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t elnc 0 VOL. 35, NO.4.

Friday, January 25, 1991




Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

.'. SI1 Per Year

Pro-lifers march despite war tensions, weather . WASHINGTON (CNS) Pro-lifers, including many from the Fall River diocese, numbered an estimated 50,000 as they gathered in Washington Tuesday for the annual March for Life, this year marking the 18th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion. As well as their ongoing fight for the unborn, many in the crowd had the Gulf war on their minds; nor could the below-zero windchill factor be ignored. . Fear of terrorism was a factor in keeping march attendance below last year's figure as some chartered bus trips to the capital were canceled. Signs linking abortion and war abounded: "Save Saddam Hussein ... kill our unborn?"; "Saddam is a killer? We murder millions every year. Save our children"'; "Hey media - the worst war casualties are in the U.S.A.: 4,000 every day"; "N () killing in the Gulf, no killing in the womb." The fear of terrorism "didn't affect me" in deciding whether to come to the march, said Brian Niland, a freshman accounting major at Boston College, who came with eight other students. "It's very unimportant considering what's going on here," he said. Nellie Gray, president of March for Life, said to the shivering crowd, "they told us we wouldn't survive." "We're also praying for the men and women in uniform," Miss Gray said, but of greatest concern was

the "body bags of little babies" who were aborted. Once again, President Bush sent an audio message of support for the marchers, calling them "courageous and determined Americans." He said that largely because of the pro-life movement, January has become a month for reflection and rejuvenation of efforts to protect unborn babies. A sea of people wrapped to their noses against the biting cold huddled on the Mall in front of the Smithsonian museums, holding signs with anti-abortion slogans. They cheered supportive comments from dozens of activists and religious leaders. Several speakers drew parallels between the fight against abortion and the Persian Gulf war. The time has come for those in medicine, journalism and politics in particular to "face up to the cost" of legalized abortion in the United States, said Rep. Christopher Smith, D-NJ. He also said pro-life activists can learn about "crafting a prudent strategy" by studying the U.S. role in the Gulf war. "Let us not just work hard, but also smart and effectively," Smith said. Three U.S. cardinals and at least 10 archbishops and bishops joined the rally. Also represented were students, senior citizens, fraternal organizations and religious denominations including Jews Against Abortion, various Orthodox Christian churches and major Protestant congregations.

WORSHIPERS crowded St. Mary's Cathedral last Sunday for a quickly-arranged holy hour for peace, led by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. (Gaudette photo)

"Peace, peace: and there was no peace'·' By Pat McGowan with CNS reports As Christian leaders throughout the world echoed the words of Jeremiah the prophet and called for peace, there wasno response to their plea as the Gulf conflict continued to escala,te. There was no question that diocesan Catholics stood with Jeremiah. With only two days' ,notice, last Sunday afternoon they crowded

A Catholic Schools Week message from Bishop Daniel A. Cronin The integration ofreligious truths and values with life distinguishes the Catholic school from other schools. Students in our diocesan elementary and secondary schools are being formed to live adult Christian lives, to be persons firmly grounded in faith and.. with ihe strong academic programs offered on all levels. people able to take a responsible place in A merican society..! heartily endorse the efforts ofall who work so diligent(v to planfor thefuture oftheir support ofour Catholic schools! Faithfully yours in Christ,

-r;r~ ~. BISHOP DANIEL A. Cronin and three of the more than 8,000 students who attend diocesan elementary and secondary schools. (Catelli photo)

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Bishop of Fall River A Catholic Schools Week section begins on page 7.

the 800 seats of St. Mary's Cathedral for a holy hour for peace. Announced Friday and publicized in parishes and through the media during the weekend, the holy hour was led by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. It included Scripture readings, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the rosary and Benediction. It took place on what President George Bush had proclaimed National Sanctity of Human Life Day, having in mind the sanctity of unborn life. But, the bishop pointed out, "respect for human life becomes more complicated when a situation between nations results from the need to protect the rights of those subject to unjust aggression."

The bishop said that in the first days of the Persian Gulf War the 1965 words of Pope Paul VI tothe United Nations General Assembly repeatedly echoed in his mind: '.. "No more war, war never again." "It is not for me as a religious leader to pass judgment' on decisions that have been made," said the bishop, "but we must always pray for peace. Young men and women I probably confirmed are now serving in the Persian Gulf and they neeq our prayers... tell them we are praying for them and for peace and that we want them home soon."

The bishop then read a prayer for peace offered by Pope John Turn to Page II

Missions are subject of new· encyclical VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The primary reason the church engages in missionary activity is not to provide social services but to issue an explicit call to conversion in Christ, Pope John Paul II said in his eighth encyclical letter.

is often questioned or "passed over in silence," the pope said. "What is overlooked is that every person has the right to hear the 'Good News' of the God who-reveals and gives himself in Christ," the pope said. The Christian message and the The encyclical, titled "Redempcall to conversion must be extoris Missio" ("Mission of the plained in a way that respects the Redeemer"), was released at the consciences of listeners, he said. Vatican Jan. 22. It was dated Dec. "The church proposes; she imposes 7, the 25th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's Decree· nothing." I n its work among nonon the Church's Missionary Christians, the church must make Activity. clear its belief that "for all people The I53-page letter is subtitled, - Jews and Gentiles alike - sal"On the Permanent Validity ofthe vation can only come from Jesus Church's Missionary Mandate." Christ," the encyclical said. The main task of missionaries to "While acknowledging that God call non-Christians to conversion Turn to Page Two


Blockbuster bans NC-17 videos

The Anchor Friday, January 25, 1991

Agencies to aid war refugees WAS HINGTON (CNS) - Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops' overseas relief and development agency, and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association will aid refugees fleeing the Persian Gulf war.. CRS is sending $61,170 to its Jordan office to provide 75,000 food packages for refugees fleeing Iraq because of the Persian Gulf war. Some 100,000 refugees are expected in Jordan in coming weeks. The Catholic Near East Welfare Association, which helped provide more than $1 million in aid for refugees in Jordan when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August, is prepared to provide similar aid to . refugees, said Joe Donnelly, Near East's director of external affairs. Donnelly said that the organization has no office in Iraq, but will help meet any requests for aid made by the papal nuncio in the country. Jordan, which also has been promised help from the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization, will reopen its border with Iraq to all war refugees, said Hans Einhaus, the organization's emergency coordinator. Jordan had shut its border with Iraq to all but Jordanians and foreigners with funds or proof that their governments or international organizations would pay for their trip home. CRS relief food will be purchased in Jordan and distributed at the Iraqi-Jordanian border, in transit camps and at the airport.· the organization said. CRS also has stockpiled some $1 00,000 worth of food donated by the European community for the relief effort. CRS has also established a fund to help provide for an estimated 1.5 million refugees expected to flee Iraq and Kuwait in the wake of the Gulf war.

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Donations can be sent to Catholic Relief Services, Persian Gulf Fund, P.O. Box 17220, Baltimore, Md 21297-0304 and to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, 1011 First Ave., New York, NY 10022.

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AT A RECENT meeting of the New Bedford area Serra Club at White's of Westport are, from left, Dr. William B. Muldoon, Joseph S. Avila, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Gilbert Costa, Maurice Downey and Arthur Correia. (Studio 0 photo)

Cardinals to meet in April VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A major April meeting of the world's cardinals will discuss current threats t9 human life and the inroads mad"e by religious sects in evangelizing Catholics, said Joaquin Navarro-Valls, papal press spokesman. . Pope John Paul II has convoked the cardinals for a special meeting at the Vatican April 4-6. "It will treat various themes relevant for the life of the church today, especially church policy in the face of threats against life and the problem of the aggressiveness of sects," said Joaquin NavarroValls, Vatican press spokesman. The announcement also increased speculation that the pope would name new cardinals during the April meeting. Currently, the pope can name up to 18 cardinals under 80 who would be eligible to elect a pope. The special meeting will be. the fourth time during the 12-year pontificate of Pope John Paul that he has called the cardinals together to discuss church problems and shows the growing importance of the College of Cardinals as a papal advisory body. Previous meetings were primarily concerned with Vatican finances and reorganization. The first was held in November 1979 and .. was the first of its kind in more than four centuries. Meetings also were held in 1982 and 1985.

Kindness ~Kind

hearts are the garden, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the blossoms, kind deeds are the fruits."--John Ruskin








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During the previous four centuries, the College of Cardinals met only to elect popes and for the induction of new members. Power and influence in d'aily church activities was in the hands of individual cardinals, but the college as a whole was not used as an advisory body. The recent Vatican announce-, ment did not list the specific threats to life on the cardinals' April agenda. The announcement was made after the outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf. but Vatican officials said planning began prior to hostilities. Besides war, other mo~ern threats to life often criticized by the pope are growing social acceptance of abortion and euthanasia. A 1986 Vatican document on sects said their growth was a "pastoral challenge" for the church, especially in knowing how to deal with Catholics who become involved with sects. They challenge the Catholic Church to create more "caring communities of living faith" and to give more attention to "the experiential dimension" of Christian faith, it said. The document also criticized many sects for using "highly sophisticated" techniques of "social and psychological manipulation" to recruit and hold members. Some methods and attitudes of sects are "destructive of personalities" and "disruptive of families and societies," it said. The repo.rt was the result of a two-year consultation with bishops' conferences and experts. During the 1980s, many Latin American bishops have been complaining about the growth of sects among their traditionally Catholic populations. Sects also have been attracting Catholics in the United States.




WASHINGTON (CNS) Blockbuster Video, the nation's largest video chain, has banned from its shelves videocassettes rated NC-17, no children under 17 admitted. The Florida-based company has 1,600 outlets nationwide, including several in the Fall River diocese. NC-17 is the Motion Picture - Association of America's designation for adults-only films. When introduced late last September, it replaced "X" in the MPAA movie rating system. Blockbuster's decision not to sell or rent NC-17 movies was applauded by Henry Herx, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. "It's socially responsible," said Herx. "X-rated material is not in the public's best interest. Trying to make X-rated material s'ocially acceptable by calling it NC-I7 is harmful for society. There have to be some standards, especially at a time when violence against women is so apparent and seems to be growing." A Blockbuster statement announcing the decision said that after "analysis of both the M P AA's new 'N C-IT rating and the brief period of its implementation, it is clear that the rating criteria used in applying the 'NC-IT rating are the same criteria as for the former 'X' category." Since the MPAA "has merely

Missions are su~ject of new encyclical Continued from Page One loves all people and grants them the possibility of being saved," the pope wrote, "the church believes that God has established Christ as the one mediator and that she herself has been established as the universal sacrament of salvation." The Gospel calls Christians "to be on the side of those who are poor and oppressed in any way," the poor said. "Building the Kingdom means working for liberation from evil in all its forms," he wrote. Some have a tendency, however, to make.the earthly needs of people the central focus of their work, emphasizing"programs and struggles for a liberation which is socioeconomic, political and even. cultural." Prom()ting peace, human rights, liberation, equality for women and minorities and safeguarding the environment are all good things that "need to be illuminated with the light of the Gospel," he said. The pope also made the points that: - Modern people put more trust in the behavior they witness in missionaries than in the things missionaries say. .






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"The evangelical witness which the world finds most appealing is that of concern for people and of charity toward the poor, the weak and those who suffer." - Proclamations of the Gospel must show a knowledge of the lives of listeners and a respect and esteem for their cultures. - Missionary vocations, "the real measure of self-giving," cannot be replaced by monetary contributions. Vocations are "in danger of disappearing" in many ceuntries that give increasing amounts of monetary support t"o the missions. Interreligious dialogue is a means of fostering better understanding, of discovering the way the Holy Spirit works in other people and of examining one's own faith from another's point of view, he said.

Just Cause? At least six 'ti mes as many civilians as _Panamanian troops died in the December 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama, a human rights group said. The report strongly disputed U.S. c1i;lims that the invasion, called "Operation Just Cause," achieved "a surgical strike against military targets:' Physicians for Human Rights said at least 300 Panamanian civilians and only 50 Panamanian troops died in the invasion.

Man. ' Sat. 10:00 ' 5:30 P.M.


changed the name of 'X' to'NC17: at this time, Blockbuster is reaffirming its existing and continued policy of not carrying Xrated movies .and will therefore, not carry or approve for its franchises to carry, any movie rated NC-17 by the MPAA." According to M P AA guidelines, movies rated X and NC-17 are so labeled becausl~ they show an "accumulation of sexually connected language, of f:xplicit sex, or of excessive and sadistic violence:' The M P AA gives its less restrictive R rating to films with "some adult-type material respecting lan- guage, violence, nudity, sexuality or other content." M P AA guidelines add that "the language may be rough, the violence may be hard, drug use content may be included, and while explicit sex is not to be found in R-rated films, nudity and lovemaking may be involved." The M P AA changed its desig- nation for adults-only movies amid criticism that an X stigmatized some serious films because it seemed to imply a film was pornographic. The X rating also hurt publicity and profits because of restrictions newspapers place on advertising X-rated films and theater owners place on showing them. In explaining its position, the Blockbuster. statement said the chain never has carried X-rated movies and the policy "has served us well:'

CARDS BOOKS 673-4262 936 So. Main St..

Fall River

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address .changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


Final word unsaid on Medjugorje, avers official



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"A definite statement regarding the authenticity of the apparitions was simply not the intent" of the Yugoslav bishops, Miravalle said in his statement. Their declaration on Medjugorje "completely leaves open'the possibility ofa final positive judgment as to its supernatural nature," he added. He urged that the ongoing Medjugorje investigation be given "the proper spirit of integrity, respect and submission to the final and definitive judgment approved by the church's magisterium."

K of C to pick up college tabs NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CNS) ._. The Knights of Columbus have announced plans to pay college tuition and other costs for children of Knights killed or permanently disabled in the Persian Gulf war. The decision. announced shortly after the Gulf hostilities began. will be retroactive to Aug. 2. 1990. when the crisis began, the Knights said. Under terms of a '1944 ed ucational trust fund, children of Knights can receive the costs of education at Catholic colleges of the student's choice, including tuition, room and board. books and other expenses. Previously, funds from the trust had been awarded to children of Knights killed or disabled in World War II, the Korean or Vietnam wars and several other conflicts.

Stand explained, CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CNS)A Norih:Carolina judge who is appealing a ruling that prohibits him from opening court sessions with prayer has explained his stand. "The" pu'rposeful effort to remove God from public life has wounded our society," said District Judge H. William Constangy in a guest column for the North Carolina Catholic.Costangy has appealed to the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a lower court ruling banning his prayer as unconstitutional.

Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 25, 1991



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Sister Shawn Flynn leaves Catholic Memorial Home Sister Shawn Flynn, O.Carm., administrator at Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River for six years, will leave her position this month to assume new duties as a ' council member of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. She was elected at the order's general chapter meeting in September. A farewell dinner at White's of Westport was an opportunity for many of Sister Shawn's colleagues and friends to pay tribute'to her achievements at the Fall River health facility. Residents of Catholic Memorial honored her at a silver tea last Monday. Sister Shawn will be succeeded by Sister Sean Connolly, now assistant administrator at Catholic Memorial, who was formerly administrator at Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. The nursing home's new assistant administrator will be Sister Peter McDonough. "In her caring and her compassion, Sister Shawn Flynn has served the residents of Catholic Memorial so very well," said Rev. Edmund J. fitzgerald, executive director of the diocesan homes. "She has ably guided the home through times of great change in nursing home care, and she will be sincerely missed by residents, families and staff." In her new role, Sister Shawn will be involved in the government of the Carmelite community, which operates 27 nursing homes in the United States and one in Ireland. She will be coordinator of Midwest homes and will be on their boards as well as on the Carmelite community'S ministry board. She has been administrator at Catholic Memorial since January




STEUBENVILLE.Ohio(CNS) - A Yugoslavian bishops' statement saying alleged Marian visions at Medjugorje "cannot be confirmed" is not a final judgment, according to an official of the Franciscan University of Steubenville. "That the supernatural origins of the apparitions at this time cannot be 'affirmed' does not indicate a negative final decision," said Mark Miravalle, director of the university's Marian Office of Contemporary Apparitions. Inferences of "a negative final judgment on the Medjugorje event" based on the Yugoslavian statement, M iravalle said, are "both inaccurate and untrue." The Yugoslavian bishops, unanimously but for one abstention, said at a November meeting that their judgment was made "on the basis of studies that have been made' to this moment." . The bishops' statement addressed the need for "liturgical and sacramental" care for those traveling to Medjugorje, "so that manifestations and contents which are not in accord with the spirit of the church may be prevenled and hindered."





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1985. It has been her second assignment to the home, where she . was a nurse in the early 70s. Catholic Memorial Home's motto of "love made visible" is a sentiment that Sister Shawn finds reflected in diocesan commitment to its four nursing homes. "I feel that here in the Fall River diocese we have a bishop who is totally committed to taking care of the older vulnerable person," she said. "These homes are a very real way of revealing ChriSt to people. There is an attitude of respect for the dignity of the older person as he or she journeys to meet the Lord."


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan.



the mooril19--路 Shaping up Schools Education is the largest item in the budget of every state, estimated as accounting for $1 out of every $3 flowing from state treasuries. It need hardly be said that over the last 10 years educational costs have become an inflammatory issue in most communities. Hardly a city or town escaped problems as state and local spending escalated from $89 billion in 1980 to $187 billion in 1990. In the public sphere, the 1957 launching of Sputnik by Russia induced Congress to invest in the teaching of science and mathematics and in 1960 the federal government was motivated to support educational programs for disadvantaged and handicapped students. Today the federal share of school spending is around six percent, a far cry from the monies invested in armaments and defense. The real burden of educational funding thus rests on state and local governments and is usually financed by way of property taxes. As communities are faced with new school challenges, the norm has usually been to throw more money into funding such outlandish concepts as so-called modern math and open classrooms, while as schools became a substitute for family care yet more money went into breakfast programs and latchkey outreaches. In the process of trying to be all things to all peoples, schools have evolved into mythic sacred cows while actually falling apart at the seams. Murders and assaults in schools have in many areas necessitated daily police patrols attempting to keep some semblance of law and order in institutions where scholarship should be the focus. N ow the recession has sounded a note of harsh reality. State and local governments just do not have the money to keep the educational pot boiling. Few seem to have reflected that perhaps schools should be schools and not a civic babysitting service presided over by agents of the law. As-we encourage and support our own-Catholic.schools, it should be noted by the public sector that they spend less than one third the amount per pupil than do public schools. At the same time, government-sponsored tests indicate that Catholic school students outperform their public school counterparts in reading, math and science. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that per-pupil costs in public schools are $4563. Per-pupil costs in Catholic schools are $1476. What this indicates is that money is not the cure-all many politicians and educators would have us believe. For one, the prestigious Brookings Institution has reported that increased expenditures per pupil have not significantly influenced U.S. student achievement. Given national enrollments based on p.ublic school education costs, Catholic schools represent a gift to the nation of over $10 billion. What makes this figure so very impressive is that the U.S. goverment spent under $40 billion on education last year. School efficiency and effectiveness are not linked to the fading dollar bill. They are intimately linked to parental choice, reduction of bureaucracy, involved leadership and clearly defined educational goals and obj'ectives. These are the areas that should concern all schools. Schools are to teach. Teaching involves discipline, not only with regard to students'and classrooms but also with regard to city halls, statehouses and Congress. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.o., S.T.D. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~~.I' Leary Press-Fall River

('SS photo


~'Have pity 'on me,have pity on me." .Job 19:21

-Prayer. can alter Mideast picture By Rev. Kevin J. Harrington Can prayers for peace really make a difference'! This question was asked by a 13-year-old religio,us education student in my parish after a prayer service for peace four hours before the United Nations deadline. As a priest I answered in the affirmative; as a human being I admit to the doubts everyone has from time to time. I wish the world were a place where differences could be resolved without armed conflicts. Too often we forget the oft-quoted maxim of St. Thomas More:" Act as if everything depended upon you and pray as if everything depended upon God.". Now that war has broken out, the time for prayer has certainly not ended.. I will leave to moralists and historians the judgment as to whether the present conflict is a just war. However, i'fwarcan serve any positive function at all it is hopefully that we will learn from our mistakes. The 20th century will be noted for its great advances in technology and its lack of progress in overcoming the need for war. It will be tragic if the present war only adds to the hatred between the oil-poor and the oil-rich Arab worlds and between the Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories and Israel. Most wars are between the haves and the have-nots and in many ways the war between Iraq and Kuwait is as much over oil as over boundaries.

The trigger of a war is often judged to be a single incident. The Allies' history books will list the Aug. 2 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as the trigger event and Jan. 16 as the beginning of Desert Storm. Iraq's history books will define its jihad or holy war as beginning with its efforts to provide the Palestinians with a homeland, liberate Kuwait from the emir and effect <:l fairer distribution of Arab wealth to the oil-poor Arab world. Iraq watched the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan with only token American response and miscalculated the present American reaction. The line in the sand that was drawn in 1915 between Iraq and Kuwait reflected French and British colonial interests and certainly now reflects American interests in light of our overdependence upon oil. The peace demonstrators who yell "No blood for oil!" can rightly point to the inconsistency of our response to naked aggression depending on whether its victim is or is not of strategic interest. There is a consensus that if this is a long and bloody war America will lose its "stomach" for conflict. But human beings, although created little less than the angels, can have their reason so clouded by ignorance and their will so marred by weakness that they seem to have an infinite capacity to stomach enemy casualties and almost none to stomach their own or those of their allies. Only prayer can restore balance!

,The Middle East is the birthplace of three of the world's great religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is the place where God. by whatever name, spoke in the stillness of the desert, where prophets called mankind to love and obey the One who is good, merciful andjusl:. Man's true nature mirrors a God who is a peacemaker, not a warmaker, who is gentle, not violent. On Jan. 16.. Rev. Billy Graham prayed in the White House with President George Bush' in these words: "There are times when we have to fight for peace." History may prove him right or wrong as to whether now is one of those times. However, when we must fight for peace, we have already squandered countless opportunities to struggle for justice in peaceful ways. Of course, as long as we are so oil dependent, we will be accused of a conflict of interest; but it will be only by addressing legitimate Arat? grievances that we will be able to build a lasting peace based on justice. As I said at the beginning, it is easy to wonder if prayers for peace really make a difference; but faith tells us that prayer is the invisible weapon that can soften the hearts of world leaders and move them to give peace a chance. The opportunity to create a just social order will follow and will determine whether we will be feared as a military power or respected as a moral leader.


Charging parents rent Dear Mary: By the time I was 13, I was the oldest of seven children. I cared for the younger ones, did the laundry, helped cook and clean. I started to work outside the home as soon as age allowed to help with household expenses. At 19 I met Tommy. Mother made up her mind she didn't like him at the first meeting. We did marry and had three lovely children. We aren't rich, but we help each other and are happy. We turned part of our small home into an apartment. Mother and dad are retired and on pension. My parents have taken over the apartment. . Shouldn't we expect them to pay rent? Dad is willing, but mother says we owe this to her. My husband is good to my folks, but my mother is cool toward him. I take them shopp'ingand to doctor appointments. I cook goodies for them. Am I wrong wanting a little rental payment and wanting a little respect for my husband? (Iowa) I infer that you have answered your own question. You feel the things you want are reasonable, and you want some support in get.ting them. In relationships between parents and young adult children, we often refer to the friendship model: ask

By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY yourself how you would treat a very good friend in this situation, and treat your son or, daughter accordingly. Friendship also works the other way, offering a good model for adult children to relate to their parents. Would you invite a good friend who had sufficient money to live rent-free in your home indefinitely? Probably not. Most people must spend 20 to 25 percent of their income on housing. On this basis you can expect more than a token payment from your parents. Human relationships are 'more important than money. Too often family members develop differences over money which become so serious that relatives do not speak to each other for years. What a regrettable situation! Your situation has not led to such differences. You do,' however, have considerable resentment. Get rid of this by bringing the money issue out in the open . Set a payment you feel is just. The payment should be enough that you do not feel used'by your

mother. If your parents are not willing to do this, ask them to leave and help them 'find another nice apartment, perhaps in your neighborhood. Is this too cruel? Not at all. You are changing the situation into one where you can help and respect your parents without resentment. This is a healthy improvement. You would also like gratitude from your parents for what you do for them, and you would like your mother to respect your fine husband. These requests are more difficult. You cannot order your mother to change her attitude. Since she has always been cool toward your husband, there is little likelihood she will change so late in life. You can, however, change your attitude. Be good to your parents because you are that kind of person. If you feel yourself getting resentful, remind yourself that you honor your parents and do what you can for them, with or without gratitude. Reassess what you can and cannot do for your parents. Even write down what you can/ will do and what you cannot/ will not do. Stick to your resolve.. ' You need time for your husband, children and yourself as well as your parents. Do your best to reconcile these needs, then assist your parents as best you can without resentment or guilt.

Focus Forward "There is a point at which everything becomes simple and there is no longer any question of choice. because all you have staked will be lost if you look back."--Dag Hammarskjold


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 25, 1991 \

Bush to release EI Salvador aid WASH INGTON (eNS) - President Bush has decided' to free $42.5 million in mi,litary aid for the government of EI Salvador, but said the money will not pe released until March so peace talks currently underway will have "every chance to work." President Bush told Congress that he decided to restore the military aid because Salvadoran rebels are committing human rights 'abuses and receiving "significant shipments of lethal military assistance." The rebels, known as the Farabundo Marti National Liber'ation Front, have been at war with the Salvadoran military for more than a decade. Bush said he would delay the aid for 60 days to coincide with March elections for the Salvadoran National Assembly. "The United States is prepared to go the last mile for peace in EI Salvador," Bush said. "We are not prepared to sacrifice the security of the elected government or of American citi7ens." But he said he might "release military assistance sooner than 60 days in case of a compelling security need." Catholic leaders have long been opposed to the military aid for the Central American country. Under the 1991 foreign aid law, half of the $85 million in military aid for EI Salvador was frozen by Congress to require the government and rebel forces' to participate in good faith peace negotiations. The legislation also requires

the government to thoroughly investigate and resolve the killings of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter 14 months ago. Despite arrests of eight soldiers in the Jesuit case, the case has been at a virtual standstill for nearly a year. Bush cited what he called "intransigence in negotiating" by the rebels and a "clear violation" of the standards set by Congress. He said rebels had been "engaging in acts of violence directed at civilian targets." H is decision also was sparked by the Jan. 2 killing of two U.S. soldiers, shot down in a U.S. helicopter. Autopsy reports indicated that they survived the crash but were later shot at close range.

Jesus Living in Mary

o Jesus living in Mary, come and live in Your servants, in the spirit of Your holiness, in the fullness of Your might, in the truth of Your virtues, in the perfection of Your ways, in the communion of Your mysteries, in Your Spirit, for the glory of Your Father. Amen.

Dear Friends of Shirley Babiec,' When Shirley Babiec passed away December 9, 1990 at the age' of 55, she ended an heroic 14Y2year battle against lymphoma. Those of you who knew her were surely blessed by the specialness of the person she was. Shirley expressed her devotion to God and her spiritual sisters and brothers in a multitude of ways. She was a Eucharistic Minister, prayer group participant and a world traveler seeking God's graces with Our Lady's Blue Army. She was also a member of Our Lady's Rosary Makers, creating by hand more than 750 rosaries and shipping them all over the world. During the years of her illness, she visited 367 different churches, a remarkable pilgrimage by anyone's standards, in spite of the fact that she was unable to fulfill her goal of 500.


To each of us she brought a unique and generous grace, touching our souls in the way she did best, by being herself and letting God form her daily life. Because of her, all our lives ha.ve been enriched. She never boasted of herself, just God. She never looked for anything in return, except God. If you wish to participate in establishing a memorial for Shirley at St. Julie's Church, you may forward your check or money order in any amount to: Stanley Babiec P.O. Box 143 No. Dartmouth, Mass. 02747

Make your check payable to: St. Julie's Church - Shirley Babiec MemorIal. Please do not send cash. '\.



The Anchor Friday, Jan. 25, 1991



F or most people, grad uation from school is cause to rejoice. The last thing they want to hear at that point is that their education , should be lifelong. If I'm right about that, many people sure wouldn't want'to hear what Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly of Louisville, Ky., said in the pas-



Q. I am the mother of .four grown children ages 36 to 44. After the birth of each child, I was required to be "churched." When I tell this to my children, they are amazed and want to know why this was necessary. Noone knows what churched means. Will you please explain this in your column so I can show it to 'my

Why the lifelong study of faith is needed toral letter he just issued titled "Teaching and Sharing Our Faith: Lifelong Formation and Education." The need for Catholic education and formation from cradle to grave is what Archbishop Kelly stresses. My guess is that after studying the seven sacraments, some Bible stories and the church's basic teachings, many of us feli that all that remained necessary was to go to Mass and confession, and to live a lairly decent life. In other words, once the early stage of learning fundamental principles is completed, Stage 2 is to practice faith. Faith then leaves the classroom behind, becoming a personal matter..between God and the individual. But our times mandate a change

in this. Given the weight of the concerns that bear in upon us today, lifelong education in the faith is necessary if we are to keep our balance. Almost daily we hear that rain forests are being devastated and that life as we have known it in this world is in seriousjeopardy because people lack the sense of stewardship that faith creates. There is fear that high technology is forging ahead without a true ethic to guide and control it. Not a month passes without the news of yet another unethical banking or business deal - deals that could kill the economy and pu blic trust. Worst of all are the deadening effects of broken marriages on many adults and children.

In the face of such challenges, many nonetheless look upon religion as other-worldly, not in terms of meeting needs in this world. Little realized is the history of religion and its role in society - that the greatest lawmakers were steeped i,n religion and the best in culture was based on religious principles. , Today we need knowledgeable Catholics who know how to respond to modern challenges, whether. in the business world, government, or the realms of ecology and the home. There is a need for people grounded in religious virtues like prudence, for example. Why prudence? This virtue encourages us not to run in the midst of chaos, but to stand and

sort out exactly what is happening. Once we learn the truth, prudence invites us to take immediate action based on it. If this virtue alone were practiced, just think how many families might still be together, and how many more wholesome laws and policies we'might have! Prudence leads to good action - and ultimately creates hope. What would happen if Catholics made a lifetime study ofjust the cardinal virtut:s of prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance? Wouldn't we see changes for the good. in homes and in the world around us? Clearly, there is wisdom in advocating the lifetime study of faith.

The "churching" of women after childbirth children and their spouses? (New Jersey) A. The churching of women, a blessing after childbirth, entered Christian practice as a carryover from the Jewish ceremony of purification. Under Jewish law, many actions which were not immoral at all incurred a kind of spiritual contamination or uncleanness. Among these were any actions involving sexual functions and other activities whose primary fault was often simply that they were aesthetically unpleasant. A woman was considered unclean after childbirth, for example, seven days if the child was a boy and 14 days if the child was a girl. (See Leviticus 12.)

This ceremonial uncleanness was officially removed by an appropriate rite of purification. The purification of Mary after the birth of Jesus is still celebrated as part of the feast of the Presentation Feb.

2. In its Christian form the ceremony became rather a way of thanking God for the safe birth of the child, and of asking God's blessings on the mother and child. All major features of the former churching ritual are now implied or included in the revised Rite of Baptism. Our present baptismal ritual contains numerous references to the parents and to what is in their hearts, and prayers concerning their new child. The church's official Book of

Blessings (No. 257ff) contains a blessing for a mother after childbirth, but it is intended for a new mother who has been unable to be present at her child's baptism. Q. I strongly differ with your answer to a question about the Mass for shut-ins on television. Thousands of shut-ins derive great comfort in, at least in spirit, receiving the benefits of Mass which they are physically unable to attend. I am one of these. I look forward to that televised Mass; God knows I would be in my own parish church if able. (Mississippi) Judging from the number of letters I received similar to yours. my answer was apparently not as clear as I thought. I realize television Masses are

for many people a valuable and spiritually helpful opportunity for communion with the whole church at prayer and worship. As I indicated, if one is excused from Sunday Mass because of age or illness or other reason, a television or radio broadcast may greatly assist that person to join the Mass in spirit. My point was simply that watching a TV Mass, however reverently and with whatl:ver spiritual profit, is never a genuine substitute for personal presence and participation in that worship with others of our community of faith. Questions fo.r this column should be sent to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. 61701

Nicknames easier 'to get than get rid of ,By I


began, "but I met your folks -" "- Oh," she interrupted, "that explains it. Nobody here knows me by that name. And I don't want them to know it!"

A nickname is easier to get than to get rid of. I met a couple at a conference who asked me to phone their daughter, Mary Jane, who lives in my area, and say hello. So I did.

She told me her name is Leah and when she was a tot, she was so proud of her new Mary Jane black patent leather shoes that she became Mary Jane on the spot. It wasn't until she moved 2000 miles from home that she earned the right to be called Leah. I empathize with her. I went through school with a nickname few know, including my children.

There was silence, then a suspicious, "Who is this?" "Well, you don't know me," I

When you're handed a nickname very different from your real name, it causes all kinds of complica-

tions, the main one being asked to explain its origin over and over. When the origin is silly, one feels silly explaining it. Nicknames can be fun, cruel, or simply dumb. For the most part, nicknames imply likeability, but I believe.children have a right to their real names if they so choose. I met a woman everyone called Bod. She explained her name is Elizabeth but her sister lisped Bizzie and the name stuck. When she got into junior high, the kids started calling her Bizzie Body which was soon shortened to Bod. "I hate it," she said. "People think it has to do with my body and it's just too stupid to explain to everyone."

With a beautiful name like Elizabeth she could have chosen from a variety of nicknames but she is going through life as Bod. What a twist of fate. At some point, perhaps when children reach puberty, families need to ask them if they want to continue to be called by an odd nickname or be relieved of it. It will never disappear completely, of course, but if the family cooperates by using real names public, it will encourage other to do so. Often it's just a matter of removing "y" from the end of a name. It's tough for adults to go through life as Danny, Jimmy, or Annie if they don't like it.

The Irish have an interesting way of nicknaming. Because family names ar,~ so common, it becomes confusing as to which Mary or Patrick O'Hara one is discussing~So they add the father's name and sometimes even the grandfather's. If' thl~re are fi~e Mary O'Haras in the family, one might be Mary Dan, another Mary Finbar, and another Mary Thomas. Nicknames can connote friendship and love, but if they are derogatory or obscure they can create unnecessary embarrassment. The sensitive ones among us show their real affection by calling others the names they prefer, not the ones they happened to acquire as children.

All we have to worry about is worry itself By


Each new year, I find myself thinking back to J a!1. I, 1940. I was pretty young back then and very impressionable. That is probably why I remember it so well. My mother was in a strange mood that day, and she took me and my sister aside to confide her worries to us. She told us she had a terrible feeling about 1940; that it

was going to be a year of tragedy. She thought that something would happen to someone in the family. I spent much of that year waiting for the gloom to descend. But it did not. And I learned a great lesson. Simply stated, it was that superstiti'ons, worry and pessimism are a colossal waste of time. You would think that knowing this I would have gotten through life taking it all a day at a time -not concerned about problems, upsets and disasters that might happen, or could happen but had not happened, at least not yet. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I was terrific at counseling others to be calm and peaceful and

trusting. I quoted the motto, "Worry is the interest you pay on money you never had." True, worry is senseless, a waste of time, and if you talk about it - as my mother did - a burden to others. But it is one thing to know something and be able to discuss it intellectually and quite another to actually live by what you say. I think that half the people I talk to in the course of a week express worry to some degree. They worry about catching the cold that a fellow worker has, they worry about the economy, about their car breaking down, about whether their job is safe. They worry about getting old, putting weight on, being lonely.

having arguments with relatives, not having enough time to do everything that has to get done, not having enough money. I have concluded that worry is simply built into the human condition. We cannot ever free ourselves from it entirely. All we can do is try to control it so that it does not become ail obsession or a destructive personality pattern. But I think I have also come to understand why it is that, despite our efforts not to, we constantly worry. It is all tied up with the fact that we care. Most of the worries I hear expressed reveal how important it is to that person to be able to carry out his or her responsibilities. They

worry because they care - for themselves, their families, their coworkers, their world. I still think worry is senseless and nonproductive, but I believe it is here to stay. All we can do is try to control it so that it never overtakes' us. Jesus wisely warned us: "Do not ,worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil" (M t. 6:34). We would do well to heed that counsel.

Unused "On the bookshelf of life, God is a useful work of reference, always at hand but seldom consulted."-Dag Hammarskjold


Schools of the Diocese of Fall River Elementary Schools ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier, 223 Main St. 02743. Tel. 995-4313. Joanne N. Riley. Principal. . ATTLEBORO St. John the Evangelist~ 13 Hodges St. 02703. Tel. 222-5062. Sr. Martha Mulligan. R.S.M .• Principal. FAIRHAVEN . St. Joseph, Spring& DelanoSts. 02719. Tel. 996-1983.• Sr. Muriel Ann Lebeau. SS~Cc.. Principal. FALL RIVER Dominican Academy, 37 Park St..02721. Tel. 674. 6100. Mrs. Helen Miller. Principal. Espirito Santo, 143 Everett St. 02723. Tel. 672-2229. Sr. Mildred Morrissey. FMM. Principal. ........... o y ame, ~rce t. . e. . rs. Patricia Wingate. Principal. Notre Dame School, 34 St. Joseph St. 02723, Tel. 672-5461. Sr. Paulette M. Gregoire. RJM. Principal. St. Anne School, 240 Forest St. 02721. Tel. 678-2152. Mrs. Irene L. Fortin. Principal. St. Jean Baptiste School, Lamphor St. 02721. Tel. 673-6772. Kathleen Barboza. Principal. St. Joseph Montessori School, 2501 So. Main St. 02724. Tel. 674-8893. Sr. S1. Louis Paquette. SSJ. Principal. St. Michael School, 187 Essex S1. 02720. Tel. 6780266. Sr. Bernadette Sullivan. SUSC. Principal. SS.Peter & Paul School, 240 Dover S1. 02721. Tel. 672-7258. Miss Kathleen A. Burt. Principal. St. Stanislaus School, 37 Rockland St.. P.O. Box 217. 02724. Tel. 674-6771. Mrs. Denita Tremblay. Principal. St. Vincent Special Education Facility, 2425 Highland Ave. 02720. Tel. 679-8511. FAX 672-2558. Gerald J. Poisson. Special Education Program Director. NEW BEDFORD Holy Family-Holy Name School, 91 Summer S1. (}2740. Tel. 993-3547. Cecilia M. Felix. Principal. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, J03 Crapo St. 02744. Tel. 997-9612. Sr. Adelaide Furtado. SSD. PrinCipal. St. Anthony School, 106 Bullard S1. 02746. Tel. 9945121. Sr. M. Cecile Lebeau. CSc. Principal. St. Ja,tnes.St. John School, 180 Orchard S1. 02740. Tel. 996-0534, Miss Mary E. Mello. Principal. St. Joseph School, 35 Kearsarge S1. 02745-6117. Tel. 995-2264. Felipe M. Felipe. Principal. St. Mary School, 115 Illinois S1. 02745. Tel. 995-3696. Dennis R. Poyant. Principal. NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Mary-Sacred Heart Consolidated School, 57 Richards Ave. 02760. Tel. 695-3072. Sr. Mary Martin Delahanty. O.P.. Principal. TAUNTON Our Lady of Lourdes School, 52 First S1. 02780. Tel. 822-3746. Sr. Mary Margretta Sol'. RSM. Principal. St. Mary Primary School, 106 Washington S1. 02780. Tel. 822-9480. William Ruggiero. Principal.

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Middle School TAUNTON Taunton Catholic Middle School, 61 Sumqler S1. 02780. Tel. 822-0491. Ms. Kathleen Simpson. Principal.

High Schools ATTLEBORO Bishop Feehan High School, 70 Holcott Dr. 02703. Tel. 226-6223. Sr. Mary Faith Harding. RSM. Principal. Rev. David A. Costa. Chaplain. FALL RIVER Bishop Connolly High School, 373 Elsbree S1. 02720. Tel. 676-1071. Rev. JohnP. Murray. SJ, Principal. Rev. James Mattaliano. SJ. Chaplain. NORTH DARTMOUTH Bishop Stang High School, 500 Slocum Rd. 02747. Tel. ,996-5602. Theresa E. Dougall. Principal. Rev. Stephen J. Avila. Chaplain. TAUNTON Coyle and Cassidy High School, Adams and Hamilton Sts. 02780. Tel. 823-6164; 823-6165. MichaelJ. Donly. Headmaster; Dr. Donna Boyle. Academic Principal. Rev. William L. Boffa. Chaplain.

Catholic Schools Week • Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, 1991 • A Kaleidoscope of People Schools plan kaleidoscope of events

School events

Diocesan elementary and secondary schools will celebrate 1991 Catholic Schools Week, Sunday Jan. 27 through Saturday Feb. 2., The week's theme, "A Kaleidoscope of People," will be translated into a kaleidoscope of events at schools throughout the nation as well as in the diocese. In F:r:f:;:~i~a~:i Daniel Bogan has proclaimed Jan. 30 as Appreciation Day. for Cath?lic

Continued from Page Eight On Monday the student body and faculty will gather for a morning p'rayer service, during which faculty and staff will be commissioned. In keeping with Tuesday's Family Day theme, a large mural will be created in which students will inscribe their names. In the evening Feehan will sponsor a Curriculum Night for persons interested in learning 'more about Feehan's academic goals and priorities. Wednesday is Ethnic Day. Feehan will celebrate its ethnic diversity with a reception at which students and faculty will share ethnic lood speclaltJes.-------Thursday has been deemed Peace Day, and Feehan willjoin in prayers for peace to be held at 2 p.m. in eastern U.S. Catholic schools. The week will close on Friday with a special eucharistic celebration. Bishop Stang At Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, students will speak during the da.i1y announce- " ment period on topics coinciding with daily themes: Monday on academic excellence; Tuesday on the family's role in education; Wednesday on Stang's role in the community. Schools Week themes will be employed during a before-school Mass on Thursday and a prayer Vigil for world peace will be held 'during the day. Announcement period talks will focus on stewardship. On Friday school relation-

FATHER RICHARD W. BEAtJLIEU, Director of the Diocesan Department of Education, addresses diocesan Catholic educators during the fall Catholic Education Convention Mass at Bishop Connolly High --sctroocfs;--stud1:ntri1n--1~HCivc~t-SclIuul; Fall R i vel. (H ickey photo) , STUDENTS AT Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, participate in a Mass during a 'and elsewhere in the diocese will pastoral visit by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. wear red, white and blue buttons with the message Schools of Choice: Catholic Schools. By Father Richard W;,lIeaulieu, Director Daily Themes Diocesan DepartMent of Education Sunday: A Beautiful Vision: Throughout the I980s, our schools have made concerted efforts to address the needs "Non-Catholic parents who "Monday focuses on academic Catholic education, a vision com- our students have today of a value-oriented educational process. Christian family "Catholic Schools: A 'Kaleidoscope of People" is the theme of choose Catholic schools for their excellence and on Tuesday, stu- prised of many colors and aspects, values have been the basis of our school philosophies and curriculum development. dents celebrate the family," she is centered in school-taught values. children cite the importance of a this year's Catholic Schools Week, , It's no accident that so many of our institutions refer to themselves as "the school values-added eduction and tradisaid. "Wednesday arid Thursday Schools strive to provide a non- family;" Jan. 27 to Feb. 2. The annual event, now in its tion of academic excellence as the are devoted to community out-' threatening, joyous atmosphere In speaking with administrators, I frequently hear them tell me that so often it is an reach and Christian stewardship focusing on formation of a faith uphill battle~ Children today come from so many different family environments that the basis for their selection," said Fa17th year, is designated by the respectively. Friday is a day offun community, facilitation of learn- Catholic school "family" 'has become more and more important. Some principals even National Catholic Educational ther O'Brien. ing and enhancement of each stu- discuss the fact that they feel like "fathers and mothers" for their children. and celebration." Association and the United States During the 1980s, both eledent's self-concept, self-discipline Appreciation Day Catholic Conference as a time for mentary and secondary Catholic That sense offamily is something that makes the schools unique. Like most families, Falling in the middle of the and maturity. there are disagreements and different points of view, but the sense of commitment celebrating the contributions of schools continued to flourish in Monday: Patterns of Growth: Catholic elementary and secondary urban areas, with a small increase rooted in Catholic Church principles and'the teachings of Jesus makes it possible to week is National Appreciation Day The Catholic classroom is a fertile for Catholic Schools, Jan. 30, this schools to tire church and the in the percentage of suburban g.row together. locations and a slight decrease in year themed "SchOOls of Choice- environment for intellectual growth nation. This year's Catholic Schools Week theme speaks of a "Kaleidoscope of People" and and discovery. Education within focuses our attention on the diversity that we,find in our school families throughout the ,"The Greek roots of the word rural areas. Catholic Schools." "Of over 8,700 Catholic schools, Theme buttons will be distrib- the special Catholic context also kaleidoscope suggest two major Diocese, but it also emphasizes the basic reality that unites us as one community-the goals of the week: appreciation 34 percennue in urban areas an-d uted nationwide, with the obser- enables students to cultivate will faith that we share, the faith that we teach;tbtfaith that we live. and promotion," said Rev. J. Ste- 12 percent in inner-city settingsvance designed to promote paren- and understanding so that the seeds As we look ahead into the I990s, sociologists and futurists tell us that as a nation, we phen O'Brien, executive director 'numbers which underscore the tal choice in education and to of knowledge may bear fruit., will be returning to a love for traditional faniily values and religious expression. If these Tuesday: Pattern~olc:relltivity: predictions do.come to pass, we......will .b.f:...;ajtlle.....1.clL.CIele'huiL1e....the...JAciL1JI1at~'.e...J~l.e.1'--1...sJ:lipl>-WilLbe..ceIlehrated. ofthe NCEA Department of Chief _strong commitment of Catholic heighten public awareness.of CathEspirito Santo Administrators. "The theme also educators to urban America," said olic schools and engender greater At the heart and soul of Catholic abandoned those values in the first place andcontinue to help our children grow into the education is the family. Parents men and women who will be our Church and nation well in,to the next century. reflects the rich diversity in Catholic Father O'Brien. support for their expansion. At Espirito Santo School, Fall schools today and their' success According to the Catholic Dr. Robert Kealey, executive choose the Catholic school not River, the week will begin with a but only for academic excellence, director of the NCEA Elementary in teaching students of many eth- Schools Week handbook produced 10 a.m. family Mass and breakfast nic, religious and socioeconomic by the NCEA and USCC, Catholic Schools Department, said, "Catho- also because it is a home-awayon Sunday. lic educators have always recog- from-home where family values groups." schools observe the week in many Appreciation Day for Cathol'ic "For example," he said, "the ways, ranging from gathering pronized parents as an iritegral part of are protected and cultivated. Schools will be observed WednesPatterns of DiverWednesday: percentage of ethnic minority stu- clamations from governors and the formal schooling process. As day with parent-teacher basketball dents has more than doubled in all mayors to fairs and competitions, we move into the final decade of sity: God loves variety. True an<l volteyball games beginning at Catholic schools, from II percent ceremonies honoring teachers and this century, our nation must move community makes beautiful pat12:30 p.m. For students it will be a in 1970 to 23 percent in 1990. Afri- students, food drives for the home- to give all parents an opportunity terns of diversity. Catholic schools, "dress-<!own" day, Appreciation of immiteaching a wide range can Americans and Hispanic Amer- less and local clean-up campaigns. to select schools for their childrenDay pins will be distributed and grant, ethnic, minority and nonicans represent the largest segments It is also a time of prayer and spe- public, private or Catholic schools." there will be ice cream treats. Catholic students, strive to recogof that 23 percent, followed by cial liturgies. He added that studies indicate Friday will be Parents and Grandnize the gifts and needs of each Asian Americans." Mercy Sister Lourdes Sheehan, that parents choose Catholic parents Day, beginning with 9:45 individual for the enhancement of Another trend is the increase in the U.S. bishops' secretary for schools for religious education, a.m. refreshments followed by an the entire community. non-Catholic enrollment, from 10.6 education, said each day of the academic excellence and the rehour of classroom visits. Thursday: Patterns of Harmony: percent in 1983 to 12.1 percent in week will be dedicated to a differ- sponsibility and self-diSFipline inReport cards will be distributed to Catholic education is a Intrinsic stilled in students. ' ent topic. 1990. Thursday and a book fair will run ,global perspective that nurtures a all week, offering the opportunity vision of the world Jesus believed Positive Values for parents and friends to donate could exist. Catholic school edubooks to the school library. A new study by the NCEA says cators help students grow into The annual meeting of;aH catholic educators that Catholic students in parochial adults who love the world enough Holy Family-Holy Name 300 sessions and liturgies. 6IiO exhibits. 14,000 attendees schools have stronger "pro-family" to want to change it into a place Catholic Schools Week will open views, express less support for the where people live in harmony, tomorrow at Holy Family-Holy General session Speakers military and are more willing to cherishing and sharing God's gifts. Name School, New Bedford, with Mary Alice WIDlams Robert COles contribute money to the poor than a 4 p.m. Mass at St. Lawrence Prayer for world peace and harResearch psyc~iatrist and Co-anchor of NBC News' 'Sunday Today· and professor of psychialIy Catholic students in public schools. Church. The school glee club will mony is scheduled for 2 p. m. Thursspecial assignment re- • and medical humanities. The study also shows that Cath- day at Catholic schools in the eastprovide music and refreshments porter. Former vice presiAuthor of 50 books and over 1000 articles, dent In charge of the NY olic school students attend church ern 'u nited States. will follow in the school cafeteria. bureau of CNN, 1988 Recipient of the Pulitzer more regularly, give more money A pancake breakfast will be Friday: Patterns of Joy: In the Woman of the Year for Prize and numerous _, Women In Cable. other awards. to the church and consider religion learning, loving atmosphere of held from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday and religious values in general as Catholic schools, a kaleidoscope in the school cafeteria, followed by more important to their lives than of people share their joy in each a winter carnival and book fair do public school seniors. from noon to 4 p.m. in the auditoother and in God's creation. . An:IIbIsbop PIo LagIiI' The study compared the attirium. Registration for preschool Diocesan Activities Pro-Prefect of the Congretudes ofI6,000 Catholic high school through grade 8 will be held at this gation for catholic EdUcaActivities planned for the week tion. Former papa\ proseniors in parochial schools as at diocesan schools follow. time. nuncio, the dIief liaison contrasted to Catholic students in between the vatican and Monday's theme will be KaleidBishop Feehan tile u.s. Catholic Chwdl. SISTER MARY FAITH Harding, RSM, principal of public schools. NCEA hailed the Bishop Feehan High School, oscope of Careers. Students will Holy see's permanent ' results as showing that parochial Attleborq is preparing for Catholic observer to the OrganIzawear career symbols and speakers Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, and freshman schotion of AmerIcan States. schools give stronger "positive" under the direction will visit each class to discuss vocaSchools Week larship recipients for the 1990-91 academic year: from left, influence to students in many areas of chaplain Father David Costa. For registration, contact Sr. Michaelinda Plante, RSM, at the Department of Educations. Monday Prayers will be seated, Amy Dwyer, Katherine McGowan, Elizabeth Hatincluding closer affiliation with Special activities are planned for tion, Diocese of Fall River,423 Highland Menue, Fall River, MA 02720, tel. 678-2828. offered over the intercom by grades mann, Vanessa Cesarz; standing, Patrick Burt, Matthew the church in terms ofsocial values each day. Discounts are available if registrations arermade through the education office before 5 and 6, and moral goals. Galeone, Nathan Cote. (Maguire photo) February 5. ' Turn to Page 14 Turn to Page Nine

The Catholic-school family

Catholic schools: the kaleidoscope


At America's Catholic schools, Johnny can read

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"Why can't Johnny read?" It's a studies on American education, question that education experts, have unearthed some impressive public officials and disappointed statistics: parents have been asking the Amer• in national math and science ican public schools for decades. achievement tests administered to But it's a question that's never third, seventh and eleventh gradraised in the Catholic schools. ers,Catholi"schoolstudentsoutscored There, young John Doe and his their public school peers; • in all subjects, Catholic school sister Mary are consistently reading, writing, and doing arithmetic stUdents. show greater academic at or above national averages. Per- achievement gains between tenth haps most interesting, so are Juan and twelfth grades than do public and Maria Hernandez, Hoang and school students; • Catholic school students from Mai Nguyen, and their counterparts from dozens of cultural,eth- deficient families show no corresnic, socioeconomic and religious ponding academic deficiencies in backgrounds. math or verbal achievement, while Today's Catholic schools are similar students in public and other educating kids from every con- private schools show substantial ceivable background. Increasing academic deficiencies; numbers of African American, His• in 'Catholic schools, minority panic and other minority parents students from und'erprivileged backare seeking a Catholic education grounds outperform their public for their children. Many Catholic school counterparts; • only 3.4 percent of Catholic school students-from 20 percent to 80 percent in some urban high school students drop out of areas-aren't even Catholic. So, 'school between tenth and twelfth what's the draw? gradeS, compared to 14.3 percent .. Academic success, for one of publiclligh school students; thing," says Rev. Stephen O'Brien, • Catholic school graduates of executive director of the Depart- every ethnic background choose a ment of Chief Administrators of pre-professional college curriculum Catholic Educationatthe National twice as often as public school Catholic Educational Association graduates. in Washington, DC. "The Catholic The academic success ofall kinds school has an impressive track of students, combined with recent record of being able to educate any evidence that the .level of parental kind of kid that walks through the involvement in school activities is door." not a critical element in a child's The success is quantifiable. Re- academic performance, points to cent studies conducted by such one conclusion: it's not the kind of well respected and diverse agents students that attend Catholic as the U. S. government's Depart- schools, or their parents, that make mentofEducation(NationalAssess- the difference. The Catholic schools ment of Educational Progress) and themselves can take the credit for Dr. James S. Coleman, sociologist creating an environment in which and author of many landmark students learn so successfully.

But how do t IS country s at olic schools achieve such a consistent level of success, given rising 1 . costs and a student popu atlOn Turn to Page to

THIS BOOKMARK design by St. Joseph's School, Fair-, haven, first-grader Stefanie Polchlope k won first place in a fall ··recycling bookmark" contest sponsored by the M illicent Library, Fairhaven.

Catholic Schools Week 1991 Johnny can read Continued from Page Nine that is becoming more diverse, and less Catholic, every year?

ble, "Catholic schools provide hugely consequential oases of impact and hope. Their value is-literally as well as figuratively-beyond measure."

It's a combination of things, beginning with experience. Many A Seven-Year Plan of this nation's Catholic schools were originally established specifi"Our church and our nation cally to edycate immigrant child- have been enriched because ofthe_ ren. In addition, today's Catholic quality of education provided in school classroom populations are Catholic schools over the last 300 -generally small, allo...wing teachers j路ears.... Now we are called to'susto give their students more indi- iain andexpand this vital(1' imporvidual attention. Researchers, edu- tan( ministry of the church, .. the cators, parents and the students U.S. bishops say in a statement of themselves, identify these qualities support Jor Catholic elementary as intrinsic to the Catholic school's and secondar.I' schools approved success in educating a diverse stu- Nov. 14 during their fall meeting. dent body: Catholic school teach- the statement commits thein "to ers' superior motivation skills and certain seven~year goals as a sign "greater interest in students and of... affirmation of the principles their parents; true cooperation be- laid down" In their 1972 pastoral tween parents and school staff; letter _"To Tea('h as Jesus Did." strict classroom discipline; greater The bishops' goals for the letter's numbers of required academic 25th anniversarl' in 1997 are "that courses for all students; and a Catholic schoois will continue to commitment to nurturing strong provide high quality educationfor personal values such as self disci- all their students in a context pline and respect for others. infused with Gospel values, .. that The Catholic schools' success "serious ellotls will be made to serves not just the Catholic com- ensure that Catholic schools are munity, but all of American society. availablefor Catholic parents who Catholic schools enhance the entire wish to sendtheir children to them, .. American educational system by that "new initiatives will be providing the healthy competition launched to secure sufficient that spurs public and other private .financial assistancefrom both prischools towards improvement. In vate and public sectors" and that the inner city, they offer an oppor- "salaries and bene,fitsfor Catholic tunity for a quality of education schoolteachers andadministrators that many urban kids might not will reflect" the bishops 'teachings otherwise have. Coleman has point- on economic .iilst~e. The stateed out that the Catholic school ment includes initial actions for draws people into cohesive com- achieving the goals. It also instructs munities, binding generations in the U. S. Catholic Conference ways that the extinct extended Education Committee to ';develop family and the rapidly disappear- a strategicplanfor Catholic schools ing nuclear family used to do. As "10 be presentedfor our consideraMalcolm Forbes wrote in an edi- tion no later than 1995." (from torial entitled What Big Cities Owe Origins, a publicatiOfi of Catholic to Catholic Schools is Incalcula- News Service)

AT ';fOP, St. Jean Baptiste third-graders display pictures of saints framed on paper plates; below: we don't know what these Dominican Academy students are doing, but they sure seem to be enjoying it. .

St. Stanislaus celebrates 85th anniversary St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, has designed a display for a Catholic Schools Week exhibit to be held in Doric Hall at the State"house Jan. 29 to 31. . The annual exhibit, sponsored by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, highlights contributions of Catholic education to the state. This year's exhibit will feature displays on the history of Catholic education in Massachusetts as well as student art and science projects from the four Massachusetts dioceses. The Fall River diocese will send a historical poster listing schools of the diocese and the dates they were founded and displaying pic-

tures of school activities. Special attention will be given to the St. Stanislaus display, which commemorates the school's 85th anniversary, being celebrated this month. The observance in the parish began on Jan. 6, the anniversary of the school's opening, with the Mass of Thanksgiving followed by a brunch and an Epiphany play by students. In a statement on the anniversary, St. Stanislaus pastor Father Robert S. Kaszynski said, "St. Stanislaus School has been given to us by the Lord as a very precious gift! Our parish school has never been something extra something outside the daily life of everyone in the parish. [The school] is truly a mirror of what is taking

Diocesan Department of Education Director Father Richard W. Beaulieu will celebrate the television Mass to be viewed at 8 a.m. Sunday on WLNE Channel 6. Associate Superintendent of Schools Sister Michaelinda Plante RSM, will be the reader and diocesan school students will be acolytes. Students from St. James-St. John School, New Bedford, will comprise the congregation and music will be provided by students from St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, and St. Stanislaus School, Fall River.

place in the community at any given moment. "Being community, or, rather, becoming community is very often a messy process. Challenges must be met; visions reset; errors corrected; risks taken. "Our school is the most vibrant sign of the church's mission to evangelize and we're taking that mission to heart very seriously." Father Kaszynski also noted that school principal Denita Tremblay and faculty members Robert Charlebois. Julie Borgatti and Raymond Romganolo are presently taking a course in school development sponsored by the diocese and consisting of eight days of seminars and workshops.


SCENES FROM diocesan schools.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 25, 1991



Continued from Page One ter, "The Challenge of Peace: God's Paul II at a Jan. (6 general auBishop Leroy T. Matthiesen of . Amarillo, Texas, urged his people Promise and Our Response." dience. It also echoed the words of Paul VI. "to observe Wednesday and FriHe quoted from the pastoral: "As a tangible sign of our need and day of every week as a day of fast, It follows: desire to do penance we, for the almsgiving and prayer for peace o God of our fathers, cause of peace, commit ourselves 'with justice until hostilities end, great and merciful men and women in the service of to fast and abstinence on each FriLord of peace and of life, day of the year.... Every Friday their countries can return to their Father of all, families and normal life be should be a day significantly You whose designs are for devoted to prayer, penance and restored." peace and not for affliction, almsgiving for peace." "Our tradition is rich in calling condemn wars for fasting at times of great crisis," and devastate the pride of Archbishop John R. Roach of St. the violent. Paul-Minneapolis said in an appeal You sent your son Jesus to his people to join their prayers to proclaim peace to those WASHINGTON (CNS) - Portfor peace with weekly fasting on near and far land, Maine Bishop Joseph J. Gerry Fridays. to reunite people of all races Archbishop Adam J. Maida of has become the first U.S. bishop and descent . Detroit asked his people to join named to the Vatican's Pontifical in a single family .. Council for Interreligious Dia- . the commitment made by the U.S. Hear the unanimous cry of bishops in their 1983 pastoral let- logue. your children, the sorrowful entreaty ot all humanity: Never again war, adventure' without return; Never again war, spiral of COYLE-CASSIDY students pause for prayer before struggle and violence; Desert Storm display in the Taunton high school's foyer. Never this war in the Persian (Breen photo) Gulf, threat to your creatures, Personal, auto, mortgage, student -loans Seniors at Bishop Feehan High. against "unjust aggression" was a in the sky, on earth and in from Citizens-Union Savings Bank. School, Attleboro, have sent letthough grave option." "legitimate, the sea. ters and baked goods to 10 alumni Prior to Jan. 16, when hostilities In communion with Mary, serving in the Mideast. A student began, several prominent U.S. Caththe Mother of Jesus, council-sponsored peace vigil held olic leaders either urged caution in We continue to implore you: immediately prior to the deadline deciding on war or called for a Speak to the hearts of those for Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait political solution. in charge of the destiny of joined some 200 students, relatives, Chicago Cardinal Joseph L. Berpeoples; faculty and neighbors in song and nardin said before the war began Stop the. logic of retaliation silent intercession. that military action would not and revenge; On Wednesday members of Pax meet the church's standards for a Suggest with your Spirit new Pharmacy I(CIS~~~I~~~-:CISTS Christi of Southeastern Massachu- "just war." Those standards require solutions, attended a Mass for peace at setts that human, economic and other Generous and honorable gesSt. Vincent's Home chapel, Fall costs J11ust be in proportion to the Invalid Equipment For Rent or Sale tures, at River, followed by a meeting and that all avenues good sought, Spaces for dialogue and Sur.,c.1 "rm,nls - lord· IPPI M.chin" - Jobst which pro-peace actions were dis- to peace must be exhausted before patient waiting, ~ • HolII.ter - Crutch" - Eilltoc Stock,n•• cussed. resorting to violence. Which are more fruitful than Sur.oc.1 I OrthOlltd'c Appll.nces They included prayer, fasting Following the outbreak of war, rushed deadlines of war. ..." • trUll" - O.,.,n - O.,.,n Milk., T,nls' & (.'.0' H,.ul.tO,. . Approv'd for M'doClre . and various "prayerful public wit- the head of the U.S. bishops' conGrant to our times nesses" for an end to hostilities. ference, Cincinnati Archbishop Days of peace. ~ ~ 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE Daniel E. Pilarczyk, said that the No war ever again. 24 HOUI (IIEICENCY PRESCIIPTION SEIVICE Worldwide Reactions military campaign must take all Amen. Catholic leaders worldwide, in reasonable steps to "safeguard hu673 Main St., D.nnisport - 391·2219 The bishop concluded by asking reacting to war in the Persian man life, minimize casualties and 550 McArthur BI,d., Rt.. 21, Pocass.t - 563·2203 prayers for Bush "and his tre- Gulf, have expressed views rang- to ensure that the means of war are mendous responsibility to guide ing from outspoken opposition to proportionate to the values to be 30 Main St., Orl.ans - 255-0132 this nation," for the United Nations, the use offorce to outright support defended." the citizens and the leader of Iraq, for Iraqi President Saddam HusCatholic Iraqi-Americans of the ~. 509 Kempton St., Ne. B.dford -' 993-G492 "that he may contribute to the sein. Chaldean rite prayed for peace as ~C"""OOI' (PARAMOUNT PHARMACY) cause of peace and cease hostilities." , The pope has devoted continual a ferocious air bombardment hit public statements to urging the their ancestral land. Above all, said the bishop, "we U.S.-led coalition and Iraq to stop Hours before the war began, pray for the good men and women the fighting and negotiate a set- Father Manuel Boji, an Iraqi in the armed forces." tlement of Iraq's annexation of priest at Mother of God Chaldean In other peace initiatives in the neighboring Kuwait last August. Church in Southfield, Mich., said diocese, special prayers were ofHe has worried publicly about an parishioners told him the war fered in diocesan churches and schools. Earlier this month the expansion of the war and the danger "hurts. It:s very hard." posed to civilians. Father Boji also said Iraqi-Amerentire student body of Taunton On Jan. 19 he met with Iraqi icans feared they were being brand. Catholic Middle School marched to Taunton Green in a show of Christian leaders and prayed with ed as terrorists because of their support for 772nd Division sol- them for a quick end to the Persian ethnic background. The U.S. Bureau Gulf war. of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms diers departing for Saudi Arabia. The Christian delegation, led by had raided several Detroit area Many students will write to local Catholic Chaldean Patriarch Ra- homes Jan. 16 on suspicion Iraqiservicemen whose' addresses they obtained during the departure cere- phael I Bidawid, said afterward . Americans were making explosives. that the pope was sympathetic to European bishops condemned monies. Also at TCMS, students partic- their concerns and especially wor- the commencement of hostilities. The French, German and Swiss ipated in homeroom prayer servi- ried about civilian victims of the massive allied bombing campaign bishops, in ajoint statement, called ces for peace and added signed it "a defeat for the community of paper peace doves to yellow rib- against Iraq. Patriarch Raphael has been a . nations in its desire to reestablish bons and white lights on a "peace tree" in the school lobby. The staunch public supporter of his justice and peace through political means" and also warned that the signed doves signalize pledges to president and friend Sad dam Huswar could "reawaken uncontrolled "pray for peace in the world and sein. From the United States to the animosities among peoples, among work for peace at home." They races and among followers of difwere designed by student John Philippines, Catholic clerics have deplored the war, urged prayers ferent religions. Clift. Latin-rite Patriarch Michel Sabfor the troops, or warned that the At Coyle-Cassidy High School, bah of Jerusalem said the attacks war zone could easily widen. also in Taunton, prayers for peace on Israel "show th;lt the entire ,U.S. Catholic clergy were someare said daily with special mention region is one region, that all its of Taunton's 772nd Military Police what divided on the use offorce to problems are one." Company, and yellow ribbqns a- dislodge Iraqi occupation forces "I hope the intern,ational comdorn classroom doors and the from Kuwait, with the majority munity will learn a lesson from school entrance. A Desert Storm against warfare. Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan of this war," said the patriarch, who display is on view in the main the archdiocese for the Military is the first Arab to head the'ancient foyer, listing names of alumni, relServices said in a Jan. 15 letter to see, "that it should find new and atives and friends on duty in the chaplains that using armed force peaceful solutions to problems." Persian Gulf. .

He's first




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Secret ordinations pose problem for Vatican VATICAN CITY (CNS) Church freedom in Czechoslovakia has produced a sticky problem for the Vatican; normalizing the status of the numerous secret I}' ordained bishops and priests, some of whom are married. Vatican imd Czechoslovak church officials say the problem of married priests is a small part of the larger issue of determining who was validly ordained and how to integrate these clandestine priests into normal church structures and parish life. Some do not want their status normalized. preferring to continue THE POPE with his #2 man. (eNS/ Reuters photo) working informally through their secular profession, said church officials. These priests say people have greater confidence in them because VATICAN CITY (CNS) - An tifical Council for the Interpreta- ing about. the need to name cardi~ they share their daily hardships archbishop is near the top of the tion of Legislative Texts. nals is relatively easy. The real , and situations. according to the institutional church's hierarchical Traditionally, popes put cardi- guessing game is figuring out when church officials. _ ladder. But sometimes being an nals at the heads of these offices as the pope will make the announceThere are also rumors that at ' archbishop is a rung short of what's a sign of the importance of their ment. least one clandestine bishop orneeded. work. The pope keeps the date a close dained women deacons. Vatican Such is the case of Italian ArchAs the new year began, the pope secret. doing most of the preparaand Czechoslovak officials said bishop Angelo Sodano, the could name up to 18 cardinals to tory work himself. Vatican offithey are aware of the rumors but church's most powerful official the College of Cardinals, Church cials say that the Secretariat of cannot verify-them. after Pope John Paul II. . rules limit the college to 120 State does not usually find out The overall issue is in the hands Under church rules, the 63-yearmembers under the age of 80. until four days before the anof the Vatican Congregation for old archbis'hop's job is reserved to These are the people eligible to nouncement. .the Doctrine of the Faith. which is a cardinaL So, as the Vatican win- elect a pope. There is no limit on During his 12-year pontificate. reviewing information forwarded ter progresses. ru mors' 'snowball the pope has named cardinals four the number of cardinals over 80. from Czechoslovakia. Congregathat the'pope is about to announce There are currently 142 carditimes. Each time he has announced tion officials told Catholic News new members for the College of nals. including 102 under 80. the names about a month before Service they are not authorized to Cardinals, with Archbishop The record number is 161. the date of the consistory for their discuss the situation. Sodano topping the list. established in 1988. formal induction. Czechoslovak and other VatiSpeculation started Dec. I when The time lag allows cardinalsBesides top-level curial officials, can officials. however, outlined the pop,e named 路Archbishop the title of cardinal is given to designate to clear their calendars the complex problems that are Sodano to succeed Cardinal Agosto attend the Vatican ceremonies. heads of major archdioceses around emerging. tino Casaroli as papal secretary of the world. This means that with It also gives their friends and rela'The problems stem from 40 years state, the pope's chief assistant in tives lead time to organize group the current vacallcies. the pope of often-harsh communist rep res: running the universal affairs of the trips to witness the ceremonies. could boost the heads of many sees sion. which forced the develop-. Catholic Church. The pope has favored the midthat traditionally have been headed ment of an underground church "Pastor Bonus," the apostolic by cardinals. dle of the year for holding consis'- with secret seminaries and ordinac~nstitution containing the rules It would also allow him to, tories. Two have been in June and tions as a safeguard against the for the Roman Curia. the church's strengthen hierarchies - by privione in May. Yet May and June of, total destruction of Catholic life, central administrative offices, gives leging them with a cardinal - in this year are busy times. with two This underground church paralthe full title as "Cardi nal Secretary newly emerging mission lands foreign trips and publication of leled the highly restricted public of State." , one social encyclical planned. where Catholicism is starting to one. Currently, Archbishop Sodano's take hold. April, however. is fairly free on formal title is pro-secretaryof state. Th'e same is true in the Polish Problems include: the pope's calendar. So is Februmeaning that he is acting head of pope's backyard of Eastern Europe, - Determining whether someary up to Ash Wednesday. Feb. the secretariat. Technically. his job where centuries-old but institu13. when Lent begins. Then much one claiming to be a bishop was is not permanent until he moves tionally weakened .churches are of the pope's time becomes dedivalidly ordained by another bishop. into the cardinal ranks. digging out from under the rubble - Determining whether somecated to a one-week spiritual retreat A practical but unspoken rea- of communist rule. one claiming to be a priest. was and the liturgical ceremonies leadson for requiring the secretary of validly ordained by a bishop, F or Vatican watchers, speculating to Easter. state to; be a cardinal is that he - Determining whether a validly often gives orders to other cardiordained bishop had the special nals. In a hierarchical structure, permission to conduct clandestine barking out instructions is diffiordinations. VATICAN CITY (CNS) born prelate with long experience cult when looking upward at the - The status of married men There are no plans to withdraw as a Vatican official. next rung on the ladder. who were theoretically ordained Archbishop Marian ales. Vatican A case in point is Cardinal for the Eastern rite. which allows a pronuncio to Iraq. despite the Casaroli. also an archbishop when married clergy, but who de facto escalating Gulf war. Vati'can offiVATICANCITY(CNS)-- Popc the pope appointed him on April remained in the Latin rite. which cials said. John Paul II said world events 28, 1979. Two months later, on forbids married priests. .. An archbishop's responsibility 'have shown that "class strugglc" is June 30, he and 13 others were No statistics or reliable estima'tes fruitless as a way toward social is to stay at his post" in troubled inducted into the College of The pope commented durare available yet regarding the justice. times. said one official. Cardinals. ' ing a series of talks on "Rerum number of bishops and priests The Vatican embassy is located Fueling the speculation is the N ovaru in," the 1891 social encyc- clandestinely ordained. as claimin Baghdad. fact that another high-ranking lical of Pope Leo X III. Rerum ants are still coming forth. The decision that Archbishop Vatican official is in the same boat Novarum held it was wrong to Some officials say that aS'many ales should remain in Ir'aq was with Archbishop Sodano: Italian made prior to the start of bombing assume that social classes are as 20 bishops and several hundred Archbishop Pio Laghi, 68, named priests may have been clandestinely and has not changed, Vatican offi- enemies of one another or that the to head the Vatican Congregation rich and poor are in an implacable ordained.'Most estimates are lower. for Cathoiic Education last April . cials said. ' putting the figure closer to 100 Chaldean Patriarch Raphael I struggle. 6. Church rules also require that Bidawid, Iraq's top Catholic leader. prefects of congregations be 'carpraised the decision as "a gesture dinals. Since taking office, Archbishop Laghi has had the title of of goodwill" that was "very much appreciated by the Iraqi governpro-prefect. ment." he,said while in Rome to Two other high-ranking Vatimeet Pope John Paull!. can officials are also in line for A Vatican representative "is not promotion. although rules do not like other diplomats." said one require that their jobs go to cardiVatican diplomat. describing polnals. They are Australian Archbiicy. "He is also an archbishop. and shop Edward Cassidy, 66, presihas a duty to stay near the Chrisdent of the Pontifical Council for tian community, near the people Promoting Christian Unity, and who suffer." Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Archbishop ales, 55. is a PolishFagiolo. 72, president of the Pon-

When being an archbishop isn't


Prelate will stay in Iraq

It's fruitless


with the number of married priests a tiny fraction of this. The numbt:r of married priests" is small and "not a dramatic problem for our church," said Father Tomas Halik, a clandestinely ordained priest who is now secretary of the Czech section of the Czechoslovakian bishops' conference. "This was never done as an ideal for the future church," he said. "These were persecution times. People did this in good faith," he said. "One of the arguments for ordaining married men was that the secret police suspected celibates as clandestine priests," he said. Father Halik added that some married men had been ordained with permission because they were supposed to be assigned to the Slovak rite but remained in the Latin church. The Slovak rite is an Eastern Catholic Church with about 390,000 members. Father Halik said he doubted that men unmarried at ordination later married. Other officials, however, said that there are cases of men marrying after ordination. Clandestinely ordained Czechoslovak priests fall into two categories: _ - Those ordained outside Czechoslovakia in neighboring Poland and East Germany by publicly ordained bishops. - Those ordained in Czechoslovakia by clandestinely ordained bishops., The major problems, involve priests ordained in Czechoslovakia. Under church procedures, they have to prove that they were validly ordained'. This often means proving that the person p'erforming the ceremony also was validly ordained a bishop. The problem is further complicated as some people say they were ordained by clandestine bishops who are now dead and were out of contact with public church officials for long periods of time. In these cases..reliable witnesses to such ordinations are needed. In contrast, the German and Polish bishops who ordained men were able to keep a secret file and pass the names. to the Vatican. said Father Halik. who was ordained in 1978 in East Germany. Pope John Paull I. when he was Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Krakow. Poland, used to secretly ordain men from Czechoslovakia. said Father Halik: Validly ordained married priests in the Latin rite pose an additional problem. Under chur<:h rules, the Vatican would have to make an exception if it were to allow the married priests to minister in the Latin church. The other option would be to recognize their marriages. allowing them to live as Catholics in good standing but not as functioning priests.

Holiness "Holiness was not made by Jesus. a qualification for membe~ship in his church. Rather, the reverse; the just are in less urgent need than sinners. At "ny given moment the Church seems to be made up of people on tht: road to heaven, people on the road to hell, and people going nowhere in particular. So it was in the beginning. So Jesus knew it would be. "--Frank Sheed

_.. _.T.H.EANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 25, 1991


Jan. 27 1919. Rev. John T. O·Grady. Assistant.. Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1955. Rev. Joseph M. Silvia. .Pastor, St. Michael. Fall River 19l1ll, Rev. Thomas E. Lockary, CSc. Stonehill College. ~orth Easton Jan. 28 1947, Rev. Joseph M. Griffin. Pastor. St. Mary. Nantucket 1961, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Shay. Pastor. St. John Evangelist, Attleboro


Jan. 29 1944. Rev. Christiano J. Borges. Pastor. St. John Baptist. New Bedford 1950. Rev. Albert J. Masse. Pastor. St. Joseph. Attleboro Jan. 30 19l13. Rev. Raymond F.X. Cahill. S.L Assistant. St. Francis Xavier. Hyannis Jan. 31 1901. Rev. Charles J. Burns. Pastor. SI. Mary. No. Attleboro 1930. Rev. William F. Sullivan. Pastor. St. Patrick. Somerset 1930. Rev. Manuel C. Terra. Pastor. S1:. Peter. Provincetown

Feb. I 1948. Rt. Rev. Msgr. MichaelJ. O'Reilly. Pastor. Immaculate Conception.Taunton 1961l, Rt. Rev. Patrick Hurley. Pastor, St. Joseph. Taunton 1975. Rev. Anatole F. Desma·rais. Pastor. St. James. Taunton 1983. Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot. Pastor. St. Theresa of the Child Jesus. So. Attleboro

Train Lovingly "Train the minds of your chiiCireno Do not give them wrong ideas or wrong reasons for things... train their minds lovingly and patiently."-Pope Pius XI

DAILY READIN GS Jan. 28: Heb 9-15,24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 Jan. 29: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2,4,7-8,10-11; Mk ~:31­ 35 Jan. 30: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Jan. 31: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Feb. 1: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6,23-24,39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Feb. 2: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Feb. 3: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2,6-9; 1 Cor 7:3235; Mk 1:21-28

"110M( IIJ_ COUIICIl MEMlf."


THIS WET PLATE photo of Pierre Toussaint. found in the archives of Columbia University, proved crucial in identifying the remains of the man who may become the first black North American saint. (CNS/ Columbia University photo)

NEW YORK (CNS) - A rare photograph in the Columbia University archives identified the remains of Pierre Toussaint before the candidilte for sainthood could oe interred in December in New York's 51. Patrick's Cathedral. The photo was taken by former Columbia University President Nathaniel Fish Moore sometime after 1851. Toussaint died in 1853. Born a slave in Haiti .in· '1766, To'us~aint became a resident of New York when he was brought to the city by his owner in 1787. Allowed to keep some of the money he made as a hairdresser. he bought his freedom and secretly supported the family of his master. who had died on a return visit to Haiti. , By the time of Toussaint's death, he was known ,for his works of charity and ·his devotion to the Eucharist. , New York Card'inal John J. O'Connor formally launched Toussaint's cause for canonization in December 1989. Exhumation is required by the . Vatican Congregation for Sainthood Causes for verification of the remains of a candidate for sainthood. . Finding Toussaint's remai~s had been the first hurdle, reported Spencer J. Turkel, a professor at the New York Institute of Tech-

FOI "OIAPT 14 Hour S~",,,, Cho,I~,



OffICE 46 OAl( GlOW AVI.• fAll IMI





Archival photo identifies candidate for sainthood






nology enlisted by the New York archdiocese to aid in verifying Toussaint's remains. No headstone marked Toussaint's grave in the cemetery of Old St. Patrick's Church in New York. but with the aid of an imprecise graveyard map drawn by a parish priest in 1906. a skull was located and unearthed Nov. 9. Four days later, it was determined that.it was that of an elderly black male. After comparing the skull and archival photo with the aid of computer imaging. Turkel said he had "no doubt' at all that the remains were Toussaint's."

.~ Walsh






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202 Rock St. Fall River



* "I'I,.


IT'S TIME TO ORDER THE 1991 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY The Fall River' Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information and a telephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons., . Also illcluded are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of ordination and a table of movable feasts through the year 2011.' It may be ordered by telephone at 675·7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling p'-er copy). ------~------------------_:_-------

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THE of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 2,5, 199.1. .. ANCHOR-Diocese . . . " . ' . \

along with new registrations for kindergarten. St. Anne Continued from Page Nine St. Anne's School, Fall River, will kick off the week with a' That evening students will enjoy a skating party from 6:30 to 8:30 Superbowl breakfast and book fair on Sunday. p.m. On Monday, science fair proTuesday is themed Kaleidoscope of People. Students will dress in jects will be displayed and judged in the auditorium together with ethnic costumes and share family science videos, demonstrations and customs, folktales, stories and literature. games. Intercom prayers will be A 7 p.m. ceremony Tuesday, offered by grades 3 and 4. Wednesday will be Teacher followed by a reception, will mark Appreciation Day. Students will the school's receipt of its certifiwear their favorite socks, sweaters cate of accreditation. Faculty members have desigand sneakers. Ice cream will be provided with lunch. Grades 7 and nated Thursday to be "Prayer 8 will offer intercom prayers and Partners Day." Big brothers and conduct a school prayer service at sisters in the upper grades will I p.m. A faculty tea will be held' work with prayer partners in lower grades on projects aimed at enafter school. Thursday's theme is Kaleido- hancing global perspectives. Friday students will be dismissed scope of Books. Students will bring their teddy bears and curl up with at 11:30 a.m. Teachers will join in a book for a school wide story a cable TV workshop on how to' hour. Grades I and 2 will present use educational programming in the classroom. intercom prayers. . Registration .for. new students On Friday; School Spirit Day, students will celebrate a Kaleido- will take place from 9 a.m. to noon scope of Friends and Fun with Feb. 2 for parishioners and from 9 . "classroom picnics." All will bring a.m. to noon Feb. 9 for nona brown bag lunch as well as a parishioners. St. Jean Baptiste treat for a friend's lunch. Students At .St. Jean Baptiste School, will also we'ar crazy hats and parFall River,the week begins w.ith a ticipate in a.field day in the gym at Vocational Ventures program dur12:30 p.m. . Preschool and kindergarten will ing which st'udents will. hear present Friday's intercom prayers.' speakers on different careers. On Tuesday, "A Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope of Family will be the theme for a 4 p.m. Feb. 2 clos- of Activities" will be offered, with ing Mass at Holy Name Church. A students attending workshops of spaghetti supper and family dance their choice. Wednesday, Feed the Hungry will follow in Holy Name Center. Day"begins with a 10 a.m. Mass Notre Dame Creative hats will be worn by followed by collection of canned stl\dent.s, teachers and staff ill Notre goods for a local soup kitchen. On Th u rsday, kindergarten Dame School, Fall River, on Monday. In the afternoon, younger through second grade children will students will work with "big treat grandparents' to a9 a.m. brothers and sisters" to make val- breakfast. At noon students will serve lunch as a ges.ture of thanks entines for nursing home reSidents. to volunteers. Tuesday will ·be Parents and Friday will be. "Mad Hatter. Grandparents Day, and WednesDress-Down Day" with dismissal' day morning will be letter-writing at II :30 a.m. so that teachers may time, followed by a hot dog lunch. attend a workshop at SS. Peter On Thursday, Color Day, childand Paul School. ren will wear colors assigned to St. John Evangelist their class, report cards will be.sent St. John the Evangelist School, home and there will be a video and Attleboro, plans a "Kaleidoscope popcorn treat. Friday will close Kids" basketball tournament for the week with a 9 a.m. Mass to grades 4 through 6 during Catholic which relatives and friends· are invited. Dismissal will be at 11:30. Schools Week. Prayers will be held at 8:30 a.m. a.m. Reregistration for present stu- each day, and a schools week Mass will take place at I: 15 p. m. Mon" dents will take place . , .all week, . day, which is themedSeniors Day. Students and staff will d'ress up on Tuesday, Faculty Day, and AWIDE CHOICE OF SA\lNGS

School events





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Third-grade athlete is on a roll KANSAS CITY, Kan. (CNS) - Shannon Morrisey, an internationally recognized athlete, pushes herself to school in a wheelchair. Otherwise, Shannon is a typical third-grader at Holy Spirit School in Overland Park, Kan. She is a Brownie Scout, recently entered the slumber party stage of life and says she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Spina bitida, a disability marked by imperfect closure of part of the spinal column, once set Shannon apart from other children her age. Now talent and determination are doing it. She has been making her mark in the fast-growing field of wheelchair sports for the past two years. "To us, it's the best thing she can be involved in, as far as her fitness is concerned, learning team sports and being with these other kids in chairs," said her mother, Patty Morrisey. "It has really been rewarding." Last September, Shannon and fellow teammates on the Kansas City Rolling Pioneers were honored guests at Japan's national wheelchair basketball tournament. "U.S. wheeIehair sports are much more advanced" rhan in Japan, said Mrs. Morrisey, who accompanied her daughter on the trip. "Shannon's team was invited partly to teach and partly for public relations ~ to spread the idea that people in wheelchairs all oVer the world compete in sports." Last summer, at ajunior national track and field meet in Colorado, Shannon set a national record in the club throw, a preliminary to the discus. She also placed fourth in four different track events: the 100-, 200-, 400- and 800-meter races.

SHANNON MORRISEY demonstrates the dribble that earned her a trip to Japan's national wheekhair basketball tournament. (CNS photo) "Shannon's real future is in track," said her coach, Fred Lindsey. "There are no limits to what she can do." . He described Shannon as "self-

motivated" and said, "I don't have to keep after her. A lot of kids her age - able-bodied kids - won't do what she does."

with students wearing blue and gold, the school colors. Eighth graders will sponsor a pizza lunch, and older and younger students will be paired for art projects. On Wednesday, Appreciation Day, there will be open house from 9 to 11:30 a.m, giving families and friends the opportunity to St. Joseph visit students in the classroom. The week will open with a famChildren will- bring thank-you ily dance from 6:30 to 9:30 p:m. notes for their teachers on Thurs': tomorrow at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven. Families will also gather, day, teacher appreciation day. Parent volunteers will supervise for a 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, at which Appreciation Day buttons students in the schoolyard. Students will join in a 2 p.m. prayer· will be distributed. for peace in the eastern United An assembly and awards States. ceremony will be held on Monday, On Friday, younger students during which all-stars, a gold medal award winner, art and composi- will go bowling, and upper grades will go roller skating. Dismissal tion contest winners, and students on the second quarter honor roll ' will beat 11:30a.m. so that teachers may attend workshops. will be recognized. Registration for new students Tuesday: will be School Spirit will be held Feb; 4 to 8. Day, for'which students will dress SS. Peter and' Paul· down and wear "spirit clothes;" Student council members from . the annual science fair will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday; SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, will distribute Appreciation· and relatives and friends are invited Day buttons at ·weekend Masses. to a concert by children in all Parents and grandparents will share· grades beginning at 9:30 a.m. reflections on the parish school Thursday. : A closing liturgy will be held at 9 after communion at each Mass. On' Monday fourth graders will a:m. Friday, followed by an appreciation luncheon for staff write notes of appreciation to staff members of the diocesan educamembers. . tion office and valehtines promisSt. Michael ing prayers will be sent to patie.nts Parents, students and staff of at the Rose Hawthrone Lathrop St. Micha'el School, Fall River, Home. Students in each classroom will join in a family Mass at 10:30 will receive a surprise from,their a.m. Sunday at which parents will teacher. receive Appreciation Day buttons to wear during the week. On Tuesday, students will design Monday classroom activities will squares for a family quilt to be reflect the Patterns of Growth displayed at the church ~ntrance at theme; Tuesday will be a spirit day the close of Schools Week. A

spaghetti supper and family talent night will be held at 6 p.m. in Father Coady Center and the 1991 Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented. Appreciation Day buttons and. sweatshirts will be worn on Wednesday and local business people will join students in a "Jeopardy" competition using a lighted panel board constru.:ted by fifth graders during their study of electricity. On Thursday, students and faculty will join hands to form a "prayer kaleidoscope" in the schoolyard as part of a prayer for peace to be held in eastern U.S. Catholic schools at 2 p.m. Kids on thl~' Block puppeteers will perform for grades I through 3 on Friday in a program to foster understanding of persons with handicaps. Also, the school will cable TV workshop for host Catholic school teachers to be presented by personnel from local cable channels. .

dress down on Wednesday, Student Day. Report cards will be distributed on Thursday, Hall of Fame Day. For kindergarten students, Thursday will be Dinosaur Day. The week closes on Friday with Spirit Day.


Dominican Academy Dominican Acad~my, Fall River, will open Catholic ~ch~oIs Week with an internatio~!lJ-themeliturgy q;:lebrated b'y Father Craig Pregana. A proces'sion honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe will precede each day's events during the week. Among planned activit\es is a Mad Hatters' Day for Which students 'will Wl~ar' crazy hats and mixed-up clothes. Also to be held this week are a student-faculty basketball game; a talent contest directed by music teacher John Travers; and a student-appre:ciation day to be marked by dn:ss-up clothes and no homework. . "

Message to Garcia It was like bumping into an old friend. Bound in neat hand-tooled leather, the 36-page' 4 1/ 2-by-6i'nch book came to light among the items left to my wife by her Aunt Alyce. Elbert Hubbard's" A Message to Garcia" is an 1898 essay distributed in more than 40 million copies -the largest circulation of any literary venture in the lifetime of the author - who died in the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania. Hubbard's tribute to the person who takes an order, does not equiv~cate, acts swiftly and gets the job done was circulated and translated into "all written languages," according to the author. "A Message to Garcia" may sound a little old-fashioned today, but it was read and remembered by untold millions of school children early this century. "The point I wish to make is this:" the author wrote. "McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, 'Where is he atT By the Eternal! There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college in the land." Ask your grandchildren - or ev~n your children - if they ever

heard of the" Message to Garcia," and I wager you'll get no for an answer. Don't be surprised. Our grandchildren are not reading Hubbard's, inspirational essay. They're reading very little. Students are reading only what they are forced to. Vocabularies are limited because of family fragmentation, absent parents in single-parent families, overwhelmed parents who are both working and kids over-involved in sports, entertainment and TV. The problem is not just galloping illiteracy. What they do read, in public schools at least, has been purged of religion and morality. Not only Hubbard quoted the Bible; the popular 19th-Century McGuffey readers were rich in Scripture. Those of us who were taught morality have an obligation to see it spread, in our own defense, if nothing else. I fear for the future of a nation that is morally illiterate. Confucius said 24 centuries ago that he would correct human language if he were ruler of China. "If language is not correct," he said, "then what is said is not what is meant. If what is said is not what is meant, then what ought to be done remains undone.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 25, 1991 By

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.


"If this remains undone, then morals and acts deteriorate. If morals and acts deteriorate, justice will go astray. If justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion ..." I think we have enough helpless confusion already. Ithink we need the 'teaching of morals in our schools - not just cleanliness and friendliness - but what is right and what is wrong. Restoring "A Message to Garcia" to grade school use just might help.

Last Sunday morning, Dianne Godesa emptied her mother's urine bag, cleaned her up, fed her breakfast, and went to church. Dianne would have liked to attend Sunday school as well but was afraid to leave her mother by herself for that long. "An Alzheimer's patient is just like a two-year-old," she explains, A few weeks ago, Dianne's husband and children went off to visit their grandfather in Canada. Dianne had to stay home. The last time Dianne got away was several years ago - when she went to the hospital to have a hysterectomy. Dianne's mother, a widow with no other children, developed Alzheimer's disease seven years ago and requires constant attention attention Dianne does not begrudge. "Thafs my mother. I'm her daughter. It's my responsibility," Dianne says. Hostage in Her Own Home. In America, 70% of the noninstitutionalized disabled elderly are cared for by family and friends. The' relentless responsibility of constant supervision of an Alzheimer's patient can tak,e its toll, as Dianne knows: "I feel like a hostage in my own home." Demands on caregivers' time are complicated by demands on their pocketbooks. According to the Alzheimer's''Assoc'iation, the cost to a family caring for an Alzheimer's patient at home averages , $18,000 per year. Dianne's mother could qualify for Medicaid funding to help pay for institutional care. But Dianne wants to keep her mother at home, with the family. "When I walk into her room and she's happy to see me I think, "How could we ever consider sending her awayT" What Dianne could use is financial assistance to pay for some of

the home care services available to' help caregivers cope - like help with house~ork, laundry, and feeding and bathing the patient. But while Medicaid covers nursing home care for most seniors after they exhaust their life savings, it does not usually pay for home care services that would help seniors stay out of nursing homes, Medicaid pays for home care for only a very limited number of people. Medicare does not cover home care services for the chronically ill. Medicare is geared towards coping with acute illness, not long term care. A Better Way? Tragically, there was another Alzheimer's patient in Dianne's family. Dianne's mother-in-law died two years ago, But she lived in Canada - and that made a world of differe~ce. "pad h~d help five days a week. An RN visited twice a week. She checked for. bedsores and other problems, and.'also looked at my father-in law to see how he was getting along. Three days a week they'd have some health and housekeeping help for three or four hours. The aides would change the bedding, bathe Mom, wash her hair, clean the house, arid do,the laundry." "The meals on wheels came every day. My father-in-law used to brag, saying they brought so much at noon that they had a lot left over for dinner.", "My mother-in-law was ill for 12 years with Alzhe,imer's disease. She died in her own bed, ,and the doctors came to the home." The Canadian Solution How could a retired millworker's family afford to pay for all these services at home? The answer: in Canada, most long-term care is paid for by the provincess, using tax dollars. Seven of the 10 Canadian provinces provide nursing home insurance to all adults (and in some cases, to juve-


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By the end'of the decade, according to a Washington Post report, some estimates suggest "there will be 90 million adults who either can't read English or read it so poorly they cannot function in our society." But wait, it gets worse. An English teacher in an affluent suburb of Hartford, CT, discovered during a test on "Romeo and Juliet" that her freshman students didn't understand the word 'moral.'"

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Two grandmas, two crises, two nations By Ron Pollack Executive Director, Families USA Foundation



• • • •



P.O. BOX 276 FALL RIVER MA 02724

niles) on a co-payment basis. The individual pays for only a portion of the cost of non-medical institutional care, Long term medical care, including medical care received in the home. is covered under public health insurance. And 'non-medical home care is provided by all provinces: in some provinces there is no charge. and in others there is a sliding scale of fees related to the patient's ability to pay. Thanks to Ontario's long term care system. Dianne says, "Dad was able to keep this woman he loved for 50 years at home with him. To put her in a nursing home would have broken his heart." Two well-loved grandmothers stricken with Alzheimer's disease. Two countries sharing a common heritage. But two very different approaches to long-term care for the elderly. "I have seen both sides, but Canada hasus beat by far," says Dianne. :'They really take care of their people."



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 25, 1991


are liked to lubmlt newl Iteml for thll column to The Anchor, P.O. BOll 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town Ihould be Included, II well II full dat.. of all achItl... Plelle lind neWI of future rather than Pllt eventl. Note: We do not normally carry newl of fund railing acllvlll... We ere heppy to cerry nolle.. of Iplrltuel programl, club meellngl, youth proJectl end Ilmller nonprolll ectlvltl... Fundreiling proJectl mey be edverlilld et our reguler ret.., oblelneble from The Anchor bUll· ne.. office, telephone 875-7151. On Steering Polntl Iteml FR Indlcet.. Fell River, NB Indlcet.. New Bedford.

ST. ELIZABETH SETON, N. FALMOUTH Lenten discussion group begins Ash Wednesday. Feb. 13.9:30 a.m. parish hall, continues each Wednesday, repeated 7 p.m. each Sunday. Men's retreat Feb. 22-24. Information: 548-5774; 548-5555. First penance 10 a.m. tomorrow. CAPE WIDOWED SUPPORT Meeting 2 p.m. Sunday. CCD Center, Christ the King Church, Mashpee. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA First penance workshop 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. Parenti Teen evening for parents of junior high schoolers Jan. 29 and 30. Altar boys' investiture 10 a.m. Feb. 3. Holy hour for peace 7 p.m. each Sunday for the duration of the Gulf war.

• • •

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ST. STANISLAUS, FR Mrs. Sally Grygiel and Mrs. Jane Weglowski head seamstresses who will design and execute ethnic costumes for the parish manger scene next Christmas. School registration follows 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. ST. PATRICK, FR Parishioners may place names of loved ones in the Middle East in the collection basket if they wish special prayers offered for them. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Volunteers needed for the Ladies' Guild-sponsored Respite program which offers caregivers to the homebound the opportunity to leave the house for errands or other purposes. Information: 760-1528. Organist needed at Immaculate Conception, East Brewster and guitarists and singers by the folk group. Information: Father Camille, 385-3252. Ladies' Guild scholarships available to college students. Information: 896-7694 or rectory. CATHEDRAL, FR The rosary is prayed for peace before 8 a.m. daily Mass. One decade is recited at weekend Masses. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Baptism preparation meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 29. Youth group meeting 7 p.m. Sunday. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Le Repos retreat today through Sunday.

'. .


ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO . Altar serve~s. me.eL.ll~ 9 !i.m.· ·Finance council meeting 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, parish center. Women's -Feb. II; Women's Guild 7 p.m. Guild meeting Monday. Monday. Appreciation supper 7 p.m. 9. Feb. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Names of those serving in the Persian Gulf for whom parishioners wish prayers may be written in book in main church foyer. Lenten retreat mission Feb. 18 to 22 with Rev. Dennis M. McNelis, CSc. "You Are Chosen" vocation poster contest is open to CCD students in grades I through 8. O.L. VICTORY, CENTi!:RVILLE , Palanca hour for Cursillistas 7:30 p.m. Tuesday; religious education center. ST. MARY, SEEKONK CCD classes have resumed after the holiday break. HOL Y NAME, FR Parochial school registration 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 2, II a.m. to noon Feb. 3. School advisory council meeting 7: 15 p.m. Feb. 7, rectory. ST. JOSEPH, NB Canned and packaged goods may be placed in receptacles in church and church hall for use by Vincen-. tians to distribute to needy. VIl'lCENT'IANS, TAUNTON Mass and meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5, St. Joseph's Church, N. Dighton. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Rev. Joseph Gosselin, MS will offer a slide talk on Mexico 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, Good News Room, next to People's Chapel. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Additional adult aid needed for Better Youth Group 7 to 8: 15 p. m. Tuesdays. Information: Sister Ann Miriam, 295-0780. Bowling party, grades 7 and 8, II: 15 a. m. tomorrow.

ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FR Exposition of Blessed Sacrament noon to 6 p.m. Feb. 3 with holy hour CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Vincentians will collect canned at 5 p.m. and packaged foods for the needy at SEPARATED/DIVORCED, NB all Sunday Masses. CCD classes· Support group meeting 7 p.m. resume week of Jan. 2H. Jan. 28, Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., N. Dartmouth. 5th K of C, HY ANNIS anniversary program will include Vocation Awareness program 2 informational talks. Information: 998-1313. p.m. Feb. 10.51. Francis Xavier parish center, Hyannis, sponsored by CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Council2525. Knights of Columbus. Confirmation 11 retreat Eeb. 2. Lectors' reflection evening Jan. 30, ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Miramar Center. Parish Couples' Attleboro area Separated/ Div- Club will begin meetings in Februorced Catholics will meet 7 p.m. arv. Catholic AI DS group for those Sunday in the parish center. Names wishing to respond to this need will of persons serving in the Mideast meet 7 p.m. Jan. 28, parish center. may be placed in the basket that will ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB remain on the altar during the Gulf Men's League meeting II a.m. war. Also, names and addresses of Sunday. 10 a.m. Massgoers invited such persons may be placed on the to free coffee and donuts after Mass. church bulletin board if it is wished compliments of the league. that parishioners write to them.

BREAD OF LIFE, FR Charismatic prayer meeting and Mass 7:30 p.m. each Friday Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. SACRED HEART, NB Appreciation night for parish volunteers Feb. 9. Call rectory to register. ST. THERESA,S. ATTLEBORO Food for needy may be left at church entrances.

ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Bible study series begins 9:30 a.m. Feb. 5, rectory. ST. MARY, NORTON Canned goods for distribution to the needy by Vincentians will be collected each first weekend at the church. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR A parent of a parochial school student will speak at each weekend Mass on Catholic education. ST. ELIZABETH SETON, N. FALMOUTH Discussion group will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays and 7 p.m. Sundays throughout Lent.

Church musicians say dough's a sour note WASHINGTON(CNSj- Low pay is one of the reasons for a shortage of qualified Catholic church musicians in the United States and dissatisfaction with the music in Catholic parishes, says the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. Results of a survey of 69 dioceses recently released by the association indicated that the average fulltime professional church musician is paid $19.810 -- nearly $5.000 below the $24.500 median pay for all lay professionals with fulltime church jobs. In additi0l1, the dioceses reported that only a small percentage of their directors of parish music ministry were paid, fulltime professionals. In the dioceses surveyed. 46 percent of parish music,directors were unpaid volun'teers, 40.1 percent were in parttime paid posts and 13.8 percent were fulltime workers. Among parttime church musicians, the average yearly salary for a 20-hour week was $9.673~ Father Virgil Funk. executive director of the 9,OOO-member association. said "church musician" is somewhat misleading when referring to fulltime workers. "When a church musician has a fulltimejob in a parish, except in a few instances in a cathedral environment. he' is both director of music and director of liturgy," he said. Of the 69 dioceses that responded to the questionnaire. all but three reported a shortage of qualified parish music ministry directors. Only 46 percent of the dioceses said they had the 1972 salary

guidelines for music ministers called for by 'he U.S. bishops' Committee on the Liturgy. Until churches begin paying musicians a just salary. Father Funks aid, "we will have 'pastors satisfied with mediocre music while their parishioners will be discontent with the music that they are asked to sing." The. average salary of $24,500 among lay professionals -- not counting men and women religious ._. working for the church comes from a 1988 nationwide study. The study showed that although 93 percent of the professionals surveyed had a bachelor's degree and two-thirds had a master's degree or above, their median income from church employment was more than $5,000 below ~he national median income of heads of households who have bachelor's degrees and more than $12,000 below that of people with master's degrees.

Racism seen rising NEWORLEANS(CNS)- Racism is on the rise in the United States and the Catholic Church through its parishes should take a leading role in combating it, said· Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Francis of Newark, N.J. The advances "of the civil rights movement in the '60s were done on the legal and judicial fronts. But it wasn't done on a moral basis," said Bishop Francis, in New Orleans recently to address 175 priests at a conference on racism and how parishes can help eliminate it.

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