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t eanco VOL. 38, NO.5.

Friday, February 4,1994



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


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Pilot aid program at Connolly High expected to expand A pilot program aiding students with the expense of attending a Catholic high school is in place in the Fall River area of the diocese. If it proves successful. it will be extended to the areas serving the other diocesan secondary schools. Beginning last September, five students at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, had threequarters of the school's $3600 annual tuition paid throug~ an arrangement that saw the student's family, his or her parish, Bishop Connolly itself and Bishop Sean O'Malley each contributing $900 in cash (or services, in the case of the school). . By next September, said Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education, it is expected that each of the city's 23 parishes will similarly identify and aid a needy and academically promising student. The assistance will continue throughout the student's high school years. The scholarship plan was suggested by Rev. Edward J. Byington, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, after Rev. John P. Murray, SJ, principal of Bishop Connolly, indicated the school's need for assistance.

A Dark Kinship

Viewe:rs also responsible for media, says prelate VATICAN CITY (CNS) Catholic viewers and readers share responsibility for the fare served up by the media and for improving the moral tone of daily life, Archbishop John P. Folc:y said. The U.S. archbislhop, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, said the Catholic press can help the faithful meet their responsibilities. Archbishop Foley's statement for the 1994 observance of February as Catholic Pres!, Month, sponsored by the Catholic Press Association, was released by his Vatican office. Everyone who listens to the radio, watches television or reads a newspaper is responsible for what is offered, the archbishop said. "We are responsible for the declining moral tone: in the media because enough of us look at programs with explicit sexual and violent activity to give such telecasts high ratings," he said.

"Enough of us listen to abusive talk show hosts and disc jockeys to give their stations dominant market positions," he said. "Enough of us seek scandal in news reporting that the media seek circul'ittion and ratings through coverage of the sensational." The Catholic rress helps people responsibly use the media available to them by prQviding "intelligent, critical and moral evaluations of films and television programs" and by publicizing available religious programming, the archbishop said. Archbishop Foley, former editor of The Catholic Standard and Times in Philadelphia, said the Catholic press "provides complete and authentic newS reports of religious interest - not neglecting bad or even tragic news, but reporting it in the necessary context of all that the church does in the world Turn to Page 13

. The following editorial appeared in the Catholic Free Press, newspaper of the Worcester diocese. It is reminiscent ofa paperback thriller about the Cold War. Indeed, it is the farfetched stuff that B movies are made of. In this instance, however, it is truth and not fiction. From 1946 to 1956, numerous retarded children at the Fernald School in Waltham were given radioactive milk for breakfast or radioactive iron supplements. Thi's was done without the knowledge or consent of the chilo. dren or their parents. It was carried out by two of the country's most prestigious universities Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The subjects of the testing teen-agel's' with a mental age of about eight - were "rewarded" with an annual party at MIT. The experiments were part of a series of n.utrition studies. Researchers say they limited the children's exposure by rotating test subjects as much as possible. They Turn to Page 13

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DALLAS COWBOY Michael Irvin (left) walks with teammate Emmitt Smith before a Super Bowl practice. (eNS/ Reuters photo)

He supports Catholic schools 2 million percent

Dallas star Michael Irvin grateful to priest, school FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (CNS) - Dallas Cowboys all-pro wide receiver Michael Irvin started down a new path in life when he transferred to S1. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale in 1982. And, by giving a $30,000 endowment to his alma mater in memory of his father, Irvin hopes to help others down a new path. "I will always be there for S1. Thomas because'S1. Thomas was always there for me," he said in a phone interview from Dallas prior to the Jan. 30 Super Bowl against the Buffalo Bills. "People need to support Catholic schools 2 million percent because they not only build a person up mentally and physicaliy, but spiritually." What young people need, he said, is a relationship with God and a chance to succeed.

"There's no better way to put it," Irvin told the Florida Catholic, newspaper of the archdiocese of Miami. "Many kids just don't get the opportunity to excel. A lot of kids don't have a connection with the man upstairs." Irvin, 27, had it rough at times. He was the 15th of 17 children and was suspended from a public high school after his sophomore year. His father, Walter Irvin, a roofer on weekdays and a traveling Baptist preacher on weekends, compared non public schools and chose S1.. Thomas Aquinas. Then the public school sued St. Thomas Aquinas to prevent the budding football star from playing sports in his first year at the Catholic school. Irvin recalled that during that rough first year, coach George Smith told him, "Look, we believe Turn to Page 13



~ [)ipc~se,()f FaIt R.~ver


Chinese bishop arrested, detained

Fri:, Feb,4, 1994

Pro-life collegians tang,led in legal red tape GARY, Ind. (CNS) - Ajudge pedestrian traffic and 100 hours of has ruled that 36 members of Col- community service. In addition, all were ordered to legians Activated to Liberate Life must file appeals separately I'ather pay restitution of approximately . than as a group after being con- $7,000 to Planned Parenthood in victed of trespassing and blocking Merrillville and to the Gary Fampedestrian traffic at Indiana abor- ily Planning Clinic for damages that Henke said were never proven tion clinics. "Unless we get a 'couple of mira- to have been caused by the CALL cles, these people are in effect members. In November, Henke filed for a denied their right to appeal," said Robert Henke, attorney for the stay of sentence during the appeal CALL members, in an interview, process and was given a single with the Northwest Indiana Catho- cause number for the appeal. But in January he was notified by a lic, newspaper of the Gary diocese. Henke said his clients are appeal- state appeals court that each defening both 'the sentences, which dant would have to have his or her would require several of them to own caJ,lse number. ' "This means that we have to pay listen to an eight-hour lecture by Planned Parenthood representa- a $250 filing fee for each person tives, and certain "irregularities" and process multiple paperwork at the trial, including the lack of for each appeal," Henke said. This pro-life jurors and a prohibition adds $6,150 to the defendants', from using the "necessity" or "jus- already mounting bills, which include $6,000 for trial transcripts tification" defense. "By necessity, these people are and $3,200 in bond costs. trying to stop deaths by abortion; Henke said he is in process of they were there [in front of the filing a motion for extension of clinic] by necessi'ty," said Henke. time to file the record, which he "But the judge' would not permit needs to file for each of the 27 that defense." defendants. He will then move for Henke said'that when CALL's consolidation of the appeals. case originally came to trial, he "You always hear about how moved for 'separate trials for each congested the court dockets are; it defendant, but that motion was seems to me that to have one cause overruled. The collegians were number would be a way of rendertreated as a single unit for most of ingjudicial economy effective," he, said: "This has gone beyond the the proceedings, or were divided according to the clinic at which issue of abortion to an issue of due process. This strikes at the fundathey protested. Twenty-seven of the 36 defen- mental right of appeal." dants have been sentenced: 14 to . Joshua Miller, director of CALL, listen to the Planned Parenthood said the prosp~ct of having to put lecture; 13 to a year in jail for tres- all that money into the court syspassing, six months for blocking tem makes him uncomfortable, but he is more uncomfortable with the idea of having to pay restitution money to Planned Parenthood. "We are praying very seriously about this," Miller said. "These SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) U.S. Catholics are urged to cele- types of obstacles have been thrown brate the sixth annual National at us since the beginning of the Day of Prayer for the African- case, and we have been able to step around them or over them. We are, American Family Feb. 6. The 1994 theme is "Touch Our sure that God will take care of us." Families, Lord," said Franciscan Father Jim Goode of San Francisco, who founded the day of prayer in 1989. "In the midst of violence and much pain in our communit.ies, Josephine Alfonso, MSW, di'Touch Our Families' hopefully rector of social services for Dioce- ' will touch our hearts," said the san Health Facilities, will deliver a priest. "For us, the African-American talk on advance directives 'and family, in its joys and sorrows, in health care proxy forms at St. Mary's Religious Education Cenits midday rejoicing or in its long night of endurance, reflects the ter, 385 Central Ave., Seekonk, at' hope, faith, values, aspirations of , 7 p.m., Feb. 23. The program is a people who believe that nothing ,free and open to the public. For more information, call (508)222is impossible with God," he added. 7047.' ' Father Goode urged people of Ms. Alfonso will discuss the all faiths to mark the day of prayer importance of. advance directives with family hours, prayer vigils, family rosaries, remembrance in and how to name a proxy. Under' the Prayer of the Faithful and spe- the Massachusetts J-{ealthCare Proxy Law, competent a'dults are cial programs. ' Cosponsors of the day include allowed to name a, health care the National Black Clergy Caucus agent (or proxy) to make health' and the Josephite Pastoral Center care decisions for them if for any reason they become unable to comin Washington. municatethose decisions themselves. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' Ms. Alfonso supervises the proTHE ANCHOR (USPS路545-020), Second of social services at the four vision Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Muss, nursing homes sponsored by the" Published weekly except the week of July 4 diocese of Fall River. She holds a and the week after Christmas at 887 High路 land Avenue, Fall River. Mass, 02720 by master's degree in social work thc' Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall from Rhode Island College and a River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid bachelor's degree in sociology $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address from the University of Massachanges to The Anchor. P,O, Box 7, Fall chusetts/ Dartmo'uth. River, MA 02722, .

Africa.n-American prayer day Sunday

Health care proxy is topic

WASHINGTON (CNS) - An underground Chinese Ciltholic bishop who recently met with an American congressma n visiti ng China was arrested and detained for more than a week, possibly because of that meeting. Coadjutor Bishop Su Zhi Ming, 67. of Baoding was' arrested by Chinese authorities Jan. ~~O and detained in an undisclosed location until the weekend of Jan. 293D, according to a Jan. 31 statement from the office of Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J.. ' Smith called the arrest evidence that China was "backsliding" on human rights. "H uman righl:s conditions continue to deteriora,te at a rapid pace," he said. The bishop's family had reportedly not been informed of the bishop's whereabouts during his detention. Bishop Su is part of the illegal underground Cal:holic Church, which maintains loyalty to the Vatican. "No one knows the official reason for Bishop Su's detention; however, unofficially, the local com__ -kWh/' munity (in China) speculate:s that VISITATION Sister Judith Clare Phillips moves a box the reason for Bishop Su's detenout of her order's old .monastery in Wilmington, Del., in tion is that he was met by us," said Joseph Kung, president of The preparation for the order's move to a new 'home in the Berk- Cardinal Kung Foundation, a Cathshires. (CNS photo) olic organization which promotes pro-Vatican Catholicism in China. "I tend to agree with the speculation because of the timing," said Kung, who accompanied Smith on an early January trip to China during which the meeting with WILMINGTON, Del. (CNS)- cial bar-king for the pr,operty was Bishop Su took place. Faith can move mountains. But easy, but it took two years to find a Kung said the arrest of the bishop for 18 cloistered Sisters of the Vis- buyer for the Wilmington monas- may be an effort by local officials, itation, faith has moved th~m to tery and land. However, earlier supported by the state bureau of the mountains - the Berkshires of this year, a Wilmington developer religious affairs, to "Scare off purchased the ,property to erect further contacts of foreign n2,tionwestern Massachusetts. , The move hasn't been ail easy townhouses, which will be enclosed als to the underground church, . one forthe nuns, ages 29 to 10 1. by the monastery wall. especially by any U.S. government Then a new neighbor, Michael But they have realized their dream official." of moving to an area that will Frazier, producer of "Nunsense" He said that it would be foolish afford them more silence and soli- and a parttime resident of Tyringfor the Chinese central governtude than did their Delaware mon- ham, whose property abutts the ment to arrest a bishop who had astery, surrounded by the city of monastery land, objected that ring- just met with an American conWilmington. ing of bells would disturb路the soligressman because that would make Obstacles they have had to over- tude of the countryside. China's claim to allow religious But the nuns and Frazier reached come include selling their 100freedom ring hollow. year-old convent and legal com- an agreement, and "we will' still be A spokeswoman for the press plications, including a lawsuit by able to ring bells," said Sister. office of .the Chinese Embassy in the producer of "Nunsense" that , Judith Clare Phillips. "The com- Washington told eNS: "I have no threatened to put a halt to their promise we reached about restric- idea about this case. We never tions on weekends will be some- ,heard about him (Bishop S,u)." plans. According to Mother Margaret thing we can live with. We want to Mary Rumpf, superior, the nuns' be sensitive to our neighbors." Some of the old building will be faith in Divine Providence and reliance on the intercession of St. incorporated in the new two-story Joseph brought their dream to Tyringham monastery, which will fulfillment. be a traditional monastic strucFAIRHAVEN, Mass.(CNS)Father Richard McNally, a member 'The decision to leave the ture. Among items to be brought Brandywine granite mon~stery, from Wilmington are stained-glass of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, has been named nati,:mal which sits on a three-acre site sur- windows, wainscoting, interior rounded by a IO-foot stone wall, front doors, the old COTnerstone director of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home. was, made in 1989 after a lengthy and five vanloads of stone. During the 12 to 18 months of He succeeds Sacred Hearts period of prayer and discernment, Mother Rumpf said. On the prac- construction, 11 nuns are living at Father A. William Mitchell, who tical side, their decision was aided the former convent of St. Joseph headed the Fairhaven-based organby the monastery's need for more parish, Pittsfield, about a 10- ization for the past, II years.' A native of Fall River, Father than $1 million in basic'repairs, minute drive from their new propMcNally was ordained in. 1975... the lack of space to, expand, the erty. Seven nuns who need special facility, and theJact its cemetery care are living at Visitation mon- Since then he has served in parish could accommodate only 10 more asteries in Snellville, Ga., and and retreat ministry, and has been Rockville, Va., until the monas- formation director and provincial graves. tery IS completed.. of the congregation's Eastern U.S. Although Bishop Robert E. According to Mother Rumpf, province. ,Mulvee offered the nuns several the 11 nuns living nearby will be The devotion of the EnthfCinesites in the diocese of Wilmington, involved in the construction. ment of the Sacred Heart was they finally settled on a l29-acre "During the loading and unload- begun in 1915 to seek sociil! reparcel of land near Tyringham, in ing of the vans, we learned we can newal through families declaring the diocese of Springfield. The site do hard manual work together Christ as king and center of the has what they were looking for: ' and have discovered some innate home. woods, open fields, and pond. It is strengths we didn't know we had;" near a hospital, and the Marian she said. "We' plan to go every Sin is Hurtful Fathers of Stockbridge will pro- workday to the building s'ite and "Sin is not hurtful because it is vide a chaplain. carry bricks and stones, or what- ' forbidden, but sin is forbidden However, moving depended on ever we can do, to ml;>tivate the because it is hurtful."-Benjamin Franklin ' . several factors. Obtaining finan- workers."

Nuns-move, from ~ityto Massa'chusetts mountains

Enthronement head is Fall River native

Church '..~w cannot' be bent, says pope

Program offered for couple~s in difficult marriages I 1 1


Retrouvaille (French for "rediscovery") is a Catholi,e weekend program for couples who are in difficult marriages. separated or divorced. Backed by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry. it will be offered April 22 through 24 at Holiday Inn in Marlboro(on Route 20 after taking exit 24A off Route 495). Retrouvaille differs from most retreats in that it is a pf:er ministry with no group discussions. offered by three couples who have themselves participated in the program and a priest. It teaches couples non-threatening methods of communication and includes followup sessions for two and a half months after the weekend experience. A recent Reader's Digest article condensed from one in America magazine reports that Retrouvaille was founded in Canada in the 1970s by couples who had made the Marriage Encounter retreat and a priest familiar with the 12step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is in use in many V.S. dioceses in both English and Spanish. with a total of about 3.000 couples a year attending the weekend. Some 40 couples in the Fall Riverdiocese have experienced the program. The Retrouvaille technique includes personal stories told by the couples presenting the program, often encouraging retreatants to manifest similar honesty in private sessions with their spouses. A survey of 180 California (:ouples who had made the retreat showed that 97 percent said they would recommend it to others, whilj: ~7 percent rated themselves as ,now "very happy in marriage" and 15 percent still felt themselves to be in a difficult situation. A surprising finding was that 98 percent of those who eventually divorced also had a positive reaction to the retreat. many noting that it helped them decide their relationship was unsalvageable. Those interested in the April Retrouvaille may contact Phil or Diane Caruso at (50H)429-6293. Thefecfor the weekend is $3~5 per couple. including six followup sessions.

Charismatic group marks first year at meeting tonight Sacred Heart of Jesusl Immaculate Heart of Mary Charismatic Prayer Community will celebrate its first anniversary alt 7 tonight at St. Anthony of the Desert church hall, 300 North Eastern Ave., Fall River. The program will begin with the rosary, followed by celebration of a Liturgy of the Word and an address by Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River, and Bishop Sean"O'Malley's liaison with diocesan charismatic groups. All are welcome to attend tonight's meeting and to join the prayer community, which meets weekly at St. Anthony of the Desert haIL '

Not Permitted "It makes no difff:rence whom you mistreat, a just person or an unjust one. since mistreatment is not permitted you. To punish others by doing the same things they do is spreading wickedness, not avenging it."-St. Ambrose

eNS! Reuters photo


Kerrigan's parish praying for her HARTFO.RD. Conn. (CNS)Nancy Kerrigan. who has been in the limelight for her Olympic figure skating and most recently for a blow to 'her knee, is "down-toearth and sincere" and a "nice normal kid," according to the priests in her hometown of Stoneham, Mass. The figure skater, who won the bronze medal in the '92 Olympics and placed fifth in the '93 World Championships, was thrust further into the headlines Jan. 6 when a man struck her knee with a metal baton as she left a Detro'it ice rink. The attack damaged her knee badly enough to prevent her from skating in the U.S. National Figure Skating ChampiJilshii>~'blltii,: did not prevent her from getting on the V.S. team an" training for this month's Winter Olympics in Lillehamm~r, N orw!\~. " Father Scott, Heni:lric.~s, associate pastor at the Kerrigan fal)1ily's parish of SI. Patrick's in Stoneham, said, "There's been an outpouring of sympattly in Stoneham; we've been pfaying for h~r at Mass." , ' The priest met Ms.:Kerrigan last summer on Cape Cod, where the skater trains. "She was sincere and down-to-earth." he ~aid in a telephone interview witl1 the Catholic Transcript, newspaper of the archdiocese of Hartford. .' , "She's a nice. normal kid," added Father John Hannon, pastor of St. Patrick's, the only Catholic church in the town 20 minutes north of Boston. Father Hannon recalled Ms. Kerrigan as a girl devqte'd to figure skati'ng, whose parents made "enormous sacrifices'" for their' daughter's sport. Her father, iike most who live in, Stoneham, is a factory worker, he said, describing the town as a close-knit blue'-colfar c'ommunity , where "everybody knows everybody." . . '1, , Rosemary Geary, i SI. Patrick. parishioner, used to work at Stoneham arena, the ice rink where Ms. Kerrigan practiced as a teen':.·ager. "She was super nice," Ms. Geary said. "She was very' normal, a lot like your own kid." She said the skater never let success "get to her head." ,,' "I remember one time after she got pack from the Olympics. She stood in the rink talking to little kids and signing autographs. That impresses me more than her speaking to the presidenV added Ms. Geary. "She is very humble."

VATICAN CITY (CNS) Church law should be applied with respect for the truth and cannot be bent to fit supposed pastoral interests. Pope J oh n Paul II has told Vatican jurists. In marriage cases specifically. charity or mercy cannot be separated from the "demands of the truth" about valid matrimony. he told members of the Roman Rota Jan. 28. The Rpta. a Vatican court of appeals, handles annulment cases. A valid marriage must be respected as'such. even if troubled. he said. To do otherwise would ultimately do pastoral and social damage. the pope said. He said he wanted to emphasize this point during the 1994lnternational Year of the Family. when it is increasingly <:lear that a misapplied policy of "understanding" is putting the family at risk. He warned against the temptation to reduce. in the name of compassion. the heavy demands of church law. It is wrong to misuse the church's legal norms in a search for more practical or "pastoral" solutions. he said. The pope recalled that "the truth is not always an easy thing; its affirmation is sometimes quite di.fficult." Likewise. the task of church jurists at the local or universal level is not a simple one. he said.

Real-life sister act to aid retired religious A national sisters' choir is joining efforts to aid r~tired religious ' in the United States. "Sisters in Song;' will produce two recordin~s this year with proceeds from tapes and CDs going to retirement funds for men and women religious nationwide. The first recording, Sisters in Song Celebrate, is to be taped this month for spring release. It will feature contemporary and traditional religious songs. A recording of Christmas music will be made in June' for release during the 1994 Christmas season. Frank Brownstead, director of music for the Los Angeles archdiocese, directs the choir of 60 sisters, who were selected from more than 300 applicants and represent 21 states and more than 26 religious communities. Sister Sara Michael King, CSJ, coordinates the project, and two companies are assisting with p,roduction, marketing and distribution of the tapes: Oregon Catholic Press and World Librarv Publications. The,Sisters in Song project complements the efforts ofthe National Tri-Conference R'etirement Office which sponsors the annual collection for the Relig19usRetirement Fund, and SOAR (Save Our Aging Religious).


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Feb. 4, 1994

Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.


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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Feb. 4: 1994

the living word

the moorins.-,


We Need Good Sports! There can be little doubt that the so-called Kerrigan case has further clouded the already murky sporting scene. Regardless of the legal outcome of the matter, the fact that what could be called in-house violence has been inflicted on an Olympic contender has further shattered the idealism once so integral to the world of sports. The situation became even more reprehensible when it was realized that its motivation was not the hope of winning a medal or the bolstering of national pride, but si mply monetary. The winner of a popular Olympic event can expect to garner millions of dollars from advertising endorsements. It is truly shattering to realize that the Olympics have been reduced to a mere money-making affair for too many winning athletes; but this is unquestionably the case, not just on the Olympic scene but in the entire world of American sports. Consider the salaries paid professional athletes. In baseball, football, basketball and hockey, no games are played until the all-important question of salaries is settled. The remuneration per player is often in the millions per annum, and if an athlete achieves outstanding success, the endorsement world takes over. There the sky is the limit and usually the goal. Not only have professional sports become the captiv~ of financial gain but colleges and universities have their hands in the till. Millions are made on television rights, especially in the case of bowl games, to say nothing of the publicity reaped. As fans cheer and shout, the real winners are those who collect the receipts. Add to this the gambling that takes place on all levels of sports. Weekend wagering has driven many a person into the poorhouse,. while making sports gambling a multibillion dollar business. We know all too well how often greed is involved in athletics. Integrity and character go down the drain when there is hope of a quick million or two. ,~ .: What is now coming to light in connectioh'withthe Kerrigan attack should shock us into an attempt to restore the ideals of sportsmanship once so, integral a part of the athletic picture. Indeed, it's all but impossible to conjure up the clean-cut all-American boy or girl ideal that we used to take for granted. No one is saying that athletes should not be adequately compensated, but sports should not make men and women slaves, to be bought and sold on the auction blocks of owners and contracts. As we prepare to enjoy the spectacle and daring of the Winter Games in Norway, let us also encourage those calling for reform. It is wrong to abandon youthful ideals and pride for the sake of hitting a monetary jackpot. Our future professionals and Olympic competitors are now in skating classes, Little Leagues and children's football and soccer teams. They deserve to learn the lessons taught by the joys of victory and the difficulties of defeat without someone waving the dollar bill in their faces. The exuberance of competition may be all that many achieve, but there is nothing wrong with that. If we fail to restore the joys of team spirit and self-esteem to our young athletes, we can expect many more Kerrigan cases. Let us teach them to be good sports, in every sense of the words! The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore


. -.-.-. -.

Rosemary Dussault ~

Leary Press-Fall RIver



UPI photo


"Ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever." Dan. 3:63

Poverty, not welfare, seen as problem WASHINGTON (CNS) - The before noon asking for help to buy problem with the nationis welfare foo'd or pay bills, he said. system is the poverty that drives' Upon his return from a recent people into it, say the chairman of trip to South Africa, the neighthe U.S. bishops' Domestic Policy borhood news item was that a 24Committee and the head of Catho- year-old man known around the parish had committed suicide. lic Charities USA. "It was taken as .so matter-ofIn testimony to the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Fam- fact it was appalling," he said. In South Africa, he said, a matily Support and Independence, a ter of concern to church leaders Clinton administration project, was the great distances blacks near Auxiliary Bishop John H. Ricard Johannesburg must travel from of Baltimore, Domestic Policy Committee chairman, said, "Deal- . their homes to get work, sometimes four hours in each direction. ing with poverty is not a luxury to But in discussing the suicide of the which our nation can attend when East Baltimore man, Bishop Ricard it finds the time and resources. Rather it is a moral imperative of learn~d that the man's brother daily traveled three hours each the highest priority." way to his job. Jesuit Father Fred Kammer, "I said to myself, 'and I'm worpresident of Catholic Charities, a ried about South Africa?'" day earlier said better bread lines Father Kammer outlined a broad and bigger shelters for the homeapproach to attacking some of the less "are no substitute for effective problems contributing to poverty preventative social policy that in the United States. strives to address the root causes "Looking at Aid to Families of poverty and social injustice and with Dependent Children as an that strives to help parents substantively provide and care for their children." Bishop Ricard and Father Kammer were among 58 witnesses who testified for the working group. Others discussed their experiences A Pral1er .for Ll.路ght as recipients of welfare; their perspectives as governmental admin~ JI istrators; the interests of private 0 Holy Spirit of God, industry; the effects of education; take me as your disciple. the effectiveness of various welfare-related programs; and the Guide me, illuminate me, work of charitable organizations sanctify me. Be my God, be in meeting the needs of the poor. my guide. Wherever you In discussion following his prelead me, I will go; whatever pared testimony, Bishop Ricard you forbid of me, I will told how incidents in the East Balrenounce; an d whatever you timore neighborhood where he lives show him the everyday impact of command of me, in your poverty. strength I will do. Leadm'e Just the day before, when he then, unto the fullness of was the only one at the rectory, a your truth. Amen.

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isolated phenomenon is an invitation to disaster," hesaicl. "To transform. AFDC in a way that respects human dignity and attacks the poverty that is so wide.pread in our country requires constructive changes that go well beyond the bounds of the AFDC system." Among the areas he recornmendpn llcidressin/!:: - Child support: strictly enforcing existing laws. - Education: changing s<:hools' focus to preparation of both children and a~ults for jobs of the future. . - Affordable housing: increasing the supply to reduce the number of families that must choose between paying rent and buying food. Efforts to reform welfare must be closely tied to the admi:listration's economic development strategy, Father Kammer said, !:o that jobs created to stimulate the economy pay well enough to alloi." families to cover such basic needs as child care, transportation and health care. He also recommended establishing a minimum national benefit for welfare recipients; liberalizing eligibility formulas to encc.urage people to work without risk ofIosing financial ground;and making health care coverage, day care, transportation, housing assi:;tance and counseling available as ways of keeping families intact. Prompted by earlier testimony about. impersonal and somf:times humiliating 'procedures to which welfare recipients are subjected, Bishop Ricard said the system was from its inception intended to be intimidating. . "The system is mean-spirited." he said. "It tries to路 make thf: process of receiving welfare payments as odious as possible. It was Istructuredl to be that way t,) dis. 'cour~pe people from u.~i~g it."

I I !


The bad comes ~Nith the good Job 7:1-4, 6-7 I Cor. 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Every winter my father faces a dilemma. He feeds the wild birds. And though he enjoys making certain that doves, finches, chickadees and cardinals benefit from his generosity, he cringes when grackles and starlings swarm over his feeders and scatter the more desirable species. Often the experience gets the best of him and he leaves the feeders empty, complaining about wasting money and seed on scavengers. But they don't remain empty for long. Gradually he starts putting small amounts of grain into them, tl:mpting the smaller birds back into the yard. Of course, then the grackles and starlings return - and the cycle starts over again. My father simply can't attract the good without also inviting the bad. Jesus of Nazareth certainly understands my fath,er's dilemma. During his earthly ministry he faced its parallel in dozens of forms. That's why today's gospel peri cope is so signifil:ant. With these lines Mark finishes up his famous "day-in-the-life-ofJesus" section. The Lord exorcised demons, proclaimed the good news, cured Simon's mother-inlaw, and healed many sick. But instead of basking in the grandeur of his success, he roSI: " ...early the next morning, [and] .. :went off to a lonely place in the desert [wHere] ... he was absorbed in prayer." Since Mark only has Jesus pray when he's under stress, there must be something at work here which we haven't noticed; something which becomes visible when Simon and his companions arrive and try to talk him into returning to Capernaum. Rejecting their idea, the Lord responds, "Let us move on to the neighboring villages so that I may proclaim the good news there also. That is what I have come to do." Though Mark puts this event at the beginning of his Gospel, we all know what lies ahead. Jesus will proclaim his good news ih one too many villages and bl: killed. But at this point he can still be tempted to avoid that evil. He can still go back

Daily Readings Feb. 7: 1 Kgs 8:1-7,9-13; Ps 132:6-10; Mk 6:53-56 Feb. 8: 1 Kgs :8:22-23,2730; Ps 84:3·5,10-11; Mk 7:1-13 " Feb. 9: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Ps 37:5-6,30-31,39-40; Mk7:14-23 Feb. 10: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Ps 106:3-4,35-37,40; Mk 7:24-30 Feb. 11: 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Ps 81:10-15; Mk 7:3137 Feb. 12: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Ps 101):6-7,19-22; Mk 8:1-10 Feb. 13:'Lv 13:1-2,44-46; Ps 32:1-2,5,11; 1Cor 10:3111:1; Mk 1:40-4!i

Vatican gives "baby bonus" to employees

THE ANCHOR - - Diocese of Fall River

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL

Fri., Feb. 4, 1994

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Over 35 Years J. lESER, Prop. Vatican has begun paying its of Satisfied Service RESIDENTIAL employees a "baby bonus" equal Reg. Mao:;ter Plumber 7023 INDUSTRIAL ·to two-thirds of their monthly COMMERCIAL JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. paycheck every time a child is born 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 432 JEFFERSON STREET or adopted. Fall River 675-7496 993-3222 The policy is among a package of new benefits established by Pope John Paul II to mark the 1994 By FATHER ROGER Aer Lingus International Year of the Family. KARBAN Among other provisions are educational subsidies of $60 to $200 June 23-July 4, 1994 to Capernaum. He can stay there annually per child for employees and become the lodd hero. If he who are parents. expansion of led by returns to the one place where maternity leave and special provi$.1699.00 Per person (double occupancy) people accept him, he'll eventually sions for families with disabled Tour Features Include die peacefully in his own bed with members. " Round-trip airfare Bostoll'Shannon via A.er Lingus .(non-stop) his admiring family and friends The policies will affect the " Deluxe & Superior Closs Hotel accommodations 10 nights (dbl/occ) around him - and he will have approximately 3,400 lay employees "10 Ful/lrish Breakfast doily 8 TobIe d'hote dinners brought about good things for "Touring on private luxury motorcooch with DriveuGuide of the Vatican and its city-state only a select few. But if he opts to and were hailed with satisfaction " High Teo at the Ashford Castle go beyond Capernau'm and accom" Moss at the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock by an official of the Vatican lay plish better things for more peo- employees' association. For Further Information & Application Coli (508) 775-3563 ple, he'll have to deal with lots of Under the new norms. paid grackles and starlings. maternity leave is offered to women Thankfully, like my father, Jesus employees from three months chooses the better over the good, before the birth of a child to three and accepts the evil which comes months afterward. There are about with it. 250 laywomen among Vatican emLong before Jesus, the author of ployees. most of them married. Job offered the same choice to his. For couples adopting a child readers. He believed fhat 'it was under 6 years of age, the woman precisely because Jqb had been so employee is eligible for three Officesat550FishRd., Tiverton faithful to Yahweh that he was month's maternity leave. now suffering these ~orrible curses. Women with problem pregnanLooking only at the evil, Job reckcies are eligible for extension of Heating Oil • Diesel Fuel ons life a "drudgery" and himself a paid leave throughout their pregGasoline "hireling." Convinced he will never nancy. experience anything else, he moans, Male employees may qualify for Automatic Delivery D D "... My life is like the wind; I shall the benefits in some cases. such as Budget Plans D not see happiness again." when the raother is physically unSales, Service & Installation of Oil Heating Systems able to care for the children. But we must never forget, the For familil:s with disabled chilbook ends hopefully. No matter dren, the Vatican offers periods of the pain, Job never breaks his ties leave with reduced pay. Alternawith the Lord; he never stops REGISTERED PHARMACISTS tively, employees can take off two DENMARK'S PRESCRIPTIONS being a disciple. Yahweh finally hours each day to help care for a appears, answers Job's questions Invalid Equipment For Rent or Sale disabled child up to 3 years old. by telling him he could never grasp and three days a month for an the answers, and restores his forSurgical Garments - Bird - IPPB Machines - Jobst older child. tune and family. : "0 . Hollister - Crutches - Elastic Stockings Paul sees the dilemma from a Surgical & Orlhopedic Appliances different perspective. For him, the t:: ~\ ,... . Trusses - Oxygen - Oxygen ~ks, Tents & good would be to "~ake full use of SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) ..... • _ RegUlators - Approved For MedICaTe the authority the gospel gives": to The American Catholic Historical 1 let the importance of his ministry 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE Association has awarded its John create an honored place for him in ''''',',~',~'' \. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Gilmary Shea prize to Maureen C. the community. But the better Miller for her book, "The Formawould be to make himself "the t;:::..; 673 Main St, Dennisport - 398-2219 tion of a Medieval Church: Eccleslave of all" by offering the gospel siastical Change in Verona, 950550 McArthur Blvd., Ate. 28, Pocasset - 563-2203 "free of charge." In opting for the 1150." The assistant professor of 30 Main St, Orleans, - 255.Q132 latter, he doesn't just tolerate history at Hamilton College, in grackles and starlings in order to 509 Kempton St., New Bedford - 99~92 Clinton, N.Y., received the $500 feed the others, he actually identic (PARAMOUNT PHARMACY) prize at the association's recent fies with the "undesirables." Or as annual meeting in San Francisco. he puts it, "To the weak I became a weak person with a view to winning the weak. I made myself all things to all people in order to save at least some of them.," Jesus' option now becomes even more significant. By leaving Capernaum he totally becomes one ATTLEBORO FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD CAPE COD with this world and its people. As 10 MAPLE ST. 783 SLADE ST, 59 ROCKLAND ST. 261 SmITH ST. Job discovered, th~ world's an evil 226-4780 997·7337 HYANNIS P.O. BOX M - SO. STA. place. But no one :eradicates evil 674-4681 771-6771 by ministering only to the good. Evil disappears on,ly when som.eone is willing to suffer through It. Once we identify with the grackles, • ADOPTIONS • INFORMATION/REFERRAL we don't mind feeding them, even if the chickadees never show up. • PREGNANCY SERVICES


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Shea Prize awarded


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No more reviews WASHINGTON (CNS) - The Catholic News Service telephone movie review service, 900-PREVIEW, has been discontinued due to a continuing drop in the volume of calls. Thomas N. Lorsung, director and editor in chief of CNS, said; "It was a great ser.vice, available 24 hours a day, but the audience Just didn't seem'to want to .pay for it." ..


..... _


















The Anchor Friday, Feb. 4, 1994


:Accepting the unacceptallJels: 'modern' malady We nonchalantly allow ourselves to be scanned by metal detectors 'and to be searched for hidden weapons before boarding an aircraft. It is taken for granted that someone might be carrying a weapon.

By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK, Are we growi!1g accustomed to accepting the unacceptable'! Our times are conditioning us to expect a wide range of unaccepta!>Ie occurrences.For example, we'd pr,obably be surprised if we didn't read that senseless drug-related homicides involving young people are increasing. It is almost conceded that. ~new homicide record will be set every year in most large cities. '

When we watch television, it is routine to see half a dozen people killed in hideousways. We expect it. We've also grown ac:customed to seeing homeless people in front of a prominent building or in the makeshift "housing" they set up , over steaming urban gr,ates. We presume also that urban ghettos will not lose their distinctive marks of neglect: scattered, broken glass, debris and stripped down abandoned'automobiles.

We expect to hear that millions of'dollars that should have been spent on education, fighting AIDS or providing jobs has somehow mysteriously disappeared. We expect to read about scandals among high officials in government, corporate businesses and the professions. And the list goes on - the list of these unbelievable facts of life. Perhaps we attempt to maintain balance by shifting some of these "expectations" into the darker recesses of our consciousness. Another way we cope is by becoming matter-of-fact; ju'st factoring everything 'in somehow so that·itdoesn't disturb us. Becoming matter-of-fact is a common phenomenon spawned by

modern living, which is no longer simple or easily controllable. But to become matter-of-fact is to contract a debilitating disease. ' This observation was arrived at decades ago by Father Romano Guardini, a theologian and anthropologist who witnessed the role a matter-of-fact mentality played in creating Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. He, called it the disease of our times, and described it as an "unwilIingne~sto display emotions of any kind, in'deed, even to harbor'them. It is a cooling of the heart, an indifference to the people and things of existence." , There are times when being matter-of~fact keeps us from taking things too seriously and losing our sense of humor. '

To be blase or laissez faire, however, is a problem. BM news will not be stemmed; violence decreased nor will we get a hold on life. Matter-of-factness numbs our sense of responsibility. Worse, it fosters self-denial and dulls our desire to change the world for the better. For that we'll need vigor and energy, and the drive to grow together as a healthy family and nation. What will it take for us to expect ,- and demand - that homeless people be provided for? The prophets were often people who saw what we see, but didn't become matter-of-fact. Like us, they became frustrated, but their frustration reflected 'a hurning desire to restore order. And, that propelled them to action. ,

'How long sh'ould a new mother stay home?


; t~

. _.- -~' t Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY •

Dear Dr. Kenny: How soon after childbirth should a mother go back to work? We need two salaries. I'd like to resume employment as soon as I can. Illinois

You say you "need" two salaries but you don't specify the nature of your need. Is the money necessary for ~urvival? To finance a com-

fortable lifestyle? O'r for certain extras? We are talking about competing needs, yours and your baby's. The more essential the need, the more that ne~d should take priority. If you need the money to survive, to provide basic room and board, then providing that need is the foundation of good parenting. Parents provide the necessities for their children. If you find you are uncomfortable and unhappy around your baby, perhaps someone else wou!d be better at mothering. At least you can be honest with yourself and say in 'an emotional sense, '!J need to get back to work." , ·v- '" l.o

By FATHER JOHN J., DIETZEN Q. I have a strong devotion to the Eucharist, and I cannot understand why the tabernacle has been relegated to a side chapel in some churches. Can you explain why? (Ohio) A. I admire your reveren<;e for the eucharistic presence of our Lord. As in so many things today, however, it is good to try to learn why something is happening before you reject it. Several major Catholic documents ,on the liturgy urge the reservation of the Blessed Sacra-

What are an infant's needs? Dr. Burton White, noted researcher on early childhood development, says that in the first year of life, babies need one-on-one care. In the second year, he says they need one caretaker penwo babies. Many cultures, including other industrialized- nations, provide a one-year leave of absence for mothers after childbirth. They recognize the need of'infants for one-on-one, f1esh-to-f1esh contact. Erik Erikson, a child psycholo'gist, theorized that the task of the first year of life is t~ establish a basic level ,of trust.ifhis trust is facilitated by having a single per-

son regularly available to respond to and love the infant. Day care and baby-sitting are not able to meet this need. Day care does not have the one-on-one ratio important to infants. Babysitters involve too much shifting, with too many different parent figures. Babies need their mothers for the first year of their lives. Without the constancy of a single caring person and the quality of an emotionally involved parent, babies are more apt to suffer illness, even die. Physical contact and love are critical to early development How an infant experiences the first

year will shape his or her whole life. Can another caregiver, a grandparent, for example, meet the infant's needs? Certainly, l'I single caring parent figure is t:1e best alternative should mother be unavailable. But then one must ask, aside from dire necessity, why turn this vital intimate role over to , someone else? Mothers need to compare their need for income to thenc:eds of their infant. Possibly, mother's needs will outweigh those of her baby. Otherwise, 'I would urge mothers ,"0 take a long time off 'after childbirth and enjoy and love their babies.

Eucharist als,o' important' outside, of liturgy, ,

ment in a chapel separate from ea~ily if the chapel is separate ' says about tabernacles not being of the consecnltion and should the area where Mass is celebrat- from the body of the church." on the altar itself; another freappear as such" (No. 55). (9). " quent recommendation in liturgi~ In other words, since signs and ed. The General Instruction of the The instruction "Eucharisticum cal instruct,ions. ' ". symbols 'are of supreme impor. Roman Missal, found ,at the be- . Mys,terium," o'ne of the church's "In the celebration of Mass the tance in liturgical worship, care ginning of the'Sacramentary the 'chief decrees on worship of the principal ,modes of Christ's presshould always be taken that they ence to his church emerge clearly hot be mixed or confused. priest 'uses atMa~s" encourages Eucharist, has a similar admoni"the practice of eucharistic reser- tion. (No. 53) ' o n e "after the other," declares, :Obviously, churches which atvation in a chapel suited to the ,The purpose of this is to distin"Eucharisticum Mysterium." tempt to follow Catholic guidefaithfuls' private adoration a'nd guish clearly the two .manifesta"First he is' seen to be present lines in this matter 'are not "releprayer" (276), tions of this presence of ou'r Lord: in the assembly of the faithful gath- gating" the eucharistic pn~sence ered in his name; then in his word, anywhere. ' , ' The introduction to the Roman the celebration of the Eucharist in Ritual for Holy Communion and our communal worship at Mass with the reading and explanation They are attempting to honor Worship of the Eucharist Outside and the reservation of the Euchaof Scripture; also in the person both aspects of our eucharistic life rist fo'r communion to the sick and of Mass repeats this therrie. of the minister; finally, in a singu- in the manner they deserve. "It is highly recommended," it dying and for private,prayer. lar way' under the 'eucharistic elA free brochure answering says, "that the place (for reservaIn the first of these, the focus is ements. questions Catholics ask :!bout tion) be suitable also for private the altar of sacrifice. In,the second~ "Conseq uently, on the grounds ,receiving the Eucharist is anlilable adoration and prayer so that the the focus is the tabernacle. of the sign value, it is more in keep- by sending a stamped self-addressed faithful may readily and fruitfully Honoring this distinction helps ing with the celebration that Christ envelope to Father John Dietzen, continue to honor,the Lord; pres- keep focus on what we are doing in not be present eucharistically in Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main ent in the sacrament, through per- whatever eucharistic activity occuthe tabernacle from the beginning St., Bloon:lington, III. 61701. Quessonal worship. ' p'ies u's at the time. ' on the altar where Mass is cele- tions for this column should be "This will be achieved more ',Perhaps it helps to recall what it brated. That presence is the effect sent to the ,same address.

'C'hildrenare finally 'gettin'g thei,~ day if' court By ANTOINETTE BOSCO

Judge Charles Gill of Connecticut is fighting'for a constituttonal amend m<;nt to guarantee childrcn's rights. Hc took on this cause as ajudge. a father and a Catholic who has seen too many children "treated as possessions. as baggage." by the cou rts. (iill a'ndfour lawyers from different states have worked for the -, rights- of -thl:'-'child, Reeelltl:\' he

invited me to join them all, for attorney who represented Gregory or tossed around like Ping-Pong brunch, and to learn.. K.. the boy who wanted to "divballs by courts. espccialfy in conGill had brought, in Matthew orce" his mother. and Kimberly tested custody battles. "are begValenti. a music teacher and comMays. the 14-year-old who was ging to tell their stCiries. They poser. to play an original song. switched at birth and wants to should have a voice." said Russ. with words by h'is wife. Barhara. remain with the father she has "There are s(~ ma'nv' of these It was called "Look at That always known. Bob Mays. and not kids. but, you ~an't help them Face." and resulted from this be given to her birth parents. because' you cali't get to them." Russ won these celebrated cases. experience of Gill: "I was in a hotel Russ said" maintaining that "we having lunch with a ./esuit priest and since then has adopted Greshould be talking in terms ofltheirl ·friend. and t here were t\\ 0 couples gory. who now goes by the ;lame human suffering." nearby. one with a small child Shawn Russ, . about, 5. She was moving and "', Lewis Pitts of North Carolina, dancing ... and then looked at us "Children's rights is such a new director for the legal Action Proand smiled." Gill related, concept. we're still meeting oppo- ject of the National Committee for "I said to my priest friend. 'Look sition.", said R'uss, He expressed the Rights of the Child, commented at that face. such beauty and innoanger at the courts for refusing to that the concept of children's rights cenee.' And he replied. 'Charlie. put children on the stand. The is too abstract for people to supyou're looking at the face of God." position is that "thev don't want to port. "They ask, 'Is this about (ieorge Russ was one of Gill's 'expose childrel~, to ihe courts." splitting families or undermining hrunch guest5!LHc is' the'F.lorida " ',Yet'childr.en:abused'bytparents it, parenta\;autho~ty?'''J-L.",:.. )::lI!

NarlDet'te Bowler, an attorney with the Children's Law Center i~ Grand Rapids. Mich .. picked up on that'. "When people be'come parents. there is a presumption that they:have a right to control their children. "We've got to start makini; par'enting a privilege, a steward~:hip." she affirmed. 'A "sense of powerlessness" when it comes to protecting children in poor. neglected or abusive :iituations led Shari Shink. then a childcare worker. to study law. "I felt if I were a lawyer this might empower me mOre to be able to improve the life of a child in a significant way," said Ms. Shink, now head of the Children's Legal Clinic in Denvei'111

The Anchor Friday, Feb. 4, 1994


No justice in RICO ruling Dear Editor: I said a prayer at the Supreme Court today, Jan. 24. the day on which a decision was issued in the NOW v. Scheidler case. it was th~ same prayer I said there Dec. 8 when I listened to oral arguments in the same case. The prayer was simple. "Lord, restore justice and wisdom to this Court." The NOW Schddler case regards the application of RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) laws to pro-lifers and pro-life groups. The specific complaints brought forward by NOW (which only represents some women) and two abortuaries are, in part, that a coalition of pro-life groups hurt their ahortion business (hooray!) and, in fact, are part of a "nationwide conspiracy to shut down abortion clinics through a pattern of racketeering activity." "Racketeering al:tivity" is defined in part in the law as "any threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in narcotic or other dangerous drugs." The Court in this case did not decide whether specific groups or individual pro-lifers are in fact guilty of racketeering activities. What it did was to open the way to such decisions. The specific question it addressed was whether or not the use of RICO against prolifers (or anyone) required that they be acting with an economic motive. The Court said that an economic motive is not required. In other words, the Court said that RICO laws can be brought to bear on pro-lifers. RICO, the Court said, includes ent.erprises whose activities affect commerce, even if those enterprises do not seek to benefit from it. The Court's deci-


Feb. 6 1988, Bishop Frederick Don': aghy, Vicar Apost.olic of Wuchow

Feb. 7 1991, Rev. Art.hur N. Robert, O.P., St. Anne Shrine, Fall River

Feb. 9 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Kelly, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River 1972, Rev. Petcr J. McKone, S.J., Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River 1985, Rev. Vinceilt R. Dolbec, A.A., Assumption College



1966, Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, St. Mary, Mansfield 1983, Rev. Lucien A. Madore, Retired Chaplain, Mt. St. Joseph School, Fall River. Director, Notre Dame Cemctery, Fall River

Feb. 11 1910, Rev. John O'Connell, Founder, St. Johl} Evangelist, Attleboro 1961, Rev. John J. Sullivan, S.T.L., Pastor, Holy Rosary, Fall River 1987, Rev. William J. McMahon, Retired Pa.stor, St. Joan of Arc, Orleans

sion was unanimouS. As a result, we can expect numerous challenges to baby-saving activity across the country. The decision of the Court calls for a swift, vigorous, and united response from pro-life individuals and groups. First, the decision demonstrates that if you start with a' perverse AMONG CELEBRANTS at the observance of the 25th premise. you will end up with peranniversary of the Women's Guild of St. John of God parish, verse conclusions. The perverse Somerset, are, from left, Rev. Henry S. Arruda, pastor of St. premise here is that abortion mills are "clinics" which offer "medical John Baptist parish, New Bedford; guild presiderit Pam Corservices" and therefore constitute deiro, who presented a history of the group; Rev. Daniel L. legitimate "commerce." This is Freitas, St. Joh;n of God pastor; and Rev. David M. Andrade, nonsense. Abortion is the killing St. John of God parochial vicar. Also present were Diocesan of an innocent baby and the exploiCouncil of Catholic Women president Bella Nogueira, a parishtation of his/ her mother. It heals no disease of mind or body. It has ioner and past guild president, who spoke on the importance of nothing to do with health, medi- affiliation with the National Council of Catholic Women; and cine, or clinical services. Killing District Council One president Vivian Belanger, who extended babies and harm.ing women is no the greetings of the district. part of legitimate commerce. NOW and the abortion mills in her home to her death at age 98. this case complain that their busi- abortion but of anything at all. The opinion concludes, in fact, just after Christmas. During her ness is being hurt. But by making with this sente'nce: "I think it pru- years there. Mary .I. became part their money offthe blood of babies, dent to notice that RICO actions 路of an extended "family" consisting they have from the start forfeited could deter protected advocacy of the staff. residents and their visthe right to be protected by laws and to caution courts applying itors. The love. respect. and genuine which protect legitimate commerce. RICO to bear in mind the First friendships that Mary J. found If anyone is guilty of criminal Amendment interests that could there brought her much joy and activity, it is the abortionists. be at stake." happiness. and for that we're very The second point that the deciThis is an understatement. Those grateful. sion shows is that the petitioners Every contact was gentle. Every are not "pro-choice" but pro-abor- interests are at stake and, in fact, minute was filled with love. right tion! The very fact that they com- are repeatedly violated against plain when their abortion industry honest citizens who voice their to the end. People gave of themselves and on their own time. To objections to government-approved loses money shows why they are in it. If they were in favor of choice, .baby-killing. First Amendment all the staff and residents we canrights of pro-lifers are indeed vionot extend enough thanks. Mary why do they complain if women .I. was truly surrounded by special as decisions like this cause lated chose not to abort? These are the people. same people, remember, who op- them to begin to fear long and Edward "Joe" Costa pose requirements that the mother expensive court battles (which remain long and expensive even if Madeline Costa be given information about the prothey win) simply because they Tiverton, RI development of her child and about test abortion. alternatives to abortion. This This is not right, and I call on harms their profits. . every pro-lifer, and indeed every The third point I want to make American interested in free speech, regafds the specific defendants into stand up and proclaim that. I volved. I know several of them personally. They are men and wo- call on every pro-lifer to redouble The papers of British Jesuit phihis/ her commitment to defend the losopher Frederick C. Copleston men of virtue, in no sense to be pre-born, and to work together have been donated to the Boston grouped with racketeers, mobsters, with every other pro-lifer to assure College John J. Burns Library of or violent people. I know few people as committed to God and to that we can do this without the Rare Books and Special Collecright living as JOSeph Scheidler. I threat of RICO suits. tions. Yes, NOW v. Scheidler is yet also know Conrad Wojnar, anFather Copleston was "one of other defendant in this case, whose another decision which enforces the giants of 20th century philonot justice but injustice against sophy," said librarian Robert K. work assisting women in crisis pregnancy has saved over 10,000 pre-born babies and against pro- O'Neill. "The Copleston collection lifers. After I picked up a copy of fits in very nicely with the British babies! (Sav'ing'lives used to be an the decision today from the Su- Catholic tradition that we have honorable activity.) As for Ranpreme Court I passed by the im- been documenting for many decdall Terry, he is totally against viopressive and majestic Jefferson ades at Boston College." lence to any person. Every particiMemorial and saw the statue of pant in Operation Rescue must Father Copleston, said O'Neill, our third president. Funny, but I was one of the great contributors promise to be non-violent. I have seen rescuers hit, kicked, spat could have sworn I saw him shak- to the history of thought on Westupon, and worse, yet never have I ing his head. ern civilization. The papers donated Father Frank Pavone seen them retaliate in the smallest to Boston College date from the National Director, way, physically ,or verbally. Delate 1940s to 1986. Among them Priests for Life spite over 72,000 arrests since are published and unpublished Staten Island, NY Operation Rescl,le began, its parbooks and articles, transcripts of ticipants have not incurred a single radio debates with Bertrand Rusconviction of violence. sell and A.J. AyeI', drafts of his I lectures and courses, and his 'corFinally, this decision contains a respondence with 152 individuals, significant concurring opinion is- _ including major writ~rs, theologisued by Justices Souter and KenDear Editor: In today's world we are so over- ans and philosophers of his time. nedy. They state, "The Court's opinion does not bar First Amend- whelmed by words like "super." . Among Father Copleston's papers was an autobiography, which ment challenges to RICO's appli- "extra" and ':outstanding" that has been published by Sheed and when we really need to use them to cation in particular cases.... 1t is Ward. Titled "Memoirs," it details describe something that happens important to stress that nothing in they lose their impact. Only these the priest's conversion to Catholthe Court's opinion precludes a icism, his Jesuit tertianship in Nazi words. though. in addition to the RICO defendant from raising the Germany and his post-war return word "love." describe the care that First Amendment in its defense in our loved one received at the Cath- to and assessment of Germany. a particular case." Why do these olic Memorial Home. two Justices stress this? Because it Something Good A little more than seven years is clear that the decision in NOW "Today do something good for ago. Mary.l. Costa made the Cathv. Scheidler opens the way for vioolic Memorial Home her home in the one you like the least."-St. lation of every American's right to free speech in protest not only of every sense of the word. She 100'ed Anthony of Padua

Copleston papers go to Be

Special people



VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has established the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences to help inform the Vatican on social concerns and foster research aimed at improving society. "The church feels more than ever obliged to give its contribution to the safeguarding of peace and the construction of a society more worthy of humanity," the pope wrote in a document establishing the academ{ Among the first 31 members of the academy are U.S. Nobel Prize winning economist Kenneth J. Arrow of Stanford University; Maty Ann Glendon,a sociologist at Harvard University; and political scientist Louis Sabourin of Canada's National School of Public Administration.

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RETREAT MOMENTS: Sister Noel Blute, RSM, receives communion from Sister Shirley Agnew, RS M, director of Pastoral Care to the Sick Education Program retreat; retreat speakers Bishop O'Malley and Marcy Smith; retreatant Leo Goguen guides arrivals saJely through the snow at Cathedral Camp; a group of retreat participants. .

Pastoral care mihis~ry candidates . . r~f1ect on spirituality

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By Marcie Hic~ey pel stories, dubbed "Sister Act 3" by retreatlints and cited by many "I f someone told you that if you as one of the most enjoyable segwent away for a weekend with [a ments of the retreat. group of] strangers and it would Participants noted that the bal20 Glen Street, Box 370 • Dover, MA 02030 change your life, would you goT' ance of activities, discussion and Tel: 5<E-785-0124 :: . . For one group of strangers quiet reflection offered an oppor-' enrolled in the Diocesan Pastoral tunity "to spend some quality time , Care to the Sick Education ProFebruary 11-13 LettilJ-g Go: A Weekend on Co~Dependency with the Lord." gram - the·ans.wer· was yeS, re~ The week:e·~d "instilled in us a flected one of the 33 participants. Gospel Reflection Day: Ash Wednesday Februafy 16 sense of spirituality, a connectedin .the program'sarinual retreat 9:30 am-2:30 pm. Bring Bible and lunch. ness that can be a buffer. against 'Iast month a't Cathedral Camp, stress," one retreatant said. , February 18-20 East Freetown.. Retreat on the Parables of J,e~Y§ . - Although all had different rea- '. Altt).ough "~we had.alrea<;ly been . Enneagram II Workshop .... -.. ~.' a community," Sister Agnew comsons for going - and had to brave with Virginia Sampson, SUSC mented, the annual retreat forges a ice and snow to get there - "it was deeper bond among education proDreams Workshop II with February 25-27 . unanimous 'that we were all glad Cannela Garofalo, RSM we went:~ said one evaluation of gram participants. "Watching the group come tothe weekend program. Words like Lenten Weekend' gether as a community through "awesome," "refreshing," "wonshared experiences, trusting one derful" and "enriching" appeared another - to see that bond created in other evaluations submitted to was very rewarding," she said. pastoral care education program Even the less-t han-desi ra ble director Sister Shirley Agnew, RSM: . weather played a role in the weekend's meaning, she added: with Sister Agnew is assistant direceveryone arriving despite the Jan . tor of the Diocesan Office of Pas7 snowstorm, there was a sense, as toral Care tothe Sick. directed by • Prompt 24 Hour Service • Automatic Delivedes one retreatant put it, that "God F;lther George Bellenoit. The office • Call In Deliveries • Budget Terms Available must have wanted me to be there!" offers the education program from • Free EstImates September to May to prepare vol"It was a truly wonderful time of sharing with my brothers and sisunteers to minister to the sick and You Never Had Service elderly in nursing homes, hospitals ters in the pastoral care program," Until You Tried Charlie's and home settings. . said another. "We were gathered The annual retreat marks the together, each orus with our own We're located at . .. . program~s midpoint, helping pargiftedness and brokenness, seek46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River ticipants nurture their prayer life ing a touch from the Master's oreal/. .. and personal relationship with hand. We did indeed feel the touch 508-675-7426·674-0709 God, reflect on their ministry and of his hand through each other. .. we assess their goals as they approach are now one." commissioning as pastoral minisIn their evaluations of the· retreat ters in May. all expressed joy and gratitude for what was, for most, a surprise Team members Sister' Agnew. appearance by Bishop O'Malley. Sister Jacqueline Dubois, SSA, As each retreatant personally deand Sister Dympna Smith. RSM. were joined in presenting the re- scribed his or her ministry, "it gave treat by guest speakers Bishop [Bishop O'Malley] the opportunity to see the amount of good work Sean O'Malley and Cape Cod that's being done in ministry to the Community College nursing prosick in our diocese," said Sister fessor Marcy Smith, who addressed Agnew. the topic of stress. The bishop No fees "His presence validated the im: spoke about prayer and afterward get No portance of [our] ministry;" one he and Father Bellenoit offered the sacrament of reconciliation. retreatant commented. In other presentations, Sister "Having Bishop Sean sit at our Agnew offered insights into "The supper table and experiencing his Call the Homeowners Loan Phone 508-6754415 Inner Child" and Sister Smith, care and concern gave me a new Ask for Connie, Pat or·Darlene. pastoral minister' at .Cape Cod appreciation for the humanness of CfI1ZENS~UNION. .Hospital, discussedjournaling. Sis- those in religious life," said anU's.the Best. SAVINGS AANK ter Dubois is a pastoral minister at other. "His talk made me realize . Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall that even in the busiest of schedRiver. Member FDICIDIF LENDER ules time can be found for daily The three sisters also performed. prayer: This was something I really . ~====================~==:;;:;:;:;;:;:~~§§~§~'§'§§§_¥_ == __§_§~~_ .lkseries of sk,its dramatizing G os- needed to hear." ~1!L'1~

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There were also thanks to. the rest of the retreat team; along with calls for "Emmys" for the s::sterthespians who "really know how to share the Good News." Their "support allowed rrle to dig deep down and to look at wme tough' issues' aneVhelped.me to . come up with satisfying pOssibili- . ties for chan'ge in my spiritual life," another retreatant said. Many described the weekend as a time of spiritual strengthening .al]~ personal insight, and others' noted that their call to pastoral ministry- was a process of surrender: "It involves a deeper ca.II to wholeness and holiness that I had, for a long time, been reluctant to accept. It involves letting go of my own agenda in order to ~row in trust and love. During this retreat I was given the tools to facilitate this process." The retreat experience was also a chance for pastoral care education participants to clarify their' mission arid strengthen their commitment to serve the ·suffering. "I have left this retreat with goals in mind ... 1 must look deeper int.o avenues to help all those that I can. 1 want to be the eyes, hands and heart of Jesus." . Insights gained into self, God and church "are important if I am to be a credible witness and minister to the sick," said another participant. A stringless violin that was present at the group's first meeting and resurfaced on the retreat came to symbolize the pastoral minis':ry candidates' experience. . "We are the strings," one put it. The pastoral care education program will enter its seventh year in September. Information is avaiLable from Sister Agnew at P.O. Box 600, Pocasset, 02559.



S ACR A M'E NTO. C AUF. (CNS) The Hispaniccommunilv of Sacramento is wel<:ominl! th~ diocese's new. bishop wit h bu ~1pl:r stickers. 1:1 Heraldo Catolico included thousands of hump,;r stickers \\elcoming Rishop William K. Weigand in a recent edition. "I guess youclln say WL·'re hoping our message Slicks." said editor .Io~,e R;lI11ire~.

Regular churchgoing I lessens depression

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River

Fri., Feb. 4,1994





Heavenly bread also short in Haiti

What staves off depression? Two

r~cently published psychology s~udies found people are less de-

pressed who attend church or synagogue regularly and who maintain a strong internalized faith. . A study by D.R. Williams, D.B. Wilson and others of 720 adults in New Haven, Connecticut, found t~at frequent church attendance has a buffering effect upon the stresses of difficult life events and health problems. When people att~nd church rarely, litt1<: advant~ge was seen in lowering stress. , However, as the frequency of teligious attendance incrf:ases, the dtressful effects of traumatic life ¢vents and health problems de¢Iine. These results persisted when lleople of the same age, education, marital status, gender, and race ~ere compared. I In a second study, by V. Genia lind D.G. Shaw, more than 300 people were surveyed to examine the relationshp between type of religious commitment and depres$ion. The study identified two types pf religious orientation: an intrin~ic commitment entailed internal~zing beliefs and living by them (Iespite social pressure or personal Iconsequences; an extrinsic com:mitment involved using religion as a means of obtaining self-justifica,tion, social advantages, or personal security. . , The study revealed that persons' :with an intrinsic religious comImitment experienced less depresIsion, while those with an extrinsic I commitment became depressed Imore often. No relationship was ,found between depression and re;ligious denomination, age, sex, or .education. ' I



i"Turn off TV day" I set for Feb. 11 NEW YORK (CNS) -- Morality in Media will sponsor its third I "Turn Off TV Day" feb. II to i protest what it says is the continuI ingerosion of broadcast standards. i "Excessive violence on TV is justifiably the hot-button issue I today," Morality in Media presiI dent Robert Peters said in a stateI ment. I "But when the TV pendulum i swings away from violence, it tn~ditionally swings toward gratuitous sex - sleaze! Both exploitaI tive sex and violence must be curbed ." As other examples of the eroI sion of broadcast standards, Peters cited "Catholic-bashing" on CBS' "Picket Fences" and ABC's "NYPD Blue," a show that has rough language and nudity and was the subject of a Morality in'Media protest last August. The group said it has asked 100 top network advertisers not to advertise on programs they consider destructive to the nation's moral fabric. Morality in' Media is asking boy<,:ott participants to write to three major advertisers - Procter & Gamble. Warner-Lambert and Slim-Fast Food Products - with a plea that they not sponsor socially irresponsible programs. Procter & Gambloe is network TV's leading advertiser. WarnerLambert, the group said, has a reputation for buying ad time for shows most other companies refuse to sponsor. Slim-Fast, the group says, advertises on "NYPD Blue," "Picket Fences," "Donahue" and a cable channel's erotic soap opera, "Eden." I

Among the hundreds of shortages plaguing Haiti under the current U,N. embargo are scarcities of both ordinary and Eucharistic bread. With supplies of hosts growing extremely low. Haitian churches reeently turned to the Food for the Poor relief agency for help. The ageney sent 75.000 hosts by emergency air freight to arrive in the time for the Christmas season. "It was an unusual request. but Food for the Poor specialil.es in that type of problem," said agency founder Ferdinand Mahfood. Since 1982. his organilBtion has been 'supplying church-based social ministries in the Caribbean with the exact items they request. from industrial bakery ovens for feeding programs to toys for an orphanage playroom. "Our goal is to be

flexible and to respond as quickly, as possihle to the poor's needs." said Mahfood. ' "Since the embargo. our Port~', au-Prince warehouse has been. deluged with requests for help, and our own feeding program is serving more and more people', every day." he added. "Haiti is a' country in crisis a country that' needs hoth our help and our prayers."

Auto Mechanics: Having"difficulty finding ajob in the auto repair field because you lack the professional training needed? FREE federally funded 'training is available to eligible applicants. Must meet federal income gUidelines. Call collect.


eNS photo from U.S. Holocaust Museum yia Reuters


"Schindler's List" star sees parallels in Irish boyhood WASHINGTON (CNS) Catholic actor Liam Neeson, who plays the title role of Oskar Schindler in the new Steven Spielb'erg . movie "Schindler's Li~t," said he saw some parallels between the anti-Semitism of World War II portrayed in the film and his own Catholic boyhood in Northern Ireland. "I was raised a Catholic in a very Protestant town in County Antrim in the north of Ireland.... Given the history ofthe Irish Catholics in Ireland - 700 years ~ it's been kind of similar to what happened to Jewish people for centuries. An oppression," Neeson said. "So I certainly related to that aspect of the story. An oppression of a race of people." Neeson told Catholic News Service he recalled incidents in Ireland similar to the situation of Polish Jews under Nazi occupation. "I had a couple of bad instances myself growing up," he said. "I suddenly wasn't allowed to play with a group offriends, not knowing why. And the reason being that they were Protestant and I was Catholic. "Not because my parents were righteous. They weren't. It was because my buddies were out celebrating some big Protestant holiday and I wasn't allowed to join them, in case I would get into trouble and somebody would find out that I was Catholic." In "Schindler's List," Neeson portrays Oskar Schindler, a German Catholic industrialist who hoped to make big profits in wartime after the Nazis took over Poland. Schindler hired Jews to work at his enamelware factory beca'use he could pay them less than Polish workers. He stopped Nazi brutalities of his workers at first for economic reasons - a worker not at work meant less production, hence less profits.

But when Schindler saw the Nazis liquidating the Krakow ghetto, his conscience was stirred, . and thereafter he saved Jews because they were fellow human beings. To keep them from the furnaces of Auschwitz, he got permission to move his factory to Czechoslovakia. He prepared a list of I, I00 Jews he said were essential to the Nazi war effort, and managed to save them all. Today, the fihn's coda says, there are more descendants of Schindler's rescue efforts than there are Jews in all of Poland. The "Schindler's List" script was "one of the best scripts I've ever read. You certainly want the film to be at least as good as the script. I think it far surpasses it. I thought it was a very, very powerful film," Neeson said. "What the film brings across is that one person actually can make a difference. It doesn't have to be anything monumental what that one person does. It can'be giving a neighbor the time of day that you normally wouldn't speak to. Do you know what I mean? It's just little human things."

DC sees hope WASHINGTON(CNS)-"Someone told me that the word' Anacostia' is an Indian word that means standing against the enemy," Msgr. Raymond East, a Washington pastor, told a TV audience about a troubled section of the nation's capital. The enemies residents of the Anacostia area face, ..he explained, are high unemployment. racism. homelessness and violence. But, he added, they are determined to overcome them. The priest commented as a member of a panel addressing "Crime in America: A City Under Fire," on a recent broadcast of "Larry King . Live" on Cable News Network.

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THE A'NCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri .. Feb. 4.1994

At diocesan health facilities

DR. LYNNE ROBERTSON, educator and consultant in food service management, oversees i.mplementation of the "GeriMenu" software system during a recen"t visit to Catholic Memorial Home,' Fall River. The program, used throughout the diocesan health facilitit:s system, helps streamline'menu preparatio路n. ASK LOUISE RESENDES about the care her mother, Catherine Mellen, is receiving at Ciltholic .Memoriall-tome, and her response IS:

"I can't say enough about the care:' the personal care of my mother and the cleanliness of the home. There's a certain special something about Catholic Memorial Home. The staff are very affectionate, and even if they are rushing by to help another resident, they'll stop to say hello to my mother by name. They take the time to make each person feel that they are special." Mrs. Mellen, 90, is a resident of the Considine Unit for persons with Alzheimer's Disease, and her daughter finds evidence of the staffs consideration, even in the smallest details: "My mother likes to have a mid-afternoon snack of a jam and peanut butter sandwich, and it is always there for her...and not just handed ioher, but taken out and broken up for her, so she can eat it easily." , Mrs. Mellen enjoys planned activities in the sun room, ~uch as modified baseball and basketball games, and her daughter appreciates the newly. formed support group for family members of the Considine Unit: "There was a warm feeling as we sat around the . table, ~s if you had been invited into someone's home. [Social worker] John Rogers and the other staff are so good .. .it's a wonderful group of people there."


* * * *

LON A MURPHY is a quiet, cheerful lady who has lived at Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, for over a year. Her personal goal is to regain her ability to walk following a stroke - a challenge she meets every day at physical therapy sessions. She's able to walk a few steps now using the roIling walker. "Every step helps," she says. "I feel as if I'm coming along well. I couldn't be doing this at a better place than Madonna Manor," she says. "There's always someone here to help you when you need it. And the food is good!" Lona's point of view is "to take each day as it comes." ,

Catholic schools are different We were different and proud of after grade, school, Frank to the only Catholic boys' high school in it. Our路 parish school, the Ascentown. and I to public school. sion in north Minneapolis. M N; with 1,200 kids, was the biggest The Ascension was my only Catholic grade school in 路town. classroom Catholic education, but what I learned about my faith in Our classes were near the top in . size. too-around 50. Our athletic , those years never left me. teams often were city chal"Dps. Growing up Catholic and atBut those reasons weren't what tending a p~rochial school set us really made us different. We didn't apart in the 1920s and '30s. It was deemed a 'handicap then, unlike wear uniforms in those days .. We didn't get rides on the public school today when Catholics have made buses in the 1920s; we walked. For it socially. financially and edu- . us Casserly kids that was one mile cationally. each way four times a day; we went "No Catholics Need Apply" signs home for lunch. were nowhere to be seen then. but What really made us different I lost at least one daily newspaper was our faith. We got the fourth reporting job because I was a "R." religion. right along with Catholic. The publisher told me he read in'. 'ritin' and 'rithmetic. We had three too many Catholics went to Mass on Sunday. confes- working for him alre~dy and what路 sion on Saturday, we fasted before he needed was a good Lutheran. commun,ion and skipped meat on American Catholic grade schools Friday. ' have declined in number at the My years at Ascension came same time their academic superback vividly recently when I learned iority has been making headlines. of the death of an old classmate. The loss of sisters and their replaceFrank Liemandt. "Babe" (nick- ment by lay teachers who need a names were very big then) and I living wage has raised tuition rates often walked to school together. out of sight. We loved to leapfrog over some Discipline~ test scores and neighconcrete posts along the way until borhood location are often given' Babe tore his pants one day after as reasons parents want their kids lunch and ran home crying. It was in Catholic schools. There's another a very big rip. We separated fo~ever explanation. of course. even though




ii's not always mentioned: religion. Support for this fourth "R" came from an unusual sourcewhe'n U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Anonin Scalia told a father-daughter breakfast at Georgetown Visitation. a Catholic girls" high school in Washington. DC. t,) take pride in being out of step with the rest of the world. "When I was the age of you young ladies," he said. "the Church provided obtrusive reminders that we were different." citing meatless Fridays and Saturdays morning fasts before Communion. That sense of differentness. Scalia said, should have enabled Catholics "to be strong enough on bigger issues" such a~: abortion, contraception and divorce. The Church's unchanging positions on abortion. homosexuali ty and premarital sex could further mark Catholics as being out (If step with the rest of the world. he said. Being "different" and "out of step" with society is nol easy. But it helps to be the product of Catholic schools.

U.S. nuns head for Siberian missioll

SALINA, Kan. (CNS) -.: At age 73, when many people are thinking about retirement, Agnesian Sister Lucy Ann Wasinger is getting ready to start a new ministry in Siberia. . Originally she didn't jump at the opportunity. In fact, when she was first asked by Russian Bishop Joseph Werth to help him develop a Catholic community in Siberia, her response was, "If I were from "Why We Do What We younger, I'd go with you." Do, "a 1993 publication of DioceBut that, she said, was before san Health Facilities she experienced' a calling while * * * * reading a brochure that appealed ANNE MARIE KELLY, R.N., for religious ministers in the former c., and Irene M. Allie, R.N., c., of Soviet Union. ' Catholic Memorial Home recently "As I read the brochure. it said, earned certification in gerontolog'Are you interested?' and someical nursing from the American thing hit me. I wrote and said, Nurses Associatio'n. 'Someone is interested, me,''' SisThe certification program rec-' ter Wasinger told the Northwestognizes professional achievement ern Kansas Register, diocesan newsin specific areas of nursing. Geron- pape'r of Salina. tological nurses evaluate health She won't be alone when she needs of older adults, planning, l:Jeads to the Chelyabinsk, an and implementing care which uses industrial city of more than a miltheir strengths and assists them in lion people on the eastern slopes of maximizing their independence. Russia's Ural Mountains. Sister A Fall River resident, Mrs. Kelly Wasinger will be joined by three is director of staff development in others: Agnesian Sisters Mary Elise the nursing home and holds ANA Leiker. Mary Ann 'Schippers and certification in staff development Alice Ann Pfeifer. coordination. A graduate of St. The four sisters, all Kansas Anne's School of Nursing and the natives, were honored 'at a farewell University of Massach usetts / DartMass Jan. 8 with Salina Bishop mouth, she is a member of the George K. Fitzsimons. American Nurses Association, the It is no coincidence' the four nursing honor society Sigma Theta missionaries to Russia are from Tau, the National Nursing Staff Ellis County, Kan., nor that Bishop Development Organization, and Werth, the apostolic' administrathe Fall River Council of Catholic tor of Novosibirsk, Siberia, made Nurses. that area the main focus of his first Mrs. Allie, a head nurse at Cath- visit to the United States in 1992. olic Memorial Home,'holds a de- The sisters, as well as a sizable porgree from the nursing program at tion of Ellis County, are descendBristol C,ommunity College, Fall ants of German-speaking immigRiver. A Berkley resident, she is a rants who came from a dozen member of the Berkley Fire De- villages along Russia's Volga River. partment as an on-call firefight- They settled in the area between er/ emergency medical technician. 1876 and 1923. She serves on the Berkley public In June 1992, Sister Pfeifer. library board of trustees and is a along with two other sisters, visited member of the Dighton garden the mission region, covering an club. 850-square-mile radius. During the

visit. she said, they learned that many people in the rural villages had never heard of sisters. They knew nothing of the sisters' lifestyle or the vows they take. Sister Pfeifer said the sIsters will be setting up religious education for all ages as one of their first projects, particularly because the locals have "a hunger for theology and books." According to Sister Wasinger: another first, ministry might be simply to listen to people. "For so many years, they couldn't even tell their stories to each other. They. don't even know who to trust," she said. Sister. Leiker said many people have asked her why she wanted to go to Russia' when there is much work to be done in the United States. "Part of being a sister is you

councils on aging Edgartown . Birthday lunch 12:30 p.m. Feb. 8. African dance and music program I:30 p.m. Feb. 9. Blood pressure/wellnessclinic 1:15p.m. Feb. 15; reservation required by Feb. 14, Video, "90 in the '90s," 8:30 a.m. Feb. 16. Health talk on arthritis I:30 p.m. Feb. 16 by Linda Leonard, RN;' evening talk on menopause will be scheduled for later in the month. Mark Lovewell's Sea Chanteys I:30 p.m. Feb. 22. Information: COA, 627-4368. Yarmouth Valentine's Dance 8 p.m. Feb. II, senior center"528 Forest Rd., S. Yarmouth. Dennis Eight-week course in American art begins I:30 p.m. today. Estate planning seminar 2 p.m. Feb. 9. Program on home health care 2 p.m. Feb. 23. Vial of Life kits available at COA, 385-5067.

have to go where you are called to serve the church," .is her response. "This is another place where I've been called."

AUTHOR Sister Margherita Marchione was one of four New Jersey nal:ives recently honored by the New Jersey Literary Hall of Fame. At age 71, the member of the Religious Teachers Filippini order received the honor along with Pulitzer Prizewinning author and ~:cientist Carl Sagan, sports columnist Robert Lipsyte and Patricia Gauch, a novelist and author of children's books. Sister Marchione, who lives at her order's motherhouse in Morristown, N.J., has a doctorate from New Yorlc's Co~ lumbia University, and has authored 30 books. Her scholarly writings include seven volumes on 18th-century Italian-born colonial Philip Mazzei; who was a friend of Thomas Jefferson.

-----rl 'I





IBishops stress link :of environment to justice for poor WASHINGTON(CNS)-En'vironmental justice is im:xtricably ,linked to the traditionally Catho'lic cause of justice for the poor, :said bishops and other Catholic officials on a national tl~leconfer­ 'ence, "The Environment: Hope ifor a Renewed Earth." It was aired last month from the Washington Iheadquarters of the Catholic Teleicommunications Network of Amer;ica. I "Social justice is at the heart of :the solution to the environmental problem," said Walt Grazer, manI ager of the U.S. Catholic ConferI ence's new environmental justice program. I "Without justice for the poor , there is no justice for the earth," he added. The teleconference was part of I the U.S. Catholic Church's planned , three-year program on environmenI tal justice. Other parts include a I small grants program for parishes , and dioceses, an annual national t conference on Catholic social i teaching and the environment, and resource kits for each Catholic , parish in the country. I Last month's broadcast highI lightcd the work of parish environmcntal groups and quoted the views of various Catholic bishops. Bishop John J. McRaith of Owcnsboro. Ky., the son of a farmer. said he learned about "the sacred ness of the land" while he was growing up. Bishop James T. McHugh of Camden, N.J .. a Vatican delegate to the upcoming United Nations population summit in Cairo, Egypt. said the world environmcnt is often threatened by "consumption patterns and lifestyles" of the richer nations. Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul and Minneapolis said the Midwest witnessed at firsthand the results of environmental degradation during the 1993 floods. The teleconference also featured reports from Catholic Relief Services, the Campaign for Human Development, the National Coun· cil of Catholic Women and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference about how their programs aid environmentalism, Joe Bock of Catholic Relief Services said the agency's programs in 70 countries includc efforts to conserve soil or prevt:nt desertification, to improve w:ater quality. to increase waste recycling and to make use of alternative fuels.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri .. Feb. 4,1994

Cremation popular choice




attacker gets sentence reduced

ROME (CNS) - The prison term of would-be papal assassin Mehmet Ali Agca has been reduced by 405 days for good conduct. The Italian news agency ANSA reported that with the prison officials' recent decision and a 1989 decision to suspend 720 days for good conduct, Agca will be eligible for conditional relcase in 2005. Agca, who wou nded Pope John Paul II May 13, 1981. during a general audience in St. Peter's Square, was given a life sentence for the shooting. An escaped Turkish convict, he admitted shooting the pope and was convicted of attempted murder . ,by ~1!.. ltal!~[I._c~!-!rt.


eNS photo


Disability is his strength PITTSBURGH (CNS)- Father Patrick Rager, 34. finds fulfillment in his ministry of wOrking with people with disabilities. "I feel I'm just· doing my job. trying to minister to people and bring an clement of Chr.ist into their lives." the Pittsburgh priest told the'Pittsburgh Catholic, diocesan newspaper. But he brings a special dimension to that ministry: For the past six years he has been restricted to a wheelchair by spina cereoral atrophy. a ra~e hereditary neurological disorder that- is slowly debilitating his whole body. He says he gets his support from. his abiding faith in G~d and praying the rosary. And f~om his family. His parents. Paul and Helene Rager, turned part of their house. which bustles with visitors and grandchildren, into a specially outfitted apartment for Father Rager. His 20-year-old nephew. Ryan, has become his right-hand man. He sees to his uncle's, needs and is his driver. : "It's important for me to be able to help." said Ryan. The priesthood Father Rager lives now is one he !lever imagined as a young Se~inarian. . The trophy cabinet in his apartment attests to his yquthful involvement in sports. The first hint of something wrong came when he was 21 and his leg gave way while he was playing basel)all. That and other falls led to examinations by specialists. who at first suspected multiple sClerosis. It took a long time for them to reach a diagnosis of spina cerebral atrophy because there was no previous evidence of it in his family. Although he has feeling throughout his body, he can no longer move his legs and has little control of his arms. Once a computer enthusiast, he can no longer move his fingers around the keyboard, while worsening eyesight makes it difficult fo~ him to watch television, even with a large-screen set.,-,·" ,

Ordained in 1985. Father Rager was an associate pastor for two years before the gradual weakening of his legs forced him into a wheelchair. He said he felt desolate the first year after he left parish ministry and returned home to live with his parents. Then a fellow priest put· him in touch with Grace Harding. head of the Pittsburgh Diocesan Department for Persons with Disabilities. She soon saw to it that he was back at work - as first head of a diocesan Office for Physically HandicapPed Persons. . Father Ragt:r started with an outreach ministry to 27 people. Now the ministry, which he carries out mainly by telephone, has expanded to some 350 people with disabilities. He said he starts with the realization that people are at various stages in dealing with their disabilities. "I listen. It's important for someone to be there for them." James Brannan of nearby McKees Rocks. Pa .. experiences_ Father Rager's ministry by phone almost daily. "Father Rager's main belief is that you have to accept and deal with the situation and go on from there," Brannan said. "He helps you by listening. He lets you decide. He's just a good person." To Ms. Harding, Father Rager is effective because he speaks from personal experience. "He suffers. but he never, never, never complains." she said. Father Rager visits the diocesan offices at least twice a month, leads retreats for people with disabilities twice a year a,nd publishes a quarterly newsietter. Father James Seeger. one of his best friends and a classmate since their days together at Pittsburgh's Central Catholic High School. visits weekly. "Pat is amazing," said Father Seeger. "He's a real inspiration. Hejust has thisjoy in his life -and it's to be a priest. to function as a priest. t.o say Qaily Ma~s." •



1. .....










ST. CLOUD, Minn. (CNS) Since apostolic times, Christians, believing in the ultimate resurrection of the body, have followed the practice of burying their dead. But 20th-century concerns like the high cost offunerals and land conservation are causing a growing number of Catholics to choose cremation as an alternative. The trend is noticeable in Minnesota's SI. Cloud diocese. Priests and funeral directors are reporting more requests for cremation among Catholics. "The number of people here who asked to be cremated is a small percentage, but I expect it to grow," said Benedictine Father Simon Bischof, pastor of SI. Augustine Church in SI. Cloud. Of the 50 funerals at SI. Augustine's during a recent 15-month period, he said about four involved cremation. "The most compelling reason has been that it's cheaper," Father Bischof said. "So many people die without six or seven thousand dollars for a funeral. It can be about two or three thousand dollars cheaper to be cremated." Father Ralph Zimmerman, pastor of St. Mary's Church in Melrose, said the idea is becoming' more popular among his parishion7 ers. He reported that eight people out of 80 having funeral Masses at the church since the beginning of 1992 were later cremated. Local funeral directors are seeing an upward trend in people of all Christian faiths opting for cremation. Ten years ago about 5 percent of all deceased people iIl'M'itInesota's Stearns County were cremated, said Paul Daniel, director of Daniel Funeral Home in St. Cloud. Now that number has risen to 10.percent. "From what I've seen, that trend is up for Catholics too," he said. Long considered a pagan ritual and condemned by the Catholic Church, cremation was validated as an option for Catholics in 1963 in the wake of reforms instituted by the Second Vatican Council. The Code of Canon Law of 1983 reaffirms the option with some reservations. It states that "the church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed; it does not, however, forbid cremation unless it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Catholic teaching." Such reasons would include denying the - resurrection of the body or wanting remains to rest at the family's home instead of a sacred burial place. The St. Cloud diocesan policy regarding cremation, last revised in 1991, allows pastors to decide when cremation is acceptable. • The policy includes guidelines to be observed when making such a decision. It states that the body of the deceased must be brought to the church for a funeral Mass before cremation takes place. It also states that there can be no denial of resurrection and that cremated remains must be entombed in a cell).etery. _ Father Zimmerman said most people understand that cremation simply hastens the natural process of decomposition. They do not choose the method as a denial of resurrection. But cremated remains cannot be part of the funeral rite, ~e said.

because the rite focuses on the whole body rather than on what is left after it is turned into ashes. Father Zimmerman said he prefers traditional burial and always recommends that people examine their reasons for choosing cremation. "One problem is that some people aren't abiding by the guidelines and want to keep the remains on their mantel," he said. "I see that as a real drawback because it doesn't finalize the burial." According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the practice of cremation was common in the Western World during the days of the Roman empire. But under the influence of Christians, the practice nearly ceased by the fifth century. Cremation did not become an issue for the church until the 19th century when proponents advocated the practice for reasons of public hygiene and land conservation. The church, however, thought the practice was inconsistent with the long custom of Christian burial and de-emphasized the resurrection of the body. Those who were cremated were denied a Christian burial. A rethinking of the theological implications of the practice in the 20th century has led to its current acceptance by the church.



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He'll visit all parishes

Papal blessings fit all budgets VATICAN CITY (CNS) - At the Vatican. papal blessings come in all sizes. all languages and all colors - and in all prices. Hand-lettered on parchment and . suitable for framing. most feature a photo of Pope John Paul II with hand raised in benediction. It doesn't seem to matter that the pope himself never ble5ses these certificates. but delegates that task to an archbishop. ...., Price range from $5 for missalMARGARET O'Brien Steinfels, editor of Commonweal, sized blessings to $60 for larger hugs publisher Edward S. Skillin at his 90th birthday party. models. elaborately decorated with (eNS photo) flourishes and curlicues. But for a better bargain and a shorter waiting period. smart pilgrims head for the OffiCI: of Papal Charities just inside tht; Vatican walls. He~e hundreds of blessings arc processed every week, destined to be read aloud at ceremonies all NEW YORK (CNS) - Com- gious journals across the ideologiover the world. monweal, a lay Catholic magazine, cal spectrum, I '}yould say that this published in New York, sponsored civility has always been and con"Humbly prostrated at the feet a Mass and luncheon last month 'tinues to be one of Commonweal's of Your Holiness, the undersigned to celebrate the birthday of Edward most distinctive characteristics," implores an apostolic blessing ... ," S. Skillin, its publisher, who rebegins the request form provided he said. mains in active service at age 90. Peter Steinfels, who preceded in the tiny Vatican office. NorSkillin, who was editor for 20 mallya recommendation from one's his wife as editor of Commonweal pastor is required, but the two years before becoming publisher and is now religion correspondent in 1967, told more than 100 guests for The New York Times, told nuns who take blessing orders often at the luncheon that his career had waive this stipulation for tourists luncheon guests that the people - after a few questions and a hard been a struggle for the survival of associated with Commonweal had the magazine. But Commonweal look of evaluation. come to form a nurturing and susAbuses have occurred. Vatican . has passed the survival point and 'taining community. . now faces the question of "how far officials say. Apostolic blessings Tributes to Skillin and Comreportedly have been issued on 'we can move ahead," he said. monweal were read from New York behalf of noted atheists. Italian The birthday celebration was Cardinal John J. O'Connor, New the first of several events planned businesses have used blessings in York Governor Mario M. Cuomo, advertising copy. 'as an endorseto mark the 70th anniversary of Democratic Senator Bill Bradley ment of their 'product.' That's a Commonweal, which began Nov. of New Jersey, Archbishop John no-no. 12,' 1924, to offer a Catholic counP: Foley, president of the PontifiThe Vatican hires out the letter- terpart to magazines dealing with cal Council fot'Social Communiing to free-lance calligraphers. public affairs and culture such as cation, and others. . Generally only the name, date and The Nation and The New Republic. place are written on a pre-printed Margaret'O'Brien Steinfel~, <;:oniand hand-colored certificate. but monweal editor, announced that longer personalized messages are an endowment fund had been espossible. tablished with a gift from Dennis Eventuallv: the blessings go to O'Brien, a regular contributor of RIO ,DE JANEIRO, Brazil Archbishop'Oscar Riuato. whose articles. O'Brien, who will retire in (CNS) - A Brazilian court has job of "papal alms distributor" J line as president of th~ U niversi~y ruled in favor of 250 Guarani c 'includes the task of issuing blessof Rochester, has willed $10,000 to Kaiowa Indians who had threatings in the pope's name. the fund. '. . ened to commit mass suicide Jan. But Archbishop Riuatod6esn't 'Skillin, who unsuccessfully tried 29 if forcibly remove.d from their really bless the parchments in the to get' a job at Commonweal the village on land claimed by a plantradi'fionaf~ense. either. The beneyear after it began, joined the staff . tation owner, a spokesman for the diction is automatically included in 1934, and in the 'iritervening government Indian agnecy FU NA I in his signature at the 'bottom of years has contributed more' than said Jan. 27. cach certificate~ E,ich is em bossed 3,000 articles, editorials and Last November, a federal jUdge with the Vatican' seal. reviews. in Mato Grosso do Sui state ruled On a wallin th.e Office of Papal' 'Retired Archbishop Peter L. in favor of a local farmer who Charities hang 36 blessing models. Gerety of Newark,.N.J .', th~ ai-ch~ claimed the indian village of Jageach with its ,own price tag. To, diocese where Skillin lives,' celeuapire 'was on his land. The Judge those who raise ,questions.ab9.ut brated the Mass at St. Joseph's ordered the Indians to leave by the sin of~simony~路 the selling of Church in Greenwich Village. Jan. 29. , , spiritual things - Msgr. Volpetti In 'a homily,' Msgr. George Hig- FUNAl"officials,'fearingthe Inexplains "we ,doli't sell the bless-. gins, a retired staff membet of the dians would carry out their threat, Ing. We sell the certificate, which.' U.S. Catholic Conference and appealed to a Sao Paulo court to has a certain cost. And any profits noted specialist 'in labor issues, suspend the order. "There is already go to th~' pOor. right do~n to the praised ,Skillin as, "the,-,keeper ~f. a very high suicide rate among.the ' last penny.". Commonweal's corporate conscIGuarani," the spokesman said, notMsgr~ Vol'pttti said the times of, ence and the guardian of its insti- ing that 124 tribes members have highest demand I'-or blessings are, tutional memory." killed themselves since 1986. Christmas. Easter. and early sum"Had it not been for him, In a December report the Bramer. the season- of weddings and Commonweal might have folded zilian Catholic Church's Indian first communions. long ago," Msgr.. Higgins said. Missionary Council attributed the Blessings are considered for any "And what a terrible loss that, high suicide 'rate among the Guarreason. such as for the sick. he would have been' 1'0 American ani to a lack of land available to said. Catholicism.'" them. His wife. Gahriella. who helps Msgr. Higgins commended ComWhile the Sao Paulo court stayed with drawing and lettering. said monweal for anticipating the the expulsion of the Indians, it will these higher-quality blessings are Second ,Vatican Council, which decide within 18 months whether frequently requested by Vatican took place in 1962-65. "I would be the land belongs to the Indians or officials and church organilations. hard put to think of any major to the farmer. subject on which Commonweal The Guarani were ordered off did not anticipate the council," he the site in 1990 but returned last said. May after the government created The priest also praised Com- a 'reserve in the area, near the monweal for the "civility" of its border with' Parguay. style, and gave much of the credit More than 3,000 Indians from 'to Skillin's "example and in- 20 villages throughout Mato fl\lence." : , Grosso do Sui prayeo and perH:As an avid reader of a wid~. formed rituals' in'a display of variety" of. both secular and reli- 1 solidarity with the Guarani.


Commonweal publisher, 90; feted i.n New York

Brazilian ]ndians get 路evicti'on.. 's~ay

"Meet me in St. Louis" says new archbishOI) ST. LOUIS (CNS) - After nearly 30 years in Rome, Archbishop Justin F. Rigali said his new post as archbishop of St. Louis will be a big change, but he looks forward to it. He had never visited the archdiocese before Pope John Paul II named him to head it Jan. 25, but he will not come as a complete stranger: Among officials of the archdiocesan tribunal is his oldest sister, Sister Charlotte Rigali. "It's hard to picture him here. . But it's logical," said Sister Rigali. A Sister of St. Joseph, she earned a canon law degree in Rome in the 1980s and has worked in the St. Louis tribunal since the end of 1989. Archbishop Rigali, 58, was born, raised and ordained in Los Angeles but has spent almost all of his priestly career in Vatican service. "It's a big change, there's no doubt about it," he said in an interview with Catholic News Service in Rome. "I've been in Rome for 30 years, but we like to think that all the work in the Roman Curia is pastoral work for the people of God. In a telephone interview with the St. Louis Review, archdiocesan newspaper, he described 'his years in Rome as being "on loan to the Holy See" and said, "I'm look~ ing forward very, very much to coming back." . One big plus he brings to his new job is that he already knows most of the'bishops in the United States. . Since 1989 he has been secretary oftheVatican's Congregation for Bishops. Before that he was for four years路 president of the Vatican's diplomatic school. The Congregation for Bishops, where he was second in command, overse'es' the naming of bishops around the 'world, placing him in an unusual position \yith regard to his own appointment. "The final stage' of any appointment is the decision of the pope and' my appointment represents a very definite intervention on his 'p!lrt,"he told CNS. "Everything was very normal, but at the end of the input the pope makes the. de-' cision." Asked to assess the pope, he said: "The word invincible characterizes Pope John Paul II. It is his

faith that is invincible .... For example, he never had any doubt that communism would be destroyed." "He is invincible in his hope, he is invincible in his trust," Archbishop Rigali added. "He believes in the goodness of pl:ople as a reflection of the goodnt:ss of God . He believes peace is po:;sible." In Los Angeles, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, who was i::l the seminary with Archbishop Rigali and ordained a year after him, said they have been close friends for more than 30 years. . "While he has been it:, the direct service of the Holy See for so many years, he has a.Iways remained ... a very gentle priest, concerned and caring about people," Cardinal Mahony said. Sister Rigali said hf:r brother visited the United States often during his years in Rome. "When our parents were alive, he came back every year to see them. A nd when I had my jubilee in 1992 in Los Angeles, he came and (:elebrated Mass." He said one of his priorities in St. Louis will be visitiug all the parishes. His predecessor in Sot. Louis, Archbishop John L. Jvlay, who resigned in December 1992 for health reasons, is a former president ofthe National Conference of Catholic Bishops. SeveJal other St. Louis archbishops have also been p,romi'nent national figures and three have been cardinals.

. eNS Arturo Mnri photo


Father Land helped write major encydical WASHINGTON (CNS) -Jesuit Father Philip Land, 82, who helped write a major papal encyclical on Catholic social teaching . and played a major role in the 1971 world Synod of Bishops, died Jan. 20 in Washington. Father Land was also instrumental in founding SODEPAX (Society for Development and Peace), ajoint venture of the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches based in Geneva. A Jesu.it for 65 years, he served in Rome and Washington, teaching economic 'development and Catholic social thought at Rome's Gregorian University from 1955 to 1975 and se'rving on the Vatican's Pontifical Justice and Peace Commission from 1967 to 1975. '路lnWash.ington; he wason the staff of-the Center of Concern, a Jesuit-founded social justice thinR "'_'b.~


. .' .. ' .. ;





tank, from 1976 until his death. While in Rome, Fath<:r Land was part of the group tha': helped write Pope John XXIII's "Mater et Magistra," a ground breaking encyclical on Catholic social teaching. As a Vatican staff specialist on economics, international development and Catholic social thought, he had a hand as a writer or consultant in virtually every Vatican document tOUChing on those issues in the late 1960~ and early '70s. He was considered largely resP9nsibie for getting the issue of justice within the church on the agenda of the 1971 Synod of Bishops and for ,1eac{ing the bishops to say'in t,heir final message that a church which wants to preach and witnessjustice to others "Il1'Jst first practice j~stice.." ., ."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 4,1994


Michael Irvin is grateful


~ "



I CAUTIOUS PtA Y: Children pull their sleds in one of the narrow alleys of Sarajevo in iwhich children have been playing since six youngsters were killed while sledding on a hillside in ;the Bosnia-Herzegovina city in mid-January. (CNS/ Reuters photo) I


Viewers also responsible for media

I Continued from Page One

Iand in the light ofthe law of Christ land of his church." . The Catholic press also helps !believers meet their rel.ponsibili!ties for religious educ:iltion and :evangelization through explana'tion and example, giving readers I models for emulation, inspiration Iand imitation, he said. I Servants of Truth i Meanwhile, also in Rome, Pope John Paul II thanked scores of i reporters whom he called his "travI eling companions" and asked them I to be servants of the truth as they • write about the Catholic Church. I He also asked forgiveness for I times when his words or activities I cause them to work overtime and miss being with their families. I The pope spoke as h,e made his , first visit to the Vatican press i office on Jan. 24, the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron of jourI nalists. I "Your task is to follow up close i the activity of the successor of , Peter," he told some 200 reporters accredited to the Vatican. "In some ways, you are among the people closest to him, committed to making his pastoral service known to the public." Papal visits to Roman parishes, Italian dioceses and to countries throughout the world require the journalists traveling with the pope to be dedicated, flexible and open to learning new things, he said. Calling the journalists "companions on the same pilgrimage," he said, "we have seen many dramatic situations, but we have also witnessed encouraging signs of hope for humanity today." But journalists writing about religion cannot treat its themes and activities "as if they were simply human events," the pope said. "Much more is required of you: to communicate a patrimony which is spiritual and at the same time temporal, an eternal truth which travels through history," he said. "You are called to place your expertise in using words at the serv,ice of the truth for the building of 11

society of fraternity and solidarity inspired by the values of a civilization of love," the pope said. After a tour of the. renovated press office across the $treet from St. Peter's Square and after giving his speech, the pope responded to several questions from the journalists. When asked when he would go to Jerusalem and the Holy ~.a,n,Q". the pope said he hoped to make such a pilgrimage before the year 2000, visiting "Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, above all, Jerusalem." With the recent agreement be-

tween Israel and the Vatican on church-state relations and the progress in Arab-Israeli peace talks, the possibility of such a trip becomes more likely, he said. Pope John Paul said that after 61 papal trips in 15 years people should not be ~urprised that he wants to go to China, one of the few places he hasn't already been. He said the number.ofCatholics in China is growing rapidly but that although the Chinese government has said it wants to improve relations with the Vatican, "we are awaiting not just words, but ges;, tures."

A Dark Kinship Continued from Page One add that they did not intend to hurt them. Even today, some are defending the research. And there are some who contend that there was a different ethical viewpoint in the '40s and '50s. ' The facts are these: - Retarded children were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge or the knowledge of their parents or guardians. - The use of radioactive materials was kept secret. - Those who approved and executed the tests were those who were most aware of the dangers of rad ioactivity. - The Nuremberg Trials had exposed the horror' of medical experiments carried out on human beings by tht: Nazis and should have been at the forefront of the consciousness of anyone involved in such tests. , The tests were directed at the most vulnerable people in our society. After all the rationalizations by scientists and those in authority, the fact remains that they treated those people as less than human - they treated· them as, if they were objects. One must assume that the tests were executed on retarded people precisely because the testers thought they could get away with it. No amount of intellectual juggling canjustify violating the phys. ical integrity of an,other human

being without that human being's knowledge and consent. There was an unspeakable arrogance behind the choice of subjects for the testing. There is an unspeakable arrogance in defending the tests. Can one imagine the testers going to a regular high school and openly stating they wanted to give the students radioactive milk and iron supplements? The uproar would have been heard around the world. Instead, they sought out a place where there was no accountability, with test subjects most people are not concerned about. They did their deeds under a dark veil of secrecy. , Life is sacred - even when it is contained in vessels that are defective. It is not something to be abused or toyed with simply because some of us are unable to defend ourselves. The Nazis carried out extensive testing on people they considered subhuman. They did it with an arrogance which was based on their belief in genetic superiority. The fact that researchers from Harvard and MIT were aware of this and nevertheless carried out the tests on unsuspecting subjects indicates a spiritual kinship that they would be the first to deny.

Continued from Page One you can be all you want to be.... Maybe things aren't going to go your way. You can't get upset about things you can't control." Smith then sent Irvin to see Father L. Yates Harris, school chaplain. The priest recalls their first conversation. "Michael said, 'Coach Smith said you would be a good person to get to know, but I've never talked to a Catholic priest before,''' he said. Father Harris told Irvin to talk with him like he would his own father. "When I felt badly or lonely about not playing, he was always there," Irvin said of Father Harris. "I was his black son." Their bond strengthened when Walter Irvin was diagnosed with cancer. Almost every day. Irvin asked Father Harris to go to the hospital to see his dad. When the elder Irvin died. Michael ran three miles from his home to St. Thomas Aquinas, appearing at Father Harris' door and saying, "You're now my white father."

The school also taught Irvin to view people as individuals. Before St. Thomas Aquinas, he hadjudged people along racial lines, he said. At his new school, he made good grades and excelled in athletics, setting school records with 59 receptions and 938 yards gained receiving. He got a football scholarship to the University of Miami, where he played on national championship teams. At Miami, Irvin would call Father Harris before games and say, "Don't forget to pray for me. Father." He still calls the priest before some Cowboys games. "I refuse to playa football game without going to Mass or to the chapel. without talking to God," Irvin said. Today Irvin receives regular progress about the St. Thomas Aquinas student in his scholarship program, and that student's younger siblings are also at the school due to the Dallas star's example. And a nephew who graduated from St. Thomas got a football scholarship to the University of Kansas. "I wandall of them] to learn the same values I did," said Irvin.

Pope: pharmacists need moral code VATICAN CITY(CNS)- Pope John Paul II has told a group of pharmacists that their profession should be regulated by a moral code and they should avoid selling "products that degrade the human being." The pope was not specific about which products he would like to see off the shelf. but hi~ talk cited previous papal speeches against . birth controi.· The pope emphasized that pharmacists were not simply the last stage in a marketing process. They have their own role, which can include that of "counselor and evangelizer," he said. The pope said this sometimes takes place in a difficult social context, and added: "For example, I am thinking of certain forms of disease that spread with frightening rapidity and which are sometimes the ~esult of a mistaken understanding offreedom and human dignity." Citing a talk to pharmacists by Pope Pius XII, the pope repeated the teaching that "one cannot take part in attacks on life or the integrity of the individual. against pro-

creation or the moral and mental health of humanity." Citing Pope Paul VI, he said the church teaches that one cannot in conscience "seek economic benefit through the distribution of products that degrade the human being." That's why distribution of medicine needs to be regulated by a "rigorous moral code, scrupulously observed," he said.

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,~~:,\~.,.-[. . , '~.":::,;,,-"'-'''';''' ,:;:.'u "':,: ....•:. WHi;'I~S'6vli'

By Charlie Martin

ALL ABOUT SOUL By'Tom ·I.;ennon .:", '" ing Christmas: ,1. cried that ,, ·night.... . . With money you can!do·good ' He' recalled how the self-hatred and wonderful things, especially if grew. "I was totally demoralized," y~u hllVe lots of i,t. But if you love he says, "Then one night I ~hought money' too 'much it cart lead ,you of suicide, and in the months after down a dark road. 'That's what that I thought many times of kil.: happened to Kenny. ling myself. I wanted to quit. But I It all began-when. he was 14. needed big money to suppor-t my, With some buddies at sc;:hool" li~estyle. Money was a~, o.b~.ssion .Kenny started :Iift,i'ng. wt'igl1ts in '. Wlt~ me...I was trapped. . ' The next three years were mlsI I'd'd h' gym c ass. . . " ' ery. "D~nng,om; y~ar I .not 109 At fIrst he con~ent.ra~ec;l .op but dance at night and stare at the power and strength. Later 10 hIgh tube all day. I was a zombie," he school Kenny became the top " te~nage. bodybuilder in, l~isc.it.Y, sa then orieday tie ran into Peggy', . Wlt~ a sllv~r. cup .t? pro.v~ It. .:a c1i;>se friend froin his 'early te,en' "!'hen a~ ,F7 c~me a tragic turnmg. year~. She was divQrced" a"single pOint. HI~ tramer t?ld KCQny he., parent of three. Kenny began 'to could e.asl1~ earn big bucks as a spend lots of time wit~ t~e ·c.hilddancer.m nIghtclubs. . ' " ren, who g'rew to' love 'him. One Big bucks?! Kenny km:w he d Sunday he tooK them all on a long like that. His trainer said he could hike.' , . .', ., make as much as, $600 a week 'at "I loved tho's'e little children so the start. Kenny also though he'd' mdch,'; he say's. ;'It was a wonder-, like life in the fast lane. He could , ful heartw~u'ming day, and as it have a big sports car,· and a Holly~ .. ne~i-ed an end I 'knew with';absowood talent scout might see him lute certainty I could not gp'on asl and offer him a contract. Mega- was." ':' bucks! . S.o at 17, Kenny started down,· what would be a long.dark. road. 'In no time he' was earnmg th~ promised big' bucks as a dan~er. And all too so'on he was spendIng·, $200 a week on drugs. He was' traveling' end.les~ly among aimless nightclubs 10 cIty after city. "I',hate those places," he says now. "They were always thick. with smok~.. The music was deaf~ ening. The spotlights were blin,d-. ing, and women of all ages we,~e. always yelling crude stuff. I remember one night in a cheap flea bag when even the booze and. the drugs w<?uldn't put me to sleep. ' I lay in bed hating myself, and I began to remembe,r my chil~h.ood . with all, my, bmthers and ,SIsters, and going to Mass, and celebrat- .

" Ith 9J'!l?;Pt,,' ,to ~heli, ~it.h I ~h~ .r money and "the'."drugs!'" When, Kenn:)' g oth tha't night h¢ called and quit his job, and. he' ne~er went back.. , . ; ,' Now Kenny is a: service techilician for an air:conditioning COl)1-' pany. No longer d~es he ma~e bi.&., bucks or bI,iy ~rugS. But he.. IS happy: "I get high on life'," he says: Kenny was'at Mass last Sunday with Peggy and her childre,n, and afterward we'all went fo.the I\lall fo'r lunch. When we go~ our f06~, Kenny asked me to say a prayer for them all. With busy shoppers scu.rrying around us, I prayed 'aloud: "~Iess' us all, Lord, and thank' you for your g'uidan~e, and for ~he ~ift~ of' . food and fnends and little chlldren." ,..


She waits for me at night She waits for me in silence She gives me all her tenderness And takes away my pain And so far she hasn't run . Though I swear she's had her moments She still believes in miracles While others cry in vain. It's ~Il abo'ut soul ' It's all' about faith And a deep devotion It's all about soul 'Cause under the lo've Is a stronger emotion , She's' got to be strong 'Cause so many things Getting out of control Should drive her away. 8'0 'Yhy does she stayr It's 'all about soul. Stie t'urns to me s01:netimes A'nd she as~s me what I'm dreaming And I realize I m!Jst have gone '/\ million, mile~ a way, . And I ask her hoW she knew' To reach out for me at that moment , A'nd she smiles because it's understood : There ;are' no words to ,say, It;s all about soul .' , it;s all about knowing Wh'at so'meone is feeling 'The woman's go't soul Th.~,pow,er pf I~ve, . I . ' . " . And the power of healin'g. .' . . This li'fe isn't 'fair .: It'sgonna" get 'dark .It's gonna get cold ..' . y'bu've g'ot to get tough " 'But that ain't enough It's all about s~ul. . 'Ther~ a~e people who have lost E~ej-y trace of humaf!' kindn~ss There are many who have fallen There are some who still survive. She comes to me at night -: And she tells. me her desires . And she giv~s'me all the love "need To keep my faith a l i v e . ' It's,all about soul It's all about joy .1 That comes out. of ,sorrp.w Who's standing,now And who'~:standing tomorrow :JYou've :gotto be ,harli Hard as the rock In, that old rock :n roll ' ~ut "hat's only part You know in your heart Jt's all about s~ul. ", . Written and Sung by: Billy Joel (c) 1992 " .,' . by Impulsive Music (ASCAP)

. RATHERTHAN rely on the'groundhog's forecasts, stu-· dents in gtades'2 through ~ at St. Jean Baptiste Scnool,'Fall' River, .used 'cof!lputers to study the weather last r:nonth,. After collecting data, making weather maps and .prepanng their own weather. reports, the students received a visit from Channel 12 meteorologist Tony Petrarca.' . ..'


I .


How you' answer thi,s question depends on your definition of "soul." For Billy Joel. soul is' the "stronger emotion" that lies "under ihe love." ' Joel speaks of this part of our lives in his new hit, "All About Soui." The cassingle is his'second hit off his "River of Dreams" disc. The guy in the song experiences soul in the woman that . he loves. She displays tf:nacity before "So many thing's l~etling out of control," things that "should drive her away." She also possesses a sense about what he is dreaming and feeling. She finds "joy that comes out of sorrow" and remains caring toward others even when there are many others "who ha ve lost every trace of !'Iuman kinc.ness." Clearly, Jo~l'.s list .. pT r soul qualities could go' on al~d on. Yet:' knowing how 'to describe soul is not nearly' as,important as recognizing how to pUI. more soul into your life. . ' . J ; There is n'o sure recilie 'for doing s~. Howevc;r. he~e ~re a few suggestions:,~ ; " I. Live by you'r inne-r se~se of the truth. Teens often feeJ'pressure to aci as peers are ~Ioing. Everyone wants to.,fit in and know thathe or she is acc(:pted. Yet. "soul" me~ns having the courage to live by your own values. Doing so may put you at odds With your fri,:nds. However, the long-IeI'm effects of living by'yol,lr oWn tr~l:h far outweigti the apparent gains of others' approval. 2, Back ·off from ju~gment. It's easy to write others' off as stupid or opt of it. I~ takes a lot of soul to allow others their points of 'vie~. reaiiziilg that there. are many .ways tp :;ee a situation. Stand by your own opinion without being,to~ ciuick to ju9ge,. . " 3. Be kind. Here's where I agree with Joel. Real soul is manifested in'going out of your way to help and care for another. The best place, to practi~:e' this soul is in your own home. 4. Live with openness and spontaneity. Sure, we need to be aware of commitments and responsibilities. Yet wenef'd to save room in our lives for'new , and unexpected. Getting into a , rut is not the soul way. ' Rather, living and loving as fully as possible keeps us c pen to the new ways that God may appear in our lives. Like Joel, my list is ju>t a beginning. Perhaps you prefer to design your OWl) ways to live , with soul. Whatever your ap, proach, you e,<ih ;experie'nc:e a lot of soul through a life that is open to: growt'h', zest and ~;urprise. ." ' ..



in our schools

,.. "Bis'bOp 'Cnnn'OUy"


BISHOP STANG juniors Chanda' Pacheco (left) and Anya Mukarji-Connolly will participate in U Mass-Dartmouth's Spotlight Program. . i

Bishop Stang High School I

. Chanda Pacheco of New Bed-

week to seniors Jason 'Williams and Ty Olden in recognition of of Buzzards Bay. both juniors at their participation in Boys' State last June at Bentley College. Wal~ishop Stang High School. North tham. The two were sponsored in 'j'artmouth. will participate in the the program. which examines governwinter Spotlight Program of Proment workings. by the North Dartjfcts for Higher Learning sponmouth American Legion. s,ored by the University of MassaWilliams. a Somerset resident. clh usetts-Dart mou th. Teachers nominated the two plans a career in international ~tudents for their academic achieve- relations and politics and enjoyed ment. leadership, artistic accompthe opportunity to meet other young people ~ith similar inter~'shmel~t and school and communIty servIce. ests and to hear prominent guest I Topics for the Spotlight Pro- speakers. including a retired Navy ram include "How to Burn the admiral and an official from th~ andle at Both Ends and Not Reagan and Bush administrations. urn Out." "The Toxic Avenger," He also received an award in the ''The Holocaust:' and" Be a StoryBoys' State economics class. \cllerl" Also, a member of the Olden. a Fairhaven resident. does lrrinity Repertory Company in Pronot plan a career in government ~idence. R I. will teach "Self-Exbut feels the experience has prepression Through Drama:' and pared him to make better decifield trips arc planned to a Trinity sions as a citizen about the politiRepertory performance and to the' cal process. He plans, to study Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum English literature in college. ~11 Boston. : Principal Theresa Dougall presented plaques and tie racks last

f~rd and Anya Mukarji-Connolly


Dominican Academy

Dominican Academy, Fall River, will complete its celebration of Catholic Schools Week with an open house 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Prospective students 'and their parents are invited. For information call the school at 676-4100. Catholic Schools Week events included Big and Little Sister activities, a spelling b.ee.liturgy for National Appreciation Day for. Catholic Schools, Mix/ Match Day, and a faculty vs. students volleyball game. Physical education classes participated in "Jump Rope for Heart." with proceeds benefiting the American Heart Association.


Salve Regina Mark Cardelli of Our Lady of Angels parish. Fall Ri~er. is one of 51 students from Salve Regina University to be included in the 1994 edition of Who s Who Among

Students in American l,lniversities.


Campus nominating committees and editors of the annual directory have included the students based on their academic aChievement. service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. Cardelli joins a grQup selected from more than 1,400 institutions of higher learning in the United States and abroad.

Twenty-seven students were inducted 'into the National Honor Society in an evening ceremony Jan. 26 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Kathryn Marino, president of the Bishop James L. Connolly Chapter. welcomed the guests and introduced Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., who gave the invocation. Th(: officers of the society explained the four requisites necessary for ad mission to the organization: Kathryn Marino spoke on scholarship; Amy Hess, service; Katherine Santos. leadership; Melissa David. character. Rev. John P. Murray, S.J., principal, congratulated the students for their many accomplishments and the contributions they have made to the school in the .areas of service and leadership. He also thanked the students' parents for their loving support of· the candidates in their academic efforts. Joyce Costa, NHS chapter moderator, also offered congratulations to the new inductees. A reception followed in the Jesuit residence. The N HS has been very active in the area of service this year. Members offer a foreign language Catholic elementary school students, and plans for their annual blood drive are underway. In October the group coordinated a "Trick or Treat for the Needy" food drive and in December it conducted a Christmas gift drive for disadvantaged teens. Connolly juniors will receive advice about math courses from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Through a program called Mass Majic (Mat hematics Advice to Juniors for Informed Choices). the university will test juniors in arithmetic, algebra and geometry and use the test results to make suggestions about which math courses they should take in their. senior year and in college to suit their intended college major. Mass Majic is funded by the fcrderal Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program through the Massachusetts Higher Education Coordinating Council.

St. Joseph's School Today is "Family Day" in the celebration of Catholic Schools Week at SI. Joseph's School. New Bedford. Preschool through grade 4 students are providing entertainment in the school hall this morning to be followed by an II a.m. Mass at which the seventh and eighth grade choir will sing. Grocery items for the needy will be collected at the church. Other activities this week included "Spirit Day" with a rally and students wearing school colors, red and white; "Student Appreciation Day." with entertainment provided in the school halt followed by bingo; "Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools." with a story teller visiting. in the morning \lnd afternoon skating at Hot Wheels; and "Sports Day," during which students and faculty competed in a b'asketball game.

Family is vital PHiLADELPHlA(CNS)- The WaY to win the battle against teen violence is to "strengthen the family," Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia said at a community meeting called to discuss the rising problem of youth violence. .

THE ANCHOR -Diocese· of Fall River--Fri •. Feb. 4. 19~4 .



. BISHOP O'MALLEY celebrated Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, last month on the parish school's 85th anniversary. Presenting the offertory gifts were students, from left, Julie Gallagher, Kathleen Hunt, Laura.Booth and Jessica Borges.

Many parents unaware of day care vouchers ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) What parents of children in day care don't know could hurt them financially, according to a Catholic researcher who has studied childcare voucher legislation. Researcher William Tobin says that parents whose children are in extended day care in Catholic schools are not taking full advantage of funds available to them, and that many of them are confused about the application process. The nationwide federal project provides parental choice in education through the use of child care certificates or vouchers. Up to $520 million will be available during the coming fiscal year. and a total of$4.45 billi~n was approved over a five-year period. The program seeks to aid children from low-income families. Parents must be working or in some kind of training program and cannot earn more than 75 percent of the state median income. Children are eligible for socialeducational services up to age 13 or age 18 if they have disabilities. . Tobin has reported his findings to parents, Catholic school principals, parent-teacher organization presidents and diocesan directors of extended day care. The goal of the project, which. has targeted seven states, is to let

parents know their rights in the field of child-care vouchers. Tobin, who has done similar research for the U.S. Catholic Conference and has worked in ed uration for the New York archdiocese, explained that the federal government disburses child-care grants to states based on financial needs and existing poverty statistics. The states then disburse the money to each 'school district: Virginia, for exainple, receives $13 million, while California receives $67 million. Parents are responsible for contacting their local government child-care office to apply for vouchers. A needy family could receive as much as $3,000 in childcare vouchers per child. Each county orjurisdiction publishes a list of child care providers, but the lists are incomplete, despite the fact that most Catholic child-care facilities are licensed. In the past decade, the number of schools offering extended daycare has soared. In 1982, for example, no diocesan Catholic school had extended day-care facilities. Currently, 21 out of every 29 havc extended care programs, and according to the Official Catholic Directory, the number of national Catholic day-care centers jumped from 245 in 1988 to 929 in 1992.

Homicide top killer of urban cI,ildren Homicide tops the list as a lead-. ing cause of death among urban black youth and children. a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows. Investigating the cause for the alarming 50 percent jump in the death rate during the past decade among urban blacks ages 18 and under. researchers studying Detroit pinpointed murder as the prime culprit. In a report. .. Death in the City: An American Tragedy," Leland Rapp. M. D. and his research team found homicide was the first or second leading cause of death among all age groups of urban black children. Homicides of black children and teenagers living in the city had skyrocketed 252 percent during the 1980s.lncontrast, other causes of death rose only II percent.

Meanwhile'death rates had no significant climb in the Detroit suburban population. The jump in the urban black mortality rate provides a sharp contrast to declining child mortality rates nationwide during this century as a result of better sanitation and health ca·re. What might account for the momentous escalation in homicide? Substance abuse. poverty. rising divorce rates, and the declining influence of the black church are seen as the chief causes. A broadbased coalition of businesses. schools, churches. and parents uniting against drug and alcohol' use and protecting against dissolution offamilies would provide the greatest hope to reverse this mounting trend of homicide. according to the National Institute for Healthcare Research.


'p'ost-abortion traunia

ST, MARY, NB • Bible study .9:30 to II :30 a.m. Tuesdays and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays beginning Feb. 8 and 10; to register call rectory. 995-3593. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m .• or pick up form at church entrance. Healing service for the sick she said, "I felt it was safe to come WASHINGTON (CNS) and shut-ins II :30 a.m. Feb. 13; nome." . Three cardinals, several national nurses and youth group members "I t is only the autho r of life who pro-life leaders, medical doctors, will attend to assist participants. ultimately has the po'wer to heal psychologists and educators last PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN PRO-LIFE PROGRAMS, HOLY NAME, NB the loss of life," said Father Manare asked to submit news Items for this month convened what they called CAPE CABLE TV Catholic Schools Week Mass celecolumn to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, fall nion. a priest of the diocese of summit meeting on a first-ever Cape Cod Cable TV Channel 3, River, 02722. Name of city or town should brated by Bishop O'Malley 4 p.m. post-abortion trauma in Washing- . Camden, N.J. .be Included, as well as full datos otall actlvserving Barnstable, Yarmouth. Dentomorrow, followed by dinner-dance He said Jesus' sacrifice on the , Itles. Please send news of 'Outure rather ton. nis. Harwich.and.Chatham, will air in parish center. than past events. cross is a sign of hope to those "Our presence here verifiesthat, proclife films sponsored by MassaST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Due to limited space and also because chusetts Cititzens for Life of Cape , ' notices of strictly parish affairs normally Healing service and Sunday Mass 'truly, they [women. and others grieving from abortions. Sometimes, he said, womer., who have , appear In 'a parish's own bulletin, we are grieving over an abortion) are not Cod 4 p.m.'Tuesdays in February. with Father William T. Babbitt, pa· forcl!d to limit Items to events of general aborted children seek escape forsaken, unloved or forgotten," rochial vicar. 2:30 p.m. Feb. 6. SECULAR FRANCISCANS Interest. Also, we do not normally carry said Cardinal James A. Hickey of through alcohol and substance ... notices of fundralslng activities, which may W. HARWICH D. of I. · be advertised at our regular rates, obtainWashington, who hosted the two- abuse or through negative sexual St. Francis of Peace Fraternity St. Patrick's Circle Daughters of , able from The Anchor business office, telrelationships. But he said only day gathering of 24 experts. Carmeeting2 p.m. Feb. 13, HolyTrinity Isabella meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 9, Old i ' ephone (508) 675-7151. God's love can set them free from Town Hall, Somerset. Sister Roberta dinal Roger M. Mahoney. U.S. Church; Father Cornelius Kelly. ';.. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates O'Connell, FCJ, of St. Luke's Hos:. Fall River; NB Indicates New Bedford. , their grief. OFM. spiritual assistant. will celebishops' chairman of ,pro-life acpital, NB, will speak on Lent: Dona- -tivities, was among participants. brate Mass and speak on "That Several speakers said that while : ST. STEPHEN, ATTLElioRO tions for food kitchens and of white Franciscan is You!" Business meetsociety.presents abortion as accepCardinal Hickey convened the : Adult Christian Growth series 7:30 and pastel material formaking caning and refreshments will follow. table, those who undergo the proced ure meeting at the request of Cardinal "to 9 p.m. Feb. 7; topic: Memories. cer pads are asked. Rosaryrecited 1:30 p.m. for end to often experience initial denial that Alfonso Lopez Trujillo. president • Information: 226-3857. ADULT CONFIRMATION, abortion. Inquirers welcome. Inforturns into agonizing heartbreak of the Pontifical Council on the ;DCCW ATTLEBORO mation: Dorothy Williams. 394-4094. years later. . Family, who also attended. The , District V, Cape and Islands, meetConfirmation program for adults O.t. CAPE, BREWSTER Dr. Vincent Rue, codirector of goal of the meeting was to learn , ing 2 p. m. Feb. 13. O. L. Victory parbaptized but not confirmed will be Vincentian food pantry has been the Institute for Pregnancy Loss in how to better integrate a message e ish center. Centerville. conducted by Attleboro area perdepleted by holiday distributions; Portsmouth. N.H .. who hasadocof healing into the church's pasmanent deacons 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sun'VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON' donations will be accepted Feb: 6. ,torate in child develortment and toral and sacramental life. days Feb. 6 to March 20, Holy Taunton District Council monthly POLISH RADIO PROGRAM Ghost parish religious education cen"There's some misunderstanding, family relations, said some studies '; Mass 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8. St. Joseph's Bishop 'O'Malley will be the guest ter, Attleboro. . have shown that posl-abortion some ~ho think we shouldn't be in : Church, 499 Spring St., N. Dighton: on the Feb. 6 "Polish Happy Time" irauma manifests itself i n lowered work at all;" the cardinal said. this NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING_ . meeting to followin church hall will radio program aired 7 a. m. to 9 a. m. self-esteem, depression. feelings of Couple to Couple League will · include nominations for district "We will do everything we can to on station WCTK-FM 98.1. Hosts' of four monthly classes offer series · council president. guilt and remorse, flashbacks and ,prevent abortion, to dissuade Edward and Jan Piwowarczyk will suicidal tendencies. He :;aid many people from this terrible crime. talk with the bishop during the inter- beginning 2,to 4 p.m. Feb. 26, St. Mary's parish center, Mansfield; to national medical and pnychologiview segment of the long-running But it happens. We are healers, show. which spotlights Polish music preregister call Jon Howey, 339-4730. cal associations deny th,~'problem and we must bring hea,ling in Jesus' LEARY and culture. exists. name." He called for extensiv<: scientific HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR Spea'kers included Vicki Thorn. Bereavement support group for studies on the matter. a directive 'PRESS who began the Project Rachel persons who have lost a loved one echoed by Dr. Thomas Hilgers, a minist'ry in.the Milwaukee archdiSAN SALVADOR (CNS) within the past two years will meet doctor in obstetrics an,\ gynecolocese in 1984 for those affected by MAILERS The homilist at a recent Mass in 6:30 to 8,p.m. Thursdays Feb. 10to ogy who heads the Pop~ Paul VI abortion. The ministry is now in at March 7 at the Hampton Inn. WestSan Salvador's cathedral said de'ath Institute for the Study of Human least 90 dioceses nationwide. ,port. Registration is encouraged. Insquads. which murdered thousands Reproduction in Omaha. Neb. "The church has always been a formation: Sue Vincent. L1CSW. of people with impunity during the "I believe it is the responsibility hospital for sinners and not a hotel 673-1589. 1980s. were responsible for killing of the [church) hierarchy to see to for saints." she said. "his my belief Training ,for patient care and befour people the previous week~ it that such research is accompreavement volunteers 7 to 9 ,p.m. that there is a need for Project "Death still made its rounds in our Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb. 8 to lished and carried out," Hilgers Rachel in all corners of the world. towns last week." said Father Jesus March 24. Volunteers asked to give said. He also called for a papal Just as the church has been instruDelgado. Citing data from the two to four 'hours a week. Prospeccommission to draw up a curricumental in fighting the spread of church's human rights office. Tuttive volunteers may set up an inter'lum for Catholic college~; and uniabortion. I believe.it must now be view with Joan Kenower or Rita ela Legal, Fa!her Delgado said so that they clin better versities. instrumental in facilitating the Good at the Hospice'Outreacli'office clandestine groups had killed educate young doctors and other 'restoration of millions of broken at the above number. Ruben Vanegas. a former guerrilla students on the dignity of all life. lives." SEPARATED/DIVORCED official, as well .as three others. Ms. Thorn'said many Catholic Cardi~al Lopez Trujillo said he CA THOLlCS, NB including a 13-year-old girL "They women who have had abortions hoped an international meeting on Support group meeting 7to 9 p.m. feel they have committed an unFeb. 9, Family Life Cen~er, N. Dart- all have the mark of the death the topic could be convened in the mouth; Peg Hannigan. a teacher in squads .... God should want this future. "God does not reject a forgivable sin, but their return to sorrowful news to disappear." he the Harwich school system, will speak the church is a sign of hope not reperitantheart." he said, emphasaid. on communication. only to them but for the whole sizing that the conference's focus Catholic community. was reconciliation and healing. "Project Rachel is a powerful Father Michael Mannion, conferevangelizer." she said, adding that ence coordinator and author of "Abortion and Healing: A Cry to . those ,healed by the ministry are now involved in a multitude of Be Whole," opened :his talk by ministries. bringing love Hnd hope describing the spiritual journey of to others. "They have a profound a woman who had an abortion and sense of the .power of the sacrawas away from the church for ,ments.... When God touches them. more than 20 years. She later The:Fall'River Diocesan Directory and 'Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information everything changes." returned ,to the church because., THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'Fri:, Feb. 4,1994'

is conference topic

Iteering pOintl

Death squads


and atelephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coprdinators and permanent deacons.' . Also included are addresses of retir.ed clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of ordination anda table of movable feasts beyond the year 2000. . It may :be ordered ,by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2:00 postage and handling per copy). ANCHOR Publishing Co. P:O. Box 7, -Fall River, MA02722 Please serid me _ _ copy (ies) of the 1994 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE - - Payment enclosed ($5.0o",per copy plus $2 'postage and handling'per copy) ·NAME: 'ADDRESS: ------n;-~~..--------~---=-:-----~--Street/PO Box City Zip ,_ This ~essage Sponsored by the Following,Business Concerns'in the Diocese of Fall River GLOBE·MFG. CO. GILBERT·C. OLIVEIRA INS.,AGENCY DURO FINISHING CORP. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU

THIS WEEK'S 'Coffee House performers at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, are,the Rhode Island Christian music group "Spirit," to.appearat 6:30 p.m.-tomorrow in the shrine cafeteria. The musicians are Aime and Robert Brissette and Paulette and Don 'Larence,

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