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dJ The AMCHO.I Vol. 21, No.6 -

Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Feb. 10, 1977

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-5t. Paul

USCC Asks Carter Study Schools Justice Issue

SPECIAL BLESSING: Six-year-old John Foppe, who has no arms, gets a special blessing and a kiss from Pope Paul VI. He is held by his father. (NC Photo)

A Kiss from Pope Paul Everyone, including Pope Paul VI, notices how much six-year-old John Foppe of Breese, III., can do with his feet. During a recent general audience at the Vatican the Pontiff picked the boy out of the crowd after noticing that he had a rosary between his toes. "Bring me the child with-

out arms," the Pope told his assistants. "I want to give a special blessing to this child who can do so much with his feet. He is very good, I think he needs a special blessing and I wish him a happy life." John and his father were in Rome on an IS-day religious pilgrimage sponsored by the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows.

Mary Reed Newland Starts Taunton Parish Series Mary Reed Newland will head speakers to be heard during the second annual Lenten Lecture Series sponsored by Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, and open to the public at no charge. The five-lecture series will take place in the church basement from 7:30 to 9:15 p.m. each Wednesday in March. Speakers and their topics are: -March 2, Mary Reed Newland, "We Are a People Unafraid to Die." Mrs. Newland, mother of eight, is an author, lecturer and chairperson of religious education for the Albany, N.Y. diocese. -March 9, "We Are a People Committed to Our Parish," Rev. Raymond Kehew. Father Kehew


is a former chaplain for Brown University and pastor of the Tum to Page Seven

WASHINGTON (NC) A U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) official h"as made a Catholic Schools Week appeal to President Jimmy Carter and the people of the United States "to right the imbalance in public policy" which denies the rights of parents of nonpublic school children. Father Patrick Farrell, represen"tative for Catholic schools in the usec Education Department, noted that the Democratic party platform last year proclaimed a "commitment to support a constitutionally acceptable method of providing tax aid for the education of all pupils in nonsegregated shcools in order to insure parental freedom in choosing the b"est education for their children." "Millions of parents who have children in nonpublic schools have carried a heavy burden because of their belief in full integrated religious education as provided in schools that are religious in orientation," Father Farrell said in a commentary , "

Seven Murdered In Rhodesia

distributed to more than 1,000 radio stations for Catholic Schools Week. "It is time to reverse the discrimination that prevents public support for parental righ~s. "We, in nonpublic religious schools, invite the President and

Nearly 300 American newspapers are currently carrying a series of articles on moral choices in contemporary life. In this area they include the Providence Sunday Journal, the Cape Cod Times and the Taunton Gazette. Complementing these articles, but also valuable in itself, the National Catholic News Service is presenting a series offering the Catholic perspective on the issues to be" treated, including marriage, family life, use 01 leisure, abortion and aging. The Anchor will carry the NC series, beginning this week on page 8.

the nation to look at our record of service to the poor and the disadvantaged. We hope they will look at the long history and outstanding achievements that these alternative schools are providing in a value-centered environment. We pray that they will act quickly to right the imbalance in public policy by which so many are denied their just rights." Citing the theme for the 1977 Catholic Schools Week: "Catholic Schools: A Plus for America," Father Farrell said: "These schools are a plus for America and deserve the support of America." In a statement issued for Catholic Schools Week, Father John F, Meyers, president of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), stressed the continuing need for good public relations if Catholic schools are to communicate their message to U.S. society. The 1977 Catholic Schools Week theme. Father Meyers said, "points up the moral and spiritual values which our schools offer young people, families, the community, the country and ultimately the Church. Tum" to Page Seven

SALISBURY, Rhodesia (NC)Seven white missionaries were killed Sunday by black nationalist guerrillas at St. Paul's Mission in Musami near here. Two others escaped, though one was wounded. Dead were two English Jesuit priests, Fathers Martin Thomas Father Charles Soto, OFM, dir- agreed that Hispanics urgently and Christopher Shepherd-Smith; ector of Regina Pacis Center, need the services of more priests Irish Jesuit Brother John Con- New Bedford, represented the and at least one Puerto Rican way; German Dominican Sisters Fall River diocese at a five-day bishop, but- also said there was Magdela, Cesalus and Epiphany; meeting of Hispanic leaders some reason for optimism in the and English Dominican Sister from the northeastern U.S., held Tum to Page Three Joseph Wilkinson. in San Juan, Puerto Rico. HimJesuit Brother Dennis Adam- .self a Puerto Rican, he said that son escaped unharmed and Jes- of the four million Hispanics in uit Father Duncan Myerscough the northeast, some two million escaped after being wounded. are from the island commonwealth. . Both are English. ROME (NC) Indochina's Several African Sisters from a In the Fall River diocese, he . loss is 'Indonesia's gain. Two local congregation, who also said, 95 percent of Hispanics in missionary orders of priests here work at the mission, were not New Bedford are Puerto Rican, have recently sent 15 of their harmed. 75 percent in Taunton and 50 members, expelled from Vietnam The murders drew instant re- percent in Attleboro. He added and Laos, to work among the action from Pope Paul VI, who that small Hispanic communities 13,300 islands making up Indoexpressed shock and grief, and also exist in "Fall River and nesia. from Archbishop Patrick Chaka- Wareham. Other nationalities reAmong the missionaries takipa of Salisbury, Rhodesia's first presented are Guatemalans, Col- ing new postings in Indonesia black archbishop. are Oblate of Mary Immaculate ombians and Cubans. Tum to 'Page Seven At the meeting dele"gates Turn to Page Seven

Regina Pacis Head At Hispanic "Parley

Fr. Bouchard To Indonesia



Read The Anchor: Largest Weekly Newspaper In Southeastern Massachusetts



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

Il.-P_e_o.....:.p_l_e_-_P_IG_c_e_s_-_E_Y_e_n_t_s_-_N_C_N_e_w_s_B_ri_e_fs_1 Migrant Aid WASHINGTON Florida migrant workers put out of work hy the frost that swept mos.t of the state, killing off important citrus fruit crops, will receive up to $38 million dollars in emergency unemployment pay. The emergency benefits Will pay a minimum of $64 a week and a maximum of $82 a week. Estimates of the number of migrants in Florida range from 25,000 to 100,000. Migrants in the 35 counties in the south, em ,three-quarters of the state will be covered.

Memphis Objection VATICAN CITY - Informed Vatican sources say.that the Vatican's top official for liturgical affairs has strongly objected to the general' absolution given during two rites of reconciliation last year in the diocese of Memphis, Tenn. The sources report that Australian Cardinal James Knox, prefect of the Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship, met for 90 minutes here in mid-January with Bishop Carroll Dozier of Memphis, who authorized the rites of reconciliation held in December in Memphis and Jackson, Tenn. The rites drew national media coverage.

Banning P'ress BUENOS AIRES - President Jorge Videla has ordered the confiscation of the Jesuit magazine CIAS and the daily La Opinion in ~n effort to stop what he called "biased and inaccurate" statements against Argentina's armed forces. For two weeks CIAS had gone unhampered in circulating among its limited readership an article chastizing the ruling generals, saying they were using Communists tactics of torture and repression against dissidents. It was not until La Opinion whJch has a circulation of 100,000, reprinted the charges that Gen. Videla took action.

, Stockholders Protest NEW YORK - Four Catholic groups , and a Protestant body, holding more than 42,000 shares in the J. P. Stevens Company, have filed stockholder resolutions demanding the textile firm disclose its equal employment and labor relations policies. Sponsored by the New Yorkbased Interfaith Center for Corporate Re-

sponsibility (lCeR), the resolutions appear on the Stevens' proxy statementforms allowing shareholders to vote on company policy - mailed to 18,000 individual and corporate stockholders controlling more than 11 million shares of Stevens' stock. The resolutions will be voted on at the company's annual stockholders meeting here March L

Pa'pal Gratitude WASHINGTON - Pope Paul VI is "deeply grateful" for the U.S. bishops' support of the Vatican's recent declaration that the Church cannot ordain woman priests, according to the papal secretary of state, Cardinal Villot. In a telegram sent to Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnat,i, president of the National Conference of Cl)tholic Bishops here, Cardinal Villot also said that the Pope is "pleased,to note the pastoral efforts being made to explain the declaration" in the United States.

Scottish Church GLASGOW, Scotland - Archbishop Thomas J. Winning of Glasgow is to open a Christian unity center here in Scotland's largest city and its most populous Catholic diocese. The Glasgow archdiocese has 295,000 of the 820,000 Catholics in Scotland's population of more than five million.

Vatican Dismay VATICAN CITY - Vatican officials and employees have expressed shock and horror over the killing' of his wife and children by a former French ambassador to the Vatican. Gerard Amanrich, who represented France at the Vatican from September, 1974, until the summer of 1976, killed his wife Chantal, his 16-yearold son Stephane, and his 18-year-old daughter Ines in their Paris apartment.

T.V. Violence

Medical Guidelines

MILWAUKEE Responding to shareholder complaints from 10 Catholic religious orders, four major U.S. corporations have agreed to curtail sponsorship of television programs which feature gratuitou;; or excessive violence. Capuchin Father Michael Crosby reported that the Colgate-Palmolive, Eastman Kodak, Gilette and Sears Roebuck have assented .The religious orders, which are members of the National Catholic Coalition for Responsible -Investment, have been working through the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a New York-based agency.

TRENTON, N. J. - Guidelines to be used by health care facilities in deciding whether to "pull the plug" on comato!>e patients like Karen Quinlan were released here Jan. 25 by New Jersey medical officials. The guidelines call on hospitals and other health care facilities to form a prognosis committee to examine comatose, noncognitive patients. The committee would determine whether a patient has any chance of returning to a cognitive state, and decide whether to authorize the attending physician to end life support systems in hopeless cases.

Seminary Classes SEATTLE, Wash. - Repeating an action taken at the high school level last year, the Seattle archdiocese will close its college seminary and implement a priestly formation program with closer ties to the community. Archbishop Raymond Hunthausan said most of the 33 men now enrolled in St. Thomas Seminary will attend local colleges and universities while participating in what is called a Ministerial Development Program. The college seminary will close at the end of the school year. The seminarians will live in their families' homes, college dormitories, in a residence building at the seminary or in housing of Jheir choice.

Selecfing a Bishop

Sharing Resources

STEUBENVILLE, Ohio - Catholics in this southeastern Ohio diocese are being asked to help select a. successor to Bishop John King Mussio, who plans to resign in June. A 16-member committee of priests, nuns and lay persons has been established to coordinate the consultation, which was endorsed by the 74-yearold prelate.

LONDON - Keston College here and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana are planning to share resources to study the state of religion under Communist rule. Anglican Father Michael Bourdeaux, who established the Center for the Study of Religion and Communism at Keston College in 1970, said that the plan involves establishing a duplicate of his center's archives at Notre Dame's Center for Civil Rights.

WASHINGTON - The Catholic -League for Religious and Civll Rights has praised Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano for his strong opposition to Medicaid payments for abortion. The league praised Califano's "courageous and forthright stand" at his confirmation hearings.

Support Califano

Excessive Fem'inism VATICAN CITY - Apparently responding to American critics, Pope P!lul VI said the Church was not sidelining women with its recently reaffirmed ban on ordaining woman priests. The Pope also charged that "certain excessive kinds of .feminism" had made the issue more difficult to deal with.

New Bishop WASHINGTON - Father Howard J. Hubbard, 38, has been appointed bishop of Albany, N.Y., by Pope Paul VI. He succeeds Bishop Edwin B. Broderick, who was recently named executive director of Catholic Relief Services, overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics.

Philosopher D'ies NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. - Dietrich von Hildebrand, who fled Nazi- annexed Austria in 1938 just hours ahead of Gestapo pursuers, then came to the United States where he resumed his career as one of the foremost philosophers of the century, died at his home here on Jan. 26. He was 87.

Cou rt Reform TRENTON, N. J. - By a vote of 25 . to 5 the New Jersey Semite passed and sent to the Assembly a measure designed to substitute local standards for county standards in determining obscenity. While the bill would make it easier to prosecute obscenity cases by making it possible for the hearings to be held before a municipal magistrate rather than in county court, it would also decrease the penalty for conviction, downgrading violations from misdemeanors to disorderly persons offenses.



FEB. 19 , Rev. Andrew J. Brady, 1895, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River Rev. Leopold Jeurissen, SS.CC., 1953, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fairhaven FEB. 20 Rev. James H. Fogarty, 1922, Pastor, St. Louis, Fall River FEB. 22 Rev. Msgr. Jovite Chagnon, 1954 Founder, St. Joseph, New Bedf~rd -,


The ANCHOR * * * Confirmation SchedUle

* * *

Active Holiness

Pdests Look ~t the Legion of Mary

* * * Permanent Diaconate Convention Re!>Ort

"In our era, the road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action." . -Dag Hammarskjold ..UUll'"l1lllltllll'lIIl1l1l1ll1'"Ultll'U1llllllm'mlll.... lIIl1""""uulll'''''mUIllIlIllJlIll

EARLY CATHOUC SCHOOLS: Attention is directed to early 'Catholic schools during Catholic Schools Week, which ends Saturday. Here Italian artist Giovanni Gagliardi depicts Bishop John Neumann of Philadelphia. who will be canonized June 19. Among his accomplishments was establishment of a school system that was a model for the nation. (NC Photo)


THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. feb. 10, 1977

Scouts, Diocese Sign Agreement The long-standing, harmonious relationship between the Fall River Roman Catholic Diocese and the Plymouth Bay Girl Scout Council was recently formalized when a written plan of cooperation between the two groups was signed by Mrs. Gerrit Sanford, president of the Plymouth Bay Girl Scouts, and Father Roger J. Levesque, Diocesan Chaplain for Youth Groups, representing the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of the Fall River Diocese. Both Father Levesque and Mrs. Sanford expressed satisfaction with the agreement. Father Levesque said, "This plan reaffirms that, through the Girl scout program, girls are encouraged and helped to become better members of their own religious groups." Mrs. Sanford has appointed Ms. Louise Bailey of Fall River, second vice-president of the council, as liaison· between the diocese and the council's board of directors.

Sister Jeanette Heads OLVM's DENVER (NC) - Sister Jeanette Halbach, director of the archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission, has been elected president of her congregation, Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters (OLVM). Sister Jeanette headed the local program for the bishops' Bicentennial Liberty and Justice for All hearings, leading up to last October's Call to Action Conference in Detroit, which proposed numerous changes in church structures and policies. She will leave the Denver archdiocese at the end of June and assume her new position Aug. 6 at the congregation's mother house in Huntington, Ind. Her congregation, which has 342 members, was founded in 1922 by Father John Joseph Sigstein to work with the poor and oppressed as catechists, social workers, and nurses. In the Fall River diocese five members of the community are stationed in New Bedford where they are active in religious education and social apostolates.

To Give Mission LONDON (NC) Cardinal Leo Suenens of Malines-Brussels, Beigium, a leader in the ecumenical movement, has accepted the invitation of Anglican college chaplains at Oxford University to give in February the first major university mission since 1969.

SlIbscriptiln Sun'day, Fell. 20


Quit Episcopalian Church To Protest Women Priests ioners said in a letter addressed to other parish members. A statement from the two priests - who said they had no immediate plans to seek ordination in the Catholic Church rejected what they call the "stay and fight" position, saying the The move was a reaction to only recourse is to join the "the the Episcopal Church's ordination of women and church tea- Roman Catholic Church - still chings on abortion, divorce and a church that is not afraid to take a stand, in spite of its obremarriage. vious inconsistencies and lapses The. 16 parishioners and the in taste and current turmoil." clergymen, the Rev. John W. B. Trinity Church's pastor, the Upson and the Rev. James T. Rev. Freedom Wentworth III, Dutton, were members of St. said liturgical changes approved John the Evangelist Church on at last year's Episcopal national Beacon Hill. convention helped move his· parTheir exodus was accompan- ish of 300 to cast its overwhelmied by the decision of another ing vote in favor of disaffiliation. Episcopalian parish, Trinity The Rev. Wentworth called Church, in Bridgewater, Mass., changes in the ·Book of Comto join the Syro-Chaldean mon .Prayer "a complete turnChurch of the East, a 1.5 million about from the (book's) original member body whose members intention." live mostly in Syria an~ Iraq. The Trinity congregation will Trinity members voted 185 to continue using the 1928 edition 13 to quit the state and national of the prayer book and continue Episcopal organizations, citing its evangelical and charismatic changes to the Book of Common practices, including praying in Prayer, women's ordination and tongues, conducting healing seracceptance of homosexuality of. vices and using personal revelaEpiscopal Church governing tions in its services, according to the pastor. bodies. BOSTON (NC) - Two Episcopal ministers and 16 of their parishioners have severed their ties to that denomination and have announced they will seek membership in the Catholic Church.

BAN THE BOMBER: "We are here today ... because of our concern for peace among nations," said Bishop Bernard Topel of Spokane, Wash. at an anti-Bot bomber demonstration in his diocese. Bishop customarily keeps his home temperature in the 40's to saVE; money for poor. (NC Photo)



St. Peter recommended that bishops should be "a pattern of the flock." Bishop Bernard Topel, 73, sets his flock a hard example to follow. Unafraid of taking minority positions, he recently led prayer at an anti-B-1 bomber demonstration in his diocese of Spokane, Wash., where he told more than 200 participants to seek "Christ's kind of love so we can have his kind of peace." In his prayer the bishop said, "Father we beg you to send your holy spirit to guide iUS so

of Flock'

that we do not spend billions on armaments, nor millions, nor thousands, nor indeed, even one dollar that you, Father, want us to use to feed the hungry and help the pqor nations." Personally as well as nationally, the prelate advocates austerity. Where President Carter recommends pushing home thermostats down to 60 or 65 degrees, Bishop Topel keeps his at a chilly 42, wearing thermal underwear and ski socks to keep warm. "My reason .for these low temperatures is to save money for the poor," the bishop wrote in his weekly column in the InContinued from Page One· land Register, Spokane diocesan fact that ,35 of 47 permanent newspaper. deacons among Hispanics in the "When the (house) temperanortheast are Puerto Ricans. ture is in the lower 40s, I often On of the reasons delegates wear a hat, overcoat, mufflers from 26 dioceses in 14 North- and even rubbers," the bishop eastern states met here was to wrote in his Feb. 3 column. "At gain new insights in Puerto Ri- such temperatures, one's feet can culture, including religious can become cold, and one's attitudes, and discuss common hands, and yes, one's nose, too. concerns with the bishops of Otherwise, there is not much Puerto Rico . discomfort. " The meeting devoted a day to The bishop said he allows the discussions with the Puerto Ri- temperature to dip into the 30s can Bishops' Conference and the during the night at times, but is opostolic nuncio to Puerto Rico, careful not to let the house Archbishop Giovanni Gravelli. freeze up. According to statistics gatherThe bishop purchased his ed by the Northeast Regional four-room house in a low-inCenter for Pastoral Work, sponcome, integrated section of Sposor of the meeting, among Spankane for $4,000. a few years ago ish-speaking priests in the Unwith money from sale of the ited States only six are Puerto mansion the diocese had proRicans. . vided him. He donated the difDelegates decided to establish ference to projects aiding the a pastoral institute in New York poor. to deal with -religious needs among the Hispanics and foster vocations for religious life, the Says People Unaided diaconate and the priesthood. They expressed approval of By Oil Wealth CARACAS, .Venezuela (NC) the Cath<>llic charismatic movement which, according to the The general secretary of the leaders, is responsible for the re- Venezuelan Bishops' Conference newal of religious practices has declared that his country's among many Spanish-speaking social problems are growing worse even though national inpersons in the United States. "The charismatics' accent on come - mostly from oil - has prayer, Bible reading and the re- reached unprecedented heights. newal trends fostered by the Bishop Ovidio Perez, who is Second Vatican Council have at- also, auxiliary of Caracas, called tracted thousands of Catholics for "true participation of the back into the Church," a spokes- people in planning and executing man at the meeting said. policies to correct this unjust While the meeting was con- imbalance." sidered a good· start, leaders "Such participation might upsaid, another one is needecl to set politicans, the government, obtain the bishops" approval for tlven the <::hurch in Venezuela," Hs main recommendations. he added.

Regina Pacis

"We cannot, in conscience, remain in a church which we believe to be in apostasy," the 16 St. John the Evangelist parish-

Mrs. BeUiveau Rev. David P. Belliveau, SJ, associate pastor of St. Patrick's 'Church, Fall River, and formerly at Bishop Connolly. High School, also Fall River, was principal celebrant Monday at a funeral Mass at Our Lady of Metcy Church, Belmont, for his mother, Alice M. Belliveau, who died Feb. 4 in Watertown. As well as her son, she is survived by a brother in Wellesley and sisters in Waukegan, Ill., and West Hyannisport.

Citizens for Life To Meet Feb. 21 Greater Fall River Chapter of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life will meet at 7:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21 at Heritage Farms Country Club, 666 Stevens Rd., Swansea. Elections will be held and state dues will be collected. Members are asked to request copies of bills dealing with pregnancy and abortion matters from their state and national. representatives and to bring them to the meeting.

EuroRean U~'Jaav leadership of

Father Paul G.·

CONNOLLY Pastor, 51. Mary Parish. Taunton

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

The Impatient Church


There are very few truly meaningful events in life which are instant and sudden. Every man must wait to be born, he must wait to die; we wait for life to reveal its meaning, we wait for expectations to be fulfilled. There are a few misled and in some cases not too wellintentioned personalities in today's Church who have somewhere along the line lost the basic concept that an understanding of Jesus and His revelation begins with a theology of patient and hopeful expectations. He comes to the patient heart; to those who form a sincere and honest community of hope. The man or woman, the demanding and the arrogant, who so harshly scream from the housetops their message of division and distortion, have little understanding of the hopeful community of the Church. They attack, they confront and they challenge, all in the name of instant progress. For example, some of them consider the Pope to be an old man in an old Church that proclaims old ideas; others would have the sacrament of Holy Orders a mere showcase for the spectacular and the Church a mere circus of inconsistencies. They must criticize but never approve, they must stirup, but never console. For tpis type of personality, band-wagon theology is causes to be accomplished at all costs in the here and now. Thriving on theological turmoil, they have lost a total sense of what is real. As they grow fewer in numbers, they scream all the louder, to be heard by the media, never making any sincere attempt to listen and learn. With their. pre-conceived timetables and their narrow schedules, they fail to realize that life cannot be hurried. This does not mean, of course. that a oerson in today's Church should be inert and aoatheic or that life comes to those who just sit back and refuse to act. Rather, it means thai today's impatient few in the Chutch fail to understand that life transcends the present and really forces what we call the "now" to wait for its own future. What is even more important for these people is that they fail to realize that unless they learn to wait they never ' can truly become Christian. A Christian realizes that Jesus was awaited for a long time and that He is prepared to wait for them. In their hurried brashness, members of the impatient Church are un.able to give to others the time they need to become themselves. To be rooted in the today, to think that one can have it all in a hurry, is to imprison the mysteries of life and the working of the Divine in a mere measure of time. To those in the' Church who refuse to wait, who demand the present as they deny the past, it is only too obvious that their hopes will die, their dreams will fade and their own lives will be forgotten.

Secure the 200 Mile Limit


A small girl ... sucks her thumb . . . as she looks ahead ... apparently with some apprehension. She seems alone ... in a cold, grey world ... Her eyes betray a touch of fear ... of waiting to see what will happen next ... The bright sun streaks and shadows her face ... suggesting a ltind of impassive numbness. 'She reveals something of the fearful child . . . in all children ... in all of us ... Apprehension ... anxiety ... at what life may hold in store ; .. lies deep in most of us . . . surfacing at times . . . to numb our growth ... stifle our creativity ... stiffen our limbs ... and 'minds ... and hearts. At times we all feel alone . . . in a world that seems hostile ... Embarrassed to suck our thumbs ... we turn to other sources of solace ... only to find afterwards ... the same numbing fears . ;- . in a coldly grey ... frightening world. To each of us ... anxiously apprehensive as we look ahead at life's unknowns ... our God speaks reassuringly as he did to Jeremiah ... "Have no fear before them because I am with you ... to deliver you" (Jeremiah 1:8) Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service

'Roots' and Catholics ter Reconstruction period and By Jim Castelli "Everything is ripe, for it freedom in America. IBut "Roots" was not about now." That's the way Father Giles blacks alone. "Alex Haley (its Conwill, vocations director for . author) is telling blacks that a the National Office for Black knovyledge of their roots is esCatholics, described the "Roots" sential," noted Msgr. Geno Baphenomenon that has captivated roni, a' leader of the "ethnic awareness" movement in Ameriblacks and whites alike. "Roots" - both the record- ca. "But Haley is also telling smashing book and TV movie others to look at their roots and - traced the progress of one to accept diversity." Msgr. Baroni said he met black family from freedom in Africa through slavery, the bit- Haley two years ag?, before the

Shortly, this country will expand its territorial waters to 200 miles. For all of us who live by the sea and for all of the m~n who fish the sea, it has not come too soon. However, we should be aware that serious attempts are being made to water down this legislation. If the State Department has its way, foreign .vessels will still be able to reap' the profits of the waters within this new limit. Our own fishermen will still be playing second fiddle to the pirates of one of our most valuable natural resources. The chess game of international politics has once more placed our fishing industry in check. If this most vital aspect 'Of our own local economy remains a political pawn, then we OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER surely will lose one of the greatest treasures that we posPublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River sess.


Let's enforce the 200 mile limit, preserving our own fishing interest. Let's keep in check the foreign fleets who have been and still are plundering our coastal fishing grounds. Only in this way will we be able to conserve the fruits of the sea for future generations, while at the sam~ time ensuring adequate security for our own fishing vessels.

410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER "I Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.


EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore, M.A. ,

Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~le.ary

Press-fill Rivtr

book was p\lblished, and that Haley was "very supportive" of the ethnic movement. 'The search for identity, family and stability portrayed in "Roots" is the same kind of search being conducted by millions of white Americans, including many Catholics whose parents and grandparents were immigrants. To understand all this, it IS necessary to understand what "Roots" meant. to many blacks. For blacks, Father ConwiU says, "Roots" means "reopening the wounds - and reliving a painful experience." But the triumphs of the reallife family described in "Roots," he said, give blacks a ,feeling of pride and identity, particularly when there is so much, alienation and instability in society as a whole. . . At the same time, he said, "through 'Roots' . . . we realize that our religious history as a people began in Africa . . . and that we are a religious people." New Empathy Father Conwill also acknowledged that 路one result of the attention given "Roots" may be that some blacks will turn their resentment of white slave-owners against whites today. But he said many whites have developed a new empathy with blacks through "Roots." "A lot of whites are saying, 'O! I never knew," he said. The Civil War period has always held a fascination for Americans. When the conclusion of "Roots" became the most-watched television program ever, it beat out the conclusion of "Gone With the Wind," another Civil War saga. In relating the "Roots" experience to American Catholics, Msgr. Baroni asked, "What kind of a history lesson does it have for so many of our people who really didn't know anything about blacks or the Civil War?" . He also noted that "Roots" emphasized the value of family at a time when many people believe society is attacking the family. Msgr. Baroni and others Hke Father Andrew Greeley, Michael Novak and Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum have spent a great deal of time during the past few years arguing the benefits of developing a society that honors its pluralistic roots instead of suppressing them. For one thing, they argue, people with a sense of their own identity are less likely than others to be prejudiced against people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. For another, Msgr. Baroni said, "Our economic and social programs aren't going to go路 anywhere unless we understand our cultural underpinnings/' The amazing popularity of "Roots," then, can have importance far beyond office and cof-路 fee klatsch conversations if it contributes to the growing understanding of what it really means to be a pluralistic society.

Energy of -Spirit "The 'Spirit operates through human personality, and a man is fulfilling the function for which he was designed only when the energy of the Spirit is flowing through him." - G. B. Caird .


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb, 10, 1977


Legion of Mary Seeks Youth The Legion of Mary is seeking new members in connection with observance of its 25th anniversary of activity in the Fall River diocese.

from Rome During the rite of blessing candles on the feast of the Presentation, ,Pope Paul VI paid tribute to the rapid spread of Catholic secular institutes, formally recognized by Pope Pius XII 30 years ago. Members of secular institutes pledge by vow or specia~ promise to live the Gospel intensely. They do not live community lives as religious orders do, but they seek to profess the faith on the jobs and in everyday life. About 50,000 Catholics worldwide belong to secular institutes. "Thirty years is not much time," Pope Paul said during a liturgy of the word service in St. Peters Basilica. "Yet the presence of secular institutes in the Church is already significant. "We ask you to join us in thanking the heavenly Father for this gift of His."

*** In a message to an international gathering, the Pope declared that the rebirth of black culture will lead to the end of racial prejudice and other divisions among men. In his message to the second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture taking place in Lagos, Nigeria, Pope Paul also declared that the Catholic Church "must enter into communion with the varying forms of culture for her own enrichment and for that of others." Pope Paul has urged Catholics to become fearless fighters for their beliefs at a moment in history which "is unfavorable for living the Christian life." "The times are unfavorable for living the Christian life in a peaceful, regular manner, supported by' custom and common practice," Pope Paul told thousands at his weekly generai audience. "We Christians are not in a tranquil and easy period," he continued. "We must be fighters, and not peaceful citizens." According to the Pope, modem society has raised questions about the alliance between Christianity and social life, and often has even completely overturned the balance that has existed between Church and society for ages.. "We must be Christians who do not need to borrow from social and philosophical concepts which are the direct opposite of religious concepts," he declared. He condemned people "who move from one political party to another in search of one that offers the most advantages and the least dangers." The Pope's words seemed to be aimed especially against groups like Christians for Socialism and against Catholic politicians and priests in various countries who have joined Marxist parties.

Officials note that it is not widely known that the international organization has a program for junior members, ages 10 to 18. They explain that juniors attend weekly meetings and fulfill a weekly work assignment of one hour. Assignments may include visiting the aged or ill or attempting to in-

MIGRANTS PICKET: A migrant mother carrying her baby is among several hundred jobless migrant farm laborers picketing the federal building in Miami to call attention to their plight. Thousands of migrants in Florida are out of work because freezing weather ruined crops.


[I Letters to the editor II Letters are welcomed, but shOUld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.

Illegal Aliens Dear Father Moore: I am not disposed to quarrel with you about your January 27 editorial on illegal aliens, but I thought that you might like to have an opportunity to glance at the enclosed testimony on this subject by Archbishop Sanchez. Also enclosed is my latest column on the subject. The illegal alien problem is admitedly very serious, but I have the impression that it is a bit more complicated than your editorial makes it out to be. I say this not in criticism of your editorial, but simply to keep the discussion going. Msgr. George G. Higgins Secretary for Research United States Catholic Conference Washington, D.C.

Life Is Beautiful Dear Editor: Life is beautiful. What mars life is our outlook, the province of human jurisdiction. To give life takes a man and a woman PLUS that energy, creator of both genders. Those who oppose life give as their reasons the lack of material and mental supplies: food and education, and 50 on. Yet, it has been proven there are sufficient natural resources to feed present generations and those of the future. It is then an individual moral question to develop judiciously wisely, all the natural and human abundance around us, and to distribute goods according to necessity. Loving God, the life force, however you wish to call the mysterious energy in the universe, one does not despair of the future nor does one disdain the individuality of one's neighbor.

To all mankind the means of salvation - of being - is available; for some the Church eases the way. Denying life to a child to be born is as heinous as taking life by capital punishment. Life means the opportunity to change, tum a new leaf, each moment, each hour, each day and season. Eva Maria Dane West Barnstable


Prayer for Priests Dear Editor: This is a prayer I say every day. Hope many more will learn to say it to keep our priests. I am not too active in church now. I forget often. Age 76 years no excuse! I do love our parish and priests, and all our priests and churches. Prayer for Priests Kjlep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord, Keep them, for they are ThineThy priests whose lives burn out before They consecrated shrine. Keep them, for they are in the world, though from the world apart. When earthly pleasures tempt, allure, Shelter them in Thy heart. Keep them and comfort them in hours Of loneliness and pain When all their life in sacrifice For souls seems but in vain. Keep them and 0 remember, Lord, They no one have but Thee; Yet they have only human hearts with human frailty. Keep them as spotless as the Host That daily they caressTheir every thought and word and deed Deign, dearest Lord, to bless. Mrs. M. A. Vaillancourt Taunton

terest new members in the Legion apostolate. Juniors also participate in spiritual and social functions of senior groups, such as the yearly diocesanwide Acies or spiritual service, usually held at St. Mary's Cathedral, and various picnics, parties and recreational gatherings. Information on joining the Legion of Mary is available in parishes where the Legion is active or from Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan moderator, at the diocesan Chancery Office, telephone 675-1311.

The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's needed. Sometimes, besides, they build the church in memory of their loved ones, name it for their favorite saint....Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and villages in our 18 country mission world. In Poomangalam, in the Diocese of Trichur, India, for instance, where 162 poor Catholic families are many miles from the nearest church. From their earnings of a few cents a day, they have contributed enough to begin construction. But funds have run out and work has stopped. For just $3,500 you can complete the church for Christ and His poor, who can not do for themselves.... Do some· thing at least, as much as you can ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $3, $1) to help build this chapel! Your gift of any size will be a Godsend! ... Have you been looking for some· thing meaningful to do?" Help these poor mis· sioners build a simple but lasting chapel! The Bishop will write to thank you on behalf of his people. We will send you a sketch of the proposed chapel, when we thank you.

.... .... Archbishop Mar Gregorios will write personally to say where he'll locate if you enable him to buy ($975) two acres of land as a model farm HOW for a parish priest. Raising his own food the YOU CAN priest can teach his parishioners how to increase HELP their crop production. (A shovel costs only INDIA'S POOR $2.35, a hoe $1.25.) TO HELP THEMSELVES For only $200 in India you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal Parecattil will write to thank you also.

Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering THE





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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

Right-Wing Cronyism Vs. Left-Wing Manipulation


A number of my friends have remonstrated with me about my criticism of the top level and social action bureaucracy at the United States Catholic Conference. Such criticism, I am told, gives comfort to our· "enemies." It encourages such conservative churchmen as Cardinal Jolin Krol.

Well, I personally doubt that the eminent prince of Philadelphia needs any encouragement from me. But if it comes to it I see little to choose between the ecclesiastical old guard and the new "liberal" USCC bureaucrats who produced and directed the Detroit tent show. I don't want to be governed by either. Neither group believes in democratic process or serious, professional social research. Neither has much use for responsible scholarship. Neither believes in authentic consultation with democratically chosen laity or clergy. Both have their own narrow ideological world views which they propose to impose on others. Both count intensely

ambitious men among their numbers. (San Francisco is the current target, with Milwaukee in second place.) Both serenely believe in their own righteousness. Neither gives a hoot about the ordinary lay folk. Both, incidentally, hate my guts.

ing to clean house in its social action staff, it will have shown itself impotent in the face of those _who turned the bicentennial celebration into an attack on it. If the bishops can't control their own staffs. who can?

Neither group cares about the ethnic revival. Neither has any interest in the plight of urban neighborhoods. Neither has any skills at pluralistic coalition formation. Neither shows the slightest comprehension of what the principle of subsidiarity the cornerstone of the Catholic social ethic - means.

The hierarchy ought to have educational and social staffs made up of competent, highly trained, well-paid professional technicians men who tell them the truth but who have no messianic impulses, nQ ideological visions, and no ecclesiastical ambitions. The -last point is extremely important. Staff positions shQuld no longer be stepping

If in the wake of the Detroit meeting the hierarchy is not go-

stones to ecclesiastical -power. from Jimmy Carter's ethical code for his appointees: no USCC or NCCB b'ureaucrat should be made an ordinary fOr five years after he has left the staff. We are coming into a time under Archbishop J adot, I think, of intelligent, open-minded, pastoral, progressive church leadership. A permissive leadership and the crew who turned out the Detroit monstrosity would lead the church down the same path to isolation from its people that the Riverside Drive crowd has caused among Protestants. I believe in permissive leadership but only under competent, professional, and unambitious staff.

T,ook 1,827 Hail Mary's To Get Cars,ons Home By MARY CARSON

Murphy's Law states: "Anything that can go wrong, will." Last week I saw a perfect example. My husband, Dan, and I had a business appointment, a two and a half hour drive from home out in~o the Pocono Mountains. As we were ready to - leave, Dan saw that a front tire on

the car was flat. He unlocked the trunk; got the spare and the tools. His jacket was bulky, so he tossed it into the trunk. . . . and 'I pushed the trunk shut. As soon as it closed I thought of the car keys. Right. In his jacket pocket. We tried to take out the back seat, hoping to get through to the trunk. But we didn't have the tools necessary to remove it. Dan went ahead and changed the tire, while I walked around feeling incredibly stupid. A man came by and said he knew how to cross the wire to start the car. He played with

some wires under the hood but couldn't start it. We tried to find a locksmith. No luck. The man we had gone to see remembered that a kid who lived nearby was a car nut. Possibly he could help. When the kid arrived, he went to work on the back seat. We tried to tell him it wouldn't come out, but he insisted he knew what he was doing. He did. He knew how to unbolt and unsnap the back of the seat. Behind the seat was an opening just large enough for him to reach through and get the jacket. All was solved. The tire was

changed. We had the 'keys, and were going to leave. Until Dan tried the key in the ignition. The guy who was crossing the wires apparently had fouled something up. Again, the kid went to work, this time under the hood. Nothing. The right combination of Dan holding the key on, the kid working with a screwdriver . . . and the engine started. Just to test what would happen if we stalled, the kid turned the motor off. It wouldn't start again. As some insurance for us, the kid decided he should show me where to short the starter. Second trip under the car, I

went with him ... on my back, in my good clothes. The snow had lost its beauty. We began the drive home with no spare, knowing that if we stalled, or turned the motor off, it wouldn't start. We made it home. And I learned a few things. Obviously . . . never lock the car without knowing where the keys are. I also found out I can say 1,827 Hail Mary's in two and a half hours. Next time one of my kids does _something stupid, I'm going to remember that it took me only two seconds of not thinking to lock the car keys in the trunk.

Facts, Figures Testify To Need for Child Care By MSGR. GEORGE G.·-


Recentty, in reply to a syndicated column by Nicholas von Hoffman of the Washington Post, I pointed out that while day care centers are a poor substitute for "mothering" in the home, they are unfortunately a necessity for millions of poor women. A Catholice journalist whose judgment

I value has sent me some interesting. observations on this matter. Day care centers, she says, are also needed for the middle class. Whether right or wrong, she is prepared to argue her case on the basis of facts and figures, such as those in a recent report by an advisory committee of the National Academy of Sciences entitled "Toward a National Policy fQr Children and Families." Here are a few facts and figures from this timely report: - In 1975, more than onehalf (52 percent) of married women with children aged 6-17 and almost two-fifths (37 per-

cent) of those with children under six were either working or looking for work. Of those who had jQbs, two-thirds were working full-time. - Both the degree and the rate of family disruption increase with the degree of economic deprivation and urbanization, reaching their maximums among low-income families living in central cities. - In 1974, there was a total of only about 1.3 million thildren in all licensed day care centers, Head Start programs, and approved family day-care homes compared with a totid of 19.5 million children under six in the United States, of whom

about seven million live in famHies in which the mother is in the labor force. - More than a million school age children have no formal care at all between the hours of school closing and parental retum from work. In the face of such statistics, it really serves no useful purpose to moralize about the breakdown of family life in the United States. Of the many kinds of outside support which are needed to enable fathers and mothers to care properly for their own children within the family circle, perhaps the most important, as the academy's report concludes, is to


In our last article we discussed Mary Garden plants available through the Spring. As summer progresses we often tum to annuals such as asters, petunias, and impatiens. In addition one might use begonias, dahlias and glads to add white color, while later there are suf-

ficient mums to allow for a long items in containers so that they term blooming of the Mary Gar- can be moved in and out at will. For instance, white azaleas can den. Aside from flowers, however, be grown in pots, which solves there are difficulties with the the problem of having a rather Mary Garden which make it a - large permanent plant for only challenge. When I consider Mary two or three weeks bloom. in the garden I think of delicacy It goes without saying that a of bloom as well as plant struc- Mary Garden should be weedture. This adds a dimension of free. It is an affront to the eye discipline which should be con- to see any garden overgrown sidered by the gardener. . with weeds but even more so a Container Plants Mary Garden. Container gardening ca~ be Here is a delightful winter desuseful in this regard. Rather sert for a snowy day, just right than planting everything directly after a session of planning that in the soil and therefore effect- Mary Garden or other plantings. ing some degree of permanency, Cranberry Coffee Cake it might be well to plant some I stick margarine or butter

insure that families have the minimum income necessary to provide adequate food, shelter, and care for their children. The report goes on to say that the economic support structure soould provide that one (or the only) parent can remain in direct and full-time care of a child under six without be~g deprived of the income level specified. For better or for worse, in the absence of such a support structure, both poor and middle-class mothers will continue to enter the labor force in ever increasing numbers, and the need for day care centers will increase proportionately.

1 cup sugar 2 eggs

2 cups flour

Y2 teaspoon salt' 1 tasp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda Y2 'Pint sour cream 1 small can of whole cranberries . Y2 cup chopped walnuts 1 teaspoon vanilla 1) Cream together the butter and sugar 2) Add the eggs one at a time, bea!ing well after each addition 3) Sift together the dry ingredients 4) Add the sour cream a little at a time alternately with dry

ingredients to creamed mixture 5) Add the vanilla. 6) Pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 oblong pan. Spread cranberry sauce and walnuts on top and bake in a 350 degree' oven for 30 to 40 minutes. For a glaze mix 1 cup com syrup, 2 Tablespoons of milk and ~ teaspoon vanilla and pour over cooled cake. "

Arrow of Love "You had pierced .our hearts with the arrow of Your love, and· our minds were pierced with the arrows of Your words." -St. Augustine

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 10, 1977

In, Out of M~ther's Womb Human Has Right to Life'

IR.\ Rental

Dear Father Herb: Don't Right to Lifers deny woman the right to destroy her child's body. . No. They only deny that a mother ~as the nght to destroy her child's body. Since the confhct between th~ clai~ed righ~ to. abortion and depende~t of her life as Iife-inthe nght to hfe IS rarely stat- itself, yet dependent on her for ed clearly, let us here state a time as life-in-need-of-support. it clearly. The Right To Life The right to life position holds position is that a human being has his right to life whether he is in or out of the womb. The abortionist position is that the


mother has the right to kill life in her womb because it is in her womb. The right to life position maintains that the mother has the responsibility to nurture life in her womb because it is in her womb. Who imposes that responsibility? Nature' and nature's God. People through the ages have agreed on this. It is the "lex gentium", the law which the nations followed. Abortion on demand rejects any responsibility for life in the womb. It denies that huma"n life is sacred from the moment of conception. It treats it as disposable at the whim of the mother. Abortionists talk about a woman's right to her body but they really claim she has a right to destroy her child's body because it is within her body. Abortion on demand is a form of madness. It rejects reality. The reality is that nature that is, things as they are - imposes on a woman who conceives the responsibility for the new life in her. That ~ife is in-

Rhodesia Continued from Page One "At Musami a blow has been struck not only against the Missionaries but against the suffering and needy Afric~n people," Archbishop Chukaipa said. "I condemn this evil just as the Catholic bishops have repeatedly condemned all violent action against the innocent in the course of the struggle now being waged in this country. "Those responsible for cirmes like that make a mockery of whatever good ideals they claim to serve." The archbishop called the murdered missionaries friends and servants of the African people. "I grieve," he said, "for them, for their relatives, and for the bereaved people of the area where they worked." This mission, about 50 miles from Salisbury, consists of a primary and secondary school with 400 boarders and 300 day pupils, a training hospital, a teachertraining college, and two convents.

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that the rights and duties of child and mother are complementary and therefore reconcilable. 'It holds that motherhood is a privilege and a responsibility. Renounce Hippocratic Oath Abortionists hold that the new life has no rights; or at any rate they weigh little or nothing in the face of the rights of the mother. They hold, in effect, that nature and nature's God have imposed a mad arrangement which must be destroyed as one sees fit. Rotten trees bear rotten fruit, and the unsound abortionist position bears unsound consequences. The Supreme Court's 1973 abortion rights decision has led to the following: Nur.nerous doctors have renounced their Hippocratic oath to deal out death. For a cheap price they are the new hit men. Congressmen vote to subsidize this killing because it is cheaper than supporting the living. When they reverse themselves, the courts of so-called justice condemn them for discrimination and condemn innocent babies to death and see in that no discrimination. Fathers' legal rights over their offspring have been cancelled. Parents' rights to control the conduct of their immature daughters have been cancelled. Marriages are falling like leaves in the fall because family life is falling into the abortionist's dispose-all. Mothers shop in their wombs for babies that measure up. The rest are throw aways. Is that what women's rights are all about? Let feminists who claim their jealous rights to their bodies remember that the babies have a right to their bodies too. (Since many of the babies are 'females we have a clash of feminists' rights!) If abortion rights were made retroactive, many women who claim them wouldn't be around - they would be victims of their mothers' rights. Would anyone favor abortion under those circumstances.?

3-16-DAY EUROPEAN TOURS AT NURSING HOME: Members of Falmouth Knights of Columbus visit Falmouth Nursing Home to present rosaries to patients, lead them in recitation. From left, standing, Lindo R<?se, Grand Knight teroy Gonsalves, James O'Brien.

Taunton Parish Series Continued from Page One Genesis Community of the Providence diocese. -March 16, "We Are a People Struggling to be Parents," Rev. Robert McIntyre.. Father McIntyre, former chairperson of re-

Fr. Bouchard Continued from Page One Father Lucien Bouchard of North Attleboro, Mass. and Father Robert Crawford of the Philadelphia province of the Vincentians. Father Bouchard was among Oblates expelled from Laos in 1975 by the Communist regime. Father Crawford, 60, has been working in Tucson, Ariz., and Los Angeles trying to settle the planeload of crippled Vietnamese children whom he accompanied out of that Southeast Asian nation before its" fall to the Communists.

Justice Issue Continued from Page One "But neither this unique character of our schools nor the excellence of their programs is enough. We must add another essential ingredient - a development program geared t? the future. This means creatmg a positive attitude toward Catholic education that will enable each school to grow and to communicate its message of community and service to the larger society."

ligious education for the Providence diocese, is a family counselor. -March 23, "We Are a Peoply Trying to Pray," Sister Kieran Flynn, RSM. Sister Kieran, former provincial superior for the Sisters of Mercy, is director of the Spiritual Life Center in . the Providence diocese. -March 30, "We Are a People with Problems," Rev. James Young. Father Young, author and lecturer, will speak on Catholics and divorce. Leader of a national organization for divorced Catholics, he is on the faculty of Weston Theological Seminary and also serves at the Paulist Center, Boston. Slate Workshop Prior to Mrs. Newland's lecture, she will direct a workshop entitled "A Fresh Approach to the Sacraments" from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the parish center at 29 First Street. There will be a small admission charge for the program, open to all interested persons and of special value to clergy, CCD coordinators, principals and teachers.

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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 10, 1977

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By Father David Burrell Of all the questions We ask, most can be sorted into one of two bins: those which can be answered by looking them up; those requiring further discussion. The initial task of an introductory philosophy course is to learn how to put the questions into the right bin. We are in the habit of identifying people as drunk or simply obstinate when they insist 011 discussing questions which catl be settled by checking a thermometer, an almanac or a road map. But we are less skilled at dealing with the opposite tendency when we run across it in ourselves or in others: to want a ready answer for questions demanding discussion: Such as, how much should affluent nations help countries locked in poverty? Or, would you permit or even counsel an abortion in this instance? The next step in that introductory course tends to take up the rest of the semester, and still leave the teacher wondering whether he should even have attempted it. It involves taking on questions like the ones above and developing the students' innate ability to discuss them to the point where they know what it costs to try to answer them. This step takes so long to execute because hidden prej\ldices keep discouraging us from taking it - from believing that we can think an issue through to a satisfactory outcome. These prejudices reflect commonly held beliefs that we have never examined, but which hold us in bondage. Let me list a few: The first such belief would have it that whatever cannot be looked up is anyone's opinion. Most of us are impatient with discussion, so would prefer not to have to engage in it. We know that weighty issues demand delib~ration; we also know that when the answer is readily avadlaWe, the subject matters less to us. What we can look up in a book is cut and dried. Yet we cannot help feeling as well that what is not fact must be opinion, and those come a dime' a dozen! At this impasse we introduce students to Socrates. His man-. ner of dealing with baffling questions helps us to see that we have' not reached the end of the road, but are really at an important junction, where we can decide to slide downhill with a whole flock of opinions, or begin to climb towards assuming responsibility and gaining in judgment. . Socrates shows us how to use our native intelligence to sort out opinions, separating better from worse, until we gain some confidence in our power to discriminate. We can do this better in a group, as we come to challenge each other's argum~nts and learn from one another as well, yet the evidence must sat· isfy me. If we manage that step many never do - we will meet before long' a second obstacle, sometimes more discouraging than the first. It is more like a neurotic tic - did I lock the

WHAT IS MORAUTY: In this first article in the National Catholic News Service series on moral choices, Father David Burrell, chairman of the theology department of Notre Dame University, comments on the complex decisions of contemporary life. (NC Photo) car or not? - but it has sapped the energy of many climbers: the hankering after certitude. How do I know whether my de. cision is right? How can I be sure .of it? Many are fortunate enough to meet a wise person at this place along the road - usually when they have to sit down from discouragement. This person will remind them that their anxiety is a bit much: They really haven't been making that many momentous decisions. Decisions are sometimes pressed upon us, ,but most of the time we are simply reasoning working ou'r way through things, taking our bearings. Nothing but a touch of ego is lost if we find we have to backtrack; , wrong judgments have a way of coming to our attention. People do set us straight, whether we . like it or not. IBut are they right, or am J? Or better, I can see that I'm not right; but who says they are? Again, right and wrong is where we're headed, but while , we're in training, it's a matter of right-er or wrong-er, isn't it? Sure. And who says they're righter? I do, when I admit the cogency of their correction. In this way, we learn how to call the bluff of that nagging demand for certitude. We have to move on without a clear map of the terrain, but in doing so we become more sure-footed, more attentive to the signs along the way. These skills of discriminating mature into convictions, and the sum total of convictions accounts for a person's character: they make a woman what she is, a man what he is. Here is where we meet moral right and wrong - in the men and women we come to admire along the way. We may first admire some, and then others.

That's part of our training in discriminating better from worse. . If we let admiration be our guide, we will notice something else about individuals who command our respect. Their capacity to discriminate does not rest on reasoning alone; Socrates cannot be our only guide. Their lives show the effect of fidelity to certain practices - routines, even, rules of thumb directing them toward certain ways of acting rather than others. In fact, it is this characteristic behavior that sets them apart and gains our admiration: we see them 'acting resolutely or sensitively, refraining from bragging or cutting others down; we find them respectful of whatever comes their way, yet not afraid to expose pretense. In every case, we know how difficult it is to act the way they do, and want to find out what makes the difference. If we observe them closely enough we will find that they have adopted certain practices which work to keep them "in shape." It is not always easy to see how these practices connect with the convictions they might articulate, .but no observer can miss the way the practices shape their lives. Call them rules or rituals, they function - like grammar in a sentence - to help a person express what he or she is. We might call them "bridging practices," for -they help carry a person from mere doing over to right doing. At first these practices strike us as, stupid and unwarranted - like all that fuss over table manners. In fact, one of the jobs they perform in helping us grow up is to give us something to revolt against - and later to recover. They function in our .lives like the law given to Moses: a discipline which chafes

and invites rejection, and a pedagogue who can show us the way to freedom by making us come to terms with it! Parents work so hard and seem to have so little success in passing on the practices that they have come to rely upon, ,that they are prone to despair, until they realize that the point of it all is not to come up with the perfect set of practices, so much as to remind children by word and deed that they must discover exercises that work for them to help overcome the inertia that dailr saps-our vitality. So a child schooled to compete and work for profit may take up a communal life devoted to living frugally and restoring some balance to nature. He does this because he perceives a life different from and better than the one to which his parents have headed him. The upshot is often misunderstanding and conflict, but a cooler appraisal finds more continuity than novelty: the goals seem to vary a good deal, but many of the early practices he learned stand him in good stead. His parents have equipped him well for a life they. never dreamed of his following. The point of it all? Large-scale moral judgments are almost native to us - a president assassinated leaves each of us a little less alive. We tend rather to fail in keeping; alert to the smaller discriminations which can accumulate into characteristic deceptions: How can I find the time to spend with the children when I have to work so hard to support them? What atttunes us to these judgments are the practices we adopt - practices designed to develop in us those character traits we have learned to admire in others. One more step remains if we would confront ethical right and wrong head-on. It is not a step we set out to take, so much as one that is forced on us when noble practices collide. When they do, that is a sign that there is no rule for determining which path is the right one. At such a pass we can only hope - hope that fidelity to practices past has cleansed our vision enough to perceive which way we must take, and hope that we will have courage enough to follow the path which emerges as our own. At this depth, the right way lies beyond rules or practices - though they can school us to perceive it, and willing becomes accepting my destiny. Believers turn from reasoning to prayer as they place their lives in the hands of a God who has guided them to that point, and will carry them beyond it. This is the place where ethical discrimination gives way to religious faith, as reason acknowledges the mystery of becoming an individual - before God.

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20

TH~ ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977


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COMITIUM MEETING: At a meeting of the Comitium, central committee of the diocesan Legion of Mary, are, from left, Rev. Kenneth Delano, Miss Beatrice Capeto, Mrs. Jean Fairhurst, Miss Marie Lebeau, Henry Mercer.

Big Fishermen 548-4266 Restaurant Inc. Box 475, Route .28, East Falmouth, Mass. 02536

25 Years in Diocese


The Legion of Mary By Aliee Beaulieu This year brings a time of celebration for the Legion of Mary of the Fall River diocese as it marks its 25th year. It was 1952 when Bishop James L. Connolly asked Legionaries from Boston to organize the Legion here. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalfoo, then at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, was the first diocesan spiritual director, and among the first praesidia, or local units of the Legion were those at St. Joseph's and at St. John of God parish, Somerset. Priests throughout the diocese spoke on the Legion of Mary at Sunday Masses, urging participation by parishioners, and by the end' of 1958 18 praesidia had been established, six in Fall River, four in New Bedford and three in Taunton. Also in Taunton, a junior group was opened. Then as now, the work of Legionaries included hospital visitation, instruction of children in catechism, visits to homes and encouragement of lapsed Catholics in returning to the sacraments, rectifying marriages and having children baptized. Such works make the Legion a tremendous asset to parishes and the diocese as a whole. From the long range point of view, it has been noted that former junior Legionaries have not infrequently continued to vocations in the priesthood and religious life. At least two former members are now seminarians.

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20

By 1962 the Legion had a total of 20 praesidia active in 16 diocesan parishes, numbering nearly 200 active members and over 5300 auxiliaries. Active members attend a . weekly meeting and perform in pairs a weekly spiritual activity taking about two hours. Auxiliaries promise to recite the rosary and specific Legion prayers each day. Lighter Side There is also a lighter side to Legion activities. Feasts of Our Lady are often the occasion of social gatherings and an Annual Reunion, held in December to mark the feast of the Immacuate Conception, is the occasion of an all-Legion talent show. The main function of the year is an "Acies" ceremony, usually held in St. Mary's Ca-

thedral near the feast of the Annunciation and providing the opportunity for active and auxiliary Legionaries to honor Mary and renew their commitment to their spiritual undertakings. At present, regrettably, there has been a decline in the number of active units of the Legion of MarY. There are now eight functioning praesidia, one in Fall River, five in New Bedford and two in Fairhaven. All are directed by parish priests and Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor, is diocesan Legion director. We of the Legion are thankful that this work has not totally disappeared in the diocese and with the grace of God we are looking forward,. in our anniversary year, to adding more parish units who will want to join Our Lady's army in its quest for souls.

Appeal for Aged Maryknoll Nuns In 1912, when the first group first time, funds raised will proof Maryknoll Sisters needed vide for the Sisters' themselves funds to begin missionary work rather than their apostolic projoverseas, they turned to their ects. own families and other generous It is hoped construction of the Americans. new unit will begin next month When their increased numbers and that it will be completed by required a new home in the March, 1978, just about the time 1920's, they relied on church collections and donations from of year when the pioneer Maryknollers gathered in New York merchants. to make their vows as religious. And during the depression they even tried collecting change outside Yankee Stadium. Today, however, some of their needs have changed. In 1912, they were an eager group of young women with many years ahead to work and grow together. Now they are growing old. Many need what was not needed in the early days - a medical facility. WE'LL ILLUSTRATE YOUR HOUSE. Accordingly, the community BARN PET OR WHATEVER, AND REPRODUCE AS NDTECARDS. has applied for and received apPLEASE SEND US PHOTO OF THE ITEM. proval to operate a licensed FIrst 100 WIth Envelopes $35. nursing care facility and last Each AdditIonal 100 $10. year launched. an appeal to finPLEASE ALLOW 2 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. ance renovation of two floors of the Maryknoll Sisters' Center in SEND TO: Ossining, N. Y. for this purpose. THE WYGANT STUDIO BOX 54-B The appeal marks a new ASSONET. MA. 02702 phase in Maryknoll's reliance on OR CALL: (617) 644·2419 the American public. For the

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

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Question (orner



WARM, FRIENDLY: Despite his conviction on charges of aiding guerrilla . forces, Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali, Rhodesia, remains . a very warm, friendly person who is much more concerned about a peaceful sollution to his country's racial problems than about his own situation. That is the impression Sen. Dick Clark (D-Iowa) has of the Rhodesian bishop after meeting him. "I had contacted him prior to a tour of Rhodesia to tell him that 1 would like very much to meet with him when I was there," said Clark, chairman of the African affairs subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Clark said he found it "remarkable" how little Bishop Lamont wanted to talk about his own case. They talked about it for about 15 minutes, with Bishop Lamont noting that there was not much to be said about the conviction other than it had happened. "I asked him if he thought he was ever going to have to serve time as a result of the conviction, and he felt it was entirely possible," said Clark.

Cuban Catholics Drop by Half ROME (NC) - The percentage of Catholics in Cuba has dropped by almost half since 1961, according to a report in the Italian missionary magazine Mondo a Missione (World and Mission). The report said that in 1961 more than 90 percent of Cubans were Catholics. But current Church statistics, it said, reveal that only about 50 percent of the present population is considered Catholic. Scarcity of priests seems to be a major reason for the drop, continued the report. Only 196 priests now work among Cuba's population of about 10 million. In 1959 there were 700 priests in Cuba. About 900,000 or 30 percent of the people in the diocese are Catholic, according to the magazine. Foreign . priests and Cuban priests who have studied abroad are not allowed to work in the island nation.

By Father John Dietzen Q. In newspapers and magazines, we see a lot of priests, espeeiaOy theologians, in non-clerical dress. Father Hans Kueng is one that we nevel' see in a collar. What's happening? Are they stlII priests? A. Yes, they are still priests. And, as far as priests' clothes are concerned, there isn't that much happening. Clergy dress is a very mixed bag. Much depends on where and when the priest happens to live. For centuries, priests and bishops wore no distinctive garb at all, even when celebrating the liturgy. Later, liturgical vestments developed, and even later, the clergy's daily wear was "clerical" only in that it reflected the fact that many of them were either monks or professors. The Council of Trent (in the . 1500s) simply said clergy should wear clothing "comfortable to their order, that by the propriety \>f their outward apparel they J1\ay show forth the inward uprightness of' their morals." No color or style was required. A rule made for the American Church in 1884, and theoretically still in force, required that priests wear a Roman collar with a dark coat that reached the knees! I myself remember that, perhaps 20 years ago, while American priests were in Roman collar, priests in Germany quite properly wore white shirt and tie. (The Protestants wore the Roman collar.) And in Italy, priests wore a black cassock everywhere - except I presume, in bed. lIn my own diocese (Peoria) our regulation is that "lifestyle, dress, leisure activity, and public behavior should be left to the mature judgment of priests them selves." By no means do ~ imply that some sort of distinctive dress is not valuable or appropriate. But don't be too quick to jump to conclusions because of what you see. Q. My question concerns purgatory, which I always thought was a place, and that a certain amount of time was to be spent in purgatory by those who still have punishment due for sin. How can the Cathollc doctrine of purgatory be reconciled with the concept that the afterlife is outside of time and space? A. At least two things are clear in the Catholic tradition concerning purgatory. First, the Church teaches that there is some condition or circumstance after death by which any temporal punishment remaining for sins committed during life is satisfied; and that by our prayers and good works on earth, we can assist those who are "in purgatory." This ·is simply an application of our belief in the Communion of Saints, which unites all who are joined in Christ, whether still on earth or in the

next world. This much is taught by the Church as revealed truth from God, abeut something which we, of course, would know nothing ·if He did not tell us. Second, it is equally clear that the official teachings of the Councils and other sources of Catholic belief have no intention of answering details about . purgatory - whether it is a state or condition on one hand, or a "place" on the other. Or whether "time" is involved or not. Since the world after death would not seem to have hours or days or locations in our sense of those words, it seems quite unlikely that purgatory involves place or time as we usually .think of them. n is very po~sible that, in the burst of awareness of the reality of God and creation that might occur immediately after death, the pain that comes from our knowledge of our sins and shortcomings might be so acute and intense that an entire purgatory - or cleansing, which is what the word purgatory denotes could occur in an instant. While such an explanation seems to square with what we might suspect about the threshold of eternity, we simply don't know for sure. The Church has not officially attempted to satisfy our curiosity about such questions - and probably couldn't if it tried.Q. Why was the Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday, and is there a chance it might be changed back again someday? The Seventh Day Adventists are passing out pamphlets dealing with this subject, and they are so convincing that I've decided to go to Saturday evening Mass until this is explained. A. The very early Ch~stians changed the "Sabbath" day to Sunday for a variety of reasons. First, the fact that the Resurrection of Jesus is recorded in Scripture as occurring on the first day of the week certainly had much to do with the fact that this seemed the' most appropriate day to celebrate the Eucharist to commemorate that event. The first Christians also made a point of changing their days of observance (including fast days) from those prescribed by Jewish law, to emphasize their departure from the traditions and customs of the people of Israel. When the Seventh Day Adventist Church was formed, about the middle of the last century, the four men and one woman who became its nucleus were somehow convinced that Saturday, not Sunday, should still be the ~'holy day" of the week. It is one of the lesser ways the teachings of that Church depart from general Christian tradition. There's no reason whatsoever to suspect this Sunday tradition will ever change.


tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fell River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

Argentine Church Suffers Violence ROSARIO, Argentina (NC) Clergymen suffered violence and death in Latin America during 1976, but nowhere was the violence so brutal and the deaths so numerous as in Argentina. Seven priests, a bishop and two seminarians were killed. Thirty-two priests and four seminarians were arrested; five priests were deported; and were

forced out of the country by threats. Several of those arrested are still missing. Most of the dead were victims of rightist death squads, some led by security officers who. refused to identify themselves at the time of the arrest. Bishop Enrique Angelelli of La Rioja was killed in a highway accident in suspicious circumstances.


"The Mystery of the Holy Mass" NEVER TOO OLD: Mark Doll, 74, works on small appliance at La Farge Lifelong Learning Institute as Sister Cordelia Nolte, 76, supervises piano student Mrs. Julie Fitzpatrick, 64. (NC Photos)





Nuns Run School For Senior Citizens By Martin Hintz

MILWAUKEE (NC) - There's a plaque hanging on the wall outside Sister Celine Loftus' office, saying: "May we always have old memories and young hopes." In the hallway of the rambling old convent, the motherhouse of the School Sisters of Francis, dozens of senior citizens chatted and moved about from room to room. Eventually, the hubbub died down as everyone went to class. It was a typical midweek. afternoon at the LaFarge Lifelong Learning Institute (LLLI), which aims to bring education to the senior adult nearing· or in retirement. "Granted, there is an added dimension of mental challenge here," said Sister Loftus, 65, the program director. "We are really trying to expand horizons in content areas such as literature, theology, reflection, current affairs and mathematics." These are in addition to some 60 other courses, which do include crocheting, small appliance repair and some of the more traditional offerings. The LLLI was started in 1966 and was originally intended for J'(!tired School Sisters. But the

Establishes Ties With Congo VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican and the People's Republic of the Congo have established full diplomatic relations,- it was announced here Jan. 31. The former West African French colony is the 32nd nation to set up ties with the Vatican since Pope Paul VI was elected in 1963. About half of the Congo's million people are Catholics. The country has three dioceses, 36 native priests and 114 missionary priests.


program soon branched out after several elderly neighborhood friends laughingl~ asked the nuns when they could be included. "I call it a dream school for teachers," Sister Loftus said. "There are no discipline problems or trouble with assignments. People come here because they want to." And people do come, from 59 in the first semester eight years ago, to 1,002 this past semester. Growth of Spirit "Growing old is an advancement, there are values and opportunities to it," said Sister Augustine Scheele, 80, LLLI accountant and former president of Milwaukee's Alverno Col1ege."We try to emphasize this through the program. Even though our bodies deteriorate, there is a growth of spirit." Sister Scheele continued: "If there ever was a time for contemplation, it's now. The senior person has freedom from distraction and a detachment from ambition. Now it can be learning for the sake of learning for joy." LLLI participants attend for numerous reasons, ranging from a simple desire to get out of a house and to meet new people to seeking a chance to develop a new skill. Miss Leona Schultz, 77, a retired secretary, has been in one class for the past three years. "I like the fellowship. There are sometimes two to three days when 1 don't see anybody at my home. Coming here gives me the chance to talk," she said. The chance to learn piano attracted Mrs. Julie Fitzpatrick, 64. "There were times I was going to quit, 1 reached such a mental block. But my daughters would tell me, 'You didn't let us quit when the lessons got hard.' " Mark Doll, 74, a retired telephone company worker, leads a class in small appliance repair. "I just love to. take things apart. So people bring in stuff

to fix and we sit around and fix it," he said. Gym, nutrition, harmonica, democracy in action, typing, American history - these are classes that are summed up in another plaque in Sister Loftus' office: "To be old is a glorious thing, when one has not unlearned what it means to begin."


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

KNOW YOUR FAITH • Our Day Holiness In By Father Alfred McBride, O.Praem "The serene, silent beauty of holy me is the most powerful influence in the world, next to the might of the Spirit of God." Blaise Pascal. Trying to call someone, to holiness these days is about as easy as stopping inflation. There was a time when the ideaa of holiness meant something to people. But the emphasis today on human self realization and salvation through sciences and technology make the matter of holiness seem both quaint and far away. It's not that holiness isn't possible. The witness of Pope John and Mother Teresa plus that of thousands of ordinary, less-celebrated people demonstrate that holiness is still very much with us. There are stiM plenty of holy people. What is missing is a language to talk about holiness, and therefore, a fund of ideas that would encourage those who have not yet


been made aware of the possibimy of the holy life. I would not argue 'that the example of holy people is the most compelling word one might need to speak. Since God gave me a tongue and a mind, it seems to me that I can aaso persuade people to holiness by verbal speech and exhortatio)1. Part of the problem of holiness talk is that it tends to be so unreal, or to f1aat above the earth. It lacks the earthiness that would give it human appeal. Having said this, I would like to describe a scene from the sixth chapter of 'Isaiah that deals with holiness. Here you see a proper blend of the awesomeness holiness aaong with the earthy self-evaluation of being human. As the story opens, Isaiah is going to the temple. Inside, the priest is putting incense into a pot and smoke fills the room. The gold figures of angels mounted on the Ark of the Covenant Tum to Page Thirteen

I II By Msgr. JosephThe Lord's -Prayer The prayer has a value all Champlin



Consider two mountains the first smaller than the second, each with ascending and descending slope. We can, in a simplified view of the Mass, break down its overall structure into two such movements. Thoughout that initial, lesser mountain, cal1ed the Liturgy of the Word, our attention centers around the Bible and the pulpit from which the spoken message comes to us. During this section of Mass, we speak to God, then the Lord speaks to us. Hence, we visualize these as acending ,and descending slopes. Throughout that second, greater mountain, called the Liturgy of the Eucharist, our attention centers around the gifts offered or received and the altar upon which these items rest. During this section of Mass, we give to God (the bread, wine, money, ourselves, Christ present under the consecrated species) and then the Lord gives to us {Jesus' body and blood in Communion). Once again, we picture these as ascending and descending slopes. The Lord's Prayer forms a turning point in that second, larger mountain and begins the downward movement in which God gives Himself to us. Comments on Prayer Here are a few comments or explanatory notes about the Lord's Prayer: -The celebrant introduces this prayer with a few phrases of hIs own or from the missal to dispose us more suitably for its recitation or singing,

its own simply because Jesus taught us the words. However, the text likewise smoothly links together the immediately preceding upward motion and the now downward movement. -The daily bread mentioned has been understood as far back as the time of St. Ambrose to include not only the bread for our bodies which we obviously require, but also the food for our hearts or souls which is equally essential. -Christians in the early centuries likewise at Mass stressed the words, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." The, revised Roman Missal makes note of both points when it comments on the Lords Prayer: This is a petition both for daily food, which for Christians means also the eucharistic bread, and for forgiveness from sin, so that what is holy may be given to those who are holy." (Article 56s). -The section following the Our Father's conclusion is termed the embolism or insertion which expands upon the last praise, "deliver us from evil." -This embolism concludes with the doxology, "For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever." Quite similar to what one might call the Protestant ending of the Lord's Prayer, it represents an adaptation of the verse which occurs in some ancient manuscripts as a part of MattTum to Page Thirteen


A Call To Perfection By Father John J. Castelot

The call to holiness goes out to all God's people; it is not addressed to an elite, favored group. We read in the Book of Leviticus: "The LORD said to Moses, 'Speak to the whole 'Is. raelite community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy' " (Lv. 19.2). It is not a. peremptory demand imposing unfulfillable obligations on ,people: Rather, it is an urgent invitation to become Godlike not by renouncing or submerging our humanity, but by ennobling it through contact with the divine. Holiness is not an abstract, isolated phenomenon; it is one aspect of a warm, interpersonal relationship which we call, among other things, a covenant. Holiness suggests different things to different people. For some it means moral uprightness, for others piety or even an unattractive religiosity; for sCiIl others virtuousness. The norm of our holiness, however, is God himself: '\Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy" (Lv 19,2); "In a word, you must ,be made perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt 5,48). But what do the Scriptures mean when they speak of God as "holy"? Certainly no~ pious or religious or virtuous. TI:'~ Hebrew word for holy (gadosh) means "separate, other." As Hosea has God say: "For I am God and not man, the Holy One present among you" (Hos. 11,9). In the words of one modem writer, God is "whony other." Deeper, Broader Notice, however, that He is nevertheless the Holy One "present among you." God's holiness . His "otherness," is an otherness of nature, not a cold, impersonal remoteness. His holiness equals His "wholeness," His absolute perfection. This is the profound meaning of the angelic hymn which Isaiah heard in his inaugural vision: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts! ALI the earth is filled with his glory!" (Is. 6,3). Quite clearly, then, the biblical notion of holiness is much deeper; much broader than any of the popular understandings mentioned above. It is allembracing and calls for an equivalent in English something like our word "perfection." Our call to holiness is a call to perfection. Just as God is perfect in His divine nature, we are to be perfect in our humanity. This does not, involve a denial of our authentic humanity. On the contrary, it is an invitation to accept it and perfect it. However, no one can do this without reference to God; humanity, after all, is not all of reality. Each of us possesses a divine spark which must be fanned into flame. We must, in our humanity, become Godlike. How is this possible? By availing ourselves of the power /

,< I

FATHER CASTELOT quotes the Book of Leviticus: "The Lord said to Moses, "Speak to the whole Israelite community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.' " Here Moses is played by Burt Lancaster. (NC Photo) which God has given us in Christ Jesus. He became a man to show us the way, but not only to show us the way. When our humanity was united to His divinity, human nature itself

was transformed, the chasm was bridged. And in His authentic humanity He showed us how to achieve perfection. It was He who told us that Tum to Page Thirteen

II Are We Too Busy To Be Holy? II By Mary Maher Restoring the meaning of Biblical words is one of the big tasks of our day. Many words such as the one' we speak of here, "holiness," have been dislocated from their origins, acquiring historical meanings alien to them. As we begin thinking of holiness we might ask ourselves: How do I image holiness? What mind pictures do I have of holy men and women? Do they seem to share my humanity? Or are my images of them surrounded with pictures of removal from the rigors of daily life? I began to write this article on holiness after waiting two hours with my ear in a phone. The AAA (American Automobile Association) telephone recording assured me each five minutes that "counselors" would be momentarily available. All I wanted was my battery jumped; it had died of the Maryland cold. The tow truck finally came. My car started. The driver said farewell with the now popular

"Have a nice day." Quite honestly, I did not want to. Holiness seemed far away at that momen; only the raw material of life was timely. Or was it not that in such nonsense some measure of holines lay? But I thought on: Who has time to be holy isn't that possible simply for those who have the duxury of free time for prayer and good works? It takes so much energy to simply remain human in our time. The Hebrew Scriptures make it clear that holiness is an attribute of God, one in which men and women are commanded to participate: "Holy shall you be, for holy am I the Lord your God" (Lev. 19,2). They are clear in asserting that holiness is a gift of participating in God's creative life. It is prepared for, but never achieved by a man or woman's behavior, moral or spiritual. That may seem a jarring fact. Each of us is so used to controlling the dimensions of our life - should we not achiTum to Page Thirteen

Are We Too Busy To Be Holy?

Holiness in Our Day

Continued from Page Twelve reflect the candlelight. Singers are chanting psalms. It is an ordinary service. Isaiah ponders it in. a quiet, perhaps even 'listless Not D~It·Yourself way. Many structures which seemThen comes a change. The exed to promise that men and woternals come alive. Instead of men could achieve holiness on seeing the external symbols of their own have plagued both God at the surface level, Isaiah Judaism and Christianity begins to experience the God throughout the ages. When they for whom the symbols stand. "I did not keep the giftedness of saw the Lord, seated on a high holiness in mind, they usually and lofty throne." The golden led their advocates to self-right- ST. JOSEPH, angels become more than mere eousness and the ultimate spir- TAUNTON The parish council will meet decorations. They worship the itual shipwreck: self-conscious tonight in the rectory. All par- Lord. The music of the psalms self piety. ishioners are welcome to at- seems to come from the angels How far from such self-ex- tend this and any council ses- and they cry out, "Holy, holy, altation are the Scriptures! sion. holy is the Lord,'" The incense Consider Abraham, Moses, The annual parish penny sale filling the Temple now reminds Deborah, Job. Isaac, Paul, Jesus, will take place Monday and Isaiah of the presence of God. Peter and Mary. What utterly Tuesday, Feb. 21 and 22, in the The smoke assumes the texture colorful people living the raw church hall on Kilmer Avenue. of God's "garment" filling the material of daily existence! It will be open to the public and temple. Isaiah feels his very Many perhaps would be culled over 20 prizes, including 12 com· soul shaken. out of some of our formal struc- plete dinners, wtll be awarded Just as suddenly, the insight tures of holiness. They all had each night. A major raffle with evaporates. He is hack to earth a struggle contending with God cash prizes totaling $500 will again. Momentarily drawn out in order to find Him. also be held. A large commit- of himself by the profound exElie Wiasel, the great Jewish tee is headed by Robert A. Mar- perience of God who is now thrown back on awareness of storyteller, says, "God does not tin. himself. The difference is that like man to come to Him SS. PETER AND PAUL, his new self consciousness is of through resignation. Man must FALL RIVER strive to reach God through The Home and School Organ- one in contrast with the beauty knowledge and love. God loves , ization will sponsor a buffet din- and purity of God. "Then said I, men to be clear-sighted and out- ·ner and dance at 7:30 p.m. Sat- woe is me. I am a man of unspoken, not blindly obsequious" urday Feb. 12 in the parish cen- clean lips - unholy, a sinner." ("Messengers of God," p. 91). ter. Music will be by the CarouIsaiah's capacity to admit his In the Hebrew' and Christian sels and ticket reservations may sinfulness opens him to reachScriptures, holiness is a gift in be made with Lynn Force tele- ing out for the holiness of God. which all nature participates by phone 674-9673 or Paulette Jef- And the Lord does not 'ignore him. An angel takes an incense the creative power given it by , frey, 675-0893. coal and puts it to his lips and God. Places are holy - moun- SACRED HEART, says. "See, now that this has tains, temples, cities, lands. NEW BEDFORD Cub Scouts receive religious touched your lips, your wickedTimes are holy - Sabbath, festivals. The whole world is call· awards at 5 p.m. Mass Sunday, ness is removed and your sin is ed to holiness, to participation Feb. 13. Four boys wiU receive purged." The scene closes with in the life of God's power. the Catholic Pravuli Dei award God commissioning Isaiah to go It is interesting how certain and for the first time in the na- out and witness and preach con· holy persons whom we respect tion a Cub Scout will receive the version from sin. did not have much time to con- Protestant God and Family The story deserves much more sider how holy they were or award at a Catholic ceremony. meditation than these few lines. were not. They lived quite sim- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, However the outline is clear. ply, as did Francis of Assisi, FALL RIVER Holiness is being like God and the profoundly Biblical attitude The Women's Guild will spon· . doing like God. It is being morwhich invited all creation to join sor a whist party at '8 p.m. ally cleansed so that one rewith them in sharing the holi. Saturday, Feb. 12 in the parish flects the purity and beauty of hall. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Continued from Page Twelve The youth drop-in center will hew's account of the Our be open from 7 to 9 tomorrow NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. Father. night. Cub Scouts will meet in -To express a sense of unity the school from 3:45 to 4:45 (NC) - In what is believed to be the first case of its kind in before our common Father, p.m. tomorrow. this state, an operating room worshippers in small groups to. technician is suing a hospital, day occasionally will join hands SACRED HEART, charging she was fired after she for the Lord's Pray~r. Moreover, FALL RIVER Plans are being made for said she would not continue asthose in the Charismatic Movea Senior Citizens' Club. Regis- sisting at abortions. ment are inclined to raise their The suit, filed in Dade Circuit arms toward heaven as they say tration blanks for those interor sing this most ancient of ested in membership may be Court, charges that the plaintiff, found at the rear of the church. Valerie Smith, was denied rights prayers. The New Sounds will play for gua,ranteed by state and federal (Copyright (c) 1977 by a dance to be held at the school statutes, wl),ich provide that no NC News Service) from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. 'one who has stated moral and Saturday, March 5. Tickets are religious objection to participatavailable at the rectory and ing in abortions can be required from Mrs. James Carey, tele- to do so. Continued from Page Twelve Miss Smith was hired by Ostwe are to become perfect as our phone 674-0205. New parish council officers eopathic General Hospital here heavenly Father is perfect. But this amazing injunction does not are Stephen Lopes president; on June 24, 1976. After assisting stand in isolation. It is the con- William Riley, vice-president; at a hysterotomy abortion on clusion to a passage in which He Mrs. Kenneth Leger, secretary; Dec. 27, she left work early, then returned the following day insists that we love indiscrim- John Springer treasurer. A council committee will make to tell her employers she would inately, and says: "This will prove that you are sons of your plans to mark the closing of the no longer assist at such opera-. tions, according to her attorney. heavenly Father, for his sun parish school. She had participated in sucrises on the bad and the good, tion abortions prior to Dec. 27, he rains on the just and the unClose Association she said, but declared she had "It has been increasingly evjust" (Mt. 5,45). ThE' lesson is inescapable: the key to God ident, as pointed out by doctors been "brainwashed" by hospital aikeness, to perfection, is the everywhere, that physical health personnel into believing the op;s closely associated with, and erations did not involve the takpractice of love. often dependent upon, spiritual ing of life. (Copyright (c) 1977 by Following her refusal to parhealth." -Dr. Loring T. Swain, NC News Service)

Continued from Page Twelve eve holiness by our own efforts?

ness of God: "For you alone, 0 God, are most holy." Perhaps, then, they collld have more humor with all the "frozen cars" of their lives. -(Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service)




The Parish Parade

The lord's Prayer


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Father McBride writes, "Isaiah's capacity to admit his sinfulness opens him to reaching out for the holiness of God." This statue of the prophet is in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York. (NC Photo) God. It is doing the morally demanding behavior that is consistent with who we are. The fiery coal symbo'lizes the fusion of God and human person, that is, the love that binds God to human person. Maybe words fumble when talking about holiness, but a holy life is a voice, speaking when the tongue is silent. (Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service)

Wouldn't Aid Abortions ticipate further in abortions, Miss Smith said she told her immediate supervisor that she objected on moral and, religious grounds to working on abortions. . According to Miss Smith, she was later told that she would be fired on Feb. 6. She also charged that she was ridiculed and berated for her religious and moral beliefs in front of other hospital workers by the defendants. Her working hours were restricted, she charged, thus affecting her income, since she was paid on an hourly basis.

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

basic youth page Schools Week At Gerrard Sparked by a getting-to-know~ you weekend at Watch Hill, R.I., participated in by specially chosen students and faculty, Bishop Gerrard High School in Fall River is conducting a program for Catholic Schools Week with the theme "Think Positive! Be happy! Be Aware! Dare to Become Involved!" On Monday students dressed , in colors revealing their "unique personalities" and flower tags were distributed. Cocoa and pastries were served to begin the day, as they have been each morning of the week, and freshmen were singled out for special attention. Tuesday, designated senior day, was "lollipop day," with students bringing their own sweet treats and sharing lunch with friends. Yesterday was "secret number day" and the special day for juniors. A getting acquainted session for the entire school closed planned activities. ";",)day, sophomore day, will be hig.tlighted tonight with National Honor Society induction ceremonies and an open house at which State Sen. Mary Fonseca will speak. Parents, friends, neighbors and all interested persons are invited to attend as Gerrard students attempt to reach the entire community with their message of friendship. Tomorrow, faculty day, will· close the week with ~ pep rally, "secret Valentine" program and surprise luncheon. Throughout the week slide presentations . have highlighted various aspects of Gerrard school life, and a paraliturgical ceremony prepared by adult advisors to the Christian Life Community was a special feature of the observance.

Valentine Dance At Holy Family Holy Family High School Booster Club will sponsor a Valentine Dance at 8 p.m. Sat· urday, Feb. 12 at Kennedy Center, New 'Bedford. Music will be by the Interludes and proceeds will benefit school athletics. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Dolores Vasconcellos, telephone 996-4659, or with John Finni, Holy Family principal, telephone 993-0433.


Sundly, Fib. 20




By The Dameans TORN BElWEEN lWO LOVERS There are times when a woman has to say what's on her mind Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt. Before I say another word let me tell you, "I love you." Let me hold you close and say these words as gently as I can. There's been another man that I've needed and I've loved, But that doesn't mean I love you less. And he knows he can't possess me and he knows he never will, There's just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill. CHORUS: Torn between two lovers feeling like a fool, Loving both of you is breaking all the rules. You mustn't think you've failed me just because there's someone else. You were the first real love I ever had, And all the things I ever said, I swear they still are true, For no one else can have the part of me I gave to you. I couldn't really blame you if you turned and walked away, But with everything I feel inside I'm asking you to stay. Written by P. Yarrow and P. Jarrell; Sung by Mary McGregor Muscle Shoals Sound Publishing Co. BMI; Silver Dawn Music - ASCAP

"There is no greater cause to plead than that of the oppressed."

focus on youth • • •

by Cecilia Belanger There has already been much controversy regarding the showing of "Roots." Those who, are for it say is it a reminder of' man's inhumanity to man. Those who oppose say it dredges up old prejudices and perhaps might incur a few new ones. Following the program, talk shows were flooded with calls and opinions. The whole slavery question was gone over, and I'd like to talk about it a bit here. Slavery to me is doing to our neighbor what we wouldn't want him to do to us. It's been ever thus wherever men and women have been in bondage and they have been in century after century - and not only the blacks. I think that when a wrong is done to anyone it should be proclaimed far and wide - not hidden. If good people believe that the weak are at the mercy of the strong and denied protection for their weakness, then there should be an indignant outcry especially if a giant evil hides itself and is incorporated w~thin an institution. Free Must Speak One cannot say it enough no one owns anyone. I have seen too many people made dumb, so that they endure the greatest wrongs, forbidden to speak of their wrongs, forbidden to help others through speaking. If the oppressed anywhere are muzzled like ,dogs, then let the lips of the free elsewhere give voice to their wrongs.

Those who stand by and say, nothing are partakers of the guilt. The problem is that people grow hardened to great wrongs done to others because of familiarity. The moral sense becomes perverted. It's as if abuse were legalized and when it is no one escapes the contamination. There is no greater cause to plead than that of the oppressed whether he suffer in one's own country or in another, in one's Turn to Page Fourteen

There is something impressive about the honest. yet gentle tone of this song. The singer seems to want to do what is right but she can't choose between her first real love and another who is the only one who can fill, "this empty place inside of me." It is unclear whether the girl is married although the line, "loving you both is breaking aU the rules," seems to imply she is. If we give the benefit of the doubt and inter~ pret the song in the light of friendship, it is perfectly normal to love and be loved by more than one person. All our friends are 'special, but in different degrees. If, however, she is married, the song takes on a different complexion. Though it is true that even married people can love others, it cannot be the same type of love as for the marriage partner. When one chooses to marry it should mean that this person remains first in love and affection. Married or not, there is still another important dimension of frieridship she misses. We might state it like this: No one person can have or be everything. This is important because it means that in any love relationship, even in marriage, there will be gaps. Love necessarily involves awarenesss of the weak points of the loved one. Love in marriage means a commitment to each other despite the weak points. Finally, whenever someone is torn in two directions or. be- ' tween two people, and decisions don't come easily SInce both sides look good, there remains another significant question: What are the promises or commitments that have been made before this moment? Our promises have a way of telling us what we think is important and 'they shouldn't be made rashly or in haste. No one person is ever going to fill all our empty spaces. We are frail and so are the ones we love. We will always be restless because the world is not our home and was never meant to offer us fulfillment. That. will come later.

No Longer ,Get Charge from Attending Mass BERMUDA TRIP: A four-

day all expense paid trip to Bermuda is the prize for the winner of a fund-raisi.ng raffle at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River. From left, Vicki Costa, Darlene Berube, Maria Carvalho check class ticket records. The tickets are available at the school and from students and will also be sold at area shopping centers.

WAUKEE, Iowa (NC) - Parishioners have been getting a real charge out of receiving Holy Communion in St. Boniface Church here and in St. John's, Adel, hut the pastor ·has put a stop to it. , A combination of cold, dry weather and low humidity and warmth in the carpeted churches has created ideal conditions for building static electricity. Many people received an electric shock if the pastor, Father John Clarke, touched them when giv-

ingout Communion. In order to stop jolting communicants, Father Clarke put a piece of pipe in a large candlestick in the middle aisle with a sign urging: "Touch metal with bare hand prior to Communion to ground static electrieity." The system has worked, to th~ relief of Father Clarke, who said: "The so-called new theology has been telling us the sacraments are 'encounters with Christ.' We just want to make sure they aren't shocking encounters."

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 10, 1977

Interscholastic Sports





Tel. 699-7534

Sacred Heart Grad Gets New Post Miss Judith A. Sullivan, who graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, in 1968, has been named assistant athletic director at Southeastern Mass. University, effective Feb. 28.

At Sacred Heart Academy and at Bridgewater she participated in a number of sports, including

basketball, tennis and volleyball. In her senior year at Bridgewater State she captained the basektball and tennis teams. Miss Sullivan has coached the girls' varsity basketball, tennis and hockey teams at Bridgewater~Raynham. She also coached at Coyle~assidy High in Taunton and at Oliver Ames High in Easton. She has been a member of the Southeastern Mass. Board of Women's Officials since 1972 and has served as its secretary. Her father, Edward F. Sullivan, is manager of the, Fall River bureau of the Providence Journal-Bulletin.

a victory over Holy Family tomorrow night. . . . barring, of course, unforeseen developments. The Durfeeites visit Bishop Stang High Tuesday night. The Hilltoppers' performance in holding their opponents scoreless in the first period two games in a row last week is sure to be a topic of conversation for a long, long time. Other Division One games tomorrow night are Bishop Stang at Barnstable, New Bedford at

Holy Family. The Division Two pennant race is still close with Fairhaven, Somerset and Wareham still in contention. Tomorrow night Fairhaven is home to Bishop Feehan High, Somerset at Wareham, Coyle-Cassidy at DennisYarmouth, and Old Rochester at Seekonk while on Tuesday night it is Somerset at CoyleCassidy, Dennis-Yarmouth at Old Rochester and Seekonk at Fairhaven.

A 1972 dean's list graduate of Bridgewater State College with a bachelor's degree in health and physical education, she is presently on the physical education staff at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High.


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IN TOP TEN: Father William E. Atkinson, shown prior to his 1974 ordination with Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia and his brother, Al Atkinson of the New York Jets, Durfee Just Keeps Rolling Along Durfee High, probably the hot- Attleboro, and, Bishop Connolly has been named by the Jaycees as one of America's 10 Outtest thing in basketball in this High home to Dartmouth. Tues- standing Young Men. A high school teacher, Father Atkinarea, can clinch at least a share day night's schedule lists New son was the first quadriplegic in the U.S. to be ordained. of the Southeastern Mass. Con- Bedford at Taunton, Attleboro at ference Division One crown with Dartmouth ,and Connolly at (NC Photo)

St. Anthony Moving Up In Three Going into this week's action in Division Three, St. Anthony had won five in a row and six of its last seven games but is up against a "toughie" tomorrow night when it takes on New Bedford Yoke on the latter's wood. It will he recalled that as of last Friday, St. Anthony was .the only team to beat Yoke in con-

ference play. Norton at Diman Yoke, Case at Westport, and Bourne at Dighton-Rehoboth complete tomorrow night's Div. Three card, while Tuesday night's games have Diman at Case, Westport at Norton, New Bedford Yoke at Bourne, and, Dighton-Rehoboth at St. Anthony.

Hockomock Penant Race Tightens As a result of Stoughton's victory over previously undefeated Sharon last Friday night, the two were in a first-place tie. Tomorrow night Stoughton is host to King Philip, Sharon visits Oliver Ames Foxboro is at North Attleb~ro and Mansfield at Canton. Tuesday night's games list Stoughton at Franklin, North Attleboro at Sharon,

King Philip at Mansfield and Canton at Oliver Ames. In hockey, Hockomock winds up its regular schedule next Wednesday with Canton at King Philip, Franklin at Stoughton and North Attleboro at Oliver Ames.. Meanwhile Stoughton will be at Canton, North Attleboro at King Philip and Oliver Ames at Franklin Saturday night. Canton is the front runner.

Bristol-Plymouth StiH Mayflower Leader Bristol-Plymouth, still the leader in the Mayflower League, is home to Blue Hills tomorrow night and at Southeastern Regional Tuesday. On tomorrow ., . .,. mght s card, Bnstol Aggles VISit Sacred Heart in Kingston, Apponequet is at Avon and South

Shore Yoke treks to Bridgewater. Tuesday night, Sacred Heart is home to St. Mary's of Brookline in a non-I~ague .game wh!le league games list Bnstol Aggles at Apponequet, Avon at South Shore, Blue Hills at West Bridgewater..

Action Aplenty In Conference Hockey Conference hockey teams end their regular schedules next but there is still plenty of action on tap before the final curtain comes down. In Division One Saturday night, Somerset is at Falmouth,

Taunton at Barnstable and C'onnolly at Dennis-Yarmouth. Monday night it will be Barnstable at Somerset, Taunton at ConnolIy and New Bedford at DennisYarmouth. Division Two games are: to-


HYANNIS 775-0684 South Yarmouth 398·2201 Harwich Port 432-0593

The Parish Parade ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Confirmation candidates and their parents will attend a workshop at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13 in the school hall, at which material will be presented by Rev. Joseph Maguire and parents and young people of St. Patrick's parish, Somerset. The Men's Club will sponsor a ham and bean supper followed by dancing on Saturday night, Feb. 19 in the school hall. Music will be by Lee Drewniak and tickets are available from all club members. A Women's Guild advertising supper will take place at 6:30 tonight in the school. A limited number of tickets are available from Mrs. Annette Golembewski telephone 678-8116. The annual students' science fair will take place next weekend and exhibits may be viewed following all Masses.

OUR LADY OF HEALTH, FALL RIVER The annual parish-sponsored malasada supper and dance will take place at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19 in the church hall. Music will be by the Celtas Orchestra. Tickets are available from the rectory or from members of parish organizations.

night- Bourne at Durfee, Fairhaven at New Bedford Yoke and Seekonk at Dartmouth; Saturday -Fairhaven at Seekonk; Monday - Durfee at Seekonk, Dartmouth at New Bedford Yoke; Wednesday Attleboro at Bourne. Division Three: tonight - Wareham at Case, Norton at Dighton-Rehoboth, and Old Rochester at Coyle-Cassidy; Monday, Case at Old Rocester, Dighton-Rehoboth at Coyle-Cassidy and Feehan at Norton.

ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA A Valentine Dance will be held in the church hall from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Feb. 12, with music by Imagination. Refreshments will be available and tickets will be sold at the door. Co-chairpersons are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dumaine and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Silveira. SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER A whist party will take place in the Father Coady Center at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13, with Mrs. Darrel T. Lecy and Mrs. Arthur L. Duffy in charge of arrangements.

focus on youth••• Continued from Page Fifteen own parish or in another. The weak are crushed under forms of laws which are meaningless. Others put seals on the lips of those whom they've intimidated. Bondage has many f,!lces. One reads of how masters of slaves used to boast of their humanity to those they owned, when it was a cruel wrong to be their owner. It is no excuse to take possession of human beings by saying that we are' going to. make them happier. We are poor judges of what makes other people happy though many make a living out of doing just that. We are made to work out our own happiness for ourselves. I become distrustful of those who talk about "your best interests" when it's their own interests they are trying to advance. When you are made the tool of someone else,' then you know for certain whose "best interests" are involved. People who make you lose your selfrespect are no friends of yours "-be they parent, husband, wife, clergy, teacher, so called friend.

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679-5262. LEARY PRESS


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 10, 1977

The Parish Parade

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all Bctlvltles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.


SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne will hold an advertising supper in the parish hall on 'Buffington Street at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16. In charge of arrangements are Anita Boulanger and Muriel Patenaude, who announce that tickets must be purchased in advan<:e. .ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET . Second grade CCD teachers will meet at 7:30 tonight in the rectory. New officers of the Holy Rosary Sodality, to be installed at the April meeting, are Mrs. Antone Costa, president; Mrs. ,Frank Thomas, vice-president; Mrs. John Chellel, secretary; Mrs. Richard Maynard, treasurer, aided by Mrs. John Bernard.


Women's Guild members of the fashion show decorating committee will meet tonight in the rectory basement to complete their arrangements.

ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD The Couples' Club will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13 in the school hall. A business session' will be followed by an explanation of the Marriage Encounter program, to which all area married couples are invited. Refreshments will be served. ST. ANTHONY, NEW BEDFORD The St. Anthony High School Booster Club will hold its annual ham and bean supper from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12 in the school cafeteria. Tickets, with a special rate for students, are available from all St. Anthony students and will also be sold at the door.

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ST. THOMAS MORE, . ST. CASIMIR, SOMERSET NEW BEDFORD An arts and crafts show The Couples' Club announces sponsored by the Women's its fourth annual dance, to take Guild will be held.in the church place from 8 p.m. to midnight hall Saturday and Sunday, Feb. Saturday, March 5 at PAV Me19 and 20. Registration forms morial Hall, 1680 Acushnet Ave., are available at the church en- with music by the Eddie Zavaski trance. Orchestra. Tickets may be obA testimonial honoring Rev. tained from club members or reJoseph F. D'Amico, former asso- served by calling 995-6839. ciate pastor, now administrator at Sacred Heart parish, Oak ST. JAMES, Bluffs, will be held at 7 p.m. NEW BEDFORD Wednesday, March 23 at Venus' The Ladies' Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16 de Milo restaurant, Swansea. in the church hall. A program on HOLY NAME, hypnotherapy will be presented . FALL RIVER by Peter Quail, RN. Tickets will Confirmation will be admini- be available for a communion stered in the parish at 7 p.m. supper to be held Wednesday, Tuesday, March 22, by Bishop March 16 with Mrs. Ephraim Daniel A. Cronin. Jeffries as chairman.


Cheerleaders will present special routines in the course of the afternoon and photographs will be taken for a proposed CYO Yearbook. Door prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be available. Tickets for the program are obtainable at the rectory or from any CYO member.

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20 $S·0!l Per Year



HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD The junior and senior CYO will hold a jamboree, from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27 at Kennedy Center. The program will include basketball games pitting coaches against junior boys and junior girls against their parents, as well as prep and senior boys versus former CYO players.

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