e AKCHOR An Anchor
Vol. 20. No.4-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Jan. 22, 1976
of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
'Church Stresses Life and Living "I came
that they might have life and have it
to the full." John X:l0
Pope Instructs the Church On the Values of Sex VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Vatican has issued a declaration reaffirming traditional teachings on sex and specifically r~jecting "certain errors"concerning the sinfulness of premarital sex, homosexual acts and masturbation. Made public in the United States by the U. S. Catholic Conference-Natil)ual Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCC-NCCB), the Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics calls chastity the key element which allows human beings to love one another. In a statement marking the document's release by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fa'ith, Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, head of the USCC路NCCB, called it "a welcome reaffirmation of traditional Catholic teaching on sexual morality." Archbishop Bernardin said "Chastity is not a negation of sexuality; it is a way of placing the God-given gift of sex in the context of a full, mature human life, rooted in respect for oneself, others, and law of God." The "Declaration of Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics" was published with the approval of Pope Paul VI and signed Tum to Page Five
Catholic Nurses Send Resolution To NE Hospitals At a recent conference of the New England Diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses, the assembly of nurses passed a resolution unanimously and man路 dated that it be sent to all the hospitals of New England. The "Resolution Favoring Life", it was requested, should be read to meetings of the Boards of Directors, Boards of Trustees and Boards of Incorporators. It was also asked that hospital administrators post a copy of the resolution "in a prominent place so as to share the information with all employees and visitors." The resolution reads: "Whereas, unfortunately the Supreme Court decisions on Tum to Page Two
u.S. Bishops Urge Steps To Protect All Life WASHINGTON (NC)-Pro-life groups across the country have' scheduled marches and rallies today, Jan. 22, to mark the third anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court abortion decision. In Fall River, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., had a special pastoral letter read at all Masses on Jan. 17-18 <please see page 4 for the text of the letter) outlining both the urgency and the plans America's bishops have formed to protect life and oppose both abortion and euthanasia. Terming pro-abortion laws as both "unjust and immoral", the bishop welcomed the activities of pro-life groups within the Diocese and urged all residents "regardless of sex, race, religion or ethnic origin" to seek that 'Iprotection of the right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' that has always been one of our nation's most important commitments." In a draft pastoral letter sent by the NCCB, the bishops each applied to their own dioceses what had been strongly debated during their ,Fall meeting. The bisqops insisted that whatever is opposed to human life -abortion, euthanasia, some human experimentation, poverty and Tum to Page Twelve
In This Issue------
Bishop's Letter
Cape Vocation
Sexual Ethics
Marriage Encounter
Mt. Carmel Parish
On 'Pro-ute'
Vocation Day
Page 4
Page 5
Pages 8-9-10
Page 13
Page "14
THE ANCHOR-Dicxese of fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
National Now Supports School Aid HARRISBURG Pa.-Spurred by recent court action, a United Methodist bishop here said he has changed his mind and now supports state aid to nonpublic schools. In a letter to the Harrisburg Patriot, a daily, United Methodist Bishop John B. Warman of the Harrisburg area said: "In times past I have sometimes rejoiced over court decisions that prevented tax monies going to support the parochial schools of my Roman Catholic or my Lutheran brothers ... I no longer so rejoice."
Anti-Abortion Education HUNTINGTON, Ind. - Those in the pro-life movement must recognize that millions of people do not consider abortion to be an evil, according-to John F. Fink, exe~utive vice1>resident of Our Sunday Visitor, the national Catholic publishing company here. In the Jan. 25 issue of Our Sunday Visitor, Fink writes: "I'm convinced that most people would oppose abortion if they believed it was a matter of killing human life. The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at fertilization, but most people don't bemust redirect our educational lieve that. So efforts to redu~e the uncertainty about when life begins."
OUR FRONT PAGE "l1'e Head of Christ" painted by Rembrandt Van Ryo in the late 1640's is displayed in the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University. NC Photo.
Education Boa rd To Share Series Of Workshops Meeting regularly for combination workshop-recollection days, members of the Board of Education of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, are p:uticipating in what may be a unique project in the Fall River diocese. They have agreed to meet every three months for an in-depth session of shared prayer and exercise in developing communication skills. The second such session took place last week at Case House in Swansea and was attended by Rev. Gabriel Blain, D.P., St. Anne's pastor, and Rev. Pierre Lachance, assistant, as well as by board members. "The day was a good prayerful experience," said Sister Noella, D.P., parish CCD coordinator and the only Religious on the board, which includes members of St. Anne's Youth, Adult Education and School commissions. The program, directed by Rev. Michael Methot, diocesan associate director of adult education,
God's Special Instruments
St. John of God Movie
PHILADELPHIA-Father Walter J. Conway, executive secretary of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, called 500 members of congress committees "God's special instruments" during a Mass at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Father Conway praised them for "proclaiming and restoring spiritual and moral values which are rapidly fading in our world and in setting in focus the awareness of God's presence in the personal lives of all men and women."
GRANADA-A $1 million movie on the life of St. John of God, founder of the Brothers Hospitallers, a hospital nursing order, began shooting here in Spain under the title of "A Man Who Knew How to Love." Timothy Dalton who acted in "Cromwell" and "The Lion in Winter," plays the main role of the 16th-century Spanish saint whose care of the abandoned sick attracted many followers.
Polish Constitution
World Prelate Excommunicated SEVILLE - Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc, exiled brother of assassinated president Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam. has incurred excommunication along with five men he ordained without authorization to the priesthood and to the episcopacy. "This is only the beginning," said one of the irregularly ordained bishops, "We will keep on ordaining priests and bishops." The new grpup, the Carmelites of the Holy Face, foster devotion to alleged apparitions of Our Lady at Palmar de Toya. Such devotions have been expressly condemned by Seville church authorities. The order claims to haye 15 men and 15 women in addition to the priests and bishops. Jose Cardinal Maria Bueno Monreal of Seville has branded the apparitions as "collective superstition" and has prohibited pilgrimages there as "harmful to the faith."
VATICAN CITY-Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski of Warsaw has reemphasized his hopes that the proposed revision of the Polish constitution would respect fundamental human rights. Speaking in Warsaw, the Polish primate said the present crisis tormenting men and the modem state cannot be overcome without a deepening awareness of the human person, his d~g颅 nity, his rights and his duties, the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano reported.
One Europe Diocese LONDON - Anglican priests and laity living in Europe are being consulted about a proposal to create an extraterritorial diocese of the Church of England that would embrace all Europe. The proposed single diocese would replace two jurisdictions: that of the bishop of London over Anglicans living in northern and central Europe, and that of the bishop of Gibraltar over Anglicans living in countries from Portugal along the Mediterranean to Turkey.
Catholic Nurses
Anglican States
Church Is Christian Unity Leader WASHINGTON (NC) - An Episcopal priest, preaching路 by special arrangement at a Catholic Mass in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception here, said that the Catholic Church is now the leader of the effort to reunite the world's divided Christians. The preacher, the Rev. J. Robert Wright, professor of church history at the Episcopal General Theological Seminary in New York, said that the Anglican Communion, to which he belongs, was the leading force in ecumenism earlier in this century but that the initiative
and Rev. Richard Reed, Case House director, included scriptural prayer, a goal-setting workshop, practice in communication skills and a concluding Eucharistic liturgy. "It was an opportunity to pray together and get to know each other hetter," concluded Sister Noella.
shifted to Catholics following the Second Vatican Council. In an interview following the Mass, Father Wright said his views on the Catholic Church's current role in ecumenical路 affairs were shared by at least two Anglican bishops who have key roles in ecumenical affairs, Bishop J. R. H. Moorman of Ripon, England, and Bishop C. Kilmer Myers of California. "Since Rome has entered the ecumenical movement in force," Father Wright said, "most Christians of most traditions feel that insofar as there is a human center of unity in the church, it lies in Rome ... "Although there is widespread disagreement whether Rome should be the center, most nonRoman Catholics believe the center is in Rome, at least as a practical matter. Most feel that if Rome is willing to take any initiative, it should be followed -not blindly,- but as coming from the largest church in Christendom.
"Rome is now taking that initiative by following up explicitlyon the Vatican II principle that there can be corporate reunion (of separated churches) as well as individual conversions (to the Catholic Church)." In his homily Father Wright described Catholic ecumenical initiatives as "prudent yet forthright." Citing Scripture, the homilist declared that "holiness, truth and mission ... that the three major characteristics of the one united church for which Christ prays. "They correspond, in a way, to the work of Christ Himself as priest, as prophet or teacher, and as pastor or servant, and they likewise set the tone for a seminary ... The outlines of His church, the general principles of the 17th chapter of John's Gospel, therefore, help to ensure that a seminary to train future priests will almost certainly have its foci in the chapel, the c.:lassroom ~nd the field context."
Continued from Page One abortion have created an atmosphere of abortion on request; and "Whereas, these same Supreme Court decisions have denied protection of the law to unborn children; and "Whereas, the Catholic Church has ever maintained that human life must be safeguarded from the moment of conception; and whereas, Catholic nurses are vitally concerned with the right to life of all human beings, including unborn children; "Be it resolved, that the New England Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses in solemn assembly in Worcester, Mass. on October 26, 1975 vote to place its spiritual and material resources in pro-life activities as its number one priority during the Bicentennial Year 1976." The resolution also has the endorsement of the eleven Cath: olic Dioceses of New England: Portland, Me.; Manchester, N. H.; Burlington, Vt.; Boston,路 Fal) River, Springfield and Worcester in Mass.; Providence, R. I.; and Hartford, Bridgeport and Norwich in Connecticut.
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"HE ANCHOi{-UiGrr:"e
::If fa!i Rive--Thurs, Jan. 22, 1976
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:-Iis :sxce~Iency, N10st ~:<ev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.::;., a:::nour:ces the ::clJ.owing important dates for the 1976 Catholic Charities Appeal.
Special Gifts Phase _. April 19 to May 1 Parish House to House Phase- May 2 to May 12 Kick-off Meeting 8 P.M.
Wednesday, April 21,
During the 1976 Appeal, the 35th annual appeal, no fund raising events for parishes, schools, convents and diocesan organizations are to be held from April 12 to May 12. This is the Bicentennial Year of our country. May the "Spirit of 76" be manifested with cooperation, good will and generosity in the '76 Catholic Charities Appeal.
Sacred Hearts Fr. Regis Died Thursday, Jan. 15 Rev. Regis Kwiatkowski, SS.CC., who labored in a number of diocesan parishes and posts, died in Harlingen, Texas, on Thursday, Jan. 15. Father Regis was born in St. Louis, Mo. on Sept. 14, 1921, the son of the late Simon and the late Anna (Czyzcka) Kwiatkowski. He made his temporary profession in the Sacred Hearts Fathers on June 4, 1943 in Fairhaven and his perpetual profession in. Washington, D. C. on June 4, 1946. He was ordained a priest on June 8, 1948. As a Sacred Hearts Father he taught in Lima, Peru; Wareham; Jaffrey, N. H. In the Diocese of Fall River, he served as assistant pastor at St. Joseph Parish, Fairhaven; St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acushnet; and for five years devoted himself to pastoral work at the Regina Pacis Center in New Bedford. Following work in Sacred. Heart Enthronement Jlnd Puerto Rican missions, he became pastor of Queen of Peace Parish in Harlingen, Texas. Burial services were conducted for Father Regis in St. Joseph's
church, Fairhaven, yesterday, Jan. 21. The principal celebrant of the funeral Mass was Very Rev. Fintan Sheerin, provincial of the Sacred Hearts Fathers; Rev. Albert Evans, SS.CC., a classmate of Father Regis was the homilist.
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41st International Eucharistic Congress
Special Collection Next Weekend
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has requested that a special collection be taken up in all parishes of the diocese next weekend, Jan. 31-Feb. 1. Through this collection, the Diocese of Fall River, in cooperation with the National Conference of Cathlic Bishops, will join the other dioceses throughout the country in providing aid to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in facing the costs entailed in planning and conducting the worldwide Eucharistic Congress. "The Eucharistic Congress to be held in Philadelphia next summer," the bishop wrote to the priests, "will be a most important element in the observance of our Bicentennial Year by Catholic Americans. The Turn to Page Five
New Assistant
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has con· firmed the appointment proposed by Very Rev. Edmund F. Szymkiewicz, Minister Provinciat, of Rev. Joseph Paszek, O.F.M. Conv., as assistant pastor at Holy Rosary Parish, Taunton, effective Friday, Jan. 23. _ _ _IIIIII_nl
•••_ ,
Reviews .Past By PAT McGOWAN
"There is jess surface enthusiasm for ecumenism than a decade ago but, as Cardinal Bea expressed it, the river has deepened its course." That was the assessment of Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, interviewed on the occasion of the 68th annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which concludes Saturday. Looking back to 1966, when Fall River became one of the first dioceses in the country to respond to the Second Vatican Council's "Decree on Ecumenism" by issuing a brochure of interim guidelines for ecumenical action, Father O'Neill said, "Things will never go back to what' they were. "People's hearts have been touched and that was the purpose of the whole thing. Children are being brought up in a different climate and the average Catholic feels warmer tovvard his brothers of other faiths than he ever used to." Commenting on apparent lessened interest in ecumenical programs among the clergy, Father O'Neill said, "The younger priests are in a different world. They are truly ecumenically minded and just don't see the
REV. CORNELIUS J. O'NEILL need for organizations. They don't know how bad things were!" . Reflecting on the decade which saw, following the 1966 publication of the interim guidelines, the issuance of a "Directory of Ecumenism" in 1968, Father O'Neill said it has seen many changes in usage now taken for'granted but representing tremendous departures from hitherto unquestioned traditions. "It used to be that spouses
Schedule March for Life Sunday in Fall River A March for Life from the City Hall of Fall River to Kennedy 'Park, about one mile distant, will be sponsored at 2 p.m. this Sunday, rain, snow or shine, by the Greater Fall River Chapter of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. A speaking program at the park will conclude the demonstration, timed to coincide as nearly as possible with the third anniversary of the January 22, 1973 U. S. Supreme Court decision sweeping aside laws of all 50 states banning abortion on demand. The demonstration is one of the first activities of the Fall River group, organized several months ago by Mrs. Pamela Smith of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, who "felt I had to do something about the kiIling of innocent life." Serving as co-chairman of the area group is Atty. George Bol·
ger of Holy Name parish, Fall River, father of 12 children. Greater Fall River churches, schools and institutions of all denominations have been notified of the march, which supports the appeal of the U. S. Catholic bishops, discussed in all pulpits in the diocese last Sunday, that all interested citizens become involved in the national effort to enact a human life amendment to the Constitution.
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somer.et, Ma••. Tel. 674-4811 3'1z r••M ApartMollt 41/1 r••M -Apartlll.llt
Includes heat, hot water, stove, r.frigerator and maintenance servic•.
Europ'ean Holiaav under 'he 'eadership of
Father Roland B.
Highlights K of C Pro-Life Effort In New Bedford The Knights of Columbus throughout Massachusetts vviIl sponsor a Pro-Life Mass on Thursday evening, January 22nd. In the New Bedford area, the Mass will -be held at Sacred Heart Church, Summer St., New Bedford at 7:30 P.M.
Pastor, St. Anne Parish, New Bedford
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Alice Roust says, "PRO LIFE FAMILIES CAPE COD DREAM" 8 huge rooms, great closets, country kitchen, all appliances, 3 yrs. old $40,900.
THE ANCHOR Second CII.. Posta,e 'lid It Fill River, MISS. PUblished every ThursdlY It 410 HI,hllnd Avenue. Fill River. MISS. 02722 by the Clthollc Press of the Diocese of Fill River. Subscription price by mill, postplld $5.00 per JUr.
couldn't be sure they would be buried together if one was not a Catholic. Imagine the heartache of such situations. And remember the problems involved in attending non-Catholic weddings and other religious services? We now have clear directives covering these matters." Father O'Neill said the early years of the decade were marked by large ecumenical services during Unity Week, but. that such programs are less well attended "now that the novelty is gone." But the New Bedford pastor pointed to many examples of "grass roots ecumenism" which he feels is more lasting in its effects. He cited a shared radio program in Taunton, dialogue groups of lay people in various parts of the diocese, at least one ecumenical choir, and the most recent project of the commission itself, a workshop at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River to which all ministers in the diocese were invited. "Attendance was excellent," he said. "The program included Turn to Page Six
An audience with Hi, Holin..., Pope Paul VI, il Ichodulod, al well 01 a comprehensive tour of Vatican City. The.e ar. only a few of the high Ipotl' W,ite or ca" today r: - - lor your detailed itinerary' - - ,
Rev. Roland B. Boule I 51. Anne Rectory I 890 Brock Avenue I New Bedford, Mass. 02744 Dear Fath.r: I Please 'end your colorful I I No ..e
I Add,e.. L~Y
997- , 9271) I
folder: ..
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Fairhaven Parish Sponsors Session On K. Quinlan
Life and Living As Catholics, we have an aspect" of life that is most valuable. It even surpasses the solemn Constitutional value of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We are convinced that life is not a simple joy that we enhance with all kinds of physical feelings or satisfactions for real personal enjoyment; it is not a simple evo.lutionarily developed process that we had better make the most of it while it is at a particular level of consciousness. Life is a gift ... a gift of God. We gratefully acknowledge the omnipotent and omniscient Creator Who gave form and meaning to all that we call reality. Life is also a gift of Christ, given to us with added meaning and value at a great price. He added meaning to the many challenges and opportunities we find during our years and months here on our planet. Christ was most realistic in referring to life's many joys, pains fulfillment. possibilities, difficulties and dangers. As His followers and disciples, Pope Paul pointed out, "to build a society upon tove has become not a dream but a duty." Recent threats to life and deteriorating social behavior have especially strengethened the Pope's urgings and prayer. The valuable aid to an always needed identity as persons chosen to be His followers is to be found in the recent Vatican issued document on sexual ethics. It will be welcomed by those members of the Church who strive to be faithful in Christ's urging of holiness and perfection. It will be welcomed by confessors who want to not only urge the best from their penitents but to also supply them with practical aids to their spirituality. The American bishops' pastoral urgings for determined and decided steps to protect all human life is also a welcomed boost to Catholics who, in this Bicentennial, want to taste and be enlivened with that great spirit that gave such an ideal meaning to the founding of our country. Personal decisions, founded on the Will of God as seen in the Scriptures and the teachings of Christ's Church, are needed. A clear understanding of both the dangers and the opportunities of full life has been given us. Now, each one of us must search consciences. It is not only our personal feelings that empower cur personal actions but a well formed conscience. All important personal judgements on important questions cannot be adequately solved only by personal feelings. Our consciences must be well formed and take into account clearly indicated directions made by our Creator, our Saviour and our Church. Recent important declarations are not competitive decisions or ideals proposed at our leisure. They are authoritative guidance which we would be more than well cautioned to take into account before or as we reach important decisions in our life. A "state of vigilance" the Pope says we need. Life, and the full living of life, is much too valuable to trust only to our personal feelings in given and changing circumstances. We have been called not only to live in an evolutionary development of our world but as a chosen people. of God, called by our creating Father and redeemed by His loving Son. With an eye always on the exalted vocation we all share let us value life in all its forms' and live this life to its full potential.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Av~nue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRAtOR Rev. John R. FoIster, S.T.l. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ",le.IY Press-F. II River
The moral and ethical implications of the case of Karen Ann Quinlan whose parents seek legal permission to end the life support measures that have • kept her in a comatose state for nearly a year, will be discussed at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 6 at Hastings Junior High School auditorium, Fairhaven. The program, entitled "Pulling the Plug" and sponsored by the Educational Commission of the parish council of St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, will be presented by Andrew Slaby, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Yale University, and Laurence Tancredi, M.D., L.L.D. Tickets are available at Fairhaven churches of all denominations and a special rate has been extended to students.
THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND: That theme is illustrated from these readings from the weekend of Jan 25: FirstJonah preaches repentance throughout Nineveh, and the city is saved (Jonah 3: 1-5, 10); Second-Paul warns the Corinthians to live righteously in preparation for the coming of the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:29-31); Gospel-Jesus gathers the first of His apostles who will announce -His' kingship (Mark 1: 14-20). , illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111
Bishop's Letter On 'Pro-Life' Dearly beloved in Christ, On Thursday of next week, we shall mark the third year since decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of our country so gravely imperiled the sanctity and dignity of human life by allowing a very liberal attitude to abortion to prevail. I am uniting with all my brother bishops in the United States at this time in calling the attention of our Catholic faithful and our non-Catholic fellow Americans to important considerations. Ten years ago, the Second Vatican Council repeated clearly and succinctly the basic principle of respect for human life: For God, the Lord of life, has .conferred on men the surpassing ministry of safeguarding life in a manner that is worthy of man. Therefore from the moment of its conception life must be guarded with the greatest care, while abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes. The Church's insistence on the dignity of the human person is grounded in a tradition that sees whatever is opposed to human life, such as abortion or euthanasia, what violates the integrity of the human person, such as sQme forms of human experi-
mentation, and whatever diminishes human dignity, such as poverty and injustice, as moral evils and affronts to God, the creator of all. The Church has a duty to speak in behalf of a human life and to encourage a just social order and a system of justice that protects basic human rights, especially the right to life. Governments must also protect human rights. Laws that permit the arbitrary destruction of human life-before as well as after birth-are unjust and immoral. Recognition of the dignity of the human person, made in the image of God, lies at the very heart of our individual and social duty to respect human life. It is this which causes us to state forcefully once again that abortion and euthanasia are violations of the right to life and are morally evil. There is widespread disrespect for the sanctity of human life in our nation today. It is evidenced in many ways, and especially in the destruction through abortion of more than one million children each year. Disrespect for the sanctity of life is also evident in cuqept efforts
to persuade people that euthanasia is acceptable. Responding to such abuses of the sanctity of life, the bishops of the United States adopted a Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities at their annual meeting last November. This Pastoral Plan seeks to activate all the resources of the Church in order to check the trend toward permissive abortion. It calls on all the Church's agencies, institutions and people to take part in a comprehensive effort of education, moral and pastoral guidance, and social action which will restore respect for human life and establish a system of. justice in which· the basic right of life is protected at every stage and in every circum· stance. The Pastoral Plan addresses itself to the practical task of amending the Constitution in order to make possible laws that protect the unborn. It invites the cooperation of all Americans, regardless of sex, race, religion or ethnic origin. Protection of the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" has always been one of our nation's most important commitments. Reaffirmation of that commitment is a responsibility of all Americans. Thus, the Pastoral Plan recognizes the value and necessity of local pro-life action groups which . are separate from the Church and involve the efforts of all who are committed to the value of human life, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. As we approach once again the date on which the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decisions in 1973 denying protection to unborn children, we urge a renewal of commitment and a resurgence of systematic efforts to persuade our nation's leaders to restore the protection of the Constitution to the unborn. We urge Catholics to move out into the society and invite their neighbors, colleagues and friends to take part in this most important effort. With the prayerful good wish that Almighty God will enrich all the families of the Diocese of Fall River with many blessings, I remain Devotedly yours in Christ; ffi DANIEL A. CRONIN, Bishop of Fall River.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Pope Instructs the Church Continued from Page One by Franjo Cardinal Serer, prefect of the doctrinal congregation, and Archbishop Jerome Hamer, its secretary. It rejects the idea that "so-called norms of the natural law or prece:"ts of Sacred Scripture are to be regarded only as given expressions of a form of particular culture at a certain moment of history." Rather, revelation and philosophy both point to "the existence of immutable laws inscribed in the 'constitutive elements of human nature . . . identical in all beings endowed with reason." Turning specifically to sexual ethics, the document repeats the teacQing of the Second Vatican Council that the morality of conjugal acts "does not de,end solely on sincere intentions or on an evaluation of motives. It must be determined by objective standards. These, based on the nature of the human person and his acts, preserve the full sense of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love." "These final words," the declaration continued, "briefly sum up the Council's teaching . . . on the finality of the sexual act and on the principal criterion of its morality: it is respect for its finality that ensures the moral goodness of this act." The document calls this princiule "the basis of (the Church's) traditional doctrine ... that the use of the sexual function has its true meaning and moral rectitude only in true marriage." It endorses the norms "clearly taught" in the encvclicais Casti Connubii and Humanae Vitae. The first was issued by Pope Pius XI in 1930, the second by Pope Paul in 1968. Noting that "today there are many who vindicate the right to sexual union before marriage," the declaratign comments: "This opinion is contrary to Christian doctrine, which states that every genital act must be within the framework of marriage." While urging a sensitive pastoral anproach to homos~xuals, the document concludes that "no pastoral method can be employed which would give moral justification to these acts... Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of." The declaration describes masturbation also as "an intrinsically and seriously disordered act," mainly because "whatever the motive for acting in this way, the deliberate use of the sexual faculty outside normal conjugal relations essentially contradicts the finality of the act." The "current tendency to minimize as far as possible. when not denying outright, the reality of grave sin," is rejected. This is done by some who equate mortal sin with a so-called "fundamental option" and deny that so-called "peripheral" acts can be gravely . sinful. The document calls it "wrong to say that particular acts are not enough to constitute mortal sin. . . . A person therefore sins mortally not only when his action comes from direct contempt for love of God and neighbor, but also when he consciously and freely, for whatever reason, chooses something which is seriously disordered." It acknowledges that "in sins of the sexual order ... it more easily happens that free consent is not fully given." But it adds: "Although prudence is recommended in judging the subjective seriousness of a particular sinful act. it is no way follows that one can hold the view that in the sexual field mortal sins are not committed." The virtue of chastity is not confined "solely to avoiding . . . faults." Rather, "It is aimed at attaining higher and more positive goals. "Whatever the state of life, chastity is not simply an external state; it must make a person's heart pure in accordance with Christ's words: 'You have learned how it was said; You must not commit adultery. But I路 say this to you: if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' " ~ The document stresses "esteem for the virtue of chastity, its beauty and its power of attraction. This virtue increases the human person's dignity and enables him to love truly, disinterestedly, unselfishly and with respect for others." It concludes with a series of brief exhortations to various categories of persons: - To bishops: To "instruct the faithful in the moral teaching concerning sexual morality, however great may be the difficulties in carrying out this work in the face of ideas and practices generally prevailing today," and to see that "sound doctrine" is taught in schools of theology and in seminaries. - To parents and teachers: "To lead their children and their pupils, by a complete education, to the psychological, emotional and moral maturity befitting their age." . - To artists, writers and communicators: To respect moral norms in their productions and not to give priority to "any so-called aesthetic purpose, or to material advantage or to success." "It will especially be necessary," the declaration says, "to bring the faith~ul to understand that the Church holds these principles not as old and inviolable superstitions, nor out of some Manichaean prejudice, as is often alleged, but rather because she knows with certainty that they are in complete harmony with the divine order of creation and with the spirit of Christ, and therefore als~ with human dignity."
Necrology JAN. 31
Rev. Charles J. Burns, 1901, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro
Rev. William F. Sullivan, 1930, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset Rev. Manuel C. Terra, 1930, Pastor, St. Peter, Provincetown
The Parish Parade
Pri路est Vocation Cape Topic
Installation ceremonies for the Council of Catholic Women have been postponed from Sunday, Jan. 25 to 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 in the church hall. Guests are invited and arran'gements are under the direction of Miss Patricia Rivera and Mrs. Lorraine Lima, who may be contacted for reservations at 6746227 or 676-0076. A jar party will highlight the council meeting set for 7:30 Tuesday night, Feb. 10, with members bringing jars of food to be raffled. Chairpersons are Mrs. Emily O. Borges and Mrs. Elvira Furtado. The next in a series of council-sponsored parish dances will be held Saturday night, Feb. 14 in the hall. Preliminary plans have been made for a March rummage sale. Mrs. Hilda Silva, chairman, will announce the date at a later time. Mrs. Palmira Aguiar, longtime council publicity chairman, concludes her years of service this month - at age 80. The Anchor's good wishes go with her as she "retires." ST. JOSEPH,
"Calling All Cooks!" is the battle cry of the Council of Catholic Women, which is compiling a parish cookbook, with sales to benefit a proposed parish center. All Westport cooks are asked to write their favorite recipes on file cards, signing each one as the contributor's name should appear in the book. Cards may be deposited in the designated receptacle at the church entrance. There is no limit on the number of submissions which may be made, although all may not be used. Detadline for recipes is Sunday, Feb. 1 and further information is available from Mary Lekom or Beatrice Lekom, project co-chairwomen, telephone 636-4542.
An All-Cape "Vocations to the Priesthood . Night" will take place from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 at Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville. All area young men who are juniors or seniors in high school and who would like to learn about the priesthood are invited and may. register with their parish priests. The evening will begin with an Italian dinner prepared and donated by members of Our Lady ATTLEBORO Knights of the Altar superviof Victory Women's Guild apd will continue with a talk by Rev. sors and cadets will hold a planFrancis Connors, pastor of Our ning session at 7:30 tonight at Lady of Victory, on "What the home of John Morin, 33 Riverside Ave. Priesthood Means to Me." The youth drop-in center will Rev. Mr. John Oliveira, a sembe open from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorinarian of the diocese, will discuss seminary life and a discus- ,row in the parish hall. All young sion period will follow. The people in sixth grade and over program will be coordinated by are welcome to attend. Officers of the Knights of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Costa, a semAltar wil attend 9 a.m. Mass inarian assigned to vocation work in the diocese as part of Saturday, Jan. 24. A luncheon meeting will follow in the hall. his field traiing. ST. STANISLAUS, The evening is under the FALL RIVER sponsorship of the Cape Cod The silver jubilee of Sister Vocations Committee, a part of Mary Lawrence of the faculty of the diocesan vocation program the parochial school will be directed by Rev. John J. Smith. marked at a concelebrated Mass The Cape Cod committee is at 11 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 25. A headed by Rev. Timothy Goldrick banquet will follow in the school and members are Rev. George hall. Coleman, Mrs. Charles Fuller, A final meeting for those planMrs. Richard Farley, Sister Pa- ning to participate in a .trip to tricia Hughes, MSMBT, John Egypt during the February Hill and Rev. Mr. Costa. school vacation will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 in the school.
Continued from Page Three theme of the Congress, "the hungers of mankind," will be echoing in varied ways through the celebration of the Lenten Season by faithful of the United States. Naturally, it is precisely the Eucharist that we recognize as the Food, the Bread of Life, which uniquely satisfies the most hunger that members of the human family experience."
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Rev. John J. Oliveira, diocesan coordinator for the Eucharistic congress to be held this summer in Philadelphia, will address the Project Leisure group at 2 this afternoon in the school auditorium. All are welcome to attend. A coffee hour will follow the program. Skiers of all ages are invited to join a group skiing weekly at Klein Innsbruck in Franklin. Further information is available from Rev. William G. Campbell at the rectory. The 1923 Club will hold a buffet dance at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24 in the school hall. Donations of clothing, boots and rubbers are requested for a rummage sale to be sponsored Saturday, March 27路 by the Women's Guild. Arrangements for pick-ups may be made with Mrs. James Charette, telephone 678-4637. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD
The Couples Club will sponsor a buffet-dance with the theme of Hearts and Flowers from 8 to midnight, Feb. 7 in the parish hall. Music will be by the Al Rios orchestra and tickets may he reserved by calling 999-5571 or 993-0832. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER
A Bingo party directed by Mrs. Joseph Gagnon will feature the meeting of the Council of Catholic Women scheduled for 7:45 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26 in JesusMary auditorium. Those wishing to donate prizes may bring them to the lower church this weekend after the 4 p.m. Saturday or 10:30 a.m. Sunday Masses. Turn to Page Seven
699 Belleville Avenue New Bedford
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, i976
Study of Dorma,nt Galrden Aids Plans for Summer By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick Winter is a good time to take a long look at the garden in its barren state. A great deal can be learned about things that have to be remedied in the Spring. One of the most important lessons to be learned is where water accumulates. This is especially important when dealing with bulbous where nothing else will grow, but that they should be carefully plants which do not want planted to enhance the total garwet feet during the growing den, not just hide unsight1v founseason. By watching where water freezes and collects above the ground, one can either decide to build up the ground in sunken areas or determine what not to plant in such areas. I have a great number of iris and these do not do well in wet areas, so it is important that I make a definite plan for planting and re"lanting. Last year, for example, I picked up about 50 varieties which had to be planted in the fall. Most of these I planted in prepared beds but the leftovers were "ut in a section of the vegetable garden to give them a start for the s,ring. Unfortunatelv, I made the mistake of planting them in what has turned out to he a depressed area of the garden and they have either been covered with a sheet of ice or have been sitting in a pool of water all wi!1ter, depending upon the temperature. Round Is Better With no foliage to confound the issue, winter is a good time to look at the general outline of your garden and to plan for new additions. Most people tend to plan their gardens in terms of square and rectangles rather than in soft rounded forms. The latter, however, add a great deal to a garden by giving it a sense of mobility and fluidity rather than the penned·in stodginess of sharply defined right angles. Another advantage of the dormant garden is the view it gives us of evergreen plantings. This is the best time to see these plantings as they truly exist and to weigh their total effect on the garden. I personally reel that evergreens should be used to tidy up difficult areas of the garden
dations or otherwise difficult areas. While it's true that the dormant garden can be a depressing sight for beauty lovers, it can' be a useful one.
'~'he s:ow-cooking electric pot is the ans-wer to the concerned cook's prayer for a way to beat that old bug-a-boo time and stili give us foods with the flavors our grandmothers created.
This appliance is designed to cook food at low, even temperatures, 200· on the low, 300· on the high setting. It uses the same amount of electrical power as a 75 watt bulb. While the pot that you buy comes with a small cookbook, I have noticed recently that a lot of companies are publishing crackpot cookbooks. One good little one I picked up recently is The Crockery Cookbook by Marie Roberson Hamm, a pocket book published by Fawcett Publishing Co. I happen to adore chili and
this crock pot recipe makes the best I have ever eaten. Crock-Pot Chile Con Carne Y2 pound dry pinto or kidney beans 2 pounds ground lean chuck 1 Y2 cups chopped onion 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 ,I-pound I3-ounce can tomatoes Y2 teaspoon crushed dried red pepper 1 green pepper, chopped· 1 Tablespoon chili powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon cumin 1) Simmer beans in 3 cups unsalted water for 30 minutes. Allow to stand covered for 1 Y2 hours, until softented, drain. 2) Brown meat for 5 minutes, until red color is gone. 3) Put all ingredients and 1
~up water in cooker. Stir to blend ingredients. Cover and cook on low setting for 10 to 12 hours or on high setting for 5 to 6 hours, stirring several times. Delicious!
Christian Unity Continued from Page Three a presentation of new Catholic marriage legislation and a fellowship period at which Bishop Cronin greeted all those present." Father O'Neill noted the consistent encouragement given by Bishop Cronin to the participation by ·clergy in area ecumenical activities, and he also paid tribute to the pioneering work of Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, his predecessor as commission chairman.
In The Kitchen
Under many a Christmas tree this year was a crock pot in one form or other, from the deluxe models with the automatic timer to the basic one with two heat settings. Mine didn't arrive at Yuletide but it has been gathering dust since last year when I purchased it after glowing recommendations from my sister-in· law. However, since all ::>f the recent talk about the value and delights of slow cooking, mine has been unearthed and softly bubbles away, sending great odors out into the kitchen at least a couple of times a week. Many of my readers, I'm sure, remember back to their younger days when a large cooking pot would sit on the back of the coal or oil stove gently simmering all day to produce a taste-tempting stew. or other slow cooking concoction. Our heritage includes this image of hearty stew, rich homemade soups. molasses-flavored beans and New England boiled dinners getting a stir now and then from our grandmothers or a large spoon tasting from our grandfathers. Back to Slow Then along came our hectic way of living, more women working outside their homes, and the art of slow simmering took a back seat to convenience foOds and quickie meals. (I am as guilty of this as anyone.)
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great ... by taking their places in the Legislature, Congress, and in history.
From City Hall to Kennedy Park Sponsored By Greater Fall River Area Chapter Massachusetts Citizens For Life
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns In the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Ar,e y,ou Going to Heaven?
The Parish, Parade
Not Even P,op1e Can Tell An old joke tells about a man who wanted very much to know where he would spend eternity. ~e went to a very holy man and asked him: "Will I go Heaven?" The holy man promised to menitate on it and told the concerned man to return in a week for And that is also the reason we his answer. When he did, the can say another person is holy man said, "I have some guiltynever of sin. We can believe good news ... and some bad that the majority of people
news. "The good news is that you definitely are going to Heaven. The bad news is . you're gQing today."
MARY CARSON The man who wanted to know if he was going to Heaven has something in common with all of us. We all would really like the answer to that question. The real problem is that there doesn't seem to be anyone we can ask to get the answer. The greatest theologian, the holiest priest, the wisest bishop, even the Pope himself, could not give you or me a positive "yes" or "no" answer if we were to ask, "Am I going to Heaven?" . No One Knows The reason is none of them knows for sure just what is in q,ur hearts. ' It's important to grasp this 'idea, in order to understand how conscience relates to obedience and authority. Authority, such as civil and church authority, establish laws which it deems ap"ropriate to the needs of the majority of the people over whom the authority extends. But neither of these authorities can judge what is in any individual's heart. Only God can do. that. This is why an individual must follow conscience when a sincere examination of conscience dictates that he must not obey a legitimate authority. Sometimes this happens. A person refuses to pay taxes because he objects to his tax money being spent for bombs. Is that person really obeying a true conscience or just trying to save money? The civil authority won't try to answer that question. It will just hold him in violation of the law and put him in jail if he refuses to pay. A church authority might be more sympathetic and suggest the person could be behaving in a moral way, but there is no way the church authority can say' with certainty the man's conscience is true and he has no baser motives for his action. The only ones who know are the man himself - and God.
Mercy "The work of divine justice always presupposes the work of mercy; and is founded thereon." -St. Thomas Aquinas
would be doing wrong to do what one certain person is doing . .. but we can never judge that person. So if you want to know if you're going to Heaven the only way is to examine your conscience. It's between you and God. Obedience to authority is a good guide, and when an examination of conscience leaves you in doubt about the right thing to do, you must obey the law. But when, without a doubt, your conscience tells you the law is not right for you, you must obey your conscience to get to Heaven.
ST. BERNARD, ASSONET A buffet dance with a "Snowball Frolic" theme will be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31 in the parish hall on South Main Street, Assonet. Tickets are available from committee members, including Mrs. Mary Ouimet and Mrs. Pauline Thibault. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER A whist party open to the public will be sponsored by the Women's Club at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 25 in the Father Coady Center. Mrs. Noel T. Harrison and Mrs. Darrel Lecy will be cochairwomen. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Mrs. Helene Vaillancourt is chairwoman of a whist party to be held at 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24 in the parish hall at the rear of the church on Highland Avenue.
The Manley Family Singers will entertain at the Women's Guild meeting slated for 7:45 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26 in the school hall on Route 177. Members may invite guests to the program, which will follow the business session, beginning at 9 p.m. A public whist sponsored by the guild will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7 in the hall. Door prizes will be awarded and refreshments served.
The guild and Holy Name Society will co-sponsor a beans, franks and chourico supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14 in the hall. A penny sale will follow. Tickets are available from guild members and at the rectory. A special whist party for the benefit of the Heart Assn. will be held in the church hall on Highland Avenue at 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24. The public is invited.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22,1976
Church Cannot Remain Indifferent to this Importance of Sex 1. According to contemporary scientific research, the human person is so profoundly affected by sexuality that it must be considered as one of the factors which give to each individual's life the principal traits that distinguish it. In fact it is from sex that the human person receives the characteristics which, on the biological, psychological and spiritual levels, make that person a man or a woman, and thereby largely condition his or her "rogress towards maturity and insertion into society. Hence sexual matters. as is obvious to everyone, today constitute a theme frequently and openly ,dealt with in books, reviews. ma"a?ines and other means of social com· munication. In the present period, the cor· ruption of morals has increased, and one of the most serious indications of this corruption is the un'>ridled exaltation of sex. Moreover, through the means of social communication and through public entertainment this corruption has reached the point of invading the field of education and infecting the general mentality. In this context certain educators. te~chers and moralists have been able to contribute to a better understanding and inte~ra tion into life of the values !,roper to each of the sexes; on t'-e other hand there are those who have put forward concepts and modes of behavior which are contrary to the true moral exigencies of the human person. Some members of the latter group have gone ~o f?r as to favor a licen· tious hedonism. As a result, in the course of a few years, teachings, moral criteria and modes of living hitherto faithfully preserved have been verv much unsettled, even among Christians. There are many ~eople today who, being confronted with so many widespread opinions opposed to the teaching which thev received from the chutch. have come to wonder what they must still hold as true. Clarity Intended 2. The church cannot remain indifferent to this confusion of minds and relaxation of morals. It is a question, in fact, of a matter which is of the utmost importance both for the personal lives of Christians and for the social life of our time. l · The bishops are daily led to note the growing difficulties experienced by the faithful in obtaining knowledge of wholesome moral teaching, es-ecially in sexual matters, and of the growing difficulties experienced by pastors in expounding this teaching effectively. The bishops know that by their pastoral charge thev are called upon to meet the needs of their faithful in this very serious matter, and im"'ortant documents dealing with it have already been published by some of them or by episcopal conferences. Nevertheless, since the erroneous opinions and resulting deviations are continuing to spread everywhere, the Sacred
Following is the text of the Vatican's Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning of chastity. Its object is rathe Sexual Ethics, published with too approval of Pope Paul VI and signed by Cardinal Fran- to repeat the church's doctrinl on certain particular points, i, jo Seper, prefect of the Doctrinal Congregation, and Archbishop Jermoe Hamer, its secre- view of the urgent need to op tary. pose serious errors and wide Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, by virtue of its function in the universal church2 and by a mandate of the supreme pontiff, has judged it necessary to psblish the present declara· tion. Fundamental Principles 3. The people of our time are more and more convinced that the human person's dignity and vocation demand that they sbould discover by the Hght of their own intelligence the values innate in their nature, that they should ceaselessly develop these values and realize them in their lives, in order to achieve an ever greater development. In moral matters man cannot make value judgments according to his personal whim: "In the depths of his conscience, man detects a law which he does not impose on himself, but which holds him to olJedience. . . For' man has in his heart a law written by God. To obey it is the very dignitv of man; according to it he will be judged."3 Moreover, through his revelation God has made known to us Christians his plan of salvation, and he has held up to us Christ, the savior and sanctifier, in his teaching and example, as the su-reme and immutable law of life: "I am the light of tbe world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark, he will have the light of life."4 Therefore there can be no true promotion of man's dignity unless the eS3entiai order of his nature is respected. Of course, in the history of civilization many of the concrete conditions and needs of human life have cl,anr:ed and will continue to change. But all evolution of morals and every type of life must be kept within the limits imposed by the immutable principles based upon every human person's constitutive elements and es~ential relations - elements and relations which transcend historical contingency. These fundamental principles, which can be grasped by reason, are contained in "the divine law - eternal. objective and universal - whereby God orders, directs and governs the entire universe and all the ways of the human community, by a plan conceived in wisdom and love. Man has been made by God to participate in this law, with the result that, under the gentle disposition of divine providence, he can come to perceive ever increasingly the unchanging truth. "5 This divine law is acce'isible to our minds. Some Absolute Precepts 4. Hence, those manv people are in error who today assert that one can find neither in human nature nor in the revealed law any absolute and immutable norm to serve for part!cular actions other than the one which expresc;es itc;elf in the general law of charity and respect for human tignity. As a
proof of their assertion they put forward the view that .so·called norms of the natural law or precepts of sacred scripture are to be regarded only as given eX'· pressions of a form of particular culture at a certain moment of history. But in fact, divine revelation and, in its own pro~er order, philosophical wisdom. emphasize the authentic exigencies of human nature. They thereby necessarily manifest the existence of immutable laws inscribed in the constitutive elements of human na.ture and which are revealed to be identical in all beings endowed with reason. Furthermore, Christ instituted his church as "the pillar and bulwark of truth,"6 With the Holy Spirit's assistance. she ceaselessly preserves and transmits without error the truths of the
much the opinions and morals of the world may have been opposed to them. These principles and norms in no way owe their origin to a certain type of culture, but rather to knowledge of ,the divine law and of human nature. They therefore cannot be considered as having become out of date or doubtful under the pretext that a new cultural situation has arisen. It is these principles which inspired the exhortations and directives given by the Second Vatican Council for an education and an organization of social life taking account of the equal dignity of man and woman while respecting their difference.S Speaking of "the sexual nature of man and the human faculty of orocreation," the Council noted that they "wonderfully exceed the dispositions of lower forms of Iife."g It then took particular care to expound the principles and criteria which concern human sexuality in marriage, and which are based upon the finality of -the specific function of sexuality. In this rep,ard the Council declares that the moral goodness of the acts proper to conjugal life, acts which are ordered according to true human dignity, "does not de'!:'end solely'on sincere in· tentions or on an evaluation of motives. It must be determined by objective standards. These, based on the nature of the human person and his acts, preserve the full sense of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love.."lo
Declaration Welcomed "We welcome the declaration on sexual ethics. It is a clear pastoral and timely proclamation of values which are fundamental to the defense of human dignity. I have issued a supportive statement in the name of the episcopal conference. Cordial best wishes." ffi Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin Cincinnati moral order. and she autbentically interprets not only the reo vealed positive law but "also ... thoc:;e T'rinciples of the moral order which have their origin in human nature itself"7 and which concern man's full development and sanctification. Now in fact the church throughout her history has always considered a certain number of precepts of the natural law as having an absolute and immutable value, an~ in their transgression she has seen a contradiction of the teachin~ and spirit of the gospel. More Than Culture 5. Since sexual ethics concern fundamental values of human and Christian life, this general teaching equally a""plies to sexual ethics. In this domain there exist principles and norms which the church has always unhesitatingly transmitted as part_ of her teaching, however
These final words briefly sum up ,the Council's teaching more fully expounded in an earlier part of the same consti· tution ll - on the finality of the sexual act and on the principal criterion of its morality: it is respect for its finality that ensures the moral goodness of this act. This same principle, which the church holds from divine revelation and from her authen· tic interpretation of the natural law, is also the basis of her -traditional doctrine, which states that the use of the sexual function has its true meaning and moral rectitude only in true marriage. l2 Emphasize Doctrine 6. It is not the purpose of the present declaration to deal with all the abuses of the sexual faculty, nor with all the elements' involved in the practice
spread aberrant modes of beha vior. Pre-Marital Sex 7. Today there are many wh( vindicate the right to sexua union before marriage, at leas in those cases where a firm in tention to marry' and an affec tion which is already in soml way conjugal in the psycholoID the subjects require this comple tion, which they judge to bl con-natural. This is especiall~ the case when the celebration 0 the marriage is impeded by cir cumstances or when this inti mate relationship seems neces sary in order for love to be pre served. This opinion is contrary t4 Christian doctrine, which state! that every genital act must b within the framework of mar riage. However firm the inten tion of those who pracitce sucl premature sexual relations ma, be, the fact remains that th~ relations cannot ensure, in sin cerity and fidelity, the interper sonal relationship between I man and a woman, nor especial ly can they protect this rela tionship from whims am caprices. ,Now it is a stable union thai Jesus willed, and he restored it! original requirement, beginninl with the sexual difference "Have you not read that thE creator from the beginning madl them male and female "nd tha' he said: This is why a man mus' leave father and mother, anc cling to his wife, and the twc become one body? They are DC longer two, therefore, but onl body. So then, what God ha! united, man must not divide,"l: Saint Paul will be even morl explicit when he shows that i: unmarried people or widows can not live chastely they have DC other alternative than the stabl< union of marriage: ..... it is bet ter to marry than to be aflam4 with passion."l4 Through mar riage, in fact, the love of mar ried people is taken up into thai love which Christ irrevocabll has for the church,ls while dis solute sexual union 16 defiles thl temple of the Holy Spirit whicl the Christian has become. Sex ual union therefore is only legiti· mate if a definite community 0: life has been established be tween the man and the woman This is what the church hal always understood and taught,l: and she finds a profound agree ment with her doctrine in men'! reflection and in the lessons 0: history. Experience teaches us tha love must find its safeguard ir stahility of marriage if sexua intercourse is truly to respond tc the requirements of its owr finality and to those of humar dignity. These requirements cal for a conjugal contract sane tioned and guaranteed by so ciety - a contract which estab lishes a state of life of capita importance both for the exclu sive union of the man and thl woman and for the good of thei
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Confusion of Minds 'and Relaxation of Morals family and of the human community. Most often, in fact, premarital relations exclude the possibility of children. What is represented to be conjugal love is not ahle, as it absolutely should' be, to develop into pa· ternal and maternal love. Or, if it does happen to do so, this will be to the d'etriment of the cbildren, who will be deprived of the stable environment in which they ought to develop in order to find in it the way and the means of their insertion into society as a whole. The consent given bv "'eople who wish to be united in mar· riage must therefore be mani· fe3ted externally and in a man· ner which makes it valid in th·e eyes of society. As far as the faithful are concerned, their con· sent to the settinR up of a community of coniu~al life must be expre~sed according to the laws of the church. It is a consent which makes their marriage a sacrament of Christ. Homosexuality 8. At the pre~ent time there are those who. basing them· selves on observations in the psychological order, have begun to judge indulgentlv, and even to excuse com-letely, homosexual relations between certain people. This they do in opposition to the constant teaching of the magis· terium and to the moral sense of the Christian people. A distinction is drawn, and it seems with some reason, between homosexuals whose ten· dency comes from a false educa· tion, from a lack of normal sexual development, from' habit, from bad example, or from other similar causes, and is transitory or at least not incurable; and homosexuals who are definitely such because of some kind of innate instinct or a pathological constitution judged to be incurable. In re~ard to this second category of sUb.iects. some reople conclude that their tendency is so natural that it justifies in their case homosexual relations within _a sincere communion of life and love analogous to mar· riage, insofar as such homosex· uals feel incapable of enduring a solitary life. In the pastoral field. the!le homosexuals must certainly be treated with understanding and susta~ned in the hope of over· coming their per'lonal difficulties and their inabUity to fit into society. Their culrability will be jud~ed with prudence. But no pastoral me&od can be employed which would p,ive moral justification to these acts on the grounds that thev would he consonant with the condition of such people. For according to the obfective moral order, homo-sexual relations are acts which lack an essential and indispensable finality. In sacred scripture thev are condemned as a serious depravity and even presented as tbe sad conse1uence of rejecting God,18 This judgment of scrip· ture does not of course rermit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact
that homosexual acts are intrin· sically disordered and can in no case be approved of. Masturbation The traditional Catholic doctrine that matcurbation constitutes a grave moral disorder is often called into doubt or ex· pressly denied today. It is said that psychology and sociology show that it is a normal phe· nomenon of sexual development, especially among the young. It is stated that there is real and serious fault only in the measure that the subiect deliberateIv in· dulges in solitarv pleasure closed in on self ("insation"), because in this case the act would indeed be radically opposed to the :Iov· ing communion between perc;ons of different sex which some hold is what is princi-allv sought in the U'le of the sexual faculty. This opinion is contradictory to the teachln~ and pastoral practice of the Catholic Cburch. Whatever the force of certain ar~ume"1t'l of a bioI om cal and phtloSo"hlcal nature. wh'c...·have sometimes been used by theoloRlans. in fact hoth the ma~ste rium of the church - in the course of a constant tradition and the moral 5e?1se of the faithful have declared without hesitation that masturbation is an intrinsically and seriously disordered act. 19 The main reason is that, what· ever the motive for acting in this way, the deliberate use of the sexual faculty outside normal coniugal relations essentially contradicts the finalitv of the faculty. For it lacks the sexual relationship called for by the moral order, namely the relationship which reali 7 es "the full sense of mutual self·giving and human procreation in the con· text of true love."20 All deliberate exercise of sexuality must be preserved to this re~ular relations~ip. Even if it cannot be proved that scripture connemns this sin bv name. the tradition of the church has rightlv understood it to be condemned in the New Testament when the latter speaks of "impuritv," "unchasteness" and other vices contrary to chastity and continence. Sociological surveys are ahle to show the fre~uencv of this disorder according to the "laces, populations or circumstances studied. In this.. way_ facts are discovered. hut facts do not constitute a criterion for judging the moral value of human acts.21 The freryuencv of the phenomenon in nuestion is certainly to be linke1 with man's innate weak· ne'lS following original sin; but it is also to be linked with the loss of a sense of God, with the cor· ruption of morals engendered by the commercialization of vice, with the unrestrained licentious· ness of so many nublic entertain· ·ments and publications, as well as with the neglect of modesty, which is the guardil}n of chastity. On the sub:ect of masturbation modem p')ycholo~y provides much valid and useful information for formulating a more e"'uitable judgment on moral responsibility and for orienting pastoral action. Psychology helps
VOICES OF THE CHURCH: Vatican spokesmen meet with reporters to deliver document on sexual ethics. At left is Father Jan Visser, a Dutch theologian, who explains a point while Father Robert Tucci of Vatican Radio listens.
life?" Jesus replied: "... if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments... You must not kill. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not bring false wit· ness. Honor your father and mother, and: you must love your neighbor as yourself."23 A person therefore sins mortally not only when his action comes from direct contempt for love of God and neighbor, but also when he consciously and freely, for whatever reason, chooses something which is . seriously disordered. For in this choice, as has been said above, there is already included con· tempt for the divine command· ment: the person turns himself away from God and loses char· ity. Now according to Christian tradition and the church's teach· ing, and as right reason also recognizes, the moral order of sexuality involves such high values of human life that every direct violation of this order is objectively serious. 24 It is true that in sins of the sexual order, in view of their kind and their causes, it more easily happens that. free consent Is not fully given; this is a fact which caIls for caution in all judgment as to the subject's responsibility. In this matter it is particularly oppotune to recall the following words of scripture: "Man looks at appearances but . God looks at the heart."25 How-' ever, although prudence is recommended in judging the subjective seriousness of a particular sinful act, it in no way follows that one can hold the view that In the sexual field mortal sins are not committed.
one to see how the immaturity served, from habit. Thus such of adolescence (which can some- actions can weaken the fundatimes persist after that age), mental option, but not to such a degree as to change it com· psycholo~icaI Imbalance or habit can influence behavior, diminish· pletely. Now according to these au· in~ the deliberate character of the act and bringlnR about a thors, a change of the fundasituation whereby subiectively mental option towards God less there may not always be serious easily comes about in the field fault. But In general. the absence of sexual activity, where a per· of serious responsibility must son generally does not trans· not be presumed; this would be gress the moral order in a fully to misunderstand people's moral deliberate and responsible manner but rather under the influ· capacity. In the pastoral ministry, in ence of passion, weakness, im· sometimes even order to form an adequate judg- maturity, ment in concerete cases, the through the illusion of thus habitual behavior of peo-le wih showing love for someone else. be considered in its totality, not To these causes there is often only with regard to the indi- added the pressure of the social vidual's practice of charity and environment. In reality, it is precisely the of justice but also with regard to the individual's care in ob· fundamental option which in the last resort defines a person's servin~ the particular precepts of chastity. In particular, one moral disl'osition. But it can be will have to examine whether completely changed by ·particu· the individual is using the necessary means, both natural and supernatural, which Christian asceticism from its long experi· ence recommends for overcom"Joy and Gratitude, the bishops, priests, Religious and ing the passions and progressing faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have received in virtue. the declaration on sexual ethics. In hearing you, we hear Reality of Grave Sin 10. The observance of the Him who called us to be a holy people. With our prayers moral law in the field of sexual- we send our promise to reaffirm in our lives, with God's ity and the practice of chastity help, the unchanging truth." . have been considerably endan· ~ Timothy Cardinal Manning gered, especially among less fer· Los Angeles vent Christians, by the current tendency to minimize as far as Pastors of souls must thereI'ossible, when not denying out- lar acts, especially when, as right, the reality of grave sin, at often happens, these have been fore exercise patience and good· prepared for by previous more ness; but they are not allowed least in people's actual lives. There are those who go as far superficial acts. Whatever the to render God's commandnlents as to affirm that mortal sin, case, it is wrong to-say.that null,_ .nor to reduce unreasonwhich causes senaration from particular acts are not enough ably people's responsibility. "To diminish in no way the saving God. only exists in the formal to constitute mortal sin. refusal directly opposed to God's According to the church's teaching of Christ constitutes an call, or in that selfishness which teaching, mortal sin, which is eminent form of charity for completely and deiberately opposed to God, does not consist souls. But this must ever be accloses itself to the love of neigh· only in formal and direct resist- companied by patience and good· ·bor. They say that it is only ance to the commandment of ness, such as the Lord himself then that there comes into play charity. It Is equally to be found gave example of in dealing with the fundamental option. that is in this opposition to authentic people. Having come not to conto say the decision which totally love which is included in every demn but to save, he was indeed commits the person and which is deliberate transgression, in seri- intransigent with evil, but mercinecessary if mortal sin is to ous matter, of each of the moral ful towards individuals."26 Positive Chastity exist; by this option the person, laws. Christ himself has indicated from the depths of the person11. As has been said above, ality, takes up or ratifies a the double commandment of the purpose of this declaration fundamental attitude towards love as the basis of the moral is to draw the attention of the God or people. On the contrary, life: But on this commandment faithful in present·day circum· so·called "peripheral" actions depends "the whole law, and the stances to certain errors and (which, it is said, usually do not prophets also."22 It therefore in- modes of behavior which they involve decisive choice), do not cludes the other particular pre- must guard against. The virtue go so far as to change the fun· cepts. In fact, to the young man of chastity, however, is in no damental option, the less so who asked, "... what good deed way confined solely to avoiding since they often come, as is ob- must I do to possess eternal Turn to Page 1 en
Joy and Gratitude
Parents' and Artists' Roles
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Interior Conflict a Reality Continued from Page Nine the faults already listed. It is aimed at attaining higher and more positive goals. It is a virtue which concerns the whole personality, as re~ards both interior .and outward behavior. Individuals should endowed with this virtue according to their state in life: for some it will mean virginity or celibacy consecrated to God, which is an eminent way of giving oneself more easily to God alone with an undivided heartP For others it will take the form determined by the Jnoral law, according t~ whoether they are married or single. But whatever the state of life, chastity is not simply an external state; it must make a person's heart pure in accordance with Christ's words: "You have learned how it was said: You must not commit adultery. But I say this to you: if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart."28 Chastity is included in that continence which Saint Paul numbers among the gifts of the Holy Spirit, while he condemns sensuality as a vice particuarly unworthy of the Christian and one which precludes entry into the kingdom of heaven. 29
"What God wants is for all to be holy•. He wants you to keep away from fornication, and each one of you to know how to use the body that belongs to him in a way that is holy and honorable, not ·giving way to selfish lust like the pagans who do not know God. He wants nobody at all ever to sin by taking advantage of a brother in these matters••• We have been called by God to be holy, not to be immoral. In other words, anyone who objects is not objecting to a human authority, but to God, who gives you his Holy Spirit."30 "Among you there must not be even a mentbm of fornication or impurity in any of its forms, or promiscuity; this -would hardly become the saints! For you can be quite certain that nobody who actually indulges in fornication or impurity or promiscuity - which is worshipping a false god - can Inherit anything of the kingdom of God. Do not let anyone deceive you with empty arguments: it is for this loose living that God's anger comes down on those who rebel against him_ Make sure that you are not included with them. You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; be like children of light, for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth."31 In addition, the apostle points out the specifically Christian motive for practicing chastity when he condemns the sin of fornication not only in the measure that this action is injurious to one's neighbor or to the social order but because the fornicator offends against Christ who has redeemed him with his blood and of whoom he is a member, and against the Holy Spirit of whom he is the temple. "You know, surely, that your bodies are members making up the body of Christ. . . All the
other sins are committed outside the body; but to fornicate is to sin against your own body. Your body, you know, is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you since you received him from God. You are not your own property; you have been bought and paid for. That is why you should use your body for the glory of God."32 The more the faithful appreciate the value of chastity and its necessary role in their lives as men and women, the better they will understand, by a kind of spiritual instinct, its moral requirements and counsels. In the same way they will know better how to acce~t and carry out, in a spirit of docility to the church's teaching, what an upright conscience dictates in concrete cases. Interior Conflict 12. The apostle Saint Paul describes in vivid terms the painful interior conflict of the person enslaved to sin: the conflict between "the law of his min'!" and the "law of sin which dwells in his "members" and which holds him captive. 33 But man can achieve liberation from his "body doomed to death" t~rough the grace of Jesus Christ.34 This grace is enjoyed by those who have been justified by it and whom "the law of the spirit.of life in Christ Jesus has set free from the law of sin and death."35 It is for this reason that the apostle adjures them: "That is why you must not let sin reign in your mortal bodies or command your obedience to bodily passions."36 This liberation, which fits one to serve God in newsness of life, does not however suppress the concupiscence deriving from original sin, nor the promptings to evil in this world, which is "in the power of the evil one."37 This is why the a;Jostle exhorts the faithful to overcome temptations by the power of God38 and to "stand against tbe wiles of the devil"39 by faith, watchful prayer40 and an austerity of life that 'brings the body into subjection to the Spirit. 41 Living the Christian life by following in the footsteps of • Christ requires that everyone shouJd "deny himself and take up his cross daily,"42 sustained by the hope of reward, for "if we have died with him, we shall also reign with him."43 In accordance with these press~ng exhortations, the faithful of the present time, and in.deed today more than ever, must use the means which have always been recommended by the church for living a chaste life. These means are: discipline of the senses and the mind, watchfulness and prudence in avoiding occasions· of sin, the observance of modesty, moderation in recreation, wholesome pursuits, .assiduous prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments of penance and the eucharist. Young pepple especially should earnestly foster devotion to the Immaculate Mother of God, and take as examples the lives of the saints and other faithful people, especially young ones. who excelled in the practice of chastity. It is important in particular
It is likewise the bishops' mis- ordered its publication. sion to see that a sound doctrine ffi Franjo Card. Seper Prefect enlightened by faith and directed by the magisterium of the church ffiJerome Hamer, O.P. is taught in faculties of theology Titular Archbishop of Lorium Secretary and in seminaries. Bishops must also ensure that confessors en· 'lighten people's consciences and 1. Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Counthat catechetical instruction is cil, Constitution on the Church In the Modern Gaudium et Spec, 47: AAS 58 given in perfect fidelity to Cath· (1966),World p. 1067. 2. Cf. Apostolic Constitution Reglmlnl Ec· olic doctrine. clesiae Unlversae, 29 (August 15, 1967): AAS 59 (1967), p. 897. It rests with the bishops, the 3. Gaudium et Spec, 16: AAS (1966), p. priests and their collaborators 1037. 4. In 8:12.. \ to alert the faithful against the 5. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, erroneous opinions often ex- declaration Dlgnitatls Humanae, 3: AAS 58 (1966), p. 931. pressed in books, reviews and 6. 1 Tim 3:15. 7. Dignitatis Humanae, 14: AAS 58 (1966), public meetings. p. 940, cf. Plus XI, encyclical letter Castl ConnubII, Decp-mber 31, 1930: AAS 22 (1930), Parents pp. 579-580, Pius XII, Allocution of November 2 1954: AAS 56 (1954), ~ pp. 671·672: Parents, in the first place, and John XxIII, encyclical letter Mater et Ma. also teachers of the young must gistra, May 15, 1961: AAS 53 (1961) p. 457: Paul VI, encyclical letter Humanae l/itae, 4, endeavor to lead their children July 25, 1968: AAS 60 (1968), p. 483. 8. Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, and their pupils, by way of a declaration Gravissimum Educatlonls, 1, 8: complete education, to the psy- AAS 58 (1966), pp. 729-730: 734-736. Gaudium et Spes, 29, 50, 67: AAS 58 (1966), BROTHER J. M. DAVIS, S.M. chological, emotional and moral pp. 1048-1049, 1080-1081, 1088-1089. 9. Gaudlum et Spes, 51: AAS 58 (1966), maturity befitting their age. pp. 1072. They 'will therefore prudently 10. Ibid. Cf. also 49: 10c. cit., pp. 1069·1070. give them information suited to 11. Ibid. 49, 50: 10c ·Clf., pp. 1069,·1072. 12. The present declaration does not go their age; and they will asssiduInto further detail regarding the norms of sexual life within marriage: these norms ously form their wilIs in' accordhave been clearly taught In the encyclical Brother Joseph M. Davis, SM, ance with Christian morals, not letters Castl Connubii and Humanae Vitae. 13. Cf. Mt 19:4-6. executive director of the Nationonly by advice but above all by 14. 1 Cor 7:9. al Office for Black Catholics, is15. Cf. Eph 5:25·32. the example of their own lives, 16. Sexpal Intercourse outside marriage sued a statement, "The Crisis of relying on God's help, which is formally condemned: 1 Cor 5:1; 6:9: 7:2, Eph 5:5; 1 Tim 1:10: Heb 13:4: and Catholic Education in the Black they wilI obtain in prayer. They 10:8; with explicit reasons: 1 Cor 6:12·20. Community," declaring that wilI likewise protect the young 17. Cf. Innocent IV, Letter Sub cathollca professlone, March 6, 1254, OS 835; Plus II, Cathlic education in the Black from the many dangers of which Propos. damn. in Ep. Cum sicut acceplmus, November 14. 1459, OS 1367: Decrees of community is on the verge of they are quite unaware. the I!oly Office, September 24, 1665, OS collapse." According to NOBC, 2045, March 2, 1679, OS 2148, Plus XI, en· Artists cyclical letter Castl ConnubII December 31, the svstematic closing of Catho1930: AAS •• (1930), pp 558-559. Artists,. writers and all those 18. Rom 1:24-27: "That Is why God left lic schools in Black neighborthem to their filthy enjoyments and the who use the means of social hoods and the concentrating of practices with Which they dishonor their communication should exercise own bodies, since they have given up divine them in suburban (White) neightruth for a lie and have worshipped and their profession in accordance served creatures Instead of the creator, who borhoods is depriving Black chilIs blessed for ever. Amen! That Is why with their Christian faith and God has abandoned them to degrading pasdren of an alternative to inferior with a clear awareness of the sions: Why their women have turned from public school education. The natural Intercourse to unnatural practices enormous influence which they 3nd why their menfolk have given up natural NOBC statement was issued af· intercourse to be consumed With passion can have. ,They should rememfor each other, men doing' shameless things ter wide consultation with Black with men and lIettln!! an appropriate reward ber that "the primacy of the obCatholics and Catholic school for their perversion." -see also What Saint jective moral order must be rePal/I savs of masculorum concubltones In 1 administrators and educators. Cor 6:10 1 Tim 1:10. garded as absolute by all,"44 and 19. ·CI. Leo IX, letter Ad Sll'endldum nltentis, In the year 1054: OS 687-688, Qe· that it is wrong for them to give crpp. of the Holy Office. March 2, 1679: OS priority above it to any so-called 2149; Plus XII, Allocutlo, October 8, 1953: lIAS 45 (1953), pp. 677·678: May 19, 1956: th3t everyone shQuld have a high aesthetic purpose, or to material lIAS 48 (1956). pp.472-473. e~teem for the virtue of chastity, 20. Gaudlum et Spes, 51: AAS 58 (1966), advantage or to success. p. 1072. its beauty and its power of atWhether it be a question of 21. "... If socloloRical survevs are useful for better discovering the thought pattraction. This· virtue increases artistic or literary works, public tersn of the people of a particular place, the human person's dignity and entertainment or providing infor- the anxieties and needs of those to Who we proclaim the word of God, and also the enables him to love truly, dis- mation, each individual in his or opposition made to It by modern reasoning through the widespread notl~n that outside intere~tedly, unselfishly, and. her own domain must show tact, science there exists no legitimate form of with respect for others. knowledge, stili the conclusions drawn from discretion, moderation and a true such surveys could not of themselves conBishops' Duties sense of values. In this way, far stitute a determining criterion of truth," Paul VI, apostolic exhortation Quinque lam 13. It is up to the bishops to from adding to the growing per- annl, December 8, 1970, AAS 63 (1971), p. 102. missiveness of behavior, each ininstruct the faithful in the moral 22. Mt 22:38, 40. . 23. Mt 19: 16-19. teaching concerning sexual mor- dividual wilI contribute towards 24. Cf. note 17 and 19 above: Decree of the Holy Office, March 18, 1666, OS 2060; alitv, however great may be the controlling it and even towards Paul VI. encvcllcal letter Humanae Vitae, difficulties in carrying out this making the moral climate of so- 13, 14: AAS 60 (1968), pp. 489-496. 25. 1 sam 16:7. work in the face of ideas and ciety more wholesome. 26. Paul VI, encvcllcal letter Humanae All lay people, for their part, Vitae, 29: AAS 60 (1968), p. 501. practices genera'Uy prevailing 27. Cf. 1 Cor 7:7, 34; Council of Trent l by virtue of their rights and Session today. This traditional doctrine XXIV, can. 10: OS 1810: secona Vatican COl/ncll. Constitution Lumen Gen· duties in the work of the apostomust be studied more dee~ly. It tium, 42. 43. 44: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 47-51: must be handed on in a way late, should endeavor to act in Svnod of Bishops, De sacerdntlo Mlnlsterlall, part II, 4, b: AAS 63 (1971), pp. 915· capable of properly enlightening the same way. 916. 28. Mt 5:28. Finally, it is necessary to rethe consciences of those con29. Cf. Gal 5:19-23: 1 Cor 6:9-11. 30. 1 Thess 4:3-8; cf. Col 3:5-7; 1 Tim fronted with new situations and mind everyone of the words of 1:10. it must be enriched with a dis- the Second Vatican Council: 31. Eph 5:3-8: cf. 4:18-19. 32. 1 Cor 6:15, 18-20. cernment of all the elements that "This Holy Synod likewise af33. Cf. Rom 7:23. 34: Cf. Rom 7:24-24. can truthfully and usefully be firms that children and young 35. Cf. Rom 8:2. brought forward about the mean· people have a right to be encour36. Rom 6:12. 37. 1 Jn 5:19. ing and va"lue of human sexual- aged to weigh moral values with 38. Cf. 1 Cor. 10:13. an upright conscience, and to 39. Eph 6:11. ity. 40. Cf. Eph 6:16, 18. embrace them by personal But the principles and norms 41. Cf. 1 Cor 9:27. 42. Lk 9:23. choice, to know and love God of moral living reaffirmed in this 43. 2 Tim 2:11-12. 44. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, more adequately. Hence, it declaration must he faithfully decree Inter Mlrifica, 6: AAS 56 (1964), p. held and taught. It will esepe- earnestly entreats all who exer- 147. 45. Gravl~slmum Educatlonls, 1: AAS 58 cially ,be necessary to bring the cise government over people or (1966), p. 730. faithful to understand that the preside over the work of educa· church holds these principles not tion to see that youth is never as old and inviolable supersti- deprived of this sacred right."45 Plum~ing At the audience granted on tions, nor out of some Mani· chaean prejudices, as is often November 7, 1975 to the underalleged, hut rather because she signed prefect of the Sacred ConOver 3S Years knows with certainty that they gregation for the Doctrine of the of Satisfied Service are in complete harmony with Faith, the sovereign pontiff by Reg. Ma5ter Plumber 7023 the divine order of creation and divine providence Pope Paul VI JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. with the spirit of Christ, - and approved this declaration "On 432 JEFFERSON STREET therefore also with human dig- certain questions concerning Fall River 675·7496 nity. sexual ethics," confirmed it and ~ .... nnn~
Protests CI.osing Of Schools
Montie & Heating Co.
..... ~ ~ ~ .....
IHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976 -
11 _
KNOW YOUR FAITH IJob, Ecclesiastes, and Christian Life BY WILLIAM E. MAY
The books of Job and Ecclesiastes (or "Qoholeth" or "The Preacher") in the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament are spiritual masterpieces that speak as meaningfully to us today as they did the Hebrew People after the fall of Jerusalem. The purpose of the book of Job is to reflect in faith on the justice of God and how to reconcile the justice and love of God with the mystery of suffering and evil, in particular. the suffering of the innocent. We are all familiar with the story: Job, a "blameless and upright man who feared God and avoided evil," (1.1) suffered enormously, losing his possessions, his family, his health. Three of his friends-Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar-sought to comfort him. Yet they reproached him for his bitterness, for they were certain that he had brought these evils upon himself by his own wickedness. In this, they were much like the disciples of Jesus later on, who assumed that the man born blind suffered this evil because of some路 sin that either he or his parents had committed (cf. Jn9.1 ff); and in this, they were much like ourselves, for is it not true that we often suppose that those we see in poverty and misery have brought it upon themselves and
that they are simply getting their just deserts? Yet Job, innocent though he was, began to murmur against God for the suffering he experiences. And in this was he not much like us? The suffering of the innocent is indeed a terrible problem, yes, a mystery. And the book of Job gives us no real answer to this mystery. But it does teach us something. For Job, despite his murmuring and complaining, kept his faith in God. From the depths. of his tormented spirit he cried out: "I know that my Vindicator lives ... from my flesh I shall see God; my inmost being is consumed with longing" (19.25,26). In the fire of his own suffering he hore witness to the unity of .the loving and just God and to the God who permits us to suffer only that from our suffering He may draw even greater good. We really do not know why God allows the innocent to suffer. But from the vantage point of the New Testament as we do know that ,God Himself has made suffering a means to a greater union with Himself. For God became, in His only-begotten Word, one of us. In Jesus He fully identified Himself with us, bearing in His own person our agony and suffering, so fully accepting our humanity that He Turn to Page Twelve
AChristian Instruction Center
Each week over 200 Catholic students at Fulton's public high school leave the huilding, walk for three minutes through a parking lot, across the railroad tracks and down one block on Cedar . Street to our Christian Instruction Center.
FR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN Thirty to 35 minutes later they retrace their steps, reenter the building and move on to another class in the day's schedule. During that solid half hour these ninth- through twelfthgrade pupils study a variety of topics including those difficult life questions which the authors Job and Ecclesiastes wrestled with in their Old Testament books. These young men and women do not all come at once, but at eight different periods within the week, four on Tuesday, four on Thursday and in various size clusters-for example, 15 at one session, 40 during another. We
estimate that 70 per cent of the Holy Family students at this high school are now receiving religious instruction according to our adapted, computerized release time program. The arrangement did not happen by accident.> It required time, excellent cooperation by public .school officials and area clergypersons - Catholic and Protestant, the use of computer scheduling, letters and calls to parents, purchase of a vacated national home near the school, and hours of. volunteer labor by parishioners to convert the house into a truly superior tworoom Christian Instruction Center. For the past three years we had instructed students at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for about 25 minutes in halls of a youth center which left much to be desired. The pupils then hiked 10-12 minutes (sometimes in rain or snow) to school and began their second period class. It wasn't a horrible teaching situation, but the poor environment, the early, abbreviated period, the tiresome walk and, most of all, schedule conflicts caused a gradual decline in enrollment. The death within a few months of both the husband and wife who owned this small Turn to Page Twelve
Problems in Relationship of Individual to God After Exile II BY REV. JOHN J. CASTELOT, S.S.
Plagued by shattering reverses, God's people began to question the commonly accepted answer to the riddle of human suffering. That answer, based on the Book of Deuteronomy was a facile one: Virtue brings happiness; sin brings misfortune. Not all of them had been terribly sinful. There were many good people among them, and they were suffering, too. On the other hand, how many absolutely godless men living in the lap of luxury, apparently favored by God. The problem was complicated tiy the fact that they had little or no idea of retribution in the hereafter. So where was divine justice? In the post-exilic period some of their best minds searched for a new, more satisfying answer. This search led to the creation of one of the greatest works of human literature, the Book of Job. From a literary point of view, it is a masterpiece. And what it has to say is of undying interest, because it mirrors the anguish of all men confronted with the suffering of the innocent. It would be good to know something of the genius who wrote it, but we know not even his name. In a prose prologue which is obviously fictitious, he sets the scene. Although simple, upright, and God-fearing, Job is visited by a series of calamities which deprive him of everything he has -everything but a nagging wife -and leave him sitting on a refuse heap covered with revolting sores. Three friends come to console him, but when they begin to speak, they are far from consoling. Proponents of the old view, they insist that he simply must be guilty of some unspeakable crime. Why doesn't he admit it and beg God's pardon? The wretched Job insist just as vehemently that he is innocent. That is what is torturing him most, the fact that, in spite of his innocence, God has treated him so shabbily. Round and round they go and then a new character, Elihu, appears. He suggests that suffering is not necessarily a punismhent. It may be a trial to test a good man's strength and make that faith even stronger. Finally God himself is introduced, and one expects Him to solve the mystery once for all. He doesn't but the answer attributed to Him is reassuring. In chs. 38-39 He gives what is undoubtedly the most magnificent description of His creative power and wisdom to be found anywhere. Herein lies Job's answer. Could such an infinitely powerful and wise Creator and Governor allow an innocent man to suffer without good reason? Such capriciousness would be a flat denial of His wisdom. What that reason is we do not learn
"The book of Job ... mirrors the anguish of all men confronted with the suffering of the innocent." Job's friends visit him as he languishes among the ashes, enduring another of his many trials. just yet. It was to be given some four centuries later-half of it on a cloud-covered Calvary and the other half two days later in a dawn-lit garden. Still it was consoling to know that there really was a reason; it is only the senseless, the pointless that baffles and infuriates us. A century or more after the appearance of the Book of Job, another author tried to come to grips with life's problems. He produced a work known as Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth). Its opening words are familiar ones, and they reflect the exasperation of the author: "Vanity of vanities," say Qoheleth, "Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!" Job had wondered why the good man should not be blessed with health, wealth, and joy. Qoheleth goes further and insists that even these things are illusory and disappointing. Speaking in the person of the wealthy Solomon, he complains that he tried every pleasure money could buy in his search for happiness, but "all was vanity and a chase after wind with nothing gained under the sun."
It is not hard to see why the author has been accused of pessimism. In fact, he has been accused of being just about everything: a pessimist, a cynic, an epicurean, a fatalist, a skeptic. Indeed, you can find passages in the book to back up practically every charge. It seems to be just a tissue of contradictions. But really, is QoheTurn to Page Twelve
Bath Tub Ruined ?
fJ~ ~o~ W;
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Art Perry & His Band On Parish Parade Jan. 3-5t. George-P.A.C.L. 9-Bishop's Ball 17-Jesus savior, Newport Jan. 24-St. James路sacred Heart, N.B. 31-St. Joseph, Fairhaven Feb. 7-K.C.-eranston, R. I. 14-Holy Ghost, Jamestown 21-St. Anthony Padua, F. R. 28-St. Ma ry, So. Da rtm outh Mar. ~St. Anne, F. R.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
Problems Continued from Page Eleven
U. S. Bishops Urge Steps euthanasia and urging "the coContinued from Page One injustice-are "moral evils and operation of all Americans" in and an affront to God, the Cre- implementing the U. S. bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activator of all." The American bishops called ities which outlines educational, "on all the Church's agencies, pastoral and political steps institutions and people to take against abortion. Anti-abortion demonstrations part in a comprehensive effort of education, moral and pastoral will be held in Anaheim, Oxnard, .guidance, and social action Santa Barbara, Torrance, Van which will restore respect for Nuys, La Puente Montebello and human life and establish a sys- West Los Angeles, ,where actor tem of justice in which the basic Joseph Campanella will speak rights to life is protected at at a rally at the West Los Anevery stage and in every circum- geles Federal Building. stance." The 165 parishes in the ToleBishop Cronin also endorsed do, Ohio, diocese will toll their the ringing of church bells at bells at noon Jan. 22 as part of noon today to signify our pro- the diocesan-wide observance of test with the Supreme Court de- the court's abortion decision. In cision of 1973. addition, Bishop John A. DonThe third "March for Life" in ovan of Toledo has encouraged Washington, D. C. will be a dem- each parish to hold special woronstration against the high -ship services during the day to court's ruling which struck give parishioners an opportudown most state laws restricting nity to consider the value of abortion. Its sponsors estimate life "in a religious setting." that thousands will converge on The founder of a nationwide the Capitol to march and lobby clearinghouse for anti-abortion for a constitutional amendment material will keynote a dinner against abortion. in Philadelphia sponsored by the In Columbia, S.C., a multi- Pennsylvania for Human Life denominational anti-abortion Committee and the American demonstration will culminate Citizens Concerned for Life. with a rally at the state house The Rev. Robert Holbrook, 'where Bishop Ernest J. Unter- founder of the Baptists for Life koefler of Charleston will share and, vice president of the Texas the speaker's podium with the Right to Life, is the featured city's Protestant leaders. speaker at the dinner to be held Anticipating maior demon- Jan. 22 at the Bellevue Stratstrations in his archdiocese, Car- ford Hotel. dinal Timothy Manning of Los In Minneapolis, anti-abortion Angeles has issued a pastoral marchers will encircle the Fedletter condemning abortion and eral Building where the Minnesota Congressmen have home Reform offices. Singled out for their in"All true and permanent re- action or opposition to an antiform has in the last resort orig- abortion amendment to the Coninated in sanctity, from men who stitution are Senators Hubert were inflamed with the love of Humphrey and Walter Mondale God and their neigbbor, who by and Rep. Donald Frazer and Retheir great generosity in answer- publican Rep. William Frenzel. ing every appeal from God ... Sponsors of the· march have have enlightened and renewed asked that all protest signs "be the times in which they lived." firm in their message, yet in -Pope Pius X. good taste."
'A Christian Instruction Center Continued from Page Eleven comer home and the children's willingness to sell us the house opened the door for exploratory talks with school authorities. These officials came to believe that a staggered time arrangement with the release of small groups would ease their crowded building condition, eliminate scheduling conflicts and simplify the school's task in this program. Area Protestant clergypersons were invited to use our building and school personnel provided slots in the schedule for their courses. Students registered for the next year's classes in the spring. Initial response was disappointing ("I forgot my card," "We neglected to sign his permission slip") but letters to each family, a follow-up phone· call and pulpit pushing soon brought the total to 170 for our parish or the 70 per cent mentioned earlier. A committee of parishioners, including an architect, prepared the renovation plans and some 40 volunteers worked nights and weekends during the late summer to tear out the old interior,
then construct ,two classrooms (one seats 30, another 22) and a small office space. We contracted for installation of sheet rock and wall-to-wall carpet, but our men and women completed all the other work on a voluntary basis. We estimate a fin'll total cost of the center, which includes purchase, at approximately $25,000. One large white wall in each classroom, drapes with opaque lining, and ample outlets facilitate use of audio-visuals. Wall board electric heating provides swift and easily controllable warmth. A pleasant color scheme for the walls and rug, indoor-outdoor carpet together with ample fluorescent lighting creates an atmosphere both warm and highly functional. This new center and system has at the present writing been underway for only a few months. However, our experiences with it so far have been entirely positive. Total attendance is up, unexcused absences are minimal, the teaching atmosphere has been vastly improved and the attitude of students much more receptive.
leth so self-contradictory? Not at all. He does not set up a whole series of suggestion in irreconcilable opposition one to the other. His book is made up of jottings, as it were, of a man who is thinking out lQud. He has a question to answer and he runs through in his mind all the possible solutions, only to reject them one by one. Reading his book is like eavesdropping on a monologue. Certainly, some of his answers seem cynical, skeptical, epicurean. But they are not final answers by any means. Is he a pessimist? Not really. He is rather a realist, a man who has the courage to look life full in the face and try to explain it as best he can. Every realist lays himself open to the charge of pessimism. For life is no bed of roses, but many people waste much vital energy trying to elude that fact. They run themselves ragged looking for escapes, searching frantically for all those things which promise to reward them with the Perfect Life.
"In Jesus He fully identified Himself with us, bearing His own person our agony and suffering." A mosaic shows the suffering Jesus as captured by Veronica's v~.
Job, Ecclesiastes, and Christian Life Continued from Page Eleven enabled us, by accepting our humanity as He did, to share in His divinity. We are not, of course, to be masochists or doormats. But there are times in the lives of all of us when we will suffer, and suffer terribly. During those times we will, like Job, be sorely tried. But the God of love, the God who wills to be our friend and who loves us so much that He chose to be one with us in our suffering, will give us the strength we need to bear our wounds and, in bearing them, to "show forth the works of God Himself" (cf. Jn 9.3). From Ecclesiastes we learn that our restless ambitions are "vanity of vanities and a striving after the wind" (1.2). This Hebrew sage tested everything: pleasure, riches, toil, even wisdom itself, and found them wanting. For none of these human goods will last; we live in the midst of uncertainties; the joys we experience today will vanish tomorrow. Of only one thing, in this life, can we' be certain, and that is that we will die. The biting criticism of all things human that permeates the entire book of Ecclesiastes even extends to the wisdom movement itself. And did not Aquinas, that great sage of the Christian era, say of all his works before his death that they were but straw? Yet Ecclesiastes is no simple pessimist, no nihilist. He urges us to accept from God the good things of life, but to recognize them for what they are: transient goods that will pass away. He ever urges us to do one thing, and that is to "fear God and
keep his commandments, for this is man's all" (12.13). Is that not what Jesus Himself bids us to do? We are, in all things, to seek first the reign of God, for in seeking it we shall find ourselves. The Christian's life is not to be one of sadness and gloom. Rather it is to be a joyful response to the wonderful news that God loves' us and that we are to bring His reign, His kingdom of love, to the world. This we can and will do, if like Job we keep faith in Him, and like Ecclesiastes, put first things first and see our highest good, not in the transient but real goods of this life, but in that loving God whom we are to image in our lives.
Scriptures "The Bible is a book of faith, and a book of doctrine, and a book of morals, and a book of religion, of especial revelation from God." -Daniel Webster
Does Qoheleth's feverish groping lead him to nothing but an even bigger question mark? Not at all. Throughout his musings he remains basically a man of deep faith. He knows there is a - final answer even if he cannot put his finger on it. Meanwhile he offers a positive suggestion which is wisely realistic-if I may paraphrase: "Perfect happiness is not to be found here on earth. So don't spend your life chasing the wind. You can, however, expect to be reasonably happy, and you will be if you don't make earthly happiness the goal of all your strivings. Enjoy those pleasures which God sees fit to send your way, gratefully, and always mindful of the fact that you will be called to account for your use of them." If this suggestion were taken seriously today, it would cure innumerable neuroses and set many feet back on the road leading to true happiness.
"BUCKY" The Television King
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 22, 1976
'The Marriage Encounter' Explains New Movement
To make good marriages better is the purpose of Marriage Encounter. Less than 10 years old, the movement has spread from the United States to other countries, and now numbers several hundred thousand members. Those involved in it are enthusiastic will draw little applause ("The about its accomplishments. Church is my best girl"). But his It is thoroughly explained case for Marriage Encounter is in The Marriage Encounter convincing and persuasive.
by Father Chuck Gallagher, S.J. (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. 168 pages. $5.95). Father Gallagher has
.Letters between husband and wife constitute almost the entire contents of The Book of Abigail and John, edited and with an introduction by L. H. Butterfield, Marc Friedlander, and Mary-Jo Kline (Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass. By 02138. 411 pages. Illustrated. RT. REV. $15). Adams Letters MSGR. These are the letters exchanged by John Adams and JOHN S. Abigail Adams between 1762 KENNEDY and 1784. Duting that period, Adams, who was to become the second President of the United States, had a busy public life, as been in the movement for more than five years, and in the prep- a lawyer, official in the Massaaration of his book he consulted chusetts Bay Colony, member of "close to a thousand couples and the Continental Congress, and priests in the United States, Ire- American envoy in Europe. This meant that he was land, Belgium, and England." . often and for lengthy intervals Scores of them are quoted. He insists that reading his away from his home in Boston book is not a substitute for a or Braintree. Because of his abMarriage Encounter weekend. sences, there was a voluminous He also insists that Marriage correspondence between him Encounter is not a therapy or a and Abigail, both before and counseling program or group dy- after their marriage. This correspondence is rich as namics. well as voluminous. It teems "The tragedy of the normal marriage." Father Gallagher with particulars about the pair, writes, "is not the horror of di- their children, and other relvorce or separation or the major atives. It also abounds in details marital sins of adultery and cru- of the life of the times. Moreelty but the. willingness to settle over, it inevitably gives us indown into a comfortable pattern sights into the politics of that of getting along together at a era-the strained relations with England, the assertion of indehigh level of accommodation." This accommodation is not pendence, the protracted Revogood enough. It falls short of the lutionary War, the war's afterpotential of each partner and of math. The Adamses were religious their union. Marriage Encounter people, regularly attending the is designed to help couples. Congregational Church. When Write Love Letters They set down their own feel- away from home, John looked in ings about themselves, the rela- on the services' of other tionship with husband or wife, churches, even those of the Rotheir relationship with others. man Catholic Church, against Husband and wife exchange which he was strongly prejunotebooks, and in so doing make diced. The letters of both, but discoveries about each other, es- especially Abigail's, make frepecially about each other's feel- quent reverence to God. The Bicentennial is occasionings. ing innumerable books about the They are likely to find that they are really listening to each 1770s. This one has a unique exother for the first time in years. They are more open, less imprisoned in self. They are then DOLAN-SAXON asked to write a love letter to each other, the first of a series. In these they describe their feelings in the context of their love 123 Broadway for each other. Why all this writing? "There is no possibility as we write of VA 4-5000 the other person's reaction turnil]g us off or getting us to pull back from what we want to say. Because we are alone in facing the paper we can say what we ®alt ~aUOt . really want to without fear. The dialogl,ling does not end 1214 STAFFORD RD. with the weekend. It is continTIVERTON, R. I. ued daily, back home, and it is thus that the marriage constantCATERING TO BANQUETS ly improves, with benefit to and SPECIAL FUNCTIONS family and community. Luncheon Daily 11:30 to 3:00 This book is an ardent testimonial to a process which has Dinner from 5 to 10 Except Monday done great things for thousands (401) 624·3376 of marriages. It makes a believer of the reader. The author's style
Funeral Home
TAUGHT HERE: Sister Sheila Patenaude of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, a former faculty member of Espirito Santo School, Fall River,' teaches principles of nutrition to rural women in Ghana, West Africa. Sister Sheila appears in a new film, "Women of Ghana," spotlighting contribution of women religious to missionary outreach of Church in Africa. Arrangements for local viewing may be made with Sister Isabelle Cavaco, Franciscan Sisters, 621 Second St., Fall River 02721. llllllUlllllllllUllllllllllllll1l1llllllllltllllllltllllllllllllllllllll1lHUlllltllmlllllllllllllllll11111mmlllllllllllllllmmlltlllllllllllll11llUllI1llImllllllllllllll11l1l11t11l1IUlUllll111111111l1l11ll111l111"lIIUUI
cellence as being not only about, but directly from, that time. The reader is brought right into it by the sharp eyes, superior intelli-
gence, and fluent pens of two gifted people. There is also its eloquent witness to a happy marriage.
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• Hosts
'Wake Up Everybody Wake up averbcdy, no more sleeping in bed No more backward thinking, time for thinking aheaii ...... The world has changed so very much from what ft used to be There's much hatred, war and poverty. Wake up all the teachers, time to teach a new way Maybe then they'll listen to what you have to say They're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands When you teach the children, teach them the very best you can. The world won't get no better if we just let it be The world won't get no better, we gotta change it just you and me. Wake up all the doctors, make the old people well They're the ones who suffer. and who catch all the hell They don't have so very long before their judgment day So won't you make them hapoy before they pass away? Wake up all the bunders, time to build a new land I know we could do it if we all lend a hand Only thing we have to do is put it in our minds Surely things will work out, they do it every time. The world won't get no better if we just let it be The world won't get better, .we gotta change it, . just you and me. Change it, yeah, can't do it alone. Can't do it alone need a little help. By J. Whitehead, G. McFadden, V. Carstarphen Mighty Three Music (BMI) Sung hy Harold Melvin and the Blue notes. "You can tell a person's character bv the companv he keeps," so the saying goes. You can also tell something about a person from the music he listens to. And here we may have problems. Every time I look at a survey to pick a song to comment on, it gets more and more difficult to find one that says something worthwhile. By the time you wade through the dic;co music - a lot of it is really good dance music - the trala-Ia songs, the oldies, the say-nothing songs, and an occasional tear-jerker, there's little left. What is left is a new brand of free-sex song which, with one or two minor variations could fit into this song title I made up - "I'm going to get you baby, any way I can for as long as I want and I don't care what anybody ever says about it 'cause we'll call it love so they can't put me in jail for doing it and they'll play it on the radio for people to think it's true so I can make a lot of money." It's difficult to find songs that 'stress the positive side of life. Christmas is a nice time because you hear the themes of peace and joy and gentleness. But on December 26th they're gone, as if such music is only good for you once a year. H3rold -Melvin and teh Blue Notes offer us a change of pace from the typical surveYllong. Thev sing of vic;ion and hope and call on everybody to help make the world better. They ask us to believe that the world isn't only sand and superficial. It has the potential of being a world of happiness. They ask us to believe in ourselves, that if we put it in our minds and work at it, things will work out. Most importantly, they tell us that we can't do it alone. We are powerless one by one in the face of hatred, war and poverty. But if we sing songs of hope and encouragement to each other, anything is possible. Thanks for the good word, Harold, wherever you are. I'm with you. (All correspondence should be directed to: The Dameans, P.O. Box 2)08, Baton Rouge, La. 70821). (Copyright (c) 1976 by NC News Service)
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m.el pa'ish, i\isw :aedford, ;oinec last Wfe~-: to :!live 123 candidates foY' t.hE secrament of Confirmation an overview of the ChristiEn concep~ of vocation. The afternoon program induded a fUm, a talk by Rev. Horace ':'ravassos, chairman of vocations for the New Bedford area, discussion on vocations in general and to the religious life in particular, and a closing paraliturgy. Coordinated by Rev. Edward Correia, the program also offered presentations by Rev. Mr. Raul Lagoa and Rev. Mr. Edmond . Rego, both seminarians from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Two other seminarians from the parish were unable to be present.
KC Council 86
Slates Plans Forthcoming activities for Fall River Council No. 86, Knights of Columbus, include a special meeting at 8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26 at the Council Home and a Las Vegas Night at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, also at the Heme A council business meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9, the Bishop Stang Assembly wi:I meet a 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18 and a social meeting will take place at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 23, all at the home. Planned for Saturday, March 27 is an Irish Night and for Saturday, May 1 a French Night. The Knight of the Year will be named in June.
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VOCATION PROGRAM: Participants in the Mt. Carmel Parish Vocations program included: top, left to right: Rev. Mr. Paul Lagoa, Rui Carreiro and Judith Rapoza; center, Jeffrey Pacheco, David Freitas and Rev..Mr. Edmond Rego; bottom, Sister Mary Campanelli, SND Rosena Medeiros and Rev. Edward Correira.
AND ,-
New Bedford, Mass.
Serving AU Your.Jravel Needs
.,-.....--=•..---~ SCHOOLBOY SPORTS IN THE DIOCESE By PETER 1. BARTEK Norton High Coach
reigns in Division I. Pre:licta~ly the competition will continue to the end of the season; hopefully, the controversy will be resolved within the week. Old Roches~er Regional High of Mattapoisett ap~eared to be on its way to another post season state championship tourna· me~t and a possible Conference Division II title until a question aro~e regarding the eligibility of a transfer student. The Bulldogs have notfied opponents that they have forfeited six of their eight vIctories pending a ruling by the
honors. If that be the case Regional's record will drop to 2-7 and severely jeopardize their chances of gaining a post season tourney bid. Old Rochester could then lose only. one game over the remainder of the season and still win· the necessary .59% needed to qualify. While the Bulldogs wait for the verdict relative to their status. the. Shamrocks from Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro bask in the knowledge that they are the team to beat.
Tight Games Rule Rather Than Exce~tion Quietly, almost methodically, Feehan has taken over sole possession of first place in the division. The Diocesans, who are virtually assured of a tourney berth, hold a two game advantage over Somerset and Fair· haven entering this week's. action. One to five point differentials are the rule rather than the ex-
ception in Division III. There is no clear cut advantage held by any club in the group. Norton was in a postition to open some breathing room for itself last week when it travelled to Fall River to meet Diman. The Bengals nipped the unbeaten Lancers 62·61 to set the stage for the stretch run. Now it's a case of who can hold on long enough to corral the title.
Durfee Unbeatable Within Conference While the top two divisions have already started second half play, Division III concludes the first round tomorrow evening. Case High of Swansea, a school with a wealthy basketball tradition having a tough year, will be in New Bedford to meet Yoke, Dighton-Rehoboth .is at Westport. Bourne is in Norton and Diman hosts upset minded St. Anthony's. Balance is the key word when discussing Division III. It, likewise, applies to Division II. But, when Division I is mentioned the only word is Durfee. The Hilltoppers from Fall River may not be unbeatable, but it certainly does not a~pear as thou~h anyone within the Conference is capable of doing the job. The Red and Black hflve rolled through the first half with-
out a serious challenge in any league contest. In last week's "big game" with second place Barnstable, Durfee completely dominated from start to finish winning by 19. Barnstable, Bishop Connolly High of Fall River and New Bedford trail the leader by two games in the standing and still are mathematically in the race. However, it is unlikely that either will overtake the pacesetters who are once again tourney bound. In Division I action slated for tomorrow Durfee meets cross· town rival Bishop Connolly High on the latter's court, New Bed· ford will be hosted by intra-city foe Holy Family, Barnstable is at Attreboro and Taunton is in Dartmouth to play Bishop Stang High.
NASON OIL COMPANY 7 Perry Avenue TauntonMass. 822-2282
'Our Heating Oils Make Warm Friends'
YARD SALE: It was hard work to overlook the fact that there was a yard sale at St. Anthony's High School New Bedford. Held concurrently was a car wash, and the fundraising day ended with a student council dance.
St. Anthony High Sponsors Car Wash, Yard Sale By Rita Jasinski School Correspondent A recent "first" for St. Anthony's High School, New Bedford, was a stUdent councilsponsored yard sale, which proved to -be an exciting experience in working together for all involved. The original sale date was rained out, disappointing many, but eagerness still existed a week later, when the event took place. Early Saturday morning, following two weeks of collecting donations, transporting, pricing (with parental aid) and arranging, bargaining began. No sooner had articles been laid down than customers arrived like squirrels in search of nuts. The bulk of early comers were antique collectors, who rummaged through items ranging from silverware to stuffed ani· mals. Included were curtains, kitchen appliances, games, glassware, jewelry, clothes and books. A short distance from the sale, the St. Anthony Ski Club was conducting a car wash. A true spirit of unity existed between the two groups, as each attracted business for the other. To top the mutual excitement, a Student Council dance was held in' the evening, concluding a great day. The real success of the projects, however, lay in strengthened friendships, as students gained new closeness. by working with each other. Also valued was the fact that teachers assisted in the undertakings. Jo Ann Richard, finance committee chairman, who coordi-
Manuel Rogers Be Sons FUNERAL HOME 1521 North Main Street Fall River, Mass. Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado
Tel. Office 672-3101 Res. 673-3896 - 673-0447
Jan. 22, 1976
A George Washington Grammar School Basketball Tournament will be held at the Kennedy C.Y.O. Center in New Bedford beginning Saturday afternoon, February 21. Sponsored by the Diocesan C.Y.O., it will open a series of bicentennial events.
Championship Races Close As Second Half Commences Competition and controversy are both evident in the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference as the second half of the schoolboy basketball campaign commences. In short five teams are in the thick of the Division III championship race; the situation in Division II rests in part state board. If past practIce is adhere to, Old Rochester will with the Massachusetts El- probably lose its appeal and drop igibility Board and Durfee out of contention for league
Junior Hoopsters Will Compete In CYO Meet
nated the day's activities, stated, "It really taught us what responsibility is."
Any grammar school quintet in southeastern Massachusetts is eligible. The only rule is that all players must attend the same school and be in sixth seventh or eighth grade. Teams may register by writing to Joe Barckett, Director, 301 Belleville Road, New Bedford, Mass. A $15.00 entry fee must accompany each registration. Trophies will be presented to first, second, third, and fourth place finishes. Games will be played on weekend afternoons and deadline for entries will be Sunday, Feb. 15. '.
Thomas kisses Neil . . . who a moment before was screaming . . . because Thomas had grabbed from him the rubber duck they now both clutch. . . They make up with a kiss . . . healing the fleeting hurt . . . saying without words . . . "I'm sorry!" Thomas and Neil are brothers... They symbolize us all : .. brothers and sisters of the same Father . . . . whose love gives us our very being. Their kiss recalls the beautiful ideal of the Psalm . "How good . . . how delightful it is . . . for all to live together . . . like brothers" (Psalm 133:10). Yet curiously we go on hurting each other . . . thoughtlessly ... carelessly ... even deliberately... The ideal is often so far from the reality. aecause we are the way we are . . . one of the very real signs of love ... is to forgive ... Jesus asks us to forgive over and over again . . . 70 times seven times . . . just as our Father keeps forgiving us. Thomas and Neil making up with a kiss . . . remind us that . . . love means being able . . . and willing ... to say, "I'm sorry!"
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SA VE $294 Old 7a"ern Pine 8edroom Reg. NOW 66" Triple Dresser wilh Framed Mirror and Queen Size Poster Bed - 3 Pieces . $978.50 $799.50 Queen Size Canopy Frame . 134.50 119.50 , . 549.50 479.50 42" Chest on Chest Night Table . 219.50 189.50
SA VE $247.,50 Old 7."ern Pine Dining Room 48" Diameter Extension Table Opens to 78"'with Two Filler Leaves . and Four Captain's Chairs. All 5 Pieces 56" Bullet and Hutch .
SAVE $229 Magnlflcen' Helrloom8edroom 64" Triple Dresser wilh Framed Landscape Mirror and Queen Size Bookcase Headboard Bed - 3 Pieces . 37" Chesl on Chesl . Night Table .
PERSONALIZED BUDGET PAYMENTS No Banks or Finance Companies To Pay
Reg. NOW $828.50 $699.50 499.50 429.50 179.50 149.50
E I d' La
Reg. NOW $847.50 $699.50 799.00 699.50