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t eanc 0 VOL. 25, No.5


20c, $6 Per Year

Hostages required decompression BUFFALO, N.Y. (NC) - A Buffalo psychiatrist said the period of decompression for the 52 U.S. hostages released from Iran was necessary because of "the scope of the traumatic ordeal" which they experienced. . "It was not simply a case of being held together in some nice, comfortable building by friendly captors who ministered to their needs," said Dr. Armand DiFrancesco, a psychiatrist in private practice. "Rather, it was 444 days of traumatic stress that was demoralizing and degrading to the human spirit." DiFrancesco is also a columnist for the Western New York Catholic Visitor. newspaper of the Buffalo Diocese, and his analysis of the hostages' experience is scheduled for the Feb. 1 issue of the paper. On Jan. 23, three days after the hostages' release, Dr. Jerome Korcak, head of the State Department medical team examining them in Wiesbaden, West Germany, said some of them showed guilt feelings and other signs of temporary psychiatric illness. Noting that the Iranian captors were Shi'ite Moslems, DiFrancesco said they belonged to "a culture that condones the killing of female adulterers, death by stoning, the cutting off extremities, tongues and heads for various crimes, that treats

women as second-class citizens or as man's chattel." The Iranians "have a paranoid coloring to their thinking and attitudes toward others. They believe that two wrongs make a right, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for' a tooth." "They were rightfully critical of the U.S. involvement in the internal affairs of Iran and of some wrongdoings of the shabo However, their reaction and subsequent behavior indicated that 'the pot was now calling the kettle black' and the oppressed were now becoming the oppressors - just as evil, just as anarchic and just as cruel." When they were first caJ.>tured, the hostages probably experienced shock and disbelief, DiFrancesco continued. "Not only was their freedom taken away but now faced the threat of being put on trial and possibly executed as spies." As time went on, DiFrancesco said, hostages felt anger and resentment toward the Iranians and toward the U.S. government for not preventing their capture. Still later, he went on, hostages experienced depression and a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. During captivity, some hostages would sustain themselves by faith in God, the psychiatrist said. "Others would be continuTurn to Page Three

Pope plans. to visit Anc.horage en route from Far East It was Christmas, the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving all in one as the hostages came home.

Diocese gives $121,700 to quake aid Bishop Daniel A. Cronin announced today that $121,700 had been contributed by members of the Fall River diocese to earthquake relief efforts in southern Italy. The funds were transmitted to Catholic Relief Services, the overseas aid agency of the Ameriqm 'bishops, which has been in the forefront of efforts to alleviate effects of the death and destruction caused by the earthquake. . In praising the diocesan con-

tribution, Bishop Cronin noted that Bishop Edwin -J. Broderick, national director of Catholic Relief Services, had expressed gratitude and delight at the. unprecedented generosity of the 113 parishes of the diocese. An earthquake relief collection was taken up in all parishes last Dec. 6 and 7. Additionally, members of the Italian parishes of St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford, and Holy Rosary, Fall River, collected bedding and clo-

thing and acted as collection agencies for area organi~ations wishing to channel funds to Italy. SiIDilar generosity was demonstrated in January, 1980, when the diocese contributed nearly $100,000 to the diocese of Angra, Azores, following a severe New Year's day earthquake that left towns and villages on the islands of Terceira, Sao Jorge and Graciosa from 60 to 80 percent destroyed.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (NC) - Pope John Paul II will stop in Anchorage for about three hO\lrs Feb. 26 to refuel on his way back to Rome from a trip to the Far East. Vte stop - along with an earlier visit to Guam, a U.S. territory - ' will mark the second visit by Pope John Paul to the United States in 17 months. He visited six cities on the U.S. mainland in October 1979. The papal trip to the Far East will begin Feb. 16 and take the pope to the Philippines, .Japan and Guam. The pope will leave Japan on Feb. 27 but arrive in Anchorage between approximately 9 and 10 a.m. on Feb. 26 after crossing the International Date Line. A motorcade will take him to downtown Anchorage to visit

Holy Family Cathedral before he goes to a former airstrip for the Mass, celebrated at a protected altar. . "As far as Alaskans are concerned, we're used to cold weather," said a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Anchorage about plans for the outdoor Mass. On the day the announcement was made, though, it was 42 degrees Fahrenheit and raining. The average February temperature in Anchorage is 18 degrees Fahrenheit. Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage expressed gratitude on behalf of the Catholic people df Alaska and added, "We look upon this visit, however, also as a civic event and invite our Alaskan friends and Turn to Page Three


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Jan. 29, 1981

WASHINGTON (NC) -- The unsung heroes President Reagan spoke of in his inaugural address could be found in his own backyard, said March for Life president Nellie Gray. Those heros, she 路said, are the tens of thousands of pro-lifers from across the country who gathered in Washington Jan. 22 to march against abortion. WASHINGTON (NC) -- More than a half dozen pro-life leaders met with President Reagan at the White House Jan. 22 after the annual March for Life and said they were satisfied with the new president's commitment to their cause. Declining to attend the meeting was Nellie Gray, leader of the march', who instead had wanted Reagan to come out of the White House and speak to the thousands of participants.

ARCHBISHOP John Roach, right, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, greets Archbishop Pio Laghi, new apostolic delegate in the United States. Center, Msgr. Clemente Faccani, delegation . charge d'affaires. (NC Photo)

WASHINGTON (NC) - Pausing during a March for Life vigil concert Jan. 21, singer Jeff Steinberg told about 300 right to lifers that each person is special, "certainly not to he thrown in the trash can because he's not perfect." The singer was born without hands or arms and with malformed legs. WINTER PARK, Fla. (NC) - An Orange County physician who operates an abortion clinio has filed suit in Florida circuit court against two national Catholic organizations, Bishop Thomas J. Grady of Orlando and another doctor and his wife. The physician charges interference with his activities. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John PaulH and the Jesuit superior general, Father 'Pedro Arrupe, met recently to discuss at length the process involved in the resignation of a Jesuit superior general. Last year the Jesuits announced that Father Arrupe had begun the resignation process but halted it "for the time being" at the pope's personal request.


SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador (NC) - A dozen Catholic and Protestant groups, including the Confederation of Religious, said the Salvadoran insurrection against repression is just, although Christians abhor war and prefer to seek peace. WASHINGTON (NC) - The Supreme Court has refused to honor a request by atheist Madalyn Murray C)'Hair that the word "God" be dropped from the traditional opening of a session of a federal appeals court. The sessions traditionally open with the words, "Oyez, oyez, God save our nation and this honorable court."

HORSE SENSE: Father John Archibald talks to horse owner John Schmitt at Thistledown Race Track, Cleveland. The priest is pastor of a unique "parish" of racetrack personnel for whom he says Mass each Sun路 day in the grandstand and to whom he makes pastoral visits during the. week. (NC Photo)

DENVER (NC) - "The disappeared" is a phrase that is becoming a symbol in Latin American countries, especially EI Salvador, where violence and political strife have led to the disappearance of hundreds and the deaths of thousands, said Vince McGee, U.S. chairman of Amnesty International, a worldwide human rights organization. He said Amnesty's U.S. section was particularly concerned about EI Salvador because of the debate about whether or not the United States should help the Salvadoran government with money and arms. OITAWA (NC) - The Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops wants the rights of unborn, native peoples (Indians and Eskimos) and denominational schools protected in the proposed new Canadian constitution. The bishops outlined their position in a ,brief to the Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada which is drafting a proposed constitution. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (NC) - Argentina's military government is drafting a counterproposal to a plan submitted by Pope John Paul II to solve the border dispute between Argentina and Chile, according to the influential daily, La Prensa. VATICAN CITY (NC) - A group of Chinese Catholics recently told officials of Jesuit-run Vatican Radio that it is encountering "certain difficulties" in meeting together to listen to the radio broadcasts. SPOKANE, Wash. (NC) - Bishop Lawrence Welsh of Spokane reported that he saw "much evidence of llxtreme human suffering" during a visit to Guatemala, where his diocese sponsors missionary activity.


J...I CHICAGO BEARS placekicker Bob Thomas is on camera for the new cable TV series; "American Catholic," which made its debut Monday on some 1600 cable TV stations, has a potential audience of nine million Viewers. (NC';,})~~to)

SAN SALVADOR, lEI Salvador (NC) ~ At least five of 10 church camps for displaced persons have be,en searched or occupied by security forces during the rebel offensive against the civilian-military government and at least two seminarians have been detained. ROME (NC) - It~lly's Constitutional Court has dismissed as irrelevant or unfounded a series of lower court challenges to the constitutionality of tile country's abortion law. The dismfssal means that for the time being the court will not have to rule on the constitutionality of the law or its challenged provisions. .

NCCW healds meet in D(:

Thurs., Ja n. 29, 1981


Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of St. Mary's Cathedral pari,;h, Fall River, treasurer of the J'i'ational Council of Catholic Women, has returned from an executive committee meeting of the organization held last week in Washington, D.C. She reported that cou::lcillors participated in last Thursday's March for Life and that it was decided to -change previously scheduled dates for the forth~ coming NCCW national convention. It will now be held from Oct. 5 through 9 in Kansas City, Mo. The convention theme will be "Sixty Years Reflecting Christ: Remembering, Renewing." During last week's meeting, said Mrs. McMahon, a congratulatory telegram was received from Archbishop John R. Roach, president of the National Council of Catholic Bishops. He noted the 60-year- record of the NCCW and praised its "continuing vitality, which promises so much for the years ahead." In other business the executive committee reaffirmed support for a "paramount human life amendment" to the Constitution and appointed an ad hoc committee on ethnic outreach to study ways of encouraging minority group women to enter the mainstream of church service and involvement. It was announced that $250, 000 had been contributed to Catholic Relief Services Third World projects as a result of programs sponsored by the NCCW International Affairs Commission.

Affiliated groups were asked to participate in a study of the structural elements of the Mass initiated by the American bishops' Secretariat on the Liturgy.

Anchorag{~ Continued from Page One neighbors for this papal festival. Archbishop Hurely emphasized the ecumenical dimension of the visit and said he hoped it "will move us another step forward on the road to unity in Jesus Christ." Bishop Paul C. Marcinkus, president of the Vatican Bank, who plans papal trips, ws:s in Anchorage early this ,month to make arrangements for the visit. Alaska is divided into the Anchorage Archdiocese, with 16, 000 Catholics, the Fairbanks Diocese, with about 14,000 and the Juneau Diocese, with about 5,000. The papal visit to Guam is expected to include an ope::t-air Mass Feb. 23 preceded the night before by a motorcade and paraliturgical service.





Two silver jubilees on Monday Father James W. Clark and Father Shoveiton Father Gerald T. Shovelton will Friends, family members and mark their silver jubilee of area religious and fellow priests priestly ordination on Monday. will join St. Ann parishioners for Both were ordained Feb. 2, 1956 Father Shovelton's Sunday celein _St. Mary's' Cathedral by now bration. It is noted that over 15 retired Bishop James L. Con- of the pastor's years as a priest nolly. have been spent in the Taunton Father Clark, pastor of St. area. John the Evangelist parish, PoFrom April, 1960, to May, casset, will defer public obser- 1971, he was associate pastor of vance of his anniversary until St. MarY'1) Church, Taunton, Sunday, April 26, when, with where his duties included direcwinter weather behind them, torship of the parochial school. parishioners will fete him at a He has been pastor of St. Ann's dinner dance at the Massachu- since Sept. 11, 1974. setts l\1aritime Academy in BuzHis other assignments includzards Bay. ed curacies at St. Patrick's The celebration for Father parish, Fall River, Sacred Heart, Shovelton, pastor of St. Ann's Oak Bluffs and St. Thomas More, parish, Raynham, will come on Sunday. A 4 p.m. concelebrated Mass of thanksgiving at St. St. Ann's will be followed by a dinner at the Venus de Milo resWASHINGTON :(NC) taurant, Swansea. Three members of Congress, reFather Clark Father Clark was born July 21, turning from a fact-finding trip 1929, in New Bedford, the son of to Central America, have disthe late James W. and Cather- puted State Department assurine Clark. A graduate of Holy ances that an investigation into Family High School, New Bed- the early December murders of ford, he studied for the priest- four American Catholic women hood at St. Charles College, Ca- missionaries is taking place. Reps. Gerry E. Studds (0tonsville, Md., and St. John's Mass.), Barbara Mikulski, (DSeminary, Brighton. . He served as associate pastor Md.) and Robert Edgar (D-Pa.) 'at St. Patrick's parish, Ware- said they were told Jan. 16 by ham, St. Joseph's, Fall River, Robert White, U.S. ambassador . and St. Mary'S, Taunton, before to EI Salvador, that no meaningbeing named administrator of ful investigation is taking place. "They're not doing a . . . Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs in 1973. He was appointed to his present thing to investigate," Studds quoted White as telling the conposition Feb. I, 1977. In addition to his pastoral gressmen. The assurance that such an induties, Father Clark was involved in the Papal Volunteers for vestigation was taking place was Latin America and Extension one of the major justifications Home Volunteers programs. given by the State Department While in Taunton he was chair- for the mid-January resumption .man of the city's Drug Com- of military aid to EI Salvador. 11;lission and president of the The aid was cut off afte.r the Taunton Clergy Association. In deaths of the American women. 1978 he was appointed chaplain The delegation spent 10 days to Bourne Council, Knights of in Central America, visiting CosColumbus. ta Rica, Nicaragua and HondThe Pocasset pastor holds a _uras, including trips to the bormaster's degree in counseling der between EI Salvador and Honduras to meet refugees from from Boston College.

Somerset. In 1972 he was named administrator of St. Rita's parish, Marion, where he served until receiving his present appointment. Father Shovelton served for some time in the 1960s as director of the Taunton Hispanic apostolate. Born in Fall River, the son of Mr. and Mrs. AlbertE. Shovelton, the jubilarian attended the former Coyle High School in Taunton and St. Charles and St. John's seminaries. Sunday's observance is being coordinated by Catherine Poirier with Harriet Gray as chairperson of the ticket committee.

Fact finders say no probe EI Salvador's civil war. In a Jan. 18 c~ble to President Carter and then-President-elect Reagan, the trio urged .an end to U.S. military aid to El Salvador. "We are convinced and have collected eyewitness evidence that atrocities are regularly being committed by the security forces of the Salvador government," the three stated. "Murder, rape, torture and the burning of crops are being inflicted upon the Salvadoran people by the very troops now receiving U.S. military aid," they added. The three, who returned to the United States on Jan. 19, said they interviewed a !)umber of Salvadoran refugees at the Honduran border. The refugees, according to the congressmen, said they had been subjected to con,stant harassment "aimed at destroying whole villages suspected of harboring individuals in opposition to the current Salvadoran government." The congressmen also said a United Nations agency has estimated that more than 15,000 such refugees have fled the U.S.路 backed Salvadoran government.

Continued from page one ously anxious and depressed, perhaps over a period of time developing psychosomatic disorders, such as ulcers or hypertension." The attempt of some hostages to survive "by developing empathy for their captors, by identifying with them and their cause," he said, leads to "guilt feelings and a conflict of loyalties." The hostages lived "in a continuous state of uncertainty" about their future, DiFrancesco said. "They had no communication of consequence from the outside world; they were kept in isolation from each other mainly and were subjected to frequent threats, lies (one was told his mother had died); some were beaten, and some exposed to mock execution rites." Finally, the sudden transition to freedom "can be just as harmful and psychologically stressful as their imprisonment," the psychiatrist said. Government health officers, drawing on the observations of other hostages, prisoners of war and concentration camp survivors, the psychiatrist said, knew it was necessary to provide a period of observation and examination, an opportunity to ventilate and talk out any concerns, and some briefing on how to cope with the mass media and "well-meaning individuals who would barrage them. with intimate questions" making relive their captivity.-


(necrolo9Y) January 31 Rev. Charles J. Burns, 1901, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro Rev. William F. Sullivan 1930, Pastor, St. -Patrick, Somerset Rev. Manuel C. Terra, 1930, Pastor, St. Peter, Provincetown February 1 Rt. Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly, 1948, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton Rev. Anatole F. Desmarais, 1975, Pastor, St. James, Taunton Rt. Rev. Patrick Hurley, 1968, Pastor, St. Joseph, Taunton February 2 Most Rev. William Stang, D.O., 1907, First Bishop of Fall River 1904-07 Rev. Patrick F.. McKenna, 1913, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton Rev. John L. McNamard, 1941, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 路Rev. P. Roland Decosse, 1947, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford February 3 Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, 1952, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River February 4 Rt. Rev. Hugh J. Smyth, P.R., 1921, Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford - 1st Vicar General, Fall River 1904-07 - Administrator of-Diocc!ie Feb, - July 1907


the living word

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Jan. 29, 1981

themoorin~ Food For Thought A decade ago, who would have dreamed that the work of a single nun would achieve the tremendous proportions of growth and dedication it currently enjoys? Few in the American church would have thought that Mother Teresa would be opening religious houses in a land that was closing many of its own novitiates, convents and seminaries: In fact, the dynamism of the Missionary Brothers and Sisters of Charity has become a stumbling block to many Americans who thought they had the answers to all social ills. . In the rush to reform, many religious in this country fled their mountain tops to flood the marketplace with a gospel they called "relevant." The complexities of social justice became confused and confounded in the mass dash to' get on the "do good" bandwagon. Thousands left the traditional life to join in what was thought to be religious social work. In a sincere effort to be all things to all men and women, many lost all they had as religious and in some cases even themselves. Somehow and somewhere along the line it became fashionable to b.e so involved in the marketplace that the thought of returning even occasionally to the mountain top was seen as archaic and "pre-conciliar." The refusal even to look back to the place they had fled left many religious wandering aimlessly in the twisting alleys of the marketplace. Many got lost. Upon this scene of confusion imd in some cases even conflict came a middle-aged nun from the slums of Calcutta. Her message was and is simple, direct and church. She preaches a gospel devoid of the esoteric and occult. She does not call endless meetings to permit the world to encounter a beatitudinal church. To those who felt they had a particu·lar··hold on the'social work in the marketplace, she has becorne'a contradiction of conscience. At first many in the United States felt that her approach to servanthood was medieval, that it could work only in India or some other Third World country. Never did her critics think that the so-called advanced nations of, the world would be spellbound by Mother Teresa's words and work. Today those same critics must stand in lonesome amazement. The efforts of Mother Teresa are successful because she is a true servant of the church, with all that designation implies. She has never been a mere "religious" social worker. She has never substituted the word of Christ for the jargon of sociology. The motivating force for Mother Teresa's work and the reason for its incredible growth and acceptance are to be found exactly in the simplicity of prayer and work. It would be well for us all to keep in mind a statement she made to a group of Los Angeles women: "We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. The world today is hungry for love. You and I cail meet this hunger if we give the world the love of Jesus." . May we who are baptized into the Lord, especially today's' religious, pray that the spirit of Mother Teresa's words will be our spirit as we attempt to fulfill our own commitment to Christ and his church.



Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.

EDITOR Rev. J<)hn F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . l .. ary Press

Fall R"ler

'Love the light of wisdom, all ye that bear rule over peoples.' Wisd, 6:23


• to reCeIVe COllIIDunion

By Rev. Kevin J. Harrington

The Bishops' '::;ommittee on the Liturgy has been a center of attention in recent months. Controversy has erupted over the celebration of holy days on weekdays and the presumed sexist wording of the Consecration of the Mass. How many are truly inconvenienced beyond rea~on by celebrating holy days during the wee'lI:? How many are truly enraged by the use of "all men" rather than "all" at the Consecration? I am sure those who raised these objections were sincere and goodwilled. However, I wonder if they are truly . concerns shared by the majority of the faWlful. I suppose certain vociferous minorities will always be catered to when they voice their discontent in an organized manner. But there are many reasons for the faithfu:. to be discontented at the present liturgy. Many Catholics, however, are repulsed by the idea of lobbying the bishops as a :neans of expressing their concerns. Yet it is the only means they have of expressing their discontent in a constructive manner. I have heard and frequently agreed with many of the pet peeves of such Catholics. I hope I am doing. more here than indulging my own pet peeves. I hope' I am expressing the feelings of many Catholics throughout the diocese when r'say, for, instance, that I share the concern of our present pope over the decline in the numbers of faithful frequenting the sacrament of penance. To dismiss in a cavalier manner one's obligation to be in the

state of grace when receiVIng the Eucharist is to flirt with the danger of committing sacrilege. Along with the lack of a sense of sin is the lack of a sense of the holy. Since man can rationalize almost any sin, there is little need for repentance. Yet do-it-yourself spirituality is doomed to fail. because the focus of our faith is no longer God, but man. And nowhere is this more obvious than in the manner in which holy communion is received. The present procedure of distribution is not conducive to the instilling of reverence. Much catechesis is needed in this area. There is little likelihood, however, that the church will return to i,ts former way of distributing Communion. Although it is difficult to be reverent when the recipients before and after you seem to be in a hurry, as frequently does also the priest or the extraordinary minister or deacon, it is not impossible. Rather than simply be critical of the present method of distribution, I would like to suggest six ways to ensure more reveren reception of Communion:' 1. One should never approach the Eucharist if one has the slightest doubt as to whether h~ or she has committed a mortal sin. This should not make one scrupulous, simply hesitant to offend God by ignoring . one's duty to repent and make a good confession before receiving Christ in the Eucharist. 2. One should always

pray in immediate preparation for receiving Communion. It is human to be distracted but it is our duty to be as prayerful as we can when we receive Communion. 3. One's demeanor should be reverent as one waits in line. One's hands should be folded, not thrust in one's pockets. 4. Pope Paul VI encouraged the faithful to show external devotion to the Blessed Sacrament just before reception of Communion. A bow or the sign of the cross are the most common gestures used. 5. One receiving in the hand should cross and elevate the palms and look at the Host as the priest 0': special minister holds it before one. It is disconcerting if the communicant attempts to take the host himself or herself or if the hands are held at waist level instead of being raised. 6. One should say a prayer of thanksgiving fat the wonderful opportunity of encountering Christ in the sacrament of his body and blood. ",·.,.,..,·.·"""·;,,,..•,,.,·,,.,,.II.·..,,,,,,"'·.."'..m""'llll·,""...".""""",,,,,,,,......


(U5PS·545-o20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addrell ;hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fill River. MA 02122

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Jan. 29, 1981

Games parents play larly if we find ourselves playing some of the games mentioned by professionals who work with groups of parents. There isn't space here to go into solutions but here are the most commonly shared problems. I'm thinking your group - sacramental prep, Marriage Encounter or family catechesis - might find these valuable for discussion purposes.

"Parents are always bringing up sex but when we start talking about it, they back off," said a young nurse. "Why? Are they afraid of it or reluctant to discuss it in a group or what? Heads nodded in agreement as she voiced her frustration and puzzlement. Then we moved on to the next member of the circle, a school counselor, who said, "My biggest problem is the social barrier. I'm from II small community where there's a stigma attached if you go tl) a parent class. People wonder what's wrong with you. Why do you need a class? Are you a bad parent or something?" Again, there were wan smiles of agreement from others and we went on around the circle. We were participants in a weekend workshop on conducting parent groups at a local Center for Parenting Education, and WE: learned something valuable quickly: that we experience simi:lar reactions and hear similar messages from parents, whether we are in school, health, agency, or church work. Just as parents voice common frustrations over children while sharing solutions, so did Wl~, only this time parents were the subject. 1 think it might be valuable to parents to hear wha.t the "teachers" say about us, particu-



say they want help and they may even come to the first meeting, but that's all. Yet, they say they learned a lot from that meeting. Why don't they come back?" "My biggest problem is getting men to come. If they do come, they're either so resentful at beidg forced by the institution or their wife to come that they just sit there sullenly with their arms folded." "How do you deal with the group monopolizer? There's always one who wants to take the whole time to talk about her problems, her children, herself." "The only thing parents are interested in is discipline. Until you mention the word discipline, nobody is interested." "My groups are fine as long as 1 keep doing all the work but the minute 1 begin to expect something from the parents themselves, the group falters. How do we involve parents in the leadership of a group?"



"I find a lot of resistance to the system surfacing and 1 don't know how to deal with it. Should we stop talking about parenting and start talking about school, the church or whatever? Especially if it ties in with families?" "1 seem to have a clown in every group. Just when parents start getting a handle on something and begin to deal with it in depth, this guy makes a joke of the whole thing. 1 suspect it's because he can't handle his feelings on it." "My groups want one easy solution: tell us a no-failure method of rearing children, preferably in one evening. How do we let them know there are no easy solutions without scaring them off?" "How do you let people know that it's okay to disagree without being impolite? That we're not asking for a consensus but for ideas?" "I wish I. could help my parents get more enjoyment out of being parents. They seem so scared and grim - always sharing problems but never talking about the fun in parenting."

child dies

Sam and Sara are! old friends of mine. They always had trouble with their oldest son and often quarrelled bitterly over their inability to reach the boy. Just before Christmas, this son, 19, lost control of hiB car, hit a tree and was killed. Six weeks later, Sam told Sara he was leaving her _and getting a divorce. At a time when it appeared they need each other more than ever, their marriage was breaking up. I wish I could say this is unusual but I have fonnd it is a common story. When parents lose a child, their marriage is affected, often negatively. "An astounding 70 percent of marriages, where children have been lost, become endangered and end in separation or divorce," is the claim of Compassionate Friends, .a 12-year-old self-help organization of bereaved parents. Founded by an Angelican priest, Father Simon Stephens, the society gives such parents the chance to meet, in the hope that grief shared with others who understand is thereby lessened. Why should there be suc:h a strain on marriage after the death of a child? In seeking the answer, you soon discover that the why of it is tangled up with the very nature of grief and its complications when grief is caused by the death of a child. The pain ex~~ri~~ced by parents after thE.' death' of a child

stems from the searing, confusing happening which appears to contradict nature itself. How can a parent outlive a child? Mrs. Schiff speaks of this: "To bury a child is to see part of yourself, your eye color, your dimple, your sense of humor, being placed in the ground. It is life's harshest empathetic experience and must therefore be the hardest one with which to deal. In reality, when children die, not only are we mourning them, we are also mourning that 路bit of our own immortality that they carried." These feelings become particularly destructive to the marriage when parents, unable to understand how it could be that their child died, begin to lash' out at their spouse - sometimes even blaming the other parent for the death. It is a compounded tragedy when a couple loses a child and each other too. It doesn't have to be this way, and for some parents, the marriage actually becomes stronger. What makes the difference might well be faith in the mystery that began life. When a child dies, the parents face a difficult process. It begins with the acceptance of the reality that something very important and beautifUL in their lives, something they produced together has been wrested from them, leaving them with permanent emptiness and pain. Their child has died. Now they must continue functioning in a



darkened world. They must learn how to hold on to faith and trust in God even when an uninvited, terrifying sense of betrayal by God overwhelms them. They must learn how to overcome the recurring feelings of powerlessness that accompany the death of .a child, emanating from the sense that their lives are manipulated by forces beyond their control. They must learn to deal patiently with the permanently hurting wound that won't close. They must choose to believe again in the goodness of God and life so that they can find joy oncll more and maybe even laughter. With so much to be done, to be rebuilt, to be renewed, it is a compounded tragedy if grieving parents cannot take this new path in strengthened togetherness. In "The 路Bereaved Parent,'" Harriet Schiff gives powerful advice: "Value that marriage. You have lost enough." Compassionate Friends may be reached at P.O. Box 1347, Oak Brook, III. 60521.

Power "Suffering is powerful when it is as willful as sin." - Paul Claudel

The woes of Latin America It is almost impossible for the North American mind to accommodate itself to any real notion of the misery





peration that caused the peasant uprising, in 1932, against the repressive reign in EI Salvador of President Maximiliano Hernandez. Government forces killed some 30,000 peasants. Can you imagine a social condition in Massachusetts so severe as to result in the killing of 30,000 people by the state police and National Guard. In the streets the starving peasants cried, "Coffee eats men!" But what was that to the coffee oligarchy in EI Salvador that had confiscated the communal lands of the peasants in the first place. And what is that to us, we Americans, even if we' had heard about it at all, over our morning coffee and stock market reports? Can you imagine a disputed play in Schaeffer Stadium, Foxboro, during a football game between the New England Patriots and the New York Jets, that will have resulted in the killing of some 2,000 spectators and the invasion of New York City by 300,000 land and job-hungry citizens of the dispossessed lower classes of Massachusetts? - and yet this is exactly what happened in the 1969 "soccer war" between EI Salvac:lor and neighboring Honduras. Imagine, ..in Massachusetts, the army and police attacking a body of students demonstrating against a state expenditure of $3.5 million for a Miss Universe beauty pageant and showcase organized for publicity reasons in the midst of near starvation and universal unemployment. It happened in San Salvador, 1975, and at the end of the attack 12 students were dead, 80 wounded, and 24 simply 'disappeared,' never to be seen again. It is the grave and indeed sinful temptation of North Americans to say, ah, but we are civilized and don't carryon in that violent manner of the ignorant masses in Latin America, etc. If socially rep res sed severely enough, our isolate and lonely and individual vxiolence could congeal fast enough into the kind of massive desperation that afflicts EI Salvador and most of Central America today.

that is daily inflicted upon millions of people in Latin America. The recent martyrdom in EI Salvador of two Maryknoll sisters, an Ursuline sister, and a lay missionary strikes us as something very shocking, perhaps inexplicable, before we pause a moment or two and then switch channels to catch the second game of a pro football doubleheader on Sunday television. It may even occur to us that, yes, wasn't there the slaying, by an unknown gunman, of some archbishop or other who was celebrating Mass, early last spring, in the cathedral at San Salvador? Things like that, for certainly you must realize by now that this is the way it is in all those - you know - Banana Republics south of the border. Well, anyway, so what? So try to picture this. Massachusetts and EI Salvador, are just about the same size, even to the extent of occupying roughly similar oblong chunks of geography, with equally approximate populations. of five million apiece. This last statistic .may come as something of a mild surprise, I think, especially when reporters and sociologists cite the population of El Salvador as the most densely populated country in C e n t r a I America. Curiously, however, it is in fact not much more densely populated than Massachusetts itself. At this point, all similarity ends. In an agricultural society, land is to the peasants the very means of survival. The land is as important to them as decent housing, private property, and living wages are to an industrialized society. Two percent of the people own 58 percent of the arable land in EI Salvador; and the large coffee, sugar, and cotton estates, since the 19th century, have been steadily reducing the residual land plots left to the peasants. Nearly half the peasant population is unemployed and more than half the poor are illiterate and exist - which is just about all they can do - on One of the great occurrences an average monthly income of in the history of the waning of twelve dollars. Almost all the the century has been little noted children are undernourished. by the world at large: I mean the Imagine, then, a similar state turning of the Catholic Church of the suppression of blue-collar in Latin America from centuries workers in our own Massachu- of identification with the estabsetts. It is said by those who are lished and repressive governsupposed to know about such ments there to a point where the things that extreme suppression Church itself has now taken on induces a condition of inertia in the bloody sufferings of the poor those repressed. One oughtn't to and which now speaks and acts gather from this, however, that on their behalf. Never has the the inertia of the suppressed is . Church been more thunderously nothing more than mere servility moral and beautiful than it is and a general incapacity to act now, in this hemisphere, with its either in one's own interest or penetrating concern to extend for the benefit of improving the full implications of the Gosshared conditions. It was in fact pel of Jesus Christ to the dejust such a state of shared des- spised and suffering poor.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Jan. 29,1981

How to' run good meetings Mary Pat Field, a successful parish council president, has put together some thoughts about how to run good meetings. She notes, first of all, that meetings are held for a variety of reasons: to identify and explain goals and resources to set priorities; to organize programs and activities; to evaluate past activities; to settle personnel problems; to brainstorm for the future. She points out, however, that church gatherings should not be like corporation board meetings. All meetings should begin and end with prayer, she feels, saying that members want them to provide an experience of Christian community. She believes, nevertheless, that the following guidelines have helped her conduct more efficient and effective meetings: 1. Always start meetings on time. 2. Schedule meetings for a maximum of two hours. 3. Open meetings to the pub· lie. 4. Follow a written agenda, circulated advance to all board members.


5. List in first place the items requiring board votes or other action. ' 6. Make sure the president is notified of any proposed additions to the agenda. . 7. Guide discussion so that members' comments are brief and to the point. 8. Do not allow one person to dominate discussion. 9. Delegate questions requiring study to subcommittees for preliminary work. 10. Always end meetings on time. Mrs. Field cautions that the rules are only guidelines, meant to facilitate meetings. When special circumstances require altering them, she does so. For instance, when members were debating whether to eliminate parochial school uniforms, one meeting lasted four hours. This parish leader says her service on parish committees has taught her to respect the value of time - her own and that of others. She believes people are more willing to serve on committees when they know their time will not be wasted.

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MR. AND MRS. David C. Sherman of Pilgrim United Church are greeted by Mrs. Ail· een Cabral of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church at service ~arking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The observance at Mt. Carmel was one of a week-long series held in New Bedford churches. (Rosa Photo)

• First Catholic satellite TV operatIon' . The network, to begin broadBIRMINGHAM, Ala. (NC) The first Catho:ic satellite tele- , casting fOllr hours a day in June, vision operation in the United is seeking suitable programs and States has been licensed by the offers an outlet to dioceses, reo Federal Communications Com- Iigious orders and other Catholic groups. mission. Proposed programs include reThe FCC license was awarded to Our Lady of the Angels Mon- treats for priests, religious, astery, Birmingham, where youth, married couples and elder. Mother M. Angelica has founded ly; programs for adults on prayspirituality, meditation, Eternal Word Television Net- er, work, Inc. hoping to supply ·Catholic programs to cable TV systems throughout the United States. BOSTON (NC) - The intend"We've always felt a deep desire to share the fruit of our ed divorce of Sen. Edward Kencontemplative :life with all the nedy (D-Mass) and his wife Joan people of the Catholic Church -"- should be "responded to with and with others as well," said understanding, compassion and Mother Angelica, who heads a silence," according to the Archdiocese of Boston. community of 12 Religious. The archdiocese made its reOur Lady of the Angels has four printing presses, a complete marks in a statement issued television studio and mobile van, shortly after the Kennedy's anan $800,000 earth station cap- nounced their plans to end their able of transmitting and receiv- 22-year marriage. '\Few American families today ing satellite radio and television programs and a network of are free from the unfortunate laity around the globe who dis- experience of divorce," the tribute Mother Angelica's evan- archdiocese said, responding to "many questions" being asked gelistic tracts. ' This all was accomplished about the religious significance without an organized fund rais- of a divorce. The Kennedys are ing campaign or as Mother An- Catholic. "No one should make a rash gelica says, a "rich uncle." There have been donations judgemer:t about a family trag· from philanthropic foundations, ,edy which is surely marked by but the backbone of the minis- deep personal pain," the archtry, Mother Angelica said, has diocese added. The statement pointed out been regular contributions of average Catholics who want to that a civil divorce does not help reach more people with the free Catholics for remarriage. But it also noted that a divorce, wOrd of God. When the nuns began a book by itself.. does not make an inministry in 1974, and later, their dividual less a member of the television ministry, they had "no church or deprive that person of knowledge 0:: how to print, the sacramental life of the make or marI<et TV tapes. We church. "If the church proclaims, as depended on God's providence. We had no savings accounts and did Christ, the binding nature of no investments," said Mother An- Christian marriage, she also regelica. minds us of another teaching of .To preserve the contemplative Jesus: ',Judge not lest you be lifestyle of her nuns, she recent- judged,''' the statement said. The Kennedys, in a joint anly established a lay-oriented, non-profit corporation to handle nouncement issued by the sena· broadcasting and business af- tor's office in Washington, said they would commence legal profairs.

scripture, church history, theology and philosophy and closed circuit programs for hospitals and prisons. Currently being negotiated is a weekly Vatican program featuring Pope John Paul II. Also planned are animated scripture lessons for children and ecumenical programs featuring music, culture and art.

Compassion for the Kennedys ceedings to end their marriage. "We have reached this decision together, with the understanding of our children and after pastoral counseling," the Kennedys said, adding that in the interests of their three children and other Kennedy family members they would decline further comment. The Kennedys have been living in separate cities for several years. Mrs. Kennedy joined her husband last year during his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president. The statement said Kennedy still plans to seek re-election to the Senate in 1982.

Father Drinan to Georgetown WASHINGTON (NC) - Jesuit Father Robert F. Drinan former member of Congress, has joined the faculty of the Georgetown University Law Center, Dean David J: McCarthy Jr. announced. Father Drinan, who will teach a seminar in international human rights, served in' the House of Representatives for 10 years as a Democrat from Massachu~ setts.

Only with Heart "It is only with the heart that

one can see rightly: what is essential is invisible to the eye." - St. Exupery

letters are welcomed, but should be no more thin 200 words. The editor reserves the rilht to cond.nse or Hit, If deemed nec.sury. All I.tt.rs must be slgn.d and include a home or business addr....

First, prager

We should make it clear to every ~dministration and elected representative that we will no longer stand for the wholesale slaughter of innocent men, women and children • . . If we fail, then the Moral Majority will not be there to legislate that morality wh¥:h they see as their prime mission on earth. .

THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 29, 1981


It would be interesting indeed to hear what the Moral Majority has to say, about this burning issue. Arthur Hartog Vineyard Haven

• Dear Editor. Forever Your feature article of Jan. We live in an age of sensation"That which you have, you 8, "New Right joins Catholic al' reacting. What we need most leave for someone else. What Conservatives," raises .life and desperately is some cool think- you are will be yours forever:' death issue, blindly neglected ... ing . . . - Novena Notes We are charged, during our span on earth, with the most tricky and dangerous task in the history of the human species. Ever since we dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagilsaki, and have now developed individual weapons 1,000 times ~.I')~'~JS ~. ' R a~~7":::: stronger. we can destroy a ma~ • to t e &I Jan 3O-june l1 Holiday Petiocls _ 3 HlI... jor segment of the human popuWe have ~ indoor pool. saunas. color 1V Etc.. etc., etc , " lation on this planet. However.llnlil<e our competitors. our meal inclusiVe weehnd rep, From a pro-life poi~t of view resents an unforgetiable dining experience. from 3 eaomclett~ to sucC'.J!ent blushing prime fib. our 8 COMPLETE meals'per couple a "fiddling while Rome burns" and our uniqlle. private B.YO.B lounge with live enteTtalnrnent takes place, as two superpowers . and!dancirig. make Shoreway Acres Ihs Uttlmate Vatue. develop "first strike" capabilities hcIrqc aIIo available at Green Harbor 1I0c0r LodIe· with weapons we can no longer control. , .• As a m~tier of common sense MRS.PION _WITH UON'S AWARD expe'diency; before we try to ' Box c., Dept '~r~(' legislate morality, we had better ·ShoreSlreel • /\lI1 t.O falmouth. . pray with all our might and conMA 02541 611·540·3000 or centrate with all our energy intoll free 1·(800)·352· 1100 (in Mass.) to "beating our ~words into The Rves of' some 50 visually make sure tlie blind get to meet- ploughshares." handicapped people ilt the Great- ings, held at various area er- New' Bedford area are churches where women's guilds brighter 'becaJ,JSe of Florence are hostesses, outdoing each Pion, a· founder and five times other in providing memorable refreshments. the president of the area's Cath/ olic Guild for the Blind. , An anticipated highlight 9f the Her 30 years of work for the guild year is Bishop'~ AJay. In blind was recognized recently by the early years members were another New Bedford organiza- greeted personally on that oction active in the same ~d. The casion by Bishop Connolly; and city Lions Club chapter awarded for the past decade Bishop croher its Citizen of the Year nin has carried on the tradition. plaque,. an hOnor not presented Over the years Mrs. Pion has for the previous, four years for involved her husband, Roland, want of a recipient measuring' ~nd her two sons in ber apos'up to its strict criteria. tolate. Today one of the sons, "A club is only as strong as its possibly as a result of his years members," said Mrs. 'Pion, mod- of learning to care for others, estly disclaiming the notion that is the director of a half-way the leadership of a group has to house for the mentally ill. do with its success. And Mrs. Pion, at age 59, She hJis been involved with looks forward to many more the guild since J951, when she years of helping her special 'tas among' a 'group of women friends among God's peOple. that now- retired- Bishop James L. Connolly asked to form an organwation ft>r the catholic Light 'Em blind of the diocese.' "Light Candles, .don't blow The women assisted in in- them out!" - The Christophers corporating a.. diocesan guild, then Mrs. Pion devoted her efforts to the New Bedford chapREGISTRATION ter. Initially a mainly social FOR group it has over the years d~­ DOMINCAN ACADEMY veloped a varied agenda of acSCHOOL YEAI 1981·82 tivities and also functions as it ALL GIRLS K·8 .support group, welcoming CathSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 & 8 olic ,as .well . as:" non-Catholic 9:00·11:30 A.M. members. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE OOMI·NICAN ACADEMY Mrs.. Pion, for instance, often / 37 fin St. - Fall River chauffeurs members to doctor's CAcms fr.. len.., Parld appointments and she makes a point of visiting the sick and being present at wakes of the blind or members of their famiSa\'ln~ IS iI 1l1lK11l\ lies. I mlewstlnK Ildhll ,1I':'BI~ She has combined this activCOlllPilrt' our relit··", . ity with a fulltiJne job and participation in the Ufe of her par.. \ ish, Sacred Heart, where she , This MeSsage Sponsored by the Following Business Con~erns belongs to the Ladies of St. in the Diocese' of Fall River Anne. .. " DUIO FINISHI.. CORP. FAlL IIYEIlIAVEl BUUAU &1l1E1T c. OUJElRA She said that the New Bedford THE ElT£IIIIItATDI CO. INS. AIlENCY guild Iufs 40 active and lOinILOBE IWIUFAClUIINt co. active blind mem6ets, backed up by 35 .sl,hted • nHrr1i'bers· who

rr:5hc1\~J"A ra111itTtde'-lf7alUtJ .



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THE ANCHOR-:'Oiocese 'Of FClII River-Thur., Jan. ,29, 1981

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ROME(NC) - When Pope John Paul II visited the North American College in Roine, he was the fifth pope in 121 years to do so. The college, housing U.S. diocesan seminarians, is the largest of tile many national seminaries 'in Rome.' There are 165 students - for the priesthJ and si~ priests MSGR. MURPJn' finishing a fifth year of theology studies living il\ its main resi- ing, humility," said Msgr. Murdenee on Rome's Janiculum Hillphy. . "If a person comes in here directly overlooking the Vatican. The students include Stephen with the same level of underAvila of St. John the Baptist standing and faith he had as a parish, New Bedford. child, and leaves with the same, ' III addition 52 priests at the there is a real problem," he said. The attitudes of today's stuCasa Santa Maria dell 'Umilta, the former seminary residence in . dents have changed compared the center' of Rome, are doing with those of several years ago, graduate studies at various pon- the rector said. "I'd say they are much more titical universities and institutes. The Casa also houses two spiritually attuned. They give groups a year of ahout,35 priests 'prayer and spiritual direction' a each whO spend three months in' high priority. Liturgy is not a a theologica,l renewal program' matter of tension as' it was a called the Institute forContinu- few years back." .J' ing Theological Education. On the other hand, he de. After the sharp post-Vatican scribed today's students as n decline that reflected U.S.' "somewhat less scholarly" than seminaries, the North American previously. ' College is show~ng an enrollment "I'm making a major push for increase, said' Msgr. Charles students to stay the full frve MUrPhy, rector of the college, a ye~rs" required for receiving a curly-haired Irish-American who theology licentiate, he said. was director of education for 11 'Currently, many return to the years in the Diocese of Portland, United States for ordination after Me. four years. He said American dioceses send seminarians to Rome for ,He said that six recently orthe benefits of an education at dained priests continuing their t1)e center of the church's insti. studies "have a tremendous ef· tutional life. fect on this house. The faculty shares some of its ministry with The college on the Janiculum them. For example, they are inHill ,was opened in 1953 and can volved in' the litlirgical' cycle ( house 300 students. Although 27 years old, the facility is still and take their turns preathing, called"new because in Rome and they join the f~culty in everything- is new unless meas- leading small-group retreats." ured in centuries. The, priest-students living or At one point in the 1960s it working at the Casa, the graduhad ~bout. 280 students in ~.si. ate section of the North Aml!fiI dence. With the, post-conclbar can College, also interact with vocations decline, it dropped to the seminarians, he said. a low of about 120. The' Casa, parts of which are Msgr. Murphy said he sees the more than 403 years old, was " spiritual and pastoral formation originally a cpnvent. During the political turbulence " of the seminarians as the chief task of the 10-member faculty of the early 19th century, it was of the seminary section. occupied by French troops' and But that does not' mean the briefly by ItalIan revolutionary ~ intellect is ignored: "We stress forces before Pope Pius IX donathe primacy of study. You have ted it to the U.S. Bishops in to know 'why' before' you can 1859 'for a seniinary. ' Pope Pius IX visited the semknow 'how,'" he said. , The academic side, however, inary' to celebrate Mass in 1860 is basically handled by the pon- and 10 years later visited againtificial universities in Rome. t,o meet with U.S. bishops in Because the universities are to· Rome for the First Vatican' Coun- , tally academic, the North Am· cil. He was the only Pope to' erisan College gives supplemen- visit the seminary when it was bJry cou~s in pastoral coun- housed in the Casa. s~ling, homiletics, liturgy, cate·· The Casa served as the semchetics- and pastoral ministry. inary for nearly a century, but It also provides a program of the new seminary on the Janicuapostolic work after stUdents"are lum has begun to develop its flettled i.n Rome and accustomed own history. , ' to Italian. Pope ~ius XII att-ended its , "Part of the process of spirit· dedication.in 1953. Pope John ulli growth is moral and intel- XXIII visited in 19591 And Pope lectal conversion. The "lualities Paul VI visited in 1970. Pope John Paul's ViSit marked needed in prayer are the same ) as those needed for intellectual· the new seminary's" sixth papal growth such as openness, listen- visit.

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lHE ANCHOR-Diocese

The ROlllan

River-Thur" Jan. 29, 1981

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·Offa ., OAK GlCM AVE.. fAll RMR FATHER. VOORHES October 1978 to begin doctoral studies, Father Voorhes had no jdeJ that he would end up work· ing for the Vatican. Several years before, he had been considered for' a post in the 'Vatican diplomatic corps, but he and his bishop decided that "pastoral work ha.d precedence." Bt when he was recommended for the job in the bishops' con· gregation last,year, plans to return to Buffato to work in the ministry to separated and div'orced Catholics were put oft-and he agreed to stay in Rome at least five years. His day starts with a 7 a.m. concelebrated Mass at Villa -Stritch, a residence for American priests 'at the Vatican. ThE! rest of, his schedule is fleXible, including giving spiritual direction to seminarians, ten· nis, work on his' doctoral thesis, participation'in a priestly prayer fraternity called Jesus·Caritas, an' occasional movie and what Father Voorhes calls his "ministry of correspondence." "People from my former parishes still write seeking counsel," he saia. Although it's not what he would have predicted for himself a few years ago, Father Voorhes likes life as one of the youngest' staff members in the Roman Curia and he'd like to see other U.S. priests join him.






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American gifts to pope

AT TOP,'Pope JoJui Paul npl~nts a California sequoia seedling given him by NortlJ, American College students; bottom,he greets an American Indian during art audience in St. Peter's Square. (NC p.h:otos)



Curia VATICAN CI1Y (NC) Overseeing the appointments, transfers and. retirements of bishops'in nearly 270 dioceses seems quite different from counselling separated and. divorced Catha olics in the Diocese of Buffalo, N.Y. But Father Fred R. Voorhes student, part-time chaplain to U.S. Navy families, spiritual counselor and Vatican official - sees a lot of similarities. line same bAic components - people, sacramental life, pastoral needs ~ -are involved" in pastoral. work .and a post at the Vatican, said the 33-yearold priest. But at the Vatican Congregation for Bishops, Father Voorhesprimarily deals. with reports resulting from the interpersonal contacts of others, and some· times misses the close attachments he found working in Buf. falo parishes. " . Now hl! d~s the advance work that leads to Pope John Paul II's decisions about creating new dioceses, accepting or rea jecting retirements and naming new bishops in Australia, Canada and the United States. 'Bishops' reports on the status of their dioceses also cross his desk. As the only native :Eng· lish speaker in the congregation, he sometimes handles personal correspondence in English for the prefect, Cardinid Sebastiano Baggio, an lialian. Father Voorhes is one of. about a dozen U.S: diocesan priests working in the Roman Curia,"The Vatican's central administration. He joined the staff of the bishops' congregation full-time in September after completing the class work for a doctorate in marriage ,and theology of the family. When he arrived in Rome in

01 Fall

VATICAN CI'IY (NC) he said. "I praise your active inWhen Pope John Paul II pulled terest in assisting those in need, off his papal ring and gave it to and I ask God to m8k.e your en· the peOple of a Brazilian slum deavors prosper and to bless you last July, it made Seattle res- and your dear ones." , taurant owner Mick McHugh McHugh had originally hoped think about the blessings of his to buy back the ring the pope own life. gave away in Brazil. But when So McHugh talkec\ to S9me of that plan did not seem feasible, ,his friends - Cat~olics, Protes- he asked Sid Thai, a Seattle- jew. tants and, Jews - ltnd tl)ey de· . eller, to make the new ring. cided ,to show the' pbpe what Thai, who is Jewish, agreed on they - thought about his gesture the condition that he be allow· on behalf of the poor. ed to donate it without charge. The group ted by Auxiliary The Seattle group also includ~ . Bishop Nicolas Walsh of Seattle ed two special fflends of Bishlast week presented Pope John op Walsh - Angela Vierzorek Paul with a new ring and a $100,000 contribution afte,r his Celmer, a Polish-American who was housekeeper to two bishops weekly general audience. - "The ring was a little too for 20 years;' and Brian Abdo, a large, but he promised.that he'll 21.year-old whom the bishop describes as "the youngest 'prowear it," said Bishop Walsh. At the general audience, Pope life- speaker on the West Coast." John Paul made specia(mention Mrs. Celmer spoke to the pope of the Seattle'group. in Polish and presented bim with "I thank you for your visit," a loaf of Pol~sh bread,


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death - family members still help ,out, often coming many Q. Where do you tum for miles to do so; but many famhelp when your 13-year-old ilies struggle alone with the ordaughter. begins to criticize -,ct dinary, everyday problems. Pachallenge every parental deci- rents try to cope singlehanded sion? When your 17-year-old son with child-care arrangements or defies· your c\lrfew and says he difficult teens. With no one to caD come in whenever he turn to, such common problems pleases? When your ehlldren get become heavy burdens, out of school ,at 3 o'clock and Why do families struggle you cannot be home until 5 alone? Perhaps they are reluco~cloek? When you want to take tant to "bother" their friends. a college course that meets They do ,not feel comfortable mornings aDd yoU stIll have a enough to unburden their probpre-sebooler at home? lems. Perhaps they lack the -huA A few decades ago:" in mility to say, "We have a probsuch situations most falfiilies lem and we don't know how to would have turned to relatives. solv~ it." More subtly, perhaps You might notllave followed all they do not wish friends to both~ your mother's advice about rear- er them, and they re~lize that 'jng children, but you certainly asking for help usually means repaying the favor at some later talked things over with her., , Your sister watched your chil- date.' Whatever. tbe reason, twodren if you needed to be away, and you did the same for her. parent families might learn from When your teen-ager became the growing number of s~gle difficult, he could tell his trou- parents in our· midst. Single pables to his grandmoth~r. He even rents too may try to cope all stayed with het occasionally alone. Out of sheer necessity, when the family needed a cool- however, many join togetJter for physical· and emotional support. ing-off period. Parents Without Partners ofToday m~ny families live far from their relatives. Mobility has fers single parents the opportuchanged our very lifestyle. In nity to share experiences and big ~rises - serious sickness or. problems with others in the same By

Proces:sor By Marilyn Roderick,




While-I am not a gadget cook


are ea~ to clean and well, make creative cookery more fun. Such an appliance is my food processor. With the economy what it is, I certainly wouldn't have bought one for myself, but when Joe asked me if I wanted one for Christmas I felt it would ,be something I would enjoy and believe me I wasn't wrong. I felt the best processor for me would be one with minimum CLOSED SUNDAYS gadgets and gimmicks, since I . have trouble even plugging in an Daily Deliveries to 0tis,. Barnstable Co.unty Hospital, electric cord. So I chose a medium-priced m!ichine that appears Tobey Hospital, Falmouth H~pital 12 McARtHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOORNE to dQ everything I want, includTel. 759-4211 and 759.2669 ing inspiring me. ~~_ ~ 'I.Armed with it and a great --- - -. .- .....- - -.. ' little600k, "A MO,stly French Food Processor Cookbook". by Colette Rossant and Jill Harris Herman, published by New,American LibrlUY, I have been hav~ ing a splendid time. I have always loved, unusual soups, especially cold ones, and the processor can take a piundane vegetable, such as broccoli. Thomas Pasternak Reg. Ph. and turn it into a delicious cream CONSULTING PHARMACST soup elegant enough for any FOR NURSING HOMES guest. . AND OTHER It also enables one to ~ creRESIDENT CARE FACILITIES ative with leftovers. I've made a great spread with chicken liver and Joe produced wonderful coleslaw in mere minutes. Food b processors have actually revoluthe kitchen,' doing away tionized Your with 'the endless hours of chopWe accept Medicaid, Medicare and all other ping and, grating, that so often , Mai~r Third Party Payments made gourmet cooking a bore and a. chore. They chop, puree, . 1224 Pleasant' Street, Cor. Harrison ,Street julienne, slice, grate, grind, Fall River, Mass. knead, beat and ,fold. I hav~ never felt that you N 0 So F A LAM, 0 S P 0 R TUG U E S needed a lot of accessories to be a good' cook but I've certainly ~







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circumstance. Single parents find they need help most in the first year or ,two after a death, or divorce. PWP provides opportunities to socialize, with and without children, through dinner!> and outings. The Community Service' Society in New York City encourages single parents to form neighborhood self-help groups to ' tackle such problems as baby- ' sitting. recreation, housing, legal services and' health care. Why should we share -prob= ' lems? Why ex~ ourselves to the embarrassment of airing Qur, shortcomings, to the, nui$Bnce of,~ getting involved in other pe0ple's proble~s? Perhaps ~use we cope better anei make better decisions when we share problems than when' . we struggle alone. Perhaps because we develop ties with 'Others not. through superficial small talk, but shared life experiences. ' Perhaps, when we come right. ,'. down to it, because long ago someone ,wisely advised us to bear one another's burdens•. ,QuestiODs on family Iiving-1ind chlld care are invited. Address to the Kenny. c/o The Anehor, P.O. Box 7, Fall' River, Mass. I


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become hooked on' my processor! Cream of Broccoli 'Soup 2 pounds broccoli 8 cups, (1 large can) chicken broth ' 1 large bay leaf 2 sprigs parsley 1 sprig thyme or - teaspoon dried thyme 2 Tablespoons butter 2 Tablespoons, flour salt and pepper to taste 2 egg yolks I cup heavy cream Y2 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1) Wash and trim the brOCcoli and set aside 6 small flowerets for garnish. Cut the br:~coli flowers and stalks into pieces that will cook evenly and place in large saucepan. Cover with thicken stock. 2) Add the herbs and bring stock to boil, lower fiame and

cook covered for 15 minutes. 3) Pour the soup through a strainer into a bowl; Discard bay leaf and pla~e the broccoli and 3 Tablespoons of soup in work / bowl of processor. Puree for 30 ' seconds. 4) Melt the butter in a saucepan over low,heat, add flour and stir for 2 to 3 minutes. Little by little stir in reserved chicken stock and bring to boil. 5) Add the pilreed broccoli to stock. season with salt and pepper to taste. Turn flame low. heJlYY cream Place egg yolks in blender or work bowl and run processor for 3 seconds, add 2 Tablespoons of stock to mixture before adding it to hot soup. Stirring constantly, slowly add beaten eggs and c~ to soup. Soup may be reheated but do not bring to boil or let it boil.



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Family Heeds

DOROTHEA MOREFn;LD exults at news' of release of her husband, Richard, who was U.S. consul ~eneral in Teheran. Bishop Leo Maher of San Diego will celebrate a Mass of ,thanksgiving tonight for the Morefield family.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur., Jan. 29, 1981

ues~tion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. When a holy day ,)f obligation falls on a Monday, are vigil Masses for that holy day pennitted on Sunday? May a person go to Mass twi,ce on Sunday - once for the Sunday and once for the holy day? (Louisiana) A. Masses are permitted on the evening before the holy day, regardless of the day (If the week, if. of course, the bishop has approved such Masses for that diocese. The character and discipline of our observance of hol)r days of obligation certainly leaves much to be desired litull:ically, particularly when the holy day falls on Saturday or Monday. The complications over which Mass to attend for which obligation can become almost ludicrously legalistic. A:ccording to current church legislation, however, it is possible to do as you say - attend Mass on Sunday morning for your Sunday obligation :and in the evening for the holy day of obligation. One might also attend the evening Mass on Sunday for the Sunday obligation and attend Mass the following day lfor the holy day. It is certainly more appropri. ate to attend these respective Masses with the appropriate readings and prayers (Sunday Mass for Sunday and helly day Mass for the holy day) but this is not actually reqUired for fulfilling the obligation for either Sunday or holy· day Masses. As I mentioned, the bishop of each diocese determines whether there will be evening Ma.sses in anticipation of Sundays and holy'

Russian priests There is no shortage of vocations to the priesthood in the Soviet Union, says Russian Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostom . of Kursk and Belgorod, deputy head of the Department of Ex-' ternal Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

days, and at what time those Masses may be offered. Q. I am a convert and still unfamiliar with many things in the Catholic Church. Three places in our church there is a picture of an anchor. On one of them, in a window, is the letter E. I've seen this in other places as well. Can you explain? (California) A. Almost as far back as we go in human history, the anchor (used, of course, by sailors apparently since they began sailing the waters) has been a symbol - a sign - of security and hope. There is evidence .that the Jews, even though they were not a seafaring people, used this symbol even before the time of Christ. Understandably, the Christian people picked up this sign as expressing their own hope and symbolizing the security faith brings in the ordinary difficulties and trials of life, as well as in special times of persecution. Often the anchor is joined with the fish, the symbol of Christ (and of Christians). This joint symbol expresses, of course, the belief that our faith and hope, our anchor, is ultimately Jesus himself. The author of the letter to the Hebrews (6:19) uses this symbol explicity, noting that our hope in Jesus Christ and in his high priesthood are "like a sure and firm anchor." The letter E which often accompanies the anchor is probably an abbreviation for "elpis," the Greek word for hope.

Questions for this column should be sent _to Father Dietzen cIa The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02720.

Wesolowska aid is asked UNITED NATIONS O~C) president, said the union receivThe reported hunger strili(e in a ed information from Poland that Warsaw, Poland, jail of U.N. em- 'Solidarity was prepared to exployee Alicja Wesolowska has amine Wesolowska's situation. prompted her colleagues in New Miss Wesolowska's hunger York to send another appeal to strike seems to have brought an Pope John Paul II to intervene abrupt end to U.N. Secretary with the Polish government. General Kurt Waldheim's belief In a cable to the Holy See, the that quiet diplomacy could do U.N. Staff Union asked the pope more for the 36-year-old prisoner to "take effective measures and than public protests and chalexercise your influence to gain lenges to the Polish government. freedom for Alicja Wesolowska News of the strike was relayurgently and assure her' return ed to Western correspondents in to the United Nations." . Warsaw by her parents, who are U.N. employees first raised the permitted to visit her in a ·maxissue with the pope duling his imum security jail once a month. visit to the United Nations in In conversations with her paOctober 1979. The union also sent a cable rents an~ in letters to friends in to Lech Walesa, leader of Soli- New York, Miss Wesolowska darity, the independent trade said that the charges against her union movement in Poland, ask- were spurious and based mostly ing his help "to end this unjust on what her captors considered punishment and to gain freedom questionable conduct on her part. . for Alicja." Polish-born Miss Wesolowska After hearing reports of the was sentenced last March to a hunger strike, Waldheim met seven - year prison term on with Polish Charge d'Affairs Ducharges of spying for an un- yonizy Bilinski and demanded named foreign power. She was "immediate access" by one of arrested in August 1979 while hi!> aides to Miss Wesolowska visiting relatHr~s in Pola:nd. to determine her present conLowell Fla~dert' Staff Union dition.

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Maria raps family life NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The woman known to millions as Maria in the movie "The Sound of Music" lives in Stowe, Vt., at the Trapp Family Lodge, which her son Johannes manages. Although the lodge was recently partially destroyed by fire, it will remain in operation. The decision to continue was typical of the Trapp family and its firmwilled matriarch, who survived flight from Hitler's Germany to come to the United States with her young family' and build a new life for them. The young Austrian novice of "The Sound of Music" is today the grandmother of 30 children and great-grandmother of 11. She has a healthy, weathered, outdoorsy look and clear blue eyes that reflect a lifetime of purpose and serenity. Mrs. von Trapp shared some firm views on contemporary family life, calling the babysitter the "tragedy of our time. Time and again I say, 'Get the mothers back in the home,' "The babysitter is reading or watching television. She hears the baby cry. She hates to be disturbed, but she changes the baby, then puts it back in its crib and picks up a book or reo . turns to her program. "When the mother hears the baby cry, she picks up the baby and changes it, and she loves it and cuddles it. Because' it's her baby," Divorce, she said, is about "the worst (thing) that can happen. But it's almost a matter of everyday life now. It's very tragic." The idea of working mothers is distasteful to her. "The mother belongs in the home. The word 'babysitter' didn't exist when we came to America (just before World War II). Now many mothers work for the second car. As a result, there's no family spirit.'" At odds with each other, she said, are family faith and television. "There's no substitute for family prayer. 1 am amazed that prayer should be considered something exceptional. "Television could educate a nation in one year, could elevate a nation," she said. "And what_ does it do? It plays to the most base instincts ... TV is the unpaid babysitter."

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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 29, 1981

We've only just begun B~,

.God's folly By Father John J. Castelot One faction of the splintered church at Corinth proclaimed loyal allegiance to Paul. Rather strangely, Paul says nothing directly about the Apollos faction or the Cephas~Peter) faction. Perhaps he did not want to be trapped -into making, even implicitly, derogatory remarks about either Apollos or Cephas, for whom he had the highest regard. To do so would make him guilty of the same immature nastiness that was souring his converts. But he does ask, with a touch of irony: "Was it in Paul's name that you were baptized?" Then Paul thanks God that he baptized only a few of the first community members. Paul's reason for this seemingly strange attitude is quite simple: "Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the GospeL" (1 Cor. 1:17)

Over the centuries, the ministry of presiding at the Eucharist and administering the sacraments has come to be considered the primary function of the Catholic priest. Sometimes this occurs at the expense of the ministry of the word. The sermon or homily is sometimes even looked down upon as something quite incidental. However, the earliest Christian ministers took very seriously thei):' role as ministers of the word.·' . --. Still, if Paul has been sent to preach the Gospel, he does not Turn to page thirteen

II For children II By Janaan Manternach

During the quiet time he spent in the Arabian desert, Saul sensed God's call to him. He was to be an apostle. He was to tell everyone about Jesus. Saul was living in Damascus, where he had been baptized, with the followers of Jesus whom he had earlier persecuted. Gradually they became convinced that he was sincere and they accepted him. Soon Saul began to preach publicly about Jesus. Each Sabbath he went to a different synagogue. Because he was known as a learned Pharisee, an expert in the law, he was"usually invited to speak. Saul used each opportunity to tell the Jewish worshipers about . Jesus. Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God, he told .them. His hearers were amazed. Jhey asked, "Isn't this Saul, the Pharisee from Jerusalem? Isn't this the man who led the persecution of Jesus' followers?" The synagogue leaders argued angrily with Saul. They insisted that Jesus was not the Messiah. "How could a man who broke God's law be the Messiah?" they chall~nged' Saul. "How ·Turn to Pag~'Thirteen

are for the sake -of the people.

Whose sacraments? By Father Philip J. Murnion A young couple visits the rectory to arrange their wedding. The priest discusses Pre-Cana conferences with them and gives them a booklet listing choices in Scripture readings and other parts of the wedding ceremony. Two weeks later, the couple tells the priest they would like the marriage to take place at a reception hall. They also want to use a selection from Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet" in place of Old Testament selections. The priest, however, explains that the church is the normal place for a wedding unless special . permission is secured from the bishop to hold it elsewhere. He also explains that the readings must be from the Scriptures. The couple is surprised. They had assumed they could choose any reading. An unusual occurrence? Hardly. But many concerns and problems related to the sacraments can be identified in this all-toofamiliar scene, which causes the priest to recall the seminary maxim: "The sacraments are for the sake of the people." The very fact that various choices are offered to people in liturgical matters underscores the church's desire to relate sacramental rites to varying situations. However. there are limits to the choices available because the sacraments also belong to the church and are part of church tradition. They are not private celebrations of individuals. In our story, the fact that the parish priest and the couple did not really know each other made it difficult to work through planning problems. Similar problems arc experienced with other sacraments.

There are choice, as to baptism, and in the manner of receiving First Communion, confirmation and the rite of reconciliation. There is a need, it seems, to distinguish between making the sacraments more personal and making them private. Sacraments must be personal, but they are not private. Careful preparation, good preaching, participation by parishioners when possible and appropriate music are often counted among the elements that help make the sacraments more personal. . But in our culture, "personal" can come to mean "private." It is easy to ignore the demands of community or tradition and to • create our own independent worlds. When sacraments become private, they can also become "trendy" or trivialized, with about as much lasting value as the daily newspaper. Many parishes :,ave found that when parishioners help plan the liturgy, they often see more clearly how the sacraments are celebrations of the church community. Undoubtedly there will continTurn to Page Thirteen

Lenore Kelly

"We've Only Just Begun," sang confirmation candidates at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in 'Rutland, Vt. The song reflects the students' intense involvement with the parish during the two years they prepared for the sacrament. During this time, they combined study with service projects. In addition, a weekend experience helped them understand the value of a Christian community. Sister Martha St. Onge, the parish's director of religious education, explained: "We wanted them to celebrate their faith and to be with other Christians. They were getting the message part in their classes. The notion of Christian service had gotten across through the various projects. But t}1e idea of community was almost totally absent." Girls and boys were equally enthusiastic about "the weekend spent at a nearby retreat facility. Confirmation candidate Bill Maz zarillo said: "The great thing was being split up into groups and everyone getting the chance to talk. I met a lot.of people and learned -things I didn't know before." Student Tina Ploof referred to her small group as her family. She said: "I became pretty close to them. I knew other people pared and I wanted to care too." A former diocesan director for Cursillo, Msgr. John Lynch, the pastor, beJieves such weekend experiences are "the best education one can find." He felt that discussion leaders only a few years older than the candi-

dates impressed many students. "Our young people identified with the older students and were able to share so much with them," Msgr. Lynch explained. "If I had been saying the very same things, they wouldn't have listened so closely." During the study portion of their training, the 8th and 9th graders gathered each week in the homes of parishioners who guided them through a course of study. The entire class also met as a group several times during the year. At ThanksgiVing, for intance, members shared a supper and a prayer service and also prepared food baskets for shut-ins. During the second year, the youth and their parents met several times on Sunday morning for a study session and liturgy. Each student was asked to draw up a service contract, since confirmation is a sacrament especially tied to Christian service. Bill and some of his friends helped with the parish bazaar and with decorating a Christmas tree. Others aided the elderly by shoveling snow or playing cards with them. Msgr. Lynch said it is important to follow up on the confirmation experience. "We need to draw the students back together and to develop a process whereby the great things we talked about op. the weekend will become real." Sister St. Onge agreed. She wants students to regard confirmation as the beginning of a new way of life.

Gracious living By Theodore Hengesbach My daughter Heidi, 13, and son T.J., 14, often act graciously toward me even when I do not deserve it. 1: may scold them because I don't feel well or because I had a tough day at work. Yet they often respond with love. ·Because of this, I soon felt sorry for the way I have treated them. Experiencing their generous behavior, I am moved to alter my own ungracious variety. This is striking because adults often do not expect such gracious behavior from one another. Much adult behavior is "tit for tat," with many people even trained to live fiercely competi-

tive lives in a "dog eat dog" world. Yet God calls Christians to lead lives marked by behaviOr that is gracious, generous, and loving. Grace provides the means to live this way. Grace, then, creates a special relationship between God and people. The sacraments are vital means of developing the life of grace. - Each sacrament reveals some special aspect of God's behavior toward us and is a personal call to commit ourselves to this same kind of behavior. 1. In baptism, for example, God generously shares his life with us. This sacrament reveals Turn to Page Thirteen

know your faith

THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 29, 1981

God's folly Continued from page tW4~lve do so "with wordy 'wisdom," Jest the cro.ss of Christ bll rim· dered void of its meaning!" (1 Cor. 1:17) This is an indirect slap at the Apollos grou.p, so captivated by the smooth eloquence, the logical consistency, the wordy wisdom of the preach· er from Alexandria. The Corinthians must realize that the Christian messagl~ does not derive its truth and power from the pbilosophical reasoning of which the Greeks were so fond. Its power to transform comes from a most unlikely source according to worldly standards: the cross of Christ. Nothing was more calc:ulated to demonstrate the uniqueness of Christianity than the centrality of the cross. Nothing else pointed up so forcefully the fact that God's way of doing things is almost incredibly different from the world's. With all the world's wisdom, it had failed to recognize the most fundamental truth of all: truth himself, the one true God. The gentiles sought thl~ wellreasoned, logical, airtight philosophical demonstration. The Jews, of a differenl: mindset, demanded miracles. They had that all too common attitude: "Show me." But Paul offered another approach. He explained: "We

Continued from P~ge Twelve that life has direction, purpose and divine vigor. 2. In the sacrament" of reconciliation (penance), God reveals his forgiving behavior toward us. By the way he responds to the sinner, both the sinner and the total Christian community are encouraged to go out and try again. If God continues to act. lovingly toward us. how muc:h more should we be gracious lind' forgiving toward others? 3. The sacrament of marriage celebrates the willingness of community members to develop a particular sort of family life. At home, family members are tied together by affection. In the give and take of everyday living they learn to treat each other in loving, forgiving and gracious ways. God's relationship with people is mirrored in the relationship between husband and wife. It is delightful to fanticize a world full of people whose behavior would reflect God's behavior. What a different worIa it would be!

Whose~~ Continued from page twelve ue to be differences of opinion about appropriate liturgy. But they can probably be worked out if the parish and its people remember that the sacraments are -actions of God, -thr9ugh the cllurch, -for the people, ~nd if each celebration is made as beautiful· an event as possible.

preach Christ crucified a stumbling block to Jews, and an absurdity to gentiles, but to those who are called, Jews and gentiles alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For God's folly is wiser than men, and his weakness more powerful than men." (1 Cor. 1:23-25)

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To illustrate this paradox Paul can point to the people's experience. Tremendous things have happened to them and through them as Christians. Yet, for the most part, they are pretty ordinary, a typical middle- . class city parish. . Everything leads to one inescapable conclusion: "God it is who has given you life in Christ Jesus." (1 Cor. 1:30)






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For children Continued from page twelve could a man executed as a blasphemer be God's son?" they asked. Saul was not discouraged. He turned to the Hebrew Scriptures they all knew and loved. He used text after text to show that Jesus was in fact the long-awaited Messiah. Saul knew the Bible extremely well. He was also very skilled in debate. Soon the Jewish leaders in Damascus dared not argue with him. People were torn. Some ad· mitted Saul's learning and sincerity. Some were excited by Saul's preaching about Jesus. Many remained unconvinced. Some grew more and more angry at Saul. As the months went by, opposition to Saul grew. But he continued to tell everyone that Jesus was God's chosen one.

Beltline Bingo WEST W.ARWICK, R.I. ~NCY - They're playing BeltIine Bingo to raise money at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in West Warwick. Like many an overweight gourmet, Father Donat Barrette, the. pastor, greeted the new year with a determination to shed excess weight. ·But under an unusual plan dreamed up by a parishioner the more he loses, the more he'll gain.· Parishioners have pledged to make donations ranging from one cent to $5 for each pound the pastor loses. Proceeds will salvage and refinish two stained glass windows removed from the church during recent renovations.

Switzerland visit GENEVA, Switzerland ~C) The Swiss Catholic Bishops' Conference and the International Labor Organization have announced that Pope John Paul II will visit Switzerland in June. The date of the trip was not given but it is expected to take place during an ILO general assembly schedulet for June 4 through 23.

Tel. 673-4262

Where do they go? BOYS TOWN, Neb. (NC) Most runaways travel only short distances and return home within a few days after a rather uneventful trip, according to a Boys Town Center brochure. The brochure, "America's Runaways," prepared in cooperation with the National PTA office in Chicago, offers tips to parents whose children join the estimated 700,000 American youngsters who run away each year. Its statistical profiles are derived from studies funded by the 1974 runaway Youth Act, said Boys Town Center science writer Barbara Lonnborg who with social scientist F. Ivan Nye prepared the brochure. "We wanted to give an accurate picture of the runaway problem and offer suggestions to parents on what they might do if this problem occurs in their family," said Ms. Lonnborg. She andNye said there are no social or economic lines when it comes to runaways. The problem confronts all groups and cuts across demographic lines. Girls make up 47 percent of the runaways and boys 53 percent. The most vulnerable age seems to be from 15 to 17. Most youngsters are "gone only a few days, and all but a few return within six months," according to the brochure. Forty percent of the children return within 24 hours; 20 percent in one to three days; 10 percent in three days to a week; 14 percent ·in a week to a month, and 11 percent in one to six months. Five percent stay away for more than six months. How far do they go? The brochure reports that one out of five stay within a mile of home; another third go no more than 10 miles; 30 percent travel 10 to 50 miles and 18 percent travel further. What happens to these youngsters when they are on the road? The majority (52 percent) apparently rated their experiences as "neutral" or even "positive" (25· percent). One of five, however, admitted to a basically "negative" experience; three percent said they encountered violence. Hunger, cold or fear are com-

monly reported factors, according to the brochure, and at least three percent experience physical violence, rape, robbery or arrest. Some 38 percent of runaways return on their own initiative. For 22 percent it is the parents who bring about the reunion. Eighteen percent of the time the police have been involved. In 14 percent of the cases a relative or friend helps bring the child home. Suggestions for parents of runaways include contacting. relatives, the child's friends or parents of friends and notifying the police, providing a recent photograph. Parents are advised to leave a message for the runaway at the nearest runaway shelter or to call the National Runaway Switchboard or Operation Peace of Mind for information. If the runaway calls home, ex· press love and concern, not blame, the brochure suggests. If the parents and child cannot resolve the problems that led to running away, professional help or counseling should be considered.

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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 29, 1981

Personal holiness

State grant to StonehiIl Stonehill College has received a $58,442 matching grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, most of which will be used to provide assistance to needy state residents attending the college. The grant. is a partial matching of $337,350 Stonehill itself provided in aid to Massachusetts students during the 1979-80 academic year. Seventy-five percent of the new funds will be used for new student· financial aid. The remaining moneys .will be used for college renovation projects. College president Father Bartley MacPhaidin, C.S.C., said that State grants help Massachusetts residents attend the college of their choice without being barred by expense. "They also help ensure the survival of independent colleges and universities in Massachusetts," he added. "Also, by helping our independent colleges to continue to serve the commonwealth, the grants help bring more than $2 billion into the state economy. "This 2 billion comes from out of state in the form of student payments, gifts and grants, and visitor expenditures."

CoyIe-Cassidy i A.n. energy· conSjlrvation pro-


Stand, up for beliefs., says Staul.ach DALLAS (NC) - "Stand up for what you believe in." That was the message Roger Staubach, former star quarterback of. the Dallas Cowboys, gave hundreds of youngsters at a Catholic youth rally in Dallas. They greeted him with whistles and cheers as he strode into the packed auditorium at Jesuit College Preparatory SchooL "I do appreciate that very much," he told them. He recalled that he began his athletic career in seventh. grade at St. John the Evangelist grade school in Cincinnati. Later at Purcell High School, taught by the Brothers of Mary, he switched from halfback to quarterback in his senior year. Talking about an "area that's important in my life," his Catholic faith, Staubach stressed the need for continual growth. "I think we have a responsibility to Almighty God to grow each

and every day," he said. International and domestic problems cannot be solved until each person begins to solve himself, he said. "One problem we can solve and that's ourselves. We can control ourselves. We can't control a lot around us, but we can control ourselves and we've got to .do it before we can' get involved in anything else." He urged the youngsters to "practice what you preach." In today's society, "we have a tremendous credibility problem, people telling us one thing and doing something else," he said. "We've got to not only talk a good game, we've got to try our' very best to practice it." Warning the youngsters about compromising their· beliefs because of peer pressure, Ttaubach said: "Peer pressure is overwhelming, being part of the group, being accepted . . . Peer

pressure ca~, take you down if you're not ,careful, if it's in an area that's imp'ortant and critical to you. "Having a positive attitude in situations you can't control is of course critical for growth," Staubach sa.id. "It's so easy to become depressed, give up and get down." He added, ''The way you have that positive attitude is having faith, faith in almighty God." Staubach who led the Cowboys to the Super Bowl five times and led the National Football LeagUE! in passing four times, talked briefly about his decision to retire from professional football. "It was very trying for me to . make a decision," he said. "I ,started out playing competitive athletics when I was seven years old and on to the age of 38 and, all of a sudcen it's over and it's not easy to get used to."

open to'

'gram' 'parents, students and faculty will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in the school auditoriu,m. Word has been received that Mary Pat Tranter, a member of last year's senior class and its salutatorian, has attained a 4.0 average in her first semester at Holy Cross College, placing first in a class of 677 freshmen.

Bishop Stang By Sandra Dutra . "As we reach the midpoint of the school year, we see many good things happening at Bishop . Stang High School. The basketball team has kept a steady record of 9-0; Top players of the "Rat Patrol" include Karl Farnsworth, John Markey, Mark McGraw, Mike O'Brien, Paul Downey and'Mike Chandler. ' The Student Involvement Committee is. planlling . Morality Week, 'during wl\ich' those involved will help cleim up the school and encourage. school spirit for all winter sports.

Seminarians WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of students for the priesthood in U.S. seminaries has droppe~ by 226 in the last year, according to a report by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). Seminarians froin. high school through fourth theology numbered 13,037 for. t,~f ~980-81 academic year, down, fTRW 13.263 in 1979-80.

By Charlie Martin

YOU ARE THE ONLY SONG Oh, I've sung it all tonight Almost every story that I know And now when they tum out the spotlight I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go And I'm so hoarse I can't hit the high notes It's just a whisper when I'm low But when you slng from the inside You hope that something shows And that is why Yes, you are the only song The only song I need .You're my laughter And you're my lonely song . You're the harvest and you're the seed And you're my' first and my final song You own me indeed Yes, after all is said and done You're the one song that I need I've sung my songs to silence , To empty clubs and crowded bars I've sung my Songs to standing room Even sung them to the starS , But the faces they fade together And the applause it's gone so fast And the story of every darkened stage Is that the glory just doesn't last And that is why Yes, after all is said and done You're the one song that I need Written and sung by Harry Chapin, ©1979, Chapin Music

CHAPIN'S MUSIC is a reminder that we -can enrich each other's lives by sharing our own stories. Like many of us, Chapin has told his stories in many places. He remembers the places and the people who listened to him. Sometimes people are afraid to share themselves with others. . They doubt that anyone wants to listen or that their stories are worth much. But the truth is quite the opposite. Our experiences are our treasure. In whatever ways we have lived, lessons have been learned. If we have reflected on these lessons, we now possess valuable insights. And they become more valuable when we .share them with others. What really is important in life? As Chapin says, "the glory just doesn't last." What once may have seemed valuable, may appear less significant at another time in life. And what we accomplish today is important for what we are today. So we don't need to undervalue what is happening today. But it needs to be realized that all today's relationships and goals and situations cannot be carried into tomorrow. Our future holds its own surprises and promises, and' these too will help determine our future life. It is important to live with trust, belief and openness. We cannot control all the situations in our lives. But trust enables· us to make the best of them.

By Cecilia Belanger Recently I was invited' to share some thoughts with a youth meeting, a meeting to which a minister had also been invited. One youngster asked the minister what he found the most difficult sermons to preach. He replied that no sermon was easy but the ones in which he had to ask for money were the hardest. Asked how he resolved this hang-up, he replied, "When you stand in a pulpit time after time trying with all that is in you to help people want to give their lives to God, it seems to me extraordinarily thin-skinned for me to be overly concerned about asking those same people for money to do those things for which the church was established." A young girl asked about holiness. She said she was concerned with personal' holiness but felt she fell far short in her efforts. The group assured her she was not alone: Someone else said he observed that people fail to use prayer as a resource for living, that they are ashamed to pray in public if they are not in church. A good point was made by a newcomer to the group, who said, "I think we make a mistake when we begin to compare our personal holiness with' one another to se8" where we are on the scale." How right she was! It is, best to keep one's progress to one's self. All of us have known persons who have reo pelled us with their determined "goodness," who have been so good they were awful. There can also be danger' in the quest for personal holiness if it concerns us so much that we become blind to the evil ·around us. There was the slave ship captain described in "John Brown's Body," sitting on the deck singing "How sweet the name of Jesus" while poor human creatures rotted and died in the hellholes below. There was Sir John Bowring who wrote "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" while serving as the British Governor General . of Hong Kong and enforcing the opium trade in China. There were the medieval monasteries, waxing fat as they grabbed huge estates, exploited the serfs of Europe, and elaborated, the liturgy until it lost all relevance to daily life and work. Such can be the abuses of personal holiness, and we should determine not to repeat them in our own lives.

Asks meeting WASHINGTON (NC) - Mairead Corrigan, co-winner of the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize, has invited Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth II of England to meet in Belfast, Northern Ireland, during the pope's visit to Great Britain in 1982. •

By Bill Morrissette .

portswQtch BucknEtr, Ernst Nominated George Buckner of Coyle and Cassidy High School and Scott Ernst of Bishop Stang High School are among nominees for the Vince Lombardi Block of Granite Award. Sponsored by the Greater Fall River Chapter of the American Cancer Society, the award is made to the football player selected by a special selection committee as the outstanding schoolboy lineman, lining up as a down lineman, in the Greater Fall River area. Nominees from other schools eligible to submit nominations

are Roland Manny, Apponequet Regional; James Boscononi, Case; John Vilela, Dighton-Rehoboth Regional; John Darcy, Durfee; Matt Schultz, See)mnk; James Raposa, Tiverton; William Pickering, Somerset. The winner of the award will be announced at a dinner Feb. 8, to be attended by all nominees. The award itself is a replica, except for size, of the one given nationally at the college level, and is the only such high school award in the country.

Scl1midt Still Leader Mark Schmidt of Bishop Feehan is the top basketba.1I scorer in the Southeastern Ma.ss. Conference. Over the first five conference games of the s,eason he scored the most points, 139, and had the best average, 27.8 per game, leading not only Division Two but the conference as a whole. Paul Gomes, of Gre~lter New Bedford Yoke-Tech, is setting the pace in Division Three with 76 goals averaging 25.3 in three games. In that. division Keith Farnworth of Stang and Mike Strojny of Coyle-Cassidy are among the top five. For five games Farnworth had 109 goals with a 21.8 average, Strojny 96 for 19.2. Brian Shea of Bishop

Connolly High, after five games, ranked fourth in Division Two with 95 goals and 19.0 average. Mark Dias, New Bedford High, led Division One over the first five games, with 105, 21.0, followed by Pete Laporte, Attleboro, 98, 19.6; Sam Davis, Barnstable, 76, 15.2; Carlos Rodrigues, Taunton, 58, 14.5; Rufus Russ, Barnstable, 68, 13.6. Also in the top five in Division Two are John Quinn, Dartmouth, 104, 20.8; Leon Perry, Wareham, 97, 19.4; Mike Rose, Falmouth, 88, 17.6. In Division Three Mike Barros, Old Rochester, had 110, 22.0, and Mark -Bruce, Yoke-Tech, 103, 20.6.

Conference Season Ends Next Week With the exception of one game, conference basketball ends next week and entering this week's action the pace-setters in all divisions - Barnstable in One, Feehan in Two, Old Rochester in Three and Dighton - Rehoboth in Four were still undefeated,each with six wins in as many outings. Tomorrow, Feehan is host to Dartmouth and Connolly visits Falmouth in Division Two encounters. Wareham, tied with Connolly for second place as of last Friday, entertains Fairhaven tomorrow. Next Tuesday Connolly is home to Fairhaven and Feehan to Wareham as Dartmouth hosts Falmouth. As the conference season wanes ,Durfee is homE; to Barnstable, Attleboro at Taunton, Somerset at New .Bedf,:>rd tomorrow, Durfee at Attleboro, Barnstable at Somerset and Taunton at New Bedford Tuesday, in Division One. Stang, the runnerup in Division Three going into this week, is host to Coyle-Cassidy, Holy Family is home to Dennis-Yarmouth and Old Ro,:hester to Yoke Tech tomorrow. Tuesday's games ~ave Stang at Holy Fami1y, Yoke-Tech at Coyle Cassidy and Old Rochester at DennisYarmouth. Division Four games have Bourne' lit> Diman Yoke, Seekonk at Case: "r>\~:'hton-Reho-

both at Westport tomorrow, Diman at Seekonk, Case at Westport, Bourne at Dighton-Rehoboth on Tuesday. Sharon, which continues to set the pace in Hockomock basketball visits King Philip tomorrow and entertains Mansfield on Tuesday. Other game~ tomorrow are Franklin at Oliver Ames, Canton at Mansfield, Stoughton at Foxboro. Tuesday it will be No. Attleboro at Franklin, Foxboro at Oliver Ames and Stoughton at Canton. Defending champion New Bedford defeated Rochester, 3-1, and Somerset tied Fall River South, 5-5, in Bristol County CYO Hockey League games last Sunday. Next Sunday's games are Rochester vs. Somerset at nine o'clock, New Bedford vs. South at 10 in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. A victory over South' would give New -Bedford a repeat title. Entries close March 1 for the 22nd CYO Cheerleading Competition to be held on March 15 in the Kennedy Center, New Bedford. Entries, in writing, should be sent to CYO Cheerleading; 403 Anawan Street, Fall River 02720. Competition is open to grammar school, senior CYO, ninth grade, and high school varsity and jayvee squads throughout Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 29, 1981

tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.

New Film "Fish Hawk" (Avco Embassy) This story about the friendship between a farmer's young son and an Indian in the Ozarks at the turn of the century is an unremarkable but well acted and pleasant movie, especially good for young children. It has been classified A-l,G. On TV A survivor of the Nazi death camps returns to describe what she eperienced in "Kitty - Return to Auschwitz," airing Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 8-9:30 p.m. on PBS. . The achievement of this documentary is providing an individual dimension to the insanity of mass murder. The viewer empathizes with the heart-breaking recollections of a middle-aged woman who, as a teen-ager in Auschwitz, lived with death for almost two years. Kitty, often in tears, describes the beatings, roll-calls, selections,lack of sanitation, crematoria and explains how she survived.

Film on TV Tuesday, Feb. 3, 9 p.rn. (CBS) - "Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?" (1978) -

George Segal and Jacqueline Bisset play a fast-food franchiser and his ex-wife who become involved in a murder mystery involving the demise of a string of famous chefs. The film is meant to be funny, but succeeds only nQw and then. Some rough language and other crudities. A3, PG

Church raps FCC action WASHINGTON (NC) - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Jan. 14 approved regulation of four key areas of Icom",ercial radio po~icy, and was criticized by the Catholic Church and a public interest group. Court challenges of the FCC action are likely. On a 6-1 vote, the commission dropped rules specifying that radio stations whose licenses are up for renewal as certain and address community needs, keep programming logs for the FCC, and keep the number of commercials aired to a minimum. It also dropped guidelines calling for a specific amount of non-



entertainment programming (which includes news, public affairs, religious, educational or agricultural and similar special shows) and instead said that stations must deal with community issues but can do so in their own way - through news or other means.

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The previous plan, still in force until the administrator process for deregulation is finalized, called for eight percent of commerical AM stations' programming and six percent of PM stations' programming to be nonentertainment.

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The FCC said that even without the guideline, stations would still offer a wide variety of nonentertainment programming because the public wants it. While dropping the ascertainment requirement, which involved surveying the community and was considered a paperwork burden by broadcasters, the commission stipulated the stations seeking license renewal must keep, for public inspections, a short list of "issue-oriented" programming responding to local needs. It also said that eliminating the limits on commercials aired will not lead to excessive amounts of radio advertising because most stations were already below the 18-20-minutes-perhour standard and that the public won't stand for excesses.



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Regulation, which had been debated for more than a year, generated some 20,000 comments from the puhJjc and interest groups supporting or opposing the plan. The U.S. Catholic Conference among others, attacked the deregulation proposal, while noting the need for some reforms '-.. of the rules governing broadcasting. USOC Secretary of Communication Richard Hirsch charged that the FCC action was "an abdication of the commission's responsibility as mandated by Congress" and warned it was "subject to legal review." "The commission's naive belief that the economics of the marketplace will maintain certain standards regarding news, public affairs and related nonentertainment programming is nothing less than a substitution of financial considerations for the commission's regulatory oversight responsibilities," he said in a statement. According to FCC, the new policies will increase programming diversity and give the broadcasters more flexibility to be innovative. For example, in addressing community needs that will be able to look at programming offered by other stations and decide their own level of such programming accordingly. With other public interest groups, the USCC has claimed that reliance on the marketplace will allow broadcasters to ignore the needs of the poor, elderly, minorities and others not among the more affluent radio listeners.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Jan. 29, 1981

Iteering pOintl ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, GREATER FALL RIVER A council meeting will be held Tuesday at St. Mary's Cathedral School, Fall River, following attendance at 7 p.m. Mass in the cathedral Lady Chapel. will. attend a Members . month's mind Mass at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 8, for the repose of Daniel Grace, past president· of the cathedral Vincentian Conference. . ST. MARY, SEEKONK The Women's Guild will sponsor a fellowship coffee hour in' the church hail following 9 a.m. Mass tomorrow. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Betty Riley and her daughter, Miss Linda Riley. Plans for celebration of the 75th anniversary of the parish' on Sunday, April' 5 include a Mass at which Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant and preparation of a parish history, for which materials are being collected by Patricia Coyle. Those wishing to serve on parish jubilee arrangements committees are asked to contact the rectory. Senior citizens will be guests of honor at the Mass, which will

be followed by a reception in the church hall. Parishioners contacted over 1800 homes during the We Carel We Share campaign. Some 1162 followup calls will be made by Father Francis Mahoney, pastor, and continuing prayers are asked for the success of the program. A planning meeting for the event will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22 in the CCD center. ST. STANISLAUS,.. FALL RIVER The second anniversary of the parish prayer group will be celebrated today following 7 p.m. Mass. All parishioners are invited. A Bible study series on Paul's Letter to the Romans will begin Sunday, . March I, continuing through Palm Sunday, April 12. ECHO FOLLOWUP, ATTLEBORO Young people who have made retreats are invited to a followup meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. A Mass will be celebrated by Father Richard Roy, followed by a social hour. Participants are asked to bring musical instruments and refreshments.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS St. Francis Xavier School, AC'Ushnet St. John Evangelist School, Attleboro St. Joseph School, Fairhaven Dominican Academy, Fall River Espirito .Santo School, Fall River Holy Name School, Fall River Mount St. Joseph School, Fall River No~re' Dame School, Fall River ~t.Anne Schoo', Fall River _ St. Jean' Baptiste School, Fall River St. Joseph Montessori School, Fall River

. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN •NEW BEDFORD The Adorers of the Blessed The parish choir is seeking Sacrament will s:::lOnsor exposi- soprano, alto, tenor and bass tion Of the Blessed Sacrament voices in preparation for Holy from 8:30 a.m. urtil 9 p.m. Fri- Week services which will feaday, Feb. 6 in Our Lady of ture Gounod's Mass for St. CeLourdes Chapel. Benediction will cilia. close the devotion. EXECUTIVE BOARD, SS. PETER AND PAUL, DIOCESAN COUNCIL FALL RIVER The Diocesan Council of CathMarking Catholic Schools olic Women will hold its third Week, parochial school children quarterly executive board meetwill participate ~n Saturday's ing at 2 p.m. Sunday at St. vigil Mass and the 9:30 and 11 Theresa's parish center, South a.m. Sunday Masses. School Attleboro. Miss Adrienne Lemitours and refreshments will foleux will preside and District low each Mass. Council IV will be the host unit. New students will be regis- SACRED HEART, tered during school hours next FALL RIVER week and an open house will Second graders will begin pretake place from 10 a.m. to 2 paration for reception of First p.m. Wednesday. Communion on Sunday. Alice Marum and Mary Feijo Boys and girls in grades 5 are co-chairwomen for a potluck through 8 interested in joining supper to precede the Women's a new youth choir to be heard Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monat 11 :30 a.m. Mass each Sunday day. are asked to meet at 2:45 p.m. . Aerobic dancing instructors Wednesday at the rectory. Cathy Lowney and Louise Egan Women's Guild board members will attend a Senior CYO meetwill meet at 7 p.m. Monday at ing at '7 p.m. Tuesday. the rectory. The sewing group meets at 1 p.m. each Tuesday, CATHEDRAL MeSIC, also at the rectory. FALL RIVER . Music for Sunday's' 10 a.m. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, liturgy will include Bach's "St. NEW BEDFORD Anne Fugue," the Penitential The Men's League will meet Rite and Gloria by Theodore after 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Marier and "Prayer of St. FranThroats will be blessed at all cis" by Woolen. Masses this weekend. choir rehearses each Fri-' The day night and singers for special ST. ANNE, events or regular membership FALL RIVER are welcome. Information is Fall River area prayer groups available from Glenn Giuttari, will meet at 7':30 p.m. Wednes673-2833. day, Feb. 11 in the shrine.

St. Michael School, Fall River . 55. Peter and Paul School, Fall River St. Stanislaus School, Fall River Holy Family-.Holy Name School, New Bedford Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford St. Anthony School, New Bedford St. James-St. John School, New Bedford St. Joseph School, New Bedford St. Mary School, New Bedford St. Mary-Sacred Heart Sc"ool, North Attleboro Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton St. Mary Primary School, Taunton Taunton Catholic Middle School, Taunton St. George School, Westport

NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS Schoo!s in the Diocese of Fall River admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges. programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the schools. They do not discriminate o~ the basis of race, c!llor, national and ethnic origin in administration of"educational policies, admissions policies, loan programs, and athletic and other school·administered programs.


ST. JOHN OF GOD; SOMERSET The Holy Ghost Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the rectory. Confirmation retreat for parents and candidates will be held at 1:30 p.m. each Sunday for the next month. A prayer meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 5, beginning with Mass at 7 p.m. and followed by a social hour. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER An open house for parents and a student talent show will be among parochial school observances of Catholic Schools Week. ST. RITA, MARION Prayer group members will meet at the rectory at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow for a trip to a healing service at St. Joseph's Hall, Tucker Road, North Dartmouth. Parents of first communicants' will meet at the rectory at 7:30 tonight. Senior high discussion group members '\vill meet at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb 8, at the rectory. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Catholic Schools Week activities will include a dress-up day when 1913 styles will be worn, commemorating the year St. Joseph's School was opened; a spirit day; an open house and potluck supper; a "swap schedule" day and a closing Mass on Friday, Feb. 6.


Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro Bishop Connolly High Schoof, Fall River Holy Family High Schoof, New Bedford Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton

SPECIAL SCHOOLS Nazareth Hall, Fall River Nazareth Hall-on.the-Cape, Hyannis St. Vincent School, Fall River S.t. Mary Home, New Bedtord

NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES Schools in the Diocese 01 Fall River, to the extent required by Title IX, do not discriminate against any applicant} em· ployee because of sex. They do not discJiminate against any student because of sex in any educational program and activity.

CatholicSchools Week 19811 February 1-7

Catholic Schools Week ••8.

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