Forego Regionalization Plan
Alternate Proposal The . l3l1~~ Offered ~y Board ....
The plan to reorganize the Catholic elementary' schools of Fall River into eight regional An Anenor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul schools for next September has been withdrawn by the diocesan, Board of Education, it was anFall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 28, ,1971 nounced today by Rev. Patrick $4.00 per year J. O'Neill, diocesan SuperintenVol. 15, No. 4 © 1971 The Anchor PRICE .to¢ dent of Schools. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---In place of the regionalization ' p l a n , the Diocesan Board. has recommended a more limited proposal to earmark several school~ as diocesan elementary schools. The new plan would leave each parish free to operate ROME (NC)-Six· months beits own school, provided it could fore the Synod of Bishops meets maintain an adequate staff and next Fall to discuss lhe problems continue to finance the school. of the modern priesthood, Amer· At the same time the diocese ican Catholics will '.!lave given would choose three schools as their views of the subject to the the nucleus of' a smaller but American bishops through remore secure elementary system ,gional, grassroots exchanges, for the city. Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit The criteria for determining told NC News. the key schools would be: willThe cardinal, president of the ingness on the part of the parish National Conference of Catholic to turn the school over to diocBishops, said that the regional . esan management, location of meetings will be held throughout the school in an area which the United States sometime, in would serve a liuge number of March. needy students, a building capIn April the American bishops able of housing at least 16 will meet in Detroit to discuss . classes, and a commitment from the two items on the synod ..•..,- the school's Sisters to g.ive prjagenda: world justice and the .$ ority to the staffing of the priesthood. school. On the basis of these They will also at that time criteria, the Board recommended elect four bishops 'as delegates "'" the selection of three schools, to the synod, which begins in possibly St. Anne, Sacred Heart the Vatican, Sept. 30 and will and Notre Dame as diocesan Cardinal· Dearden last for about a month. schools, pending agreement with Cardinal Pearden was in Rome added to the synod the parishes. to attend a five-day meeting of justice was Father O'Neill stressed that agenda. ' 15 advisers for the 1971 synod. this was a completely new pro"Perhaps it is just as well. The tall, quiet-spoken cardinal posa~ wh'ich would still have to that we are dwelling on the said that plans for the grassroots be worked out in detail. He also dialogue were made before world Turn to Page Six explained that this' jIi no way im-
in their place of eight regional schools using the best school buildings in geographically representative areas of the city. The Diocesan Board maintained this
PI an Dialogue With Bishops
On P· r.eesthood· Pro'ble'ms
· 1
Approve New English Translation F'or Holy Week Services in April WASHINGTON (NC) - The general use has awaited the Vatican officially has approved definitive approval of the Holy an English translation of the See. new Holy Week services for use The English translation of the in April. revised funeral services was also Cardinal John Dearden of De- confirmed by the Holy See. A troit, president of the National later announcement, will set the Conference of Catholic Bishops, effective date for the liturgical announced that the Congregation use of this translation. for Divine Worship at the Vatican confirmed its seleCtion of English texts prepared by the International Committee on En'glish in the Liturgy. DAVENPORT (NC) - Catholic Included in the texts are services for Palm Sunday, now families in the Davenport diocalled Passion Sunday. the Holy cese will not have to debate Thursday chrism Mass for' use in about subscribing to The Cathcathedrals, and the simplified, olic Messenger, diocesan newsrites for the Easter Triduum. 'The paper. Bishop Gerald F. O'Keefe triduum consis'ts of the Holy solved ,the problem for them. - "You will receive The MesThursday evening Mass, the Good Friday Communion service, senger because I now require and the Easter Vigil. The new that every parish will pay to me translations were sent to pub- a subscription for every Catholic Ushers several weeks ago, but family known in' the parish," Turn to Page Two actual printing of the texts for"
Diocesan' Paper To Every Family
plied that other schools should close, but that this decision would have to be arrived at by each individual· school. . The original plan called for the discontinuance of the present 15 elementary' schools as parish schools, and the establishment
Bishop C~onin In' Attleboro Bishop Daniel A.. Cronin will be the principal' concelebrant of a Mass tonight at 5 o'clock at St. John the Evangelist Church in Attleboro. ' Residents and p~rishi~ners of the Attleboro Area will have the opportunity to meet their new Bishop following the Mass. ,Following the church reception, Bishop Cronin will meet wtth the priests of the area in, the rectory. This . will be the' fifth such visit to diocesan parishes as the Bishop seeks to familiarize himself with the diocese, its parishes and' his flock; and as parishionersseek ways to ,express their w~lcome to the new Ordinary.
'.'C /
"/, .
Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill
was the best means of continuing an ewwicient school system in the face of personnel shortages and skyrocketing costs. The plan had to be accepted by all of the present schools in order to be workable. . The regionalization plan was announced in October of this school year, and each parish was asked to consider the proposal and report its findings to the superintendent. During the following months the diocesan school office staff visited parishes where invite!! to explain the plan in detail. While some parishes did not express their position formally, Father O'Neill reported to the Diocesan Board that nine parishes seemed to favor the plan, but three were opposed and two undecided and presumed opposed. While a number of parishes favored the plan, enough rejected it so that it did not become feasible. The diocesan Board of Education met several times to study several alternatives in the hope of salvaging the regionalization plan, but found that without the support of all the schools, nothing would be gained by piecemeal consolidations. In an effort to assure some stability to Catholic education in Fall River, it adopted the new proposal for three diocesan elementary schools as a last alternative. In announcing the latest develTurn to Page Two
Speci,al Workshop for CeD .On Cape This Saturday Rev. Philip A. Davignon, as· sistant at St. Pius X Parish, So. Yarmouth and Cape Cod Area director for the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine has announced a special workshop for all CCD per-" sonnel and interested adults of .the Cape Cod area. The affair will be held at St. Pius X Parish Center, Station Ave., So. Yarmouth and is scheduled for SatFR. DAVIGNON urday, Jan. 30. Registration will be conducted at 9:30 and a concelebrated Mass will follow at 9:45 with Father Davignon and Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, Diocesan Director of the CCD, as celebrants. Following . the Mass, Father Tosti will speak on "Changes in the Church Today and Their Effect on Religious Education" and then supervise the discussion period. that will conclude this portion of the program.
There will be displays of educational materials during the lunch period. All are urged to, bring their own repast while the committee will provide cake and coffee. Sister Della Ann, OLVM, Diocesan CCD Consult~nt for Cape Cod has \ arranged specific workshops for elementary and high school levels and , also for thecpn· I 1/"" firmation group. MRS. FULLER Model Classes will be conducted by Sr. ChristineMarie, MSBT, on Confirmation for the junior high level and Sr. Eileen, MSBT, will treat the subject of the Eucharist. Mrs. Mary Fuller, former Diocesan CCD President and presently a member of the Diocesan Board will be in charge of the . workshop for high' schoolers." The theme of the day will be "God is Here! Let's Celebrate!" , and will be concluded with a Bible Vigil at 2:30.
of Fall River-Thursl Jan. 28,1971
High 5cl1001
Stresses in' P·'ly ~ife' Examined "'by Sociologists
'They are John Iy. Koval, who teaches at the I Uniyersity of the need to marry" will most Notre Dame, Father Richard W. probably lead to an ex09us of Bell,a Chicago ~riest studying ,a sizeable ~ number of young at Loyola UniversitY" and Edgar-W. ~il!s, ex~cutive director Catholic clergy, This was t:1e' finding of three of the mlnI.stry study board of sociologists who "'reported their the' National' I Council of o study of stress among U, S. ProtChurches. I / estant and Catholic clergy to 62 Per Cent! Respond the Society for Scientific Study ' "Loneliness an1 lack of supof Religion. the society met here with the convention of the port and encouragement from American Association for the fellow prests'" dted second in Advancement of Science: 'the Catholic clergy stress 'index,' Protestants were cited as hav.. with ~me quI. of io of those reing "a relatively lo~ a'1 d 'uncom- sponding to, 'a Furvey, say~~g plicated stre'ss 'profile" with they conte~platF resignatIOn major complaints stemming from' from, the pnesthood because of "inadequate compensation, work lonelme~s,. I ". frustration and, to a small de?~e m. f:,ve found: a, poOl gree, family unhappiness." splrltual life, as t senousprob" ' lem, but only one 1m 20 rated ."a Pr,lests, m contrast,' showed loss of faith in Ch~istianity" as "sharp stress profil~s.". Chief a ,serious problen1. . a~ong factots contnbu~mg".to One in 10 said Ihe is at pres. thiS, the stu,dy. sh0:-ved, ~as m~ ent cOl)sidering' resignation in adequate leadership and worR:- . order to rna r frustration." " . r y: I . , , The SOCIOlogists' saw a "slze.PROGRAM SPEAKERS: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kleupel Catholic priests over 50 face . able generation gap" in' their such a' 'wide ~ generation 'gap findings; ,fallin'g between those Will be the feature speakers at the CCD sponsored Enriehwith younger clergy that - it is under 45 and thos~ over 50. , ' .ment Program. ' not an exaggeration to view The' response from the them as' comprising two sep- 3,000 Catholic p~i~sts contacted a.rate ,gr<?ups or .even t~o, dis- was, 62 ,per cen~.. They were tmct churches, said the research, chosen from the 24,000 members ers. of the National Federation of, Diocesan-CeD 'Enrichment Program Priests' Councils in the Summer' arid Fall of 1970.' I ' . Scheduled ,for February' 4 and 5 CHICAGO (NC) -
lonelin~ss, work frust.ration and
Confirmation .Topic
Diocesan Paper
Sodalists To Meet' A Winter of Christian. Action will be held at Bishop Connolly High Sch601, Fall River, this weekend under sponsorship of area Chrigtian Life Communities. Two hundred and fifty delegates' are expected from Catholic high schools in all parts of New England. Out of state participants will be housed in homes of area' students. . Theme for the weekend is "We Are the Church," and sessionswill be climaxed Sunday morning at .11 o'clock with a concelebrated Mass at which Bishop ,Cronin will be principal concelebrant 'apd' .deliver a homily. Friday Registration Registrations will be taken tomorrow afternoon and evening, with a welcome ~ession scheduled, to start at 7:30:A keynote session with Sister Mary' Ann Foy' will highlight Saturday morning and a second keyote, talk will be given in the afternoon by Brother Raymond Latour, S.C. A Eucharistic celebration' will close' the afternoon 'and students will go. to their host homes for supper, returning for a, recreation program Saturday n'ight. Four workshop 'periods on Saturday will develop themes outlined by keynote speakers. Delegates will choose among six concurrent meetings at each period. 'Subjects to be. diScussed will .i.nclude prayer, awareness of persons, the role' of conscience, internation,!l awareness, drugs, liturgy, personal and group witness, and the role of the Christian student in the school community. The small group sessions will be directed by priests,; brothers, sisters and lay people..
"Confirmation: Witn~ss to Re- ogical Dimensions, Inc. Mr. and Continued from Page One' Necrology creation"will be the fourth topic Mrs. Kleupfel work out of their Bishop O'Keefe said in a ,statein, the Enri,ch~ent Program ser- editorial offices in West MystiC, JAN. 29 m~nt published in the paper. ies sponsored by the Diocesan, Connecticut and through their ef"I want The Catholic MessenRev. ,ChristianJ..J, Borges, Office of Religious Educat.ion- forts there 'are' several new tools , I ger' in every home. I 'wa'nt every Catholic in the diocese to have .1944, Pastor, St. iJohn Baptist, CCD. Following' the established for religious educators available.. , pattern,' the event wiill take place A series of filmstrips and guides access to it and to read it. It, New Bedford. Rev. Albert i. iMasse, 1950, at 8 on Thursday night, Feb. 4 at are included' in such areas is part of my teaching oUice to Sacred Hearts Academy, 466 as First Communion, Penance and bring this to you. It is part of Pastor, St. Josep!1, Attleboro. Prospect S'treet, and again at 10 Confirmation' are being widely your learning obligation to read JAN. 31 on Friday morning, Feb. 5 at used throughout the Diocese. it. It is part of your parish's o b - ' I " . ligation to see that your, sub-" Rev. Charles J. I Bu:ns, 1901, th~ CCO Center, 446 Highland These can be reviewed and borrowed 'from the Diocesan Office. scription is sent in," the bishop Pastor~ St. Mary,1\fo. Attleboro. Avenue,. Fall River. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kleupfel ·of , The enrichment program callstated. . Rev., William·F. Sullivan; 1930, Twenty-Third Public'ations will ed ,"The First Thursday" ProBishop O~Keefe listed' three Pastor" St. Patrick! So'merset. Review Sold reasons for making "so strong a ,Rev. Manuel Terra; 1930, , speak on "Confirmation and gram is intended' to ,give creativ~' ' NEW. YORK (NC)-Catholic request."-the need to be inform- Pastor, St. Peter, Provincetown. Ecology." The latte\, ties in with opportu,nities of in service train, Polls, Inc., of New York, an or, Confirmation as one of the great ing for the coordinators of Re- ganization that' gathers' and ed about the Church; 'the paper's -I arenas for Christian Witness to- ligious Education at both the evaluates Catholic opinion, an·, editorial comment on current . FEB. ~ day.. parish -i\nd school level. Further nounced purchase here of the eve;tts, and The Messenger's Rt. Rev. Michael -J. O'Reilly, page of information inc~ding the 1948, Pastor, Imm1aculate Con'. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kleupfel are information <;an'be obtained by Homiletic ,and Pastoral'Review, NC News Service's Know Your ception, Taunton. a Christian Education team with contacting the Diocesan Center ,a magazine for priests founded Faith program.' ' many years of experience in the- of Religious Education - CCD, inl898 by the Joseph F. Wagner FEB. ~ field of religious education. They' 446 Highland Avenue, Fall River Co. and published by Wagner , , have published several r'i1mstrips (676-3036). There is no admission ever since. Announcement of Rev, Msgr, Patridi< H, Hurley, charge and all are invited. the sale was made jointly by 1968, Pastor, St, Jos¢ph, Taunton" and magazine texts on the SacraContinued from Page One I ments and other catechetical apWagner president John F. Wagopment; 'Father _O'Neill' st:ated Most Rev, William Stang, D,D,,. ner and Archbishop' Robert J. 1907, First Bishop M Fall River: ' proaches to r~ligious education' in Post-Vatican 'II times. Dwyer of Portland, Ore., presithe he "regretted that the plan ,1904-07", I dent of Catholic Polls. ..yas not acceptable to more peaI ,The ~ouple are recent com~rs pie" and, ex'pressed, "concern for ' Rev, Patrick F, McKenna, 1913, to the I;:ast. having' left 'Fort . children, who might be displaced' ' immaculate Concept/on, Taunton .. Wayne, In1d., where the publish- _ QUEBEC (N~)-T~o-thlr.ds of' by necessary school 'closings," Rev"John L. McN;~mara,1941" ing end of their work left littie'. the Queb~c prJes~s mterv~~wed However, he felt the "effort was Pastor; I~maculatri Conception,' opportunity for them to devote' abou~ cehb~cy said t~ey. would worthwhile because 'it enabled us Fall River., 'I ' .their time and talent toward -th~ remam celibate even I,f the FUNERAL HOME, INC. to confront the problem together Rev, P. Roland Decosse, '1947, preparation or' new and more Church, did not require it. . R. Marcel Roy - G.' LOrrl;;ne Roy , Roger laFrance and lay the groundwork for co-,' Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New' Bed- 'creative tools for religious edu-' A. total of,81 per cent of the operation in the future.',' , . ford. ,' ' . ' [ ' , . ' ..tators. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS 776' priests. who responded to 'ci ~~ Rev. J. Orner ..·..Lussier, 1970, 15 'Irvington Ct. , Feb,. 26 willse~ the la'unching survey subsidized by the Cath-' Pastor, Sacred Heatt, North At- of Mr. Neil Kleupfel) new maga-, olic bish9Ps of Quebec",province, New 'Bedford : Taunton Blind tleboro. ' " ' ~ I, '. 995-5166' zine entitled .~'Ecology To'day" agreed with th'e Church's, existTaunton CathOlic Guild for the' . "I which will be published by Ecol-, 'ing regulation that celibacy be Blind will meet TuesdaY,Feb. FEB. 3 1 maintained. ". , I, 16. At the ianuary meeting; l1eld Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, 1952, Three per cent oppo'secl' celiat Marian Manor, Rev. Brian Harrington, cha'plain, spoke 'on Pastor, Our Lady' of!Angels, Fall :- Vincentia,n Meeting' ba~y outright" reported the deDOLAN-SAXON ' " The, monthly meeting of the partment of religious sociological the Christian as the Sigh of, River.:-, ..' , ' . ,: Chri~t in today's world. FEB. 41 Fall River 'P.articular ,Council, research at Laval University' . .. . " Society of St. Vincent de Paul,' which conducted the survey. The lllt ''''''lIu"mt ''''''''ttlu'''I'U11I'''''''''''''''.''IIIIU''''''''''"''''ti''''('I''''''''''''U''''l1lfl' , , Rev. Msgr. Hugh jsmyth,p.R.,' will be held Tuesday, Feb. 2.' university is in Quebec City, THE ANCHOR 123 Broadway 1921, Pastor, St. Lawrence, New 'M/!-ss 'will be offered in Sacred capital of thE; French-Canadian Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River Mass., Pub fished every Thursday at 410 General, Fall, Heart Church, Linden. Street, at, Bedford; 1st Vicar province of Quebec. There are, H,gh'and A'/enue. Fall ,Ri'ler, Mass.' 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 1904-07; 'Adininistrator of ' '7:30 P,M. and the meeti)1g will 5,30Q diocesan prfests in' the VA 4-5000 River. Subscription ,price. by mail, postpaid Dioc~se, Feb,-July, 1907. follow'in the school haJI. $4,00 per year, " province..
'Quebec Pr.-ests Favor C'elibacy
,Funeral Home
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 28, 1971
'NORTH EASTON PARISH CONDUCTS UNIQUE ltJi:TREAT: Left to right: Rev. Vincent Dwyer, retreat master, Dr. and Mrs. James McCourt selecting the evening's program, Mrs: Helena Luxton with Mr. and Mrs.
William Dukeman participating fn a group discussion. J Hym~ singing during the program.
IMission Incredible Fascinates I,mmac'ulate Conception Parishioners By Dorothy Eastman The Immaculate Conception parish in North Easton was the scene of a retreat they called "Mission Incredible". Twenty priests from the diocese joined a Trappist monk in giving the five day parish mission that attracted over 400 parishioners. Father Leo T. Sullivan, pastor of the Immaculate Conception parish, hosted the unusual mission that had been germinating since a year ago last Fall when the group of priests who had formed a study group, met at路, Round Hill in Dartmouth for a five day retreat with Father Vincent Dwyer, a soft spoken Trap-~ pist monk who is on medical leave of absence from his order. The message Father Dwyer gave the priests on that retreat had evolved from the search for meaning in his own life, and from his own intensive study in the fields of theology and psychology. The heart of the message that Father Dwyer gave to the priests and again to the parishioners at the mission is that renewal in the Church must begin in the spiritual life of man in relation to the commitment of baptism. It must involve the interior life of man and this interior renewal must come before the renewal of externals, he insists. Former Social Worker The 42 year old mOllk had been a social worker and counselor in New York and Boston before 'entering the Trappist order. After 11 years of living the arduous monastic life. he became ill with arthritis and received permission to leave the monastery and work on a Ph.D. in theology at Catholic University. While there he became interested in the work of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, and in the 'field of educational development. The Assistant Provost of the University of North Carolina heard a tape of a lecture Father Dwyer gave. and he persuaded him to join the faculty of the
university. The Assistant Provost is now head of the newly formed College- of Human Development and Learning at the North Carolina University campus at Charlotte where Father pwyer now teaches educational psychology in the school's multi- , disciplined program approach to the problems' of human growth an'd development and the' internalization of principles. Devoid of Affectation Although the content of Father Dwyer's thesis is based on rather involved principles of theology and psychology, and the average parishioner may stumble a bit over some of the words that stud his talks, the message comes through loud and clear. He has given the same basic workshop ,for such diverse groups as five year ,old young!'lters to Bishops. The Trappist's own low key but warm and friendly personality is perhaps the main medium of his message. He is a man completely devoid of affectations and mannerisms aDd his face often looks sad in repose, but is suddenly transformed by a boyish grin. He comes across as a man who has made a total commitm'ent to living by the spirit of the Gospels.
basis of our relationship with Dwyer's talks, composing and Dwyer gave a similar workshop God is our relationship with conducting the para-liturgies that for the teenagers of. the parish. each, other. To the extent that ended each, e'vening's session, Asked at the mission's end to we enter into deep personal con- conversing with parishioners in comment on their feelings about tact with our fellowmen, 'to that the refreshment period. the mission, the parishioners extent we are penetrating the For the six' weeks previous to were overwhelmingly enthusiasmystery of God. the mission they had all taken tic. Father'Dwyer is, a spiritual turns preaching at the Sunday "The mission has given me a consultant for several commu- Masses at the Immaculate Con- modern theological background nities of Sisters, among them ception Church, explaining the to use," said one parishioner. Sisters of Charity, Notre Dame coming mission to the parishion"It should make me a more Sisters, Mercy and Benedictines. ers. loving, open person and comHe believes that the problem of One parishioner commented mitted Christian," said another. religious life is the problem of when the mission was over "The "It assured me that the Cathspirituality. "Many orders and most meaningful thing for me communities are following about the mission was the active olic religion hasn't become watschools of spirituality that are support and enthusiasm of the ered down as some seem to think," was another comment. in primitive stages' of ' develop- priests." , "I walk out of here inspired' ment and this is creating tenMembers of the hardy and en- and feel there is hope for me to sion," he said. "The core of the thusiastic mission band were be a tr'ue Christian," another problem is that many people are Msgr. John Boyd, Msgr. Henri said. trying to live a life of spiritual"The complete honesty of Hamel, Rev.. Thomas Daley, Rev. ity that is not in context with Leo Sullivan, Rev. James Lyons, everyone involved really imthe development of the rest of , Rev. Cornelius O'Neill, Rev. Ar- pressed me," someone said. the world." And simply and movingly thur DeMello and Rev. Robert He describes his experience McGowan. from another Parishioner "Thank with the Fall River diocesan Also Rev. Thomas Lopes, Rev. you for this mission. A void has priest's group as a major turnRaymond Robillard, Rev. Ed- .. been filled." ing point in his life. Although mund Fitzgeraid, Rev. Brian he has given over 100 such Harrington, Rev. Owen Smith, workshops to groups of dfocesan clergy; this is the first time that Rev. Robert Carter, Rev. Richard the workshop participants have Gendreau, Rev. James Morse, Roofing, Contractor , Rev. Henry Arruda, Rev. Harold formed an ongoing group and Wilson, Rev. William Norton, STEEPLE JACK WORK continued to meet and discuss and Rev. John Gomes. the principles he taught them, A Specialty As every age group among the giving each other support and 488 Cumberland Street encouragement, and deepening priests was represented, so, too North Attleboro, Mass. . for the parishioners, from young their own spiritual lives. 1 ~695-0322 married to the elderly. Two afterLove Is Diffusive noons during the week Father .##~-~~~:~~;
"It requires a tremendous asceticism to live by the principles of development" he tells work"Renewal in the Church has shop participants. "If you em- to begin with the spiritual life brace the p<).th of living a life of the priest," Father Dwyer of relationship and dialogue you said. "Aftet all, he entered the are on the road, to crucifixion." priesthood to lead an intense "Behavioural scientists are tell- spiritual life and to promote the ing us now that man is capable spiritual lives of others. Love is of change all ,his life," he said. diffusive. These priests were able "Man has the capacity to choose . to undertake such an ambitious either of two fundamental op- project because of the love and tions-the option of ,living as a support they gave each other." related person, a dialogical life If the mission itself was' inand a life of grace, or as an un- credable, the mission band of related person, living in a mono- 20 priests 'was inspiring. From logical world; a world' of sin and the recently ordained men with . selfishness." long sideburns to the silverhaired pastors-they were every.. ' Consultant to Communities where all week performing every Father Dwyer told his audi- kind of job-leading the singing, ence that since the Christian's playing' piano accompaniment, vocation is to fashion the world leadt'hg the .discussion groups in the image of God's love, the that followed each of Father
of the 'Sacred Hearts'
For Parents and Prospective Students 466 PROSPECT ST.,' FALL RIVER, MASS.
Tel. ,672-4862 .
I i
THE ANCHOR,":"Oiocese of Fall
River-Th~rs. J~n:
' I
28, 1?71 "
Are US -Prioriti~s, Worthy Of 'This ,'Great' N'at'i;on ,
' i
One of the, great)lI~guments for calling a halt to the nuclear arms race :-js :tllat it would allow ihdispensable, resources, to be' released for urgent civilian Ineeds, Perhaps most people in this' cOimtry' imagine that the argumenttias more force in the,' -Soviet,' "I ', Union where, compared:with ,ped in ~he gh;~ttoes which I~ck the American citizen the 01'- of public fu~ds perpetuate,. !lve
the very poorj whose powers of self-help,'are eroded by history, short of chOice, qualIty and 'II h Ith ,poor ,- I e d uca't"IOn ( pro, . , ' I - ea - . . variety . m the sale of goods, ' 'd d m, ' poor s,c'I100I) ' , • VJ e S' d'ISCrlml-' But m fact the argument IS,"a ,na 't'(On ,and ,~ f It' , ermg, se If, -con f'1- ' dence'. Unless there is a' new at,, tack in Americ1a upon urban mis, • , I' : E:ry and urban, decay, the fities in the :70s could ,be as turbulent By "a~ in'Latin America, where 'sim, 'i1ar causes are producing even ' more violent results. BARBAR~
dmary consu~er see~s very
Challenge of Poverty ,
I ,
This is the, challenge of poverty; as. urgentll fo!" Christians as the chaJlenge lof, 'Yar. Ideally, America should be prepared,' over the '70s, t6' increase its :pubvery' strong one,' in America as 'lic bl!~get, to.. . a~ least the level of well. In the United States, ,the "spending p'ra~ticed by the Euroweakness lies in the public sec- pean democra,cies. This would tor-in all the forms' of public raise the flow 6f resources availHONOR R.ETIRING MEMBERS: Rev. Msgr. Henri A: Hamel of St. Joseph's Parish, , spending, on schools, 011 health, able for' health, education, the New Bedford, left, and Mrs. Griffin Marrion, now of €oventry, second right, were honon cities, on amenities' and' en- minimum guabm'teed Income, ored Fr:iday night ~t 'a testimonial commemorating their retirement .from the Dioce,san vironment - which, in Western urban renewal \ and new cities ,Europe, rarely absorb less than 'by about' $100 I billion a year- Commission on' Christian Unity. Among the many guests were: Griffin Marrion, hus35 per cent of the Gross National 10 per cent' of a' GNP which band of the retiring member 'and Rey., Corn~lius J. O'Neill of St. Paul's, Taunton, presProduCt (the total national out- should pass thJ trillion mark in ent chairman of the cqmmission: ' ,put of goods and services). In 1971. I " , America they make, up n~t much 'Unhappily fot the moral imag~ more than 25 per cent., The com: and Christian dontent of Amer,parison is even .more sharp, in ican civilizatioh, - the trend at fact, since Europe spen~s ~ather prese,nt is in thF other direction., l~s~ on ar~s and Amerl~a.s $.18 , Last year's so-yalled tax reform' :bIllIon . m!htary . budget. IS ,m- 'bill hand~d back several billions ", "" I , ' .. of annual' pu6li(h:e~enue to taxcluded m Itspu.bhc spen?mg. ' The r~sult...S that I.n many payers with incomes above areas:7' p'ro~lslOns ?gamst ex- $15,000 a year.'~nd th~ loopnoles treme poverty, ,for mstance, or ,'which· allow ,a -,few hundred milthe wh~le ~ield .of ur~an policy lionaires' to pa~ 'no taxes at al!. , . America, m spIte ?f ItS, wealth, were not plugged. The released ,IS ~ot so well~prqv~~t)d as ~o~t resources gotd' second ,pouses, , of I~S EUfop,ean :?Ihes. ~hls IS third cars' arid Ifourth, TV sets partIc~larly clear I~ the field ~f while 10 million 'Americans still ,urballlsm, The l!?,lted. St~tes' .IS have not enoug~ to eat. This is the on!y Western state WIth ~Ir- hardly a priority system worthy ~ually no stra~~gy for :the ,buIldof a, great nation: ,." .~ mg ,of new CIties and. the 'elab" . I • . oration of regional policies for ' ,Howe,ver, a.'start on rev~rsm~ balanced decentralized urban the shameful Im~alance could be 'growth. ' " 'made if the SALT talks. were fully successful inot only in sta~ Priva1e Action bilizing the arms balance but in ,ending further escalations rooted The discrepancy' is partly one in conti'mied lu~atic military r,eof history. Two hundred years search. A nuclear "stand-off" ago, Europe was already crowd- need not' co~t ' either side ed, urbanized and developed. It much more, than the old' , I could not rely solely on 'private "stand-off" achieved during the activities to solve social prob- , Eisenhower regirhe and tragically lems. In any case, it had a long broken by America's false alarm tradition of paternalist, interven- over the' "missile gap", which set tionist, positi,ve governm~nt. the arms ·,race. lof the '60s in But,' in America, five' million motion, The figtlre in the 1950's active settlers who had 'escaped was' under' $20 Ibillion: It need from the European political sys- not be much more today. The , tem had a whole temperate con- human' race can !be safely incintinent to open up, However, erated with tha~ degree of anmuch, government was in fact nual spending. ' I invoked-for, tariffs, for' "interThe balance'-~ome $~O to $50 nal improvements," for special ,billions-would then be available interests like the railroads-the tradi.tions became set in the di- for the priority~ needs of ,the rection of private' action and poor-the poor at home in ghetThere's just no beating the" economical convenience of a flameless toes and rural slums, the' world's self-help,' ' I poor crowding into 'the over. electric clothes dryer. Combined with an .electric-washer; it can produce Today with 200. million inhabi~ . farms an'd cities of the loaded 'a dean,' sunshine bright wash ,in minutes a:t any hour of the day or night. ·tants, 8.0 per cent of them, jammed into cities, the old pat- developing , m;tio~s. terns no longer work. No good , 'However, a world spending 'See the modern' Flameless Electric Clothes Dryer at city results from the 'sum of half its present krms budget to ' private decisions, particula'rly root out the deep causes of via-, Your Electrical Appliance Dealer or the ' decisions skewed by the horren- lenc~' in povertk and despair dous distortions of a private land would be' a very much safer . -market. Cities are in open 'crisis. place than the n~uratic, suicidal The' larger the' city" the' worse' world of guerillias, kidn~ppers' the crisis, apd hijackers we Ibegin' to know Moreover, within t.h\'!m, ,trap- today. I ','
flam'ele$s .~/e~tric !Clothes Dryer
,,' ,
of FoB River-Thurs. Ja.n. 28, 1971
~.",I,,·,:,t{*('· \,,,,,.,~
. ,".' ....
Sees Reunion of Christendom Possible Pope' Says True Fa ith Cond ition for Dialogue '"
. GUEST PREACHER: Rev. Reginald Theriault, a.p., prior of .St. Anne's Priory, Fall River·, executive secretary of the Massachusetts Commission· on Christian U.nity and Vice-chairman of the Fall River Diocesan Commission on Unity pr~aching at the service sponsored by the Greater Fall River Council of Churches.
VATICAN CITY (NC) Achievement of the reunion of Christendom will be difficult, 'but . it is possible, Pope Paul' VI told a general audience during the worldwide Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:' The Pope told the audience that Christians today find them~ selves in "a strange, we might say, absurd position." Christians are still separated and disunited, he said, "Even today as Christians are· trying to understand one another" they are "still deprived ofsome principles that are essential for perfect union," he said. "We are in partial communion, already profound, and if we think of the venerable Orthodox Eastern churches, almost in full . communion, but not yet perfect communion," the Pope said. This lack of perfect communion, he said,c"is one of the gravest problem!> of Christianity and, we can sa"y, of mankind." N? Easy Ways The Pope then examined .some of the probleJ;Ils involved in the search for perfect ·union. Limiting himself to speaking only of Catholics Paul said that they find themselves in a strange position. They must, first of all, remain faithful and steadfast; they must not doubt their Church, even if it shows not a few blameworthy aspects in its histqry and even in ·its present state. . "But its creed, its relationship
with Christ, its worship, its sacramental and moral treasures, its institutional st~ucture, its doctrinal and practical definitions , .. must not be questioned. We do not have the right to do so," he said. Warning against trying' to find easy,ways out by simplifications or giving in "to principles which led to the separations we now lament," the Pope said that such a course "would only reo suIt ill illusions and confusion." Learn from Others Dialogue, he said, is a duty, But, he added, "only the possession of a faith which we believe to be true and indispensable, makes us fit for dialogue and constitutes -the condition for a fruitful dialogue." Pope Paul. said that Catholics' "can at times learn from others to understand and Ii\'e better certain aspects of our faith and thus can modify an old mentaiity of ours that was closed toward the separated brothers and did not trust them. "We must make a loving ef-
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fort of understanding toward them, an effort we have not always made properly, We .must recognize all the good that they have and must learn from them, in not a few things, how to perfecr our religious and human culture."
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,: How L011g, 0 'Lord? '. ,'_., ,. -, ~
':' C~ntjnued Ifrotit' Page Orie priesthood only, because that in itself is a topic so large as_ to take all the time in any regional' discussion," he said, -' " "The import~nt thing i~ to get ·the opini01l' of as many people as possible, Regional exchanges will be SUJllmarized and forwarded to us before the Ap,ril meeting. It hardly need be said that this will benefit the bishops, but more" importantly, ·the four delegates g<?ing to Synod' 71." The cardinal said he did not know if other bishops' conferences'are pl,anningsuch a ,dialogue with the people, but he said',that several foreign bIshops 'had, expressed interest in the idea, Hopeful for Syno«!. Cardinal Dearden ,said he did not want to discuss the meeting _ of the synod 'advisory committee, but he 'noted that his committee has been studying the agenda approved by Pope Paul and that some members will return to Rome shortly to fmalize ' position papers on the topics of _the agenda,
~MtL't'Wlm:In;:'f:tm:s:::t;;IIi:s;wrmm:mmlIWnt'@i:gfHgt:;'1WNmW@'iKf&~fm:$,*jM::i'Ifim%:m., Asked what he thought Synod , . . , . 71 would accomplish, the .cardinal said: "It is still t'oo early to say, but I liope it.will be able to define what the priestly ministry is for the 70's, I see the modern priest as' a 'member of the , 'Last year, taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Massa- ' Christian 'community, ,but one . ~. chusetts spent $766 per pupil for education in public ele~ who is in serVice to that commehtary and' secondary schools. This average expenditure ?1unity in the na~e of Christ:" . ,is an increase of $79 over the preceding year. ? Cardinal Dearden said ,he is . : , ~ What does' it 'mean? very hopeful for Synod,7'1, addIt- means that education is becoming ',an increasingly 'ing .that he sees in it "a very ef:.: fective instrument of collegial -expensive business: And it also means that the cost is ~ Rev.. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A;, M.Ed. collaboration between the bishg~ing-' to' rise even mor~. dramatically' with: t~~. :contim~ed' 55. Peter' & Paul, Fall River ops ·of the :world 'and thel'Hbly closing. of Cat~olic sc~ools., , '. r '.1 '. ,', ,See,'" :,', ' .1
Little Now-Much Later
mooQlnq .~
, .There' is no question that"' parents hav,e'the right to , send their children to the schoof system of I their choice-:. Vatican Policemen. public, p'rivate or parochial. As long as: the pubiic purpose of educatIng is' fulfilled in these school systems, all have ,In a .recent report to' the' Society for, the Scientific In Plain' Clothes . equal validity.: . ' Study of· Religion, sociologi~t Jo~n Koval of the University VATICAN CITY" (NC) ~ The The prob.em corries. in when tax funds: are allotted' of Notre'Dame has noted ~any problems and conflicts Vatican's police force was disto only one of the school< systems. :rhe other two school .that are facing., the clerkal world of the seventies. It is bandeo on schedule but about half the ex-gendarmes have resyst~ms fulfill .the public purpose of educati~g' ~ithout re-' ina spirit of understanding. ~ tax assistance. , and compassion diat this re- some people is that the "loss ~f . mained on the job unarmed and in plain clothes. . " There has been a long period, of time I when private ,port attempts to bring to, the faith" ~oncept Is. by n,o ~eans. These 81 agents of the new arid parochial' schools were willfng' and finahcial,ly'able to entire church some of 'the ' t~le major factor 10 the .resl~a, . . ' , ' . , ' ' ... , tlOn of men from the active ,mm- Central Office, of Vigilance are bear this burden. That time has come, to an end. mQerallxleties ' h,IS f'10 d'lOgS, 'Kova I t;listinguished. only by lapel pins ad I and ten~lOns 'bethat., he Istry. F rom t'h And now these two school systems argue that since pet m e;n c er:l7?n., f'n feel~ that" one in four Catholic' of th'e keys of St., Peter surthey fulfill a· public function then they are: entitled to be' ,roh~st adn' l orl.fca qlC, IS aCI g priests in this country is suffer- mounted by the papal tiara. , • III IS' al y I e. . ' ". ' '. aided by tax monies. It is not a matter supporting a Although this report is' only 109 from senous. o~cupatlOnal They still direct traffic at gates Vatican City, and ensure religion ~rot' upholding 'a private' tradition. 'It is a m'atter. a begimiing John Koval has ai- stress.. ~he f~ustratlO~s of mod- to order in St, Peter's Basi~ica and of granting:to each child a certain sum of ' tuition money ready ,mad~:a significant co~· ern clencal life se~mIngly ~a'ye in some of th~ Vatican's extrathat he can, assign to anyone of. three qtialified'school tribution to the betterment of affected the CatholIc-clergy 10 ,a territorial properties, such as the ) the Church by his diffjcult and more str~ssful way. than their Basilica,pf St. John Lateran. systeins~public, private, parochial. " , - !. ' d'i' t k'mg. Th"IS mila 't' I' noncathohc , ligen t un d era , '" counterparts. The rea. The existence of but,a single school system would see at.tempt, to bring the cleric~llife son for thiS IS that the C:athohc pupil costs, rise to intolerable heights ~nd would brIng the. out of the musty ·.~Ioset of its clergyman f~ces a multiple of ,not only to aid the Church in a rea~ization that a comparatively modest. aQ19unt of money own iiitrosp~ction, broug!lt hum~n conflIcts that range fro~, positive and constructive mannow could have forestalied unbearable. 'fina~cial burd'ens to light some very 'interesting loneh~ess, to lack. of leade~shlp ner by indicating the soclologicaJ pitfalls of the clerical. life; he, upon the whole community. " ,J' findings"Findings" whi~h by the by those 10 authority. ' , also is directing tht;l church in a Some form, 'of state or feoeral aid is the' artswer. Unless way, were CQllected' not 'by the Only 'one in' eight is'thinking of complete re-evaluation of its
.Clerical Tensions
leaving the Protestant ministry. The report, indicates that the idea of the clerical life.', Protestant minister not faced To see the man who is a priest' with the same deep emotiollal or minister;' not 'just a priest or One of the foremost findings self-encounters that his' <:;atholic ' mini~ter wpo happens to be a 'Which will perhaps. surprise, ~rother must accept 4?r, rej~ct., man. For too long' has the cleric been viewed in the dull moon~ ~""", :" ,.' '., " ~ ,', .'.'. P;~la'rizatDoll1l·T.eridsto Dey~lop Two Chur~hes light as a,pietistic romantit~ith one foot 'in the garden of Eden Ag.e, is ·alsoa ve.ry import.ant \' 'Like the senioritysysterri in and ·the other on cloud nine, factor :in' this report.. It is ,Ko- " our national Congress, the , ., •' .', . ' , val's conclusion that within the Churcn is suffering when senio'rAs a result•. insights haV'e been OFFICIAl:' NEWS~APER OF THE DIOCESE' OF ,FALL: RIVER ~ , . clerical life of the church, the ity 'in many cases is' the sole ignored, talents wasted and Published ¥,(eekly by The.Cathol'ic Press of the Dioi::e'se of Fall Ri';;er Catholic clergy have been polar- judgement of professional re- !!-bilities frustrated. It is hoped 'that such professional and 'scien, , 4,10 Highland Avenue ' • .' iZ~d into_ two distin~tg~oups ,sponsibility" . " ' tific studies in th~ future will 'R" , M 0272'2':' '6' 75 71"5" 1 ' ~Ith the age of. 45, be 109 an alReluctance ,to smcerely and Fall Iver, ass.. ' , ' h ' tl y ' re-examme'. ' ht 'e"sy's- continue to dispel, this qllasi , ';' ,j -, mos t d'IS t'mc t d'IVI'd'109. I'me,' ones , . " :PUBLISHER"" , " !• The growing'impossibility of tern" and the' "structure" in its' Victorian-Jansenistic notion of ,M~st~ev. Dan',el, .A. Cronln;,D.D.• S.~.D.·', '" the two groups to really commu- humanity'will orily s'erve to,con- cleric and contribute to a', better " GENERAL. MANAGER , ' . ASST. GENERAt.MANAGER ,nicate, and carryon any essen- tinue!o'widen the-gulf that.l'ep- personal understanding of. a man Rev. Msgr: Dar:a.ieJ F. ShC;Jlloo, M.A., ... Rev. John l P: Driscoll' " tial" dialogue is, truly .in . som_e' 'arates men's minds arid'souls. in' his'search for God in a most "lea,IY ~ress::;f~1I R,iyer, " ',' , ,,' , , '." I ' w~ys develppirig two.churches'" : John Koval is cert~linly' trying un~que_v~catiqn:
,whim of a poll or survey, but
., it is forthcoming very' sogn, the sad a1tern~tives be .... rather that were accumullifed by _ present and weighing heavily upon ,the community._ competent' and valid research A little now can 'save mucn later. , : f" • • methods. '-" '.'
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'Th'ree-Cornered Heart' D,eliciou5, Nostalgic Book,
years ago and died in 1944. Her childhood was Victorian, but she lived through the Edwardian and Georgian decades, as well as into a world utterly different from tlfe one in which she grew up. ' Her father was a member of Parliament and governor of Madras. As a girl, she spent years of enchantment in India. But life at home in England was far from dull since her father's friends included Gladstone, Disraeli, Matthew Arnold, Thackery, Newman, Darwin, Renan. She discussed Browning's poems with the poet himself, conversed unabashedly with Shaw, Galsworthy, and Lawrence of Arabia, to name a few. AqlOng her close friends was Bertrand Russell. She ',was something of a writer herself. Upper Class Life She was beautiful in a distinctive, bold-boned way, as John Singer Sargeant's portrait (included among the many illustrations) shows. Her marriage 'to Frederick Huth Jackson, a banker who was a director of the Bank of England was a happy one. But brilliance and delight were dimmed in age, and her last years were, painful. Mrs. Fremantle, drawing heavily on her mother's writings, gives us an intimate picture of upper' class life in England during Tiny's heyday. Thus, the family was not considered rich, but owned a house in London, another in Sussex set in 2,000 acres and employed 22 indoor servants. Mrs. Freemantle was born in Savoy, and spoke only French until her fourth or fifth year.' She was ,on easy terms' with vjsitors like Lady Gregory, Henry James, Archbishop Cosmo Gordon Lang, Yeats, Sir Roger Casement, and other grea~ ones. Fascinating People Her informal education was varied and intense, and from school cshe went on to Oxford, where she made friends destined to be illustrious. Her travels have been extensive, even in· cluding the Soviet Union, but what is most valuable in her account of them ,is the' depiction of persons and social milieus of uncommon quality. She has done some religious traveling, too, and maps it for us. Thus, while professing to be an adherent of Islam, she was
This is a delicious book, nostalgic but never sentimental, thronged with fascinating people, :against a succession' of sharply etched backgrounds, and coming to life in piquant anecdotes and witticisms. The time range of Keliow Chesney's The Anti-Society: An Account of the Victorian Underworld (Gambit. $8.95) is from 1830 to 1870, hence just reaches the year in which Clara Grant Duff was born. Although it is mostly concerned with London, where Tiny lived much of the time, the realm which it explores might as well have been half the globe away from her. The Victorian era is known for, its stuffy propriety, for its stiff public and official ~orality. From. our reading. of Dickens alone, we should have realized that there was another side to " it. But somehow it is the impression of uniform puritan rectitude which prevails. . , Mr. Chesney corrects that by detailing the horrors which abounded in the back streets of the capital and in most other parts of England as well. Poverty, filth, crime, cruel institutions are described so vividly that one blanches.
. Sees Typical Red Maneuver VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Vatican City weekly, commenting on the Polish communist regime's appeal for Catholic help in restoring calm to Poland's discontented masses, called it the usual communist maneuver. "The communists favor the maneuver whenever they see advantages to it," wrote Frederico Alessandrini in L'Osservatore Della Domenica. Alessandrini, director of the Holy See's press office, observed that during the crisis touched off by December's price riots in Poland, the' new Polish authorities did not appeal to various "progressive" Catholic groups which the communist ,:-egime has
Ann Fremantle's Hew book, Three-Cornered Heart (Viking, 625 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 100022 $8.95) is a double-decker. The first section traces the life of the author's mother, Clara Annabel Caroline Grant Duff; the second comprises Mrs. Fremantle's recollection of her .coached in Latin by the parish own life to date. Both ladies priest at Aix, and there became . are eminently worth know- .a Catholic catechumen. ing. Clara Grant Duff, always called Tiny, was born a hundred
ANCHOR-[)iocese of Fa" River-Thurs. Jan. 23, 1911
favored in the past. "Whenever the Polish leaders have found themselves in serious trouble they have turned to the Church,'" Alessandrini said. "They have promised concessions and committed themselves in .writing to such concessions, only to withdraw them later when more firmly in the saddle." Alessandrini observed that such tactics should make Italian Catholics think twice before entering into political arrangements with communists. "It . is about time to realize that the Church is not a pawn in political maneuvers that are more or less obvious.",
World War II Chaplain-Patsi Li Story Is Almost Unbelievable Archbishop ,Tchidimbo
Reduce Sentence Of Archbishop
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI has appealed for clemency for a Guinean arcbbishop and other persons sentenced to death or life imprisonment for plotting to overthrow the government of Guinea. Archbishop Raymond - Maric Tchidimbo of Conakry .was among 72 persons given sentences of life imprisonment at hard labor. Another 92 persons were given death sentences. Just before news of the sen'Pnnorama of Hell' tences reached Rome (Jan. 24), The industrialization of En- the Pope said publicly that he gland had much to do with the had "invoked the supreme audire conditions pictured in this thority of. the state" to exercise book. It represents progress, of "serene justice and magnanimous course, and made many men clemency" for the archbishop phenomenally wealthy. and the others on trial.' Guinean But it also involved "the land- President Sekou Toure had descapes of roaring furnaces and clared earlier that he would not smoldering spoil-heaps, stinking exercise presidential powers of waterways, vast miasmic dock- clemency. . basins, and endless sordid, unThe 50-year-old archbishop healthy dwellings - the h'eart and the ,others sentenced had lands of the new wealth and been accused of .involvement in power that seem like. a· panor- an unsuccessful' invasion of ama of hell." Guinea in late November by an' Railroads were being con- undientified ,force of some 350 structed all over tl,J.e island, and men, predominantly 'black. this process brought into the During his regular Sunday countryside gangs of hard-drink- speech to crowds in St. Peter's ing and hard-brawling workmen Square, Pope Paul called Archwho, declared war on the local bishop. Tchidimbo "a beloved 'people and terrorized them. archbishop, who, so' far as ~e There. was virtually no prote~ know,,is innocent and is threattion for the latter, because the ened with terrible punishment." police were then few and un- (The' "terrible 'punishment" Pope organized. Paul spoke of was probably burial alive or boiling in oil. Word Inhumnn Punishment' had arrived in Rome that Gui~ The urban proletariat was' nea's traditional methods of execrammed into stinking slums. cution, premature burial or The famine in Ireland drove pen- .,' plunging in hot oil, had been niless, half-dead people to En- recommended at the trial.) gland, where they were not Pope Paul's words found "a wanted. The poor roamed aim- very sad sequei in the news of lessly or took to crime. They the, pitiless sentence promight be shut up in dreadful nounced," said an authoritative workhouses or flung into hor- statement- in the Vatican City's rible prisons, which at that time daily, L'Osservatore Romano. became places of. inhuman punL'Osservatore Romano went ishment instead of plapes of de- on: "We wonder to what point, tention for those awaiting trial. in the procedure adopted at the Mr. Chesney gives, us an trial; fundamental human rights flowing catalogue of prevalent were respected. We wonder what vices and their practitioners, and guarantees were granted the ac-' unfolds a riot of malpractices. cused." If we suppose that in this counPresident Toure, 48, has headtry today we have sunk to an ed both the government and Guiunprecedented level of lawless- nea's only political party since ness, what he recites might make the country became independent of France in 1958. us reconsider.
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Father the 500 miles from the torpedoed Frederic P. Gehring, one of ship to Guadalcapal, there to fall World War II's most decorated into the hands of Japanese. chaplains, is b!ick home here, , After the war Mrs. Liand ,resting 'and being a good Patsi returned to Singapore. The "father" to irrepressible Patsi Li. girl kept in touch by letters The Vincentian priest returned with her beloyed "Father Freda few weeks ago after accom- die." When she was 15, Father panying Patsi Li to Taipei'for a Gehring persuaded her mother to visit with her mother, then to J let him bring Patsi to the United Singapore for a reunion with her States to be educated. The mother agreed. father. Father Gehring sent Patsi Li The story' of Patsi Li, "miracle girl of World War II," borders to the Sisters of Mercy's 'Our on incredulousness. It began to Lady of Walsingham Academy unfold in 1942 on Guadalcanal, . in Williamsburg, Va. There she where Father Gehring was chap- became a convert to the Cathlain to tough, unbeatable, out- olic faith and wa sreceived into numbered U. S. Marines who re- the Church by Father Gehring. 'fused to be pushed off the Next she attended suburban Gwynedd-Marcy College here, island' by J:apanese forces. During a lull in the fighting a then the Cathlic University of group of natives come to the America where she obtained her American lines with a 6-year-old degree as a nurse. Romance came next to Patsi Chinese girl, more dead than alive from multiple stab Li: Father Gehring offered the wounds over her entire body. nuptial Mass in 1964 when she They gave the child to Father married Joseph Buck Lee in Washington. They moved to Gehring. . Marine doctors' fanned the Baltimore and last year her hus. child's spark of life into' flame. band died. Father Gehring reminisced: She became the pet of .the Marines,who told, Father Geh-' "She was giv!,!n into my care. I ring she should be given a name. baptizes her, offered her wedding The chaplain, formerly a mis- Mass and buried her husband. sioneJ: in China, called her Patsi But for her, for me and hundreds Li, the equivaent of white plum- of Marine veterans of Guadalcanal, it's been a wonderful life." blossom. " When the girl was strong enough, Father Gehring sent her to Espirito Sancto island, some 600 miles south of Guadalcanal for further treatment. CINCINNATI (NC)-ehristian, , Identifies Girl families were challenged to Foster Hailey, a New York change the nation by keeping reTimes war correspondent, wrote' ligious values 'uppermost in home the story about the girl's recov- life by Archbishop Paul F. Leiery from near certain death. It bold. , was read by Dr. Katherine Li, The Cincinnati archdiocese stationed in New York. She got leader, preaching at a Mass in in touch with her sister, survivor St. Peter in Chains cathedral of a ship torpedoing near Sin- said solutions to problems and gapore. pressures of family life in toMrs. Li with her two daugh- day's society cannot be found ters, Lottie and Patsi, were by'running away from them. aboard a ship which left Singa"Our challenge as creators of pore to escape invading Jap- Christian families and our unique anese troops. The ship was tor- apostolate in 'the family life vopedoed. Mrs. Li' saw Lottie cation is to live, to apply, and drown, and Patsl float away to tea~h the lessons of Christ clinging to a piece of ship ,and His family first in our famwreckage. " ily," he said. Mrs. Li was confident the girl "Honestly face the problems hospitalized on the Pacific isle of the family in this our day, was her daughter. No amount of and set on a course to solve pet:suasion could convince her them. Solve them in the only otherwise. Father Gehring ex- way that can assure the present plained it was purely accidental and' the future of our American that he called the girl Patsi Li. family, tllat, is, in the loving But Mrs. Li made the trip, iden- sacred Heart of Christ, in the tified the girl as her daughter. values and in the kind of total To this day, rro O!1e knows how giving love of which His Heart 6-year-old Patsi' Li negotiated speaks," he added.
Urges Fa.milies 'Change Nation'
,New Bedfordites ,To View, Movie
Men~s 'FasihiC?ins~',Bid
,:Fair To O'uts,hilie W·omeh's I
The Ways and Means Committee of the New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club will sponsor the presentation of tne movie "Sunflower" starring Sophia' Loren and Marcello Masthiianl at' the . 'Compass Twin Cinema oriHath· away Rd., 'New Bedford: . . Tickets may be obtained frol)1 Mrs. Theodore' Loranger, chairman', at 995-7273 or Mrs. Ke'n- ' neth Roberge, co-chairman, at 993-8687. ' Tickets will be $2.50 and a "dutch treat" cocktail hour will folloW.
An item' I 'forgot to merition in writing about this year's' Bishop's Ball wa~ the' fashions of Hid males 'in the crowd. ' In' many cases. the' men' upstaged the wome'n in .. evening finery., Brocade. ,dinner. jackets, latg~ fancy bow' .' ties and frilled dress shirts . were all part of. the decor., still und~rgoi~g: severe chang~s· and many of the new trends In fact, the really dressy that appear will be just' th~t-· shirt; complete with r\,J.ffled trends but "not'lasting', styles. i
_jabot, was the rule rather than . the exception: Better watch out,gals, it won't ~e long .before the man of the .family will be upstaging y o u . ' In England, where much of this male fin~ry first .made its bow, men's fashi.ons .have be-
Like' any other1industry that is -being rebor'n, rrten's modes are having growi~g: pains. .One interesting innovation is' that even th~ m~les are realizing One of Four Eld'erly, the practicality, Inot to mention live on Poverty Level the warmth:of panty hose. And . WA·SHINGTON (NC)· - There anyone who feels that such an is 'a crisis among the elderly f,WMmmmm:;mmmmmmii item of apparel; is unmasculine poor. One out of every four need only have II pointed out to Americans over 65 lives on a him or her that the policemen of poverty-level income. New York are the. ones who have By This situation was called' "a take~.. thisnew: item of men's disgrace in a nation pledged to fashions and made it their own. an all-out war on poverty" by , MARILYN Why not? Didn't our 'grandthe Senate Special Committee on fathers realize: the' value of · Aging' which reported its find'RODERICK "long-johns" for·a.long New Enings .here' based on· a two~year, ' gland' Winter? jl study. Gives, Cohfidence . The committee, headed by ~m~ill~J~H~~{~~ Men are not a~ individualistic Sen. Harrison' A. Williams Jr. come such a thing that theyha've in their dress a~ women and it ' com'e up' with the first ~ale fash- really doesn't a~pear to bother' . BENEFIT ENTERTAINERS: The Jack~ D' Johns of (D-N.J.), warned that "a new iontolumnist. Now you· know them to meet sorrteone else wear- musical fame .entertain ·.the gathering at the Fourth group' of aged· poor" might 'be men's clothes have emerged from ing the sa'me typ~ of apparel.' In Annual Dinner and' Dance for the benefit of Sisters. of in the making among Americans the grey flannel suit era when fact, it appears to give them con- the Holy Uriion of the Sacred Hearts scheduled for Sun- , from 55 to 59: In that age, category~ it found that one of every they need to be commented on, fidence, rather than disturbing d E ' b 7 at t h e Venus d e'M'l S andf'promoted.· them. ay ve~llng, Fe. 10,. wansea.. six men is out of wo.rk by his 65th birthday. Recently men have ~ven taken to ,It ap'pears t~ough that the It is a most distressin'g fact, the runways-that IS, they have, long years of very formal dress the committee stated in its rejoined the fashion. show crowd . for men are over,! More and more port on "EcOll~mics and Aging>' and men's fas~ion shows .are in' men are wearing isportier clothes that there was' an increase in as much demand as women's. and buying' them in wilder and Catholic Agency' Asks Congress Support both the number and the proporFulltime Job wilder array. I .' " tion of aged poor b~tween 1968 At one time male models for When one 106ks around ~t H'ousing for Poor and 1969. . were h!red on a part- some· Of the, strange garb th~t Msgr. Dooling commended the ,NEWARK (NC) ~ A Catholic time basis and it' became an' ex- many of the youth of today aftra" occupation ,for. temporarily fect;, one can't· h~lp but wonder agency has urged Congress 'not work of the c'ommittee but added Pontifical University out-of-work actors and the like. just where men;sl ~Iothing is go- to let the "scandalous activities a hope that there. would also be Has New Rector . Today there is such a demand ing. However, I, firmly believe of- a few unscrupulous specula- ,sufficient disclosure of the good ROME (NC)-An Italian profor male models to showoff the that most men haVe enough ofa tors" threaten a program en- whiCh has come out· of the fed- fessor of Churcb history and . changing fashions that men en· conservative streak to en'sure abling t.he poor to purchase their eralprogram so ~'this much· Protestantism was named the ,needed and well-founded proter .the fashion field as a' full that their fashion~ wiH neve'r ~be own horries. new rector of the Pontifical Urgram will not be curtailed in the time job. , ' come, the proble~ that- 'wpmen's The re'quest' was. contained in ban University, which educates future." . .P~esently_ men's fashions are fashions are! ' '1' ' it memorandum, sent to Rep. many' of the seminarians from· 'mission countries studying. in Wright Patrt:'an, chairman of the Rome. House Banking and 'Currency Econ'omic Situation Father Pietro Chiocchetta, a Committee, which recently' re- Affects Fund' Ra' ,'s'lng vealed that there has been' wide· .: member of the Sons· of the spread 'gouging of the poor. by NEW YORK {NC)-The coun- Sacred Heart of Jesus,' better ' - try's general economic situation known as the African missionreal estate s·peculators. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Cardi- . urday evening Masses.' is having a marked effect on aries of Verona or the Combonnal John Krol told members ,of Cardinal Krol .said- his main Sending the memorandum was fund raising activities of the 'iani -Fathetrs, replaces·'Msgr. Philadelp,hia's archdiocesan Coun- reason for not gninting such perthatlI the Consilium Mount Carmel Guild, social Catholic '~elief Services. cil of. Priests that' he is against mission:was Salvatore Garofolo. His appoint. • letting Catholics in the archdio- on the Implementation, of the· welfare agency of the Newark ment is for a three-year peI:iod. · Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, cese go to Sunday Mass on Sat· . Constitution on the Liturgy (now archdiocese. executive' director of the' U.S. the Vatican's COl).gregation, for urday evenings. Msgr..'Joseph A. Dooling, guild ,Catholics', 'overseas aid agency, stressed the im- 'director; invited the Patman He added, however, that· the, Divine ,Worship) . I stressed that the 1970 campaign issue might· be decided by an portance of Sunday-and ''that committee to look' into' the oper- was below the $6.5 to $7.5 mil93''lOM Vatican instruction on the Eu- ation of 'its Home' Ownership- , lion usually in' the annual Lenten archdiocesan-wide referendum. . Cardinal Krol told the priests', charist emphasized that the lit· Social Service Program which endeavor.. 'council, meeting at St. Charles urgyshould center on the Sun- has enabled more than 30 fami. "Frankly, unless the colleclies to purchase harries over the Borromeo Seminary, here, that day observance. iI tion results reach. former levels" Heat'i~g past two 'years. . . Sunday-on-Saturday permission Widespread; Practice we will have to cut assistance "might contribute to the growing He wrote to Patman in defense to 1.5 million men, women and The Sunday-on~Saturday pro" desacralization of Sunday which of . the Homeowners' Program children' through. our inabiljty posal,. he added, '~ight' raise an. 365 NORTH FRONT STREET seems tQ be taking ,place." ecumenical barrier, because other embodied in the 1968 Omnibus to accept and distribute more NEW BEDFORD Some priests; suppoiting the Christiims retain 'the Sunday ob- rI0using Ac( operation of which than 100,0'00 tons of donated 992-5534 proposal, cited a survey indicat-- servance. He also Isaid 'that chilo' Patman's committee has been in- food from the U.'S. government." ing that clergymen in the arch- dren, instructed': I in catechism vestigating. the bishop said: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO diocese generally favored permit· classes about, the I Sunday' Mass " ting .Catholics to fulfill their obligation, might I become conSunday Mass' obligat!on at, Sat· fused if the obligation:" was '\ shifted· to another I day. ' .' I Deacon Candidates ;iome priests a~' the, meeting COLLEGEVILLE (NC)':-More .said that youths, favored the blacks, Mexican-Americans and' change, and that suburban fami-' Indians are being sought as per- lies had· repOrted it would' be 7 Peny 'OUIT' Heating manent diaconate candidates,' easier to attend ·Mass.~s a group Avenue says Benedictine' Father Kierpa,n on. Saturday everii'ngs. Nolan, I;l consultant to the U.S" 'The Vatican has! given bishops Oils Malee TauntonMass. Bishops' Com'!1ittee on the Per- permission to set up tne Sunday· . manent )?iaconate and dire~tor on-S.aturdl;ly Mas~, and. the' prac~ , 822-2282 Warm Friends' of a 'diacomite training ce'nter '. tice has' ·,b.ecomewid~spread in
Hits Speculat.ors
Cardinal Krol Opposes .FulfiII ing·. ' Mass· Obligati'on' •on _Saturq,ay "
Oils, .and Burners
~~,~~. ·~r ,f'1.~~n,es.ot~'. ,~~,~ '91 '11\.' .; ,~:~_~~f,f.'~8.Jt~)q':fte~k~M~,~~~.).:,J, .
• for ,.'QUALITY and SERVICE I
Says Little" Girls' Dreams Fulfill-ed in Mot'h,erhood, .
lHE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 28, 1971
Doctors Boycott Pro-lQbortion Talk
;~ l,f~i
Little girls dream of the future. They imagine wonderful, beautiful dreams which will encompass all they think important in life. They turn each little detail carefully,' examine it and evaluate it.· If acceptable to the total picture, it is sav'ed and built upon. If less than desirable, it lives, join a community, and is discarded, forgotten. For, teach God's love to all his little . a whole lifetime lies ahead. ones.
Much older, another year or two, they become aware of 'the difficulties of convent life which they had not seen when they were "just childr~n." But the increased awareness also gives rise to understanding of the needs of others. There are countless sick who need to be helped; By doctors who need cool, efficient, competent, "mature" nurses. MA~Y Their skill and pro'ficiency are in demand. They will stand by CARSON the bedsides of the seriously ill; they will tend all their needs with skill and dedication. They will have the wisdom to notice the slightest change at the' cruThey know how many' children cial moment, and save lives. they will have, even which sex, All Dreams Come True for each name is chosen, beBut idealistic dreams give way stowed upon the child in honor to more reasonable practicality. of a favorite friend. They have They go to work in offices. Certheir intended husband sel~cted, tainly, not nearly as romantic as if not specifically, they at least the youthful dreams, but it holds know his occupation, his work- great opp·ortunities. They work ing hours, his salary-and quite honestly and diligently. They are an accurate description of his efficient and proficient. They do appearance. Often he seems to routine jobs well. look much like Daddy. To' very Time ebbs and all their beaulittle girls, being a good mother tiful, youthful dreams have long is the most important job in the been stored away in that special' whole world. place for little girl dreams ... and A little older, they beome are forgotten, I untouched. aware of other careers. EnchantThey seem to be important no ed by the most'bea~tiful actress longer ... for they meet and they ever saw, 'motherhood lo's~s marry good men. Though life is its appeal. They will entrance sometimes hard, .they. grow in audiences. They will dance more understanding, blessed' in their gracefully' than any before; they deep love for their husbands. will sing more sweetly; they They do routine jobs well, but will act with a brilliance and 'when the need arises they make magnificence acclaimed by mul- grave decisions, carefully, 'wisely. titudes. But, they will never be They work honestly and diliconceited or haughty; they will.' gently. sign autographs and accept honThey nurse the sick with love . ors and applause with humility. and devotion. For, their role is to give of their They give up individual lives talents. They will bestow beauty and teach God's love to his little upon the w.orld. ones. It is'a life of challenge, disWhich Career? But, "tomboy" years take covery and education. They bestow beauty on the over. Somehow all those frills world. . . and all the fuss are no longer They give of their talents with important. They will move to the wide, open country, free to grace and humility. live with all nature and enjoy They find the link between all its expanse and beauty. They heaven and earth. All their childhood longings, can envision the sky, the mounin their own way are fulfilled. the tains, the land ... and They have the most importa.nt, smallness of self. Possibly they will go to sea job in the whole world. They become mothers. and sail for days, .across broad 9 ceans. To live with the salt, the sea and the sky; to study Hartke Theatre Starts. the stars in. their heavens and the sea in all its moods, would Professional Program surely be a life of adventure and WASHINGTON (NC)-Profesopportunity. They could travel sional and student actors joined the whole world, to distant lands, forces here New Year's day to and learn to know the ways, the launch the professional program needs of other peoples. It would of Catholic University's Hartke be a life of challenges, discovery Theater with a production of and education. Shakespeare's Hamlet. Time passes, and a new teachTen professional actors and er is at school; a young nun pos- production people, includin'g star sessed of vision and warmth. Stephen Joyce, headed the perShe radiates a love of God that formance. Support came 'from gives rise to new thoughts in students 'in the university's dralittle girls' minds.. They consider ma department. all the aspects of convent life. Hamlet marked the first'in a Possibly when they were young- series of professional productions er-mucll younger, like last year planned for the new theater dur- they were dreaming very ing school recesses. Eugene O'childish dreams. Obviously, the Neill's Long Day's Journey Inroad to God is much nearer. to Night, starring Helen 'Hayes, They will give up individual is scheduled to open in May. It must be planned carefully ... it must be just right. Still close to home, they decide to be "just like Mommy."
MARY'S VISIT: Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, led by Rev. Clement Dufour, assistant pastor, received the statue of Our Lady of ,Fatima at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Normand Letendre, 280 Tinkham St., New Bedford. The statue has been in various homes of the the diocese during the past 18 months and this visit was sponsored l:>Y the League of the Sacred Heart of St. Anthony's Pa,rish, New Bedford.
Heads of Families Labor Department Says More Women Below Poverty Line WASHiNGTON (NC)-Women are going into poverty while men are coming out, according to economists' Robert Stein and Carol Milner, writing in the Monthly Labor Review, the U. S. Labor Department's regular periodica\. "The number of families headed by men with incomes below the poverty line ($3,700 for a family of four in 1969) was reduced by one-half between 1959 and 1969," the article. stated. . three"By March 1970, about fifths of the 3.4 million families with children headed by women. were already on welfare and the rolls were still rising." A. variety of factors-including lack of sufficient education or training, sex and racial discrimination in hiring, ill health, and the. difficulty of arranging for satisfactory child care-was blamed for the continued problems of female-headed families. The main push in getting poor people out of poverty is to get them working, but, said the authors, '''only among the collegeeducated professional and managerial groups did a majority of women working full time earn over $100 a week." . Others, largely in-low-skill
Jes\Jit o.rder to Close·,_ Fashion~ble School MEXICO CITY (NC) - The Jesuits announced that they will" close a fashionable school they operate here and devote their efforts to teaching. the poor. Jesuit Father Jose Ortuno, 'principal of th,e Instituto Patria" announced, however, that the school will remain open until. I 973, and that "we will comply with all of our commitments.'.'
clerical,' domestic, and factory jobs, earn from $60 j 'to $85 a week, the monthly review said, adding that when the· cost of child care is deducted, a working woman often finds it impossible to earn as much as welfare would pay her. "The main issue in any employment strategy," the article pointed out, "is whether the financial incentives can be made strong enough to induce welfare recipients to accept training and J·obs." A total of 5.5 million families are headed by' women, or more than 1 family in 10 across the nation, the review said. They inelude 8 million 'young dependent children. Families with female heads average only 2.4 children each - well below the national average-and 13 per cent of the women have had some 'college education." Their income is $4,000, compared to $11,600 for families with resident fathers. "Families headed by women account for a large and growing proportion of the remaining poverty in the United States," the article co'n'rluded. •
TOLEDO (NC)-An address by a pro-abortion physician to' a county medical group triggered a walkout and boycott by some doctors protesting the talk. The lecturer was Dr. Allan Barnes, population consultant for Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, an obstetrics and gynecology specialist. He spoke at the annual meeting of the ToledoLucas County Academy of Medicine. When Dr. Barnes spoke of abortion as one of the "most humane" methods of population control, six academy members arose and walked out. Dr. John Miller, one of the six, said 100 other members decided not to attend the meeting because Dr. Barnes was the speaker. A group of women picketed the hotel where the meeting was held. They carried placards reading: "Thou Shalt Not Kill"; "Kill Poverty Not Children," "Abortion Is Not The Answer."
St. Procopius College To Have New Name LISLE (NC)-St. Procopius College, founded near here 84 years ago, will change its name to Illinois Benedictine College on July 1. Abbot Daniel W. Kucera, a Be'nedictine and chairman of the college's board of trustees, said the new name was chosen "to emphasize both the location of the college in Illinois and the proud heritage :of the' Benedictine monks, whQ conduct the college and who have made a positive contribution to higher education. . . . " He said' the name change, considered for four years, provides the college "with the opportunity for a separate identity for the work In higher education being carried on under the auspices of St. Procopius Abby."
Rome Diocese Reviews Beatification Causes ROME (NC)-The Rome diocese has reviewed the beatification causes of a Lithuanian archbishop and a Russian woman, both of ~hom died in the 1920s. . Cardinal Angelo dell'Acqua, vicar of Rome, presided at' the diocesan review of the causes of Archbishop .George Matulaitis-Matulewicz, one-time bishop of Vilna and apostolic visitator to Lithuania, who died Jan. 27, 1927, and Rosa Giovannetti, who won fame for hel' sanctity and suffering before her death Jan. 30, 1929, at the age of 33.
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I, I
THE ANCHOR"'::'Oiocese of Fall River- Thurs~ Jan, 28, 1971 "
PARENTS AID CeD EFFORT: Parents and teachers participate in dlolcted by Mrs. Frances Shea and' James Haskins. Right, children discuss , CCD training session at St. Louis Church, Fan River. Left, second graders 'their pictures with Mrs. Shea. Program was part of continuing ',effort to involve p~rents in CCD activities of parish. of parish draw pictures of families as part bf demonstration'lesson con, , ,. 'f '
Lope~ CO"Cert
' ,St~
Benefits Center DALLAS (NC)"::'" Trini Lopez has kept ,his promise to hi~ home city. '~' ",
Lquis ,Parish Cl~st:s, Reli,gious Educati,on An , Alternative C' " .• " C To Abortion Laws ,I '" a p, by, I n~en:s~'ve Use, of ,C ,D , CHICAGO (NC)-Birthright of ",' Chicago, a counseling service for I
" By ,})atrici~ Mc,G~wan" ('
'knce," during whiCh children' ~e- "joy"and belonging" in the re- pregna1"!t women,. designed mainlaxed in preparation fora pray- ,ligion class is important, she Iy as an alternative to abortions, '. "The' popular' Latin-beat singer When a;, pari,sh is; 'forced' 'to er . accornpanied by, appropriate~ sai,9-: a~, is: prep~r'!tioin'" 9r "the' ','has~ opened an office 'h~!fe:i;; .who left here '10 years ,ago to close, its school,' how 'does· it, fill gestur~s: . "My .God","I"of''f'er :y"ou'! ' t' 'f ' tI t ' .. ii'" '''N'' " , make a name for himself in the religious education: gap for par '? le' eac er," ever Mrs, Eugene F. Diam,on'c,!', presshow 'business said he would' do-. " jts children? Fbr, 'St. Louis p'ar- today ,my .wort<, ,l!1Y pr~y~r" ~y w,alk ;:nto .,a c1a,s~~~~m unpre- ident of the ,local agency, said it ' . pared, she ,emphaSized, is a ,private nonsectarian organsleep, my play." .. nate the p,roceeds of a Fall can- 'ish, Fall River,'! the:' ansWer has Next '.each chl'ld 'was asked to She reminded' t d '.' . cert to the local Cursilla' move- lain In an inten,sified use oJ up paren s an ization, pa'tterned after' one , show something belonging to ,teachers of the' short attention, opened in Toronto Onto 'in 1968. ment for, a new, community to the mfnute:, :Confraternity of him; then exchange ,'it with some- span ,of children; ~aying t~at by Mrs. Louise S~mme~nill. 'S'he center. Christian Doctrine techniques. h h f , I , o n e else. This served as a spring- t. 'ere s ould be requent changes said: similar centers are now At a recent s~ssiol'\ (or parents board for discussion of the ideas in activities, "It helps to have a located in Vancouver Denver Early this month, Lopez presented a' check for $34,200 to of parish children in grades I'of "mine",' and "this belongs to .Iot of teachers and aides, and Cleveland and Minnea;olis, Mrs: Diamond said the office' proBishop Thomas Tschoepe of through 3, Mrs, Frances Shea" me," leading to the concept of t.o move g,roups around:" ' , aided by gUitari~t James Haskins; the child" as be,longing toa famCake, Teach,es Lesson ' vides a "hot line" telephone serDemas. The sing~r's contribution A p.ractlcal hmt to' mothers vice, without cost, where trained ,will be matched by 'funds from ,gave a demonstration CCO class , ily. . "Is your family complete with- w~s given, by Mrs, ~hea when volunteers consult with women Our Lady,of Lourdes parish here 'to second ,graders, followed, by where the Cursillo center will be an eXPlanation9f..tea.ching, mC'!th: ,out you? asked Mrs; 'Shea:' She she: :sug~ested" th~t cake-b~k~ng over pregnancy problems. and as.', instruct~d children to darw a pic- could b~ turned l~tO a reh~IOn 'sist' in locating a ~aternity ods she had used. loca,ted. ,At St, Louis, ~aid Rev. George ture' of their families without ~esson" As you ~IX the'varIO,us home, medical care, legal and The Cursillo movement, with W: Coleman, curate~ CCO teach- . the'ms'elves, and brought them 'to mgredlents, explam to. the 'chlld . financial assistance, adoption over 4,000 local mem!?ers, is an ers are all laypeople, a $witch 'realize that "for completeness, that the, eggs, fl~ur, milk, and so guidance and other help as ~n international effort to form from previous' !years when the correctness, and a true picture forth Will combme to make one alternative to abortIons. Christian leaders through a 'pro- staff ,had been tnainly Sisters of of the farriily, everyone had to be ' ,cake, In the same way, many begram of study, activiti~s and Mercy, At the beginning of the there." ' c o m e one in Christ." 'spiritual E~xercises. year the vOlunfeers participated God's Children Mrs. Shea and Haskins, both' in a four-week! crafts methods The next step was a consideraof' whom are on the staff. of .St. L.ope~ had never giveri a con-,cert in his home' city until this course taught by Miss Janet Bar- ,tion pfthe child as a member John's Day Care Center in St. belle and Mrs.; Mary Fuller of of God's family since his bap- Patrick's parish, Fall River, are Fall. . the.' Diocesan CCD Board for tism. At this point a short Bible available to present demonstra"I wanted to wait until I could members of St, ,Louis and Sacred reading ,emphas!zed this idea, ,tion lessons for other parish CCO perform a concert to benefit the Heart parishes) Their program and then Mrs. Shea produced a groups, they said. Arrangements community," he said, "one which has emphasize~ teacher-parent large picture of a church. Each can be made at the Diocesan CCO 273 CENTRAL A VEo would have real meaning in bet- con~act and tHe 'program pre- child placed his picture of his office at 446 Highland Ave., Fail tering the city and its' people." 'sented by Mrs. IShea was a part ,own family inside the church, River, telephone 676-3036. " , 992-6216 9 f this outreac,h, graphically illustrating the. words Best comment on catechism of Scrl'pture'. "Yo Say Med.oa P"om'ote NEW BEDFORD Part of' Family . u are th e bro th - new-style was made by a St. ,. ,I ers of saints; you are of the fam- Louis mother who declared: "All Material Interests 'Gone .are thel days when "ca- ily of God." I can say is that last year my JOHANNESBURG (NC) - The techism c1a~s" consisted of quesThe children climaxed the son and daugpter skipped CCO , press, radio and, television are tions asked by Ithe teacher and less~n by singing "Sons of God," all the time. This y'ear they real- §lIIl11l1illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ being used to promote the answers memotized' by the pu- with its newly.meaningful lines, Iy want to come and I'm ;just "material interests of a consum- pils. Today, as ,Mrs, Shea's pro- "Brothers, sisters,' we are one; thrilled about it." er society" instead of "spiritua,I ',gr~m demonstrated, total in- and 'our life has just begun," Mrs. Shea ,then turned to the and moral maturity," the apos- volvement is the watchword, Her tolicdelegate in South Africa group <;>f secondl graders, none of parents and teachers, explaining told a Catholic seminary on whom she hadl previously met, that the activities used in the religion here. sarig, drew pictures and partici- demonstration' were planned, in Over 3,5 Year~ Status symbols are becoming pated in "action prayer," all de- addition to their teaching value, of Sa,tisfied Se'rvice more vital than a standard of signed to 'get ~ across to them to give the children a feeling of Reg. Master Plumber 7023 life, said Archbishop John Gor- the' message that they were success, '''If you exp.erience sucJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 7 JEANETTE STREET cess, it gives YO\l self-confidon. lritegrity,. values and the members of Gqd's family: 806 NO. MAIN STREET dignity of the human person. are The lesson began with, a M!)ll- dence," she said, \ §FAI~HAVEN 994-7321 § Fall River 675·7497 being lost, he added. ' tessori-style game, "King of SiCreation of an atmosphere of I
Montie Plumbing It' Heating: Co.
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Aver Pittsburgh Catholics Wa-,t Parish Schools
THE ANCHOR-North Eu.ston Holy •. Cross Brother l~aun.ches Thurs., Jan. 28, 1971 11 Food Ne'wsletter for Elderly Living _4lone Backs Tenants'
- Rent Strike
PITTSBl,JRGH (NC)-Catholics A newsletter to help the eldommendations made by both the in the Pittsburgh diocese want erly feed themselves economicalPresident's Task Force on Aging NEWARK (NC)-An interfaith their children to continue attend- ly and nutritiously has been and the recent White House Con-' group founded by a priest in a ing parochial schools, even if it launched by the International ference on Food, Nutrition and high-rise housing project here is Health." supporting a tenant association's means more financial sacrifices · Food Research and Educational on their part, according to a re- Center here. Insufficient income is merely rent strike. . port of the diocesan Education Called The Golden Nugget, the one of the several causes of poor Members of the Stella Wright Study Commission. newsletter is beginning as a nutrition among the elderly,. Christian Community, an organquarterly and will be sent free Brother Herman added, citing the ization composed of some resi"Every effort must be made Task Force report that part of dents of the Stella Wright to weather the current storm and of charge to anyone wishing. to . the problem is also "the lonely Homes in Newark's inner-city keep all the schools that our receive it, accoraing to its editor, E. Zaccarelli, Brother Herman older person who can afford an will make a door-to-door canvass resources will justify," said the C.S.C. . adequate diet but does not eat in the 14-building project to encommission which submitted a Brother Herman, who founded properly, the older person who list support for the rent strike. 465-page report to Bishop Vinthe Fooq Research Center- lofinds going to the store too great The organization was founded cent M. Leonard. cated at North Easton, Massaa burden, the older person who by Father Thomas J. Comerford The commission, :which re- chusetts-in '1958 and has since is nutritionally ignorant." of Queen of Angels parish. leased details of its two-year become an i~ternationally-recog Consequently, the first issue of Father Comerford lives in the study on all phases of Catholic nized expert on food planning, The Golden Nugget includes such project. education in· the six-county dio- describes The Golden Nugget diet tips as: . The Stella Wright Community cese, made 70 recommendations newsletter as "the first of its "Large meals should be avoid- 'was instrumental in. rallying on religious training for children, kind." ed. It is better to eat smaller other tenants -in founding a tenyouth, adults and special interHe said that although many quantities of food more frequent- ants' association to pr.ess for est groups. elderly people are c'ared for in Iy." improvements in the project opThe report said that a survey special homes, "millions live "Decrease the use of sweets erated by the Newark Housing of the laity "tells us clearly that alone in poverty and must surand fats in your d~i1y diet," Authority. Ten months ago, after Bro. Herman E.' Zaccarelli the people value their Catholic vive on a very small income. Use Store Brands requested improvements in mainschools and. wish to maintain The Food Research Center is' The' elderly with small food tenance, repairs and police prothem even within reasonable publishing the newsletter to as- roast, pot roast, Swiss steak, budgets are advised, in another 'tection were not made, the rent bounds of further financial sac- sist the elderly living alone to chopped beef, Swedish Meat section of the first issue of The strike was launched. plan, purchase and prepare foods Balls, .broiled ch:tken and roast rifice." Golden Nugget: . Since then some $500,000 in leg of lamb. . withiri a modest budget." "Store brands-with no money rental fees has been turned over Chairman of the eight-member A preview of upcoming topics For example, Brother Herman commission was Holy Ghost explained, The Golden Nugget to be covered in The Golden devoted .to costly promotion- to the association by participatFather Vernon F. Gallagher, for- will regularly offer 'recipes for Nugget even includes a "Gout are frequently top quality and ing tenants, the money being cost far less than nationally-ad- held in escrow to force improvemer president of Duquesne Uni- the service of one and two peo- Diet." . ments. However; fearful that the vertised nariles_" versity here. Six laymen served ple in such a way that all the Brother Herman, who has con~ "It costs a company more to NHA would be able to obtain on the unit. food will be utilized and not ducted food seminars for many package a quantity (such as the money through legal means, religiou~ institutions throughout The commission recommended wasted. cereal in many small boxes) than the' association has launched a the country and was cited as one Gout Diet . the election of a "substantial in one large box-and you will new compaign to encourage inthe 10 most notable people of Issue Number' One contains, segment" of diocesan school pay more, too." .dividual rent withholding actions. board members to insure grass- among other items, a' "Menu in food service· by Food Service also plans to Bro,ther Herman Guide" that 'lists "Economical magazine, said The Golden Nugroots representation. · Meat Dishes" and includes: Oven get is "a direct response to rec- include in future issues non-food Grape Growers Sue Black Students to"pics, such as by-Ibled articles physicians, gerontologists, $0· . Cesar Chavez, Union 'Ele~entar; .: a~d seco~dai'Y ·-~An~·ly'·sts· • cial workers. and elderly, persons PHOENIX (NC)-Labor leader schools should be made coeducaactive in senior-citizen, programs Cesar Chavez and the United tional,. and lay teachers sh~uld . and even a write·in column for Farm Workers Organizing Combe represented on allpohcythe'. exchange of ideas, household mitee hav:e been named defenWASHINGTON'(NC)-The Su- could make a di~erence in a making and planning bodies in hints, and problem-solving tips dants in a $a million suit filed the school system, the commis- preme Court, back in session as close national el,ection, so could offered. by the elderly. by 12 Arizona grape growers of Jan. 11, handed down before the vote of any other group. " sion also urged. "We'll include any' topics gear- seeking damages for alleged Where they have been allowChristmas a decision that was The. commission also urged hailed as one of its most im· .. ed to vote in the past, only be· ed to the enrichment of lives losses of their i 969 and 1970 that arrangements be made for often suffering from a poverty crops as a result of the union's portant in years. It validated ·the tween. one-third and one-half of students from predominantly 18-year minimum age fo'f, voters the.: eligible under,21 voters of stimulus in the declining boycott. black and/or white Catholic years," Brother Herman said. The complaint charged violain natioiJal' elections, and held turned up at the polls. The proschools to "meet and get to and staffers at· the Food He tions' of the Sherman Antitrust that only the states could lower portion of older voters, was much know each other." Research' Center are currently Act and Arizona anti-boycott the voting age. in state and local larger. . It also recommended contin- elections; .~ '.. ' . . Y\,>ungvoters are likely to be compiling lists' of :the nation's laws, and interference with comelderly ·who. live alone. The Gold- mon law rights. The growers, ued preferential treatment for So far, there' has been no affected by the personality of black students, stating in the widespread discussion of the new candidates more strongly than en Nugget will be sent to the each of whom are also asking elderly'vili' di,rect mail and bulk $100,000 in punitive damages, rereport that "a segment of our ruling, but that could change by' issues. .. distribution to local community quested an injunction against popUlation has been cruelly de- · with Uie advent of the new While it is expected that 11.5 further boycotts. nied opportunities and advan- Congress. The court upheld the million Americans between 18 groups serving the elderly. Now a four-page quarterly, the The .growers alleged that UFo tages in the past year. It is right of Congress to strike down .and 21 years of. age will be incumbent on us, therefore, to literacy tests for voting without eligible to vote in 1972, the total 'newsletter will increase in size WOC enlisted the aid of two set the balance right by provid- a constitutional amendment. The of ,eligible voters over 21 is ex- ' and come out every other month other unions in Arizona, who if Federal funds for such an ex- according to the complaint, presing those opportunities and ad- court said, too, that Congress pected to be 127 million. pansion can be obtained, Brother sured wholesalers, jobber and revantages to the best of our could outlaw the requirement of In those states where persons Herman said. tail grocery stores into refusing ability now." periods of residence ·as .prerequi- under 21 years of age were aIMeanwhile, copies of The to handle table grapes. sites for voting in presidential lowed to vote, only 3 per cE:mi Lauds Report Golden Nugget can be obtained Chavez called off the extended elections. went to the polls in the 1968 by writing to the International nationwide boycott last fall after that Conelections. Nearly twice as many Some justices hinted Auxiliary Bishop John B. McFood Research and Educational several California and Arizona Dowell, diocesan education vicar, gress might have gone farther, older voters voted in the same Center, North Easton, Massachu" growers agreed to recognize the praised the commission for its extending the ban to congres. places. setts 02356. farm workers union. court said . The court's ban. on residencysional elections. The report and said that "within the limits of our resources, every the decision upheld the right of requirements in voting undoubt11111111 III1III lIillll1111111111111 III11111111111111111 III 1111111 III III 1111111 III III III III 11111111111 III III II III 11111111111 III111111111111111111 recommendation deserves con- American citizens to migrate edly will' affect college students and young people who move sideration and impleme.ntation." from one state to another. However, it was "he 18-year about, but to what extent no one Other recommendations cov- minimum voting' age decision can foretell. ered such areas as general adthat most people seemed ~to be Studies' made so' far have . NATIO~AL BANK ministration with a suggested waiting for, and whi<;h they .ex- tended to unsettle the image of of BRISTOL £OUNTY reorganization of its structure, pect will have the most impact the new youthful voters as a colstaff and pupils, costs and rev- upon the country. While the in- lege student. Of the 11.5 milenue, curriculum, testing, social fluence 'of this legislation can- lion Americans between the ages dimension, physical facilities and not be gauged until the 1972 of 18 and 21 expected to be eligreligious education both in the elections, what information has ible to vote in the 1972 presi· schools and by the Confraternity been turned up !i0 far would in- dential elections, only 4.9 per of Christian Doctrine. dicate that no really great cent are expected to be in high All parish pastors and assist- changes can be. expected. Not· school or college. ants were surveyed as were right away, anyway. Some 4.1 million are likely to school principals, administrators, Some of the things that ana- be in the labor force, some 800,NORTH ATTLEBORO MANSFIELD ATILEBORO FALLS teachers and hundreds of parish- Iysts have discovered are these: -000 in the armed forces, and ioners. While the new youth vote 100,000 in prisons or hospitals. IIII 1111 III 111111111111111III 1111 III 111111111111111111111111111 III III 1111 IIiIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1111111111llU
-Study" Possible .Impact Of 18-Year-Old Vote Decision
'-2,.. ,!H'E. ~,N~HOR'-Djoces~
of Fali' Ri~er;TI;urs. 'Jan. 2'8, 1971
"Envisions' J'apanes~" Garden In Small. Area, ,of Yard, . ' By' Joseph and Marilyn Roderick: , When we added an ~xtension to our' house, we had of necessity to reduce the garden c,onsiderablY. At present we are attempting to plan' a restruc~uring of the garden to , nia~e up for our lost ground and are, being fo~ce~ to think in terms of a sm~ll city gar" , den rather th~ln a country said to follow t~is, chart" h~s S read. We have a 'small sec- been the open ses~me to .Jason s ? ,.'. tummy and food fInally IS passbon of the yard which I hope ing his lips.' "
to make into a peaceful planting " for Summer sitting and resting. . Early to .Bed Not only have1his eating haIt is' approximately 15 x 20 feet and is bordered on two sides by ,bits improved, because. of the the house and on the third side chart, but, he even goes to bed ' by a six foot screening fence. It earlier ("You don't' want Sister was formerly part of a lawn but to see nine o'clock in the space I intend to design it as an Amerwhen you bring the chart back ican version of a Japanese style to school, do you?" and wonders garden, using' large stones, will never cease, he's even greens and groundcovers a~ 'well worrying about fIis nails being as overhanging vines and some clean. ",: running water. With Jason's eating. problems Design Important . p~rtially solved ~thanks to the cereal compa1JY and the Sisters , This' type of garden is difficiIit of the Holy Urlion) I could turn to design because of the limita- my thoughts toward Joe's diet, . tions of space and the necessity which is a little' more difficult to choose plants carefully for to work with. ' their beauty and form. A great 'Howeve~, a very good friend deal of the garden is dependent let me borrow some cookbooks on structure as, much as it is up- for low fat diets' a~d' we have . on plantings', and therefore de- been able to eat palatable meals, sign is of the utmost imp~rtance. even though the fat content hflS Gardens of..this. kind, are com- been lowered. One of- these books mon in large cities. On a trip we especially, has been a godsend. It's called Live -High' on Low , took 'to Boston several years ago, ,we were able to visit five Fat, and: was written by a docor six small city gardens ,in the tor's wife, Sylvia' Rosenthal, Beacon Hill and Commonwealth whose husband. had b~en .put on Avenue sections' and we found' this type of diet after. a heart,. them fascinating. Most of what attack. ~ub.1ished~ bY,~·J. ,13: Lip, , they' ,contained was prohibitive" pincott and- 'Co.; Ht 'comes, in a' in cost but the mood they cre-" paperback; editi6ri for$L95. ated and the beauty and serenity '. With more aIld;more emphasis they invoked were' quite disarm- being placed on "the food that ing.·' we ,eat arid more .cautions reachAlthough we cannot hope to ing our ears warning us of the I ' duplicate them, we feel that dangers ,of many, foods and' some of the features of the small drugs,' it . looks'. Js if all 'of us city' garden can be adapted to need to do a little more research the needs of a family with grow- into food and its effects. l ing children and so we are eager , If you ,are on fat free diet, to embark on four project for this recipe for sC6nes is delicious this Summer. Actually, we have and if yo~ are fdrtunate enough very little choice, -since the ch'il- to be able to eat anything, they're dren miss the garden i great still great., My !children, loved' deal and are pressing for our them and" any praise coming new arrangement to look as from Jason: is praise of the highest order, when it comes-to food. beautiful as did our old y·ard. In the Kitchen
Scortes I All of a sudden, nutrit~(m has 2 cups sifted ~ll.purpose flour become my, thing. This, came· 1 Y2 Tablespoons baking pow/' . 'about for two reasons: one (and der the m;lin one, I might add), Joe % teaspoon sqlt . has been put on a low fat diet, ," I Tablespoon sugar and two, Jason (who has 'always I 1 Tablespoon' oil ' avoided eating like the plague) 1 cup SKim m)l1< had a bout of scarlet fever that - Pre-heat.. oven to' 30'0° left him not as penn~~, as I,e 1) Sift together the flour, bak'should . be: therefore we felt he' shouls! :be getting more nutrition ing powder, salt land sugar. Add ·the oil and slowly stir in milk.' from his foods.' ' 2) Turn out or floured board Let's start Qff, with Jason (the and knead lightly for no more 'who never sits down to eat). than 30 seconds, adding more Well, while we were trying to if the dough is too sticky figure out some fa'ntastic flour to handle. . " woo him to the table and some other'" 'mystical way to get the ' , 3) Cut dough in'half iInq shape food off hi~ plate and into his each piece' into ·'a ball. Roil one mouth, his teacher, Sister Ann ball. at a. time into a round % Boland, came up with .the an- inch thick. Cut into 6 pie-shaped wedges. swer. 4) Place on a 'very lightly oilShe sent home a chart for the month of January" put out ed baking sheet and sprinkle' by a cereal company that had lightly with sugar. Bake 35 minplaces to keep a record of such utes or until a' cake tester comes things as green-vegetables eaten out dry. Serve hot. I saved the, se~ond round and' daily, baths, teeth brushing, etc., but with special emphasis' on the· refrigerated, 'it until the' next 'nutritious ·breakfast. It was the morning, rol1ed it out, arid baked answer to our prayers, for "Sister it for breakfast. i
Bishops' S,tress Catholic Pr~ss °As Teacher· . NEW ORLEANS (NC) -: The most' inexpensive ,and practical way to reach today's parishioners with a regular religious information and education program is through the, diocesan newspaper, according to a national1y known communications .expert. R. M. Guilderson Jr., director . of NC News Service, told ? group of bishops studying communications here that more and more Church leaders are recog- , nizing the diocesan newspaper as today's' most inexpensive religious education tool. ' "The Know Your Faith religious education program, begun a year ago, now appears in 92 diocesan newspapers and reaches into 4 million homes each week," Guilderson said. ' "Many of these diocesan newsSERRANS HAVE JOINT MEETING: Officers of the Fall River and New Bedford Serra Clubs mee.t prior to joint papers have experienced circulaincreases for' the first time meeting. of the organizations, from the two neighboring tion in yeats because bishops, pascities: Gilbert G. Oliveira, president of Fall River Club; tors, parish councils and religiRonald R. Loranger, president of New Bedford Serra; Frank ous educators realize the great S. Plichta and Maurice F. Downey, vice-presidents of the potential and need for such a program. Fall River and New, Bedford, organizations r!=!spectively. "When you' consider that it costs 'more for one lay teacher in a parish school to teach math or' Burl~ngton English to a' few students than BURLINGTON (NC)-A dioc- Burlington board is one of the it does to send the diocesan esan board of heaTing, mediation few such boards in the country. n'ewspaper to every faqtily in the and arbitration was established. Among others implemented, re- , parish, you can s~e why so many here"to provide pue process for cently are boards in Michigan pastors and parish councils ,are those who feel abused by misuse, and some parts of California. providing this s~rvice to all their' Al1 it takes to set a hearing people." of Church authority. '. Any·disputes. such. as between. in motio'n ,is a complaint from Guilderson said people are 're c priests and parishioners or be- any person who lives or works sponding to the program. He tween laymen, board!? and the in the diocese covering the state, cited two recent surveys which bishop, may be taken to. the regqrdless Of wheth~r. he ,is ~t/1-' showe9' mo,re than: 8'0 -per. d~l1t ni~e-member board; said its olle, a Religious, a priest' or of re~ders fol1owing the Know chairman, Father John Zemanick. layman. Your Faith series. He is a priest of the Society of "What surprises everyone,"-he St. Edmund. . Population Studies said, "is the fact that almost 20 NEW YORK (NC) - Up to per cent of the Know Your Faith Father Zemanick said "there has been no structure in the $700,000 will be awarded on a readers are under 2'0 years old'." Church for due process as we competitive basis, the Ford The program is p,roduced with understand it in American law. Foundation 'jointly announced the cooperation and endorsement This is the job of our board." here, to encourage 'systematic 'of the' U.S. Catholic' Conference The only problems excluded study of pouplation and to ac- Education Department, and has from its consideration are those quire basic knowledge' and' an· an advisory committee consistcovered by" the Chu~ch courts alysis of. the i1'!terrelations be- ing of: Fathers Raymond Lucker, (marriage tribunal) and canon tween population 'variables and USCC education department dilaw. law; economic policies imq so- recto~; Thomas Donl~Ind, 0.1'., . The priest noted that the cial arid political change. USCC Education Department Of.' fice 'of Research and' Development; Edwin Neill, asso'ciate,general secretary of 'the National "Rev. Roger O.Boisclair, M.S., New Bedford, he attended Sacred Confraternity of Christian Docassigned to Our Lady of, La Sa- Heart School in' that city and trine division .. lette Shrine in Attleboro, died various educational institutions unexpectedly Monday morning. of the La Salette religious conHuman Development The son of the late Omer and gregation in, Enfield, N. H., WASHINGTON (NC) - The Marie (Tremblay), Boisclair of Bloomfield; Conn., Altamont, 12th annual workshop of the N.Y., Trois Riviere!,!, P. Q., and National Center, Religious' EdAttleboro. ucation-eCD, scheduled for the Ordained a priest by Bishop campus of the Catholic UniversJames E. Cassidy on June 5, 1943 ity of America here June 10-18, he' served' his congregation as will be keyed to support the U.S. Treasurer, Professor, Spiritual bishop's Campaign for Human Director of Novices, BU'siness Development: Manager of the Province's magazine,' Director of the Association of Prayer at La Salette Shrine in Attleboro. He also served for a. time. as assistant Rent an pastor at Our Lady of La Salette Parish, Montreal. '.' He is survived 'by two sisters 380 FOURTH STREET and two brothers, among whom Fall River 673-9942 'is Sister Lauretta Boisclair, . 697 ASHLEY BLVD. C.S.C. of St. Joseph Convent in New Bedford 993-0111 Attleboro.
I I Med iation Boa rd
Father Boisclair Dies ct. Shrine
Car Being Repaired?
HIGH SCHOOL ,AND COLLEGE MEN, in yoU~ vo-· cation pl,a~s co~sider the teaching Brotherhood. For informatio l1 write:' XAVERIAN BROTHERS clo Brother Guy, C.F.X.
Rev. Roger .0. Boisclair
The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news Items _Anchor, P.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Jon. 28, 1971
Loyola Names First Layman as Trustee . CHICAGO (NC) - John F. Smith Jr., 62, former steel company president, has been appointed chairman of the board of trustees of Loyola University here, first layman named to the boar.d now composed of 12 Jesuit priests. Father Raymond Daumhart,
chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The 0, Box 7, fall River
02722. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER. . Blessed candles will be available after Mass on Tuesday, Feb. 2, the feast of the Presentation, and also after Sunday Masses. Throats will be blessed at all Masses Wednesday,' Feb. 3, feast of St. Blaise. A pre-Lenten Mardi Gras will be held Saturday night, Feb. 20, with supper from 6 to 8 and dancing' from 8 to 11. A planning meeting will be held Sunday.
HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Project Leisure, to be. held from 2 to 4 this afternoon in the school hall, will feature a book review program by Miss Mildred Carroll. "Great Lion of God" by Taylor Caldwell and "The Crystal Cave" by Mary Stewart will be discussed. Sixth grade boys wishing to learn how to serve Mass will meet at 3 this afternoon, also in the school. Baptisms will henceforward he performed every six weeks at Mass instead of on Sunday afternoons. Parents should make arrangements with the rectory after the birth of a child. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The monthly meeting of the Women's Guild will take place in the school hall at 8 Monday evening, Feb. 1. . Mr. Ronald Wheeler,insrnictor of cooking at Diman Vocational Hi~h School, will entertain with a food demonstration. Mrs. Charles Curtis and Mrs.. Raymond Audet are co-chairmen: sisters and laypeople. • ST. JOSEPH.. ATTLEBORO . A variety show is planned by the Recreation Committee. for April. Volunteers should register at the rectory or with Mrs. Beatrice Melanson by Sunday, Jan. 31. CYO members will sponsor a dance from 8 to 11 tomorrow ni~ht w:ith music by the "Gabriel" group. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Members of the Women's Guild will meet at 7:20 on Wednesday evening, Feb. 3 at Stafford Square for a tour of a business firm in the area. At the completion of the visitation, all will return to th'e parish center for a meeting and refreshments. Mrs. Frank Boyko, chairman, has announced that the guild will sponsor a penny sale at 7:30 on Saturday night, Feb. 6 in the parish center. Refreshments will be served and door prizes awarded. Tickets will be available at the door.. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, I'ALL RIVER / . A spaghetti and meat ball supper will be followed by a square dance in the Parish Center on Saturday night, Jan. 30. Supper will be served at 6. Mrs. George Charbonneau, president of the Women's Guild, has stated that tickets will be $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for children under 12.
REPRESENTATIVES MEET: Among the principals present at St. John's Seminary, Brighton in conjunction with the 25~h annual Catholic Relief Overseas Aid Fund Appeal were: Rev. John F. Hogan, Diocesan Director for the Appeal; Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston and Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom of the CRS.
Home Trainin.g Priest Says Sexual Revolution Absent From Taiwan University TAIPEI (NC)-The sexual rev,olution reported to be sweeping American university campuses has not yet made the, scene. among Taiwanese university students, according to a priestsociologist. There is relatively little sexual involvement and scarcely any' promiscuity among university students here said the priest, Jesuit Father Albert O'Hara, from Springfield, Mo., who teaches at the National Taiwan University here. • Father O'Hara, who has· been teaching at Chinese universities
Lukewarm Response To Fund Appeal ADDIS ABABA (NC) - The response to the World Council of Churches' appeal for funds to assist the, Canadian program of aiding American draft evaders in that country' has been lukewarm, according to a WCC official here. . The Rev. Alan Brash told NC News that only $10,000 has been received since the appeal was made in November, 1970.. The . appeal went to the denominational headquarters rather than to the broad range of· WCC membership, except the U. S. _and Canadian churches, which he said are already contributing heavily to' wQrk with draft evaders through their national councils. ,,,um"""''''''"tllllllllto''''''hllll'''''''''''l1'''''''ll'''''''''''''''''''l'''"UIIIl""'""'1"'''1
OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, NEW BEDFORD The feast of. St. Maron, patron of the Maronite Rite Catholics, will be celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 7: Highlights will include a Solemn High Mass at 10 and a social will be held at Fort Rodman starting at 1 o'clock. Lebanese music and entertainment, along with home-made Lebanese and I\merican foods and delicacies. Prizes will be awarded and tickets arc available at the door.
since. 1946, said that relations between the .sexes 'at c'olleges and universities here are far from permissive. "One reason for this is that· the Taiwanese have been very careful about their daughters, never letting them get invoved' in anything before marriage," the priest said. "There is a certain value set on virginity." The girls belon'ging to families that came here from the Chinese. mainland before or after the communist take-over there appear to have similar' attitudes toward pre-marital sex, Father O'Hara said. I'ather O'Hara's findings are based on a survey he made dealing with the selection of a JT1arriage partner. Speaking of students in general, both Christian and nonChristian, Father O'Hara said that they do not start going steady until their third or fourth . year 'at the university. Even then, "they are still rather gentlemanly and ladylike," he said. "They don't go round much .by them~ selves, getting too deeply involved." Value Education "It's nothing religious, but I think they feel it's a mistake before marriage 'to get too involved in this way.' It comes from home training and ali that." Ordained in Shanghai in 1936, Father O'Hara was interned and . then repatriated during World War II. In' 1944, he received a doctorate In sociology from the Catholic University of America. After'the war, he returned to China and taught sociology at Manking's Central University. "Students feel that they have striven hard for a place in college, and they don't want to jeopardize matters by either' letting sexual involvement interfere with 'their studies, or. run-· ning into. the danger of being expelled for bad Qehavior,"·· Father O'Hara said:
university president, said it is the intention of the trustees to appoint other men and women of the laity to the board. He said there is no limit to the board's size but the trustees' "consensus is that 25 members is a likely number."
Happy the Peacemakers Peace has as malllY meanings as there--are kinds of strife of which to be freed. Peace of mind and sp!rlt is freedom from mental anguish, despair, and ignorance. Peace is also freedom from physical and social strife: disease, poverty, and underdevelopment. Our Lord said, "Happy lhe Peacemakers"-blessed are those who relieve the causes of strife; blessed are those who see their brothers in need' and do something to change their plight. Christ showed the example for spreading peace. It was Peace He wished His followers to give to the world; it was by being makers of peace His followers would be called "Sons of God." Who, then, are the Christian Peacemakers of today? Missionaries can certainly be.called peacemakers because their entire. !ives are dedicated to .bringing' this Christian message of freedom to others. [.ike Christ, the Prince of Peace, they heal the sick, teach the ignorant, forgive the sinner, and preach the Good News of ~alvation to the poor. The calling to be a peacemaker is not exclusive to the missionary, but is the vocation of every Christian. Every follower of Christ, as our liturgy points out, should give to one another the sign of peace. Does not Christ speak to each one of us in the Mass with the words: "Go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord?" What then can your family do to share the' peace of Christ with the entire Family of Man? I would propose the best make is. to pray and sacrifice who cannot be peacemakers for out this spiritual and financial back home.
contribution each family could together for those missionaries the world's sufferiJig-poor with. support of the "peace-makers"
The Society for the Propagation of the' Faith exists for this purpose. It is the Holy Father's own society designated for the support of the' entire Missionary Church. Through Family Membership in the Society your family annually supports some 135,000 missionarids-100,OOO mission schools-I,OOO hospita1s-2,374 orphanages- 127 leprosaria-867 homes for the aged-51,000 native seminarians-and in all over 819 mission dioceses dependent qn the Society fo\" their very existence. This first month of this new year is Family Membership Month! We beg each and every family of .the United States to do their share this year to bringing the rea:ilY of Christ's Peace to a world so much illl need. At a time when the "generation gap" is too often evident, we beg you to unite your family in this common cause of Peace through missionary deveiopment. Please' begin today by sending a family sacrifice along with this column! Become Family Peacemakers for Christ by joining the Society for thp. Propagation of the Faith ($6.00 for Yearly Family Membership-$100.00 for Perpetual I:amily Membership) this month in your 'parish or enclpse your enrollment with this column. Please-join with me today in being a Peacemaker for Christ! """""""""""""""""""""",,_.
; :. , : : , , ,
SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society for .the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. The Rev. Msgr. Raymond' T. Considine 368 North Main Street ': Fall' River, Massachusetts 02720
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THe'ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall 'River-Thurs. Jan;, 28, -1971
Traditional Wake Good Cathol'ic Custo.m Stresses Relig,ious Meaning ,of Death The January 1971. issue of U. S. Catholic and Jubilee fea" tures an article on "Death, in America" by Kenneth Woodward, religion .editor 'of Newsweek. It's one of the most perceptive articles I have 'ever read 011 the contemporary American approach to death. In the same issue of U. S. Catholic and Jubilee, Patrick T.
out. For those who have trouble about a co'ncept of Paradise, it's much harder and all these st,rong men (the men without faith in' an after life) w~re ,mes~es. I think its a sublime faith. I would look ·at' someone and say, 'Gee · I didn't re'alize he was Catholic.' You' see they, felt Bob was in P·aradise·... Mr. Schulberg's wife, who goes' by the name of Gedldine Brooks, was deeply' impressed by the ."courage" which Bobby's relatives and so many of his friends displayed during the long drawn-out journey· from New York. to Washngtqn. I " I , "I have never been exposed to tl)at ;kind ()f courage before, and I said,' 'God I wish I ,had that kin,d of faith." We're Jewish. I said 'I swear to God; if I couIa convert today I would.' It was such a godsend to me; You could' · look 'around. andab~olutely see which of those people Were strong Catholics." ,
I find this to be a·rather narrow and somewhat antiseptic. definition of religion' and a very arbitrary way of dfstinguishing between the religious and secu- · lar. ' , Missed the Point
I don't knoWi what' kind .of wakes Mr. Reardon h!!-s been attending recently; out I get the impression' that 'if he has ever had the experience of attending , q ~ -a typical old:fashio'ned 'Irish I 'B' " .""--:",,n ,:. I "Y I wake, he really didn't get into the spirit of the thing an.d ap~ MSGR. par'ently didn't understand what the "mourners": were trying to GEO~GE G. tell him in the midst of ~ll 'their gaiety. HIGGINS An authentic ~ake of the kind I am referring to' (and the Irish: of course, are not the only "ethReardon-in a kind of person- nic" group that have held on to ized follow-up editorial - argues the tradition) certainly doesn't that "the way we Americans are concentrate on the "body" to the burying our dead is an exercise neglect of the· religious meaning in vanity arid 'pomposity" and of death.. . On the contrary,' since .the 'concludes that "it is time for us , ~What We Believe' ,to develop 'and put into practice only authentic religious meaning ,And last of all, a perfectly a new approach to our treatment of death is one of joy-the Res~ statement from a marvelous urrection theme-I think it must of the dead, a Christian approac)1 that is more in tune with 'what be said that a g61d old-fashioned · Catholic lady, Helen Keyes, who Catholic wake -'- because of and was closely associated _ with we believe and profess,:" To' this end, he has proposed not in spite iof its relaxed Bobby Kennedy in all his politia three-part program "as'a start- sense of gaiety"":"is a deeply reli- ,cal campaigns and' is now Ading point for other creative pro- gious ph~nome'lon in the very ministrator of the John F. Kennedy. Library: grams rather than' a cut and best sense of .the word.dried final system": "The' whole point is that if .Religious ~xperience' 1. The eliminatiqn of wakes. there is gaiety and laughter at C, i 2. The establishment of a Rather than argue the point an Irish wake, it's simply be..A.. \ Church policy advoca:ting, crema- theoretically, ,let rue cite so~e cause this is what we believe: ._~~.~" .'> - .-". ." ~,'LI tion.· . . impressive test'imony (on my' that ~hen people die they go CHRISTIAN UNITY MOVEMENT IN' CENTERVILLE: 3.' The establishment of'non- side of the argu'ment, of course) to heaven; so rejoice! ... I bethat Bobby is in heaven so lieve Top; Rev.' Alexande'r Chandler, executive secretary of the, denominational, cooperative fu- from a new book' entitled "American ·Journey: The Times I'm not going to waste any t~ars . Cape Cod, Council of Churches, addresses the congregation neral associations. . of Robert Kennedy"-a mar~el on him. God put'us on this earth. in Our 'Lady of Victory Church, Centerville during Christian Narrow Definition ous- coll~ction ,of taped inter- He never said it was going to be easy; it isn't easy .....: it's a trial Unity Week. Rev. Edward E. Correia, assistant at the For present purposes, I _have, views with many of the people, ,period, and if you succeed then Cent~rville Parish, is in the sanctuary. Bottom:. Portion or otherrich and poor, famous no opinion to offer, one way 'your ,reward is heave~, so re- of the congregatio~ listening to the Rev..Chandler. wise. who were' privileged to be' or the other, on the second and joice." , third of these problems, but I on the train which brou'glit BobMiss 'Keyes is. a good theoloby K.ennedy's body from New must say that the',' first 'one Offici~1 gian in the Pauiine tradition. strikes me as being rather doc- 'tI.0rk to' Washington on the day In other worCls, what she is say. of his funeral. ' trinaire. . SOUTH HADLEY (NC)-Con- er social ills are' not 'primarily a Chapter 3 of: this' fascinating ~ng here in her own simple way' rad F.· Taeuber, associate direc-, result of our rate of population For my own part, I don't see IS what St. Paul was saying to , 'anything. wrong with w~kes, and book brings tQgether the re'col- the Thessalonians almost 2,000 tor of the U.S. Census' Bureau growth," he said: "Changing standard and haI certainly . can't agree with Mr, lections of: several of Bobby's years ago long before' the Irish ,and the man who supervised the 1970 census, rejected the view bits, in activities, technology and Reardon when he says' t~at "the closest associates - Protestants, wake was invented: here that population growth is the style of life, have more to wake tends only to put off the Catholics and Jews-who, were . 'Do Not Grieve' the major threat to the quality do with the accumulation: and inevitable sorro\y, rather than asked· to tell What they were' disposition of waste materials of .American life.' . make - it any' easier" and that. thinking about,' from the point ':We want y~u to be quit~ and pollutants than' does the "with the elimination' of wakes, of view of religion, as ,they took Speaking ~t. M.0unt Holyoke certain, 'brothers, about those number of persons involved." the emphasis would be shifted part in one of· the most celewho h,iive died, to' make, sure College, Taeuber sllid that turnHe added that despite the na'from the body to the religious brated and cert'ainly one of the longest wakes in American you do not grieve about them " 'ing back population' growth is tional population rise, half of the. meanin~ ,of death." like the other .people who' hav~ on'ly a small element' in' efforts nation's counties lost population history. no hope., We believe that Jesus to improve the environment.' To my surprise (aithough I in the) 960s, indicating that pop- ' died and rose 'again' and that it Director Reports' really shouldn't have been sur.' "Pollution, high crime' rates, ulation growth is unequal and prised) a. number of those who wiil be the same again for those transportation problems and oth- sh'ould be better distributed. Drop in' Vocation~ 'were interviewed - Catholics, who have'died in Jesus: God Will PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Voca'Protestants and' Jews - thought , bring them with him. With such tions' in the Philadelphia archdiothat Bobby's "wake on wheels" thoughts as these ·you should cese have dropped 17 per,cent was a. profoundly religious expe- . comfort one another." , since 1969, tne archdiocesan voThe e~itorial by Mr. Reardon rience at least 'for many of the cations dir.ector said .here. ' . ' which occasioned this column people on the 'train. ' 6% -Term .Deposit Certificates, two·three year~ Msgr:. Edward J.' ~hompson I was ~ntitled ".Let's Get Rid of 5=)1%-Term Deposit Certificutes, .one year. Funeral: Horries. '! I have too said the total number of voca· 'Sublime Faith' ,many relatives and friends in the tions dropped, from 319 in 1969 5Y2%-90-Day Notice to 264 in 1970. The largest deTo save Mr. Reardon' and the undertaking business to ~ant to 51fl %-Regular Savings cline was among boys who' enter readers of this column the trou- get ,involved in this particular *Daily intere;t on all savings plans the seminary from'diocesan high bl,e and the' in'cOllveniehce of argument, but whatever we do' . Dividends payable 'monthly. schools. Vocations in this cate. loc~ting a copy of the book I about, funeral hQmes, for goodgory dropped from 112 to 67,' a am talking ab.oUt, let me' 'quote ness sake let's not get 'rid of the decline of 40' per cent, . . . briefly from three of the inter- . old-fashioned Irish wake. ' Increases were noted, how- views in question.. Or; in any event, if 'we 'do ,ever, in vocations among' adults Budd S~huibe~rg, a well knoWn' make 'the mistake of getting rid CAPE COD'S l:ARGEST • ASSETS ,OVER $120 MILLION an9 public high school student!? Jewish author, says that those of ,this ancient tradition' wllich . 3Q7. Main Str:eet, South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 . The. former increased' 70 per people on the t'rain' who had no 'has seryed us so well, let's not cent, from i3 in 1969 to 22 in faith in an after life were in say that we did ,so because we Yarmou,h Shoppi~g P:aza Hyannis 'wanted to shift the emphasis' 1970. In public high schools, vo- tercible shape. Dennis Port Ostervi:le cations went fFom ~14 -to 1~, an ".You could j~,isl gO' down the "from the body to the religious i!l<;rellse. o~ 28'per ce.nt. ' ' aisle," he says,: "alld' pick the~, meaning of death." Fiddl~sticks.
:,Rejects _ Popula.tion Fears
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese. of Fall River-Th~rs, Jan. 28,1971
Mustarll Seed Gift Shoppe' Offers Unusual 'terns As It Aids Ha.ndicapped If you arc driving on Route 138 in South Easton one of these days,. you will p'ass a large natural-shingled square Colonial house with a matching barn and an intriguing sign announcing "The Mustard Seed Gift Shoppe." . If you pull into the yard and enter the two-story converted barn that is the site of the Shoppe, you will step into another world, for the gifts in this Shoppe are as wondrous as the seed that inspired the parable. For the proprietors of the Shop, Panne and Bob Hardina, the Mustard Seed is a' dream come true. Bob Hardina, a professor of theology at nearby Stonehill College, and his vivacious wife, Panne, have been working toward their new enterprise for several years and they purchased the house and barn with the gift shop in mind. Two and a half years ofbackbreaking work went into the project before they were ready to open. A few minutes before the 11 A.M.· opening of the shop one morning recently, before a cozy fire in an old fashioned black iron stove, having a combination. breakfast and lunch. It was to be her last respite for the day. Though the shop opened only a few weeks ago, news about something so good travels fast and new customers ·are coming every day from near and far. The reason gifts from the Mustard Seed are so unique is that all of its hundreds of lovely items are handcrafted with care by people in need: Panne Hardina explains how the shop began and the reason behind its existence. "The parable of the Mustard Seed and the Kingdom of Heaven speaks of' growth. In a very real sense the Mustard Seed Shoppe, which derives _its name from the parable, is also a story of growth."
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MUSTARD SEED: Mrs, Pam Hardina arranges stock of Mustard Seed Shoppc, North Easton. Gift items are from foreign mission; and need areas of United States.
handcraft items are produced in over 60 overseas programs in more than 25 countries. There are SERV gifts in the shop to delight every taste. Dolls from many different lands, all in greatly detailed native costumes, brilliant enamel-on-copper pendants from Honduras, bark paintings from Mexico arc on display. . Atop a glass display case arc silver bracelets from Mexico and exquisite silver and enamel work To Aid Needy .. from Thailand. "It began with the -idea that On a stand in a corner is a elderly people, the handicapped, and persons living in poverty handsome hand woven grey and could help. themselves by aug- white angora poncho from Bolivia. menting often inadequate inA narrow shelr in the. window comes if a means were provided hplds hand painted egg cups, for them to sell their handcraft products. The initial growth vases and jewelry boxes made at Tao Fong Shan-the Christian came as poor people's cooperatives and refugee self-help pro- Mission to the Buddhists in Sha· grams were di~covered that tin, Hong Ko~g. From. Hiroshima could provide' a ready and stable Dress pins in the shape of supply of gift items." . "The purchase of a house with roses fashioned from' the softa barn provided a location and est of leather are made by the two years spent in renovation physically handicapped and disbrought about the growth that figured of Hiroshima.. There are _feather paintings made the idea a reality. Now' that the doors are· open we hope from Nigeria and' large hand-. for continued growth so that carved wooden salad bowls from the Mustard Seed. will be able the Salvation Army 'Workshop to help persons close to home for the blind and handicapped in Port au Prince, Haiti.. -. and throughout the world." The prices on the beautiful One of the sources of supply for the gift items is an organi- handmade items in' the Shoppe zation called SERV-Sales Ex- are another delightful surprise: change for Refugee Rehabilita-. A heavy silver serving tray from tion Vocations. A, program of Korea, for instance, costs only. Church World Service, SERV $3.50. A hand carved Koran or Bible representatives have encouraged cottage industries and establish- . holder from India is carved from cd handcraft workshops in refu- a single piece of Sheshatn wood gee and other need areas yet it still folds flat. The secret of the process is an example of. throughout the world. The organization helps skilled the art of Indian craftsmanship persons obtain the materials and taught by father to son from' tools of their trade. Products are generation to generation. It is sold in markets located by intricately and lovingly carved Church .World Service. lSERV and sells for $2.50.
The philosophy of SERV is that it is not a good thing for the human spirit to be endlessly dependent on outside handout help. Some persons' may need such help desperately, it is true, and may need it for a long time. But they also feel that no matter how deprived or disad--" vantaged a person may .be, at some point in his recovery from that situation he needs to have the opportunity and encouragement to take a hand in improving his own a way that is possible and appropriate _for him. Only in this way will. he be able to feel he has worth as a persori. The-concept of handcraft as a means of self-help is an old one. Many missionaries and other overseas workers have for years encouraged and trained craftsmen as part of their ministry to the needs' of the people among whom they work. The new and unique ingredient provided by SERV is the channel it offers for' marketing such . products in· a well-organized way. \. For the most part articles are purchased from small producers with limited - capital who arc looking for a wider ma'rket than they found locally but who are not operating on a scale large enough to sell to big importers. Himdcraft .Ministry Training progr~rris are regularly conducted by many projects asa part of the handcrpft 'ministry, and about 75 different Church-related programs are involved in supplying the articles. They include mission hospitals, workshops for the handicapped, refugee industries; home industries, and other crafts centers and workshops operated by a wide variety of denominational groups.
Other sources of articles from all parts of the world include the La Salette Missions, and· Bob Hardina makes regular trips to the order's Southbridge mission house, bringing back a station wagon loaded with supplies. Two projects. in the United States, both "poor people's coo. operatives," arc of great interest to the Hardinas. Two of these organizations are based in Appalachia - Father Beiting'.~: Christian Appalachian Project in Lancaster, Ken., anc:i the Pike County Citizens Association, also in Kentucky. The Appalachian projects spe· cialize in handmade quilted items' such·as skirts, stuffed animals, pillows and dolls. Another cooperative is that of Koinonia Farms near Americus, Georgia. In its early years the farm made significant contributions to the surrounding area by introducing scientific farming. As it became a racially integrated corrimunity' it became the object of 'mounting hostility that took the form of shootings, beatings; bombings, burning and an economic boycott. The farm .survived and today consists of partnership industries, farming, and housing. The . newest venture is a 42 house subdivision for displaced rural families.. The newsletter describes one family who wjll ,soon move into one of the new houses that are built by the cooperative and sold on a twenty-year . no-interest payment basis with monthly pay· ments ranging from $~5 to $32. No Place for Bed The family includes Bessie and Ditter, Thomas, their two chil•• dren and an elderly aunt. The Thomases have been living in a snack without toilet. or cooking
facilities where "the roof leaked so bad there wasn't place to put the bed." Ditter worked for a farmer who paid him $25 a week. He didn't make enough money to keep his children from being h~ngry. . When Koinonia IMrned of the plight of this family, they were moved to a small house on the farm and Bessie. started working in the Farm's p'ecan sorting room. The aunt who will move into the bigger. house with the Thomas' is Mrs. 'Annie Lou White, an 80-year-old woman who is nearly blind. She has been living with another family . at Koinonia since she was discovered several weeks ago living alone in a shack insulated with egg crates. It had gaping holes and no heat or stove. When Mrs. White was visited by severa] Koinonia young people she was nearly starving, deserted by her children, and having her social security check stolen by neighbors whose living conditions were almost as bad as hers. If you visit the Hardina's shop you will see several tables with mouth-watering displays of the products of Koinonia Farmsfruit cakes' studded with pecans, chocolate and brown sugar confections, date stuffed pecans and just plain pecan's in gift boxes. Apple Dolls Most unusual items from even closer to home arc made by an 80-year-old woman in Westfield, Mass. These are apple head dolls and as the name suggests, the heads of these beautifully detailed and costumed' dolls arc made from dried, shellacked apples. Mrs. Woods makes the dolls as a form of therapy, to keep busy and to augment.her income. She wears a neck brace and her left arm and hand are paralyzed. Without the aid oJ a sewing machine, she props the dolls in her left hand and does all the work and fine even stitching with her right hand. Mrs. Hardina is also preparing a special displ~y of items made by the Associated Blind of Brockton. Area artists and craftmen in real need of outlets are invited to contact the Mustard Seed, said Mrs. mmHna. The shop is open from II .to 5 Monday through Saturday, Thursdayand Friday nights from 7 to 9.
GRACIA BROS. Excavating Contractors 9 CROSS ST., fAIRHAVEN 992-4862
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673-9942 '. -
New Bedford 993-0 n
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THE ANCHOR-'-Diocese of Fall. River-Thurs. Jan. .. '. . 28. ", 1971· .~ : ....
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KNOW','YOUR FAITH:' first Communion "Without Confession
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The sacrar.nent .and fhe 'practice in 'private confession 'by' the dUly When I was in, second grade of penance are very ancient. in authorized minister), is a visible in St.' Louis I, 'made my first 'the Church. Tradition speaks, sign 'of', his' 'reconciliation with confession' the day, before makvery clearly about' the, Church's God as well" fJr' it is within the ing my first 'Communion. The power,received from Christ, to Church'that' thtfbaptized 'sinn'~r Sisters of the incarnate Word forgivesins"committed after: bap- ' meets thf 'f()rgiv,ing. word of. ,had carefully prepared ~s for" tism. Whatever else 'can be'said God's mercy in' tlistory, It'is for weeks for 'confession, and for of ' the" chariges 'involvin'g this that reason that we can call peri-' several days for Communion. . ' Fr. Marron heard, out confessacramtmt (and it has,' evolved ance a true sacrament. greatly in history), what remains The Scdptures give this power sions Saturday. afterno'on and of '~bindintf' 'an'd "Ioosing"'to the gave us Holy Communion Sun, Churctl (cf. Mt 18:17; In. 20:19; day morn,ing. I'm 'sure most, I Cor. 5:3; etc:), where' Jesus con- Catholics had a, similar experifers on .the Aposties'his'- 'ence. "Much later I le'arned that "'By thority of "loosing" sinners from :my f/!other had 'nof gone to conthe realm of the'darkness of sin fession for' the first time until FR. PETER J. and'death. The teaching is rather after, his first Communion. RIGA ,clear: th,e Church has been given' Recently . I 'have met others the victorious and. saving power who recall the days when it was of Jesus over sin and death: quite normal to ;receive first Anyone who is' reconciled with Communion prior _to, first confesclear' and without question is th~ the Church on: e~rth is by that sion, In fact it was only within consciousness of the Church' to . very, fact also within the domain the past 60 year:s that the pracforgive in' an authoritaJive way of God's' saving power and' lias tice of havirig children receive all and every 1?in' of tile' faithful. therefore attained the true for- the sacrament oLpimance before We may define the sacrament. giveness of sins on earth iri the . the ,Eucharist became the standof penance as the' app'llcation to name of God. :This binding and ard procedure": in, the Catholic "this" sinner at "this'" historical loosing from the po'wer of Satan Church.' .This may seem surprismoment, of, the redemptive pas- to the' f<?!giv'ing grace 'of .God, ing to practically aJf of us who sion and resurrection of, Christ in is truly Ii real juridiCal power of grew up, thinking that this was I ' always and' everywhere the and oy the Church. Sin is an, of- the Church on' earth. ' The ,reception of a sinner once proper " order 'of the fense ag/!oinst, God sinc~ 'by sin - w~ reject, God's call to love in ag~in irto the Church is the sign Sacraments. But it. was not until Christ. Since God's love is'visibly of both. his forgivenes~ of his ' the time. of Pope Pius X in 1910 and historically present in the sins (negative aspect) and his· that throughout the world Cath: Church as the SaCrament of reconciliation wIth God (grace, olic' children routinely received Christ in the' world, sin is ~n, of- the 'positive aspect). 'Reconcilia, '~otifessibn immediately 'before PRIEST IN CONFESSIONAL: The priest in the ;con' " fense against the Church as well. tion comes' abbut wl1'en th~ re: first Communion. fessional was a scene familiar to many children in the early It follows that the sacrament of pentant siriner; in the presence Tradition Being Reinstated' penance is an authoritative rec- of a duly authorized minister of part of this century as they went to confession before re. For well over half the Church's ,onciliation by the Church 'of the and of the Ctlurch and receives . ceiving Holy Communion. NC Ph~(). history, children did not go to sinner to both God and the the Church, a'sks pardon of' God confession at all; when they did : Church (Vatican II, Constitution the reconciliation of the Church it was normally after they had fession before' first holy C<;lin- also have been embarrassed' at oil the Church, par. 11) and ad- and ·God.It is this ciivi~e reality received the Eucharist. For the munion is ,therefore' not neces- the. tears of a child preparing mission to the communion of which we call _the sacrament of for or coming' from confession. last ,half of the Church's history, sary. penance in, the Church.' saints. . Nor is it, generally desirable.. In the judgment of most responwith the ~xception of the years Scriptural Teaching Clear between 1910and perhaps 1965, There is little evidence to sup- sible 'religious educators today, Discussion Questions there was no set practice for port the view that early confes- the ordinary chijd before age 10 We know that the Church is 1. Why do you think, as many at the earliest, find~ it quite dif· Different. customs ;~~1~ti$n~~rr.r:~:;:~I@~1:;:;~~:~:::~r:Jr::m;~ everyone. the fundamental sacrament:of ,priests have, stated, there are ficult, if not impossible, to rew~re followed in various parts 'Christ, .the' visible pre,sence of fewer, people going to Confession ceive this sacrament meaningof the' world. Today in the God's saving and loving, grace in regularly today?' fully. His perceptions are still so United States as well as in the world iri every age. She is By highly subjective that an" accu2., How has the' 'manner of m'any other countries the· more the community of· those who rate, moral evaluation' of believe in the ,- Lord Jesus, going to, ConNssion 'changed in traditional practice.' is beingre~ FR. CARL J . and actions is thoughts, words, recent years? " . . instated, namely first Commu,' called to the forgiveness' of sins capability. He is unbeyond his without previous confession. nion PFEIFER, S.J. and life and reconciliation with able to r,eflect on and analyze when each child is to Exactly. God., In baptism, the person bap- Protest Travel 'Ban accurately his intentions, partie· approach these sacraments for tized . is incorporated into' the ularly over a period of time. -the first time is wisely left to the IlllKM":~iii~~i':i~M:,}t,'{ttnE Churcr, the .body of C·hrist. So :·On Black,Leader Most difficult and most dan-' WASHINGTON (NC) I The ~hild's parents and the local par- sion forms good habits of sacratoo in the sacrament of penance'. The reconciliation of the sinner president of the :United Metho- Ish pnest-a, ~orrt,1 that dates mental reception in later life. gerous is his attempt to relate' within the Church (represented dist (nationai) Council of Bishops back. to such great theologians .. In fact the weight of evidence his thoughts, words" and actions ,has voiced strong protest against, as St.:ho~as Aquinas in the suggests just the opposite. ·Cer- to his relationship with God. The tainly the present decline in the' fact that he says "no" to his Rhodesian Premier lim Smith for 13th century. Stresses Necess'itj One reason for: the change is number arid frequency of' adult parents does not necessarily inrestricting travel of Bishop Abel that Catholics today realif:e what cbnfession 'among' those volve saying "no" to God. VioT. Muzorewa. . ' ,Of CCO Programs Catholics of earlier centuries ul}trained as children in the prac- lating' a parental rule is not The. ban on travel into' tribal LOUISVILLE (NC) ....:.. Father' ?erstood, well, namely that ther~, tice of frequent confession-does necessarily the same as .violatareas by. the ,nativ~-born black t Charles C. McDonald, 37, adniits' IS no need for children to go to little to bolster that opinion. Nor ing God's law. Lear~ing lists of '''it's difficult to "get parishes to bishop of Rhodesia United Methco~fessi~n ~~ior t~ Communion. does the fact that so many sins is even more misleading. take the Confraternity of Chris-, odist Church' should be lifted .C~n~esslOn IS reqUired before readults who go to confession con- "Anger," for example; may be a tia'n Doctrine program 'serious- charged Bishop' John Wesle; very appropriate f~eling rather ~elvl~g the Eucharist only if one: fess more or less as.-they did in Iy." ...... , _. Lord of Washington. .' . IS gUilty of mortal sin. Contem- elementary school. In fact there 'than a "sin:" There is serious He hastily 'adds: "But, the pro· Speaking for the 'council ,of porary theologians-and an in- is con;iderable ,evidence that the risk that the too early imposition gram must 'be taken seriously in bishops, -Bishop Lord said that creasing number of priests and practice of very early confession on children of a sacrament everY archdiocese and ,diocese when' the Rhodesian Methodist parents..,-grace with t~e judgment militates against a proper ap- meant for alults may lead to a in the country, .Rega'rdless 'of \ Conference protested "recent- po. of. the best theologians of _the preciation of the sacrament of legalistic and magical attitude what happens to the' Catllolic litical actions seriously interferMiddle Ages in asserting, that penance, simply because the towa,rd confession with' little reschools, the CCD is, here 'to ing ,with just and harmonious 'rethe pre.-adolesce!1t ~hild is nor- young child is going through the lation to real life and to a fear stay." ' , lations of th'e ~aces,;' it was~ct mally I~capable of' committing. motionli the meaning of which and guilt-centered spiritual life. , Father McDonald is 'the new ing in accordance with the New mortal sm. Modern day psychol- he is n'ot able 'to understand. In' short, the traditional executive, secretary of the Na- Testament . and with United ogy provides .mounting evidence ' , . -practice of the Church suggests, tional Conference of D'iocesan Methodist policy: Perceptions, Subjectiv~ to support' this judgment. Venial there is no need for children to DireCtors of the CCD. He filled In effect, th'e Rhodesian ~o~ sins may :>e forgiven in J!lany We have all probably laughed', receive confession prior to First a major role here in building a ference said'it!did not int~nd to ,ways outSide the sacrament of more than once at stories of healthy' CCD in the Louisville abide by the Smith laws separ- PeQance, notably by the faithfur children makin'g up sins to tell Communion; nor is it, as a gen· eral rule, desirable. It is much archdiocese. ' ~til1g the r..aces: , ' reception of the Eucharist. Con- the priest in confession. We may ',v .'If Turn .to ~age Seventeen "
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..... Bishop Bernardin Sees No Change In Confession WASHINGTON (NC) - "No abrupt or radical change" can be expected in confession despite reports predicting changes in the administration of the sacraments, according to Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, general secretary of the !,!ational Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Bernardin's statement followed a Vatican announcement that the Holy See is studying the possibility of applying a 1944 directive authorizing' general absolution in ,errieq~encies to a wider, variety of situations, Vatican officials have said the 1944 directive was primarily intended for miiitary chaplains dealing with combat situations that made conventional confessions impossible. "It is impossible to speculate at this time as to what' exten· sions of this permission, if any, might be forthcoming from the Holy See at some later date," Bishop Bernardin said. "It should, however, be noted that'the Vatican press office specifically denied press reports that permission for experimental use of general absolution had been granted to some unnamed dioceses in this country," he added.
THE ANCHORThurs.. Jan. 28. 1971
Stress Devotion To Sacred Heart
MILFORD (NC) - Archbishop Paul F. Leibold told Men of the Sacred Heart assembled. here that they should strive to help Christians overcome hate, confusion' and disobedience which he .deplored as the devil's prin,'cipal weapons. Other speakers who addressed the organization, whose purpose is promote the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home, were: Sacred Heart Father Francis Larkin, national director of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, Washington, D. C.; Stephen Oraze, president of the Apostolate of Christian Action, Fresno, Calif.; Father Adrian J. Race, 'Milwaukee archdiocesan enthronement d!r~ctor and Ambrose Groh,' president of CincinOPENING MASS: Cardinal Gordon Gray of Edinburgh, Scotland, center, principal cel- nati Chapter of the Men of the ebrant of the opening Mass of the Bishops' Communi.cation meeting at, Loyola Univer- Sacred Heart. The archbishop of Cincinnati sity, New Orleans, accepts the gifts during the service... NC Photo.' ' said true devotion to the Sacred Heart in the Eucharist is' a guaranteed defense against Satan's present·day attacks on the Church and its families. " Addressing abQut 40 men who assembled here for the group's NEW ORLEANS(NC) - A tronic media by religious educa- said in the Church's eagerness to first national meeting Archbishop Catholic bishop said pews in tors, at the Jesuits' Loyola Uni- keep pace with rapid advances Leibold said the devil exercises Catholic' churches would be versity here. The university and in audio-visual communications, satanic power "in attacking the empty on Sundays unless an ad- the Communications Department, the educators may be trapped ,Yery basics in the life of man." He, said abortion threatens justment is made in the U. S. Catholic Conference, co- into pitfalls of mediocrity." "I recommend that Catholic man's life; slavery to possessions, sponsored the sessions. Church's communications. Auxiliary Bishop, William E, educators who are moving into' pornqgraphy, dope and alcoholA French Dominican priest, an Continued from Page Sixteen more important that the child be authority on television, cautioned McManus of Chicago said all the field of audio~visual commu- ism, his freedom: error and perinitiated into a deep awareness that "the reign of cassettes is Catholic Educators "had better hications,' be sure to have a plan secutions, his pursuit of true of God's love for him, and expe- about to start," and a Christian . hustle" to be ready' with· with stated goals and priorities," happiness in God. and his equal ' . he said. dignity. rience that love in the warm af- Brother, teacher .at a local uni· produced video cassettes for reentert1;lin' a prayerful hope Archbishop Leibold, principal "I ligious education in the home in . versity, contended "films are one fection and forgiveness of adults of the best ways to reach the preparation for the "empty that specialists. like persons in celebrant of a Mass at the sesin his life. this group will assign a high sion, said the Men of the Sacred pews" days. youth of today," Discussion Questions priority to the creation of audio- ,Heart must help "mechanical ,They spoke Bishop McManus" who serves at the six-day ses1. What -are your feelings convisual communications bringing' Catholics" understand the full cerning reception of H~ly' Comr : sions of NUNTEC I, an interna- as chairman of the USCC departmunion before receivin'g the tional.conference on use of elec· mental committee on educatiori, the Gospel to life in contempo- meaning of their faith. rary culture," he added. sacrament of Penance? ,Youth Problem, Hope 2. Is' a child capable 'of ' comSy'nod's Es'sence mitting "serious s'in?" Although the bishop suggested WUERZBURG (NC) The caution ,regarding' the Church's 1972 Synod of the Catholic involvement with audio-visual Church 'in West Germany, now 'Sisters of Loretto DETROIT (NC) - Criteria by how they can reduce 'existing commuincation, he stressed the, in the plann'ing stage,' is not in· whicij pastors, parish councils' parish debts within 10 yeats. urgency of a firm commitment to tended .to be completely demoLeave for Pak;stan a'nd school principals can deter· , A ceiling has been placeq on it. cratic,. said . Cardinal Julius DENVER (NC) - Two Sisters mine whether their schools can parish subsidy of' schools. Par"The young are both our prob- Doepfner of Munich,' adding of Lo~etto left here for Pakistan remain open have been outlined ishes wanting to keep their lem and our hope. It is perfectly that "whoever things that all where they wlll conduct a series for the Detroit archdiocese. schools open must demonstrate clear that the young will not be problems of the Church should of institutes and workshops for how they can assist the educa- reached by antiquated methods and could be solved by majority Prepared under the direction nuns stationed in that country. tionally deprived 'parishes in the of communications. We have to votes, has wrong ideas about The Loretto nuns are making of Cardinal John F. Dearden, the category of finances. The cri- try to. reach the young by using the synod's essence," instruction calls upon individual the trip at the request of the terili for contipuing operation of methods to which they will reo Medical Mission Sisters who parishes to report to their ~icars, parish and inter·parish schools spond," Bishop McManus said. who in turn were called to submaintains a nu'mber of hospita~ requires the parish to show how mit their reports to the cardinal. Dominic"an Father Raymond and clinics in Pakistan~ Cardinal Dearden is scheduled it can meet costs, including in- Pichard, of Paris, staff member The two are Sister Mary Luke creases from 10 to 12 per cent of France's nationai television Tobin, former superior general to deliver a television address to See Us a ye!,lr, 'for at least a three-year system, said not only is "the'" of the Loretto community and Catholics of the archdiocese by period. No borrowing will be reign of video cassettes about' About former president of the Confer- the end of January. permitted for financing, schools. to start," but it will "stimulate' It has been reported no ence of Major' Superiors of Ceiling on Subsidies man's imagination and open new Women, and Sister Marie Fran- schools in the archdiocesan educational system will be closed The parish must show a 10- vistas in religious education." cis Kenoyer, who has a doctorFather Pichard said video casate in psychology and has much when the school term ends on year schedule of reduction of' Jan. 28, despite a mounting defi- capital indebtedness., Interest settes will allow more individexperience in counseling. cit in school operations. payments on debts must be in- uals to express themselves through audio-visual media, The criteria, recommended to cluded in the tot~l budget. Falmouth Wareham Form South Africa the cardinal by a 32-member The criteria clarpps a ceiling making and showing their own 548-3000 295-3800 task force, asks the,pilrishes to on parish subsidies of 40 per films. Priests' Council' PRETORIA (NC) - A perma- consider three categories - fi- cent for grade school and 55 per nent council of priests for South nance~; , service' to parish com- cen( fgr a parish ~ith both grade Africa will be formed "to pro- munity, and the apO'stolate of and high school. The criteria not only recommote a more effective sharing of the Church-in determining the mend reasonable, funding of responsibility ... with the bish- future of parish schools. The present study differs from other parish activities besides o'ps in' the mission of the one made in November, 1969, on , schools but insists on the parish Church," maintaining its archdiocesan· This decision was made at a these fou,r points: wide ,commitments which have Reduce Debts meeting here of' nearly 100 Contractors Since 1913 Parishes must make a three. concern for activities not directpriests. , ' ly related year projection,. including a 30to the pari!';h. Included A steering committee will draw up a draft constitution and 36 per cent increase in costs. No . in these would be diocesan as·' 699 Bellville' Avenue another meeting will be held, year-to-year fin'ancing will be sessments, the Achdiocesan De· New Bedford velopment Fund, and special before the South African bish- acceptable. ,Parishes must demonstrate Collections. ops' 'meeting in September.
Wdr'nAgoinst Commu n'ications Apathy Urge Educators Use EI'ectronic Media
First Communion
Detroit Archdiocese Has' Criteria For Future School Operations
Plan To Build?
low Cost financing
of Fall
,i School Aid Law, 41, Nets $17 Million
Jan. 28,1971
Subject, of; White. E.t,b~ic ~roups Slightly ~attered, -Sometimes I am persuaded that the' on.Iy yvay to keep" one's sanity in the conte.mporary Am~rican~ .Church., .i~ ,to view the entetprise as one of the greatest comedies' that' the world has ever produced,a comedy which' ·has 'been
'served up' for our entertaina strange ,liberal dogma, th,at they did). It has been' decided in the bastions) of New York' liberalism that: ! white" .ethnics For' example, the National . are hard-hats iand hare-hats Catholic Reporter has recently ~re . racist. Yo~. can have' a announced that. the liberals,.have Panther to supper and persuade yourself. that you're' not a' racist. ~ut thQse, Poles, they cere. tainly are.
mentand our enjoyment, and' one that absolutely ought not, to be taken seriously.
Monsignor Higgins rose stoutly to the defen'se of hi~ colleagues, quoting an earlier REV. Commonweal ' editorial ,saying' the miw concern about white ANDREW MY} ~ ethnics (cautiOlisly kind" ,the GREELEY Commonweal neyer gets really enthusiastic about anything the., Chureh does). It turns' out. that' fZ",1%&Ft'P~Y"'ltt:zm@ Mr. Deedy also' wrote the ed- . won the post-Vatican Council itorial, which s~ows how' hard' , battle and it's time to be opti- it is from week to week to keep mistic again. This announcement the: party line straight. .is followed by an article. by GaBut th~ fun is on'iybeginning. ~ ~,~~tY ,'~ ;'''*.:,': briel Moran reporting thi!t Monsignor.Higginsapprovingly • ,....,.> ,+-",~ ~~''''''}"~. ~""...._~ gious orders are washed ,up and qLiotes' Commonweal,approvingthen by an appeal for mo~ey to. ly quoting Monsignor' Gino, BEFORE SICKNESS STRUCK: Rev. Paul Gootee, SVD, keep the NCR from sinking. Baroni's remark- that, tnere rpay 43, A Divine Word Missionary 'from Jasper,- Ind. speaks I'm all for responding to the be 10,000, ImpeHales" -(an ex- with a group of his Indonesians Qrior to the end of his appeal. Comedy like that ought· tremist white militant, group). 14th year in that Il}ission land where he contracted paranot to be permitted to perish, Mr. Deedy (i~ his earlier~ ~ani typhoid and is now home. -on a six month convalescent (And the NCR really .is mU~h_. ~estation) ~otes, that~·.this is ~o ' ' funnier than The Register-or The Idle worry and,;Monslgnor Hlg- leave. NC Photo. Wander~r, though they're pretty ?in,s ,~dds, "You :betyour 'life it funny in their, own way., too).' Isn t. By
But the most hilarious of recent performances is tHe' great non-debate raging between Monsignor George Higgins and The Commonweal over the slightly battered subject of white. ethnic groups. . John Deedy, one of the wise men who dictates each week in the columns of The Common-, weal what all good Catholic lib~rals must think, recently indicated that not everyone (includ" ing, apparently, himself) was upset by, the Bishops' phase-out of the. Task Force on Urban J\ffairs. According to Mr. Deedy, the concerns of the Task Force with the problems Qf white,' ethnic workers look "like shucking off the guilt· of racism for the most actively racist" Lib~rals'
Sure, Mr, Deedy, the Poles and the. Italians and' the Irish were ,the ones who brought slaves to the New' World, who treated them as three-fifths of a' huma'n being in the 'United States Constitution, who agreed to the Jim Crow national compromise of the 1880's and who have grown wealthy ~nd powerful .by keeping' black!, i,n thejr place. , Never, ,mind the data which show that -ethnics are less racist, than native Americans:with the same social class b;lckground. Never mind that, even though it is their s,chools, their jobs, their neighborhoods, and their churches that the liberal elites have, decreed must be surrendered, the reaction of ethnics . has been mild: Never mind that despite all the fears of liberals .like you, the white ethnics did not vote for Wallace (though there is
Hard-Hats Ra~!sts
,New Name
HARRISBURG (NC)-An aid law ~hallenged as unconstitutional i~ a case pending before the lJ. S, Supreme Court will n~t Pennsylvania nonpublic school$.~ 'nearly '$i8 million this school year. Vincent NcCoola, director of the state office for aid to nonpublic education, said $17.6 million in aid would be paid-to nonpublic 'schools by ~une. NcCoola also' estimated that over $36 million would be avail~ able, for non public school aid during the 1971-72 school year. The money comes from a 1968 state "purchase of services" law which .'the Supreme' Court will soon consider in the case of Lemon vs. Kurtzman. The law holds that the state of Pennsylvania can reimburse non-public schools for textbooks, teacher salaries and instructional material ,used in teaching the "secular" subJects of mathemat· ices, foreign languages, physical sCiences and physical education. -A federal district· court ruled the purchase of services law constitutional in November, 1969, but: foes of the program appealed the deCision to the high court.
Stamps to Mark Racism Battle VATICAN CITY (NC) - A , black angel holding a lamp and a crucifixion scene surrounded by a 'f1ight of doves will appear on a series of Vatican stamps marking the United Nations' international year.,~ fo,r the battle" against racism. The series of four stamps will be issued Feb. 2, and will carry the Pope's theme of the 1971 World Peace Day: Every Man Is My Brother., Two of the series will show a black angel holding a lamp as' a symbol· of the equality of all races. The other two in the series will depict a statue of the. crucifixion surrounded by doves in flight, symbolic of the sacrifice of Christ for peace among men. The two statues used for the images of the stamps are the work of the Italian' Sculptor Corrado Ruffini.
Nonsense, pure, unadulterated, Priest Says C~'ristian Missionaries high grade nonsense, Vastly' amusing nonsense but nonsense, Original Peace Corps nevertheless. Mr. Deedy' and the" "Today we' change this someTAIPEI (NC)-:- Chri(itian mistwo' monsignor.s all share 'the assumption of the New, York sionaries were the original peace what and call it community deliberals: ethnics' are hard-hats corps in underdevolped coun- velopment, or services.. " tries', according to ari American and racists. Community development, FaThey are so h,ard-hat and ra- priest who has spent' almost a ther Duchesne asserted, "is only quarter of a century in aid and a new name for Catholic Action cist that, unles~ something is . , . . New trends today, new done for them pI' about them, d~volpment woi'k. "The first step in development words, only mean changing to th~y are likely to start collecting ,guns in preparaHon, for is .education," said Maryknoll meet new needs, which, in Taishooting. 'The spector of 10,000 Father Paul Duchesne' from Co- wan, thank God, are not, nearly Imperiales is pure and comic hoes, N,Y. "Ch!Jrches saw this so much in the nature of an fiction. I suppose that from Mr. '200 ye,ars ago, and did more, for emergency. People today are eating well, there. is no grubbing Deedy. and Monsignor Baroni, . education than goverhments.~' ' The second most· important poverty, no one is hungry,' ,Unwe can expect nothing ·else. But George ,Higgins ,ought to know area in development, the 56-year- employment is among the low' better. ' old priest .s!iid,· is 'health, ,"The est in the world." "have\always churches," he said,' ELECTRICAL Today, he said, our help Is tak. Th e ~hole, approach, of the Contractors' Urban Task Force to white been most active in hospital, dis- ing the form of services-such ethnics was. extremely dubious. . pensary and _leper work." , as cooperatives, credit unions, It was rooted in~warnings about ,Fahter. Duchesne is executive' training programs, vocational "I 0,000 Imperial~s,'" ,used strat- secretary of the Taiwan branch· schools and housing 'projec!s, "egies that haveprovea remark- of Caritas 'Internatio!1alis, the inFather Duchesne's exper.i~nce ably ineffective for, blacks in ternational Catholic chari.ties ,01'- in relief and devolpment, work rec.~nt years, and viewed' white ganization. before becoming an ,official of ethnics as a ,"social' pro~lerri." The form of ChurCh aid, in Taiwan Cat:itas two years ago, Taiwan ,has' changed since the included five 'years in Canton, Well, orchestrated meetings end of Worl9 War II,' he said, China; six years in Hong Kong, between white 'c:md black' lead- . because of the changing econom- five years }n' Saigon and six,' 944 County -St. , ers are great for reaping a huge ic situation, There has been a New ,Bedford years in Taiwan. 'harvest of publicity;' but anyone . great econom'iC' growth and an who has seriou,sly engaged in increase in industrial production the important - 'work of ai~ing in Taiwan since the war's en'd, dialogue between moderate " he explained. black, leadership and moderate After the war, he said, relief white ethnic leadership knows. efforts tried' to fulfill the corpor~ • Savings Bank Life Insurance , that the beginnings must be al works of mercy. In those days,' cautious, inforrhal 'and. very he said, relief "took the form of ' • Real Estate Loans much off the record. (From his family feeding, for at that time • Christmas and Vacation Clubs.. experience with labor negotia- hunger,' because of unemploy• Savings Accounts tions Monsignor' Higgins' surely ment, was the ,most ,difficult knows this.) And· implying that problem," ' . 5 Co!,!venient Locations Tony 'Imperiale is representative New Trends of any important gro'up within ,These relief efforts, he said, NEW BEDFORD the' ethnic communities is an were- in response to' ' post~war: . incredibly bad, w~y. to begin. needs, "When, all, normal'· life , Funny' 'perhaps, but still bad.. , seemed to be an emergency, "
Check These. Banking, Se,yic~s
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Jon. 28, 1971
By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach
· .JI Seekonk High Swimming Team Hopes to Enter Select Group ~
Tom Doyle of Fall River
Defensive Standout' for Holy ,Cross Earned County Honors as Durfee Three' Lettermarrn BY LUKE SIMS If luck plays. a leading role
in the life of an athletic coach, Bill Whitton can' only. look toward the future. -His luck can't help but improve. Two years ago, the St. Lawrence University graduate asAlthough it is difficult to predict the outcome of a' sumed command of the football particular high school sporting event, it is relatively easy reins at Holy Cross Colle/?e. His to name the top contenders in' a particular league. Holy initial campaign was only two Family High of New Bedford is a sure bet to finish on games old (both lQsses) when an outbreak of hepatitis erased the top or near the top of the Coach Ellis. Mayers is regard- remainder- of the schedule. Narry basketball circuit. The ed by his colleagues in the same This past year, with the bulk Bristol County League bas- class as Jack Nobrega, Tom Kar- of the roster consisting of underam and Jim Kalperis are by their classmen, the Crusaders failed ketl:~all standings always lists . Durfee High of Fall River in the fellow coaches. to register a victory in 11 games. 'the veteran Seekonk mentor upper division. And, Lawrence Playing the part of an optiHigh of Falmouth is admittedly has brought his club along quick- mist, Whitton can't help but enone of best Class C track teams ly. Now the Warriors are ina joy better success next season. in the state from year to :year. position where they can compete Tommy Doyle shares a simThese schools, among others in • with any high school swim team ilar seat in the same boat. the area, have established for in New England and be in conThe Fall River' native was themselves a reputation for su- tention thoughout the meet. ' junior ·when the Crusaders had The Warriors have swum their season cut short by illness. periority attested to by their records of accomplishment. Another against Rhode Island teams for The program listed him as a school that appears destined to . the most part this season. How- senior this past year when the enter this select group is See- ever, because of scheduling dif- Worcester eleven recorded a ficulties they' have traveled as big zero. But, alas, Doyle may konk High. While the Warriors have not far as Greenwich, Connecticut. be the recipient of. a big break. This year's club is led by Co- If so, it will be a rare plus for dominated the Narragansett League in the major' sports, the captains John Brill and Ben Za- Holy Cross which has had much school's sw~mming team is rec- ida. The pair have been very more than its. share of minuses ognized as one of the best in strorig in the medley relay and recently. freestyle relay events. Massachusetts. Tommy was one of the most serious affected ball players durNew League Proposal Beyond Rumor Stage ing the hepatitis outbreak and as a result, missed the entire Balance is the key to winning ceives strong support from Joost. school .year. Taking that into swimming meets and Coach Vic Gelinas is the club's premiere consideration, there is an exMayers is quick to point out breaststroke performer and Gos- cellent chance the rugged aththat the Warriors have "good sler leads the diving contingent. lete will be allowed to play With the underclassmen com- again next season. depth and because of it can compete with most clubs even ing out for the swimming team Whitton, for one, .hopes that though the opposition may have in droves, it appears as though will be the case, "Tom is a very more outstanding individual per- Seekonk is well on its way to aggressive kid who likes to hit TOMMY "formers." creating a dynasty. peop\e. He played well for us The fact that some clubs do during the year and made many Tim Joose and Rick Collins Tommy came to the Worcescombine with Mike Gossler and dominate play in their leagues key opEm .field tackles. While Co-captain Brill to give the War- have led, almost annuC\lly, to we had a very young squad ter campus following four brilriors a strong medley relay team. rumors that a new league was (Holy Cross started 20 sopho- liant athletic years at Durfee Mike Bear is the team's best being formed. The rumors are mores and juniors this past sea- High in Fall River. While a dash man and is always among around again. But, this time it son), Tom helped us defensively member of the Hilltopper family, the point getters in the 50 yard appears that those interested are because of his quickness, smart- the 5-11, 190-pounder was a three letterman in football, basfreestyle. going beyond the talking stage. ness and experience. The year Ralph Turner and Kevin O'Two meetings have already been before was wiped out, but Tom keball and baseball earning AllConnor are tough to beat in the held to determine how much in- did have the benefit of playing 200 yard individual medley. And terest there really establish- all of his sophomore year which Explore Formation Turner combines with Gos,sler to ing a new circuit. Eight schools helped. We're hoping he'll be give the Warriors a strong one- attended the first meeting and, back to h'elp us again 'next Fall Of Appeal Agency two punch in the ·butterfly.. at that time, the names of other -we need him." WASHINGTON (NC)-MarianO'Connor is also outstanding schools that might be interested Doyle was a starting left de- "ist Brother JosephM. Davis, exin the backstroke event. He re" in the proposal were brought up. fensive halfback in every game ecutive director of the National for the Crusaders this past year Office for Black Catholics hereand was considered a consist- said that his office would inFebruary Meeting Should Tell the Story ent, fine open field tackler. His vestigate setting up an interRepresentatives from 19 difDivisions would be evaluated all-out hustle resulted in' a numnational appeal agency to insure ferent schools were present at periodically by a committee to ber of blocked passes and two justice for' accused prisoners. the seoond meeting where general determine if a team. should be interceptions. Announcement of the NOBC· plans for the proposed loop were shifted into another league. UnHe's been a defensive back- effort came after a State Departdiscllssed by all. The group is der the proposed plan a: school field starter since his sophomore interested in forming a confer- could compete in different di- year, improving with each pass- ment spokesman told Brother Davis that NOBC appeals for 'ence with two or three leagues visions in various sports. ing quarter. clemency in the case of a bishop within the conference similar to Schools from the Bristol Counsentenced to death in Cameroon Narragansett, Capeway, Fordham the Professional Football League . ty, helped win commutation of the structure. Hockomock, OldColo.ny, Tri-Valbishop's sentence. The organizers are hopeful of ley, South Shore and Mayflower Course In Swahili . NOBC officials joined an infounding a league that will. allow·' LeC\gues a~tended the. last ,meetNEW YORK (NC) - Swahili schools of comparable size to ing. J;1as been approved as a language terreligious effort to win clem. compete against each other. It is There are as' many reasons course fulfilling graduate'require- ency for Bishop Albert Ndongmo their desire to setablish a loop for' attending the' ine~tings .as ments from Fordham Univer- of Nkongsamba, Cameroon, tried that will give schools that have there are tea'ms attendihg" but sitis liberal arts college here. for. plotting to kill the country's not been successful in a particu- apparently there is enough interThe language of East: and Cen- president. Other religious groups lar sport to play teams on their est to warrant attendance by all tral Africa was recently added to including the Vatican, had also area schools.' '. level. the college's Black Studies de- ~ appealed for clemency. Won-loss records, geographical Another meeting will be ·held. partment. President Ahmodoua Ahidjo location and traditional rivalries in early February. It· Should 1?e . One hundred and seventy-two commuted ihe bishop's sentence are other factors being consider- known after that meeting wheth- students are enrolled in the de- to life imprisonment in the wake ed as criteria for placing a par- er or not this venture will be partment. About 15 per cent of of clemency appeals from reticular school in one division as discontinued or if, in fact, a new the liberal arts college's enroll- ligious and political leaders ment are Negroes. opposed to another. league will be established. around the world.
DOYLE Bristol County League honors (at one time or another) in each sport. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Doyle, 477 Sherman Street and the older. brother of Jack Doyle, a former outstanding athlete at Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth.
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