Friday, January 27, 1995
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
$11 Per Year
Bishop 0 'Malley, diocesan priests at funeral
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy: a strong spiritual force HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (CNS) - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, who died of pneumonia Jan. 22 at the age of 104, at the Kennedy family compound in Hyannis Port, was the spiritual force behind the Kennedy family that produced America's only Catholic president. In the tragedies that filled her life - among them a son killed in war, two sons assassinated, a daughter killed in a plane crash and a daughter who was mentally retarded - Mrs. Kennedy often referred to her Catholic faith as her source of strength. "I've learned to be brave and put my faith in the will of God," she said after President John F. Kennedy, her second son, was assassinated. On her 89th birthday in 1979 she wrote, "Every day, all my life, wherever I am, I have gone to Mass. I believe very deeply in the power of prayer and the grace of God." At a party for her 100th birthday in 1990, youngest son Sen. Edward M. Kennedy called her "the quiet at the center of the
storm, the anchor of our family, the safe harbor to which we always came." Kennedy, in a statement announcing her death Jan. 22, said: "She had a long and extraordinary life and we loved her deeply. To all of us in the Kennedy and Fitzgerald families, she was the most beautiful rose of aiL" Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston said Mrs. Kennedy "has exercised an influence on this whole nation" through her "deep and lasting influence on her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren." "Members of her fa~ily have served their country in many ways from the White House to the Congress to diplomatic posts to heroic dedication to the disadvantaged and to the unborn," Cardinal Law said. Mrs. Kennedy was waked at her home in Hyannis Port. Her funeral took place at St. Stephen's Church in Boston, where she was baptized July 24, 1890, when she was two days old. Turn to Page Two
MARCHING FOR LIFE: The group of diocesan pilgrims joins the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 23. (Hickey photo)
Pro-lifers re-energize at annual March By Marcie Hickey with eNS reports March for Life participants have always had a strong sense of direction. Their annual route takes them past the buildings which house the nation's critical decision-making processes, down a street named for the principl1es America holds most dear: On Constitution Ave., the March moves through the heart of the nation's capital, as marchers seek to move the hearts of the nation. Any concerns that recent clinic violence would overshadow the March or detract from its message were allayed as it became an occasion for participants to display their commitment to peaceful dem-
onstration and for leaders to appeal for truth and healing in a nation wounded by violence of all kinds, abortion inclUded. The Washington Post put it succinctly with a headline that noted thousands marched "against abortion and violence." Crowd estimates quoted in various media ranged from 45,000 to 125,000. At the pre-March rally on the Ellipse, Nellie Gray, the annual event's unflappable organizer, said she had received phone calls and letters from abortion advocates requesting she cancel this year's March. Kate Michelman, president of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, implied that such gatherings pose a danger to well-meaning people
on both sides of the abortion debate. "You know I wasn't going to [cancel)," Miss Gray told the rally crowd. "We can't abandon the mothers and children." Nellie Gray was not concerned about how marchers would conduct themselves, because "she knows her people," said Marian Desrosiers, who organized the Fall River diocesan pilgrimage to the March ... After 22 years she knows the heart of the pro-life movement as a movement of peace. "We are at a crossroads in the whole pro-life movement," added Mrs. Desrosiers, assistant to Diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate director Father Stephen A. Fernandes. Turn to Page II
Pope to travel "as long as God permits" VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul 11 ended a Jan. 12 to 21 visit to Asia and Australia disappointed by a snub from Sri Lankan Buddhists, but proving he has the physical stamina to continue being an itinerant preacher. He told reporters he plans this year to mak(: up for canceled visits to Belgium and the United Nations, as well as visiting Africa to formally close last year's special African synod and the Czech Republic for a beatification. After World Youth Day in
Manila and a message of encouragement to Catholics in China, the rest of his trip centered on the first beatifications in Papua New Guinea, Austra.lia and Sri Lanka. He began the visit to Colombo, Sri Lanka, by reaching out to Buddhists offended by his bestselling book. Buddhist leaders boycotted his meeting with leaders of Sri Lanka's non-Christian faiths because of the pope's answers to a question about Buddhism in tne book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope."
The book described Buddhist philosophy and practice as largely "negative" because of its emphasis on detachment from the world. It called the religion atheistic because the believer's goal is not union with God, but nirvana - the state of perfect detachment. In a later speech to Sri Lanka's Catholic bishops, the pope said interreligious dialogue and cooperation are needed "to promote respect for human life and concern for honesty and integrity in all Turn to Page 16
R,ose Fitzgerald Kennedy
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 27,1995
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Continued from Page One Thousands stood outside the North End church on Jan. 24 to pay their last respects to Rose Kennedy. Admission to the church was by invitation only. ' The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Boston Cardinal Bernard Law. Bishop Sean O'Malley was a concelebrant, as were 15 other priests, including Very Rev. John A. Perry, pastor of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville, and Rev,JohnJ. Perry, Our Lady of Victory parochial vicar; Rev. James M. Fitzpatrick, parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, where the pew where President John F. Kennedy worshiped when he was on . Cape Cod is marked with a small plaque; and Rev. Donald A. MacMillan, SJ, chaplain at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, whose family has a longstanding friendship with the Kennedyfamily. F ATHER EDMOND LEVESQUE The priests from Our Lady of Victory had ministered to Mrs. Kennedy during her long illness, a service acknowledged by Sen. Edward Kennedy during his eulogy for his mother. Father John A. Perry was asked to read the Gospel at the funeral Mass. St. Anthony of Padua parish, san marriage tribunal, chaplain of A Long Life New Bedford, will celebrate pastor St. Isidore the Farmer Council of the oldest daughMrs. Kennedy, Father Edmond R. Levesque's40th the Knights of Columbus of Westter of John Francis·"Honey Fitz" anniversary of ordination at a ban- port and Dartmouth, and director Fitzgerald, who was a state legislaquet at Venus de Milo restaurant, and chaplain at the former St. tor and U.S. representative before Swansea, noon to 4 p.m. Feb. 19. Vincent de Paul Camp in Westport. becoming mayor of Boston in 1906, Of Father Levesque's years at Bishop Sean O'Malley will be presgraduated with honors from high ent at a Mass of celebration at • St. Vincent's, which he combined school at the age of 15. Her parwith assignments first at St. George 10:30 a,m. Sunday, March 5, at St. ents thought her too young for coland then at Our Lady of Grace Anthony's. A reception will follow. lege, so she took music lessons at parishes in Westport, he said his Father Levesque, pastor of St. the New England Conservatory Anthony's since 1990, was ordained fondest memories are of the excepand studied at the Convent of the tional and underprivileged children Feb. 2, 1955 by Bishop James L. Sacred Heart in Boston before Connolly at St. Mary's Cathe'dral, ser~ed at the camp. "I really missed attending Manhattanville College that apostolate," he said. Fall River. of the Sacred Heart in Purchase, He ha's a reputation as a priest A Fall River native, he is one of 10 children of the late Desire and who has personally done a great N.Y. She also studied at a convent the late Elise (Albert) Levesque. deal of construction and repair finishing school in'the Netherlands, Among his brothers was the late work in every parish where he has where she became fluent in French, Father Arthur C. Levesque who served. Currently he is endeavorlearned some German and Italian, retired as pastor of Our ,Lady of ing to put St. Anthony of Padua in Fatima parish, New Bedford, a shipshape condition for its upcom- and developed a love for opera. Back in Boston she was often month before his death May 19, ing I OOth anniversary in September hostess for her father's political 1988. Another brother, Brother of of this year. The pastor is also chaplain for and social events and also taught Christian Instruction Richard Levesque, lives in retirement at his Council St. Antoine-de-Padoue catechism in Boston's North End slums. community's provincial house in No.3 of Union St. Jean Baptiste, a She met Joseph P. Kennedy -Alfred, Maine. , division of Catholic Family Life during high school. In 1914, the Father Levesque studied at As- Insurance, ofwhich he has been a member for 38 years. In the fall of year that he became the nation's sumption College, Worcester, and youngest bank president, they were St. John's Seminary, Brighton. Fol- 1993 the organization named him married by Boston's Cardinal Willowing ordination, he was paroch- a "top fraternalist" in New Engliam O'Connell. ial vicar at St. George, Westport, land, calling him "the cornerstone With holdings in banking, stocks, until 1973, then pastor at Our of the council's fund raising activireal estate, liquor and films, Kenties" and "a workaholic for good Lady of Grace, Westport, until nedy amassed a fortune that was 1982. He was pastor at St. There- causes" who "singlehandedly cooks worth an estimated $500 million hundreds of chickens and other sa's, South Attleboro, until 1990. by the 1980s. In 1937 he was made Over the years he has also served delicacies for council events." It U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, on the diocesan personnel board, added that he is "a remarkable a post he quit in 1941 because of as a notary and judge on the dioceman of God and of the people." his opposition to U.S. involvement in World War II. The Kennedys' children were WASHINGTON (CNS)-Dou- the catechism's availability, which Joseph in 1915, John in 1917, bleday has gained exclusive U.S. Rosemary in 1919, Kathleen in is the church's intent," said Msgr. 1920, Eunice in 1921, Patricia in mass-market and gift edition rights Robert N. Lynch< general secre1924, Robert in 1926, Jean in 1928 for the "Catechism of the Catholic tary of the National Conference of Church." and Edward in 1932. Catholic Bishopsand U.S. Catholic At home Mrs. Kennedy encourThe catechism, which came out Conference. aged disciJssions of religion, poliin English in June 1994, already . The "Catechism of the Catholic tics and literature and organized has 2.3 million U.S. copies out in Church," a project begun in 1986, competitive games, creating the hardcover and trade-paperback was first issued in French in 1992 and has since come out in German, atmosphere of informality and editions. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Engnonstop energy that became a part Doubleday plans to put its millish and a number of other lanof the Kennedy legend as her sons lion-copy first printing ofthe massguages. entered politics one after another. market edition on sale in' early In 1944 Joseph Jr. died in EngIn· addition to its mass-market April. editions of the catechism, Dou- la'1d on a bombing mission, and in A trade paperback typically uses bleday plans simultaneously to 1948 daughter Kathleen died in a larger pages and more expensive publish rack-sized gift editions in plane crash. paper and binding than a massSpanish and English. An audio In 1946 the Kennedys formed market paperback. edition is due out on cassette this the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foun"The Dou,bleday mass-market summer by BOD audio, a sister dation to help the mentally reeditions will dramatically expand publishing division of Doubleday. tarded, memorializing their oldest
Father Levesque celebrating 40 years, ,of priesthood
Another catechism edition planned
son and seeking to help others like their daughter Rosemary. In a Catholic press interview a month before her son's presidential election, Mrs. Kennedy talked at length about the place of the faith in her family's life. She said the children had to pay attention at Mass on Sundays because at dinner every Sunday evening she would ask them to explain that day's Gospel and other things, such as what color vestments the priest wore and why. "All of my boys were altar boys. Bobby served when he was so tiny that he could hardly lift the book," she said. She was given the title of ceuntess by Pope Pius XII in 1951 in recognition of her work for the church. She said that earlier, when the family was living in Engl,md, the pope gave son Edward his ::irst Communion. "I believe Ted was the first American child to rec'eive his first Communion from a reigning pontiff," she said. She also complained during that 1960 interview that on the campaign trail she found it hard to maintain her lifelong routine of daily Mass with no evening Masses available. "In Paris three churc:hes have evening Masses daily," she said. "When one is iny age [then 70], one doesn't feel too peppy early in the morning. I hope to see the day we have daily evening Masses at churches in this coumry." Mrs. Kennedy; who since 1.984 had to use a wheelchair because she suffered a stroke, had 30 grandchildren, several of whom have begun political careers in recent years, and 41 great-grandchild reno
Louis Gendrea.u
Father Richard R. Gendreau, pastor of St. Michael's parish, Swansea, was principal celebrant, Bishop Sean O'Malley pre!jded and many priests of the diocese were concelebrants at the Ja:f1. 25 Mass of Christian Burial for Louis "Pete" Eymard Gendreau, 82" the pastor's father, who died Jan. 22. Born in Fall River, Louis Gendreau was a member of Notre Dame parrsh in the city, where his Mass was celebrated. The son of the late Albias Gendreau and the late Marie-Luce (Dumont) Gendreau, he is survived by his wife, Blanche (Pr.:>ulx) Gendreau; by another son, Roger Gendreau, also of Swansea; by three brothers, Frank Gendreau of Fall River, Lucien Gendreau of Swansea, and Bernard Gendreau of Port Charlotte, Fla.; two sisters, Jeannette Landry and Lucille Guerette, both of Fall River; grandsons, nieces and nephews. Retired for nearly 20 years, he had worked in Fall River c()tton mills and in retirement was a <:rossing guard at the intersection of Eastern Ave. and New Boston Rd. in Fall River. 1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111dllllllili THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 88i Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass, 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Missouri TV, radio spots get pro-life message out
FATHER ~OSEPH Oliveira, retiring pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes pansh, Taunton, center, stands with Rev. James Ferry, temporary administrator of the parish, and Bishop Sean O'Malley, at celebration honoring the veteran pastor.
Crowded church honors retiring Taunton pastor Fattier Joseph Oliveira, retiring pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton, was'honored Sunday, Jan. 15, at II a.m. Mass, of which Bishop Sean O'Malley was celebrant. Father Douglas SOllsa, parochial vicar of St. Anthony's parish, also in Taunton, and a native of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, was the homilist. He spoke to a standingroom-only congregation. Following the Mass, some 400 parishioners, family and friends, representing Our Lady of Lourdes parish as well as St. Anthony's, Taunton, and St. Michael's, Fall
River, at both of which Father Oliveira had served, gathered at the Venus de Milo restaurant in Swansea for a retirement dinner. Father Oliveira's nephew, Father Daniel Reis, parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception parish, New Bedford, was guest speaker at the dinner. He spoke of the 45 years of dedicated service of Father Oliveira, and of the retiring pastor's great generosity to him as a young priest, and to others throughout the years. Father Oliveira, a lover of classical music, was presented with a CD player and a recliner to enjoy in retirement.
Pope Pius XI award ALLENTOWN, Pa. (CNS) The National Coalition of Clergy and Laity has given its annual Pope Pius XI Award to Frank and Sue Castaldi of Berwyn. The award commemorates the anniversary of Pope Pius' 1929 encyclical on the Christian education of youth, "Divini I1Iius Magistri." It is given to a person or married couple who defends and advances the encyclical's principles. According to an announcement by the coalition, the Castaldis have informed parents of "the dangers of unsuitable curricula in Catholic
Prayer services set "Embracing the Mystery," a service of prayer and healing sponsored by the Diocesan Office of AIDS Ministry, will be offered at St. Peter the Apostle Church, Provincetown, at 2 p.m, Sunday, Jan. 29; and at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, at 2 p.m. Sunday,.Feb.26. The services are open to persons living with HIV / AIDS, their families, friends, loved ones and all others concerned with this matter. Further information is available from the AIDS Ministry office, tel. 674-5600, ext. 2295.
schools as well as dubiously Catholic practices in parishes." For many Catholics the Castaldis also are a source for books, tapes and catechismS made available free of charge, the coalition said.
nn style "Bravery never goes out of fashion."-William Makepeace Thackeray
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.(CNS) - A Missouri pro-life group called the Vitae Society knows the power of video and audio and is using the mediums to change minds and save lives. The society cites studies that showa marked shift to the pro-life side of the abortion debate after its use of television and radio spots in four Missouri media markets. A Springfield-Branson market poll showed·a 16 percent shift in attitudes from support of legal abortion to a position favoring protection of the unborn. The analysis showed the greatest shift occurred among the ads' target 'audience of people ages 1834, but the survey crossed all lines of age, gender, denomination and marital status in the disagreement expressed with the statement that "abortion is a woman's personal choice." Vitae Society creator Carl Landwehr of Jefferson City asserted that the shift is significant because the 18-34 age group grew up without much moral guidance - or with "no guard rails," as he put it in an intervi(:w with The Catholic Missourian, diocesan newspaper. A separate Springfield-Branson study found a 10 percent increase in those who said they were bothered by abortion; 8 percent more said they were pro-life; and 14 percent of those ages 18-34 changed from support to opposition to legal abortion after seeing Vitae's TV spots. The TV campaign includes spots that show a woman who says she was "pro-choice" but who, when she became pregnant, changed her mind, and another woman who expresses regret at having had an abortion and wonders what might have happened had she not. Companion radio eommercials expand the messages. "In mid-Missouri 56 percent of the citizens who identify themselves as 'pro-choice' are vehemently opposed to abortion," Landwehrsaid. M'oreover, according to an Alan Guttmacher Institute study, Missouri is leading the nation in the rate of decline of abortions, down 29 percent between 1988 and 1992, , Landwehr said. In bigger Missouri markets, Vitae spends $800 for an ad during drive-
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time radio orTV news broadcasts, and in smaller Missouri markets, $200-$300 for a TV spot and $20$30 for a radio spot. The society ran a $750,000 ad campaign last fall. In a recent
mailing, Vitae hoped for an additional $40,000 in donations to buy TV and radio ad time for University of Missouri, St. Louis University and Southwest Missouri State basketball and football games.
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Communicate: Health! A Month of Healthy Learning at Saint Anne's. Nutrition: What kids need . . . . Support group for caregivers of to make the grade ~termlnally III patients· Explore the important link • Tuesdays, February 7, 14, between nutrition and learning. 21 & 28 Presented by Anne Marie C. .6:00 to 7:30 pm Sabula, A.D., L.D.N., Nutrition • Hampton Inn Education Specialist, New Westport MA England Dairy and Food Council. Contact Mary'Peerson t • Wednesday, February 1 at Hospice Outreach at o 3:30 to 5:00 pm (508) 673.1589. o Nannery Conference Diabetes education and Room support group· Cost is $5 for the general public "Stretches and Flexes" and $15 with contact hours for presented by Michelle health care workers. Contact the St. Laurent, Registered Physical Education Department at Therapist and Tammy Mullensky, (508) 674·5600, ext. 2480. Physical Therapist Assistant. o Tuesday, February 14 Natural family planning 06:00 to 7:00 pm The Sympto·Thermal Method of o Room #CH128 Natural Family Planning is afour Pre·registration is not required. session course. Contact Maria Cabrales, RN at o Sunday afternoons & (508) 674·5600, ext. 2390. Tuesday evenings The first session is free. Materials New diagnosis breast group· will cost $40. Contact the o Tuesdays, February 7 & 21 Education Department at o 2:00 to 3:30 pm (508) 674,5600, ext. 2480. o Nannery Conference Room Sunday senior luncheon Contact Ann Mitchell, MSW, Buffet lunch to be followed by L1CSW at (508) 674·5600, apresentation entitled 'Pain ext. 2270 or Susan O'Brien, RN Managemenf by Dr. Rene at (508) 674-5600, ext. 441. Boucher, Anesthesiologist. Pre·registration is required. . . . . Breast cancer support group for o Sunday February 12 ~women with breast cancer that o 12:00 n~on to 1:30 pm has recurred· o Education classroom 0Wednesdays, February 1, 8, . $40 .' 15&22 Th ere IS a . 0charge for thiS program which includes lunch 02:00 to 3:30 pm and the presentation. 0Room #CH128 Contact the Food & Contact Ann Mitchell, MSW, Nutrition Department at L1CSWat (508) 674·5600, (508) 674-5600, ext. 2635. ext. 2270 or Susan O'Brien, RN at (508) 67~·5600, ext. 441. Bereavement support groups· Prostate support group· For anyone dealing with the loss o Mondays, February 13 & 17 of aloved one. o 2:00 to 3:30 pm o Tuesdays, February 7 & 21 o Nannery Conference Room o 10:30 am to 12:00 noon Contact Fred Barbosa, MSW at Contact Hospice Outreach at (508) 674·5600, ext. 2279 or (508) 673·1589. Rosemarie Baylies, RN at (508) 675·5688.
795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674·5741
•All support groups are free and open to the public.
, ,.
" j
THE-ANCHOR -::- Diocese of Fall Riv~r -
Fri., Jan. 27, 1995
the living word
Healing Hurts In an age that is bustling around shoring up various lay ministries in the church, the ordained are falling through the cracks. Of course, all agree that the church simply cannot be without the apostolate of lay people, which is theirs by virtue of their calling as Christians. The growth of church institutions and of the democratic mind-set have contributed to making the laity more sensitive to the need for their services, while the rise in the general level of education and 路culture is also an impetus to increased efforts for the good of society and the church. There can be no doubt that lay activity has taken on many new forms. Eucharistic ministers, catechists, lectors and liturgical committees are but a few examples. As St. Paul writes, "the whole body grows and with the proper functioning of its members builds itself in love." Thus within the church diverse ministries are united and enrich each other as they work towards the one goal offorwarding the mission of Jesus Christ. But while acknowledging this, we must also remember that there is an essential difference between ordained and nonordained ministries. Pastors are of course encouraged to foster lay ministries and to provide appropriate training programs to prepare participants for their responsibilities. . Nevertheless, in all this we cannot allow the ordained to wither on the vine, so to speak, as we develop lay ministries. Indeed, meeting the needs and expectations of various ministerial programs within parishes is pushing many pastors to exhaustion. God so loved the world that he didn't send a committee! Nowhere in the Word do we find that the Lord demanded a plethora of meetings. Sad to say, the human needs of the ordained are often overlooked amid the pressures of more and more activities, each one good in itself but adding up to an overwhelming workload. The recent tragic death of Episcopal Bishop David Joh,nson here in Massachusetts must be seen in all its human difuensions. Too often we are ready simply to rattle off'pious platitudes and shake our heads. We do not look at the Pharisees and Sadducees in the pews still attempting to do what they tried to dQ to Jesus: push Him over the ,edge. Fortunately, He was able to disappear from their midst, but many ordained in today's church cannot or are not allowed to do this. It is stiff-necked demands that are pushing priests and路 bishops into the ground. It is very easy to understand selfdoubt in today's church but it can almost always be alleviated by Christians who care and love rather than confront and demand. . . Another example of the hurt and disappointment that infect so many church leaders can be found in the horrendous cross borne by Cardinal Bernardin very much alone. One of his greatest hurts was his discovery that even priests do not always support one another. Ashe said so painfully, "We tend to be . driven by lack of time and we hold back rather than reaching out to One another." Because the church and its leaders are criticized severely, we begin to doubt our OWn worth and withdraw as if overwhelmed by collective shame. By all means let us work to encourage lay ministry that is devoid of private platforms but at the same time let lis support and affirm those who have been called to ordained ministry. Only in this way can true unity bless o)ur church. The Editor
OFfiCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE 路DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 . FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F.Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ leary Pless-Fall RIve'
"The earth shook and trembled, the foundations of the mountains were moved." 2 Kg 22:8
-------------------------------Can you do good and also do well? WASHINGTON (CNS) - Are Life Decisions International of the goals of responsible investing Amherst, N. Y., Pro-Vita Advisors and a healthy profit margin mutu- of Dayton, Ohio, and the Amerially exclusive? Can one take into can Family Association of Tupelo, account both beliefs and the bot- Miss. Also screened out are comtom line when deciding where to panies involved in alcohol, tobacco put one's money? In other words, or casino gambling. can one do good and also do well'? Other faith-inspired funds look Those questions are increasingly to organizations like the Interfaith being ra.ised to managers of.finan- Coalition on Corporate Responcial portfolios, and are getting an sibility, based in New York, for increasingly positive response, ac- guidelines on. cording to managers of some faithThe Dallas-based Aquinas based mutual funds around the Funds, a subsidiary ofthe Catholic country. Foundation which endows educaThey range from the Lutheran. tional, charitable and religious acBrotherhood, a fraternal benefit tivities in Texas, relies on the ICCR society open only to Lutherans, to and its Texas affiliate in order to funds that invest based on Islamic maximize its leverage with major or Catholic tenets but are open to . corporations. all. Some, like Ch.ristian Brothers Rather than eliminating all inInvestment Services, have been vestments in companies with quesaround for years, while others are tionable practices, it seeks to .newer, like the Timothy Plan for change the practices through unievangelical Christians. . ted shareholder actions. The Aqui"The mission of the Timothy nas Funds are currently working Plan is to provide the most effi- on about 20 issues, giving top cient return on invested dollars priority to ending corporate confrom businesses that, in our opin- tributions to Planned Parenthood, ion, are not involved in practices decreasing violence in the media that are destru~tive to a Chris- and increasing community reintian's moral and spiritual well- vestment by banks and thrifts. The Aquinas funds join with the being," said Arthur D. Ally, foundinterfaith coalition so that its er and president of the fund, The Timothy Plan, with head- money "can be combined with the quarters in Winter Park, Fla., . investment portfolios of 250 other draws its inspiration from St. Paul's religious organizations to arrive at First Letter to Timothy, which sufficient clout with the target corstresses the importance of provid- poration," according to the funds' ing wisely for one's family but says material 路on socially responsible investing. not to "share in another's sins." The Shariah, the legal code of For advice on which corporations to exclude, officials of the Islam, "lists guiding principles" Timothy Plan look to three na- for the use of money, but "we need tional nonprofit organizations that an interpreter" to determine premonitor corporate activity related cisely which investments are permitted, says Phelps S. McIlvaine, to abortion and pornography -
a director for Saturna Capital Corporation, which administers the Amana funds. . "Islamic principles require that investors share in profi~ and loss, re~eive no usury or interest, and avoid certain businesses (primarily: alcoholic beverages, gambling, banks or loan association:;,pornography)," say Amana promotional materials. "By avoiding bonds or other fixed-retmn investments, Amana's funds provide excellent vehicles for long-term growth and inflation protec:tion." . Like the Amana funds, MMA Praxis Mutual Funds avoids buying U.S. Treasury bonds, but for an entirely different reason. Linked to the Mennonite Church, which opposes military service, MMA Praxis vows to stay away fr,:>m any financial vehicles that lead to "the development and producl:ion of military armaments." "Promoting and restoring peace is a basic tenet of our fait.h," say the investment guidelines for M MA programs. As the movement toward socially responsible, faith-inspired investing continues to grow, tbere are many different views on how it should be carried out. But all those in the movement would a.greeinvesting involves more than just money. For information about the Timothy Plan, call (800) TIM..PLAN. For the Aquinas Funds, wlite 5310 Harvest Hill Rd., Suite 2.18, Dallas, Texas 75230 or call (214) 2336655. For Christian Brothers Investment Services, call (800) 5928890. For MMA Praxis, call (800) 348-7468. For the AmaDlIl Funds, call (800) 728-8762,
Sunday Mass on
Q. A priest in oUir parish told us we cannot fulfill our Sunday Mass obligation by watching Mass on television. I remember reading a long time ago that we can gain a plenary indulgence by spiritually uniting ourselves to a bles!iing given by the pope. If that is possible, why isn't it all right to attend Mass on television? By FATHER JOHN (North Carolina) DIETZEN A. The question is not whether it is permitted to watch Mass on The Eucharist is an action, a television, but whether, as you put celebration, of the Catholic comit, one can satisfy the Sunday munity and cannot be substituted Mass obligation that way. for by watching a television proFirst, the reason for the differgram, which is finally what a teleence between Mass and a blessing vised Mass is. is that receiving a blessing is a If we have sufficient reason, more private prayer or act, even such as advanced age or illness, for though there are public aspects to not being present at a Sunday it sometimes. The Mass is essenEucharist, a television or radio tially not a prival(: action in that Mass may help us to be there in way. spirit and to unite ourselves with Some Catholics still do not real- our Lord in his sacrifice. ize that the obligation to Sunday Such listening or viewing is, Mass is not to hear or watch however, not a substitute for being someone else do something. It is to there. be there to participate in it oneself, Q. I hue a question about our and share that worship with our prayers and Masses for the dead. fellow believers. , How long should these go on? My mother died over 50 years ago, my father 35. I realize my question is not a brilliant one, and I will obviously continue praying for them. Jan. 28 But I am curious if our beliefs 1947, Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, have anything to say about this. Pastor, St. Mary, Nantucket (Indiana) 1961, R1. Rev. Msgr. John J. We know very little about the Shay, Pastor, S1. JOhn the 'Evanspecifics of life after death, what gelist, Attleboro things happen or when they happen. Jan. 29 As far as we can tell, there is 1944, Rev. ChristianoJ. Borges, nothing like ",time" in our sense of Pastor, S1. John the Baptist,New the word - hours, days, years in Bedford eternity. We' supposedly will be 1950, Rev. Albert J. Masse, out of a framework where such Pastor, S1. Joseph, Attleboro measures of time make sense. Jan 30 Thus, any answer to your ques1983, Rev. Raymond F.X. Cahill, tion cannot be based on the duraS.J., Assistant, S1. Francis Xavier, tion of events after we die. As you Hyannis may know, however, the chur'ch in its prayers and liturgies basically Jan.311 1901, Rev. Charles J. Burns, just walks around that question Pastor, S1. Mary, North Attleboro and continues to pray always for 1930, Rev. William F. Sullivan, those who have died. The Eucharistic Prayers at every Pastor, S1. Patrick, Somerset; Rev. Mass are a good example. Manuel C. Terra, Pastor, S1. Peter, At least two excellent reasons Provincetown exist for this Christian tradition. Feb. 1 First, our prayers for the dead, 1948, R1. Rev. Msgr. MichaelJ. O'Reilly, Pastor, Immaculate Con- as do all our prayers, go to a God who is eternal, who has no beginception, Taunton ning and no end. 1968, R1. Rev. Patrick Hurley, Pastor, S1. Joseph, Taunton 1975, Rev. Anatole F. Desmarais, Pastor, S1. James, Taunton 1983, Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. ChaJan. 30: Heb 11:32-40; Ps bot, Pastor, S1. Theresa of the 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Child Jesus, South Attleboro Jan. 31: Heb 12:1-4; Ps Feb.2 1907, Most Rev. William Stang, 22:26-28,30-32; Mk 5:21-43 D.O., First Bishop of Fall River: Feb. 1: Heb 12:4-7,11-15; 1904-07 Ps 103:1-2,13-14,17-18; Mk 1913, Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, 6:1-6 Taunton Feb. 2: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:71941, Rev. John L. McNamara, 10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk'2:22-32 Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Feb. 3: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 1947, Rev. P. Roland Decosse, 27:1,3,5,8-9; Mk 6:14-29 Pastor, S1. Hyacinth, New Bedford 1991, Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, Feb. 4: Heb 13:15-17,20Pastor, S1. Brendan, Riverside, 21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 R.I. Feb. 3 Feb. 5: Is 6:1-2a,3-8; Ps 1952, Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, 138:1-5,7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall Lk 5:1-11 River
Daily Readings
For God there is no past or future. All, from the beginning of time to the: end of the world, is one eternally present moment for him. When we pray, therefore, considering that universal reach of God's pre,sence and being, our prayers are not limited by time. They extend back to the beginning of an individual's life through to the end and into eternity. This is not speculation: It follows from what we know about God. Prayers we offer years after a person's de,ath can be "applied" by God to when that person was still alive. This understanding is reflected often in official liturgical prayers for those who have died. Second, our prayers for loved ones who have died are also prayers of thanks, praising God for his goodness to that individual and for all the good done for others through and in that person's life on Earth. For both of these reasons, and there are more, your prayerful remembrance of your parents and others makes excellent spiritual and religiolls sense. Keep it up.
Diocese of Fall River -
separation." Kluger joined the army in Russia and Wojtyla went into the seminary. The two lost track of each other during World War II and Kluger eventually settled in Rome. There he read a newspaper story about then-Archbishop Wojtyla address-
Fri., Jan. 27, 1995
ing the Second Vatican Council and they renewed their friendship. "Letter to a Jewish Friend" is available at bookstores or can be ordered from Crossroad Publishing Co., 370 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10017, or call (800) 937-5557.
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A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is available by sending a stamped self·addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.
Book on pope's Jewish friend published in U.8. NEW YORK (CNS) - A New York publisher has issued a U.S." edition of "Letter to a Jewish Friend," a book about a lifelong friendship between Pope John Paul II and a Jewish schoolmate. Translated by Gregory Dowling, the short book by Gian Franco' SvidercoS'chi tells the story of the friendship of Jerzy Kluger and Karol Wojtyla dating from when the two attended the same schools in Poland. Schoolmates until 1938, they played hockey, went skiing and swimming and attended dances together, according to a press release on the book. They "had studied at one another's houses," it says. "High school graduation and creeping anti-Semitism led to their
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A discussion series based on Noisy Contemplation, led by Rev. Charles A. Jodoin
Tuesdays ;Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $30 per person, lunch included Pre-registration required Cathedral Center ofRenewal at Cathedral Camp J 67 Middleboro Rd. Rt. 18 East Freetown, MA (508) 763-3994
" tttHE kNCA(fR·~~-Dlticeseof;Fall';R'i,ver·,:C:/f7ri~~lmril:·27·~·F
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trying to get peopie of Italian- Father Died"(RunningPress, PhilAmerican origin interested in pre- adelphia) had asked if I would serving their heritage. write a chapter about' my father, DeGrazia has made some pro- . an immigrant from southern Italy, gress. Forexample, he has arranged for that book. . with St. Joseph's Church in DanAs an added "coincidence," at bury, Conn., to have a special 4 Christmastime my mother showed • p.m. Mass first Sundays of month me a special gift sent to her by her for Italian-Americans. After the sister, my Aunt Thelma. It was a Mass there is a get-together, and a book published by longtime friends speaker. and neighbors in Rome, N. Y., the DeGrazia had read some stories city where my mother grew up. about me in Connecticut papers I was born there, too, because after' my book, "The Pummeled my mother had gone "home" to Heart," was published. He assumed have her child born with her I was Italian-American and asked mother's help, as was a custom in if I would be their February those days. speaker. The 278-page book, "Italian I felt the call was meant to b.e. It always has been very important, in American Heritage," was published my view, that people of all back- because one man, Nicolo Luigi D'Argenio, had a dream of assur~ grounds remember their culture ing that Italian-Americans appreand customs, and pass this richciate their heritage.. ness on to their children. Going through this book was Moreover, I had the opportunity to write about my Italian roots such a wonderful excursion back
Custody evaluations
',J ,.4
POPE JOHN PAUL II blesses a Northern Filipino tribesman during the presentation of gifts at the Manila Mass closing World Youth Day. An estimated four million people attended the Mass. (eNS/ Reuters photo)
Ashe's graced days
another if the contract is to work:" At an early age Ashe had a The New York Times review of . severe heart attack which was folArthur Ashe's "Days of Grace" lowed shortly after by another, (Ballantine Books, 1993) described and then he learned that a transfuit perfectly: .. Gripping .... Movsion he received had been contaming.... Admirable!" It is one beauinated by the AfDS virus. He tiful lesson after another on life! speaks of his philosophy in dealing When Ashe retired from tennis with the fear that accompanies at a relatively young age he realized such a tragic development. his mortality and how we all resist "A close look at any athletic it. "The rage for immortality," he competition, and especially at writes, "operates like a dynamo in facial expressions and body lanthe hearts and mind's of men and guage, reveals that many individwomen despite all we know about uals go into momentary lapses of the transience of glory and the confidence that often prove disasinevitability of death." trous. The ever-threatening danger Borrowing from the well-k nown is that a momentary lapse will psychologist Daniel J. Levinson, begin to deepen almost of its own Ashe tells how he coped with accord. Once it is set in motion, it mortality. seems to gather enough momen"Each phase in the life cycle has tum on its own to run its course. A its own virtues and limitations. To few falling pebbles build into an realize its potential value, WI: must avalanche.... I knew that I had to know and accept its terms and do everything possible to keep this create our lives within it accordavalanche of deadly emotion from ingly. Our task is to close out the starting. One simply must not deperiod of early adulthood and to spair, even for a moment." assess what has been achieved in As close to death as Ashe was, it." he devoted all his energies to bringIn another place the advice Andrew Young, former U.S. ambas- ing life to others. sador to the United N,ations. gave After learning he had AIDS, he Ashe just before 'his wedding is made a study of it and then took to ' recalled: . the road to teach others, especially "When you and Jeanne get marthe younger generation. ried tomorrow, six people will be One theme throughout the book involved: With each of you, there is Ashe's honesty with life aDd are really three persons. First, there· himself. Page after page reflects a is the person you are. Next, there is person who faces life squarely, not the person you think you are. so much to co.nquer it, but more to Then there is the person others· learn from it who he is and, in -think you are. This is true of all doing so, to gain some control ,marriages, not just yours, And in' over it. He focused on understandevery marriage all of these six ing how to keep alive and pass life , people have to get along with one _ on to others.
By Father Eugene Hemrick
Dear Dr. Kenny: I am going through a custody battle with my ex. We have two children, ages 12 and 9. The court has ordered a home study of both our homes. What will the evaluator be looking for? How do they decide whom to recommend as the "better" parent? (New Jersey) , You have a good practical question. The answer is a combination of factors in the law, psychology and common sense. Most home study eyaluations are done by a psychologist or a social worker. Here is a list of 10 important items that I or any good evaluator would consider. L The ability to meet the emotional needs of the children. All children need love and concern. Caring affection and the ability to provide loving guidance are important. 2. Time spent with the children. Who has been their primary caretaker for the past few years, providing day-to-day care, fixing meals, helping with homework, taking them places?
3. Parenting skills. Discipline is best defined as loving guidance, not punishment. Who is the better disciplinarian? 4. The ability to meet the physical nee<ls of the children. A basic part of good parenting is the ability to provide room and board, the necessities of life. 5. Children should be free from danger. If one parent has been neglectfUl or abusive, that weighs heavily against that parent. 6. The reasonable and appropriate wishes of the children. If the child is 12 or above, the wishes may be given more weighty consideration. 7. The physical and mental health of the parents. Obviously if one parent has a serious or life-threatening disorder, that will affect the choice. 8. Home stability. The parent who is more likely to stay in the same house, to remain in' the same school district, will have an advantage. . 9. The availability of grandpar- . ents and uncles and aunts is an
"W ord" games
in time, especially the section on the "Italian church," St. John. the Baptist. I remember it well. I learned to love the saints by visiting that church. One of my favorites was St. Rocco, his hand pointing to his wounds. At his feet was the dog, which by legend had brought bread to the saint for his survival, my grandmother had told me. The Italian women were, I learned as a child, a complete storehouse of information wben it came to legends and miracli:s of the saints. In this book sent to my mom by Aunt Thelma, there is a feature about the saints beloved bll the Italians, written by Gaetano ~·asci.
advantage. Additional adults who can provide loving care are generally a plus over babysitting for hire. 10. Values are considered, particularly basic ones such as re-· sponsibility, stability, kindness and integrity. Criminal activity, lying, dishonesty and meanness would not be considered favorably. · In my custody evaluations, I ·gather information from a variety of sources. Then I measure the data against the above guiddines. I hope this helps you in a painful time. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by The K,ennys; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
By ., Don't know about you, but I able to talk 01' BilI out of a couple DAN was intrigued by the fake Internet of Microsoft stock options for our news story about Microsoft mak- parish auction. MORRIS ing an offer to buy the Catholic . My guess is the fabricated InterChurch. net report had it confused on The bogus story claimed Micro- whether or not Gates wanted the soft's billionaire leader Bill Gates whole church or just the Vatican. offended that Gates would even wanted to snap up the church Clearly the latter would have made think he could buy the church. I because the deal would give him much more sense. To take over the think we should counter and start exclusive electronic publishing administrative headaches of the a misinformation campaign that rights to the Vatican art collection. archdiocese of Ne,w York, Notre purports the church is going to Actually I bet he just wanted to Dame. football and my parish's buy Microsoft. impress his friends by taking them bingo operation would have bogRumors about what the Church on rides in the popemobile. gled even Microsoft. No, that doesn't make sense Microsoft and Gates adamantly of Rome planned to do with the because" he never wanted to buy deny the whole thing. Yet you computer systems of the world the church in the first place, at cannot help but wonder if Gates is ;would zoodap around 1nternet like least according to his public rela- flattered that people think Micro- sparks off jumper cables. That ought to bring thdlile of a tions spokesperson Christine San- . soft could bankroll the deal,espetucci, whose name is way too close cially in the wake 'of him buying lot of anti-Catholic bigots to a to Saturday Night Live's father the Internal Revenue Service, boil, especially if they hawn't upGuido Sarducci if you .as.k me. which was the cyberphony Internet dated their MS-Dos. I'll"bet there were a lot of parreport circulating before the-Vati- · Sure, I know that just kidding . around about these. untruths could ishes and Catholic schools pretty can story. excited, figuring they'd get all the Needless to say, Catholics were inadvertently promulgate them. On the other hand, it couldn't help they needed with their comhurt our parish auction if folks puter glitches and maybe a freebie happened to think a couple of "Ms Word" software package~ MicrosOft stock options are on the My neighbor Bud was excited block. because he thought, he might be-
your child learns is aa important as your child learns. There's probably never been a tougher time to be a parent. Whic:h is why there's never been a better time to choose a Catholic school for your child's education. ~ ,. In a Catholic school, your child will ....~ , .. receive an education that's second to _ ~.... none. Nationally, Catholic school ~ --stuGtmts -eonsistently-eutpeFform -~others on tests for math, reading and "' science. They're also the most likely to go to and graduate from college. D Just as important as academic ~ achievement, though, is the environment ~ in which your child learns. Catholic Q school educators share your beliefs and O( values. They reinforce the morals you instill -$ "OU C tl in your child. ... Call or visit your local Catholic school today. You'll see why a Catholic school is a school you can believe in.
Ie s
Elementary Schools ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier, 223 Main St. 02743-1597. Tel. 995-4313. Ludovico Perella. Principal. ATTLEBORO St. John the Evangelist, 13 Hodges St. 02703. Tel. 222-5062. Sr. Ann Therese Connolly, CDP, Principal. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret Regional School, 143 Main St. 02532. Tel. 759-2213. Mrs. Teresa Rosseter, Principal. FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph, Spring & Delano Sts. 02719. Tel. 9961983. Sr. Muriel Ann Lebeau, SS.Ce., Principal. FALL RIVER Dominican Academy, 37 Park SI. 02721. Tel. 6746100. Sr. Diane Dube, RJM, Principal. Espirito Santo, 143 Everett SI. 02723. Tel. 6722229. Mrs. Patricia Benoit, Principal. Holy Name, 850 Pearce SI. 02720. Tel. 674-9131. Dennis R. Poyant, Principal. Notre Dame Scbool, 34 SI. Joseph SI. 02723. Tel. 672-5461. Sr. Paulette M. Gregoire, RJM, Principal. St. Anne Scbool, 240 Forest St. 02721. Tel. 6782152. Mrs. Denise D. Gagne, Principal. St. Jean Baptiste Sehool, 64 Lamphor St. 02721. Tel. 673-6772. Kathleen Barboza, Principal. St. Micbael Scbool, 209 Essex St. 02720-2996. Tel. 678-0266. Sr. Bernadette Sullivan, SUSC, Principal. SS, Peter & Paul Scbool, 240 Dover St. 02721. Tel. 672-7258. Miss Kathleen A. Burt, Principal.
St. StanisIallS School, 37 Rockland St., P.O. Box 217, 02724. Tel. 674-6771, FAX 677-1622. Mrs. Denita Tremblay. Principal. St. ViDcent's Reoidential/SpeelalEthKation Treatment Center, 2425 Highland Ave. 02720. Tel. 6798511, FAX 672-2558. Sr. Lourdette Harrold, RSM, Special Education Administrator. NEW BEDFORD Holy Family-Holy Name ScbooI, 91 Summer St. 02740. Tel. 993-3547. Cecilia M. Felix, Principal. Our Lady of Mt. Cumel School, 103 Crapo St. 02744. Tel. 997-9612. Mrs. Rosemary daSilva, Principal. St. Anthony Scbool, 190 Ashley Blvd. 02746. Tel. 994-5121. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Lavigne, Principal. St. James-St. Jobn School, 180 Orchard St. 02740. Tel. 996-0534. Edmund Borges, Principal. St. Joseph School, 35 Kearsarge St. 02745-6117. Tel. 995-2264. Felipe M. Felipe, Principal. St, Mary School, 115 Illinois St. 02745. Tel. 9953696. Angela L. Stankiewicz, Principal. NORTH ATTLEBORO St. Mary-Sacred Heart ComoDdated Scbool, 57 Richards Ave. 02760. Tel. 695-3072. Mrs. Alberta M. Goss, Principal. TAUNTON Our Lady of Lourdes Scbool, 52 First St. 02780. Tel. 822-3746. Sr. Mary Margretta Sol, RSM, Principal. St, Muy's Primary School, 106 Washington St. 02780-7408. Tel. 822-9480. Mrs. Martina B. Grover, Principal.
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS Schools in the DiOCfJU of Fall River aamlt students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the right3, priVileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made 8",lIabift to .tudenn .t the schools. Thsy do notdlacrlmlnate on th_8 b.,;s of race, color, national and .thnic origin in administraVon of educational polic/e•• admiasiona policies. loan programs, and athletic and other schOOl..dminiaterH program•.
WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity Regional Scboool, 245 Main St. PO Box 163,02671. Tel. 432-82116. Sr. Carol Clifford, RSM, Principal.
Middle School TAUNTON Taunton CathoDc Middle Selbool, 61 Summer SI. 02780-3486. Tel. 822-0491, FAX 824-0469. Ms. K.athleen A. Simpson, PriDicipal, Rev. Michael Camara, OFM, Chaplain.
High Sch(J)ols ATTLEBORO Bisbop Feeban Higb Scbool, 70 Holcott Dr. 02703. Tel. 226-6223, FAX 226-76916. George A. Milot, Principal, Rev. David A. COSlta, Chaplain. . FALL RIVER Bisbop Connolly Higb Scbool, 373 Elsbree St. 02720. Tel. 676-1071, FAX 61'6-8594. Rev. John P. Murray, 51, Principal, Rev. Donald A. Mac MiHan. SJ, Chaplain. NORTH DARTMOUTH Bisbop Stang Higb Scbool, 500 Slocum Rd. 02747. Tel. 996-5602, FAX 994-6756_ Theresa E. Dougall, President, Rev. James S. Medeiros, Chaplain. TAUNTON Coyle and Cassidy Hip ScIDool, 2 Hamilton SI. 02780. Tel. 823-6164; 823-6165. Michael J. Donly, Headmaster; Dr. Donna Boyle, Academic Principal; Rev. John Denning, esc, Chaplain.
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES Schools in the Diocese tf Fall River, to the extent required by Title IX, do not discriminata against any applicantlenployee because of NX. They do not discriminate against any student because of sex il any 8d~atlonalprogram and act;v;ry.
Catholic schools show increasing enrollment
Schools nationwide ready to celebrate Catholic Schools Week WASHINGTON (CNS) ~ Catholic schools across the nation are gearing up for the 21 st annual Catholic Schools Week to be celebrated Jan. 29-Feb. 4. "Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In" is the theme for the weeklong event that is part ofa marketing campaign to showcase the 8,500 Catholic elementary and - secondary schools nationwide.
(IohRr ~N<i\!lld\oli1al.Jn'1tH~n~rllJ~: Catholic Conference co~sponsor the campaign, which provides Catholic educators with market~ ing tools ranging from billboard designs and posters to camera~ readyads. Forthe past two decades, Catholic educators and students have conducted parades. assemblies, community service projects and many other activities during the week. As part of the celebration, National Appreciation Day (Feb. I) was established in 1990 as the time for lobbying legislators and other· community leaders for their support of Catholic schools. Mercy Sister Lourdes Sheehan, education secretary for the U.S. bishops, said the designated week helps spread the good news about Catholic schools. "We need to redouble our efforts to bring the facts about O,:!f schools
Unity asked for Catholic schools
Catherin~ McNamee: a S-is;e'~ of
St. Joseph of Carondelet and NCEA president. According to the NCEA, enrollment has increased by 26,000 students nationwide since 1992. And since 1988, enrollment has remained fairly steady at2.6 million, with modest shifts up and down during that period. Past campaign messages have emphasized educational choice, following a basic belief of Catholi.c educators that parents are the primary educators, and decision makers, for their children.
ST. PAUL, Minn. (eNS) Catholic education must be unified worldwide, although that doesn't necessarily mean it should be uniforin. said Cardinal Pio Laghi. who heads the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. While in St. Paul to receive an award, Cardinal Laghi told the Catholic Bulletin. newspaper of the SI. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese. that Catholic education must be unified "in a way that respects cultures and evangelizes cultures:' "That means to inculturate the message of the Gospel, incorpo rate the values of the Gospel. It is unifying, but there is a diversity," he said in an interview. "What we expect in Catholic education in Italy can't be expected in an identical way in Japan or the United States or in Africa," he said. The cardinal said the Gospel will provide the unifying force for Catholics on any continent. But U.S. Catholic education faces particular challenges because of the dynamic nature of U.S. society, he said. Teachers in Catholic schools have an especially important role, he said ... A teacher in a Catholic school - I stress this point - does not have ajob but a vocation and a mission." p
Satisfaction "Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own:' - Doug Larson
- the Quality academic courses. the excellent performance of our students on national tests, the persistent and ongoing involvement in Christian service activities, the outstanding career-track records of our graduates - to the attention of people who do not know us," she said in a statement. Marketing Catholic schools has played a significant role in their
tat~olic School Facts The U.S. Depa~ment of Education and Dr. Ja es S. Coleman, sociologist and uthor of many landmark studies n American education, have une rthed some impressive statistics:! • in national and science achievement tests at bot~ the elementary and secondary I~vels, Catholic school students putscored their public school cou~terparts; • in all subjects, Catholic school students show gtleater academic achievement gain, between tenth and twelfth grades than do public school students; i • Catholic schal'l students from disadvantaged fajniIies show no corresponding academic deficiencies in math or !verbal achievement, while simi~ar students in public and other ,private schools show substantial .cademic deficiencies' ! • id Catholic sdhools, minority students from u!nderprivileged backgrounds outperform their public school cou$terparts; • 3% of Cathofic high school students drop out i of school compared to 14% public school students; i • Catholic schdol graduates of every ethnic background choose a pre-professional cqllege curriculum twice as often as public school graduates; , • 83% of Cath~lic high school graduates go on t college as compared to 52% of p blic high school graduates; • The graduatipn rate for all Catholic students' is 95% and for public schools 66'Jf,; .• Catholic schopl students surpassed public schpol students by an average of 4.59P in math, 4.8%
"GIVE HIM AN A" suggests Bishop O'Malley after inspecting the art work of this young man at thc new SI. Margaret's School in Buzzards Bay.
Acco'rding to Sister McNamee, this year's theme, "Schools You Can Believe In," sends a powerful message to parents. "All that a parent wants for children - a good education, training in morals . and ethics, a safe environment already can be found in Catholic schools,'! she said.
in science, and 12.5% in reading in the three grade levels of the Na, tional Assessment of Educational Progress test of the federal government; • Catholic high-school sophomores are four times less likely to drop out than their public-school counterparts. Once graduated,they are much more likely-by 40%-to go on to college.
St. Joseph, Fairhaven Students at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, will open Catholic Schools Week with a family Mass at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Events during the week will include two days during which gym clothes can be worn all day, a school spirit day, an appreciation day during which a Fairhaven selectman will present a proclamation to the school, presentation of appreciation and distinguished graduate' recognitions, a science fair and, climaxing the week, an 8th grade pinning ceremony and awards presentation as well as announcement of the second Quar· ter honor roll, the Principal's Award to all-star students, naming of January Students of the Month and Citizenship Award winners and recognition ofscience fair winners. Classes will be dismissed at noon.
In God
;and tl"lch,
WASHINGTON (CNS) Catholic schools in San Antonio seem to reflect a nationwide trend: in the '80s, two high shcools closed and one became coed, but in the past two years, two elementary schools have opened. "It goes around in circles," said Sister Antonio Heaphy, a Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Yirgi~ Mar~ aI!d a~_s~cia~~ _su~~~ diocese. Sister Heaphy attributes increased enrollment and the demand for new schools to "positive adver· tising" and tuition grants. In a telephone interview with Catholic News Service, she added that parents are looking for alternatives in education. "American education is going down, not competing well with other countries, therefore people are looking beyond public education." Enrollment in the 51 Catholic schools in the San Antonio archdiocese increased by 729 students during the 1994-95 school year, the fifth year of increases following il 15-year decline. These numbers mirror statistics reported by the National Catholic Educational Association.in Washington. According to the NCEA, CathOlic school enrOllment, which peaked in the '60s, declined sharply in the '70s and then leveled off in the '80s, has ,iDueased natio-nwide since 1992. However, since 1988, overall enrollment has remained fairly steady at around 2.6 million students. Although complete NCEA figures were not yet available for the 1994-95 school year, officials report that 9,000 new students attended Catholic schools during the previous year. Sister Catherine McNamee, president ofNCEA and a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet, credits growing numbers to marketing. "Catholic schools have found success simply by broadcasting their own success stories," she said. During the current school year,
new Catholic schools have opened in the Indianapolis, Washington and Denver archdioceses and the Fall River and Arlington, Va., dioceses, to Dame a few. In the Fall River diocese two Catholic schools with kindergarten through second grades opened in former Catholic school buildings, one that closed in the '50s and the other which closed in 1971. The
Twenty-four schools received grants to open new classrooms for 1994-95, with the potential to serve over 400 additional students. During the three years of this program, a total of$152,500 has been awarded to schools, financed by individual donors who want to see the schools grow. Enrollment in the diocese of
Many of the new Catholic In the past four years, 1,046 more schools are starting out small. In students have attended local Caththe Indianapolis archdiocese, with olic schools. more than 900 new students this For the next school year the school year, the two new schools , diocese will open a new middle include both preschool and kin-. school and expand itshigh school dergarten programs, and one of to accommodate twice the amount the schools has a first grade. The of students. schools are the first to open in the But despite expansion and inarchdiocese since the early 1970s. creased enrollment, some Catholic Catholic schools in the Washing- schools still do not have enough ton archdiocese have an increased students or finances to stay open. enrollment of 6 percent (or 1994In January, the Sisters of Char95. Enrollment has increased in ity of Nazareth announced that in the past three years, following a June they would be closing Presgrad ual decline since the '70s. This entation Academy, the oldest conschool year, the archdiocese opened tinually operating school in Louisits fir~t Catholic elementary school ville, Ky. in 30 years with kindergarten Although many factors contribthrough third-grade classes.. uted to the sisters' decision to close In the neighboring Arlington the school, the bottom line was diocese, St. Andrew the Apostle finances, according to Sister ElizSchool in Centreville, Va., is one abeth WendeIn, congregation presof three diocesan schools to open ident. since 1993. The school, which al"Presentation has required over ready has waiting lists for almost every grade, began with ,kinder- a million dollars in sUQjidy froJll the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth garten through seventh graqe. "We're probably the only parish in just the past six years to conin the U.S. starting a new school tinue operation," she told The with the whole program," said Record, the Louisville archdioceMsgr. John Hannan, St. Andrew's san paper. "The congregation canfounding pastor. He said original not continue to provide that influx plans called for kindergarten to of funds." And the diocese of Providence, third grade, but since "the demand R.I., which reported an increase of was clear," he said, "we decided to 745 students over last year, also go for K-7." With many diocesan schools in- announced it would merge two creasing their enrollment or adding elementary schools into a conso1i~ preschool and pre-kindergarten dated school in Central Falls. However, Christian Brother programs, building expansion has Daniel Casey, superintendent ·of been inevitable. schools in Providence, said he did In Indianapolis, archdiocesan not anticipate any more school schools were offered incentive closings in the immediate future. grants to open new classroom.s.
Diocese reflects trend For the past three years, enrollNationally, total Catholic school ment in Catholic schools of the enrollment is approximately 2.6 diocese of Fall River has slowly million students. This number has but steadily increased to a current stabilized for the past five years level of 8,170 students. "This re- and includes an increase of 17,000 flects a trend Catholic schools are in the 1992-93 academic year. experiencing nationwide," said Father Beaulieu attributed these Father Richard W. Beaulieu, di- figures to the marketing efforts rector ofthe Diocesan Department undertaken by each of the schools of Education. in the diocese and by Catholic The diocese also reflected an- educators nationwide. "An old other trend: new school openings. proverb says. 'begin to weave and In September, the first Catholic God will give the thread,''' he said. schools to operate on Cape Cod "We have learned the importance since the early 1970s opened in of telling the public about our Buzzards Bay and West Harwich. academic excellence and valuesSt. Margaret's School, with 42 added education. The 'tapestry' students, utilizes the Buzzards Bay we've woven includes campaign parish school building which closed buttons, banners and public relain 1971, and Holy Trinity School tions. T~ere's a little Madison opened with 28 students at the site Avenue there - tempered by the of a kindergarten closed by the Lord's hand:' Missionary Servants of the Most In 1991-92. the National CathoBlessed Trinity in the 1950s. Each lic Educational Association (NCof the new schools accommodates EA) along with the United States a kindergarten and first and second grades, with succeeding grades to • Catholic Conference(USCC) hegan the National Marketing Campaign be added each year.
for Catholic Schools with the'slogan "Discover Catholic Schools'" Subsequent campaigns urged the public to "Choose Catholic Schools; The Good News in Education" (1992-93) and "Support Catholic Schools: Your Choice for Education" (1993-94). This year's theme is "Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In.'' Catholic leaders also point to other benchmarks in support of Catholic education which have contributed to a stabilized enrollment. In 1988, the Vatican issued a document in support of Catholic schools. in 1990, the U.S. Catholic bishops announced a strategy to strengthen Catholic education and ensure that it is available to all who choose it. "Anothersignificant pa<t of this road map to enrollment success was NCEA's National Congress on Catholic Schools for the 21st Century in 1991," Father Beaulieu added. "That convocation brought together 250 key people including
. /NEW SCHOO~S: St. Margaret's, Buzza~ds Bay (top); Hilty Trinity, West Harwich.
t Schools get graded too Not only students get graded; so do their schools. And a recent Gallup survey on Americans' views toward the quality of education in the United States graded Catholic schools higher than public schools on hath national and local levels. Sixty·two percent of the general population consider Catholic schools excellent to good (AI B); 24 percentfairto poor (C{ D). The public school scores are almost exactly reversed, with 24 percent of the American public grading them excellent to good (AI B) and 66 percent giving them fair to poor grades (C I D). The survey a Iso grad ed Chi' atro IC schools high on developing morals and ethical behavior; providing an environment with less chance for students to get involved in drugs and alcohol and for the level of discipline provided. Safety of the students, overall 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bishops and other Church, corporate, community, political and educational leaders to chart a course for Catholic schools in the year 2000 and beyond." NCEA is the largest private, professional education association in the world. Founded in 1904,the association's membership represents more than 200,000 educators serving 7.6 million students in -.eathQlic ,education at all levels. All the.schools of the Fall River diocese are members of NCEA. The USCC is the national public policy organization for the U.S. Bishops and is a co-sponsor of Catholic Schools Week activities.
quality of education, the quality of the teaching staff and providing children with a good foundation in academic subjects were additional characteristics for which Catholic schools received high marks. Public schools were perceived better than Catholic schools in the areas of number and variety of extracurricular activities; having students from a wide range of social, ethnic, racial and economic backgrounds and quality of physical facilities. "The survey indicates that the majority of Americans think highly of Catholic schools," said Sister Catherine T. McNamee, CSJ, president ofthe National Catholic Educational Association, which commissioned the study. But she emphasized that a good report card for Catholic schools is neither the whole nor the major story. "The Gallup survey also showed that the majority of Americans 70 per cent - are in favor of an educational choice system which embraces public, private and parochial schools," she said. U A school choice plan would give parents the ultimate opportunity to grade schools by determining where they decide to send their children."
Measure of Virtue "The strength of our virtue must not be measured by our efforts. but by our ordinary Life."-Blaise Pascal
More bang for buck at Catholic schools A new study of the finances of Catholic elementary schools under~ scores that dollars are not the final answer to delivering top quality education in this country. The report, Balance Sheet for Catholic Elementary Schools: 1993 Income and Expenses~ shows that the average per-pupil cost for Catholic school students is $2,044. This
compares to a projected per pupil cost of $5,352 for governmentsponsored schools, according to ~ U1etts:L>epamnent of1!<lueatiorr. "Too often, those promoting educatlonal reform imply student performance is dollar-driven," said Dr. Robert Kealey, executive director, Elementary Schools Department, National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), publisher ofthe report. "This study shows that Catholic schools succeed when spending less than half the amount allotted to governinent-run schools." Dr. Kealey said the information
AROUND DIOCESAN SCHOOLS: From top, sixth graders from SI. Anthony School, New Bedford, enjoy a field trip to Plymouth Plantation; student at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, makes presentation to Bishop Sean O'Malley during celebration marking completion of school self-study program; second graders at St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, participate in dedication of new parish complex; young man at St. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River, takes time out from serious business of education; goldfish get blessed at SS. Peter & Paul School, Fall River.
A delegation of Catholic school students, parents. teachers and principals will visit all members of the I04th U.S. Congress on Wednesday, Feb. I to urge support for Catholic schools and encourage parental rights in education. The IOO-memberdelegation will include representatives from schools in Delaware, the District of Columbia. Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. but will actually be ambassadors for Catholic leaders in every state. bringing personal letters from superintendents of Catholic education nationwide to their congressional leaders. National Appreciation Day will be the centerpiece of the annual Catholic Schools Week and part of a year-round marketing campaign to highlight the quality, values-added education provided in the 8,500 U.S. Catholic elementary and secondary schools. The National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Catholic Conference cosponsor the campaign, which provides Catholic educators with marketing tools ranging from billboards and posters to camera-ready ads. The logo features a figure representing all those touched by Catholic education and 'holding a book symbolizing both education and the Bible. A sunburst represents the dawn of a new day and two crosses within the theme line indicate the Christian foundation of Catholic schools. Since 1974, Catholic Schools Week has been.8 celebration of U.S. education in general and Catholic schools in particular. Sister Lourdes Sheehan, RSM, USCC secretary for education, said Catholic Schools Week and National Appreciation Day help spread the good Dews about Catholic schools. "We need to redouble our efforts to bring the facts about our schools - the quality academic courses, the excellent performance of our students on national tests. involvement in Christian. service activ!ties, the outstanding career-track records of our graduates - to the
attention of people who do not know us." she said. SpreadlDg the good news about Catholic schools has reaped rewards during the past two academic years, during which enronment has increased by 26.000 students nationwide. Marketing has played a significant role in this increase, as schools have recognized that they must ten their stories so that parents can make choices for their children in line with the belief of Catholic educators that parents are the primary edueators and decision makers for thtir children. For th~ past two decades, Catholic educltors and students have also conducted parades, academjc assemblies, community service projects an<J many other activities during Catholic Schools Week.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Fri., Jan. 27, 1995
DIOCESAN PILGRIMS gather at the Capuchin College in Washington. (Hickey photo)
Pro-Lifers' annual March Continued from Page One "We cannot change the conviction and commitment to speak for those who cannot, and we must attempt more through prayer to reach out in love to those who don't understand that conviction." I n addition to Father Fernandes and Bishop Scan O'Malley the Pro-Life Apostolate group included Father Gerald T. Shovelton, pastor of Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich, and Father Pawel A. Swiercz, parochial vicar at St. Ann's parish, Raynham. The 93 diocesan pilgrims, like those who traveled to Washington D.C. from all over the nation, were determined not to let the controversy about violence interfere with the March, which they described as enthusiastic, hopeful and encouraging. "The thought [about violence) did cross my mind," said Rose Marie McCarthy ofSt. Ann's parish Raynham. "But I didn't want to back down." "We are for life," said Kara Weissman, a freshman at Framingham State College. "People are looking for the worst when there's nothing bad about it. We don't have an ulterior motive." "We were presented as fanatics," said high school student Shena Muldoon of St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth, "but it wasn't that way at all. The city felt very peaceful. You could tell (doing] violence wasn't even slightly in [Marchers'] minds." New Life for Life Cause If anything, the mood at the March was upbeat as participants found rejuvenated hope after disappointments at the previous two Marches. The event is held each year to mark the Jan. 22 anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, and was held on Jan. 23 this year so participants could make use of a business day to lobby members of Congress. Two years ago, President Clinton used the occasion to sign executive orders reversing federal limitations on abortion, and last year Marchers were beset by icy conditions and freezing temperatures. The weather-relatively mild this year-wasn't the only thing that changed. So did the atmosphere on Capitol Hill, where about 40 newly-elected pro-life representatives and Sl:nators recently took office.
More than a dozen of them, with their incumbent colleagues, took to the rally stage on the Ellipse, which with ironicjuxtaposition eclipsed the White House view of the crowd. Rep. Robert K. Dornan, RCalif., led the congressmen in pledging that they would cut off funding for Planned Parenthood, eliminate federal funding of any abortions and "undo everyone of the executive orders" making abortions readily available. After about a dozen mostly freshman members of Congress spoke briefly about their intention to fight abortion legislatively, Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., who is co-chairman of the Congressional Pro-Lifl: Caucus, said he had no illusions about the fight ahead being easy just because there are more members on his side. "This past election was merely a down payment on 1996," said Smith. Rep. Linda Smith, R-Wash., said she is one of the growing number of women who are now opposed to abortion after having "bought the lie" in the 1970s that legalizing abortion would be good for women. She said her mind was changed permanently after her own two pregnancies. Several other speakers reiterated the peaceful emphasis of most organizations fighting abortion. "We must not ever tolerate terrorism in the pro-life movement," said Dornan. "Bombers and assassins are not part of our movement. Two wrongs do not make a right.
We are lovers of life and don't countenance terrorism of any kind." Also on stage among numerous leaders of pro-life organizations and of many different faiths were five Catholic cardinals and dozens of bishops, including Bishop O'Malley, who marched with the Pro-Life Apostolate group. Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, said Cardinals James A. Hickey of Washington, Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia, Bernard F. Law of Boston and John J. O'Connor of New York were there to reiterate the Catholic Church's commitment to peaceful but unwavering opposition to abortion. Nellie Gray, reading a letter she sent to Kate Michelman, said that both of them "are deeply hurting" because "our society is suffering." "Yes, abortion is murder," said Miss Gray. "Violence is rampant in our society and the violence of abortion does beget violence." But "it is abortion that must be stopped, not the telling of the truth," she concluded. The most simple and moving testimony to the tragedy of abortion came from Sarah Smith, who briefly told the reason she has devoted her life to the pro-life cause: In 1970, her mother had an abortion, killing her twin brother. Neither she nor the doctor realized there was a second fetus, which continued to develop normally. Miss Smith, now 24, said that she had forgiven her mother, but that "the word choice was my
death sentence ... unborn babies have no voice but you and I can speak up for them." Cardinal O'Connor offered a closing prayer asking God to give everyone the same profound appreciation for life shared by those who joined the March. Afterward, the crowd surged forward, making its way past the Capitol toward the Supreme Court Building in a surprisingly quiet atmosphere. Most carried signsor babies-that spoke for themselves the beliefs of. the holder. "I'm adopted and I'm glad both my moms were pro-life," said one toddler's sign. Occasionally the Marchers broke out in song or a chant, like one led by Cardinal Law at the head of Massachusetts Citizens for Life contingent. "What do we want? Life! When do we want it? Now!" they cried. Despite the increased security anticipating confrontation, it was noticeably absent. Eileen O'Keefe of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth,
like most of the Fall River group, said she didn't notice any vocal hecklers like those present in some previous years, although one or two protesters' signs were spotted along the way. Ms. O'Keefe said she found the "much more visible" security measure of police lining the route "intimidating" and incongruous with the type of crowd. Bill McCarthy of St. Ann's parish, Raynham, at one point found himself ahead of the group and paused by the curb, holding a big yellow sign reading "The Natural Choice is Life." But he was told by a gruff police officer to move along because "you're blocking my view." Shena Muldoon, however, said she found most of the police officers "nice and friendly. I think they were surprised" by the lack of incident, she added. At the Supreme Court building, the end of the March route, a small group from the Feminist Majority Foundation held a brief tribute to five clinic workers and volunteers slain since 1993. Turn to Page 13
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan, 27, 1995
Inclusive language parley satisfies Bishop Trautman ROME (CNS) - A two-d~y last summer after the doctrinal meeting on the use of inclusive congregation found fault with the language in Scripture and' the texts; the objections focused on liturgy was "definitely prod uctive" their use of inclusive language, and left U.S. and Vatican partici- sources said. Another inclusive-language text, pants with a clearer sense of direction on the issue, said the head of the revised New American Bible Lectionary, was approved by U.S. the U.S. deleg~tion. Bishop Donald W. Trautman of bishops in 1992 but. has not been Erie, Pa., said that he was leaving confirmed by the worship congregaRome "happy" with the outcome tion. The January consultation among and looking forward to a press release, that would outline the U.S. and Vatican-appointed biblical scholars was worked out last meeting's conclusions. Bishop Trautman, as well as fall by Cardinal William H. Keeler other U.S. and Vatican partici- of Baltimore, president of the pants, declined immediate com- bishops' conference, in a meeting ment on the substance of the Jan. with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, A DAZED woman wanders through ruins of quake-stricken Kobe in Western Japan. 19-20 consultation or even on the head of the Congregation for the (eNS/ Reuters photo) full list of scholars who attended. Doctrine of the Faith. Bishop Trautman noted thatU .S. Vatican officials, who will review , what was said at the meeting, had church leaders have made clear asked that the proceedings be kept their support of inclusive language in Scripture and liturgy. confidential. KOBE, Japan (CNS) - VolunIn the second stage of the assis- provide housing for the survivors "The bishops in 1990 approved Bishop Trautman said the press teers and victims sorted through tance plan, "we called on youth left homeless by the catastrophe. release was agreed upon by parti- a document on criteria for the elow stacks of newly arrived emerwith motorbikes and mountain "This started early on when we cipants and was then sent to Vati- valuation of inclusive language gency supplies in the covered parkbikes and backpacks," he said. learned that the quake did heavy can officials for confirmation and texts. They also approved the ing area of Sacred Heart Church. release. There was no clear indica- NRSV. They approved the (revised) Archbishop Hisao Yasuda of "Eventually we were dispatching damage to a live-in facility for about,20 of them. seriously handicapped patients, tion when it would be made public. NAB lectionary. So there are three Osaka had selected the parish as The meeting was convened after instances where the bishops, by , the forward base for the three"They carried emergency goods, managed by the Hospitalers of St. the Vatican last year reversed its formal vote, have gone on record including vinyl sheets, and returned John," Archbishop Yasuda ~:aid. stage relief effort he launched in former approval of liturgical use for inclusive language," he said. with information" on the disaster "We gave this top priority." the wake ofthe Jan. 17 earthquake Most parishes and Catholic The basic reason for inclusive of two inclusive-language Scripwhich killed upwards of 5,000 peo- site, the archbishop said. schools which had buildings still ture translations in tl:Je United language has been to avoid terms ple and left tens of thousands An eclectic mix of vans, highSfates. Vatican sources at the time that appear to exclude unnecessar;homeless. riding dirt bikes and bicycles was intact and reasonably stable housed expressed deep distrust of intro- , ily or offend some readers. In parked outside the archbishop's disaster victims during the first Father Nobuyuki Matsuura was ducing inclusive, or gender-sen- practice, this has often meant re- assigned to direct assistance to the residence. The entry hall was clut- week after the quake. sitive language, into biblical texts. ,p'lacing nouns and pronouns such The Shimoyama parish sheltt:red tered with dust-covered boots and survivors, which was launched The U.S. bishops' conference as "men" with more inclusive terms 17 elderly people in a parish ball, shoes left by bikers between trips. three days' after the temblor hit. · supports the use of inclusive lan- such as "human beings" or,ilpeoSeveral youths moved about, and the Marist Brothers' InternaSacred Heart's pastor; ,Father ':1:1' , guage, according to guidelines pIe." tional School in the Suma Ward Vatican oJ>jections to inol,usive ' Gerard Gouineau ofthe Paris For- toti~ suppli¢s, or talking' into section of Kobe took'in hundreds worked out in 1990. walkie-talkies. ' eign Mission Society put parish Bishop Trautman, a Scripture language have focused on what facilities at the disposal of priests, of survivors. The office, was bustling with officials called the need for fidelity scholar and head of the U.S. The need to provide housing for and laity involved in assistsisters phone conversations, couriers and the victims was easing up a week to the original words and meani~g bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, ,ing earthquake victims., The pas- the' movement of relief goods. Beof Scripture, including respect f<ilr said he thought the' U.S. experts tor himself gave an elderly couple c~use of the dam~ge 10caHacili- after the disaster as friends a.nd the language used by the author~. · received a' good hearing by the, relatives began taking them in. shelter in hiS own room. I ' ties, it was easier to reach the resiOfficials speaking before the coJ· Vatican-appointed participants. But it was clear that the resour"I wish we had been there in the dence by telephone from overseas : Whether the~e are more such meet- sultation expressed concern that ces of: thdocal church and relief ; ings will depend on Vatican offi- inclusive lang'uage, in their vie\\!, crucial .firsL two days," Father than from parishes just half an agencies will continue to be called hour's travel away. cials, h.e said. He added that he'felt c'ould impose on the language of Matsuura said. on for some time to come to help Parish priests'i'n Kobe when the Archbishop Yasuda said, the the victims ofthe great Kobe earth· this meeting "accomplished the the Bible an outside system that reflects a narrow range of contem- disaster struck jumped in to help third stage of the rl?lief plan was to quake of 1995. · agenda" that had been set out. immediately. But it took a couple He said "there's no question" porary sensitivities. of days for public and private They said that by omitting male that after the meeting there was a agencies to mobilize the collection clearer sense of direction on litur- pronouns in reference to God and human beings, inclusive language and distribution of relief goods. gical use of the biblical texts. The needs of the survivors were Jesuit Father Albert Vanhoye, in effect changes meanings on varbasic - food, water, shelter, warm secretary of the Pontifical Biblical ious levels. U.S, participants in the Rome clothing. Demand 'soared for waVATICAN CITY (CNS) Commission and head of the Vaticharity efforts around the world. Pope John Paul II donated about can delegation, said the consulta- consultation included Auxiliary ter-repellent vinyl sheets half the The 1994 "Cor Unum" spending tion provided a valuable exchange Bishop Richard J. SkIba of Mil- size of a tennis court. Rich blue in $5 million in 1994 to relief and included $336,000 for victims of color, the sheets were used as self-help projects in the Third of' ideas. The meeting clarified waukee, a Scripture scholar and war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and World, the Vatican said, Vatican difficulties with some texts, chairman of the U.S. bishops' tents, covering for damaged roofs, $100,000 for refugees in Croatia he said. At the same time, "the Committee for the Review of Scrip- and as ground' cloths for families An annual report on spending and Slovenia. The Vatican spent 'U.S. bishops and experts could ture Translations; and Jesuit ~ather forced to sleep outdoors. by the Vatican's main charity or- an additional $415,000 on assil:Richard J. Clifford, a professor of explain better their reasons and Everything had to be brought ganization, the Pontifical Council tance to refugees - mostly from "Cor Unum," showed that the · their positions" on inclusive lan- Old Testament. into Kobe from the outside. Rwanda - in eight African cpunguage, he said. For Catholic volunteers, the largest single amount went to civil tries, including Zaire, Tanzania .Father Vanhoye said the docsource of relief supplies at first was war victims. in Rwanda, where and Burundi. trinal congregation will now review The Vatican donated $135,000 MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (CNS) - , the seminary near Osaka, some 30 $640,000 was spent· on programs what was discussed and make fur- The,superior general of the Mary, . , miles away. By the third day, the to aid the. injured, orphans and toward flood and natural disaste:r · ther decisions about specific biblirelief in Asia and $15,000 for vic,· knoll Fathers and Brothers said in distribution point was moved to refugees of the African .country. cal texts. He said he expected the an interview that members of the the archbishop's residence, 15 miles While the "Cor Unum" spend- tims of a volcanic eruption in "doctrinal congregation to provide society remain hopeful about their distant from the disaster zone. ing is less than that of many WestPapua New Guinea. It spent: more precise information about ern governments, it represents $128,000 for relief in Latin Ameri·, work but are "not easily optimis~ But even then, debris in the , the objections it may have to partic" about the society's future. For roadways, buckled paving, detours . about 3 percent of the Vatican's can countries hit by earthquakes, , ticular texts and about the "things the first time in Maryknoll history, 'around damaged buiidings and total annual budget. The Vatican hurricanes and flooding. that need correcting." The Vatican'said the Populo, it did not have a single new priest bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed spends additional millions of dolThe eventual policies could have lars each year on social and educa- rum Progressio Foundation, formordained for the society this year, the delivery of goods. tional projects through its mis- ed' by the pope in 1992, had alloan immediate effect on two texts: Father Kenneth F. 'Thesing said. Relief vehicles snaked their way the New Revised Standard Versionary organizations. cated about $1.25 million toward through an obstacle course of desion of the Bible and the revised In recent years, the pope has 143 microprojects in 19 Latin struction to reach their destina- attempted to make "Cor Unum" a Book of Psalms ofthe New Amer~ American countries, many among tions. Nightfall made the trip even conduit for more direct church poor indigenous popl:Jlations. J ican Bible, both of which were more difficult and treacherous. spending, combined with fundapproved by U.S. bishops and The John Paul II Foundation received initial confirmation by , Archbishop Yasuda said the first raising projects by new papal foun- for the Sahel, which serves eight · the Vatican's Congregation for stage of the church's assistance dations. The council, headed by countries in north-central Africa, Divine Worship and the Sacraeffort involved prompt attention French Cardinal Roger Etchega· allocated $1.56 million to 202 proments. " to the immediate needs of the mul- ray, continues to provide moral jects to improve agriculture and and technical support to other, fight· desertification. , yaticl;ln approval was rescinded." titude of homeless.
Japanese archdiocese aids quake victim:s
Pope gav'e $5 million to Third World in '94
Uncertain future
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 27, 1995
Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. ST. LOUIS CHURCH 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River
MARCHERS head toward the U.S. Capitol; Cardinal Mahony speaks at the National Prayer Vigil for Life in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; diocesans gatherfor the ralley on the Ellipse. (Hickey photos)
Pro-Lifers' annual March . Continued from Page II Encircled by placard-waving marchers, the group was outnumbered even by the 70 police standing on the Supreme Court steps. It broke up after 30 minutes. Meanwhile, March for Life participants spread out. throughout Capitol Hill, many intending to find their representatives in Congress to remind them of their 1'1'0life constituency. Mary O'Dea of Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, echoed the sentiments of much of the diocesan group when she said she found the events "more enthusiastic" than in the recent past, an atmosphere many attibuted to the rousing support from congressional representatives at the rally and to ever-increasing participation from young people. "It seems this is finally getting somewhere," said Kara Desrosiers, one of 20 teenagers traveling with the diocesan group, referring to the promises for action by prolife congressmen. "I found it very hopeful," said Janet Guilmette, who brought her 13-year-old daughter. She said it was encouraging to see so many different religions represented in the crowd, among them Episcopalian, Baptist, Pentecostal, and Evangelical. There were Muslim and Jewish participants as well. Youth Movement The growth ofthe pro-life movement among youth was acknowledged at all ofthe March-associated events, beginning with the Mass opening the National Prayer Vigil for Life on Sunday night at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Cardinal Mahony began his homily by noting that "the vast majority [of people here) are young people." "It seemed like a youth event," Shena Muldoon commented. Kara Weissman said increasing youth participation could be attributed in part to the fact that "young people are looking for moral values" and such a huge gathering of people who are promoting them "shows there's hope out there." She added that young people felt encouraged when, as the vigil Mass procession passed by youths standing in the back of the packed basilica, cardinals and bishops shook their hands and "said 'Hey, nice to see you, glad you came.'" Beth Roma of Christ the King parish, Mashpee, was one of three winners of the Pro-Life Apostolate's essay contest attending the
March. She said it was "very reassuring seeing so many young people" because "there are only about two other pro-lifers at my school, including my twin sister. Everyone I talk to is not educated on the matter-they don't believe me when I try to tell them" the facts about abortion, she said. Miss Weissman agreed that lack of information and understanding about abortion contributes to many young people's acceptance of 1'1'0choice rhetoric, and she collected a lot of literature during her stay in Washington that she hopes will help her start a pro-life group on her college campus. Veterans of the pro-life movement have been "hoping and praying that young people will take up the mantle," said Bill McCarthy. "Their outstanding showing this year proves it is being done." A Movement of Prayer For Catholic participants in particular the annual March has become a time to focus on prayer and compassion as a means of turning hearts. The National Prayer Vigil for Life extends throughout the night before the March, beginning with the vigil Mass and ending with a morning Mass. The diocesan contingent attended both Masses and held their own on Tuesday morning before leaving Washington. The final Mass, held at the Franciscan Monastery, was celebrated by Father Fernandes after Bishop O'Malley, who had been the scheduled celebrant, had to leave early to attend Rose Kennedy's funeral.' The focus on prayer made the pilgrimage to Washington "a spiritual retreat," said Maria Marra of Holy Trinity parish, a member of its pro-life group, Celebrate Life. Ms. Marra, who moved to Cape Cod a few years ago from Italy, said she got involved in pro-life activities in her native country, where abortions are available as part of the national health care program, and that in both countries the only solution "is to have faith and trust in the Lord." "Violence is undoing us," Father Fernandes said at the Franciscan Monastery Mass. "It is tearing at the fabric of civilization, dehumanizing us." Cardinals Mahony and Law, homilists at the two basilica Masses, focused on the advancement of truth and acts of compassion as a means of healing society's divisions and hurts. Bishop O'Malley, a concelebrant at both Masses, said the excess-capacity vigil Mass crowd was estimated at 5,000. Cardinal Mahony noted that
Caring for Those Who Can't Care for Themselves Americans have created "a culture of convenience" which "forbids the inconvenience, for example, of unplanned pregnancies, of lingering illness or of caring for the disabled who could otherwise have destroyed in the womb." "How is the Gospel preached" to a culture in which abortion and euthanasia have become "the medicine of convenience"? the cardinal asked, offering as reply the example from the Gospel in which Christ "selects a small child at random...and teaches us in one sentence that the kingdom will be made up of those who have learned to be utterly dependent on God." "No matter what else one may Turn to Page 16
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By Charlie Martin
GOOD ENOUGH Hey, your glass is empty It's a hell of a long way home Why don't you let me take you It's no good to go alone I never would have opened up But you seemed so real to me After all the bull I've heard It's refreshing not to see I don't have to pretend She doesn't expect it from me So don't tell me I haven't been good to you Don't tell me I have never been there for you Just tell me why Nothing is good enough Hey little girl Would you like some candy Your momma said it's OK The door is open Come on outside No, I can't come out today It's not the wind , That cracked your shoulder And threw you to the ground Who's there that' Makes you so afraid you'r.e shaking to the bone You know I don't understand You deserve mUlCh more'tlian this So don't tell 'me why He's never been good to you Don't tell me why 'C' He's never been there for you I'll tell you that's why It's simply not good enough So just let me try And I will be good to you Just let me try and· I will be there for you' I will show you why It's so much more than good enough Written and sung by Sarah McLachlan (c) 1994 by Arista Records Inc. , I LIKED Sarah McLachlan's spoke with, McLachlan's first "Good Enough" the first time I chart hit is written from a woheard it. However, I found th(: man's point of view. The song lyrics confusing. So, I called the reflects some of. McLachlan~s promotional phone number listown childhood experiences. She observed that her pared on the cassingle jacket and ents' marriage went through lots ipquired about the song's mesof ups and downs.. She espesage. cially noticed that her mother According to the persQn I
seldom had~nyone't~" talk to about her hurts. The song also presents how a child watch~s these family dynamics and wishes that her mother could find the support she needs. It is true that few realities affect a child's life more than what goes on in his or her parents' marriage. In our society, many children intensely feel the pain in their parents' marriage. They long for a way,to keep giving and receiving love from' both adults. Sometimes, the scars of witnessing these conflicts leave the child wondering if he or she. is "good en,ough" to be loved. Such self-doubts perpetuate a cycle of pain. As the song suggests, these inner doubts can keep a person from opening up and genuinely trusting another. Underneath an individual's veneer of self-confidence sometimes lies a gnawing fear that, as witnessed in past family experience, love will not endure. . In past columns, I have mentioned my own painful experiences growing up. I've only done this to assure any teen that no matter wha,t 'the circumstances of the childhood and adolescent years, God's healing can still work its wonders. Even when the trauma of childhood hurt leaves a person with a deeply felt sense of not being "good enough,"there are ways to rediscover the selfesteem and sense of adequacy that God im planted in our souls when we entered physical life. In many places,' self-help groups are available; I know personally that participating in such a group really helps toheal past and present pain. If possible, talk to a trusted adult at your school or parish about how to join such a group. If no group exists in your area, ask an adult to guide you to the professionals who can help yo'u start such a group for teens. As God's daughters and sons, each of us is "good enough" and deserves to be loved. Some of us grew up in families where such truths got lost. Ask God to assist you in re-experiencing the truth of your forever goodness. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind, 47635.
4. Some people work b(:st with background noise. Others need If you are a student, homework is a fact of your life. Sometimes silence to concentrate. Just be sure there's more, sometimes less. But you're not spending twice as long no-homework days are rare. Usu- on assignments because you:r attention is divided. ally there's something due in the 5. Don't waste your efforts by morning that has to be done the doing work that isn't needed, ' night before. . How do you handle homework? whether that means rewrit:ng an acceptable draft or gathering too Knowing your homework style can help you understand the weak- much information. Instead, use your extra time to make sure you nesses and strengths of how you have the details right. get the job dorie. 6. Some people really do work Answer the following true or under the pressure of a deadbest false questions for insight into line.One thing to watch out for, your homework modus operandi: I. I throw it in the corner Of my though, is calculating the correct room and don't think about it amount oftime to finish a task. A good ru.Ie of thumb: Estimate the again until the teac,her'asks for it. 2.1 scheoule, a' set tirrie for time needed, then triple it. homework every day: . , : '7. If you don't know how 10 do 3. I·do homework between' your homework, ask for help. It's 'that simple. If your parents ean'l everything else I want to do. 4. I work best with the tele- help you, ask your teacher. Don't wait; do it today. . vision and radio on. 8. Studies have shown that math 5. I start work on a big project right away. I can!t stand to have it accuracy drops off dramatically when'a person is tired. Fatigue hanging over me. 6. I put off doing homework makes everything more' difficult, until the last possibie minute, but I so you might consider reordering your priorities so you can tackle always get it done. 7. I never ask for help. After all, tougher subjects first, when you're fresh. .' . it's my work. ., ' 9. Working with a friend can be 8. I always do the easiest work a form of peer tutoring. Just be first. 9. '1 like to'do homework in a sure you're doing your own work after sharing your ideas and undt:rgroup. 10. Sometimes I get discouraged standing of a subject. 10. Homework burlJout can when I have too much work to do, happen when you're not getting and I just blow it all off. Now, a few comments and tips enough rest or you have too many extracurricular activities. But if about these approaches: I. Having a set time to do your the problem is really too much due homework is a good habit. Just be all at the same time, talk with you I' sure you schedule enough time teachers. AS,k for an extension or and that you work on long-terin explain that 20 math problems a projects a little bit every day. Oth~ night means a two and one-half erwise, you'll find yourself caught hour commitment for just one sub.. ject. Many teachers don't know short. . 2. Using that half-hour ride to, what demands other courses areyour lesson to finish an, assign- maki'ng on your time. ' ment can be a wise use of precious time. Just don't forget the bigger picture. , The sentinel 3. Keeping a calendar of all In many of our country's inner assignments due, plus penciling in Father 'Neiman first wrote to all extracurricular .activities and cities, Catholic schools are safe their requirements, is a handy havens, providing a' strong acaOtto Frank, the only family memdemic, drug-free, weapon-free enmemory jogger. ber to survive, when 'he was a colvironment for youngsters - many lege student at Hardin-Simmons 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111I111111111111 University in Texas and still a in his father's lumber company, of whom are non-Catholic. At one Baptist. Their correspondence led entered St. John's Seminary. He' school in a high-crime area of New to several visits in Europe. was the first priest ordained by the York, a solitary elderly nun stands Otto Frank was "a warm, loving new Los Angeles archbishop, now- watch at the library window, ready man who after the war had marCardinal Roger M. Mahony, in to contact police when drug vendors set up shop. Why do Catholic ried a woman' who, like him, had 1986. lost much of her family in the priMiep Gies, with whom he still ' educators commit their resources son camps," Father Neiman said. corresponds, and members of the - and, literally, their' lives - to "It was a wonderful blessing for Anti-Defamation League, ,with the inner city schools? Simply beme to become good friends with whom he had worked, attended cause they care. them." , the ordination. During one conversation about The priest quoted a line written the camp experience, the priest three weeks before Anne Frank's , Local stud~nt on dean's list recalled, Frank suddenly told him, arrest. "Despite everything," she Joel T. Andrade, son'of Joseph "You, know, John, it is wonderful wrote; "I still believe that people and Anne Marie Andrade of Fall that you are recalling my family are good at heart." River, was named to the fall 1994 and find inspiration in' Anne's story.' "As we lament the state of affairs dean's list at· Assumption College, But if you really want to offer a in the world today," Father NeiWorcester. A graduate of Bishop remembrance of.her life, you need . man said, "I think we can all learn Connolly High School, Fall River, to live your own life by doing good something from a girl, an adolesAndrade is a junior majoring in for others." psychology and social rehabilitacent, who knew. so..much of sorOne year later, in 1980, Father row, yet ,saw good in others. ,Her, tion and participated in an internNeiman, who had converted to voice lives on, and it is a voice of . ship with the Department of Social Catholicism and was an executive Services during the semester. hope for us all."
Anne Frank's story inspired his vocation LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Fifty that is certainly evident from her years after Anne Frank died at age diary," the priest told The Tidings, 1"5 in the Nazi concentration camp Los Angeles' archdiocesan newspaat Auschwitz, Poland, she remains per. a symbol of hope and courage to a Each year, Father Neiman tells ~edondo Beach associate pastor. Anne Frank's story to parish eighthFather John Neiman ofSt. Law- graders, he said, to give them a ' rence Martyr Church credi~s both sense of World War II. "I think the adolescent diarist and her they can very clearly see that Anne's father, Otto Frank, with helping story offers a good model for what him decide to become a priest. can happen when prejudice is al"What Anne's story says to me lowed to flourish in society, what' is that ·you can't kill the hU,man, discrimination can do to people.", : spirit," s~id Father Ne,iman, who As the 50th anniversary of the .. first read' "The 'Diary of Anile liberation of Auschwitz is being' Frank" 30 years ago, when he was observed durin'g January, Father a young Southern Baptist. . Neiman reflected on the continu- " ,The di~ry, an account of the. j ing popull;lrity of Anne Frank's Franks'~wo years of hiding from story. t~e 'Nazi~".'so captivated' Father. On~y 13 when the family went Neiman that he'corresponded with into hiding, she had "a real picture Anne Frank's father, becoming of the worlo outside herself," the friends with him and with Miep 41-year-old priest said. "We so Gies, the Dutch woman who hid often think of young people as I I people, including the Franks, in "being rather self-centered, but Anne her Amsterdam home. wanted so much to make a differ. "Her father, told her, 'No one ence in the'world, to make things ca,Q, Pllt ~.hain~ Qn Y9ur ~ilJd,' and , ·better."
By Linda L. Rome
eNS photo
Covenant House a model says Sister Rose McGeady NEW YORK (CNS) - Sister Mary Rose McGeady is telling Washington it ought to consider the experience of Covenant House as it takes up welfare reform. "I am firmly convinced that many people in Washington don't have any experience with welfare clients," the Covenant House president said in an interview at her office in New York. Sister McGeady, a Daughter of Charity, said Covenant House, which aids homeless, runaway and exploited youth, has a program that gets young single mothers and others off welfare and into the work force. h could b(: replicated nationwide but government will have to work systematically to deal with all aspects of the problem and provide necessary funds, she added. Accompanied by two senior staff members and board member Nancy' Dickerson Whitehead, Sister McGeady met earlier this month with key leaders of the new Republican majority in Congress. She also met with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton at the White House. She met with House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, House Appropriations Committee chairman Rep. Robert L. Livingston of Louisiana, House human resources subcommittee chairman Rep. E. Clay Shaw of Florida, Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole of Kansas and Senate Appropriations Committee member Phil Gramm of Texas. Sister McGeady plans to meet Jan. 30 with three more committee chairmen who will play important roles in welfare reform: Sens. Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas,
Richard G. Lugar of Indiana and Bob Packwood of Oregon. A IS-minute appointment with Mrs. Clinton turned into 40 min'utes, Sister McGeady said. "I was very impressed with Mrs. Clinton's knowledge," she added. "She truly understands the child welfare system in this country." The Covenant House president said she had the impression the first lady would take an active role in the welfare debate. "She's very concerned that simplistic solutions are going to be legislated, and in the end won't be effective," Sister McGeady said, adding that the lawmakers also showed serious interest in what she was telling them. Gingrich said he would like to come to New York and spend a night with the young people in the Covenant House program, Sister McGeady reported. "I hope he does," she said. She said she expressed concern about his proposal to put some welfare children into orphanages. He told her it was a "bad choice of words," but that he is interested in getting better care for babies abandoned by their mothers. Gingrich also promised he would urge the nation's governors to use some of their .block grant money on programs like those of Covenant HouSe, Sister McGeady said. She said Gramm promised to visit the Covenant House in Houston, where she said about half the residents were single mothers. Sister McGeady emphasized that about 6S percent of the people on welfare are children. "That's the source of my concern," she said. ''I'm not going to Washington to
get involved in a political battle. I'mjust interested in the welfare of children." The welfare system does need reform to move it beyond merely providing subsistence and into helping people become self-supporting, she said, but added that the government needs to nl.lintain a safety net and avoid a punitive approach. "I have an enormous concern that there is a growing attitude that is anti-poor," she said. Sister McGeady also said some current attitudes toward welfare mothers could lead to an increase of pressures for abortion. Church and society should increase their efforts to promote abstinence before marriage .and avoid illegitiinate births, she said, but emphasized that young single women who have babies need encouragment to hold jobs and support themselves. "I'm into carrots; I'm not into sticks," she said. Sister McGeady said an essential part of the Covenant House program is enlisting employers to give jobs to those who complete a Covenant program called Rights of Passage; but for a national program, the government should give employers financial incentives to hire young people they might otherwise consider too risky, she added. For single mothers, day care is essential, said the nun. She noted that government, which ostensibly wants to red uce the number of people on welfare, was in some places trying to save money by cutting day care. "To me, that's contradictory policy," she said. Sister McGeady observed the Covenant House, which spends about $45,000 a year for each young person in its Rights of Passage program, relies little on government grants, but added that other ag(:ncies lack Covenant House's ability to raise funds in the private sector. She warned against the assumption that the job of training young people for the job market could be turned over to agencies like Covenant House without providing funds, but also pointed out that government grants should come with fewer regulations. She said such red tape pushes costs much higher than necessary and forces social workers to spend too much time on paper work.
Young Cuban violinist to be admitted to US MIAMI (CNS) - An ll-yearold Cuban refugee who drew national attention last year after she played "The Star-Spangled Banner" on her violin for reporters visiting Guantanamo Bay will be admitted to the United States with her family. Lizbet Lorenzo Martinez now practices on a new violin blessed by Miami's Archbishop John C. Favalora, delivered to her at the refugee camp at Guantanamo by a group of visiting religious leaders Jan. 6. The visit marked the feast of the Three Kings, a traditional time for gift-giving in Latin America. The gift and the attention to her family's situation resulted from her performance during a media visit to Guantanamo several months ago. President Clinton wrote a letter to a Miami physician who had been seeking admission to the United States for Lizbet's family on humanitarian grounds. The Jan. 6 letter said Attorney General Janet Reno is reviewing requests for admission to the United States on a case-by-case basis and that Lizbet's family would be welcomed during January. Meanwhile, Lizbet and another young refugee musician practice
on their new violins, Stradivarius copies that were donated by Carlos Vilano, owner ofa Miami store and father of a onetime unaccompanied refugee child from Cuba. Vilano's daughter, Elly Vilano Chovel, came to South Florida in the I960s through Operation Pedro Pan, a program that-helped young refugees in the United States and on Guantanamo. She coordinated the Jan. 6 visit to the camp by EI Paso Bishop RaymundoJ. Pena, Miami Auxiliary Bishop Agustin A. Roman, several priests of the Miami archdiocese and an assistant U.S. attorney who also was aided in entering the United States by Operation Pedro Pan.
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The family, aging is Stonehill topic Stonehill College, North Easton, will present" As the Family Ages," a pan(~l discussion of myths and realities of aging, 4 p. m. Feb. 5 at the Martin Institute on campus. Kenneth Branco of the Stonehill sociology department will moderate the program, which will explore coping with changes in family composition due to marriage, births and deaths; changes in health of family members; changes in living arrangements occasioned by financial and physical considerations; and shifting responsibilities between parents and children and between spouses. Other panelists will be Linda Lavin, program director at Blue Hills Alzheimer Care Center, Stoughton; Patricia Wilkinson, social services director at New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton; and Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, director of the New England Region of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Brookline.
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 27, 1995
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THE ANCHO.R~Dioceseof Fall River-Fri., Jan. 27, 1995
Iteering pOintl WIDOWED SUPPORT, CAPE Support group' meeting 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, education center library, Christ the King parish, Mashpee. Topic: "Eating Better, Feeling Better." Information: Dorothyann Callahan, 428-7078. ST. ANTHONY of the DIESERT, FR Exposition of Blessed Sacrament noon to 6 p.m. with holy hour 5 to 6 p. m. Feb. 5, St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Ave. Exposition also 9 a.m. to midnight Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. HOLY TRINITY, W. HARWICH 24-hour Exposition of Blessed Sacrament following 9 a.m. Mass Feb. 3 until Benediction 8: 15 a. m. Feb. 4 before morning prayer and Mass. The adoration is held each First Friday. ST. JAMES, NB Parishioners sent flowers and a message of sympathy to members of Grace Episcopal Church, New Bedford, expressing condolences on the death of Episcopal Bishop David Johnson.
:::::::::II• •~)'I!i! :.:.:.:.:.:
D. of I., ATTLEBORO Daughters of Isabella Alcazab'a Circle 65 meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 2, K. of C. Hall, Hodges St.
persons are invited to submit their weekly parish bulletin and news items of interest to Steering Points, the Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL MOBILE UNIT The Communicate:Health! Mobile Unit sponsored by St. Anne's Hospital, FR, will provide free breast and cervical cancer screenings for women age 50 or older who are uninsured or underinsured at the following times and locations (all in FR): Jan. 30, 9 a.m. to noon and I to 4:30 p.m., Mitchell Apartments, 2100 South Main St. Feb. 2, 9 a.m. to noon and I to 4:30 p.m., Cardinal Medeiros Apartments, 1197 Robeson St. Feb. 7, 8:30 a.m. to noon and' I to 3 p.m., Stanley Treatment and Resource Center, 386 Stanley St. For information and appointment call Dina Mello, RN, community outreach coordinator, 675-5686. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO First Friday Adoration of Biessed Sacrament in chapel at rear of,~hurch following 7 a.m. Mass Feb. 3iintil9 a.m. Mass Feb. 4. Prayer at 9 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday. Information: Joan Provost, 699-2430. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD Friends ofthe Pine St. Inn homeless shelter in Boston will prepare'li meal of beef stew 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 3, parish center. Information on food shopping, preparation a'nd delivery: Carol Dunn, 339-3444; serving the meal in Boston: Helen Silvia, 339-2068; providing desserts: Ellen Westlund, 339-8881.
ST. JOHN'BAPTIST, NB Living Rosary for Life 7 p.m. Jan. 31 at church. FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FR Rev. Craig A. Pregana and Atty. Donald Berube will address the men's club dinner meeting following 6 p.m. Mass Feb. 3 at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. Their topic will be "Church and State: Why Separate?" Father Pregana will concelebrate Mass with Father John Cronin and Lionel Dupont will be lector. The speakers attended Bishop Connolly High School and SMU Dartmouth together. All area men welcome. Further information: Paul Dumais, 673-7675. . O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Healing service with Mass 7:30 p.m. Feb. I, celebrated by Father Dick Lavoie, MS, Association of Christian Therapists; information: 432-4934. HOSPICE OUTREACH, INC., FR Grief Education Series 10:30 a.m. to noon Feb. 7, 21 and March 7, 21 St. Anne's Hospital Pastoral Care Department, first floor family room. Registration required; information: 673-1589.
BISHOP O'MALLEY and some of the youths in the attending the March for Life. (Hickey photo)
dioces~n group
Pro- Lif~rs' annual
Continued from Page 13 do to protect their own life or that of another, one may never intend directly to kill another human being," Cardinal Mahony added. "We do not speak against persons, but against abortion." Cardinal Law urged "reaching ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS out" as Jesus did with a healing Workshop for cantors 9:30 a.m. Jan. 28. Information: V. Bebout,· touch to a "society possessed by 249-1535. darkness and violence, that does SS. PETER & PAUL, FR not recognize the truth about God" Activities committee is planning a or the dignity of human life. celebration of the 20th anniversary "God's healing power [can] touch of the new parish church and seeks hearts and minds," he said "if we to borrow photographs from the speak the truth in love" and live "a past 20 years. They may be sent to life of compassionate deeds." the rectory and will be returned in April. Name and address of the "Jesus approached the possessed lender should be noted on the back and sick to heal, not judge; to forof pictures. 1995 Distinguished Gragive, not condemn. We know that duate of the parish school will- be the victory is already his, and we honored at II a.m. Mass Sunday. seek... to do his will." She is Ann Tavares Colicchio, '73, Summing up diocesans' pilgrimnow clerk magistrate of Concord age, Father Fernandes noted that district court. "we came to march" in our nation's O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE noble tradition of standing up for Parishioners are saving returnahuman rights, and "we prayed,. ble bottles and cans to benefit Champ because it is not necessarily the House in Hyannis, a residence for laws that need to be changed, it is at-risk adolescents. The returnables may be brought to Best Buy Redemphearts and minds at stake." tion Centers in Hyannis or Mashpee. Stand Up. Be Counted? ST. JOSEPH, NB For the pro-lifers from all over Life in Spirit seminar starts 7:30 the nation who come to Washingp.m. Feb. 10, rectory basement. All welcome. Information: Doris Cote ton for the March, one of the biggest frustrations year after year is 995-6410. the controversy about attendance ST. JOSEPH, N. DIGHTON Daylong retreat for some 200 con- at the event. Thi's time was no firmation candidates in area par- exception. ishes Sat. Feb. 4. Fountain Square Most media reported 45,000, Fools will present drama, mimeand the figure supplied by National music experience. Park Service Police, but the Washington Times quoted organizers' estimate of 125,000. "God knows how many were there, and that's what's important," Father Shovelton commented. That and the number who "show up in the voting booth."
The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information and atelephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators. and permanent deacons. . Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as alisting of priests by years of ordination and atable of movable feasts beyond the y~ar . 2000. It may be ordered by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy).
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Members of the Fall River group discovered that the number-juggling wasn't the only disappointing element of news reports on the event. Those who tuned in to lo<;al newscasts in Washington that evening found they focused more on pre-March fears of vIolence than on what actually happened. Prominently featured were members of the pro-choice group on the Supreme Court steps and the arrests of a group demonstrating at the Department of Health and Human Services against embryo research. "This is horrible. This isn't what the March was all about," .;omplained Madeleine Lavoie of Our Lady of Grace parish, Westport. On the other hand, March participants were heartened to find that C-Span ran the entire rally program. Most considered the media treatment irrelevant to the succeS!i of the March because "we had a peaceful march and we know what we did was good," said Mrs. Lavoie.
A Footnote With all of the above to thi nk about and digest, I hadn't given much tho'ught to the March theme chosen this year by Nellie Gray: "And the Cock Crowed." Perhaps there was a different moment of truth for everyone who attended the March, but for me it came while I was paying a cashier at the hotel. "You're leaving today?" sh(: asked. When I said yes, she con·, tinued, "You were in the March yesterday?" (And the cock crowed?) I answered, perhaps a bit cautiously, "Yes." . And she smiled and said, "Hope to see you next year!"
. Pope to travel Continued from Page On~ areas of socio-economic and political life, as well as in working for the cause of peace and solidarity between individuals and social groups." Arriving Jan. 16 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, the pope offered prayers for the inhabitants of Bougainville off the mainland's east coast, a copper-mining area torn by six years of guerrilla war'fare and beatified Peter to Rot, a married lay catechist martyred by Japanese occupation forces just before the end of World War II. He was arrested, sent to a concentration camp and killed in 1945 because "he defended the church's teaching on the unity of marriage and the need for mutual fidelity." Arriving in Sydney Jan. 18 for the beatification of Mother Mary MacKillop, co-founder ·of the Josephite Sisters, the pope ac-
knowledged concerns about his health. But he said he would continue traveling "as long as God permits." Meeting with members of Mother MacKillop's order, the pope praised the nun as an example of a woman who used her feminine gifts to give spiritual life to others. The church, he said, "faces the challenge offinding fresh and creative ways of recognizing and integrating the specific charisms of women, which are essential to building up the body of Christ in unity and love." Beatifying Oratorian Father Joseph Vaz in Colombo, the pope appealed for peace 'between Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese and minority Tamils. Father Vaz, a 17th-century missionary from Goa, ministered to Catholics who had been without priests for three decades because of Dutch colonialist persecution.