VOL. 48, NO.4· FrIday, January 30, 2004
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Grassroots rally to defend marriage draws hundreds from across the diocese • Hundreds more aUend similar rallies in Worce$terand Springfield. SPECIAL TO THE ANCHOR
FATHER MARC H. Bergeron, left, diocesan ecumenical officer, and Bishop George W. Coleman attend a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service at Christ Church Episcopal in Swansea.
Opening Christian unity week, Christians urged to pray for peace • Bishop Coleman participatedin a January 10r Christian Unity service in Christ Church Episcopal in Swansea.
tian community to announce the Gospel in a harmonious way," the pope said. . "It is indispensable that they witness the divine love that unites them and become bearers of joy, hope and peace," he said. The pope spoke at a noon blessing from his apartment window BY DEAcoN JAMES N. DUNBAR above St. Peter's Square. The AND eNS NEWS REPORTS theme of this year's Christian VATICAN CITY - Opening unity week is "My peace I give to the Week of Prayer for Christian you," Christ's words to his disUnity January 18 through 25, ciples at the Last Supper. The pope said it was signifiPope John Paul II urged Christians of all churches to pray for cant that the theme was proposed peace, especially in the Middle by the churches of the Middle, East, "where unity and peace are East. "In a world that thirsts for the most pressing priorities." peace, it is urgent for the Chris-' Tum 10 page 13 - Unity
FALL RIVER - "Woe be to us" if people of faith do not rise up and demand a reversal of a court decision allowing gay marriage. That sentiment - a call to both prayer and action - was expressed by President Ron Crews ofthe Massachusetts Family Institute and echoed by other speakers at a rally at Bishop Connolly High School here last Sunday to defend traditional marriage: the union of one man and one woman. Despite bitterly cold _ weather, nearly 700 persons gathered at the school auditorium to hear a dozen speakers condemn the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's 4-3 majority in the November 18 ruling in favor of homosexual marriage.
A message from Bishop George W. Coleman of the Diocese of Fall River, and impassioned talks by faith community leaders, all carried these central themes: - Elitistjudges are usurping the authority of the legislature and the people; are ruling by tyranny; and must be stopped. - The true lawmakers (legislators) appear to be too cowardly to face down the court; this must change; and legislators must be held
applause as particularly forceful appeals to action were made, and as especially strong denunciations of the court were pronounced. Rallies in Fall River, Worcester and Springfield took place simultaneously - under the sponsorship ofMass Voices for Traditional Marriage. Previously, organizers here had called themselves One ManOne Woman Coalition for Marriage. On February 11, a joint session -, of the state senate (40 members) and the house of representatives (160 members) is due to take up the "Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment," commonlyknownasMA& PA. A majority vote (101 if all members are present) is needed for approval. Another favorable vote is required during the 2005-06 session. Only then will the proposed amendment be placed on the November 2006 ballot for a statewide vote by the people. Tum 10 page 12 - Marriage
Concerned Catholics are urged to attend a rally to defend marr.-age February 8 at the State House in Boston details on page 12 accountable. - In the final analysis, the power to define marriage has to rest with the people; and they must be afforded the opportunity to vote. The rally broke into repeated
Anchorsubscription drive is January 31-February 1 The Diocese of Fall River is in the midst ofcelebrating its centennial and Vie Anchor will continue to keep readers informed of all events and special functions. In addition, The Anchor will publish a special edition in March marking the diocese's 100th anniversary. The AndlOr is also a great source for staying on top of such important Church-related topics as same-sex marriage, abortion, Catholic education and more.
Plus readers receive youth news, local public service announcements and interesting and entertaining features from a number of columnists. In order to remain informed and enlightened please remember to submit your Anchor subscription envelope in the collection basket at all weekend Masses on January 31 and February 1, or send it to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA02722.
BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman, center, flanked by Father Stephen A. Fernandes, diocesan director of the Pro-Life Apostolate, and Marian Desrosiers, assistant director of the Pro-Life Apostolate, prepare to lead a delegation from the Fall River diocese in the annual March For Life in Washington, D.C. last week. Story on page three. (Photo by Maddy Lavoie)
the anc~
Friday, January 30, 2004
·Pope encourages research without destroying embryos By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
NEWLY ORDAINED Holy Cross Fathers Walter Jenkins, left, and John Reardon, right, flank Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., following their recent ordination at St. Nicholas Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Congregation of Holy Cross ordains two to priesthood NO,RTH EASTON, Mass The Congregation of Holy Cross, Eastern Province of Priests and Brothers (sponsors of Stonehill College), announced that Father John Reardon, C.S.c. and Father Walter Jenkins, C.S.C, were ordained to the priesthood on January 3, 2004. Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.c., bishop of Peoria, Illinois, performed the ordination at St. Nicholas Church in WilkesBarre, Pa. Father Reardon is a native of Scituate, and holds degrees from Haverford College in Pennsylvania, the University of Notre Dame, and the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. Prior to entering Holy Cross, he worked for the U.S. Department of Energy and AARP. He spent the past two years at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, teaching theology, assisting in campus ministry, and ministering to the local Hispanic community. He will continue this work at the college as a newly ordained priest. Father Jenkins earned a bachelor's degree in government and politics from King's College and a masters of divinity from the University of Notre Dame. A former director of campus ministry at Saint Joseph's High School
in South Bend, Indiana, he has also served as principal of Saint Patrick's Academy in his hometown of Binghamton, New York. He is currently serving as a campus minister and a residence hall chaplain at Stonehill College in Easton. The Congregation of Holy Cross is a religious congregation of priests and brothers that was founded in France in 1837. Holy Cross missionaries came to the United States in the early 1840s, and in 1842 founded the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. Today, Holy Cross is a growing religious community with more than 1,800 priests, brothers, and seminarians serving in 15 countries throughout the world. The Congregation's rule of life calls it to be "Men with Hope to Bring." Their symbol is a cross and anchor with the motto, "The Cross, Our Only Hope." Locally, the Eastern Province of Holy Cross Priests and Brothers sponsors Stonehill College, Holy Cross Parish, Holy Cross Retreat House and Holy Cross Family Min- . istries in Easton, as well as St. Mary's Parish in Taunton. The Eastern Province also sponsors King's College in Wilkes-Barre, and Family Theater in Hollywood. More information on the Congregation of Holy Cross can be found on their Website at www.holycrosscsc.org.
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. Daily Readings Feb 2
Feb 5
Feb 7
Feb 8
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Mal 3: 1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:2232 2 Sm 18:910,14b-2425a,30-19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-
43 Feb 4
Feb 6
"In that place, Mary has of the Sick will be held at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes 'cured' pains and 'illnesses, even restoring physical health VATICAN CITY - While in France. encouraging medical researchThe pope said the Blessed to many of her children," Pope ers in their efforts to help the Virgin Mary's conception with- John Paul said. But the greatest miracles sick, Pope John Paul II insisted out sin was "the promising' their work must never involve dawn of the radiant day of Mary has helped work at the destruction or manipulation' Christ whose death and resur- Lourdes, he said, have ocrection will re-establish full curred in the hearts of believof human embryos. ers, "opening their souls In a message for the to an encounter with her February II commemorason, Jesus, the true retion of World Day of the While the Church welcomes sci- sponse to the deepest exSick, the pope offered .his entific research to heal, cure and pectations of the human prayers for all those who are sick and for those who prevent disease, he said, research heart." care for them, especially always must respect "the rights and "Even when they do not receive the gift of for families. dignity of the person from the mo"Life must be welphysical health, they alment of conception. No one, in fact, ways can receive another, comed, respected and defended from its beginning can give himself the right to destroy more important, gift: the to its natural end," the or manipulate indiscriminately the conversion of heart, which pope wrote in the mes- life of a human being." is the source of interior peace and joy," the pope sage, released at the .wrOte. Vatican. At the same time, he said, harmony between God and huConversion, he said, trans"the family, the cradle of every manity," a harmony that in- forms those who are suffering new life, must be safeguarded." cludes freedom from sin, sick- into "apostles of the cross of While the Church welcomes ness and death. Christ, the standard of hope scientific research to heal, cure "If Jesus is the source of life even amid the harshest and and prevent disease, he said, re- which' vanquishes death, Mary most difficult trials." search always must respect "the is the attentive mother who "Suffering," the 83-year-old rights and dignity of the person meets the expectations of her pope said, "when accepted with from the moment of concep- children, obtaining for them faith, becomes the entry way to tion. No one, in fact, can give health in soul and body," the the mystery of the redeeming himself the right to destroy or pope said. suffering of the Lord; a suffermanipulate indiscriminately the The shrine at Lourdes and its ing which no longer takes away life of a human being." spring attract hundreds of thou- peace and happiness because it The Catholic Church's main sands of pilgrims seeking heal- is enlightened with the radiance' of the resurrection." . 2004 celebration of World Day ing each year, he said.
2 Sm 24:2,9-17; Ps 32:1-2,5-7; Mk 6:1-6 1 Kgs2:1-4,1012; (Ps) 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31,47;50-51 ; Mk 6:14-29 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a,3-8; Ps 138:1-5,7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8,11; Lk 5: 1-11
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks Feb. 2 1907, Most Rev. William Stang, D.D., First Bishop of Fall River: 1904-07 . 1913, Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton 1941, Rev. John L. McNamara, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1947, Rev. P. Roland Decosse, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New .~. Bedford '. . 1991, Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, pastor, St. Brendan, Riverside, R.I. / . .\
Feb. 3' 1952, Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pa'stor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River '
Feb. 4 1921, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh 1. Smyth; P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford. First Vicar Gen~ral, Fall River, 1904-07. Administrator of Diocese, February-July 1907.
Feb. 6 1988, Bishop Frederick Donaghy, Vicar Apostolic of Wuchow 1II1IIII11111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Chrisanas at 887 Highlanl Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The An:hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Feb 7 1991, Rev. Arthur N. Robert, O.P., St. Anne Shrine, Fall River
Feb.S 1996, Rev. Raymond P. Monty, Chaplain
Friday, January 30, 2004
Bishop Colem~n leads Catholic¡ teens, adults in March for Life ~
President Bush tells the marchers to be . reminders that life is sacred and worthy of protection.
Baltimore on the eve of the lead. You are here in Washington march. today to bear witness to a value "The Mass is a major compo- you consider very precious, the nent in the trip to Washington. .value of every human life from There were approximately 8,000 conception to natural death. You in the church upstairs as well as are with your friends and classanother 1,000 in the basement mates. Giving this witness today By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR church," Father Fernandes re- together with tens of thousands of AND CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE called. other people from all parts of the REPORTS The president also spoke by country really is not that difficult. WASHINGTON A few telephone from Roswell, N.M., to Oh, there will be hecklers, but we days after returning from the the marchers lined up at the El- have the security of numbers, in nation's capital where nearly lipse the following day, who addition to the assuredness of the 400 adults and teens from the heard the message broadcast to truth." He added: "What will be diffiFall River diocese joined thou- them. "You believe, as I do, that ev- cult is standing up for the value sands who marched January 22 to urge action and prayer against ery person, however frail or vul- of human life in all its stages next legalized abortion, Father nerable, is a blessing," the presi- year or the year after when you Stephen A. Fernandes, diocesan dent said. "Each of us has a spe- are in college and what you know director of the Pro-Life cial dignity, a place and purpose to be true is challenged and there Apostolate, explained why the in this world. And in the Decla- might be a few, if any, who will ration of Independence, our support you. Stand always on the trip and trek went smoothly. "It always goes smoothly founders stated this self-evident side of truth and life and you truly largely because we are doing truth: The right to life does not will be prophets of joy." Father Fernandes said, "We God's work ... and also to the come from government, it comes are very fortunate that our bishop cooperation of the chaperones from the Creator of life." In the phone call made to joins us on this trip. Every dioand management of the people who plan it," Father Fernandes Nellie Gray, founder ofthe March cese does not have its bishop for Life, President Bush said: " I present. And as our leader we said. Eight buses transported the know as you return to your com- wanted to have the opportunity as 305 young people and 70 adults munities you will redouble your a diocesan group to celebrate the from New Bedford to Washing- efforts to change hearts and Eucharist with him." Father Fernandes said that for ton where they attended Masses, minds, one person at a time." And he added: "My challenge some of the teens new to the trip, prayed, and joined in solidarity with Catholic teen-agers from to you is, when you go home, to it was a different experience. across the world to step out on the stand up with the same courage "But what is good to see is the majority of people present are 31 Sl anniversary of the Supreme that you have here." Prior to the march, Bishop under the age of 25. I don't think Court's Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal in the United Coleman celebrated Mass for the there is another culture in our teens and adults of parishes across country for our youth that can States. "The weather was in the high the Fall River diocese in Holy compare with this March for Life 30s and low 40s, and not nearly Rosary Church in the capital's experience in their Pro-Life Apostolate." as cold as it has been in the other downtown. And it is across the board, " he In his homily he especially years we made the trip," the pasnoted. "We had some great young tor of Our Lady of Fatima Parish addressed the young people. He told them: "Our faith in people at the March who are from in New Bedford, reported. President Bush sent a letter God and our hope in what God Rock for Life, with their alternawith a message to the Basilica of has promised and will accom- tive hairdos, clothing and jewelry. the Immaculate Conception in plish, can be communicated to But there they were, seeing Washington where the Fall River others. It is communicated by through the chicanery of the procontingent was among thousands what we say, by the faith we ex- choice moment. It was very upwho attended Mass celebrated by press, by the way we respect oth- lifting to see young people refuse Cardinal William H. Keeler of ers, and especially by the lives we to be bamboozled."
STUDENTS FROM Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. prepare to walk in the March for Life in Washington. D.C.• last week. (Photo by Maddy Lavoie)
THESE PARISHIONERS of Holy Redeemer Parish. Chatham. from left, Ann Mador, Phil Ripa and Dorothy Ripa were among those from the Fall River diocese to make the trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for Life. (Photo by Deacon Joe Mador)
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Friday. January 30, 2004
the living word
We must act The Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all political appointees not elected, has placed itself in an incredulous position by ruling in favor of same sex marriages. It bypassed the Legislature and defied the vote of the people by the declaration of a right to marriage for couples cohabitating in a same sex union. By a single vote it has intruded itself into the rights of families who yet believe in the truth and trust of the historical marriage covenant. By its action, the Supreme Judicial Court has, in a very horrific way, once more undermined the reality of family and all that means as a cornerstone of our society. Rather, it must be viewed as a gauntlet determined to destroy the factual cornerstone of marriage in all its anthropological meaning. In such a situation we must inform people that their voice and vote should no longer be a mere political partisan choice, but one that goes beyond such a confused mind-set. Politics is a process to ensure the good order of the common good of all citizens of the state. It is not the playground for the privileged few. If politicians neglect the needs of the common good, then people must act by campaigning, organizing and voting to ensure that very few do not become judicial and legislative dictators. It is now time for political activism, that the values of family and tradition be upheld and respected. The Massachusetts Catholic Conference, representing the four Catholic dioceses of the state, has provided its membership with a wonderful, four-page flyer. In it are assembled the necessary re- I f1ections that we should be surfacing in this current sad dilemma. To the point of the realities at hand, it solidly reflects that for several reasons, same sex unions contradict the true nature of marriage: it is not based on the natural complementary of male and female; it cannot cooperate with God to create new life; and the natural purpose of sexual unions cannot be achieved by a same sex union. Persons in same sex unions cannot enter into a true conjugal union. Therefore, it is wrong to equate their relationship to a marriage. So, it is not unjust to deny the legal status of marriage to same sex unions. Marriage and same sex unions are essentially different realities. The ruling of the Supreme Judicial Court is trying to obliterate this fact by its judicial powers. This is wrong. This position does not discriminate against people in same sex unions. Some benefits they seek can be already obtained. For example, individuals can agree to own property jointly, they can choose the beneficiary of their will and make health care choices. The civil rights of all citizens must always be respected with compassion and sensitivity. _ However, let it be said that marriage is a basic human and social institution. Though it is regulated by both civil and Church laws, it did not originate from either Church or state, but from God. Therefore, neither Church nor state should alter the basic meaning and structure of marriage. Marriages, whose nature and purpose are established by God, can only be the union of a man and a woman, and must remain as such in law. It is more than important that everyone, especially Church members, get involved in the effort. Let your elected officials know where you stand. Write them, call them, visit them; do not let them take you for granted. Keep informed, track outreach efforts and do not hesitate to write your local newspaper or call your local media outlet. It is no longer acceptable to remain silent. When people are afraid to act, history has shown us the dictates of the few become the rule of the many. Finally, pray, asking God for the courage and wisdom needed to face this challenge. Remember, the family that prays together, stays together.
The Executive Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
A radically new style of Church leadership By FA11iER EUGENE HEMRICK CA11iOUC NEWS SERVICE
Most sociologists define a leader as a person who is task oriented, has a strong sense of duty and is sensitive to people a visionary who is creative, prudent and disciplined. In current discussions of Church leadership, the one quality more than any other that critics call for is docility, an attribute of the virtue of prudence. Docility advocates taking counsel, employing research and formulating the right questions about important situations. Asking leaders of all types in the Church to adopt a docile approach is a radical change from doing business as usual. Too often leaders get into the habit of being answer-givers instead of question-formulators. Unfortunately, many in leadership positions also feel that the research that might aid them in responding to important situations is too cumbersome, costly and time-consuming. These leaders don't like to puzzle about things, but prefer the good old American pragmatic approach. Francis Bacon would counsel them to remember that "a prudent question is one half of wisdom." What does this have to do with everyday Church life?
No doubt parish leaders have a "good idea" of their parishioners' backgrounds. But if they conducted serious studies, they no doubt would have "a much better idea" - one that opens eyes, ,increases sensitivity and leads to change. They might learn that many more parishioners than they suspected have sheepskins and don't like to have the wool pulled over their eyes. Or these leaders might find that all the new books and movies on biblical stories are confusing people about what to believe and that they are searching for sound explanations. Research brings knowledge and is a help in avoiding a common-sense approach to problems and challenges. Research encourages a leader to take a more disciplined approach to understanding parishioners. Research helps leaders understand the very soul ,of those they serve by providing a better fix on their anxieties and concerns. This, in tum, enables them to address these concerns more meaningfully in homilies or through discussion groups. We still do not have serious, ongoing studies on the lifestyle and anxieties of our priests, deacons, sisters and religious brothers who often serve several
parishes simultaneously. Research into this particular question would help leaders enter into the life of these ministers and create solidarity. Again, we still do not have good studies that probe the spirituality of a parish and help leaders to serve in this area enabling the parish to flourish. Ironically, spirituality is what Church leadership should be most concerned about. Leaders often become people on the go and develop a feeling that others forever are looking up to them for answers. But a leader isn't just an answer-giver. A balance between giving answers and raising critical questions is needed. Embracing a research approach might mean fewer road trips and more burning of the midnight oil at home by leaders, attempting to grasp what is really needed. Leaders need to get out and meet people. But when they never do anything else there is not enough time for reflection and thinking things through at a deeper level. Leaders who do this can be creative and critical thinkers who practice the virtue of prudence taking counsel, formulating questions and employing research well.
Friday, January 30, 2004
the ~
Preparing for the Super Bowl The way I figure it is that I've triots defeated Indianapolis in the and say to myself, "If she catches broken at least two dozen "holy" AFC championship game? And this one, then I know the Patriots E-mail chain letters. You know how come I insist that my wife will win." When Igor came down the ones I'm talking about - the do the same thing? with the ball and all four feet in E-mails that tell you, "If you send Are these the ideas of a non- bounds, I would sit back and rethis E-mail to 10 of your Closest superstitious man? lax thinking, "Oh yeah, we're friends in the next 30 minutes, St. Prior to the Indy game, I going to win." Cyberspace will grant you what- placed a bet with my nine-yearThen I would launch the ball ever you want. It's truecompletely out of Igor's a good friend of mine did reach and say to myself, it and won the lottery that "If she catches this one, very day. DON'T delete then the Panthers will this message, for if you win." And, as I watched do, you'll have bad luck the ball bounce off a for a year." lamp, the PC and the teleBy my estimates, I'll not vision, I would sit back, only have bad luck for the relax and say, "Oh yeah, By Dave Jolivet . we're going to win." rest of my life here on earth, but for at least the first 20 Are these. the actions years of the after life as well! This old, telling her that if the Patriots of a sane, 40-something man? doesn't bother me though. I not won, I would go outside and make .And this week at the office, I only delete such E-mails, I do it a snow angel a la Lonie Paxton would toss a crumpled piece of pawith a smile on my face. I know when New England defeated per toward the wastebasket as I usuthat I'm not a superstitious person, Oakland in the 2001 Snow BowI. ally do, but difference was as I did, I and my fate doesn't ride on the We now have a digital photo as would think, "If this goes in, then . the Pats will win." When I missed, wings of an E-mail. proof of my payoff. Then how come I already have Is this normal behavior for a as I usually do, I would quickly cormy Super Bowl XXXVIII ward- father of four? rect myself and say, "No, wait, that robe picked out? How come I'm Last Sunday I was playing one didn't count," and try again. going to wear the exact same catch with our dog Igor. I would Are these the thought processes clothing that I wore when the Pa- toss a ball across the living room of an educated, civilized man?
My View From the Stands
Religious rhetoric on the campaign trail: Democrats talking about faith By PATRICIA ZAPOR CAlliOUC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON - Maybe the Democratic candidates for president are paying allention to those opinion polls that say voters genuinely want to know about politicians' religious beliefs. In the last few weeks, there's been a lot of talk about God and religion coming from the major contenders for the Democratic nomination. Numerous major daily newspapers have recently run prominent stOlies about the candidates' religious influences. It's even come up in the context of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's explanation of why he supported the state's civil unions law and in a National Public Radio debate among six of the candidates. In that debate, Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman said that too often members of his own party "feel uncomfOltable talking about faith or try to exclude faith or expressions of it from the public square." Lieberman, who as AI Gore's running mate in 2000 became the first Jew to be pmt of a major national party's presidential ticket, wamed that because "religion matters to people ... we've got to talk about it. Otherwise the Republicans will convince people they've got some SOlt of a monopoly on values and faith." Polls by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and Zogby International point in that direction, too. A Zogby poll taken in December found that 60 percent of likely voters think it's impOltant for a presi-
dent to believe in God and be deeply religious. Last July, a Pew poll asked vot~ ers whether they think it's proper for joumalists to question politicians about the influence of religious beliefs on their opinions. Fifty-seven percent said it is proper, even though 58 percent of the people polled said their own religious beliefs seldom, if ever, affect their voting decisions. The Pew poll also found that Americans tend to think the Republican Party is friendlier toward religion than the Democratic Party. Nearly two-thirds of white respondents to the poll described the Republican Party as friendly toward religion, compared to just4l percent who think that describes the Democratic Party. Much of the religion-related reporting about candidates was triggered when Dean recognized that "faith is important in a lot of places, but really important in the South," as he told reporters before the Iowa caucuses where he finished third behind Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and North Carolina Sen. John Edwards. "I think I did not understand fully how comfortably religion fits in with daily life for both black and white populations in the South," said Dean. Dean describes himself as a Congregationalist. He is a member of Burlington's First Congregational Church, a United Church of Chtist afiiliate. He was baptized Catholic, having a Catholic mother and Episcopalian father. He was raised Episcopalian, but left that church in 1982 to become Congregationalist after a municipal dispute with the Episcopal diocese over land for a bike path.
He and his Jewish wife have raised their children Jewish. He acknowledged that despite his New Englander's reticence to talk about such things, his experience on the campaign trail has led him to recognize that it's important to discuss his religious beliefs with voters. Dean may not have done himself any favors with some voters, however, when he didn't stop at simply describing his decision to support Vermont's civil unions law as stemming from the Chtistians' call to reach out to those who have been left out in society. "From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people," Dean said. Meanwhile, the other seven major Democratic candidates also are trying to show t/leir religious side in various forums. Four either were raised Catholic or are converts to Catholicism. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich and former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois all were raised Catholic, though Moseley Braun now considers herself Episcopalian. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark became a Catholic after being raised as a Baptist. He has said he considers himself a Catholic, though he usually attends a Presbytetian church. The other Democrats contenders include North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, a Methodist; and the Rev. AI Sharpton, a Pentecostal minister. The Website www.beliefnet.com keeps a running summary ofthe candidates' comments about God, faith and religious tights.
51 In most cases I would agree that the aforementioned scenarios are not the actions of a well-balanced individual - but only if sports are not involved. Living on the cusp of a world championship changes everything, and I'm quite confident that other seemingly sane, educated, civilized men and women have spent the last week playing mind games with themselves. Does my future depend on
what I do with an E-mail chain letter? No way. Does the fate of the Patriots ride on whether a dog named Igor catches a rubber ball or not? I just can't take that chance. Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, alld regularly gives olle fail's perspective Oil the ullique world of sports.
Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchornews.org.
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Alllloullce ill my llame that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvatioll oftheir souls, all those who Oil the first Saturday of five consecutive mOllths shall: 1. Go to cOllfessioll; 2. Receive Holy Commullioll; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); alld 4. Keep me compally for 15 millutes while meditatillg on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the illtelltion of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
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To obtain your copy, send a check for $14.00 (includes shipping & handling) to: Directories, P.O. Box 7, Fall River 02722 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concern in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY
the a~路
Friday, January 30, 2004
Raising questions an early Christian heresy. This I've been getting a number of I think that anyone who has discovery brought new popularstudied Church history would. phone calls lately from friends, agree that the final product was a ity to the cache of these apocryall asking the same question: Do phal "gospels." As for the writers mishmash of part truths, fables I think Jesus was married to and varied opinions bearing little of these Gnostic texts, Wright Mary Magdalene? Publicity Chairmen are riage Encounter Weekends will be relationship, if any, to historical, That's not a question that I concluded: asked to submit news items for held February 27-29 and March 26- recall confronting in the many "They represent a new movehanded down truths taught by this column to The Anchor, 28 in Natick. They offers couples decades of my life. But now a Christ on earth. . ment entirely, which has explicitly P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. an opportunity to enrich the values spotlight has been focused on it, cut off the roots of the 'resurrection' This whole question was not Name of city or town should be of marriage, family and faith through with people of all, and no, faith's new to me. I had the privilege of beliefin Judaism, its Scriptures, its included, as well as full dates communication and spirituality. For doing religious studies at Oxford doctrines of creation and judgment. of all activities. DEADLINE IS more information call Diana speculating about it. The reason the This is a form of spiritualNOON ON FRIDAYS. Macedo at 508-761-5644 or on the question is being raised ity which, while still Events published must be of Web at: www.mene.or,g. at this time is no mys- . claiming the name of interest and open to our general tery. It has to do with the Jesus, has left behind the readership. We do not carry noNORTH ATILEBORO - A best-selling book "The very things that made Jesus tices of fund-raising activities, who he was and that made which may be advertised at our First Friday Celebration will be held Da Vinci Code," by Dan . the early Christians who regular rates, obtainable from February 6 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Brown, soon to be made they were.;' our business office at 508-675- at Sacred Heart Church, 58 Church into a movie. Street. It will Include prayer, the cel- . By Antoinette路 Bosco I learned then, and The novel; and I stress 7151. ebration of Mass: a talk by Holy it is fiction, not only still believe, that the L-------------L..J.._;;;...~...JI-' early C.hristian fathers ATILEBORO - A Hispanic Cross Brothyr Joseph Esparza and claims that Mary Healing Service will be held Sun- Benediction of the Blessed' Sacra- Magdalene was Jesus' . ultimately underscored day at 2:30 p.m. at the La Salette ment. wife but maintains they had a child University with a scholarly the books we have in the New Shrine. It will include the celebrateacher, N.T. Wright, an impecand heirs, all of which was kept a Testament as the only true and NORTH EASTON - The secret in the centuries to come. tion of Mass, music and the opporcable New Testament scholar. I authoritative ones based on tunity to be prayed over individu- public i~ invited.to piuticipate in the And what did the Italian learned about the noncanonical study, prayer and inspiration. I . ally. For more information call 508- praying of the 20 mysteries of the painter Leonardo da Vinci have writings that appeared in the first believe most religious scholars rosary on Sundays at 5 p.m. in the to do with this fictional tale? The few centuries after the death of 222-5410. would conclude that "sacred chapel of the Father Peyton Center author presents him as a member Jesus Christ. There were gospels books," written in the names of CRAIGVILLE - Echo of at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 58 of a clandestine organization the apostles, discovered later, supposedly written by the Cape Cod, a 路retreat program for Washington Street. Daily rosary is charged with protecting this apostle Philip, Thomas, James were forgeries. high school students, will be held recited at 9 a.m. and Mass is cel- secret. (constantly referred to as the Without doubt, Mary at the Craigville Conference Cen- ebrated at noon every weekday. "brother" of Jesus), Peter, and The idea of a married Jesus is Magdalene is a very special ter February 6-8 for boys and so titillating to some that it even even, yes, Mary Magdalene, saint, beloved by Jesus, who SEEKONK - The local food became the subject of a late fall March 5-7 for girls. For more inappeared first to her after his among others. formation call Mary Fuller at 508- pantry Doorways, Inc., is seeking ABC special titled "Jesus, Mary By the time I was at Oxford, resurrection because he loved 759-4265 or visit the Website at: volunteers to stock shelves during and da Vinci." A number of much study had been done on her dearly - as he loves all of the week or !lSsist clients on Satur- people, from authors to profeswww.echoofcapecod.org. the documents discovered near us. "The Da Vinci Code" should day mornings. For more information sors of religion, appeared in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945, be seen for what it is - a work DIGHTON - Th~ Fall River call Katie Malo at 508-761-5491. interviews to debate the subject. which contained Gnostic writing, of titillating fiction. Diocesan Council of Catholic TAUNTON -.:... St. Jacques Women's annual retreat will be held March 26-28 at the Dominican Sis- Church, 249 Whittenton Street, will ters of the Presentation house, 3012 kick-off its centennial with the celElm Street. Retreat director is Dor- ebration of Mass at 10:30 a.m. FebI tried to warn a friend about the time I had reserved for prayer has a tendency to annoy others, othy Levesque and the theme is ruary 8. All couples joined in mar- New Year's resolutions on and put myself in the position of especially when you start talking "Bringing Us to a Journey." For riage at the church are welcome to prayer, as in making it part of his really needing someone to pray back to the plywood and screammore information call Claudette come and renew their vows. Coffee daily life. for me as I came uncorked after ing things like, "OK, OK, OK, I and pastries will follow in the church Armstrong at 508-672-1658. being put on hold for the already have prayed today. Get I know. I did this once. While hall. For more info~ation call 508- I did well for quite a while, the gazillionth time. (You don't need off my back." . MISCELLANEOUS - Mar- 824-7794. Thus, one can employ any resolution did eventually kind of to say it. I did not think about go south on me - and then I had praying for the $33 until it was a number of daily prayer pain to suffer a way-larger _ - - - - - - - - - -......---.::;:::-:--,... reminders. The "kidguilty conscience than, with-a-BB-gun" say, if I had only broken a 0 strategy can work well promise to end world hiring one or two 10poverty by writing one 0 year-olds to shoot you letter a day to a millionin the pants pockets as aire in which I would you leave the house. plead with him or her to By Dan Morris Some even will volungive between 40 percent teer to do this for free and 83 percent of his or and supply their own her money to somebody BBs. like the pope or the people at the day too late.) The "large swinging cement St. Vincent de Paul Society. However, rather than put block" tactic can be dicey, but effective. One can pick up some . Despite my cautionary advice, myself in a I-told-you-so frame this friend went ahead and made of mind, I shared several chain and a cement building suggestions with my buddy on block at just about any hardware a commitment to pray every day keeping his pledge. One simple store. Again, hanging one or for at least 15 minutes. I tried to way is to buy a couple of fourmore of these in well-used counsel him about the many, many things that would.play by-eight sheets of plywood, pathways can jog one's memory about prayer路time. Note: Consult havoc with this - like having to spray paint "Pray today!" on your health insurance coverage . buy snow tires, or a broken water them, then erect them strategically in places like the front lawn. prior to installation. pipe, or a special on fly rods at or the living room. Sure, we should be able to say Harvey's Outfitting and Spitting Emporium. A variation is to spray-paint that we pray every day - that we I think it was being charged "Pray!" directly onto any don't need to make funky resolu$33 for new checks for an appropriate surface: refrigerator, tions to force us into daily account that was supposed to car hood, shower wall, garage communication with our creator. KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS Gabrielle Bowen and Kelly have free checking that knocked door, floor at the office. The God deserves better. I said the Pickard of St. Thomas More School join in a tribute to civil me off my prayer train. I became danger is that one becomes so same thing to my refrigerator door. rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. January 18 at the so obsessed with making those used to seeing the message that it Comments are welcome. EShrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta. (CNS photo ruthless banking folks give me becomes like white noise and mail Uncle Dan at by Michael Alexander, Georgia Bulletin) back my $33 that I let it override fades out of awareness. It also cnsuncleOl@yahoo.com.
The Bottom Line
Resolving: easy; Remembering: hard
Th e ffb eat 1d f wor 'Uncle Dan
ancholY 'Mar'riage': A word the
Friday. January 30, 2004
with consequences The proposed federal marriage amendment begins with this straightfolWard affirmation: "Marriage in the United States is exclusively a union of one man and one woman." Some profamily critics of the amendment suggest that it defends only the word "marriage," not the institution of marriage. I'm not persuaded by this criticism, as a matter of law; but in any event these well-meaning By critics may be missing some crucial points about language and its effects on culture. I. It's not an accident that the proponents of "gay marriage" want to claim the word "marriage." Gay activists understand that ideas, which have consequences, are formed by words. Everyone knows that, whatever the benefits conferred and whatever the rhetorical chaff surrounding those benefits, a "civil union" is not a "marriage." Defending the right meaning of words is more than an exercise in semantics; it's a defense of a public moral culture which recognizes that there are moral truths built into
the human condition. One of those truths is that "marriage" an institution millennia older than the modern state - is "exclusively a union of one man and one woman." The law's
The Catholic Difference George Weigel recognition of that truth is no small thing. If "marriage in the United States is exclusively a union of a man and a woman," then those who wish to defend the primordial institution of marriage will not be contradicted by the law when we do so. 2. Culture is made of ideasshaped-by-words. One of the ways communism tried to destroy civil society and democratic culture was through verbal mendacity: "people's democracy" was the communist euphemism masking the reality of totalitarianism. If the word "democracy" and what it means
was worth defending (and it was), so is the word "marriage." 3. It's important that the law help keep public discourse about marriage honest. Doing so strengthens the hand of other institutions committed to defending and promoting stable marriages institutions like families, churches, synagogues, schools, and voluntary associations. These institutions of civil society are, arguably, even more important than the state in building what Maggie Gallagher of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy calls a "marriage culture." Their work would be undercut if the legal meaning of "marriage" is changed, i.e., distorted and debased. 4. When gay activists talk about the "benefits" of marriage, they're talking about entitlements granted by the state. When advocates of "marriage" rightly understood talk about the "benefits" of marriage, we mean, at least in the first instance, something different. As Gallagher puts it, we mean "the good things that happen when husbands and wives are joined in permanent,
Is cremation a serious sin? Q. My aunt died recently at the age of 92. Her son, in charge of funeral arrangements, had his mother cremated after the funeral Mass and buried her ashes in the cemetery near her family. Shortly afterward, the same was done for a deceased friend. Another friend told me that it is a serious sin for a Catholic to be cremated. What does the Church or the Bible say about cremation? (New York) A. At one period during the past few hundred years, certain anti-Christian groups promoted cremation as a way of rejecting belief in the Resurrection. The Catholic Church, and other Christians, prohibited it for that reason. It's been a long time, however, since that argument was raised, so cremation is no longer forbidden. By Father Traditional burial is John J. Dietzen still preferred, but economic, family or other factors sometimes make cremation an understandably practical choice. At present, more than one-fifth of American Catholics choose cremation, and the Church's funeral ritual explicitly provides ceremonies for those who have been or will be cremated. As in the funerals you describe, the body of the deceased person should, if possible, be present for all funeral liturgies - vigil service, Mass and prayers of commendation after Mass. In this circumstance, cremation takes place later, and the ashes are buried in a cemetery or mausoleum. Ashes should not be scattered over water or land, or kept in one's house or closet, as some people apparently have done. In other words, cremated remains should be treated with the same dignity given to the deceased body. Inhumation (traditional burial) was almost universal in ancient Jewish Near East culture, so
Questions and Answers
there would be no reason for cremation to be discussed in the Bible. Not to be buried was considered such a great curse that even executed criminals received a decent burial. Finally, it is good to be reminded that individuals considering cremation should carefully and thoroughly discuss their plans with their family. Many people still find accompanying the body to the grave, and later visiting the site of the burial, a significant part of grieving. Thus, especially when children are involved, parents, grandparents and others should explain what will happen and be ~-........ certain the children are psychologically and spiritually prepared. Q. As a member of the hospital ministry of our parish, a patient asked me why the pope wears a skullcap. One of the priests said it goes back to ancient days. Should I just say it is to keep his head warm? (New Jersey) The zuchetto ("skullcap") worn by the pope is the remnant of a larger cap formerly worn under the miter, the large pointed headdress worn by bishops, abbots and some others., The cap was to protect the miter, which was usually of more precious cloth. The zuchetto now is too small for that purpose, but like many ecclesiastical vestments which once had a practical purpose it remains part of liturgical ceremonial dress. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral" customs is available by sending a stamped, selfaddressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, P-eoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: iidietzen@aol.com.
public, sexual, emotional, financial, and parenting unions" - we mean the good things that happen to couples, and to the children who grow up in stable families. Legal "benefits" are secondary to these goods, which are public goods, not just stateconferred private goodies. 5. If the advocates of "gay marriage" succeed in legally claiming the word "marriage," the notion that sexual love is simply a matter of satisfying personal "needs" will be further enshrined in our law. We've already gone too far down that road, thanks to an out-of-control U.S. Supreme Court and misguided initiatives like "no fault" divorce. To lose the word "marriage" is to lose more than the word "marriage" - it's to lose any idea of sexual love as an expression of sexual complementarity, permanent commitment, and generativity. Are "civil unions" a good idea? No, they're not. But to cite Maggie
Gallagher once again, while "civil unions are one unwise step down a pathway from a maniage culture," so-called "gay marriage" is "the end of the road." The question of "civil unions" can be dealt with on a state-by-state basis, by legislatures rather than by arrogant courts. The question of what "maniage" means requires a binding and unambiguous national solution in which the word "marriage" reflects the human and moral reality of maniage. Defining "maiTiage" for what it is is a good in itself. Defining "marriage" for what it is is good for children. And defining "marriage" for what it is erects a barrier to the further dismantling of a public moral culture that, by recognizing the truths embedded in human nature and human action, is capable of sustaining democracy.
George Weigel is a sellior fellow ofthe Ethics alld Public Policy Cellter ill Washillgtoll, D.C.
Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje January 25, 2004 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children! Also today I call you to pray. Pray, little children, in a special way for all those who have not come to know God's love. Pray that their hearts may open and draw closer to my heart and the Heart of my Son Jesus, so that we can transform them into people of peace and love. "Thank you for having responded to my call." Spiritual Life Center of Marian Community 154 Summer Street Medway, MA 02053路 Tel. 508-533-5377
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,. :
OUf WESTPORT - Our Lady of Grace Parish, which will celebrate its Golden Jubilee this year, was established by Bishop James L. Connolly on Oct. 12, 1954, the Marian Year. Its 10 square miles were carved out of St. George's Parish. Father Maurice H. Lamontagne, who had been an assistant at St. George's for 15 years, was appointed the first pastor.
Within a few years of its founding, Father Lamontagne began the construction of a beautiful and dignified colonial-design church. It was dedicated in impressive ceremonies on Oct. 2, 1955 by Bishop Connolly. Father Lamontagne brought much enthusiasm to his work as pastor. He established a Holy Name Society, Holy Rosary Confraternity, Council of Catholic
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Lady of Grace Parish', Westport
Women, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, as well as a Scouting program. Father Rene R. Levesque served as his assistant for many years and was beloved by all. Father Edmond R. Levesque, who had served as an assistant at St. George's for 18 years, succeeded Father Lamontagne as pastor. He formed the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Couples Club, Senior Citizens Club and expanding the Scouting program. A much-needed Parish Center was constructed under his supervision in 1977. The Center continues to be used for many weekly parish activities such as the basketball program, parish bingo, Scouting, senior citizens' meetings, dinners, bazaars and gatherings of all sorts. Father Roland Bousquet succeeded Father Levesque in March of 1983. With the expansion of the parish family, he hired the first religious education coordinator and a parish secretary. Father Bousquet completed payment of the debt on the Parish Center and celebrated the burning of the mortgage. He also expanded youth activities, and established a youth council and a parish council. Father Richard L. Chretien became the fourth pastor in June of 1990. He refurbished the exterior of both church and rectory with white vinyl siding. He invited the Dominican Fathers of Providence College to assist by celebrating Sunday Masses. They continue to come
Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham CHATHAM - It all began in 1905 when Bishop William Stang, the first ordinary of the Fall River diocese, invited the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts from the Belgian province to meet the linguistic needs of the New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet and Mattapoisett communities. Subsequently parishes were established in New Bedford, Fairhaven and Acushnet. Responding to a mission call from nearby Cape Cod, the Sacred Heart Father's established headquarters in Wellfleet in 1910. The parish boundary extended from the Provincetown line to Bass River. In Chatham prior to 1915, a cottage on Shore Road was the locale for the celebration of Mass each Sunday. In the Slavin residence at the corner of Highland Avenue and Sea View Street, baptisms were performed. On Nov. 30 1915, ground was broken for the current church by Bishop Daniel F. Feehan, the diocese's second bishop. The church was considered a mission without a resident priest. A significant milestone in 1931 was the creation of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, with missions in Chatham and Brewster. In 1948, another parish, St. Joan of Arc in Orleans, was created with Brewster as a mission. Noteworthy in Holy Redeemer's parish history is September 1952 when Father John J. Brennan, SS.CC., was assigned to Holy Trinity as an assistant with responsibility for the Chatham mission. During 1953 and 1954 the tiny mission church grew from a 180 seating capacity to 440, preparatory for the crucial event, April 24, 1955 when Holy Redeemer Parish became a reality. The Eldredge home on Highland Avenue was purchased for the rectory and in 1958 the Doane and Beal Funeral Homeadjacent to the church was bought as the
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Catechetical Center. Our Lady of Grace mission church was built in 1962 and 1963 to meet the needs of an expanding congregation of summer residents. Father Brennan, named pastor in 1955 when Holy Redeemer Parish came into being, served until October 1964 when he was transferred to St. Joseph's Parish in Fairhaven. In April 1974, on the 20 th anniversary of the founding of the parish, Father Brennan returned to Holy Redeemer Parish. Following an extensive renovation of the church, hall and religious education facilities in the basement of the church, it was solemnly dedicated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin on Aug. 24, 1980. . In 1984, Father William McClenahan, SS.CC., succeeded Father Brennan as pastor. The Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, whose missionaries included celebrated leaders, notably Father Damien of Molokai, had nurtured the mission of Holy Redeemer in Chatham to a thriving parish. In 1988, the Sacred Hearts Fathers were no longer able to supply priests to serve at Holy Redeemer and the parish was served by the priests of the Fall River diocese. Father James F. Buckley was appointed the first diocesan pastor in June 1988 and served until his retirement from active ministry in February of 2001. He was well known for his ministry to the sick and under his direction the church was made handicapped accessible through installation of an elevator. Father Jon-Paul Gallant was named pastor in June of 2001, and continues in that post. The current staff includes three permanent deacons: Gabriel Liegey Jr., Joseph F. Mador and Richard S. Stenberg. The director of religious education is Bethel Norcross. The rectory is at 57 Highland Avenue, P.O. Box 687, Chatham, MA 02633-0687. It may be reached by phone at 508-945-0677; and by FAX at 508-945-
each weekend, along with Father Bousquet, now retired, to offer Mass. They have become wonderful additions to the Sunday staff. Father Horace J. Travassos was appointed the fifth pastor on June 28, 2000. He supervised the landscaping and beautification of the parish property and erected a shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes alongside the Parish Center. The church was air conditioned in the sweltering summer of 2001. New carpeting was laid throughout the church and several of its statues were refurbished. Additional lighting was also installed along the aisles and in the upper ceiling, making the church much brighter. A popular Bible Study was also begun in the summer of 2003. The parish family has soared to more than 1,700 families as compared to the 310 families - and an additional 125 during the summer months - when the parish was first founded. A wonderful spirit continues to pervade the parish with numerous parishioners helping in a variety of ways. Father Travassos is the current pastor. Mrs. Susan Santos has continued as parish secretary for the past 20 years. Mrs. Jane Callahan is the coordinator of religious education, and Mrs. Claudette Petit is organist and choir director. The rectory is located at 569 Sanford Road, Westport, MA 02790. It can be reached . by telephone at 508-674-6271; and by FAX at 508-675-4128.
Frida" January 30! 2004
51. Augustine's Parish, Vineyard Haven VINEY ARD HAVEN Shortly after 1900, Sacred Heart Parish in Oak Bluffs was founded and Father Patrick E. McGee was appointed its first pastor and spiritual leader of the entire Island in 1903. Later, Mass was offered in the Town of Tisbury at the Town Hall, and this practice continued for some years, proving a great convenience to those who formerly had to travel over to the little church in Oak Bluffs to fulfill their Sunday obligation. On April 25, 1906, James Lynch, a native of Ireland who settled in Vineyard Haven, generously turned over the title of land at the corner of Pine and Spring streets and this became the site of the original St. Augustine's, which on July 27, 1911, was dedicated by Bishop Daniel Feehan as a mission from Oak Bluffs. It was served by priests from there, and this arrangement continued for nearly 50 years. On March 10, 1922, a fire of unknown origin broke out in St. Augustine's. The fire caused considerable damage to the sac-
risty and sanctuary, with the alWhen Father Higgins became tar and statues being almost de- ill, Bishop Connolly sent Father stroyed. The community rallied Cornelius J. O'Neill as tempotogether and reconstructed the rary administrator to watch over almost destroyed section and the construction and care for the beautified the rest of the souls of the new parish. church. The church was dedicated by The increase in the Island Bishop Connolly on July 15, population throughout the suc- 1962. With 894 parishioners, the ceeding five decades convinced parish encompassed five of the Bishop James L. Connolly of seven Island townships: Gay the need of a fully established Head was represented with four parish in Vineyard Haven. On Catholics, Chilmark with 42, April 24, 1957, the bishop sent West Tisbury with 40, and Father John T. Higgins to be the Vineyard Haven with 828. first pastor of the newly estabSince the beginning of the lished parish of St. Augustine. parish, the following priests In addition to the current rec- have served as pastors in additory, a vacant lot of land on tion to those already mentioned. Franklin Street was purchased. "They are Fathers Joseph F. Designed by the firm of O'Donnell, William F. Shields Associates, of Quincy, O'Connell, Paul G. Connolly, and the DeSorcy Contracting James F. Buckley, Bernard R. Company of Vineyard Haven as Kelly, and James R. McLellan. general contractor,work on St. Stained glass windows, and Augustine's Church began on a bicentennial window were inJune 15, 1961. Whenever pos- stalled through the efforts of St. sible, local laborers were em- John's Society. ployed. The parish celebrated its 25 th Actual construction of the anniversary in 1982. church began under the guidance Father Michael Nagle has of Father Leo Curry, who suc- been the pastor of the Roman ceeded Father Higgins as pas- Catholic Parishes on Martha's tor. Vineyard, including St.
Augustine's on Vineyard Haven, since June 1993. The parochial vicar is Father John C. Ozug, The deacon is Fred LaPiana III. The rectory at St. Augustine's
is at 56 Franklin Street, P.O. Box 1058, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568. It can be reached by telephone at 508-693-0103; and by FAX at 508-693-8517.
Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville CENTERVILLE - In late 1956, Father Henry Waldron, the first pastor, arrived to supervise the construction of Our Lady of Victory Church and was assisted by trustees Arthur D. Maddalena Jr., Henry L. Murphy Sr., and Stephen B. O'Brien Sr. The first Mass was celebrated
in July 1957, with Larry and Doug Murphy as the first altar servers. Although there were fewer than 75 people in the parish, many summer residents and visitors were in attendance, which necessitated having two Sunday Masses. Father Waldron was assisted summers by Pather George
Drury, S.J., and Msgr. Raymond Considine. When Father Waldron was transferred in 1964, Father Joseph Welch arrived as pastor, followed by Father James Lyons, Father Raymond McCarthy, Father Francis Connors, Father John A. Perry, and Msgr. Henry Munroe.
The parish family grew quickly. Father Francis Coady became the first of many assistants. He was followed by Fathers Edward Correira, Thomas McMorrow, George W. Coleman, H. Stanley Barney, James McLellan, Michael Dufault, Holy Cross Father James E. Tobin, and John J. Perry. Recent parochial vicars included Fathers Andre Faria, Richard Wilson, Marek Chmurksi, and Dermot Rodgers. Fathers Bill McCarthy and Bob Soucey assist with Masses as do a host of Jesuits and Dominicans. For several years during the 1960s-1970s, the religious education program was supervised by the Trinitarian Sisters. Sister Christine Marie was the first, followed by Sister Maria Theresa, Maria Lauren, Rosemary Jefferson and John Michael. In 1979, Jessie duMont became the High School coordinator and youth minister. She later became director of religious education at Our Lady of Victory and Claudia Anderson was appointed director of religious education at Our Lady of Hope and director of adult education for the parish. Our Lady of Hope, formerly a summer mission of the
church, became part of the Centerville parish in 1960. The parish continued to grow and the number of children increased as well as the respoIlsibility to nurture them in the faith. In 1988 help came in a new dimension as Bobbi Paradise joined the team as director of youth ministry. Currently, Elide Rodrigues oversees the faith formation of our young people as well as adults. She is assisted by more than 100 volunteers. From a little group of 75 families and two Sunday Masses it has grown to a parish of more than 3,400 families and 1,100 children enrolled in the religious formation. Eleven Masses are celebrated between Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of Hope. In 2007 the parish will observe its golden jubilee. The current pastor is Father Mark R. Hession. Father David C. Federici is the parochial vicar, and Father John C. Murray is in residence. The deacons are Joseph Stanley, James Barrett Jr. and Theodore Lukac. The rectory is at 230 South'Main Street, Centerville, MA 02632. It can be reached by telephone at 508-775-5744; by FAX at 508-771-0170; by E-mail at OLVoffice@catholicweb.com. The Website is www.olyparish.org.
110 eNS video reviews NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are video capsule reviews from the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Theatrical movies on video have a USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification and Motion Picture Association of America rating. "Bonjour Tristesse" (1958) Glossy sudser from Francoise Sagan's vapid novel about a world-weary 18-yearold Parisienne (Jean Seberg) recalling the tragic consequences of her callow efforts the previous summer to break up the impending marriage of her rich playboy father (David Niven) to a lovely, intelligent woman (Deborah Kerr). Producer-director Otto Preminger films the teen-ager's present melancholy in black-and-white scenes while the summer's events are in color, but this adds' nothing to the thinly contrived proceedings and the slack performances of good actors in cardboard roles. Implied promiscuity, sexual situations and innuendo. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is AIII - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. (Columbia TriStar) "The Enforcer" (1977) Clint Eastwood again plays Dirty Harry, the sadistic San Francisco policeman who, with a female partner (Tyne Daly) in tow, in on the job tracking down 'an underground terrorist group. Director James Fargo's crime melodrama has scant concern for plot consistency but just enough realism for its excessive violence to be offensive. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is 0 - morally offensive. The Mo'tion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. (Warner Home Video) "Escape From New York" (1981) Futuristic fantasy written and directed by John Carpenter imagines the island of Manhattan as a prison for incorrigible criminals who have taken captive the U.S. president (Donald Pleasence), and a seedy, cynical war hero (Kurt Russell) is sent in to bring him out. It's a clunker with much violence, brutality and sexual innuendo. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. (Paramount) "The Kids Are Alright" (1979) . Performanc~ and interview film featuring the antics and music of the British rock group, The Who. Director Jeff Stein's poorly organized documentary is marked by very little revelation, some vulgar language and sexual references. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting c1assi-
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fication is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. (Pioneer) "Northfork" (2003) Surrealistic fairy tale about a fictitious town in Montana, slated to be flooded by the government in order to power a hydroelectric plant, and the lives of its residents, including a state evacuation agent (James Woods), a young terminally ill boy (Duel Farnes), a country priest (Nick Nolte), and a quartet of angels (among them Daryl Hannah). Though, lethargically paced and at times pretentiously opaque, Michael and Mark Polish's unique vision is a somber tapestry of hauntingly evocative visuals, skillfully woven together as an elegiac meditation on faith and death. Brief sensuality and some mild profanity. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. (Paramount) "Once Upon a Time in the West" (1969) Any movie with such a plainly mythic title can't be all bad and this one really isn't bad at all. An epic, stately spaghetti Western directed by Sergio Leone, its wispy plot concerns hired killer Henry Fonda's pursuit of outlaw Charles Bronson and widow Claudia Cardinale's land, but it contains a whole encyclopedia of Western cliches and stereotypes that are irresistible for Western buffs. Others may enjoy it as a knowing spoof but one that' is overlong and featuring some rather intense violence. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is AIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. (Paramount) "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948) A trio of down-on-their-Iuck Americans in Mexico (Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt) pool their stakes to prospect fOf gold in the, mountainous. backcountry, stumble upon a rich vein of ore and then face dissension over dividing their sudden wealth and getting it past a local band of murderous cutthroats. Director John Huston's suspenseful adventure tale features standout performances by his father, Walter, as a happy-go-lucky veteran prospector and Bogart as a penny-ante drifter driven over the edge by greed. Some intense menace. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. (Warner Home Video)
Friday, January 30, 2004
. IN A SCE~E from the movie "Teacher's Pet," produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, Spot pOints out the missing link in Dr. Krank's formula for transforming animals into humans. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patron\, age. (CNS photo from Buena Vista Pictures)
Movie review,: 'Teacher's Pet' By DAVID DICERTO CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - A canny canine learns that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other end of the leash in the wacky, whimsical. and witty animated musical, "Teacher's Pet" (Disney). It is based on the popular cartoon TV series, and director Timothy Bjorklund puts on the dog in this doggedly funny film which has more than a dog's chance of doing well at the box office. But enough with the pooch puns. Nathan Lane lends his .voice to Spot, a motormouthed mutt who finds life on all fours strictly for the dogs. Suffering from an acute Pinocchio complex, Spot wants nothing more than to be a "real boy" - in fact, the film opens with an amusing send-up of the 1940 Disney classic. In the absence of a blue fairy, Spot takes matters into his own paws by pinning back his floppy ears and marching off to school with his master, Leonard (voiced by Shaun Fleming), posing as his best friend, Scott - a ruse facilitated by Spot/Scott's ability to talk with humans. When the precocious pup gets wind of a wacko scientist, Dr. Ivan Krank (voiced by Kelsey ~rammer), who announces on a "Jerry Springer"lIke TV talk show that he can transform animals into humans by manipulating their DNA, Spot hightails it - literally - down to Florida, where, coincidentally, Leonard is spending the dog days of summer with his mom/fourth-grade teacher (voiced by Debra Jo Rupp), a finalist in a National Teacher's Award competition. But as Spot soon finds out, you should be careful what you wish for. The Dr. Moreau-like Krank turns out to be just that, as evidenced by his earlier failed attempts at species ~wapping which resulted i~ such. swamp mutations as Adele, the mosquito girl (v01ce~ by Megan Mullally), and Dennis, the gator boy (voiced by Paul Reubens). Undeterred by the possibility of a similar fate, Spot refuses to just roll over and play dead. But when a miscalculation of doggy years by Krank yields unintended results it is up to Leonard and his other two pets - ~ scaredy-cat named Mr. Jolly (David Ogden Stiers) an.d a cantankerous canary named Pretty Boy (Jerry Stiller) - to get Spot out of the genetic doghouse. This is one teacher's pet which deserves straight As. The zany film offers something for everyone. Regardless of whether they are fans of the show, kids will find their ribs tickled by the flick's kooky characters and outrageous sight gags. But Bjorklund makes sure to throw more than a
few funny bones to adults along for the ride with zingers like, "Time sure flies when you're chang~ ing species," and by peppering the lunacy with film references to "The Sound of Music," Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein" - and even Jimmy Cagney's "White Heat" - that only parents will catch. Bjorklund even bites the hand that feeds him by parodying classic Disney animated features like "101 Dalmatians," "Snow White," and even the big cheese himself, Mickey Mouse. ' The animation, by renowned ilIustrator Gary, Baseman, is at once both primitive and highly stylized, exploding with color and vibrancy. Baseman has created a world populated by toggle-nosed, linguini-limbed denizens like the egg-faced Leonard and his frog-like classmate, Ian (voiced by Rob Paulsen), both of whom look more mutant than Krank's botched experiments. The, "most bizarre" award goes to Mrs. Boogin (voiced by Estelle Harris), a pasty, pink-haired crone who will have every liposuctionist in the audience salivating. The hyperfrenetic, at times surreal, sequences involve houses which burst into song on cue, echoing the animated flights of fantasy of vintage Bob Clampett, Tex Avery and Max Fleischer. Complementing the inspired visuals are songs which range from the near-operatic, "I'm Movin' On," to the hilarious spoof of Disney sentimentality, "A Boy Needs a Dog." The film also features a jazzy version of the Doris Day standard, "Teacher's Pet." Like early Warner Bros. "Looney Tunes," which dropped as many cultural references as Acme anvils, "Teacher's Pet" is educational as welI as entertaining, offering young viewers a lesson in geography by way of the rip-roaring musical number, "A Whole Bunch of World," which compresses comments on alI 50 states in under two minutes. The film also contains a rapid-fire, almost subliminal romp highlighting masterpieces of Western art. And just in case comedy-camouflaged educational numbers aren't incentive enough, the boyand-his dog story - well, more precisely a boyand-his-dog-who-wants-to-be-a-boy story - also imparts a message about friendship and the dangers of science overstepping its boundaries, smuggled in under the cover of laughter. See Spot. See Spbt run. Run to see Spot. Though the film has brief, mildly crude humor, the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. ,
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Friday, January 30, 2004
POPE JOHN Paul II listens to a rap song as a Polish youngster break dances during an audience at the Vatican January 25. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Polish br~ak dancers give pope a show in the Vatican VATICAN CITY - Spending part of his Sunday with young people, Pope John Paul II applauded break dancers from his native Poland and helped Italian youths launch doves of peace from his apartment window. The break dancers performed Sunday before a seated pontiff in the Vatican's sumptuous Clementine Hall, with some spinning on their heads on the marble floor to the pope's apparent delight. They jumped and twisted to the sound of rhythmic music that blared through the hall from a boombox. The pope raised his hands in approval after each dancer finished, and told the group afterward: "I bless you from my heart for this creative and difficult work." He told the youths that creativity was important in all art, and that artistic talent was a gift of God that
should be developed and not wasted. . "Be faithful to beauty and be faithful to goodness," he said. The youth group, which includes street poets and graffiti artists, helps raise money for assistance programs for needy young people in Poland. Earlier in the day, the pope was joined at his apartment window above St. Peter's Square by an Italian boy and girl who read out an annual peace message, thanking the pontiff for all he does to promote world peace. As thousands of banner-waving young people cheered below, the pope ad-Jibbed a greeting, thanking them forthespeech and telling them: "I love you all, too. I love you very much."
Pope-Cheney meeting 路comes as U.S.-Vatican rebuild relationship By JOHN THAVIS CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - Vice President Dick Cheney's first meeting with Pope John Paul II comes at a time when U.S.-Vatican relations are in a rebuilding phase following the war in Iraq. Cheney met with the pope in a pt;vate audience Tuesday, and later held talks with the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. Sources said the discussions touched upon a number of topics, chief among them the situation in Iraq, the Middle East and international terrorism. The pope and other Vatican officials argued strongly against the U.S. decision to invade Iraq, but in recent months they have focused on the need for cooperative reconstruction rather than on past di fferences. The pope and Vatican experts have also made increasingly strong statements against international terrorism, underlining the need for more effective curbs against terrorist groups. "In the necessary fight against terrorism, international law is now cal1ed to develop legal instruments provided with effective means for the prevention, monitoring and suppression of crime," the pope said in his World Day of Peace message. But there remains a fundamental difference between the Vatican and the United States over the con-
cept of pre-emptive or "preventive" war as a tool against terrorism. "On the concept of 'preventive war,' the position of the Holy See has not changed at all," Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Vatican equivalent of a foreign minister, said in a response to questions by Catholic News Service. "Obviously, defense against terrorism must be preventive to some degree. That doesn't mean shooting first, but rather working so that there is no interest in shooting," the archbishop said. The Vatican's views were perhaps best illustrated by its very different reactions to the U.S. military act.ions in Afghanistan in late 2001 and to the invasion of Iraq last year. A Vatican spokesman and other Church officials offered qualified support for U.S. attacks against alQaida strongholds in Afghanistan, saying the use of force in that situation represented an extension of self-defense against a terrorist organization that could be expected to strike again. But the same case could not be made for Iraq, and this was underscored by the lack of an international consensus in support of the war, Vatican officials said. One thing both the Vatican and the United States want is reform of the United Nations - but with different points ofemphasis. The pope has spoken general1y of restoring
to the United Nations its proper role of protecting the international order. The United States, on the other hand; wants to see the United Nations as a "more action-oriented structure and less a debating structure," especially when it comes to responding to terrorist threats around the world, said one informed U.S. source in Rome. Vatican sources said that Cheney has no doubt heard another of the Vatican's arguments about the "war on terrorism": the concern that the United States is relying too heavily on short-term military solutions and not enough ori political, social and educative steps. ''There's a feeling that there's an imbalance, that more attention should be given to removal of the causes of terrorism and, above all, to education. We need to get at the roots ofterrorism," said one Vatican official. "But there is also understanding that the United States is still probably under the influence ofSeptember II, and that this has resulted in a priority for military action," he said. Cheney and his Vatican counterparts discussed the Israeli-Palestinian question. But Vatican officials believe that serious new peace initiatives by the United States wil1 probably come only after the 2004 presidential elections.
The temple for the Jews was the sacred dwelling place of God on earth. People came to the temple to offer sacrifices in reparation for their sins and sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. They came to pray. They came to the temple to draw near to God and to be sanctified. When Mary and Joseph came to the temple to fulfill the obligations of the law, the child they carried was he who sanctified the temple. They brought God into his temple, but they came with no fanfare and no blaring trumpets. They came quietly. They made the offering of the poor, two turtledoves. The hundreds of people milling around the temple courtyards did not realize who this child was, nor did the priest who took him in his arms and offered him to God. He had repeated the same ritual hundreds of times and this time he saw nothing to make him think he was doing anything special. Only Mary and Joseph knew. They brought God into his dwelling place but they brought him as he had come to them in simplicity. Then God, pleased with this simplicity, broke the silence. Simeon, a good and devout man, who for years was waiting for this moment, came into the temple under the influence of the Holy Spirit. He recognized this child as the fulfillment of God's promises, as the light of revelation to the gentiles and the glory of God's people Israel. Anna, an elderly widow who was a prophetess, also came by at that moment and began to speak of the child Jesus "to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem." Mary and Joseph, who had told no one of their secret, stood there wondering at what Simeon and Anna said about the child, and Simeon, not a priest or Levite but a layman, filled with the Holy Spirit, blessed Mary, the Mother of God, and Joseph her husband. Simeon then spoke to Mary to tell her that her child would meet with resistance, that he would be a sign that would be contradicted and that her mother's heart, so full of joy now, would one day be pierced by the sword of sorrow. At the Presentation, Mary learned that in becoming the Mother of God she would also become the Mother of Sorrows. The Presentation makes clear that Mary became aware of what God expected of her as Mother of the Messiah only by stages. But having given her consent at the Annunciation, she would be faithful to her commitment and
continue to stand before the Lord with utter simplicity and complete selflessness. In all situations of her life she sought to do God's wil1 for her and to do it perfectly. Her faith moved her to say at the Annunciation, "Be it done to me according to thy word." She put herself completely at God's disposition. This is how faith manifests itself and Mary is called "blessed" in the gospel because she believed. Because Mary has now been assumed into heaven and crowned as queen we sometimes forget that on earth she had to live her whole life by faith, trying to discern God's will for her just as we do. But prayerful discernment of her role in God's plan for her was characteristic of her. St. Luke points out that, "at Bethlehem
all who heard what the shepherd's had路to say were astonished. but Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart." Similarly, at the Presentation, she and Joseph stood there "wondering at
the things that were being said about the child." She must have wondered, also, when Simeon said to her, "A sword
shall pierce your own soul too." Later on, having found the boy Jesus in the temple, she and Joseph did not understand what Jesus meant when he told them he had to be about his Father's affairs. There was much about her Son that she could not understand but "she stored all these things in her heart." She stored them in her heart because she pondered them prayerfully.in the light of her perfect love for God and her desire to do his will no matter what the cost to herself. Her perfect faith and loving trust in God would one day lead her to Calvary but also to the glories of heaven. This is why Mary is our model for faith, the mother of all believers and Mother of the Church. When we reflect on Mary's life of faith and selfless love, we are led to examine our own lives and "the thoughts oimany
Simeon's prophecy is fulfil1ed.
Father Feeley is the vice postulator of the Cause for Canonization ofServant ofGod Father Patrick Peyton, CSC. Holy Cross Family Ministries, which carries on the works of Father Peyton, is headquartered in North Easton, and serves Je~us Christ and his Church by promoting and supporting the spiritual well-being of the family in 15 countries worldwide. For more information call 800-299PRAY or log Oil to www.hcfin.org.
Marriage Bishop Coleman's message, delivered by Father Roger Landry, noted that it is "hard to overstate the importance of our common effort." Marriage and family are the "fundamental cornerstone" of our society. And the court's new definition of marriage "if left uncorrected; will do untold damage." The bishop wrote of the "truth about marriage" as being the union ofone man and one woman throughout recorded history. "If marriage can mean anything that four justices say it does, then in fact it means nothing. ''There will never be any stability for marriage or for society built upon the foundation of marriage and family, as long as four justices can claim for themselves this power." Bishop Coleman commented that public support for traditional marriage "is surging," according to a poll by the University of Massachusetts which showed 54 percent -of the people now defend one manone woman marriage compared to 46 percent nearly a month ago. Urging a determined defense, the bishop observed that "God gave us marriage,- out of love, from the beginning." Chief sponsor of the MA & PA amendment is state Representative Philip Travis of Rehoboth. He asserted that the gay marriage ruling, in its ramifications for the family and society, equals that of the Roe v: Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court (1973) that legalized abortion. Febmary II is "D-Day" on the amendment to protect traditional maniage, Travis said. He sees the scheduled vote as the most important of his 22 years in the legislature. Travis noted that he is concemed, and that the people should pray daily that legislators will have the courage to bring the amendment to the state electorate. President Peg Whitbread ofMassachusetts Citizens For Life demanded "let the people vote!" She charactelizedjudges as "non-elected elitists." She deplored the "devaluing" of traditional marriage through court activism. "The consummation of the marital act itself may one day be reduced to sodomy" if the court has its way. Fifty years of activist COUlts in the nation have destroyed the U.S. Constitution through language about privacy and personal rights, and have produced legalized abortion and now same-sex marriage, she lamented. Gerald D'Avolio, executive director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, asked the key question: who is to decide the definition of marriage, four judges or the people? He emphasized "the moral obligation" for citizens to participate in the political process, something particularly urgent in the present moment. The court's decision, he said, will have "a ripple effect" all over the country. Some of the stemest criticism of the state Supreme Court came from
lion-plus" citizens ofMassachusetts, and potentially for the entire coun~ try as to what the word "marriage" retired Superior Court Justice Will- _ means. iam H. Carey who blasted 'the gay By its same-sex marriage ruUng, marriage ruling. Carey contended the court created "a whole new set that judges had "usurped your ofcategories offatherless unions and power" by declaring to be unconsti- motherless unions, Crews warned, tutional (the ban against same-sex "sentencing children to be raised marriage) "what has been constitu- without the benefit of a mom and tional since Day One," from the time dad." -Crews accused Chief Justice that God created man and woman. Carey charged the court with be- Margaret Marshall of having been ing "result-orientated," meaning the bent on imposing same-sex marjudges had already made up their riage. He said that several years beminds what they' wanted, and handed fore the court's decision, Marshall down a mling "tojustify it." He noted addressed a meeting of homosexual that there was "no reason at all" given activists and told them that Vermont by the court for its decision. had not gone far enough in its ap- Mentioning his 51 years in the proval ofcivil unions. And that comjudicial system, Carey said he found ment at a time when the Massachuhimself "embarrassed" to read "a setts gay marriage case was about to come before her"":"" a case "that case of this language." Susan Baker-BOIjeson, rector of now she has acted on." St. Peter's Episcopal Church in The chiefjustice views traditional South Dartmouth, described mar- marriage defenders as "radical, hateriage as "a God thing" - God's vi- ful, prejudiced people," he went on, sion for man and woman as reflected pointing out that the court's decision in Scripture. Secular govemments includes those very accusations. appropriated and supported marThe federal govemment and 38 riage "for the good of the whole states have defense-of-marriage laws, and, now, because of the Mascommunity." Marriage has never been just a sachusetts court ruling, "eight more "civil right," she continued. Instead, states are busily trying to do somefirst and foremost, it stands as a "re- thing" to protect marriage. ligious right and a religious entity," Brian Camenker of the Parents' and was never meant to be purely a Rights Coalition asserted that "this civil union. And so, "a civil union isn't just about marriage," but is a may not be called a marriage." "much bigger thing" as part of the The Episcopal priest cited one "pervasive" agenda of gay and lesman-one woman marriage as bian groups to saturate especially "God's idea and purpose," and his public schools with propaganda; and alone to change. But since God said with myths whose purpose is to de,,, Ido not change,'" Baker-Bodeson value traditional marriage. added "then I believe that God has He displayed booklets and other the last word." literature introduced into schools to Dwight Duncan, associate pro- paint same-sex lifestyle as positi~e. fessor of law at Southem New En- When he told the audience that some gland School of Law, charged that of the items were even paid for by university, media and other elites public funds through the state De"disagree with the vast majority of . partment of Education, loud moans Americans," a point illustrated by and gasps arose from many of the the marriage redefinition by'judicial people in attendance. decree. Pro-Life activist Earle Sholley of He spoke of traditional marriage North Attleboro called forthe resigas "society's preferred way of. be- nation or impeachment ofthejudges getting and raising children for fu- pushing same-sex marriage. He ture generations." urged people to fight against "phony As to legislators, he urged his lis- marriage." And he claimed that teners to "hold their feet to the fire" former Gov. Weld, who appointed and "ask them to have the courage Judge Marshall, acted as part of a of their convictions" to vote for the long-range plan of elitists to attack MA & PA amendment. traditional marriage. Pastor Joseph Biddle of Calvary Master of ceremonies Lloyd Temple Assembly of God, in Fall McDonald, veteran Pro-Life leader, River, asked "whoever thought that stressed that last Sunday's event may marriage would need to be pro- be "!he most important rally that you tected?" ever attend," depending on "what Speaking of God's model and you do when you leave here." He blueprint for marriage, he said "to labeled the present battle as being think that we can change that is our against "the desperate threat that gay arrogance." And, "we need to con- marriage poses to society." fess afresh that God is right." To dose the rally, Betty-Ann Quoting Scripture about a man Hickey, music director at Holy Trinand a woman coming together "as ity Parish in Fall River, led the singone flesh" in marriage, Biddle drew ing of "God Bless America." laughter and applause in one particuA small number of rally protestlar compaIison. ors, who came unidentified in cars "God created us by design and onto the Bishop Connolly school we understand the design." People grounds, and who began to display also understand that "when I go to signs, were removed by a police dethe store to buy electrical parts, that tail andwereescorted to public propthere is a male and a female plug. .erty at Elsbree Street where they And that's the only way they work." were allowed to make their stateFollowing up on his "woe be to ment. The rally had been well adus" declaration, Ron Crews con- vertised as private, on private propdemned "the audacity" ofa one-vote erty, and for traditional marriage court majority to speak for "six mil- supporters only. Continued from page one
Friday, January 30, 2004
.Ray Flynn to lead defense of marriage rally February 8 BOSTON - Former Boston mayor and U.S. ambassador to the Vatican Raymond L. Flynn will lead a Rally to Defend Marriage at the State House in Boston on February 8 at 2 p.m. The event is sponsored by Your Catholic Voice, of which Flynn is presiClent, Massachusetts Catholic Conference and The Coalition for Marriage. Massachusetts citizens concerned about maintaining the traditional definition of marriage as that between one man and one woman are urged to attend. The hope of the sponsors is that thousands of people will heed the call and attend the rally to send the strong message that the issue of same-sex marriage should be decided by the voters of Massachusetts, not by the de-' cision of four state supreme court justices. Invited to attend the rally is Archbishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap:, former bishop of Fall
River and now archbishop of Boston. Already scheduled to appear are retired Supreme Court Justice Joseph R. Nolan, former Attorney General Robert Quinn and Concerned Women for America President Sandy Rios. The sponsors stress that the voice of the voters must be heard in support of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union of Qne man and one woman. At press time State路 Senate President Robert E. Travaglini is trying to prevent the issue from coming to a vote before a joint session on February II. To urge the vote to happen, contact Sen. Travaglini at 1-617722-1500 or E-mail RTravaglini@senate.state.ma.us. To send a message to the state legislators and senators, people are urgee to attend the rally on February 8, and make their voice heard.
Commentary -
Make our legislators accountable If the state Supreme Court took a pounding for its same-sex marriage ruling, the legislature itself fared little better at last Sunday路's rally to defend and protect traditional marriage. .Here are some comments out of the January 25 Fall River rally: From Bishop George Coleman's message: It is urgent that people contact their senators and representatives. "And if they cannot represent your views on an issue so crucial to the future of our state, then they might not be fit to represent you any more on Beacon Hill, come next election." . From state Rep. Philip Travis, chief sponsor of the proposed constitutional amendment to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman: "Hound them" (legislators) 'with letters, visits, phone calls, E-mails .and Faxes. "Many legislators are "choking" on the last four words of the amendment. Those words, "or its legal equivalent," forbid such possible legal arrangements as civil unions from being considered the equal to traditional marriage. Some lawmakers are looking for a compromise to permit civil unions for homosexuals. Travis paid tribute to Rep. Robert Correia of Fall River (not present at the rally) for his staunch defense of traditional marriage.
"Make your legLlators accountable on this issue." Lawmakers must vote on the amendment and must allow the people to vote. "To do less is not democracy in action, but cowardice in action." President Peg Whitbread of Massachusetts Citizens For Life spoke of "the complacency" of the legislature, seeking "to avoid" its duty, and instead "passing the buck to the court." From Pro-Life activist Earle Sholley: There has been "treachery by elected officials" and intellec-' tual elites. From Executive Director . Gerald D' Avolio of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference: Convincing legislators to vote for traditional marriage must come by pressu.路e from voters in their very districts. From retired Superior Court Judge William Carey: Take action. Do not "risk a close vote by the legislature." From Pastor Joseph Biddle of Calvary Temple Assembly of God, in Fall River: Tell legislators "we expect you to represent us." Failure to contact legislators, because of busy lives, could be interpreted "that we don't care." From Ron Crews of Massachusetts Family Institute: The legislature must hear from traditional marriage proponents. "Let the people vote!" Send a powerful message, and ask the legislature "do you hear me now?"
Friday, January 30, 2004
Letter to 路Massachusetts members of the Knights of Columbus regarding same-sex marriage Editor's ."ote: The followillg is a letter sellt to all Massachusetts members of the Kllights of Columbus III re~pollse to the Massach~setts Supreme Judicial Court November rulillg ill favor of same-sex marriages. The letter was srglled by Kllights of Columbus State Deputy Thomas M. Ledbetter. January 25, 2004 My Brother Knights: Last month by a 4-to-3 vote, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ripped aside 2000 years of tradition, common sense, and the wel1-being of children as it declared that individuals should be free to marry other persons of the same sex. Chief Justice Marshall, who authored the majority opinion, stated that the marriage ban works against a . segment of our community for no rational reason. . She suggests that the marriage restriction is rooted in persistent prejudices against persons who are homosexual. I believe this statement by Justice Marshal1 and the ruling court is totally off the mark. Some Knights have been called bigots because they disagree with this court ruling. Well, brothers, you are not bigots for standing up for marriage as it is and always has been understood by our society, taught by Judeo-Christian tradition and defined by the dictionary. The fight for marriage is now underway. The Holy Father has asked all faithful Catholics to defend marriage. Why does marriage matter so much? Marriage is an irreplaceable asset of our society. It is the bedrock of community life. It is a sign that influences the holiness of large numbers of men and women. It is important for our children. The Vatican states, "As experience has shown, the absence of sexual complementarity in these unions creates obstacles in the normal development of children who would be placed in the care of such persons. They would be deprived of the experience of either fatherhood or motherhood" (Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons, #7). When considering marriage, we must not forget the best interests of the child. Courts in America have, for some time, adopted an attitude ofjudicial activism. They substitute their judgements for that of the elected legislature in order to carry out social change and political correctness that we as a nation never asked for. For unelected judges are rewriting the social rules we al1 live by. The rules your children and grandchildren wil1 live by. In our court and in courts across the land, people who are responsible to no one, who have never been elected to any position and who have life time tenure are berating prosecutors, removi ng the words under God from our pledge, substituting their judgement for that of elected officials and in general creating social havoc. What is at stake in the same-sex marriage debate? Three things: a) the acceptance of homosexuality as a good; b) the future of marriage (on which any civilization depends) and c) ultimately the persecution of the Church. Once gay marriage passes, Catholic organizations and private businesses wil1 be forced to fund marriage benefits for same-sex couples. People who refuse to accept same-sex marriages wil1 be treated as bigots and bul1ied from the public square. We can see what wil1 happen here from what is happening in Europe. Did you know European countries have threatened to charge the pope with hate crimes for opposing gay marriage? Or that this year, the Irish equivalent of the ACLU sent every priest a letter threatening them with two years in jail ("hate Clime") if they so much handed out or quoted from the Vatican's statement. We, as Americans do have some power and it
is that power that I am asking you to exercise. In the days fol1owing the Supreme Judicial COUlt'S decision the state offi<;:e has been inundated with inquiries asking what are we doing about this? I am sure that many of you look for some magical reversal, a referee's flag calling back the play or some renowned person of great power, obligated to the people, interceding so that in the light of day this tale will have a happy ending. However, there is no such event in our future because my brothers the power in this instance belongs only to you . The next step can be anything the court wants . Isn't it now possible for the court to say that sexual acts between adults and cons~nting minors are legal because there is no "constitutional prohibition." Impossible you say, ridiculous argument, but didn't you feel the same way about men marrying men and women marrying women? As the state deputy of this great jurisdiction, I can only point out to you that you have the power and the obligation to force your legislature, through your political activism, to create a Constitutional Amendment and join with the 37 other states in establishing that marriage can only be between one man and one woman and that through such legislation we prohibit the concepts that have risen through this first step. The Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus in col1aboration with the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, the Massac'husetts Bishops and the Massachusetts Family Institute are formulating a plan of action and we need your support when our plans are finalized. We are taking steps to make you proud. The key date will be February ll lh at the Massachusetts State House. Please be there and support us. As other dates materialize we will keep you informed. You asked what are we doing here at the state level? I tell you that collectively you can change this decision. We need you to help get the messa'ge out and to get good Catholic families to stand up for their faith and the future of this country. 46,000 Knights of Columbus families, your friends and Church groups that you belong to all writing letters to your legislators demanding the constitutional convention, demanding an amendment defending marriage. What a great act of political activism. You do not have to ask, or beg, you have the power and you should stand up and use it. Write, write, write and do not hesitate to tell them that it all ends now. Either they comply or they loose your support. You cannot change the judges, but you can change the legislators. If you need addresses or other information contact the executive staff at state headquarters. I will be addressing a letter to the Senate and House leadership as well as the governor, and I wil1 be telling them that I represent 46,000 Knights of Columbus families, but it wil1 be to no avail if they do not hear from you. In many ways the Knights of Columbus have become the best kept secret in Massachusetts, now it's time to let them hear from you. Demand your legislator respond in writing and if they don't remind them of the consequences of ignoring you. Please keep me informed regarding your actions. I need to know what you are doing and we wil1 be glad to assist you if needed. Please forward to state headquarters any responses that you receive from your legislators. You have asked what I am doing about this, now I ask what are you doing? Make me proud of you and more importantly make your Church proud of you. Vivat Jesus.
MORE THAN 20,000 people pack the MCI Center for the Rally for Life and Youth Mass in Washington January 22 prior to the March for Life, an annual demonstration protesting the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. (CNS photo by Don Blake, The Dialog)
Continued from page one
Bishop George W. Coleman of the Diocese of Fal1 River in Massachusetts, took part in a Christian Unity Service at Christ Church Episcopal in Swansea. It was his first appearance at an ecumenical event since he became bishop in July. Father Marc Bergeron, ecumenical officer for the Fal1 River diocese, also participated. Bishop Coleman was among the four bishops of Massachusetts who, along with 25 Christian church leaders in Massachusetts, signed an ecumenical letter mailed out by the Massachusetts Council of Church, as part of the 2004 Week of Prayer. The full theme of the week, chosen by an international group <;>1' Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox leaders, was " ... My peace I give you ... not as the world gives. Let not your hearts be troubled ...." From the Gospel of John (14:23-31). The prayer chosen for the week's observance is: "0 Holy Trinity, source of al1 life,' ful1ness of wisdom, power for peace, we come before you in humble prayer. We are a church divided, but we seek to share your life. We are bewildered by violence and sin, in need of wisdom; we are wounded in spirit, and desire your healing. Together we
must pray that your reconciling Spirit wil1 bring us closer to you and to one another. Obedient to your Word, may we reflect in our lives the power of your love. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen." In Rome, Pope John Paul II said the week would bring together Christians all over the ~orld, praying intensely for the gift of unity and meditating on the evangelical gift of peace and the commitments it implies. "In promising his peace, Christ assured his disciples of support in facing trials. And is not the enduring division between Christians a painful trial?" he said. "That's why Christians feel the need to tum to their one Lord, so that he may help them to overcome the temptation of discouragement along the difficult path that leads to ful1 communion," he added. Meeting with members of an ecumenical delegation from Finland last week, the pope said he was especially heartened at progress in Catholic-Lutheran dialogue in the five years fol1owing the signing of the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification." He said one promising sign of progress has been the establishment of a new dialogue group of Lutherans and Catholics in Finland and Sweden.
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Diocesan students working on Pro-Life essays NORTH DARTMOUTH February 13 is .the deadline for diocesan parishes to submit 10 representative Pro-Life essays to the Pro-Life Apostolate as part of this year's contest. The title of this year's essay is "Not Even a 'Little Bit' of Abortion!" Category I is made up of stu-
dents in grades six, seven and eight, and Category 2 is for students in grades nine-12. A $100 U.S. Savings Bond will be awarded to first-place winners in each category, and a $50 bond goes to the second-place ~inners. \ Winners will read their entries at the annual Pro-Life Mass March 25.
CHILDREN FROM the kindergarten and fourth-grade classes at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, get ready to decorate a tree in Buttonwood Park. Having recently learned how animals survive in the winter, they decided to string food on trees to feed the birds and other animals.
BISHOP FEEHAN High School Nurse Cynthia Knight recently attended the 17th annual MIAA Leadership Training Program in Franklin. The five-day workshop helps volunteers prepare to meet the health and safety needs of students and gain knowledge to help plan and implement comprehensive wellness program$ in their schools. ,lI'f;' ,'"
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SEVENTH-GRADERS from St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, display hygiene packages they made to help others. They were distributed by the diocesan Office of AIDS Ministry.
MEMBERS OF the eighth-grade Religious Education Class from St. Pius X in South Yarmouth, gather around the piano at the Windsor Nursing Home where they provided an evening of entertain-ment and refreshments for its residents. .
THE TIMOTHY J. Cotter Scholarship was recently awarded to five Bishop Connolly High School students. Cotter worked for many years to benefit students in diocesan Catholic schools. From left: Sarah Souza, Robert Remmes, Mrs. Noreen Cotter, Thomas Remmes, Michael Falcon and Sarah Beers.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Montana Catholic college basks in glow of NAJA football championship HELENA, Mont. (CNS) The football team at Catholic-run Carroll College in Helena set records when it won the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics championship for the second straight year. The Fighting Saints swept past the NOithwestern Oklahoma State University Rangers to win the title game 41-28 in Savannah, Tenn., December 20. Carroll actually trailed for the first time in the postseason, ending the first quarter behind 7-3. The Helena school is the only Catholic college in the United States to win the NAIA title, much less repeat the win. The institution, operated by the Helena diocese, is one of five small colleges to win the championship twice, said Thomas Trebon, Carroll's president. The NAIA is the national governing body for the athletic programs at about 350 small colleges. It was begun in 1940 as the National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball and renamed in 1952 when it was expanded to include a variety of sports. Carroll's sophomore quarterhack, Tyler Emmert, was named the NAIA national player of the year the night before the title game. Emmert was outstanding on the field, throwing for 344 yards and three touchdowns. He also was named a player of the year in the Frontier Conference, along with linebacker
Marcus Atkinson. The conference named Carroll head coach Mike Van Diest as coach of the year. Senior wide receiver Mark Gallik gained national attention by jumping between two Rangers to snag a 33-yard pass from Robb Latrielle in the title game. The ESPN cable channel ranked the play sixth in its December 21 edition of "Top 10 Plays of the Day." The team gathered to watch it, after returning to Helena at 1: 15 a.m. and attending an hourlong rally on campus attended by several hundred people. Msgr. Kevin O'Neill, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Helena, met the champs at the airport. "I'm very proud of them," he said later. Msgr. O'Neill, a Carroll alumnus, said the athletes are an outstanding example of the college's mission to give the students a well-rounded education in academics and offer them a wide range of extracurricular activities, including opportunities for community service. On January 4, Van Diest was named coach of the year by the NAIA and the American Football Coaches Monthly magazine. Van Diest has been well recognized often during his five years at Carroll. The Saints have racked up a 52-14 record, four straight Frontier Conference titles and the two national championships.
What's wrong.with this relationship? By CHARLIE I'M STILL HERE I found the pieces in my hand They were always there It just took some time for me to understand You gave me words I just can't say So if nothing else I'll just hold on while you drift away 'Cause everything you wanted me to hide Is everything that makes me feel alive. Refrain: The cities grow. The rivers flow Where you are I'll never know But I'm still here If you were right and I was wrong Why are you the one who's gone? And I'm still here. I'm still here. You've see.n the ashes in my heart You smile the widest when I cry inside and my insides blow apart I try to wear another face Just to make you proud Just to make you put me in my place. . But everything you wanted from me Is everything that I could never be. (Repeat refrain) Maybe tonight it's gonna be all right I will get better Maybe today it's gonna be OK I will remember. I held the pieces of my soul I was shattered And I wanted you to come and make me whole Then I saw you yesterday
But you didn't notice You just walked away 'Cause everything you wanted me to hide Is everything that makes me feel alive. (Repeat refrain.) The lights go out, the bridges burn Once you go you can't return But I'm still here Remember how you
I could never be," should the relationship continue? When people first start to date, it's not unusual for them to present themselves a little differently than they really are. To get the other person's attention, most of us demonstrate only our best qualities. But relationships cannot survive on a false foundation. For a relationship to grow, each person must take the risk of revealing his
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used to say I'd be the one to run away But I'm still here. I'm still here. Sung by Vertical Horizon Copyright (c) 2003 by RCA Remember Vertical Horizon? "Go" is their new CD. Off this album is their current chart hit "I'm Still Here." The song demonstrates the group's thoughtful messages packaged with their trademark vocal harmonies. This song raises a question: If "everything you warited me to hide is everything that makes me feel alive;' can this relationship survive? If "everything you wanted from me is everything that
Love grows from being in the light of truth. Trying to meet another's expectations when these demands conflict with one's true self leads to a loss of self-respect and self-identity. Put simply, it's never worth it.' . The song says, "You just walked away" and "I'm still here." The key word in this assertion is "I." Healthy, loving relationships empower each other's identity. God gave each of us spiritual purpose when he called us into human life. Learning to identify this purpose, learning how to offer it as service to others and living with zest is at the heart of the soul's journey. Truly loving relationships foster the "I" in each person. God does not intend an individual to lose a sense of "I" as he or she enters into becoming a "we." Use your caring and yoLir honesty to help all those you love become more of the "I" that God created each of them to be.
Your comments are always welcome. Please write to me at: chmartin@swindiana.net or at 7125W 2008, Rockport, IN 47635.
Bake away By
I have a friend who bakes. He wakes up at 4 in the morning, turns on the ovens at the bakery, collects the materials needed for the pumpkinchocolate-chip bread and sweats until I in the afternoon. In those early hours of the .morning he is alone, working, baking, toiling. His radio plays lightly in the background as he enjoys the company of the purring ovens. He is a kind person, a giving person and a person who would rather read than go out. He works hard, goes home, jumps on his road bike and solitarily rides for hours. I have a friend who cannot say no to anyone. At one point she worked 45 miles from
where she lived, and she lived 90 miles from where she grew up. If a friend called from her hometown and asked her to a movie or a party, she would hop in her car and drive 90 miles because otherwise she would feel she was missing out on something. In the morning, she would drive the 90 miles back to work, living like a transient, knapsack in the back of her car, traveling from social event to social event. It is her devotion to friends and family that drives her, not a bad quality, just strenuous. She since has ceased this practice, deciphering what is important and what isn't. Two different people. Two different extremes. Most of us find ourselves
struggling somewhere in the middle, wondering if we should s¢nd the weeken,d driving around with friends or the evening at a movie with our
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flge girlfriend or boyfriend or reading a book on the couch. Options in high school are astounding: basketball games, dances, movies, parties, sleepovers, plays, concerts and many other things. High school is when the need for social acceptance is at its highest point
and self-awareness at its lowest. High school is where it all begins: Where do I spend my free time, if I have any free time between sports and academics (and detention, well, for some of us)? Why do you think parents use the grounding technique for punishment so effectively? Because the thought of missing out on something is more torturous than actually missing the event. Chances are, had you not been grounded you would have gone to the party, thought it was lame and left with your friends early. But it is that developing social imagination that boils in the brain. I just barely figured out the key to not stressing about what I should be doing on Friday and
Saturday night. There is no key, and that is the key. There are just times you may have to miss the things that all your friends are doing in order to hang out with the family or work a parttime job. The truth is, the stories are always better than what actually happens, and friends are good at making things seem bigger and more exciting than they are. 80 on Saturday night if you feel like reading a book, taking your little sister to a movie or even watching college football with your dad instead of going out, great! You are one step closer to knowing who you are and realizing you don't have to be involved in everything. We'll work on this together. Bake away.
Monk's vision shines through church windows BY PRIsau.A GREEAR CATHOUC NEWSSaMce
CONYERS, Ga. - Father Methodius Telnack's artistic vision shines through windows in churches and other institutions from Blue Ridge Mountain towns in Appalachia to a Native American mission in Arizona. The 75-year-old monk from the Trappist Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers has been designing stained glass for more than 45 years. His art ranges from a current project - windows in the style of ancient Celtic manuscripts for the chapel of St. Thomas More in Decatur, Ga. - to the tall windows in shades of blue, pink and white that he began making in 1957 for the church at his own abbey. A one-time Marine and student of art and architecture, Father Telnack entered the monastery in 1949 after having attended an Eas~ ter retreat there, he told the Georgia BlIlledn, newspaper of the Atlanta Archdiocese. When the Trappists - also , known as Cistercians of the Strict Observance-first came to Conyers in 1944, the monks planned to stick to the order's medieval tradition of shunning stained glass for a simpler, , more Puritan-like style for the monastery. But an abbot general who visited during a record summer heat wave persuaded them that using stained-glass windows would make the structure cooler. Construction of the monastery took until 1961 to complete, after years of money shortages and the monks doing much 'of the labor themselves. ''1 did a good deal of the architecture, too," Father Telnack said. ''The bell tower was my design." His education hadn't covered stained glass, however. So, after volunteering to make stained-glass windows, "I got all these books 'from the Atlanta public library," he said. Father Telnack explained that
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while some materials have changed the monks make the leaded-glass panels basically the same way French artisans did in the Middle Ages. Father Telnack and his assistants specialize in working with handcrafted glass that comes in square sheets from the Blenko Glass Co. in West Virginia. Walking over to a large blue sheet of Blenko glass on a window sill, Father Telnack pointed out thick and thin sections, which create natural irregularities ' and variations in shades of blue in the same piece. After a full-scale design is made on a computer, a pattern is made and used to cut the glass. After the glass is arranged in a design on the table, flexible strips of lead are bent around the edges. The strips are soldered together, and a special cement is brushed on the window panel to make it stronger and waterproof. ''Each church has its own spirit," he said. "All I try to do is reflect the attitude and aspirations ofthe people I work with. I listen and we will come up with some ideas about the subject matters, about the style of the windows." One project for a mission in Solomon, Ariz., waS designed to recognize the Native American community's Aztec ancestors. He created windows with a pantheon of Aztec gods in the background and in the foreground Christian mystics and saints, including Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Juan Diego St. Francis Xavier, the patron of the Southwest. FatherTelnack said the windows' non-Christian elements attest to how Aztec beliefs helped prepare for the later mass conversions to Christianity brought by the Spaniards. When I put the windows in, this Indian lady came in and looked around and said, 'These are our windows,''' he said. "It's the satisfaction I get from that that keeps me going and making stained glass. I live for that." .
A STAINED glass work of art, the "Glorified Cross," that hangs in the church of St. Philip Benizi in Jonesboro, Ga. was created by Cistercian Father Methodius Telnack. (CNS photo byMichael Alexander, Georgia Bulletirl)
"PROCESSION," PAINTED by Brother Kevin Patrick Kelly of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, is among works being exhibited through March 28 at the Morris Museum in Morristown, N.J. Brother Kelly says he is studying to be a priest because he is drawn to the priesthood as he is called to art - with a desire to illuminate the gift of life. (CNS photo from Catholic Spiri~
Art links N.J. seminarian with teen-,ager 'from Kenya BY CtwussA M. CARROLL CAlHOUC NEWS SERVICE
PISCATAWAY, N.J. - Struggling as a guitarist in a punk rock band some years ago, Kevin Patrick Kelly needed to find a way to cover the rent - and fast. So he grabbed his art supplies and began to create paintings he could sell on the streets of New York City. For several years, the young graduate of the School of Visual Arts supported himself this way and by exhibiting his work in coffeehouses and other small venues. These days he finds that his art serves a far greater purpose than merely paying the bills. The artist is now a religious brother, a member of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, who is studying for the priesthood at Immaculate Conception Seminary in South Orange. "My call to the priesthood is the same as my call to be an artist," explained Brother Kevin, who has lived with his religious community in Somers.et for the last six years. "Both~have to do with my desire to feed people the truth and help to illuminate the gift of life they've been given." He said his main drive as a painter is "to recognize God's grace in the ordinary experiences in life that people tend to overlook." Because of what Brother Kevin calls a "profound" and "extraordinary" experience, he has landed his most prominent exhibition to date one that serves as a celebration of friendship, global diversity and spiritual connectedness. Through March 28, the Morris Museum in Morristown will feature his paintings along with those'of Jowa Ndigirigi, an 18-year-old artist the selninarian met while on a five-week trip to Kenya in 1999 that he calls life-altering. Having traveled to the small, rural village of Maralal to visit a friend who is a Consolata Missionary priest, Brother Kevin said he was immediately moved by how simply, yet joyfully, the people lived. "They had so little in terms of material things,
but everyone had such a beautiful spirit," he told The Catholic Spirit, newspaper of the Diocese of Metuchen. He noted that most villagers lived without electricity and running water. "It made me realize the incredible things we take for granted," he said. "The fact that we can tum the faucet on, and water flows out - it's just not something we think about." While on his journey, Brother Kevin began to paint the unique African landscape and exotic animal life. Soon, he had formed an informal painting workshop, and began to instruct several local youths. . Though he enjoyed teaching all of his students the fundamentals of color and composition, he was "blown away" by the talent of Ndigirigi, then 14. The teen had never seen real paintings before, and had only ever drawn with a pencil. However, his innate artistic ability was immediately apparent to Brother Kevin. During his short time in Kenya, Brother Kevin developed a deep bond with Ndigirigi. He regularly sends the youth art supplies and materials since they are nearly impossible for him to come by and too expensive for the typical Kenyan family. . "(Jowa's) paintings show a lot of human sufferiIJ,g, but you view them with a sense of hope and compassion," Brother Kevin said. "As Christians, we are called to live a Christlike life, and at some point we will be called into that suffering. If we run away from that, we're not really engaged in what it means to be alive." Both artists are thrilled that approximately 40 of their paintings, highlighting Kenya's people and natural beauty, are on display together in the New Jersey Artist Series exhibition: "Kevin Patrick Kelly and Jowa Ndigirigi, A Kenyan Collaboration." Adding to the excitement is the fact that Ndigirigi planned to leave his country for the first time to be on hand at the museum for a February 1 reception and February 5 discussion of his work.