Private light of these closings, state aid "is the most economical method" of 'averting greater financial problems for the state while proViding equal educational opportunities for all students in Illinois. "This is a baseless argument," Howlett opined as he referred to the constitutionality question.' "If it were true, then you could effectively argue that Catholics
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answers to the Qluestions facing non-public, as well as 9ublic education, is nearing reality. He said such a "task force" should be formed now and "should be drawn from throughout the state and all walks of 'life. It should be inade up of men and women with ability to see and solve a problem." Queried about possible criticism of his state aid endorsement because he is a Catholic, Howlett said: "I believe I have to first be n man before being a politician." He said the biggest roadblock in the way of granting state aid is the competition in Illinois !for the tax dollar. "However, I believe," he said, "that education should receive priority and I believe the people of Illinois' feel the same way. We can't solve problems or fulfill the dreams of democracy without a· continuance of good education." , Howlett asserted: "Never before in history has Illinois needed private education more. Were non-public schools f,orced to close their doors, the Turn to Page Six
© 1969 The Anchor
should not have been entitled to the GI Bill of Rights after World War II. "It would also mean that we should remove all the publicly f)nanced sidewalks and driveways in front of private· and parochial schools." Among requests being made by proponents of state aid to non - public schools - tuition grants, loan of secular textbooks, auxiliary services, busing~How lett favors straight financial grants to students and their parents to be used for payment. to the school of their choice for education costs. State aid advocates currently are seeking $50 grants for 'grade school students and $100 grants for high school students. Among advocates are the Catholic Bish<Jps of Illinois, Citizens for Education Freedom, and the National Association for Personal Rights in Education. Howlett feels granting such aid would be in "the best in-
terests of the community" because it would create a healthy competition, would help parents afford education in a time of continually rising educational costs ,and would be cheaper for the state in light of the eventual costs to Illinois if parochial schools continue to close in the future at the same high rate that they are now. "It would also help the poor to afford better education," he said. Howlett believes the chances of the Illinois Legislature approving some form of state aid this year are "excellent." He contends if no state aid is approved, it will mean sharply increased costs to the state to take care of students who enroll in public schools as more parochial schools' close down. Howlett, recently elected to a third consecutive term as state ~uditor, said his proposal for a "task force" that would seek out both immediate and long:'range
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CHICAGO (NC) - Michael J. Howlett, Illinois Auditor of Public Accounts, favors granting state aid to !ltudents of private and parochial schools in the state and he specifically endorses the proposal of giving finandal aid to parents and students for use in paying educational costs. Howlett says state aid to nonpublic school students "is absolutely necessary now." He cited the growIng number of non-public schools closing thoughout the state and said, In
1969 PRICE lO¢
$4.00 por Vear
Urge State Aid For Schools In Michigan LANSING (NC)-A special Michigan legislative Committee has recommended passage of a bill to ,provide up to $40 million in indirect state aid for nearly 1 000 nonpublic schools. The. study committee anticipat~s it will cost the state less money to rovide aid now th t d- tion~l services provided by nonP . an 0 e public schools. ucate non-publIc school stuThe committee recommended dents in public schools later. that no state funds be given diHere and elsewhere in the rectly to a non-publi~ school. nation financial hardships have Instead, the commIttee urged, forced' non-public school clos- ' ~unds should be appropriated to Ings with a resulting influx of Int~rmediate school districts students into the public system. whIch WOUld. use the~ to purchase educatIonal servIces perIn addition to recommending formed by state-certified nonaid, the committee outlined ele- public school personnel-teachments which should be included ers, librarians and other inin legislation that will allow the structlonal personnel. state to purchase certain educaTurn to Page Six
Names New CCA Director; Parish Administrator
Update Diocesan Guidelines For Ecumenical Relations The Roman Catholic Diqcese of Fall River is releasing today its new DIrectory on Ecumenism which abrogates the former "Interim Directives for Ecumenical Activities", promulgated three years ago. This directory was prepared by the Ecumenical Commission of the Diocese under the chairman, R t. Rev. Henri Hamel, pastor of St. Jean the Baptiste Church, Fall River, The permission granted, in and approved by the Most and appreciating our points of Rev. James L. Connolly, difference in a clear and unmis- certain instances, for Catholics Turn to Page Si" Bishop of the Diocese. The takable manner. Diref:tory incorporates the most recent Decrees of the Holy See .and the Directives issued by the American Bishops. It also grants new permissions by the local Ordinary. Stress is placed on the Catholic Sacramental System that God can use the simplest of things, even' ourselves, to communicate His Grace and Love to the world. Emphasis is also placed on the need for our constant effort at mutual unders.tanding and love, by knowing
An important addition to the former "Interim Guidelines" is section five, namely "Guidelines for Catholic-Jewish Relations." Eleven noteworthy changes ",ill be· found in this new Directory when compared to the Interim Guidelines issued a few years ago. They are: The permission to use church buildings for ecumenical services. The possibility of exchange of pulpits at non-liturgical services.
The Chancery Office announced today two assignments affecting a Diocesan Office and the filling of a vacancy in a Fall River parish. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River, has been named to the office of the Catholic Charities Ap- nr:.fi'iim1::miiliIi~ill~11~1:1mm~Im~mmm;mm~m1$mIT1m:~m~m~11111;ililli111111ili1~li~~~i~ili1i~i~i1mmi1i£I;r@~~~i~i~iml1i11j~~fll9 peal, succeeding Rt. Rev. IT'S SUBSCRiPTION TIMIl: Msgr. Raymond T. Consin;; dine, P.A. who has held the position from its inception in 1937 when a· campaign was conducted for the building of the Turn to Page Two
February Is Catholic Press Month THE ANCHOR IN EVERY HOME
Religious !Leaders Meet at CeD A day-long ecumenical conference of religious educators is taking place today at the Diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Center in Fall ,River. Representatives of several Protestant denominations, including Lutherans, Baptists and Methodists, are meeting to explore joint problems in education 'and are, also seeking to arrange programs that will be of common interest to workers of diverse denominations. Arrangements for the day have been made by Edward McDonagh, Diocesan lay coordinator for CCD.
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THE ANCHOR':"Dioc;ese o~ Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
OFF~C~AL D~ocese
of Fa ~ ~
AIP'IPOHN'll'Ml:WTS Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall·oRiver, as director of the Catholic Charities Appeal. Appointment effective Friday, Jan. 17, 1969. Rev. 'Lucien Jusseaume, fNm assIstant at Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford, ,to St. Mathieu Church, Fall River, as administrator. Appointm~nt
E:ffective Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1969.
~~/t£* Bishop of Fall River.
. ' 1
Announce Assignments, Monsignor Gom~s, son of ~ntonio J. and Marla ~. Baptista Gomes, was born 10 Taunton on Dec. 1~, 1914. He attended Taunton High School, graduated from University of Notre Dame and studied theology 'at St. Bernard's Seminary, Roche~ter, N. Y. Ordained on June 4, 19421 .by Bishop; Cassidy, Msgr. GOples ,served' as an 'assistant in the-following parishes: St: John :the P[f~®stt$ f{@ '. .., ,' .... ~Baptist, New Bedford; St.. A.n,,: thony of Padua and' Santo Scropt~iJHre' ~npe[j'~ Christo, both in Fall River. He Father Simon Smith, Pro- has been pastor of Our Lady of Angels since 1961. fessor of Sacred Scripture theThe new director is area modand co-editor of the scholar- . ,~rator 'of the Diocesan Council ly periodical New Testament of Catholic Women, coordinator Abstracts, will conduct the Jan- Ilf the 'Bishop's Annual Charity uary lectures of the Priests' Ball, director of the Family Study GroOup to be held' at Bish- Life Bureau that includes Preop Connolly High School" Fri- Cana and Cana conferences., day, January 31 from 1:00 to He -also serv~d as assoetate 4:00 ~.M. ehairman for the campaign for His first' talk will focus on the new Bishop Connolly High the formation of the Gospels School. In 1964 he was' raised to :the cOmparing the different theolo.,. gical perspectives of the Evan- dignity of Domestic Prelate with gelists and later editors of the the title of Rt. Rev. Monsignor. Father Jusseaube was born texts. Following questions and a coffee-break he will discuss March 7, 1915 in Fall River, :the concrete scriptural examples son of Mrs. Clarience Gregoire buch as the Infancy Nardtives .Tusseaume and the late Octave and the Sermon on the Mount. Jrusseaume. The newly appointed Father Smith is no stranger admiriistratorattended St. Hyto the Diocese. He was last year's ~Icinthe ~llege; 'Quebec, Canada Director of the excellent Sum- and took his philosophical and mer .Institute for 'Priests at theological courses at St. Mary's Stonehill College. His Studies of Seminary,' Baltimore. Ordained on June 7, 1941 ,by Scripture, archaeology, Arabic and pastoral theology place him Bishop Cassidy, Father Jusin the unique position of posses- seaume has served as an assistsing a scholar's knowledge of a, alnd at St. Stephen's, Dodgeville; complex subject combined with St. Hyacinthe's, New Bedford; ..n informed pastoral approach and in two separate appointto the problem of making scrip- ments has served Sacred Heart, ture a more vital part' of paroParish, New Bedford, for a chial preaching and'teaching. t,otal of 24 years. Father Jusseaume is Episcopal Representative for Religious in the Diocese of Fall River. Day of ,Prayer His assignment will, be effective on Wednesday, Feb. 5. ' Jan. 26-Sacred Heart, Fall River. ,Fef;lrsTruth . Bishop Stang Convent, North Dartmouth. Tne optimist ,proclaims that Our L~dy of Mercy Conwe live in'the best of all possivent, Attleboro. ble worlds; and the pessimist fl~ars this is true.-Cabell. Feb. 2 - Holy Name, New Bedford. ' THE ANCHOR St. Joseph, Fall River. . Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published ,every Thursday at 410 St. Anthony's Con'vent, Highland Avenue Fall River,' Mass. 02722 Fall River. bl' the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall'
Continued from Page One Catholic Memorial - Home in Fall River. ,Rev.' Lucien Jusseaume, assistant at Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford has been named administrator' of St. Mathieu's Parish, Fall River, to succeed Rev~ Henri i. Charest, who died on Dec. 21, 1968.
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River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $4.00 per year•
7,085 Serve Overseas
New Survey Shows Ireland Has Greatest Proportio.n o~ Miss~onaries DUBLIN (NC )-Proportional,ly Ireland has more Catholic :mis~ionaries iServing in other countries ethan any other nation, according to a survey published here. 'With a population of about 2.9 million, Ireland has 7,085, missionaries . serving overseas.' The figure, published by the Mission:ary Service Center, is 568 more than the 6,517 shown, by 'the center's first survey in 1965. Of Ireland's population, about 2.7 ·,.million 'are Catholics. The 'United Sta'tes, with a total ,population of more than 200 'million, of whom about 47.4 million ,are Catholics, had 9,655 missionaries serving overseas as of Jan. 1, 1968. The figures for both countries ,include priests, Brothers, Sistersand lay people. .For Ireland, the, breakdown is 2,797 priests, 486 Brothers, 3,547 Sisters and 255 .lay people. The geographical distribution of Irish foreign missionaries is: Africa, 4,473; Asia and O'ceania, 2,027; and the Americas, 585. ,lBefore the outbreak of its
civil war with the secessionist , state of Biafra, Nigeria had the greatest number of Irish foreign missionaries: 1,449. The survey showed ,that the Holy Ghost Fathers and the ': Society of St. Columban', have the greatest number of mission: aries serving overseas, 572 members each. 1
Mass Ordo , FRIDAY - St. Timothy, Bishop, , . Martyr. III Class. Red. "SATURDAY-Conversion of St. '.Paul,_ Apostle; ." III ' Class. White. Mass Pr<>per; Glory; Preface of Apostles. SUNDAY-Third Sunday After , Epiphany. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; , Preface for Sunday. MONDAY - St. John Chrysostom, Bishop, Doctor of the Church. III Class. White.. TUESDAY -St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor. III Class. White. WEDNESDA Y-- St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church. III Class. White. ,THURSDAY - St. Martina, Vir:gin, Mar~yr. III Class. Red.
tp[?@g[f@Olfi) ~Mf7U@@V Confraternity of Cl)ristian Doctrine students at' Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, will participate in observance of the parish Day of Prayer Sunday, Jan. 26. Six students have prepared a unique visual aid program showing the presence or absence of faith, hope and charity in the Fall 'River community. Armed with cameras, they have toured the city in recent weeks, making slides which they will explain and discuss with fellow students. The CCD students will assemble at Sacred Heart School at 5 Sunday afternoon, bringing lunches. After a discussion period and supper, they will attend a f<>lk Mass at 7:30, concelebrated by Rev. Ronald Tosti and Rev. Peter Mullen, parish CCD directors., All high school students in the parish, as well as other p,arishfonerS and friends are urged to join in the Mass celebration. Students who will show pictures are James Roberts, Paul Hamel, Frances O'Shaughnessy, Lisa Lifrak, Ann Johnson and Daniel Augustinho.
Cry and Smile We cry out for a little pain, when we do but we smile for a great deal of contentment. -Feltham.
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marce' Roy - G. ~orFlllne RoY Roger !.aFrance
FUNER~L lDli~IeC:TORS 15 nlr."ol\l~tolJ1l Ct. . New ~iCldlfoli'd ~95a!1in~~
O'ROURKE funeraU Home 571 Second Street fall River, Mass. 679-6072 ' MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
JAN. 31 Rev. Charles J. Burns, 1901, Pastor, St. Mary, No. Attleboro. Rev. William F. Sullivan, 1930, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset. Rev. Manuel C. Terra, 1930, Pastor" Sf. ,Peter, Provincetown. FEB. 1 Rt. Rev. Michael, J .. O'Reilly, 1948, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton. Rt: ReV. Patrick Hurley, 1968, Pastor, St. Joseph, ,Taunton. 'FEB. 2 Most Rev. William Stang, D.D'., 1907, First Bishop of Fall River: ,1904-07. JRev. Patrick F. McKenna, Hl13, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton. / Rev. Jonn L. McNamara, 1941, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. ' Rev, P. Roland Decosse, 1947, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford. FIEB. 3 Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River. lFEB. 4 Rt. Rev. Hugh J. Smyth, P.R., 1921, Pastor, St. Lawrence, Ne,,: Bedford; 1st Vicar General, Fall River, 1904-07; Administrator of Diocese, Feb.-July, 1'907.
D. D. ,Wilfred C. SLflI~ival1l'
_H. V. Sowle FLORIST
Open Mon. thru Wed. from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.-Thurs. and Fri. from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M, 249 ASHL~Y BOULEVARb ,New Bedford 997-7866 William E. Santos, Gen. Mgr.
Funeral Home
Air·Condltioned Tel. 998-5855
123 Broadway
'448 County S,. N'ew Bedford
VA 4-5000
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Fllneral Rome 550 Locust Street
Fall River. Mass.
672-2391 Rose E. SUIUVlIlD
Jeffrey E. SalUvaD
Two Private Parking Areas
PERRY F~C:~:L 111 Dartmouth St. 993-2921 , NEW BEDFORD . Thomas ''Timmy'' Perry Thomas H. Perry William J. Perry Funeral Diredol"s and Registered Embalmers
Ask Intervention To End Conflict In Biafra WASHINGTON (NC) A member of the British Labor Party has predicted greater starvation in Biafra
Priest Aids Juveniles as .Chaplain To Bristol County Second District Court, By
A man on the go-that's redheaded Father William F. O'Neill of St. Joseph's parish, Fall River. As well as carrying out the usual duties of a curate, Father O'Neill shares with Rev. John Cronin of St. Vincent's Home the post of chaplain to the juvenile session of the Second Court of Bristol County. In this capacity he is at the Fall River Superior Courthouse daily, c 0 u n s eli n g youngsters in trouble, conferring with probation of- \
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 23, 1969
New Unit Offers Aid to Families Formation of the Family Service Corps, a community of Catholic wornen preparing themselves for papal approbation as a secular institute, is announced by its founder and spiritual director, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. Father Lovasik lists four purposes for the new institute: to intensify Christian life in its members and in society while living a flexible modern com-' munity life; to' witness to Christ ,by apostolic zeal and personal love of God and neighbor; to share in works of charity on parish and community levels; and to teach religion in homes and CCD programs. WeUbemg of Family Members will dedicate themselves, says Father, Lovasik, to the spiritual, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of the family, especially among th;r. sick, poor and underprivileged. The rule of the corps is ,based on the spirit of the Gospels and the documents of Vatican II. Members will live together in small communities, supporting themselves with funds earned by their services. Further information is available from F'ather Lovasik at 207 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. 15213.
in the next few months. Lord Fenner Brockway, 80, head of the British Committee for Peace in Biafra addressed the opening conference ofOperation Outrage, Inc. - The North American Coalition for Biafran ficers and attending court sesRelief, held at the Catholic sions. University of America here. The young priest's interesJ in Purposes of the conference, youngsters who've run afoul of convened to discuss U. S. policy the law began as a minor semion the ,breakaway country, narian, when he was asked by formerly the Eastern Region of police in his tome town of Nigeria, were to disseminate the Greenwich, Conn. to work with most up-to-date and accurate a neigh~orhood boy. "That information on the Biafra- worked out well," he recounted, Nigeria confllct and to mobilize "and I was asked to help other international opinon and coordi- boys. I became interested in 'the nate efforts 'on the "urgent need _ whole field of adolescent psyfor efficient, immediate and chology and when I entered the total humanitarian relicf." major seminary I took advanOperation Outrage is a non- tage of all the programs availsectarian organization, with able." headquarters in Washington, His background includes four formed to coordinate rlllief for years of study of the adolescent the starving people in Biafra. and two years work under Judge Lord Brockway, recently re- Francis Poitrast of the Boston turned from a special mission to Juvenile Court, the only such both Nigeria and Biafra, told ,the court in the Commonwealth. some 300 scholars, legislators Other courts, he explains, hold and religious leaders "there is sessions as needed for juvenile now a greater danger of starva- offenders, but the Boston court tion in Biafra than there 'har. is the only' one sitting daily. ever been." Pre-AdJudicaeion Hearings He'said the rate of starvation Father O'Neill and Father had been 12,000 a day in August, Cronin work closely with chief '5 _ but had been somewhat lessened probation officer Albert Moquin by December, due to an increase and officers Miss Elinore KenOpe~~ of proteins in the diet. nedy and John Wade in their He predicted, that with the handling of juveniles. Much rapid disappearance of carbo- time is taken ,by "pre-adjudicahydrates, coupled with contin- tion hearings," which are conued inadequate relief, the death ferences between the priests and rate "would come to 25,000 a probation officers on the backday." ground of cases which will come FATHER O'NEILL \ ../ UN Responsibility before Judge George Driscoll, Calling for an immediate standing justice of the second veillance, meaning that they Girls are far less frequently ceasefire, Lord Brockway urged district. Parents are often in- must report to him or to a seen in the courts than boys, but greater international interven- volved in the conferences and if probation officer at stated inter- the usual complaint against tion to end the war. necessary Father O'Neill will vals. He noted that first offend- them is "stubbornness," an ar"There is now a very great gather data from a youngster's ers are often handled informally chaic term covering a multitude danger of the war there 'becom- school. Based on their under- by the Youth Squad of the police of infractions. ing a wider war," he said, "a standing of the factors leading department 'and by himself. He notes that most offenders war between the great powers- a ,boy or girl into trouble, the "Sometimes we'll give them a have very slight contact with Russia and Britain on one side clergymen and probation offi- guided tour of the 'detention their churches. "We send a form and France on the other. cers wlll make recommendations facilities' at the police station," to priests or ministers notifying "The United Nations," he as- to the court as to how cases may he said, "and that's enough to them when a parishioner is in serted, "has a right to intervene" be handled. straighten them' out. If" homes ' trouble. The usual response is and to "insure an immediate "There is a high rate of ju- are cooperative in handling a that they hadn't known the fam, ceasefire." venile delinquency in Fall young offender,he said, it is ily was involved in the parish." David MacDonald, a member River," noted Father O'Neill. He likely that his case will be 'given The young priest pointed to of the Canadian p~rliament who thinks It is due in large part to a continuance," which means lack of home training as a chief has visited Biafra, urged the the high incidence of "deprived that if he stays out of trouble cause of delinquency. "Parents United states and other con- homes" in the area. A deprived for a specified period, all are often unaware of the activicerned nations to see to it that home, he explained, may be one charges are dropped, and he has ties and companions of their "the scandal in this part of Af- where either or both parents no court record. children." He returned, howrica is removed." drink, where one parent is abIf juveniles from the Fall ever, to the subject of the "good M~cDonald said the UN "has seJlt, where' there is abuse, River' area are sentenced to a majority." "It's inspring," he , Free Mail Forms! not only a right, but a responsi- where both parents work, or reformatory term, Father O'Neill said, "to see so many youngsters Handsome Dividends billty to intervene" in the con- where the mother is the bread- visits them during their institu- turning out well,. even with horfUct. winner and the father the home- tional stay and follows their rendous home situations. The "For the UN to do nothing at maker. "This reverses the usual progress when they return to the Father O'Neill is on the board all is a more dangerous prece- order," he said, "and may con- city. He will check on home and of directors of the Police Athdent than for it to do anything," fuse a boy especially, who has school conditions and inquire letic League and a member of he, told the conference. trouble identifying with his into'a youth's activities, friends, the City Crime Commission, in Fall River Savings Bank father in such a situation." relations with his parents and addition to his work with the 'The priest emphasized, how- participation in church activities. court and the CYO. He· also 141 NO. MAIN ever, that it's a minority,' "not In this he works closely with the holds meqlbership in many proFALL ,.,RIVER even 10 per cent," of youngsters Fall River school adjustment fessional organizations., who appear before the court. counselor, high school guidance 873 COUINTV The son of Mr. and Mrs. JOLIET (NC)-The Joliet di- ' "The good boys and girls, of counselors and attendance offi- Charles O'Neill of GreenwiCh, SOMERSEll' ocesanbudget for 1969, pub- which there are many, aren't cers. Conn"., he has two brothers and lished in the Catholic News noticed," he said. "It's the deThe priest has -been working two sisters. Ai; 11 Register, diocesan! newspaper, linquents who get the attention at the court for a year and a is listed at $5,711,966.59. This and the publicity." figure is $23,577 higher than the One problem on the increase, half. By now, he estimates, he gJIIlIIlIIlIIIIIIlIIlIJlIIl1II11I1111I111111IIInllllllll111111 111I1111I11IIIIIIUIIIIIIIII IIl11tllllll11I111111I11I11I11I11I11I11I1111 IIIII~ 1968 'budget, officials stated. he said, is that of drug use. He knows about 2,000 youngsters Officials announced that, as said that not only the immediate by name. He's aided in this WINTER STORE HOUR$ in 1968, second collections for effects of drugs are harmful, gigantic' recognition job, he says, by the fact that in his spare time Mon. - Tues.• W.ed. - 9-5 diocesan causes would be elim- but the after-effects, which may Inated and replaced by tithing come months or years later by he's usually to be found at Fall Thurs. - Fri. - 9-5:30 - a system whereby everyone way of personality disorders. River CYO headquarters, helpSot. 9-5 ing with athletic events and with an income is asked to re- "We've had' to send youngsters dances. "I see lots of kids on an turn to the individual parish to mentai hospitals and psychiClosed All Day Sunday regularly throughout the year atrists to undo the damage informal ,basis in this way," 'he says. five per cent of income for par- c<lused by drugs," he stated, lFlrrot Offencllel1'S Ish needs; one per cent for diocCar stealing is the most freFathe'r O'Neill said that be- quent offense among boys, says esan needs, and four per cent for tuitions, charities and world- tween 250 and 280 youngsters Father O'Neill.. "It's almost a are currently under court sur- puberty rite," he adds wryly. 5l1lJ11II11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJII:llllllllmllilmllllIlJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIIlIIlIlllIIlIIlIJilIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIII11I1111I11I1111 wide causes.
$1 Still
An Account
Save-By-Mail At Old Red Bank Old Red Bank
Tithing to Replace Second Collections
The 'Parrish Parade
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
of All Faiths Attend Open House at New Cape Church
FALL RIVER More than 1500 people of all Also, Mrs. John Houst and The Parish Council of Cathdfaiths attended the open house Mrs. S. Johnson, rosary; Miss lie' Women will install the 1969 conducted on Sunday in the new Margaret Lanigan, Mrs. J. slate of officers on Sunday afSt. Pius X Church in So. Yar- Cipowski, John Martin and A. ternoon at 2 in the church hall. mouth. 'Legacy; Maurice Lynch and Mrs. Mary Pereira will serve The tour included explana- John Coyle,j side altars~ James as chairman, assisted by Mrs. tions of the various appoint- ~cGrath and James Tobm, I;>apMary Raposa. ments and appurtenances of a bstry. . . 81. Cecilia's Guild will sponreligious nature by members .of " Followm~, the to~r, the la~les sor a Malacada supper and the CCD Executive Board teach- of the .parlshpr?Vlded refreshpenny sale on Saturday evening, ers lectors and high school stu- ments. The greetmgs of the p~rFeb. 1 starting at 7 o'clock. Mrs. d 'ts ish were extended by Mrs. PhllMary Santos will serve as chairen . ip Mack, guild president. Mrs. man. , Guides were: James Dooley, C: Savery served as general ,tabernacle; Jack Lascha and chairman. ST. PATRICK, Daniel O'Connell,bi'ble alid misSOMERSET . sals; John ~oust. and John , A parish dance will be held Davidson, altar, appointments;, from 8 to midnight Saturday, Miss Dorothy' ·Murphy, Mrs. E. Jan. 25 at the Dwelly Street Tripp, P. Baker and J. MulArmory, Fall River. Proceeds cahey, sacred vessels; Mrs. At the' annual, convention of' will benefit the parish and tickJohnson and Mrs. Jordan, 's'acraMas§achusetts State Circle of the ets will include a buffet. The mentals. EXAMINE NEW BROCHURE: Brother Roger Millette, F.I.C.,; public is welcome. Music will be Daughters of Isabella, the following were named to state Very Rev. Ch'arles J. Dunn, S.J.; and ~ev. John "G. Cornellier, 'by the Blue Tones. 'S.J. offices: ST. JOSEPH, Mrs. Julia C. SChofield, QuinFALL RIVER cy Circle 177; regent; Mrs. Phyllis McCarthy, Ware Circle 106, The annual', Spring Gala is slated for the Saturday of Easter PHiLADELPHIA (NC)--Just vice-regent; Miss Marie Hart, Week, April 12. It will be at the as, faith like a mustard seed can North Brookfield Circle 354, sec' produce great results, charity in retary; Mrs. Genevieve MisiasDuring ',the present. acaThe school looks to fulfilling Coachmen,Tiverton. a mustard jar can help to allevi-. ..zek, St. Margaret's 'Circle 300, demic year, Monsignor Prevost - the needs of the area for young OUR LADY OF ANGELS, ate world hunger, a group of treasurer: High School and ,Bi~hop Con- men intent ona thorougl1 high ' Also Mrs. Margaret Slattery, nolly High School have operated school education. The school FALL RIVER elementary school students disThe;Council of Catholic Women Easthampton ,Circle 312, ,chan- as separate schools' within the will conduct courses with varicovered here. will hold a penny sale Friday, Moved by the plight of the cellor; Mrs.' 'Olive' Comeau, same educational complex on ous tract offerings encompassing Jan. 31 in the chlirchhall. All Leominster Circle '256; Mrs. ,advanced courses and basic Elsbree Street: starving children of Biafra, the are welcome. " students at Our Lady of Lourdes 'Isabel Rftardon, Quincy Circle This was but a temporary ar-. ' requisites for college acceptance. Blessed candles will be avail177; and Miss Helena Tavares, , school collected 40,000 pennies rangement pending a further All students' from' both public able after all Masses' Sunday, 'Falmouth Circle 321, trustees; (and, some larger coins too) in and more definite· solution. Con- ,and private elementary schools Feb. 2, the feast of the Purificamustard jars to ,buy food and Mrs. Amelia Salvoni, Milton cern' for Clltholic education in 'are ,encouraged to sit for the tion. Throats will 'be blessed at Circle 184, monitor; Miss medicine for young victims of' Kathryn C. Hesfor~; ,New Bed- Fall River and for the future of ,entrance. examination which will Masses Monday, Feb. 3, the feast the Nigeria~ civil war. . ford Circle 71, 'guard; Mrs. these two schools has brought be administered on Saturday of St. Blaise. The $450' collected 'by the Catherine Lee, 'Magna Circle about many considerations and at the beginning of February in ,children between Thanksgiving 381, past state regent; Miss deliberations. As a' result, the order to fulfill one of the' reReadily. Admit" and Christmas was forwarded to Claire . Bertrand; ~ast Long- two'religious orders"the Society quirements in the' admission's, of Jesus and the ,Brothers of program. the Missionary Sisters of the' meaAow Circle 1045, scribe. Of all oiir' faults, thllt which " Christian lnstruction have anHoly Rosary, in 'Villanova, who J -we most readily admit is indonouilced that they will :devote ,'An Open House will be held lence. ' We 'persuade ourselves will use it in relief efforts carthemselves to their present stu- from 2 to 4 on Saturday and ried out ,by 30 members of their Plans New Program that it cherispeS all the peacedent bodies, yet, each would Sunday afternoons, Jan: 25 and order in Biafra. ful virtues; and that, without For Seminarians contribute in, a joint effort 26 at Connolly High at which entirely destroying the others, it The "Mustard Jar Campaign" towards the education of. the time a tour of the facilities will merely suspends their functions. BUENOS AIRES (NP) -The followed the appearance of a Argentine Bishops' Conference young' 'men, admitted to' the be made and 'members of the -La Rochefoucauld. , letter to the editor in The Cathschool ,beginning with the 1969- faculty" will ,be available in olic Standard and Times, arch- has decided to close large' iso- 1970 Freshman class. order that parents and prospecdiocesan paper, suggesting such lated semina-nes and send the tive students might learn more ~1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!: students to live and study in Thus, Bishop Connolly High b a "children to children" appeal small groups in urban areas. School, under- the direction of a out the courses offered. Building Contractor to help relieve world hunger. Another action taken "a,t the the Society of Jesus, would have bishops' annual meeting' ,here a faculty composed of the memMasonry was establijIDment of a national bers of the Society of Jesus, coFlorida to Consider i.nstitute of pastoral planning. operating with the Brothers of Religion in Schools The conference also imposed a Christian Inst,ruction and other PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. TALLAHASSEE (NC) - The ban on priests giving interviews re~igious and lay personnel all . Sales an~ Service Florida Department of Educa- :~r radio and television if ,the dedicated to the education of _ .. ~ lor ;)omestlc tion will sponsor' a conference questions and replies are 'not' young men. The combined fac~ and -Industrial on" Religion and 'Public Educa- llubmitted to the priest's bishop 'ulties would also work together Oil Burners tion in Florida" March 7 and 8. J:or prior approval. ,JEANmE STREET 995-1631 in the various departments and Floyd T. Christian, commissioner Observers at the meeting said extra-curricular activities. 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE § FAIRHAVEN 004.7321 § of the department, said the con- "there were wide differences durNEW BEDFORD ference will "explore in detail ing discussions of the guidelines Florida's role now and in the J:or church . renewal and social Antarctic Award years ahead concerning the action recommended by, the 'study about religion in the pub- second assembly of .the Latin NOTRE D.i\ME (NC)-FatherAmerican. bishops last Septem- Theodore M. He9burgh" C.S.C.; - lic schools." IFVOUHAVE ber in Medellin, Colombia. president of the University of Notre Dame and a' membe,r of THE COURAGE. New Catholic Center the governing ;board of the NaSpanish Fiesta tional SCience Fou~dation" has Helps Handicapped Alumnae of Sacred, Hearts been awarded the Antarctic Bring happiness to sorrowful BHOPAL (NC) -A Catholic- Academy, Fall River, who-:wish Service Medal, given Olembers eyesl stwe the troubles and sponsored rehabilitation center to participate in' a Spamsh Fiesta of U. S. expeditions to that for the physically handicapped ,:Sunday, April 13, are requested continent.' An NSF scientific acjoys of peoplel'Anywhere in was inaugurated here by' the to contact Sister Carmen Jo- tivities committee chairman, he' North America. Or volunteer governor of Madhya Pradesh seph, S.U:S.C. at the academy has inspeCted research centers forBruil and Thailand. state, K.C. Reddy, who opened lit their earliest convenience. 1'n the Antarctic. the 100-bed center 'after the If you're willing to work hard. Apostolic Pro-nuncio to India, ~ke personal sacrifices. And Archbishop Giuseppe Caprio, lir',--~----------------------~ 1968 Deluxe Model blessed it. The center includes a 4: meet a tough challenge. special unit for the treatment of TRY.lTI 1 Zig Zag disabled children. '
Name State Level
D of I Officers :'
Collect Pennies For Biafrans
Jesuits· and Christian Brothers Dedicated to Unnted Educatno.n
i. .;
Discovers Fraud When I go into my garden with a spade, and dig a 'bed, I feel such an exhilaration and health that I discover that I have been defrauding myself all this time in letting others do for me what I should have done with my own hands.-Emerson.
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Join the Stigmatin~ Fathen and Brothers. And make your impact as a "Modem Man" with a purposeI WRITE: DIRECYOIli OIF VOCATIONS
StigmaUlft9 Faftheli'S/Brothers 554 P..lllnlngUoll\l S!reet
W&lIUham, Maooa«;hueettel
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Urge Suburban Parishes Help Inner City
'Still on Decline But Philadelphia Director of Vocations Anticipates Improvement in 1969
NEWARK (NC) - The Senate of Priests of the Newark archdiocese adopted a series of resolutions designed to encourage suburban parishes to aid those in the inner cities, particularly in the field of education. The resolutions' will ,be submitted to Archbishop Thomas A. Boland for approval. One resolution asked' the archbishop to seek support from individual parishes for a single classroom in an inner-city school. Participating suburban parishes would :be expected to underwirite the teacher's salary and insurance and maintenance costs. Another resolution called fol' inviting suburban parishes to adopt a particular parish in the inner-city areas an effort to keep parochial plants operating among the poor. AsJi CooreUnator A third resolution called for the appointment of a coordinator to direct the wock of parishes, orl&Jl.izations and":,agencietl engaged in the inner-city apostolate. It was suggested that a layman be considered for the position. On the same day, the Newark Priests' . Association, an independen~ group of priests, moved at their own monthly meeting to involve more parishes in association 'programs geared to community life. Parishes on the outskirts· of the city in particular will be asked to play a more active role in the community. Already, the Apostolic Activity Committee, a ,three-man elected board which coordinates Summer recreational, tutorial and self-help programs, has contacted all the ,parishes in the vicinity to invite participation in the Summer programs. Survey Resources The Newark Priests' Association is conducting a survey of the Church's resources in the city in cooperation with Columbia University and this report is expected to 'be completed shortly, after which it will be submitted to Archbishop Boland. The archbishop already has before him a series of proposals on the utilization of Church manpower. made by two other priests' groups. These suggest the utilization of team ministries and other experimental programs: a review of assignments of clerical personnel engaged in the urban apostolate, the recruitment of priests interested in' such work, and the utilization of parish facilities for community programs. Assignments are currently reviewed by a personnel board established a year ago OJl the recommendation of the senate. This Fall Archbishop Boland is-' sued a pastoral statement calling for the eradication of all forms of discrimination in parish life and urging parishes to make their facilities available."
Unity Service SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Sacred dance and modern music will be part of the program of the annual Christian Unity Service Sunday. Jan. 26 in the Civic Auditorium here. Sponsored by an interfaith committee representing the Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and Protestant faiths, the service will include music by a modern jazz group and contemporary sacred dances by Sister Tina Bernal.
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Religious vocations in 1968 in the Philadelphia archdiocese showed a 20 per cent decrease (from 1967), Msgr. Edward J. Thompson, archdiocesan director of vocations, has reported. The 1968 .total of 350 vocations to. the priesthood and religious life represents a drop of 82 from the 1967 total of 432. During 1968, 200 young women entered the convent (55 fewer than 1967) and 150 young men entered seminaries or religious houses (down 27 from 1967). "This time last year," Msgr. Thompson noted, "vocation directors felt that 1968 would 'be a poor vocation year. Now I am pleased to report that, from all
indications, 1969 should be much better. Directors are counting many more applications now than at this time last year." Diocesan high schools continued to contribute the largest number of vocations during 1968 -100 young men and 158 young women. Vocations from private Catholic high schools dropped from 47 in 1967 to 17 ill 1968. Vocations from public high schools increased by four last year in comparison to 1967. The 1968 total was 10. Vocations Ii'rom colleges dropped from 42 in 1967 to 38 in 1968, 26 from Catholic colleges and 12 from secular colleges.
••••••••••••••••••••• GUIDELINE SPEAKER: John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia, spoke on the nationally televised program, Guideline, Sunday. Guideline is produced by the National Broadcasting Company iii association with' the. National Catholic Office for Radio and Television. NC Photo.
Supreme Virtue John Ca~dinal Krol Stresses Obedience In Church NEW YORK (NC)-Meeting a ,barrage of questions head-on, in a nationaily televised interview, John Cardinal Krol, archbishop . of Philadelphia, made the follow, 109 points;
The cardinal replied that he has visited jails many times, and "as a regular thing," he found that a cer.tain percentage of the inmates say they are there "because of a bum rap." "They are sincerely convinced," Catholic schools cannot surhe added, "that what they ,we1;e vive without aid from the state. The fullness of authority was doing at the time they had to given only to Peter and his suc- do .But their conscience and the cessors, and neither bishops nor objective norm were at variance, ,and, as 'a result they were taken the laity can speak with final to task for this. authority "except in concert with "Within the Church, yes, a the Supreme Pontiff, the Holy person in the Church, or outFa.ther." side the Church, must follow his Conscience is a practical judg- conscience ,but he cann<>t pre·ment, and a person's practical sume to say that his conscience judgment must be guided by a is the source of information, that norm, by a rule. is, an intellectual activity. This There is in the Church, "in a is the activity of the will applied manner of speaking, an authority to a pat:ticular situation." Asked if a Catholic couple sins crisis," but it is not "as. deep as it is represented to be, let if that couple practices artificial us say, in our headlines, and in birth control, Cardinal Krol declined to "play the role of judge. the discussions." I would do· that in the ConfesObedience is a supreme virtue sional," 'he added. "If I knew in the Church. what the circumstances were." Question of Fact The new:smen interviewing Asked why can't God give as Cardinal Krol wanted to know if a laymen would not have the much divine guidance .to a lay responsibility, 'as well as the person as He does to. a Pope or right, to follow his conscience if cardinal, Cardinal Krol replied: he thought he was right, even "God can do this, there's no though the Pope taught some- \ question. The quest~on is not what God can do, but the questhing different. tion of Ifact." Asked then if, when he teaches, Board Relief the Pope "is ever wrong," the cardinal said "there is that posSupplies to Biafra sibility," but that it would be NEW YORK (NC) - The "away from the areas of faith, Catholic Medical Mission :Soard, morals, dogma." . with 'headquarters here, anOne questioner cited a 'writer nounced that 15,453 pounds of as saying that "the obedience medicines and drugs for relief described in official statements of the suffering in Biafra were of the Catholic Church is almost included in the cargo carried ·by always the obedience paid to an the Norwegian vessel Forra, absolute ruler"; that this is not which recently left the United the obedience given in demoStates for the island of Sao cratic .states, and why has n<>t Tome, off the Nigerian coast. the "theory of obedience in the The drugs and' medicnes, val- Church evolved toward a more ued at $58,554 wholesale, were democratic form?" "The structure of the Church," originally scheduled for shipment in December, but the dock the cardinal. replied, "is not strike intervened. The action of something that was evoived by longshoremen in breaking their humans but was established by own strike to help the suffering a mandate of' Christ. And this Biafrans enabled CCMB to get structure is not subject to change its shipment aboard the Forra. by humans."
every nook and cor.ler • In Bristol Count"
THE A,NeHOR-Diocese of FOIII River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969 ,-' ...
Mood of the·
In his inaugural address on Monday, President Nixon read correctly the mood of the ,country. . The vast majority of Americans are ,sick ,of the shouting that has tried to substitute for communication and reasoning together. , They are sick of the 'obscenities that have marked so often the college campus demonstrations: They are sick of the hysteria of commentators who have· lost their cool and have blown up an incident of police misjudgement all out of proportion..They are)skk of the bad guys being . given every benefit of every 'Qoubt and every possible Ie:eway while the guardians of law and order are vilified and looked upon with contempt, while expecte~ to have the patience of saints and the judgement of law professors. They are sick of the moral malal"se that has been creeping into society under the guise of freedom and that exhibits itself in the flood of perversion and nudity and sadism that feature so prominently in' today's book~ and movies. They are sick, of the society that cries out for strength and character in its youth while its adult-exemplars pursue' the dollar and fail in setting the moral pattern for an upcoming generation. The vast majority of Americans, in faCt, agree with the President that the crisis is a. "crisis of the spirit" and to this is needed "an answer of the spirit." , 'There is need of communication among all members of society and of the world, because respect and love follow upon knowledge and insight into one another. There is need of less shouting so that reason and mankind's concern for itself in its totality can be realized. There is need of tne basic things that are of the spirit -"goodness, decency, love, kindness." , These must .not be slogans but the measure of men's lives and commitment. I
And of the Church
While Americans are wearying of the shouting and the breakdown in standards, Catholics~' too; are .in; 'a; mood that is weary of the "every man his own pope" idea: ' : 1 , ... The recent meeting, in thE! Netherlands that saw' a young lady proclaim herself to ,be "not ade~erit Cathollc at all and I can prove it" while, at the same time, calling for experimentation in such things as euthanasia and abortion is a source of disgust for the' vast majority of Catholics throughout the' world. While the words were' toned' down in the released v,ersion, all too many still believe that these individuals, under the guise, of, calling love of God the only law, are quite willing and even anxious to do away with any and all standards of. morality. And, in all reverence, all too many Catholics are wondering what the Bishops of that nation have' been doing to preserve intact the full content of faith and, morals. These men, to be' sure, are to be commended for wanting to listen to every voice and all points of view; But, in the final analysis, the Bishops are theshe'pherds .a11~ guard~ans of the flock, are the ones who hy their episcopal ordiIiation are the successors of the Apostles and the only authe~ tic teachers in the Church. The faith and morals of Catholics are not matters for voting. They are drawn from the p'recepts of the natural law and from Christ. It is all very well t,o say that the 'only sin is against the love of Go~. It is a fine-sounding, phrase. Christ tells us what it means: "If 'any man loves me he will keep my. commandments and the Father and I will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him." Not just a fine-soundi~g phrase any .longer, but one unfolding into specific laws, absolutes. .,
Cont:nued, from Page One Under the committee's proposal,state funds could be used when teachers and other person.nel instruct in secular subjects such as' mathematics, science and English "and other subjects comparable to courses taught in , public schools." No money would be paid for religious instructions. .
Cheapest Way Out . . The '<:ommittee' recommended the' appropriation 'to purchase such services be calculated on a per pupil.. basis and be at least 50 per cent of the average pupil ,state aid payments made to public schools-or about $130 per non-public school student. In inner-city areas, the committee recommended" the allocation for non-public school students should be the same as the average per pupil payment to public schools, State Senator Anthony Stamm of Kalamazoo, chairman of the special legislative, study commission, emphasized the, com. mittee realizes the ,budgetary implications of its proposals but "feels strongly that a way.must be found to provide aid (for non.,.public schools * • • or the legislature will be called upon to appropriate far· greater sums to educate· the same' children in public schools. Costing State More .: "It is a matter of record that one of the reasons the state appropriation for public education has been increased substantially in recent years is the fact that 46,000 children who previously , attended' non-public schools are' now enrolled in public schOcils/' Stamm said. ' This drop in enrollment already is costing taxpayers $30 million a year in additional state and local taxes and the Oii=FICiAIl. IN~WSI?APIER OF ,VHE ,1l)!OCIES[E Olr IrAI!.Il. RiVER committee estimates· it will cost Published weekly'by The Catholic Pmss, of the Diocese of Fall River the state $100' million annually ' 410 Highland Avenue by 1971'" * . . if nonpublic school enrollments continue to decline. Fall River, Mass. 02722 . 675-7151 Criticize Romney . PUBLISHER "The committee believes its Most. Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D .., PhD. proposal is more economical ip,' GENERAL MANAGE~ ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalleo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll
,MANAGING mlTOR . , Hugh J. Golden, LL.B. Press-Fall River
DOllilb~® "rOL!J!h~~
If a man could have half his
wishes he would double troubles.-Franklin.
Continued from Page" One to attend Church services of other'denominations. The reference to Sacramental Sharing with non-Catholics for' adequate reasons 0 0 0 "Church can for adequate reasons allow access to those sacraments to a· separated brother. This may ,be permitted in danger of death or in urgent need (during persecution, in prisons) if the separated brother has no access to a minister of' his communion, and spontaneously asks a Catholic priest for the sacramentsso long as he declares a £aith in these sacraments in harmony with that of the Church, and is rightly disposed.' In other cases the judge of 'this urgent necessity must ,be the diocesan b'ishop or the episcopal conference. A Catholic in similar circumstances may not ask for these sacraments except from a minister who has been validly ordained." (No. 19) The insistence on the fact that Baptism can .be given only once; and the strong prohibition of "conditional baptism" without necessity and indiscriminately. The abolition of absolution for excommunication or heresy for the reception of persons into the Catholic Church. The explicit rules that govern sponsors at 'Baptism. The abrogation of the excommunication of those marrying the long run than the alterna- before a non-Catholic minister. tive - a continuing erosion of The fact that the marriage of nonpublic school enrollments." a Catholic before an Orthodox . , Stamm said the committee "is Priest is valid, though not laws~tisfied that constitutionally ful without permission. valid legislation can be written The fact that Catholics may tb help children attending nonbecome full formal members of public schools. the YMCA and YWCA. "In' the final analysis, the The encouragement now given question of constitutiOllality can to initiate am~ guide interfaith be settled only in the courts," <iialogues to the Catholic Clergy. the commIttee said, adding that This new'DireCtory on 'Ecu;,. the legislature "should keep in menism-ls 'being s'eht to 'all cle.to!. mind. the constitutional limii~-,' gymen - Catholic, Orthodox, tions that have been laid down Protestant; and Jewish, within in previous court decisions so the area of the Fall River Diotpat any legislation it adopts cese, will meet these tests." , Copies may be obtained by 'The committee praised sup- writing to Rt. Rev. Henri A. porters of non-public schools Hamel, 951 Stafford Rd.,. Fall . "Who have provided a very sig- River, Mass. 02721. nificant educational. service for tpe state of Michigan fOr, more tpan a century at no cost to the taxpayers." Continued from Page One , Outgoing Michigan' Gov. George Romney has been criti-' push upon public schools might dzed by non-public school offi- . be the straw to break the camel's C1als for suggesting that church- back. "It makes far better sense," operated non-public schools should restrict themselves to re- he said, "to C{)nsider $100 for each 8Ql1-public student than it l~gious and moral 'instruction, leaving secular education to the does to wait until they become eligible for $600 each as public state. school students. I But, Lt. Gov. William G. Mil"The men who fought a war liken-Romney's successor-said he was "deeply sympathetic" to against 'taxation without reprethe financial .plight of non-pub- sentation' never. intended to set lic schools and has indicated upa system in which one out wiiHngness to sign a bill to pro.,. of every four parents would be vide, them with state aid, pro- taxed, but not represented in the v!ided the bill is constitutional securing of funds for the education of their children," he deattd sufficient fun'ds exist. clared. Against State Aid The Metropolitan Detroit Oouncil of Churches is on rec~e«llu~sts TrCllIfil$fefi' ord against any state aid plan for non-public schools. : "Ii public funds are made CLEVELAND (NC) - Father more available," the Council John D. Gerken, S:J., theology warned, "other groups are al- department chairman at John most certain to set up their own Carroll University here, one of private school systems. the new theologians in this area "This will fragment, and un.. who spoke out publicly against dbrmine the publ!c scho'ol sys-, Pope Paul VI's encyclical Hut,~m. Competition .by a multi- manae Vitae last year, has asked p1icity of school systems for for release from teaching duties . funds in any given locality will because of illness: d~minish the quality of educaHe will reside at Gesu parish, ti.on for everyone. an inner-city church, staffed by "Many of our public school the Jesuits in Detroit. systems are already in dire fiFather Gerken, 42, emphasized n~mcial straits," 'says the Council the transfer was solely his own statement. "The state has pri.. doing. He said there had been no mary responsibility to meet such pressure e.xerted by the Cleveeducational needs before it can land diocese or ,by the JCU adthink of using its funds else- ministration after his stand on where." the encyclical -became kDown.
StMdent 'Aid
from Univ®U'sitl'i'
WEBSTER (NC) - Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester reaffirmed before an assembly 'of Irate parents his decision to close a parish high school. He .rejected a suggestion the matter be put to a parish vote. Bishop Flanagan said efforts by the parish to keep the school operating ,have resplted in a "great imbalance" in the use of parish funds. He said the parIsh is spending "thousands of dollars" to educate some 100 parish children in the high school and is· "literally spending peanuts" in educating parish children not attending Cathor h 1 IC sc 00 s. . . The meetmg between ;BIshoP Flanagan and a parents comml~tee, which charged the ~ecislOn to close St. Louis High School nex~ June was "unfair," took place m the school gymnaslum. The atmosphere at times was less than cordial. At several points, comments of parishioners were greeted with applause. An estimated 125 persons, including some students from the school, attended the session. Public School Pupils Bishop Flanagan called attention to what he said was the need to "reassess and reevaluate" the overall religious education program in the dlocese. "Each year in the diocese, the number of children in pubHc schools continues to burgeon while the number in Catholic schools remain static," he said. "We have less than 30,000 pupils in Catholic schools and close to 65,000 in public schools whose souls are just as precious and w,hose needs are just as urgent as those children in CatQolic $chools. "The time :has come for us to take a second look at what we are doing," Bishop Flanagan asserted. CIting efforts made in some 'places to obtain state aid for support of Catholic and other private schools, the bishop declared" unless there is some form of aid, it is going to be very difficult to keep our Catholic schools open." Salary Costs Up Bishop Flanagan pointed to "spiraling salary costs" in Catholic schools, geared to the need to pay lay teachers salaries and fringe benefits on a par with those received by public school teachers. To pay inadequate salaries, the bishop said, would not only "violate social justice" but also would incur the risk of attracting teachers who are not first-rate. IBishop Flanagan said a downward trend in enrollment at St. Louis High School was a factor ·that entered into the decision to close it, but that a more serious problem throughout the diocese is the "diminution of religious vocations" over the past few years. This would have forced
Blesses Protestant Housing Project BANGALORE (NC) - Archbishop Doraisamy Simon Lourdusamy of Bangalore gave benediction at the cornerstone layIng ceremony for a housing project here of the Protestant Church of South India. The _ cornerstone of the 12story building costing $660,000 was laid by Protestant Bishop N.C. Sargant of Mysore at a ceremony at which two Mysore state ministers were speak~rs.
Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Aquatic Center Goa I of Drive
the hiring of additional lay teachers at St. Louis in the years ahead, he noted. Bishop Flanagan refused the suggestion that the question of" the St. Louis closing be put to a vote among parishioners on the grounds such a vote would be "a completely E!motional one." He said from the relatively small attendance at the meeting he concluded many parents were either indifferent to the issue or favored the closing. Vocations Shortage . . d' One Phans?~oner cd~~tendd~d dthl e lOcese as Ignore. an. sa y neglected" St. LOUIS pansh over the years. Asked if the diocese would consider helping to finance Catholic education in St. Louis parish, Bishop Flanagan said this would not be possible because it would" set a precedent" among parish _ operated schools. Bishop Flanagan said the diocese has been compelled, because of financial problems and the shortage of vocations, to .. bandon plans to 'build a central Catholic high school in Webster, on a tract of land made available by vote of the townspeople some five years ago. Two days after the bishop's appearance at the Webster meeting, Father John D. Thomas, superintendent of the diocesan school department, announced an elementa.r y school operat~d for 66 y~ars m St. Thomas Aq~l nas pans~, West Warren, Will also c~ose m June. Father Thomas saId three Daughters of the Hol~ Ghost who staff th: 90pupil school asked to be reheved of their duties in the parish.
Ask Voice in ,Choice Of Albany Bishop
LORAIN (NC) - A $300,000 campaign in business and industry communities here has been launched to build an aquatic center for Lorain Catholic High School. The school is under construction and scheduled to open for freshman classes next F'al:. The drive. is the first in the Cleveland diocese with an appeal directly to the general community for a facility to be built on Catholic school-owned ground and operated under Catholic auspices. The center will be open all year and available for use ,by public school students, adults, and others of any religious affiliation. When grolllnd was broken for the new Lortllin Catholic High School last Summer, Bishop Clarence G. Issenmann said the aquatic center would ·be open to the entire community and its construction would depend on local underwriting of the costs. The estimated cost of the new center is $500,000. When the $300,000 is subscribed, the remainder will be assumed by. the Cleveland diocese.
Ohio Priest Heads Drama COl'llference
YOUNG MAN OF '68: Robert Acosta, 20, blind since birth, now a public high school teacher for Los Angeles City schools, has been honored by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce as on'e of America's Ten Outstanding Young Men of 1968. NC Pho.to.
ALBANY (NC) - The 40member Committee on Episcopal Succession (CES) composed of clergy and laity ~as reiterated its recommendation that ~ath ollcs In the Albany diocese be consulted widely concerning a successor to the late Bishop William A. Scully of Albany. The CES originally made recommendations along similar lines last October. Bishop Scully LOS ANGELES (Nt) - A died Jan. 5. Bishop Edward J. Maginn has been apostolic ad- blind school teacher of Mexican ministrator since January, 1966, descent who got his first proafter Bishop Scully was taken fessional ,break in the Los Anill while attending the Second geles archdiocesan school system has 'been honored as one of Vatican Council. Ten Outstanding In October and at the present America's . time, the diocese has taken the Young Men of 1968. Robert J. Acosta, 29, began his position that selections and appointments of bishops are re- . educational career as a student served to the Holy See, and has teacher in 1962-63 at San Garecommended that any sugges- briel Mission High School. . A member of a minority withtions for changes' in the procedure be channeled through the in a minority, Acosta received National Council of Catholic his award along with the others honored at the 31st annual conBishops. gress of the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce in Syracuse, N. Y. He is the only one chosen from California. Acosta is now a very popular DETROIT (NC) - A series of teacher in Chatsworth High four one-half 'hour discussions School at the west end' of San of "Human Life in Our Day," Fernando Valley. He teaches the 1968 pastoral letter issued English and history. Inspires Students last Fall by the bishops of the Dr. Gjertrud H. Smith, ChatsUnited States, is .being televised throughout the Detroit area this worth principal, said "Bob is month. . a very superior teacher. He is ~n Father Kenneth Untener, as- inspiration to his students. He sistant to the Detroit archdioc- was an instant success with stuesan vicar for parishes, moder- dents, parents and faculty." Acosta himself calls his ,blindates the series prepared ·by the Archdiocesan Institute for Con- ness "more of a nuisance than a tinuing Education. handicap. The programs treat aspects of He was born in Los Angeles the pastoral-the application of and baptized in Assumption conscience as it applies to birth church in Boyle Heights, an area control, conscientious objection, populated by immigrant families the arms build-tip - as integral from Mexico. He attended 32nd Street School for the Blind here, parts of the entire pastoral.
. Among 10 Best
Jaycees Name Blind Teacher One of Outstanding Young Men
Pastoral Discussed On TV Series
Diocese to Close Webster School Despite Objection of Parents
was graduated with honors from John Marshall High School and attended UCLA. Because of his 'blindness, he was not permitted to do his student teaching at public schools here. San Gabriel Mission High School came to his rescue and gave him a chance. Father Leq MaUeche,ck, C.M.F., now rector of Claretville Claretian Seminary here, was principal of Mission High .School when Acosta did his student teaching. Terrific Memory "We were a little hesitant as to how a blind teacher could maintain class discipline, but our fears were quickly dispelled. Mr. Acosta had perfect control of his class and the boys learned a great deal. He has a terrific memory. After the first week he knew every student by voice and name, and he kept their interest and attention," Father Mattecheck said. After receiving his ,degree Acosta found a position at Manteca Union High School in San Joaquin Valley. While there for four years, he also taught a Confraternity of Christian Doctrine class in his parish. A 1965 Los Angeles City School Board ruling waiving normal vision standards allowed Acosta in 1967 to go to work at Chatsworth. He receives no special conces-
COLUMBUS (NC) - Father Roger A. Emmert, dramatics director at St. Charles High School here, has been elected executive director of the National Contemporary Theatre Conference. He will serve a four-year term. The 32-year-old organization, currently headquartered at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D. C., will be re-Iocated 'by June at Villa Madonna convent here. The Columbus office will be a communication center for ,the more than 3,500 school and affiliate members, and will publish a monthly news letter. sions at school, except for permission to keep with him his lead dog, a ·black Labrador retriever, Keno. Like other teachers, he has the services of a student teacher aide who assists with roll call' and other classroom procedures. Acosta pays a reader to help him prepare for classes. She is Debbie Caprine, a Newman Apostolate member at Valley State College.
Retreats to Aid Divorced Men
THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Falll River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969 1
Give Tips to Hlom,emakers On Refinishing Furnitur.e
AZUSA (NC) -A retreat can help divorced me.n prolong their lives ,by .stabilizipg them and lessening the trauma of divorce, according -to the Society of Divorced Catholic Men. Its leaders refer to a California State Department of Health study that shows divorce tends to short~n of divorced persons because -of its impact on their emotions and living habits. The society of di vorced men is now preparing its sixth retreat at Manresa Retreat here in California. Father Frank Parrish, S.J., director of the retreat, said through retreats men strengthen their faith, heLp stabilize their lives 'and receive the 'assistance and .support of' association with other men in similar circum,. stances.
. By Marilyn Roder'ick
. Without a doubt, one of the leading authorities in our . area in the field of interior design and furniture decorating is Tom Medeiros of Holy Name! Parish in Fall River. A graduate of Durfee Tech (our present SMT!) in 1960 with a.B.S. in Fashion Illustra' tion, Tom began his career played down," said Tom. . as a free lance artist in New He went on to say that:paintYork, but the lure ,of New inl~ and decorating furniture in
an artil'!tic way goes as far back England and' family was too much and ,before very long Tom' in history as 1100· A.D. He gets returned to his mllny of his ideas for decorll.hom e to Vi n . tions from nature, fabrics, wallpaper, and historical research. Presently he is ' an art teacher in "Of course," he went on, "aftlil r Stoughton, ,but yoli'v~ done enough designs the idl~as just seem to c:ome out 9f his outstanding your~ead and fit the piece ability wi t h color and his you're decorating." Tom listed such places as flair for·turning "Good' Will Industries, SalvaGerman Bishops Urge an ordinary item tion Army, St. Vincent de Paul into, a collector's' Catholics Aid Biafra Society and antique shops as s6urces for furniture finds. He piece has re.. MUNICH (NC)-Th'e GenTIan sulted in Tom's bishops have again urged Cathus'~s these sources, as well as. 'I not only workolics to support the relief work ing days in the field of art but private parties, to pick up the 'of German Caritas, Catholic pioces that he refinishes and nights as well. . charities organization, for the Three nights a week he' decorates. He 'then proceeded to war-stricken population in Niteaches a course in furniture list some tips that readers of geria and the breakaway state decorating and room interiors thi.s column could use if they lof Biafra. at Portsmouth High School in WE!re refinishing furniture. The bishops also appealed to Portsmouth, R. I. ' I Refinishing Tips FOR BIAFRA: .FatherDermot Doran, Irish Holy Ghost mis- the government tQ give suffi1). Look through antique and Fo'r three years this ' young' man of." talent operated "La thidft shops until you find the sionary from. Biafra, explains nee~s of starving people in that cient f4ndsto aid ihe' hum\lniChaumiere," a smart little gift piece that appeals to you. blockaded area to Mrs.. Manila ,Caprine, National Secretary tarian work of the relief agenshop in' Middleboro that sold :!) Strip the, piece down for of the Catholic Daughters of America and Miss Eileen Egan of cies and also asked It to work "in every possible way' for a stunning items of furniture that best results. Catholic Relief Services. NC PhotC? cease-fire in the near future" in Tom had decorated,. along with :3) Coat with 2 or 3 coats of'a the Nigerian civil war. some of his own paintings. g(}od flat paint in the color deU was really through one of sired. . . The bishops said· German Car:. -I) Varnish. Tom's paintings that Joe and I Has has up to now spent $8 milfirst became acquainted with . :5)' Apply design with o~t paini, lion for supplies for Nigeria and him and .that painting of a clown mixed with a small amount .of Biafra. The German people have A:;:DA; NCCW Affiliate$ Underwrite' Cost done in soft tones' of green and varnish. ' .' . given about $S million of this . gold is one of our' most prized 15) When fully dry, antiqJ,ie Of Ch9rte~ Flight amount and '.f~·~eral a~d. state possessions. _. with a glaze of ,burnt umber. 1 authorities have contributed NEW YORK (NC)-Forty tons t»~ four transport planes recent- about $3 million. Transportation However, it wasn't until I Tom recently' purchased orie l~ obtained from ,the U.S. govtook a short course with him in of the elegant large older homes of food 'and me'dicine, plus a costs have amounted to more furniture decorating that I ;be- in Fall River and he is ,busy quantity of storage sheds, were ernment for the emergency re- than $3 million. Ubf operation. came aware of how much he'had turning its Victorian loveliness shipped from here on a charter ICost of the charter flight, $40,to offer in this field and the into a showpiece. He, his lovely flight by Catholic' Relief Serfield of interiors. He immediate- wife Jean, and their two and vices to aid the starving in Bia- OQO, was, underWritten by the Catholics, Lutherans C~tholic Daughters of America ly saw the possibilities of beauty a~biilfyear old son Jason prom- fra. The $122,000 'cargo was con- and affiliates of· the National Co-Publish Study in the most decrepit piece of' ised that I could return whe'n NEW YORK (NC)-Two' pubfurniture and throughj his thE!y had finished redecorating signed to the Port~guese West Cbuncil of Catholic Women, lishing liouses, one Catholic and guidance this vision was im- t:'E!house and to ,do a column Africa 'island of Sa~ Tome. They which have donated more than will be shuttled. into blockaded $200,000 to the CRS,' overseas !>ne Lutheran, have co-sponsored parted to his students. In a very for The Anchor. an ecumenical-theological "work Biafra on ,the nighttime mercy rEilief agency of U.S. Catholics, short period of time that item It will be in a portion of this eme'rgency Nigeria-Biafra on Martin Lather, written by you thought ready for the junk house that Tom will create his . airlifts operated by Joint·Church for I . Father Harry J. McSorley, pile had become a "thing of interiors and do his custom Aid, a composite group of Cath- programs. . C.S.P., a noted Luther scholar. beauty" and in all probability pai.nting of furniture. '. olicand Protestant relief agen!JOSeph Galano of Keansburg, c!es of Europe and the United N,J., eRS representative on Sao a conversation piece for your The book titled "Luther: Right , States. home. Tpme, was aboard the plane, reor Wrong?" was co-published by In'vites Religious leaders Color Scheme Center The shipment .included 16 t4rning to. the .Island after two the Augsburg Publishing House "A painted and' decorated tons of precooked high protein weekS consultations at· the in Minneapolis and the Newman T 01 Peace Conferencce ' piece can serve as a center for baby food, donated by UNICEF; agency's world headquarters Press here. BONN(NC )-Russia~ Orthd~- six tons of· other high protein h~re. It was the 16th direct chara color scheme, as that extra boost some rooms may need, or , dOJePatriarch Alexei of Moscow foods, and 11 tons of antibiotics, te,r from the U.S.' Biafranrelief as the perfect way to retain the and all Russia' has invited the vitamins and medicinals. Also, o~ganized by the Catholic agency beauty of an older piece. heads of all the world's religious seven tons / of pre-fabricated . sipce mid-July, 1968. Through the use of paint the denominations -to a peace confet- sheds for storage on Sao Tome good lines of an item can be em- em:e in Moscow July 1-4, 1969, . of supplies and ,spare' parts for : phasized and the poor ones it was reported here. Keep Prayer ,]~he aim of the conference is . ILONDON '(NC) - ' Britain's to :.timulate'the members of rell- Attendance Declines gove~n~ent plans to retain daily' Archbishop to !,ddress g~otis bodies throughoutth'e , ptayer and compJllsory religious world to work for internatiomil At Novenas, Devotions education.in its state scho(}ls, ·the Interfaith Assembly peace. i , PITTSBURGH (NC) ~ A sur- n~tional education minister, EdAUSTIN (NC) - Archbishop ,]~he plan for the conference vey conducted ,by the Pittsburgh, 365 NORTH. FRONT ST'REET Johii" J .. Carberry of. St. Louis, was worked out a,t a meeting <if- diocesan pastoral council's sub- w~rd Short, has declared. He NEW BEDFORD chairman of the U. S. Bishops' the heads of the Soviet Union's committee on devotional life made the announcement as he Committee on Ecumenical and relilgious denominations in the shows that attendance at Forty discussed details of a proposed 992-5534 Interreligious' Affairs, will 'ad- Zal~orsk monastery near Mos~ Hours, First Friday and First n~w education .act at a school opening ceremony at Newcastle. dress the constitution assembly coW'. , Saturday (}bservances and· at of the Texas Conferenc~ of In additionjo Patrfarch Alexei, novenas has declined in nearly Churches here Feb. 24 to 26. other signers of the invitation half the parishes of the diocese. Dr. Arthur S. Flemming, pres- included Bishop Joseph MatuThe survey indicated . parish . dent of the National Council of laitls..Labukas, apostolic admin'- rliltreats have not been n(}tably Churches, will also speak. Some istrator of Kaunas, Lithuania, an affected QY the decline. Fifty40 religious bodies will ,be rep- Estonian Lutheran archbis~op, nine per cent of the parishes reand leaders' of the Moslem and ported .attendance the same, resented. , The preliminary constitution Buddhist 'religious communttie~ while 26 per cent said it was of the conference was approved in the Soviet Union. declining, according to the surunimimously by the 10· Catholic vey. bishops of Texas in Austin in Daily Mass attendance was Best S~rClJ~egy , reported the same by 3S'per ,cent March, 1968, unanimously approved by the general ass¢mbly The best strategy is always to of the parishes; 24 per cent said of the Texas Council of be very strong, first '''generally, it. was decreasing , and 27 per Churches later the same month -the,n at 'the decisive point. cent said it was increasing, the in San Antonio. -von Clausewitz. survey showed.
DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners
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YN~ ANCi;O~·-
Ideal Gard,eri'Should Give Children Place to Enioy
Thurs., Jom, 23, 1969
Religious Sisters Hold Chapter
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
CINCINNATI (NC)-The option of allowing more individual responsibility to Sisters in choosing their own appointments was one of several proposals considered by the Religious Sisters of Mercy of the Cincinnati Province at a provincial chapter meeting here. Other proposals considered in the sessions at Edgecliff College here included providing more flexibility in the formation of candidates, a si"ngle vow of "total commitment to Christ," and decentralization ofprovin~ial government ,by election of "area coordinators" with administrative responsibility in their own areas. Mother Mary Albert Linnemann, provincial, emphasized the necessity of development and constant reassessment in every undertaking in a "changeoriented world," while avoiding "overaction" under the pressure of the times. In making use of many possible approaches, she said, the congregation "should expand the capacity for change while p'erforming tOday's jobs."
The garden catalogues continue to arrive daily and this year I am determined to get my orders for a dozen ruffled begonias ($8 per dozen) and we are now selecting a new supply of azaleas. Every year about this time we begin to feel the excitement One way or another, man was of, working out the master determined that progress should plan for our garden. Somenot be impeded and that this where in the distant future small area of untouched acreage I have a vision oian informal lovely garden where children will feel at home. This is the ultimate criterion for me. If the children don't feel free to enjoy, themselves as I ·dld as a :boy in my father's garden, then I don't think a garden can be a success. Like a w.ellplanned home, a garden should· be a place where children can be part of the setting and not interlopers in an adult world. Perfect Garden My perfect garden is far from a re~lity. Each year 'brings new new ideas and new plants to further it, but it is a slow process. ·This year we Intend to add a few more frui t trees, some azaleas, a few more' greens, a half dozen roses, some new clematis and loads and loads of annuals which we will grow from seed. Annuals are particularly good for a gardener who does not have everything and they are particularly good where there are young children around. Marigolds and zinnias and the like are go'OO for cutting and dazzling to the eye. The .children cut them for their mother or put them in vases and can do them little harm. More formal settings of plants can ·be accomplished with perennials and lIowering shrubs, but the children love' the annuals. One additonal' must for next year's garden is the hltroduction of more garden statuary. This is difficult to come by .because of the expense involved, but I have faith that I will come across a budding young artist who will sell me what I am looking for without tearing a hole in my wallet. In the Kitchen Jason is learning to skate at the ripe old age of three and oddly enough I am enjoying it as much as he. You see, the nice thing a·bout teaching' a preschooler a Winter sport is the fact that he has to ,be supervised; and naturally Mother or Dad are the ones that have to do the supervising. This creates a perfect excuse for me to breathe a bit of muchneeded fresh air and also enjoy the scenery at the pond where we take the children skating (while not feeling guilty because I should 'be cleaning the house or tending to the washing and ironing). The pond is as pretty as a Currier and Ives Print and as I keep one eye on my "up and down" little one I wonder just how many more Winters the children (and parents) of the area will be able to enjoy its beauty. Don't Impede Progress Only a few months back, local real estate agents were bickering over a bill to rezone the estate on which the pond is located. At one time there had been a proposal to build a strell,mlined shopping center here, another proposal, the latf.!st, was designed to replace its natural bea\lty with an architectural marvel of steel and concrete to house a modern apartment complex.
should not go on without being modernIzed. Oddly enough, as I watched the' happy faces of the skaters and hockey players, as they glided over the silvery ice, I couldn't help ·but .think that 'the destroying of this bucol~c spot by man would ac.tuallY ,be a .olow against progress and a step backwards. In the busy modern world, where mere living is carried on at such a frantic pace, moments of peace' are hard to come by and places to enjoy these moments are even rarer. It frightens me to realize that all such spots of privacy for simple' enjoyment are falling prey to the bulldozer and to greed. This recipe is perfect for a light dessert to end a heavy meal. NO-BAKE Coeonut CAKE 1 envelope unflavored gelatin lh cup cold water 4 egg yolks, beaten 2 Tablespoons regular all-purpose flour lf4 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 4 egg 'whites 1 10 inch angel-food cake 1 cup fine-grated .cocnut 1 cup heavy cream . 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar 1 square unsweetened chocolate 1) Sprinkle gelatin over cold water to soften 2) In saucepan combine egg yolks with flour, stir until smooth. Now stir in salt, then gradually. stir in milk. Cook over low heat stirring. constantly, until custard coats back of spoon well. 3) Now stir gelatin into hot custard. Refrigerate until cool about one hour. 4) Beat egg whites stiff; fold into cooled custard. 5) Tear angel-food cake into large irregular pieces; use half to cover bottom of 13 by 9 by 2 inch baking pan; pour half of custard around and over cake pieces; sprinkle with half of coconut. Repeat with remaining cake pieces and custard. 6) Whip cream with sugar; spread on top of cake and sprinkle with rest of coconut. Refrigerate. At serving time, grate chocolate, then sprinkle over top of cake. .
Select College Students For Intern Program FlRINCE~ON (NC) Four Cathollc college students were among 45 journalism students selected to participate in the second annual edi,ting intern program sponsored by the Newspaper Fund. Each of .the 45 will receive a $500 scholarship after working eight weeks next surner as a copy ~it<lr for one of the 45 participating newspapers. Prior to the newspaper assignments, the interns will receive a .threeweek intensive indoctrination at one of three centers: Temple University, Philadelphia; the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and the University of Nevada, Reno.
ST. IGNATIUS GUILD: Preparing programs for the newly formed guild' at Bisnqp Connolly High Sc;hool, Fall River,. are: seated, Mrs. Robert Bond, telephone com",ittee; Mr::>. Robert Nedderman, president. Standing: Mr. Ftands J. McManu~, S.J. faculty member; Mrs. Francis Sullivan, publicity; Mrs. Thomas Dolan, corresponding secretary:
Mother Mary Albert said "the modern world needs mature personalities who live according to the convictions of their own consciences. If the Church is to offer the modern world the liberating example of a real ethic of responsibility," she added, "then religious ~ommunities must ,be outstanding models of this particular ideal." The Cincinnati province includes Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Jamaica,' West Indies.
.Negro Students' at Catholic Girls School . , Explain Attitude. NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Black Power has emerged at St. Jos~ph's girls' high schooi here and, although it set white students and teachers on edge at first, both blacks and whites now agree .they have learned a little more about living. together. It was all done with BRASSB 1a c k Revolutionary Action amOlig Soul Students~a group of 60 black girls who formed their organization with, the permission of principal Sister· Alice Marie, C.S,J. The confrontation began soon after, when BRASS announced p1ans for' a "Black experience" "':-a presentaUon of Af·ro-America.n 'art, music, literature and drama-and white students tried to take part. They were' .refused. And they were confused, said Sister Alice Marie, because they didn't understand why. She arranged a Eeries of meetings at which the white girls got this message, in the words of one BRASS member:
"We have .to separate fOf a while so that 'We can find ourselves. If we can't ge,t together wtth ourselves, we can't get together with anybody." That made sense to white students and teachers and, through more meetings at which BRASS members described their own lives-their homes, ,their problems, their parents and Black Power itself-the understanding grew. "White America," said a BRASS leader later, "wants the black people t<l be white because black is not good. Some blacks want ,to be white. But we are really black and we want to be black."
ELECTRICAL Contradoll"s
CHICAGO (NC)-The Christian Century, ·an ecumenical magazine published here, has announced that Father Gregory Baum, O.S.A., and Mrs. Sally McDevitt Cunneen have become editors-at-large. Father Baum, a noted ecumenist, is a professor of theology at St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto. Mrs. Cunneen is the author of a recent book on the evolving attitudes of Catholic women toward the Church.
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Sees New Canor' Law Code' As Briefer, More Modern NEW YORK (NC)-The code of canon law being re.;. in Rome will end up being briefer, more modern and effective, in the opinion of Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester, N.H. The chairman (If the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Canonical Affairs one another, except an auxili"explained that canon law is to ary, but we're talking about Or~ Church law, developed over dinaries bere, in their diocese. , nearly 2,000 years. He said And the only superior the bishvis~d
Church law was codified in 1917, op has is the Pope and the only but that this code is now 50 way of appealing from the bishyears old,and its revision. is un- op is to ,the Holy Father. , "Of course, this again involves der way in Rome . 'Asked what be thought the a mechanism that is not too easy code would be like after revi- and is prolonged, so they feel there should be intermediate sion,-Bishop Primeau said: "I think 'that, if I read the !Steps inVlOlving canon law minds of the bishops throughout whereby there would be other the world, ultimately they will methods of getting what we call have a very. important say in due process." the whole matter, no matter Regional Tribunals what is done by the preparatory Asked 'about the "rumor gocommissions and so forth. That the law wIll be much briefer, ing ,round" that "if you have that it will be more modern and "'enough money, you can get marmore effective" that's really riage .cases handled over in Rome," Bishop ,Primeau said a what we're looking for." . Explaining the, meaning of statement is "absolutely false." He said he was in Rome for Church law and the operation of diocesan :tribunals, Bishop 13 years, in an office that hanPrimeau said canon law has a dlE!d three ,to four thousand marprovision' for du'e process, "but ria,ge cases a year, and that in at we feel that it Is hard to operate le~LSt half of the some 300 cases .that due process we have now." adjudicated by the Roman Rota in a year, "nobody paid anything. Seek Expert Opinions It'll free." . He noted that some persons "There are all sorts of suggesiions .as to how this part of are able to bring in lawyers, the law WQuld be changed," the which a poor person couldn't bishop continued. "As a matter afford to do, but that happens of fact we're making a concen- in this couniry and elsewhete \rated effort here in the United too. States ·to· get expert opinions on :Bishop Primeau said every dithis, and we' funnel' these oc'ese has a tribunal for' handling through our' canon law commit- - marriage cases, 'but 'that small tee to the bishops, and if they dioceses have "relatively few want to they will send them . ca;ges and of course they have on to code, eommission~ small personnel, and because of "But 4.efinitely this will/take this ,they are not as effective as time, of course. We would like wll'd like them to be." to .see a little experimental "And so, it is beIng disCliss~d work done in the meantime." flOW," the bishop continued, Askecfif some priests are ,cor- "that we bave regional tribunals rect in saying publicly today rather than have each diocese that, in a difference with their with a tribunal; for blst'ance, say bishop, they don't have recourse for 'New England, we have 11 to due process of law, Bishop di,oceses there.~' He ex.plained Primeau said that, as he under- that "everybody would give perstood .what has tx:anspired in the sonnel and Whatever wa;s needed past, due process of canon law in' the tribunal" and' all cases "has certainly been followed," would be handled mo.re effeband "one would make a serious tively. " mistake if be didn't follow it in such a case as this." "But ,this is 'precisely the Prelates Or9al'ili~e point," Bishop Primeau contin- Florid(if Confell'en(:e ' ued. "I think the priests are MIAMI (NC) - The Florida claiming that within the canon' law there isn't that type of due Catholic Conference has been process_ that responds to the organiied to take an "active and needs of a situation. Now, as a cooperative role in, the health, matter of fact, if you don't like education and welfare activities what your bishop is doing, there that promote tile material and are certain other ways of hand- moral well-being of the' people of the State of Florida." ' ling it. The conference, with offices in. Tallahassee, was organized by Pope Is Superior "First of all, they're not the Catholic bishops of Florida. known by the general public, Thomas A. Horkan, Jr., a Miami nnd, second, they are hard to native and an attorney here for manage. But the easiest way III years was named executive would be to appeal to' Rome be- director. Explaining the function' of the cause the Pope is the immediate superior.. of every bishop in the conference, which has been chartered as a, non-profit cbrworld. "No other bishop is, superior poration under the Florida constitution, 'Horkan' said Florida's five Catholic prelates .serve 'as C~lif. P'arish Holds members of the board of direct(lrs. ~ass in Synagogue One of the principal objectives LOS ANGELES (NC) -Four- olE the conference, Horkan said Sunday masses for the members will ,be to provide an easily ac~ of ,the fire-destroyed St. Basil's cl;!SSible channel of communicaChurch here in California' will . tion by which Catholics in Florbe celebrated weekly, for the ida ,may be contacted and may' time being, in Wilshire Boulecommunicate with Church and vard Temple. Msgr. Henry Gross sl~cular agencies and other accepted'the offer of Rabbi Ed- groups in matters affecting the gar Magnin for use of the syna- common good, and'assist in the gogue with its 700-seat auditl)ri- solution of problems pertaining urn. to the general welfare. (
FALL RIVER SERVICE: Churches of Fall River area participate in ecumenical service in observance of Week of Prayer for Christ:ian Unity, held at St. ;,I,ean ~apfiste Church, Fall River. From left, Raymond J. Cheney, lay reaper; _Rev. John P. Cronin of. St. Vincent's Home, who gave blessing; Dr. Betty Ann Metz of Bristol Community College, lay reader; Msgr. Henri A.Hamel, pastor of host church; Rev. Clarence F. 'Gifford, who delivered invocation; Rev. Roger A. Sawtelle, who offered prayer following Litany for Christian Unity.
Priest Says Industrial Theology Needed Sees Busi~e$s Ethics Vital "Subject DAYTON (NC)-A sociologist told a seminar on the role management in the social action field here there is a need for an "industrial theology" to' help man understand ,the ultimate significance of ,business and industry, and the meaning' of work. " Father Theodore V. Purcell, S.J., director .of the Cambridge , Center for Social StUdies, at, a conference of middle managers at the University of Dayton, said 'business ethics has not caught on as a vital suQiect. The seminar, aiined primarily at master of 'business administration alumni of the university, focused mainly on "the problem of liard-core unemployment. About 200 business,and industry managers participated. Positive View Father Purcell said executives tend to react unfavorably to the term ".business ethics," because it is suggestive of "a lot of 'shalt ,nots'" and IS "threatening and negative." The executives,' in substance, say they already are 'ethical, he added. But he s'aid there is a positive view which "sees man made in God's image and sharing in His ·creative plan. The middle manager can help, people relate to ,one another in social ways, which is a creative kind of
Pclli'r IFavo I\" Holid~y
To Honor Kill1g WASHINGTON (NC )-4 senutor and 'a congressmen have called on Congress to establish the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr.-.Jan. 15--as a 'O'a. tional holiday: Congressmen John Conyers of Michigan, "reiterated his proposal to establish a. nationally observed "Martin Luther -King Day" and Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts introduced a similar resolu"tion in the Senate.
thing,perhaps as much as designing the computer to get the n\odule to .the moon," Father Purcell said: He emphasized the personal character of work, through Which man can' fulfill himself and, in sense, find God, who is the Maker,. the' Manager, the Accountant." Man' has to work in order to b;e a man, he 'said. Welfare or "dead end jobs" will not give him the fulfillment he must haVe, he added: i Social RespOnsibiUiy Father Purcell said theologians "haven't said very much t~at's meaningful to ,thebusinessman," even though business people ~re interested in theology's message. He suggested that I theological answers ultimately c;ln be given to such practical ' ~uestions about the negative reaction of many college students to business recruitment programs. I.• "The)' don't want to be a man with a martini, lim ulcer and a gray flannel suit," he continued. "They want to be significant and they feel the cold corporation i/ln't." o
Actually, he said, there is purpose ,and meaning in many ,corporations than youths imagine, citing the growth of corporate social responsibiUty. -Father Purcell called onl management to revamp the supervisory system to give a foreman more credit for dealing with p~ople "as ,persons" in his department. "The foreman now is graded on quality, production and efficiency and not too much on how he holds the hand of somebody that needs help," the priest said. "Management needs to work this out." ~ore
The most friendly, democratic BANK oHering
Complete Onea$fop Banking Club Accounts Auto Loans Checking Accounts Businesn Loans Savings Accounts Real Es~ate lLoans . At Somell'set ShoPl?ing Area-Brightman §~. Bridge Member F~deral Deposit In!jurance Corporation
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs.;
Name Student and Teacher As Top Young Catholics
Jan. 23, 1969
WASHINGTON (NC)-An 18-year-old girl from the University of Dallas and a 26-year-old teacher at a Catholic high school in New York state have been selected as the Outstanding Catholic Youth and the Outstanding Catholic Young Adult of' the Mosey, of the Buffalo Diocese, year. The winners were Patti Yezak, university fresh-, has served as deanery president, ·president,· regional man from Bremond, Texas, diocesan president and is currently the
and Gerard J. Mosey, teacher (It 'Bishop Duffy High School in North Tonawanda, N.Y. The annual nationwide oompetition is conducted by the National Catholic Youth Organization Federation of the Division of Youth Activities, United States Catholic Conference. Each was selected among five fmallsts,according to Michael McGown of Beaumont, Texas, president of ,the 1'eenage Section of the National CYO Federation and Adair Turootte of Manchester, N.H., vice president of the federation's Young Adult Section. . Miss Yezak, of the Diocese of Austin, is active in parish, district, diocesan, regional and national CYO. She was district treasurer, diocesan treasurer and diocesan president.
national president of the young adult section. He is in "Who's Who in Eastern United States," was the diocesan Outstanding Catholic Young Adult of 1968, and was runner-.up in the Jaycees Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award.
Catholic College Raises Tuition
CANTON (NC)-Rising operating costs at Walsh College will ·be reflected in higher ,tuition fees that will beoome effective at the start of the .1969-70 term in .September. Brother Thomas S. Farrell. F.I.C., Walsh. president, announced that the college ,trustees had approved a tuition increase of $65 a semester, from $425 to $490. Tuition for students not taking a full study load (14 credit hours minimum) will be inWASHINGTON (NC) -Pat- creased $5 a semester hour, from rick Cardinal O'Boyle of Wash- $30 to $'35. The increases, Brother Farington and Archbishop Terence J. Cooke of New York we're rell said, are "a matter of suramong a group of clergymen vival" for private oolleges who took part in religious ser- caught in a cycle of rapidly invices attending the inauguration creasing costs. Inflation has of President Richard M. Nixon compounded the problem. "The cost of plant operation· here. instructional programs Archbishop' Cooke delivered and the benediction following the makes it mandatory to ask that swearing-in ceremonies at the the student pay a larger share of U. S. Capitol. The invocation the cost of his education," he which opened the ceremonies' explained. was given' by Bishop Charles Ewbank Tucker, Louisville, Ky., of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion church.. Other prayers at the cereSAN JUAN: (NC) - A . group monies were offered by Arch- of 78 Lutherans in a paid adbishop Iakavos, Greek Orthodox vertisementpublished here critprimate of North and South icized the backwardness which America; Rabbi Edgar F. Mag- has ,brought on a "desperate and nin of Los Angeles, and the Rev. critical situation" in the LutherBilly Graham, internationally an Church in Puerto Rico. . known evangelist. The Rev. Raymond Zayas was Cardinal O'Boyle participated among the signers of the in a tri-faith prayer service in "manifesto," which complained the west auditorium of the State the Lutheran Synod of the Department ,building, which was Caribbean is trying to work in open to the pu,blic. The religious the current "social and indusobservance unit of the Inaugural trial change with the same inCommittee said it was the first struments and methods it used time an inaugural prayer service 30 or 40 years ago." of its kind had been added to The "manifesto" charges the the inaugural program since Lutheran Synod· with failure to George Washington's first in- "define itself"; lack of strategy augural in 1789. and militant 'activism, and "a Others who took part in the lack of identification with Puerservice, held prior to the inaug- to Rican social problems." ural ceremonies, included Bishop Stephen G. Spottswood of the Third Episcopal District of the P~an Reoll'gafilgZgti~nil American Methodist Episcopal Zion church; Rabbi Jacob Rudin, MANCHESTER (NC)-Bishop president of' the Synagogue Council of America; the Rev. Ernest d. Primeau of ManchesCharles S. Ball, former pastor ter has announced changes in . of the East Whittier (Calif.) the organizational structure of Friends Meeting, and the Rev. the diocese which represent a Norman Vincent Peale of New broad delegation of authority on York, who read the Call for the diocesan and local levels. ·Il\cluded in .the announcement Spiritual Renewal. was the appointment of three vicars episcopal for the diocese, in ·the areas of Christian formaTORONTO (NC) -A survey .tion, community affairs and adhas disclosed that Canadians be- ministration. Each vicar will came wealthier ,but gave less to have authority -in his assigned charitable causes during 1963. area similar to that of a vicar general of the diocese. The nationwide poll ·by a fundIn addition, Bishop Primeau raising consultant firm showed Canadians gave $4.5 million less appointed nine deans and 20 in 1968 than in 1067 to charities. diocesan consultors.
Prayer Services Mark Inaugural
Lutherans Criticize Puerto Rico Church
Of Manchester See
Gifts Decline
~J )
AT UNITY SERVICE: Participants in' Service for Christian Unity sponsored jointly by churches of Somerset and Swansea are, from left, Clyde Harrington; Rev. Merrill Emery, pastor .of host church, Congregational Christian Church of Somerset; Edwa'rd McDonagh, speaker for the event and lay. coordinator of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for the Fall River Diocese; Rev. Roland Deschenes, St. Michael's Church; Swansea; Rev. Alden Burhoe, Church of Our Savior, Somerset. . .
Bishop Says School System to Continue ,
Missouri Prelate Rejects Board's Proposal KANSAS CITY .(NC)-Bishop Charles H. Helmsing of Kansas City-5t. Joseph has rejected a call ·from the diocesan schoo'l board to shut down the paro~ial school system by September if state aid is not provided. He announced the diocese will maintain ,the parochi-al schools for at least three years at a reduced level as ·recommended in a pastoral planning survey. T-heschool board suggested that all 'diocesan elementary and high schools be closed this fall unless the state agrees to assume 50 per cent of the cost of operating the financially hard-pressed system. In the event state aid IS provided, the schools should be open to those of all faiths, with religious instruction for those who' want it, the board said in its recommendation. The board's statement came a few days after the Catholic bishops of Missouri warned in a joint statement that Catholic schools cannot be expected to oontinue indefinitely without financial assistance. They asked for "00operative arrangements" in which private 'agencies and the state would share educational costs. Time, Effor~ Invested Bishop Helmsing said~ "I share the concern of the members of the school board regarding the financial problems confronting our diocesan school system." He added, however, that he 'preferred ,the plan offered by the pastoral planning team because of the "time and effort" invested in it, and because it has been approved by the diocesan p~storal council, a group composed of priests, Religious, and laymen which is the "highest advisory body" in the diocese. "For this reason, and also my judgment of the lack of readiness on the part of the oommu-
nity to accept such a strong reso- ~ducation supplement fund to lution, I do not think that this aid high schools and schools in is ,the appropriate time to act inner-city areas. It is projected on the board's resolution," Bish- over a three-year period. "The school system is a unit, op Helmsing stated. "At the same time I encourage the board arid the plan 'ties all schools toto continue its efforts to work gether financially so they must out cooperative arrangements . survive or fail together now," with the state." . commented Father William A. The 14-member diocesan school Bauman, who served as executive secretary of the survey. board has both clerical and lay, The plan calls for a reduction elected and ap.pointed members. in the number of 'elementary It is headed by John Martinez, a Negro. The 'vote on the recom- schools from 62 to 51. mendation was 12 to 1, with one abstention. System Is Unit NEW IRAYES! ! The .board said the diocese should provide the other 50 per Regular Savings 4%% cent of the schools' cost, ,continue to own and maintain :the 90 Day Notice 5%% physical facilities, administer the school programs, and provide reSystematic 5 3/.1 % ligious instruction to students Daily ~nfrere$fr 4%% who wanted it by qualified representatives of their respecTerm Cerfri~k<OJ~e 5%% tive faiths. 'At present there are 23,000 students in 62 grade and nine Ba$~ ~~ver diocesan high sohools here. The Savi!rn~~ diocese spends $4 million a year to operate the element8lry Sank by Mail schools and $1.5 million to operwe pay the postage ate ,the high schools. The chief recommendations of • SOUTH YARMOUTH • HYANNIS the pastoral planning survey • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PlAZA are a consolidation of the ele• DENNIS PORT CI OSTERVILLE mentary school system, ~md an
P~y, R~isel for,
THE'ANCHO~-DiQceseof Fall',River,-T~~r.~.i Jan'.,23, 19~:9 ..
Says -Direct" Aiid to Farms ' Promising Gro~~th Pattern ,By
People who oppose economic assistance programs even in the critical field of agriculture do not usually say: "I 'frankly' do not much care if millions of my fellowm~n go hungry." They are more inclined to argue that' aid does . : not work. Yet in one of the larger countries in Asia' population, exports began to Pakistan _ the rate 'of agri- grow by seven ·per cent a y~ar cultural growth ,has doubled and Pakistan ,became, an actual since the early 1960s and certainly this advance could not have been a chi eve d without large scale assistance " fro m outside. The Ald-Pakistan Consortium of Western donors under the chairmanship of the World Bank " provides about $500 millions a year to Pakis, tan 'at present, a sum which is just under $5 a head' of the population. How It Was Managed The way in which growth ha.s been secured is instructive for . ·n:,.ore. than Pakistan's case. In the 1960s, the Pakistan government was above all concerned . to get savings into the new processes of industry and to sel!. that food, .prices were not to~ high for the townspeople. ' It bought grain from the fanners at low fixed prices but they in turn hadio bllY their requirements 'at normal prices. Agricultural experts, were also taxed. All this meant that resources .were transferred ,from . the farms to the towns. Industry did ind~6d grow-by over 100 .per cent j. year-but by the end of the '50s, food output was almost stationary in spite of a three per cent annual increase in population; and the countryside, where nearly 70 per cent of the ·people still lived, had no spare money to ,buy the new manufactur~s. The wl)ole economy threatened to coI;l1e to a' halt. At this point, policy was drastically changed. Export duties ;were, abolished, the farmers were allowed to sell their food at market prices, while subsidies reduced the price of fertilizer and tube-wells were installed and the Government had to begin to race ahead with power and water development to prevent the farmers from blowing all the fuses in their enthusiasm for irrigation. Food output went ahead of
Heads Archdiocesan Education Board DENVER (NC)-8ister Thomasine Wilcox has been aPPQinted executive director for -the Metropolitan Denver Board of Catholic Education .being formed here' 'by Archbishop James V. Casey of Denver. Sister Thomasine was given permission ,by the Sisters of Loretto to serve in the new post until June 30, 1970. S~e left as principal of St. Mary's Academy here to take the position and has been'succeeded at the school by Sister Ann Lucille Ryan. Archbishop Casey, it is expected, will complete appointments to the nine-member board by Feb. 1. Chief priority of the board will ,be the direction of the five parochial high schools in this area.
VATICAN CITY (N9-Pope Paul VJ ',has rais-ed Vatican salaries ,by 6 per cent and augmented the family allowance of Vatican employees by 20 per cent. It was the third time Pope Paul gave 'a wage increase in
Vatican 'Workers
ihis pontificate of five: and a palf, years. In _addition, regular raises granted every other year were augmented by 6 per cent in the lowest wage cat~gories. Tltat percentage becomes ,progres$ively smaller in the higper categories.
Under this third pay increase of Pope Paul's pontificate" Vatican employees who had been getting $20 per month allowance for each child now will receive $24.. The allowance for a wife rises from about $16 to just over $19.
exporter' of rice.
Foreign Aid Role In all this rapid and exciting change, the role of foreign ,assfstance was indispensable., Ip. o:rder to cushion the cities a,gainst the effeCts of higher food prices, American grain supplies under Public Law 480 were ~ used to prevent ,profiteering and to keep the poorer, townspeople sIlPplied.· Foreign exchange (other counutes' money) was made available- for ,purchases of ,fertilizer, machines and pumping equipment not ·produced in Pakistan. Outside capital has helped 'to finance the large public works ' oj: irrigation and power connl~cted with the vast new dams which are to provide for Pakistan's growing needs in the 1970s.. Infrastructure on this scale would have been unthinkable without, this 'assistance. Because of it, the farms of Pakis'tan can modernize and grow more food ahead of the arrival of' another hundred million PakMani over the next two decades. PlanS for, llndia This pattern of growth - of direct encouragement to the farmers and of freeing the chanm!ls of trade-looks so promising that India ,has started to adlopt it in preparation for its Fourth Plan. The new strategy provides resources for a rapid spread of the new hybrid 'grains and it 'puts much greater emphasis on the provision of fertilizer, on power and feeder roads for the villages, upon tube-wells and fa:rm machinery. . It relies more on the market to get food into circulation. . 'The Government has also devalued the rupee to encourageexports-another instance of relying more directly on the marketo These changes were warmly supported, by the World Barik and by the' -Aid-India Consortium, of which the Up.ited States is the leading member. When the. Indians pointed out the possible cost of the strategy in terms of higher food prices for the ur,ban poor and higher import prices all round, the donors undertook to provide $900 miutons a year -E!quivalent to ab0ut $2 a head -to alleviate the changes,' just as Pakistan had been "cushioned" by aid. Nothing could have shown more clearly thfl~r belief that the Pakistan pattetn had worked and could be apP11ed else~he.re. Up to Cungress Unfortunately, the Strategists reckoned without the American Congress. Having pushed the Indians to reform, neither the World Bank nor the American Government .can deliver the quid pro quo~ The Bank's "soft loan" agency-the International Development Association-waits on Congress for replenishment. American aid has been virtually halv~. As a result, one wonders how many of today's children in India may go hungry, hoVl many' of tomorrow's may NAME' starve.
THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH SEND YOUR GIfT TO The Riglrt Re~'ere"d Edw'lrd T.,O'Meara National Director 366 Fijth Avenue New York. New York 10001
The Right Revere"d Raymolld T. COllsidille
OR Diocesan Director
368 North Main Street Fall River, Massaclrusells02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
National Black Clergy Conference Spurns White-Style Integration NEW ORLEANS (NC) -The Southern branch of the National Black Catholic Clergy Conference issued a single statement after a two-day meeting here, rejecting integrat:ion according to white specificatons and advocating continuation of black territorial .parishes. At a press conference chaired by Father Rawlin Enette, S.S.J., Newman chaplain, Southern University, Baton Rouge, 'and chairman of the' Southern region, the black priests answered a variety of questions concerning the aims and ambitions of the 'black clergy. During the conference, it was announced the National Black Catholic Clergy Conference would hold its national meeting here in April. The regional statement, hammered out in a daylong meeting, endorsed, encouraged, and "promised that the black priests would positively labor for the continuation ox the ,black territorial parish as a ,black unit not only for the spiritual formation ox souls, ,but as a unit for'selfdetermination and black development socially, psychologically, economically, and politically." The statement concluded: "We reject the current practice and trend toward 'integration' (solely according to white specifications) which is neither a present reality nor wlll be in the future until black' Catholics have achieved self-determination." The conference began with a Mass in an Afro-mood, highlighted by the use of Negro spirituals in place of traditional church hymns. The chasubles worn 'by three of the nine ,concelebrants were patterned after the African dashiki.
qualified blacks to fill skilled jobs, but white society never permitted qualified blacks to get the ty,pe of education and training needed for skilled jobs, he said. Black Rage
"Law and order?" he asked. "Law and order for whom? The John Birchers? Gov; Wallace? When they want law and order, they get it. But let a young ,black want to stand up and be heard, he doesn't get, this same law and order. He gets put' under the jail." "The mood today is of ·black rage-and whatever blacks are, you helped make them that," he said. Whites talk about their ancestors' pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, Dr. Sikes said. "But you never even gave us boots. What your forefathers did, they did on top of our ,black ·bodies., The only legacies our fathers' could leave us was fear and debt," he declared. The churches are still talking, he said, and 'added "the' most segregated time in America is Sunday at 11 A.M. "Don't give the blacks any song and dance about suffering now and getting a reward in the hereafter. Christ forgave and healed and cared fOrl people here and now when He was on earth. We don't want later, we want some rewards here and now," he declared.
Council of Men Plans Convention
BENEDICTION: Archbishop Terence J. Cooke of New York congratulates President Richard J. Nixon following the benediction given"by the New York prelate on Monday a~ the inauguration.
Iidentity ·Crisis~ at Gonzaga University Students Approve President's Leadership
SPOKANE (NC) - Internal strains and stresses at Gonzaga WASHINGTON (NC) - The University erupted· as students, 1969 Bi-Annual. Convention of administrators and faculty conthe National Council of Catholic fronted one another, about the . Men (NCCM) will be held iIJ. school's future: Polarization of viewpoints St. Louis, April 24 to,27. among faculty and administraThe 49-year-old men's counLove of Se!x cil, representing over nine mil- tion into liberal and conservaIn the homily Father August lion Catholics, will ,have as its tive camps ,brought about the Thompson of the Alexandria, convention theme: "Human Re- "identity crisis" at the Jesuit inLa., diocese explained the black lations in an Evolving Church." stitution. More than 1,200· stucaucus of priests as a "·banding N. A. Giambalvo, NCCM pres- dents abandoned classes to stage together of ·black priests to push ident, said a number of topics a quiet, orderly "Day of Affirthe Church to do what it should will "be discussed' in depth, mation" approving the liberal do." among them the need for on- leadership of the university He called on ·black men to be going discussions and communi- president, Father John P. Leary, proud of 'being black, to over- cations among every sector of S.J. It had been rumored that come the past shame of being the Church community, with black. Father Thompson said special emphasis to be focused Father ,Leary and several other men should love God and their on parish and diocesan concerns. administrators had offered their neighbor. ·but ,black men should resignations; that the presence The St. Louis archdiocesan of Father John Kelley, S.J., pronow begin to practice love of self, to be proud of their black- council of the Laity will host vincial of the Jesuits' Oregon the three-day meeting. Val province, was the result of an ness. "No man can live without a Lammert, president of the coun- SOS from· Gonzaga's conservasense of his own personal val- cil and member of the NCCM tive "Old Guard:" 'Outside Pressure' ue," Father Thompson declared. 'board of directors, said leading "·Let each man ,be accepted by speakers will address the conStudent ,body president Don black and white on his ability vention and a series of presen- Jensen said sfudents were upand bis work. Let each man 'do tations and workshop sessions set about "outside .pressure" his own thing' as ordained ,by are being developed. condemning such "progressive God." education innovations at 'the university as inter-dormItory At a session following the- Blesses Marchers visiting rights for both sexes, Mass, Dr. Melvin Sikes, associappointment of 'lay members to ate director of the Western re- Protesting Regime the once all-Jesuit board of gion, U. S. Community Relations ET'1'UMANOOR (NC);-A proService, emphasized the black test march across Kerala here in trustees, and the new emphasis on student self-government. mood today is a "mood of black India to the state capital to "Outside pressure" reached its rage," a result of white racism. sharpen the opposition to the White society today calls for current communist - led state peak with publication of a congovernment received the ap- troversial poem by black stuprobation of a Catholic prelate dent Jho McNair in the ChristSeeks Reopening mas issue of the Gonzaga Bullehere. tin, student newspaper. Of Biafr('E] Talks Archbishop Gregorios ThanThe poem was labeled "blasLONDON (NC)-Prime Min- galathil of Trivandrum stopped phemous" in a personal letter ister Harold Wilson launched a his car as he saw the marchers from Bishop Bernard J. Topel move to have the Nigerian-Bia- on the road near here and of Spokane to Father Leary. blessed the group. Two pastors fra civil war peace talks reopenCopies of the bishop's letter, of wayside Catholic parishes al.: which also questioned intered in London. so bestowed garlands of flowers 'It was reported Wilson initidormitory visits and the reverr.ted .the surprise move informal- on the marchers. ence of current student chapel ly at the Commonwealth Prime The Indian Congress Party, Masses, were widely circulated Ministers meeting here. The Ni- which organized the trek, sees , among Gonzaga students. fferian chief delegate, Chief Oba- it as the first step in a drive No Resignatiiolll femi Awolowo, was at the ses- to get rid of the state governFather Leary was at a condon. It was reported leaders ment, along the same lines as ference out of town during the from Zambia, Tanzanilli and the "liberation struggle" that two turbulent days at Gonzaga Uganda were ex,pected to seek ended in dismissal of Kerala's and was unavailable for comagreement for 'Biafra to take first communist-led government ment. Rumors Of his reported part in the peace talks. in 1059. resignation could not be verified
but' Gonzaga officials said no resignations had been offered or accepted. Addressing the students in Kennedy Pavilion, Bishop Topel told them he was ;proud of their responsible concern for the university's .problems. He said he felt there was "a 70 per cent chance" the current upheaval would be considered a blessing in years to come. When the bishop agreed to attend a s.tudent chapel service to observe for himself students' reverence or lack of it, he received heavy applause from his young audience. PI'ior to the ·bishop's talk, the Gonzaga Jesuit community is!lued a statement on the three issues brought up in the 'bishop's letter. They said they hoped "to continue to find ways of adapting the liturgy to the needs of lives today (0 (0 (0 in a way that will affirm unity with our bishop." See Deeper Problems Apparently referring to the controversial poem, .publication of which caused a storm of protest in the Spokane area, the Jesuits said the university should provide "legitimate selfexpression," ·but should ·be sure to "protect itself from dangerous legal action and unnecessary alienation." All facets o~ inter-dormitory visits also were to be investigated.
Many students, Jensen said, considered the Jesuits' statemen a "sell-out." The "Old Guard" among Gonzaga's 'faculty, administrators and alumni seemed agreed that the university's crisis was one of identity - with controversial poetry and other current issues merely surface manifestations of deeper problems. They felt the key to the crisis was the trustees' vote to omit the words "Catholic" and "Jesuit" from the school's bylaws as a mea'ns of qualifying for state funds.
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Confe'renee Urges Catholics Work, IPray' for' Peace in' Middle East
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fell River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Synod to Help For.,n Instrument For Meeting Crises in Church I
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Next Autumn's 'extraordinary session . .o f the Synod of Bishops will -try to consolidate· the Holy See and national bishops' conferences into a collegial instrument that can meet "not merely the diffi-. culties but the crises" in. the Church, the synod's permanent secretary has stated. Bishop Ladislaw Rubin also predicted that ,the composition of the theological commission that the first session of the Synod of Bishops, in 1967, asked the Pope to create will be announced "soon." He said, however, that he had no knowledge of the i6entity of the members of the commission, designed to help the Pope and the Doctrinal Congregation to discern and deal with modern currents of -theological thought. The task of forming the longawaited theological commission was entrusted to the Doctrinal Congregation, said Bishop Rubin, who is an auxiliary of Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw but now lives in'Rome. The commission is expected to help avert head on clashes between advant-garde theologians. and Church authorities. Bishop Rubin also announced the membership of two commissions preparing for the synod: one to draft an agenda, and the other to weigh suggesUons for revising the synod's rules of procedure. . Among the six mePlbers of the agenda c;ommittee are ,presidents of bishops' conferences from ,the world's five continents.' Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, represents North America.
rapid settlement, as from its pa.rticular importance." He ·recalled that Pope Paul VI in his last regular pre-Christmas speech to the cardinals of Rome, ha.d emphasized that the synod to meet Oct. 11 was designed ~o foster cooperation between the Holy See and the bishops' conferences, and among the bishops' conferences themselves.
HARTFORD (NC) -A Passionist priest has ,been hired by the city of Hartford as director of an inner-city branch of the Hartford Public Library. Father Brian Rogan.has begun' his duties as director of the li<brary's Ropkins Branch in the predominantly Negro North End. He applied for the job after seeing a newspaper advertisemlent and was accepted several weeks ago. Father Rogan holds a master's degree in library science and lives at the Passionist ,Fathers' Holy Family Monastery in West Hartford.' .
Book Fair Slated By Sucordium
. WASHINGTON (NC) - U. S. Catholics have been urged to pray for world ·peace in 1969, and to focus their concern parUcularly on the problems of the Middle East. A statement from the United States Catholic Conference Divis~on for World Justice and Peace issued in connection with the observance by U. S. Cathol1.cs of the World Day of Peace, said: . "As the year opens, the world is confronted with wars in Vietnam and Nigeria-Biafra; tensions are growing in South A.frica and Eastern Europe; peace is threatened in a score of nations. "Y~t nowhere' else is peace more tenuous, nowhere else has war struck more often in recent tt~e~, than in the Middle East. Withm the pas~ two weeks the p.attern offreprisal and d counter. ' 1 ' reprIsal,.o VlOence an misunderstandmg, has accelerated to the extent that we must, once more ca11 upon C a'th 0 Ii cs·t 0 f ocus their attention especially' here o;n this World Day .of Peace of 11969."
Proper Perspective The statement said that "while praying not only for peace but f\)r justice in the conflict, .we feel it necessary to insist that the Middle East's sufferings' be viewed in their proper perspective." It continued: "Those who wish to bring peace and justice to this troubled area mttst begin with the understanding of two fads: ' That Israel does. exist as Ii state, and isa member nation of the United Nations organization; Asks Negotiations I That a large number of refugees on both sides, many of .them entering their third decape of uncertainty and deprivation, must receive effective help to· permanently relieve th~ir sufferings.
"We plead with the Arab governments to enter sincerely into negotiations in order to find a ground fora just and peaceful coexistence. "We plead with the Israeli gorvernment to maintain a conciliatory spirit ip seeking negotiations and settlements with the Arab governments. We urge all members of the United Nations to strongly support that organization's efforts to seek and utilize every feasible route to peace in the Middle. East." The statement asked all the people of the Middle East "to be particularly mindful of the need' for responsibility and of the repercussions of 'each of their actions, not only on their own welfare but on that of the family of nations." The statement condemned the .violence in the Middle East but commen d e d th e peop1e an d governments-both Arab and Israeli -which have "exercised re.. . stramt 'In a supremely trymg h " our. Catholics must have an increasingly concerned' attitude toward international affairs and must pray constantly for peace, the statement said.
Parish Parade
Thyra Ferre Bjorn, Swedish author and lecturer, will be feaST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, tured at a book fair ~lated for 7:30 Thursday night, Feb. 6 at FALL RIVER Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall Sr. Maureen, R.S.M., of NazaHivel'. Sponsored ,by the acadreth Hall will be the guest emy's Sucordiu'm Club with asspeaker at the Mothers' Club sistance from library aides, the meeting scheduled for 8 o'clock book fair will be open to the on Tuesday 'night, Jan. 28. public without charge. Books on display will include IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, titles that may be purchased for TAUNTON the academy library. Such gifts The .parish societies-Women's will be recogriizedwith approGuild, Holy Name Society, and priate inscriptions, once placed St. Vincent de Paul Societyin the library. . will sponsor a Mammoth Whist Mrs. Bjorn will discuss her Party at 8 on Thursday night, colorful life and will autograph Extraordinary Assembly Jan. 30 in the school auditorium. copies of her many 'books for Bishop' Rubin indicated that Tickets will .be available after 'attendants at the fair. Born and one of the synod's regulations all of the Masses on Sunday and educated in Sweden, she came that may be modified is the very also at the door on the night of to the Vnited States in 1924. She definition of an extraordinary Observers Attend the party. has t)\'o daughters and six Admits ·Federation session of the synod. . grandchildren. To Welfare Council "According to the norms of Sc~minary Talks Her first book was publisQed . BALTIMORE (NC)' - The the synod's 'ordo,' the Synod of PffiLADELPHIA (NC) - Ob- in 1955, and has been followed .planned Parenthood Federation O'CONNELL Bishops meets in extraordinary servers of two Catholic semiby six others, all fictionalized assembly if the matter to be naries have been attending ·biographies and autobiographies. . has been admitted to memberALUMINUM CO. .treated" while concerning the "cluster" discussions conducted She has lectured .widely in the ship in the Baltimore Health and Aluminum Doorl ond Windowl Welfare Council after, a decade good of the Church, demands a by' six Pennsylvania Protestant United States. Awningl - Jaloullel Of argument. quick' settlement. It might con- seminaries. Heads Aides Overhead Garage Doo" . Father J. Francis Stafford, disequently seem that the essential Bathroom Tiling a Specialty Observers from S1. Charles Jayne Hoyle, a senior at 'the part is the urgency of the matter. Borromeo Seminary here and acadeI)1y, is .president of the li- rector of Associated- Catholic 12 BAY ST., TAUNTON "Yet in reality this type of' from the Vincentian Fathers' brary aides who will assist in Charities, said 'his group's board Tel. (817) 824-1918 h~ad not "form'ally" considered assembly . . . takes its charac- Mary Immaculate Seminary in book fair . preparations. Five EDWARD II. O'CONNELL, Prop. the question of whether to withteristic note from the considera- N~)rthhampton, have been at- other seniors, five juniors, five •••••••••••••e••••••••• draw from the Health arid Weltion not so much of the urgency tending the sessi{)n since OctQ- sophomores and eight freshmen Council. The Catholic of the matter and the need of a bel', 1967, at which Protestant comprise the membership of the fare ofJEicials have explored ways to group, which has Sister Eugenia Charities agency threatened to d,o so ,three years ago if Planned seminary education- Margaret, S.U.S.C., school libraParenthood were admitted to Ask State Help Pay strengthen al programs through cooperati~e rian, as moderator.. tbe council. use of resources.' Te~chers' Salaries The Health and Welfare DRY CLEANING The discussions of "clustering" TOLEDO (NC)-Qhio CathoCouncil is a planning and referCommission Scores have examined the possibility of and I'll! agency involving about 140' lics will ask the Ohio Legislature, now in session, to provide :::haring faCUlty and library re- Two Divorce Bills r~ligious and secular social .serFUR STORAGE ROME (NC) - Two divorce tax aid toward payment of· sal- sources; of relocating in an urv~ce groups. It has a $200,01;l0 an3.4-44 Cohannet Street aries of teachers in Catholic ban area near a major university bills, one sponsored by a Son\.ial ·budget, to which Associated Taunton 1 822-6161 schools, it was an~ounced at a for easier access of seminary stu- cialist party member and the Catholic 'Charitie" contributes. meeting of the Catholic Confer- dents to research facilities, and other by a Liberal party' memto in-service "field" assignments . bel', have been called unconstIence of Ohio here. with urban agencies and institu- tutional by Italy's parliamentary IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1II1II1II1Im. The state legislators in 1965 tic-ns. commission for constitutional afpassed Ii bus bill extending the fairs. service to all school children . The commission, however, does and in -1967 passed a bill proDenies Report not have .the last word on deviding some equipment and SAIGON (NC) - Archbishop ciding the constitutionality of auxiliary services for' 'children BRISTOl. COUN'n' in non-public schools. Catholic Paul Nguyen Van Binh of Sai- the bills, After parliamentary gon has denied a report that the debate is completed, the justice high schools students in the' 16 to 18 age bracket will ,benefit former archbishop of Hue, Arch- commission will re-examine 9O-DAY NOTICE under a state financial automo- bishop Ngo .Dinh Thuc, is in them. TIME Australia to investigate the posnenato Tozzi Condivi, spokesbile driver-education program OPEN sibility of Vietnamese Catholics man for the Christian Demobeginning next July 1. ACCOUNT emigrating there if the political cratic p~rty, said the· bills vioBut these acts do not get to settlement in Vietnam is un- . late two 'articles of Italy's conInterest Compounded the heart of the problem, of costs favorable to them. T'he report stitution, pointing out that the Quarterly of operating parish -and- other fro,m Sydney, Australia, by Reu- introduction of divorce in Italy Offices in: Catholic schools, speakers noted ters, the British news agency would mean ,that there would at the meeting of representatives was published in a Saigon dail; have to be an amendment to the N.ORTH ATTLEBO'RO MANSFIELD ATTLEBORO ,FALLS of Ohio's six Catholic Sees. newspaper. constitutional charter~ Although the primary func,tion of the West Hartford Passionists is giving retreats .for laymen, they have been emphasil:ing in recent months greater involvement in the life of local communities. Last Summer, after a reorganization of the order's seminary program, the vacated Holy Famil3' Seminary adjacent to the West Hartford monastery was closed and converted into a Cente:r of Reconciliation. Aim of the center is to provide facilities where groups can meet for study days, intellectual discussions, and programs dealing with films .and the arts.
-I 0'
• • •
Sacred Hearts Academy Library Aides Will Help Suc·ordium.·Club With February Book Fair Library aides at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall 'River, are prepaJring fOlr the night of Thursday, Feb. 6, when they will help the academy's Sucordium Club to sponsor a book fail!'. Featured speaker will be Thyra Ferre Bjorn, well-known Swedish author and lecturer, and 'she'll be in- all invited to a Winter Frolic "The Kids," and spon-:troduced by Sister Eugenia featuring sored by the Jesus-Mary basketMargaret, S. U. S. C., .SHA .ball team. It'll take place tomorlibrarian. And at Dominican Academy, Fall River, seniors 'are, still talking about ,their retreat at La Salette Center of Christian Living. "Through multi-media exhibitions, folk Masses and quiet talks with the priests, the students learned more -about themselves, their classmates and their God," reports Colette Gagne, DA's Anchor reporter. Following up' the retreat, the seniors re-visited La Salette this week to present the Center staff with a book of collages expressing thoughts inspired ,by the program. Saturday, Feb. 1 is the date wh~n eighth graders throughout the Diocese will take exams for high school entrance and placement. With Prevost High merging with Connolly High, the latter school will start offering a general as well as a college prep course, come September. Other diocesan highs will supply complete information on courses and activities to students at the time of the entrance exam. Exam and registration procedures' will take from 8:30 to abo'Ut 12'.30 at all schools. National Honor Society New National Honor Society officers at Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River, are Susan Cournoyer, president; Cheryl Dobson, vice'president; Annette:H Lapointe, secretary; Muriel Lapointe, treasurer. NewlY received ,proba~ tioners are Paulette Berube, Doris Desrosiers, Madeleine Lajoie, Jeanne Phenix, Patricia Forest and Denise Roussel. Debaters at Holy Family High School, New Bedford, "have begun Narragansett League tourney play, appearing last week at Dartmouth College. Repre~ senting HF) were Jane Kennedy, Michele Dansereau, Daniel Dwyer, Karl Fryzel, Francis Clarke, Paul Walsh, Raymond Perry and Joseph Olifierko. , On Tuesday morning, anyway, breakfast-skippers have a second chance at Dominican Academy, where the student council sells coffee and doughtnuts before school. Why not every day, girls? ,New Hearr 'll'bis, Students at DA, SHA, Mt. St. Mary, Stang, Coyle, Prevost and Connolly, now hear, this. You're
Donat(!j $2 Million F@r Leper R@~ief WrUERZBURG (NC) - The German Relief Service for Leprosy 'received contributions by the German people totaling $2 million in 1,968. The service supports 183 leper stations In Mrlca, Asia and Latin America which serve a half million lepers. In 19a8 a total of 35 doctors, nurses, social workers and artisans were working'in the leper stations. The Relief Service for Leprosy has spent over $12.5 mlllion In the war against .leprosy since its inception. Last year, In addition to the funds, the service received gifts in kind like clothing and medicine for use at the overseas stations. According to the World Health Organization, 1-1 million persons suffer from leprosy throughout the world.
row in JMA auditorium and will be' directed by Miss' Dorene Menezes, basketball coach, and co-chairmen Diane Froment ~nd Monique Goyette. Area eighth-graders are invited to an open house at 3:30 this afternoon at DA. Freshmen will entertain and explain the glories of DA to prospective students. , . Bill Walsh of HF has merited a sports award for his fine performance in the HF -Case game recently, which ended with, a sCQre of: 58-46. Also at HF, Bal"bara Anderson and Michele Sullivan have been accepted at Salve Regina, while Julie Marshall has ,been given the nod by Bridgewater State College. Unity Octave It's the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and at JMA 'the ob~ervance is in the hands of the Christian Youth Movement. A Bible Vigil was sponsored _by the sodality this week at'DA. _ And in basketball news at DA, the varsity defeated Stang 39 to 32 in an away game, with jayvees winning 16 to.15. Victory was also DA's in a game with Dighton-Rehoboth. Varsity score was 42-29; jayvees 20-16. The present varsity record is 4 'wins, 2 losses, while the jayvees have have 5. wins" 1 loss. Next ,on DA's schedule is a game with JMA tomorrow. , Jesus-Mary seniors and drama group members will attend a. production of M~cbeth' at Trinity Squ~re in Providence on Thursday, Jan. 30. Also. at JMA, students recently - heard addresses .by representatives of the Fall River National Bank, Bristol Community College and the Campbell School in New Bedford. The bank people ,dis-' cussed banking (no!), the BCC people 'explained the school's nursing and dental hygiene programs as well as its other course offerings, ~nd the Campbell representative emphasized the need for computer programmers. Sacred lIeans Academy At SHA Fall River juniors have voted to retain'the traditional 'school ring after studying many samples of alternative designs. The ring committee, in charge,of the matter is headed by 'Martha Bochenek, Joyce Holden and Bernadette Burgmyer. And the SHA Parables were busy during this Week of Prayer for Christ,ian Unity. They sang at a ceremony Sunday at St. Jean Baptiste Church in Fall River, and SHA representatives have also attended others of the nightly services held this week at various churches in the community. SHA freshmen will welcome prospective students Sunday, Jan. 26 at an open house' from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Milady Khoury is in charge' of class arrangements for the event, which will include school tours, entertainment and refreshments. And SHA seniors are busy too. They're ,readying a senior lounge which they'll use during free periods instead of reporting to a study hall. The accent, says our report, "is on independent study, motivation and mature use of time and resources."
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 23, 1969
See Increases Clergy Salaries INDIANAPOLIS (NC) -The first salary increase in 12 years for Indianapolis archdiocesan cJergy has ·been approved by the archdiocesan consultors and announced by Archbishop Paul C. , Schulte. Basic compensation for priests ordained less than five years will be $170 per month, increasing to $225 per month next January when the second stage of the increase is, effective. For each additional five years of service they will receive an increment of about $5 per month. Pastors in the 10 to 15-yea-r bracket will receive $205 per month, increasing gradually to $215 per montn for those ordained over 20 years. Next January the pastors' base will increase to $270-$290 per month according to years of service. The salaries will be paid by the parishes. In the case of full or part-time teachers and chap- , lains, the 'institution will make payment. Each priest wlll continue to receive' auto liability insurance paid by the patish or' institu- ' tion,and hospital and medical coverage paid by the archdiocese from funds collected from the parishes by assessment. Archdiocesan officials cited ,several reasons for the salary adjustments'. They noted that for the first _time this year priests are obligated to contribCHRISTIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT: CYM members at Jesus- ute to the federal Social SecurMary Academy, Fall River, prepare a display emphasizing ity program and that auto and travel.ex-penses have risen. man's need for love. From left, Claudette Levesque, CYM treasurer; Dian~ Dougal, holding 'heart,'secretary; Jool"!ne Chouinard, on. ladder, prefect. U Thanft. Asks End
To Biafra Aid Ban
Warns of Pitfalls
'PAiRiIS (NC)-8ecretary General U Thant of the United Nations reportedly, has intervened Catholic Association Officjal Doscus$es on behalf of the International Red Cross in an effort to have Re~igiorfll C@lluses in Colleges Equatorial Guinea rescind its -PITTSBURGH (NC) - Al- ed to teaching assistants, if the decision banning relief flights to though religion studies hl!-ve undergraduate curriculum is or- Biafra. gained considerable pop,ulilrity iented toward researoh and Thant is said to have sent in the nation's secula'r colleges preparation for 'graduate school a letter to the Equatorial Guinea and universities, they must by- '" *' *, if these and a host of government at the request of pass a number of pitfalls if they other undesirable eventualities Auguste R. Lindt, Red Cross coare not to be waylaid along the happen, then 11lspectibility will ordinator for international aid academic road, an official of the turn out to have been a snare to both Nigeria and Biafra. National Catholic Educational and a delusion," Father, FriedAt United Nationt., N.Y., It Association _(NCEA) declared man warned. was disclosed Thant endorsed an here. He called on the Commission" "Be that ·as it may, there is on Religion in 'Higher Education appeal from' the International reason to applaud the progress to concern itself with. the prep- Red Cross to Equatorial Guinea toward respectibility if for no aration of teachers of religion for resumption of food flights to other reason than that it is so on the undergraduate level, with Biafra from Guinea territory. long overdue,'" Father Clarence curriculums for religion studies, W. Friedman t91d a meeting of and with _experimental methods the Association of American "based on the psychological and Colleges' Commission on Reli- sociological findings relative to Where A gion in Higher Education. the transmission and change of NAME The priest is associate secre- ideals and values." tary· of NCEA's college and university department.
He said sOIJ:\e 75 per cent oj the' nation's four year colleges now have religion courses, that more than 20 per cent of state universities have separate religion depilrtments and religion studies have attained a large measure of academic respectibility as w~ll as popularity with students. ' 'But he warned -students will not find the "philosophy of life'~ they seek to develop through religion studies unless the courses and the professors who teach them are among 'the most' i,nnovative and dynamic the schools have to offer. "If academic respectibility will lead eventually to the sanitized teaching all too often found in other areas, if undergraduate religion courses will be entrust-
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Over 35 Years of Satisfied Se:rvice Reg. Master Plumber'7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN! l)T~IEET
Fall River
.Hoover Asserts Pornography Has Motivating Role in Sex Violence
.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fc,1I River:.-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969 ,
Methodist Leader Se'es Model For Unity in, Cath,olic Rites
PHILADELPHIA ,(NC)-The diverse rites and the many religious orders in the Catholic Church offer a model for eventual Christian unity, the retired Methodist bishop of Philadel, phia said in an interview here. Asked to comment on the ecumenical outlook in connection with the 1969 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the former president of the World Methodist Council, Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, said: "I know 'I've surprised some of the Catholic brethren when I've said that in the Catholic system of rites and religious orders we have the beginning of the idea of how Christian churches could be brought together - with autonomy, yet with order. "Protestants are amazed at the amount of local decision and autonomy, there is the Roman Catholic Church they'had considered 'monolithic.' Why, is it unthinkable ,that ,there should be an Anglican rite or an Evangelical rite, just as there is today a Byzantine rite?" Noting the importance of prayer in hastening Cbristian unity, Bishop Corson, who served as a Methodist observer at the Second Vatican Council, said: Mutual Prayer "Pope Paul :and Pope John both asked me if I would pray for them daily and I asked John and ,Paul if they would pray for me and my ,people, and I've received spiritual \ strength, and comfort from the thought' that, around the world, there are thousands of' Catholics praying for me. "If, in the Week of Prayer £or ChrisUan Unity, we did no more than create an awareness of the need for mutual prayer, then we would gain spiritual strength and blessings from the thought that we were experiencing the communion of saints." Of possible barriers to ecumenical progress, Bishop Corson said: "I am fearful that we"re likely to assume that the recognition we've already achieved is the consummation of the ecumenical movement. "Group worship activity must expand 'under, guidance, of course, and in an orderly manner. It must expand until we achieve what could be called, a 'pragmatic unity' in the church. Recognition Key "We must 'also move toward recognition of one another. Recognition is the key word - not the recognition of whether there is one church or a uniform type of church government but of whether we acknowledged the inclusion of all who 'are baptized as part of the organic Body of Christ." "On the grass-roots level," Bishop Corson said, "I'd start out with the 'premise that many of our so-called differences grow out of our isolation. Thus, when we come to speak, we come to know and' love each other more. The emphasis on dia'logue is good,but we must also make a conscious effort to demonstrate our oneness. "Therefore, there should be more services of worship, since a, massive witness of the churches coming together in
Installation Set HARTFORD (NC)-The Most Rev. John F. Whealon will be installed as archbishop of Hartford in St. Joseph cathedral here, March 19.
He added that "many parents I WASHINGTON (NC) Any attempt made fo stem the rapid are deeply concerned about conrise in crime in the United ditions," and that "we must-face such a manner can be most efStates should include an effort reality.", "Pornography, in all fective. Also, we should learn to curb the publication and sale its' forms, is one major cause of ·to seek answers to public probOf obscene material, in the opin- sex crimes, sexual aberrations, lems from a common point of ion of the nation's No.1 law en- and perversions," he asserted. view, since this enhances t~e "Police officials who have forcement officer. estimation of the church in the Few persons in the country discussed this criti'cal problem community and helps to bring are as outspoken against "por- with me," Hoover declared, about a £avorable outcome by llOgraphy and its evil influence "unequi vocally state that lewd cooperative effort." as is J. Edgar Hoover, whom and obscene material plays a Practical Education President R. Nixon has asked motivating role in sexual vio"Our first, real, immediate to stay on as the director of the lence. In case after case, the sex need in ecumenism," Bishop tederal Bureau of Investigation. criminal has on his person or in Corson stated, "is practical eduHe buttresses his condemnations his possession pornographic litcation, so that we have an in- erature or pictures." ' with reports he receives from formed clergy and laity on both He added that, under 'these police officials across the counsides regarding our oneness In conditions, it is not surprising to try. Christ. This will help to remoye find that forcible rape has inI In the very first days of the many misunderstandings which llew 91st Congres, Rep. Fletcher creased 50 per cent since 1960. now occur." "Let us look about us," the thompson of Georgia said he "Second';, he continued, "we would introduce a constitutional FBI head suggested. "In the need to demonstrate the idea amendment to give Congress the publishing, theatrical, and enterand doctrine we enunciate. You right to define obscenity and tainment fields, are the good, can't understand ecumenicity in regulate publication- of obscene enlightening, and educational the abstract. You have to exqualities of their products being material. pElrience it to know it." , It is expected that other mea- overshadowed by too much em"What we, must alwaYs-keep .$ures will be introduced in the. phasis on obscenity, vulgarity, uppermost," Bishop Corson said, and homosexuality? first 'session of, this Congress incest, 'BISHOP CORSON "is that ecumenicity .is a growth Rep. Thompson said court ,rul- Many people believe this to be "in ,religious experience and canings have made it "impossible" true." mIt be forced. You deny the rePaperbacks, Pictures for people to "protect, their lilPOUS spirit unless it is volun"But the legitimate producchildren and loved ones from tary." ' tions of these ,media are rather ?eing exposed to obscenity." , "For example," he explained, , In one of his most strongly mild when compared to the "I could receive Holy CommuWHEELING (NC)· - Father worded statements of 1968, FBI 'hard core' pornography flooding nion in a Catholic church with Joseph E. Kerns, S.J., author Director Hoover said: "It is im- the country in the forms of great spiritual 'benefit to me, but and teacher, has resigned from possible to estimate the amount films, .'playing' cards" 'comic' J .,can understand that, unless we the active ministry, his religious (If harm, on impressionable teenbooks, paperbacks, and picco,me to a mutual understanding superior, Father Frank R. Haig, agers and "to assess the volume tures," he added. about the. Eucharist, I cannot do S.J., president of Wheeling Col- of sex crimes attributable to "Such filth in the hands of such a thing. Certain conditions lege here in West Virginia, has pornography, but its influence young people and curious adolwould first have to be met." announced. escents does untold damage and is extensive." leads to disastrous conseFather Kerns, in a Iltlter adquences." dressed to friends and released He said that, "obviously, all by Father Haig's office, said his that is being done ,to combat the vocation in life "is apparently I sale and traffic in obscene ma~Vork to be a priest who, writes on terial in the nation is not lay spirituil1ity, where the major CINCINNATI (NC)- The' CALICUT (NC)-An Italian- enough." . He declared that Glenmary Sisters have been areas are work and marriage. born Jesuit socilll wOl:ker was "sound and workable laws are presented with the Rural Serv- Though I've received a good called here an "eminent examneeded, and, where they do exscholarly background, I feel I'd iCI~ Award of the U. S. Office of ple" to men in public life at a ist, they should be vigorously E<:onomic Opportuni,ty for their have more of a contribution to community reception. enforced." "concentrated efforts in behalf make if I could write, not only The tribute to Father Joseph Hoover spoke of "degenerate of the Appalachian people in the as a priest but as one who knows Vergottini was paid by , K.P. sex ,pictures and p·ornographic Cincinnati a,rea and in all parts these areas from experience,' he ~esava Menon, Hindu editor of literature" being "covertly pedadded. of America." "Mathrubhoomi," one of India's dled and sold in most cities," and "Though there's no guarantee The award was presented to leading dailies, and former Insaid they "net greedy smut merSister Mary Joseph, superior, that I'd ever want to marry (or dian envoy in Ceylon, who led chants millions of dollars annugeneral of the community which who would want to marry me)," , the reception committee. . ally." has headquarters in Glendale, Father Kerns' letter continued, Director of the diocesan St. "Obscene material is indeed Ohio, ,by Mrs. Lois Conyers, di- "I've decided to create a' sit- Vincent's technical institutions an evil, but it is not a necessary uation where it would "at .least rector of the OEO-funded Comllere, Father Vergottini also evil. If the illicit profits of pormunity Action Commission here. be possible." serves as member of a large nography were replaced with Father Kerns, a native of Bertrand M. Harding, OEO dumber of public bodies includstiff punishments for the filth acting director, lauded the nuns Philadelphia" is ,the author of a ing the Malabar Chamber of -purveyors, this evil would be for meeting "America's most dif- number of' books, including Commerce, . the ,West Coast Inbrought under control," he adficult challenge" through work "The Theology of Marriage," dustrialists' Association and the vised. to improve .the quality of life and has written a newspaper goV'ernment's Labor Advisory among the impoverished pe'ople. column for 10 years. ~oard and District· Development He said he considers himself Gouncil. The Glenmary Sisters forHe helped revive a local footmally are the Home Mission Sis- still a priest, but unattached to, any bishop. His action implies ball tournament that 'has now ters of America. a breaking of ties with the Jes- 'qecome one of the countr.y's uit order, of which he has been ~ajor sports events. a member since 1942. 'A Jesuit since 1929, Father Vergottini was ordained in 1941, e:ight years after he arrived in --~~ WYman WASHINGTON' (NC) - The C@Ifll9j Attempt Ihdia and six years after he ~c:. 3.6592 executive committee of the made this city his second home Re~lTuiil' board of trustees of the Cathtown. CHARLIES· F. VARGAS SAIGON (NC)-A Viet Cong olic University of America held a meeting at which jot was ex- attempt to' force five young 254 ROCKDAlE AVENUE pected to name a new perma- Buddhist monks of the :I'hedaNEW BEDFORD, MASS. vada sect to become guerrillas nent rector for the unixersity. I failed when the monks came No announcetJIent of its choice, if one was made, was expected over to the government side less fol' at least 'a week, a university than 24 hours after being taken from their monastery. of spokesman said. ' The five, 'all born in South The rectorship has been vav New Bedford's Oldest and cant since Bishop William Mc- Vietnam of Cambodian parents, Largest Business School. Donald's second term 9f office were ,presented to the press expired in 1967 and he was along with a 72-year-old VietAPPLY, NOW named auxiliary bishop of San namese who 'spent two years For Winter Term ~ working ·for the Viet Cong in an Fr;ancisco. agricultural cadre. Entrance Dates Duties of the rector's office have since been exercised by The monks, who are Khmers, JAN. 6 and FEB. 3 two acting rectors, first Father a Cambodian ethnic group, had Accounting· Secretarial ' John P. Whalen, and since last a special interpreter who transData Processing • Computer FaBby Brother Nivard Scheel, lated into Vietnamese for ,the C.l~.X.: while a special pommit- . Vietnamese interpreter to transI Programming and Clerical Courses tee, appointed by the trustees late into English. There are and -headed by John Cardinal about 500,000 Khmers living in Tel. 992-5448 for information Cody' of Chicago, con<fucted :a South Vietnam along the CamOPI'. N. B. POST OFFICE sear~h for ,a perm!lnent. rector. ,?bodianborder.
College Teacher Leav'es Jesuits
Recognize Nuns' With Poor
Hindu Editor lauds Jesuit
Trust,es, Exp@cted To Name Ret\::t@r
funis Monks-
fol fllick d,liWI1ol
Brazil Deports Providence Priest For Alleged Subversive Activities PROVIOENCE (NC) - The Brazilian government has deported Father James Murray, a priest of the Providence diocese who was working in Santarem, Brazil, for alleged subversive activities. Father Murray was serving under Chicago-born Bishop James Ryan, O.F.M., in the prelature of Santarem, 500 miles from the mouth of the Amazon River. He is the third U. S. priest to leave Brazil under governmental pressure within the past month. The other two, Fathers Darrell D. Rupiper and Petcr A. Grams, both members of the Oblates of Mary Immaculatc, spent 10 days in jail in Recife and were then given a choice of leaving the country voluntarily or of remaining to face a military court on charges of "subversive agitation." A number of other priests, foreign and Brazilian, have been jailed or expelled. At the Second Vatican Council, where Bishop Russell J. McMcVinney of Providence met Bishop Ryan, an agreement was made for the. Providence diocese to adopt the prelature of Santarem and send priests, Brothers, Sisters and financial assistance to Brazil. The first two priests from Rhode Island wlmt to Santarem in 1963. Father Murray left Brazil under a voluntary deportation order from the government and returned here. He said two other priests from Rhode Island serving in Santarem, Fathers Cornelius B. Lynch and Daniel McCarthy, will probably also be expelled during the next several wecks.
Most of the people in his church that Sunday backed his stand, but five persons reported to the governmel;1t and signed statements against Father Murray. Calling the priest to the regional capital, the military commandant showed him the official 'document ordering his expulsion. Add.itional Trouble Father Murray said he was given a choice of voluntary deportation. "I believe there has been additional trouble in Santa rem since I left," he said. When he was ordered to leave the country, he said, the people of his parish, St. Sebasitian's, began demonstrations and vigil services and rang the church bell continuously. The real reason for his expulsion was not the "black Mass," he said, because one of the other Providence priests in the parish also offered a "black Mass" the same day. "At the inquiry on my actions," Father Murray said, "the 'black Mass' was only one charge against me. The military has been after me for some time now. Ever since last year when I spoke out over the misappropriation of land for military purposes the government has been after me." Father Murray was referrin,g to his part in a successful effort to stop the government from taking the land of 36 families with no payment.
Noted Playwright Enters Church
KEY WEST (NC) -:-:- When f:pught for Poor . playwright Tennessee Williams The events leading to Father entered the Catholic Church, he Murray's deportation began followed the example of his when an amendment to Brazil's brother, Edward Dakin Williams, constitution on Dec. 13 gave the who became a Catholic in India government dictatorial powers, during World War II. allowed imprisonment without After he was received into trials, and ordered censorship of the Church by Father Joseph all printed matter. LeRoy, S.J., curate at Mary The following Sunday, Dec. 15, Star of the Sea Church here, the the 20th anniversary of the Pulitzer Prize winning playUnited Nations DeClaration of wright summed up his feelings Human Rights, Father Murray by saying: "I've been a Catholic offered Sunday Mass in black all my life." vestments to mourn the death Edward Williams visited the of freedom of speech in Brazil. church rectory and requested His sermon that Sunday rethat a .priest visit his 'brother. flected his thoughts on the loss Father LeRoy said: "He had of freedom. been very ill with Hong Kong Since Father Murray arrived flu in a New York hospital and in Brazil in September, 1966, he came down here to recuperate." has fought for the rights of the The priest visited the playpoor. The government regarded wright over the next five days his actions as not only subverfor instructions. Williams was sive, but also communistic. received into the Church on Jan. 10. Williams and his brother had 'Pope' Demonstra,tes been Episcopalians. Their grandfather was an Episcopalian clerAt St. Peter's gyman. Father LeRoy said he VATICAN CITY (NC) - A noted among the playwright's former Catholic priest who calls possessions a large statue of himself Pope Clement XV led Our Lady of Guadalupe, an icon about 60 of his followers in a of the Crucifixion and a paintdemonstration at St. Peter's ing of the Ascension. Square shortly before Pope Paul VI's general audience. B,aptized The .ex-priest, Michel Collin, a Father LeRoy said during a Frenchman from Lorraine, was visit to the church, the playdressed in papal vestments. With wright saw a statue of St. Franhim were three men wearing cis Xavier and claimed his ansomething approximating a carcestors were related to the dinal's attire. Several others famed Jesuit missionary-saint. were garbed in robes similar to At his request the 54-year-old those of the Dominican Order. playwright was baptized with Papal gendarmes intervened full ceremonies which included just as some of the demonstrarecitation of the profession of tors were about to distribute faith, after which he 'received leaflets critical of Pope Paul. A first Communion under both gendarme •official requested species. His brother was his them not to distribute the leafgodfather. lets or create any disturbance. After the ceremonies, WilThe demonstratol's complied liams phoned his mother in New and there were no incidents. York and told her he had beThey remained quiet during the come a Catholic, Father LeRoy Pope's audience. said.
tHE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Ask High School Tuition Raise
BRIDGEPORT (NC) ~ The Bridgeport diocesan board of education has recommended an increase in tuition to keep Catholic high schools operating. "The diocesan board of education recognizes that providing a C~tholie education is one of the most important functions of the Church and its people. Providing a Catholic education that is both competitive and worthwBile is costly," a board statement said. "A review of the economic cost of the diocesan secondary schools for 1968-69 shows a deficit of approximately $1,150,000. Immediate steps must be taken to reduce the deficit," the statement added. "Recognizing the need for action the 'board therefore recommends that the tuition be raised commensurate with the increased cost of operation; present parish assessment method of fund raising be continued' with each parish assuming its fair share of overall diocesan expense, placing special emphasis on the educational aspect of diocesan costs; and people be fully apprised of the situation by all possible means. "The board believes that the people of the Bridgeport diocese can and will support our high school system, and that we shall be able to continue our Catholic secondary system."
I·~ 1 "'L.' Il__~_______Jti!l· ----. .' WHERE lO NOW? A Vietnamese youngster hugs his little
brother, wondering where they are headed as South Vietnamese Rangers make a sweep through their village, 11 miles south of Danang. The Rangers evacuated the hamlet during a search for enemy troops in operation "Le Lo." NC Photo .
Don't Blame God Priest Tells Men to Become Involved As Active Peace-Makers PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Failure to achieve peace once it has been prayed for, a priest told a World Day of. Peace congregation at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul here, is not due to God's deceiving men but to men's failure to become involved as active peace-makers.
leaders participating in the service was the Rev. Robert A. Raines, of the First lViethodbt Church of Germantown, who opened the service with a prayer to God for a peace not based upon military might. Congregational recitation of }>salm 72, which relates God's providence toward men, was led by the Rev. Gilbert J. Ward of the Holmes Presbyterian Church.
Preaching during a Mass for peace of which John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia was principal concelebrant, Father FredSelections' from the Old and erick J. Heldeuser, professor at New Testaments on the theme of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, peace were read by Lutheran, said: Presbyterian imd United Church "He who would make a lasting of Christ ministers. peace must recognize the conThe Rev. Dr. Rufus Cornelson, tingency of peacemaking upon , executive director of the Metrosonship to God « * !The son politan Christian Council of serves in the world which, as a Philadelphia said the uniqueness son of God, he comes to see as of each man can be discoveredthe House of the Lord. The son only when men live together in serves among the family of hupeace in a relationship which manity which, as a son of God, transcends the boundaries of he comes to see as God's chil- nationality, color and religion. dren and his own brothers and Referring to the Feast of the sisters." Epiphany, the RE!v. Dr. CornelThe concelebrated Mass, which son said, "Although the Magi brought more than 1,200 people brought gifts and adored the to the cathedral, was preceded Christ Child, they did not reby a 45-minute ecumenical sermain to serve Him. That task vice for peace. has been left to us." Among non-Catholic religious
Center in Ghetto CALDWELL (NC)-The Dominican Sisters of Caldwell here in New Jersey will establish an educational center in a ghetto area of the Newark Archdiocese with the intention of turning it into a non-denominational junior high school for the poor by September 1970.
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!Destroys Cathedral, Closes Another BONN (NC) -The Catholic cathedral in Durazzo, Albania, has been destroyed and the cathedral in that country's capital, Tirana, has been closed, the German Catholic news agency, KNA, here has learned. The agency said its information was based on reports made by Western tourists to the Yugoslav Catholic paper, Glas Koncila. It was also reported that Orthodox churches in Albania will be used as homes for youth and dancing and that the four Moslem mosques in the town of Elbasan have been renovated for use as a potato warehouse, a jam factory, a transformer and a public lavatory. The reports also stated that eight Albanian Catholics who infQrmed Pope 'Paul VI by letter of the closing of the Tirana cathedral were convieted. Three of them were sentenced to death and the others to from five to 15 jail terms. It was said the three have been executed.
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Cor~oration "'
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Prelate Scores Abortion Bill
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FCJI! River-Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Snow's Sle'ep of ~eason, £u~erior Novel of' Ideas
MANCHESTER (NC) - Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester has issued a statement urging that the proposed abortion bill, now pending in the New Hampshire Legislature, be "vehemently opposed on moral, legal and ethical grounds,"
ByRt. Rev. Msgr; John S. Kennedy The tenth and, reportedly, next-to-Iast installment in C.P. Snow's'fiction sequence styled "Strangers and BrothCi"S" is The Sleep of Reason (Scribners, 597 Fifth Avereu, New York, N.Y. 10017, $1>'95). Familiar"ity with the I~t.'ecc<ling volumes is not The lawyers argue diminished Pt'erequiste for a reading' of responsibility of mental t:\is one, but it helps. For abnormality. It,because is on this ground r:luch of the way, Mr. Snow that they hope to get their cli-
seems to be concerned with a rounding off of the series, tying up loose ends J nd showing s'"mething like rhe final score ,n -the lives of ~)eople who have ligured in previous sections. 'the narrator, of course, is that inveterate and tireless observer and commentator, J ,~wis Eliot. , In 1963, he is back in the provincial English town of his boyh00d and youth, to fulfill his obligation as the students' elected representative on the c.'{ecutive court of the local univ.~rsity. His old friend Arnold ~:haw, vice-chancellor' of the l1ni~ersity,' is demanding 'the "(pulsion of four students for ,,10ral delinquency.' l.;uot believes Shaw to be too X'i; ;orous in the matter and seeks to soften "his attitude and get the st1idEmts off gently. One of the four is Dick Pateman, a rebel lelder who is enormously self- , ri :hteous and completely unrea'seclable in his demands. ;.;Ijot meets Dick Pateman's fa; her, a man even more selfl'ighteous than his son, obviously a paranoiac (and, it must be Jaid, one of the most striking and credible, as well' as annoyil1~, characters in the whole s(·des). Murder Case 'rhe case of the student "orgy" . Pl' les before a sensational murdc" case which ·breaks in the to,.vn. This involves people Eliot kl1ows. Two young women are a(~cused of spiriting away, torturing, and killing an eighty'!ar-old boy. One of the accused is Kitty Pateman, old'Pateman's dflughter. The other is Cora Ross, niece of George Passant. Passant, resident in the town for decades, is the man who, forty years earlier, had encouraged Lewis Eliot to go out and ma~e his way in the 'world, which advice Lewis took, and to excellent effect. Down the years Passant has ,been a kind of lead-' er of the young, stirring them up and spurring them on. Now, out of a sense of obligation to George Passant, Eliot feds he must be present at the, murder trial, lending public, if mute support, to an old friend. Others, Including his own son, counsel against such a course, saying that it will do no one any good, and may well damage Eliot's own reputation. Mental Abnormality
Much space is given to the trial. The case is a nasty one, involving sad and grisly human disorder. The girls abused and killed the child: this the defense admowledges. They did so because they regarded themselves as superior beings I who' had 'attained ultimate freedom and thereiore had every right to teach ::m inferior and to chastfze him, even fatally, should he fail to meet their standard.
ents off. . Despite the drama of the triai, this is primarily a novel of ideas, and it is superior of its kind. The writing is somewhat better than pedestrian, with, 'an (,ccasional felicity like "the detective work of jealousy," as against Mr. Snow's well known penchant for formidable expressions like "Her face was goodlooking, in a strong-boned, slightly acromegalic fashion,'~ Bright Lights . If for r.othing else, The Bright Lights (Doubleday, I 501 Franklin ~ Ave" Garden City, N. Y. 11531, $5.95) would ,be notable as being Frank 'Swinnerton's fiftieth' book' (to judge by the list "Also by Frank Swinnerton" facing the title page)' ahdfor having been written by a man in his eighties. We doubt tha.t it will occasion any great excitement. It is solid standard fare, meticulously literate, the kind of well written :English novel which once ~as :fairly common but has by now virtually disappeared. Aging fanciers of the genre ean polish up their bifocals and I~O at it with relish. Students of the development (or degeneration) of the novel should well~ome it as a sturdy anachronism. 'Has Everything, Nothing· It concerns Constance Rotherham, born about 1888, first encountered in 1900, in the rectory on the stormy southeast coast' where her half-mad cl~rgyman father goes his moony way, her. mother sinks down to death, and her younger sister Penelope is a rival and a nuisance. Constance is determined to, be an :actress. She jo-ins a wretched touring company, learns the rudiments of the trade, ·beats off the lecherous star-manager, heads for London with the most promising actor in the troupe, marries him, soon outstrips ,him professionally, remarries on 'a higher level, becomes a star, is surpassed artistically by her slower-starting sister, marries money, and at the end has everything and not9ing. Collector's Corner ' There is a treat for ama(eurs of old movies in two recently published 'books. One. is The Parade's Gone By by Kenneth Brownlow (Knopf. 501 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. $13.95), which is a copiously illustrated history of pioneer movie-mak.ing. The other book is The Marx Brothers at the Movie~ (Putnam. 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016. $7.95), which recapitulates all the films (some of them classics) of these zany comedians. In The:'l.rms of Krupp (Little, Brown. 21 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 0:{'06. $12.50), William Manchesi",r gives an extensive account 0.1: the famous German .dynasty 01 munitions makers. As was evident in Mr. Manchester's The Death of a President, the au~hor heaps up innumerable details, sometimes to small pur·poses, and can 'be carried' away by emotion.
The bishop said: "It is unfortunate that our state Legislature has again ,before 'it a bill to legalize abortion. As a clergyman, I bemoan this attempt to promote something which I consider immoral. As a citizen, I oppose this effort to take away the rights of ,unborn children which have ,been defended and upheld in our courts. "Experiences in places which have permissive abortion laws has caused serious concern. Abortion has become big ,business. One asks whether ~ew Hampshire 'wishes to be the mecca of abortion seekers as well as of tourists," he said. .de said the proposed legislation might be unconstitutional. Bishop Primeau added, "In a state known for strength, courage and responsibility, the passage of an abortion bill will he evidence of weakness, fear and disgrace for our people,"
Assistant I)grector Joins CPA Staff NEW YORK (NC)-Allen C. Bradley, circulation manager of the Advocate, Newark archdiocesan newspaper, will join the national office staff of the Catholic Press Association in February, it was announced here by James A. Doyle, CPA executive , director. ,Bradley will have the title of assistant executive director. In addition to backing up Mr. , t~ '. Doyle, he YVill have special reAT OPEN HOUSE: When students at Sacred Hearts Academy, sponsibilities in arrangements Fall River, hold their annual open house for incoming freshmen, and promotion for CPA meet.from, 2 ,to 4 Sunday afternoon, visitors will be greeted in the ings, membership promotion, Spanish language laboratory ,by Senorita Jane Powers and -and special membel1ship services and surveys. Caballero Karen· Sullivan. !. . Bradley has 'been serving as chairman of the CPA's circulation seminar committee the past three years, planning and programming circulation meetings Eight Kentucky, Indiana Institutions at the CPA's national convention Have, Cooperqtive Program and regional conferences. He I is also a member of the postal LOUISVILLE (NC) - Eight 0 f fie e s, counseling, testing, affairs committee and has edcolleges and universities in Ken- guidan'ce, and placement and ited a Postal Guide for Reli. tucky and southern Indiana ha.ve 'will make possible joint co-cur- gious Non-Profit Publications estal:llished a cooperative pro- I ricular activities and student exwhich the CPA is ,preparing for gram to make possible coordi- :changes. publication. nated offerings, faculty exA spokesman for the "metrochanges and other joint .ventures. : versity" said it would 'study The cooperative .program is j present and future higher edu,,: known as Kentuckiana Metro- ,cation needs of the Louisville versity, Inc. The cooperating in- area and develop plans for meetstitutions are BeHarmine-Ursu- ing them. See Us line College, Catherine Spalding i _ About College, Indiana University; the i Do University of Kentucky, the " University of Louisville, KenRock. Slide or Slip? tucky Southern College, Southan Improved POWder ern Baptist Theological Semi- , toFASTEETH. be sprinkled on upper or iower plates, holds false teeth more firmly nary Louisville Presbyterian In place. Do not slide. slip or rock. Theological Seminary. No gummy. gooey, pasty taste or feelIng. FASTEETH Is alkallne- doeR Among the objectives of the not sour. Checks "denture breath." Falmouth Wareham "metroversity," set out in its Dentures that fit are essential te health. See your dentist regularly. articles of incorporation, is the 548-3000 295-3800 Oet FASTEETH at all drug counten< coordination of program offerings, facilities an!! planning, "especially to avoid uimecessary
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Gr~atest Rev~~s18S The greatest reverses of fortune are the most easily borne from a sort of dignity belonging to them.-Hazlitt.
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. YHE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Jail. 23, 1969
"",~;1 ~
[)m~@~p@utmffrnJfj~[Jl]U' D~
See1kotnIk Jllstifiabiy Prcoud Of UrruIbeaten Swim Team Throughout the southeastern sector of. the Commonwealth "King Basketball" dominates the Winter sports scene with virtually every high school in the area represented on the hardcourt. About a month from now many hoop fans will be bitten by a paved highway. That first the Tech Tournament "bug." season the Warriors lost all 10 With the emphasis on bas- dual meets. Neither coach nor ketball it is understandable swimmers were discouraged. that the achievements of another The following campaign the Winter sport can go practically club rebounded to win five of unnoticed. its 12 meets. . In Seekonk the residents have . In this, Seekonk's third Winbeen bitten ,by another 'bug'- ter of competitive' swimming, the swimming 'bug.' .And the . victory has been repetitious in man· responsible for it is SwIm- all six meets to date. The Warming Coach Ellis Mayers. -dors may not 'complete the seaThree years ago, Coach Mayers 'son with an undefeated slate came to 'Seekopk with a desire but· they have already proven to mold it championship team in to area residents that swimming a region where competitive now is "big" in the Town of swimming is almost an unknown Seekonk. quantity. The "Inly "tools" Hopefully, other communities Coach Mayers had at his dIs- may take a cue from Seekonk posal were his knowledge of and and include a pool in their experience in competitive swim- school building plans. There Is a ming, a new pool in the high distinct posslbility that other school and a corps of lads eager towns will, before too long, to learn. which could mean the formation But, the road to succe.ss is not of a miw swimming league.
At this ti!D£!' See!to.n.k, competing on an independent basis, is hopeful of being admitted into a league In the future. Bids to enter the Greater Boston League and a Rhode Island league were turned down for various reasons. Notwithstanding the fact that the Warriors have been unable to join a league, they have not been hard pressed to find willing opponents. This Winter's schedule lists 12 dual meets and four championships. The docket includes two meetings with Attleboro High, Moses Brown Academy of Providence, and Pawtucket West, also from neighboring Rhody. Before the season draws to an end, the Warriors will have competed against three other Rhode Island foes-Cranston West, Cranston East and LaSalle Academy, and 'one each from Massachusetts (Wellesley) and Connecticut (Fitch Academy) Each meet consists of 11 events in 'accordance with an NCAA ruing. The events in the order in which they are. contested are 200-yard, medley relay, 200-yard freestyle, 50-yard freestyle, 200-yard individual
1rIPaeTI~ ~(c&1lr
medley, diving, 100-yard butterfly, 100-yard freestyle, 100-yard backstroke, 400-yard freestyle, 100-yard breaststroke and 400yard freestyle relay. The scoring system employed is similar to the' one used in track and field. The winner receives five points,' second place finisher, three points and third, one point. In the relay 'races, the winning team capt'ur~s seven points while the loser receives none. Thus, in a sanctioned meet, with all 11 events being contested a total of 95 points are up for grabs with 48 needed to win. Seekonk has a host of point scorers with no one boy establishing himself as a run-away choice for individual scoring honors. Among the steady performers. are Co-captains Roger Goodnow and BOD Hopkins. The former swims the butterfly in competition while the latter competes in ·the individual medley which is comprised of the butterfly, backstroke, 'breaststroke and freestyle. Hopkins !llso swims in the freestyle events.
Aquatic Interest Mounts Steadily Others in contention for the Coach Mayer's stalwarts. The boys hope to add to their individual team scoring championship and their events in- point· totals later in the season clude: Mike Bear 200' individual when they go against the best in medley and 100 'butterfly, Mike the Bay State and Eastern MasGossler - 50 freestyle and 100 . sachusetts ana Mass. State Swim butterfly; PMe Leddy - 100 meets and also in the New Enbreaststroke; John Brill - 50 gland Swim Meet. While the mermen use the freestyle and 100 breaststroke; Steve Sherman and Ted Zaida pool for practice and meets, -200 and 400 freestyle; Joe they, by no means, have excluCollins - diving and breast- sive right to the facility. In fact, stroke. Collins captured. the according to Coach Mayers, the diving competition in last most encouraging and rewarding week's Brown interscholastic program facet is that all students and town's people can and swim. Mike Collins - diving, Tim do use the pool extensively. Joost and Steve DeSilva -100 A recent report shows that in backstroke, and Dick Boucher- excess of 43,000 took advantage freestyle also rank among of the pool in 1968. The facility
N~JlitheastelifYml f@ill][f If®[ffith~ q)f a S)@c@n~
. By Luke Sims To a sprinter, four tenths of a second can mean the difference between winning a race and losing it. It sometimes means a new record. To a' long .distance runner, four tenths of Ii second is usually nothing more . than an added kick somewhere "along the way. To John Wojcik, a former twomiler at Northeastern University in Boston, four tenths of a second meant disappointment. John was one of three Huskie runners to represent ,the Huntington Avenue campus at the IC4A's this past summer. He competed iri the rugged steeplechase. against' some of the best runners in the nation. Wojcik ran the 3000 meter event which is just 180 .yards shy of two miles and consists of some 36 hurdies and six water barriers in nine minutes, 15.4' seconds. . That time was good enough for sixth place. The four tenths of a second prevented John from Qualifying for the NCAA Nationals .in California which helped determine the 1968 United States Olympic roster. The qualifying time was set by the rules committee was 9:15 nnd no amount of persuasion by Northeastern Track Coach Irwin Cohen to the authorities in California or Mexico would convince them to give Wojcik's 9:15.4 time a second thought. So Wojcik, Northeastern University's only close oly,mpic track candidate, missed a possible trip ,to Mexico CitY' by four tenths of a second. Needless to say he was a disappointed youngster, for in his own words, "the nationals are the epitome of college track." His performance was still a very respectable way to bring to a close a splendid college.track career. This 'past was John's last season as a varsity runner at N.U. "I'll certainly miss it," said the Fairhaven resident. "After eight years of running it becomes p~rt of your life." Wojcik is presently in his fifth yel\r of a five-year course at Northeastern and has been a Dean's List student in all five years. . He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wojcik of 47 Wilding is used during the school-day by the physical education classes. It is available. for use from 4 to 9 daily and is open on Saturday until 4. . The program is organized to meet the needs of all students in the system.. Grammar school students in grades 4, 5, and 6 received instructions. in each of the first 15 weeks of the school year. Commencing in Jariuary attention is then focused on the high school pupils, first with the girls and'then the boys reaping the rewards of five-weeks of training. The remaining 10 are devoted to the junior high studenis. . Athletic Director Jack Searls, Coach Ellis Mayer, assistant coaches Edward Westcoot and Richard Barber and the entire Seekonk school system can understandably be 'proud of the progress made by their athletic department and the galloping strides of the undefeated Seekonk swim team.
JOHN WOJCIK St. and is one of four Wojcik (Children. Mrs. Frances St. Gelas of New Bedford is the oldest and one of two sisters. Pat is a 1968 graduate of Fairhaven High School. John's younger brotner Tommy, is ·a senior at Fairhaven High and the standout of this year's Blue Devil basketball squad. The. Wojcik's are members of St. Mary's Parish in North Fairhaven. John has been working out with the Northeastex:n cross country teams and has been entertaining thoughts of running in the BAA marathon in the spring. "If I do decide to run in the Boston marathon, it won't be just to .say I ran in the event *. >10 >10 I want to win." . A winner all the way, Wojcik furnished the Huskies with some ,of his best running for three years with the cross country and track teams. It wasn't until this past summer- however that John ran the race he considers his college highlight. He ran the mile in four minutes, 16.6 seconds' in a
tri-meet agCllinst pringfield and New Hampshire. "I ran the fClIstest half in my life in that race," recalls the Fairhaven fleetfooter. "I did the first 'half in 2:11.6 and the last in 2:05. That race gave me great personal satisfaction." John's two-mile time of 9:26 in a duel meet with Harvard was a personal record in the steeplechase. But records are nothing new to John. Before coming to Northeastern, Wojcik was Class D State Champion and record holder in the two-mile in both ibis junior and senior years, and left the school with six' athletic letters. As a Northeastern runner John won four varsity letters; two in cross country and a pair in track. His varsity eligilibity is now up, b~t because of the school's cooperative plan of education John won't graduate until June. Wojcilcts an accounting major and w'orks for Northeastern University itself as an accounts receivable clerk in the finance office while on "co-op."
24-Hour Wrecker ServB~e ~53 Washington Street, Fairlh(l]~o:Til
Papgl Volunteers
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Ass'ess plf@gram
Stresses [Laymen'm' Duties ~n Social Circles
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Papal Volunteers for Latin America (PAVLA) have initi, ated their first fully coordinated Latin American in-service planning meetings in the eight-year history of the organization. Papal Volunteer field representatives coordinating the activities of PAVLA's U.S, Catholic lay volunteers working in Latin America are convening meetings this month in their respective countries, Volunteers will be asked to suggest possible improvements in PAVLA's language and ,training program, living conditions in the field, relationships with Latin American host groups, acculturation and relationships with sponsoring U. S. dioceses. ' The meetings are being held "in order to receive new suggestions of how PAVLA can 'be.come more responsive to the needs of Latin America," said Father Raymond A. Kevane; national PAVLA director. "Additional opinions will be o,ffered by returned Papal Volunteers and U. S. PAVLA diocesan directors and ultimately presented. to PAVLA's planning committee."
SAN ANTONIO (NC)Leaders of all Catholic men's organizations in the San Antonio archdiocese' were chal-
lenged 'by Archbishop. Robert E. Lucey to meet their "dreadful" and "frightening" responsibilities as Christian laymen in so. cial justice matters. The arcbbishop, speaking at a meeting of officials of 23 groups, urged them to go into impoverished areas; .see for themselves the "unspeakable conditions," then "organize" and "work hard" to apply the gospel of justice and to "stand ~p for the things that are, right" in the field of human welfare. The meeting was called by fresident Francis Roser of the_ Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men for the purpose of explaining the structure, aims and functions of the archdiocesan federation of men's associations and .to encourage broader participation and ACCM activities. Organized to Sene Prior to the address by Archbishop Lucey, Roser used a pro-' jector to show charts outlining the ACCM's structure, explaining how.,..-through its five committees, affiliated lay groups, deanery officers and moderators as well as parish councils of men -the ACCM is organized' to "serve, coordinate and represent the men of, the archdiocese." Roser outlined a plan to group the 23 organizations in a federation to provide a "single, unifying voice' for all laymen in the archdiocese" in formulating "programs' of true Catholic action" and serve "as a two-way channel of communication between the archbishop and members of every Catholic men's organization in the archdiocese" that is affiliated with the ACCM. F~ther Edwin Juraschek, federation moderator, said the ACCM is structured to ,"enable laymen to come forth with constructive ideas" within the Church. He added: "If ever there was a time and a need for the ACCM program, it is today." Held, ReSponsible . The archbishop,' rioting that the structural or mechanical part of the ACCM had been explained, spoke on the functions of the official archdiocesan men's council and emphasized: "We are going to be held responsible. by Almighty God for our power. "At the moment," the archbishop said, "our power is largely potential in the sense that we haven't gotten it organized and we aren't 'using it." He recalled a sermon he had given 50 years ago when he said: ~'The world doesn't care what you believe in the field of dogrna. It's unfortunate, but it's true. "But the world does care what you do for the welfare ~of your neigbbor." The archbishop said the image of the Church suffered dliring those 50 years, "because the laity wouldn't take the trouble to find \ out, first of all, what their duty was imd how they could help, and then to do something about it."
W® @fr St<t!!vlt It many times falls out that we deem ourselves much 'deceived in others, becaJse we first deceived ourselves. -Sidney.
"051T TEMPLE: Rabbi Edward' Zerin . of Temple Sinai, Sharo!" Mass., in a guided tour of his congregation's place of worship to young people of nearby Our Lady of Sorrows Church, displays the Kiddush Cup used' for the sanctification of wine "as a symbol of joy." The Sharon Fl~deration of Temple Youth was host for the Catholic visitors" accompanied by Father John O'Donnell of Our Lady of 'Sorr0:-Vs Church NC Photo. I
Arrest Greek Monk As Church Vandal
PATRAS (NC) - Police arrested a Greek Orthodox monk on charges of ,breaking into St, Andrew's cathedral here and damaging a reliquary given to the Greek Orthodox Church by Pope Paul VI in 1964. ,!!'he monk, Gervarios Argyropoulos, 22, told police he did it because he was opposed to the way the relic of St. Andrew the irom one another and cut apart. cult it is to understand the situ':' NEW.. . . yORK (NC)-A Baptist clergyman and a Dominican ation here. Many critics of Israel there is fear between Jews and Apostle was kept in a glass casaccept that Arabs and between Arabs and ing. He said this was contrary to priest from Israel condemned, as unquestioningly "immoral" the double standard propaganda, wpich endeavors to. Arabs. The only way to break' the Orthodox faith. The relics, fragments of the this fear is to put men in front ,being employed ,by a nun:tber ,of draw world attention away from saint's head, were intact. of men." the liumim problems whIch connations and some Christian inBefore the arrest, Orthodox stitutions concerning the Arab front the neighboring countries , The importance of bargaining terrorists killing of a plane pas- and direct it towards the artifi- With ,both' sides,' talking over Metropolitan ,Constantine of senger at an Athens airport and cial and delusive field of Arab their problems without "foreign- Patras said the act was most Israel's reprisal attack on the politics, for which the 1967 ers," was, stressed by Father likely prompted by the religious fanaticism of certain Orthodox Khartoum Conference's direc- Hussar. Beirut airport. who regard the form of the reliSpeaking at a press conference tive-no negotiation; no recog"Today something very great 1:0 the American Jewish Com- nition, no peace - remains th~ ~s happening in Israel that the quary as "Catholic" and not Greek Orthodox. The metropolmittee here, Dr. C. Douglas program." tshortsightedness of men and itan said, however, that the reI.. Exprel!sing sorrow for the people cannot undo. The people Young, president of .the Institute of Holy Land Studies and a Beirut raid, Father Hussar said: of Israel have a message, akin iquary may be the one that Baptist· expert on the .region, "Lebanon was a friendly state in Ito the message of the Prophet Byzantine Emperor Constantine Paleologus, fleeing the Turkish said: "One is astounded imd spite of the fact that they didn't Isaiah, to give to the world toshocked by the contrast between - say so and I'm very sorry that day, a message that 'Christians invasion in 1444, carried away Christian silence at the death in Lebanon now has been pushed itoday will do ~ell to listen to, to Rome for sakekeeping. the airport in Athens and the into the arms of the. enemies of :for it will attune them to the loud incensed reaction to the Israel." very roots of their faith, a mesThe Dominican said' the two Isage of peace," he saic:f. destructiOli' of the empty planes OH~riWiJ~ obstaeles to peace "are one, poin Beirut." I . "In order to utter that mesFather Bruno Hassar, O.P.,di- litical, the other, fear!' 3 S©J"il'il~~ ~lall15 sage Israel needs to be at peace rector of the Dominican House Put Men lFirst ~ClIm0 lrinClln«:ing with her neighbors, If only the (If Studies in Jerusalem, ex"As political implications have Western powers whose influence pressed pleasure that Pope Paul come more and more into the' lis so great in shaping history VI has stressed that his recent framework of what's happen- could understand this and let message of sympathy to Leban- ing," Father Hussar said, "The this vision, instead of carefully on did not imply he was on the peoples have been estranged ibalanced diplomacy, guide their . f:ide of the <Arabs in Uie current !policy, the discouraging Mideast BA~K c:onflict. deadlock where hope is detained 261 Main St., Wareham, Mass. Father Hussar criticized the Ortillod@xHo~dSell'vice would be broken and a way: Telephone 295-2400 "one-sided and distorted presItoward peace opened," he deBank·By·Mail Service Available In Catholic Church entation" of the refugee prob'elared. . - lem, for which Arab leaders' . BERLIN (NC) - Members of bear a heavy, responsibility.. the Serbian Orthodox Church Human Problems ': in West Berlhi attended a SerFather Hussar, who was born bian Orthodox Liturgy celein Egypt and has lived in Israel brated In a Greek-rite Catholic :~or 15 years; said: "I have dischurch here on their feast of l~overed how complex and' diffiChristmas. The pastor of the church, ' Father Zlatko Latkowic, on a' visit to Belgrade, Y]Jgoslavia, NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Aux. told the Serbian Orthodox patriiliary Bishop Harold R., Perry, archate there that Serbian OrQ) BANQUETS, tl WEDDINGS e f?>ARTIES S.V.D.; of New Orleans will· thodox church memb~rs in Berlead an inter-denominational lin could use his church for pilgrimage to the Holy Larid for liturgical services. . (} COMMUNION ,BRrcAl{fAs)ii'~ world peace and understanding 'Father Latkowic informed the next July 14. In ad~ition to a patriarchate that the nearly I~ 343 iPll.lEASANi SiREEY week spent in the Holy Land, 2,000 Serbian immigrant laborthe pilgrimage will also visit ers in West Berlin lacked pasI 673·7780 Greece, Turkey, Rome and toral care. The patriarchate aci Switzerland. cepted the priest's offer.
C~ergYMen' DiSCUS$ Af@b~l!)ra~~i Crisis Priest Says Fear~ Polit'ics Hinder Peace
leads Pilgrimage