VOL. 47, NO.4· Friday, January 31, 2003 ~.~=-==~~-=:~-==::--~
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Students, teachers' celebrate their heritage
Activities make annual observance a success'
FALL RIVER - Catholic Schools Week opened across the diocese this week FALL RIVER - For thousands of students in the Fall River diocesan schools, this and it offered an opportunity to celebrate students, teachers and the schools themyear's theme - ''Catholic Schools: Making a World of Difference" - provided the selves. ' framework for exploring the world beyond the classroom: the world of the neighborThe week was themed "Making a World of Difference," and a look around the hood, the community, and also the greater world beyond those borders. diocese found many schools holding special activities, liturgies and Beginning with the traditional liturgies, students involved them~~ open h~use. The following is a sampling from the five deanselves in prayer, then with clergy, teachers, parents and friends, taking part in all kinds of innovative fun activities call~ enes. At Taunton Catholic Middle School students ing to mind the joyous life of the Catholic student ~ \ / opened the week with a Mass Monday at St. and the fulfillment of their baptismal heritage of Mary's Church. On Tuesday the students enliving the faith and evangelizing. , joyed a dress down day while judging took As the January 26 through February 1 observances were about to begin, SuperI' II _r »-/(" ~ cream was served at lunch and stuU~., dents ?esigned "Kids Make a World A. Milot and Dr. Donna Boyle, as\ \ \" U L LUl // /) / ,"" . _ ~ of DIfference" posters. sistant superintendent in charge of ~ i".\ \\ !" Yr~ On Wednesday students wore curriculum, talked about the rea- ~ "' :/4 / (/ / something red, white or blue with sons behind the annual observance. ~" 0~ • their school uniforms to celebrate "It is an exciting time ... and ~"'~ ,-~~ patriotism as they began the day more so on the elementary schools , ' " ~...... ~. . ~ with an outdoor flag ceremony. level across the diocese because ~ ~ ~~. //.".' .:----~ They designed valentines for vetthis is when they are getting ready ~ ~~ ~_ erans at the Veterans Administrafor the open houses and registra-~' '_ _~ tion Hospital of Brockton. tions for next year," Milot pointed ~ - ~ ~r\n; '.~ "Catholic Schools Week is out. ''The high schools have al- ~ ~ ~~ something we all look forward ready held registrations and are ~ .~ to," said Gail Chalifoux, director now getting ready to accept stu,,~ of development at TCMS. "We dents. However they still take part :. ~ have many great activities and it's in schools week activities." ~ -~ a good chance to showcase our In the elementary schools "it is I~~ school." a big deal, with all kinds of activiThe annual parent to parent ties going on nearly every day in L - - conference was held Thursday each of those schools," said Milot and a prayer service in recogniAt diocesan schools stretching tion of volunteers was also held. south from Mansfield to Fall River Tum to page 13 - Success Tum to page 12 - Students
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Carmelite Sisters to leaveCMH
Pilgrims hope Pro-Life tide is turning ~
They came with signs, they came with children, they came for life. By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
WASHINGTON, D.C. Hundreds of pilgrims, representing the five deaneries of the Fall River diocese, were part of an estimated 50,000 who braved the cold wind and frigid temperatures
last week to march in protest on the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court legalizing abortion, and to defend the unborn. The pilgrims traveled on buses provided by the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate to the Pro-Life March in our nation's capital and its director Father Stephen A. Fernandes said he was both encouraged and inspired by the number of young people who took part. Tum to page 16 - Tule
FATHER HERNANDO Herrera, executive director of the diocesan Youth Ministry Office, was among many diocesan priests to attend this year's march. With him are Coyle and Cassidy High School students Stephanie Punch, Ashley Hamilton, Teresa Keefe and Ashlee Downing. (AnchortGordon photo)
FALL RIVER The Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm have announced, with regret, that their community will no longer be assisting in serving the needs of the 300 residents at Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River. This departure is due to the declining number of sisters in their community. There are currently five Carmelite Sisters on staff at the home, including the current administrator, Sister Mary Robert Romano. The Carmelite Sisters
Tum to page five - Carmelites
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
J(1 SERRA CLUB guest speaker Atty. Peter Thomas spoke. THE MARIAN MANOR Mission Team welcomed back Dominican Sister Lucia from Honduring a recent meeting at White's of Westport. From left are duras during the winter holidays. She has been working with children and families in the his father Atty. George M. Thomas, Peter Thomas; Timothy E. Mitchell, Serra Club president; and Father Brian Harrington, Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa and will return to Honduras bearing gifts thanks to the generosity of the annual Mission Team collection. From left are Dominican Sister P~u.li.na, p.astoral the club's spiritual director. care director; Tom Healy, administrator; Sister Lucia; Nicole Tremblay, actIVIties director; Cecile Sanders, admissions; Pet Boucher, case manager; Ann Mendes, nurse manager, and Cindy Pelczarski, director of nursing.
Serra Clubs hold meetings
NEW BEDFORD - AntiCatholic bashing by the media was the subject of a talk given by Father Clement Dufour, former pastor of Sacred Heart Church, at a recent meeting of the New Bedford Serra Club. During his talk, Father Dufour quoted from a newsletter by William Donahue, head of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and relayed some of former Bishop Sean P. O'Malley's favorite stories. Atty. Peter Thomas was also a recent Serra Club guest speaker when he met with them at White's of Westport to talk about his role as a magistrate of the New Bedford District Court. Attleboro The Attleboro Serra Club re: cently held meetings to close out 2002 at Folan's Restaurant in North Attleboro and both events included several special guests.
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The first meeting was presided over by Edward G. Lambert who presented plans for the group's annual Nun's Night and accepted a report from Atty. David McIntyre concerning the monthly attendance at Masses by group members. The guest speaker for the evening was Father Craig Pregana, vocation director for the diocese. Father Pregana stated that he felt the priesthood would be changed following the current crisis in the Church and advised members that everyone's contact with youngsters was most important insofar as vocations were concerned. Father Pregana fielded questions and distributed several publications concerning vocations. In the second meeting, the Serra Club welcomed more than two dozen nuns from several religious orders as well as wives and friends of members. Entertainment was furnished by the musical group Harmony. Serra Club president Kevin Poirier introduced each religious and opened the meeting with a prayer by Mother Teresa. Each religious and visitor was presented with a gift and the meeting closed with a prayer. The Serra Club is made up of Catholic laymen whose objective is the promotion of vocations to priestly and religious life. .
Saint Anne's announces volunteer opportunities FALL RIVER Saint Anne's Hospital is looking for a few people with warm and positive attitudes, good judgment and who are comfortable working with people. "Volunteering at Saint Anne's allows individuals to reach out to the community and gives them the opportunity to work with and learn new skills from a team of professionals," said Diane Palmer, the hospital's coordinator of Volunteer Services. "It's a great chance to meet
Daily Readings Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5
6 Feb 6
Feb 7
La Salette Retreat Center 947 Park Street Attleboro,~A 02703-5115 508-222-8530
Feb 8
Feb 9
Feb. 7-9
God is Rich En Mercy - Jacqueline Sitte,
Feb. 9
Afternoon Recollection - Psalms ofLmnent
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Heb 11 :32-40; Ps 31 :20-24; Mk 5:120 Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26-28,30-32; Mk5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7,1115; Ps 103:12,13-14; Mk 6:1Heb 12:1819,21-24; Ps 48:2-4,9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1,3,5,8-9; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:1517,20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:3034 Jb 7:1-4,6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23; Mk 1:29-39
111111111" 11111111111111111111
THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S.mD) Periodical Pos1age Paid a1 Fall River.~. PublishOO weeIdy excqJt for the first two weeks in July ani the week aftl:r Orristmas a1 887 HighlaId Averue. Fall River, Mass. UZ720 by the CalOOIic Press of the Diocese ofFal) River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS selX! address dlangcs lD The Andhor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA Ul722.
new people, make new friends, and truly make a difference," she added. ' V<?lunteer positions are currently available in the hospital's gift shop, pharmacy, emergency department, patient advocacy, oncology department, interpreter services, and as greeters and receptionists. "Volunteering may involve direct patient contact or service in one of our many support areas," Palmer explained, "For as little as two to three hours a week, it is a wonderful way to
help the staff during busy times while also making hospitalization a little more pleasant for patients." Training and orientation for all positions are provided. To schedule an interview, or to learn more about these or other volunteer opportunities, call the Volunteer Services Department at Saint Anne's Hospital at 508-6745600, extension 2080. Information about this and other programs is also available on Saint Anne's Website, http:www.saintanneshospital.org.
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week Feb. 3 1952, Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River Feb. 4 1921, Rt Rev. Msgr. HughJ. Smyth, P.R., Pastor, St. Lawrence, New Bedford. First Vicar General, Fall River, 190407. Administrator of Diocese, February-July 1907 Feb. '6 1988, Bishop Frederick Donaghy, M.M., Vicar Apostolic of Wuchow . Feb 7. 1991, Rev. Arthur N. Robert, O.P., St. Anne Shrine, Fall River Feb. 8 1996, Rev. Raymond P. Monty, Chaplain Feb. 9 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Kelly, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River 1972, Rev. Peter 1. McKone, S.J., Bishop Connolly High . School, Fall River 1985, Rev. Vincent R. Dolbec, A.A., Assumption College
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
Doctor joins staff of Sacred Heart Home NEW BEDFORD - Sacred Heart Home is pleased to announce that Dr. Curtis J. Mello has joined the staff at the skilled nursing and rehabilitative care facility, He will provide on-site consultation for the newly developed Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit and pro-路 gram at the home. . Mello will be working closely with the Sacred Heart Home's administratoi' and medical director and wi II act as the pulmonary program liaison in the community. He will also be assisting with the develop-
AN HISPANIC community training session was held recently at the Dolan Center at St. Mary's Parish, Taunton, for the second stage of the RENEW Program. Standing, from left, Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Sister Martha Elena Perez, from the Nantucket community; Benjamin Martinez, St. Joseph, Attleboro; Manuel Hernando, RENEW International; Guadalupan Sister Aida Sansor, diocesan Hispanic Apostolate Office and St. Mary's Cathedral; Gloria Hernandez, St. Mary's Cathedral; and seated, William Pou, St. Mary's Cathedral.
World Day for Consecrated Life is Sunday Religious from various congregations will gather at the Mass to renew their vows. "It will be a solemn moment as they reconsecrate themselves to God in service of the Church and the people of God," said Sister Elaine Heffernan, diocesan episcopal representative to reli-
FALL RIVER - The Fall River diocese will officially celebrate World Day for' Consecrated Life Sunday at 2 p.m. with a Mass at St. Mary's. Cathedral here. Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the diocese, will be the main celebrant.
gious and coordinator of liturgy for the observance. . World Day for Consecrated Life was instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1997 to allow the faithJul to give thanks for those who live the consecrated life, to learn more about it and to pray for future religious vocations.
ment of educational materials for the program. A Tiverton, R.I. resident, Mello earned his medical degree from the UMass Medical School in Worcester after graduating with a bachelor's degree in biology from Dartmouth and a master's in public health from Boston University. He is an alumnus of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartl1)outh. He is an attending physician . with New Bedford Medical Associates, with offices in North Dartmouth and Swansea.
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31,2003
the .living word
the moorin&-, " A gift to the nation' As we joyfully celebrate Catholic Schools Week across America, it would be wei! for usto look at the changing face of our schools: So very many from past generations experienced a school model that was reflective ofa ~hurch little changed. From coast to coast the parish schools, diocesanschools and private schools were predictably similar. Church structures and personnel were environmentally dominated. This was reflective of the times. : : Like it or not that age has passed. We live in times we'have inherited" , fro'm the past and mol&:d to present demands. The Church and her institutions are facing testing times as we creep into the new millennium. Yet 'amid the' troubles, our Catholic schools are sought out as sources of stability and assurances. The demand for Catholic school education is ever-i,ncreasing. The system has in many ways been one of the Church's greatest gifts to parents who have true educational values. Through the eyes of our National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), let's take a peek into today's Catholic schools. On a national basis, minority student enrollment is 26.1 percent of the total enrollment. Non-Catholic enrollment is 13.2 percent of the more than 2.6 milli,on children attending Catholic elementary, middle and se'condary schools. These two statisticsclearlyshow that the advantage of Catholic schools is a vital force among the total population of the country. Another ch.ange from the past is the fact that the professional staff of Catholic schools is 94.2 percent laymen and laywomen. This is a real dynamic change when one considers that only 5.8 percent.c1ergy and ' religious are teaching in Catholic schoois. . At one time Catholic education was urban centered. Today, only one third of Catholic schools are in this category. More than 54 percent are now considered suburban or rural. This trend was to be expected when one considers the need to merge and close so many city parishes. Shifting population and developing trends in immigration have ind~d brought new challenges to diocesan structures. Yet the Church in many areas is encouraging inner city schools for those who are disadvantaged be~ cause of their circumstances; 12.6 percent of Catholic schools are yet in the inner cities of America. . One faq that cannot be ignored is that 83 percent of Catholic high school graduates go on to college. Minority student graduates are three times more likely to eam 'a college degree than African-American and Hispanic-American graduates of public high schools. - Statistics also indicated that parents place their children in Catholic' schools for three reasons: the superior academic achievements ofCatholic school students; for their secure and disciplined leaming environments, and for a total education which includes growth in religious awareness and an appreciation of morals and values. The NCEA also noted that Catholic schools are a gift to the nation. Seven years ago, parents of Catholic elementary school students provided a gift to local, state and federal govemment well over $15 billion - the cost these entities would have paid if all Catholic elementary school students had attended public schools. Imagine what they save today especially in these dark days of public education funding by the, federal, state and local govemments, In this light we must endorse full and fair parental educational choice for all Americans. We must support programs such as tax credits, vouchers and scholarships to ensure all parents have the financial means to select the appropriate school for their children. Let us remember the Supreme Court has spoken on this matter. Children are not mere crea-' tures of the state, and govemment support for parents who choose religious schools is not'an unconstitutional endorsement of religion. CathoIic schools have done much for America; America should be grateful of their gift to the life of the nation.
A joy ride 路in the age, of the instant? By
watch a sitcom that had at least five plots unfolding simulta, Do you constantly switch TV neously. I was amazed to realize channels wi,th your remote con- that in many ways it was forcing trol without ever selecting a par- my mind to simulate a computer ticular program? Does your blood that moves in and out of various pressure rise when your computer realms in split secOlids. , doesn't respond immediately to a' , And most evening news procommand? Do you enjoy watch- grams do the same thing by rac'ing sitcoms with several plots si- ing from one story t9 the next. I multaneously developing in dif- never realized how fast it all ferent directions? Do you prefer- moves until I listened to it in a sound-bite news over IJngthier foreign language. Listening in news reports followed by discus- another language makes clear the speed at which itall is delivered. sion? Do you fancy fast foods? This new world of the instant If you answered yes to the The Executive Editor ' above, you are probably well into raises serious questions about adthe age of the if:\stant. Its traits are vantages and disadvantages. a desire for instantaneous results, We appear to be in a post-modan impatience with anything ern age that has fine-tuned the art lengthy and an insatiable thirst for of tellil)g one story while includ-' continuous new stimuli. ing several others simultaneously. The age of the instant has defi-_ We 'always have had stories OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER'OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER nite advantages. It demands im- within a story, but never until now Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Riv!3r proved efficiency, deplores dec , have they flooded our minds with 887 Highland Avenue , P . O . BOX 7 ' lays, lauds immediate gratifica- multiple electrifying images folFall River, MA 02720 Fall River MA ,02722-0007 . tion and loves perpetual motion, lowing cine upon the other at t Telephone 508-675路7151 FAX 508~67577048 Its dis,advantages are that it breakneck speed and with such E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org lowers our ability to contemplate imaginative imaging. ,Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E"mail address and fully absorb experiences, inIs this helping the mind to think more quickly and become vitesimpatience and can run us EXECUTIVE EDITOR into the ground. more flexible? Or is it creating Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore . Let's look closer at both sides' inordinate impatience with anyEDITOR NEWS EDITOR, OFFICE MANAGER of this new age, thing that lacks perpetual motion? David B. Jolivet James N. Dunbar Barbara M. Reis Not long ago I happened to Do we sleep beller or worse at
night after action-packed programs and a diet of instant food and perpetual motion? The same can be asked of the news. Are quick, bite-size stories enabling us to better comprehend the daily news or is their speed and size causing our understanding to tend toward the shallow? Are boiled-down stories and the speed at which'they are delivered better or worse for getting at the truth of the matter? The speed with which images fill our minds may have the side effect either of raising realistic or . unrealistic expectatiol)s: Will the expectation that everything always move faster be a sign of progress or might it plunge us into an age of disillusionment? With all the talk of war, the age of the instant may even be leading us to believe that we have arrived at an age of the "quick war." So, if the next war is drawn out~nd costly, what happens to the faith and psychological health of millions of people conditioned to expect quick results? As fascinating and energizing as the new age of the instant is, it needs to be questioned in a seJious way. Othelwise it could take us on ajoy ride that ends in disaster.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., J~nuary 31,2003
A little down time Well, the Super Bowl is over, Jerry Remy are back in the fold, meaning football season has offi- ready to inform and amuse us for cially ended (who watches the Pro a few more years to come. The Bowl anyway?), and life for foot- McDonough-Remy combo excels ball freaks (and their families) returns to normal. -And this year, there's no pigskin residuum to keep us going until the new season begins late this summer. Now it won't be so b'ad having to attend those preBy Dave Jolivet teen birthday parties on Sunday afternoons. (Note to self and family: Next year, in keeping listeners entertained maybe 'we can schedule all such when the game or the season is parties for the weeks following beyond reach. And by the looks football season up to the start of of things, that should come in baseball season. Surely the kids handy pretty early in Red Sox will understand. Right?) Nation this season. I suppose it's time to focus our Aside from re-signing two preattention on other non-gridiron mier broadcasters, the Sox have activities. This is alway~ a depress- done nothing - especially coming time of year, but here goes: as pared with the Evil Empire that ex- . of today, Red Sox pitchers and emplifies the phrase "the rich get catchers wi II repOit to FOit Meyers, richer." The season hasn't yet begun, Fla. in 15 days. That's not so bad. and the Sox are already 10 games And there were a couple of off- behind the Yanks in the standings. season signings Sox fans can be The Bruins appear to have very, very excited about. Broad-' swatted aside the slump bug that casters Sean McDonough and plagued them through December
My View
From the Stands
Carmelites have been caring for the elderly and sick at Catholic Memorial Home for nearly sixty-four years. Catholic Memorial Home, owned and operated by the diocese of Fall River, will continue its mission to provide the highest quality physical and spiritual care to its 300 residents. As a Catholic hOme where care for the elderly and sick is of the utmost importance, Catholic Memorial Home will carry 9n the Church's traditions that have been part of the home since it opened in 1939. The Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm came from New York to staff Catholic Memorial Home at the invitation of Bishop James E. Cassidy in the late 1930s. They were pioneers of holistic care in the 1930s, and that care continues today in over 25 of their communities throughout the United States. Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the Fail River diocese, said he was saddened to learn that the community would be withdrawing from the home. "While Catholic Memorial Home will continue to 'provide the highest quality care for which it has become known, the loss of the comforting presence of the sisters at the home will . be felt by patients and staff along with many others throughout the Fall River area," he s,iid. "I express the profound gratitude of the diocese to the Carmelite Sisters of the Aged for their dedicated service to the home over so many years and for their compassionate care of all who resided there, including some of our former bishops and many of our priests." Echoing those sentiments, Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of Diocesan
and most of January. The addition. of Jeff Hackett in goal may be the flu shot they needed. In fact his debut was a spectacular 1-0 overtime shutout against the powerful Philadelphia Flyers last week :- all while wearing a B's uniform . and Montreal Canadiens pads, mask and gloves. That's like Pedro Martinez taking the mound for the Sox at Fenway with a Yankees' hat on. The scene"was very similar to one of the Catholic Schools Week activities my daughter took part in this week at Notre Dame School. The students celebrated "Mixedup Day," where they were asked to intentionally dress in clothes
that clashed. (My wife told me to pick out my second-graders' wardrobe for the day because I'm so good at it. I didn't quite know how to take that one.) Oh well, Hackett's in full Bruins' gear now. The Celtics are currently playing some pretty good ball as well. So in essence, the C's and B's have transformed the DefeatCenter back to the FleetCenter - for the time being anyway. Let's see ~ what else?' Oh yeah, college hoops is gearing up for March Madness in the not-toodistant future, and that will usher in baseball's regular season, when the Angels in the outfield and infield will defend the crown currently replacing their halo. That doesn't sound like too bad . of a sports slate until warmer weather returns, when our spare ti me
COil lill ued from ~age Olle
Health Faci Ii ties, commented "The.Carmelite Sisters have helped in writing the pages of history at Catholic Memorial " Home with their spirit of loving care, and their influence will carryon in the years to come. We are deeply grateful for their "64 years of service." In preparation for the transition to lay administration, Msgr. Fitzgerald has announced the appointment of Thomas F. Healy to succeed Sister Romano as administrator upon completion of her community's service there, which is anticipated to be sometime mid-March. Healy has been employed by Diocesan Health Facilities for more than 14 years as administrator at Marian Manor in Taunton, and became the first . lay administrator at that diocesan owned and operated facil. ity when he was hired in 1988. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Bentley College and a master of business administration degree from Anna Maria College. "We are confident that Mr. Healy's many years of experience within the Diocesan Health Facilities system will serve him well as the new administrator at Catholic Memorial Home," Msgr. Fitzgerald said. "He is looking forward to serving residents, families and staff in the tradition of providing the compassionate, high quality care that the Catholic Memorial Home is known and recognized for." Catholic Memorial Home is part of Diocesan Health Facilities, a system of five skilled nursing and rehabi litative care facilities, which are owned and operated by the Diocese of Fall River.
will be spent sitting in traffic jams heading to the Cape and Islands. But you just know there are going to be those Saturday or Sunday afternoons when the only sports entertainment on the small screen will be thlilling golf coverage from any course in Florida or downhill skiing from the Austlian Alps. Those will be the perfect times to pop in a DVD, sit back, relax, watch the action and listen as Gil Santos says, "The ball is down. The·kick is up. It's on the way, and it is ... GOOD!" Repeat as often as necessary. Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports writer/editor, alld regularly gives olle fall's perspective of the ullique world of sports. Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@allcllOrllews.org.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
Di·d,·Jesus have a brother James?
tell us, and perhaps even raised them. Q. Thenewsmedia recently re- a previous marriage. As anyone familiar wfth ChrisAs unfamiliar, perhaps even unported evidence that Jesus had a brother James. An inscription to pleasing, as this may appear to some tianart is aware, a long-standing asthis effect was supposedly' found people, it is not a new idea, nor does sumption in Christian devotion is on a burial container. If this is anything in the Gospels or in offi- that Joseph was somewhat older true, why has the holy family only . cial Catholic teaching conflict with than Mary. If that is true, an earlier / marriage could explain the "brothbeen referred to as Jesus, Mary this possibility.' and Joseph? ., ers and sisters," causing people in those days to PublicitS Chairmen are healing service Sunday at 2 p.m. at . We are aware th.at asked to submit news items for St. Anthony of the Desert Church, . years ago brothers and assume that Jesus was their half-brother.. this column to The Anchor, 300 North Eastern Avenue. It will sisters did not ~ecessar . P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. include Benediction of the ·Blessed . ily refer to real brothers As I indicated, this explanation in no way reName of city or town should . Sacrament, a talk by Father Magee' and sisters as we call flects negatively on' the be included, as well as full and rosary. ; them. Considering our Church's doctrine condates of all activities. DEADbelief that Mary was a By Father cerning the perpetual virLINE IS NOON ON FRIFREETOWN - Mother of the .' virgin even after the John J. Dietzen ginity of the mother of DAYS. Sorrowful Heart Rosary Crafters are birth of Christ, how do Eve~ts pu'blished must be actively making and sending hand~ we interpret these findJesus and that she had no of interest and open to our made cord rosaries to missions ings? (Wisconsin) Early Christian documents, other children. general readership. We do not throughout the world and are availPlease note that I am speaking A.' Tl}e Gospels of Matthew among them the second-century carry notices of fund-raising. able fordemol1strations. Individuals (13:55-56) and Mark (6:3) mention •Gospel. of Peter and. the here about official Catholic doctrine. activities, which may be ad- or groups interested in learning how four brothers of Jesus: James, Joses .Protoevangelium (First Gospel) of Later private revelations, beginning vertised at our regular rates, to make rosaries should call Carol (Joseph), Judas '(Jude) and Simon, James, identify the brothers ofJesus from the Middle Ages to modem obtainable from our business Spoor at 508-644-2645. along with some unnamed sisters.. as children of a union before times, spread the opinion that Jooffice at 508-675-7151. seph, like Mary, lived a virginal life As you'note, in the Bible the title _ Joseph's marriage to Mary. . NEW .BEDFORD - Volun- "brother" in conversation may refer' While these Gospels m:e. not in before and after Christ's birth. ATTLEBORO - Internation- . teers are needed for the Donovan to a close friend 01' fellow member our canon ofScripture, they are valuPerhaps this trend is what led to ally known Chlistian.music mtist House, a transitional home for of a group. As a family' reference, able windows into the thoughts and the decline of the older "previous John Polce will peii(Hm at the La women and children. Share your however, as in these passages, _ beliefs of the first 100 or 200 years marriage" theory. Whatever the Salette Shline, Route I 18, tonight time, knowledge and skills. Train- brother seems always to have meant of Christianity. ManyChristian tra- case, private revelations to saints 0,1' at 7:30 p.m. His program, "Bethany ing and ongoing SUppOit will be a blood relative. ditions which we readily accept find other visionaries about details of Nights" will include oJiginal songs . provided.. For more information AcceRting the ancient Christian their sourcein tliese documents. The Joseph's life may be fascinating; . with guitar accompaniment. For call Debra Kenney of Catholic SOc belief that the vif'Jin Mary had no' names of the parents of Mary, they are not, however, a necessary more information call 508-222- cial Services at 508~999-5893. , other children, vmious explanations Joachim and Anne, for example, part of Catholic belief. 54'10. .A free brochure answering have been offered about who these come to us from the questions Catholics ask about NORTH DIGHTON sisters and brothers might be. One Protoevangelium. FAIRHAVEN -A First FIiday Twenty~four hOur euchalistic ado- ..is the possibility you mention, that Similarly, their view of the sis- the sacrament of penance is Mass will be celebrated at7 p.m. ration will be held February 7 fol- .they were cousins or distant relatives. tel'S and brothers of Jesus seems available by sending a stamped, Febl1laI)' 7 in Sl. Mm)"s Church on lowing the 8 a.m. Mass at St.· of Jesus. . most probable. If this explanation is self-addressed envelope to FaNorth Main Street. The Mass is Joseph's Church. It will continue After long eX'amination of true and Joseph was deceaseo be- ther John Dietzen, Box 325, sponsored by the Men of the Sacred untilthe 8 a.m. Mass Februal)' 8. For other tentative explanations, the. fore Jesus began his public life, it Peoria, IL 61651. Healts, Fairhaven Chapter, every more' .information call 508-822- predominant assumption today, I helps explain also why Mary would .Questions may be sent to FaFirst Fliday. All are welcome. Join 6219: believe, is that these brothers and ·have accompanied these brothers ther .Dietzen at the same address, them and spend time with the sisters were children of Joseph by ~ and sisters, as Mark and Matthew or E-mail: ijdietzen@aol.com. Blessed Sacrament in a Holy hour NORTH FALMOUTH - A ·follo:-ving Mass. Refreshments and Cancer SUPPOlt Group meets at Sl. social wifl follow. Elizabeth Seton Church every third Wednesday of the month at FALL RIVER - Dominican 7 p.m.' For more information call Daily I read and hearoftoday's ·a Persian Gulf country. No. It was end the world's reliance on oil, he . Father Pien'e Lachance invites you 508-563-7770., troubled world situation, with so the United States. That awful war, maintains, pointing out that it is the to join him for the Novena to Saint many saying that America's pri-. which for the first time featured most basic element in the universe, Anne every Tuesday from 2-2:30 SWANSEA -'- First Fliday day- .0Jity is the pursuit and protection airplanes, motor vehicles, tanks present everywhere. "It never runs p.m. at the Shrine,' 818 Middle long adoration of the Blessed Sac- of oil. Thomas Friedman, in the and machine-driven weapons, out and produces no harmful carStreet. It will include hymns, prayer, rame'n~ will be held FeblUary 7 fol- January 5 edition of The bon dioxide emissions a spiIitual talk, veneration ofthe relic lowing the 8 a.m. Mass at St. New York Times, wrote when burned; the only and the oppOltunity for reconcilia- Dominic's Church. It will continue succinctly: byproducts are heat and tion. until 0:30 p.m. when a Holy Hour "Let's cut the nonpure water. That's why and Benediction will occur. 'Devo- sense. The primary reait has'been called the FALL RIVER - Father Ed- .... tions to Our Blessed Mother follow son the Bush team is 'forever fuel,'" he ward Healey will address "A Sec- the 8 a.m. Mass every First Satur- more focused on writes. ond Look at the Secolid Vatican day. His book is an,intelli. Saddam is because if he Council: 40 Yeal's Later," FeblUary were to acquire weapons By Antoinette Bosco gent, accurate and con<j from 3-5 p.m. at Sl. Mary's Hall WEST HARWICH - The of mass destruction, it . vincing argument that "in on Second Street. For more infor- Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy might give him the lever- L.._~----------L_':'J" a hydrogen economy, the mation call Missionm)' Servants of TIinity Church, Route 28, invites' age he has long sought . . centralized, top-down the Most Blessed Trinity Sister people to spend an hour or two in -'- not to attack us, but to extend needed the fuel to run them. We flow of energy, controlled by gloCatheline Francis at 508-673-2833:- prayer. This regional chapel of the his influence ove~the world's larg- and the Allies discovered the bal oil companies and utilities, mid-Cape area depends on the sup- est source of oil, the Persian Gulf." powe~ of oil, which became an in- would become obsolete." FALL RIVER - Franciscan port of people. For more informa,As a letter writer, Dan Bruce of ternational oil industry dominated Sad thing is, we could have had . Father Patrck Magee will lead a tion call 508-432-4000. . Georgia, said in response, "We are then and now by a small group of hydrogen-powered cars in use toa country or consumers who wor-' powerful companies. As British day if car manufacturers weren't ship daily at an altar of excess fu- statesman Lord George Curzon so hooked on old technology. eled by oil. We need an endless said back then, "Truly, posterity S.ome 30 years ago General Moand uninterrupted supply of oil to will say that Allies floated to vic- tors had the Electrovan, a prototype of an automobile fueled by a . practice our national religion, con- tory on a. wave of oil." sumerism." I believe a crucial moral prob- hydrogen fuel cell, but executives FALL RIVER - A video of - Fall River, cable channel Historians acknowledge now .lem of our age is the need to de, were unimpresse.d. Now, knowing the Marian Medals Ceremony 95, February 3 and 10 at 9 p.m. that the major reason we were-in. 'velop energy sources that don't we can't be held hostage to oil forheld last November at St. Mary's and February 5 and 12 at 7 p.m.. the Persian GulfWar.in early 1991 hold the world in economic bond- ever, the car industry finally is Cathedral in Fall River is 'airing - Marion, Mattapoisett, and was the control of oil, how much age while also polluting the earth. working on fuel-cell technology. on several cable television public Wareham, cable channel 9, Feb- is produced, who gets it and at A new book every American Today, however, the question, access channels in the Fall River ruary 2 and 9 at 7 p.m. should read is "The Hydrogen as raised by Pax Ch.isti USA, that what price. diocese. - North Attleboro, chann~l This 'is an economic situation Economy," by Jeremy Rifkin needs to be answered in our own 1:he schedule is.as follows: 15, February 3 at 6 p.m. begun in the 20th century; a legacy, (Tarcher Putnam). The author . hearts is, "Should AmeIican sol- Dartmbuth, Fall River. and - Taunton, cable channel, 15, actually, of World War I. I ask makes a strong case that it is. es-diers and innocent civilians dicfor New Bedford. cable channel 9, February 3 at 6 p.m. people sometimes if they know 'sential to develop alternatives to what many' in Congress m:e call. January 31 and February 7 at 7 , - Westport, cable 'channel 17, which country produced the most. oil; his answer is hydrogen power. 'ing. a war for oil and political exp.m., February 5 and 12 at 5 p.m. February 2 at 2 p.m. . . oil in 1915, and they usually name Hydrogen has the potential to pediency?"
Questions and Answers
War for oil
The Bottom Line
Marian'Medals video airs on cable TV
The cosmic worry bag Erma Bombeck used to make most basic level. And you don't me laugh when she would write need to worry if your health insurabout the phenomenon of strange ance covers the cost. - Yes, you just cut the end off a or unmatched socks showing up in the dryer. To where did the sock and you have a no-bottom matching-missing sock evaporate? worry bag. It is best, of course, to Or, from where did the single sock use the cosmic socks fresh out of arrive? Is there a purgatory for the dryer. First, they are probably single socks? I very recently (yesterday morning, while eating grits) came to the conclusion that the lone sock might be a sign from God. I base this on a number of logical progressions. By Dan Morris The fact I have little idea of what a logical progression might be is not important. What is important is that you pay your car clean. Second, they are clearly insurance on time and keep your magical. And, what else are you IRS records for at least seven going to do with them besides add them to the other four dozen in that years. "How can a sock be a sign from special drawer, or use them to store marbles, or make hand puppets, or God?" you ask. cut them up for kite tails, or use A friend from Texas supplied the key clue. Mary Ann (her real them to wash the car or knit them name, but don't tell her I used it), into a sweater? I field tested the bottomless makes what she calls "worry bags" worry-bag approach to mental and for her friends. They are paper or cloth bags with no bottom. One spiritual well-being yesterday afputs one's worries in the bag and, ternoon. I cut the end off a lonely tah dah; the worries disappear. It old sweat sock that has been wanis not clear if they make either a dering around my sock drawer so clunking or splooshing sound long it probably qualifies for tenwhen they hit the floor, but who ure. I wrote down a special worry of mine on a 3x5 card. (Note: I cares? This is good psychology at its would consider it a special per-
The offbeat world of Uncle Dan
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003 •
sonal favor if you did not send this column along to the IRS.) Then, I stuffed the "worry" into the worry bag. It was my mistake that I did not wad the 3x5 card into an aerodynamic shape. So, it got hung up in the sock, despite the fact it (the sock, not the worry) had no bottom. I did not want to tell Mary Ann that my worries were not only not gone, but were choking a perfectly friendly old sweat sock, which -now, through no fault of its own, had no end. So, I shook it like you do when you want to snap someone with a wet dish cloth. My friend Bud arrived. "Shall I grab some castanets and join in?" he asked in a monotone. "Make fun if you want," I said, snapping the sock in the air. "But as soon as that piece of paper falls out of the end of this cosmic worry bag, I will have put life's joys and challenges into perspective." Bud rolled his eyes. "Is this your way of convincing yourself not to sweat-sock the small stUff'?" I'm not going to teU Mary Ann that Bud said thaL . Comments are welcome. Email Uncle Dan at cnsuncleOl @yahoo.com.
Rhode Island diocese takes new approach to promoting vocations By MICHAEL BROWN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Instead of simply focusing on increasing pIiestly vocations, an advertising campaign for vocations in the Providence diocese has aimed to broaden people's perspective on the priesthood. Father Marcel I. Taillon, diocesan vocations recruiter, said an ad campaign running on nine local cable stations for four weeks features people talking about the positive influences priests have had in their lives. The target for the commercials has not been just young men interested in the seminary, but the broader Catholic community, according to Father Taillon. "We always have to create more awareness because without priests there would be no one to preside over the EuchaIist and other sacraments," he said. The pl;est said he thought it was one of the first times in the country that a TV campaign for vocations has focused more on testimonials than on recruiting efforts. He dismisses critics who note that some of the popular cable stations that have been running the advertisements, may also run programming orentertainment that is contrary to Catholic attitudes. "We are only evangelizing through modem means," he told The Providence VISitor, the diocesan newspaper, adding that the vocations ads should not be seen as some kind of endorsement of controversial programming. The cable TV campaign is a response to the mandate to use all means to further the advance of the Gospel message, he said. The campaign included three 30-second commercials. One featured a patient with Krone's syndrome who talked about the inspiration he gained from a priest. In the second commercial, a young woman talked about being comfOited by a pl;est after a friend was killed by a drunk dl;ver. The last commercial was a series ofstatements by young people recalling how priests have helped them through difficult times in their lives. "Before we staJted, we only wanted to do one commercial," Father Taillon said. "By the time we were done, we could have done 60."
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The total cost to create and produce the 3O-socond spots was less than $2,500. After taping the participants, Father Taillon said he - wanted to know if their faith in the Church had waVered because of the sex abuse scandal. All of them, he said, responded that they knew the difference between their "faith in the Church and a small percentage of bad priests."
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
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Text of President Bush's remarks to March for Life
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
ture of life in America, and we are making progress. WASHINGTON - Here is the White House text As president, I have signed the Born Alive Infants of President Bush's remarks in a phone call to the Protection Act, opposed the destruction of embryos rally preceding the annual March for Life January for stem-cell research, and refused to spend taxpayer 22 in Washington. Bush called from St. Louis. money on international programs that promote abor''Thank you Nellie (Nellie Gray, march orga- tion overseas. My administration is challenging the nizer), and thank you all very much. I am in Mis- Oregon law that perinits physician-assisted suicide. souri today, and I appreciWe support abstinence eduate being included in your cation, crisis pregnancy procelebration of life. "For 30 years, the March for Life grams, and parental notifiI know that many of you cation laws. And we are ofhave made great sacrifices has been sustained by constant fering compassionate alterto come to Washington to- prayer and an abidmghope: that one natives to abortion, by proday - riding buses all day every child will be born into a moting adoption and exnight, and braving the cold family that loves her and a nation tending state health care all day. I admire your per- that protects her. And when that day coverage for unborn chilseverance and your devodren. arrives, you will have the gratitude tion to the cause of life. I hope the United States You are gathered today of millions - especially those who Senate will pass a bill this on the National Mall, not far know the gift of life because you year banning partial-birth from America's monument cared, and you kept faith." abortion, which I will sign. to Thomas Jefferson, author - President George ~ Bush Partial-birth abortion is an of our Declaration of Indeabhorrent procedure that pendence. And the March offends human dignity. I for Life upholds the selfalso urge the Senate to ban evident truth of that declaration - that all are cre- all human cloning. We must not create life to deated equal, and given the unalienable rights of life, stroy life. Human beings are not research material liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. to be used in cruel and reckless experiments. For 30 years, the March for Life has been susThat principle of America needs defenders in every place and every generation. In our time, re- tained by constant prayer and an abiding hope: that spect for the right to life calls us to defend the sick one day every child will be born into a family that and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth loves her and a nation that protects her. And when defects, and all who are weak and vulnerable. And that day arrives, you will have the gratitude of milthis self-evident truth calls us to value and to pro- lions - especially those who know the gift of life tect the lives of innocent children waiting to be because you cared, and you kept faith. May God bless you all. And may God bless born. You and I share a commitment to building a cul- America."
A YOUNG woman holds a single rose during the National Prayer Vigil for Life January 21 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. The service drew people from across the country to pray for an end to abortion on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec)
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.eNS video reviews
Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
Polish publisher says book of papal poems to be feleased in February WARSAW, Poland (CNS)-A Polish publisher has said the first edi-
land, while a separate collection of his pre-papal poems. was published tion of a new poetry collection by by Random House in 1998. The director of the Vatican Secthe pope should be ready for release in February. . retariat of State's Polish section, "Our edition will be especially Father Pawe1 Ptasznik, told the Warscrupulous in .view of the author's saw-based Catholic news agency identity and the quality ofhis work," . KAI that news of the poems had said FatherAntoni Swierczek, direc~ caused '1oy" at the Vatican, as a sign tor of Krakow's St Stanislaw pub- that the pope "is still surprising us lishers. by seeking new ways of fulfilling The pliest spoke as work contin- the mission of Peter." ued on the Polish-language edition "The literary creations of Father, of"Roman Triptych: Meditations of and later Bishop and Cardinal John Paul n," consisting of poems Wojty!a were a kind of supplement written in suinmer and autumn2002. to his philosophical and theological In a recent interview, Father writings, an attempt to raise his acaSwierczek said the fonnat and print demic work to another level," Farun were being finalized for a Feb- ther Ptasznik said. rum)' release date, adding that no in"Roman Triptych" will be the structions had been given about second collection of papal writings profits from the work, whose copy- published in Poland in three months, light would be owned by the Vatican after a 130-page edition of Pope Publishing House. John Paul's private correspondence The collection, st楼ted at the pa- with a leading historian was released pal villa in Castel Gandolfo and in November. completed in November, is believed St Stanislaw publishers, owned to include reflections on Pope John by Krakow's Catholic archdiocese, Paul n's role in history and people's has also published the pope's encycplace in God's creation. licals and pilgrimage texts, as well A previous poet!)' collection, as a collection of reminiscences by "Easter Vigil and Other Poems," Pope John Paul's Polish friends. written by then-Father Karol Father Adam Boniecki, editor of Wojtyla between 1950 and 1966, Krakow's Catholic Tygodnik was published in 1979 and remains Powszechny weekly, which pubin print lished most of the pope's early p<r The pope's plays and writings on ems, described the new collection theater. published in English in 1987, as "a kind of highly personal, intialso have remained on sale in PIr mate spiritual diary."
. NEW YORK (CNS) - The for a professional quarterback following are video capsule re- (Matthew Davis) staying at the views from the U.S. Conference hotel where she and her friends of Catholic Bishops' Office for (Michelle Rodriguez, Sanoe Film and Broadcasting. Theatri- Lake) are chambermaids, forcing cal movies on video have a her to reevaluate her lifelong USCCB classification and Mo- goals. As directed by John tion Picture Association of Stockwell, the skimpy story about overcoming fears and selfAmerica rating. doubt while staying true to one's "About a Boy" (2002) Offbeat comedy-dlama about dreams despite the distractions of a shallow, feckless love is an afterthought to the thirtysomething Londoner awe-inspiring shots of surfing (Hugh Grant) who scams his expertise and huge Hawaiian way into dates with single moms waves curling and smashing by pretending to have a son, but down on the shore. An implied through his liaisons he meets an sexual encounter and some odd 12-ycar-old boy who helps sexual suggestiveness, brief unhim find true meaning in his life. derage drinking, a scene of fistiBased on the book by Nick cu ffs and sporadic crass lanHornby, directors Chris and guage and expressions. The U.S. Paul Weitz deftly combine hu- Conference of Catholic Bishops mor and pathos in a film that classification is A-III - adults. pulls on the heartstrings without The Motion Picture Association pouring on the syrup. An at- of America rating is PG-13 tempted suicide, a few sexual parents are strongly cautioned. references, much profanity and Some material may be inapprofleeting rough language. The priate for children under 13. U.S. Conference of Catholic (Universal) Bishops classification is A-III "Secret Ballot" (2002) - adults. The Motion Picture Savvy political satire about Association of America rating is democratic elections in Iran PG-13 - parents are strongly which follows an eager female cautioned. Some material may election official and a bored be inappropriate for children . male soldier as they travel under 13 . (Universal) around a desert island in search "Blue Crush" (2002) of voters. By juxtaposing the Average story about a young barren landscape of his native woman (Kate Bosworth) training country with the political opinto win the prestigious Pipe Mas- ions of different Iranians, ters surf competition who falls writer-director Babak Payami
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t:~i MvVle t:CIlV~L11le~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting. "Amen" (Kino International) Flawed historical drama in which a Lutheran Nazi chemist (Ulrich Tukur), horrified after witnessing in Poland the extermination of Jews in death camps, tries to alert Protestant leaders, the Al1ies, and finally the Vatican. In this he enlists the aid of a Jesuit priest (Mathieu Kassovitz) who is unable to convince the pope to take immediate action. Director Costa-Gavras mixes the factual Nazi with a fictional Jesuit, in the process reducing wartime moral complexities to simplistic situations that unfairly position the Vatican as a scapegoat during the Holocaust. Historical revisionism and an ensuing lack of perspective in depicting the Vatican during World War II, as well as brief violence including' shootings and suicides. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is o - morally offensive. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. "Darkness Falls" (Columbia) Ridiculous horror flick in which a New England town is visited by the murderous ghost of a 19th-century woman wrongly hanged for murder who can now kill at will
questions if democracy in Iran is pointless for rural, traditionbound peasants who doubt any central government will understand their local problems. Subtitles. Complicated political themes. The U:S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G - general audiences. (Columbia TriStar Home Video) "Undercover Brother" (2002) Strained comedy based on an animated Internet series in which an ultracool 1970s-style black dude (Eddie Griffin) infiltrates a secret white supremacist organization aided by a savvy sister (Aunjanue Ellis) and a white seductress (Denise Richards). Director Malcolm D. Lee exaggerates racial stereotypes for laughs but abandons wit for lowest-common-denominator humor and constant cartoon-~ike physical conflicts. Much comically intended violence, implied drug abuse, sexual references and an instance of rough language. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under .3. (Universal)
provided there is total darkness. As directed by Jonathan Liebesman, the fast cuts and dim visuals only underscore an absurd narrative made worse by the witch-like ghost's repetitive attacks. Recurring stylized violence and frequent mayhem, occasional profanity and an instance of rough language. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropri-路 ate for children under 13. "EI Bola" (Film Movement) Wrenching story of a 12-year-old Spanish boy (Juan Jose Ballesta) who is regularly beaten by his abusive father (Manuel Moron) until his new school pal (Pablo Galan) tells his own loving parents about the boy's welts and they intervene to get the child help. Director Achero Manas contrasts caring and violent households while sensitively exploring societal issues and juvenile friendship. Subtitles. Brutal violence to a minor, fleeting nude female images, some rough language, occasional crude expressions and an instance of profanity. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-III - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America.
Movies Online Can't remember how a recent film was classified by the USCC? Want to know whether to let the kids go see it? Full-length reviews of new movies by the staff of the U.S. bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting now appear on the bishops' Website, www.usccb.org/ movies.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
Pro football's MVP keeps Catholic roots and values
suburb where he grew up with four beliefs. He is a member of Life Athbrothers and a sister and attended St. letes, a coalition of more than 200 PHILADELPHIA - At 37, , Cecilia's Grade School. professional and Olympic athl~tes Oakland Raider Rich Gannon has After his 1983 graduation from who have made a commitment to prelly much done it all as a National St. Joseph's Preparatory School in lives of viltue, abstinence and reFootball League qUaiterback.. Philadelphia, Rich Gannon went to spect for life and who work to spread In leading the Raiders to this the University of Delawal'e, where that message. Rich Gannon said that "living by year's Super Bowl, I:te set an NFL his quarterback skills led to his ,besingle-game record with 21 con- ing drafted by the NFL. example" has always been imporsecutive completed passes and He has used the financial success tantto him. He said his parents were single-season records of 418 pivotal positive forces in his young life, and he had nothcompletions and I0 game~ with 300 or more passing "They helped guide me in more ing but praise for St. Cecilia's yards. At the end of the reguSt. Joseph's Prep. ways than I can count," he said, "It and''They lar season he was voted the helped guide me in NFL's Most Valuable Player. was a blessing to go to those more ways than I can count," Twice in past years he was schools. It took sacrifice for my par- he s'aid. "It was a blessing to MVP of the Pro Bowl. ,ents to send (him and his siblings) go to those schools. It took But those aren't the things there. I think it's important for all of sacrifice for my parents to that make Philadelphians us to try and give back what we can. send (him and his siblings) Joan and Jim G,mnon most there. I think it's important for proud of their son, whose in the ways we're best able." all of us to try and give back what we can in the ways we're Catholic faith is an impOitant Palt of his life. of pro football to benefit his three best able." "He knows his values," Joan former schools, making generous None of this surprises his high Gannon told The Catholic Standard contributions to each without fan: school coach, Jack Branka, who has & Times, Philadelphia archdiocesan fal路e. remained in touch with the football newspaper. "He has things in the Her sonaild his wife, Shelley, player throughout the years. light order." have two children: Alexis, seven, "I'm really proud of what he has "We're proud of all of our kids:' and Danielle, five. accomplished," said Branka. "Even "He told me once that he feels though he's become a star, he's said Jim Gannon. "The public knows Rich as a football player, but responsible to do well not only for -never let it change the things most to us, we love him because he's himself, but for the players on the important to him." team, and the coaches as well," Joan Even when Rich Gannon was a Rich, the person." Even though Rich Gannon is not Gannon said. "He once said, 'If I teen-ager "he was sure of himself, a Philadelphia Eagle, he has a big don'tdo well, Icould potentially cost but he wasn't an'ogant," said Branka. "He believed in teamwork. The fan base in Philadelphia and the state a coach a job.''' , of Delaware. His parents still live in But the quarterback does not shy other players believed in him. And Fox Chase, a nOltheast Philadelphia away froin espousing his Catholic he was a great competitor."
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OAKLAND RAIDERS' quarterback Rich Gannon throws a touchdown pass as'Tennessee Titans' Kevin Carter rushes during the American Football Conference championship. game in Oakland, Calif. Gannon, named the NFLS Most Valuable Player, is a product of Catholic schools. (CNS photo from Reuters)
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -:- Fri" January 31, 2003
Continued from page one
and then out to New Bedford, Cape education" he said, '~Right now if is at its high point Cod arid the Islands, there are days with such titles as crazy hat day, red and most ofour Catholic schools are and white day, pajama day, grand- filled," he ,said'. "The entrance exparents' day, winter picnic day, cul- ams for our high schools are up over ture day, cming day, national hug- last year and so there are even more ging day, s~eatshitt day, appreciate students attempting to get in." While there are many factors the good thingsday,super bowl day, I'm a character day, dress-up day contributing to that, Milot said, "we and dress-down day, Also sc~eduled in Catholic education know the only' . are bowling, pancake breakfasts, reason we're open is for evangeli'\. At ~ volleyball, staff appreciation, scav- · zation, spreading the word of the . ,~ ..\.. , ',J'.' enger Qunts, pizza patties, musical Lord, But we are also known for our ~ , t .... '\. • :~" ~ interludes, brown bag lunches, ice ac~demic excellence, discipline and ,T";..r ..... ~ " \ ' cream parties, tours, special lu'n- moral values and safe schools. With 't... '~.' '... , ,.,' . ; ~, t,. J cheons, spelling bees and more. all of those·factors pulling together We have 8,680 students involved · we think we have something spe.Jt:' . :. ~",~'.....~:. , . this year," Milot repOlted. 'That's cial." , ~'t" ' . the highest enrollment we've ever Because of newsmedia coverage .• '\ .. S had and a slight gain over last year. of such things as legislation affectVittually everyone of them will be ing the voucher system for private involved in 'some activities this or charte.r schools, the tenets of . . WISCONSIN NATIVE Father Robert Falk is pictured with a group of Korean youths in this week." Catholic education are becoming 'undated photo. Father Falk, a Salesian missionary who went to South Korea after the KoAlthough all of that means hard more widely' known and appreci- n~an War ended, has seen dramatic changes in the country where "everything is cars and work for the vmious educators in- ated, Milot commented. computers." (eNS photo courtesy of Salesian Missions) volved, "teachers realize they m'e in "We at'e in the forefront of all of a most special vocation;' said Milot. this happening in many states across It means more than 600 teachers, not the nation," Milot asserted. "But counting another 100 staff workers, because of the Massachusetts state will be involved in this' week's cons'titution, the idea of vouchers in events. this commonwealth is still a long "We like to say that our Catholic way off. Unfortunately becaus'e of teachers are not-in a profession but the "Know-Nothing Party'" many a vQcation, and they are an integral ·yem's ago, very strict rules were set By PATRICIA KASTEN believes led to the electiori of President-elect Roh CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE patt of what we are all about. So this in place so that even as national legMoo-hyun, whom the priest cal1s "a very goodman" week is a priOlity for them." islation has allowed some things to GREEN BAY, Wis: - As tensions between who "wil1 probably change the face of Korea." " While there are different tradi- happen, it isn't allowed here .~. and North Korea and the United States continue, the posFather Falk has seen Korea change dramatical1y tions in vatious schools, there is al- it is an uphill battle to change that." . sibility of nuclear cpnfrontation. seems more real to since he arrived as a seminarian in 1956, three years ways a strong religious aspect as "So what we have this week is a many Americans than at any time since the collapse after the Korean War had ended. There was immense well as the fun time factor, Milot celebration among ourselves for of the former Soviet Union. poveity in South Korea. who we are, but also getti,ng the noted. But what do Koreans feel? The man whom Koreans call "No Shim Bu" "Whatever the week's activities, word out of what we do, what the "If you were in South Korea, it wouldn't be scary ("Spiritual Father Robert") joined the Salesians bethey point up the value of Catholic Catholic aspect in education is all at aiL There isn't one who would worry about it,". cause they focus on 'York with young boys in imabout," said Milot, " that we stay said Salesian Father Robert Falk, a Green Bayna- poverished areas, In more than 45 years, he has steeped in Catholic tradition." tive who has served in South Korea for more than left Korea only for theological studies in Italy, where Assistant Superintendent Boyle 45 years. he was ordained in 1963, and occasional family vissays that is what is meant when one Father Falk spoke about his experiences in South its. In the past five decades, he has watched·South . says Catholic schools are "mission Korea in an interview with The Compass, newspa- Korea flourish. driven." LOW, LOW RATES STARTING AT per of the Green Bay diocese. He was in Wisconsin He also has seen the Catholic Church flourish. Looking at Catholic school cur- recently for a family visit before heading out to a He noted that South Korea is the second most Chris- . riculums it not only means being new assignment in China. tian country in Asia, after the Philippines, with mission driven, but also standard As a missionary, he makes it clear that his order nearly a third of the population practicing ChrisNO POINTS, NO CLOSING COSTS based, learner centered ... and it can is not involved in politics, but adds that Koreans tianity, inc'luding 10 percent who are Catholic. Both 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MOR'TGAGES PURCHASE OR REFINANCE be measured, she said. Currently she view the United States' recent stance as threaten- Presid~nt-elect Roh and outgoing Pres'ident Kim are IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR has met with 'school officials and ing. DEBT CONSOLIDATION Catholics. they are devising a new, standard .cREDIT CARD PAY OFFS, "There will always be two sides," he said about More than 100 Salesians serve in Korea - and HOME EQUITY, COMMERCIAL based curriculum format for teach- media reports. "In the newspapers, you can read half are seminarians. "Before, there were many 2ND HOMES. TUITION, SELF EMPLOYED ing religion in grades kindergarten between the lines. But I think it wil1 be solved by missionaries," Father Falk said. "But now all the NO INCOME VERIFICATION through five. POOR CREDIT, NO CREDIT ' negotiations." . bishops, all the priests, all the.men in the most imPAY OFF LIENS & AITACHMENTS At the secondary schoolleve,l, the Father Falk said his hopeful outlook comes from portant positions in the Church are Koreans." FORECLOSURE· BANKRUPTCY sacrament of marriage is also devel- the past seven years of change under outgoing South APPLICATION TAKEN ON PHONE "As a young missionary," he recal1ed, '~I thought NO APPLICATION FEE. oped as part of the overall curricu- Korean president, Kim Dae-jung, I was going to do so much good and convert so FAST SERVICE. WE CAN HELP! lum. . Kim, he said, supported "the Sunshine Policy," many people. But that wasn't it. They converted me CALL NOW '~So we are making what we which the missionary said is a widely supported and I discovered Christ in them." New Bedford 50.8-636-7000 teach very relevant to what the U.S. push for reunificatio'n of North and South Korea. In China he will be in charge of a smal1 Salesian Cape Cod 508-945-0060 bishops are striving to find in our The policy has gained momentum over the past community about 50 miles northeast of the North Free application Internet Catholic schools," said Boyle. "We seven years. Before that, for 50 years, North and Korean border, an area suffering from famine and www.ccnm.com mustbe in line with the magisterium South Koreans had no contact - not ev~n' between financial col1apse. At 71, and with no plans to reMB'# 1161 of the Church ,.. for this is at the heart family.members. 'APR 5 7/8, Adj. $10k min. tire, he is learning Chinese. of.everything we. are," Widespread support of the Sunshine Policy, es-' "I have to learn 2,000 characters," he said. "I pecial1y 'among young Koreans, is what Father Falk .' know 100 right now, so I just have 1,900 to go."
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U.S.' pri~st reflects on 45-plus years in Korea as tensions rise
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Brazilian president appoints bishop to food council SAO PAULO, Brazil (CNS)Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has appointed a bishop to the national food council" ending a period of tension between the new govemment and the Church. Da Silva appointed Bishop Mauro Morelli of Duque de Caxias to' the council after a govemment official told the bishop that an evangelical church member of the council had vetoed the bishop's inclusion.
Bishop Morelli said he had al: ways maintained a cordial relationship with the evangelical community and doubted that it had blackballed him, Da Silva ended the controversy by appointing him a member. . The bishop said some tension and conflict arc natural at the beginning of every administration, The bishop is one of the main archi'tects of the hunger policies to
be implemented by the da Silva administration. , The administration plans a new food distribution program as it grapples with widespread hunger and poverty throughout Brazil. It plans to replace the previous administration's program, which gave cash to poor families to purchase food, with a program that offers vouchers to purchase food.
'!'liE ANCHOR -
Oiocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
COIll;llued from page aile
Students enjoyed a social at 2 p.m. To close the week today, the student council sponsored a breakfast coffee for teachers and students tried to guess who was who in a large baby picture collage that was displayed. The Snowflake Dance will be held from 7-9 p.m. tonight for seventh- and eighth-grade students. "Children get so much out of their experience in Catholic " schools," 'added Chalifoux. "Il's a positive environment and they receive a valuable education here. They have a lot of pride in their school and receive good morals and values here." At Notre Dame School, Fall River, Principal Anne Conlon said "we have a very busy schedule this year. We're c,:lebrating our school, the community, students and the teachers." Mass was celebrated on Sunday and Monday was a school spiIit day when students were encouraged to creatively wear the school colors, white and blue. Tuesday saw parish appreciation day with a breakfast in the palish hall cooked by students. They also collected canned goods for the St. Vincent de Paul Society to distribute. I.n Catholic Schools "children learn the importance of Christ's love in their lives and learn to share that love with one another," said Conlon. "Here they get a great education and good preparation to become successful citizens." Wednesday was teacher appreciation day and Thursday was "Mixed Up Day" with students dressing in uncoordinated clothes like socks that don't match and plaids and stripes together. Il also saw the Family Math Lunch when family members joined students for lunch and several math activities. Today was student appreciation day and featured a winter field day for students in grades pre-kinder-
garten to third and volleyball for Friday was marked by an ice students in grades four to eight. cream social' and the delivery of Students worked on puzzles in the canned goods to Saint Joseph's morning and the winning volley- Food Pantry. Students collected ball team competed against a fac- food duIing the whole week and ulty team at the end of the day. lined up their collections on ThursAt Bishop Feehan High School, day with a prize going to the winAttleboro, students used the theme ning class. , "Making a World of Difference," At Holy TIinity School, West to connect with the community, Harwich, Principal Mercy Sister the school and the world. On Mon- Carol Clifford said Catholic day, students' wrote letters to Schools Week "helps build comFeehan alumni offering their munity within the school." prayers and support to them. Tues"The kids are very excited and day they filled out pledge cards for I love this week. It's nice to see their local parishes offeIing gifts the older and younger students of their time, service and prayers. working together and its anopporWednesday began with a school tunity to showcase the uniqueness liturgy at 10 a.m. celebrated by of each school." local pastors. A luncheon followed Students celebrated Grandparand Drew Ward, coordinator of ents Day on Monday as well as Saint Joseph's Food Pantry, was Game Day with a plethora of achonored with an award for out- tivities. Tuesday gave students an standing community service. Stu- opportunity to dress up in rainbow dents 'who have exemplified out- colors and grades five to eight enstanding community service were , joyed a day of bowling while those also honored. in the 'first grade participated in "The theme this year, 'Making Hobby Day. a World of Difference,' underStudents in, all grades particiscores one of the keys to Catholic pated in the school's spelling bee education," said Feehan PIincipal and poetry contest on Wednesday. ChIis Servant. "With theology in Students in kindergarten and the classroom and good character first grade were able to bowl on formation our Catholic schools Thursday as students in grades produce students who will be good two; three and four participated in citizens and good leaders in every ice skating. A family pot luck supsense of the word." per was held in the evening at the Servant went, on to say that a church hall. Today was marked by a hat Catholic school provides a good community life for students and contest for first-graders and a sometimes that makes all the dif- Game Day for kindergarten stuference. "The presence 'of prayer dents. The play "Annie" was and that sense of community, a showcased at 12:30 p.m. community spiIit is important for "We try and educate the whole our students" child," added Sister Clifford of On Thursday, students submit- Catholic education and why it's ted an essay entitled "If I Were important. "We make a differPrincipal or Vice Principal of ence." Bishop Feehan High School, My At St. Anthony School, New Number One Goal Would Be." Bedford, Principal Elizabeth Ann Three students were selected to Lavigne said the school is stressserve as pIincipal, academic vice ing the idea of a global commupIincipal and dean of student life nity with students focusing on the on Friday. world around them and cultures of
Catholic school enrollment and student ethnicity The percentage of minorities in Catholic schools has more than doubled in the past 30 years. Minorities represent 26% of the total enrollment.
opened up Catholic Schools Week different ,countries. "It's a week of learning for the on Sunday with Mass at St. Mary's students," said Lavigne. "Catho- Church. An open house follow~d lic education brings them across with tours of the new school and the world and we're raising them recently completed gymnasium to be Catholic adults who realize and refreshments. A book fair was that their duty is to the whole also open to students. world." Principal Joanne Riley said On Monday, students opened there is a lot of "excitement" surthe week with a prayer service at rounding the school's first Catho9 a.m. It was followed by story- lic Schools Week. "Il's a great teller David Mello performing for opportunity for our school and all two several groups of students. A Catholic schools. We have a good family pot luck dinner was held balance of academic, spiritual and Tuesday night and a seventh- and social activities for students, famieighth-grade recital followed. A , lies and the community." book fair was open from 6:30-8 During each day of the week open house hours were held in the p.m. On Wednesday, students held morning for parents to sec the a dress-up day when tbey wore school and the book fair was open. their Sunday best and raised A school assembly was held Monmoney to sponsor a child i.n a for- day and a parent/student game eign country. Columban Father night was held from 6:30-8 p.m. Joe McSweeney, a missionary Tuesday was marked by adress from Colombia, addressed stu- down day and a picnic lunch with dents during an open house. parents and siblings. It also feaToday, students attended tured a make your own sundae icc Mass and made presentations cream bar. On Wednesday, studuring an 'assembly about vari- 路dents received patriotic pins to ous countries from around the wear and dressed in red, white and world. Each classroom was as- blue. Students stalted a letter camsigned a different country and paign for individuals serving our shared their knowledge with country. peers today. Thursday a coffee hour was "The children get a lot out of held from 9-10 a.m. for school it," said Lavigne of Catholic volunteers and students were chalSchools Week. "As a parent and a lenged to volunteer in their .own principal I see the importance of a ,?ommunity. Today was highlighted by a Catholic education. We give children a strong basis through faith teacher appreciation lunch. "It's an exhausting week, but and what occurs is they realize their full potential educationally it's Walth all the work b<;cause it helps us all learn," concluded ,and spiritually." St. Mary's School, Mansfield, Riley. PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA
On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "AIII/oullce ill my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvatiol/ oftheir souls, all those who Ofl the first Saturday of five cOllsecutive mOllths shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Commullioll; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 millutes while meditating on the,I5 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the illtelltiol/ pf . making reparatioll to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje January 25, 2003 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children! With this message I call you anew to pray for peace. Particularly now when peace is in crisis, you be those who pray and bear witness to peace. Little children, be peace in this peaceless world. "Thank you for having responded to my call."
Source: The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), 2002.
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE GROUP Marian Messellgers P.O. Box_ 647, Framillgham, MA 01701路 Tel. 1-508-879-9318
Diocese of Fall River"':- Fri., January 31; 2003
.. Youth -raIses torch .
'L '
ence," and Hall}ilton agreed.. . very important role as Church "It's good to see people stand- members and right now they are proving they are up to the task." WASHINGTON, D.C. - Af- it:\g up in support of life." The numbers of young people' tel' seeing the number of young It took four buses to carry the people at the March for Life in our yourigpeople to Washington. They in Washington is up from previous nation's capital last week it's safe· included representatives from all years and Bishop Connolly Princito say that they have noi only taken four diocesan high schools and sev- pal James McNamee said "it's a the torch of the Pro"Life movemen(· '. eral parishes. Bishop Stang High compliment to these kids that we but are holding it high for all to see. . School had the most attending with have such an increase." Among the scores of young 102. Bishop Connolly was next· Everywhere you looked over the people from around the nation were with 57 while Bishop Feehan had three-day pilgrimage one saw 224 young peoplefrom the Diocese 28 and CoyIe and Cassidy saw 24 young people,and that's no surpri~e. of Fall River, and their enthusiasm young peopl~ attend. They should be there and they ~'I'm really impressed with the should be upset at what has ocMSGR.GEORGE W. Coleman, diocesan administrator, aboutthe march and Pro-Lif~ cause number of young people here,"· curred since 1973. More than 40 addresses pilgrims at Holy Rosary Church, on the morning was unbridled. . . really enjoyed the experience said Bishop Feehan, Attleboro, million infants nave been aborted "I of the march in Washington, D.C. (Anchor/Gordon photos) of being here and being able to Senior Michaela Maynard. So since the Roe v. Wade decision and march for life," said first-time were. adult pilgrims like Maddy perhaps a T-stiirt stated it best marcher Stade Pereira of Bishop. Lavoie, of Our Lady of Grace Par- "Over one\.third of our generation Connolly High.School, Fall River. ish, Westport, who felt that chil- has been wiped out. Pray to end Classmate Allison Sturchio agreed dren get a lot out of participating '. abortion." and called the pilgrimage a "spiri- in the march. Born. after a Supreme Court detual experience that strengthens "It's important for us to passJhis .' cision they had nothing to do with, one's faith." experience on to the youth," said young people are now striving to do Bishop Stang High School, . Lavoie. something about it. They are telling - By MIKE GORDON Pres.ident George W. Bush declar-. North Dartmouth, Senior Nicole . 'Father Stephen A. Fernandes, the world that they will not stand idly ANCHOR STAFF ing the day as National Sanctity of . Desrochers said she's "proud to . director of the diocesan Pro-Life. by as their potential friends, spouses WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Human Life Day. In it he declared defend life," and she'was not alone. Apostolate, was mo'ved by the en- . and leaders are wiped put. They care ·C.oyle and Cassidy High .thusiasm of the youth and spoke and they. should. Basilica of the Natiomil Shrine of "Every child is aprioritY and a bless"It's important to take part in ing, and I believe that all should be School, Taunton, students Teresa -about their role in the Church. the Immaculate Conception seats "These young people are not the' this," declared 14-year-old Kate 5,000 people for Mass. That was not welcomed in life and protected by Keefe and Ashley Hamilton, like , their p~ers, h,eld signs reading future of the Chl,lrch," .said Father· Arsenault.Like her fellow pilgrims, large enough at the 8 p.m. Mass on . law.". The president encouraged all to "pefen~ Life," and "Stop Abor~ Fernandes. "They are part of the Arsenault has taken that torch for the eve of the March for Life last continue to dedicate themselves totion." Keefe thought it was "great Church today and they are show- the ·unborn. -She's holding it high week in our nation's capital as more than 7,000 people crowded into the compassionate seryice and "reaffirm that people are making.a differ- ing what they can do. They have a for all to see. ourcommitment to respecting the life shline to promote life. Pilgrims from across America and dignitY of every human being." Many were encouraged by the descended on the nation's capital to p{otest the 1973 Roe v. Wade deci- words of the president and first-year sion that legalized abOition in our Spanish teoacher at Bishop Stang nation; and stood in the aisles and High School,. North Qartmo.uth, evelY nook and cranny of the eighth Lauren Buonome, said'the Mass ~ DEIRDRE AVILA and largest church in the world to show "reenergized" her. "It's a wonderMelissa Teixeira of Bishop their SUPPOIt. . ful testament to what young people Connolly High School, Fall Many cardinals, numerous bish-. feel - that life is so important. I River, were among more than 'ops and priests traveled great dis- think children's faith and values are 200 young people from the' tances to paiticipate in the liturgy and in the right.place." Fall River diocese who atfor many the Mass is the highlight ArChbishop ofPhiladelphia, Cartended the 2003 March for of their pilgrimage, Among' them dinal Bevilacqua was principal eel: . Life.. were many diocesan priests who ebrant and homilist for the Mass and concelebrated Mass. in his homily reflected on the 30th . "It'sjust awesome to be here with anniversary of the Roe v. Wade deso. many Catholics," said Mary Pow- cision. ers of Immaculate Conception Par"Most anniversaries are causes ish, Taunton. "It gives us a sense of for celebration. This one IS not. Over well being." those 30 years 40 million children . Washington Cardinal Theodore have been put to death.. Today and E. 'McCanick, welcomed pilgrims everyday we mourn for them. We to the Mass and in his opening state- pray that our political leaders will ments drew applause when he stated come to the truth that you and I "The CI11sade for life and your pres- know." ence here is a special grace. We will The Cardinal said that every year f1ght for life forever." the crowd for Mass is wondrous to ~,STUDENTS FROM AI Rivet, a parent chaperonE: of behold and "the Pro-Life movemen~ St. John Neumann Parish, East is brimming with the vibrancy of , Bishop Feehan High School, Freetown, attended the Mass with youth. Life .is a gift from God and Attleboro, share a moment his wife Elizabeth. They brought we must do everything to protect it." together before boarding the two of their nine children and were .He closed by saying that bus after Mass in our nation's amazed at the number of young "Women deserve better than abor- capital. people in attendance. tion and our society deserves better "It's so inspiring to see so many -than abortion. Expand your hope people here who believe," said that this fight is God's and if God is. Rivet. "It's encouraging to see all the for us, who can be against'us?" young people." .Following the Mass many' reA representative from the White· main'ed throughout the night to pray House read a Proclamation from for the end of abortion. ANCHOR STAFF
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'Ove'rflow crowd attend-s life Mass
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at Pro-Life ntarch By MIKE GORDON
1HE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
been an altar server; participated in CYO basketball and the Milliken-Silva League Sports. He .is involved in the Notre Dame Youth Group and is a Notre Dame Knights of Columbus squire. Arruda, who has a $500 scholarship, is the daughter of Gregory and Celeste (Lachance) Arruda of Fall River. She is the granddaughter of Aime Lachance, Class of 1956, and grand-niece of Paul Berube, Class of 1967. She is also a member of the Notre Dame Youth Group, and played CYO basketball for the parish girls' team while in grades five through eight. She also was an altar server. The two scholarships honor the memory of Earl W. Wall, president of the Prevost Class of 1946, who died June 29, 2002. Four upperclassmen, who first received financial aid as freshmen, continue to be aided by Prevost scholarships. Bryan Lachance ($1,000) and Jennifer Larri vee ($500) are Bishop Connolly High School sophomores. Leanne Berger ($500) is a junior at LaSalle Academy in Providence, R.I., and Christopher Aubin ($500) is a senior at Connolly.
Msgr. Prevost High Alumni award $4,000 in scholarships FALL RIVER - Scholarships totaling $4,000 this academic year are in effect for six students assisted in their Catholic education by the Msgr. Prevost High Alumni Association. The scholarships are renewable for all four high school years. The latest recipients are Bishop Connolly High School Freshmen Alex Kurowski and Brianne Arruda. They graduated last June from Notre Dame School. Financial assistance of $1,000 was award to Kurowski. He is the son of Steven and Lisa (Ouelleue) Kurowski of Fall River, and the great-nephew of two Prevost graduates, cousins Normand and Donald Ouellene of the Class of 1949: In the parish, Kurowski has
Because Prevost alumni are spread across the nation, schol-
is NOl THE.
arships arf' ~vailable for attendance at any Catholic high s ' l . The scholarship fund stands at $88,000 and is rising, due to an active, reorganized alumni association. Awards are based principally on elementary school academic performance and financial need. Participation in the life the Catholic Church may also be considered. Prevost, a boys' high school, graduated classes from 1938 to 1972. There are just over 1,400 graduates. Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish built Prevost on Eastern Avenue. After the school was destroyed by fire in 1968, it was merged with Connolly High School and was then phased out by 1972.
ANNIE O'NEILL, two, participates in an anti-war demonstration in Raleigh, N.C., recently. Nearly 300 gathered at the offices of presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., to oppose possible war in Iraq. (CNS photo from Reuters)
States with ten highest school enrollments Ten states accounted for nearly two-thirds of Catholic school enrollment. The top five had 44.3% of total enrollment.
Source: The National Catholic Educational Associalion (NCEA). 2002.
Parents 路and those music lyrics By
Usually I write this column for kids. This one is for the parents and is likely to annoy teens. Sometimes that happens. Recently I watched one of the music awards shows that pop up so often. Usually awards shows are fun in a mindless sort of way. But this one was different. The hosts were devoted to using as much, filthy speech as they could. Almost every sentence had words bleeped out - some whole paragraphs disappeared. Clearly these guys set the tone and everybody else continued the trend. Award-winning groups wt:;re described in terms like "bleepingamazing" or the "best bleeping band of the bleeping bleeping year." In the past, bands would play
down their dirty lyrics when they performed on television. Not on that show. Instead of just watching people dance around, I actually tried to listen to what they were saying. There's an instant recorder on my television, so I can play back a sentence to make sure I heard it right. When I heard a woman sing "I'm not a prostitute, but I can give you what you want," I was through for the night. If you are the parent of a young teen, you probably cut your pop music teeth during the '70s and '80s. Suggestive lyrics are nothing new. Part of the charm of youth music is being "anti-establishment" or at least anti-grownup. But it really has gotten much worse. Filth and violence have become regular fare for the big labels in
the music business because it sells. For example, Eminem's movie "8 Mile" was a big hit and in many ways an uplifting film. But the soundtrack CD is full of raps about
flge celebrating violence, degrading sex and racism. You can't judge music by broad category. Rap, rock or dance music is not evil. But within each category, some songs are really disgusting. Your kids will say, "I don't lis-
ten to the words, I just like the music." That isn't true. By the third or fourth time they listen, they can chant word for word with the group. If it goes in their ears, it sticks in their heads. You can't judge the music by the band's name unless you're really knowledgeable. POD, Skillet, DC Talk, Third Day and Creed sound like any other band names, but these are all groups with generally uplifting themes and lyrics. Good stuff to have in your head. So what's a parent to do? Simple. You need to make a clear rule that you will listen to every CD your kids bring into the house. You will listen to every cut and, if necessary, listen enough times to hear the words. If the lyrics of the songs advocate taking drugs, shooting people
or casual and licentious sex, the kid can't keep the CD. If the lyrics are full of language that would get a kid kicked out of school - and you know what I'm talking about - the disc goes. There will be some judgment calls. Creed, for example, carefully avoids foul language, but there is one rather notorious exception. Would I toss out their work because of that? No way. But there is plenty out there that ought to be tossed. The big record companies won't make the call. As a parent, you need to make it yourself. It won't gain you any points, but it's the right thing to do.
Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, do Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., January 31, 2003
Continued from page one
"It's invigorating to be surrounded by so many wonderful kids who are very committed to the Church:' he said. ''It banishes despair and provides hope to me and all of us." The young people of whom Father Fernandes spoke included 224 youth from the Fall River diocese who traveled with 70"adults, to stand up for the unborn and show their support for the Pro-Life movement that many feel is gaining momentum. They came from all four diocesan high schools, several elementary schools and parish religious education programs. ''What impressed me most this year is there is a strong sense ofnew hope:' said Marian Desrosiers, assistant director ofthe diocesan ProLifeApostolate. ''Our young people have accepted the torch to pass along the message of the sacredness and dignity of all human life." She added, ''the culture is no longer as accepting of the Roe v. Wade reality of abortion. The truth is coming to the rest of society." That truth is that more than 40 million babies have been wiped out by abortion since 1973. Pilgrims set out early on the morning of January 21 for Washington, arriving in time to drop off baggage and then proceed to the National Shine of the Immaculate Conception Basilica for an 8 p.rn. Mass celebrated by Philadelphia Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua. En route they recited the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, prayed the rosary, read essays about abortion or just shared thoughts with those nearby.
Seeing all of those people together at worship and prayer filled Beatrice Martin of Holy Trinity Church, Fall River, with hope and she said "being here in Washington gives me courage." Martin was also impressed with the number of religious leaders in attendance and said that it "let's you know you're not alone and we will succeed."She was one of many pil,grims who came with younger family members, in her case her granddaughter Mercedes. 'Heidi Kuliga from Holy Name ' of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, New Bedford, brought her daughter Morgan, a sixth-grader at Holy Name School, to participate in the march. ''I thought it was important to share this experience with her. It's something important for the young to have an awareness about it." That was also important for Brenda Gagnon, vice principal of St. Anne School, Fall River, who found the march "breathtaking." On her first March for Life in the capital, Gagnon said it was great to see "so many people standing up for what I believe in. I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with our children at school."Father Michael Racine from St. Mary's, South Dartmouth, was pleased to have the "opportunity to show our support for the Pro-Life movement. It's-something very meaniniful to me." FatherRacine was among many priests on the March for Life. He was joined by: Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the diocese; Fathers Kevin A. Cook, Ri-
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Subscribe to the~ Subscription weekend FEB. 1-2, 2003
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Reaction to 9/11 tops diocese's 2001 stOries
This message sponsored by the following business concerns in the Fall River diocese GILBERT C. OUVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
BISHOP STANG High School students pause for a moment during the Pro-Life March near the Capitol. They were among an estimated 50,000 who participated. From left: Amanda Rose-Silva, Paolo Mabasa, Kelly Medeiros, Amanda DeFrias and Elizabeth Grace. chard E. Degagne, Stephen A. Fernandes, Hernando Herrera, Michael F. Kuhn, Roger 1. Landry; Joseph Mauritzen, John M. Murray, David A. Pignato and Richard D. Wilson. " Father Murray, from Corpus Christi; East Sandwich, said the pilgrimage is a chance for us to fulfill our obligation as Catholics in promoting the culture oflife. ''This is an opportunity for us to speak for those who cannot." Prior to the march, diocesan pilgrims attended an early morning Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church. It was filled to capacity and young people took advantage of the opportunity for reconciliation prior to Mass. In his homily Msgr. Coleman expressed thanks to the young people for attending the pilgrimage and for answering the call to be prophets: "It's wonderful to see all of you here prepared to walk in defense of life. We have the largest youth delegation ever here and I thank you for being a witness for lifie." Msgr. Coleman also thanked Father Fernandes and Desrosiers and all the Pro-Life coordinators for their hard work, and after reading briefly from a recent bishop's document on life, he addressed the diocesan youth. He told the story of Jeremiah and how God dedicated him as a prophet of all nations. Msgr. Coleman declared "My dear young people, fear not, for the Lord is with you. G.od chose you to bear witness to the truth that human life is sacred. You might express that truth that some may not want to hear because there are those that do not want to hear that abortion is morally wrong. As you go forth remember that we must become burning lights for justice and peace in our country and the world." Pilgrims gathered at the Ellipse as march organizer Nellie Gray led a noon rally prior to march kickoff. Pro-Life legislators joined her and made remarks along with many cardinals and bishops, including Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., former bishop of Fall River. Even though the winter winds were bearing down, people remained upbeat about the march and enthusiastic to promote human life from conception to natural death.
Old and young, black and white, Catholics and non-Catholics made the march because for them it is a cause worth fighting for. One such person was Bill Connolly of St. Patrick's Parish, Wareham. Connolly has multiple sclerosis, but said he would not let that stop him from coming to Washington, because "it's too important to me." Connolly was pushed in a wheelchair by fellow parishioner Kevin Ward, who said the march "gives me hope." Others felt the event gave them hope and that indeed the tide is changing for the better in regards to the Pro-Life movement in this country, but that is not slowing them down. ''There's still a lot to do," said Mark Linse of Christ "the King, Mashpee. "I think we've made a lot of progress, but we need to change the law. That's important." Even though it's sometimes discouraging to think about all the lives that have been lost to abortion, Peter Zajac of St. James Parish, New Bedford, says he thinks about
how many babies may have been saved through prayers and grass roots efforts like standing outside of abortion clinics. He brought prayer cards with him to distribute which encourage people through prayer to spiritually adopt a child for one year. "The Pro-Life movement is something I believe in strongly," declared Zajac. ''Ijust can't let go!" Marchers walked from the Ellipse up Constitution Avenue, past the Capitol ending at the Supreme Court. There the peaceful demonstration concluded as pilgrims kneeled or reflected in prayer as police in riot gearpatrolled the steps to the courthouse. Thirty years after the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision, the task remains clear for the Pro-Life movement and hope still remains. ''We will continue to do this because we want to see an end to abortion:' said Mary McDonald of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich. Uoyd, her husband of 50 years agreed and stated ''I have a real confidence that we're gaining momentum"
KRISTEN LARSEN-SILVA of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, helps Maddy Lavoie of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Westport, unfurl the diocesan Pro-Life banner in the Ellipse prior to the March for Life. (Anchon'Gordon photos)