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t eanc 0 VOL. 42, NO.5_ Friday, January 30, 1998




$14 Per Year

Bishop O'Malley says papal trip changed Cuba •

He sees changes coming slowly, but with lasting effe'cts. By JAMES N. DUNliAR

FALL RIVER-"It is impossible for Cuba to ever be the same" after Pope John Paul's pastoral visit there Jan. 21-25, says Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. "The message of the Holy Father was very well received at all of the Masses" and during the five days of liturgical celebration, pastoral consultation and much evangelizing, the bishop said Jan. 27 in a telephone interview from New York. Bishop O'Malley, along with Cardinal Bernard A. Law, clergy and pilgrims flew out ol'13oston on Jan. 23 to join the pontiff in the final days of the island visit. Bishop O'Malley went to Cuba at the invitation of Cardinal Jaime Ortega, archbishop of Havana, whom the bishop described as "an old friend." Accompanying the bishop were Father Paul E. Canuel, head of the Hispanic Ministry in the Fall River Diocese, and Father Mark Serna, OSB, headmaster of Portsmouth Abbey School and abbot of Portsmouth Abbey, both in Rhode Island. Not only did the bishop join with the pontiff at the Masses, but was


among those invited to meet with Cuban President Fidel Castro, who played the gracious host at a palace reception that mark¢d the final event of the trip. Bishop O'Mal1ey said the pope's "beautiful message at the Mass Sunday in Havana was about the social doctrine of the Church as offering a concrete program of reform to the people of the world. In a particular way the message was addressed not only to the people of Cuba but to the entire world. He talked about what happens to a country without re.Jigion and without God. "It was magnificent and what I found the most moving was the contrast in the country and the people from when I had been there some nine years ago. This time there was so much enthusiasm and the Church was truly present in the Cuban people. The last time the presence of the church had been quite diminished ... with less than one percent of the population, mainly those who were in their 70s, going 'to Mass. It was the result of the gpvernment having discouraged ~he young people from having any contact with the Church and 'there was much propaganda against the priests." But during this year bf preparation for the papal visit there has Turn to page three

CHURCH AND STATE-Bishop Sean P. O'Malley and Cuban President Fidel Castro chat during an evening reception in the national palace in Havana, Cuba, Jan. 25, which marked the end of the five-day pastoral visit to the communist island nation by Pope John Paull!. (Photo by MS~lr. Paul Mcinerny)

Fall River dioces~e marches for life


WASHINGTON D.C.-The assertiveness of the young people who attended this year's March For

Life in the nation's capital is what assures the pro-life moyement the perpetuity it demands, ~aid Bishop Sean P. O'Mal1ey. "Young people have embraced

this cause as their own and the witness of these young people is important," he added. Although no estimates were given as to the size of the crowd,

the bishop thought it was more crowded than the previous year and organizer Nel1ie Gray estimated that about 125,000 people made it to the 1998 march which marked the 25th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion. For the fifth consecutive year people of the Fall River diocese took advantage of the Pro-Life Apostolate's chartered buses. Two buses made the trip, transporting marchers from the five diocesan deaneries to Washington. There was a strong presence of youth this year, with passengers on one of the buses about 75 percent young

people. "We're very excited about that turnout," said Father Stephen Fernandes, director of the Pro-Life Office. Students from Bishops Connolly, Feehan, Stang and Coyle-Cassidy high schools, SS. Peter and Paul elementary school and several other diocesan schools made the pilgrimage. Many marchers were attending the event for the first time and looked forward to the experience. Deborah Boucher of Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, said she hoped that all these people gathering in our Turn to page nine-Washington

Religious awareness observance scheduled MARCH FOR LIFE participants from the Fall River diocese recently joined thousands of people from across the country in Washington, D.C. to show support against abortion and issues like doctor-assisted suicide. For the past five years young and old alike have been making the Pro-Life Apostolate's annual bus trip ,each January to rally for life. (Anchor/ Gordon photo)

NORTH DARTMOUTH-This weekend, Catholics across the diocese are asked to remember al1 those serving in the consecrated life of a religious, as wel1 as to pray for more young people to heed God's call to that service. "World Day for Consecrated Life is a celebration of the more than 700 religious men and women

engaged in pastoral, educational, health and social services as well as in the ministry of prayer and personal sacrifice for the welfare of the people of God in our diocese," said Mercy Sister Mary Noel Blute of the Office of Religious. In a recent interview, Sister Blute Turn to page two - Observance



Diocese of Fail River -


Fri., Jan:. 30,'1998 •

Continued from page one

noted that the national observance in the church. There was little menwas instituted by Pope John Paul II tion of religious sisters or brothers, only last year and slated to be held and frankly, many of us felt left on Feb. 2, the feast of the Presenta- out," Sister Elute said candidly. tion of the Lord. The Church in "But in recent years the Holy America has scheduled the obser- Father has addressed the consevance on the weekend. crated life and those dedicated to "Two things are important to re- it, and this World Day for Consemember, that we stay aware of the crated Life is seen as a new emphadedication of those in the conse- sis on the place of the religious in crated life as they serve the whole the everyday events of the working community and also to pray for Church," Sister Elute stated. vocations," Sister Elute explained. In her own order, there is a long "It is a positive theme, because we history of service that began in this look around us and see what is hap- region 125 years ago, when the Sispening." tel's of Mercy came to New BedCurrently there are 54 different ford and opened'a hospital. orders or congregations in the dioToday the diocese has an active cese; 18 of men and 36 of women Vocation Committee chaired by Fareligious. There is also a conse- ther Craig A. Pregana, Di()cesan crated virgin and two associations Director of Vocations, Sister Blute of the faithful, as well as a large reported. Membership includes number of the laity who are mem- congregations that reach out to elbers of the various Third Orders: ementary, high school and college Dominicans, Franciscans and students preparing for ConfirmaCarmelites. tion'and to parish youth groups.and Even as the diocese celebrated parents. • . ' the ordination of three young men. The. committee recently proto the transitionaldiacOllate inre~' vided a Busy'STudenfs' Retreat on cent weeks as they advance toward college campuses within the diothe priesthood, the Sisters of the cese and has. been promoting parHoly Union of Sacred Hearts· ish vocation committees as well as marked the first profession of vows the recent "Called by Name" proof Sister Kathleen Corrigan. gram in the parishes. "Sister Kathleen, a native of "Every month, high school stuBrooklyn, N.Y., completed her two- dents are inVited to meet for prayer year novitiate at St. Colman Con- and to discuss God's call to Chrisvent, Brockton," said Sister Blute. tian service," Sister Elute said. "We "During those years she received hold these gatherings in different spiritual i!lstruction ~nd, religious, ' ar~as qf th~ ~j'ocese. Agaip, we' are life' formation. She has served' making-sure that to fill the many apostolically in a soup kitchen and ministries in the Church, ordained, a residence for women and chil- consecnited life and'iayministries, dren, as well as having been wefindthepeople ... and·theyheed missioned to the Appalachian re- their call from God. There is a mingion of Kentucky. She has com- istry to the Consecrated life, and pleted one course in clinical pas- God is calling some to that. It cantoral education and will complete not be overlooked." her studies in fine arts and religious studies at Emmanuel College, BosInformation on the activities of ton." the Diocesan Vocation Committee Calling attention to the profes- and religious congregations in the sion of Sister Kathleen hopefully diocese may be obtained by conwill make people aware of the call tacting Father Craig A. Pregana, to the rel.igious life that oftentimes Sacred Heart Rec(ory, 160 Seabury' goes without notice, said Sister St., Fall River, MA 027200r by callElute. ing 673-0852. Sister Blute can be "After Vatican Council II, it contacted at the Office for Reliseemed that Canon Law focused gious, 500 Slocum Road, North not only on those who were or- Dartmouth, MA 027747-2930 or by dained, but on the new role of laity calling 992-9921.

AT WINTER CONVOCATION of priests of the Fall River Diocese held in Mansfield, clergy participate in one of the prayer services. The main speaker at the lectures was Father Raymond Carey, a priest-therapist from the Archdiocese of Portland, Ore. The convocation was titled "A Spirituality for Diocesan Priests." ,

®It ttltartl~n


. Feb. 2


Feb. 3

Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 . Feb. 7 .Feb. 8

In Your Prayer's ...:::.~:. ~_.4~·


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Father Henry Durand,MS La Salette Missionary Father Henry Durand, 81, died Jan. 25 in Holyoke, to which his family emigrated from St. Benoit de Lac, Quebec, in his infancy. Entering La Salette High School Seminary in Enfield, NH, in 1931, he continued to the community's:novitiate and college seminary' and',was' ordained in 1942 in Manchester, NH. . In 1944 he began a military career of almost 24' years in the U,S. Army, serving as it military chaplain in Europe and Korea and in 1965 being promoted ~o the rank ofcolonel. His U.S. decorations included the Bronze Star Medal with two Oak LeafClusters and, the Legion of Merit and he was'· awarded the Bronze Medal ofRecog-' nition from the fj'erich government. . After retiring from the military in 1968, he was pastor of Our Lady of the Cape parish, Brewster, and was active at LaSalette parish, Montreal, LaSaletteSeminary, Enfield, and La: Salette Shrine, Attleboro, as well as' . at other parishes in Louisiana: and Montreal. Since 1989 he had. minis-' tered at his home parish of Immacu-. late Conception in Holyoke, remaining active until a few weeks ago. Father Durand's Mass of Christian, Burial was offered Jan. 28 at the Holyoke parish. Interment will be at LaSalette Cemetery, Enfield. TIlE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:2~~-40 or 2:22-32 2 Sm18:9-1 0, 14b,24-25a,30-19:3; Ps 86:1 ..6; Mk 5:21-43 2 Sm 24:2,9-17; Ps 24:9-17; Mk 6:1-6 1 Kgs 2:1-4,10-12; (Ps) 1 Chron 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 . Sir 47:2-11; Ps'18:31 ,47,50-51; Mk 6:14-29 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a,3-8; Ps 138:1-5,7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-1'1 or15:3-8,11; Lk5:1-11



Religious of the Good Shepherd Sister Ellen Powers, 84, died Jan. 25 at Cranberry Pointe Health Care Center, Harwich. A native of Dorchester and the daughter of William A. and Nellie J. Powers, she entered the Good Shepherd community in 1931 and professed vows in 1934. Over the years she taught vocational skills, was a child care director, worked with unwed mothers and senior citizens and served as a superior for her community at facilities in New York. State and Connecticut. While.:,a,t-di'iplberry Pointe' she was eleeteClpresident of the retired'senior riti~~J:ls in r~siden,,~ ..:;"';: . .', :, . :.' .. .. ..~:

Daily Readings


Sister Ellen Powers








1', . . . .

':"-}!lease..praytor the following ".....:." during the com'ing week'

~', p~iests


~\1 r


1901, Rev. Charles Burns, Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro . 1930, Rev. William,,' Sullivan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somersel; Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Pasto " t. Peter, Provincetown February 1

1.948, Rt. Rev. Msgr. ~,(c" hael 1. O'Reilly, Pastor, Immaculate ConceptIOn, Taunton \. 1968, Rt. Rev. Patrick urley,'Pastor, St. Joseph, Taunton 1975, Rev. Anatole F. it¥marais, Pastor, St. Jacques, Taunton 1983, Rev. Msgr. Gerar iJ;, Chabot, Pastor, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, South Attleboro \ 1995, Rey. William F. O'~onnell, ~..Holy-N e,-Ne,Q Bedford' ~ __ _~-_.,lr2~Y;

..----:'-~bruary2 ' 'os.....Rev:..William . tung, D.D., First Bishop of Fall River:

:':'::-190iF-t)7 . , ,1913, Rev. PatrickF. 'Mc

1na, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, ,... \~ . ,'194'1,· Rev. John'L'. :McNanla, Pastor, Immaculate Concl~ption, Fall River , . \ , ·,1947, Rev. P. Roland Decosse, astor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford .' 1991, Rev. Daniel F, Moriart ~astor, St. Brenqan, Riverside, RI. Taunton




'-~ ?52, Re~..A!1t<ini~ o.~onFte'bPaft~r, 0 ur Lad,y of Angels, Fall River .

',' " e rup~ 4 1921, Rt..Rev. Msgr. Hugh J. SWyth, P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford. First Vi"ar General, \Pall River, 1904-1907. Adminis. tra.torofDiocese February-July, 190''1 \ ' . ,-,


' .

Februa& 6

1988, Bishop Frederick Donaghy, \i\ar Apostolic of Wuchow

. J:::S;~.~~~:!t:::::~~" February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6



Rev.IRoland Bousquet \ \ Rev. Donald Bowen \ \ Rev, James Buckley \ \ Rev.\Martin Buote '\ . Rev. Ed,ward Burns Rev. Edward Byington \


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 30, 1998


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An Evening of Irish Comedy"

II AREA NURSES mcently attended a retreat for Rarish nurses in Londonderry, VI., where they had a chance to work as a team and build friendships. Left to right they are Sister Carole Mello a.p., RN, coordinator of Congregational Health Ministries, Saint Anne's, Fall River; Mary Schruckmayr, RN, St. Peter's, Dighton; Eileen Ryan, RN, Holy Trinity, West Harwich; Wendy Merriman, RN, United Church of Christ; and Lois Fournier, RN, Barnstable Unitarian Church.


Continued from page one

been much more religious freedom and the Church was able to come out of the catacombs. the bishop said. "But after almost 40 years of not being able to do any catechesis, the population is almost entirely unaware of what we take for granted in the Church in other parts of the world. Many did not know who the pope was." Before the pope's visit, the government gave Catholics permission to visit homes, something they were not allowed to do before, he said. "So, people went from home to home to explain who the pope was, the significance of his visit and I think that was an important moment that allowed catechesis. People were also allowed to take large quantities of catechisms and Bibles and religious materials into the country. Currently there are no facilities for printing of religious materials in Cuba and there is no access to the media at aiL" As a result, the televised papal Masses during the Holy Father's stops in four major Cuban cities have just been glorious events, and the entire population has been able to see and hear someone other than President Fidel Castro, someone with a different message, for the first time." The reaction to the pope's visit grew as he traveled through Cuba,

the bishop said. "At the first Masses, including one in Santa Clara, the people were very much afraid." "But by the time the Boston-

based group of clergy and pilgrims that included Bishop O'Malley arrived on Saturday in Cuba after the Jan. 22 March for Life in WashTurn to page J3-Cuba

HAL ROACH Friday, March 6, 8:00 p.m. St. Pius X Parish Life Center South Yarmouth, Mass. Tickets: $20.00 each Write/Send Check to: St. Pius X Men's Club

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uppe. Deck Lounge CHILDREN HOLDING Cuban flags and images of Pope John Paul II line a H~vana street staking out positions where they might get a glimpse of the pontiff. (CNS/Banta photo)

Saint Anne's Hospital president to step down FALL RIVER-Saint Anne's Hospital, a member of the Caritas Christi Health System, announced recently that President and CEO Joseph W. Wilczek will step down from his post Feb. 6. Caritas Christi has begun an executive search for a replacement. After three years at SaintAnne's, Wilczek is relocating to Tacoma, Wash. to take a position as president and CEO of the Franciscan Health System. "It's been a pleasure to work with such a talented organization," he said. "I am confident the hospital will continue to operate both efficiently and effectively while pro-


viding a high level of care and compassion to its patients." During his tenure with Saint Anne's, Wilczek helped establish the hospital as a stable and vibrant member of the Fall River community and was instrumental in upgrading the hospital's investment bonds to Investment Grade by Standard and Poors and Moody's. He also played a key role in establishing the newest of services: Saint Anne's Center for Children and Families in collaboration with the May Institute, the Geropsychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program formed in conjunction with Horizon Mental Health, and Home Care

Services in a joint effort with the Southeastern Massachusetts Visiting Nurse Association. Saint Anne's plans to announce a decision on either an interim or permanent replacement for Wilczek within the next month. Saint Anne's Hospital is a member of the Caritas Christi Health System of Brighton and is a 165bed non-profit acute care facility.

Corr4~ction Bishop Sean O'Malley will confirm students at SI. Mary parish, North Attleboro, on Sunday, May 3 at 11 :30 a.m. The date was mistakenly listed as May 2.

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of fall River- Fri., Jan:30; 1-998..:.;.;

the living word

themoorin~ Restoring the Public Faith What a week! Between Havana, Washington and San Diego, the media were in a frenzy and sad to say did not cover themselves with glory. All the big guns were sent to cover the papal visit to Cuba and indeed the meeting of John Paul II and Fidel Castro on 'the latter's home· turf was an oc.casion of international importance as. a people and a church kept ·.silent for 40 years experienced a spiritual revival of tremendous proportions.. But at the same time Washington became caught in a moral quagmire; and as soon as the ghastly tidbits of presidential scandal began oozing ou.t of the White,House, the American media all but shut down their papal coverage in order to rllsh to the capital to dig out every grisly detail. In short, Castro and the pope lost out to sensationalism and the story of the spiritual renewal of a nation was shortchanged by tawdry reports on the decline and fall of American moral values. The only respite offered by national television from House vulgarity was the Super Bowl as, much as in the days of pagan Rome, the crowd was distracted by a game. Yet even it took second place to the Washington debacle, while the annual March for Life in the nation's capital was all but ignored by the media. Indeed, few can deny that the secular media behaved badly in choosing to devote their best efforts to reporting a story of scandal and iniquity rather than that of a spiritually awakened nation. A congressional report is not needed to tell Americans that something is very wrong in their land and that the media have done their best to make a bad matter worse. The Church has long supported standards of communication that work to unite rather than divide people. One of the most important documents concerning the media was issued by the Fathers of Vatican II and some of its statements should be recalled and reemphasized, especially here in the United States. First arid foremost, if the media are to be properly employed, it is absolutely necessary that all· involved know and apply the .norms of Dlorality. In this proces~; those v.vh<;>, cont~oJ:tnY. me~ia should weigh all elements that define an act of'commimication and can modify or reverse its moral quality. It should also be made quite clear that there is a special need for all involved in the media to develop a right conscience with respect to the major issues of today. The media should not focus unnecessarily on individual faults and failures. Such negative reporting does little to create a positive atmosphere conducive to accurate and honest journalism. There is little doubt that public opinion has a powerful influence on private and public life at every level of society. Support in any form, most especially by way of contributing to advertising revenues, should be denied those who exploit the media simply for financial gain. Capitalism run amuck is as devastating as communism. Those who use the media should honor the moral law and refrain from deceiving the public. It is clear that those in the media have a great responsibility to their audience, especially given the presen.t sorry state of affairs in our nation. The media can shape public opinion and should endeavor to reenforce the positive rather than concentrate on the negative. During this time of scandals, we should hold our media accountable fOf its emphasis on people and events that erode the public conscience. Let us campaign for recognition of public decency and a code of behavior that emphasizes truth, not falsehood.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault

NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar

. . . . LEARY lI'RESS - FALL RrV£A


"You must never grow.weary of doing what is right." . Thessalonians 3:13 ~J

.~ ...



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(Anchnr;'(jnrdnn I"hntn)

The ongoing national horror of abortion By



Twenty-five years after Roe v. Wade established a woman's consitutional right to an abortion, the nation remains divided on the issue. Consider another controversial landmark decision, the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education that desegregated our schools, and compare and contrast the closure and healing that occurred after desegregation to the ongoing battle on the abortion issue. The reason for the difference has everything to do with personal conscience and the nation's good sense of what is right or wrong. Legislative failure after legislative failure to overturn Roe v. Wade and five years of President Bill Clinton have not diminished the conflict between its opponents. This is a clear indicator that in spite of the prochoice rhetoric to the contrary, abortion is a human rights, not a religious issue. Later Supreme Court rulings such as the 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey case that reaffirmed Roe's constitutional core, and the Congress's -enactment of the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (aka FACE), which effectively put an end to obstructive assaults on abortion clinics by increasing penalties for violation from a few days in a local jail to several years in a federal prison have not brought closure to the

abortion issue. The familiar prochoice mantra, "You cannot legislate morality," often used to condemn expansion of abortion restrictions, can as readily be applied to the prochoice efforts to restrain nonviqlent protests against abortion. A permanently uneasy conscience about abortion has wreaked havoc upon our nation's soul, but there are ~igns of hope on the horizon. A New York Times/CBS News poll showed that someone with a personal experience concerning abortion was twice as likely to be less favorable to than supportive of legalized abortion. Also, since 1989 there has been an increase in belief that abortion is "the wrong thing to do" among people who claim to know someone close to them who had an abortion. The real danger of a permanently uneasy conscience on this issue is to the generation born during the last 25 years, which is entering its period of child-bearing. These young people have grown up knowing phrases such as "abortion on demand" and have heard pro-life people ridiculed as religious fanatics and pro-choice people lauded as defenders of constitutional rights. One public high school female student confided in me that all the school's health teachers were propill, pro-condom and pro-abortion. She asked a teacher whom she knew to be a practicing Catholic whether she taught those beliefs to her

daughter at home. The teacher replied, "What I teach at home is my business, not your busin{:ss or the school's business." She sure was pro-paycheck! Most troubling to me is the horrendous procedure known as partial-birth abortion'. It involves pulling a fully formed but not. yet born baby out of the womb, pil~rcing its brain with scissors, sucking out the brain and then removing the dead baby. As I type these words, my fingers tremble and my stomach turns. The procedure is so grue~:ome that I could never describe it from a pulpit with children present. Sadly, we still cannot find 67 senators to share that sense: of moral outrage and ban this barbaric procedure. Even sadder, our president, our vice president and two of our elected senators are among the sizeable minority that allows this procedure to occur almost weekly in our nation. Who can forget the stories of a girl who delivered a baby in the bathroom at her prom and left it there to die or the colIegl~-age affluent couple who delivered a baby at a motel room and pl:.t it in a dumpster to die. Rightly, these crime blotter stories shock us; and tragically, such young p{:ople are surprised when society expresses its disapproval of their actiom,. As long as partial-birth abortions occur it's easy to know why the youngsters who were indicted felt as if they had done nothing wrong.

Prelate conditions approval of Promise Keepers dent of ministry development for sonal dignity; they are both crethe group. ated in the image and likeness of Edwards said Promise Keep- God," he said, ers has engaged in dialogue with Don Cardenas, a lifelong DenCatholic clergy acrOss the coun- ver Catholic who serves as Promtry, but Archbishop Chaput has ise Keepers' liaison to the Cathoshown the most support among lic community, said he was "toBy KEITH COFFMAN U.S. Catholic prelates so far. tally encouraged" by the CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE "There has been cautious op- archbishop's statement. "He (Archbishop Chaput) has DENVER - Denver Arch- timism on the part of Catholic bishop Charles 1. Chaput has en- leaders and it varies from diocese definitely opened the door for us to celebrate our Catholic identity dorsed Catholic participation in to diocese," he said. It was after the October event through Promise Keepers," he the Promise Keepers evangelical movement provided it reinforces that the archbishop met with said. McCartney, but also listened to The archbishop planned to celmen's Catholic faith. He said he believed many men Catholics whom the prelate said ebrate a Mass for Catholic Promhave found involvement in the or- "are wary of the evangelical ise Keepers March 3, but also ganization to be an "extraordinary roots" and "revivalist flavor" of urged them to explore other Catholic organizations, such as the catalyst for refocusing themselves Promise Keepers' gatherings. "But Catholics, like their sepa- Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph on Jesus Christ." "As Catholics, we're called to rated Christian brothers and sisters, Covenant Keepers, the Cursillo develop more deeply in our are called to serve Jesus Christ and movement and the Holy Name Catholic identity and to partici- one another. In some ways that ob- Society for spiritual renewal. pate more fully in the life of the ligates us to joyfully embrace church," the archbishop wrote in groups like Promise Keepers," a Jan. 14 column in the Denver Archbishop Chaput added. "Jesus told his disciples that Catholic Register, the archdiocesan weekly newspaper. 'whoever is not against us is for "To the degree that Promise us' (Mk 9:39-40)," he noted. But Keepers helps men do that, it can Catholics should have "legitimate By CYRIL JONEs-KELLEn only be viewed as good," he concerns" about Promise KeepCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ers' literal interpretation of the added. The Denver-based Promise Bible, he said. SAN DIEGO - Challenged "Historically, the Church pre- by their superior general to parKeepers ministry was founded several years ago by former Uni- ceded Scripture, not the other way ticipate in a "refounding," the five versity ofColorado football coach around. The Church has the au- U.S. provinces of the Missionary Bill McCartney, a. one-time thority - given to her by Christ Oblates of Mary Immaculate will Catholic who is now affiliated , himself - to interpret, teach and merge into a single national provwith a nondenominational Colo- safeguard SCJ:ipture," he said. , ince by February 1999. Nevertheless, the archbishop rado church. In the coming year, the order The group encourages men to called on every Catholic man who will be reshaping itself in an efbecome better husbands and fa- has been inspired by Promise fort to be more faithful to its origithers through a relationship with Keepers "to contact his pastor and nal communal and missionary Jesus and a commitment to their bring that energy to his parish charisms. community, where he can develop local church and community. "In the process of developing While Promise Keepers it within the context of the Catho- your province structures, you will doesn't track membership rolls, lic faith." have to discover new ways of be~ The archbishop also addressed ing together for life and mission, the group has drawn 2.7 million men to their rallies, including-sev- critics whom he said have "mis- ways truly capable ofrev\talizing eral hundred thousand to a "Stand co'nstrued" Promise Kiep~~s' lit- ,Ol~r Oblate charls'm' in its 'daring in the Gap" prayer meeting in erature as 'demeaning 'to women. and ~reaiivhy, in its zeal and char. "Catholic" teaching holds that ity," wrote the order's superior Washington last October, according to Paul Edwards, vice presi- men and women have equal per- general, Father Marcello Zago, to U.S. Oblates. The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate have been an important part of the Diocese of San Diego for more than 40 years. The order, which was founded in 1816, has brought the life of Pope John Paul II the church to people and places that might otherwise have suffered neglect, especially in SouthDear brothers and sisters, ern California's Imperial Valley. My pastoral visit to Cuba was a significant event of spiritual, Since the 1950s and '60s, social and cultural r'econciliation. The church in Cuba has experiwhen the bracero program alenced difficult times, but has persevered in faith, hope and char- lowed thousands of Mexican ity. I went there as a pilgrim of peace, to proclaim that Christ is farm workers to cross the border the redeemer of humanity and that the Gospel is the guarantee to work in the United States, the of the authentic development of society. I stressed the impor- Oblates have served the growing tance of the family and the significance of Cuba's rich Christian population of the agriculturally important Imperial Valley. heritage in building a society of freedom and fraternity. While some changes may be I called upon young people to open their hearts to Christ as in store, there is no certainty yet the way to build a world more worthy of the human person. I about how the Oblate ministries also called upon the laity to playa full part in society, guided by will be affected in the Diocese of the church's social teaching. My visit to Cuba was a historical San Diego. "One of the things moment in the new evangelization. To Our Lady of Charity of we're trying to get back to is a Cobre, patroness of Cuba, I entrust all the aspirations of the strong emphasis on communal Cuban people and the church's mission in the service of the Gos- life," said Father Seamus Finn, pel. executive director of the Oblate I warmly greet the English-speaking pilgrims, especially those Conference, in an interview with from Japan, Denmark, Finland and the United State$. Upon all of The Southern Cross, San Diego's diocesan newspaper. you I invoke the abundant blessings of Almighty God.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 30, 1998


Archbishop Chaput says joining the men's group fine if it fortifies Catholicism.

'Refounding' of Oblates will impact California

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Weekly General

Audience Message

JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Friday, January 30- 7:30 p.m. Good-will offering

COFFEE HOUSE: DENISE MORENCY GANNON Saturday, January 31- 6:30 p.m. HISPANIC HEALING SERVICE Sunday, February 1- 2:00 p.m. Rev. Leo Maxfield, M.S.

GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM Thursday, February 5- 1:00 p.m. $7.50 Donation "Dealing with loneliness" Counseling Center Romero Room



Three ·U.S. bishops fast for end to Iraq embargo other instance. according to the archbishop, the U.N. inspectors enuntil U. N. lifts sanctions. tered a convent and wanted to dig up the gravesites' of nuns who had By MARK PATTISON been buried behind the convent. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE A spokesman for the U.N. SpeWASHINGTON - Three U.S. cial Commission on Iraq had no imCatholic bishops have pledged to mediate comment on the report. undertake a liquids-only fast of inThe inspection team "has a definite length in their quest to have blank check to search anyplace the U.S.-led United Nations ecos c h 0 0 Is. nomic sanctions churches, nunBut with the eco~' neries, graves," against Iraq lifted. Fifty-four Father Harak U.S. bishops nomic sanctions,' said. To protest signed a letter Father Harak said, or resist gives the asking President U.N. inspectors Clinton to lift the "all we've done is: leeway to say U.N. Security strengthen '''these people Council sancPresiden,t'Saddam' are not iri complitions. I ance,' and the A u x iii a r y Hussein's hand and' sanctions stay Bishop Thomas J. kill a millionpeonle}',' on," he added. Gumbleton of ,., B ish 0 p Detroit, who visGumbleton beited Iraq late last summer with a gan a liquids-only fast Jan. 20, team bringing medical supplies to along with Auxiliary Bishop Peter Iraq in violation of the embargo, A. RosazzaofHartford, Conn., and called the sanctions "immoral." He retired Bishop Albert H. added that he believes more than I Ottenweller of Steubenville, Ohio: million Iraqis have died since the He said they were joining a fast sanctions were imposed in August started in Iraq Jan. 17 - the sev1990. enth anniversary of the U.S. air Speaking at a Jan. 20 press con- campaign in the Gulf War - - by ference in Washington, Bishop members of Voices in the WilderGumbleton said he "extrapolated" ness, which sponsored the trips by a 1995 U.N. report estimating that Bishop Gumbleton and Father 750,000 Iraqis including Harak. ". .500,000 children - had died as a Bishop Gumbleton said his efresult of the sanctions to arrive at forts to draw attention'to the plight the current figure. of Iraqi CIvilians began in earnest "We have no problem with mili- at the fall general meeting of the tary sanctions," said Jesuit Father U.S. bishops in November. Simon Harak, a theology professor At that time, Bishop Gumbleton at Fairfield University in Connecti- had urged stronger language concut, who appeared with Bishop demning the sanctions. A move to Gumbleton. put the issue on thehishops' agenda But with the economic sanc- fell five votes short of the two-thirds tions. Father Harak said, "all we've majority required, and efforts to done is strengthen (Iraqi President) draft a statement on Iraq also failed. Saddam Hussein's hand and kill a As a compromise, Bishop Anmillion people." thony M. Pilla of Cleveland, pres iThe sanctions were imposed by dent of the U.S. bishops, offered to the UnitedNations with strong U.S. write a letter to church·leaders'in Iraq 'backing in August I990,-shortly af- as a sign of solidarity and support. Of the 54 bishops who wrote ter Iraq invaded Kuwait. The inva'sion triggered a brief 1991 war in the letter to Clinton, two are acthe Persian Gulfin which Iniqwas tive archbishops: Charles J. routed and Kuwait's independence , Chaput o.f Denver and ",P~trick F. restored. ' , , ' , Flores of San Antonio.Twelve are The sanctiqns have remained in auxiliary bishops, and IS are'replace eyer s\nce. Befote,thesanq, I tired bi!ih6ps,~ including retired tions are lifted Iract' has been told it Archbisho'p' Raymond\,', G. ' must comply with several U.N. re-, Hunthausen of Seattle. q!tirements, 'including allowing;the' ;: ~"W'hatever 'the 'i'ntent of these 'world body's, inspection teams -to sanctions, we are compelled byJ,~his verify Ir"~~'s•.~,la\1}i i~ h~ noabi!i~Y." ,:a~~es~m~n.t t~ judge th.em tp ~,~ a to produce chemIcal weapons. That" 'vlOlatlOn,of moral teachmg, specJflrequirement has led to intermittent cally as articulated witpin ,the standoffs btt~W,*n:lra:q and tll~:lJ.N: eatllolic tradition," the I~H~r'said. teams: ' ,:, ' , . , . "The sanctions are"nbi. 9,nly in Father Haru;k, whp,yisited ~l'a~ "'violation" of the teaching '.of, the at Christmas, said a U.N. official Catholic Church, but they violate told him that "probably every na- the human rights of Iraqi people, tion has the capacity" to make because they deprive innocent chemical w'eapons, "and if they people of food and medicine, basic didn't have it, they could be easily elements for normal life, We call for acquired." the immediate cessation of sancHe said he was told by Arch- tions against Iraq." bishop Djibrail Kassab of the Bishop Gumbleton said that Chaldean-rite Archdiocese of whenever the fast ends,opponents Basra. Iraq, that a U.N. inspeCtion to sanctions will continue to make team broke the window of a uni- their case known by calls to the versity library, removed all the White House, prayer vigils. "some chemistry textboQks, th,rewthem in civil disobedience" and other acati-ench: aiip ~t thel1'1.afire. In an- tions. ,,",:~,~,,,,,, "'-' ','-

The blight ,of slavery

Diocese of Fall River·- Fri .. Jan. 30.1998

They'll go hungry


My admiration goes out to movie producer Stephen Spielberg. First he taught us about the horror of the Nazi Holocaust in his massive and honest film "Schindler's List." Now, he has given us "Amistad," the story of the landmark 1839 court ruling on the case of 53 Africans stolen from their homes to b'e sold as slaves. Chained together on a Spanish slave ship named LaAmistad, one man managed to unlock the chains. In the ensuing revolt the Africans killed all but two of their captors. Attempting to sail back to Africa, they were captured by the U.S. Navy off the coast of Long Island, N.Y. The movie shows how people who found slavery abhorrent used the legal system to free the Africans, who had been born free and were sinned against when they were abducted from their homes. ,Spielberg had more than entertainment in mind when he made this movie of a powerful moment in history. His DreamWorks studio also p~oduced a study guide and sent it to some 20,000 college and high school educators. The guide is designed to generate discussion on the blight of slavery and the. slave trade, to show that they utterly contradicted what America stood for. I would love to see more dramatizations of the people in history who found the courage to speak out against slavery, even at great personal price. We could begin with Peter Claver, a saint of the early 1600s, who lived his life trying to help Africans stolen and made slaves by the Spanish. Another fine man was a French clergyman, Henri Gregoire, who wrote powerful treatises against slavery in the French colonies and was miserably treated by the church's hierarchy for his courage. Many great Americans found slavery repulsive and spoke out against it, people like John Paul Jones, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, An-

drew Carnegie and Susan B. Anthony. That noble woman actually lost her teaching job bec:ause she associated with "colored people." Showing her contempt for the authorities who could be so callous, she went on to devote her life to frel~dom for all.

The Bottom Line "By Antoinette Bosco

Perhaps the most surprising one to hate slavery was Robert E. Lee, the Southern general. He condemned sl~very in vehement words: "SI avery as an institution is a moral and political evil. I regard it as a greater evil for whites than for blacks." It seems ~ontradictory that he would have c:hosen to lead the South in the Civil War. But he was a Virginian and felt it a duty to stick by his state. I think it is essential for young and old alike to remember the battles over slavery. It is extremely important that we never stop learning, , never stop being shocked by the evils of the past. How else can we work to ensure that th,ey never be repeated? , Some voices complain that Spielberg's study guide is not historically accurate and should be banned. I disagree. I found that while "Amistad" took some liberties with the actual events of a historical incident, it was absolutely accurate in underscoring the humanity of blacks, as it depicted the evil of slavery. That, to me, is the really important po;:nt.

The sign of the cross and batting averages •




' .










", ,. \ :

,...• People 'aware:ofmy 'notable athletic'past'(by ~far the slowest catcher to ever play baseball for Mt. Rainier High School) often ask my opinion on one of our era's thornier theological debates, namely, Does making the sign of the cross when you come up to bat make a difference? I know for a fact it does. If an opponent made the sign of the cross when I was catching, I would invariably call for a high-and-inside pitch - unless he was known to be an excellent hitter, in which case I would put down the signal for a bean ball. It's not so much that I was anti-Catholic in my pre-Catholic"baseball-playing youth, it was that I 'thought it was pretty arrogant for these guys to think they could catch God's attention with a hand motion to recruit some divine batting assistance while: A) God probably had other more pressing things to do like managing the universe and keeping an ear out for Billy Graham 'and Archbishop Sheen. B) My pitcher had as mu~hright to strike this guy out as he did to, hiuhe ball, and surely God knew that and would' not beinfluenced'by' this reli.,t-' I'" '>'1 " gious,stuff. , ' . ' '., , C) I was catching. ' " 'I,", ;", T~e high~and-jnsidepitch woul<;l,nQ sooner;\ana 'the "~ig~t:hand~r" on,his sea~ pocke.t~ than~,wou!p lean . over 'and say: "Sorry' about that, Cat-lic~er , . r' \ , ' . ' Jl " " \ ' •. ')' f, '! . 'Maybe God didn'~ 'sef;,y9,~t sign,~l~hy ,first ~irrie. Wannlllry it again?" ,". ", " This \'vould 'at times stimuiaterudiTJ1~n~ary ecumenical ;dialogues, .Iik~,:, ~:If y?~, cr?wo me ragain, 0,









Through the intercession St. Blase. bishop and martyr, ma'y God deliver ' you from every disease oftne throat and from every other illness: In the name of the Father. and of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.

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.ya'pagan slug;.I'm; gUhn'a: give you a free trip to the hereafter.." Or words to that effect. To' which I might add, "Sure, ya papist lapdog." Or words to that effect. I am sure major-league catchers are much more

The offbeat . world of Uncle Dan By ban Morris mature than a slow l8-year-old, but you might want' to keep tabs on how many dust-off pitches follow signs of the cross. • 'Of course: the more core'question is: Does making the sign of the cross actuu;lly help a !latter hit the ball? That'is; does God help? " , ,Church traditi?n ,has li~tl~ to say on this as near there is a strong ui1dercuras I,can tell,a,lthough' • .J! r ' . .. " : - . " . rent of unspoken hope that, the Creator smiles favorably on Notre D'ame football' (thq'-!gh maybe :q?~ ~as a little P~~P:fcupiie<;l. with t~,e univers,e this past~easo~)." ""I • : , ."",a.t;~1de~.' ~hflt'S anot~~r:~pOf,t. I'~eYf;t':to see a '~HJarterback IT)al<e t~e sIgn 9f the cross befor,e slip'ping' under center; nor have I seen running back qpenly.cross himself befor~ taking a hand-off. )itill, after a Catholic ballplayer on our team hit a grand slam after crossing himself, a few of our Don-Catholic guys would slip a "crosser" in now and then. They'd deny it if asked, claiming they were just adjusting their batting helmet, belt and left-shoulder jersey (in sequence). One might argue that athletes who do this are erasing' the line between sacramentals and good luck charms. And God help them if they do that. Or maybe that's the point? ~.


Your comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.

When the priest receives Communion Q. If a priest does not receive Communion at Mass until after he has distributed Communion to the congregation, is this Mass valid? He is a devout priest, but I'm wondering why he does this and how it affects the Mass. (Missouri) A. I'm aware that some priests follow this practice today, motivated by the courtesy in other circumstances that the host eats after he serves the guests. What your priest does has no effect on the validity of the Mass. Don't worry about that. It also should be noted, however, that the practice indicates considerable confusion about who is the "host" when we receive Communion. The one who invites and welcomes and feeds us in the sacrament of the Eucharist is not the priest celebrant, but the same one who was host at the Last Supper, Jesus himself. This meal, as the cternal banquet of heaven, is his. It is his Spirit who gathers "all who share this one bread and one cup," forming those who receive into "a living sacrifice of praise" (Eucharistic Praycr IV). Some funny things are said too often today about "whose" Mass it is, that it somehow "belongs to" the priest. The announcement we hear just before Communion ought to help keep everyone's attitudes and actions in proper perspective: "Happy are those who are called to his supper." Q. I look forward to your column in our Catholic paper. Many questions there are ones I have had myself. Your column on "outstretched hands to receive Communionu was a blessing. It never crossed my mind that such a simple act could

have such a meaning of respect and humility. My question now is about our pastor. He wrote us a letter telling us about his alcoholism and his entering a treatment program. He was honest and brave, and I pray for his recovery. If a priest has this problem, is there a



THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 30, 1998


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Answers By Father: John J. Dietzen provision for substituting juice for wine? Certainly alcoholic priests do not need to stop offering Mass. (Indiana) A. The church has tried to offer a variety of solutions for priests who cannot drink alcohol; individual bishops handle the situation differently. , These provisions, however, are too long and complicated to attempt an ad~~quate explanation here. i Perhaps it suffices to say that at least the alcoholic priests I know have been able to work out the problem in a way that is appropriate and effective for them. Perhaps you could ask the question of your pastor when you have an opportunity. A free brochure outlining basic Catholic prayers, beliefs and moral precepts, is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Living on one income

Many families who live modestly have difficulty making ends meet. Obviously you cannot live on a greatly reduced income without some major changes in lifestyle. Change will require determination and probably seem painful at times. Begin to plan now. Starting immediately, put a substantial portion of your own income, perhaps 25 percent, into a savings account called "Children's Fund." Increase the amount I0 percent each month. You will begin to get used to living more and more on one income. Where can Y9u reduce expenses? Here are some suggestions. Taken together they can be substantial. Cars. The cost of owning a car is equivalent to supporting another child. Going from two cars to one is probably the most significant single change you can make. Clothing. Limit what you buy for every family member. When you need clothes, welcome hand-medowns, and do not scorn thrift shops, yard sales and secondhand stores. Consider buying three dozen cloth diapers rather than using disposable diapers. The chore of washing diapers has been greatly exaggerated. They can be rinsed in the washing machine, then laundered with the rest of the laundry. Food. Eating out, getting take-out meals'and buying convenience foods at the supermarket are taken for granted today. Eliminate these three. Fortunately the foods we need in the largest quantities are also reasonable. -Learn to feature grains, vegetables and fruits in meals. -Serve meat as a flavoring rather than main menu item. Many vegetarian dishes are healthful, flavorful and low-cost. -Breastfeeding your baby eliminates the cost of formula. When your infant begins solid foods, you can prepare your own mashed bananas, applesauce and other foods, eliminating the cost of commercial baby food.



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Dear Mary: We have a 2-year-old and are expecting our second child in six months. I am working. However, when our second child arrives I want to stay home. The problem is, without being extravagant, we use every cent we both earn now.-Ohio


Toys. One of our foremost authorities on young children, :t;lurton White, says children under 2 need no toys. Exploring their environment provides the learning, stimulation and entertainment they require. Keep toy purchases to a minimum. Use ordinary

Family Talk With Dr. James & Mary Kenny household objects to entertain and intrigue your little ones. When you want some major purchase, a set of blocks, for example, tell the grandparents. Use resale shops for toys. Entertainment. Use your library for videos and music as well as books. Use your community parks, museums and recreational facilities. With ingenuity you can reduce entertainment expenses almost to zero. If such measures are not enough, perhaps your parents will loan you enough to tide you over for a few years. Borrowing is not a step to take lightly. But if we borrow for a car and charge on credit cards, should we not borrow to carry out the important task of parenting? Finally, join others who share your goals. The National Association of At-Home Mothers (406 E. Buchanan Ave.; Fairfield, IA 52556) offers books, a magazine and a resource center. Seek inspiration. Trying to live your ideals in the face of a money crunch is not new. Watch the Paulist film "Entertaining Angels, The Story of Dorothy Day," a woman who chose poverty to better serve the poor. Don't be a martyr. As you reduce costs, you will experience the freedom that comes with simplifying your life. Your whole family will benefit. Reader questions on family living or child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison St. Suite 4; Rensselaer, IN 47978_ I



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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 30, 1998

The other pro-life battle: fighting disease, not the patient . By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN

tal disabilities. discoverers of the chromosome that causes for that new technology. "It is very hard, very heavy to be a parent" "We risk a Luddite label of our own if we Down syndrome. He also founded a pro-life or- , WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The pro-life ganization called "Let Them Live" and cam- refuse to look the process of medical science of children or adults with Down syndrome, battle, which has its most visible manifestation paigned for the recognition of the dignity of squarely in the eye, and recognize that as sci- Peeters-Ney said. The Lejeune center:; - curence has grown dramatically, it has provided us rently in London, Paris, New York and ~;antiago, each year in the March for Life, is also being people born with genetic disorders. a greater insight into the world of the unborn," Chile - serve as "a place where parents know Dr. Marie Peeters-Ney of Victoria, British fought quietly in the laboratory. Following in the footsteps of the late French Columbia, told Catholic News ServiCe in'a tele- Wright added. In response to those who would they can go for help." But the main contribution that pro-life regeneticist Jerome Lejeune, scientists in the phone interview that although she succeeded "solve" the problem of handicaps and disease United States, Canada and elsewhere are work- Lejeune as medical director for The Michael among the unborn by aborting them, Peeters-Ney searchers and physicians bring to the: discusing toward the day when women will no longer Fund, it is "impossible to follow in his foot- offers both the "good medical research" sup- sion is an alternative response to the Widespread ported by The Michael Fund and a commitment view that the best way to deal with genetic probbe asked to choose between a child with Down steps." "He was a pioneer in his field," said Peeters- to seek out physicians willing to care for disabled lems is through abortion. syndrome or an abortion. "That is the common answer," Peeters-Ney Their work is being supported financially by Ney, who once worked with Lejeune in Paris children and adults "no matter what," even when The Michael Fund, a Pittsburgh-based interna- and now oversees all the Michael Fund's ge- already scarce medical resources are exhausted. 'said. "But maybe there's another way of lookShe also works to encourage the parents and ing at things, a different perspective that we can netic research projects. tional foundation for genetic research. Even 20 years ago, when prenatal diagnosis other caregivers of those with handicaps through bring." Dr. Peter Kummant, chairman of the board But there is one thing about which Peetersat the 20-year-old fund, said it is essential to was still at a primitive stage compared to today's groups called Faith and Light Communities and continue research begun by Lejeune in order to technology, Lejeune foresaw that the advances through the establishment of Lejeune Centers Ney has no doubt: "You don't kill th,~ patient fight Down syndrome itself, rather than simply could put unborn children with handicaps at that provide outpatient care for those with men- just because you can't cure the disease." serious risk, Peeters-Ney said. to eliminate in the womb those who have it. "The way people think was changing," she "The lag in therapeutic chromosomal research has led to a popular attitude of despair, said. "Any child born with a handicap was seen causing some scientists and physicians to pro- as a medical mistake." Dr. Jean A. Wright, medical director for mote the selective abortion or infanticide of affected children as a means of eliminating the Egleston Children's Hospital at Emory University in Atlanta, made a similar point before a disorders," Kummant said. 'The Michael Fund is dedicated to reversing Senate subcommittee at a Jan. 21 hearing for By PETER FINNEY JR. this destructive universal trend by opening up new the 25th anniversary pf Roe vs. Wade, the SuCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE doors of therapy in the field of mental retardation preme Court decision that lifted state restricNEW ORLEANS (CNS) -In the five months since Louisiana's landmark "covl3nant associated with chromosomal disorders such as tions on abortion. A pre-med student in 1973 and now a pediDown syndrome and continuing the curative remarriage" law went into effect, few couples have opted for the new marriage license. search program of Dr. Lejeune here in the United atric intensive care physician, Wright said adIt restricts divorce proceedings except in cases of abandonment, adultery or clbuse vances in neonatology, surgery, anesthesia and States," he added. or if, on~ of the spouses is convicted of a felony. " Dr. Paddy Jim Baggot, director of maternal intensive care have completely changed the sciDespite the low number of couples choosing the covenant marriage license~ over fetal medicine and human genetics at the Pope entific basis on which Roe was decided 25 years the standard civil license, the law's major proponent, state Rep. Tony Perkirs, a Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Neb., received the ago. Republican, said he is not discouraged.. ' "Medical knowledge in those areas provides fund's first major U.S. research grant in late . Perkins said he expects the number to grow as people understand that the 'law's 1996 to continue and expand Lejeune's chro- a new standard of science upon which a very intent is to strengthen marriage by reducing the nation's high divorce rate, whii=h he mosomal research into those with Down syn- different conclusion might be reached if Roe believes is the result of "no-faulf' divorce laws across the c o u n t r y . ' vs. Wade were decided in 1998, rather ,than the drome. , The number of couples choosing covenant marriage appears to be extremely low Baggot hopes to discover some vitamin or limited information that was available ini973," in the eight civil pariShes which comprise the Archdiocese of New Orleans _:.. Orother nutrient that would help pregnant women Wright told the Constitution subc_ommittee o( lean.s,:Jefferson, Pla,quemines, St. Bernard; St. Charles, St. John the Bapti~:t, St. assure that their unborn children do not get Down the Senate Judiciary Committee. T~l1Jmapy:·a,rR \;V~~~Jn.gt9n;.~., '.1' 'U . • .. , : . : , " ' : She compared' those' wh'6'wol,lld'igno're syndrome, iii the same way that researchers found Cburt clerks of those panshes said only 30 couples have chosen the COVlmant that folic acid supplements help women avoid today's scientific progress in the abortion dismarriage license since Aug. 15. In 1995, the last full year for which statistics are having children with spina bifida. cussion to the Luddites who "pitched their typeavailable, there were 12,759 marriage licenses issued in those eight parishes! Lejeune, who died in 1994, was one of the writers out the window" to show their disdain That would indicate fewer than 1 percent of married couples have chosen the covenant marriage o p t i o n . : There are no figures available on how many couples celebrating Catholic ,weddings in the Archdiocese' of New Orleans have opted for' covenant marriago, but Permarfent Deacon David Farinelli, coordinator of marriage preparation prog'rams for the archdiocE;lsan Family Life Apostolate, said he thinks the number is small. "I haven't gotten one call from a priest or a deacon asking about covenant:rnarriage," Farinelli told the Clarion Herald. "I think I probably would have gotten a call if there had been a covenant marriage because the process is so new." ' In a statement Oct. 29, the Louisiana bishops said they would accept eithE/r the • A new commission would draw up instructions on how to standard or the covenant civil marriage license for wedding celebrations in the Catholic Church and that all couples would continue to be required to complete the marriage better, more quickly implement the law on annulments. ,preparation 'program currently in place. ThEfbishops said church teachings stress the permanency and sanctity of marBy LYNNE WElL riage.They objected to a provision in the covenant marriage law requiring the couple CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE to sign an affidavit they had received instruction on Louisiana's divorce laws. ' The bishops said no Catholic minister - a priest, deacon or any other pl~rson VATICAN CITY - A new commission to review canon law on marriage annulments may offering premarital instruction in the name of the church - could give instructic)n on help speed the process, but it will not have an immediate effect, Vatican officials said. how a marriage could be terminated because such explanation might "confuse or Pope John Paul II announced his intention to form the interdepartmental commission in a Jan. obscure the integrity of the church's teaching and discipline." 17 address to leaders of the Roman Rota, the court that rules on petitions for annulments. The Perkins said he understood the reasons for the bishops' caution, but he wished meeting marked the 90th anniversary of the tribunal's founding by Pope Pius X. they would have been "more aggressive in prOViding the resources to get the c:ounThe pope said he was aware of "the anguishing and dramatic problem faced by the faithful seling that is required." whose marriages have become shipwrecked through no fault of their own and, before: having "They could say, 'We don't do the counseling; however, here's where yOll can obtained a possible ecclesial sentence declaring the nullification of the marriage, have formed new unions which they wish to have blessed and consecrated before a minister of the church." obtain the counseling.' That would have been a little more friendly toward the le!~isla· Pope John Paul, who had called the court's attention to this problem in the past, formed an tion," he added. interdepartmental Vatican commission to explore the subject. He said he would charge the comPerkins said he was willing to consider adjusting language to overcome church objections. ! mission with proposing an instruction on how to implement canon law on annulments. The dean of the Roman Rota, Msgr. Mario Francesco Pompedda, told Catholic News Service "I have not had any dialogue directly with the bishops, but if there is some adjustJan. 20 that the court did not expect to receive detailed information on the commission, such as its ment to the language that we could make, I would certainly entertain that..." he said. membership or its starting date, for several days. 'The'goal of the Catholic Church and ,the goal of the legislation are the same.~ to In a speech to Pope John Paul on behalf of the group, Msgr. Pompedda said the Roman Rota make marriage and family successful and strong." .' faced a large volume of work and a great responsibility. ' Under the new law - the first of its type in the country - engaged couplell and He also said the court was aware that it made its choices "not in an abstract human reality," but those couples already married may opt for a covenant marriage license. in concrete terms that affect "societies and cultures as well as individuals." They would have to sign an affidavit that they had received counseling abollt the But the pope's decision to explore the idea of an instruction will not produce immediate change, responsibilities of covenant marriage and agree to counseling if their marriag'9 desaid Father Joseph Punderson, an official at the Apostolic Signature, the Vatican's highest court. veloped serious problems and they were considering a divorce. "Generally, these things are done over time, with great care and a lot of discussion," Father The covenant marriage license places greater restrictions on couples seeking a Punderson explained. "After the first Code of Canon Law was issued in 1917, it took until 1936 divorce than exist under Louisiana's "no-fault" system. Couples with a covenant marbefore an instruction came out to clarify how to use the procedures (codes)." riage He,ense may file for divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences only after Father Punderson said that the present Code of Canon Law, revised in 1983, "has produced living separately for two years, as compared to six months under the traditional civil some questions that keep coming up about annulments, and so the pope is considering issuing an marriage license. instruction." The new law permits immediate divorce if a spouse is convicted of a felony, In his speech, Pope John Paul urged the Roman Rota members to accept "no other interpnitaCouples also may file for legal separation in cases of "habitual intemperanc:e." A tion, other meaning or other value" than that which is stated directly in the Code of Canon Law. divorce then could be granted after they have lived separately for 12 months, 'Jr 18 In this connection, he urged the court to remember the New Testament account of St. Paul's months if the couple has children. exhortation to St. Timothy: "Proclaim the Word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconveThe law also permits an immediate divorce in cases of physical or sexual abuse. nient '" for the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Few seen opting for Louisiancl's new marriage license

Annulm.ent study offers no immediate changes



nation's capital would make a difference. their votes. from Saint Augustine's parish on Martha's "There's a real need for people to stand up "It's not a choice, it's a child," she added. Vineyard. Gene has been coming down to for causes and this is the greatest cause there The March For Life began with a noon support the pro-life movement for the last is," she declared. rally in the Ellipse just south of the White eight years, but this was the first year his wife For many people the trip to Washington House. There tens of thousands of people could join him. She was offering the trip in was not only a chance to show their support from across the country held banners and memory of a son who recently passed away for the pro-life cause, but also a chance to signs depicting pro-life slogans and images. and said that she appreciated the experience. renew their faith. Boucher commented that They listened to senators and clergy speak Whether it was Mary Lee Meehan of Saint it was a spiritual journey for her, "a fulfill- about the movement and thank them for mak- Pius X, South Yarmouth, talking about the ment of God's love," and that people's will- ing the trip to Washington. New Jersey Re- limportance of a special pin she wore, or John ingness to stand up and be counted was very publican Representative Christopher Smith and Margaret Ryff of Holy Trinity, West important. urged others to get off the "death ship" and Harwich, explaining how they enjoy seeing Some journeyed to Washington with sons join the crusade for life. "I encourage you people of goodwill praying for the same and daughters, some made the trip with young people to run for Congress and make things, or Marcella Cestaro, whose youngest friends and some traveled alone, but all hoped a difference," he said. child is now 37, making her first trip to Washtheir presence would make an impact and "When I saw the crowd, I was in awe," ington for the March, the sentiment was the help put an end to abortion and other forms commented Mike Rapoza, a student at Bishop same: we will march until abortion stops. of what many in America have called the , I: ~ \ ,11 !: culture of death. At the Basilica Mass at the National Shrine Ii' , " of the Immaculate Conception Jan. 21, Car!: dinal Law of Boston gave a moving homily which echoed the "I Have a Dream" speech II of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He said that the pro-life movement is a movement of the people and ignited the crowd with the re: I peated phrase, "Tomorrow we march!" The cardinal said "We are citizens that have come from throughout this great land and we march to show that every human life is sacred from birth to the last moment of natural death and every moment in between." He ended his sermon by saying that participants would march with love. That sentiment was shared by Bishop O'Malley as he spoke to churchgoers at Our Lady Queen of the Americas on the morning of the March. "Our task is one of love, and love is not optional for the believer," said the bishop. He PRO-LIFE! A large youth presence was felt at the Pro-Life March in Washtold the congregation about his early involve- ington, D.C. and young people from thel Fall River diocese are seen here at ment in the pro-life movement of Honduras Our Lady of the Americas Parish in Washington with Bishop O'Malley; Faand the role that truth plays in the movement ther Steven Fernandes, director of the Pro-Life Office (in front of the bishop); today, adding that "we are here to change assistant director of the office (on far left). unjust laws and people's hearts. Abortion i~ and Marian Desrosiers 1· .. '.~ ~,. ~ a human issue. We must unmask, all the lies_ Feehan High S~hQol, AJt\eboro, and ~ member ~ven at 9:30 p.m. Friday; 'near the end of that the pro-choice side has. The truth' is very of Our Lady ofMount Carmel parish,Seekonk. a long bus ride and a torrential downpour of powerful and we have the truth on our side." "I was surprised at the large number of kids rain that started as the group 'left WashingKathleen Van DeBerghe of Holy Trinity down there," he added after the March. The ton, the pilgrims were all smiles, sharing stoparish, West Harwich, was another first time event lasted over two hours and it took a while ries, singing hymns, and saying the rosary as marcher and looked forward to her active for the crowd to disperse from the rally site but a group. participation in the event. She had attended its enthusiasm was not dampened. They celebrated God and life, and the ena pro-life gathering in Boston which she said For Bill and Rose Marie McCarthy of thusiasm that was so bright on Wednesday "was a heartwarming renewal of faith" for Saint Ann's parish, Raynham, that enthusi- morning at the start of their long journey had her, and hoped this trip would be the same. asm has grown with age. The couple has been not dimmed, but had grown into a bright light Also of Holy Trinity, but a veteran of the participating in pro-life marches for the last that will carry them throughout the year. March for Life, was Ruth Foely who sees a 10 years, but hU;S been involved in the cause This year's trip to Washington D.C. for the change in the pro-life movement. She said for over two decades. Bill's enthusiasm March For Life also brought many clergy and that the horror of partial-birth abortions has comes from "hearing all the wonderful talks deacons together from throughout the diocese. opened up more people's eyes and that "when and seeing all the people, especially young They were Fathers Stephen A. Fernandes, young people realize that they could have people getting involved." He carried a sign Michael Kuhn, Henry J. Dahl, Marcel H. been aborted, the change will come," through that read "Pro-Life. Here until no more chil- Bouchard, Richard E. Degagne, Pawel S. dren die, no more women cry," and said he Swiercz, Joseph Mauritzen, Gerald T. was gladdened by the youth involvement Shovel ton, Thomas M. Kocik, Joseph because "when you've been in it so long you Blyskosz, Franciscan Brother Francis Kelly, need someone to take your spot." Deacons James Marzelli, Jr., Joseph F. Mador, Another couple on the pilgrimage to David Sharland and Hernando Herrera. Washington were Jean and Gene DeLorenzo I'



THANKFUL-President of the March For Life Nellie Gray addresses the tens of thousands of pro-life supporters who gathered at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 22 for the annual respect life rally and march. She thanked them for their participation at the annual event and said they wouldn't stop until abortion stopped. Gray has helped organize the event each of the last 25 years and this year's theme was "His Truth Keeps Marching On."


I _














Fri., Jan. 30, 1998

Diocese of Fall River -

Continued from page one


DIOCESAN PRIESTS and deacons gather with Bishop O'Malley at the altar of Our Lady of the Americas Church in Washington, D.C. for the celebration of Mass which was held prior to the annual March For Life. Bishop O'Malley served as director of the apostolate for the Spanish speaking in the archdiocese of Washington and said it was good to be back in the capital with his people from Fall River.


Giving a! Clltld UpfdrlA4option .






I" was leav,ing the hdspital one recent Su~day af(e~oon,ju~t laft~ranointing a dymgman.A woman stopped me on my way across thelobby. ~'~ you nondenominational?" she asked.' I "No,"lanswered to this rather odd question, "I ama C::;atholic." i " . "You;l~ db:: she s~i~i I lpoked p~zzl~. She follp~ed up. "Go.. Y<,lusay /,in adoption prayer?t!hereds1u!cOuplegiving up their babyJdEadOptidn~1fhey need,l1ike, a prayer." She, was fwm th~ adoption agency. I' followed her to the maternity ward where a young couple was about to give up their 2-day-old baby. The adopting parents were standing by in the waiting room. When we got to the room, I saw a teenage boy and girl seated tiy the window. An older couple, probably the new baby's grandparents, were standing near the bed. They all were looking at the little baby, a darling boy with a good head of dark hair. The name they gave him was "Matty." The new mother was crying. It was a painful moment. The parents couldn't have been more than 19 years old. The father looked especially young because he still had his teenage skin problems. The mother looked frightened. They had not.finished theireducation. They were not married. They could not support this baby. They knew this was the right decision for everybody. But it still : hurt. It was true.love. : Real love js cohcern~d not with its own w~lfare but ~ithanother·s. These young ptl0p!e hadleM'J!ed dl~t 'ess~n. TJtey were wQ~ned,a,~9JJJJ~~: 1:?ajjy,,~,d,ll$ f/llllre, not abollt what would beea~iest for them. I praised them for giving the child a chance for life. I also praised them for recognizing that they could not care for this tiny, perfect little boy. I told them that they would give enormous joy to an older couple that might not be able to have children lof their own. That no one could give a greater gift than they were giving and that God would bless their selflessness. , : I told them of the many people looking for children to adoptan~ of the great difficultyin finding healthy ;children for adoption. I mentiqned that o*e in eight couples has fertility problems. I I know that none of this could console them for their loss. In the prayer 1 asked God to send a holy angel to watch over this child and preserve him into life eternal. We prayed that some day he might know the great love that his birth parents had for him caused them to think of his welfare, not their own desires. I praised God for this miracle of life and prayed for all infertile couples who desired to become parents. We finished with the Our Father together. The young mother and father nodded along through the prayer, brushing back tears. At the end they collapsed into a hug of each other and the baby, sobbing as he was about to be carried away. The image of that couple stays with me. They had done a courageous thing. They had, no doubt, matured a lot through what they had suffered. They had learned that love is not without cost and that every Christian carries the cross. They also had learned what a tremendous gift from God every life is. 1 am sure they wiII be better parents for this experience. Of course the pain of abstaining from sex would have been less than the pain of giving the baby away. But I was glad they had walked the path to life. If you would like information about adoption, call Catholic Social Services at 674-4681.


_. 10


Diocese of Fall River -

"Spice World" (Columbia)

NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. "Desperate Measures" (TriStar) Violent thriller about a brainy homicidal convict (Michael Keaton) who tries to escape from the San Francisco hospital where he 'has volunteered to undergo a bone marrow transplant' to save the dying son of a cop (Andy Garcia) who.· now must recapture the escaped man alive or lose his boy. Directed by Barbet Schroeder, the wild chase through the hospital provides the material for a' highly charged thriller, but it is too improbably contrived to satisfy emotionally and it answers none of the moral questions it raises about a cop's responsibility for his son and for the pu~­ lic. Much hard-edged violence, lifethreatening situations and occasional rough language as well as profanity, The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-IV adults, with reservations, The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is R - restricted. . "Fallen" (Warner Bros.) Silly supernatural chiller in which a homicide detective (Denzel Washington) rea!izes he is being framed for murders committed by the demonic spirit of an executed serial killer. Directed by Gregory Hoblit, the ridiculous premise is more ludicrous than suspenseful in depicting the dead man's spirit making use of host bodies to commit evil deeds. Brief violence, menacing situations, much rough language and intermittent profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is AlII-adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R-restricted. "The Gingerbread Man" (Polygram) Murky thriller from John Grisham's novel about a Savannah lawyer (Kenneth Branagh) whose attraction to a vulnerable client (Embeth Davidtz) being stalked by her unstable father ensnares him in a murderous plot that threatens the safety 'of his two young children. Directed by RobertAltman, the sinister proceedings are wrapped in a thick Southern Gothic atmosphere but that fails to compensate for a less-than-credible script. Brief violence, an implied affair, fleeting nudity, occasional rough language and some profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-Ill-adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R-restricted.

Fri., Jan':30, 1998

In this feature-length music video, the Spice Girls (Emma Bunton, Geri Halliwell, Melanie Brown, Melanie Chisholm and Victoria Adams) sing a few songs while being chased around London by the media and mobs of their fans. Director Bob Spiers tries to make the action seem lively and spontaneous, interjecting some flashbacks of the Girls' origins and a couple of surreal dreams, but the witless results are clumsily contrived and the self-promotion of the singing group is too obvious to hold interest for any but their fans. Sexual innuendo, a childbirth scene and some rude remarks. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion PicI ture Association of America rating is PG-parental guidance suggested. "Star Kid" (Trimark) Thin adventure fantasy in which a 12-year-old boy (Joseph Mazzello) climbs inside the shell of an alien android and uses its superhuman strength to take revenge on a school bully, then is confronted by a fero- , cious spider-like invader from outer space. Written and directed by Manny Coto, the movie's premise of controlling a powerful robot may appeal to young boys, though, most others will find the formula plot as tiresome as the derivative special effects. Fantasy violence, menacing situations, bathroom humor and a few coarse words. The U.S. Catha: lic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.

"Swept from the Sea" (TriStar) Engrossing drama from Joseph Conrad's story about a Ukrainian immigrant to America who's shipwrecked in the I890s on the coast of Cornwall, England, where he , courts and weds a lonely servant girl, with the couple living in blissful isolation from their hostile neighbors until tragedy strikes. Directed by Beeban Kidron, the British production succeeds as the lyric love story of two strangers clinging to each other in an alien land, told with feeling for its characters and lushly photographed, with satisfying results even for those who ordinarily disdain movie romantics. Some stylized violence, a restrained sexual encounter, an illegitimate birth and occasional profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification isA-Ill - adults. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Marian awards rites air on cable channels



The Marian Medal Awards ceremony continues to'air on local cable access channels in the diocese as follows: Acushnet and Fairhaven, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, 3 p.m., on cable ch?1nneI2;New Bedford, Jan. 30., Feb. 6, 13 and'20, 7 p.m., on cable'channel98; Norton, Somerset and Swansea, Feb. 6,9 a.m., Feb. 7 and 9, 4 p.m., on cable channel 10; North Attleboro and Taunton, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 4, 9 p.m. on cable channel 29; Brewster, Eastham, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. and Feb. 12 at Sp.m. on cable chal1neI8~< r.O.

Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name ofcity or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. . Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not normally carry notices of fundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at (508) 675-7151. BREWSTER-Our Lady of the Cape Parish will be holding a pilgrimage to the La Salette Shrine in the Alps of Southern France from Sept. 16 through Oct. I. The tour will include visits to AI'S and Taize, France; and Venice, Florence, Assisi and Rome, Italy. For information call Father Raymond Vaillancourt at 385-3252 or Deacon Don Biron at 896-7823. DARTMOUTH-The New Bedford District Council of Catholic Women will offer the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Feb. ] at Saint Julie's Parish for the intentions of Bishop Sean P. O'Malley. Please join in prayer for our bishop, that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide him in his ministry to our diocese. FALL RIVER-Saint Anne's Parish and Shrine will hold a novena service in1honor of'SaintAnne in the shrine on Feb. I at 3 p.m. A healing service will follow until 5 p.m. and all are welcome. FALMOUTH-The Samaritans of Cape Cod and the Islands are seeking dedicated volunteers to help their brothers and sisters who are desperate, lonely and suicidal. Training classes begin Feb. 2 and will be held on Mon. and Wed. evenings from 7-10 p.m. for three weeks. Those interested can call to set up an interview at 548-7999 (9

a.m. to ] p.m.) or 548-8900 all other times. MANSFIELD-If you or a loved one needs extra prayers or would like to join the Prayer Chain of St. Mary's Church, call Rita at 339-4483 or Marilyn at 339-2668. NEW BEDFORD-Catholic Social Services is sponsoring an adoption information meeting at its office on 59 Rockland Street at 7 p.m. on Feb. 3. All persons interested in adopting an older or special needs child are invited to attend. For more information please call 997-7337. NORTH ATTLEBORO-A First Friday celebration will be held at the Sacred Heart Church Hall on Feb. 6 from 6:30-9 p.m. Liturgy will follow intercessory prayer in the chapel and programs centered around the theme "The Challenge of Eucharist" will run from 8-9 p.m. Sister Jeannette Normandin, SSA, will be the featured speaker and all are welcome. Adoration will follow the event continuing through the night until 3 p.m. Sat. , The a capella singing group Sine Nomine will present a concert at the church Feb. 8 at 3 p.m. All are welcome to this afternoon of inspirational music directed by Glenn Giuttari. NORTH ATTLEBORO-The Senlor:Center needs'voiunteers and is searching for individuals to be meals on wheels drivers, kitchen helpers, desk help, and visitors. Even if you can only contribute an hour a week your help will be appreciated. To sign up call Jean Colleran at 699-0131. NORTH ATTLEBORO-A healing service and Mass will be led by Father William Babbitt on Feb. I at 2:30 p.m. All are welcome. NORTH DARTMOUTH-The Divorced and Separated Support

Thrn Off TV Day set for Feb. 14 •

Valentine's Day slated by Morality in Media to call attention to poor quality of TV programming. By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Group meets on the second Wed. and fourth Mon. of each month at the Family Life Center on ~:Iocum Road from 7-9'p.m. SAGAMORE-All area women are invited to a morning of recollection Feb. 13 at Saint Theresa's Chapel from 10 a.m. to noon. Confessions will be heard hy a priest of Opus Dei. SOMERSET-The chamber choir Sine Nomine will perform a mid-winter concert at St. Thomas More Church at 8 p.m. Feb. 6. The 60 minute program is directed by Glenn Giuttari and will feature works by Josquin, Schuetz, and Brahms. For information call 222-9191. SWANSEA-Our Lady of Fatima Parish is planning a celebration for Sister Mary Denisita Sullivan's many years of service and is seeking former members of the community to help complile a hook of good wishes and reports on activities she has shared throughout the years. The book will be presented at a dinner in her honor this sprir.,g and those wishing to partiCipate may inquire at the church until March 24. TAUNTON-An afternoon of song and prayer with singer/ songwriter John PoIce will be held at SI. Paul's Church on Feb. I at 3 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to bring families. For mOlt: information call Mary Ann Prunier at 880-2808. A Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul's at 7 p.m. on Feb. 2 for the intention of the canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam and ill memory of deceased members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The monthly meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will follow in the parish hall. TAUNTON-A prayer and worship service will be held as a followup to the successful "Wake Up Call" for men at St. Joseph's Church at 7 p.m. Feb. 3. This grOllp will meet subsequently on the first Tuesday of each month and all men are welcome. WEST HARWIClJ[-The next meeting of the St. Francis of Peace Fraternity, SFO, will be held at Holy Trinity Church on Feb. 8 following the 1:30 p.m. Mass. lirlquirers are welcome to attend. EoI' information please contact Katherine Fitzgerald at 394-0323.

NEW YORK - Morality in Media has chosen Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, for its seventh annual Thrn Off TV Day and wants its supporters to send television executives a message: "We want better television, not labels on garbage." ATILEBORO-Sillger and mu"Participating in Thrn Off TV Day is easy," said Robert W. Peters, Morality sician John Polce will be at La Salette in Media president. "Leave the remote control alone for 24 hours. Spend the Shrine on Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m. for an day with your loved ones - after all, it's Valentine's Day!" , evening of song. witnes!: and prayer. Peters said participants also can use the time to write letters to at least two of This event will be held in the chapel the chief executives of the leading broadcast networks - ABC, CBS, NBC, and all are welcome. Denise Morency Fox TV, The WB Network, UPN and PBS - telling them that "vague and Gannon will appear at the next La meaningless 'V-chip' content ratings on reprehensible programming does not Salette coffee house on Jan. 31. diminish the moral damage caused by these programs." On Feb. 2 the shrine will observe The New York-based Morality in Media, founded in 1962 by a Catholic the Feast of the Presentation and priest, also announced that a newly revised edition of its booklet, 'TV: The Candlemas. People aI',;: invited to World's Greatest Mind-Bender," will be off the press in February. bri ng candles to be blessed at the 12: 10 Peters said the booklet, originally issued in 1992, "needed a stem-to-stern and 6:30 p.m. Masses. overhaul, because television is an ever-changing medium, in terms of programThe Feast of St. Blase: will be celming, executives, advertisers, studies and the law." The revised booklet includes a list of key companies in the television busi- ebrated on Feb. 3 at La Salette with ness; a list of major national advertisers; research findings on TV's effects on the Blessing of Throats at the 12: 10 children and families; statistics on TV viewing habits; surveys and studies of and 6:30 p.m. Masses. For more inTV content; opinion polls; and information on how citizens can fight back against formation about events at La Salette call 222-5410. morally objectionable programming.


Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., Jan. 30, 1998

Laity convene to explore sanctity in the secular • Speakers say lay ministries should be the same as Church's mission to sanctify. By MARY BRESLIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

CHICAGO - "The Holy Spirit is moving in America," said the opening speaker at the Jan. 16-18 invitational conference of the National Center for the Laity in Chicago. Opening the predominantly Catholic center's national gathering was a Lutheran lay leader, William Diehl. He is president of the Pennsylvania-based Riverbend Resource Center and the Coalition for Ministry in Daily Life. Diehl noted that Catholics and Lutherans have been working side by side since the 1970s, and he underlined a positive message for the group, saying, "The lay initiative movement will not regress. The Holy Spirit is moving in America." Nearly 300 laity and clergy from across the United States participated in the conference: on the theme "Challenges Faci ng 21 st Century Christians." Organizers said less than 10 percent of the attendees were non-Catholic. Addressing the topic "The Christian in the World" Jan. 16, Diehl cited the need for lay members within the church community to recognize, identify and understand that each of them has a ministry. Then, he said, each onc needs to convert that ministry into the world in a specific way such as uphold-

ing business ethics and carrying out the responsibilitit:s of brotherhood. Diehl shared an example of lay ministry drawn from his own community. "A group of us from various professions meets weekly for a brief 'case study' breakfast," he said. "Each time one member describes a faith experience drawn from the workplace or some other aspect of everyday life." He offered a four-point challenge to the National Center for the Laity.

of the entire church - to sanctify the world." "The work of the laity is to bring the mind of Christ to bear in the ordinary circumstances of life," he said. He suggested a connection between the eucharistic table at Mass and the ordinary tables of life, such as those in conference rooms, kitchens, hospitals, factories, voting booths, where the laity are present and giving witness. "The work of the laity is usually unnoticed, unheralded and unsung,"

"And while Hillary Clinton was responsible for arranging transport of the things we sent, it was the Catholic Church - priests, monks, and volunteers in Ukraine - who took it to the people," she said. In his remarks Cortes took an aggressive stand on the role of citizens. "There is no space for citizens unless we think hard about revitalizing institutions of family, congregations, neighborhoods, labor unions," he said. He said Catholics are buying into a materialistic culture that is self-absorbed and disconnected, using the church as a "sacramental service station." His remedy is what Cortes called "a culture of conversation." "Develop trust, understanding, negotiations, collaborative efforts.

Connect these processes of action and reflection to our parishes," he advised. "If you want to create communication, you have to take risks," Cortes added. "Build trust by agitation, the culture of conversation; lead by example."

Make The Way 01 the Cross 1180me


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"New England hospitality with a European Flair"

said Father Massingale. He recalled a personal encounter he had as a teen-agel', meeting a fellow teen, a non-Catholic, who became the most influential person in his life of faith. "He was a good guy but different. He stood out but not apart. He was in the world but not wholly of the world," Father Massingale said. "He was a young lay person and he was church." Father Massingale said the laity should be considered neither second-best nor second-class. "They are called to a state of life by God - they possess a'vocation," he said. He challenged lay Christians to make their life of witness distinctive, following Jesus in the arena of life through a ministry ofreconciliation and forgiveness. "Heal and reach beyond rifts and divisions; seek out places of common ground; stand out and be willing to make a difference in the ordinary events of life," he urged. The following day, conference participants heard from a Texas la• Party plan was to withhold campaign funds from bor leader and an Ohio congresswoman about the responsibilities of politicians opposing partial-birth abortions. lay Christians as citizens. Catholic speakers U.S. Rep. By DAVID FINNIGAN Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, and Ernesto CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Cortes Jr., a supervisor for the InINDIAN WELLS, Calif. - Prominent Catholics at the winter meet- dustrial Areas Foundation in Ausing of the Republican National Committee helped defeat a resol4tion seek- tin, Texas, energized the crowd. ing to ban campaign funds from politicians who do not oppo~e partialSaid Kaptur, "'The American birth abortions. public is losing touch with the body Party leaders feared the resolution would hl-Ift Republican, majorities , politic." People do~ 'twant to vote, in the U.S. House and Senate, and Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, a Catho- she said, because they don't want lic and pro-life stalwart, agreed. , their names to appear on a list of "The worst thing you can do for the pro-life cause is lose our· major- potential jurists. ity," said Hyde to the 157 committee members at the Jan. 15-17 meeting "But liberty won:t last if you in Indian Wells. He told committee members to vote it down for-the sake' don't vote," she said. She suggested of long-term tactics and strategy. two ways for C~ristians to exercise "I simply plead with you," he said. "We're increasing our majority in ,their citizenship for the common the House and Senate, we arc; every year. But don't destr()y that, build on , good. "One is that ptrople are 10l,1g that, positively." , . overdue for a reasoned int~rfaith The comniittee resolution from Tim Lambert, a Protesant member of dialogue on abortion." On that isthe Texas Republican delegation, came after some national funds were sue, she added, "Congress certainly sent to New Jersey for last year's tough re-election of Gov. Christine Todd doesn't have reasoned dialogue." Whitman. Secondly, Christians can exerWhitman supported President Clinton's veto of the congressional ban cise their rights of citizenship by exon the late-term abortion procedure and later vetoed tht~ ban passed by ploring ways to help build freedom the New Jersey Legislature. in other places, according to Kaptur. After nearly three hours of speeches and divided but civil debate, the "How can we take the bounty committee scuttled the original resolution to deny party funds to Repub- and ideals ofAmerica to places that licans like Whitman. don't have it and want to be free "If you weed these people out of the party, they can never come over and prosperous?" she asked. to our (pro-life) side," Hyde said. Her personal response to that Committee members voted 114 to 43 to rework the original resolution challenge has come in the form of so that it would not deny campaign funds, but instead it "strongly reaf- a fund established by her family to firms" Republican opposition to partial-birth abortions, and condemns help people in Ukraine. Clinton's support of it. He suggested that the organization work interdenominationally; develop a Chicago-based think tank; specialize its initiatives by geographic regions; and become the seed for an "evangelical academy of America," based on a German model of evangelical academies. Diehl's co-presenter was Father Bryan Massingale, professor of theology at Jesuit-run Marquette University and at St. Francis Seminary, both in Milwaukee. He joined Diehl in offering a profile of today's Christian in the world. ' Father Massingale offered his definition of laity as "vital members of the body of Christ whose mission is the same universal mission

Catholics help defeat GOP campaign resolve


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 30, 1998 '.

Commission calls statue's crying 'supernatural' •

Vatican calls for further study of Italian town's statue of Mary.




CIVITAVECCHIA, Italy While a diocesan commission described a crying statue of Mary as supernatural, further investigation will be conducted by the Vatican. Bishop Girolamo Grillo 6f Civitavecchia-Tarqui niaannounced Jan. 19 that two-thirds of the members of the theological commission he appointed to study the alleged miracle concluded it was a supernatural occurrence. Only one member voted that it was not supernatural, he said. The remaining members of the minority "declared themselves to be perplexed." However, the bishop said that because he was one of the eyewitnesses and because people from outside the diocese and even outside Italy have been coming to Civitavecchia to pray before the statue, the Vatican would appoint

its own study commission to work cial authorities ordered that tests under the Congregation for the be conducted to determine whether the crying was a hoax. Doctrine of the Faith. Bishop Grillo said Pope John The bishop appointed a theoPaul II would appoint the com- logical commission to study it mission members. only after he reported that it cried The Vatic<J,n press office said tears of blood while he was holdthat as of Jan. 20 it had no details ing it March 15, 1995. He said on the commission or its member- there were five witnesses. ship. Tests conducted on the tears Bishop Grillo initially expressed strong doubts about the miraculous nature of the statue's tears of blood when the crying was first reported in early February 1995. . "Personally, I don't believe it. There are too many crying madonnas in Italy right now," he told By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Catholic News Service at the TAIPEI, Taiwan (CNS) - The time. The 17-inch plaster statue of elevation of Bishop Paul Shan Mary was purchased in Kuo-hsi ofKaohsiung, Taiwan, to Medjugorje, Bosnia- cardinal is a source of encourageHerzegovina, site of reported ment to Chinese Catholics, said Marian apparitions. A family church leaders in Taiwan and from Civitavecchia brought the Hong Kong. They said the appointment was statue home and placed it in their backyard. After the first reports of a recognition of Cardinal-desigits crying, thousands of people nate Shan's work nationally and .internationally. flocked to the family's home. Cardinal-designate Shan will Bishop Grillo took possession of the statue; he and local judi- be Taiwan's first cardinal since the death of Cardinal Paul Yu-pin in 1978, reported UCA News, an Asian church news agency based in'Thailand. ,Po'pe John ,Paul II announced

determined that they were human blood, although from a male. Announcing the vote of the diocesan commission Jan. 19, Bishop Grillo said the Vatican's doctrinal congregation has given permission for pilgrimages to the church about 40 miles northwest of Rome, where the statue is on display.

. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the congregation, has asked the bishop to give "to those faithful who travel to Civitavecchia, motivated by faith, the pastoral attention and care necessary for a healthy devotion to the Virgin Mary in accordance with the teaching of I.he church," Bishop Grillo said.

·New bishop for Taiwan encourages Chinese


jung of Taichung, said the appointment was a recognition of Cardinal Shan's contribution to the local church, especially as president of the bishops' conference. . Auxiliary Bishop John Tong Hon of Hong Kong said the appointment was good news for the Chinese church and Chinese people. Cardinal-designate Shan is a good choice for his spirituality, humility, diligence and vision for the church, said Bishop Tong. Anthony Lam Sui-ki, executive secretary of the Holy Spirit Study Center in Hong Kong, said

that, among the Chinese bishops, Cardinal-designate Shan had participated most in the work of the universal church. The new Taiwanese cardinal's determination, efficiency in adminhitration and good memory are great assets, Lam added. A bishop of mainland China's underground church said he thanked God for the ~,ppointment of the new cardinal, I:hough they had never met. The nomination was encouragement for all Catholics in China, added the bishop, who asked that his name not be reported.

'pomtment Jan. 18 and named 21 other~'"two of whom he kept secret. The new' cardimils 'will'be Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the im, elevated at the Vatican, Feb. 21. mensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to " Cardilia'l Sh'a~ was born in me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in . Puyang; in .mainl~nd<:=hina,.i,n You, Divine WilL Therefore, oh adorabte.Will, prqstraty;before ' 1923. Ordained ,a Jesuit,priest in Your Light, I, the least of all creat,ures, put myself into the little ; 1955' in B'agui6 City; Philippine~, daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Pros- ~ , he went to"Vietnam in 1961 to" group of the sons work' as"a spiritu~1 director anhe' trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your'Light and beg that it novitiate there; 'In "1963, h~ re::;" ,. me and eclip~e all that·does not pertain to You, Divine' clothe • . .• .-' ..' , • . 1. turned to Taiwan and became a WIlL It will be my Life, th~ center of my intelligence, the: ·novice master a(thidesuit novi--.,' enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. ·1 do not want tiatein .Cha'nghua. ' ... the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it' Later"he headed the)esuit-run away frqm me and thus form~re new Eden of Peace, of happiauCiiovisual.center, Kuangchi Praness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a .. gr~m Service, aQd was aboard singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and member of Fu Jen Catholic Uniconducts them to God. versity. He was named bishop of Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity Hualien in 1979 and in 1991 was that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and transferred to Kaohsiung, his thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature present diocese in southeastern was created. Taiwan. He has been the president Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, of the bishops' conference since take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine 1987. WilL You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will Explaining to UCA News that teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the he does not feel pressured by the bounds of the Divine WilL Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my new title, Cardinal-designate whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the Shan said, "God knows how doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to much one person can do, and he Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the does not ask more than one is cainfernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to enpable of. "I'm not worthy of the tice me and make me fall into the maze of the human wilL cardinalate b~cause I'm just an Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your ordinary man without much con- . flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to tribution to the church," he said form in me the Life of the Divine WilL Jan. 19. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my "However, looking from anheart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will other perspective, the appointkeep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that ment means the pope's concern I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. RUSSIAN SOLDIERS stand in front of an icon of Christ and encouragement to the church .My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everyan oath-taking ceremony for recruits from Russian during in China, including Taiwan," he thmg so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that Orthodox seminaries Jan. 10 in Arsakhi, north of Moscow. added. draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. Two Taiwanese bishops, An- Seminarians and children of priests undergo a two-year ( /11 HOllor of Luisa Piccarreta /865-1947 'Child of the Diville Will) drew Tsien Chih-ch'un of mandatory service in a special military unit. (CNS/Reuters Hwalien and. Joseph Wang Yu- photo)

Consecration to ;.the Divine Will




Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Jan. 30, 1998

Continued/rom page three


ington, D.C., it was in time for the cially those who had government cerning Jesus Christ, because the so pleased. We realized that of all were no major problems such as excitement of the Jan. 24 morning jobs," the bishop said. Although a Gospel could help open a climate the trips the Holy Father has ever power outages or that transportation Mass in Santiago de Cuba, some great fear still exists in Cuba, the of freedom, trust and justice, and made to any country in the world, was limited, things like that." 1,000 miles across the island from Holy Father's visit has helped the encourage an end to Cuba's inter- this trip might be one of the most The bishop said there were no Havana. people to come forward and pro- national isolation." important. His presence in Cuba has fears for safety at any time. "That's "It was about a two-and-a-half fess their faith openly. The pontiff condemned the allowed the Church to evangelize one thing about a police state. Nothhour flight on a rickety old Russian "The Sunday Mass in Havana widespread practice of abortion in again after 40 years in the cata- ing happens unless the dictator plane and that Mass was very well was under a heavy cloud cover and Cuba, the high divorce rate, pre- combs. The changes in Cuba are wants it to happen. Even the Ameriattended," said the bishop. it was cool. That helped the Holy marital sex and birth control. coming. They will come slowly, but can ambassador there, during a re. Santiago was also the sitt: of per- Father to enjoy it, and he had the Among the social factors contrib- they are coming." ception at the embassy on Saturday, haps the most emotional religious strength to be more spontaneous uting to such evils, he said, were He noted that President Castro said that he knows he is perfectly moment of the trip, when the pope and he was constantly ~d-libbing low wages, inadequate housing, had never met with the Cuban bish- safe and drives himself around." crowned the image of the Virgin of and adding fo his talk. People were ideological dissatisfaction and emi- ops until this year. "He just kept Charity of Cobre. The small applauding him after nearly every gration, which he said has "torn them at arm's-length. But on Sunwooden statue, which legend says sentence. It was very moving. De- apart whole families." day night, following the Havana was found floating in the sea in the spite the Holy Father's health probBishop O'Malley said that while Mass, a number of us were invited Sales and Service 1600s, has long been a symbol of lems, he held up beautifully. He was he has attended papal visits in a to the Palace of the Revolution to for Domestic and Industrial national unity, Bishop O'Malley able to make a deep imp~ct on the number of countries in Latin meet with Castro. It was very interOil Burners country," the bishop said. added. America, he can't remember hav- esting. Castro was very pleased 995-1631 "When the first Cuban flag was During his Masses the pope said ing seen so many bishops at any of with the pope's visit b~ause it went 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE sewn, it was laid at her feet. As the that he had come simplx to evan-, them. "The feeling we shared in so well. In a country strained for NEW BEDFORD pope placed the crown on her head, gelize and to preach "the truth con- Cuba was just euphoric. We were resources it was amazing that there many in the crowd began to cry. The flag was again taken Sales And Service and laid at her feet, and Cuba's Fall River's Largest national anthem Give A Gift Display of TVs was sung. It was Certificate For A very moving," Weekend Away he continued. ZENITH • SONY Back in HaFor Info Contact vana on Jan. 24, ,--'.. TRACEY & KEITH 1196 BEDFORD ST. a group estiLACY FALL RIVER mated by some E E TEL. (508) 223-1677 673-9721 as close to a half million gathered for the Mass. "Everywhere we went, people were very 240 Forest St. Extended Care Available ~~~~~ friendly. They Fall River, MA 02721 for Grades Pre-K to 8 asked for rosaTel. 678·2152· FAX 674-5190 ries, medals a,nd prayer books. And many asked to receive the sacraments, Open Registration for 1998-1999 School Year especially among the older Pre-K to Grade 8 CATHEDRAL VISIT-Following meeting between Pope John Paul II, bishpeople. Many Monday, February 2 - Friday, February 13 had not gone to ops, priests, religious, seminarians and layworkers in the Ca.thedral of the 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. church since the Immaculate Conception in Havana, Cuba, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley mingled persecution be- with the crowd prior to the pontiff's Mass on Jan. 25 attended by hundreds of Pre-K tuition same· as K-8 tuition gan in the late thousands in the Plaza of the Revoll;Jtion. (Photo by Lisa Kessler) 1950s, espePre-K: 3 years to 5 years






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Kindergarten: 5 years by September 30, 1998 Please bring child's birth certificate and $25 registration fee.

Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorge January 25, 1997 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina



"Dear children, today again I call all of you to prayer. Only with prayer, dear children, will your heart change, become better, and be more sensitive to the Word of God. Little children, do not permit Satan to pull you apart and to do with you what he wants. I call you to be responsible and determined and to consecrate each day to God in prayer. May Holy Mass, little children, not be a habit with you, but life. By living Holy Mass each day, you will feel the need for holiness and you will grow in holiness. I am close to you and intercede before God for each of you, so that He may give you strength to change your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."

OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PRAYER GROUP A GROUP of Cuban children sing for Pope John Paul II outside the papa.l nuncio's residence Jan. 22 in Havana, Cuba. The pope was on his historic five-day visit to the communist island nation. (CNS/Reuters photo)

Marian Messengers P.O. Box 647, Framingham, MA 01701 Tel. 1-508-879-9318




Catholic Schools •


WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Jane Letourneau and Leah Makuch of Bishop Stang High School in North. Dartmouth carry a banner at the March For Life in Washington, D.C. Many young people from the diocese came to show support for the pro-life movement and found others their own age at the event. Their banner carries the letters WWJD (What would Jesus Do) which has become a slogan for young people making decisions. (Anchor/Gordon photo)

Catholic Yout

SCHOOL RECORD! Bishop Stang High School Forensic and Debate Team members Dan Murphy (left) and Pat Crofford recently went undefeated for 12 consecutive debates, setting a school record. The Eastern MassachusettB I?ebate Conference Meet brought schools from aCross the diocese together and Stang boasted two undefeated teams.

Debate team sets school record NORTH DARTMOUTH-The Bishop Stang Forensic and Debate Team hosted the first debate meet of the year recently and nlany local high schools sent teams to compete. The Stang team emerged from the Eastern Massachusetts Debate Conference Meet with two undefeated teams, one of which set a school record. Members of the Varsity Affirmative Team were Shannon Reynolds of Westport and Diane Silva of Sandwich. Dan Murphy and Patrick Crofford of Dartmouth made up the undefeated Varsity Negative Team. Murphy and Crofford set a Stang record in the competition by winning 12 consecutive debates. Also winning at least one round in the tournament were Novice Affirmative Jayne Letourneau of Rochester and Jocelyn Lally of Acushnet; Novice Negative Keith Blaquiere of East Falmouth and Tiffany Larguinho of New Bedford; Varsity Affirmative Megan Lally of Acushnet and Joel Maxwell of Westport; Varsity Affirmative Jeremy Caron of Swansea and Chris Grzegorczyk of Dartmouth; Varsity Negative Miles Flynn of Acushnet and Jenn Perrault of Monument Beach; Varsity Neg;ative Mat Arruda of Dartmouth and Beth Lamoureux of Marion. Stang's Forensic and Debate Team's officers for the 1997-98 school year are Megan Lally, president; Jeremy Caron, vice-president; and Jennifer Perrault, secretary.

SIXTH GRADERS at St. James and John School, New Bedford, recently held a Greek Festival. Victoria Ptatt and Ryan Lourenco (front) and Daniel Simoneau and James Thomas Stillerman (left to right, back) studied ancient Greek culture, food, mythology, and theater with their classmates and are pictured here with a model of the Trojan horse. One of the days highlights was the performance ofAristophones's play, T~e Frogs as a puppet show.

COYLE AND CASSIDY senior Tim Barney stands with academic principal Dr. Donna Boyle and headmaster Dennis Poyant proudly displing the trophy he won at the 25th annual Framingham State College History conference. His essay entitled "I'll Furnish the War," was selected first among 760 entries from students around the Commonwealth.

FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS were elected at Bishop Stang High School and four students were chosen by their peers. From left to right they are: Matthew Chapdelaine, vicepresident; Lindsey Surprenant, secretary; Zachary Baumgart, treasurer; and Amy Marie Desrosiers, president.


Our Rock

Diocese of Fall River -



My Heart Will Go On .

healing needed after the loss of love. Every night in my dreams Love can be lost in many I see you I feel you ways, not just from death as in the movie. Sometimes, the loss That is how I know you go on. occurs because of a geographic move - when a couple sepaFar across the distance rate so as to go to different And space between us schools, for ex·ample. Other You have come to, show you go ,on times, love is lost through misunderstanding, hurt or even inattention. Refrain: Whatever the cause,we are Near, far, wherever YOli are left with the question of how I believe that the heart does. go on. to recover. Once more you open the door In the song, thl;: woman proclaims her hope in life and he'r And you're here in my heart faith in how love has changed And my heart will go on and on. her. Because of this love that she shared, she knows that she Love can touch us one time . is different. She sings, "Love And last for a,life'time can touch us one time and last for a lifetime." And never let go till we're one. She is right. All genuine love comes from God, and Love is when I loved you when God touches our lives, One true time I hold to. the effect is forever. Our lives still will face obstacles and In my life we'll always go on. challenges. Yet we understand with new depth that we are not There is some love alone. Such is the grace of exThat will not go away. periencing love, even if the relationship is later lost. The pain of the loss is also You're here, there's nothing I fear very real. Time, coupled with And I know that my heart will go on. the caring support of friends, ' We'll stay forever this way. helps us face this loss. You are safe' in my heart Expectation also helps. Clearly, in the song, the And my heart will go on and on. . woman desires to go on with her,life, allowing the power of' (Repeat refrain.) . he~past shared love to recreat~ that life. Indeed, she exWritten by James HomerlWili Jennings pects that "my heart will go on and on." , Sung by Celine Dion , There is no 'magic remedy Copyright (c) 1997 by Famous for a broken heart. No matter Music Corp. (AWCAP) what the circumstances of your Blue Sky Rider Songs (BMI) loss, ask God to guide you onto the path of heal,ing. Pray to be W ANT TO record a sure reputation of singer Celine directed in ways that will enhit? Attach your song to the Dion, and you have a hit zoom- courage your heart to go on. soundtrack of the most awaited ing up the charts. movie of the winter. That's The song conveys the sense Your comments are alwhat the creators of "My Heart of loss and sadness in the film. ways welcome. Please adWill Go On," also known as But I want to address things dress: Charlie Martin, 7125 "The Love Theme From Ti- from a larger perspective than W 2008, Rockport, Ind. tanic" did. Add to that the this story line provides: the 47635.





··r~:ll Coming


and Role Remedy for a broken heart

Fri., Jan. 30, 1998

fige •



Guidelines for guys buying her Valentine gift By CHRISTOPHER


Here we are,just in time for the American Greeting Card Industry's favorite .holiday, Valentine's Day. Now, your average high school . guys know about as much about acting romantic as a tabby cat knows about fixing carburetors, but even they get this one. You have to buy your girlfriend a card. Any guy who can~t figure that out is too stupid for a relationship. ' Unfortunately, that's about as 'far as the average guy's understanding of the topic will carry him. With that in mind, I offer the following guidelines for guys looking for a romantic gift. Rule No. I: Guys and girls do not like the same kind of stuff. No matter how much you would like that hot new computer game, it is unlikely that your girlfriend will be delighted when presented with "Death Wizards II: The Mayhem Continues." Nor will she like new floor mats for her truck. Deal with the facts. Rule No.2: Think about the response you want. If you gave a guy a really fine gift, he'd say: ''Wow, new wheels for my skateboard. CooL" However, that is not what you want your girlfriend to say. The exact perfect response from your girlfriend is, "Oh, how sweet!" , Bear this in mind. As you stand there in the store, holding the potential gift, think for a moment. Can you imagine your girlfriend saying, "Oh, how sweet!" when she gets it? If the answer is no, put it down and get something else. Rule No.3: You cannot ever go wrong with flowers. This is something guys never seem to figure out. Buy candy, and maybe she,

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went on a diet yesterday. Give her a new sweater, and the color could be wrong for her hair. Unless she is violently allergic to roses, flowers will work. Actually, that rule has one major , exception. If you are in trouble and give your girlfriend roses, she will r.aise an eyebrow and say. "You thought these would make up for what you said last night, didn't you?" Actually, you did, and figuring this out will make her ticked. But if you aren't in trouble, flowers will get that "Oh, how sweet!" reaction almost' roo percent of the time. Rule No.4: Never give a girl a gift you wouldn't want her parents to see. Maybe that's obvious, but I've seen a lot of guys make mistakes they could have avoided through this simple rule. Rule No.5: Fight off that impulse to make a big impression by spending a lot of money. A good rule of thumb is not to spend more on a gift than you'd ordinarily spend on a nice evening out together - and we're not talking about the prom. Let's say you might take her out for a pizza and a movie. If you weren't splitting the costs, that evening would cost you about $25. That would be a reasonable upper limit for a gift. If you spend more, it can generate a sense of obligation. If you spend $100 on fancy perfume, she'll feel a need to reciprocate, and coming up with that money can be a big burden. Rule No.6: The perfect gift is one you'd only give to her and she would only get from you. That's because the perfect gift always communicates what's special about your relationship. , If you invest the time and thought needed to find that gift, you're golden - ,even if it costs you nothing.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 30, 1998


DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HOPE (Formerly three Dominican congregations from Fall River, MA, and Newburgh and Ossining, NY) Director of Vocations Tel. (914) 941-4420

BROTHERS OF CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION Bro. Walter Zwierchowski, FIC Tel. (508) 672-5763

DE LA SALLE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS ~\) M , Brother Robert Hazard, FSC ~"'CJ '()~.. Tel. (401) 789-0244 Ext. 3541 :.A-~; FAX: 401-783-5303 .~. : E-mail: CBCROB@AOL.COM


.y. =


RELIGIOUS SISTERS OF MERCY Aliceann Walsh, R.S.M. Tel. (401) 333-6333 Ext. 15 FAX: (401) 333-6450

RELIGIOUS OF JESUS AND MARY Vocation Office ~ Tel. (301) 277-3594 ~'crm (301) 277-3794 ~~ FAX: (301) 277-8656 -

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE Sister Marie Edward, OP Formation Directress Tel. (914) 769-0114

SISTERS OF THE RESURRECTION ~~ Sister Dolores Marie, CR. Tel. (518) 732-2226 J4.. J



SISTERS OF ST. DOROTHY Sister Dorothy Schwarz, S.S.D. Tel. (401) 253-5434


CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF CLUNY Sister Marie Cooper, S.J.C. Tel. (401) 846-4757

Fall River Diocesan Vocations Committee

SISTERS OF St. JOSEPH OF SPRINGFIELD Vocation Education Office Tel. (413) 536-0853 E-mail: FSJ2@aol.com



THE SISTERS OF CHARITY OF QUEBEC Sister Monique Morin, SCQ Tel. (508) 441-1696

LA SALETTE MISSIONARIES Vocation Director (l Tel. (508) 222-9154 LaSalc芦e FAX: (508) 222-9154 E-mail: williamslight@juno.com fl



SACRED HEARTS COMMUNITY Director of Vocations Tel. (508) 993-2442


~ .

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF THE PRESENTATION Director of Vocations Tel. (508) 669-5425 ~ FAX: (508) 669-6521

,. CARMELITE SISTERS FOR THE AGED AND INFIRM Vocation Director Tel. (518) 537-5000 FAX: (518) 580-6540 CAIIA-fllff ~IUlU

SISTERS OF THE HOLY UNION Sister Barbara Scully, SUSC , Tel. (781) 963-6497 . sancta un 0 FAX: (617) 782-0213 . , E-mail: srbarbarascully@chancery.rcab.org


DAUGHTERS OF THE CHARITY OF :<'l THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS wr~r'~ ~ Sister Monique Couture, FCSCJ I' Tel. (603) 444-5346 i FAX: (603) 444-5348 ;lflH E-mail: soncouturefcscj@connriver.net ;' .-

Come and Meet Us! Diocesan Vocation Office


DIOCESAN PRIEST路 DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Rev. Craig Pregana Diocesan Director of Vocations (508) 675-1311 (Office) FAX: (508) 678-0873 E-mail: FRVocationOffice@juno.com

Office for Religiolls REPRESENTATIVE FOR RELIGIOUS路 DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Sister Mary Noel Blute, R.S.M. Tel. (508) 992-9921 FAX: (508) 999-6430

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