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t eanc 0 VOL. 39, NO.6.

Friday, February 10, 1995




$11 Per Year

Bishop Robert Mulvee Providence coadjutor


AT LAST Sunday's Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Anne's Church, Fall River, commemorating the beatification of Blessed Marie Poussepin, foundress of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, Sister Joanna Fernandes, provincial superior, speaks from the lectern (top picture). Below, members ofthe community stand with Bishop Sean O'Malley, Mass celebrant. From left, Sisters Anna Maria Hernandez, Joanna Fernandes, Annette Demarais and Monica Bautista. (Gaude:tte photos)

WASHINGTON (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has transferred Bishop Robert E. Mulvee of Wilmington, Del., to the diocese of Providence, R.I., where he will be coadjutor to Bishop Louis E. Gelineau. A coadjutor has right of succession as head of the diocese. Robert Edward Mulvee was born in Boston Feb. 15, 1930, the son of the late John F. and Jennie T. Mlilvee. He prepared for the priesthood at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, Conn., St. Paul Seminary at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and the American College at the University of Louvain in Belgium. He was ordained to the priesthood for the diocese of Manchester in 1957 at Louvain. Following his return to the Manchester diocese, he served as chaplain at an orphanage and as associate pastor in several parishes. In 1961 he was assigned to graduate work at the North American College in Rome. He completed the requirements for a doctorate in canon law inJune 1964at the Pontifical Lateran University, and the same year completed the requirements for a master's degree in religious education 'from the University of Louvain. Upon his return to the Manchester diocese in July 1964, he was appointed assistant chancellor and later chancellor of the diocese. He also served in a number of diocesan posts, including judge and notary of the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal.

In 1966, then Father M ulvee was named a papal chamberlain by Pope Paul VI and in 1970 a prelate of honor. He was made auxiliary bishop of Manchester in 1977, the first auxiliary appointed for the diocese since its foundation in 1884. In 1985 he was named bishop of Wilmington, a diocese of about 155,000 Catholics that covers the state of Delaware and the nine Maryland counties of the Delmarva Peninsula east of the Chesapeake Bay. As coadjutor of Providence he moves to the nation's smallest but most Catholic state, with some 645,000 Catholics in a popUlation of just over I million. Bishop Gelineau, 66, has been bishop of Providence si nce 1972.



Catholic students seen, heard on Capitol Hill WASHINGTOl\' (CNS) - The old adage that children should be seen and not heard did not apply to more than 100 Catholic school students who descended on Capitol Hill Feb. I. The students, taking part in National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, wen: meant to be heard as they lobbic:d senators and representatives on behalf of their Catholic schools. Girls in plaid skirts and white blouses and boys with blazers, ties and khaki pants stood out from the usual lobbyists in the halls of Congress and frequently caused a head or two to turn. "So many people that we've bumped into have said, 'I went to Catholic school too,'" said Kate

...----In This

Keffer, a mother of two who accompanied a Pennsylvania school delegation to Washington. Such recognition, she said, shows that Catholic schools are doing a good job and turning out qualified graduates dedicated to public service. ' "If this doesn't speak to the worth of Catholic schools, I don't know what does," she told Catholic News Service. Mrs. Keffer was one of many parents, principals and other Catholic school officials who joined the students in the fifth year of lobbying efforts as part of Catholic Schools Week Jan. 29-Feb. 4. This year's event, sponsored annually by the National Catholic Educational Association, had the

most participants and involved more personal contacts than previous years. School delegations spoke with 17 Congress members and 25 legislative aides. They also hand-delivered packets with information on Catholic schools to 225 members of Congress. Most students joining in the lobbying efforts were from five schools in the metro Washington area. But they were joined by a group of 80 from Wilmington, Del., and sc:ven from Harrisburg, Pa. . Their day began with an unintended lesson in government operations when they tried to get a picture taken of everyone on the U.S. Capitol steps. Because of construction on the House side, they

decided to pose for their annual photo on the Senate side. First they had to wait because the area was sealed off while the Bosnian prime minister addressed the Senate. Then they were told they could not hold signs for the photo because that would make it a demonstration. Finally, when the photographer had all 148 pairs of eyes on him, a security guard said the picture could not be taken - a House member had sponsored the group, not senator. So the students and school officials ended up smiling in a neutral zone- a grassy area next to the Capitol. Luckily, they had the chance to warm up their smiling muscles; they would need them throughout


the day. When the Harrisburg delegation posed in front of the desk of Rep. George Gekas, R-Pa., the NCEA photographer did not say "cheese" but "tax credits." Those words had been on most of the delegates' lips during their meetings. After singing the praises of Catholic schools, they hoped to encourage school choice initiatives. "There will always be Catholic schools, but why should we just have them for small numbers? Let's give the same opportunity to everyone," Anthony DeCaprio, assistant superintendent of secondary schools and special programs in the Harrisburg Diocese, told Gekas' legislative aide. Turn to Page Eight

I s s u e - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......

Bishop Makes Eight Appointments

Rainbows Program Helps Children

Retired Doctor Has Second Career

Thmorrow Is World Day of Sick

Distinguished Graduates

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Pax Christi annual conference set

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri .. Feb; 10. '1995 -

Money's路t()ughest issue in church, says priest ST. CLOUD, Minn. (CNS) . Other issues may get the headlines, but widely known author and lec-路 turer Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin says the most challenging issue in the U.S. church today is money -having enough money to do its job. "The big question is not about the ordination of women or married clergy or the decline in clergy or pedophilia or abortion or assisted suicide," Msgr. Champlin said. "All are vital questions," he added, "but money is the crucial one because without money we simply cannot carryon all the things that need to be done in a vital parish." Beneath the money issue he sees a faith issue. It is not just a question of financing parish programs and assisting those in need, but how Catholics understand their God-given gifts and their responsibility to share them. Msgr. Champlin, a priest for 38 years, is nationa'lly known as an author of numerous popular books about liturgy, marriage, family life, prayer, church stewardship and various other topics. His marriage preparation book, "Together for Life," has sold mo.re than 5 million copies. But he also knows parish finance issues firsthand as pastor of St. Joseph parish in Camillus, N. Y., a community of 1,850 families with 1,200 children in its education program. It has a pastor, associate pastor and professional staff of 32 people, eight of them fulltime. In an interview with the Saint Cloud Visitor diocesan newspaper, Msgr. Champlin said he was not surprised by a recent survey of charitable giving that showed a sharp drop in the amount Catholics give not only to church but also to other charities. According to the report, total Catholic charitable giving - which at 1.7 percent of income in 1991 was already well below the national average - dropped in 1993 to 1.2 percent of income. . Msgr. Champlin said the report reflects continuation of a pattern outlined several years ago by sociologist Father Andrew Greeley.. In a 1987 book, "Catholic Contributions," Father Greeley reported that in 1962 Catholics gave about 2.2 percent of their income to their church - about the same percentage as Protestants - but by the mid-1980s Catholic giving to church had dropped to 1.1 percent of income while Protestant giving remained fairly steady. Catholic giving to other charities also dropped. Msgr. Champlin noted that studies show Catholics, once a heavily immigrant, economically and edu. cationally disadvantaged population, are now above the national average in education and income. "If anything, Catholics have more money now than they did, . but our level of giving has gone down," he said. The priest looks to faith and spirituality, not parish financial need, as the motivating force that needs to be aroused in Catholics. "Sharing one's time, talent and treasure is absolutely an integral part of being a Catholic Christian," he said. "The Lord gives us gifts, but those gifts are meant to be shared. The more we share

them, the more we experience the blessing of the Lord." Msgr. Champlin often travels around the country promoting a program of sacrificial giving summarized in the title of one of his books: "Sharing Gifts: A Spirituality of Time, Talent and Treasure." He was in Boston last November at a stewardship cO!,!ference attended by many persons from the Fall River diocese. He said a sacrificial giving program was introduced at St. Joseph parish about six years ago, four years before he was made pastor. The weekly collectionjumped from $3,000 to $8,000 then and has doubled since then, he said. "Last Sunday our collection was about $16,500." He ascribed the growth to "constant education, not about money, but about stewardship. We're really not talking about money at all in the pulpit. We're talking about our need to share what we have." That education includes using the testimony of parishioners "who have taken a step in faith and become tithers. Without exception, they say it has given them a deep spiritual peace. It has liberated them from a lot of controversy FATHER O'CONNELL about how much they're going to give to the poor." The parish as a whole also tithes, he said. It now has a separate tithing account and distributes about $8,000 to $10,000 each quarter from its regular income in Father William F. O'Connell. Cathedral. Fall River. by Bishop addition to special collections f9.r . pastor since .1989 of.Holy Name .lames L. Connolly. charitable causes, he said. parish. New Bedford. died Feb. 1 Subsequently Father O'Connell Msgr. Champlin said he spent at age 72. His Mass of Christian was a.parochial vicar at St. .lames two years discussing the concept Burial was offered Saturday. Feb. parish, New Bedford; SS. Peter of tithing parish funds in meetings 4 at Holy Name Church with and Paul. Fall River; and St. Lawwith the parish council and other Bishop Sean P. O'Malleyas'prin- rence. New Bedford. He was named parish groups bef~re bringin~ it to cipal celebrant and many priests of pastor of St. Augustine parish. the whole parish for a vote. In a the diocese as concelebrants. Vineyard Haven. in 1971. serving written ballot, 85 percent of paFather O'Connell was born Oct. there until 1973. He was then pasrishioners voted in favor of doing 4. 1922, in Taunton and was a tor at Sacred Heart. Fall River. so, he said. graduate of Msgr. Coyle High from 1973 to 1976; at St. Joseph. . School in that city. He attended North Dighton, from 1976 to 1989; Providence College for two years and at Holy Name until his death. before serving as a Navy ensign He was chaplain for Boy Scouts during World War II. seeing ac- in the Fall River and New Bedford tion in the Solomon Islands and in area in the 1950s and 1960s and EVANSTON, Ill. (CNS) - An the invasion of Iwo .lima and moderator of the New Bedford annual free magazine for people Okinawa. He then prepared for Catholic Guild for the Blind. also considering volunteer service is the priesthood at St. Mary's Semi- in the I960s. In New Bedford. he being launched by ~erry Publish- nary. Baltimore. and was ordained was also moderator of the Fall ing Services of Evanston. March 29. 1952. at St. Mary's River Catholic Woman's Club. The premiere issue of the magaHe was the son of the late Wilzine, called Opportunities: An liam H. and Leona (Sherry) Annual Volunteer Service HandO'Connell. and is survived by four. book, is scheduled forfall 1995. It sisters. Rosemary Constantine and will focus on volunteer opportuniSister Mari.e Solange, SSJ, 89, Shirley Meunier, both of North ties in Catholic mission organizaof Mont Marie, Holyoke, died Dighton; Thelma Wentworth of tions, as well as those in interfaith, Feb. 5. I Middleboro; and Leona Scott of mainline Protestant, and nonsecBorn Anne Marie St. Laurent in Maryland. tarian groups. St. Henri, Quebec, Canada, she "Interest in volunteer and lay was the daughter of the late Louis mission is growing by leaps and and the late Marie (Moreau) St. bounds," said publisher Bill Berry. Laurent. The magazine will ex'plore what She entered the Sisters of St. MIAMI (CNS)-A Miami priest is involved in a volunteer com- Joseph from Sacred Heart parish, has become the first member of the mitment, how to find the right Catholic clergy to head a ProtLawrence, on Sept. 8, 1924. She placement, and the spiritual roots received Normal School training estant seminary in the United of service, and will report on at Sacred Heart College, Fall River, States. Father Patrick O'Neill, volunteer experiences from Appa- and taught at Blessed Sacrament formerly an Augustinian Father of lachia to Guatemala. 'and St. Roch schools, Fall River, Villanova, Pa., has accepted the Berry Publishing said the maga- and St. Joseph's School, New Bedpresidency of the South Florida zine will be sustained by advertis- ford. Center for Theological Studies, ing and plans to distribute a minFrom 1946 to 1959 she taught in founded in Miami in 1985 by repreimum of 30,000 free copies to sentatives of nine Christian tradiLe Puy, France. An accomplished volunteer service clearinghouses, musician, she also -taught piano tions. He was formerly president volunteer agencies, campus minis- for many years. of St. Thomas of Villanova Unitry offices, parishes, and religious versity in Miami. Located on the She retired to Mont Marie in vocation offices. grounds of the First Presbyterian 1984. Sister Solange is survived by Samples of the magazine are a brother, Maurice St. Laurent, Church of Miami, the seminary is available by writing to Opportuniand a sister, Mary Lou Levesque, Florida's only independent and ties, Berry Publishing Services, 70 I both of Quebec, and nieces and interdenominational graduate theMain St., Evanston, IL 60202. nephews. ology school.

Father William O'Connell, New Bedford pastor, dies

Magazine to focus on volunteerism

Sister Marie Solange

Ecumenical first

Massachusetts Pax Christi and the New England Catholic Peace Fellowship will hold their annual conference, themed "The Changing Faces ofNonviolence: Re newal and Commitment," 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 25 at the Martin Institute for Law and Society, Stonehill College, North Easton. Father John Dear, SJ, of Washington, DC, will give the keynote address, to be followed by a question and answer session and lunch. Sister Jane Morrissey, SSJ, pastoral minister at Blessed Sacrament parish, Springfield, will chair the annual meeting and board nominations of Pax Christi. Afternoon workshops scheduled are: "Passion, Poetry, Prophecy: Nonviolence, a Woman's Voice in the Awakening Church," presented by Suzanne Belote Shanley, AGAPE cofounder, Hardwkk. "The Story of Nonviolence Since 1989: Now It Can Be Told," Michael True, professor of English and Peace Studies, Assumption College, Worcester. "The Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Models of Love and Nonviolent Resistance," Joseph Gerson; regional program coordi.nator, AFSC, Cambridge. "The Changing Faces of N onviolence - Let's Continue the Conversation," Father Dear. "What I've Learned About Nonviolence in a Half Year in a Poor, Urban, Latino Parish," Sister Morrissey. The conference will condude with a 4 p.m. liturgy. For registration information contact Pax Christi Massachusetts, 10 Hillside Ave., Arlington 02i74, (617) 643-8947.

Bank gets awalrd VERIBANC, a bank rating service, has awarded Citizens-Union Savings Bank "Blue Ribbon Bank" designation, recognizing exceptional attention to safety, soundness and financial strength. The Blue Ribbon designation is the oldest form of national recognition presented to banks by pr:ivate sector analysts and is awardl:d to institutions receiving VERIBANC's highest rating. Citizen's-Unioll has offices in Fall River, Somerse1. and Swansea.

Confirmation schedule change noted The following chl.lnge has been made in the 1995 confirm~ltion sc"'edule published in the Anchor for Jan. 13: Nuestra Senora de Guadal'upe, New Bedford: Bishop Sean O'Malley will confirm on June 9 instead of June 7.

Correction On the editorial page of the Feb. 3 Anchor, the op-ed article "Needed: another St. Thomas Aquinas" was by Father Kevin J. Harrington. His hyline was inadvertently omitted. The Anchor regrets the error.

The Anchor Friday, Feb. 10, 1"995


Habitation "The sins of the mind are the last habitation of the devil."-Jarol Johnson





Bishop announces eight appointments Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced four changes in pastorates effective March I. Also, two parish ad rninistrators are named, as well a.s a chaplain for Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, and an assistant archivist for the diocese. The pastoral changes involve Father Edward J. Byington, from Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, to St. Francis Xavier p;arish, Hyannis; Father Arnold R. Medeiros, from St. Elizabeth's, Fall River, to St. Mary's, Norton; Father John C. Ozug, from administrator ofSt. John Neumann parish, East Freetown, to pastor of Sacred Heart, Fall River; and Father John J. Steakem, from St. Mary's, Norton, to St. Thomas More, Somerset. Father John A. Gomes will remain pastor of Our Lady of th~ Angels parish, Fall River; while becoming administrator of St. Elizabeth's parish as (If March I. Father Jon-Paul Gallant, parochial vicar at Holy Name parish, New Bedford, becomes administrator of that parish effective immediately.

Father Richard G. Andrade, parochial vicar at St. Pius X parish, South Yarmouth, will become chaplain at Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, March I, and Father Raymond A. Robillard leaves the chaplaincy at Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, Fall River, to become assistant archivist at the Diocesan Archives, effective immediately. Father Byington Father Byington has been pastor at Sacred Heart Church since 1986 and chaplain of the Fall River Police Department since 1990. A Fall River native and graduate of Boston College, he entered St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, in 1967, having served previously in the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and in the textile business in New York. Ordained Aug. 15, 1970, he served as parochial vicar at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro; Sacred Heart and St. Paul's, Taunton; St. George, Westport; and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk.

Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. Edward J. Byington from Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Fall River to Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Hyannis. Rev. Arnold R. Medeiros from Pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish in Fall River to Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Norton. Rev. John C. Ozug from Parochial Administrator of St. John Neumann Parish in East Freetown to Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Fall River. Rev. John A. Gomes, Parochial Administrator, St. Elizabeth Parish in Fall River, while remaining Pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Fall River. Reverend Richard G. Andrade from Parochial Vicar at St. Pius X Parish in S. Yarmouth to Chaplain at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River. Rev. John J. Stl~akem from Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Norton to Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish in Somerset.

Effective March 1, 1995 Rev. Jon-Paul Gallant, Parochial Administrator, Holy Name Parish in New Bedford. ·Rev. Raymond A. Robillard from Chaplain at Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home in Fall River to Assistant Archivist, Diocesan Archives.

Effective Immediately

A former editor of the Anchor and diocesan director of communications, he also undertook theological studies at the Catholic Theological Academy in Warsaw, Poland. Father Medeiros Born in Capelas, St. Miguel, Azores, Father Medeiros studied at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and was ordained May 10, 1975. He was parochial vicar at St. John of God, Somerset; St. George's, Westport; and St. An.thony's and Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton. He was chaplain at Taunton Catholic Middle School from 1976 until 1988, when he was named administrator of St. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River. He was named administrator at St. Elizabeth's in 1993. Father Ozug A Fall River native, FatherOzug

attended St. John's Seminary and was ordained May 14, 1977. He was parochial vicar at St. Anony's, East Falmouth; St. Patrick's, Somerset; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; and St. Thomas More, Somerset. He was named administrator at St. John Neumann last September. Father Steakem Pastor at St. Mary's, Norton, since 1990, Father Steakem is a native of Bronx, NY. He studied at St. John's Seminary and was ordained Jan. 30, 1960. He was parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception parish, North Easton; St. Kilian, New Bedford; and St. Julie, North Dartmouth. He was administrator at St. Rita's parish, Marion, then pastor at Immaculate Conception, Taunton, before being named pastor at St. Mary's.

Cflltholics in Congress at record high WAS H INGTON (CNS) - At a record 149, there are seven more Catholics in the 104th Congress than two years ago, and a greater percentage of them are Republican than in previous sessions. According to Congressional Quarterly, Catholics constitute the largest single denomination, as they have for decades, although Protestants dominate as a group with 344. The Senate has 21 Catholics, the House 128 -- a shift since 1992 from the 23 Catholic senators and I 19 Catholic members of the House when the 103rd Congress began. Of this session's Catholics, nine senators and 54 members of the House are in the GOP. the most Catholic Republicans ever in Congress. The next-largest single denomination is Baptist, with 67. There are 62 Methodists, 56 Presbyterians, 49 Epis<:opalians, 20 Lutherans and 14 Mormons, according to biographical questionnaires compiled by Congressional Quarterly. Another three senators and three representatives belong to Eastern Christian churches. including Greek and Eastern Orthodox. The remainder of members listing Christian churches were in an assortment of denominations including Christian Scientist, Seventh-day Adventist, Unitarian and Church (If Christ. Thirty-four members are Jewish and seven were listed as "unspecified or other."

The Catholic members of the 104th Congress from Massachusetts are Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John Kerry, and Representatives Joseph P. Kennedy 11, Edward J. Markey, Martin T. Meehan, Joe Moakley and Richard E. Neal Democrats; and Republicans Peter I. Blute and Peter G. Torkildsen.

Pope to discuss film v ATlCAN CITY (CNS) Pope John Paul 11 plans to mark the 100th year of cinema with a message on film's importance in contemporary culture. "Cinema: Communicator of Culture and Values" is the theme chosen by the' pope for World Communications Day 1995, U.S. Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, announced. "Film has transformed the world of communications and has given to a theatrical experience a realism and an enduring quality not previously possible," Archbishop Foley said. The papal text is normally released in in conjunction with the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron of journalists. World Communications Day is celebrated in most countries the Sunday before Pentecost.


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Diocese of Fall River


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- Fri., Feb: 10, 1995

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the living word

Congress and the Poor As the new Washington majority gears up to fulfill its contract with America, various and serious gaps are developing between the haves and the have-nots; between the comfortable and hurting; the rich and the poor. Business forecasts are optimistic. Stockholders, owners and board members are sure the signs are in their favor. Profits will continue to increase and the rich will get richer. There is little doubt that the auto industry will continue to prosper. Housing starts for expensive properties are booming. Other areas of the economy such as health care, transportation and teaching are predicted to reach a fifty-year high. Increased productivity and wages will benefit the working majority. As a result, the entertainment industry anticipates a boom, while those with money in the bank will be able to enjoy more leisure time with increased interest rates. But. the other side of the coin is depressing. Those who have little might lose even the little they have: The poor are bound to suffer; those dependent on government subsidies for their very existence will find themselves surviving only marginally. Welfare will be cut and in many cases terminated. Those in real need will find themselves in dire straits. Cutbacks in service.s and medical benefits may help balance a budget but they will unbalance people. If it is to cut the national debt, Congress will have to ignore human services. People will become the line item veto. In this headlong and somewhat crass attempt to give the appearance of accountability to the electorate many Americans will suffer greatly, especially the very least of our brothers and sisters. In all of this so-called budget tightening we must remind ourselves that God created Earth and all its resources for all peoples, to be shared fairly under the dictates of charity. We must also remember that each person has a right to possess sufficient of this world's goods for his or her survival. The church has always taught and must re-emphasize that people are bound to come to the aid of the poor and to give -and not merely out of their superfluity. It would be well for all of us to recall the saying of the Church Fathers: "Feed the man dying of hunger, because if you do not feed him, you are killing him." There will be many Americans dying in gutters, slums and even in hospitals if our government neglects them in favor of restructuring the economy. This is wrong! We in the church must speak out and remind the nation that Jesus did not come to listen to the privileged, but to heed the call of the poor. Rather than worrying about stocks, Social Security and bank accounts, we must prod ourselves and others to the practice of the Beatitudes, especially those that enjoin us to seek for justice and for poverty of spirit. . While admitting the need for fiscal responsibility, we cannot at the same time compromise with any form of social injustice. There may be days in the near future when we will be tempted to reflect that "each man for himself' is a justifiable attitude. Many will be eager to allow churches and private institutions to take care of the poor, thus conveniently eliminating them from the congressional agenda. But people with this mind-set deserve to forfeit the American dream. As the national debt continues to be the object of legislative concern, let us make sure that no needy citizen is ignored. Let us recall that what Jesus said to his followers was "Give to him that asks of you." That counsel is not found in the annals of capitalism, which look to the Dow-Jones average; only in the Gospel, which looks to the kingdom of heaven. The Editor


OFfiCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ Learv Press-Fall RIve"

il il II 'I I

eNs PllIisll'd photo


"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it." . Cant. 8:7

W.elfare proposals seen unworkable society that denies that they are WASHINGTON (CNS) - Reentitled to any financial support?" publican reform proposals aimed at forcing welfare recipients to He predicted that a "child extake more responsibility will hurt clusion" provision in the Personal needy children without necessarily Responsibility Act would lead to changing their parents' behavior, increases in teen pregnancies, in the president of Catholic Charities abortions among teens and other USA recently told a congres'sional women and an increase in the committee. number of abused and neglected "Our founder cou,ld feed 5,000 children who wind up in foster people with a few loaves of bread care. and fish, and while we may try the Economic threats will be inefsame, it is neither sound social pol- . fective for young girls who yearn icy nor responsible government to to have babies to love, and for put people's lives in jeopardy in teens who are unrealistic about hope of miracles," Jesuit Father their ability to earn money or get it Fred Kammertold the House Ways from the welfare department, he and Means Subcommittee on Hu- added. man Resources. Also of concern are proposed. The Catholic Church through. policies meant to encourage adopagencies such as Catholic Chari- tion. said Father Kammer. ties has 250 years of experience in Among other results, teens who helping people targeted by reforms are pressured into adoption or in the Personal Responsibility Act, abortion often quickly become Father Kammer said. pregnant again, he added. "In the But as 'much as the current sys- trade we call this an 'atonement tem needs reforming, some well- baby.''' intentioned changes could backOther concerns of the priest fire: according to Father Kammer, . about the welfare proposals in"leaving us with more dependency, clude: more child abuse and neglect, more - Plans to deny cash assistance teen pregnancy and even more to unmarried mothers under 18 abortions." who do not live with 'their own Of particular concern to Catholic families. Father Kammer said he Charities are proposals to exclude children of unmarried teens, mothers already on welfare or children of unknown paternity from receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children. "Financial penalties can have only very modest results, and those Assist us, 0 Lord our can only be achieved over many years," Father Kammer said. God, and defend us everShould such restrictions on AFDC more by the might of thy be imposed, "while we wait to see holy Cross, in whose honor if these steps will reduce illegitiThou makest us to rejoice. macy, what will be the human conAmen. sequences to the millions of children who will be born into a


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agreed such girls should not' be simply handed checks and sent on their way. He recommended family counseling, training, tutoring and other assistance to teens who live with their parents or in a residence for mothers and babies. Under the House proposal, aid to such teens would simply be eliminated. -.:.. The "family cap" provision to s'top paying additional benefits when children are born to welfare recipients. "If AFDC benefit levels provided adequate incomes to support children, the family cap would not be so dangerous. But II FDC benefits are woefully inadequate in every state," he said. - Limits on how long a household can receive welfare benefits. "As'many Republican and Democratic governors have pointed out, despite their best efforts, there will not be jobs for all parentli who need them." - Elimination of benefits to immigrants. Most immigrants helped by Catholic Charities do not need public assistanct:, the priest said. But "we should not turn our backs on the relatives of hard-working immigrant taxpayers who do need assistance.'" Father Kammer concluded by noting that "analyses indicate that proposals in the Personal Responsibility Act would soon slash 5 million children from AFDC. Where will [they] find help?" he asked. "From charities and churche:s, say the sponsors. "The churches and charitit:s, beginning with our own, say' this would produce a tidal wave of hungry and homeless kid!: and moms, a torrent of newly abused children and a profoundly wrong social and moral outcome," he .. . said.

How often to receive • commumon Q. Several of our group are puzzled about how often we can go to communion in the same day. One has been told we can go whenever we attend Mass. Someone else said we should only receive once a day. Are there differelllt rules in different places? Why is there any limit on how often we should receive the Eucharist in a day? (Indiana) A. As those of us who are older may remember, for & long time the rule and practice was that people should receive communion only once a day. Some years ago those rules were considerably relaxed, allowing communion more than once on a number of specified occasions, like weddings, funerals or Masses with baptism or anointing of the sick. The new Code of Cannon Law (1983) says simply that anyone who has already received the Eucharist may receive it again on the same day only during a eucharistic celebration (c. 917). Then, in 1984, the Vatican Commission for the I nterpretation of Canon Law ruled that communion should not be received more than twice a day. This series of events may explain why people have differing perceptions of the rule. In other words, one may now receive communion at Mass on Saturday morning, for example, and at the anticipated Sunday Mass Saturday evening; or at a morning funeral and an afternoon wedding Mass. As you suggest, one might wonder why the church concerns itself at all about the number of times a day people receive the Eucharist. There are two reasons. The first, and most basic, is that normally communion should be received whenever one participates in the Mass. Reception of communion is an integral part, not an optional extra, in the celebration of the Eucharist. While this is true for everyone. it is particularly applicable to those with official ministerial roles for that liturgy.

Daily Readings Feb. 13: Gn 4:1-15,25; Ps 50:1,8,16-17,20-21; Mk8:1113 Feb. 14: Gn 6:5-8;7:1-5,10; Ps 29:1-4,9-10; Mk 8:14-21 Feb. 15: Gn 8:6-13,20-22; Ps 116:12-15,18··19; Mk8:2226 Feb. 16: Gn 9:1-13; Ps 102:16-18,19··23,29; Mk 8:27-33 Feb. 17: Gn 11:1·9; Ps 33:10-15; Mk 8:34-9:1 Feb. 18: Heb 11:1-7; Ps 145:2-5,10-11; IVIk 9:2-13 Feb. 19: 1Sm 26:2,7-9,1213,22-23; Ps 103:1-4,8,10, 12-13; 1 Cor 15:45-49; lk 6:27-38

By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN On the other hand, the church knows from experience that some Catholics are tempted to treat sacred things, even the Eucharist, in a nearly superstitious manner. I once knew a wOPlan who was proud of the fact that she managed to attend II Masses, at least the "essential" pa'rts, every Sunday. The once-a-day rule in the past, as well as the regl,llations today. hope to deter people'from collecting communions is a similar way. The present policy trusts that peoples' deeper and fuller awareness of the meaning of the, Eucharist will discourageany abuse, and at the same time prompt them to receive communion whenever it is appropriate, even more than once a day. Q. In your column on various Bibles, you didn't mention a famous one that I have heard about, the Vulgate. Why did you leave it out? Isn't it one of the more important Catholic Bibles? (Massachusetts) A. The column to which you refer responded to a reader's request for information about English Bibles which would be most helpful and readable. The Vulgate is in Latin. Back around the year 400 A. D., there was still no complete or scholarly Latin edition of the Bible, based on the languages in which the books were fir$t written. The Hebrew Scriptures (our Old Testament) had been translated into Greek long before. And, of

Feb. 11 1910, Rev. John O'Connell, Founder, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro 1961, Rev. John J. Sullivan, S.T.L., Pastor, Holy Rosary, Fall River 1987, Rev. WilHam J. McMahon, Retired Pastor, St. Joan of Arc, Orleans Feb. 12 1961, Rev. Stanislaus B. Albert, SS.Cc., Sacred Hearts Monastery, Fa.irhaven ", Feb. 14 1932, Rev. Charles E. Clerk, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River 1980, Rev. Msgr. Francis E. McKeon, Pastor Emeritus, Sacred Heart, Taunton Feb. 15 1910, Rev. Joseph G. Lavalle, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1957, Rev. James C. Conlon, Pastor, St. Mary, Norton Feb. 16 1983, Rev. Alphonse J. LaChapelle, Assistant, Holy Ghost, Attleboro

course, most of the New Testament was written in Greek. But by the time we're talking about, even though Greek was still largely the language of culture and commerce and nobility, most ordinary people were not familiar with it. They spoke Latin. To make the Scriptures more available to everyone, Pope Damasus (366-384) commissioned St. Jerome, the most learned biblical scholar of his day, to translate the Bible from the original languages into the everyday language of the "common people" (in Latin:' "vulgus"). Hence, the name Vulgate. The Vulgate has been the church's official Latin text of Scripture from then until now. A revised edition of the Vulgate was begun in 1965 and published in its final form under Pope John Paul II in 1986. Interestingly, the original Vulgate translation was part of the transition at that time from Greek to Latin as the major language of the Western church. Because an increasingly smaller minority of people knew Greek, even the liturgy changed into Latin, largely also under the influence of Pope Damasus. By our own century, of course, Latin itself had long become a language which the vast majority of people did not speak or understand. Thus once again, during the past 40 years, the church has opened its liturgy to the languages people actually use. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about receiving the Holy Eucharist is available by sending a stamped selfaddressed elllvelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Madonna and Child get postmaster's stamp of approval WAS H INGTON (CNS) - The Madonna and Child postage stamp, first abandoned then rescued for the 1995 Christmas season. now carries the postmaster general's personal imprimatur. "As long as I'm postmaster general there's going to be a Madonna [stamp]," Marvin Runyon told the National Press Club in Washington. Last November, when the Postal Service displayed designs for many of the 120 commemorative stamps to be issued in 1995, the Christmas stamp, which for 16 years reproduced famous Madonna and Child paintings, was gone, supplanted by a Victorian angel. The negative reaction that followed, including protests from President Clinton to key congressional committees, convinced Runyon to reverse the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee decision to cancel the Madonna and Child stamp for 1995. Regarding the controversy, Runyon told the National Press Club, "1 got a lot of cards and letters. And by the way, that makes money for us." 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the. week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to Tile Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.


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Alte'rnatlve ~ ,Valentines

Dear Dr., Kenny: Valentine's Day is coming and I keep hearing all these ads to buy, buy, buy something for my sweetheart. The commercialism is worse than that before Christmas. What, if any, is the Christian significance of Valentine'~ Day? - Indiana St. Valentine was a priest, martyred in Rome on Feb. 14 in the year 269. This date was commonly associated with the time that birds begin to pair. Hence, his name has become synonymous with affection between the sexes. Sexuality is designed by God to generate life and as an intimate way to express love. Sexual attraction, with all its excitement and hope and promise, deserves to be celebrated. In fact, in the Old Testament Song of Songs, God compares his love for humankind to a king's physical attraction for his concubine. According to an ancient Jewish commentary on the creation story in Genesis, God created Eve, not

from Adam's rib, but from Adam's side. Furthermore, the commentary explains that Eve came, not from Adam's physical side but from the female side. Adam, in other words, was originally neither male nor female, but was split by God into two incomplete parts, with the admonition to find each other and become whole again in the, oneness of marriage.

Tip of the genome iceberg By Father Eugene Hemrick Atomic power radically altered our view of life with unimaginable possibilities for good as well as total destruction. The Human Genome Initiative also has this potential. Our ethical and moral response to it could well determine ' the beginning of an exciting era of medical therapy, or the beginning of sophisticated barbarism. A genome is a set of chromosomes t9gether with the genes they contain and the goal ofthe Human Genome Initiative i~to understand" the microbiological makeup of' genetic diseases and genetic pre-, dispositions, to map them and to provide tools to re-engineer them. A multinational, multibillion dol~ , lar collaborative effort, it has been conducted over the last 15 years. Within us are genes which not only determine how we operate, but contain predictors of what will happen to our organisms over time. Many hoped-for medical breakthroughs could result from identifying these predictors. For example, a woman may have a genetic defect which will cause breast cancer at a certain stage of her life. Her possible fight with cancer might be avoided if the bad gene were identified and engi, neered to act properly. We often talk about a repeat offender having the devil within himself or herself when actually it could be a bad gene. A slight alter~ ation of the,gene could very well produce a better person. As much as we want to stop dis-

Secret to a Lasting Marriage, No. 36: Snort all you want, men, at the sloppy sentimentality and mon" strous marketing that goes into Valentine's Day, but ignore it at your own risk. I once righteously proclaimed, "I will not be bullied and blackmailed by candy companies and ~TD Florists in~o dictating when and how 1 will tellcmy wife how much I love her." And 1 have stuck to that principle. Coincidentally, I seem to feel like expressing affection each year around Feb. 14. Also, I have learned that humongous, .lacey Valentine cards the size of kites help admirably to make. that spousal affection clear. This clarity is also enhanced if pricey chocolates and long-stem roses are incorporated into the communication. Much clearer, 1 must note, than what is apparently conveyed by

eases like breast cancer and correct incorrigible behavior, it can't be left solely to the science world to do this. A multitude of moral and ethical questions requires science, as it is presently doing, to continue to join forces with philosophers, theologians, legal scholars and social scientists. For example, if genetic engineering comes to be seen as a quick way to cure criminals, it raises Newspap~r people get into ,the questions about the theory which habit of reading items that others holds thateilVironment and inte'racting with religious teachings and , might gloss ,over with little 'o,r no concern. I've piled up, a bucketful per~onal values are the most natlJral'cure.'- ., , ' , , of these items. ,One is about a new sel,f-help If a gene alteration changes a support group called .. rvtessies criminal's nature so that he is no Anonymous," longer himself, does the good that The Messies' foundress is a comes from this alteration out- ',Florida woman, Sandra Felton. weigh the good of having one's The New York Times said Mrs. own true human nature? Felton "hit bottom" about eight , If' a doctor wants to conduct years ago, distressed because her genetic testing on a woman he house was "strewn with piles of thinks is susceptible to breast can- papers, toys, clothes and unfincer for the good of her offspring, ished projects," and "She was what type of counseling must ac- ashamed, embarrassed." <;ompany genetic exploration? It's 'not too clear who or what Genetic exploration is much like stirred her guilt and put her on the space exploration. It is entering a cleanliness track, but it has done a new world for the first time, which lot for her. It's become quite useful requires enormous psychological and profitable, in fact. She started preparation. to write books, titled the "Messies It is common today to have Manual." She's completed six of one's blood tested whenever a these, which have sold nearly half checkup is required. Once blood a million copies. or a biopsy are taken, what is to The reformed messie also took stop those who do the testing from ,her show on the road, founding a taking it one step further to learn national MA organization, runabout a person's genetic makeup? ning seminars, helping to form


• >." . . .



- Visit the places whe:re you first met and dated. I love this idea that we, male and - Plant a tree. female, are incomplete and that we - Make your own vakntine. must search out and find our part- (I've always thought it was phony ner to be whole again. What a or silly to let Hallmark speak my wonderfully romantic notion! mind for me.) - Rent a romantic video. Valentine's Day 'celebrates phys- Give each other two compliical attraction and pairing. Set in ments. late winter, the day anticipates the - Share your life dreams and springtime to come, with all its hope for forming affectionate re- goals. - Say, "I love you." lationships. ' Happy Valentine's Day! Here are some noncommercial, inexpensive ways to romance a Reader questions on family livpotential friend or to celebrate ing and child care to be am:wered Valentine's Day with your beloved. in print are invited by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, Ind. - Write a love poem. 47978. - Have a candle-lit dinner.

Valentine's .law of supply on .demand WHA T ITS creators believe will be the world's tallest statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe is taking shape in northeasten Ohio. The 50-foot statue is part of Ed and Pat Heinz's dream to use their 50-acre farm, part of which houses the Servants of Mary Center for Peace, as a place for visitors to enjoy family-centered activities while learning about the Catholic faith. Constructed with 12,000 pounds of steel bars covered with concrete, the statue will be covered with tho.Jlsands of ceramic tiles to represent the actual colors of the cloak of Juan Diego, to whom Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared. (CNS photo)



MORRIS offering a pack of M&Ms and a handwritten "Happy Day" note, no matter the sincerity behind that well-meaning token of endearment. You see, 1 had believed my then- vacuum-packed beef jerky new mate when she nodded in apparent agreement with me when perfect for hiking trips; - a dicounted case of Snickers; I made my righteous proclamation about Valentine's Day. What I did - three-day-old check-outnot understand was that she as- counter bouquet of wilting tulips surried this meant l planned to .. wrapped in' cellophane, even if provide several other Valentine's- accompanied by a hand-made Day-type displays of love during crayon and cardboard card. the calendar year - in addition to What we men forget, sometimes, is that wives do compare )'Iotes Feb. 14. When your wife says, "Oh, you with their friends and keep Bcore. shouldri't have," she's simply leavSo if you think your spouse is ing off the end of the sentence going to be happy telling her :friend which is ..... done anything else, Trisha that you think Valentine's unless'maybe it was to put those Day is a commercial fabril:ation little diamond ear~ings on lay unworthy of acknowledgment, away." . think again. ' It's good to also mention there are legitimate substitutes for flowComments are welcomed by Dan ers, candy and cards. However, . Morris, 25218 Meadow Wa:r, Arthese do not include: Iington, Wash. 98223.

chapters. A!l is being done in fel- By lowship wit.h people who suffer ,ANTOINETTE over the clutter in their houses. It's probably comforthig for them to kriow, ,that they're not BOSCO alon~: I suppose that, if yo~ can't throw out old letters and newspapers, or pass on good, worn clothing to the St. Vincent de Paul extra pot. But oh, how her kitchen Society, or toss some of HIe excess 'lures you with its aromas of marout of desk drawers, it's nice to velous food cooking. know there's help. ' She has commented that if she But if you think it sounds like didn't spend so much time in the I'm not completely sold on MA, kitchen, she'd probably look you're right. Just the other day I around at the clutter and feel was invited to have lunch at the guilty. I hope she never does. Her home of an artist. Every nook and house is home, and how lovingly corner of her house had an artifact she packages the food she c:ooks in and on it. into meal-size freezer conta.iners "I suppose I should throw some , to give'to our mother, who at age things out," she said, but without 86' do€<sn't cook that way for apology. I responded with a re- herself.' I remember homes I have always sounding, "No!" " . When I go to my sister Rose- , loved to visit. They are special premary's house, I spend time looking cisely because they are somewhat messy. at the photos she has posted; pracMaybe what MA's members tically wall-papering her rooms really need is help to relax and with glossies of smiling ,mem\>ers enjoy that lived-iri look of their of the family. In'her small kitchen homes. there's hardly a place to put an

The Anchor Friday, Feb. 10, 1995


Honorary member

Letten are welcome but the editor reserves the right to c(lndense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letten must be typed, signed and Indu,de it home or business address (only the city name Is used In print). Letters do not necessarily renect the editorial views of the Anchor.

Simplistic reasons? Dear Editor: In the Anchor for Jan. 27 I read and re-read the article entitled "Inclusive language parley satisfies Bishop Trautman," trying to understand why this topic or issue (if it is an issue) is of such importance to U.S. Bishops and church leaders. Their reasoning seems very "simplistic", namely "the basic reason for inclusive language has been to avoid terms that 'appear' to exclude 'unnecessarily' or offend 'some' readers." Who are the "some" readers? Has this conclusion been arrived at by polling "practicing Catholics"? I don't think so. My immediate thought is to relate the "some" to that group called "feminist" who are constantly ridiculing the Roman Catholic Church for not compromising with 20th century culture, etc., as clearly seen and heard on a recent 60 Minutes TV program. May I refer to the newly published Catechism, page 283, paragraph 1088, which reminds us that "Christ is always present in his Church, especially in her liturgical . celebrations. . . . He is prel\ent in his word since it is he himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in Church." And "Christ indeed always associated the Church with himself. ..and men are sanctified. The Church is his beloved 'Bride'. . . ." I never felt

offended by the word "men" for I know we are "all" sanctified and conversely I'm sure men do not feel offended by Christ calling the Church his beloved "Bride." I think we in the silent majority who truly love our Church, the Body of Christ, need support from our Bishops and clergy in the affirmation of the truths of our Church by continuing to be witnesses to Jesus Christ who sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven by how we live, love our neighbor, contribute to the community life of the parish, etc. I hope and pray that our Ch urch leaders will concentrate more on maintaining the unity of the Catholic Church founded by Christ himself and those offended by certain words should seek to know and love him more. Mrs. G. H. Cormier South Yarmouth

A bout -liturgists Dear Editor: In a London Catholic paper I saw the item, "Liturgists are people God sends to the Church when there is no persecution to be sure that the people suffer." And so we see it. The liturgists are endlessly changing while the people who still go to Mass are sick of change. The liturgists move around statues and call it great reform while the people in t~e pews call it "much ado about nothing." And religion teachers teach religion as all fun and games whereas, as every saint said, our faith is Christ crucified. Father Rawley Myers Colorado Springs, CO

Secular :Franciscan hopes for more sharing between religious, laity NEW YORK (eNS) - Secular Franciscans followed the October world Synod of Bishops on the consecrated life with interest, even though they were not directly involved, according to the order's minister general. "We expect from the synod a greater openness of the religious for collaboration and sharing of their charism with lay people who want to share," said Emanuela De . Nunzio, speaking in Italian. Serving as translator during a recent New York interview was her general assistant, Capuchin Father Ben Brevoort. ' Mrs. De Nunzio said she hoped the laity would begin to be recognized as co-workers on an equal level of dignity in the work of religious. A lawyer who formerly directed the Italian National Institute of Social Security, she became minister general of the worldwide Secular Franciscan Order in 1990. She was interviewed in New York during a visit to the International Catholic Organizations Information Center near the United Nations. She also attended the national chapter of the order's U.S. fraternity in Andover, where she encouraged members to make a stronger commitment to applying Franciscan spirituality in society. Mrs. De Nunzio said Secular

Franciscans are devoted to working for peace, protection. of the environment, social justice and other goals characteristic of the Franciscan tradition. But she said the primary emphasis is on ministry in the individual's family and workplace. She said traditionally Secular Franciscans had been close to Franciscan friars but not to Franciscan women religious. But that situation "is changing, and the consciousness of being members of the same family is growing," she said. Mrs. De Nunzio said the Secular Franciscan Order had more than 750,000 members in 60 countries and currently is growing. About 60 percent of the membership is in Latin America. There are about 20,000 Secular Franciscans in the United States, she added. . The order's work is being revived in Eastern Europe, she said, and is also expanding' into more countries of Africa. She noted that in Rwanda, the head of a new chapter was murdered in the fighting and that she has heard nothing since about activities of any surviving members. Members visiting with her in New York reported that U.S. chapters were engaged in such projects as distributing food to the homeless and assisting AIDS patients.

PASTOR REMEMBERED: .Members of Bishop Stang Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, present processional candles to Notre Dame parish, Fall River, in memory of its late pastor, Father Ernest E. Blais, who was a Fourth Degree Knight and Faithful Friarfor the Assembly. From left front, Adrien Pelletier, Fourth Degree Knight, Assembly treasurer and a Notre Dame parishioner; District Deputy Robert Mathieu; Father Richard W. Beaulieu, Notre Dame pastor; Romeo Levesque, Faithful Navigator; rear, Fourth Degree Knights Ralph Martin and Robert Goddu. (Masse photo)

B.C. acquires Graham Greene works CHESTNUT HILL, Mass. (CNS) - The library at Jesuit-run Boston College has acquired 3,000 books and 60,000 manuscripts and notes by British author Graham Greene, making it the largest official archivl~ of the late author in existence. "Graham Greene was arguably the finest, most influential writer in the English language during the 20th century," said Robert O'Neill, . librarian at the university's John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections. In' his announcement O'Neill, who negotiated the acquisition, said Green,e's life and work "promise to interest readers and scholars for many generations to come." Greene, who died in 1991, is the subject of four biographies published last year. Greene's library contains his own works, including "The Quiet American," "The Power and the Glory" and "The Third Man." In nearly half of the books in the collection, Greene made notes in the margins with his almost illegible handwriting, revealing his thoughts on faith and his relationships with women, Latin American guerrillas and Western spies. "These inscriptions and annotations speak to the very nature of his work and faith," said O'Neill, who described the collection as an "enormously rich resource for the study of man's struggle for faith in the modern world." The collection also includes letters from actors Charlie Chaplin, Richard Attenborough, Alec Guinness and former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher as well as several thousand carbon copies of Greene's own letters, providing both sides of his personal and professional correspondence. Five hundred of Greene's books are signed by such authors as George Moore, Evelyn Waugh and Ford Madox Ford. Many inscriptions in the books thank, praise and compliment Greene, while others give insight into his links with women and politicians. "I've b(:en re-reading('Our Man in Havana') all my life, both on

Earth and in space," wrote 8.1. Gretchko, a Soviet cosmonaut who admired Greene's work. "I've learnt it by heart. While in Havana, I specially visited all the places described here. This is the most valuable thing of mine and I give it back to you with gratitude."

VATICAN CITY (CNS)~Just twodaysaftercompletinghis 118th pastoral trip to an Italian city outside of Rome, Pope John Paul II became an honorary member of the Italian Touring Club. The club, which publishes maps and tourist guides and organi7.es trips for its members, gave the pope his membership card during a Vatican audience marking the group's 100th anniversary. The pope told the club members that tourist activities must never ignore the spiritual needs of travelers. He thanked club members for the honorary membership and asked them to cooperate with church authorities preparing for the year 2000 with "appointments and celebrations in Rome, Jerusalem and dioceses throughout the world."

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tiny garments hl~lp

The Anchor Friday, Feb. 10, 1995

grieving parents cope with loss


HOUSTON (CNS) -- A spool of thread, a steady hand and a Sales and Service strong heart: these are the tools for Domestic and Industrial that Clarice Hensler. Betty Collins Oil Bumers and Marie Anthaume, members of St. Joseph Hospital Auxiliary, 995-1631 bring to a volunteer job.that many .·2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE would find too emotionally deNEW BEDFORD manding to undertake. The women sew tiny gowns and matching coverlets for St. J os<:ph's perinatal loss team to have on hand at the tragic moment wl-.en a baby dies during labor and delivery' or in the hospital's newborn intensive care unit. GENERAL CONTRACTORS The volunteers spend hours cut55 Highland Avenue ting and sewing dresses of soft Fall River, MA 02720 white cotton, finishing each with delicate lace, pale ribbon and intri678-5201 cate hand embroidery. Each (.ress and coverlet set is stored at the hospital in a plastic bag wi'~h a note of sympathy tucked inside. Though sad ness clouds their EIGHTH-GRADERS Andrew O'Brien and Maureen Keffer, both 14, present Rep. stitches, the women feel their work Est. 1962 William Goodling, R-Pa., with a T-shirt and letter supporting Catholic schools. The two offers some solace to parents f:iced students were among scores who descended on Cap~tol Hill Feb. I to promote the benefits of with the overwhelming task of sayReligious Catholic education. (CNS/ Wiechec photo) ing goodbye to a child whose life Articles has ended shortly after his or her coming into the world. Books • Gifts Ms. Collins, a longtime hospital volunteer, said the auxiliary was Church Supplies Continued from Page 'One .tow-n, Pa., was a little disappointed the day successful, according to approached with the idea of l:ew"We don't want to become that by mid-afternoon her group Sister Catherine McNamee, a Sis- ing the gowns because some or the 428 Main St:. Hyannis, MA 02601 academies," he added. still had not actually met any conter of St. Joseph of Carondelet babies were even too small for 508·775·4180 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 premature infant clothes. "There Mrs. Keffer chimed in that Cath- gressional,representatives, who had and NCEA president. olic schools operate "on a shoe- been votIng on legislation. But she "It's an educational event for was nothing to bury them in,".she ' string budget, educating children felt it was still worthwhile to "get the students to get some idea of said. for less than $2,000 a year. We're o~r message across." Ms. Hensler and Ms. Collins how the government works," she volunteered their talents, found a here to ask for support. The Delaware group had a little said. Andrew O'Brien, another eighth doll pattern and got to work. Two . The two students in on this more success, spending at least 35 grader from the' Annunciation years later Ms. Anthaume offf:red minutes with Sen. Joseph Bigen, meeting steered clear ofthe.school Sales And Service choice issue~ but did say Cathoiic D-Del. Students asked the senator school in McSherrystown, said the to help. schools were giving them a g60d questions ranging (roil) .if ~e ever . highlight of his:day was "seeing the· . The.trio.have asystel1J whereby Fall River's Largest importance congressmen make" education and preparing them for Ms. Collins p'urchases and t:uts wanted'to become preSIdent ~ he the future. and "how busy they are." said "N'o" - to ,how many years Display of TVs out material and forwards it to . Classmate Maureen said the The principal had chosen the after the death of his first wife did Ms. Anthaume, who hand-ht:ms two to travel the dresses, sews on the lace and to Washington and day's efforts could make a differhe wait before remarrying he RCA - ZENITH - SYLVANIA made the trip with them. ence. "We wouldn't have come ifit does the embroidery. Ms. Hensler, answered five . . 1196 BEDFORD STREET Eighth grader Maureen Keffer Biden, a Catholic, told the group. didn't. Any little bit counts." who sews the coverlets, also keeps 673-9721 of Annunciation of the Blessed -he had initially wanted to be a Andrew, who perhaps had said tabs on the supply available in the Virgin Mary School in McSherryspriest, but then chose public ser- enough during the day, didn't ex- newborn and neonatal inteniiive pand on her comments, but simply care nurseries. vice. Although he said he did not said, "Yeah." want to become president', he Over the past 10 years, the team quickly added that "nuns never has donated 500 coverlet/ d ress ~:ets ,Tea Time· forget," recalling the sister who to St. Joseph's perinatal loss program. Their reception by parents has kept his seventh-grade essay "Christians are like tea bags. You never know what kind you about wanting to be president. has been touching, said Patty • Prompt 24 Hour Service • Automatic Deliveries Just the opportunity to meet are until you are in hot water."Grantom, associate director for senators and representatives made E.S. Whitney maternal fetal services. • Call In Deliveries • Budget Terms Available When a child's life is measu:."ed • Free EstImates in mere seconds, a parent's opporYou Never Had Service tunity to see and hold a ba.by dressed in a beautiful garml:nt Until You Tried Charlie's " before burial or cremation is an We're located at ... important step in resolving gri.ef, Ms. Grantom said. 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River St. Joseph's perinatal loss team orcaJl . .. is made up of staff members who 508-675-7426·674-0709 volunteer their time to "take the clinical edge off' the parents' loss and put it "back into a human, '. feeling perspective," said I\Is . . . Grantom. CHRISTIAN PRO· LIFER Parents are offered the chance to hold their baby, dressed in the HELPER ApOSTOLIC new white gown and wrapped ill a warm blanket, and place the child ADVISOR TRUE on the handmade coverlet in a basRESTOREf.~ sinet provided by the hospital. Often, photographs of this moHOLY MEDICATOR ment are the only tangible memory ANTIABORTIONIST that parents can take home with" ONE them, Ms. Grantom said. CAREGIVEI~ THOMAS PASTERNAK "It's a great gift," she added. LOVING Pharmacist INSTRUCTOR NORTON HIGH SCHOOL students (from left)" C~~ey "The parents are very touched and feel reassured that people recogINFALLIBLE. Churchhill, Jonathon Mattera, Tommy Churchill and Chris SPeCIALIST 202 Rock St. nize that they have had a terrible Belmonte, who comprise the Christian rock band "The Fall River loss." C HARITAHLL HL~!WI(J nSf Legendary Flashlight Lou," will perform in the LaSalette - ---...-...... . .... ..,.....,.....,.. ............. -...........- ...... ----......-..679·1300 The National Catholic Pharmacists Guild ollhe United States Shrine Coffee House 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the cafeteria of the Attleboro Shrine. The evening is geared toward youths and GOD'S ANCHOR Hal will be hosted by Shrine youth minister Brother Dave Dumaine. Information: 222-5410.




Catholic students on Capital Hill

Eastern TelevisiQn

Charlie's Oil Co., ·Inc.

~ Walsh









Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Feb. 10, 1995


Quadriplegic is water ski champ


the overall title, taking third in tricks, second in slalom and setting a world record in the jump.

ATLANTA (CNS) - Bill Furbish is no different from any other athlete in his desire to win. But the challenges he faces are a little different. The 32-year-old Furbish is a quadriplegic, but that doesn't stop him. He qualified for the U.S. Disabled Ski Team for the second time in international competition during the recent National Disabled Water-ski Championship meet in Bartow, Fla. At the meet, Furbish finished first in the jump event, slalom and tricks, winning the overall title. Last year, at the World Disabled Water-ski Championships in Roquebrune, France, he also captured

, ~,



FAMILIES Fetchko photo)

as this. (CNS/

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BOOKS 673-4262 936 So. Main St..

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Rainbows program helps children cope with grief over divorce, death SAN JOSE, Calif. (CNS) When a family experi(:nces a divorce, death or other painful transitions, children often blame themselves and internalize the adults' problems. But a IO-year-old program called Rainbows helps children <leal with grief and'iearn forgiveness through meeting other children who have shared similar experiences. The program is directed ill the Fall River diocese by Sister Eugenia Brady, SJC, who coordinates its activities from the diocl:san Office of Family Ministry. "We heed to teach children how to express their feelings," said Cookie Schrantz, newly certified director of Rainbows in the San Jose diocese, which has had a Rainbows program since 1987. "Through this program, children find out they are entitled to their feelings and that they are special," she said in an interview with the Valley Catholic, diocesan newspaper. "What has happened to their families is not their fault. It is a wonderful curriculum." Catholic in origin but available in a secular format for public schools, Rainbows is offered in 46 states and at least 10 foreign countries. A companion program called Prism offers single parents guidance in understanding the child's world. In the San .J ose program, children meet at school for 12 weekly 40-minute sessions todiscuss self. trust, anger, family and other Issues. "It is not counseling or therapy," said Ms. Schrantz. "It is children helping each other with a trained facilitator." According to Rainbows literature, the goal is "to implant in these grieving children a belief in their own goodness and the value of their own family." Children need skills to cope with the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance - just as adults do. "Unresolved grief can manifest itself in behavior problems," said Ms. Schrantz, whose job began as a part-time position. When grief goes unexpressed, she said, it often shows up in behavioral,academic, physical or emotional changes. In talking with the Valley Catho-


lic, she told the story or"Mary," a middle school student who became moody. Her grades fell, she talked little and was hostile when her peers made friendly overtures. When a classmate asked the school counselor what was wrong, he responded, "Oh, it's just her age." In reality, Mary needed to cope with the fact her mother had been killed over the summer. Through. peer support, Mary was finally able to express ht"r feelings. Had there been a Rainbows program at her school, or 'had the counselo'r been able to identify her need, Mary's situation could have been different. In the Fall River Diocese In 1992, Sister Brady, then an associate director of religious ed ucation in the Fall River Diocesan Department of Education, trained as a registered director for Rainbows and during the following summer in turn trained coordinators and facilitators for three locations in the diocese. Rainbows offered its first sea-

son from Sept. 1993 to April 1994 under the auspices of the Family Ministry Office, finding that not only were children eager to find a safe place to discuss their pains and fears, but that their parents had the same need. In fact, within two weeks of the start of the chiJdren's program, parents were holding a parallel meeting at the same site. Last October Sister Brady joined the Family Ministry staff specifically to work with Rainbows. She said that the program offers youngsters ages 4 to 14 a one-hour support group meeting weekly for six weeks, ending with a "wrap-up day." "The results are truly astonishing," she said, noting that many parents remark on the dramatic change in their children. For more information on Rain-' bows or on setting up a site for the program, Sister Brady may be reached at the Family Life Office, tel. 999-6420, or at tel. (401)8473637.

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Family a'fection fosters positive attitude toward marri.age Children who grow up in families that express their affection and feelings are more likely to have positive views of marriage when they become young adults, according to a recent study py two psychologists. Forty unmarried undergraduates at a Midwestern university were questioned concerning their attitudes toward marriage and their family environment when growing up. Students were asked the degree to which they expected their future marriage to be successful, interesting, and valuable. The students were also asked to assess the level of closeness, expressiveness, and amount of conflict in their family of origin. The results revealed that students from more expressive families held more positive views of their own future potential marriages. Family cohesion strongly linked with family expressiveness, but in this study was not associated with a positive outlook on marriage.

The researchers expected that high levels of conflict in a student's family would result in poorer attitudes about future marriage, but the data did not support this hypothesis. These young adults' expectations regarding marriage were resilient to conflict. Previous research has revealed that children from broken families are less likely to marry and are more prone to experiencing difficulties in their marriage. Some theorists have suggested that general family conflict rather than divorce itself is the cause of many of these negative outcomes. This current study suggests that conflict may not be the cause, but rather a lack of closeness and expressiveness in a family. National Institute for Healthcare Research report



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At diocesan health facilities

DIOC'ESAN.'HEALTH Facilities, the system of four long-term care. facilities' sponso'red by the diocese of Fall' Rive'r, has announced plans to develop a "care management" program for elders living in the community. The "caremanageme'nt" or "case .' man~gement" concept involves coordination of health care services in a cost-effective manner in order to meet an individual's specific health needs. Care management can help reduce the fragmentation of services that may occur when an individual, particularly an elder with a variety of health needs, tries'to obtain services from many different sources. Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of D HF, said that there were two reasons behind the new program. "First, we would like to extend our system's services and expertise into the community, to assist more elders in their health care needs." "We also have a concern for elders who do not require a nursing home placement" yet clearly need help in coordinating their health care. Other local agencies do provide case management, but we see the need growing. We believe that we could be a resource for many elders," Father Fitzgerald said. 'The program's first phase will provide care management services to the communities of Acushnet, Fairhaven, Marion and Mattapoisett. Program services will extend to include New Bedford, Wareham, Dartmouth and Westport in its second phase. The care manager will be based at Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. The system is currently conducting a search for a care manager, who will be a registered nurse with a background in community nursing. The program is anticipated to begin in June, both to accept clients and to inform elders and possible referral sources about what a care manager can do. "For many people, the concept of a care manager is a new one," said Father Fitzgerald. "But for an older person, or sometimes the family of that person, the care manager can help assess needs and identify good quality, cost-effective services to meet those needs. Very often, people are at a loss as to what is needed, who provides it and how to evaluate it." The new program stresses care ..'" management rather than case \~ management, Father Fitzgerald ;:- said. "People aren't just cases to us..We care about people's needs, .;{;, not1'.nly health care needs but also ~··socia:1 and spiritual needs. We want ~ them. to get services thaLwill help ~I' q,:' them improve their quality of life .~ in the community." The care manager will work within the' network of health and elder services available in the Fairhaven-Marion area, as well as with local parishes, both Catholic and of other denominations. Costs for care management services will be based on a sliding fee scale.

* * * *

OUR LADY'S HAVEN began celebrations to mark its fiftieth anniversary with a Mass for residents and their families on Feb. 4. The nursing home was established by the diocese 50 years ago on that date. Employees, residents, families and friends are planning a calendar of events for the anniversary year. Some events will highlight the


Haven.'s place in Fairhave~ history. in nursing at UMass Dartmouth. Upcoming events include: She has worked at the Memorial - AVictorian Tea in the home's Home as a certified nurse aide and restored dining room, 2 - 5' 'p.m. at St. Luke's Hospital, New BedApril 30; ford, as a registered nurse in, the - Mass of Thanksgiving, 4:30 orthopedic unit. p.m. Sept. 10 to be celebrated by - Lorraine M. Stone, R.N., c., Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM, head nurse. Mrs. Stone has worked Cap., followed by dinne,r and danc- at the Memorial Home for 16 ing at the Century. House, Acush- years. A Fall River resident, she earned her nursing diploma from net· -.:.... Historic Walking Tour ofthe Diman Regional School of PractiHaven neighborhood, I, p.m. and cal Nursing and an associate's de2:30 p.m.. Oct. I. gree in nursing from Bristol ComThe structure that today is Our munity College. Lady's Haven was originally the - Elaine M. Medeiros, R.N., Tabitha Inn, built by Henry Hut- c., head nurse. Mrs. Medeiros has tleston Rogers in 1905 to accom- also worked as a supervisor at the modate socially prominent visitors Memorial Home. She' holds a dito the Fairhaven area. ploma from St. Anne's School of The building was designed by Nursing. architect Charles Brigham to re-Susan Easton Freeland, R.N., semble an English. Tudor manor. C., documentation coordinator. A FATHER WILLIAM Harnischfeger was ordained at age Among frequent guests was Rog- resident of Middletown, RI, Mrs. ers' close friend, Mark Twain., Freeland earned her nursing di- 70 after practicing cardiology for 38 years. (eNS photo) The use of the Tabitha Inn as a ploma from Rhode Island Hospihotel continued after Roger's death tal School ofNursing. She attended in 1909, as it evolved from a semiMount Ida College, Newton, and private guest house into a comis currently enrolled in the health mercial hotel. From 1942 to 1944, care administration bachelor's dethe inn was occupied by Coast gree program at St. Joseph ColGuard trainees studying at New lege, Maine. SUN CITY, Ariz.(CNS)- The tions, selected to enter medical Bedford Vocational School. - Eleanor E. Codega, R. N., c., Phoenix diocese's only priestly school in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1944, the building was purclinical nurse manager. Mrs. Coordination in 1993 was of William In 1952, Father Harnischfeger chased by the RomaIlt Catholic dega has worked previously as the Harnischfeger, a retired physician, moved to the United States, and diocese of Fall River and renonursing documentation coordinaordained on his 70th birthday. began an internship at Evanston vated as a home for the elderly. It tor at the Memorial Home, staff But age doesn't slow down this Hospital in Illinois. There he met was staffed by the Carmelite Sisdevelopment coordinator at Fall priest. He gets up at 5 a.m. to pray future wife, a registeTt~d nurse, his ters for the Aged and Infirm. RenRiver Nursing Home, a staff nurse ovations at the back of the build- at ILGWU Health Center and a and to exercise. Prior to ordina- and they married in 1955. tion, he would lead a daily rosary The couple moved to Norfolk, ing in the 1950s increased the head nurse at the former Union at his parish at 7:05 a.m., and Va., where he became a U.S. citihome's capacity to accept more Hospital, Fall River. She holds a assist at 7:30 a.m. Mass. zen and also served in the Navy as residents and provide new servnursing diploma from Union HosHe also did quite well in his a doctor. Later in the Chicago ices, while maintaining all the pital School of Nursing and was a accelerated program of seminary area, then-Dr. Harnischfeger praccharacter of the original structure. past president of its Alumnae AsWhile the Haven still retains its sociation. Sh.e als?1 a.ttended Bris- studies. "ForaJtold buck, I wasn't ticed cardiology and ta.ught at diocesan sponsorship, the Carme- tol Community C.ollege. Mrs. too bad. I made six A's and one Northwest~rn University. In 1976, he and his ,wife, Irene'moved to lite sisters retired from the home in Codega.has worked at t/1e Memor- AI B," Father Harnischfeger told The Catholic Sun, Phoenix's Sun City. 1985. Today a skilled nursing facilial Home for over four years. diocesan newspaper. In 1984, Mrs. Harnischfegerdeity serving 117 men and women, , ~ Karen O'Hara, R.N., c., diWhile studying at Sacred Heart veloped Alzheimer's disease. Her the Haven's services include both rector o,f nursing documentation. School of Theology in Wisconsin, husband cared for her at their long-term and short-term care, Mrs. O'Hara is a,Newport, Rl resrehabilitative programs, pain manident and holds a bachelor's degree which specializes in older voca- home until she died six years later. By then he was a year into studyagement services, Hospice, respite in nursing from Rhode Island Col- tions, Father Harnischfeger.'s rep. care and IV therapies. lege. She worked previously as an utation for fitness spread so much ing for the permanent dia,cOIlate. Father Harnischfeger spends the For information about the anacute care nurse at Rhode Island among his fellow seminarians they niversary events, call the Haven at . Hospital and she has had several once placed. a bet on whether he bulk of his time as a chaplain for 999-4561. yea.rs of experience in long-term .would eat red meat or fish in the patients and doctors at Boswell Memorial Hospital in Sun City, .care, including over four years at cafeteria. While there, he also refurbished where he worked as a doctor for 13 SEVEN NURSING professionCatholic Memorial Home. the seminar.y's' exercise room, years. als at Catholic Memorial Home, bringing in new equipment and Fall River, have earned certifica"This is a wonderful time 'for developing an exercise' program peopl~ to see their lives and grow tion in gerontological nursing from for seminarians and staff. ' the American Nurses Association. spiritually with the right pastoral Sacred Heart Home, New BedBefore his ordination, Father care," said the priest, adding that The ANA established the certiHarnischfeger had a different title he also hopes to be "a spiritual ford, will hold its annual Valenfication program to recognize protine's event, "We Care Day," on before his name: Dr. Harnisch- guide for the doctors." . fessional achievement in specific Feb. 14. Activities will begin with feger. He practiced cardiology for areas of nursing. Gerontological He said his time as a doc:tor, his coffee and pastry served in the 38 years. nurses are concerned with planbrushes with death and the: deaths auditorium from 7 to 10 a.m. Chef Born in Germany in 1923, Father of his wife and two of his brothers ning, implementing and evaluatHarnischfeger had dreams to be- have, prepared him well for chapJohn Chicca will prepare a meat ing health care to meet the needs of pie luncheon for staff members, come a priest, but World War II' lain ministry. older persons, identifying their families and friends of the home. . intervened. He was drafted into strengths, and assisting them in "Unless you know how to deal Lollipops and balloons can be the German army, trained as a with death in your own life, you maximizing their independence. ordered in advance for delivery to medic, and assigned to an infantry obviously are of no help to someThe nurses earning certification are: division fighting in southern Russia. one who is dying," Father Harnanyone in the home. After one battle, he rescued an ischfeger said. - Beverly Silva, R.N., C., cliniinjured Russian soldier and carcal nurse manager. A Portsmouth, He added it took him all his life ried him on his back to the aid to come to this point because God RI resident, Mrs. Silva has had station. He himself was later was carefully guiding him through experience as a district nurse in wounded when a Russian grenade a myriad of life experiences to Fall River and as supervisor. for a . exploded iIi his bunker, piercing prepare him for this ministry. home care agency. She earned her Diabetes Information the right side of his face with 54 nursing diploma from St. Anne's "The vocation to the priesthood DIAL, the Diabetes Informa- shrapnel pieces - four of which is a mystery because God chooses School of Nursing and is currently tion Action line, provides easy 'are still embedded - and destroy- us, and he prepares us for a speenrolled in a social and health servaccess to information about dia- ing his right eye. ices program at Roger Williams cific vocation, and someti.mes it betes, risk factors and preventaFather Harnischfeger cheated takes a long time until we are College. Mrs. Silva has worked a't tive measures Monday through death a second time when he was the Memorial Home for over five ready and humbled enough by Friday during business hours. Call sent off by train to a hospital. years. She is a member of the St. God to do his ministry," he said. 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342- Other wounded soldiers were taken Anne's School of Nursing Alum23837; the extra digit is correct.) nae Association. on a plane, which was shot down, - Lisa Marie Piela, R.N., c., Work Opportunities leaving no survivors. staff nurse. Ms. Piela is a Fall Elder Services of Cape Cod and After the war, he had his choice River resident who holds an assothe Islands, Inc., has jobs available of priestly or medical studies. He ciate's degree in nursing from Bris20 hours a week for income-eligible said he believes God answered the tol Community College and is people 55 and older. Information: question when he was one of only working toward a bachelor's degree 1-800-244-4630 or 394-4630. 37 people, out of 13,000 applica-

Retired doctor has second career - as a priest

• • • •

"We Care Day"

councils on aging

THE ANCHOR-Diocese 'of Fali River-Fri., Feb. 10, 1995

Among the hierarchy : ITALIAN CARDINAL Pietro Pavan, an important contributor to historic church documents on social justice, died Dec. 26 at Rome's Gemelli Hospital at age 91. , An influential advise:r to P~pe John XXIII and a leading theological expert at the Second Vatican Council, Cardinal Pavan was rewarded with a cardinal's hat in 1985. Cardinal Pavan worked on a number of conciliar and pontifical documents throughout his career as an academic, but declined to claim any credit for those signed by a pope. Vatican sources said he was the chief contributor to two of Pope John XXIII's encyclicals, "Mater et Magistra" ("Mother and Teacher") and "Pacem in Terris" ("Peace on Earth"). Both were groundbreaking documents on the social implications of the Gospel. At Vatican II, Cardinal Pavan was a leading theological voice in the preparation of the Declaration on Religious Liberty, which proclaimed religious freedom as a human and civil right. In 1969 he was na med rector of the Lateran University, a post which he held until his retirement in 1973.

... ... ...


POPE JOHN PAUL 11 has named Msgr. Sean Brady, former rector of Rome's Irish College and currently a pastor in Ballyhaise, Ireland, to be coadjutor archbishop of Armagh, Ireland's primatial see. Archbishop-designate Brady, 55, will serve as coadjutor to Cardinal Cahal Daly, 77, who has been archbishop of Armagh, Northern Ireland, for four years. Bishopdesignate Brady has the automatic right to succeed Cardinal Daly as archbishop but not as cardinal, although traditionally the archbishop of Armagh eventually has been appointed cardinal. On his 75th birthday, Cardinal Daly submitted his resignation as required under canon law. However, acceptance is a prerogative of the pope. Archbishop-designate Brady was

born in Laragh, Ireland, Aug. 16, 1939. In 1964 he was ordained for the diocese of Kilmore after earning a degree in ancient classics from St. Patrick's CoIlege, Maynooth, and studying in Rome at the Irish College and Lateran University. In 1967 he waS awarded a doctorate in canon law. He taught la nguages at St. Patrick's College, Cavan, and was secretary to the bishop of Kilmore diocese. He was vice rector of the Irish College in Rome, becoming rector in 1987. The number of Irish couples who went to Rome for their weddings increased during his stay, as hundreds of couples traveled there to have Archbishop-designate Bra~y officiate. Cardinal Daly said he was pleased that the pope had granted him the help of a cOlldjutor and that Msgr. Brady had been appointed.

... ... ... ... ARCHBISHOP OSCAR H. Lipscomb of Mobile, Ala., thwarted an armed assault outside his home Jan. 15. His clerical garb may have saved him from death or serious injury. The 63-year-old archbishop said that when he returned to his residence at night from a parish meeting, he felt a hand on his shoulder as he was about to unlock his back door. He turned to find a young man waving a gun at him wildly and muttering incoherently. Archbishop Lipscomb said he felt outraged at being attacked "in my own back yard and at my own back door" and tried to take the . gun away from his assililant'. After a brief struggle, he said, the gunman regained control of the gun, pointed it at him and threatened to kill him. Then the man apparently noticed the archbishop's clerical atti.re and asked. if he was a priest. "Yes, I'm the archbishop," Archbishop lipscomb answered. He said the man replied, "That's the only reason you are going to live." Then he backed away and fled to the street. Archbishop Lipscomb said he

DISCUSSING PLANS for the annual dinner board meeting of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, to be held March 14 at the Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea, are from left Bella Nogueira, DCCW president; Very Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, DCCW moderator; and Kitsy Lancisi, the organization's first vice-president. Bishop Sean O'Malley will be honored guest at the meeting, to which those attending are asked to bring an item for an infant's layette, to be donated to Birthright.


went inside right away and caIled the police, fearing his still-armed assailant might try to attack someone else. Apart from a slight cut on his thumb the archbishop suffered no injuries. As of Jan. 23 police had no leads about his attacker.


... ...


POPE JOHN Paul II has accepted the resignations of two Chicago auxiliary bishops and named three priests to be their successors. Auxiliary Bishops Alfred L. Abramowicz and Timothy J. Lyne, both 75, are retiring. The new Chicago auxiliaries are: - Father Edwin M. Conway, director of the Chicago archdioce~an Department of Human ServIces. - Father Gerald F. Kicanas, rector of the Mundelein Seminary of the University of St. Mary of the Lake. - Jesuit Father George V. Murry, associate provost of the University of Detroit-Mercy. ...




"I CAN'T wait to get to know you better," Bishop Edward J. O'ConneIl told the people of Lafayette as he became the fifth bishop of the Louisiana see. "The pope could have sent you a bishop who is wiser than I, holier than I, more eloquent than I," Bishop O'DonneIl said at his Dec. THE NEW NEW YEAR: Youths perform a traditional 16 installation at Lafayette's CaVietnamese fan dance during a celebration of the lunar new thedral of St. John the Evangelist. "But the pope could not have sent year at St. Ann Church, Charlotte, NC. More than 1,000 you a bishop who would love you people attended Mass and festivities with Bishop William G. more, who would be willing to Curlin. (CNS photo) devote himself more completely to you than I am today," he added. Some 30 bishops and archbishops attended the ceremonies; including Archbishop Justin F. Rigali of St. Louis; Coadjutor Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St. Lady of Lourdes, the pope reflected VATICAN CITY (CNS) Paul-Minneapolis, former bishop While sickness and suffering in- on the close relationship between of Lafayette; and Archbishop crease during times of conflict, the "pain and peace." Francis B. Schulte of New Orleans, "When there is not peace," the praye"rs and sacrifices of the sick pope said, "suffering spreads and who presided at the instaIlation. and suffering can help bring peace ARCHBISHOP JOHN Bukov- to the world, Pope John Paul II. death increases its power. In social communities, as weIl as in fami. sky, a naturalized U. S. citizen and said. lies, the loss of peaceful underIn a message prepared for the member of the Divine Word So1995 World Day of the Sick, ob- •standing translates into a proliferciety, has been named the Vatican's diplomatic representative in served Feb. II, the feast of Our ation of attacks on life." 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Russia. The appointment of the Pope John Paul said the main he was also made chanceIlor of the celebration of the World Day of 70-year-old archbishop, who has served as nuncio to Romania for exarchate. the Sick would be held at the BasilBorn in Aleppo, Syria, the the past four years, was announced ica of Our Lady of Peace in YamousDec. 20 at the Vatican. The post bishop-designate was ordained in soukro, Ivory Coast. . 1948. Between 1976 and 1984, he does not carry the title nuncio. The elaborate marble and stainedIn Moscow, Archbishop Bukov- served the Mekhitarists as general glass church was built by the late administrator, provincial superior sky will succeed Aryhbishop Franpresident of the Ivory Coast, Felix cesco Colasudnno, whom the pope and administrator, and abbot Houphouet-Boigny, and accepted general. recently named as nuncio to Italy. by the Vatican only after local He resigned that post in 1984 to Archbishop Bukovsky began his officials agreed to include social go to the United States with the studies for the priesthood in his service centers in the basilica comnative Slovakia and continued mission of establishing a school plex. network to benefit children of them in the United States at the The pope said the gathering in ' Divine Word Seminary in Techny, Armenian descent. Africa calls on the whole church to The. Armenian Catholic exarIII., where he later served as rector. reflect on the ties between conflict Ordained to the priesthood in 1950, chate has six parishes and 38,000 Catholics. Six priests and 14 nuns and suffering. he became a U.S. citizen in 1958. Many modern situations, "which serve the exarchate, a church juris... ... ... ... show whole populations tried by diction similar to a diocese. POPE JOHN Paul 11 has apenormous hardships because of ... ... ... ... pointed Father Hovhannes Tertruthless conflicts," show that "the POPE JOHN Paul II has named zakian, rector of the New York highest price is often paid by the Armenian Catholic cathedral, as Cardinal Adam J. Maida of Detroit weakest." a member of the Congregation for the new exarch for Armenian CathHe offered special prayers and olics in the United States and Catholic Education. encouragement for all who suffer, For the past five years, the new Canada. acknowledging that it is not easy Bishop-designate Tertzakian, 70, cardinal has been a consultor to "to answer God's call to be peacethe congregation, which oversees succeeds Bishop Nerses Setian, makers through the offering of whose resignation as exarch was Catholic seminaries, schools and your pain." universities. accepted in October 1993, when he He al$o asked doctors, nurses In early December, the- pope turned 75 years old. and all who work with the sick to also named Cardinal Maida a Bishop-designate Tertzakian has be peacemakers by loving all who been rector of St. Ann Armenian member of the Congregation for come to them for treatment and Catholic Cathedral in New York Clergy and of the Pontifical Counrecognizing the presence of Christ since 1986. Bishop Setian appoint- cil for the Pastoral Care of Miin all who suffer. grants and Travelers. ed him pro··exarch in 1989. In 1990

Pope asks world's sick to offer their pain for peace


Catechist calls for "passionate witness" to Eucharist

THE ANCHOR --Diocese of Fall River 路路Fri., Feb. 10, 1995

Study says alcoholism u:]derestimated in religious W, \ITER PARK, Fla. (CNS) - Rlligious superiors underestimate the extent of alcoholism in their ommunities, according to a natio:;al survey of men and women religious. Gerald H. Early, executive directo. of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University in Washington, presented the survey findings to about 55 priests at a recent symposium in Winter Park, sponsored by the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems. "We live in a culture of denial," Early said. "But the overall study shows a strong culture of recovery among religious, so there is great hope." CA RA researchers contacted 289 communities of men religious and 706 communities of women religious, with an average response rate of 54 percent. They found a disturbing lack of knowledge among religious superiors, Early said. "The study indicates that 306 men and 370 women members of religious orders are believed to be in need of treatment for alcohol' abuse," he said. "At the same time, only 28 men and 27 women religious are reported as now being in residential treatment." According to Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholics make up about 10 percent of each gender. The CARA study found, however, that II percent of men religious and 3 percent of women religious "report problems with alcohol," Early said. "The numbers are rising among women, both in and out of the religious orders." Diocesan priests were not included in the CARA survey. Although the overall percentages are about the same in religious orders and the general population, some differences exist between ttie typical alcoholic and an alcoholic in religious life. Those in religious life report getting drunk with some regularity later in life than their peers who are not in religious life (35 years old for religious vs. 26 years old for nonreligious). Alcohol tends to interfere with the lives of religious at age 39 as opposed to age 29 for others, and they tend to express concern for their own drinking at 41 years of age vs. 31 for those not in religious life. Reasons for alcohol intake varied, according to the C A RA study, but the leading reasons given were feelings of loneliness, the experience of alcoholic parents, guilt, depression and ministerial ineffectiveness. The average stay in a treatment

center was just under three months. Early said the findings suggest that those who never attended an AA meeting and those who have been in treatment for six months or more are considered most likely to suffer an alcoholic relapse. Recovering alcoholics, whether involved in AA programs or not, report great spiritual growth during and after recovery, according to the CARA study. Fully 99 per-cent of recovering men and women surveyed report a better understanding of self and others and more dependence on God's grace as a result of their recovery. "I think this study shows that AA still works," said Father William Clausen of Rockford, 111., who has been affiliated with the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism for 25 years. "Both the work of the NCCA and the Catholic Church support AA programs, and we will continue to say that alcoholism is a disease that needs to be conguered. This study backs that up." The study results, once finalized and approved by the CARA research board, will be compiled in a book expected to be published in April.

Priest leaves over $1 million to Josephinum College COLUMBUS, Ohio (CNS) He wasn't an alumnus and he had visited 路the campus only once, but Father Virgil J. Riedlinger of the diocese of Toledo, Ohio, left a bequest of about $1,250,000 to the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. Father Blase J. Cupich, president and rector of the only pontifical college outside Italy, said a fund set up with the bequest will .provide as many as 10 students a year with full or partial scholarships. _ Born in 1910, Father Riedlinger was ordained in Toledo in 1939 and served in parishes there until his 1976 retirement. He died last June. The Josephinum is a' four-year college and grad uate school accepting a variety of students but designed primarily for priestly formation. Since its founding in 1888, it has prepared more than 1,500 priests for nearly every state and more than 20 countries. A college spokeswoman said Father Riedlinger's large estate apparently was the result of shrewd stock market investments and a simple lifestyle that included growing his own vegetables and canning fruit.

WHO WILL HELP ME? Arguments between United Nations agencies and nongovernmental organizations over who should do what in troubled Rwanda mean little to this young refugee suffering from dysentery who protects himself from the rain as he awaits attention at a makeshift clinic. (eNS/ Reuters photo)

Aid to needy nations slowed by bureaucratic red tape WASHINGTON (CNS) - If Refugee Services for the U.S. running refugee programs for mil- Catholic Conference, said he hears lions of displaced Rwandans were complaints in his new position not enough, NGOs' or nongovern- about battles for funding between mental organizations working in NGOs and the governments of the African region also contend countries that are trying to rebuild. "The money is flowing through with United Nations disputes and the NGOs instead of through traall-but-disintegrated church social ditional institutions," said Father structures, said two Jesuit refugee Ryscavage, who now holds a tutorexperts . Nine months after civil war broke ship with the refugee studies proout in Rwanda, the Catholic gram of Oxford University. That means struggling governChurch is still in disarray, said ments have more trouble rebuildFather Mark Raper, international ing schools, public services or otner director of Jesuit Refugee Service institutions while the NGOs become at a recent briefing. Three of the increasingly important. The outcountry's nine bishops and hunside agencies struggle to be helpful dreds of priests, nuns and lay religious leaders were killed in massa- as long as necessary but take care not to step into the work of governcres that left hundreds ofthousands ments. dead. Meanwhile, in areas like Rwanda "It's very awkward and it's not where the United Nations is supbeing resolved easily," Father posed to be helping the new governRaper said. Even survivors of the ment get established, the massive massacres are traumatized and do bureaucracy of some U.N. agennot quite know where to start to rebuild their previously strong cies is enough to make some NGOs reluctant to deal with them at all, Catholic communities. The majorsaid Father Raper. ity of Rwandans are .Catholic. "Some say it would be optimisMore damaging to the potential for rebuilding the church is that . tic to say that of the staff of some church authorities apparently UNESCO in Paris, half of them were coerced into making lists of work,~' acc~rding to Father Raper. potential targets for the squads of "And we have people in Bosnia who say they don't work with the killers who sought to eradicate Tutsis, said Father Raper. AlU.N. High Commissioner on Huthough a majority of Rwandans man Rights because they have to are ethnic Hutus, most of the put in 20 copies of any paperwork." priests and religious are Tutsi. In Rwanda, NGOs are constantly shifting their roles, he said. "Even if there were only a few [collaborators], they're significant," "N ow we are being asked to pick he said. up what the United Nations will Complicating the work of relief not or is incapable of doing," agencies is ongoing confusion and Father Raper said. As the U.N. disagreement about the roles of role diminishes, needs being transvarious U.N. agenciesandNGOs, ferred to NGOs range from prosuch as Jesuit Refugee Service or viding shelter to helping people the U.S. bishops' Catholic Relief maintain a sense of hope.. Services. Relief agencies also have learned Father Richard Ryscavage, forto concern themselves with details like the importance of sending mer director of Migration and

NEW ORLEANS (CNS) - The church needs "a desert e:{pericnce" of spiritual renewal if it is to effectively evangelize the young who are becoming increasir..gly路 disaffected by institutional religion, said a speaker at a recent ca.techetical conference in New Orleans. In a keynote addres~ to 1,600 catechists from across the United States, Elinor Ford :;aid that among the warning signs of a "church comatose" is th,~ low percentage of teen-agel's who bother to step inside a church. The former chief exe,:utive officer of the William H. Sadlier Co., said she has visited dozens of Catholic schools in th,~ last 18 months as a catechetica.l consultant and has found out why students are "suffering from the blahs." "We cannot teach until those to whom we try to give the word see and feel us living what w,~ are saying:' she told the catechists. "All we are doing is spray-painting kids with what the Eucharist is all about instead of the other way around. What would happen to the church in America ifeverybody Vias a passionate witness to the Eucharist? Not a witness - a passionate witness." And then she talked about Madonna, the pop icon. "Let's say it like it is: How does she engage her audience? When she speaks, she speaks with passion," Ms. Ford said. "I ask the kids, 'You're all excited about computers but you're not excited about Jesus.' Those kids let me have it right between the eyeballs. They say, 'Why should we care about church when we don't see many people your age who are really passionate about what they believe?' "I go home and look in the mirror and say the kids are absolutely right," Ms. Ford added. "I have spent my life philosophizing, theorizing, writing. speaking anj spraypainting people, but have r shared my passion? The answer is no." She divided the church into three categories - "church comatose, church nostalgic and church breathing" - and said all three need a "desert experience." "We need to be spiritually renewed," she said, citing a recent Carnegie Foundation report that indicated nearly 50 percent of children under the age of 12 in America are unsupervised for three to six hours a day. "Their brains are rattling along the electronic highway," she said. "Their brains have been going, but their hearts have been marooned. And all the research shows that those kids who are left unsuper. vised are already into drugs and alcohol and trouble. Then their families wiIl send them to you and say, 'Do your thing. Makt: these kids good.''' She said if religious educators talk to children about a beautiful God, the child's response might be: "How can you tell me thi:; thing called Jesus, that I can't see, loves me when those creatures who a're closest to me do not care whether I am dead or alive?" 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II

volunteers who speak the appropriate languages and who have the life experience to be able to defuse volatile situations. . "Sending younger people who don't understand is very risky in a conflict like this," he said.

Iteering p

Meeting discusses future of ministry


LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Father Joe Ross leads :Bible study classes 10 a.m., repeated 7: 15 p.m., Wednesdays in the classroom above the gift shop. Information: 222-5410. CORPUS CHRISTI, E. SANDWICH Pro-Life Committee will conduct Eucharistic Adoration for Life 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Benediction Feb. 17, parish center. ST. ANNE, FR St. Anne novena service 3 p.m. Sunday. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Ultreya brunch and meeting II a.m. Sunday, Christine's Restaurant, West Dennis. Reservation needed; call Carl Zopatti, 385-9152. CursilIistas will attend 10 a.m. Mass. HOLY TRINITY, W, HARWICH Mid-Cape Calix Socil~ty for persons recovering from addictive diseases will meet 6:30 p.m. Sunday, church hall. Information: 394-8149. CATHEDRAL CENTER of RENEWAL, E. FREETOWN Youth Ministry Services Peer Leadership Training Retreat Feb. 10-12. Registrations being accepted for Bishop's Day of Renewal for Laity (Feb. 25); information: 7633994. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Vocalist Paul Ferullo will perform at Guild meeting I p.m. Feb. 13; infant clothing will be collected for Birthright.

PARISH PUBLICITY persons are invited to submit their weekly parish bulleUn and news items of interest to Steering Points, the Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 0272~.

SAINT ANNE'S Hospital, Fall River, has announced appointment of Mitchell M. Levy, MD, as in-house staff internist. A magna ~um laude graduate of the University of New York at Buffalo, he was later chief medical resident at the Presbyterian Medical Center of the University of Colorado. Dr. Levy is board certified in internal and critical care medicine and is course chairperson for a national program, "Controversies in Critical Care." He has taught at the medical schools of the University of Hawaii and of Dalhousie University in Canada, at both of which he received awards for excellence in teaching. He has been published in various professional journals.

TEAMS OF OUR LADY, NB Teams of Our Lady will observe World Marriage Day at 11:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. Feb. 12, at St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford. All married couples welcome. CURSILLO Cursillo Movement Leader's School 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15, Bishop Connolly High School, FR; all welcome. HOSPICE OUTREACH, INC., FR On Jan 4, Gov. William Weld signed into law a bill that will make Hospice services a covered benefit for insured people who face terminal illness. ESPIRITO SANTO, IFR Adoration of Blesst:d Sacrament daily until 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 5 p.m. Wednesdays, 10 p.m. Thursdays, 4 p.m. Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. Sundays.

Vision for future BELFAST, Northern Ireland (CNS) - Ulster Unionist Party official Jeffery Donaldson said he looks toward equitable government guaranteed rights 1'01' all of Northern Ireland's people. He said that such a system should recognize the Catholic commu nity's links with the Irish republic and the Protestant community's ties to Great Britain. Dona.ldson, one of four leading party officials called honorary secretaries, said he has been busier than ever trying to help capitalize on th'e potential for peaceful resolution of the province's troubles following the Irish Republican Army's declaration of a cease-fire in its armed campaign against British rule.

WAS HINGTON (CNS) - "You cannot ignore this church. What happens to the Catholic ministerial system is going to affect everyone in this nation," Father Thomas路J. Harvey, president emeritus of Catholic Charities USA, recently told reporters. Father Harvey, now a Pittsburgh pastor, was among leaders at a national meeting in Washington on the future of ministry. The parley set the stage for a national grassroots consultation on needs, directions and the shape of Catholic ministry in years to come. The leaders plan to reconvene in 1995 and to make concrete recommendations by :1996 for models of ministry in the U.S. Catholic Church going into the 21 st century. "We are dealing with questions of the shortage of priests, the credibility of our ministers, the training of our ministers, where they will come from, and how ministry will best serve the church of the future," said Timothy B. Ragan, founder and president of the National Center for Pastoral Leadership, which convened the meeting. Among participants were bishops, superiors of religious orders, college and university officials, theologians, diocesan department directors, catechetical directors, ministry formation leaders, pastoral plannl~rs, pastors, campus ministry leaders and heads of Catholic hospitals, publishing houses, social ministries and national organizations. The group avoided trying to prod uce models of ministry at the meeting, saying broader national consultation and reflection are needed first. Ministry is changing in the U.S. church already, said Father Harvey, but largely at the local level and as a response to need rather than by planning. "I've got to believe," he said, "that between expediency, which seems to be where the creative breakthroughs are taking pla<;e. and the路 recognition of a common need there is no game plan yet." He said the question of ministry is not just a matter of an internal

church debate, but affects American society as a whole. As one example, he said, "if our parishes aren't open [in inner cities] over the weekend, people starve and people freeze." He cited Catholic health care and higher education - both by far the largest private systems in the nation - as other indicators of the impact of Catholic ministry on the larger society. "As a bishop I welcome this process. It gives me hope," said Bishop Raymond A. Lucker of New Ulm, M inn., a member of the center's advisory board and one of three bishops at the meeting. "There is a renewal going on in Scripture studies, in theology, in social action and social justice work, in the involvement of the laity in the life and ministry of the churc.h, the liturgy, in all aspects of church life," he said. "And this renewal is not just on the top. It affects grassroots people." Ragan said the most important issues identified by meeting participants were the need for development of: - A new model of shared decision-making in the church. - A recognition and utilization of the gifts and abilities of women "at every level of decision-making, administration and ministry." - Creative ministerial responses to the needs of youth and young adults. - Deeper reverence for and ownership of a multicultural church that values both its unity and its diversity. On the question of valuing diversity, Diana L. Hayes, an associate professor of theology at Georgetown University, told reporters, "In gatherings like this ... I am usually one of only one or two or, if we're really on a roll, three persons of color in the room." While that was also true of the ministry planning meeting, she said, "one of the things about this group here i~ its overwhelming recognition of and enthusiasm for making change .... This consultation is very much engaged in attempting to recognize the contributions of

blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans." The National Center for Pastoral Leadership, which convened the Washington meeting, was formed in 1992 by Ragan and a group of Catholic institutional leaders.

SOAR grants to religious reach $1.5 million SILVER SPRING, Md. (CNS) - A laity-led campaign that raises funds for retired religious gave $226,753 in grant awards to Catholic religious orders during 1994. The campaign, Support Our Aging Religious (SOAR), has given over $1.5 million in grants since it was established in 1986. In 1994, SOAR awarded grants to 22 religious communities from California to Massachusetts. The grants ranged from $2,000 to a special grant of $50,000. These funds were to assist some congregations to install a fire alarm system; renovate a room for disabled; repair a leaking infirmary roof; purchase a nurse call system, some hospital beds and other medical and therapy equipment. Upon receiving the news of their award, one assistant provincial wrote to SOAR saying, "We received your grants award on Dec. 22 and believe me, it was a real Christmas gift! We had hoped for some contribution but did not think we would receive the total amount." SOAR, which has its headquarters in the Washington suburb of Silver Spring, is separate from the Tri-Conference Retirement Office and its Retirement Fund for Religious campaign. An annual national collection for tht<.. campaign has raised about $150 million since it started in 1988. The tri-conference was established by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. During the bishops' November 1994 meeting they approved expanding the office to include the Conference of Major Superiors of Women Religious.


ANTHONY WEATHERFORD has joined the staff of Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, as vice-president ofhuman resources. He comes to his new post from the Sisters of Providence Health System in Springfield, where he was in various senior executive posts, most recently as corporate vice-president for human resources. He has extensive experience in training and education, personnel management and labor relations. A graduate of the University of San Francisco, he is also a registered n.urse.

StreeVPO Box

This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River FEITELBERG INS. AGENCY DURO FINISHING CORP. GILBERT C. OLIVERIA INS. AGENCY GLOBE MFG. CO.

St. Mary - Sacred Hea~rt

Bishop Stang High NORTH DARTMOUTH - On Parents' Course Selection Nights, 7 to 9 p.m. March 12 and 14 in the school cafeteria, parents will have the opportunity to review courses offered and help their son or daughter select classes for the 1995-96 school year. . "Considerable time and effort have been spent on establishing a process that will best serve the students in course selection," said counselor Jim Lanagan. "Because parent and student sign the course selection form approving the student's academic schedule, it is important to take the time and to use the resources available in making academic decisions." Senior Adam Gula is among 350 students in the nation selected to attend the National Young Leaders Conference to be held in Washington, DC, March 14 to 19. Sessions will include panel discussions, meetings, policy ' briefings and role-playing activities. "I'm really looking forward to this conference," said Gula. "I've always wanted to experience federal-level politics and this is an excellent opportunity to begin." His interest in politics began to develop in the summer of 1992, when Gula was a student ambassador to the former Soviet Union. "Discussing differences between nations opened my eyes," he said. "Ever since that trip, being involved in politics became my dream." When he enters college, Gula aspires to be a political science major with an international law minor. "My parents have been incredibly supportive," he said~ "They have encouraged me to volunteer for campaigns and to meet with represent.atives on the local and state leveL" He communicates with P91iticians on e-mail, and also enjoys debates with faculty and administration. "A lot of ' teachers have kept me on the right track," Gula said. "Mr. Z [Robert Zukowski, principal of students) engages me in political discussions all the time." Sarah Gifford, !l competitive gymnast since age four who aspires to combine her love for sports with her interest in medicine, has been invited to the 1995 National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine, to be held in . B.oston July ~I-Aug. 10. High school juniors and seniors who participate learn from research scientists and scholars, visit labs and hospitals and attend classes focusing on biomedical technology.. Math and business teacher Julie Niewola spent part of Christmas break with 7,000 cheerleaders in Knoxville, Tenn. Assistant cheering coach for Somerset High School, she accompanied coach Pauline Camarra and the 17member squad to the Internati,onal Cheerleading Association's U.S. National Championships Dec. 27-31'. Somerset, one. of only four Northeast teams to qualify for the competition, placed in the top 25 of its large school varsity division.

TCMS T ~UNTON - At a, Catholic· Sch~ols We~k praye/ service on Feb. 3, Taunton Catholic Middle School cha- . plain Father Michael Camara condu~ted a blessi~g. of throats for the feast of.St. Blase and principaI.J{athleen Simpson presented certificates to·students on the second quarter honor·roll. 18 students achieved high ho-nor~, 105·. honors and 5 honorable mention.

St. Joseph's School Distinguished Graduate Charles Stiles accepts award from James McNamee, diocesan Department of Education; principal Sister Muriel Ann Lebeau,' pastor Father Patrick Killilea

Crusade helps kids pray

St. Joseph's School "OREO Award" recipients.


Joseph's School

FAIRHAVEN - St. Joseph's School celebrated National Appreciation Dayfor Catholic Schools, Feb. I, .' with presentation of its 'Dis'tinguished Graduate and "OR EO" awards for outstanding service to the school. ·Speakers at the service were James'McNamee, superintendent of schools at the Diocesan Department of Education, and S~lectman Patrick Mullen. Honored' as the 1995, Distinguished Graduate was , ,Charles Stiles, Class of 1927. The retiree is devoted "full, . time" to St'. joseph's. He said'hehas "great respect and' love for and of the principles of the Catholic 'church and . school, for the good people who'teach here and who are , religiously inclined themselves, and a'ie'able to pass on , the moral values in which they believe." "Throughout his career, Charles consistently has, pursued the highest possible professional and personal standards. He is an example of how Catholic schools educate, people to take. leadership roles in their community and beyond," said principal .Sister Muriel Ann Lebeau, SS.CC. . " The OREO Awards go to "outstanding" persons who deserve an "ovation" for their roles. Recipients were: "Reliable Electrician" Pete Sirois; "Remarkable Enthusiastic" supporters Martha 'Bisaillon and Mr. and Mrs. Masse; Pam Mascetta for "Remarkable Endeavor"; "Remarkable Encouraging" sponsors Steve Souza and Armand Cote; "Religious Example" Joe Begnoche; "Re, liable Educator" librarian Helen Freitas; and "Religious Educators" James McNamee and Father Patrick Killilea, SS.CC., pastor

St. Francis Xavier

Senior Kyle Jacques is Coyle-Cassidy's leading hockey scorer with 15 goals in the Warriors' first 11 games this season.

NORTH ATTLEBO R 0 - During a Catholic Schools . Week Mass, St. Mary-Sacred Heart School awarded its 1995 Distinguished Graduate Award to Ed Lambert, Class of 1949. Presenting the award were Sacred Heart pastor Father Richard Degagne and State Representative Kevin Poirier, a previous recipient . Lambert, founder of Edward G. Lambert Insurance Agency, graduated from Coyle High School and Providence College. He is a lector and chairman of the parish council at St. Mary's parish, president of th,~ North Attleboro Federal Credit Union and chairman of the North Attleboro Municipal Retirement Board. He has served as chairman of the S MS H School board district deputy and grand knight for the Kn:ights of Columbus, and president of the Attleboro Serra Club. He has received the Knight of the Year Award (1965), Rotary Distinguished Service Award, and the diocesan Marian Medal (1994). "Catholic education has continued to show its value to students and to the community," Lambert said, "I was honored to be recognized." Lam?ert and his wife, Virginia, have two sons, John and Nell, both graduates of SMSH School and Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. . The National Catholic Educational Association estab~ lished the Disinguished Graduate Award to re,:ognize significant accomplishments of Catholic elementary school graduates. SMSH School has alternately honored graduates from St. Mary's and Sacred Heart parishes, whose schools merged in 1972.

ACUSHNET - As part of Catholic schools Week, the school held a "Favorite Book Character and Internati?nal Foods Day" and "Sweatshirt/T-Shirts, Jeans and Bmgo Day." Grandparents' Day for kindergarten and preschool students will be Feb. 13. The school science fair will be presented 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 14, and the Parent Teacher Advisory council meets 7 p.m. Feb. 15.

PALM BEACH, Fla. (CNS) - A retired philosophy professor hopes that encouraging children at an early age to say the rosary"wiII be like forming "spiritual athletes." That's why in 1991 Francis Mandina of Palm Beach' and his brother launched the Kiddie Rosary Campaign for kindergarten students. . Today, the campaignh'as been implemented in several U.S. archdioceses, including Los Angeles, New York and Newark, N.J., and dioceses, among them Rapid City, S.D.; Allentown, Pa.; Camden, N.J.; Yakima, Wash.; and Corpus Christi, Texas. A diocese in Australia has also become involved. . The beads that make up Mandina's rosaries an: large, wooden and brightly colored with nontoxic paints. The rosaries and other material, such as pamphlets exp:laining the rosary and stickers and cards encouraging children to pray, are sent free of charge to interested diocesan school superintendents. Mandina urges teachers to distribute the rosaries in the classrooms at specific times, to have the children recite the prayers aloud, arid then to collect the rosaries so as to instill a reverence for them." Mandina, who has ordered thousands ofthe beads and paid for them himself, stressed that he is not affluI:nt but h~ thinks it is a worthwhile project: "I'm willing 10 proVide as many as are requested. I'm willing to invest in this for the children." Mandina sees the rosary campaign as anecessa:ry balance to what he calls the "escalating demoralizing antiChristian movements, particulaTly those in education whic~ primarily target kindergartners ... [the] so·-called sex education and anti-drug programs." Auxiliary Bishop Francisco Garmendia of New York wrote to Mandina congratulating him for the children's rosary campaign, and said he often gets calls from principals and religious education teachers requesting ro:.aries. ~ore information on the Kiddie Rosary Campaign is avaIlable. from Francis Mandina, 44 Cocoanut Row, Palm Beach, FL 33480.

Her place in space ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS)'- The path that led Air Force Lt. Col. Eileen Marie Collins into space might have started in front of a TV set in a Catholic household in Elmira, N. Y., according to her sister. Margy Conklin, a member of St. Charles Parish in Orlando, recalls \\atching the 1960s sci-fi series "Star Trek" with her sister, who became the first female to pilot a space shuttle ai::craft when Discovery took off from Kennedy Space Center Feb. 3. "I hated that show," she said. "My sister loved it. Who would have thought that years later she would be the one traveling in outer space?" Mrs. Conklin and her family watched the launch from a special family vie:wing area at Kennedy Space Center. They invited Father Bill Zamborsky, pastor at Holy Spirit Church in Mims and a longtime family friend, to bless the flight in view (If the ' launch.

By Charlie Martin

ON BENDED KNEE Darlin'I can't explain When did we lose our way Girl it's drivin' me insane And 1 know I just ,need One more chance To pl"Ove my love to you If you come back to me 111 guarantee That I'll never let you go Can we go back To the days our love was strong Can you tell me How you got things back The 'Way they used to be Oh God give me a reason I'm down on bended knee 111 never walk again Until you come back to me I'm down on bended knee So mnny nights I dream of you Holding my pillow tight I know that I Don't need to be alone WhE,n I open up my eyes To face reality Every moment without you It seems like eternity I'm begging you Begl~ing you come back to me Gonna swallow my pride Say I'm sorry Stop pointing fingers The blame is on me I want a new life And I want it with you If you feel the same Don't ever let it go You gotta believe In the spirit of love It clm heal all things We \'Von't hurt any more No, I don't believe OUI' love's terminal I'm down on my knees Be~:ging you please Come home Written by James Harris III and Terry Lewis. Sung by Boyz II Men (c) 1994 by Flyte Tyme Tunes (ASCAP) WILL GOIN(; down "on Apparently, the guy's bended bended knee" save a sinking knee represents hi~ prayer for romance? help as well as how he is begThe character in Boyz II ging his girl to "come back to Men's latest hit hopes so. "On me." He pleads for his girl to Bended Knee" features the "believe in the spirit of love" for group's masterful soft sound "it can heal all things." and is off their "II" CD. Clearly, love is a healing

power. Yet, to be healing it must also be the power of love in action. It needs to be more than a wish to bring back what mistakes have broken and lost. Certain mistakes are easier to repair than others. For example, forgetfulnes~ or insensitivity may hurt the leeling of affection between two people. However, these types of injuries are more easily healed than the damaged trust resulting from deceitful or manipulative actions. The person's desire to build a new life can start with a thorough assessment of how he has hurt the other person. He realizes that the "blame is on me." However, it is important to avoid getting lost in these feelings of guilt and selfblame. What is far more helpful is to focus on re-building the injured love. This requires clear insight into why he did what he did, plus the construction of a specific plan for change. All of this takes humility. As the song suggests, we need to swallow our pride, say "I'm sorry," and move on to those actions and attitudes that promote respect, fairness, and understanding. , One must prove over time that these changes in behavior are lasting and genuine. Sometimes, the mistakes that we make in a dating relationship cannot be mended. The hurt in the other person is so big that he or she can no longer trust. Also, the other person might get stuck in his or her need to be punishing rather than forgiving. We do not have power over such results. All one can do is readily admit to the wrong done and let go. Often, these kinds of outcomes lead us to grief over what has occurred, especially since one's own actions have caused the loss. During these times of grieving, we need the healing spirit of love mentioned in the song. God's will for our lives is that we find the support and ways to heal the pain. Gradually, we put our lives back together. To be down on bended knee is to seek and welcome the guidance ,and strength that God wants to give us. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

PROFESSIONAL storytellers Thorn and Sue Makuch will perform a program celebrating Black History Month on Feb. 17 for social studies classes at Bishop Stang High School, where their daughter Leah is a freshman. They have been entertaining audiences of all ages in the Northeast and Florida for years with a repertoire combining folktales, ballads, and original stories and songs.

THE ANCHOR -Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 10, 1995

By Amy Welborn Can yOll imagine being grounded for an entire summer? Marcy can. Last summer, in the months before her senior year began, her parents punished her by forbidding her to go out, banning her from using the phone or having any contact with her friends. What did she do to get such a punishment? "I hung out at a shopping center instead of going to the movie I said I was going to, because it was sold out." It's an old story. How'should parents discipline teens? Should they do it at all? Teen years can be difficult in a family. The teen is growing more independent, can drive, has a social life, and probably has a job, too. Parents usually welcome this independence, but they are cautious. After all, they are still responsible for their son or daughter. They are parents, remember, so their basic desire is to protect their children from harm. But deciding what rules to have in a home with teens isn't easy. Marcy doesn't think her parents have dealt with her teen years in the right way. Marcy's family situation isn't easy. Most of her older siblings have had problems with alcohol or drugs, and Marcy assumes that rules for her are based on her parents' fears that similar difficulties are inevitable for her. "But I'm not them!" she insists. "I like to get out of the house and have fun, but I know there have been problems of alcoholism in 'my family, so I'm really careful! My parents just don't talk to me enough to figure that out." The rules Marcy's parents have for her restrict who she's with, where they are and how long they're there. And at home, Marcy isn't allowed to call 'boys on the telephone. The rules don't seem unreasonable, but Marcy apparently began to feel early in high school that no matter who she was with, or where they were, she was strong enough to make the right moral choices. And she swears to me she's been in many situations in which she could easily do something really wrong, and she never has. Unfortunately, Marcy began this particular family conflict by lying to her parents about where she was when she'd go out. Things came to a head last spring when her parents made her tell them about every lie she'd told them the past two years. She did, and after she was finished they grounded her for the rest of the s pring and the entire summer. "And at the end, my dad said to me, 'I want to love you for who you are, not what you've beel1 in the past.", Marcy shakes her head at the recollection. "I wish he'd said that


he loved me for what I've been, what I am now, and what I'm going to be." Marcy:s parents undoubtedly have their side of the story to tell, but from Marcy's perspective their rules for her have been inconsis,tent and arbitrary. "It's probably basically a communication problem," she reflects. "They just don't know who I am, and that they really can trust me." Does the punishment work? Marcy says no, not really, since she can honestly see no reason behind many of the rules her parents have regarding her social life. "Getting grounded like that just makes'me angry," she says. Needless to say, Marcy's really looking forward to moving out and going away to college. Things have gotten better, though. A vacation trip to the mountains forced her and her parents to talk more than they had in a while. Marcy probably made a big mistake in sneaking around on her parents. But perhaps her situation might alert other parents to an im'portant reality. Parents, you shouldn't assume you know who your children are from your experience of their siblings, or from horror stories you hear about other teens. Communicate. Get to know what kind of person your son or daughter really is before you decide what your rules and expectations will be. It might make these tough years go just a bit smoother all around.

Salve doctoral progra~ accredited Salve Regina University's Ph.D. program in the humanities has been accredited by the Higher Education Commission of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The Newport, RI, university is the only institution of its size in the region to have an accredited humanities doctoral program. It "focuses on the question of what it means to be human in the age of advanced technology," said university president Sister Therese Antone, RS M. The program requires courses in art, ethics, literature, management, philosophy and religion. Beyond the core curriculum of seven classes, doctoral candidates are free to craft their own concentration in pursuit of their degree. The program, initiated in 1989, currently has 65 students and awarded its first two doctorates last May.


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