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Friday, February 8, 1991

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"srA1.L ·RI"~~'· DIOC.~.AN NE\Y;~PAPI'fJii




VOL. 35, NO.6.



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

$11 Per Year

"The peace for which we yearn" Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Each year during the Lenten season we join with our fellow Christians throughout the world in a period of preparation to celebrate the saving event of all time, the paschal mystery of the Lord: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!" For centuries, the Church has directed our attention to more fervent prayer, fasting and abstinence and the giving of alms in charity as means to focus our attention on our need for conversion. This year, during a time 01" international conflict and war, we are reminded more than ever of the fragile nature of our humanity and ofthe continuing need for us to be reconciled to one another and to God, The death and tragedy of war which have become daily visitors to us through the means of instant mass communication should move all people - but especially Christians preparing for the paschal celebration - to sincere conversion and reconciliation. As you contemplate the image of Christ crucified, I urge you to renect on these words of St. Paul: "It pleased God to make absolute fullness reside in Him and. by means of Him. to reconcile everything in His person. both on earth and. in the heavens. making peace through the blood of His cross. "(Col. /: /9-20)

This is the great peace which Christ has achieved through His suffering and death; indeed, it is the peace for which all of us yearn. \

Yet, here on earth, as we await the coming of the Lord, we must also heed the words of the Apostle in our thoughts and actions: "You must holdfastto the faith. befirmly grounded and steadfast in it. unshaken in the hope promised you by the Gospel you have . heard." (Col. /:23) , In this unshakable hope in God's promise, let us begin our Lentenjourney together and as we do so, let us recall the message of our Holy Father John Paul II on a recent World Day of Peace: "Jesus has taught us ho ..... ... to settle differences .....hile .....e traveltogether.to pardon (ef. Mt. 5: 25). A nd above all by His death and Resurrection. He came to deliver usfrom the sin .....hich sets up one against the other. to give us His peace. to break do .....n the .....all .....hich separates the peoples. " Faithfully yours in Christ,

+;r~."cp...: Bishop of Fall River

THE BISHOP imposes ashes on the forehead of a worshiper at 51. Mary's Cathedral. (Hickey photo)

Catholic Press Month stresses value of communication ......

This is Catholic Press Month and the pope, the archbishop who heads the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and officials of the U.S. Catholic Press Association. have emphasized the importance of communication in the church. .

to draw people together and help them understand one another. The papal statement said the church sees "the chief aims of social communication and all the means it uses as the unity and progress of the human family." But the media are "lifeless instruments" that depend upon Said Pope John Paul II in a human intervention, the pope said. message released Jan. 24, the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron' "Whether or not they fulfill the saint of journalists, the purpose of purpose for which they were given communications media should be to us greatly depends on the wis-

Former Jesuit superior .dies in Rome ROME (CNS) - Father Pedro Arrupe, superior general of the Society of Jesus from 1965 to 1983, died Feb. 5 in the infirmary of the Jesuit headquarters in Rome after a long illness. The 83-year-old priest, who survived the atomic bombing of H iroshima, Japan. had a severe stroke in August 1981. He also suffered from a serious liver problem. Pope John Paul II had visited Father <\rrupe on Jan. 27. '. Jesuit Father Patrick Burns, president of.the 4,700-member U.S. Jesuit Conference, said Father Arrupe had been "the right man in the right job at the right time" during his tenure as head of the society. In Fall River, Father Robert J. Levens, SJ, rector of the Jesuit

community at Bishop Connolly High School, issued the following statement: The Jesuits of Fall River express a sense of loss at the death of Father Arrupe but also joy in knowing that a great and holy man has now had his great desire fulfilled: the be united to Our Lord. Father Arrupe has been a source of inspiration in his active leadership of the renewal of the Society of Jesus and in his humble acceptance of personal pain and suffering for the past 10 years. He has certainly been a hero to many of us. We pray in gratTurn toPage Three

dom and sense of responsibilitv qualified to give meaning to life" with which they are used," he said. because of its defense of the unborn, the handicapped, the sick and the Christians believe that media elderly, Archbishop Foley said. should be used "for building closer and more enlightened relationships In addition, he said, the Catholic between individuals and throughpress "has always emphasized the out the human family" and in that purpose of human life, eternal life way helping people work together with God, and has cautioned for the common good. . against secularism. materialism and' "If, however, they are to be consumerism." effective means of fellowship and Ms. Beckwith, managing editor genuine human advancement, the of the St. Anthony Messenger. media must be a channel and exdescribed the role of the Catholic pression of truth, justice and peace. good will and active charitv, mutual help, love and commu~ion." The "moral vision and ethical responsibility" of communicators and their audiences will determine whether the media live up to their potential or "impoverish man's Women interested in learning nature," concluded the pope. more about a call to serve the Meanwhile, the church's main church thrdugh religious life are communications ofncial praised invited to attend a vocations the Catholic press as "one of the awareness program from 7 to 9 most eloquent defenders of human p.m. Thursday, March 21, at life" in his Catholic Press Month Dominican Motherhouse Annex statement. (Dominic Hall) at the corner of The comments of U.S. ArchbiForest and Park Streets, Fall River. shop John P. Foley, president of The program will be coordinated the Pontifical Council for Social by Sister Mary Noel Blute, RSM, Communications, were released by episcopa'l representative for relithe Catholic Press Association, gious, and other planners are Sistogether with statements from ters Carol Mello, 0 p. of the Barbara Beckwith, CPA president, Dominican Provincial House in and St. Louis Auxiliary Bishop Dighton; Theresa Bisson. OP, of Edward J. O'DonnellofSt. Louis, Dominican Academy, Fall River;. honorary president of the CPA. and Mary V. Golden, MSBT, of Theme of the 1991 observance is the Diocesan Office for Catholic "Embracing Life in the '90s." Youth Ministry, Cathedral Camp, "The Catholic presS is especially East Freetown.

press as trying "to keep all of us in the church in touch - primarily among ourselves." Commenting on the theme of Catholic Press Month, she said, "The whole range of human life issues is explored in the Catholic press with clarity, insight and Christian values." She outlined a number of steps parishioners, pastors, adult education committees and teachers can Turn to Page II

Women invited to learn about religious life Religious are asked to encour-' age women who may be seeking information on religious life to attend the program. Invitations will be sent to those whose names and addresses are submitted to Sister Blute at the Office for Religious, 500 Slocum Rd.. North Dartmouth 02747, by March 1. The program will consider types of religious life, the works and ministries offered i"n various con- . gregations, the spiritual and cultural dimensions of religious life and the process of discerning a vocation and of application to religious communities. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will greet the women and speak with them. There will also be time for questions by participants.



The Anchor Friday, February 8, 1991

Sisters of Mercy prepare to merge ST. LOVIS (CNS) - Members of more than a dozen V.S.-based Sisters of Mercy congr'egations met in St. Louis Jan. 25-28 to prepare for a merger of their independent units. In July, the sisters will be formally brought together as the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, completing a 10-year process. Members of the merged congregations serve in North America, South America, Central America, Guam and the Philippines. The merged order will unite about 7,400 Mercy sisters. The Sisters of Mercy of the Vnion is composed 'of nine provinces, including the Province of Providence, whose members serve in 21 parishes, schools and other institutions in the Fall Riverdiocese.1t will join with 16 other Mercy congregations to form one institute with 25 regional communities in the Vnited States. The merged order will be the largest religious order in the Vnited States and the largest Englishspeaking order in the world. There are about 16,000 Sisters of Mercy worl~wide.

The communities share a' common founder, Catherine McAuley, who began the order in 1831 in Dublin, Ireland, and was declared venerable in 1990. The first V.S. community of Mercy Sisters was established in Pittsburgh in 1843. Sister of Mercy Amy Hoey, a member of the order's transitional administrative team, said unification "will enhance our ministry. We will be able to do things together that we were not able to do as separate groups." Diminishing numbers of members has not been a factor, Sister Hoey told the St. Louis Review. archdiocesan newspaper. "But we don't ignore that and we also hope that it will put in place the structures that will make us most effective in the future." Sisters of Mercy hospital and health systems in St. Louis, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Detroit and' Radnor, Pa., comprise the secondlargest health care system in the Vnited States. The Sisters of Mercy also operate 18 colleges in the Vnited States, including Salve Regina, College, Newport, RI.

Feehan p.rincipal is NCEA award recipient Sister Mary Faith Harding, principal Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, is among 1991 recipients of the National Catholic Educational Association's newlyestablished Catholic Elementary School Distinguished Grad uate Award. , The award recognizes l\chievements. and contributions toAmerican society that reflect favorably the recipient's Catholic elementary school education. Sister Harding, a 1946 graduate ofSts. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, is being honored for her promotion of Catholic education through her involvement in teaching and leading Catholic youth as a librarian, English teacher, counselor, and principal. After her graduation from Sts. Peter and Paul, she attended



Fasting h~s new Book, say those who know

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (CNS) for intentions such as the world - The traditional Catholic idea of situation and the unborn is on the rise on c'ol1f:ge campuses and fasting has. taken on new meaning i. LAW OFFAST in recent years, according to those elsewhere. All adults (18 years of age and older) are bound by the law of "Now people are electing"to fast familiar with various forms of tQthe~~~inningort~eir60t~~eaf: ..' . ) . .; spirituality. for peace, or for friends who are in sdays,.tti6s~boundbythelaw arelhnited to a si~gtefUlf trouble, or for other special intenFasting or.abstaining from food me~l. This meal is to be meatless. Two other meatles.S meals, tions," he said. "and not in a sense or meat as a religious practice in suffi~ient to maintain strength, may be taken according to' of obligation or for fear of eternal accordance with church law, espeon~.;~needs; however,together these two meals shQ.uld not cially during Lent, is no longer damnation - but for genuine spiritual closeness to God and fellow simply following church doctrine, eq~~;~)~n()t"'er{~lImeal. •.•...•....•.. . ' . ' . . . •.. •. .•••.. •. ••'. ..' spirituality experts said in inter- human beings." Ther~are·two.prescribed days of fast: AsbWednesday (Feb-" views with The Catholic Observer, Some observers are not sure ruaryl3, 1991 ) and Good Friday (March 29,1991).. Springfield diocesan newspaper. whether fasting is on the rise or Ash Wednesday and Good Friwhether world events have simply J" . 2~LA W OF A~~TlNENC~> '. . ..if day are the only days when Latin brought it more into the open. TtI.g}·~)Vhoare 14 years ofac'ge'@nd olderar!()bligedt~~bserve; the law of abstinence. ..' ' ' . rite Catholics are required to fast "Now, especially because of-the war, people are talking about fast-that is, to limit their food conOn days of abstinence, those bound by the law absta.in from ing," said Virginia Towner, a sumption to one main meal and m~llt. . .•. . . . ... ... . . Daughter of the Heart of Mary two smaller meals, with no snack,. Q.9~.~J)Ftida~.~.:9f: .... ent,Il~~!illence .i~J~~~s~ribed.;'bi$·;"'f:.); ing in between. In the V.S. church and director of the Marian Center ~()u~se, inchidesGood Frid~y.· Abstinen£iis'also prt1s(:rib~diil" Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and in Holyoke. ori'.<\.sh Wednesday. . . . . " "But fasting is a very personal the Fridays of Lent also are days thing," she said. "Not many people of abstinence from meat. 3. l;ENTEN DI~CIPLlNE( . "More and more people are seewho fast want to share that with eM cllllen La)V v~~raptly summ~rizesth others. I know many people who ing it as a tool for spiritual growth d. " .line in Ca'-u'm 1249:"AII members of the . . .• •..•. . have always fasted, but don't want and a way of living' life more faithful in their own way are bound to do penance in virtue of 'it known." simply," said James Greer, retreat divine law; in order that all may be joined in a c~unmon , Miss Towner, whose religious director at Our Mother of Sorobs~tvance of~enance,peJlitential 4~r~ .arepres~fibedin '• . ' rows Passionist Retreat House in congregation does n.ot use the title whis~theChris!iaO'Jaithr~':ina speci~l.ilVay praYi;~~ercise:' West Springfield, on the attitude "Sister," said fasting is not simply wotksof piety a:ndcharity.~nd deny themselves by fulfilling abstaining from food, but from toward fasting. their responsibilities more faithfully and especially by Qbserv-' pleasurable activities. She said the ··It makes us aware of our need ingJast and abstinence." for God," said Greer. "Our God is most rewarding form of fasting is "active," that is doing something a God who wants to feed us, and for others rather than denying fasting puts the spiritual food ina oneself pleasure. different perspective." "People have the idea that the "When we are willing to deny more they do without the better," ourselves food, we remove obstaDiocesan observance of Lent Pope John Paul, in addition to cles that keep us from knowing she said. "But it's better to help will begin Feb. 13 with celebration pointing to statements by churchpeople - to give to others - and our feelings in the purest sense, of the Ash Wednesday liturgy and men of years past, recalled his own and also those obstacles in our that's giving up oneself in an even distribution of ashes by Bishop words during a visit to Africa. relationship with God," he added . deeper way." Daniel A. Cronin at 12:05 p.m. at .. How woul'd history judge a '''There is a new reality about St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. generation which had all the means fasting," said Father Leo Hoar, to feed the population of the planet, Sp~ing As in previous Lents, Catholics and yet with fratricidal indiffer- chaplain at Springfield College. are asked to participate in the ence would refuse to do so?" he "Before Vatican II, people just Operation Rice Bowl program of asked then. "Would a world in dreaded Lent because of all the Catholic Relief Services, eating a which poverty fails to encounter - fasting - and it wasn't a spiritual simple main meal once a week durfasting, it was an obligatory fastlife-giving love not be a desert?" ing Lent and contributing money ing. It lost its sense of spirituality The pope said, "We would do The Diocesan Office for Catholic saved to parish Rice Bowl colwhen it was church law." well to reflect on the parable of ; Youth Ministry will sponsor a lections. Father Hoar said that fasting as banquet of life, and yet today so spring youth ministry training Organizers explain that 75 pera way of getting closer to God and many people lie outside the door, program March 23 at St. Pius X cent of-money collected is used for like Lazarus, while the dogs come parish, South Yarmouth, and small-scale community projects in and lick their sores." " Cathedral Camp. East Freetown. Third World nations, usually He said, .. Although creation and At St. Pius X, Brother Joe related to nutrition, food producits goods are meant for all, a large LaGressa, OFM, of St. Francis' tion and storage. part of humanity today st~1I suffers Friary, Andover, will speak on' 25 percent of diocesan contribu"Teens, Self-Esteem, and Relationunder an intolerable burden of "tions, they note, may be retained poverty." ships" from 9:30 to II :30 a.m., and for local anti-poverty programs.' Noting that Jesus "became poor Manuela Maciel of Ethnofamily 'In other Lenten activities, out ofIove for us, became one with Services, New Bedford, will follow A pontifical Mass of Christian diocesan parishes will offer a wide those who suffer," Christ "urges us with "Building Community by Burial was offered Wednesday at variety of spiritual programs. to look at our brothers and sisters Celebrating Diversity" from 12:30 St. Brendan's Church, Riverside, Announcements of these will be who are poor and suffering from p.m. to 2:30 p.m. RI, for Rev. Daniel F. Moriarty, found in the Steering Points secAt Cathedral Camp, Rev. John the point of view of one who - in formerly a. parochial vicar at St. J. Oliveira ofSt. Michael's parish, tion of the Anchor. poverty - knows what it is to be Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Fall River, will give the "Building totally dependent upon God and , Priests will attend a day of Lenten Father Moriarty, who died Feb. Community" talk from 9:30 to to stand in absolute need of him," reflection directed by Bishop Cron2, was a native of Providence and II :30 a.m .. to be followed by the pope said. - '. in from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the son of the late Patrick J. and "May this Lenten season heightBrother LaGressa's 'Teens" presTuesday, March 5, at Cathedral Hannah (Corcoran) Moriarty. Af- entation from I to 3 p.m. en this awareness in all of us and Camp, East Freetown. ter preparation for the priesthood increase our commitment to charRegistration information may at Our Lady of Providence Semi- be obtained from the diocesan Papal Message. ity," Pope John Paul said. nary, Warwick, RI; St. Mary's Sem- youth ministry office, 763-3137. I n his annual Lenten message, Pope John Paul II calls for "solidinary, Baltimore; arid St. John's arity in working to overcome the Seminary, Brighton, he was ordained at St. Mary's Cathedral poverty and underdevelopment in April 25, 1959. ~hi~,h millions of human beings , live. In the Fall River diocese, he was a parochial vicar atSt. Francis The pope also invoked the words Xavier parish, Hyannis; Sacred of St. John Chrysostom, who said .~p ~.~ Heart, Taunton; and St:. Mary, that to honor Christ's body one My North Attleboro, in addition to should not "honor him here in the the cathedraL church with silken garments while Live, my triune God, Incardinated in the Providence neglecting him outside where he is diocese in 1972, he served at SS. cold and naked." So live in me Peter and Paul Cathedral, Provithat all I do 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111 dence; St. Mary, Newport; and St. be done by You. Peter, Warwick. Mount St. Mary's Academy in That all I think ' Father Moriarty is survived by a Fall River. She received a degree and all I say sister, Sister Mary Moriarty, RSM, in ed ucation from Catholic Teachers' of St. Edward parish, Pawtucket; be Your thoughts College in Providence and a masand a brother, Joseph P. Moriarty ter's degree from Catholic Univerand words this day. Amen. of Providence. sity of America, Washington, DC.

Diocese looks toward Lent

training series set for youth ministers


Father Moriarty'







Triune God


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri.. Feb.

8. 1991


Pope c'oncei'ned for Canadian Indians VATlCAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II expressed his concern for the rights of native peoples during a recent meeting with leaders of the Canadian bishop's conference, Bishop Robert Lebel of Valleyfield, Quebec, conference

president, said the pope "knew all about the problems" last summer between Mohawk Indians and the government in Quebec. The tribe and the province clashed in a dispute over land which the Indians consider to be sacred,

Greater Fall River Junior Achievement In conjunction with WSAR .Radio Presents

PASTOR EMERITUS REV. JOSEPH R. Pannoni is feted on Feb. 4, his 90th birthday, at Holy Rosary Church, Fall River, by parishioners and pastor Father Vincent Diaferio, who was also honored on his 33rd anniversary of ordination. Also pictured is Holy Rosary Guild president Rose Sasso. (Hickey photo)

The Clancy Brothers with Robbie O'Connell~(\\o'l \} ~i~~\ ~ In Concert




Former Jesuit superior dies in Rome Continued from Page One itude for his life and for his intercession that we may be faithful to his example. F a the r A rrupe was e Iec t e d th e 28th superior general ofthe Jesuits May 23, 1965, at the age of 57. After his stroke, he asked permission from Pope John Paul to resign as superior general of the world's largest order of priests and brothers, but the pope asked him · t' I to postpone th e r e signa IOn. n October 1981, Pope John Paul named Jesuit Father Paolo Dezza, an Italian, to head the society until it d a new superl' or cou Id b e e ec e t ,3 'rr ' d Father A upe reslgne S ep., 1983, at the 33rd general congregation of the Jesuits, which elected his successor and the current superior Father Pet -H K I _ , er ans 0 ven bach In 'hl's far ewe II a dd ress, F a th er Arrupe said that during his tenure there were flaws in the order's ' d evelopment , b u t "'t I remams a fact that there was great progress, in personal conversion, in the aposto late in concern fo th f . refu ~es" r e poor, or D~rin'g his early years as superior general, the Spanish Jesuit faced rebeili' 'thO th d on WI m e or er, Pope Paul VI alluded to the situation in 1966 when he told more than 230 Jesuits meeting Rome of his "surprise" and "grief' over reports ofa movement am J 't esUi sl toward "mo re f ree an dong persona expression" " . Dutch Jesuits raised a challenge to church authority in the fall of 1968 when Jesuit Father Josef Vrijburg, a chaplain at the U niversity of Amsterdam, announced that he intended to marry.

Two other Jesuit chaplains at the university supported the dissident and one called for an end to obligatory celibacy, In 1974-75 Father Arrupe called h J ., h d' t e eSUlt~ sevent extraor, ma.ry congreg,atlon to address major ISsues facmg the order. In a. speehch tbo tkhedgeneraJI co.ngregatlOn,. ere u e so~e eSUIts f~r spreadmg false gossl~ ~bout himself, P~pe Paul and ,o~flclal,s of the church s central admmlstratlOn. I D 1980 I n, a ec~mb,er . etter. to JesUIt supe.rlors m Latm America, ~here ~ serious church debat~ o~er liberatIOn theology and Chnstlan ' ana I ' h a d been uses 0 f M arxlst YSIS 'f h d d ragmg or more, t an a eca e, Father A~rupe s~ld some el,ements of MarXist social, a,nalysls were acceptable to Chnstlans, but the , prlnclp " Ies 0 f M arxlsm ' major were anti-Christian, He said Marxist . I I' b d 'f' socia ana YSlS can e use I It c~n be ~~lly se~arated ,from ,MarXist political, philosophical or Ideolog. I . , Ica presuppOSitIOns. . Father Arrupe was a Spanish Basque. He was born Nov. 14, 1907, in Bilbao in northern Spain. He was the youngest of five children and the only boy. In 1922, Father Arrupe entered h U' , f M d 'd d t e . ~lvefSlty 0 ~!I to stu y, m~dlcme. There he ~omed the St. Vmcent de P~~I, Society and spent ~a,ny.~oulrls vdlslhtmgt.hle Pf~or. Those VISitS pu e t e vel 0 Ignorance from my eyes," he later wrote. Wh'l h . I I.e t e young,man was m co lege. hiS parents died and shortly thereafter he visited the Marian shrine of Lourdes France where ."

he witnessed three cures that he considered miraculous'. "Those three miracles I witnessed impressed me deeply," he later wrote. "After having studied in the h f ' I" , atm?sp ere 0 an Irre IgIOU~ Unlverslty, ~he,re th~ professor~ m t.he n~me of s,clence mdulged m dlatrlbeGs adgalhnst t~e sup,ernatural, I met 0 tree times. At ag~ 20, F~~her Arrupe entered ,the J~SUlt novItiate at l.oyo~a, near the birthplace of St. IgnatiUs. He d' d' S ' B ' d h stu Ie m pam, elglUm an t e N~therlands, where he was ordamed Oct., 30, ,1936, After ordmatlOn, Father Arrupe f'mls . h ed h'IS t h ' I an d me d'1eo i oglca I 'h U . d S ca courses ,m t e nlte tates and made hiS ma~datory ye~~ of ~etreat at St. Stanislaus novItiate m Cleveland. H e h a d stu d'Ie d psyc h'latry 'mh t e NetheriandsandcontinuedatCathI' U' . , W h' d 0 IC nlverslty I,n as mgton a~ also ~ork~d b~lefly a~ong .Latm American Immigrants m Chicago. I S b 1938 F h A n eptem .er , a t er ~rupe, wa~ assigned to the Jesuit miSSIOns mJapan, where he learned Japanese and became superior of the Jesuit novitiate ~n. Hiroshima. He was at the novltl~te Aug. 6, 1945, when the United States d d h 'b b b roppe. t e atomic om a out fo~r miles away. , It was 8: 15 when a magnesIUm flash, re~t the blue sky and l~kdUll contmumg roar - more I e a cataract than a bomb,...... was heard , h f' h ' f . "h I Wit rig tenlng orce, eater wrote. "It was like an earthquake." F th A I d h fi t a er rrupe e t, e Irs rescue Turn to Page II


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Close by but far from ordln~

the moorin&.-, Lenten Peace Will the observance of Lent be any different this year in the American church .or will/it be simply ashes and palms? If the church is aware of the real world, there should indeed be a noticeable difference in our lives this Lent. As a nation, we have adopted yellow ribbons as a symbol of our yearning for peace and for the speedy return home of our service personnel. Certainly the ribbons help people feel they are expressing support of our troops, but America needs more than tokens. As a people, we have failed to end the violence that rules our own cities and neighborh09ds. More people are murdered daily on our streets than are reported as casualties in the Middle East. More Americans are raped and otherwise assaulted in their own homes, and more'children are sexually abused and beaten than official figures show. The litany of domestic woes is ever increasing. When one also considers our problems of substance abuse and homelessness, one wonders if peace is possible at home, let alone the Persian Gulf. If we are indeed to give domestic peace a chance, we must do more than tie a few yellow ribbons around trees. We have so insulated ourselves from the war on the home front by retreating to our own little castles that we are losing concern for each other. The Middle East strife is for most an ongoing television serial; the gritty war at home seems too much for us to handle. It is not too difficult to support something that so far at least demands little personal involvement, save, of course, for those actually in action; but for the vast majority the recession poses a greater threat to personal freedom than does what is happening abroad. To be sure, the combination of war and recession is causing many to turn to God and the church. One may question the motivation of some, but not the fact. The situation perhaps is offering the opportunity for the churches of this land once again to teach as Jesus did, to let his message be heard without what might be called editorial comment. People have deep needs. Many churches fail to meet those needs because they are wedded to careless an<;l trite routines that seemingly only death could change. Such churches often find congregation members "voting with their feet," in other words, moving to other churches or not attending church at . all. Yet in hard times people look to the church for real and honest support to help them as they in turn try to face life honestly and courageously. What an opportunity we all have this Lent! A return to prayer and fasting may seem too old-fashioned for some, but let us remember that every serviceman and woman in the Gulf is involved willy-nilly in a form of fasting. Noone is giving culinary a wards to the M REs or "meals ready to eat" that they are issu~d! Jesus himself gave us the example of self-disciplined living and Lent is the preeminent time to follow his lead. Perhaps a little austerity will help us find greater meaning in our own lives, developing in' us a renewed vision of faith that will encourage us to overcome the self-centeredness characteristic of so many Americans. The church in general should see Lent as a time to go beyond paperwork and administrative detail to seek for herself and her members the peace that no war can destroy, the inner peace that comes to those who live in the spirit of the Gospel. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic P.ress of the Diocese of Fall River P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev, Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., STD" EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev, John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~ ~ Leary Press-Fall River

('NS photo


"Behold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." Matt. 28:20 '

Good ethics also good for business WASHINGTON(CNS)- Massive changes in business and a general loss of "cultural cohesiveness" in America have left it up to corporate leaders "to create a climate that encourages and enforces ethical standards in their workplace," says a report from the Woodstock Theological Center in Washington. Titled "Creating and Maintaining an Ethical Corporate Climate," the 6,OOO-word report analyzes key ethical values needed for a corporation to be both successful and responsible, the ways such values should be encouraged and enforced at all levels of corporate life, and the central role that corporate heads and their managers play in developing and maintaining them. The report was the product of two years of study seminars and two major conferences by more than 30 leading U.S. figures in business, government and academia. Among seminar participants were top executives of BankAmerica Corp., The Chase Manhattan Bank, Chemical Bank, ITT Corp., The Kaempfer Company and the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering. Academic participants included professors of law, business and eithics and the presidents of several academic institutions. The Woodstck Center is a Jesuitrun think-tank dealing with social, economic and political issues from an ethical and Christian perspective. There is "growing concern" among business leaders about their need for an "ethical climate," the report said. "Though always important, this task has taken on a new urgency for corporate executives," it said. It said a breakdown of an ethical consensus in American society requires corporate leaders to "work

all the harder to fill the void by consciously creating an ethical business climate." Since they can't assume all their workers share the same values, it said, "the first step for corporate leaders ... is to identify and articulate the values they regard as vital if business is to function effectively and make a positive contribution to the larger society." Eight key values listed by the report were responsibility of purpose, responsibility to constituencies, honesty, reliability, fairness, integrity, respect for the individual and respect for property. Seminar participants noted that some business goals normally not thought of in ethical terms. such as competence and quality. can have important ethical implications. "Incompetence, carelessness or production of flawed goods injures the firm's constituencies and increases pressure to violate other ethical principles," they said. They cited a need for corporate executives and managers to discuss corporate ethics explicitly and to set an ethical tone by personal 'example. They noted, for example, that "self-dealing by executiv'es and self-defined compensation programs that are not reasonably related to performance are inherently unfair to the rest of the firm ... and contribute to a climate of cynicism." 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-o20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas 'at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall.River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid SII.OO per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.

An ethical climate, they said, is "a process" that "needs constant care and attention" - from ethical discussions and decisions in board rooms 'and managerial meetings, to day-by-day enforcement and reward of ethical behavior throughout the workplace, to informing new employees of such standards at the time of hiring. The report noted that ethical commitments lTIay at times require businesses to suffer "short-term costs or trade-offs against business objectives" for the sake of preserving and reinforcing core values. But in the long run, it said, ethical practices promote business success. "A firm that incorporates ethical considerations deeply into its day-to-day operating style will find that it earns a reputation among its customers, clients, competitors and investors as a fair, honest and reliable firm with which to do business," the report said. "The communities where the firm operates will, over time, probably come to appreciate its presence in the community, respect its employees as good corporate citizens and cooperate with it in building facilities and creating jobs." , The report concluded with a ' three-page checklist of questions a corporate leader should ask to determine strengths and weaknesses in the ethical路c1imate of his or her firm. The report on corporate ethics was the second produced by the seminar group. Earlier it published a report on "Ethical Considerations in Corporate Takeovers." The new report is available from Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057.

Life anddeath decisions' Dear Dr. Kenny: My father is 90 years old. His wife died two years ago. Now he's not well, and hesays he wants to die, to be with Mom. He is in a nursing home, almost blind and paralyzed on his right side. Now he has started to bleed from his rectum. The doctor wants to do exploratory surgery. My dad says no. What should I do? Should I support my dad or tell him he must go through with the surgery? - Indiana. While your emotions may not be easy to handle, your question is easy to answer. You should be supportive of your father's wishes. He is apparently of right mind. You should not second-guess him. Almost all moralists agree that we are not obliged to take extraordinary means to prolong life. I regard this exploratory surgery as an out-of-the-ordinary intervention. You do. however, raise a very real question faced by many families today: At what point can I let my elderly parent die'? . To carry your question further, let us suppose that your father were no longer conscious or rational. In fact. you. like many others. may be facing this situation in the near future. Here are some practical guidelines to consider as you tackle this hard choice. I. What were' your father's wishes? As well as you, can determine from his words and actions while he was conscious. what would he want you to do'? 2. What would you want done if you were in a similar situati'on'? As next of kin. you and the other children might consider how you could want others to decide for you. If your father has not stated his wishes clearly. thc assumption would be that his wishes would parallel yours. 3. Consult with all t he close relatives, particularly spouse. parents and children. If you go beyond the intimate family. you involve too many people. and no decision is likely. But ask all the immediate relatives and attempt to arrive at a consensus. 4. Ask your physician to distinguish between ordinary and extra-

DAILY READINGS Feb. 11: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104: 1-2 ,5-6,10,12,24,35; .Mk 6:53-56 Feb. 12: Gn 1:20-2:4; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Feb. 13: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6,12-14,17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6,16-18 Feb. 14: Dt 30: 15-20; Ps 1: 1-4,6; lk 9:22-25 Feb. 15: Is 58: 1-9; Ps 51:3-6,18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Feb. 16: Is 58:9-14; Ps 86:1-6; lk 5:27-32 Feb. 17: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15

Boston priest actor, film consultant BOSTON (CNS) Actors Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter may be the stars of the new movie"Once Around," but a priest of the Boston archdiocese who has a cameo role in the film has become its box office draw in his community. Father William Wolkovich, pastor of St. George parish in Norwood, not only played a priest By Dr. JAMES & in the movie but was also a consulMARY KENNY tant for it. ordinary means. Surgery and most . Filmed in Boston, New Hampchemotherapy are still considered shire and North Carolina last year, extraordinary. Advanced technol"Once Around" is about the marogy, however, has made some interrjage of a Lithuanian-American ventions more common. Are blood and an Italian-American and the reactions of their families. transfusions extraordinary'? What One of the scenes calle'd for a about CPR,? Oxygen'? 5. When in doubt, choose life. baptism and Father Wolkovich As you can see. there is no single performed the ceremony for the answer that applies to everyone. movie. The archdiocese of Boston General principles can help. but allowed the cast and crew of the each family must make some diffimovie to film the baptism scene at cult personal choices. Roxbury's Mission Church in All of us choose life. But artifiBoston. cially prolonging a painful life well Father Wolkovich was chosen for the film because the script beyond hope can be a cruelty. So listen to your parents. Concalled for a Lithuanian-speaking sult with other close relatives. Pray priest. A Boston casting company to God. And make the best deciwas unable to fill the part from its list of actors and the film makers sion you can. , Questions on family living or tracked down Father Wolkovich child care'to be answered in print at his Lithuanian parish. are invited, by The Kennys 219 W. The priest played a key role in . Harrison St., Rennselaer, Ind. answering the film makers' questions about the Lithuanian lan47978. guage and religious references. He said he was impressed by how attentive and respectful the film makers were to his advice and suggestions. The director of the film, Lasse Feb. 9 Halstrom. left it up to the priest to 1963, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. provide the baby in the film with a Kelly, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, \' Fall River' ' . name. "Marija-Birute is the name I 1985, Rev. Vincent R. Dolbec, gave to the infant," Father WolA.A .. Assumption College kovich said. "Marija was to honor 1972. Rev.' Peter J. McKone, the Blessed Mother. Birute is an S.J., Bishop Connolly High School, original Lithuanian name which Fall River has no actual English equivalent." Feb. 10 Father Wolkovich also advised 1966, Rev. Edward L. O'Brien. Dreyfuss on a scene that called for St. Mary, Mansfield him to sing in Lithu;lI1ian. 1983, Rev. Lucien A. Madore, As a "student," the Oscar-winRetired Chaplain of M t. St. Joseph ning actor was "humble and lisSchool. Fall River, Director, Notre tened carefully," the priest said. "I Dame Cemetery, Fall River was very impressed with his sensitivity to the subject matter." Feb. II Father Wolkovich said he was 1961, Rev. John J. Sullivan, happy to see Lithuanian aspects in S.T.L., Pastor. Holy Rosary, Fall a movie. One of the priest's friends, River a Lithuanian historian, told him 1987. Rev. William J. McMathat as far as he knew, "Once hon, Retired Pastor, St. Joan of Around" was the first major HollyArc, Orleans wood movie with a Lithuanian 1910. Rev. John O'Connell, aspect. Founder, S1. John Evangelist, When a parishioner congratuAttleboro lated him on landing a "bit part," Father Walkovich said he laughed Feb. 12 and corrected the parishioner. 1961. Rev. Stanislaus B. Albert, SS.Ce., Sacred Hearts Monastery. Fairhaven Feb. 14 1932. Rev. Charles E. Clerk, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River 1980, Rev. Msgr. Francis E. McKeon, Pastor Emeritus, Sacred Heart, Taunton


- Fri., Feb. 8, 1991

"I told him 'cameo role' sounded much better," Father Wolkovich said. .

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Feb. 15 1910. Rev. Joseph G. Lavalle. Pastor. S1. Mathieu. Fall River 1957, Rev. James e. Conlon, Pastor, St. Mary, Norton

Conviction "The hallmark of courage in our age of conformity is the capacity to stand on one'sconvictions--not obstinately or defiantly... but simpiy because these are what one believes." --Rollo May

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall


The Anchor Friday, Feb. 8, 1991


As news reports of casualties in the Persian Gulf come in. we should not become too upset - not, that is, if we were among the fortunate

The true arithmetic of the Persian Gulf by J. William Brosius in The Wall Street Journal. Brosius, trained at Harvard Business School, was a statistical officer in World War II. He wrote that when it comes to considering the possibility of deaths in Desert Storm "a reasonable estimate can be made based on historical fact rather than hysterical hyperbole." That was good to know. From that point on, a reader just had to be 'wowed by how much better things have been getting when it comes to war casualties. Consider this: Brosius tells us that in the American Revolution casualties were between "one in

seven to one in 10 of those who served."

one in 106. And by Vietnam, the ratio was, he writes, "vastly better than ever before, at one death out of every 150 who served."

"Among the Union forces in the Civil War the rate of loss was one in six" because"deaths from causes other than battle were 60 percent higher than those from combat," he writes, attributing these non~ombat deaths to disease. Moreover, our record "improved as time went on, with losses from all causes in World War I at one in 41."

He concludes that from these records we can deduce many good things when it comes to casualties in a war with Iraq. I quote again, "Regrettable as any deaths are, we can be thankful that they likely will be lower as a ratio of those serving than at any time before in a major war operation."

It gets better. By World War II, that ratio had gone down a point, with only one death from all causes for each 40 who served. In the Korean War the ratio was down to

I have no doubt that Brosius would prefer peace to war and that he is hoping, as we all are, that not one more American dies in this miserable mess.

But I cannot help feeling the coldness of his facts and I cannot rejoice just because fewer now die from battle wounds as compared to all causes of death in a war. I think what is out of whack is that he is trying to measure deaths mathematically when they can only measured by tears. I have shed a good many of those tears. And a strange thing about them is that they cannot be washed away or dried. They make a permanent mark because they do not originate in the eyes, but in the heart. The deaths that come from this war should be counted in human terms, not by a calculator.

Barriers and boosters to spirituality: a Lenten study, By DOLORES CURRAN

. When we're down, we find it hard to believe there's a God and harder even to pray to him but when things are going well, we find God believable and close. We use the word spirituality in connection with religion so often that we come to believe the two are synonymous. They aren't. Religion

is one part of our spirituality but in with God. Boosters like humor, its broader sense, spirituality means optimism, idealism and forgiveness the life of the spirit within us. Just enhance our relationship with him as we have a physical side, an inteland his people. lectual side and a sexual side, we ' have an emotional or spiritual Today physical fitness has beside. come a pseudo-religion. Most of us want to be fit but a lot of things Any of these parts can be in good or ill health. When our spir- get in the way - eating habits, its are good, we love better, we lack of exercise, insufficient time, bad knees, and so on. Only when care more about others, and we know there's a God. But when our we deal with each of these will our spirits are low, we question God, fitness level improve. we find prayer empty and we don't The same is true of spiritual fitcare much about others. ness. To be a whole person, we need to attend to all our dimenSo it's wise to examine those barriers and boosters to a healthy sions. If we're physically fit but spirit and that's what we're going spiritually empty, we are not whole. to do this Lent. Barriers like anger, Indeed, many fitness addicts atnegativity, fear, perfectionism and tempt to cover up their spiritual stress block a rich relationship emptiness by running more miles a

day, only to discover that their high doesn't last. Intellectual addicts will attend more lectures, read more books, and get more degrees but their emptiness remains if they ignore their spiritual side. Sexual addicts will seek ever 'more titillating partners and escapades only to find their spirits jaded. We have much to learn from those who are healthy spiritually. Like Jesus who took time to go into the desert and pray, they sense that to be truly happy and at peace with themselves and others, they must put a little desert in their I!ves. They aren't afraid to be spon'taneous, silly, idealistic, or hope-

ful, even if they're called naive. They don't equate spirituality with grimness. Someone once defined Puritanism as the haunting fear that someone ~;omewhere might be happy, and I'm afraid many"spiritual" searchers subscribe to this belief. The truly spiritual person is not grim, despairing, and perfectionist but one who searches for hope, lives with optimism, and finds joy in God. John Gardner was referring to these when he said, "Some people strengthen society just by being the kind of people they are." In the next five '-weeks, we'll examine the ibarriers which prevent us from achieving a healthy spiritual life and the boosters which ,improve our spiritual fitness.

Will the war lock us into a combative- mood? By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK

We were blessed with peace. But suddenly peace was ruptured by a war that left us numb. Our lives have been shaken by news reports of the war, the presence offamily members and friends in Saudi Arabia and concern about the impact of this war on the economy - and on us.

A balanced life depends greatly on how well we keep in touch with ourselves. Having a set of values to fall back on is essential. Unfortunately. war makes it difficult to keep in touch with ourselves and our values. Media reports bombard us. taking possession of our thoughts and e.motions. But if we are to maintain sanity. we need breathing room. We must step back from the news, think the war through for ourselves and reflect on our values so that we know why we feel as we do. These are fearful times! H owever. fear and love are interdependent. If we don't love we cannot fear.

Ironically, fea'r jars u~' into remembering how valuable love and life are. More than ever we realize how much loved ones. unity and peace mean to us. These values become more compelling when they are threatened. as they are now. What do we fear? We fear losing people we love. Of course, we fear the war itself and terrorism. Then there is the fear that emerges from contemplating the loss of harmony with another nation. For I believe few if any of us would want to be in the position of hating another just because he or she is an Iraqi. How to overcome these fears and to restore balance is our biggest challenge.

More than ever before we must deepen the desire for peace, pray for a quick resolution of the war and never let another person do our reasoning for us. Prayer. reflection and a clear desire for unity keep our hearts from hardening and steady us. Praying for what is right - for the best - is not easy. however. The air is filled with hate a'nd fear. Daily we hear reports of atrocities by Saddam Hussein. We keep hearing that not only the Iraqi people. but the Arab world hates America. Many news reports have centered on hatred and brutality. The result is that we, too, focus on war, its machines and its incredible capacity for destruction.

We risk becoming like spectators at the Super Bowl, analyzing the players' potential. The war becomes a spectacle and we become locked into its combative mood. As the war and the coverage of it goes. so goes our sense of balance. As patriotic people, we must do everything in our power to support our troops. As individuals, we must do everything to keep ourselves intact as persons. It is essential at this time to practice the virtues of prudence and fortitude. This means keeping our powers of reasoning alive and refusing to suo:cumb to a hardening of the heart. Translation: We must maintain our balance at a very difficult time.

Should one stand or kneel at the consecration? By FATHER JOHN J. DIETZEN

Q. \Vould you give us information regarding standing and kneeling during the consecration of the Mass? Our parish is quite traditional. Recently we visited another parish where the congregation only stood or sat. There was no kneeling during the entire Mass. . This upset me. There seems to be no humility while standing during this part of the Mass. What is the right thing to do? (Wisconsin) A. The regulations of the church


are simple. Generally, people are to stand from the prayer over the gifts (said by the priest just before the preface of the Eucharistic Prayer) to the end of Mass. Exceptions are, they should sit after Communion if there is a time of meditation, and they should "kneel at the consecration unless prevented by lack of space, large numbers or other reasonable cause" (General Instruction of the Roman MissaL 21) In 1969 the American bishops adapted this ruling for the United States, providing that people should kneel from after the Sanctus (H oly, holy. holy) acclamatio!,! until after the Amen at, the end of the Eucharistic Prayer (Appendix to the Generallnstruction, 21). It may help your blood pressure if you remember that many litur-

gical practices, differ immensely from time to time, and place to place. For many centuries. Christians never knelt at Mass. When larger churches and basilicas were built, standing was the normal posture through the entire Mass. In fact, in Rome and other ancient and modern cities, numerous Christian churches do not have seats. let alone kneelers. Even to this day, all four major Eucharistic Prayers refer to the people as "standing" around the altar (using the Latin "circumstantes." those standing around; or the verb "astare," to stand near). 1 don't wish to demean the idea or practice of kneeling at Mass. but it's worthwhile to keep things in perspective. Even in the Western world, kneeling and genuflect-

ing have been part of the Mass for only a few hundred years. Before that, kneeling was primarilya sign of penance and contrition. During one period of the church's history it was actually forbidden to kneel during Mass, and standing was obligatory on Sundays and during the Easter season. As the missal says, "A common posture observed by all is a sign of the unity of the assembly and its sense of community. It expresses and fosters the inner spirit and purpose of those who take part in it" (General Instruction on the Roman Missal, 20) Cultural customs and traditions can never be ignored. The church's general practice and the American bishops honor those traditions in 'attempting to preserve that "sense of community" in action.

But the history of cultures and of our church proves that in itself one posture is not necessarily better or humbler than another. It is good to keep some balance in one's reactions to things that may offend our sense of tradition, but which have little to do with the essentials of our faith. A free brochure giving the basic prayers, beliefs and practices of Catholic faith iis available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address. The Call "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." - Dietrich Bonhoefer

Mary. What possible reason'could these youngsters have to make up such stories? Robert Dolittle, a youth ministry worker, said of some young p~ople he took to Medjugorje that VIrtually l!1l of his group saw the ~iracle ofthe sun, pulsating, spinnIng or changing colors able to be seen with the naked eye. Then there is the transformation of the village people who fast on bread and water Wednesday and Friday, pack the church evenings for daily Mass and go to confession monthly. As at Fatima, Mary is calling for daily rosaries, fasting and prayer for conversion of sinners. At' Fat~­ ima, Portugal, in 1917, Mary said the war then raging would soon end but if people did not stop'sinning... many nations would be overcome by communism and be destroyed. This has happened in World War II and ever since there have ~een ~ars. At present our country IS agaIn faced with wars abroad and bankruptcy at home. Still there seems to be an effort to downPlay the importance of the ~atima message.... Many people In our church have never heard of Medjugorje. Our churches should be shouting this message' from the housetops. Everyone should be on their knees praying for peace, conversion and love for one another. Eliot Bennett Fairhaven

those citizens who have most to contribute to the commonweal. I find some of Reic.h's observaDear Editor: The introduction of the hew tions quite disturbing and I look movie rating, "NC-I7" to replace' forward to reading them in more the old pornographic movie "X" depth when his book appears. Rev. Dave Buehler rating, for the fraudulent reason Evangelical Lutheran Church that it will give the moviegoer the in America chance to see films with "adult Director of Pastoral Care themes", and take these movies Charlton Memorial Hospital out oftht;ir formerly rated "X" ratFall River ing, will only open a Pandora's box for our people. It is to be noted that "X" rated movies were formerly shunned by theater owners, as well as the adverDear Editor: tising media. This stigma has now As women commited to peace, been replaced with the new rating we, the Mercy Justice Coalition of of "NC-17" which covers old "X" the Sisters of Mercy of the Amerirated films but also new films with cas, deeply regret that diplomatic a "so-called" adult theme. What a efforts to negotiate a settlement of ploy for movie goers to digest! One theater executive called the' the problems in the Middle East have been abandoned and replaced change "a change of the color of by war. We deplore 'the expendithe paint." Another stated, "once ture of human and material rean "X" rated film, always an "X" sources on this primitive method rated film." It is to be kept in mind of conflict resolution. that the content of the dirty film is It is especially deplorable at a . not changed! . time when we, along with others It should be interesting for all committed to education, health firmgoers that in the last release by ca.re and social welfare, are strugthe rating board, six movies were glIng and often failing to find the rated "R" and three were rated means of providing these basic "NC-17." The latter three were human rights for an increasing Dear Editor: formerly rated "X." In other words, number of people. We expect that My name is Father Emil Cook we will have foisted on us three the costs of this war, as of all wars and I am a Franciscan missionary "X"-rated movies. The subterfuge i~ our history, will be disproporhere in Honduras. I want to beg is startling. tIOnately borne by the poor. your help in putting a plea in your We urge all parents tobe on the We pledge ourselves to pray for diocesan newspaper. alert for these new "NC-J7" ratthe safety of all - whatever their Jesus commands us to feed the ings, and ask all of the media to nation - who are directly involved hungry, give shelter to the poor, shun advertising them. Thank yo~ in the military action and we clothe the naked, care for orphans. for your courtesy. commit ourselves to look for nonThe face of Jesus shines forth in Thomas A. Walsh to resolve conflicts in violent ways those that suffer especially and Secretary, Morality in Media the hope that a truly new world when we do g'ood to those that order will someday emerge. suffer, we do it to Jesus. Mercy Justice Coalition Can you help us to take care of Silver Spring M D Jesus in these poor boys and orDear Editor: phans that we have. We have two St. Mary's College Seminary in high schools with Boystowns and St. Mary, Ky. closed its doors in / an orphanage. 1977 after serving the church \veil We need clothing for men, woDear Editor: for over 156 years. men, girls, boys and babies. We An item in the Anchor for Jan. In conjunction with the closing need soap, toothpaste, pots, pans, 1.1 .reads "Bishops say Medjugorje of the college, the alumni associachalk, notebooks, pens etc. We VISIOns not supernatural." Why tion was also dissolved. As a result ellpecially need donations. does th~ Anchor print only stories current addresses of alumni ar~ If you can help us, please send that dende these apparitions? (See not available. items/ donations to: story defending the visions in AnI ask the assistance of readers to Post Chaplain's Office chor~or Jan. 25. Editor.) How can spread the word of an SMC alumni attn: Fr. Emil Cook OFM Conv. the bls~ops say that Mary is not reunion to be held in Bardstown Joint Task Force Bravo appeanng to these children? To Ky. this July 26, 27 and 28. ' APO Miami, F1. 34042 say this would seem to presume Interested alumni may contact these children are lying when they Father Emil Cook, me for more information. Thank say they have seen and talked to OFM Conv. you. John F. Poland 227 Old Riverside Rd. Baltimore, M D 21225

NC-17 rating

Primitive method


Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., Feb. 8, 1991

Rerum Novarum anniversary p~ogram planned at Stonehill College The Fall Riverdioceseand Stonehill College will cosponsor a daylong workshop on labor and management to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo X II I's 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of the Working Classes). The program will be held March 9 on the Stonehill campus in North Easton. Resource persons include Father J. Bryan Hehir, Kennedy professor of Christian ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, DC; Rev. James Hennessey of Canis ius College, Buffalo, NY; and Dorothy Shields of the AFL-CIO, Washington. DC. Information is available from

Prof. James Kenneally of the Martin Center, 230-1120. or Rev. Robert Oliveira at the Diocesan Department of Education, 6782828. "Nelli England hO.lf'ilaliry With a EUTOpean Flair"




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A boutM edjugorje

Mooring editorials Dear Editor: Just a note to thank you for editing a thought-provoking weekly paper for the Diocese of Fall River. In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, I find that the Anchor gives IJole .much hope for the unity of Chnstians one day, perhaps in our own lifetimes. .I have been especially impressed wIth some of :'the mooring" articles on poverty, justice and peace. For this reason I'm enclosing an item from yesterday's New York Times which I think may interest you. It speaks to the issue of NIMBY ("not in my backyard") which seems to be only a symptom ~f a .much larger retreat from pubhc hfe today ~ l~specially among



I it"

,}The1991 'DiocesanDirecto~y 'and i;JJuyers' Guide is now available. !"topies have' been mailed to those:: 1;~horequested this service. It may l~lso be pi~ked up at a cost of l$ 5per ;.~opy .at the Anchor office, 887 :flighland Ave., Fall River, from 9 l;r.~.>to 5 p.m. Monday.. <~~rough ;'rl~"~Y· " , ..

Age: 46

Native of: Wesl Long Branch. New Jersey Vocation: Service 10 God Work: Nursing incurable cancer palients. Prior Experience: Insurance broker for a casualty agency. Interests: Reading. photography. sporlS. walking. cross slilching and needlepoint.

.. For a /lumber ofyears [he thought ofentering a religious communit.... lVould jfeeti/lg~y cross my mi/ld. The Ihoughts became more frequent and lessjieetII1g UllI11 I fwd to make a decisio/l ... o/le which I wil/ /lever regret. II is a be{~utif!1! life that 1 have bee/l called to, a life lil'ed totally for God and one wll/cll IS fillly rewarded by His love.

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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Feb. 8, 1991


Afro-American prayer day WASHINGTON (CNS) - The president of th,e National Office for Black Catholics has asked U.S. Catholic bishops to proclaim Feb. 10 a day of prayer for the AfricanAmerican community. "Our prayer for this second national day of prayer for AfricanAmericans is focused on our coming together to unite and build our communities and save our AfricanAmerican families," said the offi-· cial, James McConduit. McConduit also urged memoers of other denominations to join in the observance, to be held annually on the second Sunday of February, which is Black History Month. In addition, he said, "we call upon our religious communities of sisters, brothers and clergy not in parishes to observe this day with us for they have been a pillar of strength to us." The Washington-based National

Office for Black Catholics has distributed'a prayer of the faithful to be used at Sunday Masses and also asked that this year one minute of silent prayer be observed for the men and women in Saudi Arabia. Among the petitions contained . in the prayer, - "Give us staying power to stamp out drugs and crime from our community. - "Give usstaying power to wipe out self-hate with self-respect. - "'Give us stayi;}g power-t'o' strive for the very best inour daily lives... and 0 Lord, give us staying power to overcome racism, discrimination and sexism in our church, our society, on our jobs and in our local communities. - "Bless our children, our youth, our single mothers and fathers, our young and middle-aged adults and 0 Lord help us to love and resrect our elders.

Persian Gulf crisis sparks conscientious objections WASHINGTON (CNS) - The issue of conscientious objection to military service has. as with many other issues of war and peace. been given a higher profile during the Persian Gulf crisis. While most comments on conscientious objection have come fro!11 peace and anti-draft activists .some have come from soldiers in the armed forces and reserves. Most U.S. soldiers today have at best shadowy memories of the extended debate over U.S. involvement in Vietnam. At that time protesters were usually those who did not want to be drafted and Vietnam veterans who decried the war after they left the service. Since Vietnam. U.S. combat duties have been brief tactical strikes requiring few troops. as with Grenada and Panama. But the Persian Gulf crisis. involving some 150.000 troops. represents a real possibility for soldiers to be killed in combat. Some objecting soldiers have refused to go. as have some objecting reservists. One Army enlisted reservist in Arlington. Va .. identified in a Washington Post interview only as 25-year-old" Mike." said in September he realized as he held a rifle on his first day of training that he' could not kill another human being. Mike cited his Catholic upbringing, telling the Post he wants to "serve in some capacity,' but I couldn't kill another person. I have the ability to empathize with the soldier on the other side ... eVen an Iraqi. They might have a family, kids, dreams, aspirations for the future. Ev'eryone has a right to life." A Marine reservist. Lance Cpl. Erik Larsen, said he would seek sanctuary in a church rather than fight an oil war. "I will refuse orders to ship me to Saudi Arabia to defend our polluting, exploitive lifestyle," Larsen told a San Francisco audience of peace activists. He said he would seek a discharge as a conscientious objector. ' Catholic teaching has long honored the principle of conscientious objection. The U.S. bishops have spoken of it favorably in the pastoralletters "Human Life In Our

Day" in 1968 and "The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Our Response." in 1983, as well as in a 1971 declaration on conscientious objection and a 1980 statement on draft registration. The National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors is following the cases of soldiers bal'king at Persian Gulf duty, according to Dave Treber, the board's associate director for legislative liaison. Treber estimates that since compulsory draft registration began in 1980. 5.000 American men have sent the !)Oard copies of letters stating their conscientious objections to war. The board was founded in 1940 by members of the Church of the Brethren. Quakers and Mennonites. "We're definitely getting a lot more calls now." said Treber. adding that one person on the board's staff is assigned to counsel callers with conscientious objections.

Key issues named ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) Racism anq children in poverty are top social issues confronting U.S. Catholics in the 1990s, Archbishop John R. Roach ofSt. PaulMinneapolis said in a pastoral letter calling for a new Catholic commitment to social justice. He called racism "a sin which dehumanizes us." The violence against children that poverty causes is violence against God, he said. In the pastoral. he asked Catholics to make 1991 a year for improving their understanding of Catholic social teaching and working harder to create a more just society.

Intercommunion? LONDON (CNS) - Anglicans visiting France might be able to receive communion in a Catholic church under guidelines issued by the French and English AnglicanRoman Catholic committees. The guidelines were issued primarily to cover people involved in sister-city or twinning exchanges between cities. towns and villages in France and England.

• 687 full-time, active-duty Catholic chaplains -200 Army -264 Navy & Marine Corps -223 Air Force

• 472 Catholic chaplains in reserves • 130 Catholic chaplains in Persian Gulf (All figures as of Jan. 1, 1991)

C1991 eNS Graphics

Soldiers seek sacraments, say military chaplains SILVER SPRING, Md. (CNS) -'Letters from military chaplains serving in the Persian Gulf indicate the desire of soldiers there to receive the sacraments. According to a Jan. 31 statement by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, about 40 letters have been sent by Gulf-based chaplains to archdiocesan headquarters in the Washington suburb of Silver Spring since the first chaplain arrived in August. The archdiocese released excerpts from the letters. which were Christmas greetings to Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan, head of the military archdiocese. Sacramental activity was at the forefront of many excerpts. "I celebrate 12 Masses on the weekend and Mass each day. I have had four adult baptisms. and more seem to be coming. and two inquiries about the priesthood." wrote one chaplain. Another letter said. "Many men are [reI discovering their faith and coming back to the sacraments. I've had many requests for confirmation." . A third letter said, "I have found attendance at Mass and confes'sion to be on the upswing." One chaplain wrote, "Our troops for the most part have good morale but' are often sad and depressed because they are so far from home and miss their families. "I celebrate daily Mass for them, visit their work sites and try to show the love of the church for them. They really appreciate a priest being here." Another chaplain wrote, "I am grateful for the incredible outpouring of prayerful support from all over the country. Our Marines and sailors feel it. and I believe it is one of the reasons why morale is still good." The chaplain who had received

priesthood inquiries, noting that the soldiers he ministered to had been in Saudi Arabia for four months, said, "I am moved at God's working among us in such circumstances as these."

Many Confessions In another story on use of the sacrament of reconciliation, Father Timothy J. Koester. a Navy lieutenant and one of 94 U.S. Catholic chaplains serving in the Persian Gulf. travels to a dozen points in the desert to celebrate Mass and hear confessions, according to a pool report for journalists coveri~!\ the Gulf war. "Since bombing started, they have begun to understand that this is for real." Father Koester said. From the diocese of Buffalo. he entered the Navy Chaplain Corps last February. Ordained in 1983. he is assrgned to the 2nd Force Service Support Group, a Marine unit from Camp Lejeune, N.C. "The young Marines ask me if it's all right to be scared," he said. "I tell them I worry more about those who can't acknowledge their fear." Father Koester said Marines have no difficulty practicing their faith in Saudi Arabia. whose Islamic code forbids the practice of other faiths. "My experience is that the people of Saudi Arabia and the king have encouraged us to be strong in our faith," he said. Father Koester said he had counseled two young Marines who applied for conscientious objector status. He said their applications are pending. He said he is aware most Catholic bishops and Protestant denominations oppose the war, but noted, "My job is just to support the troops."

Female "social health" down TARRYTOWN, N.Y.(CNS)"Women have borne the brunt of America's generally declining social health," according to a new study by Fordham University's Institute for Innovation in Social Policy. Between 1974 'and 1988, women withjobs narrowed the male-female income gap slightly - from 59 cents for each dollar earned by men to 70 cents per dollar, the institute said. But it said women were much worse off on three other indicators measuring their social health. The proportion of poor women increas-

ed 13 percent; the incidence offorcible rape, used as a measure of violence against women, grew by 43 percent; and there was a 25 percent increase in women not covered by health insurance.

Sculptor dies ROM E (CNS) - One of Italy's best-known sculptors, Giacomo Manzu, 82. has died of a heart attack. A man who hated war. he died in Rome the day the Gulf conflict broke out.

Christian Brother' seeks to reform college athletics NEW YORK (CNS) - The president of Manhattan College, a Christian Brothers institution in the Bronx, has become a leader of reform efforts in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the body supervising college sports activity. At this year's NCAA convention, Christian Brother Thomas J. Scanlan proposed the seemingly modest step of disqualifying Division I schools that did not graduate 50 percent of their students on athletic scholarships within five years. The convention did not accept Brother Scanlan's proposal but the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, which includes Manhattan and eight other Catholic institutions, put it before the NCAA. Brother Scanlan said he was one of two people who spoke in favor of it. He said no one was willing to speak against it but delegates voted it down, refusing to have a recorded· vote. Brother Scanlan, who became president of Manhattan in' 1987, said he attended the NCAA convention this year for the first time in order to support this proposal and to oppose another measure, which would have excluded from Division I any college that spent less than $500,000 on athletic aid. Proponents from bigger schools contended that some institutions maintained a major basketball program in order to get in on the NCAA playoff revenues, but had minimal programs in other sports, he said. "But we believe the big schools are trying to drive out the small ones so they can get more of the pie," he said. The $500,000 mln'imum was approved, but the smaller got an interpretation of what was coun_table that will allow most of them to qualify - Manhattan, for example, $650,000 or more on nine men's sports and nine women's. Brother'Scanlan said there was a "scandal" of "real exploitation" of athletes at some schools, with players bringing schools recognition and revenue but then leaving, unable to earn a degree. He said a young man hoping for a professional career in football or basketball but lacking aptitude or desire for college nonetheless sought college admission as the only route to the professional teams. By contrast, he said, young men looking for a baseball career could go directly to a minor league. The professional football and basketball leagues have a moral obligation, Brother Scanlan said, to deal with that problem and not expect colleges to run minor leagues for them. Insofar as race is a factor, with some poor minority youth viewing professional athletics as their only chance for a better life, Brother Scanlan said, colleges have an even greater moral obligation to ensure that these youth get the education they will need 'for their own welfare and the service of their communities.

Affirmation "A man believes more, is more conscious of his belief, his belief becomes more distinct, more serviceable, when !he hears it from another's lips."--Francis A Baker

-........r THE ANCHOR -

Priest shortage is federation topic 1960s to 2,OOO-to-1 today, and ORLANDO, Fla. (eNS) - How the nation's priests view the priest could exceed 3,000-to-1 in 15 years. shortage and priestless' parishes Father Brink said many priests wiII be among main issues address- fear becoming stressed-out sacraed by the National Federation of mental machines out of touch with Priests' Councils at its annual con- their people, especially if they must vention April 29-May 3 in Orlando. serve two or more parishes every The NFPC represents about 24,000 weekend. U.S. priests. "There's not enough time to be "We have many concerns," said with the people," he said. president Father Joseph Brink, Personal contact is vital to min"but our focus is on keeping the istry, said Father Denis Herron of celebration of the Eucharist at the Brooklyn, N.Y., who is chairman heart of Catholic life and how we of the federation's Priestless Pardeal with it with feWI:r priests." ish Committee. , _ Over the past year the federa"If you're coming in to preach in tion has consulted with priests' a community, you need a sense of councils around the country, lay what's happening there.... If you're groups and others such as, the not in touch with [their concerns], Catholic Theological Society of you're not effective," he said. America and the Canon Law He said one of the biggest con'Society of America on implica- cerns about the priest shortage is tions of the priest shortage and that "the Eucharist is being lost." ways to respond to it. He and Father Brink said a Problems related to the shor- document on the priest shortage to tage are growing rapidly. be considered at the Orlando meetThe number of U.S. parishes ing will discuss a wide range of without a resident pastor has nearly ways to deal with it, ranging from doubled in the last five years, consolidation of parishes and naaccording to Official Catholic tional vocation policies to controDirectory statistics. The directory versial proposals such as ordinalists all U.S. church institutions tion of married men and of women. and clergy. The purpose is not to disturb In 1985 it r-eport-ed-that about people but to 'raise the issues and one out of every 19 parishes was get people talking, Father Brink without a resident pastor. In 1990 said. it reported that one out of everY II "The body of bishops seems to was in that situation, be unwilling to discuss what seem According to one national study, .to be some viable options," he the ratio of U.S. Catholic pari- said, and the document will reflect shioners to diocesan priests has on the issues from the perspective jumped from 750-to-1 in the mid- of priests of the country.

Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Feb. 8, 1991

Make Your Move Mortgage money now available.



POPE John Paul II and Archbishop Runcie meet in Assisi, Italy in this 1986 file photo. (eNS/ UPI-Reuters photo)

Opus Dei explains its status



Anglican leader retires at 69

LON DON (CNS) - Archbishop Robert Runcie of Canterbury, Anglicanism's spiritual leader for the past II years, ended his term Jan. 31. Anglican Archbishop John Habgood of York called 69-year-old Archbishop Runcie's tenure an "outstanding ministry." He said that because the Canterbury post has "plenty of influence [but] very little actual power," the Anglican leader had to be highly sensitive and "persuasive .rather than directive." Archbishop Habgood said that Archbishop Runcie's regard for history was possibly the key to his style, which enabled him to steady NEW YORK (CNS) - Opus the bishop in all the dioceses where and maintain the Anglican Church Dei, a worldwide organization of, it operates," it said. through a trying period. lay Catholics and priests, has de"It is only established in a dioDuring Archbishop Runcie's fended itself against oft-spoken cese with the permission of the tenure, some national churches in charges regarding its stature as a local bishop who is kept well the worldwide Anglican Compersonal prelature. informed of its activities there." munion opened the pril:sthood and Opus Dei, founded in Spain in "Opus Dei was never 'taken out the hierarchy to women. The result from under the jurisdiction of the 1928, has been active in the United was sometimes acrimonious debate bishops of the world' when it was States since 1949. in the Church of England, the made a personal prelature" in 1982, communion's mother church, over as some have charged, the organiwhether it should follow suit. The zation said in a Jan. 17 statement. question remains unsettled. It called such allegations "damagArchbishop Runcie favored puting." ting the issue before Anglican dio"The 'personal' in personal prelaceses for discussion. His successor, ture does not refer to the person of Bishop George Carey of Bath and the pope, but to the fact that the Wales, is a public supporter of JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNS) jurisdiction of the prdature is over women's ordination. persons, not territories," the state- - The Indonesian government Last July 25, the day his appointhas revoked the publishing license ment said. ment to the Canterbury Archdioof the Catholic-run weekly tabloid. Lay members of Opus Dei" are cese by Queen Elizabeth II was Monitor for publishing a poll on under the jurisdiction of their local made public, Bishop Carey said "I "most admired persons" that rated bishop" with the exception of"spehave always been a supporter of among Prophet Mohammed 11th cific ... spiritual and apostolic" the ordination of women to the commitments, in which instance 50 names. priesthood." they are under the jurisdiction of The TV and film tabloid has a Archbishop Runcie was born in the Opus Dei prelate, according to circulation of more than 700,000, Liverpool, England. the statement. the biggest in Indonesia, reported He went to Oxford University Opus Dei priests, the statement UCA News, an Asianchurch news on a scholarship and in World said, "have always been categoagency based in Hong Kong. War II was a tank officer, winning rized and operated as secular a' high decoration, the Military Government officials said the priests in the diocese where they Cross. poll incited public unrest and had work." He became bishop ofSt. Albans, As ofJ une 19-90, Opus Dei, the potential to create racial and north of London, in 1970, where Latin for "the work of God," listed religious conflict. he kept pigs for a hobby. 76,000 lay members and 1,300 . The license was revoked after priest members worldwide. It de- two days of violent protests from fines its mission as spreading the Muslim organizations, during universal call to holiness in and which students stormed the Moni- , WASHINGTON (eNS) - The through work and the events of tor's office and broke windows movie "Dances With Wolves" is a everyday life. and equipment. "blessing" to American Indians . When made a personal prelaIn the poll, President Suharto and conveys that "the Indian culture, Opus Dei was "taken out ranked first, Iraqi President Sad- ture has a message for the world," from under the [Vatican] Congregation for Religious and placed dam Hussein seventh, Monitor said Bishop Charles J. Chaput of 'under the [Vatican] Congregation editor-in-chief Arswendo At- Rapid City, S.D., a Potawatomi for Bishops," which reports Opus mowiloto. who was later fired, Indian. "Native Americans have Dei's activities to the pope, the 10th, the Prophet Mohammed 11th, many gifts for the world," said the the 1990 Nobel Peace winner and bishop, including "a sense of the statement said. "The prelature of Opus Dei, by Soviet President Mikhail Gorba- harmony and oneness in the world its very nature, is inserted into the chev 21 st, Mother Teresa 33rd and that God has given us and the local church, and has always former British Prime Minister importance of knowing our place Margaret Thatcher 37th. in it." worked in close cooperation with



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Indonesian Catholic tabloid loses license over poll

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路Auschwitz survivor' owes life to St. Maximilian Kolbe PHOENIX (CNS) - Franciszek Gajowniczek can, tell you exactly how long he spent in Nazi concentration camps - five years, five months and nine days. But the story he tells most about the prison 'camps, where millions were killed or starved, is about the singular act of heroism that spared his life. Gajowniczek, a Polish Catholic, was imprisoned at Auschwitz from 1940 to 1944. In 1941, one of the prisoners in his group escaped. The 'camp's commandant had vowed that for every prisoner who excaped, 10 would die by starvation. One of the 10, chosen at random, was Gajowniczek, a young husband and and father. Another prisoner in the block, Father Maximilian Kolbe, volunteered to take his place. Father Kolbe died 10 days after the forced fast when the commandant ordered those still living injected with carbolic acid. Gajowniczek, on recent visit to Phoenix, told The Catholic Sun, diocesan newspaper, that he remained at the camp until the end of World War II.


Gajowniczek's visit to Phoenix was sponsored by the Youth Mission for the Immaculata, a branch of the Militia of Mary Immaculate, which was formed in Rome by Father Kolbe before his ordination in 1918. While in Phoenix Gajowniczek also spoke at a parish to a crowd of about 900 people. He came to the United States from his town of Brzeg, Poland, primarily for eye surgery at Providence Hospital in Holyoke but before returning visited San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia as well as Pheonix. Auschwitz was a place of death and hatred, Gajowniczek, now 90, said. "J ust to remember those times in Auschwitz is horrifying. Many people don't want to listen to what it was like. It's impossible to describe unless you went through ii." Death was an everyday reality in the camp. "If anyone fainted because of work he was killed," Gajowniczek said. He recalled seeing babies taken from their mothers' arms and stepped on by the Nazis. In alrthe time he spent in prison camps, he said, he never saw or heard of anyone who sacrificed h.is

Harmony in the Catholic press Those of us who were lucky enough to attend college in the late 30s, as the Great Depression was ending and war clouds were gathering over Europe, were blessed with some great teachers. One of the best was Tom Barnhart, of happy memory, who taught weekly journalism at the University of Minnesota. Once a weekly editor himself, he had lots of practical advice for the future editors and investigative reporters who sat at his feet in the basement of Pillsbury Hall. Running a small town paper is not the same as big city journalism, Barnhart warned us. But if you want to make an impact by publishing hard news, like local crime and corruption, you must prepare your readers. If you want to print the names on the police blotter, and it hasn't been done locally, be sure to run your own name first. Get arrested for speeding, he suggested, and let the town know that everybody, big shots and small fry, will be treated the same. A friend of mine, also deceased, took his old professor's advice, when he started up a weekly in a rural Minnesota town where another paper, dull and sleepy, was already in business. Jim was a good student. Arrested. for speeding, he ran his name and the amount of the fine. He then began to report all the news, bad as well as good. The citizens got mad at Jim's brand of newspapering, of course. Pretty soon the small circulation he had built up began to slip. Then advertisers, the town's leaders, began to boycott the paper. Jim's lesson was mercifully short. He sold out to the competition and , turned to other fields of writing, a sadder by wiser man. The moral is simple: Great professors don't know everything.

Like a policeman, an editor's lot is not a happy one. Pleasing one's readers and selling papers is not an easy combination. During February, Catholic Press Month, I'd like to say a word for your beleaguerd Catholic editor. Society is in turmoil, and the Catholic Church is not exempt. Run the bad news and you're a troublemaker; run the good news and you're covering up. So what's a poor editor to do? Most publishers of Catholic newspapers are bishops, and that adds an extra complication for an editor who wants to report all the news. Bishop-publishers who want no hint of sin, sex or scandal in their papers will soon discover no one is reading them. The problem of episcopal suppression of news comes up regularly when editors gather to cry on each other's shoulders. Resolutions are passed and filed away, and meetings with bishop-publishers to thresh things out are convoked. The best of these meetings, in my 30-plus years with the Catholic press, was held at the Bergamo Center near Dayton, OH, in 1969. The best advice was handed out by a giant in the world of the daily press: Norman E. Isaacs of Louisville, KY. Then editor of the famous Courier Journal and Times, he was later head of the National News Council. Unless an editor and publisher are "in basic agreement and in harmony," Isaacs said, "it is useless to continue." Whether the publisher is a bishop or the rich owner of your paper, he


life for the sake of another. Gajowniczek said all the other men in his cell block died or were killed. After he was freed, he went to the monastery near Warsaw where Father Kolbe had lived to tell the story of the priest's heroic act. He has been telling the story ever since, traveling all over the world to relate the sacrifice Father Kolbe made for him. During a visit to the Philadelphia area, Gajowniczek said that Father Kolbe "was a very daring man. I;Ie was not afraid of doing what was right and he continued teaching Catholic [faith) .... He would share his bread with others [and do anything) he could. He would make communion out of the bread and share it with the prisoners at night when none of the officers were around." Father Kolbe was beatified in 1971 and canonized in 1982. Considering the death and suffering he saw in Auschwitz, Gajowniczek thought that once he left he would kill any German he could even "any German child in a crib." But following his release he began taking care of children' left poor and orphaned after ther war.

AUSCHWITZ SURVIVOR Franciszek Gajowniczek.

Have you a hearing loss? By

BERNARD CASSERLY said, "Ifaneditorcan be in 75 toMO percent agreement with his ownership, he has a good, viable solution. He can represent the paper honorably, and he can do it well, and he can have a great deal of freedom. "If a man cannot be in harmony with the man who owns the paper," Isaacs said, "he ought not to work for him." Editors of Catholic papers will face the same problems my friend Jim did when they try to cover the news -warts and all. But they will survive a hHe longer if they ignore Barnhart's advice and follow Isaacs' - seeking agreement and harmony with their ownership - episcopal or otherwise.

Have you a hearing loss? Ask yourself these questions,: Do I tune out from the conversation when there is more than one person talking? Am I letting my spouse orfriend , talk for me? Does long conversation make路 me tired and irritable? When I respond to people. do they appear puzzled Of embarrassed by the response? Does it seem that family and friends are avoiding conversations with me? Do I frequently misunderstand people and ask them to repeat what they say? Have a doctor (ear, nose and throat specialist) perform a preliminary hearing test or ask your doctor where you can find a audiologist who will perform tests in a soundproof room. If you need a hear~ng aid, get information about purchasing one and shop carefully. Does someone you know have a

hearing loss? For those who can hear but have someone in their lives who cannot, try to understand how hearing-impaired persons may feel: -Frustrated because tlfey don't understand what's being said and have to ask people to repeat themselves. -Embarrassed because they make inappropriate comments or none when comment is needed. - Tense because they are constantly afraid they will miss something important. -Exhausted because listening is such a chore. To communicate with someone who is hearin~i-impaired: -Hold your head still. -Speak clf:arly and articulate well. -Don't speak too fast or too slowly. -Build breaks into your conversation and let the listener take breaks when he or she needs to. - Provincetown Senior Citizen News

Senior news Dennis , The Dennis Recreation Department plans to develop senior-run public access cable TV shows for C3TV cable studio and station (channel 34 in Dennis). Any town resident may attend training classes to become invqlved in the public access channel. Introductory class 10 a.m. Feb. 25. Information: recreation director Andy Rogovin, 394-8300. Dennis Historical Society midwinter luncheon will be I p.m.' Feb. 16, Christine's Restaurant. Nancy Reid will present "Looking Back." Reservations: Joshua Crowell, 385-3689, by Feb. II. The Wisdom Institute at Dennis Senior center is offering Irish Studies lectures. Information: Ann Quinn, 775-7461. Dighton Father John P. Cronin will be at Lincoln Village senior center to distribute ashes at noon Wedriesday.

CATHOLIC MEMORIAL HOME, residents and visitil)g eighth-grade students from the Wilbur School, Little Compton, recently decorated the nursing home with yellow bows in remembrance of those serving in the .Middle East. From left: Nell Tobin, resident Anne Livesey, Leslie Lord, Jonathan Ricci and Karen Buckley.

.--.,' TH~, ~NCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 8, 1991

"The Beat" seeks technica.l help "The Beat," a locally produced weekly cable TV program featuring contemporary Christian music videos, is in' need of volunteers with technical TV production skills to assist in editing the 60-minute program. "The Beat" is produced at the studios of V nited Artists Cable. of Massachusetts in Taunton and distributed to cable systems reaching over 2.5 million subscribers in over 145 cities and towns in southeastern New England. Producer Tony Medeiros explained that the show is' presently put together by volunteers, primarily members of the Building Block Prayer Group, who "pick the sequence of videos, produce the show's contenr, operate cameras in the studio and insert the graphics." Final editing of the program has been handled by professionals at UA Cable, but staff turnover has limited their availability to assist the Building Block group. "This has had a serious impact on the continuity of production of 'The Beat' to the extent that we would like to assemble a team of several adults with the technical skills required to continue produc~ tion of the show," said Medeiros. The produce~ said he is looking for persons who are "active in the church, who understand the objectives of the program, and who could volunteer a' few hours at a time, perhaps once a month, to do the final editing of each show." The location at which final editing takes place varies, depending on the availability of equipment at various cable systems th,at show the program, Medeiros continued, adding that "several companies have offered studio time when available, but very few have staff time available to actually do the job." In addition toVA Cable, among local networks which carry "The Beat" are Colony Cablevision, Harron Cable, and Regional Continental Systems. A radio version airs at 7 a.m. Sundays on 105.7 FM out of Boston. Persons interested in helping edit "The Beat," or who know someone with the appropriate skills, may contact Tony Medeiros at 824-8378, evenings, or at Taunton High School, 821-1144, from 12:30 to 3 p.m. weekdays.

Liberation theologian still under 'Scrutiny



"Give peace, Lord, to those who wait fQ.r you; listen to the prayers of your servants, and guide us in the way oI'justice." - Sir. }6: 18-19

'" ../

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KANSAS GOVERNOR Joan Finney, the first woman governor in the state's history, shares the sign of-peace with her pastor, Father Frank Krische of Most Pure Heart of Mary parish, Topeka. Mrs. Finney has pledged to support pro-life legislation. Her husband, Spencer, is second left. (eNS photo)

Vatican II auditor suggests church governance models WASHINGTON (CNS) - Full participation in the church and the election of bishops "by the people they serve" were suggested among models for future U.S. church governance by an auditor at the Second Vatican Council. ' Loretto Sister Mary Luke Tobin, speaking at a recent "Future of the American Church" conference in Washington, said that "inclusion for processes for dissent, dialogue and reconciliation" are also necessary for the future of the church. ."We have such love in the church, and we' love the' church. That's why we're knocking up against all these difficulties," said Sister Tobin, 82, ,in her talk, "Leadership and Governance." Other models of change sug'gested by Sister Tobin were: - Bishops supporting hearings and dialogue. "We need more ." courage on the bishops' part to become the U.S. church, to become the leadership of the U.S. church," Sister Tobin said. - Ongoing study by bishops on issues of war and peace. She praised DenverArchbishopJ. Francis Stafford's recent letter to President Bush questioning the wisdom of U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf crisis. Sister Tobin also congratulated

Pope ask.s mercy in U .8. death case ST. LOV IS (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has asked for clemency for a Missouri inmate who was scheduled to die for th,: 1987 killing of a state trooper. The inmate, Glennon Paul Sweet, was scheduled to die Jan. 18, but his execution was delayed until the V.S. Supreme Court reviews his case in late February, a lawyer for Sweet said. The papal intervention came after' local citizens and some of Sweet's relatives made his story known at the Vatican. On Jan. 14, Archbishop John L. MayoI' St. Louis sent a letter to Missouri Gov. John Ashcroft that included a petition from the pope asking the governor to commute the death sentence,


the U.S. bishops on their pastoral letters on peace and the economy as "wonderful examples" of Vatican II. "They seem to have lost their stride and bogged down on the women's pastoral," she said. "But we can't fault them for what they have done, and invite them to continue." - An end to "footdragging" on ecumenism, remedied in part by "full coorperation" with the World Council of Churches, and its "Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation" program at council headquarter in Geneva. Sister Tobin called Vatican II "a magnificent event in the history of the church," but "you need the will and the insight and the desire to see it work." Full participation, Sister Tobin said, would guarantee women's rights "in all areas of church life." Sister Tobin was a Vatican II auditor as president of the Conference of Major Superiors ofW omen, forerunner to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. She said she was able to advocate greater participation and leadership in religious order governments because "I had the full backing of U.S. women religious." Her experience at Vatican II, she said, underscored for her the "need for the recognition that women are full human persons" in the church. Dissent and "considered oppositiop," she said, "are necessary components of a healthy church."

"In my II years as archbishop of St. Louis, I do not recall ever having received such a special request from Rome in such a case," Archbishop May said. Sister Tobin said that Pope John The night he was killed, state Paul II, in a master's thesis as trooper Russell Harper chased and stopped a motorist suspected of Karol Wojtyla, endorsed dissent, speeding. When the driver exited writing that "opposition or dissent his vehicle, he fired 29 bullets at is a vital element in any genuine Harper, shooting the patrolman in ~ommunity." . Bishops, she said, should "take the head several times. themselves seriously as leaders in Acting on a tip, police arrested their churches, and not always fear Sweet that evening and recovered evidence linking him with the they have to refer everything to Rome." shooting: Sweet denied that he A church governing structure shot Harper and continues to which included strong national maintain his innocence. The Missouri bishops' confer- bishops' conferences, she said, ence has joined several groups in would permit bishops' conferences asking the governor to commute to pursue such issues as women's ordination based on the "readideath sentences to life in prison. A 1980 statement on death pen- ness" of each nation to deal with it. alty by the V.S. bishops said the _ But a participatory, pluralistic death penalty is applied unfairly in church is "a dangerous vision," the V nited States because it is Sister Tobin said, ,"one that is costly and'risky." given to the poor more often.

LIMA, Peru (CNS) - A twoyear-old investigation ohhe works ofliberation theologian Father Gustavo Gutierrez by the Vatican Con, gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been transferred to Peru. Lima Archbishop Augusto Vargas Alzamora will continue the review of the priest, widely known as the father ofliberation theology. In a recent statement, the Liina archbish'op said the Vatican "thought it convenient that the conversations should continue being held between Father Gutierrez and his own prelate." Father Gutierrez is regarded as the originator of liberation theology, which sprang up in Latin America in the 1960s and 1970s. The system of thought is an effort to apply Christian teachings to concrete socioeconomic and political problems. It emphasizes social justice. , The archdiocesan ,statement reproduced a July 18 letter from Father Gutierrez, author of "A Theology ofLiberation,.. to Archbishop Alzamora. In,the letter. Father Gutierrez said that "in the years since the first edition [of"A Theology of Liberation"] there has been a process of maturation of my work in theology" after making , revisions "reformulations and cor, rections of some statements and expressions." The statement said that in his reply to Father Gutierrez, Archbishop Alzamora expressed "satisfaction" for the revised work, but "in order to avoid a disconcerting ambiguity," he also asked the theologian to make the revisions in the orginal book "which in fact still remains intact." "These changes should be manifested especially in the. topics of the mission of the churc'h and the predominance of the factor of con: fIict in the process of liberation," Archbishop Alzamora said in his letter to the priest. The archbishop also asked Father Gutierrez to' show him his works before publication. He said the letter did not exclude the possibility of raising other questions with Fathe'r Gutierrez about his writings. ' Father Gutierrez coined the term "theology of liberation" in a 1968


speech to an organization ofPeruvian priests and pastoral workers. He elaborated his ideas in "A Theology of Liberation," which appeared in Spanish in 1971. In 1973. the Maryknoll publishing arm, Orbis, brought the book out in English. It became a best seller and the "flagship" work of subsequent books by various authors commonly known as liberation theologians. Father Gutierrez said in a July 1988 interview with Catholic News Service that he accepted the Vatican critiques of some forms of liberation theology as "relevant observations for myself' and had modified some of his ways of ex,:" pressing his views; but he indicated that he still found his theological starting point in pas~ora1 concern for the poor. "For me, the big question theologically and pastorally is to try to relate social justice and our experience of the gratuitous [unmerited] love of God," Father Gutierrez said in the interview.

Press month' Continued from Page One take to improve or promote the .catholic press. "Above all, we Catholics can sample from the smorgasbord of Catholic publications available," she said. "If you want to feel part of this church and be an informed, participating, inspired Catholic, keep'in touch through the Cat~ollc press." Bishop O'Donnell said Catholics should read Catholic newspapers, magazines and books to learn about God and the church but also "for the very joy of reading." . Vitality of Press Testifying to tne continuing vitality of the Catholic press, circulation of V.S. and Canadian Catholic newspapers rose 6 percent from 1989 to 1990, passing the 6 million mark. Total circulation of 655 V.S. and Canadian Catholic periodicals - newspapers, magazines and newsletters, including 40 publications in languages other than Englishwas 28,366,931 in 1990, about 460,000 more than in 1989. Most of the increase came from. higher circulation of V.S. diocesan newspapers, which rose 373,009 to a 1990 total 01'5,195,210. The new figures were given in the 1990 Catholic Press Director짜-, an annual publication of the Catholic Press Association. According to the directory~ Catholic publications in the Vnited States and Canada include 200 English-language newspapers, up four from last year. Their total ci;rculation was 6,275,260, a figur.e 375,000 higher than in 1989.

Continued from Page Three party into the devastated city and turned the novitiate into an emergency hospital for survivors. "With iodine, aspirin, fruit, salts and bicarbonate, the only things I could find, I went out to aid the victims who were waiting," he recalled. After the war, Catholic missionary activity increased in Japan and Father Arrupe was made Jesuit provincial in 1958. He wrote more than 20 books in Japanese and translated into that language the works of St. Teresa WASHINGTON (CNS) - T'he of Avila, St. John of the Cross and National Association of Catholic St. Ignatius. Business and Professional Men He spoke English, French, Ger- and Women has been launched ~by man and Italian in addition to the Paulist National Catho'rie Spanish and Japanese. Evangelization Association 10 At Jesuit gatherings, Father Ar- enable Catholics in business 10 rupe, a baritone, often sang classi- reflect on faith in the workplace, cal and Basque folk songs. evangelize inactive Catholics anj His years in Japan left him with the unchurched, and build busineSi a preference for praying while sit- . relationships within the Cath<:Jli1: ting on his heels. community.

For business people


Papal Gulf war pre'llictions s~e:m prophetic VATICAN CITY (CNS) Before the Persian Gulfwar, Pope John Paul II pleaded for peace in almost apocalyptic terms, warning that such a war would lead to "disastrous, unforeseeable consequences" - for civilians and combatants, for the environment and for interreligious relations. Military action to reverse Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, he said, would aggravate Middle Eastern problems and likely plant the seeds of future violence. Only weeks into the fighting, those statements seemed prophetic. The war had already brought a pounding bombardment with military and civilian casualties, Iraqi missile attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia, disastrous oil spills, a refugee flight, a revival of terrorism, and murmurs of discontent throughout the Arab and Muslim world. ,"The pope is too courteous to say, 'I told you so.' But he could have said it," said Vatican press spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls. If the pope displayed a good grasp of what the war would mean, one reason was that he had been receiving briefings since Iraq ipvaded Kuwait last August. . The pope condem ned Iraq's invasion as a violation of international law and his subsequent warnings about further militarv action were dramatic. . "Besides the combatants. how many civilians, how many child-

ren, women and elderly would be the innocent victims of such a catastrophe'?" he asked. After two weeks, the official Iraqi casualty toll was 90 soldiers dead, and some 700 civilians killed or injured. But refugees and Iraqi Kurds estimated the true number of victims to be in the tens of thousands. Meanwhile, the Iraqi capital of Baghdad was short of water. and health officials feared cholera could break out there and in other cities. On the allied side, at least 20 airmen were captured or missing as officials warned that losses would be much heavier once ground fighting began. Oil began to wash up on Saudi Arabian shores Jan. 19, while a much larger slick, potentially the most disastrous in historv. was floating in the Gulf a fe~ miles from Kuwaiti and Saudi shores. threatening desalination plants. Experts predicted severe damage to mar.ine life in the Gulf for five years. Giant oil fires raged in Kuwait. causing"greasy" rain to fall in Iran and adding to fears of global warming. Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein said he considered oil legitimate weapon ,in this "mother of all wars," so more spilling and burning was anticipated. The allied bombing of chemical and nuclear plants in Iraq raised questions about toxic and radiation spillage, although U.S. officials downplayed such fears.


The air campaign was said to be the most intensive in the history of warfare. with more than 2,000 bombing runs per day. Targeted were military and industrial installations, communications facilities, government buildings, roads, railroads, dams, bridges and airports. A Gulfwar would tend to incite "further recourse to violence," the pope said in early January. An increase in worldwide terrorism was the first evidence of that. In the first 14 davs of war, at least 37 acts of terro~ism were reported against allied interests, including. assassination of a retired Turkish general. Armed intervention in the Gulf would have political and strategic consequences "whose full gravity and import we have perhaps not completely assessed," the pope said Jan. 13, later warning that the Gulf conflict could spread progressively through the Middle East. This was clearly the aim of Iraqi missile attacks against Israel, a country not involved in the fighting. Israel did not respond. But when pro-I raq i Palestinian guerPOPE JOHN PAUL II bows his head prayerfully during rillas launched rocket attacks on his weekly general audience. (eNS/ UPI-Reuters photo) Israel's declared securitv zone in was especially concerned that the southern Lebanon Jan. 28, Israeli Sudan. expressing concern that war could fuel anti-Western senIraqi weapons and planes could be boats began shelling refugee camps timent among Arabs, spawn relithere. used by the Sudanese to, attack gious tensions and even lead to the Allied bombing of Jordanian strategic Egyptian targets. Much fall of moderate Arab governments. civilian traffic in western Iraq drew of Iraq's air force'had relocated to He cited pro-Iraq demonstrations 'protest and a threat of retaliation Iran. and Egypt feared those planes by Islamic fundamentalists throughfrom Jordan's government. could eventuallv be used elsewhere out the Middle East and North in the Middle East. Meanwhile. Egypt staged milAfrica. itary exercises on its border with Navarro-Valls said the Vatican

Plenty of blame for both sides , ROME (CNS) - Neither Iraq nor the West made serious efforts to avoid hostilities in the Persian Gulf and both probably wanted war, said a Jesuit magazine that often reflects Vatican views. A peace plan could have been worked out based on Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait and the convening of an international conference on Middle East problems, said an editorial in the Feb. 2 issue of La Civilta Cattolica. Its editorials are reviewed by the Vatican Secretariat of State prior to publication. Iraq was blamed for steadfastly refusing to leave Kuwait and the West was blamed for making withdrawal a precondition for talks, then issuing an ultimatum to Iraq. "Every proposal for a peaceful solution was destined to fail," said the editorial, charging that "the will to a'rrive at a peaceful solution was lacking." The West sees Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as "the true obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East," it said. "There was no'effort, therefore, to arrive at accords with the Iraqi regime, but to eliminate the danger which it constituted for the entire Middle East," it added. La .Civilta Cattolica criticized

Saddam for an "unyielding irraand Arao traitor.s" aligned with tionality" in holding that Iraq the West, it said. would never leave Kuwait. For him, this is a war "between "He had undervalued the desire the Arab-Islamic world and the of the West to arrive so quickly at Western Christian world," it added. armed conflict as well as the fire- , "One certainty is that the war power of the United States and its will not resolve the Middle East's allies," it added. problems and will leave the Arab The U. N.'s role was "essentially world with feelings ofJrustration weakened by the lack of success of and a relentless hate against the the embargo, due in part to the West, foreboding new conflicts," it fact that some countries, even said. though agreeing to it, did not Noting that "anti-Arab senticomply, making inefficient the one ments are growing in Western element which could have forced countries," the magazine said that Iraq to yield without recourse to "rapid political decisions and the war," said the editorial. creation of a new climate of real Another obstacle to reaching a trust" are now needed to find "a peaceful solution is the different global solution to the problems of mentalities of Saddam and Westthe Middle East, first of all, the ern leaders, it added. Palestinian problem." For Saddam, Kuwait is "an Iraqi Until there is an "equitable and province, unjustly stripped from satisfying" solution for PalestiniIraq by British colonialism," it ans and Israelis, the Middle East said. will remain war-prone, war~ed the "Saddam Hussein has always magazine. It said that an immeheld that the annexation of Kuwait diate solution is also needed for by Iraq was not a grave violation Lebanon, "split between Syria and of international law, but an act of Israel and internally divided by justice, or at least, a reparation of enemy factions." an act of injustice committed by Westerners," it added. Saddam is an Arab using "the VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope language of Islamic fundamentalJohn Paul II is expected to make ism" to stir up support against the his second pastoral visit to Brazil "infidel West supporter of Israel, next October. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the dates and itinerary ofthe trip have not yet been set, but Brazilian sources say the pope will visit eight cities in seven days, and preside over the closing of a national eucharistic congress in Natal, in Brazil's impoverished northeast sector.

Pope to Brazil

Helping Hands "Whoever gives a hand to help a neighbor is helped by God's own hand." - Issac of Syria

Ecumenical documents meant for lise, says 'pope V ATICAN CITY (CNS) Ecumenical documents approved by the church must be "accepted by everyone" and incorporated into the preaching. te'lchin"gand ministry of the church, Pope John Paul II said during a meeting with members of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The pope commended the ecumenists not only for the agreements they have reached with other Christians, but also for their examinations of "the difficulties encountered." The analysis. he said. will improve the way in which the church exercises)ts divinely mandated call to work for Christian unity. "We must become more aware of this responsibility." he said. "N 0 difficulty inherited from the past or created by a present situation should stop us." During the past year, the Catholic Church's relationship with Orthodox churches was strained by the reemergence in Eastern Europe of Ukrainian, Romanian and other Eastern-rite Catholic churches, which were merged with their Orthodox counterparts under communist governments in the 1940s. The international CatholicOrthodox dialogue team decided to suspend its current work in order to focus on the issue of Eastern rites within the Catholic Church. The pope told the council members that Vatican II taught that Catholics have "the most intense degree" of commu'nion with Orthodox churches because of shared apostolic succession, sac-' ramental priesthood and the Eucharist.

He said those involved in ecumenical dialogue must "be prepared to study the specific nature of the issues in question with a great love for the church and anxious for purity of doctrine." Ecumenical relations are "a complex and delicate reality." which must include theological study and dialogue. personal contacts, prayer and collaboration on practical matters. the pope said. "We are called to strive in all these fields." without neglecting any Of them. he said. Documents published by official dialogue committees and approved by the Vatican should be widely known and studied. the pope said. He encouraged the continued work of national and diocesan ecumenical commissions as "a precious aid to pastors in the exercise of their responsibility." The pope' also said there is an "ever-increasing urgency" to ensure that ecumenism is part of theological formation, l~specially for future priests. One of the main focuses of ecumenical dialogue. he said, is attainment of " full agreement on a common profession of faith" in fidelity to church doctrine. "This is what we are praying and hoping for," he said.

Panama. VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The 1990 U.S. invasion of Panama aggravated an already difficuh economic situation and now the country has "touched the bottom," Archbishop Marcos G. McGrath of Panama City said in a recent interview with Vatican Radio.

Pope steps up pleas for peace

THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 8, 1991




Are Catholics less generous?

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope' WASHINGTON (CNS)-CathThose who attended weekly John Paul II's regular public reciolic households contributed signif- religious services - held by any tation of the rosary in February , icantly less to the church and to religion - contributed more money became a giant peace prayer as charities in 1989 than did Protest- than those who did not attend serpapal worry increased over the ant or Jewish households, accord- vices, with respondents who Persian Gulf war. ing to a Gallup poll commissioned attended services weekly giving 3.8 The Feb. 2 rosary ceremony by Independent Sector. percent of average household indicated how the pope is turning The survey of 1989 giving pat- income in 1989, while those not regular events into a steady stream terns showed that Catholics gave attending gave .8 percent of of peace pleas. Then on Feb. 3, an an average of $515, or 1.3 percent household income. Italian pro-life day, tile pope linked of ,the household income, and The study was conducted an end to the Gulf war to the day's volunteered an average of2.1 hours through in-home interviews by traditional theme of opposing per week. For Jewish respondents Gallup pollsters with 2,727 Amerabortion. reported an average household icans 18 years old or older. Indeed, almost every public papal contribution of $1,854, or 3.8 pertalk has at least one sentence urgcent of income, and the amount of Concealment ing an end to the Gulf fighting. time volunteered was 1.2 hours per At the rosary n:citation, the "Often we attack and make ourweek. pope prayed that leaders of the Members of all other religions' selves enemies, to conceal that we warring sides "may find the cour- including Muslims, Buddhists, are vulnerable."--Friedrich Nietzsage to abandon the path of hostile Hindus, Mormons and Eastern che confrontation and devote themOrthodox - gave $1,075 per selves sincerely to negotiation, diahousehold, or an av'erage of 2.7 ONLY FULL·L1NE RELIGIOUS logue and cooperation." percent of household income, and GIFT STORE ON THE CAPE The pope recites the rosary pubvolunteered 3.2 hours each week. licly each first Saturday, normally • OPEN MON-SAT: 9-5:30 an informal gathering attended by SUMMER SCHEDULE eNS photo OPEN 7 DA ' religious and visiting pilgrims and broadcast by Vatican Radio. MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS Invited on Feb. 2, however, were cardinals and high-level Vatican Sullivan's GENERAL C,ONTRACTORS officials, the pope's opening talk Religious Goods was televised live by the Italian 55 Highland Avenue 428 Main Sl. Hyannis state network and glossy printed Fall River, MA 02720 775·4180 booklets of the ceremony were 678·5201 John & Mary Lees, Props, distributed. By Msgr. George G. Higgins Kennedy observed that the last The' pope's opening talk cited I will leave it to the pundits to thing the United States needs "is "worrying news" about "the quanrate President Bush's State of the for its people to be encouraged to tity of weapons being used and the Union address. I am reluctant do seek its self-esteem on the battleinvolvement in the conflict of whole so myself for fear of being accused field. If the United States wishes to civilian populations" and he conof getting involved in partisan recover its 'reputation,' it might tinued calling for peace in prayers politics. begin by repairing its inner cities, recited between the decades of the Yet I think it, can be said without public education, crumbling inrosary. partisanship that the president's frastructure and multiple social ,Interspersed among the prayers address, like those of almost all his needs." recent predecessors, was superpawere excerpts from papal and VatThe day after the president's triotic, almost to the point of address The Wall Street Journal ican II documents calling for chauvinism. peaceful resolution of conflicts. provided space for a similar op-ed Durfee Falmouth I don't know what it tells us article by Robert Reich, professor On Feb. 3, the pro-life day, the about ourselves, but our presidents of political economy at Harvard AttIeboro~ pope told right-to-life marchers to National~ seem to think we expect them to University. defend "the right to life" against say - or at least will tolerate their Titled "A More Perfect State of abortion, euthanasia, totalitarian Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. regimes, racism, munder and "every saying - that Americans are the the Union Message," Reich's artigreatest people in the world and cle was billed as a fictional State of form of genetic engineering which that the United States is, always the Union speech "that George traps the development of inhas been and always will be the last Bush drafted himself yesterday, dividuals." best hope of freedom and dem- during a brief point of light, but "We must proclaim this right against war - agai,nst this war, _ocracy. discarded after sunset.," As I listened to the president which is continuing to be fought in Though writing with political boast about the United States I tongue in cheek, Reich was deadly the Persian Gulf region with its FUEL OIL. #4 #5 #6 was embarrassed. I kept wonder- serious, setting forth in grim detail growing threat for all humanity," GASOLINE & DIESEL ing what the diplomats seated the many unsolved social and ecohe said. directly in front of him could pos- nomic problems facing the United At the time the pope spoke, Iraq BURNER BOILER EQUIPMENT COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE sibly make of this triumphalistic States and calling on Americans to had claimed that more than 300 rhetoric. make whatever sacrifices necessary civilians had died in the U.S.-led • BOILER INSTALLATION TO 1100 HP • '24 HR, BURNER SERVICE To be sure, the president paid to resolve them. bombing raids into Iraq, and Iraqi • COMBINATION BURNER REPLACEMENT • BOILER TUBE REPLACEMENT respect to the generosity and idealI don't expect to live long enough television was showing scenes of • PIPING & WELDING • CERTIFIED WELDING AVAILABLE ism of our allies in the Persian to hear aU .S. president make such what it said were destroyed civ• BOILER MONITORING SYSTEMS • INDUSTRIAL BOILER CLEANING Gulf crisis, but his message overall an honest and unflattering speech. ilian homes and buildings. sounded chauvinistic. Leaders of other Arab countries But surely one can hope for a little FALL RIVER Mind you, I have no respect for moremodesty and less triumphhave said the civilian death toll is P.O. BOX 276 Americans who have contempt for alism. in the thousands. FALL RIVER MA 02724 675·7801 On the same day as the pope's , their own country and take a cerI wish President Bush had laid rosary ceremony, Cornelio Som- tain sick delight in holding it greater stress on two points made responsible for most of the world's by New York's Cardinal John maruga, pres,ident of the Internaills. But surely there must be a O'Connor at a recent Mass for tional Committee of the ~ed Cross, happy medium. It ought to be pos- peace: I) that "every war is a failtold Vati<;an' Radio that censorsible for our presidents to say good ure, no matter who wins"; and 2) ship by both sides is keeping the Pharmacy IECIS=~I~~~=CISTS things about our country and its that at war's end the nation must true dimension of civilian destrucpeople without overdoing it. tion from being known. show the same will to meet domesInvalid Equipment For Rent or Sale The natural tendency of any tic needs as it has shown in carryMillions of civilians have become Sur"cll Garments - ',rd· IPPI Mlch,nes - Jobst trapped, first by Iraq's invasion of president in time of war is to rally ing out the war. ~ • Holllsler - Crulches - [IIIIIC SIock,n.s the nation and its people around Kuwait and then by the subse"We are not feeding th~ hungry," Sur"cll & Orlhoped,c Appllinces the flag. President Bush did this the cardinal said. "We are not quent bombings of Iraq and - _"" • Trusses - Ol,.en - Ol,.en ~lIks. Tents & effectively, particularly when he housing our homeless. We have Kuwait, he said. (",., Re.ulilors • Approved For Med,clre asked for a show of support for not demonstrated a will to do so." ~~ 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE The Savior Comes our brave servicemen and women. Would that the president had 24 HOUI EMEICENCY ...ESCIIPTION SEIVICE "See, the Lord proclaims to the The Congress responded with a said that too. Alas, he did not. eto\ ~ ends of the earth: say to the daugh- unanimous, and frankly very mov673 Mlin St., D.nnlsport - 391·2219 ing, show of national unity. ter of Zion: your savior comes!" t;=J Hindsight That was undoubtedly good for Is 62: II ' ~ O~~:I tlfO 550 McArthur BIYd., Rt.. 28, PlClSSlt - 563·2203 ~'~ "One other thing stirs me when I "our self-esteem as a nation. But, 30 Mlin St., Orl.lns -:- 25~132 writing in The Wall Street Journal look back at my youthful days, the , several days before the president fact that so many people gave me ~ s09 Kempton St., Ne. Bedford - 993-8492 GOD'S HOLDS spoke, Yale historian Paul Kennedy something or were something to ~(() ....oo" (PARAMOUNT PHAIIMACY) warned us not to go overboard in me without knowing it."-Albert ---.... .........--...-...-............ Schweitzer this regard.

Msgr. Higgins suggests more modest patriotism














. @) · (1-HO\P'::'-?


, By Charlie Martin

I DON'T HAVE THE HEART Your face is beaming You say it is because you're dreaming Of how good it is going to be You say that you've been around And now you've finally found Everything you wanted and needed in me I don't have the heart to hurt you It is the last thing I want to do But I don't have' the heart to love you Not the way that you want me to Inside dying' To see you crying How can I make you understand I care about y'ou So much about you, baby I'm trying to say this as gently as I can You're so trusting and open Hoping that love will start But I don't have the love, 0 no Although I don't have the heart Written by A. Rich, J. Friedman, sung by James Ingram,(c) 1990 by Warner Brothers Records, Inc. for the United States and WEA International for the world outside the United States ' SEVERAL READERS have his girlfriend, but he knows that requested that I review James "I don't have the heart to love you, not the way that you want Ingram's hit oflast fall, "I Don't Have the Heart." . me to." But how can he tell her this? . This song is the story of a man who cares about his curThe "last thing" he wants to do rent romantic partner, but is hurt her. His desire is to be gentle, yet truthful. realizes that he cannot me~t her . expectations for commitment. It is easy for us to feel for The song, doesn't name what both people. The caring between them is genuine, but their life blocks him from responding to



goals a_nd ~eeds do not m~tch up. The song reminds me that love asks us to live honestly with no deceptions. For this couple to do so means facing a difficult decision and possible grief and loss. Individuals considering such choices need to explore their sense of what must be present for love to endure. This sense -what I call olle's "bottomline needs" - is usually nonnegotiable. Yet, it is important to remember that it can be helpful to reexamine these basic needs from time to time. For example, a person may believe that no matter how many good qualities another has, both must share the same religious convictions. For another person with the same felt need, reexamination of this "bottom line" might reveal that there·are ways to live with this absence and still build a fulfilling partnership. Most times such issues are not a matter of right or wrong, but are based on'a knowledge of oneself. Each of us needs to know what must occur in a relationship if we are to be happy. The song conveys the feeling that this knowledge has been reached. In this case, the most loving act would be to set the other person free. By facing the truth, with its accompanying hurt, both individuals can start their healing process. God will help them, and any of us who must deal with painful loss, to find inner strength and eventually rediscover life's happiness. . Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635.

Computer game is success story for St. Stan student By Marcie Hickey Like many young people fascinated with video games and computer learning, Douglas Fingliss envisions a career in computer programming. But for him it's more then just a dream; at age 12, he's already on his way to success. The seventhgrader at St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, recently learned that a cOIl1puter game he created three years ago will be published in the next issue of Rainbow Magazine, a computer monthly sold around the world. Douglas said he got the idea for the program from a dice game played at St. Stanislaus .parish's annual festival. After learning the rules, he programmed his computer to roll dice randomly,. so that the computer version is "just like, the regular game-only you don't use real money!" . It's not the first \ime the young computer whiz has.received r.ecognition fiomRainbow. In 1988 he "wo.n a disk of adventure games for· his submission to a graphics contest.' . At St. Stanislaus, Douglas and. 'a friend hav~ earned the job of setting up the school's computers. 'for the weekly workshops for grades 4 through 8. St. Stanislaus principal Denita Tremblay remarked that she is impressed by the way in which students like Douglas pick up computer skills. "I.find I'mlearn-,

DOUGLAS FINGLISS interfaces with the school com(Hickey photo)


ing from them sometim'es," she said. Douglas's teacher, Jean Willis, said he·is one of the top students in his class and that his computer knowledge far surpasses the average for his grade level. "He always takes things further than he has to," said' Ms. Willis. "He loves that challenge. He does it aU on his own at home." , And he's been doing it on his own since age 7, when his older brother Chris got a computer and Douglas decided' he' wanted one too. He,began to learn about computers from his brother and a cousin, then continued to teach himself using books and .magazines. He has now created nearly 50 programs, which do everything from playing music to storing, information about his comic book collection. He devised a file to

catalogue information about his father's stamp collection and currently has on hand a number of games that "need more work." His latest project is a database for storing phone numbers. Now awaiting a check for selling his dice game, he plans to save what he earns-or most or it, at least-said Douglas, admitting that he may soon have few additions to his video game collection.

. Family is theme WASHINGTON (CNS) - A national consulta'tion of black Catholic leaders meeting i!1 Washington has set "the AfricanAmerican family" as the theme of the next National Black Catholic Congress, to be held in New Orleans July 9-12.1992.

By ~aul Henderson As, a parish youth minister, remember teens pleading that I not ask their mom or dad to chaperone a trip or go on a retreat. Until her senior year. one teen-age girl refused to allow her mom to staff a high school retreat. Then , two years later the girl went on a retreat, as staff, beca!lse it was goingto be her mom's last retreat. - At first glance it appears teens and parents are like two magnets pushed away from each other by unseen forces. But this is not necessarily the case. If we look at their actions, rather than listen to their words, we seea tremendous pull of teens to their family and parents. Listento Wis.£onsin teens. . When asked if family wereim~ portant, all said yes. For James. a senior from Milwaukee, the family is "what keeps me going.... They are there for me both e!TIotionally .and financially." Koray and Joe both live in families experiencing divorct;': J oe says that "family communication is very important to us kids. we nt,:ed family." Koray says. "Since my parents are divorced. my brother is like a father figure. I need him." Joe says. "My mom and I are very close. She is very supportive of me and understands me." When asked what young people want from their families and parents. responses center around love, openness, listening and understanding. A common phrase is "be there for me." Young people need their parents and the rest of their families to provide stability in their lives - a , place of belonging. Wendy says she wants to spend time with her parents and for them to "make. time for me" in their schedules.

Listening to thes-e young people, I hear that parents and family' matter most in significant things: giving teens roots and values, providing a nurturing place to grow and belong. Amy says this best. "My values come primarily from my family." Several youths said that as they grew a wonderful friendship deve:' loped between them and their parents. Joe sees his mom as a friend, Mary Ann says her momis a best friend and Wendy says she and her parents are good friends. I have witne:ssed many frustrating and joyous moments in parentteen·relatignships. Young people do get angry .and frustrated with their parents, often they don't want parents around, conflicts. happen and there are misunderstandings. Youth also feel pulled at times' between loyalty to family and loyalty to friends. but in the end, they need and want positive experiences with family. Those who lack them tell you of their pain and hurt. Reporting on research he has done for the Girl Scouts, psychiatrist Robert Coles of Harvard University says his findings point to parents as the primary source of growth and moral development for teens. Yet the home can also be the place where teens feel most let down. Teens at a Milwaukee youth congress echoed this disappointment in identifying several areas of pain: lack of trust, child abuse, poor or nonexistent communication, death in the family. divorce and parental absence. The message is that teens need adults, both parents and friends. From them teens need love, support. guidanc,~ and challenge. In other words. they need these adults to be their for them.

By Hilda Young understanding. "Slap some papierI refuse to believe my children mache on that baby and you've got are impervious to education. Grant- "one nice pinata," he nodded wisely. ed, there is concern for this when They used, the microscope to viewing some of my spouse's side burn a hole in the porch. They of the family. turned the countertop purple with Yet, I,have never given up hope the chemistry set. They dumped - not even when my firstborn out the 2,000-piece jigsaw puzzle slept through Sesame Street, or of the atomic table so they could my secondborn needed a tutor for use the box to store baseball cards. p.re~school, or my youngest's prinThey made a par4ue{ floor for cipal told us: the hamster cage with the Scrabble "Because of your son, you will set. . 'never again hear me say, 'Show me OK, OK, the encyclopedia has a perfect attendance record and I'll been used regularly. Marie used it show you a scholar.''' for a. report on 'peanut butter. My friend Suzanne would buy John used it for an impromptu sex her Emily flash cards for her birthday. We gave Marie ring toss education class for his younger brothers. . and a jump rope. We used it on Thanksgiving to Actually, we once gave the children a world globe for . boost my nieci~ at the dinn~r table. , "It's a competitive w~i-Id out Christmas. John complained that it was too there, kids," my husband says reglarge to slam dunk. Joey was dis- ularly. "You a.re going to ~ave to appointed when he found out it know more than the prime-time wasn't rubber, rendering it utterly TV schedule to get a job." "But we are in school during the useless at the beach. . Michael, however, immediately morning and afternoon programs," saw its potential for international pointed out Marie.


in our schools


Bishop Feehan Bishop Feehan music students representing the Attleboro school at a recent Southeast !District Music Festival in West Yarmouth were Raymond Martel, Kerri Simoneau, Rachell Padoll, Kate Berry, Patricia McLaughlin, Vanessa Cesarz, Erinn Hoagg and Jennifer Wilson. In a recent South Shore Debate League meet at Norton High School, Feehan earned wins against Foxboro, Somerset and Cohasset high schools and Tabor Academy in six rounds. Feehan's Nita Patel, Elizabeth Sweeney, Michael Laroque, Darcie~enningan,Katherine Goldman and Elaine Dwyer were named top speakers in their rounds. - Debate Club officers are Kathleen Sheridan, president, Erinn Hoagg, vice president, Katherine Goldman, secretary and Neil Lambert, treasurer. Team coach is Diane Crane. The next league meet will be Feb. 14 at New Bedford High School. The Junior Classical Lea&,ue recently observed the ancient Roman holiday of Saturnalia, a time of feasting and gift-giving. This month the league will hear a guest speaker from the legal profession, who will explain Latin terms used in the field. Students are also preparing for a national Latin exam, scheduled for March., Classical League officers are president Keith Collins, vice president Brett O'Brien, secretary Deirdre Palermino, treasurer Jessica Graff and historian Kathleen Sheridan. Latin Honor Society officers are president Steve Brady, vice president Lisa Hollghton, secretary Marjorie L1acllna and treasurer Matthew Freeman. 'Mythology and art students recently visited the Boston Museu m of Fine Arts. The mythology students studied sculpture, mosaics, paintings and other works of art reflecting Greek mythology, while art students heard an art history lecture in addition to touring the museum.

Bishop Connolly

Sacred Heart School in that town. The scholarship memorializes Edward A. Dion, a Sacred Heart parishioner and founder of E.A. Dion, Inc., Attleboro, who died after a Ma~ch 1989 automobile accident. Dion's 'widow and several of their children were present for announcement of the scholarship, to be awarded, annually in the amount of $250 each to four students and paid directly to the school. Awards will be based on financial need, parish and school involvment and academic ability.

Coyle-Cassidy Before each morning's announcements, prayers for an end to the Gulf war are read at CoyleCassidy High School, Taunton. Teachers and students are wearing yellow ribbons, which also· adorn school and classroom doors. An American flag, peace prayer, and list of Coyle-Cassidy alumni and loved ones and family members of students and faculty serving in the Gulf are displayed in the school foyer.

M()vies A CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Week activity at SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, had fourth graders showing their appreciation to staff members of the .diocesan Department of Education. Representing their class, students (from left) Amy Peterson, Kimberly Deslisle, Jennifer Costa and Matthew L'Heureux delivered a bouquet of ballons, each accompanied by a thank-you note. Among education office recipients were (from left) Sister Agnes (Bell), Grace Taylor, Sister Michaelinda Plante, Barbara Trenholme, Father Bob Oliveira', Patrick Cunningham and Sister Elaine Heffernan, a SS. Peter and Paul alumna. for Americans ... We cannot risk the safety of our students in such a situation. All the families have supported the decision and our travel company is doing its best to minimize students' financial loss."

* * * *

The Connolly Ski Club plans a March 8 to I0 ski trip'to Mount Orford, Quebec. Junior Tom Botelho was named high school Athlete of the Week on Feb. I by'Greater Fall River cable channel 13, which cited the hockey, player for his two goals in the Cougars recent 5-3 victory over Coyle-Cassidy.

The guidance department at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall * * * * River, has expanded its services to Report cards, now including a include weekly small group meet- listing of student's seme~ter exam ings with sophomores to discuss .grades, were distributed Feb. 4. college and career planning. Guidance director Ms. F. Ann Blumenthalexp,lained'that ':in groups of 15 or sowe$ill be able to help students ~ome to a clearer , A science fair featuring projects idea of career and academic choi- by students in kindergarten through ces that lie ahead. Career assess- grade 8 was held at St. Joseph's ment te'sts a,nd explor'ation of Col- School, F:airhaven, during Catholic lege Board testing requirements Schools Week. Winners, in order will be featured." of first to third place, are: The Connolly Drama Society . Grade 8: Terrence Costello, will attenq a performance of Christopher Eustace, Erik Pesta. "Reckless" atTrinity Rep Theater, Grade' 7: Heidi-Jo Gonsalves, Providence, next nionth:Leo Strick- Rottisha Mewborn, Tarek Saab. man: group advisor, noted that Grade 6: Frank Maniglia, Mary one of his goals this year has b'een Eustace, Shannon St. Jacques. to expand the students' experience Grade 5: Matthew Jarvis, Erin of theater beyond production of Flanagan, Thomas Osuch. Grade two or three plays at the school. 4: Emily Kaeter'le, Melissa DominThe Connolly Language Club gos, Oliver Precourt. Grade 3: has cancelled its planned trip to Colin Crowne, Timothy Murphy, Paris this spring. Explained trip. Jason Aiello. coordinator Mrs. Suzi Silvia, Grade 2: Joshua Sylvester, Ken"European nations are already dall Mattos, Ryan Rezendes. Grade experiencing some terrorist actions I A: Adam Remillard and Michelle and are not guaranteeing safe travel Jarvis (tie), Tyler Russel, Rene

St. Joseph'sSchool,

Dupont. Grade I B: Kimling Fink, Patrick Stephens, Stefanie Polchlopek. Kindergarten A: Mathieu Santos, Caitlin Perry, Brendan Lee. Kindergarten B: Sara MacBrien, Ann Bergeron, Ann Bergeron, ' Katelyn Germano.

St. Mary's School The fifth grade class at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, recently researched the history of Native A~ericans. Under direction of social studies teacher Kathleen Flaherty the students constructed exhibits depicting various Indian tribes. St. Mary's principal Dennis R. Poyant and three faculty members will be among presenters, during the technology session at the National Catholic Educational Association',s 88th annual conyention in April. Poyant will present "Video Evalpation of Teachers." The other presenterS and topics are Daniel P. Larkin, "Beginners' Appleworks' in the Elementary Classroom" and Debra J. Letendre and Marjorie A. Mello, "Process Writing: Iritegrating the Computer into the' Language Curri~ culum." . ,

St. Mary-Sacred ,He'art School At a Catholic Schools Week Mass, Father Marcel H. Bouchard, pastor of Sacred' Heart parish, North Attleboro, announced establishment of a scholarship for 'parish students attending St. Mary-

The Anchor Friday, February 8,1991



Youth plan basketball shoot-out Members of the St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth, parish youth group recently participated in a handicapped awareness program to help students gain greater sensitivity and respect for the disabled. The students heard presentations by a peer and two guests, then participated in activities which enabled them to experience everyday situations faced by the physically challenged-and sight impaired. The youth group plans a basketball shoot-out 0:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday to aid persons with disabilities. Organized by Anne Marie Oliver, the event will be held in the Bishop Stang High School gym, North Dartmouth. Top performers in the shoot-out will participate in a future basketball clinic with Celtics star Kevin McHale at Boston Garden. Other winners will receive autographed basketballs, athletic bags, T-shirts and s~eatshirts.

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Vide()§,i Recent top rentals . 1. Young Guns II, A-III (PG-13) 2. Dick Tr~cy, A-II (PG) 3. My Blue Heaven, A-II (PG-13) 4. Robocop 2, 0 (R) 5. Mo' Better Blues, A-IV (R) 6. The Godfather Part II, A-III (R) 7. The Adventures of Ford Fairtane, 0 (R) .~. '. 8. The God,alher, A-III (,J:l), " 9. Delta Fo,lt;& 2, 0 (R) ... , 10. Bird oli Wire, A-III (PG-13)


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of FaII'River-Fri:, Feb.'S, 1991 "'O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER .


Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are liked to lubmlt newl It.ml for thll column to Thl Anchor, P.O. Box 7, FlU Rlver,02722. Name of city or lown Ihould be Included," _lIal full dal.. of allacllvItlel. PI.... I.nd nlWI of future rather than palt .venll. Nole: We do nol normally carry nlWl of fundralllngactlYltlel. We are hipPY 10 carry nollcel of Iplrllu~1 programl, club meetlngl, youth proJecl1 and IlmUar nonprofll actlvltl.l. Fundra'iing proJectl may be advlrtlHd al our regular rat.., obtainable from The Anchor bUIInail offiCI, lelephona 875-7151. On Sllering Polntl Itaml FR IndicaIII Fell River, NB Indlcatal New Bedford.

ST. MARY, MANSFIELD Catholic Woman's Club,meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 14, parish center. Sister Pat Norton, SCN, will discuss hospice work. Plans will be made for spring events including annual banquet. ST. JOSEPH, NB Prayer line get-acquainted night 7 p.m. Feb. 15, rectory basement. Pastoral council meeting 7 p.m. Monday. Youth group dance 7 p.m. Feb. 15. The Home and School Association is conducting a "care packages" drive for Gulf service personnel. Items may be left at school during school hours. ' 234 Second Street ' Fall River, MA 0272"1 Web Offset Newspapers Printing & Mailing (508) 679-5262

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ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Fifth grade CCD students will study Holy Orders on Sunday and participate in a mock ordination ceremony. ROSARY NOVENA FOR LIFE Coordinators are sought to organize local participation in the third annual rosary Novena for Life to be held on nine consecutive Saturdays April 6 to June I. Coordinators will organize meetings at a Catholic church and lead participants to a local abortion facility to pray the rosary. Persons interested in receiving a planning manual should send their name and mailing address to Rosary Novena for Life, PO Box 40213, Memphis, Tenn. 38174 or contact Patrick Benedict, (90 I) 7255937. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Youth ministry Valentine's Day dance 7:30 to 10:30 tonight, parish center. Confirmation candidate John Donnelly will represent Somerset High School at the 1991 Massachusetts Youth Leadership Seminar. EMMAUS/GALILEE Galilee monthly reunion ·7 to 10 p.m. Sunday; theme: "Forgiveness: the Gift of Strength and Love." ST. MARY,NORTON Choir rehearsals for Holy Week and Easter begin 7 p.m. Tuesday at home of Maureen Kelly. Information: 285-7929. ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Human sexuality program will be introduced to grade 6 parents 10 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesday. Youth choir needs adult leaders;practices will be held 4 to 5:30 p.m on selected Sundays with choir singing at II :30 a.m. Sunday Masses. Information: Sister Ann Miriam, 295-0780. Youth group families' Valentine party 7 to 9 p.m.' Tuesday. ST. ANNE, FR Cub Scout committee meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, school. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Family Valentine party 4:30 to 7 p.m . .sunday, parish center. OLV JOLH Guild meeting noon Monday, parish center.

Ladil.:s' Qui)d ~onthly meeting beginning with recitation of rosary 11:30 a.m. Feb. 12. Members asked to bring sandwiches; a business meeting will follow with speaker Christine Roessel. Lower Cape Ultreya 7:30 tonight, parish center. Couple to Couple League introductory workshop on Natural Family Planning 2 p.m. Feb. 24, parish center; to register call 432-7192. HOLY NAME,FR Names of parish-connected men and women serving in Operation Desert Storm may be submitted to one of the priests for inclusion on a scroll to be placed in the church. Prayers for all in Gulf are offered at 7 a.m. and 5: 15 p.m. daily Masses. Feb. 15 will be a professional day at the school with students attending a "Future Program" before dismissal at II :30 a.m. Kindergarten will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m. DCCW Diocesan Council of Catholic Women quarterly executive board meeting 2 p.m. Sunday, St. Louis de France parish hall, Swansea; District I officers and members will host. Day of recollection conducted by Rev. Mark Hession Feb. 23, St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. Reservations: Margaret Everard, 3982539, by Feb. 15. Annual retreat March 8 to 10, Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth; theme: "A Portrait of Jesus: the Women around Him." Retreat 'Master: Father Hession. Information: Mary Galvin, 993-6956, by Feb. 20.

LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Ashes distributed Wednesday at 12: 10 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Masses and 4 p.m. prayer service. Confessions I to 2:30 p.m., 4:30 to 6 p.m. weekdays; I to 5 p.m. weekends. Stations of the Cross 7: 15 p.m. Fridays. Communal penance service Wednesday evenings beginning Feb. 20. Information: 222-5410. WIDOWED SUPPORT NB area meeting 7:30 ~.m. Feb. II, St. Kilian rectory basement. Information: 998-3269, 992-7587. D. of I. Hyacinth Circle 71 Daughters of Isabella meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19, Holy Name CCD center, NB. Eileen Marshall will conduct an auction. ST. JAMES, NB CYO dance 7 to II p.m. tomorrow, church hall. Over 250 parishioners participated in the recent Project Life letter-writing campaign. Any parishioner who receives a reply to letters delivered to the State House is asked to call the rectory. World, Marriage Day will be observed at the parish Sunday with the theme "Life-Giving Love."

CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Catholic Women's Club meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13, parish hall, with "Tea Time" lecture by William.Congalton. All asked to bring valentines for Pilgrims' Pride nursing home. Rides: Lecky Tolchinsky, 428-1290. Volunteer typists needed for parish cookbook; information: Mrs. A. Camerota, 477-4251. Novena for world peace 7:30 p.m., support group for families of service people in Middle East 8 p.m., religious education center, both on Wednesdays. ST. PIUS X, S. YARMOUTH A series of Lenten lectures for young adults ages 21 to 35 will be held in the parish hall from 6 to 8 p.m. Sundays from Feb. 24 through March 24. Aimed at increasing knowledge and appreciation of the basics of faith, the series will consider topics such as liturgy, morality and church social teachings. Participants may attend one or two lectures or the whole series.

',.. THE 1991 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan:information and a telephone directory of priests, directors of diocesa n institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons. Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by'years of ordination and a table of movable feasts through the year 2011. It may be ordered by telephone at 675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy). ~~~~---~-------~--~~~---------------

ANCHOR Publishing Co. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 Please s~nd me

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PAX CHRISTI Pax Christi of Southeastern Massachusetts will meet at 6 tonight in the conference room of St. Vincent's Home, 2425 Highland Ave., Fall River, to discuss reactions to the Persian Gulf war and to plan a public activity to promote peace for Feb. 16. the war's one-month anniversary. The Feb. 16 event will begin with a 7 p. m. interfaith prayer service in the St. Vincent's Horne Chapel, followed by a speaker and small group activities. such as a letter"writing campaign to legislators. CORPUS CHRISTI, ATTLEBORO Holy hour for peace following 9 a.m. Mass Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Mondays. Organizational committee members for new parish Couples Club wiII be available after weekend Masses to sign up interested parishioners. Information: Stephen and Joyce Dealy, 888-5492; Ken and Philomena Figuerido, 833-0375; Jim and Peg Sylvester, 888-5223. Beginning Feb, lO'child carewiU be provided at 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. For information or to voluntee,r: Mary. Ann Dulmaine, 888-71;7,1. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Youth Group meeting 6 p;m. Sunday; Valentine's dance Feb. 16. HOLY NAME, NB CYO parent-student basketball. game and pizza party I:30 to 3:30' p.m. tomoI:r.ow, parish center..

ST. STANISLAUS, Families with members involved in Operation Desert Storm are invited to an afternoon of fellowship and mutual support I to 5 p.m. tomorrow, Post 8500 VFW, 329 Washington Ave., Somerset. Information: Walter R. Wisniewski, 679-6130. High school students' lunch following 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. Rectory open house for separated or divorced parishioners 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday. CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island chapter of Catholic singles' club monthly meeting to discuss activities beginning with dinner 6.p.m. Feb. 10, Brass Rail (formerly Pub Dennis), 1125 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Seekonk. Duckpin bowling 9 p.m. Feb. 15, Seekonk Bowling Lanes, Rt. 6. Open dance with DJ 8:30 p.m. Feb. 22, Knight of Columbus Hall, Hayward St., Attleboro. Information: Tony Medeiros, 8248378. CATIJEDRAI. CAMP, E. FREETOWN Merrimack College weekend retr~at Feb. 8 to 10. Corpus Christi, Sandwich, yourch retreat 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow. St. Francis, Acushnet, 8th grade retreat I to 5 p.m. Sunday. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of SI. Anne business meet'ing and game session 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20, parish hall. All parish women invited. ST. ANTHONY of PADUA, FR Men's Holy Name Society and Ladies' Rosary Sodality will attend 8 a.m. Mass Sunday. Men will hold fellowship meeting following Mass; ladies wiII meet at 2 p.m. Malassadas will be offered after all Sunday Masses. The Council of Catholic Women has cancelled its February meeting. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Rabbi Andn~a Gouze of Temple Agudas Achim wiII participate in "Judaism and Christianity" discussion 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18. Youth Mardi Gras celebration 6 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 12. Explorer Post I youth group meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, parish center. K. of C., FALMOUTH Knights of Columbus Falmouth Council 813 Valentine's Dance 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, K. of C. Hall, 179 Brick Kiln Rd., Falmouth. Annual retreat Feb. 22 to 24, Calvary Retreat Center, information: Mel Gonsalves, 548-5774. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, FR St. Clare Fraternity, secular Franciscans, wiII meet at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, 1600 Bay St. Evening prayer will be followed by a meeting.

VONISHA, 5, and Candice Brown, 8, hom Telephone, Texas, shan: a ride in the playroom of Denver's Samar:itan House. The 4-year-old facility, run by the archdiocese of Denver, was the first U.S. shelter' for homeless designed specifically for families. It houses some 45 children and their low-income families at any given time. (CNS photo)

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