Goal ,Is The Anchor in Every Home
North Attleboro Parish Nears Objective , "Vie've increased our total subscriptions to Anchor every year and we're going to do It again this year," says'Re\r; Joseph S. Larue, pastor of the Sacred Heart parish in. North Attleboro. "Our IN I honestly PI is to see believe The Chat a copy of Anchor is a the Anchor, goo d newsIoes into every. 'l': paper, one of home in the' the best diocesParish every ,ii; an newspapers W'e-ek and in the country. going to And, I believe -'chieve t hat a s s t r 0 ngly ,O:al," asserts that anyone the energetic who doesn't r~lden jubilinosubscribe ia '&n shepherd Fr Dickinsoa ,missing someof, 'souls. ' • thing. At first, had some peopie who were reluctant to sub~ribe. Now, :they can't wait for the mailman on , Dursday m~ing." ~ Father Lal'Ue, with. the assistaooe of tWo ~
n we ,.
Father Larue North Attleboro and Father Anthony M. GQmes, administrator of Our Lady of, Angels parish in Fall River, have established a' mark for every pastor in the entire diocese. Father Gomes, in Our Lady of ill h i iI first Angels parish assignment as than in any a' parish head, other parish in has jumped the diocese. The Anchor "It can be circulation i B den e without the South End too much efFall River parfort," says Fr. ish from 45 to Gomes. "I am more than, 700 proud of the each week. ~he good people ill Anchorn 0 w Oar Lady of sells more paFr. LeDue Angels parish." , pers each week And, it is Fr. Gomes' intentiol'l to keep his parish in the lead in weekly' sales. UWe're out front and we're going to stay there. The other parishes, and th~ mcludes the big ones, wiU have to catch us."
zealous curates-Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson and Rev. Roger D. LeDuc-is currently selling twice as many copies of The Anchor as his quota. The Anchor circulation department established a 200 quota paper was esfor the North tablished: .Attleboro 'par1957 61 ish. There are 1958 103 403 wee k I y 1959 246 p aid copies 1960 342 mailed to fam1961 403 ilies under Fr. "Some parLarue's 'superish e 8 which vision. have reached Here is the . their quotas .do No. Attleboro not receive the parish record b u I k bundle. since this diFr. Larue But, not us," ocesan newsemphasized the lovable North Attleboro pastor. "We have copies ·in the back of the church for every one who wants the paper on a particular week, and does not subscribe regularly." '
World Awaits Vatican Council Start a.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Johl\set next Oct. 11 the opening date fmo the long-heralded ecumenicalcoul'lciL In so doing he chose to tie it to the memory of the Council of Ephesus in 431, whose decisions upheld belief in. the Virgin Mary as Mother of' God, which remains today a keystone in the belief of' both Catholics aDd Orthodos: Christians. Oct. 11 is the ' Pope John announced the date who await it with great antld-,fe~t of the Divine' Matep- ' for tbe couricil on Feb. 2, the pation, to intensify ever maN nity of Mary. feast of the Purification of the their prayers to God for the hap.. • Blessed Virgin':-tbree years and pysuccess of this undertaking ..• The .P Ope 'Sal'd h'IS matll eiiht d'ays after, he first revealed Thtl time lag between Pope hopes for the results of the coun- hi. intention: to summon all the cil, to, be known the Second . Catholic bishops of the world for lohn'. announcement at. the council-on Jan. 25, 1959-'-and Vatican Ecumenical Council, are a 21st ecu'meriical council. the date fQr the opening is well "t~at the Church, Spouse of. Christ, may stren,gthen'still more The motu proprw recalls that under the fiVe years whiela her divine energies and extend Pope John iSSUed a statement elapsed for the last council-the her beneficial influence in still last Christmas Day announcing Vatican Council of 1869-70. Pope greater measure to the minds eli . that the council wOuld take place Phis IX first revealed hia intention to convoke n council on Dee. men." He added: ~ 1962, and states iliat the date "In' tbisway there is fUrther . for< the opening ¥, being, ~~ 8, 1864. It did not open until Dee. reason to hope that all people- ,nounced now so that. the particl- a, 1869.. The council lasted 316 days. • especially those whom we 10 / ; pants ~an plan thea schedule. w~ adjourned sUddenly OIl Od. sorrowfully see Suffering becauSe ' ,aceordmgly. ' 1870, after Rome had bee. 1962 of .. misfortune, discords and The Pope agaia appealed for . 20, . mournful conflicts-turning their prayers for the succesa' of the taka by Piedmontese troo", , ,. eyes more trustfully toward council. "We can do no leSs," he thus ending the Papal States. Pope John in lune of 1960 set PRICE 10. Christ ... may finally achieve said, "than exhort' once more all ....00 per YefM true peace in respectfw mutual Our sons; together with all the lIP '. dozen preparatory commillo, Turn· to Page Eleva rights~nd duties." clergy and the Christ~an people
FqllI RiYer~ Mass., Thunday, Feb.
Yol. 6, No. 7
,@ 1~ The Anchor
. .-----08I0lp----..-------------Ordinary ,PopeNames Fairhaven Maryknoller Bishop Assigns
Bishop-elect Regan, a 51 yAIr The Holy See has named ,Rev. Joseph W. Regan, ,M.~.,. Prayers from all tor b~ed .old ro.issioner wbo, has devofW of Fairhaven to be a Bishop and to become Prelate Nuliius apostolate. 30 'years of his life to missh of the newly-created Prelature Nullius of Tagum in the work in the Orient includkll ~hilippines. Bish~p-elect Regan. is the son of Mrs. Mary M. imprisonment by Chinese cotbmunists in 1951, is' presenftlJ' Regan of 120 Chestnut St.; The Chancery Office hall serving as regional superior at imnounced the first assignFairhaven. His' only sister. all Maryknoll priests in the PbUments for the six priests orippines, .where he has wor~ Sister Rita Marie, is in the dained last Friday by the since 1952. In the Summer at Maryknoll Sisters' and . is 1958 the veteran China missicmMost Reverend Bishop for serThe Chancel'y Office anpresently stationed in Formosa. er led a dozen Maryknollers into ~ in the Diocese. All have.. lleceived appointments as assist- nounces the transfer of Rev. Tagum, an undeveloped area of This is the second time' the 3,200 square miles in the prClVants and will take up their Kenneth J. Delano, assistan't Holy See has selected a native of ince of Davao on Mindanao. 'the duties tod;ay.. at St. Patrick's Church, 'the Fall River Diocese in the area ia the "Wild West" of the Rev. John F. Andrews is as- Wareham, to Sl Mary'D Chui'ch, Maryknoll Fathers to become II. Philippines and homesteading t. signed to St. Joseph's Church in' New Bedford, as assistant. Bishop. The first is Most Rev. encouraged. As spiritual director l'all River. Father Delano, ordained by the Frederick A. Donaghy, M.M.. of the newly erected prelacy o:! . Rev. Edmund T. Delaney to Most Reverend Bishop on April D.D.,'of New Bedford, in exile Tagum, ,Bishop-elect Regan VIfil1 from China and now working OIl 'Boly Name Church, Fall River. Turn to Page FOUl' be responsible for the spiriWal Rev. Richard P. Demers to Taiwan. ' leadership of the 29 Marykuoli 1\I5t" Michael's OhUl'lCh, Ocean priests there and the 380,0'00 Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Grove. people under their care. Bishop of Fall River, has sent Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney to the following telegram t3 the A graduate of Fairhaven High 1St. Patrick's Church, Wareham. Bishop-elect: School and Boston College" Rev. Thomas F. Neilan to St. Father Regan entered the Ma~ Ann's Church, Raynham.. "Fall River Diocese rejoices iii. Rev. Barry W. Wall to ImmaeMost Rev. Joseph W. Rega Turn to Pll$0 Fou:r great distinction come to you. alate Conception Church, TaunH
Wareham Curate Ii Transferred
Father Mullaney will succeed Rev. Kenneth J. Delano who has been transferred to St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. Father Wall succeeds Rev. Martin L. Buote who is now at Immaculate Gonception Church, No. Easton. Father Neilan will assist Rev. f:>so T. Sullivan in the new St. Ann's Parish in Raynham. Fr. Sullivan haa just moved in,to a newly-purchased rectory across 1r041l1 the Church. The Chancery Office has also llIlDounced that there will be another ordination to the pries$IIood lD the Sprm.. .:
Legion of Mary Expands
h. DeIaBo,'
Due to the expansi~n and Taunton, Diocesan Moderator, will remain WI Director of the growth of the Legion of Fall River Diocesan central Mary in the Diocese and council which is being raised with a view to furthering ~ the rank of Comitium. the Legion apostolate, the Most The Attleboro area will fan Reverend Bishop has appointed 'lUlder the jurisdiction of the the Rev. Albert Shovelton of Taunton Curia, until such time St. James parisb as New Bed- - as it has its own Curia and th~ ford Curia Director, and the Cape Cod area will be supervised Rev. Joseph Delaney of Sacred by the New Bedford Curia pendHeart parish.as Taunton Curia ing further' extension of the DIJ::ector. The Rev. Edward A. Legion. The, Fall Dive comWum. eliOliveir&, Our Lad7 of Lourd~
Diocese oeesan central councll, will caro for' Praesidia in Somerset, SwanSeQ and Westport aD well as Fan River and will exercise supervision over the other Curiae im the Diocese. The Legion hi. the Diocese has a total of 20 Praesidia in 16 parishes with 197 active memben, 505 adjutorians and 5,370 auxiliaries. The active membeFlll attend the weekly meeting of tho Pl'aesidium or local unit aDd TMnlto Paae Fourteea
No'me Winners Of Christopher Book Awards
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1962
Diocese of Fa I i River
NEW YORK (NC)-Se~. winners of the annual Chri&tophen Book Awards Welle named here by Father Jam. !tener, director of 1he Christo-
·OFFICIAL Clergy Transfer Rev. Kenneth J. Delano, assistant at St. Patrick's .Church, Wareham" to St. Mary's Church, New Bedford, as assIstant. Effective Wednesday, Feb. 'I, 1962. Clergy Appointments Rev. John F. Andrews to St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, es assistant. Rev. Edmund T. Delaney to Holy Name Church, Fall River, as assistant. Rev. Richard P.Demerg ta St. ,Michael's Church, Ocean Grove, as assistant. Rev. Leonard M. Mul1anes' to St. Patrick's Church; Wareham, as assistant. Rev. Thomas F. Nei1eB ta St. Ann's. Church, Raynham, £:S assistant. Rev. Barry W., Wall to Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, as assistant. Effective Thursday, Feb.' 8, 196~. !Legion of Mary Appointments Rev. Albert F. Shovelton to be Curia Director of New Bedford. Rev. Joseph P. Delane,.' 110 be Curia Director of Teunton.
Cardinal SpeUman's Rome Career Began As Impromptu Trr(ntl$~ator NEW YORK (NC) - Francis , Cardinal Spellman's contact with the Pope who. named him a
J'RIDAY-St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. III Class. ;-: White. Mass Proper; Gloria; ;0; Second Collect St. Appolonia, Virgin and Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY - St. Scholastica, Virgin. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed;. Common Preface. BUNDAY - VI Sunday Aft e r Epiphany. II "Class. Green. MaSs Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY....,..Seven 'Holy Founders of the Servites, Confessors. III·Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no C~eed; Common Preface. TUESDAY - Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Cre~d; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Mass of previoua Sunday", IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs; DO Creed; Com,mon Preface.
bishop began when-to thenFather Spellman's surprise - he was tapped as an impromptu papal translator. The incident is recalled by Father Robert I. Gannon, S.J., former president of Fordham University il!!. Look. magazine which is pliblishing a three-part preview of the Jesuit's book, "The Cardinal Spellman Story." As Ii young Boston priest,Cardinal Spellman had gone to Rome in 1925 on a pilgrimage. He was in an audience of Americans being received by Pope,' Pius XI. The Pope delivered a lengthy speech in Italian. At ,its conclu-· sion, his. eyes fell upon the young· priest. The Pontiff asked him, if he understood Italian. When Father Spellman said he did he was told to translate. , Father Gannon relates that the future Cardinal stepped forward .and delivered an oration. "A friend who witnessed the performance always claimed that he concluded with a phrase or two from the Gettysburg address," Father Gannon says. Father Spellman remained in· Rome to direct a Knights of.' Columbus project there and later also held posts in the Vatican Secretaria:Lof State. It was he whom Pius XI Be'lected to carry the 1931 encyclleal condemning the tyranny of Mussolini secretly out of Italy to Paris for publication.
Legion of Decency
FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Feb. l1-Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea. , Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Feb. 18-St. William, Fall . River. Holy Family, Taunton. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven. Feb. 25-St. Anthony, E a s t Falmouth. St. Mqry, North Attleboro. Mar. 2-LaSalette Seminary, AtUeboro. Mar. 4-Santo Christo, Fall River. St. Anthony Convent, Fall River. Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven.
The following films· are to be added to the lists in their respective classifications: Unobjectionable for general patronage: Cash on Demand, Merrill's Marauders; Swinging Along. Unobjectionable for adults and adolescents: The Hellions; Hell Is for Heroes; Mighty Ursus. Objectionable in part for all: Siege of Syracuse (suggestive costumes, dances).
LA SALETTEMISSWNER: Rev. Gilles Genest, M.S., of Manchester,N.H., was ordained to the priesthood last Friday night by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River in St. Mary's 'Cathedral, Fall River.
H@$ fg~~ Dlfeam of WinnB~g $] 0,000 IPrri%e .... Wins $10 Pipe NIYlITQ
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Sister Valeria had a pipe dream. Now she has a pipe, a $10 one, but her dream of winning a $10,000 prize in a jingle contest i~ still just a dream. . Sister Valeria is the director of a $750,000 building fund campaign for a new motherhouse for the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. The fund is growing slowly so Sister 'Valeria lias been entering contests which offer money prizes in the hope of increasing the fund. She won the pipe in a jingle contest sponsored by a tobacco
ants - termites. Sister Valeria said she is fearful that some day the Sisters will come downstairs without using the stairway. The sisterhood is 9(1 years old. It was founded in Labadieville, La., and the motherhouse was moved to New Orleans in'1915. The Sisters teach at four schools in the New Orleans archdiocese.
FEB. is Joseph G: Levalle, 1910, St. Mathieu, Fall River. James C. Conlon, 18&7, St. Mary, Norton.
Tuesdays-February 6 throMg~ Apr~1 24 . -
RegistratlOll by mail or Feltrvary 6 alld 13-7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. i.. Holy ,Cross Hal Minimum registration per c1a811 is'll. Fee $20 payable in 'fuR at reliistrati_
MO~DAY CLASSES (sfc1rt February 5), 7:30-9:30 P." CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH I (For .beginners) INTRODlJCTION TO THE RUSSIAN L'ANGUAGE , (for beginners! IRISH LITERATURE (Slides and lectures) LOGIC AND MEMORY, DEVELOPMENT' (Practiced for studonts, employees" employe.... REFRESHER ARITHMETIC AND MATHEMATICS (Will be gearod to dudent n~ REPORT WRITING (For bUDin_people, students and others) SOCIOLOGY-THE MEANING OF CULTURE AND GROUP LIFE (lea.. about ... fabric of society) , ELEMENTARY STATISTICS FOR EVERYDAY BUSINfSS USE (La,geIy _athematW techniques applied to bUDinm situations, .
~ and Burners ~
WYman 2-5534
[fBII~&IJILliL®RT9~ @k~@~ 24':H@l,gfr Wreclkefi' $<ervo<!:e
TUESDAY CLASSES (stort february 6), 7:30.9:30 P.M. AN INTRODUCTION TO HOLY SCRIPTURE KNOW YOURSELF (PSYCHOLOGY FOR THE LAYMAN) (An informat study) LITERATURE OF FAITH FOR AN AGE OF CRISIS (Dante's Divine Comedy, Bool of Job, Poems Of .Gerard Manley Hopkins, etc.) . 'CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH II (Will. be gearocf to student n e " 'EFFECTIVE mAKING AND THE CONDUCT Of MEETINGS (Gain a mastory .. youreslf and control si~tioM which confroM you) ,HOW TO ENRICH YOUR ENGLISH (COIItin. . . . Engli.... UMge, aimed • improving writing througJ. reading), INTRODUCTION TO TtIE RUSSiAN LANGUAGE n (For studooot. _ a ha... "-i begi..ning Russia..) MANAGING YOUR MfND AND EMOTIONS (COMidon principlee of oovnd ......... health, correct mental habitll, emotional _trol) TtfE FINE ARTS AND MAN (ArchitedaN, ocuIpture. painti~ lIIlnor a""-' Greda.. period)
Heating Oils C
BEnER SALES MANAGEM£NT ("Good sal. --sers can write their own tick"" CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY 'EFReSHEt! COURSE (WIH .e1ude Busi.... Administration and· AccoUltting) • INSURANCE-BROKERS' AND AGENTS' R£I'RHHER AIIlO lIClHItH EXAMINATIOII REVIEW COURSE . MASSACHUSmS CRIMItIAL LAW FOR PEACE OFFICERS (Fat' police, cO"lOfYatM. aHicers, guards, wardens; 'at' the general public) MASSACHUSEnS REAL ESTATE BROKERS' UCENSE AND REFRESHER COURSI (To proparo lice.... examination. Refreshor course for brokors and lales_oJ TH ABC'. OF INVESTMENTS (loam of the nab and rewards of investme.....
CHARM AND POISEo (For' caroor women, ho_lves, teen-ogers. Stand out in • crowd. But still keep Ibat naturol look.) , DRAWING AND PAINTING- (A well-knOWR portrait paintor wit! .9oach y_ .. paint the first night) SPEED READINGo (Double your <Gelding ~, strengthen comprehension =iJ retention, think critically) 01 credit 'or each course except tho... allterill!<od
Please Register with: DIRECTOR INSTITUTE OF AiHR'l' Id)UCATION S90nehiH College Nortb Eastoca, ~9llJ iIIAME
ADDRESS THE ANCHOR Second Clua POltalre Paid at I'D» Rivu, ...... Pablllbed ever, Thunda)' at 61. H"h1and Anna., Fall RIver. 114. . . . . . the Catbolle Pres. of the Dloeeae at River, Subserlpltoll priee . . _tpaid ".00 . . . ._
653 Washington Street, Fairhaven WYman 4-5058
Mondays-February 5th through April 23
Rev. Pastor, Rev. Pastor,
RegistratiOll by maR or february 5 a .. d UI-7:OO P.M. to 9:30 P.M. hi Holy Cross Hal
FEB. U , Rev. John O'Connell, 1910, Founder, St..John Evangelist, Attleboro. " , ,Rev. John J. Sullivan, 1961, late Pastor, Holy Rosary, Fall. River.
FEB ll4
It..a.&.. or th Eas t ORi Ma~sG«:lf1J\l.!IS(~h
1962 SPRING SE£S~ON Co·education@ ~
Rev. Charles E. Clerk, 19S1, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall ,River.
company., She' won $100 in a milk company c;ontest and in other competitions wo~ a year's, supply of vitamin tablets, 4,000 trading stamps; a surf board, a barbecue grill and a bathroom scale. , She plans to realize something' from the prizes when the Sistel'll conduct a fair. The nuns reside in a 45-yeaJ'old house which has other, ten-
Rev. Stanislaus B. Albert, SS.CG., 1961, Monastery of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven.
phers, who cited the s!x auth~ and one editor for "using th. God-given talenta to Jlrod~ works representative of the be8II In the literary field published! during 1961." Each recipient was given Ii bronze medallion bearing ~ words, "Better to light one can,.. dIe than to curse the darkness"the motto of the Christophers. The award winners werc:l Bruce Catton for ''The Comin(l Fury," (Doubleday), John Garmner for "Excellence," (Harper & Brothers); William Harbaugh fmt "Power and Responsibility,· (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy); Jacques Maritain for "On the Use of Philosophy," (Princetoa University Press). Also Marion' Min Preming. for "The Sands of Tamanrasset,· (Hawthorn); M. L. Shrady, editor, for "In the Spirit of Wond- , er," (Pantheon); and Father Roland de Vaux, O.P. for "~ dent Israel." (McGraw-Hill). The aim of the Christopher movement is to encOurage individuals in all walks of life tie show personal responsibility • applying sound human and spUritual values to the vital sphere. of influence, especially government, education, literature, eIlIa tertainment and labor relatione.
-----_ - __-_ _------------ ---_ _ _ _
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lI'Ie- . . . . . . .
peyaWe Ie .......11 C........
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 8, 1962
1961 Greatest Year For C~tholic Press
Bishop Albei't R. Zuroweste of Belleville, ill.. episcopal ehairman at the press department of National Catholic Welfare Conference, says in a statement issued for the annual observance of February as Catholic Press Month that 1961 was the greatest a:f grave concem liD us all memyear for the Catholic press bers of Christ's Church. Some in terms of growth and cites have a direct bearing upon reli'how it can help lay persons g1008 liberty, parental rights and
fulfill their mission in the Church. ,The' prelaWs statemeG4: follows: As we observe Catholic Press Month, it is our happy privilege to send greetings and commendations to all members of the Catholic Press Association. The year 1961 was the greatest in the history of the Catholic press and was marked by an increase in circulation in excess of 1,600,000. For the first time Catholic newspapers' and magazines in the United 'States and Canada passed the 27 million mark, This phenomenal growth is the result of the support of the Hierat'chy, religious superiors, clcrgy, laity and the dedication of all who serve the Catholic press in the daily life of the Church has become more general among the faithful. Catholics al'e aware of the necessity of keeping abreast of the events that affect their religious life and the life of the Church everywhere. The N.C.W.C. Press Department is the headquarters from which most of the news is processed. Two hundred and sixtyseven correspondents, of whom 123 are domestic and 144 foreign correspondents, gather news for the N.C.W.C. Press Department, from whence it is r·- 'I'ded to all subscribing memberll. The words of Pius AI, "You are my voice," have been repeatedly demonstrated during toe past year. Time and again the Holy Father has stressed the' imporlance of the press and Catholic newsmen have responded ably and efficie'ntly. , Not only are the words and' actions of His Holiness recorded, but also every event of religious 01' general interest that concerns the. Church in any' part of the 'world receives proper coverage. Thus the Catholic, through the Catholic newspaper and magazine, is enabled to have knowledge of day-to-day Church history and to formulate a Catholic opinion on these subjects. -The Holy Father stated in all address to newsmen' (Oct. 24, 1961): "No one today can do without knowing, more or less, what is happening in the whole world." This is particularly true for the Catholic if he is to fulfill his mission as a herald of truth. Events of each day influence his personal, moral' and spiritual life, and the religious life of his brethren. There are also international and national questions that are
'He serve readers bV emfJhasizing (lmd evaluating t~e spill'ihulli and moral aspects o~ humcm aHairs..
Yhe AnchM
Schoo~s $c~~dMle
rExam~ AIl the high schools of tho Diocese will hold on Saturday, March '3 at 8:30 A.M.. :m Entrance and Placement
discrimination against Catholics because of their support and deExamination for students wishfense of Catholic education. ing to enter the. schools next September. Students should reA true Catholic should have a port to the school of their choice wide knowledge and keen perprepared to take 'a three hour sonal interest in all these facts. exam. There will be a two dollar "The greatest error of Christians fee for the exam, payable on the of the ,20th century would be to day of the exam. The students let the world take shape withneed bring no records with them. out them, without God," said nor do their parents have to actile late Cardinal Suhard of Paris. company them at this time. They Struggle Against Evil will be given complete informaThe laity is called upon today tion about the school on this day. to play an important role in all This is part of a new coordiphases of the life of the Church. nated program for handling adThis is an impossible assignment missions and insuring proper onless one is familiar with the ,'{uidance for students as they Church's mission, her current begin their high school career. struggle against the forces of The test is a nationally standardevil and the many obstacles ized test administered by Science placed in her path. Research Associates. It provides No longer can one be considdata which is very helpful in ered a practical Catholic simply placing the student in courses because he is faithful at Sunday suited to his individual ability. Mass attendance. Much more is In addition to this test, the necessary. There is no room for schools will receive a complete NEW YORK (NC)-American Catholics contributed spiritual isolationism. report from the student's present One must be ready and able to more than 16 million pounds of clothing, shoes, bedding and school. After the examination, fulfill his particular roles as a household goods with a value placed at about $22 million to it will take about a month to disciple of Christ, a bearer of the 1961 Thanksgiving Clothing Campaign sponsored by the process the applications before' the torch of truth that will dispel students of their outU. S. Hierarchy. Auxiliary and. shipping the materials col- , notifying the darkness of unbelief and macome. Bishop Edward E. Swan- lected in their respective comterialism that surrounds him. The twelve high schools of the The Catholic ,press supplies one Diocese available to applicants s-trom of New York, execu- munities. 01. the most efficient and thor- tive director of Catholic are: Bishop Feehan High School Genuine Aid Program ough means necessary to fulfill (Co-educational) in Attleboro; Relief Services-National Caththis responsibility. ''The results of the program Sacred Hearts Academy (girls) olic Welfare Conference, which Cites Enoycltcaf conducted the campaign, com- are an indication of the con- in Fairhaven; Academy of the mented: "Actually the true value tinued and ever-increasing con- Sacred Hearts (girls), Dominican The Catholic press does not cern of American Catholics for Academy (girls), Jesus - Ma17 eoafine itself to pious platitUdes of this clothing cannot be estitheir brethren in areas of need Academy (girls), Monsignor Premated nor spelled out in dollars or to questions of an exclusively overseas and for victims of vost High School (for Frenchreligious nature. Our recent Holy and cents:' tyranny and oppression. This i8 speaking boys), and Mount St. Fathers have led the way in CRS-NCWC, worldwide relief a genuine' people-to-people aid Mary Academy (girls) in Fan speaking on subjects that touch agency maintained by U. S. Cath- program," Bishop Swanstrom River; Holy Family High School up~ every phase of human life. ' olics, disclosed that some 15 mil(co-ed) and St. Anthony High Mid. The Church has a position, a lion pounds of. the relief mateSchool (co-ed) in New Bedford; Of the 16 million pounds 01. Bishop Stang High School (coteaching on aU these issues. rials were received at the ,The recent' encyclical Mater agency's warehouses in the New materials collected, the Bishop ed) in North' Dartmouth; Monet Magistra is the modern yet York area, im additional one said more than 8 million pounds - signor Coyle High School (boys) million pounds at West Coast already have been baled and tnaly Catholic interpretation of and St. Mary's High School shipped to 11 areas overseas. He social, moral and religious prob- warehouses. (girls) in Taunton. said the areas which received the lell _in an industrial and technoExceeds Prev.ous Year largest amount of this aid inlogical society. It' is a restatePhi~Dppine Students ment and adaptation of the "It is a great source of satis- cluded: Chile, 1,400,000 pounds; Taiwan, 506,000 pounds; Brazil, Day Church's teaching as it applies faction to report that the amount to oU!' modern scientific age. of clothing collected during this 730,000 pounds; Korea, 260,000' 'NEWARK (NC) - Carrying a "Though Holy Church has the past Thanksgiving Clothing Col- pounds, and Hong Kong, 236,000 . rough schedule in school? Like special task of sanctifying souls lection exceeded that of the pre- pounds. maybe three or four courses a Bishop Swanstrom recalled day? and making them partake of vious year by more than one supernatural goods, she is also million pounds," Bishop Swan- that the' bishop of a poor South That's not much of a grind at American diocese recently told all, according to Maryknoll Sissolicitous for the need of men's strom said. daily life, not merely those hav-' Bishop Swanstrom expressed him: "The' American people ter Ancilla Marie of this city, in« to do with bodily nourish- his appreciation to the thousands through Catholic Relief Serv- who has spent 22 years as a ment and the material side of of volunteer workers in' parishes, ice&-NCWC are really accom- teacher in the PhiHppines. life, but also those that concern sodalities, Holy Name societies plishing something by their aid She reports that students there prosperity and culture in all its and other Catholic groups in all program to South America, take 10 courses a day, and t~ many aspects and historical sections of the nation who while the communis.ts can only school day begins at 7:30 A.M. stagleS" (John XXIII). worked in assembling, sorting make empty claims of doing so." and ends at 5:30 P.M.
Catholic C;othing Campaign Tot@1 16,000,000 Pounds
Have 10-HoeJr
Ss~~ ~@8"1l'a~a~@{[®~ ~n C~D C~@~~®~ CARBONDALE (NC) St. Rose Parish in this Pennsylvania community is conducting a lay leadership program that includes participation of the sick of the parish. The program is tied in with an inquiry class open to the public. In preparation for the program, members of the executive board of the parish's Confraterity of Christian D,octrine have begun a Prayer Apostleship of the Sick. Paul McDonnell, 'a member of the parish who has been confined to his home by illness since 1957, has been chosen by the CCD board to act as honorary chairman of the Prayer Apostleship of the Sick. Over 90 homes in the parish which priests visit monthly on sick calls will be visited by CCD board members to enlist the prayers of the sick for the success of the inquiry class. The class will be held twice weekly and will last for eight weeks. Lectures will be given b;;r Father Vincent P. Harrity, [9lBrish director of the CCD.
NEWLY ORDAINED: Shown with Bishop Connolly &£tel' he had ordained them last Friday evening fo~ service iml the Diocese are" front row, left to right, Roo. EdmlW.6
'1'. Delaney, Rev. John F. Andrews, Rev. Barry W. Wall and ~. Thomas F. Neilan; back row, Rev. Richard P. Demern ~ Rev. Leonaa'd M. Mullaooy.
.~ ~I"P':''''
-!):"cese of Fall River-Thurs., Fe!:-. 3.. 1<:'6'2
Find$ Diffi(Yli-y ~d~a~ C@[fjCepit~
Free School Sus Rides ~@rr Pl.Opils ~n WD~~~ml$DUU
i"@. ~e@~i(~y
MADISON (NC)-Wiscmlsin's Gov. Gaylord Nelson has signed a bill providing tax-paid school bus trans-
By Father John L. Thomas, S. J. Asst. Sociology Prof.-St. Louis Uni"el'sity
"How can a wife get her husband to act like a man il1stead of a four-year-old? We've been married for almost a year - he was 38 and I was 27 at the time, so we're not children. He comes into the house with dirty shoes on, won't wear pajamas to bed, assumes not only that the new drops his clothes on the floor is better but that the old is instead of 'hanging them up, somehow inferior or defective. This latter assumption may and likes to wear dirty,
wrinkled shirts. We're expecting arouse considerable resentment, our fll-st child soon, but he above all in matters related to personal habits or family cusdoesn't see m toms, since we :lon't like the interested implied condemnation of what and feels we we are or of the way that, we shouldn't g e't were raised. anything ready Granting your inalienable until after the right to try to change your husb a b y arrives. band, Dorothy, how should you Also, he doesn't go about it? First, examine your like the foods· attitude toward the things. you that are sup'dislike in him. Remember that posed to be there are many tiifferent ways good for him. of doing things, and you must What kind of avoid the common mistake of an example will he be for our children? P.S. He confusing what is different or wasn't anything like this before what you dislike with what is morally wrong or evil. we got married!" Many mere differences in taste I think most 'experienced maror custom become such' serious ried women - and mothers will recognize a familiar note sources of marital conflid bein your letter. Having dealt with cause they are treated as moral the masculine half of the species, issues. man and boy, for years they Dislike Wife's Orders are well aware that husbands Second, somethmg eve r y and sons tend to have wills of woman knows or eventually their own. learns if she wishes to be sucYoung wives, in particular, are cessful in marriage or at work often distressed by this discov- is that men dislike taking ordera ery. The young man who seemed from women. to be so flexible and accomWives may find this attitude modating d uri n g courtship quite unreasonable around the quickly reverts to the independ- home where they are supposed ent, exasperatingly careless male to be in charge, ·yet 'they cannot his mother probably struggled ign'lre it without paying a price, over for years, once he is mar- for their husbands will show ried. their resentment either by stubCreatures of Habit bornly refusing to comply even Hence your problem, Dorothy, with the most r~asonable request or will find some other is, not unique though it may way of causing. frustration. appear in many different forms One common means is to force and degrees. Differences in training and family backgrounds their wives to call them a halfconstitute an obvious source of dozen times for dinner. This seemingly innocent maneuver such disagreements. Most adults are slow to modify seldom fails. the attitudes, likes or dislikes, Painful Process and ways of doing things acquired in youth. This is espeThird, following a pattern they cially true in matters related learned as boys, many husbands to the intimacies of family life, take for granted that they are for we are raised in relatively .supposed to protest at their closed family circles and con- wives' demands regarding neatsequently have little compara- . ness, cleanliness, and so on. This tive knowledge of other patterns, masculine protest is not wholly so that we grow up believing sincere - boys and men expect that our ways are both natural' "to be "mothered" in this respect and normal. though they feel they must asMoreover, most of us 'are sert their independence by .not creatures of habit. We cling to giving in too easily. the familiar and the accustomed If I understand your problem even though we know that other correctly, Dorothy, you are just ways may be better or more going through the necessary efficient. though painful process of adThis is not a distinctively' justing your ideal conceptions masculine trait, as husbands who to reality. As a rule, adults have been trained as efficiency change very little and very experts in industry or business slowly. soon learn when they try to Yet a clever wife can work get their wives to adopt some wonders if she tries to underof their methods around the stand her man. Don't be too dishome. turbed by your husband's apIn this connection I always parent lack of concern for pathink of the response of the old ternity. Make the necessary Ozark farmer to the young ag- preparations quietly; the coming ricultural expert. "Save your of your first baby will do the breath, son, I already know how rest. to farm a darn sight better'n I'm doing!" DRY CLEANING Implied Condemnation Clnd FUR STORAGE There is an additional factor involved in getting people to adopt the new, for such change
Confers High' Honor
On' Supreme Knaght MIAMI BEACH (NC) - Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart of the Knights of Columbus has received the rank of Knight Commander in the Order of Pius IX, the third highest papal knighthood. The honor was conferred Sunday on Hart by Bishop Charles' P. 'Greco of Alexandria, La., K. of C. supreme chaplain, ·at the meeting here of the board of directors qf the Knights of Columbus. The Order of Pius IX was founded in 1847 by the Pope whose name it bears to reward service to Church and society.
34-44 Cohan net Street Taunton VA '2-6161
Dr. Caccamise and Mission Patient
AIJ'tl'tl@'fDI!:@!fla ~y<e $pecD~~O$)~ Tr~@ts nl1U<dJi@~ P@@[f @fr MO$$O«iHlll ~@~tp>ct@~ KURJI (NC)-Sufferers from eye diseases who cannot afford treatment are flocking from every quarter of India to a Catholic mission hospital here, where an American eye specialist ia treating them without remuneration. Dr. William Caccamise, 38, opthalmologist and eye surgeon from St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, N. Y., is at Holy Family Hospital, serving patients who come from places as distant as Darjeeling in the Himalayas, Calcutta or Bombay. This is Dr. 'Caccamise's third. tour of duty 'at the hospital conducted by the Medical Mission Sisters of Philadelphia. In 195152 and again in 1959-60 he spent three-month periods here. The specialist begins his day at the hospital at 8 A. M., exam-
Delano Continued from Page One 2, 1960, first served as assistant at St..Patrick's Church in Fall River. He was transferred to the Wareham post in April of 1961. A native of Sacred Heart Parish in Taunton, Father Delano was educated at Coyle High School and Our Lady of Providence Seminary in Providence. He studied philosophy and theology at St. Mary's Seminary iA Baltimore.. ~
~1Jf'",,-" '::"; ,'~ -"':'"0 ~r::r.£1fIL 0
·.,.:s~wtf~~~ ,
ining outpatients in the morning and performing up to 10 major operations in the afternoon and evening. Questioned about his reasons for sacrificing a, lucrative 1'W~~_ tice at home during the periods he spends in India, Dr. Ca_ ._mise said that he finds such "service to people .very gratifying."
Bishop Regan . Continued from Page One knoll Seminary in 1927. Ordained to the priesthood in 19~9 he left immediately for missions of So. China. For' the next 22 years he labored among the Chinese until the arrival of Communist troops from No. China. Arrested by the Chinese in April 1951, he was in prison for three months before being expelled from China. Following his expulsion from China he took lip work in the Philippines. ' Definite plans as to date and' location of the consecration will be announced at a later date. The Bishop-elect has been given the Titular See of Isinda.
l!EM~~QJj{ PLUMBING llt C*AYING, INC. for Domestic .& Industrial 'Sales and Oil Burners Service WY 5-1631 :1283 ACUSHNIE1 AVlE.
portation for private as well sa public school pupils who .live more than two miles from their schools. The Governor asserted an:r question regarding the constitlltionality of the law "will require a final determination SOJIWl time in the near future." The new law is effective next July 1"The primary issue raised ill this bill," says Gov. Nelson, "ill whether it violates any constitlr tiona! provisions respecting tho general doctrine of separation of Church and State, or whether Ii contravenes any other provisioDAl of the Constitution. Once and for All "If it does, it is invalid. If!t does not, this is an area in which the Legislature may exercise its discretion. After careful consideration, it is my judgment that the constitutional questions iDvolved should be finally resolved at this time. Pointing out that the "biD passed both houses with a large majority in each," the Governor added: . "It is quite clear from its strong legislative support that unless the matter is settled now, the same issues will be before WI when the Legislature returns next January. Obviously, the constitutional questions involved will require a final determination some time in the near :future. . , ., believe it is in the generai interest of everyone that the whole matter be settled once and for all." Federal Ruling There are about 200,000 pupu. attending private schools in Wiaconsin. It has not yet been determined ,how many pupils attending Catholic schools will be eligible for the bus transportatiOD. The U. S. Supreme Court w. ruled that transportation of parochial and other private school pupils on tax-paid buses does not violate the Federal Constitutioao
Main Office and Plant 1I.0WIELII., MASS. Yelephone Lowell
m. 8-6333 and Gil. 7-7500
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more, GIld give to IOvh knowledgo and ' - 01 God by serving Him ... a Mission which uses I!M Preu, Radio, Motioll P1cturos olld lV, to bm. tfis Word to _Is everywhere. Zealous ~ girls. 14-23 yon... IaterestGcl ill lIois . . . . ApostoIate IACI)' write 10: RlVEflENO MOTHER SUPERIOR DAUGHTetS Of ST. PAUl 58 ST. Pl\Ul'S AYE. BOSTON . , . . . .
Call ROLAND GAMACHE WYmcm 9-6984
family Restaurant It. 6 .. T.... Narrows ill NorttI Westport
SOMERSET, MASS. - Nefti to Stop & 5ticp ,. • • invites your participation m the growth of a new Banking Inlltitutioll COMMEKIAL and SAVINGS SERVICE MORTGAGES - AUTO end APPLIANCI lOANS Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 Member Feder~ Deposit Insurance Co. ttarofd J. hgoA, Presi....
Where The Entire l"amJq Can Dine. EcoDomlC:aJlF
For ReservalioM PhoM os 1-7115
Objectio"s Killed Census Question On ReligicDlJs
THE ANCP0RThurs., Feb. 8,
hnpu-oved Catholic Positio~ O~, Segregatcon NOfi'<e$
WASHINGTON (NC) Objections raised by the American Jewish CoJigreas and the American CivB Liberties Union killed a proposal to ask about religious affiliation in the 1960 Census of Population, .a study claims. Because of the controversy the objections caused, the Department of Commerce, which controls the Census Bureau, suppressed in 1958 a lengthy report oorre]ating income, occupation and other data with religious affiliation, the same study says. The suppressed information was gathered by the bureau in tile Mm'ch; 1957, monthly nationa] population sample of 85,000 households. The question was asked at that time to test reaction to it. The data, after being readied !or publication, was suppressed by former Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks. "Strong opposition" which prompted negative reaction in Congress and a belief that it is not government's role to document religious differences were given as reasons. These statements are made in a copyl"ighted document entitled, -A Question of Religion," pubDshed by the Inter-University Case Program. It was prepared by Charles R. Foster, former Macher and free-lance writer. Backed by GroupS The case program, which bas about 60 educational institutions .. members, Ja devoted to preparing studies as aida to the teaching and practice of public edministraUon and polleT for-. mation. The possibility of a question OIl affiliation emerged in April, 1956, when the Census Bureau announced that·it was under con.deration. A year and a half later, the bureau backed down. The question was backed by Catholic groups, notably the National Catholic Welfare Conference. It also had support from other group:., including the Nationa] Council of Churches, the Methodist House of Bishops and the Board of National Missions of. the Presbyterian Church, V.S.A., the report says.
Catholic Vets Make Award to President WASHINGTON (NC)-President Kennedy has been pre.ented Ute Order of St. Sebastian Award of the Catholic War Veterans in a ceremony at the Wbite Bo\Jse. The presentation was made by Albert J. Schwind of Clifton, If. J., CWV commander. The President was cited for his undaunted service to G,od, country and home. Also present at the ceremony were I. Russell Speer, utional adjutant general af the CWV, and James Hafey, executive director. The . ~ward was originated 80tne 20 years ago by Msgr. Edward F. Higgins of Astoria, N. Y., utional founder of the CWV, IIIld is presented in his name. It Ie considered the highest award 01. the CWV. Past recipients have Included former Presidents Har~ S. Truman and Dwight D. &isenhower and Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop 01. New York.
Missouri Justice Is Prominent Layman JEFFERSON CITY (NC)-The Dewly chosen Chief Justice of Missouri's Supreme Court iJ; .Judge Henry J. Westhues, a member of the tribunal since 1954 and a widely known Catholic layman. He was the first president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Men. A member of Immaculate Conception parish here, he is the father of six children, among whom are Msgr. John H. Westhues, chancellor of the neighborIng Springfield-Cape Girardeau diocese, and Dommican Sister Joan Cordi&.
5 1962
ST. LOUIS (NC)-When the late Pope Pius XII wanted to find out how Negro Catholics in the U.S. feel
Archbishop Kiwanuka and Father Sorelle
Acushnet P"O"ie3t Among American Clergy Greeting African Archbishop l(iwanuka Although pre-election violence has come to his people and threats and taunts have greeted him as spiritual leader'of nearly one-fourth of Uganada's Catholics, Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka, W.F., is looking for a peaceful independence day for his country this Fall. Currently touring the United States, Archbishop Kiwanuka, of Rubaga, expects all to go well on Oct. 9 when UganAs the first African Negro hospital to be operated by the da becomes an independent Bishop of modern times, Arch- Medical Missionaries of Mary," nation in the British Com- bishop Kiwanuka, who is also a be states. Presently there are monwealth. The Congo, he feels, member of. the White Father. has taught everyone a lesson. missionary society, bas a distinc"Nobody wants that," he empha- tive place in the Church in sized, referring to the fighting Africa. Consecrated in 1939, be and bloodshed in that neighbor- was Bishop of Masaka for 22 ing country. years until he was elevated last Among White Fathers who year to succeed the CanadiaR have entertained the African White Father as Archbishop of prelate during his United States Rubaga. He is looking forward to the stay is Rev. Paul Sorelle of Acushnet,' now novice master for consecration of the Rev. Odrian Brothers at the congregation's Ddungu, who succeeds him at novitiate in Franklin, Pa. Masaka and is the second Uganda Father Sorelle recalled his priest to become a Bishop. Archbishop Kiwanuka haa service as professor in Katigondo Sem.inary, Uganda, as he greeted been a leader in the Church's Archbishop Kiwanuka, whom he development in his country. saw frequently while in the East When he took over the Masaka' Afdcan country. The Acushnet diocese there were 80,000 Cathpriest is the son of Mrs. Clara olics. Today they number 200,Sorelle. A brother, Donald, is 000. In his new Archdiocese half also an Acushnet resident and the population is Catholic. another brother, Rev. Ernest A. There were some 20 African Sorelle, S.J., is stationed in priests in Uganda when he wu Formosa. ordained in 1929. Their number Archbishop Kiwanuka, who has multiplied 10' times to a was invited to this country by . present-day total of 200. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen to parThere is still, however, a great ticipate in Society for the Propa- shortage of priests. In Rubaga. gation of the Faith meetings in covering a 15,OOO-square mile San Francisco, came here in the territory, the Archbishop hu wake of a pastoral letter issued only 70 White Fathers and 30 to guide his people in the prin- African priests. ciples they should follow in the Needs Hospital i~portant days preceding inde"We have many vocations," he pendence. declares, but the big problem 111 Cooling-Ott Period securing money for education. In his absence, the letter, ad- One of his primary purposes in dressed to the 350,000 Catholics visiting across the country has of Rubaga, precipitated the brief been to request the "adoption" of imprisonment of the archpriest young men entering the semof Rubaga Cathedral. Following inary. He explains that Uganda the police action, the pastoral has a fine seminary, Katigondo, letter became a "sell-out" with but a total of $150 per year is ail printed copies in wide circu- needed to maintain each student. lation. "I need priests," he declares, The Kabaka (king 0: Buganda in stressing his paramount aim, Province) has since apoiogized but there is also the hope 01. building a new Social Center for for the arrest, Archbishop Kiwathe training of women and youth, nuka stated. which will be operated by the The Archbishop's cross-country Grail. tour of the United States has "Hospitals are few and freprovided a bit of a "cooling-off" quently they have no room. I period at home, but he will be back in time for the National would like to build a large new Assembly's elections in April. The independence problems KANSAS CITY (NC)-Father which have greeted Archbishop Kiwanuka's people are perbaps William T. Dolan of Prairie Vilunique for all of Africa. Strong lage, has been appointed managanti-Catholic feeling found ing editor of the Eastern Kansas among non-Catholics is fanning Register, newspaper of the Kanthe flames as they see indepen- sas City Archdiocese. dence and autonomy as a threat to their governmental powers. First Modern Bishop "We tell our people they must INSURANCE AGENCY not hate non-Catholics," ArchAll Kinds Of Insurance bishop Kiwanuka said, pointing out that Catholics must exercise 96 WILLIAM STREET their rights, but must not hate NEW REDFORD. MASS. their neighbors of another faith. DIAL WY 8-5153 "When I return we shall do our best to overcome this anti-CathPersonal Service olic feeling."
New Editor
two hospitals in his Diocese-one in Rubaga, under the Grail, and one in Nkozi, operated by the White Sisters. Two government hospitals are also located in that area, serving 700,000 persons. All these plans are in the future, however, and he has another matter particl1larly pressing-repairs for the roof of the Cathedral at Rubaga, a magnificent structure located just outside Kampale. The Cathedral, which seats more than 4,000 persons and is frequently crowded, is the most outstanding edifice in ali East Africa. Erected on the spot of th~ White Fathers first mission it is only a half mile from the place where the Blessed Martyrs of Uganda were killed. No Money "Your country gives much IUpport to the missions," he declares, praising Americans who give to this work. "When I came here before (1950) they gave money to build a seminary for Masaka - the result was the seminary of Bukalassa." "We teach our people to give -but often there is no money." They are principally farmers and last year coffee prices were low; this year heavy rains took much of the cotton. "When this happens," he says, "then there is nothing."
about segregation, he picked a direct way: He asked a Negro Catholic to tell him. This was reveaied here by the man the Pope asked to report on segregation in the U. S. in 1950, Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka, W.F., of Rubaga, Uganda, then bishop of Rubaga's suffragan See of Masaka. Archbishop Kiwanuka, now in the U. S. raising funds for the education of native priests, toid newsmen of his travels in 1950 when asked to comment on the problem of segregation here. The prelate said he had planned to come to the U. S. in 1949 to raise funds for a seminary. Before he did so he went to Rome, and while there was asked to report in detail on how white Catholics in the U. S. react to Negro Catholics. Saw Cleavage "When 1 came here in 1950 I visited many cities," he said. "I went throughout the South-New Orleans, Atlanta. 1 was in St. Louis. "I remember getting on the airplane at New Orleans, and reading the notice that certain seats were for whites, certain seats for Negroes. The inscription told about the pemilties that would be invoked if one were to sit in the wrong place." Then a bishop for 12 years, the prelate said be had been saddened to find the cleavage between white and Negro memben of the Church. 'Great Change' "In many places 1 found that there seemed to be two kinds of Catholics, a white Catholic and a Negro Catholic," he continued. "When I went out to see some of Ute churches I found that sometimes there was an iron curtain to separate the whitea from the Negroes. "Now, on this trip, I have found a great change. I have not found any curtains in any of the churches." Archbishop Kiwanuka said he prepared a lengthy report Oil segregation for Pope Pius XII. indicating not only public customs, but the attitudes and prejudices he observed among Catholics during his trip.
MONAGHAN ACCEPTANCE CORP. Thomas F. Mo.,aghan Jr. Treasurer
Near Fairhaven Drive·ln
OSborne 5-7856
Italian Dinners Our Specialty Service On Patio
SHOP TOWELS Also Reclaim Industrial Gloves
COYNE INDU$iR~Al lAU~DRY Successor to New Engla"d Overall & Supply Co. 20 Roward ~ve.• New Bedford Phone ~ '.0111'7 or WY 1.01811
rr::: .: ' ,-
-"'''~ese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb.
8, 1962
EducatioB MoSt Vita;1 to Future'
Destroyer of Heresies
@f AW\l~ricas
The document giving the choice of October the eleventh as the opening date for Vatican Council II recalled the Third Ecumenical Council of the Church, that at Ephesus in 431. .
B~ R&v. lll'Nd~riiCf[
It is not ,accident or coincidence that the· old,er Council was noted.
lFather McGube is guest columnist for Msgr. George Q. lI:Iliggins who is attending a meeting in Rome of the preparatory commission' on the 11m,. .,A\postolate for the forthcom\ng Ecumenical CounciL
The very mention of its name reaches back fifteen eenturies and' indicates a continuity in the, Church that stands as a fact of history in favor of her position as the Church of Christ. This is sure to make an impression on .those whose groups have been separated froni her for only' a f~w centuries. It will give reason to pause, to think'" to reconsider, to ask questions. A Church that can look back fifteen centuries' and in the next instant foresee tomorrow's problems cannot be lightly dismissed. And the mention of the Council of Ephesus recalls the great work of that Council-the presentation in clear terms of the belief <Yf Christians that Mary is properly called the Mother of God because she provided the human nature for a Divine Person. Mary is "the destroyer of heresies." That she was at Ephesus. That she has been time and aga~n in the history of God's Church. That is the role Catholics hope she will fulfill hi. eoi.lrse of this coming General CounciL
"The greatest error of Christians of the Twentietli Century would be 'to let the world take shape without them, without Go'd." " These words of the late and great Cardinal Suhard d Paris are words to ponder. They are either a challenge or an indictment. It remains with each individual Catholie to ~ which. There was a time when being a good Catholie meant keeping the commandments of ,God and the Church and going to Confession often and receiving Holy Communion frequently. (Even the phrases used to describe "the irood Catholic" are worn.) . The good Catholic today must be vitally interested 8IllCl deeply involved in the world around him. To accomplish this he must know what if! going OIl fA tile world and he must know his religion.' ' Then, and only then, will he know the problems, the difficulties, the challenges, the opportunities. Then, and only then, will he know the answers, the solutions, the application of Christian principles to concrete here-andnow situations. Any less knowledge and interest, and he is not even ~atholic universal - much less Catholic - intent GIl {'estoring all things to Christ." . ' He is content to allow the Twentieth Century to take ehape without him, without God. As a Catholic, he is a failure. What is the answer? A beginning is in the Catholic press. People must nmd about what is going' on in the world; take an interest m what fellow Catholics are doing to shape the world; leM'll. from Pope and prelates, men charged by their consecration to proclaim to all the good news of salvation and to show men how to live in this world so as to fulfill the plan c:f God for salvation. That is the role of The Anchor. To make men awaN. To make men informed. To present the truth. To give the principles. To show how these can be applied. To help shape the minds of men according to the mind of Christ so that they, in turn, may meet the challenge of the Twentieth Century and shape the world in wh)ch they live. For the world will be shaped. With them or without them. With God or without Him. What are you' doing about it?
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass.' OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. DriscoU ' MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
A. McGuire, CA
Executive Secretary, Mission Secretariat
Late in January, a sma! meeting was held in Washington for the purpose til. assisting superiors of reli"" igious congregations, special'zing in teaching, to determine they type of eduoation that" might undertake in Latin America. Among those who came £r0l!ll Latin America to advise in thiII matter were Archbishop Helder Camara, Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Fr. Tiag'G Cloin, C.SS.R., secretary of 11ho Conference of Major ReligiolW Superiors of Brazil, also from Rio de J'aneiro, and Fr. Rena'!lo IT TAKES TWO TO BE ALERT Poblete, S.J., secretary of thtl Conference of Major Superiol'\1il of Religious Institutes in Chilo. from Santiago. These three mep. have made. deep study of the social and ecoBy REV. ROBERT W. lBIOVDA, Catholic Ullliversitw nomic needs of our neighboN south of the border. Father Poblete studied at the Jesuit MONDAY-The Seven !FoundTODAy-st. John of'Matha, Theologate in Woodstock, Mc:L, Confessor. No honorable work ers of the Servite Order. ThiG and did his graduate work at "climate," the liturgy, basic to or way of life is excluded from Fordham University. For the every Christian life and oIl this Christian panorama of vaeations. Today's lessons give us Christian growth, is' of particu- past few years, he has been enlarly critical importance for the gaged in a social study of the the only absolute criteria: a Church and her institutions iIa layman. Religious, like the group continual watchfulness and subhis native Chile. we celebrate today, manage to, mission before Christ and the He is absolutely convinced create a more or less total enexclusion of merely selfish and that the Church must be to the mercenary' motives. The theme vironment impregnated with the spiritual, full of acts and signa fore in reforming the social order of the "just man" runs throughwhich recall the members of the if the protagonists of Marxism ,out the Mass. And "justice" . are not to take over. means doing what we believe community to the ultimate and to be the ,will of God. This is the transcendent. For most lay!Failure of Schools the way we love Him, whatever men Sunday Mass has to do this He is only too ready to admA almost single-handedly. And it our vocation, way of life, or that the social doctrines of the can do so only if it becomes for work. them the livil1g experience Church have made little impreswhich is not the case for manu sion on the ruling, wealth7 TOMORROW -- st. Cyril 01. classes in his country. In thill Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor, today~ . opinion, he has the complete Doctor. It is through the great support of Bishop Mark McGrath, TUESDAY-Mass as on SuDvariety of human vocations, C.S.C., Auxiliary Bishop of PaDhuman tasks, human ways of day. The liturgical· movement ama, who spent 12 years teachin« life, that the Light (Gospel) who asks ,questions as em barrassing at the Catholic University 01. as they are necessary. "Is the Chile in Santiago. is Christ is made present everyreading of the Scripture leswhere in the world to which he Both of these men argue that wishes to manifest himself. This sons at Mass really getting the Catholic schools which teacll is part of the importance of our through to the congregation as the young men and women of the Christian public worship.- It is the proclamation of a living and wealthy class are partially N> at Mass particularly that we life-giving message?" "Is our sponsible for this situation. Ia expose and re-expose ourselves preaching really unfolding the their opinion the teachers, br to the Light, so that we may Scripture. lessons in terms of and large, have failed to incul.contemporary life and contem-, cate the Christian social doecarry it out. And this is imposporary problems?" ,"Are the trines. sible only if every Catholic congregation comes to know the liturgy's acts of prayer and Change Outlook praise and sacrifice really inMass, to enter into it, to underBishop McGrath believes it hi volving and engaging the CODstand its lessons, to participate in entirely possible to' create a its prayers, its songs, its, psalms. gregation as a whole?" proper social conscience in these young people but it will not be SATURDAY-St. Scholastica, WEDNESDAY:"" Mass all GIl done simply by preaching. Virgin. The ancient figure of Sunday. The growth of a tree He used to take small grouP3 the Church a8 the bride of Christ from a seed is never spectacular of young men with him on miS"is the dominant theme of to- or sudden. Nor can we expect sion trips to rural areas. There day's Mass. In it we' see the the liturgy, even in its most livthey saw at first hand the misep.. dignity of the Christian life and ing and intelligible and mean- able economic condition of tho of all Christian vocations.. He ingful . form, to transform the tenant farmers. came not to subjugate us lIB Christian' community overnight. They lived for a'few weeks at e earthly natives nor to dominate Exposure to one properly cele- time in the huts of the poor, a~ us as servants but to join us to brated and participated Mass to the food of the poor and assistecl Himself as shares, in His life, as not the answer to the Church's the priest in his spiritual minivthe beloved, as the bride. It is problem. Only when the aimo try. Upon their return to the in this ugly, shabby, wrinkled for which the liturgical moveclassroom and their comfortab10 Church, as the Church, that we ment 'is pressing' are realized city homes, theirs was a com,know this dignity. That is why habitually and universally will pletely different outlook. the Mass, whether weekly or we begin to see its revitalizing daily, is our Eucharist, our effect in the faith and life o:f Problems for Church thanksgiving. Christians. Bishop McGrath goes a st6lt further when he suggests that ne U. S. religious congregation opea SlIXTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPalP~r Hits Opening a school catering to the wealt~ PHANY. Jesus tells us in the He wants a concentration of ed\lGospel today that the kingdom Fair on Good Friday of heaven is like a seed and SEATTLE (NC)-The Catho- cational effort on the emerginc like leaven. It is this seed, this lic Northwest Progress has crit- middle class who, it is to be leaven, for which the publie icized the planning commissioll hoped, will bring about a healthF worship of the Church; her ·sac- of the 1962 Seattle World's Fair democratic government. Mr. Everett Reimer, who m. ramental life, provides a climate for scheduling the official open- , favorable to growth and action. ing day on Good Friday, April 20. served the government of Puer1le And it is because at. this that The newspaper of the Seattle Rico in the capacity of econom. the liturgical movement is so archdiocese expressed enthusi- adviser, suggested that solid ecofundamentally important to the asm for the' fair, saying it will nomic advancement for the nations of Latin America is delife of the Church. publish a special preview tabloid Without an intelligent aOd in- on April' 6, but it called sched- pendent on universal educatioa. telligible exposure to the Word ,uling of the kickoff on Good He contends that you cannot empecl uneducated people to develof God as the liturgy brings it Friday "thoughtless." op a highly' technological eCODto us in prayer and song and It suggested that "a profound procla:qlation and without a impression" would be made on omy. He also foresees in economta conscious appreciation of Christ's the "free and communist worlda developing countries the tenci,grace-giving action' developed alike" if the fair's opening cerethrough familiarity with litur- monies included a day of prayer ency of the people to move from. gical sign language, the growth for peace and "solemn reflectioD rural 'Dreas into the sprawlinC of the seed is stunted and tllw on the death of Jesus ,ChrIst, w-ban areas and the ,danger .. Turn to Page Sever leaven is IIObbed ef ita .we.. Saviour of the wo.r]d."
'fhncrlA.9h the CVVuk <With the ChWlCk
Education Vital eoatinued
Pase S1'lE
en over-empbmds on materfa!l well-being. But these dangers must be met br' the Church aDd ilhe problems must be solved. Even more impressive W83 ATchbishop Helder Camarn who c also a man deeply versed in the problems of poverty which plague Brazil. With deep feeling, be spoke of tho millions of people in northeastern Brazil WM> must actual4r bo moved from their present location or starve. Sees New Em He told uo af the plans worketl r;mt between the government and the Church in whicn the Church ~ promised to lend all her prestige and her experience 00 rthat these well devised plans of ~e government may succeed. Archbishop Camara' speako fr<>m a position of long experience in the socio-economic field.. By the force 02 his personality, he has been able to push forward olum clearance plans in the arean t'ldjacent to Rio de Janeiro. He has rallied his fellow bishcpo of Brazil around him and the future of the poverty ridden masses of Brazil looks so much brighter because of this dedieated, humble man. Father Tiago Cloin has put behind Archbishop Camara the fun iorce of the Religious Conference of Brazil, the religious illriests, Brothero and Sisters. As n result of this, there is every reason to expect that a new ern rb dawning Ja Latin America. '5l'he implementation of Pope John XXIn'o encycical "Mater et Magistra" (Christianity and Social Progr-e$~ has alreadw begun!
S@21~ GOO] C~~Ir~21 i={]@w@ f[J'®®@@mru GOA (NC)-The head of thG Church in Goa has reported that he and the other Portuguese clergymen 1m. Goa are being given full freedom to carry out their duties by Goa's new Indian oolers. Archbishop Jose Vieira AlverElaz of Goa, who holds the titlo of Patriarch of the East Indies. made this statement in an interview at his residence. Next to the Patriarch's homo fD Panjim city is a base of the Indian Army, which took Goa Ifrom the Portuguese a week beI20re Christmas. But there are no armed guardD m front of tho t'esidence. Beiat1on9
Patriarch vteira Alvernaz, 84 ft'fld a native of Portugal, said there were eight Portugu~se priests and about 20 other European priests in Goa. The priests were not interned by the Indlall5 when they were given every facility by the Indian authorities to enable them to carry out thei;r duties. (The Patriarch in another statement said that the relatioDfl 'betweea Goa's 350,000 Hindu::! and 250,000 Catholics are excel:lent. "Up to now, the integratioa llnto the Indian federation has not produced any harmful effects on religious life," he said. "Many Indian soldiers are attendinG Catholic church services.")
f!:,@llilO$'\?O~OO ~@~}f ~@!M)O ~@«:Ik$ ~llil[fi)<cll@17~O@$O[fi)® LOUISVILLE (NC) - The lL.ouisville Archdiocesan Union of the Holy Name Society is calling upon ita parish units to counteract the trend of "'businesll es usual" on Sunday. "The Christian tradition <il munday as a day of rest is seri@usly offended by a growing trend of unnecessary shopping ond business on the L<>rd's day," mid Msgr. Francis J. Timothy, f:3)iritual director of the union. Speaking lllt the annual meetfung of the archdiocesan group, Auxiliary Bishop Charles G. Meroney of L<>uisville backed tho move. "As Christians," he toW the 400 members attending, "W'O have a serious obligation to make our Sunday the Lord's Day. If you and yoW15 are to survive sPiritually In tb.ls pleasure-beat world, Sunday must be saved I« GoeL"
St. Franci" Xavrer, Acushnet Parish, Inspires 'American Church' in Lancashire, England By A vis eo RoOOrts Priests of tho Congregation of Fathel"8 of 1;he Sacred Hearfls in Fa'irbaven started st, Francis Xavier Church in Acushnet as a mission m 1910. Having no church building at the time, early services were held in a converted feed and grain store which law became the site for too first chu.roh. Prior-tf:) the establishment of the mission, the sacraments wero adrninistelred 00 Acushnet residentD during frequent visits of tho Fathera of Ule Sacred :Ream, At the time the mission ~ established Rev. Bernard Pierson, SS.OC. was the superior 411 the Fairhaven monastery. FlEe destr<>yed the first church t'h::l night of Feb. 1 and 2, 1915, mwll fmo a time thereafter servicoo were held ia Acushnet Town Hall with baptisms administered in the church o£ Oxford, North Fail'haven. St. Fraru:is Xavier mission became Q parish April 7, 1915 and Rev. Bernard Pierson, SS.CC", w~ 'll~inted first pastor.
New CU!1Illl?olh 1924 it was apparent
church was needed. There 350 familiea in the parish and hundreds of school children fc:r whom more classroom space 1VQS necessary. The new church 'WIll8 a superstructure built over the basement church at an estimated cost of $50,000. The basement church was used :for eight classrooms w h i c h accommodated more than 300 pupils. 'IIhe new church was constructed of red brick with a red tne roof. An earlier historian described it as of "romanesque architecture." He said further, ""the 14 Stati<>ns of the Cross, taken from the old chapel and bun:g in the new church fit in very well, although they have been executed in Gothic style. "The altar, one of the most eMbomte to be seen in the environs of New Bedford, ill n replica of the Scagli<>la altar in St. Mary's Church, New Orleans, La., and is the only reproduc,tiOill of that famous altar in tM country." A statue of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies and Japan. surmounts the main altar. Recent Jrmprovemenfs Side altars of the church are dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There are statues Q1 the Infant of Prague, st. mJW
Joseph, St. Anne, St. John ~ Baptist, St. Jude, St. Theresa and St. Anthony. Each Sunday there are six Masses - four in English and two in French. Assisting in tho saying of Sunday Masses is Rev. James Keefe, SS.CC. Recently new linoleum was laid in the church, a new pulpit was acquired, an automatie furnace installed, and n largs parking area blacktopped. There are almost 2,000 parishioners in St. Francis Xavier, 341 pupils in the parochial school and 48 children enr<>lled in the kinde!'Barten. Father Alexis acquired a quonset-type hut where parish meetings are held and where therG is a baby-sitting service on Sundays. The structure also is used for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine classes. Several lay
PreR(Ilte h» Address CoUege Symposium CHICAGO (NC)-Bishop Robert J. Dwyer of Reno, columnist
for The Anchor, and historian Christopher Dawson will speak: at a symposium entitled "New Horizons in Catholic Thought" to be held June 9 and 10 at ROBa!W College, River Forest, Ill. The symposium ia cosp<>nsored by the Thomas More Association of Chicago and Rosary College.
Ti'fhJ® KlfY$'i!@NfE ©Hoce ~lCJ\\J)0IPl1U'il<a1tilfr SCI ~16$1l"@@jj'\1i) Ii\'lIEW A!\!l[IJJ 1UJ$!EiQ) WooCl and Steel Dc.ko and shabo: .tool filing cabinets. loskeru. .bel,," ing, tables. .torage cabinets, oafq, wardrob.... etc. 108 Jamo Street neor Unic::1 NewBedf=::J
~~~ ITo ~~~~~N~ (@o_ WiHI(Q)[brn~A[Lrn ~(yY@M@lT¥rn a~
Caution Against Unwitting Aid To Red C@u~ca CmCAGO (NC)-A na.tional body of Catholic sttlP dents has charged that antic communist groups which overstress domestic subversiolil may be unwittingly aiding tho communist cause. The National Council of thQ National Federation of Catholic College Students has urged thae communism be fought positively", not negatively. An adopted council resolutioli'l on extremist organizations--nono of which were named-said these groups have increased in numbers and in size in the past year., lDill.!llgell' iil IE:ldll'em0S
Clhl"lllll'ell1 3cl!l~1l
Dedication of the present churcll took place April 9, 1916 when the basement unit of the church was completed. Bishop Daniel. F. Feehan blessed thl<!l cornerstone and consecrated th(! church, preaching in French, language of most of the parishwners. TOO church was 141 f~ long and 54 feet wide. It contained a classroom for the first students of St. Francis XaviaGrammar School, conducted by ~ Dominican nuns. The church e.ccommodated 350 persons. Rev. Seraphim Ooghe, SS.OC. woo pastor -at the church until 1918. He was followed by Rev. Andrew Lariviere, SS.CC., who served from 1918 until 1920. Rev. Charles DeBaetselier, SS.OC.. WS3 pastor until 1922 whei1 Fr. Andrew returned as pastor untiil. 1935. He was f<>llowed by Rev. Ray_ nald Ebbers, SS., OC., who was spiritual leader of the parish until 1943. Rev. George J. Weisenborn, SS.CC., was pastor from 1943 to 1953. He was succeeded ~ the present pastor, Rev. Alexis C. Wygers, SS.CC. Present assistant priest is Rev. Aurele E. Pepin, SS.cc.
Jbun.. Feb. 8, 1962
parishioners teach catechism -b than 350 pupils.
.iMlmeriOOlO Cll1uoo
The new church was dedicatoo b June, 1925. An outstanding accessory was its bell with 2,200 pounds of swinging weight. The architecture of St. Francio Xavier Church influenced thG design of a church completed in 1957 in England. It was copied by Rev. William Kelly, a Ne;;;r Bedford native, for the design of hiD St. Christopher's Church, Ash.wlll-under-Lyne, Lancashire. Confronted by a site well bolow tM! level of an adjacent highway, Fatoor KelleY' adopted the American idea o1l building his church proper at street level The high foundation provided space for a social han entirely above ground. Fathu Kelly reports St. Christopher's is often called "tho American cmurch." Father Alexis was honored bT his parishioners at a t.estimonial dinner' June 29, 1958 on the 0lIlcasion of the 25th anniversary of his ordination to tlw prie~ hood.
President Kennedy and tho Social Action Department of tho National Catholic Welfare Conference have warned of the "dangers" from such groups, tho Council_ emphasized. "These groups," the resolutioli'l said, "often indiscriminately label as subversive those whoso views and position are legitimate, if controversial; substituting sensationalism for acc"!P racy." The council pointed out communism is aided through the uso of its own methods and thriveD wheJll its opponents are divided and confused. "'We believe that the varioulJ anti-communist groups whiclil streso to an extreme domestic wbvez:si<>n may unwittingly be aiding the communist cause," tho ~90lution stressed. It called for positive resistanoo b communism, declaring: "Emphasis on the negative aspect <rlI fighting against communism. rather than the positive aspefj of 'for' the Christianization of s0ciety, will, in the long run, f1::J more harm than good." -
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Where it PAYS to get together
Pr~lotes 'Prdise"' SChOOIbuS- Law
.-. Breakfast_- EridsDay Asl>ad' . Eats Dinner in Morning '~
MADISON '(NC)-Two at . . . ' eonsin's Catholic bishops haw praised the new school bus law algned by Gov. Gaylord NelsOD. The law requires public schoaI boards to give tax-paid transpol!J'o tation to parochial and other private school pupils "to the public school which they are eD>c titled to attend." They must eoJIF plete the trip to their own school by other arrangements. , Bishop William P. O'ConDOl' of Madison called the law "CoDo sistent with the governor's inteJOo est in traffic safety on the high.. way." ' He said the measure, which III 11 compromise between different House and Senate versions, wu 'a "political bill sponsored by the politicians and not by tile church." Return on Taxes Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona c& Green Bay said the legislatUN and Gov. Nelson should be com,.. mended for puttting the bill mm law. He observed that "Cath~ parents will receive a return 00 the taxes for which they haw been paying for bus transportar tion and not benefitting from it.C Noting the bill does not provide complete transportation, he added: "But the bill to some degree makes possible the transportation of private school children and safeg\lards them from danger."
By M~ Tinley D~
. ,~i..' GSJJOOk Ahead," you've seen that SIgn, its final letters I5qUinehed upT That's about the way we look ahead at our house - look ahead at the last possible moment.. However, fln a mood of housewifely efficieneytoday I did look ahead. The day was tn, bea long, was excellent, committee meetme, starting with Mass and ings really accomplished work. a communion breakfast, fo!- The business luncheon was satis!lowed by committee meet- factory. The interview with II fmgs. Then a luncheon engagement, an sfternoon newspaper e 0 il i g D -
interview. It would be dinner Ume before rd !retUrn to our lllouse. So, with (the self - addressed filljune(lion 1» ''Hemember you Ii' !home and £ame;ly come first," - response to Ole still, omall voice of conccience that remains a part of motherhood, I 'really planned ahead for this day. M
fascinating W<>man, Genevieve Caulfield, blind since the age of three months and world-famous for her work among the blind of Asia, was. one of the most' inspiring experiences ever. It was a privilege and Q p!eaoMe to write that story. And all the time, there was that back-of-the-mind smug satisfaction that the family was ..taken care of." The house was clean, washing done, dinner an ready-at least m essen~. All that remained was to add the already prepared vegetables to the stew, make a salad-and iee cream for dessert is always wei-
co~d so we, met, all of us who live at our house, as dusk was falling. ''Boy, om I hungry!"" from Ginny as we doffed coatlll and hats. ''Haven't had a thing sines lunch." "Well, I cUdn't even have !mY lunch," the Head oJ. the House boasted. "After that wonderfu! 'breakfast your mother left InG, I haven't felt hungry all day." "'What breakfast?" ' He couldn't have-but Ite cllid. T-he electric fry pan was empty. ooaking somewhat £\ympatheticolly in the sink. . We cooked ~ vegetablea potatoea, C8I'1'OCs, ~ mush»cIomo. And wild ciIi:e dlld ~ blw 1!or dinner? Bacon and ~ ~ W81'd!
Started last night, as a mat(';cr of fact. Before bedtime, the ll1ving room was tidied up, news\l)apers and magazines put away, ash trays emptied, chair ~nd cofa cushions plumped up! dintng room table set. While the family still slept, Cwo loads of washing were pro! 0essed and hung outside to dry. Breakfast was left in readiness, ]lunches packed, and-final'touch dl. preparednes&-tonight's dinDiel' . was cooked. It was the latter half af l:l big drloin tip roast. Between trips to the basement, the meat waa eat into cubes, shaken in a bag with :flour, a "smidgin" of sugar (:to insure a rich brown color}. ealt, pepper and oregano. Then, with onion, garlic and celery, it was browned In hot oil. While .the cheerful chap WaG Schools to Resume announcing over the kitchen Pradice of !Prayer r.!ldio that '"It's 7:15 now, folks" time to get up. Cold, rainy mean , DETROIT (KC}-The ~ day" that beef stew was sim- ban Bloomfiekl Bi1JfI Board Gi me;ing slow17 In the electric fJDv Education b,' a i-to-l voW .1llU approved the return of the prao~. To one who had been 1llP fer tice of vocal prayer In public , \hours and who wouldn't eat for schools Gf !be school dtstriet. ooother two hours, the delicioU:!l Some 500 parer1Qi1 attended tlm!l , aroma was almost irresistible. , meeting. In a series cd resolutions ~ The first alarm clock rang board approved: permission 1ll» ~illy upstairs, followed by the gsual groans from Markie and teachers b ,ofter classroom ' prayer d "appropriat0 tbnes"'; , Ginny. "It's that ~ alread~ A1md use of decorations, music 000 symbols of Christian feasts, oocIl g:ainy? Oh, dear!" Markie sniffed hungrily as sbG development of !!l plan :fer explanation <ll'l tb4! world'!! ~ ~me forth from the showell'. religions to students. "'Say, what smells co good?" The subject 01. vocal classroom. ..It'o tonight's dinner," X warned, dressing hurriedly to get prayer was raised ~ December when the board suggested 11 ban to Mass on time with the rest of oral prayeJl'll and reUgiOUl!l my clubwomen. ' "Now you and Ginny get yow oymbolilrm at Christmu and bt."eakfasts, your lunches ,aN Easter, and proposed flI1ent prayer be offered. Bloomfield' Packed-get going.'" . The three of us left the house Hills residents protested the' together, after pulling the plug action and urged ~ boaN' 110 from the electric fry pan, as, the llleverse itself. Head af the House shaved and prepared for his day downtown. Three, Nuns, Laywomen '
Ready for Dinner
:My own quite full hours wem along as anticipated. There W88 • good crowd at the Mass, the eommunion breakfast speaker
Peace, Progress' Theme Of Women's Institute ,WASHINGTON (NC} - The National' Council of Catholic Women announced here that "'Peace and Progress" will be the theme of its fourth institute on the United Nations illl New York beginning Thursday, Aprll
12. Sessions will be held in the Foreign Policy Association ~ World Affairs Center and win explore work of the UN, of national and international Catholic organizations in relation to the principles in the Mater et !llIIagistra encyclical of Pope John. Special features will include a tour of the UN headquarters and a briefing at the U. S. mission to the UN. Registration is open to all interested persons, NCCW said.
BLESSES LAMBS: Pope John blesses 0I!e of two lambs presented to him on the feast of St. Agnes. The wool of the lambs will be used to weave the pallia, wide bands of wool marked' with crosses which the Pope gives to Archbishops to symbolize the fullness of their episcopal powers. NC Photo.
Cape District Women Make Plans For. Open Meeting and Cana Talks The first board meeting of the New Year for District No. 5 of 1he Fall Rivei' Diocesan Council of the National Councll of Catholic Women, was held on Wednesday night, .Jan. 24, at St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall in Hyannis. Plans were made for the next open meeting to be held 'in Falmouth. This meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 11 at 2:00 P.M. at the K of C Hall. Brick Kiln Road, Falmouth. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Director of the Confraternity cI. Christian Doctrine in the Diocese, and his
$~ude~ Hym~
k Co e Sa
1. .
ROSELAWN FARMS Washington St., J'alrbaven .Just off Rollte 6
WY '1-9336 Watch for SilM While out for III Drive stop at this Delightful Spot
A eake sale at ll. A. MeW"bbr' Companr, Fall ~~, fromD:30 to 5:30 this'saturda)"wm befteftt the AlUll1ll8e Association at Sacred HeariiJ, ,Acackm:J. also, .Jlc>U lUveI:." I I
panel will hold a discussion' on that topic. Husbands of all affiliate members are cordially invited to attend this meeting. It was announced that the First Cana Conference will be held on Feb. 25 at St. Francis Xavier Parish. Brewster was recognized as the 23l'd affiliate for District No.5. Affiliate heads were asked to contact Mrs. Philip Dempsey Of Yarmouth, if there were any changes in their chairmen heads for the various NCCW commit-
" , .
cmcf HYaMis. So. fOCIlrtmouth "NY 7~3Q4,.
Hyannis 2921
1'50 Varieties ROUTE 6 near
Fairhaven AIIto Th0amt FAIRHA YEN, MASS.
~.. ~ 'lLook w!JrJ«IJ~ r@M ~~w &@ wotrlh
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Malee those needed REPAI RS
Making fte(:essa;",
~pairs :~ ~"'. ~ye ,~;, fro,;,,' ~
,haviilg'to make major repairs LATER
~I' ~.
'lUMBER CO. . .
Home made
~7d1If"dlIh'V'dlIhV dlIhV"dIlh'7dllhV'dlIhV dlIh\(dlIhV dlIhV dIIhV dlIhV din;?dlIhv dlIh~
Dorothy Cox'
So. Dartmouth
ill\"t-,il 11 !1 !1-.'UI rUllllllJ 11 !J.U !OJ.;'! il.:'I.ll:llll..il'J1LJ ;I-'l.:J.~Jl ila..a.ltcIUI.£UnHI ""-'U'ft',
Contest Encyclical
011'll CINCINNATI (NC)--Johannes Brahms and an as yet unknown Iiltudent-poet will collaborate on o new official hymn for the' 20th national convention of the Catholic Students Mission Crusade, to be held Aug. 23-26 at the University of Notre Dame. A contest is under way to find words to fit a passage from Brahms' Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, using thoughts expressed by Pope John In his encyclical -Mater et Magistra." Sister Mary .Joeline, head cI. the music department at oUr Lady of CincinDati College, adapted the music.
Receive Mission Crosses NOTRE DAME (MC) - ThrEle Holy Cross Duns and two women lay missionaries who will serve in Brazil and Pakistan received their mission croSses in a missicm departure ceremony here. Accepting the crosses, symbols of their mission apostolate, In the Church of Our Lady oJ. Loretto on the campus oil St. Mary's College were Sister Mary Francine, Sister Maria' Goretti, Sister Patricia Mary, Karen Eisin and Sarah Camblin. ' Sister·Mary Francine and Ui&S Eisin will be stationed at the Colegio Santa Maria, Sao Paulo, BraziL Sister Maria Goretti, Su.ter PatriclaMary and lliiss Cam- , blin will be assigned to the Holy , Cross missioDil In DacCa, Bast
St. Anthony Alumna The 22nd anniversary of ~ Anthony's High School, New Bedford, will be marked in September by a banquet and entertainment sponsored by tho alumni association. Next planning meeting is set for Sund~ Feb. 25 at the high school hall.
~.I ~
CENTER BANK-PurehcHe' cmcI ;WlmClftt siS.
SOUTH END BANIC-Cor. ,Cow St. & Rodney French Blvd.
~ NORTH END BANK-Cor. Acuab..,. AYe. and Coffin Ave. ~
~. '
,Member FedeRd DeposIt
" ,',
:04 ,
~~ ~~ ,'~ '.' ~
~~.VA'!~W~~~~..\'!~'!A!V4~All!.!'.'!4~. 9:A1 ~a
Ch ~'I~s ,'THul11:bs'uc'f(rng' 'H~ b'l't'>f N(Q)fr lik®~'r to> ~®[f'~o~fr
Thurs., Feb. 8, 1962
Mothers F~ght Smut ~ n State
l?anIlll1l IlUIk~ 'A big boy like yoo &V1cking his thumb '"' Rolling nia llmg fat cigar to one comer of his mouth, Grandpa clucks Illisapprovingly at the horny yellow calloua decorating the ~int of his grandson's right thumb. Three-year-old David bangs his head and stuffs may be displaced, but damage b Ina hand in his pocket. Few not permament. adults call watch a thumbDon't Punish wcker without showing disMost chlldren stop before their lIly
IJPproval, or making some effort fourth birthday -long before to stop him. Yet many 01. these second teeth arrive. ThumbsucklI8lIle grownups, ing doesn't cause buck teeth, jaw li k e Grandpa, 'deformities, infections or upset erecigarmouthstomachs. • r s , cigarette Look for causes. When does .mokers, 11 p your child need his thumb? biters or gum Where? A little nighttime suckmewers. ing before drifting off to sleep is Recent studies a harmless comfort. But if your IBdicate t hat child's thumb heads north every PRESIDENT'S MOTHER: Mother Pierre Marie left plenty of BUcktime he's put in the playpen or and Sister Madeleine Clemence of St. Anne's Hospitai lag satisfactl.on meets strangers, you'll get aD III the first six idea of the kinds of situations in River, chat with Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, mother of the Presmonths 01. life which he needs your extra atten- ident, following an address she delivered at the hospital IlDtonlyreduces tion or reassurance. School of Nursing. Proceedt:l win benefit a new pediatrie later finger sucking, but also When children are bored aIf ward at St. Anne's. helps the baby develop a left alone 11 lot they are more pod feeling about himself and likely to thumbsuck. Conversely, his world. thumbsucking decreases in more lit's 8 Pleasure stimulating surroundings. Don't punish. Anything lW obInfants need and want Iota of Peruv~an S~sterhoods IIl1cking. Wher:1 they get it, sorbing ao thumbsucking must LIMA (NC)-Two prime mov- munitieo to have access to facfiithey're happier, freer to enjoy be important to your youngster. ers in the movement promoting tieo and information that would If you punish him, it is like re·fue people and objects around ©!em. Babiea differ, of course, jecting a part of him. Your child the full spiritual and profession- be otherwise unavailable. 'MatIe Nwmbeli'Q F0n~ and apparently some need far mWlt handle his frustrations al development of Sisters in the more sucking than others, but a through hiD thumb and it may United States have arrived in Sister Ritamary emphasized ilW.nimum of 20 minutes per serve him well until he can find Peru to spread understanding o{l that "too needs of the modern feeding ooemB a reasonablG Q better, more grown-up way of their activities. Sister Annette Walters, execu- world are so complex that single meeting life's problems. pide. communities can no longer contive secretary of the Sister ForHelp him. Children don't To the c:hfld, thumbsucking 1G front them effectively withou~ mation Conference, and Sistei' thumbsuck ~ annoy adults. !Ii. • distinct pleasure. His thumb fa the help of specialized bodiea IIIways with him, he can depend fact, many preschoolers want to Ritamary Bradley, assistant ex'- dedicated to the task." stop. You know your own child ecutive secretary', came here M Cli1 it, and after three or four Member communiti~ assign months he can give it to himself best. If he won't resent lil good- the invitation of Archbishop experta from among the varioUfIJ Romolo Carboni, Apostolic Nunnatured reminder, try that. without help from anyone. fields of the apostolate to work NaHpolish for girls or a secret cio to Peru, to study the possibil- for the conference and thereby If he's hungry, sleepy or eager ity of founding a Sister Forma... more suckiDg, his thumb feela compartment ring for boys may oiler their training and experimothing. NeJr:t time he's unhap- help. Avoid anything that shames tion Conference in Peru. Sister Annette is a member of OOCle to all other communities. 1lI', he'll tr7 it again, and the your 'child or draws unnecessary "The combined force 01. United Ilabit is strengthened. Soon, 8Dl' attention to his affliction. Ingen- the Sisters of St. Joseph of CarStates and Canadian Sistenl ondelet and Sister Ritamary is ious tortures like bitter thumb ~e he feela tense, he'll suck. medicine or elbow splints may of the Sisters of the Holy Humil- numbers almost one quarter o:f !D older children, even thoee who had pl.eDqr of earlier satts- cure the habit, but at Bn unfair ity of Mary. They began a two- a million," atated Sister Annette.. week depth study of rellgiotlllll "U tIwl impact of this great numtaction, thwnbsucking may be cost to both of you. communitiea her e following ber of Sisters were brought funy Instead of always referring dleontagioua. Nursery schoolen who have never had the habit rectly to the !lUcking, try to elim- briefer visits to major citiell ia ~ bear OIl the religious life ill America, the chango .ee other addicts and decide to inate the boredom that encour- Mexico, EI Salvador, Guatemala North would certainly be startling. ages it. Ask: your child to help ud Colombia. try it themselves. Certainly that many carefully you with something interesting If you are wary of breeding a Have Mutual Contacts trained enemies of the Church Glumbsucker, be sure your baby that takes both handlr-scrapinl Speaking of the Sister Forma,ets all the sucking he wants. vegetables, making cookies, clip- tion Program in the United would be fearful. W 0 must ma!l:Q l.engthen nursing periods, or use ping recipes. When he succeeda States, Sister Ritamary stated our numbers felt." Elall-holed artificial nipples. for a day, praise him. tha~ the "miracle of Sister For'I'ry a pacifier after meals or mation has been not the multiwhenever you see your baby Admit Women Patients million dollar training centera kying to suck. fur Sisters, but the unity of If your child already is a COD- To Brothers Hospitol Christian charity that has beillrmed thumbsucker: CHICAGO (NC)-The Alexiaa come evident and operative Don't worry about it. Thumb- Brothers Hospital soon wlll be- through the mutual contacts of .uckers are no more prone to gin admitting women patients various communities working toemotional problems than non- for the fUst time in its 96 yean , sether in theapostolate." .-ckers. Baby teeth temporari17 of service in Chicago. The Sister Formation ConferBrother Arthur, Provincial Su- ence in the United States is III New Bedford Party perior who announced the cooperative effort on the part of INDUSTRiAl The club scholarship fund wtI1 change, noted that the order's most of the communities of I»enefit from a card party to be hospital in Elizabeth, N. J., haa teaching and nursing Sisters to HEATING OILS lteld Thursday, March 1 at New already begun. to accept female pool their resources for research, Bedford Country Club by mem- patients. lrtudy and training. Such coopnMKEN The Alexin Brothers' order eration enables individUal comI»ers of the city's Catholic Wom.'s Club. Mrs. John W. Glenn was founded in the 14th century Ott. BURNERS in Brabant, Belgium. .. chairmlllL Aid Handicapped
U. S. Formation Leaders Study Need of
OIL CO. INC. on.s
NEWARK (NC)-CYO members in the Newark archdiocese have collected more than $42,000 in a special drive to assist handicapped youngsters. Some 2,100 CYO members in 208 parishefl took part in the campaign, which will be held annually.
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HONOR NURSING STUJ)ENTS: 'At coffee boor hoD-' .-ing St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, ltudents aDd. their parents, MnL JacqueliDe Portill, fftaDdina'. of school staff witil Jeanne AueIatr nd her Mr. aDd Mn. J. Roland "Iak. SL J...TMIDtoL
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COVINGTON (NC)-A groilij? of. mothers here has launched 0 statewide campaign against in,.. decent literature. The non-denominational Moth~ ers Committee Against Indecen~ Literature has called on Kentucky mothern to' support proposed legislation which would make the possession and sale of pornography a criminal offense. The measure has been introduced in the Legislature by Rep. John Y. Brown of. Fayette County. Through a campaign conducted with the aid of newspapers, television and radio stations an4 with church groups the mothers' group already has gained 3,000 signatures supporting the meas-W'S.
Provincetown Womeft Catholic Daughters of America, Provincetown unit, will hold an anniversary banquet this Saturday night. Next regular meeting is set for Tuesday, Feb. 20, with Mrs. Irene Gracie and Mrs. Flewence Kenney ~ be program chairmen.
See the world" great ahrlnea .... easily and economIcally ••• OIl Atr France. V1oJ~ Lourdes, Fatima. Rome. the' Holy Land ••• at low ECOft> omy Jilt Fare. Air France', CattIoIlo llI'ogram for 19Q offers you. wide varloty 01 attractive tour pllgrlmages. EZech tour III under the leadership of • well·known and experienced aplr1tu8i director. Tho tour's ali-Inclusive prlce covers round·trlp faro from New Yortf;, meale, IIlghtseelng, hotels-wen t1ps1 And the prlces oro designed to flt weYf budget. Convenient, guaranteed d. parturllll by BoGlng Intercontlnantal ".. 11'8 set for datos between April and December; Mako 1962 the year YOII vIaIt tho famOUll shrines of Christen.
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.. New Immigration' Policy to Benefit Asiai1s,' Africans
Thurs., Feb. 8,. 1962'
Scores Brazil's Weak Position On Comm·un.·sm
OTTAWA (NC) - New immigration regulations announced in _ the House 01 Commons win be of particu- .
, RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) ...;.Jaime Cardinal de Barros Camara has again voiced criticism of Brazil's govern-,.
Jar benefit to Asians, AfricaM and nationals of the' Middle East. Immigra~ion Minister Ellen' Fairclough told the House these. people will now be considered' for admission to Canada if they have the education, training and. . skills ,to fit into Cal.ladian social and economic life' and if they are deemed suitable on other counts. In the past, a· special cabinet order-in-council had to be passed for entry of these immigrants. Once in· Canada these people will be able to sponsor the entry of a wider range of relatives than previously. 'Suitably Qualified' T be immigration minist.er. statement said that the most important provision of the new regulations is the one which "lays primary stress on education, training_and skills as the main condition of admissibility, regardless of the country of origin of the applicant." "This means," the statement continued, "that· any suitably qualified person, from any part of the world, can be considered for immigration to Canada entirely on his own merit, witho~t . regard to his r'ace, color, national.' origin or the cOuntry whence be . comes .•." . . .
ment for its refusal to take a stand against communism and the Red regime at. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. . The Archbishop at Rio de laneiro commented on reports that the government is opposed to strong action against Castro by the Inter-American' Conference opening Jan. 22 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Br~il's Foreign Minister San Tiago. Dantas has stated that anctions against·. Cuba would deny its rtght of selfdeterminetion. ' . The Cardinal said: "What a joke-this talk about 'lIelfdetermination!' It appearS Chat this principle only applies when Soviet Russia approves and eonfirms, or when it at least lIerves Russia's iniquitous intezats and perverse intentions." Last November, Cardinal. COOl Earros Camara praised Latin· American nations that had 1Jr0ken diplomatic relations with Cuba and called for "moral sanctions" against the Castro govern.ment. . Earlier he had warned Bralillian President Joe ~ulart ia name of the nation's Bisho~
BOOST· CATHOL~C PRESS' ·MONTH: . Vi~tor Ri~der, vice-pr.esident of the~ew. . ' .... .}l:or·.tbe'i2·806 .catholic'scMoIs iii 'the Uni-,.·- .York ,Catholic. News in preparing a ,display ;. ')rge~ re.Op.l~ Re~le.ct ,:
~ r~~$~lur~~ dt,~~~:~~~~:· ·ted ~~~~~'lrebi1iaii--m~an~.~thOlie :Pi:e~;' "'of ."eOrilI~uni¢a~·~.:~8.,p~i~h':~hooJ.pt.. , ~Love Thy J-"eighbor'.. ~
aoDli between tJHS country and.. ,MQ~th:-Father' Victor, S; .Pam fin~ aca~' , Our J...adY,Qfp'erpe~~.,Help,~Pelham :Man-. ::O'M'AWA .: (NC) ~..::.:.. :Geor~e.r,h'Soviet Union. . able 'Wistaiit· ill Riddei-. daughter 01. '... ·w. N:X. NC'~ '.,', ,. ~ : ':';~, ~.; ,.:...,+~:\ ~"~,Vanier, ..Canada's Goven'or: Gen:'"
Despite his warning that • ~ . . , ". . . , .. . '. ." . .,......... .. . >.' ~,,~.. era!, has suggested that eacb .mnption of diplomatic ti., Canadian spend·:iO minutes ada,.', would enable cominu'nist spies .'. JD, reflection 'or . meditation OR" . . . '. . .' .... : ' the precept "love ..""J 1.- neighboi"a. ' tit' circulate freely in Brazil lIIider the cloak 01. diplomaueVATlCAN' CITY (NC)-- . bowever, the Saracens rallied for· ol.l'eCOnstructing the tower while 'thyself." " . ,. .Immunity, the' government Ie- A to'wer raised by Pope St.' a second attack· on the city. Pope. he ..was. t~king his regular walk. "This.createS a spirit of con-· . aewed relations in November. . f' ~"".l!.,.... Leo, knowing that the attack waS in the Vatican Gardens shorUy· fidence' and serenity. Who Leo IV or ,,",J.~n~ "agamst coming, sent his own forces ~ after his election in October of knows whether this may not bO ' Saracen invaders . is becoIn-' Ostia to engage them. 1958. Work was begun on i¢ in the first step toward the road to mg, 1,110 years later, a peaceful The Saracens were defeated theSuinmer of / 1960. friendship among nations?" Van- . li'etreat in the Vatican gardens. and the prisoners taken were put The tower-now calIed Torre ier said in a message to the The tower bas been renovated to work at fini~ing the wall. San Giovanni - is 55 feet ia people of Canada. by order of Pope John. It is one The tower just nnovated waa diameter at its base. Its ·walls at Vanier is the second native' MANCHESTER (NC) ...- of 21 towers incorporated into dedicated in 852, and it h3 prob- that point are' almost 15 feet born Canadian to be named The 12,000 New Hampshire the Leonine city of the Vatican' able that its original structure thick. It is one of two towers Governor General, and the first waa the work of these Saracen which Pope Leo XIII set aside Catholic to hold the honor. The members of the' Diocesan in the year 852.' AlthouglJ, its eventual l£Se baa for the Vatican astronomiC8ll ~vernor General and Mrs.. Union of Holy Name So- not been announced,. the nature prisoners. Pope John XXIii got the Idea ~vato17. Vanier attend Mass each day. deties will be given a basic ed. cation on atheistic communism of its reconstruction indicates and its threat to the Americaa' that it will bea guest house or possibly. a' Summer· l'etreat 1« way of life. Father Patrick J. Kenneally, the Pope himself. .·ion director arid pastor of St. .. The tower, together. ':wlth the Anne Church' here, said it is 'walls,that nj:ark the present 'lim; .. boped that every: member of ·the ~ 'of .yaticanCity, waS.raised lit! 'lItatewide 'organi~ation will.re- a: defense· agaihst· the. saraceNI -.:. eeive a copy ·of "Questions and viho 'landed' at . Rome'. seaport ' ·.AtisViers on Communism,", a eat- eit7 :01' biitiam Au'gust'of 846,' .. echism~tyPe . book '.bY Richard ~aeva~~t'fu.g';~ 'e9UntrYs~deat:'4 Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop oi pillaging - the" old St.' Peter'. " . :BoStoil.· . Basilica•... ' , '.,. ' .... ':', . , "This is the best introductioli : . :St.·~· beCamePo"pethe y~ • tit communism available tod8¥: Idter ,the Saracen ·mvilliion.. He . ,'I'ather Kenneally declared. . ". . . .fltheredfunds and vOlunteer . ' stress Five Points . workerS, and. withtbem eonA committee,' pamed at the mucted a wall two and a half' IlUggestion of Bishop Ernest J. .miles in clreum£erence' around Primea~ of Manchester, has ou~ the basilica and Ita adjacent bed a' five-point program tor ,buildings. The work, was 1>eguD the course. '. .. . . In 848 and completed in .852. . The five ,points: ..purchase·. 01.. Before the wall wail flnistleiit Cardinal Cushing's book by in..' ".r~ dividual members; appointment M A I L I!N G eI. aides in every parish; panel "or Inuch cliscussions on communism; talks IN NEW BEDfORD •••• with .... on communism by individuals DIAL 3-1431 approved by the diocesan director, and introduction of Cardinal Cushing's book to a select group of high school boys, future HoJJ' four . . .Ityta...... ~ ftuffier, faster, at far less cost N.ame Society members. when you we a MOdern ..... c:hjoer. What's MON, white
M'·I·t T '. B'" ... p ... ", 'f '1: R ' t "'t 1.:.lary. ., . . '. ·.owe.r . ecomes ·eace u .e rea··
Holy ·Name Men To Take Course
'...,... dry wttfter ••• GOleN. dry .brighter ••• because ..... GAS-_tech.. 0CIAA0t . . or fade 8¥e. the finest
For Service Iii Latin America
KANSAS CITY (NC)-A bu.. band-wife team of. Papal Volunteers for Latin America left here Monday for service ill Lima, Peru.: Dan and Mary Ellen McCarthy. of neilrby Overland Park, Kan., are part of a group of nine Papal Volu~teers spohsored by the Bishops of the dioceses of Kansas who will join 16 other Kansas volunteers in Lima and Belem, Brazil. ' . McCarthy, a journalist, will do public relations work in Peru. Mrs.. McCarthy, a ~gistered nurse, will work in a medical dispensary. :
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l'tiE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 8, 1962
ChicagoCharities Spend Millions On Children
Collegll To ~U1II@~fl Men
CHICAGO (NC)-Nearly &0 per cent at. the IOOre than '10 million spent by Chicago Archdiocesan Catholic Char-
WEBSTER GROVES (NC)For the first time in its 47-yeall' history Webster, College for women here in Missouri win enroll men students next Fall. Courses leading to a bachelor degree in fine arts will be available to the men students at the institution conducted by the Sili\ters of Loretto. Sister Francetta Berberis, college president, explained that arrangements have been made with the Jesuit Fathers who conduct St. Louis University, miles from here,' for the men students to take their scholastic work at the university, but their training in fine arts will be giveta at the college here. Sister Francetta said the mea students wlil be graduated witb Webster College degr,ees although they will do part of their studying at the university. Shlll said the arrangement with th~ Jesuits was completed after several months of discussion anei after the Sisters had been BGlJured the university had no plans for a major music end! srt center.
Ities last year was for the fulltime care 01. thousands 01. chj.1..
Msgr. Vincent W. Cooke, archdiocesan supervisor of Catholie Charities, reported that a record $10,280,363 was speJ!.t to care for 100,581 men, women and children in Cook and Lake counties. This was an increase of $240,803 over the 1960 figure. The annual report showed that the fulltlme care provided for 11,608 children in foster homes and institutions last year Cost Catholie Charities $4,953,907. This was the largest single expense item and amounted to 48.2 per cent of the total budget. A total of $634,421 was spent OIl the parttime care of 29,012 ehildren in 12 day nurseries and eommunity centers, Msgr. Cooke 88id in his report, delivered at the annual meeting of the Catholie Charities organization.
Diocesan Census Reveals Increase CHARLESTON (NC)-The reIlUlts of a census conducted last November in the Charleston dioeese show that it has 12 per cent more Catholics than the number estimated prior to the census. HOLY FATHER AT FINAL 'SESSION: m:rsslOft for the comiBg EeWBenical CouRThe census, conducted by 2,500 Entering the Hall of Bologna in the Vati.. ,'cil. It, was following .this meeting that the enumerators, shows there are Holy Father annoonCed.' the da~ for the, 38,075 baptized Catholics ill' the 'can, 'His Holiness 'PoPe' Johil XXIII is~. .1 parish~s of the, diocese, .4,2~ ,corted': the' finAl', session f1I:' th~ third ':" ' ,'~pening 01. i&' ~ October'U. ,1962.': more ~n the previ9Wl ,total 01. 01. the Central ~ ~ "'Ne'PhotC.' , - , ,,', ',' , . ' 13;819. , Not inclUded III the total are 2,061 CathoUc military personnel and their dependents living on three military installations of '!'bree' other ecumenical couft:. 'riewed by some Christiane 8fJ II Continued from Page One the 'state. ' etl&-Chalcedon in 451, ConstanIdons and three secretariats tit .tumbling block to lIDity. Addition of this figure brings lay the groundwork for it, and "'We have especially chosen this tinople in 869 and Vienne in 1311 ' the total number <if Catholics ill he has personally attended their date," the Pope said, "because it -opened within a week befOl'.f/ the Charleston diocese to 40,136. meetings to spur their work. links us with the memory of the O!!' after Oct. 11. The total population of South Longest of the ecumen!eai Council of Ephesus, which WlIlGl The feast of the Divine MaterCarolina, according to a 1960 eouncils was the 19th, the Coun- of extreme importance fm ~ Iillity of Mary on Oct. 11 was made eensus figure, is 2,384,549. , ell of Trent. It dragged on from history of the Church." 8 feast 01. the universal Church The census was the first dioo- 1545 to 1563, during the reigns OIl Actually, the Council of Ephe- m m1 by Pope Pius XI in so esanwide one conducted in the three popes. In contrast, none of IJU&-held in the early Christian encyclical commemorating the Charleston diocese. the first four councils lasted as center which had been visited by 15th eentenary Qf the Council cit . long 80 four months. One ai. St. Paul, and whose ruins aoo Ephesu& Lack them, the fourth, Qt Chalcedon, located about 30 miles southeast lasted oniy three weews. Shortly fJf the western Turkish city d Of Social Conscience after becoming Pope in 590, St. Iri:mir-opened on JWle 22, 431, BILBAO (NC)-Bishop Pablo Gregory the Great referred to and conCluded that Septembei'. Complete Gurpide of Bilbao told his people the first four Council&-Nicea in that "the distribution of wealth 3256. Constantinople in 381, among the various social grouPe Ephesus in 431 and Chalcedon iD. ill Spain results in inequality 451-and declared: , "On these as on • !oursqU8l'e 1lllknown in nearly all the other countries of Europe." .tone'riSes and stands the strw:"It, is urgent for the SpanWl ture of faith and 01. each one'. ... Bristol County people'," lie said, in a pastoral life and action. Whosoever d94lS ' letter, "to develop a DOCial not ellng to their solidity, even 8Cience, for We find ourselves thOugh he be ~, stone, Hes ~ confronted by a paradoxiCal "lick the structure." Catholicism which swings proIn setting Oct. 11 tor the openfoundly Christian conscience ill in, 01. the couneil, the Pontiff the individual sphere to 21 liberal put major stress 011 the ancient ' OfARLIS P. _ROAI and individualist conscience GIl doctrine that Mary ill Mother '01. , 114 IOCKDAli AYINUI the social level." ' God rather than on more modern .-w BEDI'OB, MAIL While Spain's ~ capita m- Marian definitioM, whiClh De ' TAUNTON, MASS. come is one of the lowest in Eurol?e, he said, it ranko third , I»ostal Rate Bilt THE BANIC ON among the nations OIl the world WASHINGTON (NC) - '!'be in its expenditures on luxW7 .TAUNTON GREEN postal rate. increase bill passed items. by the House of Repll'esentative& Pedertll DePMM continues intact reduced secondSunday Sales Law IDsurance 'Corporatlea and-t:hird-class rat86 for !'elilious nonprofit publieations..
to . meeting
World Awaits F,orthcoming Council.
Prelate Marks
Shoes That fit "1'HE FAMILY SHOE STORp,:u
JOh.,/ S Shoe: ·Store t$ PLEASANT STREET Fall RiVer ' -.,' OS, 8-5811
Bristol 'County Trust Company
.1IIber .,
Effective Feb. 5
ST. PAUL (NC)-A newlyenacteq city Sunday sales ordinance will take effect here Feb. 5. Passed unanimously b7 the dty council, the ,measure does not require that stores close 011 Sunday, but bans the sale' 01.' many items, including moet products sold in supermarketrl and department, hardware, furniture, music, appliance and auto .tores. In Minneapolis, a DeW mcwe was underway for enactment ot a Sunday law. Tuesday, Jan. 30, has been tentatively Bet as the date ~or a public hearing on *be propoSed measure.
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Blood Bank J'aU River Couneil 86, K.BIgIdB eI. Columbus, will donate to tbe Red Crosa Blood Bank Tuesday afternoon, :reb. 20 wheD the OIlpnJzatlon'r bloodmobile will be at the COUDcll home. 2011 ..........
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On a plane recently, we m61 the president Of a i9i"lfe corporation. - a Protestant. He acknowledged that he W20 beginning to feel a bit ridiculoWl &bout giving the .rector 0If !iliJ church $10,000 a year, inasmuch as the Latter wa.o already receiviog . a salary of $20,000.
'lias it only that he ceased, foil"
and what he was. awhile, to ~ a practising CathWith her, he returned to as"ic? It is diffisistance at Mass, and he says' cUlt to say. He that for the first time it began arives conflict-: to mean somethting to him. Ang evidence as He was still 'struggling 10 es• this. tablish himself as a writer, but Cavanaugh is getting nowhere. True, a play a name he of his was optioned for Broadadopted when way production, but was never be decided to put on. He had night jobs which NEW ASSIGNMENT: IDe a writer. He brought him a little pay, wrote Bishop Charles H. Helmsing was born Arthur during the' day. Finally he and Fuchs and grew Jo saved up enough money to of Springfield-Cape Girarlip in Woodget married. . deau, Mo., has been appoinha'/en, Queens, There came into their lives ,n ted ordinary of the Kansas New York. He had a good home, remarkable person, Phyllis An- City-St. Joseph diocese by fond parents who provided well derson, wife of Robert Anderson, l!or him, and relatives truly COR- author of Tea and Sympathy, one Pope John. NC Photo. ~rned for him. But he was un- . of the most successful American I'nappy as a child, a boy, and 11 plays of recent years. @M®Ih®~~@1 M~@fre~[fQ )'Outh. Mrs. Anderson was an authors' , He tells us that his appearance agent. Just when Arthur' was was not prepossessing. He was ready to give up, she restored his $W~{hefl'i)'i) ~@]®@~ list and wore glasses. He Watl confidence, kept him at his typeMONTREAL (NC)-The syslIlwkward and clumsy. Someone writer, eventually sold a TV tem of separately administered was always accusing him of script he had written. Catholic and Protestant schooIn llaaving two left feet. At school lLeaves One Wondering in the Quebec province is "ideal" Itle was self-conscious and. lonely, His tribute to this benefactor and should remain intact, an without friends and shut out of many aspiring writers is official of the Knights of Columof group activities. intertwined 'with an extended bus told the Quebec Royal ComUnpleasant Experience account of the illness which mission on Education. In fact, his book opens with alll. ended her life when she was still The state deputy of the K. of IlCcount of a traumatic experi- relatively young. She had. no C., Justice Eugene Marquis of eDce when he was 14 years old religion, and he tried to help'her Quebec Superior Court, preand in the eighth grade. In the during her long months of pain sented a brief to the commission, \PI'esence' of his schoolmates. he and decline by his own prayers which' was also signed by the was ordered to stand, then ao- and by encouraging and showing K. of C. state secretary, Rene .used of disgracing the class, in- her how to pray. Quesnel. . formed that that he would not This is' not a major work. And The Quebec K. of C. has about lie graduating, and directed _ there is a certain facility in the 70,000 members. Under the pres"port to the principaL eventual solution of the author's . ent system of education in the As he tells it, the principal agonizing personal pro b 1 e m Quebec province Catholic' and &»egan the interview with the which leaves one wondering- Protestant schools are separately eharge that his religion didn't' not as to the fact of the solution administered but are under a mean much to him, which was a but as to its ease. . . Provincial Council of Public eurious way of saying that he What is significant and valu- Instruction: : bad flunked the examination in able is the clear picture of Mr. Respects Religion Rligion, hence would not get a Cavanaugh'lI solitary and bafdiploma. . fling inner distress' and disorThe brief stated that this sys,He was, however, allowed lie dered living; as well as the tem "has often been cited as a take a second examination, analysis of the reasons for it and model throughout the world bewhich he passed, and he was ita exacerbation by people who cause it is deeply concerned with p'aduated. should have been understandiJig the rightl: of minorities; it reLeaves Church and helpful. spects race and religion, and reThe way this business waa . Sin and Saviour mains aloof from political conlIumdled stung, even scarred. A far more -complex and protrol." . bim. At the Catholic high school found examination of man's an"As long as our century-old be was bitterly discontented and guish is provided by Thomao oystein continues to operate," ,the ialled five subjects of eight. He Merton in The New Man (Farrar, brief continued, ''we may bEl lIPent the time out of school wan- Straus and Cudahy. $3.50), llUre that our population will be wing the city and going to the which is styled a book of medi- sheltered from initiativeD devimovies-as many as six a day. tations, but really is too much ating from established tradition Finally he transferred 00 a of an in.tellectual exercise for and fair law, and that the rightc public school, where, he says, that. Some of the vocabulary,for of the families, the church an4 lie at once made friends, joined. example, is such as to send one the lltate will be protected." elubs, and was put on commit- to the dictionary before sending tees, began to write stories for ODe to one's knees. the student publications. But when one has mastered. NEW ENGLAND He refused to go to a Catholie the meaning of this closely rea·.CLA M _lIege, was accepted at William soned, sometimes densely writIlDd Mary, soon was regularl,. ten bOQk, it will provide subIlDd deliberately missing Masll, stance for years of meditation. Every Sun~ay - $2.95 pve up reception of the For here the author piercingly -.craments. explores the terrible disarray in including - A Live Lob..... Lonely .. Ever our nature, the primal causeTIJiE Finished with college, he re- the fall of Adam, and the. remturned home, worked hard at bis OOy which ill more than a remwriting, went with a bohemian edy-and rather a recreation- : Coggshall Bridge, Fairhaven erowd, spoke with savage scorn the creative and redemptive e the Chl,1rch, its teachings, work of Christ and the new life priests, nuns, regarded himself· in Christ which is the Christian's. as an ex-Catholic. Still, he knew Derangement in SiD DO happiness and was as lonely The book starts. off 'somberly, lIB ever. with an account of that turmoil By a seeming accident, during and battle within which eaeh of. "Everything for ~ Office'" a St. Patrick's Day parade, he us constantly experiences and . TYPEWRITERS. FURNITURE was introduced to a girl named which drives us to the edge of 10 Carroll, a Chicagoan who was .despondency. ADDING MACHINES studying voice in New York and ··It indicates the inadequacies.of 31 Weir St" Taunton, Moaaiming ata singing career. . the diagnoses' and superficial Tet VA 4-4076 She was a Catholic, and there treatments 'whichpsychological bad been more objectively griev-. and. spiritual quacktl prescribe.. ous suffering in her llfethan· ill; It delves to ~r~t of .,the mat- . his. But this·rl?used no ~e1;>e1Uoll... ter, showing what human nature 'Contracton .. her. . . _. is . meant to be and requires, Self-Hatred.. . ' "showing .the utter derangement Electrical Jo Carroll bad wisdom,' She· . inherent in sin. .. '.' lI'eCognized that Arthurs basic . This'unsparing depiction' oftbe trouble was a sick self-hatred. ~ '.ravages· of siD, its co~plete di-' "vorce of' mail' from reality, is: brllliant in itlJ precision, ST. MEINRAD (NC)-Beoe- would .be intolerably depressing," dtctine priests of St. Meinrad were not God's astounding anArchabbey here in Indiana will swer, the IDcarnation, not o.n17· lItaff a minor seminary in tbe forcefu1l7 portrayed. but al80 diocese of Huaraz, Peru, Arch- wonderful17 related to the plight abbot Bonaventure Knaebe.l" of each of • ill his 0WIl time O.s.B., has announced.; aDd place.
Office Supply, Inc.
By Most lRev.FultOli'il J. SheeliU, ]i). lil>.
By lRL lRev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Arthur Cavanaugh's autobiographical book, My Own :Back Yard (Doubleds,ty. $3.95), is an unusual sort of conversion story. For Mr. Cavanaugh is a Catholic who was baptized in infancy, brought up in the Church, but fell away fi-om the practice of his reli- and that this was projected gion, and returned to it some against others, even vented on years later. Did he ever God. She induced him to accept really renounce the Faith, or himself, to be satisfied to be who
Seminary in Per.
We asked him if he hacll ev0ll' analyzed til~ way the rleb. give money. It seems to be a law that the "have'li' give to those who have and the ''have not's'" give to those who have not. The rich give to the rich; the poor give to the pOOr. AD institution with capital of ZO million dollaro will have no difficulty getting 10 Iilillion dollars more in a drive. But a priest with a mud-hut church in Africa wUl be lucky to receive $100 a year. We then told the gentleman that the Scriptures blessed only those who helped the poor, not those wlw helped the rich: "He that hath mercy on the poor lendeth to the Lord." Did not Our Blessed Lord say of Himself: "I was hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless"? But He never said that those who sought Him in the wel14ed, the glutted, the wen-clothed and the housed would find Him. John the Baptist recommended. giving to , the "have not's": "He that hath two coats, let him give to him that hath none." Finally Our Lord gave this rule of spiritual etiquette: "When thou makest a dinner , . . call not thy neighbors who are rich, lest perh{lps they invite thee again, and recompense be made to thee . . . but call in the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind." Since they cannot give in return, making you a trustee or repaying you with tl banquet or tickets to a game, the Lord will have to reward you. When the gentleman asked for a group of poor whom he could help but who could not help him, except spiritually, we recommended that he start a leper colony. He proposes to do so. 'll'his column, then, is a plea thsit ~he rich "invest" their money wisely, giving not only to thoS0 who already have millions, but te the destitute. the aged, the maimeci. The Society for the Propa.gation· of the Faith deals with all of these poor of the world -with priests who.live on $7 a month, with people whose income Is only $I a week, with bishopS wl)o tum away 100 boys a year from their seminaries because they cannot afford $ZSO a year to edacate them. It· yoa are interested tn the poor, !lend your a1mlI to the Holy Father through The Society tor the Propagation 01 the Faith. He will make the distrlbuUon throughout the Missions 01 the world. GOD LOVE YOU to J.T. for $36 "I had been out of work: for a year and promised I would send you my first pa,. check if I found employment." . . . to AnonyinOWl for $2 "Please \1M tbJs money for a teen-ager who needs food more than I need a new sweater or bracelet." . . . to· E.c.W. for $I "This fa the firlIt ~eir
clleck'I ever received for an article. recently published in a local paper, and I want the Missions to have it...
At a loss for gift suggestions? Turn thelD Into a galD for The 80ciety for the Propagation of the Faith by selecting either our IJIllari cuff. link seta (oval or square), tie clasp or ladies' charm. Made 01 gold-colored Hamilton finish with the raised red insignia of the Society, these items are ideal tor semiuarians, class awards, any and all giving. Specify the items you desire, enclose a minimum. offering of $3 101' eaeh piece and send your name and address to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Order Department, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1. New York.
Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it IUld man it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, H. Y., or your Di~ Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINll:, 3e8 NOfth MaiD Street, ran River, Mass.
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High School Pupils Opportunty,·· For Enjoyment, Achievement By Clement J. Dowling More ofleD thaJa DOt, It hi the better otudents who engage m extra curricular activities at our 12 Diocesan high schools. Possibly the old adage is tme In the case of our Catholic teenagers, "Desire 11 task well done. give it to the busy one." Parents edu98tors and em'dents hav~ varied opinions I.lbout the value of our schools' extra curricular programs. The pro~ hJ in the pudding. Proponents of plays debating, retreats, sports, studen't councils, elubs and sodalities are emphatic in th~ir claim of fuller personality development, cultural competence, and 8l'eater enjoyment of life. Opponents point out tnat well activitieS are too time-consuming, have an adverse effect on the child's nervous system, and unnecessarily restrict home lltud7 and home chores. What do you think? Taking 0 look at the Catho~ high schools in the Fall River diocese, we find' the following of interest: Plan lWusicaBes At Fairhaven's Sacred Hearts Academy, the Glee Club is in the midst of practice sessions for its annual Spring concert. And this week the seniors sit down to plan o Variety Show aimed at entertaining their faculty and student body on St. Patrick's Day. Committee members are chairman Patricia Chadwick, co-chairmen Patricia McDonald Rosemary Horrocks, and Margaret Souza. At Bishop Feehan High th0 students are absorbed in two events which will materially aid their athletic fund. The Attleboro school .ia eagerly awaiting the first social event in ita histo~ o gala St. Valentine's dance. Stephen Nolan, student council president, is general chairman for next week's' dance, heading a committee comprised of Kerry Horman, Nancy Arruda, Frank McCauley and Gregory Servant. Refreshments will be sa'Ved by Nancy'o committee. Drama, Operetta Holy Family's French Club will attempt to astound its faculty by presenting III play In French tilled "Haut Les Mains." The cast includes Susan RousIlea, Sandra Morrow, Laurence Oliveira, Mary Stader, Bernard Cabral, Elaine Mathews, Patri,,:, cia Whelan, Angela Gomes, Diane Fryzel and Mary Lam Andrade. "Tulip Time," the Springtime operetta of Mount St. Mary Academy girls, has added a special showing for all religiouB this Saturday at 2 P. M. in the school hall. The light opera played to appreciative, capacity audiences the past two nights in the Fall River school. The Mount's 50 piece orchestra, directed by Mr. Arthur Paquette, provides excellent accompaniment. Mrs. George Farrington is in charge of costumes and Sharon Fennessy hl the choreographer. Retreats, Lectu~ Week after next is vacatiOft week. Many students already have plans, like the sodalists at Bishop Stang in Dartmouth, and Holy Family. The boys will be attending 8 closed retreat at the Passionist Retreat House in Brighton for two days. The same week, junior members of the girls' sodality will be enjoying a four-day retreat at the Cenacle in
Sister Superior Anne Denise has interested studento in attend!ng Bishop Stang on Saturday mornings. The classes are 0\1'ganized on a voluntary basis to prepare the scholars for College Board exams and achievement tests. English and mathematics are the special subjects the course will concentrate on. Saturday Classes College-conscious seniors at Msgr. Prevost High are putting their artistic talents to work these days. To bring to the attention of their classmates the importance of attending 11 Catholic. college, b~ys have placed eye-catching posters in the achool halls. They remind the students of the benefits and joys @f a God-centered education. Debate Tournament The first tournament meet of ~e Narragansett Interscholastic Debate League was held at Bishop Stang High School m No. Dartmouth with all 14 schools of the League participating. The first debating tournament of the Narragansett League held at Bishop Stang resulted in jubilant victors and disappointed losers. Excellent and complete preparation, combined with natural talent, produced exciting contests. Dominican Academy proved 0 definite threat to retire the Sister Ignatius trophy as its orators lJWept all four rounds of their match. They previously captured two ''legs'' and Prevost High hao one. Three more tourneys win ~ clde the champion. Next b ocheduled for Mt. st. Mary'a Wednesday, Feb. 14, then Durfee High in Fall River Friday, Feb. 23, and finally Dominican Wednesday, March 14. Father-Son Night The Fathers' Club of Msgr. Coyle has about completed plans for Sports Night Wednesday, Feb. 14 in the school auditorium. Invited 110 attend the Taunton affair are Bill Monbouquette of the Red Sox, pugilist Paul Pender, sports commentator Warren Walden and hockey stars ci the Providence Reds, Jumping Joe Dugan, famed teammate of Babe Ruth, Doc Gautreau, former Boston Braves star, now 0 scout for the L. A. Angels, plus other otars of the sports world. Always a poplliar affair :Ilo1' the male members of the family,· this father-son spectacular promises to be long remembered. Passion Play Our apologies, but that three act play, ''The Family Doctor," is not on Monday night, as we previously reported. The seniors of S~. Anthony High in New Bedford will present "The Fam11y Doctor" at '1:30 next Sunday night, Feb. 11. D. A.'s senior Nancy Guay win soon comp,ete State-wide for the title of State Homemaker of Tomorrow. Nancy achieved highest score in an exam on hoIrie-making knowledge and attitudea taken by all her ·classmates. Fall River Academy The entire Iltudent body o:t SHA will pay special tribute to Our Lady of Lourdes, whose feast occurs Feb. 11, by assem.bling in the convent chapel for the recitation crf the rosary and presenting of a sYmbolic flora! Valentine of red and white carnations, at finlt period Wedne&a day, Feb. 14.
STONElHI][lLlL DEBATE roOONAMEN'R' 'W][NNERS: Holy Family High School, New
Bedford, was vietorio\lls m the fourth annual Stonehill Debate Tournament. Lef.t to Tight, Brian Healy; Eiehm-d Perras; Maul"-
ice Downey, taam moderatOi'i StonehO President Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivn~ C:S.C. ; Herbert Wessling, professor c1 speech and .debating director of the oolle~ Susan AgUIaR"; end Thomas AzaE. ~.:>.
The Gym Council is sponsoring o pizza .lunch for the otudentlJ Thursday, Feb. 15. Proceeds wm help defray expenses ia:!' @lc lJPorts program now underway in preparation for the annual gyTilIl meet between St. Agnes' c!!1d ~ Margaret's teams. On Sunday, March m, ~ tors will view the new IlChool's lEIn:!! 'Teehan i'lPo1ic... S!ster
mary Rochelle and Sister lVIaiY Kateri are directing the proaram which will consist of n obort skit and songs and danCC3 by an all-Feehan cast. Parents' yearbooks ai'e alwayo Olli absorbing item for teenagei'S. They love to see how Dad Qnd Mom looked 88 high-schoolelt'8, eomparing hair-dos and dreSll. A! present, Diocesan ceni~
ll?e planning their own. Pid'iwc:J and school activities are beiE!G ~mpiled for the most popule:? book of the year. Students them... oelves generate activities to moc::J the costs of the costly vent1.ml'a, Pati'icia MacDonald c:1 Sacrc::a JiJearts Academy in lfairhaven lID 10 charge of III cake 1I31~ 00 h~ c'lefl'ay expenses cd h:ea' ~ book.
Petf~f·Whipped ,
Remember This:''"In
v a i 1l will you build churches,· pre a e h missions, found sehoola. All yOUl" .. '1 efforts will be destroyed I unless )'W wield the defensive and offensive. weapcm of a press that IB Catholic, loyal and Ii:Rcere. I will ma.k~ any sacrifice, even to pawning my.peetoral ero8S, ring anA cassock, tD ~ a Catholie newspaper." ....",'-'
Oven-Fresh DGily at your Neigtaborbood Store
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TfiE ANCHOR-Diocese, of EaR, ~v:er7:i:r;hurs., Fe~. 8, ,1962' .'.
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IS® Continued from Page ODQ Derform, in pairs, iii spiritud weekly work of about two hourG duration. 'rhe Auxiliaries offer (lhe Rosary and Legion prayero ~y to Our Lady. ' 'lrangiblG JltesuR1G
While the activitioo of tho Legion members are undertaken with spiritual motives and without counting the tangible results, still many results arl2 seen -lIG thG direct result of Legion work. lOuring the past year Legion activities were directly responsible for 12 marriage validations, 10 baptisms, 42 First Communions, m Confirmations, 5 converts, 502 dlildren returning to catechism. S9 returning to Mass and tho oocraments. In addition ,11,305 lllieces of Catholic literature were <distributed and 2,892 religioUD articles. Many other spiritual reoults were assisted by LegiOG activity, , Legion members also did work <i:I1'1 parish census, visited the sick em homes, hospitals and specid
Institutions, visited oouectioncl institutions, visited lapsed Catholio:l, instructed retarded chUdren, did baby-sitting for parento while these attended Mass, welcomed new parishioners, ax'ranged for transportatiOlll to Church or catechism classes, participated in CCD program£\, sought members for parish BOdeties, promoted the Apostolato 'Oll Prayer' Crusade and En, tbronement of ,the Sacred Heart, guided youth activitieo. lVIembero ~ did" on a limited ,basis, clell"iccl work m rectorietJ, and sem greetings to the sick, recited tho , Rosary at wakes of parishioners. Junior Legion membero e!eaned C2wl'eh sanctuarieii. RalllUQIW:essego Re<i7. 'Albert l'l, Shovelton, neW'
Ne'C7 Bedford Curin Directm, also gives iii five-minute! radio message on the Life of Christ dally over New Bedford Radio Station WBSM and COllducto special Lenten se:rvicoo over tho ai1r.
ROME (NC) - A PontifiCGll b BollW! of II heart. attack. Eb {Requiem Mass' was offered hero 'received the last rites of tho Itoday for Gaetano Cardinal Ci- Church: shortly before his' death. eognani, 80, a veteran of 38 yearo Pope John sent him a specUil G:f diplomatic service fO'l' the b!es9ing. Holy See and brother of Amleto Present at the deathbed of tho Cardinal Cicognani, former Ap- Cardinal was his brother, AmleW ostolic Delegate to the U. S. Pope Cardinal Cicognani. Iohn was in attendance. , A. medie8l buTh:ltin Jssued afterz The Cardinal, who was Prefeet 01. the Sacred Congregation oi the Cardinafo death stated tha4 Bites, which deals with the can- on Feb. :& he waa struclt by am onization of saints, died 1II1onday attack 01. influenza, but hlis cooditioB was not considered grave. The sttuatioo. was complicated" however, by a recurrence c;l a hemorrhage he hed suffered previously, which brought OIl the collapse 01. the heaJ't. GaetaQc Cardinal CicognBld dimaxedhiB long and distinguished career in the VaticQO diplomatic corps by embarking Oil another one in December. 1953, when he ,WafJ named Pre~ of the Sacred Congregatioo 0!Il Rites. An a diplomat and an head ctz tho . congregation which "makoo saints," Cardinlll1 Cicognan! ' shunned. the limeUgM. Hio yearn of service to the Church'were varied. Hta served in the Roman Rota, the Vatican Secretariat of State and ao nuncio to Spain, Bolivia, and Peru. He WafJ also a member of the Congregation of Religious, the Consistorial Congregation, tho Congregation of Sacramental Discipline and the Pontifical Commission fcyr th'l Authentie Interpretation ctl ~ Codal all. Ganon Law. Cardinal Cicognant ~ hoodeli the ll'rascati Diocese, one of the nine so-called suburbic8rlan dioceses in the Bome whoso heads are cardinal-bishops. The death of Cardinal Cicognani and of Teodosio Cardinal ~ GQuveia, Archbishop of'Lourenco Marques, MozambiqUe, on tho following day leaves the College of Cardinals with a tote! ol 78 members. 27 Italians SlDd H noDItalians.
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GJf FaN R1ver- Thurs., Feb. 8, 1962
BOSTON COLLEGE STUDENTS: Top left, Law-rence B. Chandler, Philip Howard, both of New Bedford路; Joseph Callahan, Assonet; Anthony Santoro, Somerset; Robert Langlois, Lawrence Crowley, and Robert Lawler, all of New Bedford. Upper right: Paul Raymond and Roger J. Sorel, both of Fall River and Emil J. Kleiner Jr. of Assonet. Center inset: Allan J. Curran orf Fall River with Rev. John F. Caufield, 8.1., professor
of mathematics. Right center inset: Very Rev. Michael P. Walsh, S.J.. twenty-second Boston College President. Lower left: Diane Ross of F'aI River and Edward J. Montminy, New Bedford. Lower right: William A. Leary, Leo R. L'Homme, lirving J. Goss and Douglas Mello, all of FaD. River. :m the two lower insets are Patrick J. Hurley of Fall River (left) . and Raymond J. Montminy of New Bedford.
Students at Boston College Aim <".4Iways Students from Fall River area at Boston College, 100year-old Jesuit university iIll Chestnut Hill, Mass., walk a 400-year-old path of Jesuit scholarship which leads them to full development as Christian young men and women. As the Gothic towers are a landmark at Boston College, the "Ratio Studiorum" of the first acholarly Jesuits is an educational touchstone for the mON! than 10,000 students in the 12 schools and colleges of the Jesuit university. The fundamental principle of the Jesuit tradition is that the student should be induced t.o work at his studies and develop himself by self-activity rather than by passive listening; apart from the mere acquisition of information, the natural powerG and talents of the student must receive training and development. Many from Diocese "The true Christian product of Christian education is the supernatural man who thinks, judges and acts constantly and consistently in accordance with right reason, Illumined by the GUperDatural light of example and teaching of Christ; iD other words, to use-the current term, tile true and finished man 01. eharacter," Pope Plus XI said b:l his "Encyclical on the ChristIan ll:ducatlon of Youth." This best !WDfl lIP the 0bjective of the .Jesuits of the New England Province who ccm<Iuclt the university. More than 240 students &om tile Diocese of I'aIl River 810 Jeeeivlng 1betr education at fhe .kBuit 1IDiveI!61~
During their four years at Bos- tion in 23 fields. Maim' fields at concentration include biology, ton College, they will receive a carefully-integrated program af chemistry, classics, economics, Liberal Arts courses-a program English, geology, government, which endeavors specifically w history, mathematics, modern train the minds of the students in languages, natural sciences, philclear, logical and accurate think- osophy, 8Odology, theology, preing through such courses aa medical, pre-dental, accounting, Logic, Mathematies and th~ distribution management, financial administration, industrial Natural Sciences. management, general business, It strives to develop their ability for clear and forceful expres- elementary education, secondary sion through courses in English education, business education, Composition, rhetoric and lan- nursing, social work and law. guages. It ~eks to inculcate the '.!reachers All'e JH[eart knowledge of human natUN A' close relationship between through the study of literature; student and teacher is the ideal a knowledge of the past through of Boston College. "As the indithe study of history and a con- vidual student knows his teachtemporary soc i a I awareness er better, he will more apprethrough an understanding of ciably evaluate in formal or inmodern society in the light of its formal atmosphere the answers past history as well as through that arise' from questions and studies in modern history and problems posed," the entrance modern social and moral philos- bulletin tells prospective stuophy. dents. Finally, and most important in "The heart of this university, Its liberal arts program, Boston of course, is its teachers. They College emphasizes for all stuare here to beckon you imperidents a clear knowledge and ap- ously and persistently to int'elpreciation of ultimate religious, lectual efforts of which you may philosophical and moral values never have dreamed you were through its courses in Philosophy capable. Intellectually, you r and Theology. Ideas and ideals will be shaken, jarred and challenged. You will OfftW Wide Curricul1lllll1 be introduced to and become The Jesuit路 university is a deeply aware of many aspects in member of, or accredited by, The the broad range of knowledge Ameriean Association of Colle- in the humanities: history, scigiate Schools of Business, the ence, philosophy, the arts and American Bar Association, the your major field of study." American Chemical Society, the Two Concepts American Council on Education, the Association of American ColFreshmen at Boston College leges, the Association of Amer- discover that the first year is a lean Law Schools, the Association transition: the pace is faster; of University Evening Colleges, more independent study is rethe AssocIation of Urban Univer- - quired than in high school; alties. teacher demands are higher; and assignments are broader. ~ t : s ~vide instr",e-
"You may be coming to Boston College with career plans already decided. Or, like some others, you have not yet decided on a definite career. "Either way, Boston College has two concepts about the incoming freshmen. One is that you will be given every opportunity for your academic, cultural and spiritual development. Through your professors, counselors, guidance and other personnel, you will be challenged and directed, inspired and motivated for the development of the whole man. "The other important concept at Boston College is t,hat each student is given the opportunity for this development. You will be reminded often that for you, too, as well as the university, there is the motto to live by and strive for: 'Ever to Excel'." From New Bedford Two New Bedford juniors rank high in their class at the Jesuit university. Charles M. Dansereau, who is majoring in Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences, is spending his junior year at the University of Louvain in Belgium where he is studying French and Russian under the Jesuit university's Junior Year Abroad program. George J. Thomas Jr., a graduate of Holy Family High School, is a talented chemist who ranks seventh in his College of Arts and Sciences class of 553. He has a cumulative average of 92.2 per cent. Thomas also works in the laboratory at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Brighton. He is in the Boston College Honors Program which offers talented
students an opportunity to die more advanced work. Another Honors Program stu.dent is Walter J. Arbasz of New Bedford, a sophomore wi",o til majoring in English in the College of Arts and Sciences. Re w a graduate of Msgr. James Coylo ... High School. George J. Tyson of Taunton, 0 freshman in the College of Arb and Sciences, also is in the Honors Program, He is a member ()2 the Boston College Band and Glee Club. Patrick J. Hurley of FaR River, a senior in the College 02 Arts and Sciences, is among seniors from the area who will graduate in June from the Jesuit university. Hurley has been activo in intramural sports and hoo written for "The Heights," st\!dent newspaper. Raymond and Edward Montminy of New Bedford are students in the College of Businesa Administration of Boston College. Raymond is a senior and iB majoring in Finance. His brother is a freshman. Both graduated from Cranwell Prep. Juniors in the College of Business Administration are Leo R. L'Homme and William A. Leary. both of 'Fall River, and Robert A. Lawler and Lawrence B. Chandler, both of New Bedford. Leary is a graduate of St. John's Prep; Lawler is a graduate of Holy Family High School and Chandler, who is in the Honors Program, graduated from New Bedford High School. ~ Roger J. Sorel of Fall River. a graduate of Msgr. Prevost High School, is a freshman in thtl College of Business Administration and is planning to major m Economics
'THE ANCHOR-'Diocese of Fall River-Thuri.,.Feb. 8, 1962
1962 DIOCESAN PllGRl A .
Sails From Boston July 17 Under The Personal Leadership of His Excellency Bishop Connolly Make your. reservation now for the Second Officia.Pilgrimage of the Diocese of Fall River. Visit the famous Shrines of OUt" Lady of Fatima in Portugal and
the Miraculous Grotto of lourdes in France. Enioy beauteous scenic travels throughout London, Spain, Switzerland, Weisbaden, Cologne and Holland with unforgettable days of rest and relaxation along the French Riviera and at Geneva in Switzerland. Membership is' limited and 'reservations will 'be on a . come-fint served basis. Ad nowl St. Peter's, VaHcOf'l City and other religious and historic shrines of 'Rome are optional tours on this Second Official Diocesan Pilgrimage.
Fall Rfvw DlaCMaR T....". P. o. Box 2026 Fall Mauach.,.....
Famed Basilicas, Cathedrals and Monas-
P1ease send me complete information on the Second Officiaf Pilgrimage of the Diocese of Fan River under the personal leadership of His Excellency, Bishop Connolly.
teries in Portugal. Spain. France. Swit-' zerland, Germa ny,
Holland and England
--_ _-_.__
are on the itinerary.
......._._•.••._ ...
Q1Y .._ - - - - - - -
TIt;s Messoge ;s Sponsored By TIte FOllowing Indwldual•. and Business Concerns ill Great. Foil RWer: Duro Finishing 'Corp. The Exterminator Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. En~e'rprise Brewing Co. Fall River TrlUst Giobe Manu*acturing Co.
Kormon Water Co. MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooml Mooney &' Co. IniC. Newport FinishinS) Co. Plymouth Printing Co.. ~ (
\ J,
Sherry Corp. Sobiloff Brothers SterHng Beverages, Inc. Textt~ W~en Unioa 01 America, AFL-CIO
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1962
The Parish Parade ST. MAllY'S OA'll'REDIitAL, FALL RIVER A cake sale to be held at 10 Friday mornina, Feb. 23 at R. A. McWhirr Company will benefit Bluebirds of the parish. A planning meeting for a parents' night and awards ceremony will be held this Saturday. ST. MATHIEU, FALL RIVER A ham and bean supper Wednesday, Feb. 28 in the parish hall will be sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women. Servings will be from 6:30 to 8 and entertainment will follow. Mrs. Alme Paquette is in charge of the supper and Mrs. Denis Violette is entertainment chairman. Mrs. Edgar Gagne will be chairman of the unit's regular meeting Monday, Feb. 26. NOTRlE DAME, FALL BlVlER Newly elected officers Jf the Council of Catholic Women will be installed at 6:30 Sunday night, Feb. 18 at a public banquet at White's restaurant. They include Mrs. Normand Levesque" president; Mrs. Albert Petit and Mrs. Yvonne Beauchesne, vice presidents; Mrs. J. Felix Paul, treaourer; Mrs. Paul Dumais and Mrs. Normand Castonguay, secretaries. The unit will sponsor an ice skating party for parish teenagers Friday, Feb. 16 ot Seekonk Ice Land. OUR LADY OF BEAlLTIHI. FALL RIVER Credit union officers are Francisco Silvia, president; Walter Laroue, vice president; John Arruda, secretary-treasurer. ST. JAMES, NEW BlElDi]l4'ORD
Msgr. Noon Circle will sponsor a bean supper Saturay night, March 3, with Mrs. John Ryan and Mrs. Manuel O. Correia ~ co-chairmen. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NEW BEDFORD Dances are held every Saturday night in the school hall for' the benefit of the school fund. Attendance prizes and refreshments are featured. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH The Women's Guild will hold a public dessert card party at 1 this alternoon in the Station Avenue church hall. Tickets will be available at the dolX and prizes will go to each table. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The variety show co-sponsored by the Women's Guild and Holy Name Society will offer a children's performance at 2 Sunday afternoon, Feb. 18 in the school hall on Route 17'7 and perfor-' mances for adults, also in the hall, at 8 Saturday and Sunday nights, Feb. 24 and 25. A cake sale under auspices oa the guild will follow all Massea this Sunday. 58. PlE'll'lElR ANlDi lP'AUL, 1FAlLL RHVlElR The Women's Club will hold iii whist in the school hall at 8 Monday night, Feb. 12. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Everett C. Cowell and Mrs. James Wholey. The public is invited.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL BELP,NEWBEDFORD New officers of the Apostleship af Prayer are Mrs. Alice Rolak, president; Mrs. Valeria Chmielewski, vice-president; Mrs. Michael Cebula and Mrs. Stanley Smith, secretaries; Mrs. Theresa Golen, treasurer. The Women's Guild will hold a potluck supper Ilt 6 Sunday night, Feb. 25. HOLY NAME,
~@caJli'~ CCcroll'\1«:e~$ ~ook
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A book underscoring differences between Catholics and Lutherans has been canceled by the 21-member board of parish education of the United Lutheran Church. It was explained that
at the time the book was Q\athor:ized there were marked differences which have. been quieted by "conversations between the two faiths and UJ)(m understanding each other."
Mrs. Ernest L'Abbe and Mrs. Stanley Walsh are co-chairmen fIX the Women's Guild annual card party, set for Wednesday, Feb. 28.
Cub Scouts will hold a Blue and Gold banquet Thursday, Feb. 22 at White's Restaurant. OUR ILADY OIF ANGlEll.,S, IFALL lRHVlElR
A cake sale Sunday, Feb. 25 will benefit a fund to buy new cassocks and surplices for Knights of the Altar. A Brownie Troop will be organized this Saturday afternoon at 2. Girls from 7 to 9 are eligible and parents and girls 17 to 19 willing to act as aides are also asked to attend the meeting. A malacada supper and dance will be held from 6 to 11 Saturday night, March 3 as a preLenten parish festivity. The parish News Cor'ps will meet this Saturday to elect new officers. A Portuguese language mission is set for the first two weeks of Lent, and other parish activities. will be suspended during this period. First week will be for women and high school age· girls, second for men and teen-age boys. ST. JOSEPH, IFALL RllVER
CYO Juniors will hold a dance at 7:3Q tomorrow night and a Communion breakfast following 8:15 Mass Sunday morning, Feb. 18. The Women's Guild will hear Rev. John R. FoIster deliver an illustrated lecture on Europe tonight at 8 in the school hall. HOLY FAMILY, TAUNTON Women's Guild officers will be installed at 8 Monday night, Feb. 12 in the church basement hall. They are Mrs. Theresa Booth, president; Mrs. Kathleen Heywood, vice president; Mary Joan Costa, r:ecording secretary; Louise Homen, treasurer; Mrs. Helen Baran, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Helen F. Donahue, Taunton district .president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, will be installing officer. Mrs. Theresa Doiron will offer vocal selections, and Mrs. Irene Castro will head the refreshments committee. Rehearsal of ceremonies is set for Sunday.
CENTENARY: Spain's national pontifical missionary society has designated 1962 as a "Year of the Propagation of the Faith" 1;0mark the centenary of the death of Pauline Jaricot, foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. NC Photo.
SHORT CUT 3rd to 6th RIB
The Holy Name Society will hold a whist party on Monday, Feb. 12, at 2 o'clock, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis, Pleasant Lake. Chairmen are Francis Gallant, Manuel Packett and John Gallant. ST. MnClIJlAlElL'S, IFAlLlL RnVER Boy Scouts will hold a spaghetti supper from 6 to 8 Saturday night, March 3. Proceeds will benefit the troop's camp fund. Parish credit union officers include John Pereira, president; Henry Letendre, vice president; Atty. Gilbert M. Coroa, treasurer; Miss Cecilia Oliveira, assistant treasurer. Holy Name Society membel'll have presented a spiritual bouquet to Msgr. Humberto Medeiros, pastor. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE The Ladies' Guild will meet at 8 tonight, with an old-fashio~ style show to feature the program. Members will be models. Mrs. Tillie Shelter, Mrs. May Taget and Mrs. Edna Tripp will form the refreshment committee. The unit's regular whist party will be held this Saturday night in the church hall. Mrs. Edith Kirby and Mrs. Geneviev(} Whitty will be co-chairmen. ST. !LAWRENCE, NlEW lRlEDFORD
The Couples Club plans a preLenten dance Friday night, Feb. 23 at Stevenson's restaurant, Westport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeBoeuf are chairman couple.
Veal Cutlets 1.19
Gerulne... Cut From the Leg Only ••. Not Ground or Chopped LB
Veal Leg Roast Veal Shoulder Veal' Combination
Sliced BeGf Liver S!iced BlGlt@[M
55C .
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C·'-..· · · · [Ii.;. i·" ~li'
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Edward Souza, Holy Name Society president, will officiate at the monthly meeting following corporate Communion at 8:15 Mass this Sunday morning. The unit will sponsor n cake sale Sunday, Feb. 18. Children of Mary Sodality will meet this Sunday for general Communion at the 9:30 Mass. Mary Theresa Silva, president, will lead a meeting following Mass. Parishioners win bold their annual Filh08 Supper Sun.ciaJ'. March 4. SACRED RIEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO Ladies of Ste. Anne win meet at 7:45 Tuesday night, Feb. 13 in the church hall. Agenda will include prayer, n business meeting and a Valentine party. Mrs. Osmond HOrtoD is in charge. From 5:30 to 7:30 Saturday night, Feb. 17, a bean IlUpper and penny social mammoth drawing will be held l:B the church hall under the auspices of officers of the Ladies' of. Ste. Anne and men'i lIOcietlee 01. the par-' .A. dooI' priM will be . . . .delL
Pumpkin or Sq'JIsh Pies REG. 53C EA .
Pound Cake Danish Ring Rye Bread
Jane Parker Cteocent Marble or Gold-Save lie, 150% SkEe
7 02
31C .
3r:c RING OJ}
~ l LB "!mC I!. LV S ~II
PrleltS IbowD In this z:d QuaraoleOd tAro act., Feb. 10 " effective III ALL A&P Su..., Illa'...... Ia Illls .""""unlty & ,Ielnlll!'
THE ANCHO~-Diocese
of Fall
Appellate Courts Uphold Sunday C~osing Law
R·iver.-Thurs., Feb..8, .1962
If@ ~@[J1fused. Worr~d
CLEVELAND (NC)-Ap.. pellate courts here arid in Akron have upheld the state's Sunday closing law
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno
in two separate cases involving
One of our more popular pastimes in these days of grace is to conjugate the verb "to confuse" in all its voices, moods, and tenses. Cosio fan tutti: everyone is doing it. I eonfuse, you confuse, he, she, or it confuses; I am confused, you are confused, he, she, or not so much of the raw materials' it is confused. Everyone you of knowledge as of the pattern meet, everyone you talk to, and significance of the whole is either confused or confus- body of wisdom. lng, or about to 'be confused. Agitated maidims write letters to the .lovelorn column, invariably beginning, Dear AuntBusy,. I am confused. . Sad-eyed business and professional men introduce ·t·h e theme whenever they congregate en the Rialto: Say, you know, -'" I am confused. . .... We are confused about everything and nothing, about matters of enormous moment and the narrowest of the narrow things of home. Life and love confuse us, religion and politics, liberalism and conservatism, all the great and enduring issues, but we are also confused by the weather, 'dietary advice, and the new postage rates. To hear us talk there is practlcally nothing in earth or Iheaven which is not a subject of confusion. We are even confused about our own existence, the reasons for it and whether they U'e important. Tyranny of Words Now, to be sure, much of thIs reflects nothing more significant . than the.tyr"anny of words. It has .become fashionable to uSe the' verb "confuse" when a hundred others would do not only as well but far better and far more accurately. ' There are many things about . which we· have difficulties and· raise questions, without necesIIIlrily being' in the slightest degree confused by them. We know in general what they' mean; in detail they may baffle us or defy our complete analysis, but we can fix them ·broadly and· firmly in the divine plan of the universe of reality. Refleets Delusion Confusion is a result of ignorance. When 'knowledge fails us, or' more usually when we fail' knowledge, then we are redu~ed to a state of genuine confusion. The tenderfoot lost in the for. est, the sophomore rushing in where masters fear to enter, .. plumbers posing as philosophers, II n d mathematicians setting themselves up as theologians, all (Ire excellent examples of confusion, simple or compound. . ·Part of our trouble is a radical abuse of the democratic principle, by which we pretend that <i!v:eryman's opinion is as good tlS,· the best and better than most. It also reflects our delusion that the mere mastery of the more obvious tools for the acquioition of knowledge, such as reading and writing, entitles a man to all the respect deserved by those who have actually read and written. Confess Ignorance But if much of our present-day eonfusion is mere fashionable 'verbiage, there remains a great deal which is eminently factual. Many Americans today are confused in the strictest sense and are loudly p~oclaiming the fact. They confess their ignorance !sa the marketplace, an ignorance
Sll'~li'\lg AssemMy
Bishop Stang Assembly of Fan River, Fourth Begree Knights of Columbus, will hold its annual Valentine dinner dance at 6:30 this Saturday night at White's restaurant. Dress will be formal, according to announcement made by Charles Ney, faithful navigator and honorary chairman and Leon Costa. captain and genercd chairman..
in· an ocean of 'items they can find. no current, only a perpetual flux and reflux.' Theirs is the frustration of possessing information without any discernible rela:tion, of owning the piece of the puzzle without the key to.its solution. Chaos in Education It is hardly to be wondered at. We are reaping the Dead Sea fruit of a full century of philosophical chaos in our schools, from kindergarten to university. For the first time since the decadence of the Roman Empire our education has been based on pure relativism, the idea that truth and right' are wholly subjective concepts, resting on no 'basis more substantial than the individual's acceptance or rejection. And since in the welter of conflicting opinion there is no possibility of determining order and precedence, the resultant is only confusion worse confounded. Confusion Infectious ' From the· point of view of those who are grounded in objectivity, who hold to a philosophy of realism as the determining link oetween the subject and the object, all this is both painful and a little ridiculous.' But while we smile in commis=. eration for the rest of poor, de· luded 'mankind, we' might do well· to look after ourselves. For confusion is not only a sickness of the mind, it is also an infectious disease. If we are not careful we too may' be exposed to its germ and, weaken along with· the rest. . 'We ·are already experiencing · the gradual deterioration of the idea of individual and collective ·responsibility in favor of a kind · of mass hysteria which bikes refuge in totalitarianism. .Need Grace, Common Sense The' confused mind runs to shelter, any shelter, any port in a storm. The confused liberal seeks the shelter of the beneficent state. which promises to protect him', poor innocent, from all. evils whether of body or mind. And the case of your confused conservative is much the same; he may call his familiar tyranny by a different name, but in actuality it is the same thing the liberal ultimately knows. For ignorance is not only aD inability to distinguish and define, it is also an inability to recognize where one is. The mission of the Catholic io the modern world is to clarify, not to confuse. How heavy II burden this lays upon him, intellectually and morally, can only be measured by the mounting confusion in which he lives. It takes a world of grace and. common sense.
store managers of a milk company. In the Akron case, Judge O. A. Hunsicker said in his opinion: ''There can be no question but that the statute is a constitutional and enforcible enactment of the' legislature." In agreeing with the convietion of Robert Giliether, of Elyria, for selling bread, rolls, cheese, milk and other food products on Sunday, Judge Hunsicker said: "The sale of these products is not incidental to the conduct of business of recreatio~ . sports, amusements, entertainment or exhibitions." The latter activities are exempt under the law. In the Cleveland case, a threecourt judge unanimously agreec:l that the recreation exception allowed by Ohio law has nothing to do with a citizen's private recreation, but that recreatioll could not be incidental to food.
LORD, THAT I MAY SEE: Although nearly blind, fiveyear-old Olga Espinola, a Cuban refugee, tries to· see the markings on a wooden donkey shortly after her arrival in Miami. In an effort to restore her sight, Catholic Relief Services-NCWC, the SAINT FRANCIS XA VIER DIED IN 1552 - MORE THAN U.S. Bishops' overseas relief 400 !.'EARS AGO. HE IS KNOWN IN mSTORY as the "AposS t I'h Ue of the Indies." ••• He died at 46, agency, is bearing the cost . ~1> "'J,' after ten exhausting years iD Ceylon, of an operation at the Eye .t. d' Malacca, the Spice Islands, Japan, and Ear Dispensary in Bos- , . teo, ~. and India. He left behiDd hIm hunton. NC Photo. (U 0 dreda of thousands of cODverts .•. 111I
Says M!5Sions Hit For Aiding( Indians CARACAS (NC)-Venezuela's leading Catholic daily paper reported that a campaign has been launched to destroy the Capuchin friars' missions ilJ. northwestern Venezuela because of their defense of the Indians against "land-grabbers." . . The paper, La Religion, asserted that the avarice of those who would steal land simply paves the way toward social catastrophe which, plays into the hands of the communists. "Those greedy people who fear that their land holdings might be taken away vent their hatred against religion and the Church. They do not realize that they are helping to unloose a revolution that would leave them .without land or home."
Editorial in Record WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. . Frank Kowalski of Connecticut has placed ill the Congressional Record an editorial from the Catholic Transcript; newspaper of Connecticut's dioceses, which "backs Federal legislation to put an insurance program for medical and hospital care for the elderly under the Social security system.
INDIA today, in the village of KIDANGOOR, a Dative priest - Father Joseph VadakumpadaD - continues St. Francis' work . • . In KOOTH· RAPPALLY, in the Archdiocese of Changanacherry, Dative Sisten teach '1!r Holy F~/hri Mission AiJI. • IndiaD youngsters how to bless them. selves, how to say their prayel'll • . . fir tht Orimta/ CJmrrIJ The work of Christ contiDues, bid the obstacles' seem Insuperable .•. There are nearly FIVE RUN· DRED MILLION PEOPLE ID INDIA (more thaD twice the· pop. ulation of the U.S.A.)-yet only one Indian in 80 Is • Catholic .•• Nine out of ten Indians can Deither read nor write ... n· llteracy, ignorance, ruth, disease - these problems worry oar pI1ests. and Sisters,' They're problema that could be solved, per· haP8 solved quickly, were it not for Inaia's bitter poverty ... Catholics in India, by aDd large,. are the poorest of the poor. They cannot pay for the training of their priests and Sisters. They cannot .build the schools they need, the hospitals, elinlcs. convents, chapels, churches . • . In too many places our priests aDd Sisters are Uving ia "rectories" and ."convents!' that, by American standards, are Dot fit for chickens or cows. Dh1 floors, thatched roofs, bamboo walis, do Ilot make for healthful living -much less, frugal eomfort. Our priests and Sisters, Uke St. Francis XavIer, have bodies as weD as souls. To save souls, they must have the "tooI8"-foOO, clothing, housing, medicine, elinitll, schools •.. These are critlcal dayS In INDIA. Communism Ie' at the doer ••. Please God, the Church will be given one more Saint Francis Xavier. CatholiClll will be given one more ohance to save INDIA for Christ • • . Will you do something to helpf
YOUR CHANCE TO HELP WE WISH YOU COULD SEll: FOR YOURSELF the appeala 011 our desk from Bishops, priests, and Sisters. In INDIA the mission need is desperate. Check through thiB list (it's only a sampling). You'll find-a way to help.
In KOOTHRAPPALLY, Sister Maria Llllyose writes, native SISTERS OF THE ADORATION teach tiny tots in a little Catholic school. Tho Sisters' "convent," however, 10 not fit for human beings ... Will you do something to provldQ decent housinS for these Sisters? The convent, with chapel (it may serve also as a school) will cost $4,200.... Write to us.
CI In PUTHUR, during the recent monsoon rains, the roof and walls of the parish church collapsed. The parishioners now have DO place for Sunday Mass, no placo to reserve the Blessed Sacrament : .. The Bishop of Trichur asks for help becauso his Catholics aro almost penniless . . . To restore the church will eost $2,000 .•. Can you send something for PUTHUR?
USO IH~$ Opeli'ilu!I'il(9J$ !rOll' Sti"CIIH W@li'lkefl'$ WASHINGTON' (NC) - The recent step-up in 'the nation's armed forces has resulted in a need for more staff workers iB the United Service Organizations, the National Catholic Community Service announced here. The NCCS, a member agency of the USO, said that both mea. and women workers are needed in USO programs in this country . and overseas. Needed for the programs are college graduatea between the ages of 25 and 35, the NCCS said. Especially wanted are persons who have had experience in 'youth program work, community organization, education, and volunteer recruitment, and training. Headquarters is at 1312 Massachusetts Ave., M.W", Washingtom a. D..C.
Q 1il
IFII'ClIl1'l1cDSCOI1'll Sisfrsll'~ GIVING YOURSELF 113 a lif~ completely dedicated· 110 the salvation of souls . . . through prayer, work, saerifice and joy . . . by using your talents aa n Nurse, Laboratory and X-Ray Technician, Secretary, AccountalIlt, Dietitian, Seamstresa, Cook, 88 well .3l'l . mother hospital departmentn and io. 11 new extension of oW' work in the Catechetical and Social . Senrice Fields... iDlers In No Grea~ CheJli'~
••• A
(Write-giving your a g e - b Vocatioll' Director. 767-30tb ~ Rock Island, Illinois, for ~ detaikJ of thia happy 1~e.)\.
ONJIL, iD tho Diocese of Tiruvalla, an entira community Of separated Oriental Christiana haa joined tho Catholic Church en masse.-Thero is, however, no Catholic chapel iD ONJIL. Mar Athanaslos, thQ Bishop, must buDd 0 chapel without delay, "so that these new converta wiD not bo lost again; and so that others may be won." ... For land .and materials thai Bishop must pay $3,500 ..• Would you like to buDd thia chapel in memorv of your wife, husband, parents. loved one? ... Writo to 00.
EDUCATE A NATIVE PRIE8Y FOR INDIA. At ST. JOSEPH'S SEMINARY, b:i. ALWAYn, INDIA, theso young mea Deed flnanci&! assistance in order te complete their stUdies for tho priesthood: VARGHESE CHIRACKAL, JOSEPH CHITI'ILAPALLY, JOANNES PARAYIL, Tho' mix-year col11'llel costs $600 aItogethGl" (2'1fl a day, $8.50 II month, (\100 8 yean ••• Will 1O"l "adopt" .ODQ of these? ... Write to us.
.~ ~lf~ltmn~~·n©~~. IrQANCm @AQI!)INAl!. W(}UAAAN, M~. .9@o~ 1? Q\7o::l,' "t\:ldi'll
300Cl 000 =Cllocl~= ,,<>,
@All'il'3Q)l!,1l@ IA1QAfl rnA5'ii' W~WA~G A~oo<&-{JA VU©G'<J ' 4Q@ l!.o1ta~~ A'lJo. 0J0 ~~ $l, ~O~ V~ TI P;~
Friars Host Eagles Tonight In Key 'Sectional Contest
Thurs., Feb. 8, 1962
'Cafr!}u@~o~ M~nBs
By Jaek Kineavy
DayB ~ll.!HrDday
lora the unpredictable Eagles against the resurgent Friars tonight at Alumni HaD, Providence, in a game which is expected 110 have a vital bearing on the tournament aspirations of both clubs. Coach Dino Martin's Maroon and Gold have had an umusum will go right down to the wire. season. Two weeks ago they Deadlocked in first place with went over the century mark but one loss in thirteen starts are in defeating Pittsburgh, only Case High of Swansea and Holy to succumb to CanisilW by a wide margin the following night. La8t Saturday they came up with aH1 upset 82-77 victory over Holy Cross despite J a c k Foley's recordbreaking 34point performance. F ole y , 0 varsity mar k now stands at l,7e3, eclipsing the undergraduate sharpshooting totals of b mer Crusader stars Bob Cousy (1,7'15) and Tom Heinsohn (1,789). The Eagles' record of 9-4 11190 includes otunning wiNS over Navy and Yale and an early season 77-73 loss to Providence College. The Friaro, 12-4 pending in! the outcome of Monday'. game with LeMoyne, have given every indication of late of being the ball club that prompted (lXpertll to rank them nationally at the season's outset. Captain Jbn Hadnot has found himself in the single pivot system to which Coach Joe Mullaney has reverted after an extended trial with both big men under the basket. Hadnot last week came up with back-to-back 28 point efforta against Niagara and St. Bonaventure. The Friars will close out • busy week on the court when they host Assumption College of Worcester on Saturday. Assumption, one of the leading small college quintets in New England, is 10-2 for the seaBOA and bl considered a formidable foe. Guiding the Worcester Club is Andy Laska, a form~r teammate of Joe Mullaney's at Holy Cross. Tourney Selene On the high school scene, the field is rapidly shaping up for the Tech Tourney which is scheduled to get underway during the last week of February. The qualifying deadline is one week from· tomorrow, Feb. 16, and it is anticipated that by that date BristOl County will have folK' tourney eligibles, Narry two-possibly a third if Somerset should win all four of its remaining games. Durfee High despite the IDroads of illness and injury has begun to function in high gear and bl pulling away from the rest of the circuil The Hilltoppers have been without the services of versatile Don Carey who was hospitalized last week. Normally a forward, Don dropped back to guard when Barry Machado was incapacitated. Standing in for Carey now is John Isidor who saw consl,derable action when center Manny Papoula was sidelined in the earlF weeks of the campaign. The Narry League race like17
Family of New Bedford. The two teams are scheduled. to meet at Swansea one week from tomorrow in the season's finale. Holy Family was victorious in the first round encounter in New Bedford. Coyle Notes And from. Coyle comes word that Dick Brezinski, captain of the Warriors' 1961 football team, has been nominated by the Wigwam Writers of America for an end position on their annual AllAmerican team. If selected in the final balloting, Dick will participate in the High School AllAmerican Bowl Game in Oklilhoma City next August. Geoffrey Kane, senior clallfl president at Coyle, has received a principal appointment· to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Geoff ia m two-sport varsity performer at Coyle. He ill captain of the Warrior track team and for the past couple of seasons has been a starting halfback for coach Jim Burns' grid squad. A note from our Attleboro correspondent, Miss Mary Galligan informs us that the freshman basketball program at Bishop Feehan High is off and winging. The fledgling Parochials posted III 1-2 record on the court, the victory coming over King Philip Regional High of Wrentham. Leading scorers in the fray were Jim Ferrara and captain Bob Lovely who combined for :n points. Track Title Switching to track, a tip of the hat to coach Al Porter and fine Dartmouth High track squad which last Saturday annexed Class D laurels in the 45th annual State Meet. If memory serves rightly, this is the first State track title to be won. by a school representing Southeastern Mass. . . The Green scored in eight of the nine events to amass its winning total of 28 points. Featured were a pair of championship performances turned iIi by John Medeiros in the dash and Rick Barry in the 300-yard run. Mike Pike chipped in with seven big points as a result of placing second in the 600 and third in the shot. Paul Foster and Mario Leite placed second in their respective events, the mile and the low hurdles, and Curt Chase checked in with a fourth in the 1000. Willard St. Onge, Somerset's rangy hurdler, won his specialty in the record-breaking time of 5.9 seconds, lopping one-tenth of a second off the former mark set by Concord!s John Duncan ill 1960. Will's performance came as no great surprise in that he had won the event against open class competition in the B.A.A. Schoolboy Games a month or so ago. Track in Southeastern Malia. is coming of age.
National Council of Catholic Men Outlines Profile of Lay Leader WASHINGTON (NC)-Who Is the Catholic lay leader and what does he believe? According to tlhe National Council of Catholic Men, he ia a man who: Faced with discrimination because of race, religion or creed, supports governmental action to end discrimination and joins voluntary associations seeking civill rights for all. Grasps the true nature of tOO communist menace and "does not accept the over-simplified belief that domestic reformers and those with whose ideas he disagrees are necessarily communists or communist sympathizers.'" Supports "worthy international cooperative efforU and aid .. underdeveloped countries."
"fair treatment , .
children in private and parochial RboclM III tu-JUPPQIiecl ....
grams of educational assistance." Seeks to advanCe Christian unity through his own relationships with neighbors and aDsociates. lFor Larger lltole Is aware of being "intimately involved in the developing theology of the lay apostolate" whereby laymen are being asked to assume "a larger role in the mis- . sion· of the Church." These and other traits were outlined in II "profile" of the ideal Catholic lay leader, prepared during a special leadership meeting which brought together some 150 presidents of diocesan men'. councils and .national men'. organizations for three days of study and discuslion' OIl the theme: -rbe Criaie III La,y Leadenbip.··
PATERSON (NC)-William p. Johnson, president of the National Council of Catholic Men, announced here that NCCM Day will be observed next Sunday. "NCCM Day," said Johnson., "il3 a day set aside to focus attention upon the need for unity ~ purpose, action and cooperation by the Catholic men of America and the Catholic organizations b:l which they belong. "It is a day for Catholic laymen to spread far alid wide ..• a better knowledge of the National Council of Catholic Men and its unique position in the Church and the tremendouo impetus it has given to tho apostolate of the laity." All organizations affiliated with the NCCM have been asked ~ cooperate and participate ira observance of NCCM Day.
,Fall Riverife Excellent Prospect
Slab Artist Terry Lomax Seeking Friar Freshman Baseball Berth By Frank Trovull
A n organized baaebaD player since he started itm the first Little League game ever played in Fall River, Terrance J. "Terry" Lomax 3lrdl is anxiously awaiting the lilI'rival of Spring, when he will begin his collegiate baseball career at Providence College. Terry, who became III feared pitcher during his four yeare at Durfee High School,haa come III long way since he wielded 1\ bat in his first Little League game as an 8-year-old. The son of Attorney and Mrs. Terrance J. Lomax of 286 Whipple Street, the Fall River hurler will be going out for a place on the PC Freshman mound corpe in the near future. During his tenure with the Hilltoppers, Terry compiled a sharp 16-4 record. The fireballing right-hander averaged 15 strikeouts a game in high school tilts, while his normal yield Gfl bases on balls was three fOll' an. outing. Spectacular Recoll'll1l Last Summer· Terry was II member. of the All-Stanr in the CYO Suburban League. It was an outstanding season for the 18-year-old moundsman, who compiled a 6-0 record and had a spectacular earned run average of .000. While he was leading Suburban League hurlers, Terry's bat also caught fire and he lili at a clip which was better than .350. His presence· at the plate in 1\ key moment never hurt the Al1Stars, as he could be relied upon to 'stroke the long ball fa the clutch. Terry played as a Little Leaguer for five years, tbeIa moved on to Pony League co~ petition where he spent twe years. The four years of cliamond action at Durfee High, in the Bristol County League,·followed. Economics M,ajor Good control-something man,. young pitchers lack-is one of Terry's many assets. His best pitch is a curve, but be has fanned many stunned batten with a blazing fastbalL . Picked to Bristol County ASStar baseball squads in his sopho
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omore, junior and senior years :tOr cage teams from his parish, with the 'Toppers, Terry aloo St. Mary Cathedral. Terry rebecame a member of the loop's cently sprained a ligament in OM Hall of Fame when he twirled !II of his thighs, while playing innO-hit, no-run game against· tramural basketball at ProviTaunton High School in hit! dence College. third year. Besides being a member Gil Scouts from professional teaIWI Durfee High and SuburbaCl were often seen at Alumni Field, League nines, Terry played fO!'· Fall River, when it was Terry'" a CYO intermediate squad from tum to take to the mound. Some St. Mary's and he starred witla pro contracts were proffered, but Stafford Post, Fall River AmerTerry's dad turned them down ican Legion, at the end of hftJ flatly, serving notice his sori wall Junior year. first going to obtain a college Eyes Pro Career education; . A proven pitcher, the hardTerry. plans to major in eco- throwing Fall Riverite should nomics at Providence College have little trouble gaining 8l and he would like to stress math , berth on the PC Frosh baseball in that field. He has not.yet squad. Next year Terry will decided on what he will do after have a crack at opponents incollege. The prospective pc. eluded in the Providence Colle~ . hurler boards at the Dominican- varsity's tough independe~ operated college and has as hill flChedule. subjects, English, theology. When Terry's college days are Spanish, history and math. at an end, it's a good bet thl1lt Last Summer Terry was em- 11 host of scouts from pro team.· ployed as· a lifeguard at Horse- will be flocking in his directiOn. neck Beach. He has a keen liking for the outdoors and enjoys R. A. W~ILCOX CO. swimming, boating and water skiing. Besides hia favorite OFFICE IFURNITURIE sport, which takes hiin to a diaI::J Stock for Immediate OeUvGr7 mond or sandlot, Terry plays • DESKS ~ C!-iIAIR$ basketball, golf and tennis. FILING CA~INETS Fine Basketeer • FIRE FlUES • SAFE§ Not all of the crack pitcher'!! trophies have been earned FOLDING 'ii'ABLE5 through his prowess in baseball. AND CHAiRS Terry was also an outstanding hoopman in his earlier days at high school. He played the hard22 BEDFORD ST. wood sport four years at DUrfee, FALL RIVER 5·7838 and also as a CYO intermediate
R. A. W8lCOX CO.
Fan River,
New Bedford Cape Cod Area
WY 2-6216
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