sin. ' stantinople in 98. Aithough , Is there any special reaSoD greatly beloved, his denunciafor the 12 stars on the Miraetions of vice made him numero·u. UIOBS Medal? enemies and several times he was The 12 stars on the Miraculous banished in'defiance of the Pope, Medal have allusion to chapter who espoused his cause. He ,died xii, verse 1 of the Apocalypse of in exile in 407. St. John, the last book of, the New Testament: "And a great WEDNESDAY-St. Peter Nosign appeared in .Heaven: 'a lasco, Confessor.· The Founder The penance assigned by the woman, cloth~d ~ith the sun of the Order of Our Lady ,pi priest must be fulfilled before . and the moon was under he~ Ransom, dedicated to r~scuing the next confession. You are not feet, and upon her head was a . Christians from Moorisb slavery, obliged ·to. say it' immediately crown of 12 stars." . was born in Toulouse, and fought after confession: However, 'un-' , Although the .woman· in 'this on the Catholic side against the less there be some extriu)rdinary' VIsion . ' is not " the Blessed Mother ,. . Albigenses. Later he went:to reason for delaying, its, is advis-. ·theChurch·,apPlies the 'verse' ~ Spain. where he was allied with able to complete: the penan¢e . her. ' St. Raymond de Penatort in his right away, to avoid the possibillife's work. He is said to have ity of forgetting it. If, for any In· a ~ecent conversation, I ·freed more -than 3,000 Christia·ri. reason, one does not comply with referred to St. Peter's as .the during his .lifetime. He died lit 'the penance 'assigned, that fact Cathedral of Rome." A friend must be' made known in the told me that I was' mistaken• . Barcelona on Christmas, 1256. 'ned' confession. Will you please settle our dis..; agreement'! ' . Father Barrette Talks' Sometimes iii' giving the Your friend is correct. . The penance, the priest says to reC,hurch of the Savior, m.orecom- , To Serrans 'Tonight cite these prayers for some monly kn'own by its: secondary Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, special intention; if the person title: St. John .Lateran is' the curate'at St. Roch's Church, will OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FAll RIVER forgets what the intention is, is Cathedral of Rome. If it 'is any it obligatory to ask the priest consolation to you,' there are evi- . address members of the Fall' 'ublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioce~e of Fail River River 'Serra Club at a dinner before the penance can be fulfilled? dently 'many who share YQur· meeting tonight at the Hotel . 410 Highland Avenue misconception that St. Peter's is Mellen. His topic will be "PriestFall River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151 U you wish to say the penance -. the church· to which' this title hood in this Modern Age." .. PUBLISHER for the intention mentioned by belongs. St.,Peter's is in Vatican the priest, and cannot 'recall City and is the site' of most of Guest of horior at the m~~ting Most Rev. JamesL. Connolly, D.O., Ph!? what it is, it suffices to make. a the sotemn ceremonials associwill be Rev. Robert F: Kirby, ASST. GENERAL MANAGER, , GENERAL MANAGER g~neralintention, v.g.-"for the ated with the Universal Church; . newly ordained priest, also asev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. ,Re~. John P. Driscoil i n ten t ion. requested". The hence, the· confusion as to' the signed to .St. Roch's. The purpose MANAGING EDITOR ,prayers or good works assigned Pope's Cathedral Church in hia of the Serra Club is the fosterinc t1ugh J. Golden· , by the priest as a penance are role of BishopQf Rome" .' . of vocations
. @rh~ ANCHOR .
Lay Missioners Leave for Afr'ica NEW' YORK (NC)-A young , veloped countries of the world. married couple, with their sixThe Kane's destination, is month-old daughter, are now Roma, Basutoland, South Africa. enroute to begin a two-year There Mr. Kane will teach ecoperiod, of service 'as lay missionnomics and accounting at the aries in Africa. Pius XII University for two They are Joseph and Alexa years. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Kane is a' graduate of La Kane, members of the AssociaSalle College with a master's tion for International Developdegree from the University of ment of Paterson, voluntary orSt. Louis. His wife is a native 01. ganization tha't recr,uits Catholic laymen for service in underdeDetroit.
. A&P's 'JThcmks AmericdValue Festival . Brings You Values &alorel
LARGEST CHURCH IN THE ,FAR EAST: Largest church in the Far East is this National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, recently consecrated in Manila (Baclaran) P.L, by Archbishop Rufino J. Santos. Designed of modern Ronianesque architecture, the ~hrine took five years to build, It will accommodate 12,000 persons and is staffed by the Redemptorist Fathers. More than 80,000 persons attend the weekly novena services there. NC Photo.
Sage and Sand
Asserts Confidence' in God, Basis for Pope's: Optimism By Most Rev. Robert J, Dwyer, D.O. Bishop of Reno
Our Holy Father, Pope John XXIII, has already manifested an optimism of spirit which cannot fail to exercise a profound influence upon the Church in our times. A recent report quotes him as contrasting most favorably the situa- ' tion of the Church today munist empire ~rid reports of' with what it 'was 50. years' further dissension among the ago.• His immediate refer- thieves; th~ grim facade may ence clearly' was to local mask a state of internal dissatis-
Artukovic Wins Battl~ Against Red Tit.a Move LOS, ANGELES (NC)Andrija Artu)wvic, former Croatian Minister of, the Interior, has won his fight to avoid being extradited to Yugoslavia to face charges of alleged wartime atrocities. ' U. S. Commissioner Theodore Hocke has ruled the Tito regime presented insufficient evidence of Mr. Artukovic's guilt. He also held the alleged crimes 'to be political in nature and hence exempt from ,U. S.-Yugoslav. agreements on extra·dition. Mr. Artukovic has maintained he is innocent of the crimes charged agfiainst him, chiefly killings of Serbs which took place under the Croatian government set up during World War II after -the German 'invasion of Yugoslavia.
political conditions in Rome and faction and unrest; and it is eel'''; Italy, but he was willing to ex- tainly true that the Communism tend his comof today is something so far ment t o t h e removed from the dream of its world at large. founders as to be no more than F i f t Y years a caricature of the original ago Rome was classless utopia. a city ruled by Nevertheless, the incubus reone of the most mains, the thirst for world domnotorious and ination is by no means appeased, obnoxious bigand there is always the threat ots of the era, of atomic warfare being unErnest Nathan. leashed upon the world. Hand in glove Then 'too there are those with the Grand ' uncounted millions living a twiOrient lodges, light existence of slavery under CHICAGO (NC)-The Chicago Mayor Nathan made public par as coldly brutal a tyranny as the Board of Education has voted to ade . of his contempt for the world has never experienced. lease 25 classrooms in two public Papacy and for religion, Abetted Daring of Prudence schools to the Catholic School by a venal press, the enemies of There is no question but that Board for use by students of the the Church indulged' in a veriOur Lady of the Angels School, table witches' sabbath of defa- 'the Holy Father is a superlatively brave man, He would have to which burned on Dec. 1. mation and plain libel. ' Twelve rooms .in the Cameron 'Not ,even the Holy Father was be in order to undertake his office. He has also indicated that School and 13 rooms in the Orr spared, and St. Pius X and Benehe is a daring man. School will be made available diet XV were forced to endure to the parochial students. Benthe, circulation 'of infamous, 'His daring, emphatically, is jamin C. 'Willis, school superin-' slanders, touching ,themselves, the' daring of prudence, which is t"'e, Sacred College, and the rio more than a clear under- \ tendent, said the rooms will ~1,. standing of th~ realities' of the probably be needed for about cl.,ergy in general. , sihiati6n confronting him.' It,"is 1'% to '2 years by' these' pupils. If we sometimes wonder, why , Mr. wiilis told the board that Italy today has snown herself so poles 'apart 'from that false prl,letence (which so often masquer72 per cent of the 1,266 violations susceptible to Communist propaadesas thereat thing) which is reported ih public schools by the ganda, the answer in large measgiv~Ii'to 'exaggerating diffkulfire 'department have been corure. is to be found in the violent ties and" pennitting them to, rected to date' and that another anti-.clericalism of those distant serve 'as excuses for inaction. 10 percent' are 'now being days., lIe is irripatient, not of pr,oto- worked on. Justifies Contrast' col itself, but' of protocol made, , Since then the Italian people an end in' itself, a hipdrance to have' gone through the pUl'gation, the object' 'it is designed to of the Fascist tyranny, have acliieve. And it is not too much known the bitterness of defeat, to. say that' he has little use for_ VATICAN CITY (NC)-Msgr. and have peered aghast into the, that traditionalism Jwhic,h mere,. Dino Staffa, ,new secre~ary of the seething crater of Communist ly means a blind subservience to Sacred 'Congregation of Seminrevolution. precedent. aries and Univel'sities, has been 'The lesson has not been lost, , Understands Obstacles appointed legai counsel of the and 'if there still remain areas of Vatican Secretariat of State. discontent, the present situation Bilt' it' is' 'also true that optiA, distinguished jurist, Msgr. amply justifies the Holy Father's, mism is a'gift of God. Some men' Staffa served as professor of the happy contrast. '' have' it' by' natural endowment, history of canon law at the Lat, It would be unthinkable today some men lack it, It may be eran University from 1941 'to for 'another', Mayor Nathan to' acquired'by grace, dOUbtless, but 1945. In 1944 he was named a rule'the Eternal City, and' even' it works best "upon a natural judge of the Sacred Roman Rota, the' Communists are' ,prudent basis." '", " ,' '" a high court of the Holy See, 'and enough' to refrain from the There have been Popes who later was promoted to the post methods of their forebears. "were pessimists. Paul IV, back in of director of the 'school attached 0 'Ther'e "are other factors c'on":' the 16th century, took 'a, m<;>rbidto the Rota: ' , trihuting to Pope John's optily dim' view of human nature, 'Msgr. Staffa receritly wa's n1isrri. 'France,at long last, his own family excepted, ana" named secretary of the 'Cong'reseems to have' secured a 'stable managed,' 'in the course of 'his gationo! Seminaries and Univer:o arid'responsif>le governmeht; not pontificate, to 'alienate the loy'sities to' succeed Carlo Cardinal iinaware of itS' Christian 'hel'i-: alties of half the world. His was Confalonieri. ' tage~ " " an extreme case, of 'course. The Holy Father k now s It could hardly he said of BenPana~a France at, first hand, and there edict XV that he was a cheerful is no question' of his deep per- man, though it should be added somil interest in the revival of in ,justice that he' had little , DAVID.(NC)-.-Bishop Tomas the faith in that country which enough to cheer :hini during the ClavelMendez of David jumped so nearly lost' it in the past ha1£course of, the first 'World War/ into a river to rescue five young cen~ury. , ", He smiled but'rarely.' girls in danger of drowning, Elsewhere in Western Europe There, is, of course, such a Passing through, Balbuena on the s i g n s are unmistakably thing as foolish optimism. It was' his return from a missionary hqpefuI. The danger has 'by ,no, shared by the exuberant Pius IX: visit, the Bishop noticed the means passed, but it has rather when he thought ,that the con-' group struggling against a str0':lg clearly receded. 'version of England vi 0 it rd' current' and cryiiig for help. Indications cif Unease promptly follow upon the reThe 37":year-old' prelate, a Even so, surveying the 'world establishment of the hierarchy, gbod sWimmex:" removed his situation as a whole, it takes' back in 1850. But he may be pectoral' cross and cassock and' a' very brave' man to be opti- forgiven his foible; he was one dove into th!:!' swirling' waters to mistic, There may be indications of the most lovable men who pull .the yptplgsters back, to', safety '," , of unease throughout the Com-' ever sat on Peter's thr'one:
Chicago Parish Rents Public School Rooms
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At Our'H~lise'
,SOUP'S Nourishing, Enjoy~ble" Dish for Cold January Days
",:: ..:. THE
Thurs., Jon ~2, 1959
Note Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Creeden, 89 Willow' Street" Mansfield. , members of St. Mary's parish, marked their 50th wedding anniversary with a Mass of Thanks. giving, offered at St. Mary's by ,Rev. Daniel F. Creeden, S.J. of Weston College, brother of Fred Creeden. ' , , Also attending the day's ceremonies was Sister Mary Frederick, S.U.S.C., a member of the table soup sounds complicated. Religious of the Holy Union staIt isn't really. tioned at St. Helena's Convent, We start it on Friday-the, Fall River. The couple;s other' soak-bones, cold"porch treatment four children, including a SOD that take&:, all of five minutes. " from California, were also presThe long simmering and vege- ' -PhotQby Calvey table preparation are done on FOR Tl.IE ADVANCE OF CHARITY: Members of the ent. 'A breakfast, family dinner' Saturday. \ Queen's Daughters 'of Ta~nton serving on the committee fo'r and open house followed the' Then on Sunday we have the their Charity Ball are, left to right, Mrs. Paui J. Fouufuin Mass'. Both Mr. and Mrs. Creederi' have long been' active in st makings to feed an indefinite ,Mrs. William R. Powers a,nd Mrs. John F. 'Doherty'" Jr.' , , number of family and friends. Mary's' parish affairs. Mrs. CreeIt's ready any time and has the den is a pasf president of the homey" taste unattainable a t a u n t o n _ ' aritie's a to e n e it Catholic Women's 'Club. Cr'eeden' any restaurant. Moreover, it has A •' ; II has served as an usher at the vitamins galore, -real stick:;to.,· , gencies: T h r o u g h o u t Diocese " '" church for over 45 years. the-ribishness--and is so easy Mrs. Paul J. Fountain has been 'at Morton Hospital and" 'a on the budget. Per serving, it costs pennies.' named chairman of the Charities . director of the, Stonehill College' Fall River Circle Plans Like, the well-known bBsic Ball scheduled for Wednesday Guild, and the Queen's Daugh- Mystery Ride, R'etreqt . . ht A 8 ' the C' '11' ters. April plans were presented at black gown, it can be dressed up mg, pl'. In ot! Ion Serving with her, as co-chaira meeting of Assumptio.n Circle, or down. The soup, eaten in the' 'Ballroom, Taunton, and spo~- men are Mrs. John F. Doherty, breakfast alcove, accompanied sored by" Taunton Queen II, Jr. and Mrs. William R. Powers. Fall RiveI,' Daughters of Isabella., by crackers and milk, is' whole- Daughters., .. Mrs,' Doherty, St. J:oseph's' par::', They include !l .mystery . ride some day-fare; served at the The post-Lenten affaIr will ish is a director and immediate . Saturday, April 4 and the an:', dining room table with lace benefit Nazareth Hall,St., Vin- pa;t preside'nt of the' Queen;$ nual retreat Friday, to Sunday. cloth, candles and anaccom- cent's Home, St. Vincent de Paul, Daughters. She' is also aCtive -in April 24 to 26. The retreat will' be held at Our Lady's Cenacle panying salad and dessert and: Health Camp, StonehiU College Girl Scouting. ' ' " " 'perhaps cheese and cracker~, it and the aged, infirm and needy Mrs. powers, H;oly Family. Convent. ' The Diocese is represented becomes quite sophisticatedjof ~egr~ater Tau'1ton ,area. ,pa'rish, 'is past president of 'the passed around. before 'the, fire:" ' Mrs. Fountain, a 'member of Children Of Mary of Holy Rosary among state officers; of the' place to stave off pangs of be.,. St. Mary's parish, is a Gray Lady pax:ish. ' ," ," :' Daughters" it' was a,nnounced.' fore-bedtime hunger, it fits perfectly into the cozy atmosphere of good, talk. to And on Monday noon, children, trooping in,ungry as bears, find, 'this soup is "the :-:1ost." , If' there's any ieft over, keep it in the freezer. Like a tried and true friend, it's go0<i anytime!
By Mary Tinley, Daly , Some time, ago, this column printed a recipe fQr vege.table soup a la our house. Since then, we have received , requests; and ~uggestions.·Matter of fact, we note there is r no reCipe for anything so challengingly creative as this staple comestible. Rather, efficiently and more l?eautifully. 'there 'are versions. ' If' it still isn't' a goodly brown, It seems .that vegetable add a bit of gravy color1ng. As I write ,in detail, this vegesoup is like courtshipevery woman has her own, different from anybody else's and how she likes to talk about, it!
Now, ill the of late January, with' appetites keen and budgets low , it's probably the perfect time to trot out some ef the tricks of our soupers, After much experinientation, we give you these, taste-tested and' approved by amateur gourmets: 'Many Variations Get a"beef s~up bone because' It's cheap,er that w}ly, but with plenty of marrow (blood-builder, needed especially at this time of year), a small veal bone if available, and a 'pound or 'more of brisket or' any other cut of , ' , in~xi>ensive beet' ,After yvashing bones and meat, put in a large (twq or three gal.) preserving kettle filled with cold water. Add salt; about four tl;>s. Cover' and let stand overnight on' a'porch or some other cold ,plaCe away fr,om dogs. Don't bOther if .it freezes. The chilled salted' ' water 'vi'-ill "draw the juices", so that by morning the waterwHr \)e '''ptnkey'' (ther«!'. rour notiri~hment). " , Let simmer, not,boil, four, six Theatre' Guild Offers' I er even eight hO,urs. It will reduce, ,making room for the vege:.. ,tables and; iLyo\,t have a veal For the fifth year th~ Catha:-' bone, . will' thicken slightly. If broth' seems' too fat, set' in lie Theater Guild of New Bed-' cold again and lift: off the hard- ford' will ,present "Pilate and' the Cross" 'Quring the Lenten', enedfat. ' , ' Now 'for the vegetables-use seasc;>n. A dramatizatio'n of events _ your own imagination here. You before and after the Crucifixion, might try string beans, a ruta- the play is suitable for presenbaga, carrots, celery, frozen peas tation by parishes or church. and corn, small head of cabbage, organizations. 'Profits from showings, in green pepper, onions, garlic, one sweet and several' white pota- the past, are turned over to the toes, one large can' of tomatoes. Bishop's Fund. The guild has Says Georgia peach Mary Loh performed in Fall River,' New (Mrs. Julius E.) "Honey, you Bedford, Mansfield, Taunton, can't have real soup without Wareham and Falmouth: Interokra! Frozen or fresh, you must ested ,groups are asked to contact Stephen Markey, Fairhaven, have okra." Mary should know, for her cooking rates an A-plus. for adliitional informjition. We'd' advise: Don't use red St. Vincent's to Benefit cabbage or your soup will be From Supper and Show nauseatingly blue; and: skip the beets--save 'em for borsch.· st. Vincent's Home' Alumni will sponsor a ham and bean' Other' IdeaS , As for fixing the vegetables, supper Saturday night, Feb. 7 here are other ideas' contrib..; at the, Home, North Main St~eet,' Fall, River. , ', uted by readers:, Also planned by the group ill Mildred Delano gave .us ',S IIUre-fire--saute garlic, celery a'varietY show at Sacred Heart .....ith leaves, pe9per an'd onion , Auditorium, "Fall River, Tuesday' before 'adding to the stock. and Wednesday, March 31 and April 1. Frank Colaneri Is chair-, 'Flavor is enhanced; Mrs. A. S~ says, "'Cut' 'em man, assisted' by Joseph Murry. lI11 a il. but don't shred yourvegPenny Sale to' Benefit etables. Let people chew!" Jodie Sullivan, Lord rest her Sister Helen William soul, told us about using a grated A penny sale at 7:30 P.M. Frisweet p'otato - taste indiscernible but provides. perfect har- day, Feb. 6 at the Catholic Commony to cut tartness'of the toma- munity Center, Franklin Street, Fall River, will benefit the toes. ' ~et the finely cut vegetables African mission conducted by simmer -along, then rest over- the Reli~iousof the Holy l)'nion., The event is being planned by night~you and the'soup. Com"ment from Mercedes- (Mrs.,Ja,mes friends of Sister Helen William, J.) Hayden: ::"resh vegetables S.U.S.C.; the former, Kathleen should be' served after a short- Cullen, a nurse at. Union Hospi:' term cooking, but in. vegetable , tal, ":Fall 'River. Mrs.' David, soup, the flavors im! better after Boland and Miss Alma JansOD 'slow cookingan~ blending to- are cO"7chairnien. gether. ', : ." Personality Contest:. During the final heat~up, add a bit of prepared barley for more A ·Miss Personality contest nourishment, keep the whole ,will highlight a ~ardi Gras at a simmer, with frequent· stir- bazaar' to ,be held Monday :)nd" ing so that it won't stick. Before Tuesday~ Feb. 9' and 10 at Ke'n..; . serving, add thickening·if need.,. nedy Memoriai Center, ~ew' ed. Make ,that soup mari":slzed. Bedford. Applicants must be' beFor thickening, we used to "tween 14 and 19 and members recommend a white ~ereal until ,of either the Center or a parish another reader,' the late "Mrs: 'CYO. Entries muSt be' reeeived ' Paul Kelley, told us that brown at the youth center by Satur-day, fine cereal would do the job as Jan. 31.
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1'GcIay's Fashions
Accessories, Party Frocks Top Spring' Fashion ,I-Ieadlines .By Ellen Kelley
Have you noticed the luxury look of soft leather handbags ... big, big ones with a hand-made' look, that commute between town and co~mtry? They team beautifully with your ageless tweeds and flannels, they're perfectly at ease Oft a country stroll or downallover pattern with huge cabtown shopping tour. All are bage roses in rose, pink, lavenof considerable bulk and in- der or turquoise tones. As it's a junior dress, sizes are considerable weight --:.. a
7 to 15. It has a high,boat neckbrand new fashion idea - and they promise to be wardrobe ac- line, no sleeves, a hug cabbage cessories par excellence, prac- rose is poised at the waistline, tically four seasons of the year. and the skirt balloons out Emtrancingly. ,Monograms do wonders for , Roberto, Capucci, one of the the ego. So why not initial newest and youngest of Italian your handkerchiefs, sweaters and blouses? If you're deft with dress designers, is making frontpage headline news, with his de~ embroidery needle, you'll do ,.qur own. If not, the cost of lightfully feminine creations. His monogramming is comparatively new collection shows a trend to modest. The result? Simply width. One of his black sheath wonderful for you arid all' de- ' dresses is the popular long-oval silhouette featuring ovals of soft lighted beholders. The, new cashmere sweaters drapery, on an oval silhouette. It's made of filmy crepe in a lire just about the 'finest sweaters banana tone and is one of ten kt all the world. TheY're' deshort evening dresses he features agned with artistry and dipped in shades from beige through kt candlelight colors. Some of apricot. the breath-taking shades include Others of his 'chic, short etanberry, deep crocus tints, soft dresses are silk and wool mixwillow green and delightful delft tures, mohair on taffeta, and btue! Why not team your cashvelvet: Two and three-tiered mere sweaters with matchingblack 'dresses of cut-silk have color 'skirts-an investment in their own black head-dresses, wardrobe beauty, and the very with' hem-length black veils eSsence of sophistication. ' floating behind: Cruise SuggesiioD I'd like to believe the hounds of Spring are on Winter's traces, ,~or,cruise and resort wearpou lucky people who are pian- but, ,fear there's plenty of icy weather ahead. So-o-o,be nicely Ding to vacation in tropical dimes-a lovely linen sheath prepared, girls! Do invest in the beauty and comfort of the hatdress will prove to be a ward._ robe ,favorite for day and date with-scarf.,..... Choose a chic little pilbox or time. One lovely' is a scoop-, an e<l'ually' chic sailor, with atnecked, short-sleeved. 1 i n e n sheath with intricate bodice and tached wool 'jerSey scarf for toast-warm wear. I've chosen a embroidery. It's charming in platinum pink sailor. Togetl:ler with its wonderor ciel blue with white midriff. ful scarf, it keep's me delightful- ' Incfde;ltallY,. two-thirds of the 1ywarm, ,and my hat is anchored bodice and skirt ,feature hand- 'Securely on my head again'it all ' embroidery, and the price is .:a' the icy winds that blow. ' Briefly, Noied bit o~ the luxury side. " Short fashion' bulletins of Spring-minded blouses are in Spring styles: Spring hosiery our' mid~t and, are nothing 'short takes to pale, ethereal colors, of delectable. Some of the loveUest of these new-season blouses bright accent tones, and blending are made of wonderful, no-iron dark tones. ,Black is hi'gh on the nylon tricot. Some feature lace- " hosiery fashion agenda. - Spring jewelry favors cultured trimmed Peter Pan collars, are' daintily pleated into the bargain. and cleverly designed, synthetic Others are styled, with classic pearls, brightly aurora borealis beads! Sterling silver jewelry mnplicity. Some of these chic tailleurs remains popular, and copper flaunt tiny tucks and gathers. jewe,lry is very much to the Some' are delightfully smocked. fashion-fore. Patent leather is important on An-in-all, these ,lovely, easythe Spring handbag fashion list. care nylon tricot' blouses, in a So too are .butter sOft, leathers, wealth of 'Spririg .colors and' saddle leather, and rayon faille. w hit e - are ,inStantly eye- Colors run the gamut of a Spring appealing and no-end flattering. rainbow. Black and Navy are, of Prices are satisfyingly thrifty. course, perennial favorites. Three-piece ensembles, veriSpring gloves feature misty table Winter-wonders, are much pastel tones, deep vibrant tones, to the fashion-fore, these icy with plenty of always-popular days. One ensemble that I par- ,white and black. ticularly like is made of soft , Spring scarves are delightful wool jersey. :"-there's no' other adequate deIt has a slim skirt, a shortscription of them. Some are sleeved overblouse with a yards wide., ,Others are long af,ld draped neckline, three-quarter slim . . . still, others are small sleeved jacket, trimmed' 'with squares, "s9 indispensable for detachable, dyed-to-match col- wear with'Sweaters and blouses. lar of mouton prOCessed lamb.' ,Jacket has one-button clo!ling lit the waistline. Fashionable col.. orS include: vermilion green, champagne, beige, town black and a delightful black-andMaintenance Supplies wbite combination. SWEEPERS - SOAPS ,Pariy PreUy DISINFECTANTS lunior party frocks are nothFIRE EXTINGUISHERS Ing short of elegant, this new season! One of the loveliest D.~HILL, CO~ hereabouts is made' of swishy myon taffeta. It's platinum 1886 PURCHASE Sr. white, is strewn in a, charming
SOUTH YARMOUTH GUILD INSTALLS: St. Pill-S X Church, South Yarmouth, was the scene of installation ceremonies for the Women's Guild. Shown left to right are Mrs. Lawrence Lippard, corresponding secretary; Miss Mary Leary, recordil).g secretary; Mrs. James Quirk, president; Mrs. Ch~rles Still, vice president; Mrs. William Casey, treasurer.
Women Donate $15,000 For. Foreign Relief . WASHINGTON (NC) - Collections for foreign relief through the National Council of Catholic Women's committee on foreign relief reached a peak last December, when voluntary contributions totaled $14,986.76. The contribution's, came frOID orga:ni2;~tions ..and individual women throughout the country. One collect.ive contribution, from the Scranton Diocesan Council' of' Catholic Women, totaled more than $5,000. - Many contributions were made to specific ' programs ' of -the NCCW committee' on foreign relief.The Feed-A~Fami1y,program received $'l,929.93; theMadonna Plan for needy mothers and' children, $8,299.24; the China Doll program, $496; the Holy Father's Storerooms, $949.34, and Korean Shoes, $147.25. Other donations totaled $165.
Friends of St. Anne's Plan to Aid Patients and Students at Hospital
Personal service to patients Mrs. Raymond Dionne is presand assistance to student nurses ident of the new group and Mrs. will be stressed by "Friends of 'George Bounakes is presidentSt. Anne's Hospital," newly 01'elect. Her term of office ganized women's auxiliary to the begin in two years. ' only Catholic hospital in the Other officers are Mrs. Harold Diocese. Hudner, vice president; Mrs. EdMembers will opera~e a book- mund Neves, secretary; Mrs. cart,. providing free lending John Carvalho, recording secrelibrary service'to patients. They tary; Mrs. DanieJ Mooney, treaswill dIstribute mail and arrange ~e.r; Mrs. Frederick SUllivan, flowers. The group will supply assistant treasurer. cnaperones for student nurses' Mrs. Carroll Gettings head. social activities and arrange recthe hospitality committee. Other reational opportunities for those chairmen include Mrs. Raymond enrolled in the school of nursing. Connors, membership; Mrs. Rog'Hospitality c9mmittee memer, Violette, public relations; bers will arrange teas and other Mrs. Eugene Dionne, book cart social' events in connection' with and associated activities; Mrs. hospital aC,tivities such as cap- Francis D'Errico, nurses? actlvpings and reception of new stu-ities. dents. They will' assist 'in plans Sister Madeleine Clement, difor the blessing of the cornerrector' of St.. Anne's school of. stone of St. Anne's new student nursing, is hospital, staff reprenurses' building; scheduled for sentative. Other,membership inChange Directors this Spring. cludes wives of active and courWILMINGTON (NC)-Seton -A women's auxiliary was long tesystaff members at St. Anne's, V~lla, resident home, for girls envisioned at St. 'Anne's, accordwives of board of trustees memoperated by the Diocese of Wil- ing to Mother Pierre Marie, subers and members of the nursing mington and staffed by the perior, but lack of meeting space school. committee. . Daughters of Charity since it .postponed its formation. With An executive board meeting is was opened in 1939, has been' construction of a new hospital scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 27, placed under direction of the wing a. conference room was at which time the date of the Society of the Daughters' of the made' available to the organiza- next full me~ting, will ~ Heart of Mary. ' tion. announced.'
Pittsburgh Nuns Staff Puerto Rico ,Hospital SAN JUAN (NC)""':"The Sisters of Providence Heights, Pittsburgh, will staff Our Lady 01. Providence Hospital. to be built here in Puerto Rico at a eost of' six million dollars, Bishop James P. Davis of San Alan has announced. The Bishop also said that a two million dollar diocesan fund drive for the hospital will probably reach its goal in April.·The additional four million dollara will be contributed by the Fed..,. IOvernmenL
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10 Thurs.,~ Jan THE ANCHOR 22, 1959
to, Know
Fordham Expects Large Increase In Enrollment
By Donald McDonald ' ' Davenport Catholic Messenger I don't know how many people, share my view of the matter, but I regard it as a most dreadful event--.::-Marshall Field's buying of the Chicago Daily 'News from John S. • NEW YORK (NC)-For~ Knight. For all I know, Marshall Field, who also publishes hain.University's plans for ~ the Sun-Times,· may be a " $25,500,000 center afLincohl that one newspaper publisher . better newspaper publisher in his community be a paragon Square were announced here than' Mr." Knight. That is not· of journalistic virtue: honest, obby Father Laurence J. McGiDthe poi.n,t. '.I'he point is t.ha.t .. jective, non-partisan, intelligent ley, S:J., president of the insti. d . tution. the five million or more people a.n WIse. of ChiCago must now depend fOr' Newspapers deal, by and l a r g e , T h e un~versity~s center is pan their' new s, . with material on which honest. of New York's urban renewal opinions and ' differences of opinion and treatprogram in the Lincoln Square editorial comment can prevail simultaneously. area. Details of the university ment on just In rep9rting, one newspaper.· project were revealed by Father two newspaper may give' more weight to' one McGinley to a group of 75 alumpublishers,. Mr. aspect of an event or a situation, ni leaders, . advisers and civie d th while another. newspaper, re':' CARDINAL GRE.ETI.NG: -In'the Washington Retreat: officials at an' informal lunch. Field:.. "an . e porting. the same e\.rent, yvill give. ~(jn. A~9ng' those present weN plibli~herofthe ,'. ht' ·t· . "ff' 't . HoiIsef611owing a Mass which he offerEid there, HIS Emi"', M .. ayor',·R'()·ber·.t·F .... W·agner, Co~ Chica'go' Trib'W:e'lg . 0, a .dl eren aspect. . . ,. ... . ..~ tme and Chicago ' A reader must: nave the op- ·nehce·. Richard' Cardinal Cushing, ,Archbishop of Bo~toJl; ". ,missioner .'Robert Moses,' MaDAmerican(the"portunity.· to 'read' bo'th 'stoiies . greets'Oeft to right)· 'Mrs. Mark A;fheissen or Coving-toD;' iiilttan bo~ough president Hulan Tribune having '.' before fbtm1ng' an :opinion or a : Ky., president of the National Council of .Catholic Women; .. Jack,' and,' ~ohri.. i:>. Rockefellew - b 0 ugh t. '. .oilt , .. .iudgm,Efri~on th~ matter. Buti,n.' Margaret 0( Mealey,' NCCW executive secretary; and Mrs. III.::,::;" a one-newsiniper town he is de- 'JohriJ.Hickey, wife of thegovernor'of Wy'.oming'. NC Photo. Hearst's Ameri.~itigation 'ean seve r a 1 . ·nied ·that'oppor.tUllity. and so h i s · , .. ...' . ." " . ' Fordham: : UniVersity's riglJlt judgments alld opinions will, for' . years ·.ag·0). '0' to participate in the redevelop- . We h'ear a lot ot'talk and' read " the most' part,' be no better ment proJ'ect had. been the sub- . . or, circilmspe·ctor. ~ise .than a lot of articles these days abo.ut " those which' ~canbe formed from Ar.~ ject of litigation for several· the virtues of "pluralism" in this .. . months. State courts had ruled . , the content cif that paper: "pluralistic" soc~ety of. ,?urs; 'A _ Knight's 'Remedy' . :WASHINGTON (NC) -.:.. irtternatio~al affairs on the loea' in favor of Fordham's partici- : lot of the enthUSIasm for plural-' A'" ' .... ' . " 1 co·mmun:~·ty. She sal'd t'hat some patio.n and ·the U: ·S. Supreme . . " . '. . . . . .... , newspaper .man s usua re-The National Council of Ism seems at times more' emQ-'·.··' r t" t h ' ' ' ' ' ' '1' h .. 1.' ,000 C.atho.lie w. omen aro.un.d the ~ Court' had declined to accept· · tl'o'nal than reasoned ,.'". ,' pthat yo.. . mo~lOpo c arge.. 18. Catho·II·C Women I'S' "a ·tre; d'IC t'" _ ,,' '. ......', theree.are other ynews medIa country are expected to attend,·' '.,. Ju.rlS Ion '.m' an appea.I .... - '
Boston Co' rd,·no I'Dec I"'W reos' ome'n .Tremen.dous .·.Force .'for Good.
. BUY'i,?' the
n~wsp~p~.r"publi~h..:.. ·i' ';!adi~,·.',t~l~vi~i()n,<inagazin~s-.::.m endous
fotce for the. good
the institutes.
Federal D!9"o
1~~ busmess, dlverslt~ ~nd. ~ll!~~;; : ~. which: the citizen ·is exposed. in this country';' His Eminence' training "c;9~r~ will be. built ."tr~ct COUJ;"t ,.lD Ne~ Yo~k dIS- . ahsm,take on a P,oslt,lye! lr~~-::,.;: But :t~ese other meciia usually Richard Cardinal Cushing, Ax:ch.. around discussion group~w:ly .'n.lssed two cas~s lD,:,olvmg the ; '~l~ce,~~.le charact~r\a~~ .ye~:lti tr~nsm~t: . only 'the ·.headlinesof.,.bishop jf. Boston, said J:1,ere, ,of the,probl~ms, gl.,lided by PI'O;-. :rIght. of th~ u~lverslty tc? take
~s pr~cl~ely newspape~ 'Il!lbl~*~:-: ~~~. ne'Y~;;t~erE?,i~ no. opportunity
in the fields . ~l:lrt lD the proJect. U11d~r 'discu's·sion. 'A't'the con'cl'u-' . "The' redevelopment o. project from.~ la~k of.thls~lVer!!lty.an~.· read" a: radio' or television broad-' bers of the NCCWboard' of "~ion o,i,each. traiJ)irig course the is being carried out under the pluralism. .. ., ... ,' .ea~t,· pUblishets . are 'also fre-' . discussion groups will drawQP . National Housing Act. . "." ' directors. during their a n ~ \ l a l · . . . The trend to.one-newspaper .. quimtly the owners .of· the local meeting.- 'He spoke following a progra~sfor community action. Father McGinley· said that towns.·.continues. In all btit.:a.radiostation. ':. .FordHam's"new' seven and a , /. .. : Mass, ' offered in the Washingt.on to me~t each problem. ' · few, ,r>f our lal'gest cities, ~~~.:' . It. few years :ago, Mr. Knight's . 'Retreat House, at· which' tlieThe leadership' training insti..'half-acr:e· midtown campus .wiD Ametkan people . depend...JOt' ".reply to·..the:critics of one-news- '. Council directors assisted. tutes will be. given 'at the College prov~~e' ;fa,.cilities Jor the unitheir,'p~.blished,new~.i:mjust.'()~~..~ p<:\per"to~n'journalillln'was that' .,. of SL Mary. of the Springs, versity's down~wn schools of m~n ~'in their' community., .tpe.1. citizeris whose opiriions and ideas .The. Cardinal is former. epis- Columhus; Ohio; Trinity Coliege, law, 'business, social service, edp\iblisher'-owner . Of.. ·the . cit.y),~. ,differed" from .. the' :publishers' copal cpairman of the DepartBurlington, /·Vt., . Williamsburg, ucation and general studies. . o'!ly. newspaper. . .could always publish their views ment of' Lay Organizations; Na~ . Va" St. Mary's Dominican .Col.. 'Inits initial' stages it will And. even in our largest cities, .. pr.ivately in. pamphlet-form and tional .Catholic Welfare Confer,. lege, New .Orleans;Marquette." handle an anticipated. student as. the recent news from· Chicago, . di!lh'!bu'te these. to their fellow- eric~,. which ~omprises. t~e University, Milwaukee; Mount. population of 8,000, an increase . attests, 'the trend to an ever-naJ.:-·· citizens. . '. . . . National ·Councll .of Cathol~c St. Scholastica 'College, Atchison, . of' 50' per cent over the present 'rower "base of .. newspaper pub.:. ~ A publisher .. who 'could seri-. ,Won:J.e~a~d.theNational c;ounc~l Kan., and the College of ihe erirollment of those schools. The .. 'lishing shows no signs of shick- o\lsly ·.:propose ..pamphleteering . o!. Cat~ohc. Men: He m~de h~s HC)ly Names, Oakland, Calif..site occupies' two' city blocks. iog.' as' a remedy:foF-monopoly if! .' fU:st t~lP to Washmgtgn slnce·hl~ ·. .." cll:.pable of ..doin~~ anytl'\iIl~, in- el~vatIon to th~ Sac:re,d 9011.ege , Needs Regulation ' . . clpding,' .selling . his . successful.. to attend the dIrectors me~tmg. . Less'! , '. 'Tl{ere i~ o~ly on~~~ord ',to d~"'" n.~wsp<:\per ·to, one.of,th~ .only.·, : Institutes" lC~itl.e the newspap~r s.· it~ation.. in ' t vrI, o pu ... bl'IS h.ers·· .... ....... :', M . .. .. " , NOWG.OING:ONI m· t"h e "Cl' t y '.U.L M" k 'A" . n·'····: of' th'is tOJ,lnttyatid tha~ i's'''monop;;'' Cpicago, ...., .. , '.... , : . ' . . . ' :' ".:~, .I's'" a~..~. T els~n, .. .oly.";! . . : . 'We, have certainly 'tl'aveleda ..~?vm~t()n,.,I{Y.,.,~C:C\Jl preSl· There is nothing. ,inherently long ~ay; joul'naiisticallyj' from . d~nt,~.re~lded ~t the fo~r-~ay' perniciOUS in a, mori'opoly..It is , tile infant days of'ithe' Republic. '. ,c:~nfe~ence. On~ .?f theprmclpal not something to be instinctive-. when. papers and, .publishers' ~asks of the meetmg was prepar-. ly abhorred, though; it is. ,some",. abounded and when:the Found-'. mg ~he pro~r.am f~rs~ven'leadthing to be watched and, where jng F.a·thers were.' sc:>'corivinced 'ershlP. trammg mstltutesf~., the 'inonopolyleals,ina :c:~m- of' th~:' necessity ofriewspaper. CJ.athohcd,'wAomen to be lleld lD t modity' 'or' service, vital to the diversity and' fr~e?om that they, ··~~~s~~The~~~~ 'said .the instipeopie, it is something that must wrote tbe reqUISIte safeguards '. be .r~gulated. into the Constitution.. ' . t~tes WIll study and 'se~ksol,u~ When'ttw Hutchins' CommilF. We have cOrne a long w.ily,·but tdlOI~s to the prtohblem~ of J.uvtemle . , · I' t "A 't thOm k'.we. can. ,. d . 'be ' e,lnquency, e,dagmg, Slon Issue d't 1 s repor , . '.F ree,·, I "'. d on. escrl ". 1 . I t' th' In ff ~rra-· t;;t. and Responsible Press," back in the jou,rney as "progress." . ela re a Ions an· e e ec 1947, it warned the newspaper Scile Price Sale Price people that publishing monopoly Plan Catholic Action invites government regulation Convention Feb. 27 ' ~2xl08 Plain Hem 3 . 6 5 7~~108 Plain Hem 9 9 and control,. which is ·th¢ last MILWAUKEE (NC) _ More thing that the Hutchins Commis- than 10,000 are expected to at81xl.08 Plain Hem 3 . 6 0 81xlQ8 Plain Hem. 4 . 1 5 sion .and newspaper people in tend the 13th annual Wisconsin . . general would care to see hap- . Catholic Action convention, to 90x108 Plain Hem3.90 90x 108 Pla.in Hem 4 . 6 0 .pe~~. Hutchins ... ~~d· his truly be held in the Milwaukee Audidisti~guished commission,' whiCh torium-Arena from Feb. 27 to Th~se Are Slight Seconds of 'Wamsutta~s Famous Products, , . March 1. . , had investigated newspaper pub-:' , . ~ F,a.t.her.'Louis. E; Ried.el, direc~hichJ)o Not Affect the Wear or Beauty and,Afford You lishihg 'fot- more thana year~; 'were sCoffed' at a!1d ..angrily.' de.{\ . tor ·of. the Sodality Uhionand .' ,the ~reatest Savings in Our: Gre~t Hist~~y ~f 'Bargain ·Prices! nouriced .by some ilublishers. ,~. c:()nvention gen~'ral., 'chairrilim, Blit the Com'mission'spoint said 'most sessions are designed Extra Sales'B~nus was. valid then ~nd it is;valid. f~r high ~hoolshidents. today. A monopoly'control of any Tremendous Selection 1st Quality vital commodity or service will Rosa.ry for inevitably hav;' to be regulated Co.mplete DISCONTINUED BORDER ':EY,eryMernb.~rof in the interest of ,the common ., . SIZE SA1EP,RICE' gO'od, ... '" . ", . The·,Fti·rni·ly.· :.' Newspapers deal with (me:Of F~brics 2i~48 liturgical 'Del!kCalenda~s' · our most indispensable reqtiir~ '·ments-inforrilation 'and .know-I;.. StitlAvailable' 16~~8"Gues't ..:... :.'.... : ~ In Bea~ti~U1 Patterns. For edge, without which the ,whole" ~AII'Your SeWing' Needs. grand,experi~ent. o.f;~~lf-go;v,-:·'K. l2xl~Wdshdoth;·:39C· ernmeiJ.t (to ~ention' only.' o~e' . for Bristol ~qunty .: ." ,.." .,.' ".~ .....;' item) is in mo'rtal danger:' ",. ... 'EmilY. C. '. Perry Oth'er Famous ··Brands·.. · ~'.~'. \., ....•. Newspaper ,~ublishers,"whim' 562 CountY St.\i~~ Bedford: Towels ,to Choose From" 'theY, talk.abou( fun_<!.!lmentar · righ,ts at all, usually' concentnite .. ,.Opp;St. Lawrence' Church . A,I at L~~ Janu'ary P~ic~~! .. ., ~. , .: 'on their own 'right to a free press, their Constitutionally' gti.aran.,. teed freedom to ,pubiish.Seldom , do we read anything in,a'news-', paper about the' citizens~' "right . TAUNTO.N, MASS. to know." " ._ . APPRAISER . .' . Al citizen's right to know is REAL ESTATE THE BANK ON . . seriously 'jeopardized when his TAUNTON GREEN only normal access to published ACUSHNET AVE. AT lOGAN Sr., New Bedford-Hardtop . INSURANCE knowledge is throu'gh' the ,Member of Federal Deposit columns and pages of one man' P~king. Open Daily Monday through 'Saturday 9:30 A.M. .' WY 3-5762 in his community." , . '. 136/Cornell St, .'Insurance CorporatiOll 10,5:15 P;M.Stmy; NO Phone o~' Majl' Orders Nor is'hisright 'to know any New· Bedford' less,seriously jeopardized sho\ild.· .'" 109 whIch today suffers most
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Thurs., Jan 22, 1959 "~
Education Makes' Demands On Parents andTeachers"
Army Post Sgts New Film Ru~e For Children
By Father John L. Th,omas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology St. ,Louis University.
INDIANAPOLIS (NC) Army authorities' at neigh-' boring Fort Benjamin Har-' rison have taken steps to
Aren't we gettil1g over~organized? Our pastor 'is an excellent priest, but now he's' insisting that all parents attend every meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association and take an active part, 'in school affairs. I'm all' for Catholic . education. I've always supwhat cooperation they expect ported the school and insist- from. parents. ' ed my' children attend Second, teachers will come to that's my duty. I don't go know the parents, something of
protect teen-age dependents of military, personnel from the effect of objectionable movies. An order issued by the commanding general, Maj, Gen. Frederick J. Kendall, stipulates that children under 18 will not be permitted to attend a "mature" film in the post theatre unless accompanied by a parent or another adult. . The movies are, classified by military ',authorities as either "family" or "mature" before distribution "to Army installa.'tions. '
for all this parent-teacher activthe home environment' of their jty. Let the teachers do their pupils, some of the problems work and I'm modern parents face in the home satisfied. and in the neighborhood, and I'm not sure something, about parental attiwhether we're tudes; toward the school and its getting "over' work." "., " . ' '. ' organized" or This exchange of views and not as 'a nation, ' factsi\;'neecied for cooperation. Tom, but I'm:' In many cases, parents and vel' y" cerhlin' teach'ers' face' mutual problems this is' not the . 'jrt dealing with children. They Missioners .·Purcba~ casein our need each other' in wo'rking out' Former Sanitorium Catholic school ,practi~al" sOlutions ~hich will system. You, realistically meet the needs of 'SARANAC LAKE (NC) - A. and thousands children u n del' contemporary former tuberculosis sanatorium of others like' ' conditions. ' has been purcha!!ed by the So- , yourself, have done a splendid' Extension' of Home ciety 'of Missionaries of Africa, job in supporting the system. . Third, children will benefit better known as the White FathCatholic education is one of ' the from this exchange because they ers, for use as major seminar~ .proudest boasts of ,the Church in will recognize that all their It ~ill 'serve, the entire U. So America. This, does not mean" teachers, . at home' and in, the province, The seminary will be- . that there is no' room ,for iin'school,' understan'd their prob~ gin operations in September with" terns, 'are mutually interested in provement., , accommodations for some 151 ," them,' 'and ate sincerely working studerits; . ' ,'" Real Function' for a common solution; , A NOBLE, AUDIENCE: His Holiness Pope John XXIII, . .The seminary 'buildings weN The '·real 'source of 'your diff,i-, :Hence, they 'wili encounterilo' received in annual audience' representativ'esof 364 families formerly the' 'home of' Ston," culty stems from ;failu~e to contra'cliction between what they of the Roman nobility. He is pictured receiving soi.ne of Wold Sanatorium,. ~or 55, yea,? understand, t~e reaLfunctI~~ 0(. are taught" in the, school . and " t,he children Of the nobility. NC;. Pho.to,s., ' . one 0,£. the. nat~ori's best know. the school.. In the educatIoqal, , what. they 'learn from 'word arid . " ' "'" ', institutions for the'treatment .. process. As you ~now;,To~, P?r-. 'eXample in the home. tUberculosis. " ents h.l!-~e t.he pnma,ry oblIgation .., Some parents are opposed to ' to ~wd~, .mstruct, a~d, ,educate, ,such meetings because -they' in- .' Honor BC Alumnus their chIldren. ." ' . ,terfere.with their social' life or WASHINGTON (NC) - Rear In a ~ense, .partIclllarly m t~~"take them away from home: If 'JEFFERSON ,CITY (NC)-Ariy zoning law 'or ordi- A~m. (Dr.)'. 'Bartholomew W.' earlyyea~s, the schopls~rves;as,_ extension' they would see .the school' as' an nance w·hl'ch seeks, to, 'prevent :th,ebti'ilding" of a church at Hogan, an alumnus of BostoD ' an extensIOn of the' famIly.. AIthe' home and the ' College, has been: nominated by though. ,teachers ,.ar~ spec.lally ,teachers as ,their partners in the any location in Missouri is in violation of ,the 'Constitutions President Eisenhower to be chief : prep~red for their task, t~ey training of their children, they " of the United· States and of Missouri. of, the Navy 'Department's BufU!1ct~on as, delegates. or asslst- could not sincerely maintain this . This; in substance, is' the reau of Medicine and Surgery... ants .of the parents. " . attitude. . , , , The ,State Supreme Court held H~ is a 'native of West QuinC3l, ;rhe . total educ?!ion. of the. : Finally, Tom, you are' fortuopiniono~ the Ftrst,Djvision that the State of Missouri had Mass. . chIld In our society mvolves nate in having such a zealous of, the,' Missouri 'State', Su.,. granted no authority to cities to both parents.and'formal. educ~:- .and far-seeing pastor.' He sees preme,·Court., ,The·. opinion prohibit the building of either tor~. P~rents. do n?t fulfill their, the educational process for what upheld an earlier ruling by' St. churches or schools in residence " ~i ' Electrical districts., oblIgations In, t~IS respect bY, it is a cooperative task. shared Louis County Judge, Haymond simply s~pporti;ng ~he school by home and school. .:' 4 Driere. ' , v~ Contractors "In view of the strong conand handmg their children over, . It would probably be, leSs-The legal effect :of'the .ruling stitutional :provisions for free:' to the, teachers. ~ ," " itroublesome' for him to' run the " ~iU t,l~ to, permit' ~e building dom of religious worship,'we do Lik~wise. teachers make a schooi as Ii· one-man show' but: of. a Jewish synagouge in a 'St. not think our Legislature had serious mistake~ if the~ ~ssume. he; knows, that 'this app;oach LOuis: ,'subIirb, Creve' Coe1.1r , any ,intention of excluding' the! can manage the 'Child s edu- 'does not" develop . responsible' which. is, a community, of ex- , churches' or Schools from res~;., , cation by themselves.\True edu- Christians. ' pensive, homes in' western St., dence districts," the court said. cation represents the balanced, The coiJrt said it considered adequate, complete formation of ,Ohio School BO'ard 'Louis Cl:lUnty. 944Counfy St. the child as he develops toward The· ,Mayor and aldermen 01. provisions of both the 1945 M'ismaturity. This process obviously A,,sks,., N,~ew Opi.,ion Creve-Coeur had refused to grant souri State Constitution; and the U. S.' Constitution, in making New Bedford' " req uires the close coop,eration of ., CLEVELA:ND (NC)-Strongs- a building permit for C construcfamily and school. tion of, 'a new , ongregation its decision.' ville School Board, which re- Israel temple in Creve Coeur.' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!. Both contribute ceived an opinion from Cuya- They based their action on a To be sure, parents and teach- ,hogaCounty prosecutor that, city zoning ordinance. ' ers fulfill distinctive' roles, but' transporting parochial school puthe goal of their efforts, the total pils on public school buses is CU Anticipates formaiion of the child, cannot be legal, now 'has asked the Ohio divided into n eat I y distinAttorney General for an opinion. , 'WASHINGTON (NC) -.:.. More' guished, unrelated, compartLewis A. Lenkaitis, Strongsthan 3,500 stildents are expected ments. ville school superintendent, said to register for the Catholic UniThe,child is/one-at home and the board is seeking the Attorn- versity of America's 49th sumin the school. Parents and teachey General's opinion 'because he mer session to be held from June ers both contribute to his gradis the, State's highest legal ,ad- 29 to August 7. The university's ual formation. Eithkr way they, "'viser and is the' legal counsel 33 departments 'will offer 453 work, together or they work for'the State Board ~f Education. courses jn 56 major fields of against each other, ~f)-4.t~e chil~ ,. ,;'.. Th~,q4estion a1'05:l 'after a re_ ' study. will benefit or suffer accord-, quest from, parelJt,s of St. 'Joseph ingfy; " , j'" • ' p a r i s h 'schi>ol pupils Viiho live 'and ' Unfortunately, '.I,'om t c ,some·,~pay,,; taxes dn, the' Strongsville'" parents and teachers have overSchool district: A similar petilooked this fact in' the past.. tio~ was turned down nine years Becaj)se they had great' este~ni agQ. " ~ for teachers, or because they thought they were t.go busY,some' parents have handed.. over tht! entire training of their children to the schools, evidently believELECTRICA~ CHARLES, F. VARGAS ing that their parental obliga• Ii CQNTRACTORS 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ' tions ended there. NEW BEDFORD, ,MASS. ,Some teachers were apparentResidential - Commercial , '" '. Indumlal .. ly quite content with this ap-" proach, either becal1~e they, ,633.lroa.·dwa, y, Fan Riv., overestimated their 'owl}, ability . or felt that parental "interfer-' OS 3-1,691 : ' If ·tronspor,tation is a problem can us : encei ' ~ould' be an' unllecessary ,~ ..'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nuis~nce. i. " "~ • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • we will make provisions to care • Pel"haps these attitudes were' •• : ,FOR PLEASURE., not so harmful in the past under for your need s. • • · more stable social conditions. • EAT They' are clearly inadequate. : SPECIAL ATTENTION and DELIVERY : today. •• .'. GIVEN TO EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTIONS Ii • All Benefit • That.,R-RiChIN'Y,ellO,W';'RObust I know, Tom, you are going to r Surgical AP, pliance Co. : ask what is to be gained by such FRESH CUT-UP POULTRY frequent meetings of parents and Pharmacy , : teachers. All parties will benefit. '" 'Hearing Aid Co. • • First, parents will get ~o know : their' school, their children's , , FARMs : Arthur J. Shea, Prop. : teachers, what the school is try145 Wash~ngton St. Fairba¥en iqg to do for the children, what. Just off Route 6 : 202 and 206 ROCK ST. TEt. OS 5-7829 •• : are th~ teachers' problemlii,ancl . ' '
" ' M issouri' Hig h Coun 'S""tri'k'es'D'own, 0' rd'inan.ce· Regu'I'ating "Churc'h es '
'~a~4;... ,
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lorquic/(tleOvelY 01
• • •• ••• •• •• •• :• :•• •• SAVE MON'EY ,ON;, •• •• • YOUR'OIL HEAT! ••• •• ~ coil ~~;';: •• •• • • ':,Working With Your DoctQr ': • • :, To:' Safeguard 'Your l:Iealth:
··:• ••
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· .................... :,' ,,""lUI' 4 '
Christianity IsJ9yfui
, '
Says Sole Hilma,. Corlditi,on . For Peac'eBy Joseph Is Good Will A., Breig Cleveland Universe Bu!letin
l~ Thurs.~ J:n :2~C~~: 1' '. At Lec:ist' a 'Dime~ •• _~".,' Failure to Share' "God 'Love;'·You' Ideas Hampersr' , By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. The Catholics of the United ,States laSt' year gave to the Holy Church Work Father for all the Missions' of the' world' 30C each! The Protestants
In those w:ho are truly, at peace with God-and there-, COVINGTON (NC) - A -fore with themselves and their neighbors--there IS a quality Catholic Editor said that a th~t,I, for one, cannot quite captu're in words. The closest current "breakdown of comI can come to it, is to say that it is as if some source of light munications" is one of the and , ' warmth had been 'turned , " T h e lack of' this response of most serious impediments to the ,on. ' human freedom to God's call to advance of the Christian aposto'Pope .John X·XIII alluded the service of His merciful de- l a t e ' . ' signs constitutes the most ter,James M. Shea, associate edito t h is deep subject when,h e tor of the Catholic Telegraph-
gave to their central bureaus for their' foreign missions an average of, $2.34 each! The Catholics' of the United States have about 5,500 missionaries overseas;tlie Protestants have about 28,000 missionaries ov:erseas. "
,How is ,this grave inferiority, in money 'and personnel on the part of American Catholics to be overcome? Through increased spirituality and principally' thrQugh the idea that . rible problem of human history, Register, Cincinnati archdioc-, vie are co-redeemers of humanity with d' th a t Ch; remark e, rIS t'lam't~'lS 'Christ. Christ on the Cross, potentially saved not mournful, but joyful. He de- and, of the lives of individual esan weekly, told a convention men and peoples." all the Chinese, Indians, Buddhists and Mosh II c rib e d te of the 'Covington Dii>ces~n Coun"lems, it is up to us \vho are members of His Faith as producGod's Kindness ' cil of Catholic Men that the failChurch to actualize that redemption through ing "joy, in orThose of us who have gone ure of Christians -to· cominunioffer~ng either what we have or what we are! der, and i n te·th th h through the experience of turn- ca WI one ano er as creThe·more we are Christ's, the'more give peace with God, ing to God and discovering in ated "iron curtains of the mind." what we have to Christ. We cannot increase wit h oneself H' P . Him our .Father,' B.rother and amperlDg rogress giying to the lJlissions until we increase grace and with' one's M r. Shea deci e Friend can testify to the truth ard th a t the and sanctification ,in souls.: ' neighbor." d ld t ts d of Pope John's words. .mo ern wor rea wor s as The 'Christian • "the cheapest of commodities, who is sour is , What God ('aIls us to is em- mere coins, * * * to be rattled ' Sa~t Paul said: "In 'this mortal frame of :mine I help payoff • kind of contraditionin terms;, phatically '''the service of His through the counting machines the debt which the afflictions of Christ still leave to be paid for the • kind of, contradiction in terms, merciful designs. Allow me to of our minds * * * Thus words sake of His' Body the Church." Saint 'Paul did not mean that Our plained - as it sometimes i s - ' approach tQis point in this w~y: ,are dulled, damaged, clobbered, LOrd 'did not suffer all He could but that we have not yet appropriby some physical condition (per,": ' when, Stephen 'Collins Foster,'the ated all the sufferings in His Flesh to our flesh. As our hands are immortal composer, of such A- battered, wrung out, robbed of . ha psa pressure on t h e' b rain or a vitality, of precision, o~ dignity,''''; . marked with the imprint of His nails because ,we sacrifice what is nervous disorder) or by some m'erican c1assicsas "My Old KenThe speaker blamed lack of' in our tightly 'closed fists, as our feet are riven with steel because circumstance which overwhelms tucky Home," waS found dead; communication for hanipering missionaries leave our homeland for the missions, and as our hearts biro. iii his pocket was ,a tom envelare p~ercl;ld with the lance of sorrow 'because of the millions 'who ope on which was written what" progre;;s in race rel~tions, trade, have not come to"'the love of th.e'Sacred Heart so we stamp our flesh Essence of Messages apparently was a line for anoth- educatIon, commumty harmony , Normally, the really good er of his songs: "Kind friends ',and even th~ Catholic apostolate. with the pattern of Our Saviour's sufferings. ~rso,n is· fil!e' with a serene,. and gentle people." False Hope -,-,-- ' \ happiness. Pope John, in h~s' "Nowhere is the matter of 'The deeper becomes our union with Christ through Commtmioll Christmas message, applied t~is' 'All the kindness and gentle- poor _communications more ioand prayer, begging His Spirit infuse our minds and 'hearts, the truth to the modern world, wiQl ness of the ,good people in the' credible or more disastrous than more our love extends beyond parish, diocese, country! As Our its,black blotches of godlessness:" world~all fathers and mothers, among members of the-Mystical 'Lord had 'unfurled above His Cross the names of the three great es and oppression, which threaten brothers and sisters, grandfath.. , . Body of Christ," Mr. 'Shea said:' cultures of His time; the Hebrew, Latin and Greek, so we nail over· 118 all withroin. '. ers' and grandmothers, and saints "In' Christ's Mystical Body we His Cross today the names of ,the cultures, of Africa, Asia 'and The ,Holy Father begged nll~ii- '-is 'only the faintest shadowing are united with a bond' more' Oceania;: '. kind to achieve '!unity, and, for'th of the gentleness and kind-· intimate than our imaginati011S " Tli~ Holy Father; John XXIII Slrld that the' principal interest of peace-;' and observed' that, 'ia ne~ of q'oa. ' ciuicomprehend ~ '.. For 'fellow the Church tOday is the foreign: missions. The more spiritual we those. two - words could ,be ex. Ch~rch ,Continues . Work members of tile Mystical Body to· become the more' we love thif missions. It now remains for the pr~·ssed· the,r"sence· of. all the .' ' hold back in their desire to com:'" Catholics of the United States·toapplythe Crucifixion of Chris'tto But this reflection of God's mu'n·I·ca·t·e· ,wI·th· e·ach other ·i's al-' " their . " .flesh , . ,to Ii 'greater" .the , ' . · ' Christmasmessag"s 0 f h IS great, ' own extent than equivalent of the prIce' prede,cessor, Pius XII,. ihroug~ goodness is ,man's powerhouse mast'to deny their membership of a package of cigarettes a year. To aiJ. who read this column,'begin )9 "critical years.' ," of peace for humanity, because in this greatest of realities."" with a: little Sacrifice. '. ,send Us at least a dime. .• '' With ciarity and pr'ecision, if, we ,will do our little share, Mr. 'Shea warned that Coni:.. Pope John directed our 'attention God, wil,l do His infinite part. munism "holds out to the world' .,. ' . Thus Pope John was able to say '" GOD LOVE YOU to H.K. for '$5 '''This is in thanks to st. to" the root thing that is' -wrong that the only' human condition' the false hope of a wretche'd, 'Francis,for finduig our dog" '... to M.J .0. for$5Q. "This is only tlie on our earth - the basic tragedy for.a' world of unity,. and peace unhply,: anti-Chri~tian' ,com-beginning in response to the J3lessed M;other for petitions granted , out of which grows all 'other munity". , .,', , P f $ 'h d i d t " .Arm o·f' Chur'ch -, '. an<J prayerS,always answ~red.' ... to .C..F. or 5.' I a p anne 0 · is our good will. trage d ies, a 11 h atre d s' an d d,~!!::' 'II h·d . Ch' bQY .a n,e. W, lam,p for my bedroom but I ,am sending th,e .inoney to' .PI·mI·n t'o'n and perse ut'I'ons ,It is a gat ere up. In nst -In the fa'c'e of· thI·s",chall'.eng'e, ..... a 1 s c . . th Ch h h" h . •. , b~ighten ,the, path. f,OI:.,someone looking ,f.o.r" the Ligh,t."; .. to A.M.A; and ,wars-everything that pre~ IIi e urc, w IC carrIes on he· ~aid, that' Catholic men, might vents us from establishing a Christ's work for the restoration to be in the -forefront of those for $1 "J am a teenager and had planne<;i 0t;! gett,ing a' new s\y~ater, . I d' t t' 1 d f't of mOan's broken 'unity.' In 'the wh·o· ·wo'r'k to bu'I·ld a better' comlike, the 'other girls are wearing this year, but after hearing your IIOCla an In erna lOna or er, 1 h 1 iff appeal. I thought others would n,eed it more than I." us as the children of God: ' Churc ai' d erences can be miInity~ "Catholic inep-mi:lture, ~e cas.t.his eyes across history, ,reconciled to bring about "the educated, motivated' With' the " anll reminded us that in its very, peace of Christmas, the peace of; highest' 'motiv,eS-:-Ought to give' We ,will send 'YOll a WORLDMISS,ION RQ;lARY it you send beginping, '.'itrecords a bloody , CiIrist, which so' long as it is the wO,r~fi an example "of both us a sacrifice of $2 along with your request for ,the rosary. On the episode: brother killed brother." missing' leaves· the world in a .willingness and a facility for green decade of the rosary you ,pray for Africa. Because y~u pray Thus the law of love, planted in agony, but when presen~ fills communicating," he stated. ,and sacrifice native seminarians there place themselves in the man's heart by his Creator, was the heart with e:.:.tltation." Bishop Clarence G. ,J:sseJriann . bands of Mary that one day she may place her Divine Son in their "torn by an evil will which led Honesty compelled Pope John of Columbus stated the Council hands. humanity onto ,the paths of ·in:.. to recognize'that there are men of Catholic Men is an important Cut out this,column, pin your sacrifice to it and'mail it to the : justice and disorc1er." of "evil intent" who are oppress- diocesan arm of the Church. He Most Rev, Fulton J, 'Sheen, National Director' of The Society for Pope John then uttered these ing the Churcp and the people said: "You db not' act independthe Propagation of the Faith,366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N, Y., moving words: . ' behind the iron curtain 'and in ently. You work in unison with . or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, . "The only condition on the'part China. But this wickedness can 'your bishop and priests andor368 North Main Street; Fall-River. Mass. ' of man (for unity. and peac' , on be overcome by our goodness, ganizations of men, women and earth) is good will, which is also under God's blessing, if we will youth in furthering the Kingdom a grace of God, but must be free- get at it. Then the warmth and of 'God: There is unity in 01'ly conditioned upon man's relight will be turned on all around ganization, a oneness in purpose, sponse. the earth. ' . . a unison of ,effort. It mut be so if anything worthwhile and lasting is to be achieved.",
Ilenciult • Peugeot .' Simca 6'1 Miqdle Street, ,Fairha,ven
• .'
.,SAlNT ,JU'DE' Saint of. the' lnipossib"e
,and Sons, I.nc.
,Novena Services at 10:00 A.",., 12:10, 5:10, 7:00,
,:. SE·,G U IN. Trude: Body Buflders, Aluniinum or Steel ' ,944 'County St.
, '. NEW BEDFORD,' MASS. -WV2.66' 8
CATH,EDRA,L DEDICATION: Fouad C,hehab, presi-, " dent of the RejmhUc of Lebanon; membe,rs. of his, cabillet·; . Greg?ry Cardinal ,Aga~iimian aJ;ld '~giu~t~tiSCardhialT.ap- ' poUDI, and Papal ~uncio·Arcp!Jispop~ Joseph Beltrami w~r~_ , '. present for the dedication of the new Cathedral for 'the" . Armenians i", Beirut:, A view of the: altar' 'during the soJ,. tII1Il chanting of the Gospel is shown here. NC Photo.
and' 8:00 P.M.
For Novena Booklet Write to ,
WYmGII 6-8274
Warsaw Regime Gets Treasures OTTAWA (NC) -Polish art treasures, stored at the Bank of Montrelj.l for, mo.re than 12 years, have been turned over to representatives of the Warsaw regime for return to Poland. However, 24 other chests under custody of the Quebec Provincial Government, will not be surrendered until a competent court determines the rightful owner, Premier Maurice Duplessis has declared. The treasures being returned include the historic 'coronation sword of Polish kings; the jewelled Hetman baton, carried by Polish field marshals as their symbol clf authority; other maces and swords; 11th and 12th century tapestries and scrolls and 20 folios of original manuscripts by ;hopin. They will be placed in the Cracow State Museum near Warsaw. The treasures, valued at over 50 million dollars, were surrendered after an agreement had. been reached between Jozef Polkowski and Adam Zurowski, trustees of the treasures, with the Polish Executive Council of National Unity in London, England. Early in World War II, when Hitler's Nazis invaded Poland, the treasures were. spirited out of the country and ,br.ought~o Canada for safe' keeping. The Canadian government, however, refused to aSilume responsibility for safeguarding them. ~
Passionists' 'Head Visiting Philippines UNION CITY (NC)-Father Ernest Welch, C.P., Provincial of the Passionists' Eastern U. S. Province of St. Paul of the Cross, is enroute to the I Philippines to visit the passionist missions in· the Province of Cotabato. He will also conduct the annual spiritual retreat for the Passionist missionaries working in that area. The Passionists have been in the Province ~of Catabato since last January, working under Bishop Gerard Mongeau, O.M.!., Prelate Nullius of Cotabato. Father Welch, as Provincial, has already sent 15 priests and one Brother to the Philippines.
THE ANCHOR - ' Thurs., Jan 22, 1959
Urrutia Promises Strength~ning
Of Family HAVANA (NC)-The Cuban government will reduce ". facilities for divorce in an effort to strengthen the Christian far'1ily, the nation's provisional President t old Cuba's Cardinal. . His Eminence Manual Cardi. nal Arteaga y Betancourt, Arch. bishop of Havana, called on provisional President Manuel Urrutia to express the wish of the Church in Cuba for a government providing for the common.' good of all. Auxiliary Bishop·" Alfredo Muller.y San Martin of . Havana accompanied the Cardi- , nal to tl!e presidential palace. Cardinal Arteaga commented~,., on statements made by the new. Cub a n regime's spokesluen, about morality, the suppressio", , . ' • of gambling, and social reform•. ' CARDINAL GREETS NEW CUBAN PRESIDENT: Pictured in the presidential· Bishop Muller told Pl'. Urrutia ,r residence in Havana, to pay' respects to the new president of Cuba are His Eminence that he would offer a Mass for Manuel Cardinal Arteaga, Archbishop of Havana, and his Auxiliary Bishop Alfredo Muller. those1 ~ho were slain in the · provlslOnapresl .. I ' 'd en t IS . s h own atI ' D r. Manue'I U rru t la, e t, and Mr.f Gustavo Pena Monte, revo utlOn. 1\1 •
NC corresponden~ in Havana, at righ~. The new president promised to stiffen divorce. laws, stop 'gamblmg, and advance socIal reforms..NC Photo; .
Reforms for Better... Cuba
Continued from Page One 4. The state must support and above that which is measured by protect the sanctity of the fam- . time. ily, defendi,ng "with valor" the' 2. Individuals and societies unity and indissolubility of marriage. must worship God and those in power must set the example of. "Since divorce is the cancer' honoring God.' . that is breaking down families Christian Life where it has been accepted ... 3. Children must be trained in we recommend that the new rethe home and school- whether public break the old moulds ... public or private-ina Christian. and uproot . . . this malignant . tumor which has been allowed way of life. The Archbishop said, that· to grow in past governments," there is no obligation to, instruct. the prelate stated. 5. Immorality mUll t b e as Catholics that "insignificant minority" who are not Catholics, . cleansed' from society in, several but "we must not. tolerate the· ways: ,without restricting freeinjustice of depriving the major- ' dom of the press, excesses of the ity of religious instruction' out press should. stop; pornographic' of respect for the minority ... a· ·and lewd shows should be bar': red; other perversion and moral. student has a right to a Christian formation' and 'to not' be' subcorruption should be removed and exploiters of vice should be jected in the school to a, plan 'of punished with a firm hand. religious ignorance, which does Housing Aid not favor anyone and is harmful 6. For esthetical and humanlto all."
Whist to Benefit Yearbook
Spotlighting Our Schools ACADEMY OF TIlE SACRED HEARTS, FALL RIVER Seniors Theresa Costa and Arlene Furman received certificates for attaining perfect scores in the first of a series of three tests given by the National Office Managers' Association. These seniors will compete in future NOMA spelling bees. The dramatic club has elected Natalie Shaker president and Barbara Nobrega, secretary; Mary Boland was chosen "Sodalist of the Month" by the sodalists' vote. Runners-up included Eileen Perrault and Katherine Danneman.. A study of Roman life in the days of the Caesars is being made by Latin II students under the direction of Sister Francis Sebastian. Wedding customs, life in town and country, names, families, and homes are being discussed. . Seven seniors are participating in National Crime Prevention Week by writing essays on ·"How Law Abiding Youth Can Combat the Growth of Juveni~e Crime." They are Elizabeth Cetola, Dawn Smith, .Mary~'o~. Simcoe, Rita Faria, Mary Boland, Janice Faria, and Carol Regan. The prdjeet is under' the auspices of' the National 'Exh ge Club ' " , . " ." '" c an. ST. MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL.' TAUNTON Seniors will conduct a whist .party Tuesday, Jan. 27 in the school auditorium to benefit the Corona. The committee is headed by Mrs. Thomas Spillane, chairman, assisted by Senior mothers. Students will donate prizes and cakes. Susan Eagan, Representative for Good Government Day, will
1_3_.' ",
·tarian reasons, housing must be' . cleaned up and "dirty habitats where so many families live" in, physical and moral disorder must disappear. '7. All men in pUblic office must be' upright and honest, "the mirror of good behavior both in the home and in public, who fulfill God's law prior to anything else." No p~blic office should be "bought or sold, nor gained through frau<;l. al).<;l. deceit." Public officials should be adequately paid, so that improper dealings would not tempt them. 8. Public officials must consider the security and well-being. . of the people and of families and, their decisions should not bci made for. political motives. 9. Tenant farmers must feel happy in their duties and the governn1ent must sponsor adequate assistance to help farmers.
Dr. Urruti:t~I~;~m:he prelates tha~ the government hopes to reduce the causes of divorce ift order to avoid the disintegration .: of Cuban famities and to safe-' guard the bonds o'f matrimony. He said the government is also determined to forbi<;l gambling;' "one of the worst sores, because ' it is generally followed by the sale of drugs attd an imbalarlce in family budgets.'" . Dr. Urrutia added that instead: of furnishing illegal amuse-" ments, the Cuban government' would provide the nation's youth .' with sports programs for recre- . aticin and to build them up physically. In the unofficial conversation, the provisional President recalled the years when he studied under the Augustinian Fathe... at the College of 'St. Augustine in Havana. He said the priests were responsible in large part for his integral education and moral upbringing. Dr. Urrutia was a judge for 31 years until he refused to condemn young rebels in Santiago.'
Jom with other delegates from the district Tuesday, Feb. 3 in a specially conducted tour of the State House as a preliminary to Student Government Day March 13. ' Biology and .chemistry students are working on projects for the science fair. The school fair will take place Monday, March 23, in order to make the students eligible for the Massachusetts Science Fair and the Second Diocesan Science Fair in May. Sister John Mathilda, biology and chemistry .teacher, is in charge of the prel~minary competition.
. HOLY FAMILY HIGH SCHOOL, NEW BEDFORD Junior varsity debators will take part in an intramural tourn- . ament Saturday, with varsity debators as judges of the threeround contest. Arranged by Atty. Maurice F. Downey, coach, the .tournament is, open to juniors with little or no' debating experience, and to all freshman and sophomore members of the debating society. Members' will participat'e in an 'exhibition debate at St. Patrick's . parish' hall, Wareham, on Sun~ day, with affirmative team Mary J~ne Walker. and Kathleen Mor-, rIssey opposmg Robert F. Law-, ler.and.G.eorge J. Thomas. Kath-, erine Kelleher will be chairman. In attendance, will beCYO' members from Wareham, Matta-, poisett, Marion, Buzzards Bay" and Middleboro,. who are plan-' ning to start a debating' league in the Cape area. Holy Family Alumni are spon-, soring a Mardi Gras dance for the student body to be held at, the Kennedy Memorial Center Saturday night, Feb. 7,
".~!:, ·!~(~:;~~!.4~~~t57:t~~¥;~~~:
MARY'S, . :'N.6RTH ATTLEBORO t~ ~Confirmlition classes are be:'-ing formed and the sacrament will be administered 7:30 Sun.: aay evening, May ~24. :~. A parish whist· will, be held ',in the school hall at8 Tuesday :.evening, Feb. 3. Gordon Langille is chairman and James Strigas co-chairman.
ST. WILLIAM'S, I).\fMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER NORTH EASTON· Weekly whist - parties, span . Troop 56, Boy Scouts', plans a sored ,by the Women's Guild, 'compass hike under the leaderresumed on Tuesday.. Next guild ship of Leo Kent. John J. Kent • meeting is scheduled for Wedis ·scoutmaster. . ne'sday, Feb. 18, and will be opeD' BLESSED SACRAMENT, to guests. FALL RIVER SANTO CHRISTO, The Women's Guild plans a FALL RIVER meat pie supper and penny sale The· C 0 u n c i 1 of Catholic for Saturday, Feb. '14, with Mrs. Women will install new. officers Yvonne Coppinger /and Mrs. Bertha Belariger as co-chairmen, at 7:30 Monday evening, 'Feb. 9. with Mrs. Alice peGagne, chair- . Mrs, Agnes Rezendes is in charge of, arrangements, and the man. program· will be held at Fatima The next regular meeting will HO\jse.,. ' be Wednesday" Feb. p. New officers will be elected in March HOLY' REDEEMER. and installed in April. ' CHATH:AM ' The third in a series of Cana OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, c.onferences·for married' ~ouples ~W" BE~,F()~D . ,; "" " . will ,be ·held Monday evening, 1% Rt.,'.. Rev: Antonio P. Vieira;' ,ranF,26"at ,7,:45 under ,. the direcpastor, presided' 'at th~ recent tion of the Diocesan--Family Life election . of ,"officers ", for the <?,hildreh:' >'0£ >,; -Mary .' Sodality~ Bureau, with members of the -Women's Guild ai hostesses. The cp-osen fot th.e coming year were~ conference deals with relationJJ;athleen Cr:ovello, presiden~; ships between parents ,and IJelen Carrei'to,viee-president; young adult children, -,lmd' ~ , Helena' Rodrigues; secretary; and open to all couples of the.:.ar~. Jani-ce Santos,' treasurer, Mon~ A question, period' 'and social signor Vieira addressed the merrib'ers of the Sodality at' the hour will conclude' the coDference, to be conducted, by ,Rev. completion of the votizilt. . ' , ' John P. Driscoll, SS~ Peter and ST. JOSEPH'S. Paul Church, Fall River, and NO. DIGHTON Rev. Lu1z G. Mendonca, Mt. Carmel Church, New ~edford. The' January meeting of the Women's Guild consisted of' '3 ST. PETER'S. film, "Cranberry Time" am( ii: SOUTH DIGHTON' White Elephant Sale. 'It was: im~ The Women's Guild will hold nounced that the weekly Whist a bean supper in April.. Mrs. ' , will be held every Mondaym' Kenneth Conroy, Jr., and Mrs. the Church' Hall and the Boys' George Goulart form the com..' Basketball League will meeton mittee. " . ,. ..:,. ~ ."', Tv,esqay ~venings. The, So'cW -t-_a_o_a_a_a_a_a_a __ a_" Activities committee is plaQning a ham and. bean' supper' and".' dance .Q.n Jan. 31. ',c' . il '" . -. :.
,O,maha Archdiocese.. Plahning;'Cente'nriic,I'
'- ''For Your ProtectiOn
'OMAHA· (NC)' --- ,Three- big Buy From events for 1959 are being'plalllled here to :celebrate' the cerit~nriial Of 'the At:chdio~~se'of6m~fja. 132 Ro~kcfale' Av.... , 'During .. the' year; 'the iilid'~ New Bedtord western' See"will 'commemorate th,e ,arrival of its; 'first bishop;, . S~7947.' Bishop' James O'Gorman. Two t. _D_a_·II~._D~ -~-.'. other"highlightsof the year . .. ... be the celebration of the silv,er: episcopal jub~lee bfthe prese9t A,iclihishClP Gerald 'T. Bergan and tq~,national ,c~mv.ention of' tlie Catholic Press Association.'
_"_11 Post Office
Other activities surrounding tliese will inclUde' ,the c'onsecra': tibn of the Omaha 'cathedral, the dedication of the new Ryan High S~hool, and t1).e'pubFcation of history describing. the. earliest y~ars of Cath:,olicity in this 'area.
Navy Chaplains Plan Capital Conference
"'NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER 'OF A WOMAN," Is old advice which every father ,gives to every son. Well. we made a serious mistake and underestimated the power of the good Maronite Sisters at· Mar-Doumith, (Lebanon). ,A. few years ago we built a chapel for these nuns ~ho devote themselves to instructing 'converts. Already the chapel is too small for the large numbers who come to the Sisters for instrtlction in the true faith. Let· us not make the sa~e mistake again! ! ! !. An .addition to the Ws:..,ailaM~=ia.J ; presimt'cbapel will cost $3000.. Can you help 'these apoStles' of the Truth? -.-'..
.' ·CL~N~fNESS :}IS NEXTTO oUA. HEARts .Wost 'of the time we're pret(y)' agreeable people ••• :but sometimes we're .cranks! Arid you can be glad of it! For we're downright cranks when . it . c 0 pi e s". to keeping everything clean. Be, cause we ,know that's the 'wa'Y"YQu'. want" it! Because we know that's·the only ,~ay, to:keep every spot in :yourStop & Shop 'just as shinY,sparkling " and, sll~tless as ~'oUl' own . kitchen. ¥es, everyone at your"Stop & Shop goes ,.all-Gutto keep~ the 'store spanking'cle'an for you. Because we wiuit. you te fee; at "home'! when you sho!, at Stop & Shop!
·JOSEPH and BRUNO are anxious to enter .the sem'inary in'lndia.' They have 6Uilled all the rfilquirements : and' each boy is now waiting for ,os to .find him a benefactor who will be willing to pay $100 a year for the six year seminary course, You may ·pay the mo.ney in aOJ', manner couvenient, while your "adopted sou" "'PPJ::oaches the altar. ·OUR LADY:OF PERPETUAl:. HELP has called' SISTER 'ANGELIQUE and SISTER TECLA to devote their lives to Her service as missionaries in Harissa (Lebanon>. They wish to enter the Order of Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of 'Perpetual Help-and they have been accepted. 'Each girl must now wait until we have a benefactor for' her who' will be willing to pay $150 .. 8 ,year, for the... twei year period' of novitiate training, .. ,You 'm'ay pay "the' moriey in any mamier convenient' While your" "'adopted . .daughter"' dra\vs nearer 'to the' Mother of , ,Christ. "
"Dear Card.lnal Spellman: , . ". in the spirit of the Apostle 'St,' Paul •. wish to make Ch.rist better, known ,in the·Near East." Please .enroll .me (and, my family) in the . CathoI1c Neat, East::,Wel'fate Association sO that our 'souJs ,may profit. and We'may tiefp the Holy/Father.' . " , . ' , , , .,' .~'
. I'
.t . ~
. '~A:ME:' .:.:..;~:~ ~ .••:: ••••••••••••"•••• -•• ~ •••••••.•••• Al)n~·~~s~·•••••••••• ~ .•••.•.•• ~ •••••••• -:! ••••••
. '.
CITY ••••••••••••••• ~.••••••••••••••••• ; •••••
'~'llear5StOlissions~ FRANCIS' CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Presidttnt. .
Msgr. Peter P. "Tuohy, Nat'liSec'y Send all communications to:
CATHOliC ,NEAR EAST, WELFARE ASSOCIATION 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New ,York 17, N. Y.
New Bedford ' .. ,;'
WASHINGTON (NC)-Legislation·to permit the FBI to have concurnmt jurisdiction with local law' enforcement agencies in "hate bombings" of church md schools has been introduced in the U.S. Senate jointly by Sens. Jacob K, Jlwits and Kenneth B• Keating, both of New York.
as well as two Indiau Chiefs (from Western United States) have WASHINGTON (NC)-Twenanswered our recent appeals for membership. To be perfectly ty':five Navy chaplains will,dis~ 'honest your money is most important-but of even greater signicuss '~Spiritual Readiness for ficance is the 'ever growing number of Americans fro'm all walks Tomorrow~s Navy" a't their threeof· life who are becomini alert to th'e needs of the universal Church day ,biannual conference which In the critical areas served by the 'Catholic Near East Missions. opens here next Tuesday. At this hour sides are' being drawn in the struggle for the minds Msgr. ,(Rear Adm.) George A. and souls. of yet uncounted millions of humau beings. YOUI' offerRosso, Chief of Navy Chaplains, ings and your prayers will make it possibie for the Holy Father will be the conference host. Gen. to tip the, balance in favor of Christianity. If fOU have not already Alfred M. Gruenther, president ' ,taken your' stand in this Crusade why not clip the form at the bottom of this appeal to your offering and 'mail it to Francis of AIl)-erican National Red Cross, Cardinal Spellman. Do it on - the Feast of the Conversion of St.' is one of the scheduled speakers. Paul (January 25) 'and be counted among those who strike a blow The chaplains attending the conference are key leaders in' for the "freedom of the Sons of God." ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP the religious and spiritual welINDIVIDUAL '. ..,.. .. $1 INDIVIDUAL. , '. .. '.. , $ 20 fare programs offered Navy perFAMILY 5 FAMILY 100 sonnel.There are .now about ,800 Navy chaplains on active STRINGLESS GIFTS STRENGTHEN THE HANDS OF THE HOLY duty and abo,ut 1,000 in the naval FATHER AND LENGTHEN THE' ARMS OF CHRIST IN THE reserve program. ' , STRUGGLE FOR THE SOULS OF MEN!
)oseph .A. Norris, Jr., , '~Reg. Pharm; , 686. Pleasant St. WYman" . 3:3918 " '-': ~~ .. ;:<, :.....: .,
Urge FBI Aid
MOS.COW CHAP~AINS: FathE!r Louis F. Dion, A.A., right, of Assumption 'College, Worcester, is congratulated, . by Father Georges Bissonnette, A.A., a fellow Assumptionist priest, on his new assignment. Father'Dion left Tuesday for Moscow, where he will be, chaplain of the American diplomatic colony'there. Father Bissonnette was expelled from the same post without explanation by the Soviets in March, 1955. NC Photo.'
.• ," . ~ ~. •
faithful to pursue their vocation of personal sanctification within the family circle." The Council said it aims "particularly, to encourage the father of the' family to assume his rightful. place as head of the family." The program has been inaugurated with the distribution of 65,000 cards outlining' a six-point project for families. Among the suggestions is family Communion at both weddings and funerals.
WORCESTER (NC)-The W orces~er Diocesan Council otCatholic Men has launched a program "to enable the
'ST•. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER , The PTA and' Alumni will h9 l d a.penny sale Saturday eve. ning, Jan. 24 at 7:30 at the Polish National Home. Mrs. Casimir Pensak and Mrs, William Wolowiec are co-chairmen.
'ST. ANNE'S, FALL RIVER St. Anne's Fraternity, composed of alumni oe the parish SACRED HEART. school, will hold its silver anniNORTH ATTLEBORO versary banquet Saturday, Jan. Ste. Anne's Sodality will spo~ ,24. sor a pre-Lenten dance Saturday . Rev. Pierre 0: Granger, O.P., will be honored by dedication of evening, Feb. 7, with Mrs. Richard Deschenes 1!s arrangements a souvenir program. Also recognized will be 15 past presidents . chairman. The regular February of the organization, who will meeting will feature a movie and discussion on purchase and torm a reception committee. ' , Past president Roland J. Bien- cooking 'of meat. 'Parish pre':'school children, venue is in charge of general will be' dedicated to Our Lady arrangements for the event. Sunday, Feb. 1. HOLY ROSARY, , ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. FALL RIVER ,The Women's Guild will hold a' CENTRAL VILLAGE The 'Ladies' Guild p'ans' a social Monday, Mar. 2. Members whist Saturday, Feb. may invite' guests. Corporate Valentine 1~ , , communion is planned for Sunday, May 3. SACRED HEART. . NEW BEDFORD ST. PIUSX. St.:- Anne's Sodality plans a SOUTH YARMOUTH Vill~ntine whist Thursday, Feb. A penny sale will be held il) 5 in the church hall. Mrs. George the church hall Monday evening, Jim. 26 at 7:30. Next meeting of Manny is in charge of arrangements. New officers for 1959 inthe Pius X Guild is scheduled clude Mrs. Harvey Davignon, for 8 Tuesday evening ·Feb. ,10. president; Mrs. Emile Gauthier, It will include lunmasking of first vice president; Mrs. Edsecret pals, exchange of Valenouard Hevey, second vice presitine' gifts and a Mardi· Gras dent." festi",-aI. '
W~rcester"Me~ . .Launch"Fa~mily Sanctity Drive
.ST.JE'AN"BAP'riST. FA~L RIV,ER The Council ofCathoUc 'Women will meet Monday, Feb. 2 under the chairmanship of Mrs. Emil.e 'Thibault.
AFTER-SCHOOf.. HOURS ARE FULL: Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, Sacred Heart Province, find after-school hours occupied with preparation of next day's work, and now and then a little' recreation. At left Sister Beatrice Gerard, Sister Pauline Joseph and Sister Marie Consolata join in a bpard 'game. They are teachers at St. James' School, Taunton. In left center, photo of Sister Clare Elizabeh, Sister Anne
Holg Vnion ]Vuns Staff Schools In ' Taunton,' North Attleboro'
Catholic Paper Loses Salesman PITTSBURGH (NC) - David Le'o Lawrence, who has been called "the best salesman the Pittsburgh Catholic ever had," is leaving for Harrisburg' to take over a new job. Mr. Lawrence, who served an unprecedented four terms 'as Mayor of Pittsburgh, was inaugurated as the 40th Governor of Pennsylvania iQ Harrisburg on January 20. At the Governor's side on the inauguration platform was his good friend and adviser, Msgr. Daniel H. Law~ess, pastor of St. Mary of Mercy church, which stands on the site where the first Mass was offered in Pittsbur-gh in 17:>4. The Monsignor gave the invocation at the inauguration, just as he did at Mr. Lawrence's four inaugurations as Mayor of Pittsburgh. Mr. Lawrence long has been a subscriber and a booster of the Pittsburgh Catholic, newspaper of the Pittsburgh diocese. For the last 35 years he has served as an usher at St. Mary's church and, as 'such, turned salesman for the diocesan newspaper.
If you're a student or businessman who's dreamed of a desk or table really large
enough to hold all your books and papers, don't visit the Religious of the Holy Union of the S~cred Hearts at North Attleboro. You'll .commit the' sin of envy. Holding the place of honor in their community room is an enormous study table with a. built-in cabinet. for on. In this Diocese they r F l . are reour women were pIOneer each SIster. It was deSIgned presented in Taunton as well as members of the Religious of the by Rev. Edmond L.Dickinson North Attleboro. Holy Union. Under the direction of Sacred Heart par ish Taunton Community of the Abbe they opened a board-
Vatican Paper Flays· World Youth Session VATICAN CITY (NC) -The communist - sponsored "World Youth Festival" to be held in Vienna next July has, been described by L'OsservatoreRomano as a' weapon of the cold war aimed at influencing' the youth of the free world. The Vatican City daily -said the meeting has "but one aim"" to convince the youth of the world, particularly the young from certain countries, of the peaceful intentions of the Eastern bloc and to depict the West as being warlike and the incorrigible oppressor and colonialist."
Create New Church Province in Mexico
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where the Sisters teach. Father In Taunton' they staff St. ing school and a free school for Dickinson also supervised a James' School with 420 children. poor children. By 1850, the concomplete redecorating job on the There are 12 Sisters, including gregation numbered 700 and by convent two years ago. Sister Evelyn Marie, who offers 1863 there were 172 houses in Its conveniences include a private music lessons and Sister France, Belgium, England and dishwasher, functional and' easyTherese Rita, .the all-important Ireland. to-clean furniture, and even a Sister Cook. In 1882 theO Siste.cs opened a basement rumpus room, com"Everyone helps with the dish- school in Argentina and in 1886 prete with darts game. The lat- es, just as in any family," said came to the Fall River Diocese. tel', a Christmas present, is still Mother Marie Lucy, superior, as The division of the Fall River in the trial and error stage, but' we met Sister Claire Rita, kincommunity into two provinces soon the' Sisters will. be chal-· dergarten teacher at St. James, evidences the growth of the lenging all comers. at that. moment deep In soapcongregation in the United The community staffs Sacred suds. " States. Heart School, with 375 children The Sisters are proud of St. Candidates for Sacred Heart enrolled in eight ,grades and ki.n- James' vocation record. In 50 province should be 'between 17 dergarten. There s also a ~peclal years over 50 girls have entered and 30 and possess health, in_ class. for slow ~earners, directed various' religious communities. tellectual ability and good char",: by Sister Gabriel Lucy. The Religious of the Holy Union acter. Assignments are available Tiny Class trace their own origin to France for girls not interested in teachWe asked Mother Marie Gem- in 1826, when'Abbe Jean Bap- ing. rna, principal and supervisor of tiste Debrabant founded the c o n - . . the community" 'about' cate- gregation in Douai to te~ch cate- ,Applicants should. w~lte to chism classes. "We 'have classes chism to children leftunmstruct- Reverend Mother Provl~clal, R~ for high'school'students," she'-' ed a.s a result of the French rev- 'li~ious of the Holy Umon, MaIn said, "but only four or five chil- ,olutlOn. , . , 'Street, Groton, Mass.. dren in the elementa,ry group." The reason for the low enrollment is wonderful. Nearly every , child, in .the parish is in Sacred Heart School; and 'glad ,to be there, we guessed, judging from the recreational opportunities in both school, and parish. There. ,are all branches of Boy 'and, Girl Scouts, a 'special ,club for girls 13-17 and altar boys' activities. Extras like an all-school pilgrimage to La Salette shrine come along frequently. There are 13 Sisters in the . North Attleboro' convent. They have taught there' since, 1923, ,when five pioneers began the ·work. At present four girls from the parish are in the Holy Union novitiate at Groton, Mass. The Sisters belong to Sacred Heart Province,' which was established in 1947 and makes its, provincial headquarters at Grot,0
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has created a new eclesiastical province comprising Mexico's two biggest states,' Chihuahua and Sonora and named Chihuahua City the metropolitan archdiocesan seat. , The two Mexican states, which border Texas, New 'Mexico and Arizona, formerly were part of, the Church province of Durango. Under the new setup, Bishop Antonio Guizar Valencia, becomes Archbishop of Chiluahua.
: :
Raymond and Sister Marie Martin confer in the library at Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro. Sister Suzanne Marie is at shelves in background. Second right photo shows Sister Roger Therese che'cking bullseyes at the recreation room darts board in North Attleboro. At far right, Sister Roger Therese, Sister Paul Rita, Sister Loretta Marie and Sister Marie LuciIIe prove that Sisters do homework too. They are in the No.' Attleboro library.
: :
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Jesuit to Receive Magazine Award
CHICAGO (NC) - Fat her Thurston N. Davis, S,J" has been named first prize winner in a contest for the best 1958 article in The Critic, literary and cultural magazine published by the Thomas More Association. Father Davis, editor in chief of America magazine, will receive $500 and a gold medal for his article, "Culture in a Cold, ,Chrome World." Winner of $300, for second prize is English novelist Antonia White for her article, "Problems of a Christian Novelist," and third prize of $200 went to author and translator Anthony Kerrigan for his "New Churches of Europe."
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lASTEI IN JElUSALEM, Mar. 17,Apr. 13. Holy Land Pilgrimage. Rome. Laurde_ $1,"35. ,ILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA,' Rome. Lourd •• Apr. 29:June 9-$995. 'ENTECOST PILGRIMAGE FOR TNE sia 10 Lourdes May IS-May 24-$738, KAT. RURAL LIFE CO~FERENCE, 3rd Annual Pilgrimage May 10-Moy 31 (and e"tensions) 21 days in' Portugal. Spain, Rom.-$998. PILGRIMAGE 'FOR ADULTS May 20,Jun. 28-
Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Fronce. England-$I,168. SACRED NEART PILGRIMAGE, 3rd Annual. May 30-June 28-France. Switzerland. Ilaly-$1.126. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE, June "'-July l8, Rome, Lourdes-$1.485. EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE June 20'July 10Paris, Lourdes, Nice. Rome. Madrid, FatirYMI -$995. , PILGRIMAGE TO PORTUGAL. 5 poi n. France. Italy.' Ireland Aug. 30·Sept. 30-$1,2:20 lAir). Spiritual Director: Most Rev. Joe. E. Riller, Archbishop of 51. Louis. AROUND THE WORLO July 6'Aug. 28-:-$2,289. PILGRIMAGE TO SOUTH AMERICA July 7,Aug. 5 -$1,195. FIANCISCA.: EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE July 29S.pl. 29-$1,195 (Air). 116RTH COUNTRY SHRINE PILGRIMAGE Aug. lAug. 30-5condinovia. Poland, ClOCheslovpkia, Austria, Rame-$1.485. PILGRIMAGE TO MEX'ICO IShrin. 01 0 .. Lady of Guadalupe) Aug, l'Aug. 15$360 (Nol including air fare), 'ILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA. Rome. Lourdes Oct. "-Nov. 7-$949. CHRISTMAS' IN BETHLEHEM Dec. 7·Dec. 31 -$1,298. Option.. Exlenslon 10 England ond 1M., be laken with .ny E.rop.o~ PilgriAlage)" days A Spirit••1 Director will ."omp,"" .ach pilgrimage
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Fa; 'ree illus/rated booklet .., reservations write
Catholic Travel Office , ,8.Ponl Circle Bldg.
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1'heO Yardstick
Urges Voluntary Planning ·As .Remedy for .Infl·ation, . , By Msgr; George G. Higgins.
16-'Thurs., . ..;, Jan THE ANCHOR 22, 1959
Sto Nicholas
Sailitsln Crosswords - ......- - - - - B y Henry Michael------... ~..
Director NCWC Social Action Department
, President Eisenhower, in his recent State of the Union message, was very optiinistic about the future of the American' economy. The so-called re«ession, he said, has run its course, and we_ are entering upon a period of remarkable productivity ,and. growth. , a system of ~conomic self-govThe President warned, ernment which will consciously however, that'/the' antici:- promote the general welfare and pa ted growth and prosperity will have enough authority to 'of the national economy could be,
Public School Bill Opposes Nuns' Ga'rb
COLUMBUS (NC)-A bill to ban teachers wearing re- ' ligious garb from teaching in Public schools' has been
enforce the practice: of certain minimum standards of social
::~~U~~~d~~~~:: we deal firmly ju~~~epresident, it seems.to me, of,
inflation. could make a great contribution 'of the by encouraging labor and manmost important agement and the other groups in o f t.,h e s e the economy to start thihking c a use s," . he and planning in terms of such a said, "are the system. of' self-government. , wage-price spiI realize, of course, that the ral and continf '. ued' deficit fi·emphasis here on some form 0 voluntary -.economic, ·planning-. !1 nancing." . The 1 a t t e r a s opposed to ~elying exClusive- . " 101 ly .... on competition' and 'moral ' problem will suasion-runs counter to the 101 probably be the standard textbook definition of ·hottest political " free' enterprise. ' . ( ACROSS DOWN isSue of the next ,two years if If you' want to kno~ why that ! rDler'.a.cema • eo Concludln.. " 1, :I Hill 18 TIUI: dilleor,d, Congressional reaction thus far definition :of free enterprise ia .. numb'er , . ' I'OREBllNU Sil ....Ulde rn to the State of the Union mes-, • ~.::aD·D 11 ::D ., In"''' I ~~~r 11 ~T~O~.u:.. sage is an acc.ur.ate harbinger of inadequate' from' the ,point of ] I Per diem, pL . 83Plaeea t &"'&1111' part view of\)sound social ethics-as things to come. The outcome of well as from this point Of view ~ Ui~~r~ 01... :: ~~~;~~ • h n •• &10. :: ~ii~'.::p~J' the controversy which is curof good, economics .....: I would ~~ .~: ~~r..le I t:f~ tI_ 01'1,.... I. a rently shaping up over tpis issue again recommend a 'new book,' 1. Meas . n Belued ' l'..J"etli. I' i:.~fnntl... 10 Fa.lener 11 Ireland : \\.":'':l..!~e.dln.will be a pretty good tip-off on which was briefly mentioned in 11 :rsH~~ U U(';:br~)"" U DUell .: '11 l'Ie)do' the outcome of the el~tion in ,this column two,weeks ago: Tlie OJr 18 N 11 U ·..IJOW8 n.lar ••ew . _ Ob••r..u..·c...·....._·- 19 H~8 RELICS . PBOM HIS ., Japane.e eol. 1960. . Fu"nctional Economy~rhe Basis ia UnlW Nail. . . ·. ABB IN .._........ :::::LMRD·M ~1~:·'W"'''h. Potential.Threat of Economic Organization by . Ora-anlsatlou ITALY 11 Braalll_ ·pal.. 8'f Toroo boue ' The fact that deficit financing. Rev. Bernard W:Dempsey, S.J.. (abbr.) 81 Halt U Din 69 Woman'. na... IS likely to hold the 'center, of the of Marquette University. , It ~e~d == ~:'::'·n""I~~· It BeeeI....... at· 'JJ P 0 . . . . IS Sodium 88 Wor.hlp. h d political stage during this sesWhile I do not agree with Fr. blc.rbona" 9Z 8'.'e. \ II 1'0":"1'04 ~: meat. Ilion of the Congress doesn't Dempsey's book in every re!8 Teacher K Bile. n fta"'", • 11 KJI: WAS A necessarily mean, however, that spect, I recommend'it enthusiasSO Kind .1 1I0'"1r 96 HE RESCUED .pl",. .Ip . ' . GBEAT'.' WI.) SAILORS IN II Pe~·.on. en....... it is the most important 'ecotically as one of the most ima. dre••ed lu A................ Inl' oIIlee ~~~~.~. nomic issue confronting t~e portant books of recent years on . r..~:::1' lIe;dble 9'J ~~~~~Ilt.. SI Smoke re.ldu8 78 1\lI•• lng , nation. the reconstruction of the social. SII llellinll' • 98 Pace as Sea eall'le, 80 Simpleton. S7 Sinewy 100 Vow S6 Pa.senll'''''. 8% A vea-etable The first of the two problems order. S9 Womau'. nick- 102 lIloUD...I... In S8 cp~~rla-fie I I M "'unll'u. dl."""" name Russia ..... C II e 0" a-rains "-'mentioned by the President in to Woman'. 103 Transll'res.lun 40 Ar}'bia!, 85 ,Produce his State of the Union message namc 10-1 Hideon.ll'iau' ch.cfla.D 87 Extra 43 (:Ieanel' 105 Threesome U Passall'e 89 Parts -namely the wage-price spiral o' 4Ii Trapper 106 Try . regulator 90 Oblitera'" -may be of equal, if not greater, 48 A plaue' 107 1ngesl 42 Arabian /lazelle 91 Hil lIO 1'10' 108 Youngste.. f4 Tap. 93 Father importance as a cause· of inflaChor-Bishop Joseph Eid, pas62 ·Processlon. 109 J)ried np 46 Royal Air 95 Commoliou 66 Picked unil . 110 Old Testamen. Force (abbr.) 99 A number tion and a potential threat to 'tor 'of St. Anthony of the Desert. l>8 Man'. name book " Goddess of 101 Gardcu 1001 continued economic growth and 'church, Fall River, celebrated a prosperity. . Poritificai Mass in the Mai'onite .. Solution on Page Eighteen It is this writer's impression, Rite af-Holy Family Church, however, that neither the PresiWoonsocket, at 7:30', Monday dent nor the Council of Eco- ·e\'ening, Jan. 19. nomic Advisors has ever really The ritual marked the second, come to grips with the problem' day's observance of the Chair of in terms of specific, practical Unity Octave in the Providence "No day 'is really happy-withrecommendations. . Diocese, where a different teachings of God," and cautioned out' the presence' of Christ," Rather they have confined' " church has been selected to hold tl\at "it is one thing to know,' em'phasized the IyIost Reverend . another to practice them." themselves to sincere, but large- services each' of the eight days. ly ineffective exhortations to. Ass,istihg. 'Chor:-~~shop Eid' Bishop at the Bishop's Night Also addressing the club were observance of the Attleboro area 'Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Shay, labor .and management to prac- . were Rev. George Saad, admin· Serra Club. lice economic statesmanship. istrator of Our Lady of Purgapastor. of St. John's Church, He told members. they should The 'Pre~ident's recent State tory Church, New, Bedford, who' Attleboro, and Rev. James F. of the Union message is a timely was deacon; Rev. Peter Hobiec, · "improve their knowledge of the McCarthy, assistant pastor of St. ease in 'point. "Inflation," the' St, 'George's Maronite Chuch, John's and Serra Club chaplain. President told the Congress, Providence, subdeacon; and Rev. ' 'Many area clergymen were ·"can be prevented., But this Norman J. Ferris, St. Mary'. NOTRE DAME (NC) - The guests. demands statesmanship on the Church,' Taunton, . master of The speakers were iritroduced U. S. Atomic Enel'gy Commission part of business and labor leadceret:rioni~s. has awarded a $52,550 grant to by Eugene Farrell, Mansfi~d, en ... We must encourage the Choristers from the Maronite expand the University of Notre ~lub ·president. Rlf-disciplil).e, the restraint necchurches in Fall River and New Dame. The grant will be used essary t9 curb the wage-price Bedford sang the Mass, and leafto install an atomic reactor spiral ..." . lets explaining the Eastern liturknown as a sub-critical exponThese are noble sentiments, gy were distributed to Holy ential graphite assembly( in the sincerely spoken, but unfortu-' Family parishioners. nuclear engineering laboratory. nately there is nothing in the Chor-Bishop Eid preached in past or present record of the French on the day's intention ~69 LOCUST STREET American economy which would 'for the Chair of -Unity 'Octave: FAU RIVER, MASS. 'warrant our being' optimistic the return of Oriental dissidents
"T w
f::t: ••
Fat'her E,od Mar'ks U·n Ity ,0 ctove'
·Att~eboro A!J"ea S~rrans Honor Ordinary at Bishop's ·Night
introduced into the Ohio House of Representatives. The proposed legislation, introduced .I,>y Rep. B. A. Broughton, Geauga County, was apparently a result of a recent ruling by the Ohio Attorney General that it is legal for persons wearing religious habits to be employed in state schools. Rep. Broughton's bill would prohibit any school employee from wearing "any' distinctive religious or liturgical garment, robe, property or uniform" while "in ~he performance of his duties." However, the bill specifically ,states that it would not "prohibit the hiring by a board of education of any person associated with any religious sect, order or denomination as a teacher or empioyee in a public school 01. this state." Controversy The current controversy began last·November when Washington County Prosecutor Randall Metcalf questioned the constitutional righ't of members of a religious order, wearing a distinctive garb, to 'teach in Ohio 'SChools and be compensated by public funds. Mr. Metcalf asked· William Saxbe, then Ohio Attorney General,to give an opinion, 'when the :Watertown school district, plagued by financial problems .and unable to hire teachers, rented a Catholic school building and employed members of a re. ligious order to staff the school. Mr. Saxbe reaffiJ:med earlier rulings, which state that it is legal to employ any person of any religious belief to teach in public schools as long as they have the proper training. In December the state school board stated it is up to the individual school boards to decide who would teach in their school systems.
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CLEVELAND (NC) - Archbishop Edward F. Hoban, Bishop of Cleveland, has announced a .Catholic Charities building program to include two homes for the aged a!1d' home for infants.
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about their having any- appreciable influence on the price and · profit policies of management or the wage policies of labor.' . What, then is the ans..yer?: "Should the President abandon 'his efforts to encourage "the discipline, the restraint neces: . sary to curb the wage-price spiral? Certainly not. . · It is his duty, as Chief Executive of -the United States, t6 ex· hort all segments of the popula. tion to practice economic states· manship and to relate - their separate policies to the general welfare of the nation as a·whole. Free Enterprise On the other hand, exhorta-' , tion alone will never, accomplish ' ".the desired objective. It must 'be accompanied by specific measures designed to facilitate '. an~ if necessary, to enforce the , practice of social justice. . We cannot 'rely exclusively on competition (phis· moral suasion) as the guiding principle of economic life-unless, of' course, we are willing to settle more or less permanently for il).flation and its attendant evils. Rather we must look for ways and means of ·.establis~·
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This Timely Message Is Sponso,ed By The Following Public Sp.irited In.divid uals and Business Concerns Located in Greater Fall River
Rove Chevrole, Brady Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Connors Travel Bureau Leo J. F. Donovan, C.P.A. Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing -Co. The Exterminator Co. (Leo LaCroix)
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Sterling Beverages Inc.
.Chances are you can make their dreams come true if you give to The
Textile Worlcers Union of America, AFL-CIO
Give Because You Care ,
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan2~, 1959
on Bishop Wa Ish Continued from Page ~our " Ambassador to; Poland . Jacob Beam has raised the question of · 'the BishOp'~ situationip. the con• tinuing talks with Red China's representative Wang Ping-nan on " Nov:. 2'5 and 'on Dec: 12.. · 'The first time Mr. Beam was "tOld the Chinese had "no com·:'ment." The second meeting "::'brought about confirmation. \>y ',the communists that they, had ''''arrested' him, but would not';divulge the r~ason for th¢ actio',l. In Normal Health" ': 'In mid:.January, ·th~. B~itish . eonsui general in Shanghai re· ported to the State DE!part~ent that the Reds had finally 're'sponded ,to the. query ·~t'·filed at U. S. request with the communist . foreign affairs' department on Nov. 3. 1958. This was the announcem'ent that the Bishop ~as in "normal health". ". . State Department' spokesman said they welcomed' even "this brief disclosure and promised to attempt to secure more information, Bishop Walsh had repeatedly' asserted his intention of remaining in, Red China, despite the
Political' Ban Continued from Page One
administrative bodies and. the French Seriate, , . Noting that "new political orientations" probably will emerge throughout the country, Cardinal Feltin .stated that "we must show discretion' and reserve in our criticism .as well as in our approvaL" , "We '~ust n'ever forget," he added, "that we are representa- . tives of the Church, which :, 'wishes' to' respect established ;!' authority and render unto '-Caesal' the things that are- Caesar's, I 'but which also wishes to remain · outside of and above,; all polit..: ical agitation'. "'As a citizen 'each' priest cail· have his own opinion. But he represents .- the Church in his social environment and must, never engage ill party struggles!'
Chain Letters .'
obvious periL-Although not free to calTY on his work, the prelate Cross WordSolutio-:'l was known to. have felt that his presence' in the city. lent lTI.o0ral seA R support 'to the Chinese Catholics A 0 who today are suffering aimost T U L unbelievable persecution. A The Bishop was among the first group of Maryknoll Fathers to go to' China in.191~. He. was consecrated in 1927 and served a term as superior general· of Maryknoll from 1936 to 1946. He returned to China. in 1948;' a year before. thecommuni~ts took . over' that vast country." .. ... , Until 1951 he servM as ex:.. 'ec'utive secretary of the Central: Facts of Faith · Gatholic Bureau, an agency 'c!>ANSWERS: 1 (c); 2 (c); 3 (a); ,ordinating all' Catholic ·niis~ion- 'i(c);,(j (a); 6-(a);7 (c);"'8(a)~ ary, cultural, welfare and'edu- . cational work in·China.. The Reds orden;d the bureau suspended i n ' '1951'andlafer'moved the Bishop , to Christ the' King rectory in Shanghai. CLEVELAND (NC) - Soviet' The Bishop's arrest raises to Deputy Premier Anastas 1. Mikfive the total number of AlJler- oyan'svisit here paralleled the • icans definitely known' as being Chinese communists" successful held in· Red China prison's. The .tricks to lure China's businessother four are not 'missionaries, men anct" educators to their way · but businessmen and' civilian. of thinking. employees of the U. S: armed' Msgr. Edward J. Halloran of forces. ' Cleveland, diocesan Holy Name director, told the Holy Name society's 10th annual convention at St. John College, Continued from Page One "The manner in which Mikoyand most of our learn'il')g depends 'an to.ok over Cleveland parallels on what we read, understand the rape of China by.the Chinese and believe". . . co·mmunists. They, too, came An enlightened Catholic laity bearing .gifts to the peasants is the basis for' an active Cathof China, 'and with their smiles olic laity. The. Catqolic family and their .wiles, lured educators .that subscribes to receive The and' businessmen into their line ANCHOf{ in Thursday's mail of thinking. The 'brainwashing knows the complete story of the proceeded for a number of ne'\ys. events eai:'ly and the Cathyears". ' olic view· immediatelY.. "Cleveland industrialists," he charged, "wined and dined' the The October issue of The Trojan Horse 'Mikoyan in an exANCHOR dealing with the death dusive club here from which of Pope Pilis XII, the interregdec~nt loyal Americans like you num, the College' of Cardinals, the Conclave and theelectio.n 9f would be barred," · Pope John XXIII; had to be · doubled in order. to answer all. .Praises Education the requests, The' first issue in Role of Television January' which listed the various . PARIS (NC) -Maul'ice Cardschedules 'gained national cominal· Feltin has praised· televi-, mendation. There is Catholic sion .as a valuable instument of news every week and the regular education for ttie family. reader becomes the enlightened The 'Archbishop of Paris de..: and active layman. . dared, "the little· screen" keeps
H·ItS 'R'e'· d Ca rpet
'Bible Week "Starts on Sunday .Contintit!d from Page One Include_d in t,he approx~mat~ly 21,000 promotion kits distributed, 'the message to pastors said: "We "are aware'that 'the week is -basicaliy ii parocllilil affair. Much of the sucess it has enjoyed in the' past is due to the efforts of thousands of American pastors' .who have given of their talents and 'time to' promote t.he annual observance." Father Joseph E. Fallon of the Dominican 'I'!ou's'e of Studies has' · called attention .·to a message. by Richard' Cardinal .Cushing, Archbi~h~p Qf Boston. Stating' · that Catholics should react favorably to .efforts to encourage them to bring the Bible into their · homes, the. Cardinal's ·message,. written to eatholics in the Boston
archdiocese, continued: "If we b.ear in mind ;while reading' the Bible that' it is the if)spired Word of God, every sentence will take on new mean{ng for ·us. Our Lord (In. 5,39) .has urged us to "search the scriptures.' How much we shall find .in uierri that will be helpful and ipspiring in 9ur iives." "If we read this one book," wrote the' Cardinal" "constantly and reflectively, we shall be'come wise 'beyond the pretenti'ous scholarship of the world. God will teach us Jhrough His inspired Words the truths which direct and' guard our minds, purify our ..hearts 0'; inordinate affections and strengthen ,our wills in' His love:" c'
M.I·.k'.oy·an· . V.I·S'I··t·
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·Ave'. WY' 3~r661: ;. "'·'"?~~tJJm~~~;;~:F~'··' ' ,< ", ,,,.?i,. " '''·CRUCIFlXESA''.·ARnclES·g;-;oeVOTION ':....__....._ _.;;;.~ ~lFW~·'· ~~~~~'V':~:.' r';
st.. New ',Bedford ... . "Wy 3~3222:J' ;.,
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of Store
-En,larg'e. pita.'.'. . who members of the family together would otherwise seek disContinued from Page' One' CINCINNATI (NC) - Arch.tractions outside. the home: He Hoo~ will come if the novena isn"ot bishop Karl' J. Alter .0fCincin':' explained "properly selected" -:-said; nor does the Church make . nati has dedicated a new six·Est. 1897 television programs can contrib-· ~ a novena sound like a bargain story wing at the 106-year old ute to the cultural, scientific and Builders Supplies . struck with' God: Good Samari,tan. Hospital.- .-The . -artistic .enrichm·ent of the people. I 2343 Purchase Street :. The whole· tone of these prayer ·.addition, .,which, cost' .nearly 'six New .Bedford · " chain letters is 1I0t one' of faith ..million dollars;. will : rais~-·the Each.' '!Yii.l > and., trust, in the, goodness of hospital's bed .capaci·tY :to WY 6-5661 receive·his· . than-800:> c~ " .. . ;,~' . -GOd, but one ·of bargaining with own Reward · God with ~a' thinly-veiled threat a~cordi~g:,to . .. :: of. some har,m' if the rtovena is .. ' ~ ... '~ {his, l~bor: . ::~~t mad'e.' " " . < ,,;,.~. :.:: ··SHEET·,·METAL, .Recipiel1 ts "of" the:s,e ,prllr~r> ' ' ... ," A 'E', "."'.'.,' ',"._~ \',. '.,,.' >:~" chain;;, .letters . "sl:tould,.,·d~!itrof",: ~ ~ A :'/+::,-' ::j: ~TES~R;:P.rop~:' ;'dhem:,at.once,.. and ignore' their . .' "".' C', J ":"'.' ,t·r'.""~"'·"'··'" " ':',RESIDENTfAL' , ,"". ';:: prorriXse~andthr~atS,.'Wiia.i'Q~i:,:.:, •. 'AUTO:;BOD~~·~t:m,'·~'~J: " .; . '., It,4DUSTRIAL ..' 1 : '.d.: ;, ~~n.ts is:~~ildren .who :)'Vill look:· . ··. ..' '_1.. •. ;, ... ' .... ' ';·.. i. _.",' ;t'"":' . , . ·COMMERCt.l\( ' .. , ... \_ to .H-im >~nd pray. to 'Him wit!'.· "'.:'. G~~Al:REP~I~5.. ':':.' '#;~~t!j,i~ltos,f'
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THE ANCHORThurs., Jan 22, 1959
Keen Rivalry Highlights Schoo,lboy' Hoop Leagues
,Sales Technique Draws Protest . Of Clergymen
. 'By Jack Kineavy . . ·f,.,·
High School Coaeh
The top-draw~ltie'uithe torrid Bristol Comity circuit· was resolved' last Tuesday when the Warriors of Coyle de-' feated Attleboro by a 62-51 count. The win gave the Taunton' paroehials a clear title to the' league lead-with about half their county schedule com- Sa~on finally knotted the count pleted. . The game .itself, at 49 apiece with 90 seconds left ' watched ~losely by all high on the clock. The big fellow then school court followers in proceeded to bail his club out
, . NEW YORK (NC)-Nine ·Catholic, . Protestant and Jewish clergymen have protested "blockbusting" tacticil by real estate agents who attempt tp high pressure' home owners into selling to Negroes. In a statement issued here the clergymen took' exception to the techniques of real estate agents in the Springfield Gardens section of Queens. The agents allegedly buy • few homes and resell them to Negroes, then attemp,t to induce a wave of "scare selHng" among .-other homeowners. These tactics 'have been protested by both white. and Negro homeowners in the area and by the Tri-Community Council of. Queens. Residents 'contend that the agents' tactiCs would change Springfield Gardens i.nto a Negro ghetto. At .present, the area is racially mixed.-' Relations between whites and Negroes have been described by observers as ·'harmonious." The clergymen's statement being distributed to all real e~tate agents active in the area, protested "tactics which turn blocks. rapidly and completely fra'm' One · group to another." , ',' . 'It added: '''We b~liev~ .. rapid turnover occurs as a' lIultof. high' pressure real estate selling - constant solicitation · Qoor~to-dOQr, by direct mail · by telephone, of homeowners · who' have expressed no intereSt 'in selling. Some .real estate men use unethicalarguriJ.eri~, . .also rumors and misrepresentation of facts, as :well ~ derogatory ref· erences' to . the· racial, religiOlU or, national origin of 'new residents:"
this area, proved to be an in- with a tap-in at the 45 second teresting one that easily matched mark and that was the ball game. all expectations. Mike took individual scoring Coach Jim Burns' Warriors . honors, 25. points, while for took a 7-0 record into the Jewel- Westport Tom Liggin contribers game, the uted 19. first of two big In our pre-season Narry foredates this week cast we were remiss in not infor the Taunton cluding Coach Ed Lowney's flne quintet. Friday Holy' Fatnily team~mong the. night they are contenders for league honors., To scheduled at the date the Parochials' are 3-1' in ., Fall River ArmNarry competition'and. they give ory where a every evidence oj being in there faltering but right down to theV\Tire. Forwards ever dangerous ~Bob ,Caron a'ndPhil Murphy Durfee five will aided and abetted by guard:' provide the op'" "Milt ·Frazier, give Holy Family position. This will be a crucial good scoring balance. Charactertest for the defending champion istically, the Blue Wave is a Hilltoppers who already are two hustling, aggressive unit~ full games off the pace. On the collegiate front, StoneThe veteran Coyle combine hill moved into a first place tie .MARDI GRAS AND BAZAAR: Kennedy Center opwhich annexed the ClasS A Bay in th.e Southern New England era~lOnal fund will benefit from affair being planned by State Tourney title last March ,Coastal Conference last week on Elame ..~. Bedar~, le.ft, ~hairman of "Miss Personality" has thus far proved> itself most . the strength of a 102":69 victory capable against' all types Of op- over Babson institute. The vic- contest; Mrs. Walker· Carter, chairman of refreshments position. The team has height, . tory wasbighlighted by the perand .Paul·Ouellette,' ~l).~lrman poster advertising; right: speed and 'scoring balance; Jack formance of Leo' Denau.'1t who A Kmg: and Qllee~ of the ·1tiardi Gras will be crowned during MorriSsey and Tom Bourne are hooped 38 PointS'to iret an indithe event. "Miss ~ersonality," who must be a member. of the two leading scorers, but Jeff 'vidu,al. 'Scoring recOrd for' the . Colle e. '," KeImedy.:Youth Center, :'New Bedford, or of' parish' CYO Wheeler, Al Costa 'and PeteGaz- '" ,.g, '. . . " ,,' ~ " '. zola have been consiStent,ty in Denault, former Holy Family' and between,the ~ges 6f,t4-19 'will also be' chosen.·' double figures. ,standout, .and winner' of" the " Attleboro, singularly" short 9 f 'Heiiry McCarthy 'Trophy 'in his height, with ,the notable exceP- junior 'year' at- the sehool,was tion of 6'5" ·.pivotman, Le~ Bal-' . recently;named" to" 'the aU star MEINR~: iNC) ;: '. was; coitf~~dbY so~e:,~~~Ju; ser, appears to be a finely ,co- .team' in the North':SOuthTotir- bonal Catho~lc. magazm~ ~e- with. the. Grail .Moveml':n.t, lay ordinated quintet. The Jewelers ney held at 'New Bedford and v~ted to marr.lage and famIly life apostolic group for . young moved ·the ball with snap and won by New Bedford Tech. Butch 'lIY1ll. change l~ name froJ:ll The women with headquarters in .. precision against Durfee and in McNamara; Tech guard, and' a Grall.t~ ~arrlage, with the Feb- Loveland, Ohio. He added .that the first. half capitalized on most teammate of Denault's at Holy ruary Issue. " the magazine has tried to carry of their scoring opportunities. Family also was an all-tOurney The magazme, publIshed for 40 out. the aim, expressed in its Balser, of course, is .a constant selection. . . years by ~he Benedictine Fathers first issue, May 1919, "to instruct threat underneath, but we were High Jump Record of St. Memrad archabbey, has in and edify the faithful on topics most impressed by the court Most significant achievement. recent years had the cooperation of religion, education, science, generalship of Jim Duffy, who, of the week in SP9rts was the' 9f . the Cana Conference of history and sociology, treated Invitations - Matches in addition, hit for 1.000 from the world's high jump mark set by Chicago. ,popularly," but that since SepNapkins -. Thank You Inform. foulline in 8 tries. Fran,Driscoll, freshman John Thomas of Boston Father Raba ll Hathorn, O.S.B.. tember 1955, "we have focused "MASS BOOKS" , 13 points, shared scoring leader- University:. The,:17 year old editor, said one rc;ason, ~or' the our. magazine exclusively on .' ,(On the Day of Marriage) , ship with Balser. 'youngster,scaleQ -a·.record break- naJ:lle change was. that The Grail marriage and family. living." . New Bedford Vocational, ing 6;11%,''-· at1 'ilie K. of C. slowed to a .500 mark in. Games in Boston Garden Satur199 Mafn Rd., No. Tiverton,R.L league competit~on after getting. day. nigqt.It Vl[as ,estimated by Tel. OL. 4-9331 . away to a fast early start, shouid, reliable. 'witnesses :that Thomas· , ~~,~~,~ ~.~.~ ~ have a comPilratively easy week. cl~ared the' oar. 'bY;'a good 3 · LEX;INGTON (NC)~N~ti~llal "',1WINDOWS - DOORS Tuesday they rere at .Tauntdrt ,·inche~yo.n.~Is:-m,eti!oticilightso · officers of the 'Guilds of 'St. Paul and Friday they'll be ~t home that'ir'iS 'riot' 'ilOfounded to have suggested; pastors anO:ounce SIDING . . - JALOUSIES .' to Fairhaven.. Conceding' that assume that the 7 foot barrier a general communio~ for' ,. converts on Sunday,J,an. 25, ~e RAILINGS., anything can happen and with will,soo~ be shattered. recognition' of the iraditional Thomas is. thE: latest.in a long Feast of the ,conversion of St. Prescriptions called for' '. impact of the clash with. the line of track luminaries whose Paul. The .date coincidell with C. A. GOUGH Biue, the Trade school should talent was discovered' and nur- the official dosing o~ th,e Chair and delivered -.: emerge with a 4-2 league record tured at Rindge Tech by the of Unity OCtav~. ' 958 COUNTY STREET HEADQUARTERS FOR by the' weekend. astute Tom Duffy. Saturday was SOMERSET~ MASS: DIETETIC SUPPLIES .Narry League. . a big day. for Coach Duffy. In OSborne 2-5333 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 Competition in the Narry addition to Thom~s' exploits, the League, meanwhile, continues to Rindge relay quartet shattered wax keen. pefending champion the existing B.A.A. record and· Somerset undefeated' in four Ed Collymore, now at Villanova, starts, bids fair to repeat but its won th~ Special 600. And in the tenure is by no means secure. audience was' Rin.dge's most OIL BURNERS The Raiders were extended twice illustrious track product, OlymNew Bedford - Fall River - Mattapoisett Also comple~ .Boiler-Burner during the past week. An upset- pic champion Charley Jenkins. or Furnace Units. Efficient minded Holy Family aggrega- It was • big day for Duffy and loW cost beating. Burner and fuel oil sales and service. 'tion tossed a 'man":sized .scare Rindge. into Coach Sherm Kiney's club r---~""-~------" .PlANT'CHAMPION TER, NO. DARTMOUTH Tuesday before succumbing, 56FRANciSJ.. tso Mt. Pleasan\ Street Every Garment moth-controii~ Treat~d at no extra cost 47. The New Bedford ParOchial!' New Bedford WY3-268'l had a 27-22 halftime bulge. On Friday; surprisingly strong ANY PLAIN SUIT; COAT OR DRESS Westport came within' a couple ._690J!lEASAf'-;1T ..STREET. CLEANED AND PRESSED-CASH and CARRY of minutes of downing the WY 7-0746 vaunted Raiders. Captain Mike
re.. -
M(Jgaz·i·~~"P'~~s· to"Change . Na~~ .8'1'::
A:na- '
Everything for Your ., Wedding-
·Plan Communion Day For Converts· Jan. 25
.,LARRIVIER'S .' , Pharmacy
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BUSH &- CO.,
Stanley Oil Co., Inc.
Catholic Librarians' Hono,r Lon.donAut~or
VILLANOVA (NC)-Author-· ess Eleanor Farjeon' of Hampstead, metropolitan bOrough Of .:.. London; will be the ,first recip· ient of the,Catholic.Libr~y'~ · sociiltion's' ~giria MedIa.;' ~ " The. newly~tablished award ,. in children's literature 'honors . the liletime' work:' "of .a.. wri~r, · ed~tor··aDd iHustratori., Tlie::Catb- (" c)lie t.lbrary·' AsSoc'iation' .announced'aFits -·itcltdquarters ~ '. .: Villanova"",Uni~~l'si~:,:·.that ijle • · Medal will be awarded in Ch-i'. cagd, "Monday', March '30:' Miss ' Fa~jeon ... who.:. was' born .' ~ Lon,don in iSS1, became':. ' ~ catholic' iii. : i951;' 'She"'baS';wrH- ,I· "~n abotit'-20'b06ks/tlle majority I
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Diocesan CYO Centers Provide Wholesome' Recreation AS··:-:.·-:'·'~ .~
-AT KENNEDY CENTER: Spiritual Chairman Normand Boulet lights the vigil light while Robert Bl~nchette arid. Rita, LeBlanc, president of New Bedford District CYO look ·on. BELOW: Platter spinning at Taunton CYO absorbs' the attentiori of, left-to right, Joyce Smith; Roland'Robino, Lila Dickson and MichaelHickey. : . . . ~. .
. . CERAMICS' CLASS: Elai~'e Soulier 'and. 'Itita Fiola find pleasant recreation in ceram- . 'ics at.Fall River CenteJ;, top photo. Register-· . , ing for dance ,at .I~ennedy Center, .above, are. J:;aU~ Mulhern, Mary Morris, Bruce 'Eutter- . more and, rear, Virginia Reckard.
DANCING IS FUN: The happy group below; at :Kennedy. Youth Center ,includes,~left to right, Robert Blanchette, Barbara Cherbino, Louise Tremblay; John Rita and Chairman Kathlee'n Morrissey.
'COOKING,CLASS: Mary McCarthy and Barbara Biszko follow recipe instructions, top photo,.in practice of culinary art at Fall. River Center. Enjoying, rehearsals for play at New Bedford Center, above, are, left to right, Isidora -Abreau,·Delila Som~a and Judy Allen..
READY TO SERVE: Louise St. Germai';I'e; lEift,' and Adrienne Hebl;!rt pa~~e between customers at Kennedy Center' snack bar. Joseph Marcotte. presides at coffee urn.
INTERMISSION: "These' cookies look de:' licious i , say' these Taunton CYO-'ers at· refreshmtmt time. Left' to right are:NancyPa~ker,Peter' 'Griffiths, Roberta Digits and Rob~rt·.Reid.
., ·TAUNTON. TERPSICHOREANS: CYO dances. at Tau ntoil provide :delightful reCreation
EXPERTS IN THE MAKING: Cooking. instructions at Fall River Center absorb the attention of, left to right, Elaine Candeias, l\iaryLouis~ Souza, Mary Sayward, Barbara Grenarea, youngsters. ·iar ~and- Carol Zmuda.. ,.: ..