Complete . Family Coverage Drive
'68 Goal: Paper in E'very Diocesan Home Probably the largest. one-year circula tion ·gain in the 12-year history of The An.,. chor - which commenced publication in April 1957-appears imminent this year. Parish councils and pastors alike I:)ave indi cated they are planning the most intensive cir culation subscription campaign they have ever undertaken, believing that this diocesan news't. paper offers the finest means of adult education in the rene·wals and reforms of a changing church. "It is utterly impossible to provide the in'; struction and explanation in the weekly Sun day homily," one pastor observed, saying that "those who read The Anchor are aware of the renew;lls before they are put into effect. The reason is siIT\ple. 'The people have been properly prepared by, the diocesan newspaper." A number of parishes have already achieved complete family coverage-the aim in everyone of the 110 parishes in the diocese. The fact that complete family coverage has been attained in
these multi-lingual parishes is the best evidence that the same success can be accomplished in each and every parish. . Suburban parishes which have been increas ing in the population with the outflow from the urban areas during the past decade are one group which has already revealed plans to see a sub stantial subscription increase. Many parishes which, at first, had some mis givings about established quota's now are among those indicating an earnest desire to achieve complete family coverage, already realized in 55 United States dioceses. "The stature, import and acceptance of The Anchor have grown tremendously over the years," one pastor told our circulation depart ment as he unequivocally revealed "a determined effort to send The Anchor to every home" in his parish, starting this month. A like determination in every other parish will result in the ultimate goal-complete family coverage.
Berating Belittles Authority Opens Gates·' to Anarchy .Says Cardinal_
he ANCHOR 'all River, Mass., Thursday, February 1, 1~68 PRICE lOe Vol. 12, No. 5 © 1968 The Anchor $4.00 per Year
Scholarship~Now Avai~@ib~e
For Diocesan
High Schools
Sixteen full scholarships and several partial scholar are now available to students entering diocesan high 8Ohoo]s according to an annuoncement made to The Anehor today. Four full scholarships will be granted at Bishop Con DOlly High School, Fall River. They are in memory of Rt. Attleboro, will grant four full Bev. Msgr. Joseph J. Sulli scholarships and three partials. full scholarship is in mem van, late pastor of the Sacred One ory of the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. ~ips
Ucari Parish, Fall River; Rt.
Bev. Msgr. Leonard J. Daley, Edmund J. Ward, late pastor of
Jate pastor of St. Francis Xavier St. Patrick's Parish, Fall River, Parish, Hyannis; Rev, John J. Sullivan, late pa&tor of the HOly Rosary Church, Fall River and, 'ihe fourth, in memory of the late Misses Agnes and Margaret Sullivan. A full scholarship in memory 00; Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, third Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, will be granted at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Bishop Feehan High School,
H5gh School Exams On Saturday All Catholic high schools
in the Diocese of Fall River wkH conduct an entrance and placement examination for students at 8:30 Saturday morning, Feb. 3. 5 t u den t s wishing to en <rer any of these schools next September should report to the 5Ohool of their choice prepared 60 take a three hour examina
There will be a $3 fee, pay lIble at the time of the exami ..ulon. Students neecil bring no Turn to Page Seven
States and Mrs. Warren, mem-. bel'S of the federal government, members of the diplomatic corps, and· all those who share the solemn responsibility of dral bere in the nation's capital; public office. For this is indeed has urged Americans to exer y<lur Mass. cise their constitutional rights of It might be rewarding if we free speech and' dissent in a took a 'moment this morning to constructive manner, lest they meditate on the responsibilities compromise diplomatic negotia of public offices. For these are tions during the present tension. days of extreme tensions. President and Mrs. Lyndon Tension among the American B. Johnson, their daughter, people, as they strive to under Lynda, and son-in-law, Capt. stand the bewildering succession Charles Robb, attended. The of events that seems to demand cardinal,. who celebrated the fresh decisions before the pre Mass, gave his informal remarks vious set has been implemented. from a lectern in the sanctuary Tensions that weigh cruelly at the conclusion of the Mass. upon those in public office who Also present were Chief Jus must make the final choice. His tice and Mrs.. Earl Warren, Speaker of the House and Mrs. John W. McCormack, Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., of the U. S. Supreme Court, lawyers and diplomats: The Red Mass invokes God's guidance on the administration of justice. 'Your Mass' The Diocesan Music Com The text of the cardinal's re mission announces a work marks follows: shop in the' music for the Mr: President, I am happy to have the privilege of greeting days of Holy Week to he con you and our gracious First Lady, ducted in five areas of the Dio together with members of your cese at 7:30 on Wednesday evefamily, at the Annual Red Mass ning, Feb. 7. This workshop is to invoke the guidance of Al in response to the request of mighty God on the labors of all many of the organists and choir our public servants during the directors throughout the Diocese of Fall River for directions and coming year. I welcome also the Honorable assistance in securing congrega Speaker of the House and Mrs. tional participation in the liturgy . McCormack, the Honorable C!f Holy Week. Turn to Page Seven Chief Justice of the United
WASHINGTON (NC) Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle, speaking. 81t the annual Red Mass in St. Matthew's Cathe
who also served as chancellor of the Diocese during Bishop Fee:.. han's Episcopacy, and pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, Taunton. Three area parishes have full scholarships in their names. They are St. Joseph's and St. John's in Attleboro and Sacred Heart Parish, North Attleboro. There are also three partial scholarships in the name of St. Joseph's Parish, North Attleboro. Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, has three full and
several partial scholarships.
One full scholarship is in
memory of Francis Cardinal Spellman, late Archbishop of
New York, and the dedicating prelate when the school was formally opened in 1963. A second full scholarship is in the name of Most Re\'.· James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, pastor of St. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford, and chancellor during the episcopacy of Bishop Cas sidy., The third full award is in memory of the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. Manuel J. Texeira, late pastor of 51. Anthony's Parish, ' Taunton. There are also several partial scholarships in the name of Holy Family Parish, Taunton. Turn to Page Seven
Plan Holy Week Music Workshop In Five Areas
tory will record whether the, have. judged well or badly, but today the decision is theirs alone. But you did not come here for sympathy from men, but £Or guidance from God. Let me say a word to you then, if I may, about this thin~ we call conscience. In its sim plest form, conscience is the in structive sense of right and wrong that is present in all rational beings, regardless of faith or religious affiliation. When we sincerely call on Almighty God for guidance, it comes through loud and clear. But even when, through the misuse of our free will, we try to stifle the voice of conscience, i·t is still there, striving to be heard. That is why a deep sense of morality and humble eagerness to seek divine guidance are im portant attributes of those who would serve their country in public office. For in almost no other walle of life do the day-to-day deci sions involving right or wrong come so thick and so fast, or are the guideposts so few and indistinct.
The .moral force of which I
speak is rooted deep in the con
science of America. It will al ways be there, please God, to help insure that what we at tempt in the political sphere, whether it be wise or unwise,· popular or unpopular, perma nent or temporary, will always Turn to Page Four
Simple Roman Ceremonies aware of the needs of the times. and Napoleonic dress, has like
wise disappeared.
In the past few years, the ap pearance of the nobles in papal Simplification of uniforms and ceremonies has been greatly di orders have followed the Pope's minished. decision to reduce the grandeur
was not held this 'year. Instead, The Noble Guards, in their of display at papal court cere
the Pope has asked two noble monies.
l/carlet uniforms and black hel men to extend his wishes to the mets, have not been seen in The Pope was the' first to do Roman nobility and this was ceremonies for the ',past six away with such items as the pa done by mail.. months. ' pal tiara, the plumed fans which The action, taken so that Pope used to be carried on each side The Chamberlains'of Cape and Paul may conserve his energies of the papal throne and also during his convalescence from Sword have had to leave their wirth the golden canopy which 16th-century Spanish attire at his November prostate operation ,was carried over it. still cast attention on the changes home and serve at ceremonies in plain dark suits. The use of the. canopy is now in ceremonies at the Vatican. restricted to' ceremonies when
The gala uniform of the Pon Early in his pontificate, Pope Paul expressed the hope that the tifical Gendarmes, who up to a the Pope is carrying the Blessed
year ago appeared at major papal Sacrament such as on Cor
Roman aristocracy would be come more contemporary and. ceremonies with tall shaggy hats pus Christi
VATICAN CITY (NC) The traditional papal audi ence for the nobility of Rome usually held in mid-January
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2 " ~~'" niE ANCH6R~Dj~~~'~~f /:<Ji'J R:~~~~T,~~~s:,cFeb. -..:...:...:....
Sister Hortense
To Show Slid'es
1, 1968
. : . . . -............
, , 'Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C. ebainnan of the English depart ment at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, will be fea tured at an open meeting of the International Affairs Commis sion, to be sponsored at 7:30 . Tuesday night, Feb. 6 by the District Council of Catholic Women at St. Paul's Church, Taunton. "Comers of Land that Are 'Forever England' " will be 'Sister Mary Hortense's topic. She will show slides of English scenes and discuss her experi ences as a student at Oxford. Well known, for her work in film interpretation: Sister Hor tense matriculated at Catholic University and· holds a degree from Boston College. She has done graduate work at Syracuse and Harvard universities in ad dition to Oxford; and she is the recipient of a Wall Street Jour nal. award for her work as an instructor of journalism. . 'POPE'GJREETSPREMIER, Pope Paul VI.shakes l1an~s Mrs. Andrade with Premier Ion Gheorghe Maurer' of Communist Rumania, Mrs. Aristides Andrade wiD as tliey E;)ntered on a one-hour~i~~~s.sion of,w~r]<;l:p,:~~e:,~,~,d, . be chairman. qf the program and the sltuationof.'the ,ChurdiinRumania. In center IS Msgr, ' Mrs. Rich'aM Paulson will con
OFFICIAL Diocese of FaII River Rev. Harold J. Wilson, assistant at St. I'atrick Church, Fail River, as chaplain of the Newman Club at-Bristol County, Community College, Fall River. 'Effective Date of appointment is today, Thursday, Feb. 1, . ' . .. 1968. '
Bishop Russen· of RDchmond ~11 Shelves - School ,Buildilng' a- Han,
RICHMOND (NC)-Bisl1- ,a ~l!ck, of yo~atiC?ns." ,', '." ' ~8:r~O, rasalli,.RRcc~ ,d,i,.,~P:l~li~rl<~. ~C P';hQto.:,,,.: ;~, ",~ 'l~';: ?:;.t ~ ~~~~:~}:t~oii~~~ ~:e:; ,', '.", 'R II·f R' '-h-' .. BiShop' RusSell' says the de';; , "",,<w.Jo~,J. .usse "o.,I,C "CiSih:n":"in,no"way.'alteril oUr,:o,'):: 'I' '"~,,, ",." '" , "i,i' ':.) .::,., chargeofrifemberSof"StFPaul's rnond has announced that dedication to 'the pr'iIiciples:',of1.' " ' '\\i-:~~~'~e' ',;,~"" Women's GuJ,lcJ. ',.: ":'" the diocese has postponed Ca,tholic education." V' tI V y ti ~
C;'ony'ri'ght' ,:;
Msgr. Richard J. Burke, :di ' D I' ' . ocesan superintendeIitof ed~ca- "MlWSOC Acllvisory B9ard,~cores Up Icah~g.' tion,notes "for the first 'time . ~ Pl1'actice Reduce Expenditures FRIDAY -:-"Purification Qf the in this locality, we are seeing in " , ' . Virgin Mary., H.Class.' White. ,Ii real terms t~e 'meaning of the WASHINGTON (NC) -In a of copyright materials without Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of, Christmas. ' , lack of religio~ vocations.", statement aimed at the unau the written permission of the WO Quality Is' Costly. thorizedreprodtictfon of music - copyright owner~' .. . unusual programs WI'n 1.._' I,;.. ., ... h "The fact that this material SATURDAY - Mass of Blessed Two uc Originally, it was planned .lVr use 1D pans. es, th e pr'es l'dent Virgin (ill). IV Class. White. ' . a d' ' boa!'d.... offered this month by the Vic that at' least half the teaching of the mUSIC vlsory ' V-L J's not for sale in this duplicated Mass Proper; Glory; Preface tory Noll Sisters of Immacu1a te staff would be composed of, Sis the B ·ISh ops' Comml· tte on the form but is for private use only. of Blessed Virgin Mary. , N 0 rth Easton. ters. But the growing, shortage LIturgy • h Conception parish, as 'ca11e d f or an ,end within a parish church or parisl1 OR
Both directed towards students of Sisters necessitates hiring' to "the increasing abuse of au school does not alter the legal St. Blaise, Bishop, Martyr.
, '11 be d ' "ghts, and moral situation. Even though and career girls, one WI a more lay teachers. pricing ed thors' an composers, n Red. Glory; Common Preface.
weekend of Christian living at ucation at the school at ,;lbout legal and moral, through the in the use is not for profit ,this .. NIl' . . . t e ... and unau t h ' d does not mean that the compos SUNDAY-Fifth Sunday After the VICtory 0 ' eonven t m '$1,000 'a VAar,beyond the reaeh discrlmlna orJze N or th Ea · s t'o n; an'd the.() ther, to of most parents. oT . ht ma .. te' na . 1s." ' er, author and, publisher live in-' Epiphany. n Class. Green. use of copyrlg be held at Packard' Manse,A survey taken two years ago Newly appointed board, cbair a non-profit world." .., Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Stoughton, will'discuss the role 'among Catholic faniilies with man Father. Paul Byron of .1ack , " Urges New Norms", Preface of Trinity. of women in~aY~s_world. ,'. dlildren' likelYI to uSe 1lhescbool sonville, N.C., continued: ' ' "'P~bli~ation 'ot,~ ',C9~;~igbt _ MONDAY ~~St~ Aga,~a,":V;~rgio. " Reservations.will close,tomor-' emphasized the eost v.rQUld have ,"This, practice, of,.,pri.vate J'e-' Martyr. .u.J. CIaSs. :Red. Ma. ' " , " " ti b h' to...eo' and ... statement, coincided .wiUt, the" d'" I ," row for the Christian living: . been 'prohibitive' •- , ,produc on y p 0 , ,pleJ:S . , pu.blicaUon ~ ~o~r,sta~en~-, Proper;, 19ry~" Commonr~Prefweekend, Slimpling conveht life ~'"Cosf oCeCiucatfun 'is in~feas-' ,mimeograp~ic, de:t(i~: su\?stan-' ace
' , " te 'urging' n~w . arms,', fQJ:' 'JDl,Jsie~, " ;,j " ' . ',,'" ' I
.' and participatingm dJscuggiollS' mg;"" Msgr.; 'Burke said;' '~nc1 ' qaUy"dim~ni,she:;:tPe.~giij!l1a '
'voea.tion a,!d its 'releVance' :q'uality educatlon'cartilot'be'.pro-," royaltieS due the . coInPOSe~ and; ~uCiltion, an4,witb ,~ aIf' TUESDAY,-'St. Titus,",Bishop, . ,Jill~Orks. . I " '~II,.n Confessoli. m Olass.""White. to modern life.' '~ Without Deees8arytUoos.~, authors, for ,their ' " cem",.e,nt ,,01. ,F,a.~.her .B,.\Y,.ronj" DJ . " ' , , ' ",; '.", ,,'Illegal and Immoral ,8~intment, to, chal1·~~~."P of Mass Proper; Glory; € m nmOli IDsight,Into,.Womeu theOOard., , ," 'I,;e;" Preface. I: -" ',' "', ' : , indefinitely plans to build a $2 million high school he~e due to , , ,.
Mass ,9rdo I,:
"5 .h d I • SIsters C: e' e T Prog tams
, on
" "'Of ~i~~~:~e::~d :=1~0~~
~ont~,',-_ ~i,,4, ~a~s
"" Plans' 81. '" at ,the Packard Manse 'program A concelebr~~ed ~onths Mind tum compels- them 'to cut '.back· -' ." ,. " . , ' ',' :,C": " Red. Glory;"Common Preface. ,to be' held the-weekend of Feb. Mass,.ofRequlemw1l1 ~ offered production and 'hence redUces", Image ,Pr~gr_~~',:,:,':' WEDNESDAY _ st; Rom'auld, Hi through 18 Hours be the,' at 10 onSat~r9ay mommg, Feb.. the ,number of new works for' CINCINNATI (NC)~tQdeQt", Abbot m Class, White M3SlI same as tho~ for the ,convent ,3 in,. St. ~uis ChJ,Jrch, Fall publieatio~.:", '~~ _, l~~ers'Of' the"!uiti~ri~dl'!'-,mU-< Prope;; Glory; Common"'Pref ,week~nd, ,and, included in the' Ri~er, for the. repo,se Cl'f.the "We Wish to POInt out, the' lion-member Catholic StUdents' ace.
program on the, theme "Insight soul ,of the late Rev. FranCiS R. :natement e~phas~, ."that it' ~ission Cru's~ade anii<.>im~" '. THURSDAY' '~'St.' Jonn aI
into Woman,"will be discus Cc?nne,rton, S , $ ' I S absolutelY Illegal and immoral plans to make the orga~lzatio~ :Matha; - ,Confessor. III Class. sions dealing with encountering, ,to reproduce-by any. means- better known an~ more' .effe«;-. White: Mass Pro er' Glo • He,c,ro,i.o,'9Y eith~r the text or musIc or boUl tive, while·prepanngto observe Common Preface"P. rye '. Christ through others; the'role . 'of women; male and fernal psy its 50th anniversary."" FEB, 9 At a' CSMC' national executive c:hology; and "Woman on, the - resh 0 I'd 0 f' th e 21s' t' C en t ury. " ,.1. .Kelly, 1963, "tnlprcwes reclt,lon -"',',bOard' , Th Rt. Rev. John U'" meeting here, official~, An art film will be shoWQ, Past9r, S~. Pe~er and Paul, Fall Diocesa'n said a workshop on '-'"image-:,. followed by a discussion perioq., River. ,SPOKANE (NC) _ The Spo making" would' be iIicllided in and guidance ~sions will be, " FEB'. '10' the program 'of the', convention kane diocesan Pastoral Council, CO. direct~ ,tpward enriching rela,.. Rev. EdWard L. O'B.n,'·en,.1966, comPosed of religious and Jai' to be ' held Aug. 22 1O'25'at the tionships' among workshop par", " University 'of 'Notre Dame. ticipants. Reservations will close Pastor, 'st. Mary, M~iel~., '" members, has approved creation. ",,' '" " Fr'd F b 9 FEB 11 . of the"post of diocesan director ·'A.I·d Ap'peal', ," lay, e. . . i)f special projects, described as Fee for either workshop is ,Rev. John O'Connell, 1910, 15" N'EW y ' 01UC(NC)' ~ Repre-: - the diocesan "gran person. $ Hl and this includes board and . '. . I ,., '. , 'St. ,J~n Evangelist, Attleboro, ' The, job wilL pay $ll,O~O. sentatives from' 119U.5:· cliO 365, NORTH 'FRONT STREET ,lodging f~r the weekend. Fur-' '. Rev. Joh[1 J.' Sullivan, S.T .L~. year and is slated for 8, layman. ceses will attend four regional' ther 'information is available 196'I, Paslo'r, Holy Rosary, ·Fall . '. 1 b to 'NEW '8EDFO,RD from Sister Joseph Adele at the Ri....... ' "
The director of special proJects, meetings, in ear y ,Fe ruary NortlJ Easton address. Y..... it was explained, will seek ,pub- lay plans for the' 220d aimual: 992-5534 FEB. 12 lie and private grants' ,for, dioc- Catholic Bishops' Overseas Aid Re'v: Stanislaus B. Alber, esan education and' charitable Fund' AppeaL ,SS.ce., 'i96i, Mon'astery of':Sa programs. He will be responsi en!d Heart, Fairhaven. . ·ble to the diocesan directo~ cd, 'c:ha~tie~·':~~~.:~clucati~n. , FEB. 14'
A' Of,
C· "Post
DEBR()$'$ , Q'.L Heati~g" Oil.'~ and 'Burne'~s
Feb. 4-H 0 1y'Name, New " Bedford. St. Joseph, Fall 'River. :i St: Anthony's Convent;: Fall River. , 'J ,
Feb. ll-Cur Lady -of Fatima,; Swansea. it St. Mary, No. Attleboro:, Our Lady's Haven, Fair~" ,haven. :' ""
Rev. Charles E. Clerk, 1932, Pastor, St: Roch, Fall River. "
-, '
FEB.; 15
Rev~ joseph G. Lavillle, 1910,
Pastor" 'St. 'Matthew, Fall ~ver. " R,ey.,.James ,C. ' Conlon, ;l95?, PaStOr, St. MaiY, NOrton.:,· ; ",
• ~ .. -, '1UNflCllllB'
, ,~~ CtaSSPosta2ehhl -' faR';RIv~r,
::' ,~. '''abllsllllQ,: e#ety,;:I1Ilirsda) Ill: 410 '", ....,~, ~ve_,,,f1lII,"'l,lvll,1'" :I!\ass., ;02722 "-'lJ'jt!Je' ::atllOllcPiilss'cp tile 01_. fiI fat! - .1lIwer..-,~larI $4.OO·lI8r year. . 'f)I'lce,-tf-lIIIllo,tIOsqIald. .
,'. ~AssigllllS ,Fr~n~i~CciJn , ,. ~, The Most:Revere1l4 Bishop has
,Rt~ 6-Betwe~",~aD River and' New Bedford
appt..Qved ,the n~irt-iriation of'Rev.
Joaehim'Dembeek; 'O.F.M. Conv.,; by Very Rev. George M. ~osk-; wi,talski, p;F.M:' 'Conv., pT<!vin rial,as assistant at O!Jr, Lady of , ,;'l,.j'ew,Bed,.
io~,',:,~,assig[lln,~f ~m~" "ti' -.. , Feb ..
effec :ve to'r!:l.or-row; , .... , :_,;'" Fa'ther Deinb~':replaces 'Ste''phen-Ko's6wokl',,' O.F.M. -Conv.
One of SoUthert('New" EngIancts finest ,Fc"cilit~',:'
-', No.j,:~ Av~ik.ble fo~ " "
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 faD Ri¥er~ Feb. .... 1968 ..
·OBSERVES UNITY OCTAVE: Bishop Connolly participates in ec tIRlenical service at Church of Our Savior, Episcopal, Somerset. Left,. Rev. Alden R. BUl'hoe, I'ector of host church; Bis'hop Connolly; Rev.
Bernard Sullivan, curate at St. Patrick's parish', Somerset; ·Rev. James Van Pelt, pastor of Somerset Federated Church. Right, participating clergy join in prayer.
Bureau Proposes Parents-Children Sex Education MILWAUKEE (NC) The Catholic Family Life Program of the Milwaukee archdiocese has proposed a sex education program for chil dren and parents for all parishes in the archdiocese. The proposal suggested that parishes conduct 90-minute meetings for sevcnth graders and their parents, with sixth' and eighth graders included at tile discretion of pastors. · Father Donald N. Weber, lIirector of the Fnmily Life Program, said i4 was.cOllsidcred, important that childrcn get sex 8ducation in the presence. of' their parents. .. · He criticized the method used III some school systems, which eonducts sex education classes ~ part of the regular school ,rograrh. . · Noting that "we can no longer' debate whether or not we: should have such a program," he stated:· "We cannot allow parents to be divorced from their children in ibis most sensitive and sacred as.pect of life." The proposed plan would in elude talks by a physician or Burse and a priest, the showing et a film and a question and wwer session.'
Parishes to Merge Three High Schools BAY CITY (NC)-Solid back ing for the merger of three east side Catholic high schools here in Michigan was given in public referendums in St. Joseph, St. Stanislaus and St. James schools. The total vote was 1,401-256 with approval carrying by heavy majorities in each parish. Using present buildings and staffs, 'the merged program will go into effect in September. Stu dents will have a broader choice of subject matter-plus more ex pert instruction since teachers will be placed in fields of major proficiency. The city's two west Side Catholic high schools merg ed in 1966. The merged opera tions provide a broader curd CUlu'n\' than offered by any of '. the schools in independent oper:" ..... ~ ... , .
Need Understa~ding of Ecu'menical Gains S~ys
Communication Lacking, Paulist BOGA RATON (NC) - The "Even John Wesley," he. ad greatest ecumenical problem to- ded, "criticized Luther for teach day is not lack of agreement on ing that we are 'saved by !faith doctrine but lack of communica- without works." tion betwee'n the experts and These opinions have not ordinary churchmen regarding changed, he said, even though as doctrinal agreements reached, a a result of re-examination of prominent ecumenist-theologian writings by the ReformE;rs, the said here in Florida.ologians have found it apparent The communication lag was that both Catholics and Wesley discussed by Father Harry J. ans "missed the point" of much McSorley, C.S.P., in an address of Lu.the'r's. teachings. on "Converging Protestant and ImPortant DistinctioD Catholic Theologies" .at Mary Father McSorley said that Lu mount'.Coliege, Father McSorley ther' was, confronted with this is a professqr at ~t. Paul's Col.. misunderstanding'· in . bisown. Hfetime and tried to clarify his . in. Washington, D.C. He said that despite increasing position by stating that he .was' c9rivergence of .the views .·01. not COndemning ·go.od works: that Catholic and Protestant theolo truly prQC~ded from faith. gians, . "the g'reat mafoiity ~ He made an importan~' dis Christians: Catholic and Protes tinction in' this regard,the priest tant, 'ministers, priests, Sunday' . continued, 'when late in his life, school teachers, catechists and· Luther said, "Works are neces laity alike still see the 'other' saryfor salvation, even though Christians in terms of inade. the do not effect salvation." , quate slogans of 20, 10 or even Theologians, he' said, . have five years ago." View of Lather Chapel Dedicated
As an example, Father McSor ley, who· has been a Catholic At Miami Airport
representative to official dia . MIAMI (NC)-A 100-seat in logues with American Luther ami, cited the average Catholic's terdenominatioill .' chapel was' dedicated at Miami International view of Martin Luther and the Airport here. Reformation. . The· chapel, located on the He said that Catholi.cs "have for centuries imagined that· the second lever of the terminal building,' was arranged to ac watchword of the Reformers comodate worship services of 'justifkation by faith and grace various faiths by the Airport alone'- left no place for tht!. Inter-Faith Chapel Committee. 'good works'· which are essential The committe includes repre;' to Christian life. sentatives of the Catholic Miami I diocese, the Metropolitan Fel of Churches· and . the Vietnam War Issue lowship Greater Miami Rabbinical Asso Is' Debate Topic
ciation. WESTFIELD (NC) - T we priests widely known for their positions for and against the Vietnam war will debate their positions here in New Jersey on March 6. Father John B. Sheerin, C.S.P., editor of The Catholic World; and a long-time oppommt of the war, will debate the negative side of "Is the United States Waging a Just War in Vietnam?" Father Daniel Lyons, S.J., editor of TWin Circles~The National Catholi~ P.ress 'and! a war pro .p'one~t, 'will argue the am~a,:,
made enormous strid~~s in reach ing a fuller understanding of Luther's teachings and the jus tification doctrine of the Re formation, and this fuller under standing has been shared by Catholics and Protestants in volved in dialogue. "On some questions," he said, "convergence has been achieved simply by overcoming misunder standings; on others by viewing the Protestant insights' as com plements to, rather than contra dictions of the .Catholic position; 'and on still other questions by' 'finding ::;urprising 'Catholic' in sights in the Protestant tradition imd 'Evan'gelical' affirmations i.J;l the Catholic tradition."
Catholic Charities Contest Underway WASHINGTON' (NC) - The National Conference of Catholic Charities has announced the opening of the 1968 contest for the Msgr. John O'Grady award. The $250 award is presented an nually for' the best manuscript . of 5,000 words or le~;s on Cath~ olic s~~al service philosophy or practice. The contest, which closes next .May I, was esiablished in honor of the late Msgr. John O'Grady, social action pioneer and NCCC secretary from 1920 to 1961.
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Belgians .Clash
Over Litu rgy
BRUSSELS (NC)-The ponce arrested four demonstrators: in cluding a member of parliament. af Vilvorde-Beauval near here after a clash over the language to be used at Mass. The incident was the latest in a dispute that has been going ",n for several months between French-speaking and Flemish speaking members of the Beau val parish. The Flemish-speaking parish ioners want to ban from Flem ish' soil any Mass sung or said in French. The l!'rench speakers, argtii!1g that there is a large percentage of French' speakei'll . in the. pariSh, demand the con thiuance ~ Fre'.lch· in the litur gy. . Vilvorde-Beauval . is in Bel-. gium's Brabant 'province, whicb . is largely' Flemish speaking. "The clergy: without'taking an,. formal position in the dispute, have continued having Masses ill . Latin with responses in French. The Flemish ~peakers reject this solution and in their pro test at Sunday Mass clashed with French-speaking counter demonstrators; _--1
:;;1 .
fEBRUARY IS CATHOLIC PRESS MONTH 'Let Us Loyally .Support The Anc;I,or' . Bishop. Connolly
.lIerate Authority
, 'FHE·ANCHOR...... Diocese of fanraver--=-Thurs.,Feb. ,1, ;1968, '
Shuster's Book o'n Catholic .Education' Disappointment' By Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joim S. Kl2maedy
George N: Shuster is well qualified to write on the present condition of, and the outlook for, Catholic education, im: a' Changing World (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 383 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $5.95). For one thing; he says, "I was the product porlance, often at odds with 9f Catholic education from prevalent supositions: the e 1 e in e n tar y , school And Dr. Shuster's wisdom is through 'cOllege and have of a rare order. It is good to
Continued from Page One ccnuorm to the collective mo'ral 'sense 'of the American people" as God gives them the light to 'judge. In. a pluralistic society, it is necessary that the people are free to exercise their constitu tional rights of free speech and!. dissent. It is equally important that they do so in a constructive manner, that they do not com promise the diplomatic negotia tions of their responsible repre resentatives, and that they confine their criticisms to issues, not personalities. Prays for President The penalties for ignoring this 'plea for Christian charity could! be _serious indeed. For when we indulge in the luxury of berat jng our elected officials, we rUJ:l the risk of undermiillng respect for all authority. This, of course stimulates every fonnof civil disobedience, gives free rein to the criminals in our midst, and leaves the country with the bitter alterna tives of meeting force with force, or of opening the gates tc anarchy. Mr. President, we pray foi' you in this Red M~ss" and, for all ,yo~r associates in govern-, ment, that the divine Author 02 Ord~r in' the Universe grant you" . the 'wisdom to choose wIsely, , the fortitude to stand fast where firmness is needed, and 'the flex-' ibility and humility to change when change is indicated. With confidence we ask Him' to stand at your shoulder, and!: to guide you in these critical days of decision. G-od bless and' keep yoo always.
have, and to ponder, the con never given anyone the slight eonsidered -commepts of one so est reason to believe otherwise knowledgeable and so keen. --or that I Decisive Years wished it might NEW CAREER BEGINS: Father William J. Ford Dr. Shuster offers the opinion have been dif rung, 74, a widower, is shown as he looked at his first public "that the central problem of ferent." He has, High Mass, at his alma mater, Fordham University in New Catholic education is to spread always' been a awareness that times have York, after a C<:'lreer as a doctor, lawyer, college professor student of the changed, that religious dedica American Cath and adoptive father of four. children. Fr. Fordrung began ,tion,_ while having its own radi olic scene. He studying for the priesthood at 65 on Formosa, where he a,nce, is not enough, that society is now Assist was a medical missionary, - and was ordained there last js' moving rapidly to goals of ant to the Pres weal and woe which could not September. NC Photo. ident of the have been foreseen - at the turn University of the century and therefore of Notre Dame. that the thing that matters most However" his is to give the Church, which is ,book is something of a' disap the faiIDly of the faithful, the ppintment. This, in part, is be ~'Ii'<eU\tllfr<e AJro$w<eli's '~Ii'D\l"n<e$,@{F .[P}lf.@fP>©Si<e<dl cause it, is not especially well dynamism that alone can ren" organized. It is leisurely and deer,its mission productive." .. $$\Q)@,@@@ ~J!~teli\)~Dfr{lJJ.Ii'~ '{F~[j' ~lhlll1l[j'<eIhl'" T~e percentage, of Ca.tholic discursive'. . stuaents, in parochial schools Dr. Shuster has a go at some CINCINNATI (NC)-Auxili " .urban parish, and' still will· keep "will decrease, perhaps more matters: wanders off into a di ·.ary Bishop Edward A. McCar~ within the standards prescribed gression, picks up another mat': rapidly than many of us 'haVe thy, chairman of the Cincinnati by the ecumenical council" a~k~ thought," . according to Dr. ter, returns: bl!'iefly .to' the first. ing for "noble simplicity rather Shuster. Which means that archdiocesan building commis His argument is often hard to parochial schools cannot be the , sion, has defended plans to build than sumptuous display." . follow because of prolixity and "!Less Than Best' chief means of Christian' forma~ a new $800,000 church at In detours. '.~arnation parish in Centerville, Opposing, viewpoints on the tion of Catholic child'ren. I , Outdated lInform2>tiolil church have been published in The author apparently favors Ohio. Again, some of the informa The bishop said the proJect the Image, the parish bulletin, concentration on high schools, tion on which he bases observa as ,the years there are decisive' building "in terms of the reali as "open letters" to the pastor, tions or conclusions' is plainly in lasting religious -influence. ties of present (> .. '" costs is Father Raymond Kallaher. outdated'. The Notre Dame The building committee was 'Study of Catholic Education' But he insists on the need of ,moderately priced." A controversy on the cost 'of defended by Michael .J. Lang, . took place several years ago, . an effective religious education program for everyone at aU the new church erupted last who said most parishioners when" as Dr.' Shuster readily ages, in the parish. -Fall at an open meeting of the chose to reside in, the parish acknowledges the. effects, of Again, how do we best use , Incarnation parish council. Phil "to rear our children in an eil Vatican II bad not begun to, ROME (NC) - Father Jobs such means: as- we have? No Donahue, a, parishioner, emerged vironment which is the best our to ,make themselves, felt in the Musinsky, newly elected supe easy answer is proposed. means would pennit. , as a spokesman for a group pro practical order. riorgeneral of the Divine Word Reconsider Role "If, after choosing the best testing the $800,000 outlay. The' In the interim there ha,ve Missionaries, closed the society's In considering the Catholic for our fa~lies, we choose' less , group called for building a less ,been very signjficant changes ninth general chapter and college and the Catholic univei than the, best for our place 'of costly and elaborate structu're, touching Catholic education. promulgated a newly revised set sity, Dr. Shuster has some- inter worship, it would seem almost suggesting that the money sayed Fer eXaJ;l1ples. teaehers~ sala of rules and directives. contemptuous," he wrote. ries, in Catholic elementary and esting ideas. No, one can: over be used to aid the poor or for The primary achievement' cnf look the astounding phenome Anoth'er 'letter, signed by ] 7 sscondary schools, have been educational purposes. the chapter has been to empha non of the growth of 'college parishioners, questioned the wis raised considerably beyond the Local newspapers recently size and clarify the society's es dom of spending $800,000. The level shown in the Notre Dame facilties at public expense. The publicized the rift in the sublJr sentially missionary character community college is a case in, signers agreed that a new church study: ban parish, touching off a round and to integrate all other aspecW point. ' was needed, but argued for "al These critIcisms do not mean of arguments in letters-to-the of its religious life 'and its gov The Catholic college must re ternative" architectural plans that the book bas no vaLue. Far ernment with this missionarY consider its role. Dr. Shuster editor columns. which would keep the cost low from it. The Notre Dame study, scope. In' his: statement, Bishop Mc provides some impressive guide enough to allow for other neces if outmoded in some respec,ts, The chapter also clarified the Carthy, said the plan 1'01' the lines here. The Catholic college, sary things. turned up fads of enduring. imrole of the Divine Word Mis he says, should observe them or church is sound. sionary Brother by, removing go out of business. .. , , "All' but one' merhber of the aU distinctions between priests The Catholic university, parish bllilding co~mittee Law Gives Church
and Brothers which do not de writes Dr. Shuster, "cannot be ommend it strongly," he said. pend on priestly ordination, and less. a mouthpiece for the magiste "The committee is' a competent, by allowing the Brothers to be WASffiNGTON (NC):-There BONN (NG)-East Germany's dum, however deeply and sin 12-man, board and it is deserv ordained deacons when the are 7,207 foreign students cur ilew penal law" scheduled to go cerely it may respect that mag ing of full confidence. needs of the missions require it. rently enrolled in U. S. Catholic into effect Aug. t, will bring isterium. But at the same, time "The church' will be in good colleges, according to a survey new problems to the nation's I}either it nor any other univer con t e m p 0 r a ry architectural made by the Foreign Visitors chUL"ches, no longer proteeted sity can be (> . . . . an- organization taste, in keeping with the pro Office' of the United States of faculties which purports to, as' corporations under public gressive spirit 'of the community, Catholic Conference. pl'ovide a synthesis of. or at law. and will have the permanency The number represents 7.18 least a panoramic look""" at, .Maintenance SupplieS The new law, for example, in and durability expected of a subper cent of the total number of everything which is kno;wn., It cludes no provision forbidding SWEEPERS - SOAPS foreign nationals studying at public bfaspbem-y, destruction of can only be a grouping of spe U. S. institutions of higher church r 'ldings 0" property, cializatious." DISINFECTANTS Counsels of Perfection lea.rn1ng. misuse of the pulpit or interrup FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The figure shows an increase It will welcome to its' faculties Meet With' Bishops
tion of re]igious services. De-' of 1,218 over last year's report, scholars of other faiths, will re spite protests by church author BAt.TIMORE (NC) - ' Three which noted 5,989 foreign" stu place censorship with criticism", bishops joined with superiors ities, the new law opens up the dents in Catholic colleges, but is .churches to' regular harassment will have "possibilities of free 1886 PURCHASE STREET from 12 Religious orders of men still less than the record 7,882 dom which until recently were in a regional meeting here to by the Ge.rman secret service. NEW BEDFORD reported in 1964-65 in a survey not accorded it," win be rele A certain indirect protection discuss ways and means of im vant to the world and bear wit made by the National Catholic 993-3786 b affoli'ded to the churches and proving cooperation between Educational Association. church meml!lers by provisions ness. Religious orders and the dio Dr. Shuster concludes, "Such, of the new law that establish ceses in which they serve. are the insight and the desire' the principle of universal According to Brotlier Pastor which faShion the care of Chris equality before the law and by Sta~key, C.S;X., provincial X.l tian education namely, the tl'le law's' official prohibition of venan supenor who hosted the ~ounsels of perfection" >1< * The r-eJ.igious persecution. ' 'perfect' Christian is .. '" .. the meeting, the bishops and the su pane of glass through which tHe periors made "a real good statt'" PresS' ress in solving together some of tHe light can shine" .. ¢ problems caused by duplicatioR PARIS {NC}-The seventh Through knowing in the in w-arld congress of the Interna": DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS
nermostpart Of his being that of efforts of Religious order.s and ' diocesan groups.) tional Union of. the Catholic he has been created, can Be di There ,was "recognition of the Press (ICPU) win be held in rect human creativity to its des Service":" Bedin from July 1 to 5, 1968, tiny? Such a hope is made more problems existing" on both sides, the, seel!'e11a:Jriat of the ICPU an MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER real!. wherever there is a' sehool," , he said. and the meeting repre nounced here. The theme wfll however humble, in which the sented the first regional attempt be "The Press in a Changing counsels of perfection are to exchange ideas on their solu 675~7484 tions. ' Wodd.~' cherished."
ITd)@~@ITfJ~$ ~lJ]ildnUD@' Plan
Missionaries Adopt
New Set of Rules
ForeigJlrners Enrolled] In Catholic Colleges
Religious Superiors
Sales -
, r-
I \ J.
:~,~.~ ;':='~.~ ......_.-~ bert Srtykowski, the teacher, Steven Ayres and Doreen Correia, all of St. M'.ary's, New Bedford. Right: The use of films in high school classes is shown by Rev. Michael McPartland to Miss Ann M. Hebert of 'Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford~ left, and to Teresa Wills, right, of St. Mar garet's, Buzzards Bay. The workshop was conducted by the Victory NoU Sisters, wh()8e headquarters are in No. Easton. "'?_"
WORKSHOP FOR CCD TEACHERS: 4lCatechetics for Today" was theme of the In-Service Workshop conducted at Stang High on Saturady. Left: Sr. Joseph Adele demonstrates the use of filmstrips on the high eehool level to CCD instructors Mr!'l. Manuel J. Sylvia ()f Wareham, left, and Miss Mary Logan of St. La,wl'ence's, New Bedford, center. Pa.rtici pating in the 6th grade level demonstration are: Nancy Jesus, Mrs. AI
Reports Chinese Pressure Bans Peace TClJlks ROCKVILLE CENTRE '~NC)-A secret treaty be ~een North Vietnam and Red China makes any prog pects for peace in the Vietnam war dependent on the Chinese otlOmmunists, ac;cording to a ceopyrighted article in the Long bland Catholic, weekly news~ paper of the Rockville Centre di ~se. . The story tells of a pact signed Iln 1962 between the two com llIlUnist governments which re ritricts the freedom of action of «be North Vietnamese regime. (A spokesman for the United f8tatcs Department of State in ;Washington said that the de partment had no knowledge of such a treaty.) According to the Long Island. f:atholic, Heinz Muhler, 11 COi" lIleSpondent for the Bureau In ternational de Presse of Paris, 6Jisclosed the existence of the pact in a special article released ~y the French news agency flK' which the Long Island Catholic Ilws exclusive U.S. rights. Muhler said he received the IInfOI,nation from the West Ger flUan ambassador to Vietnam. Muhler said, according to the I»"tic1c, that North Vietnamese President Ho Chin Minh rejects President Lyndon B. Johnson's lJ>eace proposals because of Red <Chinese pressure. This information, the Long TIsland Catholic says, makes it ciloubtful that Hanoi is ready to negotiate if the U.S. were to halt \l)ombing of ~orth Vietnam.
tp'O'©G'®:5(f@Ifflli' l®@d]®IrS) V© lHJ©ll'il@O' [?l@II1l~~~ff CLEVELAND (NC) - A rep li'esentative of Pope Paul VI has treen invited to Cleveland to re eeive a statement from Protes Cant leaders in tribute to Ulle 'JPope's inspired leadership trm ecumenism. Bishop Clarence G. IssenmlUm QI; Cleveland and Bishop Francio M. Zayek, Maronite-rite exareilll of the United States, will atteMl the presentation, scheduled ifOlf $. Maron'li feast d~ Stmdll$.>
• Dutch Catechism Errors In
Cardinals, Suggest Re~riting Some Paragraphs AMSTERDAM (NC)-No er rors have been detected in the new Dutch catechism: this is III conclusion of a report by a spe cial commission of six cardinals set up to study the orthodoxy of the ca techism. The commission did suggest that some paragraphs in the Dutch catechism be rewritten. Rewritten passages on con tested points, together with an extensive explanation, had been sen t to the Roman curia, the Church's central administrative offices, by Bernard Cardinal Alfrink of Utrecht, it was re ported in September. The eate chism bore. his imprimatur. The cardinal had agreed in a pet'sonal audience with Pope Paul VI in June that the new edition of the catechi:;m be re written. Later, the commissiolil of cardinals accepted this wg gestion. " The rewriting job is still not complete, 'but has been started by tQae Dutch Higher Catechet ical Institute at Nijmegen, di rected by Father William Bless, S.J. The commission of eaJrdinals studying the catechism includecil. Joseph Cardinal Frings of C0 logne , Germany; Lorenz CardA nal Jaeger of Paderbom, Gell' many; Joseph Cardinal Lefebvre of Bourges, France; Michael Cardinal Browne, O.P., of the Vatican's Doctrinal Congrega tion; Ermenegildo Cardinal Flo rit of Florence, Italy, and the Swiss theologian, Charles Car dinal Journet. Controversial! WOl1'rI In late December, on his re turn from Rome where he hoo discussed the controversial cat echism with the commission, 'Cardinal Alfrink told newsmen .that he was "generally satisfied with the results of the meeting." The Dutch Catholic news Belb vice KNP reported that a meet ing the Cardinal had with Popa Paw at the same time indica~ that the Pope WQuld lIollow Un!a ad vice gi ven by Cardinal Frings, Jaeger and Lefebvre, who weN rreporied to have considered! t2nia ootechism "as tI sJl)ClldJd piece GIf WON" revJBing and d~ &l~
The catech1sm, published En the-Netherlands in 1966, touched off a storm of controversy as soon as it hit the bookstands. Historical Cardinal Alfrink blamed the investigation by. the commission of cardinals on a petition i&1 Latin sent to the Pope by some Dutch "traditionalist" Catholics i1' which it was alleged that the new catechism deviated from the Church's tnle doctrine. II}. concept, the new catechism differs radically fr{)m traditional catechetical presentations. It abandons the conventional ques tion-and-answer format on & employs raiher a historical ap proach to man's relation to God. In narrative form, it reflects upon the eondlition of man and his search for truth, and the current search cr1 God fOll' moo.
Wheel-Chair Youth
)erves TV Mass
MADISON (N1::)-A ;youth ill wheelchair served a televisedl. Mass which is sponsored weekl,. by the Madison Diocesan Apos rolate to the Handicapped here fa Wisconsin. Curtis Libby, 19, a victim of 01 swimming accident, woo CiMl oa ·two acolytes at the Mass.
- 11
In t!his way the book deals not
Imly with God in Christianity but also in other great systems of belief-Hinduism, Buddhism, !slum, humanism and Marxism.
Censor Plea.sed Father Edward Schillebeeckx, 0.P., the censor of the first edi tion of the catechism, received the news of the Vatican's ap proval of the catechism from Cardinal Alfrink. Father Schillebeeckx stated that he would nevc~r have ac cepted any condemnation, of the text, but he expressed great joy about the favorable judgment. He said: "I suppose this is one of the first deciSions of (Franjo) Cardinal Seper, the r.ew head of the Doctrinal Congregation. The commission of" six cardinals must have awaited the resigna tion. of (Alfredo) Cardinal Otta 'rip.nt The main opponent of the
,Men's and Women's Councils to Merge MILWAUKEE (NC) The Milwaukee archdiocesancoun cils of men and women win merge officially at a constitt! tional convention here. The merger has been undeif consideration for almost a year. Archbishop William E. CousillQ of Milw~lUkee has approved !t. The 173 men's. affiliates and 27l} women's affiliates of the coun cils will maintain their separate identities on parish and inter parish levels. Merging the two groups will! permit gt'eater efficiency in maintaining a central office, c0 ordinated programs and a joint speakers' bureau, it was ex plained.
"T h e Higher Catechetical Institute at Nijmegen, which wrote the Rew catechism, 8f fered to rewrite title text fM the second edition before the oommission ofcardinalssug gested so. The new Dutch catc ehism will now be published in ·many countries in the world be e&use so many translations have been prepared."
.~=~ s:~~=s:'Q __
Parish Councils for Action
"AU your ~fforts (for tl~e chw'ch) will be dest1'oyed unless you wield _
the dl:fenswe and offenswe weapon of a p1'ess that is Ca.tholic, loyal
and 8'1,ncere. ~
POPE JOHN XXIIJI: "The C~tholic Press is not only ~mportant but necessary. Its activities in the Untted StatesO'-re and v~ta,l. The Diocesan 1Jape1' belongs in every lUJme.~
"'1AYve yOU? Catholic press, spread it abroad, dedicate ?JOW though~ voW" resources and your devotion." B[SH~ §
to it your time,
CoNNOLLY:: NT'bA: parish 'P'/.dpit needs the help of The ANCHOR. Much of our eon fiction, and belie?!€!"""
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of .,Fall River-ThurS.; ·1~68· , . ., .:.... Feb.. J, \.; " -'
All Indispen,sable
,Cites, E'ncyclical,
On 'Aid to 'Poor
J!aharishi Mahesh Yogi At'Harilard
berto Sanc~ez Vilella quoted ,Last week, the famous Indian guru, Mararil'lhi Mahesh Pope John XXIII to back his a&.. Yogi, spoke at Harvard University. He most ,recen~ly has sertiOli that . "the country) gained world fame .as, the spiri,tual mentor and ,leader of wealth must ~eequitably dis-o the Beatles.' His rapt audience consisted of about 1200 tributed according to the' de mands of a social morality based students packed into' stately Sanders Theatre and an-' 'on human equality." . other 800 or so outside. Seated on a deerskin rug, and sur SaT\chez, in his' message 0Ji rounded by garlands of flowers, the Indian 'my&tic spoke' the state of Puerto Rico, con a high childlike voice about love; peace, and transcen tended a family with a yearly dental med~tation. ,Said the' guru~"everyone thinks ,life income below $2,500 lives iB extreme poverty.
is a struggle. Life is not a ~truggle or a weakness. It is "In his encyclical Mater et infinite. Only the infinite part must be lived, and then
,Magistra," the governor said, everything is easy." The students, along with a sprinkling "Pope John XXIII says that 'Il of hippies and flowerchidren, all satmesmorizEid by'the, people's economic wealth does lecturer. ' , , not consist solely of total abun dance of gooc;ls. but also, and The presence of the, guru', or teacher, has more than even more, of teal and efficient , a passing~ignificance. 'It is an indication. oflthe spiritual distribution according to' justice thirst and unrest' among the ·riation's YOiItH. The young to guarantee the, personal devel intellectulas and' the' st~dents ~ofQur. tinie"ar.e ,.seking opment of society's membe~ desperately for an answer to life, in what W. H. Auden has This, the Pope adds, 'is the true goal of the national economy.' "' called the Age of Anxiety. They, seek for a 'response to Sanchez added: "It is esti their search by tending, naturally toward tpe spiritual PastoralLetteraf mated that more than 200,000 and the supernaturaL More than this, they look for a re Puerto Rican families still have on, ligion to express this need. Hinduism and Oriental myst.ic incomes below $2,500 a year. It ism apparently furnish ,an answer to their spiritual needs. And these families represent more than a third of all Puerto This is evidenced by the frequent. use of Indian beads~"", Rico . They are poor because bells, robes, caste marks, and.Jndian musical instruments. O~rDay" their breadwinners cannot work; There is an increasing penchant for, and an interest in they are old, women with chil Oriental mysticism. ; dren to care for, the physically - ,And yet, their credo of love, freedom, contemplation, disabled. and self realization is one cherised by all men .As Chris "We must help these families directly," hI'! added. "Only thus tians, we firmly believe that Christianity has the answer will they take part in Puerto to all these vexing problems and to all man's needs. Christ's , Rico's general progress. I pro C<Ola-hc~gc D~stitMfriorl\ls Produce Better 'life, his teachings, and especially the Sermon on the Mount, pose larger resources can allevi all give ample proof, of this. AD'iJ'il~Il'~~«51rn$6 ~!1'~!ate Asserts ' ate their poverty. We qlUst con tinue this effort with larger ap The presence and the current interest in the learned GARDEN CITY (NC)--:-The, mentary and ,seCondary school propriations in the following and respected Indian teacher at Harvard, is a definite in director of the Research Institute education. years." dication that the spiritual values of the country's youth for Catholic Education in New "These Catholic college gradu
are vibrant and alive. The present generation has no dis York said Catholic colleges and ates are significantly different
like for Christianity as such. It 'simply argues that Chris universities have been successful in their adult religious behavior Sd'iledl!.de COnJgress
and social ,attitudes. In fact, the ~f CIl'<1I>IL .... R• Youth Uanity is tainted by the lives of its followers. This may in producing "better Americans significant effects here of the ~ "'" 1ll1lvU ec as well as better Catholics." have some validity. In any event, it remains }or all Chris Catholic college 'suI;prised' the ALTENBERG (NC)-The EuCiting recent sociological re tians to live a life of peace, and holiness, and love. ropean Conference of Catholic search by the National Opinion social scientists. The UPANISHAD, one of the foundations of the guru's Research Center at the Univer ''These Catholic college grad- Youth held a meeting here to teachings, reeommends thjs thought for all men: "Out of sity of Chicago, Msgr. Edgar P. uates were notably more tolerant prepare for the World Congress unreality, lead us into reality. Out of darkness, lead us McCarren said it makes "a big than Catholic graduates of non., of Catholic Youth, to be held Catholic colleges toward Ne-in West Berlin the week after diference ,whether a Catholic at into light. From death, lead us into immortality". tends a Catholic college or not." , g,roes, Jews and Protestants, Easter (April 14). Perhaps M,aharishf.Mahesh Yogi is closer to our ideals The theme of the congress D He told a parent-teaching "Msgr. McCarren, said. than we think. ''They are less likely to obYouth and Peace. , group-here that research into the
US.Bishops The Church in
Calls' Colleges Success.
Fifty' delegates from various social and religious effects of ject to a Negro as a next-dOor , neighbor, ,less likely 'to think I ~ountries meeting in Altenberg , Catholic higher· education adds up to a defini-te con"clusion: "the that Jews have too much,power, decided that the Catholic youth more likely to, defend 'the' right organizations of Europe will more Catholic'education, the bet of a' Protestant, minister: to teach : Continue financial aid, to Scan ter." 'He said these Ifindings are 'things which are opposed to dinavian countries. 'of special" signifiance because Catholic doctrine. ;,. , Three commissions were es they concern inter-group rela "What is more, all these dif-" ~ablisl,1ed: for politics, and youth, tions and ecumenical attitudes. ferences are statistically signi-' for' relations 'with communist Different in' Behavior ficant, ,as is the difference be-' countries, and for ecumenical, Msgr. McCarren reported,the tween Catholics from Catholic .cooperation. following findings' concerning oollegesand college-educated Catholics who add a Catholic col Protestants on the anti-Semetic Loy Teacher Salary lege education to a. Catholic ele- item."
.Mean{ng!u'[, '
A word that threatens to be the mos't overworked word in Catholic writing is "meaningful." its use has reached amusing proportions. We' read endlessly that the a~crament of penance triu'st be meaningful; the Mass must. be mean ingful, the, relationships among people must be meaning.;, ful. For the firs,t few times the expression' was attractive and had a significant ring to it. But on closer examination the question must be asked-is it really saying anything new? ' The word "meaningful" m~ans sincere, purposeful. And" from this two conclusions can be deduced. The first is that when we are dealing with supernatural realities, such as the sacraments, it is faith that gives es sential meaning to what is done. Language, ceremonial, ges tures-all these are an,d should ,be significant. But the inner SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The competition with the CCD," he core of the matter is that the person meets Christ in this act. San Antonio archdiocesan su stated. "Both programs are es Either he believes that or he does not. This is the basis of perintendent of schools has senti ai, and both need" to be warned there is a "distant pos strengthened and improved. ' "meaningfulness." , sibility, in the long run," that , Aid CCD, The -econd is that the Church has always insisted t~at Catholic schools will be priced ''The schools, by the formation its children know what they are doing. Habit, rote, 'routine _ out of existence. of well - trained Christians," have always been the enemies of true spiritti'ality and re- ' Father JamesC. Brunner said ,Father Brunner \ continued, "can ligion. So today's admonitions, are repeating yesterday's in an interview here that "with be of great assistance to the the ever,-increasing educational ,CCD, which requires a large know what you are .doing and mean What you are doing in costs, it' is altogether doubtful core of ~ell':'trained teachers to this business of salvation. we could maintain a system of reach, the masses."
States 'PlI'iced' Out of Existence' Possibility for Catholic Schools
prese'nt scale and' size out of strictly private 'resources. '!This is particularly -'true," he added, when those who would contribute to the support of this system must also pay public school taxes. I emphasize this in only a hypothetical answer ·to 1"1:1:''''' '\ I. "!I:'~I·· "1\ PER OF T"4E DIOCESE OF LL P 'VER , a hypothetical question, and Published weekly by The Catholi~ Press ~f the Diocese of Fall River I only time will tell what the pattern of support for, 'Catholic 410 Highland Avenue schools will be,* * FC,1I1'River. Mass. 02722 675-7151 Fat her Brunner rejected PUBLISHER charges that Catholic schools Most ·,Rev. James L. Connolly; D.D .. PhD. conflict with, effective confra GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER ternity of Christian ])Qctrine It. Rev. Dalll~! F. Shalloo, M.p,.. Rev. John P. Driscoll pragrams. MANAGING EDITOR "The Catholic school system Hugh J. Golden, is not and never has been in
@rhe ANCHOR 1="
Father Brunner asserted that :"elimination of Catholic schools would also, eliminate the body of 'trained . teaching Christians, and the CCD would be the first to suffer. ' "I have not observed," he continued, ''that the absence of 'a Catholic school automatically brings about a good CCD pro 'gram. I find that ,some of the best programs in the San An tonio archdiocese are being con,dueted in parishes, where there are Catholic schools. <"So, I think the argument ,that Catholic schools- are' to blame for CCD 'difficulties," -he added, "is in entirely specious one.",
Status for Nuns
LOREJIJ'TO HEIGHTS (NC) Sisters of Loretto who teach at LOretto Heights College for women here in Colorado will be employed and paid on the same basis as lay teachers under a new policy effectiv!,! June 1. Sister Patricia Jean Manion, college president, said the new. "more realistic" policy will add a.n estimated $352,006 a year to the college budget. The college employs 41 Sisters of Loretto as teachers, but one-third of their salaries will be returned to the college as a gift from the' pro vincial of t,he Sisterhood.
Hit Denominational Schools in Germany MAINZ (NC) - Denomina 'tional schools are under attack in another West' German state. The Social Democratic PartY, in the Rhineland-Palatin8lte state -parliament is 'proposing 'legislation to establish the non denominational Christian school as the type of standard state supported school. The nonde nominational Christian school 'plan permits religious training by both Catholic and Protestant . instructors in the lame school.
f:~~~p~~tiv:e H~,~ School S~~~"l~ts, . ,f»repa~~ for E~,ance EXG!ms , ., .. , •
'. "M'
("'..~ '""
....-.,.,.,.."......--:..,.,......,.....".,..""."....-~."" .... :q"", ..............!'!"IF"",....,.,.-"."" ....~.,.'1\"". "-"".q"-,,"',..,, .... ..............c--o<..... "'...-, ......
Thurs., F.eb.'
been hot4ing open·'··liou~"·~p.rOgrainS for :im>SIuictive:high schooler&.: and now th~se prospective-stu dents must leap the hurdle of entraneeexams, which will be held at 'aU schools this Saturo&y. PTA membe:rs met ~ Jesus-Mary Academy' las.t ' night to he~ results of" a Basketball news at Prevost reading test taken by s-tu has. included recent games against'Dighton-Rehoboth and ~ents recently: while at Pre Holy Family, _
,"" Everyone's
The Taunton area 'workshop will be held at Bishop Cassic;ly High School with- the assistance of Sister Stephen Helen, S.U.S.C., 'Rev. Henrique Arruda and
Brother Albertus Smith.. C.S.C.
The New Bedford group will meet at Bishop Stang High School in the workshop to be conducted by Sister St. Berna dette, S.N.D. and Rev. Albert Shovelton and Rev. Paul G. Con nolly.
nated for office a student must obtain three signatures, be rec ommended by the faculty and be .interviewed by the council m~erator before final elections. .,
In.·sta II Ord i no ry In MontanM See \101
GREAT FALLS (NC)-With J the words of the Good Shep-. herd, "I. know mine and mine SENIOR LEADERS: Senior class presidents and Sltu know me," Bishop Eldon Ber dent councillors at Dominican Academy, Fall River, are, nard Schuster, 56, took office as front from left, Diane Beaudoin, 12B president; Diane Clou the fourth spiritual head of the 64-year-old Great Falls diocese. tier, 12A president; rear, Paula Roy, 12B councillor; Joan Darcy, 12A councillor. Climax of the installation cer emony in St. Ann's cathedral here came when Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic dele gate to the United States, pre sented Bishop Shuster with the crozier, symbol of authority. Militant Negro Leader Asserts C(»nditions H;EVERLEE (NC)-A solution Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer W@rsening in Jersey's Largest City to the problem of the expansion of Portland, Ore., metropolitan of the Catholic University of of the province which includes Wright suggested that it is NEWARK (NC) - Conditions Louvain must be "evolution, not the Great Falls diocese, assisted in Newark are getting worse, a necessary for white people to revolution," Belgian P rim e the papal representative. Minister .Paul Vanden Boeyants More than score of bishops militant Negro leader has told talk frankly to other white !laid here in Belgium. from this country and Canada a racially mixed audience at people, to let them know exactly .Speaklngat the congress of were present for the,installation Qileert of Angels parish' here in what . co~ditions in the ghetto · the Social ,Christian (Party <;Ipd Mass., There also were state · this' city's ghetto area. (PSC) Qf ,the Louvain neighbor- ",and. cj.:vic dignitaries, leaders ""Newark is a' powder keg," are like after th~~y have made ';hood, the prime minister said .I.of,a n!lmbel,"oi Protestant faiths, 'opined' Willie Wright;' trustee.·of their own investi~:ation. : ,th~t tile government would soon ,:;u;ld ,the representatives of lndi · the city's United Com,munity d ,~ceive, thl;! report of the special :, :3n. ti-,ibes, .inci.Uding John Wood· Corporation, an anti-poverty commission for university· ex- ,'~nIegs, presillent of the North ,agency. , " p·ansion. . -',:ern Cheyenne, and Louis Yellow The city, he added, "does not , The costliness, he explained, . Mule of the .Crow tribe.. , .; ~ould ~e due to the great exBishop ,Schuster took. over have to wa~t 4ntn June or July ..papsic;>,n, of. the student popula- 'leadership of 80,000 Catholics in ,to exp~ode. Conditions are such tion. A /ltl\dent body of 50,000 the 94,000 square-mile diocese that any small thing can touch "had been predicted for 1970, but iiI, the same edifice where. he off an uprising overnight." , He noted that conditions in the the student body has already.', was ordaiited to thi~ priestho'od ghetto area 'have worsened since reached 65,000 and will probab on May 27, 1937, and invested as last July's disastrous rioting here lly reach 75,000 in 1975 and a domestic prelate in 1949. The and "yet white people are con': 100,000 in 1980, he said.
cathedral was built in 1907. tent with false meetings and ask With regard to the disagree ing, 'What can we do?'" ments between Flemish-speak ing groups and French-speaking 'Scho~al1~~ips Discussing communication ef groups associated with the uni forts between the white and Continued from Page One versity, the Prime Minister said black communities, Wright de that too many people without Three full scholarships are clared "It's been hello and good any responsibility speak about available at Msgr. ',Tames Coyle bye. Yet if there ever was a time · the problem. He criticized both High. School, Taunton. One full for communication between those who don't want any .award is in memor~' of the late blacks and whites the time is changes and those who want· to Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, sec now." <demolish everything. ond Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River. A second is in the name of, Most Rev. James L. Connolly Continued urom Page One who led the way by inspiration ON:E S1I'O!iPl ,records, nor need their parents and direction 'in the building of , $J}ilO/?,I?ING ClEINIVlEt?l accompany them. Complete in four of the diocesan schools of secondary education. ' formation as to courses and ac G Te~evDsioi1l lD Gvo<l:eiil1 tivities will be given at the The third full scholarship is @) Ap~iiCllrllc~s OflUlVn1lDhorre time of the examination. in memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. B@4. A~~el\) S\1., New lSle<dJ§@rd Co-educational Diocesan high Manuel J. Texeira, late pastor schools are Bishop Feehan in of St. Anthony Church, Taunton. 997-9354 Attleboro; Holy Family and St. ' Both Taunton Catholic schools Anthony in New Bedford; and have scholarships in. memory of Bishop Stang in North Dart the late beloved Taunton prel- . mouth. ate. Girls' ' schools are Sacred' . The memory of' Most Rev. Hearts Academy, Dominican WilHam Stang, first Bishop of Academy, Jesus-Mary Academy' the' Diocese of Fall River, is lest. 1897 tmd' Mt. St. Mary Academy in commemorated by a full schol Fall River; and Bishop Cassidy .' arsbip that will be awarded at Builders Supplies in Taunton. Monsignor Prevost High School, 2343 PurchClise Street Fall River. Boys' sehools are Bishop Con nolly and Msgr. Prevost in Fall :. Four partial' scholarships are New Bedford River; . and Msgr. Coyle in" also being made llvailable at 996·5661 Taunton. ' Prevost High.
Cites Expansion Of Louvain U.
I .
Continued from ·,Page One
Singe~ a.i;e,pienaX:i?g,to provide guita'r accomP:ao:t¥'Q~t ·:fo~..: the 8:~5 Mass af st~:'CJose~~?s, F~l~. River, on Sunday Jnomlllg~:A.tid· the student coun~ij.-is ellgaged in preliminaries !for ·cl.ections'to ' be 'held this month. To be nOmi
The workshops will be con ducted in the following locations in the Diocese, all on, the same day and at the same time.: Fall River-the Bishop's Chapel in Saint .Mary's Cathedral under the direction of Rev. William Campbell, Mr. Norman Gingras , lilnd Mr. Horace Travassos. Attle boro - Bishop Feehan High School under the direction of Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. Edward A. Rausch, Rev: Roland Leduc and Sister Mary Evange1a, R.S.M. .'
Also at . Prevost, students viewed a film, "The Party Crashers," as part of their re ligion course. Discussions, on aspects oC teeClage life shown in the '.film.ioIl6wed. ,:: At . Stll.llg; ~! t.he.. My,stibrook
Music Workshop
: ' '.
l'hlS, tur ay.·", ornlng<:>.<~,;\'... ,,~1,
vost in Fall River the glee club llnas announced its concert schedule for the season. Singers will join Sacred Hearts Aca<J, ·emy. i Fall· River, for a program ·on Sunday, April 28 and will hold their own concert the 'fo~"Iowing Sund,ay at SHA, !.I '.' Retreats ,were held this week ,lit . several . Diocesan highs, m .eluding Coyle in Taunton a4d l!? ,', . revost. ." .' ;Homemaker Award .... ,It's, the 'homemaking season l'lgain and winner of the annual 'award for most knowledgeable senior at Stang High in North Dartmouth is Jayne Conway. Also at Stang, debaters coin peted in a novice meet at WooQ ~ket, with affirmative spealt ·tars incll\ding Anne Marie Black and Susan Keery and negatives i;\nne Wolanski and Christine Kwia tloowsld. " Twenty-three Stangites plan attendance at the Mass. Speech and Drama Festival to be held Saturday, March 9 in Quincy; and on the athletic front the girls' basketball team has posted its third straight victory over New Bedford. New coach for the girls is Cynthia Turgeon.
Powder Keg
The Cape area organists and choir' directOJ:s will meet at Our Lady of Victory Church, Center ville where the workshop will be under the direction of Rev. James F. Lyons, Rev. Donald A. Tosti and Mrs. Edward Studley. In all areas there will be dem onstrations of choral techniques and congregational participation in the various chants and musi cal settings of the liturgical par ticipation. A discussion period will follow the explanations and demonstrations.
253 CedCllr Si~., New lSradl*crr~ 99~-322~
complete family coverage Fifty-five Dioceses in the United States Today Hav~ Plan of Complete Family Coverage
(O~~~IA <& $ONS
Should Reach And Be Read By Every Family IJn Every Parish in the Diocese-Bishop Connolly
Sturtevant "
arm of pulpi; Love Your Catholic Pres$,. Spread It Abroad, Dedicate It to Your Timb, Your Thoughts, Your Resources and Your Devotion -Pope Pa'"
Holy Union Sister Teaches by Fit"'
JHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Fe~. 1,1.9~8
'Gard,en Catalogues Perfect ~ntidote to Winter
Underlining strong interest bl films as a teaching tool, SisteJ'
Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C. of Bishop Cas~idy High School, Taunton, will initiate a series of Saturday night film programs to be sponsored in Brockton bY. five Methodist congregations 88 a Lenten project. The Holy Union Sister wD1 also conduct an interdenomina tional film trilogy in Baltimore . the weekend of Feb. 16 through 18. The event is under the spon sorship of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Meanwhile, she is conducting a film seminar for seniors at Cassidy and Taunton high schools. At eight weekly meet ings participants will view High Noon; Loneliness. of the :Long Distance Runner; Two Men and a Wardrobe; Very Nice, Very Nice; Seven Authors in Search of a Reader; Nanook of the North; Night and Fog; and a series on film appreciation.
By Mary Tinley Daly ,...:. ~avorite Winter hang-up comes to our house when the IIDOW is knee-high; wind whistles around doors, windows, Gown ch~mney; furnace roars away, lapping up gallons-and '$$ of oil; front vestibule is loaded with dripping boots and we're loaded wit'h sniffles,' c'overing, blankets of beauty" deadly sick and .tired of aJ~ than our modest suburpan lot this Winter Wonderland. could' accommodate even if we Then, with timing as perfect planted the neighbors' lots on the most precise spaceshot, burst arrival of those first eolorful Spring
eat a log u e s,
promising ga( den goodies be yond our wildest
dreams. Surely so me 5uper !II s y c hoI 0 gist must b~ ,l>ehind .s u c h well-calclulated GnJrprises as the ill a i l man delivers. When the Christmas eatalogues come, we find it easy :to set them aside for the time being. No great hurry, Christmas is mill a month away. /" But when these books come, with Spring still more than a month away, we find ourselves irresistibly impelled to sit by the fire and read" them from cover to cover immediately. Prose "Artists That same super-psychologist who directed their arrival tim ing has undoubtedly a color layGUt that fascinates, typography to enchant. and soaring prose that leaves us spellbound. Indeed, it seems as though the prose artists who write copy for gar den catalogues get as carried IIlway 'with their alluring de-. IICriptions of flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits, berries, even Duts as do we, the readers. . Each is a "mood piece," cer tainly implying the zing of Spring mood and delicately ad justed to the mood of the reader, who at this stage of a long hard Winter is ready; willing and eager to grasp at anything-any thing the antithesis of dreary 01' Man Winter. . How d~ you like these' adJec tives to take you out of your self: dazzling, exotic, breath ~king, giant, magic, spectacu lar, ablaze, magnificent, gor geous, showy, graceful, brilliant, intoxicatingly delicate, velvety, sweetly nodding, enchanting, flashy. We love 'em! Experience. has taught us that we, too, can easily be car ried away. We have, in fOJ,"lller years, 'sent away for' more "ex otics," more "borders of.' en chantment," mol' e. "ground-
both sides of us! We've learned, too, that it's the follow-up that matters: . ground preparation; fertilization; weeding, watering, bug-chasing, pruning the downright nitty-gritty of prac tical and successful gardening. Magic Appne Tree However, for this one bang up Winter night's tale, we arm c h a i l' horticulturalists go through a catlogue like children . let loose in a toy store. We '!o-o-o-" and "ah-ah" over the llJIrges Understanding',
new varieties: the canna striped like a zebra, the orchid with its Resped in Colleges
lush crumpled tropical leaves;
WASIYNGTON (NC) - Dr. strawberries promising to fill
Philip A. Tripp, vice-president our plates with fresh fruit, our
for student development . at basement shelves with preserves,
Georgetown University here, the dwarf lemon tree providing
said in an interview college' ad waxy-white blooms and large
ministrators and stulents should . jui~y edible lemons, the new
treat each other with - "mutual miniature apple tree that would
understanding arid respect." have been Mother Eve's delight
"Students," he added, "waiU and further downfall with its
honest and authentic relation ,five kinds of apples all ships with other members of thfil growing on the same tree. academic community." We take pen in hand, go through the catalogue still again, .Sisters Urge Support this time marking down what we'd purchase for our .imagined For Fair Housing Garden of Eden / if that Eden DAVENPORT (NC)-The Si~ were a vast estate instead of III ters' Council of the Davenpori small lot, and if there we' no "total purchase price" at the 100 CANDLES: Mrs. Ma~'ia Dominica D'Areangelo Or . diocese has called on all Cath olics to support fair housing end of the column. " lando celebrated her'100th birthday at the convent· of the legis~ation . in .their local areas. Then, in down-to 'earth, back Carmelite Sisters, Brookland, D.C.; where she lives with The Sisters' Council state to-reality mood, we estimate her daughter, Sister Evalina. A native of Italy, ·Mrs. Or ment, following the directiOli how' much land :we have .'free ,given by Bishop Gerald O'Keefe for new garden goodies, . ltando come 00 the U.S. 39 years ago. NC PhO'to. of Davenport in his statement . the type of soil required, shade of February, 1967, urged "evelY, allowed, how much money we have to spend, and set upa real jg honest-to-goodness order. Even then, we're sorely By MARILYN RODERICK _ .n_·g...h..ts_f. . '!!!!lIII tempted to take advantage of -, the one-cent-sales, the "discount YOURS FOR . before March I" and expand the \ order. . Are you tired of dusty boots, terry' cloth print that I found For late Winter doldrums,. it's hard to beat a Spring garden heavy, dreary-looking Winter hard to resist was a wild Afri coats and all the grey service can-inspired design in red and reminder 01 lhe crueillec! catalogue! able colors of .Winter. If your navy; and as soon as I find the Savior. . answer to this question is yes perfect pattern to show it off I'll go back to purchase it with This all metal crucifix 'Q with a capital Y, then it's time
NCCW Urge Crime
5·3/4" long. Send 25¢ and my fingers crossed in the .hope you set' your
o self-addressed enve!l1.p.Q ' that not too many other females Preventive Measures
sights on Spring
10: found it equally exciting, and WASHINGTON (NC).- The and started
bought it all up. CRUCIFIX OFFER making some
board of directors of the Na Deportment 9
If you'd rather sit before the thing for your
tional Council of Catholic Wom Solvotorlon Cenler
fire knitting than off in your warm weather
en called for preventive mea Wilconsln 53061
sewing room stitching, then sures to treat "the cause of wardrobe.
sharpen your needles and knit crime, as well as the symptoms," You'll find the
or crOChet yourself a warm through the adoption of' just grey days less
weather dress. Some of the pat if
welfare legislation, adequate wearisome terns featured in Needlework housing, equal job opportunity, you're working
and Crafts magazin.e for Spring Paul Nuns F"oat and improvements in education. On some bright
and Summer 1968 are as glam U The board said a solution to and vivid print
orous as a Paris origin;!l. or an especially
Expansion' Bonds the increase in crim'e in the na The evening fashions to cre exciting color of yarn•
.... ST.. PAUL (NC)--.-T.'he. .Sisters tionwill require close cooper In my area· I'm especially for.. ate with your needles are gloy.r CITIES SERVICE ation .and . collaboration among tunate because we have an -ing and· elegant and ..they get.. '. of St. Joseph of Carondelet of all sectors of the community, in DISTRIBUTORS that way, by using glitter yarns ~.' ,Paul have issued $4 J]1illion cluding legislators, law enforce- . abundance of 'fabric outlets and and mixtures of three or more .worth of· 6% per cent bonds to ment· 'officers ··and citiZens' . stores ca,tering w all pocket yarns to. give an unusual effect. help 'finance a.$6.2 million ex groups. . books 'and taste. If you're look Even' the big-needle· advo- .,pansion project. at four in9titu- -' "The initiative of women is ing for an especially fine· piece cates are not neglected, for this .tions. . ;:, . a vital- conUnunity resource' Of wool, some of the· better' fab " The l"-6-year";01dcommunity .which should be employed in ric stores would have· the great- . -issue ·ofthe magazine. includes will. build a $3.1 million, 250-' eradicating the caUlle of crime," est and the latest from the mills directions for making a stunning bed' addition' to St. Mary's Hos the' statement said: "NCCW of Stevens or the factories of hot orange shift using Dansk- . OIL BURNERS
pital in Minneapolis; a $1.6 mil pledges its strength to iJ]1ple.;. Pendleton. On the other hand, yaql, silk and rayon ribbon, and .For Prompt Delivery
if you're really only looking' for . French Floss (a wool, mohair, lion extension' on Bethany Home ment the curative recommenda for the aged in St. Paul; a $400, ·tions of President Johnson's a wild print to enliven a beach vinyon, viscose blend). & Day & Night Service
shift, then off to one of the 000 dormitory at St. Catherine's Crime Commission." It J:Ilakes no difference if you "bargain" stores that specializes choose to while away your College for women in St. Paul, The statement on the "Treat G. E. B~ILER BURNER UNITS in the end Qf the bolt pieces and Winter hours 'doing sewing, .and a $1.1 million parking fa ment of Crime" was one of sev eility at St. Joseph's Hospital eral adopted by the 28-member . without. a doubt for .69 a yard knitting, needlepoint, crewel Rural BOttled Gas Service you can sew up a printed shift work or any of the many other in St. Paul. board, which met in closed ses to outPucci Pucci. handcrafts tha,t are becoming so The St. Paul Province of the. sion at the Villa Cortona Apos 61 COHANNET ST. eommunity has 1,259 Sisters, tolic Center in nearby Bethesda, Prints are big and beautiful popular. What does it matter TAUNTON who operate four hospitals, three Md. A" copy of it will be pre and they show up t1;) advantage that you pick up something' Attleboro - No- Attleboro nursing schools, a college, 10 sented to Mrs. Lyndon B. John-. in terry cloth, which looks as if bright ;md gay to work on and . Taunton high schools and 54 g,rammar SOl: at the White House by it's going to remain the fabric ignore· the drab outdoor pano ecbools.· NCCW officials. . for the go-go beach set. One rama of January and February! IiilS
J . -.. I' WORLD OF FASHION ;::s~tns:~u;:k:q~~~or;;::e:;
Fuel· and Range
Italian Market' Trip Whets
Appetite of Gourmet Cook
By Joseph and Marilyn RotiIeriek· The catalogs are arriving every day and we have aI [Ileady begun to plan our purchases for the Spring. At this point we are still dreaming, but it won't be long be !£lore we start selecting only ~ose badly needed items and discarding fate drealll6. Our street . section of Boston. An I ararden M our present home watched the vivacious woman is only six yeam old and talk so lovingly about food I there is 90 much we need knew that as soon as Joe and I desperately that we have been oould manage it we would dfine able to ~ very few luxwy in. her establishment. items. I viewed the progranll last One thing that we buy every Summer but it wasn't UlI1til the rear is at least one fruit tree. ,early part of last ll>ecember lWe have limited ourselves to 'that we were able to phone Ithe dwarf varieties because we Felilcia's for reservations. We feel that our space is so confin- ,bad planned ~at after an. afte~ mg that we ore willing to sacri- noon of Chnstmas ,shoppmg m Bce production for variety. the big city we would- complete llI.'hus far we have a dwarf Bart-, the day with a sampling of the lett pear which produced for Italian dishes she had described fihe first·time two years ago but in such mouthwatering detail :missed last year due to the ter- to the interviewer, and what we ILible wind and rain storm we did eventually sample was even bad just as the trees were in more delicious than our expec bloom. We also have two apple tations. trees, both dwarf, a Delicious But this is getting a bit ahead l'ed and a Mcintosh which should of my story, for we managed to produce their first crops this find the Italian section (an area ;vear. that I had never seen before) Add two dwarf peach trees, about a half hour before the an Elberta and a J. H. Hale. 11 restaurant was due to open and Blufre prune, and you have our spent. the ~ost ~citing 30 ~ NCCW CONVENTION: Committee chairman for biennial convention of the National present supply of dwarf fruit utes 1D18gmable In an aromat~e Council of Catholic Women 00 be held in Denver, Oct. 14-18, met recently with Alma trees This year we intend to stroll' through the open aIr CKld two more trees. a golden markets lining the surroundiJIlg Herger, left, staff coordina>tor for the convention at the annual N.C.C.W. board meeting in Washington, D.C. Left to right: Miss Herger; Mrs. Wiliam G. Heffron, Buffalo prov Delicious apple and .a Duchess ,streets. pear.. At the outside we probColorful Display ince director and N.C.C.W. Treasurer; Mrs. Ben F. Emge, Belleville, m., chairman of ably hav,e room for about 20 Wonderful odors filled the air the program committee; Mrs. Harold J. Schachern, Detroit, chairman of the promotion dwarf, ,trees, so maximum plan- . as you walked from stall to stall. committee; and Mrs. R. C. Berrie. Dubuque, chairman of the services committee~ NC Photo. ning is essential if we are to get ,Oregano, dried and crumbly. the most out of our trees and gave off, its sweet pungent air, the available space, But frl,Ulkly, dried salted codfish. golden yel Pledges to Preserve if everything had to be replaced low lay like oddly shaped! with only one item, I wo~ld pl~ks one atop another; but the Eastern RHe Heritage keep the fruit trees. most beautiful sight to the eyes PASSAIC (NC)-Bishop Ste Men's, Women's Councils to Sponsor Little Care Needed .of the cook were the displays phen J. Kocisko of the Byzan They should be part of any of fresh meat, and even fresher 'future of laity' Stu~y tine-rite diocese' of 'Passaic said carden, no matter how small. vegetables. , here tfiat his' mai'n concern when WASHINGTON (NC) ~At a their biennial presidents' con "hey require very' litUe care Rich!y purple eggp~ants, topaz he becomes Ordiriary of the joint meeting of the executive ference will be "Parish Coun (five or six sprayings a year), tanget:mes lllnd lUSCIOUS black larger Byzantirie diocese of iU'e pretty in bloom, and are a and green olives captured the committees of the National cils, Goals and Relationships." Pittsburgh will' be' "to preserve Council of Catholic Men and T.he presidents' conference is great source of pride to the eye of the stroller. Huge plat the spirit and' heritage of the the National Council of Cath attended by the chief officers of gardener when, ~ey produce. t~rs of healthy pink and Eastern rite in this land." -NCCM' and national affiliates. "he children get a great deal of lamb offered at unbelievably olic Women, the two groups an people' have some pleasure as well as nourishment l~wprices wooed the viewer to nounced plans to celebrate their N.A: Giambalvo,. president of thing 'imPortant to add to this from them since we bougllt 'cOme'~, in and buy the wares. 50th anniversary' in 1970 by NOCM, said: u:ransh councils country," be explainecll. Bishop Chem' each ~'tree, 'and they are, ,Neve~ have I see~ such a bazaar sponsoring a year-long study ate the fastest developing new Kocisko; 52, will J>e installed as eontinually asking how much of EurOl)ean delIghts, ~or have program on the "Future of the lay structure in the Church and bishop of Pittsburgh on Mardi etteir, particular tree will pro- I.even seen better quality foods Laity." are becoming the anchor of 5, and will remain as apostolic: The study program will begin many of .our diocesan Councils duce. The dwarfs· are especially dISPla~ed. administrator of Passaic until a MLited to city and small gardens '. O~V1o~IY th~ stalls have a In dioceses. in 1969 with a series of Catholic Men throughout the successor is named. and although their yield is not ?lStinIDllSh~ clientele (the ltal of discussions. The conclusion country-$O we decided that I&S great as depicted in the catIan. cooks) who demand th~t of the diocesan meetings will be there was no more importarit alogs it is sufficient for most their ,meat be of the best, theIr National Congress of the. Laity, area for NCCM and the Church IamUles. , v~getables the freshest and their sponsored by NCCM-NCCW,' to to, concentrate its energies on Soi if you haven't thought spices and cheeses of the highest be held here in March, :1.970.than this. about fruit trees as yet, by all quality. ,This p~rticular late af After the meeting (kf the NC
"We hope to study the goals, means do so. .rust be patient temoon I had~ t planned to do CM and NCCW, the two groups
with them. A dwarf tree may g~ery 'shoppmg, so we were a met with the executive commit structure, and relationships of take from three to four years- to little short of extra cash but I tee of the National Council of parish Councils with the help of produce its first crop of fruit do hope that some pleasant Sat Catholic Youth. The meeting laymen and women and clergy who already have wide experi illDd 'possibly longer, but once' urday we .can return with a centered on discussions of Ifu
it begins bearing it will continue l~geshopp1Dg bas~et and par ture projects, with emphasis on ence in this field." with' a minimum of care for take of a gourmand s dream. plans. for the lay apostolate.
Ifrom 10 to 20 years. This is a very tasty recipe for A separate meeting of the In th Kdt b a slow cooking spaghetti sauce board of directors of the NCCM . e c en that Gomes from- Mrs. Roland I f it could be said .that. one Angelini of St. Patrick's parish announced that the theme of could have 11 love affair With 11 in Somerset. ' eationality, then I wou~d ~ I Italian Spaghetti SauC0 Archdi.ocesan Teachers' Iorced . to conf~ss that 1m 1.0. ill can Italian plum tomatoes, f'orm Bargc:aining Unit lo~e. WIth anythmg Italian. ~he~r 2 8 oz.' cans' tomato sauce I find delecta~le, jIeU" ~ teaspoon,'onion powder or to, .'" NEWARK, (NC)-Members l# . movies earthy and their p~ple I( taste 373 Boston Road the Newark Archdiocesan Teach~ warm. My eyes' instantly~ght 1£ teaspoon garlic powder or to ers Organization have ratified 1IP w~,:n I come ~pon any Item . 'taste Fan' River 678-5677 the group'S, consti~ution. .pertalnmg 1lo this nation ~d Z teaspoons salt The orgl!1lization which held its culture so it was with aVid freshly ground pepper to taste its first meetipg in Novem~r....,.. mtere~t that I watched a TV cup grated Parmesan cheese iii composed of teachers in the fi! ':' . interview from the Boston area 1 Tablespoon sugar archdiocese's 11 regional high that had as its guest an Italian , 1) .In a large heavy bottomed , schools. The ne\\:, group is seek Color Process Year Books !reStaurant owner. saucepan mix together all tllle ing "some type of bargaining Well, the charming chef ingr"e$iients .and simmer slowly agreement" as their first goal. Brochures Booklets tIllrned out to be Felicia. who for at least 4 hours. One of the organization's nightly and singlehandedly turns Meatballs , major aims is a revision of the eut delicious dishes in her own 1 lb. chuck, ground salary schedule to bring it more IeAtaurant in the Hanover . 'cup dried bread crumbs in line with that of public 1 egg , schools The 'archdiocesan mini onion powder and god-ic pow mum starting 'salary for a teach Advise Bishop der apou,t lh teaspoon each er with a bachelor's degree is .0 F F S IE T - PRINTERS - LETTERPRESS 'l'OLEDO (NC)-Bishop John 1) Combine all ingredients; now $4,700. Most public school A. Donovan of Toledo h,as mix well. Shape into golf-ball starting salaries are about $6,000, ~ l-U COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421 named a three-member diocesan size balls.
Bernard C. Corbalis, president 2) Brown meatballs lightly in pro-tem of the association, has finance committee to guide him In the management and invest hot oil and add to the sauce for reported. He said: "The $4,7GO is the whole cooking time•
simply not competitive." , • ent of diocese resou·rces.
Plan Golden Jubilees
The Best
,American Press, Inc.
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,;,C'hurches'Form .', 'H~using' CO-Op In G~O!l'~8a ATLANTA (NC) - Uni tarians, Episcopalians and Catholics' have formed a corpora'tion called Interfaith,
'" .i:
Inc., to provide better housing for low and moderate income families .. The idea 'for the corporation was conceived \last Decel)1ber in the Public Issues Committees of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation with eight charter members. "We are interested in pro grams of rental; ownership and cooperative housing project~," said John Steinichen, a Uni tarian layman and president of the board of trustees. I Father Noel C. Burtenshaw, chancellor of the Catholic arch diocese of Atlanta, commented, "It could revoluntionize the idea of supporting federal housing." Father Burtenshaw is treasurer of the organization. Steinichen said Interfaith will primarily act as a sponsor for various housing programs 'in the city, and as a non-profit or ganization to qualify for fi .nancing urider federal housing programs. Combine Efforts "There is a great need for
housing projects in Atlanta and
Interfaith is' 'the best way
clmrches can do something et:-. fective in' slum clearing and. housing through combined ef forts," Father Burtenshaw stated. Interfaith hopes that individ" ual church members will become involved, be' said: "Once the.: housing is buiit, '3 big part of . tile job WIll' be educational and . sOCial services' which church· 'members can provide," . .. Steinichen said Interfaith wUl apply for federal 'funding within the next six months under, one of the housing pl·ograms. He .said the trustees have not yet decided which project to un dertake. The president said city hous-' ing officials have been coopera tive in working and planning with the new corporation on pos sible projects. Steinichen explained the In terfaith is primarily interested in working in northern and eastern sections of the city since most of the concentration. of housing for the poor is in south west Atlanta.'
Issues GuideDines
L., '" "\
t~ -
HOSPITAL TRUSTEES' MEET SUPERIOR GENERAL: During her visitation to St. Anne's HospU~I, Fall RiveJ!;, the superior general of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary met with thG bOard of trustees 'of the only Catholic hospital in the Diocese. Seated: Mother Ascension, Mother Agnes des Anges, as sistant to the lJlot,her gel}eral,).\fother,Therefle des Ange,s, superior. general, Mo.ther PierrE: Marie. Standing: Joseph F o Feitelberg, AnthongJ. Perry, John F. Giblin, Edward C. B erube,James E. Bullock, Dr: John F. Dunn, Harold K. J;IudneJ:p Thomas A. Rodgers, Dr. Frederick ~•. Sullivan. .,
Yeo'r' o·f .' Social,· .Awareness in Philippines' , "~ishops 'PI:an 'to' 'Intensify Work- .of -. Chur~h
MANILA (NC)-The Philip pine bishops are preparing to make 1968 a Year' Of Social Awareness.
a . fullow-up to the National Congress for Rural Development sponsored by the Philippine hierarchy in 1967.
Bishop Mariano' G. 'Gaviola, secretary general of the Philip-. pine Bishops' Conference, said the bishops will issue a joint pastol:aLat the end of their an-:. nual meeting in Mandaluyong next' week, launching the Year of'Social Awareness to intensify the work of the Church in the field of so.cial action.
LocaU , Program
The bishops at the same time are' expected to set the date for their proposed conference on community ,development in which the bishops and expel'ts 0'1 rural and community devel opment will take The proposed conference, Bishop Gaviola said, will include arl intensive briefing and dis cussion by the participants on . such topics as' credit unions and cooperatives, rural and commu nity development, land reform, scientific cultivation of rice and related topics. The conference will sel.'ve as
PROVIDENCE (NC)-Provi dence Catholics may now be long. to the YMCA and YWCA, according to guiC:~lines an.,. nounced by the Providence di ocesan commission on eCU01en ism, and approved by Bishop Russell J. McVinney. Father Lionel A. Blain, exec utive secretary of the ecumen ism commission, said, that o n ' A I Nov. 6, 1967, a committee was set up to implement the suggesNEW YORK (NCn - Father tion of Archbishop John F. Donald R. Campion, S.J., direcDearden of Detroit, president of tor of research _and interreli
Name Fr.' Campion merica Editor
The first annual bishops' meet
~Olro\1le C~Il'\liB)D'e9J(tll\tncll1
Revnewcll'iliB) [Q)8S[pltulil'e LOS ANGELES (NC) - Two official agencies of the Los An geleS" Archdiocese have issued statements in an attempt to put the archdiocese's side of the dis pute with the Immaculate Heart Sisters before the public. Both indicated that James Francis Cardinal McIntyre .is making a serious bid to retain at least some of the nuns in the classroom of the 32 schools they staff. The Sisters have charged that the Cardinal, in effect, will oust them from the school if .they do-not back down on some of their wide ranging experiments in dress and religious life which the orde.r approved last Fall. The dispute over the changes -to which the Cardinal is known to object-is now in the hqnds of the Vatican's Congn~-' gation for Religious.
the National Conference of gious affairs for the Jesuits'Catholic Bishops, that each dioNew York province, has been cese undertake discussions with named editor":'in-chief of Amer the local YMCA and YWCA. ica, the weekly journal pub0., The Providence committee lished here by North American • . . 'met with representatives of all Jesuits. the YMCAs and YWCAs in Father Campion will succeed 454 MAIN STREET ,:Rhode' ·Island. As' a result. 'of' Father Thurston N. Davis, S.J.,' SOME'.'R'S'.E·T', "M·.A'.·S·S.·, these discussions, .Father_Blain who. was_named' director of the noted, the committee became.' John. 'LaFarge Institute ea'rly in eom~inced that Catholib shOUld ·o!anuary·, ·Father Davis' has been •. ' . " be p~rm.itted to belong. to ·and the magaziile's editor since 1955~'" ."". . , ......~col.;.;e, thb ,.. :w.o.dc. ;of;.-,\;ibe:;,~~Hls, succe~ot;:WiILtakf:< .over this: ;, .VEL~~"'ONE, 67 5·~~t2 . , " .__• :t,:,." "". ,.. :, : :y.M:~p,{'l!ni:j.:XWGA.:;;'::·>;;: ',~ :",~,~.~:." .Juileii ;:',· :.'~''i.~.'. :;' ":;':' ;;. '" ;'::.~, ':- '.;' /:.,; ... :: ." ", '::.:,' , . ~"':":"; .:,' ',"':t';:'::
ing will open with the tradition al'votive Mass'of the Holy Spirit to be celebrated by Bishop Felix '5. Zafra y Sanchez of :Qipolog. The new apostolic nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Car mine Rocco, who is due to ar-· rive here Sunday, will address the gathering. Other. agenda of the bishops' meeting are the election of offi cers for the admAnistrative . council and .episcopal commis . sions, action on the iitul'gy and ecumenism to implement con ciliar directives, and the local 'program on mass communica tions media. Another meeting of the hier archy is .slated for July.
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Priests Request Voice in Choice Of New Bishop
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TAMPA (NC) -A group of 27 priests of the Tampa Bay area have sent a letter W Pope Paul VI suggesting "the priests, nuns and respected lay leaders" of the St. Augustine diocese be consulted before a new bishop is appointed. Similar letters were sent to Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, and Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta, Ga., metro politan of the province which includes the St. Augustine dio cese. Archbishop .Joseph P. Hur ley, who was bishop of St. Au t~ustine, died last Oct. 30. A spokesman for the priests recalled that Archbishop Hurley on several occasions expressed tbe view that priests should have some say in the selection of their bishop. The priests pre pared the letters after attending their monthly day of recollec tion here. 'Growing IP'ractice In petitioning the Pope for "some direct consultation" on the choice of their bishop, the priests said they were encour aged to do so "because we see this as a growing practice in the American Church, a logical implementation of the principles of renewal from Vatican 11." "Our experience in this par ticular area of Florida convinces us that. its problem of 'growth, con~lidation, ethnic 'groups, schools could bellt be I,lnder-_ stood and solved. ~y 'the men who have been working 'with. them. We would like to share . ihis understanding' and experi . ence with those directly in volved in the choiCe of a bish op," the letter stated. The priests emphasized they were pl'imarily concerned, with the personal qualities of the episcopal candidates rather than with the manner of consultation . or election. .
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WOlfU.. ]])WlI])JE GAl'lH[]EJR]NG Of SUPJElRWlRS: Meeting at St. Anne's Hospital, were heads of the Dominican Order that staff the Fall River hospital. Seated: Mother Agnes des Anges, first assistant at the motherhouse in Tours, France; Mother Therese, superior general; Mother l\jarie Pierre, of St. Anne's Hospital. Standing: Mother Marinaa de la Euearis tia of the Dighton Novitiate; Mother Marie Therese of Mad.onna Manor, No. Attleboro; Mother Bernardo, Washington; Mother Ascension, St. Anne's, Fall River; Mother Agnes of Marian Manor, Taunton; J\'Iother Inez of Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
Priests Seek Voices in Naming Bishop
Strike is Contin~8in91 At Penna. Hospital
Stress Needs of Montreal Diocese
NEW CASTLE (NC )-One (t/ four X-ray technicians 'on strike against St. Francis Hospital Dill New ·Castle returned to work. But, there have been no nego tiat.ions· between the hospital! and striking Locat 25 of the American Federation of Techni cal Engineers. Nine .techn~cians from the twe hospitals here in Penilsylvania . Jameson' Memorial and Sa.. Francis-walked ·off their jooo in early January when the hos pitals' boards refused to recog nize. their newly chartered union units. Four of five technicialltJ from Jameson Hospital have re- turned to work.
MONTREAL" '(NC)-Montreal pl'iests . are seeking a voice in the selection of a successor to Paul Emile Cardinal Leger as archbishop of Montreal. Cardinal Leger recently re signed his post. to work among lepers In Africa. .' . Reports of "priests' meetings here generally stress the criti cal needs of Canada's largest diocese and the qualities the clergy hope for in tbeir new bishop. Process of Consultation Other reports indicate the de "As in other dioceses," the velopment is being closely letter stated, "we, as priests, are watched by the apostolic dele particulclarly interested in the' gate to Canada, Archbishop pastol'al experience, openness to Emanuele Clarizio and the renewal, practical judgment and Canadian bishops. general accessibility of the new Relationship With Priests bishop. Some documents signed ,by "We would like to hav'e as groups of priests, and published bishop a man whom we respect in the Quebec daily press, have for his personal qualities of been addressed to Church au leadership as well as for his thorities setting forth the wishes divinely given authority, and we of the priests in regard to the are convinced that this respect naming of a new bishop. can be found or engendered by a process of consultation. Yaz Sees \Rosaries "There are, in fact, a number of priests whom we regard as Helping At Champs acceptable candidates and we BOSTON (NC) - 'Carl Yas would be glad to put forward trzemski, American League their names to you," the letter triple crown winner last sea::;on, added. has a lot of faith in the efficacy The priests petitioned the of the Rosary. Pope's apostolic blessing and Yaz, who powered the Boston assured him of theh' prayers that the Holy Spirit would guide him Red Sox to the 1967 American in his choice of their spiritual League pennant, at the 29th Boston Baseball Writers Asso leader. ciation .dinner here was asked about his chances for the triple Cl'own in 1968. San Antonio Adopt The slugger said he had his Titl1ing System doubts but he 'was going to give it a try, suggesting it might be SAN ANTONIO (NC)-A par possible if he is favored with "a ish tithing system has been de vise'd to finance operations of powel'ful wind blowing out into right field." the San Antonio al·chdiocese. Then he added: "A powerful Father .Charles Grahmann, wind-and quite a few Rosaries. secl'etary to Archbishop Rob'ert E. Lucey, said the' system, which will replace thc two-year-old archdiocesan development fund, involves.. contributions by the laity dircctly to their parishes and the pastor sending 10 per Prescriptions called. for e:ent of the ordinary parish in and delivered &lome to the chanccry. LOIFT The parish tithing system was CHlOCOLAUS reconlmended to Archbishop 60(1 Cottage St. . 994.-7439 . " . " , " , Lu.cey :bY ·'the. archdiocesan' sen;' . . New' Bedford ' .' .. __ •• : " ~.••. " ..:;" _'.~,.:.t ~ •. ";'~. _.::' 'd ",~ - : . >.' ,'·lftte ~f' prie.~t$" ".. .,~., ,
One gro,",p,' the '''Re sponsables," or Leaders of the Pastoral,. Zones of Montreal, have called for a bishop young enough' to' animate a vast and· complex diocese. The group says .it wants' a man in tune with the life of tpe . people, .'a·ble to surround him seif with competent collabora tors, convinced of the need for research, aware of urban prob-
Interfaith Prayer Service in Rome
lems, .open-minded, and prob ably willing to accept ·a lO-)'ear term of office. The Responsables say they want a bishop who will give priority. to his. relationship with his priests. They also recpm mend that the new bishop be willing to redistribute finances and personnel, decentralize power, and bring the laity into the :financial administration of the diocese. They disclaim any refleCtion on the style of the former arch bishop.
ROME (NC)-Roman Catho lics joined Protestants; Angli cans, and Orthodox in an inter faith prayer service at the Ital ian Methodist church in Rome to pray for Christian unity. It was th,e second time Cath olics and hon-Catholics joined in a special prayer service in a non-Catholic church. The first such service was held in May, ' 1967, but only after Pope Paul VI overruled Rome's vicariate, which had turned down a sim ilar request in January of the same year.
The mos~ sp·iritlt.aBx r~wa~cl~~·. ,•.', . t~1-P":9~ ,f} h~,~~Jn:~,.·:~ . -3"S:":
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Thurs., Feb. 1, 1968
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild announces • whist party for 8 Saturday , night Feb. 3 in the school hall" Rout~ 177. Proceeds will bene fit the school fund and atteqd ance prizes will be awarded. ST. JOSEPH, FALL 'RIVER A planning committee for II; ,padshola will meet a~ 7:30 Tuesday night, Feb.. 13 m t:h~ school hall. Subcomnuttee chal~ men, in addition to those p~-, viously announced, are MlSS, Mary A. Cullen, corresponde~t; Miss Elizabeth Flaherty and Mrs. Daniel O'Connell" g~; James McKenna and Leo Gnf-, fin, solicitor,S; Mrs. JaJ!les. Mur ray and John Mahoney, tIckets; Atty. James P. McGuire, pub li'City. The parish council will meet in the school hall at 7:30 tonight. Mystibrook Singers fro m Bishop Stang High School wil!. be heard at 8:15 Mass Sunday morning, Feb. 4.
F.-om The Sanctuary To The, S;cI~WQ'k, In this historiC decade, the windows of' the, Church have heeD. opened to let in the fresh air of ecumenism. ,And with Vatican II, the very doors, too, have been thrown wide. But an open door is only the first step. It can be the signal of, sanctuary, welcom ,ing, "Come in, you will be safe here." Or" an open doo~ can ~ the signal !for those within to step out. into the sunlight and down the steps to the sidewal~ 0 fthe world.
CANTERBURY AT WIESTMiNKSTIER: The Archbish: op of Canterbury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, makes ecclesiastical history as he speaks from the pulpit of Westminister Cathe dral London- during an ecumenical service, becoming the first Anglican bishop to preach in the Roman Catholic ca . thedral. NC Photo. ,
Protest Ecumenism
As sanctuary is a place of refuge siituated in a hostile en vnronment, which justifies its existence by bringing men into iits premises in- order to protect and nourish them. JFor centories, this was what the Church cOlllSidered herself to be, a kind of 'sacred vessel wIth saving resources not readily available to those beyond her visible circumference. But' today, the Council that opened in a basilica ended in a public square. Never b~fore has the Church so felt the need to know, to draw near, to understand, to penetrate, to serve the society in which she lives. Her sympathy is boundless;' her attention is absorbed by hnman needs. All teach iJmg is channeled in one direction--service of mankind. It is noi enough, then, for us to sit back and applaud ihe accomplish ments of VatIcan n. We must stUdy them, absorb them and make them a vital part of our thinking, and acting. Each and evelT ODe of us fuust pass through the open door. It must be a per sonal decision, 'a total commitmen~. We have dwelt too long in ¢he sa~ctuary. ..'
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAIINTON , The following slate of officet"ll as Angliclml1 of the Women's Guild was in stalled at ceremonies conducted. Monday even~ng in the church ',' , ; auditorium: 'Mrs. Louis Dupont,:, " menical J'ourneY'lies ahead of us. (NC) ,- When' An LONDON ,president; Mrs. Joseph A,nd ra d e, ' , Ho~ does one carry out this ,commitment?, ,Love is. proved by .... we find ourselves deeds;.a~d the greatest proof of Christ's 10,ve for all mankind ~';ce;.president·, ,Mrs. Richalu-, g Ii can"A r~hb' ,IS hop MI'chael Ram.,. , "Yet " al,ready ' ... Paulson, recording secretary. ", sey of Canterb ury wen t t 0 W es t ~ in a new situation and nothing " is, His redemptive .love ,which mllnifested itself in salvation and Also; Mrs. Joseph McManus", ,minister's' Catholic cathedral to has. helped the new situation ~ervice'. From -all eternity, God willed all men to be saved and treasurer; Mrs. Cornelius Kiley. , pray with J~h~ Cardinal ~e:n more than the great emphasis come'to the knowledge of His truth. He sent His Son to be Medi financial secretary; Miss Matil-, an of ,Westmllllster for, C:hnstian which the (Second) Vatican ator between Him and us. His humanity, united with the Divine da Cutner, door guard. unity" Protestants outSIde the, Coun~il place<! upon holy Bap PerSOn, was the "conjoined" instrument of our I salvat:on. Christ's Mrs. Francis Morrison, pre- -. cathedral shouted "Traitor!" and ' tism. deecis proved His' love for humanity. There is no finer portrait gram chairman, was assisted by '''Blasphemy!'' "Through holy Baptism we of Chnst's earthly Dussion to men than that- which shows Him Mrs. Roger B. Champagne, Mrs." ,However, the archbishop gave share ,already in a brotherhood as our., serv:ant. S. Charles Piesco, marshall, was, ,no 'sign \ of noticing the CfOwd of Christ. It is a deep real mys installing officer., '"of about 50 hymn-singing, ban tical bond, and in the strength Each one of us also must become nnereasingly aware thai' ,,' , ner-waving people,who were ,of it ~e are able now with the we are here to serve. Only when we are serving ihe poor, the HOLY NAME, kept at 'a distance by the police. authority of both our churches sick, the orphan, the homeless, do we" most 'resemble CIuis&. FALL "RIVER In the cathedral, hundreds, of, to worship together on many"': Christ no other hands but ours to' bring :His love and eon An adult enrichm~nt series "people knelt' to receive Arch ,occasions and to act together, not 'solation to the'vast expanSe of needy, improverished and nnder will pegin Tuesday night, Feb., bishop, Ramsey's blessing;- and as rivals but as allies in serving ' llI~veloped peoples throughoUi the, world. :rhus, by a deeper 13 with a discussion of "The" when Cardinal Heenan received, ,God· and serving humanity in its mnderstanding of onr responsibility tor, the salvation of our New Morality-Catholic Style" ,the archbishop at the foot M the many" distresses." brothers and by service to them in iheir needs, we prove our by Rev. Raymond Collins, pro sanctuary steps, a burst of spon The' official dialogue between . love. By' translating that love into prayer" efforts, sacrifices and fessor ,of moral theology. A taneous applause came from the the two old churches, he said, the witness of Christian life, the world about us will begin to film, ,"The Detached Ameri packed congregation of several had begun" with '6xchanges at I Perceive the authentic image of Christ, not in the safeness of ,the cans," will be s~own Tuesday, thousand. Gazzada, Italy; Huntereombe, sanetualT but rather on the challenging sidewalks of the world. 'Feb. 20. Leading discussion CJll In his sermon Archbishop England, and Malta. And ~ it will be' Sister John Alicia, Ramsey, said: "sides this,' he continued, "we , One of great tragedies of leprosy is that only 9 out of an S.U.S.C. Non-parishioners are, "We know there are big dif see iri many parts of the world , estimated 20 million sufferers are today receiving treatment. Yet invited to attend. ferences between' us. We do not ROman Catholics and Anglicans modern drugs and treatment can arrest or cure the disease. $3 pretend we have solved these. joining in worship, joining in will supply enough suHone to treat a patient for one year. $10 ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, We know we sometimes upset study and joining in practical FALL RIVER _ will provide bedding 'in one of the 400 leprosaria we aid. Dedi one another by things we do and acts of Christian service. cated missionaries are doing all they can. You can make it pos The Women's Guild will meet "Wnat a time to be alive!" liible for them to do much more. Won't you-Please? at 8 Monday night, Feb. 5 in say. We know that a long ecuthe ,Shamrock Room of the Gorky Row Club. Mrs. Michael SALVATION and SERVICE are the work of The Society M: Arruda is in charge of ar lior the Propagation of the Faith. Please send your offering to rangements. Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara. National Director, 366 Fifth Mak~ng Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001, or directly to your local Diocesan OUR LADY OF VICTORY, MINNEAPOLIS (NC) _ Stu-, more ~ncerned with the bad Director, Rt.' Rev. MSgr. Raymond T. COlllSidine, 368 North Main St., :Fall River, Massachusetts 02720. ' ' CENTERVILLE" dents Illust, be given real power press, some prptests than with The Women's Guild will be iIi' university life, University the demand!! of honesty and jus guests of the Sisterhood of of NO,tre, ',Dame sociologist told . tice.'" '
" YOURS TO LOV~ AND TO GIV~ Hyannis S::'11agogue this month, a meeting of Catholic, college ~~eak Wit~, 'll'raditi9D _ ~
the life ot a DAUGHTER OF 5T. 'PAUL Love Gocl folloWing a January, meeting presidents held here prior to the, '" .He ,called f9r theestabhsh " ,more; arid' give to' 'sOuls knowledge and ,loVe of with members of the ,Women's Association of American" Col ment of ,mechanisms _,for the 'God by'serving Him Iii a Mission which uses the· ',', ~ello'wship of South C~ngrega .l~ges conference. . registerf,ng .'of student concerll$, ,fress, Radio, Motion 'Pictures !Inc! TV. to bring' . tional Church-,; Cent~r.vl1l~., __ .. , ' -The assistant- -professor- of· 80- and stI;'uc~ures allowing stu.dents, , His Word to souls everywhere. ~ea'ous Young :girls .'14-23 years interested in this lUIique,: The sec.ond l~,.a serles of pre-,. ciology at NQtre'Dame, RObert to participate, along with facultY Apostolate may write to: ,'.' Lent' SOCIals wl'11 be held at·, Hassenger, ,warned,' 'however, " and administrators, in decisi.9fl-' REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR that "student power" should not ,making. R?f-M:l'r :JAdge, Sou~h' Sand DAU&HTERS Of n. ;AUl wlch, at 8 Thursday lllght~ Feb. be equated, ;WitJ!' complete' stu He prahed the eHorts .&f S6fDe 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30, MASS. 8. ~rs. Edward Welch WIll be dent ,autonomy on campus. : universities to break with the chalrman. "But" 'he said, "if student : traditional notion that the uni po,we.r..'nieans. that...undergradu-' versity stands in the stead M FIVE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU . ates and graduate students must 'parents. Such ~ break, 'he noted, Min~~sot·ci , b~ represented by votingpo~er may be most difficult for Cathon 'eve"iy 'Wifversfti cOmmittee QUC institut!9ns because of their COLLEGEVILLE, (NC) - A that legislates in any way' about "traditions of, paternalism and , faculty excnange between Sf: student' lite, -'and perhaps even' mater~alism." some, aspe,cts ,of the 'curriculm, "With the changing nature of John's University here in Min both, young adulthood and of the nesota' and, United, Theological then 1. am. for it and ' as indIg Seminary of the Twin Cities, nant as they-when it is denied." Catholic Church," he stated, OF TAUNTON Hassenger maintained, that "those administering Cath()lic New Brighton, will begin during campuses would be well advised the 1968-69 academic year. St. many recent protests on cam Norton, W. Mail; St.-Raynham, Rte. 44"':'Taunfon, Main St. .lohn's is a Benedictine institu;. 'puses have been generated by to establish clear procedures for North Dighfo~, Spring'St.-North Easton, Main St. tion and United Theological is "research-oriented professionals dealing with a 1]1yriad of student .who ,have little time for'students protests which, will develop fa &l seminaryaffiliilted with the Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and academic' empire-builders the years immediately ahead." Uni~ed Churches of Christ.
Crowd Shouts 'TlTaitor' Prelate Prays in Catholic Cathedral'
Professor Favors Giving Students Voting Power in Decision. a
In Faculty -Exchan:g)e
Penna. Advocates Drops School Aid Fight HARRISBURG (NC) Stalte aid for non-publie schools became a dead issue before the Pennsylvania con
Taunton Holy Cross Brothers Em'barking
On Two Year Trial of ,~ew Garb
"HE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 1, 1968
Refuses to Hear Prayer Appeal
Dorothy Mitchell Eastman Is there any truth to the old maxim that "clothes make the man"? The Holy Cross WASHINGTON. (NC) - The Brothers at Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton are conducting an experiment that will S. Supreme Court has let put this old saying to the test. Brothers in the Eastern Province of the order are em U. stand a lower court ruling that barking on a two year trial of a new type of garb. Besides the usual black habit with "a child's verse may not be re cited by kindergarten pupils on Roman· collar they will now , , '.'_""'''_''"' ," ._,._,.""'." "" ..... the grounds that it is a prayer. . be given the option of wear The verse: ing their Mack suits with' "We thank you for the flowe1'l5 white shirts and dark con so sweet
stitutional convention here when its chief backer withdrew an amendment to permit the aid. German QuUes, 28-year-old delegate from Philadelphia, had threatened to bring the matter servative ties. Coy I e principllll, Brother
to the convention floor despite :t;. Richard Kiniry, C.S.C., com
., rulings by a committee chairman mented on the new garb re
and the convention president cently. "This is not a radical
that school aid was not wi,thin change" the Brother said, fin
the province of the convention gering his own dark striped tie.
which was called to study means "Other Orders, the Brothers of
of raising state revenue. Spend Mary, for instance, have always
ing of the money, said conven worn suits and ties."
tion president Lt. Gov. Raymond , "Holy Cross Brothers in the Broderick" is none of the con Midwest have been wearing col vention's business. ored suits and in the Southwest Legislative PlaID they're wearing short-sleeved Quiles appealed the ruling, shirts in class." a move which would have Last November a survey form
brought the subject up for de was sent to all Brothers in the
bate by the whole convention. Eastern Province to find out, if
Then he abruptly withdrew his they would like to exjeriment
motion. on an optional form of religious
The propos.ed constitutional garb. About 60 per cent were
amendment to permit the state in favor of some type of experi
to levy taxes and "make appro mentation.
priations for non-public schools" "In two and a half years, if the
was actively opposed. majority feel suits and ties are
Quiles Ifaced another obstacle more practical, we'll continue,"
as well-the state's Catholic the Brother said. "But I think it
Bishops who neither opposed nor will probably still be optional'
supported the measure in any to wear either ties or the Roman . active fashion. . collar. Brothers who don't want But, as the dispute came to to change won't be forced to." a head, they released through How have Coyle students re EXPERIMENTAL HABIT CHANGE: Brothers M; the Pennsylvania Catholic Con acted to the change? "There' ference a statement stating their really hasn't been much reaction Coyle High School, Taunton, are participating in a two-year disavowal of the effort. from the boys," the Brother re experiment looking towards changei;! in their traditional T'he reason: A school aid bill flected. "They seem to take it garb. Left, Brother Richard Kiniry, C.S.C., Coyle principal, in the Legislature-wMch has in their stride." wears customary Holy Cross attire; center, Brother Stefan the strong support of the Perhaps the change is not so Clarke models cassock; right, Brother William Farrell shows B ish 0 p s - makes provisions radical in one respect. Unlike which are within the present shirt and tie. new-style Sisters, who are never seen constitution. "out of uniform," Brothers are Coyle band enliven many II to get in the way of Him and Overcomes Oblnacle often seen in sports clothes other people." Diocesan program and Brother That proposed law would per working at after school chores. There is a good reason why has his own radio show on mi,t the state to create a special Although, in the end, the de WRLM in Taunton. agency to purchase the secular cision "to change or not to the change of garb in many re ligious communities is so much "The apostolate of the Religious education of pupils in non change" will be 1;he Brothers' in evidence since the close of has expanded and there is more profit private schools, most of own, during this experimenta Vatican II: a changing role freedom for the individual which are church-rela,ted. tion period, they welcome com seems to demand a change of Brother to commit himself," These schools, then would in ment. . dress. Brother Richard points out." But effect be contracted by the Why A Change The primary apostolate of the our primary apostolate is' still state to provide the same ser teaching and everything else At the outset they would like Holy Cross Brothers has tradi vices provided by public schools. The beneficiary would be the to make it clear why, they are . tionally 'been one of teaching. that we do will naturally have child, not the institution, which considering a change from their Their .secondary apostolate has to be subordinated to, that." "We wish We could do much traditional garb. "We are doing been connected with the field of is prohibited by the present con journalism and printing, writing more, especially in the field of stitution from receiving any this in the light of Vatican n and publishing texts and maga 'adult education, but there are state aid. The child and the examination of the role of the only so many hours in a day. zi,ne articles. religious and the psychological school would still have to pay We feel, of course, that our duty effectiveness of garb with re Expanding Apostolate the cost of religious education spect to the religious and his There is a trend DOW, and it to the boys here at Coyle comes out of their own popckets. contacts," a spokesman for the will no doubt continue to grow, first." Order has saW. Around the school and in for the Brothers to expand their town the Brothers can be seen apostolate. The Brothers are un Arguments in iavor of keep outside activities these days either in Roman ing the Roman collar are these: dertaking collar or tie. Some Brothers Many people feel that the collar above and beyond their regular haven't yet worn the tie, others CHICAGO (NC) - Some 200 is a symbol of what the religious ly, assigned 'school activities. Brother John Donahue, for wear it much of the time. members of the Ukrainian rite believes in or represents; they Those who come in contact example, serves as advisor 10 stormed the rectory of St. Nich feel there is a need of identi fiable leadership which the the Taunton Teen Council. with them, whether in class olas Cathedral here, the episco Brother Stefan Clarke gives his room, orphanage, hospital, or pal seat of the diocese of St. Brother represents. time to outpatients of Taunton wherever their apostolate car Nicholas in Chicago for Ukrain Some of the reasons for aban ians, to demand adherence by doning the collar or mak\1lg its State Mental Hospital in their ries them, will continue to be grateful for the generous spirit use optional, are these: that the "Lighthouse" project. the priests to the Julian calen The Teachi~g. Sisters and that has always been their real dar. suit and tie. give the Brother a The diocese gave up using the greater effectiveness and ability Brothers Committee for OCD is ide~tifying mark. Julian calendar in October, 1964, to communicate with a larger, very much a part of Brother in favor of the Gregorian cal part of the eommunity in' Thomas Mulryan's apostolate. endar used by Latin Catholics which be works. Some would Brother Robert Short gives, and most other Christians in the envision the religious as a many bours to assisting iii the United States. leaven, rather than 2 leader of> .spiritual activities of the Span The '19'64 change made by the laity. This is supported by ish-speaking people of Taunton. Bishop Jaroslav Gabro has been some evidence of increased ef Brother John· Neidl and his met by periodic protests led by fectiveness in "ilIlner city" pro a group called the Committee grams. Many people feel tt is easier for the Preservation of Ukrain ian Catholic Traditions. to identify witb a Brother wbo Father' William Bilinsky, Ii is not in. religious garb. One eurate at the cathedral who was young Coyle student put it this Aluminum or Steel pushed to the floor and hit OR way: "The tie seems to make 944 County Street the Brother more approachable. the head during the latest inci NEW BEDFORD, MASS. dent said that the committee He's here to bring Christ to his WY 2-6618 represents only a small percent studerits, and I thiink that Cbrist age of church members., H has was probably tlile most a~ proachable person who ever "riled up," some people, he ex plained, by convincing them that lived. Can you picture Him g0 the bishop is trying to "Latinize ing around in clothes that were the Ukrainian rite.". According very different from those of other people of His day? He to Father Bilinsky "that's the farthest thing from the Vuth." ~ulcm'4; have ~ted ~
~. :n
"We thank you for the food we eat "We thank you for the, birda that sing "We thank you for every tbing." It had been recited before snack time by pupils in a school in DeKalb, Ill., until Lyle A. DeSpain, whose daughter Laura attended the school, charged that it was a prayer and there fore could not be recited undei' a 1963 Supreme Court decision. The school authorities replied that the verse was only a "secu lar poem." The U. S. District Court agreed, adding that it had a "secular purpose," to help the children become "integrated in their environment." The U. S. Court of Appeals reversed that ruling. The Su preme Court refused to revieYJ that opinion.
Phln Restructuring Newman Movement LONDON (NC) - The New. man movement in Canada may see sweeping changes in the next few years if two recom mendations are accepted at the national convention next Sep tember. The recommendations came at the Ontario-Quebec Centra! Region Conference here. The first urges that the details of national organization be de emphasized and that Newman'l!J aims and purposes be broad ened to reduce any denomina tional exclusiveness. The second proposal aSM that regional organizations be strengthened with emphasis ou. regional projects and issues. Delegates said that changes would bring the Newman con stitution more in line with IJOst Vatican Council II reality, an~ would recognize the fact thall more than 10 per cent of ~ew man membership in the Cesntr211 region alone is non-Catholie~
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alert Catholics read the Catholic ·ijtess ....
,;' ~~~,~~ti"-~~,~
THE ANCHOR-,D1ocese of Fall River-Thur.s., Feb. 1, '''~.8
'New"";'York 'Priei~ts A~"':":'~V()it~ fi'~t'
.'/llfF·uture· of A~'~hdioCE"$~' ~~,;'., ,t'::; 1
..... "',
~~9~i!Y T~:·:r('.J~~';~ . ;:,~~n~,~ ~:.,
~BU:ENoS'(AlItESS'{Nc-) -""'More +h"""- ,iii QOO"" person'
" ~~.." ~.,Y. \1(, \~~",f'·.'';Jo... , '." ';
... \
" ''Jammoo \~h~<! }hstohc . Plaza
?pened the cere~~ny by ~!l~ 109 ~,xeerpts,.:ftQm, pq~~~~ peace message.' ' . ' .. -, Giv4t"~~~Catl~ .: '!" TheY were follo~ed by Ar
.' ,de,. MaYQ'.;Jn.;~do:wnto;Wlli' BueNEW "'YO~K (NC) ..,.,..:Mc;>~ cdIa'ted'th~'Petitioh:,He--declined ,::.,; '. no~ AiJ::es' iq, ,a~,~cHmenJ~ ,;J:e:-gentirie~' Jewish,l-~r;\:Marcos CJtan 500 New York priests have .toddentfy .othel"! lead.ers' or the ," sponse to PQpe P~ul VI,'s appeal Zucker, who', prayed to. God ,~oined' in 'an appeal to the Holy signers .o~ ~lJ.e,l~t~r. , for prayers for world peace· and .asking for truce peace in the ·See' for a voice in the future'of . Father Gavigan said. that the for the' establishment of Jan.. 1 ,world for w~~ he said; "~e ·the large' archdiocese and iIi·the 'priests committee had attempted as an 'annual Day of Peace. must work unceasingly." The . selection of the bishop or bish ·to contact .pe,rllonally as manY The 'Scriptures were r:ead by audience responded:' "Lord, ·ops' who will govern it. priests as possible in all geo Coadjutor Archbishop Juan Car-' 'listen to us." ." " . The priests made their appeal .graphical areas and fields of los Abrambu.iu· of Buen.os Aires; invocations were" given by 'm a letter to Pope Paul VI. The work in the archdiocese to join Archbishop' Papken 'Abadian, the adviser of the' Islamic' Cen· 'arequest 'was the most recent of iIi the petition. primate of the Armenian Gre 'ter, Khaled' El Kadri, Rabbi aevenll such moves throughout He' estimated that some 1,000 gorian' Church' in" Argentina; Guillermo Schlesinger, Anglican the country in regard to the of the more than 2,100, diocesan Pastor 'Luis Pedro Bocafusco, 'Bishop Cyril Tucke'r of' the ;'selection of bishops. and 'religious priests in the arch . chair'man of the Argentine Fed River Plate diocese. and Rus ,. The letter lauded the "multi diocese were asked to sign the erationof' Evang'eli'st: Churches; sian . Orthodcik, , ':Metrop'ohtah -<tudinous 'and great achieve letter." ' . ,Rabbi- Leon"K1Emicky"of the ;N'ikodifu oft.eniU'grad·ahd'Niiv , Be: also repor~ci that 'the ··'ttients of the late Francis Clitdl 'World Union of'Liber'al ,Jewry, gorod. Antonio 'cirdiriil1 . Cag mal' Spellman, Ordinary of ·the prjests group has a. subcommit :and" -munan! 'Mohammed: 'El :'gi.i!nCl ~f BU~~OS' ~res'ajJ;o read ';li:chdiocese 'for 28, years prior :tee "studYing ways' arid meiins DR. ]FlIlA\NS lHIJEMlElIlJlJCJK:l1fl ':KadrI,religious superior"'of·,the 'tl'prayer, ' "', J ,:.'_.'1 'J I' ,'1 'to·, his death in early Decem'be:r, ~n which' the'jiriestsmight pa'r. ".' ..., Islamic':Center.' . I ' , ' Aftetth~ . ,~etem9nY:" '3. Mass and'streSsed that the 'request ofticipate .in ':'deciding the' future· ' '·'the'·prie'sts to aid the Pope in ·of the archdiocese' should .they, '.IS®~~ll@rm.~~Y$,~~O@rro ~ ':Argentine I Catholic" '.actors !fur "peace' was·"olfered ''in ihe Duilio Marzio and Jorge Salcedo ~cathei:Iral.· •.- ',', !.i . . . J, .•••• ·aelecting a successor to the:ear- receive a· favorable response "" I . . ' : ~ .! :,1'; 1 - .:. :\,', . 1: '. "dihal was made with great 'hu- from Rome>:'" , '. ~~@i1fd. " l: mility, faith; and "total and' U11-:Father Gavigan said that '. , : "". . .' . :wavering obedience and loy copies of the letter were sent to NEW BRUNSWICK (NC)';:..a l t y . " . Archbishop Luigi Raimondi; Dr. Frans Hemerijckx,' Belgian '. It has been rumored in recent apostolic delegate. in the United physician who has been fighting I years, and more frequently since States; Archbishop John F. leprosy for nearly 40 year:s in _Cardinal Spellman's death, that Dearden of Deiroit, president of :Africa and India, has been the Vatican may divide the" the National Conference of Cath named the, 1968 recipient of the New York archdiocese into olic Bishops; and Archbishop Damien-puUon Society hea,d · lSIllaller dioceses, and thus' the John J. Maguire, administrator quarters' here to coincide with priests' letter to .the Pope asked 'of, New York since Cardinal World Leprosy Day, which ~as ..for a voice "in the provisions Spellman's death. observed world-wide Sunday. ,:for the future of the Church in A spokesman for the archdio The group's founder-director, New;York" as well as in the se cese told NC News Service that Howard E. Crouch of· North !HI HIll~Y FAT!iER'8 MISSION AID TO THO ORIBNTAL CHURCH lection of an Ordinary. the move by the' priests was Brunswick, will make the pres A. spokesman for the unoffi strictly unofficial and that the entation to Dr. Hemerijckx at oal group of priests which cir chancery was "neither for nor the convention of the Interna Do you read ours7 Our mall, that Is. If so, eulated the petition said that the against it." tional L e pro s y Association YOU'll receive within the next few days our Invi · doubt as to the organizational Archbishop Maguire com scheduled Sept. 16 to 20 in Lon tation to help the Holy Father help the helplesa In 18 emerging countries. We are asking our future of the archdiocese also mented that the letter was "a don. The award recognizes out friends to renew their membership (and to en made it "premature" for th~ nice protestation of affection standing work in eradication of roll their families and friends) In this Associa priests to even consider episco for the car:dinal. I don't quarrel leprosy and rehabilitation of its tion. Look for the Invitation. We hope you'll pal candidates they might wish with any priest who thought he sufferers. write promptly to say Yes•••• Since we are the to support. should sign it." The Damien-Dutton Society Holy Father's official mission-aid In the Near Steering Committee Other moves toward greater provides, under Catholic aus and Middle East and Southern India, we are The spokesman, Father Pet~r participation, by priests and pices, funds for research, medical sending you his photograph with a list of the 3. Gavigan, an assistant at St. laity in the selection of bishops assistance, rehabilitation, educa WElCOME benefits he grants to members. In addition your ~ ~eresa's church in Manhattan, have been reported from the tion and recreation for leprosy TO membership offering helps Pope Paul himself identified himself as one of: a dioceses of Wilmington Del. patients regardless of race or NEW In one of his most ambitious and heartfelt five-man steering committee of and Green Bay, Wis., a~d th~ creed in all parts of the world. FRIENDS works: The relief of hunger, disease, Ignorance an informal group of some 25 archdiocese of St, Louis, all of Distribution of funds each year AND' and poverty among tragic 'population groups In .. lPriests which initiated and cir which are without Ordinaries; is made through· the, national @LD the Near East. ••• He looks to this Association office of _the Society for the - through your membership and gifts -:- to Propagation of the Faith, New · .bring' a long missing dignity to these ·helpless ,YorK City. ' .peop.le • to nurse them, feed, clothe an~;." .. T®~@~ , . Di:'. Hemerijckx, 65, resides 'in ,shelter them ••• to give them hope ••• to bring .:
Grimbergen, Belgium, is mar P@fi'5~[}U ~~[}u@@~., ~@@!?@] . ~~~@[[tr~ them the .sacraments. ••• Just In ca~e our Invl... ,
ried, and·_ the father of· five chil tation does not reach you, the membershlp·of- ,
c'/, <'~AN ANTONIO (NC)':The .bili~·ofthe board in contrast to .. dren. He rec.eived his doctor of · faring for one'year Is only $2 per person, $10 ,,'
,lP(istor of a Catholic parish· bere ,~that 'of' th~ school principal and '. medicine. ,degree in, 19Z8 from f~r. a family. The offering for perpetual .mem- ,.
declared that successful Church the faculty. The other was'to the Catholic' University of Lo1,1 · be~hlp Is $25 per person, $100 for a ~mlly., " :renewal at the parish level 'Instin in parents' and students . vain .and' a year· later ,left for You may enroll your deceased as well, ,of cqurse .. , d~pends almost entirely uP9n' aoceptimce of the board's 'pow the Congo, where he was. at ($25).••• Write to us promptly to say YeS. We .. ~hether the pastor wantS to and. decisions. t1icheqto the Cat.ho~ic Mission .Vtlill seni:l'you,wlth our ,de3p apprec.latlon; Ii relinquish some of his many •. ' '+i,te 'f~rst di!fficulty was' parti ',in ..Tshumpe St. Marie in Kas,ai membership certificate you .wlll be proud ~., duties to- qualified, 'concernoo, 'iillyovercome- through meetings Prqvinc~. have•. Ple~se ~all tile coupon ' below.'· '" ', •.. , and competent laymen." between'. the bo;trd-:4ncluding . t, .• , .i 'Msgr. William' Martin was' Msgr.· Martin-and faculty rep ~~ eommenting on operations of St. resentatives. ' . N@'W '!rO®!hl1l' ~IJ'®W~ · Wonder wl'lat -dollars can do In our 18 colm o LUk~ parish's two-year-old . Miller said it was agreed' that 'cJ""....... «' "" o..."""",n ,It,. ~..f1 '.
trles7 Here are some suggestions: lSchool board, composed of a the board's 'functions would per- \\:?'VISU t<l""IfU""""U M.fQJ
eross-section of persons involved tain to "policy," as opposed to NEW YORK (NC)-A leading
BUILD o $10,000 will build a'complete "parlsh plant" in educational work. He said the the "administration," which is .. opponent of public aid· for pri A FARISH (church, school, convent, rectory) In India this ·board has' shouldered ,the fi the job of the principal and the vate schools has charged' that year. Name-It for your favorite ,saint, In mem-' mincial burdens of the school faculty. "irresponsible leaders" have ory of your loved ones. and plans its path to educa lP'roviclle lHIandbook showned a' "blatant, foolish and , . FUTURE $600 ($8.50 a month for six years) will train tional excellence. To that end the board eom- unnecessary disregard of the !,llRJI!SlrS AND '" poor boy for the priesthood overseas. $300 'St. "Luke's school board re piled a handbook on policies ,and - voters' will" by announcing that ($12.50 a month for two years) will train a m~mC:llis sponsibilities range from disci-' rules coyel'ing grading, student: they Will' 'move to repeal' the native Sister. They wl/l write to you.' plining'students to seeing that -dress, discipline and bus fares. state; constitution's prohibitions 63l'J8~.mfll::RIi Your Stringless Gift' ($1,000, $500, $75, $50. " teachers receive a decent an The handbook notes that stu- against aid to religious inStitu $10, $5, $1) equips the Holy Father for mill- ' fs'5EEDIEIY' lllual wage. dents may-be expelled, but orily tions. , sl.on emergencies. '. Maior lP'roblems • by the school board, not by - William 'H:addad leveled the Two major problems emerged' the principal. Thus, discipline charge in the. re- . early in the board's existence, problems can be handled by the' activation of the Committee for according to Hubert Miller: seven-member board without' Public: Education and Religious . _ board president. Miller is chair~ the po~sibility of the principal Liberty, which' fought passage man of St. Mary's University's' or an ~ndividual teacher being of a new state constitution' in NAMFll. _ history department. . gled t f tt k b ' 1967 beca'use I·t would ha've' re . Please The first probl.em was to de..' sm ou or a ac y Irate' return coupon 8TREEl "'_ . . d' t'
,parents. . pealed the prohibition: The con- ' , _wlth'your . lUUe JUriS IC IOn and responsi ,'''All of this has made a great stitution failed to win passage. offering CITY 8TAYE_ _ XIP CODadifference in the atttitude of the Had'dad's announcement was Mem~lI'ia~ MClJSS chldren and their respect for made after state Senate Majority SAIGON (NC)-Bishop Joseph authority in the school," said Leader Earl W. Brydges said the Le van An, whl) supervises Sister Cabrini, school principal, Senate would 'move for quick who is an ex-officio non-voting consideration of an amendment Catholic chaplains in the Viet member O'f the' board. repealing the ban. namese armed forces, concele Board members are generally brated a memorial Mass for Francis Cardinal Spellman with agreed that the second major
GetsNSIHI GrCllnts
five U. S. and 'five Vietnamese problem-'-getting the parish at large to accet>t the authority of ' chaplains here. In the congre DETROIT (NC)-The Univer·
'MSGR.JO~NG.NOLAN, Natronal Secretary gation at the crowded Vietnam . the' board-'-has slowly been ac sity of Detroit has receIved Na Write: 'CATHOLIC NEAR EAaTWIW'ARIl Assoc;" . ese military church dedicated 'to complished. Parents now realize tional Science Foundation ;grants
330, Madison Avenue 0 New Ycir~ N.Y. 10017 Vietnamese martyrs were mem that the ·school board supersedes totaling $56,470 for a 'series of T~I~phone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 ' .
" .. ., . bers of the Vietnamese armed all other school groups and as institutes for high school
fol'ces 'and their families. . sociations. teachers of mathematics., .
P@~tr@!r -~Dth~$ "S)M©~@~~f~f
.. -.
Trustees at CU Open, Sessions To :Faculty.'
f:'A]~IN2n~N ~NC~; ed . th d t
k .1: r· " . S ran' Jason r .I. raIns New Bedford couts'
.InWilderness Lore" Survival Techniques ~
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Feb. 1,
Felician Superior
:Dies in Conn•.
Frank S. Jason, 57, of 1036 Rockdale Ave., New Bedford, has no children of his own. . He does, however, have hundreds of "adopted sons." For "45 years and 10 months," Frank Mother Mary Annunciata, S u m l~b r .JOl:f' J·ason has been working with the sons of other men in a Boy Scout program he would foundress of Our Lady of the the l:xecu~vee~~~:~: of .like to s~e spread even more with the help of Catholic men who will "devote a little time· Angels Province of the FeliciaD Sisters, died Jan. 20 at the pro the Board of Trustees' for the to boys. AS!l young m:;-.n, vincial motherhouse, Enfield, , first time in the 68-year history' Frank Jason hved near CIty Conn. The community' staffs St. of Catholic University of Amer- Mission in New Bedford. Stanislaus School in Fall River. ica here in the nation's capital. There he "got involved" first Born in Philadelphia in 1887, Dr. James G. Brennan, physics with the Boy' Ranger program Mother Mary Annunciata enter department head ~ho is the. and then with Boy Scouts. ed the Felician Sisters in Detroit elected representatIve of the When he and his wife, the at the age of 15. In her' early graduate school of ?rts and scl- former Alice Correia· of New years as a religious she taught ences, p~rticipated m the agen- Bedford were r;narried in June in schools of the community, da plannin~. for the April full 1939, their attendants included but for most of her active life board m~etmg... .' Boy Scouts of. St. John the she was engaged in administra Cathohc Umverslty, found~d Baptist-parish with whom Frank tive work, serving as superior i? 1889: is the only. U. S. institu- was working '. and members of and principal in several houses. tion.dlrectly admmistrated by , . '. , FrOm 1926 to 1932 she was di all the Catholic Bishops of the tdhel'tParls~thChlhldrenh?fbM~dry So-, rectress of an orphanage jn nation -Th t 't" , a 1 y, WI W om IS rl e was .' e rus ~es are con- active. Lodi, N. J. and was also a coun-' ductmg 'an extensIve study of. ' .. cilor for Immaculate Conception the structure and ad . . t t' To them, havmg the younger , mInIS ra Ion generation" part· . ' t . thO Province of the Felicians. of the university aimed at _ . ' . lClpa e In ell' In 1932 she was appointed to bringing it more abreast of bIg day was Just a forerunner found Our Lady of the Angelo modem times. of the years to come. Frank Jason, then ScoutmasProvince, and she served as Reconstituting Board tel' of the St. John Troop, event provincial superior fOf two six-year terms. In 1946 she wall The board of trustees has in- ually retired. He became a neigh named vicar general of the Fell vited three elected faculty borhood commissioner, help cian Sisters and in 1959 was ap members to participate in board ing to plan Scout programs that pointed assistant provincial for discussions of matters related all troops would follow. Our Lady of the Angels Prov to the faculty. Faculty particiHe got involved in Scouts' ince. Upon the death of the patlon will be on a non-voting outdoor programs, learning first provincial, she filled the office basis. hand about the world of nature. for seven months, then WM Dr. Edward D. Jordan, 'head Survival Expert named assistant administrator of nuclear science and engineerHe received a Wood Badge of St, Joseph Hospital, Bangor, ing , will represent the faculties and as a result, became an in Me. ' of the professional schools while structor for "men from all over Interment was in Our Lady o£ the faculties of the ecclesiastical the country" who took eight-day the Angels cemetery, Enfield. schools chose Father Carl J. training sessions at a Boy Scout Peter, assi~tant professor of camp in Mendham, N,J. This dogmatic theology. The three month he was honored by the laou-y If(]~lUJ<1iJ Gtelfl7ll'Uan will meet with the trustees for National Boy Scout Council as a FRANK S. 'JASON the first time at the April full 45-year Scouter. Fall'itllo~y IIJ'i)SiOU'D~M~~ board meeting. Today along with heading "I like milkweed pods, too," ish couldn't find another scout COLOGNE (NC)-The Cath~ Th~ .trustees have voted to re- the St.' John's troop-"I took Mrs. Jason says. "You cook them master. olic Cen tral Institute for the constItute the board with a over until we could !find an "I have second generation kids Problems of Marriage and Re like asparagus, when they're fixed ratio of 15 clergy and 15 other scoutmaster"-Frank Ja in my troop now," he says. sponsible Parenthood here will! laymen. A faculty committee, son has become an expert in about % of an inch long." "My mother used to do this "When it gets to be third gen be headed by laymen for the asked to propose names for the survival training. first time. new board, has already subHe teaches Scouts how to live kind oJ;, thing with dandelions," eration, I'm quitting." Dr. Guenter Struck will be Scouting, Mrs. Jason says, has mitted an extensive list. off the land when it is necessary.• Mr. Jason injects. "Today, people the new head and his deputy have forgotten about the old kept him from many other ac Progressive Changes He teaches youngsters in public things." . tivities. "You're out three or will be Rudolf Rueberg. The in~ Dr. Jordan said the three pro- schools in New Bed~ord about He hopes to "wild purple aster four nights a week now," she stitute has been headed by Msgr. fesssors will need to maintain ''herbs and grasses." roots, or wild gentian. You boil says. "When could you !find time Paul Adel1auer, son of the late direct contacts with the entire Teaching survival training has them like chicory and get cof German Chancellor Konrad for anything else?" faculty. "I'm responsible for in- been an ordeal for Mrs. Jason, fee." Adem\Ucr. Mr. Jason grins again. terpreting the thinking of fac- as well as for her husband. Msgr. Adenauer will remain , "I wish I could get every Cath ,Then he r;noves to snakes. ulty members of six schools," he "I have to gathl!r stuff as it "Y6u can eat any snake, as olic man interested in Scouting," at the institute as head of j" stated. "And, of course,' we are grows', then preS(!fve and freeze responsible for a two~way' traf- i,t," Frank explains. . long as you roast them arid leave he says. "Right now, we don't section on the family apostolate. fie in information, from the fac- . As 'a consequence, Mrs. Jason the heads alone;" he explains have enough leaders-and in 1968, we'd like to double the ulty to the trustees, and from never knows, when she opens with complete assurance. A former Boy Scout himself, number of troops in the city. the trustees back. ' . her freezer, what she is going to "Scouting," he says,' .'lis about Frank Jason recalls that in his "We have seen more progres- find in it. day "the men threw the book the only program I know of for sive changes here in recent Normally, she doesn't com at you and let you take over. boys that is easy to follow. We months than at any university plain.
Over 35 Years
can use all the men we can get in this country, and these However, the day she opened Today, we're interested in put of Satisfied Service
changes are by no means final. the freezer to get out meat for . ting things across. We have a to help." Reg. Master Plumber 7023
Mrs. Jason shakes her head. We can let them jell for a year a party meal and discovered well mapped program. JOSEPH RAPOSA. JR. "Many men think they have After their marriage, almost 30 Of two, and. if for some reason "dead birds and deer's hooves" 806 NO. MAIN STREET any or all don't make sense, we in it. "I let out a scream," she to know everything about the years ago, she learned first hand can make further modifica- admits. Boy Scouts before they can be about Boy Scouts and how they Fall River 675-7497 tions." The overflow even has an ef- leaders, That isn't true. We'd operate. From the way she looks at rather have a man who doesn't fect in the refrigerator and freez er at'the home of his brother-in., know' everything, then we can her husband, Scouting is as See Restrictions "right" with her as it is with teach him." law, Joseph A. Correia. His "birds and hooves," he him. "We help out," Mr. Correia As Hypocritical adds, much later, "were wrapped LUCERNE (NC) - Until the says.. in cellophane before he put them The menus prepared from Ja communists in such countries as in his freezer." He looks at Mrs. BEFORE YOU Czechoslovakia match their son out-door recipes are not for Jason. everyone. BUY -- TRY constitutional guarantees of re "They still looked alive," she "Sumac crushed and mixed ligious freedom with better per replies. with water, with sugar added formance in carrying them out HEAT~NG O~LS Jason, who stands six feet and it is worthless to hold discussions to taste, turns into ,a lemon-like weighs 210 pounds, looks across soda," Jason says. "The Indians between Christians and Marx South • Sea Streets
used. it as a tonic the year the room at his Wife and' grins. ists. OLDSMOBILE She has put up with his Scout So declared a group of 45 round." Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault Sumac berries? ''They look ing for so many years, he knows Hyannis Tel. 49-81
theology students at the Catho she doesn't really mind. 61 Middle Street. fairhaven. like clusters of red grapes," the lic seminary here; as they di out-door man explains. Leaders Needed rected an appeal to the Czecho Cat-Tall Pencakes slovak ambassador to Switzer "About 20 years ago," Frank ~ ~6~~~~.~ O.~ Then there are pancakes made Jason "retired" from active land for more liberty for the of cat-tail flour, that has to be Scouting and turned to Council Catholic Church in Czechoslo vakia. "beaten like mad" before it is work. He "took, over" the St. Reports of many restrictions used. John the Baptist troop again "I've tasted everything he's several years ago when the par on Czechoslovakian religious INDlJc;TRIAL and life have convinced them, the tried," Mrs. Jason says of her students declared, that commu husband's cooking. Grant to Dayton OtrDd nists are not sincere· in their The cat-taBs, incidentally, are attitude towards religious be best for pancakes when they are 'DAYTON (NC)-The Univer
lievers. The widely headlined golden yellow. '''l~hen you mix sity of Dayton languages de CON"n;r~DN6NG
appeals by the Marxists for a the roots-they tum into beauti partment has received a $90,000 more liberal exchange with ful pancakes. , National Defense Education Act Christians comes out' in these ''The Indians used to dry them grant to conduct a seven-week 997-9162 New S",":.. rd eircumstances as pure hypocrillJlt . in tIlle sun. I have 10 do it in .Summer institute for high school ,.~ 312 Hillman Street the Dtudente maintained. the oven." teachers of Spanish. ~ ~ ~ .
Montie Plumbing &
Heating Co.
.. .........•
! i
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" r
1:6 !,'
Vietnam .' «:nows'. '
Father ~ Peyton" ".
. THE ANCHOR-DioceSe of Fal1 'River':"'Thurs.,-·Feb. '1; 1968· '. ~.
r8isho~s -Ask' Suprem<e Court 'f,'or [F@Olf rHo.QJ·si~g ~M~DITUa
SAIGON .(NC)-Father, Pat-' rick Peyton, C.S.C., crusader fol1' family prayer, found on hin first ·visit to Vietnam that he and his work: are alr{!ady well WASHINGTON (NC)-T~enty-fourU.S.bishops and known here. :ahe National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice Archbishop Paul Nguyen van Binh of Saigon told him that he ha"Ve asked the U.S. Supreme Court to assert that open and other Vietnamese bishops lli.ousing is a constitutionally guaranteed right. In a friend had seen his rosary films during (l)f the court brief filed the the Vatican II Council. They 1l>ishops .and the NCCIJ told ins~curity common to the poor," were so impressed that they ob ~1..e court that "there 'is a "The increasingly marked in tained a set which 'has been ',ill sistence by religious leaders shown in various dioceses during coonstitutional right to pur upon what they say is the 'in -,,-,"'->.. .... . _" t;.! the past year. ehase a home without disc rim justice' or 'immorality' of racial ~, .-'> These films show, in color, . . mation on account of race" * C isolation in housing is not an. dramatizations of the 15' mys grounded not only upO.Q special abstraction, but' is la moral eonvenience but upon a~tece- -judgement' deriving from' ob ']ROSARY PRIEST': Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.~ I teries of the rosary, each lasting ~ent moral rights deriving from servation ot' actual conditions visited men of the U.S. Navy base at Nha Be during his 30 minutes. i!'he very nature of. ma~." . *,. ..', ''They have had a very great recent Vietnam tour. He was the guest of Msgr. James J.' The case was brought to the The bishops link their consti success here," Father Joseph Killeen, left, New York archdiocese priest who is senior, Nguyen duy Vi, director of the Bupreme Court by. Joseph Lee: tutionai and social arguments 'U.S. Navy chaplain in Vietnam, Here Chief Warrant Officer Catholic Press and Information Jl'ones of St. Louis, who was re . with Christian moral teaching: ifused the right. to purchase a "In. Christian . teaching the James F. Fagan of New YOl'k accepts a rosary from Fr; Center, said. "They have been lInome in a large suburban de-. human person has an absolute Peyton. NC Phot<!. shown in Catholic institutions welopment solely because he worth because created by, and and in public places. Non-Catho ~as a Negro. intended for, God. Out of this lics have been deeply, impressed His appeal is based on an 1866 fact flow his rights and obliga by them. In one town the Bud dvil rights law which assul'e tions. In contemporary Catholic dhist bonzes who attended gave aU citizens the same right "as is teaching, means whicb are suit a generous money offering <enjoyed. by white citizens" to able for the proper development New Hampshire Bishop Ernest J.Primeau Asks afterwards, towards the expenses "'inherit, purchase, lease, sell, of life are among such rights, ' of ·the projection." QIOld and convey real and per including the right to shelter." For Episcopal Elevation Reco~mendations Father Peyton came here on a lllOnal property." The law was • Quote Encyclicals Priests were asked to base flying visit" from Manila, where enacted to enforce the 13th They support their arguments MANCHESTER (NC)-Priests recommendations on qualities his "People's Mission, H centered Amendment, which abolished with liberal quotations fioom the of Manchester have been inv,ited .QD the rosary films, is in full "avery.' _Second Vatican Council's state by Bishop Ernest J. Primeau to such as personal holiness, sta" progress. The 15 films are shown H submit the names of priests .they bility and capacilty for admin Greatest arm ments and the papal encyclicals, considered suitable cand-idates' istrlltion. on eight successive nights in J ones also claims that his Pacem in Terris and Mater et for the episcopacy. Bishop Primeau also asked each location, usually a densely llights under the equal pl'otec- Magistra, both' of which de Bishop Primeau issued.the in that choices registered by populated poor district. Two Cion clause of the 14th Amend scribe housing as a "right.'" 'vitation in a confidential letter priests reflect - in addition to films are presented, with a com ment were denied. They also trace the origins to all diocesan priests last June. mentary by a trained layman these customary qualifications-: In their brief, the bishops call and results of the 1866 law and The Bishop's secretary said no a sensitivity to the spirit. of of the same class as the audience, Ilaousing segregation "an illness the 13th Am:ndm:nt, . .and· announcement of the invitation the Second Vatican Council. on each of seven nights.. On the alfecting the entire American c,har~e that hou.smg dlscnmma . was made because it was con eighth night the last film is ltOmmunity" which is costly to hon IS one veshge of sla~ery: sidered "confidential." shown and Mass is celebrated. lite public at large, and to the "The great bulk of thiS dls . , Priests to Assist The films, especially: those of (!)ersons affected. crimination is one vestige of But, wo~d .leake~ out 10 t~e
the sorrowful mysteries, bring "But the greatest harm which slavery. wtahke UOfSsllndl.lar~sclosures, lR Spanish-Speaking
many to confession, Father Pey Desults from such segregation is "The great bulk of this dis-' 0 er. . . 10ce~es,
JERSEY' CITY (NC) - Six Ghat it is a direct and active ne'" crimination in the United States Lawrence Cardmal Shehan of priests here have organized a, ton said. Confessors attend each gation of the idea of sociely has had no other origin than an B~ltimore inV!-t~ priests of the team ministry for work among location. iitself, that is, as a society of origin in this institution of slav DIOcese of Wilmington, D';ll., to Spanish-speaking people. Ilauman persons," they said. ery, while the color of skin as help c~oose a ~uccessor to the The priests have been released "Perhaps the chief evil effects the Visible sign denominating late Bishop Michael W. Hyle from parochial "duties for the Tells Reds Fon~w tlPon individuals of publicly or who' was free and who was and more than 500 New York experimental inner-city program Priests'. Example @rivately maintained raCial. iso slave continues to this hour as priests recently joined in a ap by Archbishop Thomas A. Bo BONN (NC)-Borba, a Yugo ration in hou9ing are the out the visible sign all too frequently peal to the Holy See for a voice land of Newark. slavian communist newspaper, rnoks on self and society which denominating who may' PUl' in the selection of a successor' Some 15,000 Spanish-speaking. has urged communist party offi iIt co * "helps to generl,lte: the chase a home and who may to Francis Cardinal Spellman, people live in the area where cia)s to follow the example of 6lense o.f limited alternatives, not," they concluded, ' whd died last month. t/le priests will work, but only Catholic priests in an effort to Suggests Considerations about 3,000 are affiliated with win more support from young Yugoslavians. In his letter to each of the any of the churches there.
Pub~ic' 285 Manchester diocesan priests,
Pointing out that priests seem Bishop Primeau spoke of the
able to get cooperation from Denies Appointment grav~ 'responsiblity he must
young people, the paper empha sized that party workers must CLEVELAND (NC)-A lexl backward and~truggled to write periodically face in submitting As Papal Secretary to Rome names of priests from show the same concern -for the book used in both public and something acceptable to Cath BONN (NC)--Julius Cardinal the diocese ,considered likely young that priests show. " private elementary schools is olic, Protestant, public and pri Doepfner of Munich, president bishop matepal. He asked his This concern, the paper added, "'loaded with Roman Catholic va,te school children." of the German Bishops' Confer propaganda," according to a English also said the council priests to recommend 'colleagues ence, told newsmen here that a may take the form of sponsor eharge made by Protestants and had tried "to be ecumenical and who, in their opinion, might news report indicating that be ing youth activities, of helping troubled chl..i:lren, and of being ~ther Americans United· for to provide means for the Prot ,merit "consideration for eleva was to be mimed Papal Secre prepared to discuss with young Separation of Church and Stale estant ch~d to understand tion to the episcopal rank. tary of State was mistaken. people the great issues of the 4POAU). Catholics, the Catholics to un The cardinal, outlining recent day. POAU, longtime opponent of derstand the P.rotestant, and the activity of the bishops' confer litate aid to non-public schools, Jewish child to uncierstand Penna. Teacher Unit ence would make no statement l!eveled the charge against a both." Opposed by Another on the Vietnam war or on the sixth grade social science text Variety of Concepts emergence of the German Na PHILADELPmA(NC) - As book, "The Human Advenlul·e. English said St. Ignatius was tional Democratic Party, a representatives of the Associa nv," prepared by the Educational praised in the book to balance DISPENSING
right-wing political group criti :Rescach Council here. the picture' of Martin Luther. tion of Catholic Teachers pre OPTICIAN
cized by many as being neo-nazi. pared to meet with Philadlephia The book has a section on the He also said Jesuits were use5i Prescriptions
Archdiocesan officials to seek Auxiliary' Bishop Heinrich .Reformation which came under to personify the Counter for Eyeglossltl sole bargaining recognition for Tenhumberg of Munster, the assault in D~yton some weeks Reformation. Filled the i r . organization, another German'; bishops' liason with ago. According to POAU, the The pictures of the Virgin Office HOUri Catholic teachers' organization the Bonn government, told book equates Roman Calholi ,Mary were used to illustrate 9:00- 5:00 except Wed. .4lism with Christianity. changes in art interpretations asked that such recognition not newsmen at the same press con " ference that the German trans- POAU also complained: "The between the years of 1300 and be extended. Frl. Eve, by AppL saturday--:9·3 The Professional Society of lation of the controversial new Jesuits are highly touted; and 1500, English explained.. 197 BAN" ST., COR. PURCHASE SI. Dutch catechism would be re Catholic Teachers (PSCT) which Ignatius, Loyola, their founder, The text will be revised be OPP. F. ll. TRUST PARIlING LOT G7B-G412 leased soon. is described as a 'knight 'of fore its next prinling in the claims a membership of 80 'out God' who' 'carried the word of Fall, English said, but added of more than 600 teachers' in 30 God.' There is no mention of" that the things he would like to . archdiocesan high schools, said: the fact the word 'Jesuit' is correct are.. mostly minor points. "We ask. that no teachers' or equated with a tdcky person by He said POAU should view ganization be recognized as the dictionary definition." the social science pr9grams· as sole spokesman for all teachers. The group also complained of a ,whole, Elementary school chil Instead, we again recommend five pictures of the Virgin Mary dren are introduced to a variety and strongly urge the creation and a heading, "How the Sep 'of religious concepts; ranging of a teachers' council, which AND 'LOAN' ASSOCiATION OF ATTLEBORO . aration of Church and 'State from Buddhism, Judaism and would· include representatives :Weakened the Empire.". Greek naturalism "in the fifth of all teachers, both lay and : Raymond English, an Episco grade to more detailed studies Religious. The council should be 4~% on all Savings, Accounts palian who supervised the, and individual research in high empowered to negotiate the de book's preparation, maintained school, English said. . tails of the ~eclara1;ion of prin that the council had made a POAU plans to focus attention ciples and to serve as a consul-' 4% % on lime Certificates' breakthrQugh in treating religion on the book at its meeting in tative body with the office of Attleboro - New Bedford in an elementary school text Cincinnati from Feb. 6 to 8, it the superintendent on all mat book. He said: "We leaned ovec was 'reported, pertaining to teachers."
~ \
Charges School Textbook loaded With Cotholic Propaganda ,
Pion ,Confere"ce For Cooperation. Among Churches AUSTIN (NC) - Repre sentatives of the Texas Cath olic Conference and the Tex as Council of Churches met here to hammer out a constitu tion for a new organization for interchurch cooperation to suc ceed the present Texas Council of Churches. Two years ago the Catholic bishops of Texas and the Texas Council of Churches each ap pointed four clergymen and four laymen to explore the feas ibility of affiliation of the Cath olic diocese with the council. The joint committee took a long look at the problem and recommended that a new organ ization be established for inter church cooperation br0 ad enough to inolude the Southern Baptists and Missouri Synod Lutherans, two major groups that do not participate in the Texas Council of Churches. In another two years the joint committee will know if it has succeeded. The constitution for the new organization, to be known as the Texas Conference of Churches, will be submitted to the various churches' eligible for participa tiun for ratification. If the con stitution is ratified by at least 20 eligible church bodies with in two years, a constituting as sembly will be called to estab lish formally the Texas Confer ence of Churches., Cites Purposes The proposed constitution states that the conference's pur poses include: "Attempting to apply more effectively the substance and insights of the Christian Gospel into the structures and institu tions of this state, reminding all that every structure exists to serve man and is accountable to God'*· ~ "Providing means of cooper ation with agencies and move ments that further the common purposes of the m e m b e r churches. "Providing a forum and a place of sharing the work of the churches and a means whereby duplication of offices and efforts may be lessened. "Doing together all things save those which we must in conscience and obedience do separately. Cultivate Fellowship "Promoting the spirit of ecu menism, cultivating interchurch, fellow s hip in communities throughout the state and foster ing dialogue in the realm of faith and order." The governing body of the proposed conference would be an assembly of representatives of the various member churches, at least half of which would be laymen. A board of directors proposed by the constitution would con sist of "the highest ranking ad ministrator of each member ec clesiastical unit." Normal work of the confer ence would be carried on by an executive director appointed by the board ot directors. The proposed constitution will be considered by the Catholic bishops at their February meet ing. The Texas Council of Churches will consider the doc ument at its annual assembly in March.
Laymen Preach AMBERG (NC) --'-Laymen in . &his Bavarian town have moved Jnto the pulpit of their parish ehul'ch to preach at Mass fn a new effort made by the local pl'iest to get people more in volved in the parish's liturgical life.
New Bedford Par~chialSchool Physician Says Her Chief Job .Educational Since Ju!y 1964, Dr. Anne E:,.Saunders has had a medical responsibility for more than school ~tudents in the City of New Bedford. Her $3,000 annual salary is paId by the Olty. The time and the interest she has put into the position cannot be mea sured by time or money. Anne Downey Saunders sometimes wonderS whether her work is worthwhile.' Then she re .
membered the little girl at a north end sChool whom she examined one day. "I 6,~OO parochl~l
Thurs., Feb.
Cardinal to Work
In COlmerr@@n PARIS (NC) Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, former arcn.. bishop of 'Montreal, has decide«ll to remain in Cameroon to worh in a leper colony there, accord ing to a story sent from YaoundG to La Croiz, Paris Catholic daily. The cardinal's decision came 'as a surprise, because he hafll planned to travel around Africo !for a year before choosing a place to work. Explaining the change in plans, Cardinal LegeII' said: "It is here, in Cameroon, th~ I h:rve decided to stay. For i1l I circle all of Africa before making up my mind, I will lose a year. And since needs are great everywhere, I could choose among hundred leprosariums~~· " "Certainly," he continuecll, "each leprosarium has its OWl:!' ~ppearance, its own structure. ItS own way of operating. Bull I did not wish to be involvetll with the exterior of these lepro sariums. I wanted to be totallv involved. So, I decided on Cam eroon and perhaps on a leprosa rium not far from Yaounde,· 8 place that already existed, but is .deficientfrom many points u::I view ¢ ¢ ¢ "On the other hand, I hi",e discovered 'here that there w no one to look after the seri ously handicapped, the blind, the deaf-mutes. I discovered this ree cently and I am thinking of do ing something for them too, wit& the aid of the Sisters also, 00" of nurses knowin,g Braille, sp~ cialists in physiotherapy ¢ * ~B~ those are rare specialists even in rich countries."
worried," Dr. Anne Saunders says. "Her family had 'the child checked. She had a malignancy. She was operllted on a short time later. Today, she is coming along fine." If nothing elso proved the val ue of the work Anne Saunders is doing, that one case did. It was worth, as far as she is con cerned, anything she contributed in time and worry. , Basically, Anne Saunders says, "my job is the medical care of all private and parochial school students in New Bedford. What it gets down to is care of paro chial school students." The job she holds was "not filled 'for a while.", A few years back, she and another New Bed ford physician took civil service exams for public health physi cians. Both were appointed. "This," says Anne Saunders, "is a service you dqn't find avail able' in many communities." Filling the then-vacancy was largely a product, of the inter est displayed by New Bedford's Health Director, . Aiphege A. Landreville. Landreville recommended fil ling the private school post, va , cant since 1961. \ Physician Needed DR. ANNE,E. SAUNDERS "The health department." Lan dreville wrote to Mayor Edward Then she grins. ~rhe job is ~bt F. Harrington, "considers it nec we're glad we took the time easy, she admits, recalling that essary not only to appoint a for an exam." "the first time I visited a school, physician for our clinics, but al Praising the City of New Bed all the nuns were lined up for so to fill the private school va ford for its care of parochial , ,caney." as well as' public school-pupils, physicals. "It's normal. They are part of Landreville told the mayor Dr. Saunders says, "We're prob that the enrollment in private ably the only community in the a community society. They felt that as long as I was coming, parochial--schools in New Bed Fall River Diocese that does it." ford "is approximately 6,000 Anne Saunders is employed by they might just as well be WYman pupils, constituting almost one the city through the Board of checked." 3-6592 To Dr. Saunders, that is not third of the school population Health. She feels care of all , of New Bedford." children should be funneled . her job. CHARLES F. VARGAS Her responsibilit:y, as she sees He said he felt the services through the Board of Health; it, is to take care of the long of a physician in the private "because they know the health ~54 ROCKDALE AVENUE schools was "essential" to the problems. A School Department range, educational aspects of a filfiEW BEDFORD. MASS. medical program. children enrolled. doesn't." Dr. Anne Downey Saunders The first year she was en The intensive care problem is herself the mother of five-took gaged by the city to care for one that belongs to the child's on the job, "not as a substitute "private school", youngsters, family physician. for the family physician" she .Anne Saunders gave "more than Education is the primary func feels necessary for the health 2,000 physicals. Since then, it's tion of her position-an educa and welfare of every child, but averaged about 1,000 a year." tional program that teaches . because "something had to be Eventually, she hopes to cut teachers as well as children. done." down the -physical exams to nil "When people' know what is For the last three years, Anne and concentrate on an education happening," she says, "they Saunders has been working at program. know how to deal with the prob what she considers her real job, She looks with scorn on the lem." "educating teachers and parents infectious disease "note require In between caring for her own to what my job is. ments" of the schools. "Today," "I'm trying to emphasize teach she says, "we have vaccines that five children-and her private practice-Dr. Saunders devotes ing," she says, sounding over take care of practically all in whelmed. "People still are ignor fedious diseases. But schools her time to tea<:hing teachers what should be done about ant about childhood diseases. I still require 'notes' from young youngsters, who need help. want them to get acclimated to sters who have been absent." ' It is a time-eonsuming job. what they can expect." The time she devotes to her She says part of the prob lem is that teachers as well as It also-according to the doctor ·-is a rewarding one. city job varies according to the time she can "borrow" 'from her children!' have to be taught." private practice. Discussing the normal diseases In the schools, when she gets . of childhood, she comments that to them, she admits, "I'm some "~carlet fever is just a rash times bogged down by too many resulting from a strep infection. physicals. What I would like When it's anything unknown, to be able to do is go to schools fear plays a part. ""In
and lecture on helilth. That is "A fever without a rash doesn't v ai n
what is needed more than any bother anybody. The most in thing." fections 'disease' of all is a com will yOIll
Then she recalls that two mon cold. But children can sit build churches,
years ago she discovered a mali:" in a, 'classroom and cough and pre a c h missions,
gnancy in a child who now "is sneeze without any J;'estriction, found schools. All YQur
coming along well." although they're infecting every efforts wiJI be destroyed
That, to Anne Saunders, is body in the cla,sSroom." unless you wield the defensive
worth all the time she may have She feels that cltildren "are and offensive weapon of a press that
"wasted" in physicals. in school to be educated. Teach "Our main function," she says, ers shouldn't bar kids for un is Catholic, loyal and sincere. I will make
"is not to be physical examiners. necessary medical reasons." any sacrifice, even to pawning my pectoral cross,
We do it for children who don't Her job, as she sees it, is tcJ ring and cas~ock, to support 2 Catholic neyvspaper."
have regualr physicals-they "provide a health service to the Pope St. Pius X need it, Then we run into some children. Any follow up is tale thing like that little girl and responsibility of parents.
Any Sacrifice
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ~iver-Thurs., Feb.-1,1968 •
. Ask Fo,mation
Of Lay Senate
r? !r~~ ~ O~ganizatioll)·~. To AcU' orru D®~pora~ Qrder lBy Msgr.George G. Higgins . Spanish Oatholic Action ,(with a capital C and a capital A) is going through a serious crisis in the aftermath of Vatican II. The Spanish bIshops recently attempted to re solve this crisis' by revising the statutes governing CA. They made the revision to cause of the fact that, by defi alleviate some of the oppo nition, their activities necessar sitionto the new statutes ily involve the Church herself which were drawn up earlier and the hierarchy,
KEARNY' '(NC)-The Senate of Priests of the Newark arch diocese has asked for establish ment of similar senates for lay people and Religious. At its monthly meeting here, the senate directed its president, Msgr. John J. Kiley, to write to Archbishop Thomas A. Boland and ask for creation of such bodies, In its resolution, the senate noted that its existence had con tributed to better morale among priests, It suggested that the creation of lay and Religious senates would involve more people in' furthering the Church's mission in the arch diocese .and would be an e;x pression of collegiality. . At the meeting, it was an nounced that Archbishop Bo land-had approved a senate pro posal on the education and for ma'tion of priests. Earlier, sen ate programs on retirement and establishment of a personnel board had been approved by the archbishop. The education program calls for a study week each Spring, an annual course in theology in the Fad, a two-year renewal program for priests' within five years of their first pastorate, a graduate degree program, 8 re-, vision of junior clergy examina tions and priests' retreats, for mation of an archdiocesan book club and establishment of video tap.e facilities for home study in theological 'trends.
"- in the year in an effort to bring . On the other hand, it is ob
the activities of CA groups vious-as the Council itself re under more di peatedly insists-that the laity, recto hierarchi as individuals and as members eal control. It of both Catholic and so-called would appear, neutral or secular organizations, 1 however, that have not only the right but the the b ish 0 P s duty, in Maritain's words, "to have labored in enter as deeply as possible into vain, for Man-. the agonies, the conflicts, and uel Mira, NC's the earthly problems, social or Madrid corre political, of (their) age, and 8Pondent reports not hesitate to get, (their) feet CATHOLIC AWARDS: Place of religious awards in (; t hat ~ dissatis wet," . ~ction' among This would seem to suggest youth programs is discussed at Scouting 'Symposium for CA leaders is that laymen should be free, not Catholic Leaders held in' Fall River. From jefi,Miss, Ruth , ~ill very' vocal and· has resulted: only in Spain but in other coun b:t practically coinplete 'paraly-' tries as 'well, to establish unof E. Dowdell, New York, Camp 'Fire Girls representative; , .sis of CA. work in Spain. . ficial' Catholic organizations Joseph F. Murphy, Mansfield, Diocesan Chairman'of Scout :'The inain point at issue in this" through which they can getin-. 'jng; Mrs. E. Vincent Brimley, Berkle-y, Girl Scouts; Ed~ ei>i:ttinuing 'debate 'is the Clegree' volved in temporal affairs on . win C.'Finney, New Brunswick,N~J.; Boy Scouts. of' "ilUtonomy" the lay leader their own initia'tive and respon ., ~ip should have in the tempo';" sibility and without involve Nl o'rder: CA leaders contend· ing the hierarchy or the Church that the revised statutes make it' as such, U nnpoSsible for their' organiza-' In other words, as Maritain 'lion to take a stand on contro-' points out, capital letter Cath-..... .~ f f ..... versial temporal issues of moral olic 'Action organizations are .~ew OU11lCO 0 urc es or '''lIIew or Ity ahd religious significance unless "good, useful, excellent; but let Will Comporise AU Christian Groups they have the explicit approval us not lose sight of the fact that Of the bishops in each case, we. are running the risk *,* * of NEW YORK (NC)-It was a The council formation will I.go ege ~rt being mistaken about them." "first"- and the ocasion for the take place gradually beginning For Business MaJ'or . . ,Repercussions Certain'" ..... : It would be very rash; indeed," How? By limitirig'the partici- announcement of yet another with the merger of the now-in dependent Protestant Council of CHICAGO (NC) - Fat her . for an outsider, living 3,000 pation of laymen in the aposto'l- ,"first.'l miles away from Spain, to get ate of the Church to these parEpiscopal Suffragen Bishop J. the City of New York and the Raymond C. Baumhart, S,J" 44, involved .in the details of this ticular forms, which, in fact, Stuart Wetmore of New York, Queens Federation of Churches. bpe:e~idaePnPtOinoftedtheexeJceustuil~t~ con,trover,sy. . are· optional and should' not b efIrst , C at h olic clergyman to B' h op W etmore cautioned c'OIiducted Loyola Unl'versl'ty ' t . th nonIS t e d t 0 b rmg oge er more On the other hand, given the expec tha 1 l' 1 ' do so-stood in the pulpit of St. that there are yet "a few de here in Illinois, He will take' , fact that CA figured so p'romin a re a Ive· '1' mmor,segment· Patrl'ck's . Cathedral ~ and an ;. "t0 b e rna d e, but "before office April 22. '. clslons 1 't f of C th 1 th Dently in :the Council's discus IC all '1'' or . pre ' ea tla 0 "t nounced that all of the city's the end of this month, suffi'cient , Father Baumhart I'S sal'd to be dom . m n '1' spIn .ua sion of the lay apostolate and . . '. . th purposes. ' t h ' Christian churches - Catholic, will be known to allow pro~ri- the' only ..c lergy·man to .recel·ve • . I n summary, given the further fact . . that the preten'dl'ng 't' be' en, . .WIh tout· I Protestant, Orthodox, even the si.onal acti,on to be.gin. The basic doctorate I'n busI'ness adml'ni's .. o . . a prop e, . .. ' , current 'Spanish controversy is' bound' to have repercussions. in would sllrmise that the cUrrent; ,store-fr~nt :p e n t e cos tal and. unit of the organiza~ion, he said, tration from Harvard University. ~her~ c(;lUntdes, pel:haps .·a.few impaSSe in 'Spain betw~entheZ' :Evangehc,aL~roups-soonwould will be community associations.,' :'A native of Chicago; he.~s an aide-line observations. on" the 'bisnops iind the leaders'· of the :be allied .i~.. ~n all:-en'compassing which will cross .denoinimition-" alumnus :of Northwestern and· . De~aul Universities and. senied . ~ub of the controvefSY' will be' vari~us'. CA organization!; will';' C,ouncil ~f"Churches of the, City. 81 line~.. ~ order, ,: '._ ;. " ' : ' ,",'" . . lead',not, i~Cieed,'tOthe complete 0rNewYork.-. . ' ., iii~ t~e' Navy hi Wildd. War II From this distance, I am in.;, . d:isJ!lant~ing ... of,th~se.,~rganiza'::: . !fhe o~asion' was a~'~rvice' R.o.m.e. ;·C.ry' p' c:.·. en.·te.r . ~fore joining the Jesuits.·He is dined 'to think that ihe"~ontro-; bons, bu.t. rather t()" the,estab .marking the end of the annual the .former dean of'Loyol'a';s bus~' ~ersy is "a'linost ins·oiubie" so' lishment,side by side wiUithem Week of Prayer' for Christian SccinCiinavians. ineSs adm~nistratioii school, . ~ng as .Catholic Actioll. {again of: ~J)!imber ,ofs9-:called .'''free': Unity. . ". ,ST,Oc,K.ilOLM. '(NC)_A me";. . For the last· two' years he has. w,ith .a ca.pital C .and a capl'tal .. organi?:ations... in ..which . and ."'r'oss· LiIll'es·. . . th" "" dieval • crypt> ,found beneath'. done (M )re,search" at Ca'mbridge , ~) is thought of in tri!,ditiomil' rough. which. the laity can' . . . Ro'me's ch'urch' of' the' H'ouse' o·f . ass. . Center for Social . Bishop Wetmore said .the city~s ., "get thel'r' f "t "t" .. d" . k" ' Studl'es and I'S co-au·thor. of sev-' ~~s-arid in the terms the ' ee .we "an rna e St, Bridget will be restored. for 'Council's Decr~ on' 'the' . La'y t~eir .'OwlJ.mistakes :(and score . religious leaders have. been - . eral books on bu.siness ethics. ... th . ,.. " workl'ng for tw . t d us.e e.cume.n.ical chape'.1 for A,. postol.a.t.e _ as "i.nvolvi' ng.' 't'he .' ,el1~own successes) in' theiem. velop' a' "new veh'cle'" 0 years 0 1 d ' . for ie' Scandinavians in Rome, accord-·. eo,llaboration of the laity in the ·pora,· or er: without. inVOlving" . . I . n . " ., ' the hl'er'archy-as' h d ' ·th· terchurchcooperation., particu lIlg to Mother Hilaria,O,SS.S., Unity Edition apos t olate of the hierarchy." . .havI'ng' to'· .rusucto" 'th' an WI ' . of the United 'ut h' larly in .areas of social welfare abbess general' O KANSAS ciTy (NC)-Thou. n . e IeI'''' Spiritual Purpose archy' f . Ii 't '. and missionary work. . Bridgettines' who own the sands of Christians of various . ~r - exp CI permISSIon house. . . I can see the need-at least in' faiths became. 'acquainted with oome .countries' an.-d 'perhaps in every, time they want to take' a He stressed that the new coun . ..... stand on controversial" issues in cil will 'be "wide ope'n to all. "~er ,8 careful' investiga the New Peopl~, Kansas City all-for a certain numbel' of of th l't' l' d ' .. ,tion," Mother Hilaria 'said, "we St. Joseph. diocesan newspaper, ficial CA organizatl'o/ls o'f' thl's' e po I Ica an,. .socIal. order.' churches;' including the· inde-' found below our church a room . ' . I traditional type. Jacques Mari .p lAy· Active ·Role-.' .. pendent store-front churches' , .through a special edition issued ..... ' I t · · w. hi.Ch normally mal'ntal'n ll'ttle seven built like a crypt. Here six or during the Week of Prayer for . goes without· saying, of, _In, the distinguished French ...-Brid·gettine· monks of philosopher, is also of this opin-. cou~e, .. that" Catholie laymen,' ~ntact with, major Christian de ,Vadstena, Sweden, are buried.' Christian pnity in this area.i()D, partIcularly in pluralistic soci,; nominations. They represented the order at He is persuaded, he .says, in . eties' such as 'our own;' will also'
the Holy See and administered his 'highly controv-"rsial book want 'to play an .increasingly C't' ·t D" C· the House of ,St. Bridget from rop ase 1797." . "'Th'e .Peasantof .. the' Garonne,.:· active' role-e-not 'as'a 'Catholic: : .I,y 0. Inc. bloc, but as full.,.fledged·citizens· Against Woman tha~ organizations in ..which the . , . laity participate in the apostol acting responsibly on their own, The crypt 'will be connected , 't' , 'ELIZABETH (NC) T'h c't with 'lodgings run b'y t'he 'nu'ns' ate, of the Church; with a spe 1m lahve-e-in non-sectarian or . - I'ts elY FUNERAL SERVICE 'of. .Ell'zabeth I'S droppl'ng case for Scandinavian' tou"'sts. It WI'U eta1 mandate from the hieJ'archy neu t ra1 organizations concerned n are quite necessary'. He hasten.~ with th'e crucial issues of the against a local woman for 'dis be used as 8 chapel for Luther NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ..... dd .' .. d ' . tributing .copies of' the Newark an servic~s.The Swedish am .... a ,however, that these '01' ay.· . . ganizations have, by de'finition' . I 'wouldn't even be able to archdiocesan. newspaper's sup,.. sad~r t9 Italy has promised to 549 COUNTY STREET a spiritual purpose, not a tem~ guess as' to whether or not or to plement without 'a permit. 'provide heating and air condi poral one. . what extent this is likely to ,Mrs. Jean Keelan, Elizabeth tioning for the chapel. , "I' think," he says "that it ;happen within the near future chairman of the' Catholic Peace ~lls to them to bring together: in Ii :so-called Catholic country. F~l~owship"was arrested ,for ,only a relatively minor segment such' as: Spain. . ~anding'a copy'- of the ·Jan.'4 ef the Christian laity' (which:' On .'the other hand, I would Topic section of the Advocate to ,",ould, accordingly,. be· >with be willing t~ wager a'nd to· give . a .Jefferson High School student drawn to "some degree from substantial odds that unless arid outside .the school building. temporal 'tasks) *.. *" . '-4ttil . thE? Spanish bishops eri The charges being dropped . Bishops' Position courage. the, laity of Spain. to because. Topic comes under· the at. . From one point of view, th~n, take a stand on temporal issues heading:' of reiigious .material;· It would appear that a l'(~asori- . through 'free: atili 'lInoffiCiai or;; and therefore' is not' covered by ably g09d case can' be' ~adefo~ ganizat10ns - either Catholic or' the statut,e requiring a permit; - ~ Sp~nish bishops'. contention' Il~ular.,....tlle current crisis re"; 'I'1)e :peI:tillent article in 'Topic tba~ official CA gro'ups, as such,' ferred to· above will nof be re'-' W~:a .discussion. of conscien ...., .'. , .".', . ~ould. not, 8 gElner.a1 ;Mile; solved' altd inigbt even lead to· t!~~.objectioh by Father Vietor . ~ '~EW .BEDFORD,..MASS. ':ll5WllliAM ST. become too specifically InVOlved'" 'a. major:blow~up'!ir{tli~Sp~ish~ '~. Yan,itetli:: 'S,J" presid~mt ~f. . ,~ ".. ' "~ . . ill temporal affair~, if only~- Churcll . ' St; Peter's"College, ·.Jerse7€ i t)'.
AIO.Encompa· 55.-n·· 9
Y k C'
H' h C II
Michael C. Austin
With SafetyH
;.... CO-OPERATivE .BANK . '.'
StOftg Trails Durfee in BCI.:
Three Greater New Bedford Clubs Are League Leaders By PETER BARTEK Norton High Coaeh Four Greater New Bedford schoolboy clubs--New Bedford High, Shang of Dartmouth, Holy Family of New Bedford and F'airhaven-are the reason why the basketball spotlight iB shimng on the BJI'ea with the second half of the Winter campaign n()IW underway in earnest. All four appear Bedford's success against an ar ray of talented Greater Boston headed for the Tech tourna competition. ment. Coach Roger Lemang Coach John O'Brien is still
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., feb. 1, 1968
Attleboro's Shockro'" on UMass Team Prepares for Teacher·Coach Career BY JOE MiRANDA
A former standout basketball player in Bristol County, John Shockro of Attleboro is now a member of the University of Massachusetts hoo,P squad in Amherst. A sophomore, John started in four games to date and has per formed in 11 as a member of the Redmen's varsity and coach Jack. Leaman forsees a bright future for Shockro on the UMass hardwood. A star performer while at Attleboro High, Shockro went on to UMass in quest of a phys ical education c;legree and hopes to become a teacher following his graduation.
ers Crimson Whalers hold 11 suffermg the r:esiduals of last two-game advantage in the week's headache when his pace Class A Greater setters dropped two in a row Boston loop one to Taunton and then to their eompeti northern county diocesan rival tion. Jolted by -to fall back into second posi Bishop Feehan tion in the BCL pennant race. High, the Dart Still undefeated in conference mouth Spartans contests, Fairhaven has climbed are moving St. John's Parishioner into first place in the Capeway along in the battle as Dennis-Yarmouth-just The Attleboro resident is in Bristol County like Stang-suffered two losses terested in coaching and Will runner-:-up spot. to lose its divided hold on the pursue a career in that field in Holy' Family is . front' ruimhi'g .position.· . feter co,J;ll~nction.with ,his teaching , . the claSs of the . , I 'H01y 'Fami1y"":-as seems to be duties after 'graduattion: ..' N' at r' a g'a n _ Bartekr. . an .annual eustom""'"'is out front .: ,The· son of Mr. and :Mril.' Ray seti· circuit'while Fairhaverl has with s~~ng~y P,9 problems in ;'mond, , Shoc,kro 'of' 51 .George' '18k~n .over. undisputed', pOsses the Narry flag ·race. The sman street, Attleboro, John is a sion' ~:toP s~t lli ~e ' Capeway New Bedford school has brushed mem~r of St\ John's Parish in I Conference. .'" aside all. league. opponents. Its: that CJty. ' . . Tom Boroa is the individual sole setback was administered John haS an older brother, priDiarilY ' responsible "for New by BeL Feehan. Michael, a graduate of Dean .. , . Junior College; and three sis ters, RaiJan and JoAnn, studentS Fairhaven Is P'acing Capeway Race at Thatcher Junior High, and Baroa Is the talk of' 'schoolboy 'a edge over Case High Patricia Lee, a' grammar school followers in the Greater Boston of Swansea in the Narry loop. ,student. , .. section. The' scrappy senior, And, these two clubs will battle UMassofficials' con sid e r . with all the moves essential for' it out in the last league game Sbockro a 'valuable member of a top-notcher, seems to amaze of the season which means that the Redmen's basketball team the opposition glime after game. the title will remain in abey and noted that John won a New Bedford can clinch the ance until that time, Feb. 19. starting berth on the club this gressive, strong defensive "per- coach Jim Cassidy and pe~ Class A league pennant if Baroa. Fairhaven, unaware that the season. former and a good outside formed in the high jump for oontimies his SO-phIS scoring so-called experts had reserved ,Injury Slows Progress shooter. coach Ray Charron's track team. record and his mates take up the second place for the Blue Wave ' As a freshman he was one of Charron has since moved to drive when the opposition goes In the CaP,eway competition, bas . Leaman said that Shockro had the team's leading llcorers, but· North Attleboro High. into i1 double-teaming of the a firm hold on the top berth as missed the entire 1966-67 cam as yet has not been able to reAs a senior, Shockro' was Whaling City ace. . 'the favored' Dennis-Yarmouth paign because' of 'an injury, gain his fine outside. shooting awarded the Howard O'Hare Stang now is in the position' eOmbi~atiori 'iia~ slipPed :back . which' ~ept him oilt of 'schoo~ touch, although the I,UMassMemorial .trophy. as At~~·e~.?ro'!l I' 'of looking to the opposition for·' Into, ~b~. tu~n.ner':':J~ spot." ¥ler·. and' 'thIS." fact.· has :slowed', his ~o~)iing staff are .it. will' most athletic student 'an~ was ." hel)).:· The Dattmo~th Spa'$ns," 11 vlctones, the regional. Dol-: . PFo~ress, but he stilI has· sta~. r:etum as t~e campaign .. pro":' also voted as the Jewelers'inosfl . ~ho":Un<J6ubtedly' 'will qualify phins dropped! back-to':'bac:k' ,and·been·used frequently by the gr~s~es '.' . I" ," "valuableplayer. . "". for t!\e'Tecl}' tour~y, 'ijaye: one ~ntests to Lawrence High of UMass met;ttor. J ' I.. '" : ',. . . ,Good Percentage;".·.. ' In' basketball, Shock~o"'was game "remaining' with pOwerful Falmo~th lJllld,th.e frqnt-running ' ..Sbeockro ·JS dellcnbed as an ag-, . Prior' to" the' school's' midyear:, Damed to many area All'-B'i-lstol ~lf~'H~gh'of 'F~ll'Riverl.·but, Fairhaven combme. ., . ' . !break for examinations; Shock.., .(A)unty ;Lellgue te~ms, .a"~? his And;-like, Stang, .Dennis-Yar" Pfan$Educatiorial' . 'ro"bad scored 2i pointS'iq nine. . prowess on the football field eveil a victory over' the "FaU , gameS/but· more impOrtant· had also was' commendable.' ". lUver' Hilltoppers, would ~ean mouth ~usLlook to .the other oniy" a first place deadloCk. ·ToDJ..· lea~e..clubs fOr help. W~ile the for Peace a .389' percentage in fieI'd" goal. Shockro also participated in Ryan," Kevin Pijelan and. JiDl .Do~p~m~ h~ve on:. meetmg re-:. . NEW. YORl' (NC)-An edu attempts and a .500 percentage . the basketl:iall program' ~pon Ma!Wney-the backbone of the mammg WJijI.,l'.alrhaven,.they, . cational program to '''arouse 'from·the ftee' throw' 'line':"" 'sored by St.. John's Cli'l.!rcb. . <Yarien' qUintet - have' their Dl~st g~~ Jl~lp if t?ey .ar.e to American Christians to their re The 6-2, 190..:pound senIor also. representing his parisn hi' the work cut out for them as theychmb b,ac~ ~n~ a. tie ;with the,. sponsibility ... for- promoting"jus-' had seven rebounds"and"111 as~' annual eyO Easter tourna~ent, look for a "sleeper" to catch Blue DeVJ~ tiee, development and . peace," , 'sists to his credit a{ the 'sched where he w,as named '\~' the Durfee off-balance some night . Meanw~~le"as ~ese fO,ur clubs ,is being. planned by' the U. S. ule's halfway mark. . all-star team. in the second half of the cam- fJght. to WIn theJr leagu~ races, During hIs "freshman season, CommiSsion on World Justice paign. ." Nau~et and ~artha's Vmeyard and Peace. John was considered a rugged Sporting, a consecutive 52- conbnue. theIr neck-al)d-neck .. l'riitial plans made 'at com competitotand 'probable var game league winning streak,' r~ce ~ward the Cape and Island mission meeting here' call for s.itystarter the following cam Coach Jack Nobrega's lads have, title. offering the first course in the paign, but the 'pre-season in Pair-t and Wallp~per program to tOP U. S. Catholic j~~ has made the comeback Dupont Paint . Nauset Cape Island Font R religious leaders. It will consist difilcult for th: ~ormer .Jewel~r cor. Middle'St. .. r , .ul1lner ' , of' a week-long study program star, who partIcIpated, ~n. ,foot-, 422 Acush.~ye. As with the four larger schools' Led by Tony'Gazzola, one of the to which top U.S.' Catholic re-' ball and track, along ~lth bas Q.t:;.t.., New Bedford located. within the c9nfines of' loop's finest' all-around athletes" ligious orders will be invited. '.' ketball at At~leboro HIgh. PARKING: :' 'diocesan territorial' limits, 'only' the Bishops have toppled' both The study week Is scheduled' . Coaehed bY C~idy , ,, Rear of Store one game s~parates these two Taunton and Stang. While out of to be held in St. Louis where' At Attleboro, John played ,': smaller Cape-Island combines. the ehase 'for the crown, the leading economists,' demogra- football and· basketball ·under " Coa,ch Leo. Miller's Nauset Bishops ere influencing·,· the phers and international .special club won' the' first meeting be . league's outcome. ists will discuss with the reli tween the,,league's ~ront runners .,' gious leaders means of' irnple Coach Noel Kinski's Falmouth menting the wo'rld develop'ment and will attempt to duplicate 1 b' . '. . . . c U JS JD the same position in prop~~ls- m'ade by Pope Paul that feat tomorrow when the' C' ~~ dubs meet on the Island. The the ' apeway Conference. The 'VI in his ,encycliCal on The De contest is a "must" for Coach ClipPers 8l!'e' all but' mathemat velopment of Peoples. Cooperat INCqRPORATED 1937 Francis Pacheco's M-V lads for ically eliminated; yet they ended, ing' with the Bishops Commis Dennis-Yartmouth's win skein., sion J'n 'programml'n'g the study another loss, in all likelihood, Th Id ey cou beat Fairhaven next week will be ·St~ Louis Univer will write fini to the Cape and week 'lnd then the Capewa.y sity. -Island race. With the season fa,st crown would definitely be up for grabs." . . Ing copclusion with all titles still in doubt, the experts are Somerset and Seekonk could WEAR looking for some of the non do the same in the Narry league. I'· J~ES . ..,. COLUNS, C.E., Pres. contenders to cOntribute tl\~ir Somerville could overtake New Shoes That Fit R,egistered Civil and Structural Engineer sha~ to the excitement. ' . Be~ford, in ,Greater B~ston "THE FAMILY SHOE STORP' Mem.ber National Society Professional Engin~ers A ·.case ,in point is Bi$bop. Lea~ action. ' . h· Feehan High In the Bristol .~ 0 IS· AU' c.a~· sP~ulate but anything '. FRANCIS COLUNS, JR., Treas. County'·League., Coach Fred; stiUcan happen, Only Time'ean ' ~ :1: Bartek's"Slilimrocks, THOMAS K.· COWNS, Seey• Who drop.;; . predict with'certainty who ,will ,I'" .~ ~~ir ,fir.1i, f9UJ', lellgue. out forge ~'~E! cr~st\and stay t~ere" 43- FOURTH STR~ET\ A~APEMY, FALL .·RV~~. (I. . bigs,' have merged as' one of'the' untir· the verY end ofanothef , ~I.: River " QS'8-s,8n . :: smoothest clubs in the eirc;~~ e,xc~ljng, Willterof basketb~ll. :.,' ~_'_"_'_'..;.''';''._'.'__ _.__ _• '/
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THE ANCHOR-Dioceie of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 1,1968
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'The ~AN OR
This "Me'ssage Spo'nsol'ed by the following Individuals. and Blis;iJessConcel'ns
The Diocese of fall River
Cape Cod and The Islands
Fall River
New Bedford PAULG. CLEARY & CO., INC.