
Page 1


S·ubscriptions to

Pastors, school principals and Confratern'ity f1l Christian Doctrine directors have already rallied to the support of the 1959 ANCHOR Drive in. the Diocese. Preliminary reports, that are the results of' long range planning, indicate a d8cided circulation gain over 1958. Rev. Felix S. Childs, pastor of the Immacu~ Conception Church, Fall River planned his eampaign so well that he was able;. to report that at least 450 subscribers from his parish

Anchor Show Increase

will receive The ANCHOR every week by mail. . Reports fom the Sacred Heart Parish, North Attleboro, show that the plan of Rev. Joseph Larue, pastor, and Rev. Edmond Dickinson are indicative that school cHildren on a parish level are being successful in their drive to pass the quota set by the Circulation Department. Rev. William E. Collard, pastor of St. Theresa's Parish, New Bedford, and Rev. Clement Dufour, his assistant have inspired the


226 children in the school to bring home the message "-The ANCHOR in Every Home-.:.-Every Week". The pastor of the Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, reported that the Sisters of Our Lady of Victory and the Christian Doctrine Confra'ternity directors have made a special appeal ill all of their classes on the absolute need of the Catholic Press in the field of Adult Education. Fatper McAloon, SS.CC., is confident or success. .

The -ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, SureI and li'irm-ST. PAUL .

Eall. River, Mass.

Vol. 3, No. 6

Thursday, Feb..5,1959 Seeond Cia.. Mail [>tivileges Authorized at FaU River. Mass.

PRICE lOe $4.00 per Yea'

R.ed Chinese to Brain-Wash Arrested Maryk'noll Bishop , HONG KONG (NC) - Chinese communist Red Cross officials have accepted a parcel for Bishop James E. Walsh, last U.S. Catholic missioner on the mainlimd who is now reported to be under house arrest in Shanghai. In December the same of- that "his name is not on' our ficials refw;;ed to accept a list." Nothing definite concernsimilar package. for the ing the. Bishop had' been heard Maryknoll Bishop, whose at the' time "for over two months. exact .whereabouts are still not known to American consular authorities in Hong Kong.' ;Jacob Hildebrand,' an Ameri- ' CIian Red Cross official, passed the package for B~shop Walsh . Over . the Red Chinese border along with parcels ,for four American civilians still detained ill communist China. The ChineseR-ed' Cross re-' j80ted a package for the prelate Jiate in. December with the excuse

Mr. Hildebrand reported that, following this first refusal, an agreement to send food parcels to Bishop Walsh was reached in cable negotiations between Gen. Alfred Gruenther, American Red Cross president, and ;Madame Li Teh-Chuan, who heads the Chinese Red Cross.. .' Mr. Hildebrand declared that Ii package would now be delivered for Bishop Walsh Qn the last Turn to Page Eighteen

Pope Plans M~ssage to American Children on Ash Wednesday·.

FIRST· REUNION IN NINE YEARS: For the first time in nine years Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mohr of St. Mark, Kansas, are pictured surrounded by all 18 of their children at a family reunion. The children include Sister Mary DeniSe, the eldest, and Father Bonifaca.

Americans to _Pray O,L~~~t~I~~t!v~ For Silent Church Plan Mee.ting

Diocesan Sodality Union will . Catholics of the Fall River Diocese will join with tbe carry out the Holy See~s wish for lay participation in the Mass whole Church in making the first Sunday of Lent a day WASHINGTON (NC)-The first message from, Pope when· they hold· the first· High of special prayers for the Church of Silence in China. Mil to Americans, especially schoolchildren, :will be deliv- . School .' So'dality J.C6nyention 'in. . '. The Holy Father has. requested that China be the ered on nation~l radio networks on Ash W,ednesday, Feb. 11. the Diocese on Monday, Feb. 23. object of prayers and sacri· with faith we may effectually : Sodalists will participate in Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati, chairman of the the singing of a noonday Mass .fices as the Holy Season of "9{~btain. T-hrough Our Lord, JesUli administrative board of t h e ' ., . Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and at St. Anne's Church, Fall River, Lent opens. . . National Catholic' Welfare, ~ith boys from Prevost High, . The Most Reverend Bishop reigns with Thee" in. the unity of tonference, will read the Fall River, and .Holy Family has directed that the special the Holy Spirit, world withO\llt High, New Bedford, taking part prayer from the Missal-For Any end. Amen. papal message which has in the Offertory Procession and Necessity-be added to· the reguHolT Hout' become an annual event at the reading the Epistle and Gospel. lar Oration of the Mass on the k1 addition the Bishop directa opening of Lenten campaigns in . Talks on the liturgy in the life first Sunday of Lent. . that a Holy Hour of Reparation Catholic schools in behalf of the of a Sodalist, a "dry." Mass, chant This prayer says: 0 God; '()IH" be held in every parish of the Bishops' Relief Fund Appeal. rehearsal and discussion periods refuge and strength and the au- Diocese in the afternoon or ev,Archbishop Alter disclosed he are scheduled to be held in thor of mercy hearken to the de- ening of the fi'rst Sunday o{Lent. bas received a letter from the. Dominican Academy Auditori- vout prayers of Thy .Church, The purpose of the Holy Hour ill Pope saying that it is his wish to um. . eontinue the' tradition estaoand grant that what we ask fOe Tum to Pag~ Fifteen - Moderators and Sodalists are lished by Pope Pius XII. who planning the convention under annually .' gave a message, of the direction 9"f Rev'. Gerard "fatherly greetings" to children Boisvert, DioceShn Sodality DiIII Catholic schools. Aid Needy Children' , r~tor. The campaign in schools to A classic pattern of persecution has begun t{) emerge raise funds in behalf of the U. S. from Chinese communist atta~k8 on the Ghurch-divide Bishops' worldwide relief effort and conquer. runs throughout Lent. The proCeeds are used primarily to assist To this end the Reds have bent their effortS. relen" DeedY children overseas. lessly to cutting off the Catholics, a communist fabriThe week of March 1 to 8 has €atliolics of, China from the been designated as "Catholic ST. LOUIS,(NC) - The source of their spiritual vi- cation set up in Peking in 1957. Bishops' 'Relief Fund Appeal But the communists have not manner of people's support tality, the Holy See. Week." It will culminate in a stopped· with organizing the is a good indication of the Special collection in the more A plant severed from its roots Patriotic Association. With diathaR 16,000 U. S. Catholic: MARYKNOLL BisHOP: spiritual condition of the will die. So too, the communists bolical cleverness they have hit ehurches on Laetal'e Sunday, Father John W. Comber, parish, Archbishop Joseph .E. evidently believe that Catholic- on the device of forcing bishops March 8. Ritter of St. Louis has said in a ism served from the Holy See to consecrate as members of the M.M., (above) Superior Gen- pastoral Appreciates Charity letter to all churches in will wither away--()l" at least hierarchy priests "approved" ~ The papal message received by eral of the Catholic Foreign this archdiocese. . be reduced to a condition of the Reds. . Al'chbishop Alter stated: Mission Society of America "Parish finances .are not as weakness in.· which it' can be So far, 20 priests have been . ''Together with this appeal to (Maryknoll), and native of many think, a necessary evil," dominated and directed by the consecrated in this way. Reports the continued generosity of the Lawrence, Mass.,· has been he declared. "It is through them state. indicate that 12 Ol" 15 othe~. youth of your country, We desire that. we can rather' accurately The Red's chief means of at- have been "e~ected" bishops. named Titular Bishop of' to express Our warm appreciagauge the religious condition of taining this end is the so.:.called Tum to Page Eighteetl Foratiana. NC Photo. Turn to Page Eighteen Patriotic: Association of Chinese Tum to. Page Sixteen

Communists Attempt to Cut Off I C,hinese Catholics From Rome~,

Declares Sunday 'Collections Are Parish Gauge


_R_e_ne_w __ Y_o_u_r_S_u_b_s_c_ri_,p_tl_-o..n_to_T_h_e..... .. A n_c_ho_r_N_o_w




.:- LENTEN 'REGULAr-IONS:'!""·,·''';·<;;'


-For Fast, ~Qnd .Ab~t;nenc~·'~>.· ,

WE,DNESDAYTO'HOLY,~ATURDAY-MIDNIGHT,"1959"' To fost~r the' spirit of penance and<i .reparation' for.






...... THE ANCHOR,

Thvrs., Feb. 5, 1959

De'mands Careful Use of· Hypnosis

NEW, ORLEANS (NC)-Hyp. notism is "a natural phenomenOll created by God" and a legitimate medical practIce in the rigbt . hands, the president of the Louisiana Academy of General Praotice has declared. "Hypnosis is not magic,",D& Edmond A .. Fatter told nuns and 'nurses attending a conference sponsored by the Catholic Hospital Association and the Louisiana Confereace of Catholic' Hospi.-

sin, to encourage·self.denial and Illortification and to:gUlde her chUdren in the footsteps of Our' Divine Savior,~ Holy. Mother Church.imposes by law the o~ervance of fast .and . ' . . abstinence. . . According to the provisions of Canon La~,as modified' through the use of special fac~lties granted by the' Holy, see, we heorewith publish the f()llowingregula~ions:




Everyone over 21 and under 59 years: of age is bo\uid to observe the law of f a s t . ' o The weekdays of Lent are. days. 9f fast. On these days only' one full meal is allowed. Two. other meatless meals, sufficient to maintai:p' strength, may be taken according to c>one's need; but together they should not . . . equal another ful,l meal. . Meat may be taken at the principal meal on a day of Fast except Fridays; Ash Wednesday.and Holy Saturday. . _,Eating between meals is· not permitted;. but liquids, · including inilk andfr.uit 'J'uices,' .are aliQ..wed. _ ~. . '.

. ta~le hypnosis

is a legitimate tool of' medical treatment, it should. be practiced only, by a doctor who understands the ps)"chological and physiological aspects of the patient,' Dr. Fatter ,said. "Hypnosis is. no more a .. to:r than would be a syringe of mor. . . ,phine ,in the hands· ofa· nQDHis'Holiness,Pop~ John. medical person," hede~lared.

~ WOOL FOR-THE PALLIUMS: When health and ability, to work would.be serio~sly' - XXIII is presented with two'lambs on the Feast of St. Agnes Mass Ordo affected, the law does not obFg,~~. In doubt concen.ung by representatives 'of the canons of St. John Lateran. Wool . , · fast or abstinence a parish priest ,or c'onfessor'should be from the lambs will be woven into palliums which wil.l be FIUDAY':'-St. Titus, Bi~hop' ~~ .' . . It d . . Confessor. 'Double; White. MaSil COQSU e . O·N..A··.··B·STIN.ENC'E. given.to new archbishops as ·a·signof their partiCipation in Proper; Gloria; Second Collect ..... the Pope's authority. NC Photo. . St. Dorothy, Virgin' and Ma... Everyone over seven years of age is bound to observe' . . . tyr; 'Common Preface. Votiw M"the law Of abstinence.' . WOmen to. Suggest -Lenten M~nus Mass in honor of the Sacred . Complete abstinence' is to be .observed · on Fridays, " Heart of Jesus permitted. TO. To replace: the. c\lstomarY To aid mepu-planners" a series ""'morrow is the First Saturdar Ash Wednesday, 'and Holy Saturday, all day. On days of , social eveRts and dances, The .of Lenten recipE;s and meal sug- ~ ·,o!.the Month.··..... : ..' .." . . 'complete·,'abstinence .meat· and soup· Qr ..gravy rn~de :from' Anchor: anticipates 'receiving 'gestionlf will' be': featured'sATuitDAY-st. ~omuajd; .fL"b"ineat"may. Iibt ,be used af'aB." ." . . .' notices of spiritual activitie~ ,th~01Jghou.~ the. h~IY s~ason. They ~,:'.·.b,qt.: .' Do.uble.,~hite·... ,¥a. '>'Partjai a~stine.nee. is to be 'Observed on Ember Wednes.. '. l' 'C h······· of wIll ,be contrIbute by ~0':lle-,' Prope~;. Gloria; Com!llon ,~re. .. ,~, . .. . . fr~m .: pu9 ICI y" c.~~rlllen. ... ', l.makers'. throughout :the ,DIocese' ' , . . face . . day and Saturday. ,On days of partIal. abstmence meat·and youth, parish and_ gUIld groups under the sponsorship .. qfJ.~be(··SUN:bAY-Q\linqliages:im~Sw.. . SOUp orgra·vy. made from 'meat maye' be taken ONCE 'a ,day .during .tile. sea~n:-:of Lent.,,~eb. :pio!=e~~. CquIlcil of,.Catholic - ',,,' d~Y. Do'uble of II ~lal:ls:.-V:i()~e*. . at· the principal' meal. -:~ ,,' ,. .. , . .. . ) 1 to March '29. . . ... , Women... ' . Mass Proper; No Gloria;. $ee. " .'We earnestly'exhort' tIle' faithful· during .the Holy .., . . l ' . ond'Collec'tSt.John of I Matha, .. ~asOJi 9£ Lent to' atte~d ~aily Mass; 'to receive.'HolY; Com- :New"'eAr(hbishopCrowdCoth'ed'r~1 r', "'Confe'ssor;"Creed;Preface'Qf .munion. often.; to take .parJ more frequently, ~n eXE!rc.i~es of 'To"':k"e:s''." Over' Seee · .. A··t E'nth'ro"nem' . e" n't ·;;'M.:·~~~Zy.~·~s'~..,C.Y~il 0.£ 'AI.':",ell"piety; to give generously to works on religion and .charity; , nd " :'>..... ...... .' , ' .• andria, Bishop, Confessor a· to perform a~ts' of kindness toward the' sick; the aged' arid "',DETROiT, (NC )-A bishop of .', . MIJ:,;W~UKEE .(NC) .:-:-,. r hree 'J • DoCtor 'of Uie Church. Dolible. 'the' poor; 'to' prac~ice' volunta~y self-denial espeCially today has the' same charge that . S,core members of the HI~r~cbY White.. Mass Fr9per;' Gloria; . regarding alcoholic drink and worldly amusements; and to' the Church has always given' to and a large congregatIo~.at-. . Second Collect St. Apollonia, .. 'pray more fervently, particularly for the intentions of the episcopal office, but his' job is . tended ~s the ~ost Rev. WIlham Virgin and Martyr; Creed; assisted' by the. use of modern E. Cousms was enthroned as the Gloria' Common Preface. eHoly Father: , techniques and devices, Most '.eighth Archbishop of Milwaukee. TUE5DAY-Si. ScholasticaVt.. Obligation to fulfill the Easter duty may be ~atisfied Rev. John F. Dearden said at his . Arc!lbisho~ Albert G. Meyer gin. Double. White. Mass Prop'from Sunday~ February 15, the First Sunday of Lent,' until enthronement as Archbishop of of Ch~cago, predec<;!ssor of Archer' Gloria' Common Preface. . May .24, TrinitYSUJida~. .' Detroit.' . liishop Cousins in the .Milwaukee· WEDNESDAY-Ash Wednesd87. .I·

. ' . See, was. tbe enthro~\lng prelate. Simple.. Violet. Mass Propel!; new Archbisho.p succeeds ArchbIshop COUSInS also reNo Gloria' Preface of Lent. the late Edward Cardmal ~oon-. ceived the pallium-a 'Vestment . The Blessi~g and DistributiOD ey as head of the Detr~lt· See " ,symbolic of his authority.which·, ,.'. 'of,A~hes The beginning ,of ,the which has 1,2?O,OOO'Catholic~.He, \fas personaP-y,blessed by Pope Lenten Fast.. . .;., , "Table ten~is " . tournament Rev. Columba Moran; S8.CC. i~.~etroit's seco~d Arcbbls~OP John. It was the first time.. ~ch -THURSDAY -,.' Seven . H~ ·"matches are'· scheduled' ,weekly was celebrant of:a solerriil'higb' 'and seventh Ordmary. . . , . al1 unusual double .cerep-lony Founders of the Servites"COD· on Wednesday 'and 'Friday' 'at Mass ;'of 'reqUiem for the' repose , Ar hb' h D d 'd .the .' took place in the . 115-yeaJ,' his-', fessors: Double. White: '·Ma• . Kennedy! 'Youth Center, New of the s6ui of Sister Lo'uis' An- offic~ Oflsbi~~6P~~ro;t~nS~iewedt~ry·of . the Milwaukee arch- ':, Proper;. Glpria; ~~ond ' ColBedford. .... , - , ' toine, ' SS.CC.. 'who died at i~e as similar to that of a modern dIOcese. leet Tl;mrsday aft~r Asp WedAt Opening.contests. in. the _~~~~e(L.ffe.a!ts. Aca~emy,__ Fa~r-business'executive ·but he ·said ,·.St..•· Jose.. ph's. me. . nesday; Preface of Lent.. senior division .Jackie Lobo de- ,haven, !ollowm~ short of . •• . t h . 50d years . . ofI th a t' such a vI'ew ' . f'aIls. . A i' b nd benefac "..'..'• • . . • • • • • •. feated·.Jo~Ti~Batros;"21;"f.;Q,,ar'l!i,;,;s~~1~~'!ls.; ..ellc:. l'lr;.,~~ ~pqnClP~ .': : d J. 't <ndirig'Ulebishop's realumm mem ersa .' -.. PLEASURE' Louis ;;GO.rri"est ,defeafed: ;'ja~kiEl' :)aVSt.'; ':Josepli~s ,~School;--'-Fai~--' .' lJ,n.ers; a", ,:, '~.' '>~ "..' ;·c_·.· • t~rs of St. Joseph's H~me, :jlllve .: FOR . Lobo:; .2.1-:'W;·'and . 27'':25. haven. d~t'Tlehs. ff: j. ;'of.o,.> b' h tod r~eI:1tly set up standmg ~- .'. . EAT . , . ~.'. ~ . ' . " . e 0 ICE:. ~~. IS?P .ay mlttees to sponsor fund ralsmg .'. Inothe Jpmor sectIOn Joaqulffi Father Moran ,was aSSIsted by is 10 its essentIals IdentIcal WIth. . . t' 't' to' d f t of • . .•.. . ''DA D .. V "S8 CC . d " . . -. · a c IVI les . e ray cos s re-' .. • , PimentaL'defeated Fnmk Ramos ""F v " amleneary:, .. ;., " an that exercised by James In Jer- " . th h W .. 1,';', ." 21-17"a'hci 21-18 and John An:'> Rev. Charles Kelleher, SS.CC. usalem Timothy in Ephesus, Ti- ~p'alrs ~~ e - om e. h' drad~ :Jr.' defeated Ronald Bar-~ Members of the clergy in the tus in' Crete, Martin' iiI Tours, C Chal.rtm · an . 0fM t e ArthomenCs • That-R-Rich'N'Yellow-Robult , .' t . I d d Rt R '-. . . , omml t ee IS rs ur ros '21-17. and 21-15. ',' ,., • . ' '\ san ~~rY. Inc u e., ' . ev.- Thomas in Canterbury," he saId. G' . . dOth . b . in~ , FRESH CUT-.UP POULTRY '.' . . ,.'Msgr. James J. Gerrard vlcar.. . . . ulmon . er . mem ers .. ThIrty boys are parbclpab,ng I R Ed' d J' G "HIS IS ammlstry that IS, elude Miss Robea Trudelle, Mrs. . ROSELAWN ' "t t f ' genera, ev. war . orn I "t I T ' th i ·n .e, ournamen, or semors. . D' . .. t d t before a ese, SPlt:1 ua . 0 Lorenzo Trudelle .and Mrs. AI, .. from 17 to 19 inclusive' .and' mfan, h' Ilocesa~ superm ~nt.en teach, to rule, to sanctify':":"there bert Ouellette: . FARMS . juniors from 14 to 16 inclusive. 0 sc 00 s, an represen a Ives are. his duties."· S · · h P I'H~ L M . . .' '. ..' of the Sacred Hearts Fathers. ervmg WIt a\l '. a on.145 Washington St FaIrhaven Alfred .J. Gomes IS 10 charge . tagne chairman is a large com- • for the center administrative Form~r students acted as pall-. M.·am·'•. D.·oeese . P·lans '. ' f A " be . Just off Route 6 . staff.:" .' •. '; , bearers. ' mlttee 0 lumQ1 mem rs. .._ ~

IR'· M T ab'l e,T"ennis T""our,ney S 0 emn equlem ass At K d C ,'. t' F"F . h ' N" ~..enn~ y . e-:- ~-:, .or, air (lven'un,

. The




I _. ., '.

se~virigas umpires are, Joaquim' : Custoqio, .Vern Gomes, Mario"Rose Hannibal Fonseca Arthllr'.Mo~teiro Adrian He~ bert. an,1' StllIlley' Barbn. ';,

. Si~ter ;Louise taught, 7th: and Tabloid Ne'V:sp~per White1s Fa~m Dairy 8tp ;grad~s at ~t.. Josephs, Sc~ool MIAMI '(NC)-The new ,Miami •. '. unbl 1955 w~en she retIred diocese will pubii.sh'the' first ~SPECIAL MILK from teaching, but continued issue of its ::own'..tab~oid newsU/-* .Con.,tracton From Our Own ' '. ,j., ' l ,a?~inistrati~e .work as. prins:i-::: I?ap~~j·'.fl}e >':o~ce,':~nThUrsciay, .,~. '... : . .'. ;-'A ':'~.~ : .;'; pal. 'S~e' ~as' ac~v.e.:unt~ J;>e.-.· . Marcli:12;',.,' .:':'.;',. :.~ ,. (J Tested Herd" Americans 'to Serve ': ; ;cember'i.n ~iving.pnvate ~essol1s: . , . : " i .'J~ , . . . :Her ,serVIce. to the parIsh was Acushnet, Mass. WY 3M57 'Sacred' Congregot-ic>n . honored last June· at a ,reception • SpeCial Milk . . attended by hundreds of friends VATICAN. CITY .(NC)-M~r. aM pupils • Homogenized-Vit. D Milk Francis J. Brennan of Philadel. • Buttermilk . ,P.h..m,bit;19 - ~eating .944 County St. ~ phia and Fr. William J.Doheny, , ' Legio. n of Decency ... Tropican9 Orange Juice C.S.C., two .American judges' of .' Over' 35··years / • Coffee and Choc. MiI~ the Sacred. 'Roman Rota, ha.ve New Bedford The following 'filmsc~e to..be· . , '.of SOfisfiedService • Eggs - Butter . been appointed consultors' .of. the Il-Med to'.the ·lists :rn.ihei.r 're; MAIN STREET Sacred- : Congregation. :of:':'the Spective cla·ssifications:". . Sacraments by Pope John: Fall 'Ri-ve', , Of5-~497 Unobjectionable for General Famous.ReadingClean Burning COAL, 'Patronage: Cosmic Man.'· , : SH'ELL /'PREMIUM~' HEATING OILS ~.' :Unobjectionable for "Adults FORTY . H<),~RS and-·Adolescents: Arson -for-Hire,.: DADSON .' Automafi~ Trap;· . '.' . ,; '" DEVOTIO~" .' , ".. . Coal Stokers ': ;,. : . .' . :'uriobjectionabie' for' "Ad~lts:" Lbve dod all .. ' . . Bag W Feb. 8-Catholic' .Memorial , 'Mistre~s'.' - . ' . ~ . . , J. ". thr life; and . Home,-Fall River. " 1 call'upOn him., New· England Coal and Objectionable in part for All: Our Lady of Fatima, Eccl. 13:18 .\ Intent to Kill. (sympathetic presSwansea . COKE" Charcoal '. eritMion~of' divorce .and ,remar': Feb.l~St.. ,William,.'.:Fiill riage). River. , St. James, New Bedford. '. _THE ANCHOR Feb. 22-St. Augustine, Vine,;, Second-class' mail privileges authorized. JEWELED CROSS COMPANY' . .t Fall River, Mass. Published every yard Haven. -~, MO. ATTLEBORO, MASS. rhursday at '10 Highland Avenue. Fall St. Anthony, East Falmouth .......NufACrUIEU OF, Riv~r, Mass., by the Catholic, Press.of the














- .







of Fall River.' Su6seription price mail, Pee'tpai4 $4.00 per 1e~ , -


640 ,·Pleasant St.,' ,tliew. ,Bedford

Tel. WY 6-8271


Roman 'Seminary


Trains Escapees For Priesthood

wanted to be a priest. He wanted to be a priest so badly he 'escaped from communist dominated Czechoslovakia. Without knowing Italian he worked his' way down to Rome, where he was sur~ he would find' a ~efuge and a future. ,He did. It was at the Nepomucene College, set up by the bishops of Czechoslovakia for sem'inarians to study in Rome. ' The arrival of the young man, whose name and means of escape cannot be disclosed because his· parents ',are 'still living in their native 'land, is not considered really unusual by' the superiors of the college. _. Ordain 12' Because" 'of the situation' In 'which Czechoslovakia finds itself' . , today; 'tlie college has only 11 MEMBERS OF THE CHARITIES APPEAL STEERING COMMITTEE: Attending 'students enrolled. Of course, nine .!l preliminary meeting at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River, were (left to right) , , !U'e·refugees. Since the comm.un~ ist coup of 1948 in Czechoslo- James E. Bullock, Fall River; Dr. Arthur Buckley, New Bedford; Orlando D. Souza, vakia, 12 students who escaped, Man~ield; Da~iel F. SuIIiyan, Hyannis, chairman of the 1959 Appeal; Robert V. McGowto the West ,have been' ordained , an, No. AttlebOro; R~v. Edward J. Mitchell, assistant at Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton. at the college. " , ,Some of these' already had at- ' ,', ,.. S, tended.sen:tinaries in theIr native, oountry,-before the, communists ,'Formation 'of~ a' Steeriilg' Committee of the Catholic ,Normal) Paquin, H. Frank Reilly. closed them. Many later ~efused 'Charities Appeal was' annotm,'cM tod~y at the Charities " Herve S. Robert, James Ryan, to 'enroll in either of the t w o ' A t t y . ,Kenneth Sullivan,' Atty. seminaries' supervised by the 'Headquarters.' ,' .' , " ,' Jaqtes T. Waldron. communists. ' , . , Rep.resentat~ve laymen, from the seven are~s of the Mansfield-Norton Area-Rev. Others were simply denied en- : Di.ocese;:, At,tlebor.o, Cap e 'cis J. D'Errico, -Wilfred Driscoll. WiUiam D. f Thomson; Stephen trance. In their attempt to crush 'Cod" Fall River, Mansfield'Odias Dumont, Atty. John T. Conroy, Corn{!lius J. McCarthy, , " 11 S 1"' .W the Church the communists have 'Noi'ton'NewBedf'ord North' F arre,' •a It er C . F raze,' Orlando Souza. struck' at the Clergy and ,the " " , ' ",' ' .' , ' .. "" Arthur C. 'GUimond.. Norman New· Bedford Area-Rev. John seminaries so that today in Slo;.' .Attleboro, Taunton" wIll be Hochu. " ,F. Hogan, William A. Burns, Dr. vakia alone three times as many' ,~~mbers of the', ,Committe,e. ' Atty. Henry Z. Horn, Roland ..Arthur Buckley, George Carigpriests die as are ordained. T~ey w}ll act as a local Steering, oImbeau, Aloysius J. Kearns, For-, nan, John DeMello. The' Nepomucene College also 'Committee, in:, their respective rest E. Knight, Atty. J. Edward • Atty. Ernest Dionne, Daniel admits American students of areas and as a combined group Lajoie., Dwyer, Dr. John Glenn, Vincent Czech and Slovak descent who' will consti~ute the. Diocesan . Hugh' Maguire, Daniel McCar- ,Hayes; Philip Hemingway Sr. desire to do pastoral work in .theSteering Committee, thy Gerald McNally Harold FranlJ;: Kulesza, Frank Martin, • Their sP.ecific functions will Me~han, Thomas Monag'han. Dr;. William .Muldoon, Joseph 4md 'of' their ari<:estors. be, .to ,aid in. setting up and in. Lewis" Morley, Russell C.' Norris, Atty. Antone Silva. Await Fidl of Communism executing. the"annua,l Appeal.. ,Ouellette, Anthony 'Perry, Dr. 'George Vigeant, Dr. Paul F. The superiors of the coliege They will give special attention ' . Walsh. believe that the growing spirit- to the Special Gift'section of the Special Stamp North Attleboro Area.,...-Rev. ual needs of Czechoslovakia will Appeal for the present. At a : WASHINGTON (NC).,...- Bills Edmond L. Dickinson, Robert be answered if enough young later 'date th~y will aid in map- have 'been introduced in both Des<:henes, Edmond Dery, Ray. men from' the United States and ': ping the parocqial phase of t~ebranches, of Congress to pro- morid'Lambert, Robert V." Mcother free' countries' can be 'Appeal.' The committee' com- . vide" for issuance of a special G·owari,. Joseph Sulliva!1. trained at their seminary. ' 'prises: " '. , postage stamp in honor of FatTaunton Area _ Rev. John Attleboro Area-:-Rev.'James F. .The college has proposed to her Abram Joseph Ryan, the Griffin, Rev. Edward Mitchell, ordain men for dioceses in McCarthy, Raymond F. Brennan, "Poet,..Priest of the ·.Confeder- Manuel Drummond, William' J. Czechoslovakia so that, with the, f Russell E. Brennan, Edward acy." ' Fagan, Sr., James L. Gallagher. Coogan, James McBrien; , fall of communism, priests will Cape Cod Area _ Very Rev. be ready to again provide spirit.. 'Leonard J. Daley,' Augustine ual help: Realistically enough,: Carriuolo, Frank B. Cook, Ste-' the college considers the fact 'phen B.' O'Brien, Thomas Pow-' that 'bl'; the time communism f ers, John F. Shields;baniel Sulfalls the homeland may well be, livan, 1959 Diocesan Chairman. a missi<;>nary land. .Fall' River Area--:-Rev. RayIn the meantime, young priests mond. T. Considine, Rev: Rayordained after attending the col- mond W. McCarthy, James E.' lege, return '0 the United States Bullock, Raymond Chouinard, and Canada until they will be Atty. Harold Clarkin. ...... ' able to serve in the countries Fern Cote, Atty. Fred W. Czerbehind the Iron Curtain. wonka, Charles Daby, Dr. Fran-·


teerin.g, C". omm.i,tteeFor Cha,rities' Appeo,l.



5. S. T.



River and New Bedford. , In Fall River, the talks will be 'on the theme "Youth Looks at Life" and will be held at the Catholic Community Center on Franklin Street. In New Bedford the talks will center around "Let's Talk on Love" and will be held at the Kennedy Community Center. The Forum is conducted by the CyO in Fall River and the Youth Committee of the Kennedy Center in New Bedford. The talks are under the direction of the Family Life Bureau of the Diocese. ' The talks, which will begin on Feb. 15, will be informal and will be followed by a question and answer period. The Forum is open to seniors and juniors of high schools of the area, and those 16 years of age and over who ,may not be attending school. Speakers in Fall River, will be Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy" Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Rev. Reginald. M, Barrette, Rev. John P. Driscoll and Rev. Paul F. McCarrick. The Forum will discuss the nature of young adults, w:here they are going, the, vocation, ,of marriage, the qualities of love; there will be a panel discussion .on present aspects of young adults. Speakers in New Bedford be Rev. Betrand R. Chabot, Rev. James A. Clark, Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, Rev. John F. Hogan .and Dr. Arthur W. Buckley. The Forum will di'scuss the vocations with special emphasis on the vocation of marriage, the true concept of matr:imony, the correct attitudes on love.


. Ea~ly Publication VATICAN ciTY (NC)-Dur. ing an audience granted to the staff of the Italian Jesuit magazine, Civilta 'Cattolica, His Holiness Pope' John XX'IIIrevealed that at book by himself on St. Charles Borromeo will soon be published.

ford Dealers ,have the 'expert mechanics, ~eq'uipmen't, 'and know-how to . . service used cars before offering them for sale!

How Do y~u Rate. on Facts of Faith



A Lenten Forum for Young Adults will be held again this year on the first five Sundays of Lent in Fall





Schedule Young Adults Forum .During Lent

in October was an es~ape.e, who



Thurs., Feb. 5, 1959

ROME (NC)-The young man who came to the door of the Pontifical Nepomucene College in Rome one evening




Who wears the signet ring called the Fisherman's Ring?-(lt) Cardinals? (b) Bishops? (c) Popes? (d) Apostolic Nunclos? Three of the Evangelists/wrote the Gospel in Greek-the fourth who wrote in Aramaic was:-(a) Matthew? (b) Mark? (c) Luke? ' (d) John? ' ~ Boy's Town, Nebraska was founded in 1917 by>-(a) Father Duffy? (b) Bishop Sheen? (c) Father Fhinagan? (d) Father Peyton? " ' Paraclete, ,meaning "advocate" in Greek, is another word for:"(a) The Holy Ghost? (b) Confessor? (c) The Pope? (d) Preacher? ' The Deluge rained for 40 days and 40 nights according to the Old Testament. How long did its water cover the earth?:-(a) 40 days? (b) 40 weeks? (c) 150 days? , A Vicar General is:-(a) An army chaplain? (b) One who rules with a bishop? (c) A papal delegate? (d) An abbott? , ,J How often are bishops obliged to visit Rome and report to the Pope?:-(a) Every Holy Year? (b) Each year? (c) Every I) years? (d) Every 10 years? \ .' The patron, saint of fishermen is:- (a) Peter? (b) John? (c) Andrew? (d) Christopher? .' Give yourself 10 marks for each correct at:1swer on page 18. Rating: 80-Excellent; 70-Very Good; 60-Good; 50-Fair

DrQP You'r Anchor·








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in Collection Basket at, Mass Sunday


Balancing the Books


Levine Presents, Exte,nsive, Picture of Life in Russia


Thurs., Feb. 5, 1959

Chance to Win Scholarship ,Offered


By Rev. Msgr. John 8. Kennedy Familiar to regular radio listeners is the voice of Irving R. Levine, Moscow correspondent of NBC. A feature of Mr~ Levine's broadcasts from the Soviet capital is his answering ,questions about life in Russia w,hich have been submitted by Americans. His ,replies, There have, been TV give,though brief and censored, '·away shows, "The. Russian is have been, in the aggregate, subjected to a form of the ionginformative., Now, after 10 est 'commercials' in th,e worl~. "

AIVEA. ·ItA. . .

WASHINGTON (NC)Practicing what he preaches is nothing new to Father (Col.) William J. ClasbY,.all

Air force chaplain, but his comlng radio address for the Christian in Action program has . at post ,These as prod,uctaroused more, than .the usual atye ahl's rs , Mr. Levine has " 1 are ., t· known , b t b written a book, Main Stre!'lt, popu arrza Ion programs, u y tenion. US S R (Doubleday $4.50.) any other name they are comFour one-yeal">tuition scholar.It '.' m ch ~. ,merciaIs-protracted and dull." ships will be be awarded to the IS u J lk'" ive like his proay-wa 109 IS on a. mass grammar school boy and girlgrams. While scale andRap~arentlYt l.ntc1.!'~Mable and the high school boy and girl d ·t (as one usslan pu I, an who submit winning letters on n. 0 t ctehnsore , I created - the automobile. Why p Father Clasby's February 8 _IS raTher scra should he, be 'intimidated by it py. e severa l ?") radio talk. The address, entitled chapters a'r e now. "File 13", is one in the ChrisThere is, much and heavy tian in Action series for Februsomew h a t cas. . , ua 1 agg 1omeradrmkmg; there al,so soberary'on the '~Challenge to Youth:' ' are . . tions of facts. ing-up statIOns on the city The boys and girls submitting There is little streets. Eyeglasses are .bought letters are asked to write on the onlyk at drug as subJ'ect "What, 'File 13' Meant a tt emp t a t sus't . stores. t Psychiatry '1' d 'nce' tained study we now I 'IS .no pra? Ise ,; Sl . to My Lenten 'Practice": Father summary, or th~ the Comm~mst enlvdl~onmten\ ~s Clasby has specified that the drawing of con,~erfect: serrous rna a JUs men 18 letters are not to exceed 300 clusions. Fairly often precisely ImpOSSible. words. They should be sent to the same facts are instanced in Skept~cal About Education CATHOLIC HOUR ,WINS AWARD: Edward Stanley,. the National Council of Catholic different contexts. , As to education, Mr. Lev'ine is public affairs programs director for the National Broad- Men, c/o the American Broad'The book is impressionistic. But skeptical about its being superior, 'casting Company, congratul~tesMartin, H.. W.ork ~of casting Company, or the station this does not mean that: it is to ours. It is true, he says, that Washington, executive director' of the National' Council of, to which the students are liste~ not worth reading. Quite ,'the 70,000 engineers are graduated ' ' i n g . Scholarships will be awardcontrary;, it is steadily' inter- annually in, the U.S.S.R., con- Catholic Men, for NCCM's production of ,'';Roll}e ,Eternal" ed to students submitting ~ esting arid adds up to an expared to' 30,000 in the U.S.A, which received a.,:special 'citation for: "exceptional merit!' 'most 'Interesting imd original tensive, if not 'iIlcisive; picture of but he points out that many of NC -Photo. ' l e t t e r s..February 18 is the con.everday life under the Commun- the"'forriler do not deServe t h e , test deadline. ' , ist dictatorship. status of engineer by American The ''Challenge to Youth" lIeI'That life is, in every respect, standards. ies was programmed from the closely regulated. There is no. But Russians have great re0 Seventh National Conference OIl longer the feeling of being con- spect for learning, and eggheads Catholic Youth Work, held last siantly spied upon "which ob- are honored and rewarded in-' VENICE (NC) ~ The great"restoration·· was undertaken at, November under the sponsorship tained under Stalin', .and since stead of being viewed askance. golde~ Basilica of',St. Mark's ':the" behest of' H;is Holiness Po~" of, the Youth Department, NaKhrushchev's denunciation of his He has a chapter on religion, which' is 'literally' surroimded JohnXXIII <iiirivg his five, years ~ tional Catholic Welfare Conferformer boss there have been some which he 'observes,' is' neither 'by' fhe'sea has the experts wor- . Patriarch' "of Venice.' He ',ence. The opening talk of the stirring of freedom. dead "nor flolir'ishing. In' an ai~, ried,because there is ilOt an ade":"'showed' himself, ~eenly inter- "! February series was gi'.'en by But the dictatorship' is still tempt to cut off the >reiigious;, :o;quate water ~upply': in 'case' of ested in presei:Ying and restor"-;c, Msgr. Joseph ·E. Schieder, direc:- ' completely in control. If it now, instruction of sorts and the re- . fire. " ' ing the church and adjoin'ing tor of the Youth Department. ,irives with a 'little lighter rein, ligious influence wl1ich children Although like everything elS;e patriarch's, palace" because of ~ Christian in Action proit still drives. . have come under in the home, ' in Venice St. Mark's stands on their unique place in the world gram is produced by the,Nation-' Mr. Levine finds that the there is a move to increase the an island crisscrossed by canals, of history and art as well as al Council of Catholic Men ill people are deeply dissatisfied number of' boarding schools. new water pipes are being 'laid their being ecclesiastical build- cooperatio wHh the AmerieaD ll ~ompany. with certain aspects of their exWhere Moscow once had al-, in the square. The church and lngs.' 'Broadcasting istence and long for a change, most 600 Orthodox churches, it most of the nearby historic but are not intent 01} the over- now' has 59, "many of them small ,buildings are of stone but there throw of the regime. He has and decrepit."- Some churches, is still enough wood in various discovered no revolutionary po- used as museums, are kept parts ,of the struc'ture to make tential among them. brightly painted. the threat of fire serious. Subordinate Personal Needs ' This "helps dissuade the visitAt the same time the m.any-' 'Women are expected to do or from an impression of relig-' dom~d Byzantine church is undouble' duty, both keeping house ious repression qy fhe state. It' dergoing extensive repairs both and performing regular jobs in lends an illusion of liberality." inside and out. Many of the 11th facto~ies and elsewhere. .They In fact" however the atheistic century' mosaics' \ ' . near the sancdo all kinds of heavy work,!?ut .. ,driye is still in full\force.. t~ary of, Hie e~urch h,ave bee? ~are also far more numerous in In conclusion Mr' Levine deremoved and then.replaced piece the rrofessions (for (, example, dares the Com~unist system' a by' piece after' the' underwaU medicine) than ,in ~he United goin'g concern, with proved duf,.,' ,-~ad been rein~orced_~ndstengt~­ States. " a b i l i t y .and not likely to cruril';' :ened~' These restorah.ons 'are shll As the result o,f 't~ev)~~, pIe: Ife'. alsQ feels that tpe, ' in progress and 'probably will be, which Russia. lost 30,000,000, chapgesw.hich he witnessed .J?~Y' c, ·.~ofor more than ~'ye,~r., , people, there IS a labol' :short-,' indicate that eventually there Sound FoundatiOns ' / .- WATER HEATERS age. There is also, an' ~stonishing wilf be ,ti Russia "more m~d;;X;- "_. Inyestigation has, proved the waste of manpower,' especiall;yc, ate, m'ore reasonable, mor:e'.. ' 'foundations of th'e church to I?e , Dupont Paint 20 gallon capacity on the farms. 'amendable to living and letting sound. First built in the 9th cen' PARKING But econolJlic pro~ress has )jve.", He. d~esn'~ say when. tury then added to and modified ' - - - ,Rear of Store, '~ been little less than prodigious, , Merton's Journal ' in 'the following centuries, t~e if distinctly uneven. Wages are N 1 bl'h d . ' b k church rests on pilings sunk into , ~,t:.t1l-ti , 422"Acush. AV,e, I d' h' h A ew y pu IS e IS ,-a 00 h . d f'll' d 'th Ur ow, an prr~es are Ig. poor- which Thomas Merton wrote 20 t e sea an ' I e 10 WI : ea.r, , , _ cor Middle' St, PIPING AND HEATING ly made SUit for a man costs . f b as do almost all the bUlldmgs , New Bedford 25 So. MaiD St.. W'l' 3-0096 . h' h' years ago; a serres 0 '0 serva'", , '. ' $120, a topcoa~ $222, a ~ Ite s" 1rt tions which he set down after his' of the city. , . " $12.90, a pair of. high-heeled '. 'h"IS en te r Restorers have found ser.lOUS . conversIOn an db e f ore . ' shoes for ~ w()ma? $52.50, a s~n;" 'ing the monastery of Gethse'- cracks ni ~ome of 'the, columns gle bed With mat mstead of mat-· '" . , of, the. atrium or front porch. tr $183 90" . mal1l; ' F ' f t ' '. d' t ess . . . .;f.' "Entitled the Secular JournaL ",:.utur:e(!"el~ ?rcE;lTIen,.ls 10 Ica i' f Th" M rt (F " etI. 'for the vaults, pillars and" A haircut, on the other, hand, . ALUMINUM' . " All ,WORK ~08tS 19' cents. Mr. };e;]"rne;' note~ °St ,:' ,,5l,mdasC' deh on$'3 7'5) a~rta~, ar~hes of, 'the church. " th t ·t· " , f.e ,t raus an u a y. . ,1 IS , ' '" , , .. " ,', " 'WINDOWS --DOORS , CUSTOM MADE " a I IS com mon . t ~en ~t" the property 'of Fr(endship House, "Restoration problem~ are parCANOPIES ...:; AWNINGS get permanen t waves, u oesn.' d ',' '['ts' f '15 l ' 'Jl "ticularly difficult in Ure ease of nA'l' - W'l' 2-2891 , give the price. ,a!1 "prq I rom I sa e ~I, , b' '. " 'ed , ,Ray Hunt ', '. '. go .to-, Madonna House, which St, Mark secau,se' It IS. cover. " NIGHT - WV t 6811 " ~ave Bank Acco~nt!!' ", ' :~expects official approval by the ' . with a great variety of precious . 1783 '/Acush'net Avenue': U8 North Front Sa.., People are .under pressure to 'Holy See as a Secular Institutioil. ..marbles', mosaics and stonew,ork. WY,4-45S1 New Bedford ~UY ,government bQ,nds. When, The author speaks, in a pre- It is difficult to get at~he subm 1957, Khrushchev annou'.lced face, of'the carelessness ~nd cal-' structure both to check It and to that the government was default- owness of his journal. The readrepair it. ing on its b0!1?s an<;i thus ~i~ing er will hardly agree.. ln the mmn; , A good portion of the interior, out the saVIngs. of. millions, it is well written, and 'the opin'; . Plumbing - Heating the propaganda mach me ham- .ions it states are in very few Holy ~ociety. mered the idea ,that it was the, instances green. . 915 Acu'shnet Ave. Est. 1897. people themselves w~o initiated'. , . the move. Seeds of Contemplation " ' ST. LOUIS (NC) _ The Holy At Weld S'qua're Builders Supplies It 'probably surpises ,some ,of Many of these have to do with "Name ,Society, can be a "main'NewBedford " ",2343 Purchase Street us to learn that there are bank books and authors (from D~r,te '; spring for manpower for Cath:-":.'. . New Bedford accounts in Russia, that various to Dylan Thomas). There are .. oUc action," St. Louis Archbishop New' Bed/oi-j:l's' &.adt719 Plum'bef' kinds of insurance are' spld striking ,descriptive and anal- Joseph E. Ritter luis told the WY 6-5661 (against property damage to cars,' ytidll. passages about, Havana,' "Archdiocesan Union o~ Holy for example, but not for acci- others Vividly conveying the im-' Name Societies. ' dent injuries), that Russians pact of Friendship House and ,of He mentioned the spiritual make wills and may leave money Gethsemani, still others dealin'g training,the Holy Name Society and property to' anyone they with the war and showing pene- provides and credited, its mem": SHE~T METAL ,ONE~"STOP ehoose, that bribery and swindles trating consideration of sll'Cl'l' bers for making a program' of lay' J. TES,ER, Prop. SHOPPINGC:NTER are common, that private build': que~tions as why God does not Catholic action 'a success iri, the RESIDENTIAL ing is encouraged and facilitated. intervene to stop such a 'catas- archdiocese through the leaders • TelevisioD ., Furniiure INDUSTRIAL This book abounds in fascinattrophe. it has developed. • Appliances • Grocery ing sidelights. For example, pets The author has changed and "The great mission of the Holy COMMERCIAL like dogs and cats are extremely matured since he kept this' journ- Name Society," he' said,' "is a 253 Cedar St. New Bedford 1M Allen St•• New Bedford Tare'in the cities because there aI, but the seeds of contempla- ,Irtainspring for manpower for WY 3-3222 w:Yman 7-9354 is not enough room, for ·people., tion 'are here. , Catholic ,Action. _._a_III_.~._"'_~) , ,

W'ater Sho,rtage Threate,ns' Basilica 'S urr u nded ; by',Adr'.-at.-c,"'Sea as



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Name ,Work WI·ns P,al.se


Senate Gets Bill To Curb Smut In Washington WASHIN.GTON (NC)-A bill designed to crack down. on distributors of obscene literature in the District of

- - DIGNITARIES ATTEND RED MASS: -A distinguished congregation of persons prominent in the life of the nation's Capital attended the annual Red Mass at St. Matthew's Cathedral, Washington. Msgr. William J. McDonald, rector of ~atholic University:, who de~ivered the sermon, chats (in

left photo)- with U.S.- Attorney General William P. Rogers, .(left) and Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington (right phOto) escorts U. S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, and Mrs. Earl Warren. NC Photo.

- Catholic Hospital Opens Unique Intensive Treatment Center' \ BURBANK (NC)-St.. Joseph's . equipment is coordinated with' Hospital has opened' an "Inten- the machines to maintain a sive Treatmerlt Center," de- constant check of a patient's con. scribed by hospital officials as dition. This equipment will anthe first in the world. The cen- alyze and measure changes even ter encompasses a complex of. before they become visible to machines and. artificial organs a physician. • which a patient can be Dr. Peter F. Salisbury, found"'hooked up" for prolonged er and past president of the peri9ds. 1 American Society. for Artific!al . Phy;siological monitoripg Internal Or~ans, heads the cen-


"Facilities such as the IntenPatients suffering from severe sive Treatment Center," Said kidney damage, certain types of Dr. Salisbury, "will make it pos~oronary disease, and extreme sible to save lives now lost; proshock will be treated at the vided patients are treated in center. time. _ Dr. Salisbury explained that The center will be used also patients may be attached to ex- in conjunction with the implanternal organs to maintllin physi- tation of similated artificial orological/balance while their own gans as soon as these are perorgans rest ami' heal. , fected, he stated.

Columbia has beel1 .introduced in the U. S. Senate by Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. The bill would allow Washington police and the U. S. Marshal to confiscate "any vehicle, fixture; . equipment, stock or personality" used in the sale, distribution, manufacture or display of obscene publications. The Senator said his,juvenile delinquency subcommittee has heard testimony in former investigations that the fines imposed on violators of D. C.' obscenity laws at present are "90 light as to constitute little more than a 'license fee.' " The. Tennessean said his biB would be "a strong. deterrent to the hucksters of obscenity." The measure was referred to the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia.

State Control WARSAW (NC)-A bill aimed at placing all cemeteries operated by religious denominatio,1Ul under state control has been introduced in the red-controlled Polish Parliament.


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Just looking :at the headings to stories and articles in The Anchor for the past year ,would give even the casilal readers some food for thought. On family life he would see articles on the swearing husband, the Rh factor, working mother, the father and the~children, giving children information, readjustment for widows, selfishness, the youngsters and rock and roll, good night kisses, the use of marriage. On ~bor and management he· would see stories on the garment industry, dangers of inflation, managements right· to a return, labor-management cQuncil, racketeering in unions, the right to strike, living wage. , He would find articles on the Legion, of Decency, the question of censorship, Hollywood standards. . Articles in The Anchor covered 'such a wide range of topics as psychiatry, Communism,/racial justice, the fifth amendment, capital punishment, trash literature, religion in Russia, Lutheran report on Colo!Obia, mental health, - exceptional children, value Qf sports, Vatican bank, lay, apostolate, birth control, intellectualism in Catholic colleges, tax savings made by. Catholic schools of the area; Protestant chaplain at Colombia University,' the' missions, religious .orders jn the 'Diocese, CYO activities, an~ 'a host of' other topics. ., '. '. ,. In this' day,·when ,Catholics "must be.,prepared' to give the ,correct .'answers to ·many' questiolll'l...:,..:..where can the - ,answers be: found more easily than iri their: Catholic news,'paper?...' ' .' , , '.

Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days TODAY - St. Aga tha, VirginMartyr. She was born at either Palermo or Catania in Sicily. In the Persecution under Decius, her breasts were cut Off, Accord'ing to legend, St., Peter cured her of the mutilation while she 'was in prison in Catania, where she died about 250, Her name is found in the litany of' the Saints, the Canon of the ·Mass and in all martyrologies. A number of miracles are attributed to her~ including the preservation of Catania during the eruptions of Mt. ,Etna. 'TOMORROW-St. Titus, Bi~­ op.. The favored disciple. of.. st. ,Paul, to whom the Apostle addressed. an Epistle included ~Il the 'New' Testament lind whom he" cohsecrated first Bishop' 'of the island" of Crete" St. Titus' " , . ,,' ~ied 'at..;th"eage of 94,' toward , the cloSe of ,the ~irst centu~y~


:' On' Being',a Realist'


.Thurs., Feb. 5,' 1959"

.4, On






SATURDAY-.'St, Romuald,' . Abbot, who: was the so'n of' Ser- ' , 'gius,a' .nobleman :of, ·Ravenna. .He, founded many 'monasteries; the chief 6£ which 'wa's ai Camaldoli where he built,i1 church surrounded with '3 number' of ' .. separate 'cells for the solitaries who lived under his' rule, He : died in his monastery on June 19, 1027.

. 'From time to time the quest'ion' is asked if Catholics QUESTIONS of this ag~ a're very·m.uch 'dif~erent-better or wprse-th~n those of. any oth~r age. The question is speculative and the atid answer not. forthcoming, but a little thinkIng on the mat~r AN-S'WERS does' bring ,to 'light certain ,p,resent-day circumstances. in . ' ,E which the Faith must be l i v e d . . )r )r 'E Catholics today have much morecoJitact, personal and BY' REV. JAMES A. McCARTHY through media of communications, with their non-Catholics . Holy Name ·Church-Fall River .SUNDAY-St. John of Matha, and with other beliefs and standards of morality. While' 'Confessor. He was, born in Pro:;' ls it allowed to' receive Holy . to the r.eIigious leaders-serious this gives them an ,opportunity to practice the charity. of, ' vence," France, in 1 J 69, renoun-' minded. men in that position ced. wealth, and a promising' Christ. and to attract others to Christ by the goodne~s of' Communion on tw , successive Sundays without going to conwho are sincerely convinced that career. for the priesthood. With their own lives, it also can result in, blurring of the clear fession in between times? In a certain thing, not sinful in it- St, Felix of Valois, he founded line 'that differentiates trutlrand error, the Fa;ith of Christ other words, can I receive self, can be a widespread oc- 'the Order of the Holy Trinity' and the whims of man. Indifferentism;, a "what difference Comm,urtion for two Sundays casion of sin, certainly are with- for the redeml)tion of Christian on one confession? in their rights to speak out slaves held by the Moors in does it make" attitude can come about: The Faith must be against it. Africa, He died in Rome in 1213. kept whole and. lived completely iriihe face of that danger. It is allowed to receive Holy The. times in which we live, are very comfortable. , Communion more. than once on • • * , MONDAY-St, Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop-Doctor, He was The standard of living is, for most, quite high. Never one confession, The'requirements receiving Communion w~rthGod is 'all kind, all loving, an Egyptian by birth and in 412 before have ther-e been so many .luxuries that the Madison for ily are siinply to be in the State all merciful. He knows all his uncle, St. TheoAvenue ad men ii-Isist are necessities for every home. The of Grace _and to observe th~ pre- things even before they hap- , succeeded philus, as Patriarch of Alextheme of all commercials, all advertising is-be good to scribed fast. Therefore, anyone pen. How is it that He creates' andria, '''He wrote commentaries a soul He knows shall fly into yourself. 'The "enjoy yourself-it's later than you think" whose soul 'is free of mortal sin on the Holy Scriptures and other the fires of hell the moment notable works, but achieved his line is' a constant refrain that all ,are urged to adopt as a and who has not taken solid food for three 'hours nor taken it leaves the human body? greatest fame in his' work of standard of living. . " non,.alcoholic liquids (except God is indeed all kind, all lov- 'overthrowing the heresy of Nes, 'No'one ,has ~ny complaints about raising the standard water) }or one hour prior to ing;. all merciful, but He is· also torius, which was condemned in of living' and giving to all 'men decencY-and a minimum Communion time' may receive. all just. ,Gol' has never created' the Council of Ephesus, in 431.. amount of. the good things, of life. ,However, frequent confession, is 'any 'soul to go to hell. He. has' Intrigues at Constantinople led, . his imprisonment, but strong .'But the fact remains that riIen 'are not 'able to enjoy , most strongly urged, because . of called all 'of us to be saints and to the '. consequent sacramental intended that heaven should be action by ihe Pope brought his all the good, things of life and; at the, s~me time, remain Grace received. "our destiny. St. ,Paul tells us: "He liberation and he returned to in tune: with G~d.: An awareness, of the presel)ce ,of God, * * • chose· us' in Christ before the Alexanaria, . where' he died in '444. Pope Leo XIII proclaimed a desire to serve .Him, strength of: will.in doing good:and In the daily papers a short Joundation cif the world, that'we ' should be holy and without him a· Doctor of the Church; avoid\ng eVil;-these 'arepurchas~Q'by'men"only'at the time ago, many religious leadblemish in' His sight jn love~ He price of mortification, self-denial,: sacrifice. " . TUESDAY - St., Scholastica,. ers spoke against a state lottery: ls such a lottery 'sinful? predestined us through Jesus Virgin. She lived· in the sixth P~rhaps meri :wish that it couid be otherwise but it,is , . ' . ' 'Christ, as His, sons-unto the century and was the sister of' not. Life in Christ can ,come only with" a corresponding 'If properly conducted, the ;o.r- praise o( the glory of.His Grace. St. Benedict. She is regarded death to selt There is nothing sad about that; it does- not , gan!zation of.or taking part ina (Eflhesians I, 4-6). as the' first nun of the Benedic": is blameless. Gambling make for unhappiriess. Men are quick to seek after hap- lottery tine order and founded' a' comwithin one's means and in mod.!. It is God's Will that each inpiness and at times they seize upon lux,ury or. self-induldividual go to heaven. So, those, munity near Monte Cassino. She . whQ choose'hell as their destiny, 'died about 543., gence and think it .to be the'reality of happiness when eration is not a. s~n.. Unfortunately, however, ,abusdo so' contrary to 'God's Will,' it is orily a. fain.t and un-satisfying shadow of the real WEDNESDAY-,-Ash Wednes· es can and do creep in, Gambling because of headstrongus'e of the thing.. day, the first day of Lent. 'Also can. become something akin to free will with which He endowed of Our Lady of Lourdes. Lent is· a time when men must' become aware of, a ,disease. When this .'happens, 'them. You say that He knows feast This feast commemorates the 18 families suffer ~ecause money these' sou,ls wili fly into hell; GO,d. It is a time when the' Church takes, full cognizance apparitions of the 'Blessed of man's psychology. Knowing that there ,can be little · that-should be spent on the home, that is, true. But He knows too Mother to St. Bernadette, then, squandered and debts mount, that, every opportunity has' bee~ ,a girl of 14, near ,Lourdes thought of God if this life is too much 'with, us the Church is up. The next step could, be theft given them to win heaven. Heav- France. In the apparitions the prescribes mortification. That . is a direct approach, to a' to climb out of the abyss of in- en is a reward and· must be Blessed Mother .revealed'her situation, so direct and so uncomp'romising that it is likely debtedness. Everi' , suicide as 'a merited.' " . identity: "I' am 'the Iinmaculate to come as ~ surprise or shock to some' and to arouse a cowardly exit from,' self-created When we r~call that the rise Conception." The feast falls on problems cDula, result. These positive dista$te, in others. or fali ,'of 'the human race was ,the" anniversarY of the first' , things have happened. " ~, :to depend upon 'the obedience apparition: With all the present-day cry of' realism, few ever That is just a possible con~-, of oUr First' ,Patents' to ' God's take the realistic view of the Church. She faces the· facts quelice at the. individual or fam'and that after . of sin, evil, hell, vices, temptations aItd ~unhe$itatingly gives · ily level. There are' also possible . i;oinmalldinEmt~ their'ciiS6bec!iEmce; He gave, them Attleboro Serra"s·,· the cure. Lent is a time to face these,realities.e.-.:.tol take social consequences, 'such as'.set- and all Mankind an opportunity dir~ct methods.,.....;.to die to self-to live' the life, of holiness ting the stage for racketeerism., to regain heav'en-'-even to ,the , Hear Superior To discuss the pros and cons and happiness in Christ. . .. point of sending the Secon(j ,Per-

.~. )


fully would' .take much more time and space than this column allows. One big feature on the. POSITIVE side 'is ,that it would build up a, State treasury and. - ea'se the burden on the taxpayers. Does this out we'ig~' the possible NEGATIVE features? "Comparisons' are odious"" it OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF T~E 'DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER is said, but consider the use of Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of F~II River opiates. W!1en properly admini~­ tered by a competent member of " ,: ',~41 o Highland .Avenue.. . ,', the medical pr'ofession, they can Fall Ri~~r; Meiss. , pSborne 5.7151 ,be mercifui instruments to ease suffering;, when ,they cause. ad.,.. "PUBLISHER .. ' · ' · ' " diction, they can be. tools of the . 'Mosf Rei,'. James'l.:'~orl;"oIlY;:, D.D:,',P.h'D.,' " Devil. The drug itself isindifferGEN,ERAL MANAGER, ., '~,;',-,\SST,.(;ENE,R4L:,:~ANAG~R, ent;'. it is the use to which· it is· Rev. Dani~1 F~ ~halloo. M~A., ,,;,Rtll~;: :JQhn'P;Driscoll " put"that can make it good 'or ·.MANAGING EDltO~R·:·.'·:~·.. ' l ' ~\., ~ ' . ; . " ~ bad,: ' '\. Hugh J~ Gold~n " ' ' .Iil ,answer ,to· your reference

~, @rheANCHOR '¥


son of the ,Blessed Trinity to suffer.,and die··for us-the fact that He is all kind, all loving and all merciful is most forci~ly brought home to us. .

• • • I have been told .that there ,are more than six Holy Days of Obligation. ls, this· correct?

'At its regular meeting, held Thursday, January 29th, 'the Attleboro District Serra Club heard an inspired address by the Rev. J. Alphonse Dutil, M,S., a pio. neer in· the .establishmept of the LaSalette Seminary in Attleboro and 'now Superior' General 01., that Order.

'. Father,spoke on the great need' Yes.. By general·law, there are of the world for vocations to Jl;1e ' 10 Ho~y' bays of Obligation ob- priestllood, and held his audi'-, served'in the Universal Church: enc~ spell-bound with first-hand • Christmas" qJ:cY!T!'cision, A~cen-., ' impres,sions ,of .Rome in the daYI!..';" ion, Assumption; 'Ail'Saints,',Im..: beginning with the death of Pope' .. : maculate Conception, Corpus'Pius XII and through, the elecChristi, Epiphany, St. Joseph tion .of Pope John XXIII, preand S8. Peter. and Paul. In. the . senting il' vivid word-'picture of United States we are 'dispensed this historical period in the life from observan~~'of the'last fo~. of the Church. '

Membership of Present ~o'ngr.ess " Includes Total 'of 103 Catholics WASHINGTON (NC)-A total of 103 members of the 86th U.S. Congress have expressed their religious preference as Catholic, according to a reference report released by the Library of Congress. The report reveals 105 members of the 86th Congress have claimed their religious prefer-

Savings Galore

AT THE VATICAN COUNCIL· OF 1870: The first general counciL of the Catholic Church in 89 years is expecte~ to get.lmderWay within a year, ~t the cal.l.of Pope John, XXIILIn the above painting by Riefstahl, hangiIig . in the:.St:adel·Jnstitute, 'Fran,kfort, Germany, a' group of bishops": are depiCte<l' itia":spec~ai session' of th~ Vaticiui -(lOUDCil of, 1870. NC Photo. ;>. >...''.-::;-::.: ......~, >

Prelate Deplores ,Newptirt

• • •• "




ence as ~ethodist. Other major religious prererences claimed by Congress members are listed as follows: Presbyterian 66, Baptist 64, 'Episcopal 61 and Jewisll 12. Of the members of C9ngreSi claimipg Catholic, 12 are in the Senate and 91 in the House of Representatives.

During Our


AmericaValue .. Festival!

Ed'u"cQHon :Trend;·-,ChurchF"t\lre.~ili:.LQti·n .,Americ,CJ... . '. NEW YORK (NC)-The Church ... While it is ,ttuethat Protestant ""Ig'nore Go"d in Latin 'Ame.rica is on the missionary activity is increasing, To. '.. . .... threshold of a. most optimistic the veteran pointed Mary~nolle!-"

LOS ANGELES (NC)..,.... futur~..' . .... . . out that nowhere in his travels Belief in God's existence is ThIs. IS the OpInIOn ofF.ather did he see any's'igii: o{ii· weak:'. f John F\ Donovan, M.M., aSSIstant ening of the.~ "funailm~ntatiy . d" f as t, lsappearmg r·o m·generat.of the. Maryknoll Fath- .. Catholic atmosp~er.e)r,.·thetra.. America's philosophy of'edu-' , . ers,f after' returning from a 18- ditionally Catholic" continent. ' The' ov~r-all pi~~,ure is mg8t.encQul'aging, he asserted.

: cation' 'at a time when phenoril.- °week, 28,000-mile official visitena:l" scientific discoveries are"" atio,:t to the Maryknoll missions confirming His existence. "in Latin America. .

,'''In fact," explained Fat!ter This was the paradox de"All through Latin America I DOnovan, "Protestantproselytiz, scribed by James Francis ,Car-' saw umnistakablesigns' of re- ing' in many places has had a dina 1 'McIntyre Archbishop of newed life,", reported Father ,completely unexpected effect. It Los Angeles to i 200 men attend- Donovan, a native of Newport, has made the, Latin American ing- the Holy' Name Union's R.I. who isa veteran of 11 years Catholic realize he simply can't annual' Communion breakfast. in th~mi~ions of China. "I met take his faith for granted. Study '" outstanding examples of young .Ju~t .as sCIentISt~ ~rrIve at a apostolic Latin American priests Clubs and Legion of Mary PraesconVIctIon of. dIVIne power and I saw great numbers of mili- idia have increased a,s a result." thro~gh observIng the order of tant Catholic laity. There are, The shortage of priests is still creatIon, so too do they le~rn of course, many weaknesses still evident and will be for some': that suppos~d hu~an perfectIon preseQt in many areas, but the time, Father Donovan declared. ~ro~uces faIlure WIth the coord- _Church is aware of these weakBut the picture for native voca-' _ matI~n of the law of God, the nesses and is preparing to correct tions is better than it ever has CardInal asserted. them." been, lie added. Prevailing Philosophy .~~~~==~~~~~~~==~~~=~~~;=~~~~~~ FREE ADMISSION FREE ADMISSION "This lesson that the scientists have learned again in this new era," he continued, "has its . Q simple application in the lives of us all, and, in the most common.;.' . place things of everyday life." • Prizes , • Booths, ".. Refreshme.nts Computations and projeetio,:ts, Dancing -'- Entertainment of population increases for' education purposes.l<;>se sight of one . ,- ~EE "DMisSION .~ Ope~ to ;the public fact; the Cardinal noted. That . KENNEDY YOUTH CENTER FEBRUARY 9-10 .. fact is that "just so many'm.ore' 'County Street; New Bedford - Starting 7 P.M. Nightly will not enjoy, under tne' pre:'" FREE ADMISSION TO' ALL' FREE ADMISSION dominant and prevailing educa-. tiona 1 philosophy, the privilege that we, as citizens of .these •• iII _ United States, have gratefully . • . , ' . -, " • cherished. That is the priyilege ' :.' '\. . 'r"~. '."§'. .1', ' _-_' of being educated in the generally' acknowledged assumption • -=-~-= of the premise that there is a, • =--=--=o-~: _ '-:::::. •


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God." Freedom to w~rship the Creator, without governmental in- • terference, was the purpose of • America's first settlers, the Car- ,. dinal emphasized. "That freedom -. -constituted the stability of our : traditions.". Different Cloak Sorro'!VfuIly, we may say that these -. traditions are being infringed upon by' the same 'prac-. tices that drove our forefathers to seek the freedom of liberty. But today the persecutors. wear a different cloak."




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Soft J'udiciary • There is a tendency ineduca-: tional philosophy todaY to -a~ , II trIbute' everything to natUre • without asking or answering" -.












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W ork In9. WhY it _ 'our - D'octor" -_ • L ' . • . T0" S"a~guar_our f . d' Y , He It an: e

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If transportation-is a p,roblemcall us and w~ will make provisions ,to carefeel' ..::..,;.. . or your ne s. ::~:~~~e:~d:~. the source of' : SPECIAL ATTENTION and DELivERY The' result of ignoring djv~ne·. GIVEN TO EMERGENCY' PR~SCRIPTIONS :• IS an un ISCIp l,?arddinal me you WI dulled coriscience disregarding • the laws of God and man. "Ac.,. • companying this det~rioration'is • the softening of juridical pun- .• ishment," he- concluded. "No • 10ngel'.do~s 'the p~hment fit :



• •

The Cardinal said' the once : universally accepted belief in t h e . existence of God is being lost • by new generations, being ques- • tioned' by - leaders and being. eliminated by"indiffer'ence:' •


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".~'.. ..;fr~~~r"";:2:~~:~~!(' ,-Fihds':lf'sAU 'Wrong,AII Righ~, . .

To Write Notes in Anger ". \ ."

AuxiliariestoAid Two Institutions

, By Mary Tinley D a l y , Two auxiliary groups have . " Itw~s coltiimi.-writing night. But there were letters'. : •. ' been formed to aid institutions .' One sister and'· her husband (he in hospital) in in the city of Fall River. They Germany. But, first, were business notes burningly ,pending. are St. Catherine's Fund Raising . lb' Committee, ·organized ·to benefit The notes'were pending, was urmng. the Dominican Sisters of Park Zip of paper Into typewriter .•• Postmaster. Dear Sir: Street; and alum'l1i and beneWhy, if specia} delivery is of coffee' the doorbell rang: factors of' St. Joseph's Home, · 8upposed to speed. mail, do "Sorry, Ma'am, but the .exact who will assist in defraying expenses of home repairs. YOU -instruct your carriers to size of your cornices. had been . Initial activity of St. Cathertake such Ieters back to the temporarily sold " out. Here's . hId - Ine's. Com-mittee. is a spaghetti post off'l'ce'l, B'y the time notice is your woe or 'er. supper, scheduled for Saturday Sharnef ace dl y, I t ore up th ree fou nd', the post office is closed. ht' t 1 k . evening at 5, 6 and 7,at Domin. 1 D.e.livered next 0 f ast mg s smar -a ec m1Ssives and erased my tart mesican Academy. Proceed;; will go day, 30c wanted. sage from the bulletin boardto the Sisters' building fund. Why not put the Off'leers 0, f St . C a th erme . ,I then went over the bank stateletter .' through ment.. Had overlooked a service Committee are Mrs, Henry' Berthe mail. slot? ·charge. First National, right ube, . preside~t; Mrs. Ed'ouard Yours,. again! Another letter into the Gauthier, vice president; Mrs.· · . First Nationwast~basket. . George Pelletier, secretary; Mr,. , al .Bank. GenBetter take another look at· Raymond Fisette, treasurer. Uemen: ·.B a 1 th~t notice from the post office-:' . Valeniine Supper aJ)ce in my. acwhoops, it was for a registered' A ham and bean supper • eountis inaccu., . letter! plarined for Valentine's Day, Satrate.. Cecksadd All that remained-from my urday evening, Feb. Hfrom' ~. , to .$159.00. correspondence. was the stinger . . 'MY FIJlST 70 YEARS': Sis,ter Mary Ma:deleva, C.S.C., to' 8 at St.. Joseph's H;ome. It ~ 5.u ~ t.ra c.t e g. , to the Police Department. Come 'pOet-president of St..Mary's College, Notre-Dame, Ind., goes .sponsored by the standing comfr,o m r;>r:evimis ' . ' 8 . It to think of ·it;was I less guilty . ~ver the galley proOfs of her autobiography,. "My Firs.t 7Q mittees of alumni and benefaebalance' .0£.$2675, resu of overparking because the car . . tors, including Paul lJ' Lamo~-' 'should be $108,58. Please correct. ahead hadn't been noticed? Tear Years", with journalism instructor, Barbara C. Jencks; who tagne, president, Arthur C. Gui'You'rs. truly. , , ' . , .I.. 1't up ... . is also a columnist f9l' th~ Catholic press:NC Photo.' mond, and Albert Petit. Bon Ton. l;itore,.. Comp amt ' . The home, wliich cares for ?OO .. Dept. Dear Sirs:Ten days ago I Seven-:times wrorig-'-batting' C· chi.ldren, is, staffed ·by. the G.rey 'rder'e'd by' m'a'I'I' t''hree w1'ndo''w' . -1,009; about· averag~and very . . Arthur' C. . O . '. . . Nuns of, Quebec. Mrs. cornices !-lo. 14046; four pairs of good for the humihty. Guimond heads the Women'. Irememberwrit-· . OW istE~rO. bose'.', two' s.uav·e····b·lu·e··, two misty" .. Blushingly . . thO 1 t . k Committee, als6 active in p~~ black," si.ze ten',' one lipstick' mg '(In.f IS coumn wo Sister James Margar.e.t, .the With the other J·un.ior Sisters ning for the supper.. t 'bl ') .wee '''S' S. (Fl~mt;);· one vegetable peeler; ago 0 vege a e soup: Im- former Mary Louise O'Connor of of her· group, Sister James Mar': . . mer' down and' let blend' to ..' Fall R1'ver, has" ta·ken· her ·f1'rst gare t WI'11 now un d er t a k e a t ' ~"""""""""""""""""""""""~ and six sheets,. all·to be charged. woE h ing I o.r Y our. . . mellow." . ows asa Sist.er of Providence '. y'ear program designed' to further' To 'date; merchandise not re- . The. ~ame treatment is appli.c~ . ,eeiyed; Upon calling. Bon Ton I" able to hURuinbeings! . ' . at profession ceremoni.esat the intellectual, professional,;' and •. .,' eddirtg was' connected with one ·depart,. motherhouse of the Congrega- spiritual'development. They will. I~vitations -Matches merit after ·.. another. G r a n t e d ; - ' . ,tion at Saint Mary-of,.the-Woods,· . live at the motherhouse' and· at. ,.., ' . . " 'these things havEHfttle in comFalmouth iS9bella's Matk .. Ind.. tend'''classes.at Saint Mary-of';.' :Napkins.,ThankYou:lnformcds· mon,;nevertheless, they ar.e- all Anniversary Tonight·, . She is the daughter of the'l~te the-Woods College on the·ad';'. HMASS BOOKS"., ,,'/ needed in any, house and are .all Falmouth' Circle, Daughter's Mr, and Mrs. ja'mes E.O'Connor· .. j?ining campus whe~e, fun::'" .. (On ~he Day of Marriage)'. sOld in. your store. Kindly gi~e' of IsabeHa, will make their 34th and a sister of Mrs. Raymond F. tIme students,·they w1ll'comp~ete .' this order your .attention, Expect. anniversary' at a banquet tnnigh.t L.eary o.fFall. Rive.r a,n.d Daniel work fe>rboth ·the bachelor ' , ' . • three (3) days'" ....... degree and for teacher ·certific.a-' 199 Main Rd., No. Tiverton,R.L del1'v'ery' ,w1'th1'n . . in the' StIrrey'Room, F.alrUotith. "J O'Conner'of Hialeah,' 'Fla!' '. tion. Concurrent' with tl~e; schC)l. Tel. OL. 4,9331 Yours truly.. '. Amongguests,will.be represen- '., The for~er Miss O'Co~mor at-astic' program' are compa~ion' .•"'"••"',••"''''"'''"''"''',,.,,.... Metropolitan. Police Depart-· •.tatives.·. of .parish ,JtU.ildil. ·from.·' 'tende'd 'Highland s·.c'ho'o'I' and, Sament.Dear Chief 'of Police: Two ones: for 'spiritual :and cultural days ago one of yourofficers'put Woods Hole, Falmoutl1 and East cred Heart academy in Fall Riv- ..growth. . . , . ,Falmouth, as. well as Daughters 6f; 'er, and immaculate 'Junil>r Col- . anoye~-l?arked 'tick,et on 'our' car. Isabell;i from New ·Bedford, Hy-' 'lege in Washington, where she , . The, entire ,program l1alibeeft and" in the.··arriolint of Three Dollars' . . S g m'o're .Sa'nd l' 10 . n'd' , " planne·.d in a'ccotdance' with the ($3.00). I came out o(thegroc'ery ,anms;. a a. .. , _ w c.. ·a . ":received the Associate' of ,Arts . .tore as he thrust .·itunder :the'" ~ourne: :; . . degree. in 1947: .'. .. .c U l' l' e.nt·· ."Sister;Formation" , .' . ." '., - ' Mrs.,¥atthew R. Souza ia,re.. : • T' ',' Ch • . movement as QfIcouraged by:the·. : .. ' .wm~shield:' ~nd-: . the .' .par~in~ gent"of the Falmouth: Circle and ' ". ,enOlS ampIOD.. " " late Holy Father, Pius XII, and .,' mete: had Just .~hc~~d .V~olatIO~.· " Mrs~ , Joseph ·L., Gardner.i$ vice' Following graduation' she' was urged 'by' the Church. : . '.' . ,., .and .S~n~; Inc.'·· . '. : .~ wh~sUe~,flt hIm but b~ca.useof _regent. ·Rev. James E: .'Gleason,' :employed as a: secretary' ·at. the ..-.' traHIC, 0 l' Wh a t eve!'" h e c·d t . St P t ' k" Ch '1' h F 1m" th .Bay Sta.te Schoo, Is . • _ 1d no. Employers· Insurance 'Company .0STERVILlE .' respond.' . a rI~ s, u '. c" a ou , , . I.,found . . that .. , .'the'car . - .' IS'chaplam' of Fall River. She was a member The American foundation 'Of' GArden 8"6509 ahead did not have such a t i c k e t · " , of the Catholic Worrien's Club the Sisters of Providence, origin\" though its meter. was also Catholic Daughters Ho.ld . and the Fetherdic Tennis Club. ally from Ruille, France, was marked Violation, Is this justice? An ardent -tennis enthusiast, she made - at Saint Mary-of-the- . Indignantly yours, Provincetown Banquet held the women's singles cham- . Woods in 1840 by Mother TheoFoods ..Editor, The, Evening . The 35th annual banquet ·of pionshfp' for several years, and dore Guerin, the introduction of Item. Dear Sir: You must be a Catholic Daughters of Province- in 1956 won both the women's . whose cause for canonization man, because !10 woman woulp. town 'was held in the parish hall singles and doubles' titles. . was approved by Pope Pius· XII say, two T baking powder" in a of St. Peter the' Apostle Church. : in 1956, The Community is pri,. cake recipe calling for only two Forming. the social committee The' former' Miss O'Connor en- .marily concerned' with-teaching , C~of flour. Relyirig (foolishly) on were Mrs, Alice Williams, Grand tered the Congregation' of' the and maintains approximately 120' CITIES SERVICE the' integrity of the American Regent, Mrs. Irene Gracie, Mrs. . Sisters of Providence in July" schools of grade, secondary and DISTRIBUTORS .press, I' foio~ed the' recipe' to Orie .. ~eads, Mrs..Mary AvellaI', 1956. After a six-month postul- .college levels throughout the' she received the religious . the letter'. Result·, ca'ke ba'tter all . Mrs, Mary P. Roderick, and Mrs.. ancy' ' . . country. over the oven and bitterest con- Alice Cook. " habit and began ·the formal- two·.Gasoline .. coctibn ·ever.Disgustedly yours:' . 'rhe. Daugbters': ,next meeting 'year 'Novitiate which preceded. In Massachusetts the Sisters, .• <;::ir:culatiQn. Department, ~he is set "for, Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the taking of Vows. ' . condu~t schools at Chelsea; Mal': fuel and 'Range : M~r.IliI:1g .:Eagle: . De~r Sirs.. We' Knights of Colurribus Hall .' ·Attending the' '~reinonies at' 'd~m; ~nierviile, and Ston~ham.. did :,not 'receive our· paper" this·. . . .,. . . . .5t. Mary's lastweek' were Comdr. . morning;·C~lled.to reilor.t itbut :. New, Bedford ·thespians 'and Mrs Leary with their three ". was told,.thafno complamts are \ . . . . . . . ":. chi.ldten, and Mis~ Mary Mitchell, .dllBURNERS ' . · bkenafteidi:3.0.'A,M, Need. 'one , . T()' ~;ta.~~Lenter:' Dra'rn,a an'aunt-allof Fall-River.. ' . get up 'atthe"Cfack of .dawn to . A paSSIOn play, "PIlate and the .•.. ,~·M~irite,n~.~ce.~~~Plies,· .. " ., . :G~: E. BOILER. BUR.NER UNITS make . sure .the paper' has ar_-· 'Cross;" "will. t>e '. presented ':ill' . ,SVi~EPERS -,soAps ' ..: For' prompt delive~' -::. . ,rived? Ple~se·.invelltigat~:·Y Qurs:.Brid~e\Ya'te"'Sund·!lY, ~aich' '~2,~ Dipping' peri. into., vitriol;'fla-. ··by:; the Catholic'The'at-er Guiid off .;:DISINFEC!ANTS .'. . . & Day & Night Service Yored ink, I' signed the, batch:';'" New 'Bedford.' " ' . ' '. '. .... . ~RE EXtiNGUISHERS . ' RuraiBottle~ .Gas Service and,. alr.eadyfeli better. Now to,. '-The .'guild's junior group hal / . send thein.· stingingly on their" '~/1edu'ed,a . ~pfiri'g play to fol:' 61 COHANNET .ST•. way; No, Staqlps. -. '.," - low Lent and' will alsO. offer' a This was. it! . ". ,.' one-act dranUl: . ~ : . . • . TAUNTON·, llB6 PU.RCHASE ST; .... "Onemo~e:· a note on . the ~kit.:., The' gtoup's' p~esentation of Attleboro ~ No. Attl'eboro. . ' NEW BEDFORD "':-i:!hen ~il~etin:bOard::Who ""The SQng of'Bernadette" feal.. " ; ia~ntorl" . \flY 3~37.16 ,Stainp? ,: ' ; . ized 'a" profit"of '$800, donated . Next mormng on bulletin to Nazareth' Hall.' . -... board:· ·"1 . took the stamps to'. . . - . write to .A~nt Virginia, 'air mail. Buzza'rds Bay-Ons~t O.K.? Markie." , ' .' Bless her heart. 'Markle had Enjoys Varied Sports done what I should have done. Bowling, basketball' and ice , . Slip: of paper attached to ·the skating are on the spo.rts cal· morning paper: "Sorry I missed -endar· of . Buzzards Bay-Onset you yesterday. My first'· day on CYO memQers. Basketballprac, the route. Thank you for not 'tice' is' held at Bourne' Armor'y .reporting me. Pete" . and the group hopes' to organize" Opening the paper; we' turn:ed . teams shortly. to the foods page: "The Item re"'" Ice skating and. ice Qoating .ar.e ' ;... ,", 2666 -NORTH ST.' FAi.L'.R)VER· ';. grets an error in the reclpeAor enjoyed in Plymouth and. bowl. .', fl',: ....' ( , ' 'Betty's Cake.' It shoul<:l have' ing at alle1i; in Buzzards Bay. TELEPHONE OS 5-7992 read 2 t. baking powder. Sorry.'! The Cape CYO is directed by 'SISTER JAMES MARGARET . Whlle enjoying a second cup Sister Thomas Ju.de.

to .my



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THE ANCHOR - ' ~urs.~ Feb. S, 1959



Efficiently" Arranged K~tchen, ls Real Time and Step Saver




elinical white kitchens are becoming as' ouf "of . date' 'as' wood-burning' "stOVes. '., You've": seen" wliate'olor;' "patterIi and" natural woods do for' a: kitchen; r And you've discovet:ed" that' you' een mix oldtime charm with the latest conveniences. If you' admire old-time charm (like a pine cabinet or dry sink), 'you'll be ftIrprised how well these blend

w-l~h •stream-lined .conveniences", The kitchen. is your domainhere's the place .to sti~k out your chin,'square your shoulders, and IJO all out with colors that really do something for you. The test 'of • good kitcl,1e~ color scheme is amply this-do you like it? 'Does. • make you feei good? Does it lIPark the daily routine with a. hint of glamor? You' are the judge.


PAINESVILLE '(NC)~"Any youngster who has 15 cents can buy pornography, probably at· the nearest newsstand. With few exceptions, .dealers are doing nothing to ke~p youngsters from buying it." So reports a teen-age girl employee of the Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph newspaper following a two-county survey. An investigation has been touched off by the Lake County Grand Jury following seizure of the largest cache of. pornographic material in county history. The' Telegraph employee reported seeing children as young as 11 years of age browsing through smut magazines without the "mildest admonition" from clerks.

tively small changes may do the trick. 'Often no structural changes are involved.. Maybe new cabinets strategically placed will make a handy working center at the range as well as a baking center at one corner of the room. .' Tailor~d to Fit Today there's no end to the help on:e can get from magazines, dePartment stores and even way_U side show 'rooms' for remodeling any type .or kind of kitchen. The custom cabinets one can buy are certainly an answer to Ii cook's pr'ayer, all of which'are designed by efficiency experts. . Kitchen cupboards, like clothes, should be. tailored ' to fit what's


Newspaper Hits Public Apathy'

By Alice Bough Cahill It's to the kitchen we invite you, not the parlor, for as aumeone' has s~id. "To children, husbarHls, .spouses, we safely can assume, the kitchen is, in houses, in truth, the l(ving JrOom:' Unless your kitchen is a guide you to ,the right' color proportions. ttme~and-step saver, you're If you have a Cinderella kitbeing shortchariged 'in effi,. chen, see what you can do to eiency. If it lacks beauty, change it.· In some' cases, rela-

you are missing the enjoyment end ,satisfaction this room can give the whole family. Is yours a 1 a r g e, oldfashioned kitchen. with the table centered .... the middle, or do you' eat i'a a postage..; ~amp s n a c k ~ner? Size doesn't matter; what· rea I I y. matters is that , you make the most· of what· you've got, And there's nothing' like color to help you do that.


CATHOLIC WOMEN'S CLU,B BAJ,.L: ,Left. to. rjght; Mr. and Mrs. Orner Grennon and· Mr~ and -Mrs. Joseph C. Motta of 'New Bedford pause during the dancing at their . city's Catholic Women's Club social. Mrs. Grennon was chairman with Mrs. Motta serving as~o-chairm·an:.· .



Nun Declares Art Students Need W' rkl·ng., Ph·I·/os·ophy·'·····Sa·· k"g"r'o'un'd'"

in here's a kind of cupboard that appeals to house0' wives and takes so little space; you'll surely want one. It's a DAVENPORT (NC)-'-Art stushallow', cupboard,' ,wide enough dents :'must have:·"a. working for",a',box of. salt or a .fruit·jar," knowledge of : Plato, Aristotle, thus. eliminating reaching behind·· Maritain." . ", twO! ·rows.:, of ... ' nned goods to. . Sister. Mary' or ames Ann,head '. fil,ld,,,the' chili· sauce. " of'the art department of Clarke ' - 'S~p by Step .' Collegei, 'Dubuque~ has assei-ted' .,., " that- silcha background in phil~not~e~ cupboard appealing to osophy is necessary for art stu-·, aU -is one .aptly labeled uFor, dents "if theY are to relate.what yop~: Sugar. 'n' Spice 'n' -every- they are doing with the past and' thing ~ice-andhandy." This present; Art isn't just something is a small counter-top cabinet to· you produce, It's a'way of thinkhouse, within an arm!g reach, all, ing that conditions the work you those ,space-wasting anCl hard.,. , do" to-find - when-you-want.; them. .; smallies: in, the way of spices. ,LackTraining ',' These cupboards are equipped, Sister James Ann believes art with lift_up doors that drop out training is not wasted on young' of"tbe way again after use. Ite;', women, even though most of nieniher'gra,ridmother's tall,deep them',marry and never become' shelves' which the cloves or cin:narrionwer!! lost in space? . _ ..... '} ,J ""I*Oday;ii c~binets, ',;atb. ,wood.; and steel, are simpler to. install, easier to: clean', handsomer than 'C'. ever. ,If, you a(e no.t in apos~tion to completely remodel your kit:-: ch~n, you .can buy these cabinets. by easy, stages, a unit at a time..


Relativel,. lIIhitple 'Don't be. afraid of going. overboard,because the areas, that permit color are smal~ compared with those' other' rqoms. When you choose' your colors, be they' ~ bold or shy" consider their .ulti-, mate effect. Good light, whether' natural or artificial,' intensifies, colors. You can. alsO ·count on l r, "Think Corner" light to pick up'drab colors '~nd ' give them zest. Supp!'se you have· '~Think. Corner'~ is just' as, some fruit plates !you admire. important in a kitchen as ,in:.a, Use your plates' then for your den' or study. The smart house-. color palette and let their desi~n , wife lets her head save her feet and Uiis, she can do with a fully. equipped miniature office which, can be arranged into 'two feet of unused spac~ and into Iluch'space (two, shelves) s~ecan put her cookbooks, file,' pad and a telephone, with a stool to slide under the' second shelf. . "Perhaps you have' all, of these l~bor-saving devices in your ., ~itchen . at' the" moment, but sQmehow'you've reached an im-': passe !3!?-q ypu 'Y~~.tJq~ix~:your·: ~itchen a lift. It .won't m"ke ari o.ig denHh'your bua'get:fo"do You'd be surprised' at the' differ-': ~nce a.neW,plantf;)n the,window: sill ca;"ma:ke: Or some gay can-:' isters :"on the counter. Or your.' favorIte plates hung on the sunniest wall.· ." Real· '~LiviD8' Room" . It's just such small, thoughtfully chosen details that can turn' the trick. And they',re not ex- ' pensive. In fact, likely as not, there· are things in your own, cabinets-that you can use. MEDALIST: Barbara Ward, When friends dr.op in unexpectin private "Iife,Lady Jackson, : tliey'd- 'rather talk over a wife of Sir R6bert Jackson, edly, midmorning ·cup of coffee in the, ~ the 19th annual recipient kitchen than "put you to any: Of the Christian; Culture . trouble."dt~s at. times like these .Award M:eda:l, given by As;. .-'-When you' 'serve a f1-iend in the; ilumption University, Wind- kitchen, when guests insist that: "the'kitchen'Js more flin,"-that aor, Ontario' to' an"outstand- , you'll be glad that in your house" ing lay-exponent of Christian :i·th~ kitchen i1'I • • • ia truth, ideals." NC Photo.' . die living room.·




practicing; ·art~st~. "After tp.e4" , marriage," , stH:! '~a.it;l" "they, be~ .' c0111e ,ce,nte'r{ ofcreat~vity for'., their liomes and their commun- . ity :~":" '.,' '. ...., .,' , The nun dep!pred tlle. fact, that, , k "there is re~ly no mar et -for good CatholIc art today." She added. "Priests, who should be leaders ,in this; have had no training in art in school and perha!?s,onlYOlle; sket~~~ cours«:.in .. it ,In the semInary The prIest has n~. b!l~k~~ound that ·would help him pick; what was good." She contended that Catholic schools are generally behind '. pUJ;)licsc~ools in ar~ educatiQn. "Art is usually an afterthought' in our schools, We've only begun to m'ake progreSs.'" . .

AkForce Bose' Reports' . New Organizations Catholic' activi.ties 'are on the upswing at Otis, Air Force Base, according to Captain John F. Denehy, chaplain. In the organizing stage· are a Catholic Men!s Club. and a Catholic Women's Guild, the latter with nearly 50 members. The women will electofficers at a meeting scheduled' fol' ·Thursday, Feb; 19; Some' 286 children receive catechism instruction: at the base,· . said Capt. Denehy. They are taught by laywomen volunteera, under his supervision. Also oil the agenda for base personnel are Cana Conferenca and a mission.

'Taunton Blind Meet A poUuck· supper wilt'. hig~ light the Thu'rsday, Feb. 19 mee~ ing of the Catholic Guild of' the Blind, T~lUnton" Rev. . Charles Poirier spoke at the group".' first meeting for the' new' year and Rev. James F. Lyons, gUild' cha~lain, presided.' '.


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, 10

Announcement:,of Co_uncil Most Significan,t 'News



,Pope John XXIII has reve~sed the prophecy. It is, the CJ1d man who sees the vision while the younger men have only been dreaming,d,reams. The announ.cement of-his intention to summon a general. council of the Church is beyond com- .' par~ the most significant theC h u r c h were honestly news of the day. The', pros- divided. , j>ect it reveals is dizzying in Unity triumphed at one of the its, magnitude an'd possibil- most' 'dramatic moments of the


THE ANCHOR ,Thurs., Feb. 5, 1959

DES MOINES (NC) '1"1..of surplus food in--:-'-u", pay. ment for relief work projects haS been suggested by MsgR., u~e

Luigi G. Ligutti, executive director of the National Catholie Rural Life Conference. The prelate, who is a permanent observer of the Holy See to the Food a~d Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, said that "farmers must think of other farmers in the' world as brother-farmers, 'some' in dire 'neeclof .help,' not han.

lties. I~ is a vision of greatness ageS, and the ensuing decades in 0 1 . < , 'have witnessed the s tea d y This "mterim Pope", as the growth of harmony and underpun d its h'a'd standing between Peter and the peg g e d him, College. has a'l rea d y . _Loyal obedience to the Holy proved that his See is the hallmark of the ,modadvanced age ," ern hierarchy, with no least imhas no' beating ,plication ofariy abdication of the OIl his vitality ,responsibilities. of the' episcopal


P~ RIVER. M,.-,.

,Prelate Suggests Use of Surplus Goods as' 'Pay

By Most Rev. Robe!:t J.,Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Re'no


ou.tS:,,, ,. . ,.; .

:ri~:~nc~~p;:~,,,,:~~~cei~;;, pra~iically

unthinkable' ',', FRENCH, GOVERNMENT A~~,RJ)·.: '. Jcis~p.h ,P, p~-" iI. e e d s of" 'the ,; :: ijIat Ithereshould' nt>w' ari~ lin' "chaine, left, New Bedford busines~nian" displays Medalot, C hu r c h. T h e " , :issue ",in .whicha.ny'of the I , Exterior Affairs he has 'just received 'from'BaionCharles"



BeSt' Help

. . .,~'~a.sicallY we-shOUld. h~lp the~ ,w ,~eJI? ~hemse~ves,'~ h:e' decla~~ "::,,~lI,~yoca,te; us.e.. o~s'!.J.'I~lus fo~

·F~~'ri~~'~?n.s~I-!Gen~ral'~t"': ,~~~~~~~~~~~~:'::J~;l~:i~it~,~c;;

e d i t o r ' : ::::h;Y:tt . ode, seco.?d tight, matters might well cali fQr <JifBoston, for mterest m the ,French l~nguage and c~stoms~ 'contmued. "Pay them with su-' "couldn't care less"" over the fer';rice' 'of' 1 0\;>1riion, , for. the," Viewing the 'presentation in st. Anthony IJigh School Aud-, plus goods ,for doing. ~ork that election, of a Pontiff in' his Church is,a living body, but the itorium are Rev, William E. Collard, second left" pastor of wiil .help them. improve a· bad' .seventY-Seventh year must be unity' of, essentials i~ secure. St. Therese Church, And Rt," Rev. l\-tsgr., Albert .Berube;' local situ~tion, ,such ,as poor, h'" d' 'th h ' r ' Intended to Heal Wounds . h fS Ch ' ' ' roads, brIdges,' terracmg and ' ea t mg IS 'wor s, WI o~ev.e , ,As a Pastoral Pope, by his own rIg t, pastor 0 t. Anthony. , urch. schools. 'Harnes's thel'r und~~ ill a' grace. The' pray~r ~f the ........ Church Universal'must be" that' avowal, the overriding intent of employment to benefit them.'" God will preserve the Holy,John,~XII~,is undoubtedly to, 0, 0 'Christian Principles Father in full health and vigor, Ch~a~:·:lted:Wc'>,un?s of II divi<led r".,·Y·.' Msgr:'Ligutti's suggestion was until this great work, is done, "n~ ~,~ om;, "' , I I made iii a talk delivered at the looks , to the Orien~a,i ' , convention of the Farmer.. Once agairiin the long history , rHe , ,', .'" COLUMBIA (NC)-Reversing , 55th' Churches WIth whIch hIS own Com,'menting on the new,ruling, of the Church Peter calls toget h ":" ",,",.. ' ' . , ' . a lO-year-old rule, the UniversjGrain ,Dealers Association 01. er the Apostles to take counsel: vast e,xpenencehas made hIm, 'tyof Missouri board of curators Dr, .Thomas Brady, dean of ex- 'Iowa, Warning ,that "charitable with him. It is Jerusalem,' reintimately ,familiar, and he is has' decided to permit religious trll-diyisional administration; Americans want to pauperize repeated and, Nicaea and Ephesus, sure~y,not a victim of self-delu- services to' be held in the said, the restriction of'~regular cipients of our 'surplus' generoe... t sl'on for a 'restorat' recu,'rri,ng" se,rvic'es I'S to avol'd "Ie L a t' eran an d T reno " f ""hI'n ,hopl'ng , I'ty," ,he added'. "We are not' gl'f,t-' , .,~on '$130,000 A.P. "Green Chapel,now ' . If technically speaking, it will 0 t at, umty whIch was lost ' , limiting the' 'use of the chapel bearers if iri so doing we debase be the continuation of the Vati- , amid '~the old, unhappy far-off under constrqction on the unito a minority'. which could make ean Council, the interim of near- 'things; and battles long' ago". ' versity campus, the chapel a church. He added the human personality of the l'eIy a century'; and the emergence 'He' 10,, oks as well to. the We,st, The old rule barred religious th t" 'h' h" ' " ceivers:' ,' " hardly ,shadowedwh,e,re', the .10,riging, for 'reconcl,'liservices on uni "ersi'ty p'roperty. a any c urc service could , "In a democracy' governed br of problems be heici'in t,lie, ch,apels, but' not Ch' t· "I th forth fn ','that dist'ant dayatIon:m the Body of Christ has The board also has lifted the ban rIS Ian prmclp es ere is no will make it'inuch more than a ihspinid so many great and gen-against religious services for the - on a regular, basis. They are for room for under-privileged farm':' codicil.' , erous souls, Epple Chapel located in the unioccasional servJces," heempha": ers or class, nor for the advocacy 'Mo'reover the enormous exFacing the problems of Prot- versity's medical center, sized. of, the trickle down theory," be pansion of "the Catholic Hierestantism realistically, it may Partial Permission', Each request for use of the ~tated. archy since 1870 will make it ,be far too much to hope for tvat' Father Donald Kemper, New.' Green Chapel, Dr. Brady, a con- - - - - - - . ; . . . - - - - - -.... much less European and far reconciliatio~ in our d~y, but it man Club chaplain at the uni- vert to the Catholic Faith, exFROM DUBLIN,' IRELAND more tangibly ecumenical in its may well be, enormously. adversity, said his gtoup does not' plained, is expected to be II ' complexion. ' ' vanced by this fatherly gesture plan to use either of the chapels. handled by the director of the Urney's Fu ' Dairy Two thousand Bishops from of the'Supreme PO,ntiff. I It was pointeu out. that the new Student Union, student activities Cream Milk every nation under the sun, rubSpiritual Intoxication ruling permits religious services center., Ch,ocolate Bars' bing shoulders a,nd (e~en mo~e , Under, the impact of the Holy but does not provide for "regu, t an t) ru bb III g ml nds , 'WIll ' ' ' , . This' committee, which, 'iR' J AME"5' , E. JUDGE Impor . '. Father's, anriouncement' there is lar; recurring services ?f any testify to the unity of th~_Church' . let us confess it, a certain spirit~, one group" and stipulates that cludes five fa~ulty members and, DISTRIBUTOR .in the'bond' of peace. '.: ·ual intoxication in being al,ive" "no advantage shall be gl'ven to three students.recommended by '716 'B' 'd F II R' " I P bl' 'C.:,.; '.. db' g ' "tt d t h ' . the Student Govermnent Asso' roa ""ay alVei' Physlca ro ems 1 ,':ap " em,perml e. o'saJ:e, as. any religious group over o t h e r s , ' OS 4-6847 ' h . / 1 '1'" bl'ems d'o"all the''f' 'thf 1 th' ' eiation, Dr. ,B~a'dy 'added" WI' II' . " . . al u, e eagerness ,asidE! from 'the advantage to Th ere are p YSlca , po, 01. immense:· complexity to be "of his soul for the· cause' of .: Christian and Jewish, groups in- see that the, chapel "is operated solved. If tra"nsportati9t:l ~n this Christ.. ,.' , / ·.heient in the structure 'and ptir- in accordance with" the meaning. 'jet age offersino difficuIty, t!i.ere " L'Fhe~e, is/a~ urgency in Jl).aking pOSe,of the chapels and the charof the poard of 'curators' regulais the question of housing. the our~elves worthy of such leader-' ... acter: of American society as far tion and inteiIt." Accordi'ng to prelates, their secretaries and s!tip" of s~eing, with hini, the'" as,':religious practice" is, conthe curators' staterrient 'all retheologians, the representativese¢umenicaJ.,. y,ision, and, 'of an:' cerned." ' 'quests are subject to the approv. ' of the religious orders,and,"all sweting :the irivitation .. tog~eat-l,The board explained that the al of the university president., . others who JP.ight be ~nvite~to" , nessL ' ' : , ,,' " . general prohibition' against re':' attend the C?uncil., ' , ' ,::\P:l~¥,se God, the <yisioJ.1·/may ligious worship as a pollcy was Whereas, 90 years' ago, the not fa~e before the substanCe has R. A. WILCOX CO. ress was thi,nly re.pres,el1tedby been grasped. "equired, in the opinion of the P 'curators, by the ,constitution and OFFICE, F~R~ITURE' a picked band of correspondents, , ' • .. StD." f~r ,Immediate Delive&7 , It 'staggers the' imagiriation to: ~;edict 'Big Religious laws of the state. MILLION' DOLLAR consider, what the' press today Construc,t=o'n' 'R.·se·· ' -DESKS . -'CHAIRS will-demand. .: .. 'FILING CABINETS Of much greater importanCe .WASHINGTON (NC )-Relig'.,;. . BALLROOM will be the question of segreio,us ,construction"' during 1959 - S~FES - FIRE FILES .~LDIN~ 'T"BLES' gating ,the ,hierarchy, irto its may reac~one billion dollars, ,;; Available 'for appropriate ~. 0 iit mit tee,s and accot,ding;t9 a forecasfmade pub~ .. ' 'AND l"CHAIRS' • • ":' .~. ' . , ' • :. ~ ". . :Banquets," 'Testimonials, Ek. AUTO BODY AIIID assigning chairma'nships',' a n,d lic here by-the Associated',Gen:-,·i,,1 , ' spokesmen.:: . ,.~ral ~ontr,~ctor~ 6rA.mft~c~~() ~'\ ': GENERAL ,REPAIRS ForF.,ull Information. Contad Again, the'contrast :yvi~h U~e.:.', Th~s,wo~~~\ pe', ~heJ!.r..st·~l~·. , ~2 :.~Q,FPRD~ " ROLAND GAMACHE 7~,Bellville Ave. Wy·:3·766t Vatican <Council will be' inevi.., ..~a ,·year,.S . relIgIOUS ,coJ;lstructIon, FALLIUVER' 5..,7838 ' " .:WYman 9~6984 tably 'marked, It isha~(ny .¢oP::/ 'i?}~is c?-ulltry't?taledc.one,bil';' ,; /" NewB.edfi:»r4'': ,.;'.; eeivable for. example,: that t~\ l,lOn· dollars al1d woul!! be about" ., '.-._''';.)'.' ----~ amou'nt ' of '. time de~ot'ed" ,·to: ,.a)5 jper ce9t'i~crease"'oyer tbe speeches will be repeat~d,.;'-.. ",,19~8!' figu~:e, the orgahizatt'on', NO JOB Too ' BIG The 19th century was still an', saId." , " age of oratory" and 'the Vatican The forecast predicte~d that NONE TOO SMALL Council engaged"'in such an orgy new construction in all ,categories of eloquence that its work was .d~ring 1959 will reach $72 bil. INCORPORATED 1937 seriously impeded and' its seslion, a, six per cent increase over sions drawn out to' unbearable' 1958's figure of $68 billion. length. In ,19,58 the construction total PRINTERS Other Umes," other 'customs. .increased .for the ,13th straight The likelihood is tha't the forthyear, theeontractors' organiza.., Main O(fice and Plant coming Counc~l will' necessarily' tiori said. ' . ',-- : .. curtail the spoken word in' order " ,",. '. LOWELL; 'MASS. . ' to address its,elf dir~ctly to the "Fu"d Tops $390~OOO ' TelePhcke Lowell ': < business at hand. .-, " ., C,HICAGO (NC)~More than ; 'JA~ESH. COLLlNS,C.E., PreS.' ' . " 'Other Contrasts'" ,- , . $390,000 has been donated to a 'GL,'~-633f;aild GL 7-7500 . ': ~e~i~~~~~d: c::i~ii: a~ Structu~~IEiigi~e~r . Other contrasts immediately . special-:fund for, victim's 'of 'the' .. Member National Society, Professional Engineers Auxiliary, Plants' , suggest themselves. The, great . Dec; liire, at Out Lady of the·' work of the Vatican Council was Angels ,School :'here' andthei'r . ',' ',~. ': FRANCIS'VCOLi.:iNS, '.II:;, Tr~aS;"- .,,' ,BOSTON the formulation of the dogma ,of . 'families';: T~e fund'. was organ-, OCEANPORT,". J. ~_:,:.":";':: 'THQMAS Sec~~ •.. '": . . Papal' infallibility. This was a' ized by, Mayoi:" Richard J. Daley.' 'PAWTUCKET, R.,t . -- et]ntroverted issue, both 'as to its "o~ Chicago ,following" the' dis-.· ACADEMY:8UltDING:"~. FALL. , 'RiVER substance and, its timeli!,less, and astr.ous.. blaze' which killed 90 t ~.. - • • ...... . , _ . ~ ... • '. '. • many of the ..greatest, minds of ,children ,and' three 'riuns.·.· English

';~f t~: ~;I~ ,

Unl,verslty -' f M'-ISSOUi'1'- Ab'an 'd ons " 'Ca"mp'us Rel=g' I-O'US, "Se' I-,ce", 'B'a' n




1/ " .',


'$l. , " "

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.GENERAL-.(ONTRAOORS '.: ',: ':::and,,::ENGINEERS·· -.'i.cOLLiNs,':






: '



The ,A·~~choJ.ls.Good 'ReaJling for Every- ·Member. of·YOijr'·Fam.1y I :





,TH' Fatnily crmk


Teen-Agers Need'Training To Assume. Responsibility Assistant Professor of Sociology St. Louis University

My husban~ and I can't agree on how to raise our teen age daughters. Both attend a girls CatholIc high school. One will graduate this June and the other is a junior. Because of several unfortunate teen-age incidents in the community, my husband won't let them deal with others in t~e kinds' of have dates or attend any situations they will lie expected plays, dances, proms, and so to meet later in life. forth, at the school when Specifically, if your daughters

a" ~ee~c~~cin~~~'

do not have a' vocation to the religious life, you must' provide them with opportunities to acquire experience and competency in dealing. with young :qlen and.· ,~Qmen in normally ,ex-, pected,.social situations. Properly' supervised family parties, school func,tions, and" ,. NEW DOME IN WASHINGTON SKY: Removal of the occ'a~.ional ~it:ie~ ar~ t~e ordinary ,sca'ffoldingfrQm' the Natiomil' Shrine of 'the Immaculate



Swansea K'of C To' Hold' Social'

By Father John L. Thomas, S.J.

boys are involved. Naturally. they are brokenhearted. I feel we are being too s t ric t . Shouldn't th~y b e permitte~ some social life at their age? Yo u rquestion points tip


THE ANCHOR Thurs., Feb. 5, 1959




The annual Mardi-Gras Dance will be held Saturday evening at 8, February 7, by the' Bishop Cassidy Council, Knights of Columbus at the Council Home, Milford Road, Swansea. This dance is being sponsore4 by the new members of tlle Council, with Leo Lavoie serving as chairman, assisted by Rene Pelletier and Raymond Gagnon as co-chairmen. Also serving OR the committee il? Ernest Oliveira, William Tolley, Edmund Courchaine, Alfred Bap'tista" Robert Lachance, Simon Hetu and Gel'ard Lussier. Music will be furnished b¥ Art Perry and his band. Tickets may be' purchased, by" any mem. her of tHe' Council. 'poor prizes 'will be award'ed and'a. buffet ·lunch'will be,'served: . Grand Knight Lloyd Jar"'is ' , urges 'all me:mpers of the' Coun., " cil-ta get behind these new members' in making this affair • 'success. '" Tickets may be obtained from any' member of the committee or at the door. ' The monthly business me~' ing ot'the Bishop James E. Ca9sidy 'Council, Knigh ts of Columbus will be· held Monday night' February 9 at the Council Home, Milford Road, Swansea at 8 o'clock. Grand Knight Lloyd Jar~ urges all members to make _ effort to attend:

t:::= " the ,above peititiful in serious p a r e n t s h o m e t C 5 wider social circles., .', ; nlOsaic,· dep~cting symbols hailing ~~e' Blessed Mother of in our society. 'S~ek H~p~y Medium 'God.,The American .Bishopshave placed 'the' nation under e~:;~~dearsb~, . Aith~ugh' your ',' husband' is the . patronage of the Immaculate' Conception.. Ne Ph.oto. be an eve r _ justly concerned about ,the curI increasing flood, of juvenile rent situation among teen-agers, . delinquency, premarital preg- he should reflect that his stand nancies,early marriages, and offers your daughters no OPP~)l~": irresponsible conduct, many fathtunity. to prepare for the future. If they wish to marry, they ROME (NC) Pope John the epistle "occupies a place of ers and mothers' are earnestly- Will~ave to start 'dating eventuseized on Rome's observance of considerable importance in the seeking adequate ways to protect ally. Raised under the present the 19th centenary of St. Paul's New Testament. It is in fact the their children. Their task isn't regIme,: there is d~mger that Epistle to the Romans 'to hail 'compendium ,of the entire doc,:, ~ade any easier by the thoughttheir' 'hi.ck "of :experience, and the letter as "the basis of Christrine of the Apostle and the basis less conduct of other, couples. , , tian theology." of Christian theology, to be ' ,husband are to be competency will, find them ill' . ' , . You and your prepared to, al?sume personal The Pontiff paId tribute to the compared with a brilliant lightcommended for taking your parepistle in a letter to Giuseppe house showing the history of ental obligattons seriously. resporisi':>ility and self-control. Cardinal Pizzardo, Prefect of the human salvation." At first g~ance, one of the Striking a happy, medium beSacred Congregation of SeminInspires' Faithful most direct ways to solve the tween absolJ,lte restriction and, r' d U . 'ers't'es ' , ', a les an . nlv 1 I " The Holy' Father said it was the utter permissiveness so prevP roblem appears to be the one Human Salvation right tha't the' Romans should in you have choSen: keep teeriagers a 1en t t 0 d ay '.' ,IS flO easy rna tt er. It' .' t'lme, " The :. Pope., stressed, 'that St. particular make a formal comVATICAN CITY (NC)- The at home and they won't be able reqU1re~ pat 'lence, p Ianto get into trouble outside.' ning; Close 'cooperation with the Paul in' his Epistle to the Romans memoration of the writing of the Holy See has directed Archbis, school' 'and' other like~minded ~distinguished ~imself by the epistle and .,e~pressed 'the hope· hop Luigi Centoz, Apostolic NunThis meth~d 'seemed to"work families. greatness of the divine revelathat the centenary would inspire cio to Cuba, 'to give formal ree-out all right in the past; it sho~ld Under the circumstances, the tions, by the acuteness of theologians to study even more 'ognition' to that country's new be effective today. Let other par- temptation to take the direct apthought, by the heavenly spirit thoroughly the contents of the government. ents raise their children the way proach is strong, but remember, pervading the very sound preletter. • The Holy See is thus followthey like; at least yours are in preparing your daughters for cepts of the moral law, and by The faithful also should draw ing its normal practice of reCOIfgoing to be protected. life, "the longest way around is the fiery eloquence." inspiration from the letter, the nizing a new government after Ineffective Today llometimes the. shortest way These' qualities, Pope John Pope said, renewing their intenseveral other governments have also recognized it. This is one approach-direct,' home."'. wrote, "account for the fact that tion to live ,a Christian life. apparently effective, and not too difficult to manage if you start ~ early. Unfortunately, it is not a real solutio'n because it attempts to deal with the problem out of ntext.· ROME (NC) - His Holiness , l'tS current What wotl\ed in the past may Pope John XXIII has indicated ::,' 1, 8[",0 D",.., 'ftJ1S EDGE . ' that, Christian unity is a' fore.:. .. ....." on be quite ireffective 'and' ~veft most aim in 'his decision to sumharmful tociay, for past solutions mon the 'first general council' ~R . ... 'were designed to deal with past C : ... .¢ aIS~Up~ i'" ·tuatl·ons. If COndl'tl'ons' change, of the . hurch since 1870. , SI , Speaking to the pastors ·of , THE N R A IS'E .' we must develop n~w solutions., Rome' about, the coming ecum:,' " . '0' ~, This raises a basic 'question enlcal ,counc~l, Pope John" said ~ that must be answered before w e , i. can talk al)out solutions. 0 that t~e ,Churcll today, wants only : , ,the r~ign of God and' the weI., , ;, j What ar~ parents trying to ac-' far:~. ,and unity of souls. He ac:,"" " ~. complish in dealing with their knowledged that bringing about _ teen-age c'hildren? Prevent juvharmony between -the Catholic' , enile delinquency? Protect their Church and separated Christians : wdl.ild certainly' seem to be diffi: . virginity? Keep them from too early marriages? cult. But he stressed that the ' These. are partial, 'negative separation has already lasted -: aims that derive their signifi-' " , too long. cance from a positive, more basic The Pontiff cautioned that in ' goal. This is' the development of worki";g for <::hristianreunion, : Christian jnaturity, the, ,ability: too much ,attention should not . : to take onfs ,~Jace'as a f~j.thfuI." be: paid' ,to;' the historicdisplites'.: follower 011 Christ in the society of the: past, ,'or : to . where' the' :, in which o~emustlive.. " . . 'blame for' th~ 'ruptures should, : S~P by Step.... . be placed. :Pope John did note, ,- . : Hence parents face a::d~velop-' howeve;", that in, theperiod' mental task in dealing with 'their 'since ttte ;schisms and 'revolts : teen-agers." But development the Roman' th~rch' has grown : implies co'1).tiriuity. By' this I strong~r. 'This,.'he said,- is a sign ', ........ ~. mean that e'ach step in tht! procof God's iInfailing pr.esence' in ess must prepare their chil~ren the Church and an' ind,ication for the next. that' the Catholic Church posChildren must learn to crawl . sesses the truth. before they can walk,' to walk' The Pontiff, as Bishop of Rome, before they can run. Likewise, had ,gC!ne 'to the. Monastery of teen'-age ·development must bea SS. Joh!1 and Paul to address step by step process in which his pastors, there ,for' their prechildren proceed from being dilenten retreat. rected primarily by others. to self-direction, that is, from ob'eLAFAYETTE (NC) - Father dience bas~d on externa~ commands to i:a sense of personal. Alexa~der, 0, Sigur, -editor .. of the Southwest Louisiana Regresponsibility based on internalister;'"n'ewspaperor' the Lafayized standards and nOrIns'. ette' diocese, has been named' to' At the slime 'time, they' must the' Louisiana, State Advisory proceed' from' competency in interfamiliBI relationships' to . Cominitt~e 'of the Commission on Civil Rights. Father Sigur is competency in more .complex, wider ,sociill, #rcles. also 'a member of ,the Southern This mea~[i<that they must be .RegiorialCouncil on Hum'im 'Re. gradually, given opportunities to ,lations.·· .

POpe John Hails Pauline Epistle As Christian Theology Basis



Reco,gnitionof Cuba

Pope Cautions On D,,is,pu,tes "

,..:: __





__ _--..;.

------ -- - --..



p e"n n y f r p e n ny

,Your ·BEST Food, BUY

;Civil Rights

ThJI Anchor· Offe'rs Catholic Instruction As Well As Catholic News


, ,

i~;j:~i:,o~~:;:~~>'," 'h"_;;fr~~;:~~:2L!~Jf~iirr·~~liat:~~i:~!~{;t'f.~,:.r·~:';t~\~-'~··· ST. MICHAEL'S. .' . . By-Most Rev. Fulton. J. ·$h.een,.D.D~ : .' . OCEAN GROVE.' . . , . Take a blan,k sheet' of paper and write: numb.ers from. one to SWAN~EA The second annual Mardi Gras . thJ:ee hundred all over it. . in any, order you please:I Now, There will be a cake sale on . thdraw: a . whist, co-sponsored by the Cath-. tiriy circle around any number. say,3; ask,a~yope.e se 1';1 e ro?m Sat., Feb. 7, at McWhirr's. Iq·. olic . .women's Club,' the Holy to draw. a circle around any number he ~Ikes-l\is Circle might Fall River. The Women's Guild Name' Society, and ~t:' Vincent enclose number 18'7;. ano.the... pe~soninight liI~e to.enclose number ·will' 'sponsor a Penny Sale on ,de' Paui Society, will be held 243 within a circle. Then ask a childt'o draw a large .circle around Mon;, Feb: 9; in the'Church Hall. Tuesqay' 'night, Feb..·.10 :at 8 at all the .numbers on the page from 1 'to 300. so that no number is ST. JAMES', Knights 'of Columbus' Hall, outside' the circle. The reason we '~y a',child is because Our Lord NEW BEDFORD Milford Road. Swansea.' Mrs: said' that they are close to the Kingdom of· Heaven and because Msgr.· Noon Circle vyill serve Charles L. Viens is chairman for wisdom comes from the little ones. • Bean Supper Saturday evening, the Catholic Woman's Club; Wil. \ _'_._ . ,Feb.'7, from'l5:30 to 8 o'clock in fred Duquette represents the 'NOW LET US CONSIDER THE MEANING 1lhe lower church. Tickets may· be Holy Name Society and Edward OF THE PARABLE obtained at the door. The chair- Martin, St. Vincent de Paul. man for this affair is Mrs. Alice Door prizes wi"ll be awarded There are, 300 different missionary societies Anderson and Mrs. Winifred and tickets will be available at in the world with 135,000 of their members Ball co..,chairman. the door. / in' mission lands. About 5,000 of these misST. JOHN OF GOD. The seventh annual presenta. sionariescome from the United States; the· SOMERSET '. tion was held by 'the Boy Scouts rema).ning. 130,000 com!'l fro~ other countries A .malasada supper will be of Troop 40 sponsored by. the such as, Fran.ce,Belgium and Holland. IJerved from 6 to 8 Saturday ev- . Holy. Name Society· of St. ening, Feb. 7, in the Church Hall,. Michael's Church, Ocean Gl'ove; Ma~y ~eople' have their own favorite followed by.a penny sale.. " ' DominicCasilli, chairman of .POET. PRIEST: Greater society and are to be praised for aiding its the 't~oop committee introduced " . ., . members. If it is Society 3. th~y aid, they ST. ,JOHN THE BAPTIST. . Elmer Carlson of the'Camping recognition of the Pget- . ·draw· a circle around Society 3. But there are NEW BEDFORD .' . , Committee. of . the Massasoit priest-editor of the Southern " 299 other soCieties outside the cirCle. in other . , '. . . Mr.. and Mrs:. Josep,h Motta Council. The presentation was Confederacy, Father Abram words-unaided. . I" head the .hospitality committee'. m~de to Louis D. Read, .presi- J.: Rydn, by 'the issue of a" , -'''-'-'-' lor the' Couples' Club meeting .. dent of the Holy Name Society. The.HolY Father while 'blessing and encouraging the. drawing· sChedUled for Wednesday, Feb:" Members of the Troop Com- . U~S. commemorative' postage of, a circle around one society to the exclusion of another, never25. Rt. Rev. Msgr; Jolin A. Silvi~· mittee present '-'ere Albert Chen- . stamp in comlection with the theless as a Father must be sure that aU societies, in all places, be is giving a series of. talks()n tiJ.e ard . Advancement chairman, centenn'ialof' the Civil War· assured of equitable aid; A father of a family is pleased when one sacramerits~' .' Emile LeBreux, Troop Treasurer, (1861~65) has been urged by. boy finds.. /il Dutch uncle, but as a father he still has to assure aid ST. THERESA'S, Robert Nadeau, Inside Activity the Sons of 'Confed~rate Vet;., to every member of the family. . . SO: ATTLEBORO . chairman, Arthur Lambert and . . ~"A Penny Sale :will be.h~ld at . Frank .Rogers. Assistant I;)cout-. erans and 'the Daughters of' ._,y Hence . the Holy Father had,tq estl!-blish his C!wii .I;)~ci~~y:which €liurch '.han;' Thursday '~md··~a,t~'·. m.a.ster Alphonso Ceto~a,was aI~ the Confederacy. Nt Photo:' calied 'the Propagation .of~ the, Faith which .draws the' big" circle urday evenings,' Feb:' 5 and ? i l t , ' ",' .i, ..'.. :;' . . . .; " • 'around all.m§sionaries .and' 'ali 'missions just as the ·arms. :of;Christ . 8 o'Clock. ., . : " , ' .:. •.. L , pr~~::tt~aster Joseph, .. Cyr. , upon 'the cross stretched but to.' ~m1?I:ace,all tpe. world. The Holy'. ST. ELIZABETH'S. . thanked the parents and gue\lts '. S' ... H'," . Father said that because he aids all he mU~'!b~''fJ,r~ a.?d priI:J.~i~ally FALL··tnyEit.';· . ' , for attending. Skits w:ere pre ;- 0 ~rve' aide4 •..,: .. ~,' .~ The'Girls'Discussion' Gltib . form~ by the scouts "Entitled' NAGASAKI CNC)..,.....,The .Fran. ' . " . . , ;';;, .,,,,.~ .' " beld' . inst~llatiori' ceremonies',' Summer Camp at Camp Noquo-- cisc~n F-riar~ of. the Atonement. ' Not only does' the SoCiety for the Propagation of the Fa.th ·se'a't"i'rig Barb.ara.·. Re,is as. ·p"re.s.i. ,.L·.', ,'"." . . 'fr" . G' . 'N Y h' ac eqfia'iize 'liid ',through ~. Hoiy'F~ther ~hc)' 'kiio\\'s ~~eSt "aU'fuissio'n . choke. . .' . om,., art:lson, . . .,. ave.· . . . . . . . '" . , . '. ". . 'd'" .... 'sal" dent;' Beatrice Olivier; vice pres:" . Albert Chenard AdvllIlcement cepted ,charge of, a Japanese. is-, needs, it also trainsp~plido be' catholIc arid tQ .consl ~. umv;er . !dent;· Margare~ Costa, sec.re~.', Chairman op.ened ,the C\?urt of landparlsh noted for its sigllifi- interests beforlf~8rtic~~~:~te_~~_s_~_._., :" '. ;'.:.;' c:';; ~., . tary;JOahne Caro~ treasurer:,:'. Honor follo'wing the Charter pre- cant .proport~on. of .Hanare, . or . . This is'+1.the conclusionto 'tie· to everyone ,the' S!,!~RY~S•. ; . ,.. . . sentation. Two' new Boys were' separateltChristians. . all·. . · _:...:.>. "d'· Ht'drawn. 1 t ... Be t " good ti l' '" d···'into PAIRHAVEl\l ... . invested as 'tenderfoQt ScoutS. The. Hanare-The Separated.. ¥issions; \o&&ey . n~ al.. . .u,· e no par cuargoo .ness!.~ ... ·ciation. .o.{,th~. They were Paui ·,D.esro.si.er a.nd'· OneS-are descendants of 16th particular grc>up. in'a particular country, blind.you~ot~es~l>reme ,T.li.-e.· t.,adit~s. A,sso Sacred' 'Hearts will SPOllSOl'. a Jam"es McKowen; Second Class' centup.v Chnistianswho, while trUth 'that'the Holy Father hait.to worrY abOut· them all. Now that' , '.. ,. .. . . •.~ yoti have'finished drawihg a 'circle'around'allpleaiie 'draw acneck penny sale at ., 'Saturday ev~- Badges were awarded to. Rob.l:lrt remaining' Christian" neverthe- .for·alLand sena'it. to the Holy 'Father through The Society 'for the' t Viera and Rober.t Latitbe.r , First less rejected misSionaries . who. Propagation of the· Faith: _ . . . . , ....._ .' ., .. ' .. ' .) ". Ding, Feb. '7 in Our Lady of Angels Hall, Jesse Street. Mil1a- class badgeS were' awarded' to arrived after' Japan:opened its., .daB 'and coffee WiUbeserved.' Ml·:....ael Ce·t·ola, CharleS. H.ar.Ii... dQors to the ·western world.' '.' • . 01 ~ GOD' LOVE .YOU. to Sr. M. M. & the second ·gra:dersfor $5 "My 'HOLY NAME; and Robert.Nadeau:· .... There' are approximately" second graders decided Ilot to. have a party this Christmas.' The' PALL 'RIVER .' .. Firemaqship' 40,000 Hanare in the Nagasaki money, that wowdhave been spent on refreshments is· for 'the" 'The CYO sponsor a.dance .. were awarded to John LeBreux, diocese. ,The exact number is,not " hil . bo t '. .. . ., .' Missions., They' hope thi~ will help some poor c d learn a u Ill" the" parish hall tomorro'!VRichiud Far.1a,Paul LeBreux and known because some still conceal GOd,!'... to"B 8i M.L. Y. for $18. "Enclosed is·the.difference between Right from -7:30 to 11. Brellda' James Faria. John·t.eBreuxwas' their.religiOll; a habit developed a ,private telephone-line and'a:'foUr party lihe.' When .the patty line · Shea:; . P:lmela Mead, Daniel also presented a Junior' Assist- during, the·centuries· 'of perge.;. aggrav.iltes uS'we .tryn6t t~'·get,·angrY'I.... to·W. T.for"$5 "l~am not !tiIiy' iuld."William ~ing.fo§·· ant Scoutmasters Badge. A per:.. cutiom·'·' . • Catholic;. but I'am sending you :the~price of the. bottle I.'probably ~.. fo~mi~ttee in charge:.. ".'.;.; fect':attendance pin' was presentThe Hanare' follow the lunar" would have ,bought tonight...:..;if; I 'weren1t hospitalized." . . .... ..., OUR LAJ>Y 'OF FATIMA.



Atonement Friars T' ,anart) '.



:r4~~~v~~E BAPTIST•. >.: ~~:tOaw~~~~ ~o~e~~iP,~~~~~~:~ :~:~'~~~so;~~:~~i;:~O ~~~e~~~~. :,. ~~~d'~~ your. request'·f~r·.a'~OR~D~Issl6~''RO~~Y' along ,Tbe Women's Council present-., meeting fori one full year.. '. prayers are"expressed in a ·niix:- ,,, with your sacrifice-offering ,of $2, iWhen you use this rosary you. will ed' a substantial check· to ,Rev. .Refreshments were served fol- ture corrupted Latin and J a:p~ , remember. ,to pray, for' all. the missions ,and your sacrifice' wilL help M. P. Leonidas Laviviere, pastor lowing the ceremonies with Mr. anese.:·Sucli 'prayers as the' oUr us; help aU·the missions.. ,..,' " , , ' .' '.', .. , 1'




lQr'the purchase of gold ca:ndl~- and Mrs; Robert Nadeau ':in sticks.. Mrs. Emile. Thibault' charge with Mrs. Wa1.ter"Ledger hea-ded the fund raising commlt-· and Ml's. Albert Chenard··assist"tee. r · ing.Hall arrangements were'. . Mrs,.. Thomas ..Tache, Council. made by Heniy. MurPhy, The' president, urged support in the' next meeting will be held Fricurrent ANCHOR Subscription' day nigt at 7 .o'clock at St. AnDl-ive: . drews Memorial Club.' More Parish Aetivities on "Page Fifteen . . .


Father, Hair-Mary and the Creed' have' been passed:on by word 'of ' mouth'" 'for' . generations, even" though they are not understood' by present-day Hanare.

Graduate' Fellowship Program .. s Awarded..

" . Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and' mail ·it· to the Most, Rev... Fulton J. Sheen, National Director .of The SocietY'for the propagation, of ,the, Faith, 366,Fiftq,Avenue"New York "1; N. Y.. or, your, DIOCESAN DIRECTOR;.REV. 'RAYMOND T.CONSIDINE• :iS8 NQrth ~in S~eet,FallRiver, Mass;' .. ,





f.or the Afrl·.ca.n; M·· . ". Issions


"Pharmacy. . ....

.; WASHINGTON (NC) - Two • • ~. Catholic universities are among' Prescriptions called. for .~ow S .() . .~. 48 institutions of higher' learn- ~ : . ~ an~.delivered,. , . ing select~d to take part in ~pe CATHOLIC COMMUNITY . HEADQUARTERS FOR, fl'r'~s't .Fede'ral ··gr"·adu·ate fe'llow- .• . .. . ,-,.. . CENTER.: ". 1 : : ; .~.~ I DIETETICSY$UPPIJES .,..." "MIAMI (NC) .:....: His Holjrie§s qua, Vatican Substitu.te Secre,:·, ship progra'ms provided .f()rI?Y ; • wy 4 74"'9 ' . ' ..JQ1}n., XXnI . . tary. .. f Sta t e,,~~'d'm;par: t ''Th ..' . '. ~.'~ FRA""KLIN." STREET". •t,.; 600 Cottage t. .;, ..P. ope ..w'il1 ''pray. 0.,. .•. e the.National ;befenseEdu¢ati~l1. .. d" .~. '.;> . very hat~!'I'that ~ cWiHgrant' A:~gust Pontiff"wishes the yt?tmg !. Act. i .,,' ' " , ' " , ' : ' , ' ; , . , ' . : .. , :::)!RIPAY, ~r;~., 6,l:~g. . ~'.;:.: ,,,'~ew' ~df~~,,;'" .,::" ... the wishes of an ll-"year-old boy, ni.an to know that he, appreciates Catholic. University. of AIlleri", . • ~"~~"'''''~;~~'"'''''''''''''~~~'~':'!'''''~''',~.~::.; '. " """ "":;""""~o' •• o+'" here {o'become'apriest. "',: t~e con~~<lence,. and,.JJlfe,aifather c~,hll~ 1:I~,e'J;lall()t.teQ.tw~'~~ll().w,".. .OO+OOOOOOO"OOUOOOOU.UO.OJ'~+'~~)",,; ...,.. , .' ived ':\)y ::Such was·..the:"TePly.,rece he exchanges his wishes~~, for also the UYA~eqryo,a~d.,St. Louis, ( 1 .....',.·.·.·.' . ,·,,·;.'M.· . · "0'·.'U·'n".t· ..I '"0 I· ,,·,. M., ... ,··"..,. '.: ..A"" ... 'c,. a;·.·d . :·.,.;,e: ... ,.,m;.· ...,. '. ."v' , .•,..;,.... , .'. m 3.ll. festiyities. surprised,.paul Vut~ro from: Christ Y ;) . .,:.l Bishop'Coleman 'F_'jCarrol~, ,()f); a$Sures hlm.tl1:a~· h.e. :wIll pray i: University hasbeenalloted,fi:v;e . .::.. ""." .,.:", " 'l55'SECOND'STREET '. " Miami'ifr:answer to a·lettertll'e·: ~pd to grant hiS wis~es, and..he ;: for:.Sp.anisharid,LatinAmefican.~" .. ,' .j,.. , '. ·FALL-RIVER~I,iMASSACHI.JSE1l~".,'. ;.<fl")."" . "..

au I I'nt en d t W··t rl e a ·.. . ·ote k Y'ou to the Holy Father Of Th an· ,. p"




'In the presence of·Msgr. bOy,'wroteio'the Pope.":' James' ,,"'i .!' F. Enright, pastor of St. Rose of Lima parish, Miami Shores, and members of the Vuturo family, ~ishop '6arroll,a,ni{~irivitation! of the Apostolie Delegation in' Washington, presented Paul with-. it white rosary, anautograp,hed' picture; of Pope .John and a' packet of special. Vatica~ stamps.; A letter'dated litthe Vatica?i E'ecember , . 30,'1958 ,andslgne' ' d


Archpi,slt-opi~gel~ :peWAc~.i: 1"




• ••






~e, studie~:


..·.'E···y.,·"e.. n'·i".n.'.

t ...·· ·...'·.•..



n·.fd··.' '.·5'',','a' t·urda·y~·.; .C··la.'.s. .s.'.e.'...

Will glad pray very. hard is.so h.IPlfor thatthiS' .... , '. . " " ··Q· .·,·.. S"'.... celestial favor' and also for his .--~~,.~~-~.-~~-~~ growing vocation for which he··ADelicious,' REG'1ST'ER, N', OW:for the SE.C:O,ND.··'·,S,EMESJER involtes.the maternai protec~ " . 'Treat· . .. tion of the'Blessed'Virgiri Mar:y;" Classes. begin this.we ek . , . In ··his letter and aireeting E,VENING CLA.S.SES in High School 'Subjects card sent to the Holy Father h I shortly before Christmas, Paul. • .. Saturday CI~sses for Elementary Sc. 00 had asked that his intentiopsb~' • 'ReaCiing DeveI6prTie'nt, _ Arithmetic _ English remembered in Masses' because., . , . ,. , . . . . . '... . , "-1 thouglit 'he .{the 'Pope) would. " .. " Telephone:.0Sborne '3~3190:· .~,. ' be. .. . the best one."·,.... · . . . ..••••••••••• OO.O~.O••• ~. , . .•• ~,~ • .,••.• OO. •. Paul is a,si~th grader in SL .: :~ , ~ ":' ~..,~ , ' .." , , :, ~ ~ ,.~. ,0>

g ' ; ..


Rose_.Qf.,Li}ll~. s~q09l.:"l\~cC?.:r;,d~ng




·.PENNY "'SAL . _.,.




'O'ur ;Lady.~',of' Fa.tima· '.Ch.Ii'c;:h."'.. .;.•

New to his parents, Mr. a ri 4 Mrs. V,in';; '; . _,INDIANAPOLIS' (NC) AI cent Vuturo, who· kn~w l . l O t ~ l P . g , . Catholic Physician. S~ Guild has of Paul's letter. until drrange~, ,. , .S M', .'.. ,; 1." , , - wansAft aSs. been organized in the IndianaI>-":I ' ~e~ts !,,~re be~g IJ.l~.d e~. f ?r.,the , ...,.,. , olis archdioces!,!:·and named ior ~i: boy S'VlSlt to Bishop <¥arroll, ·he , . . .. . "A"" E' , ,..,.. " pioneer Bishop who was a physi';" ~~rst expr~ssed adesll'e to b e . . , ; .. ~....';.-. .. eian 3$ well as a churchman: 'rhe! ~me a prtest about three y . e a r s , organization was named' the ago. The Vuturos came t? Miami 'FEBRUARY 9 1959' 8 00 PM.' Bishop Simon Brqte Guild in in 1955 from Indianapol.ls. .~ . . ,. . _.: • .. honor of the first BiShop.of VinPaul's' reaction to the gut. ~ . " .. CHURCH HALL oeniles (later the Indianapoliil sent him? . . .. ' Rite A1'chdiocese). who directed the I've just got to write a thank: ' P A R K I N G IN REAR OF CHURCH See from its founding in 1834 JQW. note ~ t.be BolT Father, AsIc.For Them Today .: 1Mltil his death' in 1839. he said. -.. '

Made .

.. ..,..



,,. ,

~" : ;



, , ..

DIOCESE. 01" ," '-\LL )'.IVER.· 10'1'<"_,. ,

II Thurs., THE ANCHOR Feb. 5,



Reaching Stars Called Fantasy At Present ROME (NC)-The Jesuit priest who is director of the' Vatican Observatory says that "it would be rash and even presumptuous" to deny the existence of rational life on other planets. . Father Danier O'Connell, S.J., writing in the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, maIlltains that technical progress in space missiles .and satellites has brought us to "a new door opening onto the mysteries of the universe." Though he sees a pos,. sibility·.of man's journey to other planets" the astronomer says "journeys to the stars remain in . the realm of pure fantasy." "Our earth remains in fact the FAMILY DISCUSSION GROUP: St. Hyacinth's' par- and. Mrs. EdwardCourcy of St. James' Parish, Taunton, only planet of the solar sYstem. ishioners of New Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silveira are filled with interest as they prepare a question during suitable' for human life," he and Mrs. Wilfred Rousseau showed mixed emotions during open discussion period. Purpose of meeting was to instruct writes, but that does not mean it should be denied that there is one of the sessions: Mr. and' Mrs. Roger Courcy and.Mr. parents on .how to educate. children. possibility of human life outside of the Earth. "Such an affirmation w'ould be rash, and even presumptuous. One can only say that in the uniA panel of. specialists discussed verse there are millions of star. HAVANA (NC)-Executions of ousted dictator FulCOLUMBUS (NC)-A bilI gencio Batista's"agents were conducted in line with a "Patents asEducators"and "The with families of plapets similar Facts of Life" at the New to ours and that on some of these designed to stop the influx military code provid.ing str~ct guarantees of justice, a Cath-.. Basic Bedford District Council of life' might be possible," he conolic 'publication said here. . , Catholic Women held !it St. Hya,. cludes. of indecent, fiIm~ being . As for man's possibility 01 Ttadded that . . the ' .shooting director, Franciscan Father Ig- ,cinth'Church, New Bedford. shown 'l'n 'Ohl'O has' .been· 'l'nRev. Luiz G. Mendonca of Mt. reaching these' stars beyond our troduced in the Ohio State Leg;. 0 f "a few .hundred, .guilty nacio Biain. islature. persons" was. "mild punish- . The Catholic pUblication, noted· Carmel. Church. spoke on the solar system, Father. O'Connell parent's obligation to explain the calls' it; at present, ';pure' fan':' The measure' would. specifically ment" in view .of .all . the during the years of the uprising tasY·" He notes that the neare;t set up a board of five members "horrible things" thi;lt took. place for' its. condemnations' of rebel' facts o~ life. to their children; giving a min,imum',of facts. at the. staf-..'.: Proxima' Centa·l.ii- ii·.. in the Department of Commerce, tinder the fallen· dictator's. six.. terrorism and government reto be known 'as the Ohio Motion year regime. prisals alike, stated that. all' per- .. right time and place and with million' times oezrond Mars iD.~ the. correct' attitUde. .. distance.' . Picture. : ·oard.. All films would 'I:he influential .weekly' La sons sentenced to death were Dr.. Wi.lliam S. Downey spOke .The Jesuit asl!:s how, even with .. , . be' submitted to the board and Quincena denied that the execu-' convicted of'common ia'w. on: the .training of the pre-adol-. superior equipment, "will mortal must be approved by it· betore' tions ordered by" the military , ~r-imes. escent chHd, while Dr. Arthur F;. man ·Pe able to undertake such delivery to the exhibitor under courts of revolutionary leader' No Civilians Buckley spoke on the training of' a voyage whic~. wiil last sevet1al the provisions of. the proposed Fidei Castro constituted acts of It . said that no civilians had . . legislation. . political retaliation. The· denial been executed, but only 'mem- the adolescent girl and Dr. Stan- centuries?" . ley J. Koczera on the ttainin'g'of" The priest ..ends his ~rticle ~ This biiI would exempt from . came from the magazine's own' bers & dictator Batista's secret review: ." . p'olice and armed for'ces "who" the adolescent boy. .'Each doctor ·recamng the. w:ords of the iate. Curr~nteventfi1ms,which porwere clearly men stained with explained' the proper 'way of ,. Pope Pius XII to the Internation- .. . seriO\is crimes." . teaching t~.e child, who shouid alAstronautical .Federation i. tray . pictoria.l qew.s-:pf the day, ". '.' . .. . 1956:· ."If IJP to now· maqfelt·. Revolutlonary leaders have teach, wh~n arid where. and films commOnlY· The p~;"ei discussion was"fol.. .himself' . , ~ confined· to earth . newsreels." ' . knowll' as· . , been quoted as'saying that under' lowed by a qu'Cstioll and answer ·.and ,h;1d to content himself with . d' t'" I f'1m 'VATICAN (NC)-His ". Batista's regime some 20,000 · t'fi S Clen 1 c or e uca Iona 1 s . . persons, including, women and pedop andrefres:l:tments.. "',,' fJ.'agm~ntary,k~owledge whicll. which are to be "used by the· Emine~ce' Domenico 'Cardinal . . . '.' dime. to him from the universe; learned professions and 'accred~ Tardini, Vatican 'Secretary" of children,were tortured or killed ",M;rs. ,MIChael ,J.. OLeary ]4" now' it seems that 'he will be'" ited educational institutions or State, .revealed that.as;a:,boy his by the. fallen' dictator's agents~' chlurman o~ the FamIl~ andP~r- ';' able' to tlirow down the barrierS . . l'IS t . was' b"h themagaorga' nI'~atI'ons 'a'fiI'II'ated' '. wI'th' career as a. cyc s or t Supporting zine said: thisvi'ew, ". ent .E:ducaho~ .C?mmlttee. M~Sll' and to discover new truth and . I h' h God h'" them for instruction or demon- but certainly full of commotion.... "The chain, of murders was so Lucille BenJamm. and MISS as . stration. . During a visit 'by a group of long and the men who com- Leonor Luiz. of St. Hyacinth' .new mar~e s. w I? sc~~~red ml:,~ofuslOn throughReligious films which are to top Italian bicycle' racers, Car- mitted them So well known ..• · Parish were co-,chairmen of the social period. . ou e wor . be used in the furtherance of any dina 1 Tardinirecalled a' time in that we can easily assert that the Rt. Rev. Hugh A.' Gallagher, , - -... recognized religion. his childhood when he was riding testimony of witnesses (at the Motion picture trailers, 'all of a bicycle down a hill. trials) was backed by truth, de- Rev. Aurelien Moreau and 'Miss BONNER FLOWERS Katherine T. McCarthy,' presi':. whose scenes have be.en included "I l~new nei'ther how to stop' void~ of a spirit of vengeance, Spectaltsts t1\ in previously examined films. nor how to brake and I ended anti above all free of 'unjust dent of the New Bedford District,spoke briefly. Propon~nts say the legislation up in a store. I abandoned ·my accusations." Special Floral Arra'/lUeme,tt. -olikj'1 would- "provide some degre~. Qf. bicycle and' ran away preferSame Courts .• Funerals • Corsages protection to the public'from the . ing to' save my ·skin.it was a 'The magazine noted that tlie • Weddings • Hospital exhibition of films that have a short ca'reer but certainly fu~l of revolutionary courts established ishop' 25Yea r~ morbid interest in· nudity and· commotion." in Santiago and other cities were' Archbishop Robert E. Lucey 2082 Robeson St. sex." Th~ bil~ also provides that: Later in the visit the Cardinal the same'. tribunals operated by of San Antonio will observe the Fall Rivet' .05.5-7804 . If a fIlm IS fou?d to .be ob; recalled 'another"story having 'to the I:ebels during Gastro's two- - 25th anniversary of. his cousescene, the board. WIll revI.ew. the, do with an old nickname for the year-long uprising. It .stated that cration as a' bishop on April 29" Comm~J;ce Depart~ent fmdmgs . present Pretect ~ ~f .the~a<¥ed' these courts functioned "in acnext. ,and wIll hear tes~ImOny. of ~he Congregation of Seminaries: . and cordance with a military cOde . person who submItted the fIlm . Universities, Hise ~minence Giu-' previous.ly .worked out.... for approvaL ' . C d' I P' .. d' . It declared' that .' 'although 'If .the majority of the board seppe. ar ma :.~z~aro: . summary." the trials of .Batista memb~rs finds . the picture obCardmal. TardmlsaI~ .that .. agents were condu.cted in such a 469 U)CUST-StREET scEine then a certificateolrejec- wb,en he w,lls'llyolJng pnest the way, as to'insure that. sentences' .... FUNERAL' HoME , ~. 'FALL 'RIVER·.·MASS; tioRwillbe 'issuedordering the greatest cyclist,- of. the .;dlly was we're handed;. down "with' strict': . . .~. . ''. . '~ . Department ot.' Commerceio a ' man ~all~d eps.~an:~e: Girar-. jmitice.'"The' magazine" added:" 98& Plymouth. Ave. , ., ," OS.- 2-3381 deny permission to show the . dengo. He saId Car,~,lI:IalPIzzardo'''Whe~ th~ wOrIdwill have Fall Rivet' wilf~~: C. ,'James E.. film. ." .then the Substitute Secretary of: .become fully" acquainted' with , .Driicoll" $uliivan,Jr. The person subrilittingthe, State'"was nick~ame~ !'Girar:--: all·the horrible things that·oc-' 05'3-2272 motion picture may appeal this d~ngo becau~e ofJh.~v~lume·of: . clirred 'in Cuba during the past decision within 30 daYS by filing hIS .work WhICh kept hIm con- six years the executions of a few '. '. , -,:,., .. ' suit in Common PleasCoutt, stantl~ on the.movELfrom one hundred guilty persOns will " \'b'll . -. ;d" stiff "': office to"·anothe·r. seem to be mild pu~ishment..~ .. ",,, :@.e . sen. Th e 1 provi es ~ . tences for' each violation of FUNERAL'and . failure to submit films for re... emorla '. enter OIROURKE view. SYRACUSE (NC)-A new carMONUMENT dio-pulmonary laboratory at St. . " SERVICES Hospital is a'memorial 571 Second'St•. Catholic Institutions Joseph's to the late ·Msgr. ;roseph B. 'BOURNE - SANDWICH. "'AU. .NEW BEDFORD . Foil· River,Mass~ To 'Share in Grants Toomey, who at the time of his. Seriin9. OS 9-6072 NEW YORK (NC) - Three death in NQvember was presiCAPE'COD ,'NDUSTRIAl OILS Catholic institutions are among dent-elect of the Catholic HospiMICHAEL J. McMAHON and Surroundin9 Co~munitiei 64 . privately supported colleges tal Association and director of Lice;'sed Funeral O'irector '.. I:IEATING OILS and universities' sharing in .a Catholic Charities in the Syra-, Registered Embalmer . . total grant of $528;630 awarded cuse diocese. TIMKEN by the Esso Education Foun, , dation. JEFFREY E. Oil BURNERS The' grant represents the second part of a special three-year SULLIVAN Inc. &. Service .'. GOOD FOOD $1,500,000 program intended to Fane,.,,, B ome aid education in science and Ple.as~nt Atmosphere FUNERAL SERVICE engineering. The Catholic in550 Locust St. 501 COUNTY ST. "asle anyboay" stitutions are Fordham. UniverFall River Mass. .Air Conditioned 549 CbUNTY ST. NIEW BEDFORD sity in New York City and CathOS 2-2391 olic University of America and 386 Acushnet Avenue WY '3-1751 Rose E. g'ullivan' NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Dunbarton College of Holy Cross New. Bedford . ~~ffr~y ...E, Sullivan in WaShirigtoIl.' .

Ask Law to H~I't Cuban Catholic Publication Defends: Panel Discusses .Showing Obscene Executions as Done With Justice . Facts of Life M'ovies in' Ohio



Car·d.-n·a·I··· .Re'c.al.ls .C·yc I-•n.g·,. C':·'· ... . a reer .' " . ' c:rry.










' . I' C




Funeral .Home


M-K Restau'I'ant


Michael C_ Austin



..,. ',. 'DIOCESE oF"FALL



-~., ""..... THE'ANCHOR>I , 1'4. ' Thurs., Feb. 5, 1959

: ..

,,~. " - - - - - ' - - '~,.I

Pittsburgh Gets Large I(enne,dy Memorial Gift

By William H. Mooring What; .if anything, is to happen now the Hollywood Academy has:dropped its rule against awarding Oscars to' kl10wn communists and fift,h amendment refugees? PITTSBURGH (NC)-The The Academy" with .some reason,. says the question of Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. employing reds in the Amerdifferent languages, he nas Memorial Foundation' has ican movie industry is up to written hundreds of short storIes the produceM who hire taland ar:tieles, countless film and given $50,000 to the Pitts·b I A TV scripts and is part creator burgh Diocesan Special Eduen t an d uy screenp ays. re' cation' Program for retarded these HolJywood p'roducers goand' a story consultant of the children. . g t 0 renew-an d th en k eep-- successful "Wells Fargo" series m The fund is na.med for a son the pledge, they (NBC-TV) and "The Texan" gave the Amer"(CBS-TV)," Even essential viof Joseph P. Kennedy of Boston, ican public six olence should· not be explicit", ·former Ambassador to England. he argues. ' Lt. Kennedy was killt;!.d on. a or seven years ago?' . He' recently completed the volunteer flying mission during T'h ere is pilot for a new series, "ShotWorld War II, He 'was the . every sign at gun Smith" starring Scott Brady brother of United States Se~ator . the !11/:linerit that as a sort of Western detective;. John F; Kennedy Of MassachuHolly wood's Awhile, bac~ Gruber proposed to 'setts. and· of Robert Kennedy, front door is 'try out a fellow' named Chuck" BLESSING OF BELLS: In the Sao P~ulo Cathedral, chief "Counsel of, the Semite' abou't' to open once again'to 'Conndfs in aTV west~rn; ,- Brazil; His .Eminence Carlo Cardinal Carmelo de Vasc6ncel_'labor.;management racketS comknown'subversives; "Therback' The sporisors'shiedofstar-ririglos~Motaassisted .by BishopAntonio'M~cedoand his.oth~r·'·)nittee;' ' , . '. . ' . door'has n'ever been closed,' ' ,.,-~just anotherajhlete','but GtuberaUJHlia~ies'bl~ssed 61' Cathedr~l ,bells on the Feast St.'. . .Bishop John" F. Dearden. ?f.

of s~allest~:~~ts:~~~~~::~:t~~wA~:bi~~:;

th~d~~t~r1~: ~;n;.r~~:~~L~~~f:' ~~~g;;rie~~~i~~a: '6:~~or:~: Pau('The i~riestbell'~eighed' 8,80Q)bs:',

apd the', '"~,,.' " -''',Of Detroit, .accepted 'the· grant. ,' .. ' "" '. '. ' : ..

the Motion Picture Allian~fOr ·their movie, ~':r~e ~ig, Country"•. , .13.'lJ:)s.'NC,J?-h~to ...._":, the "Pr-e~ervation 'ofAIDerican' He stole every scene he'was in. ' . Ideals"~nd other once-active' ThenChuckCorinors·'Was taken "Credit Union' 'Votes' "

anti::'colmriunist organizatioris,:~:'\ ~~~~~~ f~~e":r:e:tR~~~·.Fre~.I~'~Li'rance.. ,.. "," , ; . , : ' j " " ' ; ' . throw"off their arid Western·.series of 1958. . '. A contifluation .•. 0" spur the. Hollywood film pro. Born in Elmer, north of Du- 'an d .,.1oan pz:ot ec t'10~ '. msurance. '" , . , ' .. ' ducers to vigilance and action 1 h . 1 4-' F k' G' .b ' . for .all, members. was voted at lives a loneb We: ADd l(Vhen he lives m MaUl of Jordan~ da:r. , against 'commie infiltnltion;'in-' ut, m~ 90.. ra~ . ru er,son " .' ... , .' "'. t '. '.. .' are reall:r rugged. This small 9il1age on the' edge of the desel1 II " t' tte d d the annual meetmg .of .Sacred '" ' " ' lm ·.. "". ' creased' pro-communist, feeling, . 0 f G erman ImmIgran s, a n e . H t d'. ,. N' th At .. " cut 'oft from"'the rest of the world b:r Ule .Red Sea-'"-b:r passable in American motion picturesw,iU St. Michael;s' Paro'Chial'school' ear, I <:':'~, .kU}ll~m, pI' ,,'" roacls----"an'll b:r snip.ers' bulletS. ADd ld, In this .wild place theSplr1& 'd t Chicago then 'went to work 'H~ .·.tlebOI:~: Gasl1,. ?1Vld~nds was ',de. of ,God' has 'worked wonders among both "parents and children. In . soon.,.b ecome eVI en. ' .. '. .. . . ".. . '. . . . . ' ,clared' at ,three. per .cent,. ,Right to Know Truth beca.~e O?~ of, 1£.001. the, most . . Credit 'uriioil' officers include ' the lasHwent:r-five :rears this sturdl mlssionha8' crOWD &0 the point· Thl'ough- the Motion Pictureprohflc ~rI~ers of popular out- Edmond W.' Dery" Jr. Raoul where a new Church and schOol are'a pressing ·need.' Can :rou help Industry Council, central organ-' door stones Il1the world a~d has Jette,'·MrS. Gerard' Cha:Upagne, &he'''ehildren of the desert"?'Th!ltotaJ eost·wiD IN '4,000•. ~tion of various, branches, of : a!s~ ~ken a. 'hand a~ s~,Iep~e- LeO Poi.rier',' ~nd Launcetlot YOUR GOOD WURKS WILL LIVE AFTER YOU WHEN 'YOU the film industry, ttJ,e public was fIction to whlch'he wIll swmg Masse all members of the board /MENTION THE CATHOLIC NEAR~EAST MISSIONS IN YOUR promised that'linowri subv.ersives·' if they ever pass We~terns as a . of dir~tors' '. . WILL. WHY NOT CHECK YOUR BEQUESTS TODAY. MAKE with' active communist sym- screen subject". 'He never wantAlbert. Hriude Hector DeBlois' . YOUR WILL GOD'S WILL. pathies would no ronger be em- ed a ranch: has always "hated and Adelard Canuel form the . ..---......' - - ployed in motion pictures. to ride a horse".'" credit committee' Miss GeneAS A KNIGHT WITHOUT ARMOR •.. AS Whether or n.ot any man Cecil .B. 'De~lille vieve Ch:iP ut , Mi;s Elaine Ring- 0 A CASTLE WITHOUT A WALL ..• SO IS A he <!!ath of Cecil Bl~unt ~e uette. and Miss Jacqueline Chashould be denied employment PRIEST WITBOU'I" A CASSOCK! Your herole (in films or elsewhere) because Mille not only ends an IllustrI- put are on the supervisory commfsSionaries alwa:rs place themselves last on he is a communist, I do' not pre- ous career, but closes. for mo- mittee the Ust of appeals. The:r place eve!')' need of &he sume to answer, but loyal Amer-. tion pictures, a significant era. .. children and'the people before their own sim· icans surely are entitled to know The· middle name was pro- ~"""':-"""""""'~. pie requirements, ID ~he last month.or so we when they are invited' to sup- nounced ,Blunt. So, for those of ~ Formula 9R-Series: have received many requests from dedicated port at the box-office, the ef;. us who knew him, was the, de,;; '. ,_ ' : men-and they ask for cassoeks so that they forts'of known subversives. Mille. personaHty. When I re- .,:.Fuel T, reatment~ mal continue &0 wear this badgeofCtheir ofllce. A cassoCk costs but Millions of Americans may viewed "The' Ten Commahd- , . ". ;; $25•.•• could you possibl:r clothe ODe ml$siona!')' as pal1 of your wish to avoid doing so and it ments'~ I referred to it as "de : Saves up' to 17%' on' Your' Lenten sacrifice. . is theit right to'be,tolQ the truth: Mille's' own memorial". Face,.... . , 'd som.e producers. are us;' tiously he chided me with "bury- ": FUE~D.C>.lLARS.,Ke:~psTanks~: . LENT WILL BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY (FebrUliry 11) ••• A GOOD Instea , 'L" Fit d B'I TIME TO THINK OF YOUR SOtHo '.... MASS OFFERINGS'MEAN ing f~~escreen::c~e·?,·its;io~oll(;:eaJ. iog C~esar' before he is'dead", , ,. meli. , I ers , ,an •. 01 ers: . SPIRl'l'UAL' STRENGTH FOR YOU , " , 'MATERIAL SUPPORT the tl:'ue identities of ' writers" .. 'but neither of us concealed from ' : R~ally .' Clean. -Our Chemi- " and :others.- they! know-Jo -.be t~e' other;· signs that this ·might , cals' Keep 'Your'Boiler' Clean': ' . " FOR ,·~~U~~·PRIES,:rS. "reds"? but"who'~e:work.tfiey· be the la~t, as ~ell aS,the great;. '.:Firesiae'an'd Waterside. . :, LEl'ffEN ...SACRIFICE 18 GOOD ,FOR YOUR have ':'put on the market just est de Mille picture. ' , ' , ." . SOUL .... MAy IT ALSO BE GOOD FOR THE· the silme. ~".~ ,. . . The prodigious vitality had not ~OU~~.QFGOD ,'.•. 1& ~n be .If/some.of :rour Occasionally there "have been sagged perseptib1y,~utthe,phil': ,'- '.' ,'l:.. ., ., , " , . ' nllrifice money Is given for ch;wel articles to, embarrrassing exposures;:but,:·"osophy hlid";,; m~llowed. . ?-,he :, be placed In :rour p,oor 'm1s~ion chapels. You may those of 'us who"never'- went- ,to ., e!lgle e~.es seemed to gaze fu.r,. . • " choose any article yOU wish and present 1& In sleep on the job know of many'" the~:intiJ':~th~ distan~,e" an<! i t ; : '31' SILVER ROAD "' ..: ' , ;Our"'OWD name' odn th~'name of a friend. We instances' of duplicity tli:at'ha:ve""was : faith', rather thli n ' -fight,. : ·~ibc.ia,· 1'9,' MASS; : 'will 8e~d the gin card. , " .' .' escaped',P'-lblkatteri~ioq',""l';;::~pon whic!I,th~mili.~a:llt mind" Chlillce' .$40' Altar : ... ; ..... $100 Mass book $25 Michael Wilson . . sued.,Allied ... now'dwelt.. ." : ,', '''''CoII'Collect'' .:' AUar's.&ODe', ..'. 10 'C~Ddles' .•.;.••• ~ 20. Mass vestments, .50. Artists;' ciaiming, writing' cr.edit . Cecil B's. shining: ,A~erican-"" ., JlJnip~i-6-3080' , SaDctua!')' lamp . 15 Craclfis' .••• ,'.' Z5 B e i l ' I for "Friendly Persuasion"· w.hile' .,lsm,never dImmed but. he: spoke .:_-_ .:..;.,~THE DAYS OF LENT ARE THE DAYS OF' ANOTHER WORLD other' \vriters were named on" more of the faith,Uiat must move •• , TIME TO REFLECT ON THE :NEAR OR DISTANT FUtuRE UJ,e s.~reen. "Robert Iti'ch",wh9, m?untains fo~ a"fut~J.'e" ge~er-, . We Carry'. • , , BE A REALIST. . ARRANGE FOR GREGORIAN MASSES won a writing Oscar for' "The abon of ,Am~rIcans, than the fu-, TO BE OFFERED FOR' YOU AFTER YOUR DEATH, . , INQUIRE Brave· One", turns out to have' Jility that must as surely.attend· • THE SI.GN • JUBILEE . ABOUT OUR SUSPENSE PLAN . . . DO [T FOR LENT. been'Dalton Trumbo, one of the . the quest of, those "';!.ho spit wheII,- . original "Tongue-Tied Ten" who ',ever they hear spokeri the word', . • 'CATHOLIC DIGEST SUGGESTIONS FOR LENT· went to jail for contempt.. ' ..... ' p;atriot. ADOPT A PRIEST FOR. LENT .•• JOHN Magazines and EDWARD 'are ,,:al&lng &0 enter the Ruth-, ." Cell ,Is .Active ' , , ; . " Cecil, Blount de Mille 'was a It .recently came to ligHt ,(first·· .flambuoyant picture maker, a' 'aLali tim'es. ' entan seminlll')'; The)' are exceptlonall:r bright in my column) that, "NathanE:' flowery. publicity man and, of b01S and well qualified &0 serve at the altar. Dou~l.<is", ,vvho. l.ielped.'W!'ite', ,course, a s~inner' of, fancy finThel are willinc to leave home ... family ..• Stanley Kramer's "The Defiant'" ·ance. But first ,and foreqIost; up friends. BUT, the:r cannot be accepted unWOnes'i', is Nedrick: .You'ng, , a;'. to the last, 'he was an American' Emily C. PerrY we'·find a sPonsor for' each who willc be able to belligerently . un-co-operative" patriot. Uncle Sam will miss him, . 562 Courity St: New 'B~dford pay the nec.essar;. expenSes of each bo:r' durlnc witness' who refused to affkm' bmg _af~er Hollywood has fol'~'Opp. St, ,Law.r~nce Church , t h e six :rea~ seminar,. course. The c~st will be or dery that. h!'l wa.s .a commQrt~ gotten: ," . , "," "" " . . .., . , "," . . . ' . ' . '. $lOG :r.earfor-the sIX :rears. You may pay the 'money In any manner' ist,.' •., ," . . '. '" :',' .' convenient while' your "SOD' In Christ" ..prepares himself for a We . None,.. o£the movies involved. . [lAU.GHTERS :9F ..~T. PAUL', of service t~ the M:rs~cal B~d:V.'.....:..""·_ _~ . ' can ,be, said' to" reflect direct, Invite young: lI irl.; (14.23) to labo, ill " ADOPT'''A NUN FOR LENT ... SISTER ANNE PAUL and SI8-' pro-communist 'propaganda, a.1,..· Christ'. vast ,,~neyard as an Apostle of the ," TER PIUS MARIA are determined ·to serv,e ID the Sacret Heart· ' th f 11"" tt" ,:,' Editions: Press, Radio, Movies and Tel... Congregation '(S.·· [ndl'a). They know they :are ". • 'ey h 0 oweu . pa ' erns ..... ";~ion., With' these ':!'oderil means,' these fth oug h avored by. t ~ Sov:ietschool of_, l\IIissioitary SisterS bring' Christ'. DOdrine needed .. , ·they are certaIn God· bas called film ,writers, some. of them spot--.· to all. regardle•• of, race. color ot' creed~ them. , . -they are -ready' to enter:.the novitla.te. lighting our most embarr'assiiJ.g'·':f.or·ij,f~rmation. write. to: ," All .Is ·In. readiness 'to accept them; if we, can national'problems,"" ' . ,': '.,-:' .:: . REV, MOTHER SUPERIOR ,find a donor for each nun wbo'wiU be"willing T~~., ,Hol1yvvop~ c~;D:lmunis~:', 50 ST. PAUL~, AVE. 89STON 30, MASS., to·pay .the, $150 a year' for 'necessary expenses cell, 'P1<1,vl:?ment-especlally, as ,'" during,the two year period of. novlt!ate ·traln~


.offr~e lif~

A;'C""H"".,L·D' ·N:~·T· H"'E' E'D'C' E'"OF T'HE DESERT •.•• ',




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orgahize opposition, the Hollywood~ reds ··'w~o·;·l).<>wspeak

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May-day indeed.' . , ' • . . ".~:Writer On:VioIeilce • ,,' "Writers ,are' under constant • ,.' . C.;,.:,...',,,,' " ,c: ,'. , . . • ,', pressure to putin6re vioience : into their stories, both on movies • and: TV", says Frank Gruber. He ispeaks with sOIT,le authority : .. " bec~use in' addit.io!) 'to 41books~, ";UNION :WHARF : ,"",' FAIRHAVEN, MASS.' sold, to 55 million people in 23 • • • • • •, • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • •. • •, ••••• .

I .



. ".

'FRANCIS ,~RDINAl SftEllMAN, President

. 'Msgr.PeterP.Tuohy,NafISec'y


Send' ali,co~niunlcatlo~1

to:. . ,




480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.. New York 17. N. Y~





Mid-Winter" Activities




The Women's Guild has scheduled its annual communion breakfast for Palm Sunday, March 22, in the high school cafeteria. Mrs. Francis Sweet is chairman for a cake sale Friday, Feb. 6.

A games party will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Zlogar' for members of SS. Margaret-' Mary Guild. The third anniversary meeting of the guild was attended by guests' from the newly formed Catholic Women's Club at Otis Air Force Base.



THE ANCHOR!hurs., Feb. 5, 1959



15 ,

New B'iog,aphies Of Holy father In Public~tgon Three new bio~raphies of His Holiness Pope John XXIII are in the process of publication. -


"Pope John XXIII: an authoriA fashion show and Maybasket NEW BEDFORD tative biography" is written by whist are among Spring plans of New officers of Holy Rosary Zsolt Aradi, former Vatican dipthe Women's Guild. A supper and St. 'Hedwig Societies were lomat and author of a study of will be served at St. Joseph's installed at it joint ceremony. the Papacy; Father James I. Home Saturday evening, Feb. They include Mrs. Stasia PyTucek, hell.d of the Rome Bureau ,kosz, president of St. Hedwig's; 14, from 6 to 8. of the National Catholic Welfare Parents of teen-agers were in- Mrs. Robert B. Gillespie, vice' Conference News Service an.d formed of a parish conference president; Mrs. John J. Robak, James O'Neill, NCWC Rome to be conducted by Rev, R~gin­ recording secretary. Mrs. Frances Niznik is presiFOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: Rear Admiral Carl bureau staff member. aId M. Barrette, curate at St. "John XXIII Comes to the Roch's Church. He will discUSli dent of the Holy Rosary Society; F. Espe, U.S.N., commandant of the Fir~t Naval District, t h ' Vatican" is written by Redempteen-age prol:Hems, first with Mrs. Joseph Morrissette, vice presi~ent; Mrs. Anna Waskiepresen 8' t e Distinguished Service Award to Father Daniel ~rist ~ather Francis X.Murphy, young' people, then with their wicz, recording secretary., . J. Linehan, S.J., geologist and seismologist, of Bosto~ Colparents. recently released from service as lege. The highest Navy civilian award was given Fafher a U.S: army chaplain, and newly Next guild meeting is sched- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, uled for Monday, Feb. 23. TAUNTON " Linehan f~r his work in the Navy's Antartic expeditions. appointed 'professor- of Patristie Moral Theology at the Redemp. NOTRE DAME, Mrs.'John McGann 'heads new ,Mayor John B. Hynes of Boston (left) looks on.oNC ,Photo. torist' Accademili Alfonsiana ill officers of the Women's G~ild. FALL RIVER Rome. " Members of the Women's Guild Mrs. George LeCuyer is vice "We Have a Pope," the third president; Mrs. Arthur Dumohave begun rehearsals' for conbiography, was written by MsgF. Coniinued from Page ODe gover~ment, it may help' perlin; treasurer; Mrs. Harold Schogregational participation in 'Mass, to arouse in Catholics of the Dio- haps to mitigate in some degree Albert Giovanetti, coordinator or together with other 'parish So- field, financial secretary;' Miss documents of the Vatican Secrecieties. Miss Helen' C. Chace was Matilda Cutner, door, guard; Mrs. cese a sympathetic attitude tow- the severity ,of the brutal pertariat of State. ' Patrick McDermott, recording , ward the Christians of China 'in, secution, which ,theChurch~n:' re-elected president and Miss secretary. ' 'their plight, and to ask God to China is now, suffering.", 'Cecile Masse treasurer. New of- ' mitigate the persecutions that The messa'ge from' the Apostficers include Mrs. Leopold 'SACRED HEART, they are enduring. olic Delegation, signed by Msgr. Corriveau, first vice president; TRURO TRENTON (NG)-The New The Bishop reminds Catholics Achille Lupi, charge d'affaires, , All officers of the Altar Soci;' Mrs. Armand Cadrin,' second Jersey State Senate has unthat this prayer for China is not described' the .Church's situation ety will serve for another year. vice president. animously adopted a resolutioll limited to a single day, but that ,i~ ~hina as "especiall~ gr"ave, Also Miss Claudette Ferland, Mrs. John J. Kelley, is president; congratulating the Monitor, their 'prayers should continue diffICUlt and heart-rendmg. recording secretary; Mrs. Ed- Mrs. Arthur S. Joseph" secrenewspaper of the Trenton diothroughout Lent for the' perseHorrible Schism ward Bouchard, corresponding tary; Mrs.. Thomas Gray, treascese, 'on its fifth anniversary of cuted Church of Silence. It said that the bishops, priests urer. ' secretary. publication. .. U.S. Bishops have been reand faithful of China "have been Meeting time is changed to the OUR LADY OF LOURDES, quested to observe the day of subjected not only to prolonged first, Wednesday evening of each TAUNTON ' prayer in their Sees in a letter sorrowful,trials, but also to the month at, 8, in the post office A ham and bean supper'bene- building, New season' activities issued from National CatllOlic extreme danger of a horrible fited the school fund. Three include food sales Saturday, Welfare' Conference headquar-. schism." praesidia of the Legion of Mary April 18 and Saturday, June 13. ters here by Archbishop Karl J. q'he message cited especially WINDOWS - DOORS meet weekly in the parish. Alter of Cincinnati, chairman of "the abusive episcopal 'elections' Members will also knit a quilt. SIDING - JALOUSIES OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS. the NCWC Administrative - and sacriligiqus consecrations,' HOLY TRINITY, FALL RIVER, ' Board. , which, sad to say, have multiRAILINGS WEST HARWICH Archbishop Alter has forwardplied in recent months." A silver tea will be held at 2 The annual communion breakSunday afternoon, Feb. 15 at the ed to the Bishops. a message Encourage Brethren fast of the Association of the parish hall. from the. Apostolic Delegation It I 11 d f " . f Sacred Hearts will be held Sunconveying the Pope's desire f r a s.o ca e or servIces 0 ST. GEORGE, o reparatIOn for the offences day, Feb. 8 at the Mayflower 958 COUNTY STREET WESTPORT observance of the day of prayer. 'tt d . t th M t' I Restaurant, Hyannis. The Archbishop said: commI e a~aIns e ys Ica 'SOMERSET, MASS. Future activities of the WomBody of ChrIst by the persecuRev. Boniface G. Jones, assistOSborne 2-5333 en's Guild include a food sale Frightening Implicatio~s tors and of fervent prayers imant pastor, will review "The SI,lnday,' Feb. 15; a commuJlion "The prospect ,of a schismatic ploring reiiet and. comfort for Vatican at' Work" at the next breakfast Sunday, April 5, with , - church in China is frightening c those who are su~fering." meeting. ReV: John F. Hogan as guest in its implications for the future, This "gesture," the message speaker; and a fashion show in 'SACRED HEART, MISSIONS, especially in a country with such said, will "comfort and encour,. EDGARTOWN late April. . , a huge population and with such ,age our Catholic Chinese brethMrs. Emmett P. Almond, pres-: St. Elizabeth Guild members a niilitan~ revolutionary spirit." ren to persevere in the love of ident of the Diocesan Council of were entertained by their husHe continued:Christ 'and His Church." Catholic Women, spoke on the bands at the January meeting. "We are asked to pray fe~- _----------~--_'" benefits of affiliation with the Rev. John Denehy. was speaker. ,vently that God in His ProviNational Council at the Guild's' ST. JOSEPH'S. - dence may avert the disaster lASTER III JERUSALEM, ~ar. 17·Apr. 13last meeting. " , FALL RIVER .. which threatens the Church in Holy Land Pilgrimage. Ramo, Lour~ SACRED HEART, China; that the Catholic faith, Hugh Skelly is chairman of a $1,435. NORTH ATTLEBORO PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA, Rome. LOllrd. . pre-Lenten smorgasbord sched- ful, and especially the clergy, The Ladies of St. Anne will Apr. 29·June 9-$995. " may be fortified with the special uled for Saturday, Feb. 7 by the PENTECOST PILGRIMAGE FOR THE SII:I to sponsor a -pre-Lenten dance SatMen's Club at the parish hall, graces to resist the efforts' of a Lourdes May 15·May 2~$738. urday evening, Feb. 7 at 8. Mrs. cruel and inhuman g~vernment Brightman Street.' Daniel Grace lAT. IURAL LIFE (O~FERENCE. 3rd 'Annual Richard Deschenes and Mrs. to bring about defections. will' be master of ceremonies. Pilgrimage May 10·May 31 land exten.ions! Stanley Ryng are in charge. ' "If through our efforts the 21 day. in Porlugal, Spain, Romo-$998. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, PILGRIMAGE FOR ADULTS May 20-June 28pressure of public opinion can be ST. PETER THE APOSTL~ NEW BEDFORD' Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, France. brought to bear on the Chinese PROVINCETOWN The Ladies' Guild will hold a Englan<l-$I,168. Joseph Lewis and Joseph Dusa SAUED HE"RT PILGRIMAGE, 3,d Annual. valentine whist Saturday' evewere co-chairmen of a cabaret May 30-June 28-Franco. Switzerland. ning, Feb. 14 in the church hall. and dance sponsored by the Holy lIaly-$l,126. PITTSBURGH (NC) Ten Mrs. Virginia Claudino is chairName Society in K of C Hall. NDLY LAND PILGRIMAGE, June 14-July 10, new schools will bp. opened in man, assisted' by Mrs. Frank Rome, Lourdes-$l,485. Entertainment included vocal the Pittsburgh diocese next.Sep, Manha and Mrs. Mary, Rodericks. EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE June ,20-July 10and instrument 'offerings and tember, the Most Rev. John F. Paris, Lourdes, Nice, Rome. Madrid, Fali_ ST MICHAEL'S, ballet dancing. -$995. ' Dearden announced before his OCEAN GROVE" Fall River, OS ~-5677 PILGRIMAGE TO PORTUGAL, Spa i n, France. ST. FRANCIS Xt\.VIER, aeparture to be enthroned as , The Holy'Name,Socieiy of St. Ilaly, Ireland Aug. 30·Sept. 30-$1,220 HYANNIS Archbishop, of Detroit. They will IAir),__Spiritual Director, Mast Rev., JOL Michael's Church,. Ocean Grove 373 New Boston Road Members of Our Lady's Guild, include one new high school and E, Ritter, Archbishop 01 SI. Loui •. Our Lady of the Assumption , will receive Holy COffiplUnion at nine new elementary schools. AROUND THE WORLD July 6-Aug. 28-$2,289. the 8 o'clock mass Sunday. Louis Church, Osterville, ""ere guests PILGRIMAGE TO SOUT~ AMERICA July 7-Aug. J at 'a showing of a film on cancer D. Reed, president of the Holy ~o'!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_' -$1,195. Name Society announced that an ~ ~ FRANCISCA.: EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE July 2Presearch 'sponsored by St. FranSepl. 29-$1,195' (Air), invitation was extended to the cis Xavier Guild. ' NORTH COUNTRY SHRINE PILGRIMAGE Aug. l~oy Scouts of Troop 40 to parMrs. John Moda headed the Aug. 30-Scandinavia, Poland, Czechocommittee arranging the annual ,ticipate at the mass with the slovakia, Austria, Rame-$l,485. penny sale. society. PILGRIMAGE TO MEXICO (Shrine of Ow lady of Guadalupe) Aug, I.Aug. lsSunday besides being the· ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, '$360 (Nol including air 10,0). monthly communion ,Sunday for It OW CENTRAL VILLAGE PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA, Rome. Lourdot Oct. the society is also' Scout Sun. CYO members will hold a pre.-Nov. 7-$949. day. The society sponsors the Impr~vemen,t CHRISTMAS IN BETHLEHEII Dec. 7.Dec.. Lenten dance Saturday V'night -$1,298' from 7:30 to 11 in the parish hall: , Troop. Opllonal E.lensio. to Englund 0,", ,. . . . . Following the mass stand up Veronica Viera, chairman, anbreakfast will be served in the I'ee onvenlen t Ices ,0 _el've , ou;~ Iliay lit lake. wilh any European Pilgrimogo)nounces refreshmentS will be '11 days - $235. school hall. After' which the 50~ ~ served. A Splrilual Oirector will aClomp_, ciety's monthly meeting will be ~~~d~~~k ~~ER Dn1""1.,~ "NO,r~~:ank In another project CYOers are eoch pilgrimage donating canned goods and makheld. J'renchBlvd.' '{~,'. • A ACAus,,~net ~ The society is now holding a ~ _ ~ For freo illustratea baakl.t .., ing Valentine boxes' tQ contain reservations Wfl te prizes for a Valentine whist membership drive for new memOF NE BE FO bers.· Men of' the parish inter' W D RD ' ' sponso,red by the parish Women's Guild. The whist, ,with Mrs. ested in jO,in,in g , the ,soCiety are MAIN BANi< -:-~URCHASE AND W.ILLI, AM STREETS Member Federal DepoMt lxaurlJ1tce CorporlJttoK Emily Costa as chairman,' is invited to participate with the _ members at mass and to attend ~ . .. " ' :(' scheduled for Saturday night, DuPonl Clrde Bldg. .: Wash. '. D. Co 'themeeting'after. . ~' ~ Feb. 14 in the parish hall.'

Pray for Silenced Chinese






New Schools


', ,'","-

FIX UP YOUR HOME NOW W· h 'A L 'C' ost Home






C" a








Catholic Travel Office

A Catholic Ne'wspaper Belongs in ~very Diocesan Catholic Home



Sodality Activity




Sp,~tlight~ng Our Schools




"-----......- - Rv Henrv l\'lichael - - - - - - - - '


16• Thurs.,- ~eb. THE ANCHOR I 5, 1959




Bishops Clothing Collection Sets New Record

last week. Atty. WilliamB. SulliHOLY FAMILY HlGH,' van is th'e coa.th for the' Mount NEW BEDFORD Sunday, February 1, marked a girls and Sister M. Flora, R.S.M., A.M., is ,.the moderator. General Communion. Day for the members of Our Lady's Sodality. Students are participating in NEW YORK (NC)-UniThe Mass .was offered by the the. NatiomllCatholic Decency Director of the Sodality, Rt. Rev. ted States Catholics respondin Reading~Program inaugurated James J. Gerrard, ·and the re- at the academy last week and to ing to the Bishops' Thankssponses made by the Sodalists. continue until Feb. 12... givin'g Clothing Collection John O'Rourke read the Epistle, Margaret Silvan, '59, won the outdid themselves in 1958-doand Kevin Tripp the Gospel. Betty Crocker Honor Award for nating nearly 13 million pounds Immediately follo,wing the receiving the highest score at of clothing" bedding and shoes. Mass, breakfast. was served at the academy in the nationwide ·the Kennedy Memorial Youth This was reported today by competitive examination on' "The · Center. The speakers at the Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, Homemaker of .Tomorrow". She breakfast were Mr. and Mrs. executive director, Catholic Reis eligible for State participation Timothy P .. Keating,- zealous lief 'Services-National Catholic in . this contest. . · members of the Legion of Mary Welfare Conference, the .Bishops' in New Bedford. They presented' ST. MARY'S HIGH, worldwide relief agency, the a brief history 9f the Legion of largest private overseas agency TAUNTON .'. Mary and, showed the young in the world. recollection day will take A people how closely associated In 1957, he said, CRS-NCWC place February 10 with Reverwere the aims of the Legion and received 12,460,125 pounds, valend Francis Grogan; C.S.C., of the Sodality particularly in the ued at about $17 million. At Stonehill College as preacher. work of the Lay ,Apostolate. present, it has received .12,800,000 They urged the Sodalists not to ~ Students will assist at a~Dialogue pounds and more is arriving Mass 'in St. Mary's Church 'at spare themselves. in this great every day at CRS-NCWC warewhich the '!ltudent body will rework which is so badly 'needed ceiveHoly Communion. There houses. and- much appreciated. As a will also be a series of confer:': <:> iltl'iking example of the good Shipments totaling seven and ences and spiritual exercises.. that can be effected'they cited .one-quarter million pounds from ACROSS 45 BlI;rro;ln/t,' foot 38 Vlgoroa. The day· will end with the Benethe efforts of E. QiIinn, whose 1 Teaser animal. ' DOWN 39 (;0 nfased the 1958 donations have already diction of the Blessed Sacrament~ 1 Vol"anlc f1nld 46 Opening. . 1 Marsh battl.. missionary zeal made our Lady been made to 17 countries. 11 SHE IS 41 Points of land I Arabian sur12 J)omia....rla/l This day of prayer will complete 'known and loved in Africa. ' U Sticky' ~:~W:R~~_ ~~ ~~~~~:s~~e~ ·3W.'::an'. name .ubstanCe the observance of the .Lourdes· Last week's debate at Durfee TICAl 52' HER SISTEK. 'Collal.sible 45 Hill Centennial Year' which was inHigh resulted in defeat for the 11 SH): W Al:! . 63 neason .• heUer. .8 lJrn. THE _ M OUR I.ORD' 5,Clty In Ualy f7 Shrewd .. augurated by a similar day of negative team ,from Holy famOF HI<;a W AS A FRE8 Route'- (abbr.) 18 );ngli.h .alllow ily. George Thomas' 'and; Robert · retreat. )'AMII.Y QUENT'·...... A1 1 HER 19 Woman' I . . . . 50 Haying III Man'. nnme HER HOME' BROTHER · 'Lawler were defeated by Nancy This semester in addition to wjndow. 18 :"i:''dat .re:; ~~f:sted.. : ;i:~bl~ Sugarman .and Richard. Levine. Glee Club activities the upper 51 EmPl0'l" ZO Halfe per.o.. 60 Gallaat loas ladleators liS Shroa , .The judges for the debate were: class probationers ,and candiZl DI.trlet 61 "'unl.bed 10 CUy In Iowa 'M Hid..1 ZJ Hoard. fi3 I. ayers 11 ,l.Ike a f..mal. 51 Sto.,. , · IIIr. Francis Harrington, Mrs. dates il\ the Sodality are having . lIS Tellaria.. 64 Spanl.h artlel. . relativ. SlI FralfraaM : Anna Flynn McManus, and' Mr. a ,series of special ch9ir pracM Femal. bor_ Gi Dllca••ed l! Chant• . 51 R ..malnd..r Z5 Pall 116 Wlnd-eatebe.. 13.I'""k..d 69 Kind of flow.. Pe~r Collias. . tices to prepare for congrega%8 Bird ......... " Sr.rllfbtl,.: U Black, yllCoaa 60 Tho... _h• •n. tional singing at High Mass~. %9 Inarn..y. fi8 SII.. nt . ,lIqald 6% IAJnre po< annum JESUS~MARY ACADEMY. 30 Reaoan_ 69 Groap. of 11 Sapplem..al . 63 Analy.... At the .present time the: group is Sf, . P ..rlod '. animal. 16 Th. thin", . , grammaUcaJl,. ,"ALL RIVER' 'An. anticipated dividend of 66A •• lst . I;Oncentniting :.on the - Kyrie, :tnn~·or~::':·: ~~ &~~t~::loa' . : r:~::"lmit,. fi1 Combin... '. Junior Pauline Beaulieu will 3 Y4 % will be paid by FIRST Sanctus, AgnusDei. XVI, Gloria n ·AI. trav..l · ,. hydrocarbo. n Great I.ak". . 69 M..nd .~ school representative Sunday, FEDERAL' of FALL RIVER , ag..ncl... 14 Gaelic, . %8 . Arrow 10 At tbat time XV,and ,Credo HI, as' 'recom- .' March 1, in the National High S9 ManafDClture. 15 Select..d p'roJedloD .11 PolI.h h..ro on 'all savings accounts for the mended in directives fr~mRoine.· . .0 Hamans . 79 Bell'inning %9 Supe'r1nr 12 l-roces. School Oratorical .Contest spon(snm,,) U SHl': WA!'! 80 Declare 30 Small str..am. 6~months : period ending .' Volunteer groups from differ'1S Peak . : BY' . 81 City In n lJrebln ' '~red'by the' American Legion. Jun~ 30, 1959. :CHRIST . lIlontana' 33 Pick by' yot. ent classes' of the High School-' 15 Or...,k I..U..w . A business school representa• % StQl!lach 8% Do oYer 38 Sandy·tract. 18Plac.. . This higher rate is due to our 'S A ",rain . :88 De;'r..asln. 35 Children 11 f:oinpa •• pold tive spoke and demonstrated the · assisted .the 'door-t6~door collec" Hlnda ",..1gb' . 114 Part of the 36' W .. ,.leI.· 18 S.ho" .1..... · tors' in ·the annual March of record growth in 1958 .. , and stenograph machine to junior Dimes drive. . to further encourage thrift. and senior commercial groups.' Solutio"" on J"al'e Eighteen 'Four seniors will compete in a START an' account ~ith U8 business school scholarship exNOW,••. share' in. a higher Fath~rs amination Fe.Q....14. Commercial' div!dend next July! Continued from Page One awaras will be presented to WHERE you save DOES make Diane Duquette, Claire Robert, · a parish. Whe~ parishioners are , a differe·rice. · .Jeannette Gamache, and Dolores ready. to make. sacrifices for .WARRENTON:(N~)--'Passion- This contrasts with ,the custom ·Larrix.ee .for' filing; shorthand , their Church; for the building of' ist Fathers 'in the western U.S. of st. Paul of the Cross', Passion,awards to Doris Desforges.. Rita new parjshes, and sch~ls; we will make changes in the tradi- · ist founder, of'entering'acity in Nadeau. ' can be. quite certain that religion tional methOd of holding parillh which.a mission was to be given, .Cecile Ducharme, .Barbara plays a' vital..part in their·dailT,missions.: · carrying a crucifix at the head . Savings and Loan Association QUinn, Colette Robert· will relives." . . One basic change will be to of a procession. . . Ceive certificates for-'lOO% rat-, . Mo~eiRaising Even"'. hear confessions during the'earlT . The basic Passionist methods ·log in the Noma Spelling ConThe prelate 'said parishionen . " stages ·of a mission, rather' than · ofcoriducting parish miss~ons test. Senior and iunior classes have an obligation, to provide . near 'the end, as is now the cu.were formulated in' the earl,.. '1 North Main St., Cor. BedfoFd are· presenqy competing in lln their . pastors' with adequate tom. Many persons ate. frequent 18th century 'by-St. Paul of the. international shorthand contest. .Open Frid~y Evenings 'til S' funds to run -their parishes. .. 01' daily communicants and thus · Cross, St. Alphonse Liguori and Results will be reported in earlT · The~e .funds shouici be availearly confessions' are expected · Sl Leonard of Port Maurice. · April. able through the direct con- . to l~ad to 'more communicantl SACRED HEARTS' ACADEMY. "tributions' of ·tlie people," he "during the mission.,' . ' . 'CQfTImented, "and .not dependent A .~nd change will be .the . FALL RIVER' LENTEN 'S~~EDULE' Debrabant Debators Nan'c,. La- on money-raising affairs such as use of a large crucifix inside the. . 'neur ·and··· Mar,. Lou' Simcoe bazaars and socials. In other , ..nctuarT, with processions con'. Daily Masses: 7 ~.m., 1,8:45, 10" 1:~:10. noon, and 'were victorious in a·debate words, these .moneyi should be' . ,fined to the inside of the· churcb.. EVENING MASS:-every weekday during. lent-5:10p.m. · against De La Sale AcademT provided regularly and SundaT CONfESSlONS. day. e:ooery. ~ay"fr~ '8:~(). a.m. until ,'01 :Newport'but· bOw~~' 1I4t. '.' after Su"day by all the p a r i s b - ' e ease . lime. .. 9 p.m. and before' aU early Mass.. ·st.· Mary's. team. . ,·ioners." "CONCORD, (NC)"---Two ManThe essays.' of . senion: Mart 'When:.a ,pastOr must have chester' 'Jawfiiakeri announce DevOtiONS···· · Lou Simcoe and Carol Regan eontinuous money':'raising affain . the"'will make.another attempt· were chosen to. be e~tered in the to pay parish bills, it. is evident ill .the. New Hamp~hire LegisSUnday..... D~votiOt:'~ to' ~ Mother of .Perpetual -HelpNational Crime Prevention Week that the people o~ th~9)arish are. lature to put thro~gh bill :that . ',5:10· p.~. . '. . essay contestsp'onsored·b,. tbe not conscientiously" assuming would provide "released time" Tuesd9Y;-St. ~')th~y:-l 0" 12: 1 0, .3'p.m.~ .5: 1 and 8 p.m. Fall" River:Eichinge Club. The their obligations;' the .obligation . for' religious education of the essays submitted tente~ about to support~he,Church. ' state's Public school students. .Th",rsc!ay~St.;J.~de-7l.() a.m.. 12: 10, 5:,10~ 7 .c~nd 8 p.m. · the topic, "Ho,w';i LaW-Abiding" Shlrldn~ Duties' Friday~~t~ti~;"so('th~Ci-,oss~3p.~. '. . Youth Can' Combat' tlieGrowth "If this' obligation 'is being ·01. Juvenife Ash' Wednesday'-Blessed 'Ashes after f,J1I Masses and con- ,c.fiiii'e.'!'>,':' '. . · ' s h i r k e d . you can also be assured . ":'..... . ' 'til,uou~lt fro~ 1 p.m. until' 9 p;m; ·A. group :<>1~'·s.enio~.Sodalists that other duties of religion ·made their perpetual act of con- being neglected." Exposition' of th~' Blessed Sa~rament dciily-12:30 noon-, secration 'at an 'impressive 'cere'. . "Generosity towards' religion .' time until 5 p.m. , . ~ mony over which Rt. Rev. Msgr. and religious institutions and BOYS WANTED for the Daily Rosary and . ~nediction-5: p.m. Humberto·S. 'Medeiros presided their enaeavors have ever beeD': Priesthood' and Brotherhood. in the school chapel. The tem- a characteristic of Christian lack of funds NO impedi-. OUR LADY1S CHAPEL 'pOrary consecration was made bT people. It is. through such gener·ment. junior a'nd senior sodalists. Re- osity' that the Church has ,givell' Write to: · ceived as aspirants into the Christianity to the world.'; Sodality were a group of juniors P. 0 Box 5742 and sophomores.. Benediction 572 PLEASANT ST., NEW' BEDFQRD - WYman 6-8274 Lists Baltimor. 8, Md. conciuded the 'ceremony; which' " Ilhe parents .·of the IJ;lembers :DeYotio~s attended. . ' '. "The Rev. David J. Fleming, MOUNT ST.' MARY ACADEM:Y, O.F.M., re~tor' of' .Our Lady's FALL RIVER", Chapel, . today , announced· a 'Basketball players scored a schedule of Lenten devotions. double victory over New Bed- Beginning .(\sh- Wednesday and f6rd Vocati'onal High playerS,the throughout the season 'of' Lent Varsity -winning' 44-:40 and the Masses 'will 'be celebrated at: 7,' Junior Varsity team overwhelm- 8, 8:45, 10, l2:10. 1:loontime atid ing the New ~Bedford JV's, 40-i7: Evening Mass each weekda,.. . Marilyn Kennedy;'59,and during ~nt at 5:10 in the. evenMargaret Griffin, '50, won the ing.. Blessed .Ashes will be dis;'dec'ision 'over Nancy Lafleur and tribu ted . after all the morning . Mary~Simcoe of ' the Acadeiny of Masses' and continuouslT {from NORTON PlAINVtllf tile Sacred Hearts, Fall Riverjin 1 p.m. until.t.,p.m.·OQ,Ash Wed,: ,~~ 123·, .Jet. 106 & 152 ,:A~.:N~n:ai~~Leagll~. P~bat!I,,:.. ~.llI'.:"'., _:~~,_". __ .. __ ._ ._ .. __......" ~ I_....._ _,;... .;.._....; ... - ....-:"'~-;.-........-~-. . . ... ,-"--

Why Settle Fa, Less?


()It.~ _. ;Jf..



Pa rish : Ga uge

"Passionist PI.an Changes hi Parish Mission Methods

.First·.Federal .'0/


R 'I

d T··

Fall River.









Chapel Rector Lenten



The Yardstick


Director NCWC Social Action Department

.... -...





OTTAWA (NC)-Premier Maurice Duplessis of Quebec province has been ordered by the Supreme Court of Can-

would prove to everybody's complete satisfaction that the President's implied criticism of organized labor is inconsistent with other parts of the Report, they do. I think. clearly demonstrate that the curbing of inflation is just as much the responsibility of, business and other groups in the economy as it is of organized labor. The President himself admitted this in response to :a question which was asked of him at a White House press conference by ABC's news commentator. Edward P.'Morgan.

"We have got a problem here.the President said. "that goes right across the board. You cannot excuse anybody in Government from responsibility, you cannot excuse the business leader. the labor' leader. indeed. you can, .scarcely excuse any citizen. All of us have a problem to meet and to help S9Ive." This latter' statement by the President probably came too late-and received too little pub-' licity - to fully assuage the injured feelings of organized' labor. However. it was a good state- . ment---':'much more accurate than Conflict in Stateme~t the ~resident's reference to the "Leaders of Labor unions...· the same subject in his letter of President said in the letter. transmittal and much more con"have a particularly critical role sistent with the' text of his, Ec0to play. in view of the great nomic R,eport. power lodged in their hands. It occurs to me that a more Their economic actions must re-,"> careful reading of the text of the fleet awareness that the only Report on the part of those who road to greater material well- drafted the President's letter of being for the Nation lies in the transmittal might have prevented fullest realization' of our pro- a good deal of misunderstanding ductivity potential and that sta- and embarrassment all around: bility of prices is an essential conditi~n of sustainable ec0Examination Decides nomic growth." This statement from the Presi- Sc:holarshipWinners dent's letter of transmittal is not. ST. PAUL' (NCj':-Two hunin my opinion. entirely consis- dred private and public high tent with a number of other schools have been invited to send unpublicizedstateinents in the ,their .top students to compete text of the Report itself. ,for $10.400. in scholarships to be '. For example. on page 53 the awarded by the College of St. President stresses the need for ·Thomas. 'Twenty-five scholarships win' "more and better statistics;'· concerning prices, wages and re- be given to students' who rank highest in the Feb. 14 competilated costs, and productivity. . This. it /leems to me. is the tive e x a m i n a t i o n . ' The ,student placing highest "equivalent of, sayil}g. at the very will receive a two-year tuition, least. that we really don't know with any absolute· certaint:r ICholarship. Four one-year schol-' whether or not labor's wage de- arships will be awarded to those mands are "justified b:r the p'lacing next. The following 2G productivity performance of the will receive one-semester ICbo!economy" and that therefore we arships. are really not justified in singl:ing out labor as the ~me group in the economy principally respoDoo ·'sible for curbing inflation. If space per~itted. a number' of similar examples cOuld be :cited to illustrate the point that there is material in the text of the Report which seems to· be more or less' directly in eonflict with the President's introdue'tory reference 'to labor's respoosibility for c~rbing infiatiOlL Some of these examples I, spotted myself in reading· the Report; others were discovered and have been publicized b7



Canadian Court Ruling Favors Jehovah Sect

President Eisenho~er's annual Economic Report. trans~itte~ to the C~ngress on Jan. 20, runs to 225 pages, ~ncludmg approximately 100 pages of statistical tables. It IS safe to assume, I think, that not one person in 10,000 will ever see a copy of the economists in and out of the Report, much less take the labor movement. ,Problem for All time and trouble to read it in its entirety. , Whether or n~t these examples

ada to pay $33,123:33 damages to Frank Roncarelli, former Montreal restauranteur and a member of the Jehovah Witnesses sect. . The action climaxed an 11year battle in Canadian courts. Mr. Roncarelli originally sought $11~,741 damages. He claimed the Quebec Premier who also is the provinci;ll Attorney General. arbitrarily had put him out of business in 1946 by canceling the liquor permit for his Montreal restaurant after Mr. RoncareIli had served for two years as bondsman in 393 cases of Jehovah Witnesses arrested for distributing pamphlets without a municipal police permit. The Supreme Court also awarded $2,500 damages to' Louise Lamb of Verdun, Que.• a Jehovah Witness, who charged a Montreal policeman with false arrest on a charge of distributing pamphlets illegally in December 1946. . During the past 11 years. the Througb their World Friendship ,Fund of voluntary contri- Supreme Court of Canada has but.ons the Boy Scouts of Amer- - handed down several decisions favorable to the Jehovah Witica have helped Scouts in 48 nesses. The court has ruled that other 'nations. members of the sect have an ab, ., ' . America will be represented solute liberty to indulge in their by several hundred Scouts at the belief; that a Jehovah Witness . Tenth World Scout Jamboree pamphlet does not constitute a next July 17-26 in Makiling seditious utterance and that the National Park near Manila in civic by-laws requiring permit. the Philippine Islands. for distributi~n of the sect'. During Boy Scout Week, hon- pamphlets are invalid. ors will go to units that successfully carried out projects in traffic. outdoor. and home safety in last year's Safety Good Turn.

Boy Scouts 49th Anniversary The natio!1's 4.780.000 Cub Scouts. Boy, Scouts. ExploJ:'ers, and adult leaders obServe Boy Scout wee~, February 7 to 13. y launchmg the fourth :and fmal week of the "Onward for God and My Country;' 'program. The 49th anniversary emphaBis is "A Scout is friendl'" y.


Church Refutes Reds Statement BERLIN (NC)-An official Church statement issued here has chalienged the sentencing of four Jesuit priests by the Red regime of East Germany. The Jesuits ,were charged last December by the Reds with conducting subversive activities against the Communist state. and sentenced to prison terms ranging from 15 to 52 months by a court at Frankfurt an der' Oder. The .Churchstatemellt said: "Careful investigationprovei:l that the charges of espiona'ge' are completely wrong. The trialS disclosed that directions forced the East ·German courts to sup,port the Communist party's 'struggles against religion and the Church by severe sentences." , The statement asserted that the sentences were imposed to IUpport the Reds in limiting freedom of religion and in undermining the unity of the Berlin diocese. It added that the tl"ials are intended to support the eontenaion that Berlin is a center of subversive activity.


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, WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, executive secretary of the National Catholic Educational Association, has been named to the 12member committee to aid the Federal Gove~nment in its graduate fellowship grant program. The committee will assist the Office of, Education in applying fellowship program established by the National Defense Education Act passed by the last Coil, gress. The program' provides I Federal funds to assist graduate students' intereSted iil collep teaching. ....... l-W d \ r



By Msgr. George G. Higgins

Washington Prelate 0 ... E~u(:ation Panel


THE ANCHOR:...T_h_u_r_s._,_F_e_b_._5_,_19_5_9_ _- - J .

Asserts Curbing Inflation Everyonels Responsibility

That's understandable. of course. but somewhat regrettable, for the Report is much too lengthy and far too complex ·to be summarized adequately in the daily press or on a radio or television newscast. Most of the reporters and commentators. for whom space and time are necessarily at a premium, didn·t even attempt to summarize the Report. They were content to summarize the President's letter of· tra~smittal, and they gave top billing to one paragraph in particular in which the President seemed to tie saying. i~ effect, that excessive wage rates (i. e.• wage rates "not justified by the productivity performance of the' economy") are the principai' cause of inflation and that. consequently. there is more need for r~straint and selfdiscipline on the,part of 'organized labor than on the part of any o~her group in the economy.






I . '."<:




YOtlN~ Ii.S. M4J1At ,CH4P/.AI!V TIM AHE-4'W, £~A,oE~ FROM THEF I?EO·LED B4ND HOlDIN~ HIM PR/gONER. IN A gMAf:.l. l.{;BAN£~€ TOWN .A~ THEY GIVE CHAt:£, HE TIi!/G51 TO FOOL THEM BY l.EAP/Na INTO A' , [/TTLG CANJiA,g~C<:JVERED ~T~EET-MERCIIANT'::: ~ WAGON. stir H/~ LEAP f:EN~ THE WAbON .. RO/..LINC;-DOW"N A '~'" , , , ,~ \ f:TE'EP HILL. ; ' " ':'~' AND;l/OW". . • ~.:, ,'~~~ "








-'I~' ~~.J~~~ ---:::-::-





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Ct'p)'ri,!o:hf. 1"\M.l',i,,·

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"Reds ,Seek to; Conq'uer' an~ Div'ide



F~L~;I~~C;~;S',' ~-'B'rain~Wa'sh, Maryknoll. Bishop , Thurs.~ F~b. ,5" 1959,1 .. , ,Continued lr,omPa&,e One ._ '" ," . ' '.' " __,' ,day of, each ,month; .whim such ported daily ciuestio~irig abOut' CrossWord Solution " deliyeries-are made for' the other, ,his, ,contacts ..with ,"f0t:e,ign'




" 90ntinued from Page One \ . 'ance to the association. He wrote, "The consecrations, iilicit and' in part: ' ., . , automatically' bringiiig'excom~' ,,"You' Couldn't imagine, ho~ ,four, ~A.rnericims<held in' Red ,agen,ts." " . , muriication' on partiCiiJants,' are , rapid; rabid talkers can force ,China; ""~' ,In'ni~d-Jariuary the communist.', · nOnetheless'presumably valid." you' to, think,' repeat,': cohcede, 'Moral 'Support, , ", said ,that: ~ishop "W;llsh' waS iD' ,"'FOI" the Holy See they raise the admit and at' last get you on .. frighten'irig specter' of schism' in their, side to prattle' the' ~ame , Bishop Walsh,"a veteran of "norm,al health." , China. ' ' , ",mi!lleading', 'ambiguous '" state:' 'more,:than 40 years' missionary , Ex~etMock ,Trial .. ',At' the same, time, howe'iier, ments ,as they spit out!' . : . work in 'phina, repeatediy reObserve'rs0n 'H~ng, Kong ,have the'-Reds have notabaridoiied': ~'No one -wants this Patriotic fused.to.,l~ave the. country even " speculate,d, the Bishop is being thei'r traditional methods of vioAsso~ia,tion;, no· one' wants com..., af~er, the' ~Ornmum!lts took over, conditioned for the usual mock len~e:',and ierrorism, threats and munism"':"anyone, or anything in 1949." :. ' " " ~ "trial" leading possibly ,to a jail imprisonment in dealing with conD-ected 'with it.. But weare' Although he: ,was ,not free to, sentence.' '" , ., the Church.' ,her~ on the horns of it' terrible,;, , carry onhi~' work; the 67-~earSince th~' prelate's arrest,' the Ell dilertma. Open, resistance is of , ' o 'old 'prelate fe~t, that his presence U.S. StateP,epartment' has de'A . , The latest incident to' come to light ,~n.the communist ~ampaign no avail. What are; we~'to do? lent .. ~oral sUPl?ort'· to Chinese clared' that "eve'ry effort will be · 01. terror involved 10 Chinese Try, to s~ve what we can,. for' CatholIcs s~ffermg persecution. 'made to obtain freedom" for , Catholics ill Inner Mo,,ngolia who, the love of God, our 'neighbor , Vag;ueCharges , hiP': More information as to, his and our Catholic. Faithi ' according to information receiThe reds announced on Dec. whereabouts and' the nature of , ANSWE~S~ 1 (c); 2 (a); 3 (c>,; w:ed in Hong Kong, have' been Resistance Weakens 15 .th~t the: Cumb~rland, Md., the' charges, against him is ex4 (a); 5 ,(c); 6 (b); 7 (c); 8(c). ' "brought to: justice" for plotting "These indoctrination courses n~tlv~, had be~n arrested for 'pec,tedto, besought at the next agaillst the government. are 'deadly, ther~ is' rio· escape. Violations of'Chmese laws which U,S,-Red China talk in Warsaw they did, not specify. , o n 'Feb. 13:' , 'Two of the 16 were tentatively ','Either here or in the relative Reports from ,China at the time _ _'....,,-._-,--...,.-,.,. ---,_ identified as, bishops-Bishop' open or in prison indoctrination Continued from Page One ,said that the Bishop was very ;,Pacific Ly Hsuan-te, 54 of Yewill go on' and,on. . " , tion', of the invaluable support 'wea~ lind' that his, health, might ,nan," and" Archbishop ~ Francis Everyone knows that only th~ ,'Wang, 48, 'of Suiyuan.' They, ;Catholic Faith is really opposed'; which the faithful people of'. 'break under' the 'strain' of r~ Am,erica have been giving the '; ",ere said: ~o have been sent- ·-':"'inprincipal and in practice:enced to' 20 and 15 years in Jail, . to the ruthless ruleOi communthroughout the: : I respectiv.ely, as "leaders 'of a . ism; Everyone well realizes that ';Our gratitude' goes oilt to the ~ '::Couriteii~volutionarygroup hid':' little by little outward'resistance epi~copateari.d the priestS, to all : ' ',~ within th,e, Catho~ic circle," 'will, be weakened and, 'whittled who take part in promoting this ~ ' , ' _ ,. . . away and that eventually only ~uestion Bish~p Wa1lih the innermost secret adherence crusade of mercy, and, especi'ally; LADIES. : Another' matter of current 'to the Faitn will be possible." the laity whose liberalcontribu- - W'EARI'NG APPAR L , ,,' :' ,concern' is' the reported', house he Holy' See has replied to ,tions make it possible; nor' can' "~ ,',' , arrest in Shanghai of Maryknoll this'insidious assault by calling . We omit a special wor<~ of praise .- ,1875 Acushnet Avenue ;Bishop James E, Walsh., Bishop on the Catholics of China' to and commendation for the or- : Ne~ Bedford " ' WY 3-2684 : Walsh, the last U. S., Catholic ganizations through' which' a,,' '.' "., 'missionary'. inC,hina"has repeatremain faithful to their Church.' vast program' of .meritortous "-~~·-~7~.~~"~1""::"""'-"'-"'~ Only weeks before his death " edly' expressed, his intention to " work is carried,out the,Bishops' . , Pope Pius' XII wrote' and had Relief Fund ,and the' Catholic remain ill the country. to give circulated" secretly among the moral support to the faithful. Relief Setvices of' the National His continued presence appar-, bishops; 'priests and faithful of Catholic Welfare' Conference. , ently has become more than the C,hina an epcyclical, "Ad AposTruel< 'Body Builders , Exemplary Practice tolorum Principis;" condemnAluminum or Steel Reds can tolerate, The Bishop, ing the Patriotic Association and "It is Our fervent prayer that JOSEPH M.F DONAGHY said to be in a physically weak'the illicit consecrations. 944; County 'St. such exemplary practice of the " o'Wner/mgr. ened condition, is being ques,NEW B~DFORD MASS. ;, tioned daily by communist, offiWriting in an evident agony .precept of brotherly love may ',,142 Campbell St. meet 'with a reward exceedingly WY 2-6618 ' cials about' his contacts· with of spirit the late Pope referred Ne;N Bedford, Mass. "foreign agents," according to to the co'nsecr'ations a's "an event . great, and in pledge thereof We reports, ," . . which fills Our soul . . ; impart to you,venerable brother WYman 9-6792 to the archbishops and bishops: ' r , w i t h grief, beyond. words," He HEADQUARTERS FOR T!te Reds also have imposed ,plead~d with, the Catholics of and to the clergy, Religious and forced labor on many native . 'C()lONIAL AND I priests' and nuns,. compelling ,China to "remain steadfast. and ' people' of the United. States of America Our apostolic' benedic- ' TRADITIONAL FURNITUREthem to work, in fields and facwithout blemish in that· Faith tion." tories. by which we are united and by which alone we shall obtain sal, A 'message from a Sister Su- 'vation." perior in north China declared: Pope Expresses Concern "All the Sisters as well as' the His successor, Pope John XXIII ,?ishops and priests are taking part in "'york in the fields. This has on several occasions given 'Ri;:AL' ESTATE ~ , INSURANCE lasts' fr6m six' in the morning ,similar expression to his heartuntil nine at night. At midday felt grief 'and concern' over the ICE CREAM situation in China, In an address' we take our'~eals in turns' so .'2.l8edfcirdSt [liaIOS. 6-8246 ,to the, Decem'bet . consistory of th~ work is not interrupted: LEO ,H'-BERUBE, Mgr. "Those who dig the gro.und cardinals he declared that the 951 Slade St. 'Tel. Of, 5-7836 Citizen's $avings ,Banlc Buil~ing Fall River, Mass. change teams every 20 minutes Chinese Catholics have been subjected to "every kind of 'enand those wh() are' breaking ticement ... threats ... physical stones eyery 10 minutes. When wells are 'being' dug, supper is and moral. torture." The Pope COME IN SEE and DRIVE passed over and work continues warned that' the events·inChina on an empty stomach until 9;30 have "paved the way for a ,deplorable schism," 'every evening;" , '., " Pope John in the, same mes..,· Force Alliance -"The 'World's Most Beautifully, Proportioned Cars'" age urged the bishops of' th~ .But the Patriotic Association at world to prescribe "public acts remains the Reds' special instru- of prayer and penance" for the ment in their anti-Church cam- pe!,secuted Church in China. , paign. . , "We will not cease in our sup~ A'letterOreceived in Hong'Kong pliant prayers to ask God, to from a priest has pictured the deign to enlighten by His grace infamous .'indoctrination courses' , FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS the minds of those who have 'by which the communists' try to ,gone astray and, to strengthen' 1344-86 Purchase St. New' Bedford, Mass., force Catholics to give allegi-' the ~ills of all," he promise'd.

Facts of Faith

~~:I~.Of cha~ity







'::B'OWEN'5, , , "



:. S E;Q,U'JN, ...

F,urniture Store






Sports Chatt~· ,



Asserts Prog·am Needed to Guard Basic Rights

State Track Meet to Attract Record· Numbero'f Entrants, By Jack Kineayy


CHICAGO (NC) --; Many so-called "welfare state" prograD1S are needed to protect "the rights and freedoms of

The No. l)tem on the schoolboy agenda this weekend

is the mammoth indoor State Meet, Saturday,' at Boston Garden. A total of 1044 boys from 75 high schools will, compete in this the largest, if not the most colorful, of all interscholastie sports e x - first tiine around. travaganzas. Running trials Tournaments are scheduled to begin as At this point, it is a virtual . early as 9 :30 A.M. and the certainty that the County will

the individual," Senator Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota ball said, Government has a "right and duty·**to intervene when basic human welfare is at stake," Sen. McCarthy asserted' adding that "legislation is certainly defensible" when it is designed "to "provide fair and just treatment of workingmen, to iJlsure minimum wages, to lessen unemployment and to provide some income during times of unemployment, to protect the farmer against loss of bicome through depressed farm prices and crop failure." He stressed "a case' can be made for a measure of security against disabling accidents, sickness and .old age, and for legislation to assist families to obtain adequ'ate housing and' ~dequate education ,for their· 'childl-en " ",'lnadeqitale Programs' From this' point of view he said, U. S. Social welfare ialN are "well within limits and somewhat short of reasonable goals." . He said that governm~ntp~o­ gra~ ar;e minimal or,inadequate :,i,~s.ud1 fields, all" mirtimul'll ""agel!'fa~' employment pl'actices~ protection of m,igratory ,fann wOJ;kers, stabiliz?tion :,01 , the, farl,ll ,economy, ,housing, "sO(;ial, se~urity,; unemplOYment compensation and education.~ , ~~n. MC,Carthy also <lescribed ',as,' inadequate a' "tight 'l)1on~y'" prog,ram designed to combat in!latiop. by making it morediffi,.. . ~lilt to ~oq. qw l,lloney. ,; '( ,

final advent' of the day won't have three representatives Coyle, be concluded until"late after- Attleboro, and Vocational in Tech Tourney play. A fourth noon. school, Durfee, can, by winning Highley rethree of its five remaining garded entries gaines, qualify for Tech. If the frpm this area Hilltoppers succeed, it'll be their include the 15th consecutive appearance in Crimson of New post season play, Coyle will be Bedford, coachcompetil1g . in Tech for the first ed by the vettime. . teran, AI Bou, Narry standings were tightcher, Oliver ened, last week wh~m Dighton Ames 'of North upset Somerset, 59-57. The loss E a s to nand brought the Raiders back to the, Somer,set High. rest of the league. Dighton and The latter two squads finished Holy Family who 'will' be at second and third, respectively, homet<,l the Raiders Friday night in Class D last year. In Ed Meeat Kennedy Memorial Center, han, coach Val MuscatQ,of Ames, New, Bedford, entered t~e sechas the state's outstan4ing miler., Meehan" won the event' against, ond week of final round com'petition - just'one game off the EIGHTH IN NATION: The latest statistics released by unclassified competition in the pace. All three teams will qual- the, National As~ociation of Intercollegiate Athletics show B. A. ~. games,a couple of weeks ify for, Tech where Raiders adStonehill's Leo Denault, former Holy Family, New Bedford ago. vanced to the semi-finals beThe absence of John Silveira, i star, to be the eighth highest scorer in the land. for~:' beiJ,lg defeate,d, ,by "Oliver J. • . , • de.fenoing.. 1000"yard, champion, ::~mes "in, '58. .' will, be felt.'8.ppreciably 'bY.the 'New Bedford contingent. john ,Coach Val Muscato has, mo~nd­ , was ,primed, to ,make on' aIle-out : ,ed another ',fine team -at Ames. "assault on ~eexisting 1000 yard The North Easton quintet sufrecord this Whiter but, an ap- fered its, first loss, of the '59 i :~JIEFFIELD , (~c)" ~~ "The "commit. a fotil, yelling at'the pendectomy has ruled hini' out 'campaign last Friday, a 64-53 de- evil'of athleticism i~ our s~hpolsreferee; stomping and'acting like of all indoor competition. Coach "cision, to Sharon, The defeat is'doinj(a, disser:vice to,Ametican complete 'adolescents when , Bob: SimpSon's Somerset 'squad snapped an amazi'ng :63 ~'game Yblitli,",' '. Benedictin'e' Father things go against them?" has no outstanding' 'individual ,victory skein"for Ames<in rHOck- Bria:ri' Eglin'; )re~ident of St..' With s'uch direction he" ~id performer, but it has balance 'amock'Leagueplay. Ber~~dCollege jierein' Aia- ,itheir trainIng ainount~to Ii ro~ Another regular in, 'Class "C 'and experience'.' COllcord, perl:!ama, has declared. " mantic cult' of win ail anddo~'t ennial Class D titlist, is favored ..tourriey play' has qualified for "'The y~u~gcollege ,pres'ide~t be consiiiereq a',gentleipanif" it the: '59' competition scheduled,to to repeat. Rindge Tech, should addressing' Uie ':i\1usCIe '[ Sboal~ , ,meansJosing, 'and~under no ~i,r­ get underway the last week 'of rule the day in A. Management ,A ~ soc i at ion, cumstances-must you allow an Most of the schoolboys will this ,month. We refer' to Ware- charged that "the adults in ath- injustice, wh~ther deliberate or stay over for the B. A. A. Games ham which under the capable letics today"aie responsible for not, to go by unre"enged." APPRAISER Saturday night. Game officials guidance of coach Clem SpilREAL ESTATE Educational Core have brought to Boston the fin- ,lane is again leading the Old the disservice, Father Egan deDefending the role of the small est track talent in years and pre- Colony' League. The, Capeway elared: "What do you see the length liberal arts colleges, he stated meet prognosticators envision a school is undefeated, boasti~g an INSURANCE record breaking eve'ning. The 11-0,record. Highwater ,mark for and breadth of the land? Young that "we Americans are so anxWY 3-5762 mile and the high jump merit the season thus far was a 123-39 people come to college ready to ioWl to get tQe moon to keep it 136 Cornell St. learn good sportsmanship. By the' free that we are liable to lose particular attention. Going in victory over Rockland. New Bedford the jump "will be Boston Univer- , "Leo Denault, 5'10" co-captain time they have left' they have' our basic freedom as menbere sity freshman, :Job'n'; Thomas, of the' Stonehill Chieftains" cUr- "learned'to' he"baii"'sports 'and on ,earth.", ; " rently ranks eighth in the natio~ "immature bad sports at that. world indoor recor.d, holder. "We need to ,develop in ~ democratic society a'class of,·men in scoring according to statistics , Thom.as' Record Immature Idiots ,,' and women who ean enjoy:" a 'I'he l!1.ye'ar old Thomas upped released this week by the Na';; , "Take basketball, for e~ample. sonata' or a poem or a work of his own indoor mark to' 7 feet tional Association of Intercolin a spectacular duel with Olym- . legiate Athletics. The former ,'The natio'n~i 'open season' is on 'art, as well as men and women pic champion;' Chl\i'leY 'Dumas, Holy Family star owns an im- 'referees. All over the courttry who can push buttons to guide in thf; Millrose, Games in New ,pressive 24.7 p!'!r game aV,erage , the' probl~m is the'r17ferees, 'So missiles, or who can makemonYork last week. Ordinarily, ac- to lead ,the high-geared Chief- what if they arepocir? Iii this ey." tion' ,at Ute jumping pit is all tafn ,offense. The team, also 'any'justification for' coaches 'all . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " CHARLES F.VARGAS'; but overlooked. 'This wasn't the ranked eighth in NAIA standings, o~er, to act like hnmature Idiots an impressive 87.7 per. game ~n the Ilidelines, patting their 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ' case . ~t 'Milton 'Sq:uare ' Garden h~s average. ' " ,',',' ,:,' 'INSURANCE DOy'~ on' the ,back ~hentbey( NEW BEDFORD. MASS.. ' • Saturday night." ,Ov~r' 15,000 spectators stayed on long after ,New Rector APPRAISER all events, but the jump, had REALTOR been concluded. Thomas' world SUDBURY (NC)' - ,Father record leap was their reward. ',Emile Bouvier, S.J., has been OS 2-2000 The, world outdoor mark of named rector of the University Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharm. .7 feet 1.2 inches is held by Rus- of Sudbury here in Ontario. He 1320 No. MaiD 8&. DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM 'sian Yuri Stepanov. Thomas succeeds Father Alphonse RayFALL RIVER SUPPLIES failed three times to break 'it in mond, S.J. Father Bouvier for New York, but t~ere's' 'hardly several years was director of 204 ASHLEY BOULEVARD any doubt that barring unfore- 'the faculty of industrial relations 'New Bedford seen occurrences- and with" at" Georgetown University ifi' WY 3-8045 Thomas'improving all the time, 'Washington. ELECTRICAL the mark is short-lived. Wouldn't: ,. ~..;. ~ it be great if the young Rindge ,' - ' CONT~ACTORS FRANCIS J. Tech product could turn the: Bestdeotial - Commercltll trick before the home towns fans , 'Ind'llStrtal Saturday night? : You 6~a Broadway, faR Ri.,., , The Hunter 'Mile, ~lways a _ _ 690 PLEASANT STREEr OS 3-1691 feature of the B. A. A. Games WY 7-0746 brings together this year ram-,: bling Ron Delany of Ireland, Dan 'NEW' BEO~ORD, MASS. ' .. Waern, Belgium, and Brian Hew- : Insuranc~ Agency ; son of the British Isles. These , . jI men have turned in several. SU9 ',: 54 PLEASANT STREET : GENERAL 4-minute performances in out- ~ NORTH-ATTLEBORO ~ _ door competition. Delany" a • • INSURANCE former Olympic champion, was: TEL. MYrtte 9-8231 : graduated from Villanova where ' .J he is currently pursuing graduate studies. ,He's king of the in,.. -. , door milers and the man to 'The FolTI.ily That \: .' beat. Local tra~k savants look' .' ,Inc.': . for a record 4:02 indoor mile. P~~ys Together On the local interscholastic . Fabricators of basketball scene, attention will .' Stays Toge~her" WH'P~ID' be focused on 'the New' Bedford Structural Steel .' ,. Vocational-Coyle and AttleboroTHE and Voke games this week. The Trade, one game off the pace FIRST "NATIONAL Miscellaneous .Iron in the torrid Bristol County "BANK race, is in position to improve BREAD 753 Davol St., Fall Ri"... Attleboro-South AWebo... its title chances but they'll have leekonk , . OS 5-7471 to come through against the • two clubs that beat them ~

"lJen.edictine, C~lIege Ji~qd, 'Blam'es' Adults, ,f.~~,E:~il:ofAthletici,srn

Jomes F. OINe;lI,






' . 'ct/II' ~~1="

Gilbert C. Oliveira

JANSON'S Pharmacy



















,101 fuick deHvery 01


••• then 'io~n t~e




" ,



_TEST TUBES AND TRACTORS: A wide varietyef activities engage Jroly Cross Brothers, priests and seminarians. At left, Mr. Bartley McFad.:. den, seminarian from Donegal, 'Ireland, deIUonstrate~ chemistry experi,ment in the·Stonehill College laboratory. Center _left, seminarians Mr. James Lackenmier, Mr. Edward Napieralski, Mr. Gerard Pardis and ,Mr.·

Spiritual Retreat Is Urgent Need ~Of Mo'dern Age'

Frederick Floyd, left to right, get in a little study in front of their new seminary building, being 'erected on the grounds of the Holy Cross Fathers Seminary, North Easton. Center right, Brother Oswald Rumrill operates a tractor at H9ly Cross Mission House, North Dartmouth. On the right, R,ev. Marc.ll:ebert explains a fine point'to Storiehiltfootball players.

Congregation of ',Holg Cross Has ,College, Seminary in·'.Diocese

Most Holy Sacrament Nun Living Legend'

LAFA,YETTE (NC) - Sister Mary Fides, 98-year-old nun' is somewhat of a ,living legend at , CINCINNATI (NC)-'- No Family spirit permeates the Congregation of ,the Holy' Cross. Fourided 'in France in the' motherhouse of the Most Holy Sacrament Sisters here in : age in history'has needed the 1837 by Father Basil Moreau, the community seeks to imitate the Holy Family. Priests do Louisiana. " retreat movement more than ~ , the present one needs it, the work of Christ, Brothers that of St. Joseph, and Sisters that of Mary. c, Now in the 83rd year of her religious life, she is the oldest Msgr. ,Patrick J. Ryan" retinid Lay people, too, belong to the Congregation,. organized into.?the Associate· Family member' of her 'community. , Chief of the U. S. ArtnyChap~ the Holy Cross Fathers. In, brickwalled "community ceme-·, Brothers make ~ postulancy Although she is bedridden she isins, asserted here. . D ' tery, at present unique in having of" m th t ' t thumbs her Rosary much of the He, addressed the, 23rd annual' thiS iocese Family h e a d -·, I SlX ~n, s 0 one year a '. 't' at St J h' no occupants. The seminary was North Easton, then go to Ver- day. She still enjoys singing. dinner of· the Men of Milford,. an qual' ers are " osep S originally a cow barn, the pres- mont, f~r their novitiate. They A native of Haut-Rhin iii eastorganization whose members, Hall, North Dartmouth. Here ent chapel a storage area for hay. are then given work assignments. ern· France,' she observed the ~ make closed retreats at the Jes- ;. about ,-200 members meet to Here, as in Beth~ehem, Our Lord Many Activities 75th anniversary of her religious . uit retreat house in Milford. ,'participate in sponsorship' 'of caine to a' stable. But this stable Asked to indicate what he' man,y Holy Cross pro]' ects.. , B r o t h e r s ' activities are vario!1 s , life in 1951. She has been at the 'd d th t' t t has been transformed by hard ranging from maintenance' work motherhouse since ,1953. cons I ere e mos Impor an Although there are Associate ' work' into • livable though· to keeping of accounts. SomeNot content· with taking part ~ing he d.id durif.lg hi~ tour of Famil,ies where'tler Holy 'Cross· cramped quarters for seminar-' . , ' '4uty as ,Chlef of Chaplams, Msgr. Fathers are found members in . times one person does both, like - iJ.l the comlllunity life of prayer, "I Id' I " ians, priests and' brothers. Brother Oswald, Rumrill, whom . she tried to be of help arou'nd d a.yan Is t a te, . wou. say' p an- New Bedford have a unique venA, new building r',I'sl'ng nearby . ;h' d bI' h we met at 'the' North Dartmouth the motherhouse.. While picking Ding, aunc mg an, esta .1S ing ture, a Thrjft Shop whose pro- is t.he, beginning of'wha,t will be ' ' tile retreat movement 10 the d ' , ' n . ", ' Missio. ~', House. Heke~,ps, DO,th pears,at the age of ,95, she fell ~~:~i~';: to the support of" sem-, , a adequate semmary plant. It s, lawns and 'account books in trim. and cracked her, hip and hal Ai:my." , rh~ .I;lrelate, JVho is.n9wexec.,.: In the F'allRiv~r Di9ceSe,Holy." ~od.ern,'! say the"Fath~rs of ~he 'NorttiDartmouth, Brother Os- been·. .bedridden since; '- .. -,. Mive ':Ice preslden.t of th:,Cath- . Cross Fathers and,Brothers op- semmary to be, but..~ot crazy :'wald'told"us,isheadquartersfor, otic Dlges.tmagazme, s~ud that '. 'erate Holy Cross Mission House.' ?,odern.,Y?~,can, tell It s,a se~~. 12 prie~'ts and ·three brothers., the h t th I ' 1O~r~-not' a' motel, ,hotel ~:' The prrests however are seldom 'BEFORE YOt) , rus I?, 0 e, 'nuc el;lr area 'in North' Dartmouth, next! door ' cookle factory" ' , ' ,,' " , threatens, ,a breakup. of' t~e ,to St. Joseph's Hall. Stonehill '" there, since they are available BUY - TRY psyche and the destrucbo? of the 'College, only, Catholic college in But. for .thepresent _the cow. for' missions anywhere on ,the we l balance,. ?etwe"en the .p~Ylcal and the, Diocese" and th,e Holy 'Cross .b~~nt dIS 'tSblt . heakd~tuharters. h . Atlantic seaboard. St. Joseph's the t I H d h f It VISl e 1 s l~y lC. e~ were, Hail, alarge .lawn's breadth from , ,spm ua .. e 'sa~ . ~' eFath~rs. 'Seminary (formerly, Brother. JosephM9rns performs. 'the Mission House' houses, A" 0';" thatther~medYfor"thls IS some Pius X Seminary) are located in d'l . 1 f f d' 70 ,ss 80rt of withdrawal., . North Easton. a al y :'Illrac e~ ee mg . ,men ciate .Family headquarters oper.,. ,"Some seek refuge m"mental ' " , three ~lme~, We ~a.w the hbrary. ated by'Rev.•Philip M.Kelly~ OLDSMOBILE . ablivion," he continued. "Others Honored Guest , adorned ~lth str.lkmg -yan ,Gogh , Like that.of;a family, the' work, seek es'cape 'from 'their cares and' Recently ,we visited all the and , UtrI~la' repro~u,ctlons, .and of the 'Congregation of'the"Hbly' Ilenault. - P~ugeot, -' Simea.' 6'i Middle 'Street, Fairhaven: responsiblities' in alcohol ,and ,Holy Cross institutions. From· we pa~sed .do~~ a lo,ng,c~rr~~~,. ,Cross'is,varied; with 'much for" dope. Stjll others do so by com-, North Easton to - North Dart-, of semmaqans rooms, once cow- every member to do. Ybung men mitting, suicide." " mouth, "from Stonehill to the stalls. '. interested in further information', , 'Method of Withdrawal mission house, the, spirit was the S~veral delayed. voca.tlOlls are about" the community may visit; But a retreat ,offers a "totally same. We felt li!te t,he hono~ed among th~ curr~nt semmary en- .. the seminary. at North Easton or, I:8tional" method of withdrawal guest of: a large and lovmg rollme~t, mcludmg veterans and. - write to' the Vocational Director, . Msgr. 'Ryan declared. He, de~- family. profe~slOnal men. There Is·a. Rev. Gerald Conmy C.S:C. Holy . Negro student, Mr. George Mc, '. ' 9Cl'ibed a religious retreat as "an FIrst stop was Stonehill Col-, -D Id th . .t ' . Cross Fathers Semmary, North intellectual and emotional pro- lege where Rev. James J. Doyle, ouga, e commUDl y s ac- Easton " ,"For Your Protedion cess • . . which .strips the mind dean, showed us its ,885 acres. knowledged Latin scholar. Much' . Buy From and the body of temporal con- The former Frederick Lothrop of' his free time is' devoted to' ",~',":"'~>.~~fA;.~~... ""."'.;-:::-,~,R~E~~R'=E~",.-Gems in ,order to concentrate on. Ames' estate, the. Holy 'Cross helping fellow seminarians with' ~~.-, .P,ERFECTION N the ultimate, the eternaL" He Fathers ,used it as 'a, sem- intricacies construction and' '£J ,.:I. 132 Rockdale Ave. d~lared that it is "a ,gathering, , inary from 1935 to 1948, whEm grammar., ' New Bedtord of' $trength in prayer 'for 'meeting , the seminary was moved, to a 'From' Dioeelle " , ,Where and How :\ the problems in the' battle Of form~r farm on the same,grounds In the office of Rev. Roger P. . ' . 8endSUiO for Booklet " 'NY 5-7947 life." and the college was opened. The Quilty, seminary superior, we SUNSHINE WAYS. INC. . __ "Retreatants joyously ,partici- Fathers, however, came' to the met two students from-the Dio- . 80'. liS. Ortega • :l•• 10. Fl.: . pate in a program of spiritual Diocese in '1933, being located .cese, Mr. Henry Bourgeois;'<son ' exercises, destined to aid their at the North Dartmouth house of Mr. arid Mrs. Vital J. Bourself-appraisal,"/he stated. "The for their first two years. ,geois, St. Jacques paris~, Taun-' Atterit;o~ fruits of this are a renewed-sense All their houses share the ton; and Mr. Michael Valente, al. purpose, of. dignity, of. reso- blessing of beauty, set among son of Lt.' Col. (ret.) and Mrs. ~ ,Do'You Work ina Factory, lution, and of resignation . to fields, woods and hills, surround- Abel A. Valerit~, St. James', New G~rage, Machine Shop or God's holy will." , ings conducive to prayer and -Bedford: The Father Provincial . Gasoline Station? Charles H. Keating, Jr., f~)Und- study. Stonehill is a day college, .of this, area, Rev. George De. er of the Citizens for Decent Lit- although plans call for future Prizio, is from 'Mansfield.. We' pick up and delivet'. clean erature, was installed as presi- dormitory accommodatiolls. Its 'Candidates for the Congregaand repair overalls. Also, we have dent of the Men of Milford. widely scattered buildings ne'tion may, become ,brothers or. , a complete line ot Coveralls. Pants cessitate a ten minute break be'- priests. Priests take two' years of' and Shirts' for sale. Hew Minor Seminary , tween ciasses and freshmen are college training at the North W,e reclaim and wash any oily. warned that winters are "10 Easton seminary, then spend a Planned ,on Forinosa' degrees colder than anywhere year's novitiate at BenningtOn, dirty .or greasy rags. ' V t . They return for two years' 'TAICHUNG (N'C)-Plans.have else in the world'." Why Buy When We Supply Beginning as a men's 'college, 'to North Easton,thEm 'spend four been completed for a new minor , . Stonehill admitted women 'in years at, Hply Cross Colleg~, seminary with a 'capaCity. of 120 students-the largest of its kind 1951. Since then, romance has Washington, D. C.; an affiliate of Catholic University. ThEw may on , Formosa., Construction will' been a regular campus visitor. Empty- Cemetery' be assigned to any of the Eaststart shortly. The seminary will A pleasant walk from; the 'col- ·ern, Province houses or ',to misbe st~ffed by members of ,the , .. . Congregation of·the Immaculate lege lies the Holy Cross Semin- sions in Pakistan,' Africa or' ZrRoward Ave.. New Bedford bo1Nl WY 9..:6424 or' WY 9-6425 • P Chile. . ' Heart o'f Mary (Scheut Fathers). al'y. To reach it you' pass the ~









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The Anchor Is the



~n ,S,outheas·tern


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