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1966 The Anchor

PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year

~A.PJE GUILD HOSTESSES TO SYNAGOGUE S:U:STlEIiUllOOD:. Mrs. ,Leo Gregoir~ preSIdent 9f St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, Guild, is explaining the sacred vessels to Mrs.. Willi~m Seger~an,. president of the S!s.terhood of.the. Cape Cod Synagogue, who, in turne. E!xplamed the lIghtmg of the menorah WIth the reCItation of accompanying prayers.


Aims to Save' Prevost High School

Neighborly Understanding

In 'I riter-American Effort

- It ie the hope and desire of the Diocese of Fall River that the Brothers .of Chrig;tian Instruction will' continue to Serve as instructors at Prevost· High School in Fall River, Most Rev. James .L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall. River, indi,. .ted tod'ay. An announce­ ,A closing of Prevost ment i~ t)le Maple Leaf, the throw out of balance ·the educa- . CHICAGO (NO) N rth d L' . . . . ,- 0 an ,atIlt AmerIcan Catholics are seeking fuller linderstand­ Prevost school' paper, Vol. tion of pupils' in' 'the diQcesan, .12, No., 14, Jan. 17, 1966, h~ , schools 'in 'all River area. 'T!le~ . ing of each other. This was cJearly manifest 'at the third'nation-al conference of the Cath. ilePorted·the withdrawal of,the new high school, now under,con-" olic.lnter-American Cooperation, :(lrogram, (CICOP), a long-range-effort to bring the rea.... Brothers fmlll the Fall River struetion in Fall River,. w6uld.; ity of Latin, American Catholicism and society . to . U. ·S.· Catholics;'· Sessions' resembled, school which they have staffed have' achieved a long del1ired frank· and neighborly over- L t'i' Am ~"'" d f' L"ti . . effect.in evening-off theeriroll:' th f t a n 'encan an 0, a n ists· here·In ·the North has 'ne Jar 35 years under the director­ . e-ence ~ll.c.oun e~s. American Catholicism which ex:" . basis in reality. 'The same can be . tJhop of the pastor 'of Notre Dame ment in boys and girls in secon-' dary schoo~s.· Prelates, scholars, mis. . '. ' s a i d for the' inadequate appre­ parish. · At. the present moment,' ac-' sionaries and. others from ciation. of the spiritual values of ; The Anchor today interviewed a t l c a n ' OU·riC.· North Americans which is wid~ the Bishop conterning the' mat- , cording to the latest official Latin, America involved in, the . ' day-to.-dllY fight to meet the ...' . spread on .the southern conti­ tel' now widely being discussed 'i'u,rn. to Page Fourteen. challenges facing the 200 million .A.dvancements -nerit," remarked Bis~op ManiJeI til the area. Persons in the, under-developed . Larrain of Chile," ·president . of The Prevost paper' stated CELAM, the conference of Latia' that the Brothers will continue Says. Protest~ants and over-crowded continentContinuing-­ spoke to more .than, 2,000 North American Bishops. A€ t. the school until the present· .A,1nericans ranging from high ,r'oc' hl-a·l· . With' the is'suance of a . COnference highlights inciudet Freshman Class graduates. The Pa schQol students collec;tlng'money . new' otiy~ Massi'or the ~r­ " . Diocesan School office, in an an­ for a Brazilian housing, pro]'ec.t 'o.d f ' b' B l' i tis h . economist Barbara stoUllCement last. week,advised 'uca' tion' l .OJU . Ilee and the'setting, Ward's warning that the contrast , ... , .' . t9 bjshopsheading majot U. S. Up. 'ofpOst-Conciliar commis- . between the world's rich. ancl tbatan 'entrance examination for Type SAGINAW (NG) The, dioceses.. ' ," , '. . sions, V;itican II is'rapidly mak"; poor is. sharpest· in the Americu prospe.ctive students at. Prevost would be conducted.on Saturday, .' paradox of mountinlr.protesl. .The '. ~eme .was, "Religious, , ilig its way not only into history' 'and that Christians 'who ignore , . ~alues in Latin. A~erica," a · '., . . :reb. 5. tant· interest in' parochial­ gl,1ideline .that provoked weighty' . ' TurD. .to Page Eilhteen .. Turn to Page Fourteen type schools with Ureiigious papers such as "Adaptation of Clancy permeation" 'at a time ,when . P~e-c:oloI)ial .Religious Practices some Catholics 'seem to' favor to Christianity," and lively dis­ scrapping ,their school, system . cussij:lns _on the' potential bene.. ' Retreat. . Jesuit . . fit ,·of ml!rried lay deacons. developed here. . .Underlying 'all' exchanges'was · · The occasion v.;as It I)anel,disHouseSuper~or cussion on "Protestant Strate.. t~edesire to bridge the gap of r:rhe pr<>g'ramof, co'U':J;'sesin teacMng' mErtl,.O<is ,for CCD gies in Educatiori;' sponsored by knowledge betw~en' North' and : Very Rev. J()hn V. O'Con­ te~hers is b~ing expanded this year by the Diocesan office lloOr, 'S.J:, PrOviitchil :of' the the Saginaw County' Council of South as a basis for strengthened of CCD. There Will be an eight-'Yeek 'coui-se for elementary Chuches. ' cQoperation. . ,: ­ New England Provlncial Of teacheM and a ten-week course ·fo': high school teachers ia · Turri' to Page TWG . "The common -image ,of. the the SoCiety of'Jesus; has the five 'areM of. the diocese. pointed Father John L. Clancy, S.J., as the first Superior of Our In addition, in each of the ]',.ady of Round Hill Retreat· , areas except Attleboro, there House in South Dartmouth. . Pretty Anne Murphy of St. Lawrence parish, New B'edford; who is a Papal Volunteer will be an eight-week course Father Clancy will assume the direction of this new Jesuit' at Austin High School, Stann Creek Town, 'British Honduras, is far 'removed ',from the for teachers and parents of the retarded., Those in the foundation located at the former rigors of a Massachusetts Winter! This was evidenced in. a description she sent Rev. mentally Attleboro area who wish to take Green estate next Wednesday, this particular course are in­ Feb. 2, the Feast of Our Lady's James W. Clark, Diocesan Director ofPAVLA, of a recent celebration in which she and vited to attend the TauntoR her fellow volunteers partic­ Purification. their cargo were tools for fishing the culmination of one week of course. Turn to Page Twelve ipated. The 1965 Stonehill and weapons for hunting. festivities here in Stann Creek Each of the three courses will "Yesterday's landing marked Town. Celebration began last College graduate wrote: be given at the same time and. Saturday, night, when 'all loyal location. The locations and open­ "Sunlight quivered on the Fall River Unity locals danced in parade-like ing dates of the courses are as rippled Caribbean, creating an fashion tei the cemetery, to wit­ aura of make-believe and pro­ follows: SUllilday ness the placing of a wreath viding the setting for the re­ New Bedford Area: Bishop upon the grave of Thomas Vin­ enactment of the arrival of the An unprecedented ecumen­ Stang High School, Nortb cent Ramos, the founder of first settlers· in . Stann Creek ical service which will bring Dartmouth, Tuesday, Feb. 1. Carib Settlement Day. We, Papal Town. Canoes laden with coco­ together representatives of nut leaves carried local Caribs Vol.unteers, were invited by our Fall River Area: Mount st. students at Austin' High School the Catholic, Protestant and to the shores yesterday, remind­ Mary's Academy, Wednesday~ to participate in the activities Orthodox Churches to highlight ing our people of the completed Feb. 2. . of the week and so we danced the Week of Pr~yer for Christian voyage of Elejo Beni and his Taunton Area: Bishop Cas­ and sang that night until it Unity, has been rescheduled for band of 150 Carib braves 142 sidy High School, .Wednesday, seemed that their forefathers $unday, Jan. 30, because of last years ago. Feb. 2. had become ours. :weekend's snow storm. "Freed from the. bonds of Attleboro Area: Bishop F~e­ "Besides many street dances, The event, sponsored by a slavery and injustice, the fugi­ han High School, Thursday, entertainment also included a ~int committee of the Fall River tives danced and sang in joy. Feb. 3. comical play on Tuesday eve­ Ministers Association and the The first sons of the Carib Sea ning not to be outdone by the Cape Cod Area: St. Francis Unity Comm1ssion of the Fall brought with them their needs Battle of the Bands on Wednes­ Xavier Parish CYO Building, River Diocese, will take place for livelihood such as casava day-a contest that mingled the Hyannis, Thursday, Feb. 3. at Technical High School, Rock sticks, plantain and banana spirit of competition with a true Street, Fall River, at 7:30 in. the suckers, bits of yam, sugar cane All classes well be from 7:. e¥enh1&. ANNE MURPHY and sweet potatoes. Included iD Turn to Page Eighteen to 9:30 P.M.




Fr_ ~~hn L~






New,CC'D Methods Course I'ncludes '·Twelve .Grades:



Spirit of Poverty Noted 'in. PAVL,A W ork



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan River-Thurs. Jan. 27, 1966

,Pope Ple(tlse~ at Proposal

Diocese of Fall River



.'Of This . -




HLove one another as I have lovea you." John 15:12



Beloved in -Christ,

Rev.' Edward J;, Mitchell, J.C.D., assistant at Holy Name Church, Fall Riyer,: as Defender of the !lond in the Diocesan Matrimonial Tribunal.

If there is any htessage that· has come out of the Second Vatican Council, it ·is a 'swnmons to love. our Appointment effectiv:e Friday, Jan. 21. 1966. neighbor, with the love Christ has for him. St; John, the Apostle of Love, is so firm on this point that he preached constantly the' love· ,of one's fellowmen, Jew, , and Gentile as well 'as convinced followers of Christ. , TRIBUNAL: Rev. Edward .ocIf any man love only his owribr~ther, it i$ nothing." , J~ Mitchell, J.C.D., assistant "'Anyone who says he loves God and mistrusts, or ne- a~ Holy Name Cb.urch, Fall glects his neighbor is a liar, for how can he love God ~r~er, a graduate of ~he P~n, . . . tlflcal Lateran Umverslty, whom he does n~t see, and h~~e hIS' neIghbor whom he. Rome, has been appointed by sees, and deals wIth each d a y . ' , t h e Bishop a'S Defender. of Favor Parochial Type Education It is in the spirit of such love that the' Bishops the Bond in, the Diocesan Continued 'from Page One favor abandoning it." Father OH.· Discussion 'centered on the J. Murdick, a panelist, comment­ of the United States, Canada, and Germany notably" Matrimonial Tribunal. book "Protestant Strategies in ed. He is superintendent of the have for,' years been concerned. with the religious and Education" by Robert W. Lynn, Saginaw diocesan schools. Mass Ordo lQCial needs of our brethren in Latin' America. professor at Union Theological , The American hierarchy, gathered in. annual ses­ FRIDAY-St. Pet e r Nolasco, Semipary, New York. . H' Con1ess~r. III Class. White. Three Protestant clergymen. " , onored by Qa;een sion in Rome, at the North Americ~n College, last Fill, Mass ,:,Proper: Glory; 2nd pointed to, ihe' growing intere~ . ,KAMPALA (NC) _, Bishop' .' Prayer St. Agnes, Virgin and in' ,parochial-type· education ,Vincent Billington, M.H.M., for­ 'went on record that they would 'appeal 1;0 all ~he faith­ Martyr; no ,~reed; Common among, certain Protestant. de- mer bishop of .Kampala, hall iu', and their sympathetic friends, :,~o rally, in'",~pport Preface. " '. of the Church' in ,Central and South America. We SATURDAY -" St. Francis' De' .nominations. Lynn, one panelist l?een na~ed to receive the Order seems' to believe rUl- . of the, British Empire ,by Queea , pledged to have' ~ cdllectipn taken up at all masses, ~. , Sales"Bishop, Confessor, and averred, ings !>f'the V; S. Supreme Court, Elizabeth-n. Born in Blackburn; ,Docior of the Church. III on religion in schools· wou~~. , England, in 1904, the Mill Hill all our Churches,p.arishesand missions, on· Sund:lY Class; :White. Mass Proper; come o.ut .differently if· the ~u~- • Dlissionary. served here m January 30th. The floly"Father, Pope Paul VI; hear­ Glory; no Creed;'Commol'1 lic had its way. He said parents . Uglmda.for 30 years. iAg of, this 'resolution was quick to thank us and' all Preface.' ' generally look for moral educl!,~, ' . "

Sunday After tion in p.ublic schools and added.

our people for their pro~en generosity ~o those who" '.SUNDAY-IY Epiphany. 11' Class. Green. it is up Jo the churches to come .

like us, bear'the name of Catholic, but who are bereft of Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; up with ,the solution.' "

,FO'RTY HOU:RS , the means and spiritual guidance to achieve anything Preface of Trinity._ "While some Protestants seem.

MONDAY St. ' John' Bosco, to think' that Protestants should

like participation in the tiving Christ, His Chlirch. The DEVOTION Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; b.e ~mbarking on 8, parOchi81

Holy Father wrot~: as follo"{s in· a ,letter addressed Confessor. II): Class.' White. school, plan, some Catholics at

Jan.30--Holy Name,."N e 1V through His Eminence of Boston to all .of us, Bishops, Common Preface. the ~e time are tending to Bedford. TUESDAY-St. Ignatius, Bishop Clergy, Religious and 'Laity of the Unit~d States:' , St. Joseph, Fall River. Our anxiety is that the glorious Chris;ti~n, pat­ rimony of Latiil America be conserved, ep.riched, and that the Christian faith be· deeply rooted, widely spread, .and profoundly effective in practice. theJ;'e•.· To build up the:,~ody 'of Chnst,y'ou~ venerable, Brothers,' have shown enviable 'insight· and ,praise.~orthY,<;ourage, and"underta'keh, ~sa 'uninea ,body,various helpful initiatives.' It'is thus thatw:e learned, with keen satisfaction, your most recent. propos~l to. observe Latin American Co-pperation Week. To ren~ der more meaningful ,this proclamatioJ? ·of. solidari,ty, you have passed! a resolution to request'the generosity Qf your faithful by contributing' in s:!1pportof the 3p6Stolate in' the neighboring continent. " .. Frolli ,this decision, we feel sure, rich spiritual rewards will. descend on the Church in the United States, whi~hhas already made great efforts to·estab­ lish a cOmnlon bond with the Church mthe many nations of LatiJIl 'America. Our in~essant prayers rise· to Almighty God to implore His blessings on all who

take' part in this apostolic work; 'either as v6lunteers,

'missIonaries, 'or contributors in support :of apostolic :/ ,. " ,,' .w()rk.


. My beloved, in Christ~ we in the Diocese of Fall',Rivet have no. tradition of cautious· spending; as' far as the . cause of Christ is cQncerned. We are' thoroughly Catholic ,at ,heart. We love. God, we are, grateful' to' Our, Lord, J,:sus' C4r.:ist~ t~. the Holy Spirit that inspires us, and to the Blessed Mother of' all the faitliful. Born again at Baptism, we are fashioned by the Eucharist into a closely knitted family; loving what Christ loves, and· mindful of- the invitation to seek and fitid Christ in all our con­ tacts. I do not need to urge you. I know that' you will

give generously to show your love for a neighbor in great

need. Assurin~ you of my paternal blessing and of the ~ial blessing of His Holiness, I remain, '

and Martyi'. III Class. Red. Mass Proper: Glory: no Creed; 'Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - Purification of FUNERAL' HOME the Blessed Virgin Mary. II, Clas!!. White. Mass Proper; 469 ~PCUST STREET. 'Glory:" Creed:' Pref/ilce of" . FAll RIVER,' Mass. Christmas. In Masses which immediately follow the Bless~ .. .•.•• OS', , ' .2.3381':" , . _r' • ing. of Candles and Processio~ Wilfred C. ' ,James 1/

the Pr~yeis 'at th,e Foot' of}he " ,Driscoll' Sullivan, Jr; Altar are "omitted. The' Bless­ '. ing .of C;::aIidles. ,. , ~---.,J

T~RSDAY-M:ass of previous

Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; l'{o Glory or Creed; 2nd Prayer, St. Blaise,' Com­ )non Preface.' . . . OR St. Blaise, Bishop arid Martyr.' Red. GlorY: no Creed: Com­ mon Preface. One Votive Mass ·in honor of Jesus Christ, the , Eternal High Priest, permit­ ted. Glory: 2nd' Prayer St. Blaise, no Creed; Common Preface. C

, 'FEB.4 Rt. Re~. Hugh J: Smyt!l, P.R., 1921, Pastor, St. Lawrence New Bedford. 1st Vicar General, Fall River, 1904-17. Administrator of Diocese, Feb.-July, 1907. FEB. 9 . Rt. Re~. John J. Kelly, 1963, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. . .


.. )23

.. Marcel Roy. - G. Lorraine Ror , Roger La'France





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Clergymen Agree Christian Unity Elusive Goal

THE ANCHORThurs., Jon. 27, 1966


State High Court To Hear School .Zoning Case

PHILADELPmA (NC)­ .The goal of Christian unity espoused by the Seeond VM­ ican Council will remain elusive for many years, Protes­ tant and Catholic churchmen agreed at an ecumenical sym­ posium here. But the churchmen conceded that unity is a goal which must be achieved if Christians are to fulfill the will of Christ, and if Christianity is to have its max­ imum impact on the non-Chris­ tian world. More than 500 persons took part iri the symposium, spon­ sored jointly by the archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Great­ er Philadelphia' C 0 u n c i I of Churches. The theme was: "The Challenge of the Vatican Council to Christian Unity." Aims for Unity Msgr. Thomas B. Falls, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Manoa, one of four U. S. priest observers at the Vatican Council, present­ GENEROUS BEQUEST: The University of San Francisco has announced one of the ed the background of the council largest gifts in its history as Father Charles W. Dullea, S.J., president, center, disclosed and briefly stated its aims for ; hat under the terms of a trust set up by the late Albert Jose ,Zabala, the University's Christian unity. Chief speakers were Dr. department of theology will receive ~ncome from 2,100 acres of Mr. Zabala's Rancho Arr­ Douglas steere, emeritus pro­ oyo Seco in Monterey County. At left is J. Luis Zabala, San Francisco business'man, and fessor of philosophy at Haver­ at right Father Albert J. Zabala, ·S.J., chairman of the USF theology department, both' ford College, a Quaker who was sons of the benefactor. NC Photo. ' an observer at the council, and Father William K. Leahy, pro­ fessor at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in nearby Overbrook, a Philadelphia priest who was an official recorder and trans­ lator for the council. Dr. Steere said the question in NEWARK (NC)-A pilot pro­ turned down or dismissed from "l.tntestable" to the 50 required the minds of most of his hearers gram' conducted here by the other special education progralJls for acceptance in a prograJ1l for. probably would be stated: "As a "educabl~" retarded children. result of the council is church Mount Carmel Guild proves that when the guild started its pilot project in a single classroom The five, childreq not ,placed unity between Roman Catholic school experience for multiple­ and non-Catholic Christians handicapped blind. children is loaned by Msgr. JosepliA. , in other 'programs' had, to' with­ both feasible and desirable. Dooling; guild' direc;tor andpas-, dra~ .from the guild project be­ imminent?" Of the 15 children in the pro': to_' of st. Francis Xavier parish cause their families moved out W~ong Question" , gram when it was initiated three here. .. of the 'area or could not obtain. "For my taste,'" h,e s\lid,."this years ago, all have lilhowil some ~ So~e," y~:)\.i'ngsters, urider~he, tr:~ri.sPQrt~t~l,>.~. . B,ut evel1 'they Is the wrong question" aria' 'one improvem~nt and 10 are now 'en­ guidance of teacher' Margaret showed improvem'ent while en:'" that, I would, not evade but I:olled in o~her programs where Ahearn, boosted their IQs from rolled. Among those in the pro':' would try to put more suitably, they were unacceptable, before gram . were the children of for if it is pressed I believe it beCause they were rated not couples who had moved into the will set back measurably the ~rainable. area from Puerto Rico and Cali­ whole process of our relations . "To give some idea of the fornia to take pa\"t. with each other which at this progress, Msgr. Richard M. Mc­

stage' should be natural, spon­ ALEXANDRIA (NC)-Beyond

Guinness said at the start of the taneous and not tactical. program only two of the children' disheveled clothes; bangs and "The future of our relations were, toilet-trained, some were the Beatles, young people are

SPRINGFIELD- (Nc') - The searching for truth and trying to Stigmatine, community which with each other is a mystery still eating with their fingers, find themselves, a high school others talked only in g'runts, one which is in God's hands, and any has its headquarters here has senior told the annual confer­ demand for a blueprint at this refused to eat and kept remov­ changed its name to include point is ridiculous," he said. ing her clothes, and most could ence here of Grand Knights of Brothers. The unofficial title of the Louisiana State Council of Stigmatine Fathers has bee'n "What is relevant at this point is not dress themselves. the Knights of Columbus. Boosts IQ Level breaking the false stereotypes changed to Stigmatine Fathers Present to receive the state we now have, or have had, of All the children, who ranged and Brothers. The initials of· the each other. in age from seven to 13, had at K. of C.'s 1966 Catholic Youth from C.P.S. (for the Congrega­ "Nothing is more to the point least one and in some cases two Leadership Award, Jeffrey Paul tion of the Priests of the Sacred Chicola challenged some 200 Stigmata) to C.S.S. (for the now than what Cardinal Mercier handicaps other than being to­ said of ecumenism many years tally blind. Among them were Knights to be "witnesses" who Congregation of the Sacred can "give today's youth confi­ ago: first, there must be a meet­ children with mental retarda­ Stigmata). dence in their convictions and ing (of Christians, as we are tion, cerebral palsy, brain dam­ faith in the power of goodness meeting today), then knowing, age, epilepsy and emotional dis­ then trusting, and finally, loving turbance. Each one had been an~ truth." Teenagers are Ilometimes be­ each other. This is a good ladder wildered, he said, because the of progression, and we are on Where A truths .and ideals they hear

the lc;lwer rungs, probably where taught from the pulpit, the

we belong' until we have mas­ blackboard and the hOme, are tered, them," he declared. CINCINNATI (NC)-Irwin St. often not to be found "when a Means A , J 0 h'n Tucker, newspaperman, young' thinker looks about him. former Episcopal rector, convert, Then he begins to lose faith in what he has hea~d, young Chi­ . woodcarver, author, and maga:­ zine editor, celebrated his 8Qth cola continued. It is at this very

WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. birthday by' launching a: new point that men like the Knights

career-professor of Hebrew at have their responsibility toward

Karl E. Mundt of South Dakota Mount St. Mary's Seminary youth, he added. called for congressional approv­ here. al of legislation to establish a "I'm having the time of my

Commission on Noxious and Ob­ life," reported the scholarly oc­

scene Matters and Materials. Mundt said his recent mail togenarian who used to divide

from constituents has contained his time between the copy desk

of a Chicago newspaper and the

more complaints about adver­ tising for obscenity than about Episcopal Church of St, Stephen.

Teaching Hebrew is one of the

"almost any other national or 'few things he hasn't done before,

international problem." Kings Hwy. He noted that the Senate has but he learned the language at

twice before passed a bill of General Theological Seminary,

which he is sponsor (S,309) to New York, and in the interven­

NEW BEDfORD set up the proposed commission ing years he has deepeneq his

and that similar legislation, knowledge of Sacred Scripture

Open Evenings

/Sponsored by Rep. Dominick and its languages. "Especially

Daniels of- New Jersey (H. R. Aramaic," h(~ commented, "the

language of 'Jesus." '

'(05), is pendi~ in the House.

Successful Multiple-Handicapped Project Newark Pilot Program ,Aids Blind Children


Young, People Search for Truth

, Change

New Career at 80­ Teaching Hebrew

out of the hands of an appeals court and will hear the case it­ self. Involved in the suit are the archdiocese of Newark and the Borough of Hohokus, which is bringing an appeal against a Su­ perior court decision in favor of the archdiocese. Normally, an appeal would be heard by the Superior Court's appellate division, whicl;l only two weeks ago postponed a hearing in the case because of a backlog of appeals. However, the Supreme Court may take juris­ diction if substantial issues are involved, it was explained. No date has been set by the high court, which will be hearing ar­ guments in the case for the sec­ ond time. Favorable Decision

The archdiocese brought suit in 1961 after Hohokus amended its zoning ordinance to prohibit school construction in an area where the archdiocese had pur­ chased land. The amendment was adopted after the archdio­ cese announced plans for a re­ gional hig,h school. 'A decision favorable to the archdiocese was rendered in Sll~ perior Court but the Supreme Court upset the decision and or­ dered that a trial be held on other aspects of the' case. A ver­ dict favorable to the archdiocese was rendered as a result ~ that trial and it is that decision which Hohokus is now' appeal­ ing; - The' archdi9cese, meanwhile:: built its regional school at an­ other location ,when blocked b,. Hohokus and the' school is due to graduate its first class th~' iea£.

of, Name


Urges Commission On ',Obscenity

TRENTON (NC) - New Jersey· Supreme Court has taken an' appeal from a zon­ ing decision in a low:er court



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Jan. 27,1966

Catholic Almanac Features Church Renewal Section

Teenagers Teach American Adults Justlice, Fairness

NEW YORK (NC)-A section on "Renewal in the Church" is one of the speecial features of the National Catholic Almanac for 1966, scheduled for publication to­ morrow. It is compiled under the editorial supervision 4Xf Father Felician A. Foy, O. known theologian; and ar~icles F.M., with the assistance of on birth control and on the anti­ a group of Franciscan cl~r- poverty and education programB ics and the almanac staff of of the Johnson administration.

:By Joseph "T. McGloin, S. J. The question: "Lord;, when did we see thee hungry, fir thirsty, or a ,stranger. or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister, to thee 1" The answer: "As long as you did not do' it for 'one of these least ones, you did mobs of racists are not the "typ':'

not do it for me." ical" citizens of these places

As a country, America b,as where' violence occurs, just

, had her moments of glory, where are these "typical" fair­

and, in general, still has many such moments and even some glorious points

-in her philoso­

phy of life. But,

while this is

true in' general,

there are things,

the ways of

thinking of

some Ameri­

<cans can shake

you because

you know they

are an insult to

the Giver of the

gifts. Just about all our ,~ational , faults spring from a phIlosophy of life which looks, not to tl,\e supernatural end we're, made for but to the material comfort and pride and wealth--"the "eJI­ pediency" ,of the moment. . Habitually, man y AmerIcans when faced with a choice do not ask "Will it get me and perhaps : others to God?" but rather "Will it make me more comfortable?" or "What will it get men?" Insult God When God's people, in Old t'estament times, turned froln' Him'in one way or the other, He drew them back to Him, som€ - ' times gently, sometimes notll~ gently. One wonders how long, God will deal gently with \IS Americ'ans in drawing us back to Him, when,' as a nation, Will deny or insult Him. One wonders if our seemin! determination to solve the pop­ ulation problem of ,the future by immoral means of the present will ,go blithely along unchal­ ,lenged by H i m . , One wonders, too, how lonr, we will be permitted to practice racial injustice, handing out l\ little morsel of something called justice every hundred years 00 so, as though justice were ounl to give and not the God-given right of all men in the first place. _ 'Not Prejudiced' Yes, the racist is a despicablfl ereature. But it is not he who concerns me most when I think of God's looking down on Amer-, iea. The other day I talked with a young girl who had worked on voter registration iIi Mississippi. And she said that the memory one brings back from the South is not of the racist, crummy a creature as he is, but rather of the men of real influence in the community, who claim'they are "not prejudiced" but in the same breath say the 'whole con­ troversy is none of their/busi­ ness. , , Personally, I am getting com­ pletely fed up with the old tired <cliche; "But this is not the typ­ ical citizen of this city. This is only a lunatic fringe." It is little wonder that, while Christ bawled out those who denied Him publicly, He re­ served His greatest scorn. in the words quoted by John, for the indifferent: "But because thou art luke­ warm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit thee out of my mouth; because thou sayest, 'I am rich and have grown wealthy and have need of nothing,' and dost not know that thou are the wretched and mis­ erable and poor' and, blind and naked one." (Apocalypse 3/-16) If, tbe strident, il'rational

minded citizen,s?

Recall' the shameful scene which took place in a Southern city a few years back: An ele­ mentary school was being disin­ tegrated. The women (Not even the most charitable witness could say "the ladies") were lined up to watch anyone who would dare, to bring a -White child to school that day. And a little lady did bring her child through the mob of vilely screaming, spitting and cursing superior-white women who rep­ resented this charming city be­ for the world on television. This was a ,tremendous exam­ ple of courage. Bl.lf where, were th~se fair..:minded representative citizens we keep hearing so much about and never seeing when they are needed? If the mayor of this city, for instance; had led his child to school that day, or if the town's most prom­ inent citizens-its lawyers, doc­ tors, policemen;' married clergy - had led their children to school, that day, the situation undoubtedly would have been' entirely different. One John F. Kennedy put it this way: "The hottest places ,in hell are reserved for those who­ in times of moral crisis pro­ claimed their neutrality." , Gave Example When it comes to justice and fairness, American adults as a group have an awesome amount ' to learn from' that group known as "teenagers." It was this group which I saw completely stumped in the face of adult prejudice' in the same city referred to above, because the unspoiled teenager cannot understand how one man can be cruel and unfair to another:, , '

It was this same group, the

,teenagers" which recently gave us an example which we will not soon, forget in Minneapolis. Some 3000, volunteer, workers, mostly teenagers, rang some-­ thing like 200,000 doorbells sell­ ing "brotherhood buttons," in an effort to raise $12,000 to help the cause of 'freedom in Missis­ sippi, , They had the simple courage to do this job, even though they knew their efforts were not go­ ing to meet with universal ap:­ proval. One 16-year-old had to ' back off a porch in the face of,' a shotgun. Another had to listen, to a foul-mouthed woman smok­ ,big a cigar, tell her what she thought of those dirty people of a race other than her own supe­ rior,one. 'As Little Children' On the other hand, courage. ,was met with courage and gen':' erosity more often than not, where pennies were put together to get the necessary 50 cents for the button, where parents gave' up their leisure to accompany their teens on their rounds, where people couldn't help but admire the simple idealism and' unassuming courage of these kids. Yes, I sometimes become ashamed of the attitudes of some of my fellow-countrymen. But then it helps to think of the' teens. Maybe there's some con­ nection here with what Christ said about our, nOt getting into heaven unless we "become as lime ehildreA.·

St. Anthony's Guild and is dis­ tributed by Doubleday. Other new features in the 1966 edition will, include a cumula­ tive report on the Second Vati­ can Council; "Confusion in the Church," an article by Father Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., well

,CANONIST: Bishop Er­ nest J. Primeau of Man­ chester, N. H., has been ap­ pointed as the first episcopal liaison between the U. S. bishops and the Canon Law Society of America. NC Photo "

The almanac will also include news of Catholic interest in the past year plus such regular fea­ tures as biographies of cardinals and the U. S. hierarchy, listings of religious and lay organiza­ tions, Catholic statistics, a dic­ tionary of Catholic terms, and a calendar of feast days.




Picket on D.C.. Home Rule Issue WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho­ lie, Protestant and Jewish cler':' gymen joined in picketing the Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade in protest against the board's opposition to home rule for the District of Columbia. . The demonstration was spon­ sored by the D. C. Coalition of Conscience. Board of Trade president F. Elwood Harris issued a, state­ ment pointing to his group's support for the constitutional amendment giving District resi­ dents a vote for President and Vice President 'an'd for the', ef­ fort to obtain voting representa­ tives for the District in Congress: He said the board feels that "national representation' of this' kind is meaningful home rule."













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Wonder what dollars can do In our 18 coun- ' , tries? Here are some suggestions: 0 $10,000 will build a complete "parish plant" (church, school, convent, rectory) In India this year. Name,lt for your favorite saint, In memory of your Joved onel. [J $5,200 will preserve for generations to come the beautiful parish church now crumbling In - MoIeldel, Lebanon. Th,e village Is near Sidon, where Our lord visited, you'll recall. Save this church In the Holy Lrmd7 0 $2,750 will dig a wen for Bishop Haile-Mariam Cashal and his 133 students for the priesthood In Adigrat, Ethiopia. Boys use lots of water. [J $600 ($8.80 a month for six years) will train a poor boy for the priesthood overseas. $300 ($12.50 8 month for two years) will train a native Slste~. They will write to you. 0 Your Stringless Gift ($1,000, $500, $75, $50, $10, $5, $1) equips the Holy Father for mission emergencies.





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Do you read ours? Our mail, that Is•••• If so, you'll receive within the next few days (If you haven't received It already) our InvitatIon to help the Holy Father h,elp the helpless In 18 emerging countries. We are asking our frlende to renew their membership (and to enroll theIr families) In this AssQclatlon. look for the InvI­ tatIon. We hope you'll write promptly to say Yes.•• '. Since we are the, Holy Father'. official mlssion-akl, we are Bending you his photograph with a list of the benefits he grants to members.­ We ask you, In partiCUlar, to pray for priests and Sisters oVenleas•••• What will your mem­ 'bership do? It will feed lItarving children, buy medicines for lepers, teach deaf·mutes and the blind, In tile Holy father's name. Why not enroll now the people you know need prayers? ••• Just In case our Invitation does not reach you, the membershIp offering for one year Is only $2 per person, $10 for a famIly. The offering for per­ ,petuel membership Is $25 per person, $100 for a family. You may enroll your deceased I!II well, of course•••• Write to us promptly to say Yes. That's the mall we like to read.

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FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JO~EPH T. RYAN, National,Secretary , Wrltel ,CATHOLIO NEAR EAST WELFARE Asaoc. SO Madl.on Avenue-New York, N.Y. 10011 elephon81 212/YUkon 6·5840 '

Temple Members Hea r Prelate On Council

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 27, 1966

Humphrey Lauds

MIAMI (NC)-The ptnr­ JilIose, worki.ngs, and decrees cf Vatican Council n were (p)xplained here for more than ll,OOO members of a Jewish tem­ ple by Miami's Bishop Coleman F. Carroll. In an unprecedented appear­ ance at Temple Israel, Bishop <C:arroll spoke to an overflow crowd, part of which saw and lll.eard him through the facilities <il>l ' closed-circuit television. He was presented to the Jew­ ~8h congregation by Rabbi Jo­ seph Narot, who pointed out that "all of us have been inter­ ested in the ecumenical council fn Rome for the past several years," and praised the Miami bishop for his community inter­ est and accomplishments during tbe past seven years. Duties of Members "In the few years he has been here men of every walk of life have come to admire him," Dr. Narot told his temple members. tIRe and he alone enabled this community to cut through red tape when it came to the prob­ lems of race relations," the Rab­ bi said of the Miami prelate, who served as ':first chairman of the Dade County community re­ lations board. Bishop Carroll in his talk aoted that a "characteristic fea­ ture" of the entire work of the eouncil was that the Church lJeemed "above all else to be flOncerned with itself and the defining of the duties of its members: bishops, priests, and laymen." He told his listeners that the council decree on the role of bishops in the Church placed Upon bishops the responsibility flo "be of help and assistance and be concerned not only for those under their jUrisrdiction, but for aU those who are children of Sod throughout the world. It is lilY obligation, based upon char­ ity and love of man," Bishop Carroll continued, "to be con­ Il'erned for all men throughout Ute world regardless of race, color, or creed." Religious Liberty Bishop Carroll explained that ftte declaration on religious lib­ erty does not state that aU reli­ gious beliefs are true or that man is free to pass from one to another. , Rather "it is the moral duty of man," he said, "to find out the truth as revealed by God. Neither -.loes the council teach that Catholics may freely accept 1M" reject the teachings oll' the C!:hurch." The prelate, who attended all Muncil sessions, emphasized that the declaration on religious lib-' erty does say that every man in virtue of his dignity as a human person has the right to enjoy freedom of conscience, and that DO one has the right to force him to believe what according to his eonscience is not true.

Plan Charles Lewin Memorial Concert New Bedford Symphony Or­ ehestra Association is planning a memorial concert Sunday, April 17 in tribute to the .late Charles J. Lewin of the New Bedford Standard-Times. The Schubert Mas s will be per­ ilormed. Members of choral groups or special voices that might be in­ terested in joining this tribute 00 Lewin are invited to attend Tuesday night rehearsals at the Fit'st Unitarian Church, Union and County Streets, New Bed­ fiord. They may contact Josef Co­ bert or Ronald Isaacs for further !nfol'matioll,


Re~gBOM$ GU"©)U~$ WfJJr! C~


WASHINGTON (NC) ­ Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey cited the forma­ tion of the Inter-Religious Committee Against Poverty as proof that "faith is not a lifeless thing, but a force which can be vitally important in making every American a full partici­ pant in our national prosperity,"

COMMITTEE AGAINST POVERTY: Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey met with representatives of a new committee to rally religious support in the national war against poverty. Left to right: Louis Stern, New York, past president, Council of Jew­ ish Federations and Welfare Funds; Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, San Antonio; the Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, Philadelphia, stated clerk of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.; the Rev.~Dr. Norman Baugher, Elgin, Ill., general secretary of the Church of the Brethren general brotherhood board; Rabbi Seymour Cohen, president of the Syn­ agogue Council of America, and Bishop Raymond J. Gallagher of Lafayette, Ind. NC Photo.

Urges Youth Ease Priest Shortage

Prelate Asks Response to God's Call

EDINA (NC) - Bishops are concerned about "the lack of generosity on 'the part of youth of the world in responding to God's call." The hard-hitting words came from Archbishop Harold Henry, S.S.C., of Kwangju, Korea, but the prelate wasn't at the Minne­ apolis Suburban Serra CI~b meeting in Edina Country Club to deliver them personally. In­ stead the Columban missionary prelate was hospitalized for a rest in St. Mary's Hospital, Min­ neapolis, Gary Svobodny of Hopkins, a club member, read the prelate's message, in which the archbishop lauded the work of Serra Clubs in fostering vocations for the priesthood. 'Ne,'er Sa.y Die' Archbishop Henry, a convert to the Catholic Faith during his boyhood in' Northfield, Minn., said when he was a seminarian he packed his bags three times to leave, "but I~had sense enough to listen to a priest who reiter­ ated the advice of St. Ignatius­ 'When in desolation never make ~ resolution or a decision be-

cause one cannot think objec­ tively at such times. "To any young person who has chosen to serve God in the priesthood or religious life, I offer as a motto, 'Never say die.' Write this on a piece of paper and swallow it to avoid forget­ ting it," the archbishop coun­ seled. He told about the first parish

of the Columban Fathers which he established in Korea. The archbishop said: "An old man came saying he had heard of the Catholic Church and had prayed for some 13 years for a parish to be established so he could be instructed and baptized. lowe my vocation ·to this man's prayers."

The Vice-President spoke to the founders of the 45-member Committee, which was establish­ ~d by the Synagogue Council of America, in cooperation with other Jewish bodies, the Na­ tional Council of Churches, and the National Catholic Welfare Conference. "On behalf of the President of the United States, it is a priv­ ilege for me to welcome the In­ ter-Religious Committee Against Poverty and to learn of your impressive plan of action for mobilizing the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant communities in our national war on poverty," Mr. Humphrey said. Vice President Humphrey said . the committee would be an ex­

tension of the inter-faith coop­ eration that helped bring about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. "There wouldn't be any eivU rights legislation without the margin of difference contribLlted bi the clergy bringing theilI' moral persuasion to bear," the Vice President said. "And every member of Congress knows that fact."




Papal Greetings VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mrs. Indira Garidhi has received a telegram from Pope Paul VI congratulating her upon her election as India's new prime minister.



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.TH!= ANCHOR-Diocese of F.all ~iver- Thurs. Jon. 2?,) 966


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As Vatican Council' II was closing, the distinguished

Bishop Carter of LOndon, Ontario, Canada, spoke out ·and

indicated that the magnitude of the acomplishments of the Council could still fail if. not grasped in their true meaning by the members of the Ohurch whose work. it is to trans­ late these into their daily lives. "Make no mistake,Vatican ]I can still fail:' headvi'sed. ,"The changes are so sudden, so profound that they h~ve yet to be locked into the think- \ mg and acting ~each of' us at the local and individual level." , The Bishop pointed o~t, as most of the other bishops of the Council pointed out, that there must be neither re­ luctance to accept what the Council has done nor im.:. . mature gun-jumping and experimentation. And now, repeating the theme for another time, as he has since the-Council ended, Pope Paul with all the au­ thority of his office and his concern, has asked that Cath­ olics put into their livei' not their interpretation of .what the Council meant or what they thought it meant but the mind of the Council expressed clearly and beautifully in its various constitutions and decrees and decl~Tations. Speaking on the Council's concern for Christian unity, the Pope asked that Catholics be guided by the advice of the Council in this matter, avoiding both overenthusiastic blur­ . ring of doctrinal positions, and an attitude of indifference and skepticism. . The Pope criticized the attitude of some Catholics "often motivated by· poor understanding of the questions and of their complexity" and urged them to study the mat. tel' si~ce they dare no longer be, ignorant of it. And :he also called in error those who "in enthusiasm and simplic­ ity" held the problem of Christian unity to be easy· and "without danger" as if it was enough to minimize "doctrinal and disciplinary questions in order to 'establish concord and collaboration quickly." Those who hold this view risk disillusion harmful to the cause of "true ecumenism."

'A Good Beginning The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been all the more impressive locally this year, because, through­ out the entire area of the Fall River DiOcese, men and women of vawus Christian communions have' met together, have broken bread together, have prayed together for a deeper spirit of understanding among themselves' now,: and for' the ultimate goal of i'he reunion of all Christians. ~ This eC\lmenical movement has been given strong im­ petus by Bishop Connolly and his Commission for Christian Unity in the publication of directives aiming at recognizing and encouraging the degree to which Catholics may co­ operate with their non-Catholic Christian brethren. The bond established between all Christians by the .fact of their baptism into Christ cannot be ignored or downgraded'l even though other and serious elements of in­ difference have entered the relationship of one group to another. But the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity just ended cannot be an end of work and 'prayer for unity until another year rolls around. The spirit of understanding and friend­ ship which has entered into the religious atmosphere can­ not be allowed, to blow away. Cooperation must be con­ tinue<;l on civic and cultural levels, in common union against the common problems that beset men, and in deeper study into one another's religiou8 beliefs so that all Christians may know the better to what degree they believe together and in what they differ. And all must be carried on-diJ. that admirable phrase of Bishop Wright of Pittsburgh-"in charity and in clar­ ity."


.OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly. by The CatholOc Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highlor:'d Av.enue . . ;.. ' ... , Fall River. Mass. 02722 675-7151 "





Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O.; .PhD,~ GEN~RAl MA.NA<;;E~ ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Sholloa. M.A. ~ev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden

D !News of parish Confraternity of CIIristian Doctrine activities is ~ corned for this column, as are sugges­ . lion of subjects for future columns. Correspondence may be addressed tt Edward P. McDonagh, 5 Hunting Street, North Attleboro. Mass.. 02760J By Edward P. McDonagh

Someday, every COD trea­ surer·wj}J be kept busy mall­ aging the funds generously contributed by parishioners who recognize the absolute need for CCD and support it accord­ ingly. Until that day comes, the CCD treasurer will be kept busy em­ ploying ingenuity in finding the ne·cessary funds to support the parish unit and in spending them wisely. The first step towards obtain­ ing funds is to determine what is necessary. This would seem to be fundamental, yet it is often , overlooked at the parish level and the result is a hand-to-mouth existence that hampers the en­ . tire CCD program. Determining . what is necessary means that every unit chairman should subBALTIMORE-The Cardinal of this city testified in mit an· annual plan showing an­ ticipated expenses in t,he coming behalf ofa proposed fair housing ordinance to the tune of year. The sum of these plans, ·jeers and catcalls from a boisterous minority segment of with an additional amount for the audience.' Lawrence Cardinal Shehan, Archbishop of contingencies, is the treasurer'. goal. Balti'more, was first speaker

who. said she was "the Funding Technique

at a meeting of the Balti,. League, Catholic who has excommuni­ CCD's financial needs are more City Council. More , cated herself." often met directly from general than 2,000 persons attended , Mrs. Gosnell accused Cardinal parish revenues. Many pastors the hearing held in the War Shehan of pursuing a "double contend that CCD benefits the Memorial Builning, to consider career as a priest and politician entire parish and, therefore, the provisions of a bill intro­ and he is lousy at both of them." commands the support of the duced by Thomas J. D'Alesan­ , Cardinal Shehan pledged his entire parish to defray its very' dro, president of the city coun­ personal support and that of the / legitimate expenses. Still the cil. D'Alesandro's bill is designed. archdiocese of Baltimore in prepared plan or budget is es­ to forbid discrimination, in the achieving passage of similar sential in this situation. Pastors sale or rental of housing in laws elsewhere throughout the can be understandably cool to Baltimore. "blank check" requests for funds state. James W. Rouse" chairman .of "It was a bad thing to bring when they have to contend with the Greater Baltimore Commit-, the cardinal down here," said so many pressing and clearly tee and "floor leader" for the . William Bennett, dean of the defined financial problems. bill's proponents, introduced A funding technique that is council. "This is not the kind Cardinal Shehan. of an issue a clergyman should becoming increasingly popular About half the audience rose with CCD treasurer is the As­ get involved in, and besides his and cl&pped as tl:le 67-year-old remarks did not change any sociate Member Program.· This · prelate. walked to the micro­ enables parishioners who cannot votes." phone. Others booed until the . contribute time to CCD as active As usual, the debate before chairman silenced them. members to participate in' the Cardinal Shehan said there is the audience of 2,000 between work, of CCD through prayer an "overwhelming, persuasive . oPI?one~lts and propone?ts of the moral argument" in support of legislatIon was essentIally one and financial support. Prayer, fair housing legislation. He'·· of "property rights" versus "in- it must. be remembered. is our most precious and useful . re­ · warned his audience against dividual rights." source. "the explosive potentialities of Cardinal Shehan told the Str;etching Dollar the ghetto." councilmen of the "overwhelmThere is available from Con­ He asked the city council to ing persuasive moral argument" fraternity Publications, 508 Mar­ give leadership to the counties in support of the measure, shall Street, Paterson, New Jer­ 'by passing fair housing legislawhich would prohibit discrimi­ tion first. "The legislative rem- nation in the sale or rental of sey, a membership enrollment envelope which can be used for edy," he said, "must be applied houses and apartments of two the Associate Program. Ground in the ar~as where the social or more units. rules for distribution of such an sickness is most apparent." The cardinal was/ escorted envelope would, of course, have Leading the opposition to the from t.he hall by police as the to be worked out with your. measure was Mrs. Faith Gosnell audience once again divided be­ Priest-Director, but experience of the Catholic Anticommunist tween jeers and. cheers. has proven that Catechetical Sunday is an especially appro0 priate time for launching an As­ sociate Member Campaign. Pi.. Proceeds from an Associate Please revert to the Prayer of the Faithful that was Member Program may not meet the entire operating costs of the stai·ted on Sunday, December ·12, 1965, but was suspended parish CCD unit and the trea­ during the Octave Unity-Jan. 18-25. . surer must be alerted to pas­ INTROIT: Adore God, all you his angels: Sion hears and is . sibilities which will supplement glad, and the cities of Juda rejoice. The Lord is king; Let this effort. Other parish societies such as the Holy Name Society the earth rejoice; let the.. many isles be glad. Glory be to arid the Women's Guild may be the Father. Adore God.. .. . able and Willing to give finan­ GRADUAL: The nations shail re,'ere your name, 0 : cial assistance· to CCD through . sponsorsJ:1ip of fund-raising ae­ ,L ord, and all the kings of the· ,earth- your glory. ,For the . tivities if they are made aware Lord has rebuilt Sion; and he shall -appear in his glory.. of the scope· and cost of your Alleluia~ alleluia. The···Lord is king ;"let theeaFth re- . program. So; the CCD treasurer joice; .let the many isles be glad. Alleluia.. .' ll1 ust be. pre~a.re.~. to. s.e;ek .out . .. '. '.. and take advantage of InVitatIOns OFFERTORY: The rIght hand ,qf~he:LQrdhas stru~lc.· to speak before . such organiza- . wit~ power; the right. hand of the. Lord has exalted me; tions. . .. , :i: shall not' die, but live, an'd declare the· works of the Finding funds for CCD is. only .. '.. . . '.' hal( the story. and in our next • CO MMUNIO N. All marveled at the words that carne column we will discuss way's to from the. mouth of God. TU,ni to Page Seven

Sh~h~n Is'j~ered For Backing Fair Housing


. f th e M ass Proper For· Fourt h .Sun d ay· A-fter Epip hany




TH£ ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Trtun. Jon. "0, 1966

Protestant ,Leader Cites Vatican Council Measures DAVENPORT (NC)-:-Some 150 Catho~ie, Protestant and Je:wish c1er~en.of this. area' heard a Catholic bishop and a Protestant leader extol the accomplishments. of the' Second Vatican Councit at a meeting in St. Ambrose Col. 1e~. Speakers were Bishop ", can understand what is taking Ralph L. Hayes of Da.ven­ place," he said. port and Dr. Alton Motter, Promising Synod of Bishops: To Protes­ executive director of the Minnesota Councll of Churches, who was a guest of the Vatican Secretariat for PromotingChrlsUan Unity hi Rome in October. ,1 Bishop Hayes said Vatican II 'was "the most ecumenical coun­ . IOU" in history. Non-Catholic ob­ servers not only were invited, ,but saw everything that went on, including copies of all coun­ en documents, he said. The bishop stressed that the council "excommunicated nobody and anathematized nobody." Up to Date "The councll was not called to formulate new dogmas or condemn old heresies," Bishop Bayes said. "Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to suppose the purpose of the council was to repudiate Catholic doctrine. ,The councll was called to see if we could present Catholic teach­ ., ing so it could be understood by people of the 20th century. Doctrine remains the same but has been brought up to date in .', Its expression." . From the Protestant viewpoint, Dr. Motter cited four significant by-products 'ofVatican II: The renewal of thelitmgy: '"It is at this point mQst lay peo­ pie have a chance to become acCluainted with the worshlp.;heart of the Catholic Church. This means Protestants and others

tant eyes and ears, this is a very promising development. A broad base of responsible participation in the work of the Church is very dear to ProtestantS. In Vat­ ican II we see the glimmer of hope that the Catholic Church has taken a step to broaden its base," he commented. Decree on Religious Liberty: Dr. Motter said religious liberty was "never a serious problem in America" but that in certain circles Vatican II has ended sus­ picion and answered the charge that Catholics favor religious liberty only when they are a minority. Unbelievable Decree on Ecumenism: Dr. Motter called the document "al­ most· unbelievable when anal­ )'Zed," noting that the bishops have urged all Catholics to "see the signs of the times and take an active part in the work of ecumenism." During a question period, Dr. Motter said because of Vatican H "the principles of the Refor­ mation are no longer as distinc­ tive as they were at the time of the Reformation." In view of the council, Dr. Motter said, "Prot­ estants will have to form a re­ sponse. My plea Is we will show the same concern for reform and updating in our own churches."

Supreme Knight ~Gives Views

On Lay Apostolate Decree

NEW HAVEN (NC) - The world.' At another point the de­ Knights of Columbus greet the eree says that 'the laity must Vatican II decree on the lay take up the renewal of the tem­ apostolate with open arms be- poral order as their own special cause of its heavy emphasis on obligation. the broad nature of the aposChristian Spirit . tolate, the association's top offi~ ti th th ht etal said. .....epea ng e same oug Supreme Knight John W. Mc- in l!.nother ~ay, it says the laity Devitt outlined his views at the has the sP~lal apostolate 'to in­ It. of C. international headquar- fuse a.ChrIstian spirit into the ten here in an exclusive inter- mentality, customs, laws an~ ,ftew for the N.C.W.C. News structure of the community' be­ .Service. cause this work 'can never ~ -rhe Second Vatican Ecumen- performed properly by others. leal Council has set forth in clear "This comprehensive nature and unmistakable language that of the apostolate. always has ap­ the essential nature of the lay pealed to the Knigl;lts of Colum­ apostolate is to give witness to bus. The heavy emphasis given Christ in today's society" Mc- it by the council will serve to Devitt said 'strengthen the knights' commit­ "The dec'ree on the lay -apos- ment to this broad apostolate." tolate repeats this thought in As an instance of its efforts to many ways. It says that the infuse a Christian spirit into the apostolate of all members of the laws and customs of contempo­ Church 'is primarily designed to ra~y society, the K. of C. O~ci~l manifest Christ's message by poIDte~ to the organizatIon s words and deeds and to com- program to stem the tide of municate His .grace to the pornography that 1s flooding the ­ country and imperiling the moral health of the nation's youth.

Says Kennedy, Peace Corps Boost U. S. Popularity in Ven'ezuela WICHITA (NC) - The late only an altar. There are no sta­ President John F. Kennedyand tions of the cross, no statues,'no the Peace Corps have been benches. The people of Christ major factors in increasing the King parish do not even · American popularity in Vene­ know what a pew is." Prices Wgh .zuela, one of the Wichita dio­ cese's first mis~ionary priests to Poverty is widespread, he said. that count!! saId here. Prices are high and wages are . Father Joseph Bergkamp, as- low, about two or three dollars SIgned .to Venezuela two ye~rs a day. He said 70 per cent of 'the ago WIth two other WichIta .. . . t 'd "W t Id people live In one-room, cement prIes s, sal : e were 0 and tin houses. when we arrived that we were · very fortunate to have come But the people "are eager to after the administration of help themselves, willing to im­ President John F. Kennedy. pro:ve ~he p~verty-str~cken sit­ "His image his magnetism uabon In WhICh they fmd them­ , , 1 " that indefinable quality of his se ves. made the people love him, "Most of our hope for Barqui­ America and her people," he simeto is based on the prospect said. In nearly every home, of social work among the peo­ there is a picture of John F. pie-teaching the' women cook­ Kennedy. ing, sewing, and hygiene; teach­ Whenever a film on the late ing the men bricklaying, home EDUCATOR: Msgr. James is shown, the Kansas expansion and beautification, C. Donohue, former superin­ President priest added, "there is always and a few artistic fundamentals." tendent of schools in the lludible' weeping in the audi­ One of the greatest problems Archdiocese of Baltimore. ence." he saId is "the shortage of has succeeded Msgr. Fred­ Love America priests." There is one priest for And the Peace Corps, he every 10,000 people, and only erick G. Hochwalt as direct­ or of the N.C.W.C. Depart­ added, "has done a .tremendous 10 per cent of them are native job in making the people love elergy. ment of Education. America." Father Bergkamp, Fat her Harold McCormick, and Father BERNE (NC) - Church and · Colin J. Boor run Christo Rey other private agencies from Continued from Page Six (Christ the King) parish in Bar­ Great Britain, West Germany, make your CCD dollars stretch quisimeto.. ."There are 26 sites at which Belgium and Switzerland have further.' we offer Holy Mass," Father ended a twO-day meeting here CCD Calendar .Bergkamp said. "However, 10 of with Ii decision to combine their Jan. 3O-Canonical Establish­ these sites don't have chapels, efforts to treat leprosy patients ment, ,Saint John of God, Somer­ · and all except one of the chapels in all parts of the world. The set. four national groups presently Feb. 1 - Methods Course for now standing need repair. spend about $1 milliion annually "Most of the churches have New Bedford Area CCD Ele­ for the care and treatment of mentary and High School Teach­ J~perg. ers begins at Bishop Stang High School, 7:30 P.M. BROOKLYN (NC) - A Do­ Feb. 2-Fall River and Taun­ minican Sister who was pro­ ton Area Methods Courses begin fessed 10 years after the Civil at Mount Saint Mary's Academy War ended celebrated her 105th and Bishop Cassidy High School, birthday at the St. Rose Convent 7:30 P.M. here. Mother Charitas, a co­ Feb. 3-Methods Courses be­ R()UTE 6, HunLESON AYE.

founder of the Dominican Mis­ gin for Attleboro Area at Bishop sion in Puerto Rico and former Near Fairhaven Drive-In

Feehan High and for Cape Area 'superior at several schools in the Italian Dinners Our Specialty

at Saint Francis Xavier Parish New York area, was honored by C Y 0 Building, Hyannis-both he\' friends at a small birthday Service Oa Patio 7:30 P.M. gathering. Feb. 9-Msgr. Medeiros speaks on "Renewal in the CCD through the Second Vatican Council" at .:~c.c.c.o.o.c.o.o

Fall River Area CCD· Seminar, 7:30 P.M.-Mount Saint Mar.y's Academy.

Treat Leprosy

Diocesan CCD

Has 10Sth Birthday


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Changes Name The College of St. Joseph, Albuquerque, N. M., will change its name .to the University of Albuquerque, effective March I, college officials have announced. With the name change, the insti­ tution will expand, adding Q school of nursing and a school of social work to its program.














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Pa,rty~Planning' H()st~s$ 'Ex~~'I$: Potent'ial Executive Any Day

Jntemational RelatioDll ehIIj members of Salve 'Regina e~ lege, Newport, are presentlDl their second model General ;.., sembly of the United Natio~ today. Over 200 delegates, 0b­ servers and faculty advis_ from 24 Rhode Island, Connee­ ueut and Massachusetts higll schools are attending the s~

By Mary Tinley Daly . Simple but effective .judging of a man'sexeeutfve

ability has recently been devised by one management con­ sultant firm. It consists of seating the candidate before a desk containing.a basket brimming over with incoming letters, telephone messages . . and telegrams. He is told he dicate your administrative abil­ has exactly one hour to dis-- Ity or its lack. . Morning of the party, some­ pose os:f these before taking body comes doWn with "the off on a business trip. 'I'he way he exercises the pile-what handles himself, matters he desJgnates to sub- ' ordinates, and what he puts Off' until'his retum - are thel'i evaluated by expert management consul1ants. 'Tis a test eon d u c i v e to raising blood pressure and increasin(1 nero vousness of the executive testee, but one which is pretty much old hat to his wife. Party Day ' .


Substitute "dinner party" f'M eitrfp;" a. humming household plus party preparations for the basket of letters telephone messages and telegrams, and you know what we mean. Every woman finds her "basllet" brimming with thingn to be done on the day of a dinner party. Instead of being static, though, such lHl X num1J>er of telegrams, XX number of letters and telephone messages, her "to be dones" constantly shift. According to the perfect: hosta etl8 guidelines laid down .ill women's Pages and maguzines, 70ll plan ahead, ,almost l\ike. miniature Gemini fiight. . Your house is cleaned two, perhaps three days ahead, leaving nothing but "final dusting, arrangement of flowers, etc." on Party Da:,'. Same goes for polo Jshing silver, do-up of linens, washing .of seldom-used good dishes, etc. Menu has been planned and marketed to the' final olive and the toothpicks for the hot hors d'oeuvres, etc. well ahead of time. All the pre-cooking, and freezing, is finished. Also, yoy know' exactly what ;you're going to wear: something glamorous enough for a )arty, practical and old enough Dot to be ruined in last-minute kitchen chores. (Sleeveless dresseEJ are great for this, with high heels te be donned at the last minute u you slip off the "mother's' eomforts" and kick them bohind the refrigerator. at the first ring of the doorbell). Day before the party, "ml'Je · let, absolutely set ~ excep~ for ,the etceteras. '!'hese" are ~Ur "basket," the fast s~uffle to . .


Publicity ehairman for'the

ley, New Bedford; and Dioces. schools in attendance include Sacred Hearts, Dominican an4 Mt. st. Mary academies, FaJa River; Holy Family and St. ADo­ 'thony'high schools, .New Bed­ ford; Bishop Feehan Hiill School, Attleboro; and BishoD, CasSidy Bigb School, Taunton.

bug," the dog catches It 1ft canine form, somebody opens the refrigerator door and out dumps the carton of whipped cream-when you thought mar­ keting was all done. (This is oeo casion for adelegation to subardinates.") . ~ . . Baehelor Guest A bachelor-the bon vivant bachelor--calls up with an aw101 cold: "Really dreadfuf gold, Mary. What should I do?" You know what you'd Uke tID tell him to do, but you swallow that answer and prescribe as­ pirin,' tell him to take it easy and, if he can make it by seven, come along. And you think, there is the gal you've promised to introduce him to, the gal who' bought a new dress for the occa­ sion. 'Bachelors and their deli­ cate conditions! . That throws the whole table out of kilter, but what matter now? You've made a list of the etceteras, but there isn't even time to consult it. The fast shutfie it! on. . , You call tile M.D. for the "rie­ tim of the bug, the vet for the canine problem, the drugstore for both. You wish WOll had time to see your friendly neigh­ borhood psychiatrist for personal consultation" • " Comes aftenioon - and mow. It's the white stuff that wiD make Spring green and )'Our front steps immediately impoesible. . What does a female executive­ testee do? Just goes ahead, :re­ . vamping as she goes. The basket of to-be-don~ Some are finalized, others re­ main in the never-never land. One hour to establish exec. tive ability? Hah! Any would-be executive could easily take lessons from his wife.

Notes Drastic Dedin•. h'.J Novena Attendance

HOSPITAL ADMINIS'l'RATOR: Holy Family Hospital, Quinhon, Vietnam, in the heart of the war-torn country.. marks the fifth anniversary of its opening this month. Staffed by the Medical Mission Sisters of Philadelphia, the hospital hae cared for close to 100,000 Vietnamese patients in its five years of operation. Sister M. Karen Gossman :iI administratOr. NC Photo. /


Nuns Are There, Too

CHICAGO (NC)-The ven~ able Catholic practice of 0b­ serving novenas appears to '­ passing from the American reD­ gious scene, a staunch advoeatl of the devotion said here. Fat her Patrick McNam~ - O.SM., in announcing the en4 of publication for his smaB weekly "Novena Notes" after. years, expressed his concem 1hat "it's the end of an era far Dovenas." He noted that t'be publication once boasted moIllI than 50,000 subseribers. The Servite priest feels th.. the younger generation i8 not _ spiritual-minded as its. eldetW ' and ill "much less inclined .. publie prayers." He also cited the new liturgy approved by Second Vatican Council as co. . trlbuting to the recent drastlli decline itl novena attendance.


Medical Mission Sisters Staffing South Vietnam Ge~erQI Hospital

P~PHIA (NC)-"Our eare WIlS scarce and many died. St. A·nne~ Friends beds are counted and recounted, Bishop Chi, a Vietnamese Friends of St. Anne's Hospit", spoken for and changed again prelate who came from the for m 0 r e serious patients, North with his people, invited Fall River, will sponsor a travel­ planned and replanned, hardly the Medical Mission Sisters to ogue Tuesday, March 15; a hoe­ ever empty for more than a few establish a hospital in Qui Nhon. .pital tea on St. Patrick's DaaIPJ and a piano concert iD May. bours." He offered them two build­ Sister Mary Elise, M.D., a SUI'­ ings, which were transformed geon at Holy Family Hospital, .into a 40-bed general hospital b,­ in Qui Nhon, South Vietnam, re­ January, 1961. ported that to the provincial The Sisters have been told by house here of the Medical Mis­ both Vietnamese people and by [jJ~BNir~NG sion Sisters, who run the hospi­ American servicemen that their tal, which is celebrating its fifth presence .in this war-riddled $~~V~ClE anniversary. . country is a .great encourage­ The Sisters have cared for al- ment. Asked how the Sisters feel Commercial G Indus9rVai Nun finds Pharmacy most 100,000 Vietnamese people about working in the midst of Inlltitutional in the past five years. With re- . war, Sister Mary Karen, supe­ · Painting and DecoraH,. Stv d les fascinating cent intensified Viet Cong activ- rior and hospital administrator. OMAHA (NC) - Sister Jeea ity creating ever greater num­ replied. "We have given our ~g River OSborne 2·1911 Mary summed It up this way..:.... bers of refugees, the hpspital has lives to God and He brought US "it's fascinating work and 1 love decided to build a new wing that here. What happens to us is His 7.4 Williamson Street It." will double the bed capacity•. business, not ours.IV The Sister of Mercy, a senior Eleven Medical Mission SistenJ ltudent in the Creighton Univer-' lltaff the hospital. Besides sity school of pharmaey said: doctors and several nurse-mid­ ''T b ere' • n «» discrimination wives, the group includes a against the women In the schC>01 pharmacist, a medical technolo­ of. . pharmiley, including four giSt and two Sisters 'Who take n\lDll, In ~Ct, women now ~ eQre of the hospital'. non-med­ prise 20 pei' cent of the studeDt leal services. . Librariori to Addreso body III the phlU1riaey 'lIChooL ' . ".l"be Sisten aI80 tram .Y1et­ " - . .. ' . .' d ta" Damese., wlrls as nune,. aides, end "'athol·ac Womeft ' . - . '.' .~'nel'e"~ J!.D~~y a v8J.l.~ ... '"' . . ,'. .:..., pertieularlyfor .the ~lili'iOU8, plan to'start .. DUI'Iliftg,8chool iD , Owen ToP. MCGo""a.n, Driillp.... ·*au.ie tiM!. men. iD tbeela.e." ·the neer'future.

: ~Btei" state 'Coll~e' librani~ _. lind J81;)i"aH' 'Joeai gentIemeD.·"··:· 0eDter for JIefQMI'" • "

'653 'Washi.,~, FaIrhav.. ~ ~u ~~~,. for ~~. literlU'f ' ~ - '!'be)t brin; iftsUpplieS' frOiD the ' '. 1ft 'their five yeen' hl Vietnam,

4-5058 : P&rilJH!~t of Fan" River ~thoUe ))a~n( ~ Us. ,~Ie~ ft!1~gi'" tile SisterS· have Qui

... W~m.ans, ~l~b.;.,~. ~, S~d~._ ,off.the highmelveli in thephar- Nhon change from a quiet fis~

. afternoon, Jan. 30. at the ortJllJlo>' miley clime.' Th4!7make our~.~ hi; tOWn on the SOUth cbIna See , 'ilUld~n'l elubhouse, 'H2 !lodI: aueh euier·- ·.·l!Imiled.· - ,". to' a strategic military center iai& , · Iltree~. ' , . , ' • : , '; . .. " the fight agmrist the Viet Congo · His talk 011. recent· books will . ·..~~nor·" Go·.:- I~. . The 'city was center for refu- : . HOURS: ".,.: ~ iridude' discussion"¢,' ~um-e" no UUll:J.l~. . ieeS who fled from the North iia , , , Progress,' Bed and Board, JlluNEW'YORK, ,(-NC)-Am__ 1954; They were' crowded. In ~Oft. & Tue•. ',a..,.. ~ 5 p.-.. , Ilion of Eve, Mrs. Jack, Our Chil- 118~or ~t~e United'Na~ons, Ar-,' PClo." living eondiUODiI; lIlli.edic:lIi '. ; .Wed. ,a.m! to' ~ , dren. Grow Up and A Thousand thu~ J. Goldberg, waaawariied T:h~rS ..." Fri. , ~.m. 106 p~".'

· Days. , ' an honorarY dOctorate .. 01 law·, The librarian ill" the seeond by Fordham University. The . Porish StatuS . Sot. 9 a~m. to 5 p..,..

,lPeaker in' ~e yearIy literary presentation by Father Leo Me. LONDON. (NC)......'i'be Jesuitc'l ....erIes. Rev. Fr~ncisX. Weiser, Laughlin, S.J.; University pres.. famous. Church of the Immacu;.; an day S~nday : S.3., author of many books on ident, marked the·first honora1'7' late Conception in the Farm · liturgical observances, will ad- degree Ambassador Goldberg Street section of central London dress the .department Sunday, has accepted since his appoint- hu been made III parish church. . '. . March 27. Tickets are availl1lbJe ment to the United Nations 1asfl It had been simply a Mass ceD­ UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN , '.' . . , I " '" 'iIt the door fl>r au ·iectur-..Juq" . aiDee 1&8 erediOD • ~8~., ..,






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is Miss Mary Crowley, daughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crow­

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Stress Concern 'For Faniily Life

By' Joseph and Marilyn Roderick It win not be too long before the first green shoots

begin· to break through the ground heralding the arrival of Spring. For Marilyn and me it will be the beginning of our first Mary Garden and our first look at white and blue bulb plantings. We have 'some white and blue crocus not even own a salt shaker and lanted, small white daffo- \. ~hat my pepper is freshly ground P "1nto my foods during the cook­ dils, white tulips, and white ing process rather than tossed and blue hyacinths. With these dangerously over the cooked .early bulbs we intend to plapt dish on the dining table. ,light blue pansies and ,orgetEven though most spices ori­ me-nots. . . .' ginally came from the Orient,

.• The bulbs listed above. will be there is nothing mysterious

,followed by white and· blue iris about their use and one doesn't

groupings and a. few of the low have to be Houdini to use them

g~owing vines which' bloo~ in well; all one has to do is be able

,.May. Froltl then on in we hav:e to read and be willing to experi­

a ,nUlXlber of ~ternatives" aU, of ment a little. The following

which are dependent upon the brief descriptions' of some of

success of the seeds which will the better known spices and

be planted in the coldframe•. their uses may help housewives

We do intend to llmlt flowers to who want to bring new taste

those which are light and fragile, sensations to the palates of their

rather than large and cumber- families.

ALLSPICE-is really nature's

Bome. We will attempt some of the combination of three spices in following: (1) asters-this hap- one. It tastes like a mixture of pens to be one of my favorite cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, flowers and is. a must for the with the flavor of the cloves garden, especially the cactus dominating. It is the fruit of a .flowered asters which come in tropical American tree of the

:light blues and whites. (2) coral myrtle family and it blends well

bells-these are the Heuchura in with such foods as tomatoes,

White, small dainty flowers sweet potatoes, yellow squash;

which are perfect for a Mary spice cakes and pickles. When

'garden. (3) White Madonna used in dishes which take a long lilies which are more, dignified cooking time, it is best tied in a 'than dainty, but ~ovely for bag which .may be. removed height and stateliness. (~) Petli-when desired. :" 'nlas-our favorite is the double CARDAMOM-this is the sec­ white sonata which grows well ond most expensive spice in the from seed and which blooms world because' the tiny white heavily until frost. capsules containing the pungent Beyond these few flowerS, we black cardamom seeds have to will select those which 'will be be snipped off the plant by hand ·transplanted in bloom and re- with scissors. Native to India, placed immediately after flow- most -of the world's supply now ering. Most plants may be moved comes from Guatemala. It tastes· in this way if enough soU is a bit like ginger and is found taken with them. By moving mostly in sweet dishes such· as plants in bloom, one has the Danish and· Swedish .pastries advantage of being sure .that the and coffee cakes. plants moved are of good quality CINNAMON - the true sweet and of not having them take up spice, comes from the bark of too' much space in the garden the cinnamon tree. The only while they are developing. In breakfast spice, my 'children this respect, we will try to keep love it 'on their hot cereal, it is the garden fairly open. Many an essential in ·fruit pies and flowers may be treated this way coffee cakes and lends itself including Sweet Williams, chry- beautifully to chocolate. Indian santhemums, alyssum, bachelor meat dishes use it delicately and buttons, dwarf dahlias, ,cama- the Pennsylvania Dutch sprinkle tions, English daisies, Shasta it with sugar on fresh tomato daisies, etc. The point here is slices. that there are any number of CLOVES-Qriginally imported plants which may be used suc- from the Spice Islands where it cessfully in the Mary Garden, grows on' the clove tree, this but these should· be used only aromatic spice now comes most- . at their best. ly from Zanzibar and MadagasDepending upon the success car. This is one spice that calls of our garden this year, we will for very careful use, for it is probably try to make more per- quite overpowering if not used 'manent plantings as time goes sparingly. It is indispensable in on. White ~zaleas come to mind, spicy cakes, hot drinks and but in the meantime we will' punches. ' Itay pretty much with annuals. GINGER -:- Of Chinese origin, tn, ,this way we would hope' to: this romantic plant lends much g~t the "feel" of the garden be-' of the flavor' to .Chinese food!!. fore making a large investment , It is an unusual spice because it or making what might. tum 'out " has the ability to both tone down tb. be poor decisions. and tone' up the other foods in a ", ',' In the l{itcben dish. Gingerbre,ad, ,and ginger ; :'Upon reftec'ti~g' on last' ~~ek'8 ," 'cQokies ar~the two'mom popt.Qar, eolumn,in which I discussed' uses of it in the United State~. ~ow preciou~ a co~ocUty spi~es '. but; it is ~quallY' ~~~ in pi~s were in feudat times I fbid 'Ii and cakes as well as in mOl!~' great contrast to the'ir CQnsid.. Oriental. dishes. Available in: . ~d worth today. Oh, most whole, cracked or ground form, housewives have Q'spicerack',in: . .the root itself .is. 'mostly sol,d in their 'kitchens, neat rows of Chinese grocen~s (the only ones shiny. apothecary jars', each with I know in thIS area are in. Its own nice clean white-label Boston). . . b~t they are generally mo~e' of NUTMEQ-This fragrant spice; a'decoration ,than· a parte 'of the grows as musk-nuts on stu~dY;' d~IY cooking' in the home. I .nutmeg trees on tropical islands. defy anyone who is using her The. Dutch, who had so much to spices regularly to keep those do with the East, rncJian spice' awkward cans and bottles iJi, any 'trade, use a pinch of nutmeg in: eonditiontO be dispiayed. almost every dish. Essential to :Many homemakers, I'm afraid, an eggn<?g, this spice also goes, feel that the use of spice is be- well in meatballs, hard sauce or ~nd their culinary abilities, so in puddings. they stick to those tried and' .PEPPER - K now n as the true favorites, salt and pepper. world's most desired spice, the rm afraid I'll shock a few of my pepper berry grows on a climb­ "~qlt". :wbel1 ,.l-adroit,U1at ,140-""", hl&.:~~ .•.T'he,,,,res.1ilil.D1r,,dried;'

...•• ....



PRIZE WINNING ARTIST: Sister Mary' Eugeriius 'of the Sisters of Providence, Anchorage, 'Alaska, shows some .of her recent· works in three mediums:. a block print in front; silk screen work in the center trio and a colored lithograph at top. NC Photo. :

·Wi'ns:·.:First' Ptize Nun's' Entry in Art Contest of 650 Entries



MONTREAL (NC)-SolutioM to the crisis in our social system must come through the family, Gov. Gen. Georges Vanier told. 1,000 persons gathered at St. JOG seph's Oratory here. The Canadian official and big wife are responsible for setting up the Caridadian-wide inter­ faith organization which is studo ying the fil1llily in this country. lts ·members have given it the name of the "Vanier Institute on the Family" as· a tribute to ·the work of the Governor.Gen­ 'eral and his wife. and the exaJnoo pIe of their own., family life. ' .' Vanier told the congregatiolli ;at the shrine here that there WllSl a crisis in the social system of the country, as was apparent from' statistics on delinquency, crime' and anti-social behavior. "It is in the family that the causes must be found for thiD state of affairs, and it is in the family that preventive solutions must be applied oil ...... The work: of unifying the family is not· It thing that can be imposed• "It is up to 'each one of us, lEn his private life, to make an ex­ limination of' conscience and to see how we can be more under­ standing and' more generous," 'he declared. "It is by humbly re­ forming our own hearts and our own attitudes' that we can help the' family, our country' an'd. humanIty."· '

April Party Our Lady ot Victory Court" Fall River Foresters, will hold a dessert card party Thursday, Aprii 14. The unJt has named Miss Helen Goff as financial secretary.

with her steady hands. . Although interested in cali­ graphy and the silk screen pro­ cess of producing art since 1949, tbe Sist~r: of Providence has ••••••••••m•••••_ entered only two contests. • . ' ' II Because she was competing with.;lll. media in the competi­ tion conducted by Marymount College in Tarrytown, N.Y., she is especially pleased that her silk screen entry, ·which utilized : So. Dartmouth : caligraphy, was able to win over and Hyannis : : fine art entries. Based on Epiphany berry-from this vine is the fa­ milhr black peppercorn, black "It is rewarding to know that • So. Dartmouth WY 7.9384. on the' outside and white inside. work produced by the silk Hyann~ 2921 : The ground pepper that comes screen process is finally coming : in cans is tasteless compared into its own as fine art," said with the pepper that your pep­ Sister Mary Eugenius. per' mill grinds fresh in your -Theme of the competition was kitchen. Try it and taste the dif­ "The Three Wise Men," and the ference. Whenever a recipe calls object was promotion of use of . for· a dash of pepper turn your a more spiritual theme in pepp.er mill a couple of turns Christmas cards. and the difference will amaze Sister Mary .Eugenius based COMPANY

you. her entry, on which she worked .The list of spices could go Oli more than a month, on the Feast endlessly, but instead 'of just of the Epiphany. It shows a Complete line

discussing their, background and flame sUperimposed over a star. uses,' try. a· l'e.cipethat utiliz~ Caligraphy enters the ,pi(;ture S"ilding Materials

them and.nQtice t~edi.fferenc~J '" wi~Q w,ords fr!>lll a" piayer ,for the Epwhariy: '~Llke a .flame of, Old, Spice Cookies ­ " ' , ' ':," fire' tha,t."iiillr· .Po~ted out Go~ 8 SPRING ST., . FAIRHAVEN

,2 'cups'. brown':,sugar' -:, ..'; " " 1"'cup shortening '" '. : ... "'" , the "King 'of' 'Kings. The . Magi WYma.n 3·261l saw 'ft'imd' offered.ftlfts/" 2 eggs, '(beaten) ­ ,.t;. .' .••. cup sour milk· (this can be done b:-, adding 1 '.fa1;l~espoon of vi~e.gar jo , your regular mi~). 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

'1 tea~'poon cl,oves

. WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING l 'te,aspo0n,.nu,tme,lt

, . " . . PROBLEMS .3 cups of flour . " at. the 1 teaspoon baking soda .' . l' cup inixed nuts and raisins' . '1) Cream' 'the sugar, short~n:' .' ~ .~ hig and spices "together. ' 2) Sift togetper 'the flour, soda , and" salt. ' ." .. 'The most Iriendly, 'democratic BANK' offe~T"g 3) Add the sifted ingredients alternately with, tile beaten eggs Banking 3?d so!!r, milk to. the creamed Club Accounts Auto Loans mixture. Beat well. Checking Accountrs ' '4) told in the nuts and raiSir!s, BU:liness loan!'! until weIi' blended.' . Savings AC,counts Real Estate Loans 5) Drop by the teasP90hful At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge onto a greased cookie sheet. . 6) Bake in 375 0 oven' 12-15 Mcimber Federal D~p'oslt Insur:c;mI=8 ,Corpor,ation ' minutes. '. : _... .' ANCHORAGE (NC)-"I have steady hands," explains Sister, Mary Eugenius, describing.. the ability that helped' her win one of four first prizes in a recent international art contest., The judge who decided that her silk screen entry· was the best of more than 650 from 36 states, France,· England, Mexico, Canada' and Puerto Rico, would add that the smiling artist com­ bines a huge measure of talent

: . JB :• LUMBER


• CO.:

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'Complete' One-Stop

As the other schools of the

THE :,ACADEMY" OF .". . dioeese, jMi\ "awards GIlegen- . THE' ,S·~C_ED ,HEARTS :'.":~~~i~~r~~Jill~i~:se:le:v: :~::. ..: . '.",' . ' :. jects. The' educational. progra.:· ".: ,:..,.Fall. 'Ii.ver,.:'." ,.. ,'. isneeds:ofthe 'geared' ·to 'meet ·the .varioUII, . students, preparing',·

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of' Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 27, 1966 .






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'BY RE,VJi~Ei-fD.JOSEJ?"I;(P. DELANEY timt" Sup~~l1ttend~nt·'of "Schools .



. O~Saturday m:orning, Fe,b. '5, c'ager eighth grade boys and. girls will converge from all parts of the diocese on the various. high schools to'take the en-trance examination for the next school year. .Thert In:ay be s~me anxious mo~ents during the coming weeks for many of these youngsters as they await the results ,

of the tests which will be used together with other ,information in determining 'who will be selected' for .next fall's .. . iresh~anC1asse~. 'Past weeks h~veseen .them. visiting high schools and discus.. sing with teachers alid· parents their plans fore-next year. By now they have made their' choice. There remains only ' ... the e~an"lination and final application. The Fall River Diocese is indeed for­ tunate to have so many fine high schools. Twelve schools in the major cities of the diocese are already carry­ ing on the work of Catholic secondary education. This Fall a new one will·' begin. ' . There are three schools for' boys' only: Coyle in Taunton, and Prevost and the new Bishop Connolly High in Fall River. SeveraJ schools are for girls only: Dominican, Jesus Mary, Sacred' Hearts and Mount Saint Mary Academies in Fall River, as' well ,as' Bishop Cassidy' ,High 'in Taunton and Sa:cr~d Hearts Academy. jn Fairhaven. . . There are also four co~educati~na1.high schools in the dio-' cese:)3ishop ~ Feehan in A~tleboro, Bishop Stang in North Dart- . mouth,' and Holy Family and Saint Anthony's in New Bedforq. .. Nearly ,five tho~sand' boys and girls' will.' be attending . Ca,tholic- high schools:in oul:' diocese this' Fall. . While the' course~offer~d the 'different high schools vary .with the particular goals'. of the school and the interests of the students, a core curriculum prepared by committees of teachers working under the directi6n;of Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Super~ intendent of. Diocesan Schools,. is offered to all. This consists of a' basic background in English,relfgion, s~ience,. histOry,· mathe­ . matics, languages' 'alld the fine arts. In addition, many schools offer electives .in . bU,siness subjects, " advanced. science, social st:udies, music~ .art, an.9 hpme ecortpmics, as well as a host of .extra.,.curricul:ir activities.. . . '. . . Graduates from every oneo£' the high 'schools of the dioc,ese have ,distinguished themselves in 'every 'kind of ende~vor,· rang.;'~ . ing fr<;>m the religious life.to the l:>lisiQesS: .wo·dd, from the profes­ sions to the military. . . The.. people of the. diocese ':who, ha~e 'builtarid 's~pported' these ,sch~ls .hav~' ~v.er,y~e~son to ':be.prou9. 9£ their gradll~tes . :arid ,:tq' be grateful to ·'the de.dicated,men· and:women. who staff;

" them~ . ' : . ' ;:' :::' ." , .., .. :.,' " . ' . "

.." 'in: this h~ppy 'pic~u~e: ~f ~o';d~~y ~d~c~ti~n, in ~~r. dioc~se·· ':~her~::is ol;tly ,o~e .~h~d<>#,:;:~il;,spi,te: ~t'~ ·~,O~st4h,~IY'.'ex:p:~rid.inge9~- ...,:: . c:ttiOl)at system .there ': still ,is. liot. ~nq:ugh;r0;61n .' in. all. of. ' our, .­ ,s<;ohools ,foranl·the .b.~ys:~p~, girlsiVbo>~r(>uldJik,eto attend ·the.J;ri~ :'. ,'- 'Ne~ri;~very Sch®l:wi~l h:~veto,s~le·ct· .. Sc'hoois· are ~eklng ohly' those stud~nts'



. .

High' Schools

,of t:he



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F'o~/ the' past·

80 . years, ' ;tirlil' , . ~hem

f~r colle~e,. or for a careel' from Fall River' and the neigh- m busmess, nursmg, or techno). boririg a.rea bave beel!: ~limbi~g 01Y. Ab~ve all,. ho~ever,. t~i! the hill' at Linden and Prospect pr~paratlon is, for Cbnstlaa streets to reach the Academy of IiVlDg everywhere. thfiSacred Hearts.. This year 374 teenagers come under the guidance of the Sisters of' the . .. .

. Holy Union of. the Sacr~d ;Hearts , whose main apostolate is to make

of these young persons intellec­ tually tr1l1ned, healthy, gracious '

and' responsible individuals who· . Dominican Academy, a privat•

are keenly aware'of their super-" school for·girls conducted bf'

· natural destiny and that of their the Dominican Sisters, was ea­ . tablished.' in '1895. The. purpose neighbor. " Since 1941 the New England for which the Academy existl Association of Colleges and Sec- is to give its students a tru~ ondary Schools, ~he principal ....C hristian education to hel, accrediting 'agencyin New En­ them prepare for happy succes~ gland, has certified that S.H.A. luI living in this world, and has' met the high standards of eternal happiness hereafter. that association. To implement this aim, the Today 22 'highly qualified r,e­ school offers a wen-balanced ligious and 'lay teachers make program of curricular arid extra­ up the faculty. Also on the staff curricular activities, designed to is Msgr. John H. Hackett, vice meet the varying needs of all "" chancellor of' the -Fall River . students. diocese; who, despite his busy' The faculty numbers 18 reli-­ schedule, teaches two classes of gious and three lay teachers.. senior religion and serves as Following the Diocesan program chaplain for the school. of studies, course-offerings in­ .The courses at S.H,A. are clude subjects of a college pre. designed to discover and to de­ parato-ry nature as well as those velop the talents of the pupils providing terminal education: ill and to. prepare them for higher secretarial science. ' 'education and advance~ent. In The cirriculum includes four the first two years students fol- years of religion, English; sci­ Iowa basic liberal arts program: ence, social studies, mathemat­ religion, English, mathematics, ies, 'French and Latin; two yeaN World History., science, a foreign, of shorthand and typing: one "language, music and art... year of bookkeeping and' office Classes are grouped homogen,­ practice; also, electives in music eously so that each student may and ,art. ­ do her best by proceeding at her Extra-curricular activities in­ own rate. In the third and·fourth clude the Sodality of Our Lad~t years courses are largely elec­ the opportunity of an· annual tives. retreat, Nation Honor Society. ". Extra-curricular activities in­ student co'uncil, science' fair ae­ clude Sodality, debating, public tivities, glee club, .orchestra, speaking, journalism, glee club, 'choir, athletic association, intra-' orchestra, ceramics, dances or­ mural, programs .in .basketball, ganized by the Seventeeners volleyball, and bowling, and in­ ·Club, socials, concerts and lec­ terscholastic basketball and vol­ tures. The school also has an ac­ leyball in· the Bristol CountJ' tive chapter 'of the National . Girls' League. Honor Society. ,Dominican. is a small school A program of physical fitness . (enroll~ent under 300 pupils)• includes intra-mural volleyball, . To this fact may be attributed bas\j:etball, archery, stunts and ,the friendly and relaxed ~ tumbling. S.H.A; is a member, of mospherethat is so dear to fae­ ·the Bristol County Girls' Ath­ .ulty, students and alumnae alike• letic League.


FedI River



Fall River'

"HOLY FAMILY 'HIGH SCHOOL· ,, , New,' Bedford

. j-esu~ Mary Acad~my is a high , .schc,>ol·for.. gir!s ;lb.l~. tOa~cO~~ .( . ~ .. . : modate 250 students.. It is~t~~~ _ , . IIi . 1~4, .the late Rt'., R!,~ ·by the :Rellgi.ous. of 'jes~s arid: ' ~ugh. J ..S~y.th ~stablish~(f ~he ','Mary, 'whose: aim ',1':1 edl,1cati,oil, .1I01y ,. Fa~.l1y ..High School '" set their ·Foundr.~ss; .: !l~cce~sor, o.f Samt;J.~ph's Hi,~ · 'Mother'Mary Ignathis,'.a'· centui'y' ;' :Sch®~ .WhICh . pad exi8t~d f.roM .anda 'half'ag~"To:form$ouls ' .. 1883 ~o ..19Q2•. Holy' Fam,lly. flip " 'fc>r .heaven,';" This'· is a:precious: .S ch0 91' IS ~ .. p'ar~sh )Ugh sc~ool heritage! ;,v.'hich: r~mainS ail' chal- . l!ttached, ~oSt..Lawrence parish, 'lerigfng, no~ as it wag: "then;. ' - : '!>.\jt '~rVil.lg· ~tl)er parish!ls ':01. . 'In the 'pursuit of this' ideal, ' . th~ CIty of.Ne~Bed(ord as w:cn. · the school-takes into acco'unt'not" 'It it, staff~d. by .'the pioneer only some .pf. thone who wil~. apply,:·-SacI~y., " .. of superior ability, or only, those who cali only'the spiritual and moral-de- teachi.ng 'or~~r Qf th.e' diocese, the administrations will~ inform .the··' obtain g60d grades. it. is the fond' wish' veiopment' 'of' each individual the Sl~ters .of Merey :who caine others that thercLis no morer®~; t~f 'oi every Catholic educator that he might· but the iiltellectual;physical and' !o, !"Je~ Bedford: in 1873 at . the . they· cannot be accepted. Most people in .accept 'every ·boy and' girl' who applies. the social as "well. It tries to . InVItatIOn of Fr.. Lawrence Me- . · impress Upon the students that Mahon. The' Sisters· of Merey 'business would be 'delighted if their proOnly when the space. runs out; only when· duct was.so desirable that customers, had there is no more room 'must principals ,they' must lose : themselves .In ". were founded in Dublin, Ireland, to be turned away..We educatorS are .only . reluctantly perform that unwelcome task something . greater than them-" in 1831, by, Mother Catherine saddened. Teachers ;indo administrators of deciding' which' students his· sch®l selves, and that they never ,will :McAuley..Her aim was to traill would like to be able to take every boy" ·will best be. able to serve: And even then, be happy 'unless they strive for' Sisters to instruct the youth 011 and girl who applies to their' school, ,yet ,his final decision will be based ,not only . the' happiness of others. Ireland. Since its foundation; the ·they must of~en rcply that· there' is no" on the results of Saturday's examination; The immediate aim of the Institute. has spread to all partl! room; but on the recommendation of the ele­ school curriculum is to train the of the world, and its members intellect to habits of clear ·th,ink­ al'e engaged in teaching at aU 'In determining which students will be mentary school teachers and on many ing which will tend to a reasQl1ed . levels from kinder.garten .. accepted, soine evidence of. future suc':" .other factors. The following descriptions attitw;le'in the face of disruptive gradu~te· :school, and also· ia cess' in high school is soughL F6rthis of our' thirteen' high schools in the dio­ influences and .propaganda., conducting hospitals. reason the entrance ',examiriations" '~'re "cesewill'help··both parents" and children' . The students. are taught that .. T!'te subjects offered at· Ho~ given, 'elementary' grades are obtaliied;' ; to become aCCIl;lainted' with, the ~ariety true education is not a mere: ac,.· -Family High School"· prepare - and. the principals painstaia~gly'schect o~ course~ .provlded, aswell.a~ WIth, the ',cumulation of facts and'figures,' ,both" boys. and girls col.lege, -those "youhgsters! who' ·they' fe~f "';Yili -' rIch: tradltions;they 'all share' m prepar-,

· but ,lhe,., development· 'of . solid '.' business 'and·. ',other, future, en­ '. profit' nlos'tfi-oin atten'aing'tH~!h~schoo~:':'.in.g .boys: and '~irl!!cto take' their'"pl~ce in ;..

::" ," . ·u ..". ,... , ." ,.':": ",' ~ ... ':-.... , ." ... ~.' .. society 'al!l"young'Ohristian men"and'wo-, ., . prinCipies, ' ·serioUs . intellectual:' deavors... Bul'ing, ,the· first twe . ,'" c' '. -Tbis" -is '.'·not· because, '-,(;:atholic""bilh: " ,:men~'···; ;.".,.. ...,.,.... ~, ".,.~. ,...:', . ' , '.' . ",,:, : "',' "··habits,.and,,a·convinced and con-,',,-~earsacore cur.riculum is,.QffeF.. .'.,1-': :. ,..~.,.,: ~",~. ":":.'·:··'~~'~:·;.:.·~!'--;··"':·1·:·'-'·'''·t\''~<!'~:;:'''''L'.;: ..!•._~,'.' ·~.!~,.• ;.:·i: :., .. :, .. . ., :·,>.t'i··· ·l~ -:'sistent outlook oil ·the"·realities.·.. ·ed.·, with,'· electives· ·prov~ded _ ,. ..,o~'·lit.e.• · .: :,•.: .. , ;,c:'.',',.:.: .:',' ,tate',~ .~~ ')'~,afl!.: ..'. .. . ,'" ·

: .was'

by .








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ness ClUb, Junipero Club, Stamp ,and modern languages, mathe- THE ANCHOR~ 11 & ,Coin Club. Experience in , maties" Wor1~ history, physical,lhurs;, Jan. 27, 1966 science and biology. No course journalism is provided by parti­ decisions are necessary until the cipation in two school publica­ tions, the newspaper Essa and junior year. Cassidy High is equipped for Intellectually, the students, are twentieth century! learning­ the Memory Book. By partici., pating in these activities at St. 'prepared for junior or senior learning characterized by the coll,e g e s ,for techI).ological rapid growth of knowledge. Anthony's, students grow intel­ school, for the health profes­ Teachcrs work in teams to in­ lectually,' morally and socially. sions, or for business life. struct students in both large The athletic program aims to and small groups. Flexible develop the students' aptitudes grouping into hom 0 g e n e 0 u s for sports and competitive 'skills. units 'make such innovations Co-curricular activities chal­ possible. lenge the many-faceted interests 'Secretariat, ,math and science of youth;' the Student Govern­ teachers combine their efforts ment organization purposes to The history of Mt. Saint Mary train the youth 'of tod~y to be to prepare students for living ina, computerized world that Academy' began on Sept'. 3, 1946. , 'the leaders of tomorrow. is 'cosmic in its imagination. The history of high school edu­ Outside lecturers, films, spe~ cation in 'Fall River under the cial programs and field triPtl guidance of 'the' Sisters of Mercy, add flavor to and' supplement however, ,goes back to Septem­ ,the regu'lar class WOrk. ber, 1879, when the doors of St: Catherine Academy were opened Each student is given opporto the young ladies of the Sec­ ,tunity to appreciate music, art, ond Stre'et area. choreography, and poetry. Co~' It was here that the first cunicular cultural and physic&l Catholic high school in Fall River The shamrock symbolizing: activities provide experience be­ Monsignor James Coyle High was begun.' Parish needs forced' Feehan First, in Spirituality, yond classroom work. The Academy, a private resi- School of Taunton, the oldest of the Sisters 'to discontinue sec- Scholarship and Sportsmanship The faculties encourage op­ dent and day school for girls the diocesan-run high schools, ondary ,education in 1890, and des'cribes the goals of the dioc­ portunities for prayer, monthly from kindergarten through grade is now in its thirty-third year for the next 50 years the Sisters esan regional, co-education four­ 12, welcomes students not only of preparing young men for the of Mercy devoted themselves to year high school of the Attleboro Mass, retreats, liturgical choirs, from its immediate vicinity and "game of life." the education of youth in the ,area. From' its opening in Sep­ Sodality, CCD and Mission Units, environs,but from various ,parts This all-boys school, which elementary schools. tember, 1961, Bishop Feehan as well as s\1-ch extra-curricular of the United States. ,,' for the first time this June will In 1946, at the invitation of High School, staffed by the Reli- activities as National Honor, ,.Each year it accepts a number have 3000 graduates among its His Excellency, Bishop James E. gious Sisters of Mercy of the Quill and, Scroll, Debating, of foreign 'students who spend alumni, is condueted by the Cassidy, the Sisters once again Union and lay members, well Journalism, Glee Club, Orches­ a year or more endeavoring to Brothers of Holy Cross, the first took up the task of educating qualified in varied subject areas, tra, Science Club, Sports and acquire 'a, written and spoken teaching order of Brothers in girls on the high school level. has moved forward with tre­ Dl'iJl Teams. The Cassidy colors are blue knowledge of English. Whether the United States. Their roots For 15 years classes were con- mendo\ls spirit.

from Portugual, Canada, Brazil, go back to the foundation of the ducted in a wing of the original The Feehan curriculum is' de­ and red, a theme emphasized )0 Ecuador" Venezuela, Guatemala, University of Notre Dame. building' built in' 1904.' The sigrted to meet the 'needs of all the students distinctive unifoL'ms Honduras, Panama or Mexico, The schoC)l's 'alumni have newly-constructed a cad e 01 y types of students. A selected as well as in the school emblem. the foreign student s9 0n finds a achieved notable success in al- wing was opened in September, two-year basic program broad­ "second' home' at Sacred Hearts most every field' of, endeavor. 1961. ens into a widely-elective sched'Academy and the Academy,pro- Numbered among its alumni a're Mt. Saint Mary Academy of- ule as the students mature and ,

'videsher and her newly-made 74 priests (43 of the'm in the fers a full academic program for make definite plans for future'

'American friends the opportu- Fall River diocese),' and ,36 both college bound and business careers. New trends in. science, nity of knowing and under- Brothers. world students. ,math, and languages have been standing peoples from many Coyle High has kept pace with: Extra curricular activities iil- incorporated. 'r e a 01,- teaching lands. the many changes that have· elude sodality, orchestra, glee and large group instruction are A complete College Prepara- taken place in secondary edu-, club, debating, sports, and scho- used. tory Department prepares stu- cation. this' is best attested by lastic clubs. Students may be. Membership in the 'Mercy Bishop Connolly, High SchoO'1 dents for admission to Univer- the fact that even today, its' elected to participation in the Chapter of National Honor So- is the newest agency of Catholie sities and Colleges of their graduates are attending approx-' Student Council. Excellence in ciety is given to students achiev- secondary education in the Dio­ choice, while a Commercial De- imately seventy-five schools of :~~~~~St~Cioac~~v~~~~~at~~titi~~ ini::g;e:~~~l:;;i~~hs~:n:::~:hedcese. It will open its doors f()F partment readies the young higher learning from coast to . 1 monthly a's' a specl'al servI'ce by the first time this Fall in tem­ 1 . coast and from the Texas border Honor membership . St : W'll' , g raduate to tak e 'her pace 111 Society.in the, NatIona ' the Attleboro'Sun; the "Feehan pOl'ary qua rt ers 111 1 lam II the business world or to further to Canada. Flashback" is the annual mem- Pal'ish Catechetical Center. The her education in the commercial ,The, objectives of the school Recognized by navy blue uninew high school buildings wHI ,are possibly best summed up in forms until 1964, Mt. Saint Mary ory book. The Dramatics and be ready for September, 1967. field. Classes 'in both the elemen- a line from the "W,arrior's Code" girls are gradually changing into Music Departments have com­ reen blazers, plaid skirts and bined to produce, such musicals Bishop Connolly I;Iigh School tary school and the high 'school which states that the Coyle man g '11 have a f' f Id P . : t 1 k t 11' is " ... a man of lraith and honmatching accessories. By Sepas Oklahoma, Leave it to Jane, WI Ive- 0 pur ose In are d elib era e y ep sma' 'In a,nd Camelot. ,Bristol C,oUllty education: (1) to cultivate lead­ 'order to' allow for maximum esty; of, strength of character tember, 1966, the distinguishing h" 1" . t 11 t 1 ' feature of e'ach student will be 'rulings regulate football, base- ers IP 111 re IglOUS, In e ec ua 'personal'development 'and indi- 'through self:mastery, of respect f f d' bal,l,' basketball and track', how- and social activity; (2) to foster "d "'I "t' 'th for the Christian family ,and a class pin in one 0 the '~n u.. ' 6 ow . . our 1 IS-, ever, intramurals for both boys a humanistic habit of mind . IS . p 1ace d on th e lawful authority, of,leadership tinctive and appropriate co ors. and girls are also a feature of through a study 0 f ,t h e signi . i'1­ E mph aSIs ,student as an indivdual whose in the pursuit of good." ,Feehan's program. Tennis is a cant contributions of the past, course of study is planned' to Uniforms are not worn. favorite sport:' as well as representative con­ meet her personal need and The system of guidance is cen"; temporary literature; (3) to .abilities. A recently-mof;lern~:I;ed tralized at Feehan. A staff ,of 'form 'habits of orderly thinking and well-stocked library 'is atrained guidance personnel is through the medium of analytie 'vailable for student use. " available for counseling. A con- and synthetic study of IanStudents may enroll and par- . tinuing testing program provides guages.; (4) to develop co~pe, tieipate'in the acti,vities of varl- " for adequate evaluation of pu- ten~e In the art of expl'csSIO!y' " ' .' , pils' pro,gress. Seveniy-f,ive per .,(5) , to de.ve.lop, a respo,nsibl~ ,ous campus organizations: the ',d' Bishop S,tang High School, 1he , ,cent of, lfeehan's first graduates f ree,d om WI thIn th e con t ex t o.f a Association ' ,of ,the Sacred Heart!!,' .' :the, Gl'ee ,'Clu'b, th'e Dr'a'matic'. :Qrst 1regional diQc~sa!l' ' mature t f o~, a,~ th or~t y. ,~- , . " ,',' " ' l ' co-~duca-, th F 11' went' on into higher education. ' .... ", respec, Club, the French' Club. ' , tiona higb schoo In e, a Student Council is Feehan's Throughout, the years, these fIve "S"ports opp'or'tun'itI'es in '8 v'a'-' Through itsH"courses ofist~dies,River ,Diocese 'Y as ,founded' in', strongest, , organization " . h - '",'" d' .~'", ' h S h d'" because :,goa 1save .ue«;n a tt" ~1I1e, ,qUI .... .: lied m'tr,a'-mur,n.l 'p',rogr,'am, , . ,are, St; Ap th,ony Ig ,c 0,0, un er. 195f! by ~ishop' J!l~es L. ;Con-: _ ' suec ssfully by a happ b .. " the dh;e,ction of ,th~ Si,liters of ~ nolly.'" bi;>th'faculty 'and'students recog- ' . ': '. , .. ' y. com ,.I'''

.. ,available. through, the .. scMol's ,the. Holy-Cross, ,strives to,'d~vel-,' 'It is sta,ffed by Sisters of Notre nize its wort,h~,Every' Feehan ~a~lO,n of .th~ ~rts andsc~~nces.,

",'physical-.· education dePQrtmen~. ,op m at4 re, productive a!1 d ,h,ap- " Dame de Namur and excel- student ls:urged to 'p,artiCipat«dn 'To .fulf~ll this PUI:P,?sc more

" sacred. Heart~ Academy" IS py Alnericans fortiP.ed 'for li~e's lent'lay faculty, under the prin- some' extra-curricular activity.' ~ffectIvely, thprefore, and t•

.,. staffed, by the SIsters, Qt ,the, :;;a-, battles., With a thorough second- , Cipalship of Sister Julie Marie, ' '~he sch,ool strives tp recognize ,t!lake available the traditional

. \ ered .~e;lrts '~nd of Perpetual ' ary' ilchooi training' in' religioh, to service 'students in the 'New ',the abilities 'and inspiraiibn"oi Jesuit progL~am of the~uniani• ,Adorat~on, aSSIsted ,by, a stlJff ,of "natural ~nd' sodai sciences,. lim.;. Bedford ,and Fall River ar~as, ,,' its students and it seeks to, give "Ves ,to as many, qualified b9YS ,capable, lay' personnel., ., guages and art, the, stl.,ldentir'are· Over 1900 studclltsare curreritly' them 'a well-roundcd' education..a!l ,l;>ossibl,e, ,Bishop Connolly able to follow their chosen field enrolled" representing more thaA ' The, young men and women of High School ~ill offer only co}. fully equipped to face any even-' 64 parishes in the diocese. ' Feehan are recogniZed through- lege preparatory co~rses to itt tualitywith confidence. In keeping with the directives out the northern part of the'dio- i!l-:-coming freshmen. ,By I han­ Ill. 1940, Rt. .Rev. Albert Ber- of Pope Paul VI, Bishop Stang, cese in their green and gf-ay neli,ng the resources and ·'ner:­ , ube;at the direction of'the pas- High School tends to foster in blazers. ,', .gies of the sch.ool and its fa ~ulty tor,Rev. Victor Masse, began a the individual student an awarein this way, the Jesuits fee'ltthat high school in St., Anthony's ness of his obligation to advance ar: important' step will be take~ Prevost High School began in ,parish where pupils completing himself in self-expression, self- , in the direction of developing a 1927 as an elementary school their elemelltarystudies could development, and cultural en-, body of well-informed, art\cu­ for boys staffed by the Brothers continue their education unde,r richment. In the pursuit of these Jate leaders for the service of. of Christian Instruction. In 1934, Catholic auspices. norms the st\.tdent' of today be,our country and the Church. the fh'st class of freshmen were The program of' studies is di- comes the adult of tomorrow, The freshman course of studiH accepted into the, newly-orga- 'verse, and offers opportu!lities ,able "to carryon 'faithfully his Bishop Connolly took, the will be the same for all students nized high school department, to the student who wishes to economic and social activities in lead, in 1962, by providing the and will be aimed at prOViding and, the first graduates left Pre- 'prepare for college or to attain accordan,ce with the teachings ,first all-girl regional high school a strong foundation in the basie ·vost fO,ur years, later. a general or business ,back- of the Church." " in, the diocese. The Sisters of the 'lill'cparatory subjects. By offerThe Brothers first came to the ground. ' The four-year curriculum Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts ing, this e:ore curriculum an opUnited, States in 1003 .to ·'work'Extra-curricular activities are "keeps'in focus the 'training of ,the and a corps of 'laywomen dedi- portunity is provided ,for the in the,. Indian, missions of, the designed ,to develop initiative, ,whole person, yet is adapted to cate themselves. to the aposto- development and organization of West. They now condqct schools . responsibility, ,and' cooperative '01 e e'i' individual difference. late of teaching at Cassidy High., the -talents and creativity of the in, Mlline, ,Ne.w, York,MicMgan, " effort. ,These include Dramatics; ',Freshmen' and sophomores fol-The faculty and, students work individual student while, alloW'.. aIld 'Obi,o,' as wen ... ,in. ,FaR Science ,Clubs j Debating Society, 'low' a basic, course which in- in h'armony to instil and develop' ing for his training 'infunel.. ',' Rjv4l1". " , . ' . ': ',',': . :. ,"~encb Ch'b. "M"atb CUqb, ,'Busi.. :.dud~slleHgion,: Enllillg,. J,.atia . ,Truth; , ; .. , " ,\ ;JncntilLlltudy skilJl.' " ... E:x:tra-curricular activities Inelude Sodality, Glee Club, B~:l' ketball, Debating, Baseball" lMis~, , Ilion ClUb,' l.Junipero 'Ser.ra Club,.. Spanish, (lncl, French Clubs; Sci-, ence'Club,"World Affairs,F.orui1l, '" Toonis Club and Chess Club.. , ",'

The courses offered at Prevost include. a 'basic core curriculum for the first two years, and many electives 'in the' other years. Students are prepared for col­ lege, technical training or the business world. Last' year, 63 .'" .' " , " ' ,I .. ' ':: Per cent of th~, graduates went Holy, Family is proud of' its on to :fUrther study. , : .. traditions of scholastic achieve-" Extracurricular activities in­ ment and leadership for the past elude a program of interscholas­ 1'18 years in the city of New Bed- 'tic basketball and baseball, as ford.' ' w e l l as a wide range of cultural It is the aim of the faculty and auxiliary activities. to continue' to' uphold this repu": Prevost High School is under 'tation by giving each student a the direction of ,the pastor of , well-rounded Catholic education Notre Dameparish~ 'Although so that. he 'will be a credit to formerly admission was restrictbis Church and bis country. ed to boys with a French-speak,,,:' " , .,:-,. " " ..... . ing background, tpday, il~l,boYs :,-' ' , , '! , ••... ' are welcome."











.' fairhaven



Fall River

N A 'HONY SAl T NT HIGH SCHOOL 'N'ew ,Be' ford,

BISHOP, STANG HIGH, SCHOOL, North Dartm.outh',



. ','.



·· . .· ··i:. :,.i,: :";

-...." 1 ~..

(~.' ~

It is,four years since Graham Greene' published a new novel. The hiatus ends with the appearance of The Come­ dian. (Viking. $5.~5).The setting is one which Mr. Greene has not used before, Haiti under the terror of. the dictator Duvalier. But many partic­ ulars are familiar from pre­ it all incination to passion and violence, which happy develop­ viGUS novels by Mr. Greene. ment ~ would lead to peace' and And the theme, that of.com­ . brotherhood. Smith firmly and lriitment' and of non-:involve­ foolishly expects to establish a ~eQ.t,· is cioselY related .t<)others great vegetariap. center in Haiti. ~hfch '.he.~as·· Cruel Dictatorship . Used. The ,novel

. Brown has scarcely disem­ is uneven; list,.

barked when he realizes that the less;" 'and . eVen

dictatorship is more cruel and .nnoYi~ , f or

grinding than ever, and the_ the first 'third' island more sunk in fear, misery, of its ~OO pages, .

ai' Quite Ulckl h d d an esp r. as q, y e. b ', u-t "thereafter' resumes' hiS adulterous affair CONSECRATED: Bishop pic kin g , up

with Martha:--Jerome Pechillo, T.O.R., was - 'speed and in­ He finds himself almost at tensity. It will

once in danger of assault by the consecrated Tuesday last by not rank very h i g h in the Tontons: Macoute, Duvalier's Bishop J. Carroll McCor­ plug-uglies. To begin with, there mick in the Cathedral of the Greene canon. " '. . " .,.. is ·the suicide, on the hotel Blessed Sacra;ment, Altoona, The narrator, who. Mr.,:Greene t th e t premises, of Dr. Philipo, Se'cretary for" Social Welfare, Pa., in whose diocese the. Is at great pains to sa,y is no himself, is a middle-aged British who, after having served Duval-' Third Order Regular Fran­ ier, has incurred his displeasure.. ciscans have their provincial subject of mixed, and eVen mys­ terious, background., .He ,never. Then,. there is Brown's associa­ headquarters at Hollidays­ knew his father, .never even. ' ·th S ·th h h b knew whether his father had tion WI. mx ,w 0 as een burg. N.C. Photo. _ seized by the police at the gang- . be' 'Em married to, his m,other, whq plank, thrust in jail and vicious­ deserted the, boy when he ·was ly beaten.up. However, SIIlith's ~ufT\'leIf80,r a· student in a Jesuit college;in forttines suddenly change." \'iii ~ 00 u 11 ~ \W IF liis , native Monaco: . . . ' , ' ' C' 't" . 'd . P'a.ge '0''n'e' . . . The' deserted hotel is a on mue 'f'rom. In his coll~ge days be bad won gloomy," ominous' place, 'With' " The" retreat hoUse ~ will" be some money at· tbe'casino" been oiiIy.. one. servant left;: the .Hai,.., :avliilable' for: close'd retreats and casually seduced. by the '-wife of tian 'Joseph who has .survived conferences to the faithful of an absent banker.. Thereafter he torture by the Tontons Macoute. the Diocese of Fall River, espe­ left school and· made his root.., The Smiths move in, take the cially to those' enrolle~ in .high less living in various places by John BarryIiiore suite and set school and 'college. ' misrepresenting his accomplish­ about the' preliminaries of ·the The new Father Superior is no ments or .his wares.

establishmeintof the vegetarian stranger to the Fall River Dio­ center,' in. which nonserise they cese. During the late t~irties, Lost Faith

In' his youth he was tlCatho~ are encouraged by' Duvalier Father Clancy, then il U¢ted Bc, and it was supposed tliat' he underlings who smell an oppor" States Army Chaplain, was it might have 'a' vocation to the tunity to commit a gigantic frequent visitor to the Veterans' priesthood. But he has dropped fraud at the expense· of the CCC Camp at East Brewster. In, Catholic practice and' thinkS American innocents.. Iiecember 1940, Father Clancy that he has' lost his faith. . Mebtorable PassageS was the first chaplain assigned When we first meet ~im, is ,'What is best· about this book ,to Camp 'Edwards . wher,e 'he aboard Ii Dutch': cargo 'vessel' is its depiction o~ the Haitian' served until 1942. HIS regIment coming from the United States climate both the physical cli~ was the well known (and pos­ lo Haiti. This is not' Brown's D!ate a~d the psychological. The siblynow weI?- remembered) first trip to Haiti. He has, in colors, the heat, the torreIitial 68th, Coast· Artillery regiment,. fact, lived there for some years, rain, the mud, the delapidation largely compose~ of Southerners, and owns a hotel near Port-au- of the island are 'brilliantly de­ who on recreational occasions, Prince, surprisingly inherited picted. And so is the atmosphere refought the Civil War on the from his ,mother. The hotel was created by the dictatorship. Mr. slightest. provocation. once prosperous,.but thE! disap­ Greene'makes one feel the ever­ Transferred ·to the Eastern pearance of tourists because of present oppression, the intimida­ Defense Command, Fathei':Clan­ the Duvalier regim,e has ruined tion, the insen~ate brutality. cy's tour of duty brought him tt. Brown has sought UIWUCCeSS­ There are not a few memor­ regularly to Fort Rodm~n. He fully to find· a buyer. able passages, superbly written: will, be .well re:membered by Why is he returning to Haiti? for example, the Tontons Ma­ many reSIdents of the New Bed­ For one thing, because the hotel coute's interruption of a funeral; for~ an,d' ~all R~ver ar.eas as L-" is the nearest thing to (1 home a voodoo ceremony high in the theIr ~chaplaln dunng theIr CCC days m the camps of Ce~ral and that he has ever known, and his hills, a throng' of maimed beg­ only asset, however. doubtful. gars besetting a tourist at the' Western Massach~s.etts. . For another, he has been having post office; a. nigh~arish epi-, 0 the 1" non-mxhtary assign­ an affair with, Martha, the wife sode in which·" a cripple,' given me~ts: ~ave., brought , FatheJ:' of an unnamed South American: largesse by Smitll, t~e~. to out"; Clancy to Boston College,Holy country's' mhb~ssador'to Haiti. run, on liisfeetless legs, a bully, c.ross .~o~~~e, ~es~n College He feels drawn back to her. bent on, snatching the :money.' ,and FaIrfield. UmversIty wl1ere .:'Jones' ,and' simtll' \ : ,Here and elsewhere the reader: heMs. been hi teachl1).g and ad':'::.' Among 0 the r, pasnengers'" is ip,: the: grip-, of .a p~werful' mitii~ative 'posts· ':for the "past .' . . :.:. . :, 16 years. English-: wri~r; _. • bosTd .tha: ship 'are man who ..cails himself,. Captam;, FamlU~' De:vlces :" .. , " lones appearS :to be' a:iiold,ier ; But many of the .. ~cc~DJ.ed: . of fortune, and an American Greene' devIcessiinply leave one· named Smith wh~ is 'said to ~ave: with a 'feeling' of weariness: the, g' run for the presidency lin 1948: dreams','the defecation,' tlie ·ref... 00 the vegetarian ,party's ticket.' erences to iafs' and Tarot c packs, Jones is obviously, like Brown, etc. T~~ descrj.ptions of Brown's, . "usespecialpowder an 'unconinlitted man.' Countries "reiations With Martha, are ex­ and.causes, ideas. and ide:l>logies..: pUcit.·and disgwting,:'iritention-i mean nothing to' him. He is out ally so.. , ,. .' '. . to make a),dllirig.by one.swindle Here, as'in his .other fiction,: or another,' and, th~. p~~ice in Greene presElnts a' repulsive car-: many pla~es are lpokirig f~i' him. icatu.re C).f lQye. A.ng~l,. Martha's; . In Haiti,.where he, hiu.J never sOn recalls a situation in The been" before, he. hopes to put Basement Room and another in.' over 'a'profitabl~ ·sche~e.. : The Power and the Glory,' both! . Whe~ fals~ teeth get on yoUr 'nerves . Smith,' dn ·the 'other hand, Is more imi>r~si~ ihe"fi'rst time\ manY:d.entlsts give special FASTEETH ' powder. It helps hold teeth In pIBC8- , d obviously committed,' as 'is his aroun. , helPB, Keep them from siWptng or dropThe foregoing m.ay make it: p!nIJ .down when you telk-makes you indomitable wife. They bell,eve feel more secUre; FASTEETH cushions unreservedly 'in vegetarianism seem that TheColpedian is in-:. tender gums 80 YOU.CIl.n bite harder as a 'panacea. If men could be, ferior. It is superi.or, to most: aill!. eat faster With '.greater comfort. I'ASTEETH helps you laugh and speak induced to stop eating meat, current~t!ctio"l. but unqu~stion-: more', cleB1!ly.confldently•.FASTEETB then.. acidity would dislllPP.ea~ ,ably infe~iqr. Wthe.. ~ .-of; checks' "plate ,odor" (dent~re breaUl)•




If·r·.'['SE r" J'EETH

e','t on',.'.nerv"'e"'s


•• lInJa





-, oJ ••



.",- .":. . ,..~:. .

~ Most .Qev. FUlt~~ J•. Sheen, D.O•.





God :'Lov,e'\"y~'u

By Ri. Rev. Msgr• .John S. Kennedy


·r~.~., ·~·"'.I

love of the Missions

Th~.:.:.Co,Median' 'Is ~ I'nf~rio'r ·y@c;[f@ene'l Bes1t

: ',I:

Birth, disease and death-these are a' part of real Jife, tb9 absolutely unavoidable experiences of every mortal. The Creed sums up the earthly life of Our Lord in three acts: "He was bom • • . suffered,. . . died and was buried." The major difference between the- prosperous nations of the earth and the hungry na­ tions below the 30th parallel.- is not just economic.' It is also thir. birth, suffering and death are regarded as "abnormalities" among the rich nations because all three generally take place away from the . home. They are rariUes in what might be' called "real life." What were once called the "corporal works of mercy" are seldom referred to because we .lack actual experience, ~th tb,em. .~ charity organIzat~p.nS, the hClspitalS, the .moi1ici~; the "institu­ tions" of the blind and inaimed, ali' goo.d ,in .the~selvel1, neyerth~ less remo:ve the great ineVitabiliti~,of eX1ste.n~ from .the ke~. Of 9ur: experien~e.. '

'.' I~ mission ia~ds:' ~here, is .~o s~ch tl1lngas "oqt"of sigh~,~t of mind~:;, ~() hll1f~h()ur :visi~ation of. ~he sic~ HI ~ therapeutic, Yo'~ one bumps. up against them atevery...~tep ..., . One ,nun alop.e in, three. years . pic~~d.up 16;000 who were' dying in the gutters' of an Asian city, made their last moments coMfortable and breathed into them the spirit of the compassions of Christ. Every rich person in these impov­ erished lands has the hungry, emaciated .and sick on their lawns. Some may not see them as' DIves did not see LazarUs. ,But .our, ~issionaries see them. And' their .he.arts bleed, (or ,them. One, wonders if, we· who live in. big ~ties do not think less, of the as we gaze ·On neon lights tQ:an t~o!1e who, ~an see sunsets, and


stars. So it is with spirituality .and depth..Are not these afflict~ Who ,are reminded., of, birth,. suffenng and, death at every step m,uch more in· touch with the mystery of our dependence on God than we· who but· rarely gaze upon them'. If, it be not, given to you to Qe remin~ed of astable, a cross ~d'astranger's grave, then vicarotlslytaste .the,pilgrjm-character .of.Your elP-stencc by ma~d a sacrIfice for a mother in India, a ieper in .:KeQya, ~ tortured .mi~­ sionary in the Congo and the dying hl· Vietnam. The love of the Missions puts. truth into our belief in the Creed. GOD LOVE YOU to Mr. & Mrs. P.L.M. for $6 "We are await­

Ing 01llr second adopted baby and thought that this might help

'a homeless baby· In mission lands." '

••. to E.M.H. for $60 "It was hard to decide where to send this

and then I remembered that the Holy Father would know where

the need was gl-eatest. It Is sent to'thank God<>in keeping with

my'promlse to 'share my blessings by tlthin~." ... to R.L.B. $10

''I saved this. amount on snow· tires by buying black instead of

'White walls.'" ,








. Do you know what the 30th par~.el, is? It is an imaginary Une thatgi~dles'the globe: Below it' are' Central and South Amer­ ii:a, Oceania; India, half of China, most of Africa. Above it are the well-endowed;' the well-fed; those below live and die in wretchedness..Those above caunot envision the horror and an­ guish of those 'below~ ;Hunger l,s not merely an economic problem; it is, a moral and spiritual one--a greater danger to our future than' atomic warfare. It is around this searing theme that Bishop Sheen.has fashioned his new movie, "The 30th Parallel." It runs 26 minutes and is available through your local Diocesan Dir~or. For more information" write your Diocesan Director or The S0­ ciety for the' Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Y. 10001. Cut ~~t this coltim~, pin your sacrifice to It ~nd man It to Most,.Rev.Fulton J. Sheen, National Director or The Society for ,the 'Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue. New York,. N. Y. 10001 or to your diocesan dlreetor, Rt. •ev. Ms'8'r. Raymond

T.CoDSidine, 368 North Main' Street, Fall River, Massachusetts.

.. ',



. ON· C;:APE cO[)~.

'JOHN·,' HINCKLEY',' &. SON CO., .









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,····.·PLU·M,BING.&.. :.: H'EATiNG,



. .


703 ,5•.Water Street· New Bedford


,of· ····Camelot : ScINKh'" . '.ed·actions ... . . For FeehoR' ·.High ·in Aitleboro,




.. ~~~-~ . -._. ..

1lhvn., ~. 21, .~.

Cites Influence .. Of Prelates

MOunt St.· Mary, Fall .River SatUrday., Sunday and' Monday, Feb. 1:2 through 14, the dates set for Feehan High School's ambitious pres­ entation of Camelot. A dance prior to the production will AN

DES MOINES (NC) - Eis'bop George J. Biskup told the Dem Moines Ministerial Associatio:n the influence of Protestant 0b­ servers at the Second VaticSlZl Council was greater than mSllW expected. The Catholic. prelate, in bi!1l first appearance at a meeting tIJ the Protestant association, said many Protestants came to the council "expecting to be no mOllll than observers or witnesseD." Hyet, whether they knew it C!I' not, these observers had some influence on the Catholic bisb­ ops and some of them perhaplJ even heard themselves quoted m the discussions, to the bishOll said. . The bishop declared that as a result of the council: HThe Church has taken a good look at itself and without changing fUlldamental dogma and doctrine has found new ways to apply i't­ self to world problems and of making itself more relevant iIO people's lives."

help meet costume :rental fees. The pOpular musical is also

set for a production at Mt.

Feehan girls have defeated Sacred Hearts Academy and Attleboro High in basketball; but boy hoopsters lost to Fair­ haven and Durfee. SHA Fan Marie Lorraine. At DominIcan Aeademy, Fan River met Somerset High with River, eight girls, directed br' the result that SHA varsity girls DA history teacher Mrs. June lost and jayvees won. Dominican Roberts, are aiding a tutoring lost to Dighton-Rehoboth, with program for elementary school some of the trouble due to the fact that Varsity Captain Linda youngsters, sponsored by the 10­ eal chapter of the NAACP. Also Fournier Is lddellned with aD. . at the girls' school, an assembly ankle injury. Prevost defeated Case '70-85 waS held 1ft observance of the in a "tight, see-saw game," and Church Unity Octave. A filni­ also beat Diman, but lost to Old strip-recording entitled "Dia­ Rochester. Also at Prevost, the logue" was featured. Congratulations are in order National Honor Society has or­ at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fan ganized an impromptu pep River, for junIors Ellen Kroger squad, which will spur rooteru and Patricia Roach, who've had to gre!lter vocal efforts at en-­ poems published in a student .couraging the basketball team. anthology of verse. Also at SRA, The squad is directed by senior . sen i 0 r Rosemarie Anselmo, Paul Blais. At Holy Family the team has school representative in the Voice of Democracy contest, a slate of all wins mnd no losses. came in first in the distriet Excelsior! first week of February, witb Meanwhile at Taunton's Bishe tourney and second in regional area companies vying to show op Cassidy High the basketbaU competition. o their goodies to the eager girls. quintet, sparked by Paula Coel Student Council officers have' Two more Mount items: Mar­ been named at Prevost High, ho, was victorious over JMA, lene Shea has been notified by with both varsity and jayvees. Fall River. They are Roger Li­ Northeastern University that zotte, president; Richard Rashed, triumphing over the Fall River COUNCIL OFFICERS: Student Council officers at she has been granted a $1 200 vice-president; Brian Guimond, academy. Jesus-Mary was also secretary; Donald Chouinard, defeated by Mount st. Mary. Bishop Stang High Schol, North Dartmouth; are, seated, scholarship. Marlene is Nati~na1 Honor Society president and ae­ treasurer. Mr. Daniel Grace, The latter met Cassidy this week Dennis Mayall, treasurer; standing, from left, Joan Zielin­ in the French and glee clubs. at Taunton. debate coach, will be parliamen­ ski, secretary; Patriek Carnev. Dresident; Cynthia Fer tive The Mount will be the scene Sister Mary Frederick, Feehan tarian for the council. of high school entrance exams guidance director, represented guS'On, vice-president College Acceptaneell Saturday, Feb. 5. Too bad, figh the Attleboro IlChool at a plano From New Bedford's Holf' Also at Mount, juniors wM senior social studies class at reporters Lynne Chrupcala and Family High comes news that ning meeting of Diocesan gui­ Veronica Plaziak, that the boys James Kelly, editor of HyFy dance personnel with Rev. long remember tom 0 r row. .Cassidy, then answered ques­ on the scene will be taking their Spy, has been accepted by George Moreau, a.M.!., guidance They'll receive their class rings tions from students. consultant for the National with appropriate ceremony and And Cassidy art students are exam for Bishop Connolly High Stonehill College and North­ will attend Ii Ring Dance to­ working in copper under the and not the hallowed. halle of eastern University, while Susan Catholic Educational Associa­ Mount! direction of Sister Mary Tere­ Galipeau has been accepted at tion. The' conclave was held at morrow night in the' gym. Coyle Ne'WIi At Prevost the sodality has sita. They are preparing sty­ Julia Gibson Secretarial School Bishop Cassidy High. Repre At Coyle High in Taunt<m senting Holy Family High was revamped its meeting policies. lized sketches, which will then of Boston. From now on, general mee,tings be transferred to copper sheets, the glee club is preparing to Acceptances are mounting (ap.. Sister Maris Stella, R.S.M. present an Easter chorale for will be held only once monthly. using the repousse process. propriately enough) at Mount Open Rouse St. Mary's, also. By Salve Regina Opelll house for eighth grade Weekly meetings will take the The student council at Mt. parents; while debaters traveled College: Carole Laroche, Mary girls of the Fall River area will ' form of cell meetings held in St. Mary's is the sponsor of a to SHA Fall River for a meet. Forest and Anne Sullivan; by be held from 3:30 to 6 tomorrow the homes of sodalists. Officers Father-Daughter Vale n tin e Affirmative debaters won both of the Marian organization are dance, which will have the their matches, while negatiYell Stonehill, Jane Chicca and Helen afternoon at Dominican Aca­ Murphy; by R.I. Hospital School demy. Present freshmen will Paul Carrier, prefect; Richard theme of "The King of Hearts." lost. Charland, vice-prefect; Paul The Debonairs will play for the of Nursing, Elizabeth Misek and serve as hostesses and the pro­ Carol Sheehan; by URI, Mary gram will include a tour of the Proulx, secretary. two-night event. Forest; by St. Anne's Hospitali school, Q welcome program, an Gradlllatiolll Ritual Also at Mount, freshman and School of Nursing, Patricia Des­ athletic exhibition and refreshe The ritual of graduation is sophomore English classes have marais; and by Truesdale HOB­ ments. under way at Holy Family as as their teacher new faculty pial, Claudette Demers. Also at DA, a Perpetual Ro­ seniors have ordered their cards member Miss Nancy McMUllen, At Dominican, Patricia Niedo sary for World Peace is said and patrons for the yearbook a graduate of Virginia's Radford bala has been ok'd by Merri­ every morning at 7:55 in the have made their contributions. College. mack College; and at Prevost chapel. Underclassmen, too, are in the NEW BEDfORD And Mount seniors are Ch008­ Paul Proulx has received the The annual Prevost retreat act, as they prepare for snapping ing their gra'duation gowns the good word from Catholic Uni~ will be held Wednesday- through of school pictures Wednesday, versity. INDUSTRIAL OilS

Friday, Feb. :2 to 4. Seniors will Feb. 9. Debate NeWfJ make II closed retreat at .La In club news at Holy Famfly, HEATING OILS

Jlounds one and two of Nar­ Salette retreat house, while un­ the Mission Club is planning a ftlgansett League debate tourn­ derc1assmen will remain at Pre­ skating party and the glee club TIMKEN

aments were held at SHA FaD vost, under direction of II La is practicing for ita! first Spring 3 Savings Plans

River, with SHA taking the lead Salette missioner. concert. Ho",. Financing


among the eight participating Serra Club members at Holy Lt. Col. James D. Tynam, just schools, winning four matches Family are accepting new mem­ . returned from a year's service WApr:II.4~ SeJylee out of four. Meanwhile Prevost'a bers this month, while class newe .~' ill Viet Nam, addreise4 the debatel'll traveled to Bishop includes word that French ma­ Stang 1ft North. Dartmouth, H­ dents are studying French paint­ 501 COUNTY STREET : - : : . .wttb oN,! Will and three erl!; .and senion lind juniors have NEW' BEDFORD, 'welcomed . a 'eilbStlhite EngliSh ~ ..)f-Aill St., Wareham, Ma•. . Resiclenc•. Kathleen, Jam" teacher to repl~ee", Sister ·M817 .; ,T~~epJ1o.ne 295-c2400 . wy ,3-1751 . K~P'Y •.0l_~9ly ,~8IIl.ly~ '~8!. ~~ Y'IKI-·. n-ecuperatin". FOR .VOUNG WOMDI :.....e;~ .......... XcKeon Deb8te Society ehalked ~ a fa11. Science. students are '.; 1~'Y~ipp~ ,~;, lIP four wlmi 'and' ftO 10sBesiri a prepanilg th~lr proj~etllfor tile " tOttrnaMeftt at DartmoUth Colao annual sclen~ .~r. . ConduCted by IlratteIscH , . "'hSionciries of 'Mat1 . leP. . " C~dY Mothe~. AWdlial')' - '. ROOA9S - ~~"'., ; '!"hose iamoue teams at· SIlA hes announced its second annual OVU"'GH1 HOSPItAL'" Pall River, namely 8t: Marga­ penny sale. ~ be l1eld Thursday , III"'" ~ 1.2"' . ret's .and St, ,Agnes', report. that night, .F~. . 1"11 ' it >L,wiU, feature ' DADSON OIl latest· tally of points (for three; series ol. 50 'prizes arid' ,: .., . ICholal'llhip, school spirit, and lIJpeCial' raffles.', '." _ - - - - - - - - - -...~, ! Burner Whatever· else happens to come Mt.$i. Mary students have alOng) puts the' Margareta In the the pleasant 'task of spending fam~ Reading HARD COAl :" .. W • lfi1~ PUJMBtNG & HEATING, INC. Jead with 186.52 points as op­ $200, their award. foi- placing NEW ENGLAND COKE ~ ~Y§ . for 'L>omesttc posed to 140.37 points for Agneil. third in' a "school pOpularity ~~~ ~........,." ,,: ,,-..:: _.....& ~ aM Industrial On Sports Scene contest" sponsored by an area ~ Sales and Service Also at SHA, canceled stamPfl radio' station. 'Vic Armand, iI 011 Burners . are being collected and hopeful station dise jockey,' made the WY 5-1631

studen.ts are looking for "tons" presentation to Nancy_Picard, of the small stickers. These too "Miss School Spirit," at an aso 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE

will be worth team pointe fOlJ' sembly attended Hby all 500 New Bedford 640 Pleasant Street T.I. WY 6-8271 NEW BEDFORD

St. Mary's, Fall River, where it'll be directed by Sister Mary Mercy and Sister




@gL C04t


OHering You

Sa'es &

St. ·FfQn·ci.·

KennedY and

(Q.;OPI=D AliVE 8A• . .,

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~UR'NERS ~~U ~~ 'Se':~ice ;=:!#~~~ '!~ t



~.rlar,t_ ~.~.,~.


., "



Seek Ful:ler Understandi,ng


Observers Discuss ,'Quality 'Of Lati'n, 'Catholicism From "The Chwch in the New Latin Ameriea'"

Edited by John' J. Considine, M.M.

Many of us - and we may include members of th~ elergy in the number:--have never reflected on the poS~l. bility.that there might' be a new laity in ~t least certam 'sectors of the Church today. Dr. Calvam of Venezuela states that there is and in, cally that Latin ArDerican reli­ quite fascinating fashion gion is passe. describes its characteristics Dr. Calvani has taught for

America, "'ggertAg ,tub ... main." The presentation of CICOP's annual awards to Msgr.' Luigi Ligutti,- U. S.priest who is per­ manent observer of the HoI,. See to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United 'Na­ tions in Rome, and to Jose and Luz Maria Alvarez, founders of Christian FaIni)yMovement in Mexico and the first couple named lay observel'l'J at the Vatlean eouncl1. ' The appeal of a young scholar, Dr. Richardo Arias Calderon, University of Panama professor, that Christian thought anl;i, its capacity to influence 'social de­ 'velopments be given. as much Continued from Page One attention as manpower, bricks Catholic'directory, the four pri­ and mortar. vate 'girls' 'high schools have an The statement by a ClUcago enrollment of 1,400 students. priest serving in Panama, Father The new boys' high school.!n Leo B. Mahon, who said the Fall River will accommpdate Latin American 'Church should approximately 900. Prevost has be seen as needing "conversion," 265 boys currently registered. not "renewal," because the NAMED: Bishop-Elect The 'new boys' high school and Church in its full underStanding Thomas Tschoepe, chancellbr Prevost would have a miximum as a community conscious. of its and vicar general of the, di­ capacity of 1,165, bringing the duty to redeem .the world "does oceseof Dallas-Fort Worth, Fall ,River educational facilities not exist in Latin America, ex­ to the number of 1,400 cept in rare places." ' has been named by Pope close girls now under .instruction. The comment by a Mexico Paul VI to be Bishop of SAn Hence, the closing of Prevost City JesUit, Father,Felipe Pardi­ Angelo, Texas. NG Photo.. High School would create a dis­ nas; 5.J" social scientist, who crepa:ncy 'of, 500betw~en the fa­ said the growth of population cilities offered to 'the ,boys of and the inability of some mar­ the area and ~e iii-ls of the rled couples to co'p~ with'their saine' secti~n.: -, 'economic situation and still 0be7 ~s "Excellency, Bishop Con- ,the Church's teaching in"birth nolly, ,in a letter printed in the control 'cries out "the need of a PITrSBURGH (NC) - Bishop 'Fall 'River, Herald News on' revision of th~ moial theology John J. Wright of Pittsburgh­ MC?ndayirlght, stated, "I have re-' 'of sex:" ' '. has annou~ced plans fOr a ClEir­ .fused more' than one· community The obs~r.vation by Bishop gy" Council to 'review matters '. seek.!ng .entrance into .the Fan MarcOs G. McGrath, C.S.C., of pertaining ,to the, interests arid River DIocese, when .1 le!1rned Santiago de ,Veraguas, Panamll, the problems of priests of the that they come onl~ at, ~he ex­ CICOP program chairman, that diocese: _ Ile~st: of an~t?~r dIOCese s edu- "the ignorance of North and The council will, be elected, _ cabonal .facllitIes, and, would Latin America regar.dlng one each deanery voting a represen- leave cnp~led, or ..a bandoned . another is an obvious fact, not tath'e to the geneJ.:al body. ' school~ be~d.them.. " onlY,as manifested by the.great The purpose of the cO,unell, AgaInst the Judgement Of the masses in both areas, but. even Bishoi>~ Wright said, will be ,to ~aple Leaf t~at stated "the ~ra by educated leaders from whom provide a fOI"1.lm for the ,d~sctis- of the ~atho~,c .Parochial H~gh initiative, guidance and decision sion of problem!? common to the School IS past ,It is interestmg is expected. in..-our mutual rela­ clergy of the' diocese'and '''such to n.ot~ that the Brothers of the tions." ' particular ~iocesan ' problems of Chrlsban Instruction in 1956 a.c­ 'priests inay ,w~sh discussed cepted ~he conduct of the Cathe­ under such auspices." dral HIgh School in downtown Deanery delegateS ti}.ust be or-' Detroit .where 15 ~rothers are dained a1' least five yearS and instructmg approxlUlately 500 must 'not be deans, diocesan students. ' 'consultors or 'heads of any'dioe- ' esan· department. They will 'meet 'a't least four times .a year with' Bishop Wright. ' B ish 0 p Wright ~omm,ented that "meetings· of 'the Clergy Reg. Master Plumber ,293~

Council will also, be attended PRINTm AND MAluD GEORGE .M. MO~llE

by the chanceUor;.vicar 'general Over 35 Year.s

'(Auxiliary Bishop, Vincent M. 'Write or Phone 672.1322 of ·Satisfied Service·

Leonard) and, by ad hoc invita­ 806 NO. MAIN StREET Second Street',- FaURiyer tion, by anyone else whose, pres­ Fa" River 0$ 'S.749t ' ence may be· helpful ,in connec­ tion with the discussion of any specific point." Continued frOm Page One the diHerence will caB down "God's,anathema on our rich, in­ different .society." _ The ,disclosure of Agnelo Car­ dinal Rossi of Sao Paulo, Brazil, that the Brazilian and Chilean hierarchy have petitioned the Holy See for programs to use married laydeacons in priest­ $hort are~s. ,. The reminder by 'Archpishop' john P. Cody of Chicago that while U. S. Catholics and others are responding generously to the call for 'help from Latin

as he knows it from his work in many years at the Central Uni­ Latin America. Davi~ O'Shea versity 'in Caracas. When the and others have Andres Bello Catholic Univer­ thoughts on the sity was founded he established role which our its School of Social Sciences in 1 Ii i t y 0 f the 1959. He has served as legal ad­ United States visor to the Christian unions of c: a n pia yin Venezuela since 1951 and was Latin America. elected to the Venezuelan House How 'does one of Representatives in 1959 by characterize the the Christian Soc i a 1 Party qua 1 i t l' 0 f (COPEI). He maintains: Catholicism in A new laity has bee.n ap­ Latin America? pearing in the world. It has been Father T i ago called a new race. This laity is C 1 0 i n of the modifying the face of the Netherlands Redemptorists has Church because of its role in the served in Brazil since the end .Church. It helped model ~he ac­ of World War ll. tion of the Church on the needs Quality of Catholioism of the world today because the For a decade he was professo~ laity is an authentic part of the of theology in the major 'sem­ Church, meant, as is the Church, mary but since 1956 bas labor~ to serve the wodd. . " , ; lilt the' national level; latterly In Today's layman realizes very the important post of Secretary well that he participates in the General of the Conference of role of the Priesthood of, Christ. Religious in Rio. He had this He is beginning to take respon­ comment: " , sibility upon his shoulders ,more The quality of Catholicism and more each day. The layman AD Latin America h~s always in­ in Latin America is no exception ~igued me, particu!l.arr becau~e in this respect, though since so many are ready' to rush In Latin America is a vast area his with a shattering generalization performance is not everywhere that the quality is hopelessly the same. We are in .the h~bit bad. of speaking of Latin America In West Europe, especially as if it were a single whole. Germany, Belgium, Hollan~, En­ But the problems of Latin gland and Ireland, and m the America vary greatly, from United States and Canada, we country to country and fre­ judge Catholicism by practice" queritly d if fer continuously In these countries. that I've within an individual nation. It named I'd say that the practice would be very difficult for me, Is far better than the spirit. Am even impossible, to sum up Now let's .go to Latin.' er­ briefly for you an of the char­ lea. As a European I speak for acteristics of our' new Latin Europe. As an old-timer in Bra-· American laity. I shall try, like ail I can s~ak for Latin ~er­ the lea. In Latin America the prac­ an artist,' to draw 'for you' tlee is far below the spirit. master lines which establish ,the h t b th ,contours. I would contend t a' 0 EmoUonal Religion practice and spirit should figure in judging the quality of Cathol­ Dr. Calvani seeks to ma'ke it leism. Practice of the faith by clear thattlie laity Of whom he attendance at Mass and religious speaks represent 'no separatist devotions shouldn't be higher elite: than the Chiisti8lll spirit that 'First, where, is this new , motivates our daily lives. _ laity working? -In the broad To my mind conformity in sweep of so many unde~devel­ religious practice lls stronger in oped countries, there is consid­ ,Europe and North America, erable diversity. In ,Mexico and though of course IT do. not deny the southern nations of Argen­ the presence of much Christian tina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay, spirit there. But the longer I society is more mature;' but' we LAFAYETTE (NC) -Bishop live in Latin America, the more find vital laymen in underdevel­ Maurice SChexnayder of Lafay­ 1 become convinced that .great oped areas as well. This gives ette officiated here at the dedi­ numbers of' persons who do not us special religious problems bl!­ cation of a $21,000 addition to' and ,cannot easily attend Mass~ cause underdevelopment does, the Catholic student center at and devotions, 'and hence are low not refer solely to economics; it the· state-supported University on religious practice, live in a involves religion likewise.' of Southwestern Louisiana. truly excellent manner by t,he As you are well aware, Latin, Christian ideals that dwell with­ America faces a demographic in them and m'otivate their'lives. explosion. Our countries are in-' I say. that .if in Holland we creasing' at the rate of more or . had relatively aofew priests less four per cent,· a year. In and religious as h~ve the people Venezuela, for example, some' Arthur ,Janson, Reg. Pharm. today in Latin America, and 80 000 new workmen seek jobs IDIABETDC AND SICK ROOM

if in Latin America there were ea~h year. We possess a birth SUPPLIES

the relatively high. percentage rate of 45 to 48 per thousand in of priests and religious as Hol­ the country as a whole. 204 ASHLEY BOULEY ARD

land today enjoys, Holland There is a great lack of New Bedford

would be a land of pagans and ready material resources and a WY 3.840~, , , Latin America would be a con­ shortage' ot' capital. Ours is' iii tinent of saints! dualistic soc i e t ;y;. Unlettered

Spiritual Quality workmen can ere~ great build- 1II111111 iom ,.,·

Dr. Aristides Calvanl reminds ings but they still remain unin-: ' many people of tite high Chris- structed' and $adly illiterate. I tian ideals which on examination . Segments of the population.. ' ,~: : " .. ,' ... " .,11,1...

are found with ourprising' fre::' in 'the 'cities 'ate highly,educated I.. ,E.xcavatin. n1. II quency in Latin America. His, ,and' otber, segments badly edu-, _'I ..' ;:lJI .. , revealing analysw of the spirit ,cated.This situation prevails in . I ' C;:ontractors " , .' . of the new lahy i~ Latin Amer- every"country. We have a very • I

iea prowdes a view of,religious emotional religious life, rather. 9 CROSS ST Of FAIRHAVEN, •.

sentiment substantially differ- than a rational one. It' has been. ' ,. •

ent· from that of the writer or said ,that we prefer an emotional I WYman' 2.4862 •

lecturer who declares cate&:Ori- religion to aratiowU religion. \ , • .;. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iI


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,THE ANCHOR-:-Di~ce~e of F~n River-Thurs. Jon. 27. 1966 ,




Christ's Vidor,. in Latin America is路 in .Your Hands



Bettering the Means of Livelihood


Schools and Cultural Development


Good Homes and Strong Families


Care of the Sick and the Wea~


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200,000,000 Fellow路 Christians Cannot Be Negleded by YOU

Remember Them in Your Offering on Sunday January 30

rllis Message Is Sponsored By The Following Individuals .' 'alitd Business Concerns in Greate, Fall .iver: .

Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. ' Globe Manufacturing ,Co. ,Hutchinson Oil Co.



R.' A.. McWhirr Company 'International Ladies . Garment Workers Union' MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Gerald E. McNally, Contractor




SobiloH B'rothers Sterling' Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers : Union of America. AFL-CIO ,Yello~ Cab Company


THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 27; 1966

New Transportation Policy Neededl to Avoid Strikes Ely Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) Being in New York City during a mass transit strike' entails certain obvious advantages. I wouldn't ,recommend it either to friend or foe as a steady diet. On the other , hand, I must say that, all things' considered, I' am happy to have had the experience. It taught me two things have made a, serious effort to sort out the issues calmly and in particular: (1) that rank objectively so that their readers and file New Yorkers don't might have som'e basis on which

easily panic under pressure, but (2) that New YOI:k newspaper editors, wit h few exceptions, apparently' do. n is my impres­ sion, in other words, that the average' man on the street in New York City -or at least in the Borough of Manhattan, where I spent most of my time during the strike-reacted to the transit crisis more or less good naturedly, no matter what he may have been muttering to himself under his breath about the principals in the strike. Press 'Solution' On the other hand, the lords of the press, by and large, lost their grip and almost wentber­ serk. The exasperating Michael Quill obviously got under their skin. Instead of analyzing the com­ plicated issues in the strike ob­ jectively and dispassionately, they literally ranted and raved about Quill and his cohorts in the Transport Wo;rkers Union and finally, in desperation, de­ manded that the government declare a state of emergency and man the buses, and subway trains with members of the Na-' tional Guard. , It would be difficult· to imag­ Ine a worse "solution" to the strike. Mike Quill has no reason to complain, of course, about the merciless Jrubbing he took from the New York papers. He asked for it, and then some. He is a crude, blustering, stage-Irish demagogue of the old school, and in many respect!1 his conduct (or misconduct) during the strike was inexcusable, not to say obnoxious and should have been condemned. Had Workers' 8upporl The fact remains and no one knows this better than the press -that the issues involved in the New York transit strike were Rot manufactured out of thin air by the ineffable Quill. Quill is clever, and, if you will, II ruthless labor politician, but he is not 'a superman. Even he would not have da red to call such a catastrophic strike unless he knew in advan(:e that his members were ready, if not rar-, ing to go and that they would unanimously rally b()hind him. They did so, of course, very enthusiastically, not because they were convinced, rightly or wrongly; that their C'ause was a just one. There can be no doubt about their all-out support of the strike, for the New York news­ papers themselves I'eported it, for the record, in their news eolumns, cheek-by-jowl wit h the highly emotional down-with Quill editorials r(~ferred to -above. No one in his right mind could have expected the New York papers to come up with a per­ 'fect answer to the (:omplicated problem of labor relations in the New York transit sysaem. At the very least, however, they should

to form a judgment on the pros and cons of the strike. For the most part, however, as 'I have already indicated, they failed to do so. Instead they took the easy way out by blaming it all on Quill with large splashes of purple editorial prose, no less. Fortunately, however, some of their independent columnists took a more sophisticated ap­ proach to the strike and, while paying their respects to Mr. Quill, tried to 'put the problem in some kind of intelligible, per­ spective. More specifically, they were frank enough to admit that poli­ ticians in both parties were fry­ ing their own, fish behind the scenes and, that Quill was not the only demagogue in the pic­ ture. Things Clear It will be a long time, I sus­ pect, before we get'a thoroughly objective study of the New York transit strike. Meanwhile two things seem to be clear enough: 1) New York transit workers are underpaid, even. by compar­ ison with people doing compar­ able work in other departments of the city's sprawling govern- ~ ment. 2) The Transit Authority can not pay them adequate wages with a l5-cent subway fare-un­ less the system is subsidized from outside sources. What form should this subsidy take? And from what source or sources should it come? These and a number of related ques­ tions would have 'to be answered even if Quill were to remove himself-or be removed-from office as president of the TWU. Michael Harrington, who has probably done as much as any single individual to make the American people conscious' of the problem of poverty in' the United States, answers them as follows: "I know of only one way to head o~f strikes in decisive pub­ lic utilities: to give their em­ ployees the best wages and working conditions in the coun­ try. But where will the money come from? "One answer is to soak the straphanger-the man least able' to pay-by raising the fare. An­ other way would be to have a national, and city, transportation policy which would coordinate all th_e ways of moving people in and' out of town and which would bring all the hidden sub­ sidies out in the open. , "At that point, I 'suspect that a massive public investment i'n ~ high-speed, effitient and ex­ tremely well-paid mass transit. system would appear as the most economical' and intelligent way to proceed-and might 'even res­ cue civilization from the auto­ mobile. "For now, since the entire so-' ciety-and even the newspaper editorialists - have been irre­ sponsible' on 'this question for years, we are -in a mess. But it is not the transit w:orkers' fault; it is their burden." . This makes more sense to me than all of the editorials pub­ lished in,the leading New York City newspapers during the' ttansit strike.





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• THE ANCHORThurs., Jon. 27, 1966 SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO CYO activities include a Communion supper to follow 5 o'clock Mass Sunday evening, Jan. 30; and a, roller skating party Thursday, Feb. 24. The variety show sponsored by the Sacred Heart Home and School Association will be held tonight in the Community The­ ater on So. Washington Street, No. Attleboro. Proceeds will benefit the scholarship fund. Tickets may be purchased at the door. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT The Altar-Rosary Society wfll sponsor a Mardi Gras supper Tuesday night, Feb. 22 at K of C Hall, Route 6. In charge of ar­ rangements are Mrs. George Hillman and Mrs. Anthony Caruso. Advance plans are also being made for a Summer ba­ zaar, with Mrs. Edward Per­ Jrault as chairman.

ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Forthcoming events for the Women's Guild include a Mardi Gras dance at Briden Hall Sat­ urday, Feb. 19; a style show Tuesday, March 15; and a rum­ mage sale, slated for Thursday, March 31 through Saturday, April 2. A Communion break­ fast will follow 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, April 17. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY SS. Margaret-Mary Guild wiJI meet Wednesday night, Feb. 2 in the school hall. Benediction at 7:45 will precede the meeting and a games party will highlight the hall program. 01JR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Members of the Women's Guild plan a ham and bean sup­ per, open to the public, to be served from 5 to 7 Saturday night, Jan. 29 in .the church hall. Mrs. Roger Carlson is in charge of arrangements. Also plann'ed by the guild is II Mardi Gras celebration for February and a covered-dish supper for March. A rummage sale will take place in April. ~

ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, FALL RIVER Parishioners will hold a Mardi Gras costume ball Saturday night, Feb. 19 at Venus de Milo restaurant. A smorgasbord will be served from 7:30 to 9, with . dancing from 8 to midnight. General chairman is Miss Adele Simon. Entertainment will in­ clude Oriental dances, and awarding of prizes for costumes.

ST. PAUL, TAUNTON The Women's Guild will spon­ sor a hat sale Thursday, Feb. 10 from 7 to 9 P.M. in the church hall. Refreshments will be served. SS. PETIER ANll)I PAUL, FALL IlUVIER The Women's Club announces a rummage sale from 6 to 8 to­ night and from 9 to 11 tomorrow morning in the church hall. In charge is Mrs. John Pacheco, aided by Mrs. Albert Feijo. S'Il'. Jl{lIlLJ[AN, NIEW lRlED!F'OlRll)I

Mrs. Russell Farley; chairman, and Mrs. Frank Filipik, co­ chairman, have announced that on Wednesday evening, Feb. 16, at 7:30 in ~he school hall a "Val­ entine Whist Party" will be con­ ducted under the auspices of the Women's Guild. Tickets will be available at the door. Parishioners offering prizes are asked to leave them at the 8dI.oGl.



Mrs. Miles Pawloski is chair­ man of a smorgasbord planned

for Saturday night, Feb. 12 in

the church hall by the Women's Guild. In charge of the Apostle­ ship of Prayer program for the guild is Mrs. John Murphy.

PrG~ses P@~e/s

Pecc~ lEf.f~rt!i

SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces a whist for 8:15 Monday night, Feb. 7 in the lower school hall, at the corner of Linden and Pine Streets. Co-chairmen Mrs. Jo­ seph Caouette and Mrs. John Kenyon will be aided by a large committee. Tickets will be avail­ able from members or at the door. Door prizes will be award­ ed and refreshments served, ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Senior CYO members will serve a frankfurter and bean supper in the school hall from 5 to 7 Saturday night, Jan. 29. The annual mid-Winter Gala sponsored by the Women's Guild will take place Saturday night, Feb. 12 at Venus de Milo restau­ rant. A buffet dinner will be

served at 6:30 and entertainment and dancing will follow. Prizes will be awarded.

Also sponsored by the guild is a whist party to be held at 8 tonight in the school hall. Forty Hours devotion opens at 11 o'clock Mass Sunday morn­ ing, Jan. 30. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Officers of the Women's Guild and the Holy Name Society will meet at 8 tonight in the parish

school in order to plan a v,ariety show for April. SACRED HEARTS, NORTH FAIRHAVEN Ladies of St. Anne will receive corporate Communion at 8 o'­ clock Mass this Sunday morning. The unit's monthly meeting will be held in the church hall at 7:30 Monday night, .:ran. 31. An atten­ dance prize will be awarded and entertainment and refreshments will follow a business session. Members are welcome to bring guests. VISITATION GUILD, NORTH EASTHAM A social is planned. by guild members for Thursday, Feb. 17. Similar meetings will be held once monthly until May. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces a floral demonstration as the highlight of its meeting set for Wednesday, Feb. 2. . OUR LADY OF MT. ()ARMEL, SEEKONK -A bridge is scheduled for 8 Friday night, Feb. 4 at the parish center on Taunton Avenue.

Zip Code 72118 NORTH LITTLE ROCK (NC) -Msgr. Thomas J. Prendergast, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary parish here in Arkansas, is ready, willing and able to tes­ tify to the effectiveness of the Post Office Department's zip code system. The monsignor got an air mail letter from Rome; Italy, addressed simply: "Msgr. T.J. Prendergast, Zip Code 72118, U.S.A."


studying for the priesthood at Holy Trinity Mission Sem­ inary, Winchester, Va., is a licensed ham radio operator. With fellow 'seminarians he built a 1,OOO-watt station from spare parts and Navy surplus equip~ent. NC Photo. -

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Ordinary in Vermont '''-I'''~~ Implements Decrees 'DEBROSS OIL (

BURLINGTON (NC)-Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Burlington has announced the formation of a 33-member pastoral commis­ sion-composed of clergy, Reli.. gious and laity-to help imple­ ment the decrees of the Second Vatican Council in Vermont. The majority of its members are to be elected. Bishop Joyce also directed that counterpart commissions be established in each of the ·seven deaneries of the diocese and in the See city of Burlington.

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BUENOS AIRES (NC) -- Ai'<> gentine President Arturo IlIia has sent a message to Pope Paun VI congratulating him on his efforts to achieve peace and end the war in Vietnam. The President's message said: "I consider it a grateful duty to express to Your Holiness the satisfaction with which the Ar­ gentine government has follow­ ed your devout activities to make peace, justice and love reign among all mankind and to eliminate the horrors of war iJil Vietnam. "My government hopes that your pleas may be heard by peoples and, governments and that the Christmas truce that was achieved may become the announcement of a definitive peace. My government reiterates its readiness to collaborate with Your Holiness in every possible way for the achievement ~ peace."


LONDON (NC) - Dutch stu. dents and members of the theo­ logical faculty of the Catholie University of Nijmegen have ar- rived in London for a week's .study of Anglicanism. They will also make contacts with Churcb C~:ctJ"o AI"chbishop Cody Hairs Anostolote of England clergy and laity. The party of 40 students is Of Handicapped at Chapter Anniversary meeting Anglican Archbishop

Michael Ramsey of Canterbury CHICAGO (NC) - Handi­ and Canon Bernard Pawley, for­ chaplain of the apostolate. capped persons are like a "cen­ mer Anglican liaison officer iJll Shortly after his ordination Rome. ter of energy" in the Church, Msgr. Obrycki suffered. paraly­ Archbishop John P. Cody of sis of his legs and right arm in Chicago has told 400 physically an automobile accident 17 years disabled persons marking the ago. The archbishop and the fifth anniversary of the arch­ monsignor concelebrated the an­ diocese's Apostolate of the Han­ niversary Mass along with three dicapped. other priests. FAI,L RIVER The archdiocesan Apostolate "You are like the center of of the Handicapped, founded in energy that sends the rocket out 1961 by the late Albert Cardinal into space, for your prayers send Meyer, has 515 members. renewal out into the world," Archbishop Cody asserted. "Your life is a prayer. Offer it for the Church and for all mankind," the archbishop urged the handicapped. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.

During the Mass Archbishop 96 WILLIAM STREET

Cody brought ComnilUnion to the COLOR ftDllnl handicapped in their pews. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

A citation from the Governor's WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167 Committee on Employment of 14th the Handicapped was presented PERSONAL SERVICE to Msgr. Thomas S. Obrycki, co- . Record Breaking


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Thurs., Jan. 27, 1966

Papal Volunteer

: .,'

Continued from Page One instrumental talent and melo­ di.ous nasal st rains. Sholl't ,Sleep

, And for', Ull convention re­

served no limit. Dawn comes

,quickly here and fatigue ~ad

-left its sting on iny three room­

mates and me. Since Thursday

,evenin~ proceedings promised

-to unite with Friday morning's,

we had all decided to regain lost sleep before joining our friends at the tent erected for the Punta, a native dance. But conscious­ ness promptly retrieved' its hold as we were awakened to the beat of native drums, the sound of shuffling feet and the famil­ iar notes rising to the lyrics, y ~ri-ti hagaritu, Y ri-ti-haga­ ruen Aya-hua-gua. "We rose and traisped to the living room to encounter every member of our community who was able to permeate the limit space imposed. Three drummers crouched in medias res on the floor and the Punta had taken form. As custom HOes, the march to the tent is interrupted' at, various intervals in which &iends are form(llly invited to rome along. The request did not long remain unacknowledged. "Donning, our brightest hues we so<;>n were a part of a march that blended' antiquity' with inodernity, that mingled bl~ck with white, thus' serving to Sever the chains of times and mores'. For' contraries are recon­ ciled within the Christian com­ ~unity. ' , People God' ' . "If we are' all m(lmbers ot the People 'of God, then the hond that brings ,us together is sirong": e[' than the divergencies which keep us apart. 'Yet our funciions remain separate,. for' 'there are" viuieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there arc va'rieties of ministries; but the same 'Lord.; there' are varieties"of workings, but the same God; who' works all things in all.' C<;'orinthians 12: 4-7) , ; "All the Papal Volunteers in B£itish Honduras are educators, but it ~s, we who are being taught. We are learning to adopt i spirit 'of poverty and simpli­ ci.ty and at the same time we are attempting to introduce through the medium of edu~ation a means to a manner of living' which will supersede the pres­ ent material condition. , "With ~he first Cadb sons we are rejoicing becausGl progress is achieving visible r(~sults. 'The literacy rate is on the increase and with it nationals are becom­ ing aware of modern techniques in farming, in crafts, in produc- ' tion, in all things to which they have a right as humlllll beings. The Church is playing her role in British Honduras and we are. fortunate to be part of a move­ ment that incorporates 'the sac­ cced into the secular. For the boundaries of the lands do not separate the People C)f God. Rather, they unify us as brothers and sisters in Christ. With St. ,Paul we reckon that the sufferings of the present ,time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come that will be revealed in us.' "

Vatican Council Adva ncements Continuing

eontinued from Page One but into the daily lives of parishionocs. The special votive ,Mass is cre­ ated to highlight the intention of tile jubilee and is to be cele­ brated at solemn Cathedral funetions such as pilgrimages to

churches designated for the jubilee indulgences. 'The Mass is to always contain the Creed (reCitation of which is a condition to gain the indul­ gences) and hymns designated for, the entire congregation rather than special choirs. The

color of the vestments for this Mass is to be white. The special Mass will b~ used: 1) when Mass 'is celebrated with some solemnity in a cathedral or ,other church, designated for the jubilee; 2) during Eucharistic celebrations in any church at the

end of missions or. special courses of instruction on the Vatican Council's decrees; 3) Oft the' occasion of pilgrimages 10 the cathedral or designated 'churches after having attende4 missions or other courses at Council instruction.



and '

Dominican Writes Book on Liturgy


DUBUQUE (NC) -Father Christopher Kiesling, OJ?, pro­ fessor at Aquinas Institute of theology and st. Bernard's Sem­ inary here, is author of a book to be released Feb. 15. The book, "The Spirit and Practice of the Liturgy," is de­ signed to help priests, teachers and parents update their ,under­ standing and appreciation of the liturgy, Father Kiesling said.

u.s. D~ A.'



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fHl ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jon. 27, 1966

AllOver But the Shouting

In Area Schoolboy .Leagues ,



Fat,her' Richa rd Soys FOMJr Ye@'l'$

.1 n Moscow Post. Went ~tmll@@ttkl~y

By Fred Bartek

Durfee High School of Fall River has undisputed pog­ session of first place in the Bristol County Schoolboy Leawne. The Hilltoppers, under the guidance of Tom "Skip" Karam who bree'zed through the first half 0 f compe t·ti 6" 1 on have started the second half with no let up. The Hilltoppers crushed h Stang High of Dartmout last week in the final game of the first round for each team. The rte y had spo d identical 7-0 r e cor d s •


NEW YORK (NC) .:-. "Any missionary ~sses his mission, and for four years, Moscow was my mission. My ambition is to. go back there as chaplain some day." That is how Father Joseph F. Richard, A.A., said he feels after his return from what the U. S. States Department calls a "hard­ ship post." Father Richard, served four

The Shamrocks have never beaten the Attleboro club (lost twice last year, once this year) and can think of nothing that would please them more. Rounding out action next Tuesday, Durfee will be at North Alb tt e oro, T aunt on a t Stang and Voke at Attleboro.

years, one year than the normal term, as more Catholic chap­

three ~ and 'sometimes' fourSunday Masses; daily Mass in hi. eighth-floor apartment chapel, teaching t. 1 religion h iat d t inter­ d It na lona sc 00 s an a a u evening sessions, and acting an priest-counselor to the interna­ tional community. "We get very close to our peo­ pIe in Moscow," Father Richard said. "We were like a large fam­ ily-especially since we lived in a little world of our own out there. It was very pal'nful .~ .... leave them."


lain to Moscow's international The Fall River­ Nobregamen Romp diplomatic community. The As­ Father Richard said that he ites won with t'll . t . 1 t t sumptionist priest now is await­ ease, having 20 As Durfee breezes through the .th 1 f persona hi f ams con" ac s Imam POints to spare. BCL, Holy Family High of New ri hi severa "h h s ormer dpa­ ._ ing reassignment in the United WI 0 To start second Bedford is untoUlchable in the di ts hmoveh " States and temporarily residing s oners w . 0 ave MIl round competi­ Narry League. Jack Nobrega's Id at his community's Church of th new plomatlc pos t roug ou& Our Lady of Guadalupe parish woris .a woman from Guiana eOne hoopsters, who completed the tion, D u r fee drew Coyle High first cycle of league play with­ here. whom Father Richard baptized of Taunton, last out a loss, started the second Father Eugene Laplante, A.A., and confirmed in Moscow. As & year's co-cham­ half with a 21 point win over FATHER RICHARD formerly a professor at Assump­ priest filling the office of "apoB-o(l­ pions. A g a i n upset minded Westport High. tion College in Worcester, has tolic administrator" in Moscow, with little difficulty the Hilltop­ Previously the Westport Vil­ taken over as chaplain of Mos- Father Richard was able to per­ in pers won g9 g away by 2li lagers had registered surprising cow's "international parish." form many functions normaU7, points. wins over the second and third Despite the fact that he was reserved to bishops. " With a 9-0 league mark the . place teams. for four years th~·.only English- " ~sted Karam boys, tomorrow Holy Family will host the' I speaking priest iii Moscow7an 750 M .• ~. h '~olL. night host the Fairhaven Blue most ~proved ~am in the loop ATLANTIC CITY (NC) - A elderly LithuaiU~ priest served..' hUB~!I"It . t?lDWSe Devils in a non-league .game. when it takes on Case of Swan.:. Protestant c h u r c h commission the small group:,'of Poles- and, WASHINGTON (NC).,-Presi­ Having sea tomorrow night. The Cardi­ said here the decree on religious Russians . who. Moscow's . dent Johnson 'received".the 750 forces by 30 points the first time· naIs had climbed to a third place liberty of the Second VaticanOI'IY' Catholic - ciiurch -Father' . millionth copy of the Scripturea around the Hilltoppen tie before they suffered a heart­ Council has "already led to a', 'Richard said: can't say thai by the American few. tomorrow. Durfee breaking one P(lint loss to . greater measur,e of freedom for I was ever lonely." Bible Society, in. 150 y.ears, and will resume league play· next ond place Old Rochester. Case non-Roman Catholics in some Weekly Schedule .', ." qbserved that in the not, distant 'i'u'eSday night by traveling to will keep the front runners on ar-eas." . The" Assump­ futl,lre president will Nort4 Attleboro. their toes. ' , " , The praise came in a report tionist had little time to be lone­ the ,?r:.e billionth copy Out of Ratle Old Rochester, holding onto 'at a meeting of the North Amer­ ly His weekly.' schedule included' of" thlS book. Let U!'l pray that, · Disaster st ruck the Spartans second pla'ce, plays at Somerset ican Area Councl'1 0 f the .WorId

. by then, the world will be geu­ · last k The O'Brien Ch h

'uinely at peace, and peQnled bT oJ: Stang wee. tomorrow.... irlght. The Somerset Alliance of .Re. f ormed . urc es.

Dien' had been cruising along aggregation, vastly improved,: The report was submitted by" a Receives: 1 ilUon men of good will," he added. commission .on Civil and re~' with the best won-loss record In Researp. ·h 1 st to could give. the Bulldogs a run , . h G.rants in its history when • ey 0 for their money. League leading gious'liberty headed by the Rev. . ~ Durfee and, then. failing to. scorer Mike'Britto will have to _ Dr.' Elwyn A.. Smith, professor ST. LOUIS (NC)--The depart­ overcome that disappointment, .be contained' by the Raiders if' cif church history at Pittsburgh ment of biochemistry at the St. dropped their.nen game to New they are to continue their climb: Theological Semin~ry,. an instl- ~ Louis University School of Med­ B«idford VocationaL It was a' ~ the standings. tutionof' the United Presbyte­ icine has received research and great victory for the Artisans, . rian Church, U. S. A. training grant ·av.:ar'ds from the equalling the upset their footA Bitter PlD . The report called uPbn 'tpe U. S. Public Health Service and ball team registered against the. Apponequet sprang the bigg~st Reformed churches to "respond' NationalSclence FQundation ex­ WYman Spartans. ~ast Fall•. , · . 'upset· .of.the 'Niu:ry seaSon on .. positiv.ely to this; action, forgiv.,.. .ceeding. $1,000,000, it was an­ With.13 secorids.. ~alning .. ln··"Prevost~of Falf' River: Highly' 'ing past injuries, asking pardon noUnced by Dr. Robert H. Felix, 3-6592 the game Dave Loveridge of regarded in pre-season forecast, for our own offenses and taking dea!)·.-".', '.'.': . '~':: Yoke hit on a jump shot to put Prevost has suffered some dis- the initiative in entering into Largest Of,the new awards is .' CHARLES F. VARGAS his team ahead. Stang had one heartening losses. The bitterest direct conversation with Roman a progIiUb. project grant totaling . 254 'R9~KDALE AVENUE ~ore chance but failed to c~p- was a one point loss to eighth Catholics as Ch,ristian broth~rs $563,134. ,The fo~r-year gi~~ italize, missing a foul shot ~th place Apponequet last week. The· "to resolve rem~ining.llourcE¥!;~ supportS a group:!)f related .re­ N.W.·8.EDFORD, M~SS. seven ~conds remaining. he Leafs. league. mark .tsnow ·4,.4•• friction." ." search projects which permit the Spartans, - idle' ~1omorrow, -wi~ Apponequet is 2-.6. ·Prevost, . In other matters, ~e repQrt eXploration of the genetic regu~ use the extra tIme in prepara t which has tomorrow off; facies . criticized use of the. draft la~s latorr·.fwi,ction of the fat soluble tion for Taunton High (a DIghton-Rehoboth on its home to' punish youths who express vitamins and steroid hormones. Stang) next Tuesday night. court next Tuesday. ' .. disagreement with U. s. pollcy LoverlcJge and Medas. Diman Vocational suffered its in Vietnam and lauded the U. S. · Third place Coyle is now back eighth loss of'the season at'the Justice Department for its ef­ to full strength with the return hands of Somerset last week. forts "to e~nate this practice." .ELECTRICAL of Harold Cromwell who had Diman, hurt by graduation l~st been out of actio" .. for almost June,' is 'In the rebUilding proc­ three weeks. The Warriors, cur­ ess. Last place Diman will host rently possessing a' 6-3 league eighth place Apponequet to­ record, will host North Attleboro morrow. tomorrow evening. North is 1-7. Two teams tied in the stand­ Coyle will be idle next Tuesday. mgs for fifth place will square The surprise team of the off tomorrow n i g h t whElD Feb. I.S-Apro 26

league is fourth place New Bed­ Dighton hosts Westport. Dighton, Ten Tuesday Evp."!~g.

ford Vocational, 4-5, in county suffering from an undermanned 7:30 to. O,~il) P.M. play.. Dave Loveridge and Mike squad lately, would Uke: to 944 County St. .... Gomes continue to pace the bounce back against the West­ e""llvo Writing labaralory New 'Bedford Green and White. 'Loveri~ge is port five. i'undamonlala Of Carreet English Makor. Of Tho Modorn ,",001.... averaging close to 20 pomts a Roodlng Impravamenl 'or Adult. game while Gomes consistently W1nalers Busy Drawing And Palnllng hits for double figures. Tuesday finds Diman at ,Holy Groal Ma.I.... Of Palnllng (Thurs. In., Tho Fino Art Of Woodcutl · Vocational will travel to Family, Old Rochester at Ap­ Convo....tlanal Fronch-[leglrmotll Taunton tomorrow night. The ponequet,· Dighton at Prevost Math For Evorydoy Uao: .... Artisans posted a 10-point vic­ and Somerset at Westport. Caroor Planning Por Women Puycholagy Of Porsonallt' tory in their first round meeting. In the Greater Boston League, You And Your Child (Thuro. I!ve.) But, this game is on Taunton's. Ne)ll7, Bedford High hosts QJ.1incy. fho Fact. And fancies Of Hcrodlty Inlroductlon To Soclalogy home court. Bob Medas always . tomorrow and Tuesday travels In90rlor Docoratlon seems to be within range at to Medford. . P<i"onollty Improvoment I'or WOmDI'l Now ovailablo a unique six·pock 01 SI.Chrls­ home. Medas scored 28 points topher traveler emblems, The new emblems Accounting For Non-Accountantc are pressure sonsltlzed and beautifully print· in one game last week. This will Ingurance-Prcp. Agonts' &; ed In two colors on mylar laminated foil. Thoy Brokors' Exam. be an interesting rematch be­ will odhero to any clean Interior or extcrior Training Cau...o Por Suporvl..... fabric. motal or plastic aurface. They are loss· tween last year's All-County Psvchaloglcal To.ting In Boo. B. Ind. proo' and easy to apply to visor, dashboard, Invost!n.. In Stocks & Bo~d. guards, Dave Loveridge and Bob -"­ bumper, handlebars. or wherover desired, Real F"t"te A"aralsal The large size can be ettached to cars. Medas. Roal Estate-Prop. For May ExGm. boato. airplanes. house·trailera. motorcyclos, 110-'.'''''' Shorthand (Gregll) or other large lamlly vohlcles. The amaller Cross' town rivals, Bishop units con be uaed on children'. cycles, Feehan and Attleboro, will clash SEND OR CALL FOil BII0CHURI wagons, skateboards, etc. Each set Includes a motorist's prayer cord at the former's court tomorrow. with e ehort story of the lesend of SI. Chris· Both are having disappointing toph"r. These units are prodU.ced with 273 CENTRAL AVE. seasons. Attleboro, one of last ecclesIastica' permission. large Sizo 3" Order Today From Department It Small Sile l'W' season's co-champions, has a 3-4 league mark.. The Feehan~te8 WY 2-6216 have only won one game in ·JUllet. Rto. '38 & 1t1 league competition. vi.. Route t4 NEW BEDFORD However, anything can hap­ CI 8-200, Bo&tcll OX 609010. pen in a rivalry Buch lUI this.

Pro ises Decree 0 Leb t n ell" Y

o~.rwheInied ~:urhaven' h~v.e


att~nd ·~'.I



~hort, ~n~'rgetic









(ontlnulng Education SPRING SESSION









~ ,~~!EM~!.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 27, 1966,

CLERGY OF TAUNTON PARTICIPATE IN DIALOGUE: Discussion rroups were formed at the opening of the D~alogue and then gathered fool' a final summary and report. Left: Rt. Rev. Francis McKeon, Sacred Heart Church, discusses 'the program witl:J. the retired. minister of the Brewster Baptist Church Edward A. Bullock. Ce:nter:gathered at the

Says Lay Edi.tor Brou'ght ·R,"i~~J.. . , On .,Schools . \ '

podium are, Rev. Robert Cummings; Rev. Edward J. oliveira, Our Lady, of Lourdes; Rev. John Callahan; Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill,. St: Paul's; Rev. Jtobert Adline; Rev.,Gerald T. ShQvelton, St. Mary's. Right:'Father O'Neill, Walter Swensen of the Winthrop St. Baptist'. Church' and ;Bro. ~re~eric~ McAuley of Coyle High study the day's program; . '

B~shopS' Overseas Relief Fund App~al", ,Fall Riv'erK ofe Schedule 20th' ·Annu· ai, Campa' .-g" .n'. Leader''5 :t'o~" .:Mee·.t.,,·· . Sets, , , .' Columbiim Squires, sponsored

NEW YORK (NC)..,-:- Francis of the school children will go to' hundredsot'.local' workers' and,: by FaR ·River . C.ouI.Icil 86, CarciinalSpellman of New York .' aid destitute: children overseas.. ' voHinteers.iri 'each coUntry.' . ' ' Knights, 9f Colup1b~s, ·",ill. meet . NOTRE· DAM·E. (Net ~ launched the 20th' ann u a I. ' Last: year, Catholic Relief' '.: .' ' '. " .,', ' . . . . ' at 7:30 tonight· in'the Council A' 19th' century. lay.. editor Catholic Bishops' Gverseas Re- Services assisted more" than 40 . .. ,~olDsOther Acencles .. ' . . Chaip~rs. Squires' famJlies 'and "was more' Fesponsible than li,ef .Fund Appeal at a meeting, million needy persons in 80' During' ~ 1965 .Catnolic Relief prosPective members, boys be­ "U.s, , ' bishops.for the U. S . '. h ere J ' tween the ages of 13 and 18,' are the an.' 25.-'\ . countries of·· Asia; Africa arid,· Services' placed 'speciilf emphasis invited. Paul. V. :M~arthy, di­ Chur.ch -law requiring the estab-" .The meeting broiight to-, Latin America with food, cloth- .' on technical assistance 'self-help , rector 'of the Columbian Squires lishment of parochial schools, gether pri~st":dir.ectors,.' school, ing, ~edicine and. other rel~ef ,and .rural edu~ation ~rojectsin .. diyisi~n of the'-K of C ~upreme. according to' a historian. superintendents and Catholic lay ,supplies ~nd serVices, totaling under-developed countries. . Council, will be in attendance. Father Thomas T. ·McAvoy,- 'leaders from ,39 dioceses of the more than. 810,000 tons and I " . " , n, ev~rr, count,lJ': where it has . Also planned by the council C.S,C., writing in the Rcview of A'tlantl'c Coast states. Other' re- valued at over $131 million. a. PI' g th k Vietnam Effort . . • : 0 ~a~,. .~: ageQcy .,.wor s " ·is .its ·annuai Home Corporation­ P· OII·tl·CS, of whl'ch he }·s' tile man- gional. m,eetjngs. .wil,l, be.. held . . . appeals . ". p closely. , " to. 'direct aging editor, says' the prime later in Chicago, New:. Orleans ,In answer ....With.... the.'Alliance ,," .'for, , '. Mee·t·mg, . t6 be ,heId T uesd" ay and Sail Francisco~' ' from Pope,Paul VI and President. . ro~r~~, th~ ·V,· :S: 4gen cy, for. night, Feb. 8. ·.On 'the same day :~~~;l i~c~~~l~ft;~~~l%~~e~:; Cardinal' Spellman, will.' ad- Johnson' Catholic ReliefServ- ~I:1te~aJloIlal.J?e"v~lop~ent,the the council's·annual bloodmobile orps ..all;<:l...~~lfar~,agen:'' "';mes McMastel', a .conv'·r't w·ho', . . ice,s' in' 1965· shippen a maJ'or ..e.ac!':·f' l' will ~<A . . . . . , dress the g'roup' at luncheon 'and . Cles 0 ocal gove ts· . be·heldfrom, 12:45 to,.6:4tFat edited' the· New York Freeman's, AUxiliary. Bishop -Edward ·E.·· portion. of 'itS aid-- supplies ·to., . . ...... " rm..n ep ..' .....' ,the .C.ouncil.'Home.. Journal and· Catholic ~egjster~.. Swanstrom,.," executive .dIrector. Vietnam.. . ' {'".' . F,ather. McAvoy denics that . of· Catliolic ,Relief Services":The agency increased 'itsfo9d .'" . ttIe re,qtiirements that ~atholic National.Catholic Welfare Con- dist'ribution' program ·there. "to . . children go to Catholic schQols fere.ope, ~verseas aid agency :0£ : include 1;3 ~illiQn refugees, or­ . Greater Ne., ·Bedford'.· "'a.,~rlte . arose' 'in the Third' Plenary' American Catholics will preside . ph'ans, .widows and .oth~r· war . .: '." , '. , ' .. Council "of Baltimore held in at the sessions. ' , . v i c t i m s.. Substantial quantities , -' , , of clothing and medicines have .. 188~. The parlicipants .will discuss :. ~lso been sent to Vietnam.. ---:Unpopular Directive plans for the 1966' 'Bishops', Operating in Vietmim since The6nly ne~ co~tribuHon by Overseas Reilef 'Fund campaign '1954, Catholic" Relief 'Services 1.tle ,coun'cil,:, he' says," waS!' a 're~ Whic~ begiils March 13 and ends ' d' ts " '. ' , '. Marc'h 20,'t'he 'm'l~ddle 'Sun'day of' ".con tic 'tne largest voluntary . quirement that ·parochial.ll~hools Lent.' '. .... ' . ' aid ,progranl'.there. ''', . be built within two years. But' Aii reiief supplies distributed the -- basic. requireQ1en~ w,as, a, .School Car.np~i&'D' b y Catholic Relief Services are Vatican directive of 1875 which The drive will culminate with made available was issued largely at, McMaster's ' . . " to those in need , asp'eci,al collection in the more. without regard to race, religion, .rging. . . than 17,500 Catholic chu'rches in politics or color. Its programs The 1875 directive was IInpop- the .United States. Proceeds go are, administered by'.a 'super­ ular' with ,the American blshops,~ to 'the worldwide relief and weI"; visory staff. of 150 Americans Father McAvoy says,' and was fare, programs or' Catholic Relief st'ationed' overseas, assisted. by not ~ri.forced.. However; the Vat- Services. iean authorities placed it before A minimum national.goalof $5 the Third· Plenary Council'. of million has' been set- .for the Baltimore as part of its proposed legislation and in this way it 1966 drive. <

became law.

A special feature of the appeal each year, is a Lenten campaign of prayer, self-denial and alms­ Long Island Plans giving by pupils' in Catholic schools, beginning Ash Wednes­ Tutorna8 Program day, Feb. 23. The contributions for Bristol County .ROCKVILLECENTRE (NC) -A project aimed' at helping underprivileged Nassau County' youngsters with their edul:ation will be started in Februal'~T by the Committee for Community Interests of the Rockville Centre


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