t eanc 0 VOL. 28, NO.4
fO.rce,s, .
Bishop Law for Boston
By NC News Service
Pope John Paul II has named Bishop Bernard F. Law of Springfield-Cape Girar deau, Mo., the new archbishop of Boston. The new archbishop said his installation in Boston is planned for March 23. It wiU be preceded by a vesper service for clergy the evening of March 22. At a press conference in Springfield, Mo., he said that while his new responsibility will be primarily toward Boston's Catholics, "I will be looking forward to working with the leadtlrs of other Chris tian communities, Jewish religious leaders and public officials of the Boston area, as to gether we serve the common good."
Pro-lifers across America ob served the 11 th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision which eliminated abortion re strictions by taking to church, podium, government hall and street the weekend of Jan. 21-22 to continue the fight to protect the unborn. From California to New York, from Detroit to Galveston and Houston, pro-lifers engaged in rallies, speeches, marches and prayers against abortion. Many of the events were interdenom inational, with Catholics and Protestants alike denouncing abortion and urging its eradica tion. . Last Monday in Washington a crowd estimated at 50,000 people gathered at the Ellipse for the 11 th annual March for Life commemorating the 1973 Supreme Court decision striking down state anti-abortion .JaWS. President Reagan waved from the south balcony of the White House at the marchers after pro life leaders during a meeting earlier in the day had urged him to offer a greeting. "It's taken me three years to get this done for us," said Nellie J. Gray, leader of the annual march, who in previous years has asked Reagan to speak to the crowd. She said she understood that security reasons prevented the president from addressing the group before it began marching. The march marking the Jan. 22, 1973, decision of the Su preme Court legalizing abortion was held a day late this year so marchers. could lobby their senators and representatives while Congress was in session. Miss Gray said the meeting with Reagan was not just a pic ture-taking session as it had been in the previous three years. "We pressed our message hard. We came in to do business at the White House,'" she said. Paul Brown, director of Life Amendment Political Action Committee, said pressure is on politici~ns because in 1984 "the pro-life vote will be bigger and better." Erma Clardy Craven, National Tum to Page Twelve
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, upon learning of the appointment, forwarded the following message to the new archbishop: Please accept this sincere expression of my personal congratulations on the hap py occasion of your ap pointment by Pope John Paul II as Archbishop of BostOD. Be assured of my prayerful support and that of the clergy, religious and laity of the diocese of Fall River. Ad multos annosl Bishop Cronin also issued the following statement: We all here in the diocese of Fall River welcome the new archbishop of BOston. We are mindful of the won derful episcopal ministry of the late Cardinal Medeiros, formerly of this city and this diocese" who contributed so much by hJs leadership and salntly apostolic endeavors to the spiritual life of the Archdiocese of BOstOD and the community at large. The new archbishop, young, talented and vigor Ne Photo ous, will bring to the weighty responsibUity of, his impor BISHOP BERNARD F. LAW tant office the same dedi cated zeal that character Girardeau, with 52,000 Cath deau Diocese: whose Catholics ized Cardinal Medeiros' love olics, to head the 1.9 million make up only one 20th of the for the poor, the disadvan Catholics of the Boston Arch area's total population, he is taged and the alieJt.ated. diocese on Jan. 24. He suceeds known as a pastorally direct May the manifold ~ccom.. Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros, man' who frequently visits par plislun1mts of hJs predeces 'who died Sept. 17. ishes and gets involved in parish sors be an encouragement Archbishop Law, 52, has re life. Before administering con he for Archbishop Law ceived national attention in the firmation, for example, he often labors to make the message past three years as director of led retreats for the candidates. of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the ecumenically delicate U.S. As a priest in the Diocese of known and loved in thJs area program for admitting into the Natchez·Jackson (now simply of the Lord's vineyard. The priesthood married ·Episcopal simply Jackson), Miss., the new People of God of the Diocese priests who convert to Catholi Boston archbishop was editor of Fall River follow him cism. with our prayers. As bishop of the diocesan newspaper from of the diocese, I pledge ·Before he became bishop of 1963-68 and diocesan vicar gen-' Springfield-Cape Girardeau in eneral 1971-73. every measure of affection and support to Archbishop 1973, he had been executive di The son of a career Air Force Law as the new Metropoli rector of the Bishops' Commit officer, the late Col. Bernard A. tee for Ecumenical and Inter tan of the Province of 'Bos ·Law, Bernard Francis Law was ·religious Affairs from 1968-71, born in Torreon, Mexico, on Nov. ton. 'and as a bishop he chaired the 4, 1931. He traveled widely as An Ecumenist Boston's new archbishop is a BCEIA in the late 1970s. a child, attending elementary Harvard graduate known na He is also a member of the schools .In New York, Florida, tionally for his ecumenical ac Vatican's Secretariat for Chris Georgia, and Barranquilla, C0 7 tivity and in his Missouri dio tian Unity and served from 1976 lombia. cese for his pastoral directness. 81 as a consultor to the secre He graduated from Charlotte Pope John Paul II promoted tariat's Commission for Reli Amalie High School in St. Archbishop Law from the small gious Relations with Judaism. Thomas, Virgin Islands. diocese of. Springfield-Cape In the Springfield-Cape Girar Tum to Page Two
$8 Per Year
With the theme "Catholic Schools: -Beacon 011 Hope," Cath olic Schools Week will be ob served nationally Jan. 29 through Feb. 4. The theme, said Father George W. Coleman, diocesan director of education, "is a reminder of the meeting of bishops in 1884 which mandated the increase and professional updating of our Catholic schools to shine as beacons of hope in a world" fraught with despair. At a time when the public sector negates the very existence of our God, how much more necessary is the Beacon of Hope! ·~Sch.ools throughout the di cese," said the director, "will be celebrating with commissioning Teacher Appreciation days, role reversals, playlets, poster and essay contests, store advertise ments and countless other crea tive ways to aler~ people to the tremendous impact of Catholic education on the parish at large. "Parents, such a vital part of our educational family, will be especia.))y honored during these days, as will ani volunteers in our school system. "Catholic schools are daily conscious of their unique role in presenting Christ to the world, but Catholic Schools Week is a time to renew, to refresh, to re present ourselves and our mess age to all," conoluded Father Coleman. Parent 1P0wer . As the director noted, parents are a vital part of the educa tional family. Every principal in the diocese has stories of dedi cated mothers and fathers whose efforts often make the difference between financial success and failure for the schools, attended by their children. Uncounted are the bingos, suppers, dances, ,bazaars and other fundraisers sponsored by parent groups to close the gap between tuitions and the actual cost per pupil of a Catholic edu-_ cation. Catholic Schools Week is a good time to salute these behiild-the-scenes workers on both grammar and high school levels. With 24 grammar schools and a middle school in the diocese, it is hard to single out one for attention, but all count heavily Tum to Page Eight
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BishOIJ I~aw for Boston
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 27, 1984
prelate is replaced
VATICAN CITY (NC) 'Pope tion and Tourism. He had lived John Paul II has rnamed a suc- ' more than a year at a religious house in Rome prior to his resig cessor to controversial faith healing Archbishop Emmanuel nation, which signaled the end of more than a, 16-month investi Milingo as head of the Arch gation of him by the Vatican. diocese of Lusaka, Zambia. In 1982, Archbishop Milingo The Vatican Press Office an said he had been caned to Rome nounced Jan. 20 ,that Bishop by the Vatican for psychological Adrian Mungandu of Living treatment and a medical check stone, Zambia, has been named up. He said that in 1978, the the new archbishop. Vatican had ordered him to stop Archbishop Milingo, 53, re public healing services, but that signed his see last August and he had continued to' perform now is on the staff of the Vati healings because many people can's Commisssion for Migra request~ it.
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BUBBLING WITH energy and enthlisiam for life, Sis ter Marie Bertrande, 72, celebrated her golden ju-' bilee as a Sister of 'the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts on Jan. '8, the feast of the Epiphany. Father Richard Mazziotta, CSC, of Stonehill. College, North Easton, was celebrant and homilist for her jubilee Mass, 'offered in the chapel of Sacred Hearts Convent, Fall River.' A reception for family members and friends followed. _ "I worked very hard," re flected the diminutive sis ter as she looked back on 43 years as a primary grade teacher at schools of her community in Taunton, Lawrence, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Penn sylvania.
Continued from page one !n 1953, after graduating from Harvard University, he be gan studies for the priesthood, studying at St. Joseph Seminary in St.' Benedict, La., 1953-55, and at the Pontifical College Josephinum ,in Worthington, Ohio, 1955-61. Ordained for the Natchez Jackson Diocese on May 21, 1961, Father, Law spent two years as assistant pastor of St. Paul's Church in Vicksburg, Miss., then was named\ editor of the diocesan newspaper, the Mississippi Register, now called Mississippi Today. In 1968 he became executive director of the BCEIA, succeed ing a priest who, had just been named bishop of Springfield Cape Girardeau, now Cardinal William Wakefield Baum, pre fect of the Vatican Congrega tion for Catholic Education. Named a monsig~or in 1969, in 1971 he returned to Jackson as vicar general. Two years later, shortly after Cardinal Baum was promoted from bishop of Springfield-Gape Girardeau to archbishop of Washington, Msgr. Law again succeeded him, this time as head of the southern Missouri diocese. , As head of Boston, the See with third-largest Catholic popu lation in the country after Los Angeles and Chicago, Archbish op 'Law could eventually follow Cardinal Baum into the College of Cardinals. :As a priest and bishop holding
national and international ecu; mencial posts, Archbishop Law has f.requently been a leading U.S. Catholic spokesman for Christian unity and the advance of Catholic-Jewish relations. "The way to unity is holiness. I don't think there is any other way," he said at an ecumenical seminar, for priests in North Carolina in 1977. Also a spokesman for better Catholic-Jewish relations, at a National Workshop on Christian and Jewish Relations in 1977 in Detroit, Archbishop Law called Christian-Jewish d:ialogue in the United States "one of the most exciting developments in religious contact." He attributed a major c~ange in Christian Jewish understanding to the civil rights battles in the South in the 1960s, which he said "brought us out of theological and cul tural isolation and made us one." Named in 1981 as Vatican delegate to oversee the accept ance into the Catholic priest hood of Episcopal priest-con verts, Archbishop Law has been handling the issue with cautious diplomacy. '\ As bishop of Springfield-Gape Girardeau, he mllde headlines in 1975 when he invited to live in his diocese aU 166 refugee mem bers of a Vietnamese religious order the Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix. Two yea·rs later, in the first ordina tion of Vietnamese refugees in the United States, he ordained 12 members of the order.
Illlb's new leader profiled
Now she is thoroughly en By Jerry FUteau
with evening Mass and confir joying a retirement that has mation. ' NC News Service
seen her teaching CCD at On parish visits the bishop Archbisnop Bernard 'Law of Our Lady of Health parish, often took time to visit an area Fall River, and working at ,Boston is "always praying or hospital or nursing home, he 'Catholic Social Services in singing," says a Catholic editor added. worked with him in Mis "He has a morning TV pro ,New Bedford and at the who souri for the past decade. gram called 'Daybreak' that's Catholic Education Center in Robert G. Lee, editor of The Fall River. Presently she is Mirror, the Springfield-Cape directed at shut-ins,", said Lee. The program, broadcast five a eucharistic minister at Girardeau diocesan newspaper, days a week by several stations Charlton Memorial Hospital predicted that even in, the huge in the diocese, "is always low in Fall River and soon she Boston Archdiocese, the new key, but extremely pastoral," he . will a4d nursing home visits archbishop will not be cut off s~d from the people. ,The archbishop, who as a to her schedule. r
Also on'that schedule are . twice-weekly exercise and jswimming .sessions at the Fall River YMCA. She credits them with aiding her rapid recovery from a recent bout with surgery.
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A - native of Pawtucket, Sister Marie Bertrande is frpm a family of 12 children of whom two brothers and a sister survive and were present for her jubilee cele bration.
Sister reassigned Sister Laurette of the Sisters of St~ Joan of Arc' at St. Mary's Cathedral, who has served in the diocese since 1982, has been' as signed as superior of her com munity at St. Anselm's College, Manchester, N.H. Replacing her at ,the cathedral will be Sister Viola.
He described iArchbishop Law as "warm," "charismatic" and ,"extremely pastoral" but sum marized him as "a prayerful man who ,loves to sing." ~'He's always on the road" visiting the 100 parishes of his diocese, Lee. said. "Whereever you're traveling with him, it seems he's either praying or singing.' He has a heautiful,-rich voice." At the bishop's residence in Springfield, he added, at least once a week there is an evening prayer meeting open to anyone in ,the diocese who wants ,to come. Lee said that in Springfield Cape Girardeau for the past dec ade, 'Archbishop Law' spent nearly every weekend on parish visits, making ita point to ad minister confirmation through out the diocese every three years. It has been his practice, the editor said, to spend the whole day in retreat with those to be confirmed, concluding the. day
priest in the Diocese of Natchez Jackson, Miss., was five years editor of the diocesan news paper, also writes a weekly column in The Mirror. Lee de scribed his columns as very per sonal and "homey." He said Archbishop Law speaks Spanish and occasionally celebrates Mass in that lan guage. I He described him as a "great starter" who has initiated many successful projects. Among them: - 'The Kitchen' in Spring field, a venture of the city's six Catholic parishes, which pro vides meals for about 250 needy people every day. Catholic farmers provide much of the food for the project. - Hope House, a home for battered women, also in Spring field. <> - A "house of discernment" in Cape Girardeau where women thinking of ,religious life can spend ,time in prayer and com· munity life.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 27, 1984
Mother foundress dies at 91 GERMANTOWN, N.Y. (NC) Mother M. Angeline Teresa Mc Crory, founder of the Cannelite Sisters for the Aged and Infinn, died on her 91st birthday, Jan. 21, at St. Teresa's Motherhouse and Novitiate in Germantown. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was among concelebrants of her fun eral Mass on Wednesday, Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany presided at the rite and intennent was at the Cannelite cemetery in Gennantown. Mother Angeline received nu merous awards and honors for her work wi.th the elderly, in cluding the Pro Ecclesia et Pon tifice award from. Pope John XXIIII and the Benemerenti Award from Pope Paul vr. In 1978 her community hon ordered her with a "Universal Decree of Recognition." It de creed and declared "for all time" that. Mother Angeline was forever Superior General Emeri ta of the Cannelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm and "is acclaimed throughout the whole church as the true and only foundress of the congregation after God and Our Lady of Mt. Cannel." Born in County Tyrone, Mother Angeline moved with her family to Scotland where she entered the Little Sisters of the Poor. In 1912 she went to France to study with the order and made her first profession of vows in 1915. She was trans ferred to Brooklyn later that year. After discussing her concerns for the aged with the late Car dinal Patrick Hayes of New York, Mother Angeline founded her Cannelite order in 1929. The order began with seven members and now has 350. They staff 31 residences for the elderly in the United States and one in Duh lin, Ireland. In the Fall River diocese they operate Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, and Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. Mother Angeline was the or der's mother general for 49 years until poor health caused her to retire. The sisters are dedicated to ensuring the dignity, quality of life and freedom of the elderly.
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachuse"s, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
• Semi-Private and PrlvatEi Accommoda tions that are leas expensive than a nursIng home . • Provld.es 24 ~our supportive services for short term and long term stays • Medication, meals and per80n~1 hygiene are monitored • A be~utlful lifestyle amid diversified ac-
Father Carroll retires Father John G. Carroll, fonner pastor of· St. Margaret's parish, Buzzards Bay,' who has been serving as associate pastor at St. Thomas More parish, Somer set, will retire from active min istry Wednesday, Feb. 1. He will take up residence at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Parishioners' at St./Thomas More will bid him farewell at a testimonial in the parish center to follow 11 :30 a.m. Mass' Sun day. Father Carroll will be prin cipal concelebrant at the Mass. Born Dec. 19, 1913, in Fall River, Father Carroll is the son of the late George A. and Cather ine (McDermott) Carroll. He at tended LaSalle Academy in Providence and Providence Col lege before entering St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, to prepare for the priesthood. Ordained June 3, 1939 in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop James E. Cassidy, he served as associate pastor at Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Mary and Sacred Heart parishes, Taun ton; St. Patrick's, Wareham; and
Sacred Heart, Fall River. He was pastor at St. John the Baptist, Central Village before assuming the pastorate of St. Margaret's in 1966. He came to St. Thomas More in 1981.
Sister Anne Roy Sister A'nne Roy, O.P., 78, a member of the Dominican Sis ters of St. Catherine of Siena, died Jan. 20 in Fall River. Her funeral took place Mon day and intennent was in Notre Dame Cemetery. Born in Fall River, she was the daughter of the late Victor and Emma (Vaillancourt) Roy. She took her first vows as a religious in 1936 and subsequent Jy served her community as a cook in convents in Fall River, Acushnet and Swansea in this diocese and in New York, where she was also a CCD teacher. Sister Roy is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Estelle Thomas, Lo cust Grove, Va.; Jeannette Fur tada, Tallahassee, Fla.; and Mrs. Rose Wood, Northborough.
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL RETIREMENT Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has acceded to the request of Father John G. Carroll, associate pastor at St. Thomas More parish, Somerset, to enter into retirement and reside at the Catholic Memorial Home, FaH .River, effective 'Wednesday, Feb. I, 1984. MOTHER ANGELINE
Is located adjacent to Charlton Memorial Hospital call 675-7583 for Information
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Hands in the Vineyard
Tuesday was the feast of St. Francis de Sales, the patron of .the Catholic press. Most of us recognize his role in the life of the church as a noted writer and theologian. , As well as his most famous works, the Introduction to the Devout Life and A Treatise ~m the Love of God, he wrote endless pamphlets. , In addition to his ability in the area of the written word, Francis was also very devoted to the, task of' witness ing for the church in the predominantly ~alvinistic, Swiss city of Geneva. He achieved such success. in his effort~ to reflect the gospel message that he was named bishop of the Geneva diocese.' ' His exa~ple, preaching and writing proved him a true son of the church in an area of deep division and conflict. Hjs patience. and .gentle spirit helped, him overcome the obstacles'seemingly ever present in his life.. He helped establish the religious community of the Siste~ of the Visitation and was so admired by St. John Bosco that the latter na~ed his own community; the, Salesians, in honor of St. Francis de Sales. ., All this said, it is more than interesting to' note that on Tuesday's feast a namesake of St. Francis was named the new archbishop of our metropolitan see of .Boston. Bernard Francis ~aw has many similarities to Francis NC PIloto de Sales. In 'his years of priestly ministry he has served the 'Am,erry hear1doeth good like a medicine/Provo 17:22 . people of God Iwell in many areas. For five years he was an editor of a Catholic newspaper and he now contributes a weekly' column to the Mirror, the official publication of his diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. His efforts in the f.ield of ecumenism are acclaimed both here at home arid at the Holy'See. Pastoring. in an area where the Catholics are a small minority, he has been vacuums left by the lack of full WASHINGTON (NC) - With cited included: a dynamic witness of faith, earning the':deep respect of time personnel. He noted, for ...:.... The addition of 6,000 per far fewer priests and religious in many non-Catholics. His pastoral zeal .has 'placed him in the future, "can the church carry manent deacons in the U.S. example, that the average per the forefront of civil rights efforts. He welcomed to his out its mandate to teach, sanc church since the permanent or·· manent deacon has a separate diocese two religious orders of Vietnamese refugees, whose tify and govern?" asked Father dained ministry was restored in full-time job and works about 14 hours a week for the church, work is now taking root in American soil. Eugene Hemrick, director of the the early 1970s; and the average lay missionary '" The comparison to Francis de Sales might to some U.S. Catholic Conference's Of - Some 700 professional reli volunteer does not receive fice of Research. seem a bit too far-reaching. Yet his striking similarities to gious education directors in the enough pay to make it a long The answer is mixed, he told country, of whom more than term career if he or she wishes t~e saint in mind and spirit make us rejoice in his, selection 300 are lay persons working full the National Task Force on Per for the nation's third largest see. to raise a family. time at that job; sonnel at a meeting in Washing There can be little doubt that there are vast differences The average ministry salary • ton Jan. 16. He cited significant in recent years between the land of the Ozarks and Beacon Hill. Yet both growth in the numbers of per 'in -the Increases is $7,000 a year, he said, and in number of lay volunteers, need pastoral care. It surely appears that the Lord has well manent deacons and lay workers who usually devote one to three many plac:es campus ministries prepared Bernard Francis Law for the see of BostOn. in many areas of church minis years to some form of full-time are plagued with a host of prob try, but also noted a number of lay missionary or service work. lems, ranging from inadequate The diocese of. Fall River rejoices in a very special budgets to insufficient profes problems or 'potential problems way at this appointment by our Holy Father. We cannot, -. Significant lay involve sional evaluation to tensions arising" in those areas. of course, forget Archbishop Law's saintly predecessor, ment in campus ministry pro with unsupportive neighboring The national task force, a grams; Cardinal Medeiros, but although their backgrounds and panshes. group sponsored by the national endowments differed, their pastoral concerns do not. - The establishment of dioce Diocesan planning offices tend organizations of the country's . Bishop Cronin well reflected this, in declaring that Catholic bishops' and superiors san planning offices in many to lack needed personnel, job "the new archbishop, young, talented. and vigorous, will of men and '!Y0men religious, is dioceses to make better use of descriptions and planning and church personnel and .help them research skills, and their staffs bring to the weighty responsibilities 9f his important office .seeking strategies' to confront becom,e more effective; receive low salaries, he said. the church's personnel needs in the same dedicated zeal that characterized Cardinal Med Often their director is a priest the future. Extensive involvement of eiros' love for the poor, the disadvantaged and the alien who has other major duties as Statistical . projections· reo lay persons in new lay liturgical well. ated. ) and service ministries and many As Bishop Law prepares to st:rve the see of Boston, leased by Father Hemrick in other forms of parish or Cath In his reports, Father Hem December said that the number he will indeed be awed as he increasingly" realizes the dedi olic group activity. rick only summarized existing of active U.S. diocesan priests data on changes in research cation of his predecessor. Yet there can be little doubt that could drop as much as 50 per On the other hand, Father the accomplishments of the past will be but the foundation cent by the year 2000. The num Hemrick said, there are ques church personnel and did not on which he will build his own testimony of faith with all ber of active' men and women tions about such things as the try to suggest what conclusions religious is also expected to de . adequacy of formation and or directions that research might the talents with which the good Lord has endowed him. indicate.
Hard questions face church
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER' OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL' RIVER "' 410' Highla"nd Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 .675-7151 PUBLISHER EDITOR
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore
Rev. Msgr. John J.' Regan, ~
( \
leary Pre5&-Fall River
cline .significantly by the turn of the century. Faced with' this "dwindling number" of priests' and religious, traditionally the main source of church personnel, Fahter Hem rick told the task force memo bers, there are a number of "op timistic signs" of increasing lay involvement in church work, but also some "qualifications must be'made." Specific areas of growth he
supervision programs for per manent deacons, the adequacy of religious' education programs which fail to reach more than two-fifth of the nation's Cath olic children, and the changing' nature of the church if parishes must be closed down or lay administered b.ecause of a lack of priests. I He also raised questions about the adequacy of temporary or part-time personnel to fill
• He said the task force would try to deal with some of those questions at its next meeting, on March 6.
THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. PUblished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week' after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Cath olic Press of the Olocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters' send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. 80x 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-fri., Jan. 27, 1984
Family Night
A weekly at-home program for families
sponsored hy the Dloeesan Offlee of Famllr MlJdstry
OP~NING PRAYER Dear Lord, hear our prayers this evening for our missionaries in our country and foreign lands. Strengthen them to promote your love by providing material and spiritual goods to their people. Strengthen their faith and their dedication. 'Bless our family to night and keep us mindful of your missionary call. Amen.
ACTIVITY TIME Start your Family Night at dinner tonight with a mission ary meal of rice, a little baked fish, hot 'tea.
Young Family Where Missionaries Work. Materials: large poster board, book with a world map, crayons. Discuss together where mission aries may be Hving. Copy the world map on the poster and color in all the areas in the world where the family thinks missionaries go. At the top mark "Missionary Call." Share thoughts on what kind of a per son would become a missionary. Chooses one missionary place in the world to pray for this week. Keep the poster in ,the eating .area for the week.
Middle Years Family Missionary Qualities. Materi als: dictionary, paper, pens. Look up the word, "missionary" or "mission" in the dictionary. Share thoughts of what qualities a missionary needs. List seven on the paper. Do we need any of these qualities in our daily Bves? Let each pers'on answer the question: What wiuld' be the hardest thing for me if I were a missionary?
Adult Family Scripture Time. Materials: Bible, Matthew 28:19 and then Mark 16:15. Has any family member known a missionary in person? What was most special about him or her? Are we each a missionary? Share thoughts.
For All 1. Evaluate the family budget
and see if a portion could be 'given to the missions, more than
the family is currently giving. 2. FamiHes interested in mis sionaries may wish to subscribe to the Maryknoll Magazine. Write to Maryknoll, N.Y. 10545.
'Banana Spree: Hold a race giving each family member a banana to peel and then eat. The winner is to be awarded a homemade button saying "Ban anas - People and )donkeys Love 'eml"
SHARING 1. Each share one' thing he
likes about himself. 2. Each share one place would go if he could anywhere in the world free.' 3. Someone share a time felt especially proud of family.
he go for he his
CLOS'ING PRAYER Px:ayer: Dearest Jesus, thank you for this Family Night. Thank you, too, for the love in our family. Bless all your families everywhere, Jesus, but especially those who are ministered" to by missionaries. Amen. --suggest~d,
Father Reedy
Father John Reedy is dead of cancer at 58. I am sad dened by his death and want to tell you why. For those of you who didn't know Father Reedy through his columns, he was a Holy Cross priest who, among other thirigs, wrote a warm but profound weekly col umn. He was publisher of Ave Maria Press at Notre Dame and a 10ng-time editor of Ave Maria Magazine. I first met Father Reedy when he wrote to me in the sixties
asking for an article on social
justice and the family for Ave
Maria. At the time, my husband
and I were active in the social
.justice movement in our church
and country but it was the first
time anyone suggested that the
family played a significant role
. in promoting social justice. It's
a measure of 'the man that his vision and insight preceded so much of what we're attempting to achieve in families today. I wrote the article and it came back loaded with blue pencil. Some editors would have penned a cryptic, "This won't do. Re write." But Father Reedy wrote a friendly 1etter suggesting that the angry tone of my article would turnoff readers and that I write it as if I were explaining to my family why we thought it was important to introduce our children to children of other colors and creeds.
His gentle editorial tone en couraged me to try again and he bought the subsequent piece, complimenting me on it, and re printed it in a little booklet caHed, "Rearing Children of Good Will" which appeared on church pamphlet racks. In the couple of dozen articles I did for him before Ave Maria folded, and in the years following' filled with thousands of printed words, I'd forgotten that first article for him and his letter. But his untimely death jogs my memory. I wasn't writing on family back then. Most of my articles' were on education, so cial justice, church, and humor. I certainly never intended to be come a family columnist or a parent educator. But another editor saw that article and asked me to write something else on family, and then another saw that article and asked for another and the rest, as they say, is history. At one point, Father Reedy wrote me, "I -like your other material but your writing comes alive when you write of family." I believe it's fair to say that with out his influence and encourage ment, I may not have become a family columnist. I know the demise of Ave Maria was a personal disappoint ment to him. He was attempting, successfuBy, to move the maga zine from one of piety to one fl!,!shing o.ut the vision of Vati
can II. He touched subjects like peace and justice that were sore spots with Catholics going through the post-conciliar tur moil. It wasn't a pleasant time in our church and circulation dropped. Like many. other good Catholic periodicals of its time, Ave Maria became a memory. I hist saw Father Reedy at a Catholic Press Association con vention several years ago and we shared talk common to col umnists in the Catholic press. When I commented on my sor row at the loss of his magazine, he said, "It was time for it to die so I could move on." I suspect he felt the same way about him self at ,the end, that it was time to die and move on to a higher
We will miss his insightful writings, warm humor and printed hope. I will miss ap-' pearing beside him in many di ocesan papers. He was an ill) portant mentor to me and for that I want to thank him pub licly, if posthumously. Note: A feature article on Dolores Curran appears on page 13.
A word about brothers This is going to be an easy column for me and a pleas ure for you because I am turning it over to 85-year-old Brother Charles Jessen of St. Louis, who knows how to set the record, straight with style. Brother Charles wrote me this superb epistle just before Christ mas: "I just recently had the pleas ure of reading your column head lined 'Back in ,the Fold Again.' The account of your departure from the Roman Catholic Church for a while and your return thereto, including your reasons for doing so, were beautifully . stated. I found your column to be most interesting and consol ing, to s~y ~he least". and it should be edifying to all Cath olics who read it. Therefore; my hearty congratulations. I'm sure the good Lord is smi-Iing upon you today. . "In the third. paragraph you state: ~Back in th~ fold, I'm more convinced than ever of the great value of the good spir itual example set by priests and sisters who are unsung.' True, Bill, but, if you .think the good works of the priests and sisters are unsung, what about the rf:li gious brothers whose work and accomplishments are always un sung? "There are numerous broth erhoods throughout the nation. There are brothers doing tre mendous work in health care facilities, for example the Broth ers of Mercy, the Brothers of St. John of God, and the broth ers of my own congregation, the Alexian Brothers, who are celebrating our 650th anniver sary next year. "We operate the Alexian Brothers Medical Center in Elk Grove ViUage, III., as well as general hospitals here in St. Louis and in Elizabeth, N.J. and San Jose, Calif. We also own Imd operate Alexian Brothers Village in Milwaukee and Alex ian Brothers Village and Rest Home atop Signal Mountain. in Tennessee. In Europe we have houses in Belguim, Germany, England and Ireland. "We cater not necessarily to the wealthy but concentrate on the middle class, the poor sick and the elderly. The fact that no one requiring treatment in our emergency rooms or hospitaliza tion has ever been turned away because of inability to pay is one of the glories of the Alexian Brothers. We have one of the most excellent health care sys . items in the world and should you ever be interested in knowing more about it I would be pleased and happy to fill you in. "In concluding this epistle, I must ask you to kindly overlook any and all errors you may come across. At 85, I am not exactly slipping, but I'm not what I used to be, either.
"Please understand, Bill, that I in no way resent the oversight in mentioning the religious brothers. This happens so fre quently tha,t we have learned to ,live with it and accept it for the love of our crucified Savior. One thing for sure, you meant no offense and none is taken. I . simply thought I should set the record straight, so to speak:' There may be some young men reading this who might be interested in looking into the possibility of Boining the Alex ian Brothers, which must be a great outfit if Brother Charles belongs to it. So .Jet me give you his address..I'm ~ure he'd be delighted to reply to inquiries. Brother Charles Jessen, C.F.A., is at Alexian Brothers Hospital, 3933 South Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63118:
January 28 Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, Pastor, 1947, St. Mary, Nantucket Rt. Rev. John J. Shay, Pastor, 1961, St. John Evangelist, Attle boro January 29 Rev. Christiano J.Borges, Pastor, 1944, St. John IBaptist, New Bedford Rev. Albert J. Masse, Pastor, 1950, St. Joseph, Attleboro January 30 Rev. Raymond F. X. Cahill, S.J., Assistant, 1983, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis January 31
Rev. Charles J. Burns, 1901, St. Mary, No. Attleboro Rev. William 'F. Sullivan, Pas tor, 1930, St. Patrick, Somerset Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Pastor, 1930, St. Peter, 'Provincetown February 1
Rt. Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly, Pastor, 1948, Immaculate Con ception, Taunton Rev. Anatole F. Desmarais, Pastor, 1975, St. James, Taun ton Rt. !Rev. Patrick Hurley, Pas tor, 1968; St. Joseph, Taunton Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, Pastor, 1983, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, So. Attleboro February 2 Most Rev. William Stang, D.D., 1907, Ffrst Bishop of Fall River 1904-07 Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, ·Pas tor, 1913, Immaculate Concep tion, Taunton Rev. John L. McNamara, Pas tor, 1941, Immaculate Concep tion, Fall River Rev. P. Roland Decpsse, Pas tor, 1947, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford Felbimary 3
Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pas tor, 1952, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River
THE'A,NCHOR-Diocese ofFal! River,....Fri., Jan. 27,1984
The~ Story of St~· The following is an abridged version of a life of St. Paula Frassinetti written for young people by Sister Mary Sardinha, SSD. Pauia Frassinetti was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1809. The only girl in a family of five children, Paula grew in an atmosphere of deep love of God and the warmth of a close knit family. Her four brothers became priests. At an early age she lost her mother and two years later the aunt who had taken over housekeeping duties. The responsibility of the ' home duties which then fell to her matured her at an age when other girls were stHl playing games and doing a few minor chores. Soon her hard life took its toll of Paula and the doctor recommended complete rest, fresh air and sunshine. Her brother, Joseph, the first priest in the family, had a small vil lage church. He invited her to' stay with him until she recuper ated. A change of pace and climate worked miracles. Soon Paula was helping in the church and making many friends among the chi'ldren and young women. Then her 'brother asked her and some of the other young women to run a small school in the parish since there were no public schools for the children to at tend. At that time the only religious communities ,of sisters were cloistered nuns. Their main work was to pray many times a day and' they earned a living within their convents by making such things as jellies, cheese or church vestments. To beco~e one of these nuns, a girl needed a sum of money called a dOWry, But Paula had neither. money nor the desire to close 'herself away from the' children she was helping to edu cate. Soon she and a few of her friends began to think of be coming a different kind of re ligious sister. Her brother Jo seph agreed to guide them and they. started their new life. Paula met many difficulties. Outside there' were ,.those who made fun of her group because they didn't think the young wo men were real nuns. Inside, some of ·her members were not sure they were doing the right thing in following her. , Then an epidemic broke out and Paula and her sisters began helping the sick and dying. But Paula's father was furious at the thought of his daughter possibly becoming sick again. He ordered her home, whether she liked it or not. It was a blessing in disguise and Paula took the opportunity to disband her group and send the discontented members home. . After ,a few months; when the dust of the unpleasantness had settled, Paula" reorganized ' her little community. Soon she had new niemb'ersin 'addition to the original two. .. . ,In those days,teligious instruc tion"",wa.~...le.t~..-JQr,,,th~dno~tpart,,·: '"
Paula eagerly
to parish priests, but a group caIled The Pious Work of St. Dorothy was active in some par ishes. In it, a sister prepared 10 young women to teach cate chism to the "inner' city" child ren of the day. Paula .adapted the idea for her community and they soon ,became known as the Sisters of St. Dorothy. ,Pope Leo XIII gave his ap proval to the sisters and at his suggestion they took on various kinds of apostolates. They suf fered poverty and illness but the love of God and his people strengthened them. Paula's only concern was ,to 'do God's work. By 1861 her small band of sisters had grown from its original six members to several hundred. In a society of class distinctions, Paula solved the educational problem by opening a school for the poor each ,time she. started one for upper class children. One day a bishop newly ap pointed to Recife, Brazil, saw a group of Dorotheans in a church with. their pupils. Admiring their way of handling the youngsters, he followed them to their con vent hoping to ask their superior if she would be willing to, send some sisters to Brazil. However, due to anti-religious feeling in those days, the bishop was not dressed in clerical clothes and the frightened sis ters would npt open the' door to him. Eventually he explained himself and" Sister Paula soon sent eight sisters to Brazil. She Often told her commun ity "Hardships are a sign that the work is truly of God." If' that is so, her sisters had every test. The first group to arrive in Brazil found that the bishop who had struggled so hard to get them had been assassinated. Although Sister Paula trusted God, she worried. Her heart was always with 'her sisters. She therefore wrote to, them con stantly. Today, her letters are a treasured record of her deep love of God. She was totally un selfish. On June 10, 1882, after a full life totally dedicated to God; his church and .her neighbor, Paula turned to' the statue of Mary on her nightstand and said, "My Mother, remember I am your chHd." Today ·St. Paula's- body re mains intact in. a glass case under the altar of the mother house of the Sisters of St. Doro thy in Rome.
March 11 is encircled on' the calendar of every Sister of St. Dorothy and on those of many friends of the community. It's the date the Dorothean foundress, Blessed Paula Frass iiletti, will. be canonized. From March 9·to 18, some 200 of her admirers. from the Fall River and Providence, dioceses will join 40 of the 76 sisters in the United States province of the Dorotheans on a canonization' pilgrimage- to Rome. They _will also visit other Italian cities, in, eluding Genoa, Blessed Paul's birthplace. . Among the pilgrims will be' Father John J. Oliveira of Es pirito Santo parish, Fall River, who used to be an altar boy at Villa Fatima in Taunton, the Dorotheans' U.S. provincial house. Also on the trip will be :<ather Manuel Resendes, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, Taun ton; Father George Almeida, pastor of St. Elizabeth parish, Edgartown, formerly a chaplain at Viilla Fatima; and Father Bento Fraga, pastor of Holy Ghost parish, Attleboro, the brother of Dorothean Sister Mary Paula Fraga. Sparking the event is vivacious Sister Mary Sardinha of Our Lady of Fatima High School, Warren. Delegated by Sister Elizabeth Hayes of Villa Fati ma, provincial coordinator of the Dorotheans, to handle pil grimage details, she threw her self into arrangements so whole heartedly that even a recent major operation couldn't keep her down. Nine days after sur gery she was at a pilgrimage planning meeting. The canonization fulfills the dream Sister Mary had 32 years ago as a young novice, when ,she confidently told her superior that she planned. to see Blessed Paula .named a saint. The Holy Father, said Sister Elizabeth, made sure that Bless ed Paula's canonization would come in the year that marks' the 150th anniversay of her com munity. The actual date of the founding is Aug. U, sure to be another big day for the sisters. Nearly every sister from the U.S. province of the community able to travel will be on hand in Rome,' said Sister Sardinha. Some have volunteered to :re main behind to care for the' elder ly and disabled and for them the ceremony will be videotaped in its entirety. . One person, sure to be present in Rome' is 53-year-old Maria Maccarone of San, Calogero, Italy. Her instant cure after years of a· crippling muscle dis order came in 1981 and was the final miracle needed for Blessed Paula's canonization., Sixteen doctors reviewed the cure, said the sisters. All agreed that it could not have occurred by na tural means.
Spiritual as well as practical preparations have been made for the canonization ceremony, said Sister' Elizabeth. Through 'out the year Dorotheans have studied ,'the letters of their foundress, seeking to discover her message for the 20th cen tury. There are many letters, they said, since she wrote con stantly to sisters of her com munity serving abroad. The Dototheans were founded in 1834 when Sister Paula was 25. Until her death at age 73 after suffering several str:okes, , she spent herself in works of education and social service. (An account of her me written by Sister Mary for young peopl~ is elsewhere on this. page.) In 1910, during a revolution in Portugal, sisters stationed there were expelled or went into hid ing. Hundreds fled to England,
Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Malta, Brazil and the U.S. Soon a group in New York, .with others from Italy, Brazil and Malta opened several academies in New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan. ' At about the same time Bishop Matthew Harkins of Providence asked the sisters to work with the many Portuguese imII!.igrants then. arriving in Rhode Island. In response, the community opened schools and catechetical and social centers in Providence, Bristol and East Providence. To day sisters remain active in Bristol and Providence and also have schools in Newport and Warren. In the Fall River dio cese they staff Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, New Bedford. In all 2,100 Dorotheans serve in 13 countries on five contin ents.
Church aids lobstermen
, stermen and, aided by the arch By Liz Annstrong diocese, are trying to buy a 6 NC News Service Open land is "extremely scarce to-8-acre waterfront parcel to and very valuable" around the use for their industry. harbor in Boston," Mass., and However, the local power commercial development is utility, Boston Edison, also is threatening' the remaining lob ster harvesters,- according to inter(!sted in the land, currently Father Michael Groden of the owned by the area rapid transit authority, and the outcome is Archdiocese of Boston. far from determined, the priest So, the .archdiocese, already said. fostering worker cooperatives, He said archdiocesan work is developing a lobstermen'!, co with the lobstermen began when op, said Father Groden, arch they appealed to the late Car diocesan vicar for urb~n minis dinal Humberto Medeiros who try. took up their cause. The archdiocese received a Ron Sundergill, resource de $60,000 experimental grant veloper ,for the Campaign for from the u.s. Catholic Confer Human Development,said that ence's Campaign for Human De CHD, through, grants such as velopment for use in worker co operatives. That money will help the lobstermen's, wants "to en such projects as the lobster-: courage strong diocesan'involve men's co-op, Father Groden said. ment' in low-income economic development." . He said that with increasing, developm~nt of the harbor, the Hearing Him 60 to -80 independent Boston lobster harvesters' are threaten "When the birds are teaching ed. They have formed the Asso me, I hear Him." - Brother Pat rick Francis~-"'~'''''''~ ciation of Boston Harbor Lob
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rlver-I:ri., Jan. 27, 1984
(Iteerln9 pOlntl 1
PUBLlCln CHAIITMEI are asked to sUbmit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full date. of all ictlvltles. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not Clrry news of fundrals'n. activities such .. bln.os, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaar•. We are happy to -carry notices of splrltu,' pro,rams, clUb meetlnlls, youth prolects anf similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng pro jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River. NB Indicates New Bedford.
Letters Ire welcomed, but should be no IlIore than 200 words. The editor reserves the rlaht to condense or edit. All letter. must be .Igned and Include a home or business address and telephone number for the purpose of verification If d"m,~ nUII.. ry.
Born-again Christians Dear Editor: JEFFREY LEGG I would 1ike to proclaim Bill Reel is wrong about born-again Christians (Anchor Jan. 13). My mother's Bible quotes Jesus as saying "Verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). True born-again Christians also love the pope, bishops, reli gious, saints, the sacraments, etc. They love Jesus and have their moments of silent prayer, peace and quiet.. We don't go around shouting "Praise the Lord" all the time. There is ANDREW WHIPPLE nothing wrong with joyful sing ing and praising the Lord, how ever. . I spent eight weeks at a Holy Spirit seminar at St. Julie's Church (one day a week plus home study). There were talks Jeffrey Legg of St. John the by priests and laity, Bible study Evangelist parish, Attleboro, and and small group discussions to Andrew Whipple of Brewster, a prepare us to be "born again." student at St. Mi<:hael's College, The seminars ended at church, Winooski, Vt., were among post where we gathered in several graduate students and college groups to be prayed over individ men who spent their Christmas ually to receive the Holy Spirit. vacation working with the Glen The soft voices of one group mary Home Missoners in Lewis singing "Spirit of the living God County, Ky. , • fall afresh on us" filled the . The men came from 21 states church. After there was a Mass where we received communion and represented 43 dioceses and 46 colleges and universities. . of both bread and wine. The real purpose of being In temperatures at times be born to receive the Holy Spirit, low zero, they worked at a to change our lives for the bet health care center, chopped fire ter an)} live according to God's wood, repaired water pumps, will. Everyone laughed at the renovated old homes and poured disciples at Pentecost, loudly pro a foundation for a new house. claiming the Spirit and talking Evening activities included in tongues (Acts 2). The on lookers thought the apostles visiting county residents, dis were drunk. However, the Holy cussion sessions and a children's post-Christmas party. Spirit changed them from or dinary timid, weak men (peter The Glenmary .community, denied Christ three times) into founded in 1939, serves rural brave teachers, many of whom Americans in the 12 states of gave their lives proclaiming the Appalachia, the deep south and Gospel. Praise the Lord. the southwest. ' Eliot C. B~nnett Fairhaven
Two from diocese work on vacation
Shrine director
Deacons assigned The four transitional deacons ordained Jan. 7 for the Fall River diocese have -received the fol lowing assignments from BisJtop Daniel A. Cronin. All were ef fective Jan. 17. Deacon James Ferry wUI serve at Espirlto Santo Church, Fall River; Deacon James Fitzpatrick at St. John's, Attleboro; Deacon Mark Hession at St. Patrick's' Wareham;' and Deacon Thomas McGlynn at Holy Name, New Bedford.
No Settler "Ignorance never settles a question.........Benjamin Disraeli
... . .... ......... ; .
<b e
SHORT HILLS', N:J. (NC) Msgr. Harrold Murray, a for mer official of the U.S. Cath olic Conference and now a pas tor in Shol't Hills, has been named director of the .National Shrine of the Immaculate Con ception in Washington. He wiU take over duties at the world's seventh largest church May 1. He succeeds Msgr. Eugene G. Bilski, who ;resigned in September to return to ,pas toral work in his home diocese of Scranton, Pa. Msgr. Murray was director of .the Depal'tment of Health Af fairs of the usee from 1964 -through 1972 and has been a member of the USCC Commit tee on Social Development and World Peace since 1980. He is chainnan of the usec sub committee on health.
O.L. GRACE, WESTPORT Sunday afternoon: Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby, padsh cen ,ter; children's. music rehearsal 2 p.m. church basement. Council of Catholic Women: meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1, parish center. ST. T"OMAS MORE, SOME~ET
A retirement testimonial for F-ather John G. Carroll will be :held in the parish center after 11:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. All welcome. A party for parish workers will follow 5:15 p.m. Mass Jan. 28.
New parishioners are -asked to fill out census cards available in the church foyers. They may be given to one of ,the priests or to 'an usher. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR A chalice, ciborium and vest ments have been presel'lted t.o thenqrlsh in memory of Cli! ford Schoonover. City CCD teachers will meet. lit 3 n.m. Sunday in Father Cnady Cf>ntp.r for an afte,moon ofrecolJectlon at which Dea con James Ferrv of Espirito S3.nto ·narish will -nresent an overvlp.w of thp.. bic:hops' peace pastoral. All welcome. P!lrlsh counr.il officers: Rob f>rt M'lrchand, president; Rita Tyrrell. vice-Dresident; Nancy Manville, secretary. WTDOWED SUPPORT,
Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3. St. Theresa's church hall, S. Attle boro. with guest sneaker from Sturdy Memorial Hosnital, en tertainment and ,refreshments. S1'. JORN OF GOD, SOMERSET Prayer meetin~: 7 p.m. Feb. 2, beginning with Mass. Second confirmation class re treat: 2 to 7 p.m. Feb. 5, church and parish center. ST. GEORGE,WESTPORT School registration: 9:30 a.m. to noon Jan. 29, convent; 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, school. ST. LOUIS, FR First grade -cCD pupils will visit the Kimwell Nursing Home at 2 p.m. Feb. 5 under direction of teacher Beverly Longshaw and assistant Delia Therrien. St. Anthony of Padua novena: 7 a.m. and noon each Tuesday. HOLY NAME, FR Altar boy schedules available in sacristy. School registrations: 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, at the school. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Men's League meeting: fol lowing 10 a.m. Mass Jan. 29. Engaged couples planning marriage this yearare.Jnvited to have their commitment blessed at all Masses :the week end of Feb. 11 and 12. Arrange ments may be made with Father Ronald A. Tosti, ,pastor. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FR Confirmation candidates will attend a -retreat Feb. 11, begin ning at 8:30 a.m. The annual parish credit union banquet and dance will follow 11 :30 a.m. Mass Feb. 5 at White's restaurant, North Westport. Tum to Page Twelve
Better together
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·'THE ·ANCHOR....;bi~cese
of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 27, 1984
) i
./ i
~'"'-~ 1iIL-~~ _ _
;.:, '.
-'::'L_ ...J
PARENTS AND FRIENDS of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River are headed by,. from left, Father George S. Mahan, SJ, the school's director of development; Cynde Flanagan, recording secretary; Steve Lopes, presi dent; Bob Valton, vice president; Jeanne Sousa, corresponding secretary; Tom Pietraszek, treasurer. (Gaudette photof
A RECENT Parents' Club-sponsored Career. Awareness Day at Bishop Stang High brought representatives of 24 professions to the school to ad dress students. From left, 1983 club president Barbara Clements; principal Thomas Donahue, also a Stang parent; 1983 Career Day chairman Joan Pratt; speakers Jim Greene and Charles Martineau. (Gaudette Photo)
A PARENT-SPONSORED banquet at Coyle and Cassidy High, one of. many annual social events.
THE REWARD OF IT ALL: A mother and daughter walk towards graduation exercises at Bishop 'Feehan High. (Baptista Photo)·
Parent 'po\y~r ~uels schools North Dartmouth, parents yearly answer the call- to make the school's Manhattan extrava ganza I)igger and better than the previous year's gala mix of "night clubs~' and ethnic foods. Also an' important source of revenue is the largely parent staffed bingo program. One former Stang mother has volunteered in the school's busi ness office for over 15 years, while the nurse's office is com i>letely staffed by volunteer
Continued from page one on parent power. And many grammar school parents tran!!fer their commitment to the high schools of the diocese, say officials. -
International Christmas Fair, a walkathon, and an annual fash ion show, athletic banquet, Iris~ Night, an~ sports break fast as beneficiaries of parent involvement, while Band Par ents have the Feehan band as At Bishop Feehal) High in --their special object of interest. Attleboro Sister Helen _Burke At Bishop Stang High in lists bingo, a 3O-week club, an
DENMARK'S Pharmacy
registered nurses, and other mothers work in the guidance ·and development offices. Some volunteers, note offi cials, are non-parents, serving wholly because of their belief in the importance of Catholic edu cation. . 'Bingo, a Century Club and a spectacular annual auction are among ways parents support Fall River's Bishop Connolly High; while hundreds work in Mother's Club and Athletic As
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sociation-sponsored events at Taunton's Coyle and Cassidy High, and in ad hoc groups for bingo and "Off Broadway," a cabaret-type annual program. At New Bedford's Holy Fam By High, the only parish-spon sored high school in the diocese, a Booster Club sponsors various fundraisers, including dances and an annual walkathon. The school's upcoming IOOth anni versary is currently the focus of attention, .with a centennial banquet planned for Sept. 22 at Lincoln Park. National Commitment
Nationally officials of the National Catholic Educational Association and the U.S. Catholic . Conference Department of Edu cation reflected on the century of Catholic education just com pleted, beginning at the Third Plenary Council of Ba-l·timore which urged that parochial schools should "be multiplied as quickly as possible." "The Council was determined to raise. the. \s~nd~r:ds of paro
• Catholic school students do about 50 percent more home work than do public school stu dents.
School activities
PROVIDING AN EXAMPLE of parent/alumni power, Tom Kruger, standing left, an alumnus and former assistant principal of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, chairs a meeting of the planning committee for the school's Centennial Banquet, to be held Sept. 22 at Lincoln Park, North Dartmouth. chial schools so that they would become 'the honor and the orna ment, the hope and the strength of the Church and of the repub lie,''' said the officials. "Today," they noted, "with over 7,950 elementary and 1,482 secondary Catholic schools in the country, and with the re spect that Catholic schools com mand, it seems as if the prelates' hope of seeing matters so ar ranged. that these desires may be fully accomplished by facili tating the advancement or Cath olic children by regular ascent from the elementary to the su perior Catholic schools." In a Catholic Schools Week letter Ito Father Thomas Gal lagher, secretary for education of the U.S: Catholic Conference, President Reagan congratulated the nation's Catholic schools "as a model of excellence and wisdom." He reaffirmed support for "policies that will uphold the
· ·
basic ,right of aU parents to edu cate their children in ways which best meet their children's needs" and he noted that Catholic schools attract not only Cath olic children but others seeking "quality education within the framework of religious teaching." An Effectivl! School What is an effective school? According to James Coleman, a professor of sociology at the
University of Chicago and the principal investigator on a re
cent study of 51,229 students in
894 public schools and 6,710
students in III private schools,
an effective school is character
ized by good discipline, by class room struct'ure and by admin istrators and teachers who set high standards. Homework. is assigned, attendance is enforced and performance is consistently monitored and evaluated. The principal exercises effective ad ministrative leadership and par ental involvement is strong.
About 82 percent of the stu~ dents in the "private schools" category in Coleman's study at tended Catholic schools. Some of his findings of. special interest to Catholic educators are: • On the average, Catholic schools are more effective than public schools, while spending about half as much per pupil.
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Jao. 30: 'Faculty members will pray for student needs at a spe cial meeting. No homework! Jao. 31: Peace 'and justice will be discussed in each classroom with grade 4 students attendinR a peace-themed Mass at which all 'are welcome. Feb. 1: Open house 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., with senior citizens espe cially invited. Feb. 2: 'Each child may invite a family member to Junch at school. Feb. 3: Teachers will attend 8 a.m. Mass and recommit them selves to their ministry. Stu dents are invited to 'attend and pray for teachers. Teachers and staff will exchange roles for a 45 minute morning period. St. Stanislaus, 'Fall River: All students and faculty wiM attend 10:30 a.m. Mass Jan. 29. Fol 'lowin~ Mass the 7th and 8th grade classroom will be dedi cated to Walter and Sophie Kocon. Holy Name, Fall River: A noon Mass for priests, faculty and students will open Catholic Schools Week Jan. 30 Indi vidual classroom activities 'will continue through the week.
A $1 million capital campaign is now· underway at St. Anne's Hospital to fund the new $3 million Oncology/Radiation Therapy Center.
As a state of Massachusetts designated regional center, it will provide exclusive radiation therapy services for all of Greater Fall River and New Bedford. When completed, the Center will be un· duplicated at the community hosPital level anywhere in the United States incorpora ting the latest generation of radiation therapy equipment, and a multifaceted approach to' cancer care. .
: •
Esplrito Santo, Fall River: Catholic Schools Week posters have been placed in area loca tions.-In-school activities follow: Jan. 30: Thank You Day. Students will be encouraged to thank parents, teachers and friends by card, letter, kind acts and loving words. Jan. 31: A Mass for students, famMy and friends wiU be of fered at 7 p.m. in the church. Ref.reshments wiU follow in the church hall. Feb. I: Dress-up Day. Uni forms will not be required. ,Feb. 2: Balloon Day. Balloons, each with a message, will be released from the school grounds to spread word of Catholic edu cation through the community. Feb. 3: Grandoarents' Day: . Grandparents are invited for the morning to observe 'activities, enjoy ref.reshments and meet the teachers. SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River: Candles, symbolizing schools as a beacon of hope, will shine in school windows each night of Schools Week. Students will participate in aU liturgies except 8 a.m. Sunday the weekend of Feb. 4 and 5. Each will include a slide presentation of school activities while students provide accompanying music. The parish bulletin will include student comments on the value of Cath olic' education. Refreshments wi~1 follow each Mass.
THE ANCHOR Friday, Jan. '27, 1984
• •
Groundbreaking ceremonies are scheduled
for early spring.
excel1ence~@ This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River , EDGAR'S FALl RIVER FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ • • • • • • • • ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~
of fall River-fri., Jan. 27, 1984,
Caring for elderly parents By Dr. Jauna and Mary Kenny
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or call free (8001 352·7100 On Mass.1
Dear Mary: I recently placed my mother In a nursing home because she cannot care for her self. I must work because I am unmarried. My brother refuses to help and her brothers and sisters are' the same way. I made several efforts to get someone in need of a home to come and live in but to DO avaiL She doesn't want anyone to stay with her• It breaks my heart to have to do what I have done. I have at least 10 more years before. can retire. Her only Income is a Social Security check. I wish I could do different by her. (Kentucky)
A. Why do you feel so bad? Under the circumstances you _seem to be doing the best you can. Bless you. I am reminded of a friend who is a foster mother. Sometimes her foster kids are not happy with their Iot in me and tell her so. She told me her response is to tell them, "I'm not' much, honey, but I'm all you've got." Her attitude is not different. Rather i~ is a realistic view of an imperfect world. Often par ents feel they have failed their children' ,in some way~ Grown
children such as you feel they tain these satisfactions from visiting the elderly. As visitors are failing their aged parents. we m\lst respond to the elderly All of us, Eke my foster par ent friend, need to realize that person's needs rather than ou'r we are called to do the ,best we own. can, not to create a perfect Perhaps you can bring your world for ourselves and all our mother a special food treat and ,loved ones. We need enough share it. Take a walk around the humility to admit that our best nursing home grounds. Watch a efforts are not perfect. Only 'TV show together. Or simply sit' then can we genuinely acknowl and hold your mother's hand. edge our own weakness which You also might become a St. Paul tells us is the beginning volunteer at the nursing home. of strength. ' Perhaps you can spare a couple Watching a parent grow old of hours weekly on your day is not easy. We tend to com off. You will become betterac pare her to the person she was. quainted with your mother's We 'dwell on the loss of physical home, the environment in which and mental capacity. Each pass she lives. You will expand your ing year leaves us more dis concern because your focus will couraged. - extend beyond your mother to Instead of being discouraged, other residents. you might view yourself as your Your perspective will broaden mother's support and helper in as you get to know other elder her last days. Rather than re gretting her 'lost capabilities, ly people. And finally, the time focus on how you can help make and effort you put in will make her last years as rewarding as the, nursing home a better place. possible. How can you assist her not only for your mother but and her journey home to heaven? for all the residents whose lives Visiting the elderly 'is often you touch. Reader questions', on' famity unappealing because they do nofrespond in ways that reward' living and chUd care to, be an swered In print are Invited. Ad us. With friends we might en joy sports and physical activity, dress The Kennys, 'Box 872, St. a shared meal,stimulating con-' Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN. 47978. ' versation. We do not always ob
Passion Play called anti-Semitic
NEW YORK (NC) - The presi dent of an organization of travel editors has' urged West Ger man local and national govern ment officials to remove alleged anti-Semitism 'from the script of the Oberammergau Passion Play. Jurgen Hartmann....... preSiident of the American Association of Travel Editors, in letters to Ober ammergau Mayor Frank Hof mann, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, a'nd West German and European travel commission officials, com plained about the apparent anti Semitism of the centuries-old play. The 350th anniversary per formances of the play are to be staged this year. "By bringing the play into
conformity with contemporary Catholic thought. Oberammer gau can become a place of inter national understanding," Hart mann wrote to Mayor Hofmann. The play's script. datng from 1860, was revised slightly in 1970 and 1980; but Jewish and Christian critics contend anti Semitic references remain. Suggestions by Leonard Swid· ler and Father Girard S. Sloyan, both professors at Temple Uni versity. Philadelphia, released in late 1980 in preparation for the 1984 production, included add ing emphasis on the Jewish identity of Jesus and his follow ers, dropping names which are seen to be derogatory toward
Jews, and recasting the image of Pontius Pilate from a "good" man who opposed "evil Jews" to that of the "self-centered, brutal tyrant he, in fact, was." The play. depicting scenes of Christ's life and his crucifixion, has been presented approximate ly every 10 years since the 1630s. when villagers staged it in thanksgiving for having been spared death by the plague. " Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, an official of the American Jewish Committee, which has criticized the play, said in 1980 after see ing the play that the production still portrayed Jews as being collectively' responsible for Jesus' death.
Two nat!ons pledge peace
VATICAN CITY {NC) - The foreign ministers of Chile and Argentina signed a "declaration of peace and friendship" at a Vatican ceremony Jan. 23 and pledged to bring their territor ial dispute to a peaceful con clusion. Pope John Paul II, who in January 1979 agreed to mediate the dispute over three islands in~ the Beagle Channel off the southern tip of South America, expressed his "great joy" at the agreement. . As a .follow-up to the declara tion, Chile and Argentina plan ned a number of negotiating sessions in January, some at tended by Vatican mediators, the Vatican announced. The joint declaration said:
"Both ministers, ill the name of their governments, solemnly de clare their decision to preserve and develop relations of unalter able peace and perpetual friend ship, and to resolve, therefore, always and only through peace ful means, the controversies of any nature between their re spective countries." The declaration noted that "patient and inestimable work" of Pope John Paul in mediating the disJ?ute; Neither the Vatican nor the ministers gave details of papal proposals in the matter. Pre viously, Chile had publicly ac cepted .them but Argentina had rejected them and submitted counterproposals. Complicating negotiations is
the belief by both countries that the territorial waters are po tentially rich in minerals and fishing resources. The pope decided to mediate after Argentina and Chile massed troops along their common border and threatened war over the territorial dispite. The breakthrough in the medi ations apparently came after the Argentine civilian government of President Raul Alfonsin took office in December, replacing the military regime that had re jected the papal proposals.
No End' ''Th~se
who walk with the Lord never see each other for the last time."
THE ANCHOR Friday, Jan. 27, 1984
would mediate
funeral Home
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican is willing, to be an in termediary in East-West arms reduction talks, according to Archbis~op AchHle Silvestrini, secretary for the Vatican's Council fO,r the Public Affairs of the Church. Archbishop Silvestrini made the offer during an Interview on Italian state television before leaving for Stockholm, Sweden, to head the Vatican delegation UNDER PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS, workers in San Jose de la Montana refugee camp to the European security confer ence, where the United States in San Salvador prepare breakfast for the camp's 1,300 refugees. The camp is the largest and the Soviet Union also have of several run by the San Salvador archdiocese. (NC Photo) delegations. Archbishop Silvestrinl offered the Vatican's "avallabl1lty to ex plain, to be a spokesman from one to the other, and above all By Sister Mary Ann Walsh the light of day," he added, re "The refugees from El Salva to help with olarification." lating an encounter he had dur dor who are in Honduras are in ROME (NC) - More than a He noted that Pope John Paul ing a visit to EI Salvador last an insecure position, despite be million people in Central Am II has called for U.S.-Soviet March and April. ing under tight restriction in negotiations on several recent erica have fled their homes be camps," he said. "Many Salva Statistics from the office of cause of the region's armed con occasions. He cited the pope's dorans seeking refuge have be the United Nations High Com October letters to U.S. President .flicts, and those displaced with come the victims of border inci missioner for Refugees show in their own country are .the Ronald Reagan and Soviet Presi dents in which Salvadoran 330,000 refugees in Central Am worst off, says a Rome-based dent Yuri A'ndropov, his World troops have been allowed to Day of Peace message, his Jan. Jesuit official familiar with the erica and Mexico. Of these, pursue refugees across the 245,000 have fled EI Salvador, 1 Angelus talk and his Jan. 14 problem. "The most serious problem in and 42,000 have fled Guatemala. border." talk to the diplomatic corps. Central America, primarily in He described the treatment of Father Campbell-Johnston said EI Salvador and Guatemala, is there are also between 500,000 refugees from Nicaragua as that of. displaced persons," said and a million displaced persons "much better." Jesuit Father Michael Campbell in Guatemala. "They are welcomed and some Johnston, head of the Jesuit "It's hard to help them be become part of the forces in Social Secretariat in Rome and cause travel into the interior is vading Nicaragua, forces which founder of the Jesuit Refugee difficult and dangerous. Most are funded and supported by the • are indigenous Indians," he Vnited States," he said, refer MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (NC) - A Service. "They are in need of food; added. Mass of Christian burial was ring to guerrillas opposed to celebrated Jan. 16 at Maryknoll clothing and shelter but can The U.N. statistics say that of the Nicaraguan government. for Sister Mary Paul McKenna, not receive aid from some inter those who have fled their na national organizations, such as .live countrie9, -about 120,000 95, of Reading, Pa., who led the first group of Maryknoll Sisters the United States, because they have sought asylum in Mexico, do not fit the definition of 70,000 are in Guatemala,' and to their pioneer mission assign 'refugee,''' he said. ment in China In 1921. another 130,000 are scattered in The U.N. recognizes as refu Honduras, Nicanigua, Costa She entered Maryknoll in 1917 A COLLECTION OF HELPFUL FLOOR and in 1921 headed six sisters gees only those who have fled Rica, Belize and Panama. Their. HINTS BY 'AL' GARANT their homeland for another sent to China. . treatment varies from country country. to country. They arrived in a country in Most of the displaced persons' FLOOR COVERING "The best-treated refugees are turmoil, with warlords preying have lost their possessions, in 30 CRAWFORD ST. those in Nicaragua, a country on the cities and' no government cluding government-issued iden (Runs parallel to South Main behind Ray's Flowers) capable of unifying the huge na tification 'papers, subjecting with few people and lots of FALL RIVER tion. Chou En-lai, a future them to arrest if stopped 'in the land," said Father Campbell • CARPETING • CONGOLEUM • CERAMIC TILE • ARMSTRONG premier, was a young revolution Johnston. "The government wel streets, said the Jesuit. 674-5410 comes them and gives them ary Marxist teacher in the south, Because many probably have citizen's rights, lands and sup and Mao Tse-tung, future leader fled from government troops, port." of the Communist revolution they are suspected of being and government, was just begin "Even the U.N., which is neu Mortgage & Home
ning to organize peasants In the against the government, and if tral, praises Nicaragua for what arrested, they risk joining those north. Improvement Money?
it does for refugees," he said. Beginning with rented quarters in Central America "who have Of Course!
and Mexico, with Costa Rica just disappeared," he said. in Hong Kong,. the sisters event long traditions of welcoming The Jesuit Refugee Service is ually had 22 missions in South refugees, are becoming less open China, including orphanages, a liaison between v.olunteer to them, said the Jesuit. workers and refugees. It cur dispensaries, homes for the blind, However, "the~e are a lot of creches for abandoned babies rently has regional offices in and the the Philippines, Africa Salvadoran refugees in Costa and formation programs for new to open Rica, and they are reasonably United States and plans Christians. are not in a Central American office in well treated. They Now Ii convenient offices After 25 years in China and June. oeamps and receive assis refugee including Seekonk &: Taunton. Hong Kong, Sister McKenna Father Campbell-Johnston said tance from the government," he was elected to her society's the Salvadoran government esti said. governing council. For the next mates displaced persons in El Regarding Mexico, "this is the 20 years she held various ad HOLY FAMILY ministrative posts, ~turning to Salvador at 300,000 but church first time that the country has say there are many officials been faced with receiving a RELIGIOUS Hong Kong in 1965. large number of poor, indigenous At age 90, she continued more. GIFT STORE "It's impossible to get accu Indians," said Father Campbell daily walks and attended theo 1223 STATE ROAD logy lectures. Growing old does rate figures," he said, "because Johnston. "Mexico is frightened ,. .:. , 1 WESTPORT MA not me~n the challenge should the refugees' are scattered and of the refugees from Guatemala f ~;. many are in hiding. Many un because they are afraid they will Located ne. go out of life, she said. J -,' LIncoln Park der the complete care of the stir up unrest among Mexican ~ Full L1nl Religious church and live in seminaries, Indians." •••••••••••••••• " ••••• 3 '/ i i 81ft Shop abandoned buildings and even In Honduras, treatment of 6CFr~ TEL 636·8482 refugees seems to depend on underground." ;~~\ GOD'S ANCHOR 1I0lDS OPEN MON.· SAT. ':30 A.M.· 8:00 P,M. "One mother told me that her the country from which they FRIDAY 1:00 P.M; two children have never seen come.
123 Broadway
Cornwell Memoria'
Chape', 'nc.
Priest describes refugee plight
Diredion of
Rev. J. Joseph Klerce
Author and Producer of
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Pioneer nun dead at 95
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-fri., Jan. 27, 1984
Power of attorney ByAm~,
and AnY.'
i ..· ...'
, 1)id you kn~w that you can 'b~come an "attorney" ~emporarily~t~out' going to law school? This may:happen if someone gives you a "power of attorney." . Another person' can authorize you' to act ,in his 6r her place, to do something he ,would ordinarily do himself. ~ :' The document containing this authorization is called a power of attorney. ''You, as the person with authority to act on behalf of another, are caMed an "attor ney in fact." You are ail I'agent" of this person, who is called the "principal." A power of attorney can be 'given not only to a person" but also a ~orporation. ,These agree ments are made for many rea
sons. Among the most common: 1) to appoint a guardian for an individual or a manager for an estate 2) to manage or control per sonal property '3) to buyor sel1 real' estate 4) to collect rents or handle oth'er financial matters ,5) to settle a claim for a per ,sonal injury , When the attorney in fact as sUples the authority to perform ~>ne of these acts, as authorized by the power of attorney, his act is as binding on the princi pal as if he performed the act himself. A power of attorney must be given in· writing, and it should set forth all the powers and du ~ties )of the attorney in 'fact'. It .may be general or special. A general pow,er gives the at-' torney in fact Ii broad kind of authority, for example, to: sell all the 1~lld the principal owns~ A .speciaI power, on the other hand'; grants: more speCific au thority, and puts"'limits on what the ,agent, shoul(J'"do. A~special power might ,authorize, the at torney, in fact to sell. a p,articular .piece of land -to: one particular person. A power can' also be pa,rtly gen,e.ral' and partly special., ,For example, an 'agent' might be given the power to sell a par ticuIar pi!,!ce of land to anyone. : Just about anyone who has the legal' capacity to' make Ii' contract ha,s '!h~ capacity to giv~ s~meone else a power of attor,
Iteering pOintl
ney. It used to'be the law that married women couldn't make contracts or give a power of at torney. That rule has, of course, changed. As you might expect, a child cannot grant a power of attor ney. Neither can a person so drunk or so completely under the influence of drugs that he or she didn't know what he was doing when he granted a power of attorney.' It is also a general/ rule that' persons who are men tally incompetent cannot create powers of attorney. The use of a power of attorney is very common in business. Situations arise concerning stock, simple transfers ':of interest or business deals in which it is convenient ,for a person on the scene 'to act for another. In some cases, the' law may require certain businesses to grant a power of attorney to' a state official. In' Massachusetts, for, example, fraternal benefit societies to obtain a license, must give a power of-attorney to'the Massachusetts Commissioner of Insurance. ~ ;' , Similarly, a' 'non-resident of Massachusetts"'coiiducting busi~ ness in the state ~ust appoint a Massachusetts resident to re ceive, the legal ,documen~ just mentioned. Transient vendors and mer 'chants who have rio permanent place of business in Massachu setts must appoint, the' Director of Standards I at the Bureau of
Consumer Affairs as an attorney if the attorney in fact has actual in fact: knowledge of the death or iIl _ There are three basic ways a ness. Therefore, if the attorney power of attorney may term i- in fact does not know his prin nate. first, the written agree_cipal has died or become. men ment may describe when and tally incompetent and he acts how the power will end. This as he was authorized to, in good is usually the case. The power faith, then the act will bind the might also terminate because 'principal and his heirs.' either the principal or the attorThree states, including Mas ney in fact refuses to fulfill his sachusetts, have passed a law or her obligation. 'In' many that allows creation of a power cases, the principal is allowed 'of attorney 'that does not end if to revoke~e power'given at any the' principal )ater becomes men time, for 8,ny reason. This may ,tally., incapacitated!Tl1is is be true even if the written docu- called, a durable power of at merit says the power catinot be' torney. Yo~ can make a power revoked: If it is the agent' 'who' of attorney durable, by spelling renounces the agreement, he ,olit in the document your inten should notify the' principal. 'And ' tiori'for the power to continue either the principal or ,the agent even if you later suffer a men might 'be)iable for damages, de- tal disability. This kind of power of attorney pending on,' the,' ,circumstances, for rev~king,~is ~gre~m~nt with- , maybe very. useful to a person who anticipates suffering some out good ~ason. Finally, termination may re- disability and wishes to set out suit by law, because of some the ways he wants, his .affairs change in circumstances. It is managed. Then, if he does suf a general rule that a power of' fer disability, ,!here will be one attorney created fof. 'a particular person making decisiqns and purpose ends when' that purpose man'aging m~tt~, rather than is achieved. The death, insanity •s~ver~l relatlv~s.. and business or mental in~mpetence of the assocIates quarrellflg over them, So a power of attorney can be principal autoplatically Elnds a power of attorney. In the last a very useful device if, you, want t~o examples,. the, principal canto delegate a simple task, - to not ~ct fo~ himself or herself ftave someone. else act, in your and IS conSidered-unable to au- place. And. if you are the, one thorize. someo~e else, to do granted the power, you can be somethmg he cannot. called ~n 'attorney, even if you're , The death or mental illness of not, a lawyer. , ' The Murphys practice law in a principal' in Massachusetts ends a power of attorney only Braintree. .
1ST. JULIE,N; DARTMQUTH First penance will'be received March 3. A Confirmation II instruction al sessIon will be held in the church hall at.7 p.m, Feb. l. MEMORIAL HOME" FR Activities today include cera mics, exercises and games. The rosary is recited at. 4:30 'p.m. daily in the chapel. ' ST. MARY, SEEKONK , The parish prayer group will join with area groJlPs today 'at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro.' ST.MARY,NB Names of new parishioners will appear 1n the parish bulle ,tin, beg~nning in -February, so ,that all may welcome newcom ers. '
ST. STANISLAUS, FR SCripture Study Course: ,planned for five Sundays during Lent, beginning March 18, 6:30 ,to 8 ,p,m.,' school hall. All wel- , come. , Registration for confirmation ;preparation class for 7th and 8th graders: following 10:30 a.m. Mass Feb. 12. Blood pressures taken the first full weekend of each 11)onth.
Continued from Page Seven NOTRE DAME,FR Women's Guild meeting: 7:30 ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN p,m. Jan. 30, Cottell Apts.' Cub pack meeting: 5:30 ,p,m. Kindergarten registration: 9 Sunday, church ball. a.m. to noon Jan. ,29; 'at other Couples' Club: potluck sup times by appointment, 672-546l. per 6:30 p.m. Sunday, school hall. SECULAR FRANCISCANS' ' FR ' PERMANENT DIACONATE St. Louis Fraternity 'meeting: Day of recollection: Feb. 5, 6:30 p,m, Feb. 8, St. Louis for deacons, candidates and Church, Fall River,. All wel", wives, Family toife' Center, come. North Dartmouth, beginning at 3 p.m. Guest speaker: Father ,OL VllCTORY; CENTERVILLE Mass will be 'offered at Cen John FoIster, pastor of St. terville Nursing Home 'at 2 p.m. SEPARATED/DIVORCED, Anne's Church, Fall River. today. All welcome. NB ST. LOUIS de, FRANCE, A, parish library is. being Meetings at 7:30 ,p,m. each 'SWANSEA" .", established. Donations' of reli- ,Sunday, Our Lady's Chapel,' 600 Coffee and' dou~~uts' will ,be gious books are welcome . and 'Pleasant St. ~\ Feb.• 5,. '!Divorce, may be left in the CCD center' You and the Courts," talk 'by served in the youth center fol Probation and Family, Service lOWing morning Masses ,this or the parish office. ·~unday. ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, Officer Carl Cruz; Feb. 12, lit urgy and social; Feb. 19, "FiDIOCESAN COUNCIL FR , , ' , 'nancial Plannipg for the' Sepa T,he Diocesan Council of , Adoration of the Blessed Sac- rated and Divorced," talk by Catholic Women will sponsor a rament: noo~, to 6 p,m.: Feb. -5:' Frances Caravana; Feb. 26, "The !fetreat March 2300 25 at the, ECUMENICAL SERVICE, Alcoholic and Separation 'clnd Family Life Center, North TAUNTON , Divorce," talk by ,a member of Dartmouth, with Father GeOrge Ten Taunton -clergymen will Alcoholics Anonymous. ' E. Harrison 'as retreat master. participate· in an' ecumenical ,Counseling aVailabie• every Information: Mrs. Raymond servjceat' 7 ;p~m. Jan. 29 'at Sunday evening; annulment in Lavoie, 672-6900. Memorial United, Methodist' formation session at 1 p.m. each • Church, Taunton. Father Robert Saturday. ST. ANNE, FR ,School ,regilltration this week S. Kaszynski of St. Stanislaus BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS fOr pari~hioners, the week of Church, Fall River, will be the Holy ,hour: 7to 8 p.m. Jan. 31, 'homilist, music will be by ,the F,eb. 6 fQr non-parishioners. 'host church and the ~ridgewater conducted by Father Alphonse ,An allrday Marriage Encoun State College Phoenix Choir McHugh, SS.CC., Sacred Hearts ter meetlng will ,take place :to and altar boys from St. Jacques Church, Fairhaven. Refresh morrow at the school. . Church, Taunton, will serve at ments to follow. All welcome. ST. JAMES, NB Exposition of Blessed Sacra the ceremony. Women of the ment: following 8 a.m, Mass to St. James Players organiza 'host church will serve refresh tional meeting: 2 p.m. ,Jan. 29, ments following ,the serviCe. 8:45 p,m. Feb. 3, Sacred Hearts AU welcome. ' ,parish 'hall. AU welcome. Church, Fairhaven.
School registra'tions: at the 'school Jan, 29 and Feb. 5 fol lowing 10:30 a.m. Mass. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET A Valentine season "heart ap preciation night" for parish vol unteers will be held Feb. 12, Information and reservations: religious education office. Parish Centennial Planning Committee meeting: 7:30 p,m, Jan. 30, rectory. All welcome.
Pro-life forces Continued from page one Right to Life Committee black -liaison, said she, supports Rea gan 'because "he ,is the only <:andidate we, have today who "-' support~ the right of the preborn child." Charging that there are genoci dal' aspects to the pro-abortion movement, Mrs., ,Craven ex pressed concern about' i'the' gross, exploitation, ,of poor wo men and women of ,color." Abol1tion, she said, is "the gross est form of child abuse and fam ily violence." Jean' Doyl~, NRLC president, said "we are hopeful that in the not-distant future some of the pro-abortion justices will be re placed ,by jurists who will re pudiate the discredited doctrine that the Constitution prohibits the states from protecting the -lives of unborn children." , The pro-life movement 'is not a prohibition-type movement, "
but rather, a civil rights move ment, Mrs. Doyle said. "Because when they tell you that abortion is' just a matter between a woman, and her doc tor - they're forgetting some one. And when they tell you that the decision whether to feed a Down's Syndrome newborn is a matter between parents and doctors, they're forgetting some- , one," she said. Douglas Johnson, NRLC legis lative director, sai~ the most re cent pro-life victory was ~n Nov~mber when the House re jected an attempt to pass the proposed Equal Rights Amend ment by a procedure which did not permit consideration of amendments. NRLC would withdraw its op position to ERA if an "abortion neutralization amendment" were included, he said, but without that amendment "it is unlikely that ERA will pass Congress."
-Firebomlls in Seattle
SATTTLE (NC) - Two fire bombs were hurled Jan. 22 into St. James Cathedral rectory, home of controversial Seattle Archbishop Raymond G. Hunt· haussen and six priests. The archbishop has drawn criticism in some quarters be· cause of his outspoken criticism of U.S. nuclear policy. 1UIlIIIIlIIII1II1I1II11lIllmllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllll1ll1llllUUllIlll1l1ll1l1l1I1l1I1lllUlUUu
On TV program .
Dolores Curran discusses families Can your family tell when a family argument is over? If it can, that's a good sign. Resolving a dispute, putting "closure" on it, is common in the healthiest of families, according to Dolores Curran, family edu cator, author and columnist who is syndicated to the Catholic press, including The Anchor. Interviewed on Christopher Closeup, a nationally syndicated weekly television program, she says that while researching her latest book, "Traits of a Healthy Family," she found "a definite pattern of reconciliation" in healthy families. "I would· ask individuals 'how do you know when a fight ends in your family?' and they were remarkable. In the healthy fami· lies they would all say the same things. For example, ,that 'every one comes out of their rooms.' Or, 'Mom asks does anybody want something to eat?' " A:fter a fjght, healthy families have a cooling off period and then the si.tuation is considered resolved, Mrs. Curran told her interviewers, Father John Catoir, director of The Christophers, and Jeanne Glynn, Christopher Close. up cohost. In ,less healthy families they "never put closure on it • . . they never resolve the dispute," she says on the program, to be broadcast Feb. 5. Mrs. Curran says she first surveyed a group of professionals and· asked them to choose from among' 56 traits ,the 15 they found that healthy families most often exhibited, in order to de velop the list described in her book, which has been nomina ted for a 1984 Christopher Award. Awards are presented annually to the writers, directors and producers of books, TV specials and films reflecting the
highest values of the human spirit. One of the most important traits spotted in healthy fami lies was good c0II!munication. . In families that are truly com municating "the number one hall mark I found was a balance of personhood between husband and wife. There was no clear boss," she says. Youngsters ask ed about who was boss in their families would answer by saying "both or "neither" or sometimes Mom, sometimes Dad." In addi,tion to fostering good communication and sharing re sponsibility, it was found that a healthy family supports fam ily members, teaches respect, de velops trust, has a sense. of hu mor, teaches right and wrong, has strong traditions, interacts among members, shares a reli gious core, respects privacy, values service to other, fosters family conversation, shares lei sure time and seeks help wj.th problems. The findings indicated that healthy families are not prob lem-free. But while they have problems they do not consider them to be signs of failure. "This was one of .the big sur prises in the book," says Mrs. Curran, an alumnus of the Uni versity of Wisconsin who has taken graduate studies at the Center for Parenting Education, Metropolitan State College (D~n ver). "In one generation, we've gone from the healthy family that hides its problems to the healthy family that doesn't expect to be perfect. It expects proble.ms, it admits to them, and it deals with them." . I In dealing with their problems, the healthiest families may reach out to relatives or church and community groups. They may also approach professionals - perhaps just to see whether
No one was injured in the in cident but damage, mainly from smoke, was estimated at $4,700. The bombs, one of which fail ed to ignite, were thrown through windows of a room at the rear of the rectory' used to store food bank supplies. It was esti· mated that $800 to $900 worth of food was rendered useless.
To be ordained
there . really is a problem or Trappist Brother Fred Stanton, whether the situation is normal. a former member of St. Joseph's Additionally, in healthy fami parish, Fairhaven, will be or lies problems are viewed as be dained to the priesthood March ing shared by the group while . 2 at the Abbey of the Genesee, in less healthy families "the Piffard, N.Y. He will serve at the problem usually belongs to one community's foundation in Ni person." geria. In Mrs.' Curran's opinion, not even the healthiest families have aU 15 traits. On the other hand, REBELLO'S
she believes every family. has N U RS ERYIN C .'
some strengths and they can be used to develop additional ones. "On The Cape"
is "What I like families to do take these 15 traits and priori· tiz~ them according to their own families. Something has to go first, second, third, fourth, and fifth and those are their strengths. So, if they're not com municating perhaps they have a good sense of humor. Then .they can use humor to start communicating." "I have great hope for the family;" says Mrs. Curran. She and her husband, Dr. James Cur ran (Director of Instruction Englewood Public Schools), re side in Littleton, CO, and are the parents of three children ages 21, 17 and 14.
Friday, Jan. 27, 1984
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Gas Heat Continues To Cost Less. Than Oil HeBt...And Thafs One Reason Thousands Have Changed In Grealer Fall River .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,' Jan. 27, 1984 .
on ,you'r
usee offers
';~ A.Leon' .. ,.a 31-year old ' . -frien~' Who is" a drug· coui,lselor, has not unusual storY told me·,the. t . . .. ~f B~cky, I'!Qt he~ re~l n,~~e.· ,
;" She would' like to be' rid of· all llrugs; but can't 'shake '_ her habits. In the course 'of counsel· t~g' her; '-Leon discovered. that, Becky, 'lit age '25, wAs, emotion·" ally a 15.year,-oid.. hi 'her ability to relate. to~rs, t.o adults and ~o authoritY' figures, she was also. at a. 15-ye~r-o}d I.eve!. .
Sometimes, as they become physical adults, they' do not mature emotionally or in their ability to relate to others. And so they can be, at the physical age· of 25, only' 15 years .old emotionally. In your:. question. you speak twice Of drinking beer. and smoking pot "once in a while." B~t you have no guarantee. that after you first experience' those pleasures Y9u. :will use. theI:D only "once in a while." '. J neir D;iemory wiiI, ,be tucked away in your head, and when the pressures of life bear down' on you,. you m~y· well seek them. . It may happen' that you not continlJ,e to use beer !lnd pot only "once in a whiie." You may find yourself' using ,them rather frequently"'~ and' you may not grow 'into' a' inily' ma ture person. During adoiescence I knew I ha$l some' seri,ous pto~ems; "1 sensed that I could seek escape in alcoIlol arid' g~t )nt9 .rea' trouble. So I deCided riot to touch the stuff until much later. That day did not come until I 'w~s '26. Looking back, I realize it was a wonderfldl:\{. h~pp~" aecision1: Ii 'also made I, me' realize 'it is possible to we'ather the. storms of adolescence' without drugs or beer. .
. Leon was pretty certain what, 11e 'would 'discover next.: '. ~ "At" what· age did' you "begin. smoking marijuana?'" he- asked' her.',... ; She thought, a' moment,. then replied, "I think I was abOut. 14' or 1 5 . " . ...' ,Leon has seen. this - phe~ome- ' non in quite a few young. men and women. In their teens' they . begin to depend on alcohol or gl8rijuana to blot out the·pi-Qb. lems of life, .such' 'as shyness,\or, insecUrity. Before' a partY they have a joint or several beer:,s so they can relax and feel ~t ease with their peers; Send COJDJDAmts and questions They never come to terms with the real reasons they feel to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. $hy or insecure.
In our schools
Bisbop Stang Last November a question Da1re went to recent Stang graduates asking. them to name what they considered the most positive aspect of the sc~. To, the delight of the faculty, a number singled' out their gratI· tude at being part of "a Chris· tian caring community· -while at Stang. .. .. .. The Paul A. Duchaine family has established'a $10,000 scholar ship to be given ,on the basis of financial need and scholastic ability to a Stang . graduate' at· , tending a Catholic, college. De-, tails ar~ available at the school's guidance office.
. . .
With the arrival of two. com· puters on campus, Stang will become the first dlocesmn high to computerize Its buSiness of· fice records. Also to be compu terized Is the guidance depart ment, which wili be enabled to offer speedy service to students
'media parley
. Bishop Feehan·
. Q. Is J~.aU .rgIlt to drink beer or smoke pot Just once In. 8 WhOe If you. don't get hooked on it? Are we really too young to hanClle' it' even once in a ~e? (New York)" ".. . '. . '
The longer we -live the more fending. Someone said, "I prefer the company of those who differ we understand that no person ~rom me. They are more inter·' liveth to himself. We can't help Bedford needy, winding up with esting and challenge me to but feel the claim of everything human on our sympathy and think." , a carload of donations. I think such people practice service where able. kindness and mutual forbear Farewell to Lucille Brassard, ance. Does Christianity consist guidance department secretary, only, in the perception of faults, retiring' after many' years at in -love only for those who agree Stang; Her replacement is Mrs. with us? Is it blind to the merits Joan ·Dias. of those who disagree? SQme times I wonder; , Is charity a virtue only when WASHINGTON (NC) - The we are its objects? Our Father U.S. Catholic' Conference De Feehanite Pamela Harrop has, diffuses his love to the. far cor·' been named by the U.S. Achieve: ners of the earth. He gives hope partment of Communication will mtmt Academy as a national to all and faith and charity, her sponsor a conference'March 15 '17 at Catholic University, Wash award winner in speech and inseparable companions. , ington, on "Electronic Media, drama, based 'on her scholarship, It's been said there is an es Popular Culture ~ and Family citizenship' and positive. attitudes sentia1 . unity in that Kingdom at the Attleboro high school. . which 'is not 'of this world. We Values." Her biography and photograp~ often think of that. kingdom as The conference involve will appear in. a ' forthcoming a mighty state with'room for
about 100 participants, who will academy yearbook. . endless variety. The unity con !liscuss the effects of media on sists .in the one object of wor popular culture, ·their impact on ship, the' one' source of virtue; family values, ~nd ways. to the one" cementing principle' of media coniitructively' in 'family alwimlnews,' .Walsh Coll~e mutual love. . .... . life.. reports that '83 graduate Johri , I~: nature beauty is endlessly v; Biigande' was' an usher at' a The' goal of the parley is to dedication liturgy" recentIy held diverse. Why assutrie' that· in a recommend ways the U.S,-·Cath is' to religious soCiety thi's law In the college's new . 'chapel. olic Church can assist families be reversed?' The human mind Among liturgy participants was to become active and critical in being what it is men and women another Connolly "graduate," using the media at' home. r~ligious' opinions 'will differ in' Brother Theodor~ Letendre, for '·4' . and, observances.. I know peo· merly a 'guidanee counselor at . In, addition to broadcast ana , pie who agree' on hardly any ~ Fall River' school. thing, yet they are .the closest of cable, TV programming, the con·' friends. Who knows but that if ference will discuss use of video they agreed they ·would find tapes" -video games and home compuiers. ~ach other .~retty. duH? ,We can· h!lve, strong. feelings _ Participants ,will include edu ~ cecllla' Bel~er and convictions ab9ut what we cators,' family life, ministers, re '. l, . The W:ise, Man says th~t for believe" y~t we must also have lig~ous education, . prof~~sionals, everv labor under the sun there a 'calm JRct"gm!;)nt. 'not to be too social ministry. directors and ·is a. time.. There .is. a time for precipitate in judging others who representatives of public interest ,be~ring iest~mony and for de· believe. differe~t~y. g~oups.. councilors and Robert Massowl who In four days organized '8 hat and mitten drive for New
• • •
mind? /.
. ..•. .
seeking college and/or career Information. Among recent achievements: senior Carolyn 'Costigan won first place in the suburban cate gory of a New Bedford Standard Times essay contest on· Martin Luther King; second. place was captured by ~ophomore Paul Cor· reia; juniors Kathleen King, Elizabeth Makin, Richard Mun· son and Amy Roderick have been nominated to attend the Massachusetts Advanced Stud· ies Program at 'Milton Academy this summer; and Anne " Marie Treadup is Stang's nominee to the annual HughO"Brian Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar. .. .. The last of four freshman re treats will take place Feb. I ,at the Diocesan Family Life Center.
Also on Feb. 1 is the annual FaH Sports Awards Night, to begin at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. '
• • •
Congratulations go to student
]~i~hop'CQ,n'nQny' , IP
ONLY, ONE other song in history - John Len non's "Imagine" - ' zoomed to the top of the charts as quickly as Paul McCartney's and Mi chael Jackson's "Say Say Say," The McCartney-Jackson song hit No. 20 its first week on the charts, two below Lennon's all time record. pop-c~art
By Charlie Martin
SAY SAY SAY Say, say say what you'want But d()D't play games with my affeet10n Take, take, take ~hat you need All alone I sit home by the phone waiting for you baby But don't leave me with DO direction Through the years how can you stand to hear me '. Pleading for you dear You know' I'm crying GOb, ooh, oo~ oob, 0011. ,Now go, go, go where you want But don't leave me here forever You, you, you stay away So long girl I see you never What can I do Girl to get through to you 'Cause I love you baby Standing here baptized In an my tears' Baby through the years , You know I'm crying oob, ooh, ooh, oob, oob. You never ever wor:x-Y And yOUi never shed a tear You're saying that my leve ain't real Just look at my face These tears ain't drying. You, you, you Can never say that I'm the one Who really loves you I pray, pray, pray evr'y day That you'll see things Girl like I do Written ~d recorded by Paul McCartney ami Michael Jackson, (c) 1983 byMPL Communications Inc. - Mijac Music
The song's appeal seems to lie mostly in the McCartney Jackson combination. But I'd ,like to comment on a few of its ideas. The song describes a one· . sided and directionless relation· ship. Such relationships inevi· tably lead to pain and hurt. Healthy 'love is based on mutual respect and actions that indi cate the value of the other per son is recognized. Sometimes people get involved in a relationship that simply isn't going to lead to commit ment and real love. Eventually they find their affections being misled and their feelings abused. We' are never meant to be .trapped' in such a ~elationship. As gently as possible, try to close the door on it. By valuing and believing in themselves, youths can find the resilience and promise for a better future. Your comments are aIlways wel'com.ed. Please address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rother woo Ave., EvansvUIe, IN, 47714.
By Bill Morrisse"~ /
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office - ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: C-suitable for gen eral viewing; PC-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for eyo Hockey Race Tightens adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4--separate classification Mansfield and Fall River South roll and John Allaire each got (given to films not morally offensive were victorious in Bristol two goals, Jack Reid one for Which, however, require some analysis County Cya Hockey League New Bedford. The loss dropped and explanation); Q.:-morally offensive.
New Bedford from a second place tie with South and Mans field to fourth place, four points of the pace. Next Sunday's games in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, starting at 9 pm., have New Bedford vs. Fall River North and Mansfield vs. Fall River South. The standings: Fall River North 8-3-2 (won, lost, tied), Mansfield 8-5-0, New Bedford 6-6-2, Somerset 1-11-2. Goals for and against - Fall River North 60-52, Mansfield 59-35, Fall River South 66-56, New Bedford 62-58. Somerset 29-69.
Upcoming eyO Events Entries now being accepted for the 25th CYO CheerIeading Competition to be held Sunday afternoon March 4, in the Kennedy CYO Center, New Bedford. Competition will be held in three divisions: grammar schools, open to all cheerleading squads from southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island; high school junior varsity and ninth grade teams; senior Cya and high school varsity. Trophies will go to the first three squads in each division. Entry forms may be obtained
from Cya CheerIeading, 1335 North Main Street, Fall River 02720. Deadline is Feb. 24. The Father Donovan CYO Scholarship A'll-Star hockey game, a highlight of the hockey season in the. diocesan area, is set for Thursday evening, March 29, in the Driscoll Rink. . The game benefits the CYO Scholarship Fund which has given $38,000 in! scholarship aid to area students since its in ception 24 years ago. A new $6,000 scholarship will be available in June 1985.
Stang Hoopsters In Strong Pennant Bid Entering this week's play the Spartans of Bishop Stang High School were still in first place in Division Two Southeastern Massachusetts Conference basketball, undefeated in six conference games. As second-half play begins tonight Stang is host to Fairhaven, Coyle-Cassidy is at Dartmouth, Wareham at Greater New Bedford Yoke-Tech and Old Rochester at Dennis-Yarmouth. The only undefeated team in Division One is Durfee High of Fall River, also 6-0 in conference. The' HiHtoppers, who had lost 11 straight times to New Bedford since 1978, turned the tables on the Whaletowners last Friday night defeating New Bedford 58-54 for their 12th victory against no losses overall. In second-half openers tonight, Durfee is host to Bishop Connolly High, Bishop Feehan
High visits Falmouth, Barnstable is at Attleboro and Somerset at New Bedford. Games launching the Division Three second-half tonight have runnerup Dighton-Rehoboth (4-1) at Holy Family High, pace-setting Westport (5-1) at Case and Bourne at Diman Yoke. Feehan's Kevin Landry is mak ing a strong bid for top individ ual scoring honors in Division One. In the first five games he had 107 points for a 21.4 aver age but Durfee's Brian O'Neil was the leader with 109 points and a 21-8 average. Chris Lamb of Coyle-eassidy was the leader in Division Two with 102 points averaging 20.4. Rick Munson of Stang was fourth with an average of 15.2. Overall John DeLude of Holy Family ranked seventh with 137 points in nine games for a 15.2 average. Munson was 11tho
Hockomock League Notes At the end of last week's play Oliver Ames and Sharon, each 8-1, were tied for first place in Hoc\<omock League girls' basketball while Foxboro, 7-1, was set~ing the pace in the boys' b~sketball' with Stough ton, 7-2, in second place. Games tonight are' Mansfield
tv, mOVIe news Norris H. Tripp •
games last Sunday and climbed to within two points of idle pace-setting Fall River North in the league standings. Two goals each by Tony DiFilipo and Rick Webster sparked Mansfield's 6-1 victory over Somerset, whose only goal was by Mike Nawrocki. Mike Cassidy and Mike Holleran accounted for the other Mansfield goals. In its fifth consecutive victory Fall River South defeated defending champion New Bedford, 8-5. Paul Hogan and Brian falumbo each scored three goals, Rory Couturier, Dave Paquette one each for South. John Car-
THE ANCHOR Jan. 27, 1984
at Foxboro, Sharon at Canton, King Philip at Stoughton, North Attleboro at Oliver Ames. The schedule in girls' basketball is the same with home teams re versed except in the Mansfield at Foxboro setup the girls' game is set for 6 p.m., to be followed by the boys' game.
NOTE Please cheek dates and times of television and radio programs against local &t iogs, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Aqchor. New Films "Angel" (New World): The ad
copy, "High school honor stu dent by day, HoHywood hooker by night," tells you all you need to know about this dismal effort about a young prostitut~ who helps a detective catch a pyscho-. pathic killer. Because of nudity, graphic sex, and violence, it is rated O,.R. "Hot Dog" (MGM-UA): This is a kind of Animal House on skis; rivalry between clean-cut, hon est - if lecherous - American skiers and some sneaky and un sportsmanlike Europeans mak ing for a mindless diversion fea turing action on the slopes by day and in hot tubs by night. Rated 0, R because of nudity.
"The Riddle of the Sands" (Satorl): It's 1901 and nothing stands between England and a nefarious stratagem of the Kaiser to sneak hundreds of barges of soldiers across the channel from Friesland - nothing but two young Oxford men, one an ec centric yachtman, the other a bit of a fop, but both first-rate once the gOiI1g gets tough. Alas, it never gets tough enough. Mi chael York and Simon Mlic Corkindale do their best, but -can't save a lanquid movie that lacks even a good villain. Jenny Agutter is wasted 'in the role . of a traitor's daughter. A, PG FUm on 1V Wednesday, Feb. 1, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "The Final Conflict" (1981) - The dreary conolusion to the dreary "Omen" trilogy, "The Final Conflict" shows the Antichrist (Sam Nenl) at last going down for the count. Sex, violence, and 'absurd and distort ed theology. 0, R Religious Broadcasting - 1V Each Sunday, 10:30 a.m., WLNE, Channei 6, Diocesan Television Mass.' Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Churcltt New Bedford: 12:15 p.rn. each Sunday on radio station WJFD FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on tele vision Channel 20. Mass Monday to Friday every week, 11:30 a.m. to noon. WXNE, Channel 25. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Tnunan Taylor and having as permanent
participants 'Father Peter N. Gra ziano, diocesan director of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. "Breakthrough," 6:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 10, a pro gram on the power of God to touch lives, produced by the Pastoral Theological Institute of Hamden, Conn. ''The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27. '"MarySon," a family puppet show with moral and spiritual perspective 6 p.m. each Thurs day, FaH River and New Bed ford cable channel 13. "Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Larkin, 6 p.m. each Monday, cable chan nel 35. Each Sunday (SPN) "World Report" - NC News weekly reo port on religious, ethical and moral concerns. Sunday, Jan. 29, (ABC) "DireetIOM" - Religion in the news. Sunday, Jan.- 29, (CBS) "For Our Times" - Tribute to the late Father Alexander Schme-' mann, fonner dean of St. Vladi mir Orthodox Seminary. On Ra4io Charismatic programs ,are heard from Monday through Fri day on station WICE 1210 AM; Father John Ran~iJ, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 pm.; Father Ed ward McDonough, 8-12 a.m.; Father Real Bourque. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. -Sunday, Jan. 29, (NBC) "Guideline" Interview with country-western singer Jeannie C. Riley.
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durinI M3D
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n5-418O John & Mary Lees. Props.
102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass.
Tel. 674-4881 Do.n~ &.1 "IM'~ •• (0"'0 •• " .
,•.•.•• 'II 'e.'''' \'."'9'.
Howard C. Doane Sr. Howard C. Doane Jr.
Gordon l. Homer
Robert l. Srudley
HYANNIS 715·0114
South Yarmouth 311·2201,
Harwich Port U2-GSn
31fz ~ODm· Apartment
41fz ~oom Apartment
Includes beat, bot water, stove re
frigerator and maintenance service.
H.. ·RILEY & SON, Inc.
"ServIng the Community Since 1813" ~itiel
Service Petroleum Products Gasoline & Diesel Fuels Fuel OUI liquified Petroleum Ga.
Stewart-Warner Winkler
Heating & Cooling
24-HolUr Burner Service
Attleboro..,.. No. Attleboro
WARWICK, 1.1. (It. III loutll· AIrport lilt)
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