",' k.. · T -' ,"'" ',' . ~. 'Or ~._OI1' ·,aun.t~on~ w, Area: ,High" Schoo1
Moves . Rapidly Work on the third dioc~san regional high school, that
in 'Taunton~ is' progressing satisfactorily and· favorable
An Anchor of the Soul, Sur, tlnd Pirm-ST. PAUL
FoB River, Mass., Thursday.v
.Vot 6, No. 5 ©
1962 The Anchor
25, 1962
PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year
ceD Arrnnounces Course Fo~ CaJ~~ ~
Parish Boards
The Most Reverend Bishop and Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in the Diocese, have announced that a CCD Parish Executive Board course will pe conducted in the Cape Area. The sixweeks course will be given by Sister Dolores of the Our ship and activities of the parish board. Lady of Victory Missionary Since the parish board is made Sisters. The location of the up of eleven members: the course will be Holy Trinity par- priest-director, four officers, and ish hall, West Harwich. The ses- six chairmen, it will be most sions will be held on Tuesday helpful for future CCD success evenings from 7:30 to 9:30, be- in the parish if the eleven from ginning Feb. 6 and concluding each parish take the course. ExMarch 13. ' perience has proved that it is The purpose of the course is beneficial to choose an equal to hE:lp the parishes establish number of men and women for the parish board. ~eir CCD units by explaining A registration fee of three dolto the present and potential par. ish board members the total lars will be charged to the parfunction of the CCD on the par- 'ish for each person taking the ish level. The center double-page course. This will take' care of of the Manual of the Parish CCD the printed materials, necessary gives a diagram of the member- for the course.
Winter weather has aided' in' its ·building. General con~ tractors F. L. ColliilS and Sons have announced that all the foundations are com.., , pleted and some of the floor in~ are being poured. The cafeareas of the Maginnis, WalSh teria and kitchen section has peen poured and the classroom and Kennedy designed build~ area is being poured at the pres!'lnt time. Workmen are now ~orming the aUditorium level. Rep~ The 13 parishes of the Greater Taunton Area contributed a total Favc~s PriVQ~e of $1,167,428.39 to exceed the ~inimum $1,125,000 goal set up for the school drive. WASHINGTON (NC) Ground was broken last August The new Speaker of the by the Most Reverend Bishop for ~he high school which will acHouse said here he favors ~ommodate about 800 girls. The U.S. loans to help parochial ~irst regional high school in the and other private schools, but Biehop's high school building he would vote for a bill which program is,Bishop Stang High in aided public schools only. N,>' Dartmouth which serves the - Rep. John McCormack of Mas- Greater New Bedford Area. It sachusetts, for mer Majority now enrolls three classes. The Leader who was elected Speaker second school is the Bishop to succeed the late Rep. Sam Feehan High in Attleboro which Rayburn of Texas, made the opened last Fall and which has statement to reporters. just held open house for visitors. . McCormack, a Catholic, has This third regional high school bep,n under attack by some ,newspapers and organizations, will contain an aluminum and notably Protestants and Other glass entrance lobby facing the Americans United for Separation intersection of Church, Adams of Church and State, because he and Hamilton Streets. To the left announced support for private of, the lobby will be the multischool loans at the last session, a purpose wing containing the gymnasium - auditorium with prtJposal they oppose. stage and dressing rooms, and . Opponents also charged that bec:l.use of his belief in Federal cafeteria, kitchen, shower room loans for nonpublic schools, he and boiler room. To the right of the lobby will would be prevented' from supporting a public school assistance be the classroom wing with 12 bill. classrooms, business practice and ."1 have always advocated typing rooms, science labs and school legislation and strength- library. The school will also conening the whole elementary and tain administration rooms, acsecondary system. This includes commodations for student activboth public and private schools," ities, domestic sciences, art, he said. hec!lth and teachers' room. There Turn to Page Two will also be an oratory.
. TO GHANA: Rev. Richard Lawton, C.S.C., native of Brockton and graduate of Coyle High School and Stonehill College, will leave for Ghana, West Africa, Thursday, Feb. 1. He will serve at a mission newly assigned the Holy Cross Fathers by the Holy S"ee.
Jesuit Sees Rise In Enrollment
At Colleges '.
CLEVELAND (NC)-The 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States will increase their, total enrollment by about 25 per cent in three years, from 72,500 today to almost 98,000 by 1965. This estimate is based .on a survey of expansion plans presented at the annual meeting of the Jesuit Presidents Conference, held h-ere prior to the AsNEW YORK (NC)-A proposal for "shared time" ed- sociation of American Colleges ucation would involve compromise and sacrifice by Catho- meeting. Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., outgoing conference presilics, but it cannot .be dismissed without serious study, a dent, made the report. prominent educator said here. The comment. came from Father Reinert, president and HONG KONG (NC)-The health, welfare and educaMsgr. O'Neil C. D'Amour, . Stearns of Englewood, N. J. He rector of St. Louis University, tional. work of the Church here reached an all-time high associate secretary in charge is superintendent· of pub 1i c sairl the survey showed the Jesof the Superintendents De- schools there and a member of ' uit schools are planning an ex- during 1961, the 1962 edition of the' official Hong Kong of plant facilities costing Catholic Directory reported. The directory noted that alpartment of the National the Board of Christian Education pansion $113.5 million by 1965: He said Catholic Educational Association. of the United' Presbyterian' the money would come from though the ,Catholic popula- i,ooo free meals a day to refugee His statement is in a sympo- Church, U. S. A. .. gifts a'nd government ioans. At tion of Hong Kong now to- children. slum sponsored by the Religious Stearns proposes in the asso- present, .there are' 19 schools tals 174,279,' the' .Church . There are 34 parish branches Education Association here on a eiation's pUblicati,on, "Religious conducting fund-raising pro- serves more than 'a million of the Catholic charities organiconcept advanced by Harry L. Turn to Page Two grams. people-a third of the colony's z'ation engaged in youth activities, free' schooling and free , The rise in enrollment "(ill entire population. "C'-;;;mif'i'~~~ ~(B~'!.¥l necessitate the .hiring of 700 - The direc'tory listed 30 Catholic ~eals for poor children, and re-' more faculty members within free ciinic's and dispensaries pro-' . lief goods distribution. Also refive years, 'Father Reinert re-' viding medical services, dental ported are pilot projects in the ported. ' and pediatric care for close to vocational retraining of the hanTurn to Page Two 600,000 people; 17 food convertdicapped.· ing units and a ,kitchen giving Tum to Page Two
Need Compron:.ise, Sacrifice In 'Shared Time' Education
Hong Kong Work of.Church Prog.resses at Record High
Christian Hope'
Theme of 1962 Liturr~Dc:al Week . LAFAYETTE (NC)-The
, 1962 North American Litur-
STARTS OWN BUS SERVICE: Angered because 12 grade school pupils of St. Joseph's Catholic school in Norman, Okla., were forced to stop riding public school buses, Mrs. William E. Bittle, a non-Catholic, uses her family club wagon to pick up the Shearer boys who live on a farm outside Norman. Mrs. Bittle has two children who ride the public school buses and attend public school. NQ Photo.
gical Week, to be held in' Seattle, Wash., from Aug. 20 to 23, will stress the implications of Christ's Resurrection, it was announced here. Father Frederick R. McManus, president of the Liturgical Conference, said a~ a meeting here in Louisiana of the conference's board of directors that the theme of the Liturgical Week will be: "Thy Kingdom Come: Christian Hope in the Modern World." He said the theme "will focus attention on a better understanding of Christ's Resurrection and its implications for us here and now and at the end of time." More than four thousand people are expected to attend the Liturgical Week, which will be held on the grounds of the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle. Father McManus said that the theologians, Biblical scholars and leaders in the liturgical movement will be asked to give the , 10 main addresses and to conduct 15 workshops. "
FIRST MAS~: Rt. Rev. James Dolan, pastor of St. Mary~s Church, Tau~ton, is shown giving' Holy Communion to George' P 'Theroux at the first Mass offered in the Chapel of the Ilewly-op~ned Marian Manol;' in Taunton.
~o!l'matio. Of C@lfi)~ervcli+~e Cho~ QU'l1 Schools ST. LOUIS (NC) - Two
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ja". 2'5, 1'962 ..., . . . . IUver-l"hurs., . '. .
Ch..istians, ·Non. Christians Meet. At 'Feast of Brotherly Love'
R0ME (NC)-An agape - a olie Maronite Rite Mass celefeast of brotherly love -:- has br~ted by Lebanese Archbishop been held here by Catholics, Pietro Sfair, ordaining prelate other Christians and adherents for the Maronite Rite in Rome. . of non-Christian religions. Before the dinner, everyone . The meeting and dinner was pr~sent.recited. the following . presided over by Augustin Car- prayer: dinal Bea, S.J., president· of the . "Almig~ty and Eternal Qod; Preparatory .Secretariat for Pro- . 190k kindly upon this agape, so moting Christian Unity for the that each of us, overcoming and coming ecumenical council. repudiating the differences which The event took place at Rome's harass and .the adversities which Pro Deo University of Social poison human relations, may Studies, whose students include m a k e ourselves everywhere hundreds of non-Catholic Chris- sowers of goodness and of the tians and non-Christians. message of love and life. Only Each year the Catholic-ori- with your help, 0 Provident ented university sponsors 8ft Creator, will the impetus of our agape and asks its students to concord be able to shatter the invite as their guests the diplo- barriers of egoism and misundermatic representatives of their standings." home countries and the leaders of the religious groups to which they belong. Continued from Page One Opens with Mass Taking part in the affair this As of October, 1961, the direcyear were Anabaptists, Angli- tory reported, there were 168 cans, Baptists, Buddhists, Calvin- Catholic schools with a total ists, Catholics, Coi:lfucians, Cop- enrollment of 101,704 students, of tic Christians, Hindus; J:ews, whom two thirds (65,450). were Lutherans, Methodists, Moslems, not Catholic. Presbyterians, Russian Orthodox, Charitable inStitutions conChristian Scientists and Wal- duct~d by the diocese and relidensians. gious congregations include five The agape began with a Cath-' hospitals, five orphanages, two homes for the aged, two homes and a school for the' blind,. four day nurseries and play schools, ConUnued from Page One and three centers for vocational He pointed out that the Jesuit training and cottage industries. college expansion is made necesPriests sary by the expanding youth Priests working under Bishop population. He added: Lawrence Bianchi, P.I.M.E., of "Our liberal college education Hong Kong total 322, of which will revolve around the fundamentals of preparing American 24 are Americans. Thirty are youth to·meet the challenges of diocesan priests exiled' from Red China. Of the 634 Sisters repreour complex society. senting .21 different.· congrega~'Our expansion program is not a move to expand for expansion!s tions, '64 are American. There. are 108 Brothers. .' sak.;>, involving many 'frills and Included in these figures are unnecessary buildings. Of the 107 Chinese -priests, 49 Chinese apl,'lroximately 70 new buildings Brothers, and 295 Chinese Sisto be built, 25 will be dormitoters. . . ries 13 will be student ,union The expanding health and welbuildings, and seven will be new fare program of the Church here science' centers'on Jesuit college is directly administered by the campuses. This proves that our basic ·expansion program will be Hong Kong diocese through its social welfare bureau, known as ge'lfed to·the stlident needs.: 'Caritas-Hong Kong, and by reli.. Liberal Arts :. "It reflects .the' colleges' aesires gious congregations in cooperation with the diocese. Internato bring student. living off the campus· on -to the: campus. It tional voluntary agencies providmeans greater facilities for out- ing assistance for refugees and of-t.own· students! ~Ishing to at- other poor in Hong Kong through the Church include the. Misereor tend our ·institutions.. '. . "Our. survey; ·shows that the Social Aid Fund' of the German baslc'liberal arts program, which Bishops, the Catholic Women's has been'. standard in - Jesuit League of London, and Catholic schools, is becoming even. more Relief Services--Nationa1 Cathsignificant ~n the training of the Qlice Welfare Conference. citizen of tomorrow."
Church iii China
Enrollment Rise
Sch@o~ lC@][J'il~ Continued from Page One "I recognize that you can·'t legislate for private schools in the same way you can for public schools, but· Congress can legis1ate specifically. "In addition to public school aid, I advocate long-term loans at reasonable interest rates to private schools for puilding classrooms and for teachers' salaries, to teach science, mathematics and foreign languages. "Assuming that a House committee reported out a bill without those provisions, however, I would vote for such a bilt"
FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Jan. 28-,-St. Anthony, Taunton. SAcred Heart, Fall River. Bishop Stang Convent, North Dartmouth. Feb. 4-Holy Name, N e·w Bedford. St. Joseph, Fall River. Jesus Mary Convent, Fall River. Feb. l1-our Lady of Fatima, Swansea. Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River... Feb. 18-St. William, Fall River. Holy Family, Taunton. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven. 'THE I\NCHOR Second Olasa .Poetallil Paid .c ..ail Rlwr.l M..... Publl.hed evel7 T1nmlda,'" tlv
Bilrbland Ava.... lI'aIl River. M.... "" the C.tholle Preu. of the Dloc_ 06 Fall Rlv•. Subecnpltoll . . . . . . . . . . . . poatpaW ........ , - .
OlfdOl1\1@fi'y Gave!: l@$~ S~e$$Dlrng
l'he Most Reverend Bishop g3ve the final absolution following the Solemn Requiem Mass Monday morning in St. Mary's Church, Taunton, for Mrs. Anne (P.eardon) Morris, mother of Rev. William F. Morris, assistant at thot parish. Father Morris sang the Mass for his mother assisted by Rt. Rev. James Dolan as Deacon and Rev. William J. Fletcher as Subdeacon. . As~isting the Bishop were Very Re,' Patrick H. Hurley and Rev. Thomas H. Taylor. Master of Ceremonies to the Bishop was Rev. John H. Hackett, Diocesan Vice Chancellor.
Legoon of.Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their respective classifications:· Unobjectionable for general patronage: The Bashful Elephant; Cinderella. Unobjectionable for adults: . Sweet Bird of Youth. Objectionable in part for all: No Love for Johnny (grossly suggestive) .. DRY CLIEANiNG' and IFUR SYORAGL:
DERMODY CLEANERS 34-44 Cohannet Street Taunton VA 2-6161
Catholic high schools heN have denied a. newspap~ report intimating that "con-
Catholic Interracial COlW~cil Loses Services of Two Pioneetr Priests· NEW YORK (NC)-The Catholic Interracial Council movement loses the active services of two of its pioneers this year: Father' John LaFarge, S.J., and George K. Hunton. The two were among the founders in 1934 of the first council in the country, an effort that has since blossomed into nearly 40 councils and their federation, the National Catholic Conference' for Interracial Justice. Father LaFarge, 81, Jesuit author and l~~cturer, asked to be relieved of his post of CIC cha·plain. The _council's board of directors granted his request and have named him chaplain emeritus. . Father LaFarge will deliver his farewell address' to council
members at a Communion breakfast· following· Mass at Old St. Peter's Church, Barclay Street here, on Sunday, Feb. 11. He will be succeeded by Father Philip H. Hurley, S.J., of Fordham ,University, who has been assistant chaplain for the past five years. Hunton, who will be 74 on March 24, tendered his resignation to the' board after 28 years as executive secretary of the council. He was given the title of "secretary emeritus" and will serve in a consultative position in the area of development and public relations. Hunton, . whose retirement is eff.ective on March 1, will besucceeded by Dennis Clark, presently director of the housing divis~on of Philadelphia's Com':' mission on Human Relations.
R.equires Compromise and Sacrific~
Continued from Page One Education," that the schooltime of children be shared by statesupported and church supported schools. stop Drift of Secularism He suggests that children at": tend public school for that part of their schooling which is seen as secular and - attend church schools for. that portion .·which the church determines to be religious import.. . The proposal,' he believes will
..' Mass Oll'do FRIDAY-St. Polycarp', Bishop' . and Martyr.. III Class. Red. . Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY-St. John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. SUNDAY-IV Sunday After Epiphany. II Class.. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-St. Francis De Sales, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor· of the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY-St. Martina, Virgin and "Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-St. John Bosco, Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; . Common Preface. THURSDAY-St. Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface.
O'ROIURKE Funeral, Home 571 Second St. Fall· River, Mass OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON LiCenl!ed ·Funercil D'irector Registered Embalmor
AUJJ~~~ir~N~ !FtWlrn~Hr@~·:·If!J@tri'f\)~ ",,,,len AUbertine Braugh Owner and Director
Spacious Parking Area WY 2-2957 119 Allen St.
New Bedford
curb .argument over government aid to church-related schools, provide a common ground ··on which children of differing reli_ gious backgrounds' can meet and "stop· the drift of secularism" ill today's public school education. Msgi'. D'Amour calls the proposal "intriguing and challeng-' ing," and agrees that religious' illiteracy is spreading today..... . . . ' : . Upset Conscience c;:'athollcs,' .he ;surinise's,' will greet the proposal with 'sympathy, but the concept aiso. must be seen as involving "conipro~ mises that will deeply upset .the Catholic conscience." . It forces a compromise in the basi~ Catholic philosophy that education is "an: integrated whole" and that religious truth permeates' the entire curriculum, he wrote. However, he adds his belief that Catholics will stUdy the proposal because "compromise for the common good is often necessary within a democracy." It might, he added, "bring about a resurgence of religious education in our country." -
s~rvative clubs" are beillS formed at the schools. . The denial followed publishing' of a picture in the S1. Lou" Globe Democrat. The picturElt. showing Rep. Thomas Curtis, and two St. Louis University Higll Sc.hool -students and their pa~ ents, was captioned "St. Lout. University High School Conse"'ative Club." The school' is conducted bj Jesuit Fathers. An accompanying . story said that a.B,ishop DuBourg High School Conservative Club was also being formed. BishoP DuBourg school is conducted by the Archdioce~e of St. Louis. Non-Partisan Archdiocesan authorities said no "Bishop DuBourg High School! Conservative Club" would bel formed at the school. Father Gerald R. Sheahal'ilg 8.J., principal of St. Louis UnAversity High School, read, m statement denying 'that a.". "Conservative Club" organize.. tion would be permitted undel' school auspices. "The school takes no officia'! position for or against any political organization," he said. "W. are neither Democratic nor Republican, neither liberal nOJ' ~onservative."
Necrology JAN"2'J '. Rev. John T. O'Grady, 1919, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. '. Rev; Joseph M. Silvia, '1955, Pastor, St.' Michael, Fall. River. JAN. 28 - Rev. Joseph M.. Griffin, 194'7, Pastor, St Mary, Nantucket. , - Msgr. John J. Shay, 1961, Pas-· tor, St.. John the Evangelist. Attleboro. JAN. 29 Rev. Christiano J. Borges, 1944, Pastor, St. John the Baptist, New Bedford. Rev. Albert J. Masse, 1950, st. Joseph, Attleboro. JAN.3t " Rev. William ·F.·" 'Sullivan, 1930, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset. ., .' Rev. Manuel C. Terra: 1930, Pastor, St, Peter, Provincetown.' FEB. t Rt. Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly. 1948, Pastor, Immaculate .Conception, Taunton.
JllErF rF ~ lEY E.
S)l\.Dfi:.lDVAN IFllIlllO~11'(J]J~
550 Locust St. !Fall River. Mass,
OS 2-2391 .Rose E. Sull1van Jeffrey E. Sullivan
FU!l1ell'ol Home
986 Plymouth Avenue Fall River. Mass.
123 Ilhoadway
Tel. OS 3-2271 DANIEl • HARRINGTON Ucenle.. ~uneral Director and Registered Embalmer
VA 4-5000
FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy - C. Lorraine R"" RoQ'er LaFranCt'
FALL RIVlER, MASS. OS -.2-3381 Wilfred C. James E. DriliCOIl Sullivan, Jr.
. VOURS YO II.OVIE AND YO GiVEI the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. Love God · more, and give to souls knowledge and love of God by serving Him in. a Mission which uses tho · PreiS, Radio, Motion Pictures and TV, to bring · His Word to soull everywhere. ZealoUi ,oung , girl.; 14-23 years interested in thit IIllique Apostolate may write to: REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR DAUGHTIRS OF ST. PAUL 50 st. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 10, MAli.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 25, 1962
AT TESTIMONIAL: Parishioners, relatives and friends honor Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. S. deMello, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Taunton, on the occasion of his elevation to the prelacy. Left, Edward .s. Franco, .Msgr. de Mello, Sen. John F. Parker, toastmaster. Center, Msgr. Francis
P~j~st Say~ 'D~utNegro i~ P;a«:e, M.. ,~tical ~(O)dy of Jesus Chl1'ist" BETTENDORF (NC) - CathoUcs must "put the Negro in his place," and that place is the Mystical Body of Christ, a Davenport inter~aciall~ader said here.. This requires greater enhg~tenmen~ on t.he part of whl~e Catholics, sal~ Father Marvm Mottet, chaplam to the Davenport Catholic Interracial .Council In a talk before ~he Kmghts of Colu.mbus in this Iowa co~m~l1lt!. . . Priests who .are workmg .among ~he Neg.roe~ tell us ~at the ra.clal. preJudIce of ~hIte Cathohcs IS the greatest smgle obstacle to Negro conversions. Negro~s are a~tracted by t?e Catho.hc teachmgs of r~clal equahty. but they are driven away when they see that Catholics d~n't practice what they preach. Hands of Whites The future of the Negro in America, he said, lies largely in the hands of whites. "Negroes are a political minority and therefore can't vote on their right," he continued. "They depend on fair and decent whites to work for justice. This is why whites, especially Catholics, must know what is right and just in this area." Most people know what is right and want to pursue it, but they remain silent and inactive, Father Mottet contended. "We must stir up this 'silent major-
Dec Ei'tl Sco~es A~at~v PROVIDENCE (NC) - The dean of a Catholic college said here that "civic indifference and political apathy can rightfully be regarded as one of the great immo~'alities of the present day." Father Joseph L. Lennon, O.P., dean of Providence College, said in a speech: "In a democracy such as ours and in the complex society in which we live, every citizen, in keeping with his time and talent, is called upon to do something for the wider social good. He who does nothing is guilty of sin." He spoke before the annual diocesan meeting of the' Christian Family Movement. Love Without Action" The Dominican educator said it is inconsistent to "profess love of fellowman without acting to perfect government at this critical time in history." He added that "if Christians in general, and parents in particular, realized that the half dead man helped by the Good Samaritan is today represented by a thousand million men, undernourished, ill housed, undereducated-four fifths of mankind -then they would be moved to a more intense interest in government and in, politics."
Asserrft's At~ack From WifthOrr1 ~8"o~e$$icn 'Lay Apo$to~ate' . On ;"~mertacall1 lew lPk~~@$(O)~~Y layman
ity'. Their silence must be broken and their weight thrown behind justice." Home Is Source "Authorities say that the home is the greatest source of racial prejudice. Children learn it from their parents," he said. "If this is true then the home .can also be the greatest source of the true Christian attitude in race rela~ tions. The home is the best place to teach all 'children to love' all races as God's children." Father Mottet said that discrimination and segregation are not just problems for the South. Negroes may be treated as equals in Northern' schools, he said, but subtle and hypocritical discrtmi- . nation denies them their rights in housing and employment in the North. "One young Negro told me," Father Mottet said, "that he went to Korea and risked his life to defend American freedom, and then returned to Davenport where he was refused the right to buy the house he wanted, even though he had the money to buy it."
Me!l'~~cnts SU~~<a1Y
McKeon, Msgr. de Mello, Msgr. James J. Dolan, all of Taunton, and Msgr. John A. Silvia, New Bedford. Right, Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, curate at Our Lady of Lourdes, Msgr. de Mello, Mrs. Ll:!na Cordeiro, New Bedford, sister of the Monsignor.
INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - A priest-law professor charged WASHINGTON: (NC)-A here that the traditional Amer':' iean philosophy of law is under Catholic lay leader said here "serious attack" within the legal that the term "lay apostol- profession by advocates of a new ate" is "incomprehensible" ideology which "denies the rational foundations of American to most laymen and should· be dropp.ed in ~iscussion of their liberty and, ordered justice." role in the' Church. .. . .Several hundred representaJosep~ B. Casey, president of tives of state and local' governthe Dubuque, Iowa, Archdiocesan . ments heard Father William J. Council of Catholic· Men, sug- 'Kenealy, S.J., of Loyola Univergested that the term "Catholic 'sity law school, Chicago, contend lay leadership" be· substituted in . his sermon at the first Red for "lay apostola~e." Mass of the Indianapolis archdiocese that if the viewpoint of .. Casey also'. stated that to modern legal positivists prevails awaken laymen to their true the legal profession "is destined function in the Chur'ch "will reto play a tragic part' in the disquire more than a campaign; it integration of the free society will require almost a revolution." our forebears so gloriously con. The tradition of passive laymen structed." is centuries-old in the Church, and laymen "like their passive 'Medieval Fiction' role and they want to retain it," He identified the modern legal he declared. positivists as those who "attack Casey underlined the importhe very concept of the natural tance of lay leadership in dealing law as medieval fiction, which with such issues as aid to educaserved a useful purpose in its tion. "Unless we have leaders day but is now obsolete and who are prominent enough to be heard, we will not be heard," he said. It is a "sorr.y situation" that PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 'priests and bishops must often for Domestic take the place of the Catholic layman speaking out on public * ~ & Industrial issues, he added. ~ Sales and Oil Burners Service Casey spoke at the opening WY 5-1631 general session of a special threeday meeting on "The Crisis in 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. Lay Leadership." NEW BEDFORD
Confusing Te6"m
NEW YORK (NC)-The National Retail Merchants Association has called on its members to support Sunday closing laws. The a~~ociation, in a resolution adopted at its 51st annual convention, opposed Sunday ·sales of any articles except those "absolutely necessary to the health and welfare of the community." The association, which represents 11,500 department, specialty and variety stores with annual sales of more than $19 billion, expressed "deep concern" over the growing trend toward Sunday business. "Competitive pressures that have induced some stores, including members of the association, to open on Sunday must be strongly resisted," it said.
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never had any objective existence." "To them, inalienable rights are simply metaphysical nonsense," Father Kenealy said. "They deny the existence of objective principles of justice and liberty, thus recognizing no absolutes except pragmatic' public policy." Father Kenealy termed this thinking as the .fundamental philosophy of the absolute state, ·which he called a "retrogession to anCient Caesarism."
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Cailad,i(ln; Society Placing Chil~ren Iii U.S. Agencies
Explains Catholic PosmC'ion On ·"Population Explosion'
TORONTO (NC) - The Catholic Children's Aid Society here is placing children with adoptive agencies in the
By Father John L. Thomas, S. J'. Ass&. Sociology Prof.-St. Loois uJiiversity
"What~s the best way to explain the' Catholic position em the 'pop,ulation explosion' to sincere Non-Catholics? I recently had my fourth child and in the course of a check-up my non-Catholic doctor, who has six children of his own, brought up the whole quesTheir concern focuses on the tion. I told him that God economkally lesser developed made the world and certainly rountries where the introduction knows how to take care of of scientifically advanced health
U.s.because there are not enough Catholic adoptive parents in 0n.tario, the executive director of the agency has stated. Ward Markle, the CCAS official,' made' this comment in II letter published in the Canadian Register. It was in reply toa letter from a reader who' found it hard to believe "that there are not enough Catholic parents wanting to adopt c:bildren." Markle said that the CCAS "placed more than 40 c:bildren in the United States during 1961." Be also said: "Let me state emphatically that there are ,not enough Catholic parents applying to, adopt ... This is why we have working agreements with various Catholic agencies in the United States-in order to find good Catholic homes for our children." Want Good Homes In reply to an objection that too long a waiting period is involved before a child can be adopted, Markle said his agency must obey "the regulations of the Child Welfare Act of Ontario and the' requisites prescribed by ... James C. Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto, in respect to the spiritual safegua.rds." "We are not in the business of supplying children to meet the needs of some parents--to save a marriage, to cure an alcoholic or neurotic," Markle stated. "Rather, are we in the business of finding good Catholic homes (or our children."
measures not directly related to . it. His answer was that God alsp gave us common sense and that the economy have induced and promise to maintain increases in we should use population that place a serious it." strain on presently limited availAn adequate able resources. reply to your In regard to such countries, question, Jan e the Catholic position rejects the would require use of abortion, sterilization or m'Jre space than contraceptive techniques for I am permitted limiting too rapid growth as here, so I shall clearly contrary to Christian confine my remoral principles. marks to a few m a j 0 r points When regulation is necessary, that may prove they propose later marriages, helpful. Perhaps and the observance of absolute more forcefully than any other or periodic continence during issue, the current controversy some stage of the family cycle. relating to population problems Such s'olutions are not impracserves to remind American Cath- tical. olics that they are living in a Indeed, the patterns of selfpluralist society. discipline, deferred gratification, . The term Pluralism as used in and 'personal dedication that this context means that the , these practices necessarily imply American people can no longer must be judged absolutely necagree upon proper moral conduct essary if the organized exploitaand practice beca use they' no tion of resources and technolog-longer . agree on basic moral ical advances are to proceed principles and values. In other voluntarily. words, there is no g~neral conAbove all, Catholic thinkers sensus on the meaning of man stress the development 'of reand his relationship to. God. sources. Hence they advocate, a WATCH OUT: In Southhampton, England, a sure atmultifaceted approach, including General Points tention-get.ter is this "Danger People Praying" sign, posted emphasis on universal education, Under these circumstances, there are several general points social and economic reforms, on a tree outside a. church at Highfield. The threat is capital investment. that will "backed" by·a chorus of somber tombstones in the churchthat must be kept clearly in mind when explaining the Cath- make the best use of the abund- yard. NC Photo. olic position on contemporary ant labor supply, and needed marketing and trade reforms. issues. They also insist that the goods In the firs't place, an intelliof the earth have been created gent judgment or "position" COMPANY HINGHAM, Mass-To accomseminarian's elevation to the concerning the morality of any for the use of all mankind, so modate an increasing number of priesthood. After completing that the resource-adequate napractice must be based on the vocations to the forergn mission four years of college he takes Complete line logical application of general tions now have a serious obligapriesthood, the Maryknoll Fathone year of concentrated spirmoral principles to this specific tion to aid .the resource-needy Buil~ing Materials ers have purchased a 63-acre itual training before beginning regions through financial and human act. tract of land here on which they his final four years of theological technical assistance to the extent plan to build a new novitiate for People who base their considstudy at Maryknoll Major Sem. 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN erations upon different moral that this appears feasible. their seminarians. inary, Maryknoll, N. Y., leading WYman 3-2611 principles will necessarily reach The above offers only a bare Construction o,f the novitiate, to ordination and a mission asdill,erent conclusions. ,outline of the assumptions, prinsignment overseas. which will be locafed approxiHence disagreements concernciples, and facts related to the ing the licitness of va'nous forms Catholic position on population. mately 20 miles southeast of Boston, will begin in the Spring of of population control must logHowever, I hope it is sufficient ~ 1963. ically be based on differences to enable you to keep future disconerning basic moral principles, cussions with", your doctor in The new training house, with and since these are based on our proper focus. Savings' Bank life Insurance an enrollment capacity of 120 conceptions of the nature, origin, students, will relieve" the qV!lrReal Estate loans and destiny of man, any worthburdened facilities, of' Marywhile discussion of disagreement. Christmas and Vacation Clubs. knoll's present novitiate at Bedin the' moral order must ult~ ford, Mass. Abso~l!Jltion mately center on this point., AlSavings Accounts The novitiate represents the though thi~ seems obvious, it is The Most Reverend Bishop 'half-way mark in a Maryknoll 5 Convenient Locations all too frequently forgotten in gave the absolution yesterday current discussions. morning in Our Lady of Fatima Moreover, inasmuch as an acChurch, Swansea, following the ceptable program of action alSolemn Requiem Mass of Frank ways represents a conclusion B. Greene who died on Saturday. .based on the prudent application The Mass was sung by Mr. of relevant moral pri~ciples to Greene's son, Rev. James F. Sales & Rentals a set of pertinent social facts, we Greene of St. Joseph's Church, can discuss the Catholic position West Harwich Taunton. on the "population explosion" ROUTE 28 Father Greene was assisted by intelligently only if we know Harwich 4-14 Rev. James F. Kelley as Deacon both the principles and the facts. and Rev. John F. Moore as SubHarwich 3-67 In regard to the latter, Cath'Odeacon. lic thinkers must rely on the Seated in the sanctuary was same sources of information as all others. Unfortunately, there Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, remain serious gaps in our Auxiliary Bishop of the DiOCEse. NEW knowledge relating to both basic =======MASSACHUSETTS population data and the nature Home made of the relationship between'popCANDIES ulation ~rends and socio-ecoCHOCOLATES INSURANCE AGENCY nomic developmentf Moreover, we must distinguish 150 Varieties All Kinds Of Insurance between the speculative, overall problem of world population ROUTE 6 near 96 WILLIAM STREET versus world resources on the . NEW REDFORD. MASS. one hand, and specific, practical Fairhaven Auto Theatre DIAL WY 8-5153 population - resource problems FAIRHAVEN, MASS~ existing in various countries on Personal Service the other. ' In general, the ,experts agree that world resources are adequate to meet forseeable future population increases, provided we make use of them.
New Novitiate for Maryknoll
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Heads Atomic !Body
(NC) - Jose Maria Otero Navascues, Marquis of Hermosilla, president of the International Federation of Catholic Men and president of the Spanish Council on Nuclear Energy, has been elected presi,.. dent of the IS-nation EuroPean Agency on Nuclear Energy.
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,Pre J'a t e Asserts Pop e Is Center Of CotholDC Unity SAN ANGELO (NC) The center of worldwide Catholic unity, guarantee of apo!'tolic succession and the true power and authority lies in the Pope, Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth emphasized in a sermon at the consecration and enthronement of the Most Rev. Thomas J. Drury, first Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of San Angelo in Sacred Heart Cathedral here in Texas. Bishop Gorman said that a "thl'cefold apostolic visitation" had come to San Angelo - the erection of the new diocese, the . consecration and enthronement of iIs first Bishop. He traced the succession of bishops of today back to the time of the Apostles. "Through long centuries of controversy and bitter strife, when uncertainty about Christ's true doctrine beat upon the minds of Christian men, when falsehood and bitter heresies raised their ugly heads, men bav~ looked to Rome for guidance toward the truth of Christ and protection from the wiles of erro~," Bishop Gorman said. "Long ago, in the midst of swirling controversy, when men struggled to know where was truth, where the Church, where the center of unity, where the government of Christ's true Church lay, a great doctor of the ChUl'ch cried out suceincUy and penetratingly, 'Ubi Petrus. ibi Eeclcsia.' Where Peter is, there is the Church. "Look for Peter and you will find Cluisk's Church, and where can Peter be found save in his successor, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, divinely appointed guardian of truth in the matter of faith and morals?" Bishop Gorman continued. He said that today when the world is beset "by thle storms of controversy and the attacks of error, seeking to undermine Christian fGUndations. we must look to Peter to find the Church, , to John XXIll, his successor and 'like him vicar of Christ, for assurance of Christ's truth."
Soviet Leader Bows · To Madonna Icon BOMBAY (NC)-Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev bowed · when he was confronted here with a reproduction of the icon of Our Lady of .Vladimir, Russia's mq,st sacred image. The chief of state of the Soviet Union and his wife came face to face with tbe ancient image of the Madonna and child during the Bombay phase of their official visit to llndia. The Brezhnevs were in an automobile procession here when they came , upon the 25th ll-mile walking , procession sponsored by Bombay , Catholics. Bhezhn~who is titular su· perior to Pltemier Nikita Khrush, chev in the Soviet government : hierarchy - bowed when he , spotted the ancient image. Then he hinted his eyes away.
Inv9te 600 to Join Physidc:Rns' Guild WASHINGTON (NC)-Ncarly 600 physicians in this area have been invited to join the newly ,formed St. Luke's Physicians' Guild of the Washington archdiocese. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Wasbiington wilt speak at the guifd's rrrst meeting on Thursday, Jan. 25. The local group will be affiliated with the National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds, made up of similar groups in major cities in 36 states.
~(!;!JnD@ll1l\i' 5)[Iu~!telf WAYZATA (NC) -The new Sl Bartholomews church here in Minnesota will include a basement fallout shelter for children of the parish school, Father Demetrius Hagmann, O.s.B., has anll(\Uneed. The church is scheduled for completion next December,
THE ANCHORTaunton'Woma.n's Ne plie'lv Finds Vocation' 'Th~rs.; Jan. 25, 1962 Through Future Priest Club for Bo'vs Ex-Communist
Rev. Mr. John J. Nichols, nephew of Mrs. Harold T. Schofield of Taunton is still carrying in his prayerbook the membership ,~ard he received in 1947 when as an'11 year old fourth grader at St. Joseph's School, Portland, Me., he became a membe; of the Future Priest Club. His boyhood dream will come tr UfO Friday, Feb. 2 in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, when Richard the Divine Word Seminary at Cardinal Cushing ordains . Te.::hny, Ill. "We have endless hIm. ~e son of Mr. and facts to prove that diocesan Mrs. Charles T. Nichols of seminaries and other religious orders b~ides our own receive numerous candidates who probably would never have applied, had not the Future Priest Club nourished their vocations," according to Father Reed. Future Fr. Nichols recently wrote to a fonner director of the club: "I thought you would appreciate knowing of at least one early member of the Future Priest Club who, with God's grace, has persevered through the years. I invite you to join me in the happy days that are ahead."
Milton, his grandparents are the late John J. and Margaret E. Nichols of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton. He will sing his first Solemn Mass at St. Mary of the Hills Church', Milton, Sunday, Feb. 4, and following that will be assigned to serve in a parish of the Boston Archdiocese, IF
The F~ture ~j~st CI~b that young Nichols lamed m 1947 then had headquarters at the Divine Word Seminary in Bay St. Louis, Miss. Since its foundation the club has been under the direction of the Divine Word missionaries' The club aims "to give encouragement and vocational guidance" to its 14,000 members in the United States. It has other members overseas. The only condition for membership is "a sincere interest in the priesthood, whether diocesan, religious or missionary." Any boy from the fifth to eighth grade (ages 11 to 14) may join. Members say a daily prayer for their vocation,· a daily prayer to the Blessed Mother, and receive Holy Communion at least once a week "To this day, I still say the daily prayer to the Blessed Mother," said Rev. Mr. Nichols. , The chief means the club uses to foster and preserve the
Pfan Consecration At Richmond Feb. 22 RICHMOND (NC)-Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, will consecrate Bishop-designate Ernest L. Unterkoefler in Sacred' Heart cathedral here Thursday, - ',>, 22. Bishop-designate Unterkoefler, ,\4. is a native of Philadelphia who was ordained for the Richmond diocese on May 18, 1944. ton were arrested.
COrllfirrm$ 40 Handicapped CHICAGO (NC)-Forty members of the Apostolate of the Handicapped were confinned by Albert Cardinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chicago, at a special service in Our Lady of Mercy Church here. Through services of aides and drivers the handicapped are taken to various churches, seminaries, shrines and other institutions in the archdiocese on the first Saturday of each month for a spiritual program of eonfes. sion, Mass, instruction, BenedicREV. MR. NICHOLS tion and 'Rosary, followed by a J)riestly vocation in its members luncheon and entertainment. is a 16-page magazine, "The Membership is opened to all Shepherd," published four times physically. handicapped, regarda year. less of race or creed, as well as Present director of the 'club is ablebodied persons to serve as Father Kenneth Reed, S.V.D., of aides.
Party Official Now Catholic NEW YORK (NC)-John Lautner, a top official for 20 years of the Communist party in the U.S., was received into the Church in November, 1961, the Oriel Society announced here. The society, an international Catholic cultural organization, said that Lautner received his religious instructions and First Communion from Father Vincent Hart, S.J., of Loyola Seminary, Shrub Oak, N. Y. The Oriel Society stated that Father Robert Gannon, S.J., former president of Fordham University, helped lead Lautner into the Church by suggesting that he make a retreat in the Summer of 1961 at Loyola Seminary. Lautner had served as a member of the Communist party's national review commission and as a security officer of the party. He also was assigned to building the party's underground apparatus in New York state. Tortured by Thugs On Jan. 14, 1950, he was accused of being an FBI agent and tortured in Cleveland by COlllmunist thugs. He left the party shortly afterwards. The torture he suffered is described in FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's book "Masters of Deceit." Since leaving the party he has worked closely with the U. S. Government. He is a consultant to the U. S. Department of Justice and has been a witness for the department in 20 Smith Act conspiracy and Communist party membership cases. He also lectures for the Oriel Society on the techniques and propaganda of communism.
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THE A..,rlJ"''',"Oi"ce5e of Fall 'River-Thurs., Jan. 25, 1962 l'
The ,Devil ~,Passed' on Trial ,
If such
'It Makes'Sense
b~ one 'of his abilities, the devil must 'ha~e
breathed a sigh of relief rece'ntly to learn that he 'has been allowed to remain in the Anglican cateChism' for a trial period of several years. It seems that he has been running into' some opposition /, lately, with men of religion, clerical and lay, of that denomination all' for banishing him not only from heaven but even from hell. These feel that he is no longer fashionable, that he is no longer believable; indeed-and they, to their credit, are not afraid to proclaim it-they feel that he just does not exist. ' What a cruel blow to the devil. What-if the expression can be used-a hell of a thing to do to him. It is bad enough for, men of goodwill to oppose him. It is to his benefit if they ignore him and pretend he is not around. But when they go so far as to deny his existence, even he must resort again to Scripture to prove his existence. Fortunately, 'cooler and Scripture-filled heads have saved the Qay, and young Anglicans will be introduced to the devil in their catechism, at least for several more 'years when the question will be reviewed again. This is symptomatic of the tendency that is' by no means new in the field of religion and morality. There was a time when a man who ca~e face to face with a dogma or a code that offended him would simply say, "To hell with this." Now he says there is no hell so "this" does notexist. It may 'be a more polite way of acting. But it is a denial of truth. And -in the interest of truth, the devil himself must be at' ease to know he has passed this latest'test-even , if on trial.
Why This Stand?
by Rev. James A. McCarthy St. William's Church路 foil River
Is there a religious order m the Catholic Church ealled the minorites? There is no specific order known as the MINORITES. Thhi is l:lR archflic name once applied to 'the Franciscan Friars MinOl1' The' Franciscan nuns were referred to as minoresses. Because of the erstwhile use of these names there is a street in LondolZlop where they formerly had a covent, kll{)Wn as the Minorities.
,* ......
erhnouq.h the Wu:k With the Chunch By REV. ROBERTW. HOVDA, Catholic University
Can you give me a brief !iummation of my name-saint, St. Nicholas? There are several Saints Nicholas. If you know the exact one the task of answering you r ('uestion would be simplified. Possiblythedate of your birth might give the clue, if you are uncertain as to just which one is your patron; it may be that your birthdate coincides with , the feast day of 'one of them. Most popularly known of the Saints Nicholas is St. Nicholas 'of Myra; his feast day is Dec. 6 and is kept almost universally throughout, the Church. He was a Bishop and Confessor. He and still is among the most popular of the saints, especially among the Eastern dissidents. .While not too much is known definitely of him, there are many legends' associated, with this saint. St. Nicholas is honored as the patron of many countries and cities and classes of people (especially children-8anta Claus ill a corruption of his name). He was Bishop of Myra in Lycia ill the,fourth century; his body was stolen 'by Italian merchants 'ill 1087, arid it now rests in Bari.路 Among the many' groups to wh0m St. Nicholas is patron are the pawnbrokers, and the three golden ba~ls so frequently used to indicate a pawnshop originated in a legend of ,good "St. Nick." Maybe in the month of January the family breadwinners see the appropriateness of '''Santa Claus" also being the patron of pawnbrokers.
TODAY-The eonversion of st. Paul, Apostle. We close the unity prayer week with this moving Mass of Paul's conversion. Both Epistle and Gospel tell us that -it is only Christ that matters, that even the highest human values and goods (family, property, etc.) must be seen as iTIferior to personal faith in Him, a personal encounter with Him. Catholics and Protestants working for reunion can apply . this' to all that is purely human in their own religi,ous traditions.
MONDAY - St. Francis of Sales, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor. "In the gathering of the Church the Lord opened his mouth and filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding," begins the Introit of today's Mass. The Church is Christ, so it is not man who brings gifts and talents to the Church but rather the Church which' enables man to whatever c'onfession of faith, wha'tever utterance, whatever witness he may make. Every confessor and teacher in the Church is a part of Christ's con_ tinuing Epiphany, a part of His gracious manifestation of Himself to men.
leader, . head, preserves from every Storm and ,every threat. A community of faith, for, as the Gospel tells us, failure of faith endangers its existence. And a community of love, as the Epistle teaches. Every' sin . against the unity of the Church, against the solidarity of the Brotherhood, is a sin against love as well QS against faith.
. we probably could not list them and the caliber of dedication be- in the space allowed in this comes mediocre, "we are in paper. The COPTIC MARTYRS grave danger of substituting is a general term applying to aU showy superficial images for _ of those who suffered martyrdom ideals," the Governor of Illinois for the Faith in Egypt from the warned here. year 200 to 313 in the persecuGov. Otto Kerner spoke at the tions of Severus, Decius, ValeFestival of Leadership banquet rian, Diocletian and Maximinus. sponsored by the Society of the Little Flower in the Palmer House. The dinner benefits stuWhat is the percentage of dents for the Carmelite priest- Catholics in Puerto Rico? hood. According to figures on the Before students for the priest- population of Puerto Rico as ,of hood can exert their influence on . January 1959, there were 2,090,thousands yet to be born, the 000' Catholics out of a total Governor said, they must be population of 2,275,000; a little initiated into the "tradition of mathematics comes up with the unstinting generosity by those answer that Catholics represent who bear the mantle of leader- 91.9% of the Puerto Rican ~ip in our present day sO,ciety." population.
The uninitiated comfort themselves in the face of government policy with the assumption that those in high was places know more about situations than the ordinary man in the street. Thu's, it is reassuring to credit officials with information not possessed by the mere interested citizen. And the decisions of these officials-decisions which at times are cause for wonder~are ac~epted, as the wiseSt arid best result of inside information and knowledge.' TOMORROW - st. Polyearp, But such rationalization, valid as it may be in many Martyr. It is because we instances, cannot suppress the shivers of apprehension.. over 'Bishop, love our brothers that we have the sight, of the United States -government's forcing the passed from qeath to life. More , pro-West leader of Laos to enter into a coalition with pro- than anything else, love is the TUESDAY-St. Martina; Vir-' communist factions and to yield key posts in his cabinet to mark of the Christian. And love, - gin, Martyr: The Epistle .speaks if it is true, seeks union, So our again of the wonder of God's these Red-aligned individuals. prayer for unity cannot stop . gifts, of GOd's providerice, for It is true that the label used is not pro-communist with yesterday's conclusion--ofa 'man. Helper, protector, deliverei-, but neutralist. It is equally true that this label deceives week of speci!!l intentions. Every saviour ~ these are the 'terms Mass is a reminder of the trag- which indicate the unearned no one as to the fact it covers. edy of a bread broken imd scat.. blessings He has freely bestowed What is, the thinking behind such an act of this tered, a bread meant to be a tool on His creatures. They indicate government? ' of union and made to be' a token why His name is Love. And the of division. ' Gospel points to the Church as It cannot be that no one in Washington remembers the Bride of Christ. Every blessthe same tragic policy tl).at was pursued in China in forcSATURDAy-st. John Chrysing His to give, and yet the oil ing the pro-West government into a coalition with the ostom; Bishop, Confessor, Doctor. of our commitment and accept"agrarian land reformers"-a policy that invited the cap- The Gospel points out the ob- ance no less essential. vious fact that a city set upon a ture of several hundred million mainland Chines~ by the mouritain cannot be hidden. True WEDNESDAY - St. John . presently ruling Communists. Are the "blue nuns" al' of great teachers of the Church BoSco, Confessor. Perhaps the "blue sisters" the same an .. 15 Can it be that the United States is reconciled to the like John Chrysostom, it is true difference between the great that their real name? of the Church. It is an ad- sain~ of Christian history and loss of Laos to the communist camp, and would rather have also ditional reason (besides the ourselves is as much in the The BLUE NUNS and the it go that way, by slow strangulation, rather than support essential one) why the 'present quality of vision as it is in moral BLUE SISTERS are not identian all-outfight by the pro-West government, or send Amer- state of a fragmented and sec- stamina. For Christ's ,Epiphany, cal. The principal thing th3lt tarian Christianity cannot be His manifestation, goes on as they have in common is that the ican material and men to uphold that government? patiently, tolerated by, sincere long as time lasts. The Epistle nicknames of both groups is deIt is unthinkable that anyone in' an official position Christians. It is a lie to the asks, us whether we are open rived from their blue habits (or in the government really believes that such a coalition will world. to this Epiphany, this vision, in garments). The Sisters of the solve the Laotian problem and bring peace to that country FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER "whatever things are true, what- , Institute of Marie Reparatice are and to all of southeast Asia. EPIPHANY. The Catholic be- ever honorable, whatever just, called the BLUE ND:NS, from the in one Church, in one ship whatever holy, whatever lovable, color of their scapular and vei~ Perhaps this country is following in this mattet an lieves (Gospel) :.... 'the boat in which whatever of good repute." Do The Sisters of the Little Comattitude that some political pundits have detected recently Christ is found. And he can be- we confront God in these ex- pany of Mary are known as the SISTERS, from the coloI' in the actions from Moscow, a tendency to drift, to delay, ,Heve this, without pride, with- periences? Do we thank Him for BLUE of their veil. them? Do we rejoice in them? out thinking that he himself is to avoid the hard stand and thus gain time. any better than the rest of men, But the citizens of the United States have a right to because it is Jesus who both Stresses Leadership Who are the "Coptic Marknow what is the thinking behind the government's stand. creates and preserves this ark. tyrs"? Can you give their In MQral Order is the Church, the ship, names. And all the more so when the stand is one that seems fore- theThis safe ship, which Christ our CHICAGO (NC)-When moral doomed to disaster. Even if we knew the names. Lor d , Himself her' captain, leadership fails to measure up
庐rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Publist,ed weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
Mass Series CLE VELAND (NC) - A weekly series of televised dialogue Masses has been launched in the Cleveland diocese. The new series represents the first time in the diocese's history that Mass has been telecast directly from a television studio.
Catholic. ChurCh .
" ;
Figures, in Top" " Religious News '; BUFFALO (NC) - The Caroholic Church was involved in six of 12 stories selected by the Religious Newswriters' Association as the outstanding rellgion-in-the-newB Stories of 1961. Fifty-one men and women, reporters and editors for daily papers and news services, voted In the association's poll. They selected as the No. 1 religious story the controversy over PresIdent Kennedy's program of Federal educational aid to public schools only. The program was opposed by Catholic leaders. , The reporters and editors selected as the No. 2 story of the year the agreement of the United Presbyterian, Episcopal and United Church of Christ to explore a merger plan proposed by the Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, chief Presbyterian administrative officer. The plan was endorsed by Episcopal Bishop James Pike of San Francisco. Observers at Council Other story selections in the poll were: 3. The favorable vote of the World Council of Churches Assembly to approve membership in the association of the Russian Orthodox church. 4. The sending by Pope John of observers to the World Counell of Churches Assembly in New Delhi, India, the first official Vatican observers ever to attend any meeting of the World Council. 5. The visit of Bishop Arthur Lichtenberger, Presiding Episcopal Bishop in the U. S., with Pope .John-the first head of the Episcopal Church ever to call on a Pope. Sunday Laws Decision 6. A virtual tie between: partIcipation of pastors and divinity students i n anti-segregation "freedom rides" in the South, and tbe. U. S. Sl.lpreme Court decision upholding Sunday closing laws. ' 7. 'Approval of the constitu~ion ,formalizing the gradual fouryea~, merger of the Evangelical and Reform and the Congreg!ltional Christian churches as the new United, Church of Chrillt, "oinin~ two denominations with I ,aiffering, tr,aditions and chur~h ~over~!TIent. . . ,8. A 'virtual tie between: rei~ gious and moral issues raised bY , the Israelis' ,trial and death sentence of Adolf, Eichmann on 'charges mass murder of Jews iD nazi' 'Germany, and Vatican indications that observers from other churches will be welcome at the coming Vatican ecumenical council. 9. Pope John's Mater et MagIstra social encyclical. 10.' Church-state tension in Cuba, Poland, Haiti and' the Dominican Republic.
Proud GiJihfc ·'Ediiico of Sacred "Heart" Ch~~ch~'· Thurs." T1iE ANCHOR"v" . Jan. 25, ., . . .
R~piijtL;y;,ih{h~ebuibii~gbyFather Gauthier·
'" .. By,Avis C.Roberts ' Late last Spring the upper church of Sacred Heart Church in New Bedford was closed and last October parishioners gasped With pleasure when they attended the first kIass in the wholly redecorated' edifice. During the Summer months Mass had been held in the basement church. Sac!ed Heart retains its quiet and elderly dignity but the 'newly-eonstructed church is new, modern and beautiful. Everything in the church is new, from vinyl floors to
the apex of the vaulted ceilings. Only exceptions to the clean sweep are retention of the pipe organ, which was overhauled ard the beautiful stained glass windows. Rev. Alphonse.Gauthier, pastor of Sacred Heart, supervised its transformation. The entire outside of the church was rebuilt in 1960 and white aluminum cl,'lpboards were used to cover the original wood siding of the 85-year-old building. Steeple, roof and gutters were put in mint-new condition: Statues fromm ntaly Last Spring the balcony in the Interior chur<ih was removed with the exception of a rear section which is for use of a choir. Arched steel girders were erected from the wans to the pill~s of the edifice to increase structural strength. AlI existing plaster was removed, metal lath was applied and new plaster was laid over all ceiling and walls.. Victorian styled, ornate altars were remcved and statuary, pews and flooring were replaced. '1Iheodore Loranger and Sons were general contractors for the m:w church. Redecorating WillS Under supervision of Albert W. Sexton and Son of Boston, famed ecclesiastical art decorators. New statues were designed by Jules Chartrand of Libl'l8irie St. MIchel. New wooden statues were carved in Italy and are marvelous works of contemporary design. New Stations Oak is used in construction of thE' middle and two side altars and each also has a reredos of , intricately oarved oak. The Saccred Heart, patron of the churoh, .. is enthroned in a statue over the ',main altar. , ,The BlessedMothe~s statue is ':~llshrined on the left altar and : S~, .Anne's statue is honored at : the· right altar. The sanctuary houses statues of St. Theresa and 'come tru~ fotFather GauthIer, ",St. Joseph. who firSt' came to Sacred Heart .. ' Oak is ·used also for .pews, parish in 1921. Later lie served :wainscoting and confessionals in Fall Riyer and Westport parnow in rear, of church. There ishes, returning to Sacred Heart are seating accommodations for as pastor .in 1949. 650 on the main floor and ·50 , 'At' first the dedicated priest persons in the choir loft. New Stations of the Cross are of contemporary design and were blessed in October by a Francis- Weekly N~wsp«ElJ)f}r can priest from Our Lady's ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) .Chapel, New Bedford. -The Diocese of Rockville CenParishioners Give Aid Pale shades of ivory, blue and tre will publish its own weekly .rose enhance the church's inte- newspaper starting in May, The sanctuary and nave are Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg has UI'ilQvell'sity Approves . rior. brilliant with gold leaf decora- announced. Catholics in The Rockville tion. Fourteen symbols in the Reside!!tlt C~ub Centre diocese have been servlife of Jesus are featured in the TEANECK (NC) -Fairleigh iced by the Tablet, Brooklyn Dickinson University and its nave. diocese' newspaper. Rockville There are 25 new lighting fixstudent. government have forCentre diocese was part of the mally· recognized a Newman ,tures in Gothic style and there Brooklyn diocese until 1957, Club which has been meeting is 3 new loudspeaker system in when the See was established off-campus here. This reversed the church. The new altar rail- by, Pope Pius XII. a former university policy, ing is constructed of oak and the which prohibited religious clubs sacristy was redecorated and from ft,IDctioning on the campus. refloored. CORREIA SONS Members of the Sacred Heart The Newman Club's applicaONE STOP tion for recognition was ap- League laid the new floor, workproved 17-0 by the student gov- ing at night after ,volunteering SHOPPING CENTER to complete the project. . ernment. Masses in the church are at .. Television • Furniture The club had been organiZed by students in 1958 but because T, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Sunday • Appliances • Grocery of university policy was not al- mornings and 6:30 and 7 on weekdays. . 104 Allen St.. New Bedford lowed to meet on campus or use Makes Old ~ew 'campus facilities. Despite theSe WYman 7-9354 The new church is a dream ' difficulties, the club was voted the outstanding Newman Club in New Jersey for the 1959-60 school year.
Diocese to Publish
Honors Bishop ENTEBBE (NC)-Bishop John Baptist Cesana, F.S.C.J., of Gulu was invested as an Officer of the O'rder of the British Empire here on lJehalf of Queen Elizabeth n by Governor Sir Walter Coutts. The Italian-born prelate was among 38 persons given honors at Government House here in Uganda.
46 Taunton Green
Taunton. MG. .
VA 2-2282 "Our Beathag Oils Make 11'..... PrIends"
Newest Almanac Reviews Purpose Of Council PATERSON (NC) - A consideration of space flight probleIll8 and a review of the purpose of the corning Second Vatican Councll are among new features in the 1962 edition of the National Catholic Almanac. The 696-page volume, prepared by St. Anthony's Guild here and published by Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y., also includes articles on "A Review of Desegregation Events" from 1936 to 1961, "Federal Aid to Education," 48 pages of news events of the past year supplied by the N.C.W.C. News Service and Pope John's most important addresses. The almanac contains an article on the Papal Volunteers for Latin America program, on tithing and on the third general assembly of the World Council of Churches. It has the full text of the U. S. Bishops' 1961 statement, "Unchanging Duty in a Changing World," and of Pope John's encyclical Mater et Magistra. Brought Up-to-date All of the almanac's regular features have been revised and brought up-to-date where necessary. These include latest statistics on the Catholic Church in America and in the world; biographical sketches of all cardinals and living American bishops; and articles on psychology, censorship, birth control, doctrine, liturgy and Church' history. ' The almanac has listings of Catholic periodicals, papal encyclicals, Catholic societies and movements, canonizations and patron saints. Included are marriage laws, a glossary of terms in Catholic use, a listing of the ecumenical councils, the principal religious devotions, and list, , ings of famous Catholics, Catholic universities, religious orders and secular institutions.
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• DIESKS thought a new' ~hurch must' be ,built. Sacred Heart Church was in disrepair but: a new one would· cost a· minimum. of, $450,000. Father Gauthier .loved the proud· old Gothic' edifice and it was sound structurally: So he' decided to rebuild the' original church. He was rewarded by the gratification of his parishioners who have one of the finest and newest churches in New Bedford. And, the renovated church cost about one-fifth of 'the money which would have been required for a new building of like size.
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363 SECO~~~:o~~~~~~;
," Fan "R'iver Nun Attends ~a~ley
lHf ANCHOR~DioceseofFatlRive,,":"'Thurs., )0".25; 1962
WigglyYoungst~rs at Ma~s',Can
Be Real D'istraction to Others By Mary Tinley Daly . Dear Mrs. Daly: What 00 you think about a young couple who insir;t ot:J. taking their two small children to neighbors of ours and I don't Mass with them? They like to 'say anything to them but, honestly, those children are the most distracting ele- mind that grows with age. ment in the church. First The saying that "God knew on'e will crawl all over her . what He was doing when He mother and father, then gave children only to the young"
make for the people in the pew is borne out in your attitude. ahead and the pew 'behind. As Certainly the young parents seem adaptable enough to pray soon as they in spite of the interruptions, just have her subas they manage their days and dued, her bronights surrounded by childish 'ther will start intrusions. the fireworks. Even though there are two They are about Masses, probably the father and two and three mother thoroughly enjoy going years old. They to Mass together and want to talk out loud, . make church going a part of they point to their children's earliest experithe priest, make ence remarks about As a solution for baby care, th e "funnny in many large parishes there is man, Mommy" and about "the lady with the a "crying room," a soundproof room where Mass and baby sitbig hat." They even escape from the ting can be accomplished simulpew now and then and the par- taneously. In other parishes, high school and college girls ents have to chase them and take care of children while parbring them back to start the whole monkey business all over. ents attend Mass. You ask if we took our chilSometimes I wish they'd chase dren to Mass when they were themselves out the front door. small. The answer is yes and I know this doesn't sound very no, as I'm sure it must be with Christian, Mrs. Daly, but today I most parents. I'm afraid we were don't feel very Christian. Not guilty of annoying people all too when it comes to kids in church. often, though we did try to keep i have hinted to these neigh- bothersome baby conduct to a . bors, saying that it must be very minimum by sitting near an exit hard to get babies up and and taking along something to dressed and fed and then take keep the baby amused until he them out early in the morning. or she was old enough to use a (We live in a small place where small child's missal with pictures ,there 'are only two Masses.), of what the priem was doing. ;However" since there' are two A Mass, even a low one,can Masses, I should think that the be a tiring experience for a small parents could take t~r~s baby child. Perhaps Benediction is a sitting with the 'children at better introduction to church home, arid let the rest of us pray going. It is short, and children in peace. love the music, candles, the mo, These aren't the only two di..· tion and the incense. • As for what you can do: I tractors - a lot of other young remember so well a neighbor of parentS offend the same way but I mum say these are the ours, long since gone to heaven, worst. One time I was so an- who volunteered now and then noyed I spoke to, the priest a bout to stay with our children, "so it but he's a jolly sort and he . you . two can attend Mass tojust laughed and said something gether." How' we loved heT about "Suffer the Uttle chil- kindness and how the' children loved her! dren . . .". ' Come to' think of it, . these 'That's all well and good but rll bet Our Lord didn't mean many years' later, - maybe our that they should disturb a whole kids bothered her in. church! eong!egation. . Did you take your children to Grail Plans Discussion church' when' they were small, On Christian Unity' Mrs. Daly? If you should write LOVELAND ('NC)-A discussomething about it in your column it miglit do some good be- sion on "Prospects for Christian cause the mother in· question Unity". will be conducted here next Thursday by' the Grail reads your column. . I really like this young couple National Secretariat, apostolic for women. and their children, believe it or movement The princjpa,l speaker will be not. The children aren't really bad, but to my way of thinking, Father Edward Duff, S,J., editor THEY DON'T BELONG IN of Social Order, monthly publication of the National Jesuit CHURCH. Social Science .. Center in St. Please don~ use my, name or Louis.. even initials. Father'Duff recently returned from the meeting of the World Here's Reply Council of Churches in", New Delhi, India. The Jesuit priest Dear Mrs. Name withhel~ will give his impressions of the Your compiaint is not an un- meeting and suggest what Cathcommon one. I'm sure you are olics can do to contribute to the not unChristian at all, just one ecumenical movement. " who does not like to be disturbed - and that is a sta1e of.
Taunton DCCW plans Meeting on Sunday Taunton District No.3 of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold an open district meeting at 3 o'clock, Jan. 28, in the CYO Headquarters, Taunton. Diocesan officers and moder,:, ators will speak on organization and development activities: of the Council. All women of the area.' are' .... invited to attend. \
Vocation Congress CHICAGO (NC) - The Midwest Vocation Association announced that its annual vocation congress for girls will be held at McCormick Place here on Saturday, Feb. 10. Attending.'will be girls in' eighth grade, in high school, and graduates of high schools. .
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ONE OUT, ONE IN: Deposed junta leader Maj. Gen. Pedro Rodriguez Echavarria·talks with Msgr. Eliseo Perez· Sanchez, a member of·the Council of.State of the Dominican .Republic, after a counter-coup restored the council to power.' NC Photo.
Officials of Sister Formation On Latin America Study Tour WASHINGTON (NC) - Two National Catholic Educational . Sister Formation Conference Association. officials have left for Latin America to learn more about School to Award letter conditions facing the sisterhoods their organization is assisting: For Class Achievement, . . ' They are Sister Annette WalCLEVELAND .(NC)-5t. Ste~. ters, executive secretary of the conference, and Sister Ritamary phen High School for girls here Bradley, assistant executive sec- will soon begin issuing "varsitY". letters for scholastic retary and editor of the confer- type achievements. ence's Bulletin. . According to the plan, students . The conference, a cooperative' who fulfill ·all requirements for movement of U. S. sisterhoods, is one quarter receive a merit:' bringing to this country young card valued at 100 points. To reforeign Sisters for four years of' ceive an "S", a girl must acquire cost-free college education at four merit cards, or .400 points. Catholic colleges. Eighty-three Points are awarded for perfect foreign nuns are now here, 23 of them fr'bm Latin America. More attendance, cooperation and ac:tivity, working to the best of' will be accepted each ·year. ability, and observing school· Most of the trip by the two regulations. U. S. Sisters will be spent in Peru, where nine communities have accounted for the majority· of the Latin American Sisters taking part in the program. The U. S. Sisters also will visit Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil and 'Argentina. ' The formation conference is a division of the College and University Department' of the,
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literature Series Rev. Edward J. Burns, curate at St. Louis parish, Fall Rive~ will give the second in a series of book reviews under sponsorship of Fall River Catholie Woman's Club Sunday afternoon, Feb. 25, at the organization's Highland Avenue clubhouse. The series will conclude Sunday., March 18· with an address by Q Carmelite priest. Both talks will begin at 3 o'clock.
Enjoy Warm Restful Sleep All, Winter With· This Beautiful
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Sister John Eliza'beth, S,U.S.c. principal of Sacred Hearts AC)ademy, Fall River, attended a mt*'ting of officers of the New England RegL. _1:31 Unit, Secondar~' School Departm(mt, National Catholic Educational Association, held' at Saint Mary Central High School, Milford, Mass. last Saturday. ' Under. the Chairmanship 61 Brother MarceiIus, CFX, Headmaster, Mission High for Boys, Roxbury, members drew plans for· the forthcoming Spring conclave of the Unit to be held at East Catholic Regional High School, Manchester, Conn. in the Diocese of Hartford. Bishop John F' Hackett of Hartford win speak at a ll;lnch,eon meeting. Theme will center on new trends in teaching methods with a view to showing. how these can be employed to reach secondary students of all levels of ability. Sister John Elizabeth is fO!'mer secretary of the Unit and has been on its advisory bOard fo~ two years.
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, , THE ANCHOR- ' Thurs., Jan. 25,1962
Nursi ng AI umnae Set Coffee Hour
By AudJrey PallWil lRiRtell' Want to start a fight? Simply make this statement to any group of women: "Every mother should breast feed her baby." Then hold on to your hat. This topic sparks more intense feeling than any other part of infant care. A generation or two ago almost You have a choice. When every mother nursed her there's no alternative, you grit baby or found someone else your teeth and do what you to do it for her. Today one must do. But the perfection of mother in four may try breast safe, clean and artificial formuin las gives modern mothers a feeding, but fewer t h an one choice. And because babies 10 persists past thrive physically either way, the fir s t ' few weeks. breast or bottie, many women Why? B a v e favor bottles. worn en lost Emphasis in America on the the i I' natiual; , female form primarily is sexual. functions? D o N o one really doubts this. But modern ba'bies just as a double check, how prefer vitamlnmany advertisements glorifying enriched formthe nursing mother have you ulas? No, womseen lately? The paradox is, of course, that many of the same en still are the women who have learned to feel same physically and babies still deeply embarrassed to be seen love breast feeding when they nursing their babies wouldn't can get it. But our society has think twice about wearing a changed considerably. And with _low.:.cut dress or a snug sweater. Any Mother Can those changes have emerged a No real help and encouragenew set of social and psychologi- ment: In days gone by, mother, cal pressures unfavora'ble to a maiden aunt, or a hired girl natural feeding. . In light of these pressures _ came in to give a new mother a some of which will be explained hand while she and the new baby got to know one another. here - there's nothing particuToday, mother may live 1000 larly unfeminine or unmotherly miles away, the maiden aunt is about women who refuse to breast feed their babies. a carj!er woman and the hired, girl is a college coed. If you are Not Expected worried, you hesitate to call the Today no one expects a mother busy doctor. And your best to breast feed. Even the most friend is no help, slle bottle sympathetic doctors keep a feeds. fence-straddling attitude and Misinformation: Countless old insist that each mother make wives' tales circulate to underher own decision. Friends and mine your confidence. To derelatives may suggest that such' stroy a few: breast feeding does primitive practices went out not make a mother fat. Neither with hoop skirts. does it ruin her figure or keep Many h.ospitals maintain rigid her tied to home. A mother's four hour feeding schedules Or rilUk never is too weak or too allow babies extra bottles of· strong for her b a .b y. Almost milk Both practices discourage every healthy, well':'nourished successful nursing. mother can successfully nurse In other cultures where ali her baby if she wants to and mothers nurse their babies, and 'gets some intelligent help and everyone is· convinced ,that encouragement. mothers will have milk, mothers have milk. Here, women mos~ often abandon natural feeding"" , ,C·
Forthcoming events on the agenda, of .8t. Anne's Hospital School . of Nursing, Alumnae Association, Fall River, include a coffee hour honoring freshman nursing students at 7:30 Wednesday night, Jan. 31 anel a fashion show of white uniforms at 8 Tuesday night, Feb. 6.
iNTERVIEW AUTHOR: Staffers from Shacady, newspaper of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, interview Michael Novak, author addressing Catholic Woman's Club literature department. Left to right, Susan Landry, Carol Gannon, Mr. Novak.
Nurse, 21, to Serve Three Years As lay Missionary ,in Africa Post BURLINGTON (NC)-Martha Gabbeitt, an attractive 21-yearold blonde, took the advice of the late Dr. Tom Dooley and now is going to realize, a longtime ambition. She's going to the South Africa bush coun·tI'y as a lay missionary. The Vermont nurse recalled that when she was in the lower grades of grammar school she hoarded pennies to "buy" pagan children in Chiria.' When she reached 13 she was an avid reader of the exploits of missionaries in Africa and China. , Later she corresponded with Dr. Dooley, the famed "jungle
doctor of Laos," who advised her: "Get your R.N. first, then come on over. We need help." So she studied nursing and got her R.N. from st. Mary's Hospital in Montreal. Miss Gabbeitt has been accepted to serve as the fourth lay missioner under Bis~op,. John Bok~nfohr, O.M.I., in hIS .DIocese of KImberley, South AfrIca. She will serve three years as a nurse there. Although she is engaged to marry. a Montreal acco,!-ntant, shE' saId the thought o~ three years in· South Africa mIght be "like the end of the world to most girls, but for me it's just the beginning!' ,"Some people can't understand" '. ',J why I waJ:l,t to., go to South, Africa," she said. "I know there. ar~' s~ck peopl,e here, too, but at, seek to f~rther adult education:' least in America help is availin regard to religious, ,vocations able. In some of the remote areas and the life of .the Churcll. over there they've never even Delegates to the conference 'qeard of .hospitals and clinics~" will col1sist of Jayw~m$nj Religiousand college and high a,chom girls. A FAMILY TREAT'
:',T,'h"ereslans '.. ' . S hedul.Je." . S',sterhood .' ,,' ,. be~~~~:~~O~v~fn~=:~i:d_ Vocation Conference, ',i n'Colorado
ing is'such that when a mothei' PUEBLO (i'lC) _ So~~: 3,000 is told or convinces herself that. delegates are expected to attend she has DO milk, the SUpply acthe first National Sisterhood tually decreases. Vocation Conference here on Aug. 18 and 19. Daughters of Charity' ' The conference is sponsored lw the Theresians, nationwide Have New Superior organization of laywomen. dedi- , EMMITSBURG (NC) - Sister ,cated to fostering vocations to' . ,Fashion 'Show:, Eleanor McNabb has been named. the 'sisterhoods. ', , Aiumnae of Dominican Acad- . Provincial Superior of the EastMsgr. Elwood C. Voss, director ern Province of the Daughters of of the ·Theresians, said "the con- emq, Fall River, will hold 11 St. Vincent De Paul, which has ference is intended primarily as fashion show Wednesday, Feb. 28. headquarters her.e. an educa·tional Oppo1-'tunity for Sister Eleanor, who has been the whet"e they can learn assistant provincial superior morelaity about the life of women since last September, succeeds , Religious." Complete Sister Isabel Toohey, whose 17The first chartered chapter of year term in office expired. the Theresians is in the Pueblo Both are natives of Boston. Father Francis J. Dodd, C.M., diocese. The Theresians also director of the nuns' Eastern Province, said the appointment Observe Anniversary was made In Paris by Father William M. Slattery, C.M., who Of Novena Tomorrow B~istol is Superior General of the VinCHiCAGO (NC) - Auxiliary cenUan Fathers and the Daugh- Archbishop Bernard J. Sheil of ters of Charity. Chicago will preside ood preach at the 25th anniversary observance of 'the Sorrowful Mother Perinis Give $250,000 novena in the Basilica of Our To 80ston College Lady of Sorrows hEll'e tomorrow. BOSTON (NC) - Louis .R. Two thousand perSlms attel\ded Perini, 'a Framingham contracTAUNTON, MASS. the first service held in the bator, and his wife have given silica 25 years ago. During the $250,000 to Boston College's 100th first year attendance at the FriTHE BANK ON! anniversary development pro- day devotions held every hour in gram, Father Michael J. Walsh, the upper and lower churches of TAUNTON GREEN S.J., the college's president anthe basilica totaled' more than nounced. 78,000 persons. The devotion Member of Federal Depoelt Perini, owner of the Milwau- spread to 2,300 churches in this lnlIurance COl'1JoratloD kee Braves baseball team,' is a country, Canada and Europe. member of Boston College's, board of regents. ' The college is seeking to raise MRS. AVON CiJSTOM~ ..:. - You have used AVON : $15 million by 1963 for academic and physical g,rowth of its faclli-' Cosmetics. You know their quality. and guarantee. There ties. ' is a big demand for AVON Service among families near
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Grant to College MIAMI (NC~-Barry College het"e has received a three-year grant of almost $20,000 from the U. S. Department of Health, Edueation anel Welfare to be used for research in biology. The women's college is administered by Adrian Dominican Sistera.
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Both eventS 'Will be held in the hospital conference room. Parents of freshmen are invited to the January Coffee hour and alumnae will be hostesses. Alumnae planning to attend. should contad Mrs. Pauline Gauthier, chairman. Mrs. Laura Lincourt will comment for the fashion show. She and all models are among alumn·ae. Mrs. Pat Delaney will provide musical accompaniments. All women whose work requires the wearing of uniforms are invited to attend the showing and should contact Miss Lorraine Landry at the hospital by Friday, Feb. 2 if they plan to be present.
Leader of· Serra ·Tells Deterrents 'To ,Vocations
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese,of Fall River-Th~rs~, Ja;'.25, 1962 . ",
,Ove'r Private School Pupils Ridang Tax-Paid Buses
" . PATERSON CN.C)-Lack authorize .the practice. But. im'of, social' justice and sub,. mediately after the New York decision, an amendment to the standard living . conditions ' state constitution was enacted are' the top deterrents' to which' authorized the, practice 'vocations to the priesthood in Pennsylvania and Iowa courts I;atin 'America, GeraldE'. Mische, pet"mit the transportation. a cofounder of· the Association Supreme Court Rulings for~, International Development . . ' (AID) said here., The landmark d~cIslon about , "You can's get vocations to th~ school buses came m 1947 when prieSthood 'if 'you don't hav~ the U. S. Supreme Court held , , basic family life. Christian famthat ~ school.district in New Jerily' life is impossible, down there se! d~d not vlOlat~ the U. S. Conbecause social justice isn't ap,:" stItutIon by paymg tr~nsporta plied. It's directly related to the tion. costs for Cat~lObc school lsocial-economic : structure and puplls. The court'Sald: humanization and Christianiza'''That Amendment (the First) tion of the temporal order in requires thesfate to be a neutral Latin America." : in its relations with groups of ,religious believers and non-be-;Mische said that in Latin lievers; it does not require the America under present condistate to be their adversary. State tions very few men' are imprespower is, no more to be used so' sed by an organization which as to handicap religious than it ' "pushes priests." He said parents is to favor them. are reluctant ,~o ,permit their , .' . ~0ll:s to study for ,the priesthood; 'Thls cou~t has saI~ that par- , "We have found' that by bringent~ may, m the dlscharge of ing some of the people from the their duty, ,;mder state compu~,:, , various economic and social .orisO~y educatIon la~s,. send thelr , entations together through Serra, chl1dren to. a rebg~ous rather there was a common interest in than a pubbc schoollf th~school p~shing vocations to the priestm~ets the secu~ar educatlOn re,:" hood," Mische, said. ' qUlrements ~hlch the state has the power to lmpose. . "Serra can be' a vehicle to "It appears that these parobring these together;" he continchial schools meet New Jersey's ued.: "Then, once they do come requirements. The 'state contrib:" together, in this' program of a utes' no, money to ,the schools: It 'university of Christian prindoes not support, them, Its leg-' ciples, one can bring into their islation, as applied, does no more programs various sessions on than provide a general program social doctrine, social teachings to help parents get their chil, 'HIGH PAPAL AWARD: Supreme, Knight Luke E. Hart of the Church and it will be re'; dren, regardless 0.£ religion, safe- of the Kn,ights of Columbus rec,eives the p'apal award of' ceived more objectively since it ly and expeditiously to and from is coming from a respected accredited schools. Knight Commanded of ' the Order of ,Pius IX from Bishop' organization. Ke'ep Wall High Charles Greco of Alexandria, La., K 'of' C National chaplain, 'il r1 "The First Amendmcent has during ceremonies at St. Patrick's Church, at Miami. He is II erected a wall between Church the second American to receive the highest rank ever given' .1""n...ftnll"",~~s and State. That wall must be a layman. NC Photo. ~lJ1lwli"'~~wuu kept high and,impregnable. We NEW YORK (NC) - Eleven could not approve the lightest D~~@fi'@fr®d 6t}l'@<d1r~/ Giwe~' ~I7ilVccctoon more priests have volunteered breach. New Jersey has not recently to serve as military breached it here." A Ao rmA"'IL~M\/flI H@~~~y chaplains, F r a' n cis Cardinal The court reaffirmed its stand ~H " w M U UI:w lI'U U 0 U ~ ~ oilJl!iii Spellman, Military Vicar of U. S. in February, 1961, when it disSAN FRANCISCO (NC) units on Guadalcanal island in armed forces, announced here. missed "for want of a Federal Father Frederick P. Gehring" the South Pacific, where the U. S. They are: Fathers Gerard J: question" a challenge to a sim- c.:M., who gained fame and dec- forces startE;!d their island-hopMcGann, John R. McNamara, ,ilar school bus law in Connect!-: orations as the "Padre of Guad- ping drive to victory over the CHARUeS'. VARGAS Arthur L. Reardon and Ferdi- cut. alcanal" in the early days, of Japanese. He was decorated ~ith 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE mmd E. Slejzer of Boston archWorld War II. gave the invoca- ,the Legion of Merit and Silver NEW BEDFORD; MASS. diocese; WilliamL. Brown, John tion here at the San Francisco Star for, his services. Father C. Keith, John U. Lee a~d Fran:Naval Shipyard at the launching' Gehring recently was promoted cis W. McDonnell of the San' Wo~k of the USS 'Halsey, new Navy to the rank of captain in the: Diego diocese. , , I missile frigate. " , chaplain 'corps of the U. S. Naval Also Fathers Gerard Brennan .NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The" ,The ship is named for the late' Reserve. of the' Burlington diocese; Je- Confraternity of Christian Doc,;. Adm. Wi,l1iamF. (Bull)' Halsey, : Sponsors at the launching were rome' Reisinger' 6f the St. Cloud trine was 'characterized as "an World War II naval commander Jane 'Frances Halsey and Mrs. diocese, 'arid' Neil F. Daley,' apostolic handmaid of the 'in the South Pacific imd a ,close Margaret Denham, granddaughO.F.M;, 'of 'theFranci~cim Church" by ArchbishopJoseph'friend, of Fath:ei' Gehring,'''now a' , ters of the admiral. ' Fathers' ,Province" of St. John F. Rummel of New ,Orleans. ,,' spJrit~al counselor itt'St. John's " , . the 'Baptfst. , ', ,The prelate said the success of' University, Jamaica, :N. Y.,' "'.' - - - - - - - . ; . . - - - - -.. With the addition of the new the CCD depends upon Ithedili-' 1\.' na~ive 9f Brooklyn, Father. 'Volunteers, the Boston archdio-· gent work' of the parish CCD Gehring was'ordained a Vincencese will have 59 militar~ chap- . executive board. He spoke at il' tian priest in 1930 and served in' lains; the San Diego diocese 13;' CCD' meeting' at' St., Joseph's the China missions until shortly' Plumbing...;.. Heating the Burlington diocese,sev!ln;'the ' Academy here. "'before World War II when he reSt. Cloud dioces~ four, and the. 'Coadjutor Archbishop John P., turned to this country' and joined Over 35 Year!! Franciscan Province of St. John Cody of New Orleans called the Navy chaplain corps. ,of Satisfied S~rvice the Baptist, six chaplains. upon the Catholic laity to parHolds Captain Rank 806 NO. MAIN 5lREET , ticpate in civic as well, as In the dark early days of; Proposal Recognizes Church endeavors. He called . World War II, Fat,her Gehring ',Fall River' OS 5-7497 Authority of Christ upon parents to keep up with served with Marine and Army WASHINGTON (NC)~A joint their childI:en' and said young~' , ' sters of today' are far more ad-' resolution proposing an amend- vanced than children of previous ment to the U. S. Constitution'. generations.' whereby 'this country "devoutly "Go back to the books"if necrecognizes the author,ity and law ,essary," Archbishop Cody a~ of 'Jesus Cprist, Saviour' and 'vised parents. , Ruler of Nations, through whom Statistics from' September,' are :bestowed the blessings of 1960, to August, l,961-before the Almighty God" has be~n intro,-, DioceSe' of Baton" Ro'ugewas' , , duced in the House of Repre'-; established' from' New Orleans sentatives. archdiocese territory - showed 'II fndividuOI. 'dea!~~rs, ;we, will The resolution was introduced ,that the CCD had given re}igious 'by Rep. Victor Wickersham of instructions to 52,438 elementary. not attack competitors . or disOklahoma, and ,provides that the school' children';', 8,452 .: high credit their.' prod'~~ts, : se~vice~ : amendment become valid when schoolers and 5,263 in vacation 'ratified by conventions in three'-' schools. The instructors included or'methods of doing, business." . fourths of the states. 227 priests, 338 Sisters, 17 'i;em-:It also provides that the inarians and 1,808 members of amendment shall not be inter- the laity. preted so as to result in th,e establishment of any particular .. ecclesiastical' organization or in No; 2 in a Series the abridgement of the rights of religIous, ,speech, press and assem~lage freedoms. , , !~=iIiitiill ...... Fatima Shrine HONG KONG (NC) - More ' Dartmouth ' than 4,000 Hong Kong Catholics, led by Bishop Lawrence Bianchi, i and Hyannis P,I.M,E., and escorted by a Sea "Whe,.. Deals Ar.e Made 10 Make Frle,.a-And Keep The" Scout unit, traveled by chartered So. Dal:1mouth ferry boats to the shrine of Our WY 7-Y384 Lady of Fatima on Cheung Chau Island and witnessed the blessing Hyannis' 29,21 of the rebuilt church there.
WASHINGTON (NC)-SchooJ buses are facing more than Winter winds in at least 11 states., therare also being buffeted by COJ:ltrovergy over whose children are' entitled to their protection~ Debate on providing tax-paid, bus'I:ides Jor childr,en atte~ding paro'chial arid other, prlvate schools is found from Alaska east to Colorado and down into Ken..: tucky " Epi~des in past months range from' passage of bus legislation, in Wisconsin after a heated letter-wrlting campaign to rallying 'support for a Missouri law because'of the collapse of a student who was walking to a Catholic school in subzero cold. , The controversy is, taking pla'ce against the backdrop, of holdings by the U. S. Supreme Court-in 1947 and ~961-that such I:ides do not, VIolate the Federal constitution. Decision Vary' . There are now 16 states in which some nonpublic school pupils ,ride on tax-paid sch?ol buses. They are: California, Con, necticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, 'Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ne'w Mexico New York, Oregon and Rhode I'sland. , " Supreme Courts in six state~. California, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey "l\nd Connecticut---:have ruled that the practice is permitted under their state constitutions. ' Courts in six other, states -:A 1 ask a, Delaware, Missou~i Oklahoma, Washington and Ne~ York have held that the public school codes of the states do not
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Fall Riyer
LOURD:ES BASiLICA:' This of Mary's appearance to Bernadette will be visited by members of the Second Official Pilgrimage of the Diocese which. will sail under Bishop Connolly's personal leadership from Boston, July 17, aboard the luxury. liner SS..Constitution. Other places visitet;l will .be Portugal, Spain, Switz,erland, Germany, Holland' and England. For· information, wJ'ite: Fall River Diocesan Travel League, P.O. Box 2026, .Fa;ll Riv~r.
Priest Asserts Bigots Thwa rt Hope of Unity.' WASffiNGTON (NC) -:.. A priest-editor warned here \, that there are "supermili. tant Catholics" whose hos-, tillty . to Protestantism is a hindrance to the Christian unity movement. Such Catholics "see nothing in Protestantism but heresy," said Father Walter M. Abbot, S.J., feature editor of America, na-. tional Catholic weekly revieW'. The Jesuit priest asserted in' a sermon at Unity Octave ceremonies in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. that the response of such Catholics to Protestantism "is hostile, aggressive, sometimes pugnacious."
"These supermilitant Catholic!! . reject the charge that they are , bigots," Father Abbot continued. "For them the Christian unity, movement is warfare, with unconditional surrender to the Catholic Church as the only outcome. "If you see it in any other terms-for example, if you advocate understanding, discussiorfs and neg'otiations with Protestants as brothers-they call you a com- . munist or a member of what they refer to as the 'world c,onspiracy.' "It seems to have made no impression on them that the Cardinal (Augustin Bea, S.J.) who has been placed in charge of these matters by the Pope says their response to Protestantism is an 'extremist' attitude. . . If you are not a cardinal and yOJ1 try to tell them the same thing, they accuse you of placing the one true Catholic Church on a level with 'those other chuches.' " Bible Bond Father Abbot declared that "there are other Catholics, priests and theologians among them, who pray and work for the return of Protest.mts to union with the Church, but with all good intentions in the world, they keep bypassing the Bible in order to stand on dogmatic propositions that Protestants may take or leave." "The Bible is, or should be, a bond between us, just as the Holy Spirit is, or wishes to be, a bond between us," he state~.
Paths to Peace In 45' Seconds . SAN FRANCISCO. (NC)-In less than a minute the president of the University of San Francisco named the missing ingredients of peace--worldwide, political, family and personal. Given 45 seconds to tape a message for television station KTVU here, Father john F. X. Connolly, S.J., said in part: "There can never be worldwide peace . . .. if men do not respect the authority of God, our Creator. "There can be no political peace if men do not respect the authority of those who are vested with the responsibility of maintaining established order in our body politic. "There can be no family peace when the members of this basic society fail to respec't 'each other and when 'parental authority is spurned. ' "There can be no personal peace when individuals do not recognize any authority that has the power to make a law or give a command to bind the conscience of the individuaI."
Red Party Leader Heads University KINGSTON (NC)-The Castro regime has made Juan Marinello, former president of the Cuban communist party, rector of' the , University of Havana, It has been learned here. Marinello, who recently was appointed to the Havana faculty as a professor of Cuban literature, becomes head of the institution with an estimated student body of 12,000. He succeeds Clemente Inclan, who was named a rector consultant.
Thurs., Jan. 25, 1962
Soda ~ ~frW ~1tD'esses Bring)mnlg Christ Into B~sgmJess ST. LOUIS - Sodalities must maintain their flexibility if they are to meet the needs of their members and
society, diocesan sodality directors from all over the U. S. agreed here. Directors from 24 dioceses attended the annual meeting of the National Diocesan Sodality Directors' Conference, held to map plans for the future of the sodality move~ent in the U. S. Adult Men Among the subjects treated at the meeting was the formation of adult men's sodalities, a relatively new development in this country. Father Joseph MacFarlane, S.J., of st. Louis, national sodality promoter, said sodalities have been organized among professional men in nine cities-Bos.ton, New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Newark, N. J., Buffalo, N. Y., and Detroit. Professionals Members are drawn from such fields as medicine, law; engineering, advertising, chemistry and social work. Father MacFarlane described the meeting as "the greatest show of unity in years" in the U. S. sodality movement. "-There was agreement that the sodality must adapt itself to all kinds of circumstances, that it must preserve its flexibility," he said. Combine The Jesuit added that the sodality directors are convinced that laymen must combine their spiritual lives and their occupations, rather than trying to separate them. "You become apostolic by being better professionally, by being a better lawyer or doctor or lyweds Is "the le~on of your new~paperman," he said. "You faith in God." . do it by bringing Christ into "Marriage made you collaboyour environment." rators in the creative work of our heavenly Father, in the redemptive work of His Divine Son, in NO JOB TOO BIG the educative work of the Holy Spirit," he said. NONE TOO SMALL· "In, founding a family, you committed yourself t9 work for someone, else, not for yourself,' to extend life, not to eliminate it, to establish God's· Kingdom ort PRINTERS ,earth, not to cr,eate a Tower ~f' Babel." ¢.
Cites Spiritual Side of Marriage
NEW' YORK (NC)-Husbands and wives must be aware of the spiritual dimension of marriage, the director of the New York archdiocesan Family Life Bureau said here. Msgr. George A. Kelly, speaking to more than 340 couples who will celebrate their golden weddoing anniversaries in 1962, told them' "your plan of life,' your vision, your sense of duty; .yQur patience are much needed by ~oday's honeymooners;" I He commended the golden wedding couples for being "always confident" of the "infinite love and affection" of God. During the ceremony in St. Patrick's Cathedral, the couples' were honored by Frands Car-
Joins Holy Cross B~others Today Brother Neil Rasmussen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmussen, North Dighton, received the habit of the Brothers of Holy Cross at ceremonies held today at St. Joseph Novitiate, Valatie, N.Y. He will begin his canonical year of training for the religious life under direction of Brother Maiir'us O'Malley, C.S.C., Master' of Novices. Rev. John Foley, C.S.C., of the Holy Cross Mission Band, North Dartmouth, gave candidates a 10 day retreat prior to reception ceremonies. Parents, other relatives and friends were enter, tained today at a luncheon fo1,lowing the reception.
dinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, who presented them with special wedding anniversary certificates signed by him and conveying his blessing. . 'Man-Made' Arrangement On the same day,'another 2,500 couples, who will celebrate their 25th ,wedding anniversaries tl1is' year, were honored in their own parishes' throughout, the archdiocese. , Msgr. Kelly in his sermon said '~our dominant- secular culture" defines marriage 'in a way· "diametrically opposed, to the man~er of your own living." . "-For many moderns, marri~ge, is a man-made social arrangement, having ·no divine origin, governed by: no ,divine abS;6lutes," he said. Lesson of Faith He said the message of .the golden wedding couples for ncw, -'
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River"-Thurs.; Jan, 25;1962
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that, when produced, the play will be done as it deserves to be done. One must' hope that 1-t will be as well put on as is Bolt's A Man for All Seasons,' which is currently enthralling capacity audiences at the ANTA Theatre in New York. IUs the best thing this department has seen for years, a play and a performance is a new play which will pleasurably persist by Christopher in memory. ' Fry,Curtman'ue 'Severely Simplified' (Oxford Un i - I f Mr. Bolt is less of a literary versity Press. light than Fry, he is still a very , $3.50), which considerable writer. Every line deals principalin his play has been carefully ly with' Henry wrought and polished. Never is II but gives much attention to the clunk of a 'cliche heard, or Becket. the clank of the rhetoric with , Fry's focus in his drama is on Henry's concern to see the law which, as with chains, so many , . period plays are laden. functioning smoothly and um-. Bolt does not get· all of More formly in' England. The king is on the stage. There is little sugdetermined that there shall be gestion, for example, of how equal justice, and that it shall be learned, and variously learned, available to the least of his sub- More was. And his household jects. ha,9 been drastically reduced. The' , This requires, to his mind, that playgoer unfamiliar with the the Church courts shall be curbed. Too many clerics are go- subject might easily believe that More had only one child, his ing unpunished, indeed untouchdaughter, Margaret. ed, for what are really, civil ofBut there were other children, lenses, and too many laymen are too, and guests in unusual numpenalized by the overextension bers and range. It was a thronged of canonical jurisdiction. and bustling place, with all manLonely Resistance ner of interests and activities But Becket perceives that the represented. This has been se-, king, whether or not he realizes verely simplified; so that the it, is bent on, invading and richness of More's personality, as usurping the spiritual, realm. evidenced in himself and in his Henry's ambitions and plans' could oI,lly end in the subjuga- surroundings, is notsh~wn. tion of the Church to the crown. Genuine Picture. ,He is aiming a,t totalitarianism, But'what is shown is genuine., heading the Church as well as The playwright concentrates on the State and m8I,lip~lating the' More's loyalty to God, his exact former as a mere tool of the lat., definition of and adherence to ,ter. 'This development, Becket the spiritual authority, his.keen-', . t" ness of c!>nl!Cience, h~,.· staunch re~~ss:resistance' is iOn~lY and' regard for the law both in its costly. The' king,' pronouncing requirements 'and' Its 'liMitations. ' him a humbug ~~d a fanatic, is, ' This may make it appear that , , 'alliemited and enraged; Tlle,:other :an abstract and blopdless'~oncept, bishops melt away from the pri": rather than. a man, is ,projected. ' mate's side not se~ing the 'issue 'But More's in·tense delightful sO sharply and'fearing the king's' ,humanism is cOnCretized.' ' wrath. There isa long and bitter The role is superlativelY acted ;" struggle, climaxing in the mur:" '; by P~UI Scofield,making his der of Becket, 'but' not really AmerIcan de~ut. Physically he ending' there, ,as Henry's subse-" does not resemble the ~ous, quent history proves. ,', ' ,Holbein portrait, butt~is does,' Beueficiial' 'Results ' ~ - not matter once one realIzes that" For Henry -:. determined to:, he h~s got to the heart of'More have order everywhere ,but in and IS settin.g it out with con-, his own life, to "give them the summate artistry: . city of the law even if I have to Her~ is a beautIfully sustamed make it by fearful means"-sows and. Inflected performance" a the seeds of his own destruction cl3;sslc example of the use. of by what he does with and to his VOIce, gesture, bearing. It is own family, backed up by a number of other There is contention among his unusuallr good performances. . St1l'l'ing Experience sons, then a leagumg of the sur. vivors against him. There is es-' The stagmg, too, is most comtrangement and enmity between ' mendable. There is a minimum him and Eleanor. There ii; the of sceDery, so.that the continuity swelling of the vengeful' power of the pla.y IS. not. interru~ted, of France, mistreated and hu-' lind the, unagm!lt~()n . is. gIven miliated by him. ~ope. The costu~ll~ IS JUst as At 56 hp. was dead, and hard rIght. Aad the lIg~tmg, is mar~ , days had come to England, But ,velous, demonstratmg what can his resolution that law would, be done to estahlish ~lace, a~ prevail in England had bene- mos,?here, mood WIth thIS f'lCla . 1 Its i n succeed'mg cen- medium. It is a stirri tUries resu ng experi ence to . At Top of Form be part of a heterogeneous twenThis forceful monarch, this ·tieth century audience absorbed turbulent career, Fry has made and thrilled by the story of a to live. It should, come across saint dead for more than four biting1y upon the stage, if prop- hundred years. The ultimate trierly directed and acted. The umph, it is plain, belongs not t~ author has done all that could be Henry VIII but to the man be required of him. He has delin-, had beheaded. eated character t4'enchantly, especially what he hed the queen, .Bejgian Priests Have, call,the "hard,subtle terrain" of Nationwide Faculties the king. 'BRUSSELS (NC)-Any priest He has marshalled the', action swiftly, weaving together all the who has received regularfacul-' events and elements which tell ties from the bishop of one :Belthe king's story, .in such III way gian diocese may now hear conand preach anywhere in that something very complex is fessions the country. ' , made comprehensible in terms of The permission covers, both and reUgious priests, Hospital Convention 'diocesan and was decided on at a meeting ST LOUIS (NC):-The annual of the Belgian Hierarchy last convention of the Catholic HosNovember 23. Not included are pital Association of the United faculUes granted for less than- , States and Canada will be held a year or restt'tcted to" local here May 21, to 24. communities. '
, I
. , '1
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and Spirituaf
Y@tw .
By Most Rev., Fulton J. Sheen, D.'D. WIDCH IS THE GREATER HUNGER, l'BATOF BODY OR'SOULf ' Qur Blessed Lord spoke of t~is ,d~uble hunger when a crowd" the day after be bad' fed them,' 'followed Him across a lake. He chided them, saying that they loved Him only because their bodies were fed, and He urged them to yeam rather for the food of the soul' which Be would give. l
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The ciash of temporal and spiritual' authority,,' as exemplified in the lives of two kings and, two saints of England, is the theme of two plays which have' enjoyed marked success on the Broadway stage .last year and this. The current one is Robert drama And the writing, to reBolt's A Man for All Sea- peat, is Fry at the top of his sons,' which dramatizes the mature form.' , break between' Henry VIII It is not certain, of course, and St. Thomas More. Its predecessor was Jean Anouilh's Becket, which purported t~ depict the relationship between Henry II and St. Thomas a Becket. Published now. but not yet staged,
J ' .
Here in the United States there is practically DO physical hunger; in the rest of the world, there is intense physical hunger. In one diocese of India alone, some 8 million ' "untouchables" do not average a bowl of rice a day. While the mission world is dying of physical starvation, our glutted Western civilization, is dying of spiritual starvation. It is bodies that are thin int/he East; it is so~ that are emaciated in the West. IRENE MENY
New Bedfc~d Girl Is E$~@r WQll'llmle!r . Irene Meny, a SenioI: at St. Anthony High, New Bedford, has received an honorable mention from the Extension magazine for her essay on Dag' Hammarskjold, "I Sing of a Hero." The award was given in recognition of Miss Meny's outstanding essay submitted in the national contest sponsored during 'November by the editors of Extension. The purpose of the contest was to choose four guest editors among teenagers. Miss Meny has been accepted as a Teen Board Representative for the publication. This position gives her the privilege of entering submissions from the other members of the SAH Creative Writing Club in the Talent Contest spons~re~ by the ptagazine.
Seek Permit to Do Business Olll Sunday
The HoI,. Father has to take 'care of both physical and spiritual hunger. That· is why the Missions maintain hospitals. dispensaries and leper colonies In various parts of the world. But, The Society ,for the Propagation of the Faith implies first the giving of the Faith. It is not only the grain of wheat that must be brought to the . starving; they mUlilt receive the Eucharist! Why is it much easier to induce people to give to the hungry, the sick and the starving rather than it is to induce them to sacrifice to make converts and to spread the Redemption C?f the Cross? It is 'because emotions are involved at the sight of starvation, whereas F'aith' is involved' at the I sight of paganism. The picture of a leper makes us feel what we' would like to do, but the sight of a ,sinner or a pagan or a Buddhist does not always dictate what we ought to do. Many dQ not act' until their feelings, bave been excite.d. Cons~quently, support of the Missions is too often sporadic, uncertain, dependent upon emotional reactions to emotional appeals. Sometimes God permits us' to meet perSonally benefactors of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 'who ,have made small claily sacrifices over a long period of time. It Is invariably true that those who are coustant in' the sacrificial spirit are those who are a b'lOrbed in bringing hearts and souls to Christ In ' the Eucharist. Let your' glvmg, then, be dictated Dot 'only by a desire to feed bodies•.Let It arise' froin a yearning to bring the Bread ' Of' Life to dJirist-starvedsouls.' Only when your life of Faith Is deeper thlin 'yoUr emotional life will both hungers of the mission ,world be eODque~ed. .
GOD' LOVE YOU to AnOn'yniouS ,for, an, Engagemen~ Ring LAKEWOOD (NC) - Repre-' "Please give this' to the Holy 'Fatller for bis Missions. With, five sentatives of 1,500,000 Jewish lovely children, 'r 'don't 'need it to remind me of my engagement." worshipers called, upon Gov. ... to M.F. for $5 '''I always feel b~tter when I send something to Nelson Rockefeller of New York . the MisSions."" •. '. to' R.F.D. ,for $25 "In petition for my wife's to liberalize ,that state's Sunday closing laws so as to pertnitJewish:, mer,chants, to con'duct"busiSend us your' old 'gold alldjewehy ~ the valuabI,ea' y~u no' ness on Sundays. ionger::Wie but ~hicil are too good to "throw away. We will The ,recommendation came the ',earrings, gold eyeglass frames, flatware, etc.; and use· the from the Rabbinical Council of " money to relieve the suffer~g in' mission lands. Our adclress: The America, largest Jewish'rabbiniSociety for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, c~l ,bQdy in' this, country, at its: New'York 1, New York. ' .. annual, midwinter ,conference 'here in New Jersey; , Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice' to It and' mail It to the ]iabbi Charles Weinberg, coun- Most Rev, Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the ~ciety for cil president,:recalled that during, the Propagatlon of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New 'York 1; N. Y.. his 1958 election: campaign :Gov. or ,your Diocesan Director" RT., 'REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, Rockefeller promised to liberal- 368 Nort)l Main Street,'Fall River, Mass. , ' . , , ': , ize ~ew ,York's Sunday 'laws to" permit, Jews and Qthers who ob-' , Be Thr'ifty - Be Wise : serve the' Sabbath, ,to 'conduct Ask your Meatman for a businesses on Sundays. Rabbi Weinberg ,said the time has' come DAVIDSON'S to fulfill that promise.' Other re(MacGregor Brand) ligious groups who observe the Sabbath include the Seventh-day • SWEETNIC • Adventists and the Seventh-day Bake in the Bag-No Basting Baptists. ' ,"Mac!' says''WINNING FAVOR Jubilaroans Real Scotch Ham Flavorll - CHICAGO (NC)-Four hun-' WITH ITS FLAVOR" dred couples married 50 years or , more renewed their' marriage' vows and were given parchment scrolls at, a feast of the Holy Family ceremony here presided Moe Gregor' over by Albert Card.inal Meyer, ']~:\NU Archbishop of Chicago, in Holy Name Cath~dral. JUST at All Leading ASK FOR Food Stores SWEETNICS in Massachusetts
ROUTE 6, HUTTLt:SON AVE. Near Fairhaven Drive-In Italian Dinners Our Sp.ecialty Service On lPatlo
SHOP TOWELS Also Reclaim Industrial Gloves
INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY Sue_to New Englaael Overall & Supply Co. 10 Boward Ave;, Hew ae4'ord Phone
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Thousands of Students in Diocesan High Schools 'Pounding the Books' For Important Mid-Year Exams
THE ANCHOR...,...Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Jan. 25/ 1962
By Clement J. Dowling
Mid-year exams have cast a 'subdued and studious .atmosphere over the 12 Diocesan high schools. Social and extra-curricular activities are'at a minimum as thousands of students, intent on conquering the semi-annual scholastie challenge, are pounding the dancing cha-chas, waltzes, rhumbooks and sharpening their bas, and the hokey-pokey. It was memories. School halls re.- a night out I'll long remember." sound with the' hum of conRoller Skating
versation centered on thoughts So spoke the father of a Mt. of mathematics, English, foreign languages, history. science and St. Mary stUdent after the first other subjects. Students' are ap- Father-Daughter dance ever held prehensive as to severity of at the Fall River high school. exams and wonder If they're well The girls were elated that their fathers had such grand time, enough prepared. for their feelings previous to the Awalt Results , event were skeptical ones also. Teachers have a mid-year look Junior Class President Mary too. They seem more reserved Morin of Taunton's St. Mary's and businesslike. Inwardly, . High School heads a committee they are as concerned as students. planning the annual Junior prom They hope the results of their to be held in the school hall work for the first half year will Friday night, Feb. 9. Decorations produce good marks. They won- will feature the theme "Tonight" der if their efforts since Sep- with moon shining and stars tember have been productive and twinkling above the dancers. creative. They pray that their Chaperones will be parents of students will show the hard work and cooperation needed to class officers Miss Morin, Christine Haggerty, Mary Jean Yelle, mllture their young' and ferHe and Elizabeth Brennan. minds. Sophomores of' Sacred Hearts At home, parents have been AcademY in Fairhaven are look_ cutting down on TV and radio to ing forward to a let-down roller provide an environment condu- . skating party at Lincoln Park cive to study. They too are a~ after mid-year exams. important part of mid-years and United Nations they hope and pray .that this hurdle will be surmounted. As The Anchor's searchlight Some, who still have a worksweeps the Diocese to observe ing knowledge of their high school activities it finds the Curschool subjects, lend active aid. rent Events Club at Attleboro's Results will be awaited with Bishop Feehan High attending a anxiety and hope. Teachers and practice tourney of debating at parents share the youngsters Mt. St. Charles Academy in eagerness and the reward of all Woonsocket, R. I. Moving to its own school, the will be the pride of achievement. beam sets its focus on the same Father-Daughter Dance club listening to a tape recording "I expected a somewhat boring of a' TV 'debate on State aid to and subdued affair. Was I surprovide science and math texts prised! I found myself in an at- for parochial schools. Discourse mosphere of laughter and goodparticipants are Msgr. Arthur T. fellowship. Imagine 168 fathers Geoghegan, superintendent of showing up for a Father-Daughschools in the Providence Dioter dance! Why, I met old school cese, and Rev. J. Baldwin, presichums and friends I hadn't seen dent of the Rhode Island Council ' in years. I felt it the next day, of Churches. Switching' tc . Fairhaven, the but I must admit we had a, ball
COYLE OFFICERS: Senior class officers at Coyle High School, Taunton, are front row, left to right, William Desmond, Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, treasurer; American History Club of Sacred Hearts Academy senior class is found arguing at length about .the good and bad points of the
Bedford Students路 Show Roman Culture Projects Outstanding exhibits demonstrating aspects o:ll Roman culture are currently on display in St. Anthony's ~igh School library, New Bedford. They are the fruit of a project aiming to depict culture of the time of Julius Caesar. Each exhibit is accompanied by a research paper explaining it in depth. Noteworthy are a model galleon complete with sail and delicate toothpick oara. the work 01
Dennis Lambalot; a Roman bath constructed by Yvette Robida and Diane Caplette; and a map of Rome by Henry Pelletier. The map is executed in detail, down to Latin labels for street names. A very modern item, the popsicle stick, has been put to good use by Rachel Richard in a watch tower that "represents hours of patient shaping and glueing. Cecile Guimond has dressed
GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST: If Caesar's shade walked today, he'd feel at home with these items constructed by Latin students at St. AntJ:1ony High, New Bedford. Left to right, Rachel Richard with popsicle watch
four dolls in robes of a- tribunus, legatus, ilUxilium and imperator, while Adrien Rock .and Richard Martin obviously enjoyed themselves while making a model catapult that sends .paper missiles, sky-high. A fort. with pebble court and strong outer defenses was the building choice of Richard Lamontagne and Ronald Leblanc. All are second-year Latin students.
tower; Henry Pelletier with may of Rome; Dennis Lambalot, shipbuilder; Linda Lum. I G' d d II d iniello; and Cecie Ulmon, 0 ress:" maker in the manner of the Romans. All are second year Latin students.,.#'" . ,
Geoffrey Kane, St. Mary's Mansfield, president; rear, Gerard Kelley, St. Mary's Mansfield, vice-president; Richard Brezinski, St. Mary's Taunton, secretaary.
United Nations, while its junior class raises funds for the year book by selling mothers' homemade cakes in a New Bedford store. The revolving and inquisitive light spots Bishop Feehan again as the whole school is assembled to view. and hear a film of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra giving a concert in West Berlin, conducted by Leonard Bernstein. Our eyes follow the ray as i:t . hesitates over Fall River's Pre~ vost High to listen to the Sodal'7 ity discussing upcoming retreats -one for juniors at the Passionist retreat house in Brighton, and one for seniors during Easter vacation at the Trappist monastery in Spence.r, Mass. A mile farther on the effervescent freshmen of Fall River's Sacred Hearts Academy are seen grouped around Sister John Elizabeth helping her to plan next Sunday's annual Open House for 8th graders. Conducted tour, refreshments, and Benediction wilJ be the program. Eager Debaters Moving up the river 13 miles, the roving beacon lights up the pretty faces of four Taunton girls. St. Mary's students Collette and Bernadette Murphy, Louise Bury and Mary Morin are the exuberant choices to attend the Girl Scout Roundup in July. This two-week conclave of Girl Scouts from all over the world will meet and camp in Button Bay, Vt. Diane Renaud stands waiting, as an alternate. Just before coming to a rest, the artificial sunbeam sports a Debaters Notice sign on the Prevost High bulletin board and it marvels that the interest, prep-, aration, and spirit of a debating team rivals that of an athletic team. It notes that each school is alive with high hopes and confidence. Msgr. Prevost High, for instance, is bolstered by its sweep of the four man match it held with Sacred Heart Academy in Central Falls, R. I. Prevost will accept invitations to debate at ,. the Stonehill College tourney on Feb. 3, and the New England All-Catholic boys debate tourney at Fitchburg's Notre Dame High on Feb. 10.
Today students at Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River and Bishop Stang in North Dart_ mouth are completing observance of the Church Unity Octave. Rev. John H. Hackett at Sacred H~arts Academy, Fall River. and Rev. Joseph L. Powers at Stang led the schools in prayer offered for the special intentions of each day of the Octave. The devotions were carried on in classrooms via public address systems. , Mt. St. Mary's, Fall River, wiD resume practice next week for its operetta "Tulip Time," scheduled for showing in the school haH. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 7 and 8. Kathleen Raposa, sophomore at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall Rivpr, has been awarded a Cer路路 tificate of Merit by editors of Extension, national Cat hoI i <!" monthly, "for meritorious effort in the field of Catholic journalism" The award carries with it an appointment to the Extension Teen Board of Editors. Kathleen is an honor student and a member of the sophomore journalism class. Tomorrow the fourth sodality assembly is scheduled at Sacred Hearts. It will develop the theme chosen for the year, "Know Your Diocese in Acti.on." Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, will speak on the Family Life Bureau and the Cana movement. Previous speakers have included Rev. Edward Oliveira on the Legion of Mary; Rev John H. Hackett on the function of the Chancery Office; Mrs. Elizabeth Turner Sullivan on third orders and the layman. lFrench Club The Marian Players, SHA's dramatic club under the presidency of Margaret Gillette held try-outs during the past week for freshman and sophomo!ae recruits. Nineteen new members were admitted by vote 路of the moderator Sister Stephen Dolores. The newly formed French Club met for the first organiza~ tional meeting' under direction of its moderator, Sister Albina Marie. Marlene Gauthier, ju~ior, was elected temporary secretary. The name chosen is CFD<-Club des Debutantes Francaises.
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Jan. 25, 1?62
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Canctd1i@lfi) W>li'~nate . :Urges Grr®@fr~r Unity Eff(Q)~ ",~
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MONTREAL (NC)-The description of non-Catholic Christians as "separated brethren" is not a mere pious platitude but expresses a profound truth about their relation to the Church of Chris~ Paul Emile Cardinal Leger said here. . The Archbishop of Montreal said baptized non-Catholic Christians "have certainly that union with Christ which begins , 'at Baptism" but they lack "complete and perfect union with the Mystical Body." "The expression ·'separated 'brethren' -is no pious tag' or empty formula, but the description of a real and profound truth' which involves our whole thinking on the subject," Cardinal Leger said. ' "It is only by helping them to fulfill that real brotherhood and .~ discover its true meaning that we may hope to overcome the difficulties which still divide us," be added. 'Supernatural Enterprise' Cardinal Leger, preaching at 8 Mass marking the 10th anniversary of the Catholic Inquiry Forum here, urged increased efforts by Catholics on behalf of religious unity. He conceded that unity is a "supernatural enterprise" in which men cannot be the "principal agents." "But if we cannot achieve it through human efforts alone, we can at least not hinder it through , lack of charity, lack of under,standing and a faulty sense of proportion in stressing the nonessentials in our holy religion es if they were essentials," he said. ' , "We can prepare for it and do everything to make it possible, removing as far as we can all human obstacles that we ,could set against God's operations and disposing ourselves as Catholic .' Christians to be the instruments , "of the peace of God." , ~,':," Positive lInsights ::" Discussing the positipn of non, Catholic Christians -in relation to ,~he Church, the Cardinal, de.:"'clared that the leaders of the "Protestant Reformation "were "riot altogetl;J.er' without genuine , , 'positive insights." , ,,', ""Despite all their errors' •.• . :' they clung' firmly, for instance, to their positive insight that each ',:"~d eyery Christian soul has a ":direct access to God, a living' and 'personal relationship with their , 'Saviour Jesus Christ," he said. . Cardinal Leger noted that the Catholic Church alone has "the ' full and final revelation of God's ~. truth." He said it follows from this that "all religious truth that is really true is Catholic truth, even when that truth is held outside the Catholic Church." 'Part .of Treasury' \ . "The positive insights of the 'reformers, therefore, insofar as they are true and valid, are Catholic truths," he said. Many of the "values" of ~on:' Catholic Christians are really "part' of the treasury of, the Catholic' Church," he continued. "The tragedy is that 'our separated brethren have failed to . recognize these values in Cath- . , olicism. Perhaps we state them in terms they find difficult 'to understand and in it theological idiom which is unfamiliar to ' , tp.em."
Sends Four Priests To Latin Ameruca JEFFERSON CITY (NC) The Jefferson City diocese will send four of its pr.iests ·to ,I."atin America in 1962, probably to Peru. This was announced' by Bishop Joseph M. Marling ,of the Missouri diocese in a pastoral letter. H~ a~so asked. lay men and women to join 'the Papal Volunteers for Latin America program. ·Bishop Marling said the sendIng of his priests as missionaries Is in response to Pope John's call for assistance to ,the Church in Latin America
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, llf拢 AMCHOR-Diocese of Folt River-Thurs., Jon. 25, 1962
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.. nWClESAN GIRLS: Students from diocese engage in variety of classroom activities. Top left, Joan 1[acomber, Fall River, in language lab; right, Joanne Flynn, Taunton, with nursery school child. Bottom left, 路 Sis t e I' Mary Theodore, 路 R.S.M., president; right. Mary Bailey, Chatham, works in home economics department with department head Mrs. Marjorie M. McKay, left.
Saint Joseph College; West Hartford,'Oifers Outstanding Curriculum on 'Lovely Ca~"pus Sain.t Joseph College, West Hartfprd, Conn., is one of ~he fastest growing Catholic four-year liberal arts colleges for women in New England. Founded in 1932 by the Hartford Sisters of Mercy, a religious congregation with 110 years of educational activity in the state, the student body has grown, from 63' undergraduates and 15 faculty to a student populaIt is affiliated with Catholic unteers working with foundlings, tion of 1002 with 63 religious University of America, member the handicapped, the emotionally and lay teachers. Diocesan of the Association of American disturbed and the mentally regirls at the college include Colleges, American Council on tarded, they come to understand Joan Macomber, Fall River, Spanish major; Mary Bailey, Chatham, home economics major; and Joanne Flynn, Taunton, child study major. Construction has kept pace with expansion. Beginning with two massive three-story Georgian-Colonial buildings more than a quarter century ago, the college added two student residence halls in 1955, a $624,000 library building named after Pope Pius XII in 1960, and is presently completing a large student dormitory, faculty residence, . and a splendid student union at a total cost of '$1,500,000. By early 1962 the' college will' have eight .of its 11 projected buildings. Although physical expansion has been a necessary preoccupation, the administration has placed even greater emphasis on the quality of its teaching. This insistence on standards has built an enduring reputation for excellence in the liberal arts. It is also reflected in the high number of doctoral degrees among the faculty, some 53 teachers having this degree. College Aims Fully accredited, Saint Joseph College is approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education, Board of Regents of the State of New York, New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Education, National Catholic Education Association, and American Association' of University Women. Believing in the worth of its education product, Saint Joseph College has spelled out these aims and objectives. It views education as a life-long process carried on by each individual to perfect her powers of mind and body in order to contribute productively to the welfare of society and the glory of God.
First Hand Training The college estimates each student's achievement in terms of the progress she makes toward the development of her powers. Grades, as such, are not stressed. Assimilation of what has been learned and mental growth are. Since the college is a social unit for preserving and fostering democracy, it aims to develop powers of self - government among the students. Built around a well-coordinated system of student government, which functions through the student body with the help of a Student-Faculty Liaison Committee, the ideals and regulations of the College are upheld and a responsible corps of campus leaders is developed. . In other programs students acquire first-hand training in good citizenship. As group leaders in social-work centers and as vol-
the needs of society.
- education, economics and busin<:lSS, English, Latin, French, . Spanish, history and political science, home economics, mathematics, music, psychology, sociology. Courses are also offered in fine art, German, Italian, philoso. phy, physics, physical education, theology, as well as pre-professional preparation in law, medicine, elementary and secondary school teaching. Student life on this 80-acre scenic campus in residential West Hartford is varied and active. There are some 18 extracurricular clubs and chapters of national organizations which students may join. Each has been organized for a specific need or social interest. Many carryon advanced or special work supplementing that of the classroom.
Many Scholarships All applicants' take the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board and three achievement tests, one in English and two in other fields. Candidates are advised to take the Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement tests in McAuley Lectures December or January to be assured of consideration for adBesides taking formal courses mission to the freshman class. in religion, students voluntarily Popular with students is the participate in the liturgical life of the Church. They take part in Early Admission' Plan whereby those well-qualified may make a daily Missa Recitata, sing the application' early in the Fall of Mass Sundays and on great their senior year in secondary feasts, join the procession on school. High ranking students Palm Sunday. Sodality and a are considered for honors at 'en- three-day spiritual retreat each year help students to strengthen trance. " It is the desire of the admin- . their spiritual life. istration to place higher educaOutstanding on the College's tion within reach of as many cultural calendar are the disqualified young women as postinguished McAuley Lectures sible, thus a number of scholar- given each year. Begun in 1951 ships have been established by to honor a centenary of service the College and by numerous by the Sisters of Mercy in Confriends and bellefactors. necticut, the series has brought Capable students may arrange scholars of world renown to the loans through the Mary P. campus. The lectures, usually a triology on a central theme, are. O'Flaherty Loan Fund and the National Defense Loan Fund. published by the College. Part-time job opportunities are Joseph the VVorker available. In 1959 Saint Joseph College Student Life widened its academic horizons Saint Joseph College awards and opened a center of graduate studies. The program is specifidegrees in these major fields: biology, chemistry, child study, cally designed for in-service
- teachers, for liberal arts graduat~s aspiring to teach, and for those desiring to profit by advanced study in. a particular field .. The graduate division is open to both men and women and offers concentration in five fields. 路 Cumulative enrollments have jumped from 51 in 1959 to 209 in June of 1961 and 264 during the current semester. Under the patronage of st. Joseph the Worker, the student coming to this central Connecticut college takes comfort ill repeating these words: "Glorious Saint Joseph, model of justice and pattern of all who are devoted to toil, obtain for me the . grace to be just in all I do and to work with order, peace, moderation and patience, without shrinking from weariness and difficulties; to work above aD with a pure intention of pleasing God."
THEAl'lr"-'~ "'I:,ccese of FaIlRive'r~Thurs.;jon;'25,·1962
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Fa~ny Wright Influential In SecM~~,i~~~g S~hools 'By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bisbop of Reno
Who remembers Fanny Wright? Not many on a wager, although there was a time, better than a century ago, when she was the most controversial woman in America. She defied the conventions of her era, appeared bold as brass on public lecture platforms to find it unacceptable to the (which no lady should ever majority. . do) , and advocated, along She became the ally and c0with emancipation, female worker of her fellow Scot, Rob,.
ert Owen, and it may have been, and ~olored, even more startling under his influence that she proposals, sucb as the abolition committed the blunder of openly of the banking advocating a system of free love, system and the or at least "extra-legal matripromotion of mony." free love. A Frankly Anti-Christian tough - minded In the '30s she married a la d y, surely, Frenchman who shared her ideas, but not altobut the compatibility was not gether attrac.enduring. In her' later years, tive. spent largely in New York, she Orestes devoted herself to the advocacy Brownson knew and promotion of her scheme of her well. In the secularizing American education. days before he As a convinced materialist, fought his way MOUNT DANCE: This happy Bunny Dance held at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall • into the Catholic Church he was frankly and militanUy anti- Hop line, led by Miss Maria· Rodriques, River, as students danced with their best Christian, she openly sought the the intimate and confidant of elimination of all religious influ- shows the success of the Father~Daughter "boy friends." half the intellectual blue-stockings of New England and New ence in the public and state-supported schools. There is litUe York. Soon after her death he EcumenicG~ paid her the oblique tribute of question but that her mark was saying that she was the brains made on the system adopted by and inspiration behind the main New York within a few years of 'l'JI£ D"J..l' FAi....u.l' Jr",-- ••-. aO I>Grr.' z.ooo .~·AGO her death in 1852. attack on Christianity in the BECAtrSE 01' PERSECUTION. From ~BAUAN, In 8Ostate Schools public schools of the United S t rh VIB'I RUSSIA. Rfugee ramilies lift "I was for a brief time in her States. ~1) fleeing today-beeause of &lie Soviet ALEXANDRIA (NC) confidence" Brownson continHe so expressed himself in an <9 Genol' • • . 'I"IllIERAN, &lie eapiIaJ of ued, "and 'one of these selected The movement toward union address given before the Philo~ ~ IRAN, is onI7 150 miles from AZJm. to carry into execution her plans. . mathian Society of Mount St. of separated churches was l» • 0 BAJ.JAN. II1DJcbeds of Rfugees. some Mary's College, Emmitsburg, The great object was to get rid called the "most significant ~ ::s of CIJem Catholies,. have lied to of Christianity, and to convert Md., on June 29, 1853. G"(I) TEJIEKAN ill reeem IDODUIs fOJ' beereligious event Since the Reforour churches into balls of science. Like so much of Brownson, + • 110m.. ARCIIBISBOP .JOSEPH mation" by a Jesuit specialist in "The plan was ,not to make who was beyond question one of SJ[IjtIKBA, CIle Cha!deaD CBas&em ecumenical affairs. open attacks on religion, alprime"miiuls of the 19th cenlWeI Afthlrisflop of SJWA. writes lIS Father Gustave Weigel, S.J.• though we might belabor the tury, this lecture, a magnificent about the pzoblem. He writes: "'I1Jere professor a.f ecclesiology at clergy and hring them into conpel'formance, might have slumWoodstock (Md.) . College, a, • u.&. Fltt6ri. MisIitxI AirI is DO d1ureb few Ihese refugees. 110 tempt where we could; but to, bered on in 'the pagel! of the colbuiIdi:Dg wfIaSsoever wilen: Mass aD Jesuit seminarY, spoke to some establish a system of state-we lected Works, save' for the keen firtk ~ Cbmh be offered r.- Ulem. 'Ibeft is 110 450 persons at Blessed Sacrament said national schools, from .eye, of Father Robert I. Gannon, pIaee-aoI even a sbed-wflere the dliIdren eaD be saugM tile parish hall here in Virgin~. which all religion was to be exthe former president of Fordham eateddsm'" • • • 'Ibe Aftflbisrrop D2eds a eomfrinatlml efIapeI-. His appearance was a highlight cluded, in which nothing waS to University. who reelills it in his .rmoI. fmIetiUDa) aDd i'nespeusille. Mass wiD be offeftd for of joint Catholic-Protestant obbe taught but such knowledge urbane memoir of his educame refugees in me Eas&aD Bite with wtdcfI. IIle7 11ft familiar~ servance of a "Week of Prayer as is verifiable by the senses; and tional career, The Poor Old Lib••• However, tile AreIlbishop bas no DlODe7 • _ • 'fbere De onb for Christian Unity" paralleling to which all parents were to be era' Arts. . 16,500 CldIloIics ill aD IBAN'.---or aue aU of evuY I-SOO ~ compelled by law to send their the traditional Catholic observIIODSi. The AI'dIbiSJIop lias onb five priests few lID udIdIoeese , Regrets Association ance of the Chair of Unity Occhildren." .&Iud eoven fOO.ooo sq1Jlire miles! M0Be7 is Il£lD'Ce. tile Dative -"It is not without design," Setting a pattern for all sub- tave, which concludes today. Catbolics too pOOr. to rmDd motlIer efJapekdIool _ W"db Brownson told the young men 'sequent educational tyrants, Representatives of 13 Alexan$3.000 &lie AreIlMshop eao begin to build. TIre Sis&e.. who will of his audience, "that I have Frances wrigJit and her cohorts dria . area Protestant churches staff Q'Je sdIooI wiD teadt, bt addmmr ClJ tire Cafltofie refugees, mentioned the mime of Frances envisioned taking the child from and numerous individual 'ProtNestorians (dissident Christians), IUJdMoslems. The good their ~right, the (avorite pupil of his parents at the earliest.posestants were among those who teaching will do Uarough tile yean is ineaJeutable .. We ask Jeremy Bentham, and famous . sible age, and rearing, him at heard Father Weigel, speak on ~.' please, to belp . . . Your $lIP doDatiGn now will keep our infidel lecturer' through our state expense as a complete, sec- "Protestant-Catholic Relations in Catholic refugeeS together-under the care of the Archbishop, eountry, some 20 years ago; for ularist. the U.S.A." &lie priests aDd Sisten ... PeI1laps You'd like to fie a "f01lDder" I happen· to know, ~hat may How far in actuality' her . Offer FrieJlldsllip of this seftool. Your '1" gift wiD fury more In IRAN than :It not be known to you all, that she scheme was .given a respectful will in the D.S.A.! . . • Whatever you> send-dlmes, quaners. Father Weigel told bis au<lland her friends were the great hearing, how many propaganda IIoltars---please send it new. Send I~ in- tJre names of .Jesus, Mary enee that "all needless hostHimovers in the scheme of godless cells were organized, Brownson lIDd' ,Iosepb. Tho wen ~ ~ too! education, nOw the fashion in does not say, for'he parted eom-' ,ties" betWeen Catholics and Protestants ·are melting away. our· country. GIVE' SISTER A HAND! , pany With the group about 1830, "Today we look upon each other, "I knew this' remarkable aFor $Il.500-wl1at it cost!r (or one classt"OOm fn the U.S.A.long before her career· had with kindly eyes. We reach out woman well, and it was my we can, build a Catholic school In many a mIssion country.. can reached its climax. our right band in friendship," he shame to share, for a time. many you thin! of a' finer melDQrial foy yom- parents. family, loved Dewey the Flower said. of her views, for which I ask one? , _ . Sometimes. for \aX purposes or their own eonvenieDce. He was convinced, however, The priest foresaw no imme...' pardon of God and my countrydonors stt'etch their payments over a period of tim e.-Write to that her influence was far-reachdiate chances for Catholi~ Prot. men." us. ing and was a principal factor estant reunion, but added that She was born in Scotland in a For ·41_ a day 1$12.50 a montb. ~n50 a year) you can train a in the gradual secularization of "we all have to live in the hope 1795, and became a wealthy Sister for the missions. SISTER PURISSIMA and SISTER EMthe public schools. that He who wanted one church orphan as a child. Rebellious . . "It would be worth inquiring, ERIT are preparing to become SIS'I'ERS OF THE DESTITUTE will make one church." against the authority of her in ALW AYEo INDIA. They need financial assistance, as weD as if there were any means of acfoster-parents, who seem to have Among obstacles he sees in the yOur prayers. Would you like to "adopt" one of them? A Siscertaining,' how large' a share been kindness personified, she way of better Catholic-Protester's training lasts two years, costs $150 a year. or $300 altothis secret infidel societY, with insisted upon forging her own tant relations in the United getber.-Write to, us. its members all through the education, though it may be an D For 3tt l;t day ($1 a montb> you can-by joining a MISSION country, unsuspected by the pub- States are Church-State relations exaggeration to say that she was CLUB-help regularly in our work of education. MARY'S BANK -"here Catholics must do most lic ... have had in giving her the Bentham's favorite pupil. of the work for we have not is Ute dub which EmPPOrts nalive Sisters. Our club. THE BAextraordinary impulse'to godless Once of age 'she elected to S1LJANS,. supports Catholic mission smools . . , Why not join clarified our own position"-and education which all must have both (EJ.r If day. witb daily prayers\! come to America, first as an apparochial schools - "not their remarked since 1830, an impulse Dear Monsignor: preciative visitor (her inevitable finances, but simply our need for which seems too strong for any . travelog was a refreshing relief Please me in a MARY'S BANK and/or a THE them. which Protestants don't human power now to resist." from the ruck of British diatribes BASILlANS. understand." If John Dewey was the flower against all things American), and Father Weigel also said that of the new dispensation; Fanny Name later as a permanent resident. the Catholic viewpoint 00 birth Wright was its root. control and censorship "does not 'Extra-Legal Matrimony' -, Street fall 100 well on the majority of Having impressed the fairly Zone State _..••••• Cit31 _....... . Protestant Americans." Impressionable General de LaThe other maj or event in the fayette, she accompanied him, Mater et Magistro BUNGER AND COLD observance will be a panel diswillynilly, on his tour through OREMF..MBER THE PALESTINE REFUGEFA They're the vic.'ELM GROVE (NC)-A Protcussion today on "The Nature of the States in the 1820's causing a tims. of the Arab-Israeli War· of 1948. They live In refugee estant theologian has praised the Unity We Seek" at the First mild sensation. camps In LEBANON, JORDAN. SYRIA.. and GAZA. Unable to Pope John's encyclical "Mater Christian Church of Alexandria. ConfidenUy she prescribed for help ttreJmrefves, tbey need food. clnthlng, medicine. a place et Magistra" as "one of the most the ills of the nation, pouring her significant papal pronouncements Participants are a Catholic priest, to sleep. Will you feE'd a REFUGEE FAl\f1LY FOR ONB .an Episcopalian clergyman and MON'i'IJ? ft costs only $10 . , . As a token of nur thanks. we'll counsel into the receptive ears of of modern times." , a Presbyterian minister. send an Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land. Jefferson and Madison, among Dr. Jaroslav Pelikan,' a pro.0 CAN YOU SPARE ONE BLANKET? The BEDOUINS (tentothers. She produced a solution fessor at the University of ChidweDers in South JORDAN> must have blankets. else they'U for the slavery problem, based, cago divinity school, said the enfreeze to deatb. We can I'J'OVide them at $2 each. not unexpectedly•. en compencyclical is "a genuine attempt to sated'relocation, and was grieved make the message of the Church HYANNIS, MASS. contemporary arid relevant to the Tel. 775-5544 fCalVfi ~owerr ~MBncdl is'sues of today." GARBAGIl:- AND Members of the Catholic Guild Its "most striking feature," he for the BI~nd, Fall River region, . added in an. article in Country RUBBISH REMOVAl!. will hold their monthly meeting Beautiful 'mag;lzine published next Sunday in Sacred Heart' here, is its effort 'to ."address the Clean Pickups School. The meeting will be premoral and spiritual problems of Servicing Hyannis, Hyannisceded by Rosary and fl~ . ~diction an industrial technological soport, Craigville, Centerville in the church at 2:15 P. M.. ciety."
Sees Movement Most Significant E"ent
enroll r
~.~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Protestant Praises·
The Parish' P;1.rade ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The PTA and Alumni Association plans a penny sale at 7:3D Saturday night at Pulaski Hall. ll'Irs. Arnold Lawlor, Mrs. William French and Mrs. Joseph Petl"es are in charge of arrangements. ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FALL RIVER Rev. Ferris Kleem. C.s.C., will address the Blessed Mother Guild and Holy Name Society at 8 Sunday night, Feb. 18, at Father Sharbel Center.
ST. .JOSEPH, NORTH DIGHTON The Women's Guild will hold a cake sale within the next four weeks. Members viewed a documentary film on Distant Early Warning installations in Canada and Alaska. ST. PATRICK. F AlLL B.IVIER
Mrs. William Jones, Women's Guild president, announces that plans are under way for awarding a ,$500 scholarship to a high school girl graduate of the parish planning to further her education. Presentation of this award will be a highlight of the guild's 25th anniversary celebration planned for Sunday, June 3, at which time the annual installation will also be held. ST. MARY'S, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild plans a Valentine dance Saturday night, Feb. 10 with Mrs. Marcel Loranger and Mrs. Raym!:'!ld E. Gamache in charge. The regular February meeting wiU feature a program on the art of make-up. Future events on the calendar are a parish show in March and a whist in April. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The Men's Club and Women's Guild will eo-sponsor a Valentine square dance Wednesday night, Feb. 14 in the school hall. The units win also share l'eSPQnsibmty fur a St. Patrick's entertainment Sunday, March 18The Executive Board of Seouting will hold a Fund-ota at '1:30 Wednesday night, Feb. 21 in the school auditorium. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. .John B. Reed and Mrs. Joseph Taylor are CO-4:hairmen. SACRED HEART. NORTH ATrLEBORO The CYO will sponsor a roller skating party from 7:30 to 10:30 tonight at Bobby's Hollaway, Pawtucket. Members' will leave the church grounds at 7:14. Jeanne Marcil and Robert Poirier are co-chairmen, and they are also in charge of arrangements for a pre-Lenten dance to be held in the church hall from 7:30 to 11 Saturday night, Feb. 24. Members and friends of Attleboro area CYO grou,ps are invited to attend. Music will be by the Durels band and features will include refreshments and awarding of record albums. The Good Will Club will meet today in the cafeteria. Aims and scope of the new group will be outlined and new members may join by giving their names to Rev. Roger LeDuc. Jeannine Ouimet, Ernest Gaudreau Jr. and Richard Pinsonnault are chairmen of an exhibit featuring work of the lay apostolate which will be held in the church hall in April. Activities of parish societies will be emphasized. Future CYO activities will in_ elude a Communion Supper on Ascension Thu!rsday, a Spring frolic and the unit's nextregular meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 6; 'to . w!,ich new members are invited.
OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE The Women's Guild plans a Valentine food sale Wednesday, Feb. 14. ST. JOliN BAPTIST, Nl:W BEDFORD Mrs. GiJlbert Ferro headls new officers of the Ladies' Guild. Serving with her are Mrs, Vito Gerardi, vWe presirlent;MJrs.. IInrry Dunham, treasurer; Mrs. Mnry Roderick, secretary.
THE ANCHOR~D.iocese ofFen River-Thurs., Jan. 25, 1962
Sees Church Unity Prospects Brighter
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER A mystery ride and malacada supper are among coming eventsfor the Council of Catholic Women. The ride, to be held Saturday, Feb. 17, is in charge of Mrs. Mary Silvia .and Mrs. Evelyn Martin. The supper is set for Saturday, March 3, and will be followed by a penny sale. Next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 20 and will include a sewing session, for which members are requested to bring white cloth. . . ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Family Sunday is scheduled for Jan. 28 by the Holy Name Society. The day's program will include Family Communion at any Mass, Benediction at 5 in the afternoon, and a spaghetti supper at 5:45 at K of C Hall, Brick Kiln Road. Co-chairmen are Dr. George DeMello and Raymond Knispell.
OUR LAJIli1( OIF MT. CARMEL, NlEW BED!FORD Miss Hilda Matthews and Miss Evelyn Hendricks are in charge of arrangements for the annual installation banquet and dance for the Women's Club, to be held at 7 Saturday night, Jan. 27 at Stevenson's restaurant, Westport. Mrs. Frank Rodriques will be installing officer and Miss Natalie Ferreira will be mistress of ceremonies. Art Perry's orchestra will provide dance music.
New officers of the Women's Guild are Mrs. Hollis G. Batchelder Jr., president; Mrs. John T. Simpson, vice president; Mrs. Gerald C. MacC.auiey, recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Close, corresponding secretary; Mrs. William P. MacDonald, treasurer. February meeting of the unit will feature disclosure of secret pals for last year and exchange of gifts. ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER Annual Winter meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Moth_ ers is set for 2 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 28 in tib.e parish hall. Rev. John P Driscoll, assistant general manager of The Anchor, will speak cn "Wants and Needs." New officers will be installed and thl" program will also include musical selections by pupils of Adam Furgiuele and a coffee hour. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Knights of the Altar will sponsor a Cake Sale, Feb. 25, to supply the altar boys with new cassocks and surplices. The Advancement Ceremony of the group will be held on the first S~nday of Lent. Apprentices, pages, knights, knight commanders and grand knights will be received. The officers are: Joseph Machado, supreme grand knight; Robert Ba ndarra, vice supreme grand knight; Theodore Correia, secretary; Michael Neves, treasurer. All pa~ents and guests are invited to attend Charter Night of Troop «76" of the'Boy Scouts to be held Saturday at '1 o'clock. The regular meeting of the CYO will be conducted Monday 1U.ght at 6:30. Sunday is Recollection Day for the youth group and all will receive Holy Communion and participate in the Mass responses at the 9 o'cloek Mass. A Breakfast will follow the iMass;a Holy Hour will be oonductecil at 3,followed by a social hour. Rev. Manuel Andrade will conduct the 3 o'clock serviees. Girl scouts will.meet Saturday morni?g at 10 o'clock in the hall. The March 3rd Mardi-Gras and Malacada Supper committee will meet Sunday. TheCCD will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, to hear a special report by the Parent-Educator Cc>mmittee. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a bean supper at 6 Saturday night. Jan. 27, in the parish halD.. 'il'idrets will be available at tlIile door Mrs. James Bentley is
DET~OIT (NC)-The climate for umty between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, is ~arm~r now t?an at any other tIme In 'centurIes. . . This is the opinion of ArchbIShop Iakovos, who as head of the Greek Orthodox Church in North and South America is this
hemisphere's ranking OrthodO!l: prelate. The prelate said that not only are relations between the Church of Rome and the Orthodox Church at an all-time high, but that the divided Orthodox Church also is moving toward oneness.
TO HIE: PAGE: David Powell, Coyle High School honor student from Mansfield, will be a Congressional page boy this Summer before entering Boston College to major in history. He will serve Rep. Robert A. Everett of Tennessee and is probably the first page ever chosen outside a Congressman's home state. His father; killed in. World War II, was a native of Tennessee.
!L@)f ~®!r~@rn:l J@iJffi}$ 1F!kl@@B@~)f $clro@@)~ NEW YORK (NC)-The first lay person to teach at the threeyear-old School of Theology for Laymen operated by Domi.nican , Fathers here has joined the faculty. She is Miss Margaret Flanagan an employee of the New York Post, who will teach a oourse in eatechetieal methods. A graduate of the New York arehdiocese's Confraternity CYf Christian Doctrine course for instructors, Miss Flanagan has been teaching catechism in parishes and homes here for six
Ordained In Capital CONCORD (HC) Father l'lhr. H. Roby ()f Concord was oil'iained in the priesthood of the Missionaries of Ute Sacred Heart in ~.he first ordination' .ceremony eVff held in New Hampshire's capital ,city. ~ishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester officiated at ,he rite in St. John the Evangelist church. HOLY NAME. NEWBEDFORD . The Women's Guild will hold square dance, Saturday night, Jan 28, from 8 to 12 in the Parish Hall. Mr. E1ward Vieira a professional caller, will cond~ct the affair. The annual card party of the Guild will be held on Feb. 28 undel the co-chairmanship of Mrs. Ernest L'Abbe and Mrs. Stanley Walsh.
ST. JOSEPH'S FALL RIVER A whist at 8 tonight in the parish hall on Brightman Street will be sponsored by the Women's Guild. Junior CYO members will hold a dance from 7:30 00 10:30 oomorrow night. Crownin:lg oil' a king and queen will be among features. ST. RYACINTIll, NEW BEDFORD A public ham and bean supper to benefit the church fund will be held from 5:30 to 8 Saturday nIght, Feb. 3 in the parish ball on Rivet Street. Tickets are aVaIlable from committee member<; or at the. rectory. New ·officers of S1. Anne's Sodality include Mrs. Lucille Bra~S&d, presicilen't; Mrs. Blanche Let·~ndre and Mrs..EvelYn Chartier honorary presidents; Mrs. Ri~a Damm. vice president; Mrs. Anna Games, secretary; Mrs. Cedea Delorme, assistant secretary /Also Mrs. Laura Maille, treasIIrer; Mrs. Clara Ostiguy and Mrs Rose Woods, mistresses of cerem01ll~. lVIirs. Ostiguy, Mns. Chartier and Mrs. Rene Methe nre visitors to tb:e sick.
Blueberry or Peach PARKER 59C SAVE 10; fA Plees JANE Spanish Bar JA~~v~~:CK& 1 ~Roz3Sc Danish Ring JANE PARKER 90Z 43 C SAVE6c R'ING rL NEW4 VICTORY 30Z 10e Cream UlIee5e A&P EXa.~IVE PltG fe1mJary Woman's Day' on Sale - - 10c ~4clThe R~gular·l0 ozJ~ Price.- Now In'
.& , The New, Easy-Grip, F'JavOT-$aver Jar ".OFF. )AUlns~~mt.(offee l~A~Z 1.15 'Pr¢oto.s shu=m In this ad guaranteed U1ru Sat...,
& _ 1.. at AlL A&P Supe, l'<1.,kel. In tills communlW & vlc"""
THE ANCHOR-Diocese cf Fall Ri'ler-'Thurs., Jon. 25,,1.96~ •
-• . • •
Boston Baseball Writers Herald Hall of. Famers
. ' .
"Q~~sti()b1S: ,Value of. A~~,UQ1~ 'Lah,o',r~,lrnldu$ftry' Confer~n~~ , " :, , .By l\1sgr., George G.. Higgins "
By Jack Kineavy . Can Spring be far behind ?- Tonight mar~s the occasion of the 23rd' ann"..al dinner of the Boston Baseball Writers 'Assodatiim' anr.i a gala aff~ir it proposes' to be. There is a very real prob~bility -that two of ,the' invited guests, Bob 'Feller and JaGkie Robinson; " . ,, candid Jensen was good copy. , may', be making, their first Also -settled early' this' week 'public appearance after hav- ,wa~ another sports mystery. ,ing been elected to memb'er- Named to succeed Ernie' Hefferle
,Preside~t Keimedy, and Secretary ~f Labor, Goldberg have, cautioned UniOnS to exerc:ise restraint in their wag~ demands d~rl"lg the next ~ound of, collective 'bargaining 'negotiati"olls. T"!1eystateclrather po~ntedly that they want over-all wage movem¢nts ,tinue, ,to be ,'appropriate under kept in lfne with increases unforeseen ftiture'con~Iition~. in productivity. I was just Undesirable Policy a few, .feet, from President, The authors are also opposed
-HEADS TEAM: Father Albert J.,Nevins, M.M., president of the Catholic 'Press' Association: and. editor, of Maryknoll-' magazirie, heads a, team, of Catholic journalists going to ,Latin America t9 study Catholic programs in the mass media. NC Photo ~
~A n~ IL £'W\!tYUQlIll\\f
NOTRE 'DAME (NC)...:....:Father' Bernard I. Mullahy, C.S.C., has been named Provincial Superior: of the Holy Cross Fathers' Indiana province, according to word received here from Father Christopher 'J, O:Toole, C.S.C., Superior General of the Congregation. of Holy Cross in Rome. , 'Fathe'r Mullahy, 51, wl'll,s'e,rve' -as' Provl'nCl'al Supe'r'l'or u'n'tl'l n'ext July when a g' ell~,<r',a' I' chap'ter' of' the, Congregation of Holy Cross will convene in Rome. ' ' " He will fill the unexpired term of ,the' late Father 'Theodore -, , . Mehling, C.S.C., who died while g y;:,itin , in Santiago, Chile,Nov;"
' A 'na,tive' of Fitchburg, Mass:, Father Mullahy has been serving as Assistant 'Provincial Superior since 1950. Except for a threeye~r, period, he was, a , faculty member in the' department' of phil o phy at the University of Notre Dame from 1939 to 1954, heading the department from ~~52 to 1954,. In his teaching and .research he specialized iiI the h'l h f t p I osop Y 0 na ure.
Court Upholds Ban 0''; Weekend! Burial" NEW YORK (NC)-The New york ,State Supreme Court has tossed out a suit seeking to prevent three cemeteries from ending the practice of weekend burials. Justice joseph A. Gavagan, in handing down his decision, lifted 'a temporary injunction that had kept the cemeteries on a six-day schedule pending the outcome of the suit. The three cemeteries involved in the suit, and several others, announced last month that they would accept interments only on weekdays. This action was taken after a new union contract provision was adopted requiring overtime pay for all weekend work.
'S U L L I V A N ',S Office Supply, Inc. .'~E~eryt.hing
for the Office" ,TYPEWRITERS. FURNITURE ADDING MACHINES 32 Weir St. Taunton, Moss. Tel. VA 4-4076
'at Boston College was Jim Miller who comes ,to the Heights from The balloting and tabulations the University of Detroit where ,weI'€: to 'have been concluded he has compiled a fine record. yesterday 'a n.d The security surrounding Milthe consensus is' ler'~ appointment was in keeping that Rapid Rob- . with the best traditions of Cape ert i~'a-sure-fire' Canaveral and had been the subcandidate with, jecl for more than a little lamRobinson just'a pooning. 'step., behind. ' I n M e a n w h i l e , former Eagle menthe event Jackie tor Mike Holovak inked a twomakes, it, he year contract to pilot the Boston wiJ.1 be the first Patriots to what is hoped will o'f his race to be the top spot in the nascent b P. en roll e d AFL. Genial Mike reportedly, among Cooperstown's elite. This wiiJ: receive $20,000 per year is as it should "be since it was milking him one of the higher, if Rohinson's exemp1ary efforts not the highest paid coach in the that broke the race barrier in league. He has never had a losbaseball. ing season and his career go~s ~ack some 12 years. His was no easy path. I recall that Brooklyn trained in Havana, Schoolboy Ball Cuba in the Spring,of '47, preAnother big week in schoolboy suinably to avoid racial conflict basketball. Top game tomorrow in Florida which at that time night finds Durfee at home to was the mecca of major league At~leboro in the feature game baseball. En route on the exhibiof the BCL schedule. Both faced ti911 tour there were rumblingll top-flight competition last Tuesbut Branch Rickey was adamant, day but whatever the results the Robinson courageous, ,and the S.RO sign is certain to be hung negro had arrived on, the scene' out early at the Bank Street of the national pastime. Armory. Attleboro won the first round match, 64-53. The Jewel: Fe}ler was just.great. He came th ersare a high' scoring, combine. · 1936' up t 0 Cl ,eve1an d.In at e' , " , '" 'They went' over the 'century f ~ge' '0 sever-teen and p~oceeded ' . to blow, that blazing fastball,past marl!: against· North, Attlebpro jittery bunch of' A. L. hitters. and last week humbled Taunton, F,)!I~ years in the Navy-most of 94-56. th 't' t t k t i t 80 It was, Ii disappointing week e our a sea- 00, a ' eas 'victories aw'ay from Feller whose' for New'" Bedford Vocational lifetime total numbered' 262. A which dropped successive games gentleman 'all the way,' he has to Durfee'and Coyle. The losses to , the 'game 'and d.ra,Dped Voke game be.hind the be'e n a cr'ed·t l 'richly deserves to be numbered, defending Tri-champions going among baseball's greats'. ' 'into this week's schedule. Workil)g hard to move into the first Jensen Through division is a hustling Coyle team that could make hay this week The speculation over Jackie against Taunton and North AttleJensen's status is at an end. The poro. Sox' front office early this week Drawing plaudits of the track confirmed the rumor that the gentry was the performance ot" Golden, Boy has ,called it a Somerset's Willard St. Onge who career. Thus ends' one' of the strangest sagas' in the annals of equalled the BAA schoolboy meet record of 5.9 seconds in the maior ,league ball. With a shot at aimexing' the coveted RBI 45-yard low hurdles. Will is a title in '59, Jensen passed' up the senior at Somerset and the caplast game of the season and left tain of the Raider track squad , co:'!ched by Bob Simpson. A for home. He stayed out for a member of St. Thomas More parwhole year, then attempted a comeback in, '61 meeting with ish, St. Onge has been a valuable only mediocre success. member of the Fall River squad in the annual CYO Track Meet. Fear of air travel, visits to psychiatrists, an impromptu week's absence from .the club WEAR early in the season served Shoes That Fit to heighten the controversy sur"THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" rounding the talented Jensen. The writing was on the wall ov('r the latter stages of the season, however, when Jackie made fewer and fewer appearances in the starting lineup. His depar95 PLEASANT STREET ture will constitute a real loss Fall River OS 8-5811 for Boston writers for whom the
John's Shoe Store
SOMERSET, MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop ••. 'invites your participation in the growth of a new BaRking Institution COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS SERVICE MORTGAGES ~ AUTO and APPLIANCE LO"ANS , Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Co. Harold J. Regan, Presiden'
Contraet@1rS sinlCe 1913.
24-Hour Wrecker Service
WYmanl 3-0911 ?
ship in Baseball's Hall of Fame.
HONOLULU (NC) - Several hundred high school seniors from Oahu who inspected Chamindae College, Hawaii's Catholic college, took part in simul<Jted classes to get a feel of, coHege life. The institution is cc;nd,ucted.. by the" ,Mar~ap~st Fathp"r' ,,",' " .. ,,', '<:',~;
" D i r e c t o r , NCWC Social Action nepar~ment.,' ,
Kennedy when he$poke on this, to this formula for other reasons. subject at the recent AFL-CIO They think that a uniform wage convention in ' policy does' not allow for suHi'Miami. At the cient diversity in the movement, conclusion of his of wage rates. And. they argue remarks, he was that 'voluntary restraint in' the cheered enthudetermination of 'prices and siastically and wages is not a workable policy was publicly as": in the long run and is not even sured by Presidesirable. dent Meany of I don't completely agree that the Federation voluntary restraint in the setting ~hat the Unions of wages and prices is not desiraffiliated with able. They may well be correct,' t h' e AFL - cm howc:ver, in stating that such a would cooperpolicy is not workable over the • ... ate with the Administration 100 long run. But if so, where do we per cent in its efforts to curb go from here? Their answer is inflation. that there ought 'to be an annual I anticipated then that the delLabor-Management Conference egates would qualify this corp.on' 'the P,-:esident's Economic mi'tment. This they did in a resReport. olution 'on national economic ~ ~'The objective of this Confe,rpolicy. They made it clear that ence," they say, "should be to' they intend to press for substanshare information among leaders' tial wage gains in 1962,' contendof government, labor and maning i'hat most employers are in agement and to develop a deeper a position to grant sizable, wage un'derstanding of economic procincreases arid still make a hand- ,esses, especially as these are ,resome profit without raising lated to union and company ,polprices. icies in collective bargaining." Would'Resent Enforcement I would like to see a series of There is no way of, telling at ' ,such meetings at the level of in,. this 'point whether or notorgimdividual industries or:trades. I ize::l labor will succeed in raising am 'not tertain,' howev,er, that I wages substantially during the fully understand the reasoning next round of negotiations. It is " which led the CEn, study group almost certain, however, that to' put their hopes in' such' a labor would fight back very vigConference. orously if the Administration Government Restraint, , ' were to try 'to enforce its produc-' Why go to the trouble of trying tivity formula. ' . to develop a deeper understandAt present, of course, there is, irig on the, par,t of labor and no~ indication "that the 'Adminismanagement of nationaleconO,nitration intends to force the issue. ic processes unless it' will enable Secretary Goldberg has already the two parties to exerCise reindicated that "there is plenty of straint in their demands if:, it room" for wage increase - in is demand'ed by the common some industries' at least-within good? the limits of the productivity Are labor and management formula. supposed to file all the informaThe theoretical"question arises, tion they acquire at a Conference however, as to whether or not -or use it in the' interest of the this formula is valid in 'theory general we"lfare? and workable in practice. On the If not the latter, they ,will live surface, it looks like a fairly sento rue the day for, in the absence sible approach' to the problem. of a minimal degree of self-reBut many competent economists strainton the part of labor and and labor relations experts opmanagement, the government is pose it on ethical as well as likely to clamp some 'stringent pragmatic grounds. re-straints on the two parties. This they ought to try to avoid at Present Sharc Basis almost any cost. . The ethical argument against the productivity formula is stated IIi\ very succinctly in a new study Missiol1'il~ry-Physican referred to here, in a different Relief A~ency context, several weeks agoDAR ES SALAAM (NC)-A "The Public Interest ~n National Labor Policy" (Committee on Maryknoll missioner who is also Economic Development, 711 Fifth a medical doctor has arrived here Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. as first permanent representative $2.00). ' in Tanganyika of Catholic Relief The' authors of this study-a Services-National Catholic Welcommittee of nine nationally rec- fare Conference, the worldwide ogl1lzed authorities in, the field relief agency of American Catholics. of labor-management relationspoint out that "The proposal to Father Edward M. Baskerville, keep the price level stable and to M,M., will organize the distribukeep wage increases in line with tion of food, medicines and other changes in output per man-hour relief supplies by CRS-NCWC. logically implies acceptance of He will study problems of hunthe proposition that the wageger and disease in East Africa. eal'ner's present share of national Father Baskerville received income is correct and should not his medical degree from the Unichange. verstiy of St. Louis in 1937. "When this implication' is After World War II he entered made explicit, we do not believe Maryknoll. He was ordained in it will command the support of~ 1953, ,and spent seven years in the parties. Although we have no Tanganyika as a missionary docspecial reason for feeling that tor. the wage-earner's share of income is either too high or too low at this time, we cannot subscribe to the proposition that the present share will necessarily con-
: .::-
.. ~
703 S. WOlter Street,
'New Bedf'~rd ',', /, ,
6$3 Washington Street, Fairhaven " WYman 4-5058
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 25, 1962
Mid-Way Hoop Record Is 10-2
Banner Year Looms for Stonehill By Frank Trond
Sporting a glowing 10-2 record with the season at its midway mark, the Storiehill College basketball teamwith a starting lineup of five sophomores - is currently the leading college cage unit in New England. This year's edition of Chieftains is an ll-man squad, comprised of nine sophomores, a junior and a senior. The team, with a sophomore coach" has been impressive even in defeat. Coach Fran O'Brien's charges have been upended only by Quinnipiac College of Hamden, Conn., pacesetter of the Southern New England Conference, by' a five-point margin, and by powerful St. Anselm's College of Manchester. Collegiate Conference Outside the collegiate ranks, the Stonehill hoopmen were defeated by the New York Athletic Club, a squad composed of some of the country's top college stars of recent years. Gotham fans were surprised to see the Chieftains trailing by only five points at the end of three periods of play. While Stonehill is but a 13year-old institution, the college was admitted this season to the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference, a feat worthy of note. As a member of the ECAC, the Chieftains have a bright future ahead. Rev. William F. Gartland, C.S.C., Stonehill athletic director, has reported seven impressive opponents have already been scheduled for the 1962-'63 season.
Besides their regular rivals, the Chieftains will clas~ next year with the likes of the University of Massachusetts, Fairfield University, Philadelphia Textile, Adelphi College, Siena College, St. Michael's College and Lemoyne University. Stonehill will remain a member ,of the growing Southern New England Conference, but in addition the team will play its stiff independent slate of games. Peterson Tops Leading his sophomore teammates in Coach O'Brien's starting lineup is George Peterson of Flushing, N. Y., 6-foot, 3th-inch scoring ace. One of the top scorers in New England, Peterson is a solid 185-pounder and has been averaging 17 points a game this season. Peterson last year was -named to the All-New England freshman team; to the Catholic College All-American team-honorable mention-and to the Southern New England Conference's all-star starting unit. Runnerup in the scoring column this season has been Bob Suchy, a steady performer who hails from Yonkers, N. Y. A graduate of Fordham Prep, Suchy came to th~ college in North Easton after being named tQ the All-City team in New York and to the Iona College allstar tournament team. Pleasant Surprise Suchy stands 6-2 and tips the scales at 185 pounds. One of the pleasant surprises Coach O'Brien has had this season has been Bill Creedon of Cranston, a former seminarian. The 6-3, 186-pound Creedon, who previQusly attended St.
Columban's Seminary, fits well into the starting unit despite the fact he had limited high school hoop experience. A former Lawrence Central Catholic star, Bob Bleczinski of Methuen is capable of' hitting double figures in the scoring column with consistency. Murphy Sidelined Bleczinski replaced starter JQhn Murphy recently, when the latter received a broken bone in one of his feet in a game against Nasson, Me., College. Bob stands 6-2 and weighs 180. Rounding out the starting five is informal floor captain Jim Swan. A standout performer at Archbishop ,Williams High in Braintree for a former Stonehill star, Coach Don Edmonston, SWl\n is from Quincy. Named most valuable player his last
Pl/'elQlte Starts Fund For P~ll'l!.I
SUb"Whf@lfS CAMDEN (NC)-A relief fund to aid the survivors of the avalanche which killed' some 3,500 persons and wiped out entire villages in Peru has been established here at the direction of Archbishop Celestine J. Damiano, Bishop of Camden. In a letter read at Masses in all churches of the Camden diocese, the Archbishop said: "For those who have died so suddenly we call on our people in the Diocese of Camden to offer the alms of their prayers at all Masses celebrated on Sunday, Jan. 21. For those who were spared, as well as the thousands of others who will have to be evacuated from nearby areas, we ask the mercy of material help for these poorest of the poor."
year at Williams, Jim is 6-2 and weighs 175. Senior on the squad is Bob Reddy of Somerville.' The big 6-5 Reddy, a 195-pounder, is a graduate of Cathedral High SchOol in Boston. SiX-foot, 3-inch Charlie Byrne, lone junior on the team, is alsO from Somerville. Byrne, who weighs in at 165 pounds, is' an' alumnus of St. Clement's High School; Somerville. Rounding out the crack Stonehill cage squad are Ed Pare of Brooklyn, Pat Hart' of Newton and Jim Fallon, also-of Brooklyn.' Pare, the team's little man at 5-10, is an adroit ball handler. He was named to the New York City all-Catholic high sehool five and is a graduate of Bishop LQughlin High Scho·ol. A valli-able reserve center, Hart, who stands 6-5, is a demon off the backboards whenever called upon for'action. He weighs' 190 and was graduated from Our' Lady's High School in his home town. ' A high school teammate of Pare, Fallon is another valuable reserve who can haul his share of rebounds off the boards. Fallon stands 6-3 and is a 180pounder. Studies Come First In his second year as mentor of the Chieftains, 28-year-old Coach O'Brien will have no easy task of building a formidable five to cope with increasingly stronger rivals the college is acquiring. But O'Brien, athlete of the year just six seasons ago' at Tufts University, has been bringing along a unit which shows great possibilities for future campaigns. Stonehill's stiff academic standards multiply O'Brien's problems, since his hoopmen must - besides being topflight players - maintain quality academic records. Assisting ,O'Brien along the road to making the Chieftains an Eastern power is Bob Hegarty of Reading, a Stonehill graduate and former hoop standout. Next With Siena With the current season already at the halfway mark, the
Chieftains have been eyeing I trio of rough encounters that art fast approaching. Saturday night - next homt game for Ston~hill - Siena Col· lege will be invading the Olive Ames High School gymnasium b: North Easton for a clash with the O'Briens. , Then on Feb. 3, homecominr night for Stonehill alumni in th( Southeastern Massachusetts area. the Chieftains will host Fairfie1l' University. And on Feb. 14 Stonehill will be going all ou: in the Oliver Ames gym agains', St. Anselm's, to avenge.a setbacl.· earlier this season. Make Rapid Strides Building any sports team to :-. level where it gains nationa:' prominence is always, a slow. gradual process. But Stonehili' has been taking rapid strides ill the right direction. With its young, energetic staff. the fine caliber of its players.' and its acceptance into the ECAC, Stonehill is on the roae to becoming a leading collegiat~.. basketball power;
Castro's Prisoners' Pr«llY Ros(!Jry D«!Iily
MIAMI (NC)-Men captureci during the ill-fated Cuban invasion last Spring and still held prisoner recite the Rosary aloud daily, according to one of their former chaplains. Father Cipriano Cavero, S.J., said the prisoners taken during the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961, include three priests who were serving as chaplains to the invaders. Father Cavero said 1,183 mG:l are now held by the Fidel Castro regime' in Havana's Prision del Principe. He said many of them were formerly active in Catholic youth groups or attended Catholic colleges and invaded Cuba last year "to fight for relillion
and country,"
.2'0 . ' TH,E
Newm'an 'Gro.ups
ANCH,OR:::::··':'-; ,_.
Thurs., Jan.', '25, , 1962
To Present 'Gift To Po~e John'
CUlft@i~$" ~M(fu«:ills
WASHINGTON (NC) The Papal Secretary of State will present Pope John a bust of John Henry Cardinal
On W ®@~®!ro<dls NEW YORK (NC)-Catholic cemeteries in the Archdiocese of New York and the Dio'cese of Brooklyn have
joined with a number of nonsectarian cemeteries to curtail weekend burials. The move stems from a labor contract provision that went into effect Jan. 1. It calls for overtime pay for Saturday and Sunday work by members of the Cemetery and Greens Attendants Union, Local 365. The ban by nOl)sectarian cemeteries falls with particular harshness on Orthodox and Conservative Jews, who are obliged to bury their dead as quickly as possible. Protests have been lodged with the State Cemetery Board by Orthodox Jewish organizations and mortuary trad'e associations. ' Affects Catholic Cemeteries The Archdiocese of New York : notified undertakers that the \new five-day schedule would apply to Calvary Cemetery in Queens and Gate· of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, N. Y. , The Brooklyn diocese took similar steps for Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn; St. John's Cemetery in. Middle Village;', Mount St. Mary's Cemetery in F1ushing, and St. Clair's and Resurrection cemeteries in Pinebiwn. Many of the cemeteries involved in the change said they would permit burials on one of the weekend days if there was illness in the family' or a holiday fell on a Monday. , "Serious Crisis' .
SCHOLARSHIP FUND : A $5,000 scholarship honoring the late Rev. John J. S~l!livan, former pastor .of Holy Rosary Chlirch, . Fall River, is presented to the Bishop by, left to right, Edward R. Casper,
WASHINGTON (NC) - A copy of a papal treaty drawn up in the 15th century was presented here by Spanish Ambassador Mariano de Ytul'Talde to an official of the Jamestown (Va.) Foundation. The treaty, drawn up by Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), in 1494 divided the Western Hemisphere between Spain and Portugal. This division was not acceptable to the two nations, however, and the treaty was not finally signed until 1506. In the final division, Spain was given additional rights to territory that later developed as the Philippine Islands, and Portugal received the territory that is now Brazil. The document was copied in the Spanish Archives of the Indies in Seville, Spain, and was brought to the U. S, by Jose de 1& Pena, director of the archives.
SmlWt ~D~~
WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. Carroll D. Kearns of Pennsylvania has introduced a bill (H.R. 9648) in the House of Representatives to ban young people from movies,' stage plays and exhibi·tions in the District of Columbia featuring "tl'1due exploitation" ,of sex, crime and violence and 'barring the broadcast here of radio and' tc'~vision programs .featuring .. "~";lIe exploitation" . of. these,:~hl>u~t:S. .,
Orlando Conforti and Italo Giannotti. In. terest from the fund will be used by the Bishop to award a high school scholarship to some worthy student. Friends of Father Sullivan donated, th~ money.
Claim' Orthodox Promote Red .Policy
NEW YORK (NC)-The Russiim Orthodox Church joined the World Council of Churches to promote tenets of Soviet foreign policy.. and to form a' common front against Russian Catholicism, according to a reference A spokesman for the Orthodox paper distributed in' the U. S. 'Jewish community here termed and Canada... . . the new cemetery policy "one of - The paper, distributed by the ·the most serious religious crises America'n Committee for Liberthat could affect the New York ation, also states thafthe Soviets' religious 'community." anti-Catholic' activities' have - He said that his group, and been stepped' 'up' because of a other Orthodox groups had al- fear that the forthcoming Second ready considered organizing Vatican Council will issue an their own .cemeteries in the event official 'condemnation of comthe problem is not resolved sat- . munism. . 'isfactorily. . The' paper' was ,compiled by According to Orthodox Ju- the Institute for the Study of the daism, he explained, it is a dese- USSR'in Munich, Germlmy, de~ cration of the dead to permit a '. scribed as "a free corporation body to rer:nain unburied longer of scholars ", who have left the than is necessary. Even a com-·. Soviet. ,Union." The .institute promise limiting' burials to the issues a, journal edited by a proearly Sunday hours, he .added,' fessor B.' Ivanov: would.. be una~ceptable.,. '..' ;President. Of the American JeWIsh bUrIals do not, take,:, Committee for Lib'eration' is place on Saturday, the. Sabbat~." Howland Sargent, a former State Th~ Orthodox. sp,okesman saId. Department "officilll, concerned'. that ConservatI~e .Jews face .. 8 with U. S. information programs. lesser, though SImIlar problem. abroad: . '
,Foundation Gets :CO'DV of Treaty
Newman on behalf of the National Newman Club Federation in a Vatican ceremony tomorrow. The presentation by Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, former Apostolic Delegate in the United States, was announced here by Father Charles W. Albright, C.S,P., executive secretary of the federation. The national organization promotes a program of religious education and Christian social activities for Catholics who are students at U. S. non-Catholic colleges and universities. Memorial Project The life-size bust of the famed 19th century English convert is intended as a gift in connection with the Holy Father's recent 80th birthday observance, F~ther Albright, a Paulist, said. The bust, he added, was commissioned by the federation as part of its Cardinal Newman Memorial project to stimulate interest in the cause for the Cardinal's beatification. The bust was sculptured by Los Angeles artist Carl Romanelli. Cardinal Cicognani is making the presentation not only because of his quarter century association with the U. S. Church, but also because of his special interest in' the Newman mqvement, stemming from his own days as a Catholic' chaplain !it an Italian state university, Father Albright said.
of'a centralized union as pro· posed by the Roman Catholic Church. . "Anti-Catholic activities in the USSR have been stepped up with the approach of the Catholic Church's 21st ecumenical council, which the Soviets fear may provide a platform for official ecclesiastical condemnation of communist theory' and practice, a fear well justified by proposals addrE!ssed to the. Central (Preparatory) Commission for con--
Rosary Crusade In Philippines
vening a'nd conducting the Cath,olic ecumenical council."
"STONEHILL COLLEGE' ,North Easton, Massachusetts
INSTITUTE OF ADULT EDUCATION 1962 SPRING SESSION Co.educational Moridays'-';February 5th through April 23' Registration by mail or February 5 and 12-7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. in Holy Cross Han
'Tuesdays-Febr~ciry,6through April 24
MANILA (NC)-Father Patby mail or February 6 and 13-7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. in Holy Cross HaD rick Peytc;m, C.S.C., has brought .Registration Minimu~ registration per class is 12. ·fee $20' payable in full at registration his Family Rosary Crusade back to the Philippines with a schedMONDAY CLASSES (start 'februarY 5), 7:30-9:30 P.M. ule so tight that tWo private CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH I (FOr beginners) . planes are in use .to .carry him INTRODIICTlON TO THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE I '(For beginner.) IRISH LITERATURE (Slides and lectures) , through it. The planes were provided by , . LOGIC AND ME",ORY DEVELOPMENT (Practical foo' students, employees, employers) .REFRESHER ARITHMETIC AND MATHEMATICS (Win be 'geared to studetlt Reeds) two citizens of Manila. Father Peyton expects to reach REPORT WRITING (For business p~ople, students and others) MEANING OF ,CULTURE AND GROUP LIFE (Leom obout the 10 million people iri his flying .;SOCIOLO.GY-:THE. .fabric, of society) " . '. .' .' . , crusade through 14 of the ReELEMENTARY STATISTICS FOR EVERYDAY BUSINESS USE (largely non-mothematicol . public's 51 provinces. techniques applied to business sit,!ationsl . The. Irish-born Holy Cross . . TUESDAY CLASSES (start February 6), 7:30-9:30 P.M. 'priest recalled that his last Ros,. " ary Crusade· in the Philippines AN INTRODUCTION· TO HOLY SCRIPTURE - . was climaxed with a rally of KNOW YOURSELF (PSYCHOLOGY FOR 'THE LAYMAN) (An informal study) LITERATURE OF FAITH FOR AN AGE OF CRISIS (Dante's Divine Comedy, Book 1,500,000 people. of Job, Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, etc.) 'Record Unsurpassed'. CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH " (Will, be geared to student needs) It was the biggest number of EFFEC.TlVE SPEAKING AND THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS (Gain 0 mastery of youreslf and control situations 'which confront you) people I have ever seen," said HOW TO ENRICH YOUR ENGLISH (Continuation of English usage, oimed at Father Peyton of the rally that , improving writing through reading) . took place in Manila on Dec.' 6, INTRODUCTION TO THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE " (For students who have had -1959. beginning Russian) . ' "The record is still unsur- MANAGING YOUR MIND AND EMOTIONS (Considers principles of sound mental passed" , health, correct mental habits, emotional control) . The crusade will end March THE FINE ARTS AND MAN (Architecture, sculpture, painting, minor arts-to 17; "before the impossible hot Grecian period) , weather begins," Father Peyton BETTER SALES MANAGEMENT ("Good sales managers can write their own ticket") said.
~ront Against cathoiicism , '. The Russi~n Orthod~x Church was admitted to membership in the World Council. 'of Churches on November 20, 1961. ' "Attacks on the Vatican which have recentl~· 'been appearing in .the Soviet ecclesiastical and secular press indicate that', t~e ~oscow Patriarchate has joined the World Council of ·Churches .. not only to promote the, basic theses of Soviet foreign policy but' to promote the formation of a common front against. Russian Oatholicism as an irreconcilable opponent of the materialist world outlook and communist doctrine," the reference .paper fo~m A"<aIo~aJlh!e states. WASHINGTON (NC)-"PrejStep Up Activities udice U.S.A.," 16 mm. sound "This is apparently one reafilms of a series of four televison," the paper continues, "why sion programs produced by the the Moscow Patriarchate is so National Council of Catholic active in defending the concept Men, is available at $10 per prDgram from the NCCM Film of a federative ecclesiastical union in the ecumenical moveCenter, 1312 Massachusetts Avenient as a counter to the concept nue, N.W., Washington 5, D. C.
lLhr@ lb@If~® JJM[J'iJi)~O
CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY REFRESHER COURSE (Will include Business Administration and Accounting) INSURANCE-BROKERS' AND AGENTS' REFRESHER AND LICENSE EXAMINATION REVIEW COURSE MASSACHUSETTS CRIMINAL LAW FOR PEACE OFFICERS (For police, conservation officers, guards, wardens; for the general public) . MASSACHUSETTS REAL ESTATE BROKERS' LICENSE AND REFRESHER COURSE (To prepare for license examination. Refresher course for brokers and salesmen.) ,TH ABC's OF INVESTMENTS (Learn of the risks and rewards of investments) C.HARM AND POISE* (For career women, .housewives, teen-ogers. Stand out in 0 crowd. But still keep that natural look.) DRAWING AND PAINTlNG* (A well-known portrait painter will teach you to paint the first night) SPEED READING* (Double your' reading speed, strengthen comprehension and retention, think critically) *1 credit for each course except those asterisked Please Register with:
4ge -lb. ·.Mac~ean/s
DIRECTOR INSTITUTE OF ADULT EDUCATION Stonehili College North Easton, Massachusetts
_ •• _
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·TUESDAY"" _ _ _.. : (please make checlcs pay~ble to Stonehin ,Collego)
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