Friday, January 26, 1996
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BISHOP SEAN O'Malley participates in the March For Life in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. With the bishop are Marian Desrosiers, assistant director and Father Stephen A. Fernandes, director of the Pro-Life Apostolate of the Fall River diocese. (Lavoie photo)
Diocesan pilgrims join thousands to defend life in Washington By Dave Jolivet (compiled from reports by Father Stephen A. Fernandes, director and Marian Desrosiers, assista~t director of the Pro-Life Apostolate of the Fall River diocese) with eNS reports.
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23 years ago, three simple votes changed the course of history. With a 1-2 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in this country with the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1913. "Those three votes have cost 30 million lives," said Father Stephen A. Fernandes, director of the Pro-Life Apostolate in the Fall River diocese. Father Fernandes was one of about 120 pilgrims from the diocese who trekked to Washington, D.C, this week to attend the activities surrounding the annual March For Life. Bishop Sean O'Malley was one of those from the Fall River diocese who participated in the events. "I am extremely grateful to the many members of the clergy, religious men and wOrhen and faithful laity from the Fall River diocese who joined with tens of thousands this past Monday in Washington, D.C. for the annual pro-life march," said the bishop. "I have participated in this march for many years and find this event a visible manifestation of our faith and our
resolve not to walk away from the issue of the legalization of abortion. Through this march as well as through other peaceful means, we must continue to rise to the defense ofthl: unborn and shoulder our responsibility to live our lives rooted in th(: Gospel of Life." The March, which is sponsored by the National Right To Life Committee, has secular roots, but the Catholic Church is very in-
volved as well. "While the march itself is powerful, Catholics engage in other activities to bring the power of the Lord along," said Father Fernandes. "We celebrate Mass and feel God's love through the Eucharist and His Word." The march was Monday, but on the eve of the event, an estimated 1,500 people attended a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. "I
Fall River Catholic schools to unite in celebration From January 29 to February4, 1996, thousands of Catholic elementary schools around the country, including Fall River's nine Catholic elementary schools and Bishop Connolly High School will celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Each year the schools take the time to recognize the valuable contributions Catholic schools make to our country. The theme of this year's celebration is "Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In.'' 21 years ago, the National Catholic Education Association(NCEA) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCc) jointly spon-
sored the first Catholic Schools Week to celebrate the accomplishments of the Catholic schools network nationwide. The tradition has continued annually. Fall River's Catholic schools will highlight the week's celebrations with displays, activities, performances, and information at the Swansea Mall Jan. 31, from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. All the schools will be on hand throughout the day with informational displays. Performances and activities will take place from 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. including; Turn to Page 13
spoke to a number of people here, including Helen Alvare, the bishops' spokesperson for Pro-Life, and they've all indicated that this is the largest crowd they have ever seen assemble for a Mass at the Basilica, including Christmas and ordination Masses," said Father Fernandes. Cardinal Bernard Law of the Boston Archdiocese was the principal celebrant, and in his homily, he challenged Catholics to uphold a pro-life stance without wavering. The Cardinal said that it was a scandal for Catholics to vote for candidates who supported abortion, emphasizing that to be a Catholic means to be unconditionally pro-life. "The Mass was spectacular, in that the congregation was so large, and a great deal of young people were in attendance," said Father Fernandes. "A large percentage of the people at Mass were born after the Roe vs. Wade decision. In fact, a number of them wore T-shirts saying 'Thanks mom' in appreciation of their parents' choice not to exercise their legal right to have them aborted." Father Fernandes said the distribution of Eucharist alone took 45 minutes. On Monday morning, Cardinal Turn to Page 13
Saint Anne's receives Faith in Action grant Saint Anne's Hospital was recently awarded a $25,000 Faith in Action grant by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to develop a Parish Nurse Program: an interfaith community service volunteer project to primarily assist the elderly and their families. Saint Anne's has named this new initiative the Congregational Health Ministry program because of its service to many faiths. The congregational health ministry program invites registered nurses from parishes and synagogues to offer their clinical services, spiritual guidance and education to members oftheir congregations. "The mission of Saint Anne's Hospital isto serve the community" with care - not only do we provide care for the people who come, to us, but, just as often, we go to them. The Faith in Action grant. will help the hospital to ..recruit additional volunteers to continue" our commitment to the com.munity," said Father Robert Rochon, Director of Pastoral Care and Education. . The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nation's largest private philanthropic organization dedicated to improving health care through grant-giving. The Princeton, NJ-based foundation estab-
Ukrainian bishop, dies EDMONTON, Alberta (eNS) Ukrainian Bishop Myron Daciuk of Edmonton died Jan. 14. He was 76. Bishop Daciuk had recently suffered from pneumonia and was admitted toan Edmonton hospital the weekend he died. A Divine Liturgy for the bishop was held Jan. 18 at St. Josaphat's Cathedral, followed by a prayer service at St. Basil Church. The funeral took place Jan. 19 at St. Basil's, with Winnipeg Ukrainian Archbishop Michael Bzdel the principal celebrant. Born Nov. 16, 1919, in Mundare, Alberta, Bishop DaGiuk joined the Ukrainian~rite Basilian Fathers when he was 16. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1945 and handled pastoral and teaching duties in Mundare and Grimsby, Ontario, before becoming pastor of Montreal's St. Michael's Church in 1950.. In 1953, he was appointed master of novices for the Basilian order and returned to M undare, where he served as superior of the monastery from 1959 to 1964. Bishop Daciuk was named provincial superior for the Basilians' Canadian, province in 1964. From 1970 to 1982, he held pastoral appointments at St. Nicholas Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba; St. Basil Church, Edmonton; and Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1982, he was made auxiliary bishop to then-Metropolitan Maxim'Hermankiuk in Winnipeg. A decade later, Bishop Deciuk became bishop of Edmonton. Father Isidore Dziadyk, provincial superior of the Basilians in Canada, described the late prelate as "a. pious, religious man who loved to work with people."
lished Faith in Action two years ago with a grant to the Interfaith Volunteer Caregiving Program, Kingston, NY. The foundation expects to fund 800 Faith in Action grants totaling $20 million over the next two years. Close to a thousand projects to aid the elderly, people with Alzheimer's disease, AIDS and chronic illnesses have been established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The $25,000 Faith in Action start-up fund enables coalitions of religious groups, tax exempt social service agencies and health care providers to organize volunteer caregiving for families with special needs. New Clinical Coordinator Saint Anne'~ Hospital announces the appointment of Janine Gendreau, MA, LMHC, CEIS, as Clinical Coordinator of Hope House. rn he'rnew role Janine will seek to expand. Hope.House's mission of providing a safe and caring environment for its residents living with AIDS, with a particular' focus on meeting the individualized needs of each resident. "An integral part of my, commitment to the residents is to foster a sense of home and family one in which there is collective support from both' the staff and residents," said Gendreau. Janine also looks forward to helping residents become active within the <;ommunity, drawing upon their gifts and tale,nts to be resources to the community. In addition, Janine plans to implement a variety of support groups for friends and families, including AIDS and grief support groups. Prior to joining Saint Anne's Hospital, Janine was a licensed psychotherapist at the City of Fall River's Human Resource Institute, where she screened, evaluated, diagnosed and formulated treat-' ment plans for individual and families. She currently continues to provide psychotherapy services at the Human Resource Institute on a part-time basis. . Janine's previous professional' experience included extensive work with adults, and children living with AIDS. In this capacity, Janine provided a full range of support services to families, facilitated support groups for parents who were substance abusers and presented a workshop series related to self-esteem and psycho-social issues. She previously served as a Therapist/ Assistant Principal at Mount St. Joseph School, Fall River.
Hope House was founded by Saint Anne's Hqspital to assist in addressing the AIDS epidemic in the Greater Fall River area. It provides a safe and understanding environment where the physical, spiritual and emotional needs ofresidents living with AIDS are met.
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'~J THIS COUPLE, accompanied by their four children, attended the Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. on the eve of the March For Life earlier this week. (Lavoie photo)
"It kills the humane instinct
"Should th~ president veto the WASHINGTON ·(PNS):-;: A :: killing ifby in~e~tingscissorsat th~ majority of American's support it· base of the bi-ain. The 'b'rai'ns are , measure' which would criminalize ban on so-called parital-birth abor-. suc,tioned out, causing the skull. a rarely used abortion pr,ocedure. dons, according to a poll con- to collapse and allowing easier even in cases where the woman's ducted for the National Conferremoval of the head to complete health is at stake?" ence of Catholic Bishops. the procedure. . The question asked in the NCCB In a nationwide poll, 71 percent The H'ouse and Senate 'passed poll asked: of I ,000 registered voters surveyed separate versions of the bill and "Congress is debating ,~ lat~ said they support a bill that would the measure was turned over to a term abortion procedure called ban the controversial procedure conference committee to work out partial-birth abortion. It involves used for late-term abortions. The differences. President Clinton has .partially delivering a live fetus in question was asked in a poll com- said he would veto the versions the last months of pregnancy, kill~issioned by ,the NC::C::~Secretathat each chamber passed. ing the fetus and then completing rIat for Pro-Life ActIVIties to surIn the survey conducted for the the delivery. Would you support a vey.attitudes toward abor~ion. The NCCB by the Tarrance Group, 71 law which would prohibit this entIre pollwas'to be released Jan',' percent of the· ·respondents. said proced ure, except where it is 18. , they would .support a law to ban· necessary to save the mother's life?" "This strong sh.ow of support the procedure, with 57 percent of According to the secretariat, the s?ould .not surprIse an~?ne. on that group saying they strongly survey question was similar to the either Side of the debate, said a supported it and 14 percent saying wording in the House and ~;enate s~atement from. Helen. Alvare, they somewhat supported it. bills. ~Irector of planmng.an~,IIl!o.rmaSixteen percent said they op"Even the author of the nation's tIOn for th~ secreta~lat. KI~llIlg a posed it, with 13 percent of that most widely used abortion textbab~ who IS four-fIft~s delivered group strongly opposing it and 3 book has denied that partia.l-birth outsldeo~her.mothervl~latesevery, percent somewhat opposing it. abortions are ever needed to prehum:ne IIlStlllCt AmerIcans posAnother 13 percent were unsure. serve a mother's health," Ms. Alvare .. Of surveyed voters who identisess. said. "But perhaps what is most In the proced ~re, an abortIOn IS fied themselves as "pro-choice," 65 disturbi.ng about the White house performed late III the pregnancy. t t th b'lI survey question is its deliberate The doctor grabs the fetus by the percen suppor e I . failure to mention or describe the The Tarr~nce Group polled the feet and pulls the body, up.to the procedure in question." head through the birth canal then· group of registered voters Dec. 1417 in a survey that has a margin of , , Opponents of the ban say the error of plus or minus 3 percent. procedure is the safest method of The pro-life secretariat said the ending pregnancies when se-rious White' House also is asking a pub- birth defects are discovered late in LAKESIDE, Mont. (CNS)-A lic opinion question on the sub- the term. Only a few physicians in .new album of classical music on ject, which Ms. Alvare called "mis- the country have acknowlf:dged compact disc titled "Requiem for using the procedure, but no ,~ccu leading at best and, at worst, the Unborn" has been produced deliberately designed to confuse rate records are available to indiby Life Art Ltd. in Lakeside. the public regarding what's really cate how often it is used. The 30-minute title composition, at stake." When the poll broke down which promotes protection of the The secretariat reported the responses by religious affiliation, unborn, is the album's centerpiece. It had its premiere before audien- question posed on the White House 78 percent of Catholics and Baptists said they support the ban. public comment phone line asks: ces in 1993. "It's no secret' that 'Requiem' has encountered a degree of cen~ sorship because some disagree with the message inherent in the work," said its composer, John Boyle, in a The one-hour program will also As part of its commitment to statement. ' becoming a source of health care include a film on cardiac recovery "But 'just as it's their right to information for the community, and treatments. Light refreshments disagree, it's my right to compose Bethany House Adult Day Health will be served and informational utilizing my beliefs and then have Care, Taunton, will host a pro-· pamphlets from the American. that work performed." gram titled "Angina vs. Heart Heart Association will be available. "Requiem for the Unborn" is Attack and the Recovery Process" Bethan)1 House is a struct'Jred being distributed by Life Art Ltd., on Feb. I at7 p.m. The program is weekday program providing nursing services, medication adminisfounded to support modern sym- free and open to the public. phonic music that combines the tration and monitoring, therapeuDonna Contreras, RN, a car- tic activities and access to rehabilitahighest moral and artistic qualities. Life Art not only issues record- diac rehabilitation nurse at Mor- tive therapies for adults with health ings and promotional items but ton Hospital, Taunton, will pre- ,care needs who live in the commakes available musicians for sent the program. Ms. Contreras munity. Snacks and hot lunc:hes concerts - from vocal and instru- will explain the differences between planned by a registered dietitian mental soloists to full choruses, angina and heart attacks. She will are served daily. Bethany House is and orchestras. For information' offer tips for a healthy recovery sponsored by Marian Manor, a from a heart attack. call (406) 844-j266. Diocesan Health Facility.
Re,quiem for Unborn
Bethany House talks from the heart
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 26, 1996
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Religious Articles Books • Gifts Church Supplies PRESIDENT CLINTON joins the Rev. Bernie King(center), daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in prayer during a ceremony to h<;mor the slain civil rights kader Jan. 15 in Atlanta. In back from left are Dr. King's widow, Coretta, 'and his sons Martin and Dexter. (eNS/ Reuters photo)
Different faiths, races gather to mark Martin Luther ~ing,'s bi,rthd~y WASHINGTON (CNS) ~ People of different faiths and different races joined together at 'churches around the country in mid-January to recall the message of the Rev. Martin Luther King .Ir. and to urge completion of his still-unfinished mission. "Never before has there been a greater need for men and women of Martin Luther King's stature, magnetism, passion, purpose, vision and courage," said Divine Worp F:~th~~ C~e,ste~ ~JAi\h. a~ ,~" Ja-n".j.5 eCijmepic~J,,~er'!i~t("Ip~r~":1 ing Dr. King's birthday at St. John the Evangelist Churc;1 in Indianapolis. "The storm clouds Dr, King saw are still moving our way," said Father Smith of St. Rita's Church in Indianapolis. "The evils of racism, militarism, poverty and materialism still perpetuate in the heartbeat of our nation." Father Smith defined dignity as, "the ability to stand strong and tall , in the face of adversity while being able to bow to the e:lderly and crawl with the children," He and his brother, Charles, are the first African-American twins'to be ordained U.S. Catholic priests. The best way to honor Dr. King is by making the United States truly "one nation under God," Father Jay Matthews told more 'than 150 people at a Mass in Sacramento's Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. "If we as Americans truly believe that we are one people, not separated by the color of our skin, primary language, social, educational and economic barriers; if we believe that we are II nation under God, then surely we would be on our way to fulfilling Dr. King's dream," said the priest, pastor of St. Benedict's Church in Oakland, Calif. "The only way our nation will ever be 'under God' in any Christian sense is through the repentance, reconciliation and renewal of its citizens," he added. "The only person you clln change lind for whom you are n:sponsible is yourself. That is where the regeneration of America begins -: with you and me." Father Matthews and Bishop William K. Weigand of Sacramento concelebrated the Mass,
sponsored by the' Diocesan Black Catholic CounCil. Across the country in New York, Cardinal John J. O'Connor joined Christian and Jewish leaders, politicians and some 800 others at the Convent Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem for the 29th annual interfaith celebration of Dr. King's life. The six-hour program included prayers, recitation of Dr. King's most memonll>le speeches and rousing spiritLlals. 'It was spol1Sore'd . by :rhe '·Ba Mist Ministers' 'Cohfe't,-' ' ence of Grea'ter NeW·.y ark" and' Vicinity at a church where Dr. King preached several times. Jan. 15, the national Martin Luther King holiday, would have been Dr. King's 67th birthday. He was killed April 4, 1968. Cardinal O'Connor, who shares Dr. King's birthday, praised the late civil rights leader (or his "deep concern for t,he: poor and downtrodden and lifelong batil¢ an,d martyrdorn agair\st raciSm and injustite.'" . , . ,', .
Islander; German 'and Hispanic a ntestries.
"I thought it would be a great idea to develop cultural activities showing the variety of peoples and cultures that are in a parish," said Franciscan Father Ralph Carney, pastor. The Mass, attended by. some 600 parishioners, featured the Gospel Truth Choir from Immaculate Co,"\~eption.parish in Seattle and was.. ~~.d.i~t,ed \0 Jh~',lJlemory, ,of Franciscan Sister Thea Bowman, ' Whose spirit and creativity - even as she lost a battle with cancer inspired Catholics nationwide. In his homily, Father John Cornelius, Immaculate Conception pastor, urged people to turn away from the negative messages they get from the media and the gridlocked, power-hungry Congress and to focus instead on Jesus and the positive things young people are doing. In Atlanta's' Shrine .of the. 1m... : maculate, Conception',' a, prayer. servi'ce hO'nor-ing Dr..; King inCluded' Dr. King, who was' a ,Bapti~t . the presentation of peace and justice awards ·to six local Catholics. minister, relied' totally on God, even in the face of a threat to his The Archbishop james P. Lyke Memorial Mass Choir - named life, and had a "total, uncondifor an African-American former tional commitment to nonviolence" in a world that is "contemptuous archbishop of Atlanta -- sang at of human life," the cardinal added: the prayer service, attended by In Memphis, Tenn., the city some 250 people. In Little Rock, Ark., two Cathowhere Dr. King died, Bishop J. Terry Steib presided at a Jan. 15 lics were honored by the state's interfaith service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. CommisKing at the Cathedral of the sionata banquet:Theywere Henry Immaculate Conception. Tuck, director of the diocesan Dr. King's dedication to "lovCampaign for Human Developing, not hating; showing underment, and the late Father Joseph standing, not anger; making peace, Biltz, fonner director of the dionot war" is still "a timeless mescese's Office of Peace and Justice. sage that is relevant today," the "In thinking about Martin LuRev. Randolph Meade Walker, ther King and Father Joe Biltz, pastor of New Philadelphia Bapwho was a good friend, I came to tist Church, told some 400 people realize that we should be treating at the service. people with reverence," Tuck said. If reverence was possessed by poli"It's a sad comm~lltary that the ticians, the media and all people, legacy of Dr. King is blurry to he added, the world would be a some of the youths of our time," Mr. Walker added. better place. Bishop Edward J. O'Donnell of An African-American Catholic Liturgy and Celebration at St. Lafayette, La" linked a Mass at John Bosco Church in Tacoma, St. John Cathedral marking Dr. King's birthday with pro-life activWash., was the first of six cultural ities the following weekend. "These celebrations the parish plans for the year. Others will be held in are two of America's most successconjunction with feast days or ful grass-roots efforts to change holidays important to Catholics of people's attitudes on fundamental Irish, Filipino, Guamanian/ Pacific issues of human rights," he said.
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Diocese of F~U. River -
Fri., Jan. 26, 1996
·the moori~~
the living word
"Be Not Afraid" The Advent of 2000
Many writers are la beling the next few years as the new Advent. In a meaningful article in America magazine, Father Avery Dulles set the theme of this Advent from the thoughts and reflections of the pope himself. For over a year, the Holy Father has been very active in planning sessions for the millennium. He clearly indicates the momentous meaning of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ and its impact on history. It is obvious that the preparations for civic celebrations of the new century are much underway. For example, many of the leading hotels and restaurants of the world are already sold out for the New Year's chaos of the millennium. The time to prepare for the new beginning in time is now. Advent, preparingfor the coming, is a time of hope. As Mary carried the Lord into time, so too must the Church turn to her as it prepares to mark this most significant jubilee. By her example, the Church is asked to sing her Magnificat. This time of expectancy is made meaningful by the faithful's intercession of Theotoko, the Mother of God. He also brings to the forefront the person of John the Baptizer. In many ways he can be considered as the patron saint of this new Advent. Duri~g thesefo~r years of preparation John is the Lord's herald. He calls aU in the Church to repentance and conversion. "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" takes on a special cry in our crassly materialistic society. The pope calls for this conversion to take place first and foremost in the Church. The work of evangelization takes on new meaning. On the eve of the year 2000, Dulles reflects, the Church must prepare to render an account on its fidelity to this essential charge. In this regard,. the pope again gives us the direction we should follow on this journey of faith, For example, the number of those who do not know Christ has more than doubled since the last da):'~ !J,f y~tic3;r so-called C~ris-. tian nations .of the West are.. steep.e<;lln,'p~gan consumensm, ," Jolivet photo .... .- . - _. -.. -_.. _.which is stifling the very soui of'peopies. 'So many in the - , . Church have followed the call of the mundane and allowed ~'Jesus called for the 'chiidren saying: 'Lef the little children come toMe. their faith to become lukewarm. Some world governments Do not shut them off. The reign of God b'elongs to such as these.'" Lk .18:16 have become the agents of demolishing the .rno·ral and ethical fabric of their peoples.. The mindset of excess and abuse is destroying so many people who have become faithless to the call of Christ and. His Church. The litany of needed reform is By Father Eugene ,Hemrick Our world's violence and war lifting. There may be dancing, endless. . Johnny's 'parents are beside' cause many to fear. tomorrow. singing and clear-cut answers to It would be well for all who celebrate the birth of quist to themselves. After providing him Theyawakt; to each new day with complex questions. ban together in a celebration of the 2000 jubilee. It· certainly One troubling facet of the:;e movewith a good Catholic education no sense thaUt holds promise for , ments is the anti-Catholici!,m often and responding to 'Jis ~·very.need,. thc:;m. '. . . would be a scandal if Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Another reason behind these . found among them. Johnny has rejected Catholicism failed to come together with a renewed.'zeal that all might movements is mobility. People are To effectively respond ·to these and joined a cult.. become one. We must find that the sacramental life we share on the move, sacrificing their child- movements, Pope John P.ilul II is "It gives me meaning, a feeling flows from the Christ we worship. The grace ofthe sacraments hood neighborhoods to advance calling for a new evangelization in that people care about me and must help us to become one. which we become much more open, peace of mind," Johnny told his in e<;lucation and careers. Though their material quality of life is welcoming and sensitive to the real parents. During the months of the year that will follow, many in the Cults and new religious move- raised, they find that they miss the conditions of our own people. What Church will be called upon to serve and initiate programs that precious quality of close friends we learn from these movements is ments are growing like wildfire. will help all the Church family to celebrate well the new milThe message they communicate to ~md. a familiar neighborhood. that we must do better at providlennium. The efforts must be supported and encouraged not by Family breakdowns are fueling the church is, "If you don't pay ing our own compassionate, welmere token response but by sincerity of intent and purpose. We greater attention to the spirituality the growth of these movements, coming ministries. The pope exhorts the church to they thirst for, if you don't do depriving young people of the affirmshould make our reservaiton now to celebrate the joy of this more to welcome .them, you can ation and community needed for sense the deep thirst many have for jubilee by responding to the invitation given to us by the expect to lose many more J ohn- healthy growth. Young people are spirituality and to respond to that message 9f Christ. As we do this to 'heed the words the pope prone to reach out to any source creatively. . nies." tells us of the risen Christ, "Be Not Afraid." The attractiveness of these reli- that will offer them comfort, Religious teachers are: being The Editor gious groups is that they have a affirmation of a sort or security. encouraged to present theology More than any other reason, the clearly and in a manner which distinctive world view derived from, but not identical to, the teachings feeling that life is becoming deper- speaks to the person. They are sonalized causes people to flock to especially being urged to demonof a major world religion. new religious movements. Their downside is that they tend strate how our faith lifts humanity The movements may strictly to be authoritarian, cultivate group up and creates the promise needed interpret the Bible, which creates a to overcome the fear oftorr.:orrow. pressure and instill feelings of guilt sense of security. They may encour~ and fear. Recently, we have seen e);cellent OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Waco, Jonesville and the recent age the sharing of spiritual expe- programs like Renew, the Rite of Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese' of FaliRiver riences, which· is emotionally up- Christian Initiation of Adults, tragic deaths in France are exam887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 ples of the damage they can inflict. campus ministry and young adult Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Cultural shifts are one reason programs which have lifted spirit11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111 for the rapid growth of these move- THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second uality to new levels, allowing peoTelephone 508-675-7151 ments. People, especially young Clas's Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. ple to feel truly involved in c:xplorFAX (508) 675-7048 people, immersed in post-modern Published weekly except the week of July 4 ing how faith addresses thl:ir real Send address changes to P.O'-Sox 7 or call telephone number above consumerism are experiencing and the week after Christmas at'887 Highlives. emptiness even though their mate" land Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by The increase in new religious EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER rial needs are being met. Material the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall movements is reminding us not to Subscription price by mail, postpaid Rev. John F. MOOrEl Rosemary Dussault goods and modern progress do not $River. rest on past laurels, but to take (1.00 per year. Postma'sters send address ~ LEARY PRESS - FALL RIVER fulfill their craving for true mean- changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall more seriously than ever the need ing in life. River, MA 02722. . for a vibrant Catholic spirituality.
·The··messageof new religious. movemellts
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lation) completes toda.y's theme of God's concern for the lowly who pursue justice. The beatitudes are By DR. the beginning of Matthew's Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus announces the prophetic fulfillPATRICK V. ment of God's law (Matt 5-7). We will be reading portions of this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time REID sermon for the next several weeks. Readings: Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13 The setting and tone are solemn I Corinthians 1:2:6-31 and apocalyptic. Jesus goes up a Matthew 5:1-12 mountainside, a place of revela"Happy the poor in spirit the Brothers. you are among tion like Sinai in Exodus where kingdom of heaven is theirs!" This .... Not many Moses and Israel first received the those called acclamation is both the refrain for of you are wise. as men law. Seating himself in the tradithis Sunday's responsorial psalm not many tional position' of a teacher, he account wisdom; and the opening line of Jesus' are influential; and surely majestically proclaims the fulfillSermon on the Mount in the gosnot many are well-born. God ment of the law. pel reading. For those of us who chose those whom the world Jesus begins with the joyful anmay be desperately aware of our considers absurd to shame nouncement of God's present and spiritual and economic poverty future blessing upon the 'anawim', the wise; he singled out the and the need for God's justice, weak of this world to shame "the meek, poor" who acknowlJesus' words are "good news." We the strong. edge their total dependance upon are assured of God's special care Because God has saved us God for their justice and vindicaand blessing. For those of us who are smugly comfortable with the through Christ despite our weak- tion. The "poor in spirit," the worldly status quo. Jesus' words ness, Paul concludes that there is "mourning," and those "who hunare a stern rebuke. We are chal- no place for worldly boasting in ger and thirst for justice" refer to lenged to hear again the revolu- the Christian community. The only the same people:' the weak who tionary message of the kingdom proper response to God's grace is suffer from injustice. They are to offer him grateful praise, or in blessed because of God's special Jesus preaches. Zephaniah's prophecy was spo- Paul's words, to "boast in the care for them. Three of the beatitu des are more active: showing ken in the early years of King Josi- Lord." He chose the world's lowmercy, being single-hearted and ah's reign (640-609 B.C.E.) when born and despised, those who making peace. Their meaning will the king was attempting to purify count for nothing, to reduce be fleshed out in Jesus' teachings Judah from deep-seated idolatry to nothing those who were on forgiveness, fulfillment of the and the neglect of the socialjustice that humanlaw's commandments, and love something; so demanded by the Torah. The prophkind can do no boasting beof the enemy (see Matt 5: 17-46). et was convinced that the nation of . The twofold blessing on the persefore God. God it is who has Judah and its surrounding neighgiven you life in ChristJesus. cuted reflects the experience of bors were about to be annihilated our wismartyrdom in the early Church. He has made him "on the day of the Lord's anger." All of the beatitudes mirror the dom and also our justice, According to Zephaniah, only a our sanctification and our Matthean Jesus, the truly happy remnant" who have observed his person who both embodies the joy redemption. This is just as (the Lord's) law" will be sheltered you find it written, "Let him the kingdom brings and also obeon the day ofjudgment. This faithwho would boast, boast in diently trusts his Father to the ful remnant is instructed to "seek the Lord." point of suffering death for the the Lord" by living justly and Jesus' proclamation oCthe beat- sake of the kingdom (see Matt humbly in a time of injustice and pride. The reading concludes wit:h . itudes(ex,clalJlation$.of congratu- . '.10:24--42; 11:25.30). . a'n' assurance that the Lord will bless the humble remnant who takes refuge in him doing and' speaking no wrong. "They shall pasture and couch their flocks with none to disturb them." The epistle reading from I Corinthians continues Paul's argument that the existence of rival groups in the Corinthian community is contrary to the nature of the Christian gospel. Last we4~k, we heard Paul assert that the gospel is foolishness by worldly standards. God's saving power has been revealed in worldly weakness: the cross on which Jesus, the Messiah, was crucified. For Paul, the mysFall River Barnstable, Chatham, tery of this paradox extends into the life of the Christian communColony Cablevision Dennis, Harwich, ity. Those who have responded to Cable channel 13 Yarmouth the good news of salvation through Jesus' cross are not the philosoJan. 26, Feb. 2, 9:00 p.m. C3TV phically wise, nor the powerful. .
Sermon on the Mount still rings true
DAILY READINGS Jan. 29: 2 SOl 15:13-14, 30;16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Jan. 30: 2 SOl 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30-19:3; Ps 86: 1-6; Mk 5:21-43 Jan. 31: 2 SOl 24:2, 9-17; Ps 24:9-17; Mk 6:1-6 Feb.1: 1 Kgs 2:1-4,10-12; (Ps) 1 Chron 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Feb. 2: Ma13: 1. -4; Ps 24:710; Heb 2:14-18; lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Feb. 3: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Feb. 4: Is 58:7'-10; Ps 122: 4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16
Jan. 25, 4~30 p.m. Jan. 29, 10:00 p.m. Feb. 1, 2:00 p.m.
Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 11:00 a.m. Jan. 30, 3:00 p.m.
Mashpee Continental Cablevision Cable channel 20 Feb.6,13, 7:00 p.m. Feb. 11, 12:00 p.m.
North Attleboro, Tauntolll TCl Cablevision Cable channel 27 Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m
Orleans, Brewster, Eastham, Truro, Wellfleet, Provincetown Continental Cablevision Cable channel 8 Jan. 30, 9:00 p.m.
New Bedford Public Access Cable TV Cable channel 47 Jan. 28, '7:30 p.m. Jan. 29, 11:00 a.m.
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 26, 1996
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 PM.
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673-4262 936 So. Main St.. Fall River
Communicate: Health! A Month Of Healthy Learning At Saint Amtes. Mobile Mammography Van As part of our community outreach programs, the Communicate: Health/ Mobile Mammography Van will be at . the following locations in the Fall River area: .
• Tuesday, February 6, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Family Health Care center at SSTAR, 400 Stanley Street • Wednesday, February 7, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru-Med Walk In, 528 Newton Street • Thursdays, February 8 & 29, 9:30 a.m. - 11 :00 a.m., Health First, 102 County Street . ". I • Saturday, February 10 and Wednesday, February 21, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru-Med II, 933 Pleasant Street • Wednesday, February 14, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Harbour Mall, William S. Canning Boulevard • Thursdays, February 15 & 22, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., The Oncology Center, 480 Hawthorne Street, Dartmouth • Friday, February 16, 1:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., Tru-Med Walk In, 528 Newton Street • Wednesday, February 28, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., YMCA, 199 North Main Street Free services are available to eligible women. For more information call1-80o-WOMEN.
Breast cancer Support Group· Therapeutic support group for women with non-metastatic breast cancer disease. • Tuesdays, February 13 & 27
• 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. For more information contact Ann Mitchell, L1CSW at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2270. Prostate Cancer Support Group· For men with prostate cancer.
• Monday, February 26 • 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Clemence Hall, Room #128 "Overview of Cancer," presented by Richard Hellwig, M.D. For more information contact Fred Barbosa, L1CSW at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2270. Sunday Senior Luncheon
• Sunday, February 25 • 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room Enjoy a nutritious buffet lunch and listen to the educational program, "Advanced Directives," presented by Sr. Thomas More, O.P. There is a $4.00 charge for this program which includes lunch and the presentation. Pre-registration is required. For more information contact the Food and Nutrition Department at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2635.
Diabetes Education and Support Group· Open to individuals with diabetes, families and friends.
• Tuesday, February 13 • 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room Lisca Regine, L1CSW, will present a program entitled, "Coping With Stress." Pre-registration is not required. For more information contact Teresa Ferreira at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 433.
IJ SaintAnne's • Hospital Caring for our community 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741
'All support groups are free and open to the public.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 26,1996
A Friend: A Gift to Yourself years we worked, together on a number of issues. Among other things, we organized groups to try to improve the living and working conditions of migrant workers in Long Island's Suffolk County. Later, while we both worked on the staff of the Suffolk County human rights commission, we wrote a health bill of rights. another for mental patients and one for pregnant women needing financial assistance - women, we discovered. who were being subtly pressured to get abortions. I remember the shock I felt when racists burned a cross on the lawn of the home where Anderson lived with his'wife Arlene and his son. I remember how the Andersons loved my son John. who: still in his teens, was getting to be a house painter and carpenter. I remember the sadness of Arlene's early death.' And I will never forget when Ken. ailing a bit. d rove several hundred miles to attend the memorial service after John and his wife were senselessly murdered.
I'm a devotee of book sales, and I,always find some treasures among them. Recently I found a beautiful , tiny book, like new, with a drawing of a red rose on the cover. Titled "On Friendship, A Selection," the book, edited by Louise Bachelder, was published in 1966 (Peter Pauper Press, Mount Vernon, N.Y.). I don't know what the original price was, but I bought it for 25 cents. ' The first thing that caught my eye was a quotation from Edward Everett Hale. who wrote: "The making of friends who are real friends is the best token we have of a man's success in life." I ,thought about this recently when I heard from a really good friend, Kenneth Anderson. It was nice to think that we could label ourselves "successful" because of our true friendship. I first met Anderson. who is black. in the early '60s. when we both got involved in working against racial bigotry. We were outraged that a housing project was excluding blacks. I helped him mobilize picketing and marching at the housing project to get the word out that prejudice was rampant there. ' BISHOP JOHN J. Nevins of Venice, Fla., accepts a cateThat was only the beginning of chism from Sky Williams during a Mass for circus performers the working relationship Anderat S1. Martha Church in Sarasota. Miss Williams' family son and I established. Over the
works with elephants in the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which winters in Florida (CNS/ Palombo photo)
Catholic, 'public hospitals face off over restructucring: OTTA W A (CNS) - A battle is of the Sudbury and District Health developing between Catholic and Council, said the Catholics are public hospitals'over Ontario govgetting away with "preferential ernment plans to restructure the t:eatment" in the cost-cutting exerway health care fl\cilities are manclse. "We are asking for a level playaged in the province. In the city of Sudbury, for exing field that just does not exist." ample, the local public health he told Catholic News Service. council has accused ,provincial However, Carl Roy, associate health minister Jim Wilson of playexecutive director of Sudbury Gening favorites with Catholic hospieral, operated by the Sisters of St. tals by promising they will be Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, denies exempt from some of the provithe facilities' are getting special sions of the proposed law. treatment and said the health counOfficials of Catholic-run Sud- .: cils are, misinterp~eting,the spirit bury General Hospital argue that o'f the propos'e~ legis!ation,. ' . a plan to put the medical facility The Sudbury coulkihvants the under a public regional authority northeastern Ontario City's four threatens its autonomy. hospitals to merge into two: SudA legislative committee has been bury General - the only 24-hour, holding public meetings across acute care emergency facility in Ontario to rect;ive recommendathe region, - and the publicly tions on the substance of proposed ~perated Laurentian Hospital.' restructuring legislation, called Bill -, But 'Roy said the two would 26. 0pt::rate under'a regional authority That legislation would chauge a umbrella, which ultimately threatlist of provincial statutes, many of ens the Catholic hospital's authem affecting health care. Ontatonomy.' rio Premier M ike Harris' govern"The sisters reserve the right to ment hopes to make the statute appoint their own board of truslaw by the end of January. tees and administer and govern'the .Some of the p~ovinc~'s 33 d.is- hospital in a way that is totally tnct health ~ounclls, which adVise consistent with a,denominational Ontario's health minister, say group," he said.' ' Harris is playing favorites when it '''What the district health councomes to streamlining the health cil is suggesting is, totally u,naccepcare budget " table and threatens' all, religious , In Sudbury, the local district, c'ongregations which run hospitals health council told the government in Canada," Roy,said. committee Jan. 9 that Harris 'a'nd ' Today, there are about 90 CathWilson assured Catholic hospitals olic~run hospitals in Canada out they would not have to follow the of a total of about I,400 hospi~als. same merger process facing public Other Cath,olic facilities could hospitals. face a similar threat to their indeOnta~io is' one. of the last of pendence, said Richard Haughian, Canada s 10 provinces to adopt a executive director of the Catholic system of "regionalization," in Health Association of Canada. which,hospitals in majo~ centers "As regionalizatio!.1 andamalare. merging into one corporate gamation takes place. we !lave to entity. , :':"" .. , ,., .•, . .,. ',: ,. ensure we:'can protect our own Bob 'Knight, executive director 'values," he told CNS.
The call I just got from Anderson was heartwarming. He continues his outreach work. but now he does it though music. He always had an impressive baritone voice. And now, approaching 60, he takes 'voice lessons from Sylvia Olden
Lee. the granddaughter ,)f slaves and a staff member of New York's Metropolitan Opera Co., Anderson is studying spirituals, doing concerts in churches and schools. The spirituals of AfricanAmericans, he told me., "come from a common experien,:e of the misery of slavery and the ,:ventuaJ triumph of deliverance of.a people through an unshakable belief in th,e almighty God." From the passion in his voice, I knew that Anderson \\as still working for freedom and the end of prejudice - now through the power of song. Why do people become friends? I think it has to do with seeing something in another perSon that generates a huge mutual respect. That would certainly explain why Ken and I have remained friends. This is affirmed over and over in that little book that I bought on friendship. I especially lihd what Robert Louis Stevenson wrote:" A friend is a present you give yourself." ,
Punishment is no motivator Dear Dr. Kenny: If a child's grades drop, should extracurricular athletic activities be eliminated? Should parents use that as an 'ultimatum? (Jndiana)" , '. No. no, n'o. 'For'three'imRorilint jrea~ons. I': 'i ~··-1 ,~.~r .. r
First. punishment is relatively poor motivator of behavior. If it worked better, advertisers would use it. But when have you ever heard a punitive ad? Or when has a sales clerk tried to intimidate or threaten you? , Punishment may be effective with smaller children where the parent can exert near-total controL The older the child, the less successful, is p~ni.shm~ht' of 'any .·kind ...· ",', "::' " ,' .• :. ,,'i ;"My e){~e~ienceas'ap~yc~~!dglst and p~Hent is r'!,th<;r clear.' C!1tting , out sports)s not usually effective 'inimpr9ving grades: 'It. maywork 'sometimes. But'there are' better ways. A second reason is that success can be contagious. Children:~nd people of any age, who do well in one area are, likely to do w.,?11 in others. In doing',well they develop self-confidence. that carries'over. A child who slips academically may,do wei! in sports. The success in athletes may be used to encourage an improvement in ·grades. But if parents take athletics away the child loses an alt,ernate opportunity for achievemen·t. Instead pf having one area to build on, the child. may perceive himself.or herselfas a failure. ; The t~ild ,reason is ~hat, Reel' relations are a very important part of growing up,' especially i,n adolescence:' Sports'are'an' i'mportant way boys a,nd giris,learnto get along wit hone: anot her. You sh~uldn't punish so~~.one,~y,ta!<iI;lg aW€lY something of real value in itself.' " '.
Good grades are important. But so are athletics. It is not wise to eliminate one because you are worried -about the other. Find another way, to motivate an acad~n)!c, improvement. " There are better ways. One way is to get daily or weekly grades from the teacher or teachers. Offer some small token reward for the acceptable grades. Use a point system (A=3. B=2, C= I) to keep an 'accounting. To work best, the reward should be immediate. You will get more of whatever you pay attention to. If you pay attention to good grades, you will get an improvement. That's better ,~~an,payingatt<;nti.ont9 bad gr,ades , " , by punisliing' the'rh.', .".1 l}l!. j,:, .,' , f', ' , ' ",,". , "Ar;lOt,he,r slmpl.e way to Improve " gradC'S' is:t'o :focu's on homework. Trya study nour: nightly from 7 to r
By Dr. JAMES &
8. No television during that time. No phone calls in or out. Treat the time'like a study hall in school. If homework performance improves, so will the grades. Good luck and good grades!' Write back if you want more details . on how to encourage better grades in children.' Reader questions on family living and .child care to be am;~ered in print' are invited. Addres!i quesjions:"Thi ·Kennys;St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.;.' .
wager over Super
grappled with whether one should PITTSBURGH (CNS) '- Pittsburgh Bishop Donald W. Wuerl , pray for the 'home team. "I might suggest that Dallas is took'up a challenge from his counmore in need of such prayers than 't'erpart 'in the Diocesan of Dallas, 'Bishop Charles·V. Grahmann, to 'Pittsburgh," Father M. Eri,: Diskin, who is director of the office, place 'a 'bet ,on the outcome of told the Pittsburgh Catholic. Super Bowl XXX.' ',' 'Father Diskin urged Steele:r fans The episcopal wager pitted' 10 to be good sports - but te keep potindsof '\Pittsburgh's famous kielbasi" against the same amount "the candles burning, so to speak. "Winning or losing a football 'of Texas beef. game .(even' 'the' football' game) In the case of a Dallas Cowboys' should not crowd out our concern win, Bishop Grahmann would feast fo'r justice, peace, the poor, ell' vicon the steel town's version of Potims' of recent floods. Nor s;lould ' lish kielbasa. But Bishop Wuerl, in a letter to the Texas bishop, left no ',the "combat' with its 'victory or defeat' distolt our identity as God's 'doubt theft he expected to be dining well after a Pittsburgh Sieelers' i 'children," he added. "This said, it makes sense that win. ' . SteeleI' fans would :2 in opening "The reason:1 suggest thiS wager their hearts in prayer - voice their (of meIH)'is because Ihave a yearna'spirations'that the tropty be ing to taste some steak, and this is brough~ home to Pittsburgh." :the most economically'feasible way to do it," he wrote:
We 'live in a' ve'ry competitive world: Many times we lose but we must, keep trying: Sports teach~s .:. us how t9.compete.,h.o~.tq.as.sert '- ourselves. We learn to lo'se with- _ out despair. We learn feamwork.
At the same' time, Pittshu~gh theologians\vdndered whetherthe pah~alh chha:ri~l~' 0lf bipfhallibifiht~. in ".' w IC. ft '? '.oca " IS qp' S 'ares extehdt:df t~'APorting even~s: ,And the diocesan Office of' WO'iship ~~~~~~~~~~~
Can a layman be
Q. What are the qtualifications for becoming a cardinal in the Catholic Church? I'm almost sure I have heard that laymen have belm cardinals. Is that still true? How about a married layman? Can II layman be pope? (Missouri) The history of cardinals in the church is quite a complicated story, and it is true that during some periods lay people wc:re named to that position. The title "cardinal" goes way back to the early centuries of Christianity. Most bishops in the first centuries of the church were ordained to spend thc:ir lifetime in one place. They were called titular bishops, who had a '''title'' based on their bond with that city. Generally this bond was considered so permanent that people often referred to a bishop as being married to the people of that area. As time went on, for one reason or another certain bishops (and priests and deacons) were transferred outside their home base, usually to Rome, where they were to serve as "incardinated" ministers and thus were called cardinals. The "college," or group, of cardinals as we know them came into existence only centuric:s later. Since then their number and role gradually evolved into what we know today.
According to present church law, cardinals have two primary functions: to elect the pope and to advise the Holy Fatjler, individually or as a group, in matters relating to the care of the universal church. Individuals promQted to be cardinals should be at least ordained priests, according tQ present law (Canon 351), Thus, by law, laymen cannot now be named cardinals. Of course, any pope can change any of this any time he wishes, as popes have done in the past. In theory nothing prevents a layperson from bei~g a cardinal since, as I said, it already has been done more than oncc. At one point during the 14th century, in a classic illustration of the ecclesiastical oddities of that era, one man was made a cardinal by his uncle, Pope Clement VI, at the age of 18. Somecardinals were I named at a much younger age than that, by the way. Years later, this same cardinal was elected pope, before he was even ordained 'a priest. He reigned as Pope Gregory XII from 1370 to 1378, and suffered so much opposition and grief that he
Oh, that pregnan1t glow! I had forgotten how "hormonal" a woman can bl~come when she is pregnant. One's memory tends to sift and tidy things. Looking into my pregnant daughter's pretty face last evening, I was taken back to a time when my very own pregnant wife would look deep into my eyes and say, "You, slime, you have no idea what it's like to have to ask for help in public to have your shoes tied." Or, maybe she would knee me in the kidneys at 3 a.m. and whisper, "J ust passing along a little greeting from your child, you dawg." Anyway, back to daughter. In a nice way, I asked her to leave their dog on the front porch - it was raining - rather than have it shed smelly dog ambiance all over our house while jumping all over everything in the mistaken impression we think it is as cute as its owners do. "I don't know why you don't like Hayley," daughter snapped. "She's as nice a puppy as you will ever find." "I didn't say we'didn't 'like' Hayley,"1 smiled, "and irs not finding her - all over t he carpet and house - that is the issue." Was it the hormonc:s that kicked in then? "I can just hear you guys now after the baby is born," she said. "Please leave the baby at home if you are coming over tonight. Or, please put the baby in the garage to feed it. Or,leave the baby on the front porch because: it gets too excited when you let it in." "Oh, now, honey,'" her mother cooed, "are you feelil1lg a little tired and irritable - like you'd like to
probably wished his uncle had given the honor to someone else: As pope, of course, the Holy Father is bishop of Rome. Therefore, even to this day canon law
January 27 1919, Rev. John T. O'Grady, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1955, Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, Pastor, St, Michael, Fall River 1988, Rev. Thomas E. Lockary, C.S.c., Stone:hill College, North Easton January 28 1947, Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket 1961, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Shay, Pastor, St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro January 29 1944, Rev. Christiano J. Borges, Pastor, St. John the Baptist, New Bedford . 1950, Rev. AlbertJ. Masse, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro January 30 1983, Rev. Raymond F.X. Cahill, S.J., Assistant, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis January 31 190 I, Rev. Charles J. Burns, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1930, Rev. William F. Sullivan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset 1930, Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Pastor, St. Peter, Provincetown . February 1 1948, Rt. Rev. Msgr. MichaelJ. O'Reilly, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton ' 1968, Rt. Rev. Patrick Hurley, Pastor, St. Joseph, Taunton 1975, Rev. Anatole F. Desmarais, Pastor, St. James, Taunton 1983, Rev. Msgr. Gerald J. Chabot, Pastor, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, South Attleboro 1995, Rev. William F, O'Connell, Pastor, Holy Name, New Bedford February 2 1907;Most Rev. William Stang, D.O., First Bishop of Fall River 1904-1907 1913, Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton 1941, Rev. John L. McNamara, ,Pastor, Immacijlate Conception, Fall River 1947, Rev, P.Roland Decosse, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford 1991, Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, Pastor, St. Bn:ndan, Riverside, RI
kick people in the shins when they say you have a pregnant glow about you?" Marie nodded. Then she shed a tear. Then she looked at me and barked, "I suppose 'we'll have to feed the baby out :of your old, rusty camping pots ~nd make him - or her - lie on the kitchen rug while we're eating." ' "Not necessarily," I said. "But it would be nice if yo~ could teach the baby not to beg at the table or put its nose all ov~r the sliding : glass door." ''I'll bet you nickn~me him Fido or Spot - or Lassie, if it's a girl." Actually, I like ~assie, but I resisted the temptation to say anything. Instead, I stuck my tongue out at her and. put an arm around For Constancy my son-in-Iaw's shoulders, walkFather ilB heaven, God of ing him into the next room. power andl Lord of mercy, "Well, son," I said. "it seems your wife is well int'o her seventh from whose fullness we month." have recefived, direct our He grimaced. ';Did Marie's steps in our everyday efmother ever go to pieces' during forts. May the changing perfume commercials, or set fire to moods of the human heart a fashion magazinC1 in the front and the limits which our yard?" "Not exactly," I $aid, "but she failings impose on hope did call our p~rish priest and ask ' never blind! us to you, source him if there was anything in church of every good. Faith gives teaching about hor,*ones." us the promise of peace and "Don't worry," I ~dded, "it'll all be fine. Besides, you'll have a makes known the demands chance to get even la'ter if you plan of love. Remove the selfyour mid life crisis right." ishness thalt blurs the vision Your comments are welcome offaith. Glrant this through always. Please send them to Uncle our Lord. Amen. Christ Dan, 25218 Meadow Way NE, Arlington, Wash. 9~223.
Diocese of Fall River -
(355) provides that if a man who is not already a bishop is elected pope, he is to be immediately ordained bishop by the head (dean) of the cardinals of the church. Thus, to answer your question, a layman can be elected pope. But he won't remain a layman very long. A new free brochure answering
Fri., Jan. 26, 1996
questions Catholics ask about activities, worship and sharing sacraments with people of other faiths is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to the same address.
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The boy learned thrit'tiis rh6thcr had suffered two miscarriages before his birth and had to stay in bed for the last six months of pregnancy, during which ti::ne she talked to him and taught him to pray. Later, Father McBride s2.id, the boy told his teacher, "You know, that must be the reason' I was always the first kid in my class to know my prayers." He also said he had become pro-life. The priest said faith is free. "We don't impose the faith, we propose it," he said. "John' Paul II was in Manila last year and told 4 million young people, 'I offer you the gift, the option oflove, of Jesus Christ.'"
'tlie Anchor Friday, Jan. 26, 1996
8 EWTN to be placed on satellite network
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (eNS) - The Eternal Word Television' Network in Birmingham has made an affiliation agreement with an Englewood, Colo., company to be placed on its new direct broadcast DIS H satellite network, scheduled for distribution in early 1996. Initially, EWTN will be available on the DISH network from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. EST, with plans to expand to 24-hour availability. DISH is an acronym for Digital Sky Highway, a new direct broadcast satellite system of EchoStar Communications Corp. The company plans to start with 65 cable channels in early 1996 and ex pand to deliver more than 150 channels of digital, audio and data services by mid-1996. "This event is truly a blessing for people living in areas where EWTN is not available on cable," said Mother Angelica, EWTN founder and board chairwoman, in a statement. . "EWTN provides a positive viewing alternative and reflects our commitment to offering a broad selection of quality programming," .said a statement by Larry Smith, vice president of distribution for EchoStar. . ' Those interested in getting EWTN via the DISH network can call (800) 733-3986.
RECENT LA W school graduate David Walsh-Little talks with Raymond Thomas Sr. and his II-year-old son in a backyard "office" at Viva House in southwest Baltimore. The attorney provides legal service to people in the neighborhood who can't afford representation. WalshLittle is an example of witnessing the faith. (eNS / Vardaro) .
Witnessing ,the faith beats lip service
Another speaker, Jesuit Father J. Glenn Murray, director of the Office for Pastoral Liturgy for the Cleveland Diocese, said that AfricanAmerican Catholics have: done much to retrieve the riches of the black religious experience and share it with the entire church. He said Western society has developed a "culture of amnesia," forgetting the power and truth of God's word.
& Taylor's or Macy's (department NEW ORLEANS (CNS) -'To The conference was sponsored McBride. "She knew from her stores)," he continued. "The only effectively spread the Gospel mes-' by the Religious Education Office' own experience that he was dying, antidote to the culture of amnesia sage of Jesus, catechists' m'ust be ,of the New Orleans Arc.hdiocese. and she knew he .needed to be is remembering. What we do in cared for,':. . . liturgy is remember that eac h of us true witnesses of their faith and 'It is named for the late Austrian "She took his hands and rubbed is wonderfully and fearfully made," not just preachers and teachers, a . Jesuit catechist who spent his final. prominent religious educator told years in New Orleans. them until they got warm. She Greer Gordon, who t,~aches catechists at a,natiomil meeting. Faith is a response to revelation, whispered little prayers IritO his religious studies at Regis College N orbertine Father Alfred "a yes to Jesus Christ," said Father ears. At dawn he died. She said, in Weston, Mass., also spoke at McBride, founder of the'religious McBride, who teaches theology at 'Go to the love you didn't have on 'the conference. Pope John XXIII National Semi- earth,' .Mother Teresa never gave She said p'roposed federal.budget :education office of the National Catholic Education Association, nary in Weston, Mass. her speech," said Father McBride; cuts will force the church 1.0 progave the keynote address at the "Pope Paul VI said no one listens '.'and yet she did give her speech. vide even more love, .services and Necessary Work 18th Johannes H<?,finger.<;::ii:techetto teachers and preachers - peo- . I'm giving it today,'" ., financial support for '.the poor. pie today only listen to witnesses," He illustrated the joy of convert- "We need Roman Catholics to i:':' "There is no better or more ical Conference in New Orleans. He spoke o'n "The J~y of·Converthe said; adding that Mother Teresa ing people to Christ with another take very seriously what itmeans necessary work than love."-St. ing People to Christ," . . " "is a g,reat witness to faith,'~ .' stO{y,,~," , , , ' .to tithe," she said, and to discern JoiJn of the Cross .:2 \ ' d ' " i'",", '.1 I;" J', "of .vS:ey.er~\llgea:tC~p.l'h~}(~ca;u~.10.d~ :J:.i;!iiio\i§(!:qb@t! 0 rY.9jj'e,9tqr, 'o,bt,Qjt\'e#10is ll':CJ!!l~, to do for r;::;::===========~=:; ~==~~====r- Mother Teresa was scheduled to when confronted by a teen-age Christ," ,.. . • VIDEO RENTAL PROGRAM speakata New Y<?,rk hotel: Because , boy who .believed ,a wOl1)afi Had. ··.. We·reso lifraid Ofwalkingdown 1~ • RELIGION TEXTBOOKS of a huge crowd, she was driven to . 'the-right to abort her child, said a the street today," she said. "If we a back entrance where she encoun- quick prayer and told him to ask were doing our jobs, we would tered homeless people: his mother what she had thoug!:lt have converted all the street thugs. FOR CLASSES • AIDS FOR RELIGIOUS "She saw one man curled up in "when she first felt him under her I don't think we generally believe that God can move a mountain," the fetal position," said Father heart,"
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your child learns is as important as your child learns. Th.ere's probably never been a tougher time to be a parent. Which is why there's never been a better time to choose a Catholic school for your child's education. In a Catholic school, your child will receive an education that's second to none. Nationally, Catholic school students consistently outperf6nn others on tests for math, reading and ,. science. They're also the most likely '" to go to and graduate from college. Q Just as important as academic ~ achievement. though. is the environment ~ ~ in which your child learns. Catholic 0 ~.., school edu~ators share, your beliefs and O( ,~ values. They reinforce the morals you instill $ "OU . . . . ,,~\; in your child. CAr . "Call·or ~~~t·YQ~~·lP2e~,·,9~tPo~~~;,§9~QPt..t<?~lf,\Y.You1lsee..why a Catholic school is a school you cari believe in.
Elementary Schools ACUSHNET . St. Francis Xavier, 223 Main St. 02743-1597. Tel. 995-4313. Ludovico Perella, Principal. ATTLEBORO St. John the Enngelist, 13 Hodges St. 02703. Tel. 222-5062. Sr. Alln Therese Connolly, CDP, Principal. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret Regional School, 143 Main St. 02532. Tel. 759-2213. Mrs. Teresa Rosseter, Principal. FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph, Spring & Delano Sts. 02719. Tel. 9961983. Sr. Muriel Ann Lebeau, SS.Ce., Principal. FALL RIVER Do.minican Academy, 37 Park St. 02721. Tel. 6746100. Sr. Diane Dube, RJM, Principal. Espirito Santo, 143 Everett St. 02723. Tel. 6722229. Mrs. Patricia Benoit, Principal. Holy Name, 850 Pearce St. 02720. Tel. 674-9131. Dennis R. Poyant. Principal. Notre Dame Scll1ool, 34 St. Joseph St. 02723. Tel. 672-5461. Mrs. Anne Conlon, Principal. St. Anne School, 240 Forest St. 02721. Tel. 6782152. Mrs. Denise D. Gagne, Principal. St. Jean Baptiste School, 64 Lamphor St. 02721. Tel. 673-6772. K.athleen Barboza, Principal. St. Michael School,209 Essex St. 02720-2996. Tel. 678-0266. Sr. Bernadette Sullivan, S USC, Principal. SS. Peter & Paul School, 240 Dover St. 02721. Tel. 672-7258. Miss Kathleen A. Burt, Principal.
St. Stanislaus School, 37 Rockland St., P.O. Box 217, 02724. Tel. 674-6771, FAX 677-1622. Mrs. Denita Tremblay., Principal. St. Vincent's Residential/Special Education Treatment Center, 2425 Highland Ave. 02720. Tel. 6798511, FAX 672-2558. Sr. Lourdette Harrold, RSM, Special Education Administrator. NEW BEDFORD Holy Family-Holy Name School, 91 Summer St. 02740. Tel. 993-3547. Cecilia M. Felix, Principal. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, 103 Crapo St. 02744. Tel. 997-9612. Mrs. Rosemary daSilva, Principal. St. Anthony School, 190 Ashley Blvd. 02746. Tel. 994-5121. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Lavigne, Principal. St. James-St. John School, 180 Orchard St. 02740. Tel. 996-0534. Edmund Borges, Principal. St. Joseph School, 35 Kearsarge St. 02745-6117. Tel. 995-2264. Felipe M. Felipe, Principal. St. Mary School, 115 Illinois St. 02745. Tel. 9953696. Angela L. Stankiewicz, Principal. NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Mary-Sacred Heart Consolidated School, 57 Richards Ave. 02760. Tel. 695-3072. Mrs. Alberta M. Goss, Principal. TAUNTON Our Lady of Lourdes School, 52 First St. 02780. Tel. 822-3746. Sr. Mary Margretta Sol,. RSM, Principal. St. Mary's Primary School, 106 Washington St. 02780-7408. Tel. 822-9480. Mrs. Martina B. Grover, Principal.
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY pOLlqy AS TO STUDENTS Schools in the Diocese of Fall River admit students of any race, color. national and ethnic origin to all the rights. privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to stud,wts at the schools. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of educational poticies, admissions policies, loan programs, and athletic and other school-administared programs.
WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity Regional School, 245 Main St. PO Box 163,02671. Tel. 432-8216. Sr. Carol Clifford, RSM, Principal.
Middle School TAUNTON Taunton Catholic Middle School, 61 Summer St. 02780-3486. Tel. 822-0491, FAX 824-0469. Ms. Kathleen A. Simpson, Principal, Rev. Douglas Sousa, Chaplain.
High Schools ATTLEBORO Bishop Feehan High School, 70 Holcott Dr. 02703. Tel. 226-6223, FAX 226-7696. George A. Milot, Principal, Rev. David A. Costa, Chaplain. FALL RIVER Bishop Connolly High School, 373 Elsbree St. 02720. Tel. 676-1071, FAX 676-8~94. Mr. Anthony Nunes. Principal, Rev. David A. Costa, Chaplain. NORTH DARTMOUTH Bishop Stang High School, 500 Slocum Rd. 02747. Tel. 996-5602, FAX 994-6756. Theresa E. Dougall, President, Mary Ann Miskel, Academic Principal, Rev. James S. Medeiros, Chaplain. TAUNTON Coyle and Cassidy High School, 2 Hamilton St. 02780. Tel. 823-6164; 823-6165. Michael J. Donly, Headmaster; Dr. Donna Boyle. Academic Principal; Rev. John Denning, CSC, Chaplain.
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES Schools in the Diocese of Fall River, to the extent required by Title IX, do not discriminate against any appli.cant/employee because of sex. They do not discriminate against any student because of sex in any educational program and activity.
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Iowa parishes' place high priority on serving elderly DUBUQUE, Iowa (CNS) While growing up, Shirley Massey had plenty of opportunities to be around elderly people and always enjoyed offering them a helping hand whenever needed. ·Over the years Ms. Massey hasn't changed a bit: As eucharistic minister at Resurrection Parish in Dubuque, she considers her regular visits to area nursing homes one of the most important parts of her ministry. Retired from a clerical job at John Deere, Ms. Massey also spends much of her time volunteering for other organizations and institutions that serve sc:nior citizens in the Archdiocese of Dubuque and in a state that has the nations highest number of people over age 85. In an interview with The Witness, archdiocesan newspaper, she said her parents instilled in her love and respect for older people, and often invited elderly friends and family members to their home. When asked to become part of her parish's outreach to the elderly, she happily accepted. "Som:: people find nursing homes depressing, but on the contrary, I love being around older people," she said. Dorothy Newburgh, a charter member of St. Joseph the Worker Church, which she joined in 1950, said that she appreciates the .concern her parish has shown since her move'to a nursing home last August. . "Mainta'ining that connection with my church has been very comforting," Ms. Newburgh said. She describes how Tim LoBianco, a permanent deacon, and parish ministers Jack Lovell, Jim Halverson and Carl Haupert take turns· cond ucting a prayer a nd communion service at the home each Sunday. LoBianco, who has been visiting the nursing home since 1981, said he is proud that Dubuque's nursing homes place such a priority on residents' fai,th life. "With the (city's) large Catholic population, even the homes not affiliated with a church pay special attention to the spiritual needs of their residents," he said. Ms. Newburgh said that the 63
Catholics at Ennoble Manor, where she lives. anxiously await the visits by parish ministers. "Of course most important to us . is receiving the Eucharist, but the small gestures, like bringing a church bulletin or filling us in on church news, makes us feel like we are still a part of parish life," she said. Lov.ell, who teams up with Haupert for visits to Enno~le Man?r, said he was a little apprehenSive when asked to join the nursing home ministry 12 years ago. "I started as a favor to Tim' (LoBianco),' but I was soon hooked," he told The Witness. "When you see how lonely some of these people are and how grateful they are' to know that someone cares about them, it's just a very gratifying feeling." Halverson added that working with the elderly "really puts life in perspective." He noted that nursing home residents are so anxious for visitors that they wait in their wheelchairs at their doorway to make sure they don't miss out. The elderly "have so many gifts and talents," Haupert added. "And they have time to pray for the church, to spread the Gospel among themselv(;s, and to evangelize each other anCi' their families. We tell them God's not finished with them yet." The nursing home staffs, especially the activities directors, "love seeing us come," said permanent deacon Gerald Pettit. "I guess we complement each other because we are both trying to raise residents' spirits and bring some sunshine into their lives." Parish ministers at St. Joseph's and Holy Family parishes in Mason City service four nursing homes, including Good Shepherd Home, which with its 350 resid~nts is the largest such facility in the state. The primary focus ofthe ministry is to offer a handshake, a kind word or perhaps just a friendly smile to lonely people, many of whom no longer get visitors, said LoBianco. He believes more people should get involv..d. "This .ishow the Gospel will be spread in the future," he added. "This is our baptismal calling. "
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DEACON TIM LoBianco of St. Joseph the Worker Church, Dubuque holds a communion service for residents of Ennoble Manor nursing home. (CNS/ Bandy)
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JOE,GARAGIOLA sits with kindergarteners during a December holiday celebration at St. Peter Mission School in Bapchule, Ariz. The baseball legend has helped the Indian mission school build a sports program. (CN~/ Casserly)
Former baseball star falls in ·Iove with lndian mission BAPCHULE, Ariz. (CNS) Broadcaster and former baseball star Joe Garagiola says that after he stepped into "the quicksand" at the Indian mission school in Bapchule about two years ago, there was no turning back. It is the quicksand of love that had pulled him into becoming a light of hope to the children of St. Peter Mission School on the Gila River Indian Reservation. He now finds his heart rooted there in lielp. ing' five Franciscan sisters in their miriistry. ' "I first went down there to help Sister Martha. Then, I got to know the people and i fell in love with them," he told The Catholic Sun, newspaper of the Phoenix Diocese. "They are all working for the kids, and you love them for it." Franciscan Sister Martha Mary Carpenter, the school's principal, has a reputation for winning the hearts of people to work for her cause - educating and forming the children into contributi.ng .members of the kingdom of God. "Sister Martha- opens horizons for the kids and 1 like that," Garagiola said. "Her dedication is what a religio.us person should be. She prays when it's time to pray, and she works when it's time to work. 1 think all ofthem (the sisters working there) are tremendous." Garagiola;who lives in Paradise Valley and is ,a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Scottsdale, began helping the school by soliciting and distributing athletic and fitness equipment to aid in Sister Carpenter's efforts to help fight problems of diabetes and obesity among the children. "Then one thing grew into another," he said. Since his labor of love began at
St. Peter's, the 69-year-old Gara"We want to give our children giola has been instrumental in decision-making skills, morals and obtaining two new vans, a bus, a firm Gospel values which direct basketball court and a new garage the foundation of their moral lives to ho'tJse the vans, to name just a and are integrated with their culfew items. tural heritage of respect," he said. "I think the kids deserve the "Joe is a role model of what it same level playing field as others,. means to live and to give to become and not having a basketball court totally selfless." is not a level playing field," he said. "I'd do it for anybody else if 1 had the time. It doesn't matter whether you live at St. Peter's or Paradis'e Valley, all children deserve' a SEOU L, South Korea (CNS), chance." The community honored him The Seoul Archdiocese has begun 'for his generosity and caring at the paying 50,000 .won (U~; $65) per school's Christmas Mass and cele- . month into the pension funds of bration. nuns working in its ·par:ishes. Emmett White, the Pima mediOther South Korean dioceses cine man in Bapchule, presented are also considering perlsion payGaragiola with a Pima walking ments to sisters, repo::ted UCA stick adorned with two red tail ha wk News, an Asian church n,:ws agency feathers to represent the lives of based in Thailand. Garagiola and his wife. A woven In 1994, the Association of Major band of colors on it symbolizes the Superiors of Religiolls Women in Korea recommended to the Korean many people Garagiola helps, and .a white band at the top of the stick bishops' conference that each sisstands for being an angel to the tel' working in parishes should . receive 50,000 won a month toward community. As Garagiola was presented the their pension, and that the amount stick, he also was given the Indian Should increase proporti onately to name"Awesome Fox" - awesome salary increases. for the work he does and fox for Sister Sylvie Choi J llo-young, his cunning ability to get people to secretary general of the associado the work. tion, told UCA News: "Sisters , "Being honored by Emmett, their have never paid attenti on to the holy man, was a very humbling' problems of their old age. Howexperience," he said. "It took my ever, time has come for us to think breath away." , about it seriously. "Joe thinks with his heart and "We religious sisters need to be has been a source of encourage- . wise about practical is!:ues while ment," Sister Carpenter said. "He proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus," makes wishes and dreams come she said. The superiors' association intrue. We love' him, the children love him and t\le community loves c1udes 68 congregations, II of them him." contemplative. Sister Carpenter said Garagiola Nuns in parishes receive a monthis a role model of everything they ly salary of about. 300,000 won (US $385). are trying to teach the children.
Archdiocese starts pension for nuns
d(~livers state-of-the-world
VATICAN CITY (CNS) Addressing diplomatic representatives from around the globe, Pope John Paul II said the Middle East peace process risks derailment unless the question of Je:rusalem is settled. In his annual "state-of-theworld" speech to more: than 160 ambassadors Jan. 13, the pope also called for a ban on nuclear testing and appealed to China and some Muslim nations to end 'discrimination against Christians. He cautiously praised the longawaited peace in Bosnia and urged Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland never to return to political violence. The pope noted that for the first time a Palestinian representative was attending the diplomats' audience, along with Israel's ambassa-
munities of Jews, Christians and Muslims, all enjoying true religious freedom and developing their own religious, educational and social activities. He did not give a timetable for solving the Jerusalem question, but said 1996 should See the start of negotiations on the issue. Vatican officials have said the church expects to have a voice in the eventual talks. The Vatican's position is that international guarantees are needed to protect the city's special significance to all three religions. The pope's call for a ban on nuclear testing was not new, but its timing was significant. It came a week before French President Jacques Chirae was to pay a state visit to the Vatican. France has been under fire in many parts of
regimes, the pope noted that while some Muslim countries treat all religious groups fairly, others discriminate against Christians and Jews, denying even the basic right to worship. He did not name specific countries, but Persian Gulf states like Saudi Arabia maintain the harshest restrictions on church activity. "It cannot be said too often: This is an intolerable and unjustifiable violation not only of all the norms of current internationallaw, but the, most fundamental human freedom, that of practicing one's faith openly," he said. The, pope dedicated much of his talk to global peace prospects, defending what he called the con~ cept of "reciprocity" - that every nation must be ready to accept the identity of its neighbor. This is exactly the opposite of the "despotic nationalistic ideologies" that have torn apart Europe and Africa in recent years, he said. He said the agreement in BosniaHerzegovina will endure only if there is a free flow of people and ideas, the unhindered return of refugees, the preparation of democratic elections, and sustained reconstruction efforts. He called the embattled Bosnian capital of Sarajevo the "Jerusalem of Europe" and urged the continent to make sure its future is one of peace. He encouraged all parties in the Northern Ireland conflict to consolidate a cease-fire and a permanent peace. "From now on we are called upon to banish forever two evils which are in no way inevitable: sectarian extremism and political , VIolence. May the Catholics and Protestants of the region respect one another, build peace together and cooperate in everyday life!" he said. Turning to Latin America, where he will 'travel in February, the pope said he thought a "new climate" of peace was graduallyemerging in places like Nicaragua, EI Salvador and Guatemal~ - even though human rights are not always respected and complete ele,militarization is diffj¢uItto impost:. , . He said he was disturbed by,the smaller, sometimes forgottt:n wars that continue to flare up around 'the globe: in places like Algeria, "where blood is spilled almost daily"; Chechnya, Kashmir and Sri Lanka, where violent civil struggles sim~er; and Liberia and
THE ANCHOR....,...Diocese of FaIl River-Fri., Jan. 26, 1996
Somalia, where "international assistance has not succeeded in bringing peace." He said the people of East Timor, a territory claimed by Indonesia, are still waiting to see the realization of their "legitimate aspirations" of special cultural and religious identity. The pope decried tribal and ethnic violence in Burundi and Rwanda and armed activity in other parts of Africa. He noted that last year he made a special appeal for international assistance for Africa; this year he repeated ,that caIl, but added that Africans must take more responsibility for their political woes.
Speaking to the continent's political leaders, he said: "If you do not commit yourselves more resolutely to national democratic dialogue, if you do not more clearly respect human rights, if you do not strictly administer public funds and external credits, if you do not condemn ethnic ideology, the African continent will ever remain on the margin of the community of nations." In order to be helped, African governments must be politically credible, he said.
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POPE JOHN Paul II delivers his message of freedom, peace and hope in his state-of-the-world address. -(eNS/ Reuters) dar to the Vatican. The PLO and the globe for its recent resumption the Holy See excha ngl~d represen- of nuclear testing in the (>acific. The pope said the test ban, distatives last year, a stc:p the pope said grew out of hopeful peace armament and a halt to new weapons development sho1,Jld be accomdevelopments in the Middle East. "But allow me to confide that plished as soon,as pq'ssible under this hope could prove l:phemeral if effective international controls. The pope's strongest words were a just and adequate solution is not also found to the particular prob- reserved for countries that deny religious freedom. lem of Jerllsalem," he said. In China and Vietnam, he said, "The religious and universal dimension of the Holy City de- Catholics face "constant obstacles," mands a commitment on the part' particularly in maintaining ties to of the whole international com- the Vatican. He said that "millions munity, in order to ensure that the of believers cannot be indefinitely oppressed, held in suspicion or city preserves its uniqueness and retains its' living character;" he divided among themselves" withsaid. out negative international and The pope emphasi;~ed that the domestic consequences forthe state. .. A persecuted believer will alVatican's concern goes beyond free ways find it difficult to have confiaccess to the holy plact~s by outside visitors. It is also important, he .. denae in a state which presumes to regulate his conscience," he said. said, that these places be permanIn his comments about Islamic ently surrounded by active com-
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A YOUNG FACE looks intently at former New England Patriots running back Robert Weathers, who spoke at $t. Vincent's Home last week. After listening to Weather's message, the children were given the opportunity to ask questions and get an autograph. (lolivet photo)
Former 'New England Patriots running, back scores b~g at St. Vincent's Home By Dave Jolivet benefit games for various charities. The three groups were the "I'm here because of the love, youngsters to 10 years, preadoles::' care and concern I have for the cents (10 to 13 years), and adolesyouth of this country." Those were cents (14 and up). The former the opening comments former New Patriot geared his talks'to the,sp,eEngland .Patriots running back cific :age.··~oups", b,ut';his over-~ll Robert Weathers made to a group of adolescents gathered in the -message was the same: "It is important' to be kind to everyone, gymnasium at St. Vincent's Youth regardless of race, religion or sex." Treatment Center in Fall River To the young kids, Weathers last week. Weathers was a six~year member of the Patriots from 1982- likened the color of a person's skin 88, including .the 1995 American to wrapping paper on a present. Football Conference championship "You don't know what's inside team that played in'Super Bowl until you remove the paper," he XX. It was his 50-yard touchdown said. "You.can't j!ldge the present run against the Miami Dolphins by the packaging:" He went .on to that helped the Pats win the AFC tell the little ~>nes that it's 0 K to title. His football career was cut admire professional athletes" but short by injuries, resulting in six , 'the people they should idolize are the people who love and care for surgeries on his knees and ankles. them. "Those people should be your role models. Your parents or Weathers was invited to speak foster parents or' teachers, those to three groups of children at St. are the people who care about you Vincent's by Treatment coordina- and those are the people you should tor Mary Kate O'Leary who played admire," he said. He concluded his basketball with him on the "Shoot- message stressing the importance 'ing Stars," a team that played of receiving a good education.
"There are no 'dumb' athletes. daughter or son to be denied things Everyone mustknow how to read because they are black," he said. and write...and do math.'~ , "My children will be growing up in To the preadolescents, Weath- , a society that you put together, ers delivered an upbeat message. and you can make that a good "We all l1ave something to <;onsociety." Weathers said that the tribu'ti.' to :this, ewodil,,",i he :·s~id. Y!J~H~ ~~f~,M~P}l~;tftf;e'1~~I,Ai;\,q~t ",there's': 'to'~'"inui:h,)i'J"tlgh '~tuff important natural resource we have. going on in the world; we have to "You ,have a fresher view point, be nice to each other." He said that and you can change the view points sports are not eV,erything in life, of others," he added. but they can' teach valuable lesHe later shared that up until so·ns. "You don't have to score a eighth grade, he did poorly in bunch of touchdowns to contrischool. "But, someone took an bute to a team. Lineman don't interest in me and showed me that score points, but without them, no I didn't have to feel sorry for one would score," he illustrated. Weathmyself for being poor," Weathers ers wrapped-up his presentation to said. He began to apply himself the second group with the lesson and worked to becQme successful, that drugs, ,alcohol and cigarettes someone he could be proud of. have no place in their lives. ~~I ,"You have ,to remember though, never took drugs, smoked cigarettes that'everything you get in life, you or drank because my dad told me must work hard for. .. you have to they were harmful, and I believed ' earn it," pe said. him. It's so true." . He also shared that the only He' appealed to the adolscent "gang" he ever belonged to was a group to end racism, drug abuse gang of friends who played basand religious intolerance beginning ketball, traded comic books and right away. "I don't want my built racing cars from wooden
FORMER N.E. PATRIOT Robert Weathers (left) chuckles at a question asked of him at 51. Vincent's Home. Behind Weathers is treatment coordinator at 51. Vincent's, Mary Kate O'Leary, who invited him to speak to the youngsters. At right, __ .. '" " ." . Weathers signs_~),ltographs,whil~l.o~al TV ca.l1wram~n.l.Qok;.on.,.(Jolj.vet..phot.Qs.}
crates. "The violence thing in this world has to stop," he said. "We , must respect people of I~very race and religion, and guys" we must respect women." Weathers was the product of a broken home, was extremely poor and experienced racism firsthand while growing up in Florida. Yet, speaking with him, onl: finds no bitterness or contempt. He credits God and his grandmo'ther, who was a devoted churchgoer, for his positive outlook today. "Kindness is a natural emotion, but it gets buried by people teaching you the wrong thing. Inside everyone there is love and kindness," he said. Different things in life can help dig out that kindness such as people you come in contact with, family, teammates, friends or teachers. "God is a humble, loving entity and ultimately God's people do the right thing," said We,athers. As a Christian, he feels compelled to help youth. "I love young people, and they all deserve a shot at a good life," he said. Currently, Weathers is a football coach at Benedict College, a historically black institute of learning in Columbia, S.c. His knees, and ankles may not be what they once were, but spiritually, his heart and soul are very healthy, and that combination can help all those who come into contact with him be a better person for it.
St. Vince t's happelli gs The recently released 1995 annual report emphasized the importa'rlt role the diocesan sponsored agency serves in helping needy children and their families. The ar..nual census has steadily increased, from 133 children in 1993 to 175 children in 1995. St. Vincent's was the la,rgest single provider in the southeast region of fee-for-service placements by the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. "By intensifying our services and diversifying our programs we have become a leader in the region," said executive director Father Joseph Costa. "M ore importantly, we have,helped make our kids more successful, better equipped to go back to the community hopeful and restored." The Vinhaven Program" which now consists of two group homes in Fall River and one in New Bedford, may be expanding to Cape Cod in the next fiscal ye,ar. Preliminarydiscussions with th,~ Department of Social Services i tldicate a need for group home services on the Cape, and St. Vinc(:nt's and the diocese have ag'reed to consider expanding the program to meet that need. The DePaul Center in'Westport is expected to reach full enrollment by the end of January. The Westport school commitu:e recently granted St. Vincent's the right to operate a priva'te school a t the site. The Department of Edu,;ation is expected to extend St. Vincent's 766 license to Westport. Outreach to the community is being stepped up. Mary Kate O'Leary. St. Vincent's treatment' coordinator recently spoke about parenting skills to a Sts. Peter and Paul (Fall River) parem group. Those interested in sec:uring a speaker from St. Vincent's for their group can call Rita Capotosto, director of childhood services at ,679-8511, extension·307.
March For Life
Continued from Page One Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia celebrated Mass at the Basilica. After liturgy, Bishop Sean O'Malley invited all those from the Fall River diocese to enjoy breakfast with him at St. Francis Friary-Capuchin Colleg1e in Washington. Following the breakfast, the marchers gathered with thousands of others at the Ellipse at Washington Mass to begin the procession at 1:30 p.m. By 3:00 p.m., the participants reached their destination, the Supreme Court building. Father Fernandes described the march as upbeat. "The crowds are getting younger and younger each year, and that's encouraging," he said. Marian Desrosiers, assistant director of the Pro-Life Apostolate in the diocese echoed Father Fernandes' sentiments. "The number of youth taking part in the events continues to grow," said Mrs. Desrosiers. "Thf: youth in our diocese are very special, and they have a commitmf:nt. This is not just a trip for them, they are a great witness for all of us." Father Fernandes said he had mixed emotions about the events. He was encouraged by Ithe number of young people there, but he was saddened by the fact that such an event has to take place at all. "It's difficult to come up with more strategies to let people know how wrong abortion is," he' said. "The pro-choice people put up such smokescreens to cloud the facts." Father Fernandes pointed out that the Senate and the House approved a ban on partial-birth abortions, but lamented the fact that President Clinton.indicated he will veto ~t.:" t·_j'"\,; r r t." '."'J.-: ~,+ 'f "The level of pain be,comes deeper .when you wish more people knew what was going on when an abortion takes place," said Mrs. Desrosiers. "There seems to be a veil on the eyes of the people." On a more positive note, Mrs. Desrosiers said that most Pro-Life people come away from this event refreshed with a renewed enthusiasm. "Praying, attending Mass and walking together helps renew our commitment," she said. "This was my eighth march and it has never become just the same old thing." At a rally prior to the march, Cardinal Law asked President Clinton to "reject the radical minority lind stand with the 71 percent majority of Americans who support the partial-birth abortion ban." Other speakers from religious denominations included Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who announced that the organization Human Life International would be coordinating a project of Jewish and Christian groups to fight abortion in the Holy Land. Two new features on the Ellipse this year were a huge menorah and the still-decorated national Christmas tree, left in place by the Park Service longer than usual after the three-week budget furlough and nearly a week of weather shutdowns in Washington. j
Politcians addressing the rally included Rep. Chris Smith, RN.J., who said "even if the allegations of impropriety .... in the White House all turned out to be true, it would pale in comparison" to the damage done by Clinton to efforts to end abortion. Smith was referring to questions raised over the involvement of Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in
Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. ST. LOUIS CHURCH 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River ~.
DIOCESAN PARTICIPANTS in the March For Life in Washington, D. C. join Bishop Sean O'Malley for breakfast at St. Francis Friary-Capuchin College. To the bishop's left is Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes and to his right is Father Horace J. Travassos, director ofthe Diocesan Office of Family Ministry. (Lavoie photo) the Whitewater real estate dealings and other matters. Smith, who chairs the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said the process of passing the bills to outlaw partial-birth abortions brought an end to the "23-year cover-up" of the violence involved in abortion. A Catholic who was,first elected on a pro-life platform, Smith urged the audience to "pray, fast and work hard" to defeat opponents who support legal abortion. Relatives of Rep. Bob Dornan, R-Calif.. briefly unfurled a "Dornan for President" banner on stage as he spoke. "The pro-life cause above everything this year is to get a pro-life person as leader of the free world," said Dornan. also a Catholic. Amid the crowd on the Ellipse were a handful of signs for Dornan and other presidential candidates, including Alan Keyes and Patrick :Bir6hal1a'n, 'tloth 'Catl)olit RepUtIlicans who oppose ·abortion. Other signs among the thousands bouncing across the Ellipse were those reading: '''Jail Abortionists," "If the issue was slavery, would there be such a thing as prochoice?" "Stop the media bias regarding abortion," "TheCiintons and the news media are factually challenged (they lie)..... It's not just a woman's body, it's some-body," "Pick on someone your own size (me)," and "Former fetuses unite." , Students from Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsbl.\rgh carried a sign that read: "A person's a person, No matter how small- Dr.
Seuss." Others proclaimed:" Abortion steals someone's childhood" and "March real hard, pray much harder." At a rally kicking off the annual march, speaker after speaker targeted President Clinton, calling for his defeat. Several weeks of harsh winter weather, flooding in several Eastern states and related traffic problems around Washington seemed to have deterred'some people from coming and delayed the arrival of other participants for the march. But after a light turnout early on, by the timf: marchers headed for the Supreme Court building from the rally site behind the White House, the crowd had grown to 60,000, as estimated by National ParK Service Police. In a nearly 90-minute rally on the mud-covered Ellipse, a dozen Republican members of Congress urged a .supportive audience to make qintoii's'defeat itt Novenjber's e'lection the focus of their efforts. Other speakers representing churches and nonpolitical organizations focused on asking Clinton to reverse his opposition to bills that would outlaw partialbirth abortion procedures: "Bill Clinton is an abortionist, and we need to get him out of the White House today," said Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas. He went on to suggest that Medicare and Medicaid are in financial trouble because legal abortion has meant there will be 30 million fewer young people to pay taxes "when we get old."
Area Catholic schools unite Continued from Page One Dominican Academy - sixth grade mime group and the grade one singers; Espirito Santo School- school choir. Holy Name SchOOl - grade two song presentation, Notre Dame School - video presentation, St. Anne School - kindergarten singers, St. Jean Baptiste School- "Fish & Chips" musical group, St. Michael SchoOI- grades 1,2, & 3 choir, Sts. Peter & Paul School "Dressing Right", grade 3 musical skit, St. Stanislaus School- pre-school dancers and Polish folk dancers. In celebrating Catholic Schools Week the NCEA cites several findings that it has recently published, A research report, entitled Catholic Schools Make A Difference.. .25 Years of Research, described in detail the many ways in which Catholic schools contribute to the
Church and to the country. Its author is Dr. John J. Convey with the Department of Education, The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. A review of the studies conducted about Catholic schools over the last quarter century, this report identifies important indicators of their effectiveness. For example, studies demonstrate that attending a Cat holic school has a measurable effect on the behaviors and values of students over and above the influence produced by the religiousness of their parents. Furthermore, Dr. Convey found that Catholic school students generally place family-related values high in their hierarchy of values, ordinarily higher than other potential life goals and, in particular, higher than materialistic goals that equate with havinga good job and making a lot of money, For more information about Catholic Schools Week activities contact anyone of the area Catholic schools or the Diocesan Office of Education at 678-2828.
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UFUN students gain stately knowledge
JENNIFER SCANLON, Attleboro, accepts the first Peter Hinski scholarship from Bishop Feehan High School principal George Milot. Hinski, a North Attleboro native, was killed in a car accident while a sophomore at Feehan in 1968.
Seventh and eighth graders at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, have been researching various states and have received packets of information from all over the United States. In September the students wrote letters of inquiry to the different offices of tourism and they ·have been delighted with the response. The junior high students have also planned the Catholic Schools Week Liturgies and are anxiously awaiting the Feb. 3 dance, which .will be held at the Holy Name Center. Students have also enjoyed trips to Plymouth Plantation, the Boston'Science Museum, and the Zeiterion Theatre.
The French National Honor Society, under the direction of its moderator, Mrs. Linda Ausiello, recently concluded its holiday Christmas project by making a donation to a local Haitian family. The organization celebrated its holiday vacation at ajete de Noel (Christmas party) at the home of junior Elizabeth Martin. Authentic French cuisine, made by the society members, was shared by all who' attended. Diane Crane's Latin I class rc~ cently celebrated the ancient Roman holiday Saturnalia. Each student presented a donum or gift to the class. The great Roman festival was traditionally held from December 17-23 in honor of Satur-
JESSICA PEIXOTO, a fourth grade student at St. Mary Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, reads to kindergarten student, James Doorley, as kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Flynn, looks on. ' .
A new generation
ORLANDO, Fla, (CNS) Young people of the so-called Generation X, are know'n for their skepticism and for a very different nus, god of agriculture. It was a view of life from that of previous time of merriment at the end of generations, said a speaker at a vintage and harvesting. Presents meeting of campus ministers. were exchanged. During this festiEudist Father Ron Bagley, direcval, masters served their slaves in tor of the St. John Eudes Center in token of the equality of rank and Buffalo, N. Y., addressed the Caththe lack of class distinctions durolic Campus Ministry Association ing the period. Many Christmas Eastern Regional Conference. held customs have been derived from recently in Orlando. I n his talk this fea~i'l: J~:' ' • •,'.' .', .• , . ,. . " "r:h~ 'Latest! R,l:sb rch iorl'ine 'Nee'd'~':' Physical Education Department arid Aspirations ofCaihCilic Voung , chairperson Nancy Mowry recently Adults," Father Bagley noted the completed a wor\<s!'lOp ','HIV Overcharacteristics of the approxiview and U pdate"at the center for ,F.R.E.S.H., Fall River Ends S~oking Habits, ga.ve a IT!ately 65 million p~ople born betraining and health education in presentation on the hazards of smoking to Domi,'nican Brockton. She also attended "Build- tween 1961 and 1981 whomakeup ing A Quality Education Program" Generation X, He said they have Academy students, grades K-8. From left are, Heather Gregin Brookline. . , lived ina society different from ory,teacher; Maureen Glisson, Tobacco Prevention and ConBishop Feehan High Schoo,l previous ones. It is more diverse trol Coalition; Nick, SalI!lon, health 'educator, anq Joseph principal George Milot,' has re~, et.hnicaliy, culturally andeconoinBorges, director, Board of Health/Tobacco Control program; ically; holds various values and cently annou~ced that junior Jenand students Allison Sturchio, Leanna Rousseau, and Caronifel;' Scanlon, daughter of Mary views; and' is \TIore 'complex and Scanlon of Attlt;boro, has, been vi:olent. line ·Mc.~e~~: (qau~ette photo) , awarded the, first ,Peter 'Hinski .~,' ~ ~ scholarship, . ,. '. . I rl . ,~f Bosf()n'ho'oks-up'~ocal , " , The schol!lrship has bee.n made, available through the efforts of :'Stud.e~~~- at S~: }~an ~apt'iste earr:! points fo; the school of t~eir .. ~he.saip if just one.'persp·n per Mary Jo Hinski (formerly Q(N'orth School, Fal1 River h'ave some new choice just by doing business with day 'completed a 'Bonus <:ertifiAttleboro) who has established learning tools, thanks to Bank of the bank,". Fernandes explained. ~ate,in eight weeks the desi,gnated the award in the name' of her Boston's Investment in Educaii~n "·Even tho'se who 'are nc;>t a1Te~dy . school would have generated sufbrother Peter, w.ho w'as killed in a bank customers can earn points ficient points for a VCR. ~ar accident in. 19,68, was the pres- program, It provided the school with' five simply by' comple'ting a Bonus , For more information Oli or to Ident Qf the sophoglore class at Certificate at any Bank of Boston " participate' in Investment i;. Edu27-inch color ~elevision sets. Feehan, and he would have been a The Investment in' Education branch." ',j cation, call·1-800-477-KID~•. member of th~ graduating class o( prog~am 'links members of local 1971. . , " com'munlties - friends, rehitives, The scholarship is awarded by neighbors and business peoplethe principal to a worthy student to local schools by providing them' who is enrolled at Bishop Feehan. with an ea~y .way to "earn" educational materials for their sc'h'ools simply by conducting business with Bank of Boston.' During this school year, throughMrs. Rioux's sixth grade class out Fal1 Rive..., school supporters at St. James-St. John School, New earned enough "School Investment Points" to al10w the school to Bedford, has been studying light in science class, particularly how mirselect from an array of computers, rors and lenses work. Mr. Michael encyclopedias, televisions, video Kobza of Oxford Family Eye Care ca~sette recorders and athletic equipment. in. Fairhaven, spent a morning With the class explaining how conBarboza, who coordinated the cave and convex lenses help corprogram at the 'school, said the rect vision problems. goal is to have a television set for every classroom. He brought a cataract and an implant lens to show the students Grace Fernandes, Fall River FIVE TV sets have been donated to St. Jean Baptiste and demonstrated how to distin~ branch managerJor Bank of Bos- School, Fall River, by the Bank of Bost,on. From left are Grace guish their dominant eye from ton, said the Investment in EducaFernandes, Fall River branch manager, Bank of Boston, Kaththeir less dominant eye. The class tion program is simple for both the leen Barboza, school principal, Carol Indyk, Rank of Boston was very grateful to Mr. Kobza participating schools and potenand. St. Jean's Women's Guild, and Pauline Vezina, guild tial supporters. and came away with a realization of how valuable the hU,man eye is. prestdent. "Bank of Boston customers can
Feehan lists recent events' Alden Harrison, theater director at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, has announced tryouts for the spring musical Fiddler on the Roof. scheduled for April II, 12 and 14. Auditions will be held Jan. 26, 28, 30, 31 and Feb. I. Joan La Croix, science department chairperson, recently led her Honors Biology students on an electronic expedition to Antarctica. The program entitled, "Blue~ Ice Focus on Antarctica," features daily activities lasting ten minutes. A recent week included a brief preview of three expeditions that they were tracking. Tuesday they received some special features relating to their topic. Wednesday, the U.S. Coast Guard vessel Polar Star gave them a situation report on the Antarctic wat~rs. Thursday they had a featured guest, and Friday concluded with "Question of. the Week." The jou,rney will continue through March and st,udents from across ~he U.S. will,'pe able,to converse. The freshmen" Ho~ors ;nd' A~ celeratep Biology clas~eswen: busy "making" and "eating;' cells.. As part of the cell unit, students were asked to construct an edible cell which in turn was viewed and judged.by classmat~s. J Sophomore class modera;or Mrs. Sheila Haskins, has a'n~ nounced plans for a class ski trip for January 28 to Waterville'Valley.
St. JamesSt.John School
.:., .: Bank
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 26,1996
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Separate Fantasy From Reality By Charlie Martin
FANTASY When you walk by every night Talking liweet and looking fine I get kind of hectic inside Baby, I'm so into you Darling, if you only knew All the things That floVil through my mind But it's just a Sweet, sweet, fantasy baby When I close my eyes You come and you take me On and em and on It's so dEICP in my daydreidms But it's just a sweet, Sweet fantasy baby Images of rapture Creep inlto me slowly As you'r,e going to my head And my heart beats faster When you take me over Time and time and time again But it's just a (refrain) I'm in hl!aVen With my boyfriend My laughing boyfriend There's no beginning And there's no end Feels lik~e I'm dreaming But I'm not sleeping Written by Mariah Carey, Chris Frantz, Tom Weymouth, Dave Hall, Adrian Belew, Steven Stanley. Sung by Mariah Carey (c) 1995 by Song Songs Inc.lRye Songs, BMI/Metered Music Inc.lWB Music C:orp.lStone Jam Publishing/Nitty and Capone, Inc., ASCA.P. MARIAH CAREY touched him. While these images are gold with "Fantasy." Off her new "Daydream" CD, the cassingle gives Ms. Carey yet another NO.1 hit. How many this makes I'm not sum, but she must be among the leaders for this honor in the '90s. The song desribes a girl who is crazy-in-love with her boyfriend. She finds that her heart beats faster and "I !~et kind of hectic inside" when she's around the guy. All she can think about is bein9 close to
"deep in my daydreams," she realizes that most of their relationship is just "a sweet, sweet fantasy." All of this may be fine provided she doesn't confuse fantasy with reality. Infatuation and romance have captured her mind. At this point, she's just enjoying the emotional ride. Probably she's not even concerned about what a real relationship would mean'. But suppose she changes
course. Suppose she wants more than a fantasy in her life? What if she decides that daydreams are not enough to build a future? . If so, her first step is to do a reality check. What basis is there for a relationship here? For example, how does this guy treat her? What are his goals, his values? How compatible are these with hers? Trying to answer such questions means slowing down her runaway emotions and thinking seriously about what she experiences. Admittedly, this is touchy. It's easy to romanticize a dating relationship. She may not see objectively what is going on. Consequently, it would be wise for her to sElek the help of real friends who care about her and whose judgment is good. She can inform them that she's decided to move out of daydreams and wants to hear their points of view. How do they see this guy? What are his strengths? What qualities about him concern them? Most important, do they see her overlooking problems that might affect how the relationship will develop? Such an open dialogue depends on the trust between her and her friends. It requires that they are people whose responses will not be influenced by jealousy or their own romantic fantasy. No matter what her friends do tell her, ultimately she must decide what she wants in her life. We all enjoy fantasies, but when it comes to establishing a lasting relationship we need to keep both our minds and our hearts rooted in reality.
Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.
Bees promote geography smarts " Stefanie Polchlopelk, a sixth grade student at St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, won the s(:hool level competition of the National Geography Bee on January 16 and a
chance at a $25,000 colJege scholarship. The school level Bee, at which students answered oral questions on geography, was the first round in the eighth annual Na-
MR. AND MRS. Walter Polchlopek stand with their daughter Stefanie and her teacher, Mrs. Claudette LeBlanc. Stefanie won the Sit. Joseph School, Fairhaven, Geography Bee and is now in competition for the state title.
tional Geography Bee, which is sponsored by National Geographic World and Chrysler Corporation. This year's Bee includes thousands of schools around the United States, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories. The school winners, including Stefanie Polchlopek, will now take a written test and up to 100 of the top scorers in each state and territory wilJ be eligible to compete in their state Bee March 29. The National Geographic Society will provide an all-expensespaid trip to Washington, D.C., for state champions and their teacherescorts to participate in the National Geography Bee national championship on May 28 and 29. The first-place national winner will receive a $25,000 colJege scholarship; the second-place winner, a $15,000 scholarship; and the thirdplace winner, a $10,000 scholarship. Alex Trebek, host of "Jeopardy," will moderate the national finals, which will air on May 29. The National Geographic So-
By Christopher Carstens It's easy to tell when you're in love. Your mind is so full of him you hardly have room for anything else. You come to school, and the most important moment will be when you see him after second period English. .Your parents complain because you spend your entire evening on the phone with hini, talking about this and that and nothing. Or you spend your evening running to the phone because you hope it's him. Or you spend it calJing up your girlfriends and discussing why he didn't call. You know you're in love because you live inside your skin, and you're aware that everything from your eyebrows to your tippie toes is magnetically oriented to his presence or his absence, like a compass pointed toward wherever he might be. But does he love you? H ow are you going to know? There's this problem. We have an incredibly frustrating capacity for being deeply in love with people who somehow refuse to feel the same way about us. Because we are so bound up in that other person and the intoxicating power of our own emotions, we get very good at fooling ourselves. Maybe he's between "real" girlfriends and he needs somebody to fill in for a while. Maybe he thinks you're pretty, and he takes you out like an accessory for his clothes. Or maybe he's just hoping he can get to you sexually. But maybe,just maybe, he really thinks you're terrific, and he's just as invested in the relationship as you are. How are' you going to know? We place so much weight on words like "I love you" and "You're so important to me." But words are only that, and saying he loves you really doesn't offer any sort of certainty. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111
ciety developed the National Geography Bee in response to a growing concern about the lack of geographic knowledge among young people in the United States. A 10 country Gallup survey conducted for the Society in 1988 and. 1989 found that people in the U.S. ages 18-24 - the youngest group surveyed - knew less about geography than young people in any of the other countries in the survey. The National Geographic Society, with 9 million members, has as its mission the "increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge." In addition to the National Geography Bee, the society sponsors a number of other geography education initiatives, including summer geography institutes for teachers, and the Geographic Alliance Network, which is currently working in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
What matters are actions. If you want to know if he cares, observe how he treats you. Then ask yourself, "Does he show that what I want is important?" A guy who really cares about you will go out of his way to spend time with you, and at least some of that time will be spent on things that you enjoy. If you are not a football fan, and all he wants to do is watch the games while you're together, he's not showing that you're important. You might spend some time together watching the playoffs, but if he cares about you some of that shared time will be spent doing the activities you choose. Next, if he really cares about you, he'll pay attention when you talk. Unfortunately, most guys aren't very good at listening, so you can't expect· your boyfriend to be as good a listener as the girls you share secrets with. Still, if you're important to him he'll listen and pay attention - at least some of the time. If every conversation is about him, or his friends, or his plans, you aren't at the top of his priority list. Finally, a guy who cares won't force you into doing things you don't want to do. He may try to talk you into stuff that isn't your idea - that's part of the negotiation in a relationship. But he won't force you once your clear answer is "no."
Oh, yeah, and one last thing. Everything I've said is true about guys who wonder if "that girl" loves them. It works both ways in love - or it doesn't work at all. Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service,3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
Vatican art on CD VA TICAN CITY (CNS) While the Vatican Museums posted a record of nearly 3 million visitors in 1995, the Vatican wants to help millions more wander unhurried and uncrowded through its miles of corridors. With the museums' new CD-ROMs, visitors can even pause to rearrange the figures in paintings of Jesus' birth on Mary's assumption into heaven - something obviously forbidden in the museum itself. "The Vatican belongs to everyone, but not everyone can enjoy it," said Cardinal Rosalio Castillo Lara, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, at a Jan. 18 unveiling of the CDs and a collection of 16 home videos. "Throughout history the Vatican has been the depository and custodian of priceless art works ... now we can bring these treasures into people's homes," he said.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Fri.,Jan. 26,1996
Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should be Included, as well as lull dates of all activIties. Please send news of future rather than past events; Due to limited space and alno because notices of strictly parish affairs normally appear In a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit Items to events of general Interest. Also, we do not normally carry notices of fundralslng activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable Irom The Anchor business office, telephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates Fall River; NB Indicates New Bedford.
YOUTH MINISTRY Fall River's Young Adult Council will sponsor a concert for AIDS Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium, Fall River. The concert will feature some of New England's top Christian artists. For information, call Bud Miller, tel. 676-6503, or Brother David Dum~ine, tel. 222-5410.
SACRED HEART, NO. ATTLEBORO Gerry and Scottie Foley, directors of the diocesan family minstry program, will speak on "Looking for the Sacred in the Ordinary" at the church following a 7 p.m. liturgy on Feb. 2. First Friday celebrations continue with socializing and varied programs starting at 6:30 in the church hall. HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICH There is a 24 hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday beginning after the 9 a.m. Mass through Benediction on Saturday at 8: 15 a.m. followed by morning prayer and the rosary. All are welcome and encouraged to sign up for one hour. Weather cancellations, tel. 432-{)650 or 430-{)0 14. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM First Friday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin at the church Feb. 2 at 8 a.m. and continue until Feb. 3 at 9 a.m.
LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO John Polce, singer and guitarist, will launch the 1996 Bethany Nights series Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. This night of prayer, music, and witness is held on the last Friday of this month. The Coffee House on Jan. 27 at 6:30 p.m. will feature Father Andre Patenaude and, singer, Lucille Marchetti. All are invited to the 4:30 p.m. Mass and to enjoy a meal in the . cafeteria. Father Pat will also lead a Healing Service on Jan. 28 at 2 p.m. which will include music, teaching, celebration of Eucharist, and the opportunity for anointing and in<;lividual prayer. The chapel is handicapped accessible and all are welcome to attend. For more information, call 222-5420. FIRST FRIDA Y CLUB, FR First Friday Club will meet Feb. 2 in Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. Mass, celebrated by Father John Ozug, will begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and the evening's' speaker, Anthony Nunes, principal of Bishop Connolly High School. All area men" are invited. Call Paul A. Dumais, tel. 673-7675, if you plan to attend. CATHEDRAL CAMP,. E. FREETOWN The following retreats have been scheduled at Cathedral Camp: Stonehill College retreat, Jan. 26 through Jan. 28; Holy Name, Fall River, Confirmation II retreat, Feb. 3; St. Elizabeth Seton, N. Falmouth, Confirmation retreat, Feb. 4. Information: Sister Joseph Marie, O.P., tel. 763-3994. CURSILLO MOVEMENT Leaders' school will be held Feb. 14 at Bishop Connolly High School at 7:30 p.m. AlI"are welcome. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FR The Ciregorian Chant Mass, Miss!! de Angelis (Mass of the Angels) will. be sung Jan. 28 at th.e 10 a.m. Mass by the Cathedral Choir and the congregation. Booklets will be available for all those in attendance. All welcome. ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT, FR Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be Feb. 4 from 12-6 p.m. with holy hour at 5 p.m. at St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 No. Main, FR. Exposition is also.every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to midnight.
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THE MARCH For Life in Washington, D.C. was well attended by the nation's youth. Here, members of a group from Boston College show their support for human life. (Lavoie photo)
Hong Kong committee has no Catholic member~~ test Beijing's su"ppression of the HONG KONG (CNS) - The Chinese government-appointed Pre- Chinese pro-democracy movement. paratory Committee'charged with The other religious ~,ppointee, getting Hong Kong ready for return Buddhist leader Kok-kwong, presto Chinese rule in July,.I997, has ident of the Hong Kong Buddhist few members from religious bodies, Association, said he was appointed none of them Catholic. as an individual but will also work "The absence of Catholic Church for religious freedom. He told the press that politics figures on the PC may not be bad are not something secular and he, because then the church can preas a Buddhist. should participate sent itse.lf in a more neutral posiin them. tion in matters concerning Hong He was a member of the Basic Kong," said Stephen Sze ManLaw Drafting Committee and a hung, Hong Kong scholar and Hong Kong affairs advi.ser to the observer of Catholicism in the Chinese government. British territory. Sze told UCA News, an Asian Although 63 percent of commitchurch news agency based in Thaitee members are from Hong Kong, land, that since Catholic leaders critics said the pro-de mocracy, were not appointed to other workgrass-roots viewpoint i!, underreing groups in the preparation propresented. More than half of the cess - the Basic Law Drafting members are businesspeople, proCommittee (1985-1990) or the Prefessionals, academics and proliminary Working Committee( 1993Beijing figures. 95) - he was not surprised the There are no appointees from Catholic Church is not represented the Democratic Party. tne biggest on the current body. winner in the territory'H first full "The Catholic Church has been legislative election last SI:ptember. rather low-key in politics," said The committee, heade'd by Chithe lecturer at Hong Kong's Lingnese Vice Premier and Foreign nan College. Minister Qian Qichem. is scheCatholics make up 4.2 percent duled to have its first meeting in of Hong Kong's 5.9 milli'on populaBeijing in late January. tion. Under the Basic Law, Hong Kong's post-1997 miniconstitution, the Preparatory Committee is to establish a 400-member selection PHILADELPHIA (CNS) panel by Apriltoelect Hong Kong's Toctay's immigrants are no differfirst chief executive after its return ent from their predecessors who to Chinese jurisdiction. made the nation strong, wrote The committee' will also oversee Philadelphia Cardinal Anthony J. sett路ing up the provisional legislaBevilacqua in an opinion piece in ture and government for the Spethe city's largest daily newspaper. cial Administrative Region that "The immigrants of tod.ay are no "Hong Kong will become under Beijing rule. Among 150 commit- " different than those of the past," Cardinal Bevilacqua wrote in an tee .members approved by the op-ed piece for the Philadelphia National People's Congress on Dec. Inquirer. "They may represent an 28,94 are Hong Kong citizens and ever larger number of nationali56 mainland officials. ties, but they come seek.ing what Anglican Bishop Peter Kwong those before them sough'!; a better Kwong-kit of Hong Kong and life for their families." Rather than Macau, one of two religious apblaming immigrants for social and pointees, told UCA News that economic ills, the country should though only two religious repreembrace their ideas and hard work, sentatives were appointed, some said the cardinal. "They represent other members have religious backthe best of what built our country grounds. and what will continue t,) make it He said he will speak for the strong." He went on to note that welfare of all Hong Kong residents immigration reform legislation and will consult other religious pending in Congress threatens the groups if religious matters arise. country's traditional spirit of welBishop Kwong resigned as a come. Basic Law drafter in 1989 to pro-
.Seeking a better life