t eanc 0' VOL 31, NO.5.
Friday, January 30,1987
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
$8 Per Year
Anchor Weekend begins tomorrow Tomorrow begins Anchor Weekend in diocesan parishes. offering readers the convenience of renewing subscriptions via the collection basket instead of by mail. In today's confused moral climate. most recently exemplified by discussion of surrogate motherhood and "right to die" issues, there is need for authoritative restatement of unchanging principles. Catholic Press Month. which .begins Sunday, provides the oppor-
tunity for diocesan newspapers. such as The Anchor. to reaffirm their commitment to such principles. That commitment was well expressed ·Iast year at a bishopseditors conference on the purpose and goals of the. Catholic press. Conference participants issued a statement listing 13 ways in which diocesan newspapers and magazines serve the Church and its people. It follows:
Press Statement The basic purpose of the Catholic press is to help Catholics to understand the world and to fulfill their role in it. The Catholic press achieves this purpose:
1. By supporting the mission of the church as professional journalists. 2. By reporting fully, fairly and accurately the events of the day as they relate to Christians. 3. By serving the readers' right to be informed.
4. By helping readers to hear God speaking to them in the events of the times. .5. By striving to convey the Christian meaning of human events to all segments of society. '6. By presenting and explaining the magisterial teaching of the church. 7. By helping fulfill the bishops' obligations to teach and instruct the people of God ...and to hear them in return. 8. By portraying the church as it is, with its strengths and weakpesses.
9. By reflecting the unity and diversity in the church and in the world. 10. By helping readers respect and support the human dignity of every person. 11. By providing continuing education leading to an informed public opinion. 12. By providing a forum for dialogue within the church. 13. By helping to build up the local, national and universal community.
Pink, blue crosses in New Bedford
Abortion anniversary sparks nationwide rallies WASHINGTON (NC) - The 14th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion was commemorated Jan. 22 by 5.000 marchers trudging· through heavy snow in Washington. But it also was remembered by thousands more across the country in marches. vigils. rallies and prayer services in their local communities.
Carrying pink and blue crosses and wearing black armbands, about 50 New Bedford area pro-lifers braved a blizzard to participate in a one-hour march through the whaling city of New Bedford. According to Mary Ann Booth
of Massachusetts Citizens For Life, sponsor ofthe New Bedford march, many elderly persons and children were among participants. The marchers met prior to departure from Our Lady of the Assumption Church for an opening prayer by Father Thomas McElroy, SS.Cc., its pastor. "We walked through the snow and showed our commitment to the abortion issue," Mrs. Booth said. The one-hour march took the group into downtown New Bedford, through a pedestrian mall and to the New Bedford Public Library, where Rev. Fred Boggs, . minister to Fall River's nondenom-
inational Church of Christ, offered prayer before the contingent returned to Our Lady ofthe Assumption. Many participants carried signs, Mrs. Booth saId, with messages such as "Thou Shalt Not Kill," "Abortion - A Baby Can Live Without It," and "Unborn Babies Are People Too." Others, she said, including child marchers, bore pink and blue crosses, donated by New Bedford carpenter Andy Ferguson. Marchers also wore black armbands distributed by MCFL members. "A man in his mid-20s bused in from Fall River for the march," Mrs. Booth said. "He had seen one
of our advertisements and felt committed to come. When he left, he asked ifhe could keep his armband. "He'l stay in my mind. He just wanted to do his part." America's permissive abortion policy conceals a strong racial bias, a black social worker claimed Jan. 18 during the 14th annual Assembly for Life held at Boston's historic Faneuil Hall. Erma Clardy Craven. director of black outreach for the National Right to Life Committee. told a large gathering that the practice of abortion also often masks male selfishness. Frances Hogan, president of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, con-
gratulated pro-lifers for placing a proposal for restricting abortion funding on last November's ballot. The proposal was defeated but she pledged a renewed struggle, during thel990election campaign. against tax-funded abortion. In Greensburg, Pa., Father Joel Lieb, director of the diocesan human life program, told participants that "human effort alone won't change people's hearts (about abortion). We need God's help." He added that legislative efforts are not making headway but still are worthwhile because they show legislators and society that the issue of abortion won't go away. Turn to Page Six
"Good Grief" seminar
Talking about de.ath . By Pat McGowan
NOT USUALLY so dramatically as in the case of this Turkish woman cradling her·dead child after a disastrous earthquake, but in a thousand ways grief enters our lives. How to cope with it was the topic of a recent St. Anne's Hospital workshop. (NCj UPI photo)
"Death is the ultimate suffering. loss and grief. but throughout life there are events such as loss of a job. a broken engagement. a divorce, disappointment in one's children: understanding these 'small deaths' is one of the best ways to prepare for death itself." That was the message of pastoral minister Sister Cecilia Baranowski. RSM. of the pastoral care department of. St. Anne's Hospital. Fall River. who spoke earlier this month to some 200 health care providers at a daylong seminar designed to help them explore their feelings about death and dying. Titled "Good Grief."the seminar was also intended to help the providers in contacts with dying persons, those facing bereavement and the bereaved. Telling ofan outstandingly cheerful hospital patient suffering multiple medical problems, many con-
genital. Sister Baranowski said she asked the woman how she maintained her positive outlook. "When I was a child," was the response. "my mother. taught me that sickness needn't bring you down." The patient demonstrated, said Sister Baranowski, that lifelong attitudes towards Qld age and death are developed in childhood. She then asked participants to think of a "little death"in their own recent experience and recall their reactions. She cited upset at feeling out of control of the situation as her own first response to a highway accident. "I was on my way to New Jersey." she recounted. "I totaled my car but my first reaction was 'Now I won't get to New Jersey.' I was really upset that my well-made plans were going wrong." Anger at loss of control emerged Turn to Page Six
Father Hickey, ministered' to students, ex-prisoners
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 30, 1987
SOAR gets off ground
The Mass of Christian burial was offered Wednesday at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, for Father Jack Hickey, O.P., 51, a Fall River native who died Jan. 25 at St. Anne's Hospital in that city. His body lay in state at the cathedral Tuesday night.
WASHINGTON (NC) Establishing a national office and naming an executive director are major steps forward for a project aimed at raising money to help aging nuns in need, say organizers. The campaign, known as SOAR, or Save Our Aging Religious, was launched last September by a group of prominent lay Catholics in response to a study released in May that showed U.S. religious orders are facing a retirement funding deficit estimated at $2.5 billion. Rita Hofbauer, a former communications director for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and a fund raising consultant, has been named SOAR's first director. SOAR's office i!j in Silver Spring, Md., in a building that also houses offices for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Frank Butler. president of Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA), based in Washington, said that response from the two conferences was "indicative of the kind of close cooperation which religious are seeking to foster between the laity and themselves as we strive together to resolve the retirement crisis." He also thanked donors within FADICA and the Catholic Daughters of the Americans for assistance in providing SOAR start-up funds. Ms. Hofbauer said that in the three-and-a-half months since SOAR was established, the initiative and response of Catholic lay people has been "overwhelming." "I believe' this reflects a deep gratitude to religious, who through the years have steadily and devot.edly served the Catholic community, and indeed the wider community," she said in a statement.
Father J:I ickey, the son of John Hickey and the late Edna (Mooney) Hickey. founded Dismas House, a halfway house for exconvicts, in Nashville, Tenn., in 1974. Other such houses, following the Nashville model, have since been established in other Tennessee cities. in Vermont and in Indiana. In the planning stage are two more houses in Tennessee and one in Worcester. . Father Hickey entered the Dominican order iri 1955 after attending Providence College for two years. He was ordained in 1962 · and thereafter was a campus cha-
SISTERS Mary Helen Garrity, Marion Klipfel and Paul Orlando, from left, talk about their unexpected windfall. (NC photo)
Milkman delivers cold cash
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (NC) Having milk delivered was a luxury the Sisters at Holy Angels Convent in suburban Rochester could ill afford. But because they believed their milkman needed the business, they never canceled the service. Their charity paid off. Stunned to learn that their apparently penniless milkman had left an estate worth at least a half . million dollars, they were even Ms. Hofbauer said while national more surprised by the news that he outreach efforts have barely begun, had named them. along with St. since September SOAR has heard Michael's Church in Rochester. from 450 people and collected among his beneficiaries. $130,000 individual donations: It William E. Hoff, 63. was shot to has also received corporate supdeath during what appeared to be port, including donations of office a robbery attempt at his apartfurnishings, she added. ment in Rochester Dec. 28. Police Butler said the first year's opercharged three city men in connecating budget is $89,000 and that tion with the shooting. costs would be kept down so dona. Although Hoff slept on the. kit.lions go directly to religious orders. ~hen floor and dressed like a pau~ .Ms. Hofbauer said nation fun- . draising efforts will include a major' per. family members turned up bank booksand other records after dire;:ct-mail campaIgn and appeals his death that revealed close to.a to ·foundaiions and corporations. half million dollars in the bank Major fundraise;:rs: such as an upcoming 'dinner si>onsored by . and apparently thousands of dollars in stocks. Sen. Peter Domehici,·R-N,M,. a In his will. Hoff directed that his board member, will take place estate be divided equally among across the country: . " .:. . . six nieces and nephews, St. Mi'The SOAR a'dd'ress is. 8820 chael's Church and Ho'ly Angels Cameron St., SilYe~Spring, Md., Convent. 20910, tel. 30 I -5~9-981 I. Hoff was an enigma to most who knew him. On one hand. police reported he sold wine and MARYKNOLL, N:Y. (NC) cashed welfare checks for a profit Church-state tensions in Nicara- . from the apartment house where gua have lessened since arrival of he lived. On the other hand. neighthe;: new papal nuncio, Archbishop bors and customers remember him Paolo Giglio, who is pushing diaas a kind, soft-spoken, even relilogue with the government, says a gious man who went out of his way Maryknoll lay missioner. "The to help others. Vatican is reading the signs of the times better than Washington," . As a subcontractor for a milk said Patricia Hynds, who has cooperative, he delivered dairy proworked in Nicaragua for six years .. ducts to several dozen customers,
:Tensions lessen'
plain at Vanderbilt University, Nashville; Union University, Albany, N.Y.; and the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. He also founded Interfaith, an ecumenical chapel for the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences; and the West Tennessee Student Health Coalition, a health promotion agency for low-income persons. The Dismas House concept saw student volunteers living with exprisoners to aid them in the transition to normal life. Father Hickey's survivors include, in addition to his father; his stepmother, Alice (Hackett) Hickey; a brother, Gerald F. Hickey of South Dartmouth, a former faculty member at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth; a sister, Carmelite Sister Cecilia Marian of Philadelphia, Pa.; and two stepbrothers, Robert and John Hackett, both of Fall River.
visit Detroit
WASHINGTON (NC) - The desirability" of adding· a city to the itinerary "to accommodate all city of Detroit has been added to of the events envisaged for the Pope John Paul II's itinerary for papal trip." his 1987 pastoral visit to the UniSpeCifiC events pfanned for each ted States and he is to make a 24hour visit there Sept. 18-19 as his city are subject to final approval by the Holy See which is not final stop. The addition of a 10th city for expected to give it until June. In addition to Miami, San Franthe papal trip was announced Jan. 28 by the National Conference of cisco and Detroit, the pope will go to Columbia, S.c.; New Orleans; Catholic Bishops in Washington. The NCCBconfirmed last Novem- San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix, Ariz.; ber that the pope would visit nine Los Angeles; and Monterey and cities in six states during a nine- Carmel, Calif. Archbishop Edmund Szoka of day U.S. trip, beginning Sept. 10 . in ~iaiTii and ending in. San Fran- · Detroit was'thepope's personal cisco Sept. 18. ' , choice in March 198 r to succeed The NCCB· said the pope is CardinaIJohn Dearden. I,nan unusexpected to fly from San Fran- ual qIove, the pope called the new cisco to Detroit Friday, Sept. 18, archbishop to Rome to meet with arriving around 9:30 p.m. local him the morning of the announcetime. He is expected to leave the ment and to convey the appointfollowing day for Rome around 9 ment to him in person. Pope John Paul while still a p.m. The announcement said a review cardinal visited Detroit in 1969 of plans for the trip "indicated the and 1976.
including St. Michael's and Holy Angels. Our Lady of Charity Sister Mary Helen Garity. superior of the Holy Angels community. heard about Hoff's death in a television news report. "When they said he was a wealthy man. we said. 'Oh. that couldn't be our Bill Hoff: " she recalled. "I could hardly believe it when we found out it was he." Judging by his shabby wardrobe and battered station. the sisters considered Hoff poor. Once they LONDON (NC) - A Fillipino African. as someone who "seeks gave him a winter coat to replace a youth worker. and the secretary of the reconciliation of his people tattered one held together with the South African Council of without using violent means and. safety pins. Churches have been awarded the in the face of racial segregation. Hoff's generosity at Christmas 1987 Gandhi Prize from the Taize does everything to avoid bloodshed." • and Easter was the sisters' only ecumenical community. Brother. Roger Schutz, founder indication that he wasn't destitute. The other recipient. Teresita When they gave him $10. he usuof the French monastic communNiforreda. "supports young Asians. ally left them $10 and a card in · ity. announced the prizes in Lonoften marked by poverty and lack don, where 25,000 young Euroreturn... . of work. so. that they become "He was always very respectful. peans of various religions recently , builders within the human comgentle and kind. very simple in his · met. munity."said Brother Roger. "She Brother Roger described recipways." Sister Garrity said. "He does not impose herself on the seemed to love to talk to the sisters ient Beyers Naude. a white South young people. but kn()ws how to when he was there. He'd always understand them." 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 say things like 'Goo,.bless you' or The Gandhi Prize. created last 'I'll remember you in my prayers.' us if we were behind with our bill. year. is awarded to "people who Something in his demeanor alone He would just write out how much devote their lives to peace. reconcimade you feel that he was close to we owed and leave it at that." liation and sharing." It consists of God." Both St. Michael's and the sis- a citation. Ho(fs connection with St. Miters plan to use ~he money to pay chael's was slightly more substanAt, the end of th.e European living e~penses. , . tial. His father. Edward. was a lifemeeting. Brother Roger an'nounced Like many inner-city parishes. long parishioner at the church and · the Taize community wquld sponSt. Michael's constantly struggl~s once operated a dairy on Rochesto make. ends. meet. Each winter. sor a meeting in Ljubljana. Yugoster's northeast side. where the tens of thousands of dollars are ·Iavia. May 2 and 3. This would be church is located. according to his needed just to heat the huge sanc- the 47-year~0Id community'S first only surviving son. H~rbert Hoff, meeting for young people in Easttuary. 71. ern Europe. The &isters may use the money For as long as David Wed ow, . to help pay hospitalization costs. He also announced a possible the parish's business administraTwo of the'seven elderly women at · meeting in New'York in January tor. can remember. William Hoff Holy Angels Convent were in the 1988. when he travels with young delivered milk to the church rechospital in mid-January. one suf- children from various continents tory. fering from cancer. the other from to meet U.N. Secretary-General "He was a delightful. quiet man." the effects of a stroke. Javier Perez de Cuellar. Wedow said. "He would never bug
Gandhi Prize to 2
-THE ANCHOR -Diocese
ofFall Iii;~r':""- Fri., Jan. 3~, 1987 3 ~
PI vocations drop MANILA, Philippines (NC)Filipino vocations are rapidly declining because of security fears and materialism, said a Philippine bishop. "We are afraid to be sent among wolves which today proliferate[in] ourcountry,"said Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez of Marbel, Philippines, characterizing the situation. "I magine, to be brutally killed like Father Tullio Favali.... No way! Or helping the poor. deprived, oppressed, ex. ploited in their struggle for total
liberation and total development. Too dangerous." Bishop Gutierrez, who spoke to the Manila newspaper Malaya, referred to the .1985 murder of Father Favali, an Italian member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions. Members of a local paramilitary unit are on trial for his murder. The bishop said materialism also deters potential vocations. The Marbel Diocese has one priest for every 16,173 Catholics, the bishop said .
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REV. GEORGE E. HARRISON (left) and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin greet participants in last Sunday's preparation session fora World Youth day p r o g r a m . '
Lenten youth program'
Kick.off meeting' at C~thedral Camp . emphases: on God:s we~coming, hospitality the first week: hospital" ' ity among youth the second week; exte'ntlirig'tha't tiospi'tality to'~I~ !rr' the P!1ris.h the t~ir~ w~ek: a~9" undertakmg service projects Hie fourth week. The last week of the program will be devoted to plans for future youth activities and for the cathedral paraliturgy.
"You,th rrii!1 lstry is the. fole oC'" the entire 'p~nsh ~,ommuOlty - all" must partlclp~te, ,~tre§.~~d ,~atlh.e.r Ge,~fge .E:: - ~"(~f.i:~6~,)jlrt:!=.ror '?~.: th~. youth .tv,JI.nl,s\.ry :,Qf~\fe ,~,t::, Cathedral Camp, m openmg a. preparatory session for a diocesan' Lenten youth program. The session ~as .held last Sunday at the camp~ site m East Freetown.. "We hope th~ program WIll plant a seed that grows arid that it will be
Young people: s~id the bishop, are exposed not only to the sexual and drug revolutions but to the contemporary lack of commitment and perseverance. "Change is
people in grades seven through 12. Beginning by paying .tribute to representatives from Martha's Vineyard whose presence involved a wintry ferryboat ride, Bishop Cronin said the youth program fulfilled a request of Pope John Paul II that each diocese in the world hold such a program, leading up to observance of World Youth' Day on Palm Sunday, April 12, with the theme "We know and: believe the love God has for us" from the First Epistle of John. In the Fall River.diocese, parish youth sessions will climax in a paraliturgical 'celebration in St. Mary's Cathedral at 3 p.m ..April :
who they are and where they're going," concluded ~he pr.e!ate. , "They know that their lives are t supposed to express their worship : of God and that God gives us I strength to overcome temptations I and difficulties. We can bring this message to' youth, giving them a roadmap'pointing out pitfalls arid '. : I . I detours." . t . . I t Detailed Plrogr.am , .: Those at the p annmg. Se,SSIOJ:I .. ,; I received detailed ou'tliries for' I Lenten youth meetings leading up It to the April 12 cathedral cere: mony. :.
pointed out that although f?rmerly tak:n for. gr~nt.ed restram~s no 10~ger..ef{;ls~, ,I.~..re!p~.m~ true that, free?oIllle'!-Os' tQ li~fnse if uncor" strame~ by the moralla.w~ tal)gh~ by Chnst.
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~;~~;~i,~al{~~I:2~~~~~: ~:~~~:~;~!i~~i~~~~~':;:~i r---------------~---~--------------------------~~-~--~---l ing Bishop Daniel·A. Cronin to adversely affected marriage, reliI SAl NT J 0 HN 0 F GOD Vi I some 100 parish representatives at gious life and vocational callings I I the planning session. The program in general. I W0 MEN'S GUILD will serve post-confirmation young "But those in the church know I
12. . The meetings are planned to The bishop ,Iaud.~d t?,e "great help youth understand that "they talen.t and. e!;1th.usl~.sm Fat~~r;! have been created in tHe image of Hamson dIsplayed III prepar!ng an unconditionally loving God.'; the youth progra~, for .whl~h TO'this end they"wiil reflect upon, Kat~ryn E. Wrobell,s coordmat?r. .discuss and pray about people or Notmg that "great nches rest wIth. situations diminishing to their youth in their courageous hope for self-concept, including negative the future," he said that this is true aspects of contemporary culture of all young people but should be and media. even truer of "those who work for the church and fulfill the Gospel Exercises, musical selections, mandate: 'S uffer the little children prayer experiences and projects to come to me.' .. will reinforce these themes, Tying Outlining difficulties facing in with the papal theme of the love those who work with youth, he of God for mankind will be weekly
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themoorin~ More than a Deadline
Once more we remind you, our readers, of your importance to the Catholic press. Without your consistent support we would cease to exist-a fate that has indeed befallen many Cath~lic newspapers and magazines in other parts of the nation. . We are most fortunate in our diocesan family to have so many members who do care about the quality of reading material that comes into their homes. Because of this support we reach over 28,000 southeastern Massachusetts homes 50 weeks of the year. This gives us exposure to over 100,000 people weekly, making The Anchor the largest weekly mailed newspaper in the area. The sheer scope ofthis circulation cannot be overestimated. To our advertisers, many of whom have been with us for decades, we offer a reliable base of product influence; to our writers and columnists we present a constant challenge to their skill and ability. But above all, we seek to be a powerful tool for teaching the truths of our faith. This is what a Catholic newspaper is all about. There are those who would say that we should be a slick tabloid, relevant to the times. They would have us be a marketplace publication with only the faintest dusting of Catholic values. But if this were achieved we would be unfaithful to our evangelical call. We cannot, of course, and do not separate ourselves from the realities of contemporary life; but equally we cannot and must not separate faith and fact as we bring our readers the message of the faithful Church a~e interprets the Word for today's world. And this is precisely the task of the diocesan press: to be one of the principal means of bringing its readers the teachings of the Church and making the who, what and where of faith practical in application to daily life. We are an instrument used by the bishop in fulfilling his obligation to teach. We should note in this connection that the task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God whether in written form or in the form of tradition has been entrusted to the teaching office of the Church. . The modern media offer new ways ot controntmg people with the Gospel message, of bringing together the widespread members of a diocesan family and of uniting people and bishop in purpose and direction of mission. . The newspaper is not, of course, a substitute church pulpit, but a special communications tool of the bishop. When viewed in this light, a diocesan newspaper can be seen not as a luxury, but as a need. It can and should meet the professional standards of secular newspapers, but it does not compete with them as it keeps constantly in mind its teaching role in diocesan life. All this stated, we ask you to continue sharing in this important mission by renewing your Anchor subscription and by looking at the subscription cost as an investment in Christian living. Additionally, we are asking you to do something special with this or another issue of The Anchor: pass it o'n to a friend or neighbor. All of us should be missionaries, but often we ask ourselves how. Here is an opportunity: introduce a new reader to our paper. Bring him or her the Word. . All of us feel that our weekly challenge is met, not by when we make our deadline but by when you give us a chance and a look. The Editor
. -.1& .
'Rev. :JOtin F.
'j, ,"
"His garment was white as snow and his hair like clean wool." Dan. 7:9
Authority and the Church By Father Kevin J. Harrington The recent controversies surrounding Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen and Father Charles E. Curran have competed for headline space in both the religious and secular media. Rather than embroil myself in them. I would like to distance myself and look at the larger, issues involved. Since the Second Vatican Council there has been a tendency to dismiss the need for authority in the church. The preconciliar Chur;ch was characterized by some as adolescent and in need of authority, but they feel the postconciliar Church has come of age and can be free of such constraints. H owcver, it is simply not the case in moral theology or anywhere else that' once a man has come of age he no longer needs to appeal to authority. An example is the way our thoughts on cigarettes and seatbelts have changed over the past 30 years. Our theories and ourexperience have caused us todevelop new attitudes towards them. Indeed. when we truly come of age. we are better able to judge when we stand in need of authority, and to estimate the value of various authorities to whom we might appeal on a given subject. Those who claim that authority and conscience are somehow inher-
ently opposed injure the climate of discussion in today's Church. Conscience itself. our balanced and informed moral judgment. will on occasion demand that authOritIes be consulted and followed. Some of the unhealtliy divisions that have occurred in the Church rose from mistaken notions of conscience. Its formation is too precious to leave to either ethical authoritarians or ethical anarchists. The former' are too willing to sacrifice reason for the sake of c1aritv: the latter to sacrifice reason f~r the sake of sincerity. We are familiar with ethical authoritarians who expound principles of sexual ethics without regard to the complex psychological factors involved or principles of justice with high disregard of economic and political realities. They are only too willing to use words such as obedience. submission and faith when their conclusions are questioned: but it is counterproductive to use authority to impose a principle based upon a theory. . More familiar in our postconciliar setting are the ethical anarchists who are content with saying that one should simply follow one's honestly formed conscience. We should be concerned not simply with blameworthiness but also with moral truth. Truth. alas. is not the inseparable companion of sincer-
ity. The ultimate authority of moral principles is truth. and truth is most often arrived at through experience and painstaking study. The experience ofliving the moral life is exemplified above all in the "sensus fidelium" or "sense of the faithful, "while theories of morality are expounded best by our theologians, whose search for truth must never be compromised; and traditions are best passed on to each generation by our bishops through a harmonious blend of the collective wisdom of our moral tradition with' the insights of the faithful and the fruits of the research of our best theologians. Experience without 'theory is aimless; theory without e'xperience is vacuous; lacking the input of tra'dition, both are likely to be impoverished. We should not be surprised that in spite of our best efforts the blend is often less than harmonious. But if the faithful. the theologians and the.. bishops approach this enterprise with a measure of humility and humor. we can avoid acrimonious debate and produce fruitful dialogue. In my opinion. our present controversies are producing more heat than light: yet until we reach a more satisfying consensus. we must learn to live with uncomfortable tensions. J: •.
Time-sharing , A letter to woman's magazine year ago triggered quite a discussion among women in one of my workshops.
A wife wrote:" My husband and I used to be inseparable but now he goes out jogging for hours and leaves me by myself. He's asked me to go along but I'm not interested, He insists he won't give it up because he's never felt better in his life. I've never felt worse," Reaction from my class - all of them wives - ranged from,"1 know how she feels," to "She doesn't know how lucky she is. I wish my husband wo.uld get out of his chair and leave the house once in awhile." Psychologist Judith Kuriansky, in responding to the letter, pointed out that a California study of 250 couples found that if a manjogged and his wife didn't, there was a 50/50 chance of tension or separation. If a wife jogged and he didn't the likelihood of trouQle was even greater. ' Jogging, of course, is not the culprit. He could be playing tennis, driving golf balls or veget,ating uncommunicatively in his chair. The issue is one of who owns a spouse's time. Some couples seem to be able to balance personal and couple time to the satisfaction of both. Others resent what they see as rejection because of the spouse's consuming
interest. Often their common response is to make a spouse feel guilty for enjoying an activity alone. Common sense tells us the resolution lies in balance. It's unreasonable and selfish for one partner to use all his or her leisure time in satisfying personal activity. It's equally unreasonable to expect a partner to give up all personal activity for couple interaction. Some few couples seem to enjoy ,doing everything together but most prefer a balance of shared and individual activities. As long as they agree on' what's reasonable and preferred, there's no problem. But if, as in the wife's letter above, one partner wants total couple activity and the other doesn't, tension is bound to exist. How does such a couple overcome this impasse which leads to incrimination and guilt? By sharing their own expectations and understanding each other's needs. The jogging widow clearly needs to empathize with her husband's need to run and he needs to understand her need for more shared activity. Here's where collaboration and compromise come into play. If she develops some activity of her own to engage in while he's running and he agrees to cut back on running hours so they can share time, she won't feel so bereft nor he so selfish.
On lay ministry How do today's lay ministers fit into the church? tJ sually new movements are conceived by creative persons who are somewhat ahead of the times. Frequently they begin with an idea that hasn't been completely thought out. A .movement may make a quantum leap into action, leaving out many of the organizational details that might be related to it. Eventually, however, some of those questions will get attention - as happened, for example, when parish directors of religious educa~ tion first began to appear on the scene, when the number of permanent deacons began to grow and when family and youth ministers became more common. With the parish religious education directors, for example, ,we had people who had spent enormous amounts of money and time on their educations and who expected fulltime employ.ment: Only after there were lots of them did parishes and dioceses begin to be concerned about supporting them. Pension plans, medical benefits, raises in pay and continuing education funds were overlooked, as was any definiti"an of their teaching authority.. Threeimportant questions necessary for defining any role were neglected: What is expected by all parties concerned? What obligations do the parties have to each other and to themselves? What rights does each party have? Applied to lay ministers, it is a matter of asking what lay ministers expect to do or to accomplish and what they should not expect. And what do priests and bishops expect of lay ministers? Is there an expectation ofanemployertoemployee relationship or of mutual collaboration? How mutual can the col-
laboration bein matters of church teaching and ecclesiastical powers? What are the particular obligations of one working in the institutional church? Compared with a
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 30, 1987 By DOLORES CURRAN
I don't have a lot of hope tnat this couple will collaborate, though. They both seem a bit childish in getting a relatively simple issue into perspective. His response that she run when she doesn't like to is a non-response. Her comment that "we used to be-inseparable" makes me wonder. if his jogging might be his way of becoming separable. Couples weren't intended to spend every free hour together. Ask those who vacation alone together. After a few days, each needs , some space and time alone. That's when she goes off shopping and he exploring. And they find this time alone rejuvenates their time together. The woman in our group also spoke with envy about that wife's free time. "Oh, to be alone and be able to finish the newspaper before falling alseep," one said so wistfully that the rest of us laughed. Time alone at home .can be therapeutic if there isn't too much of it. That's why at-home mothers say "Thank God It's Monday" instead of Friday. We get' our solitude back and are happy to see others at the end of the day and they us.
(necrolosy-) January 31 1901, Rev. Charles J. Burns, Pastor, St. Mary, No. Attleboro 1930, Rev. William F Sullivan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset; Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Pastor, SOt. Peter, Provincetown
February 1 1948, Rt. Rev. Michael J. O'Reilly, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton 1975, Rev. Anatole F. Desmarais, Pastor, St. Jacques, Taunton 1968, Rt. Rev. Patrick Hurley, Pastor, St. Joseph, TaUl'~ton 1983, Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Chabot, Pastor, St. Theresa ofthe Child Jesus, So. Attleboro
February 2 1907, Most Rev. William Stang, D.O., First Bishop of Fall River: 1904 - 07 19l3,Rev. Patrick F. McKenna, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Taunton 1941, Rev. John L. McNamara, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River 1947, Rev. P. Roland Decosse, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford
February 3 1952, Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pastor, Our Lady of Angeles, Fall River
Febraury 4 1921, Rt. Rev. Hugh J. Smyth, P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford; 1st Vicar General, Fall River 1904 -07; Administrator of Diocese路Feb. - July 1907
secular job, are there additional obligations to live more obviously in tune with the Gospels? What monetary rights do those entering lay ministry have? What is meant by the universal priesthood of the laity and what rights does it imply? If these and other questions like them are not addressed, lay ministry is in big trouble. If lay ministry is seen simply as something necessary because of a lack of priests, it will become part of a numbers game. Problems will develop too if the laity's vision of ministry is ignored while concentrating on the development of skills they must have for ministry. If the role of authority is not spelled out, understood and accepted, church ministry will be torn into factions.
My hope is that an age-old problem will be addressed in the case of lay ministry' through the use of some preventive medicine -'- the kind that poses key questions early en~ugh to make a difference. 1I111111111111111111111111l1111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIII: THE ANCHOR (US,PS-S4S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekiy except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscripiion price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes. to The Anchor, P,O. Box 7, Fall River, MAo 02722.
Vatican Israel policy problems
disputations are justified. One can explain Vatican actions quite adequately "real-politik" without recourse to the teaching of contempt. But I can understand why Jews In a recent editorial the Israeli newspaper Davar said "it is easy to would not be as sanguine about understand the disappointment" the purity of Vatican intentions as of the U.S. Jewish community. are Catholics. Jews have read their. which has "been working for so history and ours. Pope John Paul II's visit to the long to improve Jewish-Catholic Rome synagogue last year was a relations," in the way New York Cardinal John O'Connor's trip to significant symbolic gesture precisely because of that history. But Israel turned out. It is less easy. I suspect. for U.S. its meaning for Jews is at best obsCatholics to understand the ongo-' cured by the church's ongoing gesing distress of American Jews over ture of withholding relations with Israel. Vatican policy toward Israel and As Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler the often imbiguous, fine lines of recently noted in an op-ed piece in protocal (the cardi,nal could meet with Israel's president in his study The New York Times, the real but not his office, etc.) that the embarrassment pointed out by the controversy surrounding the carpolicy seemingly entails. dinal'S trip is that it seems to illusA strong case can be made for the broad outlines of Vatican pol- trate that the church does not want to acknowledge the "vast transicy as illustrated in the constraints put on the cardinal's itinerary. formation of Jewish life in our Vatican policy is not, after all. very day.... lsrael. the ancient Jewish different from official U.S. policy. homelaRd, has been reborn." Is this what 'the Vatican intends The Vatican recognizes the state of to say to Jews? I think not. But Israel's existence and supports its it changes its policy toward until right to "the desired security and that will be how its gestures Israel the due tranquility that is the prerogative of every nation" ( Pope are understood by them. The diaJohn Paul II, "Redemptionis An- logue between Catholics and Jews will continue to suffer for it. no." April 1984). It rejects, as does the U.S. government. Israel's "unilateral" action in declaring Jerusalem its capital without the agreement of the Arab population of the disputed territories. Unlike the United States, however, the Vatican has refused to exchange ambassadors with Israel until an overall settlement is reached. Exchanging ambassadors is a symbolic gesture as well as a pragmatic diplomatic decision. It is a means of communicating essential statements of trust, in this instance not just between two states but between two peoples, the church and the Jewish people. This, at least, is how Jews universally understand the situation, though I believe the framers of policy in the Holy See understand it more narrowly - solely as a diplomatic issue. There is, then, a wide gap in perception between what the church intends to say by withholding offi路cial relations (that is, "we have some serious problems with Israeli policy that need adjudicating under the procedures of international law") and what it in fact is communicating to Jews (that is, "th,e . church rejects the Jewish people's right to organize as a nation among the world's nations"). This gap is why an otherwise minor matter ofdiplomacy between two small Mediterranean states can intrude so deeply into the diaSTANDING in six inches logue between American Cathoof snow that later doubled, lics and Jews. This is also why so many Jewish participants in last week's commentaries raise the possibility Washington March for Life, that questionable "theological rea- including hardy representasons" lie behind the Vatican pol- . tives of the National Council icy. I do not believe that Jewish of Catholic Women, listen to fears of a regression by the church speakers. (NC photo) 10 the "bad old days" of medieval
THE ANCHOR.~ Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 30, 1987
Abortion anniversary' Continued from Page One In observances outside New England, Bishop Michael Pfeifer of San Angelo, Texas, invited the entire city to a "Celebrate Life" Mass Jan. 22, at Sacred Heart Cathedral. He also joined a silent candlelight march around the county courthouse. In Los Angeles, Archbishop Rog-
braved the storm to praise the marchers and pledge continued support for their cause. Reagan told the pro-lifers that his administration has worked to
restrict federal funds for abortions, but M iss Gray responded that "unfortunately forthe fifth year (abortion) funds for the District of Columbia were approved by a pro-life president." She asked Reagan for a senior er Mahoney led a 90-minute proWhite House staff member to work life prayer rally at the city's 'hiswith her personally on the District toric downtown plaza. The archbishop linked the proof Columbia funding issue. The life cause to the U.S. bishops' pasDistrict of Columbia budget is aptoral on the U.S. economy. proved by Congress and signed by the president but controlled by the In the pastoral letter, he said, mayor and city council. "We bishops have again linked the "I'll get on that" right away," total value of each human person. . Just as each person's life is inviolReagan respon~ed. able from the moment of concep-' He noted that he does not have tiqn, so too is each person's life to thl: poweno veto,individual items 1?~safegu~.fd:<::~ .th~ough a share in . within a bill, but M iss Gray. urged the resources of this earth. him to"veto the whole bill"because What was called "a womb to ifit contains abortion funding "the tomb" procession took phice durwhole bill is bad," ing a Jan. 21 Mass at St. Raphael's Regan, said ".our '1ational comCathedral in Dubuque, Iowa, when mitment to the dignity of all human pregnant women and elderly peolife must begin with respectfor the pIe took the offertory gifts to the most basis civil right, the right to altar.' life." "Abortion is nota harmless mediIn, Seattle, Wash,.a Mass for Life Jan. 18 celebrated by Archbical procedure but the taking of the shop Raymond G. Hunthausen life of a living human being. This was the first public appearance for tragic. and terrible to'll continues," the. prelate since he underwent 'he s a i d . ' .' surgery Dec. 15 for prostate cancer. Sen: Jesse Helms, R-N .C., told Rosa photo Inhis homily he criticized society the marchers "yqu do the hard for turning the technological part. You come every y.ear to stand "for in the. cold to plead for life." , achievements used for probing NE~ BEDFORQ area pro-lifers take to the street to express their convictions: answers to the ,ravages of cancer He told them the pro-life cause and AIDS" into instruments for "is going to win .... It's an honor to "the calculated destruction of per- .beonthesame,team." fectly healthy human life - in the Rep. Jack F.Kemp, R-N. Y., Continued from Page One told the crowd that ','you are a spediocese there are no resident facili- . may, in~lude suppressio'n. of e~o- ' inter~st ,~r 'convenience and eco" cial breed'.' b~/~~,us~."yqJ,l h!\~e not as a rrfajoi' reaction o(many other ties' but there is 'a' successful, PTO- tions, inertia, self-punishing behav- " OO'J1)lcS" . -.; '. ~!;. i ' . L .., '; ..... ior anet' over~b4sYnes's t,o '~yoid He told his listeners' tliat'if they co'rnetopa'y'h61J1-~geio.路t!l~ mighty" gra'm of home visitation by tra'ined persons describing problems. Dis. coming to gripswith one's sorrow. '., we~e'to testify to the sacredness of bui in'the'noDle cause of represe'nt' cussion also brought out that "small hospice ,volunteers. ing the "conscience and commitIt is important. said Sister Baran- Some, people, she said, manifest life then "all life" must be seen as a deaths" frequently evoke the clasment to the least of our brethren." sic reactions fo terminal illness owski, for the dying to complete symptoms of the illness' of the gift from God, including' the lives of the disabled, criminals. the poor, At the end of the speeches Miss described by psychiatrist Dr. Eli- 'their"unfinished business,"wheth-, loved one. As guidelines, Sister Baranowski the lonely and dispossessed and all Gray led the marchers, barely vissabeth Kubler-Ross: denial, resent- er it be finan'cial and legal or of a ible through the snow, along Penpersonal nature, such as saying said that one usually remembers who are'suffering.路 ment, bargaining. depression and nsylvania Avenue to the Capitol goodbye to family ,members. That the deceased intensely for four t o . finallyacceptance. WashIngton March and Supreme Court. .' But Sister Baranowski cautioned done, many want to "let go." and six weeks. but that deep grjef may At the pace-setting Washington, that not everyone passes through this iS,the time for a caregiver. in last as long as two years. "You all those stages. either for ~'small effect, to give permission in words can't hurry up the process." she D:C. march, pro-life leader Nellie Gray called' on Pre'sident Reagan deaths" or terminal conditions; 'such as "It's very close now. It's all cautioned. DA YTON, Ohio (NC) - The to veto a District of Columbia bill right." and'that many people go back and It is helpful, she said, to aid the national debate over the Strategic that includes abortion funding. The sister said it is important for survivor in remembering the deforth in the stages. She added that Defense Initiative of "Star Wars" Speaking to the marchers by a for believers a sixth stage should medical students to be exposed to parted one. looking through picweapons destruction system is no telephone hook-up, Reagan such attitudes toward death. For tures and mementos. for example. be added: resurrection. stranger to the University of Daythem. she said. death is usually "Don't redirect the mourner's attenpledged his support for a ParaFilm Showings regarded as the enemy. "but they tion." she said. "Remember that mount Human Life Amendment.' ton campus. The Marianist-run Catholic university, recipient of an anti-abortion constitutional aThe.pastoral minister, a member should learn how to help persons the Bible tells us to weep with $425,000 for "Star Wars" research mendment. of the college of chaplains of the beyond medical help." those who weep." since July 1985, considers its SDI She noted that after a death Miss Gray. March for Life foundNational Health Association, prework compatible with Catholic For the Suffering er and president. told the crowd faced showing of several brieffilms those left behind are often in need teaching; it hopes, in fact, to obtain with the comment that as Victori- of care. "Studies show that there is Turning once again to the' pa- that the march was' not canceled ' another $600,000 for three more for bad weather because "the preans wouldn't talk of sex. our society ,a higher incidence ofserious illness tient. the chaplain listed "rriisconyears of research. SOl is envisiborn babies are hurting worse than refuses to talk of death. "It usually and death among the recently pe- ceptioris about suffering": oned by the Reagan administrareaved than in the gene'ral popcomes in a hospital," she said "and we are.' . -:- It's easy to pray when you're tion as a satellite-based weapons Several members of Congress medical personnel and chaplains ulation." sick: it isn't, sometimes we simply destruction system in space. Opponshelter families from its reality, cannot lift our minds to God. But How To Help 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' ents claim it would have offensive becoming the custodians of death." the caregiver can be supportive as well as defensive capabilities, As a result, most Americans are Sister Baranowski gave practi- and let people know that God especially if he or she hasn't been The University of Dayton has con,in their 20s before experiencing cal advice on helping the bereaved, hea~s them in their pain; in the habit of doing so; thus the ducted Defense Department rethe death of a friend or family saying that children should not be help of others may be opportune; - Patients will tolerate cliches search since 1949. It is the Catholic member, she said. told that "grandma went to sleep" anc;l pat explanations of suffering: - Death is a beautiful, peaceful university most engaged in governThat observation was reinforced because they may be afraid to go they won't - they anger people sight; not always-it can be a vioment research. to sleep themselves. Both children because they don't touch the feelby the narrator of a film on the lent experience. hospice concept of care for the and adults should be allowed to ing level; What can be said to a bereaved terminally ill. "Although one out talk about their feelings and vent - The sufferer will respond to' family? One of the best things is a of one dies," he said, "each of us their anger. simple "I'm sorry," accompanied logic: he or she won't; LOS ANGELES (NC) - Sacred feels that we're the exception and "They're not angry at you," she - Sufferers get tired offamiliar by a hug, said Sister Baranowski. Heart of Mary Sister Mary Milliwe do our best to ignore death. A reminded the audience. She also prayers and Scripture. passages: "Forget the platitudes," she added. gan has been elected president of cosmetic curtain is drawn on the cautioned that a person cannot be they don't - they cling to them "It's not the time to say, 'It's God's the board of directors of St. John's will.' " . subject by society." pulled from depression until he or and like hearing them; Seminary, the major seminary of Finally she asked seminar par- the Los Angeles archdiocese. The By contrast, patients at hospices she is psychologically ready. - Silence is bad; on the conticipants to do three things: "Write board determines and facilitates or in hospice programs are encourDiscussing bereavement in gener- trary, it's precious; aged to "live until they die." aI, she said that "grief work must - The person already knows your own obituary; write what . seminary policies. sister Milligan Resident hospices provide home- be done, even if belatedly." People God loves him or her: this may be you'd like to appear on your tomb- is provost of Loyola Marymount like facilities for terminal patients. 'should, realize, she pointed out, true but reassurance is always ap- stone; make a list of what you'd do College in Los Angeles, operated if you had only three months to by her order, the Society of Jesus , Pain is controlled and family mem- that since no relations~ip is perpropriate; bers, including children, are wel- feet, it is natural to feel guilt after a ' - The person will automati- live." and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Food for thought. Orange. v.~.~~.~~~.~,,~,~!~~!?~~'. ,I,? !.~.~. ~~!! ,~.~~.~~_ ~:~\~~?,t~~~, ~.~.~!r~~t.~ ~i,'?!J~ ~[ ~~ief cally turn to God: not nec.essarily.
Talking路 about d.eath
Heads board
The Anchor . . Friday, Jan. 30, 1987
Grey Nun honored Stamps asked Dear Editor: May I ask your readers if they would save cancelled stamps for me? Proceeds from sale of these stamps are uS,ed for our re'tired and sick si~ters. Please send stamps to Mr. J. Lane. 118 Rogers Ave.• Somerville. MA 02144. Sister Clair Adrian Sansbury Infirmary St. Catharine. KY
CRS assists tiny Gambia NEW YORK (NC) - The president of Gambia has praised Catholic Relief Services for helping the country diversify its agriculture and raise nutritional standards. Speaking at CRS headquarters recently. President Dawda Kairaba Jawara cited a new crop program and a nutrition program for mother and children. Jawara said Gambia. a tiny West African country, was once a classic example of a one-commodity nation. The former British colony and ancestral home of "Roots" author Alex Haley had only pea'nuts for export. Jawara said CRS helped the count-r.y develop a successful sesame program. Sesame oil and sesame cake now contribute to the national diet. and production is reaching levels sufficient to allow' export, he said. . He'said the count~y js~ry!ng to rework its'economy by raising prices paid to farmers to stimulate greater production, streamlining the civil service, making stateowned busines.ses more efficient , and instituting currency reform. Slightly smaller than Connecticut with about 696,000 people, Gambia is a long, narrow strip on both sides of the Gambia River, which flows to the Atlantic Ocean. Except for the ocean shoreline, the country is surrounded by Senegal. Gambia is predominantly Islamic, with one Catholic diocese, based at the capital city of Banjul, with 14,000 Catholics and a dozen parishes. The diocese is headed by Irish Holy Ghost missionary Bishop Michael Cleary. CRS has worked in Gambia since 1964, and has had a full-time director there since 1974. Jawara said the director, James McLaughlin, was doing an "extremely good job" and was widely known in the' country.
Mission of Angels "The Church ... always finds in Christ the center of divine revelation, and by focusing on angels, she insists on both the bodily and the spiritual existence of Christ and on his efficacious role in the work of salvation in the midst of a whole community of personal spiritual beings who on our behalf and in union with us serve God's providential plan. It is to confirm the mission of the angels as our guardians who have a part to play in our salvation that the author of the Letter to the Hebrews asks, •Are they 1I0t all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation?' "'- Pope John Paul II
BISHOP GRECO (center in this 1965 file photo) was in the Fall River diocese for a New England regional conference of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in his capacity as chairman of the U.S. bishops' CCD committee. Others, from left, Father Joseph L. Powers, then diocesan CCD director; Bishop James L. Connolly; Bishop Joseph W. Regan, MM; Bishop James J. Gerrard.
Bishop Greco, ALEXANDRIA, La. (NC) Retired Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alexandria died Jan. 20 at St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria. The bishop of Alexandria from 1946 to 1973 and supreme chaplain ofthe Knights of Columbus for the past 26 years, he died at age 92 following several weeks of illness. At his death he was the secondoldest bishop in the United States. and his nearly 41 years as a bishop were surpassed by only two living l) .S; bishops. He liked to recall that when he was a child in New Orleans he met the future St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and she predicted that he would becOJ:ne a priest and "go far in the priesthood." Mother Cabrini. who died in 1917, was declared a saint ,in 1946. After a Mass of Christian Burial Jan. 23 at the cathedral in Alexandria, Bishop GrecQ was buried in front of the chapel of Maryhill Renewal Center, a retreat center and youth camp which he built near the city. Bishop Greco was best known nationally for his work as a spiritualleader of the Knights of Columbus. When he became the organization's national chaplain on Jan. 14, 1961, he was the first bishop to take that post. He had been a member of the Knights since 1919 and Louisiana state chaplain since 1954. During the 1960s he was chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. In this capacity he was in the Fall River diocese for the 1965 New England regional CCD conference. In Northern Louisiana the bishop was most noted for his work with retarded children.
of C chaplain, dies
Dechant said Bishop Greco's devotion to retarded children began with his association, as a seminarian in Europe during World War I, with Father Guanella, founder of an institute for retarded children in Como, Italy. Father Guanella, who died in 1915, was declared blessed by Pope Paul VI in 1964. Born Oct. 19, 1894. in Rodny. Miss., Charles P. Greco grew up in New Orleans. He was ordained a priest of the New Orleans Archdi- , ocese in 1918 after studies at the University of Louvain, Belgium, and the University of Freibourg, Switzerland. After five years as an assistant pastor in Houma. La., he was vice-chancellor and then chancellor of the archdiocese from 1923-26. He was named pastor of St. Maurice Parish in New Orleans in 1926 and served in that post until
Man of year SEOUL, South Korea (NC) Cardinal Stephen, Kim of Seoul has been named 1986 "Man of the Year" by one of SOllth Korea's largest newspapers and a popular public affairs magazine. "His vision of democracy - his vision that people be respected, is-going out to seek the marginalized and the oppressed, to be with them. to comfort and pray with them - is the reason we have chosen ~im Sou-hwan man of the year," said the newspaper, Dong-a Hob, which has a circulation of more than' I million. The newspaper cited Cardinal Kim for his "prophetic statements and apostolic actions [which have] touched the hearts of many people in Korea, in particular, his constant declaration that democratization is the cry of the people and the wish of God."
He built St. Mary's Residential Training Center for Retarded Children in Clarks, La., in 1954. In 1973 he moved it to new facilities in Alexandria capable of serving VATICAN CITY (NC) 152 children. In 1965 he built Holy Prayer as a way of overcoming Angels Residential facility in . problems should get greater Shreveport, which serves 170 re- emphasis in pastoral programs, tarded children. Pope John Paul II told a delegaWhen Bishop Greco retired in tion of bishops from northern 1973 his successor, now-retired Bish- France. Prayer is a "spiritual op Lawrence Graves, left him in breath" which gives "new dynacharge of both schools, and his mism" to such programs, he said. work with the children was one of The church "draws- inspiration his main activities in retirement. from prayer for its pastoral, misVirgil Dechant, supreme knight sionary and ecumenical activities," ofthe Knights of Columbus, called he said. Pope John Paul II said the Bishop Greco a man "touched by Marian year "will be a good occaGod in many ways," notably sion to.train your Christian people through his youthful contacts with in an attitude of prayer, of which St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Virgin Mary is the most perfect Bkssed Luigi Guanella. example."
Breath of prayer
he was named a bishop nearly 20 years later. He was also ajudge on the archdiocesan tribunal and a staff member, columnist and later editor-in-chief of Catholic Action of the South, the newspaper ofthe New Orleans Archdiocese and three neighboring dioceses. Named bishop of Alexandria on Jan. 15. 1946, he was ordained a bishop the following month. During his 27 years as head of the diocese, which covered 29 counties across predominantly Protestant northern Louisiana, he built some 450 buildings to serve the growing Catholic population. In 1961 Bishop Greco was the only U.S. bishop from the South named to the preparatory commission for the Second Vatican Council. During the council he served on the commission that drafted the council's document on priestly life and ministry. Upon his retirement in 1973, the diocese was renamed AlexandriaShreveport, and last year was divided into two dioceses. Elmer Von Feldt, press spokesman for the Knights of Columbus and editor of the Knights' magazine Columbia, said that despite his advancing age Bishop Greco regularly attended the Knights of Columbus, offering his "prayers. counsel. pep talks. "and "prodding the Knights on to lead holy, responsible lives." "He was so deeply spiritual, it could not help but rub off," Von Feldt said.
LONDO.N (NC) - Sister Rosalie Bertell, a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, has been named recipient of a 1986 "alternative Nobel" prize for her work researching the dangers of nuclear energy. Sister Bertell, an epidemiologist, is director of the International Iqstitute of Concern for Public Health, based in Toronto. Known as the Right Livelihood Awards, the "alternative Nobel" prizes are presented by the London-based Right Livelihood Foundation.
Mercy kidnapping MILAN, Italy (NC) - Mozambican rebels kidnap Catholic missionaries to protect them from government repression in war zones, said a rebel leader. Church people are taken to guerrilla bases to "impede the government from killing them," said Afonso Dhlakama, head of the National Resistance of Mozambique, which has abducted numerous church presonnel, most of whom have been released.
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THE'ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -
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7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
May 6 May 8
7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
May II
7:00 P.M.
May 13
3:00 P.M.
May 14 May 20 May 22
3:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
May 28
7:00 P.M.
June 7'
5:00 P.M.
White's of We.stport has Expanded. Since opening its doors in 1955, Whi~e's continues to be recognized as one of the area's finest banquet and wedding facilities. Now, White's of Westport has expanded its facilites to accommodate up to 1,500 people in our newest function room - The Grand Sa/on. White's is the ideal setting for Fashion Shows, Booster Clubs and much more! Call us today! FALL RIVER RESIDENTS PLEASE CALL: 675-7185 NEW BEDFORD RESIDENTS CALL TOLL FREE: 993-6700
April 28 May May May May May
I 5 II 13 19
May 21
St. Louis de France, Swansea
7:00 P.M.
Mt. Carmel, New Bedford
7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
St. Bernard, Assonet St. Anthony, Taunton St. John, Pocasset St. Michael, Fall River St. Fra'ncis Xavier, Acushnet, St. Casimir, New Bedford at St. Francis Xavier Immaculate Conception, New Bedford
7:00 P.M.
66 State Road, Westport, MA 02790
June 13
11:00 A.M.
April 6 April 10 April24 April27
Holy Family, East Taunton Immaculate Conception, Fall River Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford St. Ann. Raynham Holy Trinity, West Harwich
1:30 P.M.
Corpus Christi, Sandwich - Group I 4:00 P.M. Corpus Christi, Sandwich - Group 2 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Norton - 7:00 P.M. , St. Mary, Taunton - 7:00 P.M. St. Rita, Marion - 7:00 P.M. St. Theresa, So. Attleboro
May I May 8 May II May 15
7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
May 22 May 29
7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth Holy Cross. So. Easton, Sacred Heart. Taunton St. John Neumann, E. Freetown Holy Redeemer, Chatham Our Lady of Victory, Centerville
7:00 P.M.
St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River
Marctt~ .. -. 7:00 P.M. St. Ma~y, Fair!'taven March 24 - 7:00·P.M .. ·St. Joseph,.Tatinton·'· March 31 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Dighton
":"l'~ ./.....
7:00 P.M. . Holy Ghost, Attleboro 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Assumption, Osterville 7:00 P.M. SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River - 7:00 P.M. St; Paul, Taunton - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Seekonk - 7:00 P.M. Mt. Carmel, Seekonk
Santo Christo, Fall River Our Lady of Lourdes, April 9 Taunton St. Mary, Mansfield April 21 I mmaculate Conception, April28 Taunton April30 Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford 7:00 P.M. Holy Name. New Bedford May 5 St. Augustine; Vineyard May7 7:00 P.M. St. Dominic, Swansea Haven; S1. Elizabeth, May8 7:00 P.M. St. Thomas More, Edgartown; Sacred Heart, Somerset Oak Bluffs; at St. 7:00 P.M. St. John Baptist, May 12 Augustine New Bedford St. Mary, Nantucket . May 14 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, S1. Jacques. Taunton No. Attleboro St, Anthony, May 26 - 7:QO P.M. St. Jean Baptiste, East Falmouth Fall River Holy Rosary, Taunton 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Attleboro June 4 ADULT at St. Mary's Cathedral VERY REV. JOHN J. SMITH, V.E.
7:00 P.M.
P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
April 5
April 2 April 7
March 6 - 7:00 P.M.
St. William, Fall River March 9 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River March 13 - 7:06 P.M. St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, at-St. Mary, Onset March 20 7:00 P.M. St. Michael, Ocean Grove March 29 3:00 P.M.
Regina Pacis, New Bedford
March 18 - 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. March 25 April I April 3
7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
April April April April April
7:00 7:00 7:'00 7:00 7:00
5 8 10 27 28
7:00 P.M.
May4 May 5 May 13 May 20
P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
May 26
7:00 P.M.
June 3
7:00 P.M.
St. Patrick, Falmouth St. Joseph, Fairhaven Holy Name, Fall River Immaculate Conception, No. Easton St. Mary, No. Attleboro St. Mark, Attleboro St. Patrick, Wareham St. George, Westport St. Anne, Fall River St. Lawrence, New Bedford St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Sacred Heart, Fall River St. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth St. John the Evangelist. Attleboro Notre Dame. Fall River
Adorers to mark 10th year Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, based at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel of Sacred Hearts Church, 382 Main St., North Fairhaven, will mark their 10th anniversary at II :30 a.m. Mass Feb. 15 at the church. Concelebrants of the Mass will be priests associated with the 250member group over the years. The . liturgy will be followed by a I p.m. . dinner at the Century House, Acushnet. Faithful Adorers Susan Fitzgerald, in charge of anniversary publicity, said the laypersons who form the group were brought together in 1977 by Sacred Hearts Father Martin Lucia to practice and promote devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. They meet at 'Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel, which is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. for informal prayer to the Blessed Sacrament. Additiomilly, each Friday the' Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., always with worshipers present; and a monthly holy hour is held at 7 p.m. the last Tuesday of each month. The priests who conduct the holy hours, usually including exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers, homilies, Scripture readings and Benediction, are for the most part Sacred Hearts Fathers, both those in the New Bedford, Fairhaven and Acushnet areas and missionaries on home leave. Also a frequent presider is Blessed Sacrament Father Rene Belanger. The Adorers. represent m.any occupations and.ai"e from various., area communities. . Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel is the first of many Father Lucia has opened since 1977. Todayover300 groups of adorers are al:tive in the United States and, aboard. They include a group at St. Margaret's Church, Buzzards Bay, where Father James F. Buckley, pastor, is an enthusiastic supporter of Eucharistic devotion. Membership in the Adorers is open to all devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, said Ms. Fitzgerald. "Members strive to cultivate this
Fri., Jan. 30, 1987
Diocese of Fall River -
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2-WAY RADIO spirituality in accordance with the mind of the Church," she said, "in particular with the spirit of the liturgical renewal which was inaugurated by the Se!=ond Vatican Cou~cil's C.onstitution on the Sacf~~ Ltt~rgy m ,1963. "The official norms for the Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass are contained in the revised Roman Ritual, which states: 'When the faithful honor Christ present in the sacrament, they should remember that this presence is derived from the sacrifice (i.e. the Mass), and is directed toward sacramental and spiritual communion.' "Adorers," she added,"also_~ee that their worship of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has a practical bearing on their daily lives.
As the Roman Ritual also states: 'Everyone should be concern with good deeds and with pleasing God, so that he or she may imbue the world with the Christian spirit, and be a witness of Christ in the midst .of human society.' " In this spirit, noted Ms. Fitzgerald, Adorers participate in activities of their parish communities and the wider diocesan community, the latter in such undertakings as the annual Catholic Charities Campaign. At the Feb. 15 Mass, the organist will be Michel Labens and the soloist will be Thomas Helgeland .. Information on. the following dinner is available from Sacred Hearts rectory, 992-0482, Ms. Fitzgerald, 993-6610 or Angelo DeBortoli, 996-0332.
Show compassion, priests urged to adver!ise everything from half- tions are unworthy of a minister of NEW ORLEANS(NC)- Offer ton trucks to air conditioners" also Jesus. " compassion to those tempted by require compassion, he said. societal evils, Archbishop Philip Lack of compassion, Archbishop Priests must be conscious of M. Hannan of New Orleans advised Hannan said, "bespeaks. I think, their priestly duty to homosexupriests in a recent pastoral letter. an arrogance born of pride that is als, said Archbishop Hannan. "As· totally inimical to the true priestly Married couples who stay together despite "climate of infidel- \Jesus was always prompt to extend character." his saving help to sinners, so must ity," single leading chaste lives, . Priests' compassion, he said, we to those who have a very taxing and homosexuals are among those must also extend to themselves temptation presented by a homo- and to their fellow priests. "We who require compassion, he said. sexual or lesbian orientation." In the letter, titled "The Priestshould not expect to serve as The archbishop added that hood Today," the archbishop said priests without struggle and perwhether this orientation is acquired compassion is "an elementary haps occasional lapses; we certainly or innate makes no difference. requirement for extending the should admit to our people that we ministry of Christ in the manner of He also urged compassion need their assistance, forgiveness Christ." toward the young. "Probably more and understanding." Stressing the importance of act- than any other age group, [young He advised that "to minister ing with compassion.toward mar- people I are vulnerable to the adequately to the people of God" ried couples, the prelate said that infl uences of our pi uralistic, matepriests must pe aware of current "to maintain the home as 'domes- rialistic and hedonistic society," he societal pressures. Public opinion tic sanctuary' is a herioc task." said. and current events, diffused by the Archbishop Hannan said the Pnests, he said, must take care media, "invade" every mind, he separated and divorced and those to communicate their compassion said, adding that the graphic way who refuse to remarry out of at all times. "Abruptness or sullen in which crime and societal ills are respect for the sacramental of behavior in speaking with people reported can create anixety and marriage bond are "brave souls" who come with their problems, tension. and "confessors' of the faith" impatience with penitents in the deserving of compassion. "Every action, every work we sacrament of reconciliation, hurperform as priests reflects our Singles who lead chaste lives in ried and impersonal pronunciations nature as priests of Jesus." he said. "a pansexual world that uses sex of the words at Mass and in devo-
FOI l ' HOUI S~'" Chari., V.lolo. Pr.'.
"Russia will spread her errors throughout 'the world causing wars and persecution of the church."
Mary. at Fatima _~July 13, 1917
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THE, ANCHOR-Dibcese of Fall River-Fri" Jan. 30;. 1987
A 'child deals with loss Dr. James and Mary Kenny
Better Together . DurfeE '-rrJ AttIEboro~ , Mem~rs
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
423 Highland Avenue - Fall River
Yes, children are amazing. They speak right to the heart of things. In their innocence, they often are less upset than we adults by serious matters. And they remember better or at least differently than adults. Children will talk of matters that adults are afraid to face. They have few inhibitions. If they don't like someone, they say so. And they speak of death in a matter-offact manner that may be unsettling to adults.
Dear Dr. Kenny: My brotherin-law died a year ago when my youngest son was 20 months old. They had a very close relationship and my son spent a lot oftime with him. I was wondering if you could : explain something which really has me baffled. I very rarely talk about my brother-in-law since his death is still very painful for me, but my son does constantly. He talks as though they still do things together. Children are not as upset emoHe'll say they were at the park today and went down the sl,ding tionally by death as are adults. board, or when he gets something Perhaps they still retain some of new, he'll say that it's from my the optimism of inexperience. Perbrother-in-law. But what upsets' haps they do not fully appreciate me the most are the times when he the finality of death. Or perhaps talks of seeing him. • God protects them in some way. A common adult way to respond One time he said that my brotherin-law was crying. When I asked to tragedy and death ,is not to him why, he said because he was think about it, to put the fact sad. Another time he said my aside. The emotional hurt of grievbrother-in-law told him he loved ing is hidden away because, as you him and then kissed him. Just say, it is too painful. recently he said that he was up in Babies and toddlers are very the sky with him and God and that good at picking up mother's mood. God told him he had to leave. Your son may be responding to How is it that at his 'age he can your unconscious feelings, acting remember him so well? Is it possi- as a display screen· for your own ble that he really does see him? unaddressed grief. He may be Your enlightenment on this will be · "good" for you in bringing up a Rreatly appreciated. (Pennsylvania) hurt .that needs to be faced emo-
tionally. Your tiny son may help you work it through. Very young children remember in images, not in words. His "visions" could be his way of recalling his uncle. Creating new and present visual situations with his memory may be your son's way of dealing with the loss. In any case, the images appear to be positive and it !Sounds as though your son is dealing well with his loss. "Is it possible that he really does see him?" you ask. I don't know. Surely there are many strange and wonderful things in this world and the next that we do not understand. Your son's reaction appears to be a normal and healthy way to handle the absence of a loved one. Don't be disconcerted by the fact that, at 20 months, he sees things rather than says things. Feel free to talk with him, in his visual way, about a person you both cherished. Let him share his "vision" wit~ you. Reader questions on family living and child c~re to be answered in pront are invited. Address The Kennys; Box 872; .St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Families are in good shape
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The reason is that society needs intact family in statistical terms. Bv Antoinette Bosco But the reality is that she found a Recently I attended a famil}' famjlies. We need each other and human way to give her daughter a full, party at my sister's home celebratrich family life. ing the the engagement of a niece. bonds must be maintained. FamMost of us have an innate drive 62 of us were under one roof. I left ily, in general, provides the most the party strengthened and renew- automatic, most natural and most to connect with family, even though unconditional bonds we can find. not everyone is able to fulfill this ed. So when the shape of the tradiFamily love buoys us up. And it need. tional family is altered, many peois so central to our being and so The family is ideally a source of necessary for our nourishment that · pIe strengthen other family con- . refreshment, life privacy away from nections. we can't be without it as a society. A 1986 Gallup Poll bears this I think of my younger sister who the hectic, demanding world. The out. It found that 93 percent of moved far away from her relatives family is a source of peace because Americans were "mostly" or "very when she got married. She expected of the love and acceptance found satisfied" with their family life. a traditional family life. But when in it. This is up from 91 percent in a her husband left her she moved Despite worry about the decline 1980 survey. back to her hometown to raise her of family values, no outside presTh,poll shows that the general daughter in contact with cousins, sures will destroy the family. As a outlook on the condition offamily aunt and uncles. . source of life, love and connection, life has improved a lot too. 53 perHer family may not look like an it is as basic as food and air. cent said that the family life of most people they know has gotten better. In 1980 only 37 percent held such an optimistic view. I'm not" surprised by the poll's in their front yards advocating By Hilda Young findings. higher drinking and driving ages, How can you spot the parents of even in non-election years. Our society has gone through a teenager? . many changes in the past 20 years They have niches in their walls that have altered the shape of the . When you are in a restaurant, with statues of Erma Bombeck they are the ones ~ho make sure nuclear family. The high divorce the salt and pepper shaker tops are and Bill Cosby. rate, the emergence of many Parents of teens have the phone single-parent families and econo- · screwed on tightly before shaking them. n,umber of their priest carved in mic realities forcing mQthers into the handle of their telephone. the workplace are almost causing Parents of teens automatically They think unkind thoughts about the image of the "traditional fam- check the car radio volume before the makers o( R-rated movies and ily" to fade from memory. turning the ignition key, a habit We are constantly bombarded formed after having one's hair have been known to write these by the cries of those who claim unexpectedly parted more than film makers poison-pen letters. When the TV announcer says, that alcohol, drug abuse and once by the 150 decibel sound of homosexuality are undermining Huey Lewis and the News. "It's 10 p.m.: Do you know where family values. Yet according to His or her shoulders slump when your children are?" they exchange Gallup most Americans think entering the grocery store. They glances and make the Sign of the family life is getting better, not can be spotted in the checkout line Cross. worst. because their receipt is so long it They can be seen sneaking small I've always thought that the hits the floor and the electronic cartons of ice cream to a childless intense worrying over the conditotals are drawing oohs and aahs neighbor's house where they can tion of family values has been from .others in line. store it in case they'd like some exaggerated. Despite the high Their shopping cart contains sometime. divorce rate, most single parents athlete's foot powder in bulk and A sure tip-off is that they do not work hard to keep their families hair mousse six-packs. move for the telephone evell after intact. Substance abuse and They twitch around the eyes several rings. homosexuality have always been when someone mentions the cost with us. They're just more out in Send comments to Hilda Young, of car insurance. the open and they will never General Delivery, Lopez Island, They display ~~mpaign posters Wash. 98261. seriously undermine the family.
On the parents of teens
are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city' or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralsinll activities such as blnllos, whlsts. dances. suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual (lrogram~. club meetinl!s. youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675·7151. On Steerlnll Points Items FR indicates Fa" River. NB Indicates New B'!dford.
VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON Taunton district council Mass for the intention of founder Frederic Ozanam's canonization and meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, S1. Joseph's Church, Kilmer Ave., Taunton.
O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Scouting representatives will meet with parents and other interested adults 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, religious education center, to renew parish Cub Scout Pack 54. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Reflections on Mary's words at LaSalette 2 p.m. Sunday, People's Chapel; led by Father Fernand Cassista, MS, the program will include a time for reflection and a Marian prayer service; all welcome.
FAMILY LIFE CENTER, ", THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 30, 1987 NO. DARTMOUTH S1. Mary's Church, New Bedford, men's retreat begins today. Lamaze ST. THOMAS MORE, CATHEDRAL CAMPS, natural childbirth class Monday evenSOMERSET E. FREETOWN ing. Bishop Stang High School, No. Youth group dance Feb. 18. MemS1. Mary's Church, Seekonk, youth Dartmouth, retreat day Wednesday. bers have donated $200 to the Jesuit day retreat 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorOvereaters Anonymous meeting 7:30 Volunteer Program, in which pari- row. Our Lady of Grace Church, p.m. Wednesday. shioner Tom O'Brien is working Westport, Level II Confirmation rewith underprivileged youth in Hous- treat Jan. 30 to Feb. I; St. Mary's ST. JAMES, NB ton, TX. Beginning.this month, Mass Church, Norton, ninth grade youth The parish expresses gratitude to will be offered monthly for the retreat Feb. 6 and 7. Emmaus weekdonors of new liturgical articles. deceased, particularly those who died end Feb. 6 to 8. CYO Council meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 3, the preceding month; friends and parish center. CYO Gong Show Feb. r.elatives of the deceased are invited CATHEDRAL, FR 28, all welcome; performers must to, attend; dates and times will appear Those knowing of parishioners in register at rectory no later than Feb. in the parish bulletin. nursing homes are asked to give 2 I. Blessing of throats for the feast their names to a parish priest after of S1. Blaise after Sunday Masses ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, any Mass. and after 9 a.m. Mass Feb. 3. Pro- POCASSET Applications for a boys' ECHO Life Committee members will offer Precious Feet pins after weekend weekend Feb. 6 to 8 available at parTurn to Page 16 Masses. ish center.
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT. A meeting in preparation for the 75th anniversary of· the parish in" 1989 has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. Feb. I; all welco'me. As part of their celebration of Catholic Schools week, students will put on a variety show, have a"teacher-swap" day and attend intermural basketball games. ST. DOMINIC, SW AN SEA Board of education meeting 9 a.m. Feb. 7, church. First Friday (Feb. 6) Masses 7 and 9 a.m.;·Sacred Heart devotions and c::xposition of the Bless- ' ed Sacramept after 9 a.m. Mass, until 7 p.1J1.. ho!y hour. . PARENTS & FRIENDS, -, ,. BP. CONNOLLY HIGH SCHOOL Parents & Friends Club of Bishop~ Connolly High School, Fall R,iver, . CPR demonstration 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9, resQurce center. Jacqueline Allard, RN, director of education at S1. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, a certified basiclife support instructor, will lecture, demonstrate 'CPR and an" swerquestions;.refreshments; public' r~'.inVit~d.. ; "~::';11:' ';11," "'.:'1\'-., r. : ... D of 11K of C ,MXSS Daughters of Isabella/ Bishop Cassidy Council Knights of Columbus Mass8:30a:m, March 29, St, Dominic's Church, Swansea; brunch follows; information: Trish Isserlis, 6696038; Ron Rodrigues, 679-1578. ' ,
CHRIST THE KING, COTUITIMASHPEE A parish traveJ-..c1ub is forming; input from parishioners regarding desired' day trips is asked; contact Gerry Paul, travel coordinator, 4774305. ST. MARY'S, NO. ATTLEBORO Healing service and Mass with Father William T. Babbitt 2 p.m. Feb. 8, church. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The parish congratulates 14 new altar servers. Family Mass 9:30 a.m. Feb. I, coffee and doughnuts fQlIow, church hall. Adult forum on child abuse 7 p.m. Tuesday, church hall, with film and discussion by the Parent/ Child Center of the Interchurch Council. Father Joseph McNally, SS.CC., will preach a March 22 to 26 Lenten misSion. K of C RETREAT, WAREHAM Wareham Knights of Columbus Council retreat for Catholic men Feb. 20 to 22, Sacred Hearts Seminary retreat house, Great Neck Road, Wareham; non-Knights welcome; a free-will offering will be taken; retreat director: Father William W. Nortoni; retreat information and registration: Jack Ducey, 295-9227. VINCENTIANS, FR Feb. 3 meeting moved to St. Anne's School cafeteria, Fall River; Father John R. Foister, St. Anne's pastor, will celebrate a 7 p.m. Mass for members. ORDER OF THE ALHAMBRA Region One meeting 8 p.m. Feb. 6, Loyola Hall, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester; members of Leon caravan, Fall River, will participate.
about lt
ln SUBSCRIPTION SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns In the Diocese of Fall River FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY GLOBE MANUFACTURING CO.
I'· .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,
social life, in everything from education to charity. The sources said it was too early to talk about a government concession on the issue. "It was certainly an important meeting, but now we're waiting for the facts," said one. But enough hopes were raised that even Vatican diplomats were describing the Jaruzelski talks as positive. What did Jaruzelski obtain in return? For one thing, a boost to his image, He was given a solemn welcome at the Vatican. A Vatican press statement afterward stressed the positive aspects of the talks. His picture with a jlmiling pontiff appeared in newspapers around the world the next day. That contrasted with Jaruzelski's reception elsewhere in Rome during his three-day state visit. Groups ranging from leftist politi~ cians, labor leaders and neo-fascists publicly demonstrated and called him a "dictator" during a press conference. They d.enounced suppression of the trade union Solidarity during a closed-door meeting with the generaL
30, 1987
. At the Vatican, things were calmer, although there were 10 demonstrators just outside Vatican City boundaries. One Vatican source stressed the importance of the ·.pope's remark to the entire Polish delegation, that their visit would bring the "desired results for the good of Poland and Europe." This was seen as an endorsement of the main goal" of Jaruzelski's trip. to Rome: to forge a financial opening with the West, especially Europe, in order to save Poland's struggling economy.
POPE JOHN PAUL II presents Polish General Wojciech Jaruzelski with a picture book on the Sistine chapel. (NCJ UPI-Reuter photo)
In the words of the source, the papal audience thus aimed at encouraging "a reawakening of the social and economic life in Poland." The pope's support for Western economic ties to Poland reflects church's public status in Poland, the general feeling among churchand recognition of academic demen there, some of whom have asked that the United States drop grees given by church universitites and seminaries, its remaining economic sanctions against the country. Of the two, the first issue is by Previous signs of good will on far the more important to the Poland's part had helped set up church, The Polish church wants the Jaruzelski meeting at the Vatinormal civil rights to apply not can and ensure that it went smoothonly to dioceses and parishes as ly. Last September, Poland's bishinstitutions, but to the hundreds of ops urged an amnesty for remaining church-sponsored organizations political prisoners. A few days that operate in the country. In' later, the government complied. effect, the government would be At Christmas, the government officially recognizing the church's for the first time allowed the pope's overwhelming presence in Poland's midnight Mass to be broadcast
Poland - Vatican relations seen on upswing By John Thavis VATICAN CITY (NC) - To the Swiss Guards who stand sentry, the gates of the Vatican must have seemed like a revolving door for Polish VIPs recently, Polish leadeRGen, Wojciech Jaruzelski arrived Jan, 13 for a 70minute talk with Pope John Paul IL He broughit with him ministers of religion, foreign affairs and culture, and some 30 lesser officials. Barely had Jaruzelski'~ l2-car motorcade departed when Cardinal Jozef Glemp of Gniezno and
Warsaw was ushered into the apostolic palace for a briefing with the pope. When he came out, Archbishop Francesco Colasuonno, the Vatican's special envoy to Poland, went in. What did all the activity mean? Was it mere ceremonial c.ourtesy, or was there some solid progress behind the comings and goings? According to Vatican sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, Jaruzelski's visit opened up real possibilities in two areas that have been blocked for some time: legal recognition of the
.•: • • . • • .
live into the country. Authorities have also apparently given the goahead for the pope to visit Gdansk, the birthplace of the outlawed trade union Solidarity, during this June trip to Poland. The government announced the trip would take place June 8-14. All this is the concrete expression of the "modus vivendi" between the church and Poland's Communist government. Asked whether such an arrangement jibes with Marxist theories on religion, Ja.ruzelski answered with typical pragmatism during a press conference. "Let's leave theories aside and talk about concrete situations," he said. He added that Poland was not about t.o return to judgments that were "perhaps too hastily. made" on whether the state and religion can coexist. likeWise, he added with a smile, he would not expect the church to revive the 1937 encyclical, "Divini Redemptoris," which condemned atheistic communism:
Vocations video stars pope CHICAGO (NC) - A Serra International videocassette to promote vocations to the priesthood stars Pope John Paul II emphasizing his priestly vocation rather than his role as pope. Titled "A Call to Christ," the 15-minute videocassette focuses on the pope at prayer and Mass and includes footage of him with crowds of teenagers. "Pope John Paul II is the quintessential priest. He also has a special charism for reaching young people," said Francis. J. McKeon Jr., president of Serra International, a lay organization that promotes church vocations. Serra will show the videocassette, produced by the Vatican TV center, to high school and college students and parish groups. It is available from the organization at 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago, ilL 60603.
Labor leader praises bishops' values at time of national greed"
By Liz Schevtchuk WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. bishops "confront the American dream" - currently perverted by greed - with "the American real\ty" that demands economic justice, a labor leader has told Catholic social. justice officials. Un'ited Auto Workers president Owen Bieber endorsed the bishops' pastoral letter on economic justice' as a guide for economic reform. He commented in a speech given during a Washington conference on implementation of the bishops' "Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy." "The underlying vision of the Reagan administration is the notion that every individual in pursuing his own self-interest best promotes the general welfare," Bieber stated. • . Acknowledging that some selfinterest is healthy, he added that
an excess "leads to a narrow individualism and a cruel 'society. And Reaganism has created an atomsphere in which' self-interest is carried to an extreme;" he. said" "a righteous sanctification of the unbridle<t-profit moti~e, a worship of the fast buck." . "Without expressly saying so,'" he said,"the Reagan adminIstration has made greed respecta,ble as an all-American value." . Yet, in'1986, Bieber said, one of seven Americans was poor, 37 million lacked health insUl:ance, "homelessness was at an all-time high" and two-thirds ofthe Jobless received no unemployment benefits. ' In their economic pastoral, the bishops discuss such problems and "to their everlasting credit ... confront the American dream with the American reality," Beiber said. 'I find the bishops' letter to be an important and praiseworthy doc-
ument," he said. "It reaffirms the proper role of government, speaks 'out for trade union rights, defends the poor - whose numbers have grown 'so substantialy as a direct result of the economic and social polices of the Reagan administration - and issues a clarion call for full employment as the most important unmet need on our nation's economic policy agenda." . He noted, however, that "some people have criticized the bishops for issuing what they believe to be a partisan document." . Nonetheless, "what many people have forgotten ... is the fact that the document is above all, religious." . . "Frankly, I think the bishops should be proud of this controversy," he added. He criticized "most who oppose the document. They won't .admit it, but they put the free enterprise system above the church - and
that's a sad commentary." correct that such input and partic"I hope and expect that the ipation is a fundamental matter of bishops will not retreat an inch economic and social justice and from their positions," he said. that, when measured by that yardPositions he particularly lauded stick, the U.S. economy clearly included the pastoral's treatment comes up short," Beiber said. of poverty and employment. He found one disappointment "The document makes clear that in the pastoral - the lack of "an the nation's approach toward poverty should involve a greater explicit endorsement of an active . measure of compassion toward trade policy" that reduces the trade the poor," Beiber declared. "Nor deficit and promotes protection can private charity substitute for for Americans against foreign the proper role of governrT),ent imports. when it comes to meeting the needs Overall, though, he commended of poor people." . the bishops' pastoral and noted it The bishops "know that the best is already being used in UAW eduanti-proverty program of all would cational programs. be to give everyone in this country The United States' has been who is willing and able to work a undergoing "a bad political decent and well-paid job," he said. . period" but now there are signs "of He also highlighted the bishops' a progressive renewal," he concontention that all should have a cluded. "The bishops have pointed . voice in·the economic system. the way. Now we have to work to "The bishops are absolutely implement their program."
SISTER Eugenia Brady, SJc, associate director of religious education attended this year's session, according to Eleanor I. Hayes,ScMary's for the Fall River Diocesan Department of Education, above, left, speaks on religious education director. They included, in right photo, from left. Flor"Prayer" to religious education teachers at St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, as ence Ozija, Ken Marcotrigiano and Elaine Feigherg. part of their annual Catechist Enrichment Night. About 35 catechists
Parish offers day care ministry ST. JOSEPH. Mo. (NC) Toddlers giggle and play in a room where Benedictine sisters once labored to pleat coifs for their traditional black-and-white habits. Babies sleep in a nursery that was formerly the office of the order's mother superior. Five years ago, because of declining numbers. the sisters moved out of the huge, 100-year-old brick convent building at Co-Cathedral Parish. An independent day care center occupied the building until summer 1986, when financial problems forced the center to close. Now the building houses the Raven's Nest Child Care Center, a parish day care center that serves nearly 100 children, ages 6 weeks to 13 years. . The Raven's Nest was chosen as name because two members of the board of directors graduated from
Benedictine College in Atchison. Kan." whose mascot is the raven. According to legend, a raven saved SI. Benedict from eating posioned bread. While the idea of parish day care centers is not new. it is spreading.
"The way children are taught to deal with one another in kind, gentle, loving ways, the way they are loved, corrected, cared for - that is the big ministry," she said. "When children are taught to pray before eating. that has an effect on families. including Catholics. non-Catholics and the Infant and toddler care is needed because of so many working par- . unchurched." she said. '" had a parent report to me that at home ents, said Mary Ann Didde, 34, her 2-year-old wouldn't eat until Raven's Nest director. "I don't think you can beat mom the family said grace. And it was staying home to care for her childserious business to that child." ren," she said. However, "many Ministry to parents consists of women must choose a care situallowing them to go to work with a tion outside the home. Our center minimum of guilt. knowing their provides loving Christian care." child is safe in a place where good. Raven's Nest has 100 percent Christian care is provided, Ms. occupancy and a waiting list. and Didde added. only advertises by word of mouth. Increasing concern. about child safety and child abuse is another Ms. Didde said the center minisreason a parish may consider ters during the day-to-day interacopening a day care center. she tions the youngsters have with the said. Because of parents' lack of center staff.
knowledge about private babysitters and uncertainties because the sitters are not licensed, a licensed day care center may be preferable, Ms. Didde said. . The Rave'n's Nest was licensed in November after "a lot of paperwork, time and trouble," Ms. Didde said. "But we completed the application process because we feel it is important." she said .. Father Pat Tobin, pastor at CoCathed ral, echoed Ms. Didde's comments about the center as a form of ministry. "The Raven's Nest plays a meaningful part in people's lives and enhances our togetherness as a parish family," he said. "We have high school students volunteering to help us as part of their confirmation apostolate." he said ... A nd we have senior citizens involved in caring for the children. There is a lot of blending going on. and that is good for all.'· Father Tobin said one incentive for starting a day care center was to increase enrollment at the parish school. The center provides care from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m .. before and after school. to accommodate working parents. Ms. Didde added that the day care center can also allow a parish to put school and convertt to alternative uses if school enrollment or convent occupancy decline.
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Mary Ann Didde with young patrons of Raven's Nest Child Care Center
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THE ~NCHOR..:.-Dioceseof Fall River-Fri., Jan. 30,1987
•. ~ . . . , ....... - ....,.,.~
' we note St. Paul's insight: "All By Cecilia Belan~er ] attended the inauguration of that may be known of God by men Maine's new governor and when lies plain before their eyes in the he mentioned the environment, ] things he ha~ made:" , Theology should teach us that heard murmurs of approval. My opinion is that in our time of Earth is holy and that our proper the bulldozer we need religion to attitude towards it should be one undergird the efforts of ecologists. , of reverence and humility. We have injured the environSome believe that Western religion has invited us to exploit and ment in the name of profit and subdue Earth; and indeed man has private concern. We may redistoo often thought he should subdue cover our finitude by understandthe planet. He developed meteor- ing what it means to live within a ology to understand weather; limited natural environment. The astronomy to understand the sun and the seas are the source of heavens; geology to deal with the our life, the plants are the recycling agents of the oxygen by earth; medicine to treat disease. But science has led to technol- which we and the food chain live, ogy, to modern housing, to deter- the atomsphere protects us from gents, computers and air condi- deadly cosmic rays. We must be conscious of the tioning and many other advances ecosystem and realize that polluto make life easier. We must, of course, learn more tion upsets its balance. about this planet, remembering Jesus loved Earth. He blessed it, Bacon's words: "Knowledge is not he consecrated it with his presonly power; it is the foundation of ence. And when God his Father wisdom." , created it, it was good. It should Taking a theological approach, remain that way.
'Wh :t"·, , a,s. :THIS F*Lt RIVE'R home put The Anchbr's ;~
16 pro-life poster to good use. "
, ,By
'on' :you'r" '~""'TO~.,, "
::',-; :!'·',":c.;J .,-,;.~ ,fl!i.,~,
·mind?' '.',' .
Q. How far should a relation· ' And Becky, thanks to the advice shipgohetweenaboyandi;rr.(Oregon) of a car-ingand'intelligent mother, A. Thirty y~ars ago the word is aware that sexual intercourse "relationship" was seldom heard could lead her', and Joe to regard in Am~rica. Now it's popping up , each other exclusively as sex obalI over and' it has quite ~' few dif- . jec-ts. Then their relationship would ferent meanings. To avoid confu- likely not grow in other important sion, let's talk abo,ut some of them. areas. Onamorningtalkshowayoung SoJoe'and Becky foster their actor may tell the host that he had friendship in other ways. They a relationship with a'certain actress enjoy picnics, ice skating, parties, for two years. This probably means long walks, long conversations, tha~ the man' and woman. lived going to rock concerts now and together and ha'd sexual intercourse then; sometim~sdoing homework for two years:,' ',," together'and so on. '," Both ofthem called it a relationEach has other friends of both ship because t,hi.~ sounds s()phi~ti- sexes and they are learning about , cated and p'roper. It more or less" the rich vatiety of people in the , hides the fact that they ~~re unable world. They are beginning to underto trulY love,each other a~d make . stand, the good and bad points of a permanent and courageous coni- people. For 'now, they are good and mitment in marriage., , An~ther ;young man' told' 'me loyal fi-iends and intend to keep. it recently tliat t'here'was a lot offric- that way: What thefriendship may ticin in his'iela'tiot\ship with Bob. become in' the' future is still not This' 'i's hot a homosex-iJal love' certain. , affair. Thetwo young men share a r Th~$e ~re yea,rs 'of exploring, tWo':bedrooril'apartment. Thefric- searching, waithlg, thinking. It's a time ,o'f slowly gro'~i~g tion is abo'ut Bob's sloppiness.' Four-year-old Ginny has 'a rela-' Send c:juestions to Tom Lenrion, tiortship 'with' 'her granddad who 13ii Mass. ~ve. ,N.W;,'Wasbinglives three' houses down the street " " from'me: Sim'plY.put they idolize tOil' D~~·. 2000~. . ' . . each-other. ,: :.'., No'R~~:s.on.T~ S.~~.ut ,Still' another type of relation- . "He who .truly knows' has ship is that between Joe and Becky" two'high schooljuniors who live in no occasion to shout,":-:-L.eonmy -neighborhood. ardo"d'a Vinci p'art of thei'r' relationshipis sex- ' ual attraction. Wise for his years, =;.r"."".y "".".".;=;.~ """'."'.r".r"•.,.,.y " Joe realizes that he i's not at all ready for't'he pennanent'commit-'GOD'S. ANCHOR HOLDS ment ih~t, i's expressed :in se'xual intercourse. .
dJ" ••
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 30, :1987
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen, eral viewing; PG·13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; . PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved. for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally !ffensive.
NOTE 'Please check dates and tImes of television and radio programs against local listIngs, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.
because the film offers little in the way of social or moral role models for youngsters, it is rated A3,R. Richard Pryor, who has gone through enough pain to conyey satiric wisdom, draws from his own experience with courts, hospitals and psychiatric institutions in "Critical Condition" (Paramount). Pleading insanity in court to beat going to prison, Eddie (Pryor) fails to pass psychiatric tests and lands in a psycho ward. In the plot, Box (Cobb) seizes and holds the hospital administrator hostage. When there's a power failure, Eddie impersonates a doctor to escape but develops and, then identifies with his new role. Unable to escape because everyone needs him, he successfully takes the hospital through a zany evening of emergencies. Pryor teaches the importance of compassion, saves 'some lives, helps renew the personal integrity of the chief surgeon worried about malpractice (Bob Dishy), and saves the job of the interim administrator (Rachel Ticotin). He also managers to entrap a murderer on the loose in the hospital, and calm down the psycho ward . The film contrasts institutionalized mayhem with the insane bureaucracy of the institution. Although the language is incessantly vulgar and harsh, the message about personal and professional integrity is well worth viewing for mature audiences. A3,
New Films "Wanted Dead or Alive" (New World) -'exploits the current fear of terrorism. NC / Maryknoll pholo Rutger Hauer is a self-styled bounty hunter, who is hired by his MISSIONER Carol Honerkamp examines a leper's hand old partner and CIA operative (Robert Guillaume) to bring back dead or alive a ruthless South . Yemen terrorist, Makek (Gene Simmons). Hauer, the bait in a setup to catch the dangerous Arab, loses MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (NC) Joe said Samoans live in large, his lover as well as his best friend The best way to ensure that West- extended family groups where "the when his boat is blown up. Predictably an(1 disappointingly ern Samoans take their daily med- parents do the birthing of children ication is to have them put it with and everybody does the raising." concluding in a ruthless act of their Bibles, said a couple who Young people retain their loyalty vengeance, the film' offers no R. to the family when they go to pla- insight into the reasons for worked there for six years. Films on TV terrorism. Joe and Carol Honerkamp, ces such as Hawaii and California Sunday, Feb. 8, 9-11:1S p.m. Because the film never goes Maryknoll lay missioners, said to find jobs, he said, and about a Samoans have made Christianity third of the national income con- beyond graphic depiction of ter- EST (ABC) "Romancing the so much a way of life that reading sists of funds these workers send rorism and brutality and because Stone" (1984). A novelist (Katits hero is as cold blooded and vio- hleen Turner), aided by a soldier and quoting the Bible is a daily home. of fortune (Michael Douglas), experience. One result of this family tradi- 'lent as those he tracks, it is rated saves her sister from slave traders. "They can't sleep until they say a t'IOn, th e H oner kamps sal'd , .IS a O,R. Failed humor, graphic violence, prayer," Joe said. "Touch and Go" (Tri-Star) "Reading the Bible is a way of different "mentality" about family stars Micheal Keaton as a hockey brief partial nudity and some rough life," he added. "And whoever is members with leprosy. In most of player who meets Maria Conchita language made this mature fare. under their roof participates. If the world, they said,. a "terrible Alonzo, an ambitious Hispanic A3, PG stigma" is attached to this disease, Monday, Feb. 9, 9-11 p.m. EST you are a guest, you are called on and families want to keep their single parent when he brings her to share your insight into the (PBS) "Smooth Talk" (1986). her little boy who has just helped members who have it away 'and Scriptures." mug him. Maria immediately sets Director Joyce Chopra debuts in The Honerkamps spoke at out of sight. about luring Keaton and their this story about a teen-age girl "But Western Samoa has no ,one-night affair blossoms slowly headquarters of Maryknoll Fathers (Laura Dern) who places herself in and Brothers while participating' leproslirium," Joe said. "Our , into mild affection as the relation- '. a dangerously vulnerable position in a "return-renewal" program the. patients functioned.in their .own ship t~ansforms'the c~refree hockey when asoft-spoken stranger (Treat order holds for groups of lay mis- communities. They were not' out- player ,into a 'caring guardian of Williams) successfully tempts her sioners.completing their three-year casts, but rehabilitated 'and' con- the young mugger. ' . into her first sexual encounter. assignments. For the Honerkamps, tributing members of society: If Because of harsh l!lnguage, a Because the film suggests that this it was the end of two terms in . they hav,e deformities, the fami!y semi-clad bedroom scene and 'is an acceptable introd uction . to Western Samoa. They planned. to , mi.gh~ hold ~ack to some.e~tent m . 'womanhood, it was rated 0,' spend some. time .at Marykqoll . bnngmg t~em o~~ for vl~ltors to 1IIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllllllll PG-13. ,. .i' . while deciding where to serve next. , see. But tlie famlll~s take ~ar~ could'continu~ on 'their own. The Before going to the South. them,andthey.aren~tsegr~gat~d. program treats 1,15leprQ~y patients, Religious Television Sunday, Feb. 1 (CBS) - "For Pacific, they operated a boat clinic An infectious disease, leprosy a .high percentage of all Samoans Our Times" _ Art historian David that served viliages on tributa~ies . requires isolation in its' initial with leprosy. ", Briskel discusses black American of the Amazon River in. B()livia... stages,they said, butit· r~ponds to The World Health Organization, The couple .,- he a.nurse, engineer drug therapy, and Plltients then no . and a' New. ,Zealand group' ,'send. art on view at the High Museum in Atlanta. and teacher from West Germil-py,. longer need to be kept away from representatives to, check, on the' . she a Peace ~orps worker in health otherpeo,ple. To be e,ffective, the program an<;f ass,ure c~ntinui'.1g " Religi~us Radio and nutrition frorti p'ittsburgtl ~ HO,nerbmps $~id., the !l'edi~tio!1, support"they ~aid" ." Sunday, Feb. 1, (NBC) met in Bqlivia arid became 'asso- must be taken daily with strict, : The Catholic C~urch ,m .West-, "Guideline" _ Richard Virgil, ciated with M~ryknollet:~ ,there. " disc;ipJine. " , ,: ' e~n Samoa has about .two do-:en director of'-Family Services.~lnc", Western,Sa~oa i~ a Po[ynesiiql .In ,the !ii~tinctively ChristiaJ:! Sam,~an clergy, an~ a number of discusses housing problems of island country of 160,000 people,' culture of Samoa, tying. the med~ vocations; at:e commg fr~mthe,. low-income New York families. about 20 percent of wh,om 'are cation intQ the:nightly,~iblelread- " ybuth, the Honerkamp~ said.. But Catholic.. ~aryknoll has. seve,ral ing and prayer gave the Honer- they said a, much larger number of brothers 'working there:' kamps assurancethat their patients . catechists, married men,li'ving in . The Honerkampsworked as pait would not skip any. days. the villages, lead prayer services' WASHINGTQN (NC) - Holy of a public health,team and con- . Leprosy is no longer c;onsidered c ; and provide, ml;lch of the d.ay~toCross Father William Lewers, since centrated on treatmentof Hansen'~, "a curse of God," asin past centur-, day ministry. , 1983 director of the U.S:Catholic disease, leprosy. ies, but a disease that can be elim,iWestern Samoa beJongs tei the Conference Offici: of International "Everybody knew we were nated, Carol 'said. .' British Commonwealth and most Justice and Peace, will resign that church volunteers," Carol said, ,Th.e missionaries said they people speak English, the Honerpost and return to the 'U niversity but working with a public he,alth, worked carefully oyer the course kamps said, but the liturgy is nore of Notre Dame La wSchool faculty team, they provided service to the of their six years in Western Samoa mally in Samoan. Both are official in August 1988. . total population. . to set up a program the Samoans languages.
Christianity a way of life in Western Samoa
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The Anchor Friday, J;m. 30, 1987
[Ileering pOint/] Continued from Page II ST. MARY, SEEKONK 9 a.m. Mass Jan. 28 was celebrated in memory of the seven Challenger astronauts; that day was the first anniversary of the NASA disaster. Father Joseph Paquette of the diocese of Providence will conduct a holy hour after 7 p.m. Mass today. Couples' Mass 6 p.m. Feb. 14. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, ATTLEBORO Forum on Women in Church 7 p.m. Sunday, school. ST. MARY, NB First Penance 9 a.m. tomorrow. Blessing of throats and general thanksgiving after all weekend Masses. IlIinois Club meeting Feb. 10, school. Parish prayer group Mass 7:30 p.m. Mondays. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR The parish Spiritual Life Committee welcomes new members Pat , Latinville, Mary Groman and Richard Pelletier. parish show March 29, 30 and 31; rehearsals for grammar school students 7 p.m. Sundays, parish hall; adult rehearsals 7 p.m. Wednesdays, All welcome. As part of their celebration of Catholic Schools Week, students will write UN ambassadors expressing concern for world peace; there will also be a rolIerskating party. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Blessing of throats at weekend Masses and after Tuesday Masses. Catholic Schools week: kickoff dance 6 to 8 p.m. tomorrow, school; parish school faculty and students will pre.sent certificates of appreciation to friends of the school at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 4, school auditorium.
NOTRE DAME, FR ST. STANISLAUS, FR To commemorate Catholic The parish school will celebrate Schools Week, parish school stuGrandparents Day at I p.m. Feb. 6; persons wishing to volunteer as grand- dents will particapate in activities parents to students without their including a Big Brotherj Big Sister Day and a pizzaj hot dog lunch with own may call Mrs. Denita Tremblay, principal, 674-6771. Catholic balloon liftoff; a special Mass and Schools Week schooljfamily liturgy Teacher Appreciation Day will be 10:30 a.m. Sunday. A fund in memory held and alumni will tell current stuof rectory housekeeper and parishion- dents what Catholic school did for er Mary Zmuda has raised over them. $1,500; proceeds will be used for ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Lenten sanctuary appointments; love High School youth group meeting offerings in memory of Miss Zmuda may be dropped into the collection . 7 p.m. Sunday, church hall; new members welcome: basket so marked. Girls' CYO basketball: B team vs. St. Jean Baptiste I p.m. tomorrow; A team vs. St. Peter and Paul2 p.m. tomorrow, both games at Fall Riv(Undated) (NC) - Catholic er's Anawan St. CYO; all welcome. Church leaders have welcomed a ST. ANNE, FR recent Canadian Supreme Court Exposition of the Blessed Sacradecison upholding Ontario's Sunment after II :30 a.m. Mass tomorrow, shrine; hour of adoration fol- day closing law, but said they lows at 2 p.m. Students at the parish anticipate challenges from disschool will celebrate Catholic School gruntled retailers. The 6-1 deciWeek with Feb. 3 Mass and activi- sion, handed down recently said ties including dressing in outfits Sunday closing of retail stores was depicting their vision of their futures. necessary for stable Canadian 116 parish school alumni, represent- family life. The law restricts coming classes from 1911 to 1986, mercial activity on Sundays and responded to a recent alumni search; statutory holidays to variety stores, all were invited to help current parrestaurants, outlets catering to . ish school students in celebrating tourist areas and other small their "future day." establishments. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Annual Mass and breakfast for bereaved parish families 10 a.m. tomorrow; parish Vincentians will WASHINGTON (NC) serve breakfast after Mass, parish center. Basketball: Sunday School Although still outnumbering other boys vs. St. John's A team I p.m. faith groups, the 141 Catholic tom morrow; senior high boys vs. senators and representatives in the' Arnold Mills 2 p.m. tomorrow. upcoming toOth Congress will be one short of those in the 99th ConST. LOUIS de FRANCE, gress, which convened in January SWANSEA 1985 with an alltime high count of Confir'mation candidates' sleep142 Catholics. Ofthe new total, 95 over retreat Feb. 28 to March I. Father Roland E. Lavallee, OMI, of Democrats and 46 are Republithe Shrine of Our Lady of Grace, cans. Following Catholics are Colebrook, NH, will preach the Methodists, with 74 members, and March 29 and Apri13 parish retreat. Episcopalians, with 60.
Closed on Sunday
Still on top
A SNOW-COVERED Nellie Gray, president of the national March for Life, addresses participants in the 14th "annual Washington March on Jan. 22. More than a foot of snow did not deter the pro-lifers. (NC photo)