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The ANCHOR Riv@U'o Moss.

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© 1967 The Anchor

feb. $4.00 per Year PRICE 10c


Parish Initiates Adult:t [lenten Series

Rev. James F. Buckley, assistant pastor of St. Joan G){ Arc Church, OrleanH has announced a series of talks for ,~h.e 1967 Lenten Adult Forum to be held at the church. 'file series begins on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 7 P.M. and will oontinue • every Sun day throug'h March 12. It is open Kelley will share with them' his experience as a counsellor of ~ all .Catholics 'and non­ youth. ©atholics on the Cape. Turn to Page Sixteen Opening the series on Febru­ lU'Y 12 will be Rev. John P. Dris­ 1\M)1l who will speak on "C~lIla and You," discussing aspects of Ii'lamily life. Father Driscoll, who <!)nce served as assistant at Our If,,ady of the Assumption Parish 00 Osterville, is a member of \\he Family Life Bureau of the l!>iocese and has had much ex­ In a Lenten pastoral let­

]!terience speaking to engaged ter to be read in all the

and married couples. President . churches and chapels (if the ~lf the Priests Senate of the Dio­ Diocese on this Sunday, <rese, he is also Assistant Gen­ @llral Manager and Editorial Feb. 5, Bishop Connolly appeals Writer for The Anchor. He is to all to accept works of pen­ a.cesently assistant pastol' of SS. nance with a free-will, and that .Pete I' and Paul Church in Fall all try to build up the image of lI1tver, Christ in our life. In the course of the letter, A question and answel' period the Bishop enumerates various \JIIi1l follow Father Driscoll's forms of penance practices so we f>:Ilk. Rev. James F. Kelley, assistant may grow in grace and wisdom and Easter may find us better lit SL Mary's Church in Mans­ field, will be featured speaker . than we ever were before, Turn to Pa~e Two ~ February 19 and his topic will be "A Positive Approach to Sex Education in ·the Family." 'jj1his talk will give parents a <J1Iearer insight into their !"Ole as IJCimary educators and Father

Bishop ..Cans All to Curb' Selfishness

Pope's Message To Open Appeal NEW YORK (NC) - A radio ~roadcast by Pope Paul VI to the aux million youngsters in U. S. il!:atholic schools on Ash Wednes­ (jay, Feb. 8, will open the 21st annual Bishops' Overseas· Aid Fund Appeal. The Pope's mes­ ~ge will be carried by the major mtdio networks. The 1967 Bishops' Overseas Aid Fund Appeal will be con­ «fucted, generally, from Feb. 26 00 March 5. It will Culminate with a collection in more than Turn to Page Twelve

Ash Wednesday Wednesday, Feb. 8, Ash Wed­ fil.esday, is a day of abstinence fur all 14 years of age and older. M is also a day of fasting for I3lU those between the ages of 21 and 59. Concerning fue Fridays of lbent, the U.S. Bishops have leg­ ftslated that: "In keeping with tine letter and spirit of Pope l?aul's Constitution 'Poenitemini', we preserve for our dioceses the of abstinence from meat _ each of the Fridays of Lent, eonfident that no Catholic Christian will lightly hold him­ .elf excused from this pl'actical" .....dice.·


! jf .

I HISTORIC MEETING: Pope Paul VI greets Nikolai Podgorny, Soviet Union leader, at Monda~r's historic meeting in. Holy Father's private library. "

Pope Paul and Podgorny In Histori(" Meeting

VATICAN CIl:Y (NC)-In' a visit unprecedented in the history of the V" tiran, Pope Paul VI and ~ikolai Podgorny, chairman of the presidium of the Supreme Sm ;" of 'the Soviet Union, met for more than 50 minutes in the Pope's private libl'ary (.Tan. :W.) According to a Vatican press bulletin, the two leaders, during an unusually long audience, discussed "questions relative . state. President Podgomy, on his :to the maintemlllce of peace Catholic Church in J the terri­ part, not only remained a long .and to the development of todes of the Soviet Union." . better' relations among peo- . The visit was strictly a private time with Popc Paul. but alsG 'one without the usual pomp sur­ visited othcr parts of the Vatican ¥.les." Pope pau!. bro~g~t. u~rounding a visit of statl~. Never­ Palace and of the museums, as . problems concelmng lelJglOus theless, the Vatican extended well as St. Peter's. hfe . and the pl'esence of the . the. courtesies due a head of President Podgorny arrived at the Vatican at 1:30 P.M. and did not leave until 4:05. By the time he left Vatican City. he had been given by the Pope a valuable copy of an enormous collection of the writings and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, two volumes on the excavations under St. Peter's and had chatted with Turn to Page Six

Serrans Hear Bishop Connoll'y And Pr'esident Jan Berbers

By Patricia ]"rancis Jan Berbers of Montevi­

deo, Uruguay, is a man with

a mission: Fostering and

nurturing vocations to the

priesthood. The Dutch-born president of Serra International cUlTently is on a globe-circling "sales trip" that he hopes to complete by the end of his first year in office in June, visiting 315 Sena ClubS throughout the world. His itin­ erary is spotted with such far flung cities as Tokyo. Paris, Monterrey in Mexico, Brussels and New Bedford, This week, the enthusiastic "salesman" - who operates a women's clothing plant .in Mon­ tevideo - landed in the Fall River Diocese for a talk: session with Serra Club members here. Five feet Hi and about 190 pounds, the "flying Dutchman," as he has been dubbed, exuded enthusiasm despite his back­ breaking schedule that "sees me in a different cit~, practically every day." Tuesday night, Mr. Bel'bers­ SERRANS MEET PRESIDENT: Principals at the a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre International PresWent's Night sponsored by the Diocesan -was guest of honor and prin­ cipal speaker at a dinner at Serra Clubs were: Bishop Connolly, Jan Berbers, Inter­ national President; Bishop Gerrard• Turn to Page Ten

Pontiff' Conveys Sorrow to U.S. On Astrona uts . VATICAN CITY (NC) ­ Pope Paul VI cabled Arch4 bishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Ap­ ostolic Delegate in the United .States, asking him to express the Pontiff's deep sorrow over the deaths of the three American astronauts at Cape Kennedy. The Pope asked that his sor­ row be conveyed to the Ameri­ can government and people, es­ pecially the families of thc men who lost thcir lives whcn a flash fire gutted their Apollo space capsule during a test. The Pope's message said that while the American nation weeps and prays for three de­ voted sons, the Pontiff prays foll' the repose of their souls and for the comfort of their families. Commenting on the Cape Kennedy tragedy, Vatican Radio praised "the courage and tenac­ ity" of the astronauts and said they will be "remembered with honor." Turn to Page Twelv...


.. "'.

;';~'. ",' !~.Bishop's,-)':f,~'torol,


Contin~ed from Page: 'One ,

. .., I

joy, than that of brinWl1g I'Jltld to me~. I The '.n;is,bop s letter "folloWll:, Nowadays, Lent should me8llll ,"Repent and Believe the"q~ much more than just giving up , pel," st. 'Mark 1:15 I . . , , ' , ' something to eat. Penance ill Beloved in Christ: needed. We must put down sei­ With the words just quoted, fish interest.· We must replace Pope Paul began his solemn de­ bad habits with good ones. OFF~CIAL cree modifying our Lenten Suppose I have a horrible tem-. Rules. Most of us know that the per. I must control it. So I Y0e laws for fast and abstinence have solve to be patient and kind, one been reduced. B,ut they have at a time, with the very people ASSIGN1WIEN'll'S not been eliminated. The meail­ that make me angry. Then tho ing of the Pope's message of less thing that could make me lose Rev. Paul G. Connolly, assistant the Immaculate Con­ than a year ago is that we accept temper, comes as a chance ception Church, Fall River, to St., Francis Xavier Church, works of penance with a free­ to practice patience and kindneSS!, Hyannis, as ar,sistant. will, and that we try to build up The important thing is that we the image of Christ in our life. grow up in good deeds.' Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, assistant at St. Francis Xavier Last November the' N<'ltional Remember that we are always Churcn, Hyannis, to Immaculate Conception Church, Fall Council of Catholic ,Bishops in Goa's Presence. We do what River, as assistant. ruled to reduce'the days of fa'st pleases Him, We leave ?\llll' and abstinence to Ash Wednes­ neighbor better than we fmel! Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, assistant 'at Our Lady of the day and Good Friday.' We re'­ .. him. We do things like' making iCiCJI): Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, tained Fridays in Lent as days the Way of the Cross, attendance Assumption Church, Osterville, as· co-director of the ,Con­

assistant at Our-Lady of the of' abstinence and urged the at Holy Mass, visi~ to C?hurch fraternity of Christian Doctnne for the Cape Cod Area.

Assu mption Parish, Oster-, faithful to observe 'them duti­ each day. We say thmgs hl{e the To 'flaunt or yiolat~ these rosary, aspirations; we for~et Assignm,el1lts effectivli! yes.lerday, February 1, 1967. ville, has been appointed co­ fully. new regulations would consti­ our own trou?les by helpmg director of the Cape Cod tufe a serious fault. The Church others bear theIr burdens. Area of the CCD. ' still holds strongly for exercises So doing, we can go througin of penance and prayer. Lent has Lent, not counting mortificatioN! always been the special season but making Christ a partner in for practicing both. If we are to" all we do. We .ask Him tQ. grow FRIDAY.a.-Friday aftElt., Sexaj' ,rise triumphant .with. Christ, We" 'iri us. We ask' Him to ',~~ke us gesima SUIlday. IV 'Class. V16::' ,must' iQ)itate", ,Him. ,His' "whole '.' all' instruments of His Peace, to let. Mass Proper; M~ss of Pry:': ' , earthly, career ,was marked f)y'" speak through uS, to' ~se OUll'

, .vious -Sunday; no Gloria 'or penance' ;', 'and "prayer. 'and so ,hands, heaI1 ll!ld ~i11',"as His

'Creedi 2nA Prayer Blais~; ,should, ours,be. ", ',/ "'" agents' of love and mercy. AD

Co~~~~ pref~~., 'I' '. SeJ.1~ibll~\~eOPle' count: their:' ,'we ~eed ,ilj'-":fu gerie~~~ty .t@ blelismgs;' Chief among ,these are' proffilse and' try. Our ~r'd Will St, 'Blaise" Bishop, and Martyt. health, ..,...,. lipiritual ,health:, move:'" do the rest: So 'may we' all grow According to the decisionaf the Bishops of 'the United" States. Red. Two Votive Masses iri" than physical,-family-, and' in grace and, wisdom, aHa rna)' the following is to be followed: :dur.in~ '~n~ concerning f~t a~d honor of the Sacred 'Heart of'" friends,-'-security against' harm';" 'Easter find us far 'better 'man we .Tesus permitted.' Glo,ry; 2nd These concerns, translated in ever were before. abstinence: , Prayer of St. Blaise; no' Creed,; terms of religion, mean but one' Let us then be doers of tIKI "* * * Following .the' instructions of the Holy See, we' declare Preface of Sacred Heart. To- thing. ~'How do we stand /with: ' , word of GOd, and not' h'e.lrel'll that the ~bligation both to fast and to abstain-,from meat, an obli­ m0rrow is the first Saturday God?" This question had better only, "and the Peace of God gation observ~d'under a more' Strict formality by our fathers in of the m o n t h ' b e answeJ:ed and often with an : which passes all understandin& the faith, still binds on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday * * ." SATURDAY - St. Andrew Cor- honest judgement that we do will keep your hearts and minds "In keeping with the letter and spirit of Pope Paul's Consti­ sini, Bishop and Confessor. God's Win. So let's make sure ,in Christ. And so, brethren, III Class. White. Mass Proper; that the Lenten season just ahead whatever is true; just, honorable, tution "Let us do Penance", we preserve for our diocese the tra­ Glory; no Creed; Common' will see U'!l grow in the likeness gracious, worthy of praise, think dition of abstinence frem meat on eaeh of the Fridays of, Lent, Preface. of Christ. He denied Himself. on these things, and the peace of eonfident that 'no Catholic Christian will lightly hold himself ex­ So'too should we. 'More impor­ God will be with you." St, Paul SUNDAY-Quinquagesima Sun- tant, His life was lived in the to Philippians, Chap. IV 7 - 11. eused from this penitential practiee." day. II Class. Violet. Mass cOnscious presence of God. lie Sincerely yours in Christ, For all other weekdays of Lent, we strongly r~ommend par­ Proper; No Glory; Creed; Pref- never forgot. He did always the JI4 JAMES L. CONNOLLY, ticipation in daily Mass and Communion, daily visits to church and ace of Trinity. ' Will of the Father. His words, Bishop of Fall River. 'ahe Blessed Sacr~ment, the Way of the Cross, the recitation 01 MONDAY-5t. Titus, Bishop and His deed brought blessings to Ule Rosary in church or as a Family Devotion in the home. other Confessor. III Class, White. men. He ,brought love; He' Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd brought, bealing; He' brought ll'eCommended practices would be almsgivir\g, visits to the sick Prayer St. Dorothy, Virgin and peace to men of good-will. We in homes or hosp.itals, participation in such' programs as Confr~­ Martyr; no Creed; Common are called by His. name. We' ternity of Christian Doctrine, etc. All of these are indicative of a Preface. should resemble Him,'" ' O'Ur' positive attitude, an attempt to grow with Christ in the love an~ TUESDAY_St. Romauld,\Abbot. neighbors,,in and out of the""" service of Christ. . ' , HI Class. White. Mass Proper;, Faith, expecfit of us. :rhere is ... " Glory; no Creed;, Common no greater '''dignity,' no' greater' :' , Obligation to fulfUl the Easter duty m~y be satisfied:: h'o~ , Preface. ! '.,1 . (. I­ , "'1.;'" •.:~\' Sunday, February 12, the First Sunday of Lent, until M~~ 21; ~·'Ii' WEDNESDAY-Ash Wednesday.', ,Vincent'ians '''Meet';' " Trinity Sunday. DOAN~·BE.AL·AMt:S i~ J ,Class, Violet. Mass ,P.ro~r; ,'Th~'~~~thlY, meeti~g,'~f t1",~';:':,~' INC;OR.PORATEO :By order of ' tile ~ost Reverend B i s h o p . , No Glory or Creed; Preface ~. ,Fa)! lijyer "p,articular CouneJ.l, ,:" " REGINALli) lW. BARRETTE, Lent. In, Masses that immedi­ Society,_o1' $t." Vincent "de 'Paul" " ,'tun,~ral Chan~~Jl~f. ate,ly . follow the Blessing ariel"" will be Q~lc;l Tuesday, ni.ght fo,l.-;, '" 'Distribution of Ashes, the lowing Benediction of the Most Prayers at the foot of the Blessed _Sl:!cr~lJmmt in S~,,,Loui,s,. • HYANNIS i altar are omitted. :r'he Blessing of France' Church, Buffington .' 'HARWICH PORT and Distribution of Ashes. Street, S,,!,ansea, at 7:,45' P.M. I • SOUTH YARMOlffif The meeting follow ,in the THURSDAY - Thursday af t e r hall. ' ' , Clergy, '~are~ts, Tead'ers Express

Asb Wednesday. III ClilSs.'Vio-,. let. Mass Proper; No Glory or' Opinions on Pertinent QUE'!stions

Creed; 2nd Prayer 5t. Cyril Alexandria, Bishop, Confes­ WASHINGTON (NC) -Is the teenagers whose only opinion sor, and. Doctor of the Church. 'religious education program for about religion is that it is all one 3rd Prayer of St. Apollonia, , .. ' ,Catholic youth forming as well great, big drag Q '" '" The religio~ DISPENSING Virgin and Martyr; Preface of OPTICIAN as informing? What part does'the training of high school students Lent. " P,escriptions annual high school retreat play is no snap.'" , . fo, Eyeglolle. in Christian formaMon? Should Appraising retreats in: the FiIl<id Begins: Feb. 14~h attendance at the retreat be com­ light of current needs and adol­ Office 'Houra !Nlecrology ,Fee: $50 , pulsory? , escent psychology, Father Tbom­ 9:00· 5:00 . FEB. 10 ,In the current issue of the as' W. Gedeon, 5.J., directOr o,f except Wed. SEND FOR BROCHURE F,i. Eve. Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, 1966, Dlv. of Continuing Educutlon Catholic High School Quarterly the Jesuit Retreat House, Cleve­ By Appointment Bulletin, published here by the land, Ohio, says U a retreat' is a Pastor, St. Mary, 'Mansfield. Room 1 Secondary'School D(~partment of personal experience, a time for No Easton. Mass. 239-2052 FEB. 11 7 No, Main St, Fall River 678-0412 Boston Uno: 69fj·0400 the National Catholic Educa­ self-evaluation, a time for ,goal Rev. John O'Connell, Founder, tional Association, a wide range searching." St. John Evangelist, Attleboro. Qf' answers to the$e questions Rev. John J. Sullivan, S.TL., ~.lIInllllllllllllll1lll1l1l1ll11l1l11ll11l1ll11llll11ll1l1llll11llll1l1l1llllllnnmUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I11111111111111U1I1I11111II1mlll~ is offered by clergy, parents 1961, Lately Pastor, Holy Rosary, 8Ild students. ,The ~ssue is de­ Fall River. voted 'entirely to t!lle topic' of FORTY HOIURS FEB. 12 = = kenage retreats. Rev. Stanislaus B. Albert, =~ "'-m=-g, ~== , DiEVOTDON . l? a the r Richard Madden, SS.CC., 1961, Monast~ry of Sa­ Iloo.... nu 6'pn~"n~ O.C.D., of Youngstown, Ohio, Feb. a--.-La Salette 5 h r i n e , Attleboro. writes: "Whenever 'O'e bring up the vital subject of rreligion, we Feb. >-Holy Name, N ~ w' COme ,face to -face with many Bedford ~t. Josepb, Fall,River: filE llIC;IIOR St. Anthony's Convent;, S8cQII(I' Class POS13gf 1'lI1i] at 'fall Rlva.! 'Fall River. Mass. "uIIlishe. OYer)' Thursday at 41u "Rev. J~eph C!. If1va~.e,_~910~', S_-: '_ ' _§ HIIflIaRO "velWe Fall Alve. Mass. 02722 Catholic Memorial Ho~" P~r,.St~Iy.tattheWtF~J~ive"'·:II=i .. ~" '.. \1"',,. ', . • .' .•. ~•. ;•. ","" , ' , ' , .. ""!f 1luI" Gatholle PrllS$ OJ tile DJoeese of FaD F~ River. " lim SulJserlptkm IWIce bJ 1IlI1I. 1ICIIl'" ,Rev. JaR.lCs C; Copl~,~'.l95.7." § UNION: WHARF. ,FAIRHAVEN ' , T e l . 997.9358 § ~



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to' God and God

Diocese of Fal~ River'





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Retreats for Teenagers






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Sole Lea-dership of Schools B'y' Clergy, 'Nuns Scored

THE ANCHOR- , ,Thurs., Feb.' 2, 1967

Catholics lead In Attendance ,:' ~ At Church

BOMBAY (NC}-Valerian Oardinal Gracias of Bambay hB been criticized in his own newspaper, The Examiner, ~ claiming that priests and nuns are more suitable than !bymen as heads of the Church's educational institutions in ifitis country. The criticism, ieatl,lred in a page-long let­ eign ones, would 'not condescend to work under the headship of ~r written to the weekly's a lay person.'" ~itor by G. L. Lobo, a Jre­ .ed deputy director of public wtruction in Madras, followed Ql!ll article in which the cardinal Qrld that the Catholic and moral e;tmosphere necessary in Church C2hools will be more securely ~served by keeping them un­ ~ the management of priests Oillld nuns. He also claimed that ~n-Catholics in India readily Q-limit their children to Church GChools if they are headed by IDJdests and nuns. ' Lobo said Catholics cannot ii!lionestly say that Christian at­ mosphere is not preserved in the tu-ge number of Protestant 1ICh00is and colleges in India ~ich are entirely under the headship of the laity. He added that n'on-Catholic pupils flock in "ual or larger numbers to well­ _nducted Protestant or Hindu _ools. Listing the "real reasons" why priests and nuns insist on head­ lihip of schools, Lobo declared: "Headship means prestige, power and pride. Our priests, ad nuns, particularly. the for-


WINNIPEG (NC)-The apos­ tolic delegate iIi Canada has praised the Canadian govern­ ment as a member of the United Nations for its role in endeav­ oring to secure world peace. Archbishop Sergio Pigendoli said at a reception, for· priests here: "Canada is in the best possible position to be of service to the Holy See in respect to the na­ tions of the world, and, although it has no diplomatic relations with the Vatican, it actually acts in a comD;lon mind with th.e Catholic Church in the latter's efforts to maintain peace' in all parts of the world." "It is the mission of the Catli:. oUc clergy to give itself to the whole world, not onlY,r:estricting itself to serve· a particular dio­ 'cese," he 'added dliriOg an offi­ cial visit here.

New York Prelate Discusses Freedom, 'Authority Conflict WASHINGTON (NC)-A bishsaid here conflict between flreedom and authority causes :flrightening situations. The problem perplexes courts, eoncerns theologians and philos0P h ers, agitates universities and GO cia l' institutions, Auxiliary Bishop George H.. Guilfoyle of New York declared. Preaching at the annual Red @II)


Praises Canada's Plf!lftlfi"l!!9> "''W'b\!ii

ing with all other men' one human family. "In this family God wills that one person treat another in a spirit of true brotherhood. The dignity and the rights of each human person have become daily more evident arid .their "fulfill­ ment more urgent, but so also has human interdependence. "Acceptance of human interde­

::~'sfO~at~e~~:[Sh~~es~u~a:; ~:4rd~~~::"i~::eb~;~~~~fe~~~~~-

Bishop Guilfoyle said whatever "is the hope and need of man~

the proper roles of freedom and kind in our time."

Ciuthority, there must be boundS · 1 lP ri'

aries. peCia ,e mence Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle Bishop Guilfoyle said "the presided at the Mass which Watil central thoughts of the Secorid offered by Auxiliary Bishop Vati~an Council have special ~hn S. Spence of Washington. pertmence not, only for you who The Second Vatican Council, are members of the .bench and Bishop Guilfoyle stated "stressed bar, but for those of you whose freedom - the individual free- responsibility it is to enact and cIom vital to each man's person administer our laws co 0 '" IIDd dignity. "While the council spoke to "It is 'in freedom," he· said, mankind-so much of which ex­ lIiIhat man properly directs hlm- periences bitter SUfferings and (jI!I£ toward goodness." strife-its message is pertinent "Indeed," he added", "authen- to our own beloved country," he tie freedom is an exceptional said. "For, despite all that has IIign of the divine image within been accomplished by the U. S. m.an." in achievi':lg the goals of oQr Man's Dignity Constitution and Declaration" of "In recent years," Bishop Independence, there is still much ftkJilfoyle told jurists, diplomats, to be done." , bwyers and government officials "Reverence ,for mankind is at the Mass, "increasing stress urgently necessary - necessary l'las been placed on the exalted everywhere," the bishop de­ ltignity of the human person- elared, "in the Near East and ooery human person." Far East, in Africa, in Russia, "This heightened wareness of in the U. S. Everyone must take man's dignity is evident in the into serious account his neigh­ ~urtroom and in the legislative bor's rights and his needs for sbamber as it was in the delib- a life with dignity." <i!l'ations of' the ,council," the lldshop said. "And yet the individual man Daven pOll't Diocese

., not an island. Man is, by his '

Plans Nuns' Council :very nature, a social being, form\. IOWA CITY (NC) - Bishop Gerald F. O'Keefe has approved Laymen on Boa,~d plans for a Council of Sisters NEWARK (NC)-Six,laymen, to represent the 500 nuns'in the • null- and a Brother 'have been Davenport diocese.

...-med to the editorial board of Sister Cathleen Real, head, of

ilbe Advocate, newsPaper of ,the s steering committee of 16 Sis­

.ewark Archdiocese, by Arch-, ,ters' working on the plan" said

Wshop Thomas A. Boland. They the nuns' council will be a coun­

!Me the first non-priests' named terpart of the diocesan senate of

.. the board, which determines priests. The council will have

ae editorial stands taken by, the '29 members; There are 19 Sister­

llewspaper. . hoods servina· in the diocese.




T'ransfers .Affect Hyannis And Fall River Parishes Bishop Connolly has announced new assignments of two parish assistants, effective yesterday. Rev. Paul G. Connolly, assigned to Immaculate Con­ ception, Fall River, since his ordination in March, 1956, has' been transferred to St. ation from Walpole High School Francis Xavier, Hyannis. he studied philosophy at Mary­ Rev. Thomas J. Harrington, knoll Seminary and theology at who has served at St. Fran­ St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

He was ordained March 17, cis Xavier since ,Tune, 1964, has been assigned to, Immaculate' 1956 by Bishop Connolly in the ,Cathedral. ~e is priests' choir Conception. A native of Norwood, Father director and a member of the Connolly, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Diocesan Music Commission. Michael J. Connolly, was born Father Harrington, son of Ed­ Oct. 17, 1929. Following gradu- ward J. Harrington and the late Mrs, Esther F. (Yates) Harring­ ton, was born July 28, 1938 in New, Bedford. He is a graduate of Holy Family grammar and C[}u~o~~OatJ1 high schools and of Holy Cross College, Worcester. WASHINGTON (NC)-Chris­ tianity's bond to the Jews, its He completed his studies for spiritual renew.al and a re-em­ the priesthood at Catholic Uni­ phasis of the religious meaning versity and was ordained May of social action were stressed by 301 1964 by. Bishop Connolly. He speakers during the Week of has served as Cape Cod CYO Prayer for Christian Unity ob­ Director since June 4, 1964. served here at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ ception. . Father Edward Flannery, for­ mer editor of the Providence Visitor and now a member of the Seton Hall University Insti­ tute for Judaeo - Christian Studies, spoke on the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Non Christian Religions. ''The declaration," he said, "puts aright the mistakes and injustices of some 2,000 years' standing. In brief but crystal­ clear words a program is set up for bringing about the harmo­ nious relations that should exist between the two faiths (Chris­ tianity ard Juda~sm)." The early' Church, he noted, was a Jewish church, and the modern Church must now be taught this again 'and recognize "the bond that spirituality ties the people of the New Covenant to Abraham's stock." , "To do this," he said, -!!all of our media of communication in the Church must be employed­ the pulpit, tp.e press, the school­ room." Scholarly studies must be undertaken, texthooks must be examined, stereotypes and false images must' be identified and rooted out and social-political tensions must be explored, said Father, Flannery.


WASHINGTON (NC) Catholics lead the country in church attendance, with Lu­ therans heading the list of

Protestant church-goers, accord­ ing to the 1966 Gallup Poll audit on church attendance. ' Forty-four per cent of the na­ tion's adults attended church in a typical week this year, the same proportion as in 1965. The figure indicates a halt in the 10­ year decline in church attend­ ance reported in Gallup Poll audits from 1955 to 1965. In 1940, only 37 per cent of the nation's adults went to church during the period surveyed. By 1955 the proportion had climbed to 55 per cent. Since that year, the percentage of church-goers has been steadily declining. The The 1966 survey results mark the first deviation from the pat­ tern of decline. 49 Million Attend Gallup Poll has conducted an. audit of church attendance every year since 1955. The 1966 audit involved surveys, of representa­ tive samples of the adult popu­ lation made in eight selected weeks during the year. Over 12,000 persons were asked: "Did you, yourself, happen to' attend church in the last seven days?" Translating the '1966 figure into millions of adults indicates that approximately 49 million adults attended church in a typ- , ical week during 1966.

Judaeo, BOBle!

Work witt1 hands. head Dnd h~alt for Cod Special' week·end vocation re· tlea"ts conducted In New York and Neo

ft~~,.a~~r tff:ee'ga~~~hr:OB~O'Yh~~r li't~::

lure or retreat information, contact



complete family coverage Fifty-five Dioceses in the United States Today Have Plan of Complete Family Coverage


The Anchor

Home' for Aged BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence Cardinal ,Shehan of Baltimore ,presided Tuesday at ground­ breaking ceremonies here for the new St. Martin Home' for the Aged, to be condu<;ted by the Little Sisters of the Poor. The home will accommodate 250 res­ idents. -

Should Reach And Be Read By Every Family In Every Parish In the Diocese-Bishop Connolly

right arm of pulpit Love Your CatholiC Press, ,Spread It Abroad, Dedicate It to Your Time, Your Thoughts, Your Resources and 'Your De,:,otioh . -Pope Pouf,



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 2, 1967 '.



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In Farm Reform Needed

:. .~








From "Social Revolution in the New Latin'America", Edited by John, J. Considine, M.'M. . The solution to the Latin American ~grarianproblem;' termed land reform or agrarian reform, has' b."lsed -on three criteria-economic, technical, and political. These eriteria consider man as an object of the reform and not ac; its subject and principal 2) the difficulty of incorporat­ agent. In general, the con­ ing the vast· natural resources of cept of agrarian reiform is the region into pr-oduction ~ confined to the restructuring to insufficient economic develop­



, of land tenure. Its overall goals ment; 3)" the low scientific. and tech­ have been liinited to complemen­ nological level which impedes tary measures significant increases in produc- / such as credit tivity; a.n d technical

4) the demographic explosion assistance. It

which shoVll's the highest rate of has been. sug­

population growth in the world gested that the

and a high index of unemploy­ modification of

ment which is a' cause of many the present land

explosi ve situations. tenure would in

Not Enough ,turn obtain the

redistribution of

The fundamental aspects char­ f a I'm income

acterize Latin American devel­ with its eco­

opment and cause a state of pre­ nomic and po-,

revolutionary tension. Facing litical power. .

these pressures which demand Three massive Latin American profound changes in the socio­ lahd reforms have demonstrated economic structures, the majority the fallacy of this par~ial at­ of regionai governments have re­ tempt. In not ODe of thescthrce acted with a reformist attitude countries do the rural ma1jorities which in general has not touched today have more participation in the essence of the problem. those decisions which affect them These reforms have been called directly, at local or national reformitas, that is, little reforms. levels, than they had before. The ,The governments have inter­ revolutionary changes with their vened without consu,lting or ask­ slogans of "land to the landless," in'g for the participation of the ."'land and liberty," "land helongs people. With exterior pressures, to those who work it," have only these governments reluctantly served to change the POW('i' from assume the -compromise of the the hands of the traditional, Alliance .for Progress and in the minority to those of a !Jew mi­ majority of cases they have -or­ nority. The lopsided state and dered only those measures neces­ people relationship has remained sary to legitimize themselves' intact if not strengthened. Those before the United. States and who ought to have been the sub­ thus be able to continue receiv­ jects of the change were never ing financial resources. The fi­ consulted nor heard in thc for­ nancial help channelled through mulation of solutions. Nor were the Alliance barring possible' ex­ they invited to participate ac­ . ceptions where it has gone to ,tively in the process. But, indeed, private reform movements has they were. urged to be the par­ continued favoring the' tradi-' ticipants in revolutionary events tional minorities in power which 'which served to change-old mas­ in general are not representative ters for new masters. '. of the Latin American, people. The . L~tin American majodties,' Land Without Rig-hb The c.ne party system in Mex-· undermined by a feeling of fail­ ico, for instance, and the one ure and of nonfulfillment, are irritated with minorities which master system in Cuba, and the failure to communicate with the have access to power. Man Must Participate &livian indians certainly' are 'not indicative of the greater par­ Ii is necessary to,_promote a ,ticipation ()f beneficiaries in the national integration understood politic,,1 process through a more as the dynamic participation of just social order or more equita­ man in the construction of a ble distribution 'of income. The society orientated to the' com- . landless, it is true, have gotten mon end of liberty and the com­ the land but not the corpus of mon good of society. . rights that the ownership of the We db not believe tha't it land should carry with it. would be possible to take' the Our evaluation of the agrarian farm population out of its mar­ situation is that Ulis constitutes ginal state, unless measures are not only an ecomonic problem taken in thc agriculturnl arca of, but that primarily it has a !locial development as well as in the chal'actcr which cannot be ana­ area of global development. ,Iil lyzed independently from the, the area of global devclopment glob.al social reality of tht~ re­ ,the most urgent and principal gion. This global ilature in real­ question is the type of social re­ ity has two outstanding charac­ form needed to establish a social teristics upon which the rural organization based on the prin­ situation acts as a detennlning ciple of national integration so factor: an acute inadequacy be­ as to incorporate segrcgated sec­ tween necessities and resources, tors and create a social system and a state of pre-revolutionary which permits balanced develop­ tension. Although this is the re­ ment. This social reform must sult of a series of causes which promote the grass roots organi­ are interrelated and mutually zations of society' frolll the dif­ affected, we point out four of the ferent eeoilOmic sectors, coordi­ important ones: nating and orienting them 1) the'extraordinary conce.n­ around a specific objective tration of agricultural resources which directs them toward a in a few hands; . common end. At an intermediate level be­ Interracial Lend~r tween tl1e grass roots organiza­ CHICAGO (NC)-Msgr. Dan:" tions and the gove rnment au­ leI M. C.mtwell, founder and thority, structures must be cre­ chaplain of the Chicago Catholic ated; specialized in theil' func­ tions and coordinatedlocally, na­ Interracial Council, received the tionally and regionally. gl'Ouping council's annual Joh!l F. Ken­ the grass roots organizations nedy' Award at a dinner recent­ ly. around common ends.



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Serra Director Sees ,Philippil\es Vocations Crisis CHICAGO (NC) - Serra in the Phitip.. pines are bent on inspiring .. aew breed of seminarians

Cooperation, Coordination and Concern

Pattern' of Fourth ClCO.P Meeting

By Rev. James W. Clark

aub members

tit lWereome a priest shortage lind the frostration which stems frMll 11Il apathetic laity there,

" Assistant at St. JoSeph's Church, 'FaD River and Di6Cesan DireetOr' of PAVLA "We· mustkn&w the signs ()f ~r times, Bishop Manuel Larrain ()f Talca, Chile told the 1906 CICOP Conference several months before his death, "One such sign is given by CICOP itsel.f. It represents, in part, the obvious conscientiousness ()f American Catholics in understanding and collaborating in a' solu tion of ()ne ()f today's gravest problems ­ Latin America. On the other Conference - now has a new hand it is proof of the fra­ juridic status which will finally ternal desire of Latin Ameri­ p-rovide a united body of Bish­ can Ca.tholics to deepen and ops acting together for the com­


Thurs., Feb. 2,



Need of Church 'True' Laymen' MEXICO CITY (NC) - The Church today needs- "true lay­ men," a prominent Mexican Catholic lay leader said here. Jose Alvarez Icaza, president of the National Center of Social Communication and of the Latin American Secretariat of the Christian Family Movement, said that the "true layman" is not one who is glamorized, passive, do­ mesticated, or incapable of caus­ ing 'problems.''' He added that laymen might act "imprudently" at times, but that "the worst imprudence would be fpr the Church and the world to become dissociated. Alvarez Icaza is one of the laymen named by Pope Paul VI to membership on the newly established Cowlcil for the Laity. He and' his wife, Mrs. Luz Maria Longorio de Alvarez Icaza, served as lay auditors at the Second Vatican Council. Alvarez Icaza said it was nec­ essary for organizations engaged in thc work of the apostolate "to serve the people without consid­ ering themselves a special group above the rest." He said that in apostolic ac­ tivities "we must realize that, voluntarily or otherwise, we must dispossess ourselves of superfluous comforts, or those Who lack the bare necessities of life will come to tear them away from us, because social insensi­ tivity among the well-to-de classes, their blindness, their timidity and fumbling at solu­ tions, are becoming more serious every day."

... Gfficial of the intemati()l}al M'ganization said here. ,hhn A. Donahue of Chicago., 8l8Sistant executive director of the organization of business and J!M'Ofessional men dedicated to' fostei'ing vocations to religious Ufe,said: "The Philippines offer extend the dialogue which links mon good of all the faithful. And them with their Northern broth­ F II areat harvest for a Christian it will b~ through CELAM-the ers." IIevolution based on -implemen­ name given to this grouping of With these words and in this cation of Vatican Council II de­ all the various national hierar­ manner, the widely moumed I!lI'ees." chies· - that effective pastoral Reporting on visits to 10 Serra Bishop Larrain described the and social action will be proper­ spirit and purpose of the Cath­ ClubS in the Philippines, Dona­ ly organizied and carried out. olic Intercultural Cooperation bue told the Chicago Serra Club . A welcon{e innovation was the severe vocations crisis in the Program. otherwise known as achieved by the presence of sev;, CICOP. Tbis past week saw the ~lands is underscored by the eral capable representatives of fourth successive meeting taking lYact that there is only one priest the Protestant World Council of place in Boston. The theme of fur each 6,700 Catholics.Churches who professed a will­ this year's meeting was: "The Among programs proposed to ingness to provide a common ()vercome the situation, Donahue Integration of Man and Society Christian effort with their fellow in Latin America-A Christian aaid, are meetings with semina­ -Catholics to help bring about a View." rians and college students to dis­ . remedy for the growing social Once again an impressive ar­ QUSS the application of papal so­ ills that plague the various coun­ ray of Cardinals, Bishops. and eial teachings; discus&ions with tries 'of Latin America. laity Ir-om South and Central ooenagers and their parents about Petty differences of the past the role of the priest in the America contributed' time and were finally laid aside,as Chris­ world, and providing leadership talent to bridge the gap of mis­ tians sought to act as followers m Christian education programs understanding and ignorance REV. JAMES W. CLARK of Jesus Christ and witnesses aimed particularly at business among Christian peoples. to His love. No attempt was Another link was forged in the Mld professIonal leaders. growing spirit of: cooperation Charity", had attempted to assess made to deny that basic differ­ Second lP'entecost _ -and collaboration between Cath­ the' whole picture of American ences exist in the understanding ~e days of dependency OR olics of the United States and Catholic - aid to the Church in of the- nature of revealed trutb. fiestas and processions are con­ duded," Donahue said. "In every Latin America. A note of true Latin America, in a pessimistic But, these real differences would n0 longer interfere with united oominary I visi ted one could see Christian concern was much in fashlon. evidence as talks and seminars This was unfortunate because Ch-ristian action. in a common ft\e results of reforms initiated infor-med Christian minds and his critique contained many cause- to instruct the ignorant ta by dynamic bishops and well warmed Christian hearts. half truths-tactlessly expressed·. feed and care :for the hungry, educated faculty. poor and the sick, in loyalty to Many words do 110t have to de­ All present at the CICOP meet­ "With the arrival of the Cur­ Christ's word. "Whatever you do .00, the Christian Family scribe th~ woeful ignorance that ing were willing to admit mis­ ch-aracterizes the attitudes· of takes and mistakes there always to- these least of my brethren Movement and Serra Interna­ t<» many American Catholics will be- among human beings. you do for me." Mooal, there are signs of a sec­ SYRACUSE (NC)-A$250,OOO lIOd Pentecost amongtbe laity towards their brothers In the But, Msgr. Illich sought to- bite Summation award has been made to Le liD. Ulese islands which date their faith south of the border of the off more than he could chew and Caoperation, Coordination and Mayne College here by the Rosa­ United States. the result was a bitter, unchris­ Christianity to 1565-401' years­ mond Gifford Cbaritable Cor­ This sad state of affairs had tian and uncalled for attack on Concern are three words that IJJOO! might well be used to sum up the poration. William F. Fitzpatrick, led to- apathy -and indifference aU and every- good effort of the "Men In these lay l'rgantza­ proceedings of this Fourth An­ chairman of the college's board tIons are realizing what it means ift the past. But, gradually this Catholic Church in the U. S. ift nual CICOP Meeting. Anticipa­ of regents, said it is one of the state of affaIrs is being corrected regard to Latin America-. The \)0 be a Catholic and are deter­ tWn, Animation and Alliance, largest single gifts from private mined to rebuild the image of the ami CICOP is the main reason faults of the- few became- the describe the feelings of all who sources ever received by the guilt of the many. And a valu­ priest, encouraging only the best for this happy turn of events. await the meeting of next year college. Cardinal Cushing welcomed able opportunity for deeper in­ ;young men to become priests and in St. Louis. The spirit of GOO -over 2,000 delegates and urged . sight into a very complex set asking. parents to really believe has once again stirred the souls that a priestly vocation is a great all present to Christian action of circumstances was regrettably of men and women who are towards the millions of poor and -lost as. Msgr. IUich allowed his Sift from God," he continued. bFothers and uisters in Christ. Donahue said the primary starving in Latin. America. Th~' emotions to run away with his· Another giant step forward has beloved Archbishop of Boston reason. need- In the Philippines "is a tFue FOR YOUNG WOMEN

has rightfully earned the respect In successive assemblies and been made towards the solution Christian revolution. based upon of social ills -in Latin America. 196 Whipple St., Fall Riyer

implementation of the decrees of and! love of bishops, priests, re~- workshops, delegates fairly and· The- Divine call to mutual coop­ Conduded by Franciscan

gjous and laity of Latin Amerie~ squarely faced the many thorny Vatican Council II." Missionaries of Mary

and has become the great S¥m­ issues of the day. Mistakes of the eration and union between North bol of hope for a tired and past were readily admitted as and South America has once 1l00~ Ml:AL!i again been heard and acted upon • weary people faced with so N-orth American Catholics eager­ OV,r!NJGHlHospnAUlY in a true spirit of love of God Inquire 673·7890 many and complex problems of ly made the honest effort to

Penalty a I'cligious and social nature. remedy past failures and provide and neighbor. Unfortunate Article needed assistance both spiritual

DENVER (NC) -A Catholic

It was with a great deal of and material.

ll"'ffien chaplain predicted here

It was readily admitted that

that the state will abolish the sorrow, thereforl~,that all of us death penalty within three to heard this stalwart friend of the new ways and means had to be

least in the Kingdom of God crit­ quickly found for better control

five years.

and direction of American cler­ Father Joseph M. O'Malley, icize with mounting fury an ill­ eatholic chaplain at the Federal timed Jand unfortunate article gy, religious and laity working

Youth Center In suburban En- ­ that appeared in the Jesuit mag­ in Latin America. And it was

~lewood and an opponent of azine "America". Msgr. Ivan readily agreed that this coordi­ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATrLEBORO

~pital punishment, told an Ex­ Illich, the author of the article nation and direction must come

~bange Club luncheon: entitled: "The Seamy Side of from the hierarchy of Latin

"I think the question will pass - America. 4%% on all Savings Accounts

ll;n Colorado by 1970 or 1972. CI~LAM Formed G~lts , After all, it was 'put on the ballot In recent years, the formation . 4% % on Time Certificates

ItS times in California before it GIi'(Qllnlt of CELAM has united the passed. I expect it's going to be Attleboro - New Bedford

Bishops of the various countries W ASHINGTQN (NC) lim the ballot in every major of South and Central America. Georgetown University has re­ clection from now on." And as a result of the Second Colorado voters upheld the ceived a $266,000 grant from the Vatican Council, this Episcopal Ford Foundation to expand its death penalty in Ii referendum doctoral program in linguistics, lkast November. languages and applied linguis­ tics. MEMORIAL CARDS The grant will allow special These cards are made on the f"mest .satirt WASHINGTON (NC)-FatheIL' emphasis on training teachers of INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC fln;sII. double weight portrait paper with tbo­ oJohn·F. Hotchkin, a priest of the English, James Alatis, Associate P!'0tograph of. t~ deceased Oft the front SIde and name, date of. death anll prayer III'Chdiocese of Chicago. has -Dean of GU's Institute of Lan­ • 011 the back side anll just tile right BIle to taken up- his duties here as as­ guages and Linguistics, said. fit ill missal or wallet. w~ can uBe most a", klncl of a pIwto­ fIIstllQt executive director of the Georgetown leads the nation's Cl'apI!. « snaps!lot of )'OW' loved _ • V. S. Bishops' Committee foIL' universities in the number of .....nt on these cards. A SlI'MPLE Of THESE CARDS WILl Ph.D's in linguistics conferred ~enical aDd InterreligioWl BE SENT ON REQUH1' Affairs. Msgr. William W. Baum, each year. Closest runner-up is EDWARD 'LACROIX

a priest of the dIocese of Kansas the University of IndIana, fol­ 126-'" Fr~rkk Street

New Bedford 312 Hillman Street 997-9162 lowed by the UniversIties of C~:y-St. Joseph, Is executive dl­ New Bedford, MalIS. 02744

Michigan and '!'ex¥ •••••o••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lJleCtor of the Gommittee.

$250,000 Award

St. Francis


Chaplain Predicts Death Ends

First FederalSavings

Georgf:towlI1 linguistmcs


New Aide





'" , .6·.

THE ANCHOR-::-Diocese of Fall·River-::"t:hurs., Feb. 2, ,l,9~? .• "

. _



... : .... '






" ; " . . ......,





. ':,

, .-


.The' Vietim/;:;~· . . .... . .









Neither Too' Mu~h Nor Too:;~itile:, ~oo



United'States Cathoiics serV­ ing . the' . Church' hi, Latin ·America have more: than


. No one lea,st of ali .the· t~o principals i~volved, believes that a singie meeting will opEm up an atheistic regi~e. to th e influences Qf Christianity. But the fact that ameetmg , has taken place is good. lt is a stretching out :of a hand from both sides. It iB a beginning in establishing some sort of contact, some sort of interchange. . And it is always much h~rder to grow angry at some­ one with whom one has been speaking than with a person one has been always in opposition to, This, then,: is the advantage and the hope of the meeting. It is no mistake to say that in many ways Commu­ nism in Russia has been changing. In the ecpnomic field it is even borrowing incentive ideas from capitalism. In the fields of politics it is a far cry from the rule by the proletariat so much talked about in earlier days.. ~uri~g this era of change and evolution it is well for ChrIstIamty and the West to have as many contacts with the Soviets as possible in the hope tha,! many subtle influences might thus be exerted.


H~$1f@l(~<b M®®tfOlTIlg

Continued froq} Page One everyone from, the Pope to the head of the "sanpietrini," or workmen of St. Peter's, Giuseppe Gianfranceschi, who has worked around the basilica for 79 years. There were about 2,000 people An effort has belm made in the State of New York tQ in St. Peter's Square as Presi-' receive support from prominent Catholic Laymen for a dent Podgorny's 'cortege arrived at the entryway of the Arch of liberalization of New York's abortion law. Those who the Bells.' Only about 50 uni_ solicited the support have been surprised 3Jt the strength formed Italian, policemen were visible but there were also ad­ of opposition. ditional plainclothes policemen The church position has always been that any direct on duty. A bomo lJ,ad been ex­ and unjust taking of' an innocent human life, including ploded against· the wall of a Roman parish church the night that of ,an unborn baby, is wrong. before and security measures strict. Various arguments have been put forth for abortion were Light applause from the crowd -when there is risk to the mother or child, for example. in the square greeted the arrival This argument is opposed by many medical men not only of the president's car while the on the grounds of morality but for other reasons as well. scream of automobile horns be­ yond the·' colonnades of, the Manv doctors fee'( that liberalized 'abortion would be square attested to the traffic jam caused by police cordons to ease an entir~iy negative, approach 'in medicine. They feel th3Jt President Podgorny's passage., it would be far better to intensify the search for prenatal In the inner courtyard of San or even after-birth therapies that can save children 'rather 'Damaso, the Soviet party was met by Vatican officials and es­ than abannoning hope. corted to elevators which took A prominent Jewil3h physician has been quoted in The them to the papal state apart­ New York Times a few weeks ago as saying that he was ments. More Vatican officials and a detachment of six halberd­ disheartened to find many of his Jewish colleagues urging iers of the Swiss Guard and four legal abortion' because ",Jews especially ... ought to recog­ , ushers in red satin conducted the nize that in recommending elimination of one kind of 'de­ party to the papal library. Following the visit, the Vati­ fect' ... they are ironiC'ally echoing the satanic philosophy can press office issue the follow­ .which sought to eliminate another kind of ~defect', at Au­ ing communiq~e; schwitz, Dachau, Belsen, and so on." "Today, Jan. 30, at 1:30 P.M., took place in the private Again, quoting the articles in The New York Times, there library of His Holiness the "the nonsectarian Natlonal Foundation-March of Dime's scheduled meeting between the has made much of 'tho rights of the fetus' to be treated Holy' Father, Pope Paul VI and as a patient. What can such rights be unless legal rights? His Excellency Nikolai' Podgorny, of the Presidium of the And if the fetus has legal rights, is it not a person? How chairman Supreme Soviet of the Soviet then can the law abolish its rights-as liberalized abortion Union. would do? These are questions neither doctors nor society "In the course o{the conversa­ tion during which the questions as a whole can afford to take lightly." relative to· the maintenance of ,peace and to the development of better relations among peoples were amply discussed, the Holy - Father spoke also of problems concerning religious life and the presence of the Catholic Church in territories in the Soviet Union." The communique noted that tho$e present at the audience Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, t"II:FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL P'VIER were papal secretary of state; Arch­ bishop Mario Brini, secretary of Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River the Congregation for the Orien­ 410 Highland Avenue

'tal Church; and Msgr. Agostino fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151

Casaroli, undersecretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. PUBLISHER

Accompanying President Pod­ Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD.

gorny at the audience were GENERAL MANAGE'R ASST~ GENERAL MANAGER Nikita Ryjov, Soviet ambassador Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll to Italy, and. minister Consular Payel. Medvedovski. Soviet first MANAGING. EDl'it)R yic~ minist~~V.. ·,V~ Kuznetsov,. HU9h~. GolCJen' , ' .who was s~ppose~ ,too haVe been ':; ..

Not Lightly

,W~~kers/,Heed ~apci'f App~~1 ,. -~ SAN FRANCISCO (NC):.­

It would be unwis~' to i}(~pe for too much from ,the meeting of POPEl Paul with Soviet President Podgorny ~

it would be defeatism.to e;q>ect

'Latin. AmerieCl_

at Vatican City' with the party, was unable to attend because of illness. Before . President Podgorny left the library, he presented the others who had accompanied him and Pope' Paul spoke, according to the Vatican 'communique, "of his special esteem and his lively affection for 'the great Russian people." He also presented President Podgorny with a reproduction of the monumental work "Codice Atlantico" of Leonardo da Vinci. This consists of a col­ lection of 1,750 writings and various drawings of the Renaissance genius, It gets its name Atlantico fi-om the vastness of its size-about a foot and a half ' long and almost afoot wide with 804 pages~and from the vastness of the material contained. After leaving Pope Paul, President Podgorny and his suite toured various papal halls, the Borgia and Raphael rooms with their famous frescoes and the Sistine Chapel. In this great chapel, the direc, tor ·of the Vatican museums, Deoclecio Redig de Campos, explained the triumph of Michel-, angelo's frescoes. At one point he told President Podgorny the story that Michelangelo grew angry at a papal official, Msgr. Martinelli, who complained that the artist's work was too advanced. Michelangelo took revenge by painting Martinelli in hell with donkey's ears. c When the outraged prelate complained to Pope Julius II, the Pope ·said he was sorry, there was nothing he could do about it since the artist had put him in hell rather than in purgatory. This obviously' amused the Soviet official. President Podgorny, like any other visitor to the Vatican museums, also stopped to view the famous statues of the Appollo Belvedere and Laocoon. He also went outside of the scheduled tour by asking to visit the Vatican picture galler)<- so that he 'could see its·' famous Raphael paintings. The party then drove through the Vatican gardens and to St. Peter's, where the~r were met by 'Paolo Cardinal Marella, archpriest of the basilica, who gave him two. volumes of the official reports on the excava­ tions under St. Peter's. The ba­ silica's top engineer, Francesco Vacchini, gave President Pod­ gorny a tour of the basilica, with special stops at the Pieta, the' statue. of St. Peter and a visit down in th~,.~nfessional area beneMh the' 'main altar. Presi.dent Podgorny':aske~ hOw many fJt.' Peter'. ~~:et: hold and was

doubled'since the i960 papal plea for increased aid to the Churc!l. in Latin 'American couhtries: · The' increase from 2,405, to 5,116 was reported to Pope Paul VI by Archbishop Joseph T, Me­ Gucken of San Francisco, chair­ man of the committee for reli­ gious personnel of the U. S. Bishops Committee' on Latin America. "We are happy to report sub­ stantial progress to Your Holi­ ness," Archbishop McGucken ·wrote to the Pope. "The most reverend Ordinaries of the dio­ ceses of the United States" as well as the major sbperiors of the religious communities recog­ nize the gravity of the responsi­ , bility placed on them to answer this extraordi'nary call.~ • In his report, 'compiled by the Latin America Bureau of .the National Conference of Catholie' .Bishops, Archbishop ,McGucken also pointed out that the 5,116 Church workers in Latin Amer­ ica comprise more than 50 per cent of the total 9,500 United States Catholics working for the Church outside the' country. The total Latin American fig­ ure includes 2,090 priests and Brothers representing 118 com­ munities of men; 254 diocesan priests from 67 dioceses; 2,416 nuns from 404 communities of women; and 356 lay volunteers recruited by P AVLA and other organizations. "It is notable," Archbishop McGucken told the Pope, "that this growing movement to serve the Church does not represent the assignment of superfluous personnel. No such superfluity exists. It represents, rather an admirable readiness to sacrifice for ,the larger needs of the Church."

New $ulnl~riors IF

For MD$$OOnS

MARYKNOLL (NC) Three more Maryknoll mis­ sionaries have been elected as regional superiors in vari­ ous areas. Father Raymond A. Hill, M.M., of Susquehanna, Pa., now in his 10th year in Chile, has been named superior of Maryknoll personnel in that South Amer­ ican country. The new regional superior of Maryknoll in Hawaii is Father John H. Joyce, M.M" of Scars­ dale, N, Y, A veteran of 29 years of mission work in China and Hawaii, he succeds Father John J. Stankard of Belmont, Mass. He is 56 and served in South ,China from 1937, the year of his ,ordination, until he was expelled by the Red Chinese in 1951. Father Joyce will head 31 priests and Brothers of Mary­ knoll in the islands. An Arlington, Mass., priest, Father Joseph J. Mooney, M.M.. has been named the Marykn'oll superior in Japan. He suceedB Fath~r'Clarence J. Witte. told that its capacity was 40,000 but· that only 30,000 of them could see the ceremonies. Before leaving the church, President Podgorny was pre­ sented to Sanpietrini head Gian­ franceschi. He has worked • and on the basilica for 79 years. and while his exact· age is not known he is believed to be' 98 years old and is still active. Afteso ,a lO-miriute, visit in the church, President Podgorny and .... 'Party Jeft Va,tican Cit,y.

titE ANCHbR-Diocese

of Fdlt


Rlver-'-Thurs., Feb. 2, 1967

Suggests 'F ront Door' Welcome For Federal Aid to Education

, 'MINNEAPOLIS (NC)'- Fed­ eool aid should be welcomed "through the front door of the house of education" and not by back door approaches, Msgr.. Terrence J. Murphy, president of the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, said here. . . Speaking at commencement exercises at the University of Minnesota, Fat her Murphy asked: "Can we not frankly recognize -that -the national government, as the instrument of all the peo­ ple, has a legitimate role in .providing better education? In­ stead of a back door approach, can we not candidly welcome national programs through the . front door of the house of edu­ cation?" Msgr. Murphy dismissed fear of "restrictive federal controls," asserting "that there is sufficient

N a.tiOil2.ll


"Surely," he continued, "our economy is a national one that transcends city and state bound­ aries. Surely our national des­ tiny is tied directly to education. Only in the last few years have we come to draw the logical cor­ ollary of this fact of iife, name­ ly, federal support for education at all levels."


WIN TEST NEW ATTIRE: Modern garb for Brothers of the Christian Schools is being . tested at two schoola. in, the New Orleans a rchdiocese. Contrasts are shown in the atti­ ,re of three faculty members at ~rchbishop Rummel hig4school, Metairie, La. At left the traditional habit is worn by Brother Gabriel Daigle. A new school outfit, including, a school blazer, is worn! ~t'~enter by Brother Victor Baudin. The black suit and tie for street wear, are shown by Brother Charles Klein. NC Photo.

ingenuity and sufficient dedIca.­ tion to freed()m in this country to devise institutions and mech­ anisms which will protect the freedom of educators and stu.,. dents as well as protect the legi­ timate interests of taxpayers." "For too long," he told the Minnesota gl'aduates, "we have lived as though we are still an agrarian society made up of dis­ tinct local communities and have cil, and not the possible various tion as a local concern.


Conduct Experiment Wi.th New· Attire


Brothers Study


tie for street wear. 'studied by Brother Kevin Harg­ NEW ORLEANS NC-An ex­ After a visit to the schools, adon, F.S.C., of Washington, periment with more secular at­ tire for Brothers of the Christian D.C., a clinical psychologist. His Brother Kevin explained his Schools is being made at two findings will be of use to all · study primarily is exploratory. eight provinces of the Christian One result should be to formu­ schools conducted by the .Bro­ Brothers in the United States late a good experimental design thers in the New Orleans arch­ diocese-the St. Paul School, . numbering about 3,200 members. for the Brothers' garb. He wi'll also evaluate reactions In the experiment, instead of' Covington, La., and Archbishop to the change. This will be done Rummel High School near here. the traditional habit, the Bro­ Reactions to the experiment thers are wearing a blazer, through a sociological survey among Brothers, students, and slacks, shirt and tie for school that will determine correlations the general public are being wear, and a black suit, shirt and between age, Catholic education, · and any other cultural or psy- . chological factor that might 'ef­ fect liking or disliking the change. Brother Francis Beck, F.S.C., LAFAYETTE (NC) -Father teaching young people their · director of St. Paul's, who was newly acquired responsibilities instrumental in starting' the ex­ Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., na­ of working more diligently periment in garb, suggested the tionally recognized theologian, toward Christian unity," Bishop -psychological study. has prepared a special "cate­ cllism on ecumenism" for high Schexnayder said. In the more than 250 years of school students of the Lafayette 'Splendid FOJrIllilllll.Monnt the order's existence, he said, diocese. It was introduced into "There are limitations to what only minor changes have been classrooms here during the young Catholics can do," the made in the religious habit. Christian unity observance. bishop continued. "However, the Careful consideration must be The former dean of the school catechism will lay splendid for­ given to all possible effects just @f theology at the Catholic Uni­ mation for the future. I encour­ as updating elsewhere in the versity of America prepared the age them to study the meaning Church must be studied before catechism-based on the Second of this new and challenging final decisions are made. Vatican Council document on movement in the Church, and at Christian unity-at the invitation the same time, endorse use of the Honor Seminary of the Lafayette diocesan educa­ catechism by adults, both in and LATROBE (NC)-8t. Vincent out of study groups." tion department. Seminary here in Pennsylvania Msgr. Richard Mouton, assis­ Bishop Maurice Schexnayder has been elected to associate .tant superintendentofschools and o£ Lafayette expressed his eage.r­ membership in the American secretary of the Lafayette dioc­ .l!less to incorporate the new . Association of The 0 log Ic a I catechism into the diocesan: high ~san commission for ecumenical Schools in the United States and school curriculum, as well as into affairs, explained the reason for Canada, one of the first Catholic 'the program of the Confraternity publication of the catec.hism. seminaries chosen for association "The young people of, the membership.. of Christian Doctrine and adult Lafayette diocese are particu­ atudy groups. larly fortunate in having, a cate­ "I will consider the catechism chism drawn up especially for _ excellent instrument for their use by Father Connell," Msgr. Mouton stated. Name Changed · "An expert at the council, who " ST.' COLUMBANS (NC)-The had taught theology at . the official organ of the Coluniban Catholic University of America Fathers is now titled Collimban for. ma-ny years, Father Coimell "athers' Missions starting with has based his material solidly on the January 1967, issue according 'Vatican Council II documents 'ftc Father Daniel Boland, sup'~­ ',an~ the Scriptures," h~ <;o~tip'­ 365 NORTH FRONT STREET "trior'of'the ColumbanFathers''in · ued. "He gives, for ,the ~OS~..Pli\l;t, NEW BEDFORQ ''l\torth' and' South AmeHca."'tbe ',th~ meaning and princ,i,J?I~~, pi " ., ." 'magazin'e;' now in' .its 49tnye~'r, ·ecu,!,IlE;llism, as gi v~n by ~P~. ~~I,I!}­ , 992~5534 . ~as pt'eviously 'titled 'The 11, and not the possilHe. V<lrioWl EuL ',"' ,: ".. ; ,: ~.I \'~t1 "'aDpllc:a'tions''of the ·prindpies."·

Louisiana Hmgh School Students Hov'e Catechism on Ecumenmsm


co: Heating Oils., and· Burners·








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, 'HfEANCt-fOR-Dioeese of Fan River-Thurs.,' Feb. 2, 1967

Appotnt WOmeA!

Counci·1 Chairmen




Press Offers Authoritative Church News

By Mary Tinley Daly One of the older grandchildren, imbued with the missionary spirit plus her father's innate talent for sales­ manship, called for a formal appointment with us for an CUjnterview."· "You'll find out what it's all about when I get' there, Grandma," sIh.e prom­ Matter of fact, we were glad ised. "See you at two o'clock. to get that granddaughterly Oh, yes, and thank you!" She nudge in the literary depart­ arrived on the dot af two, ment, for our magazine subscrip':' oomplete with props, and after

a few pleasantries OIi>ened up :with the pitch: "At our school we're trying to I'lee that people get good maga­ zines to' read. Now, you would 1Iot want to take Playpoy, would you, Grandma?" No, we assured her, Playboy really bolds nothing I)f interest for us, not at our stage of life. Teasingly, we asked was she trying to push Esquire in its stead-a magazine, we mentioned in passing, for which h<~r grand­ father had written. "Well, I don't know much about that, but if Grandpa wrote for it I guess it must be O.K. What I really had in mind," she went on earnestly, "is to see if you Grandpa would like tel take "sQme Catholic magazines. We've got plenty on the list and our school gets a commission on everything we sell, Catholic and non-Catholic. I mean, Catholic and all the others." Young Saleswoman She· opened her little blue plastic briefcase and brought out the catalogue of offerings, quite II formidable list. As we sat on the couch together, we' went down one colum'n after another._ "We're not supposed to 'pres­ IlUre' anybody," she said, "not even our folks, but if you'iI tell me the ones you think you'd like', I'll read· you a description of them and tell you the prices, so's you won't have to put on your Blasses. Also," here was the salesman again, "the longer you take 'em for, the more money you save. Like, if you subscribe for three years you save more than if you' took 'em, for one, and lots more than if you bought them from a newsstand." This was not exactly news, but II point well worth malting for any able salesperson. So we studied the list and gave' our order, an order slightly larger than would have been tendered a door-to-doo}' saies­ man, and received a businesslike receipt. "Now, if they don't start com­ ing, Graridma, just call me up. Business is business, YOUl know! And.thank you very muc:h." ,


tions had been rnnning out and we'd simply n~glected to renew them.. We were also surprised at the number and the quality of the sample magazines our granddaughter showed us. Authoritative Press Would that we could subscribe to all those we found fascinating. That' being impossible, at least we can keep up with, them through our own parish library which keeps current and past numbers of these magazines and many more. Perhaps your par­ ish 'library is similarly well equipped, or your public library. Nowadays, with renewed in­ terest in the Church and all that pertains to it and the more in­ tensive coverage of the subject in the secular press, we are for­ , tunate in having an authoritative Catholic press--backbone of all, Diocesan weeklies--as well as all sorts of magazines handling a variety of factual information, feature material and editorial comment. A browse-in at libraries where such materials are available is an eye-opener and a mind­ opener for those who have not kept au courant with the Cath­ olic press as it exists in this Year of Our Lord 1967. ' \

Dominican Sisters.

To·Staff Girls' Town

WORLD·FAMOUS MISSIONARY/IN AFRICA: Father FI='ank Flynn, who is a medical doctor, makes five trips each year in th_e northern territory of Australia to ad­ minister to members of the native tribes. 'I~he Missionary of the Sacred Heart checks the eyes of a boy who refused to let go of his croco~lile while being examined. NC Photo.



If you're planning on sewing your way into Spring, now is PALM BEACH (NC)-A girl!J' certainly· the time to begin,' for town 'tel be established in Palm Easter fashions will parade forth Beach county will be staffed early this year, on March 26. I by Dominican Sisters of Beth­ wanied to know just what the any, The Netherlands. style''; conscious Allnouncement of the new ,home sewer resid,ence for underprivileged could look for­ and dependent girls was made' ward to this s~a­ here by, Miami's Bishop Coleman son in the way F. Cai-roll and Mrs. Gregg Dodge of fabrics an d ' Moran, former wife of the late patterns, so I automotive heir, Horace E. visited the bright, pleasant Dodge, II. She has been pro­ moting the venture for the past workrooms and seven, years. fa b ric show­ Bishop Carroll, president and rooms of Mrs. chairman' of the board of the Donald Farring­ corporation which will build the ton in Fall River. For the past six years Mrs. home, said the first structure to be built on a 100-acre tract will Farrington has run the smartest sewing school in-the area, cater­ be a residence and administra­ ing to the student who wants her tion building. finished product to look like something out of a designer's collection rather than a garment Nurs~s' Apostolate having that ill-fitting, home­ ,Morally Demanding made look. In conjunction with her school; Mrs. Farrington has ERNAKULAM (NC)-An In­ ,dian archbishop, has declared in recent years carried a line of that the country's Catholic elegant and original fabrics, in Makes Tuition Churge nurses are morally bound to fact many pieces in her collec­ withhold cooperation when the tion of materials are direct from On Family Basis designers' workrooms. ALTOONA (NC) -A tuition state flouts the moral law. "Citrus colors are tremendous­ The statement was made here ly important this Spring," said charge 'of $100 per family for. students' attending Catholic high by ArchbishopJ.oseph Attipetty this very chic fashion expert. 'of Verapoly in a speech inaugu­ schools in the Altoona··Johns­ "Even the older women who town diocese has been' ordered rating the sixth national conven­ generally lean toward the safe tion of the ,Catholic Nurses' for the 1967-68 scholastic year by colors are finding out how pretty Guild' of India. It referred to the they can look in such shades as Bishop' James J. Hogan. An ,additiOllal$20' for'library, official campaign for birth con­ grassy green and strawberry laboratory and other fees will be trol in which Catholic nurses pink. This is the first season that made, plus a $10 graduation fee. 'sel'ving in non-Catholic and gov­ I have seen such vivid shades Transportation costs will' be ermhent hospitals are sometimes received so warmly." charged directly to parishes ac­ obliged to participate. She went on to say that souffle cording to the number of stu­ Archbishop' Atttipetty told the wools, the ever-popular hand­ dents using faciliities. convention of about 150 dele­ some twills, and large window­ The Pennsylvania prel'ate' gates' from' the entire country pane checks will be the unriv:. pointed out that the diocese is that nursing should be reglO\rded ailed leaders in fabric fashions. among the hist in the country to by them as an exercise in the lay No Seasonal Clothes Initi'ate a tuition charge and the apostolate and not merely as an "Cotton knits and sheer wools only one which charges tuition avenue of employment for a liv­ that span the season will also be 011 a family basis ing a l2ec~S;U:Y J,laEt of the wordrobe

of the well dressed," said :Mrs: Farrington, \N'ho then made one of 'the most welcomefashiori predictions "I've heard in a' long time. She forecast, that in a short time there would be no seasonal clothes, that light weight fabrics and pale shades w.ould be worn ye~r round. This would certainly solve the storage problem that so many of us have with seasonal clothes. In her classes, which began as a hobb J and have turned into a 13 hour a day job, there is an atmosphere of fashion aware­ ness. Such names as Cardin, Galanes, and Ricci crop up con­ stantly in a student's conversa­ tion, and the patterns of such Parisian designers are tackled with confidence under the expert hand of Mrs. Farrington. Her students are always aware of the shape of things to come as her monthly trips to New York keep her np on the very latest fash­ ions. long before they are seen in area stores. ' "The shape for' this coming Spring," said Mrs. Farrington, "is for a softer silhouette, with more and more of a fitted line and a sense of motion in the skirt. This trend toward a skirt that moves will make it easier for a woman to ,Sit down grace­ fully, even though her hemline is above her knees. The coatdress will be popular and also the shirtwaist look, but suits will really shine in the' Easter Parade." Among this Vogueish sewing teacher's future plans is the opening of a custom design salon where a woman can have an out­ fit created exclusively for ,her. Mrs. Farrington feels that there are ,enough fashion-corlscious women in the area to warrant this type of shop and in my per­ sonal ,opinion if anyone can carry, such a venture off with exactly the right touch, svhe can.

BETHESDA (NC)-The direc­ tors -of the National Council ~ Catholic Women' have named five women to head the NCCWIi3 newly organized commissionB covering areas of action recom-­ mended by the Vatican council!B Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. Mrs. Philip H. Des Marais Qi Washington, D.C., author of "FoR' Goodness Sake," will head the F ami I y Affairs Commisssioa. Mrs. Edgar J. Boedeker of Cla~ ton, Mo., a.member of the Coun­ cil on World Affairs and a board member of the Medical Mission Sisters, will be chairman of the Commission on International!, Affairs. Mrs. Den,ning Schattman, reo­ cruiting director for Women iill COmInunity Service in Fort Worth, Tex., will head the Com­ munity Affairs. Commission. Mrs. Leonard Swidler of Phfi­ adelphia, managing editor of the Jour'nal of Ecumenical Affairs, will direct the Church Communi­ ties Commission. Mrs. Louis H. Sweterlitsch of Pittsburgh, for­ mer director of the NCCW, win head the Organization Services Commission. The appointments were an­ nounced by NCCW president Mrs. John Shields during the or­ ganization's board of directo1!8 meeting at the Villa Cortona t. Apostolic Center.' "'" Mrs. Shields said the commis­ sion chairmen will do research, write programming material, an­ alyze trends" 'evaluate' reports and work' closely with the pro­ fessional staff and a team e! consultants.

Asks Greater Efforts 11'0 Fight Retardation, MIAMI BEACH (NC)-Efforts to combat mental retardatioft can be as successful as was the fight against polio, Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy, mother of the late President John' F. Kenned;,., told a benefit luncheon for the Marian. Center for 'Exceptional Children here. "Twenty-five or 30 years age polio was causing devastation," Mrs. Kennedy said. "Today we rarely hear of it. We can dCil ' equally well in conquering men­ tal retardation if we all work at it."

~amous ~Of

@M~l!JY @UTI~



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95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass.

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~'Gardenettes~' Fill

Bill for Cooks Who E.njoy Herbs

THE ANCHORThurs.. Feb. 2,




- eya

Secretary Gets VA Honor

By Joe and Marilyn Roderick IIll the day of pre-packaged everything it is no surprise to find the supermarkets displa.ying pre-packaged gardens. These are little window sill-sized boxes of seed sprinkled on what looks to me like vermiculite. The purchaser Jis advised ihat he need only water the n I . d dren ice skating, we made "tt e WIn ow garden and cookies, and we went for a long presto, seeds will become rambling walk. The clothes whatever is advertised on didn't get picked up at the clean­ ate package. I have never tried

WASHINGTON (NC )-Philo- • mena Kelly Kerwin. executive secretary of the National Catho­ lic Youth Organization Federa­ tion, U. S. Catholic Conference, has been honored by the Veter­ ans Administration. Miss Kerwin for 10 years wan director and organizer of the Catholic volunteer program oi the National Catholic Commu­ nity Service in the Veterans Ad­ ministration hospitals. She WaD given ..·a citation· by the U. S. agency for her assistance to itcJ national staff. "She, has taken a leadershi@' role as the national representa­ tive of the National Catholic Community Service in the early years of the program 1948-1985 in planning with our staff for the nationwIde program of purpose­ ful volunteer service on beha'if of' our country's sick and dis­ abled veterans," the citation said. Trained Volunteers She visited 165 VA hospitab and 200 sees in the interest of this program and trained hun­ dreds of Catholic volunteers im the hospitals. The commendation Watl pre­ sented by Dr. H. Martin Engle. chief medical director of the Veterans Administration. Present at the ceremony were her broth­ er, Patrick E. Kerwin of Harris­ burg, commissioner of the Pena­ sylvania Turnpike, and Msgr.· Thomas J. Leonard, director at the Youth Department, U.S. Catholic Conference,' " . Miss Kerwin recently received the National CYO Silver Medal­ liwl in recognitiot:! of 25 yean of service with the National Catholic Wei far e Conference. forerunner of the U. S. CataeIte Cooference. She is a native eI. Lykens, Pa., in the Barrisb!.u.. diocese.

er's, the grocery shoppinlf still has to be faced, and the laundry om sure that they work. The is piled up to the ceiling, but we J!)roducers have capitalized on a' had a good time. For two whole well-lmown fact, that seeds are ' .days we stopped runnin~ and easily . grown. For the person alowed down to the proverbial who' has very little interest iii '.. walk; and oddly enough, on gardening these packages should . Monday morning the ,world was t:ill the bill' very well. ! lltill in orbit. Rather than going through Like a million and one other the trouble of buying the sepa- working wives and mothers I· Eale ingredients one can easily usually spend Saturday rushing arow a good supply of herbs, for around on all the chores· and instance, at relatively little cost errands I didn't get a chance to amd effort. do during the week. Sundays I would advise the herbs lior follow the same frantic pace and housewives. Of the packages]I by Sunday night my temper is I, lJlave seen, several herbs would short, my nerves are jangled and be easy to grow and to trans- I'm truly no fit companion for plant to the garden or a patch of man or beast. Well, last weekend ground convenient to the house. I went on strike, I joined the l. __ These include parsley, thyme, union that gets more out of life, mint, and sage. All of these are lind I took to the open air. ECUMENISl\1 IN AFRICA: Archbishop Emmanuel hardy in tbis area and are aelfTruly I was a bit skeptical Nsubuga addressed the eighth Protestant Synod of Uganda" OK»wing. We have them in our when Joe suggested the ice skat­ garden and my wife enjoys them iog, for the weather was quite Rwanda and Burundi. Smiling at the Archbishop's side is DO r .d.·She eontinually bemoans balmy'for January and I doubted the, head of the Protestant Church in the three countries the fact that in the Winter she' that good skating conditiontJ Most Rev. Erica Sabiti. NC Photo. , ' eannot go out into the garden for . existed. Nevertheless eager· for the spices sbe needs for cookin,. . the walk, .1 agreed to tote Jason The easiest way to transplant along and view this pond that from. these window boxes is to '. Joe had enjoyed so much in his bury the whole box ill. the boyhood. ~t was just as lovely ,round. With time the ~ will as he 'had pictured U; ,in fact,if· National Couhcif of CcitholicWomen Se l _-",.. disintegrate while the herbs rx there had been a ground cover o£ teQ',.. other plants will spread. Parsley snow it would have resembled !lI Theme -for DevefGpment I:nstitutes DUly . be difficult to transplant Currier and Ives print. Even as lIIld you may find that too much it was, with the top layer of ice WASHINGTON (NC) - '!'be becomes effec,tive .June 1. ~ndling may result in fewer beginning to melt, the youthful theme "Direction: TOnlOrrGlw" The work of the federation ha. seedlings, 80 Jt is desirable to skaters enjoyed it immensely, has been selected for the 1961 been refocused into one service ieave the plants inted .in their Jason was content to foUi>w in program development institutes commission, organization ser­ .ntainer. their wake and I sat on an old sponsored by the National Coun- vices, and foW' substantive comOf course any of the above hollow log, basking in peace and eil of Catholic Women. missions - church eommunitiea, may ,be grown just as easily if ·tranquility. There is something, Margaret Mealey, NCCW ex- family affairs, community af­ rou buy the seeds separately' and· abol:~ a quiet wood &1' a d,eserted ecutive .director, said the meet_fa!~s, and international affairs, Btart ,·them in vermiculite. Egg , beach remIniscent of the cairo.. irlgs, scheduled for the. Spring Miss :l\IIealey explained. . boxes ·are an excellent container that come~ over ~e in a silent· in eight different cities, are de- ' :. The. accent is now in issues for sueh a project. These' also chur<;h. ,signed to search for ways .,of . riiisec;l.' in cou,qcil documents as may be planted in the garden' . By, t~. time we .started to' -walk ,progra)llming action .accordil1gtc ,~hey apply t~ lay li\ctivities in the once the seeds have germinated, home, the wind had picked up" the newly defined goals growing. e:hUfCh, she said. .. . and they too will disintegrate, in ,the nippy tang had .returned to 0.ut of Vati;ean Council IJ. , . ~liated .9rganizations, offi­ Che ~oil. . the air, and everyone had rOSY Those attending the institutea c~rs ~nd potential leaders, wJJi WYman' A word of warning. Do. not ~heeks as souvenirs of the after- will stu'<iY the. new structure of. h,ave. the opportunity to relate ~erV{.ater. Vermiculite is a good noon:s outing. Cold, tired, but . NCCW adopted at its. Miami t.~eir·, own group's structure and 3-6592 medium (or starting seeds be- glowing we returned home to Convention last October, which' its I?rogramming to, the new '€ Iause it is very absorbent. It warm .lIP with a cup of steaming . NCCW commission structure so ,CHARlES F. VARGAS soaks up water like a sponge and hot chocolate topped with a cotbetter teamwork on all levels 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE as a result there is very little tony,. fluff of marshmallow Living Room Dialogue . can lead greater accomplish­ necd to water repeatedly. Once cream. Then, unbelievably, ,ment in the work of illllplement­ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. rou have tried growing your everyone took an afternoon nap. Stimulating Experience iog the decrees of Vatican CounDwn herbs from seed and have The rest of the weekend folCHICAGO (NC) _ A dozen or ei"l n, Miss Mealey said. oitscovered how simple it la, you lowed this pattern and l' reluct- so neighbors sit around a living' Participation is open. to in~­ will find yourself searching out sntly watched it draw to a close, room talking once 01[' twice 11 ested women of aU faiths, me aU manner of mediums for Btartknowing that the pressures of week. ' added. tog your own seeds. And lilY wife modern living would have to be will attest to the fact that once taken up again but hoping there Their topics - What's the dif­ pou have tasted fresh herbs y9U would be another such enjoyable krence between a Catholic and ElECTRICAl will disdain using the dried va- family weekend in the not too a Protestant Bible? Can a Chris­ Couttradon dety into your cooking. distant future. tian discriminate against fellow In the Kitehen The following recipe lor a dat2 citizens because of race or reUJ[ recently spent one of the e6nfection is 80 easy that it eould gious differences? What ciI~ most .enjoyable weekends I've be made on a relaxed family ~ G6d expect of men on earth? expenenced in many a day. We weekend, yet it's utterly deliThat's the new 'living room didn't fly to Rio 01' drive to cious. dialogue, a growing movement iltowe 01" engage in any of the Date ConfectftHII acclaimed by church leadersltll ether activities the jet set con1 cup.o:t butter 'ltDe of the nation's most success­ 8ider "in"; in fact, even the prOEJ 1% cups of sugar ful activi·ties in ecumenism. Dr. ~t wouldn't consider 01H' week2 tablespoons milk Edgar H. S. Chandler, executive ~d exiciting. We took the 'chUZ cups finely chopped ciate3 director of the Church Federa­ 944 County St. 4% cups crisped rice tliQn of Greater Chicago, called New Bedform 1 cup chopped nuts the movement "primarily a stimSchedule Conference Z teaspoons of vanilln, shelTJr ulating experiment" in a talk at in New Hampshire or rum flavoring II forum on the future of ecu1~ In a large heavy saucepan menism sponsored by Loyola AVE CONVENIENT OffiCES TO SERV-E YOU BOSTON (NC) Catholic, bring to a boil the buttl!r, sugar, 1i!niversity here. Protestnnt and Orthodox' Chris­ allnS will hold a religious eon­ milk and dates, stirring often. terence at Geneva Point Camp, 2) Let the, above mixture cool Lake Winnipesaukee, N. H., July llnd when it is quite cool add the 1-7, it was announced here by crisped rice, chopped IlUts and Mae Massachusetts Council of the vanilla, mixing well. Use Churches. your hands to mix this if you J. TESER, Prop. The conference will be spon­ find it necessary. RESIDENTIAL OF TAUNTON Nred by church councils of the 3) Shape into balls and roll in INDUSTRIAL aix-state region, four Orthodox finely chopped nuts or coconut. Norton., W. Main St.-Raynham, Rte. 44-Taunton, Main St. COMMERCIAL 4) Store in a covered con­ liUld 11 Catholic dioceses, the North Dighton, Spring St.-North Easton, M~n St. Apostolic Armenian Chureh of tainer. The girl who gave me 253 Cedar St.• New Bedford America. and the New BOlland tbia recipe said tbat &be baUi Member FeclIenai Deposit Insurance Corporation 993·3222 Evangelistic Association. ~ very wen. one of these gardenettes but]I



'Direction:' Tomorrow'



,: eatt






Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL





DII....'.,'.... IKver....:JhwtI;, 're~~2t 1967' "



I, /

'~ ~l; I



_..__~" ..·.•L-Jl

, NORTHA'rrLEBOUO UNITY SERVICE: Participants in third an­ nunl North Attleboro Service of Prayer for Christian Unity are, seated from left, Rev. Thomas Urban, First Methodist Church of Plainville; Rev. Ai'mando Annunziato, St. Mary's Church, North Attleboro; Rev. Ray Martin, First, Methodist Church; Rev. Roger LeDuc, and Rev. J.'Orner Lussier, Sacred Heart Church; standing, Rev. William Blottrnan, St.

Stress Cha rity

In !Ecumenasm

Mary's; Lawrence Johnson; Mrs. Ed\vin Palmer; Norman Deschenes; Bruce Bayley; Rev. Bruce Hanson, Grace.Episcopal Church. Eight churches and Madonna Manor were represented in the program, with Father LeDuc and Rev. Mr. Urban as principal speakers. Presiding clergyman was Rev. Mr. H;:I.nson.

Methodist Theologian Views Vatican II . 'Dynamic Presence n-n Christian World'

MANCHESTER (NC )--An in­ ercase in mutual charity should DALLAS (NC)-A Methodist overwhelmingly favorable," Dr. accompany growing talk about theologian appraised the work Outler continued. Christian unity, two el:umenieal of the Vatican Secretariat for Dr. Outler also praised the for­ leaders--one Catholic, the other Promoting Christian Unity as the mation of the Institute for Ad­ Protestant-said in a joint state­ most important single ecumen­ vanced Ecumenical Studies in ment here. ical event of the last year. Jerusalem. He called it "an in­ The comment was made by The secretariat, now given a ternational forum for study and Father P1<::cidus H. Riley, O.S.B., ehajrm::m of the Commission for permanent status, is "beginning a . Christian Unity of the ~VI:1nches­ program both at Rome 'and in Mnchng)~n !J( tel' clioce:;C', and the Re\'. Hartley the world for deepening and T.· Grandin, executive se~retary strengthening and pushing' for­ Masons Cooperate

of the st::1t.c Council of Churches. ward the dialogue between Ro­ FLINT (NC)-Ecumenical fra­ Noting ecumenical progress in man Catholics, Orthodox and New H<impshire, they cited "con­ Protestants," said Dr. Albert ternalism prevails here between the Masonic Knights Templar vers[ltions among laity i1nd, cler­ Outler, theology professor at gy, mony interfaith meetings and Southern Methodist University and. the Knights of Columbus. proposa Is for ecumep i cal organ­ here. During an installation of izations in local communities." officers ceremony for Fellowship 'Essential Thrust' ,"We are grateful for the in­ Lodge 490; Free and Accepted A Methodist. observer at the ereasing' volume of prayer for

Masons, William C. Lucas, grand unity," they said.'''MIlY there , four sessions of the Second Vat­ knight of the Flint K. of' C .. i~an Council, Dr. Outler, rated as be also an increase of Christian

Council 6~5, presented the new a foremost Protestant csholar of iovec:part from which our talk

.Masonic Worshipful Master with . of unity' becomes a noisy gong the historic Catholic meeting, a regulation':'siz.ed Ameridn flag. said: "I see,the coun'cil as setting ()r a clanging cymbal." , The fraternal exchange 'be­ out an agenda for ~. gene~ation." , "While 'rejoiCing ,in thc prog­ .tween the Masons and K. of C. " In an interview timed with the lI'ess made," they added, "we cori­ here, goes' back to the years be­ annual observance of the Chair fore fess with sorrow that the full the ecumenical spirit of Unity Octave, Dr. Outler con;,.

,realization or' true Christian emerged from Vatican,Council II. tinued: ' "We are the first' year For years, the Flint Knights ()(f vi-lity 'isstill a' dist<intgoal." of that generation, and~ like all , Columbus have aided the Masons first· year children, we have by selling tickets to the annual Appoints Laymon

stumbled about bit and are not Shrine Circus. The local units fully mobile, but the essentilil also hold' an annual bowling To Schools Post

thrust of the council is a dynam­

tournament and banquet as well ST, LOUIS (NC)-Joseph Car­ ic presence in the Christian

as cooperating in other civic and dillal Ritter of St. Louis has world."

charitable projects. named a layman, Robert J. Sen­ There have been relatively few kosky, as assistant superi ntend­ dramatic mo'ments in the year ent for lay personnel in the arch­ since the, sessisions ,closed to diocesan school system. BEFORE YOU

match the excitement generated Senkosky, who has been direc­ by the council itself, he said.. BUY - TRY

tor of lay teachers sinee 1962, On Practical Level becomes the third layman to Inold such a, post in the United "And yet, if you look over the Stiltes, and the first in a major world, both Catholic and non­ \1. S. archdiocese. Catholic, I think that you will The dioceses of Peoria. and see that the impact of the council OLDSMOBILE Tucson both have iaymen in as­ is being felt on a wider and more Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault sistant or associate superintend­ .practical level. Reaction to the 67 Middle Street. Fairhaven ent posts. eouncil has been, it seems W me,

@f C,




debate on hard core .issues of disagreement." He also lauded initiation of' consultations at worldwide and national levels between Roman Catholics and Lutherans, Presbyterians, Angli­ vans and Methodists.

Dirksen to Speak ST. LOUIS (NC)-8en. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, U. S. Senate minority leader, will speak at the St. Louis University mid­ .year conferral of degrees Sunday. Some 510 students will receive degrees at the ceremony.

Speaking of local level ecu­ men ism, Dr. Outler singled out the "Living Room' Dialogues" Which, he said, "strike me as be­ inng a very important kind of almost spontaneous translation of the spirit and. the substance of Vatican II into home town, grass roots ecumenism."

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IDIOCESAN SERRAN J...EADEJRS AT PRESIDENT'S NIGHT: Left photo: seated, Bif;hop (Amnolly and Jan Berbers; standing, James F. Nicoletti, president of Fall River Serra Club; Gilbert Costa of New Bedford, deputy governor of district 40; John Lang, preHident of Attleboro Serra.

speet them, help them--'-build a Continued from Page One White's Restaurant, Westport, fine relationship based on rev­ that drew Serrans and their erence and respect." The bishop, in' closing, ex­ wives from Cape Cod, New Bed­ ford, Fall River, Attleboro and pressed his gratitude for the work of Serra in the Fall River Taunton. Special guests included the Diocese. Gibert Costa, deputy governor Most Rev. James L. Connolly, the of District 40, was master of Most Rev. James J. Gcnard, Sis­ ceremonies. Mr. Bel'bers was ter Charles Francis, R.S.M., prin­ cipal of Holy Family' High intJ'oducedby Mr. Tally. Mr. Berbers School, and Sister Mary Kateri, Eadier, Mr. Berbers was asked R.S.M., of St. Joseph Convent, how a man gets into a position New BedfOl'd. Head table guests included where he is willing to pay his own expenses on a round-the­ District Governor and Mrs. Jo­ seph V. Tally of Providence, Mr. world "crusade" to share ideas and Mrs. Gilbert Costa of New of one Serra Club with that of another? Bedfol'd, Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes Mr. Berbers, a man with a of New Bedford, Diocesan Direc­

dry sense of humor and a "very tor for Vocations.

unqerstanding wife," smiles. Also seated at the dais were "I don't know myself," he says. the chaplains of the Diocesan He explains that in 1958, after area Serra Clubs, namely, Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, Fall eight years in Uruguay, "eco­ River; Rev. James F. McCarthy, nomic conditions weren't good and I decided to return to Hol­ Attleboro; Rev..John F. Hogan, New Bedfol'd; Rev. James F. land," where he is pn executive in a family empire of department Lyons, Taunton. .Also present were Rev. Joseph stores and men's and women's Hanna, C.S.C., pastor of the new specialty shops. "Then Father .Peter Richards, Holy Cross Parish, So. Easton, and Rev. Francis M. Coady of the founder of the Christian Family Movement., asked me to Centerville. start a Serra Club in Montivideo. Bishop Speaks Bishop Connolly, commenting I told him I'd stay for six months on Mr. Berber"s talk, referred to and then he'd havil to find some­ 8n article by Jean Guitton that one else." Speaking aside of the Catholic . appeare<.l in a I:ecent issue: of ·The Anchor on "what the layman Family Movement, Mr. Berbers' said he believes in the impor­ .~xpccts ofa priest.\> , Too m;1I1Y forget 'that a pJ'iest t.ance of the movement because, "If we save the Catholic family, bas not only a hol'izontal role­ we save the Catholic faith and in 'his J'elations with his fellow men---'but a vert.ical role: "A give many priests to God." The six mont.h "Serra period" pi'iest has to be kno~il as ';i ,.meended years ago, but Mr. Ber­ 'diator between God and man," bers is more "involved" with the bishop said. . He said he thinks basically Serra than ever before. "Today," he says "no Serran can be in­ "some of the imbalance we ex­ active when the need is so peJ'ience today is due to the im­ great." pulsive tendencies of some-par­ At the time hc"started the club ticularly the very young-who in Montivideo, "the only other can't understand why the decrees of Vatican II wel'e not carried one in South America was in out the afternoon of Dec. 10, Lima, Peru. I saw great possibil­ 1965." , ities for the entire Church if Touching on OJie activity of South America were dotted with SelTa mentioned by Mr. Berbers Serra Clubs." The movement, spurred in -visiting seminaries and estab­ large part" by Mr. Berber's en­ lishing close contact with semi­ thusiasm, grew by- leaps and Jlarians-the bishop said: ttr don't think an,)'one study­ bounds. In 1962, he was elected governor 'of the Serra Distrfct ing for the priesthood or any­ thing else should feel he has to encompassing Argentina, Ur'U­ guay, Paraguay and Chile ­ let candy, the bishop said "Pam­ pering would be a mistake. Re"about half the size of the United

Right photo: seated John J. Pendergast, Jr., secretary of the Myannis Club; Bishop Gerrard, standing, Atty. Edmund Brennan, Taunton president; Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes of New Bedford, Diocesan Director of Vocatione; Dr. David Costa, president of t.he New Bedford Serra.

States." In 1964, he was elected to the executive board of Serra Inter­ national, charged with the re­ sponsibility of supervising Serra "in all of South America. Now I am covering the world." He pauses lor a minute, pon­ dering the next step. "There still are no Serra chibs on the moon yet." As a man on the go, Jan Ber­ bers describes his main purpose as "studying Serra Clubs, how they are working, how they are performing." In the process, he is delivering "interchanges of information" about how clubs in the various parts of the world function. "I am trying to sell our or­ ganization the idea that work n,lust go into this," he says. "Fos­ tering vocations must be done by external activities as well as prayers." Growth of Serra

After seven years of e;fforts in South America, he feels Serra has proved its value. "We are seeing an increase of vocations. We can't prove it's a result of

our work, but vocations are growing."

However, Jan Berbers feels that fostel'ing a vocation is not enough. "We are not only fishing 'for new vocatio'ns, but maintain­ ing old' ones. Our job is to help the church in all priestly fields:" -,' Some clubs specialize in visit­ ing seminaries, in keeping 'close contacts with new young priests, in conducting vocat.ional orienta­ tion sessions for young peoplee:­ "Where we must point· out all vocations, not just religious oli.es, ancj let them make their choice freely" - in conducting. parish programs, where Serrans speak to adult groups. "Mol'e than ever' today young­ sters are r'eceiving impl'essions from all sides-too little about vocations. W" must point out to them the man)' ways of life that will lead t.o God." "Explain from experience to teen-age boys what is necessary to be a good Catholic doctor, a good Ccltholic lawyer-a good priest." He has discovered in his travels that the "new church" is a church ;'1 mot.ion. "There are the oldel' ones who don't under­ stand about the new church.

There' are some young priests with too much impatience." Asked how the effects of Vat­ ican II are being received by peoples in parts of the world he has already' visited, Mr. Berbers shrugs his shoulders: "About half and half. Half who miss the old, half who can't wait for the new." Asked about recently publi­ cized accounts of the "lack of need" for missionaries and mis­ sion funds in South America, Mr. Berbers shakes his head. "1 disagree," he said. "South America needs priests and money more than ever. That is neces­ sary. But programs should be well studied. and prudently man­ aged." He points out that in Latin America, "where there are 210,000,000 Catholics, there are only 38,000 priests. Compare that with one priest for every 750 Catholics in the United States. Half of the priests in Latin America, he says, are mission­ aries from the United States and Europe, the other half are native priests. New I;iturgy

The "new litur'gy" has been "very profitable" in South America, he feels. "People are participating more than before, which is important in a country , t hat doesn't have enough priests:" He says, though, asked abput "too ,rapid 'progr'ess" that has -embroiled some Dutch priests'in controversy, "In Holland, a few priests are going too far. They are doing things not yet pet'­ mitted-and we have to mainta'in always discipline in the church." One of the problems of the rap'id swing t.o "newness" in Holla'nd, he feels, is that in his nativecountJ'y, "People are very religious minded. Families c.is­ cuss these things, and some a-e too progressive.

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"This will level off, though." Right now, he feels, "we neC(lJl silence more th.an ever to s~ whether we are fulfilling th~ role God has for· us in this time of history." When his long trip is OVCIi', Mr. Berbers admits, "it will, be good to be home again and sfin down by the fireplace in quiev' n am longing to be quiet now." Besides, Mr. Berbers has fl home project to continue. W<Jiting for him in Mnntivideo are two sons, Paul, 16, anllll Thomas, 13, both students at n Catholic high school opel':Jted by the Marist Brothers. Are both his sons considei'ing the priesthood? "No," he replies emphatically. Then he cocks his head: "Bwfi perhaps one!"

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THE ANCHOR--=OiOces;'of Fall River-Thurs., feb: 2, 1967 . ' .).....,


. It is the lI.ord Who says "God Love You"

God I.ove'. You

Eli%a~eth'Hamiltoi1' Relates . Story of Abela~d, Heloise



By Most (lev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.o. My joy that the Holy Father chose Monsignor <>"Meara .. my succesSOr is tremendous-just tremendous! God has ben ,., good to all of us with this admirable appointment. The four yeam Monsignor O'Meara was Assistant National Director in this office" he was my right hand. The 'love he inspired for the Missions in the seven years he was Diocesan Director in St. Louis was ~ overwhelming tha.t priests, and people there gave four times the average American gift to the Missions. He knows first hand, fl'Oltl inspections we made together to the world's destitute areas, the leper homes, missions, orphanages and h()spitals your love has built. He has heard the anguished cry of those still in need oil the ba~e ingredients of material and spiritual life.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Thenames Abelard and Heloise have a scandalous ring. Their owners were twelfth century celebrities, he a priest,

she a nun. The impre!Hlion which m09t of us have is that they had an affair despite their vows. The impres5ion .is wrong. They were lovers; that a cleric should not wed, al­ they were married; they had though free to do so, because a child. But they became family life would interfere with priest and nun, respectively; his studies. "Afterwards," Abel­

only 'afterward. Their Story' is' ard wrote, ''we went our separate told again in Heloise (Double- ways, unobserved. From that Thank God, ][ wilD 'coidlnue to serve the Missions and work day, $4'.95. 501 time we saw each other only closely with Monsignor: O'Meara. My hond with the SPOF is Franklin Ave., , , rarely, and then in secret." cioser than ever for the bishops of the Garden Cit y, Thenceforth Abelard lived as United States at their Episcopal Confer­ N. Y, 11531) by a monk, Heloise as a nun. In ence elected me Chairman of the Na­ Elizabeth Hamtime, he became..a priest and an tional Commissio:n of the Sociriy. for Uton. The tellabbot. She eventually founded the Propagation of the Faith. This ing is sympaa new .community,. of which, as makes me its "grandfather" - and you thetically done. it flourished, she was first abASSISTANT DIRECTOR: know how grandfathers. love their

It could be somebess. They met but infrequently, grandchildren which you are to me!

what more exand then in only the most proper Rev. Michael J. McManus, After begging for so many years, hew peditious. Miss way. Their correspondence was Philadelphia native who is a

eould I stop when 10,000 die eaeh day Hamilton's prinevidently skimpy. priest in'the Archdiocese of of starvation because we who have so c i pal concern At first Abelard was at the Washington, is the new exec­ much did not share with those who have here is interabbey of Saint-Denis, near Paris. utive secretary of the Nat­ nothing!

pretlltion, and to that ,en(l she Later, he sought seclusion in a indulges in more repetlti,on than hermitage he set up some 50 ional Association of Catholic

What then is our responsibility? We' the ordinary reader'can patient- miles from the city. But students Chaplains, post in the Bur­

J,y endure. flocked to him in this retreat, eau of Health and Hospitals, who 'are affluent must do all we can to make the Body of Christ grow in the impoverished and non-Christian areas. That is wby There may be complaint, toO, and settled about him. Later He will· have the title of the .Pope has a central Society for the Propagation of the Faith 'about her quoting, sometimes still, he became abbot of Saint­

which the Council said holds "first place" among all Societies to nther iengthily, from: Latin . Gildas'-deRhuys in B 1" itt any, assistant bureau director. aid the Missions; The reason for helping the Missions is not be­ documents, and then translnting.· where 'he was constantly at war NC Photo.. cause they are poor, but, because they are Christ agonized in the' The English, it may be thought, with his monks.

s~ffering. It was He Who said "I was h~gry."'" . would suffice. But when wlDat is Idea ot AbsilJleDee

Meanwhile, Heloise had taken

Quote(f is verse much ot. the beauty is lost in tral1lslmtioR, over the hermitage, which was,

I beg each reader of this column to eat 11 oat and send' It te : Continued from Page. One and it is good to have thl~ Latin. now called the Paraclete. The

the .NaUonal.Office of, The Soeieb lor the ProPa&'atioD 01 tile The sudden holocaust in the Miss Hamilton visited all. the .young women who joined her' Faith, 366 Fifth AVe1lue, New Yorlt Cit,.. 90 that I ma,. personall;,­ places in which this .dl~atMess she formed in the religious ,life 'space capsule was even a greater show Monsoignor O'~ara tiw great Is.,.our love lor. Christ suf­ shock to the world, Vatican radio story was played oot. Ai read-. and gave the elements of learn­ tering all over tbe world. What ,.ou do lor the plnntoned Christ ers of her previous booke: bow, lng. It was for their benefit said, "because we had become todaY,eruelfieti in the lamished, .the leperous, the impoverisbed too used to successes" in the bers is an expert hand at de- that she appealed to Abelard for . missionaries, and tillose who dwell in the I',arbal'e heaps 01 ibiIJ United States space progl·am. IICription and conveying atmo- direction. world. Cbrisi Himsell will bless ,.0& for He .Is the ODe. Wbo The broadcast editorial added 8phere, The scenes, as she ren'; . She had, what would have sa;,-a "God Love YlIlU!" ders them, become visible, pal- been considered advanced ideas that one of the' all too few solid pable, and add immeasurabl;y to about her life in religion. A re­ 'principles of modem life for Bishop Fulton .r. Sbeen;s talks used prfvately' for over 40_ .' the effect of·the story. liglous, she eontended, should which we can be thankful is years to help people, of aH faiths find meaning and deeper. hap­ SeWDg In Pa.ris aspire to be a Christian, not that "there is never need to sac­

piness in life, are now available to the general public on 25 rec­ The book opens and closes in more tha?- a 'Christian. To flilfill, rifice life for the sa,ke 6(' scien­ ords-THE LIFE IS WORTH LIVING SERIES. In 50 talks of tific progress." Paris: The' first pag~ finds Miss t~e tea?hmg of the G~pe1s calls 30 minutes each, His Excellency otfers wise, inspiring guidance 011 Hamilton' in the shadow. of" ,for a .hig~ d.egree of virtue.··· ;011 i>,roblemsa.J;fecting an age groups: lov~, marriage, 'r~ising chil-. Notre-in me "1' th t t ,(:haracterIstIc' of her way ol' II d'ren,' suffering, anxiety, loneliness,. alCQholism and death as well in Whi~' H:e~~~~n1ive: ~~e:n·~h01;1ghtis!ter insistence that it as princip.. les of. t.he Christi.an faith,. A w~m~erful Christm~ thought ahe and' Abelard met. At the ~nd,: I~ m, abstmence from wr.ong-. . Continued .from Page .One . : for, sc.h ools,.. clubs, colleges, r.ectoril7~' pripons,. the L;P, high-fidelity we ate i'n Pere Lachaise ceme- d~ng: ,not from food, that vIrtue, ,18,000.Cathohc churches m. the, albu'!', manufactured. by th~ !tCA. custom dept., mai)'" be ordered. te ry."V'iewi ng th e t omb w hel'elll' . conSists. . His t bl t' d St c(mntry 'on Laetare Sun~ay" . from :Bishop FUlton' ,1.. ~een, 366 Fiftb, ..Avenue, New York" N. Y. their bones rest today. , r o u e~ con 1I1ue . ' .' ,March 5. . 10001; $57.50. , ". ",. . Abelard wa ab t 22 Bernard of Clauvaux condemned Proceeds from . the Bishops'

d ' bis writi?gs ina way older'thah Hel~ise.o~e wa:;Y:::: him Overseas Aid Fund Appeal and GOD LO' V" .

iit Britt . 1079 th' f . ferOCiOUS and unfair. But he was . the children's Lenten campaign , . " " YOU to S.O.K. lor $8'75. "I have saved this te . any In , , e !lOn 0 champ' d b P t th V s\lpport the relief 'and welfare. . send., to BIShop SheeD lor. ~is poor In the Missf(ms. and then I a knight and the eldest o:f four" lOne y e er e' ell;­ real~zed thai they were God s poor and It didn't matter who seat brothers. His 'father. was 'II. 5:01- :erable, abbot of ClunY,and It programs conducted in 80 coun' 'th' t 11 l' . was at Cluny and one of its tries by Catholic Re~ief Services, _. Ii ~ them." .••To Alllon for $325 sent ~ S.P.O.F. ins~ad of tl'kinA' d ler WI In e ectua uitercsts. dilUghter h th t h t .overseas aid agericy of American a wmter vaeaiion.••. To D.H. lor $2. We are expecting our tenth who fostered the educati6n o f . ous:s a. e spen child and didn't kDol" til" .we were going to make ends meet. the exceptionally gifted Abelard hiS l~st ~ears, m relatIve peace. Catholics. . . He dIed 10 -1142. More than 40 million povertyT~en my. husb:nd won $25 80 we l"~ to .share our good 10liuM At some pomt he became a .. . 'lCleric, as did most students .at HelOIse .lived on for 22. more stricken men, women and chilWith the p o o r . . .

the time. This meant that he l1lad years, ruling the commumty at dren overseas benefited from

received the tonsure' it did 110t the Paraelete and. founding ~ix last year's appeal, which enabled

',. others. Her remallls were InCRS to distribute, without re­

Illean tha t he was even 10 IRll\OC t d 'th h' d .. .orders, much less major olrders. ~rre Wi IS, an moved with gard to race, religion or coloc,

Beeomes Teaeher hIS from place to place, as the almost 775,283 tons of food,

. " . fortunes of religion .in France clothing, medicines and other

Havmg riled all hiS tea(:hers, fll:ctuated d uri ng subseque t relief supplies, valued ilK $13$

~ became one himself, in Paris" centuries. n million, to areas of distress ill

at Good Religious ou> of Paris,back in Paris: 'l'here Afr~ca, Asia and Latin America. IlIe first met Heloise, in lUG. She was then 15 or .16, ht~ in. ~belard. was ·a. genius, ~ut lihe was the niece of FulbE~rt, a' Miss. Hamtlton belIeves Hel«;llse canon of Notre-Dame. She "(:ould have be.en the g~eater of the Discuss Reva.mping wi'ite a rare accomplishment" w~. DeSPIte the III usage to Newman. Program and ~as -'ready so learned~' which Abelard was subjecte? ~ 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Re­

~ su rpass all other women of one p~ace and another, HelOise s tbe time, and most men. suffermgs were wo~e. She never structuring of the Newman Club

In Miss Hamilton's '1'ie\1f ceased to love him, and the program of the Catholic Church

Abelard set crafitly about ~ lIlemory of the past was always was discussed at a two-day _ meeting here. of the National ~a~~nallQ!_.~,~.aiS'!J_IIQSI~£:IQI._~_.::M~n.~ seduction of this paragOft. He fresh and tor~ll;ting to her._ Newman Chaplains' Association oontrived to induce Fulbert to ,She was c,:onvlnced that she The aim 'is to "put the New~ engage him as teacher.to Heloise ' wa~ .not, COUld. not be, a good Year Books Color Process and to take him into his own reh!~?us. Cert~mlyshe does not, man apostolate back' 'in 'the 'household. The two became as ,._iSS H~mllton observes, .fit Church" in' line 'with Sec~nd Booklets Brochures 10ve'rs, the categories of sO!Jle who prIde Vatican. Councildil'ectives : OIl education, said Father. Philip J. Heloise was soon with child th~emselves on being religious­ Abelard spirited her out of he~ mmde~ know it. .But it is t,h~' ·Branon of Bur!ington, vt.; pres­ uncle's house and away from a~th~r s contention th~t. Heloise ident of the Newm'an c.haplainl1. Paris to his family's home ill was ~nd~ed a good religIOUS. Brittany. -There the child W83 Thi~ IS. a te~pest1;10us st?~y. born, a son named Astralabe, ~ho~kmg m man?, of itS ~artIcu­ minds and motives of the famous OFFSET .- PRINTERS - LmeRPRESS whose history. is unrecorded. ", . but un~y~ical of Its ~ge pair is pe,rceptive. O.thers have only m the brIlliance of the prm- exploited' the story or romanti­ -1-- B1 COfFIN AVENUE Phone 997-942' Become Monk, Nun cipals. It ends on a high, if not cized it~ She has' sought, and On their return to PariSI tltley really serene; note. '. successfully, to see it as it was New IhcBford, Mau.

were marr~ed. This was agains~ Miss Hamilton has retold it and to bring out its exact

Heloise's wish. She maintaine41 well, and her probing ott tale significance.


Pope Laments

", Lente"n.· .'Appe'.


"Save With Safety"



Ameri:can Press, Inc.


Feehan Students Spark Area-Wide Campaign to Aid Poverty-Sf/'Il'ic:ken


Families in Appalachian Region Principals are as busy as their students these days. F-eatured ~t last week's Diocesan CYO convention in Prov­ idence was Si'8ter Mary Meroy, R.S.M., principal of Bishop Feehan High :in Attleboro. As keynote speaker, she told convention delegates that a Yule project of collecting items they must be concerned with of use to the needy in Appala­ world affairs and must ac­ chia. Results, said the students, cept the world as it is and were beyond their expectations,

seek the good to be found in it. and a great amount of interest was shown by fellow-Feehanites She said CYO members are des­ tined to be leaders and that as and faculty members in their adults they must respect the project. Therefore the juniors human dignity of all God's have decided to make Project Appalachia a continuing activi­ people. To be found in Washington ty and broaden its scope to in­ clude members of other Feehan this week was Sister Mary Con­ silii, RS.M., principal of Fall classes as well as area residents. Information, say s William River's Mt. St. Mary Academy. She was in attendance at I an Flanagan, class president, has executive meeting of the College been received from the Office of Economic Opportunity in Entrance Examination Board. Washington indicating w hat College-Bound Seniors items are of greatest use to Ap­ College and nursing school ac­ ceptances continue to mount. At palachia residents. Among such .Jesus '" Mary Academy, F a II items are clothes, toys and school supplies. As collected, they are River: Charlotte Dube to Bridge­ water. At Prevost, Fall River: being stored at Feehan and Eliz­ Louis Yokell to Lowell State. abeth Poirier, another junior At Dominican Academy, Fall member has made arrangements River; Denise Martin, Union for their shipment to the ll-state Hospital School of Nursing; Appalachian region. Students at other schools or Therese Chouinard and Harriet Kelly, UMass and Bridgewater· interested adults may give con­ Elaine Fisette, Nancy Gancarski: tributions to any Feehan student or may bring their gifts to the J'anin~ Parent, Louise Verette, school itself. Money donations Bridgewater. At Bishop Cassidy, Taunton; will be used to purchase usable Doreen Bettencourt, He 1 e n items or to cover additiou"al packing and shipping costs. Hayes, Elizabeth Maitoza, Patri­ Mardi Gras D:\l1ce cia Roberts, St. Anne's Hospital; Up-coming at Jesus-Mary: a Mary Bowen, St. Elizabeth's' Janet -'McCarthy, University of Mardi Gras dance to rai~ funds Dayton; C her y 11 McCaffrey, for the senior prom. The affair UMass; Helen Bolduc, Joanne will be held from 8 to 11 Monday' night, Feb. 6 in the school audiCollins, Joanne Eugenio, Kath­ leen Reilly, Johnson and Wales. , torium; with music by the New . Breed. Theme for the senior Gym Meets prom has been narrowed down Gym meets are in preparation to a field of thl'ec: Ebb Tide, at both Sacred Hearts Academy Zorba the Greek and The Sweet­ Fall River and Bishop Cassidy: heart 'free.

Bishop Cassidy's event will be

Mothers of Prevost students

the first such at the Taunton will sponsor a whist party at 8

school, and will be called a Thursday night, Feb. 16 in the "Gym-Jam." Features will in­ school cafeteria. In charge of clude contests between a soph­ arrangements is Mrs. Wilfred omore red team and a freshman Michaud. blue team. Upper classes will Mt. St. Mary juniors have re­ demonstrate various aspects of ceived their rings; and JMA dit"­ athletics, including square danc­ toes will get th~irs after report ing, bamboo dancing, appal'atus cards have been distributed. exercises and stunts, baton Junipero Club members at twirling, tumbling and pyramids. Bishop Stang High in North Relays will include hurdle, Dartmouth heard a talk by Louis sweatshil·t, jumprope, human Bodrie on the use and abuse of croquet, basketball dribbling, drugs. A discussion of the place shuffle-poles, balloon and stick­ of L8D in medicine highlighted run drop races. Arrangements. the address.

for the program have been made And Stang students are look­

by Mrs. Marcia Salmon, athletic ing forward to the fourth annual

director, and Sister Mary Cath­ Southeastern Massachusetts Folk

erine, moderator, together with Festival, which will be held at

a coordination committee. Judges 8 Saturday night, Feb. 4 at

will be Mrs. Marie Snyder, coach Stang. Sponsored by the Stang

at SHA Fall River, and Miss alumni association for the bene­

Doreen Menzes. fit of its scholarship fund, it'll

The Taunton gym-jam will be feature 12 acts and is being ar­ held Sunday, Feb. 12; while SHA ranged by Theresa Perry of the Fall River will hold its annual class of '64. ­ event Thursday and Friday, iDhristian Youth Movement Feb. 16 and 17. Traditional Christian You t h Movement stunts and tumbling will be members of Prevost High and added to this year by a demon­ stration of bamboo dancing, as JMA are planning among Lenten activities a Way of the Cross to at Cassidy. Another event participated in . be open to the public as well as stude'nts of the two schools' a by both Cassidy and SHA stu­ visit to Rose Hawthorne Lath~op dents was a fal'ewell party at La Salette Shdne in honor of Home; a Bible Vigil and a Len­ ten Sacrificial Meal. CYM offi­ Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Ken'ins and their family of 10 children, all cers were 'hosts on Sunday ·1,0 a bound for Lima, Peru for 18 meeting of prefects of Diocesan high school sodalities', held at months of work among the poor. Cassidy sent members of the the Prevost library.; and another senior religion class to the party. recent CYM activity was partici­ pation in a panel discussion on The girls performed a hooten­ , the Vatican Council declaration anny by way of entertainment. on The Apostolate of the Laity. Diane Dziduszko, captain of the 2lchool, and Joan Kelly. sodality Discussants were Rene Boulay, Edmond Tremblay and Paull prefect, represented fellow-stu­ Lizotte, all of Prevost. dents at SHA Fall River.

Basketball Scores :Post-Christmas :Project

JW1iors at Bishop Feehan had At D~minican Academy, var­ sity and jayvee basketball play­ o meaningful discussion on pov­ erty before Christmas in one of ers defeated JMA dittoes with, scores of 48-28 and 18-12 respec:' Sister Mary Julian's religion classes. As a result, they aQop~ed tivel¥;. and at SHA Fall River,

CLASS OF}'ICERS: mass officers at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, are, seated from left, Betty Czerwonka, Room Four vice-president; Andrea Schnell, Room One vice­ president; rear, Denise St. Laurent, Room Three vice-presi­ dent; Jeannine Beaudry, senior class president. hoopsters defeated Somerset priests. Feehan student council mem­

High 52-46. 'rhey were reward­ ed the next day by a junior bers have been exhibiting civic spirit by collecting for the heart class-sponsored party. And at Stang the varsity team fund; and as far as campus defeated Bishop Feehan 78-70, spirit goes Pep Club members thus quenching Feehan hopes for hope to spark future basketball games' by such tactics as provid­ the Bristol County League cham­ ing cookies for .the players, hav­ pionship. Back at DA, the var­ sity and jayvee players lost to ing more and better signs, dec­ Case High and Cassidy's recent orating the gym for home games victories have included wins and having the band play at over Taunton and JMA. The. games both at home and away. At DA the 12<1 words per min­ Taunton school is now hoping for a chance at the Narry Girls' ute shorthand test has been Basketball League championship. pas~ed by Claire Nadeau, Mau­

reen Albernaz, Maureen Fisher, Provocative Topics Madeline Phinney and .Joyce . Provocative discussion topics Pavao. Paulette Rouillier and have been on the agenda at Shirley Motta have passed a 100 .Diocesan highs. For instance: at words a minute test~ Also at JMA the Catholic Students' Mis- DA, a tutoring program will sion Club had a debate this week provide assistance to fellow­ on Rev. Charles Davis' justifica­ students from science, geometry, tion for leaving the Church. Latin and French whiz kids. The Michelle Dufour and Virginia project is under the direction of Roy supported his action; while Diane Ratte, student council Alice Dumoulin and Suzette president. Guillemette decried it. And at New Schedule Cassidy ElIzabeth Lawson mod­ erated a panel on priestly celi­ A new school schedule will bacy conducted by freshman re­ kick off the new semester at ligion class members. Research Prevost. School will open at 8:05 included study of magazine arti.. in the morning, with five 55 cles and interviews with area . minute periods in the course of

Feb. 2,


the day. Subjects will be taugM four times weekly. And Prevost debaters have

Saturday ringed on their' calen­

dar. They'll travel to St. Cather­

ine's High in Newport for 0


Tomorrow, Saturday and Sun­

day are all ringed by junior­

senior boys' sodality members at

Stang. They'll be on retreat at

Milton, Mass. under direction oK

the Columban Fathers.

Sllturday's important too for

next year's crop of high schoon

freshmen. They'll be taking en­

tr'lnce exams at high schools o!f

their choice come Saturday

morning. Awarding of scholar­

ships will be determined by

standings in the tests.

Latinists at SHA Fall Rivel1' are working on classical projects .just now; including models oK

Mt. Olympus, Roman houses and

baths and the Circus Maximus

and reports 01' fashions, hair­

styles and customs, Latin-style.

Competing in "Science Count­ Down," an ETV program de­ signed to ferret out Massachu­ setts' top 11th grade science stu­ dent is George Kaczowka, presi~ dent of Feehan High's science club. Also at Feehan, MiSlJ Maryam Usam of Pakistan ill being welcomed on an inspection tour today. The educational specialist, who visited Bishop Cassidy High last week, is studying educational! administration and supel'visiolhl in U.S. schools. Her tour is un­ der the sponsorship of the U. &. Department of Health, EducatioIU

and Welfare. At Holy Family Kevin Harrington, Anchor re­ porter from Holy Family High jill New Bedford, reports that HF'tJ Msgr. McKeon Debate Society won four debates and lost none at a Nal'ry 'League tournament at Mt. St. Mary's Academy. Holy Family is now tied with St. Catherine's for first place iJ:! League standings. The New Bed­ ford debaters also won a second place trophy at the Daniel We\)..

ster debate .at Melrose High, while the A team finished tied for first place HF's Daniel Lar­ kin will represent his higb school on Student Government Day in Boston, while Margaret­ Mary McIntyre is being congrat­ ulated for winning second prize in a peace essay contest SPOibo­ sored by New Bedford Lions. lHF . student councillors are sponsoring dances after Friday night home games at Kennedy Center. The HF Blue Waves arc;:

undefeated so far, and are

cheered to victory by seniol?

cheerleadel's Frances Mulcairna,

Louise Cayer, Elaine Markey"

Jane Oliveira and Maureen Mauo

Oefttluutlng iclucatlOill


WV8DAY I/VONINGlI 7,Cl) to 9roo P.M.



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Apr. 18th

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'14 T!i.EANCH~~:D'i~~ of ~~~:'Rh"~f~~ts;<fe~':~!g~~f~~!~?~~:!:~n~:~~~i!y~:~,i~'":~£~~f.!P~t:~to '/:M~~~e~: ·Board:· ·Chan.gei.: .


" :;,~ ... ,:;

':~'-;:';;~;C'1?,~':/DETROrt (NC)

L'tlte·;.presl;':./s(QIl'ofthe University's. (!.harter

Camden Seminarians COndIllCf. . ··:\'V~;\~:,··.;·,.dentof theUr:tiyersity ofJ)etfo~(~whichwJllsoo~be !l\ib~4e.d f9r :;. '. .'. . ....:::,:.':'~ '~,isaid here that total. owne.ishi:p~ approval to the State of Micht. Informal Recru~iting: . Program' "',"::' ·',.~dcori~rOl:, of theuniVerSi~)t·.gim: Thetmiversity, re~~iv~~ Jts . '." '" '. • . . ,. \. " . Will be gIven to a new board, of·" charter from &tate... . ~e


CAMDEN (NC) - There'll be trustees, half of whose meinbers ­ 1&0 "vacation lag" in the Camden last year.:' .,.' '., . , will be laymen and half Jesuit " The most 'significant .change diocese-not if 10 Camden semi"It is not necessarily attributed priests. in 'the new board of 'trustees. lllarians . have anything' to say 19' the seminarians, but they~ay Father Malcolm Carron, S.J., ... Father Carron stressed, ',is' that about it. '. have been a part of the reason;"'" said the new 16-member board, its Jesuit members will all come . So far, they've !laid plenty·. as said Msgr. Richard J. Callahan, will replace the uitiversity's from outside the' university. Jes­ they spent their 1965 and 1966 diocesan director of vocations. preseht seven - member Jesuit - uit members· will'be chosen ·from Christmas. vacations touring' The informal recruiting pro- board in about two months. The' other Jesuit universities 'and Camden Catholic high schools, gram started about a year ago change is part of a general rE;vi-' agencies in the United'States and talking with students and tell­ when the seminarians, ~ho met ing them what seminary ·lue is regularly to trade shop talk dur­ all about. ing their vacations, decided to . UThey changed any, n0t!-0n, /Jf share their experiences with po­ 'the seminary being a d\lll place tential new seminarians. without any contalZt' wit~ real­ Pleasant Byproduct ' It was a natural step. Arid ity," said 14-year-old James Meany, a student at Pat4· VI there was no difficulty in organ­ High School in Haddon To\yn­ izing the trips. "They were' aU ship. enthusiastic about it," said Smith. That was just the reaction ~he "The recruiting trips have had ceminarians wanted. . an unexpected and pleasant by­ . Personal Contact product. The night before one of "Recruiting methods for to­ their appearances, the semina­ day's seminarians must be just. rians met at the home of semi­ that-today's," said Leonard M. narian Robert McDermott, 24, of Smith, 24, of Deptford, a student Merchantville to plan the follow­ at Mt. St. Mary's ,Seminary in ing day's work. .. Emmitsburg, Md. While they were there, three "We live in a world of ,the priests dropped in to offer their person and personal contact' and advice: It'was a welc/Jme visit. "Too often a seminarian can that is what we are trying to establish." .... \., ... feel alone and isolated, not really At Camden Catholic High a layman or a. cleric,'" McDer­ School which the seinimirillns mott explained. uThis cOntact have ~isited twice, there' -w:ere with the priests has stopped '18 vocations to the priesthood that."' . , ., . :., ,


Canada, he sald.·· i, '.:,!, 0perated by the .Jesult Fa~eJII since 1877, the Universityo~~ troit,n~w has l2~O.~O students.­ .


li$h~p P[J'e~clhes" YOUNGSTOWN (NC)-Bish~ James W. Malone, apostolic ad­ ministrator of the Youngstowza diocese, spoke for the first timca in an Orthodox church during observance of the Week' 02 Prayer for Christian Unity.


OJ?eD'il ~

~(lIi1Iy .~


TI@ flll.M.





Catholi'cs to D;scuss Membership '.

In State Cou~cml 'of Churches

,AUSTIN (NC) - Representa­ whether our membership can iiives of the Texas Catholic Con'­ help the council itself become. a ference and the Texas Council of better and more effective organ­ Churches will meet here this ization of Christians in relation month to discuss pOlJsible Cath­ to the social order." olic membership in the Council The Catholic conference exec­ of Churches. ' . utive noted that establishment The meeting, scheduled for of ·the two committees was in Feb. 13, was announc:ed by Cal­ keeping with the guidelines es­ lan Graham, executive' secretary tablished last August by the of the Texas Catholic Confer­ Bishops' Commission for Ecu­ ence. It will be the xirst formal menical Affairs and the National discussion between the two reli­ Council of Churches. gious organizations, although Graham said that to his Catholic observers have been knowledge the only CathQlic present at the 1965 and 1966 participation at this time in a state conferences of the Texas state council of churches is in Council of Churches. New Mexico where the archdio­ An eight-member committee cese of Santa Fe h~ become a was appointed recently by Arch~ member. bishop Robert E. Lu(:ey of San Antonio to study poslJible Cath­ olic participation in the council. Asks Expanded

Archbishop Lucey is chairman Poverty War

of the Texas Catholilc Confer­ WASHINGTON (NC) - Reso.­ ence. lutions for III strengthened war An eight-man committee, con­ sisting of four clergymen and on poverty, a deeper involve­ ment in community affairs, and four laymen, has also been ap­ pointed by the Texas Council of a statement on peace through development were adopted by Churches. the board of directors of the Na­ The Catholic committee met in . tional Council of Catholic Women Austin Dec. 29 to hor,d prelim­ during their annual meeting at inary discussions on the affilia­ the Villa Cortona Apostolic tion question and to consider an Center. agenda for the Feb. t:l meeting. NCCW leaders urged that anti­ Better Relationns poverty funds be increased The Texas Catholic, newspaper rather than reduced. They re­ of the Dallas-Fort-Worth dio­ quested that appropriations cut ceese, quoted Graham as saying, by Congress last year be restored "The main point for (:onsidera­ and that the amount asked ·for tion is whether and to what ex­ Nothing reserved,· nothing withheld - Everything goes regardless of fiscal 1968 be substantially in­ tent Catholic membership in the' creased so that a more realistic 'Cost, loss or Sacrifice. We're clearing out all Odds and lEnds, Floor Sam­ Texas Council of Churches can attac!t on the problem may be ples, ',Disco",tinued Styles and Hundreds of One and IFew-of-a-Kind Items . oontribute to better interfaith made. '" relations and understanding, and to make room for carload purchases expected soon from the notion's Asking for a more. positive at­ titude toward the war on Pov­ leading furniture fadories. Most items are One-of-a-Kind and subject to Jesuits to Serva erty, Mrs. R. C. Berrie, chairman prior sale - Hurry for choice selecticns.· of the NCCW statements com-. In VISTA Worlk "mittee, sai4: FREE D)ElIVERY - EASY TERMS . , .. .. . UObstaCles' are to be ~xpecte(f PORTLAND (NC)-An exper­ in any effort to solve a problem iment· to bring Jesuits'"' of .the' as' neglected and misunderstood Oregon. province "into direct· 'as. that of poverty. Too 'much contact with ~he poor" will get emphasis 'is being placed on the 1IIlderway thIS Summer. when program's flaws and little on the m~mbers of the Society of Jesus. ,progress it has 'm,ade., ' . . i'OUr I experience' in various. WIll be allowed to volunteer ,for .: servi~e in the VISTA Associate po v'e r t yprograms, esPecially.· Prog~am. Women in Community Service: . ' .. , ... " "New England's ILall'gellt furniture'''SllowrOOm''': (V~STA'standsfor'V'(Jlunteers (WICS),hasmadeusfirst-hand ' '. . i':{::.~: ..,,, ., . ,.;~,."",,. ,,;;', , , . ., ",'; "., in S~t;vice to America and has observers .of .that progress" 'and;., flIlVMOUl'ii:""YIE. AT RODMAN sr"~ IFAU·IIVER·;;""ACRES"'OIF· fREE"PARKING'" ." ,; ~en icalled a !'~oJIlestrc p~~,~,. has convincedu.s ()~~he neE¥J..for 1 ,',:;... . :~! _-: ,..·.,i: -_?~ I , ,.,,~ , ''':- ,,,, .'.•" " " ; ' " " ,' ," rps::.>.~.:. .... '_:'_~.;' -:-':'_, -:.7.-'. ----.. ;--,~ .~~~~:-oed_w~_.~n"II~.Y.ertJr:.~:.::-._... _ -............ .. - ... ":.., ,, .,...,,:;.. ." ..,,,,'..,,,.";: .,;, '" ..""" ;.. ' :.'~; ..,'''.. , ':. ,,',~


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Liturgy Official Clarifies 'Home Mass Issu'e

":IE ANCHORThurs., F.eb. 2,

S~[h)@fl@l?$IXJBf?J fJ=!J@1fi)@0'f5

A!)i)@f5G'@UO«: fr»@U@9~(J'@ SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Two Jewish laymen have presented Seton Hall University here with $10,000 in Israel Bonds to estab­ lish an accounting scholarship to honor Archbishop Egidlo Vag­ nozzi, apostolic delegate to the United States. The donors of the scholarship, Samuel Klein and Jerome Fein, have an accounting firm in New­ ark. Last June Kein received the Herbert Lehmann Humanitarian Award at an Israel bond dinner at which over $1,000,000 in bonds were subscribed. One of the speakers 'paying tribute to Klein on that occasion was Archbishop Vagnozzi. In presenting the bonds to Auxiliary Bishop John J. Dough­ erty of Newark, president of Seton Hall, Klein expressed ,the hope that other businessmen would "recognize the need :for private universities to haW! 8Cholarship endowments 80 that such institutions may continue the service to all members of the community without ftlgard to racial, ethnic .. ' Mligi~ 'INleJi:AIroundl.·, ~': '


Louisville Seeks Laymen's ,Views

, ~,¥NDHURST (NC) ­ The Vatican instruotion cur­ tailing experimental Mass rites is not intend~d to pro­ hibit the celebration of Masses in private' homes, according to the official who made the instruction known. Father Annibale Bugninl, sec­ retary of Consilium, the Vat­ ican's post-conciliar commission on the liturgy, made that clarifi­ cation in a letter to Msgr. Henry G. J. Beck, noted ecumenist and pastor of Sacred Heart parish here in New Jersey. Msgr. Beck, who has said Mass in the homes of parishioners on about six occasions with the ap­ proval of Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark, had asked for the clarification in a letter to Father Bugnini. lDompetent Authority Father Bugnini replied that "given the required order and preparation, and with the neces­ sary authorization from the com­ putent authority, there is a great deal that can be done. "It was the arbitrary experi­ ments outside of these limits that have been condemned. That was all. Do not be afraid that we are trying to close all the doors-what we are working for is a living liturgy, which is both serious and beautifuL" Msgr: Beck said he has sent Q copy of the letter to Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta, chairman of the U. S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, be­ cause of the confusion caused by the Consilium instruction. l[)Jear!y Defined' The instruction, dated Dec. 29, 1966, and published Jan. 4, con­ demned " 'family Eucharistic banquets' celebrated in private homes and followed by a meal, and Masses offered using strange and arbitrary rites, vestments and formulas Q Q 0" It also stated that "It must moreover be remembered that it is not lawful to celebrate Mass in private homes, except in those cases foreseen and clearly de­ fined by the liturgical legisla­ tion." Publication of the document led some bishops to withdraw permission they had given for such Masses. Father Bugnini, in his letter to Msgr. Beck, said the instruction will be explained further in the February issue of the Consil­ ium's publication.



O,n Ed ucation LOUISVILLE (NC) Catholics in the Louisville archdiocese are getting their chance to speak out on the

CONNEc'nCUT .nNTERFAllTH PROJECT EQUALITY: An equal opportunity employ­ ment program in 'the Archdiocese of Hartford has been expanded to a statewide inter­ faith program in Connecticut. The Conn. Council of Churches and a dozen other Jewish and Protestant organizations have joined the extended program along with the Diocese of Norwich. Present for the agreement Slgrling were: Left to right, front, Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman of the West Hartford Temple B~th Israel and Msgr. Joseph V. King, Nor­ wich diocesan chancellor; rear, Rev. James :II. Webb, executive secretary of the Conn. Council of Churches and James S. Henderson, Jr.; executive director of Conn. Project Equality, Inc. NC Photo.

Says Bombin,gs to Shorten Vietnam ,War Mu~t

Hoft' Viet C~ng' Hard" Saogon Priest Says

Commenting on efforts CIJl va­ :nOUB peace groups m ibe 10'. a.

Prepares Recording BOSTON (NC)-Richard C~ dinal Cushing is preparing a tape recording OIl his personal :re­ miniscences of the late President .John F. Kennedy. '!'be recordin8 will be released after the eM­ dinal's ,death 110 the Kenne" Jlemorial Libra.,., .. lie .... '

~' at B~ ~eqjtir.,


chaplain on weekends at military bases in South Vietnam. He vol­ unteered to go to Vietnam when he learned of the large number of war orphans there who needed help. Father Smith came to Harris­ burg at the invitation of Maj. William Slabonik, whom he met in Vietnam. Maj. Slabonik is now recruiting detachment com­ mander for the Air Force in central and northeastern Penn­ sylvania.

HARRISBURG (NC)-A priest to persuade President Lyndon B. 'Johnson to de-escalate the war, from Saigon said here that con­ tinued U. S. bombing of North Father Smith said: "The 'doves' are living too far Vietnam will thwart the spread away from communism to realize of communism and lead eventu­ what it can do to people. It im­ ally to a just peace. "The only way to make the poses a terrorist regime in which Viet Cong understand that the the people become suspicious of U. S. really has the power to one another and are afraid to stop the spread of communism is act for fear of getting into to hit their installations in the trouble with communist authori­ North even harder," said Father 'ties. There is no freedom at all." Alexander Smith, S.D.B., who lllIenps Orphans has been stationed in Saigon OOZ don't think the war will last since August, 1963. The Salesian priest said "when very long if the bombing of Vietnam continues,'" the U. S. stopped bombing the North North, the North Vietnamese Father Smith said.. "r definitely were told this was a sign of feel the bombing should con­ American weakness and that the tinue. If the U. S. pulled out of U. S. would soon have to pull out Vietnam, I am convinced that the Viet Cong would have full' con­ of Vietnam." Concerning reputed bombing trol of the country in about of civilian areas by U. S. planes, three months." Father Smith is bursar at the Father Smith said: In war, ciVil­ Don Bosco Orphanage in Go­ ian casualties are inevitable. I have heard from chaplains that Wap, located on the outskirts of some field commanders suffer ~aigon, and' serves as auxiliary casualties rather than reply to Viet Cong artillery pieces be­ cause they are set up near refugees camps. The U. S. tries its utmost not to bomb civiilarn areas. Terrorist Regllme "Peace will come only if the Viet Cong are hit hard enough. When the people in North Viet­ name see the planes coming over they will realize that the Amer­ icans aTe far from finished and that what the Viet Cong have been telling them is Jl8£ from


parochial school sit u a t i 0 Ii through a survey prepared by the Catholic School Board. The 10-question survey was distributed at all parishes in the area. It asks laymen for their opinions on dropping grades, raising teacher requirements and adopting assessment plans to raise teacher salaries. One question asks: Are sep­ arate Catholic schools and col­ leges really needed? Another proposes a .family payment of $20 per month pel' child to cover education costs. Five Proposals The last survey question lists five proposals and calls for pro and con opinions on them. They include: Consolidating several adjoin­ Ing parishes to set up one good elementary school in the area. Having wealthier parishes help poorer parishes finance their elementary schools'. , Having each parish send a fixed percentage of income to a central school equalization fund, for distribution on an "as need­ ed" basis. Possible droppi.ng of the Cath­ olic school system if there are 70 per cent lay teachers in the system by 1970. Establishing a three - year training scholarship program for lay teachers.


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THE N ~CHOR-Diocese of Fall Rivet"-Thurs., Feb. 2, ,1967

"Chosen Instrument'

Prelate Summarizes Role of Bishop

At Consecration Rite

,Un-American" Activities

Committee "Under Fire

By ~sgr. George G. Higt;ins

(Director, SoeiaJ Action Dept., ~CWC) A group of 120 Roman Catholic priests and nuns in the

Greater Boston area has endorsed a "Statement of Concern" ... the right of dissent, with p~,rticularreference to the House Un-American Activities' Committee (HUAC). The priests and nunB note~ that of,so~e other congressional. com­ 'both Father Robert F. Dri- mittee. Moreover we already nan, S.J., dean of th~ BostO!l have adequate laws, regulations, ,College Law School, and specialized personnel and pro­ ,Father Joseph H. Fichter, S ..1.. professor ,of Roman, Catholic 'Studies at the Harvard Divinity School, earIier ,had raised "serious charges " against HUAC , and had called ifor "a full and open debate in the Congress

cedures for safeguarding inter­ nal security. REV: JAMlES F. BUCKLEY

Call1Ses Alarm Director

HUAC's decision of last Octo­ Adult Lenten Forum

ber to investigate Negro rioting in the major cities is, an added cause of alarm and an added reason for hoping that the Con­ gress will ,abolish the committee Continued from Page One When HUAC's chairman an­ nounced a staff inquiry Into The meaning of the Easter Negro rioting. preliminary to a Liturgy will be discussed, by full-scale committee investiga­ Rev. John Connor, Dean of St. about the contion, there were 60 anti-rioting Clement's Hall, BJ;ighton, on tinued existence of HUAC." The bills pending before the House February 26. For many Catho­ lics the Easter Liturgy seems statement called Judiciary Committee, the' appro­ attention' to an editorial by priate body' to consider such to be only' a series' of special . C ., S p '. legishition. functions "and Father Connor Father John B. SheerIn, in the Catholic World which MOl'eover a special Judiciary will show how it is a living ex­ compared HUAC's hearings in subcommittee had been author­ ample of the role of Christ in Washington, D. C., this past Au- ized to make a comprehensive our lives. gust to '''the Star Chamber pro- review of the civil rights, prob­ On March 5, from 12 noon to ceedings in Old England' " where lem. As the' Washington Post 8 P.M. there will be a display the "'rights of free speech and pointed out, this subcomrflittee in St. J:oan of Arc School of all ilair trial' If of Catholics" 'as well "needs the interference, of HUAC liturgical customs used in the as their religious liberty'" were about as-urgently as a brain sur­ home .during the Liturgical ,jeopardized. geon in the midst of a delicate Year. "Come to the Feast" aptly Ask DiscuscloD operation needs the instrusion of describes 'the theme of the day. "'We, as Catholic pr-iests and a circus clown." The works of well-known artists nuns, are aware of the dangel'S Fear Witch Hant - Fred McGrath and Mrs. .f restricting freedom of speech This is admittedly very strong Yvonne Backu5-'-will be on dis­ and the political and religious language, but no stronger than play, literature will be distrib­ Illberties guaranteed in the First the situation calls for. The edi­ uted and refreshments win be Amediment of the United states tors of the Post and many other served. This ,afternoon and, eve-­ Constitution," the statement said. thoughtful and well informed ning is planned as an ideal fam­ The signers of tbe statement observers--including the major­ ily outing, combining a- day away endorsed the calls fOl' a debate ity of civil rights leaders in the from home with ,the aeq\iisition 00 HUAC and urged Speaker of United State5-'-fear that HUAC, of Christian knowledge that c~ ,the House McCormack "to pro- under the guise of determining join family inspiration' and per­ vide for the discUsnion in the whether or not the Negro rioting sonal development. ,House of Representatives this of last Summer was, in part, Rev. John J.Mowatt of Ute ,ulilSue'merits." planned and instigated by sub- Russian Greek Catholic Union The' Boston committee cO\;lld versive elements, will engage and priest at Our Lady of KOEan !lave cited a number of other in a witch, hunt against civil Church, South Boston, will cele­ Catholics who have called far rights movements as such. brate a Byzantine Mass at the the abolition of HUAC, indudGiven the committee's past Church at 7 P.M.. on March 12. ing,Msgr. Charles Owen Rice, 'a record, I should, say that this Unleavened bread will be used , pionee'r in the field, of Catholic fear is well founded. and Communion' given under social action in the Pittsburgh It should be noted, in passing, both species. Father will pre­ , area,. and Father Edward Flan- that HUAC's critics readily ad­ cede the Mass with an explana­ nery', formCi" editor 011 the Prov- mit that the Congress needs some tion so that all participating will - udence VIsitor and an acknowl- sort of: machinery to investigate have a better understanding of it. e<lgedexpert in the fidd of those matters pertaining to in­ The choir of Our Lady of Kozan Christian Jewish relations. ternal security or to the admin- Church will assist. Msgr. Rice has publicly stated istration of existing laws. that HUAC'itself is "an ignoble They are convinced, however, experiment in un-Americanism," that adequate authority for these Heads College Group Father Flannery, in an editorial purpo~es is already vested .in LOS ANGELES (NC)-Bishop entitled "HUAC Is Not Neces- other House l;ommittees, partic­ sary," agrees with Father Fichter ularly in the Committee on the John J. Dougherty, president of Seton Hall' University, South that no group of legislators Judiciary, which has tradition,­ should have the power. to decide ally dealt with the problem of Orange, N. .1., was elec.ted' chair­ man of the 16-member commis­ what is or is not an "un-Amer- internal, security. si~n on religion in higher educa­ iean activity'" and adds, in his If the authority of the latter own name, that "it may be the committee needs to be clarified tion at the annual meeting of the judgment· of history that HUAC its rules can easily be amended Association of American Colleges itself most pedectly e~l(emplifies by the Congress to this end. But here. He succeeds William F. what is meant by this ill-defined no congressional com mit tee Quillian, Jr., president of Ran­ term." should ever be authorized-un- dolph-Macon College, Ashland, -Va. ' Three Objections der the guise of ferreting out HUAC? Basically there are three subversive elements in our so­ principal objections to the· com- ciety-to investigate "propagan­ ''This is not patriotism-it can mittee: ' da" or other forms of free ex­ 1) The' existence of lit congres- pression guaranteed by the Bill be instead the road to national disintegration. All of us must sional committee whose jurisdic- of Rights. admit, and true patriots will , tion is limited to inquiring into Patriotism Virtue agree, t~at critical thinkers and ideas, opinions, ~peech, and other To permit any agency of gov­ forms of expression is irreconcil- ernment to censor controversial thinking critics constitute the able with a system of free ex- ideas or to determine what is life-blood of any society. pression in this country. or is not an "un-American" ac­ 2) The committee's methods of' tivity would clearly violate the' operation have tended to curtail true meaning of patriotism: discussion of controversial issues Patriotism is a virtue, yes; but and to hinder the development as Cardinal Cushing of Boston Paint and Wallpaper of new ideas and new approaches pointed out in his; recent pasto­ Dupont Paint to the complex issues which face ralletter, ''The Servant Church," " cor. Middle St., our country in a rapidly chang- there is "a distressing and too '422 Acush. Ave. ing world. prevalent notion that patriotism 3) The committee serves no must be a cloak for the blanket r Q.e" New Bedford useful purpose. It considers only and, blind acceptance of all de­ PARKING a few bills each year, and all of cisioDs made' by the United Rear of Store these faIl within the juristliction States." Ja

Orleoll'B$ forum

,BALTIMORE (NC)-All that has been written and said about the office of a bishop can be summarized in the words used' at the conversion of St: Paul­ "This man is my chosen instru­ ment, to carry my name among nations," This was the theme of the ser­ mon preached by Bishop Joseph 1\. Durick, apostolic administra­ tor of Nashville, Tenn., at the consecration here of Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Mardaga of Baltimore. , Baltimore's Lawrence Cardirlal Shehan acted as consecrator at the ceremonies. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Co-conse­ crators were Bishop John .1. Rus­ sell of Richmond and Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Murphy of Bal­ timore.


A bishop, he said, "is the prin­ cipal means through which there is'made present to human soci­ ety' the divine, through which the person and message of Christ are made manifest." The new auxiliary bishop is ,ll native of Baltimore and attended st. Charles College and S,t. Mary's Seminary here. Ordained in 1940; he has served in various pastoral and- administrative as­ signments. Bishop Mardaga has been rector of the cathedrai since 1966.




If you get,our mail, watch for the mailman this week. He'll bring you, for mtssal or mirror. a SPEND lovely reproduction of 0l:lr new painting. "Ou.r Lady of the East." We hope, during Lent especi­ THIS LENT ally, 'you'll ~eep on praying for all our priests IN , and Sisters overseas•••• Lent begins Wednes­ LOVE day. and this year we must make sacrif~ on our own. Nothing is a sacrifice unless it hults. What will be your sacrifice this Lent? • _ • Just think of the ,missionaries who keep Lent-ail year long. They ,go without meals, to give their fOod to babkls and orphans. ~ sleep less, wear p!ltches. frequently live-in danger, work 18'-hour days for God•••• Sacrificesomettli~gblgthis Lent. ,Witlt the money you. save ($1,000, '$500; $250. $100. $75, $50. ,$25,$10, $5. $2)' they can buy milk, medicines, a mllllon things. • • • .When you send us your sacrifices' ttiis ,week, ask us 'to- send you copies (as many as adozett) ,of, "Our Lady of the East" for your friends.. Tefl your friends how they can help train a native priest ($100 1Il year) or Sister ($150 8 YeM). build a mission church/school ($3.200) for their favorite saint in ,their loved ones' memory. supply 'Dapsone tablets for lepers ($8.50 buys 10,000). or make a gift (any amount) for use where needed most. ••• Pl8!lse writetD uS,you at least. Spend this Lent in love.


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"A c~n instg,mient,N Bishop Durick told the congregation which included some 30 membel'll of the hierarchy, "is the sync»­ nym for a bishop, irrespective Gf. the type of work to which he ill devoting his time and energies,­


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Priest S t res s e 5 Changing Nature. Of Communism


Thurs., Feb. 2,

WOnrtl@O'i)°S ~~!UHi1tn Fight~ (C@O'i)Cer

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ Asserting that dialogue with Marxists is "both possible and feasjble," a priest warned here that "the Church of Christ should not close this



€ o mmunist w r i t e r shave praised Pope Paul VI's efforts for peace and have taken II positive view of much of Vatican Council II, Father John F. Cro­ nin, 5.5., assistant director, So­ cial Action Department, United States Catholic Conference, said here. . The priest addressed the Con­ ference on the Changing Nature of Communism lilt St. Albans .Episcopal church. The confer­ ence was sponsored by the Methodist Board of Social Con­ cerns, the National Prebyterian Center, the Episcopal National Cathedral and 1lJ. S. Bishops' Commission on Ecumenical Af­ fairs. Father Cronin spoke on the role of the Church in commu-' nism's changing nature. 'll'llJree IDirectives

"When the Church confronts present-day communism, it has at its disposal three recent policy directives,'" the priest stated. The first of these is an opening created by Pope John XXIII in his Encyclocal, Pacem in· Terris. "Here the Pope mai{es the fa­ mous distinction between false and unchanging principles, and movements and organizations which a're subject to change." The second source of guidance is found in Pope Paul's encycli­ cal Ecclesiam Suam, Father Cro­ nin continued. The priest said that this document maintained the opening made by Pope John and called for an honest and, open dialogue with unbelievers, not excluding communists. "This opening was further en­ larged by Vatican Council II, in its pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. The council confrollted atheism more in the spirit of sorrow than of condemnation. It also extend­ ed the invitation to dialogue," the priest said. Father Cronin maintained that the very' natuI'e of the Marxist system makes it open to dialogue. This is because the Marxist­ Lenin philosophy contains two primary elements, he explained. Tremendous Turmoil "It is both a condemnation of capitalist exploitation and a system for revolutionary seizure of power. It is not, and this is most important, a methodical scheme for exercising power or ordel"ing economic life," the priest declared. "From this it follows that thc experience of guiding nations according to Marxist-Leninst principles inevitably will show the weakness and deficiences of the system," Father Cronin said. "This is quite evidentJI'om the tremendous turmoil now prevail­ .ing in most of the communist world. Questions are being asked and basic assumptions are being questioned." . "One must not exaggerate the extent or depth of these changes, yet it is safe to say that the- door to dialogue is at least slightly open," Father Cronin said. "The Church of Christ should not close this door."

Grant to University ST. LOUIS (NC) -St. Louis University has received a $40,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for support of a chemical reseal'ch projeet under &be direction of Dr. Paul E. Peterson. The two-year grant will support a study of a type of reaction discovered in DI. P-kI'son's research.








REF'RESHER COURSE J.'O UP-DATE SKILLS: Mrs. Acla Scullin (left) is one of 30 registered -nurses. taking advantage of a six-week refresher course for nurses at St. John's Hospital in Queens, N.Y. Mrs. Elizabeth Volin demonfltrates a new type incubator for premature babies to Mrs. Scullin who plans to return to nursing now that her family is grown up. NC Photo.

Sisters of Charity, Leave Po. HO$pital Withdraw After Half..Century in Commun.ity BEAVER FALLS (NC)'-The .and was operated by the order Sisters of Charity are withdraw­ until 1925, when' it was turned ing from Beaver Valley Provi­ over to a community board of dence General Hospital here di rectors. The Sisters, however, after more than a half-century of continued at the hospital as ad­ hospital work in the community. ministrators and in other' capaci­ Mother M. Victoria, mother ties'. This now comes to an end, general of the Sisters of Charity Beaver Falls is in the diocese of Seton Hill, which hils head­ of Pittsburgh,' about 35 miles quarters in Greensburg, Pa., has from the city of Pittsburgh. PI'oposed that the withdrawal Mother Victoria observed: take place within two months. "It is not easy, sentimentally Eight Sisters are involved. or spiritually, for the Sisters of They serve in administrative and . Charity to leave a place that we supervisory capacities. The de­ have loved so long and have cision to recall the Sisters was voted by the council of the Sis­ Boston Plans Course ters of Charity. Mother .Victoria declined to For Sen!o.r Curates specify the precise reasons for BOSTON (NC) - Forty-six withdrawing the Sisters. Her "senior curates" in the arch­ only comment: diocese of Boston will start a "We think it's the best thing two~year refresher course in the to do." pastoral ministry this month, ·Luke E, Sawyer, president of Richard Cardinal Cushing an­ the hospital's' board of directors, nounced here. The priests have all been 01'­ expressed surprise at the an­ qained 22 or 23 years and are-­ nouncement. Beaver Valley Providence in the cardinal's words-"ap­ proaching the time of appoint-' General Hospital is the product of a merger between Providence ment as pastors." The Spring and Fall courses Hospital in Beaver Falls and Beaver Valley Hospital in New during 1967 and 1968 will in­ clude modern approaches to Brighton 18 months ago. Provi­ dence Hospital was founded by theology, liturgy, Scripture, so­ the Sisters of Charity in 1904 ciology of the parish, catechetics, leadership and interpersonal re­ lationships, pastoral counseling and ecumenics. Bishops Co."mittee

Aids Latin America WASHINGTON (NC) - The United States Bishops Committee for Latin America has announced allocations totaling $1,172,870 to 107 development projects in Latin America from the 1966 na­ tional Latin American collection. Allocations of the balance of the $1,300,573 realized in the ('('1'ection "'ill be announced later.

Michael Co Austin Inc.


tried to, serve with fidelity and neighborly affection. We like to

think that what we contributed

to community health and spirit will be remembered in a friendly way by all the people associated in the past or the present with a hospital, part of the very name of which recalls a religious note, with ecumenical overtones, that we always tried to strike."

WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council of Catholie Women board of directors hall agreed to join the AmericaD Cancer Society in a renewed campaign to conquer uterilWl caneer. The 28-member·board, meeUne at Villa Cortona Apostolic Cen­ ter in suburban Bethesda, MOl.. voted to take the action after 'all aQdress by Mrs. Robert C. Ley­ den, associate director of pubUe education for tlle cancer society. The NCCW board chose ''Tap for Pap" as the slogan for the campaign. Mrs. Leyden emphasized thatl older women are harder to per­ suade in having a regular phys­ ical checkup, including the pap t~st. She suggested the NCCW concentrate its campaign among older women, since younger per­ sons fast are realizing that can­ cer can be prevcllted. "We must wm"){ together t@ break down thi;; in~rown embar­ rassment of older women having a physical examination. I sug­ gest that you promote the give­ yourself-a-birthday-present idea. When this anniversary date rcillo around you hayc a timely re­ minder that it's your turn to hell9l conquer cancer," Mrs. LeydClil said. '. "Cancer of the uterus nearly . always can be cured if detect~Ql in its earliest presymptow.a.t'a: stages. Ap eJtimated 14,000 women die each year from thi!J form of cancer," she added.

'Retreat for Blind! LOS ANGELES (NC) - A blind priest, Father Keith For­ ster, O.F.M., will conduct a :re­ treat for the Catholic Guild o.f t.he Blind in La Casa de Mar~ Montecito, March 3 to 5. Father

Forster·is a Franciscan who l~

his sight two years before,)j~

ordination in 1961. He is .sta­

tioned at Mission Santa Barbara

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'THE'AN,CHPR.,..,. " Thurs., Feb'. ,2, 1967

Theology Basis For Ecumenism

The' Parish Parade

. LYNDHURST (NC) Much of what 'passes for ecu­ menism today 'is really only sociology, according to Msgr.

ST. GEC:::3lE, ~STPORT 'A whist party will be spon­ 6!iOred, at 8 Saturday night, Feb. 4 'by the Women's Guild in the School hall on Route 177, West­ pOrt. Score and attendance prizes :will be awarded and proceeds :will' benefit the school funds. lJT. JOSEIPIlf,

AT1rlLlEIBORO .CYO members plan a night of recollection at La Saldte Retreat House during Lent. They will participate in a cheerleading contest at Bishop Feehan High $chool. . On the future agenda is a trip ~ Canada's Expo '67 during the llast week of June. 'Next scheduled meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 5.. :>.;:;

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER . ·The Holy Name Society will sponsor' a . pre-Lenten' buffet 4t.ance from 8 to 12 Saturday Bight, Feb. 4 at Stevenson's res­ taurant. Tickets are' available frOm members and, at 'the rec­ flory.

The Women's Guild sewing &v.oup requests donations. of white· cloth for use in making p~ds f0t:. patients' at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home. Con­ tributions may be left at the achool during the weelc. Parish Council Officers include Dr. John Corrigan, chairman; Mrs. Warren Wood, 'secretary.

,: ·As.serts

.'MUSIC' FOR SPOKANE PRE-SCHOOLERS: Volunteer Maxine Tastoldi is one of sev"eral helping the St. Vincent de Paul Society neighborhood Office of Economic Opportunity project in Spokane. Three centers are' located in the poverty areas of the State of Wash­ ington city, offering a variety of 5ervices. The children's project has been enthusiasti­ cally received. NC Photo. . \

Fair Housing G~,al of, Philadelphia See Commission T a lkes Positive Steps

ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Parish men are invited to a PffiLADELPHIA (NC) - A pancake and sausage Impper to neighborhood . "climate where, be served by the Mlm's Club when non-white families move Tuesday night,. Feb. 7. Tickets , in, they are welcome" is the goal are availableJrom members. of Philadelphia's archdiocesan Forty Hours Devotion will be­ commission on human relations. gin at 11 o'clock Masll Sunday Positive steps toward this goal morning, Feb. 5. have been take'n and more are The annual parish report will planned for the months ahead, be distributed Sunday, Feb. 12. according to the commission's executive secretary, Msgr. Philip ST. JpSEPH, J. Dowling. . ' FAllRHAVEN The priest spoke of the need S a cr e d Hearts Association members are reminded to make for such a climate in discussing half an hour of adoration of the the progress made toward racial Blessed Sacrament tomorrow. equality in the archdiocese since They are also urged to receive the commission's establishment Holy Communion at the Mass of by Archbishop John J. Krol ill early 1965. . their choice on the Sunday fol­ During the past two years. lowing each first Friday. Msgr. Dowling said, the archdio­ At 7 Sunday' night, Feb. 5 in­ vestiture of new asllociation cese has accomplished more in members will be held in the the area of racial justice than in all its pr ~vious history. church. All are welcome to at­ There is much 'more to be done, tend. The monthly meeting will follow in the reCtory. Games will he conceded, however, and be played and refreshments pointed to the need for open housing opportunities as among served. the most challenging problems liT•. IARY'S CATHEDRAL. to be faced. FALL RIVER· Seek Practical Approaclll The Women's Guild' w.ill meet Citing the archdiocese's "great at 8 Monday night, Feb. 6 in the Shamrock Room of the Corky concern over the housing ques­ Row Club. Miss Helen Kenney tion," Msgr. Dowling said that a truly practical approach to the ~ill be hostess. solution of this problem has not 6UR LApy OF FATIMA. been developed. SWANSEA In .order to develop such aD Sr. Maureen, R.S.M., director 9f Nazareth :E:Iall, Fall River, will address the Women's Guild on ",If .. Monday evening, Feb. 6, at 7:30. Sister will describe the princi­ ples and aims of the education RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) ­ of exceptional children and show Brazil's 4,764 parishes have an slides of a typical school day of average of about 17,000 Catho­ these children. . lies, according to statistics re­ Preceding the talk, a potluck leased here" by the Brazilian supper will be served to the Bishops' Conflli'ence. In contrast, memberS and their guests at 6:30. the 17,7f?5 parishes in the United. States have an average of 2,300.. IMMACULATE CONCEP'1l'ION. In Brazil, there are 12,1iu . priests, of whom 7,309 belong . FALL RIVER Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey, assis- 110 religious orders. tant at St.' John the Baptist . Of the diocesan clergy, 79 per Church, Fall River, W-ill 'spe,ak cent are Brazilians, 'but o'nly 44 on "Our Approach to Lent," at per cent of the religious .clergy II holy hour scheduled· for 7 toare Brazilians. morror night, Friday. 'Holy Name . The diocesan clergy has charge memb!lrs and ,women. ,of the. of 2',715. parishes, ,and 1,583 par­ Guild as wen as all,parishioners .' ishes are· in the. care of religious IRe invited. ..ders. . .

ChulI'ch.,.,/!. Bra••-I Statistics Giveru

which has· charged the archdio­ cese with moving too slowly on racial matters, he said that the criticism "has some basis. to it." Bishops' Statement Even the statement on race and poverty issued by the United States bishops at their annual meeting in November, he pointed out, said that priests should do more in the fight for racial just­ tice and follow their words with action. "rhe archdiocese has been at­ tempting to do this, he said, in fordham to Remain many areas. Msgr. Dowling cited an open Catholic University admission policy has resulted in NEW y'ORK (NC)-The pres­ the enrollment of many non­ ident of Fordham University de­ Catholic Negro children in the clared· here, "I shall do everY­ city's urban parochial schools; thing in my power to make sure the work in Negro parishes of that Fordham remains a Catholic ­ archdiocesan seminarians; the uni versity." financial aid program which­ Speaking at a 126th anni­ suburban parishes are helping versary dinner of the university's to support poor urban churches; alumni federation, Father Leo and a training program on race McLaughlin discussed the major for Catholic school educators. administrative changes currently under study at 'many Catholic colleges and universities. "Obviously, I cannot speak of the dim and distant future," Aluminum l)r Steel Father McLaughlin told 900 944 County Street alumni, "but I can say that I shall do everything in my power NEW BEDFORD,' MASS. to' make sure that Fordham re­ .WY 2-6618 mains a Catholic university." "Putting it very .bluntly," the priest continued', "one reason that changes are being made in the structure of the boards of. trustees of some Catholic uni­ versities is money. Another rea­ son is that Vatican II has placed a new emphasis--an almost com­ pletely different emphasis--upon the role of the l~yman." approach· his commission has ar", ranged forums and regional meetin'gs of pastors in suburban areas to encourage them to pro­ vide community leadership in fair housing programs. . Msgr. Dowling. conceded that some pastors have been lax in speaking up on racial matters. Speaking of criticism of this fact by the Catholic Intergroup Re­ lations Council, a lay· group

Henry G. ;T. Beck, Church histo­ rian and a member of one of the U. S. bishops' subcommissions for talks with Protestant denom­ inations. Most of the time, Msgr. Beck said, community action programs are pure sociology. "We should be doing these things because Christ told us to do them. This, not the fact that we all live in the same town, should be the reason behind these actions," he said. The pastor of Sacred Heart parish 'in this New Jersey com­ munity believes that what is necessary is "real theology ­ building the kingdom of God." And the place for this theol­ ogy, he added, is in local clergy associations, which more and more priests are joining. "Here the clergy can sit down and find the theological basis for their common ~ction, and ex:­ plain it to their congregations." he said in a~ interview. 'Afraid of Theology' "They must bring the layman.' in on the theology of ecumen­ ism," he added, "or he will be unprepared for developments at the top." Right now, he continued, the layman "is afraid of theology. H:e doesn't feel qualified to con­ sider the theology of ecumenism, and so he ignores it when he gets together with members of other churches." ' Msgr. Beck also feels there is a need for leadership on the dio­ cesan level. "Too often," he said, "the local pastor won't take any action unless he is given strong leadership by the chancery. "He 'may even want to, but unless he has the leadership he may not know what to do, when to do it or how to do it. So he plays safe and does nothing."

Ask Law Repeal ANNAPOLIS (NC)-A bill to repeal Maryland's Sunday: clos­ ing law and permit all businesses to operate on Sunday was intro­ duced in the state legislature here Monday. '


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championship and both races should not prevent the Dolphins

games of the campaign before from continuing ltheir chase of

';'; the eventual winners are decided. Fairhaven. Dartmouth battling for an even

Fairhaven JII i g h currently

leads the Capeway Conference season will host Barnstable in

but only by a single game over another Capeway game tomor­ Dennis-Yarmouth. The final con­ row night. Steve Gaspar has ference, game docket lists Fair­ been Dartmouth's only real

haven at Dennis-Yarmouth in Q steady performer in one of Dart­

contest which will produce the mouth's poorer seasons. How­

circuit's champion barring an ever, winless Barnstable should

prove no match for Coach Al

upset before this crucial clash.

Palmerie's Indians.

Barrow Seorimg A~

Falmouth, the league's third

llIiaartha's Vineyard H i g b place team, travels to ,Wareham turned in the upset of the season il'1 the Cape and Vineyard tomorrow to complete the night'll , . ' League when it' toppled previ­ action. Islanders P1nllSurprise ously undefeated Harwich' High.

Durfee High 'of Fall River rest . The victorY bas enabled the' ," . Islanders to tie for the' league's ' comfortably atop the Bristol, ,,' , County League wllile Holy Fam.,. " " ,top spot with Harwich. By High of New Bedford haB, Captain Howie Barrow's lead­ ership scoring has· paced all but won the Narry Leagu~; " Fairhaven thus far to convincing The Cape's olther league is tightANOTHER LONG HAIR PROBLEM;' The pe~itentia:r·season of Lent will be~fn OD er than Capeway Conference , " wins over virtually all oppo­ Feb. 8. The long hair styles w()rn by many youths will present ,a small problem forI' :.'stB nents. The unbeaten Blue Devil's race. sternest test came from Dennis­ The Cape sIx-team circuit has' applying ashes to the foreheads of these individuals. The demonstration in this pit'ture Falmouth when they escaped divided itself into two diVisions. will be featur~d on the next cover of Our Sunday Visitor, national Catholic Weekly'. NC with a 56-52 win. Skipper Wayne Martha's Vineyard, Harwich- and Photo. Wilson directs his forces against Nauset are in the thick of a

Bourne tomorrow on the Canal­ three-way dash for the title.

men's home court. PrOVincetown. Sandwich and

Wilson's club' has been p:lced Chatham are pra.ctically elimi­ ­ by Barrow, the league's leading nated. scorer. Fairhaven, however, is Coach Frsmcis Pacheco's Is­ by no means a one-maD team. landers upended .Harwich to When Barrow finds the going avenge an earlier season loss, WASHINGTON (NC)-It hap- members his desire to be a teach- Brothers rather than study forr tough. one of the other starters causing a wide open race~ The pened back in the years when ell' led him to join the Christian the priesthood. takes over. Lester Smith. Tom Purple and White will have to baseball's beloved Connie Mack He observed that YOUl1~ men Johnson, Dave Netlnho and Gil continue their tremendous team was running the old Philadelphia Establishes Study of ,today "are more generouts, reViera all have contributed to effort if they are to stay with Athletics. f sponsible, outgoing, chantnble Fairhaven's success and if the the Harwich Rough Riders. A young man who had made rogram or ergy and spiritual" than wcn', the Blue Devils are to be stopped­ Key !Encounter the grade as a minor league LORETTO (NC) - A pastoral young men of his era. He pc.intelll they will all have to be stopped. Larry Sylvia and Ricky Har- prospcct, had been offered a con- life program has been established up ,the hundreds of high schoon rington have led the attack but tract with the Athletics. He was bv the Third' Order Regular of", and ,college students who are Johanson Sharp Shooter Bourne will be hard pressed now Russ Comba and Manny also outstanding as a football, . the Franciscan Fathers" Sacred' ,1)iding the poor and handicupped. to halt Fairhaven because of a Estrella are emerging 'as- top and basketball player in the ,Heart Province 'to- study the doc'" volUJ;lteering for lay missiGlnary . uments of Vatic:an Council' II.' and,Peace-corps type work in decided disadvantage in~ the , flight performers to give' Pache- Philadelphia area. height department. Defense wll1 co a well balam:ed, pot~nt at- , . The prospect told Connie Mack ' In announcing the program,'" Latin ,American and other l:llreas. be the key in this contest. The" tack. Martha's Vineyard'"plays, he was torn between a desire to Father Roland F·aley.T.O.R, rec..... ' ',-Such generosity amo1l'~; the young, Brother' Anthony ,I said, Blue Devils appear to have too' Nantucket tomorrow ina non~ '.,J:iec,ome a' ball player or tl" tor,of St. F.rancis Seminary here, much overall strength for the' league game; next league game ,is. Christian B r ,0 the r. B8$~ball'll said the council! emphasized the' ,stresses "the quiet satisfaction sche~uled for Tuesday against',' great man advised: "I WC;>I~'t say need for' continuing education' 'and-' contented feeling·' 'which undermanned Canalmen. Provmcetow;n. you would, but you cou~l1 be:' for the clergy because of the Brothers and other teachers 'have Coach Merrill Wilson's Dennis­ P-town wl1l tangle with'Nan- come one of our best players. rapid development of theology in' in 'the knowledge they are doing Yarmouth combine, which is' " something worthwhile fol' to­ keeping pace with Fairhaven in tucket Saturday before going to""But a few years after you retire recent years." In view, of the council's stateday~s young men." preparation foJ;' the, all important the Vineyard, Thl~ Cape-tipsters, few will remember you. If you ments on ecumenism, Father Feb. 17 meeting, hosts Old 2-3 in the league, need It win became a priest or a Brother over the Vineyard to stay alive you'll be remembered by e'very~ Faley said" ,the pastoral life proRochester tomorrow. in the title race. one.'" ,, gram will, also involve Protes­ Gaspar Top Indian White's Farm Dairy Coach Charlie Dunbar's Har- tant participation. Captain Bob Johanson has wich cagers do not play in the And that's how "Bucky" WaU­ , IJSPECIAL MILK­ been Wilson's fortress thus far league again until Tuesday when lace turned away from a career leading the Dolphins in rebound­ ,From Our Own they entertain Nauset. Steve. ',in baseball and became a Chris':' ing While compiling the second Robbins, Alan Smith and Mike,' t1an Brother, He related the' Tested Herd"':,; highest scoring average in the Shoes That Fit' league. Dana Wilson, Doug Ford will be callt~d, upon to stop sfory at a meeting of the Serra Acushnet, Mass. 993·4457 "THE f~MIL Y SHOE STORE" ,' Whynott and Steve Estey have Nauset's high, scoring offense. ,«?lub here. • . Special Milk The result of this contest may B r ot her Anthony Wallace, been bulwarks on defense for • Homogenized Vito D Milk decide which of the top three F ,S.C.. now is acting associat,e. Dennis-Yarmouth, compliment­ • Buttermilk ing Johanson's offensive efforts will corral tlhe first Cape and 'secretary, secondary school de­ partment, National Catholic Ed­ •. Tropicana Orange Juice while holding opponents at bay. Vineyard crown. 43 FOURTH STREET

Annex Traclk Honors ncational Association. He' spent • Coffee and Choc. Milk , Lawrence High of Falmouth, 34 'years as a 'teacher, principal Fall River OS 8-5811

• Eggs - Butter leading the Capeway Track and administrator at schools in Clergymen Guilty League, has demonstrated to all Pittsburgh, Canton, Ohio, and Of Trespassing opponents exactly how strong other schools. He taught for. 12 it is, when the Clippers won the years. at LaSlIll.e .C~llege, PhI1a­ DETROIT (NC)-Twelve cler­ tH1eQltin~ gymen, including two Catholic Class C championship at the an- delphIa, before Jolnmg the NCEA priests, have been found guilty nual Indoor State meet in the' '·staff. . ... ... Boston' Garden. ' Brother Anthony told the club Gf trespassing by a jury in Re­ DADSON Oil BURNE~~, ' .;:§-~~)) (b~ corder's court here. Coach Jim Kalperis' club won 24·Hour Oil Burner Service The verdict climaxed a four­ easily with 34% points to 22 for S~li~(J. :t::!:=: 6~ day trial stemming from at­ second place J~andolph. Fai­ famou,s Reading HA,RD COAL ='A ~~\II& ~~@Ml~le' tempts last ,Fall to move e mouth scored in every event ex­ NIEW ENGLAND COKE ' '/~ V ("; 4;;j ~ mother and her six children in cept the shot put and 50.:.yarp (0., , ' .. .. ~ ~~ an·abandoned house' owned by dash. , ; ' ?/~"~,,, the city. Reg. Master Plumber 2930 Outstanding performers; fQr The house was condemned' to Falmouth were Pete Binghm'a GEORGE, M. MONTLE make way for an urban renewal (45-yard hurdles), Geoff Cahoon Over' ,35 Years project~ '.'However, the clergy,;, (1,000 yard rim)''' and Charlie , ' of S,atisfied Service men maintained it should be put Gonsalves (l1igb jump). They; 806 NO. MAIN STREET to use until· i:t was actually trimphed m their individual .N~w Bedf~&I 640 Pleascmt Street , . I Fall River 675-74f(1 e'gents. : tlcmwlisbed

to be a thrilling season. Mo­


Le~,gue Prospect Became, Brother Educator Took Connie Mack's Advice






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