
Page 1

North Easton Parish Set's Pace


All-Out Effort for Complete Family Coverage

1m macul ate Conception pish in North Easton­ ~Jtich has always either met ~ exceeded its est.:1.blished l

!i!Mota-is making a determined GEfO\·t this year to achieve com­ i,?'.oote family coverage, Rev. i:\I\DhR J. Casey, pastor, has in­ ~rined our Circulation Depart­ ~nt.


Anchor is well received

by everyone in our parish who gets it' weekly," said. Father Casey. "Exposure is/what: The Anchor needs, that is, exposure to those families who have been missing a splendid diocesan paper," the Immaculate Con­ ception pastor added. "I am certain that some who have not been getting The Anchor regularly will be among its most avid readers once they

are exposed week after week," Father Casey opined. The complete family coverage attempt is even more note­ worthy in view of the fact that Immaculate Conception lost many families when Holy Cross parish was established in South Easton. . "You can be certain we will exceed our quota notwithstand­ ing diminished' parish size," Father Casey commented. "But, like so many other parishes, we are no longer satisfied with quota -:- it's complete family coverage from now on. There is no reason in the world why ,we can't gain our goal.' Other parishes have. We can if they can."

A number of suburban par­ ishes have advised our Circula­ tion Department that they have decided upon a plan of an an­ nual increase until thE!y, too, have achieved complete family coverage. "I would like complete fam­ ily coverage," observed one pastor "but it would be most difficult to accomplish in one year. ,I have, decided upon a self-imposed annual :increase until we send a paper into every parish home every week~ "Our step-by-step, year-by­ year increase means complete family coverage within a com­ paratively few years," he con­ cluded.

Additional impetus is being given the 1968 circulation drive by parish councils which are eager to see their parishes in the elite complete coverage bracket. "I was both surprised and shocked when I saw our parish subscription list," a member of one parish council commented. "The names of many that should be on the list are missing. And, frankly, I was surprised to see other names as paid-up annual subscribers. It's the old story: 'You can't judge a book by its cover.'" Subscription envelopes - new and renewal-should be depos­ ited in the oollection basket at Mass on Sunday, Feb. 18.

Conn. Bishop :. Cites, Church Press Value BRIDGEPORT (NC) - A Connecticut B ish 0 p has counseled here that persons who cut themselves off from



Catholic publications because they are disturbed by some things they' r~ad are making "a great mistake," . Bishop Walfer W. Curtis of Bridgeport emphasized it would be a h'agedy" not to keep in touch with the Catholic press 011 a regular basis because '~there is no other means of communication bringing us the full picture of Cliristian think­ ing and reaction." Bishop Curtis, in a letter marking Catholic Press Month, urged Catholics to subscri'be to their diocesan newspaper "as . pat·t of the overall' adult educa­ Turn to Page Fifteen

Calls Advances In Ecumerroism Fall River, MllJss. o Thursday, February 8, ]968 'A Mir,ac~~' PRiCE IOc Vol. 12, No. 6 . © 1968 The Anchor $4.00 per Year

Eulogist Says Msgr. HlUlr~~y Anticipated Council Declree The late Rt. Rev. Patrick pastor of" St. Jo­ seph's Parish, Taunton, for file past sixteen years, was

n. Hurley,

~ogized Monday as a priest YW'ho anticipated by many dec­ Mdeli, the Second Vatican Coun­ eil's Decreee on the Ministry lIDd Life' of Priests 0 Co (> "all Ctriests are united among them­ .-elves in a sacramental brother­ Itood. Consequently, older priests ~ould receive younger priests lllS true priestS.' They should likewise try to understand the O1entality of younger priests, even though,it be different from tbeir own, and should follow ~eir projects with good will III e ¢ Inspired by a fraternal G¢rit, priests will not neglect hospitality ¢ Q 0" lRev. Joseph L. Powers, Dioc­ esan Dit'ector of the CCD and lrormer assistant to the late Monsignor Hurley. emphasized CDe recognition that the Taunton ~relate gave to the younger members of the clergy. The eulogist said, "Monsignor lIIu\'ley recognized and received! aill priests young and old, as Jarothers. Priests were always 'I'W"41 to Page Fourteen


DAYTON (NC) Rela­ tions among religious groups have progressed "from dia­ tribe to dialogue" an official

of the international Grail move­ ment has told 1,200 women at the annual interfaith program of Temple Israel here in Ohio. Janet Kalven, a member of the Grail's national staff with headquarters at Loveland, Ohio, and a convert, from Judaism, called current ecumenical prog­ res "a kind of miracle,. marked not only by i,ts gre'atness but by its ~nexpectedn,ess." , "The model of the' change is Abraham," she said, "because he set out not knowing where he .was to go, but knowing that God was lead'fng hiIn. "This is the character to which we are called now," she asserted, "There is need for dialogue between all reli­ gions and the unity of believers must strengthen our commit­ ment to stand shoulder-to­ shoulder in action for the devel­ opment of people everywhere." ~iss Kalven said women have "an important role" to play in ecumenical ac~ivity, citing their availability for "grass-roots en­ Counters." Commenting that' "we have barely scratched the surface," she declared: . "There are many more ways of creative cooperation-in civil rights, housing,' equal education­ al opportunities, .for example,"

BE MY VALENTINE: Mark Fine got out his folk guitar to serenade Nancy Layne, who seems to be receptive to the idea-If Mark can find the right chord. NC Photo.

Asks -National Commission Study.: Catholic' Education

PONCE~ (NC)--Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem., pledged help of the National Catholic Educational AssoCia­ tion (NCEA) to help in creation of a national commission which would"study the problems and potential of Americ¥, Catholic education. The com­ mission would function as' a . NCEA - sponsored symposium permanent instrument for held in Washington last Fall. He said the symposium. re­ the exchang~ of ideas and in­ sulted in a useful dialogue sights related to Catholic edu­ cation, Father Koob said.··It would also serve to identify the most pressing problems of Cath­ olic education and finance the research studies needed to solve them. "Above all, it would help to unclog the lines of communica­ tion and make it possible for all those concerned with Cath­ olic education to speak with one another," said Father Koob, NCEA executive secretary, in a lecture at the Catholic Univer­ sity of Puerto Rico. Father Koob said the idea for a national commission on Cath­ olic education originated in an

among persons from a wide range of professions and disci­ plines, proving there are "tre­ mendous _reserves of good will and competence" on which Catholic education can draw to solve such problems as shortages of teachers, money and facilities. Symposium participants in­ cluded bishops, educators, bus­ inessmen, journalists and gov~ ernment officials. "I for one hope that such a commission becomes a reality in the immediate future," Father Koob state. "I can assure yoI.'! that the National Catholic Edu­ cational Association, while unTurn to Page Fifteen





.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fatf'River-Thu~:, Feb.

Plan . 'Christia~ -" Love-in' Tuesilay

8; 1968




st. Mathieu's C.Y.O., . Fan River, will sponsor a "Christian Love-In", on Tuesday,' Feb. 13 Fr. First Exe~Mtl'ive,S,~cr<ethmrry at 7 P.M. in the church halL The event is open to all area Of Mass. Commission o~ Chrostian Unity teenagers. A Roman Catholic priest, the' reside at the Dominican Monas~ Rev. Robert S. KaszynsJd, Rev. Fr. Reginald Theriault, tery in that city. pastor of St. Stanislaus Church. O.P., of St. Anne's Monastery, The '.new executive's career will set the theme with his talk Fall River; will this week be-; has been in the field of· educa­ "What is Love?" The Christian's me Executive Secretary of the tion. He holds the Master's de­ failings in love will be demon­ new Massachusetts Commission gree in Education from the Uni­ . strated in a penetential -service on Christian Unity, and a staH versity' of Ottawa, and has di­ conducted by Rev.' Arthur T. member of the' MaSsachusetts 11!cted parochial school educa­ De Mello of Our Lady of Health Council of Churches. .The ap­ tion in central Maine. Fr..Theri-· Church. All priests takin~ part pointment, a '~first" in e~umen- ault was nearing his Doctorate in th,e "Lo'l!:~-In" will ~~~lJ, be 'ieal coope~tiim !n .. th~' . Com­ ';a1' Boston College when his su­ " available fo~.: ~nfession..~,,,,, . 1}l!>~weal,tlJ, 1 "y~s " a~no?~ced ~·.'Periors called him to duties in A folk ~~lis,,;w,ill pe ~~e,b,F!ted jointly, ,tooay ,by' the' Rev: . Fr. ,~)~i~ ecumenical' field following . , b;V Rev. Thom~. E,... MOIJiilsey, John fh,irke,' ~haimlan of < the fYatican II. moderator ,or:. S~.: . ¥a~!~u's "'UnityCommission, and,the Rev.:· ":'In 1966 he was appointed con­ ). C.Y.O..Th~c lo~e-:~e ,)\'iij, be .Dr. Forrest ,L; Knapp;,~neral ~~,sultant.to. ,.tl),e· ~,aJJ, o~~verDi~:: ." " emphasiz.ed, i~. _the•. s~nrm~ •. by .~; '~retary .. of the: Massachusetts· . ~aiiY::.'Ecumeqi<#lVCommisSioh . .<; ,",

~v. ~a:U!l'h;~l::~' .J!!Jffrey,,·i0f' St. .. Council' of Churches. ' ... '. . sirice-' th~n;' 'hi· lladitior{ 'f()"-eeu~ / .:

. .Jean Bapti,ste. ~~\lrch,:,' ~pur , i The 'COmmission' is' made up, ,men,~~alJ ~o.r~ i~M~s~.,\. ~e: ll,~s: Love. Feast:':'.tl;l~ ~ch~~i~~; ...•. fIf representatives from, Unity studied ecumemcaltheory and A Hootenanny will follow III Committees of Protestant, Or- practice in Toronto', Chicago,

the parish hall featuring' ,the thodox, Roman Catholic and '·and Washington.

Dominilogs fro m Dominicall other church bodies in MassaAm 0 n g the participating

and Sacred HeartB CHRlfSTIAN UNITY' SECRETARY: Rev. Regiriald Aeademy chusetts. Though an independ:' bodies in the ne~ Commission

Academy's Parables. These two of St; Anne's" Monastery, Fall Rivei',"'ex.... Theriault,' O.P. ent commi'ssion, it is closely as- on Christian Un,ity-are the Dio­

folk-singing groups will also amines the document of the new Massachusetts, Cdinmis~ion provide mush; a~ the ,Mass.". sociated with ·the Massachusetts cese of Massachusetts (Episco­ Council: .. . pal); the New England Confer­ The "Christian Love-In?, is on Christian Unity with Dr. Forrest L. Knapp, general . A main purpOse of the Com­ ence of the Meth~ist, Church; under the ~on Pi. Roger secretary of the Mass. Councii of Churehes,,-' .' ., ' mission'is to encourage mutual The Synod, of,1 Ne:w.Eilgland; . Peisscm, cbahman o~, SL • I understanding and good, rela­ United Presbyterian Church; the Mathieu's C.Y.O. spiritual ,com­ tions among Christian churches. Massachusetts Conference, the JDiUee. Other conimittee mem­ The Commission will have as . United Chureh of Christ; the ben include Robert ~oster" ita task to examine areas of New-England Synod, Lutheran Baymond Potvin, Roger Dufour. ,Brazil Prelate Empowers. Laymen; murch work in whi.ch coopera­ Church' in America; the Luther- . .Jebn Poisson, Janet Lafleur. tion is possible. According to a an' Church-Missouri Synod. Lucille Berube, Jeann~ Vita" Distribute Holy Communion ,.. ' spokesman, the Commission will Also, the MasachusettS Bap­ Renee St.Germain. The art avoid duplicating other agencies, tiSt Convention; The Greek ader: of . Facatativa said' "tb.is work: is under the direction of LUZ (NC)-l.BishoP.Belchior da wherever possible, by using Orthodox Archdiocese of North Silva Neto of Luz has granted and Denis-. privilege means an invaluable .Jean Paul structures already active. The and South -America; the Alban­ servicef01' a dioceSe lacking Lauzier. ' the "ministry ot the Eucharist" " new inter-church group will de­ ian Orthodox Diocese of. Amer- . to 10 laymen, wilh special per­ sufficient clergy and' where -.elop and recl)mmend plaris and ica; the African Methodist mission from the Holy See. whole communities in remote programs for possible joint ae­ -Episcopal Church; the Evengel­ a..eas go weeks and even months The men, some of them married, tion by the participating com­ icel Covena.nt Church of Amet-­ are empowered to distribute. without spiritual assistance." PlUMBING & HEATING, INC. munions. ica; the Roman Gatholic Diocese Holy Communion, under the This .is -the first tinie in" Co­ The Commission on' Christian of Boston; the Roman Catliolic species of bread and wine, .11l lembia that laymen have been

~ auo' Ser\Olce : ' fiIr. tlomes11e. Unity grew out of cOnferences ~ . of Fall Jljver; and the churches of the' diocese and to authorized to distribute Com­

.. . . . . ­ . ... -~_lndus1ffaJ held in 1967, especially the Roman Catholic Dioeese of homes during 'sick calls. The~ munion, although in some, dio­ Oil8bmeB­ highly successful New EnglaAd lVorceste~.,,. .' '. , eeses' nuns are empowered to

are ·not deacons, however. 995-163,1 Ecu'menical Study Conference. On. the .~ecutiv~~ ~ttee . At the ceremony naming them administer the sacrament. ,The indePendent unity commis­ are, In addItion to Its chauman, "ministers of· the. Eucharist" 22-83· A€ll;;HNET AVENUE lion will use office space, see­ Fr. Burke: Fr. John ~netos, Bishop da Silva pronounced thu NEW BEDFORD Ne~rology ,'. J'etarial and communieations' Dean of the Greek Orthodox prayer: facilities, and staff leadership Ca.~ral in Boston; the Rev. FEB. 'It. . "ReCeive this sacred stole lII8 aids ~f the Council. WIllIam Clam, St. Andrew's ,Rev. Andrew J. Brady, 1895, a' symbol of your' pow~r in the. One of the first actions of the Episcopal .Church, .Wellesley; ministry of the Eucharist, that· Pastor, st. Joseph, FaU River. IN!'W Commission wiUbe the the Rev. Ri~ Sbmaruk, St. Rev. L~ G po 1 d' JeurlsseR, by being a minister of the,' holding of an assembly 01. ~'Roman .Catholic Church, Eucharistic Bread YOUi may also' SS.CC., 1953, Pastor" Saered 'f'tnteraI BOlIN eburcb unity committees, in Middleton;· the . ~v.. Tbomas be a. minister of 'tbe Lord by' Hearl, Paribaven. ' .. Worcester on May 4 Howard, the Federated',Church, word and by example, in the , ., FEB. iG 550 Loc1ul& Sweet , '. Franklin; and Dr. Forrest L. l'aD RIver. Mass. Rev.. "James H. Fogarty:; l~ _ Bame ,of the Father, and 'of the'. Father Theriault, a native of Knapp

Son and of the Holy Ghost." . lPastor, St. Louis, Fall' Rivei'. Salem, is Viee-Chairman of the •

'672-2391 After the ceremony the men '. FEB. Z! . Ecumenical Commission· of the Rt. Rev. Jovite Chagnon, 1954, distrbuted Holy Communion to RoseE. SDlUVaD Fall River Diocese. For' the Mass Ordo' Founder, st. 'Joseph, New Bed.. those present. time being, he will continue to .~~ E. SuWV3a forcl. FRIDAY-S1. Cyrii of' Alexan­ . Among them is a public offi­ dria, Bishop, Confessor and cial, Hermilio Rlberio, 59,. with ~IJIJIIHlnnIllIlWlHnllnItlltIHtm'lIIl1l11l11l1l1l1111111l1D11lUU1l1JllllllmllllJlllllnl1l'lHIl1nIlJIIIIIIIIIHIIl!: StonehinLectures' Doctor of the, Church. III 12 children and 13 grandchil­ Class. White. Mass Proper; dren, and ~ dentist, a teacher, Faculty members of Stonehill WINTER STORE HOURS Glory; Common Preface.' an agricultural technician and College, North Easton, will di~ ~ = a newsman. OR

cuss contemporary issues in a ~ Mon., Tues., Wed. 9 to 5 =~ _ St. Apollonia, Virgin, Martyr.

lecture series to begin Tuesday ,Colombia Laymen = Thurs. and Fri. 9 to 5:30 Red. Glory; Common Preface.

night, Feb. 20 and continue for Meanwhile, in Bogota, Colom­ ,10 consecutive weeks. Topics SATURDAY - St. Scholastica, bia, the Holy See has granted . will include problems 'and in­ Virgin. III Class. White. Mass several laymen power to dis­ ;u:day tribute Hply Communion at re­ stitutions in America; liturgical .. Proper; Glory; Commort Pref­ mote communities of the Faca­ and secular worship; American ·ace. tativa diocese in the Magdalena novels; American foreign policy;. River forests. life in space; modem philosophy; SUNDAY - Septuagesima Sun­ Bishop Raul Zam,brano Cam­ the place of English; and histor­ day: II Class. Violet. Mass ToJ. 997·93'" ical revisionism. Proper; Creed; Preface of Trinity. ~IIIRIU"mIUIIIIIUIUII"llInwllllR"lIl1lllllllnlmmil1lliillliimmnlllllllll"lIIll1l1l11mllllllllllllllllll~


of Euchari$t' 10

- To.






FORTY HOURS DEV.OTION. Feb. n-St. Mary, No. AtUe­ boro. Our Lady's Haven, Fair­ haven. b.l8-St. William, Fall River.

Santo Christo, Fall River.

_St. Augustine, Vineyard

Haven. mE ANCHOR secona Class Postage PalO at' Fall River. f/las.. 'ublisheo ever) Thursday at 410 Highianc ~venue. Fall Rive, Mass.. 02722 oy the ~atholl( Press o' the DIocese 01 fall RIver. SUDscriptlon price by mall: postpaid

$4.00 per Yellr.


MONDAY-Seven Holy Found­ ers of the Servites.. III Class.' White. Mass Proper; Glory; Common Preface. TUESDAY - Mass of Preceding Sunday. IV Class. Violet. Mass Proper; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-Mass of Preced': ing Sunday. IV Class. Violet. Mass Proper; Common Pref..: . ace. OR St. Valentine, Priest, Martyr. Red. Glory; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Mass of' preceding Sunday. IV Class. Violet. Mass Proper; Common 'Preface. OR SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Mar­ tyrs. Red. Glory; Common Preface.


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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 8, 1968

Pope Paul VI Says Cha rity Key to Unity

Professor Loses Court Battles

VATICAN CITY (NC) is the key to the Christian unity movement, Pope Paul VI told thousands ~harity

gatherered at his weekly gen­ eral audience. Linking his comments with tthe observance of the Church Unity Octave, in which Catho­ lics pray for the recomposition &f the Cpurcl) of Christ, the Pope said: "This ecumenical movement has been for us a very strong - and we hope­ -.ery beneficial stimulus to ebarity, th~ queen of the' entire Christian moral system, the 'vir­ tue ' which' represents the pas­ ~ral mission to the entire c=burch and'to all mankind." , The Pope noted that charity, lIB "necessary, primary and' ell­ &ential to start along the' right path toward the solution of the ' "ways complex and difficult ecUmenical question." He also DOted that "words come easily" ill support of the ecumenical movement, but added that the magnanimous exercise of char­ .. ity is needed.

"How much overcoming of

acquired inner attitudes which : are regarded as right, how much , bumility, how, much genqr6sity, , bow much chastening o£ 'one's , own selfishness, how much re­ '" nunciation of one's own prestige " 'is demanded by this everclses. ;" "We say this for ourself; we GaY this' for all, pastors" and faithful, that we have eft' heart the drawing closer of thE!s/;l' sep­ arated brothers to whom we' at last give the title of beloved." The Pope concluded asking, ""Charity, charity, is this per­ haps your hour? On beloved I!ions, let us all ,endeavor to be worthy of paving the way for it. Let us pray, love and work so that charity may be in our hearts and work the wonder of its own triumph."


NEXT SUNDAY IS SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY: The Church on. Sunday next be­ gins preparation for the solemn observance of the central action of history-Christ's life, death and. resurrection. St. Paul reminds us that Christ's saving actions of the New Te8tamen~ were foreshadowed in the Old Testament. We on 'our part enter into these mysteries of salvation through the s'acrame nts, especially Baptism and the Eucharist. NC ,Photo. " ,


P~ofessor Returns to Church

Had !Resigned Priesthood! to Join Anglicans


MILWAUKEE (NC) -Father John F. Peifer, who resigned from the Catholic Church last July while serving as head of the philosophy department at St. Francis Seminary here, has been recei ved back .. ~n~, the Church. .Ait a private ceremony' ar­ ranged by Archbish,?p Willam E. Cousins of Milwaukee in a convent of a sisterhood. here, Father Peifer made a profession of faith and adjuration of error. A priest-delegate of the arch­ bishop received Father ~eifer back into the Church. Father I'eifer 'left here to make a: retreat,: after which he for reassignment. Miami Bis~op Backs will return Reexamines Position Th~ priest caused a sensation Hon'-Profit Housing .here last July 3 when he an-' MIAMI (NC) - Bisho'p Cole­ man F. Carroll of Miami has nounced his' resignation from: offered the Miami community a the CathOlic 'Church and the $50,000 housing fund with a priesthood. At the time he an­ ehallenge to expand .it to $1. nounced his intention to join million to inaugurate private the Anglican church. After leav- non-profit housing for the pov­ Resigns Presidlel1l.cy erty-stricken in the al·ea. ' He proposed formation of a. eitizens' foundation w h i c h After 'Long Tenure GRAND RAPIDS (N C ) WQuld receive funds from local business, industry, financial Msgr. Arthur F. Bukowski, head institutions, and churches, and of Aquinas College since 1934 provide $1 million as "seed announced that he has submitted money" for non-profit housing his resignation as president to corporations to take advantage the Board of Trustees, effective <!)f federally subsidized housing Feb. 1, 1969. In his letter of resignation, programs. Although federal funds would Msgr. Bukowski cited the need of private collegeS for intelli­ cover most of the cost, non­ gent and dynamic leadership

profit groups which have parti­ cipated in the FHA program in during the coming decade. "As

other areas of the country have of April, 1969, it will be 35 years found they needed additional since my appointment," he said. money for architects, planners "This long, tenure and my long standing desire to do mission­ and land purchases. ary work have led me to sub­ my resignation at this time. CathQlics to Oppose mit This gives the board of trustees ample time to determine my Eased Abortion Bill AUSTIN (NC) - Catholics in successor." A priest' of the Grand Rapids Texas have been urged to begin work against relaxed abortion diocese, Msgr. Bukowski was laws in the state as soon as the born in Bay City, Mich. and

legislative election campaigns studied at the Catholic Univer­

begin in February. The Texas sity of America. During his ten­

Catholic Conference (TCC) has ' ure, Aquinas grew from a junior

college to an accredited four­

Issued a letter calling for pre­ year college with 1,500 students,

elecbion commitments on abor­ tion legislation from candidatei.'" a 70-acre campus and an $8 mil­ lion plant. The best time to get commit­ 1I11111l1l1ll11ll1ll1ll1l1ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1l!LIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB ments from legislators is during their campaigns," the letter said. Priests' Senate "JIn fact, if enough quiet· work ;\iVere done during the next 90 The Priests' Senate of the Di­

<!lays, it could very well prevent ocese of Fall River will meet at ilntroquction of an abortion bill 1:30, Friday afternoon, Feb.' 9,

next session or insure its defeat at the Catholic Memorial Home, I!.m advance." Fall River.

lng the Catholic seminary, he took up residence at Nashota House an Anglican theological insti~ution in nearby O~onomo­ woc. Lake. . Father Peifer said he decided to return to the Catholic Church following private d~scussions with priests and friends. He is­ sued the following formal state-

University Appoints P'rotestant Chaplain PONCE (NC) - Msgr. Theo-. dore E. McCarrick, president of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico here.. has announced appointment of a .Protestant chaplain to the university's non-Catholic students. . He is the Rev. Alfredo ~anti­ ago, a minister of the United Evangelical, Church. Msgr. Mc­ Carrick said: "An important part of the total education of the lay student is his spiritual formation, 'and· every university true to its name must offer to all its students the opportunity for this formation, which is so important for the fullness of. their lives.

"We have non-Catholic stu­ dents at the Catholic University of Puerto Rico and, therefore, we must offer them too the oP-. portunity for that formation ac­ cording to their own con­ sciences."

NGme Con~ge Head SALINA (NC) - Dr. Robert W. Strickler, former head of the

University of Notre Dame's de­ partment of education, has been

named the first lay president of

Marymount College, coeduca­

tional school conducted by the

Sisters of St. Joseph of Concor­

dia here in KanSas.

ment concerning his return to the Church: "In the months since I re­ signed as a professor at St. Francis Seminary, I have thoughtfully and prayerfully re­ examined my position. I have found that I could not ignore the social miracle, which is the Roman Catholic Church, nor could I abstain from the reality of my priesthood. Leader in Education My intellecvtual difficulties basically have been resolved in terms of those two great facts. Consequently I have humbly petitioned to be readmitted to full membership in the Roman Catholic Church and be allowed I once again to exercise my share in the priesthood of Christ. "I beg pardon of those whom I might have scandalized; I thank thqse. who have helped me by their prayers and friend­ ship; I pray that I shall be an even better priest because of this sad experience." Father Peifer for years has had the reputation as a leader . in serninary education in· this area .He· was ordained to the priesthood in 1947 and held a

doctorate in philosophy and 1Il degree in sacred theology.

WASHINGTON (NC) it.. professor and seven students seeking to prevent the Catholic University of America from abolishing its Institute for Inter­ national Law and Relations suf­ J fered three setbacks in 48 hours in U. S. courts The U. S. Court o'f Appeals denied a plea by Prof. William H. Roberts to grant a tempo­ rary injunction which would have prevented the university's board of trustees from abolish­ ing the institute, Which Roberts has directed since' 1965. Roberts was asking for the temporary injunction while ap­ pealing District ,Court- Judge John J. Sirica's refusal last November to grant a per,manent injunction. Judge Sirica ruled the court could not meddle illl university, affairs.. '11he institute was scheduled to ,become part pf the university's department of politics on Feb. 1. and Roberts went from the rank of institute director to professor. seven of Roberts' students, aU graduate lawyers, also applied to District Court Judge George L. Hart, Jr., for a similar in­ junction, stating that abolishing .of the institute before the com­ pletion of their work there. was an injustice. But Judge Hart said he did not think the ab­ sorption of the institute consti­ tuted a breach of contract on the part of university.

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, THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968

Fr. Reinhold Au:tobB~~ra~hy Account

~f Eve~fr~(U]~


By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Father H. A'. Reinhold has had a great influence OJI the Church in the United States. One would not believe this on the basis of H.A.R.: The Autobiography of Father Reinhold (Herder and Herder, 232 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10016. $4.50). The book . the thick of things, where. the is brief and leim,a spare and action was. Held by those in simple account of a life var­ charge to be wrong in his views iegated and eventful far be­ and in what he sought to do, he yond the ordinary. The Ameri­ can years, over 30 of them, ,are covered in few- ,­ er' than 50·pages. Perhaps there is Ifttle substantial evidence of the contribu­ tions made to -:Ameri"can Ca­ tholicism by a priest who came here at about the age of 40, as a ref­ ugee from Hit­ ler moved about most of, the tin:e wrote comparatively. little, and' never became a celebrity. But Father Reinhold was un­ doubtedly a planter of ideas, pastoral and liturgical, which ,have since blossomed and borne fr-uit all across the land. The first hundred pages of his book deal with his in' Eu­ rope prior to the move to this cauntry. Leaves Germany Interesting here is evidence of the beginnings of preoccupa­ tions and concerns which wou.ld mature in later lffe and be ccemmunicated to many, many Gthers. Father Reinhold~s ministry in Germany was anything but con­ ventional. The country was in the terrible throes of the war's aftermath, and the road was being opened to the Nazi take­ over. Father Reinhold was a vig­ Graus, outspoken critic of Hitler beth before and after the latter l>ecame the ruler of Germany. He had organized an apostolate to seamen, which grew rapidly and was highly effective. He spoke his mind to the sea­ men, and this led to his bei"ng quizzed by the Gestapo and eventually to his having to get out of 'the country. He went' to Holland, England, Switzerland, Rome. American Years Finally there came the move t6 the United States. He moved about the' country, first on the east coast, then more widely. For a. time he was pastor of a parish in the state of WashingI ton. ' , . His memoirs end wit.h the year 1956, a,nd in fact, he tells us, were composed in that same year. Of the intervening decade there is only very summary mention in an epilogue~- It has been a time of illness and nar­ rowly'restricted activity. The American years have not been especially happy, from this recapitulation. This' is because Father Reinhold was ahead of his time in many respects, His I eutlook was then novel and even , suspect, although with Vatican I II it came to prevail in the Church. ·He was unfavorably re­ garded and often harshly 'treated , By Chllrch authorities. He does not dwell bitterly 011 ,these ~xperiences. He merely I anudes to them, openly but fiCcinctly. But the allusions ,are enough to make one cringe in ,startled and shamed I'emem­ erance of days and ways whicb ~ hopes are irrevocably past. In Thick of Thin~5 Through his wanderings, ad­ "entures, and misadventures, ,Father Reinhold was always in


has been shown to have been right. He does no crowing in these pages, but there is no need for him to do so. Events have vin­ dicated him. All'he has to do is to recite his history, and one gets the point ,which it makes, if he does not. , , His book can be read. for the picture it gives of a life peripa-' tetic and consequential. But it is far more important as a remind­ er of movement in the Church in our age, a reminder, too, that the movers are not necessarily the nominal leaders. . 'Making lit' SCOUT SUNDAY FEB. 11: The Bernie Webber f~lmily of Everett, Wash., turns Olll-fG An altogether different sort of life is rehearsed in an alto­ Eagle Scouts like Scou'ts turn out pancakes-in bakhes. Eagle Scouts John, Chris and! gether different sort of book, Tow Webber are shown with t,heir father Bernie, staff artist on The Oatholic North-, Norman Podhoretz's Making It ' west Progress, Seattle diocesan newspaper, who became an Eagle Scout some years aglQl;. (Random House, 457 Madison NC Photo. Ave" New York, N. Y. 10022. $6.95). Mr. Podhoretz_is one of , !, the best known and respected literary ~critics in_ America:", today. That he will be - among the most respected of men after this book is generally circulated and read, is not 50 certain. This is a success story, not of CINCINNATI (NC) - Under­ saying that there are going to UUrban planning," he saia the kind that one encounters in education ,of 400,000 Negro IDe riots. This in iiself can be later in a press conference, "is magazines aimed at business­ youngsters a year in predomi­ a ca'use of riots.'" probably our major social prob­ men, for Mr. Podhoretz's inter­ nantly Negro schools constitutes Speaking of the "roots of frus­ lem and opportunity." Poin... ests and endeavors have all had "a real time bomb" in American tration," .Father Hesburgb de-, ing out that the field of "urbao t.o do with culture, and litera­ society, 'Father Theodore M. dared: "I may be 'prejudiced studies" is included in Not... ture in particular. Yet it is quite Hesburgh, C.S.C.,· president of about this, but I believe that Dame's upcoming development ah crass as most entries in busi­ the University of Notre Dame, education is the key. I know program, he said: ''The totali!J'; nessmen's periodicals. has warned here in Ohio. that housing and' employment of a university's intellectual :re­ For Mr. Podhoretz set out de­ sources can do something aboYe Father Hesburgh, memberot opportunity are all linked to­ liberately in quest of su'ccess, future planning." the U. S. Commission. on Ci viI gether but education is the only fame power, money. And oil the Rights and co-chairman of the Father Hesburgh also caned way to break out of the circle." last of his 356 pages he says, for "using a percentage of National Catholic Conference in Busing pupils from inner city "Such a book, I thou~ht. ou~ht nun-power in ghetto schools." Interracial Justice, spoke in con-, , to suburban schools helped properly to be written in the nection wjth Notre Dame's cam­ youngsters in Boston, he said, first person, and it ought in it­ paign to raise $52 ~illion for but only a small percentage who self to constitute a frank, university expansion. needed better schooling were Mailer-like bid for literary dis­ "We must build better cities," accommodated. '~Compensatory tinction, fame, and money all in h~ advised. "We must create the education" also offers a partial one package * *.* ,Writing a-book conditions in which ,there is solution for a small percentage, like that would be a very dan­ genuine equality, of opportunity he indicated. gerous thing to do, but some for everybody. We must get at "I guess the only thing with day, I told myself, I would like the causes of the frustrations real promise' that I see is the to try doing it. I just have." , that spawn riots." idea of educational parks," Complete Cando'r But he was critical of the as­ Father Hesburgh said. "Built sumption that more riots are Dangerous, indeed. It lays the possibly on the border between coming., "There is such a thing author open to the very charges the slums and the suburos and as the self-fulfilling prophecy," of crassness already made a superbly plan~ed, these parks he commented. "It is a very couple of paragraphs' ago. can be like big universities, with dangerous thing to, go around And nothing crasser, or sillier, all the needed services avail­ will, one encounter in clirrent able." books than Mr. Podhoretz's de­ Urges Dmp<IJlSisionedl scription ,of the euphoria he 'felt Love for Chli'Bst during a few days' stay at Par­ adise Island, in the Bahamas, VATICAN CITY (NC) ::-The when, at the peak of his career, Pope told a general audience he was Huntington Hartford's here that lay apostles must have guest in that luxury resort dur­ "impassionel love" for Christ. ing a· conference of intellectuals. Once again concentrating on "This was what Success looked the role of the lay apostolate,' ,Holiywoodl Diet Bread! like, all its various components as 'he has been doing in recent brought together in one daz­ general audiences, the ' Pope - Light Dark zling display." said "to' be apostles' as the It may be said, however, that church wants aU of us to be, Mr. Podhoretz must be credited laymen included, it is necessary \\{ith complete candor. He has to have an impassioned love for been willing to brave the sneers _ Jesus Christ, a true, a full love." which a person as alert as he The Pope said the "apostolate knew to be inevitable. Many is overflowing, bursting with another who profess to be dis­ love which becomes testimony. interestedly in the service of andadion" and is the re~ult of ,culture and literature, has lusted the "impulse and 'grace of the as avidly 'after status and a big Holy Spirit springing from inti­ income. macy with the word of God, There is much about this book heeded, meditated on and expe- ' rienced." ' which is unique, or virtually 50: a kind of case history of accultu­ If 'one is repelled-sincerely, ration in America, an analysis of a certain set of intellectuals,' , or'pharisaieaUy-by the author's the American experience of the fierce pursuit of what is ephem-' eral and his callow rejoicing in past, forty years seen from an his achievement of it, there, is unusual vantage point, and a decidedly different angle OIl still much to be learned' from his book. American writers.


'We Must Build Better Cities'

IEradicate !Riot Spawning Frustrations


famous for





your Sunbeam Baker

Experts ~r~~are


lBa$ic S~@U'®mefit f@r ~~$~@[9)~

Feb. 8, 1968


']BOGOTA (NC)-A group @l1 40 experts in theology. ~velopment, education and wther fields will meet here

dTan. 19-26 to draft a basic state­ rnnent for the general assembly <00: the Latin American bishops iJ!rl August. The document to be prepared Will include action programs ood is designed to clarify sev­ oral issues in' the political, eco­ lllomic and social fields, as well 23 internal matters such as lit­ IMrgical ·reform, religious life. \llIiocesan administration and jplarish finances. The drafting sessions will be ~esided over by CELAM's di­ Dactorate consisting of Arch­ lOishop Avelar Brandao Vilela ~ Teresina, Brazil, president, ond Archbishop Pablo Munoz of Quito, Ecuador, and Bishop Marco G. McGrath of Santiago ~ Veraguas, Panama, vice­



FALL RIVER BROTHER IN AFRICA: Brother Christopher Cox, a native of St. Patrick's .Parish in Fall River and a brother of James M. Cox of SS. Peter and Paul ~residents. , Parish in that city, is shown with a group of novices at Immaculate Mary Secondary Lay Experts Attend Training School in Gulu, Uganda. A Sacred Heart brother' with 48 years of Afrioan Bishops who head the various service, Brother Christopher is an author in English and sociological studies and also alIepartments of CELAM will teaches at nearby African seminary.

Gl1so attend, together with Jl)riests and lay experts on de­ velopment, education, catecheti­ @Ill instruction, theology, liturgy, administration and communica­ IlWns. Repl'esentatives from the lLatin American Confederation iilor the Religious (CLAR) will I)lso attend. Earlier in August, Bogota will \l)e the site of the 39th Interna­ (lional EUCharistic Congress, at :Which bishops from all Latin American countries are expected 60 meet. The bishops general assembly ltJ scheduled for Aug. 26-Sept. llCO, probably at Medellin, the fulrgest industrial city of Colom­ lOOa. The first such general gather­ mg took place at Rio de Janeiro fun '1955, after the 36th Inter­ ~ational Eucharistic Congress: lDecis'ions there led to the Latin American Bishops' Council es­ tablishment of (CELAM) the irollowing year.

[Nhu-ndo C5fl'®$ M~N@rr Needs ifil [PlJu5~519'~~l!1es MANILA (NC) -Four areas which the work of the ~hUI'ch is urgently needed in ~is country were stressed by ~e new apostolic nuncio of ~e Philippines at the meeting @!! the nation's bishops here. Opening the annual meeting m the residence of Rufino Car­ allinal Santos of Manila at Man­ al!aluyon near here, Archbishop € : armine Rocco told 50 of the @S members of the bishops' con­ l!el'ence that the four areas are: mcreased vocations to the ~riesthood, formation of a na­ ~V'C clergy, uplifting of the oocial conditions of the under­ g»rivileged, and the spiritual i3l>rmation of the laity. At a reception in the cathe­ ~ral Archbishop Rocco pledged llnis assistance and collaboration fua aiding the spiritual uplift and well-being of Filipinos. At another ceremony in the Mala­ canan Palace at which the new !!luncio presented his credentials (» President Fernando Marcos, <:;he president dispensed with ~rotocol and permitted all the ~ishops to witness the rites.


Honors Delegate BATON ROUGE (NC)-Arch­

lDishop Luigi Raimondi, apostol­ lie delegate in the United States, \Was honored in a ceremony at (jilt. Joseph Cathedral here after lattending the installation cil Bishop Joseph B. Bruninl of )Natchez-Jackson, Mis&.




Registerod Pharmacist

Revi$e Passion Play Jewish OiHHdals Assured Everything

Has Scc[)'iptural Foundation

NEW ARK (NC) - A spokes­ man for Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark has confinned that a Passion Play presented yearly in Union City, N. J., has been revised to bring it· into confol'mity with Scriptural ac­ counts. The play is performed under­ the auspices of Holy Family church in Union City. It is billed as America's Oberammergau play, a reference to the famed Passion play staged every 10 years in Gennany. According to the chancery spokesman, Jewish officials have been given assurance hat "evel'ything in the Passion play would have a Scriptural founda­ tion and basis." Announcement of the changes was made earlier in New York by Rabbi Joachim Prinz of the American Jewish Congress. The' A J C issued a statement last March, after the play was in production, saying the drama was a "searing, hate-filled in­ dictment of Jewry." The play will be staged this yeal' on Saturdays and Sundays from March 16 through April 7. Msgr. Clement M. Weitekamp, pastor of Holy Family church, said the revisions for the pro­ duction have been minor. "'We've tried to put .the play in better language this year," he

Haifls 'New' rr< @i C !F@1l' S@~~@~ COliu:errffiD NORTHFORD (NC)-Auxil­ iary Bishop Joseph F. Donnelly of Hartford, Conn., lauded the "new Knights of Columbus" for their concern with the nation's. social problems at a retirement dinner here for members of the organization's headquarters staff. Twenty-six veteran members were honored upon their retire­ ment. They had given a total of 485 years of service to the order.' Bishop Donnelly said "every­ where I go, I tell people of too new Knigl).ts of Columbus we have today - a strong, vibrant society which is aware of the social problems iiaced by OW' nation and our communities, and which is girding itself ~ work for SOIUtiOllll8 tJ!) thess l"roblems."

said, "and we've shortened it somewhat. Everything in it is strictly according to Scripture and you can't change. Scripture." Strictly SuPervised Changes that have been made were recommended by Father James C. Turro, professor' of Sacred Sripture at Immaculate Conception Seminary, Darling­ ton, N. J., major seminary of the Newark archdiocese. ' Father Turro examined the production and the text on the request of Archbishop Boland, according to Rabbi Priz, chair­ man of the AJC's Commission on Internal Affairs. Rabbi Prinz said the Arch­ bishop had given him personal assurance that "the text has been revised in accordance with Scripture rather than with fan­ tasy, and that the whole per­ formance, both in acting and presentation, will be strictly supervised." Rabbi Prinz said he was un­ successful in efforts to have similar changes made in the Oberammergau play.

New Assignments




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In Hierarchy WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI has made the following appointments in the hierarchy of the United States: Most Rev. Thomas Noa, on his resignation as the Bishop of Marquette, Mich., is transferred to the titular see of Talaptula. Auxiliary Bishop Charles A. Salatka of Grand Rapids' be­ comes the Bishop of Marquette. Auxiliary Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of New York is trans­ ferred to the See of Camden. Msgr. Dennis W. Hickey, vicar general of Rochester, is ap­ pointed titular bishop of Ru­ succuru and Auxiliary to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester. Msgr. John E. McCafferty, pastor of Holy Rosary church, Rochester, is appoInted titular bishop of Tanudia and Auxiliary bo Bishop Sheen. llIIsgr. Raymond J. Vonesb 01 the Archdiocese of Chicago, b named titular bishop of VanaJr­ iOM lllnd auxiliary w Bishollt Jaomeo Blanchette ~ Joliet, W.

THADDEUS SUC~ Registered I?hllrmOlcist ASSISTAN"iI' MANAGER.

'li'he new ultrD modern !.iO· COL~ PNAAr!lAn Gnl1 tlla rJortll lEnd Immcb o~ ilro1· ~ossionel lLallrelllry • 110111 et t~e 6outllwost cornor oQ Clshloy Shld. end E-aolly St., offer complete Gnd compro· Densive medlcol lIealtll servica to tile citizenry 6~ Greot· or Now ile£lford.


THE -ANCHO~"':'Dioc~~e Of, Fall, Riyer-:-Th\frs.; Feb~ .8. ~968

'Peru· Missi'oner

Suggests Da,ily

,Cathol ic . Pei per, ,"

,Catholic -:Press. Month:

ST.LOUIS (NC)~Es~.: lishlllent Of Catholic dailY newspaper of the' Christian Science' Monitor-type w a a proposed here as the ultimate' sOlution to the problems of the Catholic press in the United States. The suggestion was made by No alert Catholic can deny the validity and timeless­

Father Joseph Michenfelder., ness of that pronouncement. As proof, we can point to the'

M.M., director of the Catholic eountless numbers of people' influenced for, goOd by the Information Center in Lima, effort of the Catholic press. Peru. He discussed the press in a wOI'kshop session ~t the fifth The Diocese of Fall River publishes THE ANCHOR. annual national conference of Over the years, it has become a vehicle of authority and the Catholic Inter-American . 'Cooperation Program (CICOP) prestige in our diocese. You, our readers, are the reason bere. , for "this publication. Daily, all of us are affected by the Father Michenfelder joined mass media of radio, television, and secular press. All <Y.f the principal workshop speaker, ·us, as members of Christ's Mystical Body, .share in some Jose Alvarez Icaza, president of way a responsibility for the problems and issues of the the National Center for Social Communication in Mexico City, day. How is the ordinary Catholic to react to the question in- lamenting what they saw as of juveline delinquency, racial discrimi~ation, and Viet­ an inaccurate picture Latin and nam, to. name but a few? These and many other timely North Americans receive of topics, need clarification. It is the duty and function of the each through the press.. The Maryknoll journalist Catholic newspaper not only to report these issues, but blamed the low level of Latin to teach and guide according to the norms of Catholic Amercan understanding in the dogma and truth. ' United States on the country's total educational process in A well edited Catholic publication can be an immense­ general and U, S. news media in ly effective tool for the formation of Catholic minds and particular. ' consciences. Anything less than this goal should not be Father Mi~henfelder contend­ tolerated. Understandably, Catholic newspapers are limited ed that the average United HIiJ1J'iTi)5~ili'W fl'@ A«:fk.lJ'ilowledge Supreme States citizen is so unaware of in the scope of their activities and reporting. Today, be­ Latin America that when he 1B~5Il'ilg); AIJ'~~IbDshop Says cause of the activities and reporting of the secular press, gets off a plane in Lima he radio and television, all of us are fully informed. As Cath­ "You don't need ritual, cere­ MILWAUKEE (NC) - Need thinks .Ws "a funny place; ev­ olics, we must live in the world, be vitally concerned with for deeper expression of faith monies, rhetoric or deep theo­ eryone is speaking Spanish." He said he was "so cyni~al" the issues of the day, and as T. S. Elloit saY8---'work out through ,common prayer was logical· knowledge," he added. stressed by Archbishop William "All that i~ required is the hu­ .about the possibility of radically our salvation with diligence. ,E. Cousins of Milwaukee at a .mility to- acknowledge a, SU­ I improving U. S. press coverage meeting of civic, business and preme Being." of Latin America that he looks r We don't want or need a Catholic slant or interperta­ to new means to solve the com- . tion to this vast am9unt of information. Rather, we need religious leaders. Common Ground As main speaker at the first munications barrier between the a press which willinvolye us in the search for truth. Truth Mayors" ,Prayer Breakfast, the Archbishop Cousins said most two continents. ' in the press is hard to 'come by today., It is even harder archbishop said the times are people turn to prayer when "the Universities Control' .to convey. And yet, it is worth the ·effort. marked by a trend to think of going gets, ,rough'.' pecal,lse It As the chief hope' in this di­ society' .as "structureless,' with gives a feeling that w,e're in­ rection, he cited "the 'great Hopefully and prayerfully, this is the reason. for no responsibility for fellow men; adequate and now as~ Almighty pOssibilities" of audio-visual for His favor." God THE ANCHOR .. '. to help to build the City of GOO here; by ·selfishness, and by an inabil­ presentations which could' be He described· the breakfast, ·made by communication' satel- . to form· our consciences with truth; to be an instrument ity to understand each other or meeting as being in the· 'spirit .lites: . / for good and peace. The aim of -the 19,68 suJ)scription drive to express thoughtfulness." of prayer, because in· prayer "we ,He suggested that in order Speaking ,before some 250 total parish c::overage. THE ANCHOR' is 'your ,paper;' person!!, including 15 of the 19 gather together to offer to God that this new means' be 'used' Support it, read it,encourage, it.' ." . 'Milwaukee Cpuntymayors and ourselves, our' capabilities. • • correctly; control be' given' to' village' presidents, Archbishop and that ·weare· to be a, credit the: universities. ·He" said' that were" private industry,' govern­ Cousins. ,said: '''Many feel that· to our humanfamily/' The arcb­ bishop said'since prayer is avail­ ment, or the churches gi·ven l:J' . prayer is stilted,"" '" but" actu­ able to each individual ·.it can control; the new media might 'A record' number of nearly seveiimillion students en­ .ally iUs live communication be­ roiled in Americ'an oolleges and ,universltie,s last Fl;l-I1. Th,'is tween an individual and his be ,a common ground on which ,fail for the same reasons as older ones. God. We fail to realize that God to meet --others, including· Prot­ is an eight per cent increase over t~e' preceding yoo:r. is as near as a thought." estants,. Jews 'and non-believers. Father Michenfelder blamed "Even a mari who is groping . the failure of 'the U. S. neWt! He said prayer doesn't even It is good to' keep these figures in mind -when' the for something is a man of prayer media to portray Latin' America newspapers and news programs report unrest among 'sOme require . expression, only inten­ in that'he recognizes and reaches· well on' their businesS-profit college students. The vast majority of, cOllege students ~~' :;det:~C~~~d ~~:=~~~n~; out for' God to supplement him-' motives and their reli;mce 'em "gringo" and part-time journ3J.­ busy studying and' working to get an education'. It. is only . Him." self," the archbishop said. ists who do not care about LaUB' a fringe group that riots and protests. Most students America, .., simply don't have the time for this. . The Cathq!ic press has &bared m this failure, he said, noting The ordinary course of a student's 'life is not news­ that the entire Catholic press in the class schedule, lectures, study hours, term papers. And the United States does not em­ Christian age - an age which' ploy one full-time reporter ill SAN .'ANTONIO (NC)...,.Bish­ . so little attention is paid to it. But let a lone student John L. Morkovsky, apostolic pays lip service to Christian Latin America. op I or small group cause an ,uproar, depart from the normal administrator of the Galveston- principles of belief and behav­ , student life, and ,the coverage will be overwhelming. And Houston diocese, told' a group of ior, b.ut hardly lives up to those the public can get a distorted over-all picture of what the business and' professional lead­ principles." St~esses P~storal 'ers here that the "burden upon "The Second Vatican Council,"· average Americanc;ollege student is. up to. us as Christians is make a . Bisnop 'Morkovsky told his' au-. Le!l'il'er Important The fact is-he is up to his ears in study, with little good world." d'ience, "reminded us to be apos­ HOLLYWOOD (NC) - The· Bishop Morkovsky .challenged tolic, and did so for the first mqst important thing that has time for other things. ­ members 'of the organization at time' in a document prescribed, happened to the Church in a meetin'g here to "abandon for the laity in which' they America since '{atican II is the false fronts and phoniness," a~d were called the 'People of God.' issuance of the U. S. bishops" daily live the fullness of the "All Christians must naturally collective pastoral letter, L. Christian message' of "good be apostolic," he added. "We Brent Bozell, editor of Triumph news." . ' are all sent out with the mes­ ,magazine, told 2,000 HQly Name

. "The world will be better sage of Christ."· Society men here.

when' the people are better and The bishop .told the group The bishops' letter, he said, have good will," he declared. "the details of the renewal of calls on Catholics to reaffirm "Faith involves a total' com­ the Church and the world in their faith for the sake of the o-=~·,.·", "''=',-'-- ~ "'~R OF T4E DIOCESE OF ICI\I1 P)'''ER mitmentand total response to this Year of Faith are up to Church and for the sake of those God's revelation." you:" _ outside the Church. Published weekly by The Ca;!'iolic Press of th,e Diocese of Fall River Bishop MQrkovsky, said' the ,He said that "Christian people "The Catholic Church' is hi 410 Highland Avenue rebellion of. the 'hippies is' a in, their parishes, their families, deep agony today. But in this "dissatifcation with.' a society their individual lives and ,busi­ Year of Faith, her bishops have Fall Ri.ver, Mass. 02722 675-7151 which does not live ,up to the miss lives must apply the re­ moved splendidly to her rescue. "PUBLISHER principles which it professes." newal of ·the Christ. - ' Could there have been a m()!'tl Most Rev: James L.Connolly, 0.0., PhD•. He noted that recent magazine i'If we awaken to' the' year­ fitting response to Pope Paul'. articles indicated how much of round joy;o£ Christianity," exhortation than the monumen­ GENERAL MANAGER ASST.' GENERAL MANAGER life is a false front in which the' Bishop Morkovsky noted, "if we tal pastoral letter addresaellJ Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll content is taken' for granted. are filled with :it,and commit- earlier this month to the Ame!'­ MANAGING EDITOR The bishop added that this era ted to it" and devoted to it, this' iean Church? Could it ha_ Hugh' J. Golden has been called' the' "post- will, be accomplished:;'. ' been more timely?" be asked. The I-ate beloved ,Po~'-J~hn had'~ ,deep and abiding

interest in theCathoiic ,press. In his' usual succinct way,

. Pope John taught that the function of the Catholic press' , is to "form and enlighten the oonscience of the faithful, in the face of the bewilderments that today's world pre­ sents.~" "






' .


Colleue Students.,


Bishop 'Says Faeth Involves . TotaI Commitment to' God's .Revelation

to .



Automation, Diocesa.~,:~irls

St~dy Home~~~ing,,\~~?,~!;~~~t~v·



an American's right to defend , the Constitution. .

For .Apple Plej r Cho~c~J~te:;:~~k~. ;,. . .


In tomorrow's programmed 'VVG~m, ·.th~re'll'· stiUbe a '.pt~e for apple pie, choco,late oo.k;~:. and the inY~iad unau~o­ mated skills of mother:sand homemak-ers.. SemoT'S at Dio­ ~an highs agree, and Homemakers of TOmorrow have been named at nearly all of th~Rl' . for· concerts in April These a re the E>...als who made preparing and May at Sacred Hearts Aca­ 00p scores on a national test demy, in collaboration with the wf skills designed to empha- Cathedral Chonr under the direc­


aize the importance of homemaking as a career. At Sacred

tion of Rev. William Campbell. Their final concert will be held Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, .the Sunday, May 12 at Dominican outstanding future homemalter Academy. Moderator is Brother

is Catherine Tourtellotte; at Ovid Fortier.

Holy Family in New Bedford The Feehan student council

it's Margaret Mary McIntyre; at will be host school for a meet­

.Jesus-Mary Academy in ~all ing of Attleboro area councils

River, Jacqueline Robert.. Thursday, Feb. 15; and also at·

Students who will represent Feehan the annual soph-fresh­ Cleir sehools at GQvernment man dance is slated for Saturday Day in Boston had the opportu- night, Feb. 11.0 nity to visit the state house and At Mt. St. Mary top candy familiarize themselves with the salesman in the recent drive was .requirements of their various Cynthia Dufresne, who garnered offices. Participants toured the a $25 gift certificate. Highest capitol and sat in on meetings homeroom WlilS freshman Room of committees, the Senate and 13 and Sister Mary Fidelis, its tile House of Representatives. teacher, won a new habit as a Dominican· Academy students result of her students' efforts. FEEHAN LEADERS: Student leaders at Feehan High, provided music for a conceleOther recent excitements at Attleboro are seated from left, Thomas Brennan student brated Mass highlighting Prevost Mount were a powderpuff bas­ High's annual retreat. The mu- ketOOll game between Mounties council vi~e-p~ident William Flanagan, senior class presi­ sical misses were Debbie Lay, and St. Anthony of the Desert dent; standing; Kateri DeTeIIis, student council secretary; Colette Lafond and Denise Ray- boys' CYO and the traditional Charles Deschenes, student council treasurer; Kathy mond. ring ceremony and ring dance. Spirit Week Theme for the latter was "The Grimes;_ student council corresponding secretary. In the spl·rl·t of renewal, stu- Sweetheart Tree." d F b 15 .. This month's theme to live by Meet Thurs ay, e. a. ·... ...ents at Feehan High in AttleConeell't D£lte , . . Brockton Hl·gh. Sl'ster M. Therese at Dominican is 'Happmess IS· boro have devoted a week to "reA concert by Jesuit seminarian Loving," and a contest develop- . moderates the group. And the Dewing school spirit and pep." Paul Quinlan originally sched- ing the idea will be held. J.\. Big Feehan science fair is slated for The week began with· a Spirit,,' uled for J·anuary at Dominican Sister Day was sponsored by Friday, March 1 through Sunday, Dance and ended with a pep Academy and postponed due to the student council, with seniors March 3. Winners will continue rally and basketball game weather has been reset for mothering sophs and juniors to regional competition. against Attleboro High. In be- Thursday, Feb. 15. Tickets will taking care of ·freshmen. An asShakeups in the journalistic tween, "each morning a member be available at the door. sembly highlighted contests for picture at Mt. St. Mary. Kath­ of the student council addressed And junior and! .senior religion the little sisters with the "big: leen McCann ill our new Anchor the students on a different phase. classes at DA viewed and dis­ girls" helping when needed. Lol-. reporter. Her very effIcient pre­ or viewpoint of the observance. cussed the movie "Phoeb.e" this 'lipops made appropriate prizes. decessor was Sharon . Janick. "'School spirit is not just at- week. Anne Hefko bandIes news for tendance at a game or applaudThree one act plays are in Mount debaters ·had ·them- the Fall River Herald News and log a good play on the athletic the works at Mount. They'll be ·selves·a cake sale to·benefit their Carol Costm and Monica Grace· field,' stated John Mandeville. staged Sunday, March. 31 and treasury and their current ·pro- take care of the Providence Jour­ 'It is really the result of self- Monday, April. 1 under the di­ ject fs sellin,g chances on how-. nal. . respect and respect lor fellow·r.eetion of Sister Lucilivine. tritles many-penn~es-in~a-b9ttle. Up_· Also at the.lVIount, Carol Vas­ classmates and teachers.' . '... ~re GOodbye .Miss LlziiEi Borden, coming dances. include the an-: . ~onceUos of the f!!,eshman class .' 1 . "Pride in ~he appearan.ce of.',: On~ Love H;ad Mary. and· White nuar father-daughter dance Fri- won a preliminary oratorical . 'ithe school uniform, attention to . Queen, Red QUeen. .. . day, Feb~ ~6 and a mixer ,with contest under American .Legion .,. the little cour~esies among :one,.. ,... Among attendants at !be meet-. Connolly students this Saturday sponsorship with a speech on .. Mother, attention to the general \ iQg of the National Assn. of Sec­ night. at the Mount:·. . .o'rder ?f t!t e school were am,on g . ondary School l?rincipals. being Tonight's the .night for. Fee­ ',. 'llh; highlights br?,ught to the .... ,heRd in Atlantic City are Sister han's senior prom. It'll be held., ~;Dd of studen.ts. . . ,:.. Ludivine 'of Mount and. SiSter .. at the Sheraton-Biltmol'e Hotel .. . At Coyle High In Taunton,: ,Mary, Mercy of Feehan. .. in: Providence and. will be the

. IIICniors will make a closed re-., And some 85 Fee;nanstudents first time the seniors. have

.'. trea~ ,at La ~~lette .Center of· are enrolled in a developmental .chosen to hold their big event, Chnstian Livmg, whl1~ un~er-,:: .reading progratnaimed at in­ in the Winter. More traditional ... dassmen completed t1~elr r.e~at creasing comprehension and are· DA seniors, .who'll dance· M school under theduection ltf .. speed. Along the same line, Thursday, June.6 at the Sham-. Rev. William Brooks. Confer- Book DisCussion Club meetings rock cliff in NewlilOri. ences on such subjects as nega- :Q!'C held JIlllonthlly with seniors liVe Christians, Sunday Catho- ·x;aterJ: Detellis Janet Daigle OD to ·maUenl aeademie: the

lies and gpiritual ghettoism. were 'COllducting groups o:f underclass-. Feehan Math Club win partici­

iIollltwed by homeroom dISCUS- men in lit-er8l}" evaluation. pate hi a ·G~eater BostOn Math

sloos. Laymen also addressed Ilomeroom ,groups and t w • iearcbing. f1Ims were .shown. '~'. Wonder Why" 8Dcl '"The evel'-·



LIst Acceptances Acceptances .£or higher learn­ Ing include, at !\it. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, URI, Christine Coffey; BU, Ann Suneson, Ruth Faris, Mary Har­ rington; Fitchburg, Judith Doo-· lllln; Framingham, Maureen Aus-. tin, Karen Tomer; Bridgewater, . Margery Gazzero, Karen Tomer, Paula Sweet. At Jesus-Mary; Stonehill, Jac­ queline Robert; Fordham, Ma­ deleine St. Denis; Northeastern, Susan Goulet; UJYIass, Diane Du­ 381.


At Holy Family: Bridgewater, Linda Racine, Teresa Hart; Northeastern. Colleen Harring­ ton. Doninican Academy reports . placing fourth in a math meet ·participated in by Linda Ward, Sharon Andrade, Diane Cloutier, D2bra Lay, Denise Michaud, El­ aine Lapointe, Jeannine Le­ tendre and Patricia McDermott.' At Prevost the Glee Club 1i .

'Um Pa·h Pah

.an extra hour on the energy you get from a





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family coverage Fifty-five Dioceses in the United States Today Hove a­ Plan· of Complete family ·Coverage.

The Anchor Should Reach And Be Read By !Every family Un Every Parish in the Diocese-Bishop Connolly

slice of SUI]~eCilm

. ·.E&l1ibition GtUne.

Lay faculty members at Fee­ han will hold an exhibition bas­ ketball game Sunday, Feb. 11. Their opponents will be the Har­ lem Diplomats. And Sister Mary Evangela, Feehan band director,· recently accompanied a group of players to area junior high schools to interest future Fee­ hanites in playing for the band. Following up on the contacts, a meeting for parents interested in having their children take in­ strumental lessons was held. This program hopefully will provide a feeder system for the Feehan musicmakers. Congratulations to DA student Diane Charest, just named a cheerleader at the Fall River scbool. Cassidy Higb From Cassidy High come!l word that the Taunton girls' school won the recent Diocesan math meet. Coyle High; also Taunton, was runner-up. Must be something mathematical in the air up there. Third and fourth places were taken by Mt. St.. Mary and SHA Fall River. In basketball, Cassidy hoop­ sters have triumphed over Westport, New Bedford and Taunton High, and in intra­ mural competition seniors were victorious for the f 0 u '1' t h straight year. ,Sharon McMann will repre­ sent Cassidy at Student Gov­ ernment Day. Her alternate .Is Margarita Procopio. And seniors at Cassidy are taking a marriage course under Rev. John Moore, school chap­ lain. Tum to Page Eight

.right· arm of pulpit Love Your Catholic Press, Spread It Abroad, Dedicate It to Your Time, Your Thoughts, Your Resources and Your Devotion -Pope Pauf

VOfiCM ·Honors

lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaR River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968


. Army Couple

Happy Tour Guide Makes Florida Tr~p Pure De~~ght

WASHING'FON (NC) - ' A::3 Army officer and his wife havc;j been honored by the Vatican for adopting 12 racially mixed! children and finding homes ~ 50 others. Maj. G~n. Fr~nk L. Sampso~ Army Chief of Chaplains, gave the Pro Ecclesia et PontifiC(;

medal to Chief Warrant Officer Oscar Grammer and the Bene-­ merenti medal to his wife, Mabel. The Grammers, who are N'&o

groes, adopted their first child in Germany 16 years ago. They. were all orphans of German: mothers and American Negr,Gi fathers stationed in Europe. Of the 1-1 surviving children. four girls and two boys are now serving in the U. S. Armed, Forces. All except a son sta.­ tioned in Korea atttended the awards ceremony here. On0 Grammer child died of leuke.­ mia in 1959. The others are living. \\(iUli Mrs. Grammer in Washington. Chief Grammer is currently sta­ tioned in Turkey but will retire from the Army in April after 30 years service.

By Mary Tinley Daly

MiAMI, Florida. One seldom thinks of anything good eonnected with the flu bug, but when it brings in its wake B trip to this tropic I, paradise, it's worth every ache and

pain, every sneeze and sniffle. Leaving our "Winter Won­ . derland" of snow and ice; · I nd leet a new world erans ~orking on the keys and d rlZZ e as, 300' natives were swept out to opens up. I'll the role of tour- sea. In a short detour, we saw

ist, one takes a tour, of the monument erected by the eourse, sightseeing, that is. This time, 'twas a lO-hour bus trip along the Flor- ida Keys. Ex- pecting the us- nal "conducted tour" wit h a

American Legion, the houses constructed by the, Red Cross for survivors. "Yep," said Mr. Cooper sadly, "that Labor' Day in 1935 was a might sorry one, when the storm struck." Varied Interest bo~ed, na~al- But the tour over 31 islands vo~ce~ g u Ide and 45 bridges wasn't all history. ~mtIng louft We saw the funny looking sau­ .$ on your e .t 01< *" d" ow' sage t rees WI'th t h' elr f a t appen d an .J?- ht ages ("You can call 'em baloney ~ oI<,~o~r I'!g if you like, but don't try to e~t . m sl~g- 'em they taste like wood!")" son g fashIOn, ~ , rt· 1 t· a pure de- varIOUS types of palm; seagrapes th • IS pa ICU ar np w s ("Make good jelly"); native key light. d' . d'len t 0 f the A eoOp- l'Imes, essen ti· a1 mgre O ur ,l"lver, w'n' I la~. famous "key lime pie" ("Some

er, 25-!ear-vete~an !n the bU~- like it with· graham cracker

Price Raised s, 1~ more h~e an ~nthuS1-.· crust" giving us the hint Mr. astic frIend, sharmg WIth pas'. . BOISE (NC)-The Idaho Reg­ · . ·t· t" ledge Cooper prefers the old fashIOned &engers h IS In Ima e ...now k' d) D' . f th ister is increasing its annual of the area he has known and' m.. rlvmg over one 0 e subscription rl;lte to $5 due 'to

b h d keys, he told 115 of the dwarf 10v.ed f rom oy 00 • .. "spiraling costs." The previous deer found here and nowhere

subscription rate was $3.50 per Cooper Takes Commaud . else on earth, how one had year. . .As in any group· of 40 people, come out on the road near the

tongues began to wag as bus bUs ~me ti.me ago. ("Cutest litCHILDREN AT PLAY: Recess time at the Dominican

began to roll until .Mr.. Coope~. ~e fellow you ~ver. ~~!') , Sisters' 'kindergarten in Ma.tsuyania Japan brings' fun and .. .ttered his gent-Ie ~ reprimand, Necks craned to .Vlew Coral ...e . to th· .... t NC 'poh t'··' -Folkll,' this, bUs is my firSt"re:' ~st~~ ~r w~. heard.·~'stOry • Lew. ars eJUDlOr Be· .' ,.~ O. ' '. .' IIPOn8ibility, watching thlll' road,. of unreqUIted love: a ~an from ~ G~" :an;. ,. 'the traffic. and giving·you.a saie~' tl;le Old Countl'y-had built the .' ' ,"." ':' " , ' .,. .. .. 0 0; Upp . ·liJOOoth·ride~·"";hen'y~~ talk;Y~: whole struCtu~, olJt!;ide and in,' ,.~ '.8cl me ':"'ttl~ and .I;m ~kely to. Of s~~e for' bis hoped,-t9r b~~ . . , . , ,. . . 'f i .. _'" '. ~''' ... 245 MAIN' STREET ' .. 'forget to shOw you the lots of' ~efu~tl~.,~ h~)p of ~s ~I~b-:- ~ ~ ~ ~ 87 lIIABlLYJi .ODERICK·~~ ~ "-:'. ;,;;.;.IM'·;·;....·U·T"·H .. '5"8 ', .. 7" . "interestingspots we'~ goinl;t,~ .;bors.".one,~~o~.had,~. . ; , . , ' ' . ' ,.:. r~ .. ~ ..- ~ ·'~1'. :,~ ... " s.u~~ .. ;y~~,,~· J!ie... ~~.: r:.~.pe!' ...~.~h~·he.arlY. R·E·~·:T·"'U'R'"N'"(;, , . " ., AIM'AND'ORTINS, ~p.:-. , ell the w'ay down to Key Wezn;,' ::I.-lIe ~!,e· . DVU~ as· a ':~~'. ~~ ,. ,'.'~. vL:·',,···c.:. '..5' .. . .~ .. ". '- . -. - .--r-. 'iou'ialkm'the'way baCk..,.. d6Qr'50·perfeCtIY·8djustetl!. . ' " . . ' ",,~ .., . " , , : , . , ." .. ; t> K ?~... . .. . " ' . ~.'. . ¢an . be ·mOved· by. the· pressure, W1th the first gliDllP&es of the' 'The 'JieCklin:~ is' v~ry- low and .' ~ . ...- -...----~--~ . ·:·O:K.itw36~· When Mr. Cooper' of·8 .~umb, ~~en' 'the· oWner . IaBhioo picture 'for Spring· and' curVt!d;' 1he ··skift istw'6',tiers ,: ~-...,;-----------. . JOt:started; ,nobody even' wanted,· ,went. back ,.to. ~aim his. E~ro- .. summe.i·· '68,'one' realizes that· ful.I and 'all 'ey.eswill ,focus oil; ... , j "te', iflterrupt. :Flol'i'da' 'and' its· peanbride,.and.bring.her to the. romance is the keynote not just· your: 'waistline" circled' with" ," IVI" . . . ,keys (Spanish word··for island): stone Jove-nest, .$he turned bim, . fOr Valentine's Day but, for the . black 'velvet. DefinitelY-riot· a· ,'>-".,',. ··eame.a'livefor us: history ':from· .down.. (','Maybe jf.. he'd ,let:90me- remainder of tbe"'yeat. Get· out dresS wbe worn without 'real- ' . .- 'America's Economy King

'the ·time of the'Indians, in early .body :help. him, ·.be!d-a finished. your dusty copy· izingthe ef·fect you're"going te ' . ,F..r &he 'Best Deal Come' To

days of the pirates seeking sooner. and got .thegirl.") of Shelley, and make! 'Broc.chv.~y. Sunken treasure, through'· 20th Gulf of MexiCo on one lilide, . Browning, prac..

eentury efforts of industrhllist . Atlantic Ocean' on the other; the' tiee' giving shy The pri~ 't,ags on tJ:!ese ro.. INC.

. Henry Morrison Flagler in bus 'rolled along, accompanied glances (maybe mantic dresses' seem ~o b.e.on 768 BROADWAY

building present-day Florida all the way by Mr. Cooper's even swooning), ~he saJ!le ,level with the hem- . RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. 138

("He sure knew how to build, knowledge of the locale, point- the agOe of the lines-still quite high. A. dress CHARLES J. DUMAIS. Pres.

. t . 1 -e that a few years back sold for used the best cement") to the mg ~u v:arymg co ors til. the· iragile female . ' .

sites of movie filming including water, influenced, he told us, by has .returned. $50 or $60 is.in the $90 bracket

, th co1or 0 f .th e b 0 ttom, Perhaps it was' and s.ome designers (such' as ' !!.IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I11IIIII11I11I111I11III11I11I11IIII11I11II11Il!!

"PT-109" to the place where 1'ts d ep, , the ki nd Anne Fogarty) have priced ~' DRY CLE'ANING ~ recent Cuban refugees had been s es a SUD. . the rerun 'of ' _....... ld .... '117 themselves beyond the limits of

And m forced down. rom.......c 0 ey "Gone Wit h == and §

. Nearing Islamorada, our d.riv- ~est itse~f, southernmost point The Wind" that the' average working girl to § FUR STORAGE § th U ted St t M C whom they. used to cater. . er told the tragic story' of a m e m a es, r.: ooper influenced this tid'al wave when 400 bonus vet- knew. every n~k and c,ranny. new trend , or even just a reBeauty comes high nowadays,

He showed us the old houses, action against the boy-girl look but I'm sure the reaction you'll·

the . "Truman White House," of the Twiggy era but whatever receive when you appear in'

Ernest Hemingway's home,. the caused it, women are women one of these new romantic

Present Franciscan original Sloppy Joe's lBar, once more and I've never heard dresses will more than com­

Social Justice Award shrimp fleet and turtle kraals, a man complain about that. pensatefor any budget-stretch-, , SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The streets named for the four presSoftness and frills are every­ ing you may have to do. :ilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII16 first annual :Poverello award idents who had visited: Truman, where, especially in blouse de­ for social justice was presented Eisenhower, Kennedy,. Roose- signs that turn a plain Jane into to James D. Lorenz, Jr., 29, velt ("President Johnson hasn't a fascinating southern belle a founder-director of California come--yet:"). la Scarlett.' Tops have neverRural Legal Assistance (CRLA), Still Listening been so' important since the eontinued from Page Seven at St. Boniface church here. On the four-holl}: return to thirties, and one skirt will take Stang High Father Alan McCoy, O.F.M.,. Miami, when it was our tum to on so many looks as you vary The last report froin .the provincial of' the Franciscan ta]k, ironically nobody wanted its blouses. Everything about Guidance Department shows that Fathers' western province, pre­ to, they kept pumping Mr. the new and lovely 'blouses hints 100 seniors have already been' sented the award, which was Cooper! Intgrigued with our of a' more rbmantic era but accepted in colleges and $30,000. sponsored .by the Franciscan driver's joie de vivre, his obvi- luckily for the Gibson Girl of in scholarships have been Fathers of the Western states 0!lS delight in giving his pas": 1968 they're made of easy-care awarded to members of' the and other Franciscan organiza­ senge~ a safe and interesting . fabrics that shake off wrinkles class Of 1968. tions, in recognition' of impor­ trip, .we wondered amon'g our- and avoid ironing boards. selv~ how such enthusiasm No more looking like a flat· The National Honor Society tant contrioutions to social jus­ .could be sustained. He, surely board or an inflated balloon,· is evaluating candidates for tice. . Founded in 1966, CRLA is a couldn't go through ,such .an ex- curves are back in style,· and . membership in the society and Don-profit law firm funded by. hausting experience every day the designers are- avoiding any a' student exchange' with Hing­ ~perhaps once a week? i idea that detracts from, your ham High is being planned for the Office of Economic Oppor­ TAUNTON, MASS. "Not every day," he l~ughed womanliness. iater' this month. tunity to serve the legal needs Bea'.lty Comes High Members of the Varsity De­ of the rural poor. The firm has in answer to our question. "Too One of the· most beautiful bating Club will compete in the established a rural development hl;lrd 0Ii. the voice. Just tw.o days THE BANK ON

on, one day, .n." .: dresses to be prev:iewed for Joseph Kennedy Debating Meet. corporation to assist farm work­ TAUNTON GREEN.

ers in planning, fimlncing and It's' great to see a man: suited wear n()w at the resorts or to· on Feb. 17 at Boston Latin . managing rural LOw-income to the job' or, as Shakespeare save for your tan down at the School, while the Serra· organ­ Member of Federal Deposit housing projects which will 'pro­ put it, "To bus.iness that we love Cape ,is a -!unior Sophisticate ization of the school is finaliz­ IDsurance C.orporat,oD vide housing for more than we rise betime, and go to :'t with design in frosty-white' cotton ing plans'for a skiing trip dur­ 3,000 people. delight" eyelet . in& the' Winter. vacation o



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Add Color to Sh~dy Areas With Spectacular,Begonias

Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968

Assigns Nurses To Vietnam

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

NEW YORK (NC)--CatIroUc' Relief Services (CRS) has as­ signed 10 American Sister­ nurses to South Vietnam where they will live and work in ham­ lets, helping to improve health and welfare conditions of refu­ gees there. Officials of CRS, overseas ald and development agency of American Catholics, announced here that four nuns left the United States on Jan. 31, five on Feb. 4 and the tenth will leave on Feb. 23. This will bring to 14 the num­ ber of Sister-nurses serving as members of CRS medical-social teams in Vietnam. Each Sister will serve an 18­ mont' assignment in areas with large refugee populations. 1m addition to rendering medical! services, the Sisters will. assist the social welfare workers on the CRS teams in implementing various community develop­ ment and self-help projects. Each CRS team normally con­ sists of five persons, a coordi­ nator, two nurses and two so­ cial workers.

Shady areas in the garden 8Ire always difficult to plan tJor, especially if you must have color. Nothing seems 00 fill 'l!be bill as well as begonms and gloxinias. These are spec­ tacularly colored flowers and bloom in my garden from GIbout the first of June untn

fhe first frost. We have phobia. other than flying south,

mentioned begonias in 1jhis there really isn't any solution fOr February doldruuns other eolumn before, but they are than accepting them and trying well worth mentioning again because they can be used. in liD many ways. We have sent in our order for hegonias, adding a dozen or so to the, ones we already have. 'li'hey should arrive sometime in the middle of, February and I[hey will be potted immediately in a mixture of peat moss and garden .solI. One good soaking :will be enough to get them Iiltarted and they will not get another watering until the soil (b

I~r~he past

I have started be-

to make the most of those housebound hours. How :lIbout an affair of tfue heart to add a little spice to Valentine's Day imd put a little romance in your life? Don't get shocked,' what I'm really sug­ gesting 'is II quiet candlelight dinner for you and your hus­ band at home, with the children tucked in bed and you looking like the romantic girl he fill'St met. S~cian Love Of course, this may sound easier than it really is, ror in most houses with small children (and tl111y the' mothers with

@>nias in the basement where :ehey are out of the way, and it &lesn't take too long before Ole observant eye sees the first toddlers are the gals who need a choots pushing up through the romantic quiet evening), peace cnil. At this juncture I try to and privacy are hard to come· l;lUt theJ;ll,in a sunny window by. One could put the little CHANGE OF UNU'OJRMS: The Carmelettes of Our £or part of. the d.ay to give them. 'angels to bed about six o'clock Lady's Haven" Fairhaven, have., ehan"'ed ;their style of and, let them get up and down 6 (j) good ~taJi1:..· . for ·the riext couple of hours for' un'iform" as shown by Victoria Longo•. ' vk~-presidEmt of "',' Plant in MIay . the'tr nightly drinks of water.. - the Oarmelettes, in the old ul1#orm,c left, ·,and·· Marlene If the oegioni~s are kept hi'the and multitudinous trips to the Bartlett, president, inodeling the newtmiform. ,. house it is a good idea to giveba'~hroom. Finally, by about ".! "'. !/;be leaves a sprinkling of water nine o:~lp,<;:K. Qr, so,. you .should .",

::mk~e': ~m~la~~e~"=


p'", . ·d .')



~e;~~i~n~~r~i~f~~:~~tn~~~~~~ ~""." ~,<',:,., ::!: ;~;~~I:.c~ ~~r,: ,.r.c,Y~$· ,." ,,'

fight Hunger

LONDON' (NC)-Many mem.. bers of the Young Christian Workers (YCW) , in Great Bri~' I ,ain- hav.e' prllmi'sed to give two, ., per cent of t.heir ,income to .' combat ,hunger in the -world. '"

..': .. .. place they may be . left 'alone. room;- and think of the babysit""; ,. '\''11',By May 15th or so in this area ting fees you're saving. . Johnson· AslksAmericans··Join· in pJea tUley may be pl~ed in the gar- : This is also the p~rfect ti~e den in fairly rich soil. to . serve hubby hIS favonte For. Dnvine Guidance . _ . foods (~ou know, the ones the· . . .. I usually stake them when:l: 'kids al~ays tum their noses up WASHINGTON (NC)--':'PresiCormack, as wel~ as ~veral ,Over 3$ Yean,. put them out, ~ecause if they at).' or one of'the very expensive 'dent -Lyndoii" B·.·. Johnson baS Cabinet membe,rs, l/enators, Su­ of SCitisfied Service

~w any sIze at all they,. cutS of beef you could never urged Americans to' pray forpreme Court .Tus*ices. andgovReg. Masler PhJmber 7023

DUght topple ·over 8in~ bre~ in aff(,)rd to serve the whole famlly. streng1:1i of purpose at a time ernors of several states. . . JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.·

@ heavy rain. A feedmg With a But even more important .''when' we' are tempted to turn. The .,breakfast was. sponsored . 806 NO. MAIN STREET

roluble ch~mlcal .f~rtilizer once than toe. food, this. Valentine ..from t~e. ta..~k .~f. d..JJiY.~ _,'" -9Y the_ I!lternationual Christian FeiD River 675-7497

ill month IS suffiCient to keep d' ~ t . th . " Leade~hlp grQUp. . '. fit . t bl . f "£ mner . ~QX woO, IS e ..,occasJOn ".. -. Speakmg 'at a prayer break-, ... ",. . . . ' lit e~a~~ t~e ;,~r:::~!.;orm or:. to' ret1lem~r;, that .. 0riginaUy" fast att~Rded' 'by" . more ·:thaOl·"·HUllitllllllllilil'lIiilillllillillll.liillilllilllliiillllll,i'UUlllltIiliii,ii',lIIl1l11illiilllitnillllllUllliliUlIIlIIlIllInlllllllttm '. ' : . - " theteware)ust.youtw.oand.a .1;OOOnatJOnal,leaders"Presldent.. ",,,,.,, ,,,.,, , , .--" -, ',. . ,.. The' best· beg~)Dlas I have very special,lo:ve that sometimes ';J'ohnson,'said: .1'America 'needs.· ~ . , , . ,'.".' t::rown', are .-!'\menca.n prod!J~.\ ,g~~ a .bit. .lost.in Ii sea of ,cilia... bo -grow on ·the ·strength of oW'· .. , , ," .'" " ... "'NU~ ""I'I~T1D~RS The !?qtch . tubers '. are mu,c.b ,.pel', pa,ls ~dsch091 -worTIt.' . ' many faiths." , .. ' " !." ... " , rf&l:1l. ,l'I'.l?,-"!J. ~.~ , ama~lera~d do no! m my eml- , ,So put on your evening make,i;' " .. ' , ' ,,' . , matlOn compare WIth the Amer.. up" your prettiest dress or It I~ .not my. r~ght to tell, ' . , ,.

kan species. Last year we pur- hostess 'gown" and renewae- 'other 'cltIzens o~ thIS free l~nd , ~ of BRISTOl. COlJNT'Y '

chased a few "ruffled" types quaintance "'with that guy' you how or whc:n , or wh~t. they.. ' ". ". , ., . , . ,

Clnd these are beyond compare married;' should worshlp;-But ·1 c~n. tE711 9O-DAY NOTICE

lin our judgment (carnation Seeing that I haven't yet come you that, ,on these l<:,n g · nJ~hts , '.' TIME

maped). Our sec~nd choi~ is across 11' bett~r. Valentine's Day , your ~reSJdent ~rays. U OPEN

the rose ~mt, which someti~es cake, I'm repeating the followPreSIdent JohnSOn e~pn:ss~ .. ." , 'ACCOUNT

bas the, dIsadvantage of bem-g ing recipe for Red Velvet Cake. the hop~. that many Amencans, .. : lB . . ,

too big for its tender stem in The cOmbination of it'3 rich, . would join him in praying for .inter~st Compounded

windy or rainy weather. , deep red color and its delicioUls guidance. and said: "America Quarterly

Despite all the problems we taste is hard to beat. never stands' taller than when Offices in: hear concerning begonias, we her people go to their knees." find them to be trouble free Red Velvet Cake National leaders attending the NORTH ATTLEBORO ATTLEBORO FALLS!. MANSFIELD Illlld one of the easiest plants, to 1 cup canned shortening an n11 aD. Presidential Prayer IIIIU1IIUUUlUlIlIlIlIIlIIlIHllIIlIIUlllllllllnllllDlmmmDllHmlUlIIlIIHlllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1UlI grow in our garden. Plant them, 1 ~ cups sugar Breakfast included Vice-Presirook at them and enjoy them 2 eggs dent Hubert H. Humphrey and is our formula, and thus far it 2 Tablespoons cocoa Speaker of·the House John Me­ has yielded excellent results. 2 ounces ,of red food c:oloring this amount is correct· because In the Kitchen you need at least Z OUnce3 to February 14 arrives on the obtain the rich red color) ....ene like a pleasant interlude i Tablespoon vanillla in a bleak and weary journey. !'k cups sifted cake flOUt' Valentine's Day is the only ~ teaspoon baking SOIh bright spot on a calendar that 1 cup buttennUk has been doggedly devoid ()f 1 Tablespoon vinegar eelebrations since Epiphany.

1) Cream together the shoft­ 279 Barnstable Road IDnesses have plagued most of eur households and at this ening and sugar until muffy.

SP,5-G079 point life seems filled with 2) Add the eggs and mix weD.

dreary snowstorms and can­

3) In a small paper cup place celed' engagements. If only we the cocoa and food coloring and eould be more like Thoreau, add tms to the creamed mixtuce "O~RS FOR who wrote of the New England along with the vanilla. Winter: 4) In' the same cup mix the "At this season I seldom had baking soda and vinegar and ONLY • visitor. When the snow lay add this to the mixt1.llre. every home uhould hove Q deepest no wanderer ventured reminder of !Ilo ctl/CiflOO 5) F'dld . in (CAREFuLLY) oear my house for a week or a ' Savior. the flour and buttermilk. Do ~ tortnight at a time, but there Thls aU tnetol cruel'llI I lived snug IIfJ a meadow ~t. 5-3/4" long. . Send 254 ollll1 S) Place m. two greased and mouse." @ self-addressed onvelo~ floured layer cake pans (if YOG Exactly the opposite reaction 10: ts felt by most of us as the drifts have heart shaped ones lit wouIrll CRUCIFIX, OFFER dose in, and the outside world make II lovely cake. .Department 9 f) Bake at 300 'o1egrees for 38 ef activity 13 closed out. A1Qs, Salvato11on c:.n_ manY, people, myself included minutes Or until done. FrGsi WlKonslfl 53061 . ~ white irostiDG. '. &et a' distict feeling 'If ~ 1\,


'~ontle' 'P'I~mbiftg .It .Heal,ing .Co•.

' : ".'.





Real Estate

ReneL P"ant, Inc.


254 '*



Skate another hour on the energy you get from 3 slices of Batter Whipped Sunbeam Bread




ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968


Frank Plichta instructing a class in academics. Sr. M.:ary Davida of thIS faculty shows' a new.classroom to Mr. and Mrs.-Arthur Paul and thei1!' son, Timmy, during the open house that was held on Sunday.

CLASSROOM AND WORKS~OP AT NAZARETH: The pre-vocati?n­ a1 training developes zeal and generates happiness to the boys w~rkmg in the workshop in the presence of their founder, Bishop Connolly. Mrs. . • ,.' 1

New' Pay' Scale\ In Los Angeles For Teachers ' .

, ",


'Black~"~owerist Sc~r~s


A' h '


Archdiocese to Use

Closed-Circuit TV

,Ite " .pat ,Y

" 'Will Have to W'~ k e' up, , M C KISSIC k Says'


one hell .of a mess. He's' fighting for his entiie capftalistic system, and we're going to have one hell en: an explosion if, he doesn't wake up." ' 'The ,student - audience ap: pe~red ~argely sympathetic, One - bY' the~ archdiocesan department· die'nce of more than 400 students stude!)t aske,d if McKi~sick ,an- , of education. ' at La Salle College, conducted, ticipat~d.' ,racial violence,' this., The scale sets 'up a minimum by' the Christia~·Brothers here, Summer. He replied by asking: base with 10 graduated incre­ Flo y d McKissick, national "What l)Q"s been done since last ments regulated b'y length of chairman, Congress of Racial Summer? If anything, conditions service and units of in-service Equalit.y (CORE) s~iid: "Black in big' cities are worse. White training acquired by the teach­ people are no .longer going- to be people seem to have', decided er. Additional benefits for the relegated to the depths of our they're just concerned with conteachers include' health insur- ~ society." ' trolling black people, not helpance, carried by the school, and "The problem of flaming ing them." eoverage under, workmen's com­ cities and riots· depends on 'Racists Need Education'

pensation, Social Security and whether the black man will ul­ McKissick said for the black archdiocesan liability insural1ce timately ,be included as a parti­ people "jobs and housing aren't plans. cipant in the Constitution' of the, and'neHher is 'Describing the new scale, Msgt. country," he declared. James B. Clyne, superintendtmt "White people will ,have to of elementary schooi,s, said that wakeup and see the' positive as­ teachers with a bachelor's'degree pects of the black power' move­ Takes Shrine Post, will start ~t a minimum of $4,­ ment." He' added that black GHICAGO (NC)-Father John 500, and those with, a master's pow~r is' "pretty much the last :T. Nicola, 38" has left here for degl'ee at a ,minimum o~ $5,000 clear chance to solve our prob­ Washington, where he will serve 'a year. Increments acquired may lems." . as 'assistant director at the N a':' lift these bases to ;.' salary of t.iona!' ShriiJ e ' of the Immaculate Threatens Explosion $7,116, . .. . "This country is heading for Conception.. Father Nicola form-' l<'or}Vard S~ep genocide if .the white'. man erly t'aught Latin and was direc­ ,iOur' Catholic schools," said doesn't wake up," McKissick toi of athletics at Quigley Soutb Msgr. Clyne, "have always pos­ contended, "The :white man is in Pr~pal'atory School. ' sessed a priceless: asset' in the spirit of dedic.alio~ which· mo-­ tivates both our'Religious and .Prelate Plans F.irSt ' , ~------~~~~-----~ our lay teachers. Publication of this new salary scale does not re-, Tour .-in,20 Years' BONN (NC) - A Rumani3fl flect any ! ~ssening'"jn that spirit oishop is askiilg his pl'iests to of dedication, but is simply an 'attempt on our part to 'salute' get the children in their', par­ ishes -ready for his fIrst Confir­ th(!t \spirit within the limit of mation visit in 20, years. t.he resources that we ,have at According to reports reaching hand. here, Bishop Aaron Marton, 71, "Th~ rising costs of educat.ion, both in tax-supported and non­ , of Alba, Julia is thus taking ad­ tax-supported schools, arc a 'vantage of his first opportunity to travel after being either stern economic factor which we jailed or con/fined to his resi­ all recognize. We feel that this dence since 1948. new salary scale is a construc­ The communist regime in Ru­ 'tive forward step in matching mania kept Bishop Marton in our resources with our ,needs." prison' from 1948 ,to 1955. He The archdiocese ,conducts 285, was then placed under coilfine­ elementary schools and 80 sec­ ment until August of last -year" ondary schools, which employ ':when-he 'was' permitted to take , J,:', ;Z,297 :lay teachers, ,: . . , . .," . part in an anniversary cclebra- , .­ tjon.- at an Orthodox .p1oJ;astery. ,. N'igeri'a ,Bi~hop When "Franziskus Cardinal .LAGOS' (NC) '-- lrish~bol'n Koenig' .of' Vienna' visited' Ru­ Father. Donal Muha"y, 50, has mania,'las(Novembei:', it was an­ 'heen:named bishop of Makurdi; anoUTlced' that all restrictions ,Oil '-in ,-Nigeria, the apostolic delega- ' .Bishop Mar,tori had -been ~erini-' S ••llIscription· Time , .. ' ':tion:' for C'-" '-1' . West Africa ._~ • -e nated: So' far he' has made' only ' __• - ... _..-.. , ,; has' announced here. one trip, "to'a'''neal'b~,seminary•• ,

LOS ANGELES (NC) black power protagonist warned A basic salary scale 'for lay an audience of college students teachers in Los Angel'es: here that apathy by the whites may head this c;lountry into, archdiocesan elementary and' 'genc;>cide., , secondary s'chools 'was amiounced Speaking t9 an overflow au­




. ''The'real need is for education"

,of white people. Black people

need trahiing for jobs, but it's the racists who nee4 education. White people are trying to put bandaids on dikes." McKissick, was greeted by . several derisive calls from the .audience ,when he referred to the Vietnam war as "an indiea­ tion of moral decay in America. '" .. . ~. ·Were kl~hng those little Vletna~ese Just becau/ie th,ey do~t. thmk t~e ~ay we do., ~e re a~lald ~he~,ll bec?me fnends With Chllla, he said.






BOS'l'ON(NC)..:.-'Closed-ci.... cuit television will soon bring ,the religious education class· 'room' into the modern world! when the Boston archdiocese inaugurates a t2-week, pilolt program, to carried into 100 of its 400 parishes. It is expecteell that more parishes will 'be' added! as time goes on. The series, headed by Msgr. Russell R. Novello, director 011 the archdiocesan Confl'aternity ,of Christian Doctrine, and Msgr. Walter ,):.;Flah~rty, director of t.he Boston Catholic TV centell'~ will feature lectures by pl"Ofes­ ' sional' catechists and discussion groups composed of laity anell religious leaders.


GARAGE ',24-Hour Wrecker Service

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CATHOLIC from an OIde English recipe!












Plumper; rC?under, .fuller niuff,ins! \'



:~ SUilbeant-E.ngllsh:Mulfins

.. Sike'd'byyour. Sunbeam:Baker: ..


lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of W, . ~ , Feb. 8" I9IISI



JI""i ,




_­ ,

NAZARE'l'H HALL PR~.VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: Bishop 'Connolly observes a home economics class in session under the direction of Mrs. Frances Lee at th~ ~e\\;ly opened school at 707 Highhllid Ave.; Fall River. The curriculum ,at tlie school recognizes the importance of sewing as :


Prelate Appoints School Board ,For Toledo TOLEDO (NO) - Bishop John A. Donovan has an­ nounced appointment of a 12-member Toledo Diocesan

., i

is evidenced by the concentration of a student at work on the sewing machine. The Bishop examines the finiflhed product of the sewin~ class, in the presence of Mrs. Lee Rocha, an inflb:uctor. Nazareth Hall f()lT1' younger students was opened in 1957 at 887 Highland Ave., FalI River.

School Board. It will form an advisol'y group for the bishop and the supel"intcnderit ,of schools, who will be ex-officio no,{-voting members. Bishop Donovan' appointed three priests, including a high school pl"incipal and two pas­ tors, seven lay persons and two nuns. Two of the laymen are university professors and one is a rural public school superinten­ dent. One lay woman board member is a' public school teachel'. . The bishop spoke of "great hopes" that the reorganized board, which will meet four times a year, "will be of im­ mense assistancc not only to me pel'sonally and to our diocesan school office, but also to all OUI' priests. Religious and faithful in the cause of Catholic educa­ tion~ , The board will advise on all Catholic educationai matters below the college level" , The previous diocesan bom:d;' which met, once yearly, 'was composed entirely of·priests,

Priest Senates Plan

National Me~ting

CHICAGO (NC) - A national meeting of l'epresentatives of priests' senates and associations will be held here Monday and Tuesday, Representatives fi'om virtu­ :llly all dioceses across the counh'y will participate to dis­ cuss commOI' problems and the feasibility of further coope",l-' tioll on a national level. The {i1'St large' scale attempt at ,J'egional colla1?o~'ation re­ sulted in a meeting 'here last Septembel' when priests, repre­ sellt.ing 38 of 42, Midwest dio­ ceses met.' It is ,es.timated that lill but about 14 U. S. dioceses now have priests senates, or as-, sociaUons.

Pope Receives ,Officials of B'nai B'rith Report Progress in Catholic, Jewi,sh Relations ,

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope va'kia was there any' deteriora­ Paul VI received in audience tion in Jewish status in the past Dr. William A. Wexler, interna­ year, the statement reported. tional president of the B'nai They also statep that, "while B'rith, and Herman Edelsberg, Spain has begun to move toward director of international affairs freedom, for religious minorities, of B'nai B'rith. its new reform 'law disappoint­ Dr. Wexler, from'Savannah, ingly 'contained the, offensive Ga., told the Pope that "steapy requirement that Protestant and progress" is being ,made' in car­ Jewish congregations must reg, rying out the Second Vatican ister 'names of all congregants Council's Declaration on the with the state and submi t finan­ Jews. Edelsberg is from Wash­ cial reports." ington, D. C. The Wexler party Dr. Wexler and Edelsberg told issued a press statement imme­ the Pope that 70 conferences or diately after the audience. ,dialogues sponsored, by their The' statement said that a re­ port of the Catholic-Jewish re­ : Train Teenagers' lations made by B'mli B'rith found that, "while certain coun­ :For Social Work tdes and certain dioceses lagged ,ST. PAUL (NC) -About 300 behind otherS in updating cate­ teenagers will do volunteer chisms and textbooks, the dele­ 'social work under. the direction gates (contributing to the re­ of the St. .Paul Catholic Youth ,port) ~om the United States, ':Center's Project in Sight. Canada, Europe, Latin America Students will be trained "not and Australia all agreed that the to work on p'eople b\.lt to work door of interfaith cooperation with people," according to Rob­ was 'opened wider than ever­ ert Carlson, a student at St. ~lt1d swinging out as well as in.'" Paul seniinary who has been Dr. Wexler and Edelsberg told directing the project. The teen­ the Pope that only in'the Soviet. agers will work in about 15 so­ Union, Poland and :Czechoslo­ cial. agencies in Summer pro­ grams' after being trained in , ' Carlr'legieGrant proper' 'attitudes for social ser­ NEW YORK (NC).;-.The C~r­ vice; Aboul 300 teenagers will be negie Corporation of'New York selected for the. project on the has awarded the New York Col­ recommendation of their schools lege Bound Corporation a and pastors. They will work on $100,000 gl'ant to continue its tutoring, recreation and on efforts to get talented but dis­ projects' with the elderly and advantaged young people into' college. with the mentally retarded. ~.'_"_"_"_"_"_'I_'I_'I~_"_"_"_"_II_"_'I_n_'1_.I_I'_"_f)_''':.


I I.





·P. O. Box 2062


• ~


Hervey L. Levesque

Telephone 993-,1264

__ """"_"_U_OI_fl"'41_U_IIl_a"'d_o-.o~·C1e-t~

BALTIMORE (NC)-An Epis­ copal clergyman-speaking in z Catholic church-asked, fOI' con­ solidation of Baltimore's down­ town churches and criticized his own denomination for its dupli­ cation of facilities. The Rev. Halsey M. Cook 011 old 5t. Paul's parish spoke illl the Basilica of the Assumption at a unity service arran~ed by the Central Churches of Balti­ more, The Rev. Cook asked: "How long will our laity tolerate the squandering of our already in­ adequate financial resources illl maintaining 12 large and two­ thirds empty houses of prayer?" He specifically criticized "the unjustifiable spectacle of five Episcopal churches alone within a few blocks."









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organizations have been held on Catholic camptlses and said they "went beyond general profes­ sions of, goodwill to discuss tough controversial' questions, like Church-state relations." The two visitors also expl'essed the hope that Pope Paul will continue to give high priority to the implementation of the Coun­ cil's Declaration on the Jews until the teachings. "reached down into every parish." "They also praised his efforts for peace and for his insistence on the 'universal character, of the Holy Places of Jerusalem and the need to assure freedom of access to and return from all Holy Places."

Asks Consolidation Of City Churches


Main Office: .( Winthrop' Street. Taunton Branch Office' 1400 FOI' 'f' ,e' Ave. Seekonk





:'i~'E .A~~~bR- " '., , Thurs., -Feb. .8,



.HOLY· NAME. FALL RIVER The parish council will meet at 7:30 Thursday night, Feb. 15 itl the rectory. .Alterations b r i n gin g the church in conformity with new liturgical requirements have been approved by the council. tt is expected that they win be eompleted by April. . Sponsored by the council is. a Christian!' Living .Series, a pro­ .gram of. speakers, films. and panel discussions, which win open at 8,Tuesday night, Feb. 13 in the school hall with an ad­ dress by Rev. Raymond ~llins, professor of' moral theology at John XXiII Seminary and New­ man Club chaplain at University of Rhode' Island. Father ~llins' to.\)k will be "The .New Moral­ ity'-Catholic Style." A question period will follow the talk. Tuesday, Feb. 20, Sister John Alicia, S.U.S.C. of Sacred Hearts Aci:!demy, Fall River, will show II film, "The Detached Ameri­ cans," and.-- lead discussion on

ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-Two Roman Catholic officials have cited ecumenical efforts witlh Protestant communions as "suc­ cessful and fruitful during the past two ye~rs." Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston, S.C., and Msgr. Henry Beck, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Lyndhurst, N.J., addressed 100 delegates' to II Protestant meeting here. Both mentioned the improved rela­ tionship which has developed be­ tween Catholics and members of




The Womeri's Guild program for M.onday night, Feb. 12 wiU highlight a book review session,' "Guid¢' to Good Reading," un­ der the direction of lVI·rs. George S. Cahoon. Reviewers will in­ elude: Mrs. Mary Q. GPbb, Mrs, Phillip Lopes and Mrs. ~rald Doher~y. The. meeting will· fo!., .. low nf?vena services and will be held the' CCD hall. .



Bishop Unterkoefler said that Protestant and Catholic churChes should work toget'her to achieve social justice and world Peace. "Christians, regardless of his­ toric traditions, must be present in the midst of problem areas," he said. The bishop was a major speak­ er at the' annual meeting of the North American Area Council of the 'World Alliance of Reform

and Presbyterian 'ChUrches. The council represents 13 churches with a total of 10 million mem­ bers in the United States, Can­ ada and the Caribbean. Msgr. Beck advised Pro~ tant clergy to acquaint them­ selves with diocesan guidelines on ceremonies for mixed mar­ riages. He also described a book of ecumenical workship services which has been developed for use in both Catholic and Protelt­ tant churches when they shale worship.

CICCO' H@[fn@r$ lfl1'o




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the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches.


New Bedford's Father John J. Considine, M.M., director of the Latin America Bureau, U. S. Catholic Conference, was pre­ it.Concltiding t~~ series, a panel .sent.ed .a special CICOP award. . 1 for his "understanding and... will discuss contemporary. mora 'friendship'" .at the fifth annual • ~~~~~~:~: l~~~i~~nde,a~~:~~~ national Catholilc Inter-Amer­ period will follow. This.progra~ ican Cooperation Program in is slated for Tuesday 'night, Fell. ·St:· Louis. " . :'; 27. . \. , . ; :, '. ". F,a the r Considine deClined The s.eries is open to the .P.~b-· personal credit for the·, honor, ' lie and: H~~ts ,,'ill,' ~:~~ailable.;,..~~~~,T\g it belonged to the ·:tatin at the door. America Bureau staff and the ,h.';., . :;' "'. thousands of other people who OUR. LADY OF ANGELS; ~"'worked' so lavishly" to create' FALL RIVER. . iii 'this 'country a "greater love, The Holy Name '&>cietY will understanding and concern for sponsor .a Valentine whist Sat- .'the Church in Latin; America....·., .. urday 'night; Feb'. 10. . .' . . Al .' . AI

Children tif Mary' Sodality·" so.hon~red was~. ceo

'11 . . ., k ' l 'S "d' " Amoroso Lima, Brazil s septe­

WI sponsor a ca e sa e un ay, .: genarian liberai philosopher and Feb. 18. . ' . '. . '· .. d' d . .11/lthor who IS revered by many ance"~' .' "u .' A ·ma I assada supper an .are slatedfot Saturday night. . m~~a;al ~oday .as the vqlce of Feb. 24. Supper will be served Y~" , from 61.100 8 and ·dancing "win ,.. ;'Amoroso pioneered':''litilrgical'' " follow"'until midnight. :\l . reform ·in· Brazil in' the'''1920s . .,. : ' . . .'and as" a. result of this· "and: .his··.i; ,: < ST. JPA;l',RI(JK, . J.eadershi'p 'of the early Catholic . ""'. FALL RIVER .. ' "Action movement' was frowned The Women's Guild announces-;··on by the institutional Church '" ,.... a Valeittine whist for 8 Satur"· and the government. lit his " :;, day night, Feb. 10 at the parish . CICOP award 'he was haile.d as school.' "Refreshments will be .'''Btazil's ~ost esteemed' public _:.:0 served' and prizes awarded. . conscience." '.'- ., . A . cake sale in the lower "A posthumous cleop award

church is slated for Sunday, went to- the late Joseph Cardinal

Feb. 25, following every Mass. Coffee :and doughnuts will also Ritter of St. Louis for pioneer­

be available: The unit plans a ing "in· responding to .the

Church's call for assistance to

smorgasbord and following en­ Latin America during' a period

tertainment at 6 Saturday night, of crisis...·

March 16, in the schooL .(- ~ Accepting the award was

ST. JOHN BAPTnsT. Father David A. Ratennann,

CENTRAL ViLLAGE director of the Society of the

After a meeting of the Ladies . Propagation of the Faith for the Guild at 7 tonight in the parish archdiocese of St. Louis. He hall, a rehearsal will be held /lit called Cardinal Ritter the kind 8 for 11 forthcoming parish vari­ of man who receive!f many ety show. Ail prospective parti­ awards "not because he sought cipants are urged to attend. .themout but because he didn't seek them out." ST. JOHN BAPTIST, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7:30' Monday Night, .'Feb. 12 in the church hall. A. MONTHLY DEPOSITS Valentine whist for membel'll only will follow the business session.· Mrs. Noella Lavoie, chairman, will be aided ,by Mrs•. NOTICE ACCOUNTS Oscar Phenix. MemberS are re-. 'quested to b~ing small prizes. ST. PATRICK,

OfficBals See. Ecumell1acal Efforts Fruitful

4.·SO%. ;ar


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$END YOUR GIFr TO . The Right Reverend E4ward 't•.O'Meara,.. 'the Right ReverDul~r. C<msfdlrte


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Fall RiVI1l', M~tJ»IO'


.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan Rt.e,....JJhvPS., feb. . . . . .

.·---·-:·..· 1 ·.·---------·-··-·''. / \ ( I r, --'\






'I '.;; "(


! I"





FILMS TEACH CCD: Valuable tools for CCD classes are judiciously chosen films. Attleboro area parishes have joined to provide a film library on which classes may dl"aw. At St. Joseph's, Attleboro, Douglas Dubec

Educators Urge $6 Bill~on Scho~1 Aid Pro.gram. " '. '. ,WASHINGTON (NC) , The' National .Education As­ 8OOiation has called on· Congre$s:'to· enact a$6 billion' program in additional federal

.sChool 'aid: NEA officials Said tile money, was·needed to stem teach­ , er.: revolts .and help prevent'








:. ~-_. __.__ -.:..~._--_... - .._ > - - - - - -

and Rev. Rene Levesque prepare projector for showing; center, Robert Renaud, instructor, explains what will be seen; right, he leads post-view ing discussion. e

Films Generate Thought, Discussion

: lriAttleborQ Area CCD Classes.

'Nature of Belief' Symposium Topic PITTSBURGH (NC)-A phi), 08opher, a theologian 'and :ll Poet - all with 'international tame-will: take ,part in a sym­ Posium on "The Nature of Be­ lier," at Syn~ Hall here,' Mar.

". Dorothy Mitchell Eastman' . If you ~lt"e~ :wenager hi the ',Attleboro .aFea, you are very likely spending ."Monday Night at the Movies" in your.parish CCD Class. and loving· it !' You arema·king the' dis­ . -covery :that·films cannot, only ,enwrtai~ you'; they can. gra)) you, shake ,you lip and turn . 15-16. . ' .., , the 'searchlightof your mind on. that vastinne:r:space: that ~8 the' 'realmof the Spirit, :Bisho~ . jQhn' "J; "WrJght :01 . .A few ino~ths 'ago rather' ..:M:~~;field·and he ~all~ 1ik~' leek Of love; :and' "It's. About Pitisburg~ will deliver the key­ ,James }{eJb'., p~m Dl.~ec.tor .. BOA's· filmstrips 'on Abraham: This. Carpenter", depieting the note addreSs for the symposium, ~f ~he Attle~ro . area" p~~: ~cl'MoseS to help make Salva- reactions' of. different persons which is' sponsored by the sented a plan to ,.aU the par- . tion History come alive for the· wht> enCounter a New York car- ' American GI'aduat~ and .Pro­

ishes in. the ar~a. ; '., . ',' ...,: children.,.. " '. . penter who .is' delivering a eross fessional . CommissJon of Po: '. The. idea WllS .this; .Each ~. . 'The .tHms . that were bought'. to a church. . ~omana.. : .the 13 parishes. would. chip in· .. ,with. the, ','movie fund" money,' In some of .the. parishes, St.

The principal participants win $100 to a "movie fund".; ,OCD, however" belong to the second Mary's in Mansfield, ·for exam­ be Father Martin d'Arcy, S.J., of . directors in ... ~cJ, .contributing ,. category.. Tohey ·are not really pie, the films are used regularly Boston College, speaking on parish would then get, together yisualaids in the usual sense . once a month and shown to the "The Nature of Belief," Father to choose. and purchase a half of the term. entire CCD class, "I give the Bernard Lonergan, S,J" Regis At least half of the money dozen or so films each year., These ShON films-they range teachers a run down on the film College, Toronto, on "Belief: would be. spent for increasing These films could then be bor­ from 8 to 27 minuteS-:-are used the week before at the teacher's the Contemporary Issue," and teacher salaries and attracting rowed on a rotating basis .by as visual catalysts for discussion meeiing I have after every ses­ Brother Antonius, author of more qualified people to teach­ any of the parishes during the ~in-depth. sion. I give ·them a sheet with a "The Rose of Solitude" and ing, Alonso said. The rest would year. They could be used for The four films already pur-. list of questions so that when other works, on "The Flesh of be spent for special educational either CCD classes, adult educa­ chased from the fund cost on. Turn to Page Sixteen Our Belief." programs in riot-prone neigh­ tion or ecumenical discussions. the average $100 apiece. One of borhoods. Sister Francis of Feehan High these is "An Occurence at Owl . The amount requested in the School volunteered to keep and Creek Bridge". An Oscar award winning short based on the' Chief demand of the NEA's 1968 distribute the films. These are some of the reasons Civil War story by Ambrose legislative program is triple the Bierce, it is full of ~uspense and . amount spent last year by the Father Kelly and. the other di­ rectors use in :flavor of films for pathos. It poses, WIth devastat- . government under the Elemen­ ing. effectiv~nesll, que?ti.ons. of tary and Secondary Education reI'igious education: Your Gulf Hill Route Man is

The average young person to­ capItal pun~shmell't, mJ~t1ce, Act. day spends more time sitting in self destr~tlOn ~nd suffenng. at Your Service Alonso denied that the pro­ front of a TV or movie screen . Father ene evesq~e, C?D FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 99.8-5691 posal was a move to counter­ than he does in any other pos­ ~-Jrector of St.. Jos~ph s pansh act the efforts of the American . m Attleboro, SaId hIS class saw ture. except sleepmg. He sees it and thought it had much to Federation of Teachers, AFL­ 20 films for every book he reads. say on th e sacre d ness UJ. _Z l'f CIO, which recently has been in­ I e. Whether yo~ think these facts Father Levesque showed an­ volved in a series of teachers' DARTMOUTH, MASS. strikes throughout the nation, are encouragmg, tolerable or other of the four films to his and which has become NEA's, appalling is irrelevant. They are high school class, a French im­ chief rival for l1he allegiance of facts tha~ few parents would port called "Stringbean". "They dare to dIspute. . Joiked it very much" Father re­ public school teachers. ~odern experts m commun!­ lates "and they Were so intent cation, Marshal McLuhan m and serious there wasn't even a $350,000 Home Gift parlicular, are quite ~appy about whisper while we showed it." this trend. They WIll tell you .Aft .e' th n th To University that the visual image is replac­ 1 er. bVI wkm g. toe d~ m, . e word as the c asses rea m . IScussI?n DETROIT (NC) -A $350,000 ing the literary . . groups. They are gIven a dls­ home in a Detroit suburb has most. eti~ective means of com­ cussion outline of the film with been given to the University of mumca on. . ht provok"mg ques t·IOns. Th to be two types th oug Detroit as a special conference . ere seem . .. "What did you see in the pic­ center. ofti~l1m udseftuhl ICnCrDeldil~IOUSt ed';l­ ture?" "What do you think the ca on an e rec ors In od . t . g to tell ,,, The residence, don~ted by the the Attleboro 'area, like CCD pr. ucer IS rym us. widow of A. J. Fisher, a fre­ directors and parochial school There is no one "rig~t" answer quent contributor to the univer­ principals throughout the dio­ to any of these questions. Each sity, will be used fQr top-level cese ~vor both. member of the group is encour­ conferences and m~etings. The first type might be called aged to share his insights with In addition to more than ~ the visual aid film and these .the rest. . rooms suitable for meetings, the are films or film strips used to 'The two other films the AttIe­ Fisher home includes a chapel, illustrate a section of a religion boro area has bought are course'. "Neighbors", an award winning ballroom and game room. A "', -: ."'/ -~,--'-' Father Kelly,. tea~hes all the Canadian film, which portrays, ~parate building houses an all­ . ..> !.,;'.•. \ siJttb p ~ all St. Mar.y!. iD .in parable form, the e.Uects of • "eather awimminc pool.

Summer ... 4.... riots ' .on a netionalscale.·\ . Braulio Alonso of Tampa,· Fla.; 'NEA: p'resident,' said the proposed "urgent needs" pro-' gram was' a "bold start. on a long-range educational buildup." .

"You Can Whip Our Cream, but

You Can't Beat Our Milk!"





alert Catholics . read the ... Catholic· ~Iess .



THE ,;'t..,J'~':

, ': ,M,$,gr'.




of, F~"\~i~~:-!~.u~., ,f.r' .... ~_ .. -fl·····~';;


F~: ,8,,1968 1..

~~~.~9:~~',~H~~,.,~~a rtme~t~C~'f_~,~,t~~J.~"· "\:~~f'~ MQJor~!y' Un i ~~'q:bi,~~ ~I~~~:;",'~?;';':;~~~cr'


Hurl~.i;~, Anticip~,ed ,I),e~ree

,; ," ~ '.NEWARK", ~C)~TlIere are flats, you find that the,;,p~!,of "Continued' from Page dhe , Annu~ziato, 'Rev. Lucio' B. 'Phil­ I, ~1~Jltr.',9~:~!?art~~n~",~vaila'ble"tJ!:n;t ,are, ,~~t)i'fl~,able.• ',' ,~" ,'" welcome at his rectory -and they i, ~ippin'61 Rev., Ronald :A:. Tosti and ~ ,In,}q~wa,r¥G', l?u,t ~os~ 0f..~~~m" " . l\'Iany, ,:~er~;" ,.l1-bap,d~p,e(L)Y ,IJ;AAuen~ly, accepted: his ~ospi- ,I,Rev,l"~atd Sullivan.'," , . are" uninhabitable." " " those mqvmg out ~f t~e li~c;~IOn. tality. He read a great deilI ,lind '" :'!Mqp.slgnor: Hurley was, born That was the opinion express­ The result is that h~",sh:Ig" in '''Ci»ften took part in disc\lssions in Fall ~ye:t:,the son 'of the late ed at ~~eeting of priests at Newark is ~early ..as tight il~ it .' with younger priests about citr­ Jeremi'ah S. imd the late Mary Blessed Sacrament pariSQ, hall i$ in New York." ; , 'irent trends in the Church., (Shea) Hurley. He graduated here by 'George Sternleib' of Unless drastic action, is ,talcen, , Nearly 80 years of age, C;h'arige ,from' St. Mary's Cathedral Rutgers Universfty. He als6 'said he said, Newark will be a city , ~rta'inly must have been diffi-' School and the RM.C. Durfee the city will have to' cope with abandoned to the very poor, and C2Ult for him, but he was w,il4ng High School. ' the outward migration of the not liveable for them. NeW:llrk to change. This sanctuary bears Seminary studies for the Neg,roes in a position to afford Negro middle class. witness to his acceptance, and Priesthood brought h~m to St. Speaking to the Newa.rk better housing are leaving ,~he implementation of the Liturgieal 'Charles College, Catonsville, PriestS' Group, an association of city, he said, because sectipns Renewal." Md., and St. Mary's Seminary, priests working in the inner­ of the city where better hou!!ing Father ,Powers continued to' Baltimore, Md. and the Cath!>lic city, Sternleib cited the' results is available /ire not .open to IItress the obedience of Monsi­ University in Washington. of a re.cent study of Newark's them. gnor Hurley to the same'decree The Taunton prelate reci:!ived population and housing facili­ Newark has a Negro popula­ Of the Vatican Council that his bachelor of arts, master of ties. Conducted, by Rutgers pri-, tion of about 55 per cent. ,States, "Priests must, sincerely arts and' bachelor, in Sacred or to last Summer's riots here, While noting that a Negro acknowledge and promote the Theology. the study covered 4,000 house­ migration to suburban areas is dignity of the laity and the role, He was ordained to the holds. , ­ good, he also pointed out that which is proper to them in the Prieshood on May' 25 192Q by ''There is a high groSs vacan­ "as the suburbs open up, the re­ Mission of the Church." James Cardinal Gibbons in the' cy in Central Newark, apparent­ sponsible leadership moves out." Continuing, the eulogist, said. Basilica of the Assumption, ly lots af flats available," he "The problem now is not to 'In the early states of liturgical Baltimore. said. "But if you look at the save the city for the white mid­ reform about nine years ago, it The late dean' of the Taunton quality and availability of these dleclass but for the Negroes. was recotnmended that a lay­ clergy served as assistant at St. man should read the epistle and Franois Xavier, 'Hyannis; St. the gospel aloud in English Mary's Church,No. Attleboro; SPEAKER: Rev. Raymond while the priest at the altar SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall would read it silently in Latin. River, and Holy Name Church, Collins, professor at Pope John XXIII Seminary, Wes­ Msgr. Hurley always read both New Bedford. the epistle and gospel every' He also served as pastor at ton 'and Catholic Chaplain to Sunday from the pulpit before St. John the Baptist Church, 'the students at URI, will lhis sermon. He said he enjoyed Central Village; Sacred Heart speak at 8 Tuesday, night, this and missed doing it ,very Church, Oak Bluffs;-St. Will-iam much but he would gladly; go Church, Fall River and f01' the Feb. 13 in the Holy Name I along with the mind af the l-ast,' 16 'years: at St.. ,toseph ,School AuditOrium, F a II Church in this matter." Church, Taunton. River, in the first of a series THE HOLY -FATHER'S 'MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH ,"Following the directi've of The Monsignor was also a on' Christian Living., It is Vatican II and, of his bishop, member of'the DiOcesan School , ()pen to the public. . Have you ever wished you could build a church Msgr. ,Hurley established' a Board the board of directors of in living memory of your family? And name it ,lParish Council here at St. Jo­ Maria~ Manor and the founder yourself for your favorite salnt7 ••• Thanks to seph's. He mentioned recently of St. .Joseph's, Elementary Board, Education' our missionaries overseas, it's as easy as biJy­ , that he was delighted with the SChool Taunton ing a medium·priced car, It will not wear out. , 'recommendations and sugges­ He 'I'S surv·· ·ed.', b . t ,Has Lay Maj· ority .., d b th P . h C ' IV Y a SIS er, The youngsters who use It this year and next ~9~s~a e ,y . e ans ~un~ Miss Mary E. Hurley of Fall DALLAS (NC)-The DallasYOUNGSTERS will bring th~lr ctlildren there for dally Mass 20 ~l}or the benefIt t he pans~. River; two brothers, William E. Fort Worth' . diocesan board of WHO and 40 years from now•••• In Karlchal, south' " ,Msgr. Hurley s generoSIty Hurley of' Springfield and D., education has voted to increase ,USE India, for Instance, ,penniless Catholics hear' ~nd la~, of concer~ for personal "Joseph Hurley of Jackman Me. lts lay' membership, ' th~reby . \ IT Mass In' a shed almost In ruins because ttley.. money and, matenal goods are ' .' . ' 'TODAY have no 'church. The land for a new church Is giving the voting board a lay leg'endary,. Only God knows how' The Rev. Leo, T. Sulivan, pas­ WILL ava'i1able, and they'll do, all the work, free·of­ tor f St A Ch db Ra majority. , , many. people he helped in his 0 . • nn s u r , . ~nThe action comes as the result BRING charge" if we can give them $2,900 for bricks, own qUiet.', way. For him God's ham, lSam.ong the sUl'Vl~ng of the board's adoption of a re­ ,THEIR 'sand, mortar. You can' be the builder, If you providence 'f.or the lilies of the nephews, mece~.and cousms, vised constitution under which' CHILDREN ,write to' us right now. The church will be, ~amed field and 'birds of the air' was .. , ,and ,Rev, .Mr. WIllIam J. ,Hurley, ' , FOR as you direct,' and a permanent plaque at the, very real. He always hoped and, of ~t. M.ary's, Seminary, Balti_ it willhave-'seyen appointed'lay : , DAILY 'ehtrari~e will request prayers forever for t~e' f th d mem~rs . and, . four apPointed , pli,'est members.·.. Ai,'the p'resent:, he would never:be,,·p;1oQ,r;e, ,I~"one"o '".e,gran ­ MASS memb~rs of your family living and deceased ••• ; a,prayed.t~at buroen'·, to anyone through nephews and grandnieGes. 'G'lfts go far i,n our 18 emerging countries bee', , , , 't~me, 'th¢re, are only' four lay sickness or old age. God an- ',"'" ;" , b ....' . . ,,,' .. . cause labor costs ~re low. For only $10,009 ill GWered .his' prayers." .,,' f mem ers on the board... , ." ~ Indiayoli can 'build a complete parish 'plant' Conc.luding, Father Powers!,:, ~"~' ,Q~, «;IS~~c:re .'., ,I, (church, rectory, school,' arid convent), where' the Holy Father says it's needed. Please write to .. lSaid, "It, any.short ;phrase can:Pr()lbe Requested r - -..~,~,~~tNH>:~ _ _~'" us, and help the helpless poor. sum up the pnestly life of Msgr. , ',' BoGOTA' '(NC) :Th . '. . Patrick J. Hurley, I think it is ' .... ,: ...."" 't' f' th~' Ce'lffilSSb!on. ~BB .i , , i' th'" .'" uepanll1en. 0, ' e 0 om Ian ~ . 1S. th e L a t'In expreSSIon sen- ':'B' Ii' ; Co l' ' " h k d 'tire cum eoclesia"-freely trans- ",I,~ ~psn ' n. ~r~p.ce ,.as a~ e .,. Look,at'the nearest $10 bill. What Is It actually . , 'larted means to tthink with, to feel f?r a fu government mvestI~a- , II' A, U'.·ND'.',R'. ; "HOW :worth7,Only what it will buy. In Boston or,Clev~ 'th t I t ·t·h th e Ch urc.'.. h tlon of . the ~ ,WI ,,0 pu sa e WI Il1d" '.. massacre . t'h V of CUlba I' ' . TO' .,land or,St. louis, ·It will 'hardly buy' enough ,to ""H" l'f '. . d e ed' the. life ~f .. border lansnear· e ''enezue an " 1S 1 e was m in J 'MAKE' ~,afamily for,two days. In the Holy Laftd, It, , the Church. What more can we'," . anuary. 273· CENTRAL AVE. , '$10 wUl feed a poor refugee family for an entire lillY of any priest?" . "We protest this act of 'vio- , ..,.....T.c-H month. 1be, Holy Fattier asks your help for the "May he rejoice, forever in the ",lence'.~ich furtbe~ violates all, mfugees. more than half of theI'n ~ Your 992·62l6 pory of the Resurrection!" ,human rights of these people," moJI.,..,ultlPfies-as you iMt ~ ~way. Monsignor Hurley the department's note said. ''Or:Offering the concelebrated' 'gent 'measures must be taken, NEwBEoFORD o funeral Mass witlb Bishop' ~Con-, in order ~ protect the life Of " Dolly were Rt. Rev. John A., 'these IndIans, as the)' are en'Talt-yau; lawyer, .wttenyou' discuss. YQUI' . . . Silvia, Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, titled, as the rest ~ .the Citi2eDI, , our'....... Ill: CA1HCIUC RuIt'EMr WiII_' Rev. .James F. Lyons, ReV:.;Io- to the proteclion '~' the law." Aaa CIA'FICIII. ' , IlePh L. ,Powers, Rev. Armando \ C·,StJInsIess'bequests am,used-,wIMn tM 'HaII . ,Where A WHlUfdlenaysttley're'needed,rnost. '. State C The Masses you arrange for will be offered GOOD YOU by priests'who-reeeive-no other income. ' Miss Mary Foley, regent of FUNERAL HOME, INC. , .CAN, 0 $600 wiH train a native priest. $300 a native Hyacinth Circle 71 of the Daugh­ Sister, who wlH pray for you always. 1Iers of Isabella, New' Bedford, R. Marcel Roy - Go lorraine Ilof Means A

!loger laFra_ was elected State Monitor of the organization; and Mrs. Cecelia FUNERAL DIRECTORS .~---~--------ro--Mello, regent of Assumption Cir­ , , Dear ,ENCLOSI!D PLEASE FIND $ _ 15 Irvington Ct. de 74, Fall River, was elected Monsignor ,Nolan: FOR:..._ New Bedford Massachusetts State Guard. They 995-5166 were installed at the annual Please NAME.E_...;.. ~--------State Meeting in Boston; at return coupon STREET.r _ which Miss Maureen Taylor of with your New Bedford, this year's co­ offering OI1Y STATE_ZIP ooD'I:oE _ winner of the organization's Eagle of the Cross Award, was TIUI ClilTBHllLDC, NEAR :EAST WIHFARE AIUJDII:DATIDN an honored guest. I'








mbu·", "M .

BLU'E" 'R'












F@r Aboll'tm@ra Ch@lfllg~!ii WASHINGTON (NC)-Mary­ land's Gov. Spiro T. Agnew said be would support a proposal to eliminate abortion laws from his state's criminal code. New' York's Gov. Nelson Rockefeller said h~ supported "modification of the prllsent state law," but :would mit be more specific.





So. "DOlI'ihrrilolLDth and



So. Dartmouth 997-9384

Hyannis 292'


~DflVg;$ rHW'f.

Ope 11'1 , Evenings


MOOR; JOHN Go NOLAN, Natlonal5ecre'taly ­ Wrlte:CATHoi.lc NEAR EAST WELFARE AsSoc. ' 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017, Telep~one: 212/YUkon 6·5840 I

Catholic 'ress,

Continued from Page One tion program in religion in our



."LIkely," ~ I18id;' "you win Dqt agree with ~very position taken by this Catholic paper. Neither do I. Yet it is a chal­

lenging paper. It will strengthen our faith if we read it with good judgment regularly." He cautioned Catholics against expecting to find iri Catholic newspapers and magazines "3 set of ready-made solutions merely to be accepted by us. Rather, the Catholic newsman attempts to present the facts as he uncovers them; the editor­ ial writer and columnist reflect upon these facts to offer a ten­ tative solution or program for Christian life and action. "The reader in turn is ex­ pected to evaluate both the facts and the judgments thus placed before him," Bishop Cur­ tis continued, adding there are different schools, of thought in the Catholic press as well as among Catholics themselves "and this is a liberty which the Catholic enjoys and in all char­ ity must be permitted." Confused WorBd He said the world today is one of "change and upset. Since the Church does not exist apart from the world but must share the change and upset of the age in which it lives, it is not sur­ prising to find uncertainty and anxiety hi our Church today. The Catholic must not retreat from the world nor even from the confused world." "Instead, Christian hope places on us all the burden of the world as our spiritual challenge. We face the world as it is and at­ tempt with God's help and un­ der his Providence to make it, the world it should be," he de­ clared.

Education Study' Continued from Page One able to e~fect this, on its own, is willing to make it a reality." Father Koob urged that Cath­ Glic universities become "focal points and 'spokesmen" for all Gf Catholic education. '''rhey must in particular initiate and earry out the programs of re­ search that are so vitally neces­ sary," for all sectors of the Catholic educational apostolate,' he said. ' The priest' concluded with n plea for cooperation among all individuals, organiza'tions, and institutions involved in Cllth­ tllic education. ' "For too long a time • • • Catholic education has been splintered into non-communi­ eating and even competing pro­ grams," Father Koob said. "We have enjoyed the values of diversity,' but at the 'tragie expense of efficiency."

Bell Telephone Public Servic'eAward To Quick- Thinking New Bedfordite The Bell Telephone Conipany'shighest award for public service was awarded last week to a member ·of Holy Name parish, New Bi!dford. Recipii!nt was J. Edward Ste. M-arie of 316 Summer Street, who was credited with saving the life of a 5-year-old New Bedford boy injured in a traffic accident last August. Ste. Marie was presented a Vail Award by Haynes H. Fel­ lows, vice president of opera­ tions of the New Bedford Telephone and Telegraph' Co. The award ceremony took place at a luncheon meetinl~ at the New Bedford Hotel attended by St. Marie's parents, his wife and his four children. 'I'he award-one of only about 25 presented annually to the aoo,ooo personnel' of the Bell System - was for Ste. Marie's quick action following an acci­ dent involving Bruce Lemieux, 5, of -447 Conduit Street. Young Lemieux, who report­ edly .ran in front of a car on Acushnet Avenue, was run over. When Ste. Marie saw the ac­ cident, he parked his truck to stop oncoming traffic, called for an ambulance and applied a tourniquet to the boy's leg. Police and doctors later said the tourniquet, which stopped the flow of blood from a badly mangled leg, probably saved the boy's life. Children Attend A "South Ender," Ste. Marie belonged to St. Anne Church until he and his family moved "north" about 10 years ago. His wife, the former Irene Breault, is "an, always member of Holy Name." Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes, pastor of Holy Name, was a special guest at the award cere­ mony. Mrs. Ste. Marie adds that the couple's four children also were on hand to see their father honored. The "youngsters", are Mrs. Daniel L. (Anne) Doyle; Jean, an LPN at St. Luke's Hos­ pital; Edward Jr., a student at Keith Junior High; and Steven, a pupil at Parker Street School. Ste. Marie, a Seabee veteran of the Pacific Theater in World War II, is 5 feet 11 inches and



On lay Apostolate WAS HI N G TON (N C )..:­ A booklet' titled "Lay People Respond to Vatican II," contain­ ing. documents of the Third World Congress of the Lay, Apostolate in Rome last Oct. 11 to 18, has been published here by the National Council of Catholic Men. The booklets, available from NCCM headquar­ ters, 1312 Massachusetts Ave.' N.W.,Washington,D.C., 20005, are priced at $1 for a single copy; with reduced prices for quan­ tity orders.

Joint Publication MARYKNOLL (NC) - The publishing houses of Catholic and Protestant mission organi­ zations will jointly publish a new book on China in April. They are Maryknoll Publica­ tions, publishing house of the Catholic Foreign Mission Soci­ ety of Arrierican here, and Friendship Press, publishing house of the mission education department of the National Council of Churches of Christ In the ·U. S. A.





Feb. 8, 1968

Church LobOi' Expert· Probes Strike Facts WASHINGTON (NC)-Msgr. George Higgins, director of the' Department of Social Action,

United States Catholic Confer­ ence, is one of three named to a ,government fact-finding board to help end the six month na­ tionwide copper strike. 'George W. Taylor, industry professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, and George Reedy, former White House press secretary, were ap­ pointed by Labor Secretary Wil­ lard Wirtz and Commerce Sec­ retary Aiexander Trowbridge. The six~month-old strike is being run by a coalition of 26 unions, ied by the United Steel­ workers. The unions want a single contract covering all workers at each company. Pre­ 'vious arrangements have been made separately for different plants and also for different parts of the processing.

~!-\W~ ~@~~V




_ 1M


WYman 3-6592



WINS AWARD: Family admires life-saving award given J. Edward Ste. Marie of Holy Name parish, New Bedford, for his quick action in aiding child run over by automobile. Seated, Mrs. Ste. Marie and husband; standing, sons and daughters Steven, Mr:;. Daniel L. Doyle, Joseph E. J'r.,Jean. , weighs a comfortable 160 pounds. He is not the, "hero" type­ although he did a pretty good job of being one when the chips were down. . His, main activities, outside of those involving his family, have to ,do with Boy Scouts. He is a committeeman of the ,Boy Scout Troop at Our Lady of Purgatory Church, sponsored by the Leb­ anese-American Veterans.' "We don't have a' troop - at Holy Name," Mrs. Ste. Marie explains. The guest of honor at . the award ,ceremony received a Vail :medal, ,8 framed citation and a $250 check. Not Indiscriminate Fellows, presenting the award, commented that ''This award is not given indiscriminately." Mayor Edward F. Harrington' of New Bedford, praised Ste. Marie for being "not only will­ ing, but anxious and capable" when he was faced with an emergency.

. He said Ste. Marie and the Bell system's award "recalls the obligations men ,have toward one another." The medal, the, citation and the cash award were fine, as far. as Ste. Marie was ·concerned. However, according to him, his biggest reward was, "seeing the boy well on the way to re­ covery and, despite an artificial limb, getting along quite well."

,.,fII/d .".,,~







,""'II>, ... rC1CO'llO''l'




~1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIII II II II III IIII II11111 II III1II1111111111111111111111111a



Look to Parish Councils for- Action

Tel. 644-5556






Penny Sale The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary will benefit from n penny sale to' be sponsored by

the St. Cecelia Mission Club at ? Saturday night, Feb. 17, at 196 Whipple Street, Fall River. Donations are welcome and tickets will be available at the door. Co-chai'rmen are Mrs. Mary Furtado and Mrs. Mary Santos. Mrs. Victor Aguiar is m cbarae of publicitJt.


944 County St. New Bedfoid

§ §

"The parish pulpit needs the help of The ANCHOR. Much of our con­ § 1Jiction, and 'most of our learning depends on what we 'i'cad under'stand § and believe." §



fHE At-.'CHO"-'iiocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968


lGudss Pso®50dent

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WASHINGTON (NC) -'The' National Catholic Youth Organ~ ization 'Federation has presented President Lyndon B. Johnson 'with a commendation for his "interest, in the youth of the lBy Msgr. George G. Higgins nation." Michael McGown of Beau­ _ Roughly two years ago, Charles Y.Glock and Rodney mont, Tex., president of the fmark of the Department of Sociology at the University. federation's teenage section, (1)f California, Berkeley, pllblis}1ed a documented sociological and Geratd Mosey of Buffalo, president of the young adult lWudy of the extent to which Christian beliefs have con­ section, made the presentation . '\tributed to the deve~opment at the White House. (J)f anti-Semitism III the being honest enough for doing Msgr. Thomas J. Leonard, di­ . t' B what they were asked to do at rector of the Youth department, United States (Ch rIS Ian e- the New York seminar-Le., to United States Catholic Confer­ JUefs and Anti-Semitism, analyze the Glock-Stark study, ence, and Miss Philomena Ker­ :Harper and Row, New Yor~, not as curbstone and breast­ win, executive secretary of the $8.50). Their research was fl­ beating reformers, but as tech­ National CYO Federation, also manced, but.in nically trained and highly com­ attended the' presentation cere­ ma way con­ petent sociologists? mony. trolled by the

In summary,. I repeated what The citation read: Anti - Defama­ I had said at the ADL seminar, "The National Catholic Youth '~on League of

namely, that while anti-Semi­ Organization Federation, noting lB'nai B' r i t h .

tism is a frightful evil and while the many programs which Pres-' 1? l' 0 f e s ­ too many American Christians K OF C FETE DELEGATE:-At a banquet. in honor . ident Johnson has inaugurated al'e anti-Semitic, I would prefer, oors Glock and

of the new Apos,tolic' Delegate in the U.S., Archbishop for youth, and the various op­ ',. Stark, using a as a non-sociologist, to 'with­ portunities for advancement yery hwolved hold judgment on the technical. Luigi Raimondi, right, 'are, left to right: John W. McDevitt, which he has instituted for lIll\ e tho d ­ merits of the Glock-Stark study SlipremeGrand Knight; Bishop Charles P. Greco of Al­ young people during his admin-' Cl»logy, arrived until the scholarly reviews were exandria, I/a.; supreme chaplain, and Patrick Cardinal 0'- istration, do here-with respect-_ at the conclu­ in. Boyle of Washington. NC Photo. . fully present t"o the Hon. Lyn­ cion that there What Experts Say don B. Johnson, President of the f8 a, marked relationship between Well, the reviews are now in, United States, this tribute of !religious "dogmatism" and anti­ and I must say that they uni­ their appreciation of his inter­ Semitism. Shortly after their formly tend to support the 'crit­ est in the youth of the nation." study appeared, ADL sponsored icism levelled at the Glock20 minutes over at the end of Continued from Page Thirteen Q two-day seminar in New York Stark stvdy by a number of the they see the .film the next week ciass time and I had to cut them City at which a c,ross-section of Protestant and Catholic sociolo- they'll be prepared." . off or they would have talked Enjoy Dining ooterested Catholics and Prot-' gists who attended the New . "I always warn them not to all night." estants, including a, number of York seminar. tell the kids what they saw in That the films are no substi­ IN THE Il)rofessional sociologists, were 'I might add, incidentally, that \ the film. They might have seen tute for a good ·text is agreed asked to· assess and to comment of the six reviews I have read, things we didn't see." on unanimously. They are not JOLLY WHALER OIl its methodology and its only one was written by a Cath­ "I have 22 high school teach­ meant to substitute for a text -AND­ findings. olic, 'Who, since he was present ers so none of them has more or a well trained and motivated Challenge Methods at the ADL seminar, can be dis­ than 10 kids in a class. That catechist.. But anyone' who has .SPOUTER INN While the participants in this missed for present purposes. 'makes a good' sized discussion used them with young people oominar agreed, by and large, The other five reviews fault group. I havE~ all 55 seniors so or adults will testify to their­ RESTAURANTS Chat anti-Semitism of various the Glock-Stark study in vary­ we have to break them up into unique power' to generate deep jtypes continues to plague the ing degrees, and some of them smaller groups for discussions." thought and fruitful discussion Always Free Parking United States and that some of flatly reject both its methodol­ ·"At tbe beginning of the year" on the Good News of Christ. lit can undoubtedly be attributed ogy and its basic findiilgs. Father Kelly continues "I_have . Popcorn and discussion any­ 00 a faulty presentation 01' a The reviews appeared in, The the seniors elect 12 discussion one? . misunderstanding' of Chdstian American Sociological Review, leaders and I give these leaders· (leaching, a number of the soci­ Sociological Analysis, The Jour­ a fouI'--Session course in group @logists present-Protestants as nal for the Scientific ,Study of dynamics, so they can lead the well as Catholics-raised serious Religion, and' The Review of' s~all groups." ,Qiuestions about the methodol­ ~eligious Research. Other 'CCII directors, like ~gy employed by Glock and , Oppose Anti-Semitism Father Donald Bowen. of St. Stark and about the ,validity of R~. 6-Between fall River Gnd New Bedford I have cited them here, not to Mary's in Norton, use only films / Cheir findings. minimize" the extent or the vi­ that fit into specjfic religion One of Southern New England's !Finest Fa<tilities As a non-sociologist, ,I said at ciousness ,. of Christian anti- lessons. "I chose the films I'm . Che time, in reporting. to the Semitism in the United States, using, now at the beginning of Now .Av~D!ab~s ~«)lJ':

,aeminar on the conclusioils of but simply to' suggest that. the year and I haven't had an. <!»ne of the workshops, that.I was righteous )ndignation against opportunity' to fit in any of the BANQUETS, fASH~O'N1 SHOWS, ETC.

mot qualified to take sides on this or any other social evil four films we purchased but fue technical merits of the study IFOR IDIETAILS CALl!. MANAGER takes us only so far and cannot I'm sure. I wrll in the future," and would prefer to withhold be permitted to have the last he said. ' 636-2744 or 999-6984 ~udgment about its methodology word on the pros' and cons of 'I've used t.he Paulist "In­ and the validity of its findings the roots of anti-Semitism'in sight" films and the Guidance llIlOtil I had had an opportunity United States. Associates filmstrips with' en­ ,eo read some of the more schol­ thePresumably all of 'the sociol­ couraging results. You never arly reviews in the professional ogists who have questioned the know how a film will strike IDournals. Glock-Stark melthodology are them', One 'film 1 showed on th~ One of the Protestant minis­ just as much opposed to anti- effects of war didn't move them ;. ¢ers attending the seminar Semitism as Glock and Stark at all. Another one, on the . 'Q:hided, me, politely but firmly, themselves or any of the parti­ plight of migrant farmers, that for taking this position. He cipants in the New York semi­ I had been afraid they wouldn't. seemed to suggest that, in doing nar, including the p.rotestant. care for, provoked the most 00, I was somehow trying to ex­ minister and the Catholic wonderful disclUssion. They ran' plain away or to minimize the journalist referred to above. ers: The 'Encounter of Jews and' extent of Christian anti-Semi-­ Their criticism of the method­ Christians (Scribners, New ~sm in the United States. ology of the Glock-Stark study Subsequently another of the York, $4.95) that "the * (I (I and their rejection of its find­ iloll-sociologisls present at the Glock-Stark fin-<iings on the seJTlinar-the Managing Editor ings mayor may not be valid, conspicuousness of doctrinal el­ but surely G1.uck and Stark (1)f a weekly Catholic magazine ements in ,the :~nti-Semitism of themselves, as objective schol­ --blasted the Catholic sociolo­ American . Christians has re­ ars, will want to consider it gists who had dared to differ minded us onc:e more ol the very seriously. With Glock and Stark at the fateful influence of beliefs upon Prudence Suggests New York meeting. the shaping oj: attitudes and He said, in effect, that the Meanwhile prudence would consequent behavior." . theology of these sociologists seem to suggest that the rest of Professor Eckardt knows a lot was pre-conciliar and that they 'us retire to. the sid,elines and about Christianity and about the were guilty of a peculial' kind leave the field to the profes­ origins' of anti-Semitism, but "I (1)f post-conciliar triumphalism. sionals. We will have more than doubt that he is qualified to . Withholds .lfudgm~nt enough to do, .as non-sociolo­ assess .the technical merits of a I thought that this was grossly gists concerned about the evil highly specialized sociological unfair to the sociologists in' of anti-Semitism in the United study of this subject. question. and said so rather States, without trying to referee . Accordingly, I think he would bluntly in the Jan. 27, issue of a controversy in a highly spe­ have been beHer advised to • HWING AIDS .. ZENITH. ACOUSTICON Q UNEX this column. cialized field of study in which withhold judgment on the .9 COSMETIG .. BIOLOGICAU • VITAMINS , Why, I asked, should such a we can claim no particular com_ methodology employed by Glock: petence. ' eritical charge be- made against and Stark and the validity ~ those Catholic or Protestant so­ 1 might add that'this goes their findings wItil he had had eiologists who, rightly or wrong': even for· a profesional thEwlo­ time to read what the profes­ ly, happened to think that the gian like Dr. A.Roy Eckardt, sional scholars had to say abo.ut llRENE R. sm:~ PROP.' Glock-Stark methodology leaves Chairman of the Department of the matter. Prompt, Free DeJWMr b FALl. RIVER.. SOMW£r. TIV9YOI " VlCINln something to be desired? Religion at Lehigh University, Even theologians, in other 202 ROCK ~D Of j>fHE Sf.)) 'AU. IIIVIa In other words, I continued, who flatly states in his recent words, can rightly be expected ~hy not give them credit foe book, Elder and Younger Broth­ to stick to their last.

fi~~.Q~]DITU®~ O~<eITTIfr@ @(l[J®~iQ@8l)

AttlebtD[f'@ ,CeD' Classes Use Films

New Bedford Hotel



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968


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II !

NEW CATECHETICAL PROGRAM: Rt. Rev. George E. Sullivan, pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, Fall River, distributes the new "Come to the Father" catechism to the first graders in the parish school as Sr. Cecilia Marie, RSM, principal, looks on. Right: The principal explains

the picture that depicts "togetherness" in the life of the model family" The children, are encouraged to read the bible that is enshrined in th~ classroom. Children participating will continue in the series as thesr move from grade to grade.

Parish Catechetical Program Introduces Children to Love of God "The teachers relax, the children relax, and we're all loving God the way we should." That's how one teacher sums up the impact of the "Come 'to the Father" catechetical program, in use on a pilot basis at four Diocesan elementary se-hools. The program, de­ veloped in Montreal and published in the Vnited States by Paulist Press, aims to unite family, school and parish in symbolizing the light Christ the religious edllcation of the counter with the Word of God." shed on all nations. Paintings in the book' are child. A foreword to parents Children are encouraged to available in large reproductions in the Grade One text of for bring their' catechisms home the classroom and teachers

the series says: "May God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit lead you to reflect deeply on these pages and to take an active part in the religious edu­ cation of your child. "It is' our prayer that God who is Love will strengthen your faith and deepen your hope. May these words of St. Ignatius of Antioch f,rom which this catechism is named, apply to you as well as to your child: OJ: hear within me as from a spl"ing of living water, the mur­ mur: Come to the Father.'" Beautiful Book Diocesan schools using the new program are St. Joseph and St. Jean Baptiste in Fall River; Sacred Heart in Taunton; and St. Mary in North Attleboro. In Taunton and North Attleboro, first and second graders are in­ volved, and in the Fall River schools first graders only. Even­ tually, say the publishers, the program will be available through eighth grade, and chil­ dren now participating will be able to continue in the series as they move from grade to grade. Parents and children alike are Jmpressed with the beauty of the "Come to the Father" cate­ chism. Completely departing from the formal question and answer format of earlier cate­ chisms, the book has a minimum of type, a ma:!dmum of mean­ ingful pictures of real artistic merit. The tone of the contents is set by the soft orange cover with its pa'inting of five children praying with arms upraised. , "We have tried to make this ntechism as attractive as P06­ ~ble," explains a note to ~r­ ents, "both out of respect for God's Word contained in it, and :;Ilso to have the child like and J'espect it. It is intended to be tor him the sizn of his mst ea­

report that children are en­ tranced by them and they often serve as springboards for ex­ tended discussion of the sub­ jects depicted., At the beginning of Grade One, youngsters are led to con­ template the beauty of the world around them and th"l goodness of God in creating it. They think about their own families and see how their par­ ents reflect God's love, and they compare their homes to the' home that the Father in heaven is preparing for' them. God's love is emphasized and there is as yet no mention of sin, the devil or hell. Parents' Part Songs and "celebrations" re­ inforce each lesson, with every­ thing that is done explained to parents in a special section of the catechism. After a lesson stressing that "Jesus the Son of God came for all the people on earth," for instance; the children have a "celebration" on the theme of light. They go to the four corners of the classroom, representing people, who do not know God, then group them­ selves around a large candle,

nightly, and it is the parents' part of the program to go over with the child the day's lesson, not in the sense of drilling him in facts, but in sharing with him his growing awareness of God's love. If, for instance, a lesson is on trust, or forgive­ ness, parents are asked to no­ tice ordinary happenings i~ the home that might illustrate these qualities for the child. "Adult education is a subtle, beautiful result of this pro­ gram," said Sister Patricia Mary, R.S.M. of St. Mary's North At­ tleboro. She noted that H' par­ ents are nightly explaining vir­ tues to their children and are praying with them, as they're also encouraged to do, they're. apt to do a bit of growing up in Christ themselves.


ally a case of little child relll leading. Spontaneous prayer is pari of the catechetical program alHll there are some memorable peti­ tions and thanksgivings, S3J' teachers. At St. Joseph's in FaD River, the ehilden thank God for whatever they like best illl their lunches, in lieu of a for­ mal grace, reports Sister Cecilia Marie, R.5.M. She says she'~ got used' to hearing gratitude expressed for Dinky Twjnkie~ Tootsiepops, and RingDing Jun­ iors, and to prayers for sickt cais and ailing goldfish. Turn to Page Eighteen














Remain Masons OSLO (NC)-Thc bishops of five Northern' European coun­ tries have voted to authorize in­ dividual' bishop!; to allow con­ verts to Catholicism to retain their memership in the Masons. The decision, made by bishops from Norway, Sweden, Den­ mark, Iceland" and Finland un­ der the presidency 'of American­ born Bishop John Taylor, O.M.I., of Stockholm, was announced here in Norway in the diocesan paper by Oslo', Bishop John Gran, O.CoR.

In one parish, it was reported, t.he "Come to the Father" class had a miniature Palm Sunday procession last year. "Why couldn't we do this in church?" asked a first grader - but in that particular parish it hadn't been customary to have a Palm Sunday procession. However, the tot's mother brought his question to a parents' meeting, and ihe priest in attendance de­ cided that a procession would be quite possible. It was duly held and prominent among the marchers were the "'Come to the Father" tots, each with his mother and father in tow, liter­




Complete Line

Building Materials



Any Sac,rifice "In

v ai n

will you

build churches,

pre a c h missions,

found schools. All your

efforts will be destroyed

unless you wield t.he defelllsive

and offensive weapon of a .press that

is Catholic, loyal and sincere. I will make

apy sacrifice, even to pawning my pectoral cross,

ring and cassoek, to support a Catholic newspaper."

.Pope St. Pius X


"THE ANCHOR":" Thurs., Feb. 8,


'Russian' TrcJckStars Compete for. CYO

SEATTLE (NC) -,The first letes, some 150 American track the negQtiat-ions. Russian track stars to compete competitors·--<:ollegians, women, Wearing the Red Star in the in the United States since they and high school students-were Catholic - sponsored activi'ty eontinued from Page Seventeen walked out of a dual meet in entered in the 20 events that were Gennady Blinzenetsov, Los Angeles in 1966, partici­ comprise one of the. outstanding pole, vaulter; Valentin Gavrilo, "This first grade is different," pated in the fourth renewal of sports attraetions' in 'the PacifiC high jumper; Vladislov Sapeja, she says. "They've got a spirit the Seattle Invitational Track Northwest. 60-yard dash; Oleg Rajko, mileI'; of love-I hardly know how to and Tom Lepik, long jumper. Meet here Saturday. The appearance' of the Rus­ describe it. The other teachers The event was sponsored by sians was arranged through the Russian women stars included have noticed it too." She said the Carroll Club, a local Catho­ New York office of the United Antonia .Orokova and Tatiana that children praise each other's States Amateur Athletic Union 'I'alishova, . long jumper. There work, for instance, a rare occur- . lic laymen's organization, for the benefit of the Seattle area and David A. Matlin, its West was no Seattle event for Miss rence anywhere, and more so Catholic Youth Organization Coast president. Lee Sinclair, Orokova's event,-the high jump, in first grade. Such happenings activities. ( Carroll Club coordinator, repre­ but she put on an exhibition for are aimed for in the program, In addition to the Soviet ath- sented the sponsoring group in , the gathering. however. A teacher's manual I notes: "The whole atmosphere spirit of the progl'am aims at gradually transforming the · ,e.·aSs into a community of faith, ',: prayer and' charity." " . A workshop on "Come to the The Furniture Wonderland ' ""I'ather" is planned for Saturday, \}·March 23 at Mt. St. Mary Acad:­ of the East, :,emy,Fall River. TeacHers 'from' .', ··t:·an 'pii~s 'of the Diocese will'be {~vited and the program w~ . '.alsO 'be open to parents and ~ other interested people, Led by. fSister . Patricia .Mary, teachers . ~~o~using "Come to th~ Father"· : ,will discuss their experiences. "1:\ A second workshoP next Sep:':' ,: ' tember will be directed towards' teachers who will actually be · cusing the program. ',.' "You really need guidance t8 . .. ,'1Dse it." said Sister Patricia - ..Mary. "It's such a new approach · J:that . everyone needs help with


All members of the SoViet delegation are leading candi­ dates for the 1968 Olympic· games in Mexico City. Reaction here to the an­ nouncement of Russian partici­ pation in a Catholic track meet was mixed. While a number of the more politically conscious voiced dismay that a Church­ identified organization would benefit from the communists' appearance, track enthusiasts said it added prestige and weight to the event.



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Some Objection~ , ." Some·' parents' and' priests __ I 'aren't completely satisfIed' with '.the· neW 'methOd. The first year :",\is ,designed' to "create attitudes .: ~n', the child rather' than· give • ·~im facts/' and some priests feel : ; there should be more instruction ". ,in ,doctrine. Several . parents 'have said that they thil)k .there's· ·8 'place for' fear' in .children's minds. "I washrought up to fear the, devil," said. one mother. "I 'don't think that's' bad." Proponents· of "Come to' the Father" stress 'that'" "perfect love casts out fear" 'and' that the program is trying to give chil­ dren a true love of 'God. Even-· mally, it will De up 'to each school to'" decide for itself' on the 'new, program. Si,ster Mary . Ul'ban, R.S.M. of', ,tM Diocesan:' School ,Office.' said that .in· all U~elihood .the, program' ,would be recommended by the office but not. mandatory; It will also be . available' for CCD classes.·­ Several· of the pilot· parishes ,are- .­ oow using it inCCp as well as in the parochial school., .\ .' Teachers ,Learniri g' Teachers already in the pro­ gram say they are learning with ~heir pupils. "When I !leaI'd all those little voices singing 'Alle­ luia,' tears' came to my eyes and (~i knew they were thanking God _ for his wonderful world. "said' MQther Celine Therese, S.U.S.C. ­ sf Sacred Heart-SchooHn Taun­ ton.' "I learn from them every day," agrees Sister Cecilia Made:' Arso happy' with. the program .is Sister Rose ,Philippe . of 81. 'Jean Baptiste School. ."Children and parents like it," she says.' "You may' use superlatives," sums, up Sister Patricia Mary: She adds however that the most important part of the program is the teacher. You've got to be a warm, loving person to teach this catechism," is the consen';' sus. "To the degree that the catechist lives the dimension of faith and charity with the children, they will themselves grow in a concern and ·love for· one another that is creative of ConvenIent Budget Terms 'eommunity," notes the teach­ No Banks or Finance ers' manual. ' A St. Joseph's father ex­ Companies To Pa, pressed it more simply when 'pretty young Sister . Cecilia Marie said, "I don't really un­ derstand pow this program gets such wonderful results." "We think it has something to. 11:10 ~ the teacher," he said. 'c .l








mE ANCI:IOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Fe'J. 8, 1968

Norton, Oliver Ames Eye Titles:

Decis;ve Schoolboy"'C(!)Mrt Contests on Tap T Wlesday By PETER BARTEK Norton High Coach The boys will be separated from 1J'};le men,' so to speak,

Jlext Tuesday-the superstitious 13th-in games which in all probability, will determine the championships of both the Bristol County and Narragansett schoolboy basketball

leagues. Meanwwhile, Oliver Ames of North Easton is night when they tangle with waging a first place battle Coach Bob Go~on's Case Car. . H k dinals at Swansea. Case's sole /~ib.,~o~~htP,:'l~n ,:th~ kOf -"., CfJmpetition setback this Winter Oinoc:k CircUit' and Nonon is 'came at the haQds of Holy FaIQ-

Jmot~ i~ a d~dlock f~r ,th~"


top berth'lD the, . , " T r 1 - Valley Con f e. ~ , «Dee, DiVISIon =,~. And, taDt Conferenee eneounter is billed • wee-k from t0m01"l'OW night ... hen DennisYcmnouth, still ,Peter with a mathe:Bartek matieal title chance, c1as~es with undefeated, tront-runntng Fairhaven at the latter's eourt. Coach Jack Nobrega's WbalJog City Parochials, ,sporting an all-winning league reeord, risk tbeir Harry title next Tuesday


Dupuis Big Factor. in'8,MTI ' Co~ch'---- WetterBofl)d


, "1'9 "


lou ds Ne''W Bedford


BY JOE MIRANDA An accounting major at the Southeastern Massachusetts Technological Institute in North Dartmouth, Richard Dupuis is

also measuring fitatistics on the

basketball court for' the 1967-68 edition of the Corsairs.

Stretch, ,as Dupuis is more .. cho~mbonly-..:eferretod to bYbfriendds, ',as ~co'f·e a . p re .oun er :~\se~rer;\ror coach PhIl Wet­ 'teda~d's ~I club. ily which mak~ lhll, dnn'llal'ha,lfltl, I' ,:A ~rme~1 New Bedford High of copping 1lj1e NWfy~' ero)'!in.~ 'hqop~r, D u p u is attended Every opponE:!nt.,,-lell1J¥e,"or'; oth..", 'Sqihthe'rn State College in Arerwise--knows. 'that the~ Re~/'., Ikansa~ prior to entering SMTI Bedford school makes up for its this season. small boy enr~llment in' quality At 6.;5"and 17j}-pounds, critics basketball. ," _ , were skeptical of Dupuis' ~ It is ~ener~lly.,"ngreed 'that .bound prowess on a. college

little Holy Family could more level, but the New Bedford

than hold its own in higher youth has done extremely well

eompetition-where it doesn't for the ~orsair~ and is a major

belong. factor. 10 theIr success this

~'~wariseQ'9ardinals,liow- ~~pa)gp. ~,' p: "',

ever,' are not· looking back. . st. Antholty's' Par~hloDer .

Co~h Gordon's aggr.egation A member. of St. Anthony's

" feels certain that a, dIfferent Parish in :New Bedford the Fan

result will. ,ensue Tuesday night River DiocesM athl~te lives

when it hopes to correet the with 'his mother Mrs Simone

mistakes that, permitted the , Dupuis at 135 Tallm~n Street

Hew Bedford combine to keep in the Whaling City

its unblemished record intact. While at New ~fOrd High,

Dupuis' lettered In basketban and track, competing in the high jump for the Crimson's State sters are hooked-up In a ding­ dong first place battle with championship ,track team and Stoughton in the Hockomocli: playing center on the hoop loop. The Bristol County league squad. sent out feelen a while back to ,- Wetterland was high in biB Stoughton to ascertain whether praise of Dupuis, explaininl it was interested in joining its' that he possesses tremendoua league but Stoughton decided to desire and is a hilrd worker, affiliate with the Hockomock who has already showed a great amount of development. in all SPOrts,' starting next sea­ The Corsairs mentor es­ son, when the' BCL's North At­ t1ebc>ro also swi tches 'to the plained that Dupuis registered jumps of 11 feet, three incbe8 Hockomock. Mansfield High is- out· of the '. with one hand, and 10-' wi1h both hands on the SMTI re­ running in the current Hocko­ mock hoop title race whil~ bound machine. Reighboring Norton, bidding for Effeetive Against Zone a Teeh tournament invitation Stretch's best shot is a jumpM under Coach Phil .Norton, is and he bas been most effective deadlocked ,rith Nipmuc re­ 'against zone defenses where be gional for the second division front . running' honors in the takes a. big man outside and Tri-ValJey (Clover) Conference. seores on a jump shot from 25 feet. Norton, however, faces the dif­ The SMTI forward is aver8l­ ficult task of winning all four

Loop Leaders Ready for Big One Coach .John O'Brien - who doubles as athletie director-is priming his Bishop Stang High eourtmen for their bome en­ «agement with Durfee, the per­ ennial Fall Ri ver powerhouse. Coaeh Tom (Skip) Karam pro­ duces one of the fioe$ year-in, year-out eombinations in the State at, Durfee- which has been • worthy representative of the Southeastern sectioa of the ~ n ~ t h in, tile Teeh toumey' games. The Karammen 'have- dropped on'" one league tilt while Stang has lost twiee in title games. It will be all-ol'""-notbing for the Spartans. 'nley have to w.}n. But, anyone who knows Karam is aware of Durfee's ability to rise to the occasion, especially, when . the league championship is on the line. Coach 'Val Muscato's Orange

and Bl~k Oliver Ames hoop­

remaining league contests it it

is to qualify for the Tech.

Hope to Qualify for T~ch Tourney There is little doubt that Wayne Wilson has his FaIr­ Coach Roger Lemanager's New haven lads out front by two full Bedford High will qualify for games in the conference cham­ the Tech tourney. The first pionship race. Coach Merrill place Greater Boston suburban (Red) Wilson's D-Y regional circuit leaders are looking for­ combination twice has tasted ward to a tourney contest with defeat once at the hands of their traditional Durfee rivals. Fairhaven which has an all­ It begins to look as if oniy ,winning record in the eight­ Durfee and Stang of the BCL team loop. will qualify for the Tech games. Taunton High, early season sur­ prise club which has wilted of late, must win three of its last four encounters to qualify while Attleboro High has the more NOTRE DAME (NC)-A $10 difficult chore of winning all million effort to develop self­ remaining contests in order to help food programs for the poor participate in the Boston tour­ , of Latin America was announced nament. Bishop Feehan of At­ here by food service training di­ tleboro, ,Msgr. Coyle of Taunton, rectors attending a national con­ New Bedford Vocational and ference sponsored by the Food N"orth Attleboro have failed to Research Center for Catholic In­ qualify for tourney spots. stitutions. The two Wilson coached clubs Collaborating in the ~ffort will 100m as the only Capeway Con­ be the Food Research Center, ference teams which will quali­ with headquarters in North Eas­ fy for the Tech games. Coach . ton, Mass:, and the Academy of Food Marketing at S1. Joseph's ~rr@$n~~~fr College, Philadelphia. -The work will be carried out by food spe­ NEW YORK (NC)-Dr. Ar­ thur W. Brown, dean of the cialists from religious communi­ ties in the United States, the graduate school of arts and sci­ ences at Fordham Univefsity, U.S. food industry, and Latin has been namet: vice-president American religious and lay per­ for academic affairs. sonnel.

Annoull1ce Food Plan For latin' America

New Vice

Pope P'aul Stresses Bishops Statements VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has stressed the impor­ tance of two documents recently published by the Italian Bishops' Conference. Appearing at a window over­ looking St. Peter's square Pope Paul devoted his remarks to "two very important documents" of the Italian bishops dealing with theological studies and with the duty of Catholics in civil society. "Since these two documents touch closely on the formation and activity qf Christian people, they are of general interest and concern the spiritual and moral -maturity, of this nation, which is to you and to us most dear." He also mentioned again the sufferings of Sicilian earth­ quake victims.




Massachusetts schoolboy cha~

pi0n8hip teams.

The lanky leaper won the

Sta*e high jump event in 1962 and was prominent in New Bedford's bid for a New, ,En­ glaBd schoolboy title. Dupuis was also acti Vel iii! baseball, but confined his· tal­ _ts i€l the St. Antheny's team in the CYO League of New Bed­ man eampaign. i ' fonl.

" DefeDslvel:r SkODI"

Richard Dupuis will again One of his main attributes on wear the SMTI COlMS next sea­ the hardwood is his ability to son and along with the wealtb· blO'lk opponent's shots. Stretch" of talent coach Wetterland is 1& averaging six blocked shots developing this season, the 'Cor­ • game and has attained the sairs are looking toward Ii! difficult defensive move bY, bright basketball future. ' constant practice, according to Wetterland. During his scholastic days, Dupuis played varsity basket­ ball for three seasons under coach Roger Lemeneger starting CO. his final two seasons. I· The big pivot capped his high, school career by being chosen to the Greater Bostori League's c; all-star team after playing a major role in the Crimson's suc­ 365 NORTH F~ONT STREET cess that season. NEW BEDFORD

State Track Champ In track, Stretch competed

992·5534 ill the high jump and was a' member of two New Bedford ing points, • game, but more important hia defensive work and rebounding have helped the Corsairs to a most successful

campaign in what started as 11l. building year.' Dupuis used two years of eli-' gibility at. Southern State, start-" ing wi.th' the eollege's varsity as a sophomore and seeing consid-' erable servi.ce during his fresh­


Heating Oils o",d 9u..ne...


MIAMI (NC)-An extensive circulation promotion program has been inaugurated by the Voice, newspaper of the diocese' of Miami. The program includes sales at more than 300 news­ stands, billboard advertising, and radio announcements on behalf of the Voice, which has the larg­ est cir..ulation of any weekly newspaper in Florida.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 8, 1968





You Haven't Time












, : But You" Do 'Have Time lo Read Your Own'

____ .The' ··················~ANCHOR.··.·






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