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Salute to Catholic schools set for January 2~ to February 3 Prin~ipals
Cape's Pope John Paul II High School readying for September
talk about bringing the Good News to a world in need
HYANNIS - Pope John Paul II High School's co-edfreshman class is forming after a pre-Christmas entrance exam and work to renew and construct new areas including a media room is currently underway, Principal Christopher Keavy told The Anchor in a brief update last week. The new school plans to open its doors in September. 'We received 75 applications for our first class and every student is being interviewed individually by me," said Keavy. '~t the same time construction is moving forward, it's on schedule, and we're nearing completion of the visual arts center." That involved removing a wall between two classrooms and making one large space ''toencompass our graphic design computer lab as well as the studio elements, greatly increasing the light that came into the area," he reported. "It is becoming a very exciting area as we anticipate opening next fall." 'We'll be starting then with one class - the freshman class - and we'll build from there," Keavy added. He said that once it is determined who the students are and how many there will be and what courses they will be taking, teachers will be hired. 'We'll be registering our students in February and the hiring ofteachers will begin afterwards. There will be at least one teacher in every area of academics." Keavy said he foresees bringing six to 10 teachers on board. '1 certainly have plans and dreams for offering a very extensive fine arts curriculum." He also reported that "with a heavy degree of student input our incoming freshmen have had the opportunity to chose uniforms and we are finalizing those choices." The school colors are blue and gold and those will be utilized in the uniforms - a shirt and tie and sweater and slacks and skirts look - "and it will offer a professional look," Keavy added. Applications are still being taken for the freshman class, and are available at the school at 120 High School Road in Hyannis. More infonnation is available by calling the school at 508-862-6336. ~-----
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The Good Nevvs in Education ,-
FALL RIVER - The 8,242 Catholic school students II . in the Fall River Diocese - along with 2.5 million in elementary and secondary Catholic schools across the I nation -"will celebrate Catholic Schools Week January 28 to February 3. Also marking the observance are the local diocese's 676 educators and staffers, among more than 200,000 in an estimated 8,000 Catholic schools nationwide. This year's theme, "Catholic Schools: the Good News in Education," was chosen because of its路appeal and for t~'e strong message it sends to parents and supporters, according to officials at the National Catholic Educatioval Association in Washington, D.C. Catholic Schools Weeks is an activity of the National Marketing Campaign For Catholic Schools, a WELL-ADJUSTED Eighth-grade students Molly joint project of the National Catholic Education AssoGeary and Justin O'Brien are among those thriving in the middle school program at St. Pius X School in South ciation, a~d the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Karenll M. Ristau, president of the NCEA, said, Yarmouth. They made the transition last fall from Holy Trinity Regional School in West Harwich as part of a "CatholiC schools do good work all year round. But on diocesan plan to strengthen Catholic education on Cape this week we want to focus everyone's attention on . Cod. (Photo by Mike Gordon) . the fact that Catholic schools are good news. - "Besides reading, writing and arithmetic, students also learq responsibility - the fourth 'R' in Catholic education - and how to become persons of character and integrity. It should translate into active participaBy MIKE GORDON, ANCHOR STAFF tion in cbmmunity service activities," she added. George A. Milot, superintendent of Catholic Schools SOUTH YARMOUTH - The new middle-school system created at St. Pius X School last fall is thriving and providing for the F~lI River Diocese, said, "We're happy to celstudents with great opportunities, according to its principal . ebrate ahother Catholic Schools Week in our 30 Patricia Marmen. "That makes Catholic education stronger on schools, ~nd delighted to provide our students and their parents \\lith the Good News of Catholic education. We Cape Cod," she declared. Last fall, students who would have entered sixth, seventh give them an education based not only on the regular and eighth grade at Holy Trinity Regional School, West Harwich, curricul~m, but also on values and the Catholic instead became part of a middle school program at St. Pius X. Church." II
Change for Cape students' is yielding positive results
Tum to page 20 - Cape Students
Tum to page 10 - Good News
Remaining vigilant for the sanctity of all life i
HYANNIS - The summer tourists who gridlock Cape Cod roads were long gone. Praying outside the Hyannis abortion clinic that January morning, Maria Marra and Mary O'Brien could see their breath in the
"She hadl a beautiful two-year-old daughter whom she said wouldn't ,be alive without the prayers." Once ~ passer-by paused to speak of regretting the abortion she'd had 20 years ago. "She cried, and I hugged her," Marra said. !'
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Discover Denr Families, Bishop ConnoJ1y joins hs lOony sister schools in celebrating Catholic Schools '~'k - mid we have mucb to celebrate! Bisb~ Connony "alh Smoot is nO\~ in its fifth decade of providing coUcsc ~ education to· students from all over Bristo1 Cwnty nnd nearby Rhode Island.
Saturday, February 3rd ...... 8:00 AM (Fee : $20) Pre-Registration Encouraged .
Our students are provided ex;c~nem ~cademjc prepnmtion and a commitment tOcOOGg an~ seMc..e in an environment that values t~h3n.g mul1llmdiuons ofthe Catholic CbUf4':b. Our gmdu01cs n1llmd the finc51 Catholic colleges nnd universities us""C1~ ns Ivy L~e schools...
service f,~ndemies and othe d~h~institutions. I
During Ctltholic Schools W.eek ~-:e nD\-ite you te visit with us on our 72 ~ cnmp1l!S. Spem'l ttITJmw wnllh us during any
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MA 02120
, The Anchor ,
26, 2007
After ventU#ng into world of blogs, Boston cardinal now has podcast WASHINGTON (CNS) = Cardinal Seun P. O'Malley of Boston, already believed to be the first .u.s. cardinal to have his own I Web log, or blog; is apparently the first U.S. cardinal to have his own podcust. While Cardinal O'Malley may be unique among' the highest levels ofthe U.S. Catholic'ihier'archy, the archdioceses they, hend' are keeping abreast of the newest -communications technologies. During the holidays;the Boston · Globe' reported that Boston Catholic Television, the ArchdioLovingOod, cese of Boston's video Arm, would We praise ~ou and giVtl you thanks make available dowhloadable For your generous blessiflJJs. . Christmas video mes~ages from You gave us your Son, Jesus as glP. Cardinal O'Malley in Bnglish, Through Mary's grocious "yes," $panish and Portuguese, with she weicomed Jesus and ojfertld him · regular podcast recor~ings to start this year. to the world. Por those not In the know, a . May we, i/Jut Mary and Jesus, podcast is a computer file distribgive ourselves wholeheartedly uted over the Internet for playto your service. back on mobile devices and perBless ourChun:h witll menandwomdn sonal computers. Like radio, who dedicate their lives to you "podcast" can mean both the con· through the consecrated l(fe. tent and the method distribuAs we continue to follow Jesus, tion. Podcaster's' Websites may also offer direct download or may we become effectivtJ witnesses streamins of their content. A o/your Gospel in word lmd dtJed. is dhtingui~hed from podcast United with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, other digital audio formats beMary and the communion of saints, cause subscribers receive them we make ourpromise infa/th. Amen. automatically.. While you may seei the face of Cardinal Adam J. Mdida of De· troit on a podcast, the content wasn't created spec~fically for podcasting. . "We have podcastsliPosted. We don't record sometliing exclusively as a podcast,~' said Ned McGrath, communications director for the Archdioces~ of Detroit. Cardinal Maida, he n~ded, tapes two installments a month of the "Dialogue" talk sh~w for the Catholic Television Network of ,Detroit, the archdioOesan cable TV channel. "We put them in a podcast, along with several other things," McGrath said. "1 would say he's embraced technology, but he's/'l0t doing a podcnst = yet," said Donna Parrell, communicatio!1s director for the Archdiocese of Philadel· phi a, about her boss, Cardinal Justin Rigali. He has patticipated in an online rosary, iiPray the Rosary II
World Day for Consecrated Life set for February 3 at Cathedral FALL RIVER - Religious Brothers and Sisters in the Fall River Diocese are invited to participate in the diocesan observances of World Day for Consecrated Life at a special liturgical celebration February 3 at 4 p.m., in St. Mary's Cathedral. "Please plan to join all the religious in thi~ Eucharistic Act of Thanksgiving for the call to the consecrated life and as a public witness of the joy and vitality of those who respond wholeheartedly to that call," .Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan said in inviting parishioners from across the diocese to also attend. Sister Heffernan, the bishop's representative to religious, is co-
ordinating the observll.nce.lt will include Mass at which Bishop George W. Coleman .will be the principal celebrant and homilist, and at which religious in attend.ance will make a public renewal . of. their vows. . A decade ago, Pope John Paul n instituted the observance of Consecrated Life and set it for February 2, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. However, because of commitments, the celebration. of World Day for Consecrated Life has been set in the Fall River Diocese . on February 3, the day following the feast. The following is a prayer for vocations:
With Cardinal Rigali Online." "The response to it has been phenomenal," Parrell said. The . positive feedback the archdiocese has received has included mention of the rosary on a Welsh blog and email from a Pillpina. The rosary is availoble in Bnglish, Spanish ond Vietnamese. "Cardinal" Rigali prayed a blessIng in Vietnamese, and one of our priests did the rosary," Parrell ndded. In New York City, Cardinal Bdward M. Bgan is working with a different emerging technology.: satellite radio.. liCardinal Bgon's got" weekly show on the Catholic Channel on Sirius," one of two nationwide satellite radio services, according to archdiocesan spokesman Joseph Zwilling. "It's not a podcost, but it's a satellite radio (program) called 'A Conversation With the CardinaL'" The Catholic Channel debuted December 4j Cardinal Bgan's show airs live at noon Bastern time, and he takes phone calls from listeners. . Cardinal Prancis B. George of Chicago has no podcast of his own, but the archdiocese has sev· eral podcosts available on its Website, according to Colleen Dolan, director of the archdiocesan communications un~ public relations office. In Washington, Archbishop Donnld W. Wuerl hus no podcast, either, "but he did a live online chat on woshlngpost.com," said his spokeswoman, Susan Gibbs. "He was the first archbishop of Washington to do it." Do Cardinols Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and WitIil!m H. Keeler of Baltimore have podcfiSts? Calls to their orchdio.eeses using an old-fashioned telephone to find out were not rc-. turned'.
$ The Anchor
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The Anchor ,
26, 2007
Pope asks Turk~y to grant' Church full legal recognition By
Pope Benedict said, is for all believers to "denounce violence, which VATICAN CITY - Pope too often in the past has been used Benedict XVI asked the" govern- under the pretext of religious motiment of Thrkey to grant full legal vations," recognition to the Catholic Church Catholics and Muslims must get and to establish a formal dialogue to know each other better and inwith the nation's Catholic bishops crease their respect for each other "to build a more fraternal society," to work out concrete probll::ms. , Welcoming Muammer Dogan' he said, , Akdur as Thrkey's new ambassador "The religions also can unite to the Vatican January 19, the pope their efforts to act on behalf of resaid that while Turkish Catholics spect for the human person, created enjoy religious freedom in the in the image of the Almighty, and country' the Church as a whole to promote the recognition of the ,would like to have a recognized ju- fundamental values which should ridical status under Thrkish law. ' govern the path of persons and so"I have no doubt that your gov- cieties," he said. errnilent do everything in its Interreligious dialogue, the pope power to advance in this direction," said, begins with people's everyday the pope told the new ambassador. lives and their demonstration of reBACK HOME - Talk-show host Oprah Winfrey is pictured on her program with 15-year-old kidnap The lack of legal status some- spect and esteem for each other and victim Shawn Hombeck of St. Louis and his family members. From left, Shari Frazier (an aunt), Oprah times has made it difficult for the for each other's faith. W.infrey, Shawn Hornbeck, Craig Akers and Pam Akers, who are Hornbeck's parents, are pi,ctured in Catholic Church and other, ChrisPope Benedict asked Catholics thiS photograph released January 17. (CNS photo/George Burns, Reuters/Harpo Productions Inc.! tian communities to own arid buy in Turkey to "continue to witness , Handout) property officially and to build or humbly and faithfully to the love operate churches, schools and hos- of God through dialogue with all; pitals. ' particularly with Muslim believers, Much of Pope Benedict's speech and through involvement. in serv- . to the ambassador and the ' ing the.cottunon good." By JEAN M. SCHILDZ ' him were pending in the 2002 dis- answer to their prayers, so a lot ambassador's speech to the pope The pope also encouraged Tur~ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE appearance of Shawn. of people were praying," Father focused on the success of the pope's key to continue to play its role as a Said Father Liss: "The whole Liss said. ST. LOUIS - People in the St. November 28-December 1 visit to bridge between Europe and the East When the townspeople met at Turkey and on Catholic-Muslim and, especially, to promote peace' Louis suburb of Richw~ods re- town remembers exactly what acted with "stunned joy" to the they were do'ing when they heard a public school in Richwoods to relations. ' in the Middle East. The pope said the trip gave him The ambassador assured the news that two local boys who had the news (of their being found). welcome Shawn home, the Akers an opportunity to demonstrate "the pope of Turkey's commitment to been reported abducted, one more Everybody was just elated. First family mentioned they would respect of the Catholic Church for regional peace and security and its than four years ago, were found . they were elated that they found have to buy lS-year-old Shawn a , Ben, and then that they f<?und lot of clothes because he was Islam and the esteem of the pope particular concern for the ongoing alive and safe January 12, much older now than when and the faithful for Muslim believ- violence and political instabiiity in said Father Robert C. Liss, pastor of St. Stephen Parish he disappeared, Father Liss ers." Iraq. St. Stephen Parish had a sign said. "In the modem world, where "Iraq is a multiconfessional and in Richwoods. The priest quick,ly called During a recent Mass, up tor months asking people to tensions seem to be exacerbated, the , multiethnic country that still can conviction of the Holy See, which constitute a factor of equilibrium in' members of Immaculate pray tor Shawn's sate return. The the parish's St. Vincent de Conception Parish in nearby sign how says: "Praise and thank Paul store and asked the you also have expressed, is that be- the Middle East," he said: lievers of different religions must The ambassador said that ensur- Union thanked God for the God with us tor Shawn and Ben, " workers to "let them have endeavor to work together for ing greater peace and stability in the return of Shawn Hornbeck Father Liss said. "I'll leave that up anything they wanted for nothing." peace," the pope said. Middle East would weaken "the and Ben Ownby. The parish tor a while." ' Father Matthew M. The first and necessary, step, extremist movements that count on is home to Ben's grandMitas, pastor of Immaculate parishioner the degradation of the current situ" mother, Charlene Grus. Shawn with him, too - it was just Conception, said his parish also ation." CAPE COD Shawn was abducted from' a stunning announcement. ... The had prayed for the safe return of He also thanked the pope for his , NATIONAL MORTGAGE visit to Thrkey, calling it a "historic Richwoods four and a half years word out here was stunned joy." both boys. ; ' placed butParishioners had St. Stephen Parish had a sign step" not, only in relations between ago at age 11. Ben, 13, was taken tons 'with Shawn's photo at the the Vatican and Turkey, but also in January 8 after he got off a school up for months asking people to base of the parish's statue of Mary pray for Shawn's· safe return. The Catholic-Muslim relations, be~ bus near his home in Beaufort. The two were found at the sign now says: "Praise and thank right after he disappeared in 2002, low, low rates starting at cause it gave "the whole world an exemplary image of mutual under- Kirkwood apartment of Michael God with us for Shawn and Ben," Father Mitas said. The buttons had been there standing and spiritual conver- J. Devlin, 41. On January 18 Father, Liss said. "I'll leave that of ab-' up for a while." throughout the teen's nearly Devlin pleaded not guilty gepce." NO POINTS, NO CLOSING COSTS 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES ducting Ben, and charges against The priest said Pam and Craig five-year ordeal. Father Mitas PURCHASE OR REFINANCE Akers, Shawn's mother and step- said he had thought about takIMPROVEMENT, REPAIR - father, have been instrumental in ing them down, but something DEBT CONSOLIDATION Music Director/Cantor CREDIT CARD PAY OFFS, creating a community emergency always stopped him from' doing HOME EQUITY, COMMERCIAL 2ND HOMES. TUmON, SELF EMPLOYED response team in Richwoods. Pam so. Most recently right before St. Lawrence, Martyr Parish, New Bedford, is seeking a Music NO INCOME VERIFICATION Akers visited with Father Liss Christmas, when the crib was Director/Cantor. The 'position entails directing the Parish Choir POOR CREDIT - NO CREDIT PAY OFF LIENS & ATIACHMENTS shortly after Shawn's abduction, placed in front of the statue, he and serving as cantor at the lOAM Sunday Mass. It includes coFORECLOSURE-BANKRUPTCY he recalled. Most of the parishio- again thought about remov'ing APPLICATION TAKEN ON PHONE ordinating music selections with an established organist and staff NO APPLICATION FEE. ' ners got to know the Akerses fol- the buttons. of cantors who minister at three other parish Masses. The sucFAST SERVIQE. WE CAN HELP! lowing the boy's disappearance. "But again something said, cessful candidate would have the ability to read music and the CALL NOW Father Lissand members of St. 'No, the kid probably needs the necessary interpersonal skills to energize ~ parish liturgical muCape Cod 508-362-7777 Stephen would join in prayer ser- prayers.' And I didn't mov~hem, New Bedford 508-992-1400 sic program. Compensation is commensurate with experience. vices each October 6, the anniver-' and sure enough, bang, there he Please contact: , Free application on Internet sary of Shawn's disappearance, to is," the priest said. "It's just one Rev. John M. Sullivan, St. Lawrence Church www.ccnm.com pray for his safe return. of those things, and I think the . 110 Summer Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 "Everybody in the neighbor- prayers of the Blessed Mother MB# 1161 508-992-4251 •APR 6 718, 30 yr $1 Ok min. hood said the boys' return was the paid off." CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
'Stunned joy,.' thanks surround return of missing Missouri boys
26, 2007
The Anchor
Diocesan Catholic school students shine i~ essay contest FALL RIVER - Parochial school students all across America will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week January 28through February 3. As part of the Diocese of Fall River's celebration, The Anchor once again sponsored an essay contest for all boys and girls en-
rolled in diocesan Catholic schools. This year's high school essay theme question was, "How does your Catholic school bring the Good News to a world filled with so much bad news?" The query was based on the national theme of "The Good News in ~atholic
The Anchor Essay Contest HIGH SCHOOL WINNER "Christ has died, Christ is risen; Christ will come again." The Good News has long been a basic tenet of the Catholic faith, for it instills in us hope that, indeed, Christ will com~ again. However, Christ himself does not have to come in order for this message to be spread. During my first religion class of high school, I 'noticed a banner that said, "You may be the only Christ someone meets today." This statement made me realize that every 'person has the power to be Christ or carry outthe lessons that Christ taught. Christ spread the Good News by defying the norm at the time. He compassionately reached out to social outcasts and invited them on his mission, which took the world by storm. I, too, can take the world by storm by carrying out Christ's message. Whether it be stopping in the hallway to help a freshman pick up his'dropped books, or just smiling at someone who looks like she is having a bad day, every good deed is a step toward making the world a better place, thus making Christ come again. Every ye~, Christ comes alive at my school's Christmas Gift Shop, an event in which thousands of toys are donated and then distributed to less fortunate children in the community. The compassion and sincerity that lies within the student volunteers is' what helps hundreds of families have a nice holiday. It is this spirit and dedication that can transform'anyone into Christ, allowing the Good News to be spread throughout the world. Lauren Westover Coyle and Cassidy High School Taunton
The Anchor Essay Contest HIGH SCHOOL WINNER
Education." For first- through fourth-graders, the theme was "How Jesus' Good News makes me happy,", and in grades five through eight, , it was, "How do I teach others the Good News I learn in Catholic school?" Winning essays from each of
the eight elementary !~rades and four high school submissions appear. throughout this 'Week's Anchar. We've also included'several insights from some ~f the other submissions. ' Ii
The Anchor Essay Contest HIGH SCHOOL WINNER I
MORE WORDS OF WISDOM "As a teen-ager attending a Catholic school, I have found that the best way to spread the Good News is to illustrate it. Adolescents can read textbooks and get good grades, yet still make poor decisions. The key to good decisions is great role models in faithinspired surroundings."
- Kerl Ketterer Bishop Stang High School "Another way that you can spread the Good News of God is just by talking to your friends about Jesus. We live in a community today that neglects religion by playing vide() games until noon on a Sunday instead of going to Mass. I know, because I used to be one of them. However, now that I know how important it is, I go and most of the time I have a good time. When I learn new teachings at Mass, I usually try to tell my friends about it when , I see them. Now if we do this, then maybe those people shall pass it on to their other friends and soon we will all know about the Good News of Jesus.
- Brenda Monroe Bishop Feehan High School
The Anchor would like to congratulate and thank all students who submitted an essay. Doing so was just another example of how our young people spread the Good News.
How do I teach others about the Good News I learn in Catholic School? : From being in a,Catholic school now for the past 13 years I have had the privilege of such a vast Catholic education. I have I ' had many different teachers all who have helped relay the Good News to me in different ways. From observing how they have taught me and my fellow classmates, I have derived my own .way of conveying the Good News to my friends and peers. Despite all that I hav~ learned, -most teachers cannot prepare you for the fact that not all people welCome the Good News of God. This is where my j?urney as a follower of God becomes a challenge. I was never told'ithat following God would be easy; however, sometimes people are just so unwelcoming that I wonder if it's even worth it to go, on spreading the Good News. At that very moment I rememtj~r how Jesus never gave up even though he was more than turned down many a time and I truck on. Whether it is in a casual conversation with my friends or after Mass on . Sundays in the chUrch rectory, I try to explain to my brothers and sisters the life !chariging Good News that I am taught every ' day in my Catholit school. Despite the unpopularity of prayer among youths these days, my friends and I still manage to say grace at lunch, regardless of what anyone else does. We know we are walking the right and whether other~ believe so is their choice, but it is because of Jesus that they have this choice, so all we can do is encourage . the good will of ovr savior. Only he can judge them. I'
Chelsea Thibault Bishop Connolly High School Fall River , I
The An:chor Essay Contest I'
.The Good News I've learned in Catholic school has become a part of my everyday life in the way I live, act and teach. I live the Good News through my actions with others, such as teaching. I've taken on responsibility as a young adult and follower of God to share the Good News with others in my family and community. I encourage my friends to go to Mass and receive the sacraments. TIiejoy of leariling about God and seeing his wonders in life pushes me to share this feeling with others. I' teach my nine-year-old sister and her friends how God wants us to live by setting moral examples and showing them how they can be good Christians. I make a point of regularly sitting down with my sister and having a heart-to-heart conversation about God and how she can grow as a responsible Catholic. I share God's love by giving to rri y loc~ food pantry in food drives, and I am involved in the community as Miss Apple Peach in Acushnet, providing the young children with a responsible role model,' a title which I take seriously. I encourage my friends to seek their dreams and not be afraid to go the distance, because God is with them and will never abandon them. He wants them to be happy and have the strength to press on. Through these actions, I teach others the Good News I've learned at Catholic school. Katelyn DaCosta Bishop Stang High School North Dartmouth
"Even after moving to a Catholic school I have thankfully kept in touch with friends from myoid public school. Sometimes these friends will j~ke around with me saying things like, "School must be easy, all you guys do is talk about God!" So I often just give a laugh, but sometimes I care to further explain the matter. I tell these friends that we do more than just talk about God, but God is,the center of our life at Catholic school. I then further explore the matter by telling my friends how good it feels to know that God is at your side. It is such a great feeling. Yes, the school work may be harder than most schools, and the dress code may be far more strict, but none of this matters as long as you can focus on the faith aspect. '
Teddy Schwieger Bishop Feehan High School
A wJ~e man one stated that, "Leadership is actions, not words." The best way that 9ne can teach others about anything lies within his ability to provide a sound example of what is being taught. Throughout his ministry, Jesus worked with the siCk and lowly to heal, support, dod comfort them. Through these actions, he set a precedent of how we should all act as good and devout Catholics. Today, ~s Catholics, it is our job to cOJltinue to spread his works and miriistry throughout the world to whomever may need it. Today in Catholic schools, simply reading from a textbook, or memorizing Scljipture passages cannot spread the Good News. Instead, the Good News, and Jesus' ministry is spread through example and by epcountering Christ within others. By simply volunteering to cook for the elderly, or tutoring a I . struggling student after school, one can work to advance the Good News of Jesus. These actions cause others to see Christ within you, and Jonversely, Christ within those you help. By conunitting good :works, I am able to set an ex.ample for others to follow, and es$entially work t6 spread Jesus' Gospel message, much like he did thousands of years ago. II
HuyNguyen Bishop Feehan High School Attleboro
, The Good News in education The celebration of Catholic Schools Week causes us to reflect on the blessing of a Catholic education and why it is worth the many sacrifices -.:.... from parents, teachers, parish communities, and so many .others - that make it possible. The irreplaceable value of Catholic schools goes well beyond the safe environments, smaller class sizes, and high quality instruction for which they are generally known. Their worth is centered on their capacity to form the entire young person and not just the head. The difference between integral education of a young person and instruction was described famously by a Holocaust survivor, Chaim Ginott, who wrote a moving letter to teachers after his liberation. "Dear Teacher," he began, "I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness: gas chambers built by learned engineers; children poisoned by educated physicians; infants killed by trained nurses; women and babies shot and burned by high school and college graduates. So I am suspicious of education. My request is: help your students become human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more humane." , Instruction, in other words, is like fire: it can be used for good or for evil. The difference between a pediatrician and an abortionist, Ii trustworthy airline pilot and a MohammedAtta, a high school bookworm and a Columbine serial killer is not one ofl.Q. It's that one is humane and the other is not. As Ginott pointed out, the most important part of a young person's education is not the three R's. It's to form a person's freedom properly, because it's only in the right use of one's freedom that one becomes humane. Said in another way, the most important part of education is moral education. This is why Catholic schools are more important now than ever, because it is getting increasingly harder for young people to receive a solid moral education in our public schools and through popular culture. Good public school teachers often feel constrained from passing on genuine moral wisdom on right and wrong, because they know that almost anything they say that a particular parent or colleague doesn't like can be the subject of a politically~correct lawsuit or disciplinary investigation. Certairi school systems now mandate that kindergartners learn, through fairy tales and other propaganda, that there's really no difference b~tween having a mom and a dad or two mommies or two daddies. Older students learn about human sexuality as a contact sport divorced from love and commitment. Their teachers and popular culture communicate that it's completely unrealistic to, think they will remain chaste before marriage; therefore, the principal "moral" education they learn is how to use "protection." And as atheists and secularists continue to sue to try to eliminate all references to God in public education, the situation.is bound to worsen, as young people, deprived of any reference to a Creator, risk losing their identity as creatures.' But even if public schools and popular culture were still able to pr~ vide a solid secular moral formation of their students, the value and uniqueness of a Catholic education would stand out all the more, because the most distinctive aspect of Catholic moral formation is that it can be done with explicit reference to Jesus Christ. Catholic schools can introduce the student not merely to "moral values" but to their source. Christ, as the fathers of Vatican II reminded us, "Fully reveals man to himself and makes his supreme vocation clear." He teaches us our great dignity and discloses to us our "supreme vocation," 'the path to true human goodness and fulfillment: to use our freedom to love others as Jesus has loved U~. It is by imitating Jesus in his human nature - laying down our lives out of love for others - that we will become most humane. The greatest gift of a Catholic .education, therefore, is that students can be introduced not only to the truths of math, science, history, and language, but to Truth incarnate (In 8:32). In a Catholic school, students find not just smaller classrooms, but a divine master who tutors everyone individually. They are educated not just in a safer environml1nt, but where a shepherd protects them from the wolf and guides them safely with his familiar voice and the simple instruction "follow me." They are prepared not just for the SAT and for entrance into college, but for the final exam of life and for admittance, God-willing, into the college of saints. Catholic schools do make students fully humane ~ and they do more. They communicate the Good News in its fullness, by making students disciples of the master who teaches with the words of everlasting life. That is why all Catholics should recognize their inestimable value, celebrate them and support them.
TheAnchor ,
26, 2007
the living word
Human dignity Sometimes terms are used with too many assumptions. This can . happen when we speak from a context and perspective of faith to those who do not share our first principles. The result, especially when dealing with controversial issues, is often prolonged argu- . ment and lack of understanding and conversion. A prime example of this occurs when the Church speaks out against certain action's on the ~ounds that they violate human dignity. Human dignIty is a notion that is widely accepted, but with very different meanings. For most, it is understood as the inherent worth of the human . person. For many, though, human dignity is defined only as personal autonomy, as the right to decide for oneself what is morally right and wrong. The basis of human dignity is considered to be man's power of reason and his free will, which allow him to determine for himself how to live. When the Church speaks of human dignity, however, it has something very different in mind. As explained by the Second Vatican Council, man's ability to know what. is true and good, and his freedom to choose it, is certainly pan: of the reason for his inherent worth (Gaudium et Spes, 16-17). But the Church's notion of human dignity entails much more about the truth of the human person. As the Council Fathers m~de clear, the dignity of the human person is "rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God" and is "fulfilled in his vocation to divine beatitude" ("Catechism of
the Catholic Church," No. 1700). ''The root reason for human dignity lies irl man's call to communion with God" (GS, 19), and "the recognition of God is in no way hostile to man's dignity, ' since this dignity is rooted and perfected in God" (GS, 21). In other words, it's not enough
to say that human dignity is rooted in man's rationality and his freedom. Rather, it's necessary to explain man's dignity with reference to the revealed truth about his origin and his destiny. For the Church, human dignity is based on the truth and reality of the human person, as one with an immortal soul which is free to accept or reject God's offer of eternal life. When the truth of man's immortality is denied or forgotten, it is then that human .dignity is misunderstood and more easily violated. When members of the Church refer to human dignity without explaining its necessary connection to the truth of man's creation and his eternal destiny, opponents on controversial moral issues are more apt to misunderstand the grounds for the Church's objec¡tions. For example, pronouncements against slavery, torture or poverty, on the grounds that they violate the dignity 'of the human person, are rarely contested. But
teachings against other evils, such as abortion, euthanasia, adultery, pornography or "same-sex marriage," on the same grounds that they also violate human dignity, are more often dismissed or ignored. In fact, it is precisely a theory of human dignity, albeit a contradictory and inadequate one, that is often invoked in defense of these evils. When the real basis of human dignity is properly explained, it is easier to . see why sinful actions violate the dignity of the human person, even if they may not cause physical harm. If an ~ction, by its sinful nature, threatens to keep a person from hi,S vocation to etemallife, then it violates his dignity. Because the inherent worth of the human ,person is rooted in his relationship with God, there is never dignity in offending God. A person never'exercises his inherent worth by committing what God has forbidden. Human dignity is never enhanced or promoted by sin. Rather, as the Church teaches, "Living a moral life bears witness to. the dignity of the person" ("Catechism," No. 1706). Putting into the deep requ,ires us to assert with confidence,the dignity of the human person, based _on the truth of our relationship with God. When we do this, we are more likely to persuade others that our dignity is exercised and enhanced only by what is consistent with God's revelation to the world. Father Pignato is chaplain at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth and is secretary to Bishop George lv. Colema,..
26, 2007
$ Simply smashing
Emilie and I pulled up to a red light this morning on the way to school. !.was still feeling much like a Yankee fan did on Oct. 21, 2004. With each passing moment this week, the stark reality of having a sure Super Bowl .berth ripped from our fingers 'sank iIi deeper and deeper. Not even a pristine dusting of snow. provided a spiritual lift ... until Emilie shouted "Papi." .There he was, much bigger than life gracing the entire back panel of a .vitamin water delivery truck Big Papi, David Ortiz - smiling like only Big Papi can. At once, I felt sunshine, on a cloudy day. The haunting vision of a Tom Brady interception dissolved, and all that was left was Big Papi. There are a few adages in life
that rub me the wrong way, so to speak. None more so than "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." First off, I think the little yellow citrus gets too bad a rap:
The Anchor
Add lemon juice to emulsify the mixture. Want to brighten up a salad, add some lemon zest to the greens. And nothing' compliments seafood more than the tiny tangy fruit. Mercy, you ~.an tell that for all intents and purposes football season ended prematurely. I had no intention of writing a column about lemons.. I'm all out of whack. 'Anyway, allow me to get back on track. It's Big Papi who beefed up the old lemon adage "When life gives you lemons, smash them with a bat." It's time to start smashing. Spring training is a few short weeks away. Ft. Myers, Fla., is just the elixir we need to wipe away the bitter taste of the RCA Dome in the nation's heartland. G
Sure it's sour and not the type of snack you'd peel and eat, but add an nice slice of lemon to a big old glass of iced water and magic happens. And in the cooking world, the lemon is the great arbitrator. How does one combine oil and water?
7 A big old Papi fr0fll the . Dominican Republic,la young pitching wizard from Japan, and an eccentric left fielder adorned in dreadlocks will soon take c~nter stage. Come FebruaI')! 4, my sports focus will be Florida, but not Miami and the Super Bowl that's for the fortunate few. Nt>, my thoughts will wander to an emerald green baseball diamond. The sacred place where the sound of a leather sphere engaging a solid ash stick is music to my ears. The place whert~ a wellexecuted double play!! is more exciting than the pulsing rhythm of a river dance. The ~lace where .
Shorten.ing and sterili.zing a child' Recently, the medical journal Archives ofPediatric and Adolescent Medicine published ''The Ashley Case" about a girl who is brain-damaged. As reported in Time magazine, the girl's parents, figuring that their "pillow angel" would get harder to care for as she got older and larger, arranged for medical treatments to keep her short. High doses of estrogen for two
interests of the child or ward. . Parents who do not seek needed' medical treatment for a child in their care would be legally and perhaps even criminally liable for the resulting harm. Ostensibly; the parents claim to have acted in their daughter's best interest and are careful to couch their decision in terms of her interest rather than theirs: "improve our daughter's quality
by stunting her growth, sterilizing her and removing her breasts. The "Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church" calls these procedures "practices contrary to respect for ·the bodily integrity of the human person" and states rather succinctly that "Mutilations of a person are morally permissible only for strictly therapeutic medical reasons" (No. 477). I
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years reduced her take this to mean that it " would be proper to eventual height by approximately 13 inches, remove Ashley's breasts ./ .F.· if and when she develto four-feet-five- inches. The parents claim on \..oped breast cancer, but not on the mere speculatheir blog that "Ashley's smaller and lighter s i z e ' .', ,..... 1'<. . tion that she might ····By·[)wight DUnCalt"i someday because of a makes it more possibl~ L. ::.J. \../ family history of cancer. to include her in the typical family life and Disability rights activities that provide her with· of life" rather than "to conveadvocates are particularly disturbed by what happened needed comfort, closeness, nience her caregivers" (who just security and love: meal time, car happen to be themselves). And here. As Time's Nancy Gibbs trips, touch, snuggles, etc..." certainly the parents of any reported, "Frequent touch is. stressing that the purpose of the disabled child deserve our indeed important; but is it really treatment was "to improve our' compassion and support in the so much harder to hug someone who is five-feet-six-inches, or to daughter's quality of life and not .very real burden they carrY. But to convenience her caregivers." judge for yourself whether this bring her to the table at In addition, the doctors stunting of their daughter's dinnertime? With the right removed her uterus to prevent the normal biological growth and· information and support, disabil. processes is really in their child's ity rights advocates believe, there possibility of pregnancy in the event of rape, and also her breast best interest. is no need for a medical solution buds because of a family history Take it from the standpoint of to an essentially social problem." of cancer. The parents explain, the doctor's role. Normally, At a time when, in accordance "Ashley has no need for develdoctors try to cure a patient's with the "culture of death" mindoped breasts since she will not problematic medical condition, . set of Roe v. Wade, the lives of breast feed, and their presence and if they can't cure it they at infants are routinely sacrificed on least provide patient care and the altar of adult convenience, would only be a source of discomfort to her." alleviate the symptoms like pain we would perhaps do well to Doctors wonder whether they so that the patient can live as grow in respect for the life and did the right thing here, in normal a life as possible. bodily integrity of all human intentionally shortening and Ashley's underlying medical beings without exc~ption. And sterilizing a child. Normally, condition is her brain damage, that includes Ashley. Dwight Duncan is a professor parents or legal guardians make and the doctors apparently were medical decisions for minor unable to do anything to heal that at Southern New England children (and incompetent problem. Nor are they helping . School of Law in North persons generally), but they are her to live as normal a life as Dartmouth. He holds degrees in supposed to act in the best possible under the circumstances both civil and canon law.
Jt;ldge or
,/Yourself! <.
On December 10~ 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of . five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decadeS); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of ri\paration, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: ''In reparation for the offenses committed ag~t the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday. ,I
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The Anchor
26, 2007
Simply a m·~tter of asking This year, in these first seven weeks of the liturgical Season of Ordinary (as in numberednot boring) Time between Christmas and Lent, there is a thematic interplay between the first readings and the Gospels. We are presented with the person of our Lord as he is in the line of the Old Testament prophets. The Scriptures are presented each week to show us how Jesus' calling and actions are consistent and continuous with their ministries and prophesies, and in fact fulfills and completes them. ' Our Scriptures this weekend open with a very beautiful and rather famous calling. God is reaching out to Jeremiah and we hear the prophet's own account of it. "The word of the Lord came to me, saying: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you" (Jer 1:5). The Lord goes on emphatically to promise his own fidelity. He tells Jeremiah that he need not fear, even though the vocation
radical, difficult, and dangerthat he has in mind is not only ous, but God has promised to difficult, but dangerous. This is the sense that we need to take be there to protect and deliver from our reading this week, the prophet and ultimately his own Son. He has promised, and because these words aim us right past Jeremiah to Jesus. as God he is perfectly faithful to his promises. The most The Gospel passage from Luke (4:21-30) this week picks difficult part of the call is up right where we left off last trusting in him no matter how bad things may appear.' week - in the synagogue with Jesus in his home town of Nazareth just after (:t::f-]:\:r'·::,:"::~-,,,::,';':~';;,:t};,Gf7'~9:1ki~f~,~ i'i',-;?',' having read from Isaiah I::fomily of 61 and telling everyone / Fourth Sunday that "Today this -~lh··Ordinary Time Scripture passage is fulfilled in your By Father hearing" (Lk 4:20. This Michael Fitzpatrick is a messianic prophesy and everyone knows it. The thematic interplay does Moreover; they think they know not end only with the first who Jesus is because they readings and the Gospels, watched him grow up in their Having encountered Jesus in his town. As the saying goes prophetic office, the second familiarity breeds contempt. In reading and the psalm show us St. Matthew's account of this same scene we hear: "and they how we are drawn into this same mystery. Each week we took offense at him" (Mt have been reading from St. 13:57). In our account from Paul's First Letter to the Luke we hear they tried to kill. Corinthians, and we have been him! hearing him explain to us how This is one connection with the first reading. The calling is we participate in the mystery of
the whole Body of Christ. Jesus through him that strengthens is the head and we are the us (Phil 4: 13)? members. It is not simply an The Responsorial Psalms analogy. It is real. By virtue of are given to us each week as a our baptism, the Holy Spirit prayer to be taken into our comes and dwells in us giving hearts. The psalms draw us Jesus' own divine life and together all the thematic love - the. full fruits of what nuances and meanings of the he came to do for us. The Holy other Scriptures where we Spirit does not only make us encounter Christ, and they members of his body, he bring us into his heart. If you gives us particular roles want to be like Christ; if you and gifts to be able to want to have the trust in God fulfill them. The callings and the faith of a prophet; if may be radical, difficult, you want to be transformed by and even dangerous the Holy Spirit of love and just like the prophets and have all fear driven from you, Jesus himself. But the then get on your knees and Holy Spirit is within us. ask the Lord to show you what He gives us himself. All the psalms mean and how to we must do is what Jesus did ...:... pray them. Imagine how Jesus trust. prayed them - and imitate This week we hear the hini. The Christian life is not beautiful "Hymn to Love" of really complex or difficult. It lCorinthians 13. It is this love is impossible. But, all things - which is in us by virtue of the . are possible for God Holy Spirit. It is this love that (MklO:27)! It is simply a will transform us. It is this matter of asking. Ask. love that will (with our Father Fitzpatrick is a cooperation) cast out from us parochial vicar at St. Mary's all fear, (see Hohn 4:18) and Parish in Mansfield and having been set free from fear chaplain at Bishop Feehan - what can we not do High School, Attleboro.
Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat, Jan 27, Heb 11: 1-2,8-19; (Ps) Lk 1:69-7.5; Mk 4:35-41. Sun, Jan 28, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jer 1:4-5,17-19; Ps 71:1-6,15-17; 1 Cor 12:31-13: 16 or 13:413; Lk 4:21-30. Mon, Jan 29, Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24;'Mk 5:1-20. Thes, Jan 30, Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26-28,3U-32; Mk 5:21-43. Wed, Jan 31, Heb 12:4-7,11-15; Ps 103:1-2,13-14,17-18; Mk 6:16. Thurs, Feb I, Heb 12:18-19,21-24; Ps 48:2-4,9-11; Mk 6:7-13. Fri, Feb 2, The Presentation of the Lord, MaI3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32.
Polish Catholicism's opportunity It's been a tough month for Polish Catholicism. Yet, even in the wake of the resignation of - Warsaw's new archbishop and the revelations of clerical cooperation with the communist secret police, the Catholic Church in Poland can reconfirm its traditional roles as the guardian of Poland's noblest instincts and the nation's tutor in moral truth - if it remembers something Pope John Paul II said to a French journalist, Andre Frossard. . Frossard asked, "What is the most important word in the New Testament?" John Paul immediately replied, "Truth." Why? Because the truth sets us free in the deepest meaning of human liberation. And from that
spiritualliberation,much good, can come. Poland lived that fact of moral and public life in the 1980s, when a revolution of conscience,. ignited by John Paul II and supported by the Polish Church, led to the nonviolent "Revolution of 1989 and the restoration of Poland's liberties. Amidst the drama and controversy of the past several weeks, that great truth - "No Church, No Solidarity, No Revolution of 1989" - remains intact. Now, however, the world knows something every Pole, 'and every serious student of modem Polish history, already knew: not everyone was an anti-communist
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resistance hero. That fact should not obscure two others, however. First, there were far, far more heroes than scoundrels in Polish Catholicism under communism;
perhaps 10 percent of the Polish clergy were involved with the SB, the secret police. Second, the people who produced the SB files now being scrutinized are moral villains, too - as much as, or even more than, those who collaborated, in different ways and with different degrees of. culpability. The Polish Church can regain control of its own story if it provides a comprehensive _ account of its stewardship during the comm~nist period, using the archive of SB files kept in Poland's Institute of National Memory. Those materials are "raw files," and some reflect the ambitions of unscrupulous police ferrets more than the truth of particular situations. Yet the IPN archives do contain truths that
should be brought to light, both to liberate the Church from burdensome aspects of its past and to confrrm the larger truth of the nobility of the Catholic struggle, under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, for the Church's freedom and Poland's. If, in the process, Poles are reminded that moral clarity sometimes lies on the far side of moral complexity, that is no bad thing; it is, in fact, an essential understanding in a democracy. In rendering an account of its stewardship, the Church would also perform a public. service. The media is rarely an instrument of precise moral analysis. The Church can help Poles understand that there were different forms of interaction with the'SB, and that some activities were far worse than others. Casual interaction with the ferrets by people seeking passports to study or do research abroad is one thing; others refused even that minimum of cooperation, and their steadfastness should be honored. Still, we have to ask whether someone's interactions with the SB led, with that person's knowledge and will, to material or moral.harm to
others. Some churchmen - who imagined themselves more clever than the police and accepted advantages in return for clerical gossip - cooperated because of their egos; they strike me more as fools than villains, although their foolishness was not morally neutral. Venality was the sin of others, and a more serious moral failure, too. Those who pridefully imagined that they could "use" their secret police contacts to build a more open Polisn Church, and ended up doing the communists' political bidding, bear a particularly heavy burden; they betrayed both Church and society. The kind of comprehensive, carefully calibrated moral reckoning needed here can only be provided by the Polish Church itself, in cooperation with reputable scholars. During the years I've been aware of the IPN archives, I've been waiting for the Polish Church to seize what struck me as a great opportunity. It didn't; the result is the drama and damage of the past month. Yet the opportunity remains. In the spirit of John Paul II who taught the liberating power of truth, it should be seized quickly. George Weigel is a senior fellow ofthe Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.
26, 2007
The Anchor ,
Walking th.e talk Friday 26 January 2007 - PortO-Call.' Boston - St. Timothy Day People are always asking me to pray for them. I wouldn't want to make a promise and.not keep it, so I write it down. Some folks on Cape Cod recently came up with a creative way of remembering to pray. As I write this, I'm wearing a green bracelet. Green is the color of hope. The wristband reads: "Pray for David." . It works. I pray for David. Here's. the story. Early one foggy November morning, there was a dog acting
strangely. "Misty" is a yoUng yellow Lab. Misty kept running back and forth in front of passing cars. A truck driver fortunately
stopped and a construction crew on their way to work got out. Just like Lassie, Misty led the men a.short way down an ~solated road_to a truck. There on the ground lay
Misty's master, David. David was in very bad shape. There had been a gasoline spill. Somehow a random spark ignited the fumes. David was critically burned. An ambulance rushed'David to a Boston intensive care unit specializing in burn victims. With bums over much of his body, the prognosis was not good.. David is only 44 years, married with children. He is an aquaculture farmer. He raises .oysters.. He is a popular parish youth minister. He organizes and leads groups of teens and young , adults to serve in the missions of
Winning the big game In an innovative effort to catechize parents, a mini retreat called Pre-Jordan is given at our parish for parents asking to have their child baptized. It is a wonderful retreat with only one problem as far as I can tell: many parents arrive feeling coerced into coming. Some dads don't even try to conceal their "I'm only here because she dragged me" attitude. During the years we were on team for this ministry, my husband and I gave a talk titled "Raising Catholic Kids." Attempting to build a bridge to parents with either faltering or completely forgotten Catholic faith, my husband opened our talk by asking, "How many of you played sports as kids?" Nearly all the hands in the room flew up when my husband asked this question. More importantly, however, the lights went on in their eyes. Asmy husband continued asking questions like, "Where you particularly good at any one sport? Did you win any championships?" I started tossing mountains. of sports equipment into the au~ience. At this point in our talk, I could see questions flashing across their faces. Questions like, "Are we in the wrong class? Weren't we here for something about church?" There is this kind of convenient compartmentalization of our faith that has infected many Catholics tod~y. We can talk easily about sports with just about anyone, but only clumsily about our faith. It's not so surprising. It i~ a symptom of
trying to live in a culture that is largely hostile to Catholicism, but it is not the way. Jesus intended us to live. The New Testament tells us that Jesus spent his time on earth showing his disciples that his number one ob'jective for humanity was for us to enjoy eternal life with him in
heaven. If eternal life is our ultimate victory, then going to church, reading holy Scripture, and loving our neighbor are our daily practices, our ways of staying in shape for the "Big Game." . "The connection between sports and church is love," my husband and I told the PreJordan audience. "What you love you will pass on to your children. It's as easy as that." Moreover, my husband and I proposed, raising Catholic kids is not any more complex than sharing our love of a sport (or of any other activity) with our children. Our children experience our faith, our love of Jesus and his Church, and copy it. As they grow older we provide everything they will need to grow in their own faith prayers, Christian media, CCD or Catholic schooling, and retreats in the same way that we provide what they will need to improve their own athletic abilities - baseball gloves, swim goggles, coaches, and camps. One of the biggest bless-
irigs to my husband ~nd me as Pre-Jordan team members was that most parents left feeling rejuvenated, even if they : arrived reluctantly: At the end of the retreat the most pressing question from parents was: "But how do we make time to revive and exercise our own faith and to take part as a family in all the regular, Catholic; spiritual practice~?" "Easy," we'd say, "We do it the same way we carve time out of our busy schedule to watch the Patriots playa postseason game, to go to the gym, or to coach a soccer team. In the case of sports, we make the time because of our love of the game. In the case of our faith we make the time because of our love for Jesus. We make the time because our kids learn more with their eyes than with their ears when it comes to knowing what is impottant to us. Once our personal love of Jesus is in place and in practice, everytl).ing else about raising 'Catholic kids falls in line rather naturally." As a Catholic parent, Our ultimate goal for our children is the same goal as Jesus has for us.' It is not that they . would be sports stars, get into an Ivy League college, or have lucrative careers and loving families, but that they would share eternal life with God, and that is a goal that every man, woman, and child has the potential to achieve.·
Heidi is an author, photographer, andfull-time mother. She and her husband raise theirfive children. in Falmouth. homegrotynfaith@yahoo.com.
Honduras. He is also a director of the ECHO high school}etreat program on Cape Cod. The news of David's horrible accident spread quicklY. The immediate reaction was stunned disbelief. How could such an awful , II thing happen to such a good person? Was this God's will? The community detided it was tIme to "walk the talk.'" They swung quickly into action. They started by bombarding heaven wi~ prayers. First things first. Then support teams were organized: food, transportation, imniedi~te needs of the family (gasoline catds, casse- . kids at ,roles, membership for the . ' I the Museum of Science, etc.). . The very day of the accident, plans began to be made for a Mass " . for the intention of David's ' survival. Mass was celebrated the very next day. The church was filled with hundreds of people, young and old. , A blog was set up on the " Internet, allowing David's family to cOminunicate with his community of love. The site is callbd "Care Pages.;' It's an effective way to keep friends and neighbors apprised of a medical situation. Visitors to the Care Page can also lea~e messages of prayerful concern. If you ever J have need for such a tool, I recommended it highly. It's free. It was touch-and-g\? for quite a w~e. David was placed in a medically-induced coma. All sorts of advanced medical trchnologies were employed to try to save his life. David slept restlessly for weeks in a plastic dome, surrbunded day and night by his family." A series of .complicated surgeries :,were performed, one after another. His severely bumed hands were one of the major concerns. David began imprdving faster than expected. One nurse said: ''I don't know what you people are doing, but keep doingllit." What were people doing? They were . ''walking the talk." They were •
praying. They were offering practical support to David and his family. There came the good news that David was talking. Another day came more good news - David was walking. Walking and talking? Thanks be to God! David has now been transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. He still has a long way to go and will spend weeks in giueling physical therapy. Please God, he will one day be able to return to his home and pick up his life where he left off. From the Intensive Care Unit, David thoughtfully sent word to the ECHO retreat directors. ,He didn't want to disappoint anyone or break a commitment but he regretted to report that he would probably be unable to lead the boy's ECHO retreat in April. We had already surmised this, but that's David for you. - I was on an ECHO retreat a couple of we,eks ago. I received a typed note from someone who was praying a rosary for me. At the bottom of the page were two words. The words were small, tight and a little shaky - but legible. It was David's signature, in his own harid. Was David's accident the ''will of God?" Not my God. It was an , accident. Accidents are not willed by anybody - especially not by God. But my God can use even terrible tragedies and turn them into occasions of grace. This particular accident has resulted in an outpouring of grace for family, parishioners, frierids, co-workers, ECHO retreat folks, and for people who have never met David. Maybe even you! As my friend Bill says every day: "God is good all the time. All the time God is good." Truer words were never spoken.
.Father Goldrick is pastor ofSt. Bernard Parish, Assonet Comments ore welcome at StBernardAssonet@aoLcom. Previous columns ore available at www.StBernardAssonet.o,.g.
PRAYING FOR A FRIEND- Hundreds of faithful turned out for a ,Mass at Christ the King Church in Mashpee, celebrated for the healing intention of 44-year-oldhu'sband and father, David. who was badly burned in an accident. (Photo by Dana Marcotte) ,
~ ... I f . , II t
~ The Anchor ,
110 Good,News Hoping to'carry the good news of Catholic Education to the community at large, The Anchor again this year sponsored an es· say contest involving students in. all Catholic schools in the dio· cese. At the same time, the diocesan newspaper also polled Catholic school principals with its own take on the national theme, ask· ing: "How does your Catholic school bring the Oood News to a world filled with so much bad news? Here isa sampling of some of the principals' responses: "In a world filled with so much bad news, our caring and concern along with the combined strength of our faith·filled com· munity allows us to stay focused on and draw strength from the goodness of Ood," said Bishop Stang High School Principal Theresa E. Dougall. . Edmond Borges, principal at St. James-St. John School in New Bedford, said: "Because of their genuine love for God nnd com· passion for their fellow neighbor, our students bring a gentle light into the world. Our students reach out to those in our commu· riity through our annual coat and
Continuedfrom page one
mitten drive, special droners for to be the principal of a Catholic' Veterans, stocking local food school where our faith in Ood pantries and providing entertain· can help us through the 'bad ment to the infirmed." news' in our world." ' ' At.Holy Name School in Fall Brenda Oagnon, principal at ' River, where the phrase'~Dis· St. Joseph St. Therese School In cover the Difference" is used in, New Bedford, noted, its advertising endeavors, Princi· "We teach our children to live pal Patricia M. Wardell, 'wrote:their lives the way Jesus wants us "Come to Holy Name School and to. We teach them to share the ,'Discover the Difference' ~ that good news of the Lord. In return expanding students' awareness of the children are happy to help God's love, applying Catholic each other and those less fortuprecepts, building an academic nate. When we share the light of foundation in a safe, nurturing in· Jesus in us, we can't help but be novaUve environment have In In· a shining light in a somewhat at stllling In students a sense of se· times dark world." curlty In an insecure world; and ,~~ At St. Margaret Regional that traditional and innovative . School in Buzzards Bay, "We approaches to learning have ... put faith, hope and love together on their self-esteem and their to bring the 'Oood News' to a sense of well being so they are, world filled with so much bad . prepared to meet the challenge news," said Mary Ann LaFleur, that the world's 'bad news' principal. "As a learning combrings." munity, we' speak to the heart At Holy Trinity School in and teach by example. To do this West Harwich, Linda Mattson, we focus on the joys of our the principal, wrote: student's families and staff and ' "Holy trinity School tries to always remember to encourage focus on the positive things that laughter." happen nroun.d us in the world. Joseph Sullivan, principal at When we have to discuss nega- Our Lady of Mount Carmel tive issues that nre occurring in School.in New Bedford, said in our world, we ask God to help us sharing the Good News, the word tt;> understand. I feel so fortunate of God with the students, "We
offer our students the amazing gift of turning to Ood in prayer in the midst of problems, despair or hardship. We pray for peace and justice daily and teach our students to spread their faith through everything they do and to everyone they meet." Cecilia M. Felix, principal at Holy Family-Holy Name School in New Bedford, wrote: "For St. Francis, preaching the Good News was a matter of living it. .Holy Family·Holy Name School takes this message .to heart and brings the Oood News to its stude~ts and' the greater community by its mission."., At St. Michael School in Fall River, Sister Marie Baldi, SUSC, the principal, said, "The 'Good News' of Jesus is evidenced at our school as we form commu~ nity with one another. Together, we support one another in our journey of faith through good times and difficult times and we serve the large community through 'our prayer and outreach projects including our Parish Soup Kitchen." . Principal Daphne Costa at St. Mary's School in New Bedford, 'wrote: "St. Mary's is where Jesus Christ is the model for the spiritual, academic and personal
growth of each unique students. We strive to instill morals and values in our children giving them the information they need to pass along the good news to this world filled with so much bad news." At St. Mary's School in Mansfield, "Teachers and students value dignity .and respect ... and these generate a sense of understanding, caring. promise and peace," said Joanne N. Riley, principal. "Through daily interactions, special events, projects and community service, St. Mary's is a reminder that there is reason to be hopeful and joyfilled." In Fall River, at Holy Trinity School, "We strive to bri.ng the Good News to a world filled with bad news each and every day," reported Emma Hipolito,· the principal. "Instilling Catho-· lie morals and values is of the utmost importance. Our stu.dents are involved in various community projects ... a-Iocal senior center to sing Christmas carols, holiday cards for troops' serving in Iraq ... just a few of the a.ctlvities we sponsor in order to spread Good News in a wor.ld filled with so much bad news."
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~ TheAnchor 1fIJD~
J§ ~ 1§D8 B1];y'
St. Francis Xavier 223 Main St. Acushnet 02743 508-995-4313
Espirito Santo 143 Everett St. Fall River 02723 508-672-2229
S1. Michael 209 Essex St. Fall River 02720 508-678-0266
Enrollment: 229 students
Enrollment: 255 students
Enrollment: 176 students
2006-07 Tuition: K-8 $2,900; call for Pre-Schopl figures
2006-07 Tuition: Parishioners $2,325; non $2,400; PreK and Pre-school $3,600
2006-07 Tuition: $2,500
DonaldA. Pelletier, Principal: We strive to develop God's gifts in our students and faculty, working in cooperation and mutualxespect;w'th compassiQfi.-Th,iS is the Oood-News of Catholic'edu ation. :i 1 I
society~atis beqomingip~in~y
seculat. f
I 508-22i~5062
50~-674~9131 !
\ .1
i .
Enrollment: 164 students
Dr. Patricia M.Wardell,Principal: cote arid "disc6ver the difference" that a faith-fille~, loving, saf\:, nurtuhng family environment h~ on stuqents' in~erest in learning th~t they can make a differencd. : '
Tuition: K-8 Parishioners $2,900; Non'-parish-i ioners $3, I, 00; Call for Pre-School figures:I ,
Kathleen A. Burt, Principal: By providing our students with a faith-centered education, we ready them to bring Christ's light to the world around them.
Holy Trinity . 64 Lamphor S1. I Fall River 02"7\21 508-673-6772"
St. Stanislaus 37 ROCKland St.' Fall Riv«r 02724 \, 508-674-6771 '
'Enrollment: 155
2,006-01 Tuition:-$7,350
Enrollment: 956 sthdents I
Tuitio~: Paris~~~ers_J2,850;!non~3,000 I
, Bishop Feehan H.S. 70 Hol~ott Dr. Attleboro 02703 508-22~-6223 ':
SS. Pete): & Paul) ! 240 D~ver Stj Fall Riv4r 02Tl I :508-672-725~
Sister MaryJane Holden, C.P., Principal: We are constantly searching t~ bring new and d~ep~r mean,ing to qUI" education proc~ss. We look to deepen the challenge of our students and staff toward greaterspiririial development.
Etftollment: 2q
I j
20b6-07'!iIition: $3,200
HplyName 85~ Pearcb St. Fall River b2720
IAttleboro 02703
! \
. '
Enrollment: 266 students
Sister Marie Baldi, SUSC, Principal: Together, we support one another in our journey of faith through good '-. times and difficult times and we'SefVethe-Iarger com- ,/ /~ Jl:lunity through prayer and outreach projects. / /'
Mary Bolton, Principal: A Catholic School education helps -~ -- familiesmaiptaplhighm9fal valuqs-andstret)gthens faitb-irfii--
i 1 St. ,10hn th~ Evang~lis~ 113 Hodges St. ~_:
I c.
2006-07 Tuition: . . $2,900 .
2006-07 Tuition: ,'$2,750 ,
Emma Hipolito, Principal: Instilling C~tholic .inorals~d values is of the utmost importabce in our school. We see the Goon News of the Lord in ~ur students each da~ in the way they act and the respect they shqw to others.
Je~ Will,s, Principal: We teach our students that they,.:
'Yilliant Runey, Principar Bishop Feehan brings the GoodNews of the Lord's Word to the students and staff ~jth monung prayer, closing prayer, and prayer at the beginning o( each class. .
, I
share in the responsibility to spr~ad the\(Jood News of' God's love. Students bring home what they learn many, I parents teU us their children are teaching them. ' 'OO
Notre Dame de Lourdes 34 stl JoSeph S1. Fall River 02723 508-672-5461
St. Margaret Regional 143 Main St. Buzzards Bay 02532 508-759-2213
L ..•
'Bishop Connolly RS. 373,Elsbree S1. Fall Riyer 02720 508-676-1071 . \
Enrollment: i39 students \
Enrollment: 141 students
Enrollment: 350 students r
2006-07 Tuition: $3,000 J
, Mary Ann.LaFIeur,'Principal:\s a learning community, w~.speak to t!J,e heart and teach by example. To do this we focus on 'the joys of our students' families and staff and always remember to encourage laughter.
2006-07 Tuition: $2,900
2006-07 Tuition: $6,675 ,
E. Christopher Myron, Principal: Catholic education is relevant in our worldbecallse to seek the truth is to seek the face of Christ in the world. We believe that God is with us in each moment of life.
Robert P. Morissette, Pre~ide6t; _ Michael Scanlan, Principal: Byliving oUr motto and mission'statement to be "not only hearers but doers of the word," we demonstrate Catholic principles.
St. Joseph 100 Spring St. Fairhaven 02719 508-996-1983
S1. Anne 240 Forest S1. Fall River 02721 508-678-2152
S1. Mary 330 Pratt St. Mansfield 02048 508-339-4800
Enrollment: 185 students
Enrollment: 268 students
Enrollment: 205 students
2006-07 Tuition: K-8 $2,800; Pre-School $3,500
2006-07 Tuition: $2,950
2006-07 Tuition: $3,575
Felipe M. Felipe, Principal: We prepare our students to grow in the awareness of their duties as future citizens and leaders, by living the true Christian virtues and American heritage.
Joanne N. Riley, Principal: The Good News is integral to the teaching and learning that occurs here. Teachers and students value dignity and respect.
Suzanne Brzezinski, Principal: By following the teachings of Jesus we provide our students with a tradition of excellence, advancement of academics, enrichment of Spirit, development of character and a commitment to sernce.
. , L-
The Anchor
Holy Family-Holy Name 91 Summer St. New Bedford 02740 508-993-3547
St. Mary 115 nlinois St. New Bedford 02745 508-995-3696
Taunton Catholic Middle 61 Summer St. Taunton 02780 508-822-0491
Enrollment: 260 students
Enrollment: 180 students
Enrollment: 250 students
2006-07 Thition: PreschooVK $3,300; 1-8 $2,900
2006-07 Thition: Pre-K & K $3,000; 1-8 $2,800
2006-07 Tuition: $4,300
Cecilia M. Felix, Principal: We are a Christ-eentered academic community instilling Catholic beliefs and Gospel values; nurturing students' gifts of faith and intellect.
Daphne Couto, Principal: St. Mary's School is where Jesus Christ is the model for the spiritual, academic and personal growth of each unique student.
Margaret;Menear, Principal:.We focus on the four R's, but don't stop there. Every one of us is living the character, compassion and values of the Gospel message. "
St. Mary-Sacred Heart 57 Richards Ave. North Attleboro 02760
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 103 Crapo St. New Bedford 02744 508-997-9612
Coyle and Cassidy H.S. 2 Hamilton St. Taunton 02780 508-823-6164
Enrollment: 100 students
'''-- E nroiiment;230 students .
2006-07 Tuition: K-8 $2,400
. . .--.-.--_
Enrollment: 780
-2006.,-O:Z Tuitioh::-:filrishioners $3,050; Non-pari~hi~n:rs $3151"·-..:.... ,
~~ :~.:~';
Joseph Sullivan, Principal:. tlie" '<.. ". ,. amazing gift of turning to'Goa in prayer in the midstoL _ Dems~,~' ~eIxot~, Pnncipal: Our school ~ ~umculum problems, despair or ha[ds!!iP;:"--=-::=-=---=-:=~:= ---.~d progr;~s proVIde stu~~nfs the opportumtles to serve 'I -==- - . ' " '-- ""-others.aJld hve as Jesus dut
2006-07 Tuition: $6,800 11
- 'Brother Harold Hathaway, CSC, President; ~r. Nlaryl.~at Tranter, Princip~: Ca~olic schools proVIde the moral compass that WIll gUIde many students through life. -' ..,
St. Pius X .' 5 Barbara St. South Yarmouth 02664 508-398-6112
St.-A.nthony ..
--I~OAshley Blvd.
.- -New Bedford
02746 508-994-5121
Holy Trinity Regional 245 Main St. West Harwich 02671 508-432-8216
Enrollme'nt:'116 students._
EnrourtJ.ent: 215 students
2006-07 Titfiion.:$2;8oo ....
2006-07 Tuition: Pre-K $2,500; K-8 $3,850
Enrollmeht: 119 students "
Cristina Raposo, PrincipaJ: We area \Velcomirlg commu-- nity, united.inTaith, and centered in Chiist. We strive to --::provide a.nuit~ng" saf~, ;e~~e lea;rmng environ- : ment. ' ~~'_ "~ ".~ -----.
Patricia Marmen, Principal: Our school is a leaming-' centered environment steeped in Catholic-based education, with smiling, happy, inquisitive students. '
" ....., \...
.I~ " "
Pre-K to 5 $3,500; Full-time four-year-
<M$4,200; PT three and four year old $1,520; PT four" y,eat~old $2,280 /..
"Linda Mattson, Principal: The freedom to express our faith is a blessing that only a Catholic school environment can provide.
Our Lady ofiourd~ 52 First St. ' Taunton 02780 50S-822-3746
'-·'StJames-St. John '" '180 Orchard St:' '-'<:;New Bedford 02740 508-996-0534
Enrollment: 144 students 2006-07 Tli,ition: $2,700 Edmund Borges;'Prjncipal: Because of their genuine love for God and compaSSi.,9n for their fellow neighbor;o-ur students bring a gentlelight into this world.
.• ' .. ,'
St. Francis Xavier Preparatory 33 Cross St. Hyannis 02601 508-771-7200
Enrollmertt: 260 students
2006-07 Tuition: $2,000
2006-07 'Fuition: $4,800
Arleen M; Booker, Principal: We prepare our students
Robert H. Deburro, Headmaster: Our Catholic school's mission is tooted in the Gospels of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
~"." to'B~ acti,~eserVa.nts of the Church and the community
in the
St. Mary Primary 106 Washington St. Taunton 02780 508-822-9480
St. Joseph-St. Therese 35 Kearsarge St. New Bedford 02745 508-995-2264
Bishop Stang H.S. 500 Slocum Rd. North Dartmouth 02747 508-996-5602 /
Enrollment: 160
Enrollment: 369 students
Enrollment: 810 students
2006-07 Tuition: Pre-K $2,700; K $2,500; 1-8 $2,650
2006-07 Tuition: Nursery $3,150; K-5 $3,200
2006-07 Tuition: $6,750
Brenda Gagnon, Principal: We teach our children to live their lives the way Jesus wants us to. We teach them to share the Good News of the Lord.
Brian M. Cote, Principal: We educate the whole child, providing a quality education within the framework: of a caring, safe and Christ-eentered environment.
Theresa E~ Dougall, President: Our caring and concern along with ,the combined strength of our faith-filled community allt>ws us to stay focused on and draw strength from the goodness of God.
Pope John Paul II High School 120 High School Road Hyannis 02601 508-862-6336
Christopher Keavy, Principal: High school students realize that they're no longer living the faith oftheir parents. They're leaming and living their own faith. Whether our students come from a prior Catholic school environment or from a public school, they will all be welcome to live and learn their faith and grow with it.
Opefldng in September 200'7
The Anchor ,
Frank Sherman brings faith to the football fie'd By MIKE GORDON, ANCHOR STAFF
Sherman is a graduate of Worcester State FALL RIVER - For Frank: Shennan, foot- College where he earned a bachelor's degree in ball is notjust a game, but rather a way in which psychology. Previously he was employed as a he can help mold young players into upstanding social worker for the Department ofMental Recitizens who appreciate their Catholic faith and tardation. He coachedfootball atWorcester State the idea offamily. College for 15 years The 41-year-old arrived at Bishop Connolly Father Michael Ciryak, Connolly chaplain, High School four years ago as its athletic direc- arrived at the school the same year as Shennan tor and under his direction and praised his work with < ;, '_, ~ I , students. the school developed a ," ,-" . ';:. ,C L~tng$~nes ~C: "S~e~an is a great football program. He ,':Anth6i/!eiiOnojlkeW't'd; Catholic W1tnes~ and a decoaches the Division1\vo varsity team and also 7' ; ' ' - : . ' . " ; : . _ ~ , ": ' , " vout man," satd Father teaches two psychology Ciryak. ''He really tries to classes to juniors and sepromote the Catholic idenniors. tity with students and I '1 love it here. I really think he inspires the young people who attend Bishop enjoy teaching and work- • ing at a Catholic school," Connolly. Theylook up to said Shennan. 'The greathim and can tum to him if est thing is the opportunity they need advice. He's to begin each day with made a great impact at the prayer and to have the school:' ability to discuss Jesus A Norwood native, and faith with students. To Sherman ~eeps busy with his many responsibilities at help develop the faith of our students is a wonderBishop Connolly handling
themselves. I try to motiPhoto by that games have officials, vate them whenever I Mike Gordon and fields are in proper can." condition, and students FRANK SHERMAN He and his wife Susan have proper transportation reside in Westport where to and from the school for they are raising their four daughters, 13-year- games. He also orders uniforms, handles game old Kaitlyn, ll-year-old Jennifer, seven-year-old management duties and makes sure that coaches Carly, and five-year-old Meghan. They are pa- understand what working at a Catholic school is rishioners at St. John the Baptist Parish. Tum to page 15 - Football
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Enter to Learn - Leave to Serve
26, 2007
The Anchor
15 i
Laura Bush lauds 'vital role' of Catholic schools
HARVEY, La. (CNS) - Catholic schools school students remain in Catholic schools, their played a ''vital role" in the GulfCoast's path to tuition paid entirely by the archdiocese." recovery after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, first She quoted archdiocesan school superintenlady Laura Blish said on a recent visit to St. . dent Father William Maestri: ''We don't eduRosalie Catholic School in Harvey. cate children because they are Catholic. We After her midmorning visit to St. Rosalie, educate children because we're.Catholic." Bush had lunch at Cafe Reconcile in New OrSt. Rosalie principal Mary Wenzel told the leans, a program of the New Orleans Clarion Herald, New Orleans archdiocesan archdiocesan Catholic Charities. newspaper, that she leamed just before ChristM~ting students, teachers and parish and mas that the fiist lady wanted to visit her school archdiocesan personnel at St. Rosalie, Bush said in January. The Harvey elementary school had the school "reminds us of the vital role Catha- received a $20,000 grant from the Laura Bush lic schools have played in helping children Foundation to help rebuild its library, but bewhose lives were devastated by the hurricanes. yond that Wenzel said she had no real idea why Catholic schools ·worked as quickly a possible her school was chosen. to re-enroll their students. In September 2005, "But I know she felt that Catholic schools students from archdiocesan schools were scat- were not getting enough publicity for their part tered throughout 49 states. By ~ovember 2006, in recovery efforts, and she wanted to highlight 98 percent were back attending the school of a Catholic school;' Wenzel said. their choice." In prep8rlng for Bush's visit, Wenzel said, . She pointed out that "New Orleans Catha- she spent a great deal oftime on the phone with lic schools ... opened their doors to thousands speechwriters from the first lady's office, as did ofpublic school students displaced by the storm. the pastor ofSt. Rosalie Parish, Salesian Father In Metairie, Archbishop Rummel Transition Jonathan Parks. . School helped hundreds of families return by The elementary school campus sustained taking students from any area school that closed. nearly $2 million in damage but was back open "Cathedral Academy welcomed the children by Oct. 3, 2005·. Repairs to the middle-school of first responders who lived on mercy ships campus are just getting under way and are exitrimediately after Katrina. Archdiocesan rep- pected to be completed in early June, in preparesentatives spent three evenings aboard those .ration for its August reopening. Middle-school . mercy ships registering students, and they asked students, meanwhile, have been attending for no tuition," she said. classes on the Archbishop Shaw High School "Today," she continued, "1,500 public ·campus. .
Continued/rom page 14
all abOut. dents also learn about teamwork through sports "God and football have gone hand in hand and what gOod sportsmanship is all about. with me my whole \jfe," declared Sherman. Sherman said one ofthe challenges ofcoaeh"Before each game and practice players pray . ing at Bishop Connolly is . as a team and we thank God for the many bless- to ''keep our students comings we have and the opportunities we are pre- petitive" because we are a /I il . . sented with. We also pray for the safety of our smaller school. The foot1. I S players and the other team. It really brings the ball team finished last seateam together and it's important that students son with a record of 3-8, ••• see the great value found in prayer." , but they faced off against . 'Sherman said when he first took the job as teams like Durfee, which athletic director he came upon a prayer often has an enrollment ofnearly. said by the Venerable Father Solanus Casey 3,000. Connolly has 400 which included the lines, "Do not pray for tasks students and Sherman said equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to he is encouraged by the your tasks." He includes that prayer at the top "positive steps" the team of all his handouts for games. continues to take forward. ''I try to share my Catholic faith, the impor"A lot of our students tance of family and my love of sports with stu- also work, so they must dents," said Sherman. . balance schedules between "My own faith has grown since I came to practice, work and their Bishop Connolly. Students have to make deci- families. I always tell them sions about their own faith eventually and they that family comes first." Lower School- PreI<inderg~rtenthrough Grade 5 ask a lot ofquestions. I study the Bible because Sherman has volunMiddle School-Grade. through Grade 8 . teered to cook for the semiI want'to be able to answer those questions." Asked how he became involved in fo.otball, narian retreats the diocese .! he gave credit to his brother, Mike Sherman. conducts and also teaches Student Life ;' Cuaiculum' Outreach ''He is 10 years older than me and always had a a fifth-grade Religious • Curriculum based • Participation ~ many • Strong academics based on big influence on me growing lip. I fell in love. Education classes at his conunuility service the Gospel message of Jesus different Athle~c and with football and its camaraderie and the re- parish. ''That's been very Christ Extracurriculai programs • Opportunity to develop spect you develop for the coaches." rewarding;' said Sherman values, skills, and a sense . • Weeklyenrlc:Iuhent • Challenging students to use Sherman's brother is currently assistant head of the opportunity to teach their minds well coach and offensive coordinator of the How- younger students. "It's a ton Texans. Previously he served as the head great chance to share the • .Expansive curriculum coach and general manager of the Green Bay importance of religion and including Latin. Spanish. Packers. be a role model· for stuTechnology, Art, Fine Arts, "Coaching keeps me young," Sherman dents." and Physical EducatiOn quipped. ''I love it and it's truly an opportunity When he's not coaching . to get kids involved in their faith life. We en- or teaching, Sherman enSaint Pius X School courage them to pray hard and study hard. We joys spending time with his want our students to have good morals, set goals family, boating and saltwa321 Wood Road. South Ya~outh, Massachuse~ • 508·398-6112. www.spxschool.org and respect their families." He added that stu-. . ter fishing.
,..-------------------+-"---------------., rrh rough 'th ese doors.pass our grea tes t glift God's children. " ,!
Saint PillS X School q !,
26, 2007
The Anchor Essay Contest
I show other people how to be a good Catholics by telling them what I did in school today or being kind to them like asking them how their day was, or helping them up when they fall. I set a good example for niy younger sister by asking my mom and da~ if we can read the Bible as a family. , One time I told my cousins ,and my sister that it is good to pray the rosary. It can be offered up for whomever you want and it will bring you and that person closer to God. When I was eight I made this up, and when I was nine, told my sisters that the rosary is like making a rose~ The first decade, you dig a hole. The second decade, you plant the seed. The third decade, you water it. The fourth decade, you give it sunlight. The fifth decade you have a fully grown rose to give to the Blessed Virgin Mary. My sister always asks .to pray the rosary at the end.of the day as a family. I teach others. to be a good Catholic by asking my mom to bring me to daily Mass and when people see me in Mass everyday, they want to do the same thing. , I remember this time I went to Mass, a lady came up to me as I was walk-, ing to the bathroom before Mass, and she said if I can go to Mass everyday, she can too. That is how I t~ach others how to be a good Catholic. My school helped me realize how important life is and that we only have one chance to get to heaven.
. Alex Medeiros Holy Name School Fall River MORE WORDS OF WISDOM "At the aftercare I go to there's a little boy who looks up to me..He has some issues with behaving so I decided I would try to help him listen better. I event~ally became friends with the six-year-old boy. My friends made fun of me because I had befriended the little kid, but I knew that what I was doing was right.... I think that little boy is a whole lot happier because of me and that makes me feel good inside. I think he is having a much better childhood. That's how I teach the Good News I learn at a Catholic school." ~ .Frederic
Dwyer, Grade Five St. Mary~Sacred Heart SChool North Attleboro .
"There are a lot of people in New .Bedford who need clothes and food, so I donate clothes each time I clean out my . :.e;
closet. ... Every Thursday night I have the opportunity to visit a nursing home. When I see the people who live there, I smile and know by their faces that it makes them feel happy. Me too!" - Tiffany Pimental, Grade Five St. Mary's School, New Bedford
"This Christmas I was given bad news that a friend/-someone who went to my school lost her dad in a car accident three days before Christmas. When I heard what happen~d I decided to change my Christmas list to Santa. I found I wanted what I think now are selfish and meaningless items that I could live without. I know this because a Catholic school taught me . to love and cherish my family and friends over things that can be lived without. So I decided to g'ive up my list and ask Santa to bring the two girls everything on their list instead of what I was asking for. You see when my mom asked me why again I was changing my list I told her that I
The Anchor Essay Contest . , GRADE SIX WINNER .I teach others the good I learn in school more through actions than words. By 10viI!g others, I show people how to love instead of how to hate. One way I love is by acting like Jesus. Another way is giving to charity. By living the Ten Commandmel}ts I show people the rules of God and how to avoid sin. One of the big Commandments I follow is to love God above all things. By praying tO,God I show others that I can trust God to answer me and they can trust him too: By going to Mass, I show people that God is important and it is important to go to Mass, to get to heaven. By becoming an altar server, I teach people that everyone is called by God and all of us are part of God's plan. By sharing my possessions, I teach people how to share instead of being greedy. By respecting others, I show people how to respect others and God. These are all the ways I teach others the good I learn in Catholic,school.
Meeghan O'C~nnor Holy Name School Fall River
The good news 'of God's unconditional love and forgiveness is the most uplifting thing that one can experience. At Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, we are fortunate enough to gain knowledge of and feel the Good News. Through baptism, we are called to spread this forgiveness and unconditional love through our words and actions, which in turn, will cause us to experience this Good News. . I teach others the Good News in many ways. For example, ever since my grandmother died, my grandfather has needed someone to clean his house. So, my cousins and I go and clean his house almost every weekend. This is teaching him Good News not because his house is clean, but because he is comforted by his grandchildren caring about him enough to help him. Another example of how I teach Good News to others is by helping, playing with, and watching my little brother, Chris. Chris has autism, arid therefore, he rieeds extra help and attention. Helping with him (and agreeing to put him first) is not only spreading Good News to my brother, but also my parents. Spreading God's Good News to others helps hearten, comfort, and refresh others and also gives the person who is spreading'it a sense of happiness, love, and accomplishment. Catholic schools brighten the lives of faithful students throughout the world, who pass that enlightenment on through kindness. It is a joy to learn the Good News at Saint Mary-Sacred Heart, and an even bigger joy 'to spread it!
Olivia Cortellini Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School North Attleboro would rather they get what they wanted because they lost their dad, and I felt like I had everything already because I had my dad." - Tori Lynn Borges, Grade Five' St. Michael School, Fall River
'With the sacraments of baptism and confirmation we are given the strength and courage to preach the Good News. This gift is not to be just thrown away or kept hidden inside of us. With it we are to live as Catholics, as the way our Lord Jesus did. We have to show and"tell others of the Good News." ~ zachary G.
Torres, Grade Six St. Joseph-St. Therese School New Bedford
'We, as Catholics, spread the Good News and show our f,aith by attending Mass, following the Commandments; and praying to God. You should never be ashamed to pray to God., When Igo to Mass I look around and I don't always ~ee people singing or praying, and I think to myself, that's not what Jesus would want us to do. W~, as Catholics, should be thankful that God is in our life and he's watching over us." - Mary Rapoza, Grade. seven 55. Peter & Paul SChool, Fall River
"How I spread the Good News is by simply coaxing my"out of school" friends. Every time my friends use any foul or disrespectful language I will remind them that I don't want them to swear in front of ,me. Now mostly all of my friends don't, swear anymore because of this. . - Leslie Moujabber, Grade Eight Holy Family-H.oly Name School' New Bedford
The Anchor Essay Contest
GRADE EIGHT WINNER What We're Called To Do Jesus is our savior. What he asks of us, not much. He wants some to be braver And spread his words as such. He wants some to be helpers To feed the hungry and the poor. He wants us,to show compassion When they come knocking at our door. He wants some to be healers To befriend the lonely and the sick. He calls us to do simple tasks Most are easy' and quick. What Jesus .has called me to do Is help his people grow. In spirit and in happiness That all the world should know. He wants me to do great things in,life, Even though it may be hard. He gives me strength to live And do the will of God. 50 thank you Jesus for everything The strength to carry on, The love of friends and family That's why I sing my song. My song of praise and thanks to God That I love to sing, Can't wait to be in heaven With the wind beneath my wings.
Mercedes Dunham 8-D Language Arts Taunton Catholic Middle School
-:, ~. "
,1 1
26, 2007
The Anchor Essay Contest
'The Anchor Es~ay Contest
Jesus loves everyone in the whole world. He watches everyone and knows all of our names. Jesus healed people. He helped them when they were very sick. When he touched them they were all better. If they were blind, then they could see. If they could not walk then they could again. If they had spots on their skin they went away. He gave them fish and bread. God sent his only son Jesus to earth because he loves us so much. He taught people about God. Jesus died on the cross for us so that we could live. Thank you Jesus. I love you. . ' Mikayla Saravo Not.re Dame School Fall River
MORE WORDS OF WISDOM "Jesus' Good News makes me happy because I know that God loves me no matter what. He gives me gifts like a mom and dad and my brother. I .~now he will protect me. I talk to Jesus at riight. I love Jesus very much." - Collin Silva, Grade One St. Joseph-51. Therese School New Bedford "Jesus givE;ls me sunshine everyday and beautiful flowers in the spring. Jesus gives me good teachers and an understanding principal. Jesus is everywhere and that makes me happy." - Kaitlyn Berrier, Grade One 51. James-51. John School New Bedford . "Jesus' Good News makes me feel happy. Jesus gave up his life for us. He gave us etemallife and a nice world. I have nice friends and a nice family. He was hurt and treated badly by others so we could have a good life." - Tim, Grade One 51. James-51. John School New Bedford ''The Good News of Jesus makes me happy because Jesus came to save all of us. I know I will go to heaven if I live like Jesus did. I will try to live a good life like Jesus." - Faith Murphy, Grade One Holy Name School, Fall River "Jesus makes me happy because he loves us and takes away our sin." - Reagan McDonald, Grade Two Holy Name School, Fall River '''1 am glad that Jesus cares about the sick and poor. He doesn't want people not to. have a house to live in. He doesn't want people to go without food. He shows us how to help the sick and hungry people. I love Jesus. I love everybody." - Tyler Nestor, Grade Two Notre Dame School, Fall River "Everyone is a part of Jesus' family. God loves everyone: It makes !'1e
happy to follow in Jesus' footsteps. I follow God's rules." - Amanda Martel, Grade Two St. Anne's School, Fall River "Jesus' Good News makes me happy because he was the most generous person on Earth. I believe in what Jesus teaches." - Jackson Brewster, Grade Two 51. Mary-Sacred Heart School North Attleboro ' . "How can you not be happy if you know Jesus"is always with you? I believe his works will still go on if we try to be more like Jesus." - Robert Lane, Grade Three 51. John's School, Attleboro "Jesus' Good News is thCit God can forgive our sins so that we can go to heaven. This makes me happy be~ cause I can go to heaven and have eternal life with God. It also makes me happy because I get to see everyone who died that's important to me." - Connor Riley, Grade Three 55. Peter & Paul School, Fall River "I read that Jesus loved kids, and since I'm a kid too, I feel very special." - Kyle Cordeiro, Grade Three St. James-51. John SChool New Bedford "I know Jesus is happy with me when I help others when they really need my help. For example, my nana is 80 years old and every Saturday I help her to change the sheets on her bed or dust her furniture. I also like helping out around my house by putting food and water in my dog's bowl, cleaning my room and helping fold the laundry." ,- Rosemary Dearie, Grade Four St. Mary-Sacred Heart School North Attleboro "Jesus' makes me happy in this life now. When I received my First Communion, I was so filled with joy. Jesus came to me in a special way. I felt so free and that Jesus was having fun with me just like it will be when I go to heaven. - Kristine Rego, Grade Four 55. Peter & Paul School, Fall River
Jesus' Good News makes me happy because he saved us from our sins by risking his life for us. That makes rile happy because it shows me how much he loves me. Jesus also wrote the Ten Commandments that rule in our lives for us to abide by and obey, in order to have a happy, spiritual and fulfilling life both here on earth and with Jesus in spirit. Praying to Jesus also makes me happy because it gives me time to pray for others I love and it gives me time to express to him how grateful I am for him and all he has given me. It also gives me time to express! my love for him. This is why Jesus' Good News makes me happy. . Cole B. Towers II '. St. James-St. John School New Bedford "
The Anchor Essay Contest. GRADE THREE WINNER Jesus makes me happy because 'he created us equally in his love. Hove him so because he sacrificed his, lif~ just for all of us. Jesus showed respect to everyone he saw. He would make miracles for the poor, sick, even the rich and dying! He created this green beautiful earth. Our Bible is a gift from Our Lord! My father made a miracle of giving me a loving family. Without the laws in the Catholic Bible we would not have ~eace on earth. The Father Almighty loves me so, so very much. Without saints and prayers we would not have churches or Catholic schools. That is why we should appreciate our religion! God made me so special. God made me a nice and great living person. God made me feel like a kind and loving person. I feel great when I think about Jesus and talk about him! Sometimes I feel like my soul lifts to go to the Lord! I love to go to Catholic school because we talk about Jesus in lots of subjects. The Lord is a very special part of me. At home my mom, dad and I say prayers every night. I have a very big Bible and I read a story once a week. My mom says God loves me very very much. When I was four I really wanted to take the body of Christ! God is someone I w~ll, love forever. I know some people believe in a different religion but that's OK! At least they believe in religion! At Christmas time I like to watch the Advent candles get closer and clbser every week. And when Christmas comes a king has been born, now he will grow into a king of heaven. : JulianiIe Raposo St. Joseph-St. Therese School New Bedford muc~
The Anchor Essay Contest GRADE FOUR WINNER Jesus' Good News Makes Me HJppy because he offers himself in the Eucharist and helps us pray to him and b~ good in church. Jesus wants us to take his ' Body and Blood so we can remem~er him. He forgives our sins throughrec~nciliation. He helps us to be forgiven from our sins that we make. We go confession to be forgiven. He opens up his house for prayer/worship. God opens up each church'for all people and communities to love, praise, worship, and to pray. He asks us to love and serve him every day. He created all living things, friends and family. God created all of us. He created us out of nowhere. He created all of our loved ones. He created all of our families and friends. He offers us everlasting life through his death and resurrection. He gives us eternal life from when we die from:when we go to heaven. God watches over us and chooses our time. Jesus our GOQ pray for us. All of the things that Jesus gave to us makes me happy because what he did for me was all I need in life. God Bless everyone. i Kimberly Conlon St. Michael School , Fall Rivell" Iii
I 18
The Anchor ,
26, 2007
Actlv8: World Youth Day 2008 ,Sydney By RONNIE FLOYD
Europe, Mrica; and the Middle East as we celebrated, together, by going to concerts, visiting the banks of the Rhine to greet the pope with :400,000 other yo~ng people, taking in the sites, but also praying together and working together as we journeyed toward Christ. So, in truth, maybe it is a little of each of these things. ' Christianity has always been a religion for the young of heart, for those who have not yielded to the spirit of , the world: to materialism, to cynicism, and to despair. John Paul realized that the young are the most vibrant source of Catholic culture. This is why from the very beginning of his papacy, John Paul II made ministry to the young a priority. One way he did this was by invit' ing the young people of the world to Rome in 1980 for the fIrst World Day for Youth. Culture, is a means of expressing who we are as indi-
viduals and as a people. It is the primary source of our SEMINARIAN OF THE identity, and thus young people need exposure to culDIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ture in order to develop their identity as adults and to TIme flies. It seems just yesterday I was knee deep live authentically Christian lives. The problem is that in the Rhine River waving to Pope Benedict as he arone eff~ct of modem life is a growing isolation of the rived for WorldYouth Day 2005 in Cologne. Now World individual from community and from culture. World Youth Day (WYD) 2008 will be here before you know Youth Day was John Paul's way of combating our modit. Our diocese has already begun preparations for 2008. em isolation and boredom. The Youth Ministry Office is trying to keep costs down John Paul envisioned World Youth Day as a vacation so that as many young people from our diocese as posfrom our modem isolation, as a pilgrimage where young sible can make this trip. From all appearances the diopeople left their everyday life behind to look for Christ, cese is very organized and it looks like it will be a great and as a youth rally where young people could encountrip! , ter each other and the Church. It was to be an opportu~ But what is World Youth Day Sydney all about? Is it nity for young people to experience the universality of a vacation, or a pilgrimage, or a youth rally? At Cothe Church and to immerse themselves for a brief but logne 2005, I joined a group of college students from intense time in Catholic culture. Through this encounter, John Paul hoped that this powerful experience of Jesus Christ in his Church would speak to the bearts of young people and at the same time em,power them to speak back to the Church. ''The Church has much to say to young people," he said, "and they have much to say to the Church. Thismutual dialog ... becomes a SOUIce of wealth' and youth for the Church and society." In this spirit, in 2001 a group of Australian young people, recognizing John Paul's vision of WYD, made history. For the fIrst time since WYD began, they began a grassroots campaign, organized entirely by young people, to invite the Holy Father and the young people of the world to Sydney for WYD 2005. Their bid lost out to Cologne in 2005, but their effort so impressed officials at the Vatican that backed by the support of George Cardinal Pell, Sydney was chosen for WYD 2008. One of the original organizers of the WYD bid, James McCarthy, is now a seminarian for Sydney, studying in Rome. I asked him about his hopes for 芦You will receive power when the WYD 2008. He replied, "Sydney does not have Holy Spirithas ~ome upon you; the Christian history that a city like Cologne has. and you will be my witnesses. W So this World Youth Day will have to be more than ;.,. Acts 1: S anything about modem Christian culture." During the last 40 years Christian culture has been overshadowed by what John Paul called a c~lture ofdeath. This is why it is essential that young people Q~ see, maybe for the fIrst time, that Christianity is not just a collection of rules, but that it is a vibrant way of life. According to McCarthy, who was a student of history and involved in the preforming arts before he entered seminary, "Christianity has so much to offer and World Youth Day is an opportunity for DREs/eKEs, PastQIr"S Christian culture tO'shine in the different forms it (路Parisbe~interested takes around the world." So what is World Youth Day Sydney? Above all it is an opportunity for young people (ages 15-30) to have an encounter with Jesus seen in Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7-9 the faces of the young people, and the cultures they represent, from around the world. It is an Catholic Education Center, 423 Highland Ave. Fall River, MA 02720 opportunity for them to experience the way other young Catholics are living their faith. Finally, it is a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that ' ~e those who attend can take their experiences of Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7-9 pm the lived Gospel home with them to their dioceses and parishes. The WYD2008 Sydney motto Our Lady of Victory Parish, 230 So. Main St., Centerville, MA 02632 ActIv8 (Acts 1 vs. 8) points to this goal: "You (**This will occur during the already scheduled DREICRE and Youth Minister Gathering) will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses ... to the of the earth." ends PLEASE R.&.V..R BY MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH. Ronnie Floyd is a seminarian for the Diocese of Fall River in his third year of theology at the A deposit of $300 per person is due by February 15th. For more infonnation or if North American College in Rome. For more information about WYD 2008 go to the Sydney WYD you are interested, but mabIe to attend, please call Crystal Mede~os, Assistant Website http://www.wyd2008.org or contact the Director Youth & YouilgAdult Ministry, at 508-678-2828 or email , Fall River Office of Youth Ministry at 508-6753847 or by email atyministry@dfrec.com cmedeiros@dfrcec.com
The'Diocese of Fall River in eQDabontiQD \\itb
The Archdiocese of Boston present
World Youth Day SYDNEY, AUSTRAUA with the Holy Father
Informational Sessions*
Open to ,
Youth Ministers, If in World.Youth Day,. must attend) ,
Attleboro, Fall River, New Bedford, &'Taunton Deaneries: pm Cod Deanery:**
26, 2007
The Anchor , II
Building your own masterpiece
Catholic Schools Week Word Find
Find the words In the grid. Words can go horizontally. vertically and diagonally in all eIght directIons.
L MV K H ¥ G V K Z H Y M0 s·e R T G GAL J K 0 S H L WET WA P R He R L DRS 0 ITO U G T T J A E ao M U ELM G ION T N H J
Dye MMC E A K e E MK Z E 0 M I Z T N C PF 8 A N S N K T M.L H T L L U ETA T T sse Y H E I S ITS R H L I'S F FA Y T T V e A
LOR V Y L 0 J C L 0 C Y F H H A R D J F E F 0 L Y X G N M Q COM Y N Y B N 0 I GIL E R FDA 0 E'
Word F!nd answers appear below
WORLD Five for Fighting's new disc ognize .who they are in God's Got a package full ofwishes "Two Lights" previbusly pro- eyes as individuals of infinit~ A time machine, a magic wand duced the group's 2096 chart hit value. ''The Riddle." Currently out off A globe made out ofgold Or maybe you are an "acthe album is another pop/rock tion" person who brings people No instructions or commandballad in the .classic John together so that they may enments i Laws ofgravity or Ondrasik style, "World." joy the gift of life more. With Indecisions to uphold As primary writer:: and leader this ability, you craft adventures . of the group, Ondrasik offers lis- . and opportunities that help othPrinted on the box I see A.c.M.E.'s Build a World to Be teners much to consider. This ers discover more of the best in time he asks us: "What kind of themselves. Consequently, your' Take a chance, grab a piece Help me to believe it world do you want?" :He encour- small part of our world is a Refrain: ages us to "start at th~ start" and place where others are encourWhat kind ofworld do you "build a masterpiece." Yet, he aged to engage deeply in life . want? cautions us to "be careful what and have a good time as they Think anything you wish for" because "history do so. One line in the song particuLet's start at the start starts now." Build a masterpiece Today's followets of Jesus larly motivates me: "History Be careful what you wish for don't need to revert to the .starts now." Ondrasik is right. . "start." We have beeh given the The most important time in your History starts now . Should there be people or master blueprint for the world life is the present. No matter peoples that we want. We find it in the . what 'your past, your power to . life, teachings and', vision of create your life lies in this Money, fum1-Y pedestals for fools who never pay "now." For most of us, the past Jesus. i Raise your army - choose Yet, we each m,~ke many is an important teacher that your steeple' choices about how to make an clarifies how we might act in the Don't be shy, the satellites can impact on our world. A.nd ap- present to find greater satisfacparently God loves diversity. tion in life. look the other way Lose the earthquakes - keep . He made us all with1distinctive So this is the question: "What the faults personalities, talent~ and abili- kind of world do you w~t?" . !I Fill the ocedn without the salt ties. .I suggest that you take ,an inLet eve~ man own his own .Your skills and personal char-. ventory your interests, passions hand acteristics .define who you are and abilities. Then, think' big. (Repeat refrain.) and how you might "build" your Confer often with the "blueprint" found in the life and Sunlight'S on the bridge small comer of the World. , Sunlight'S on the way For example, maybe what teachings of Jesus. Tomor.row's calling others find in you i~ an ability Now you are ready. Build a There's more to this than love to listen carefully to their diffi- masterpiece! (Repeat refrain.) culties and concerns. Thus, your Your comments are always Be careful what you wish for part in the master blueprint is to welcome. Please address: Start now be a source of genuine compas- Charlie Martin, 7125 W 200 S, I Sung by Five for Fighting sion for others. Beca~se of your Rockport, IN 47635, or email: Copyright 2006 by Sony gift, others are more able to rec- chmartin@swindiana.net. •
Read the manual Christmas has come and gone. The decorations are all put away and the gifts have found their places in our homes. Living in the high tech age, many of those gifts came with a user's guide, or some sort of operation manual. Where did that manual end up? Did you read it or just stuff it in a drawer to be used only when something goes wrong? I wish life came with an instruction manual. Wouldn't that be grea~? To have an instruction manual that answers the major questions of our lives? What is love? Why are we here? Why do people do the things they do? How can I be happy? It could even have a trouble-shooting section that would give us advice when things just don't seem to be working the way they . should. The thing is, life does come with an instructional manual, put together by the Creator. But the manual isn't much good if we don't read it! The holy Bible provides us with answers to all of those questions and more. I often refer
to it as God's Hasic Instructions Hefore opening it. Perhaps as this New Year gets Leaving Earth. We need to know what underway, we can try to change that. It it says before we go from this world to the next. This is God's word for each of doesn't take a herculean effort, just us, a vehicle for him to reveal himself some basic self-discipline. Find your:' to us, today, right now. Too many Bible. If you don't have one, use some of that Christ~ times it's mas money te treated like an , . buy a good appliance ·.1 manual, stuck o( a translation 1 1 Catholic Bible. in a drawer or i." ''''••.••.. . 11 / '"" r' , . . '. . Then make all a file cabinet ; I i ~ \ point to open. it to be used as a ,/t" By Jea~,Revil \ every day. Take reference only 'V • in the event of a moment to. an emergency. ask God to open your heart to hear his Can you imagine writing to someone voice. Then just open it up and take i\" in. You don't have to read huge you love with all.your heart and amounts, nor is it the kind of book you knowing that they never opened the letter? Talk about heartbreaking. That's would necessarily read from cover to God's experience with so many of us. cover. For starters, just ask the Holy Through the Bible, he's offering us Spirit to guide you and then open it up wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and read until something hits you. It i answers to our questions, advice fOT might be a word, a phrase, or a story. our problems, a vision for our lives that Once something strikes you, just carry will lead us to complete fulfillment and that' thought with you through the day some of us don't even think about and see if a lesson unfolds as the day: II
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goes on. You will be amazed! What is the Word of God saying to you this day? What message is God' speaking to your heart? Go find that instruction manual and read it!
Jean Revil is director 0/ Campus Ministry at Bishop Stang High School, where she has taught for 27 years. Comments welcome at: jrevil@bishopstang.com.
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Cape Students
Continuedfrom page one
At Holy Trinity, Principal Linda Fifth-graders from St. Pius X merged with their new classmates and Mattson said the recently impleeventually double classes will exist mented Pre-K program is doing well on all its middle school levels. Previ- , and they hope to enroll more students ously, the South Yarmouth school into it this fall. "It's made us more into a true elonly had students in grades Pre-K to ementary school," said Mattson. fifth-grade. Middle school students are housed "Before we tried to blend the older on the ~chool's s~ond floor and the students with the younger ones, but hope is that they will go on to con- our physical set up at the school is tinue their Catholic education at the more geared towards the younger new Pope John Paul IT High School grades." opening this fall. . She 'said that overall the change ''It's created a true middle school;' has had a positive impact at the said Marmen. "I'm glad to be a part school and those changes included ofthis and it gives us the opportunity the implementation of a new playto provide a full middle school expe- ground and the planting of grass rience to students and that'swonder- where students play. "It's also freed ful. It's been a win-win situation for up space for us and now we have a both schools because we had a larger room dedicated for art and music. I facility and it gave Holy Trinity the think this strengthens'Catholic eduopportunity to implement a Pre-K ' cation ~or students here on the Cape program." Lack of space prevented and hope that more parents will that previously at the West Harwich choose a Catholic education for their children." school. Father Bellenoit added, ''The opForty-five students made the transition from Holy Trinity and currently portunity to develop a middle school. there are 215 students enrolled at St. program has created many positive Pius X, which opened its doors in things and as a result the students have 2004. The school has a capacity for benefited." He expressed thanks for 275 students and plans are already in the support of the diocesan Catholic the works for an addition to meet fu- education department and the administration at both schools to make the ture classroom space needs. ''It's been a year of transition for transition a smooth one. Marmen, who has served as the students, but it's gone well;' said Father George C. Bellenoit, pastor of school principal since 2003, said 8t. Pius X Parish. "They have become therl? are many benefits to such a acclimated to the school environment move and it's had "a positive impact and we're thankful to all the staff and on student's education;' Sixth-graders are now learning parents who worked so hard to make Latin and the school has been able to this transition a positive one."
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The Anchor ,
26, 2007
offer classes in Spanish to seventh- that has been passed on to the stu- ents- and schools must be working .dents." together." and eighth-graders. ' She added, ''The Holy Spirit was "They are loving that," said . Marmen was quick to add that moving this. He's moved this process parental support has been imporMarmen. "It will help them be prepared for high school." tant and she is thankful for the sup- along for Catholic education on the . The school has also put into place port they've received. "Change is Cape." Marmen also expressed thanks to , enrichment periods held Fridays always difficult, but parents have where students have the opportunity supported the students and the fonner pastor Msgr. John 1. Smith, 'to participate in programs like year- changes and we're grateful for that. current pastor Father Bellenoit and book, chess, math and tech clubs and In order for a child to develop George A. Milot, superintendent of even a marine nautical safety course. spiritually and academically par- diocesan schools. For eighth-grader Justin O'Brien, the transition was a little difficult at first, but looking back some five Continued from page one months later he declared, "It's been good. The school is bigger and more ing to its Website, teens from 13 to there Tuesday through Saturday like high school with lockers and big- 18 can make appointments without mornings, and at Women's Health ger classrooms. I think it will prepare parental consent. Pregnancy testing, , Services in Brookline on Monday, birth control and STD testing are Friday and Saturday mornings. us well for high school." Further west, Planned Parentoffered. His classmate, Molly Geary, also .: "Some of the girls don't even hood in Worcester performs about is enjoying her new school and said, "It's been a good transition and the know contraception can harm their 3,000 abortions yearly, ~ccording to teachers have been very helpful." bodies, or that some produce abor- Department of Public Health statistics. Yet volunteers from a nearby Geary participates in the school's tions," Callahan said. When they counseled outside an crisis pregnancy center last year sports programs and was an angel in the Christmas pageant. ''That really abortion clinic, Hill said, "We were helped to save at least 200-300 babrought our class together;' she said. low-key. We just tried to be friendly bies whose mothers had considered "Overall it's been a great experience." and make people comfortable. I'd abortion, according to Roderick Older students also have daily say, 'Hi, my name is Jon. I'd like to Murphy, director of Problem Pregstudy halls and the opportunity to par- offer you some information about nancy of Worcester. His center inticipate in a community service pro- free help available. You don't have cludes a chapel with the Blessed gram called "Love in Action." Ath- to rush into this.'" If they had time, Sacrament reserved, and offers all letic programs in the fall included counselors explained the medical services free.Counselor Nina Tsantinis said soccer for boys and girls as well as risks and the women's legal rights: "We'd tell them that at 21 days she usually has a "30-second wingolf. In the winter, basketball is the sport ofchoice and the middle school the heart is beating. We'd mention dow of opportunity" to talk to allows for the opportunity of league the baby last, because sometimes women heading into the clinic, play with its older students thanks to the girls had spiritually aborted the which received city approval Janubaby already and they didn't want ary 17 to relocate downtown, away its expanded space. Sixth-grader AJ. Boucher, who to hear about that," he said. He es- from the center and closer to colcame from Holy Trinity, is one ofthe timated they saved one baby out of leges. While it's known that abortions students participating in the basket- 50 each month. Sidewalk counseling is harder are done at large hospitals like ball program. In addition to enjoying the school's hot lunch program, he outside Planned Parenthood in Boston's Brigham and Women's, said the opportunity to leatn Latiri has Providence, according to Hill. He people are often surprised to learn has recently counseled there, where they're also done at MetroWest also b~en good. "I enjoy the school a lot and it's the- Franciscan Friars of the Im- Medical Center in Framingham. Raising public awareness is one been fun to learn about how many maculate from Our Lady.'s Chapel reason that area Catholics hold a rowords are-derived from Latin. The . in New Bedford also pray. There and at other clinics, "se- sary vigil on the third Saturday of Holy Trinity kids came to St. Pius X together ,and it's been easy because¡ curity escorts" discourage clients each month outside. "Babies are delivered there, and all my friends are here. I've met a lot -from talking with sidewalk counothers are killed," said Charles , selors. of new friends too." _ Coudert of Sherborn, a vigil reguof people Also, the free speech His classmate, Averie Bueller, has lar. Although the community hoswho want to help is curtailed by the always been at St. Pius and said havpital won't say how many abortions Zone Law. This law state Buffer . ing the new students join her grade are performed, the group estimates prohibits Pro-Lifers but not was g~>od because she has met new 80-200 yearly. abortion clinic employees or volunpeople. "We had a smaller class last "It's not easy being there in all year and now its bigger and that's teers - from "knowingly" apkinds of weather, but if we save one proaching any closer than six feet good because I have more friends." baby, it's worth it," Coudert said. (Within an 18-foot radius of the She added, "It's been fun to leam a The vigil begins with 8 a.m. Mass of vehicles or clients unbuilding) new language;' but her favorite class at St. Stephen's Church in less the client "consents." is art. Framingham. Pro-abortion advocates will. According to Marmen, the oppor"My faith and my heart told me tunity has allowed both schools to push for an expanded 35-foot buffer abortion was wrong, but it had bezone this ,year, said Marie Sturgis, grow and will help students become come so commonplace," Coudert of Massachusetts executive director more independent, something they said in a five-minute educational Citizens for Life. will have to leam as they enter high . DVD the group made. "I felt Eighty babies were saved in , school. complicit, like by doing nothing I 2006 by counselors outside two ''The students have to get used to was allowing this to happen. These Boston-area clinics, according to new teachers and a new school, but of doing somevigils are. a way Operation Rescue Boston's they've adjusted well to it and we're thing." Website, www.orboston.org. "This beginning meetings now to help the "We're hoping we can move fifth-graders and their transition for is way above the typical number God to move people's hearts," said (60~65) for recent years. Praise be this fall." Those students will visit St. Father Albert Stankard of St. Pius several times during the year to to God," director Bill Cotter said. The group holds a 90-minute Stephen's. "Someday, all of us make for a smoother transition. With the opening of school, seven prayer vigil on the second Saturday could be considered disposable." GailBeue~afreewncewrirer. new teachers were hired at St. Pius X of each month outside Boston and Marmen said, ''The new staffhas Planned Parenthood. Individuals She can be re~ched at developed a wonderful synergy and pray and try to counsel women gailbes~e@comcast.net.
26, 2007
The Anchor
MORE WORDS OF WISDOM "Jesus makes me happy because he is kind and helps the poor. He gives the poor food, shelter and love. Jesus also makes me happy because he listens to my prayers. I pray to him to keep my family safe. Jesus also makes me happy because he loves me all the time. Jesus loves us even when we are bad." - Haley Chaves, G,rade One Notre Dame SChool Fall River "Jesus' Good'News makes me happy because Jesus loves us and he will love us forever. God gave me the gift of Jesus. Jesus gave up his life for, us. We are all part of God's family.:' - Ethan Ducharme Grade One St. Joseph-st. Therese SChool New Bedford
sharing his Good News with other people I can feel the same joy and happiness that the Good News gives others." , -.:. zachary Galligo Grade Four Holy Family-Holy Name SChool New Bedford
:-1 II
"Everyone thinks that someone loves them because they buy them some fancy presents, but I think Jesus gives us the best kind of love - unconditional love that never fails no matter what I do; What is hard for me to remember is that I have to love· him back by trying to be the best peison I can be, saying my prayers at night and going to church." - Patrick Collins Grade Four St.·John the Evangelist SChool Attleboro
/ \
Artwor~ by Eryk White, Grade One, Holy TrinitYSCh?OI, St. John the Evangelist School, Attlel;>oro
"Jesus also told us to have "Jesus' Good News makes me happy because I know that faith like a child. When a baby sees his parents hold their arms God loves me no matter what. I' , He gives me gifts like a mom out for the baby to jump in, the ~ and dad and my brother. I . baby jumps. The baby believes I '-: ... know he will protect me. I talk and has faith that his parent will to Jesus at night. I love Jesus catch him because the parent very much." loves the baby. Jesus told us to - Collin Silva, Grade One think. of God as a daddy, not a St. Joseph-St. Therese SChool professor. Jesus wanted us not New Bedford to be afraid of God." - Kevin Agostinelli "It makes me happy because I Grade Four ,know he loves everybody with all , St. Plus X SChool of his heart. I want everybody to South Yarmouth know that I love him a lot." - Kennedy Figueiredo ''When I teach' others about GradelWo the Lord and his Good News, I Holy Family-Holy Name SChool feel like a better person. Another New Bedford way I spread the Good News is by doing the Corpo~al Works of , "Jesus wants me to love Mary, Mercy, which my teacher ,} God, and him just as they love encourages and helps rile do.'~ me. Jesus wants mEHo teach - Michael Couto, Grade Five people how to love and care and Holy Trinity SChool {~. even how to teach other people West Harwich Artwork by Tyler Albanese, Grade On~, SVJohn the Evangelist School, Attleboro how to do all that stuff." , - Gabrielle Lynsky "I teach others the Good relaxing or playing. But, instead, I . cross every time I step up to the Grade Three News by telling my parents what orga!1izat:;;, that both my took some time out of my St. Anthony's SChool the Gospel was in school plate." brother and I were adopted schedule to make 'people New Bedford Masses. I also teach by taking - Shannon RobeY through instead of giving me happier." Grade seven ., . my cousins to catechism and presents. We raised over $1 ,000 , - Kimberiy Kogut ,"He made the whole world for St. John the Eva~gelist Mass; I spread religious joy by to send to South Korea. I treat Grade Six all of us so we can spread the going to a nursing home every SChool, Attleboro' people with respect because i I St. John the Evangelist Good News about him. That 'Christmas and singing religious wanted to be treated with SChool, Attleboro ' makes me want to grow up to be songs in English and Portu"I told my mom about Cathorespect." like Jesus and spread the Good' guese. I also spread religious joy lic Mass in church '~md what we -:- A1ys.:i8 Correia "God.always tells us to be just do there. We Iiste!,! to the News about God. He made all of by playing guitar and singing with Grade Eight . and loving and I am. I try my us by his love and gave us a Scriptures and even though I'm my dad at Mass." Taunton Catholic Middle hardest to love everyone and be guardian angel." not Catholic, I enjoy learning so - Alexander DaCosta SChool kind and fair and that is all he is - serena cabido Grade Five much about Masslland Catholic looking for." Grade Three Holy Name SChool religiQn." "The first thing that comes , Joanne Riccetelli St. Anthony's SChool Fall River - Christian Tavs'res into a public school student's Grade Six Grade seven New Bedford mind when you say you go to a SS. Peter & Paul SChool St. Stanislaus SChool "My grandmother goes to the Catholic school is Jesus. So ' Fall River "Jesus' Good News makes nursing home to give the resiFall River II when they see how Catholic, me happy because he gave up dents Communion. Sometimes I . school students act, they "Many athletes regularly show his life for us. The Good News "I live the w~y qf my faith by go with her. I love to see those assume that's how Jesus their faith in God. I follow their shows how much Jesus cares lonely faces comforted just by the way that I treat people.. For wants us to act." example and show the world my for us and loves us. It makes me my 13th birthday j' asked my seeing me. I eQuid have been at - Kirk Murphy, Grade Eight faith by making the sign of the . want to be a better person. By home those Sunday afternoons friends to donate money to the Holy Name School, Fall Ri~er
,,!fakes l/;
The Anchor ,
Sister Kathleen Schmith RSM; Retired educator and chaplain CUMBERLAND, R.I. - Mercy Sister Kathleen Schmith, 74, formerly Sister M. Carolita, who had ministered for 52 years until retirement last year, died Sunday at Mount St. Rita Health Centre here. Sister Schmith taught at ana was principal of tbe former Nazareth Hall, a school for exceptional children in Hyannis, and also served on the chaplaincy team in pastoral care of the sick at St. Luke's Hospital in New Bedford from 1989 unti12006. Boni Kathleen Theresa in Provi. dence, R.I., she was the daughter of the late George and Kathleen (Goulding) Schmith. She entered the Sisters ofMercy
on Sept. 8, 1951 and professed her vows on March 12, 1954. She
MANCHESTER; N.H. - Sis- Rivier College in Nashua,' where tation of Mary Cemetery in ter Marguerite Belanger, (Sister she was a member of the board of Hudson, N.H.. Louise de la Charite) 86, a Sister of trustees for 22 years. the Presentation of Mary for 57 She taught at schools in New years, died January 3 at the Holy Hampshire, and in the Diocese of Cross Healthcare Center here. Providence, R.I., and was superior Born in Fall River, Mass., the of her order in Rhode Island. daughter- of the late Henri and . Sister Belanger leaves abrother, Louise (Thibault) Belanger, she MauriceBelangerofSomerset, Mass.; entered the Presentation Sisters in and cousins, nephews and nieces. .1946 and professed.Yows in 1950 Her funeral Mass was celebrated and 1955. She earned bachelor's de- January 5 in the Resurrection grees in business education and a Chapel of St. Marie Residence in. master's degree in education from Manchester. Burial was in Pres~n-
Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 SISTER MARGUERITE BELANGER
Please pray for these priests during the coming weeks
January 30 Rev. Raymond F.X. Cahill, S.J., Assistant, SI. Francis Xavier, Hyannis,
Scheduled celebrant is Father Edward J. Healey, pastor ofHoly Trinity Parish in West Harwich
January 31 Rev. Charles J. Burns, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro, 1901 Rev. William F. Sullivan, Pastor, SI. . Patrick, SOmerset, 1930 . February 1 . . Rev. Msgr. Michael J. O'Reilly, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton, 1948 Rev. Msgr. Patrick H. Hurley, V.F. Pastor, SI. Joseph, Taunton, 1968 Rev. Anatole.F. Desmarais, Pastor, SI. Jacques, Taunton, 1975 Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot. Pastor, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, South Attleboro, 1983 Rev. William F. O'Connell, Pastor, Holy Name, New Bedford, 1995 Rev. Arthur T. deMello, Retired Pas. tor, St. Elizabeth, Fall River, 2004 February 2 Most Rev. William Stang, D.O., First Bishop of Fall River: 1904-07,
Helping people find hope.
Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pastor, Immaculate Concepti~n, Taunton,
!Jlenum8.eJt 6otn.em1e "pedal. Ught a virtual candle a~
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Rev. P. Roland Decosse, Pastor, SI: Hyacinth, New Bedford, 1947 Rev. Daniel F. Morarty, Assistant, St. Brendan, Riverside, R.I., 1991 February 3 Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River, 1952 February 4 Rev. Magr. Hu&h J. Smyth, P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford. Firat Vicar General, Fall River, 1904-07. Administrator ofDioCese, February-July 1907, 1921 0
Around tile Diocese ~
earned a bachelor's degree from the former Catholic Teachers' College in Providence and a master's degree I~AdoratIon from Cardinal Stritch University in EAST FALMOUTH-First Saturday Milwaukee, Wise. devotions, including the Fatima Rosary Sister Schmith also taught in the _ will be held February 3 at St Anthony's Church immediately following the 8 a.m. Diocese of Providence. celebration of Ml!Ss. It is sponsored by She leaves in addition to her the Knights of Columbus Council No. Mercy Community, a sister, Carol 813. For information call 508-540-1808. McDade of Monroe, Conn.; and a FALL RIVER-Sacred HeartChurch, brother, Dennis Schmith. She was 160 Seabury Street, will host exposition also the sister of the late George and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Schmith. every Monday following the 8 a.m. Mass Her Mass of Christian Burial until 2:30 p.m. was celebrated Tuesday in the FALL RIVER - First Saturday devoMount St. Rita Chapel in tions will be beld February 3 beginning Cumberland. Burial was'in Resur.with the celebration ofMass at 9 a.m. at rection Cemetery. the Cathedral of St. Mary oftheAssump-
Sister Marguerite Belanger PM;.Was Fall Riverite, Rivier College trustee
Sunday, January 28 at 11:00 a.m.
tion. Exposition, adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament follows. WFSTHARWICH-Amonthly holy hour will be held Sunday at 12:15 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church. It is sponsored by the Pro-Life prayer groups of Holy Trinity and Holy Redeemerparishes. The talk, "God's Plan for Marriage," will follow recitation ofthe rosary. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will close the holy hour.
ATfLEBORO - La Salette Father Andre Patenaude will lead ahealing service Sunday at 2 p.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. For more information call 508-222-5410.
beginning at 4 p.m.
HYANNIS - The Cape Cod Pro-Life Group welcomes volunteers to pray the rosary on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. in front of the abortion clinic located at 68 Camp Street. SOMERSET - A blood drive, coor· dinated by Boy Scout Brendan Meehan as an Eagle Scout project, will be held February 6 from 2-7 p.m. at the AmVets Hall on Brayton Avenue. If you cannot donate blood consider donating baked goods for those who do. For more information call 508-679-8583. The drive is sponsored by the American Red Cross. SOUT" DARTMOUTH - The Knights .of Columbus Bishop Stang Council No. 4532 is seeking good catholic men to become new members. It meets on the first JUesclay ofeach month in the basement of St. Mary's Church, 783 Dartmouth Street. For infonnation call Brock Cordeiro at 508-979-8930.
CENTE~VILLE - Echo of Cape Cod, a retreat program for high school students is now accepting applications for its upcoming retreat weekends at the Craigville Conference Center. A Boy's weekend is scheduled for February 9-11. Applications may be downloaded from the Website: www.echoofcapecod.org. For mOre infonnation call Mary Fuller at 508-7594265.
FAIRHAVEN - Hospice volunteer ATTLEBORO - Singer musician training sessions will begin January 29 John Polce will present his Bethany and run through Febroary 14 from 9:30 ,Nights Program tonight at 7:30 p.m. at a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, lo- the National Shrine of Our Lady of La cated on Center Street. Hospice volun- Salette Shrine. It will include music, teers provide support for patients and prayer and healing. For more. infonnafamily members coping with tenninal tion call 508-222-5410. illness. A light lunch will be provided. For more information call Jo-Ann Support Groups ------Beaulieu at 508-992-6278. ATTLEBORO -Catholic Social SerFALL RIVER - The Fall River Area vices is sponsoring a support group for Men's First Friday Club will meet Feb- women experiencing the challenges of ruary 2 at 6 p.m. for the celebration of midlife. It will meet February 14 from Mass at Good Shepherd Parish, 1598 6-7:30 p.m. at 10 Maple Street. MeetSouth Main Street. A meal will follow ings will continue on the second and and two.guest speakers will discuss their fourth Tuesday ofeach month. For more recently published books. For more in- infonnation call 508-2264780. fonnationcall NonnanValiquette at 508BUZZARDs BAY - The Guild ofSt. 672-8174. BenedictJoseph Labre will offer support FALL RIVER - A catechists' work- groups for families and friends of those shop, "Prayer and Spirituality," an ap- with emotional troubles, depression and proved course ofthe diocese's Catechist mental illness, beginning Sunday at 3 Certification Program, will be presented p.m. atSt. Margaret's Church, 141 Main Sunday from 'noon to 1:30 p.m. at Holy Street. For more infonnation call1imo. Trinity Parish school hall, 64 Lamphor thy Duff at 508-759-1903. Street by coordinator of Religious Edu- . cation Pat Pasternak.. For information call NEW BEDFORD - Courage, a support group for people dealing with same508-673-1284. sex attnlction while striving to lead chaste NORTH DARTMOUTH - High lives, will meet Saturday at 7 p.m. in schoolers are invited to attend a Voca- 'the rectory ~f Our Lady of Guadalupe tion Infonnation Day Sunday from 2- Parish at St. James Church, 233 County 3:30 p.m. in the parish center at St. Julie Street. The group is faithful to the CathoBilliart Church. Infonnation will be lic Church's.teachings on human sexuavailable on the possibility ofa vocation ality. For more infonnation call Father Richard Wilson at 508-992-9408. to th,e priesthood or religious life.
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FAIRHAVEN - Our Lady's Haven seeks volunteers to assist at the nursing facility in transporting residents to and from their rooms to meals, activities and daily Mass. People are needed dwing the week and on weekends. For more information call Manuel Benevides at 508" 999-4561. FALL RIVER - A soup kitchen is open on Mondays from 5-6 p.rn. at Sacred Heart Church Hall, 160 Seabury
Street. Volunteers are welcome to assist
ciliation for post-abortion women and men is available in the diocese. If you are hurting from an a~on experience and want help call 508~997-3390. All calls are strictly confidential. NORTH DARTMOUTH - The diocesan divon:ed-separated support group will meet JanUary 31 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. Refreshments will be available. For more infonnation call Bob Menard at 508-~-2919.
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The Anchor ,
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Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River
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(J={}ug;fto ~rc!JTJ©©D 500 Slocum Road N. Dartmouth, MA 02747 508-996-5602 www.bishopstang.com
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223 Main Street Acushnet, MA 02743. 508-995-4313 www.sfxschoolacustinet.org ~fto jJ©~®fPfJ'v
SrcliiJ@@D 100 Spring Street Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-996-1983 www.saintjosephschoo/.org . {}fktJUyf JriJmoD'jJcf}{J@DJf fN]@m@ ~cr;!frJ@©D . 91 Summer Street New Bedford, MA 02740 508-993-3547 www.hfhn.org ~lG, JJti1fJf!i]~
jJlrJ)!JTJrrv ~(C!JTJrtJ;IrJ)D 180 Orchard Street New Bedford, MA 02740 508-996-0534 www.sjsjschoo/.com c
St. Joseph - St. Therese School 35 Kearsarge Street New Bedford, MA 02745 508-995-2264 \Vww.stjosephsttherese. com I
St Mary School 115 II/inois Street New Bedford, MA 02745 508-995-3696 www.stmarysnb.com
The Good News In fEducation! Ii II
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