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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 31, 1974 PRICE 10f Vol. 18, No. 5 © 1974 The Anchor $4.00 per year

Cardinal Sees Paper Growing in Value When the Archdiocesan Pas· toral Council of Baltimore met to discuss as its prime object of business the Arcdiocesan newspaper, the members were reminded by Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of the effect the newspaper has throughout the whole area. He stressed "the growing impor· tance of the paper at the present time, at a time when there is being presented to us the whole matter of Catholic tE~aching through the consideration of the national catechetical directory . . . How could you get documents like this before the whole archdiocese ... when it is so es· sential that all enter into the matter of the formation of a directory." This is another instance of the growing emphasis being placed on the place of the Catholic newspaper in the mission of the Church and the teaching office of the Bishop, the authentic

teacher of faith in the diocese. In an age when there is so much questioning of values and searching for them, the Catholic newspaper has the responsibility of presenting in unmistakable terms what is the faith, what is the moral standard that must be upheld, and it gives, too, the strength of example in present· ing instances of what is being done throughout a diocese and the world. Students of modern communications media are coming to the conclusion that no matter how much people look at television and despite its evident importance, there is also a growing interest in radio and the printed word. What is put in print bears a stamp of authenticity and can be read and re-read with its line of reasoning examined more closely. And it can be given to others to read.

Stonehill At Completion Of Hemingway. Theater With workmen this week preparing for the installation of seating, Stonehill College's Hemingway Theater has passed the 90 per cent completion mark. The 265-seat workshop theater is named in honor of Philip L. Hemingway, a long-time college benefactor and member of the Stonehill Board of Advisers. Mr. Hemingway is chairman of Hemingway Transport Inc. of New Bedford. The new facility will enable the college to expand its offerings in the field of communica-

tions-arts. It will also accommodate the growing interest in dramatics at the 1,600-student college. The theater is designed to double as an auditorium for academ· ic lectures and seminars. The cushioned seats are fitted with hide-away writing arms that can be swung into position for note taking. The theater is equipped with a centralized sound-and-Iighting control system and projection booth. A motorized movie screen Turn to Page Seven

Pope Stre!iSeS Personal Prayer VAnCAN CITY (NC) - Moc;lern man needs to cultivate the habit of personal prayer to God, Pope Paul VI told a weekly general audience. "We must enable ourselves to talk with Christ, and through Him with God," the Pope said. Praising those who daily say the Our Father or a Hail Mary or other traditional Christian prayers, the Pope also stressed the need to supplement thes,e "brief, conventional prayers," because they can become "easily a pure· Iy exterior act."

Insisting on the need for personal prayer, Pope Paul said: "A simple investigation into the religious habits of the people of our time would document sadly for us the total, or almost total, absence of personal prayer by most people, who are averse to and estranged now by every expression of interior religiousness." The Pope told his visitors that there are those "who maintain that modern man is thus, and that thus he must be, without Turn to Page Two

Why Catholic Schools ? Reasons Are Clear! The establishment of Catholic schools throughout the United States was an an"wer to a very clear directive of the Council of Baltimore. However, 'it is also the practical application of the Church's doctrinal beliefs of faith, its deepening and propagation; its explanation and application on the contemporary scene. The practical aspects of the Church's teaching role is translated in the Diocese of Fall River in the following statistics: Elementary education: 34 schools serving 9,450 students with 366 teachers of whom are 212 Religious women, one male Religious, 111 laywomen and 42 laymen. Secondary education: 8 schools serving 3,973 youths with 246 teachers of which are 91 Religious women, 36 Religious men, 95 laymen and 24 laywomen. Why all this? The answer is given to us in the Second Vatican Council's "Declaration on Christian Education" proclaimed by Pope Paul VI on Oct. 28, 1965: "In fulfilling its educational role, the 'Church, eager to employ all suitable aids, is concerned especially about those which are her very own.... Among all educational instruments the school has a special importance . . . "The influence of the Church in the field of education is shown in a special manner by the Catholic schools. No less than other schools does the Catholic school pursue cultural goals and the human formation of youth. "But its proper function is to create for the school community a special atmosphere animated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity, to help youth grow according to the new creatures they were made through Baptism as they develop their own per-

sonalities, and finally to order the whole of human culture to the news of salvation so that the knowledge the students gradually acquire of the world, life and man is illumined by faith. "So indeed the Catholic school, while it ,is open, as it must be, to the situation of the contemporary world, leads its students to promote efficaciously the good of the earthly city and also prepares them for service in the spread 9f the Kingdom of God,

CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, Feb. 9 8:30 A.M. The Catho.ic high schools in the Fall River Diocese will hold placement examinations on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 8:30 in the morning. Any and all students wishing to study in one of these schools should prese::lt themselves to the high school of their choice for the four·hour session. There is no need to bring any records of any kind; nor are parents expected to accompany their children. All information as to schedules, programs, scholarship aid, etc. will be made available at this time. A three-dollar fee will be asked of each student for the examination·placement session. The schools participating in this diocesan-wide program are: Fall .River: Bishop Connolly, Bishop Gerrard, Sacred Hearts. New Bedford: Holy Family, St. Anthony, Bishop Stang. Taunton: Coyle-Cassidy. Attleboro: Bishop Feehan.

so that by leading an exemplary apostolic life they become, as it were, a saving leaven in the human community. "Since, therefore, the Catholic school can be such an aid to the fulfillment of the mission of the People of God and to the fostering of the dialogue between the Church and mankind, to the benefit of both, it retains even in our present circumstances the utmost importance. "Consequently this sacred synod proclaims anew what has already been taught in several documents of the magisterium, namely: the right of the Church freely to establish and to conTurn to Page Four

Pick Fa II Riverite Province Director Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, first vice-president and treasurer of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, is the first woman from the Fall River diocese to be named a province director for the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). She will head the Boston province of the organization for a two-year term, representing the dioceses of Springfield, Worcester, Manchester, Portland and Burlington as well as Fall River. The new province director attended the first meeting of the newly formed NCCW executive committee, held earlier this month in Detroit. The committee reaffirmed the stand of its national convention, held last October, against the Equal Rights Amendment, and restated its po· sition on the right to life of every human being from conception to the time of natural death. Turn to Page Three

NB Catholic Club Presents Dance


Thurs., Jcm. 31, 1974

Plan Boys Town Youth Center At Univer~,ity • BOYS TOWN (KC) - A Boys Town Center for the Study of Youth and Development will be established at Iihe Cat! Jlic University of America in Vashington, D.C., Boys Town dfficials have announced here in Nebraska. The $11.2 million development will be established i:n accordance with an agreement signed by Catholic University a.nd Boys Town officials. The commitment by Boys Town will cover 2S years, with $450,000 avail~ble annually until 1998. After that date ,the support may be continued for an additional 25-year period. Boys Town chose Catholic University as its eastern regional research center after more than a year of consideration of universites which might have provided ,the best research potential. Archbishop Daniel E. Sheehan I)f Omaha, president of the Boys - Town board of directors, said that the center will study and research such problems as reo .iection of youngsters by their parents, drug addietion among youth, anti-social behavior and inability ,to learn. Major Projects "~f these problems could De recognized and solved in their early stages, it would elimfnate many of. the corrective measures now necessary to rehabilitate such boys and girls," he said. Clarence C. Walton, Catholic University president, said the cel1l~er would immediately launch two major research projects. The first would be a study of adolescence based on a survey of 1,000 12-through-16-yearaids. The second is a study of religious development during childhood and adolescence. The second study "is based on the fact- that 'many believe the modern adolescent is not greatly affected by religion in Hs societal obligation to 'build character' and guard values," Walton said. "The study will :result in a better understanding of the meaning and influence of religion in adolescent lives which may help religion fulfill the func,~ion American society has assigned it," Walton said.

Necrolo!IY JAN. 8

Rev. Alfred J. CalTier, 1940, Founder, St. James, Taunton. Rev. John Kelly, 1885, Founder, St. Patrick, Fall River. Rev. Ar,thur C. Lenaghan, 1944, Chaplain, United States Army. _ JAN. 10 Rev. Jourdain ChalTon, O.P., 1919, Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. George H: Flan,lgan, 1938, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. JAN. 13 Rev. Emil Plante, M.S., 1954, LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro. ....."IIMIIIII""""'''",,,,,''',,,,''',,,,,,'''.....''''''.11'''''''''''..''...I'"'"'_ _

TilE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpai~ $•.00 IItr yor.

The Ushers Committee of the New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club presents Snowball, their annual mid-winter dance. It will be held this year on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Holiday Inn on Hathaway Road in New Bedford. The gala event will begin at 9:00 P.M. to the music of the VanAllen Orchestra. A continental breakfast will bring the evening to a close at 1:00 A.M. Chances are now being sold to aid the Club in their many charitable donations. Grand prize features a 2-day Theatre Tour to New York for two. The Club is looking forward to a capacity crowd, and tkkets may be obtained from any member of the Committee or the Club.

Arrangements Now Have Been Made for You to Travel Nearly Two Thousand Years e

UNITY SERVICE: St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro, ,was the scene of a Unity Octave Service which included clergy of various .denominations in the Attleboro area and which was presided over by , . Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston.

Israel Likes Vatican Position on Israel WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican's position on Jerusalem "is to our liking," an official of ,the Israeli ministry for foreign affairs sa,id here. The official, Michael Pragai, director of the Church relations division of the ministry for foreign affairs, told NC News that the Vatican position, which the "Holy Father has come out on a number of occasions and defined," is that the Holy Places in Jerusalem "should have a special, legal, interna,tional, guaranteed status." . Pragai, who visited Rome ear-

lier in January and talkeq to "a number of Vatican officials," said that the points of the Vat'ican definition "are important elements in setting up a situation that would allay the fears of others" and allow the Israeli government to share the responsibility of administering the Holy Places. The present Vatican position, he said, is def,initely the same

Criticize Refusal ' Of Visa to Cuban

WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. State Departme"t was sharply criticized here by the DiEndorse Statement vision for Latin America of the On Ministry U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) VICKSBURG (NC)-The Angli for refusing to allow a Cuban can-Roman Catholic Consulta- film maker to attend an awards tion in the U. S. A. (ARC) has dinner in New York. enthusiastically . endorsed the . Father Frederick A. McGuire, Canterbury Statement on Min- director of the division, and Fa· istry and Ordination, issued Dec. ther J. Bryan Hehir, director of 13 by the Anglican-Roman Cath- the USCC Division for Justice olic International Commission and Peace, cosigned a letter of (ARCIC). protest sent to Jack B. Kubisch, The Canterbuy Statement.....a assistant secretary of state for study document that does not inter-American. affairs. represent the official position cif In the let1!'lr,' they noted that either church-stated that rep· Cuban film maker Tomas Gutierresentatives of both commu- rez Alea had been denied a visa nions had agreed on "essential to the U.S. ·to receive an award matters" of doctrine concerning' from the National Society of Film ministry and ordination in the Critics. The award was voted for CathoHc and Anglican churches. his film "Memories of UnderdeMany feel that the statement velopment," which is currently could serve as an element in an being shown in sE~veral U.S. eventual reunion of the two cities. churches. The letter said that the embargo against Cuba by the U.S., Vincentians to Meet and the Organization of AmeriThe Fall River Particular can States (OAS); was "a totally Council of the Society of St. 'Vin- outmoded and inappropriate polcent de Paul will meet at 7 P.M. icy whose effects' are almost enTuesday, Feb. 5 for Mass at tirely negative." The policy disSacred Heart Church, Linden criminates against both those Street, Fall River. A business who wish to come to the U.S., session will follow in the school and those who have extended in. hall. vitations, the letter- said.

as in~ernat:ionalization," which the Vatican favored in the past. "Internationalization," the administration of Jerusalem by an international body, "has been abandoned by the Vatican," Pragai said, because "it would bring in elements that could and would create chao:;." Mentioning the Sov'iet Union and Communist China, he said that ",the Vatican is most unkeen to bring in these people." Israel's point of view is clear; Pragai said. It is tha.t the city of Jerusalem is the capital of the state of. Israel and will remain so forever' and that the city is unified and will remain so - forever. The government of Israel is on record that other religious interests should have "complete and totally free" ac- . cess to all religious sites, he said.

Persona I Prayer Continued from Page One personal prayer." But, he said, those who maintain this are confusing 'the terms "modern man and authentiC man." The Pope continued: "The authentic man, the true man, and we add, man if he is truiy modern, that is, a man who is aware of the value of his progressive cultural, social and functioning experience, remains basically religious and essentially oriented to a serach for and a relationship with God and therefore is eager for and capl~ble of personal prayer." Pope Paul noted that great efforts must be made by pastors and others working in spiritual areas to re-instill belief in and the practice of personal prayer in the souls "of profane, irreligious and even· atheistic people."

iHoI:yh LAND

with the Bible as your guidebook. under the direction of

Father R'bert

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Middle East Controversy Raises Political Issues


Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J. is very much on the defensive these days because of a' speech he made recently before a decidedly pro-Arab audience accusing Israel of criminal imperialism and racism, among other crimes too numerous to be listed in this column. A number of Jewish Father Sheerin pointed out, "that who criticizes Israel is and Christian leaders have anyone necessarily anti-Semitic, but we charged that the speech was need not be clairvoyant to preblatantly anti - Semitic. I as~ sume that Berrigan will plead innocent to this indictment. He will probably say, in his own


MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS I Ii IiIIlillil!llilillililil!!III

defense, that while he' may be anti-Zionist, he is not anti-Semitic. While I would be prepared to take him at his word in this regard and would not presume to judge his subjective motivation, I must say that his speech was an extremely shoddy performance from almost every conceivable point of view, and objectively speaking, came perilously close to being anti-Semitic in tone as well as in content. Closer, in fact, than any recent public statement by an American commentator on the ins-and-outs of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Timely Warning. In other words, if Berrigan is in trouble because of his recent speech, the trouble is entirely of his own making. At the very least, he skirted around the edges of traditional anti-Semitic higotry and, in my opinion, added insult to injury by presuming, in a very patronizing manner, to speak for the Jewish community after having viciously attacked its leaders. This being the case, it's obviously up to him to straighten out the record. His critics say that he is anti-Semitic. He says he is not. Unfortunately, however, he has yet to face up to the fact that the burden of proof in this regard is his and his alone. Time alone will tell whether or not he is capable of doing so. Meanwhile his name is mud in the Jewish community, and for this he has no one but himself to blame. Berrigan's unfortunate speech on the Israeli-Arab confIictagain, regardless of his subjective motivation-can serve as a timely warning against the danger of using the Middle East. crisis as a camouflaged.occasion or excuse for stirring up antiSemitic propaganda. Father John Sheerin, C.S.P. has called attention to this danger in the lead editorial of the January-February issue of "New Catholic World," which is devoted exclusively to an in-depth discussion of Jewish-Catholic relations. This issue of the distinguished Paulist monthly, which Father Sheerin edited for many years, is required reading for anyone interested in the Catholic-Jewish dialogue. Edges of Big(ltry "It would be absurd to say,"

dict that an anti-Semite will condemn and reproach Israel, disavowing any prejudice whi!!e playing around the edges of bigotry The Middle East situation has given rise to political issues that are helping to blur a true Christian persepctive on the Jews. The old miasma (of anti-Semitism) is coming hack in political form." The old miasma came back with a vengeance on December 30 when King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, in his first public speech since the October war in the Middle East, called on all the world's Moslems "to rescue our sacred places" in Jerusalem from the "Zionist and Communist menaces." Taking a very hard line, the King said that the Jews have no "right" to be in the holy city, and this, believe it or not, for religious reasons. Faisal is said to be the most important ,backer of Egypt's President Sadat in the Arab world. As the official protector of the holy places of Islam, he considers that he has a special responsibility for finding a new status for Israeli·occupied Jerusalem, which includes the Mosque of Omar, Islam's third holiest place. That's ~dmittedly a legitimate political objective. Unfortunately, however, the King did not confine himserr to the political aspects of the Jerusalem controversy but instead indulged himself in the worst kind of anti. Semitic bigotry.

IMPORTANT SESSION: Priests, religion teachers, school officials and laity met at Connolly High School in Fall River to hear a presentation on the national catechetical directory which will contain norms and guidelines for the teaching of religion in the United States. At the meeti12g were, left to right, Rev. Msgr. Wilfrid H. Paradis, appointed by tl\e nation's bishops to oversee the directory; Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River; Sister Doreen Donegan, SUSC, of Coyle - Cassidy High School, Taunton; Rev. Michel G. Methot, Associate Director of Education for Adult Education; and Rev. George W. Coleman of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville.

Balances Home-Life and Pro-Life

CINCINNATI (NC) - Barbara Willke is a wife and homemaker who loves to read books, chat with neighbors over coffee, and prepare luxurious meals for her husband and six children. But that side of her life has been obscured as she and her husband - Dr. John Willke, a Cincinnati physician - travel across the nation in their family battle against abortion. Mrs. Willke believes strongly in the urgency of the pro-life. message, and she belives in com,bining her pIlofessional training as a nurse with her speaking abilities--even though she must forego for now many of the joys Faisal's Position Addressing high ranking pil- of home life. In the meantime much of her grims to Mecca, including several heads of state, Faisal said life is taken up with local and that the Jews have been "ac- out-of-·town - sometimes outcursed" by God throl,1gti the of-country ~ speaking engageprophets and have "no right to ments, debates, writing, publicaJerusalem." He took the posi- tion of a newsletter, organizing tion that "the Jews have no meetings, demonstrations, rallies conneotion with Jerusalem and and special right-to-life projects have no sacraments there. When and endless phone calls. Mrs. Willke and her husband the Romans occupied Jerpsalem, they took the Temple with them, say that while they are sensitive and, therefore, the Jews have to their responsibilities as parno connection or right to have ents, they also feel a responsiany presence in Jerusalem or any bility to ask, "What talents did authority there." For good meas- the Lord give me that are unique ure, the King added that "The and should be used?" It's a constant effort to balJews have deviated from the teachings of Moses and attempt- ance one good against the other, ed to murder Jesus Christ be- she says: the good of being home cause they do not want the di- with the children, who range in rectives of God to be achieved." age from 9 to 23, and the good Father Sheerin is correct. The of spreading the pro-life mesMiddle East controversy has in- . sage. Mrs. WiIlke says it's an deed given rise to political is- .issue the children have to wressues that are helping to. blur tle with too, noting that "they a sound religious perspective on want us home all the time but the Jews. My owPl experience leads me to :Believe that King Faisal's ne- reproaching Israel, "disavowing farious brand of anti-Semitic big- any prejudice while playing otry is not confined to the Arab around the edges of bigotry." In world. It is my impression that, doing so, they are violating both in varying degrees, a number the letter and :the spirit of the of Christians both at home and Vatican Council's Decree on abroad tend to agree with Fai- Catholic-Jewish relations which sal. In other words, they are strongly condemns anti-Semusing the political crisis in the itism, "not impelled by political Middle East as an occasion or reasons but moved by the spiran excuse for condemnin& and ~tual love of the GospeL" I


know that we help other people and they're a part of that." Time spent away from the children is always carefully thought out, she says. Although she and her husband normally work as a team in public lectures, at times only one of them goes on a time consuming trip.

When they do travel "the time away from the children is well spent," she says. The Willkes take "the last plane out and the fil1st one back," and while on the road, every possible minute is put to use, with as many speaking engagements and pub· lie appearances as possible.

New York Parishes Get $2.4 Million

Fall Riverite

NEW YORK (NC) - A New York archdiocesan commission distributed over $2.4 million during fiscal 1972-73 to poorer parishes through contributions solicited . from financially sound parishes. Since its establishment in 1970 by Cardinal Terence Cooke, the ,Commission for Inter-Parish Financing has channeled about $8 miHion .to needy parishes, according to Frederick G. Stanton, commission comptroller. Stanton said that parishes with a school are requested to contribute to the fund six per cent of all their regular Sunday and weekday collections plus ,two per cent of the balance of savings aocounts and two per cent of the market value of securities the parish may own.

.Catholics Respond To Prayer Program PORTSMOUTH (NC) - Catholics have been becoming increasingly involved in the Christian Broadcasting Network, Independent, non-denominational radio and· television programs. "We've been getting increasing numbers of Roman Catholics involved in the ministry," said the Rev. Don Hawkinson of the Pastoral Services Division of the network. "They have been joining us as counselors, volunteers and paid staff workers. But we've also experienced a significant increase in calls to our television programs from Catholics over the past few years."

Continued from Page One Committee members also adopted a resolution urging NCCW affiliates to combat rising postal rates which would affect educational and religious publications. Many Activities Mrs. McMahon, a past president of the Fall River District Council of Catholic Women, the Catholic Woman's Club of Fall River, St. Mary's Cathedral Women's Guild, Friends of St. Anne's Hospital and the Mother McAuley Guild, continues to serve on the boards of those organizations and is treasurer of the ,Fall River Catholic Woman's Club building committee and of the Cathedral guild. In her new NCCW post she is also a member of the organization's General Assembly.

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy Roger LaFrance -

G. Lorraine Roy James E. Barton

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. 'New Bedford


FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE I Get involved In work with a purpose! We have several openings for telepope work· ers, male or female, Work at home. Per· manent lob openings from Fall River to New Bedford out through the Cape. Free Insurance, bonus, pension, etc. You will be trained locally by our New England District Manager. Write Rev. Peter B. Wlethe, O.F.M. 1~15 Republic Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45210


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 197.4

Catholic Schools Week February 3 to 10 has been designated as Catholic Schoois Week. ' There are those who might say that this is the epitome of optimism, to observe Catholic Schools Week in the face of so many difficulties in their financing and staffing. But, as Cardinal Newman has said "Ten thousand difficulties do not make a single doubt." And there is no doubt-nor should there ever be--that Catholic schools f.,dfill a unique role, in the development of boys and girls as not only educated citizens of this world but as children of God, meant to conform to the likeness of Christ and destined to travel on pilgrimage through this life so that they might go home and live with God forever. The first school is always that of the family, of course. But the far,nily cannot stand alone. Catholic schools give to their students the truths of the Faith, what Almighty God has revealed about Himself and what He wishes His children to believe that they might share in His Eternal Truth. , Catholic schools aim at forming .themselves into a family, a community, that will reflect the charity and kindness and spirit of brotherhood that should then extend beyond the school to the neighborhood, the community, the world. The school strives to be the very model of what' the whole People of God should be. Catholic schools exist to serve, and, this means to serve by' cultivating the minds of students. They serve by widening student lives to the wonders of learning. They serve by enabling' students to build into their lives the foundations upon which their futures and their places in life will rest. Catholic schools serve by encouraging students to make their very lives be living expressions of the admonition of "AN OLD FASHIONED REMEDY TO THE RESCUE!" Jesus Christ that people love God and love their neighbor. In a world of uncertain values and standards, in a world where there is so much wondering and drifting, in Reas'ons, for Catholic Schools a world, where uncertainty is a way of life for so many people, in such a world the Catholic schools reach out to once a true service' offered to Continued from Page One parents and students with a message-God's message for duct schools of every type and society. "The Council also reminds man; with a call to become the family that God wants all- level. Catholic parents of the duty of "And the council calls to mind men tQ be; with the summons to service of God and entrusting their children to Caththat the exercise of a right of this neighbor. olic schools wherever and whenkind contributes in the highest What caring parent can resist this priceless gift that degree ever it is possible and of supto the protection of freethe Catholic schools possess and wish to transmit to their . dom of conscience, the rights of porting these schools to the best o'f their ability and of cooperatstudents. parents, as well as to the betterI

ment of culture itself. Teachers Important "But let teachers recognize The skillful negotiating of Secretary of State ;Henry that the Catholic school depends Kissinger in the Middle East is a tribute to careful planning upon them almost entirely for and brilliant explaining and patience in an heroic measure. the accomplishment of its goals It is a tribute, as well, to a spirit that war really is not the and programs. ultimate answer to which reasonable men must turn. "They should therefore be very There could have been none of the advances that have carefully prepared so that both been made-and those that are still hoped for-unless in secular and religious knowlthey are equipped with suitpeople in high places were motivated basically"by a desire edge able qualifications and also with for peace ip the settlement of disputes. a 'pedagogical skill that is in All sides in the recent war have paid terrible prices keeping with the findings of t!)e . in the loss of their soldiers. In the face of this, trageuy, contemporary world. '\Intimately linked in charity to the efforts of many persons have been bent to bring about one another and to their students some sort of permanent arrangement that. will outlaw and endowed with an, apostolic future similar tragedies. ' spirit, may teachers by their life Almost unbelievable steps have been made. Many more as much as by their instruction miles must be travelled before lasting peace is assured. bear witness to Christ, the What stands at present is progress but in a fragile postme. unique Teacher. "Let them work as' partners The prayers and hopes of all people of good will must parents and together with strengthen the efforts of those who work for peace because with them in every phase of education they are indeed the servants of all mankind. _ give due consideration to the difference of sex and the proper ends Divine ·Providence assigns to each sex in the family and in society. ."Let them do all they can to stimulate their students to act for' themselves and even after graduation to continu.e to assist OFFICIAL NEWSP.~PER Of THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER them with advice, friendship and Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel by establishing special associa410 Highland Avenue tions imbued with, the true spirit 675-7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 of the Church. PUBLISHER "The work of these teachers, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O.• S.T.D. this sacred synod declares, is in GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER the real sense of the word an Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Qev. John P. Driscoll apostolate most suited to and ~Leary Press-Fall Rjve~ necessary for our times and at

Servants of Mankind


Archbishop Says Cha risma Gifts Belong in Church WASHINGTON (NC) - Pentecostal Catholics must integrate charismatic elements into the instiJ~utional Church, an archbishop associated with charismatic renewal said here. 'Canadian Archbishop James M. Hayes of Halifax, Nova Scotia, told participants in a charismatic day of renewal at the Catholic University of America that not everyone,'in the Church is meant Ito be charismatic, but that the whole Church is meant to profit from the charismatic gifts given to some members. Among charismatic' gifts are prophecy, the gift of tongues, healing and interpreta.tion of tongues. Wha,t char.ismatics are doing, said Archbishop Hayes, is intro- ducing a new spirit into the Chur,ch, not new 1?tructures. He told a' clergy workshop that "generally speaking, people involved in oharismatic renewal tend to be' more or,~odox and faithful to the sacraments than the average Catholic." He stressed, however, that priests and bishops must be involved in the'renewal to maintain that or.~odoxy. The "charism of charisms" is discernment, a judgment which priests and especially bishops are called to give for the good of the whole community, according to the archbishop. Often in the past priests asked the Holy Spirit to "fill the hearts of the faithful," the archbishop said. "But many were really saying, 'Fill the heads of the faithful.' Our approach was too cerebral and neglected emotional needs." Dynamism, Order

The archbishop asserted that ing with them for the education , the two types of ministry needed of their children. <' in the Church are administration "Attention should be paid to and inspirati{)n. Both, he said, the needs of today in establishing "are the warp and woof of the and directing Catholic schools. fabric of the Church." Therefore, though primary and Life and liv.ing things "have seco'ndary schools, the foundaboth dynamism and order," he tion of education, must still be pointed out. "If there is no dyfostered, great importance is to namism then life ceases; if tJhere be attached to those which are required in a particular way by is no order then the continuation contemporary conditions, such of life becames impossible." But as: professional and technical he cautioned against expecting schools,. centers for educating priests and bishops to supply the adults· and promoting social wel- order and the people the dyfare, or for the retarded in need namism. "The most healthy sitof special care, and also schools uation prevails when both adfor preparing teachers for reli- ministration and inspiration cogious instruction and other types incide in the same person," he said. of education. . N{) formula or rule book exists "This sacred synod of the Church earnestly entreats pastors for starting a charismatic prayer and all the faithful to spare no group or community, said the sacrifice 'in helping Catholic archbishop, who feels t'hat the schools fulfill their function in renewal should not be "institua continually more perfect way, .tionalized," but rather follow the and especially in caring for the Spirit's lead. Each group, he needs of those who are poor in said, muSt be sensitive to disthe goods of this world or who cover that the Spirit gives "to are deprived of the assistance one" a gift of leadership, to anand affection of a family or who other the gift of' music and to are strangers to the gift of another perhaps the gift of physical healing." Faith." That is why we have a Diocesan Center of Education, a Stonehill College, high schools, a St. with the Jones of the public Vincent's Hom E!, Nazareth school system or our pride at Homes, parish schools. outdoing others in technical faThat is why we have Home- cilities and programs. It is our School Associations, scholar- pride in and our living of the ships, CCD programs, adult edu- Faith. cation sessions, Echo and ChrisAnd Catholic Schools Week tian Life' Community groups, should remind us of all this and It is not simply our competing spur us onward.


THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. ~ 1, 197.4

Menninger Book Advocates Return to Concept of Sin


The title of Dr. Karl. Menninger's new book poses a question, "Whatever Became of Sin?" (Hawthorn, 70 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 10011. $7.95). In its pages he attempts an answer. He says that when he was growing up, he was taught a code of conduct by his parents. Experience confirmed the which the individual belongs. Each group tends to produce its soundness of that teaching. own moral code, and there is But in time he came to reject strong pressure on the individthe notion of sin, as did many others. It became the common thing to regard the concept as outmoded, and he was glad to see it go.



Now he advocates its return. He sees it as needed for personal and social health. He does not insist on a precise definition which everyone must accept. "Sin is transgression of the law of God; disobedience of the divine will; moral failure. Sin is failure to realize in conduct and character the moral ideal, at least as fully as possible under existing circumstances; failure to do as one ought to do toward one's fellow man." He says, "The wrongness of the sinful act lies not merely in its noncomformity, its departure from the accepted, appropriate way of behavior, but in an implicitly aggressive quality-a ruthlessness, a hurting, a breaking away from God and from the rest. of humanity, a partial alienation or act of rebellion." Reasons for Decline Dr. Messinger discerns a number of reasons for the decline of the idea of sin. Some of these stemmed from scientific discoveries. There was, for example, hypnosis, which brought into question the fact or degree of responsibility. There was psychoanalysis, which popularized a new formulation of human motivation. Sin, he says, was replaced by the notion of crime. The public authority legislated moraHty and enforced its moral law. As personal conduct was increasingly regula,ted, prosecution and punishment followed. The prevailing impression, in consequence, was that what was not illegal could not be wrong, that the only wrong was what the public law fo~bade. There also was the argument that what had once been con· sidered sinful was actually a symptom of some disorder in the personality, some psychic jH.. ness. It was, therefore, involuntary and inculpable. This idea was carried to an extreme which, in effect, cancelled out the possibility of sin. Look at History Still again, there has been a growth of group-think, with the importance and the responsibility of the individual lessened, and total sovereignty invested in the group, large or small, to

ual "who momentarily expresses doubts about any of the group's shared illusions, or questions the validity of the arguments.... Unanimity becomes an idol." Rid of the notion of sin, was mankind better off? Was the individual better off? The inescapable answer is, "No!" Looking at recent history and present conditions, Dr. Menninger points to an appalling set of horrors. One, for example, is modern warfare, with its un· precedented scope, brutality, and destructiveness. Another is the plight of the poor throughout the world, which steadily worsens as the hellish circle of poverty widens. Still .another is the reckless corruption and poisoning of the environment. There are obvious evils, and no one admits any responsibility for them. Coming to the matter of personal sin, Dr. Menninger looks at the traditional catalogue of capital sins. There is some confusion in what he says. Thus, he confuses capital sins and mortal sins. There is a difference. Capital sins are those from' which many kinds of sin stem, whereas mortal sins are major infractions of certain divine laws. He also wonders why some sins are not named in the list of capital sins; in fact, they belong, by inference, to one or another category found there. Moreover, he does not observe the distinctions' which are tra· ditionally made in the definition of capital sins. For example, he 'makes envy and covetousness identical. They are not the same. Envy is a kind of inordinate sadness over the good fortune of another. One may not necessarily covet what another possesses (e.g., want to live in the sumptuous house in which he lives), but may still be sad that he has it.

MINI-COURSES: Discussing New Bedford's Holy Family High School week of mini~ courses are, left to right, visiting lecturer Ms. Diane Champagne, faculty members John Finni and Williapl Gushue, and principal Sister Charles 'Francis, RSM.

Mini-Courses at Holy Family High School This week finds students at New Bedford's Holy Family High School looking forward eagerly to class. No, students have not changed that much in this generation, but the answer is a week of- mini-courses. The high' school is this week presenting courses for students in law, astronomy, Latin American culture, communications, typing, cooking and sewing, marriage preparation, the etiquette of letter writing, the Far East, mythology, introduction to Greek and similar subjects not usually found in the regular full-year curriculum.

Charge Government Harasses Priest

WARSAW (NC) - The secretariat of the Polish Bishops' Conference has accused government authorities of harassing a priest In discussing greed, Dr. Men- who was confined to a mental ninger remarks that Jesus did hospital after he said Mass at not "cure" the rich young man. the request of villagers in a town Here he seems to be returning near Bialystok' in northeastern to the notion of an involuntary Poland. disorder susceptible of. some Government. authorities arkind of psychiatric treatment. rested Father Piotr Zabielski, The rich young man's excessive 34, and placed him in the menattachment to his possessions tal hospital just before Christhas some element of deliberate mas after he had protested a choice which he is capable of ban on his celebrating Mass at reversing. his house. A government statement reSexual Sin leased more than three weeks One will not, then, agree "'with after the hospitalization said that everything said here. This is the priest was mentally unbalespecially true in the mat~er of anced but said that he would sexual sin. be released immediately, providSuch reservations being noted, ing the Church "accepts full reone will find much to approve sponsibility for him and assures of in what Dr. Menninger writes such care as he may need." The secretariat of the bishops' about personal sin. He is most impressive when he insists that conference immediately replied some notion of sin is essential that Father Zabielski was perto the adequate, operative sense fectly sane. The secretariat said of personal responsibility. With-. Church authorities would neit out it, effective atonement is im- promise to accept full responsipossi'ble, and there can be no bility because that would imply righting of wrong, no healing they belielle the priest is men· tally ill. and growth. .

Courses are being carried out for five days and are being taught not only by regular faculty members but by visiting instructors and experts in the field. The courses on Latin America and the Far East, for example, are being conducted by those who have studied and lived in those areas and even taught there, while local lawyers and judges will explain the basics and phliosophy of law to interested students. An investigation into alcohol and its effects is being pre· sented by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous who was himself an outstanding man in his career who found it all gone because of alcohol. Cooking will see the students actually making dishes to sample and to sell at lunch time, and the sewing class will result in articles sewed and crocheted. There are even courses in bridge and in the basics of basketball for those young men and women who wish to play by the rules and learn the intricacies of correct basketball. A radio announcer is the instructor on communication media.

Kouhoutek to the contrary, there is a lively interest in as· tronomy, so much so that two are conducting instructors courses, and. yachting buffs are seen seriously examining a model sailboat and untangling the difference bet.ween a tack and a luff. The rise of the woman's movement in the nation is being given as well as a course of the Christian and his attitude toward war and violence. The history of New Bedford makes citizens aware of the local heritage that is theirs. Several courses in religion by visiting priests give students the opportunity to hear new voices and enter into dialogue on the living of the faith. It is a busy week at Holy Family and will hopefully open the interests of students to fields outside the course loads they are already pursuing. Now the further hope is that when the regularly scheduled classes resume again on Monday, the same enthusiasm and interest so much in evidence this week will continue.


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Extends Deadline For Sick R'ite

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

There{s No Point Worrying, Ev,e1ryone Tells Every,one My three teen-age boys tell me, "Mom, you worry too much." I try to convince them that it's constructive. Things I worry about generally don't happen ... so I've prevented all sorts of disasters. But when one of them is late getting home, even that argument doesn't make s,ense to me. Iy, they wouldn'.t give him the right time.) My worrying isn't protecting, By nine-thirty I had some real , them. Yet there :is something doubts. I called the.county police inside me that won't rest until I know they're all safe. The boys assure me that my wo~rying is needleBs. If anything ~lllm'Hl'*!W~r




was wrong, they'd eall. They know all the reasons I shouldn't worry. And they try to set a good example for me by 'staying cool and confident. They try ... However, this past weekend, one of the boys went camping. He is a staff member of our local Boy Scout troop and the t1"ip was being led by the s(:outmaster. I expected them back around four, or five, Sunday afternoon. Cer'tainly, by six. Not to Worry The weather all day Sunday was bad ... sleet, bail, freezing rain. The campers were in a mountainous area, and the infor· mation we got from news broadcasts was that the roads there Wfilre impassable. I had great confidence in the good judgment of the scoutmaster, and didn't worry ... till about seven o'clock. Then eViery ten minu<tes I thought I heard a car door outside. I'd run to the front door and look out. But .no one was there. .,My other sons, of course, were not concerned. "Mom, it's senseless to worry." "If anything was wrong, you'd have heard." I was worl1ted. "Suppose the car skidded o.ff the road. Suppose they're in a ditch some place, and no one (~ven knows they're there." "Mom, worrying, iBnt going to do anything about that, either." But these same nonchalant sons asked every little while, "You haven't heard from them?" "He's not home yet?" Of course, they weren't wor· ried ... just interested (Normal·

Sister Gillen EIE~cted To Common Cause Board WASHINGTON (NC) - Sister Ann Gillen, executive director of the Na,tionaI Coalition of American Nuns, was elected to a three-year term on the governing board of Common Cause, the "national .citizens' lobby" here. Sister Gillen, who formerly held a one-year term on the board, is one of 20 individuals chosen by more than 80,000 Common Cause members. She is also. executive director of the National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry. Sister Gillen lives in Chicago.

headquarters near the campsite. They told me the roads were bad, but not impassable, then offered a new concern. "If, they haven't enough gas to make it . home, that could be the problem. There isn't a drop of gas up here." He also suggested I call the State Police; they'd have accident reports. As soon as ~ hung up the phone, one of my' "unworried" sons asked, "What'd they say?" The State Police had the !lame report on the roads, and no, acci· dent or str.anded car fitting the description. Still Not to Worry "Unworried" sons reassured me that if the roads were too slippery to drive they probably stayed over. There was no way they could get. to a phone. I s'ltggested that both boys get some sleep. They "had a few things to finish" a'nd puttered around with inconsequentials, stalling, waiting. By 10 I had another thought. My fath~r h~d some knowledge of that area. I called him. He calmly went over all the facts. The roads could be so icy • that it woUldn't. be good judgment for them to drive. They couldn't call. They probably stayed over and would caN in the morning. Ifany:thing was w~ong, I would have heard. There really was nothing I could do. . Dad asked, "Can you go to bed and get some sleep?" I realized he was right, and told him that I thought I could. He said, "That's fine and that's how it should be . "... but if you hear anything from him no matter wha:t time it is cal1 me right away." At half past 10 the campers arrived home. My son said they had had to drive very slowly and cautiously. He couldn't understand our relief at seeing him. He knew he was okay. There was: nothing to worry about.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Because of some difficulties in translating from Latin into vernacular languages, the Vatican has extended the Jan. I, 1974, date set for use of the new rite for the sacrament of the An· nointing of the' Sick, formerly called Extreme Unction.

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The Congregation for Divine Worship announced Jan. 22 that Ibecause several bishops' con· ferences had requested more time to complete transla.tions of the new Latin text into modern languages the Jan. 1 date has been' suspended. Bishops' conferences, however, are urged to complete the translations as soon as possible and to establish, a6:er the translations are approved and con· firmed by the Vatican, the dflte on which the new sacramental rite becomes effective. The English text of the new rite for use in the United StBites has been approved and con· firmed by the Vatican. That text has been-given to interested publishers and the effective date for using the new rite will be an· nounced later.

Bishops Restructure Communications Work

HOLY YEAR SYMBOL: This symbol of upcoming Holy Year, designed for Cincinnati Archdiocesan Council of the Laity by 'Davide CameIe of Cleveland, Ohio, expresses fourpart call "to hear the Good News, accept the Good News, share the Good News, proclaim the Good News." NC Photo.

Congressman Calls for HearinHs On Abortion Amendments

WASHINGTON (NC) - The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has been urged by Rep. Angelo Roncallo (D-N.Y.) to expedite hearings on a constitutional amendment outlawing ahortions. In remarks prepal'ed' for delivery on the floor of the House on Jan. 22, Roncallo said, 'It is time that the voice nf the people he heard on this vital issue." Thousands of persons demonSeton Hall Students strated on the steps of the Capi· tol in support of constitutional Get Tuition Rebate protection for the unborn while SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - As Roncallo made his remarks. promised, Seton Hall University "Today is the anniversary of has given a refund to 4,800 stu- the Supreme Court decision dents from New Jer.sey. against life," he added, "and I Msgr. Thomas G. Fahy, pres- think it appropriate that we reident of the new archdiocesan new our commitment to '1ife . . . institution, said a year ago that "It is time that the voice of the university intended to give the people be heard on this vital such refunds if it could do so. issue," the Long Island congressThe refund was made possible man declared. "We can no longer by a new state law which chan- afford the luxury of time or polinels specific dollar amounts to tics." private institutions for each In July Roncallo signed a disNew Jersey student enrolled in charge petition seeking to have graduate and undergraduate pro- . the House of Representatives grams and for increased enroll- take up a pro-life amendment ment of students from within without having to wait on comthe state. mittee action. The petition, howPurpose of the legislation was ever, still does not have the necto help ease the burden on state essary 218 signatures needed to institutions which might have bring the proposed amendment faced expenditures for additional to the House floor. facilities. "The time has come," Roncal·

10 said," "to get this abortion amendment before the Judiciary Committee or onto' the floor of the House itself-not buried on some political agenda." Roncallo was an honorary chairman of the National March for Life CommitteE!, which sponsored the demonstration at the Capitol. He was also sponsor of legislation which forbids the National Science Foundation to appropriate money for fetal experiments. The bill is now law.

'Bread for the· World' . Elects Officers NEW YORK (NC) - The Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, former general secretary of the World Council of Churches, and Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit have been elected president and vice·president, respeotively, of Bread for the World. ' The newly formed group plans to combat world poverty and hunger. Organized by Catholics and Protestants;Bread for the World hopes to build a membership of people who will contact goverhment officials and congressmen on key issues that affect hungry people both in the U. S. and abroad.

OTTAWA (NC) - The Canadian bishops are restructuring their communications work in the English-language sector to facilitate a more local and reo gional emphasis, according to an announcement by Father'Everett MacNeil, general secretary of the Can'adian Catholic Conference (CCC). As part of. the restructuring, the bishops communications office, the National Catholic Communications Center in Toronto, will close. Miss Bonnie Brennan, who has been executive director of that communioations office, will move to Ottawa Feb. 1 to become director of the office of pl1bl.ic information at the CCC's headquarters. Much of the workload former. Iy handled by the National Catholic Communications Center in Toronto will move to the local and regional level, as well as to the Catholic universities that have communications courses.

Windsor Music 993·6263 Dance - Real-live - Music TONY RAPP--ART PERRY Jan. 12-St. Thomas More, Somersel 12-5acred Heart, Fall River 19-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton 26-St. Anne Fraternity, Tiverton 26-Blshop Cassidy K.C., Swansea 26-McMahon K.C., N.B. (tr.onthly) Feb. 9-Holy Name, Fall River 16-St. Theresa, Tiverton 23-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton Mar. 2-our Lady of Fatima, N.B. 16-K.C., Newport 16--Christopher Rooney K.C" Ports. 16-St. Theresa, Tiverton Apr. 6-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton 2~cred Heart, Fall River

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Long S,kirts May Be Back··Then Again T'h,eiy May Not


It has been a little over two years since the midi fiasco almost ruined the garment industry, but because fashion can never be stagnant the industry is going to give the longer length another whirl. Back in the mid-forties Dior tried the longer look in what he called the "new look." It was a around look. Of course, what make them "new" looking 'buoyant, post - war period will will be below the knee hemline. when the American female If they are picked up as a was tired of rationing and short· ages. The luxury of yards and yards of material appealed to her and the fashion caught on.


fashion "must," I see them being worn more by the younger generation who feel that fashion is fun and who have taken the look of the forties for their own. Already one of my daughters is telling me that below the knee is the only length for skirts (uni· form skirts of course are an exception to this role, the shorter they are the happier the wearer) and that's one reason why I see this length heing accepted by the youth' cult, Who enjoy "dressing up." Nothing is more fickle than fashion so there is always the possibility that hemlines will drop, heels will get proportionately higher and summer of '42, here we come!

(Many of us remember those days when our thick bobby socks met the hemlines of our full, bias-cut skirts and girls looked hottom 'heavy!) As the role of woman in society is changing, so too fashions have changed and when pantssuits and the shorter skirt arrived on the scene women welcomed their freedom. Life is hecDENVER (NC) - Change in tic for the mOdern woman and lifestyles. as well as Social Seshe must feel comfortable on curity requirements· and. retirethe treadmtH that takes her from ment needs has prompted a the supermarket to the bank, $1,500 raise for Sisters 'employed to the nightly meeting with just by the Denver archdiocese. enough time in-between to whip The salaries will be boosted up a meal. from the current $3,100 to $4,600 during the 1974-75 school year. Wouldn't BU3' Thus the reason for the fail- For most Sisters the raise actuure of the midi. Women's Wear ally amounts to $500 since Ithose Daily pushed it, many of us living in a parish-owned convent bought them, but the vast rna· will be required to return $-l,OOO jority of women refused to buy to the parish for rent and transand they hung on the rack until portation. The new salary plan was modSeventh Avenue realized that it wasn't going to be easy to dic- eled after one implemented by the Brooklyn diocese. Called the tate to women again, That's why I'm qUitE: surprised "total sum concept," the plan by the sudden appearance of the considers operating costs for the longer skirts on the horizon for Sisters' religious congregations spring and summer. Despite all as well as local convent exintentions to shorten my wjnter penses. The cost of supporting coats, most of which are mid-calf retired Sisters has prompted Relength, I never did get around to ligious in several dioceses to it and actually I appreciate that 'seek raises. extra material during a blustery The $4,600 salary allots $3,600 New England winter. for living expenses and congreHowever, summer is a time gational operating costs, includwhen comfort moves in the op- ing support of currently retired posite direction and coolness is Sisters; $300 for transportation, the desire and extra length not and $700 for lodging and welcomed. Because of this fact, utilities. coupled with the history of the midi, I will hesitate to predict that the long skirts will be worn Symposium Planned by all. On Man, Environment Fickle Fashion STOCKHOLM (NC)-A symThey will be appearing on the posium on man, the environment market soon, in materials such and natural resources will be as denim (a big scene stealer for held here Sept. 16-20.summer), linen and other firm The f-our topics to be discussed fabrics that lend themselves to at the symposium are the cause the bias cut and the wrap and effect of the population increase; the use of natural re~ sources, and pollution; the social Named Bishop VATICAN CITY (NC)-A Ni- and cultural environment of man; global programs and nagerian priest who studied at unitional interests, versities in Ireland and the The symposium is being United States has been named a bishop in Nigeria. Pope Paul VI planned by the five Nobel Prize appointed Father Francis Folor- committees and is being paid.for unso Alongo, 38, as auxiliary by a foundation of the National bishop of Ondo. Father Alongo Bank of Sweden. Among those invited to partook degrees in education and literature from the National ticipate is Barbara Ward, a CathUniversity of Ireland in Dublin olic British economist widely and from Boston College in the known as an expert on development. Uni,ted States.

Denver Boosts Nuns' Salories

.. '


NEW COLLEGE THEATER: The stage of the new Hemingway Theater at Stonehill College receives workmen's attention. The 267-seat workshop theater is expected to be ready within a month.

Continued from Page One can ,be lowered in front of the stage for graphic presentations. The air-conditioned playhouse, which is expected to ,be completed by the end of February, will be used for instruction and prac-

tical presentations in dramatics and experimental theater at the co-educational institution. Stonehill College has two student-directed theater groups. The Stonehill Theater performs classical and modern dramas. The

HolyCross Nuns Study Findings Sisters of Holy Cross from the New Bedford, Westport and Attleboro areas met at St. Anthony Convent in New Bedfo,rd earlier this month to share the "lived experience" of a General Chapter of the community held in Montreal last summer. Each Sister had previously received a copy of a "thresh· old - document" entitled Acts of the Chapter." The acts enter into the movement of the Congregation to deepen the religious life of its members. They spring from a triple source: research done by local communities; proposals from Provincial Chapters; study and decisions of the General Chapter. Since these acts were prepared and lived out as a spiritual experience, worked out above all as a community of faith attentive to the Spirit and God's Will, the first essential for the Congrega~ tion, was seen to be a reliving of this experience in each group of Sisters. Chapter Mini-Day Sisters Renee Provost, Virginia Grenier and Catherine Poirier, delegates to the General Chapter from the New England Province, were delegated to present workshops throughout the Province to fulfill this essential goal. Accordingly the 47 participants at the New Bedford gathering experienced a mini-day of the Chapter

through a prayer service, a slide presentation, three conferences, and practice in spiritual discernment. The day concluded with a liturgy offered by Rev. Maurice Proulx, M.S., Master of Novices. The conferences were given by the New England delegates, with Sister Virginia speaking on vows and freedom, Sister Catherine on prayer and comm~nity life, and Sister Renee on attitudes of Sisters regarding leisure. Spiritual discernment practiced and lived by each Sister is an objective of the post-chapter period. The Sisters have been initiated ancl will strive to continue the slow process -of habitual practice of spiritual discernment.

Greasepaint Players, which offer a summer program in addition to their academic-year schedule, produce 'musicals, light comedies and musical revues. Proceeds from a New York testimonial dinner honoring Mr. Hemingway enabled the college to build the theater. At the dinner which was held last May Mr. Hemingway was honored for his more than 60 years of service in the trucking industry. A lively Nite, Music, Fun, Sing, Dance

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Theology I)rofessor Says ,Prisons Produce Insane Human Beings SPRINGFIELD (NC) - The American prison system is a monstrous industry which man· ufactures "insane human beings," according to Sister Dorothy Donnelly, a professor of theology at the Jesuit &:hool of Theology in Berkeley, Calif. I While hele in Missouri to address the St. Catherine College prison refor.m program, Sister Donnelly, a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph, said that the idea of correction has been corrupted into a "monstrous industry" that does not correct or rehabilitate people. Sister Donnelly teaches a graduate course entitled Captive Structures and takes her students to visit prisons as part of the course... ' , Only i5 to per cent of the inmates in prison, she maintained, need to be confined because of "me~lical, mental, physical or psychological dif,ficulties." By locking up the other 85 per c.ent, Sister Donm:lly added, America is "ruining all the good human potential which our coun· try needs to develOp." Instead of incarcerating convicted criminals, she suggested greater use of paroles. Harsher and longer prison sentences, she said, do not deter crimes. "The answer to dealing with human beings, if you want them to be corrected and rehabilitated," she stated, "is hardly to put them under stress conditions in which they have no chance to develop human social relations or new skills. "If you put me in a cage for' even two days," she said, "I'd be ready to claw you." She then


asked, "Well, are they different from me?" Prison conditions should be a concern of the Church, Sister Donnelly suggested, because it is "supposed to ,be living the Gospel of Jesus, and Jesus said simple little things like, 'I was in prison and you visited me,' and 'Ransom the captive,' and 'I have come to pre'ach release to the captive," Ministry to prisoners, she added, should not be left up to priests, Brothers, and Sisters but should include lay persons also.

Vatican Offices To Cut Expenses

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The cold wind of austerity is re.. portedly blowing down the already drafty corridors of the Vatican. Although unannounced by official sources, it is reported that Cardinal' Jean Villot, Papal Secretary of State, has twice in the last six months sent letters to the heads of all Vatican offices urging them to cut expenses and to tighten budgets. Because of widespread inflation in Italy, the Vatican in January had to increase its cos~­ of-living compensation payments for an estimated 3,000 employes, including approximately 1,000 laymen and 2,000 priests, Brothers and nuns. Cardinal Villot's letter' la· mented the fact that the Vatican's income has dwindled ap· .preciably in recent years while its expenses have continued to climb, but gave no figures. Acording to a report in the Milan daily, Corriere della Sera, salaries in the Vatican today, from the highest offices to the lowest, are far less than paid in Rome or elsewhere in Italy. A cardinal, living in Rome, but without heading a specific office, draws approximately $900 a month, while those who have an office in the Roman curia re, ceive an extra $84 monthly.

WOODWORKING, TOO: All is not the three R's in the Catholic school curriculum as boys enrolled in woodworking shop course at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro prove.

Men's Council Urges Reconciliation CINCINNATI (NC)~ver the next two years the International Council of Catholic Men (ICCM) will work to promote the Holy YeaT theme of "reconciliation among men," according to Ferd J. Niehaus of Cincinnati, ICCM vice-president and immediate past president of the U. S. National Council of Catholic Men. Reporting on a recent meeting of the ICCM board in Cologne, Germany, Niehaus said that the organization's 1974-75' program

will emphasize ac::ive participation in the Holy Year and a rejection of "the spiri.t and practice of materialism," ICCM board members from Germany, France, 'Italy, England and the United States attended the meeting. In a statement issued at the end of the meeting, they said: . "In the harassed pursuit of alleged prosperity, the idea of God and the supernatural disappears and justice, brotherhood and

Educational F'acilities Center' . Has New Materials, Techniques ,

CHICAGO (NC) - "We just Each month the topic of dishad to look to other places for cussion changes, During the help, and the center was the month devoted to communicaplace to go. There's nothing else tions,NBC commentator Edwin VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope like it," said Father Patrick Far- Newman spoke of his recent trip Paul VI, addressing the C<lmmurell, director of curriculum for to the Soviet Union. And tennis nications committee of the Gerthe Chicago archdiocesan school hustler Bobby Riggs, fresh from man Bishop's Conference, sumboard. his defeat on the tennis court moned Christians to "energetic The "cen'ter" is the Education- at the hands of Billie Jean King, concern for truth in information, al Facilities Center, often called spoke during physical education and an undaunted rejection of , a "wish shop" for educators. It month. what is slanted and false," is dedicated to exploring new He called it "doubly serious if ideas in education. Members of , Campus Minlistl'ry Christians heedless 0:: their rethe center's staff travel exten'sponsibilities and lack:ng critical National Coalition sively throughout the U.S. and Association Meets sense should accept and diffuse foreign countries, searching out To Fight School Aid MIAMI (NC)-A national confalse information," new ways of educating children ference of over 250 Catholic WASHINGTON (NC)-Twenty· The Pope, who re(:eived' the in a modern age. campus ministers was told that, committee and its episcopal eight educational, civ.ic and rE!!i"Quite a few Catholic schools to make their work more effecgious organizations that oppose moderators Jan. 16 thanked its' are beginning to use the center tive, they must "reproduce their members for accepting the Vat· public aid to nonpublic schools as a place for teacher informa- ministry in others. banded together here to form the ican's invitation to hold its study tion," Father Farrell said. "The The Catholic Campus Minstry session in Rome. The invitation National Coalition for Pub!ic name of the game in education ' Education and Religious Liberty Association (CCMA) met at had been extended by the Ponis resources," Marymount College in Boca tifical Commission for Social (National PEARL). Manufacturers of teaching aids Raton to consider how an indiThe new coalition, which Communications. takes its name from an organ- are invited to display their vidual priest or Sister can be ization of nonpublic school aid goods at the center, providing more effective on campus and opponents in New York, includes' teachers with a kind of "grocery what type of presence the Church Publish JournQllism the National Education Associa- store" of new educational tech- should maintain there. Scholarship Guide tion (NEA), the American Civil nology. Father Gerard Egan, a psyThe division of the Education- chologist from Loyola University PRINCETON (NC)-·The 1974 Libenties Union (ACLU), and "Journalism Scholarship Guide", Americans United for the Sep- al Facilities Center which deals of Chicago, told participants has been published here by the aration of Church and State with displaying new products that they must "reproduce" their (AUCUS). Newspaper Fund. and educational systems was the ministry by inv<llv,ing more paThe guide, available free to One small Catholic organiza- idea of the Chicago Catholic r-ishioners in their work. students, teachers, counselors tion, the National Association of school board, an example of the "You have to get a small numclose work between' the two in- ber of men and women who are and parents, contains infomla· Laity, is also a member. tion on financial aid for college National Pearl was created as stitutions. willing, to m'inister, and train students in journalism or com- a result of a conference in WashBut the center also holds them to communicate, learn the munications. ington last spring, when repre- workshops and seminars for stu- skills of ministry to the sick More information is available sentatives of about 50 organiza- dents working towards master's and troubled~in other words from the "Journalism Scholar- tions which oppose nonpublic degrees in, the teaching field. reproduce your ministry in ship Guide," The Newspaper school aid agreed that a national College credit can be obtained others until you have a "minisFund, P.O. Box 300, Princeton, coalition was needed to coordi- by attending the educational tering parish" where parishioN.J. 08540. ' nate anti-aid efforts. gatherings. ners are helping one another,"

Pope Pau I StrEisses Concern for T.'uth'


charity are trampled underfoot. No reconciliation is possible without education to deep respect for man and nature, a respect that corresponds to God's own way of acting with regard to man and all creatures," The board announced that an ICCM General Assembly, to be held in Rome in Octdber 1975, will discuss how these commitments will be carried on beyond the Holy Year. Mean·while, the ICCM has delegated to a small commission the task of drawing up a memomndum for the wol'ld Synod of Bish,ops to be held next fall in Rome. The memorandum "will set forth some requirements, charac~eris­ tics of adults of our time, with regard to an evangelization that will respect particular local cuI,tures as much as possible and be at the same time open to the prospects of more intense relations in international life," the s~atement said. The board also said the ICCM is planning a document in confirmation of its positions on the family, abortion and any attempt on human life. The document will be presen,ted to the Latin American meeting on Population and Development to be held at Quito, Ecuador, next June.

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675.7497

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Asian Missioners Can Offer' Solutions to Area's Problems

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

HONG KONG (NC) -- Asia of same time a sending Churcb. The the 1970s sees itself marked with Asian missioner knows how it strong a'nd seemingly permanent felt and how it feel,s to have forvestiges of colonialism, capital- eign non-Asian missioners in the ism, malnutrition, unemploy- local Church. This must enable ment, ignorance and war, ac- the Asian missioner to avoid the cording to three Philippine Sis- many past missionary mistakes ters who collaborated on a re- and respond fully to the yearncent article in Dialogue, a quar- ings for freedom and human digterly magazine of the Hong Kong nity, for taking pride in an diocese. The article was written Asian identity." by Maryknoll Sister Teresa Dagdag. Asians, the article said, are looking for radical SOlutions, for ways to change a system that they believe has perpetuated OTTAWA (NC)-Young peosuch evils. ple were challenged by ArchThe reaction of the Asian mis- hishop Joseph A. Plourde of Ot· sionary to the problems, the ar· tawa to take posibive action to ticle said, is one of sympathy improve social conditions that do coupled with hope, hope based not measure up to Christian on a Christian feeling that there standards. must be a solution. "Criticizing, faul-finding and Asian missionaries, the article blaming others is easy," the ~stressed, are awakening to the archbishop said in his monthly, ./ fact that they have a great con- the Message. "What is really difficult is HARD AT WORK: Far from desks-in-a-row classrooms of yesteryear is this bright tribution to make to the Church and that they can Emrich the doing something to improve the primary grade room at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, decorated by children's art work, already existing Western tradi- the situation. Believe me, the books and pictures, but most of all by studious youngsters. tion and can discover and offer family, the Ohr.istian community new ways of being Christian in and society need more belJieving an Asian milieu. The growth in young people and fewer critics." The archbishop criticized the pride in the Asian identity is a destruc'tive-protest mentality. special aspect of the Church in Asia' in the 1970s, the article "Protest is not evil in itself," he The canon reported on other Catholics and other Christian VATICAN CITY (NC) - The added. said. "On the contrary, it forces Vatican Secretariat for Christian ecumenical developments and on churches and communities and Addressing itself to non-Asian people to stop and think, to revise Unity is praparing guidelines for the work of the unity secretariat "laid plans for future action." Some emphasis wa·s given to missioners the article said: "We and purify their motives and ob- ecumenical action on the local, at annual plenary meetings of the secretariat which ended Nov. a general review because "nine need to go deeper into discover- jectives, to redress injustice. But regional and national level. of the 24 member cardinals and Canon Charles Moeller, the 14. ing local atthudes, values and the it must be justified .and, in its exAmerican Jesuit Father John bishops who took part were only basic patterns of thought and 'Pression, respect the rights of Belgian secretary of the Unity action. We need to go beyond others and Christian principles. Secretariat, reported that the Long, an official of the secretari- appointed recently to the comsuperficial and formal ways of Moreover, it must not be your guidelines are undergoing final at, said the 10-day meeting reo mission," he said. expressing tHese va'lues and at- only concern, consuming all editing and should be ready "in viewed much of the work by American participants in the various joint commissions of meetings included Bishop Charles the not too distant future." tempt to discover the depth and your 'time and energy. "When one is 16, 18 or 20 meaning of Asian values as soon Helmsing of Kansas City, Mo., and Bishop Ernest Primeau of as possible. We also need to at- years old, there has to be someManchester, N.H. tune ourselves to the things and thing better to do than tearing situations that affect our people, down, undermining all tha,1. is Canon Moeller said that the economy, politics, society and re- good, and dabbling in drugs and new document on common ecuI igion, and the trend these factors sex." MEXICO CITY (NC) - The changes must .be made. Invest- menical endeavors which will take in relation to the Asian Most Christian communlities Mexican Bishops Conference ments and production must be contain the guidelines, was exscene, and indeed the even bigger have organized sports and cul- criticized both ,capitalism and geared toward the basic neces- amined in the light, not only of international picture." tural activities for young people, Marxism and declared that the sities of our people; on the other the teachings of Vatican Council Asian missioners in Asia, be- he said. But those communities, Church must defend human hand, it is necesary that unlim- II, but also with the assistance cause of the many links they he said, have pastoral projects rights in a statment of "The ited acquisition be replaced by of observations "coming from have with fellow Asians, are too, such as assisting the poor, Christian Commitment and So- an effective distribution of prop- many parts of the world and erty among all members of from various Christian organiasked to sharpen their sensitivity visiting the sick and pr.isoners, cial and Political Options." zations, including non-CllItholic to the present Church needs hel,piing senior citizens and the The document, which took society." ones." which are familiar to them he- handicapped. two years of research and con· "What exactly are you doing tains 10 chapters and 197 articause they have been part of Another area of discussion ttjeir own local Church milieu, to meet 'these needs?" the arch- cles, analyzes capitalism, social· was the subject of "ministry in bishop asked young people. the article said. ism and Marxism and urges pothe Church,"-how the idea of litical commitment by ChrisThe Asian missioner, it conWASHINGTON (NC) - The ministry is conceived by the tians. It also sets limits on the Catholic University of America Catholic Church and other Christinued, "has the advantage of Protest Nixon's political activities of priests has sold :35 acres of land here to tian bodies, its differences, and having experienced being part while stressing their duty to de- pay back a loan made three years similarities. For instance, a joint of a receiving Church and at the Silence on Abortion WASHINGTON (NC) - More nounce injustice. ago when the university was document will shortly be issued by Catholic and Anglican reprethan 30 members of the National The bishops said that "Chrisundergoing financial troubles. Archbishop BClum You t h Pro - Life Coalition tians must look for better forms However, the university's fi- sentatives on ministry as the re(NYPLC) demonstrated Jan. 21 of social organization, and in nancial situation today looks sult of many years of study, FaVisits Reformatory ther Long said. WASHINGTON (NC) - Arch- in front of the White House in doing so, they will always find brighter, according to Richard Canon Moeller noted that it protest to President Richard different ideological tendencies. Applegate, the university's vicebishop William Baum of Washwas stressed during the meetings . .." In embracing different op- president for financial affairs. ington visited inmates in WasH- Nixon's silence on abortion. Tom Mooney, national direc- tions, Christians must decide, "We think we've whipped the that "until the discussions under ington's Lorton RefoI'matory and tor of the NYPLC, said that the the bishops said, whether these problem that caused the deficit," way have ibeen deepened suffisaid that the archdiocese soon ciently and competent church auwill make concrete suggestions demonstration was planned at\ter "are compatible or not with Applegate said. the group was unable to arrange faith. A Christian cannot make on prison reforms. . The problem came to a climax, thorities have reached a decimeetngs with the President, a choice disregarding the dehe said, during the 1968-69 sion on them, changes in the During the visit t.o the subVice-President Gerald Ford, and mands of faith." school year when expenses were (present) discipline of the Cathurban Virginia penal institution, Secretary of Health, Education "The abuses of private proprising at 13 per cent per year, olic Church are not permitted." the archbishop said that the and Welfare Caspar Weinberger. erty" were criticized by the bish- income rising at 11 per cent, and Archdiocesan Task Force on JusRequests for meetings were ops. Christ demands that Chris- student enroHment was dwintice and Corrections "will be ELECTRICAL sent by letter to all three offi- tians search for a society in dling. coming up with some concrete Contradors cials, Mooney said. A White which all have participation and "Things looked· pretty bleak proposals ... probably in March." The National Conference of House staf.f member replied that access to the goods society pro- about three years ago," AppleCatholic Bishops, Archbishop the President was too busy, and duces as well as the righ't to gate said. But with an internal Saum noted, issued a statement no responses were received from participate in economic and po- reorganization and an increase in student tuition, Applegate exencouraging prison reform at its the other two of£icials, Mooney litical decisions, they said.. "Private ownership of the pla'ined, the situation stahilized. meeting in November. "State- said. The money that was borrowed Although the President indi- means of production is a possible ments," he said, "must be folcated that he was opposed to means of reaching a more just three years ago to help pull the lowed by concrete action." However, the first objective abortion in 1972 by refusing to society if it is conceived within university out of its financial of the Church, the archbishop support relaxed abortion laws, the values of the Gospel," the' troubles, he noted, had to be paid said, is to help the inmates Mooney said, he has remained statement said. "But to bring back, th:IS necessitating the sale silent on the subject since then. about in such a system profound of the land. spiritually.

Canadian Prelate ChalIenges Youth


.... #

Vatican Prepares Unity Guidelines

Mexican Bishops' Statement Criticizes Capitalism, Marxism

CU Sells Land To Pay Debt



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Catholic, L,utheran Hospitals Propos'e CClloperative Plan


BALTIMORE (NC) - A Catholic and a Lutheran hospital, which had been the focus of an abortive Pcllicy dis,pute, have. worked out a proposal to build two hospital buildings under a cooperative plan. Bon Secours and Lutheran hospitals have agreed upon a "co- , operative sharing of resources" in the combined areas ,of West Baltimore and suburban' Howard County. The controversy began last July when Lutheran Hospital was favored over Bon Secours for a permit to build for more bed space. The Lutheran Hospital had agreed to perform abortions, and Bon Secours had refused. The state health department eventually favored Lutheran for the building rights but said that the abortion issue did not influence the decision. But Bon Secours Hospital officials were skeptical and immediately announced plans to appeal the decision. Now that the cooperative proposal has been submitted, Dr. Neil Solomon, secretary of the State Department of Health, will make the final administra,tive decision. Under the proposal, Lutheran Hospital would construct a 180bed hospital in Howard County starting in September and Bon Secours would build its facility of 100 beds adjacent to it in September 1975. No sHe location is mentioned in the memorandum drawn up by legal counsels representing each of the hospitals. A key clause in the memorandum says "each of the institutions shall provide medical care consistent with the theological tenets of each." Joseph G. Finnel'ty, Jr., the lawyer for Bon SecOUI'S, said the clause would allow Lutheran Hospital to perform abortions and sterilizations, while Bon Secours would not have to accept such cases. The agreement provides that the four hospitals-the two existing hospi,tals in Baltimore and the two proposed in the suburban area-"operate together to prevent duplication of services. The four hospitals would cen-









I' I



Urges Support For Pro-Life Lcnv


OHARLESTON (NC) - Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston h~s requested that all Americans urge their state legislatures to petition Congress for the passage of a pro-I'iie amendment'. Ina pastoral letter, the South Carolina prelate stated that abortion is not simply a Catholic issue, but "involved principles which cut across religious lines." CalHng abortion a "blot on national life," the South Carolina bishop reasserted that "the life of every human 'being is sacred from conception to death." Bishop Unterkoefler, -citing the Supreme Court's Jan. 22, 1973, abortion ruling, said that "no court, no legislative -body, no individual can. assign less value to the life of any individual or class of human beings. The court clearly exceeded its compE!tence."

tralize such supportive services as lauridry, dietary, security, accounting, purchasing, personnel, and other functions.

Church Radio Voice in Asia HONG KONG (NC)-A radio voice of the Church will soon be heard throughout south and east Asia-including mainland China. Using the renovated facilities of the Church-owned, Manilabased Radio Veritas, the Feder'ation of Asia Bishop' Conferences (FABC) will assume full control and respor.sibility for the overseas broadcasts. A draft agreemp.nt on that between the FABC and the Philippine Bishops' Conference was drawn up here at a meeting of bishops' representatives for social communications from 12 Asian countries. The Philippine bishops will remain responsible for broadcasts in their own country. The agreement will be submitted to each bishops' conference and is expected to be finalized at the FABC meeting to be held in April in Taiwan. Radio Veritas has faced many legal, ,financial, and, technical di~ficulties since its est'ablishment in 1969. Originally intended for broadcasting throughout the area, the only places t~at it reached consistently outside the Philippines were Korea, Japan and Siberia.

....... SPREADING THE WORD: Eighth graders at Holy Name School, Fall River, work on mural they will enter in art contest on theme. "Why go to Catholic schools?" From left, Linda Baillargeon, Dianne Czerwonka, Kim Shea, Kathleen Hackett, Michael Archambault, Mark Shea, Brian Cheney.' ,

Argentina Takes Over Catholic University COMODORO RIVADAVIA (NC)-The Argentine ministry of ,education has decided .to take over the Catholic San Juan Bosco University of 'Patagonia 'after a longstanding conflict between I students and administration erupted into violence.

Bishop Eugenio Peyrou of Comodoro Rivadavia, in whose diocese the university is located, and Father Benigno Roldan, rector of the 500-student university, ' are in Buenos Aires meeting with high off.icials of the Peronist government.

Scripture Student路 Vatican Warns on Participating In Boston Series In World P,opulation Year Rev. Raymond E. Brown, S.S., noted Script!Jre scholar, will conduct a day-long Christian Culture Institute at John Hancock Hall, 180 Berkeley Street, Boston, on Saturday, 'March 9, on the topic, "Who Do Men Say That I Am?" -'an evaluation of Jesus in the New Testament. ' A Professor of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary, New York.' Father Brown is currently visiting professor of New Testament at the Biblical Institute, Rome, and the only American member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Biblical Commentaries He has written many commen-, taries on ,the Bible, in~luding his two-volume book, The Gospel According to John; his other writings include books on the priesthood, resurrection, religious education, and the Ilivinity of Jesus Christ. Father Brown is a member 'of many national and international scholarly groups and organizations and was ,past President of the Catholic Biblical Association. The Institute,' beginning at 9 A.M. and concluding at 4:30 P.M., will include three lectures by Father Brown and open discussion by participants, with a view to applying Biblical con路 cepts to everyday life. Admission to the March 9 Institute is by pre-registration. Information may be obtained by contacting Rev. Robert F. Quinn, C.S.P., P. O. 'Box 8579, J.F.K Station, Boston, Ma. 02114, telephone 617-523-6083.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The being swayed by a one-sided Vatican, in a confidential note propaganda." to bishops throughout the world, The note says it is essential warns that the 1974 World Pop- to be aware of "the education ulation Year may prompt some and propaganda campaigns, inCatholics "to develop concepts deed, even pressures,' which will tha路t are divergent from those of be set in motion in a variety of the magisterium," the teaching ways by public and private orauthority of the Church. ganizations." It also cautioned against a Essential Vlllues temptation "to think that the People must "develop their time has come for the Church critical sense" in the face of to revise her positions." Docu- a "b!1rrage of information, staments such as Pope Paul's anti- tistics and varying opinions." contraceptive encyclical BuThe laity, and especially ormanae Vitae "show how' the ganizations of th(~ Christian teaching of the Church is firm," laity, "should be encouraged to the 5,OOO-word note asserts. 'play their part in the political "Those who deal with such and cultural activities taking subjects without heeding the au- place in different areas." Each thentic, established teaching can- Catholic organization is left free not claim to represent Catholic "to show imagination in proviewpoints." moting the esential values in question." Pass Judgmelllt The note listed the essential The note was sent by the pa- values as: "the meaning of propal secretariat of state in mid- creation, the responsibility of October to all papal nuncios and those who exercise it, respect apostolic delegates in the world. for life and its transmission, the Those papal representatives nature of the marriage act, were to hand the note on to the which must remain open to the local bishops by way of the bish- transmission of life; the right to ops' conferences. life, the rights of the family as TIre note was drafted by the the fundamental cell of society, Vatican Committee for the Fam- the quality of life, the nature and ily and completed by the state' the just demands of the national secretariat. and international common Bishops' conferences must good." Those are values emphasized "closely analyze and pass judgment" on the moral aspects of by Pope Paul in his encyclical undertakings connected with the Humanae Vitae and his encycliPopulation Y~ar, the Vatican cal on international justice and note says, "thus protecting human development, Populorum Christians from the danger of Progressio.

The conflict -began amost a year ago when students protested policies followed by the administration 'and the high tuition costs. They also demanded the reinstatement of a student Who had been expelled for earlier protests. The students want "true dialogue" with university authorities and "active participation" of students in the university administration, which is opposed by the rector. The university buildings were taken over bya group of some 200 people demonstrators. Police attempted to oust .them by firing tear gas wbich in some cases explodedagainst 'the bodies of the demonstrators. Fifteen persons were seriously wounded and more than 50 received cuts and bruises. In an official sta,tement the university said that the violent takeover of the buildings revealed "subversion and ideological penetration as well as political partisanship that threatens the university's autonomy and the right of 'the Church to conduct ,its noble -educational .task." University autonomy is a cherished Latin American tradititm according to which no government authorities or law enforcement officials can enter a university's campus. This is intended to protect the university as a place for the free exchange of all ideas and for objective academic investigation. The autonomy of the universities has not been respec'ted in many countries.

FAIRHAVEN LUMBER CO. Complete Line Building Materials 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611

THE ANCt-tOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Parents Can Help Children Express Selves on Death


Death has become a taboo in our society, a culture that has been successful in eliminating many of the old so-called natural causes of death. In our national reluctance to discuss and admit to death, a curious phenomenon is taking place. The more we hide the fact of death, the children in religion classes. With one child, I didn't discuss it at more interest our children all, just handed it to her and show in it. It's a lot like asked her to write a story about

sex used to be, in fact. Children sensed their parents' embarrassment and distaste for discussing sex, so it held a natural attrac-


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tion for them. (Now children know more about sex: than their parents, so they've lost a lot of interest.) Colleges, noting an upsurge of interest in death and the hereafter, are finding standing roo~ only in courses on the subject. It's a curious turn of events all the way around. Our own children are no strangers to death. By some twist of fate, our block has had an unusual number of young deaths. Two 38-year-old fathers died during an open heart surgery; one college boy was killed in an auto accident; a IZ-yearold baby sitter came home from school sick and died less than a day later of a strange and sudden disease; a three-year-old boy died of cancer; and our good friend and neighbor, a wife of 43, died of Hodgkins disease. All of this occurred within a seven-year period in one block in a culture which has presumably controlled disease. Dead Bird Still, when the Know Your Faith section of our diocesan paper printed an excellent series on death a couple of months ago, I noticed our eight-year-old drawn to a picture of a dead bird being watched over by a live companion. "Isn't it sad?" he asked me. I nodded and nothing was said for a few minutes as he continued to stare at it. Finally, he turned to me and said, "I think I feel sorrier for .the bird that's alive t.han the one that's dead." "Why?" "Well, the one that's dead. knows where he is but the one who loves him doesn't know where he ~s." Never one to miss an advan· tage, I u'sed the photo with other

Cult Revived REYKJAVIK (NC) - An ancient Scandinavion cult that in· cludes the gods Woden and Thor has been revived here in Iceland and made legal by the ministry of justice and church af,fairs. The cult's congregation -wit!} aJbout 100 members-is now entitled to give names to children and to perform marr:iages and other religious cere emonies.

it. She came up with a coherent piece on how the two birds were related, an important point on her level of understanding. Our own youngest child, just five, had a totally different perspective, one that fits his pre· cognitive way of thinking. He deduced immediately that "the cat killed a bird. l ' Hence, all dead birds are caused by cats. On the reverse side of the paper was a .tranquil cemetery scene of two tombstones. I asked my oldest if they saw any relation betwen the bird and cemetery photos. Our I2~lear-old, who is beginning to abstract, pointed out that they were actually the same and that both "make you think about when you die,"

YOUNG SCIENTISTS: Joseph Walent, seventh grade science teacher, demonstrates principle to junior high schoolers at Taunton Catholic Middle School.

Quiet Parks Our eight-year-old turned the idea of a cemetery from a place for the dead to a place for the living "because they're so peacefuL" Many parents know that children love to visit cemeteries because of their aura of tranquility and reverence. We got into quite a family discussion I then on the purpose of the cemetery, and my husband and I were surprised to learn that all our children regard t·hem more as quiet parks for the enjoyment of the living than as depositories for the dead. As parents and as teachers, I think we need to be aware of this burgeoning interest in dea.th on the part of our children and help them express their feelings about it. We draw them out, ex· pose their fears, and share our thoughts with them about death and af.ter-life. We can take them on field trips to cemeteries, if need be. We can do just about . everything but ignore the subject, and that's what most of u'> are doing.

Need Amendment To Protect Unborn NEW YORK (NC)-"A constitutional amendment to protect the life of the unborn child is essential and urgently needed," Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York told an audience filling St. Patrick's Cathedral here Jan. 13. Cardinal Cooke noted the forthcoming anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court's Jan, 22, 1973 decisions "that cheapened respect for human life by allowing aboJ:1tion on demand." "In the -face of that decision, we must reaffirm that what is legal is not necessarily moral," he said. He charged that "an aboJ:1tion mentality is widespread" in America and "a eu· thanasia mentality is being foisted upon society." "I call upon the Catholic people of New York and all men and women who stand for life to be advocates for life," he said during the New York archdiocesan family life celebration' Sunday afternoon.

Educators' Loss of Morale Denied WASHINGTON (NC)-A U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) official has objected to the recent claim by two Catholic sociologists that "many of those who staff and administer Cath· olic· schools today seem willing no longer to believe in what they are doing." While welcoming the finding by Father Andrew Greeley and William C. McCready that Catholics who attend Catholic schools are more "hopeful" than those who do not, Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, director of the USCC division of elementary and secondary education, cited recent survey results presenting a picture "of Catholic educators who firmly believe in Catholic schools and intend to continue in the Catholic school business." The Greeley-McCready findings were published in the Jan. 11 issue of the National Catholic Reporter. Their data indicated that Catholics who attended both Catholic elementary and secondary schools are almost twice as likely as those who attended public schools to belong

than eviL", They also said the hopefuls "are also more likely to be confident of human survival , to enjoy higher levels of psychological well-being, more satisfying marriage relationships, and to be both less racist and more trusting of others." Their findings suggest, the sooiologists said, that Catholic schools may have worked better than most people thought. Father Greeley and McCready maintained, however, that their findings may have come too late because, among Catholic educa· tors, "the deterioration of selfconfidence is such now that it is improbable that any good news can reverse the process." D'Alessio said the GreeleyMcCready data "confirm that Cath{)lic schools make a significant difference in the lives of their students." He denied, however, their contention that the schools are in an irreversible decline. The commitment and willingness of parents to accept a share of responsibillity for the schools, he said, makes such a contention dubious.

to a category the sociologists la-belled "hopefuls." This categ{)ry, they said, "faces squarely the problem of evil ... does not try to cover it over, but still believes good to be stronger

Sulpicians Propose New Directions BAL~IMORE (NC) - Delegates to a meeting of Sulpican Fathers here have proposed changes in seminary training to keep up with changing modes of ministry and religious life. The 25 delegates used data from bishops' studies and their own research over the past two years in making decisions for changes. "The Sulpicans are being urged to provide more concentrated pastoral training for priests," according to a statement released from the Sulpican provincial house here. Other demands center on better spiritual formation "which prepares priests to cope with a contemporary spiritual crisis in both Church and society," the statement continued.








THE ANCHOR-Diocese oHell River-Thur;. Jen. 31, 1974

The :Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parillh organizations .r. liked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, 'Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as we,ll as full dates of all' activities. Please send news I)f future rather than past events.

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild sponsored a tea to welcome Rev. Alexander Zichello, new pastor. February, activities will, include a potluck supper and a' Snowflake Ball, spOnsored by the Men's League, the latter scheduled for Friday, Feb. 8 from 8 to midnight at the New Bedford Country Club.



ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET A three-part lecture series on the history of the Mass will be given by Rev; Joseph Maguire on Monday evenings at '7:30 at the Fisher House, beginning Feb. 4. All are urged to attend. Henceforward candidates for confirmation in the parish must be at least high school sophomores' and must complete a two-year course of preparation for reception of the sacrament. Reasons for the change were explained to interested parents at a meeting held last week. The Women's Guild, will hold a calendar party Tuesday night, F~b. 5. Members may bring guests. A newly-organized Couples Club will meet at 8 P.M. Thursday, Feb. 7 in the fisher House and will sponsor an intr<lductory dance Saturday night, Feb. 16 at the Old Town Hall. Music will be by the Celebrities and tickets must be obtained in advance from a member of the planning committee. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON The Women's Guild will meet Tuesday, Feb. 5 with Mrs. Estelle Margarido as hostess. Bingo will follow a business session. A parish penny sale is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 18 and 19. ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD A Winter Carnival dance and barbecued chicken supper will be held at the school hall Saturday night, Feb. 2, with supper served at 7:30 P.M. and dancing from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Music will be by the Silverliners, and chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jacques, with Mrs. Robert Lambalot in charge of tickets.


ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A planning meeting for a parish variety show will be held at 8 P.M. Tuesday, Feb. 5 in the school building. Members of the B.E.E. People will leave the church at 5:30 P.M. Saturday, Feb. 2 to attend a Mass in Worcester celebrated by Rev. Richard Delisle, M.S., formerly of La Salette' Shrine, Attleboro. Boy Scout Troop 37 will participate in a ciimping trip this weekend at Camp Willard. Knights of the Altar will hold a "reward trip" tomorrow night for those members most faithful in fulfjIling their duties. The program wilr include attendance at "Showtime Follies" in Pawtucket, a "sleepover" in the parish school and breakfast Saturday morning.

HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM "By popular request~' the Women's Guild will offer a repeat performance of a pot luck supper'at 6 P.M. Saturday, Feb. 2 in the church auditorium on Highland Avenue. Red hearts flowers, together with a "sentimental sing-along" will create a festive, atmosphere for parishioners and friends at the affair. said Mrs. Andrew W. Mikita, guild president. Executive boatd members will form the supper arrangements committee. SANTO CHRISTO, PALL RIVER Correcting two contradictory announcements in last week's Anchor, the Council of Catholic Women will hold its installation banquet at, 4:30 P.M. Sunday, Feb. 3 at the Coachmen restaurant. Busses will leave the church for the event at 4 P.M. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces a Valentine dance for 8 to midnight', Saturday, Feb. 9 in the school auditorium. Tickets are available from guild officers and board members or at the rectory. Music will be by the Art Perry band and there will be a floor show. The unit has 'scheduled an open meeting for 8 P.M. Tuesday, Feb. q, also in the hall. Entertainment will be by Rev. Andre ,Patenaude, M.S., singer, composer and guitarist. Refreshments will be served. Skiers meet at 5:30 P.M. in the school yard on Wednesdays, returning from Kleine Innsbruck ski resort by 11 P.M. Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald,recently transferred from the parish to a chaplaincy at St. Anne's' Hospital, will celebrate the 5 P.M. Ma,ss Sunday, Feb. 10 at Holy Name Church. A reception in his honor will follow in the school hall. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM The Ladies Guild will sponsor a whist party in the church at 8 tomorrow night. Cochairmen are Mrs. Eileen Alden and Mrs. Anna Keough. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Home and School Organization will hold a rummage sale in the school basement from 6 to 8 P.M. today and from 1 to ,4 P.M. tomorrow. The Benton Street entrance should' be used.

LEARNING ENGLISH: Special equipment to aid immigrant children in learning English is provided at Espirito Santo School, F.all River, where children are brought into regular school program as rapidly as possible.

Ecumenical Lobby Pushes Ethics Bill ST. PAUL (NC)-ln the Minnesota state capital, lobbying . groups are rarely newsmakersexcept when their top legislative priority is a bill which would tighten regulations on 'lobbyists themselves. One such lobby which has chosen Minnesota',s proposed legislative ethics bill as its prime

.The Parish Parade OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The PTA will hold a Valentine dance from 8 to midnight Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Kennedy Center. Music will be by Gilly Ferro. Special prizes will be awarded and· a continental brejkfast served, according to announcement made by Richard Barboza, chairman. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Couples Club will sponsor a Valentine dance at 8 P.M. Saturday, Feb. 16 in the school hall. The public is invited, and music will be by the Jim Brock Orchestr. Refreshments will be served. Planning the event are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mulcairns, aided by Mr. and Mrs. Manny Fernandes.

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Bingo is played at 7 P.M. each SACRED HEART, Wednesday in the school. NEW. BEDFORD The by-laws committee of the Six boys will receive the Cub parish board of education will meet at 7:30 P.M. Monday, Feb. Scout Parvuli Dei award at 10 4 in the rectory meeting room.' A.M. Mas's Sunday, Feb. 10. Refreshments for families and OUR LADY OF FATIMA friends will follow in the parish NEW BEDFORD center. 1\ business session and ceramRequirements for the award ics class will feature the meeting included attending Mass at a of the Women's Guild scheduled different church for eight consec- ' for 8 p.m. Tuesday, .Feb. 5 in the utive weeks, eight hours of reliparish hall. The unit will spon- gious instruction, collection of sor a Sweetheart Dance and buf- clothing and making of gifts for fet Saturday" Feb. 16, with the needy. Mrs. Barbara Brightman and Receiving the award will be Mris. Janice Fredette in charge of John Rainville, James Mercier, arrangements. Tickets may be Robert Roy, Raymond Gobeil, reserved by calling telephone Brian Belanger and Joseph Ban995-9998 or 995-4571. croft.


JRLC's interests during this goal this session is the Joint Re)iigious Legislative Coalition legislative session include a (JRLC), a two-year-old ecumen- strong gun control measure and ical church lobby sponsored by an environment bill which would the Minnesota Catholic Confer-· harness unrestricted production ence, the Minnesota Council of of cans. In the past two years Churches and the Minnesota the group has wr,itten, teleJoint Community Relations phoned, leafletted, and buttonCouncil. holed state' legislators on' issues The ethics bill, which would as varied as penal reform, free monitor campaign contributions busing for senior citizens, rural and candidates' finances, would life questions and nursing home also furnish partial state financ- reform. ing of campaigns for state offices. JRLC chose the bill because it believes that America's Ponder Husbands' Judeo-Christian principles must Rights in' Abortion be reflected in its government. WASHINGTON (NC) - The . But JRLC had another reason for choosing the ethics bill. Last Supreme Court has announced year ofticial records showed that that within a few weeks it will JRLC was the state's highest decide whether to hear arguspending lobby, with expenditure ments on ·the issue of what of $3,000. "That's a joke," said rigqts a prospective father has John Carr, a member of the Ur- over an unborn child. ban Affairs Commission if the Petitions have been filed here St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese, which ask for a review of a who works closely with JRLC. Florida decision declaring that "That figure doesn't amount to fatheJ1s have no right to prevent one-tenth of what some lobbyists a woman from having an aborhave spent." Both Carr and tion. JRLC believe that the lobbying regulations in the ethics bill - A federal court in Florida struck down parts of a Florida could be among its most imporlaw requiring ·it woman to get tant features. her husband's consent-or if she is unmarried and under IS-her parent's consent before having Peace Pilgrimage . an abortion. ,

To Begin in Japan'

TOKYO (NC)-A Pilgrimage for Peace with the International Pilgrimage Virgin Statue will begin here Jan. 24 and will visit Hiroshima, several cities in Vietnam and Jerusalelm. Sponsored by the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, a group seeking world peace through prayer, the statue has visited most of the countries of the world in:a crusade for peace.' After visiting the peace shrine in Hiroshima, the statue will go to the Catholic basilica in Saigon and then to Tay Ninh where it will be displayed at the Holy See of Caodaiss, a modern religious cult in Vietnam.

The three-judge federal court said .that the U.S. Supreme . Court's Jan. 22 decision on abortilin made it clear that the state cannot interfere with a woman's decision to have an abortion in the first six months of pregnancy.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 197.4



KNOW YOUR FAITH Christians Cannot Ignore Poverty Whatever happened to poverty? A headline-grabber in the I960s, the problem of poverty has receded into relative obscurity in the United States today. Banners no longer wave in the war on poverty and the war itself seems to have ended in a ceasefire.

Poverty and ReUgious Education "How come poor people have big TV _sets?" That's the first ,time I went into somebody's house and found it col~er inside than outside:' "What struck me right off were the big cars parked in front of those dingy houses."


:--~~ FR. JOSEPH M.




Does that mean that the problem of poverty has been solved? Hardly. It only means that poverty and the poor, having enJoyed their brief time in the spotlight of attention from public figures and the media, outstayed their welcome: and have been elbowed off the stage. It is not the first time this has happened, nor is it likely to be the last. The poor are still there-between 25 million and 29 million of them in the United States alone, even according to the government's unrealistically low definition of poverty, These are the people to whom the 1971 World Synod of Bishops referred as "silent, indeed voiceless, victims of injustice." Poor Are Powerless



POOR STILL WITH US: Banners no longer wave in the war on poverty and the war itself seems to have ended in a ceasefire. Children and chickens roam in the muddy front yard of a tenant farmer's home in the Mississippi delta country of eastern Arkansas. NC Photo.

Even worse than the fact of poverty is the attitude of the non-poor. Many people are not merely indifferen t to the poor but actively hostile. They seem fact is that poverty imposes so thing that seems to be happento have a strange notion about many disadvantages on the poor ing now in this country-but it the subject of poverty-the no- that they are nearly powerless to will not be cured until the rich l tion that poverty is the fault of escape from poverty without 'determine that it shall be. the poor themselves and that help. Pulling oneself up by one's to be poor is the sign of ,bad boot-straps is a reasonable selfCriticizes Quality help formula only for the man moral character. How else explain the slighting who has boots. Of Television The first and essential requireremarks so casually and calNOTRE DAME (NC) - Sen. lously made about the poor? "If ment for eliminating poverty in Vance Hartke (D-Ind.) told a those people were good for any- this country and aboard is that group of bishops here that there thing, they would take care of the rest of us must really want is an urgent need to improve themselves instead of looking . the poor to become non-poor. No the content and quality of confor handouts." 01': "There's doubt many affluent Americans tempoI'ary television. nothing wrong with people like would insist that they do desire Hartke spoke at commencethem that a little hard work this. Unfortunately, however, ment ceremonies at which 10 their "desire" is not always exwouldn't cure." bishops received graduation cerThe central fact about pover- pressed in action. tificates from the Bishop's ComSharing: The Answer ty, both within the United munication Institute. here. ArchThere is no secret about why States and on the international bishop Joseph L. Bernardin of level, is that it is not the fault this is so. The plain fact is that Cincinnati, chairman of the U. S. of the poor. A second crucial if the lot of the poor is to im路 Catholic Conference Communiprove, it will be necessary for the rich to share more of what cation Committee, presented the Supports Abortion they have-and sharing does not certificates. "If there is one overriding WASHINGTON (NC) - A co- come easily. The thought of acchallenge which television must alition of 18 religious organiza- tually giving up some of our tions has been formed here to wealth is hard for most of us face," Hartke said in his comcombat attempts to nullify the who always were, at heart, paci- mencement address, "it is the need to bring people closer toU. S. Supreme Court's decision fists in the war on poverty. Poverty in the midst of plen- gether." legalizing abortion. The Religious He said that television could Coalition for Abortion Rights, ty is one of the most painful according to the chairwoman, paradoxes of our country and also improve people's associaMrs. Ray M.S. TucJ<er, will be- indeed of the entire contempo- tion with each other rather than gin to form religious coalitions rary world. It is a scandal which discourage such association. "Inin key states in which legisla- no Christian can ignore and for stead of fragmenting people, teltive bills threaten to restrict the which Christians share much of evision can pull us closer tocourt's decision str,iking down the blame. Poverty dm be ig- gether and make us more tolermost abortion laws. nored and hushed up - some- ant of each other," he said.

Those were some of the observations of a teenage group who visited a section of the city where they had never been before. The visit to homes of poor persons had a mixed impact on the group. Their first impressions seemed to center on the apparent paradox of obviously poor homes with big television sets and large cars out front. The visit brought these middleclass suburban youth to face new questions arising out of a firsthand meeting with disadvantaged inner路city families. In the following weeks of relgion classes, the teenagers continuea to discuss their experience. They did research into causes of poverty and unemployment, the psychological effects of poverty and discrimination, and programs devised to cope with poverty in an affluent society. They searched the Gospels and other Christian sources to discover what Christ and the Church taught about poverty. Gradually they deepened their understanding of the complex. reality of poverty. To some ex.tent their attitudes towards the poor - and the wealthy changed. Initiative What most impressed me were the spontaneous things they did outside of the requirements of their religion class. One boy took an afternoon to 'become more closely acquainted with the more impoverished sections of the city. He drove and walked alone, attempting to feel his way into

Diocese to Help Fuel Cost Victims RICHMOND (NC)-The Richmond diocese is making an effort to help ensure that poor families do not go without heat because of the soaring cost of fuel. At the recommendation of the diocesan priests council, Bishop Walter F. Sullivan decided to ask parishes to establish emergency fuel funds for the poor in their communities. Bishop Sullivan, apostolic administrator of the diocese, also marking $2,500 as an emergency fuel supplement fund from which parishes and social service agencies of the diocese can draw to help meet the needs of the poor.

a life that was so foreign to him. At one point in his exploration, he noticed a small girl playing in the street without shoes. As he watched her, he thought of his own younger sister who had a closet full of shoes at home. He was so touched by the experience that he quickly drove to a store, bought a doll, and drove back to find the little girl. But she was gone. Several other teenagers went back to one of the houses they had vhsited. It belonged to a crippled old man. The youngsters had noticed how cold it was in路 side on their first visit, and realized the old man could not do much about the situation. So they spent about eight Saturdays fixing up his house. They bought an old, used stove, and installed it, replaced broken windows, insulated the doors, and then painted the whole interior of the house. They did Turn to Page Fourteen

Plan International Assembly in Rome WASHINGTON (NC) - The Consortium Perfectae Caritatis, an organization founded here in 1971 by U.S. and Canadian nuns, will hold its first international assembly in Rome Feb. 23-March 4. The subject of the m~eting will be "The Woman Religious, a Minister of Fai,th." Speakers will aim at presenting a panoramic study of the special ministry that the Religious life of women affords the Church of the 1970s. The stated purposes of the Consortium Perfectae- Caritatis (AssocillJ~ion of Perfect Love) are to bring together those who accept the Second Vatican Council's decrees on the Religious life, subsequent papal statements and directives from the Vatican's Congregation for Religious and to communicate and share wj,tJ} each other experiences in implementing the conciliar plan of renewa'1 of the Religious life.


Look for us There's 11 convenient locations in Attleboro Falls. Mansfield. North Attleboro. North Dighton. North Easton. Norton. Raynham. and Taunton.







Pope Paul Cites

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974

Church Interest In Music

'Self- Ri~lhteous Dictators' Attack I-Iuman Freedom Two similar :remarkable attacks on human.. . freedom have been made in recent weeks. Charles Isaacs, a college professor, informed us in an article in the Chronicle of High- . er Education that "History teaches us that ideas have consequences; that the separa- ' tion of thought from action along with the Chinese definition 'of academic freedom. is a device designed to pro- Come to think of it, it might not tect bourgeois ideology while . be a bad 'idea. rendering its opposition ineffective." Academic freedom, then, is "inoperative" when it deals with matters that are "incorrect" (as the Marxists put it).

Religious Life The other attack comes from the opposite end of the world from Father Constantine Kosner, the boss of the Franciscans. In an incredibly dumb "secret" letter, Father Kosner announced that the religious hnd given up his "rights' as a huBy man person to another person, namely the superior." The religious must also yield his rights REV. concerning "gifts received from ANDREW M. God." And the religIous has no right to decide about "doctors, GREELEY treatment, and medicine" when they are sick. That's what the religious Iif€: really needs just now. There How freedom of research would be any diHerent in Pro- are obviously too many people fessor Isaac's world than it is in swarming into the novitiates, the Soviet Union (or China) is and Kosner's letter may lessen hard to divine. In one recent the tide. Where does one draw the line meeting of professors the argument was advanced su,porting about "rights as a human per-" the Chinese model of "freedom son?" If talent and health are of research." Research that ben- to be abdicated, why not the efits "the people" (read, "those total human body? Among the who control the society, and the rights of a human person is professors, of course assume it the right to be free from sexual assault. Is that freedom to be will be they) is to be approved, research 'that hurts the "people" yielded to the superior? And if that is to be kept, then 'how is immoral. does one decide what else might JeQpardizes Reputations be kept? Is sexual integrity The University of California more or less important than 11t Berkeley has already begun to physical health or intellectual impose such a Maoist version development? of academic freedom. Research Father Kosner and Professor is to be banned that "may place Isaacs have one thing in comthe reputation or status of a mon: they are both self-rightsocial group or an institution eous, authoritarian dictators in jeopardy." more interested in order than Of course hardly a::lY major in human dignity and freedom. research project of the last dec- They don't trust human beings; ade failed to jeopardize the rep- they don't want to run the risk utation of some social group or of. letting people be free. institution. Alcoholism research Isaacs has some grounds in \ might embarrass the Irish; re- his faith" for such reluctance. research on priests might em- Whenever Marxism has come to barrass the bishops; research on power, it promptly abolishes corporation control might jeopfreedom. But I would be interardize the status of' the rich; reested to know where Father search on Watergate might em- Kosner finds justifioation for his , barass the Republicans; research , position. In the Gospel? Did on income might embarass the Jesus really come to tell us that Jews; research on acad.emic per- we must yield our total performance might embarrass men sonality to the control of an(who don't do nearly so well as other? Did he really tell us that women); research on racism we should give up all our human might' embarrass Southern rights and talents? If he, did, it whites. would be rather strange. He But of 'course this is not what would be telling us to give up the Berkeley Maoists have in things that his heavenly Father mind. There are some groups had bestowed on us. that must be protected from emIn fact, Jesus said he came barrassment, and they are the to make captives free.. If he reblacks, chicanos, the "poor," and turned, he might have to libercollege professors. These are the ate the Franciscans from Father groups that possess special Kosner. moral worth, The Jews used to qualify, but not any more (witConvention Speaker, ness Dan Berrigan's violent anti-Semitic blast at Israel). As NEW YORK (NC) - ,Holy for,other groups in socie·ty, well, .Cross Father Theodore M. Hesthe Berkeley profs couldn't care burgh, president of the Univerless whether they're embarrassed sity of Notre Dame in South or not. Bend, Ind., will be the chief In China, professors ,are sent speaker at the 1974 joint conout into the fields for long ,vention of the Catholic Press periods of manual work. I Association and the Associated haven't heard many professorial Church Press, it was announced admirers of Mao suggesting that here. The convention will be this practice should be adopted held April 23-26 in Denver, Colo.

POVERTY IS POWERLESS: The poor are still therebetween 25 million and 29 million -of them in the United States alone-even according to the government's unrealistically low definition of poverty. A listless dog watches a stranger from the back porch of a dilapidated house in North Minneapolis, Miss. NC ·Photo.

Poverty end Religion Education Continued· from Page Thirteen

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pilgrims attending Pope Paul's audience Jan. 15 here were treated to a concert by the orchestra and chorus of the Rome Opera. Pope Paul was among the most appreciative listeners, and told the orchestra and chorus that his thanks went to them "as a sign of interest with which the Church has always looked on your profession." He spoke to the musicians of "the influence you can exercise in educating and forming people in good and honest sentiments and in the love of beauty and truth." . The Pope continued: "For art, true art in all its expressions, has this lofty. task of lifting minds above the impressions, of the senses to reach the realm of the spirit, which, though mysterious, is more real, and which is tailored to man. "So we put forward the wish that you will always be faithful to this ideal of your art and of your mission. We hope you will never yield to unhealthy tastes or to the seductions of deoadent fashions. Rather we ,hope you will be always conscious of your' responsibilities and always at the service of man, who continually needs to be helped and taught to think correctly, to perceive clearly and to live well."

, Ao'\ark Anniversary

erty that it is as if Christ Himthis completely on their own self were crying O;.lt in these Of Abortion Ru Hng poor to beg the charity of the WASHINGTON (NC) - The initiative. disciples" (Church in World, 88).- first anniversary of the U. S. In Touch With Life The Council goes on to re- Supreme Court's Jan. '22, 1973, The whole experience 'of vis- mind us that "it is the duty of abortion ruling will be marked iting disadvantaged families and the whole People of God, fol- here with a march and gathering then dealing with their own re- lowing the word a,'ld example at the Capitol, while thousands actions to poverty was a prac- of the' bishops, to do their ut- of red' roses are sent to Contical, creative model of religious most to alleviate the sufferings gressmen. education that is in touch with of the modern age." It is one The National March for Life life. Some of their reactions were task of religious educaHon to Committee, a group which is typically adolescent in their help Christians learn about and ,planning activities for the anniidealism and directness. Yet the fulfill this challenge.. For that versary, will sponsor a marchpersonal, immediate involvement one group of teenagers, coming termed a "circle of Iife"-around_ motivated a great deal of study, face to face with poverty in the Capitol '¥hile another circle discussion, action, and prayer. their 'own city was a first step in of Iife-composed of represenThrough experience they grap- meeting Christ's challenge' to 'tatives from each Congressional pled with the reality of poverty help the poor. district in the U. S.-is formed and the Christian response to it. ' under the Capitol's rotunda. After the march, both gmups Religious educators, beginning Named to Priestly will assemble at the west front with those who are most effecof the Capitol for a rally featurtive, namely parents, need to Life Committee ing national pro-life speakers help their feHow Christians beWASHINGTON (NC) - Nine come more aware of and re- bishops have been named mem- and legislative leaders. Planners of the gathering hope sponsive to poverty. The Second bers of the U:S. Bishops' ComVatican Council urges this "since mittee on pj-.iestly Life and Min- to send red roses-the pro-life the greater part of th(~ world is istry, and a search was an- movement's symbol of Iife--'-to still suffering from so much pov- nounced for selection of a priest every senator and representative. as executive director of its office. Equal Employment Speakers Chos«~n Bishop Thomas J. Grady, comNEW YORK (NC) - The For Conference mittee chairman, made these an- Church Project on Equal. EmST. LOUIS (NC)-Three lead- nouncements in letters to alI p10yment Opportunity, a coopering Catholic spokesmen will ad- U.S. bishops and presidents of ative venture of six Protestant dress the 1974 Cardinal Minds- priests' senates in the coun)r'y. denomin81tions, a Catholic reliBishop Grady said there will gious order and the National zenty Foundation Leadership be a broad' consultation among Council of Churches, is seeking Conference F~b. 22-24 here. Jesuit Father Daniel Lyons, bishops and priests to identify information from nine major editor-at-Iarge for' Twin Circle candidates to be named priest- U.S. corporations concerning and the National Catholic Reg- advisors and to select a priest jobs for women and members ister, will head a panel on "Ag- to serve as executive director of of minority g~oups. gressive Atheism in the United ,the Office of Priestly Life and Ministry. States." "The bishops' Committee on Also addressing the convention wiII be Clarence Manion, Priestly Life and Ministry has PLUMBING & HEATING, ONe. former dean of the University the potential to make an imof Notre Dame's College of Law, portant contribution to the life Sales and Service for Domestic -.....A- ~ who wiII speak on "The Key to of .the Church in the United and Industrial ~~ States," he told the bishops. Peace and Freedom." Oil Burners Dale Francis, editor and pub- , "We would like to make a good 995-1631 Iisher of The National Catholic beginning. We appreciate your 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Register, will speak on abortion help and the help of your NEW BEDFORD and euthanasia. . priests."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Jan. 31, 1974



Nor1ton Kllh Coach

Dartmouth and Diman On Top As Stretch Run Commences Dartmouth and Diman Regional Vocational Technical of Fall River enter the stretch run of the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference basketball race as the only unbeaten teams among the 26 league schools. The Green Indians from Dartmouth begin the week with a 7-0 loop record lead- vorite in the division champion. ship race. Big Bob Schoening, ing the eight team Division II Mark DaCosta, Scott Sharek, pack. Diman, at 6-0, is the Peter Carey and Jim CalUns have

frontrunner in the six team Division IV bracket. Taunton and Old Rochester of Mattapoisett continue to top the Division I and III standings respectively. Coach Peter Gaudet's Indians hold a two game advantage over second place Holy Family of New Bedford at this writing. Back to back victories for the big Green this week will give it a three game lead with only five contests to be played. In most preseason polls Dartmouth was selected as the fa-

combined their talents·· well to prove the prognosticator correct. The tourney bound Indians will play at Falmouth tomorrow eve· ning. Holy Family and Case High of Swansea were expected to give Dartmouth· the most opposition this Winter. Such has been the case, although neither appears strong enough to upend the favorites. In all probability the two will battle it out for runner up honors.

"IT'S IMPORTANT: Important is the word for a Catholic education, being acquired by fifth graders Helen Green and Mark Ledoux at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford. Sister Eileen Hayes, R.S.M. makes sure those syllables are correctly divided.

Controversy at School Aid Meeting

Opponents Will Concede Nothing to Tigers Coach Jack Nobrega's Blue Wave was .upset by Bishop Connolly High of Fall River last week. Until that time it appeared as though they might catch Dartmouth, Holy Family, as most followers of high school basketball k now, has Ii rich and deserved hoop tradition. A year ago when it competed in the large school Division I bracket, the school sutfered through one of its poorest seasons ever. Now that it is playing schools more its size (Holy Family is the smal'lest in the division) it is back among"the contenders. Holy Family will entertain Somerset tomorrow. Somerset ·is tied with Fairhaven for fourth place ,in the standings. In other Division II action sla,ted for Friday, Case takes on Bishop Connolly and Fairhaven is at Bishop Feehan in Attleboro. Feehan, Falmouth and Connolly open play this week tied for last place. Diman will attempt to main-

Old Rochester Meets Coach Bob Reedy's l:harges hold a single game advantage over both Durfee High of Fall River and New Bedford. It was reported earlier in this column that Taunton was tied with New Bedford following its loss to Barnstable. The Silver City five has lost only to New Bedford. But, th"ey will haVE: their hands full tomorrow when they clash with Durfee. The Hilltoppers who were all but counted out a week ago, have bounded back under the direction of veteran mentor Tom Karam and are making their final charge. If Durfee is able to defeat Taunton in Fall River Friday there will probably be a three way tie for the top position. New Bedford who is tied with Durfee will be in Dartmouth to play Bishop Stang. The Spartans are winless in divisional play.

ANNAPOLIS (NC)-Two backers of nonpublic school aid disagree over the role of the SUo preme Court in ruling out various forms of aid to nonpublic schools. The controversy flared at a meeting here of the State Aid Group for Education (SAGE), an organization of Maryland , nonpublic school leaders. At the same time Wareham The keynote speaker, Robert will try to keep pace as they N. Lynch, former executive ditangle with Nor,ton on the lat- rector of Parents for Nonpublic ter's court. The Lancers have Education, had called the Subeen playing well lately and preme Court "a crass and arrocould surprise Wareham. St. An- gant court ·which has lost sight thony's of New Bedford will en- of freedom of religion" and" had tertain crosstown rival New Bed- urged his listeners to oppose ford Vocational in the remaining divisional game.

tain its one game lead over Wareham in Division IV tomorrow when it hosts Westport. The Fall Riverites, who are enjoying their best hoop season ever, should have little difficulty with the Villagers who have a 1-5 league record.

Brownsville Priests

Action has been fast and furious in Division ~ I where the Support Boycott BROWNSVILLE (NC) - The area's largest schools are com· peting for championship honors. 12·member priests' senate of the Taunton was expected to win the Brownsville diocese has voted to title and it may well do it. How- support the United Farm Workever, the Tigers have been con- ers of America (UFWA) national stantly tested as no opponent is .boycott of iceberg lettuce and table grapes. ready to concede anything. The senate resolution called Challenge Admirably on fellow priests to support acAttleboro and Barnstable round tively the boycott of California out the docket with their Cape and Arizona-grown lettuce and grapes which the UFWA is now meeting. conducting against certain stores A year ago' Old Rochester in the Lower Rio Grande Valley rolled to an unbeaten 10-0 sea- area. "I don't think it will have a son in Division IV. The Bulldogs were rewarded for their success tremendous efifect on the sale by being moved up a division. of lettuce and grapes," said As expected they have met the Father Gerald Frank, author of challenge admirably and lead the the resolution. "However, we bracket with a 5-1 mark. The want to stand up and be counted, Regional can take another big for what it's worth, and we hope step toward another champion- that somehow it will show the ship tomorrow evening when farm workers' union people, who they host Bourne. With only are organizing boycotts against four games remaining, a Bourne Valley stores at the present time, loss would drop the Canalmen that we stand with them, that two games off the pace. we support their ef,forts." While Bourne strugg~s to create a stalemate with Old Rochester, Seekonk will try to keep within str.iking distance. The Warriors who are tied with Bourne will play host to Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High from

nominees for federal judgeships who manifest religious prejudice. James L.J. Pie, deputy city solicitor of PhHadelphia, criticized Lynch's speech saying:

Football Woes Plague Schools PITTSBURGH (NC)-A Catholic school official here is worried that: the existence of three Catholic high schools is being threatened by a different kind of power shortage - football power. The three schools have asked to transfer from District 8 to I?istrict 7 of the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic "League. Their request has been , turned down by the league. The schools are Central Catho-Hc, North Catholic and Canevin. The year-old controversy, if not resolved in favor of the three schools, could bring to an end "the very existence" of those schools, according to John Cicco, Pittsbul'gh diocesan school superintendent. Restrictions on attendance at games in Distr.ict 8, imposed because of past game incidents, would wipe out the income that Catholic schools depend on to support their athletic programs, said Cicco. The schools simply cannot afford to play football in District 8, he said. "We have to obtain some income from our football program." !

Without a sports program, say Cicco, each school may lose from 50 to 100 boys. The loss in enrollment would mean incr'easing tuition for the remaining students, which would in turn discourage new students from Taunton. .Coyle along witl1" attending, he said. Dennis-Yarmouth has one vicCicco said he will take the istory to ills credit in loop action. sue to the state legislature if Dennis-Yarmouth is at Digh- necessary. He said that if his ton-Rehoboth tomorrow. Dighton legislative attempts are unsucis 3-3 in circuit play. cessful, he will go to the courts.

"We're going to get nowhere with denunciations and charges of bigotry." Lynch, who is now executive director of U. S. Catholic Conference Bicen~ennial Committee, said at the time the Supreme Court last June ruled New York and Philadelphia laws, including tax credits, unconstitutional, similar legislation in Congress had enough support for passage. But the Supreme Court, Lynch saia, was listening to Americans United for Separation of Church and State's "odious rhetoric of bigotry and prejudice and buying what they heard, lock, stock and barrel." By those decisions, he assented, 'the Supreme Court made Catholics specifically second class citizens. Justice (Lewis F.) Pow· ell, writing for the majority, faBed to mention any of the other gnmps who were operating nonpublic schools other than Catholics and one passive reference to a Jewish school. Lynch maintained that "in every school-aid case of the 70s, the presence in any large number of Oatholic beneficiaries almost made it mandatory that the court find against the nonpublic schools." "What we he went on to ful and well for changing ciary."

need more now," say, "is a thoughtthought out plan the federal judi-

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Reporting Of Church t~ews hi Magazin'e

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The reporting of Vatican B.nd Church news by an Halian weekly magazine has excited the ire of the Vatican daily newspaper, the Pontifical Commision on Social Communications and the Vatican Press office. Within days of each other the three Vatican offices, which deal with public opinion and news, deplored what it called journalistic inaccuracies and baseless reponts published by the Milan weekly Panorama. The Vatican daily, .L'Osservatore Romano, in its Jan. 23 edition published a comment titled: "The Fantasies of 'Panorama." The Vatican paper accused the news magazine of "abandoning itself willingly to flights of fantasy" in reporting Church news. The paper cited a recent instance in which Panorama declared ,that a letter written to L'Osservatore Romano on abuses in legal charges among lawyers admitted to practice before the Church's high court was false because the signer of the letter, a Federico Sciano, did not exist. L'Osservatore Romano said that "he does exist, he lives in Rome and we know him personally." L'Osservatore Romano cited also a "categorical" denial issued by Federico Alessandrini, head . of the Vatican press office, of an article in Panorama's Jan. 17 issue that claimed the Vatican is considering a rQ.llback on the Humanae Vitae encyclical of Pope Paul VI condemning the use of artificial means of birth control.


Protests Closing Of Rad io Station

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 31, 1974

BRASILIA (NC) - The president of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), protesting the closing by the govern• ment of a Church-owned. radio station, said Church-owned communications media "have been set up to spread the Gospel, not to destroy peace." CNBB president Archbishop Aloisio Lorsch~ider of Fortaleza made the protest- during a press 'conference at .the end of a fiveday meeting here of the CNBB's executive committee. The 'archbishop said that "the Church had made a point of using the mass medi~ with respect for 'the laws to help in the growth of our country." Citing "national interests," the government on Oct. 30 closed the Sao Paulo archdiocese's Ra· dio July 9, the second largest Church-owned station in Brazil. The minister of communications said that the ·reasons for the closing were "technical," rather than political as Sao Paulo archdiocesan officials had implied. He said. the station's broadcasts were "clandestine," according to norms for broadcasting approved in 1973. , BEGINNING TO LEARN: Michael Rezendes and Kathy Marotte, kindergarten youngA member of Arena, a political sters at St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, take first steps on road of education under direction organiza'tion supporting the Brazilian military government, said of Sister Muriel Ann, S~.Cc.· the reasons for the closing were "political" because "Radio July 9 worried more about critkizing the government than soreading the Gospel." The minister of communications and the Arena CHICAGO (NC) - "I felt we here, Bishop Dingman said he got we could handle our agenda at spokesman both said the closing 'both had gained," said Bishop .new insights into his own life our national meeting in a more could not he considered perseMaurice Dingman of Des Moines, and role as a bishop during the efficient way if we were. to en- cution because "the Church has gage in two or three days of about 20 per cent of Brazilian Iowa, after he conducted are· .retreat at Charlotte, N. C. prayer and reflection," he said. treat for the 27~member execuradio stations, some 180." His greatest insight, he said, tive board of the. National Fed- came ,from a question raised by eration' of Priests'; Councils one of the priests: "Do the bish(NFPC). ops criticize each other in terms Interviewed by Priests-USA, of how well they do I!heir jobs?" the NFPC monthly published "This question must be understood in context," Bishop Ding~ man said. "I had expressed the thought that the priests were putting too much emphasis on the bishop and expecting him to solve the problems of the priests. It is my feeJ.lng that there ought to be peer influence. If the priests were actively engaged in living out the. ideals of the presbytery as a community, then there for those who don't want to tie up their would be a supportive system that would include fraternal corSavings for long periods of time we also rection.

Bishop Calls Retreat'Learning Experience

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"I was also struck. by the significance' of the remark, because it seemed to say: 'Do you practice what you preach?' I am willing to admit that all of us fail in this regard. I am sure that bishops do not practice fra· ternal correction to any significant degree. As a matter of fact, we just do not interfere. with another bishop's diocese. And this would include any direct comment about his sense of the Church or his style of life within that Church."



WHERE IT COUNTS: Catholic schools offer valueoriented education, as demonstrated by Sandra Castonguay and Michael Blaise of St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, examining religious textbooks.

Bishop Dingm'an said he was also struck by the idea of' beginning an executive board meeting with a retreat. "I asked why your executive board started with' a retreat," he told the NFPC monthly. "Your answer was that you could handle your agenda more quickly and more efficiently 'if you had formed priestly community. "Could the bishops of the United States learn something from your experience. Perhaps

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