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t eanc 0 VOL. 32, NO.4.

Friday, January 22, 1988




$8 Per Year

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33rd annual Bishop's Charity Ball

A brilliant evening, full of meaning By Joseph Motta "I can't remember if ,I curtsy before 1 handshake or if 1 handshake before 1 curtsy." Lisa Desroches of Holy Rosary parish, Taunton, was among the 33 mostly nervous young women presented to Bishop' Daniel A. Cronin last Friday evening as representatives of their parishes at the

33rd annual Bishop's Charity Ball. Lisa knew that the crowd gathered at White's of Westport was present both to benefit the many exceptional and underprivileged children who will attend Fall River diocesan summer camps this year and to enjoy the social aspects of the evening. But what threw her, she confessed, were the sheer numbers who would be watching

as she was escorted by her father to meet the bishop during the presentee ceremony, a ball highlight. "I'm not nervous," said her dad, Dr. Stephen Desroches. "I don't have to curtsy." Other presentees shared Lisa's jitters and appreciation ofthe evening's purposes. Pamela Julio, 20, of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton, said

she wanted to become a presentee "for the honor of it." Nicole Lopes, 16, of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, who wore a made-by-Mom white satin dress, complete with square-fitted bodice, ruffled fan -shoulders and bustled bow, said she's been excited about the evening ever since being nominated for parish presentee by her parish women's guild. Why?

"Because 1 was being chosen for my church," she said. 17-year-old presentee Dawn Damiani of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk, said she was "very happy" at being her parish representative. But at a few minutes to showtime, she checked in as "ner. vous," noting that she was afraid Turn to Page Nine

Pro-life talk must be backed by action, says march organizer WASHINGTON (NC) - The organizer of the 15th annual March for Life, being held today in Washington, said she wants those who talk pro-life to act pro-life. Nellie Gray, head of March for Life and organizer of the annual demonstration, said the pro-life movement "demands that everybody who talks about the unborn follow through and recognize the humanity of the child and do nothing to hurt the unborn child." "Pro-IifeTalk Demands Right

Pro-Life Action" will be the theme for this year's march, which has been held every year since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion. Today's marchers include many from the Fall River diocese, converging on Washington from New Bedford, Attleboro and Cape Cod. "We're saying that if you're talking pro-life and acting prolife then you have to have the right action to make sure that not even one of our pre-born

brothers and sisters is handed over to an abortionist," Miss Gray said in a telephone interview. The march will begin with an hourJong program of speakers at the Ellipse, between the White House and the Washington Monument. Among them will be Rep. Robert Dornan, R-Calif. President Reagan has been invited to address the group via telephone hookup as he did last year from the Oval Office to the Ellipse.

Participants then will move along Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol and the Supreme Court. Miss Gray said marchers will disperse at the Supreme Court and then will be encouraged to lobby their representatives and senators. Following the march the sixth annual Rose Dinner will be held with Alphonse J. Matt Jr., editor of The Wanderer, as the featured speaker. The Wanderer is an independent Catholic

weekly newspaper published in St. Paul, Minn. This year's national observance included a vigil Mass last night at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Principal celebrant was slated to be Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago, chairman of the National Conference ofCatholic Bishops' Committee for ProLife Activities. Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston was scheduled as homHist.

Apparent murder-suicide leads to warnings about occult interests SPARTA, N.J. (NC) - An apparent murder-suicide by a Catholic school student interested in the occult has led to warnings about the dangers of teen-age fascination with satanism and "heavy metal" rock music. Thomas Sullivan Jr., 14, apparently stabbed his mother to death and then killed himself Jan. 10, according to New Jersey police authorities. Police said a note with references to satanism was found. He reportedly was influenced by an essay on satanism by class-

mates at Rev. George Brown School in Sparta, done for an assignment to study religions other than Catholicism. "Satan is an unseen presence wherever there's killing, but what happened here was so brutal, so bizarre, there had to be some feelings that were not normal," said Father Charles Cassidy, pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Sparta. Father Cassidy celebrated a private funeral Mass Jan. 13 for the youth and for his mother, Betty

Ann Sullivan, 37. The boy's father, Thomas Sullivan Sr., and brother, Brian, 10, were reportedly asleep upstairs when the attack on Mrs. Sullivan took place. Sullivan told police he was awakened by the sound of a smoke alarm which went off because Thomas Jr. had started a fi.re before fleeing the house. The youth's apparent suicide took place in a neighbor's backyard. A statement from the teacher at the parish school emphasized that two boys who chose satanism for

their report - Thomas had done his report on Hinduism - were warned that satanism was and is a dangerous, evil thing and the report was meant as a warning." ."I told the children that ignorance can be dangerous and only by knowing about an evil, such as drugs for example, can we properly protect ourselves and each other," the unidentified teacher stated. Benedictine Sister Philomena Fleck, principal, had agreed that the two boys could do the report,

the teacher said, "as long as 1 made it clear in class the evil and danger of the subject matter." Father Richard Rento, who has studied the occult and young people's interest in it, said parents have to become aware of the signs and symbols associated with satanism and have to pay more attention to some of the messages their sons and daughters may be getting from heavy metal rock music. Father Rento, coordinator of Turn to Page Nine

Participation of churches in chastity program urged WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference and prolifers have urged the Supreme Court to allow religious organizations to participate in a federal program aimed at curbing teen-age sexual activity. A lower court decision removing church groups from the Adolescent Family Life Act program demonstrates "hostility toward religion that is itself a threat to religious liberty" and encourages unnecessary church-state "antagonism" the USCC warned in a friend-ofthe-court brief. In a separate brief on the same issue, Americans United for Life Legal Defense Fund argued that "to exclude an otherwise eligible organization from participation in a government program merely because of its religious affiliation raises serious constitutional questions." The court has agreed to consider at least three separate cases involving the program. Under the 1981 act, often dubbed the "chastity law," the federal government funds efforts by social service agencies to foster self-discipline and sexual abstinence among teen-agers, promote adoption as an alternative to abortion, and provide a wide range of educational, counseling and health services, but not abortion. Although Congress specifically called for involvement by "religious and charitable organizations" in the program, the U.S. District Court in Washington forbade religious organizations' participation because "by contemplating the provision of aid ... for the purpose of encouraging abstinence and adoption, the [program] contemplates subsidizing a fundamental religious mission of those organizations." In the USCC brief, filed by General Counsel Mark E. Chopko

and colleagues Phillip H. Harris and Helen H. Alvare, the USCC argued that the district court ignored the constitutional principle of "benevolent neutralit-y" and instead "would require discrimination against any or all religions equally." The district court's view "leads to the indefensible view that religious organizations and individuals should be excluded from government participation simply because they are religious," the USCC said in its brief. According to the USCC, "such a result has no roots in the history of the First Amendment," which states in part that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." "Adolescent sexual activity and pregnancy are social problems of national significance," the brief said. "In the [program], Congress recognized that religious organizations like other community and charitable groups can contribute to the resolution of these national problems. Issues of adolescent sexual activity are no different in principle from the myriad of other social welfare issues about which the government and many religious organizations share a common concern." Permissible projects under law do not become impermissible just because religious organizations as well as government approve of them or receive government funds for implementing them, the brief said. "To conclude otherwise demonstrates hostility toward religion." Americans United for Life said the lower court ruling, if not reversed, "threatens to disrupt the entire field of government-supported, privately administered assistance for the poor, the sick and the outcast."

Self-control possible, says director WASHINGTON (NC) - Teens can learn that sexual urges are controllable, and that lesson will help them avoid emotional and physical trauma, says the director of a pilot program teaching abstinence. Kathleen M. Sullivan, director for Project Respect, told a Washington news conference that the program teaches seventh-, eighth-and ninth-graders that not having sexual relations outside marriage helps them avoid "emotional trauma" as well as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. "A broken physical union shatters" young people said Mrs. Sullivan, who also directs the National路 Catholic Coalition, described as an organization of orthodox Catholics. Project Respect is a pilot for a "Sex Respect" curriculum program. It was developed under a grant from the federal Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs. The program is too new to measure long-term results, such as lower pregnancy rates, Mrs. Sullivan said, but the pilot program shows that "this approach can work." Schools "are looking for good, sound programs" that give a "strong, straight message," she said, as opposed to school-based health clinics that give information on

F erriol8. to head diaconate office

contraceptives and abortion and are only "picking up the shattered pieces." Students in 14 Midwest schools took part in the second year of the pilot study. More than 1,800 students were queried prior to and following the IO-part course. Mrs. Sullivan said all schools showed positive improvement in student attitudes. When asked "Do you think sexual urges are controllable?" the answer "always" was chosen by 20 percent of students before the program and 39 percent afterward. Mrs. Sullivan said the message about sex should be the same as that about drug use - that young people can and should say no. She said that after the program some students have said, "I didn't know I didli't have to do it." To the question, "Once a teen has had sex outside of marriage he-she would benefit by deciding to stop having sex and wait till marriage," 14 percent answered "absolutely true" before the program. Afterward 36 percent gave that response, showing that teens can be convinced of the value of what Mrs. Sullivan called "secondary virginity." Project Respect focuses on improving communication between parents and children and hopes to help the students be good parents themselves eventually.


Feehan teacher honored Sister Mary Enda Costello, writing handbook for teaching RSM, a British literature and hum- grades 10 and II. anities teacher at Bishop Feehan Feehan principal Sister Mary High School, Attleboro, will be Faith Harding, RSM, said "Sister recognized for her years of out- Enda is certainly well deserving of standing service to Catholic edu- the award. caton and the National Catholic "She is an excellent educator" Educational Association by the the principal said, "dedicated NCEA's secondary school division the nth degree. She's well read and at the association's 1988 conven- she's well traveled and she brings tion in April at the Javits Conven- all of these things into her edtion Center in New York City. ucating." Sister Costello has been assoSister Costello, says Sister Hardciated with Feehan for 24 years. Immediately after arriving at the ing, has provided "above and school from St. Mary's Academy, beyond the call of duty" over 50 Bayview, East Providence, where years of service to Catholic educashe taught from 1948 to 1964, she tion. became moderator to the staff of Sister Harding will attend the Feehan's yearbook, Flashback. award ceremony at the Javits CenIn 1983 The Anchor profiled ter with Sister Costello and FeeSister Costello's work with the . han staff members Sisters Regina yearbook team, noting that the Coughlin, RSM, and Evangela 1982 book earned 964 out of a pos- McAleer, RSM. Diocesan Departsible 1000 points and a Columbia ment of Education staffers will Medal in the Columbia Scholastic also be present. Press Association's annual yearbook contest. At the time, the Flashback had merited a total of five medals, 16 first place awards and two second place awards in the competition. Every yearbook published since A study day for priests will be 1982 has earned a first place award, held Feb. 9 at the Family Life CenSister Costello said. Sister Costello has co-authored ter, North Dartmouth, it has been many for Ohio's Center for Learn- announced by Rev. Robert A. ing. The center sponsors an annual Oliveira, diocesan director of consix-week summer workshop at John ti~uing formation of clergy and laity. Carroll University, Cleveland.. The award-winning Feehanite Father Paul Carrier, SJ, a Fall says she has participated in the River native and former faculty program for seven summers and member at Bishop Connolly High has been invited again this year. School, Fall River, who is now Her published guides are British associate director of the Boston Literature, Vols. 1 and 2; Shakes- College Institute for Religious Stupears' Tragedies: Hamlet, Julius dies, will be resource person for Caesar; Shakespeare's Comedies: the day. Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth In the light of "Economic JusNight; World Literature, Vol. 2; tice for All: Social Teaching and World History, Vol. 3. (SisterCos- the U.S. Economy," the 1986 pastello was a contributing author toral letter of the U.S. bishops, Vol. 2); World Culture Geography participants will consider the prac(grade seven). tical implications for pastoral minShe is working on a 10 to 12 istry of the social teachings of the chapter mini-book, a teachers' Church. The program will include guide to the abridged version of two presentations and a question Les Miserables, and Writer 2, a period.


Priests to study economics pastoral

WASHINGTON (NC) - Constantino J. Ferriola Jr., a permanent deacon and codirector of the diaconate office in the diocese of Orlando, Fla., has been named executive director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for the Permanent Diaconate. H,e succeeds Samuel M. Taub, a deacon of the Diocese of Arlington, Va., and director of the secretariat since 1984. Taub, who coordinated Pope John Paul II's meeting with permanent deacons and their wives in Detroit last September, will return to the Arlington diocese for reassignment. Ferriola's appointment, effective March I, was announced in Washington Jan. 14. Ferriola was' ordained to the diaconate in 1980 and began his ministry at Holy Rosary Parish, Claymont, Del. He then was transferred by his employer, Westinghouse Electric Corp., from the Philadelphia area to Florida and served at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Orlando in 1981-84. In 1984 he was assigned to the Orlando diocese's San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, in 1985 he was appointed associate director of the diocesan permanent diaconate office, and last May he was named the Orlando office's codirector. He is a former Air Force officer and worked for Westinghouse from 1974 to 1987 as a human resources specialist.

NOTICE Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, amnesty is provided for any illegal alien who arrived in the United States before January I, 1982 and has since resided here continously. This offer of amnesty is available until April 30, 1988. If you know of anyone who might benefit from this opportunity for legalization you are encouraged to contact Father Joseph Costa at Catholic Social Services 674-4681. Portuguese Sob a Reforma da Imigra~ao e do Acto de Control de 1986, anistia e dada a todo 0 estrangeiro ilegal, que tenha chegado aos Estados Unidos antes do dia 1 de Janeiro de 1982, e que desde entao tenha residido aqui continuamente. Esta oferta de anistia e concedida ate ao dia 30 de Abril de 1988. Se 'c'onhece alguem que possa beneficiar desta oportunidade para legaliza~io, encorjamos a que contacte com Pe. Joseph Costa nos Servi~os Socias Catolicos, 674-4681. Spanish Con la Reforma de la Inmigracion y del Acto de Control de 1986, se da amnistia a todo 10 extranjero i1egal que haya lIegado a los Estados Unidos antes del dia 1 de Enero de 1982 que haya vivido siempre aca desde entonces. Esta oferta de amnistia puede ser obtenida hasta el dia 30 de Abril de 1988. Se Usted conoce alguien que pueda beneficiar con esta oportunidad de legalizacion, 10 invitamos a ponerse en contacto con Pe. Joseph Costa en los Servicios Sociales Catolicos, 674-4681.


Senior section Dear Editor: . I could fully relate to the title of the article in the Anchor, "'Senior boom' seen affecting religion." As coordinator of Religious Education at Saint John of God Church in Somerset, I began a Tuesday morning adult class in 1986. I thought it would be a worthwhile project if five or six people attended. Twenty people came to our first class and our membership has now grown to 43. Our group is open to all, but predominately made up of seniors; three of whom are men. I very much see their need for looking to religion for meaning in their lives. They are sincere and enthusiastic in their quest for knowledge and their desire to participate and worship as they never have before. Their respect for the Church, their need for a common meeting place, their integrity in and appreciation for community have been a source of wonder and blessing for me. This whole experience springs from their need. I strongly sense the need of the Church to serve seniors in any way possible. I would very much like to see a senior section in the Anchor. Kathie Barboza Somerset Seldom have we had such response as to our query whether readers would like an Anchor senior section. "Yes" replies have come from every part of the diocese, several with suggestions for contents of such a section. One idea was that we include parish senior citizen club notices. Get them to us and we'll be glad to run them! Also welcome' iue suggestions for feature stories and intervie~s of special interest to seniors. We expect to run the section twice a month, beginning next week. Many thanks to all who wrote, confirming our hunch that this was an idea whose time had come.

K of C office WASHINGTON (NC) - The Knights of Columbus have opened a new office in Washington. Carl A. Anderson, who was special assistant to President Reagan and acting director of the White House public liaison office, was named director. Assistant director Dennis A. Bartlett has been a university administrator.

Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 22, 1988

We're Better Together





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Certified Financial Planner BUSINESS AND FAMILY FINANCIAL PLANNING BISHOP Daniel A. Cronin stands with newly-ordained Father Robert A Charlton, SS.Ce., after ceremonies last Saturday at St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven. Father Charlton, a native of Philadelphia and the son of Edward and Margaret Charlton, was a transitional deacon at Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, where he will remain as pcircichiaf vicar.· A graduate of Southeastern Massachusetts University, he prepared for the priesthood at the Washington Theological Union and took perpetual vows last August as a member of the Sacred Hearts Community. (Gaudette photo)



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Bishop for civilians


SILVER SPRING, Md. (NC) - Bishop-designate John G. Nolan. newly-named auxiliary bishop in the archdiocese for the Military Services, will oversee spiritual care for Catholic employees at U.S. embassies worldwide. He will serve all in the archdiocese but "in a special way" serve "civilians stationed in embassies," said Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan, head of the military diocese.




F all River liner Priscilla provides Brooklyn-Fall River connection Longstanding friendly ties between The Anchor, newspaper of the diocese of Fall River, and The Tablet, newspaper of the diocese of Brooklyn, were recently strengthened when Matthew E. Schiller, Tablet business manager, was in Fall River to assist Anchor staffers with automation of their circulation system. The system, like those of The Providence Visitor and The Pilot of Boston, is computerized through The Tablet. Schiller and Anchor business manager Rosemary Dussault were lunching at a Fall River restaurant displaying prints of the famous Fall River Line steamships. The ships, plying between Fall River and New York from 1847 to 1937, carried many notable passengers, including Presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt, Sigmund Freud and several members of the Astor and Rockefeller families. Most debarked at Fall River to board trains to Boston. Looking at the prints, Schiller spied a familiar building: The Tablet's Brooklyn headquarters, backgrounding a view of the Fall River liner Priscilla gliding under the Brooklyn Bridge. Quickly purchased, the print now adorns Schiller's office wall in the Brooklyn Building.






THE ANCHOR - Diocese Q(Fall River - fri., Jan. 22, 1988

the moorina-, Reflecting on the Israeli Dilemma Why is it so difficult to offer objective criticism ofthe state of Israel without being labeled anti-Semitic? Yet that is the situation, especially when the Palestinian question is under discussion. Israel's violent suppression of protest actions by Palestinians residing in the Gaza Strip was certainly a woeful response to legitimate concerns. Ever since the displaced peoples of Palestine have been entombed in their Gaza prison by the state of Israel, their only sources of relief and help have been United Nations agencies and private organizations such as the Catholic Near East Society. For almost two generations the Palestinian people have been encircled by barbed wire and menaced by machine guns. They are born and die lacking freedom and liberty. Many fee~ the only way they can make their plight known is to oppose their captives openly. But the military response to the current unrest has been swift, sure and severe. The brutality of reprisals against unarmed children and women has been evident to all who read newspapers or watch the television news. World reaction has been prompt and justified, yet it has had little effect on Israel. Indeed, there seem two standards of justice: all is well if Israel gets what it wants ftom the world family, but if objections to the I1ation's actions are voiced, the cry of religious discrimination arises. There have been few more terrifying scenes in the ArabIsraeli war than the deliberate desecration of the Dome of the Rock, the holiest Islamic religious shrine after Mecca itself. To profane so holy a place gives support to the international consensus that Jerusalem should be an open international city where Christians, Arabs and Jews might worship freely. Instead, the footsteps of soldiers sound again on the stones of the Via Dolorosa. There is little evidence that free exercise of religious belief is guaranteed by Israel. It is ironic that the media have given prominent note to the release from the Soviet Union and subsequent reception in Israel of leading Jewish dissident Josef Begun. The government that hails this activist's freedom denies the same selfexpression to Palestinians in the Gaza. Have the leaders of Israel forgotten their own dark days in such places as the Warsaw ghetto? Have they forgotten the resolve and will to freedom of people held in what amounts to concentration camps? Do they really think their methods will effect a permanent solution of the problem of Palestine? These questions are raised to underline the dilemmas and embarrassment occasioned by Israel's brute military force against civilian stones. Such tactics will serve only to strengthen Palestinian determination and encourage the fanatic. On neither side are anger, fear and frustration conducive to the open dialogue which must take place if harmony is to be restored to the Holy City. Those who fled the terrors and horrors of the Holocaust should be the last to create an atmosphere where martyrdom to a cause could become a reality. Certainly the vengefulness demonstrated by the Israeli military has dampened the hope for speedy settlement of the Palestinian question. Yet that hope must spring eternal. Admittedly, it involves risk, but is that not better than despair? Overall, the continuing violence in the Gaza Should trigger an immediate and basic rethinking of the Israeli position.

Net UPI photo


"A voice was heard ,on high of lamentation, of mourning and weeping, of Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not." Jer. 31:15

NCC-Catholic ties discussed

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (NC) - The new president of the National Council of Churches is an ordained woman who expresses some predictable disagreements with positions of the Catholic Church but also voices a strong desire to see Catholic membership in a national ecumenical body. The Rev. Patricia A. McClurg, a 48-year-old Presbyterian from Orange, Texas, succeeded African Methodist Episcopal Bishop Philip R. as NCC president on Jan. 1. In an interview with National Catholic News Service,- Miss McClurg recalled feeling "embarThe Editor rlissed" talking in New York last May with Cardinal Johannes Willebrands, head of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, about other countries that have councils inclusive of . . . Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians. "We in the United States have nothing to lead us to i 410 HighlQnd Avenue I think that will happen in the next . hundred years," she said. FoIl River Moss,. 02122 675·715,1 . P08L1.flO "I think we need to go to work Most RllV. Daniel A. Cronin, D.D., $.T.O. on that," she said. She would be fINA8~JAL AO.'HlS1'R'.~OR PITOR·.. willing, she said, to seethe NCe go leY. _ F. Moore Rev. Msgr. 1011n 1. Regan out of existence if some broader ecumenical body including the ...., leary r;_ss-Fa1t AIYe, Catholic Church could be formed.





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The council includes 32 communions, and while the U.S. Catholic Church is not a member some official Catholic agencies are members of or have some involvement in ~ome NCC units. Miss McClurg said she had not reviewed a report issued more than a decade ago by a joint committee set up to study possible Catholic membership in the council. While making no specific recommendation, the report was generally favorable to membership, but no followup action was ever reported. The best procedure, Miss McClurg suggested, would probably be not to invite Catholic membership in the council but to create a "whole new thing." She said Cardinal WiIlebrands questioned an ecumenical body could work well with one church - the Catholic Church - that had more members than all the others combined. "That's a problem I would like to have to struggle with," she said. The Catholic Church in the United States has 52.9 million members compared to the 40 million in member churches of the national council.

Miss McClurg said that in pastoral work in Texas following her graduation from the Austin Presbyterian Seminary and 'ordination in 1967, she had her "grandest experiences" working ecumenically with Catholics on issues such as racial justice. More recently she found the Catholic bishops' 1986 pastoral on the U.S. economy helpful in a study Presbyterians did on the same themes. "It influenced us very much," she said. Regarding ordination of women, Miss McClurg noted that some current members of the national council hold the same position as the Catholic Church. "In the NCC," she said, "we don't berate one another about things we are trying to deal with in our own communities." On abortion, Miss McClurg said she was "sympathetic" with the Cl\tholic struggle and with the "theological underpinnings" of its approach. On aid to parochial schools, which the council opposes, Miss McClurg expressed "understanding" of the view of Catholics, and said this was an example of issues that needed to be addressed by the churches together.

Ugly Americans Last summer when I was teaching in Ireland I read an angry letter to the editor from an American reacting to an earlier feature article, "The Great Tourist Trap." It seems the newspaper, in an attempt to test Irish hospitality, sent out actors who posed as "loudmouthed overbearing American tourists." The letter writer objected to the paper's stereotyping Americans in this way. She pointed out that we are a nation of 240 million people and that it's unfair to judge all of us by the behavior of a few. We've held the ugly American title for years and it doesn't seem to go away in spite of the fact that most of us are not loudinouthed and demanding. In truth, many of us accept inferior service rather than add to the stereotype. . What perpetuates this image, then? Not as much a lack of consideration for others as our cultural mode of behavior. We talk louder than people in other cultures, so we are labeled loudmouth. We are more informal in greeting others, so we come on as overbearing to people who wait for introductions before speaking. As part of the American psyche we prize efficiency, so we are labeled demanding when others are inefficient. We spend money differently - on gifts, souvenirs and tours -

while other cultures may spend theirs on long dinners and operas -so we are considered crass. What is termed ugly Americanism is basically our national character and style. Because we are so large and have fewer foreign visitors to our shores, we don't experience large masses of tourists from other cultures so we don't label them ugly Germans or ugly Irish. When we travel, we find cultural habits that offend us but are not considered impolite in a particular nation. For example, Germany doesn't understand the meaning of waiting in line. I've had whole families push in front of me at airline counters. At first I fumed and refused to play the get-ahead-ofothers game. When I came to realize that it wasn't a personal slight but accepted social behavior, I, too, got in there and pushed. At Mass, even. Going to communion reminds one of a good old-fashioned western stampede. In England, on the other hand, two people on a lonely street line up behind each other and don't talk. Stereotyping is minimized when we temporarily adopt the mores and etiquette of the nation or state we are visiting. "When in Rome ..." remains valid. Even if we always eat at 6 p.m., if the restaurants of Spain don't open until 9 p.m., we either accept

Unity endangered Some of the meanest conflicts in history have been civil wars fought in the name of religion. Although many Catholics may not go so far as to call them wars, lately the church has experienced some note\vorhty public confrontations among its own people. The church's unity has become endangered. During the last three years we have seen Rome disciplining bishops and theologians, nuns and priests berating the institutional church and the laity demanding their rights from the church. And at present in the United States we are seeing bishops publicly at odds on how to address the worst epidemic of our times, AI DS. But unlike other wars in which the enemy is identifiable, it is difficult to know the real enemy in such cases. For example, after the Second Vatican Council, people's thinking about the institutional church changed, causing confusion for some. But looking back now, would Pope John XXIII and those who fostered renewal and change be considered enemies of the church? Or those who resisted change then and who have been putting up roadblocks to it ever since? It is similar in other cases. It is difficult to identify someone in the church as the church's enemy. During World WarIl the American people knew who the enemy was, rallied together as one and conquered'the enemy. But, as we moved from World War II to the Korean and Vietnam Wars we became confused about who the real enemy was. Was it foreign governments or our own government's foreign policy? As a consequence, we were unable to rally together. The only" victory, if it could be called that,

was an honorable, well-negotiated retreat. " Some of the most famous diplomats in the past were those who mastered the honorable retreat maneuver and thus rekindled unity on the home front. As the news reflects a growing escalation of differences on the various levels of the church. I

January 24 1951, Rev. Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., Boston College Faculty 1977, Rev. Thomas F. McMorrow, Assistant, Our Lady of Victory, CenterviHe 1987, Rev. Jack Hickey, O.P., Dismas House, Nashville, Tenn. January 27 1919, Rev. John T. O'Grady, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1955, Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River January 28 1947, Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket 1961, Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro January 29 1944, Rev. Christiano J. Borges, Pastor, St. John Baptist, New Bedford 1950, Rev. AlbertJ. Masse, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111I11111I11 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of J Illy 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fan River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fan River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fan River. MA 02722.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 22, 1988


their schedule or shut up. Truly ugly Americans do neither. They show surprise and irritation. Even worse, they attempt to instruct the Spanish on proper dining hours. I believe this attempt to change others is the most valid criticism of Americans as tourists. We come to believe that how we do things is the right way and it is our duty to let others know this - a habit that fosters intense resentment. Sometimes we foster this attitude unintentionally by saying pleasantly enough, "Well, in our country .. ." We don't realize that it comes off as, "We're right and this is how it should be done." I've found that people in other states and nations are immensely pleased when we turn our critical attitude around and mention institutions and traditions we like, i.e. Irish pubs, flower stands on every corner, good and safe subway systems and a more relaxed lifestyle. This changes our stereotype from ugly to appreciative. And stops them from thinking resentfully, "Well, if you wanted home, why didn't you stay there?"


wonder if we are witnessing a new era in which people are finding it increasingly difficult to tell the good people from the bad. Truth and concern that God's plan "be carried out are clamored for by all sides. And yet there is an air of hostility. Reconcilers are what we need everywhere in the church today.' We're in a new period of history, an incredibly complex time when people constantly are bombarded by all types of information. It is a time that calls for great patience on everyone's part coupled with a new ability to bring people together - to keep people unified without compromising the truth. That's a tall order, but it is what is called for if we are to move peaceably into the 21 st century.

Largest in world MILWAUKEE NC) - The Dachau concentration camp was home of "the largest religious communityin th'e world" in 1940- I945, said Jesuit Father William J. O'Malley, who reported on priests interned in the infamous World War II German camp in ~'The Priests of Dachau," reprinted by the Cat,holic League for Religious and Civil Rights from America magazine. , Father O'Malley said 2,771 clergymen were interned at Dachau and that at least 1,034 of them died in the camp. Among the larger number were 2,579 Catholic priests, lay brothers and seminarians from 38 nations.

Bayside: official stand Q.I am enclosing some material sent to me about the alleged apparitions and messages at Bayside, New York. Judging from what I hear and read about these apparitions I do not believe the church could give its approval. Has there been any official pronouncement about them? (Iowa) A. Beginning in 1970 and continuing up to now, Veronica Leuken, a lady in Bayside, has claimed a long series of visions of Our Lady and Jesus and. apparently. other saints as well. These visions supposedly occur during prayer vigils held about twice a month; people from surrounding states and other parts of the country are invited and attend. The rambling "revelations" allegedly contained in these VIsions range over a multitude of topics. some of them quite bizarre. As so many such events, they lay heavy emphasis on the imminent punishment of the world by God. They are against just about everything from Communion in the hand to lay ministers of the Eucharist, ecumenism. rock music and assorted other evils. During the 1970s, Mrs. Leuken became more and more disenchanted with Pope Paul VI, who approved many things in the church that, according to the "visions," the Blessed Virgin Mary was highly against. Thus, on Sept. 27,1975, Veronica claimed to have what must be the strangest alleged vision in the history of the church. According to her, Mary revealed that three high Vatican officials, Cardinal .Jean Villot, Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, and Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, in league with Satan, had drugged the real Pope Paul VI and kept him prisoner in the Vatican. The "pope" who appeard in public, she said, was an imposter changed by plastic surgery to look like the real Pope Paul but actually was an agent of the devil. This weird story actually was believed and promoted by tens of thousands of Catholics until Pope Paul died. Obviously your doubts about church approval of the appartions are well-founded. After an i,nvestigation of the alleged appartions, officials of the Diocese of Brooklyn, where Bayside is located, concluded that no credibility could be given to the events there. The chancellor of the diocese reported at that time, "The conclusion reached independently was that the Bayside apparit~n was the result of a lot of imagination after reading a lot about Lourdes and Fatima." This remains the official position of the Brooklyn diocese, that nothing supernatural or miraculous is occurring at Bayside. Q. My husband and I and some friends are taking a tour which will include Rome. We want to attend an audience with the Holy Father while we are there if possible.



Could you tell us how to arrange this? We will be there in June. (California) A. General audiences with the pope usually are on Wednesday mornings. They are held in Rome either at the audience hall just next to St. Peter's or, if the weather is good, in the Piazza di San Pietro in front of St. Peter's. During the summer, probably after you are there, they may be at the pope's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo a few miles outside of Rome. Information for ."....Cllcans about these audiences and passes for them may be obtained by writing to the Casa Santa Maria, Via dell' Umilta 30, Rome, Italy.OO 187. A free brochure explaining Catholic teaching on cremation and other burial policies is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

HALLETT Funeral Home Inc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.

Tel. 398-2285

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496

WILL FORMS Make Your Own Will Easily! Ready to fill in. Send only $4.25 (2 for $6.95) to: FORMS P.O. Box 3609, New Haven CT 06525

Train For


MOST REV. DANIEL A. CRONIN February 23 - 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

March St Anthony of Padua, Fall River St. Mary, Fairhaven


2 4

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

8 15 18



20 21

- 4:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

24 28

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.

St. Patrick, Falmouth St. Ann, Raynham St. Joseph, Fall River St. John of God, Somerset St. Joseph, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton St. Stephen, Attleboro Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea St. Joseph, Fairhaven St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; St. Mathieu, Fall River; St. Vincent's Home, Fall River; Blessed Sacrament, Fall River; Holy Cross, Fall -River; at St. Mary's Cathedral



- 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

10 11

- 3:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

15 17 19

- 7:00 P.M. - 9:30 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.

21 22 26 28 29

- 7:00 ~ 7:00 - 7:00 - 7:00 - 7:00

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

Christ the King, Mashpee St. Pius X, South Yarmouth St. Mary, North Attleboro Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford Immaculate Conception, North Easton St. Joseph, North Dighton St. Mary, Taunton St. Louis de France, Swansea St. Mary, Norton St. Mark, Attleboro Falls Holy Rosary, Fall River St. Paul, Taunton St. Mary, Seekonk


2 3 5

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

6 10

- 7:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.


12 16

- 3:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

19 - 7:00 P.M. 20 - 7:00 P.M. 22 - 5:00 P.M 23 - 7:00 P.M. 25 - 7:00 P.M. 27

- 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

St. Joseph, Attleboro Mt. Carmel, New Bedford St. Theresa, South Attleboro St. Bernard, Assonet St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven; at St. Elizabeth St. Mary, Nantucket St. Theresa, New Bedford St. Thomas More, Somerset St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford St. Stanislaus, Fall River St. Elizabeth, Fall River ADULT at St. Mary's Cathedral St. Kilian, New Bedford St. Joseph, New Bedford St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset Sacred Heart, New Bedf<y:d



- 7:00 P.M.


St. Anne, New Bedford


- 7:00 P.M.

Immaculate Conception, Fall River

8 15

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.


- 12:00 Noon


-7:00 P.M.

St. Peter, Dighton St. Anthony, East Falmouth St. Lawrence, New Bedford Sts. Peter & Paul, Fall River


5 24

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

27 31

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

St. Rita, Marion Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford St. Jacques, Taunton Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton



February 11 - 7:00 P.M.

Sr. Anthony, Mattapoisett



- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.'

St. William, Fall River Santo Christo, Fall River St. Joan of Are, Orleans


- 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

15 18 25 29


Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster Our Lady of Health, Fall River Mt. Carmel, Seekonk Stonehill College St. Patrick, Wareham Espirito Santo, Fall River

14 25



7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

Holy Trinity, West Harwich


St. Mary, New Bedford St. Mary, Mansfield St. Michael, Ocean Grove St. James, New Bedford Corpus Christi, Sandwich Group I Corpus Christi, Sandwich Group II St. Mary, South Dartmouth


5 12 14 20 24

7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 1:30

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

4:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.


4 16

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

18 23 25

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

St. Dominic, Swansea Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville St. John, Attleboro Sacred Heart, Taunton St. John the Baptist, New Bedford



- 7:00 P.M.

St. John Neumann, East Freetown



- 7:00 P.M.

9 13 16

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

Our Lady of Victory, Centerville St. Anthony, Taunton Holy Name, New Bedford St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Julie, North Dartmouth



- 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

Our Lady of Grace, Westport St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay



- 7:00 P.M.

14 17 18 22 25 28


7:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.

St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth Holy Name, Fall River St. .Patrick, Fall River St. Louis, Fall River St. George,- Westport Sacred Heart, Fall River St. Patrick, Somerset


5 13

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

19 26

- 7:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.


- 7:00 P.M.

St. . Anne, Fall River Immaculate Conception, Taunton St. Anthony, New Bedford Immaculate Conception, New Bedford Notre Dame, Fall River

NC photo

Reception of the sacrament of Confirmation


permanently unconscious 'or seriously debilitated "as a means of securing their deaths."

Bishop Gelineau's stand gets mixed emotions WASHINGTON (NC) - A bishop's endorsement of discontinuing food and water for a Rhode Island woman in an irreversible coma sparked a debate between those who view withdrawal of nutrition as a first step to legalized euthanasia and those who view it as ending extraordinary medical treatment. Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence, R.I., said Jan. I I that it would be within Catholic moral teaching to allow nutrition and hydration to be stopped for the woman, Marcia Gray, 48, who has been in a coma for two years. The statement was believed to be the first approving the discontinuing offeeding to be issued by a Catholic diocese. Boston physician Dr. Joseph Stanton, a spokesman for the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, based at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, expressed grave concern about Bishop Gelineau's stand. Forty years ago, he said, "the starvation of human persons to death was judged at Nuremburg to be a crime against humanity." But Laurence O'Connell of the Catholic Health Association said a careful distinction has been made "between food and water in the ordinary sense and artificially administered nutrition and hydration." "These things have to be casespecific," said O'Connell, vice president for theology, mission and ethics for the St. Louis-based association. "Food and water are no more basic than air, and people find it acceptable to remove a respirator." Bishop Gelineau's statement supported the opinion of diocesan moral theologian Father Robert J. McManus that Mrs. Gray had no "reasonable hope for recovery" and that medical treatments, even those providing food and water artificially, were "disproportionate and unduly burdensome." The bishop said he asked Father McManus, vicar of education in the diocese, to review the case of Mrs. Gray, who fell into a coma two years ago after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. Gray is fed through ajejunostomy tube surgically placed in the middle part of the small intestine. One Catholic official, Msgr. Orville Griese of the Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center in Braintree, Mass., said Jan. 13 the issue was "an open question" and not clearly settled by the Vatican.

Msgr. Griese said the presumption has been that food and water are ordinary care and "that human life is never a burden." He called Bishop Gelineau's statement "surprising" given tha.t other U.S. bishops have been "so clearly on the other side." Last October the New Jersey Catholic bishops said they opposed the removal of feeding tubes in "right-to-die" cases, calling it as "unnatural as denying one Jhe air to breathe." In mid-December the bishops of North Dakota criticized a county court ruling to allow the family of a 62-year-old comatose woman to stop her feeding through use of a bulb-like syringe, a procedure begun when the court ruled earlier that her feeding tube should be withdrawn. The bishops said it was "an extremely dangerous step in the decline of respect for human life." . Agreeing with Bishop Gelineau's statement was Dominican Father Kevin O'Rourke, director of the Center for Health Care Ethics at St. Louis University Medical Center. "Euthanasia is a, serious issue but we will never overcome the trend toward it by inadequate theology, the theology that does not consider spiritual well-being of a patient but makes 'a priori' judgments," he said. Lawyer Linda MacDonald, who is representing Mrs. Gray's husband, H. Glenn Gray, in a suit in U.S. District Court seeking to force hospital officials to stop feeding his wife, said she was pleased with Bishop Gelineau's support. John Breguet, a spokesman for General Hospital, where Mrs. Gray is a patient, said the staff "feels a strong dedication to healing and maintaining life" and did not want to participate in "activating death" for a patient who "could live a long , time."

NC photo

BISHOP GELiNEAU Church teaching has traditionally held that ordinary treatments must be provided to dying patients but that treatments that are extraordinary are not required. A 1980 declaration on euthanasia issued by the Vatican said in caring for the terminally ill it is not necessary to impose a technique "which carries a risk or is burdensome" but said that "normal care is due the sick person." The 1980 statement did not mention specifically nutrition and hydration. In 1985 the Pontifical Academy of Sciences said if a person is in a permanent irreversible coma "treatment is not required but all care should be lavished on him, includ, ing feeding." The American Academy of Medical Ethics, which includes Catholic theologians, said in a recent statement it was "never right and ought never be legally permitted" to deny food and water for those

Art of Pleasing "The art of pleasing consists in being pleased." - William Hazlitt

DOLL CLINIC January 23rd


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Dolls appraised and repaired OLD AND NEW

A TOUCH OF THE PAST 2353 Acushnet Ave. • New Bedford 998-1277 '


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 22, 1988


Mixed feelings WASHINGTON (NC) - An attorney for the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights said he was both pleased and disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take a case involving pro-life demonstrators. The court has decided to hear the case. Frisby v. Schultz, which raises the question of whether a law enacted by Brookfield, Wis., to pre-

vent demonstrators from picketing homes violates the First Amendment guarantee of free speech. The pro-lifers had been picketing at the home of a doctor who performs abortions. Both the U.S. District Court in Milwaukee and the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled in the pro,lifers' favor.

ST. GEORGE SCHOOL American Legion Highway. Westport, Mass.

1988 - 1989 Registration February 1st through February 5th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school Bring birth certificate and immunization record

Registration Fee $10.00


A TOTAL PARISH PROGRAM: STRATEGIES TO STIMULATE DYNAMIC TEACHING BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, FE'BRUARY 3 5 to 8 P.M. THROUGH APRIL 27. This 10 week program is designed for teachers, administrators and directors in a Catholic school or parish program. Graduate credit may be ' earned. Brochure and registration forms may be obtained from: DR. KAREN DOBSON; Program Director at Salve Regina College c/o Provost Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-6650

1838 - 1988 This year marks the 150th Anniversary of

St. Mary's Cathedral Parish. We would be happy to notijyjormer parishioners,jriends, and alumni oj St. Mary's Cathedral School about Anniversary Year events. We invite you to send your name and address to: The Anniversary Committee St. Mary's Cathedral Rectory 327 Second Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02721

• Scenes from the 33rd annual Bishop's Charity Ball

COUNTERCLOCKWISE: Bishop Cronin with honorary ball cochairmen Dorothy Curry and Frank Miller; Robert McGuirk, representing Taunton Vincentians, introduces presentees; ballgoers included, standing from left, Mrs. Joseph Gromada, Mrs. Alfred Almeida, Mr. and Mrs. Antone Pacheco and, seated from left, Mrs. John Franco, Ms. Deborah Almeida, Mrs. Michael Arruda andAlfr~d Almeida. Mrs. Franco and Ms. Almeida are former presentees; dancing to tunes by Monte Music; Msgr. Gomes enjoys the festivities.

All photos

by ~

Representatives of the five diocesan deaneries

Studio 0

;. Brilliant evening Continued from Page One of tripping when crossing to Bishop Cronin with her father, Robert. Michelle Desrosiers ofSt. Anne parish, Fall River, like Miss Damiani, had her pre-walk worries. But minutes after the presentation ceremony ended, she told The Anchor that the experience "was beautiful. I loved it." , As the presentations were made, family and friends of presentees gave the young women hearty applause. Justin Perry of Taunton, grandfather to Lisa Desroches, wore a proud look and said that he was "simply elated." Suzanne Sullivan of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford, smiled as her daughter, Kara Mary Sul1ivan, took her turn. "I'm al1 teary-eyed now," the happy mother said. The Bal1 had a rainbow theme this year. Decorations, pastel and white bal1oons, ribbons and fans, were simple, understated and ele.gant. A nice touch was ice sculpture by Greg Jasinski of St. Mary parish, New Bedford, head banquet chef at White's; one interesting piece was a larger-than-life Waterford crystal vase. In keeping with the rainbow theme, presentees carried flowers in pastel tones. About 200 bal1 attendees dined at White's before the festivities bagan, said the restaurant's general manager, Richard Lafrance. This was the first year that the bal1 has been held at the North Westport dining facility, and many of its supporters approved of the new setting. Mrs. David Hogan of Stoneham, a friend of Bishop Cronin's from his first pastorate, 5t. Raphael parish, Medford, said she found White's "much more conducive to a wonderful time. "The atmosphere is superb for this kind of an occasion," she added, noting that she has never missed a Charity Bal1 since Bishop Cronin became the event's honored guest. This year marked the bishop's 18th appearance in that capacity. The bishop's escorts for the evening were Frank C. Miller, diocesan president of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and Miss Dorothy A. Curry, president of the Dioce-

san Council of Catholic Women. Their organizations were the Ball's honorary cosponsors. Preceding the rendition of the National Anthem traditionally offered by Kenneth Leger of Fall River, many bal1goers, including presentees and their escorts, participated in a grand march, a justfor-fun romp around the Grand Ballroom. Fol1owingthe march, Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, PA, diocesan director of the Charity Bal1, introduced Bishop Cronin. The director was applauded when he remarked that he thought the event at White's had shaped up to be an elegant evening and that 1988's gross proceeds had exceeded last year's. Bishop Cronin thanked DCCW members and Vincentians for their hard work in preparing for the ball. He also extended gratitude to the management and staff of White's for being extremely "hospitable and cooperative." The bishop offered special thanks to Msgr. Gomes for "his usual ingenuity and foresight." He noted that the director had been wise in making arrangements to hold the bal1 at White's when he learned, correctly, as it turned out, that the previous site might not be available. "I knew from experience that he had the ability to pul1 rabbits 'out of hats and work miracles," the bishop said. The bishop also referred to the recent illness of Msgr. Gomes, noting how happy he was that the director had recovered and was able to be present. "You are the hope ofthe church," Bishop Cronin told the young women who had been presented to him two hours earlier. He said he hoped that they wil1 accept the chal1enge "to live as real, good Christian ladies." The presentees listened intently. They would remember. It was a brilliant evening for them, one ful1 of meaning. "From the very beginning," said Arthur Hayes of St. Joan of Arc parish, Orleans, ~ho wa~,escort t~ his daughter JodIe Ann, I knew It would be a very glamorous night for her, one she would remember al1 her life,"


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Warnings on occult Continued from Page One

really listen to the words," he said.

the pastoral team at St. Brendan Parish, Clifton, N.J., was interviewed by The Beacon, newspaper of the Diocese of Paterson, in which the tragedy took place. "Above al1, parents have to recognize the satanic symbols and understand what they represent and suggest," said Father Rento, who first became involved in the study of the occult when he was asked to counsel Clifton High School students after reports that satanism had been involved in the attempted suicide of one of them. "I learned very rapidly," he said. He asked parents not to assume that the satanic signs and symbols scrawled in their youngster's notebooks or otherwise displayed are "just harmless expressions" ofteenage rebellion. Father Rento said he is convinced that satanism and a fascination with death are the major themes of heavy metal music. "This is out-and-out denial of the promise of Christianity, It is pretty hard to escape when you

Father Rento said there appears to be three le~els of interest: - Dabbling, or showing off the cultic signs and some of the ritual paraphernalia with possibly no real knowledge of what any of them means. - Worship, "when the devil is chosen as one's god and worshiped as such." - Crime, "the destruction of property, animal sacrifice, even the destruction of human life," Father Rento said. Donald Lombardi, a faculty member in the psychology department seto Hal1 University, advised that parents keep the avenues of communication open with their children. "Communication does not mean manipulation," he advised, It means listening and being "open," he said. "One may say "I may say 'I find that offensive but we can still talk about it.' " Satanism, he said, can be an extreme reaction against good and perfectionism, and thus a form of rebel1ion.



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No. 101





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22,1988


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Those who are divorcing often feel a deep personal sense of failure. Almost everyone who marries expects their love and loyalty to last forever. When it ends, they often feel partially responsible. Christians should have a high tolerance for the troubled and those who are stumbling. We all fall short in many ways, but at those moments we need support much more than advice or blame. Divorce is unpleasant. As one bumper sticker put it: "If you think marriage is bad, try divorce." The bickering between adults continues. The children suffer from changed parenting roles. DivorCing parents need us to support them as persons in the difficult time ahead. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address: The Kennys: Box 872; St. Joseph's College; Rensselaer, Ind, 47978,

Is this how to bring back virtue?


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DENMARK'S Pharmacy

By Dr, James and Mary Kenny Some would suggest that you ' give your brother advice. That D ear D r, Kenny: I'am h avmg ad' b '11' h s nice, ut WI It elp? It d I'ffiICU It t'Ime b'· emg suppor t'Ive 0 f soun . . make you feel better, but IS ' ge tt'109 a d'1- might my b ro th er wh 0 IS . . h t wo It lIkely . to cause your brother to ' WI'feave vorce, H e an d h IS ? 'ld H change hiS plans. Probably not. In .. I'k I . eIemen t ary sc h 00 I Ch I reno ow f ' h act, It IS more ley to alIenate can you b e suppor t Ive W en you h' believe that the other party is 1m. doing wrong? (Philadelphia) How .do y.o~ know whe~ to accept hiS deCISIOn and to begin to It is hard to be supportive?f support the person? Usually, by the time he tells you, he already others when we ou:selve.~ h~ve dl~ferent values. ThiS especially IS has made up his mind. In fact, ifhe true for Catholics regarding di- is the one being "left," he may feel vorce, even though 25 percent of that he has had no choice at all in, Catholic marriages end in divorce. the matter. It wt;lUld be a sad and unloving You might help your brother world If we only suppor~ed other and his wife review the pros and people when we agreed With. the~. cons of their decision. But it is The t:u~ mark of a good fflend IS important for a brother and a the wlllI.ngness to ~ccept and sup- friend to offer personal support. port us In our chOIces. Why? Because it is the loving thing The key issue here is that you to do and because there are hard are supporting your ?rother a~ a times to come for your brother. He p~rso~, no~ necessafll~ agreeing will need your support as he atWith ~IS chOl~e. T~e chOIce whether tempts to work through his feelto divorce IS hiS to make, not ings and approaches postdivorce yours. parenting.


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Support for the divorcing

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By Antoinette Bosco So-called brilliant ideas often fail, but I feel sorry for 78-year-old millionaire John Napoleon LaCorte. His plan for improving the world ended in a torrent of ridicule from every corner. _ Dubbed the "virgin-hunter" by Newsweek magazine, LaCorte offered $1,000 to any girl who would retain her virginity until her . 19th birthday. "If a girl has enough will power to retain her virginity she has the potential to he a good citizen," he said. -forgive me if I don't quite follow LaCorte's reasoning. After the Brooklyn real estate tycoon announced he would establish a $100,000 foundation to honor women who' remain chaste, he was flooded with phone calls. "We're getting calls from everywhere," he said. "I think we can save this country." Save the country? I'd like to see how the problems of poverty, homelessness, health care or illiteracy could be solved by virginity. No one was too pleased with LaCorte's bribe of virtue for pay. One newspaper carried a story called, "Virgin on the Absurd." Manhattan Right to Life chairwoman Jeanne Head denounced the offer as "a sad commentary on our society." She suggested, "Why not try to teach teenagers responsibility and values instead of resorting to financial rewards?" "And I object to his double standard for men and women," Ms. Head said. Reacting to LaCorte's requirement that candidates submit to gynecological exams to prove their viriginal status, Kelli Conlin, president ofthe New York chapter of the National Organization for Women, said, "I can't think of anything more degrading." The teenage girls interviewed were cautious. Would they accept LaCorte's offer to stay virgins? "For $I,OOO?" one girl pondered. "Yeah, maybe." The Archdiocese of New York didn't approve either. "It wouldn't be our strategy," said Msgr. John Woolsey, archdiocesan director of Christian and family development. "We try to promote the dignity of the sexual relationship in the context of marriage."

Isn't that the real point? The church strongly encourages sexual abstinence out of wedlock, not because female purity is a virtue that will save the world, but because marriage is a sacred bond. The beauty and dignity of a sexual relationship only can be felt when there is commitment between mature people and that means marriage. According to University of Notre Dame theologian, HolyCross Father James Burtchaell, author of the book on Catholic marriage, "For Better, For Worse," sex before marriage is a way of avoiding that commitment. Premarital sex, he argues, is emotionally harmful because couples "tend to rely on sexual intimacy just when personal companionship becomes difficult or boring."

What's more, the church makes no distinction between men and women on the subject of premarital sex. It is just as important for boys to preserve sexual dignity as it is for girls. I guess LaCorte wasn't on the same wave length as the Catholic Church. A monetary reward for virgins isn't exactly what the moral leaders of today have in mind. LaCorte was knocked for a loop by the barrage 'of criticism for his good deed. He quickly changed his offer: Rather than cash, the virgins would be selected at random to attend weekend resort seminars on how to be good mothers. When asked by a TV inter viewer how she felt about the revised program, one teenager shrugged, "No way, man. I'll take the money."


This car has got to go By Hilda Young Discovering dog hair on the visor of "my" car was the final .straw. I don't know how it became perched there. Don't know for how long. Don't care. There comes a time when the "family car" (read: The one mom drives) has to go. "Sell it. Trade it. Give it away. Make it into a flower box. Whatever you want," I told my husband tonight. "Just don't say, let's see if we can get a few more months out of her.... He blinked at me. "Give me a hint. Is it a three-letter word starting with a c and ending with an rT "Right on, buddy," I exclaimed. "I have spent my last afternoon searching for stores located on hills so I can get the thing started. I am sick to death of rolling down my window with vise grips. The brakes make the same sound the dryer did when Joey's ankle weights leaked sand. The hood pops open when ...." "But we just put Ii 100 into the transmission," he interrupted. I ignored him. "I am too delicate to keep asking strangers in parking lots to give me ajump. I don't see you driving around with a skull

and crossbones flapping from the aerial, Spuds Mackenzie decals smirking at you, an eight ball for a gearshift knob." "We've talked about this before. You know I can't drive your car for my work," he said smugly. "Yeah, I can see how tatteredgeneration car seats wouldn't create the right image for your clients, to say nothing of the jackin~the boX: glove compartment door that might whack them on the kneecaps, or the faint odor of past seasons' soccer teams stilliin-. gering in the air." He drummed his fingers on the table to the tune of "but how can we afford itT' "What about some body work and a little paint?" he asked. "Assuming you are referring to the car and not me," I said, "I'd have to say it would be like trying to make a silk purse out of dog hair." "I thought it was a sow's ear." "Come on out and see the visor for yourself," I snapped. I was on to him. He was feigning confusion. Tomorrow we go car hunting. Send comments to Hilda Young, General Delivery, Lopez Island, Wash,98261.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22, 1988 directed at family planning clinics," the report says. "Although only a few of the attacks could be traced to members of white supremacist organizations, Klan and neoNazi literature has openly promoted the violence." Aside from violence by organized groups, there are also numerous violent, bigoted acts by individuals - including youths -who


do not belong to such racist organizations, said Leonard Zeskind, research director of the Center for .... Democratic Renewal. "There's a dismaying amount of this violence being conducted by young people," whose actions are often dismissed as "pranks," Zeskind said. "Those acts are not pranks," he added. "We're chronicling the terrorization of victims."




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VANDALIZED CHURCH in Rapid City, SO. Damage in the 1986 incident included smashed statues, torn-down crucifixes and blood smears on the main and side altars. (NC photo)


Racial, religious bigotry seen on rise WASHINGTON (NC) - Religious and racial bigotry has proliferated nationwide in recent years and must be fought by education, law enforcement and an end to apathy, church and civil rights leaders recently warned. "Either we learn to live as brothers and sisters in an open society or ultimately we will destroy ourselves and perish as fools," said Kenyon Burke, an Episcopal layman who is associate general secretary for church and society at the National Council of Churches. He addressed a Washington press conference called to publicize a National Council of Churches' report, compiled by an anti-bigotry organization, the Atlanta-based Center for Democratic Renewal, detailing incidents of racial and religious bigotry. The report, "They Don't All Wear Sheets: A Chronology of Racist and Far-Right Violence 19801986," cites acts ranging from murder to dissemination of anti-Catholic materials to bombings of abortion or family planning clinics, and phys~cal assaults on blacks, whites. Asians, Hispanics and homosexuals. Burke urged support for pending congressional legislation requiring the Justice Department to compile specific statistics on hate crimes for a five-year period. "Apathy probably is our biggest enemy," he said. "I would think that this report would challenge that apathy." The report claims that "not a day has passed in the last seven years without someone in the United States being victimized by hate violence." It includes 121 murders, 145 shootings, 30 I cross-burnings, 302 assaults, and various other attacks totaling 2,919 for the six-year period. However, the report notes, some hate crimes probably go unreported as SUCh, though they may show up in other crime statistics, such as when a racially motivated crossburning is recorded as vandalism or arson. Hate group victims often include

whites as well as blacks or Jews or members of other minority groups, the report states. "One ofthe most dramatic examples was the bombing of Father William Wassmuth's rectory in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, in September 1986," the report notes. "Father Wassmuth w~ an outspoken opponent of the white supremacist, anti-Semitic Aryan Nations activity in his area." Another incident cited was dissemination in the mid-1980s of anti-Cathoiic literature attributed

to the Alamo Christian Foundation. The report also lists such antiCatholic attacks as vandalism against a Catholic cemetery, Catholic church, and homes of Catholic families in a Pennsylvania town in 1985. Many of the bigoted incidents cited by the report and by church civil rights activists involved neoNazis, Ku Klux Klan, or supremacist groups, some of whom belong to so-called "Christian Identity" or "Christian patriot" churches or clubs. It found a tentative link between some family planning clinic attacks and white supremacist or Klan propaganda. "Fear for the decline of t'raditional family structures has resulted in a rash of bombings and arson






Morality and PolitlQ1i Rev. PaUl M. Seaver, O.P. Fundamentalism Rev. TerenceJ. Keegan, O.P. Principles of Moral Decision Rev. Lawrence J. Donohoo, O. P. The Creator and Creation Rev. John P. Mahoney, O.P. Mary: Woman, Virgin, Mother. Type of the Church Rev. Matthew F. Morry. O.P. For further information write: or call (401) 865·2274 (Classes begin January 25,19881

Medieval Church History Rev. James F. Quigley, O.P. Exilic and Pqst-exillc Prophets Sr. Helen O'Neill, O.P. Sacraments and Worship Sr. Mary Ann FolI'!'ar Message of New Testament Dr. Patrick V. Reid Ministry to Youth and Families Sr. Elaine SCUlly, R.S.M. Graduate Programs Religious Studies Department Providence College Providence. R.I. 02918



The .1988 edition of the Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide will be published this month. It will contain complete diocesan information and a much enlarged telephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons. Also included are addresses of retired priests and those serving outside the diocese. New this year will be a complete list of priests and dates of priestly ordination. We are offering the directory at a special prepublication price of $3.50 per copy, plus $1 postage and handling (it will be $5 plus $1 postage and handling after pUblicatio~). It may be ordered by telephone at 675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below.


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Please send me _ _ copy(ies) of the 1988 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE _ _ Bill me - - Payment enclosed ($3.50 per copy plus $1 postage and handling)



NAME: KU KLUX Klansmen stan.d before flaming cross. (NC photo)





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22, 1988

Shaping the 'world's hierarchy

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope In looking for bishop candidates, nal Lustiger began as bishop of John Paull!, in the nearly 10 years Navarro-Valls said, the pope seeks Orleans, France, in 1979, energetihe has held office, has begun to "one element above all - a solid, cally reorganizing diocesan offices shape the body of the world's intellectual knowledge of theol- and, as one of his first acts, reopenbishops in his image. ogy." ing the local seminary. In Paris, he He chooses men who are trained For that reason, Vatican depart- set up a two-year spiritual and in doctrinal theology, dedicated to ments involved routinely probe doctrinal education program for the sacraments and unafraid to candidates for their educational .the laity. buck contemporary trends in the history and their adherence to the Like many of Pope John Paul's church and in society at large. magisterium, specifically on such appointees and like the pope himSo say Vatican officials who teachings as "Humanae Vitae," self, he is described as progressive have followed this papacy and the the encyclical prohibiting artificial on some social issues and conserpope's approximately 1,200 epis- contraception, informed Vatican vative on doctrine. By papal assigncopal appointments - more than officials said. Attitudes toward ment, he wrote most of the first a third of all active bishops. priestly celibacy and women's ordin- draft of a message to the world's The officials said the pope looks ation are also investigated. Loyalty Catholics during the 1985 extraorfor candidates who can articulately to the Holy See is another impor- . dinary synod. defend church doctrine. Many are tant point on the checklist, they older, and many are members of said. - Another Frenchman, Coadreligious orders. In addition, many "Orthodoxy is the big issue to- jutor Archbishop Pierre Eyt of have been surprise choices, some- day. Someone who is known to be Bordeaux, France, who was cited times' arousing opposition from a challenger can certainly not be by some sources as a model younger local priests and other Catholics. candidate for this pope. An imporchosen to be a bishop," said an Choosing bishops is tradition- official involved in the selection tant member of the International ally one of the most crucial papal Theological Commission, he wrote process. tasks. It involves some local conits treatise on church unity in 1985, Vatican sources listed other imsultation, but is ultimately up to portant qualities sought in candi- and quickly won the respect of the the pope and c~n put his stamp on dates: pope, who named him to the Borthe church's hierarchy for years to deaux post the following year. - Priority on prayer and the come. Last fall, the pope picked him to sacraments and a clear understand"This pope takes a deep and write one of the major working ing of the church as a sacramental personal interest in the appointdocuments during the Synod of mystery. "Administrators, yes, but ment of bishops, especially to the Bishops on the laity. . first they have to understand' the larger Sees. It is a major theme on Giacomo Biffi of Cardinal church as a sacrament," said his agenda," said an official who Bologna, Italy, who was known Navarro-Valls. has been at the Vatican since 1977. chiefly for his theological writings The official said the choices made - An ability to take positions and lectures before 1984, when the by the pope reflect his overriding not always shared by one's own pope gave him one of Italy's most concern about orthodoxy in an faithful, diocesan priests or bishops' difficult archdioceses. Once in Bolage marked by dissent. In the conference, and a willingness to ogna, he quickly built a reputation defen~.e of church teachings, bimodify diocesan structures that for political outspokenness, deshops' are seen on the front line. are not working well. nouncing the leftist regional govern- A missionary vision of the Two appointments - one of the ment on such issues as abortion pope's first and one of his latest church that does not become and divorce during an election -help ilustrate the startling deCi- bogged down in purely local intercampaign. Last summer he revests. sions he has sometimes made. ersed a longstanding policy when - A strong commitment to voca~ In 1978, when he sought a replacehe prohibited concert music in ment for his former archdiocese of tions and an openness to apostolic archdiocesan churches. Krakow, Poland, the pope was lay movements. - Cardinal Angel Suquia Goiexpected to turn to a veteran of the coechea, who was promoted in Polish hierarchy. Instead, he picked 1983 at age 66 to Madrid, Spain, his former seminary rector, Msgr. named a cardinal in 1985 and Although the pope does not Franciszek Macharski, a theoloelected president of the Spanish gian known for his piety. A few know all his candidates for bishop bishops' conference in 1987. Under months later, before the shock personally, Vatican. officials and his leadership, the conference has waves had subsided, he made Arch- other sources familiar with the stepped up its criticism of the selection process said his world bishop Macharski a cardinal. Socialist government policies on In 1986, after a to-month search, travels have opened the way for abortion, sex education in public the pope made a surprising pick as him to become acquainted with an schools and the church's role in successor to Cardinal Franz Konig increasing number of potential appublic life. His replacement of of Vienna, Austria. He chose a 66- pointees. Madrid's seminary rector was proHis frequent foreign trips make year-old Benedictine monk, Father tested by an organization of more THE MOST recent group of bishops to be ordained by Hans Hermann Groer, who had him the first pontiff to meet the than 200 local priests. little administrative experience but clergy and study their problems Pope John Paul II prostrate themselves during ceremonies at - Cardinal Friedrich Wetter, a reputation for devoutness - and firsthand. St. Peter's Basilica. They included an American, Bishop John "When dioceses open up, he promoted to Munich, West Gerfor recruiting priests during hiking Gavin Nolan, who will serve with the U.S. archdiocese for trips with youths. Father Groer often has his own personal impres- many, in 1982 and made a cardinal military personnel. (NC/ UPI-Reuter photo) went from head of a minor semi- sion about what is needed," said three years later. A professor of nary to head of an archdiocese one Vatican official. "With major dogmatic theology, he is the author with 1.5 million Cath- sees, the pope himself ponders [the of a number of books on Christian doctrine. He has been a papal olics. Both laity and priests com- appointments) in a special way." Several bishops were singled out appointee to the last two synods, plained that the pope bypassed several auxiliary bishops and the by sources as typical of the trend in where he has played an influential entire diocesan clergy in his selec- . appointments 'set by Pope John role. - Archbishop Lucas Moreira Paul in major sees: tion. fair's theme is "Leisure in the Age Neves, a Dominican and former CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NC) They included: When some Austrian bishops of Technology." The Holy See will have its own - Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger secretary of the Vatican's Congrebrought the subject up last summer, pavilion displaying Vatica~ treaPersegati said the Vatican's pavi- the pope told them directly that of Paris, whom the pope elevated gation for Bis':lOpS, named in July sures at Expo 1988 in Brisbane, lion will use the theme, "The there should be "no doubt" about . from a parish priest to the head of to head Brazil'sprimatial see, Sao Australia, said an official of the one of Europe's most important Salvador de Bahia. In unexpectChurch in History: Yesterday, To- the pope's right to select bishops. Vatican Museums. archdioceses in 16 months. Cardi- .edly promoting this 'curial official day and Tomorrow." "The doctrinal element is ex. At the entrance to the pavilion tremely important for this pope. Walter Persegati, secretary and will be "a beautiful cast" of Miche-路 He recognizes that in today's world, treasurer of the museums, said the langelo's "Pieta,"Persegati said, bishops who aren't doctrinally pre'exhibit would include items from Gold seals used on documents pared are swept aside," said Msgr. the museums and library, the secret will be on display from the secret Mario Rizzi, a Curia official under archives, the pontifical sacristy, archives, he said, as well as vest- the last five popes and currently St. Peter's Basilica and the Conments and liturgical vessels from secretary of the Congregation for gregation for the Evangelization the pontifical sacristy. Among other Eastern-rite Churches, which hanof Peoples. items to be displayed will be early dles bishop appointments among Persegati, who was visiting the Christian art, paintings and a 17th- Eastern rites. United States, said Jan. 19 that the century tapestry, Persegati said. Said Vatican press spokesman value of the exhibit had not been The artifacts' will' be flown to Joaquin Navarro-Valls: "The pope determined. Australia in "quite a sophisticated knows that the greatest enemy of More than 30 nations and 20 packing system," Persegati said. the church today is ... doctrinal corporations are scheduled to parThree Vatican officials will be on and theological ignorance. The idea ticipate in Expo 1988, which will hand to supervise unpacking and that many Catholics have of church run from April 30 to Oct. 30. The setting up the pavilion, he added. doctrine is a caricature."

Appointing bishops

Vatican treasures to be lent to Australian exposition

Shaping the world's to such an important archdiocese, the pope was "sending a message" of dissatisfaction to the Brazilian hierarchy, said one Vatican official. The p,ope has also not hesitated to select older men, such as Cardinal Suquia. According to statistics provided by the Vatican, the average age of the world's active and retired bishops has increased rapid"ly under this pontificate, from about 59 in 1978 to nearly 64 in 1986. The sources additionally noted Pope John Paul's willingness to choose members of religious orders. More than one-fourth of his bishops are religious priests - a fact not always viewed enthusiastically by the orders. In October, Jesuit Superior General Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach wrote a letter to other Jesuit officials, underlining the order's rule against Jesuits accepting such appointments, unless ordered by the pope "under pain of sin." Father Kolvenbach said he would give dispensations if "the Holy See insists." Such an appointment, in a sense, removes a priest from the order and its community life of poverty, said Jesuit Father Paul Symonds of Jesuit headquarters in Rome. "It's not really compatible with the religious charism," he said. One Vatican official said the pope turns to the orders for candidates to bring their "charism" and their role as countercultural witnesses to the office of bishop.

ConsUltation process VATICAN CITY (NC) - While selection of bishops ultimatt;ly rests with Pope John Paul II, he relies on several important conduits in gathering informatio'n and recommending candidates for diocesan leadership. Local Catholics, lay and clerical, are given an opportunity to comment in private on candidates. Local bishops and bishops' conferences are consulted in drawing up the final three-name list, called a "terna," for Vatican review. Several Vatican officials said, however, that under this pope the "terna" is sometimes sent back. And because his final choices have often been surprising, local priests and laity have sometimes protested the extent of consultation. Vatican officials said the first stage in consultation is in correspondence between the nuncio of a country, who coordinates the search for a new bishop, and local clergy and laity. The nuncio then writes to area bishops for their views. As specific names emerge, detailed questionnaires are sent to peopie "in a position to know" the candidates, one Vatican official said. The letters and the replies are considered strictly confidential. An unfavorable report can badly damage a candidate's chances. The questions.focus on everything from the religious habits of a candidate's family to his degree of support for papal teachings, according to two informed Vatican officials. Besides ordinary biographical and education information, the following questions are routinely asked, they said: - Does he demonstrate loyalty to the Holy See? Is he critical of the hierarchy? Does he adhere to the magisterium, and support its teach-

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22, 1988


ings on birth control, the male priesthood and priestly celibacy? - Does he have good moral conduct? Does he show psychological balance and prudence in judgment? - What is his attitude toward the Eucharist? Is he a good preacher? Does he shy away at all from hearing individual confessions? Is he interested in youth? Has he an open attitude toward apostolic movements? Has he a missionary consciousness and a world vision of the church? - Is he interested.in the problem of vocations? One official said this interest must be "a commitment that is more than talk - he should know about seminary and formation programs."

- Is he attentive to social problems, in accordance with church teachings? Does he have a healthy attitude toward other religions? What are his political attitudes? The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, which helps choose bishops in mission territories, also asks about each candidate's attitude toward Marxism. On a personal level, said one of the officials, what is sought is a candidate with "a good, human, masculine piety." In administrative areas, the questions focus on a candidate's initiative and his judgment in seeking capable and suitable advisers. He should be able to listen to others without forgetting that "the bishop is always the boss," the official said.

The list of recommended candidates can be sent back by the pope or by the three Vatican agencies which handle appointments - the congregations for bishops, evangelization and Eastern-rite churches. "Yes, some are sent back, This reflects the pope's concern about the choices," said the official. As a result, nuncios are taking more time and care in preparing lists. The apostolic pronuncio to the United States, Archbishop Pio Laghi, for example, now meets more frequently with the pope, and there is more intense consultation about bishops, according to a Vatican diplomatic source. In general, he said, Pope John Paul has brought a more critical eye to the selection process. He said this may be partly true because the pope spent most of his career outside the Roman Curia, unlike many of his predecessors. Priests and laity have protested what they see as a lack of consultation - most recently in the Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and Ireland. In Ireland, for example, the National Conference of Priests complained in September that consultation was "confined to a very narrow circle" and said local input was often ignored. The priests',statement said that in the selection of bishops, the wishes of the local church "should not be ignored except for serious reasons." The current process, it said, was hurting the morale of priests.

In Austria, the choice of Benedictine Father Hans Hermann Groer as Archbishop of Vienna in 1986 caught the Catholic community by surprise. His predecessor, ,Cardinal Franz Konig, said publicly that he had not been consulted on the selection. The pope's


naming of Father Kurt Krenn, a theology professor, as auxiliary bishop of Vienna in 1987 brought an immediate protest from 17 of the 21 priests who head archdiocesan offices. Calling the appointee "ultra-conservative," they asked him to resign.

U.S. awaits new bishops WASHINGTON (NC) - Four U.S. dioceses are awaiting appointment of new bishops by Pope John Paul II: the archdiocese of Atlanta and the dioceses of Birmingham, Ala., Rapid City, S.D., and Pittsburgh. ' In addition, according to records kept by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office of Public Affairs, the heads of seven other dioceses will reach 75 years of age - the customary retirement age for bishops - in 1988. The four vacancies were created with: - The death of Bishop Joseph G. Vath of Birmingham ofJuly 14. - The death of Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan of Atlanta on Oct. 15. - The death of Bishop Harold J. Dimmerling of Rapid City on Dec. 13. - The appointment of Archbishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Pittsburgh as head of the archdiocese of Philadelphia, effective Feb. II. Bishops must submit their resignations by their 75th birthday, although the pope is not

required to accept the resignation immediately. Therefore, not all the dioceses whose bishops turn 75 in 1988 will become vacant immediately. They are the: - Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., where Bishop Walter W. Curtis will be 75 on May 3; - Archdiocese of New Orleans, where Archbishop Philip M. Hannan will be 75 on May 20; - Archdiocese of Baltimore, where Archbishop William D. Borders will be 75 on Oct. 9; - Archdiocese for the Military Service, where Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan will be 75 on Nov. I; - Diocese of Camden, N.J., where Bishop George H. Guilfoyle will be 75 on Nov. 13; - Diocese of Evansville, Ind., where Bishop Francis R. Shea will be 75 on Dec. 4; - Melkite-Greek Diocese of Newton, where Archbishop Joseph E. Tawil will be 75 Dec. 25.


~............. ~




Papal appointment for Walker Percy VATICAN CITY (NC) - U.S. novelist Walker Percy, a Catholic convert living in Louisiana,' is among seven new members appointed by Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Council for Culture. The council was established in 1982 by the pope "to facilitate contacts between the saving message of the Gospel and the plurality of cultures." Its current projects include a study of the Church and university culture and a conference on the sociocultural role of African women. The latter will be held Feb. 8 to 13 in Onitsha, Nigeria. Percy's books include "The Moviegoer," "The Second Coming," "The Thanatos Syndrome" and Lost in the Cosmos." Other new appointees include Christian Norbert-Schulz, a Norwegian architect; Norman S1. JohnStevas, chairman of Great Britain's Royal Fine Art Commission; and Prosper Issiaka Laleye of Benin, director of research at the Center of Study for African Religions in Kinshasa, Zaire.

The Dominican Sisters ofHawthorne' We have been called to love God above all else through a life ofprayer and work-caring for' incurable cancer patients. Write or phone Sister Anne Marie, Rosary Hill Home,



Please send me more information about your Order.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22,1988


What's on your mind? Q. Why is it hard to understand friends and family, but they understand you? (Indiana)

NC photo

Father Beck at his computers

Mark's Gospel becomes computerized musical DUBUQUE, Iowa (NC) Father Robert Beck knew he had a good story and the high technology with which to tell it. He combined the Gospel with electronic synthesizers, and the result "Mark: A Rock Gospel," a computer-generated musical that was performed in November at Loras College. Focusing the musical on the Gospel with its "noted story and a noted nonviolent hero," he combined his interests in the Bible, conflict resolution and music. Father Beck, a Scripture professor at Loras, "chose Mark's version because it was the first to be written and is a "narration of the Jesus story" without the doctrine and teachings of the later authors. More than 27 members of th~ Loras Players sang parts of the musical, which included bits of rock, jazz, classical, folk, and reggae, as well as a rap song for wilen the Pharisees confront Jesus in the temple. The priest calls his show a "pop opera" - non-stop singing of con-

temporary music in the same vein as "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," another biblicial musical. In the first act Jesus expels a demon, cures a man with a withered hand and the Pharisees take notice. The conflict to come is foretold in the song: "There Gonna Be Trouble." Theater goers hear guitar, piano and organ music as well as the crash of the waves of the the Sea of Galilee, all computer-produced and activated by the flip of a switch. Tunes are played on the synthesizer keyboards, then stored in a computer. Once a song is stored, Father Beck can alter the pitch, change the choice of instrument or overlap sequences by adding the sounds of different instruments, creating an orchestral sound. A main motive for the project was to give people a Gospel experience that goes beyond what they hear at Sunday Mass, Father Beck said.

Pope urges youth to' go against pop culture VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II, in a message to the youths of the world, urged obedience to the commandments, even when it means going against the currents of popular culture. The pope criticized modern pleasure-seeking through drugs, consumerism and sex, saying such practices yield disappointment' rather than real answers about the meaning of life. Instead, the pope said, young people must "learn to say 'yes' to the Lord in every circumstance" of their lives. He said they should look to the Virgin Mary as a model of obedience in faith. The message, made public at the Vatican Jan. 19, was a commentary for World Youth Day, to be celebrated on Palm Sunday, March 27. "Many of our contemporaries have lost the true sense of life and seek surrogates for it in unbridled consumerism, drugs, alcohol and eroticism. They are looking for happiness, but the result is a profound sadness, an empty heart and, not rarely, desperation," the pope said. ,


The pope prescribed "faith and love," but said these cannot be reduced to "vague sentiments." Faith must be lived in a full and systematic way in daily life, he said. Young people need to "listen to Jesus, obey Jesus, obey his commandments, and have faith in him" the pope said. ' Always doing what Christ asks "is not easy and often requires much courage in going against the currents of fashion and the opinions of this world," he said. But he said that a life lived in faith was the only way to have a happy and successful life. The pope said the current year of Marian devotions was an occasion for young people to learn from Mary's life. World Youth Day, he said, should b'e a "day of listening" to Mary. "She has so much to tell you!" the pope said. The pope also suggested that youths "discover the beauty of the rosary" and pray it throughout their lives.

You're assuming something that hardly can be true - that your family and friends thoroughly understand you. I'd bet big bucks that at one time or another your friends and the members of your family have said or thought something like the following about you: "Boy, he's grumpy! I wonder what's wrong with him today." "Man, he's been acting strange lately! What's eating him?" "His grades slipped badly this month. What can be troubling him?" And so on. The truth is, there are many corners of your personality that your family and friends have not peered into. They have no way of knowing all.your thoughts, desires and dreams. They do not know all that you have experienced in your lifetime nor can they know how all these experiences have affected you. Neither do they know or understand the chemistry of your body and how that affects you.

By TOM f



True, you may be one of those guileless, transparent people who reveal yourself to others in a way that is disarming. Maybe people do understand a lot about you. But there still are areas of mystery. Your family and friends may, like you. have no inkling of why you are so transparent and guileless. Undoubtedly, there is much else they do not understand in your regard. From all this, you may surmise why it is difficult to figure out your friends and the members of your

Coyle and Cassidy Patrick Sweeney, a freshman at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, ranked 106th of 4,913 outstanding Massachusetts high schoolers who participated in the 24th annual Mathematics Olympiad competition. Other CC students ranking in the top 50 percent in the Massachusetts Association of Mathematics Leagues-sponsored contest were John Freitas, Derek Eddy, Jennifer Moniz, Peter Precourt Bernie Barbour, David Melanson' Marie Foley and Michele Boivin.'

By Charlie Martin

IT'S A SIN When I look back upon my life It's always with a sense of shame ' I've always been the one to blame For everything I long to do No matter when or where or who Has one thing in common too It's a It's a It's a It's a sin It's a sin Everything I've ever done Everything I ever do Every place I've ever been Everywhere I'm going to It's a sin It's a sin At school they taught me how to be So pure in thought and word and deed They didn't quite succeed Recorded by the Pet Shop Boys. Written by Tennant and Lowe. (c) 1987 by 10 Music Ltd. and Cage Music. Published in United States and Canada by Virgin Music Inc. The Pet Shop Boys'''It's a Sin" reflect a sense of hurt and anger. was No. I in eight European He rebels against a standard that countries and recently climbed would label everything a sin. It is the U.S. pop charts. difficult to tell from the song The song describes a person whether the individual is expressfeeling like a failure and full of ing true remorse or frustration shame. In his judgment, little and sarcasm focused against those that he has done in life has been who judge so harshly. morally right. Whatever the point of the song, His statements also seem to each of us lives with the conse-

family. As you grow older, however, you will come to understand human nature in general and individuals in particular more thoroughly. But never will you comprehend them completely. You will find as time goes on that people so often are unpredictable. They can surprise you totally, in good ways and bad, and leave you ~ondering, "Why? Why? Why?" They can disappoint you brutally when you least expect it and warm your heart with a loving deed on a day when you most need such kindness. This inability to fully comprehend other people is both good news and bad. On the one hand, life is made more exciting and surprising by the unpredictability of people. On the other, we experience a certain loneliness when our family or friends seem almost like strangers because they are such a mystery. And sometimes we feel an almost desperate need for some friends who can understand us fully and sympathize with us. That's why it's a smart move to cultivate God's friendShip, since he knows us better than we know ourselves. Send questions or comments to Tom Lennon, l312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

Whoever Obeys Him "Whoever obeys God's commands lives in union with God and God lives in union with him." - I In. 3:24

quences of our actions. We need to think about how we are living. There are guides that can help us discover how we are doing. The feeling of guilt, for example, can be an indication that an action conflicts with our value system. However, we are not meant to live with the sense of guilt and shame expressed in the song. People who do so are forgetting the power of God's forgiveness. Some people feel great hurt and shame over past mistakes. carrying these feelings inside like a weight slung over their shoulders. Living like this robs people of the joy that life holds. Moreover, it uses up a great deal of energy that could be used for more constructive purposes. In our church, we are privileged to have the sacrament of penance. God's forgiveness is free to all who seek it. This sacrament also gives us a way to talk to another human being about what we have experienced. In times of deep hurt, most of us need the healing touch and words of someone who manifests God's power of forgiveness. Life is not meant to be lived as described in the song. Most of life is not sin, but grace, that is. the opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves and to appreciate who we are. _ I f you are burdened by a sense of shame and guilt, God invites you to live much differently. Accept his healing and forgiveness and go on to live in a freer, more satisfying way. Your comments are welcome always. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave" Evansville, Ind. 47714.

Pastoral administrators find mutual ministry in parishes KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) Five years ago, when Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe of Jefferson City, Mo., appointed Sister Kristin Roth as pastoral administrator of two rural parishes, she had no "job description." "The first question people asked me was, 'what are you going to be doingT" said the nun. "And I told them that we would be creating my job together." A Sister of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, she is a former director of religious education for a cluster of five Missouri parishes. She was in Kansas City for a symposium on "The Parish in Transition - From Priest to Pastoral Administrator," held recently at the Institute for Pastoral Life. The Institute, funded by the Catholic Church Extension Society, is a national center for lay ministry training. "The bishop gave me the general direction that I was pastor of the parishes, except for celebrating the sacraments, and that the parishioners and myself would define my ministry," Sister Roth said in an interview with The Catholic Key, newspaper of the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese. Today she is responsible for all "pastoring" duties, including communion services, for two Missouri churches 23 miles apart: St. Francis Parish, Bourbon, and St. Michael Mission, Steelville. Each weekend, a priest celebrates Mass in the two parishes, but Sister Roth takes care of all other pastoral ministry for 104 families at St. Francis and 78 families at St. Michael's. In "carrying out the life of the parish," she is assisted by a volunteer secretary one day a week and by parish council members and parishioners from each church. Jesuit Father Thomas Sweetser, codirector of the Parish Evaluation Project, Chicago, said in another interview that both "positive" and "negative" effects can result from replacement of a priest by a pastoral administrator. On the "positive" side, parishioners, over time, often realize that they are "cared for in a way that they haven't experienced before," Father Sweetser said. But, on the "negative," he added, priestless parishes headed by deacons, lay persons or religious raise concern about the impact that regular worship without Mass may have on the traditional eucharisticcentered spirituality of parish life. Most pastoral administrators in the United States are nuns serving in rural parishes, said Father Sweetser. Often appointment of a pastoral administrator changes a parish's focus, Father Sweetser said. "Many Catholics think the parish belongs to the pastor, and when they realize that they are not going to have a priest anymore, it can be kind of frightening," said the priest. "Yet," he continued, "with a pastoral administrator there is that symbol of having somebody in the rectory, whether it's a priest or not. This says to the people that there's a future here, but that they can't just look to the diocese or a particular priest for that future. They have to make it in some ways on their own." He suggested that as the U.S. priest shortage and the number of

pastoral administrators increase but frequency of parish Masses decreases, questions may arise about parish structures and the role of the ordained leader. Parishioners may demand ordination of their pastoral administrators or of married persons, he said. "We are in a time of tension about this, but it's also a very creative time," he said. For Sister Marla Lang, pastoral administrator of two rural Wisconsin parishes, there were some tensions six years ago when she began her pastoral ministry. Her parishes are St. Augustine Church in Harrison, with 85 families, and St. John the Baptist Mission in Bloomville, with 120. "At first the people were shocked," said Sister Lang, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration. "They told the bishop that there has to be a priest from one of the foreign missions or one from a larger diocese that would want to be pastor of a rural parish," she said. "But the bishop said, no, that he was going to try something new." Initially, some parishioners temporarily left the parish. The nun said she spent most of her first year meeting parishioners, "sitting at their dinner tables" and getting acquainted. "Finally, they realized that it was going to be me or nobody else, and they decided that they wanted their parish to be successful," Sister Lang added. "People are very happy now because they hav~ more ministry than they ever had before," she said. "They have a celebrant for the sacraments but they also have the benefit of my ministry on a fulltime basis. "The people and I have real mutual ministry going," she concluded.

$10 million given to home missions WASHINGTON (NC) - V.S. Catholic home mission activities received $10.2 million in support from the American Bo~rd ofCatholic Missions during a recent 18month period, said a recent board report. The board, an office of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, distributes 40 percent of the donations American Catholics make in the MissionSunday national collection each October as well as other funds. The 1986-87 board report covered the 18-month period which ended last June 30. It listed grants totaling $7.2 million to 85 dioceses, $2.5 million to 31 organizations, and $600,000 to 15 religious institutes. Funding went to programs such as evangelization, pastoral services, personnel training and the formation of faith communities in the Vnited States and its territories. Board guidelines say grants are. to be given "to home mission dioceses and to sound mission projects that could not succeed without outside help." Activities, say the guidelines, should strengthen and extend the church's presence as a means of salvation.

tv, movie news · Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings. which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-13-parentil guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted. unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morally offensive which. however. require some analysis and ltXplanation); a-morally offensive. Catholic ratings for television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films.

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Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local listings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.

Film on TV Thursday, Feb. 4, 8:30-11 p.m. EST (ABC) - "Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan" (1982) Capt. Kirk (William Shatner), promoted to a desk job, returns to the Enterprise to confront a flamboyant villain (Ricardo Montalban). Sequel is only slightly more entertaining than its dull predecessor. Torture sequence is rather strong, but action is otherwise innocuous. A2, PG Religious TV Sunday, Jan. 24 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - Religous leaders will discuss AIDS. Religious Radio Sunday, Jan. 24, "(NBC) "Guideline" - Father Terry Attridge will discuss DARE (Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Education), a non-sectarian community based program of the New York archdiocese.

Vietnamese priest is papal secretary

New Films VATICAN CITY (NC) - A "Ironweed" (Tri-Star Pictures) Vietnamese priest who left his coun- Set in 1936 Albany, N. Y., this is try after the communist victory the story of a man (Jack Nicholthere will be one of Pope John son) who has been on the bum for Paul II's two personal secretaries. 22 years, then visits the wife (CarMsgr. Vincent Tran Ngoc Thu, roll Baker) and family he deserted 69, will replace Archbishop Emery after causing the death of his infant Kabongo, recently appointed to son. Scripted by William Kennedy head a diocese in Zaire. Msgr. from his own novel, it is less the Tran has lived in Rome since 1975, story of a few days in the life of a working in a parish and with proDepression-era bum than a chaljects of the Vatican Secretariat of lenging meditation on the quality State, the official said. of lost souls. Some adults will be repelled by its depiction of the bruHe taught theology at a semitalizing conditions in which dere- nary in Vietnam until communist licts live and by needlessly explicit authorities closed it down in the sex scenes. A4, R . 1950s. He then moved to Saigon, "Throw Momma from the Train where he remained in the apostolic (Orion) - A writing instructor embassy as a secretary until 1975, (Billy Crystal) who hates his wife when he went to Rome. gets involved with a student (Danny The pope's other personal secreDeVito) who, after seeing Hitch- tary is Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwisz, a cock's "Strangers on a Train," sets Pole who was also secretary in the out to kill the wife in return for pope's former archdiocese of which he expects the teacher to kill Krakow. his domineering mother. Also directed by DeVito, the performance True Love of Anne Ramsey as the mother is so outrageous that it cannot be "Our love must not be just words taken seriously but the rest of the and talk; it must be true love comedy pales in comparison. Black which shows itself in action." comedy treatment of plotting mur- In.3:18 der and a casual attitude toward sex. A3, PG 13 "Gaby - A True Story (TriStar Pictures) - Uneven dramatization of the story of Gabriella 5 CENTER STREET Brimmer (Rachel Levin), a sucWAREHAM, MASS. cessful Mexican writer born severely handicapped with cerebral palsy DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE DIRECTORS and the peasant houseworker GEORGE E. CORNWELL (Norma Aleiwdro) who became EVERETT E. IlAHRMAN her nanny and eventually her guar295·1810 dian. Although inspirational, it is somewhat frustrating in its failure to explain the motivations of a number of central characters. Unnecessarily extended scenes of Gaby's attempts to express her sexual nature. A3, R


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EWTN on Cape Mother Angelica's Word Television Network has recently been added to the lineup on Cape Cod Cablevision cable channel 2. Viewers in Barnstable, Chatham, Dennis, Harwich and Yarmouth are served by the channel.

The Anchor Friday, Jan. 22, 1988


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 22, 1988

Iteering pOintl MLlCln CHAIIIIEII

• r. .lIled to submit news It.ms for this column to 111. Anchor, P.O. 801 7, Fall Riyer, 02722.. Nam. of city' or town should 'b. Included .s well .s full dlt.s of .11 .ctlvltl... send n.ws of future flther than IIIIst eyents. Not.: W. do not carry 'newt of fundfllslllI .ctlvlt',s such .s - , bln,os, wIllsts, dlnces, suppers .nd bazurs. We .re happy to carry notices of SPiritual prOlflm$, club meetln.s, youtll prol.cts .nd Ilmll.r nonprofit .ctlvltl.s. Fundfllsln, proJects NY be .dY8rtlsed .t our relUlar fltes, abtllnable from 11Ie Anchor business office, telepllone 675-7151. On Steerlnl( Points Items FA Indicates F.II River, NB Indicates New Bedford.


O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE High School religious education 6 to 7: IS p.m. Sunday; CYO meeting follows. COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE Natural family planning instruction begins 2 p.m. Jan. 31, Holy Trinity parish center, W. Harwich; information: 432-7192. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Father Francis Connors, Edward Reed and Thomas Hathaway were team Jeaders at a recent boys' ECHO retreat. NOTRE DAME, FR Prospective choir members may call Jeannette Masse, 676-0452. F AMILY LIFE CENTER, N. DARTMOUTH Engaged Encounter today through Sunday. New Bedford Clergy Association meeting sponsored by the office of the Episcopal Representative for Religious Tuesday. Couple to Couple League natural family planning education sessions Feb. 21, March 20, April 17 and May IS.

CATHEDRAL, FR Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, school. CCD classes resume Monday. O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK First communion candidates will participate in a peace celebration at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. Second season of the Renew program begins the week of Feb. 14. Newcomers welcome. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Adult choir will be heard at 4 p.m. Mass Jan. 30. BLUE ARMY Blue Army-sponsored five-hour vigil begins 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5, St. Francis Xavier Church, Acushnet; refreshments; all welcome; information: Lucille Pimental, 992-5402. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM "Women of the Church, Women of Faith" lecture by Father Robert A. Oliveira 10 a.m. today, hall. Adult enrichment program follows supper 5:30 p.m. Feb. 9. CATHOLIC MEMORIAL HOME, FR The choir of St. John of God parish, Somerset, recently sang for residents and guests. Coffee hour / birthday party 2 p.m. today, auditorium; entertainment by Judy Conrad. New residents Marie Gauthier, Mary Phelan and Etelvina Michael are welcomed. December employee of the month was John C. Castro of maintenance.

CATHEDRAL CAMPS, E. FREETOWN Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, 10th graders' retreat today through Sunday. St. Elizabeth Seton parish, N. Falmouth, youth retreat tomorrow and Sunday. MCFL, SWANSEA Massachusetts Citizens for Life Swansea chapter business meeting with speaker Chris Spoor of Women Exploited By Abortion 7 p.m. Jan. 28, Swansea Public Library. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Women's Guild meeting I p.m. Sund~y, parish center. ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Workshop to prepare for parish Marian celebration scheduled for May, I p.m. Jan. 31, church hall; bring latex and poly brushes. Alcoholics Anonymous meeting 7 p. m. Sunday, rectory hall. Scout meeting ,6:30 p.m. Monday, parish hall. ST. MARY, NB Bible study I to 3 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. Meeting for altar boys' outing I p.m. tomorrow. Youth Group advisors' meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, CCD Center. CARE PROGRAMS Catholic Adult Religious Enrichment program, The Why and What of Belief, 7 to 9 p.m. four consecutive Wednesdays beginning Feb. 3, St. Johri the Baptist parish hall, New Bedford; parishioners from that and the following New Bedford parishes are welcome and should call their rectories as soon as possible for information and registration: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady ofthe Assumption, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Anne and St. James. The same program will be offered this Monday through Thursday at St. Mary parish, Nantucket; sessions will be offered from 10 a.m. to noon and repeated from 7 to 9 p.m. on those days. .

ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Vincentian meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, rectory. Rosary and Benediction service 4 p.m. Sunday. ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT Liturgy meeting 7:30 p.m. Sunday, convent hall. Women's Guild meeting 7 p.m. Monday, school hall; Melinda Soares-Murphy, director of Lifeline at St. Anne's Hospital, will make a presentation on substance abuse. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Information on study of Gospel of 5t. Mark: Father James A. Calnan, 888-0209. Father Calnan, Deacon Richard J. Murphy, James Giacobbe, Jeremy Yetman, Charles Gillis, Robert McDaniel, Jon Moussally and Anthony Sciacca represented the parish at a recent boys' ECHO retreat. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Jesus Rosary prayed 7 p.m. each Wednesday. Music ministry needs singers and instrumentalists. First communicants' parents' meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 31.

ST. JOSEPH, F AIRHAVEN Adoration today 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m., rectory. Family ministry team needs assistance at welcoming Masses. Information: 996-2759. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Parishioners are thanked for over 100 Christmas gifts and cards donated to elder citizens. Women's Club meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. I, Coady Center. CYO outing to YMCA 6:45 p.m. tomorrow. HOLY NAME, FR Retreat renewal meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, school. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Marian year rosary 7: 15 a.m. weekdays. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Widow-Widower Support Group meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, church basement. Youth Mass for seventh and eighth graders 10:30 a.m. Jan. 31.

Long wait between Masses in Burma RANGOON, Burma (NC) Isolated Catholics in sparsely populated, mountainous southern Burma have gone for years without Mass or other religious services, say Burmese Christians and local officials. One group of 20 Catholics from the Karen ethnic group encountered by a non-Burmese priest said they had been waiting more than 14 years for a priest to celebrate Mass for them. Observers in the southeast Asian nation said several thousand isolated or forgotten Burmese Catholics may live in remote jungles and mountains in a nation with average populations of fewer than 3 people per square mile in some areas.

Some Catholics lost church contact when missionaries were forced to leave the country, while other groups may have fled into less populated zones to escape the ongoing civil war, observers said. Burmese priests are said to have no contact with Catholics in rebelheld territory. I n the case of the Karen Catholics, the priest gave them crucifixes, rosaries and statues of Mary, but was prevented by severe flooding from returning to celebrate Mass for them. Burma's 418,000 Catholics comprise about 1.1 percent of the population and are served by 256 priests. Missionaries are barred from Burma unless they have been there since before 1948. Most Burmese are Buddhist.

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