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• Vatican backs bishops In discussing

VATICAN CITY (NC- - U.S. and Western European bishops have "reaffirmed the responsibil­ ity and the moral authority of the church concerning problems of war and peace," including nu­ clear weapons policies, said a Vatican communique issued after a two-day meeting of Vatican officials and delegations repre­ senting bishops of the United States, France, West Germany,

Great Britain, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. Cardinal-designate Joseph Ber­ nardin of Chicago, head of the U.S. bishops' committee prepar­ ing a pastoral on the moral as­ pects of nuclear policy; Arch­ bishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, president of the' National Conference of Cath­ olic Bishops; Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB general secretary;

and Father J. Bryan Hehir, NCCB staff adviser to the war and peace committee, represented the U.S. bishops at the Vatican meeting. Its purpose was to discuss the proposed U.S. pastoral, said the Vatican, which organized the ses­ sion earlier this month. "In the face of the threats of the present time to life, to basic human values and to the sur­

vival of peoples, it seemed nec­ essary for the episcopal confer­ ences which are especially in­ volved, though in different ways, in the problems of nuclear arma· ment to act in concert in order to be informed about the realities experienced in different coun­ tries and to examine them in fidelity to the tradition of the church and the teaching of Pope John Paul II," said the Vatican.


t eanc 0 VOL. 27, NO. .4

It called the meeting an "in­ formal consultation" and said it was "an expression of episco­ pal collegiality." Topics discuss­ ed inclu~ed the use of nuclear weapons, the morality of deter­ rence, the political context of the arms race and the values at stake in the current political situation. Such dialogue is needed "to Turn to Page Six


'Bloody decade'

20c, $6 Per Year

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WASHINGTON (NC) - "Dec­ ade II begins today," March for Life President Nellie J. Gray told thousands of pro-lifers in Wash­ ington to mark the 10th anniver­ sary of the Supreme Court deci­ sion which struck down restric­ tive state abortion laws. Pro­ lifers condemned the past 10 years as a bloody decade which cost the llves of at least 12 mil­ lion unborn babies. Each year since 1973 abortion opponents from across the coun­ try have flooded to the capital on Jan. 22 to protest the court's decision. Police estimated 26,000 people came for last Saturday's march, but Miss Gray said the number was much higher. Amid snow flurries, busloads of people marched behind signs and banners representing Kan­ sas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, In­ diana, Ohio, ,Pennsylvania, Mas­ sachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. Marchers flew in from Texas, California and Washington. The signs told an ecumenical story - "Lutherans for Life," "Presbyterians for Life," "Bap­ tists for Life," "Episcopalians for Life" - as well as the names of, Catholic parishes and Knights of Columbus chapters. Born-again Christians handed out leaflets urging prayer. One group of marchers carried a child-size casket, another car­ ried a statue of Mary covered with red roses. Some marchers carried rosaries, others waved red and white balloons. The march began at the Ellipse, a park behind the White House, where pro-lifers heard a message from President Reagan saying that "the time for action is now." Groups of teen-agers repre­ senting youth leagues and schools attende~ the march, including 38 young people from Murrayville, Pa., wllo wore red sashes that said Thanks, Mom, for not having an abortion." Sherry Halula, secretary of the

Hutchinson, Kan., Right to Life, said pro-lifers need to pray more and to fast. "We've tried educa­ tion and politics. The 'only one who's going to get it done is God," she said. Gregory Loken, director of the advocacy program of Father Bruce Ritter's Covenant House in New York City, stood under a Covenant House sign which said "Choose Life." "The pro-life movement has been faulted for not being willing to bear the responsibility" of un­ wanted children once they are born, Loken said. "That's what Covenant House is doing - try­ ing to meet that responsibility. We deal with them after they're born. Many of the kids we deal with are mistreated, unwanted." Covenant House works with about 8,000 young people a year, he said, including many pregnant teen-agers and unwed mothers. For many marchers from Mid­ western and Western states the march was a few hours of walk­ ing sandwiched between long bus rides. Some arrived in Washing­ ton Jan. 21 to take part in lobby­ ing efforts and to attend a vigil supper, some stayed for the Jan. 22 evening Rose Dinner, but few had time for sightseeing. At the Ellipse, Rep. Lindy Boggs (D-La.) praised the efforts of young pro-lifers. "You will be the ones who will lead us," she sa~d. "Thank you so much for being who you are and what you are." Gov. J. Joseph Garrahy of Rhode Island, a Democrat, told the crowd they all "are commit­ ted to the proposition" that prQ­ tection of life "is and should be our most important priority." American anti-abortion politi­ cal figures were joined on the podium by a Japanese supporter, Sen. Masakuni Murakami, a member of Japan's Liberal Dem­ ocratic Party, whose remarks were translated by a. colleague. "Let's make the Uriited States Turn to Page Six

CARDINAL-DESIGNATE Joseph Bernardin and other U.S. Catholic Conference representatives meet in Vatican's Old Synod Hall to discuss the upcoming war and peace pastoral of the U.S. bishops with Vatican officials and members of the Euro­ pean hierarchy. (See story this page.) From left, in front row seats, Msgr. Daniel Hoye (back to camera), USCC general secretary; Archbishop Bernardin, pastoral com­ mittee chairman; Father J. Bryan Hehir, usce Justice and Peace Office director; Archbishop John Roach, USCC president. (NC. UPI Photo)

Canon law code promulgated

VATICAN CITY (NC) - In a 10-minute ·ceremony Jan. 25 in the Vatican's Consistory Hall, Pope John Paul signed a decree promulgating the church's new Code of Canon Law. At a press conference announ­ cing the promulgation, a Vatican official said the revised code would take effect Nov. 27 and one of its key aims is to expand the role of the laity especially in

areas where there is a severe shortage of priests. The date of the signing, Jan. 25, marked the 24th anniversary of the announcement by Pope John XXIII that an updated ver· sion of the church's laws would be drafted and that he would convene the Second Vatican Council. The new code, replacing the present one issued in 1917, gov­

erns the administrative life of the church and codifies the re­ forms of church law and practice developed during the Second Vatican Council, held from 1962­ 65. Present with the pope at the signing ceremony were about 25 Vatican officials, chiefly those representing the commission which drafted the revision, inTurn to Page Sixteen


Critics raIl EI Salvador certification

THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983

Bridge barriers halt

Cape Cod death leaps

With completion of a suicide suicidal persons, either by tele­ phone or in person at their cen­ prevention barrier on the Saga­ more Bridge, death leaps into ter in the Lawrence Academy the Cape Cod Canal have been Building on Academy Lane in Falmouth. effectively halted, report offfi­ cials of the Samaritans, an in­ Statistics show that the Cape ternational suicide prevention service had 2000 new callers in organization which has Cape Cod 1982, plus many repeat calls headquarters in Falmouth. from persons in need of ongoing Since 1963, say the officials, support. An average 55 calls and 56 persons are known to have visits a day are received, with jumped to their deaths from the 44 percent of callers cantacting Sagamore Bridge or the com­ the Samaritans more than once. panion Bourne Bridge, the two Of the callers, 25 percent talk FATHER DUFOUR spans that cross the Cape Cod about possible suicide on their Canal. Bourne Bridge was sui­ first contact. Seventy-five per­ cide-proofed in 1981. cent are from the Cape and Is­ The two 135-foot high bridges lands with the remainder from are the first such major spans in other areas of the Fall River dio­ the nation to install inward cese and neighboring communi­ curving steel railings all but im­ ties. possible to surmount. The 12­ The most frequent problems, Two priests of the diocese will foot barriers replace waist-high say the VOlunteers, concern de­ celebrate their ,silver jubilee of guardrails. pression, drugs and alcohol, per­ ordination on Tuesday. For In addition to the 56 suicides, sonal relationships, and loneli­ both, formal observance of the since 1963, when Bourne police ness. Difficulties involving un­ joyous occasion will come Sun­ began keeping records, at I.east employment, financial and hous­ day, Feb. 6. 100 persons have threatened to ing quandaries and battered wo­ Father Vincent F. Diaferio will jump or have been removed from men have increased in the past celebrate a Mass of thanks­ the bridges, while eight have y:ear, they observe. giving at Holy R;osary parish, survived leaps into the swift ,Fall River, where he is pastor, canal current, an experience de­ at 10:30 a.m. on Feb. 6. A noon scribed as "like hitting concrete." 'banquet will foHow at Venus de The Samaritans, who asked the Milo .restaurant,. Swansea. Army Corps of engineers to build ,Father Clement E. Dufour, the barriers, receive many calls pastor of St. Michael's parish,

from pay phones near the Swansea, will celebrate Mass at An ecumenical panel discuss­ bridges, because of the large ion on the forthcoming war and 4 p.m. on Feb. 6. A dinner and

signs at each end which read: peace pastoral of the U.S. bish­ , reception will fiollow, also at the "Desperate? Call The Samaritans. ops will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sun­ Venus de Milo. 548-8900. 759-2828." The priests were ordained day, Feb. 6, at Our Lady's Chap­ Monica Dickens, U.S. founder el, 600 Pleasant St., New Bed­ Feb. I, 1958, by Bishop James of the Samaritans said that the ford. L. Connolly at St. Mary's Cathe­ engineers were "very cooperative dral, Fall River. The panelists will be Father and compassionate in agreeing to Peter Graziano, diocesan director Father Diaterio add the barriers to the major of the Department of Social Ser­ 'Born in Boston April 14, 1930, bridge renovation. High bridges, vices and pastor of St. James Father Diaferio, the son of the especially those with legends of Church; Father Edward Holler­ late Francesoo and Grace (Los­ many tragedies, seem to draw un­ an, OFM, of the chapel; Rev. cocco) Diaferio, attended gram­ happy and desperate people like Roger Fritts, First Unitarian mar and high .school in that city a magnet." Church; Rev. Ulises Torres, Trin­

before entering Maryknoll sem­ The suicide rate in this coun­ ity United Methodist Church, all inary, where a lsoccer injury try is rising, especially among of New Bedford; and Mrs. Mari­

ended his. plans for missionary the young. "But most suicidal lyn Feingold of the faculty of service. He then studied fior the people don't really want to die," Southeastern Massachusetts Uni­

Fall River diocese at St. John's Ms. Dickens believes. "They are versity. Arline Davis will be the Seminary, Brighton. . looking for escape from emo­ moderator. His entire' priesthood has tional pain and distress. The The program is sponsored by . been spent at Holy Ro.sary par­ bridge carriers have effectively the church outreach committee ish, where he was a curate from removed the danger of impul­ 1958 to 1971, then succeeding of the New Bedford Area Nu­ sive leaps. Suicide prevention is often a matter of trying to keep clear Weapons Freeze Group. Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni as pas­ The primary goal of the group is tor. people alive during a crisis, un­ Msgr. Pannoni, who will be til they can find other answers to education of citizens to the danger of nuclear war. 82 on Feb. 4, is pastor emeritus . problems." Organizers note that the U.S. of Holy Rosary. He remains ac­ "A woman called one night bishops, in particular those on tive in pa,rish life and is a mem­ last week," added a Samaritan the pastoral draft committee, ber of the committee planning volunteer, "and scolded us about Father Diaferio's celebration. the barriers. 'Now, when' things have for the past two years con­ ducted an in-depth study of the get bad,' she said,' I can't even Father Dufour plan to jump off the bridge. But theology of peace. They have Father Dufour, born June J2, consulted experts in areas rang­ I think she was glad." 1929, is a native of St. Mat­ ing from government to scripture Samaritan History hieu's parish, Fall River and the in "trying to apply the teachings son of Albertine (Cote) and the The Samaritans began in Lon­ of Jesus Christ to issues never late Gedeon Dufour. After grad­ don and the first U.S. branch . before faced. uating from St. Mathieu School was founded in 1974 in Boston

"A Vatican panel," they noted, and Msgr. Prevost High School by Ms. Dickens, who followed it in 1977 with the second branch "in a statement endorsed by in Fall River, he attended As­ Pope John Paul II, said that pre­ sumption College, 'Worcester, in Falmouth. vention of nuclear war is the before entering St. John's Sem­ Nonsectarian and funded by donations, foundation grants and greatest moral issue humanity inary, Brighton. Following ordination, Father

community organizations such has ever faced and there is no Dufour served briefly at St.

as the United Way in Falmouth, time to lose." the Samaritans are a volunteer The public is invited to the Michael's, where he is now pas­

organization. On Cape Cod 60 session, which will include a tor, then was associate pastor

workers provide a 24-hOur Cape­ question period. Refreshments at St. Theresa's parish, New

wide "befriending service" to will be served. Bedford, for nine years. In 1967


Two priests' to celebrate

silver jubilee,

Pastoral is panel topic

he was transferred to S1. An­ thony of Padua parish, also in New Bedford, as associate, where he served until returning to St. Michael's as pastor in 1977. Known as an accomplished singer, he has sparked many musical productions at the "h . I Ocean Grove paris

[necrology] January 29

Rev. Christiano J. Borges, Pastor, 1944, St. John Baptist, New Bedford Rev. Albert J. Masse, Pastor, 1950, S1. Joseph, Attleboro January 31 Rev. Charles J. Burns, Pastor, 1901, St. Mary, No. Attleboro Rev. William F. Sullivan, Pas­ tor, 1930, S1. Patrick, Somerset Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Pastor, 1930, St. Peter, Provincetown February 1 Rt. Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly, Pastor, 1948, Immaculate Con­ ception, Taunton Rev. Anatole' F. Desmarais, Pastor, 1975, St. James, Taun­ ton Rt. Rev. Patrick Hurley, Pas­ tor, 1968, St. Joseph, Taunton February 2 Most Rev. William Stang, D.D. 1907, First Bishop of Fall River: 1904-07. Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pas­ tor, 1913~ Immaculate Concep­ tion, Taunton Rev. John L. McNamara, Pas­ tor, 1941," Immaculate Concep~ tion, Fall River Rev. P. Roland Decosse, Pas­ tor, 1947, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford February 3 Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pas­ tor, 1952, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River February 4 Rt. Rev. Hugh' J. Smy·th, P.R., Pastor, 1921, St. Lawrence, New Bedford, 1st Vicar General, Fall River 1904-07, Administrator of DiiOcese Feb.-July 1907 ••••••••••••••••••••• • J

WASHINGTON (NC) - De­ spite several inadequacies the government of o£l Salvador con­ tinues ,to make human rights progress and thus deserves con­ tinued U.S. military support, the Reagan administration as­ serted Jan. 21. "The situation is not perfect and the progress was not as great as desired, but it is pro­ gress nonetheless," the admin­ istration said in its third certi­ fication report submitted to Congress. The reports are required by law every 180 days for U.S. military aid to El Salvador to continue. The report states that poli­ tical violence :iri Bl Salvador continues to diminish, that the government has given increased attention to controlling human rights abuses, that EI Salvador's agrarian reform efforts are still being pursued, and that the country's democratic processes are "resistant to minority or in­ dividual efforts at manipula­ tion." The report also notes "signi­ ficant developments" in inves­ tigation of the deaths of four American churchwomen in EI Salvador in December 1980. It cites a Salvadoran judge's de­ cision in November to order the case to trial as evidence that justice will be done in the case. Critics of aid to EI Salvador, including William P. Ford, brother of one of .the murdered churchWomen, have contended there is evidence that the killing" may have been ordered by high­ er Salvadoran officials and that the U.S. government is refusing to investigate that possibility. But, says the certification re­ port, "As of mid-January 1983 the overwhelming weight of the evidence demonstrates that the accused former guardsmen act­ ed on their own and not pursu­ ant to higher orders." Even before the certification was announced at a State De­ partment news briefing, critics of U.S. aid denied that human. :rights progress is being made in EI Salvador. Father Ronald Carignan, an Oblate of Mary Immaculate and president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, said in a letter to :Pirellident Reagan that he feared certification would lead to continued abuses by the Salvadoran government. The American Civil Liberties Union and Americas Watch, a human rights group, issued a joint report caIling the situation "worse than ever." .:Aliso critid~ing certification was the American Public Health Association. A seven-member medical delegation sponsored in part by the public health group returned to the United States from EI Salvador two days be­ fore the certification was an­ nounced and said it bad found "unmistakable" evidence of tor­ ture as well as malnutrition and a "complete breakdown in medi­ cal care:'


Henri Hamel

. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant at a funeral Mass Monday at St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, for Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, 74, who died Jan. 21. A native of Fall River, the son of the late Adelard· and Anna (Bouchard) Hamel, the prelate was ordained at St. Mary's Ca­ thedral in 1935 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. Following seven years of diocesan service, first at St. Mary's Home and then at St. Anthony's parish, both in New Bedford, he serVed in the U.S. Army for four years as a chaplain. In 1946 he re­ turned to St. Anthony's for a year, then reentered the service as an Air Force chaplain, re­ maining until 1963. During his distinguished' ser­ vice career, Msgr. Hamel served

Sr. Parenteau Funeral services were held Tuesday at Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, for Sister Al­ phonse Marie Parenteau, 5SJ, 88, who died Jan. 22. Born in Yamaska, Canada, the daughter of the late Narcisse and Alphonsine (Paul) Parenteau, she had lived in Fall River since age 3. She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1920 and during her religious life taught in St. Jean Baptiste, St. Mathieu and St. Roch schools in Fall River and St. Louis de France school in Swansea. She is survived by three sis· ters, Mrs. Helena Sylvia of New­ .port; Mrs. Alice Lamontagne and Miss Grace Parenteau, both of Westport; and several nieces and nephews.

Sister Farrell Funeral services were held last Saturday at Mt. St. Rita 'Convent, Cumberland, R.I., for Sister Mary Ruth Farrell, RSM, who died Jan. 20 at the age of 91. She was a principal and had taught in schools in Fall River, New Bedford and North Attle­ boro, retiring from active min­ istry in 1974. The daughter of the late Thomas and Ellen (Fiogar.ty) Far­ rell, she was born in Fall River and entered the religious life in 1921. She is survived by two nieces and a nephew. Interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River.

A Warning "A man may be most mathe­ matical in his demonstrations of the religion of reason when he has extinguished every good sentiment of his heart and be the most zealous for its excellency and sufficiency when he has his passions in the most disordered state." - William Law

in Europe, the Far East and many parts of the United States. He held many awards, including the Legion of Merit and the 1958 Chaplain of the Year Award at the Air War College. While in the service he was named a do­ mestic prelate and was invested Dec. 11, 1960, at St. Mary's Cathedral. After retirement from the Air Force, Msgr. Hamel embarked upon an equally active career in his home diocese.He was pastor of St. Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River, from 1963 to 1969, then filling the same position at St. Joseph parish, New Bedford. He served at St. Joseph's until 1977, when he entered semi-re­ tirement, becoming associate pas­ tor at Sacred Heart parish, also in New Bedford. In 1981 he took up residence at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. In the Fall River diocese Msgr. Hamel served on ecumenical commissions and was a member of the Priests' Senate and the Personnel Board. He was a mem­ ber and chairman of the diocesan board of education and belonged to the diocesan priests' charis­ matic prayer group. Last Novem­ ber he became affiliated with the Franciscan Order. Msgr. Hamel also held member­ ship in many veterans' organiza­ tions and in the Knights of Col­ umbus. His survivors include two sis­ ters, Mrs. Jeanne Ledoux of Fall River and Mrs. Leonia Lapointe of Totowa Boro, N.J.; and two brothers, Roland Hamel of New­ port News, Va., and Dr. Fernand Hamel of Lakeville.



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An Invitation ... TO WOMEN, of college age and over, who are pondering a voca­ tion to the religious life. ~ 'If you are giving thought to a Vocation to the life of a religious sister, you are invited to attend an Information Day, Exploring the Call to Religious Life, to be held from 2 to 7 p.m., on Sunday, February 6th, at Saint Margaret's Parish Center, 141 Main Street, Buzzards Bay. The program will consist of presentations a'nd discussions centered around the theme of discerning the call to the life of a religious sister in the Church. Several representatives of congre­ gations of women religious will be present. Registrants are asked to bring their own lunch.

- -­ -



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DEAR SISTER JOANNA, I am thinking about a vocation as a Woman Religious. Name Address City/State/Zip

rHE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per. year; Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


Friday, Jan. 28, 1983

Age Telephone

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983

the. living word


learning To Give The recent visit to this nation of Japan's prime minis­ ter once again highlights the economic crunch that seem­ ingly has engulfed all the world markets. However, human nature being what it is, this diplomatic meeting also underlined the grave difficulties Americans face in the 'marketplace. The soaring rate of unemployment and' bankruptcies cannot be treated as a mere monthly statistic or explained away by rhetoric and graphs. Unfortunately, those not as yet directly affected by the recession seem to have a tendency to forget that it in­ volves real people facing real problems in a very real world. Many are reaching the end of their unemployment security. Many able workers are facing the embarrassment of welfare. People are losing their dignity and self-esteem. For many, the land of opportunity has become a place of doom. Industrial production, the backbone of the economy, is back to the 1977 level. Investments, the seedbed of future growth and hope, are lower than since 1979. In the same period, exports, a major source of industrial promise, have dropped 23 _per­ cent. What all this means is that few industries will be hiring or rehiring in the near future. More and more peo­ ple will find themselves not only in welfare lines but breadlines. 'When asked by the press for his thoughts on this critical situation, the Japanese prime minister did not hesitate to chide the philosophy and int~nt of American industry as a whole. Since World War II the barons of industry have had one measure, one standard and one goal, that of profit. At the same time, the workers through their unions de­ manded the same acceleration of the good life. The work ethic was replaced by the motive of greed. The good life without end became'the goal. As so many workers now realize, it doesn't take much to burst that sort of balloon. A harsh awakening comes when one is jobless. As we attempt to' recover from the recession, we should remember the hard lessons taught us by our un­ restrained greed. American industry should take a long hard look at its goals and obligations. , We are no longer the sole possessor of industrial po~er. V(e .must compete, not pull up the drawbridge of an IsolatIOnist trade policy. And if management must gear itself to international trade, so too must the worker. No one wants to return to the slave conditions of the ~ndustrial Revolution; however, workers must work at a' Ju~t scale, not one governed !?y the whim of an uncaring unIon. 'Unions are needed to protect labor; they should never ' become a millstone around the worker's neck. ' We can overcome olir current difficulties if we are willing. to use common sense in the factory as w~ll as in. the Union halls. If there is. one thing that should be quite evident, it is that they need one another. Interdependence is the sound policy, that will restore the w?rker's. dignity and strengthen the national economy. Amencans, In short, must learn to give as well as take.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OIF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 67 5~1151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



John F. Moore ~

I.cary Press-Fall River


A tree hath hope.' Job 14:7

Rescuing Social Security

was so split that no solution By Jim Lackey

would be devised. NC News Service

Thus the fact that there is op­ The Social Security rescue plan proposed in mid-January by position to several elements of a bipartisan national commission the final compromise comes as seems likely to be approved by no surprise. The key will be Congress this year even though whether' the pockets of opposi­ there are significant challenges tion coalesce into a force large to some of tne ideas contained enough to defeat the plan in the White House or Senate. in the commissions report. One issue that will be exten­ Several groups, including a major organization of the aged, sively debated is the proopsal to tax half the Social Security the American Association of Re­ tired Persons, vowed to fight benefits received by individuals the plan, which would save' $169 whose non-Social Security in­ billion over the next seven years come, is $20,000 or more. The proposal is expected to raise $30 through a combination of bene­ billion of the $169 billion pack­ fit reductions and new taxes. But the plan also is gaining the age over the next seven years but also is regarded by some as support of church groups, includ­ ing the Natio~al Conference. of introducing §t least a partial "means test" for Social Security Catholic Chari~ies. Mathew Ah­ benefits. mann, assoicate'director for gov­ Through its history Social Se­ ernmental relations at Catholic Charities, said the proposal by curity has been regarded strictly' an an insurance plan, not a wel­ the National Commission on So­ cial Security Reform deserves fare plan' aimed at benefiting support and is perhaps the best , primarily the poor. But taxing the benefits of more well-to-do plan for preserving the retire­ retirees - those with pensions, ment benefits of the elderly. Few dispute the dimensions of investments and other sources the problems faced by Social . of income totalling more than Security. As early as November $20,000 per year - is regarded the national commission was by some Social Security experts able to agree that by 1990 Social as a reduction in payments for Security would face a $150-$200 one class of beneficiaries and a billion shortfall if nothing was sharp break from the intended purposes of the system. done. A second debate is likely to 'But figuring out a way'to deal wfth the, shortfall in a manner erupt over proposals to raise that would be acceptable to both the retirement age early in the President Reagan and House next century. Though not a part of the $169 billion short-term Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill (D­ rescue plan, the proposal to raise Ma~s.) proved to be more diffi, cult. Even two weeks before the the retirement age from its cur­ final compromise Was drawn it rent 65 is aimed at helping solve appeared that the commission the system's long-term prob-

lems, including the fear that by the year 2025 there will not be enough workers to support to­ day's baby-boom generation once it retires. But proposals to up the retire­ ment age. have raised concerns in the past about the plight of disabled workers who have no choice but to retire at 65 ot even earlier. Catholic Charities, for one, argues that raising the re­ tirement age without making provision for those who are un­ able to work or unable to find suitable employment would create an additional burden on the eld­ erly. PI. proposal to cut sharply the benefits for those who retire early was one of the ideas that got President Reagan into such hot water when he announced his initial recommendations for Social Security changes early in his administration. In its history the Social Secur­ ity system has been strongly sup­ ported by the Catholic Church, which has seen it not just as a benefit to retirees in general but as a way to keep many retirees from sinking into poverty. Th~ugh the system is intended to supplement other. forms of re­ tirement income, the fact is that many of the working poor would have nothing to live on in their retirement years if not for Social Security. Pope John Paul XX~II praised the'maintenance of Social Secur­ ity systems. In his 1961 encycli­ cal "Mater et Magistra" he said such systems "can be regarded as means whereby imbalances of citizens are reduced."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983

Family Night. A weekly at-home program for families

sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry

OPENING PRAYER Father, bless us as we gather for Family Night. Help us grow to a deeper awareness of your presence in our lives. Help us, too, to continue to grow in trust of you and in trust of one an­ other. Bless our community and all the families within it. Amen.

TO THINK ABOUT Trusting in the community may seem easier than trusting God or trusting one another at home. But is it true? Are our communities earning our trust? We used to feel safe in walking almost anywhere after dark; now it's not true. Bikes could be left unattended and still be there when we returned; now we can't be sure. People openly flaunt the law with the use of drugs and get away with it. Perhaps it's time to challenge our communi­ ties to again become worthy of our trust.

many things we trust in and often take for granted in the community. As a family be sure to write a thank-you letter to the station after the visit. COMMUNITY TRUST Mater­ ials: paper. pens, envelopes. stamps. Sit down together and make a chart, listing in one col­ umn all the things the family counts on and that build trust in the community. In the cfther column list some things that are taking place that are destroying trust in the community. Compose a letter to the local mayor men­ tioning some points from both columns. Decide upon something the family could do to help build trust in the community.

Adult Families Read together Romans 13:1-7. What in our country seems to be

Hot cider and apple tarts.

ENTERTAINMENT Write a crazy poem. guessing what will happen in the family during the year. The wilder the better. Paste it on the door of a kitchen cupboard to review from time to time.

SHARING - Each share' what he or she likes best about living in the community. - Someone share a high point from the past week. - Someone share a time he or she felt especially close to an­ other family member.

CLOSING PRAYER Thank you, Father, for life. for love, and for trusting us with your created world. Help us to make this home. this commun­ ity. and this earth a better place in which to live. Amen.

Young Families Call ahead and set a time to visit the nearest fire station. Share some thoughts about the

A new rosary

selves in God's hands the first thing in the morning before we dip into the local paper and newscasts. This is really the only time we pray the rosary together because most of our family prayer is spontaneous. I'd like to share with you an experience we had with the ros­ ary while on an extended car trip last summer. After three days of saying the joyful, sor­ rowful and glorious mysteries, one of the kids said, "These get boring. Why can't we try some new mysteries?" After an initial jolt and a sup­ pressed lecture on how the ros­ ary is never boring, I asked, "Like what?" "Lilte the mira­ cles," he said. So we said the rosary with each choosing his or her favorite miracle from the Bible. It was interesting to see what each chose. Our fisherman-son picked the time Jesus told the disciples to put their nets down again after a dry fishing trip and they came up with bulging nets. Others chosen were Jesus' first miracle at Cana turning water into wine, the face of Jesus left on Verqnica's veil, the healing of the lepers and the raising of Lazarus. Th idea appealed so much we tried it again the next day with "parable mysteries" and contin­


Middle Years Families


We have a family tradi­ tion of saying the rosary in the car when we travel. It's a good way of putting our­

eroding our respect for law and order? Spend a few moments in silent prayer for the leaders of our local communities and also our nation.


ued to come up with new mys­ teries the remainder of the trip. DOLORES We ended up with these addition­ al categories: favorite people in CURRAN scripture. Old Testament stories. the beatitudes. kids in scripture. and "Where I would like to have been when it happened." It is in this way that family As a parent educator, I fOJ.lnd spiritual traditions are born. I it fascinating to reflect on why found once again that to child­ ren "once is a tradition." and I each of us chose a particular suspect that we will continue this event or person that spoke to us one because it brought the scrip­ more personally and forcefully tures alive for us in a new way. than others. I learned a lot about my children's faith in the car last We found ourselves paying summer. more attention to our daily prayer in the car. We were inter­ With Lent coming up and the ested in what the others chose family rosary a daily ritual In and frequently talked about the many families, I offer this meth­ stories after we finished saying od. It may overcome the com­ the rosary - why we chose a mon complaint that the rosary certain person or event. why it is boring and also give us some appealed to us. or just recalling insights into our children's' and a specific story that another our own appreciation of the hadn't thought about. Bible. While I WOUld never abandon It's a good combination, the the traditional mysteries. I offer rosary and the scriptures. I never this idea to those who haven't thought of putting them together found the rosary as satisfactory until my son pronounced the ros­ in family prayer as they would ary boring. God works in strange like. It enhances both the ros­ ways. Who says he doesn't have ary and the Bible. a sense of humor? Another bonus is that it gives families a comfortable way of Always Sowing using the ·Bible for faith enrich­ "Thou hast the height and ment. Often families read a scrip­ depth of eternity in thee and ture selection together but dis­ therefore. be doing what thou cussion fails because the ques­ "tions are so reminiscent of a wilt. either 'in the closet. the field, the shop or the church, history or literature lesson fol­ lowed by stock questions. The thou art sowing that which person's own experience isn't grows and must be reaped in eternity." - WiUiam Law drawn into it.

Catholic teen



sce:ne According to a recent arti­ cle in Catholic New York by Laurel Nelson-Rowe, the big thing in dress for teen­

aside from .. E.T.... all those films rated an O. morally offensive classification from the U.S. Cath­ olic Conference. Eespecially reprehensible was "Officer and a Gentleman," which. by general agreement among even secular critics. laid on sex with an unusually heavy hand for a major studio release. Not only that. it was very vio­ lent. and in one sequence a drill sergeant tells his charges that he intends to find out whether they have what it takes to drop napalm on a "mama-san" nursing her baby. As for television: "teen obsess­ ion with afternoon soap operas." Miss Nelson'~Rowe says. "has not cooled in the least." The fav­ orites are "General Hospital," "The Guiding Light." "Dynasty" and "Knots Landing." When Miss Nelson-Rowe cdn­ c1uded by asking faculty infor­ mants about the role of the church in the lives of their stu­ dents. "the answers diverged from the ·non-committal" to the assertion of a brother-principal that "most people are surprised by the amount of church involve­ ment of our boys," I think it depends upon how you look at it. If these students conform as slavishly to a rna· teria!istic society. as this article implies, if they make rock the score for their life production, if they're obsessed with soap opera. if they go to offensive movies without being offended, it would be surprising if they were much involved~ in' church activities.

agers in Catholic schools in New York City is preppie attire or its "total opposite." Miss Nelson­ Rowe's informants. drawn from both teachers and students, de­ scribed the preppie look as "dressy, classic style from tor­ toise shell hair bands to penny loafers" and as "bringing to mind brand names like Bass. Izod-La­ coste, and L.L. Bean." No need to worry about dress codes any more. The boys at one Catholic high now "outdo themselves with three p~ece suits. corduroy or wool herring­ bone sport jackets with suede­ patched elbows." As to the "total opposite" of preppie. that, Miss Nelson-Rowe was told. was a "combination of disco and punk styles," with "not too much on," a category that would include high heeled shoes, "tight black pants." mini­ skirts and boots. You can still wear a tee shirt and jeans if you want to. but your tee shirt must have your favorite rock group emblazoned across the front. Male hair length? "Their hair is very neat these days," says a brother-principal with a "note of relief." For these teens music means rock, piped in, of course. "through Walkman-type appen­ dages." retailing in the area of $100. • Now I'm too daunted by all the articles I've read telling me how rock brings you closer to God If, however. we consider that to say anything critical about it. these youngsters are getting ex­ But were I to knock rock, I could tremely expensive Catholic educa­ hardly do so more cogently than tions in a total Catholic environ­ did Allan Bloom recently in the ment, we should expect them to National Review. differ from teen-agers who ad­ here to no religious tradition. Bloom charged that rock's suc­ cess has been the result of "an When the National Catholic amazing cooperation among lust. Educational Association meets in art and commercial shrewdness. Washington this April. let us Without parents realizing it. their hope that great emphasis is laid children were liberated from on the effect of the media upon them. The most powerful forma­ young people. tive influence on children between 12 and 18 is not the school, not the church, not the home. but rock music and all that goes with it. The children have as their heroes banal, drug - and sex-ridden guttersnipes who fo­ ment rebellion not only against parents but against alf noble sentiments. This is the emotional nourishment they ingest In these precious years." Let us proceed to the area of movies and television. First movies: as of December, these well-groomed. expensive­ ly dressed. Walkman-f1ourish­ "Dad, there must be some ing kids went for "E.T.,'· "An Officer and a Gentleman" and scripture somewhere to back "any of the horror movies such up my hang-ups." as 'Halloween III' or 'Polterge­ '-""'--__.............~""'--_~ .........",._ _."

ist,''' I hate to be stuffy, but


Vatican art not sellout

THE ANCHOR­ friday, Jan. 28, 1983

Fall River soup kitchen • IS open Th~ Fall River Community Soup Kitchen, an ecumenical pro­ ject, opened for business on Tues­ day. Volunteers served some 25 persons a free meal consisting of kale soup, fish chowder, bread and rolls, pastry, fruit and bever. ages.

The kitchen, at Catholic Social Service headquarters, 783 Slade Street, directly behind St. Pat- , rick's Church on South Main Street, is a response to the grow­ NIAGARA NEIGHBORHOOD churches in Fall River observe the annual week of ing problem of hunger in the area. Prayer for Christian Unity at a joint service at Our Lady of Health parish. From left, Father It will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 A. Fernandes, SS. Peter and Pau'! Church; Rev. James H. Hornsby, St. Luke Epis­ Stephen p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Eventually volunteers copal; Father Joao C. Martins, Our Lady of Health; Pastor Gerard D. Blais Jr., St. Paul hope it will serve meals seven Lutheran; Father John A. Raposo, Our Lady of Health; Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill, SS. Peter days a week. ,and Paul. (Gaudette Photo) Although located. at ' Catholic Social Services, wnich charged Ii token $1 for use of its facilities and is providing all utilities, the kitchen is an interfaith under, taking, said organizers. Start-up donations were made by the J.ew­ ish Community Council, the In­ terfaith Council and the Greater Fall River Council of Churches, 'among others.

Vatican backs, bishops'

Continuj!<! torom page one understand better the urgent is­ sues, whi~h violence and .th~ threats of aggression place before consciences," said the Vatican. The communique did not re­ veal the content of the discuss­ , Area bakeries and restaurants ions. The meeting was called after have donated food to the project U.S. bishops had sent copies the and institutional-size kitchen utensils have been loa~ed by' , of their first draft pastoral to neighboring churches. A need' other national hiearchies and the remains, however, for large pots Vatican. The French and West German and pans; and all types of food bishops conferences sent separa­ donations are welcome, as is rate private written responses usable ' clothing. to the U.S. bishops. AccQrding Contributions may be left at to a source who has read the the Catholic Social' Services of­ responses, they criticized the fice from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Money position on nuclear deterrence in donations may be directed to the first draft, saying the moral Atty. Harold K. HUdner; soup limits it imposed on the use or kitchen treasurer, at 1205 Gard­ threat to use nuclear weapons ners Neck Road, Swansea 02777. would undermine Western Euro­ pean defense strategies and ex­ Market Ministries, a similar pose them to Soviet aggression~ program has been in operation Archbishop Bernardin said the over a year at Pilgrim United responses arrived too late to be Church of Christ in New Bedford considered in formulating the under sponsorship of the city's second draft but that they would Clergy and Religious Association. be taken into account in prepar­ There the Catholic Social Ser­ vices office handles the project's ing the third draft. At a press cOIlference and dur­ bookkeeping as a contribution to ing a talk to students of the the undertaking. North American College, Arch~ / bishop Bernardin commented , further on the draft pastoral. , He said that considerabje re­ BELFAST, Northern Ireland working of the document is tak­ (NC) - At the funeral Mass for' ing place, but that changes would a Catholic judge killed by' Irish be "clarifying" and fundamental Republican Army gunmen, Bish­ points of the draft would not op Cahal B. Daly of Down and change. 'Connor said that those who be­ The key themes of the' draft long to the IRA "cut themselves are: away from the community of - Retention of the church's love which is the Christian traditional just war theory, not­ church." Bishop Daly spoke at ing that its tenets rule out nu­ the Belfast funeral of County clear strikes against civiliim Court J.udge William Doyle, 56, areas. who was gunned dbwn after at­ - Serious skepticism about tending Sunday Mass. "first use" of nuclear weapons and about the legitimacy of "His religion to us was irrele­ vant," said the IRA, an outlawed limited nuclear response against guerrilla organization, in a military targets because of the danger of escalation and the just statement issued after the shoot­ ing. He was "a key figure in war's demand for proportional­ Britain's oppressive occupation ity. machine," the IRA said. - Moral acceptability of poss"--

Bishop warns IRA

ession of nuclear weap~ns as a 'of the virtues of the American draft pastoral was that "it has deterrent, but only if that pos­ session is couples with serious prompted very many people to bilateral efforts at reduction of tl1ink about issues of war and peace and has prompted other armaments. national bishops conferences per­ Archbishop Bernardin indi­ cated that these key points would haps to study the area a bit more be preserved in the third draft intensely than they had done of the pastoral. previously." A contemplated change, he , Asked whether he felt that the said, involves an expanded sec­ American bishQps were involving tion on Soviet policy. "We are themselves in politics, Archbish­ conscious of the fact that two op Bernardin responded: "Some superpowers generate the arms people see these things in a poli­ race today, and that the nuclear tical context, but, they also have arsenal of Western nations ex­ a ,moral dimension and it is this ists in large measure because of dimension that we're ad.dressing.'! the history and conduct of So­ "And that is something that viet policy,'.' he said. "But this fact," he continued, the church has been doing for centuries," he added. does not relieve us of our respon­ sibility to address our govern­ ment on the content of its de­ fense and foreign policy." 'Another contemplated modifi­ cation in the revised draft is ex­ Continued from page one pansion of the section relating and Japan the first countries to non-violence and the just war truly respect human life," he theory. In a world which does said. According to Murakami, not yet have a sufficiently strong Japanese pro-lifers are increas­ international authority, the arch­ ingly working to amend their na­ bishop said, "we have to affirm tion's laws on legal abortion. more clearly the right to self­ "The American pro-life move­ defense of individuals and of ment in this respect is a great nations." encouragement," he said. The archbishop indicated 'Bishop Thomas J. Welch of however, that both non-violence Arlington, Va., giving the invoand the just war theory will con­ . cation, told the crc;>wd to "recall tinue to be considered by the why' we are here, to urge our bishops as two valid modes of elected officials to redress the Christian witness. tragic mistake of the Supreme As~ed why the American bish­ Court." ops thought it important to soli­ Meeting President cit European comment, he said: On the eve of the March for "As teachers in the church in the United States, we remain in Life, pro-lifers met with Presi­ dent Reagan to ask for his con­ union with the church' through­ out the world, and the topic is tinued support. National Right to Life Com­ one of universal interest and mittee President Dr. John C. concern." The archbishop said. that one WilIke said after th~ meeting that'Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-llI.) and Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) No Standstill "Thou canst not' stand still had consulted with each ,other and hope to agree with Sen. Jesse because thou livest in the per­ petual workings of temporal and Helms (R-N.C.) on pro-life legis­ eternal nature; if thou w.orkest lation. Pro-lifers have been divided not with the good, the evil that is 'in nature carries thee along over whether to have one all-en­ compassing anti-abortion amendwith it." -:William Law

NEW YORK (NC- - The Met­ ropolitan Museum of Art will be­ gin Feb. 1 using subway and bus advertising for the art exhibi­ tions from the Vatican museums which will run Feb. 26 to June 12. Richard Dougherty, vice presi­ dent of public affairs at the mu­ seum, said the advertising indi­ cated that museum officials were somewhat concerned about the slow pace .of ticket sales. Of 596,000 tickets available, about 183,000 had been sold by the third week of January. Philippe de Montebello, direc­ tor of the museum, however, no­ ting that the show, "Vatican Col­ lections: The Papacy and Art," has been neither seen nor re­ viewed, said he did not think the sales were so slow. If the show is not sold out in advance, De Montebello said, the museum would permit walk-in admissions. The "Treasures of Tutank­ haven" exhibition in 1978-79 was the only other Metropolitan show for which advance tickets had to be obtained. The 1.2 million tick­ ets available were sold out in five days. De Montebello said that the Tut show had been all over Eu­ rope and came to the Met after a tour of the United States. He pointed out too that the Tut exhibit was shown longer, seven days a week, 12 hours a day, while the Vatican show will be part of the regular museum schedule. Furthermore, he said, whereas the Tut exhibit consist­ ed of 55 objects displayed in one gallery, the Vatican exhibit con­ sists of 237 objects spread out through the largest exhibition area the museum has ever de­ voted to a show.

Bloody . decade ment or whether to work in steps to end legalized abortion. In addition to the president, Vice President George Bush; . Edwin Meese III, counselor to the president, a1'1d Margaret Heckler, nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services, attended the meeting, WilIke said. Pro-life participants at the meeting included Rev. Jerry Fal­ well, leader of the ,Moral Major­ ity; NRLC Chairman Geline Wil­ liams, NRL PAC Director Sandra Faucher, March for Life Presi­ dent Nellie Gray. Miss Gray said Reagan told the group that "pro-life people have been much too gentle" with the American public and have not let people know about" unborn babies cut· up and burned with acid during the abortion process.

Repentance "A plausible tiorm of an out­ ward life, that has onlY learned rules and modes of 'religion by use and cu:Stom, often keeps the soul for some time at ease. : . . But sooner or later ~pentance must have a broken and a' con­ trite heart." ~ William Law

Lectures explore impact of ·new technologies benefits?" and "Are we setting priorities which favor the pro­ vision of technologic wonders and which ignore basic needs?"

The impact of technology on society is the topic of the cur· rent Atwood Lecture Series at Salve Regina/Newport College in Newport, R.I. 'In lectures that began last fall and will continue until April, speakers have or will consider technology in relation to leis· ure, medicine, justice and myth­ ology.

It is expected that Dr. Daniel Maguire and Dr. Joseph Camp·


bell, concluding speakers in the THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983 series, will focus on principles of use in judging which tech­ nologies should be accepted and eritus at Sarah ,Lawrence Col­ The annual Atwood Lectures, promoted by society. lege and a former visiting lec­ free and open to the public, are underwritl.en by the Oliver S. Dr. Maguire,· pI1ofessor of turer at the Foreign Service In­ Christian ethics' at Marquette stitute of the U.S. State Depart· and Jennie R. Donaldson Chari­ University, and a widely known . ment, is an authority on myth table Trust of Fall River. Their author on moral issues, will be and legend. To speak at 7 p.m. name honors Salve/Newport graduate Marjorie Atwood heard at 7 p.m. Thursday, March Tuesday, April 26, he wHI ex­ plore the influence of myth on Dempsey, a. member of the trust 24. admiJ1i'stration committc<i. Dr. Campbell, professor em· technological society.

Generating discussion about the availability and use of 1ei­ sure time during a 1ecture last November was Dr. William P. Haas, president of North Adams State College in North Adams "What happens when leisure ceases to be the oonsequence of labor (one's own or another's) and becomes for most members of a society a substitute for work lOr becomes the most im­ portant communal work itself, he queried, noting that Jeisure is the most explosive by product of technology. At 4 p.m. Wednesday, ,Feb. 2, Dr. Pamela M. Pettinati, chief of plastic, reconstructive, and maxillofacial surgery at St. Eliza'beth's Hospital, Brighton·, will examine health care deliv­ ery technologies.


"Who shoulders the burden of

the cost of high technology in

medicine and who receives the



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I'$callecl the


A longtime student of moral theology, ethics and social jus­ tice, Dr. Peftinati is associated with the Center for Religious, Development in Cambridge. In addition to being a physician, she holds a master's degree in public health and is a candidate for the degree of doctor of phil. osophy at Boston University. She is especially ooncerned with the allocation of scarce re­ sources within medicine. Among questions she asks are:






,, ,


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983



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States, suggests "Liturgical Mu­ sic Today," a document just re­ FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER - 636-2744 or 999-6984 leased by the U.S. bishops' Com­ mittee on the liturgy. , Musically, American cultural trends for the two major Chris­ tian feasts - to celebrate Christ­ mas in Advent and Easter in Lent, and to ignore them almost as soon as they are over ­ "run counter to the ,liturgical Per Person Per Nite Obi. Dec. IFri. & Sat. . Nights On:yl Min. 2 Nites Rate Eft. Sept. 10 year," the committee said. thru NO'I, 27 Holiday Periods - 3 Nite,s It said that other major points We have an indoor pool, sa~nas, color TV and of contact with the liturgy for an unforgettable dining experience that sets us the nominal Catholic or occasion­ apart. From 3 egg omelettes to succulent, al ,churchgoer - baptisms, wed­ dings and funerals -:.. are among blushing prime rib, our 8 COMPLETE meals per couple and our unique, private B.Y.O.B. lounge areas where liturgical music is with live entertainment and dancing, make most deficient or faces some of its greatest diUiculties. Sho~eway Acres The Ultimate Value. Intended chiefly as guidelines Package now available at Green, Harbor Motor Lodge. for pastors, liturgy planners and FALMOUTH'S GREAT WATER-FRONT MOTOR LODGE parish musicians or music lead­ ers, the new 28-page statement outlines the musical" liturgical and pastoral principles that should go into making music an integral part of Catholic worship. Box G, Dept. A, Shore Street, Falmoutll, MA 02541 (6171 540-3000

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on the subject by the bishops' Committee on the Liturgy since 1972, when it published a simi­ lar guide, "Music in Catholic Worship." The new document takes into account developments in the lit­ """;;;;;:;_a.:.l;;j_lIjIIp urgy and liturgical music since that time, providing particular' guidance for the place of music in celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours and sacraments and rites other than the Eucharist. "Music in Catholic Worship," which focuses paticularly on ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford

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'music in the eucharistic liturgy, will be reissued in slightly re­ vised form later this year. The new statement continues to frown on most uses of record­ ed music. "It should, as a gener­ al norm, never be used within .the liturgy to replace the congre­ gation, the choir, the organist or other instruments . . . It may never become a substitute for the community's song," it says. However, it recognizes a value to limited uses of r.ecorded mu­ sic in certain situations, such as an accompaniment to song fol' outdoo~ processions or a help . "when used carefully" in Masses with children. It also recognizes that· prerecorded "electronic music" that is liturgically ap­ propriate may be used in con­ junction with live instruments and voices when such music is , an integral part of the composi­ tion. The statement also recognizes the role of strictly instrumental music as a worship aid but warns that "the temptation must be re­ sisted .to cover every moment with music." While generaJly giving high marks for the development of liturgical music, the committee noted several problem areas co­ inciding with those points at which non-Catholics or Cath­ olics who rarely attend church seek religious support: the tra­ ditional points of birth (baptism), marriage and death. Musical development has not caught up with reforms in' the rites of Christian initiation, it said, and it encouraged com­ posers to develop the "service music .. . required for the full experience of th.ese liturgical celebrations." . On music for weddings, the committee commented, "Some­

times the only music familiar to the couple is a song heard at a friend's ceremony and one not necessarily suitable to the sac­ rament." It cited the guidelines that should be foJlowed in choosing suitable wedding music· but urg­ ed "a process of dialogue" with the couple rather than "an ab­ solute list of permitted or pro­ hibited music" as the most ef­ fective pastoral solution to the problem, Funerals involve "often diffi­ cult pastoral situations" that .·..have freque'ntly received little or no attention musi'cally," the committee said. "In this respect, funerals may be the least suc­ cessfully reformed of our litur-' gical rites." Commenting on the relation­ ship of music to the rhythms of the liturgical year and Christian life, the committee urged "great care in the selection of music for seasons and feasts." "Contemporary culture," it added, "seems increasingly un­ willing either to prepare for or to prolong Christian feasts and seasons. The church's pastoral ministers must be aware of cul­ tural phenomena which run counter to the liturgical year or even devalue our feasts and seasons, especially through con­ sumerism. "The season of Advent should be preserved in its integrity, Christmas carols being reserved for the Christmas season alone. Hymns which emphasize the passion and death of Christ ~hould be used only in the last week of the lenten season. Eas­ ter should not be allowed to end in a day, but rather, the fifty days of its celebration should be planned as a unified experience."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983







MOST REVEREND DANIEL A. CRONIN March 8 • 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River March 10 - 7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, Central Village March 20 - 1:30 P.M. Corpus Christi, Sandwich; Group 1 3:30 P.M. Corpus Christi, Sandwich, Group 2 March 23 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Cross, South Easton March 25 - 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Wareham March 28 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary's Cathedral St. Mathieu, Fall River, at the Cathedral St. Vincent's Home at the Cathedral April 5 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony, Taunton April 7 - 6:30 P.M. St. Peter, Provincetown Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet at St. Peter's April 8 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster April 11- 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, New Bedford April 14 - 7:00 P.M. SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River April 17 • 11:00 A.M. St. Kilian, New Bedford 3:00 P.M. Santo Christo, Fall River April 19 • 7:00 P.M. St. Anne, Fall River April 21 -' 7:00 P.M. St. Rita, Marion April 22 - 7:00 P.M. St. Michael, Fall River April 24 - 11:00 A.M. St. Patrick, Fall River 3:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, Fall River April 25 - 7:00 P.M. St. Lawrence, New Bedford April 27 - 7:00 P.M. Notre Dame, Fall River at St. Mary's Cathedral April 28 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Mansfield April 29 • 7:00 P.M. Holy Name, New Bedford May 6 - 7:00 P.M. Mount Carmel, Seekonk 7 • 4:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Fall River May May 8 - 9:00 A.M. St. Jacques, Taunton May 9 - 7:00 P.M. St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth May 10 • 3:00 P.M. Confirmation on Martha's Vineyard for Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs St. Elizabeth, Edgartown St. Augusti,ne, Vineyard Haven at Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs May 11 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Woods Hole May 13 - 7:00 P.M. St. Stanislaus, Fall River May 14 - 10:00 A.M. Regina Pacis, New Bedford Spanish Speaking New Bedford/Taunton May 15 - 3:00 P.M. Mount Carmel,

New Bedford

May 16 - 7:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier,

Acushnet May 19 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Name, Fall River May 23 • 7:00 P.M. Holy Ghost, Attleboro May 24 - 7:00 P.M. St. Peter, Dighton May 26 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Victory, Centerville

May 27 - 7:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier,


June 5 - 2:00 P.M. St. Mary's Cathedral

(Adults) June 6 - 7:00 P.M. St. Dominic, Swansea June 9 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, New Bedford REV. MSGR. LUIZ G. MENDONCA, V.G.

March 22 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the


New Bedford

",OM"r 24



Houl S~,.,,~

Charles Veloza. Pres.

April 12 - 7:00 P.M. April 20 - 7:00 P.M. April 27 - 7:00 P.M. May May May May

St. Joseph, Attleboro St. Louis, Fall River Our Lady of Lourdes, . Taunton 9 . 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Health, Fall River 17 - 7:00 P.M. Blessed Sacrament, Fall River 21 - 5:30 P.M. St. James, New Bedford 25 - 7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, New Bedford

REV. MSGR. HENRY T. MUNROE, V.E. Feb. 28 • 7:00 P.M. Bt. Anthony of Padua, Fall River March 7 - 7:00 P.M. St. John of God, Somerset March 21 - 7:00 P.M. St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay March 24 - . 7:00 P.M. Holy Trinity, West Harwich April 14 - 7:00 P.M. St. Pius X, South Yarmouth· April 25 • 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville April 29 • 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony, Mattapoisett May 4 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Seekonk May 6 - 7:00 P.M. ·St. Patrick, Falmouth May 13 • 7:00 P.M. St. John, Pocasset May 16 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford May 20 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Grace, Westport May 23 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony, East Falmouth REV. MSGR. JOHN J. REGAN, V.E. March 25 - 7:00 P.M. 51. William, Fall River April 5 - 7:00 P.M. St. Michael, Ocean Grove April 18 - 7:00 P.M. Espirito Santo, Fall River April 22 - 7:00 P.M. St. George, Westport April 26 - 7.00 P.M. St. Louis de France, Swansea April 30 • 10:00 A.M. 51. Patrick, Somerset, Group I 1:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Somerset, Group II 3 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, May North Dighton 5 • 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Taunton May May 17 - 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, New Bedford May 20 • 7:00 P.M. St. Bernard, Assonet May 22 - 3:00 P.M. St. Thomas More, Somerset May 27 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Fairhaven Sacred Heart, Fairhaven at St. Mary's VERY REV. JOHN J. SMIm, V.lE. March 14 • 7:00 P.M. Holy Family, East Taunton March 18 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Taunton Holy Rosary, Taunton March~21 - 7:00 P.M. March 24 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anne, Raynham April 6 - 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, North Easton St. Paul, Taunton ~pril 11- 7:00 P.M. April 27 - 7:00 P.M. St. Theresa, South Attleboro 4 • 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Taunton May May 10 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, North Attleboro May 13 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Fairhaven May 18 • 7:00 P.M. St. John, Attleboro May 20 • 7:00 P.M. St. Mark, Attleboro Falls May 26 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Norton










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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.....,Fri., Jan. 28, 1983








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By Dr. James and Mary Kenny no one way to do divorce minisDear Dr. Kenny: I recently try and welcomes under its urn­ read your article on how married brella all those who want to couples can learn and profit from learn and help. the example of many single parInformation about local groups , ents. You told how these single can be obtained by writing the parents join together for physi, national office: NACSDC, 1100 cal and emotional support. You S. Goodman St., Rochester, N.Y. mentioned Parents Without Part- 14620. - Kentucky ners, which is a fine organizaDear Dr. Kenny: This letter is tion I'm sure, but you failed to in response. to your article· on . mention any of the support adoption problems. We suggest . groups found within. our own that the couple experiencing church commuJ1ity. such difficulties contact the Holt Please give credit to the North Adoption Program Inc. (P.O. American Conference of Separa- Box 2420; Eugene, Ore.), and ted and Divorced Catholics. this agency as well as their local NACSDC has as its primary goal agency can very quickly find a the support and healing of the child from a foreign country for divorced person. This support them. This agency is good and and healing involve the develop- they have thousands of orphans ment of groups where people available. who have shared a common and We are adopting our 10th painful human experience can child this year - a small boy now share life. from Nicaragua, .and when the NACSDC is a new-style church caseworker came to our home, organization. It is ·a network .she commented that we have connecting a movement.. Every- .. room for another child after this one who cares about the divorced one! Our children came very belongs. It insists that there is' quickly in the '60s and, of course,

white Caucasian babies are no longer available, but there is nothing like the black, Korean and Nicaraguan. - Illinois The Catholic Union of the Sick in America joins persons who are in chronic pain and ill­ ness. Its membership extends over the United States and Can­ ada. A group letter circulates among the members. CUSA tries to give spiritual orientation to suffering. Mem­ bers pray and suffer for the needs of the church and for all humankind. Subgroups exist within the largest organization with a spiritual adviser (usually a priest) and a group leader. CUSA gives support and pur­ pose to the lives of the suffering. The CUSA administrative leader is Miss Anna Marie Sopko, 176 W. 8th St., Bayonne, N.J. 07002 Reader questions on family living and child care to be an­ swered in print are invited. Ad­ dress questions to The Kennys," Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Renssela~r, Ind. 47978.

(Together '. DUrfee.

FaI~.h - r r ' l



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IThe ,man·'who made NEW YORK (NC) - Sir Rich­ ful English actor met with the ard A~tenborough. is· the pro­ obscure Indian, who admitted ducer-director. ,of "Gandhi," knowing next to nothing of film~ picked by the U.S. ·Catholic Con. making. Kothari· gave Attenbor­ ference as the best film of 1982. ough a biography of Gandhi, and An immensely s,uccessful ac­ Attenborough's life was never tor, Attenborough decided 20 the same again. years ago to get. on the other In the next 20 years his deter­ side of the camera.,,..... not for the, mination that seemed close to money,not even because he mania, became a byy.rord in th'e wanted to make movies, 'bl,lt be­ motion picture business. It was cause he wanted to make :one . to be a saga that would take movie; a film biography of the Attenborough to the brink of 'little brown man in the dhoti bankruptcy, make him at times who challenged, the British Em~ an object of ridicule. pire- at the height of its power At one point, just as in the and prestige and won. biblical story of Solomon's judg­ Born in 1923, the son 'of par­ ment, he proved himself the true ents who were "free thinkers," "mother" of the Gandhi project to use the distinctively English by his willingness to relinquish term for those unwilling to ac­ it - to director David Lean and cept the received wisdom in poli~ playwright Robert Bolt, creators tics· and religion, Attenborough of "A Man for All Seasons." grew up with a strong awareness Twenty years after the project that protest was a right and na­ was conceived and after death tural course of action in a dis­ ordered and unjust world. At 17 he won a coveted schol­ arship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and after gradua­ tion began his theatrical career on the West End stage. In a 1943 stage production of Graham Greene's "Brighton Rock" he played Pinkie, the young razor­ wielding man who was the first of many Greene heroes to pro­ voke theological speculation. Four years later he re-created the role in a movie version, but before that came service in the Royal Air Force as a gunner and cameraman. In 1963, at 40, he was at the top of his profession, a critically acclaimed, financially secure ac-. tor, when he received a phone call from a stranger, a man named MotHal Kothari, who identified himself as a staff mem­ ber of the Indian High Commis­ sion in London and who had an idea for a film. For no very good reason that he could later recall, the success­


had overtaken two men who had . ardently supported it, the hum­ ble Kothari and the famous Lord Louis Mountbatten, .Attenbor­ ough has brought his dream to realization, Why did he devote a third of

his life to "Gandl}i?" What did

he feel was so. important about

the man's story? Attenborough's

answer is simple. "Gandhi," he

said, "showed us a way to stop

killing each other."

Pope promises aid in Rome problems VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has thanked Rome's communist mayor for the city government's "prompt availabil­ ity" to help prepare for the 1983 Holy Year. Speaking to Mayor Ugo Vetere and members of .the Rome City Council, the pope promised chur<;:h cooperation in battling local problems such as unemploy­ ment, drug abuse and terrorism. "Forced unemployment can provoke, and in fact does pro­ voke, dangerous traumas and temptations to react either by resorting to methods of violence and terrorism, which can be em­ braced as the solution judged the only one for the transforma­ tion of society, or by the des­ perate search for a shadow of happiness offered by drugs," the pope said.

BEN KINGSLEY plays the title role in "Gandhi/' Richard Attenborough's epic film of an Indian lawyer's transformation into one of the world's great men of peace. (NC Photo)

"All of the components oJ the vast diocese - priests, Religious, laity are happily available to work . . . in order that Rome may respond with consistency and awareness to its sflecific his­ toric mission and in order that its authentic face m~y not in any way be obscured, inuch less disfigured," he added.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983

Pope lists Holy Year guidelines VATICAN CITY (NC) - lEven the bedridden, cloistered nuns and prisoners will be able to participate in the spiritual bene­ fits of the upcoming Holy Year, Pope John 'Paul ~II said in a document formally announcing the year. The papal bill, titled "Aper­ ite Portas Redemptori" for its Latin opening words, "Open the door to the Redeemer," was reo. leased Jan. 21 at a Vatican press conference by Archbishop Jozef Tomko, general secretary of the Synod of B~hop;, and arch­ bishop Mario Shierano, presi­ dent of the Central Committee for the Holy Year. "The great novelty of this ju­ bilee is the simultaneous cele­ bration of the redemption, with all the spiritual benefits, in the entire world, in all dioceses," said Archbishop Tomko. "It is distinguished by the in­ tent to spread the benefits of the redemption in an intense form and to put them truly at the disposition of all, even those who are confined to bed by ill­ ness "men and women cloister­ ed ReHgious, residents of nurs­ ing homes and of prisons," he added. The Holy Year of Redemp­ tion, to run from March 25, 1983, to April 22, 1984, marks the 1,950th anniversary of the the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ. The pope said he would open the Holy noor at St. Peter's Ba· silica on March 25. He asked the world's bishops .to hold "a special rite of prayer and pen­ ance" in their cathedrals in con­ nection with the beginning of the Holy Year. The bulk of the 5,600-word "Aperite Portas" guidelines for reception of a plenary indul­ gence in connection with the

Holy Year.

of the sick, or the exercise of the Stations of the Cross the klocument sa,ld. 4>cal bi~hOPs can also rule that the indulgence can be obtained at a parish mission or spiritual retreat. Pope John Paul said each bishop will name in his own dio­ cese the church .to be visited in order to obtain a plenary indul­ gence. "For the sick prevented .from making suoh a visit, it is enough that they join spiritually in the act," the pope said. "A similar concession is granted to the residents of old people's homes and to prisoners." ~ope John 'Paul said c1oister-

A Catholic wishing to gain the indulgence, defined as the remission befdre GPd of 'the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven, must make an "individual and com­ plete sacramental confession," receilve Oommunion and pray for the intentions of the pope, the papal document said. Among those intentions are "that the event of the redemp­

tion may :be proclaimed to all

peoples, and that in every nation

those who believe in Christ the Redeemer may be able freely to profess their faith," ,the pope added. The three conditions must be linked during tl!~ Holy Year .either to a diocesan community celebration or to a visit to spe­

cific churches named either by

the pope or the local head of a diocese. The community act on the

diocesan level may be a Mass,

a Liturgy of the Word, a peni­

tential service, the administra­

tion of the sacraments of bap­

tism, confirmation or anointing

...................... "

ill we.


• ••





ed religious can obtain the ju­ bilee indulgence in their mon­ astery or convent churches. At the press conference Arch­ bishop Schierano said the prin­ cipal criteria for Holy Year celebrations will be "simplicity and poverty." He said he could not estimate the costs of the year to the Vatican, but said that it "won't bring in anything (to the Vatican) materially speaking." "It is not designed as a finan­ cial jubilee, as some have sv"­ gested," he added. "With th~ emphasis on simplicity, modesty and the spiritual, it will cost as little· as possible."


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 28, 1983

Community. free flow By David Gibson A friend of ours, in her mid­ thirties, is the kind of person who keeps elderly people in mind. When she has guests, she often invites one or two elderly friends to join the .group. She also joins a group that includes numerous elderly people for a m~nthly Mass in our parish, it gives her an opportunity to see some of these people regularly. . You might see this as a gift our friend has: she knows elderly people, she cares about them and she recognizes their gifts.. Her gift is not everyone's gift. The plight of many elderly peo­ ple in modern society proves that. Many elderly feel lonely and neglected.

II 'Parishes can provide the support and encouragement so important for ministry.' .

~y I need a community of helief By Neil Parent One Sunday, as we prepared for Mass, our 5-year-old daugh­ ter plaintively asked why we went to church when so many of her friends did not. During our ,drive to church, her question took on a somewhat prophetic note as we observed many people outside on this beautiful spring morning - none of whom gave the appearance of going to church. There were joggers, gardeners, a few bicyclers and some return­ ing from convenience stores. with packages. Maybe these people had gone to church earlier or maybe they were going later. But probably neither, in many cases. Probably they were among those unaffilia­ ted with any church or syna­ gogue. In recent years, many of our friends and relatives have


insight grows

By Katherine Bird As a child, Father E. Carl Ly­ on of Silver Spring, Md., enjoyed visiting an uncle in the Maryland countryside, an uncle who had a reputation for being lazy. Pehaps by coincidence, this uncle was a shepherd. Father Lyon recalls watching, fascina­ ter, as his uncle "talked" with his sheep.. In common with shepherds everywhere, he had a special call. Whenever he gave it, the sheep turned to follow him. The uncle used it if he felt the flock was getting unruly, or if danger


Accort1ing to Father Lyon, the picture Qf his uncle calling his sheep cOples back to him when he thinks of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He notes that when


either deliberately chosen - or community serves to broaden our slipped into - this lifestyle. horizons of faith. When we par­ Many of these people believe ticipate in a church community, in God and guide their lives ac­ we are bound to be confronted cording to religious or ethical by issues we' might otherwise principles. But for some reason choose to avoid, such as exam- . they no longer see a need to be ining our style of life in relation members of a church community. to gospel norms. For instance, we may be asked We are all different, of course. to consider our responsibilities Perhaps many non-churchgoers to the poor and the downtrodden, see themselves growing spiritual­ ly just as well outside the church Or to labor tirelessly for a world of peace and justice. as in. If left to my own devices, I'd But I know that I don't. And I suspect that the same is true of probably choose. watering the most Christians, affiliated with azaleas over contemplating my obligations to the poor. But in a church or not. After all, Chris­ a community, I freely place my­ tianity is by nature a communal self in a position to be influenced faith. So to fully experience its richness, one generally needs to - to be jarred - by other ways belong to a parish or some other of seeing my faith and the re­ sponsibilities that go with it. faith community. This stretching of our views Here are a few reasons why I comes not only from the message think so: proclaimed from the pulpit but 1. Membership in a church from the example of other church members who frequently serve as models for our own behavior. 2. There is also a give-and-take to community involvement that the New Testament described is healthy for faith. In a parish Jesus as a Shepherd, it intended - as in a family - we must ad­ to present an image with which just our preferences for the sake the early Christians could im­ of the common good. mediately identify. This adapting helps prevent What Christians today need, Turn to Page Thirteen Father Lyon added, is to recog­ nize the call of Jesus and to know they belong in a special way to this particular shepherd .and none other. Father Lyon's charming story gave ine a fresh look at a fami­

liar image of Jesus. Having lived

in cities all my life, I had no

idea that sheep literally listen

to the shepherd. I always con­

sidered "Good Shepherd" simply

an attractive name for Jesus. Often, a story or true account· told by someone within the par­ ish community can bring us to a refreshed understanding of faith. Turn to Page Thirteen .

In such a society, our friend's gift has double value. Simply by exercising it in her unassuming way, she calls the attention of others her age to the presence of the elderly in the .parish and larger community. A man we know also has a special gift, for serving high schoolers. He teaches them in a religious education program, goes on weekend retreats with them anet often talks late into the night with them. He never seems to tire of it all. This man cares very much for teen-agers. He recognizes their gifts and he draws out the best in them. Naturally his gift is shared. Turn to Page Thirteen

Entering. Jerusalem BY Father John J. Castelot

The story of the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, is· both· an ending and a beginning. As Mark tells the story in Chapter 10 of his' Gospel, it con­ cludes the section in which Jesus attempts to cure the blindness of his disciples. It also sets the scene for Jesus' final journey to the cross. The little group has reached Jericho after traveling through the area east of the Jordan. From there it will be a climb of about 15 miles west to Jerusalem. As they leave Jericho, a blind beggar calls out, "Jesus, son of David have pity on me!" The title is messianic and, for the first

time, Jesus accepts it without demur. Shortly it will be all too evident just what kind of messiah he is. In spite of the crowd's efforts to silence 1}im, Bartimaeus per­ sists in his cries. Finally Jesus asks him: "What did you want me to. do for you?" The question elicits a meaning­ ful reply,"1 want to see." Up to this point, everyone, in­ cluding the disciples, has re­ fused to see. Bartimaeus' request is granted in a way that brings out the meaning of the incident. Jesus says to him, "Be on your way! Your faith has healed you." It is especially meaningful Turn to Page Thirteen

For children By Janaan Manternach

One evening in Bethany Jesus was eating dinner at the home of a leper named Simon. There were a few other guests enjoying the good food and lively conversation. A woman stood outsire the din­ ing room, holding a small jar. "I must show Jesus how much I love him," she thought. "So many people are plotting against him, I want to let him know someone cares." She hesitated, then walked boldly into the room. Conversa· tion stopped. Everyone looked at her, wondering what she was doing there. She struck the neck of her jar


against the table. The aroma of rich perfume filled the room. She . poured the perfume on Jesus' head. Pouring perfume on the head of a guest was a sign· of respect and love in Jesus' time. Jesus looked up at the woman and smiled. She smiled back but she was trembling, afraid of

what the others were going to

say. They were angry.

"What is the point of this ex­

travagant waste of perfume?" someone asked. "It could have been sold for more than 300 silver pieces," grumbled another. "The money could have been given to the poor," added a third. Turn to page thirteen

know your-faith


Free 'flow

Continued fron" page twelve Simply by doing what he does, he calls the attention of others to the presence of youth and to their good qualities. The woman who is mindful of the elderly, the man who is mindful of youth possess an in­ sight. Like Jesus who gave sight to the blind man, they give their insight to others in their com­ munities. Each of them, of course, relies on the insights of others just as others rely on theirs. In a vibrant Christian com­ munity, there is a free flow of gifts. One person's gift for at­ tentive, productive conversations with her own teen-agers, for in­ stance, reminds other parents of the possibility of communica­ ting more deeply with their own children. Another person's gift may be his ability to speak openly of his love for his family and friends. He reminds the com­ munity that love needs to be ex­ pressed. ' The gifts of other people could become a problem to us if we were intimidated by them. None of us, obviously, is exactly like anyone else. Others' talents are not meant to put us down. Rather, they are meant to lift us up, just as our gifts, in turn, can also inspire those around us.

Insight Continued from page twelve Often too, what others do, as much as what they say, can reo focus our attention on the mean· ing of our faith. Some years ago, I knew a young couple who had strong views on their obligations as Christians. Childless at the time, the wife volunteered time each week at a children's center. There she became aware of children who badly needed a home but who were considered unlikely adoption prospects. Fre­ quently they were older children. After much discussion, the couple decided to become foster parents and welcomed a teen­ age brother and sister into their home. But they did not find the ad­ justment easy. The children, es­ pecially the girl, found it hard to live in a small family. She ran away a couple of times. She returned each time, but the couple, increasingly con­ cerned, sought professional counseling and eventually de­ cided she should leave them for a situation where she might be happier. The boy, however, stayed and the family settled into a some­ what quieter life. Today he is a valued family member, along with the couple's own two babies. I remember feeling how lucky we Christians are to have the example of such people who voluntarily took on a demanding role that many of us couldn't see ourselves undertaking. Their example stimulated me and others to look more care· fully at our own response to Christ's call.

Responding to grief In a new book, religious educators Evelyn Eaton White­ head and James Whitehead tell a story of a good friend helped through a crisis of faith by a Christian Ciommunity. It started when the friend endured a loss in her family. In her struggle to come to terms with the tragedy, she began to feel she had lost her belief in God. "As we listened to this not uncommon adult experience," the Whiteheads wrote, "we became aware' of three possible responses to her grief:" 1. To take her statements literally. 2. To deny the seriousness of her loss by saying, "You didn't really lose your faith. You're just depressed. Everything will be fine." 3. To take the apparent loss of faith seriously, but to put it in the contract of her life history as a believer and her membership in a believing community. The third option, which the Whiteheads recommend, en­ courages the woman tlo remain in a supportive, believing com­ munity and yet acknowledges the reality she is experiencing. In this way, they explain, the community "functions to sus­ tain her -through her unbelief; the community believes for her during this time." At the same time, the community "witnesses to the possi­ bHity of belief and displays the faith of its membets" to the woman. This invites her to "greater and renewed faith." In time, the woman made her way through the tragedy of her loss and once again felt able to 'believe - in a new and possibly stronger way because of the crisis she had endured. The Whiteheads draw on their experiences as oounselors and religious educators in their book, "Community of Faith: Models and Strategies for neveloping Christian Communities." They make ·the intriguing point that .the Ch~istian co~­ munity is able tlo believe in ·a "comprehensIve fashIon un~vaI1­ able to the individual believer." For individuals are gIfted "with only a partial understanding of God. Our vision is limited, our perspective flawed," they say. The Whiteheads indicate that the believing community "completes my particular faith and makes up for ~y un~e­ lief." In short in the community setting, the fuller d'lmenslon of Christian b~lief is reflected in its variety and dignity.

Entering Jerusalem seen in the story of how Jesus Continued from page twelve in the Greek text where the word locates a colt to ride into Jerusa­ used for "healed" also means lem. Mark obviously intends the story to demonstrate extraordin­ "saved." ary knowledge on the part of The followers of Jesus, with their perfectly good eyes, have Jesus. The description of the "colt not seen. The blind man persists tied" recalls Genesis 49, where until he sees and immediately starts to follow Jesus up the a passage deals with the coming of a king from Judah. the phrase, road, along the way. "on which" no one has ridden" What way? Along the way fulfills a requirement for an ani­ Jesus' followers have not follow­ mal to be used in a religious ed: the way of the cross, which ceremony. Mark also sees the pil­ begins immediately with Jesus' grims' shout of Psalm 118,26 ­ entry into Jerusalem. "Blessed is he who comes in the Readers of the Gospels almost name of' the Lord" - as apply­ inevitably approach Mark's ver­ ing to Jesus. sion of Jesus' triumphal entry All in all, however, Mark's in­ into Jerusalem with the other terpretation of the entry to Jeru­ Gospels in mind. It is important salem is decidedly low-key. But to remember that neither Mark it does pory;ray Jesus as a hum­ nor his readers knew those later ble, peaceful messiah - quite versions. Therefore one should dIfferent from the glorious con­ try to discover how he and they .quering hero of popular expecta­ understood this entry into Jerusa­ tion. lem. The account ends rather anti­ Mark has condensed a great climactically with Jesus simply deal of material into his account going to the temple, looking of the next six days, an arrange­ things over and returning to ment designed to bring every­ Bethany. thing into connection with the final Passover. As interpreted by Mark, the entry into Jerusalem is a mani­ festation of Jesus as messiah. Funeral Home Traditionally, the Mount of 550 Locust Street Olives was believed the place FaD River, Mass. from which the messiah would 672·2391 appear. Rose E. Sullivan One indication that Mark in­ WUliam J. Sullivan tends the entry to be taken as a Margaret M. SUllivan messianic manifestation can be



Continued from page twelve

us from identifying, say, our

own views or style of prayer, as

the correct way, the only way.

Parish life exposes us to a rich

diversity of faith expressions

which can aid our spiritual growth. 3. Communities can provide effective ways for believers to translate their faith into action. Parishes not only can help raise our consciousness about who needs to be served; they can pro­ vide the means for us to respond to those needs. Moreover, parishes can pro­ vide the support and encourage­ ment so important for ministry. 4. Another important reason for a community dimension of faith is found in ritual. A faith devoid of ritual expression may be too cerebal, too limited in its appeal. The Christian faith is meant to touch us as whole per­ sons, our bodies, ,our feelings and our minds. When we engage in ritual at Mass or at the other sacraments we experience symbols and im­ ages that have emerged over centuries. These symbols repre­ sent humanity's deepest long­ ings, hopes and needs.

THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, Jan. 28, 1983

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 SecoJnid Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072 MICHAEL .II. McMAHON

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For children Continued from page twelve "Let her alone," Jesus said. "Why do you criticize her? She has done a beautiful thing. The poor you always will have with you. You can be generous to them whenever you wish. But you will not always have me." The woman felt relieved. She knew Jesus appreciated what she had done. Then Jesus became serious. She has done what she could," he said. "She is perfuming my body in preparation for its burial." The guests looked at one an­ other in horror. "What does Jesus mean?" they wondered. "Does he think his enemies will actually kill him?" "What this woman has just done," Jesus added in a happier tone, "will be remembered where­ ever the good news is preached throughout the world."


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THE ANCHOR:-.Dioceseof 'Fall' River':"':F~i.;

Jan. 28,



on your · d?• mIll Q. I re,d about a survey of attitudes among seniors at a Catholic high school in the Midwest. Forty-seven percent said they ,think it's OK ,for a couple to live to­ gether before deciding about getting married; 46 precent said, they didn't think it seriously wrong to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage. I'm sure yOU'll ha·ve some reac­ tions to what' do you think about to, this? (Wisconsin)


A. If 47 percent of a high school class thinks anti-Semitism is OK, dO,es that make it all right? Or if 52 percent wanted racially segregated schools to be the rule, could a Christian go along with the majority? Sometimes people learn about the wisdom of God's plan only after harsh experiences. The higJ1 school seniors mentioned in your question might find it enlighten­ ing to hear what a young man told me several weeks ago. Brad at 24 is tough and still fairly wild. He is divorced, lived with a young woman for."four months, and has had any num· ber of casual relationships. Here is what he is thinking now: "Living with that girl - it was no good for me. It's all over now and I feel empty and so does she. Brad paused for a moment, then, perhaps wistfully, he said: "Maybe we should get back to the old-fashioned way and not mess around before we get mar· ried." . A few nights later I saw a report on a national newscast on the dreaded disease of genital herpes which claims single young adults as its main victims. The anchorman said, that many young people are now more re­ luctant to take part in casual sexual relations. He commented, "The ,sexual revolution is wind­ ing down." Q, My mom reads your paper and I look at it sometimes and I thought maybe you could help us. My dad just died and she gets down a lot and worries about ,me and my' brothers, Could you ,tell us why God lets dads die 'like that? Why does he make her so sad? And wint he let her die too anet" what about us? He 'always. went to church but God







let him die, so what good is chmch? (Maryland)


on youth Suffering

height of his pain, Jesus asked are they sharing scenes and ex­ forgiveness tior his enemies. The ,periences with the beloved. But dying often ask pardon of those as we grow older we disoover that all relationships have lim­ they have injured. 'When people come together its. Scripture constantly reminds through shared suffering, they us of ,this. Isaiah, for instance; are shedding their defenses, tells us: "The flower fades, the grass withers, only the word of 'lightening the baggage that sep­ God abides." arates them, removing .the robes Life is full of undertows tak· of self-centeredness. They be­ 'ing away people, places and come members, as Albert Sch­ things from which we hate to weitzer said, ,of the fellowship of those who bear the mark of part; so that we as humans are in constant need of repair, torn pain. apart and seeking healing. Suffering can come and go And God is there in the mys­ like the wind. In most lives, it tery of our suffering. He will will for a time, but it will open new doors, send others to come· again. So we must not deceive ourselves that we are befriend us, roommates, friends, rid ,of it for once and all. If it teachers, security guards, jani­ is not our own sufferings that tors. A young girl, envied by her w~igh us down, it will be the "friends," said, "Maybe they sufferings of others. Suffering begins at birth. But don't like me because ~ have not 'Suffered enough. THat's what once we understand its nature, we can see something divine in they tell me. But is it my fault? Do they ·realize they ·are mak­ it, A priest I knew used to say, "Don't try to remove all suffer·' ing me suffer: in a way they have ing fl10m those you love. You not suffered?" We honor those who have do them an injustice. Let them be part of the suffering of transmuted their suffering, turn­ Christ... · ing what could have been a Many have lost 'loved' ones course into purification and em· during the past year. No longer powerment.

A. Your letter stirred up , By Cecilia Belanger' memories of days long gone and of another boy and his mother I recently watched a "·Firing and brother.. Line" program in which WiUiam On a freezing day in January F. 'Buckley interviewed Malcolm' 1931, when I was 7, my father Muggeridge. Muggeridge refer· died of a heart attack in a small . red to suffering as the ultimate bedroom upstairs. :~oint at which one can begin to When my mother saw that he "nderstand God. had breathed his last, she walk­ Many who called during the ed slowly over to the window, holidays told of suffering they stared out at the gray, unfriendly endured in 1982 and of how they skies and, as she told me later, turned it into something posi­ thought to herself, "There will tive, realizing for the first time never be another sorrow like what- is important and what is this one:' ~rivial. We are told to think of suffer­ A week or so later, shortly ;ng in terms of purification, not after I had gone to bed, I sud­ punishment. Few want to suffe­ denly heard my 13-year-old ~ut many will undergo pain if it brother crying in the bed. next brings purification. People will to mine. Thn he blurted out, suffer to regain health, under· "Suppose mom dies too?" r,oing an operation, for example. This new thought terrified me, Suffering is really a personal and I began crying loudly too. crucifixion uniting us with Jesus Mom came in then to reassure and after the pain leaves we us that she was in, very good may feel resurrected, as if we've health. She lived to be 75. been given another chance, a Many years later by brother new life. told me of a recurring, dream he, The most compassionate peo­ had during that sad time. He ple are those who have experi­ would see dad in a distant mea· ened the most suffering. At the dow walking toward him, then running, with arms outstretched to embrace him. "EYE IN THE SKY" is the Just as dad came very close, Alan Parsons Project latest al my brother said, he would al­ bum and single. The album peers ways wake up. The embrace into a society of the future when would never take place: Dad was hidden thoughts and intentions gone. ' become readily known to an al­ And·I imagine it is like that mighty "eye in the sky." for you and your mother and No hints are given about who brothers. You cry, and are sad or what this eye is. But one gets and you are wrestling with some the impression that it controls of the toughest' questions of hu­ By Charlie Martin and censures thoughts and ac­ man life. tions. This hardly fits in with But you are not alone. You are EYE 'IN THE SKY' the Christian value of freedom kin to me and my mother and Don't think sorry's easily said and decision making. brother and all mortal human Don't try turning tables, instead beings. , But speculation about the fu­ You've taken lots of chances before It is good and healthy to cry ture is common. Some people But I ain't gonoa give anymore and to say how sad you feel. predict nuclear destruction, .Don't ask me The night before he died, Jesus others a utopia in which all will That's. how it goes told his friends "The sorrow in work together to make Earth a 'Cause part of me knows' what you're thinJdng. my heart is so great that it al­ better place. Don't say words you're goona regret most crushes me." (Matthew What we need to remember Don't let the fire rush to your head 26:38), about the future is that it will I've' heard the accusation before , But don't spend all your hours evolve out of how we live now. And I ain't gonna take anymore mourning. Life must go on. PillY­ Our present age seems too Believe me ing games, making candy, little concerned about the future. The sun in your eyes watching TV or even cleaning the If we ,consume our resources and Made 'sOme of the 'lies worth beiievlng. house can give you a sense that destroy Earth's beauty, we fail . ' I am the eye in the sky , you will survive. our responsibility. . Looking at you , The time ahead, will not be '. Also, lif we put more money I can read your mind easy for you and, your family. . into systems of death than into I am the maker of rules At times your sorrow may seem systems that bring us together Dealing with fools '. ' almost to crush you. as citizens of one earth, we fail I can cheat you blind But you will alwaYIi have your our responsibility,. As today's And I don't need to see anymore other father, God. The Bible says followers of Jesus, if we fail to To know that I can read your mind of him, "The Lord is close to the speak out against such actions, Don't leave false illusions behind brokenh~arted." He· will journey we fail in our responsibility to Don't cry :1 ain't changing my mind with' you throughth e coming the future. So find another fool like before .year. , God has given us the life and 'Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing And be certain of this: Good ' 'words of Jesus to help us see Some of the lies while aU of the signs times will come again, even days what our world could be. We Are deceiving. ~of great joy. Bet on it. should work toward helping Sung ,by' the Alan Parsons Project, Written by Eric Woolfson others care about each other and Send questions to' Tom Len­ and Alan Parsons,'© 1982 by Woolfsong~ Ltd. ...;. Careers MUsic inc. the' earth we share. non, 1312 Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C, 20005.


. tv, mOVIe news


By Bill Morrissette


Spartans, Warrior Honored Two Bishop Stang High School athletes and one from Coyle and Cassidy have been honored. Senior back Joe Duchaine of Bishop Stang was named to the Eastern Massachusetts Division Two soccer all-star team. He was among the many stellFlr booters honored at the Eastern Massachusetts Soccer Coaches Association all-star banquet last Sunday in Dedham. Stang's Maurice Mendonca and Coyle-Cassidy's John Field are among finalists for the Vince Lombardi Block of Granite Award. Mendonca, who played both ways on the Spartan foot­ ball team, was earlier named to the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division Three all­ scholastic team and to the New Bedford Standard-Times all­ scholastic team. Field, offensive guard for Coyle-Cassidy, has been named to the Conference Division Three, the Taunton Gazette and the Brockton Enterprise all­ scholastic teams.

Mendonca and Field, with seven other finalists, will be guests of the sponsoring Fall River Chapter of the American Cancer Society at the annual award dinner in the Venus de Milo restaurant, S~ansea, :On Sunday evening, Feb. 13. The award is similar, except in size, to that given a college player, and is the only one in the country honoring a high school lineman. To be eligible a player must be a lineman lining up as a down lineman and rec­ ommended by his coach. The other finalists are junior Daniel Lukey, Apponequet Re­ gional Hip,h School, Freetown; senior Scott Moniz.. Joseph Case High School, Swansea; senior Richard Paulson, Diehton-Re­ hoboth Regional High School; junior Timothy White, Durfee High School of Fall River; sen­ ior Michael ,Benevides, Seekonk High School; senior Raymond McDonald, Somerset High School; and senior John Med­ eiros, Tiverton High School.

Other Soccer All Stars Other soccer player.s from within the diocese honored at last Sunday's dinner are senior Eric Hobbie, Falmouth; seniors Tim Flynn and Larry Politano, Bridgewater-Raynham; and sen­ ior Luis Faria, Attleboro, in Division One. Those in Division Two are junior Peter DeFusco and sophomore Rui Almeida, Westport seniors Rick Four­ geron and Scott Rushnak, Chat­ ham; seniors Mark Palmer and John Wallace, Sandwich; senior Manuel Pimental, Diman Voke.

Politano and Macaroco were al­ so named to the state Division One all-stars. Those interested are remind­ ed that entries are bp.inp, ac­ cepted for the 24th Diocesan CYO Cheerleading Competition to be held in the Kennedy eyO Center, New Bedford, on March 6, starting at 1:30 p.m. Entry forms may be obtained from eyO Cheerleading. 403 Anawan Street, Fall River 02720.

eyo Hockey Mansfield held New Bedford to a 2-2 tie and climbed from fifth place into a fourth-place tie with idle Marion in the Bris­ tol County CYO Hockey League. In the companion game fast Sunday in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last-place Seekonk upset runnerup Fall River South 6-3. Games neX't Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink list Seekonk vs. Mansfield, New Bedford vs. Marion. The standings: New Bedford 12-1-1, 'Fall River South 5-6-3, Marion 5-7-1, Mansfield 4-6-3, Seekonk 3-9-2. Coyle-Cassidy hoopsters pinned a 61-51 upset defeat on previous­ ly unbeaten Wareham last week­ end and moved into a second­ place tie with the losers in Southeastern Mass. Conference Division Two. Each 5-1 Coyle­ Cassidy ~nd Wareham trailed un­ defeated DenniS-Yarmouth, 6-0, in the standings. Wareham was host to Dennis­ Yarmouth last Tueday when

Bishop Stang High entertained Coyle-Cassidy. Stang was 4-2 entering this week's play. As lhe second-half schedule opens tonight, Dartmouth is at Wareham, Dennis-Yarmouth at Stang, Coyle-Cassidy at Fair­ haven and New Bedford Voke­ Tech at Old Rochester. In Division One games it will be New Bedford (6-0 and setting the pace) at Barnstable, Durfee at 'Bishop Connolly, Attleboro at Somerset and Bishop Feehan at Falmouth while Division Three contests list Bourne'at Holy Fam­ ily, Case at Diman Yoke and Seekonk at Dighton-Rehoboth. Seekonk has a commanding lead in the Division Three pen­ nant race but in Division One Durfee was only one game back of New Bedford and Barnstable only two back of the pace at the end of last week. Hockomock League basket­ ball tonight has Foxboro at Mansfield Canton at Sharon, Stoughton, at King Philip and Oliver Ames at North Attleboro.

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adu!ts; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

New Films Half-spoof, half-thriller, all style, no substance, "Diva" (VA Classics) recounts in never­ straightforward fashion the ad­ ventures of a romantic 18-year­ old Parisian postman named Jules (Frederic Andrei) who is obsessed with opera music in general and a beautiful black soprano in particular. This diva, Cynthia Hawkins (played by Am­ erican singer Wilhelmena Wig­ gins Fernandez), won't make a recording. She feels that there's a particular relationship between the singer and those she sings to, that must remain inviolate. Our hero secretly records one of her concerts, however, for his own listening pleasure. He doesn't consider its possible commercial value. Not so two sinister agents of a Taiwanese record company, who will stop at nothing to get the tape. That would be enough plot but there's a second, concerning a prostitute fleeing from two vicious thugs who drop a sec­ ond tape into Jules' mailbag just before they do her in. On it is a confession in which she impli­ cates a' police official in an inter­ national drug and prostitution ring. Thus the vicious thugs soon join the sinister Taiwanese in livening up our hero's life. Fortunately Jules finds allies, an eccentric esthete devoted to Zen and giant crossword puzzles and his chattering teenage Viet­ namese mistress, an accomplish­ ed shoplifter. "Diva" has some nudity and violence. Because of this and be­ cause of a scene with a prosti­ tute, it is rated A3, R. ''The Toy" (Columbia): Based on a perfectly dreadful .French comedy, this perfectly dreadful American comedy features Rich­ ard Pryor as a down-on-his-luck journalist so desperate for money that he is willing to let a ruth­ less tycoon (Jackie Gleason) hire him to be the playmate rof his spoiled brat of a son. This is a movie to avoid, no matter how great the exertion necessary to do so. Some comically intended scenes with sexual implications make it mature fare. A3, PG Films on TV Sunday, Jan. 30, ~ p.m.. (ABC)

"Smokey and the Bandit" (1977) - Burt Reynolds, Sally Field and Jackie Gleason star in this chase comedy about a daredevil trucker pursued by a stat~ trooper. Little humor, lots of bor­ ing car crashes. Vulgar and pro­ fane language and suggestion of premarital sex. A3, PG Saturday, Feb. 5, 8:30 p.m. (CBS) "10" (1979) - An aging songwriter -(Dudley Moore) madly pursues the perfect woman (80 Derek) even though she's on her honeymoon. This sometimes­ funny comedy tries to have it both ways - satirizing modern promiscuity, for example, but thrbwing in nudity. O. R. TV Program Wednesday, Feb. 2, 8-11 p.m. (CBS) "The Scarlet and the Black." In a drama based on a true story, Gregory Peck plays the courageous Msgr. Hugh 0' Flaherty, a Vatican official who helped thousands of Allied POW escapees hide in German-occu­ pied Rome during World War II. Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, Jan. 23, WLNE, Chan­ nel 6, 10:30 a.m. Diocesan Tele­ vision Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocsan di­ rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: Computers: Wonder or Danger? "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. "MarySon," a family support show with moral and spiritual perspective, 6 p.m. each· Thurs­ day, Fall River and New Bed­ ford cable channel 13. Sunday, Jan. 30, (ABC) "Di· rections" - The abortion debate 10 years after the U.S. Supreme Court decision is reviewed. Sunday, Jan. 30, (CBS) "For Our Times" The religious community reacts to the Law of the Sea treaty. On Radio Charismatic programs are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE 1210 AM: Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonoughh is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. Sunday, Jan. 30 (NBC) "Guide­ line" - Father Joseph O'Hare is interviewed about the Catholic press.

THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, Jon. 28, 1983



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frigerator and maintenance service.






PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN , are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included. as well as full dates of all activilies, Please send news of future rather than past events, Note: We do not ca,ry news of fund raising 'activities such as bingos. whists. dances. suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry noticp.s of soirllual p,""'.'11S. club meetings. youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing pro­ jects may be advertised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Ailchorbusiness office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points items FR indicates Fall River. NB indicates New Bedford.

MEMORIAL HOME Residents meet in the chaoel at 4:30 p.m. daily for recitatfon of the rosary. The current issue of the weekly news sheet distributed to residents includes a special tribute to dinin~ room a,ttendant Aline Santos, cited for "patience, consideration and love." O.L. FATIMA, SWANSEA Plans are under way for cele­ bl'ation of the parish silver ju­ bilee in May. A CYO ski trip will be held in February. An Irish night is planned for .Saturday, March 12. L"SALEITE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO ' Sister Yvette Beford. SSA, will direct a day of centering Drayer from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. S·aturday, Feb. 5. Formation of a LaSalette Shrine Chorale has been an­ nounced by Father Andre Pate­ naude, MS, shrine director. Re­ hearsals will begin at' 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8, in the People's Chapel and will continue weekly at the same day a.nd time. Information on both activities: 222-5410. ST. ANNE, FR Confirmation candidates will attend a day of recollection from 3:30 to 10 p.m. Wednesday. .A Blue and, Gold Cub Scout banquet will take pIace in the school 'auditorium following 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, Feb. 6. Fellowship meetings will be held in, the school cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, 17 and 24. VINCENTIANS, FR Greater Fall River Vincen­ tians will attend a district coun­ cil meeting 'at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. ' Mass will be followed by ·a business session. SACIltEDHEART, FR Second graders· will receive first penance at 11 a.m. tomor.,. row in the rectory chapel. Con­ firmation candidates will ·meet at 9,a.in. Saturday, Feb. 5. BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS , The Blessed Sacrament, will . be exposed from 8:30a.m. to 8:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 4, at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairha­ ven. All welcome. SEPARATE'D/DIVORCED, FR Cardio-pulmonary resuscita­ tion (CPR) training .will be of­ fered members of· the Greater Fall River area support group for Separated/Divorced/Remar­ ried Catholics at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8, at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Swansea. Those wish­ ing to participate should contact Bob Pacheco, 674-2042. ST. THOMAS MORE,'


In the event of 'heavy snow on Saturday nights, ·a 5 p.m. Sun­ day Mass will replace the 7:30 a.m. Sunday celebration, since it is difficult .to have the park­ ing lot plowed 'at suchan early hour. A new youth dialogue progl'am is open to .high school students. Meetings are held in the rectory at 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month, with the next meet­ ing this Wednesc'-3Y. The to.9iC will be death and dying and a guest speaker will be present.

ST. MARY, MANSFIELD A seven-part film series, Fo­ cus on the Family, featuring Dr. James C. Dobson, psycholo­ gist and family counselor, will be shown at St. Mary's begin­ ning at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13, and continuing 'at the same day and time for the following six weeks. Presentations include "The Strong-Willed Child," "Shaping ,the Will without Breaking the Spirit,....Christian , Fathering," '''Preparing for Ado­ lescence" and "What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew ·about Women." All are welcome. ST. MARY,NB Lectors are needed and those interested in joining this minis­ try are asked to contact the rec­ tory. , Volunteers are sought to assist in renovation of the parish reli­ gious education center. Informa_ tion: Sister Rita at the CCD of­ fice. Those wishing to visit the el­ derly in nursing 'homes for a few .hours a month are invited ·to contact Eleanor Bissonnette, , 995-2076, or Ann Tremblay, 995­ 9428.

SS. PETER & PAUL, FR ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Throats will be blessed after The Father Carey Center is available for use by parishioners the 8 a.m. Masson Thursday, for post-funeral receptions. feast of St. Blaise. The social conr-erns,adminis­ "Rather than inflict upon the tration, spiritual 'life and educa­ grieving family ,an 'added ex­ pense of a reception," notes tion COmmittees of the parish council will meet between Feb. Father William Campbell,pas­ tor, in the parish bulletin, ..it . 3 'and Sas 'announced in the would seem appropriate the parish bulletin. relatives and friends would be ST. STANISLAUS, FR most cooperative in preparing Kindergarten ,registration for the necessary foods." September will follow 10:30 a.m. A class is in process of for­ Mass Sunday. Upper grade reg­ mation for Eucharistic ministers. istrations will be accepted Sun­ Those interested may contact day, Feb. 6, at the same ,time. the rectory. Parents of first communion Prayer petition boxes are candidates will meet at 6:15 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 6. available in the chul'ch and cen­ ter. The same petition should not be repeated in the course of XAVIER SOCIETY, NY a year, since ·all petitions are A weekly newsletter for the for from one Lent to the next. deafblind is available at no At that time they 'are burned in charge from the Xavier Society, a speQal ceremony ami it is then 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. fitting to repeat a request. 10010. The choir will present the # Theodore Dubois cantata; '''The ST. MARY, SEEKONK Parents of Grade 7 CCD stu­ Seven Last Words of Christ," as a Palm Sunday concert. Also dents will attend a conference being organized isa handbell at 8 p.m. Monday. New altar boys meet in the choir and those wishing to join church at 1 p.m. each Saturday. may contact Father Campbell.

Canon law code

the code will be held at the Continued from page one Vatican Feb. 3. cluding Archbishop Rosalio.}ose ,Copies of the full text of the Castillo Lara, a 60-year-old Ven­ ezuelan who is the commission's new cod~, which is written in Latin, were still being printed by FAMILY LIFE CENTER pro-president. Forthcoming meetings at the At a press conference on Jan. the Vatican on the day of its North Dartmouth center include promulgation and Father Panci­ a cha,rismatic renewal meeting 25 prior to the signing ceremony, Archbishop Castillo Lara said roli said they would be available for New Bedford deanery lead­ ers from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomor­ the new code greatly expands the for distribution "at the end of row; a parish family ministers role of the laity. As an example, January." meeting on Sunday; manage­ The printing of the text of the ment workrhoo meetings for St. he noted that in areas where Anne's Ho~oital personnel all there ·is a severe shortage of pope's promulgation decree was d"y Tuesday, Wednesday and priests, the new code allows for also still in progress on the day Thur~da.y ·anda confirmation parishes to be administered by of the signing. candidates' program for St. lay men .and lay women. Lay Anne's parish, Fall River, on In addition to modifying many people so designated could not Wednesd,ay. post-Vatican II reforms which celebrate Mass nor hear confess­ ST. RITA, MARION have been ushered into the Ten o'clock Mass Sunday ions but could be permitted to church by particular legislation, morning will be offered in be regular ministers of baptism, the new code streamlines the thanksgiving for the 23rd anni­ witness marriages, preside at church's regulations, reducing versary of ordination of Father funeral services and direct prep­ John J. Steakem, pastor. the number of canons from 2,414 aration for the reception of the in the 1917 version to 1,752. ST, JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN sacraments. Both junior 'and senior choirs Archbishop Castillo Lara said The new code prohibits wom­ pra.ctice in the rectory on Thurs­ days, the juniors from 6:30 to en . from being ordained priests the new text aims at decentra­ 7:30 p.m. ,and the seniors from or deacons· and from holding the lizing church authority, granting 7 .to 8 p.m. Both welcome new permanent ministries of lector to .national conferences of bish­ members. ops some prerogatives which pre­ or acolyte. Throats will 'be blessed after , Archbishop Castillo Lara said viously belonged only to the all Masses this weekend and be­ fore and after the daily Masses that'in all other areas of the new pope. on Wednesday. . code "there is no discrimination The new code, the Venezuelan - whatever a lay person can do, archbishop said, incorporates in­ BL. SACRAMENT, FR to its text a section on the rights Expectant parents 'are ,asked a woman can do... ' to -3,pproach the pastor four , and responsibilities of all Cath· The new code thus would per­ months before the expected olics, derived from a draft once birth of their baby -in order to mit women to fill such positions begin spiritual preparations for as diocesan chancellors, judges considered for separate promul. baptism. A blessing for expect­ on diocesan marriage tribunals gation, called the ."Lex Eccle­ ant mothers will be given on or members of diocesan synods. siae Fundamentalis," which in reauest after any Mass: . The commission pro-president English means "fundamental law The Women's Guild marks its silver ,anniversary today. The added that women can continue of the church." formal celebration will take to do scriptural readings at Mass The effective date for the new pla,ce Wednesday. Aoril 13, with· despite not being eligible for in­ code, Archbishop Castillo Lara a banquet at McGovern's res­ taurant 'at which past presidents stitution in the permanent min­ announced, will be Nov. 27, the and moderators will be guests istry of lector. first Sunday of Advent in 1983. of honor. . The pope signed three copies Until that time, the code of 1917 ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET of the new code and three copies and its subsequent legislative A prayer meeting at 7 p.m. of, the . apostolic constitution reforms, continues to govern, Thursday will begin with Mass which promulgates it. The apos­ Archbishop Castillo Lara said and conclude with a 'social hour. tolic constitution is called "Sa­ that the preparation of the code Board members of the Dioce­ sa" Council of Catholic Women crae Disciplinae Legis," which in demonstrates the collegial con­ will me~t Sunday, Feb. 6,at t1)e English means "of the sacred cept which its text embraces. parish center. Fall River mem­ discipline of law." There were three general consul­ bers will be hostesses. One of the copies of the code will remain with the pope in his tations of all the world's bishops, CATHOLIC NUR,SES The Fall River DiocesanCoun­ Vatican apartment, one will be and other experts who contribu­ cil ,of Catholic Nurses is offering' used by the secretariat of state, ted testimony to the revision a scholarship to a council mem­ commission included clerics and and one will be kept by the draft­ ber or child ofa council mem­ lay persons from 31 nations, he ing commission, said Father Ro­ ber either entering orcontinu­ said. ing nursing studies. Applica­ meo Panciroli, Vatican press ·tions, to be returned by March spokesman. 1,are ·avaHable, from Elizabeth Opportunity The pope gave no talk 'during Wertenber,ger, 61 Johnson St., Taunton, or P·atricia Lackey, 252 the signing· ceremony. Archbish­ "When we once begin to form Blackstone St., Fall River. The op Castillo Lara told the group good resolutions, God gives us scholarship recipient will be an­ nounced at the spring meeting present that a formal ceremony every opportunity of carrying solemnizing -the promulgation of them out."-St. John Chrysostom of the di·ocesan council.

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