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,Really, Itean Be Done!

Sunday 'Subscription Day

iI Fou r' Gain Total Coverage {



L 1~

I[ fiL

I'~:, IT l'


II"i:' ',i


Really, ,it can be done~ Four diocesan pastors today announced they have achieved complete cover­ age of The An'­ chor in their'l'e­ spectiv~ parish­ es. They 'are the first to' accom­ plish this long dreamed-of-goal as this diocesan MSGR. GOMES newspaper com­

;." :~~~~c:~ its

10th year of publi­

And; ,in the attainment of their objectives, the four have,

accomplished what the Most Reverend Bishop suggested as the goal in each of the 110 par­ ishes last week when he said he wants a weekly copy of The An­ chor in each and every home in the Fall River Diocese eve r y we e'k of the FATHER CARROLL year. Those who will be on the com­ plete family coverage plan this year are: ,Our Lady of Angels, Fall



River, Msgr. Anthony M. Gom~ pastor. St. Bernard, Assonet (Free­ town) Rev. John F. Cronin, ad­ ministrator. St. John the Baptist, Central ,Village (West­ port) Rev. John G. Carroll, pas­ tor. Sacred Heart, FATHER CRONIN North Attleboro, Rev. Joseph S. Larue, pastor. ' " Sunday is diocesan day in this diocese when envelopes will be

Supreme. Pontiff Demands

Speedy .Post-Council Steps

St. Anthony's Church ~ New Bedford

Implementation of the decisions of the Vatican Council is to proceed With order, and speed. This was the substance of the, Pope's orders when he· addressed the first meet.' ing of the Post-Conciliar Coordinathlg Commission which is to direct the implementation. The Coordinating Commission, presided over by Cardinals Tisserant and Cicogn~4 is to draw up procedures to ' . ' ' be ,followed by the. other Christian Religions and, that crees., They ,will function 311 post-conciliar commissions. dealing with Atheists.' commissions, not as in,dividuals. The commissions dealing with, As groups-they have been called 11heir work is to b.e ready by, council decrees are "suicidal", on to propose the contents 'for

June' 29 when the decrees of the Council will go into effect. Other commissions preparing directives so that the decrees PRICE IOe may be followed smoothly and $4.00 per Year O~ ~ 1966;The Anchor with speed are: Liturgy and Conimun~cations Media (already active), Bishops and the Gov­ ernment of Dioceses, Religious, Missions, Christian, Education, Apo~tolate of the La~ty.' ' , The Holy Father' also. made permanent institutions of ,the, Christian Un i t y Secretariat, Commission for the Revision of _Rev. Robert Rioux, th~. son of Mrs. Elmh'e Canon Law, the Secretariat Bioux, is back in New Bedford as part of a' two-m~n team' dealing with relations with non-

No. 6

New Bedford Priest, Promoti,ng 'Picture !r.'


Promoting -8 full length film; The'Redeemer, which will ,be tiho'wn at the Strand Theatre, F':all River, beginning March' I, and at ,The Arcade The-: holds an M.A. in French from ater, New, Bedford, starting, Fordham University. A i t e l' March 11. teaching in several schools con­ : The film depicts the last ducted by the Holy Cross _M1ree dilYs in the life of Christ i\n a grapthic and beautiful man- . Iller. It is the first full length llIllovieproduced under Catholic auspices for national distribu­ ~;ion_ Recently it played at 28 different theaters in Texas and $oon will appear in major New England cities during the Lent­ en Season. ' The film was produced by IF'amily Theater of Hollywood, California, under the supervi­ sion of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. of Family Rosary Crusade flame. He is responsible for the ifa.molls slogan "The Family that Prays together, stays together". The film is meant to bring the llIllessage of Christ 'to as wide an audience as possible and it fea­ tures MacDonald Carey as the voice of Christ. It was filmed in Eastman color and is technically well done. Father Rioux is a native of New Bedford.. He was educated fin local schools, attended Stone­ rmiH College, graduated from Vwversity of Notre Dame and

Turn to Page Eleven




By Rev. John R. FoIster

fall River, Mass., Thursday~ Feb.' 10, 1966

• c»1.1

returned to the churches subscription lists a,dded to corrected. The number of total paid subscriptions to The Anchor has inched-up annu­ ally for the past nine years. Each year's paid sales have mounted. A number of FATHER LARUE parish~s today 'are close to com­ plete family coverage' as the greatast· bid: for total family' coverage hits its peak. .

Pa pa I Broadcast

To Open Relief

,FU.,d Ao~eal

according to Archbishop Krol of Philadelphia, a member of the Coordinating Commission. By this it is meant that once their work of explaining the decrees and issuing directives is done. the commtssion will cease to exist. "The overall purpose of the post-conciliar commissions," the Archbishop noted, "is to insure the endurance of the councifs heritage in the Church, to reap the fruits of the Council and to apply its directives." ''The commissions have been· charged with interpreting the Council's 'd~crees,'~ the prelate continued, "with the precise ac­ curacy intended by the Council Fathers, and' assuring the cor­ reet implementation of the de­

the 'decrees, of execution." The matter of council decrees will be applied in various ways. The Holy Father himself could.­ on his own - issue a directive• Archbishop Krol pointed to the removal of the obligation to re­ cite Prime in the Divine Office as an example of implementa- . tibn that came strictly from the Pope although the Liturgy De- . cree had called for-not ordered . -.:.such Ii suppression. Other' decrees will be' imple- ' 'mented by having Certain "in- , structions" issued that will spell ' out, the practicalllPplication's of ' one of the Council's decrees. One on the, Liturgy has already been issued; one on the Com­ niunications Media is aboui Tum to Page Ten

NEW YORK' (NC) - A radio broadcast to American school children by Pope Paul VI will open the Lenten campaign of the 20th annual Catholic Bishops' Overseas Re­ lief Fund Appeal. Some six million pupils are expected to hear the broadcast on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 23. All major networks are scheduled to carry the address. Pope Paul makes the Appeal each year, ask­ ing the children to make sacri­ fices and to give generously to the fund. Proceeds from the Appeal sup­ port the relief and welfare pro­ grams conducted in 80 countries by', Catholic Relief Services­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference, overseas aid agency of American Catholics. The 1966 Appeal will begin March 13 with a $5,000,000 mini­ mum goal.· It will culminate with a special collection in all churches in the U. S. on March 20.

; TAUNTONIAN RECEIVES BROTHERHOOD AWARD: William J. Fagan, left, of the Immaculate Conception Par­ ish, Taunton, is congratulated by Rt. Rev. Henri Hamel, Fall River, Diocesan chairman for the promotion of Christ­ ian Unity, on the Tauntonian's reception of the "Man of the Year" award presented by the Jewish Community of Taun­ ton on the tenth anniversary of Brotherhood Week of Christians and Jews.


Polish Cardinal

Sees Red Blast

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. VO, 1966

Uniting Flock

Diocese of Fa II River

BERLIN (NC) - Stefa cardinal Wyszynski, Catho­ lic primate of Poland,'hM told worshippers at the 'Po­


ish national shrine of Czesto­ .'chowa that government attaca . Ji\SSJIGNMlEN'll.' .. \ on the· Polish hierarchy.. 8ll'tI doomed to failure. Reverend Jam<!S A. Dury, chaplain at Madonna Manor . Cardinal Wyszynski, denied • North' Attleboro,' and part:ume' I!S-oiistant at St: Mary's Pari,s~ passport to visit Rome last month because he and other North Attleboro. . Bishops issued a call for recon­ / ciliation with Germany, said the Assignment eff~ctive Monday, February 'I, 1966. Catholic Church in Poland can not be vanquished by any tem­ poral power. Closer Together According to reports reachin, here, the congregation of several Bishop of Fall River , thousand persons cheered whe1l the Cardinal left the pulpit-. unusual demonstration for a Polish church. "Strike the shepherd and the ~f sheep will disperse," observed the Cardinal. "Often this has been tried and- proved true. But whenever it was d.one in Poland it served only to draw the sheep INTROIT: Awake! Why are you asleep, 0 Lord? Arise! ,closer together." Cast us not off forover! Why do you hide your face, for­ PLANS U. S. VISIT: 'Stefan Cardinal 'Wyszyncki dis­ Cardinal Wyszynski spoke l1t getting our oppression? Our bodies are pressed to the earth; , cusses his forthcoming visit to the United States in Rome the,consecration of Aw:dlial7 arise, 0 Lord, help us, and deliver us.. 0 God, our ears have with Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius Wycislo of Chicago, in, ' Bishop Francizek .Musiel of heard, our fathers· have declared to us. Glory be to the connection with the celebration of Poiand's Millenium of" Czestochowa, where the national shrine of the Black Madonna hQII Father, etc. Awake! Why' are you asleep, 0 Lo:nl?Arise! Christianity. NO Photo. long been a symbol of national Cast us not off forever! Why do you hide your face, for­ survival. getting our oppression? Our bodies are pressed to the earth; Defends Flock arise, 0 Lprd, help us and deliver us. "We have to stand up before the rulers, princes and authori­ GRADUAL: Let the nations know that God is your ties and calmly and bravely pro­ DOI1l1DnOC«Jlfl1 Preso&erit Head Believes claim the Gospel," he emphlll­ name; you alone are the Most High over all the earth. 0 sized. ''The people can be with­ my God, make them like leaves in a whirlwind, like chaff out kings, leaders, premiers and before the wind. You have rocked the country, 0 Lord, and PROVIDENCE (NC) - Father When asked about academic ministers but sever without i~ split it open. Repair the cracks in it, for it is tottering. shepherd. William Paul Haas, O.P., presi­ freedom on the Providence cam­ That' they may flee out of bowshot; that your loved ones dent of Providence College, feek pus, he replied that sometimes a ''The. Bishop is the good shep..­ may escape. the unionizing of college facul­ more "controlled" freedom is herd who faces the wolves, anti!, is an issue that requires necessary in the academic world. although hurt, defends the peea­ OFFERTORY: Make my steps steadfast in your paths, . ties pIe against hatred, falsehood and more investigation. harm," he stressed. that my feet may not ·falter. Incline Y'our ear to me; hear Father Haas says there are . The Cardinal once more de­ my word. Show your wondrous kindness, 0 Lord, Savior many unresolved questions con­ nied that the Bishops were medo cerning unionization. Since most ST. JOHN'S (NC)-The Ro­ of. those who trust. illl you. dling in political matters whelil colleges do not have faculty man Catholic Episcopal Corpor­ exchanged letters witli 'the COMMUNION: I ,will go in to the altar of God, the unions, he asserted, "it would . ation has awarded a contract for they hierarchy of Germany whiie at .behoove us to investigate what construction of a Catholic col­ God of my gladness and joy. their reasons are.~' lege on the campus of Memorial the Ecumenical Council. He saiel! many' who were swayed by 'the The Dominican discussed the University,of Newfoundland,lo­ Please Clip alrod Bring to Church on Sunday current teachers' strike at St. ~atecl here.. The first college first government attacks now acknowledge this fact. ." John's University in N'ew York erected.. by the .Church in New­ "People of weak' faith easily ... foundland will .cost approxi­ and said' that ., it would be all mately $1,400,000. It will be get anxious," he said. "The remr­ WASHINGTON (NC) -:The .. previously or if stili working, right for a member of the Provi­ dence College faculty to criticize known as St. John's College, and n'ant of honesty they have left Bureau of Health and Hospitals, are urged to contact a Social Se­ is scpeduled for completion ·by,· lias now made them admit it." his policies. National Catholic Welfare Con­ curity office to 'sign up immedi­ . Calm and Confident "I hope it would be a last November, 1966. ference, has issued' a reminder ately, the reminder says. Without retreating a s'tep, _ .resort," Father Haas said, "but to all persons 65 years of. age defended the Polish letter his love of the institution itself and older that March 31 is the against the attacks of those whc might require it." He added, deadline for enrolInient for the 'said it represented a surrendelr FEB. 19 FRIDA¥ - Apparition 0 f the however, that he hoped any en­ new U. S. ,health insurance pro­ Rev. Andrew J. Brady, 1885, to P.,oland's ancient enemies, tbci Blessed Virgin M a I' y at lightened administration could gram. Germans. At the same time, 'he Lourdes. III Class. White. face' problems realistically so Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River. Cooperating with the Social defended the letter's call .£ow disputes would not resUlt in such Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Rev. Leopold Jeurissen, SS.CC.. Security Administration, the a procedure. 1953, Pastor, Sacred Heart, brotherhood and reconciliatioa Preface of Blessed Virgin. NCWC bureau's reminder de­ among all people. Fairhaven. SATURDAY - Se~en Holy tailed that the program is di­ "The Bishops must be stroo, Founders of the Servites, Con­ vided into two parts-Plan A for FEB. 20 in. the fight against the poW-en Sees

fessors. III Class. White. Mass hospital insurance, and Plan B, ~ev. JamesH. Fogarty, 1922, of darkness and, the spirit ~ Proper; Glory; no Creed; voluntary supplemental pIa n Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River. hatred," he declared. "Be calla Common Preface. which pays doctors' bUls and FEB. 22 and- 'confident. Your bishops, VATICAN CITY (NC)-Com­ SUNDAY-Bexagesima Sunday. other medical services. Rt.. Rev. Jovite Chagnon, 1954, who are working for the people. menting on the war in Vietnam II Class. Violet. Mass Proper; All persons 65 and oleller not Founder, St. Joseph, New Bed­ have never- left them or' dODe No Glory; Creed; Preface of, and Pope Paul's pJ:Oposal of neu­ receiving social security bene­ ford. any harm." tral arbitration under ,the aus­ Trinity. . fits, even if' declared ineligible MONDAy - Mass of prevous pices of the United Nations, Vat- . Sunday. IV Class. Violet. Mass ican Radio declared that "it Proper; No Glory .01' Creed; would be a mistake to give in O'ROURKE AU~~~TgNtE 2nd Prayer St. Valentine. to blind fatalism." Fune8'al Home There is no need to give up Common Preface. H~me peace efforts, a Vatican Radio DEVOTION . OR 57l' Second Street Helen Aubertine Brough commentator said the day after St. Valentine, Priest and Mar­ William H. Auberiine . Feb. 13-St. Williams,'J? a 11 Fail River, Mass. tyr. Red. Glory; no Creed; the United States resumed its' Brian J. Auberiine . River. air attacks on North Vietnam. Common Preface. ' OS 9-6072 Santo Christo, Fall River. TUESDAY - Mass of previouB ,"Everything is not lost yet," he Spadotlls ParrkulI'\lg AI1'SCll MICHAEL J. McMAHON Feb. 2Q-St. Anthony's Con­ Sunday. IV Class. Violet: Mass' said. "It is possible to continue WY 2-2951 the search. It is obligatory to tlicensl'ld Funeral Director' . vent, Fall River. Proper; No Glory or CIleed; 129 "lie" St, New Bedford Re~isterEmbalme'v'" 2nd Prayer SS. Faustina and devise and attempt new. ways." i Catholic Memorial Home, Jovita; Common Preface. Fall River. OR Feb.. 27-Bt. Anthony, East SS. Faustina and Jovita, Mar­ Falmouth. SM~UYil9 $@ns I tyrs. Red. Glory; no Creed; St. James, New Bedford. Common Preface. Funeral Dome FUNIERAL HOME, UNe. Our Lady of Lourdes, FUNERAL HOME WEDNESDAY-Mass of previ­ Taunton. . Ill. Marcel Roy - G. Lorraine Roy

550 Locusi Strpet ous Sunday. IV Class. Violet. 469 LOCUST STREET Roger LsFranco

Fan RI~el'. MBlllS. Mass Proper; No Glory w FALL RIVER, MaslI. FUNERAL DDRIECTORS -nlE AIICHOR Creed; Common Preface. 05·2·2391 second Class Postage' Paid lilt Fall R1yer1 OS 2-338'1 THURSDAy'- Mass of previous 15 Irvington Mass. °ublished every Thursday at 41u Sunday. IV Class. Violet. MlllIIIl' Rose B. Sulllvaa Highland Avenue... Fall River, Mass.. 02722 995·5166

Wilfred C. James E.' bY-the catholic rre8S' Of the Dloceae of Fall Proper; No Glory or Creed; ,"pfl"e7 E. Sulllvu New Bedford

hI, SubscrllltlOll price IllI 1ilIU, EJOBtpald Drasco" Sullivan. Jr.' Common Preface. .­ ".00 118r year.


·n-he Mass

For SeltCl1gemnma Swrroday




College Issue Ltequores More investogation

First College

March 31 Deadline for MeclJ5c«lJre


Mass Or«lo

Vatic.an Radio Hope for Peace



.FUneil'al' .




D" D.



Archbishop Cites Fellowship Ties" With Anglicans 'NEW ORLEANS (NC)­ Archbishop Philip M. Han­ na~ of. New Orleans says. Anglicanism and Catholicism sliare' "many bonds of fellow­ ihip'; in doctrines and" beliefs which must be applied to daily li(e. Speaking at the 128th annual"" eo'nvention .of the Louisiana Diocese of the Episcopal Church, Archbishop Hannan said the bonds of collaboration and fel­ lowship bet wee n the two churches existed long before the Vatican Council. 'Christ Lives in Me' He noted the council's ecu­ men ism decree states that "the Anglican community occupies a· special place" in relation to the Roman See. That fellowship, he added, has been sealed by the DIRECTORS OF NEWMAN CLUB APOSTOLATE: shedding of blood by the Uganda The chaplains' association which directs the work of 200 Martyrs of the last century­ • Anglican and Catholic laymen priests who take care of the spiritual needs of 900,000 who "died in a common testi­ Oatholic students in secular colleges and universities has mony to their Christian beliefs." completed the work of giving d.irection" to the Newman These common bonds, he con­ apostolate in the light of Vatican Council II decrees. Ac­ tinued, "present, as does every d<lctrine of our faith, a special " complishing some of the paperwork were, left to right: duty, a singular opportunity. Our duty is to apply to our lives Mlese doctrines, especially the mystery of the Incarnation. We . strive to realize the potential in that awesome phrase of St. Paul: 'I live now, not I, but Christ WASHINGTON (NC) ..:.-. The He suggested that in celebra­ lives in me.' USO passes a major milestone· tions sponsored by religious Problems of Spirit "This awesome phrase has an this month-25 years of practical bodies this aim be noted. In ad­ immediate relevance to the great Ecumenism in providing a "home dition, he said, '.'calling attention to the USO at this time will problems of the world which are away from home" for U. S. also serve as a solemn reminder are generally the lengthened servicemen. to offer prayers for the armed The USO, formally known as shadow of the problems of the forces fighting in Vietnam." the United Service Organiza­ community." Stanley P. Hebert, chairman Archbishop Hannan told the tions, was formed originally by Episcopalians that we "live in a combining in World War II the of the executive committee of world still largely dominated by welfare efforts of the National the National Catholic Commu­ Catholic Community Service, nity Service, has asserted the materialism and, therefore, di­ the National Jewish Welfare USO "merits the commendation vided by materialism. of all Americans." "We live at a time when man Board; the Young Men's Chris­ Active" Around World lls achieving or has achieved his tian Association and the Young dream of mastery over matter Women's Christian Association. "The agency has been out­ • '" '" Unfortun~tely, man always Later the National Travelers Aid standingly successful in scope of felt that by ~onquering matt.er, Association joined. operation, popularity and attain­ that is' conquering space, by'con­ Prayer Reminder ment of lofty purposes," he said. quering disease and hunger, he Bishop Paul F. Tanner. gen­ would always conquer his spir­ eral secretary of the National Peritus Emphasizes itual problems. Catholic Welfare. Conference "In his moment of triumph he who has held a number of posts Council Continuity has found disillusionment '" '" • within the USO notes one of the LANCASTER (NC)-A peri­ Conquering matter is no clue to objectives of the organization is tus (expert) at the Second Va­ ~nquering the problems" of the meeting the. spiritual and reli­ tican Council says the Bishops spirit." gious needs of servicemen. "acted always in the framework Son of God of Catholic continuity." It is "symptomatic of our "The ancient, unchanging kouble that our age, which has Jersey Court Fight

faith of the Church was reaf­ the greatest ease of communica-" Looms Over Buses

firmed and set in sharper focus" tions, is the age in which man­ Msgr. William H. Keeler, vi~e WEST MILFORD (NC) kind is sundered'" '" • as never chancellor of~the Harrisburg Di­ A Hackensack attorney says before," he continued. ocese and a specialist in canon "The signs of our times are the he will file a Superior Court law, told the Lancaster Minis­ suit shortly challenging school ][1"on Curtain, the concentration eamp, jails as large as nations bus practices in this New Jersey terium. "Extensive use in the Council community. fun. which the only crime is to documents of the Scriptures and <fross a frontier'" of> '" The age of Atty. Robert D. Gruen de­ materialistic triumph is the age clined to identify the two West of the early Church emphasizes of division," the Archbishop Milford residents preparing the this continuity," he affirmed. "It opens doors to understanding action. He made the announce­ declared. among Christians today." Godless materialism of the ment after the New Jersey'chap­ East, he declared, "cannot be . ter of the American Civil Liber­ beaten by godless materialism of ties Union said it would support the W·est. The doctrine·that man any taxpayer bringing suit is matter must be overcome by .against the West ·Milford Board the idea that man is the son of of Education on the bus issue. God." The board at its own expense provides transportation for stu­ 245 MAIN STREET dents attending two parochial Orders Destruction schools in the 85-square-mile FALMOUTH-KI 8-1918 It began doing so at Of Smut ·Magazines township. ARMAND ORTlNS, Prop. the request of residents fear­ QUEBEC '(NC)-Judge Henri ful of a pupil shift to public .Jolicoeur of the Quebec Court of schools when school bus routes Sessions' ordered confiscation were shifted to the disadvantage and immediate destruction of 1,000 copies of 12 magazines of children attending three par­ ochial schools. siezed by police here and in sub­ urban Charlesbourg. The Quebec Board of Censors First iFor Women of the Cinema studied the pub­ ~OUTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. AUSTIN (NC)-CoJastruction lications first at the request of of the first residence hall for the Minister of Justice of Que­ Near Fairhaven Drive-In bec, as provided by a provincial women at Maryhill College, the Italian Dinners Our Specialty llaw against "immoral an'd por­ coordinate college of St. Ed­ Service On Patio nographic," publications. The ward's University. will begin confiscation by police resulted. soon here in Texas.


Msgr. John F. Bradley, association president, chaplain at the University of Michigan; Auxiliary Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, episcopal moderator; Msgr. John T. McDonough, Washington, executive director; Fr. Thomas Phelan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institution, Troy and Fr. David Conroy, University of Minnssota. NC Photo.

Marks Silver Jubilee Anniversay

PracticaU Ecumenism-'Home Away From ·Home' Tjle USO, which has head­ quarters in New York, is sup­ ported by voluntary contribu­ tions primarily through United Funds and Community Chests. Today the USO is on active duty with the U. S. troops in the Pacific, from Korea to Vietnam; in the Caribbean from Guantan­ amo Bay to Puerto Rico; in Eu­ rope, from Turkey around the Mediterranean rim of Italy and France.

New York Area Poll F.avors School Aid ROCHESTER (NC) - More people favor than oppose federal and state aid to parochial schools according to a poll conducted in six counties of New York by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Of those interviewed, 48 per cent favored such aid, 42" per cent opposed it and 10 per cent were undecided. Most favoring aid feel it should be in the form of bus transportation, text­ book fees or direct funds to the school.

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Clarifies Cas'e Of Fre DePauw WASHINGTON (NC)-Arch­ bishop Egidio Vagnozzi, A(>ostol­ ic Delegate to the United States, has moved "to clarify once and for all" the status of Father Gommar A. DePauw. Speaking as "the representa­ tive of the Holy See" in a writ­ ten statement, the Apostolic Del­ egate made the following points: The Holy See "is aware of no excardination of Father DePauw frpm the Archdiocese of Balti­ more. Father DePauw has not been vlllicUy jncardinated into the Diocese of Tivoli, Italy, and will nqt be. Father DePauw "has been and remains at presen"t a priest duly incardinated" in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and is subject to the Cardinal Archbishop of Bal­ timore. The Holy See "has granted no permission" for Father DePauw to associate himself with the "Catholic Traditionalist Move­ ment" in any way inconsistent with the directions of "his prop­ er Ordinary, the Cardinal Arch­ bishop of Baltimore."

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Ten Tuesday Eve...:ngs

7:30 to 9:30 P.M. C'oatlvo Writing labaratolY Pundam.nlal. Of Co,,.ct Ingll.h Maker. Of Tho Moelorn Theatre Reaeflng Improvement Por Adult. Drawing Anel Painting O,eat Ma.tor. Of Paintlnll (tit",.......t Th. Fin. Art Of Wooel.ufo Conv.natlonal Fr.nch-a.,i"".N Matt. For EvelYelay U.. · Ca,. ., Plonnln9 'or WOnMtll P.y.halogy Of Penonallty Vou Anel Your Chllel (Thur•.•v•.) "'" 'oct. Anel fanel.. Of HO'Mlty Introduction To Sociology Intorlar D.coratlon ' ....onalfty 'mprovemen' For Wom_ Accounting For Non·Accountant. Inlurance-Prep. Agents' & Brokon' EJCom. Training Coun. for Supervi. . . Psychological T.sting In Bus. & Ind. Inv.stlng In Stocks & Bonels Real Estate Appraisal Real E,'alo-Prep.. For May Exam. &lemfO ... torv Shorthand fGrogg)


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via Routo 24

'.1. COl B-2051, IIaston OX 6-905lt


THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fan Rlver-Thurs.;·Feb. 10, 1966

Detroit Churchmen Criticize Law

Warns Teenag'ers of' Evils Res~'lting From Drinking By Joseph T. McGloin, S.'J. Most ice-shows, lihe the old vaudeville acts, feature wme clown who is an expert at putting on a drunk show. He's usually hilarious. But the fact is that drunkenness is funny only in an ad; like this. In' reality, the drunk is not funny - at' least ~t when he gets home. Nor is judges ten us that an over­

indulgence in drink is involved

he much of a man. He's pa­ in every other divorce case they

thetic. In fact, he's oot <even encounter. And we know that

"the harmless drunk" you some­ there is a very high proportion,

times hear mentioned by some­ indeed, .of 'broken and unhappy

one who only homes, without divOi'ce,where

sees him but an overuse of drink is to blame.

does not have There are other side effects

BRO. JOHN N1EDL, CoS.C. to live with involved in this sad over-indul­ him or work gence, too - the expense in­ 'with him or volved, for one thing, and the otherwise toler­ physical and intellectual harm ate him. Now . which it invariably causes in the alcoholic drink individual. is a creature, Perhaps one of the most obA weekly band music program something fash­ vious evils coming from the is conducted every Friday eve­ 'ioned by man overuse of dripk (and not al- \ ning at 6 o'clock over Station with the help ways an enormous overuse at WRLM-FM, Taunton, by Broth­ of God's gifts, that) is the slaughter it causes' er John Niedl, C.S.C., instructor and, as such, it is a good thing. on the street, with one in three of chemistry at Coyle High But, like all good things, it accidents involving a drinking School and chairman of the remains good only as long as it (not necessarily a drunken) Diocesan Music Committee. is used well, and it becomes driver. The show features outstanding something very far from good Any person behind the wheel bands with informative commen­ indeed when it is abused. of a car fs a potential killer. But tary on each musical group with The person who drinks for the drinking driver immeasur­ a question and answer period. the right reason and at the right ably ups his chances of convert­ Area band activities will be an­ time is using the stuff rightly. ing this potentiality to actuality. nounced during the program. But the guy who drinks too Bad Example In charge of the annual Dioc­ much is abusing it as surely as Now this is a pretty grim pic­ esan Spring Music Festival-and the man with a gun who coldly director of the Coyle Band, ture, all the more ghastly be­ shoots another human be~ng cause it is not fiction, but truth. Brother John also supervises the with it abuses the right use of Band composed of Holy Cross And the picture becomes abso­ - "Brothers of the Eastern Prov­ a gun. lutely grotesque when, realizing ince. / Ways of Abuse its truth, we see young people Drink has a use, a good one. imitating the example of these But it can have no legitimate people who make such a mess use where it is indulged in by of their lives and the lives of someone too young, 'or too much, those close to them. or at the wrong time and place. To make matters· still worse, WEST SPRINGFIELD (NC)­ As a matter of fact, you will we . see young people, not just The radio apostolate of the Pas­ notice that these general W?,ys imitating these cowardly fail­ of abusing this "creature" ~re ures but bragging about it, as sionist Fathers has scheduled a series of interviews concerning much the same catego'ries as the though this were the grea~ man­ ways of abusing another good ifestation of maturity instead of the Second Vatican Council for creature, dating. a sure sign of prolonged infancy. February. Father Fidelis Rice, C.P., di­ As a nation, we Americans are There is the young clod who rector, said the Hour of the Cru­ not exactly tee-totalers. As a just can't seem to allow his con­ matter of fact, from our very temporaries to have fun the way cified Sunday program has listed expenditures on booze, it would God intended exuberant youth the following speakers and top­ seem that we-or some of us-­ to enjoy th.emselves, but who has ics: Margaret Mealey, executive must be indulging in the stuff to spoil the party or the dance director, National Council of out of all proportion. or the date by bringing along Catholic Women, "Vatican II and the World' of Women," Feb. 13; We have, in fact, in America, some booze. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum of the an estimated five million bona Having failed to prove in any fide alcoholics (That's at least authentic way that he is a man American JewIsh Committee, "Vatican II and the Jews," Feb. one in every 40 Americans) ex­ or that she is a woman, this is cluding the problem drinker, the the means tried now-a "means" 20, and Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia, "Vatican II and so-called "social drinker," and which proves infancy rather than The Catholic World," Feb. 27. the person who goes on an occa­ .any growth beyond any doubt. sional or more than occasional StuIJid Reasons binge. Young people, when they 'Escape Artist' , drink, invariably do it for one of NEWARK (NC)-=The Ameri­ It's not hard to figure why a a few stupid 'reasons: because can Civil Liberties Union .is person over-drinks, but none of they imagine that others might challenging in court New Jer­ the real reasons correspond to think them square if they don't, sey's r~uirement that parents the reasons given by the drinker because it helps them to "be­ seeking to adopt a child must himself. Psychologically, the long," because drinking is legal­ ~eclare a religious affiliation. ovet'-drinker is primarily an ly restricted to adults and so "escape-artist." He cannot face drinking must make them as' reality, and so he takes this' mature as the adults who drink. means of getting away from it, Or they may drink for' the either habitually or whenever same reasons an adult does: to Residence

he can. gain courage to do things they FO,R YOUNG WOMEN The really heavy drinker ill wouldn't ha.ve the guts to do not an admirable character at without it, or as an escape from 196 ''lfhipple St., Fall River ail. He may, of course, be sick. life, from their own shyness for' Conducted by IFranciscaD1l If not, he is essentially a cowar'd instance. Missionaries of Mary who cannot sustain life without Particularly despicable is the ROOMS - MEALS

this crutch, and who has to young guy who drinks so he can OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY

drink for "courage," to buoy up perform acts of impurity with Inquire OS 3.289'

his sagging spirits and strength­ OC====="======Ollo "his" girl, SO" that he'll be able , en his rubbery backbone. to brag on- the morrow to the It's hard to tell which causes rest of the "men" about all he more harm in the family ­ the did. [Q)@~ ~[L[L overuse of drink or the reasons .If it is an anomaly to see , underlying this overuse. In other adults dnmk, it is truly horrible words, it is hard to determine to 'see teen-agers misusing this whether the thing which makes stuff. Sometimes, an adult can ~~~VD~[E marriages flop and causes fam­ profit from some stimulant to ilies to go out of their collective restore a bit of his lost youth. Commercial 0 Industrial minds is the cowardice and un­ But there is an exuberance to Institutional reality which causes a man to youth which starts out as zestful Painting and Decorating overdrink or the overdrinking and enthusiastic ,. as any adult itself. is only after a couple of drinks. f«llID Rover OSborne 2-19H 'In Divorce Cases As St. Thomas puts it, youth The fact ,is, though, that is already half drunk-with its· 74 Williamson Street whichever one is the cause, own youthful zest and spirit.

Coyle B,other' Music 'Critic

MADRID (NC) - CoUectiOM for the missions in the Madrid dioeese during 1965 raised $303,,00 000, an increase of 25 per ~ ever the previous year.


"Food packages are necessary, but they are not enough. To do permanent good in India we mus!; teach children honesty, cleanliness, Initiative. We must give-them a sense of dignity, and equip them now to support their own children fifteen years from now~" ••• These words camero New York this week from native Sister Kochuthresia, the convent Superior in Kot-tara-kara, south FORlodia.Despite everyday hunger (famine is ray.. SISTERS aging India), our Sisters are investing long-term THE WAY :in ~hildreri •••• The Daughters of Mary (the com­ IS munity to which Sister belongs) are for the NOT sick,anC\teach children, irrespective ofeaste or EASY creed: If the Sisters can build a large convent (with chapel attached) in Kot-tara-karar they can expand their work in~5 nearby villages. .•.•. Help' them? The convent for 15 Sisters will cpst only $4,700; the chapel, fully equipped, Will cost a mere $1,875 more..... Name the ·convent (or the chapel) for your favorite saint, in memory of your loved ones, If you build it all by yourself. 'Send as much as you can at least right_now ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $10, $5, $2). You'll enable thousands of poor children to take care of themselves tomorrow; and you'll share for­ ever in the Sisters' grateful prayers. ­ "',



She works without salary 18 hours a day, caring A'SISTER~.for others because she was chosen by Christ. WORllU Her services for a lifetime no one else can buy! ••• Help a penniless girl become a Sister? Her two-year training costs only $12.50 a month, $150 a year,$300 all told, payable at your con­ venience. She will write to you, pray for you, and you may write to her. We:U send you her name . ,on reoeipt of your first gift. WHAT'S

... ..

Child Law


Money for .Missions

Radio Dnterviews

. On Vatican Council

St. francis

the state ebapteral. The Am~ can Civil Liberties Union and supported' by the American Jew­ ish Congress and Protestantll and Other Americans United f . Separation of Church and State. The state will pay three­ fourths of the cost of the services provided under the 1965 law. The local School district wiD paying the remainder for the gervices which include street erossing guards, remedial read­ ing and speech eo r r e c t i Oil eourses, health services, diae­ nostic and consulting services for handicapped and distured children.

DETROIT (NC)-The Metro­ politan D e t r 0 i t Council of Churches has denounced Michi­ gan's AuXiliary Services' Act which provides special services to parochial and private schools on an equal basis With public schools. The council's Christian edu": cation division 'commented "We are opposed to any law or pro­ :vision which would tend to weaken or fragmentize the pub­ lic school system. "Although we are deeply con­ cerned that no child be denied assistance in matters relating to his health and safety, w~ do 'not .support the present law, which ,provides that auxiliary services be provided by local boards of education." The law has been challenged in a suit brought against the Detroit Board of Education by.


MEDICINE The world has IS-million lepers. Only one in five IN gets medical care.••. Still, for only $8.50 our

SISTER'S misslonaries can buy 10,OOO'~miracle"Dap­ HANDS sone tablets (enoVgh for 43 leperS'for one year). ••• Please do all you can tID help.

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Missioner Cites Value of Press h~ Chu~~h Work


Thurs., Feb. 10, 1966 ,

Slate W ~~~{$~C~ F05' R~~BgjB@~~

CHICAGO (NC)-The ef~ fectiveness of the written 'Word in missionary work of «Jhe Catholic church has been

A one-day workshop for mem­ bers of religious communities to be held at Stonehill Collpge starting at 10 Saturday morning, April 23, has been announced by Rev. William F. Hogan, C.S.C., ch;:lirman of the department of theology. Under the theme, "ReligioUlJ In The Church," the program will consist of a morning confer­ ence conducted by Rev. Thomas O. Barrosse, C.S.C., editor of Catholic Biblical Quarterly and author of God Speaks To Men and numerous articles; a noon­ time Mass, followed by lunch; an afternoon conference to be conducted by Rev. Charles Schleck, C.S.C., author of Thecfl.­ ogy Of Vocation, Theology Of Marriage and numerous articles, and a noted lecturer on Religious Life. . There is no fee for' the work­ shop and all members of reli­ gious communities are invited to attend.

extolled by Msgr. Kenneth G. Stack, publisher of Extension magazine. Preaching at a Mass in the an­ nual observance of Catholic Press Month, Msgr. Stack related how an article written by the 'late Bishop Francis Clement Kelley led to the founding of the Catholic Church Extension Society and Extension magazine. ~ishop Kelley was a priest in <C~icago at the time. Movmg stOll':¥' . "Ih the course of a lectUre l1:Qur, at the turn of the century, he came to know the grinding ~overty and degradation of the roral Catholic churches in the Middle West," said Msgr. Stack. "Later in his life, Father Kel­ ley was to' author many books lllnd articles but none of his writings was as important 2S his lllttempt to tell the story of the financial plight oQ an indigent $(:@lli]U' IH]@~W tKJ@aDU' EJlriest from Ellsworth, Kans.. cnd his shanty church," he con­ ~\W!n@@V Mnued. "The moving story 0Ji' the William N. Guilmette, chniy­ man of the Fall River area Cath­ church and rectory, 'patched and desolate, above whose cracks and olic Committee for Scouting, an­ nounces that a Holy Hour for ca-eaks the blizzard moans and '-. t.;:' Cubs, Boy Scouts and Explorers e!llills, cellarless, stairless and ,'­ f ~~•• -"'i t~'~, will be held from 2 to 3 Boy @reary' was published in the Scout Sunday afternoon, Feb. 13 Ecclesiastical Review, then the in Sacred Heart church. The bible of the hierarchy and clergy public is invited. . m America," the Monslgnoll" re­ Sermons will be given by Rev. e:illled. LII{ENlED TO GEORGE WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE: Archbishop Patrick F. Andrews and Rev. Impressive Recorl:! A. O'Boyle of Washington likened President Johnson to George Washington at Valley John Thomas C. Lopes, and Rev. '"The response to the appeal Forge at the annual Red Mass in St. Matthe,v's Cathedral in the nation's capital. "You Thomas C. Morrissey will direct I!IraS generous, and the young take with you our respect, our affection and our confiaence," the Archbishop told the congregational singing. Rev. author received encouraging let­ Peter N. Graziano will be as­ ters from all over urging him to nation's Chief ExecutLve as he left the Cathedral while snow flakes fluttered down by Rev. Peter F. Mullen do something about the shanty in the capital's worst snow storm in history. Auxiliary Bishop John S. Spence is in the sisted at Benediction.. cluurches and rectories in this =enter. NC Photo. lIOuntry." On Oct. 18, 1905, the Extension NO JOB TOO BIG oociety was launched by Father Kelley and 18 others at a meet­ NONE TOO SMALII. mg in the home of Archbishop .James Quigley of Chicago. 'Two years later, Father Kelley i'Oundern Extension magazin<a to to the degenerate, the oddballs cross:' We keep Christ, but what MIAMI BEACH (NC) ­ PRINTERS 1lIelp the society's work. kind of Christ? We present an and dope pushers.' Disrespect for authority and Since then, 7,000 churches and "The sob sisters say,we must effeminate and emasculated Main Office and ptant ehapels have been built with false compassion are causing be good to these people," Bishop Christ. The Christ that never funds raised by the magazine's 95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass. a c r is i s which faces the Sheen continued, "even some said 2l harsh word." appeals. Thousands of young Tel. 458-6333 world today according to Most courts with new compassion for 'Natural' Morality men have been educated for the Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, auxiliary . rapists and thieves will dismiss priesthood and thousands of in­ . bishop of New York. Auxiliary "ants "The communists have picked cases when you police are trying digent priests have been subsi­ up the Cross. They have intro­ BOSTON to defend the law. "All over the world there dized by Extension, Msgr. Stack duced discipline, order, common seems to be a breaking down of Righteous on DefeD!live CAMDEN, N. J. lIelated. good, total commitment to the authority, disrespect for prop­ "All of a sudden, protectors party. There is probably a high­ OCEANPORT, N. J. Sell YOUI' Produet erty, and disrespect far law;' of properly, life and decency in er, natural morality in Russia MIAMI "Father Kelley knew be had a Bishop Sheen warned in a Com­ the community find themselves today than in the United States," tremendous potential in the idea munion breakfast talk to police­ PAWTUCKET, Il.l on the defensive. This eWes not Bishop Sheen declared, empha­ sf an Extension Society," Msgr. men and firemen. . ;augur well for our national se­ PHILADELPHIA sizing that he said "natural." Staek said, "but he was practical "Obedience is a lost virtue; it curity and eur national peace." enough to realize that if no one is thoug.llt to be·a loss of per­ The national director of the ever heard' of his brainchild, it sonaL dignity; patriotism, love of Society for the Propagation of YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVE' !bight just as well have been eountry is on the decline," the the Faith emphasized that "in the life ot a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. love God lltillbom. nationally known prelate cau­ our Christian civilization, we more. and give to souls knowledge and love of "'He did not believe in Emer­ tioned." have participated in a great di­ God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the 11Im's dictum that if you build a vorce of Himself and the Cross. Press, Radio, Motion Pictures ~nd TV, to bring '~HlIInt TV Shows better mouse trap the world will We tear apart Christ and ~is His Word to souls everywhere. ~ealous young lJ)eat a path to your door. You "Since patriotism is one oil girls 14-23 years interested in this unique have to go out and sell your the forms of piety, it behooves Apostolate may write to: product. And what better way us to restore some respect for REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR

than through the written word?'! authority, to recognize what a DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL

Ille said. great and wonderful country 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30, MASS.

this," he declared. Bishop Sheen told guild mem­ Reg. Master Plumber 2930 bers that a new type of writer GEORGE M. MONTLIE and of television show are pre­ Over 35 Years

JERSEY CITY (NC)-Jersey senting false compassion which of Satisfied Service

. is extended "not to the rape, but e:ity policemen, 830 of them, 806 INO. MAIN STREET

lllave begun a course in human to the rapist; not to the victim lFall River OS 5-7497

'but to the pervert, homosexual, relations at St. Peter's College, a Jesuit-conducted school here. The course Will extend over 10 Weeks. Each policeman will at­ tend classes and lectures from I» BANQUETS • WEDDING$ (!l PAlun~s /PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. ! {) a.m. to 4 p.m., for three days 'ON~ STO~ for Llomestic 02 a week. Eighty policemen will «> COMMUNION BIR~AK[Fc!\S'[j'~ SHO:'il'ING CrENilE~ ._.£>. ~ and Industri<J! attend each week until all have ~ Sales and Service eompletgd the course. The pro­ il@ lelevisici1I (1) f\llmotlJlr'i:l U4~ IP'ILIEASAIM1l' 51l'. Oil Burners gram seeks to give the guardians (I) AlO>t!IiOU'ilCes @ G~@::e017 WY 5-1631

@$lboll'll'i<9 3-77@((ji @:l' the law a better understand­ ~04 Alien $~., New ~ed~ord ling of their responsibilities, ~283 ACUSHNET AVENUE

Jill:u1icularly toward minorUy WYmGI1i 7-93!W . NEW BEDFbRD


'~. ~~~.~,'j_:'. :~t~. __..~~~~.;~~)~L~

Prelate Criticizes False New Compassion Bishop Sheen Deplores. Disrespect for Law


Montie Plumbing. &

Heating Co., Inc.

830 Policemen EnroU In Catholic College











THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs .• Feb. 10, 1966


Common BaDtism Rite

In the aftermath of Vatican Council IT and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, men and women of various religious beliefs are seeking immediate and practical ways in which there can be steps toward a closer harmony among religious groups. . There has been est~lished a cordiality a~d a social time goes friel1dship .that all hope. will grow stronger by. But more is needed. A leading Lutheran churchman, Dr. Frederick A. Schiorz, president of the Lutheran World Federation and the American Lutheran Church, has proposed such a needed step in asking for a common baptismal rite for Lutherans and Romall Catholics. Indicating that there is "very little difference l;>etween Protestants-with the exception of Baptists--and Catholics on baptism," he pointed out that a common rite is both possible and de­ sirable and that it should be in the name of the Father and of the Son and of' the Holy Spirit with Scripture passages indicating that the one baptized is disciplined to Christian living. Emphasizing that .Catholic recognize. any baptism that is done in the name of the Trinity and in the right way and with the right intention, the churchman sees in a baptismal rite common to Lutherans and Catholics a sigriificant step forward in the ecumenical movement. And it is one that can be taken without compromise from any quarter.

C D (News «Jf parish· Collfraternit, fi ' Christiaa Doctrine activities is ....

comet! for this column; as are sugges­ tiOll «Jf subjects for future columnS. CorrespondenCe may·be addressed • Edward P. McDonagh,S Hunting Street, North Attleboro, Mass. 02760J ,. By EdwardP•.McDoliagb . ' . ' . . ' Nobody was ever meant. , , To' remember or Invent " What he· did with every elm'"


Robert Frost obvio'usly didn't' have CCD treasurers . in mind when he wrote that piece of verse. As we dis­

cussed in our last column, funds for CCD are not easy to come by and they must be spent prudent­ ly. The usual sources are gen­ eral parish revenues, an associ­ ate member program or sponsor­ ship by other parish societies. ' Normally, texts for the Parish Schools of Religion are our big­ gest and least avoidable expense. Estimate your needs precisely, ,buy what you need and pay the bill-carefully taking any dis­ count due you. Then try to make them last as long as you cari: Equipment for the Schools ill an area, where i~genuity ',call Worldwide Jesuit Society Plans-:Assault ~ ,pay' off. Father Lopes, ofSt. Guests 'at a dinner given a short while' ago by the' . , ~lizabeth's,:- Fail, River; 'reportS 'On Tasteless Movie " Providence Journal-Bulletin were' treated to the inter~ the following'"reCipefor, maKing ..blackboards: Take 4' 3' hard­ esting sight of one guest criticizing the newspaPer be-, DETROIT (NC). - A mass, dial reading courses. Now we board, ,%" thick. Cover the eause it censored a. two-week sequence of a comic strip worldwide Jesuit assault' on realize iliat, most cannot .view smooth ·side with' a 'coat' of as "tastelesss,'~ ·and then the creator, of the cornie strip ta~teless TV and movie watch- films' -a,fJd .televisioll properly,_ blackboard 'paint' available from . deiendin~ the. editor's right to exercise .JllQl'al J.udgement. iJl~ iS~f.!deI:way: _ ei~?ert", '. '. school suPpIY'·houses~ One quart, Where~s by the tIme he gr;ad- . costing $2,'50, 'will ,cover four Father Gelestin J. Steiner, S,J., Indeed, the cartoonist said: "A newspaper' must ex:' chancellor 'of the University of uates, a hIgh. sch.ool student has, ,such boaI:ds" . No ,framing is ercise 'moral judgement. That the Journal-Bulletin's moral D~troit, 'who will' direct· 'the s pen ~ approxImately 10,000 needed, but to make a chalk tray judgement was unique makes your paper, if anything, , project, in North America, said hours 111 school, he. had spe~t· use 3/.1." molding with one edge the program will be spread 15,000 hours watchll1g teleVl- beveled so that if tilts upward more distinguished than other papers." the world by means sion," Father Steiner opserv,ed. slightly when att>lched to the And while there waH wry humor and some degree of throughout "About the only effort· the .base of the board. Total cost, for of the network of Jesuit-run sarcasm in the cartooniHts words, the record still shows schools, colleges, seminaries and Church hal! made to get people four blackboards: less than I to view critically ~as the Legion ,$13.00, that he upholds a newspaper's right to I be responsible, missionary institutions. The 'j>aperwork jungle nas to make decisions that slUpport good taste alld the public He',emphasized'that the major ~f Decen?y,and thIS wa~ a pu:e- '. ~y neg~bve. ~nd, I ~Ight say, _ made encroachments in CCD too interest. This, of course, calls for the use 'of judgement concern is not wilh. damning bad lI1effecbve, approach, he !'e- and' it accounts for a consider­ and balance and wisdom on the part of an editor. But -sh'Ows but training individuals marked. ' , ' to not only' create, but ·appreci­ , "Th .. . t ts t b' . able expense. The best answer the alternative, is to turn a newspaper into a <lump and ate, good programs. . 0 rll1g. seeins to lie 'in versatile equip­ e socle y wan about a .cultural awarenes~. of ment capable 'of being used for its readers into ragpickers among its contents. Fr. Steiner said the 36,000l11al1l;e, of, . the vlsu~l several applications. For exam­ ·memoersociety, is concerned' ~he dO?1 Imag 111 to.days world" It ' ]S pIe, classroom visual aids, spirit 7 with the "actual effect the mass ' crea~lI1g a dIfferent world _than: masters, addressing labels and media'is having on the environ­ we ~ve ever kno":,n before and single copies of most documents ment in which people live." He man~]?,d must ,~eg1l1 to dev 710p can be made simply and cheaply Day after day, the front· page of every newspaper .added: ' a cntIcal eye, F~ther SteIner with a thermal copier. A new tells a frightening story of war and death and poverty· "As educators, ·w:e discovered . thermal copier costs about $350, and tragedy. These are the stuff of which newspapers that one of the greatest impedi­ co~men~ed. e sal,d the J~SUlt pr~gram but a perfectly good rebuilt ma­ ments to the learning process are made. And so it is all the more surprising-and pleas­ does n?t.• ~tend to ,1I1f~r or Imply chine can be had for half that was the inability to read the a~y' cnt~clsm of the fIlm.or tele- from .duplicating suppliers, Even antly so-when The New York Times used its front page printed word properly." vIsIon lI1du~try. ?n~, hopes..to this is a large investment but it' to hail the fact that one of, the world's great scholars, "When students couldri't learn ~ake only posItIve contnbu- could save money in the long Sir Isaiah Berlin, will join the faculty 'of the City Uni­ in college, we gave them reme­ tlOns. run. As an illustration, the ad­ ' versity of New York next Fall. dress labels you can make with a thermal copier make the pro­ This piece of news has importance from several points

curement of specialized address­ of view.

CHICAGO (NC) -·F a the r has to use' 'crutches and be 18 ing equipment unnecessary, It indicates that in a world where destruction has . Much of the printed material Richard F. Morrisroe, 26, who responding to treatment." such a large hold, there is still a paramount place for the was shot in' the back'last Sum­ used in CCp. programs can be On Feb. 22, Father Morrisroe produced without recourse to eonstructive voice of the scholar. mer in .Hayneville, Ala., where is to receive the John F. Ken­ professional printers. Spirit du­ he was a civil rights worker is It shows that one man of stature can still seize upon responding to ,therapy and nedy award of the Catholic In­ piicators (commony called Ditto and influence the minds and lives of many others. terracial Council of Chicago at machines) are widely available, should be released from the hos­ It pla~es em the right lofty level of importance ed­ .especially rebuilt ones. These pital within the next six weeks. ,a.dinner in his honor. can be used to print letters, at­ Father Morrisroe was wound­ ucation and the educator. Oak Park 'Hospi~al offichlls ect by ,shotgun blasts which tendance cards·, Fisher forms and Aid, he has been able to visit . It reminds people that if arid when a nation ceases with his parents at their home 'killed Jonathilr-f M.. Daniels,' 26, 'literally 'anything"else that re~ ,iG think, then it really ceases 00 live and grow. for 'the past fe~ 'weekerids. His , an ,Episco"'lal seminary' student· quires -reproduction. Teamed up from Keene, -N. H. A part time with a thermal .copier, a spirit younger brother, .James, 20, a deputy sheriff', Thomas L. Cole-· duplicat~r can make you hun­ student at' Loras 'Coilege, 'Du­ buque, Iowa, said lie is "coming man, was acquitted- of Danieis' dreds of copies of aimost any­ slaying. . thing, at a cost of far less than around nicely and his spirits are a cent. a' coPy. Yes, colors too.. goOd." Your postmaster can save you Faiher ·Morrisroe is expected Prelate Confirms -.-; -' money.·' Talk with bimab'out .to disclose more details of the , mailing at other than first cla·ss shO()ting today. Hospital authori­ In Former Church rates. CCD; ce'rtainlYciualifi~s' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ties have· permitted. him to LAFAYETTE- (NC) -..: AuXiI­ . as ,a non-profit organization an'd, ':schedule a !Iews conference. 'iary Bishop· Harold R;. Perry, under' certain" conditions,· your .•ubiished weekly. by The Catholic Press of the Dioce~e of Fall River

Hundreds 'of' phone calls' are . S.V.D.; of New Orleans returned mail may be sent for as little as . 410 Highland ,Avenue ,

received' weekly at the hospital here and administered the sac- , ,l lhc a piece. But, beforc, you Foil River, Mass. 02722 675-7151

from persons inquiring about the rament of ,Confirmation for the , spend even that' much, in vesti­ PU8L1Sf-!c~ priest, JeanneF. Carroll, hospi­ first tiril at Immaculate Heart gate the possibility of getting , tal pu}:llic relations director, said. of Mary parish where he had ,his , your message 'published in the Most Rev. James L Connolly, 10.0.; PhD., She added: "You'd be surprised first priestly assignment in 1944. . local newspaper-for free. GE;NERAl MA!'JAGER ASST. GENERAL, MANAGER how· many persons are inter­ Bishop' Perry, ,. who cohfirmed We've only touched on, a few Rt. Rev. Daniel F. 5halloo, M.A. Dev. John P. Driscoll ested in Father Morrisroe. He 200 children, and adults" is, the cost-saving item,S for CCD. If MANAGING EDITOR '. has .been undergoing therapy first Negm elevated to the U. S. you have any examples of 'inex­ Hugh J. Golden since early December. He ~till hierarchy in the 20th century.' Turn to Page Seven

Editors Judgement

Visual Image




Page One Scholar

(Father MorrisroE! Is Recovering



Shortage of Priests ~~@ws

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 10, 1966



~@M~@U'@t? ~@1f~ ce[?O\(C~m~[M). [l={]®~[9)~

LONDON (N:C)-A new book Oft vocations 00 the priesthood contains bleak evidence that there were not lllearlY,enoug:p priests in the world in 1965, and, despite, more ordinations than ever befQre, the situation is rapidly, 'deteriorating. The urgent .

meed for priests, especiall.y in been an increase in late voca-'

, 'tions, he adds: Asia, Mrica' and Latin "The establishment of more America; is graphically des­ training centers for late voca­

~~~@@~ ~)jg)U'®rnm BIRMINGHAN (NC) Criticism of the Catholie school system has brought "some' most beneficial re­ sults," an offici'al of the Nationall Catholic Educational Associatiom said here. . "It did for the schools in l:), rapid way that which would have taken a decade otherwise, as it pointed up the tendency to glorify tradition rather than move with the times," said Father Albert Koob, O. Praem.. associate secretary of the sec­ ondary schools department, NCEA. Speaking at a diocesan teach­ ers' institute here in Alabama, Father Koob said: "Archaic thinking has now largely given way to a freshness and newness of spirit_ A new philosophy of Catholic educa­ tion is in the process of oong forged.'" Professlonnl Activity He 'said some, of the signs OO! improvement were: teacher­ pupil ratio; increased profea= slonal training among adminis­ trators -and teachers; advisory ,boards which inclUde laymen; library facilities, and an upgrad­ ing in the status of lay teachers. .Discussing cooperation be­ tween Catholic and· public schools, he said: "Still more ilJ planned both under the heading of social action, USing poverty war funds, and under the variOUD provisions of the National De­ fense Education Act to improve the quality of education offered by our Catholic schools. '''Catholic education has now moved OUlt of the stage where it was merely an apostolate; it is now a professional aetivity with an even deeper coinmitment to Christian fOrniation," he said.

<eribed by Father 'James Forre:" tions could help"greatly in pro­ stall, who for the, past 'decade viding more' priests." has been organizer of the'Voca­ Statistics shGW that more than %ions Exhibition for, England and one-third of the world's priests Wales. His 80-page report, en­ are members of religious orders, f>itled "Where Are the Priests?" 'and that vocations to the Reli­ lllas been published by the Vat­ gious life are growing at a faster ~an's Polyglot Press. rate than those to the diocesan Bold Steps clergy. His report warns that the Church must be prepared to take "'bold and even unusual steps to'-. A FIRST IN IRAQ: Sister Blanche Marie, left, of solve the problem." Convent Station, N.J., and Sister Mary J"igouri of Munde­ Among the facts set down by 'loOoI1I. , . J?ather Forrestall are the follow­ ,JEFFERSON CITY (NC) ...:.. lein College, Chicago, are visiting professors at AI-Hikma mg: Missouri's attorney general has University in Baghdad. They are the first Sisters to teach The world is far short of the bp.en asked to rule on a request. at college' level 'of Iraq and live in the oonvent of Chaldean Meal of one priest for every, 800 by a Cnristian Brother that the Sisters.. NC Photo. Catqolics. In fact, the ratio of state end itS. P9licy of refusing one priest for every 1,21'4 C!lth­ to license teaching' n~s, priests olics established In 1960 Is not and Brothers. . being maintained. Just to 'meet Atty. Gen. Norman H. Ander­ .. 'the latter figure, 30,715 priests son's opinion,was sought by the would have to be ordained' im­ State Board of E.ducation after Top Civi~ Rgghts leaders Plan for Complex m.ediately; action by Brother K. Thomas " " While there are more priests McCarver; the boys' principal at 'r«)lbft@mro~ NlOJ'W C~[i1§II'Crr!ltalMJg Movemenli' today than there were five years Helias High School here. , NEW YORK (NC)-Top civil rights wo'rk 'in' the nation's ago, the world's Cathoii,c 'p'opu­ Brother McCarver; who 'was rights and religious leaders ',' lation is growing twice' as fast denied a license, filed a charge closed-door discussions on the nomic life. '

ns the increase in 'vocations.' " o~. . "religio~s dis,crimination" future of the civil rights move­ ,. "The John LaFarge Institute Latin America, the most des-" against the State Department of ment. 'consciously pulled together indi­ titute area for priests, has only Education with the Missouri Participants at the meeting at viduals repr!'!senting the coali­ one priest for each 4,928 Catho­ Human Rights Commission. the John LaFarge Institute, an tion," explained Father Walter mes. In Central America the The state has regularly interreligious conference center lVI. Abbott, S,J., director, "to re­ l?3tio is one for 6,9~7. granted a teaching license to founded by the Jesuit editors of 'kindle their spirit of coopera­ tion. There is an equally great There, are 33 per cent more 'qualified lay instructors in the Catholic weekly magazine, need now for men to work to­ priests in Italy than there are, Catholic schools. But it has de­ America, represented key seg­ gether 'on the more complex in the whole of Latin 4merica Died certificates to Religious and ments of the "coalition of con­ where the population is, four priests, charging that a license science" that played a major problems that the civil rights .' times that of Italy. , empowers a person to teach in role in passage of the Civil movement faces. The purpose of our institute is to provide the North America (the United public schools and that the Mis­ Rights Act'in 1964. The "coali­ States· and Canada) has a ratio souri Supreme Court held in tion" includes civil rights, reli­ time and place for the meetings." @f one priest for each 684 Cath­ 1953 that persons in religious gious, labor, management and

oUes, giving that continent llJ'Il garb and practicing religious civic leaders. .

excess of more ,than 10,000 vows cannot teach in public No public statements or re­ priests. 'schools. sults have been announced. Continued. from Page She 90 Per CeDt Leave Brother McCarver disagreed However, the contents of Ii study , "l'here are several reasons for with this' interpretation of the paper discussed by some 30 con­ About ,You? . the present shortage of priests, Supreme Court's decision and 'ference participants indicated pensive ingenuity used in your unit we would like to hear strong sentiments in favor of !'I8ys Father Forrestall, and sev­ charged that he is ''being dis­ eral ways in which it can be met. criminated against' because of greater personal involvement by of them. Be miserly with your ala report points out that around religion." church members hi civil rights dollars, not your ideas. See, the, "Little Flock" on 90 per cent of students in minor' The Christian Brother based work. The paper also called for H a , Channel 6 (WTEV) at 9:30 Sat­ seminaries leave before ordina­ ,his challenge specifically on his unique contribution of American urday .morning, Feb. 12.. Elmer lion. Yet, noting that there has rejection as a teacher in a fed­ erally financed tutorial program religionists" to help shape and· Cunnihgham, Diocesan Execu­ Jefferson City. He claimed he , support. the new goals of civ.il tive Board member explains the American Bishop' . in work of Discussion Clubs. has a right to seek a teaching ]!)Qst in the after-school tutoring Congratulations to SS Peter Cites Movies' Role Honors Pastor sessions in public schools, but is and Paul Parish, Fall River, on CUERNAVACA (NC) - The prevented by the state board's MONTREAL (NC) - P Ii u 1 their Canonical Establishment, Church views motion pictures refusal to license him. Emile Cardinal Leger of, Mon::" Feb. 22. 00 a forcefUl, means to promote . treal has invested Fat her ... A Franciscan Sister! file brotherhood of all man­ 'Georges"Coriaty, B.S., pastor of ltind and thus to build a world M(!;!jll'qL!Jett~ HOl!JIsin~ the Eastern rite Church, of St. GIVING YOURSELF to II life com· cf justice and peace. ~I'L I D'·· . Sauyeur with the honor of,archi­ pletelv dedicated ~o the salvation of This was the gist of the keyl8lJU(llHTg)~ o!1\ .. enae(jj souls " through grayer, WOrk,SBC­ ,mandrite, conferred on him by - ,

rifice and joy .•.. y using your tal· Rote speech at the special post­ MILWAUKEE (NC)' - Mar­ the Patriarch Cardinal lVIaximos . . .IIIM..

ents as a Nurse, Laboratory arnll(·Ray , q:ouncil meeting here ,in Mexico ,quette University officials here IV. This honor is equivalent to

Technicia", Secretary, Accountant, DI­ of the International" Catholic denied,_ that discrimination is domestic 'prelate in the Latin '"

lltitian, Seamstress, Cook. as well as , Film Office (OCIC) by Bishop permitted in university-approv­ rite. in other hospital departments and ' In .' .Lucien, ,:Metzinger, S S. C C., ed off-campus housing; '8 IlfW extension of ,our work in Cate­ .' . eounselor of t~e organiz~tion's Ave, Maria. m~gazine ,quoted chetical and Social Service'Fields. . . a: .. secretariat for Latin. America. Negro studen~s as" saying .Ne- ' . i · There Is No Greater Charityl The French-born Bishop, Or-' groes and foreign studellts }lad PRINtED AND MAilS) Fuel Oil Booster . - dtnary of t~e, Se,e of Ayaviri in difficulty finding private hous-' (If )'OlI are OYOI' 16; wrlto to SIster MllfY ' . For No. 5 Fuel Oil "; Peru, said the ,great task, of the, ing' and ,blamed "'he university' Write or Phone 672-1322 Clarice, O.S.F. 8011 111, C8111011c Slsteft' , Keeps Your Burner ',OCIC is ,to foster good films ,for allOWing landlords who dis- ' College, WashIngton. D, C. 2111117 fo1 fm'. , Running tipTop ,234 Second Street - faD River Which will serve for the edu- .: criminate(~ to ..be on, the,,ap-' titer details 011 thIs 113m llfe.1 cation and cultural development proved housing list." of the masses. Motion pictures Marquette officials' said no . are ,a powerful agent, of the discriminllti~n is allowed in QffCO~ "': ~ew h4manis~ in .that they are . campus housing and. ,citecJ the' " ,~~OCKTQ~, 't,\ASS. ' ~FOr' the unusuat in food aftd dessert visit our' directly helpful for the pro- . regulation issued to landlords:" :. gress o( m8nkind, said., "Marquette. University will not' '~----....-------..~_p# ~If HiD Parlor, on ,Gulf Road,. South ~"m~utfs. , ilPprove housing for students·, r-...- - - - - - .....-----~ .."hen "discrimination based ,on

".eac. , "yt In ,,race, nationality or~ligion is :

OPEN SEVEN DAYS A' WEEK.' HONG KONG ,(NC) - The practiced by the householder." .. A.merica's ):cQnomy overseas aid ann of, the ,U.S." Father Richard Sherburne, S.; For Ute Best Deal Come To National Council of Churches, J./. dean of students reported HILL DAIRY, INC. has arranged for, 'instruction of some landlords have, been re­ Broadway Rambler. the Hong Kong Family. Planning ,moved from the approved list; INC. Association in the rhythin tem-, because of discrimination "We 768 BROADWAY GUlf lOAD, 'O~ DARTMOUTH perature ,method by the colony's have.to hear about it, and. when ' RAYNHAM,·MASS on Rt. 13B " Catholic Marriage A d v lao r 7 ' we do, we take, immediate 8C-. CHARLES- J. ·D1JMAIS. Pres. (!ounciL iioo,," he asserted.

Teachers Charge St""'''''e W-Ith BI-as

Rekindle 'Spirit


Diocesan. CeD










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Iqns. .


· , IS: , -

'Praises -:Ret.roots ,'.:;. For Der i'riquents

~~~m;)j(.,..D!lOC~,~U:(Il1. mver.7"'fhwa.; Pe~.1'0,~





.; . . • . . ,

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Th~rE,Corn·es·fime·When 'One Should' Un-join' Activities

CINCINNATI (NC)-A revo­ lutionary program of religi01l8 experience for juvenile delin­ quents hQ3 received highest com­ mendation from a judge here. Juvenile Court Judge Benja­ min S. Schwartz cited the "mir­ aculous r~sults" he has SeeD achieved by retreats given at tOO Jesuits' Milford Retreat House to 200 boys in the custody of the court. He spoke at the 30th an-­ nual dinner of the Men of Mi),. ford, a Cincinnati retreat org8&­ ization. Describing. himself as "a BOlli­ Catholic· who has come to teD you about the blessings of the retreat movement," J u d g-e " Schwartz urged the 500 meti present to expand their prograJll of retreats for wards of ibe court.

Archbishop. Karl J. Alter 01 Cincinnati praised the judge for his deep aDd constant conee_ the spiritual welfare of the . for bo»Il brought before him.

. By Mary Tinley Daly Mrs. M.O'C. writes: "Do you think a young mother is justified in resigning from community activities 00 devote more time to her family? I have been criticized for begging off in fund-raising church doings since the birth of our fourth child, two . months ago. Honestly, the nae groups, membership .m a disruption at home when I'm newspaper club and on a couple of boards. gone for hours, plus the price Not for Elm

oJ. baby sitters and my own re­ duced energy make such particiProving the truth 01. the old pation a real adage that "opposites attract," hardship, How the Head of the House has al­ 4:8n I get out ways' had a'thing about being a "jiner," gra.ceful­ ly?" This voices, "I belong to enough tongs al­ to our way of ready," is his adamant response thinking, a sento any invitation to sign' up. sible point of And he sticks to it-maintaining

~ew, that the full, active,' .paid-up member;' first and foreship only. in the National. PresS most . duty of Club,. The Qverseas Writers, the .RESIGNS AS DIRECTOR: Msgr. Frederic~ 0, Hochany you n g . Catholic Church and the 'human mother is to her race. Now and then he enjoys walt has resigned as director of the NCWC Department of home and family. When outside delightful guest appearances at Education after 21 years in the post. The' prelate will eon': activities become a hardship or others, including the Social Oys­ tinue as secretary general of the National Catholic Equ­ . Prelate Urges BeSt eYen a burden, they can and ter Club. cation Association which has its headquarters in Wasliing-: In .Cathoiic Schools Mould' be dropped; . Somebody, somewhere, must ton. President Johnson congratulates Msgr. Hochwalt for cmCAGO' (NC) - Catoon. All AUbl' . . have turned in the name of the .his aervices 00 both church orgaJ)izatioIis. NC pp,oto.. education. should not be satiS:­ . d" author Of this column as an In.. Mrs. O'C.has a 'ready rna e fied with anything 'less thantbe "out" 'in that new 'baby:' Stilltis;' stinctive joiner, for the;re ifl best ift scholarship, facilltiee. ties prove 'her point:· Kccoiding scarcely a. day' when the mail ~d methods available,. Arch­ to Ii recent study -made at Pur- '. doesn't invl~, for a :fee: mem­ bishop John P. Cody said heM. due University,.a:'new baby·adds· .. ~rshipin a gourmet sOCIety, an , The archbishop . of ChiCSffD approximately 1,000 extra' hours' " mvesbnent club, ~ travel, group, Nqtionai. Council of Catholic:. ·Women's Board urged ·630 graduates of Loyola of' 'Work fOr"bis motner during . a book. or Dlagazme. club. They ,-the first· ~ar, parsing out to." souQd intriguing s? we keep tM· Considers. Countrv'l Socia.1 .P..r,.oblem. 5." . ' ... Univel'l!ity' here never to be sat.­ I ~sfied .with anything less tho. nearly 20 hoUrs a week; halll of . literature but no SIgn-Up. WASHINGTON (N'C)- The their' civil and' constitutional' the best·in regard to truth· and a' fulltlme,' 4O-hour-a-week job. . . , Enough. is· enough. Our only itB.communicat~on., , This in addition to her previoWl new. membership' will" be· ilia National Councll of' Catholie rights was stressed.' work. Joiners' Anon~ous Cl .. • Women at its annual bOard of The NCCW housing resolutiOll. Discussing the Second Vatican . Later 'on, and not too much. Except, today . came an 8ii- directors meeting here adopted supported President Johnson in . Council and the future' of Cath­ later, there will be renewed lrest· noun~ement of:Ida Jean Kaln'o :resolutions on' an honorable urging legislation that' would' olic ,education, .he said, "the for the ~·extra~urriculars." an, .. willingness to give fellow NewB­ peace 'in Vietnam, justice in the end racial discrimination' in the ,council did not diminish ot'abate .'. the ChurCh's· role'. to teach. Not enjoyment m having an occa- paper Club members a' series of courts, housing, minimum wage, sale and rental of. housing, . d h rul IJ th Di t 'ct only in the ·great constitution OIl sional outside-the-home -interest. six sessions' to' "tone up, slim an ome e ..or e srI Deplo'n''ng th'e 'low mI'nl'ma!' the church but everywhere ia . Family members at our house,. down and escape the thinking of Columbia. . incomes of the working poor,. conciliar discussion and debate. should they read this colwnn, girl's posture," .' . NCCW leaden urged the. NCCW urged 'Congress to raise ifl reaffirmed the Church's mis­ will hardly believe their eyes,' Um-m-m. After .we're' all! .United , . 0 f t h e real meaning of hu­ . States government, while the federal ml'nI'mum wage rate' Slon because f?r years mother has toned up, slimmed down, and. got aiding the South Vietnamese in and to ext.end the coverage of' ' t IJ f d to k man nee~ and human. activity_­ bee~ co?~l~er~ ~?st, a com- rid of poor posture, then we'lll th elr ques ..or ree om, wor the law to include those not pulsIve Jomer. Buildmg up a . join Joiners Anonymous! with them toward an early cespresently covered: hospital, res­ · lat obituary" they called it, later 'Il8tion of hostilities and an hon- taurant, laundry, and a'gricu1-' Junior Foresters ' shortening it to, "Mother's obit­ · crable peace. tural'workers" Fall River Junior Foresteq ing again." Ask Education Board NCCW also expressed deep Also tlie members of the fed- will present a St. Patrick entel'­ It's hardly that - was ne"er elected to any office' in my : To Appeal Exemption concern for the cause of justice eration were urged to express. tainment· Wednesday, March lG group-but there are so many ELIZABETH (NC) - Mayor and urged that the Attorney their concern in behalf of the at the Catholic Community Ce&­ interesting group pursuits, 8lIld Thomas G, Dunn called for an Gene;ral be empowered to re- . District of Columbia citizens by ter, Franklin Street. people are such fun, It's belen appeal to the' U, S, Supreme quire nondiscrimination in jury asking Congressmen and Sena­ the same for years, dating balCk Court from the rUling by the selection in federal and state tors from their states to consider. to Brownie and Girl Scout days, New Jersey Supreme Court eourts. The need for legislation D. C. home rule legislation iml P,T.A" the Block Rosary, sewing •which exempts Bhlck Muslim to protect all citizens exercising this session of Congress. <b@wB[pDete club, millinery class, book I'Ie- sect members from saluting or The National Council cf view group, Liturgiclil Study pledging allegiance to the Amer­ Catholic Women, one of the IlIU~he~all'll Commel1'll~$ Club, the writing group-quite a ican flag. largest federations in the coun­ succession.. The mayor called' on the Eliz- CCll~holic Mission Worlk try, represents more than ten "Mother'd organize .a 'Friday abeth Board of Education, which SPRINGFIELD (NC)-A L1ll-' million Catholic women through Afternoon at the A & P Club' If . initiated the court action, to take theran clergyman feels the· at­ :ltti 14,000 affiliated organiza­ she had her way," they tease at the case to'the nation's highest tack on the world's poverty is •.• tioM. .. for Bristol County our house.' tribunal. The New Jersey high serious' respOnsibility for ChriSOh, well .. • • Each one d court upheld a ruilng by' Fred­ · tiane who believe in the brothel'=> 1bese groups has been extremely erick ·M. Raubinger, State oou­ hood of men because they have interesting and never bOring, cation' CommisSioner, which a­ "discovered II fatherhood • . LaCk of time, energy arid the .empts' children' of the Black God." . .'

preSs 'of family duties 'along tblt Muslim' ~ct' :rro~' making the

way have cu-rtailed cancelled ·salute.Or pledge.lo the flag' 0Ill Speaking 811 Ii\ mee~nir Gi .

Kay.M. . "some 'Of 'the 'efforts through· til<! the' 'ground' .·of···' "consclent1oUl ·Cath.olic parents, ·,:ie~. Some 'of: .them· petered~_' . pies .. ,' ". ,'- .' '.'. ' , " Glaesner, pastor'· praised' ibe' 'TAUNTON, : MASS. · ':out"simpb' beCause' .their fune.. far-flling' dfom'of ~. eathoiAie" . . ". . .. .: ~M!iY,or ~ '.~'~:~J.l.lyex:- ciluiCil tOhelpaneviat~di\iiiiei. ,. . tiOii"hadbeen' fUIbiied. " ." Then ·there' ~tbe· 'old itancJ,., . ~~qJ14l ~ ~. p~ecil(e ~ .~ute ., illiteraq and sU~8tandaid: JiIrfI~ :.; · ...bJjfI:'.ic>d.ali .. tY.·.··· 8I1 .....\uD.. ~~~.:~ag ·~.s~o.~lt:l ..~~~.~ throughout tbe.Worlcl,·: .... . . deon~ge 8l _. :reeogpi~~ bona. fide" rel1gioU!l .... .. ..•. .. .' : ' . ... '.' . ' . ' . L' .. '.A '., '1:' :l0ty ... N . practice.", Be .... added: . ' "t'. wOUld '';;:''..iSlIP,·tIlepo.rt~,. 'te." .:IIWl8i'''l!ld''.' ·d"ing~·.":\tlmJ~ ',' .'. 01 nge es 01 OW'" . . . :;... .' , ", ' .' tv... · . \ , . , .... " , 'person~c ~e~' _ ,~,

'.' Board Sets ·Resolutions



.Bristol County



T~~! ·'.~o""..,a ~y


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J'O '.'U I ' .


: Ease' Teaching" D'u'ide' .~"

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w~~-~. DUl~,.~ ~rsoDal .. JniSsi~riC!s ~,'~ .!iima~~ .

,~S A:NG~LE.S (HC). -.;.. '!"be' :lied..• FeUgiQ.__ PJ'8:euce.'" . Jaity is carryipg .~ maJor baJl"T·'.. .... .

cieri' 01. 'religioUs, .instruction' to


~ "q~8rler~

milllop' Cathofii ~~d~.n,attendl!!g pUbl~c !JCiioo~

for World1inprov..~iilt.···" "

eorlsc:lenee ean be clearly c1as&1-

.'-:-' B~rth .. tohtrcl


Ads '., .. ~~:a:~nlcte~:~u: ~

WASHIf.mTON (HC) -'Radle ~ the . Los .Angeles archdiocese, eommerciali -for a" foam birth. l\Isgr. 'Jo~ K. Clarke, archdloe- control product have been: ruled" 'esan director' · · · radio · . ' authority" . . . . .'.ou't · b y .th~ Code. . . of.. tDeConfrater~ty ~ € h ristian Doctrine iIe- ~ the Natiomil Associa#on. ~ PO:.

said. ''1;~'' ~ :'the


ccl'> members here are engaged' directly in teaching.. The others function as helpers,' home visitors, discussion group organbers, parent educators and ~p'oa-

.' ues~


go~ w~.., ) ' h .......,:... ••

"J'~!,; V




Whatia too ofteIa ·1aCkI.n& M 'd,'" ti'" . . d ..L..... ' . 181 ..mo vauOft lilJl . UlI:\Ueaa .

. Christiana.whQ.~


tobuUd'fQt . .the imPOVerish~ ~,aftd . d.i~ . sessed .World, Pastolr -~n~ . maid.'. : ,, " , ,

.Postor~R:· i:~fDi~w~, . '

regardleSli of the' treatinent JIll . DUBYQUE (NC)....., "'!'be J!IIip, 'the advertising copy, birth. C(ma 'plications of. Vatican 1lI for Gll'8Sil trol products are ". matter GI,' 'RootBEcumenism'" wiIU be ~ .' such sensitivity 'and delicacy". theme of the second histitute' cit ' to be unacceptable·iolr a4W1enH= Pastor~l Ec~menism·.tIc be be14 . iDa wi lI'adio. " Mre • JwM!l,

.--,d.. ·r··, .".. I':"~ . . . :;..·_··/~.~: •... ·,'>. .·.: .. ·.~.·~,~.'~·~.~:·~

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""'''9> :"r~r,g!~", . J-ARGE,LI,V" '~: ~-'.:'

:~Lob·sters.··.· .',~ •

Mac~eon'., Sea . Foods .. ,UNIQN .WM~, 'A~~AVEN . "




. -. :




Va'lenfhle's l's"'Gold Brushstroke

Oh"Dre;'ry :Gre,y Winter Canvas


, Thur~., Feb. 10, 1966



Ex-Be NMrse

By Joseph' and· MariHyn Roderick

Nqj)w ~~

Wi'ffll an the snow we have had of late, its 00 wonder we're eager for Spring to arrive. One way to help it along or at least feel that it is not so far away is to force some branches of your favorite fl9wermg bush into bloom. Foro­ mg ,is quite simple and the results are worth the few be their partners in the cele­ bration. After the coming of minutes of cold fingers in. 'Christianity the holiday was wIved in collecting the named in honor of St. Vlaentine.


NEW YORK (NC) - Berna­ dine Foley of Rochester has been assigned to overseas duty with 11 Catholic Relief Services-Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence special nutritionist team in sub-Sahara Africa. . The overseas aid agency of American Catholics has launched nutrition programs in Sierra. Leone and Tanzania to combat malnutrition in pre-school chil-' , dren. In Tanzania CRS-NCWC

began the program at the per­ , sonal request of the president's.

wife, Mrs. Julius Nyerere. Miss Foley, a former nurse at the' University of Rochester Medical Center and former nursing instructor at Boston Col­ lege, will travel to bush country villages to 8$sist in. demonstrat­ ing to African mothers and ex­ pectant mothers proper food preparation and dietary habib as well as conducting brief eleBernadette·, menta.ry.,.CQ~,in .child care. ,

branches. We have forced forIt is said that Valentine or aQ"thia . and Japanese quince Valentinus was a Roman priest, IlUccessfully and have had lim-' during the reign of the Emperor tted success with flowering al- Claudius II, who aided the Chris­ mond. .' tian martyrs during thE:ir perOther flowering bushes which secution. Claudius, impressed by may' be· forced are spirea, red-- ,the priest's courage and dignity, bud, azalea, mockorange, flow- attempted to save his life by ering fruit trees, dogwood and 'converting him to the Roman 1l1ac~' One word of' caUtion:' gods. Never the soul of discre­ forccd blooms are never quite' tion, Valentinus accused the 110 richly colored as those which gods of being mere mortals full 8ft allowed to develop natural-· of sin and, evil and thus he was Iy, but coming as they do when· beheaded for his truthfulness there Is nothing else flowering, on February 14 and buried in one can sacrifice some quality. what is now the Church of We force by cutting branches Praxedes in Rome, where it is from the bush we select. These said that a pink almond tree branches shoUld . show evidence blo~med over his grave, as a SISTER. COMMISSIONER: Sister Mary el bud ,formation and should, symbol of abiding love. be cut sO that they do not.di!!,,: ' . .

Giles, a Presentation nun long experienced in teaching 8~.. d Ilgu're'ihe plant in any way.• In . The earliest V:aIentineswere ,ciology an<l in community action .wOJ;'k~ takes oath of of- , In ia Honors Teenage tact' forcing may be conside~ . : made by hand WIth painstaking • fuethod of' shaping the pi~t •.' . craftsmanship and! love. They .fice as new member of San FrancisC() Human Rights Com- Girl 'for Bravery . NEW DELHI (NC)-A teen-" before it blooms. Aftel' cutting 'contained exquisite cutout work mission. Superior Court Judge Gerald .Levin is at left and aged, Catholic girl, who won a we 'lisually smash the elldS. o~ ,.: and painting and each was Mayor John F. Shelley' is in center•.NC' Photo. national Indian award for brav- . tile 'branches near the cuts With adorned with a handwritten ely., ,was carried on a capar­ a hammer to ensure that ample verse ,created by tbe~nder as 'Isoned elephant' in a colorful moisture will enter the branch; ',. his declaration of love, in fact, parade here in celebration' of . The next step Is to steep the I 'many of these. early card~ were . em"branches in water in the' ':wedding proposals from shy Ak IP bl· . T t India's Republic Day. Feliclta Soreng of Orissa state shade and to allow them to re­ suitors. This is afar cry from, " Benedictine Religious s s Iowa u IC to reo was among an estimated 10,000 . main undisturbed until the flow­ our mass-produced card busine:w, as 'Human Beings in Socia~ Work Nuns persons who participated in the er Ll1ds start to swell. Then we of today where each poem 18

parade through the heart of New treat them as we would a cut duplicated many times over and

DAVENPORT (NC) - A vet­ The nun, who is the principal Delhi. flower, that is, the branches are each is sent not to one but eran of inner city problems cam­ of St. Joseph's School in Chi­ arranged in' vases, placed in a hundreds of lovely maidens.

Miss Soreng was given the paigns has appealed here to the cago, is chairman of the Urban 'award by the Indian Council for .lImy window for several hours Personally, I feel that Valen­ public to, treat nuns "as indi­ Apostolate of the Sisters, a vol­ 01' until the blooms open, and tine's Day is a perfect occasion vidual human beings" arid help untary organization of some 800 Child Welfare for saving two men fiom droWning when a finally placed in their display not only for courting sweet­ them become involved in today's nuns from almost every sister­ carrying about 100 persons letting. . . 'hearts to declare their abiding social problems. hood in the Chicago archdiocese. boat to an annual sodality rally sank Forsythia may be cut now apd devotion but for us who are so Benedictine Sister Mary Be­ She explained that the Sisters in a lake near her home town antil the end of February. very married to remember our net, stationed in Chicago, speak­ Quince should be cut· from the loving 'partners. As the years fly ing to the Davenport Catholic in the apostolate ''become aware last February. Forty-six soda1a of the human needs of the lsts died in the accident. end of February on and some of by; .tilled with diapers, report , Interracial Council, pleaded: people they serve." She stressed the later flowering trees and cards, doctor's visits and aU the "Give us a chance to do what that the organization is action­ bushes may be cut from mid- other trappings that go into we can '(in fighting social prob­ Gets Education Post March on. The closer to the time bringing up a family, it Is so lems). Give us a,chance to make oriented. "Something must be SAN FRANCISCO (NC) ~ of normal bloom the branches very easy to forget that the real mistakes and pick us up When done' about social problems," she warned. Mrs. Joseph McCarthy has been are cut the earlier the blooms reason we married that man we fall down." named director of the Education may be expected to appear. For wasn's to become a housewife She asked the laity "to look Progress Center of the San Instance, a cutting of forsythia and mother but because we upon us as individual human Score Anti-Catholic Francisco archdiocese, which fa taken in early February will loved him very much. This day, beings with the unique capacity working in cooperation with the take approximately three weeks Valentine's Day, could be the of woman to love, motivate and Protests in London city's Economic Opportunity to come into bloom, but one perfect opportunity to remind to give of ourselves." LONDON (NC) -Leaders of Coun~ in its community action taken the last week of February him of this. (Lois Wyse does this ' major Protestant Churches here program. Mrs. McCarthy, a for­ mould bloom in about one week. quite cleverly ina book of poems . I disowned those who staged anti- mer teacher, is past president of Some of the branches of dif­ published recently by The Planning Ecumenlca

Catholic protests during major the National Council of Catholic terent plants may take as long World Publishing Co., titled in London

Catholic-Protestant unity octave Women and was a lay auditor at Center as five weeks to come into "Love Poems for the Very gatherings here. the Second Vatican Council. bloom. One has to discover this Married." LONDON (NC) -The West­ It was reported here that the tor himself by experimenting This cake looks like a Victo­ minster archdiocese is to set up protests were organized by the with a few cut branches. Na­ rian valentine even when it is an ecumenical center in London International Council of Chris­ turally ,one should not go over­ baked in round cake pans. The to train clergy and laity in ecu­ tian Churches, a 'small funda­ board with forcing because each texture and the color remind menical work and to establish mentalist group headed by an branch cut depletes the normal· me of rich deep red velvet. This dialogue with :the Anglican, Or­ 'AmE:rican. the Rev. Carl Mcln­ bloom .of the plant. This Is espe­ :recipe was given to me by Mrs. thodox and Protestant Churches. tire, which has as one of -its dally true of fruit trees, which 'Gerald Silvia, St. Michael'liJPar­ : This was announced by John avowed aims "to awaken ChIi,s.,. BOt only sacrifice bloom but ish, Fall River. Cardinal Heenan of Westmin­ tians everywhere to the insid- , ster at the end of the octave of' iow;' dangers· of modernism, com­ 273 CENTRAL AVE. also Sacrifice fruit. ' Red Velvet Cake prayer for Christian unity. ,promise and Roman Cath~liIn the Kitchen . 1 cup cannedshortenmg The center, ,to 9Pen, ¥arch ~ Ifaven't you ever felt that· you 1% 'cups sugar, wilI be 'directed by 'Father·H,er-':clsm.", .' .. ' 'WY' 2~216 would like to hibernate Hke a 2 eggs . 'bert 'Keldany, 'formerchaphliil' The' grOllP"~ opposes. the woolly bear' and sleep in a nice 2 Tablespoons cocoa :of the Newman AssoCiatiori~n Wo~ld" Coun~il of·, Ch~es, NEW . BEDFORD .'. tree. trunkl'ight, t~ugb 2 ounces red l100d coloring will be established at the con-'" charging that it·1s tainted with the dreary months of January 1 Tablespoon vanilla vent of the Cenacle nuns, at' co~~sm. . . IDld February? ,It is verY dUfi,. 2% cups of flour. Hampstead, near central London, wlt to find any brightspo~,~)liB lh teaspoon baklIig sOCIa which is already a ,-well-kli1own time of the'year when life seems l' cup .of buttermilk' .. ': meeting place ,for discussion to be a series of cases of grippe, 1 Tablespoon vinegar ·gro\Jps.. , . . . . .' wet overshoes, snowstorms, stall­ 1) Cream together the short­ . 'I • ed cars, stuck cars and more ening and sugar until fluffy. ~I~ IIDd 'more and more snowstorms., 2) Add the eggs and mix well, IIDd :even the sun delays getting 3) ln' a Small paper cup place up iil the morning. , .' 'the cocoa and food coloring and Snining like a· brushstroke of then add this to the creamed 'White and gold on t¥~ dreary· mixture along with the vanilla. grey' canvas, however, is Valen4), In the', same cup mix the tine's Day. This mid-February baking soda and vinegar and day 'has been a f~stival of TO- add this to ,the mixture. ' mance since the days of ancient· 5) Fold in (CAREFULLY) the lIome when on FebruaIY. 14' flour and buttermilk. Do not 365 NORTH FRONT 'STREET • fe!itival was held to honor the beat.

NEW BEDFORD ( IDddess Juno Regina. At this 6) Place in two greased and

feast it was the practice to have ~ured layer pans and bake in

Wvman 2-5534 " 363 'SECOND ST. .FALL MASS.,

. e young men draw by lot the ' a 300 oven for 3() minutes. Fr~ -­ MUles of· the girla'wbo were ... with crelUD¥ white frosting.


.JU$t,' A' Chance ,







t' '.,

~ DEBROSS . 91t (,




Oils· ~ .




) and Burners" \ ~ C


~. ~



Newark Auxiliary. Tells of Hurdles Counc81 Vaulted


Thurs., Feb. 10, 1966

Asserrts We$tern WO,[]"ld Countries Are SfhrcngeB's

WESTFIELD (NG)-The Council Fathers had to vault three hurdles in reaching, their decisions 'on how 1;@ ,BOSTON (NC)-A Pana­ renew the Church, according t@ manian Bishop is ,of the opin­ Bishop John J. Dougherty.. ion that "Latin America and president of Seton Hall Univer­ North America hardly know sity in South Orange, N: J. , He has told a forum here the one another." , , first hurdie involved ,the psy-, . 'Bishop .Marcos G) McGrath, chology of religion. He said this C.S.C., of Santiago de Veraguas, included a tenacity about things feels 'the two sections of the which comprise the tradition of . western hemisphere "are sep­ a'faith and lacks the capacity'to arated by something wome tha~ distinguish between what is ign,o~:an<;e, namely, a consider-, essential and what is not. able amount of misinformation A second difficulty involved and psychological prejudice the absence of distinction be-, which tend to increase in critical tween the idea and the institu­ situations, whether race riots in ti~:>n, the Auxiliary Bishop of' the United States or revolution· Newark declared. in Santo Domingo." "Ideas," he said, "beget. insti­ Warped View tutions and institutions destroy Bishop McGrath believes the ideas is an old saying with mu.ch ehurch in Latin America is one ' ,truth in it. There i!1, after aU, area of oversimplification and nothing about the Holy Office illl misinformation, noting 15 0 m e the New Testament." Peace Corps volunteers "have The third hurdle, he noted, been taught that the Church in dealt with the different religious Latin America, because of a experience in each area of the heavy Spanish and traditionalist world. infllience, is one of the single "Surely, the Church, is not greatest obstacles to the reform precisely the same in Spain and movements so badly needed Japan. The ideas on religious there." liberty vary greatly in countries He said some expect all BiSh­ with il strong tradition oJt Ops 'a'nd 'clergy to be active; alert Church-State union and those, leaders in Latin America's social like the United States, with nc !'evOlution. ': I Mus~ Learn Facts' tradition' at all," he said. Bishop Dougherty said the "It" all depends upon who taug~t thes~ volunteers ,at, WORLD'S GREATEST PEACE CRUSADER: ,When Pope' Paul VI received Italian Council's most far-reaching doc­ uments are the Constitution on hom~,". says the Bishop. "In ,Catholic journalists, he. suggested that' the war in Vietnam might yet· be resolved by a1'­ the Church and the declarations either of these extreme cases. ,bitration'sponsored by the United Nations. Two days later U.S. President Johnson took­ the .'ieacher victimized his stu- , ,'" .' , ,on ecumenism and non-Christian dents with easy generalizatlons/' ,up the Supreme Pontiff's. proposal saying it "has our full sympathy." The Holy, F'ather religions. ,The latter document, 'All' in North America should' praised the President's "peace offensive," and said "we must. still desire and hope that he said, particularly in its dis­ bnd~tstand the secular facts of' the invitations toneSfotiated peace may not be disappointed." ~b Photo. cussions of relationships ~ith, life', that exist in'Latin America, . t~e Jews," "confirmed the the-. ology of the Church since the Bishop McGrath declared. He days of St. Paul, a theology tOG enumerated: often ignored." The population situation, rap­ Idly rising through improved medical techniques, in an econ­ elmy which does' not yet have enough industry to absorb the ' Continued from Page One 'involve considerable revision of Council's'documents were pre-. enlarged labor force. canonical legislation' is that on 'pared with great precision, and ready for publication. An atttitude of "rising expec­ the pastoral duties of bishops, this precise wording cannot be Other decrees will be imple­ tations," .' 'generated largely by including the whole broad ques­ ignored. The post-conciliar pe- , mented by having the commis­ films, books, magazines and po­ tion of the structure of national riod will be an attempt to reap sions make concrete suggestions· litical propaganda among work­ bishops' conferences and their the fruits of the Council and : So. Dartmouth :. ers and peasants who are still to the Commission for the Revi­ relationship'to the Holy See. ,apply its directives." . sion of Canon Law. As the can.,. . "a passive element, incapable of : ' and Hyannis : The same spirit that animated It is expected that the various eontributing to or receivil}g from ons-Church laws-are changed the, Council is also' to govern or issued, the decisions of ,the, commissions, will have their • the new civilization." council will move into normal,' the ppst-council work. "The directives ready within the next • So. Dartmouth WY 7-9384 Ii Profit for Few Council is not to be regarded' few montns and that the Post­ everyday Catholic life. : . Hyannis 2921 ;, as a 'break with the past;" the Concr'liar. Coordinating Commis­ The blocking of needed eco.,. Coordinating Commission Ilomic and educational reforms prelate explained, "or as' a ne'" sion will meet again in May. The Post-Conciliar Coordinat­ ~ ~ gating, denying, ,or setting aside by "the enlightened elements of the old rich, who would stick to ing Commission was formed by the Church's doctrinal patri­ the Holy Father for a specific mony. The Council's spirit was aristocratic, economic stl·uc­ task. This commission is made tlire on the. land and in btisine~s, up of 11 Cardinals, 4 Atchbish- . not one of 'replacing the old,' but of renewal." with' small volume and much ops and'2 Bishops. Two' Ameri­ profit for the few." "This precludes arbitrariness, cans are members: Frimcis Car~ uncertainty or subjectivism,and The' dependence of Latin dinal Spellman of 'New York.' Amoerica eC9nomics on the th,ose ,are wrong who' would in­ and Archbishop Krol. United States and the need for terpret the spirit of Pope John 'The ~ork' of thii ce~trai com­ as a break with the past. The effective international cooper­ . '\ mission is to: (1)spllrk the' other ati(;n to correct "many imbal­ commissions into activity to . and'ls." encourage them· to finish their The lack,' in many nations, Of DRY CLEANNG

business and then go out of • sense of politics on higher, business; (2) to' coordinate the and

middle class and lower levels as' FUR STORAGE

work of these commissions; (3) a ciVic' service to the people :md to insure the proper interpreta­ a·' corresponding lack of civic tion' of all the documents in the, senSe among the people on all light of the intentions' expressed theSe levels to work together for by the, Council Fathers; (4) to their own advancement." decide which of the Council 34-44 Cohannet' Street "acts" should be made pubiic so Taunton ~ VA 2-6161 as to insufe that there is no Spain's Poor Have doubt, about the ,accuracy of a document's interpretation. Own Restaurant Commissions' Directives TOLEDO (NC) - The poor of Each commission is expected 'Toledo now have a restaurant all of their own. Called the Winter to prepare a report on the par­ Kitchen Restaurant, it offers ticular council document it is nourishing meals to the needy related to and make suggestions ZENITH. ACOUSTICOH • UHEX COMPANY and' to transients in the city for for an "executive decree" that • BIOLOGICALS • ,nAMl1IS less than two cerits a serving. will implement the Council ode­ cree. These directives, will be The restau~ant was est'ablished Complete Line by bfficials ()f the archdiocesan published before June 29,: 1966, Building Materials Catholic Charities organization the day on which the cpuncil 'Who said the small charge of one decisions become 'legally effec­ IRENE R. SHEA, PROP. peseta removes the stigma (j)f tive. Prompt, Free Delivery in FALL RIVER, SOMERSET, TIVERTON .. VICINITY '8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN receiving free food for the peO­ Th~ Philadelphia Archbishop 202 ROCK ST. FALL RIVER (CORNER OF PINE ST.) ple who cannot afford to pal' pointed out that, one· o'fthe WYman 3-2611 more. Council documents which will

Pope 'Re'quests Speed and Accuracy ,

New Co'mmissi'ons Begin Implementation

••••••••••••••••• • • :• J'B =




• •








THE ANCHORThvrs., Feb. 10, ] 966

Prelate Defends Latin America Mission Effort

Brook~yn Do~cese


BOSTON (NC)-A prie9t who expressed belief that the Church's missionary ef­ fort should not give priority to Latin America drew strong disagreement here from Rich­ ard Cardinal Cushing. The cardinal, who is chairman of the U. S. Bishops' Committee on Latin America, wrote a front­ page article in the Pilot, Boston archdiocesan newspaper, dis­ agreeing with the views of Father Ronan Hoffman, O.F.M., Conv., of St.' Bonaventure Fri­ ary, Washington, D. C., in Amer­ ica magazinE1, published in New York. Father Hoffman held that the Church's missionary effort should not assign priorities, but reach out for non-Christians and non-practicing Catholics in all the world. 'Missed Boat'

The .Conventual Franciscan also said Catholics must have the courage to ask "whether we are simply trying to retain mere numbers on the Church's roll in Latin America?" , Declaring that Father Hoff­ man h:ls "missed the boat badly," Cardinal Cushing said that Latin America has suffered from five generations of inadequate atten­ tion. Now, he said, "our lassitude, our Olympian indifference of the ,years gone by are ended, when we did nothing for Latin America. Gone are the days when we did not even experi­ ence remorse at our wretched negligence." Situation Improves Father Hoffman's criticism might be understandable, he said, had the Church's mission experts called for "exclusive dedication" to Latin America, "neglecting aU apostolic work elsewhere or had it asked for special treatment for the next 50 years rather than five or ten." In addition, Cardinal Cushing said that for many years "our valiant missionaries journeyed to the farthest corners of Asia and Africa, but Latin America remained quasi-paralyzed by a continental situation in which bishops without hope of any­ thing better and priests without promise of even relief from their crass inadequacies faced a stag­ nant, unchanging and unchange­ able Church life." This situation began to im­ prove in 1955, he said, when the bishops of Latin Amedca held their first joint al/sembly on the continent.

.... • S p' k t ' l"IIlUnCIO ays IC e S Are Living in 'Past SANTO DOMINGO (NC) The Papal Nuncio to the Domi-. llican Republic believes a small gl'OUp of persons who have picketed his residence are un-. aware that the Church is for everybody and not for just a' minority, . Archbishop Emamiele Clari­ zio, who has been in the fore­ front of the efforts to restore peace to this troubled nation feels the pickets are living in the past. The nunciature pickets carried placards bearing such slogans as "Clarizio-Red Devil" and "Clarizio-Phal'isee." . "I am accused of having taken part in the cease-fire efforts of April 30, 1965 and of trying to restore peace among the Dominicans," he said. "I hope this is not considered a trans­ gression." "My clerical status of course . prevents me from saying many things," he opined, "but 1 hope the good Lord will forgive and enlighten the guilty ones."




BROOKLYN (NC)-"We are all convinced that the Church should lead in the war on poverty," said Bish­


t :1

4 NATION'S CAPITAL K OF C AIDS BLIND: Washington Council 224, Knights of Columbus has opened its third nationwide collection of discarded eyeglasses for the Pre­ vention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington with advance gifts of 25,000 pairs. The council seeks 100,000 pairs by March 22. Examining early donations are, left to right:, Auxiliary Bishop John S. Spence of Washington, Alfred C. Scynderwine, collec­ tion chairman; Mrs. Carl Shipley, vice president of the Prevention of Blindness Society and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph B. Brunini of Natchez-Jackson, Miss. Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans is honorary chairman. NC Photo.

.Canadian Bishop Favors Formula Shift 'Pitch Textbooks Out the Window'

op Bryan J. McEntegart of Brooklyn as he outlined a mas­ sive program to root out the con­ ditions and causes of want with­ in the bounds of his economic­ ally heterogeneous See. He spoke to an aU-day gathering oJ! 150 priests representing 75 par"; ishes at St, .Joseph's College here. Asserting that priests should "go out into the marketplace," he urged his clergy to "use yOill' imagination to the fullest" and to "work in full harmony with other churches and social agen­ cies" against the common enemy of many, Catholics and non­ Catholics alike. The bishop pledged the di!­ ocese's financial support and sketched a basic structure of! "area associations for program planning" that has proved suc­ cessful in other urban. diocses. The major strategy proposed for implementation by 'clergy in­ cludes community organization to conduct voter-registratioil. drives and to handle housing complaints; setting. up credit unions, storefront welfare clin­ ics,' information centers and "rhythm" family J:)lanning clin­ ics; . and an adopt-a-parish plan whereby a more affluent parish would aid a less fortunate area. Bishop Mc;Entegart cited ~­ complishments of previous ef­ forts and explained that the. prol?pective "year-round assault,. would be organized through eJ1­ isting Catholic Charities.

be solved by any fQrmula." said. Adult values are not going to Speaking of contradictions in serve as motivation to others un­ youth today, Bishop Carter less they became relevant, he noted that adolescents ,stl'ess stressed. . conformity am 0 n g themselves pitch them right out the window . "I don't think teenagers are . and non-conformity with adults. and start over again. 1 know it's really that different. They are He cited the "twist" as an exam­ radical, but I mean it." puzzled .and some parents get ple. Adolescents stopped danc­ frightened when they wake up ing the twist because adults So said Bishop Gerald E. Car­ ter whose words were greeted some morning and don't know stole it, he pointed out. Again, the adolescents show by loud applause by a Canadian their own children," the )3ishop independence and yet depend­ group who heard him speak on Enjoy Dining . ence, he added. They will tend "Mot~vating the Teenager." . not to do something just to show IN THE Stressing the importance of their independence but they are relevance in the approach to Continued from Page One very dependent in moments' of JOLLY WHALER youth, the London, (Ont.) Bish­ Fathers he was transferred re-' stress. They need to lean on op said parents and everybody -AND­ else will have to change. their, cently to the Family Rosary in some true mature force. Albany. Before pausing to pro­ . "They are searching for a per­ ways and try to "get with it." . SPOUTER INN 'mote' The Redeemer he was manent .view of self in the "We have to find out what it's studying Spanish with a view to RESTAURANTS world. Each of us," he com-. all about and talk in more logi­ going to. South America in the' mented, '''is on a pilgrimage to cal, more interesting and more Spring. Always Free Parking find maturity and full maturity relevant terms," he said. "I'm Working with Father Rioux is reached only when we see the not going to offer you a panacea; is Rev. Raymond Cassel, C.S.C. the problem of teenagers cannot . of Caldwell, N. J. Father Cassel Beatific Vision. Until then,' no one is completely mature." is associated with Family The­ ater in Hollywood and holds de­ Manchester Priest

grees in Cinema and communi­ cation arts from New York Uni­ Pastor in' Belguim

versity.. Both priests are pro­ MANCHESTER (NC)-Father moting the film because they Albion F. Bulger, a priest of this feel t~e film's message is meant New Hampshire diocese, has . been n'amed pastor of the Amer­ for all peoples. ican parish in Brussels, Belgium, Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester announced. The ap­ . pointment was made by Joseph Where' A Cardinal Suenens, archbishop of PE. Malines-Brussels, with the ap­ GOOD NAME proval of Bishop Primeau. PAID QUARTERLY PAID-UP Father Bulger will continue in his present position of vice rec­ Means A' SHARE CERTIFICATES tor of the American College at the University of Louvain, Bel­ GREAT bEAL Deposits Welcomed in Multiples of gium. The university's American up .to $30,000-on Single and Joint Accounts $200.00 College is the place of residence Up to $60,OOO-for Corporations for American seminarians pur­ suing courses of philosophy and DIVIDENDS PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR theology.

TORONTO (NC)-"I feel we should ,take all our high school and college text books and courses in religion and

Father Rioux

New Bedford Hotel





New Tuition Rates SYDNEY (NC)-Standardized tuition rates have been set for aU primary schools in this Aus­ tralian archdiocese, along with standard pay scales for the lay teachers in the school. Due to increased costs, the standard tuition rate in most cases repre­ sents an increase over previous fees. A simi'lar diocesan-wide fee system was also adopted re­ cently in the Australian dioceses of Perth and TO.wllsville.



February, May, August and November All Deposits Insured in Full


1000 Kings Hwy.




Open Evenings

RATE OF'' )'

Main Office: 4 Winthrop Street, Taunton Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave .. Seekonk



THE ANCHO~L.Diocelle-,of, Fan Riv~-Thurs:, ~eb~,~'O,.,1966

Dea~h of Di~inity




-1' ", ,..


G@d lowe 'Y~M

B0~~[(@~[R)" Cgfr®~ .E!m@@@wor$


- '::

By Most Rev. Fultoo J. Sheen. D.D.

~D~rru@fP> JJ@~rffi ~L0@~@]~~@

GOD IS DEAD! Books are written on thio subject. Magazines headline the death of Divinity. Modem men who refuse to talk about man dying today are pleased when they talk about God dying. When they say, "God. is dead," they mean that atheism k1 no longer the point of arrival for human reasoning. It is a point of departure for a Godless world of license. I8 there a pearl to be found In this pigsty?

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. ]K(IDllledy Bishop John I~ancaster Spalding (1840-1916) is the man chiefly responsible for-the existence of the Catholic University of America. The leading intellectual among the ~ American hierarchy' of his time, he was a strong advocate Qf ideas and undertakings

which then seemed: revolu- when he was appointed first . bishop of Peoria. tionary, and ·even heretical Of Spalding's administration to many, but have long since of his diocese we learn hardly


Maybe they "God IS dead" because we who belleve In God theoretically are living that way practically. When the Good Samaritan saw the priest and the JLevite

pass by the wounded man-and ,he w!'S

a ,symbol of Iplpoverished humamty- ,

did he not say that God ·was. dea~l? Probably the priest and the Levite.

were on their way to Jerusalem to at­

tend Temple services. But God·18 dead

In any heart that does not love 9trlck~!llI. , "


«:orne 'to be accepted as sensible, anything. .

lllecessary, and unquestionably Considerably more interesting,

o r t. h o.d 0 x·. . ,it need hardly be said, are Bishop Spald. Spalding's being mentioned (and STARTS ANEW AT 42: fng.was . alSo. 'even recommended to Rome by one of the most his fellow bishops) for practi- Humberto Almazan was a cally every important vacancy top stage, screen ano tele-' eelebr.ated orators of his day .which occurred in the hierarchy

. From another point of view, (;od vision actor in Europe and and the author ,from 1877 to 1902, and his activ­ of many books ities on the national, and indeed Mexico when he decided, at is dead. If we' did not have a God· Whose

the age -af 36, to study for love was so great that He could take the

and articles. He international, scene. has been dead Some of these activities were the prie,sthood. He will be worst that the 'world had to give and for 60 years, . the promotion of a plan for colo- ordained 'next Saturday in then conquer it by' rising from the dead, ' and in that innization of the West by Irish then we would all be madmen. Every day in the Creed, we say "died and was buried." It is no news tQ ,us' that God died. We terval his repuimmigrants, a defense of Ger- the National Shrine 'of the tation has de_ ·man Catholics at the time of the '!Immaculate Conception, in believe in the Resurrection when He said, "Go, teach all nations.­ elined, and there is t~ayli~i~ '·"controversy 'over Cahenslyism, Wa$hington, D. C. Padre The answer to the atheists is not'to write learned books against if any interest in him, ,hllsview~, . strong advocacy of the PlU'Pchial Humberto will star this year them but· to begin to serve humanity. God is dead In a parish thaI and .'his accomplishmeo,tn",· i " . ; school system, opposition to the in a commercial film based spends millions and millions· on,'a church· and never' gives ,one Nowcomes:The tile OlL Bish()p.•• establishment of' an ,Apostolie one-hundredth of that, to . propagate ~e faith in Asia or Africa. lohn Lancaster Spal~, ,by: ,Delegate, inveighing a g a i ii's't on the life of Father Po, a God' is dead' in . all ',thOse' who' restrict .their religion to prayen David Francis, SweeneY, 0.1' oM. American imperialism. in "the priest killed in Mexico dur- and church attendance and do not live out the "Incarnation, lov-' (Herder and,.H~rder.$'i'.50), ~ wake of the SJ,lanish:'Anierican ~g the persecution of the. ing ~ men for wh.omChri$t .died. If God is not dead.1n your ·acquaint' 0 u r contemporili'ielf "War.· But outstripping all else 1920's. NCPhoto. . . heart, tear out thiscolUlJl,u and. prove that He is risen .byahowing with a man great iil'the.AJner~" :,was;',his work ,in' behalf· Of' a ' . some of. ,the scars of your sac~ces "for, the poor 01. the worleL'

1caIi' Catholic palit iilJid v~ryrei<.;Catholic university. ," .. , .

God Love Youl evarlt to'the present. " :.; Promise of Help

Of .,Fath~r Sw:e~riey~s.. work,' , 1\8,. ~ nU~leus for thi~ hE! ~.al1¢, GOD' LOVE yOU· to Mar)' Apes for '57.92 "ThIs Is the .:'; .: . Morlslgnor .John. ,Tracey ~llis'for a:tJ. institute to proVide high~r tbial amount collected on a 'Mile of Pennies lor the Holy Father's says;m a foreword, "To 0 gre'at':', :education for young priests.. Missions, making a total of $844.80 sent to 70n since the 'mile er rishnesa of fact~al d.ctail ll~ Around such an institute, Ii uni':' was begun In 1953. ,It takes 16 pennies to cover one foot 'and has added a more balanced and versity would gradually develop. ST• .JOAN OF ARC, 84,480 for a mile. Many mission-minded friends have made this reallstic interpretation flhan is From a young heiress, Mary ORLEANS . mile possible.... • • to Mrs. 1\1. R. lor $5 "This Is to thank GOd fou'jid in any other publication .. Gwendolen Caldwell, he secUred The Women's Guild win re­ that although we have had It hard for the last three years we on the first Bishop of Peoria." a promise of substantial finan-· ceive' Holy Communion in a have never had to watch our children starve." • ~ • to V~ and L; What Father Sweeney writes ~ cial help. 'body on Sunday morriiilg; March " R.O. for $150 "Wish that this eould be multliJUed as the loaves Is indeed balanced and realistic.. During the third plenary 6, at the 10 o'clock Mass and It and fishes. We are not of the Catholic faith but we aU worship He has not produced anuncrit- Council of Baltimore (1884), at . will be followed. by a Comunion the same God· and although our method of worship DIal' differ. Ical'study or a glib eulogy. And his instance, the stibject of a breakfast at which the Gid we do appreciate the work. that Y01l are doing." And' factual detail there is I,n university was discussed and' a Scouts and Mariners will be abundance; the .book WaD years committee of bishops reported .guests. , S o many who' cannot make 'large gifts add to their liman 111 preparation and is th0 fruit .favorably on the idea: The recDuring the coming Summer, sacrifices the prayers which are so precious in the sight of God.. of thorough research. : ' . ' 'torship was proffered. to Spald-' socials will be conducted under . Misslonaries,who are in the field working in your name,.- need But the ''Ufe'' of JOM Lan-' ing, ,but he declined it. He did, the ·sponsorship of the Guild on , your daily prayers. The different colored decades of the World­ easter Spalding has, In large' however, preach at'the comer-' the third Friday evening of mission Rosary remind you to pray for the Missions In every measure, escaped .the llluthor.· stone laying of the first building every month. The Summer Fafr part of the world. F.or your rosary, blessed by Bishop Sheen, What we have here· is a piUns- ,in 1888. . is scheduled for JulY 6. send your offering of $2 to The Society for the Propagation of taking account of Spallding's On that occasion, and on many A potluck supper will Precede principal endeavors and achieve': others before and after, he the next meeting of the GUild the Faith, ,368 Fifth Avenue; New York; N.Y. 10001.

The Parish Parade



ments, but not nearly enough of voiced his favorite theme of listed for Wednesday, MarCh 1. Cut out'thIs column, pin your sacriliee to Kand maD K to the man himself. . adaptation to the age,meeting Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for Preaches Before Blsho,PlI its needs, taking advantage of ST. AUGUSTINE,

the Propagation of the FaIth, 366 Fifth Avenne, New York, N.Y. Spalding's an c est r y was itS opportunities. VINEYARD BAVEN,

10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. COD­ American for many generations. He frequently urged American New officers of the Women'. Bldlne, 368 North MaID Street, Fan River, Massachusetts. His uncle Martin was, succes- Catholics to appreciate the bless- Guild are Mrs. Sylvester Kelly, mvely, Bishop of LoUisvi1l0 and .ings of their free society and the president; Miss Bernice Lopes, Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and man It Archbishop of Baltimore. After freedom which this allowed the vice-president; Mrs.. Gerard . to Mos~ Rev.. . . FultoD J. Sheen, National Director of The SocldJ' attending a local: school and col- Church; to stop looking back to Coulombe, secretary; Mrs. Man- . lor the PropagatloD of the Faith, S66 Fifth Avenue, New York, leges in Maryland and Ohio, other times and places; to avoid uel Maciel, treasurer. The unit N. Y. 10001 or to your diocesan dJrectoIl". Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond Spalding went to Louvain, in a ghetto mentality; to practice plans a public baked bean and , or. CoDBtdlne. 368 North Main Street, FaD River, Massachusetts. 1859, as a seminarian for. the self-criticism; to be "morally ham supper Sa~urday night, Feb. diocese of Louisville. and intellectually alive," and to ,26 iIi the parish hall. . ST. JOSEPH, !'His quality: as a 'human being promote scientific research. ON CAPE COD Is best glimpsed in what the Champion of Labor FALL RiVER 'author tells us this' period. Spalding Won recognition and Cub Scouts''W!.llsponsor a eab but it is obvious.simply from a respect among. American .. non;' sale following all Masses'SundaY'·· comparison of,·his writings then Catholics. 'Columbia UniverSitY' morning, .Feb.. 13 in the school with those of.later ye~ that he gave him an honorary'degree iii.' hall. The pack's blue and gold matured aild' changed coilsfder- 1902. ~ that same year, PTesl-. banquet win· be held'Tuesda7 SPri~g' ably. We should like to learn dent Tli¢odore Roosevelt, whonight,·· Feb:' 15 at White's !'estau:" . why and):low... ' : , .' 'always. spoke, oL.spalding,·til rant.. Tickets are available froIIIl When the Second Plenary glowing terms; named· hiin to an den mothers. Council of Baltimore was held arbitration committee' to, settle ;..CCD ."executive .. oo.rd mem;.. ·HYA~N~IS. in 1866; John Spaiding 'attended"'the anthracite'coai'strlki:!'.'·Spald- ,be~~illmeet,~~d.a,.nlght.at" .' as ~. theologi~ ~o. t.he A!~~bjsh- ,i.ng was an outspoken champion 7:45. 1.n ,..the ~Jory", ,~d, CYO . AMPLE PARKING· . juniors will ,SponSQf El dlUice.·llt . op .of Oregon' City, and preached of 'orgaJ)i~ed labor. before the as~em~led, ~i:mops. ; Becaus,9 of.ill health ~b,e suf~ 7:15" ,tomorrow night ,in. the .'

Three year:ordamed, he told £ered a stroke.,in 1905), 'he re- Brightman,. Sn-eet.p.llrish baIL .'

them that it was the privilege signed his se.e. in 1908. By, then NOTRE.DAME,'­ of the Church, notWithstanding he was oUt of favor in RomeFALL·RIvER .•.. ..- -,'.

her immutC\b.leco,nstitution., tobeca\lse.. of some" of his ·.views" The<, Cub . ,Scouts ·...ancll,· Bo7< ...

adapt· herself/without hilrtn to ' whiCh tinie vindicated. Scouts will sponsor iii Pllblie

hecul)ity and catholicity, to. the. A bitter sorro~wasthe hostility' : 'Beef Pie Dinner on Sunday, Feb.

various modifications' of human' of the Caldwell sisters, once hiB ·'.13, .from noon. to 2 o'clock. '.

society." friends, and their quitting the '.: Tick,ets .are one dollar.· and.

Named Bishop ,Chllrch. ,: .,may be Qbtaiiled ,from ~ .oIl By 1872, Archb~shop Spalding . If , his ,~l!ffie has ceased to . the'scouts or ,adul1oleaders.

was dead, as were the archbish- evoke admiration or even recog- ,',

op's brother Benedict and Bishop nit,ioll, he was among'the most ·~are· Lavialle. Spalding, received 'a'· 'prophetic figUres in' ·.American ""'~ -:.·elBRISTOI. £OlJNTY' .

leave ,of absence to prepare the Catholic' history. His biography' BURLINGTON (NC) , - Tbl& archbishop's biography. This he .should be read by all thQse who, first U. S. health lrisurance card 1MI AREA'S MOST ACCOMMOIDAnNG 8AN1t

did .in New York,' and. iii New wouid understand our past and 'In Vermont has been isliued to . ', York he remained, writing .and . our pr~t. In man,. respects :69-year-old Bishop Robert F. IIORTM 'ATTLEBORO .' ·...AHSpt.... preaching to COl"f'; o:l, erable atten- our. failures «:ouJ,d have. beeII\. ' ,loyce, . spiritualleadu ~. tIIiIJ: A'ITLEBORO ,.Au.s· Uon' -and: acclaim,untiL 1876,'· :avoidedhad-he- been,heede4. i.e:, .te"J::a~1ll9lica.,. _.. _,





"49 . YARM'OUTH ' ROAD ""


lias now






StOng' 'Stud~t .Council

1'Hf ANCHOR':'"

Thurs., ;:eb. 10,


Visiting Foreign Students Need ~C$t !Fam;~~es WASHINGTON (NC) Sponsors of the, program. which brings foreign high school students here for one

HEAD STUDENT COUNCIL: Student council leaders at Holy 'Family High, New Bedford, are, 'from left, Leo­ poldo Maza, vice-president; Donna Place, secretary'; LOuise cayer, treasurer; J'ames:CalT, president. . ' program· will be Holy Family, Stang and Mount. French Listenem DA senioI'll took tl' French Listening Comprehension Test Tuesday. This exam measures­ the ability of a student to under­ stand a foreign language. And at Mt. St. Mary Carolyn Walas has been named school Homemaker of Tomorrow. Also at the Mount, vars~ty basketball players defeated DA 53-27, with jayvees' also winning, 1'1-8. Poverty's under consideratioJlll. by Bishop Stang senior religion classes. Using Michael Harring­ tOn's, "The Other America" as III guide, seniors have been study­ ing the thorny subject and working on projects in the field

which will be due a~r the February vacation. Mothers' Cubs are active, with the Mother McAuley Guild lilt Mount announcing, a calendar party for ThurSday, Feb. 17 and SHA's Sucordium Club planning a military whist and pokeno party for Tuesday, Feb. 15. The latter event was postponed from January due to snow. Co-chairmen of Stang's up­ eoming senior prom are Cynthia Ward and Terrence Hamilton, who are working under direc­ tion of Sister Kathryn Lawrence, SoN.D. Also at Stang, James Cavanaugh and John DeCiccio placed high in 11 math meet ~ St. Mary's Cambridge. James received 17 out of 18 points and John 16 out of 18.

The California prelate said that he views the work of the police officer as III positive con­ tribution to the welfare of alll people and not merely as lIl!ll enforcer of disagreeable lawn, and punishers of disagreeable peop!e.

year are sending out an urgent 'SOS for U. S. Catholic familiel/J to serve as hosts. . About 200 students from Eu­ rope and Latin America are due in August and host families are' needed for many of them. Tho deadline for securing informa­ tion about the program is March 15. The students, all of whom speak English and have met a screening committee's require­ ment that they show potential for future leadership, spend a year attending U.S. Catholic high schools and learning about li~ in this country; Sponsored by the Interna­ tional High School Student Pro­ 'gram of the National Catholie Welfare Conference, the project 'has brought more than 1,500 teenagers to this country in the past 14 years. Great Need

" . HEach year so many forelfl'll

;youngsters want to come here t.

'learn about our way of life first hand. We cannot give them thi. opportunity, unless Americaa Catholic families will' offer them 21 place in their homes and hearts for a year," said Miss Jo Anne M. Uzel, program director. Miss Uzel emphasized that here is a." great need' for Aost homes for boys. "This program enabies the average American family to make a real contribution toward a better world," she said. "A family can help correct the prevalent myths and misconcep.. tiOl1ll about our country withom ever leaving it.!.l own home," s!ile continued. Families interested in further details on the program, Mia. Uzel 'said, can write directly to . the International High School Student Program, NCWC, 131Z Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Wash­ ington, D. C. 20005.

~Sf1frro~~~Y O~l(O. ~N(. NEW BEDFORD





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'belinquettts' (enter

MONTEPELIER (NC)-~ estant, Catholie and '.Jewish dergymen have given over­ Whelming IlUpport to Vermont'. (;(lv. Philip Hoff's reCommenda­ tion for an intermediate security institution for ;youthful law vio­ latoI'll. The proposal' ako' eaUII for creatiOIll 01. amaJi Vea~ ~


24-Hour' Wrecker


,653 Washington street, Fairhaven WYman 4-5058


.Ethi([)pia School Superintendent Has Territory §~ze @t- Tex@$)~ 1)lk~@lk@m([]9 N~w M~X[C@ @~@[f~DOll'D[;Q)~~~B@~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Feb. 10, 1966

$@w~ . WrfOU'@[f

·~~@[fO~@~ ~ If®®@@UiJl)

Brother Michael Reynolds is a man of faith. He is working for the distant future in a land of deserts and mountains and of his· assignment he says, "The results of our work may not be seen in our lifetime." He is the newly appointed superintendent of Catholic schools for Ethiopia, and he has some 11;000 children in 40 schools under his jurisdiction. Almost -none are Catholics. "The majority <;>f the stu­

dents are :Orthodox and the

rest are Jewish, Protestant,

.By Msgr. George G. lHIiggims (Director, Social Actionu Dept., N.C.W.C.) Donald McDonald, former dean of the school of journalIsm at Marquette University and currently a member of the staff of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, writes a weekly syndicated column whic~ -is always Moslem and pagan," he explains.

worth reading and with The hope of Brother -Michael

which I generally find my- right, bUt, in any event, it seems - and the Sisters, Brothers and lay

. Th' . to me that they would be read- teachers with whom he works is

self in agreeme~t. IS IS ing things into the gospels which h to promote understanding be­ said by way of taking t e are simply not there and would tween the Orthodox and Cath­ sting out of my shan> disagree- be indulging in a primitive form olic churches. "wiJ sow, others

ment with Mr, McDopald's re- of biblical fundamentalism if may reap," says Brother Michael cent column on they were to jump to the conclu- with patient philosophy nurtured clerical freedom sion that Christ would neces- by the Oriental spirit of his which I caught sarily add His signature to the mission field. . up with in the telegrams with which they are Jan. 27 issue of bombarding the White House The tall, thin Brother of the Christian Schools, a Providence The Pittsburgh these days. Cat hoi i c Specific Issues native, is well prepared for his ("Priests an d Many priests have refused to huge task, that of caring for "Due Process' "). sign these telegrams, not because schools spread over the three Dioceses and three Vicariates of This particular they are afraid of being 'penal­ column is much ized by their superiors, but be- Ethiopia, a land-the size of Texas,

too simplistic cause they just don't happen to Oklahoma nnd New Mexico

for my taste. think that the moral issues in the combined. He has for· the past

Mr. McDonald Viet Nam struggle are as clear- four years been head master of

is upset about the fact that cut· as some of their clerical St. Joseph's Boys' School in·

"'many" priests have been ilis- - friends and associates have made Addis Ababa, returning from the'

missed or transfeITed in recent them out to be . Ethiopian capital in October to'

months for speaking out on con/ In other }Yords, they don't pre- prepare himself fo.r his. new as-'

troversialissues of public policy, tend to know what Christ would signment. .

and he feels thut something say about the specific issues Needs Help

ought to be done about it right that President Johnson, God help", "', E ' . ·t'.·.;··", , hi prepa

h' . f ...-Md' 'th th····. ager assJs qng~ m s ­ away.. . 1m, IS ccon rO'f'l'",... ~ C . f'';S~f-o,'''ratioii~ .has·.be~-n given by his More specifically; he thinks days as ommander-m- hie ..0 :.' ... , t ,.," S·"'t' ,-,,,,.., M C 'li~ . C h t t th ..,.. ,. ' ! . ' , , ! , SIS er··.·' IS ere ary onsl ... that "the . hurc, rue 0 e the U. S. Armed~..!~q:~s, ..... , 'R S M-·"·...'····, • ".1 f Mt St Mary ecumenical and reform spirit o f , ..· . . '.' ., . '," -I)rm~lpa 0 .,! •

Vatican Council II, owes, as a Many of th~~'.1:I: .:m~g):It ffd~,.. ··~ca.de.rnY;:Fall.lUver.:.:

minimum, the establishment of also happen t? th~n~:.~ha~.pr~sls'h~~''ha/iriterested:M:01intstu­ dent Johnson s devotion to the d 't ,. h ·b·. th '." ,.. effective due process to rouf . . ' - t' .' ' ; . en S In" er ro er s mission cause 0 p~ace IS J~s_~!l ~mcere d h h'I d 'th'·th· per tinely protect priests from arbi- as tqat of. any prie~,;R~PQi or' ,an. ?s. e i>e . ;~hl.: ,e .:~~ trary use of authority by of- minister' in:'"the'UriitEid States: work mv:olv~d . m\ Is.new JO •

ficials and to proCect officials· and that his"'draIriiltiepeat:e -of-. When Brother Michael returns

from thernselves." .fensive, as Pope Paul' VI has to Ethiopia ~eb. 24 his fi~s~ tas~

Pat Formula stated, was "really aimed at re- he says, Will be ~o VISit h~s I am for that, but I am not at solving the conflict by means of schools and get an Idea of their.

all sure that a lack of due proc- reasonal;lie and honorable nego- present condition. He will then

SISTER, BROTHER: These two are doubly a sister ess is our biggest problem at the tiations;" set up standards to -!Je. followed

and brother. Sister Mary Consilii, R.S.M., principal of Mt. moment, It's a problem for some Difficult Problem by .t~e. teac~e~s and ar~ange in­ 'd . .' service .trammg . sessIOns for St. Mary A~ademy, Fall River, aids her brother, Brother priests in some dioceses an reBe th~ 81! It.. ~YJ. :Mr. M:c., .them. Some lay teacherS, 'be ex­ ligious communities, and the ~()Qald, i~~ems ,tQ~e. ~~ ;~x- pl~ins, have onlY. a p~irilary-level Michael Reynolds, F.S.C., in preparations for his assign­ sooner it isresol~, <1f course, aggerate.d an~,. at; ~.he .~e~m~'j· '·'educatfon themselves. Ethiopians ment as superintendent of Catholic school~ in Ethropia. the better it will be ,for all con- vastly.:oyerslmpli!I~...tIle diffl- " . ,with 'better qualifications as eemed. CUltPro.I;lIE!n:'.of,cl~nc~freed9m•.. teachers .ten;<r t9 go to gov~rn- until they are on about the sev- tory and for funds to pa;y his secretary a salary. "When .the But all' priests - including He conteJids that if Christ V(~re.. merit· schools .~Iiich pay more enth grade level. those who now have D1l the free- to say what. he (MeDonald)~;as-. ihe Catholic' . system can "Amharic is the official Ethiopian conference of Bishops gave me my new job, she said cIom they could possibly desire- sumes He would say -abo.~ ..t he, afford:",., . '," , : . tongue,. but there are about 70 are faced with a mucb more difproblem of war and. peace; -this. " . .'_,'. .. tribal languages in Ethiopia,~ she'd stay on with me-she had ficult problem: how and when would make him very unpopUlar' .. , ASked If anythln~ h~e the he said. "Ghildren start school been my secretary when I was and on what particular issues to in most dioceses in the United' ·.PAVLA program eXIsts .m the using Amharic, begin to take headmaster. At present she's take a public stand. ' States. He would be an embai:,·· ..~can . country, Brother English as a subject in third working at no salary, but she has Mr. McDonald's solution to rassment to religious superiors ~Michael saId that a few lay v?l- grade, and are ta\lght wholly in a child to support and can't con­ this problem is very llimple. An whose relations with the gov- .unte.ers from Ireland were ald- . English from seventh grade on." tinue like that," he said. that a priest has to do is to ask . ernment in Washington~ as wen ing m ,the sch?Ols,~)Ut that they . Few Americans Brother Michael doesn't know himself how Christ would act in as with local 'patriotic' ·busi- cQ.uldn t hel~ In p;lmarr grades There are few American mis­ , how long his present assignment e given situation and then go nessmen, would be disturbed. because . chil~ren .don t le~rn ,'sioners in .Ethiopia, said Brother will continue, but expects to re­ and do likewise, without fear The word would go out to the enough EnglIsh to work With Michael. His community has 15 turn to the States for a home 01' favor. Church' officials, "Can't you conAmericans in three different visit in four years. In addition . The trouble 'with this pat for- nol your priests? What do you schools, and there are a- few to Sister Consilii, his family in­ mula is that it presupposes that intend to do about that 'trouble- - '(3) :&y the ·same token, it is American Sisters, but no Amer­ cludes his mother, Mrs. Mary any Christian of ordinary good maker who is preaching inces- also very unfair to President iean priests. Reynolds of Pr.ovidence. will and reasonable intelligence . salltly about peace?". This rhe- Johnson and his assocfates in Unlike the situation in many knows perfectly well, or can torical indictment of the Amer- Washington to leave the impres- African countries, the Ethiopian easily determine, what Christ ican bishops is objectionable on sion that they are exerting pres- government gives church schools would say about all of the major at least three scores: sure on the bishops to silence no aid, said Brother Michael. issues of public policy confrontFigment. of Imagination !priests who, are critical of the Added to this, the few Catholics ing the United States at the pres(I) It grossly exaggerates the Administration's handling of the in the country are mainly among enttime, Hmmm. extent to which clerical freedom Viet Nam crisis. ·As an old the poor. As a result, the mis­ 'Safe to Assume' has been restricted in the United Washingtonian, I can honestly sions. are in chr:onicneed of aid, . Mr. McDonald, starting from States. To the best of my knowl~ 'say that I have .never heard of' and the quest for help,~s one of' . ·.lINCOLN-MERCURY-COMET , this very questionable presuppo- edge, it isn't true' to say-as Mr. such. a thing.' .. , ' . the reasons for B'rother Michael's ' ~ FAll RIVER-NEW BEDFORD 8ition, says that "it selems safe McDonald seems to be saying, inComing back to the general . present visit to the States. "Where Service

to assume that .Christ, the priest, effect-that. in ''most dioceses in theme of Mr. McDonald's' col- . Major 'needs are fora sman . Is G •• -Her of Pride-

would preach .pasllionately the.United States'~ priests'are nen uinn, iet me ·say, in conclwiion, ear to cover his immense terri­ against all forms' of . war, 'but free, to say:' what they "'think '.' that,. while I am all in favor of particularly against the modern about the problem' of war and clerical freedom, Ii don't feel : forms of indiscriminate murder ,peace. constrained to agree, in all cases,

of wome~ and. children and sol(2) It is unfair to the majority with the manner.in which it is

diers alike. And He would not of religious superiors in the being exercised these days by

be content with generalized con- United States to leave the im- certai~ clerical critics of the

· dernnation. He would be very pression' that they' are, afr-ai(r~'.. Admirustration. ,'" '. .•... ' ..., . permit .their priests to speak out· More specifically., I have the

.' specific." On ·the basis of some of Mc- .' on these issues ·:-lOt fear I. Of ,dis'"" •.uneasy'feeling that ,this' business

Donald's earlier columns. on the turbing their relations with the of bombarding the White -House

· subject of war and peace. I take govel1lJt!ent in Washington. As with telegrams signed by X

, this to mean that, in hill judg- one who has lived in Washing- 'number of clergymen may be a : ment, Christ would verY specif- ton for 25 years and can claim .to ,subtle. form of ·.neo-clericalism.. fcally condemn our govenunent~s' know a fair amount abot,lt ~e ~ a~o have the feeting that, as a .. reluctant decision .to resume the' relations' between bishops. and .means of influencing the White ., bombing of North Viet.Nnm; -. ,the U. S..govemment,this accu- .' -House, it may have reached the -. I A number of American priests sation strikes ;me as being a fig~ point of di,minishing retuI:~.. leem to makethe"saJrie assumpment of Mr. MeDonaId'. imagi- . But more about' thatIn.a wbse­ New Bedford 640 PleaSGM' Street Tel. WY .6-8271 . ',,',' 'tion. 'They- may or .ma;ynot be oatioa. quent columno






GLEN COAL & Oil CO., Inc.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., feb. 10, 1966


- .


February 13, 1966

in this age of






It's .important to READ!'


Bring .your subscrip'ion envelope ,• .C"urc" Sunday -and '''us become a supporter of '''e Ca'''olic 're~s .







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Globe Manufacturing Co. .

R. A. McWhirr Company MacKen:z:ie .& Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showronrnc; Mooney & Co., Inc.

- Sobiloff Brothers

Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFt-CIO



THE ANCHOR-Diocese ~Fa" River":"'Thurs.,



Latin American Lay Peop;l~ lE~ger for' Aposfro~late"

:From 'CTfhe - Church nn the New Latin America'" Edited by John J. ConsidIne, M.M. Dr. Aristides Calvani, legal advisor to the Christian unions of Venezuela, makes no reservations when he speaks about the enthusiasm of Latin American laymen for the, apostolate: And now as to the positive characteristics in the Latin American: Our '" ' ' In the ,religious field the laity lavman is gen(~rally dynamic possess a number of new move­ and enthusIastIc. He IS 'cur- ments-. I felt very proud during _ r~ntly very ardent and alert my travels in Europe to encoun­ )



• •

"about the apostoJate. Day by day ter many married couples of thf' 'he assumes more and more reChristian Family Movement ant' sponsibility. He to be able to establish a 'sense of is moved by a union between our movement spirit of renewin Latin America and the move­ 'a1. Among ourment througllOut the world. 'selves we call As to the political field, you this a revoluknow through the press the tionary mentalstrength in Venezuela of the ity. I remarked C~',ristian Democratic Party as many times in Ii great force in the nation. We, Europe that we earnestly 'desire that its next are m i s u n d e r - e l e c t i o n will seat the first stood when we Christian ,Democratic president, speak of revoin Latin America.' Great hopes I uti 0 n. or h e lie for us in the universities and word fo'r you has much differin numerous other Christian ent connotation than with us. Democratic fields. I think it' is important to Must Meet Test clarify this. We are revolutionDr. Calvani has no illusions ary in the sense that we seek a about the major problem which renewal of all the forms of our faces Christianity in Latin society. We are convinced that America. Given that at some day we can achieve this revolution. not too ,distant, the Latin Amer­ Further, we are convinced we ican world becomes prepared to have an obligation to carry listen to the protagonists of the through this revolution. Christian program, will our We are in the final years of leaders, he asks, supply the solu­ the fight. At this moment we tions that wiU meet the test? are facing a partiCUlarly decepBut the question remains­ tive world. Venezuela to all ap- shall the Christian program pearances is very quiet, but prove able to', satisfy modern Communism is increasing its men's needs? Here again much, subversive war throughout Latin depends on the theologians. In, America. Germany in ,1961-1 asked a disI have been study'ing the sittinguished theologian the an­ nation for two yeam and in my swer to the question of agrarian opinion it is very important for re£o~. us to know thoroughly the techAgrarian reform requires,great niques of the war of subversion. sums for financing. If' we pay Christian Problems just the price for land there will , . . be no money to" build the new ThiS grave, sItuatio.n I~ t~e farming society. What shall we' rea~on why ~he ~athohc laity In do? It is a very grave question. !Latin AmerIca IS .generally atWhat 'is the'theological answer tuned to the SOCIal pr~blems. to the many complex problems The great p~oblems which we of social justice bound up inc the fac~ are SOCIal problems.. The major task of adjustment which ~oclal char~cter of the problems practically every nation in IS what strIkes us m~st: Latin America must face? And they are ChrIstian probIn summary, our Catholic laity lems too. -VYhen we go to Heaven, is really the hope of Latin we are gomg to be asked about America in the fullest sense of the food we ga~e men to eat, the the word. Today this laity cre­ elothes we dIspensed, ~nd so ates great expectations. The forth .. The best ,,:,ay ~ give e.xzealous layman i~ renewing: him­ preSSIOn to our lIves w n?t WIth self in many ways; he is awak­ words. Rather we must gIve. our ening deep desires within h,im" hearts to others. Yfe ml!st relIeVe self to serve Latin America them of, their mIsery. ' wl!]1. The manifestations lJf the We laymen need, then. three presence of. this new laity tod~y things: are found particularly in the 1) Formation more and more socio-economic field. For exam- -formation to help' us distin­ pIe, we find a center for develguish. the woods from the trees, opment and planning in Chile. the great basic goals as, distinct We talk more and more about ,from the petty details; reform, of the human structure 2) The theological answers in of factories through the cooperorder to give lay leaders the ca­ ative movement. Similarly we pacity to judge Latin America's are' concerned with industrial great problems with a Christian plants. mind; We. are striving in the direc3) Concrete, practical dii-ec'­ tion of the Church's teaching. for tives in every field to help us bettering the condition of work- ,to follow a program of action ers inside these factorieS. Our according'to our Christian' idl:lals:' efforts in Christian unionism really began to count oniy' in 1948, Today we possess & very Pr.elate to .Ad.iChes$' , good union movement in all of Latin America. The Christian socHll unions in the rural are'as C IH GAG 0' (NC) -: Msgr. are now advancing also though George G. Higgins, director of we founded the first interna­ the Social Action 'Department, tional movement in the agrarian National Catholic Welfare Con­ zone only a few years ago. ference, Washington, D. C., will address 552 graduates at DePaul University's annual mid-year . convocation Sunday. LOS ANGELES (NC) -- The' Msgr~ Higgins also will receive 100,OOOth Cuban refugee to be an honorary doctorate of laws relocated in an American city decree at. the ceremony from outside of Miami has arrived Father John R. Cortelyou, C.M.. here to begin a 'l~W \ife. university president.

DePaul Convocation

No. l©O,O(!J)@





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The .Parish ,Parade ft. STANISLAt1S, Ii'ALL RIVER

ThE! Women's Guild annO'tlnees a membership tea from 3 to 5 Sunday afternoon, Feb. 20 .at Catholic Women's Club; 742 Rock Street. The event was post­ poned from an eariier date due to weather oonditicDo. ST. MATHIEU,


A Valentine whist is planned tor 8 Saturday night, Feb. 12 in the church hall by the Women's Guild. Mrs. Gerard Desmarais is ehairrnan. Next regular guild meeting is set for MondaY, Feb. 38. A silent auctiOn .wi)) be con­ dueted under direction ,of 'Mrs. Raymond Antay,a. RT. HEDWIG,


Church Chou offi~inelude Walter "Szelag, president; Miss :Bridget Wienzek, vice-president; Mrs. Gladys Widuch and Leo J. Strahoska, secretaries; Mis s Mary C. Mikus, treasurer. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE,


Advance preparations are be­ ing made by the Women's Guild for a Summer bazaar, to be held in July. An Italian supper will m; served before a meeting set :for Tuesday night, Feb. 15 in the church hall. In charge of ilr­ :rangements are Mrs. Monte Zopatti and Mrs. V. James Forte.

ST. MARGARET. BUZZA.RDS BOYS SS. Margaret-Mary Gwld will sponsor a wbist party at 8 Sat­ urday night. Feb. 26 at the par­ ish kindergarten. Mrs. Arthur Wills cis chairman and proceeds will benefit the w.ays and means committee. A 'discussion club is under or­ ganization bY Mrs. Charles Ful­ ler. The first meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:39 Monday night, Feb. 14 at her home, 79 Puritan Road. ST. ANTHONY, EASr FALMOUTH The League ofCCatholic'Women announees a whist forS tonight in the :Confratel'nity Center. 'Grand 'Prizes will be <offered for winners.' The event is one of a series, held weekly.at the same time and place.


SS. PETER AND PAJUL, FALL RIVER CCD discussion club chairman, Edmond Audette, announces that Mrs. George Bolger will bring her ~roup from Sacred Beart Church at 8 tonight to demon­ str.ate .a model meeting. The pro­ gr.am will -be held in tbeparish hall. On Boy 'Scout Sunday, Feb. 13, .cubs and ;Boy Scouts and their leaders will hold their an­ nual Communion breakfast fol­ lowing 8 o'clock Mass.

OVR LADY OF ~ ANGELS, , FALl. RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will hold a Valentine Whist Party on Saturday night at 7:30 in the hall. Miss Irene Furtado, chairman, has announced that tickets will be sold at the door and refresments will be served. A pre-Lenten Malassada Sup­ per and Dance is scheduled for Saturday night, Feb. 19. Rev. Antonio da Silva, Mis­ sionary Father of the Congrega­ tion of the Missions, will preach a mission in Portuguese to the women of the parish starting Feb. 27 and to the men the week of March 6.




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tion with the 1916 Celebrations. 12TH DAY, MONDAY Dublin to Galway via Mullingar, Athlone and Ballinasloe. Overnight itt Galway. 13TH DAY,TUESDAV Morning free in Galway. Afternoon tour of Connemara via Spiddal, Maam Cross, leepane, Clifden, Oughterard and return to Galway for over­ night accommodations. 14TH .DAY, WEDNESDAY Galway to Shannon Airport via' Gort and Ennis. Afternoon tour of tlle Irish countryside including Quin Abbey. Attend the 'Medieval Banquet at Bunratty Castle that evening. Overnight in the International Hotel,. Shannon Airport. 15TH DAY, THIJRSDAY Morning free or visit to limerick, luncheon at Shannon Airport, allow­ ing time for shopping in Shannon's Free Airport. Board Irish Interna­ tional jet flight for arrival at Boston's logan Airport in the very early evening.

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Follow ireland's Freedom Trail. Pe.rsonaUy conducted by Mr. Brendan Malin, well­ known Irish writer and "historian of the Boston Globe.

A'Valentine square dance is scheduled for 8 Saturday night, Feb. 19 by the Council of Cath­ olic Women. Ticket deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 16. .

ADELAIDE (NC) - The fa~ that the Vat ic a h Council! chose the means of mass com­ munication for its first decree indicates the p'riority that the Church attaches to the press, Coadjutor Archbishop James W. Gleason of this AustI'alian Dio­ cese said here. "Most Catholics, like most other people, have mixed opin~ ions about mass media. It is af­ most ~ habit to blame the press, radio, films' and television for many ,Of the troubles in the world today," the prelate said. But be countered that the pop­ ular media ;are fully necessary if men.are to share their ideas, anell thus must be used and encour­









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Vatican Council Put Press First

. I '





Holy Name Society members will receive corporate Commu­ nion at 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, Feb. 13.

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 10, 1966

ST. THERESA, S01JTH ATI'LEBORO The parish's ,giant annual penny 'Sale will be held at 8 Fri­ day ,and SHturday nights, Feb. 18 and 19 in the parish hall. Warren Kohler and Mrs. Aline Lariviere .are ,eo..c:hairmen.





The Men's Club announoes a dinner dance for Saturday night, Feb. 12 at The Coaclunen res­ taurant, Tiverton. Members may bring friends. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE,


Holy Name Society mficers are Oscar Martel, president; Roger Banville, vice-president; Herve Proulx, secretary; Mat­ thew Labecki, treasurer. The unit plans :to co-sponsor a " penny sale with the parish Council of Catholic Women. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, ,


The Women's League will bold its fourth annual dance from 8 to 12 Saturday night, Feb. 12 at Allendale Country Club. Proceeds will benefit the pariSh. ST. MARY,


A Valentine Dance is planned by the Couples Club for 8 Satur­ day night, Feb. 12 at Polish­ American War Veterans Hall. General chairmen l'lre Mr. and' Mrs. Gilb,ert Canastra. ST. KILIAN,


A Valentine whist party Wed­ nesday, Feb. 16 sponsored by the Women's Guild will be ehairmanned by Mrs. RUBsell Farley and Mrs. Frank Filipek. Mrs. Sidney Garth will be hostess fora meeting Wednesday night, March 2, at which Mrs. Joseph Babiarz will 'give a slide lecture on a European trip.

ST. lL01[J][S ::DJE JFlitANCE, , SWANSlEll Parish Sodality officers are: Rita Tremblay, president; Di­ ane Paquette, vice-president; . Alice Lapointe, secretary; Paul­ ine Roppe, treasurer. Parish Sodalities members will sponsor a public Pre-Lenten . Whist at 8:00 Saturday night, Feb. 19, in the Parish Hall. A luncheon will be served.

BOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The Holy Name Society will sponsor a ,buffet-dance from 8 to 12 Saturday night, Feb. 19 at Stevenson's restaurant. The buf­ fet will be served at 10, and it is announced that tickets Eire available at the rectory. The parish CCD will hold an executive board meeting at 7 tomorrow night in the school.

Sat. 9 to 6 .


Pr~~ate to'Close A.1I..Negro Parish in Wichita

THE ANCHOR- Thurs., Feb. 10,· 1966 '

WICHITA (NC)-Bishop Leo C. Byrne said the Wichita -dioIS on Il'ans elf cese's only all-Negro parish, st. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Bish- Peter Claver's, will be closed 'OIl Antonio de Castro Xavier Saturday, Feb. 12 "in order to Monteiro, who har, been A\lxil- bring all men together in iary of Vila Real, Portugal, has pr'ayer." been transferred 1:0 ,the Lisbon The' parish was founded in P~triarchate "a~ an auxiliary 1930 to serve Negroes. The Kanth~re. He has' been raised to the', sas 'prelate, the diocese's' apos' ·h ·th th t l' d" t t· 'd ''Th' Nn k 0 f arc hb IS op WI e per~, ,0 IC a .mlnIs r~ or, sal : , e , mal title of Archbishop of closing is not merely a project Mitilene. of an interracial or civil rights '


. b



Study Week


HUNTINGTON (NC) -: 'file second annual priests' study week, sponsored by the diocese of Rockville Centre, will be heM for all interested priests at Im­ maculate Con~ption. ,sem~Hf', here on Long Island. June Ii flo 10: The annual study wi!ek ,was started last year by Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg 01. RocID­ ville Centre "to implement In II practical way the spirit and No­ suIts" of 'the Vatican coundL

movement. Our purpose is to Peter Claver facilities-church, carry out the message of the parish house and community Gospel. The Church must take a center-will become an activity lead in showing Christ's doctrine' center of the Catholic Social Service, of brotherhood." The bishop emphasized that Father, Paul Meier, parish pas­ "Christianity ,knows no alterna- tor since' 1931; said· "Bishop tive to ,integration" and added Byrne is taking a lead in solving '''we" therefore, have no choice ,one of, our nation's ~horniest but to re~ove segregation.".. , pr:oblems." Father Philip Allen, , The St. Peter Claver pansh- the' diocese's only Negro pri~~t, ioners will become members of St. Anthony's, St. Patrick's and said: ''This aCtually i;; the £ul:­ Holy Savior parishes. The St. fiilment of the Church's mission.

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Tech Basketball Tourney

Next Big Schoolboy Affair

EvenimJg. SchOQI

By Fred Bartek


High school basketball players and fans alike have their attention focused today on the up-coming Mass. Tech tourney which invites only the best elubs in the eastern section of the Commonwealth 8G participants. The Tech been the positions have. to play each· other tournament goal of every school-boy ag- before. the season comes to a gregation since the start of . close. . Needless to comment, .. the season· but the team there should be some very inter-.


records are now separating the best from the medioci"e. DirectolJ'lJ of the blue-ribbon affair have reverted to the old formula for . the selection of participants. A school must win '10 per cent of its contests to gain·an invitation. This was the rule for many years and then the requlrement was dropped to 60 per cent. The lowered quallf1­ cation inereased the number of . participants IlO much that the directors decided to return to the old '10 per cent rule. Two Are Sure There is little doubt that Dur-

esting contests in the BCL in the next two weeks.• Mathematically speaking, all four cannot qualify but it is possible that three of the four will. On tap tomorrow night in the BCL is Feehan at Durfee, Coyle at Vocational and the game of the night, Stang at Attleboro. The latter two are vying for tournament spots. The Spartans, relying upon a well balanced club that likes to run, can shoot with any team around. The Spartans hit the 100 point mark against Bishop Fee­ han of AttlebQro last week. Attleboro centers its attaek around its two big underneath men, Ron Rovzar and Dave Hardt. Both are good rebound­ ers and can also put the ball in the hoop.

Taunton High will face Fair­ haven on its home court in II fee High of Fall River will be non-league eontest. back to the tourney again this year. Durfee's appearance is alAims for UPSillt most taken as a matter of faet Tuesday night's aetion has beeause of its successful eam- New Bedford Voke at Durfee, paigns in recent years, and, also Taunton at Coyle, . Cardinal because of its stellar play in the . Spellman at Attleboro and FeeBoston competition. han at Fairhaven. t d Top game in the Narry League f T h C oy1eHi go aun on an tomorrow night is Holy Family Bishop Stang High of North Dartmouth are likely partici- at Somerset. Somerset, in third pants, representing the Bristol place, is one of the few teams County League with Durfee. that might be able to handle the Attleboro High is a possibility, undefeated 1eaguill leaders. The too. Blue Raiders, 8-5 in the league, Undefeated Holy Family of have just about been eliminated New Bedford, away out front in from the Tech tourney. But, the Nai'ry loop, has already they would like nothing better qualified with a string of 15 than to knock oft the Para­ consecutive victories. Coach Jaek ehlals. Playing on their home Nobrega's. hardwoodeombine court eould be an advantage for will be in the championship Somerset. competition regardless of the Old Rochestell' Bid· . The only club outside of Holy outcome·.of its last three games. The oniy area team that has Family in the Narry loop that already quallfied is Holy Family appears to· have a chance to of New Bedford, front runners qualify for the Tech is Old in the Narry loop. The unbeaten Rochester. Presently the ~ull­ Parochials have run up a string· dogs are 9-4. Tomorrow night of 15 consecutive triumphs. finds Old Rochester hosting Since Jack Nobrega's team has Dighton-Rehoboth. The D-R 18 scheduled games this means Falcons, in fourth place, have that they have easily won 70% ben playing good ball lately. of their total games even if they They showed last year's cham­ were to lose their i"emaining pionship form as they came from three. behind in the closing seconds to Attleboro Has Chance ·nip a surprisingly strong Case Fans trying to figure whether club by two points. It was Wally their favorite team will make the Davis' shot from 25 feet out with tourney may employ this simpll- one second remlllining that saved fied formula. A team that plays the game. Old Rochester club, 20 games must win 14; if 18 or 19 by winning their remaining games are played the team must games, can make the trip to Bos­ win 13; if 16 or 1'1 games are ton. played the team must win 12; In . other gwpes tomorrow, and finally if. a team plays oniy Westport will be. at Diman and 15 games it must win .11. Prevost at Case in Swansea. In the Bristol County League, Next Tuesday finds Case at there are still four teams in con- Somerset, Dighton at Appone­ tention for Tech';l'ourney berths. quet, Prevost at Diman and· Old First place Durfee is presently Rochester at Westport. Holy 11-3. Coach Tom Karam's boys Family will be at Seekonk in III play 20 gain~s. Thus, theHill-,.·_n~n-~'Oeal_i~e:~~·-·S· ·B •. ' >; toppers have to win three more vel" naues llIre e. games to qualify. New Bedford High School of Second place Stang is 10-3. the Greater Boston League will Coach John O'Brien's stalwarts face North Quincy at home to­ must cop three of their last five. morrow and has Tuesday free Third place Coyle, which has irom league action. Wareham is 15 scheduled games, is now 8-3. at Silver Lake tomorrow and' Coach Jim Lanagan's Warriors hosts Hingham. Tuesday in Old need three more victories to Colony action. Norton of the reach the magic 70% mark. Tri-Valley Conference closes the Fourth-place Attlebox:o has III season by traveling to Norfolk slim chance of qualifying. The tomorrow. Bombardiers are .presently 9-4 From the northern cornell' of in their l'1-game schedule. The the diocese comes one other sure Jewelry City five must win bet for a Tech Tourney berth. three of its remaining four Oliver Ames of North Easton games. It is not possible for any perennially makes the tourna­ of the other BCL teams to ment and this year will be nc Qualify. different. The Tigers have yet The interesting point to the to be beaten in Hockomock above statistics is the fact that League action and hold a ODe all four teams fightina for Teda game edge over Sharon HiP.


THE ANCHORr-Thurs., Feb. 10, 1966

ECUMENISM: Chatting at a meetng of representa­ iives of the Bishops' Commission for Ecumenical Affairs with representatives of the National Council of Churches in Baltimore are, left to right: Bishol> John J. Carberry of Columbus; Lawrence Oardinal Shehan of Baltimore; and Dr. Norman Baugher, Vice-President of the National Coun~ cil. NC Photo. . - v '

Charity & Service !Louisiana Dioces~ Plans Series of Sermons To Seek V@:ilt~can Council Objectives LAFA YET'l.'E (NC) The heart of the Second Vatican Counci~ was charity, its spirit w serviee. Bishop Maurice Schex­ nayder of Lafayette has empha­ sized in a pastoral letter. Call1ng for a series of sermons on the Council, the Louisiana Bishop pointed out "we must first learn.what the Council said, then we must strive to put it into practice." . Bishop SchexnaydeY said 11 Council documents are con­ cerned with "renewal of the Church herself and to the more effective fulfillment of her mis­ sion to preach the Gospel to every creature." .

Three documents are directed to the search for C~ristian unity, the secondary purpose of the Council, he said, and "dialogue

Joint Prayer LINZ (NC)-Eight Protestant lay Brothers have joined eight Catholic Brothers to form an ecumenicl. monastery in the village of Erlach here in Austria. The monks-from Austria, Ger­ many, Denmark and Sweden­ attend Mass together and have joint prayer services. They fol­ low the Benedictine rule and farm their own land.

with the world, even with those who persecute" the church is the third purpose of the Council.

Superiors of Men To Meet in June WASHINGTON (NC) - The Conference of Major Superiors of Men has announced its ninth annual assembly ·will be held at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison,· Kan., June 29 to July 2. .


The curriculum for the eve­ ning school at Stonehill College lists nine new courses offered for the first time in the Spring program which begins Feb. 15. These include courses in: Makers of tl1e Modem Theatre; The Fine .. Art of ·Woodcuts; Math for Ev­ erydayUse; Career Planning foY Women; Psychology of Person­ ality; The Facts and Fancies of Heredity in Everyday Life; You and Society: An lntroduction to ~ociology; Psychological Testing in Business and Industry; and Real Estate Appraisal. Three of the new courses are in the field of psychology 'l>e­ cause of growing interest in this field and the growing applicll­ tion of psychology in personal and business relationships. Ca­ reer Planning for Women, which stresses career opportunities foli' both professional and non-pro­ fessional women, emphasizetl psychological factors involved iml getting and and keeping a PO&o tion. Psychology of Personality deals with normal expressions Cllf everyday emotions in contrast with pathological manifestatioJW as well as social, vocational anell marital adjustment factors. The third psychology course in Psy= cholOgical Testing has been paJloo . ticularly established for person-> nel directors and managers who plan to use psychological testll for personnel selection, training or promotion. Other offerings in the Spring program include a variety 01 courses in English, the fine arts. languages, Science, Sociology. mathematics, and business sub­ jects.

The conference is a voluntary association of major superiors from 94 U. S. religious institutes of men. It promotes the spiritual ~nd material welfare of more than 35,000 priests and Brothers· and 22,000 religious students. Father JameJ M. Darby, S.M., president of the coriference, said 'in a statement released through its secretariat here that Father Bernard Haering, C.SS.H., the well,:,known .theologian, will at­ tend the CMSM conference and in a series of talks will discuss "the Sprit of Poverty." \






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.THE . , .ANCHOR-Diocese . . .. of Fall .River-Thur~., Feb. 10,1966 ~.

THE SHEPHERD AND HIS BELOVED CHILDREN: Photographers have alwaysasser~d that p'ope Pau,l VI glow,s when in the presence of thildren anq his r~eent rare .experience. ofdi!1ing ~ith. youngsters exem­ .plified his love of little ones. The long. tradition' a~ the Vatican. that the




New York Medic ~ays Abortion Is Murder






Pontiff eat alone was broken by'Pope John and Pope Paul served the'sohp course and ate with, 21 boys and gids :-at the' Hospice of Santa: Maria. ~ight: the you~g,guest~ hold a momento of-the occasion while presenting ' the gift, of a ,lamb to'theIr beloved· Holy .Father.

$1I.0-a-Week Looks' Big to Pavia Nurse Former Naval Officer Happy Helping Poor

Students Increase Religion$t~dy': '

NEW YORK (NC) - An in­ Bos'rON (NC) M a.r i e The natives, ,she said, even- , " . De s'p i t 'e hardshipS" . Mis! creasing number of students in BUFFALO' (NC)-.:....catho- Knowles looked into the eyes of tually make straw-slatted build- Knowles' said, "the people are U·. S. secular' colleges' and uni,;, 'llic ',physicans in the B.uffalo , a baby in a slum area in Comas, ings and some of cement and warin arid. friendly. They are not versities are' taking some type area have blasted the grow-, Peru; ~Illd decided the ~10 a.wee~ brick. "It is not uhusual for 12' lazy but there just aren't.enough o~ course ,in religion, according . .' ling trend toward relaxation' . she gets as a Papal Volunteer IS persons to be living in one large jobs. Thpse who !Io find work to·a ma'gazi~e. survey. , . .. better than the $7,500 a year room." , receive unbeiievably low' .wages.... The study of· religion is ex­ .f abortion la~s. .. !ine could get in a job here in The Boston nurse says that 50 Lone Battle " panding so rapidly that'there are ',"TheAme~Ican pub!IC IS beher native United States. ., ' Miss Knowles, could have .not nearly enough teachers to lirig' .progresslvely bram-wash~d. Miss Knowles, home for a' per cent of the children do not live to.be·two years old·and the: stayed in' 'tlie .Navy ."but' I : meet·the need, Time magazine bytt:e a~v~cates. of therapeut~c, three-month rest before she re­ ' l 3:b~rtJQn,a.cc.o~dlng.to Dr..Der. ::; turns to South America, said:. average age of ·the adults, is thought. that' as a' Catholic I'd rep'or.ts in, i~s ~eb. 4 iss"le. .' be able to be of service in' this '. 'Twenty .years ago there were lH:e~mba~k, chmcal Illst~ct.or.m "If you could see the undernour:' , about 25 years. "Most young mothers look at .' organization in which the lay only a dozen state-supported the DeI?art~ent of ObstetrICS :at ished babies who come to our . ~e UmversIty of Buffalo'Medclinic in Peru, you would know least twice their age because 'of . person' finds :ways' to help his . campuses with full-fledged rell­ gion programs, while today, at DCal School. ' why the pay check.really doesn't the: hardships they have en- fellow-man." The comment came as the re- matter."" ,'. . dured," she declared., She said the reason' she' went . ·least .75. per cent of the nation's lIUlt ~f a recent a~l-day conferJrobs Are Scarce ·to' South ·AineI"ica to help "people four-year colleges have religion ence III San FranCISco sponsored ..' when there is inuch to be done .programs, Time says. It adds th!lt KeeU1e Church Candle -dlt by the Society for Humane She has served for three years home is obvious. She ex-" more than 20 per cent of U. S. Abortion. as ~ nurse With. the Pap.al Vol­ plaillEld: "Underprivileged peo- .. state schools have separate reli- . For U.S. Se,rvicemeri' Moral Deterioration unteers for Latm AmerIca. She pIe hi the' United States can get gion departments. . The Society brochure blames trainc~ at St. Elizabeth's Hospi,:", . KEENE {NC)-The first trib­ help' -from the 'city; Church or The article credits theologians the ~'organized opposition" of ,tal here. She was a Navy nurse ute of its kind since the United States entered the conflict in government, while in :Peru they With providing the: major im­ the Catholic Church and "public for: 23', years. . often hil\le' no one af a'll to tlirn "petus for renewed college inter­ apathy" for "continued existence At Comas; MISS Knowles and~. Vietnam has been established by to." ' . . est in religion; of this decadent (anti-abortion)' other, workers 'see abou,t ~,OOO an anonymous donor here in

law." patients a year. Working with New Hampshire.

Dr.. Heimbeck and other Buf- . her in the clinic at:e a nun from. It is ~ new altar candle, which

_6'''.'·_.''.omt.6,·m..~.,m..''t!.6'&.'-6'_.'.-­ £al0 gynecologists have ex-' Canada; 'an Ob!ate pri,est ~nd will be lighted continliously for ,~'.I.'.I:mu'.~P,Ji'.,,~mi.,\!=.j!J·.'~WI'.,.f!J1.1J'.,~·.,. . , - ' pressed fears that liberalization' ' two doctors., , ' the war's duration. The four­ ~~ of abortion laws cOuld lead to' '''Mo~t people we ::;ee come foot candle has been established

further moral deterioration 'of down ·from t~e mountains, .1ook­ in' honor of ,American soldiers

~ ,. " i?,,: for. a better w~y to e~rn ~ , fighting in Vietnam.

Society. ;;\1 "How can physicians endorse hvmg nearer the City, of Llm~, liberal abortion laws when a She observed. "They often co~e basic tenet of medical. practice in. groupS· of a~out 5,00' in the C_~. li~iji M.tO 'do nQ,harm,'?" Dr. Richard ~mddle of the.mght. They settle Romanowski asked. . In shanty VIllages and, then .dIBl' " ..­ . 'Beld It Does' vainly look for jobs but there DU~RFEE,. '." . , ' , \1111 . . . "Physici!lns who flinch at the are few jobs to be had. ttIought of overtreating the comDie Very Young mon cold with potent penidllin "So this creates a slum with .~:: endorse overtreating the Wl- ,no running water or electricity. .~ wanted, soft, pregnant uterus There is no privacy and doors with. the sharp knife of abor- are lacking on their shelters. tion." Dr Romanowski asserted. Their only! protection from in­ "Abortions invariably l(~ave trudel'S are dogs and there are some guilt feelings in their hundreds of them running wake. Much better to help the around," she said. family directly with marital and economic counseling than to tear ~, COLOR Five Jesunts «llt out the young heart that has DVOIWlI ~~ ~ID barely begun to beat in the ~ mother's womb - and beat it ,Compile 270 Years CA'rHOLIC PROGRAM ~.: does. even at the tender age of BOSTON (NC) - Five priests 19th 24 days (in utero)," :::>1'. Roman­ stationed at Boston College have Record Breaking owski continued: observed jubilees totaling 270 "If 90 per cent of abortions years' of service as Jesuits. Week are done for social reasons, as Dean of the jubilarians is AIRLINES Father James M. Kilroy, S.J., the Third Gonference of the In­ . • Ca-choJ.lc Tra."'V"el Office ternatio-nal Planned Parenthood 89, founder of the Jesuits' New EVES.-Mon. thru Thurs. at 8:00 Federation has found them, then England province, now spiritual Fri., Sat. Eves at 8:30 WASHINGTQN tHI~AGO 'ROME LONDON III! at least 90 per cent of the solu­ Father of the college community, Sun. Eve. at 7:30 tion should be found in the who joined the Society of Jesus ,_'CATHOLIC .TRAVEL OFFICE . , FRM'I"', . MATS,-Wed.; Sat., Sun. at 2:00 social order as well," he opined. 70 years ago. C_~ Du~nt Circle Building, Washington, D. C. 20036 The director of the Buffalo The others who have cele­ Special Attention to School, Church J8i. Please send me your free illustrated booklet describing In ~-~ diocesan Family Life Depart­ brated 50 ,years of service are lIHJI detail the "world·covering" pilgrimages. ' .... and cva groups ment, Father Dino J. Lorenzetti, Fathers Martin, P. Harney; S.J., ~~ ". , !WI .._.. Name If!p.J advised that while Catholics historian; Francis X. Weiser, S.J., .dBh . , ..-.. must listen to the opinions of philosopher; Thomas McLaugh­ Phone F. R. 1·677-9357 lmJI Address \iii others with respect, they, also lin, S.J., former treasurer of the TIckets on Sale in New Bedford have the right and obligation to New England province and mis­ 'ct~ City/Zone/State: llffil at Merri Card Shop make their views on the issue sionary in Jamaica mid Robert mm~mm~~II~~~mm~~~~I'I~~~m,~~ knowil. Flanagan, S.J., philosopher. ~V~V~U_U~U~U~V~V~U




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