t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO. 5
20c, $6 Per Year
Eyes of faith
By Bishop
F. Gaughan
Honorary President, Catholic Press Assn.
Bishops elect Father Hoye
Father Daniel F. Hoye, 36, a Taunton native and since 1978 associate general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Confer ence, has been chosen the new general secretary of the twin organizations. He is the young est priest ever to hold the post. His five-year appointJDent, ef fective immediately, was an nounced Tuesday by Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minne apolis, president of the NCCB/ USCC. Father Hoye, a priest of the Fall River diocese, succeeds Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly, who has been named to head' the archdiocese of Louisville, Ky; The general secretary is chief administrative officer for NCCB/ USCC. NCCB is a strictly ecclesi astical body through which the American bishops act as pastors of the church. It sponsors USCC,
a civil corporation through which the bishops and other church members act on a wider scale on behalf of· both the church and society.
Family elated Hoye rhymes with joy these days for the family of Father Daniel Francis Hoye, newly named general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Confer ence. And there are plenty of joyous Hoyes. The new secretary is one of nine children, eight boys and one girl, and at last count had 14 nephews and nieces. Two brothers, Charles and Stephen, practice dentistry in Taunton. David and William do the same in East Douglas and Turn to Page Six
Father Hoye was selected in a mail vote by the 48 bishops on the organizations' steering com mittee. The general secretary's initial term can be extended on a yearly basis. Born in Taunton Jan. 18, 1946, the son of Virginia and the late Dr. Charles E. Hoye, Father Hoye is one of nine children, of whom eight are living. He was educated at St. Mary's Grammar School and Msgr. Coyle High School, both in Taunton. After studying for the priest hood at St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, Conn., and St. John's Seminary, Brighton, he was or· dained May 13, 1972. by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. He served as associate pastor in St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, and at St. Mary's parish, Norton, be. fore being assigned to studies at the Catholic University of AmTurn to Page Seven
The Catholic press has chosen for its February 1982 observance of Catholic Press Month the theme: "See the world through the eyes of faith." The question immediately comes to mind: Does this mean to see the world as it realIy is, or to see the reality behind the real: God, Jesus, His Son, and their Spirit Who "over the bent world broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings" (as the Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins puts it). One thing is certain, it does not mean to see the world through rose-colored glasses. Some, even Catholic leaders, would have the Catholic press do just that: paint lovely pictures, telI warm stories, hide the sins, faults and failings of humans. Nor does it indicate we are to see the world distorted as if by amusement park mirrors. There is a brand of journal ism, mostly secular, sometimes "religious," which believes the function of the press is to show the warts, the mean ness, the nasty contrivances that arise when men pursue private enterprises for power or fiscal gain. In short, they want to depict a world without redemption and man steep ed in sin. What about those over-zealous souls who ask the Catholic press to telI the story of humans as if they were angels, to concentrate on the miraculous to the point of unreality? These want "blind" faith, which is without man's reason, his intelligence, his talents. Even those who want the Catholic press to portray the world in monochromes - blacks and whites with no in-between shadings - demand that we deny the Gospel. They have falIen prey to a very ancient heresy which held that Jesus never became a real man. But Christ did; and when He embraced our creature-state, He gave us reason to believe it. He still invites disciples to utilize human skill to the utmost, to discover all they can about God's world and creation. This is where the Catholic press can truly shine. It speaks the real about the world that God so loved as to send it His Son. It telIs the truth about man, made by God, falIen into sin, redeemed by Christ's passion and death. It speaks hopefulfy of human struggles and tribulations, for they are seen in the light of the Resurrection. Catholic papers, journals, newsletters, magaznes telI the truth about the Church: it is made up of human beings; it is not God but it is the instrument of Christ, its Head. It shows life's great moments transformed by Christ's coming to become our sacraments: birth, growth, nourish ment, marriage, healing, worship; ][t does alI this and more when it invites us to find beneath the appearances of the world the permanent, the lasting. We must be warned: the world "which did not receive Him" is not impressed. It asks us to pay our way, to prove our message. We are calIed to sacrifice, to face hardship in telling that story week after week. The Catholic press always needs the support and encouragement which only Catholics can give. It needs it more than ever.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~'::Fri.,· Feb'. 5, 19821 I I I I I
Archbishop to withhold taxes in· nuclear protest
SEATILE (NC) - Archbishop dividual come to his or her own Raymond G. Hunthausen of Se· .decision on what should be done attle has announced that he will to meet the nuclear arms chal lenge." . withhold 50· percellt of his fed Citing a previous pastoral let eral income taxes as "a means of ter he wrote on the subject, protesting our natiol)'s continu ing involvement in the race for Archbishop Hunthausen stated that certain laws may be peace nuclear arms supremacy." " . fully disobeyed under serious The archbishop's announce conditions, and that there may ment, in the form of a pastoral be times "when disobedience letter. came seven months after he suggested to delegates to the may be an obligation of con cience." Pacific Northwest Synod Convo "I believe," he said, "that the cation of the Lutheran Church in America last June that one present issue is as serious as any possible non·violent form of the world has faced. The very Christian resistance to "nuclear exist~nce of humanity is at murder and suicide" would be to stake." What he hopes his words and refuse to pay 50 percent of one's actions will do, the archbishop federal income taxes. In his letter, released in the continued, is "to awaken those Jan. 28 issue of his archdiocesan who have come to accept without thinking the continuation of the newspaper, the Catholic North west Progress, the archbishop arms race, to stir even those who stated that he is "aware that disagree with me to find a better path than the one we now fol this action will provoke a vari ety of responses," but urged all low, to .encourage all to put in persons to "continue to discuss first place not the production of this nuclear arms issue in a spirit arms but the production of , of mutual openness and charity." peace." He also said that was not sug The federal income tax which gesting that all who agree with he Withholds, the archbishop his peace and disarmament views said, will be deposited in a fund should imitate his action of in to be used for charitable' pur come tax withholding. poses. "I recognize," he said, "that . Archbishop Hunthausen" 60, some who agree with me in their did not reveal how much fe(Ieral hearts find it practically impossi tax he usually pays. ble to run the risk of withholding In' addition to having his as taxes because of their obliga sets attached to pay the taxes tions to those personally depend. and interest or penalities' on, ent upon them. Moreover, I see them, the archbishop could face little value' in imitating what I ' up to five years in prison, and am doing simply because I am $10,000 in fines for each year doing it. I prefer that each in· that he refuses to pay.
Apri. 2 - 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, MOST REVEREND DANIEL A. CRONIN Fall River Feb. 26 - 7:00 P.M. ,St. Anthony, Fal~ River St. Mary's, New Bedford . April 12 - 7:00 P.M. Feb. 27 - 5:00 P.M. Coast Guard, OtiS April 7:00 'P.M. 23 Our Lady of the Cape, Air Base . Brewster 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, I March 2 April 26 - 7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, I
North Easton Central Village 7:00 P.M. Holy Family, I March 15 May 7:00 P.M. 3 Our Lady of the As East Taunton I
sumption, Osterville ; March 19 • 7:00 P.M. St. John of God, May 5 - 3:00 P.M. Our Lady of the Isle, I Somerset Nantucket .St. Margaret, '7:00' P.M. I, March 22 St. Patrick, Fall River May 7 - 7:00 P.M. Buzzards Bay St. 7:00 P.M. 10 May Joan of Arc, : Marc~ 25 - 7:00 P.M. St. Ann, Raynham Orleans , St. Theresa, March 28· 3:00 PM. I May 14 7:00P.M. St. Stanislaus, Fall River South Attleboro May 17 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Fall River \March 31 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, St. Joseph, St. May 21 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Falmouth Paul and Immaculate I May 24 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony, Conception, Taunton, East falmouth and' St. Joseph, North May 28 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Redeemer, Dighton at St. Mary, Chatham Taunton , June St. Francis Xavier, 7:00 P.M. 4 1 - 7:00 P.M. ·St. Bernard, Assonet, 'April Acushnet 2 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of the As :April June 7 - 7:00 P.M. St. Jacques, Taunton sumption, New Bed~ord I 5 - 7:00 P.M. 'S1. Mary's Cathedral, [APril REV. MSGR. JOHN J. REGAN, V.E. St. Mathieu, St. Roch, I
St. Vincent's Home' at 11 • 7:00 P.M. Santo Christo, Feb. I
the Cathedral Fall River ~pril 16 - 7:00 P.M. ,St. Mary, March 22 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Fatima, South Dartmouth Swansea ~Pril 18 - 7:00 P.M. St. Louis de France, St. William, Fall River March 29 - 7:00 P.M. i Swansea March 31 - 7:00 P.M. SS. Peter & Paul, 'April 25 - 3:00 P.M. Holy Trinity, Fall River I West Harwich April 16 - 7:00 P.M. St. Jean the Baptiste, 'April 29 - 7:00 P.M. St. Pius Tenth, Fall River \
South Yarmouth April 25 - 11 :00 A.M. St. Joseph, Fall River May 4.. 7:00 P.M. St. George, Westport April 28 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Name, Fall River :May 6 - 7:00. P.M. St. Mary, Seekonk' April 30 - 7:00 P.M. Blessed Sacrament, May 7 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Taunton Fall River ":~ay 11 - 6: 00 P.M. Corpus Christi, May 3 - 7:00 P.M. St. Elizabeth, Fall River Sandwich (1) I May 10 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Health, Corpus Christi, ! 7:30 P.M. Fall River Sandwich (2) I May 15 - 10:00 A.M. St. Patrick, Somerset lVIay 12 - . 3:00 P.M. St. Augustine, Sacred Group I I Heart and .St. Eliza· 1:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Somerset, beth's at St. Elizabeth's, Group II I Edgartown May 17 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Fairhaven DETROIT (NC) - The Detroit Church Province of Nortfi May 13 - 7:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier, 22 • 7:00 P.M. St. Francis of Assisi, May Archdiocese has cautioned priests America, told NC News he mail Hyannis i. New Bedford not to donate or sell religious ed' "several thousand letters" in I.'~ay 14 - 7:00 P.M., St. John, Pocasset May 27 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Name, vessels to a group called the December to Catholic pas~ors l.\~ay 15 - 5:;30 P.M. St. James, New Bedford New Bedford Mariavite Old Catholic Church, around the United States. The May 16 - 1:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, May 30 - 7:00 P.M. St. Thomas More, which has asked Catholic pastors letter requested donations' of· I New Bedford , Somers~t around the country for donations "old-style" sacred vessels, Mass May. 18 - 7:00P.M., Sacred Heart, Attleboro June 1 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Grace, vestments and altar linens that May 24, -, 7:00 P.M. St.' Mary, Norton of such articles. Westport ' A note in the archdiocesan" have been replaced by' more May 27 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mark, 'modern articles. ,, I Attleboro Falls newsletter to priests recommend VERY REV~ JOHN J. SMITH, V.E. 'ed against such donations and Zaborowski, 36, a resident of Nay 28· 7:00 P.M. St. John, Attleboro pointed out that the Mariavite Wyandotte, Mich., said about a ~Iay 30· 11:30 A.M. St. Mary's Cathedral ' March 24 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Cross, Old Catholic Church has no af dozen priests have sent religipus South Easton l<Adults) filiation with the Catholic articles. March 28 - 3:00 P.M. St. Michael, REV. MSGR. LUIZ G. MENDONCA, V:G. Ocean Grove Zaborowski said he was origin Church, said Father Patrick Half March 16 - '7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, April 1 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Mansfield penny, Detroit archdiocesan di ally a Roman Catholic who con : • New Bedford April 13 • 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Attleboro rector of communications. verted to Old Catholicism be A,pril 18 - . NOON St. Lawrence, April 16 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Robert Zaborowski, who de cause he "had clashes with the . New Bedford New Bedford scribes himself as the archbishop clergy in the Catholic Church." A1Pril 20· 7:00 P.M. St. Stephen, Attleboro St. Casimir at St. Joseph of the Mariavite Old Catholic Espirito Santo, Fall River April 27· 7:00 P.M. April 18 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, April 29 - 7:00 P.M.' St., Anne, Fall River North Attleboro May 6 - 7:00 P.M. Notre Dame, Fall River April 2i - 7:00 P.M. Holy Cross, Fall River St. Anne, New Bedford M1ay 11 - 7:00 P.M. April' 23 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony, Taunton St. Michael, Fall River May 13 - 7:00 P.M. l April 26 - 7:00 P.M. St. Julie's, St. Theresa, \ May 18 - 7:00 P.M. Year Books Color Process North Dartmouth New Bedford I April 28 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Mount Brochures Booklets May 23 - 10:30 A.M. St. Anthony, Carmel, Seekonk I New Bedford April 30 - 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Wareham May 25· 7:00 P.M. Mt. Carmel, 7 • ~:OO P.M. St. Anthony May I New Bedford Mattapoisett I REV. MSGRo HENRY T. MUNROE, V.E. May 12 • 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford M:~rch 8 - 6:30 P.M. St. Peter's,
OFF 5 ET - PRINTERS - LmERPRESS May 17 - 7:00 P.M. I Provincetown
Holy Ghost, Attleboro May. 21 - 7:00 P.M. I Our Lady of Lourdes;
St. Mary, Fairhaven 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421' May 24 • 7:00 P.M. St. Peter, Dighton Welifleet, at St. Peter's
New Bedford, Mass. May 26 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Lourdes, March 26 - 7:00 P.M. .our Lady of Victory,
, . Centerville Taunton , , ", , , .
Caution issued
American Press,
.. _,.,
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese 01 fall River·-Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest ,weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated ]00,000 actual readers.
A I ,
The Edrnundite Apostolate Center located on Enders
Island is a retreat center situated off the waters' of
Mystic, Connecticut.
Some of the programs that willl be offered are:
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FEBRUARY 26 - 28 MARRIED COUPLES' RETREAT MARCH 19-21 LENTEN RETREAT - As a preparation for the Easter Mystery. APRIL 23 - 25 ;WOMEN'S RETREAT A relaxedp Rflective week end.
AT BISHOP CONNOLLY HIGH SCHOOL meeting of Jesuit educators, from left, Rev. James C. O'Brien, SJ, provincial director of secondary education; Rev. John' Foley, SJ, rector of Connolly Jesuit community; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Rev. Edward O'Flah . erty, SJ, head of New England Jesuit province. (Torchia Photo)
Jesuit educators meet at Connolly In recognition of his support of Jesuit education, Bishop Dan iel A. Cronin. was presented last Friday with a relic of St. John Neumann, a fo~nder of Ameri can Catholic schools. The award came at the close
Sr. M. Mathieu Funeral services were held Jan. 22 at St. Anne's Church, Fall
River, for Sister Marie Mathieu. OP, 84, who died Jan. 19. A Fall River native, she was born lame and doctors told her parents she would never walk, Her family believed she was ,cured through the intercession of St. Anne, at whose shrine in St. -Anne's parish her mother worked for many years. The daughter of the late Jo seph and Anna (Cote) Dutil was professed as a member of the Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena in 1920. A graduate of St. Michael's CoIlege, Winooski, Vt., she taught in Plattsburgh, N.Y., for 25 years and was superior there for three years. In the Fan River diocese she was principal and a teacher at St. Anne's School, Fall River, and St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet. She was also on the facuIty of Dominican Academy, Fan River, for eight years. She is survived by a brother, Amedee Dutil of Wakefield, R.I., and several nephews and nieces.
of a study day for Jesuit secon dary school educators from throughout New England. Held at Bishop ConnoIly High School, Fall River, it brought together some 150 Jesuit priests, schol astics and "brothers responsible for over 3,000 students in four New England Jesuit high schools. The educators heard addresses by Rev. Edward O'Flaherty, SJ, Jesuit provincial, on the schools' thrust towards service to the poor and marginalized; and Rev. Howard Gray, SJ, dean desig nate of Weston School of Theolo gy, Cambridge, on the role of U~e apostolic community in Jesuit education. . The day closed with a Mass of thanksgiving with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, himself a graduate of Jesuit-operated Boston CoIlege High School, as principal con celebrant. At a foIlowing dinner, Rev. James C. O'Brien, SJ, former ConnoIly principal and now pro vincial director of secondary
education, presented community service program citations to di~ rectors of Fairfield Preparatory, Boston CoIlege, Bishop Cheverus and 'Bishop Connolly high' schools. Acc~pting the award for Connolly was Rev. Paul Carrier, SJ. " Distinguished service awards from the National Office of Jes uit Education went to Rev. Jo oseph Pomeroy, SJ, and Rev. Whitney Sullivan, SJ.
Individual Directed - Guided - Private Retreats are available throughout the year. Arrangements can be made to accommodate your situation. For further i~ormation and 8r brochure Contact: Fr. Paul McQuillen, S.S.E. Edmundite Apostolate Center Enders Island Mystic, Ct. 063S5 Or phone: (203) 536-0565 I
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Bishop Cronin has approved ~ ~ the proposal submitted by Very Reverend Marion M. Tolczyk, OFM Conv., Provincial Minister ~ NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER ATTLEBORO CAPE COD ~ 398 COUNTY S1. 783 SlADE ST. 32·34 SANFORD ST. 1441 RTE. 132 ~ of the Franciscan Fathers of St. tt 997·7337 P.O. Box M - So. Sta. P.O. BOX 971 CENTERVILLE ~ Anthony of Padua Province, and .~ 674-4681 228-4780 771-6771 ~ has appointed Rev. Joachim" ~ ~ REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director ~ Dembeck, OFM, Conv., as assis tant at Holy Cross parish, Fan .~'W'.'W'.'W'.'W' ...'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.~.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'.'W'1~
River, effective Feb. 3. Father Dembeck, whose most recent assignment has been at • 4'0 Faunll:e Com... Rd., No. Dartmouth St. Josep~ Parish, Peabody, will replace Father Xavier Nawrocki. fl Athley Blvd. Corner of Nash Rd., N.B OFM, Conv., who will be under fJ No. Main Street, Providence, R.I. taking new duties as pastor of St. Anne parish, Davidsville, Pa.
Best Portion "The best portion of a good man's life is his' little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love." - Wordsworth THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-ll20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the , week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
the moorins.-, Another F~ather in Our Cap To some, the diocese of Fall River 'is a, little territory tucked away in southeastern Massachusetts. Others might, know it as "the,Cape diocese" and yet others as a collection, of old mill towns. Each description possesses the proverbial grain of truth. ' , But the di~cese is much more than the sum of its parts; Fall River has always been a people dioce~e, ready to go beyond its own borders to serve the needs of the greater church. During its history, the diocese has made some ndtable, contrbutions to the church. When thinking of pioneer missionaries, three outstanding Maryknoll priests come to mind: Father John Considine of the fam'ous "Field' Afar" days, Bishop Frederick Donaghy, who ,served in 'China and is now in Taiwan and Bishop Joseph -Regan, still work ing in the Philippines. Three' other notable prelates left this diocese to serve the church in' the Midwest: the late Archbishop William Brady of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Msgr. Francis Gilligan" still active in that archdiocese and of courSe our own re tired Bishop James Connolly who returned from St. Paul as the fourth bishop of this diocese..' _ In more recent days, priests of the diocese who left to serVe in notable positions are Cardinal Humberto Med eiros, Archbishop of Boston, and Bishop Joseph Delaney!of Fort Worth, Texas. Now another flame has been added to the diocesan list, that of Father Daniel Hoye. As annou~ced earlier this week, Father Hoye has been named general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United ~tates Catholic Confer ence, a position which places him in the mainstr~am of . church activity in the United States as basically the. bishops' executive "deck officer.'" fl.', : ' The NCCB, it should be remembered, is strictly an ecclesiastical body through which the bishops of the country act pastorally. This organization, in turn,sponsors the USCC which is in fact a civil entity througl}· which the bishops together with other members of the church act on a national level on behalf of both the church and society. , From· the above, it is obvious that Father -Hoye as sumes a very great responsibility. However, to his credit, he is well equil?ped to face his new challenges. He poss esses both talent and the ability to use it, a combination he will need in the work ahead of him. . But if one were to single out a specific characteristi~ sure to be a hallmark of his administration, it would be his ·love for the church. His days in the Fall River diocese, both in parish sei'Vice and in the,marriage' tribunal, were . ,penneated with the, pastoral perceptiveness of a true churchman. ' , We are proud of the national recognition that has come to one of our sons! All who know Father Hoye ~cho the sentiments expressed by Bishop 'Cronin in his message of felicitations. The bishop declared his delight that this "competent, dedicated .priest has been selected for this important office." Also with the bispop, we pray "that Almighty God will bless Father Hoye in the exercise of his labors now and in the years. that lie' ahead."
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'How lovely arethytaberntJcles, 0 lord of hosts!' Ps. 83:2
By Father Kevin J. H~gbm
The, birth of Elizabeth Carr thr'ough the use of in vitro fer tili:l~ation has brought to the fore fro:nt a series of ethical ques tions that warrant serious con sid.~ratiori. Just as artificial con trac:eption makes it possible to have sex without babies, so arti ,ficial conception can provide babies without normal sex. Since the. birth of baby Lou ise IBrown in. 1978, a growing con:iensus cqnsiders any human intervention assisting concep tion las an absolute good. Q~estions must be raised be forel such interventions become com~on and not a rare excep tion,1 n~e so-called test-tube baby pher,omerton is very rare but other methods of assisting pro creahon are more usual. Most , comlinon is the artificial insemin ·atiorl, of women by a/third-party 'l donors, usually because the wo men'~ hus~ands or partners are infertile. Some 20,000 U.S. ba bies :a year owe their existence OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF. THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER to sl~rrogate fathers.' Since the Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River: identity of male donors is kept anonymous and ~ince one donor 410 Highland Avenue
make's repeated donations, there Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
is th:e possibility of incest by PUBLISHER
child1ren who, unknown to them Most Rev. DanielA. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. selve:;, were begotten by the EDITOR' . FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR same Ifather. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan Rev. John F. Moore, Le~ts . common but more ~ leary Press-fall River
. ....._---~------------------
test-tube babies
less than perfect zygote have troublesome is the use of surro gate mothers. A child conceived been implanted in the womb of by artificial insemi~ation of a Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Carr? Yet woman not the wife of the donor the church considers experi is surrendered to the husband mentation with a zygote morally and his' wife after it is carried repugnant. to term by its surrogate mother. :for better or worse, we live Obviously, a woman who carries in a moral climate condoning a a child in her body for nine mentality that sanctions as pro months only to give it away can gress anything that gives people be much more, traumatized than more control over their lives. It a male who donates a sperm is the ultimate paradox that on sample. the one hand such extraordinary Does such a procedure reduce procedures have been developed a woman to a mere machine of to assist nature in the repro reproduction? Is technology an ductive process, while on the aid to achieving procreation or other, millions of women under is it more an intrusion into the go abortions and use artificial reproductive process and an im contraception to avoid coopera pedient to the 'intefpersonal re ting with that same nature in lationship of husband and wife? bringing children into the world. Many.people would argue that Technological developments with proper safeguards, many of have outstripped our moral de the problems encountered by the velopment. We should realize new "baby-making" technology that just because something is can be overcome. However, in . technologically possible, it does the case of- the test-tube zy not mean that it should be done. gote, there are' more problems The sophistication of both our encountered than with the use war-making and baby-making of either surrogate fathers or procedures gives too much mothers. ' power to men and women who ,According to church. teaching, have proved incapable of using it a zygote is a human person from responsibly. the moment of .conception. Nature has a secret wisdom Would Louise Brown or Eliza that we should better under beth Carr be alive today had sci stand before we dllre to play entists determined that from the God and trifle with the unwar moment of conception Ii genetic ranted destruction of the natural disorder had existed? Would a order.
In' Maureen is like many women today. She married .for better or for worse at a High Mass with a nuptial blessing. She's a loving mother of five well-adjusted children and has a husband who works hard to support the family. As the song goes, "Who could ask for anything more?" Well, Maureen could. She's joined the legions of men and women who say to themselves daily, "There's got to be more to life than this." She's feeling the familiar symptoms of bteakout leading to outside job or college and feeling guilty for wanting this. ' '~I know I should be satisfied," she says. "I have a nice home, good kids and a husband who works hard." She paused and sipped her coffee. When she con tinued, her voice had! a note of pleading, despair and anger. '~But that's just the point. He's got his work. When he .comes home, he watches TV. He doesn't have anything to talk to me about.' I don't feel I can ask him to be Interesting just to make me happy. But when I think of the long years ahead, with just him and me and the dog, I just can't stand it." Maureen articulates an in increasingly common phenom0
School raCISm church-state issue of the extent to which government can decide which religious practices are ac~ ceptabte and which are not. Take for instance Bob Jones University, the Greenville, S.C., fundamentalist school which lost its tax exemption a decade ago because it would not admit • blacks. Though it now has blacks enrolled, it does not al low interracial dating because, it says, the Bible prohibits mix ing of the races. The Internal Revenue Service contended that Bob Jones was ineligible for the tax exemption because its violation of accepted public policy norms on racial discrimination outweighed its claim that it had the First Amen ment right to follow its religious beliefs. To some, the Bob Jones case conjures up nightmarish possi bilities: - If abortion were to become even more widely accepted in public policy than it is now, one attorney has argued, what would stop the IRS from removing _the exemption of Catholic hospitals that refuse to perform abortions? - Likewise, what would stop the IRS from challenging the ex emption of any church Which, again in violation of generally ac cepted public policy, "discrim inates" against women by deny ing them certain church posi tions now available only to men? Others would say those two I
enon - the spouse in a union that is good in every way but DOLORES intimacy. Not sexual intimacy CURRAN but marital intimacy. An intim acy that initiated their marriage in the first place and has become simply boring. marriage but that he and his wife Given time, the boredom be comes so oppressive that it turns had allowed to wither. What do wtl say to these peo to active dislike. "When I tell ple? Deepen your faith?' It's not my husband I need more," a wo man complained in a letter to me~ enough. 'Many have rich faith "his only suggestion is to go lives, but they're alone in their out to dinner. So we go out and faith as in their. marriage. "I sit and look at each other and didn't marry to· be lonely," says realize how bored we really < Slre Maureeq. Couples were too busy keep with each other. But if I say any thing about it, he says, 'Well, ing bread On the table to worry
what do you want? I took you about keeping a relationship
alive. All that has changed in
out to dinner.' " thousands of marriages today
Looking for more out of life . that are successful in economic
isn't a female perogative. Wo terms and empty in intimacy
men just talk about it more. terms. Philosopher Abraham
Men are asking' the same ques Maslov says that we're the first
tion with more frequency. "Is 'generation in history to be be
this all there is? How can I live yond sustenance enough to focus
thirty inore years like this?" And on relationships. alternatives are explored: a new The answer for 'Maureen? A car, a new job, a new marriage. marriage enrichment .weekend or In the movie, Four Seasons, course? A couples' retreat? A the husband who couldn't go on mutual effort to recapture what . living with a woman whose life they' once had? Maureen has suggested all revolved around photographing vegetables models this dilemma these but her husband isn't inter ested. He doesn't seen anything poignantly. His solution? A volup tuous new wife half his age who wrong with their marriage. So what do we tell her? To offer it gave him experiences' and feel ings he once had in his previous up?
The flap over tax exemp 'tions for racially discrim Inatory private schools also raises the less prominent
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
examples are fairly farfetched. Though government at times JIM has had to draw the line on un acceptable religious practices, that line is drawn so narrowly LACKEY that there are few religious prac tices which would not be pro tected under the First Amend nothing to do with discrimina ment. Still, some mainline churches, tion. Six months later, new rules while abhorring Bob Jones' ra cism, are concerned over the were proposed by the IRS. The U.S. Catholic Conference said government's seeming unwilling ness to accept at face value an they were- an improvement but still could pose problems for organization'sclair~l of religious Catholic schools if they were freedom. While an improvement" the overzealously enforced. legislation Reagan is urging Con That never became an issue gress to pass probably won't though because Congress, saying entirely satisfy church-state con the· IRS had gone too far, pro cern either. Reagan's bill would hibited the new rules' enforce allow religious schools to give ment. preference to members of their own faith but would expressly prohibit exemptions if such pref erences were based on race "or a belief that requires discrimina tion on the basis of race." February 9 Actually, the IRS might not have found itself in such hot Rt. Rev. John J. Kelly, 1963, water had it not tried in 1978 Pastor, S5. Peter & Paul, Fall to strengthen its existing rules River on tax exemptions and racial Rev. Peter J. McKone, S.J., discriminaton. That year the IRS 1972, Bishop Connolly High proposed that private schools School, Fall River founded or greatly expanded at February 10 the time of public' school deseg regation would have to show RSv. Edward L. O'Brien, 1966, that their percentage of minor . Pastor, St. Mary, Mansfield ity enrollment equalled at least February 11 20 percent of the percentage of Rev. John J. Sullivan, S.T.L. minority population in the com .1961, Pastor, Holy Rosary, Fall munity. But Catholic and other private River school groups vigorously ob Rev. John O'Connell, 1910, jected, saying that their percen Founder, St. John Evangelist, tage of minority enrollment had Attleboro 0
It"sfun to .be rich
he hadn't understood the fashion
We have a new class in, industry needed rescuing. The deserving rich like to this country, the deserving thtow the lifeline to someone rich. standing on the shore. They are the people who, Our millionaire president has
having earned their money, be cut the government's allowance lieve they are erititled to more. to the unfortunate, the old, the They know about the poor - . cold, the young, the slow. But he many of them grew up poor cheerily informs us that any big themselves - but they seem to holes in the safety net will be believe that by living the good mended by volunteers from the life, they motivate those who ranks, apparently, of the de shiver in cold tenements, stand serving rich. It is an appealing in surplus-cheese lines and can't notion, recalling the frontier, the find jobs despite the plethona neighborhood, the covered-dish of want ads in the Sunday paper. supper, the church raffle, the hat The president is the leader of passed at the Club meeting. the deserving rich. He gave huge Recently he went to New York tax breaks to corporations. He to make a pitch to the nch to made it possible for them to buy help the poor. The host organ each others' tax liabilities and to ization, the New York City buy each other. Congress was so Pa~nership, epitomized the moved by this pageant of greed "spirit of shared sacrifice." that it recently voted itself an "You," the president· told the exemption on its congressional partnership, "are that tough an little tug that can pUll the ship salary of $60,662.50 amount that presidential assist of state off the shoals and into ant Michael K. Deaver recently open water." declared inadequate. The president could have end To paraphrase Vince Lom ed the speech with a pledge or bardi's favorite dictum: Money a check: ..And to keep the ball isn't everything with this crowd, rolling, I am donating it's the only thing. As a "Doones He didn't. bury" character - who is leav When he asked at his first ing government to go back to anniversary press conference if the private sector to make more he intended, in the light of his money - said the other day. exhortations, to increase his con "Mr. President, you've made it tributions to private charity, the fun to be rich again." president exhibited a chuckling The deserving rich do nice unease. He realizes "the publi things for each other. Comforting city that has attended upon the the unafflicted is something that tax returns of someone in my comes naturally to them. position:" What he meant was that in 1980, he gave $3,089 in They send money to the Rea gans to redecorate the White charitable contributions out of a House. Fashion designers send gross adljusted income of $227, dresses .to the first lady. They 968.
He went on to say that he
are not gifts, it seems. They are gives away one-tenth of his in
loans. When this unusual ar rangement came to light, there come to charity, "but not in
was talk that when Mrs Reagan ways that are tax-deductible."
finished wearing the donations, Everyone understands the
she would donate them to fashion o president's warm feelings for in museums, and the word was that dividuals, his chillness toward Blass, Adolfo .and Galanos could constituencies and organized claim tax deductions for their groups. Many find tax-deductible "charitable contributions." The giving unrewarding. Better to see idea was quickly scotched - as the light in the eye of the recpi soon as someone realized how ent instead of feeding your gift tacky it would look if women into the computers of an outfit who patronize the design salons that willl spend half of it on as of the Salvation Army and the much red tape and overhead as Good Will Industries would be the dear old federal government. indirectly subsidizing the first And for some people, let's face .lady's wardrobe. . it, making charitable contribu The arrangement has the marks tions is a form of tax-dodging, of altruism, Reagan style, which futile as it may be. Some of us is to help the helped. Mrs. Rea who really don't want to give gan's press secretary explained for poison gas or missiles write that due to the "inordinate in checks for Amnesty International terest taken in everything she or St. Ann's Infant Itome, not wears, the first lady had been just because we want to endorse looking at how to take this in what they are doing, but to terest and tum it to the benefit keep our money out of the of one of the most important irr clutches of the Pentagon, another dustries in the country." well-heeled' entity tllat has Rea One of the most important, gan's entire sympathy. yes. But hardly, thanks to the But if the deserving rich are opulent standard set by the going to save the country, the White. House, depressed. De First Volunteer in the White signer Geoffrey Beane sniffed House maybe should start show in The Los Angeles Times that ing them how. 0
Music ,workshops
THE ANCHOR Friday, Feb. 5, 1982
Appeal dates are listed Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has announced the following' dates for the 1982 Catholic Charities Appeal, the 41st annual Appeal:, Special Gifts phase - April
19 to May 1
Parish phase - May 2 to May
12 . Kick-off meeting - Wednes day, April 14, 8 p.m. at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Bishop Cronin emphasized that for 41 years the diocese has had concern for human life. It has been a period of caring, sharing and giving to those in need in southeastern Massachusetts, re GOVERNOR EDWARD J.' KING, cen:ter, with Philip and Barbara Matyi, state co gardless of their creed. ' ordinators, displays proc1amati,~n designating Valen~ine's Day as"We Believe in Marri "Your Gift Can Do So Much For So Many" is the theme for age Day" in Massachusetls.I
this year's Appeal. ,I,
Diocese it~ins .in 'Marriage Day~
Credits supported 'in principle'
orce, separation and the single "Tunr:tel or Love" for the occa life," said Philip and Barbara sion) to Bo!?ton's Faneuil Hall, M.~tyi, Massachusetts coordina where a program will include an tors of the day, "millions of 'address by' Governor' King and co~ples firmly believe in the in tecognition of couples married sti'~ution of marriage.. This cam 40 or more years. paign will let people know that Marriage Encounter fosters ha~ing a successful marriage is stronger martiages by teaching nolt only possible, but' a very communication techniques dur ing a 44-hour weekend, experi rel~arding experience." ence. Almost two million people 'i['he state observance will be giri with a motorcade at 10 a.m: have made the Encounter week Va,lentine's Day from Suffolk end. In the Fall River diocese, Do1wns Raceway through the Father John R. Foister is liaison Surtner Tunnel (rechristened the to the movement.
Spec'ial Masses at St. Anne's parish, Fall River, and St. Mich aels, Ocean Grove, will be in WASHINGTON (NC) - Presi dent Reagan's Feb. 8 budget cluded among diocesan obser vances of "We Believe in Ma~i message will include a "state ment of principle" supporting age Day" Sunday, Feb. 1.4. Sponsored by Worldwide Mlu tuition tax credits, according to riage' Encounter and proclai~ed three New York tax credit sup porters who met with a Reagan by Massachusetts Governor Ed ward J. King and most other aide Jan.. 28. U.S. governors, the day is aimed Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of . at promoting recognition of mar Brooklyn, N.Y., Msgr. Vincent riage as' the foundation of so· D. Breen, superintendent of ciety. schools for the Diocese of Brook "Despite attention given to divlyn, and Sen. Alfonse M. D'
Amato '(R-N.Y.) met with Martin Anderson, assistant to the presi
dent for ,economic and domestic policy development. Continued from page one , The three men later held a press conference and said that Mattapoisett respectively, while although tuition tax credits are Thomas is a high school guidance expected to be mentioned in- the counselor in Taunton and James, president's message, no specific the youngest, is a student at Holy Cross College. provision seems likely in Rea gan's budget for fiscal 1983. Sara-Ann, the lone sister, is' a "There will be a statement of resident in pediatrics at Bay state Medical Center in Spring
principle in the president's bud field. She is married to Dr. Mark get message," said Bishop Mug avero at the' press conference. Mullan, also a resident at Bay. , D'Amato added that Reagan will state. Father Hoye's father, Dr. then make specific policy pro posals. Charles Hoye, died in 1975 and Tax credit legislation is de. a brother, Robert, died recently ' signed to give tax credits to in an automobile accident. The family, said eldest brother parents of students in non-pubilc schools for part of the tuition Charles, is thrilled at Daniel's they pay. ' latest achievement. They last saw 0
St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet St. John Eva':lgelist School, Attleboro St. Joseph School, Fairhaven Dominican Academy, Fall River Espirito Santo School, Fall River Holy Name School, Fall River Mount St. Joseph School, Fall River Notre Dame School, Fall River St. Anne School, Fall River St. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River St. Joseph Montessori School. Fall River
Jramily elated
New Chapter "Seldom has so much been ex pected of Christian faith as to day . . . And so we say that the files of the faith question are in no way closed. We are merely at the beginning of a new chap ter," ';:---'Walter Kasper '
always on top of his activities, a characteristic remarked by his present associates, who call him "relaxed and low-key," despite combining his heavy NCCBI oU S C C work load ·with a weekend pastoral assignment at St. John's parish in suburban McLean, Va.. Mrs. Hoye describes herself as "still amazed" when she thinks of her son's responsibilities. But she's confident he'll handle them "with the help of God and' a few ext,ra prayers,"
hin:l at Christmas whe~ he was training for the priesthood at St. on Ihand for the traditional Hoye . John's, Brighton. In Washington, her son, reach At Coyle, young Daniel was a ed during his first day at the holliday reunion. -c: 'lIt's probably the way, our trumpet player in the band, an general secretary's desk. chuck· parients lived that led him to outstandin& debater, yearbook 'led, "I started the job 'at mid editor, active' in sports and a night, when ~Archbishop Kelly the~ priesthood," said Charles, re carling that family liie for the member of the National Honor slipped a note under my door. yO\;\ng Hoyes'included daily Mass Society. As a youngster he was It ~aid 'It's all yours,''' also an altar boy at St. Mary's during Lent and Advent and re He said that much of his work still his
cit~ltion of the family' rosary. Church, Taunton, will be ... of a routine nature, mother's parish., AlII attended Catholic schools, "opening the mail and seeing "I never had trouble with the what c;omes in," He started his incltiding St. Mary's grammar children doing their homework," first day with a staff meeting. schl~ol and, Msgr. Coyle High Sch;ool, later merged with St. said his mother, Virginia Hoye. About 400 NC<;:B/USCC staff "When I hear other parents talk Ma1iY's and Cassidy Highs to be members will be 'reporting to cornie Coyle-eassidy. And all but ing about it. 'I know how lucky Father Hoye, some 250 in Wash I was." Dan:iel attended Holy Cross Col ington, the others at offices in lege~ He entered: minor seminary She said that "Danny never other parts of the country. He fron~ high school, completing his seemed to try too hard," but was said he already knows the Wash ington contingent and many of the out-of-town workers, and hopes to know all before too. long. I , He expects to do more travel i ing in his new position than be St. Michael School, Fan River, i' SECONDARY SCHOOLS fore, traveling to Rome at least SS. Peter and Paul Schoof, Fall River Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro once yearly and to other places St. Stanislaus School, Fall River: Bishop Connolly High School,' Fall River at need. Holy Family-Holy Name Schoo!, New Bedford Our Lady of Mount Carmel School; New Bedford Holy Family High School, New Bedford "I thought I'd travel a lot when Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth St. Anthony School, New Bedfc1rd I came to Washington," he said, Coyle.Cassidy High School. Taunton St. James-St. John Sch~ol, New Bedford i "because I was sent to a Dublin St. Joseph School, New Bedford meeting the first thing. But after SPECIAL SCHOOLS St. Mary School, New Bedford 1I that I rarely w~nt anywhere." St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro
Two pastoral music workshops are -planned by the Fall River chapter of the National Associa tion of Pastoral Musicians. "Suggestions for Palm Sunday and' Holy Week to Easter" will be offered from 2 to 4 p.m.Sun day, Feb. 14, at St. Patrick's hall, 82 'High St., Wareham. It will include demonstrations, suggestions and discussions on music for adult, children's and folk choirs, presented by Ed ward Swiniarski and Rev. Fer nand Cassista, MS. "The Funeral Rite: Panel and Discussion" is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, at Sa cred Heart 'Church, Taunton. Presenters will be Father William Campbell;, Larry Poulin. organist, .. and choir director; William J. Sullivan, funeral director; and Ray Whalon, organ builder.
Nazareth 'Hall, Fa!! River Our Lady of l;.Purdes School, Ta.l,"ton Nazareth .Hall-on~the.Cape, Hyannis St. Mary Primary Scho~l, Taunt6n St. Vincent School, Fall River Taunton Catholic Middle Schooll. Taunton St. Mary Home. New Bedford ~ St. G~orge School. Westport NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS i I~OTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS'TO STUDENTS 5choo~s in Ihe Diocese 01 fall River admil sludenls of any race, color,"'alional and elhnic origin 10 all I~e righls, AND EMPLOYEES
privileges, programs, and activilies generally accorded or made available 10 studenis at Ihe schools,• '5ch' I I lh 0' 1 f II R' I Ih ' db' '
. 00 s n e locese 0 a IVer. 0 e extent require y Title IX, do not discriminate against any applicant/em. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, !I.alional ,and ethnic origin in administration of educational pOlicie? ployee b~cause of sex. They do not discriminate against any student because of sel in any educational program and admissiobs policies, loan programs. and athletic and other school·administered programs.
He paid tri~ute to Bishop Cro nin as giving him "wonderful support" since his ordination in 1972, assigning him to gradu ate studies and thereafter r.e. leasing him for his Washington assignments. But "I belong to Fall River," he concluded.' "I will be back."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
Chartres lecture at cathedral The grandeur of France's Char tres Cathedral will be described in an illustrated lecture at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. The speaker will be Malcolm Miller, official ,English language guide and lecturer at Chartres. Located 55 miles southwest of Paris, the cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres is one of the _ jewels of 13th century Gothic architecture. Its profile is fami
liar throughout Christendom be cause of its dramatically con· trasting spires, one built in the 12th century, the other in the 16th. Its flying buttresses, sculp tured portals and lofty vaulting identify Chartres with the royal style of architecture popular in the age of St.Louis of France. Its chief glory, however, is its 176 stained·glass windows. For the past 25 years Miller
has lectured at Chartres twice daily from Easter to Advent, in troducing thousands of pilgrims and tourists to the cathedral His lecture at St. Mary's, which comes at the beginning of his 1982 American speaking tour, will be illustrated with many slides. It will be open to the public at no charge, although donations will be accepted. .
,I The Right Way To GO... I ~You'" Get More For Your Money" I ONE DAY TOURS
Bishops elect
Continued from page one erica, where he earned a canon law licentiate in 1975. Returning to the Fall River die. ocese, he was named vice-offi cial of its marriage court, a post . he held until he was appointed NCCB/USCC assistant, general secretary in 1977. In 1979 the Taunton priest traveled with Pope John Paul II throughout his U.S. visit; aiding in making arrangements for the pope's meeting with the nation's bishops· and serving as a re source person for journalists with the papal party. He has especial expertise in the church's new code of canon law, soon to be promulgated, and he is also project director for a study session the U.S. bishops will hold this spring. Father Hoye's selection as gen eral secretary was praised by Bishop Cronin, who said that news of the appointment "has been received with great joy here in the diocese of Fall River. "I am delighted that this competent, dedicated prjest has been selected for this important office," said the bishop. "I have conveyed my felicitations to Father Hoye and I have communicated with the 'President of the Conference, Archbishop Roach, expressing congratu lations to him and to the Conference on this occasion. "I am confident that Fath er Hoye will fulfill his new responsibilities with the same devotion which he has brought to all the endeavors which he has undertaken for the church in the years since ~is ordination. "We here in the Diocese of Fall River take special pride in the selection of one of our priests for this posi tion. We join in prayer that Almighty God will bless
Father Hoye, in the exercise of his labors now and in the years that lie ahead." "In his nearly five years with the conferences, Father Hoye carried out a broad range of as signments with skill and dedica tion, manifesting at all times great understanding of and love for the church and her people," said Archbishop Roach.. "His experience as associate general secretary under Arch bishop Kelly fully equips him to assume .!?roader responsibilities. The conferences and the church at large are fortunate in this choice," added the archbishop. According to Archbishop Kelly, Father Hoye is "a devoted priest and talented administrator who brings high intelligence and pas toral sensitivity to this position. "The general secretariat of NCCB and USCC will be in good hands," he said. In a statement, Father Hoye praised Archbishop Kelly and Msgr. Thomas J. Leonard, with whom he had worked as asso ciate general secretary. Msgr. Leonard will continue in that position. "Since joining the general sec retariat, I have had the benefit of working closely with my im mediate predecessor," Father, Hoye said. "I expect this ex perience will prove to be, invalu able in the years ahead. I also find great reassurance in my continued collaboration with Msgr. Thomas Leonard, whose. wisdom and experience are im portant assets to the confer ences." The conferences normally have two associate general secre taries. ' Archbishop Kelly has been elected NCCB and USCC secre tary. Under bylaws of the con ferences, if a general secretary is not a bishop, a bishop must se~e as secretary.
II CELEBRITY TOURS SWEENEY TODD at the' OCEAN STATE· Mar. 6 $29 I TOM JONES -In Hyannis - July 20 $32 I HYDE PARK - Lv . May 8, June 20, July 17 & Sept. 25 - 1 Meal $36 • YORK MAINE - Lv May' 22 Apr 24 June 19 ' ., .,., , • July 3,24, Aug. 14&28·1 Meal ...........•. $29
• NANTUCKET ISLAND. Lv. July 10, Aug. 1,7,28, I Sept. 4 $35 $33 • TANGLEWOOD· Lv. Aug, 15 • LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE· Lv. May 22, June 6, I July 31, Aug. 29 & Sept. 4 - 1 Meal II Cruise $31 STURBRIDGIE - Lv. M~y 2, June 5, July 24 I • Mar. 21 $26 ISALEM • Lv. Mar. 6, M~y 23, June 6,20, July 25, $32 Oct. 30 I 31 - 1 Meal I QUINCY MKY./KENNEDY ILIB. _Lv. Mar. 13. I Apr.10,'May 8,16, June 5, July 18, Aug. 7,29, • Sept. 19, Oct. 17,23,30, Nov. 6,21 I Dec. 18 $12.50 IWHITE MTS. - Lv. Oct. 2,3,9 I 10 • Includes $39 2 Meals I NEWPORT MANSIONS - Lv. Apr. 17,25, May
• 16b~~.n1e76: ~~I.Y. ~~'.~~~: ~,.2.~, .s.e.~~: ~~:~~'~~: $21 LLOUCESTER/ROCKPORT. Lv. June 6,27, . .July 11,27, Aug. 28 I Sept. 26 • Includes a LOBSTER BAKE $34 I NEW YORK CITY· Lv. Mar. 27, Apr. 3, May 15, I June .19,27, July 3,10, Aug. 7, Sept. 11.25. Oct. I 16, Nov. 6 -Includes Radio City Music Hall ... $35 I MYSTIC SEAPORT - Lv. Mar. 14, May 9, June 5,12,July 24, Aug. 22, Oct. 16,24 I Nov. 7· InI cludes Admission Steam .Tr,in Ride & Rlver boat Cruise (In Season) $32 I SPRINGFIELD FAIR. Lvs. Sept. 18 I 19 $20 I NEW YORK CITY· Lv. Nov. 20,21,27, Dec. 4, I I 18 -Includes Radio City Music Hall Christmas
• •
THANKSGIVING IN NEW' • YORK-Lvs.Nov.24·1 I, Meal .•........... $149 ~ I T-;'~~~:;'~VING IN ATLAN· . LII. Nov. 24 I 3 Meals ........•.. $159 I THANKSGIVING IN I PHILADELPHIA - Lv. Nov. 24 - 4 Meals ..... $149 NEW YORK CITY· LlIs. Apr. 17, May 29, July I 3,16, Sept. 4 I Oct. 9 $149 I NEW YORK/ATLAN11'IC CITY· Lvs. Same as I Tour No. 36 - 1 Meal ' $149 NEW YORK - Lvs. Nay. 26, Dec. 3 a, 10·1 Meal. $149 I LAKE GEORGI:. Lvs. July 5 I 12 - 5 Meals $145 • 'CONCORD _Lvs. June 18, july 7,14, I 36M I $189 A ug.1· ea s . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . up.
PHILADIELPHIA - LV8. Apr. 23, MElY 21, June I
18, July 16, Aug. 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 22 .. Nov. I
12 - 4 Meals $139
MAINE LOBSTER B41KE - Lvs. JIDly 5,7, Aug. I
13 I Sapt. 4·4 Meals $145 I
POCONO;- Lva. M~y 29, June 12: July 3,9, I Aug. 7, Sept. 4 I,Oct. 9 - 5 Meah $139. ATLANTIC CITY - t:9s. May 2, JUlie 28, July I
5,12, Aug. 13, Oct. 9, Dec. 6 11 8 • 2 Meals $.45
MONTREAL· Lva. May 29, July 3, Sspt, 4, Oct. I
9 - 4 MealG $149 • PENN DUTCH· Lvs. Apr. 19, May 29, July 3,23, I' ' Aug. 13, Sept. 4, Oct. 9 I Nov. 12 - 5 Meals... $129 . WASHINGTON/PHIIl.ADELPHI'" _L M • .. \IS. ay $139 I .
29, Sept. 4 & Oct. 9 - 4 Meals FINGER LAKES· Lvs. May 29, Ju~y 8,15, Sept. 4 •
81 Oct. 9 - 4 Meals $129 I
II A;~:iIC' ci"Y ':Lv: F~b: 6:23, 'M~; .'6,23: AP~: .$35 NI~~R~;~LLS:L.~~: M~~'26,'j~l~~.•...... $179. 3,20, May 1,18, June 12,29, July 10,27, Aug. 7,24, Sept. 11,28,'Oct.16,30, Nov. 2,13'& 30
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. - Lv. June 26, July 11, I I Aug I MAPLE SUGARING - Lv. Apr. 4,10 I 17 I BAY QUEEN CRUISE,- Lv. June 26, July 17, • Aug. 14 I Sept. 11 I
Sept 10 3 Meals
$129 I
I •
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Notre Dame needs help
THE ANCHOR-Dioc;ese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5; 1982
By Pat McGowan
This is not an objective s,tory. It's ,the confession of a longstanding love affair. You ban have Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris; I Will take 'Notre Dames '(Ie Lourdes. in Fall , , River, if only because it is a present comfort. But it is more. I For over a quarter century I admired it i(rom afar, cherishing from every angle its green spires against the Fall River ~kyline, lbardboard cutouts in early morning,' soft in Ithe evening light. I Coming towards it from Tiverton. on l,~oute 24, Notre Dame rises from a huddle bf rooftops like an Old World cathedral gathering its town about itself. , I Approaching it down North Quarry ~ftreet, it completes the horizon as do the l~rooding castles and· steeple of EI Greco's 'fView of Toledo." i
5:00 - 6:00 P.M. THE
Rte. 28, East Falmouth'
-CLOSEO MONOAY Lunch 12:00 • 2:30 - Olnner 5:00 • 9:00 Tuesday Thru Thursday
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So often did 1 ann'ounce that the latter was my favorite Fall River view that my long-suffering husband finally had it painted for me. My Notre Dame-dominated cityscape now holds a position of honor in our home and be it recorded that the artist agreed with me to the extent that he painied several ren ditions of it for other clients.
With all this, I did not see Notre Dame's interior until about a year ago. Then, pass ing by on a sunny Saturday morning, I climbed its granite steps and tugged open its massive door. An epiphany of light, color and sound, burst upon me. . I had arrived upon a wedding. Bells were ringing, Notre Dame's 2232 lights were .blazing, sun streamed through .the stained glass, the bride was beautiful: it was an in comparable moment.
i With all
a Mass to which will be' invited
alternately freezes and thaws. this in mind, the an Dampness has' also rotted the civic and religi«;lus leaders as
r\ouncement that the fabric of Notre Dame is yielding to the twin steeples and wooden in· well as parishioners and friends,
r~vages of time and weather was terior structure in many places. past and present.
a'larmjng; redeemed immediately, It has caused plaster to fall and OfFQ U OAK GROVI AVI.• FAll IMI Parish families have been ask
paint to peel. If unchecl(ed, the ed to pledge $1000 apiece to the
h:owever, by the further an Il,ouncement that something is fundraisers (ear its next victim Notre Dame campaign, payable
~ ~ might be ~otre Dame's chief during the next four years. The
h'eing done about it. I That something is a four-year, glory, Cremonini's "Last Judg amount breaks down to $5 week
million-dollar fundraising cam· ment," a 55 by 77-foot painting ly over that period.
p'aign, initiated by Father Ernest on the church's soaring dome, Friends in the business and pro
: NEW BEDFORD : 1:1. Blais, pastor, and spearheaded believed the largest such canvas fessional community will be ask
in the world. , by Father Normand Grenier, as ed to consider gifts that will
• 'N' EWE R MOD E L • sllciate pastor and campaign gen· This centerpiece is surro!lnded designate them as founders, trus : AIUTO& TRUCK PARTS : e:ral chairman. by other Cremonini works, plus tees, leaders or parish builders. , : Father Grenier is aided by . eight aepictions of prophets and Also to be contacted are former • 926 CHURCH STREET - 995-2623 I • R~obert E. Levesque and Roland evangelists by Marseal, like Cre students and parishioners; in : 'Mass. Toll· Free (80~) 642-7548 :: J.i Masse as vice-chairmen. Both monini a noted Italian artist of short, all whose lives have been
aTe extraordinarily qualified for the late 19th and early 20th touched by Notre Dame. U,eir posts. Levesque is executive centuries. Donors will be memorialized r.~. director of the Fall River de Additionally, the church's on a plaque to be mounted in the v1elopment Authority and Masse metal windowframes are rust church vestibule, similar to one • " B B • isl a former teacher who became ing, threatening 13 huge stained in place that lists early bene N:otre Dame'ssexton a few years glass windows. factors. "Together, the placques :. P.T.L. al~o. will amount to a history of the • CONVENIENTLY LOCATED TO ROUTES 140 & 195 • It is hoped that work on 'the IA third-generation parish na most urgent fronts can begin in _ parish," said Masse. . tive, Masse recounts that in 1874 FOREIGN AUTO & TRUCK PARTS Also planned are a campaign hi's' grandfather's horse and March, said, Father Blais. It 947 CHURCH STREET - 998-2384 : w'agon were pressed into servic.e would include masonry repoint brochure, bumper stickers an~ ing, gutter replacement and, "if possibly some TV spots, while "1:0 haul the first pastor's trunk God OLDER MODEL is willing," repairs to the the church will welcome visits from the railroad station." steeples before next winter. from art and architecture stu : AUTO & TRUCK PARTS ~As.sexton, Masse has firsthand dents, tourists and parish and Waiting for "the second mil : 1272 SHAWMUT AVENUE - 995-22'11 : kllowledge of his parish's needs. lion," school groups. jested Father Grenier, are ~•••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• R•• g • • • • • • • • •~ "Everything's ~ big job at No-. such very desirable but not so Some surefooted visitors have tr,b Dame," he said commenting climbed the 220-foot steeples to th'at preparatory to a cleaning, it urgent undertakings as retouch takes an hour simply to pick up ing the Cremonini and Marseal photograph a view that on a clear day extends to the Buz th'e kneelers in the 200-foot-long, masterpieces 'and returning No ·tre Dame's enormous Casavant zards Bay railroad bridge. 1,1300-seat church. :Notre Dame's copper gutters, organ to top operating condition. As Masse noted, a monumental riddled with as many holes as Only partially usable, it has been job lies ahead of Notre Dame. S,viss cheese' and topping the understudied in recent years by But parish secretary Claire Pelle a small sanc~uary organ. tier points out that 'the spirit lis:t of the church's vitally need ed' repairs, are 18 inches wide The immense task of raising is there, just as it was in 1899, the money for the most necess when an account of the parish's all,d a foot deep, he said. By com ary Notre Dame repairs will be7 first 25 years closed with the parison, the average house gut teJr is three or four inches wide gin on Thursday, Feb. 11, the words: "The church will be com all,d deep. feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. pleted and then the Notre Dame It will be ,given official im parish will be completely organ '1The word for this project is monumental," he declared, not petus at 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. ized. int: that water is the villain that 20, when Bishop Daniel A. Cro "It will take patience, time and has done most damage to Notre nin, who has, declared that No money to do this, but all those Da!me. It has seeped into exteri tre Dame "is a treasure that elements can always be found at or' walls, weakening them as it must not be lost," will celebrate Notre Dame."
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Durfee Attleboro .....Falmouth National
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The faces of Notre Dame
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-路Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
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Notre Dame Church
THE ANCHOR-Diocese', of Fall River":'j:ri:,' Feb.
·':':.xvoiding favoritism
21 need different treatment. A 21-year-old is an adult. However, Dear 'Mary: We have two different' treatment need not I daughters, Lori, 21, and Diane, mean favoritism. .for 'Personal loans i 13. We have had difficulties with When open favorites does ex-' I Lori. She ran away briefly at 14 ist, as in your case, Lori can in Low Savings Bank Rates Since 'I and had a baby at 15 which 'she terpret every decision as favor 1861 Thoughtful Service ! put up for adoption at our re ing Diane. .... quest. She dropped out of high ~ All deposits & accumulated dividends are insured in full. To avoid this you need objec ~'.i"'~ , ' school. tive standards. If your husband "'""" 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS , She tried living with friends, is willing, you can work them but it was 'too expensive. Now out toge,ther. Here are some she lives with us. My husband guidelines we find effective: 4So. Main SI./335 Slafford Rd.l570 Robeson SI./Somer~el Plaza (Rle. 61 drives her to work and picks 1) Who pays the bills? Through her up. He asks only that she high school, parents support contribute to gas money and pay children. Parents opay room, her own expenses. We give her board and medical expenses. room and board. When Ii son or daughter com My husband clearly fayors our pletes high school and goes to INC. work, he or she' pays room and younger daughter, who is cheer ful and easy to get along with. board as well as personal ex penses. A high school graduate I think Lori resents this. Lori would like to return to is an adult, and adults who work school but cannot seem to get full time are expected to provide motivated. She Is thinking of for themselves. about attending 2) What moving out, and she asked If she can come back if it doesn't school? While parents ate. not work ou't. Her father said, "Only obligated to provide schooling if you pay part of the household past high school, many do help their chilclren. They might waive expenses." 363 SECOND ST. FAll RIVER, MA~S. Lori reminded him that she room and board. ••••••"'•••••-.•••"'•••••••••••••••••"'" .-.......... left' school at 15 and has heen
This action is part of providing for education, a gift. It is not working ever. since. She says Diane gets everything Illanded to a child's tight as it is for child ren under 18. Parents might also I her. I I'ni' caught hn the middle. How help by providing extra money I can I bring some peace to our for school expenses or by co ! household? There Is terrible ten signing a student loan. Per Person Per Nite. ObI. Dec. (Fri. '&'. Sat. Nights Onlyl Min. 2 Nites Rate Eft. Jan. 29 , Given such guidelines, you can I sion. (pennsylvania) thru June 26 Holiday. Periods - 3 Nites : Obviously daughters of 13 and spell out a reasonablEl· plan for We have an indoor pool, saunas; color TV and an unforgettable dining experience that sets us I _ _....................................--=-_-=-_ _ apart. From 3,egg omelettes to succulent, I blushing prime rib, our 8 COMPLETE meals per. couple and our unique, private B.Y.O.B. lounge with live entertainment and dancing, make position on U.S. economic sanc VATICAN CITY (NC) - Willi Shoreway Acres The Ultimate Value. I am A. Wilson, President Ronald tions against .pol~nd. ; Reagan's personal envoy to Pope After the release of Dozier, a Package now available at Green Harbor Motor Lodge. Vatican spokesman said Pope 11, met in a 20-minute :John Paul FA8.MOUTH'S GREAT WATER-FRONT MOTOR LODGE I private audience last Friday with John Paul greeted the news with "noticeable satisfaction." :the pontiff. , As usual with suoh meetings, The controversy over econom Ithe Vatican released no details ic .sanctions against the pope's Iabout the audience with Wilson, na~ive Poland, where martial law Box 0, Dept. B, Shore Street, Falmouth, MA 02541 (6171 540-3000 la 67-year-old California business· was imposed Dec. 13, was , or call free (8001 352·7100 lin Mass.! man who has been Reagan's en- prompted by a Jan. 19 statement Ivoy since February 1981. by Reagan that the pope "ap proves what we have done' so I The talks may well have in .cluded plans for the meeting far; he believes that it has been SHOP iJune 7 between Reagan and Pope beneficial." FOR John Paul. The meeting was an The next day the Vatican is Inounced in Washington Jan. sued a statement saying the TRAVEL? 29 but was not mentioned by the pope, in a Jan. 4 letter to Rea iVatican, which rarely comments gan, sUPllOrted humanitarian in advance on private audiences . aid to Poland but had not taken MOST OF THE TRAVEL BUYS YOU READ rith world leaders. a stand on U.S. economic sanc ABOUT IN NEWSPAPERS OVER THE WEEKEND tions. I The meeting is planned during ARE. AVAILABLE AT "I think· the point that was ~eagan's week-long trip to Eu rope for an economic summit in missed in reports on the contro rersailles, France, and a NATO versy was ~hat the United States meeting. and the Vatican have the same I The meeting will be Reagan"s ultimate goals" on Poland, said Wilson. first with Pope • John Paul, ai I though the preSIdent talked to Other topics, of mutual con ESTAILISIIED 1906 . llhe pope by phone in December cern include the situation in El '~hen martial, law was declared Salvador and the nuclear arms Our Staff Consists of " j1n Poland. . race, Wilson said at the lunch CERTIFIED TRAVEL COUNSELORS. I At a' luncheon with foreign eon. journalists in Rome, Wilson said "On El Salvador, I believe we NO NEID TO RUN ALL OVER NEW ENGLAND JUST CAll l~eagan wanted to meet with the have come to a meeting of the llope "to share some ideas, be minds," he said. "We both favor c:ause they agree on many is elections, and the electoral pro cess is moving forward." !llues ." Vatican observers said the Wilson said he was at the I~ope and Wilson probably dis White Hous!'! when a papal dele. (:ussed the Jan. 28 release' of gation presented President Rea 154 NORTH MAIN STREET 1~.S. Gen. James Dozier, a high gan with a papally-commissioned . FALl RIVER, MA. 02722
Iranking NATO official who had report on the consequences of TOlL FlEE 100-242-3862 Mass. only
l~een held by the Italian Red Bri nuclear warfare. ,;tJI.~"-:. CAll 676-1971
!fades since being kidnapped Dec. "Reagan is as concerned as :. ..... ~ "We'll Send You With Pleasure" .
I. , 1,7, lind the recent U.S.-Vatican anyone else, or more so, about ~l-\·c~ontroversy over the Vatican the possibility of nuclear war,"
__---------------==----=-----..\ The Ultimate Value
$3295 "0
By Dr. James and Mary KellU1:Y
Lori that does not include prefer ential treatment. Specify what you expect and what you will provide if she is working and lives at home. Also specify any household duties you expect of her. Suppose Lori wishes to return to school. Since she did not re-' ceive her high school education, you might provide her with fin ancial incentives. Normally adults can prepare for the GED high school equiva-' . lency test at night classes. Sup pose each time Lori completes part of the GED preparation, you give her a cash bonus. A larger bonus is awarded when she actually gets her GED. You 'might give her the cash or put it in a bank account as a fund for college or technical school. This payment replaces the high school support Lori did not receive and it is available only if she returns to school. Working out objective stan dards should decrease favoritism and tension. Not only will they help your relationship with Lori, but they should also help avoid such dilemmas about supporting • Diane as she becomes an adult. Good luck. Reader questions on family living and child care to be an swered in print are invited. Ad dress to the Kennys, Box 67, Rensselaer, Ind. 47878.
. -':
I, i'
Pop,e, J.l:eagan en~oy mee~
Wilson said. "He wants to put the United States in a position of dealing (rom strength and not from weakness." Wilson said he thinks that the anti-nuclear stance adopted by some U.S. bishops' "does not represent the concensus of the bishops' conference" in the Uni ted States. Following Wilson's meeting' with the pope, the Vatican reo fused to comment on Wilson's remarks about the mutual con cerns of the U.S. government and the Holy See regarding El . Salvador and nuclear disarma· ment. Regarding possible U.S.-Vati can diplomatic ties, Wilson said he did not see his current status as a "personal envoy" without diplomatic rank as "an obstacle to his work," but that that, he does not think the First Amend ment separation of church and state eliminates the possibility of full diplomatic relations with the Vatican. He denied that either the Vati can or the U.S. government was pushing for' full diplomatic rela tions. In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt started the custom of appointing a personal representa tive, without diplomatic status, to the pope. The pope has an apostolic delegate in the United States whose only formal role is as a papal representfltive to the U.S. hierarchy. Reagan's envoy s~id that an other papal. trip 'to the United States was not expected in the near future.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5, 1982
uestlon corner By Father John Dletun
Q. Recently I received mater ial advertising some appearances of the Blessed Virgin in Bayside, N.Y~ I know this is possible, but some of the information sounds
awfully strange to me. What can you tell us about it? Has the church approved this shrine? (Idaho) A. You are one of many from around the country who have asked the same question. 'Beginning in 1970, and contin uing until the present, a lady in Bayside, Veronica Lueken, has claimed a series of visions of Our Lady and Jesus. These sup posedly occur during prayer vigils held about twice a month, to which people from surround ing states and cities are invited. Following the visions, during which the voices of Jesus and Mary sometimes are taped, long quotes are published, running many hundreds of words, of what Jesus and Mary supposedly said. The rambling "revelations" cover everything from abortion to the imminent catastroflhic punishment of the world by God. Thef are against just about eveiything from Communion in t~e hand to lay ministers of the Eucharist, rock music Slnd ecu menism, and even against join ing a particular farm coopera tive in New Hmpshire. Much is made of numerous so called miraculous pictures. In one, for example, a scratching of light is interpreted as "the G clef, which symbolizes the Ros ary, is music to heaven's ears." Photographic experts studying many of these photos have said they could be produced naturally in a variety of ways. Included in the alleged reve lations are frequent poems which, though allegedly dicta ted' personally by Mary or some times St. Theresa, are not likely to win any Nobel prizes. . On the night of Robert Ken nedy's funeral, for example, after she had prayed to St. Theresa and Mary, a voice vias said to bestow on Mrs. Lueken the fol lowing poem: A minor miracle: Bobby and Theresa A delicate' petal scented by Heaven Fell from her bower of roses As her hand led the way Up the path on that day That Bobby kissed Mary and Moses. Another verse, given by St. Theresa in August of ·last year, begins: Remember to pray through '82 And never forget to wear your blue. The vigils. and supposed ap paritions take place Slt Flushing Meadows, site of the New York World's Fair, just next to Shea Stai:lium home of the New York Giants. About two years ago, Mrs. L"eken introduced a sys tem of "ight signals, so the peo ple couJd better follow the vis ions: A :.blue light announces the arrival 9f Our Lady; a red light announces the arrival of Jesus. I
O'ROURKE Funeral Home
571 Second Street
NIKON - CANON· OLYMPUS Three red flashes signify that Fall River, Mass.
ROLLEI - VIVIlAR - TENIA Jesus or Mary are bestowing SONY - PANASONIC 679·6072
their blessings so the pilgrims 267 MAIN STREET MICHAEL J. McMAHON
can make the Sign of the Cross. FALMOUTH - 548·1918 Registered! Embalmer
During the early years, a fav ARMAND ORTINS, Prop. Licensed lFuneral Director
orite theme of the revelations ~8~28~
was how bishops and priests were falling into hell because they were not following. Pope Paul VI. Eventually, however, it became clear that the Holy Father, too, departed from Mary's teaching as Mrs. Lueken saw it. I This resulted in what must be ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford one of the most bizarre allp,ged revelations in the history of the SISTER MARY Rosalia One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities church. . On Sept. 27, 1975, according Walsh, 85, of the Mission Now Available fOl to Mrs. Lueken, Mary revealed Helpers of the Sacred that three top Vatican offi~ials Heart, a'pioneer in religious (Cardinal Jean Villot,.Archbishop education in the United Agostino Casaroli and Archbish FOR DETAILS, .CALL MANAGER - 636·274~ or 999-6984 op Giovanni Benelli), in league States and the sister 9f the with Satan, had drugged the. real late Bishop James E. Walsh Pope Paul vi and kept him a of Maryknoll died Jan. 21 prisoner in the Vatican. in Towson, Md. ~ ~ The one who appeared in pub. From the 1940s, she was lie, according to Mrs. Lueken,' a speaker at religious educa was an impostor, changed by conventions, work plastic surgery to look like· Pope tion shops and classes. Working I· Paul, but actually an agent of closely with the national the devil. Accordingly, Mary told Mrs. office of the Confraternity Lueken, "You cannot' accept of 'Christian Doctrine, she I. now what comes from Rome; for wrote six books on cate I. . . . these directions are not chetics. I Est. 1928 written by the pen of Pope Paul Sister Walsh was a na I VI. They are written" under the tive of Cumberland, Md., and I direction of Satan. one of nine children, includ .t This fantastic story was actu L L R I V ER, S. ally believed and promoted by ing the late Bishop Walsh, t thousands of conservative Cath who was a prisoner of the olics until Pope Paul' died: communist Chinese for 12 'Pope John Paul II seems more years, and, the late Judge acceptable, at least up to now. William C. Walsh, a prom In addition to other problems, inent Maryland la~yer and alleged statements of Mary some times depart significantly from political figure. Catholic doctrine. During one of A member of the League her reprimands about the church, of Women Voters, she often for instance, Mary warned Mrs. contacted senators .and rep Lueken that "all who are bap • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES resentatives on matters of tized a Roman Catholic must die Roman Catholic to enter social justice, peace and dis • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS heaven." armament. After an investigation of the 1343 PLEASANT STREET FAll RIVER alleged apparitions in 1973, offi cals of the Diocese of Brooklyn 673·7780 (where Bayside is located) con cluded that no credibility could ••••••••,.*""" be given to them. I •••••••••• C LOP AND S A V E .ii•••••••• ~ The chancellor of the diocese at that time reported: "The con clusion we reached independent VATICAN CITY (NC)the - indisPope ••• '. John: Paul II reiterated . . . ly was that. the Bayside appari solubility of marriage and warned tion was the result of a lot of against granting annulments • . 'f'. • imagination after reading a lot without "valid motivations" and •• ilnd il%or~~ about Lourdes and Fatima." "proven facts." This remains the official posi The warning came in an ad- , ESCORTED AND HOSTED JET TOURS tion of Bishop Francis Muga dress Jan. 28 to members of the. 14 DAYS - leave May 10, July 5, Sept. 10 from $1249.00 • vero and the Brooklyn Diocese. Sacred Roman Rota, 'the church's. May 10 includes Feast of Santo Cristo and Fatima • I doubt, however, if anyone main court of appeals, which 12 DAYS - leave May 8 $1,089.00 : really expects the facts to deter deals primarily with marriage. Includes Feast of Santo Cristo, lisbon and Fatima. • , many of those who are fascina 10 DAYS - leave May 10 from $789.00. • cases coming from diocesan. ted by such religious curiosities. church cou~s. • Includes Feast of Santo Cristo an~ Sao MigueL Questions for this eOlumn The pope said that in the sacOTHER WEEKLY DEPARTURES : should be sent to Father Dietzen, rament of matrimony "an indis-. SPACE IS LIMITED ON ALL TOURS ADVANCE RESERVATIONS REQUIRED • St. Mark's Parish, 1113 W. Brad soluble link unites the spouses, •• For FREE Tour listings fill the coupon below and mail to •• ley, Peoria, ID. 61606. as are united in one single love 0 L I V E I RAT O· U R 5 & T R A VEL • Christ and the church." • that one's primary 265 Rivet St., New Bedford, Ma. 02744 Phono 1·&17·997·9361 : He said Church has Answers . th f 11 , , , ,. • e u "In language intelligible to duty is "to recogmze OLIVEIRA TOURS & TRAVEL - 265 RIVET ST. - NEW BEDFORD, MA. 02744 each generation, ·the church can value of matrimony" ·and added respond to the perennial ques
tions which men ask about this .: :: ::::::: :..::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::..::.::: present life and the life to come." ~~a~o~~t e:~~t~~~en~~~t::t::~:~ Cit' : State Zip..................................... :
- Constitution on the Church c1ared." ,.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in the Modern World
- - - - -
- - -
F. L. Collins & Sons, Inc. •
Contractors •• fngineers
Warning on annulments
= P 0 R TUG A LJ==. Madeira
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THE ANCHQR-O;o<e.e of fall R've,-fi;., feb. 5, 198~
Friends and the gift of faith By Father James A. Bl,ack
The young man was assured that his hospital room would be private. He breathed a sigh of relief. He just did not want to talk to another stranger about his illness and that it was to ~e the eighth time that he had to surrender to the surgeon's knife. The test results had all been bad; There was a large mass th'at had to be removed the next day. Following that, there would be weeks and months of con valescence, radiation sickness, anxiety and the slow process of healing.
The young man's name was Jim. He wanted to be alone to get everything over with. He felt quite anxious about the up coming surgery, for it would be the most serious he had ~ver had. As afternoon became evening, Jim tried to pray,' but the thoughts wouldn't come. "Here, we' go again, Lord," he said., ' He felt alone and depressed. Well, that was life, wasn't 'it? ~at w,as' the use of trying to figure it out? There was a knock at the door, and Father Ron ca~e in., "Just
wanted to see how you were do ing. Everybody at school is wor ried about you and praying for you," he said. Jim wanted to !>e alone, but said nothing. A few moments later, others came into the room: Fathers Kevin, Frank and Bob, Sister McAuley and Sister Mary Rose. "We're all here now, Jim," Father Kevin said, "and we want to celebrate the sacrament of an ointing with you." The small group joined in pray er. Father Kevin pointed out that now the prayer of the entire Turn to Page Thirteen
Letters to "A" , Catholic. This is a fact and noth By David Gibson In 1955, Flannery O'Connor ing covers it like the bald state ment." , I .received a letter from a woman Two weeks later, A and Ms. now known to the pubHc simply exchanged letters' as A. The young woman basic O'Connor ally' grasped what Ms. O'Connor again. This -time the ,writer told was trying to accomplish as a her new friend: "One of the aw ful things about writing when writer. \ you are a Christian is that for Like many fiction wrgiters, Ms. you the ultimate reality.is the O'Connor often felt her work incarnation, the present reality was misunderstood. Some people is the incarnation, and nobody thought her short stories were beli~ves in the Incarnation, that weird. S'O' she wrote to A: is, nobody in .your audience. "I am very pleased to have A TAOIST PRIEST conducts a funeral ritual ~n a: Chin- : your letter. Perhaps it is even My audie,nce are the people who ese village. Awareness of other world religions can 'enrich more startling to me to find ,think God is dead. At least these are~ the peopl~ I am .conscious - : : someone who recognizes my of one's own faith; (PBS Photo) writing for." i work for what I try to make it her ~etters to A, Ms. O'Con rr=================il than it is for you to find~a God nor.In tells of the important role conscious writer near at hand. played in her work by belief and I The distance is 87 miles, but I feel the spiritual d'istance is by the cqurcli. Some fello~ be lievers might' not share all her . By Nell Parent this world seems to grow smaller; shorter." religious views. But when Ms. Then the Georgia writer ex its inhabitants come into more Several years ago, a journalist frequent contact with each' other. plained: "I write' the way I do O'Connor's letters were publish wrote a moving account of his One result is that Christians because (not though) I am a ed in 1979, quite a few must have been surprised at how large daughter's last days at an Eng meet members of other world re lish hospice. a role she attributed to belief. . The daughter was a young pro ligions such as Buddhism or'l Ms. O'Connor suffered from fessional in her 20s. She ap Hinduism. Our society has seen lupus erythematosis, a disease many young people turn to Easproached death from cancer with tern religions - a' puzzle to long controlled for her by medi great 'tranquillity, in a manner cation. Many people recall her as many parents and others. I By Janaan Manternach ' one' might expect in persons of a talented I Southern wliter whose Awareness of such religions I Eli was already hard at work gifts were still developing when deep religious faith. But she was can lead people to worthwhile I although the Jerusalem streets she died at an early age. Per an atheist. ' I recall my feelings as I read reflection on their, own' faith. Witnessing, for ~stance, the : were still dark an~ de~erted. haps others remember one of her her story. I felt sorrow for those II I'f I Onlyk street vendors lIke ElI were stories from television and a ' t f close to her. I also felt the loss Buddh IS reverence or a. I e; I critically acclaimed film, "Wise to the world of someone as tal people may b~gin to thirk of this . : a~~ ethe quiet before sunrise, Blood." I d t 0 thOmk a bou t I'f aspect of their own fa1th. ented and sensitive as she. . She raised peacocks on the I EI'love I e. World ~vents also ca~ m~ke "People like my vegetables and farm where she and her mother But another side of me strug gled to understand how this people. thl?k abo~t their. f~lth., I fruit," he thought as he made lived - an avocation, 'she said, young woman could confront Te~~nsm, mte~atl~naJ.confilcts, I neat stacks of dates' and figs. that "requires everything Of the death devoid of fear or anger polItIcal assassmatlons, r!'!volu- '''I'm making a good living. But peacock and nothing of me." when to her it implied total an- ' tions, the arms race - all can ! I feel unsettled so much of the And she possessed a diotous lead to reflection on the mean- I time. Is something wrong with sense of humor, often revealed in nihilation. How does one cope with death ing of life a?d. o~ God's' pres- I me?" letters to her literary friends, the without religious faith, I won-, ence. Can Chnstlamty really help : Eli sat down behind his stand ,Robert Fitzgeralds. Sally Fitz dered. The story provoking re bring about a better worldj peo- iwaiting for the morning shoppers. gerald edited Ms. O'Connor's let i - I "I wonder what it would take to flection on my own faith - on pie may wonder. ters for publication. .,What happens when faith is: Turn to Page ThIrteen its role in my life, what I was Once, after being photographed challenged? Do people turn too' I doing to develop it, and on its tally away from religious faith? great value to me. Then it occurred to me that More likely, what happens is that motivation to think about faith their faith in something else can stem from many sources. It in technology or politics, for ex sometimes happens, as in the ample, comes to exist side by' 'case above, that we are led to side with religious faith. ,' such reflection by an encounter That is a reason why reflec with people who place faith in tion on faith seems important. 01 for instance, the basic goodness without it, faith may erode, re : of human life rather than in placed by a consuming devotion Chl'istianityor another religious to other values. expression. The events alOJig life's journey Many place faith in Marxist ~an drive us to reflection on our or Leninist doctrines or in the faith; what it is, what it has to powers of science and technol do with us, how it can come to ogy. life for us and how we can in Of course, as w~ explore space, vest ourselves in it.
Thinking about faith
For, c' hildren II
for her publisher, Ms. O'Connor wrote the Fitzgeralds: "They were all bad. (The pic tures.) The one I sent looked as if I had just bitten my grand mother and this was one of my , few pleasures, but all the rest were worse." Ms. O'Connor was concerned at times about money. But her loyalties were strong and she was known to sell stories to the lowest bidder. When she first wrote to Ms. O'Connor, A was not a Catholic. But when she joined the church, Ms. O'Connor wrote: "All volun tary baptisms are a miracle to ' me and stop my mouth as much as if I had just seen Lazarus walk out of the tomb." In a letter to A, the writer said she thought it was probably no more difficult in her day to see Christ as God and man Turn to page,'thirteen
Son of Man II By Father John J. CaStelot The Jesus of Mark's Gospel is a tragic figure, misunderstood, rejected, attacked and executed. But paradoxically, this was the path Jesus took to victory. Mark wanted to get that mess age across:' The way to glory is the way of the cross. To be a Christian is. to follow Jesus . all the w a y . , So, who is this Jesus Mark sets forth at the center of our faith and our life? It is not easy , to answer that question in one column since the Jesus of Mark is as complex as' the Gospel of , Turn to Page Thirteen
know your faith
For children
Continued from page twelve Men and women stepped into the make my life fuller?" he asked waters of the Jordan. One by one they came to John, asking God's himself. Soon the streets were crowded forgiveness. Then John immersed with people and animals. Goats each one in the water. He bap and sheep, dogs and chickens tized hundreds as Eli watched. Now Eli knew why the people mingled with the shoppers. Ven odrs were shouting. Buyers were , called him the Baptizer. arguing for lower prices. "Someone more powerful than Then, about 10 in the morning, I is coming soon," John told the the street suddenly emptied. crowd when he, finished. "I am not fit to stoop and untie .his "What's happening?". Eli won sandal straps. I have baptized dered. "Where are all the peo you in water. He will baptize , pie going?" He asked the fish vendor next you in the Holy Spit~k" ,"I've got to meet this man to him to watch his stand. Then he went to find out where the John is talking about." Eli told himself. "Maybe he is the one crowds were going. Eli 'saw hundreds of people who can help me find a better way to live," He began the long down the road toward the Jor walk back to the city. dan River; a good distance away. When they reached the Jordan, Eli saw they were going toward a man standing in the rippling water. Continued from' plllge twelve "He must be a prophet," church was present, that they thought Eli. The man's skin was were all united in faith. dried and brown from the desert He anointed Jim's head and 'sun. He wore a rough camel's hands with oil. Then those in the hair robe, pulled together by a room placed a hand on Jim's leather belt. Like desert Bed head, each in tur;n. ouins, this fascinating man lived He could feel the concern of on grasshoppers and wild honey. his friends, but even more im "At last God has sent us an portant, he was beginning to feel other prophet to speak in his the presence of the Lord for the name," Eli thought. "I wonder if first time in this illness. The pres his words will fill the emptiness ence was powerful and calm. in my heart," Others in the Jim understood that, some crowd seemed to know the man's how, the Lord had truly touched name. They called him John. him through the healing minis "Repent' " John shouted. "Give try of his friends. All the diffi up your sins! Turn back to the culties of the surgery, the radia LordI He is merciful and ready tion and the convalescence still to forgive you. Be baptized as a lay ahead. But now it all seemed sign that you want to change' to have some sort of meaning. your lives," His anxieties were still pres Eli, was touched by John's ent, but now the healing power words. So were many others. of the Lord was present too.
THE ANCHOR Friday, Feb. 5, 1982
321 Rhode Island Avenue
Fall River 678·5811
Cornwell Memorial
Dignified Funeral Service
WAREHAM 295·U810
Dr. Seuss to get. Regina Medal HAVERFORD, Pa. (NC) Theodore Seuss Geisel, 77, better known as Dr. Seuss, author and illustrator of more than 40 chil dren's books, will receive the Regina Medal Award from the Catholic Library Association April 13 at the association's 61st annual convention in Chicago. Dr. Seuss began a revolution in books for young children with his rhymed nonsense stories and absurd creatures. The Catholic Library Associa tion established the Regina Med al Award in 1959 to honor ex cellence ,in literature for child ren. Born in Springfield, Mass., March 2, 1904, Geisel was edu cated at Dartmouth College and Oxford University. He has been a magazine and advertising illustrator, Illn editor~ ial cartoonist and the producer and designer of documentary features and cartoons for motion pictures, including two docu mentaries and a cartoon which won Academy Awards. Among his children's books are "The Cat in the Hlllt," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," "Yertle the Turtle," "Green Eggs and Ham," "The King's Stilts," "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" and "McElligott's Pool."
Jim realized afterward that his friends had given him a tremend ous gift - they had shared their faith with him and through that faith had helped him find mean ing during a difficult period in his life. After they left, he no longer felt alone. He knew that the Lord would be with him in all that might come. And, for the first time since he learned he was to be hospi talized, he began to feel at peace. 'Perhaps -you wonder what makes me so sure about how Jim felt, or what happened to him through the faith of his friends. It's easy to explain. I was the man in the hospital ~ bed.
AOTOO8 I. " ....ite.l'7 (Joeb". 14.6) 6. A I'tecI til: ...... (I>,;:odu. 10,2) 8. stUlJI (llarlI: 111)9)
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Howard C. Doane Sr,
Gordon l. Homer
Howard C, Doane Jr,
Robert l. Studley
HYAIlHIS 77S·0114
South YI,mouth 311·2201
H.rwlc~ Port 432-ClSU
~: =~~ =CII1Claa 1.1) SIt. T_ (llattt.. 2.12)
h1. A.. _alJl 1&2. Trip Dl.~ (IA1ah ).16)
4). "_, _ 4S. ee.p1a1at
(Exodu., 1.0.19) (Mor" 1$,2~)
102 Shawomet Avenue
46. Splrl.t of rl.... _ aprl.ng b8. Arl.d (Matt"" 12.4)
Somenet, Mall.
so. R... (Jolm UoB) $1. ~ til: pq (Mat_ 20,8)
~~: ::::":~ (Ruth 1.22)
3Y. rouRi 'partlllint 4~ room 'partmlnt
Includes heat, ~lDt water, stove, rl· friger.tor anc! malnienance servici.
1. IlabT a... (La'" 1$.2)
2. AU - m l (_1IIti_ 1.8) ). _ ODd. _ (_loti.... 1.U) 4. Prl.Dt8r'. _ _ S. Ma1JI (110_ 9,1) 6. CIIU til: dri"" 1. P1Il'1o/1 (118_11.2$ 8. T _ (Jobn 6.)1)
ReUgious 'Gifts & Books
~: ~:"~~ Qed <- uola)
Son of man
Continued from page twelve Mark. But we can draw a pre liminary sketch. The Gospel of Mark opens with the words: "Here begins the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." The word Gospel means good news. For Mark, the Gospel is not merely the good news about Jesus. Jesus is the good news. Since the Gospel of Mark says much about belief, this introduc tion is supremely important. It declares that the o!>ject of Chris tian faith is a person, not just a Continued from, page twelv.e, set of truths or an ethical code. "than it has always been, even To be a Christian is to accept if today there seem to be more Jesus and an intimate relation reasons to. doubt," ship with him. For Mark, quite clearly Jesus Nor did Ms. O'Connor think scientific discoveries could ex . is the Son of God. He uses the plain her faith away. On the con title sparingly b~t strategically: trary, she told A: "I think that right at the beginning, for in when I know what the laws of stance, and in the cl,imactic scene the flesh and the physical really on Calvary. Here Mark has the are, then i will know what God Roman centurion make the as tounding act of faith that no is ... "For me," she wrote, "it is the one in the Gospel has been able virgin birth the Incarnation, the to make up to that point, even Resurrection which are the true those who witnessed Christ's laws of the flesh and the physi miracles: "Clearly this man was cal. Death, decay, destruction the Son of God!" are the suspension of these And what did the centurion laws." 'see? A battered corpse, hardly
1h. A r1.V'Jr or running vater lS. Lihorty O.,ta 22:2) 16. One ,",,0 Im_ tbo ..cebonl". of art
calculated to inspire belief in divinity. But there is deep irony here and profound theological truth. It is not the divinity of Jesus, however, but his humanity which dominates Mark's portrait. Though Mark refers to' Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah, his favorite title for Christ is the Son of Man. This title colors the entire second half of the Gospel. Right after Peter acknow ledges, "You are the Messiah!" Jesus enjoins silence on him. Im mediately we read: Jesus "began to teach them that the Son of Man had to suffer much," This is the first of three pre dictions of the passion in this Gospel. The shadow of the cross falls across the Gospel of Mark to such an extent that lit has even been called a passion story with an introduction. As early as Chapter I 3, Mark talks about some who plotted against Jesus, wondering "how they might de stroy him," The cross is in view from the beginning. For Mark, Jesus is the suffering Son of Man who has come not to be served but to serve - to give his life in ran som for the many,"
for every occasion . .. Baptisms First Communions Birthdays Confirmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations
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'r.e d.llv'''r·Call IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New BOlton Road Fall River 678·5677
Bishop Stang
THE ANCHOR Friday, - Feb. 5, 1982
Funeral Home Inc.
283 St.tion Avenue South Y.rmouth, M••••
Tel. 398·2285
. Funeral DOllIe 550 Locust Stref!t F&D Rlv~. ~..
ROle E. SuUlvaa
WUllam J. Sullivan
Margaret M. SulIllvan
KEVIN BIRCH i's ~ongra1~lated by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. James B!tch (left), and Siste'r Mary Faith Harding, ItSM, Feehan priI}.cipal, on his selection as a Century III ,i I ' leader.
936 So. Main St., Fall River
Feehan: seIuor .is CentQry III winner
" I .
Kevin Birch, 17, a senior at Bishop Feehan High School, At tleboro, has, been named one of two statewide Century III ILead ers by the National Association of Secondary ~chool, ·Principals.
11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru .Saturday
Tt;tl.· 673-4262
I Century III conference to be held
Inext month in Colonial Williams . burg. I
I There a selection committee will ievaluate. the conference participants and name ~ national winI rier and nine semi-finalists, who '11 . dd" 1 h I I WI receIve a ItJona sc 0 arI ships. All con.ference participants .will also be eligible for an alum~ Ini progra~ offering. postgradu I ate grants. I
Century III is a na,tional scholarship program designed to develop' leadership qualities among high school seniors'. kevin
Evergreens, Flowering' Shrubs, Trees .Lawn Fertilizer - Loam " Annuals landscape Design '. .958 MAIN ST...... RYE. 28 • EAST FAlMOU'lH
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. is among' 102 finalists picked 'from 300,000' contestants on the basis of leadership, school" and community 'involvement and : Kevin is tlW son of Dr. a~d Mrs. - IJames Birch of Attleboro. ;His ac . aw.areness of current eve~ts. ,As a finalist he will rec~ive a Itivities at Bi~hop Feehan include $1,500 college s<;holarship and an . Ipresidency .of the student coun expense-paid trip to a national cil and participation in the I '
''.. • •
.• •
-.. Car - Inv. value $2143, sold ; . for $100. For hiformation on • purchasing' similar barg~lns • •
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-CALL602~998-0575 .Ext.
• 6543 •
By . Charlie. Martin
5•••••••••~ ••••• ~
I . C.A~'T GO i fOR . THAT Easy~ ready. willing, iovertlm'e I " Where does It stop Where do you dare we drav7 the line You got the body now you ~ant my soul Don't even think about It say no go . Yeah I'D do anything that y(lU want me .to Yeah I'll. I'D do almost any1~g,that you want me to I
679-5262 LEARY PRESS
GARANT FLOOR COVERING 30 CRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel to South Main behind Ray's Flowers)
But I can't go for that no No can do I can't go for that ~I Can't go for that 'I can't go for being twice as nice I can't go for just repeating I the same old lines Use the body now y?U wanl! my 'soul Do forget about It now say tno go Yeah, I'll, I'll do anything tJ1!at you want me to Yeah I'll, I'D do almost anything that you want me to Yeah.
SUll1g by Daryl Hall and: John O~tes, Wii1ten by Daryl Hall, ,
John Oates and Sara Allen, (c) 11981 by Hoc-Cha Music Co.
and Six Continents Music Publlshh:lg Inc. and Fust Buzza Music. WlDLE mls SONG does :not spell out exactly what line is to be drawn,one gets the clearim-
p~ession lit's not an art class tllat is being discussed. IRecently, when I was talking
school's peer counseling pro gram. He was Feehan's' D.A.R. Citizenship Award winner for I
His community involvement in cludes the position of organist-· choirmaster at All Saints Epis copal Church, where he directs both the adult and juilior choirs. A profes'sional organist, Kevin has been s~udying for three years at the New ,England Conservatory of Music, under Y'!ko Hayashi, 'chairperson of the orga~ depart ment. He hopes to attend Tufts University, taking a double ma jor in music and political science.
with high school people about sexuality, the same question was asked, <it is important. But I would like to rephrase it. Perhaps the -question is not, "How far is too far?" Instead, shouldn't we ask, "How far is responsible, both to you and the other person?" The time to answer; the ques~ tion lis not at the moment of a physical encounter, when sexual desire or peer pressure may cloud things. As with other im portant aspects of life, we need to think first. The responsible use of sexual power is a large topic. We can't discuss all aspects of it in this space. The song, however, raises questions about separating love from sexual activity. That is what I want' to discus~ now. Sexuality is innately part of us. Physical, sexual acts always affect more than oneself. Con sequently the song's question is too narrow. It places all the em phasis on "me" by askiing, "Where do you dare me to draw the line?" How responsibly do we view sexual activity? The meaning of a relationship can be determined to a significant extent .by the way we answer that question. Please address correspondence to Charlie Martin, 3863 Belle meade Ave., Evansville. IneL 47715.
American leaders are recog-' nized in February and at Bish- ' op Stang student presidents have been spotlighted in the monthly' Newsletter circulated to parents and friends. They include Pat rick Horal\ student congress president; Nicole Demakis, Na tional Honor Society; Kevin Downey, senior class; Carolyn Cerulli, junior "class; Robert Bourgeois, sophomore class; Jac queline Desormier, drama 'club; Michael Richard, ski club; Peter Charron, ~lectronics club; Rob ert 'Piche, chess club; Michael Gaspar and C~cilia Porche, Big Brothers/Big Sisters. This week and next, students at the North Dartmouth school are choosing courses for next year. As for seniors, 72% thus far are planning to continue their education in college. Early acceptances have been received by Nicole Demakis, 'Dartmouth; Matthew Downey, Boston College; Michael Gaspar, Syracuse; Colleen Rafferty, Uni versity of Michigan; and John Vickers, West Point. Fifty students are participa ting in a power weight lifting program and will compete S'atur- ' day, Feb. 27, in a meet at Coyle Cassidy, Taunton. A new session 'will begi~ Monday, March 1.
.CoyIe-Cassidy The Taunton school's weekly newsletter, "Update," recently .tipped its hat to basketball and hockey team members "who' have made· great strides to bring , home victories;" Tim Leary and Paula Taurazas for entering names of parents and alumni in to the development office's com puter files; Ralph Schlagater, Kevin Sullivan, Brian Sullivan and Stephen Smith for updating those same files and for assis tance in preparing development office mailings. Also, George Bisio and Mark Caldeira of the ski club for ef forts in connection with a recent and successful ski weekend.
Bishop Connolly Jennifer Burns, a freshman at Bishop Connolly High in Fall River, won first prize in a recent essay cont~st on Martin Luther King. . James ·Bailey and Jane Mc Nally, seniors, were among ex hibitors in the Boston Globe Scholastic Art Competition. Each will be awarded a gold key. Ten student leaders of the school's Community Service Pro gram will travel to New Hamp shire this weekend for a retreat focused on commitment to the poor and needy.
"The answer to your prayer is here!"
THE ANCHOR - , Friday, Feb. 5, 1982
Iteering pOint, -,-----------.
By Bill Morrissette
wetC h
Pacheco, Gouveia Award Nominees Marc Pacheco, an offensive tackle on the Bishop Stang High School football team, and Paul Gouveia. an offensive center and linebacker for Coyle-Cassidy High School, are among nine nominees for the 1981 Vince Lombardi Block and Granite Award. Pacheco was named to the New Bedford Standard Times and Southeastern Massa chusetts Conference Division Three all star teams. Gouveia, also on the conference's Division Three stellar eleven, was named to the Taunton Gazette and Brockton Enterprise all-star teams. Other nominees are: Michael Sylvia, offensive left guard at Apponequet Regional High in Lakeville; named to May flower League all-stars, Fall River Herald News all-stars, Mayflower 'League most valuable player Kevin Cote, Case High offensive center; conference div ision two all star 1980 and 1981. Herald-News all-star team. Norman Mendoza. right guard at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High; Taunton Gazette all star
team. Chris Darmody, Durfee of fensive tackle; Division One con· ference and Herald News all star teams. Robert Byron, left guard and linebacker at Seekonk High; Attleboro Sun Chronicle all-star team. James Beaulieu, Somerset High offensive tackle; COJ)ference Division Two, Herald News and Somerset Spectator all-star teams. Chris McLaughlin, Tiver ton High offensive tackle; Rhode Island Interscholastic League Class B and all-league all-star teams. The 1981 winner will be announced at the 11 th annual awards dinner in the Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, Sunday night. Shelby Jordan, six-year offensive tackle with the New England Patriots, will be the guest speaker. At Wash ington College in St. Louis he was named a small college AIl American. With a 4.0 shutout of Marion last Sunday night 4 defending champion New Bedford regained sole possession of first place in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League.
A film, "Kibbutz on Tall Grass Mountain," will' be shown at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, in the monastery dining room. The presentation deals with a miss ioner's efforts to end injustice ata sugar plantation in the Philippines. A following discuss ion will be led by Brother Chuck Gagnon, MS. All wel come. ST.STANlSLAUS, FR
A school science fair will be open to visitors after all Masses this Sunday. An offerin~ of suffering" will take place at all Masses nexlt Sunday, with each partici pant choosing a physical or men tal suffering to offer during the year of Our Lady of Czesto chowa for the god of the par ish and of Poland. Barish intercessors wil meet at 2:30 p.m. Sunday for a prayer service with members of St. Stanislaus Kostka parish in Woonsocket. All other parishion ers invited to participate in the service and a following tour of the parish plant, ending with a coffee hour. Holy Rosary sodalists will meet 'at 1 p.m. Sunday in the school hall. ST. ANNE'S ROSPITA,L, FR
A physicians' education con ference on EKG interpretation will be presented at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in Clemence Hall, Room 112, by Dr. Randall Zus man ofHarvard Medical School 'and Mass. General Hospital. In formation: Eileen Pelletier, RN, 674-5741, ext. 258. SECULAR
St. Francis of the Cape Fra ternity will meet for Mass at 7:10 p.m. Tuesday at St. John's parish center, Pocasset. Talks following Mass will be present ed by Father Edwin Dirig, OFM, and JoAnn Reif. All welcome. ST. RITA, MARION
The LiWit of Christ Prayer Group will meet tonight follow ing 8 p.m. Mass. All welcome. ST. PIUS, SOUTH YARMOUTH'
Eleanor Pingree will discuss current books at a women's'Guild meeting set for 2 p.m. Tuesday in the parish hall.
Dan Devine heads Sun Angel group PHOENIX, Ariz. (NC) - Dan Devine, Notre Dame's football coach from 1975 to 1980, has been named executive director of the Sun Angel Foundation, Arizona State University's ma jor support group for athletics. Devine, 57, who began his career as head coach at Arizona State in 1955, was also head coach at the University of Missouri and o fthe Green Bay Packers before he joined the Fighting Irish. He built a career record of 198 wins, , 83 losses and 13 ties. including a 53-16-1 record and a 1977 na SUPER BOWL MVP Joe Montana, clutches Vince Lom tional championship at' Notre bardi Trophy after the game. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Dame. Since he retired from Notre pastor of Our Lady of Angels parish, Fall River, and long Dame at the end of the 1980 time Notre Dame football team chaplain received a call season he has turned down num from Montana shortly after the game. He and his wife had erous coaching offers. He said obtained a bowl ticket and arranged hotel reservations for when he took on the Sun Angels Msgr. Gomes, but both weather conditions and illness job that he does not plan to again. kept the prelate from the Pontiac, Mich., Silverdome. Msgr. coach 4,500-member Sun Angel Gomes said he had encouraged Montana during "low points" Foundation has contributed more in the latter's Notre Dame football career and the two had than $6 million to Arizona State's athletic programs. maintained their frindship. (NC Photo)
Students will conclude Catholic Schools Week with a Mass at 9 . this morning in the sehool, fol lowed at 12:30 p.m. by a teacher sponsored dance. ST.DO~NlC,SVVANSEA
Those involved in ministries that will be represented at the parish council now in formation will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Father Carey Center. Parents wishing to enroll chil_ dren in a religious education kindergarten program may call the rectory or rel:igious educa tion office. A 5 p.m. Mass of Anointing, followed by dinner and musical entertainment, will be sponsored by parish young people Friday, Feb. 19. Folk .group members will at tend a music seminar at Boston College this weekend.
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Tuition 'and room and board costs have been increased for the 1982-83 academic year, but Stonehill charges remain among the lowest for independent insti tutions in Massachusetts, officials say. The college will offer a five session parents, program "Sys tematic Training for Effective Parenting," beginning at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Information: 238-1081, ext. 258. SS. MARGARET & MARY. BUZZARDS BAY
The parishes will host a World Day of Prayer Mass at 11 a.m. Friday, March 5. Refreshments will follow in the parish center. ST. JULIE, N. DA,RTMOUTH
Canned goodS for ,the needy may be placed in a collection box in the crying room. Parish ioners are also asked to contrib ute unneeded cribs and other baby furniture to Birthright. In formation: Jean Taffe, 994-6945. , Ladies' Guild scholarship ap_ plication forms are available in the back of the church. ST.~CHAEL,
Cub Scouts will attend 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, intern!l'tional Scout Sunday. Ten boys will re ceive the Parvuli Dei Award during the liturgy. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FR
Confirmation candidates will at tend an all-day 'retreat conduct ed by Father Joseph Maguire on Saturday, Feb. 13. The 11:30 a.m. Mass and an ac companying program on Sun day, Feb. 14, will deal with the need for vocations. (More Steering Points on Page 18)
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 5,: 1982
"See the world' tA~rou9h
ancho the ),.~,," "'~\\
SUBSCRIPTION SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14:r 1982 This Mess~ge Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of- Fall River ,
FIVE-HOUR VIGIL A monthly five-hour vigil held in various diocesan churches will take place tonight at St. Bernard Church, Assonet, begining at 8 p.m. and concluding at 1 a.m. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Mass will begin and conclude The parish council wili meet vigil and a holy hour and at 7 p.m. Sunday in the hall. All ' the' rosary will be included. There welcome. will ,be a -10 p.m. coffee break. All w~Jcome. CHARISMATICS Monthly meetings for diocesan ST. ANNE, FR charismatic leaders wi.ll resume Mass will be offered at 10:15 Saturday, Feb. 13. Leaders will this morning in the shrine in meet from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. observance of' Catholic Schools at St. Theresa's parish hall, 2693 Week. Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. Scout.'> will dttend 10 a.m. All willing to serve in their Mass Sunday, followed b;y a prayer . groups ·are welcome. Blue and Gold banquet in the Lunch should be brought. C.offee school hall. , will, be provided. A science fair is planned for Feb. 26 and 27 in the school. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON SALVE REGINA, NEWPORT The college will offer a five The parish will mark its 100th anniversary in September and session graduate course on child
will publish a commemorative abuse and neglect, beginning
Saturday, March 6. Information:
booklet. Former parishioners are 401-847-6650..
asked to contact 822-0484 or 824~4931 by'March 1: '
CURSILLO MOVEMENT The diocesan Cursillo move .ECHO OF ATLEBORO ment has memorial cards avail A follow:..up Echo program able for use at the deaths of will be held at 8 p.m. Monday at ,friends or relatives. Information: La Salette Monastery.Arrange Mrs. Mary Morrill, 81 Towne St., ments are in charge i)f Father Attleboro Falls, 02706. Roy and Coyle-Cassidy students. A 24-hour Cursillo renewal Openings are available for an experience will be 'held Satur April Echo to ·be held at Cathe day and Sunday, Feb. 20 and 21, darl Camp. Applications should at La Salette Center for Chris be sent to Sister Patricia Hartian Living, Attleboro. Informa ,rington, 70 ,Hol,cott Dr., Attle tion: Kathy Hickman, 46 Pay boro 02703. Further information: son St., Attleboro 02703. . Marie Flin~felt, 761-7070 0.1' Father Roy, 823-'2521. ST. MARY,. FAIRHAVEN First Saturday devotions, in SS. PETER & PAUL,FR cluding Mass, sponsored by the In lieu of 'their regular meeting, Legion of Mary will be held at Retirees' Club' members will 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Regular Le host a Valentine party for 6th gion meetings are held at 7 p.m. and 7th graders a,t the parochial each Thursday. Information: school at 1 p.m. Wedne.'lday at Robert Hart, 994-7717. Father Coady Center. eyO members will attend 11 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, a.m. Mass Sunday, Feb. 14. A N.EASTON council meeting will follow. Choir rehearsals are in pro
In observance of the parish's gress in preparation for confir
lOOth anniversary, a homecom mation services Tuesday, March
ing dance will take place Satur 2.
day, Feb. 13. Former parishion A' "nickelodeon movie fest"
ers and school alumni are in Sunday, Feb. 14 will feaure old vited to join' present parishion time films. ers. Nominations are open for vice president and treasurer of the ST. LUKE HOSPITAL, NB We, the Parish Association. They The religious ministry office may be given at the rectory up seeks office' work volunteers to Sunday, March 7. who could perform clerical and administrative work two or BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Parish adults and young peo three hours a week. Information: Chaplains' Office, 997-1515, ext. ple will compete in basketball at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, at 410. Dominican Academy, 'Informa tion: Paul Cyr, 67'2-5551. '
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"lImis,illn.. OT ;lJ.:;lin"'l ;,my l.'mrlll)"l'l" or in ;111)' CducltiCln01I pru.t:r:I01 UI1 11ll' h;l,i ... of Tan', cflllIr, n.:IiJ:ion, 1I;1lion"llIri1-:in, :1~l.'. ,t:X or t:on\lil ion of h;mJkilp.
ST.JOSEPH, Nil A series of' film strips on life problems such as pain, death, doubt, loneliness and violence will be offered following 7 p.m. Mass each Friday of Lent. Healing Masses or' prayer meetings will take place at 7 p.m. each Wednesday of Febru ary. The liturgy committee will meet at 7:45 p.m. Thursday in the rectory basement. A Legion of Mary holy hour willbe held at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19 for the intentions of refugee resettlement and evan gelization of Chinese people. DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER St. Rose of Lima chapter will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11, at Domincan Convent, 37 Park St., Fall River, for Mass, reception of new members and 'a business session. DISTRICT COUNCIL, FR Fall River District Council of Catholic Women will hold an open meeting at 7:45 p.m. Thurs day at Holy Name school hall, Read and Pearce Streets, Fall River. A program, "Come, Meet Matilda" will be presented by the Organizations and Services Commission, headed by Lorraine Lima. Mrs. Henry Ferland will chair the hostess' committee. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, will direct a Lenten renewal program March 7 through 10. Parents are urged to bring children.