
Page 1

: Pope John Thanks Diocesan Fai·thful l!-For Filial Love


'j' ,

An Anchor of the Soul, SurB and li'irm-ST. PAUL

Fa:1I River, Mass. Thursday, Feb., 11, 1960 lOe vo', . 4, N'o. 6 ©c 1960 Th e Anchor ' $4.00PRICE per Year

Fall. The expression of appreciation is contained in a message sent to the Diocesan Ordinary by Monsignor A. Dell'Acqua, Substitute '"'ecretary of State of His Holiness. Your Excellency, At the gracious direction of the Sovereign Pontiff, I have the pleasing duty of making acknowledgment for the rich Spiritual Bouquet which you presented to Him, on the occasion of your "Adlimina" Visit, in the name of the Diocese of Fall River. The Holy Father has entrusted to me the privileged charge of expressing to Your Excellency, and through you to

Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized 01 Fall River, ,Mall.

B'uffalo Cat'holies Run

S'uccessful ,Theatre BUFFALO (NC:-- Buffalo's Catholic Theater, in operation for the past two years, is proof that a theater showing only A-1 . (general patronage) movies can be suc~essfu1. Described as the first theater of its kind in the country, Catholic Theater ordinary Holly"';;ood. products provides wholesome Sunday were scheduled-but only those ' entertainment for adults and with A-I ratings of the National youngsters. The theater's Legion of Decency. Located on property adjoining original purpose of showing mainly religious films was side- H~ly Cross Church, the theater tracked somewhat when these was purchased by the parish's films proved to be few in num- . pastor, Msgr. Joseph Gambino, after its owners decided to close bel'. Turn to Page Seventeen ks the theater progressed,

Report Cardinal Stepinac's Death in Native Krasic Word has been received of the death yesterday, February 10, of His Eminence Aloysius Cardinal Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb and Metropolitan of Croatia, Yugoslavia. The Cardinal was 61 years of age, and cause of his de ath is not immediately from a "cold which was not conknown. Dr. Branislav Bog- sidered serious., , icevic, personal physician to; T~e Cardinal died in his the Cardinal had reported ,native village, of Krasic,Croatia,

ff' ~;;illt the Cardinal was su ermg

First Masses At, P·Town Preparations are already under way at St. Peter the Ap<)8tle parish, Provincetown for the unprecedented event of three First Solemn Masses, to be celebrated in April and June. AU -parish societies are cooperating in planning receptions for the ordinands and Mrs. Rose Pedro, housekeeper at St. Peter's rectory, has donated a set of gold brocade vestments to be used at the First Massj;ls. Other parishioners have contributed towards a gold antependium for the altar, which match the vestments. The ordinands include two who will serve in the Diocese, first from the Cape parish. The third is a member of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis.· Turn to Page Two

Diocese of Miami Gets Fund Loan To Build Home MIAMI (NC) - Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami has issued a statement to elarify press reports that a union pension fund has loaned a million dollars to his diocese. The money actually has been loaned not by the union but by the Central States and Southwest Area Pension Fund, Bishop Carroll said. The money contributed to this fund comes solely from uwners of truck lines which have Turn to Page Five

Dispensation MARCH 1'7 B,. virtue of faculties poanted by the Holy See, the Most neverend Bishop disPt·ns.. ~ !from Fast and AbstiJI.. nc.. on lUlU'ch 11, St. Pat~i('k'5 .Da:r.


His Holiness Pope John XXIII has bestowed His particular paternal Apostolic Blessing upon the Most Reverend Bishop, the clergy, religious and faithful of the Fall River Diocese in appreciation of the spiritual bouquet presented to him, in behalf the' Clergy, Religious and Faith. of the Diocese, when Bishop ful participating in this loving Connolly mad e his Ad ges~ure of filial affection, His Limina Visit to Rome last sincere and appreciative gratitude for the abundant spiritual aid. thus given Him in the fulfilment of the arduous duties of the Sovereign Pontificate. . Confident that Almighty God will richly. recompense such prayerful attachment to His Son's Vi~ar on earth, His Holiness lovmgly bestows from His heart upon Your Excellency, and upon all those associated in this offering, His particular paternal Apostolic Blessing. Gladly availing myself of the occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my high consideration and esteem, I remain Devotedly yours in Christ, A. Dell'Acqua Subst.

former UN Delegate Avers Population Explosion Silly

APPROVED: The Society of Our Lady of Providence, a D i 0 c e san community, CLEVELAND (NC)-India's "population explosion" is founded by Bishop McVinney pure nonsense, possibly started for political reasons to affect in 1955, has received the coming U. S. presidential elections, a former Indian delegate official approval of the Con- to the United Nations said here. Belti Shah Gilani, former gregation of Religious in member of India's Congress Rome. Shown is Sister Mary and now visiting professor reported. The death rate reduces the real growth rate to 1.7 per Dolores, formerly Angela cent, actually less than the 2.3 . at John Carroll University O'Brien, of SS. Peter and per cent growth rate in the U. S. here, said that within the "India is poor, of course," ·Mr. Paul Parish, Fall River.

CO,yle High Averages , Two Priests A Year, . Total Now Is 58

Coyle High School in Taunton where he has been confined , has -provided the secondary edusince 1951. In 1946 he had been , cation for 58 men now in the sentenced to 16 years at hard priesthood: This is' an average labor by the-communist-con(If more than two Ii· year since trolled government of Yugothe start of the school. slavia. With the ordination of three priests last week, 31 Coyle gradFor years the Cardinal has been suffering from a rare blood uates are ~erving in.the Diocese disease-poly-cythemis-an ex- of Fall River. Nine have .been ordained' for other Dioceses and cess of red corpuscles. 18 have entered various reliIn 1953 two American physi- gious ·communities. Twenty-five cians visited the Cardinal to give graduates haye. entered congrehim medical attention. In 1958 gations of Brothers.' . I he was operated on for a blood The newly ordained priests clot in the leg. , are Rev. Thomas O'Dea, Class of The Cardinal was, made a '52, now at St. James, New BedPrince of the Church at the ford; and Rev. Francis O'Keefe Consistory of Jan. 12, 1953, but, and Rev. George Fraher, both Turne to Page Twelve serving in Boston.

next few years and certainly by 196~, India. will ~ ,8 surplus proqucing country and a possible threat to export nations like' the U. S., Canada and Australia. Family planning schemes· now under way, could destroy India's emerging new, middle classes, Mr. Gilani warned. Before his UN 'appointment, Dr. Gilani was secretary to the Minister for Development in Punjab, and sec':: retary to the Minister, for Defense of India. He spoke at Case Institute here. "The American people are given only part of the story by the secular press and other media," the Indian' statesman warned. "We are led to believe that the population of India is growing 3.7 per cent each year. The number of deaths is not

The Anchor (an Double 115 Circulation if Each Family Gels Anqlher lo:Subscribe in 1960 Join the Catholic press lay apostolate! . not satisfied with the progress it has The favorable comments which come to achieved since April 11, 1957 when the first the office of this Diocesan newspaper from· issue was printed. It seeks today-and will' many of the thousands of weekly readers ' always aim-to improve its publication. are the best evidence of the high esteem And, while we are attempting to make this newspaper the finest in its class among in which this: n~wspaper is held by its readers. the Catholic diocesan newspaperS of United "The Anchor's friends· and supporters States, we are pleased that our readers are are strong, in their loyalty," Bishop aiding our ~cause. Connolly told all the Diocesan faithful in Many-but not all-are telling their a pastoral letter read-at all non '- subscribing. friends of their weekly pleasure in Masses in 'all churches of the . Diocese last Sunday. "Once reading The Anchor. Why don't you do the same? It familiar with its pages and will be your work in the methods they are impatient Catholic press lay apostolate. THE to have each week's copy," It goes withouts&ying that the Most Reverend Bishop,' our circulation will be doubemphasized. led if every reader secures a The Anchor spares no new subscriber. expense and makes every No Slanted Views, We would appreciate it if effort to acquaint its readers No Biased News. you would let your neighbor with the events transpiring know how much you enjoy in each section of the .dioRead the Truth reading The Anchor. Your cese. This effort has won commendation' is worth a many' favorable commendaSubscribe Now hundred printed words. tions. Join the lay apostolate! However, The Anchor is



. ..

GHani said, "but Americans get ,a ~isconception of that poverty. It IS not as general or as violent as pictures would have you believe. Emphasis on our poverty has ,reached such proporTurn to Page Twelve

Nuns to Meet In Springfield,

Three major superiors of women's institutions from this' Diocese will attend the fourth annual meetihg of

New England superiors at Springfield this Saturday. They are Mother Mary William, provincial of the Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts; Mother Marie De Piro provincial of the Sisters of SL Dorothy; and Mother Jeanne Therese, provincial of the Sisters of St. Joseph. The meeting will be directed by Mother Mary Philip Boyle, O.S.U., Dedham. Approximately 46 higl;ter superiors from the six New England states are expected to participate. Turn to Page Seventeen

NBC to Ban Sex, Violence'in TV Youth Shows ?jEW YORK (NC)-The National Broadcasting Company has issued a directive to TV program producing organizations banning ex'tessive sex and violence. The directive, drawn up by James A. Stabile, NBC vice president in charge of standards and practices, specifically objected to "morbid" and "sadistic" scenes of violence. "Such extremes of violence will not be used on NBC programs for children," pe said. "In meeting our responsibilities to the family audience we can do without the leer, the brutal set of the jaw and the intent to possess as the symbol of power and determination," he declared. Meanwhile, Democratic Ohio Senator Frank J. Lausche has Turn k Page Fifteen

"M$gi Sweeney .Heads Society



Thurs., Feb. 11, 1960

PrelatE" sMother Dies in Hungary At Age of 85

, BOSTON (NC)-Msgr. Edward F. Sweeney, Boston archdiocesan director of the Society fow the Propagation of the Faith, has been named superior of 'the Missionary Society of St. Jamea the Apostle.

VIENN A (NC) ~The mother of. His Eminence Jozgef Cardinal Mindszenty, who was almost his only

The society was founded bF His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Bosto... in July, 1958. Composed _of volunteer priests, mainly from the Boston archdiocese, the societ~ works in the missions of PeYlI and Bolivia. " Msgr. Sweeney will assume his new post prior to a departure ceremony for new volunteer priests leaving for' South Amerirca on Feb. 21. When they· arrive in Peru, the mission . , society will have 30 priest-vol:unteers. in South America. Father William Glynn, former' . 'assistant to Msgr. Sweeney, wiI! become archdiocesan director of the' Society for the PropagatioB . of the' Faith.

contact with the outside· world during his long years in prison, has died at the age of 85. The Hungarian news agency MTI reported that Mrs. Janos Pehm died at the Mindszenty ancestral village of Csehi Mindszent, about 100 miles from , Budapest. She was reported to have last seen her Cardinal-son at <::hristmas time last year when she' visited him in his quarters in the U. S, legation in Budapest. Cardi'nal Mindszenty has been a refugee in the American legation since November 4" 1956.. when he fled there as the Soviet NEW ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Daniel E}. Carey, left, shows Rev. Lester L. Hull, his tanks .were going about their work of suppressing the freedom' successor as administrator of Mt. Carmel Church, Seekonk" new schedule of Masses, fighters' revolt. Although technecessitated by parish growth. nicallYi under the rules of . ~ asylum, a person given refuge PASSAIC (NC) Bishop in a diplomatic mission cannot James A. McNulty of PatersOll legally haVE! contact with the TAIPEI (NC), _ A missionary ish morality play based on the dering' how Joseph would be blessed, and dedicated the new outside world, the Americans 'h h d f th tr . history of Joseph in the Book' saved. from his brothers, how Chl'ld center at St. Mary's H""""'allowed Mrs. Pehm to visit her-' ~~e as ~a e use 0 e a~ason periodically. A legation dl~lona~ Chinese .opera to entecrb-of' Genesis, recounted the story . he would resist the advances of .pital. The center has two clinics, spok:i:!sml1n once stated that the ,tam~. pagan audience and tea of Joseph. Putiphar's wife, how he would: one lor. retarded children, and, American officials believed that a less,on abou~ God: . Without a set script, the actors get out of ,prison. , : one for the emotionally ,di&o inasm:uchas the Hungarian Red, 'It IS the first time such an and actresses of the group started Between acts Father Baert's,', tur,bed~ The ,clinics have been regime had permitted the Cardi- ,approach has been ~tempted rehearsing. Improvising as they catechist gave short explanatory '{ 'approved by the New J erseJ' , naJ's mother to visit him period- her~.,.. , '. went along, they ,set t!le words talks, driving home' the moral. ':Depart,mentof Health 'and have' icalIy' while he was in prison,. Father An~r:w ~aert, C,I.C,M., . to the shrill music of traditional .of the story and the fact of the ,receIved a $38,000 'grant froa it could do no less. . pastor ofa parish m the crowded. opera, :sung in the usual falsetto. ,existence of a loving God who . tbedepartment; .' Witness to Trial commercial section of Taipei, The stage, as always in Chinese' .watches , over man, rewarding '.. sought a method to attract non- ',theatre,' was bare of props, a' good and punishing evil. Mrs. Pehrn had been with Catholics of the district andc to solitary 'table serving as city Well pleased ~ith the venture, . Cardinal Mindszenty at the pri. introduce to them the teachings, wall or'mountain as required. Father Baert is now wondering matial . palace at Esztergom_. of the Church. ~ Smash Hits • what .other Bible. stories to.'. when the communi~t government The Immaculate Hel1rt of Mary dramatize. He also hopes some, " agents arrested him.. She was ml'ssl'onary noted how the crow'ds The two 'daily shows were· , h hOt D ed' th t ' of the players, at' present· all witn.esS to his "trial" and s,~n-, flocked' to watch the colorful smas I s. ress In., e raTo mothers, that cry means that , dOt' I. d 1 fIt pagl;\n, may be converted. At the there's another cut, scratch, scrape. t~ncmg" and .~ade her. ~ay.to Taiwanese-dialect opera shows I lOna an co or u cos urnes moment he is somewhat worried hiS varIOUS la,lIs to VISit him of l't1'nerant players, He also was of the Chinese stage, the players . or burn. It also means she should • 1 by the improvisations and would w?enever the, government pe.~- impressed at the manner in sang, jUrhpea, ~and gesticu ated get iodine-but she often doesn't, mltted her to do so. The.Cardlw·hl'ch me'rchants In certa1'n their way through the story of like. the players to have a better because iodine burns and stings. h TehViewers, ' naI , resc~ed by freedom fighters, streets engage the ~. players .on J osep. use d t 0 . grasp-'of Catholic teaching. ,upsets, youngsters. Here's good had only four days of freedom, , s e e i n g the same players' year news. Science has discovered a before fleeing to the American festival days, The plays, per- after year, were entranced, won- . new kind of iodine that stops inlegation in 1956. Mrs, Pehm formed on temporary sta~es, best yet doesn't bum or Ca'tho~ He«lJcIl ",fection continued to visit him there, and draw enor~ous crowds and brmg sting. Ws polyvinylpyrrolidoneTUSCALOOSA (NC)-Father remained hale and hardy until added busmess to the street , iodine e ,foundonlyinlSODINE9 merchants FRIDAY-Seven Holy Founders Brian. J. Egari,O.S.B., president shortly before her dea.tho . 1" ANTISEPTIC., Where other types of St. Bernard College, Cullman, Mora Ity of the Servites, Double, White. Mrs, Pehm never remarried ' Play ofantiseptics may kill only I, 2, 0J1 was named one of four "Out.: after the death of I her husband, Fat~er Baert c~nsulted his Mass Proper; Gloria; .Com3 types .of germs, lSODlNE kills standing Young Men o~ 1959" by monPreface. a farmer who was I;nayor of catechist. They contacted the all types-even virus and fungus. Csehi Mindszent, Car din a 1 leade~ of a group of players and SATURDAY Mass of the'· the Alabama Junior Chamber of And up to 40 times faster, Ge' Commerce. Mindszenty changed his name explamed what they wante~. Blessed Virgin for Saturday. pafulessISODINE ANTISEPTIC. The 34-year-old Benedictine' , . Money-back guarantee. from Pehm to Mindszent-after The players were assembled and Simple. White. Mass Proper; the village-,in 1940, The· act was Fat!ter Baert, a Belgian, rememGloria; P,reface of Blessed heads a' college whose enroll-' _ , No, 2,739,922 General Anlllno & Film Corp, ment is more' than 60 per cent , 01959 Isodlno Pharmacal Corp.• Dover, DoL a protest against. the nazi occli. bermg the oici and' popular Flem- '.' Virgin. Proteetant. He was presented' 'a patioQ, and the future cardimil SUNDAY-5eptuagesima Sun'3 sought to r4~pudiate his Germday. Double of II Class. Violet. plaque at a dinner here attended anic origin even . though ",.the To. En. Mass ,Proper; . No Gloria; by ·600 guests. Pehms had liv'ed iri Hungary for Second Collect St. Valentine, thrbe centuries. ." . BOSTON (NC) - The. first Priest. and Martyr; Preface of candidate to complete his. entire HolY-Trinity. studies for the priesthood at the MONDAY'""-Mass of previous I ' . ,nearby headquarters of an eightSunday. Simple. 'Violet. Mass year-old order .has been orProper; : ,No Gloria; Second Commercial • Industrial Plumbing Heating J Collect Ss. Faustinus" and COLUMBIA (NC)=--A Baptist dained in Holy Cross Cathedral. institutional Over 35 Years He is Father John Wallace, Jovita, Martyrs;. Com m on minister, who is a former state Painti'ng and Decorating Preface. employee, has announced he will F,M,S.I., a member of the Sons of Satisfied Service of Mary, Health of the Sick, '. TUESuAY ~M ass of, previous seek the Republican Congres, 135 Franklin Street 806 NO. MAIN STREET Sunday. Simple.' Violet. Mass sional nomination in Missouri's who was one of the first to the Framingham,. Mass. Fall River OSborne 2-1911 Fait River OS 5·7497. 11th District. Rev. Robert Bartel, enter mmunity at Sylva Maria. Se.m-· Proper; No Gloria; Common 35, resigned as personnel 'con- co Preface. .. ~ sultant to the state division of inary. He is a native of South 'WEDNESDAY-Mass of previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. health and as pastor of Bonne' Boston and a' graduate of :8osFemme church near Col.umbia ton College. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Com,= to ~nter the p~utical campaign. mon Preface. i H~me ,'THURSDAY-Mass of previous Continued from Page One , .' Fun.eral Dome Sunday'. Simple.. Violet....Mass H'llen 'Aubertine Braugh The following are to be added Two others have been ordained Prope:r;No Gloria; Second· ,Owner, and Direetor 550 LoCust St. to .the lists in their respective for the Order from St. Peter's, Collect of St. Simeon, Bishop Fall River. ,Mass. Spacious Parking Area , ·t classifications: . . " 'Joint Reception and M;~tyr;"C6i!lmon'Preface. OS 2-2391 ," Honored will be Rev. Mr. Unobjectionable for general 'WY 2-2957 Rose E. Sullivan Manuel Ferreira, Rev. Mr. Louis patronage: Sink the Bismarck. 129 Allen st. New Bedford Jeffrey E, Sullivan UQobjectionable for adults and'adolescents: Hell Bent for ~ I Leat~er; Visit to a Small Planet. Mr. Joseph will' be :ordained at I ' .. '-><.1"';': .. '. , St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, " ELECTRICAL .' ,'; Saturqay; April 1,. an~ sing their

Dedicates Center

Utilizes.- Chinese Opera To Dramatize Old Testament

IOMMY'! , ~ . MOMMY! •_


State' Jaycees Honor: ic:Coliege

Ordain First Student ter Seminary

. Missourii Minister Seeks House Seat


Legion of Decelllcy

First M'csses


. -'


Fe!?: ..

14--St. William, Fall River." . ': .j, St. Jarnesi. New Bedford. F~b. 21 - St..:' AnthO~Yi" East . :{ FalmOutl:l'" , '. '. :.,; St. Mary, North Attie. boro.. . .~ . . ; F~9:26-LaSalette Seminary, .:' . , Attleboro. . F~b: 28".,.: Catholic Memorial ; ~: Home, Fall River. ;: Santo Christo,Fall River. , . ~.


CONtR'A:cfoRS,';:'''''; .


the parisI) h a l l . ' 'lJ\dQ~tiian.~,.::';',' Rev. Mr. Murphy, the ~rancis633, BroaCtJi~~::~:~ti:':River i ::: ' - , can, )'Vill be ordained May 28 at :::; Loretto' I?a.,· ;img wi;J.b~y his eCl'C)ol::>C:::>C:>=>CICle-c:::IoI~::>C:::>C:~' lirst l\'Iass'iStiilday, June-.5, also '(t~." " folloWed by a"~ re'ception; MAILING, , ,_Re~. Mr. Fer!eira is the son of ~"~MI( lUid :'Mrs. John B,. Ferreira, iF:i"; 98.7 CQUN't:\',STRE~ .. , "NEW BEDFORD' " , '



::~~ ~~.adjo:e~~Vi~C~~:~na:~ 'I}:

. .......MI Domingo: -J'osep,hHmd the ,;·. . , late' Mr~ Joseph; 'Aider; street. :r ...' Rev" Mr, l'4p.rphyis the nephew of Mrs. Philomena Davis, Commercial Street; . • rilLE ' ANCHOR 234 SECOND STREET ' 8eCof,d-class .nail privileges authorized A public ham and bean supper, FALlRIVER. , at ,Fall River, Mass, Published evel'l1' "tCibe"held at 5:30 Monday night, Thurs'da~ at 41.0 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass•• Pl' the Catholic Press of the Feb. 22 in St. Peter's parish hall, Diocese of Fall River Subscription price will benefit the receptions fund. bJl mail. postps.ld.$4.00 per













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Oregon Textbook Law Wins First Round in Legal Test OREGON CITY (NC)-The Oregon State Supreme Court is likely, to be the next' scene in the court battle over a la,w which permits the loan of state textbooks to nonpublic school. pupils. The law's constitutionality has been upheld by Clackamas County to his school. Either way, by soCircuit Court Judge Ralph called direct or by indirect aid, M. Holman, who entered a the school benefits, he said, and "vigorolls dissent" to his' this puts tpe state in the posi-

r-·'-----··----·-r-.,---.. .--;-.-:..


. . :. . .- .i -

'THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 11" 1960

Continue Rides For Nonpublic School Pupils


SANFORD (NC)-Publie school busses will continue to pick up parochial school children here despite the

tion of aiding a religion. own decision. The crux of the matter, he He said his decision was forced upon him by U.S. Suo added, is a conflict between the power of the legislature to pass preme Court rulings which made a distinction between aid laws for the general welfare and to institutions and aid to pupils. the constitutional prohibition He declared he did not agree against support of religions. In such a conflict, he said, "It with the distinction. The likelihood of an appeal can only logically be concluded has been indicated by John Mos- that the constitutional prohibiser, attorney for the plaintiffs, tion (against aiding religion) is who said "there is every reason paramount." to believe" one 'will be made. Use Same Books Judge Holman cited the U. S. "This m\lst be true even where Supreme Court's 1947 ruling in the aid to public welfare is the . Everson case which upheld .direct and the aid to religion is .. the constitutionality of a New indirect. If this were not'.so, the Jersey law providing tax-paid constitution could be successschool bus transportation for all fully emasculated by indirecschool children, regardless of the tion," he concluded. school they attend. Catholic schools in the PortPRESENT AT BLESSING: Richard Costa, a CYO He also noted the high court's ruling in the Cocnran case in land archdiocese, which includes member, photographs principles at dedication ceremonies. Oregon City, use state-supp'liea which the tribunal upheld a textbooks in all subjects except Left to right, George Mendonca, William Baroa, CYO Louisiana law under which textsocial studies and religion. president, and Rev. Luciano Pereira, parish CYO director. books for compulsory subjects The textbooks are the same as are lent to non-public school those used generally in public pupils. ,schools. They are not prepared Vigorous Dissent , , especially for Catholic or other ,These two decisions, he sai~ private schools. Hund.reds of. paJ:ish~oners of . tonio Vieira blessed the room. in his .lengthy opinion, forced Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church,. The addition to the present him to uphold the constitutic>n-., New Bedford, attended the headquarters at 221 Orchard olity of the Oregon law, but he opening of a new C;YO addition. Street is 35 by 36 feet. It will be added: CYO members entertained their used for CYO members' recrea"r am not persuaded that its Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, parents and friends at a social tion, ping pong matches and (the Supreme Court's) interpremeetings. There are three new tation of the constitutional pro- . Apostolic Delegate to the United hour. The. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anhibitation is the correct one and States, announced yesterday that ping, pong tables set up in the Book List Available 'room therefore make as vigorous dis- Pope John XXIII has transand boys painted several ferred Archbishop Celestine sent as I am capable." chairs. . From Legionnaires He said the Supreme Court's Damiano from the Apostolic The Winter edition of "WorthCost of the new structure was two rulings were such a relaxa- Delegation in South Africa to tion of the rule for the separa- become the third Ordinary of while Books," pamphlet com- financed by CYO boys with cake tion of church and state that the . Diocese of Camden. He piled by New Bedford members' sales and entertainment. In they are dangerous' to proper succeeds Most. Rev. Justin of the Legion of Mary, is now addition many of the boys have McCarthy who died in Decem- available. It comments briefly pledged to donate small amounts church·state relations. ber. on 20 current Catholic books of money weekly. Airs Own View Archbishop-Bishop Damiano, and notes that most of them are "If those rulings are correct," lhe wrote, "there is nothing in 48 years of age, was born in obtainable at the New Bedford A Delicious principle or at law which pro- Dunkirk, N. Y. He was educated public library. hibits the legislature from au- at St. Michael's College, Toronto ·Treat Mail requests for the book ~horizing the expenditure of and the Propaganda Seminary in lists may be sent to the Legion public money to furnish teachers Rome and was ordained in 1935. of Mary at 233 County Street,· to the children at parochial Aft e l' serving in various New Bedford. schools as ''''ng as they teach on parishes in the Diocese of secular subjects, teaching sup- Buffalo, he was recalled in 1947 New Assignments plies used exclusively for secu- to Rome to serve in the Congre. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Archlar subjects, scientific laboratory gation of the Propagation of the equipment, athletic equipment, Faith. The new Ordinary of the bishop D,omenico Enrici, Aposgymnasiums and classrooms as youngest Diocese in New Jersey. tolic Nuncio to Haiti, has been, long as they are not· used for also served in the Holy Father's· named Apostolic Internuncio to religious purposes and as long Food and Agricultural Organizaas the title remains in the pub- tion, while in Rome. No' date ~apan. The 50-year-old diplolic." has been set for his installation. mat succeeds Archbishop MaxiExpressing his own thought milien de Furstenberg, wpo was on the issue, Judge Holman . appointed Apostolic Delegate to said: Australia, New Zealand and "If. the criterion is whether Oceania last November. the children are benefited and MIAMI (NC) - The Spanish thus the general welfare benefited, the entire cost of paro- ambassador to the U.S. warned ehial schools at public expense the freeworld that it "must stick together not only to have the Made Rite Chips ean be justified." Can't See Distinction weapons needed but to go back Ask For Them Today He denied a distinction exists more and more to God as the Joseph A. Charpentier between aid to a child and aid essence for dignity of the perReg. Pharm .sonali ty." TEL. WY. 6-0772

Msgr. Viera Blesses New Addition To Mount Carmel' CYO Center

Names Ordinary For Ca mden See

Diplomat Urges Return to God

Maine Legislature's· refusal to pass a legalizing bill. The towns of Houlton, Caribou and Richmond, also will continue the practice. Other communities are expected to announce their decisions shortly.. , Albert Moineau, president of the York Utilities Co., in Sanford, said his buses would pick up Catholic school pupils along regular routes, as provided in his contract with the town. Joseph J. Petroski, .public school superintendent, left the decision up'to the bus company. In Houlton, School Superintendent George P. Milner said the town plans to continue bus service "until we get some other directive." School Superintendent Russell Perry' of Richmond said no change would be made in the town's practice of carrying 18 children to a Seventh Day Adventist . school until he receives further instruction from the Maine Commissioner of Education Warren G. Hill. The Caribou School Board voted to reaffirm its policy of providing school bus service to other than pu blic school children. It was reported that in Lewiston, city officials are working on a solution to the bus problem but in the meantime will continue to carry private school pupils on all runs.



"The communist system has .wiped God entirely out of MADRID (NC)-Pope John· society," Ambassador Jose Maria has said that Spain's "strong de Areilza said. "If. you wipe Catholicism" gives him "particu- out God man becomes an inlar comfort and satisfaction." strument which must be used The Pope made this statement like a mechanical device'. If you in a personal letter to Gener;;..listake God out of society you simo Francisco Franco, Spanish must face' the consequences." Chief of Stat~, in answer to one he had received from GeneralisWhen a political problem is simo Franco oq the occasion of analyzed, a theological question the naming of a new Spanish . is found to be the ,essence of it, Cardinal; Arcadio Cardinal Lar-. the Ambassador said. He added: '''Nothing IS so ,important as to raona, C.M.F. ' i Pope John said in part: brin~. together the ~()mmon . . "We wish to assure Ypur,Ex-' principles which unite us against eellency of Our fullest grati.tude, ..the great threat.". : '.,.' reiterating the love and 'est~em . T~ . Spah'iSh envoy.. S1Poke that We have always profes~~d... (Jan, 31) at a formal dinn~r toward that noble country, whose which followed dedication of atrong Catholicfsm affoI:ds.~ 'Vii;. 'Centro Hispano' Catolico; new as Supreme ~astor ·of the urtlVerc:eritei for Spanish-spea~ingpeo_ _ 1 .Ch~rch, .pa.rticuI~r co~fort pIe ~pened by 'the Diocese ,of a!1d satIsfactIon. . • . Miami. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami, presided at the Prelate Journalist dedication ceremonies and at R 0 CKF ORD (NC)-Msgr. the banquet. Philip L. Kennedy, former editor The Ambassador said that the of the Observer, newspaper of the Rockford diocese, has been communists are exploiting the named a domestic prelate with' free world's unfortunate and the title of Right Reverend Mon- poor to advance their aims of .ignor. world domination.







/fJ, fUic/( delivery,'


Spain's CatholiCism Pleases Pope John







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..• ' BANQUETS •




1343 PLEASANT ST. OSborne 3-7780


.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese oHa" River-Thurs., F~b. 11, 1960 .,


Prelate Stresses. Clergy's Du~y To He~p· Aged

PurceU Bmcgraphy A~c~riif'~ Times of Sf. Anthony

DETROIT (NC) ;. Churches, synagogues and . their clergy have a responsi, bility to help the aging solve their special problems, Msgro

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S~ Kennedy One of the best writers' of biographies of the saints Is Mary Purcell, an Irishwoman. Miss Purcell's n~west · subject is of interest to a vast number of p.eople. It IS ~t. ' . · Anthony, to whom there is widespread devotion, generation after generation, despite the In 11 years as a :F'ranciscan he fact that he lived and died did a prodigious amount of more tlian 700 years ago. work.. .', . of the Although he spent tune m B. ut th e s~con dP pa rt 11' work' Morocco and Sicily, his principal .



urce. s

Wilbur F.

Suedkamp told •

-seminar' here. He termed care of the aged "the greatest social work challenge today" in addressing the one-day session sponsored by the southeastern region 01 the Michigan Nursing Home Association. Catholic Charities of the Detroit Archdiocese Wail among the co-sponsors. Msgr. Suedkamp, secr,etary of charities for the .Detroit archdiocese, said the clergy's respon. sibilities to the aged-ill include the need for knowing the resources of a community to make proper referrals. He also called for an aggressive approach to counseling-"to seek out and find the older harderto-reach persons." . MJ question whether we caB take the family and youth and psychiatric-centered principletl of casework techniques and apply them without reservation to the field of social gerontology. We must specialize in social gerontology as we have in ch~ld welfare," said Msgr. Suedkamp.


endeavor was in Italy and France. He went about northern and His Times Italy, preaching in the public: ( Han 0 v e r S q u a r e s , rousing the people to House. $3.95), . penitence and a more devout should probablife and winning heretics back ly be the more to the Church. he a v i I)' ac-' In France, too" he dealt with cented. For a heretics; for this was the age great deal of of-the Waldenses and the Albiwhat the book genses, sectarians whose queer contains deals creeds won many adherents. . FIRST NIGHTERS: Judith Cohen and Robert Curry with the period Prominent'in Order rather than diHe held important positions in of Holy Name Parish, Fall River, enter Strand Theatre for reetly with the his '{)rder, first as custos, then premiere performance of i ':;Embezzled . Heaven,'~ . co-sponsaint. ' as provincial, and he· figured This is unde'rstandable, be- importantly in the memor~ble . sored by Catholic Woman's Club and Clover Club for benecause much that has been set dispute between the partisans fit of Nazareth Hall. down about St. Anthony is open of the powerful Brotl~er Elias, to critical challenge. Thus, large who would depart from:·the ,prisnumbers of miracles of ~ll sorts tine Franciscan simplicity, and are said, by various writers,. to the brothers who insisted on. have been wrought by h~m being faithful to the spirit of t~e Four Sacred Hearts priests are ,Hearts Church, Fairhaven. during his lifetime. In some l.n- founder and the letter of )U8 affected by transfers announceq Rev. Regis . Kwiatkowski, · stances the same supposed ~ur- rule. .Diocesan TV Series by Very Rev. William J. Condon, SS.CC., has replaced Father acle is reported· s~vera~. times As he sensed the approach of provincial. Arsenault at St. Francis Xavier. SACRAMENTO - The Sacra-. over, each time set m a.dIfferent death,he withdrew jrom' the mento Diocese is producing • Rev. Louis R.. Arsenault, He' was formerly at_St. Joseph's city or town. I.n other mstances, active'ministry, spent some time '13-week series of half-ho'ur a ·miracle attnbuted to St. An- at Mount Alvernia, where Fran- SS.CC., formerly at St. Francis Church, Fairhaven. Two new assistants will serve television programs to explain thony seems to ha,:e been bor- cis had received the stigmata,.' Xavier Church, Acushpet, has at St. Joseph's, Fairhaven. They .Catholic doctrine and practice. rowed from a chro~llcle ~oncern- and finally retired to a house on been . transferred to Sacred are ·Rev. Joachim Shults, SS.CC., ingsome other ..samt. . the outskirts of Padua, where be and Rev. Anthony Pohle, SS.~C. Miss Purcell could have fl1~ed died in 1231. R. A. WILCOX CO. Father Shults, a native' Of her ..pagesand chapters With Commanding stature ~ochester,has served at Sacred OFFICE FURNITURE accounts of fanciful wonders, Th d t iIs which can be-doco, . Hearts seminaries in Wareham had she so chosen. But 'she has e ea. . hi StoU row I.medi... Delh~ HONOLULU, (NC)- and Honolulu, and has belonged elected to put aside what seems mented are, ,as the foreg.omg • DEsKS • CHAIRS an 'suggests, sparse. But th~re ar:e to .mission bands in the west, I egen d ary, although citing . his writings to· attest,·to hIS A Philippine Senator has mid-west and east. . FILING CABINETS occasional exam~le to .glve the learnin _ especially in the praised U. S· Catholics for• FIRE FILES • SAFES Father Pohle, holder of a their "dynamic" practice of FOLDING TABLES ·licentiate in sacred theology . t d th verifiable fea- 10 matters spmtual, a~ well a~ hiS .religion. AND CHAIRS from Catholic University, was ms ea f ~? life Salesian bent for 111ustratlOns Philippine Sen. Francisco Rod- provincial procurator ,before tures 0 I~~m;~irtrait from natural history .There is rigo said he would like to bring being assigned to Rochester, These provide scarcely more enough about to enable .us to the' intensely practical spirit of from where he returns to Fair22 BEDFORD ST. than a sketch. They let us .per- realize t~at he was a samt of U.-S. Catholicism back with him haven. . FAU RIVER. 5-7831 to the Philippines. ceive the saint but ~im)y. There commandmg stature. . is a considerable body of his Miss Purcell,. as has b~en .sald, Philippine Catholics have a writings extant, comprising out- lavishes l1ttel1h?n o~ hiS t~mes. more "emotional" .a t t i tu d e .lines of sermons which . he They warrant It, bemg as cr~­ ·toward religion, he explained. PLUMBlNG & HEATING, INC. preached. But he was not one to ativeas."they were, tum?ltuous, "A happy mixture of both would When it's time i f o r Domestic . speak of himself. marked ~by lofty sanchty and be ideaL" . ~ & Industria. "He forgot Anthony so com- abysmal violence. He~ account, to retire 0 • 0 Buy o ~ Sales and pletely-never once mentioning enables us to gr~sp theIr e~sence ep cuces· Issloners Oil Burners· Service" himself never giving a clue to and theseren,lty and s1Ogle-, : . . AMSTERDAM (NC) - Thirty I WY 2-9447 his per~onal likes .and dislikes- minded?ess of .Anthony a~re the Dutch priests of the Congrega2283 ACUSHNET AYI. that he is the despair of.biog- more Impre,ssl~e. when seen NEW BEDFORD . /' raphers." against this riotous background. tion of Missionaries of t~e Holy In this he contrasts strongly Dull'Fhriller Family nowbe stationed nesia will replaced in by IndoGer- , ':============~ r ,with his master; St. Francis of I have been sampling the latest . man priests of the 'same congreAssisi , during whose lifetime he of Van Wyck. Mason's popular gation. Indonesia, which won its entered the Franciscan order. stories of international intrigue 'independence from the Dutch Anthony was not Italian, as is and .adventure, featuring the re- after the war, is' trying to get commonly s4Pposed. He was doubtable Colonel Hugh North rid of all missionaries of Dutch Portuguese, born in London in of U. S. Army Intelligence: It is nationality. 1190. Nor was he the tall slim, entitled Secret Mission to Bangpallid figure which some statues kok (Doubleday. $3.95). Not to represent him as, . but short, put too fine a point on it, I stout and swarthy, in later -life found the inishmash. preposterbe ";as described as corpulent ous and perilously close to and dropsical. . illiterate. ' 276 Central St., Fall River South Sea Sts. At' 16 h(~ -entered the Orde~ ·of It may- be that the author's CO~ Canons Regular of St. August1Oe, word~coining is the attraction, Hyannis Tel. HY 8.1 OSborne 6-8279 was ordained in due season, .and as' to 'some extent in the case of So., Dartmouth pursued tlle regular, retired life such contrasting writers as and Hyannis of his community, reading and James Joyce and Walter Winstudying, meditating, taking his chell So. Dartmouth turn in thf~ several offices of the Thus,a cMracter is described WY 7·9384 bouse. . as "mickeyed." At first I took Becomes Franciscan. this .to mean, that the man was Hyanriis 2921 One day' when he wa:; servmg blessed with those Irish eyes SOMERSET, MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop as.dispenser ·ofal~s, there came which, in song . at least, are o invites your participation in the to the doo~, be~g1Og, a group of always smiling. The real meangrowth of a new Bonking Institution the new l!.ra.nclscan~. T.hey had ing, though, is that ,the person ·set up a ~ut 10 th~ dlstr~ct. S~on had been 'served a Mickey Finn. • COMMERCIAL and SAVIN(;S SERVICE after their. meetmg With him, So has the reader. .• MORTGAGES..,.... AUTO and. APPLIANCE LOANS they set off Joyfully for Morocco, Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 where they were martyred for the faith. This impressed him Missioner Pre,pare,s Member Federal Deposit Insurance Co. Bow~ing & Skating deeply. Bookletsin.Tago log Harold J. Regan, President He asked to be allowed to KALAYAN (NC) -A young. Million Dollar Ballroom leave the Carionsand join the Minnesota priest is w.riting, a sons of -St. Francis. The permis- series of religious booklets' in AVAIL~BLE . sion was granted. He was now_ Tagalog, the language Of the 30 years old and was to die at 41. natives of central ·Luzon. For Your Father J. Patrick McMahon, • TESTIMONIAL DINNERS Plan Scholars,hips M.M., of St. Paul has already' • BANQUETS ST. PAUL (NC)-A drive is written' two booklets on t~: • FASHION SHOWS now underway to provide Catho- sacraments in the language; ·of . • ANNUAL DANCE PARTY his parishioners at· this Philiplic high school scholarships for non-white students in the 81. pine mission in the Laguna Paul-Minneapolis area. At .l~ast province. The Unive'rsity of For information call six scholarships will be available Santo Tomas Press in Manila 653 Washington Street,' Fairhaven Roland Gamache or this Fall. The Twin Cities MS published the first two and ' Frank Collins Catholic Interracial Council will MS asked Father McMahon' to.' WYman 4-5058 pay .any costs above tuition write Tagalog booklets on: all! WYman 9-6984 e:Kpenses•. the sacraments. ,.r'

concerninl~ him, St. Anthony

Announce Diocesan Assignments 'For Four Sacred .Hearts Priests

·Lauds 'Dynamic' U·. S~ Catholics .

~~v~~i~~.t~~ea~~~e~~:cc:~~~~e~~ ~criPtu;es-~~dhiSdiscernme~t





















.. l


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24",Hour Wrecker Service


African People Seek Dignity In Dealings MOLINE (NC)-.-Afrieans are tired of being treated as backward children, a Nigerian doctor said here.in Dlinois. "The time Is gone," Dr. Fabian Udekwu said, "when Mrh:a will accept the second-rate. These people are human. They want the same things and same treat. ment as everyone else." Dr. Udekwu spoke here at a meeting of' the Linaere Guild, a Catholic physicians' society. He is completing his internship at Cook County General Hospital, Chicago. On his return to Nigeria, he said, he hopes to put up a ''baspital that is a hospital, not a rnt-inIested breeding place for bacteria." Much of the medicine practiced today in Africa by missionaries and humanitarians. he charged, is on a 19th-century level. Dr. Udekwu noted that without missionaries there would have been no hope for the development of Africa. Greatest Possession Birth control, he said, is virtually nonexistent in Africa today. "A child is an African's greatest possession," he explained. "We have the room for them. We have 35 million people in Nigeria, and we would love *0 hav~ twice that number.N He said it would take his own country another 200 years to make up loses to the slave trade. It has slowed Nigeria's growth by five centuries, he estimated. America's good reputation, he argued, will be tarnished if it continues to support the policies of colonial powers. "Americans are best able to understand the African's desire for freedom," Dr. Udekwu commented. "Your policy should not be dictated by expediency· but \)9' moral principles-a human t1llejn~'s right to self-determinaMon."

Jesuit Author Heads labor Arbitrators WASHINGTON - Father Leo C. Brown, S.J., author, teacher and labor arbitratol", was elected president of the National Academy of Arbitrators at its meeting here. Father Brown, who served from 1951 to 1954 as a member of the academy'.s board· .0£ covernors ~ frOzn 1954 to 1955 as its v,ice-president, is a 'professor at St. Louis University and director of the Institute of Social Order there. The academy is an organizalion of veteran labor arbitrators. Jesuit Father Brown is presently a member of the Atomic Ene r g y Commission labormanagement relations panel and was a public member of the War Labor Board No.7, from 1943 to 1946, and of the Wage Stabilization Board No.9 from 1951 to 1953.

Asks Tax Deductions For Educatio,n Costs

Corpm Christi at Sandwich Memorializes Pcutor's Courage, Parishioners'· Faith By Russell Collinge St. Peter's was closed and eondemned and Sandwich, it~lf, was in pretty bad shape. The glass-making was finished as an industry-the population had shrunk-the- Catholie families that were still residents had no sure livelihood and were eontinuously on th~ ~ge of having none' at all. So, Father McKenna decided to build a new church. There had been a meeting of parishionFather McKenna had a proers when St. Peter's was found devotion to the Blessed clOsed and a building· eomSacrament and, as was his right, he decided to name the new mitte was formed with Fr. McKenna as leader. Until the new church was built it was agreed that services would be held in Carleton Hall which had been offered for that purpose by the owner, John McCann. When the Right Rev. Matthew Harkins,' Bishop of the Providence Diocese, 'visited Sandwich that Summer he approved the site for the new church-in the center of town on Jarves Street. The lot was purchased and a contract to build the church was given to Mr. Thomas Kelleher. Real Sacrifices Certainly conditions were bad _but the confidence and courage of Father McKenna and his unending work and enthusiasm overcame the head-shakers and other apprehensive parisihoners.. The building committee caught fire and began a vigorous campaigJl for funds. They obtained a number of large donations and the. other parishes of the diocese contributed generously, particularly Cathedral Parish of Providence. But the real burden fell on the Catholics of l3andwich and Wareham and they made very. real sacrifices in theIr zealous support of their Faith. Work on ..the new church had been started almost at" once-and on Aug. 22, 1900 the cornerstone was laid with solemn ceremony by Father McKenna assisted by Father Toomey of Malden. A large crowd watched the proceeding despite a heavy rainstorm. Incorporated in the new building were the bricks from the demolished St. Peter's and the original windows which had been cut down and refitted. First Mass With the construction partially completed, the first Mass was said on Christmas Eve and on Good Friday of 1901 the cross was raised and put in place.. Then, on July 7, 1901-for the third time-Sandwich witnessed the impressive ceremonies for

Stresses Obligation To Expound Truth STEUBENVILLE (NCr. - A bishop stated here that Catholics. have a "real moral obligation" to bring out the truth when the religion of a capable· Catholic is impugned in the political field. "When your religion is held up as a deterrent to progress in a nation founded' on Christian principles, you have an obligation a real moral obligation - to bring forth the truth," Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville asserted. "And tlie truth is that a conscientious and capable Catholic is just as qualified, if n!>t more qualified, than a conscientious and capable nonCatholic-all things being equal -to hold a political job OB any leveL" The Bishop addressed the 60th anniversary banquet of Knights of. Columbus CoUncil No. 412.

ST. PAUL (NC) - Parents -'aould be allowed income tax deductions for the cost of sendWg their children to college,.:Dr. Ceocg.e F. Budd. .President of St. Cloud State College, told a Minnesota hi g her education liaison committee. Coniinoed from Page One Conceding that such deductions would be an indirect form cemtracts with the Teamsters .of federal aid to education, both . Union. public and private, Budd said: The fund is administered by a "'There is no such thing today board of six men, three of whom as strictly private education. are truck owners and three Private institutions are all tax- union members. The same fund exempt: that's certainly a form baa loaned considerable money ei federal aid." to other institutions' in Florida .. Bishop Carroll described the loan as it simple business propoNEW DELHI (NC)-A Cath- sition, expressed surprise that it had received such prominence in .lic priest has been named India's best teacher of the year. the news. "Much of the money rather C. T. Kottar:am, principal will be used for the establishet St. Michael's High School in ment of greatly needed old ....vithanam izl Kerala state, people's homes in the Miami diocese," the Bishop said. ''I do WIllI named to the honor br the . .vernment's 4eputmeot of Dot know ot a~tter way thitl education. .pension lDODq coUld be uaed."

Miami Loan -

Best Teacher


Thurs., Feb. 11, 1960

Ukrainians Say Moscow Abets Anti-Semitism PHILADELPIDA (NC)The Ukrainian Congress Committee of Arne r i e a charged here that Moscow

church Corpus Christi. It was so dedicated and stands as a constant reminder of Father McKenna and his work. And perhaps. it may also be considered as a monument to the strong and enduring faith of the Sandwich and Wareham Catholics. Honors Blessed Sacrament In 1906 Father McKenna was transferred to Taunton and he was replaced by Father William F. Sullivan. Sandwich was now a part of the Fall River Diocese which had been created in 1904 by the Congregation of the Propaganda with the Rt. Rev. William Stang, D.D., as its first Bishop. As it became plain that WareREV. JOSEPH P. LYONS Pastor, St, Joseph's-Fall River ham was rapidly passing Sandwich in. population and imporSandwich Pastor 1914-18 tance it was decided that it had the dedication of a Catholic outgrown any mission status and should be a separate parish. So church. A congregation of parishioners, visitors and non-Cath- in 1911 the towns of Wareham and Marion and the villages of olics jammed the church for the Tremont and Onset became St. Solemn Mass and listened to a brief review of the history of the Patrick's Parish. Father Sulliparish by Father Tennian of van was installed as the first Pawtucket and a short talk by pastor. Corpus Christi Parish was now Bishop Harkins. The Bishop also blessed the church grounds and free so far as any mission church was concerned-but Catholics in attended the Solemn Vespers. Buzzards Bay and Sagamore had to get to Sandwich or Wareham for Mass. The growing number of Summer people in Pocasset was faced with a similar choice. NEW HAVEN (NC)-A three Father McKeon month old strike by office Father John F. McKeon, who workers at Knights of Columbus took the plac'e of Father Sullivan National headquarters here has been settled and 350 employees in Sandwich, thought that something should be done about the are back on their jobs. The workers' . union voted situation and, as a first step, he 264-to-31 in favor of a new hired Franklin Hall in Buzzards contract, which provides a wage Bay. The first Mass in Buzzards increase of $3.75 per week Bay was celebrated in Franklin during the first year of the Hall in July of 1911 and every Sunday from then on in July, contract and an additional $2.75 raise during the second year- August and September. a total weekly increase of $6.50 - In October Father McKeon: for the life of the contract. moved to Bourne and celebrated Members of the Federal Mass almost every Sunday during the Winter. Mediation and Conciliation Service had held sessions with With the construction of the negotiators for labor and man.., . Cape Cod Canal Father McKeon agement in a futile attempt to' found more opportunity to give avoid the strike. The Govern- spiritual help and guidance to ment agency reentered the' case another group of Catholics. shortly before the agreement (Read Part VI next week) was reached. Other provisions of the contract regarding changes in sick leave, promotions and transfers were agreed to in principle and Home made now are being worked out in detail, it was announced. Tbe CANDIES Catholic Transcript, Hartford CHOCOLATES archdiocese newspaper, stressed in an editorial published before 150 Varieties the se~tlement of the strike that ROUTE 6 near the strike was "not a dispute involving the Catholic Church."

K of C Announce Strike Settlement

was behind the recent antiSemitic outbreaks in many part. of the world. ' "The over-all tactic of the communist party of the U.S.S.R. is directed against the Jewish religion, as it is directed against any other religion," said a statement from the group, said to represent 1,500,000 Americal1B of Ukrainian descent... The committee said the Soviet strategy is "to seek advantage of anti-Semitism abroad by linking it to anticommunist forces." The committee charged that the Reds have also made a special target of the Ukrainian Catholic Church "which was not only totally destroyed by the Soviet government immediately after the last war, but its faithful are even now hunted and persecuted." The persecution today of the Church, it added, is illustrated by the case of Archbishop Josyf Slipyi of Lwow, who was recently condemned for a third consecutive term to seven years at hard labor.

Irish Seminarians Become Citizens KEENE (NC)-Six Irish students for· the Catholic priesthood became naturalized citizens of the United States at the Cheshire County Court House here. Brothers of the Sacred Hearts from Queen of Peace Seminary in Jaffrey Center, they will return to Ireland for their ordina_ tion this spring. The group includes Fintan G. Crothy. Daniel McLoughlin, Thomas F. Kelly, Joseph P. Dowling, Denis A. Hega'rty and Jees J. Mitchell. .

Dorothy C'ox

Fairhaven Auto Theatre

Men's Retreat -


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri,ver-Thurs., Feb. 11, 1960

.:........;....;.--......;...:.--....,;------.,;...--..,..-:--~~--.....:...;;~-. , \



, ,

Yep; 'We, See

Of Feast Days


Thle great problem of the next ten years, according to ' Dr. Katherine Elizabeth McBride, president of Bryn Mawr College, will be to bring adults, up to the intellectual'level of youngsters. Dr. McBride .said that it will be, necessary to bridge the gap between the intellectual level Qf ,educated, youth and those who have ceased learning. It is surely true that youngsters have a truly remark- ' able amount of knowledge. Their talk on things scientific can leave their, parents wondering. Btudents attendfng Catholic schools are presumed to have a good knowledge not only of things religio~~ but the application of religious principles to concrete situations. They are concerned not only with the ten' commandmeQts but the application of moral principles in such difficult areas 'as living wage, restricted housing, integration, problems of a pluralistic society ,and the like , Their elders must be able, 'at least,· to discuss, .these issues with them' intelligently and purposefully, an~, at most,to come up with a, goodly portion of the a,nswers." Where will the ohler folk gain insight into such issues? , Where will they learn how to use their Catholic knowledge on here-and-now, situations? . , There is the role of the Catholic Press-to show Catholics how to make the eternal truths of their religion , live in and shape this changing world. ! It


yot/ SEe,' We'RE: O/SARMINS/ ~


The Business of Leaders

I TODAY Our Lady of Lourdes. This feast commerfto;. rates the first of 18apparitionll of the Blessed Mother to" sa. Bernadette, then a girl of: 1.... near Lourdes, France, between ':rebruary 11 and July 16, 1858. ]ft 'the apparitions the BlesSed Mother revealed her identity: "1: lllJD the Immaculate ConceptiOn.·

TOMORROW - Seven Servite Founders, Confessors. The seVeD were Florentine noblemen ~ Bonfilius Monaldi, John Manettl, Benedict Antella, B~rtholomew Amidei, Hugh Uguccioni, Gerard. Sostegni and Alexis Falconieri. In 1233' they retired f~om the world and founded the Order of Servants of the Blessed VirgiJa Mary (the Servites), which hM' 2 particular devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother. Each of the SeVen founders became famous low working miracles. Their order spread rapidly. They died, ill dilferent years but share a single tomb. They were canonized ~ Pope Leo XIII, in 1888.

SATURDAY - St. Benignus, Priest-Marty"i' He was a priest In ordinary circumstances, the recent remark by a , " ' o f Todi in. Umbria, Italy, who British statesman would appear to his enemies to' be was tortured and put to death iD the persecution under DioeIetiaD , ludicrous 'and to his friends to be dull. But it has been' about 303. . received with so much dignified and appreciative enthusiasm ,SUNDAY-St. Valentine, Matithat to smile at it wou'ld be in poor taste. , By Father John L. Thomas, S. J. tyro He was a Roman priest who What was said was this: "The business of leaders is . Ass'l Sociology Prof.-St; LOuis University with St. Marius and nis fami~ . , to lead." ,, aided the martyrs persecuted by A harmless remark; an obvious remark; a commonWhat do you think about corporal punishment for teen Emperor Claudius II. He was beoagers? As a teacher I am aware of many cases among some beaded about 270. place definition of a word. . . I' " . , . And yet it has been re~eived wi,th an almost pathetic of the national groups. For example'; I know a father who ,,gratitudt~ ,as the distillation, of the world's wisdom, as the inflicts severe physical punishment on his 16-,year-old' boy.. J'o~~~P~;rt:r~:F~~:~nUtlw:: Baving sl()gan of the twentieth century.' . 'The lad submits out of fear If parents fail in this task to ' brothers who lived in the second It ill strange how men hav,e lost' sight of that fact, and reverellce. What does any 'marked degree, the failure' century and preached Christianthough ~ that leaders must lead. They must not be dic- the Church say about this? is quickly reflected throughout ity during the early persecutioDli in the 'city of Bresoia. T.hey weN , ta.tors, they must not assume a "big brother knows best" Your remarks that the prac- society and either the nex·t arrested, and tred personally' hi' , " attitude, but they must lead. ,·They must be men of wisdom, tice is, r,elatively, common among' gener'ation of. parents develops Emperor Hadrian .They' WeN : some groups in this country more effectiye methods or the beheaded in 121. . men' who can see into the heart of issues, men who can really surprises' culture disintegrates. come to grips with the problems of the day and layout a me. I felt modNeeds Remedy TUESDAY - St. bneshriUll, course of action based on integrity and knowledge. ern parents had, Thus the current rise of juven-' Martyr. He was a slave who rae ile delinquency indicates the away from his master and WM Perhaps that is what the President has in mind with become so perwidespre,ad failure to prepare converted by St. Paul in RomEl. the Commission on National Goals. This eleven-man board missive .fh at they no longer the coming generation for the In his behalf St. Paul wrote has as its work to "identify the great issues of our genera~ ' used corporal assumption of responsible roles his Epistle to Philemon. ThQ tion and describe our objectives in these various areas!' pun ish m'e n t in society. Whether we blame Roman Martyrology relates thdl , The Board's aim is to show leaders the areas,in which even on youngparents, the school, or social St. Onesimus succeeded St. Tim--. conditions, the situation must be othy as Bishop of Ephesus, weo they must provide intelligent and wise direction for the sters who hadn't reached the age remedied if our traditional way taken to Rome as a prisoner and country and the world. of reason. Howof life is to endure. was stoned to death for the , So perhaps the country and the world are facing the ever, on second In the Lord Faith. Some' authorities hold be great responsibility of leadership. Perhaps'men are seeing, thought I recall What dOes the Church. :!lay bas been confused with another more clearly now the great difference between the politician, that some men about severe physical punish- Onesimus, who was Bishop 01., use physical force on their wives ment for adolescents'! Catholic, Ephesus. ' in the commonly accepted sense of the word, and the states-.' so I suppose that they would' man. The politi~ian is guided by expediency; he is not so not hesitate to do the same with doctrine in this matter. stresses. WEDNESDAY-St. Polychromoral principles and aims, leav- nius, Bishop-Martyr. He WM much a leader as an exploiter. The statesman is a leader-' their children. , \' ing the practical ,applications to Bishop of Babylon. About 250 a man of know.ledge and priilciples and wisdom who can see , ,Of course' there are people. be worked out in terms of the in the persecution under Dedus, all the nuances of a great issue and can pursue the right who feel that some spoiled young' varied methods and situations 'he and his clergy were impriecourse of action. " "punks", might well profit from.' within each age and culture. oned. He was martyred by being St: Paul states the essence of. struck in the mouth with stODeli "The business of leaders is to lead. H, There is indeed the application of' a little cor-.' punishment. I'm not in- the Church's teaching on this until he died. more to that statement than is at first apparent. It should poral terested in arguing that point point: "Children, obey your I;>e taken seriou~ly. bere, but suggest that the im-parents in the Lord, for this is plied need for such punshment just. Honor thy father and thy sent an arbitrary use of parental at this late stage of personality mother, which is the first com- authority. Although these prae-:. The first apparition of the, Blessed Mother to development clearly indicates mandment with a promise ..• tices may be explained as tradiserious' parental failure and is And you, fathers, provoke not Bernadette Soubiroux at Lourdes took place one hundred scarcely calculated to remedy it.. your children to anger, but tional carry-overs among some groups, they cannot be justified and two years ago today. '' .-. . , bring them up in the discipline under modern' conditions. Th~ and correction of the Lord....: are. bound to provoke the anger Undignified, Revoltlllg' Since that time many millions of persons have visited, From your description, I take. (Ephesians, 6:1-4). ' against which St. Paul warned ,that rode of Massabielle-some to scorn, some curious, 'that the cases you. describe Obedience is to be shown and pareQts, while they force adolmost as reverent pilgrims. Some have gone there seeking 'it are not delinquents.' Severe authority exercised "in the to act out of fear rather cures o~ one type or another. The spiritual conversions that physic~l punishment is employed Lord.",It is impossible to recon- 'escents than reverence and inner CODhave. been brought aoout are known only to God; the by fathers as a routine way to cile the conduct you mentioB viction. /physical, cures continue.tq grow, authenticated by the most maintain family discipline and with this text. At the same time, they in<&correct the normallY expected. Basic Aim sceptic of medical examinations. cate, an unChristian view 01. According to Catholic teachAnd the lesson remains-not that God is interested failures of adolescent boys. parental authority. Such fatheJ'll Frankly, I find the practice ing, the basic, constant aim of. are not' punishing Ol~ of love. in putting on some sort of "holy 'side.:.show" for His 'children; undignified and revolting, al- the whole training process is. to ,but that God expects always that His children will have' though I aql quite ready to adm~t enable~he child, to master. the, One suspects that they have no adequate view of the purPose faith in His Will and confidence In His Mercy and Power. that on an exceptional occasion ,norms, motives, and' goals re-: of discipline and deeply resent And. whoever goes to Lourdes in that spirit is helped when the father's authority is quired for mature Christia1'! any signs of independence iD arrogantly challenged, corporal living. ' " . their growing sons. always. " ' punishment might be under-, This is a· developmental proI What can you do? Perhaps 'DOt standable. Even here, it would cess that parents are privileged ' seem to me to indicate past and seriously obligated to guide much directly in your rele.parental failure' in character and supervise. Children 'belong teacher. However, s\1ould ,the training and discipline. toG6d,so' that the authority "of. occasion arise, do not hesitate Of course I don't have to tell parents t:o ,guide· and superv~se to, show such parents how.far you that parental methods of pare.nts'lS' delegated authority froql Catholic ideals their maintaining discipline liave commg 'to them ~rom God and behavior is. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPIER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER, varied widely ·in the past and, c.on~equently defmed ~n~de" Patronage of Mar., Published weekly by The Catholic Press, of the D'iocese. of Fall River still differ from culture to cul- li;mlted by, th~ .purpose I~ l~, deture. I suppose all of these sys- Signed ~ fulfl1l. .. I ' ", LAFAYETTE (NC) - The Di. • 410 Highland Avenue terns worked 'more or less sucParents must respect the dlg- ocese of Lafayette has heeD Fall ,River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 cessfully in the majority of nity of their children as per- placed formally under the pa'- cases, for every generation .of' sons. They exercise a,uthority tronage of Mary, under her title PUBLISHER parents is faced with a similar over them only, to the extent of the Immaculate Conception, Most Rev. James L. Connolly. D.O., PhD. , . invasion of young babarians that that they are not mature, while Indiana Bishop Maurice SchexGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER must be "housebroken" disci- the 'use of authority must be Dayder of Lafayette has _ Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P; Driscoll plined, motivated, and' trained ~esigned to promote this matur- nounced. S1. John Vianney,. MANAGING EDITOR Cure of Ars, is secondary patroD to take their place in society as Ity. ' , adults. The cases you mention repre- of the diocese. ' Hugh J. Golden

I fl-Ie t-' - I Op . ' POS' e sn Ing, Ph YSICc;. - hment on T A PunlS, . een gers

Lesson of Lourdes

®The .ANCHOR -,


Sees 'Increased' \:: Red





l'I'l'loirs.,Feb. 11, 1'960


:, L~onases fnsist Faith Is Strong 'In Lithuania


.'YASH~NGTON (NC)"; Communist persecution, of Cath~lics, in Slovakia haS stepped up since Nikita

CHICAGO (NC) - Most Lithuanian Catholics have , kept their Faith-despite intense atheistic propaganda,


Khrushchev came to power;' Catholic priest told the House Un-American Activities Committee. ' "The anti-religious fight is eonsidered of the utmost importance" by the communistS. Fattier Theodore J. Zube~ b.F.M., stated. Another Slovak refugee anl;l two Albanian refugees told the House committee that the current Khrushchev peace offensIve aims to lull the West into complacency and consolidate the' So;/iet hold on the captive ~ tions of East Europe. ' Tl1eir testimony was given: before the committee last Dec. 17" but not made puJ;>lic unt~i' now. It is contained in the fifth pamphlet issued by the coni.mit'::~ tee in a series titled "The crimes of Khrushchev." ." Father Zubek, 45, taught theology in the Franciscan seminary in Zilina, Slovakia, from 1941 until the suppression of Slovak seminaries by the Reds in 1950; He escaped from the COUl"try in 1951, and came to the United States in 1952. He is now a member of the faculty at ,~".~~ Han U~versity, South OranRe, N. J..' : " Outlines Efforts ", : ,Father Zubek 'testified that he has current sources of informs,' tion regarding the situation witlHrt Slovakia. He declined: to Identify the sources for the l'ec'"' ord. " ", He outlined the efforts of the" communists to force, the Catholic clergy to collaborate' with the: Red regime. "All bishops and, priests who are not in prison" must participate in various communist-sponsorea activities, he stated. In addition, "they have to J!)reach according to the themes prepared for them by the State Bureau for Ecclesiastical Ai;. l7airs," he Slilid. I

according to .two Lithuanians who have been' reunited here with their parents,after 16 years. Regina Leonas,23, and her brother Tomas, 17, were left behind when their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paulius Leonas, fled Lithuania during .World War II, leaving the children with grandparents. The parents made a personal ,plea for their children's rigbt to travel to the United States when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush'chev viSited, the United States last September. Both the Leonall children are firm in their conviction" that Catholicism is still iI. ;he bearts of many .faithf,:,l in Soviet-controlled Llthuama. .

PLAN RECEPTION FOR FORESTERS 80th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET: Past High Chief Ranger. Thomas M. Gemelli, Rt. Rev. Harry M. O'Connor chaplain and High Ch'Ief R anger.J 0 h n J . H. aII h ead the receptIOn .commIttee . " for tpe anniversary banquet to be held Sunday evemng, Feb. 21, at 6 o'clock in the Sheraton Plaza Hotel Boston E~en studen~s, they sal~, esMan y are ex~ . t ed to. a tte~d f rom,th e F a11 R'Iver D'locese and honor Cardinal , . - stick peclally those In the prOVInces, Cushing, to a belief in God and Massachusetts most illustnou8 Forester. , a t t e n d church services, despite the Red subsidy, for their studi~ In Vilna, the Lithuanian cap.. 'itaI, the churches are open, theJ' reported. ,

Beloved Alie~, ·Keveney Gave Many Years Of Devoted, Service to Church 0';' Cu:pe '~' ,., , B y Russell C o l l i n g e ' , ,\;' 'It can be pretty 'dark and' cold' and miserable at 4;: on a Sunday morning-a time ~ot'''slippin.ga>little. ~urther ". uri~'er the, cove~s and'pu~hing' the, h'e,ad. a liiUe' d,eeper mtt)' the pillow-a time for gettl1'~g three or four or ml1ybe five more hours of quiet rewl;lr.ding and"Jl~eded ~leep .. But 'at the Keveney household on Keveney Lane Barnstable it is a time for ,; .' :" .., '. . . /." . . stirring 'a~d ,~ction' Every.;; admired, r~spected, loved, active ~th, th~ early ,days of CathoU" . \' . _ , and workmg member of ,the C1SI1l on Cape Cod---:days" of on~ IS Up and dressed~the Barnstable Woman's Club, the struggle' and hardship and con'hQrse is harnessed and wait- 'St.' Francis Xavier Guild, and stant effort to maintain and


iiig, and the whole famiiy sets the Dal;lghters. of Isabella. Just establish the Filith. A time, as off on the long ride to Sandwich. as she hked bemg at Mass every Alice Keveney said, when it was Barnstable is used to it. There Sun!iaY. 'tough to be a Catholic. Is' 'no emergency:'-'just those Come and Go As the life of Alice Keveney erazy Catholics going to Mass. Alice Keveney, saw. the citi- had started~with a .drive to Strong in Faith zens, of. Bar,nstable come and SandWich and the MasS so it in 1870 there was no Catholie' go; five. gene~ations of them 'in ended . . . with a Solem~ High Church in Barnstable-the near- connection. With the family of Mass of Requiem celebrated by est place where M~ could be her old fru:nd Frank Ryder- Right Reverend Leonard J., heard and offered was Sand- and when hIS son ~as married Daley, Pastor of St., Francis ,. , s h e hoped to see a SIxth X . . H . . wi,cp, so naturally the Keveney . . '. . aVler m yanml\r- assisted by family went to Sandwich. And But Ahce Keveney died In the Rev; Alfonse LaChapelle, M.S.. went for Baptism Confirmation ~ouse where, she. was born, on and :Rev. .Tames Dalzell. And PHILADELPHIA (NC)-GoV~, and any and all other cere: ,even~y Lane m Barnstable. with one ,last ride to Sandwich David L. Lawrence of Pennsyl- monies that' might take place. And With her went another link and St. Peter's cemetery. vanhi has opened La Salle Col.. ' For John and Alice Keveney lege's four-year campaign to' 'were strong in their faith, aIld' 'raise two million dollars. the benefits and' needs of the The 'Governor, who is general Church were of first consideraehairman of the college's cen~' tion. Their habit of working for tenary fund, spoke at a kick-off and with the Church became a dinner on the La Salle campus.: part of their children's lives-He told some 500 volunteer particularly of the life of their workers and leading industrialdaughter Alice. ists that the' Christian Brothers Step Forward who conduct La Salle College With that 4 o'clock start in "will provide dollar for dollar mind; it -seemed a great step with you, contributing two million in services to your two forward when, once a month, a miSSionary priest from Sandwich million dollars." would offer Mass in the Gilmore "As Governor of the Commonwealth," he said, "I must be' house. Alice' was 16 and assi.llued full responsibility for ~he deeply concerned about the demands that will be placed 'on . altar- linens and vestments--;these institutions in the next keeping them in orqer and ready for that special "once a 'month" 10 or 20 years. "The rising populatioQ, plUs' visit. About 1911, thanks to the efthe growing economic and cul~ forts of .Tane Byrne and, the tural needs for a college educaassistance of the Simkins family, tion, will test our mettle as no Sacred Heart Chapel was built set ,of conditions since the end in Yarmouthport-and no one of World War II." was ,more ready and anxious, or better prepared, to take over the sacristy work than Alice' KeveLOAD ITn~y. AI;ld until 1955 she gave her time and energy to the job .•• LOUISVILLE (NC)-A nonS~T THE DIAL- . denominational civie organiza':' handling all linens and vest;tion has been set up here 'iO ments' and supplies, and tending ~ ,the necessary cleaning and mobilize public opinion agaiDSt o,rd~ring of the church. , unnecessary Sunday business.' John Keveney bought the Called Citizens for Sunday Closing, the organization will: house and farm in Barnstable in 1840, and Alice and her 10 operate in the Louisville area and in' Clark and Floyd Coun- brQthersand sisters were born ttle1,'e. Two b.rothers went to ties, Indiana. _ f~1 A spokesman for the group· N,ew York, taking their· sister Kate along to keep house for said the first phase of its cam, I' them-but Alice and her, sister paign will be to encourage shopMary stayed home ,with the~ pers to refrain from"buying unmo~her until her death at the necessary articles on Sunday. ' . '. , age'of 92. ' "If we're going' to ask merehlmts not' to do any' Sunday ,One brother, Henry, c~e selling, first we have to ask back and spent the last 18 years people not to any Sundar shoP-: of his life with Alice. When he ping," the spokesman said. died she lived alone. She .liked "We're seeking a massive mobiU:-' it,,~at way. .Tust as she liked to 155 North Main. St.... zation of Christians to make drive her own car, and do aU Sunday opening unprofitable and her own shopping and houseunnecessary." wotk. Just as she liked being an

Governor Opens" College Drive

There are many Russuiri~ lD Vilna, they added, and Russian is spoken in some public places. There are no known partisans nor are any underground pubu... cations distributed, they ,said. '

Vatican Library ,Aids Scholars of World VATICAN CITY (NC)-Tbe Vatican Library served tholisands of scholars from throughout the world in 1959. The library, which has more than 60,000 manuscripts and about 700,000 volumes, is an international research center. During the last year alone the library allowed 1,477 scholars of every nationality to use its facilities. Specialists sometimell spend months or years working on learned projects within the Vatican Library, are given working space and served W the library's personnel

Dry Clothes Indoors! Automatically! _Any, Time! WITH A.

Form Sunday Closing' Civic Organization ,

• JUST '.


.Clothes hetter • •.• look bette, ••;. lastlOliger ~

Fall River

Company Telephone OSborne 5-7811

7. "


THE ANCHOR~Di~Eis~ ofFall,River-T'hurs:,' f~~:";j'i1 '~'"


',' ., .'.'. 'Chiildren';s Robrns Can B~Gay But" Shou~dM, ake Ord,. ,er_ Easy". . 8

9 6 e ': " . " " '~, ;Mercy' 'Superior J

To Atte6d'Meet'



By Alic~ Bough Cahill . Beds, tables, dr~ssers, ,desks and chairs-yes, we think of them right , 'd off and we plan 'on colors and styles, but when .. we re conSI ering a child's room, do we plan on plenty of 'f b" are some ideas you may be able to incorporate · storage? Here 1 you are . uilding or re- spreads and drapes~AiI children , modeling a house in which have a beloved ani~al that they children 'ar.e to grow up. want on their bed, sO a favodte · Panel one' wall, or at least teddy bear' will feel quite at

of the" Sisters


Mercy, which includes the FaD Riv~r Diocese; wiII attend a· hoepitaI' institute Mercy Gener-alate, Bethesda,atMd. Wednesday through' Saturday, Feb. 17 to 28. . Superiors and administratoJ"ll '

will discuss "Mercy Hospitab :ina Changing·Era." Topics to be discussed will include probleme confronting hospitals and their make one' wall' look like it . home between bars. employee relations; hospital care blank panel, hut let these...panelB If your foom affords' a jog or and rising costs; organizatiOQ ·eOver your clos' recessed' section, use some of, .' and· administration of the nurs'ets. Place ver" the drapery material to curtain ALTHEA MUNR . in~ service department; and 10Df .tical woo den' this off, carry the scallop idea ' ; .' 0 EDWARD MUNRO . range planning. pulls low' on around to the top of the jog and His' Excellency, Most Rev. each closet door label this section "Side Show." Patrick A. O'Boyle,1>,D.. Arch(from noor to ,Build shelves for toys, movie ' : bishop of Washington, an adult's hand slides, animals, etc. Have win"ciate at the Mass opening' the . level, approxdow seat or bench where the institute and WillI address the ~imately 3 feet). .audience can sit when the' chilThe Fall River C!ltholic WomA coffee hour will follow the group.so that a small. dren show .their movies or put en's Club will meet Sunday aftmeetirig, with Mrs. Harold Ward Many Institutions' child .CEan open on their own puppet show. ernoon, Feb. 14, heading its· and 'Mrs. Gilbert Stone as co' . ope nth e'm Very' little expense is involved and Benedic-: . Miss Maureen Cleare' The Sisters ·of Mercy of the without aduit and the I\.ovelty is so appreci.,. bon In Sacred Heart Church at and' Miss Yolande Brunea'u are .' Union have under their direction he I p. Rod s 'a,ted by the little to'ts tha't you'li 2:~0, followed at 3 by a meeting hospitality co-chairmen. '. in the United States 84 general within the' closet placed at the feel rewarded for executing any. in the .school auditorium. '. - hospitals, four psychiatric sanachild's reach' will hold his of your clever ideas.. ' The Munro Trio 'will present New Bedford Thespians" one .tuberculosis sanatorclothes. , ' Comfort First / entertainment featuring Aletha . . lUm, and five' convalescent bo.Restain closet for clothes; . We are not unmindful of .the, DoolIttle Mupro; ,soprano; EdDramatize life of Job . pitals located in 27. states... the other for .toys. Fit this closet parents who lean to the con~eri~ ward Munro, tenor; and Emily ."1;'he "Lif~ of. ;Job" 'will be .outside' the country tbe7 with lots ,of :open shelves a'nd tional. in decorating a ~ursery' Fritzsche,pianist and 'accom": 'broadcast at.5:~0 Sunday ~ight,./, co.nduct a leprosarium and a' · ceiling' light: Have light cords or a child's room and. we, ,tOOl panist.·.· •. ' . ' . . Feb. 14, by the Catholic Theater . general hospital in British Gw.:. hang lo'w enough for the child ,subscribe·to the long.,.established Mr·s. M\lnroh'as ~ppear~' in' GUil~"of New Bedford: . 'ana,' '8' clinic for the poor ia .to .reach: If you raise the' floor rules---,first, that a nursery. or', a. m~IlY .s()lo.engagemehts and has :. The original script was .written ~ British -Honduras and a school 'ell Of this storage closet, one. step child's room is furnish'edfor the been heard ori:thE! air. Her"hus"'··. :by ,'Frank:' Almeida, and, ,is the' ~..nursing in Honduras\ Annually from the level· of . the bedroom comfort of those using it. " barid has appeared with over 30 first Old T~stamen:t drama' prethese institutions they give floor you will find it 'makes for . We know children are suscep-' . ~horal and orchestral" groups'· sented by the Gu'ild illY-ears.. :' care to over 2,000,000 in-patient. easier dusting. ' .' . , : tible to their enviromnerit, and in' New and' : Its of fa,ithfuineSs to and out-patients. . has . sung 26. engagem~nts, oI.q<>d- under, painful 'distrilctions ;. An' organized toy c1os~t e~theil-room 'everything pPSsible H ' ..~ t4 tll'e' M'·.. MeSSIah. .. ,;.. .... -IS . .Wh",st ' , a child ,topJt 'things shoul'a be.',done .to-'s·t'lo'm'ula;Je andel's. ,,' . . ,.... ap 'd''.: t emptabons . .' particUlarly: . ". . . , .Sr·lent· the ISS F'rItzscbe. has perfC!rmed. appropriate for the moder' . Academy ·aw:ay when he's' through ,playing, iniagination' and, · but with' tho~ panel'doors closed ~n~ of co.I~r~nd C)rder:: ' '. .' iaJ. Jordan Hall concerts and' in . .' '. .' n age.. . Association, Fall River, will'hoW 'the bedroom is neat, if even' toys. A child's sense of' order. 'ii!I r.ecit~ls 'ilt the ,Gardner- Museum; . I ' .Chri.sto·llI;ier~~·Bestwill ~Uree;t· .sil!!n~ whist at 8 tonight in.'the aft tOPlfy-turvy inside., )lelped~ by having.~ pla.ce forhii, Boston.' : the . p~oducbon' with Florence' ~chool 8ud,itorium. Miss ClaIH , d b 1" ' .... g' to ' u· t' tho' 'e .," ' M e l l o .at th~ studi6, 'arg'an. '. -- . Bo, utI'n I·.S chairman. toys an Something ~aJ' : y earnm p S I "ae '.. , . , Would you like' to fiXUP.... toys' A umr of St. Anne/s.

Munrb Grou p to. Of,fe ' ' r Prog ra m At Fa II ,River .C Iub Meeti ng. '


a.gen~a with.~osliry














iilm Nu~ses" Ali.uhn~e 'A~-


·.J:EA.:NI·.··S·, ,S",'T.·.:E',A,' K·'. :H::O''USE JU!CYI, f '.b d~ oJ?>

_lOmething gay for aco.uple 'J:o:See' Medical thre,e and . built /1n urider windowll or ia . The ,: --olds? Give' them " circus! By unoccupied wall space. .ciation of 8t:, .Anne's Hospital' ,aSirig'. simple sturdy beds o~· Furniture built on a srrIilU Fall . ~iver,will view a. fiID:: 1?uild your own scale., with' drawers. easy, 'for dealing, 'with psychosomatic .:frames, headboard and have ·this head,;, "the. child··t9 opeil is'.• wiSe' at ... tts . next 'regular ·board come. 'outt into Tuesday, March 1 at _ L' th ·the . '11' r~)Om..meeting" selection.:·A child can ·.then put the hospl'tal. · instead o.agalps e wa. ., ' awawsome of his own 'tniiigs. . . By your. SO . " " . ' Miss 'Arlene CarreIro and' that the foot of each bed is . r:»olish . Decree Mdkes'Miss willrepre'against the ,wall you can build,'a ' . ' sent. the group at the '.national '''cage'' headboard for each bed. legar Abortion Easier C,onv.ention·of the American Bavea solid board as wide as WARSAW (NC)':"" Polish .. Nllrses Association, to be held





. Fall' River - New Bedford' Highway-No.' Westp'ort TENDER SIZZLINGi " . . .. . .Something· Newl' . .' 'i¥ , .Choos..ft.Your, Own Steak.·.·· • AU ~, , . . . a ks .on,display for your ,-, h c, qosing, Speciat' Arrangement.! Weddings and: P~rties ' .' For °' Phone', OSborne 2-9186' ,








~h~a~~h~~~ ~~~~~~~to~ ·:~~M~~~~~·~'~i~D~M~a~Y~.==~~ _ _~~==~====~=~=~~~~~~=~~~;~~~~~ a legal abortion under the term. .,

'bed is. from' the floor as y,our · base to which will be l!-ttilched · the 'verticai' two-inch' bars to 'make the cage. These bars should JlCI up to the ceiling. and you might' finish them off with a· scalloped.. board. Get·' some wooden letters to attach to th,is 'scallop and label each bed with the child's name, as "Bili's cage." Use red-arid-white circus tent awning washable material for


Hunter CC?lIege Honors Retiring President NEW YORK (NC) Dr. George N. Shuster, retiring presiderit of Hunter College, received an honorary doctorate of " humane letters from the, college · be has headed since' 1940.. On h.and to salute' him were Francis Car din a I Spellman, Archbishop of New· York; Mayor Robert Wagner, Mrs. Franklin' D. Roosevelt, and the presidents 'of 29 othe,r colleges. From 1920 to 1924 he was head of the English department at Notre Dame. He was associate· editor, from 1925 to 1926, and · managing editor" from 1926 to 1938, of the Commonweal, a national Catholic weekly mag: azine. ' .' . , .' He became dean of Hunter College in 1939 a ila president in . 1940. From 1950 to 1951 he was ' State Commissioner for Bavaria : in the U. S. Zone of Germany. For his efforts to promote under.:. · standing between France and Germany 'he was awarded the :'" .FrenchLegion of ·Honor.. ' '


Cape,t_ip Banqu,


of a new decree issu~d' by' the Ministry of Health here. Announcement of the decree . came. a short time after War-' saw's leading communist.. daiiy,. .TrYbl,ma Ludu, attacked Poland's Rrimatefor 'iundeIjnining dom of conscience"'by his 'oppo-' sition to birth control and aborllon. " . . . . Tpe Red newspape~ quoted Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski as .stating in sermons that "mater'" . nity wards have become mortuaries." It also. accused the Cardinal of insuiting the Polish' health service and declared that -criticism 'of the 1956 law legaliz-. ing abortion "plainly has nothing in common with :the spir\t of Church-state understanding~~

Provincetown Catholic Daugh·' ters v,iillhbld a 36th anniversary banquet lit. 6:30 Saturday night, Feb.. 13. Mrs. Mar] Chapman and, Mrs. Alice Williams are co· chair!Den: ~niti~tio~ of five new · membe!'s Will hIghlight t~e balli-' quet projram.

FUll 'RIB' , .HALF '



,PORK Combi~ation

~'5C LBi9CL~39c L~~ L;39c CHIICK ROAST '45 HE,A..~Y ?~EER B~:EF.





Government of France Honors Nun~Professor NEW ORLEANS (NC)':""Tbe Republic of France conferred an' academic' honor on Sister Mary AU'gusts, ,at exercises held at Xavier University, where she isa professor of French and Span:ish. Jacques Grellet, French COD-' suI general here, presented' a cert~ficate of membership hi the Fren~b Order ot. the' Palmes '\ Academiques -in 'acknowledg'ment of" the 'BlesSed Sacrament nun:. work in promoting the French culture and language.

,Public Whists ·,to Benefit Fall· River Convent I: . '. ~e Sisters o~ St. JoseP1C Fan,. River, will conduct public whist. . the second .Wednesday ·of.each month, at the conv~nt, .. 2501 South Main Street. A, supper at 6:3(l Sahtrday night, Feb. 27, will also benefit the convent. Mrs. Rose Deschenes is cbairm~. Suppers will also be ,held in April, May, ,July, . September and November to' gether' with· sale.' ancr:hazair.....

at ,,'



·.Everytloy't LOW MEAT' PRICES!

. hSh' '1 f res· ou den LEAN AND




... 39c .'

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enter ·Ham :Slices ,LB 99c Top :R.ound Roasf- '1' 05 ." , . BoneIe$S Buit~'.:: ,65" . . IiOTTOM''RQ':UND' . . "'LB' 1 05' , . , .: '. Roast'•h . . .' S .. uper-Rlg I Bacon·: .UI :45~ .;.. Face, Rump Roas,l. l' 05 ui • Cb k U e S,ea, :m 1J 9 ,Top Round Steak 1.19 W(;)KED

' . "






'.. :

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Prlett . . Ii Illl. lid _ _ltd. Un


~ .

, •. 1a IIld 011_ .. lim CQIIlmlHI'" & ,lelD_



Valentine's Day, Means M,ore .'To Catholics' Than Candy





Benedict D of I Schedule Bridge

By Mary Tinley Daly Valentine Day. What does that connote in the USA, Benedict Circle, North AtUe!960? For our children, as it did for us as children, it boro Daughters of Isabella, will lDeans a lot of kid, stuff: lace paper messages, coyly sponsor a bridge to benefit the 'addressed in disguised handwriting with a "Guess Who" Rose ,Hawthorne Home Tuesday,. Feb. 23 at Hotel Hixon. , motif; a gayly ~ecorated sUtuted the practice of giving AprIl plans· include the silver at school into which every- billets with the names of certain anniversary banquet, set for body - But everybody t saints to be honored and imiSaturday, the 16th, with Miss puts in a, one or two-eent tated by the boys. Genevieve Riley as chairman. A walentine for everybody else; So you see, this Valentine communion breakfast will also And tilere's always a special' business has been going on for be held. one to a spe. a long, long time. The annual dance will be held cia1 per son. Red for Marlyn jointly with the Knights of Ad u 1 t san d As why the day is named Columbus in May. Mrs. D. pseudo - adulta in honor of St. Valentine:Eugene Leco is chairman for the often choose probably it has nothing to do circle, and Miss Nellie Dorothy this day to send with 'the saint (or saints, for will be in charge of arrange• non 'I mously there were at least three of ments for a rummage sale, also ,.,b e "co~c" them by the name) ~xcept for in May. kin d - those the fact that February 14 is ~t really hurt their feast day. Also, it coin'Benefit Film • they pincides with the ancient practice point foibles, of the birds. Student nurses at St. Anne'. failings, or even . One of the best known of the Hospital, Fall, River, will sponphysical disa'Saints Valentine was a priest. SOl' a showing of "A Song to bilities. The i R B h Remember," 'motion picture ' ....stom of tentative romanciftd physic an of orne. ecause e based on the life of Chopin, at .... refused to renounce his faith; goes back, 'way back, to the Valentine was beaten by clubs 7:30 Monday evening, Feb. 15, Middle Ages, when it was be- and afterward beheaded on the in the hospital. Proceeds wiu lieved that mid-way in the 14th day of February, about the benefit a Baghdad mission second month of the new year, year 270. In 350 a church was staffed by Sisters of the same birds, took their first mates of built over his tomb on the community that operates St. Anne's. tile season. Flaminian Way (Gate of St. ' Chaucer, in Old Englisll (14Ul Valentine). AT ASSEMBLY DANCE: Richard H. Parsons, faithful ,eentufY) in his "Parlia~ent of Another Valentine 'was tbeC8ptain,. and, Mrs. Parsons greet guests at formal dance 'New Conductor ,:.owes" w r i t e s : . . " , . Ellen Murray, be COD'.. ' ,"For, this was on SeyntVal~ Bishop ,of Interamna (moder~ conducted at. New Bedford ~otelby Bishop Cassidy General ' d . Terni). Other martyrs ,named . Assembly, Fourth Degree, KIlights of Columbus.,' ductor of ,Father, Le,'naghaa , en t yne 8, ay.., ;" , ': St. Valentine were known 88 .. "When. every foul cometh', . I' d" , ' "Court, New 'Bedfordunlt of there to, chaos,.e' his.~ate." . "baptized" saints, i.e., anony~ . "j }~O'Us martyrs, to whom the " '' , . , . 'the Massachusetts C at ho 1 i •




W'".' .... s ' 1'0' y'ear 'E'ff"ort " A' vances' oman Wi th Gift, of' ~taque .to POst Office.. ~:~~~n:f F=:ter~Ne~~::: j


=:e~O~:i::::~seri~, . ~~egi::n.s~me - known



- . 'ef essays published 'in the earlY, . this ,year, as we celebrate I! I,' 18th century, we read':Of a' Valentine Day in a. I rather! Foung girl Who "pinned, fiw 'light-hearted and somewhat', ' 0 " . bay 'leaves; oile on each ,corner'''' ~illy ~ay, we see the' ..bac,k01. my pillow, one in the mid-, grou'nd:' customs originating in die." It sounds as though this a worldly sense but taking on' would make her dream of beef the name of truly, great saints, .ew, but it' seems this was of the Church.



dreamed; she' would marry him. before the ve,ar's end. (Po make"su're, 'the girl hard-' "" "'--'led an, egg, took out, !9V' (fOlk, filled th~ cavity with salt. 6lte the whole thing Hncludlng (Jhell) , without speakirig or' &mking after the ordeal. "Then'" Ibe COIlUIlUed, ''X lay abed and 8liut my eyes all morning till ~ .ame to our house; for I would 'DOt have seen another man before him for all the world." " Getting a man the ha.rdw87; we'd say. In the 15th and 16th centuries, ID. England, France, and Scot.. land on St. Valentine's Eve, it W8B a ceremony for young boys IlIId girls to write; names of'those of the opposite sex, on billets, throw them into a common pile, then draw. Those drawn were ,"'alentines." St. Francis de Sales, 16th eentury Bishop and, "Gentle~an Saint" severely forbade the .-stom. To abolish it, he, io-

North Attleboro Bridge The Catholic Women's Club of .orth Attleboro will sponSor ita annual Rose Ha~thori1e' Valentine Bridge at 2 Saturday after-DOon, 'Feb. 13 at the Rome Restaurant. Mrs. Albert Horman .. chairman.

:Wi\SHINGTON (NO) , - ~



realized when,a,plaque bearing the national motto "In, God W~, Trust" was presented to th~: main', post office, in the nation's capital. ' Rep. Carl Albert of Oklahoma

::::e:~~cetho~ ~:~~~

to have pictures of Christ' dISplayed i~ ,ptiblic buildings an4

Feb 18 ..



r.------:-......-i t d' " , n o'a y S," .... 'I ' smarle st I <I

in..stores~,. Hfar campaign" m~t With such success that 'Durant ,IStOda! .~nown as "the city of I Christ pictures." Miss O'Riley turned next to promoting the national ~otto

~~~ :~n hG,e~de=:rt~rUp~~q"

~:::iU;gt hom e s ...

::; u: II O'Riley, a Durant' woman' who for more than a, decade' has, the motto have so' far been L placed in several public build- - - - - - - - campaigned' to ',have religious ings in Durant. Gov. J. Howard i'tu' d' tt ' d' 1 d - /ft P c res an mo oes ISP aye Edmondson of Oklahoma rein stores and public buildings. cently accepted a .simUar- plaque Representatives of, the three for the state capitol building -.... major faiths' took part in' the in Oklahoma C~ty. As we bake a heart-shaped, presentation. 'ceremony.. 'Sens. .cake, decorate it with red icing., Robert S, Kerr and Mike Monuse ,"I love you" place cards, ,'ronEw'attended. The plaque was our thoughts can go to more accepted by, Carlton' Beall, ,post-, serious things than the peren- master 'for Washington. nial customs of the birds,. Rep; Albert',saltl.ted Miss 0',At Ma.JS, when we' seethe',' ,Riley:, for':,her ."campaign to priest come out robed_ in red make her own comni1,inity, state vestments, we will realize that and natian more 'c(lnscious of this' is not only the color of its Christian' heritage and of its, NEW BEDFORD " ~ , KITCHeNS cinnamon hearts for sale in any need for reliance oI)"GOd." -AmerIca'.' most envied kitchenscandy store. These red vestments :\WillS O'Riley's driv.e. began" INDUSTRIAL OilS', are' representative'of the mar- more than a decadli: ago when, tyrs ' of the Church-those who she was shocked at:ilieeing an· OilS shed their blood for their reli- indecent picture displayed in a gious convictions. courtroom in Durant. She sought TIMKEN This is the real meaning of Middleboro Road. Route 18 Hy(mnis Parties St. Valentine's Day. , EAST fREETOWN OIL BURNERS Father McSwiney Circle, Hyannis Daughters of Isabella, will , Please send literature Hyannis 0 of I & Service Members of Father McSwine,. hold game parties at 8 every Have salesman call at no Circle, Hyannis DaughterS ,of Sunday evening this month. obligation. the Misses Hostesses inolude Isabella, will provide pastries 501 COUNTY ST. Name _"" _ for Cape Cod Hospital coffee Mary, Irene and Lillian Shea, Mrs. Ovide' Dumas arid Mrs. NEW BEDFORD shop the week of March .,. Miss Address _ •.__.._..._ _ .. ' Lillian Shea, regent, 'will ,be John Medeiros. among members from throughWY 3·1751 Pre-Easter Show out the state attending a retreat . A pre-Easter style ,show win at Brighton Cenacle April 2Z be sponsored by ,Infant ' of through 24. Prague Guild, auxilIary for 8t: Mary's Home, New Bedford.

Perhaps this is good. If the purely natural generation-after... generation custom of setting aside this day as a setrii-romanti h d t' isted St c one a and no' Pers , r. ' Valentine his 0 the martyr-namesakes might have been forgotten.

---r----.. .



you'll find,



Lumber Co. Inc.

o o






ROUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. , Near Fairhaven' Drive-In

Italian Dinners O.u; SPecialty Service On p~io ~~








. . "" FARMS .'


145 Washington ~t.,r~frhaven. ' • BAR-B-Q Chickens, •• CUT·UP ChickenS:

• • DAY OLD Eggs

TAUNTON CHARITY BALL: Taunton Queen's Daughters will sponsor their second annual charity ,ball at the Cotillion Ballroom, Eas~J;" ~~)Uday.,l'1ight. ~ft :tQ, right: lira. William P. MacLean and Mrs. John F. Doherty,Jr.. ao-chair.men.; Mfa. .William. .R.. ..Powers, general chairman. . . '.. -







206 Union Street New Bedford


'Dial WY 5·7468

Senate Turns Down Proposal ToWASHINGTON Aid Mon-Profit Schools' (NC)-United States Senate rejection

.' THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 11, 1960


Educatiorg Unit Plans to Meet On Apr.el 2

of a proposal to lend private; non-profit schools' funds for construction has drawn criticism from Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, director of the Department of'Education , National , Catholic Welfare Conference.'.. . h "'d th t" k h'" butlOn and, the loans would have ::d eep 0 Sial d' e vo ~ m ad ~s "AIm been, moreover, 'returnable to y Isappom t e . t the Federal government with this particular time, when all interest." He 'pointed out "The

S ister John Elizabeth, SUSC, Principal at the Academy of the S acred Hearts, a member of the Executive Board, New Englan~ Regional Unit, Secondary School Department, National Catholic' Educational Association, attended the meeting held at Cathedral High School Springfield, Saturday, February 6. "

American education, is con- equity ·of the claims of private fronted by major difficulties, it education was forgotten, obviis unthinkable to disregard the. ously.". contribution of the private ,The NCWC Education Direcschool system, or its future," the tor emphasized the contribution Monsignor declared. of private schools because the The 49-37 Senate vote against Federal .funds would have ena proposal of Senator Wayne couraged construction of non:" Rev. Edward J. Kroyak, GuidMorse (D.-Oregon), to lend pri- public schools, thus relieving the ance Director at the Springfield vate, non-profit schools up to taxpayer of the cost of educa:" High School and Chairman of $150 million in a two year period' t~'on for many pupils.' Q1!ALIFIED FOR R. O. T. C.: Coyle High Seniors who the Secondary School Depart-. for ~chool construction. The vote' Dirk~n Opposition are emg consider,ed by the Navy for R. O. T. C. are, left ment, presided at the meeting agamst the proposed long-term, .' to rIght, Ronald 0 Reilly, Joseph F. Callaghan, WI'III'am E. which made plans for the Spring low-interest program came be-' . I Sole. oppositio.n oJ..l the floor Wh I Regional Convention to be held fore the Senate adopt~d, 54 to 35, came' from Senate Minority ,ee ock, Manuel C. Ma~edo and Dennis M. Coady. at Saint Mary's Academy, Bay a measure to grllnt $1.8 billion Leader .Everett .M. Dirksen (RView, Riverside, R. I., on Satur~ for public school' construction" 'Illinois) who charged that ~he' day, ~pril 2. and public' school teachers' sa1'- . 'low interest rate wQuld cost the The theme chosen for the one aries over a two-year period: ," 'Federal government too mU~h ~tR~O. day Convention is Modern EduThe bill to aid public educa- money. \ . ; Five. CQyle High. ~chool sen- football squad. He hopes to at- cation· Trends in the Catholic· tion was sent. on to the House He maintained that the goV- 10rs .have. been. notified by the tend eHher Boston College or Schools. Specialists in the de-. where its future is uncertain. ernment would' have to spend Navy Depart'!1~nt through the Holy Cross College: partment of· modern languages, President Eisenho~er is U~~Ught 'more to raise funds for the Bost~n recrultI?-? station that .Manuel C., Macedo resides modern mathematics and science likely to veto any measure pro,: program than rt would get back they~ have. qU~hfled for further with his uncle a~d ,aurtt, Mr. and will be invited to address the posing large-scale,.grants to edu- in interest. He said it would conSideration In the N.R.O.T.C. Mrs. l'rancis L. Avilla at 31 assembled secondary school catio~,. ' . ..... , . ,,',: ~~nd schools at two and seveh~ ,program. This qualification is South Street., Taunton. He is a, ,teach~rs ~nd administrators. , .. Forget Equity ' , ' eighths per cent, but would have, .. «!uf;l ~~ .the result of an .exam ,memq.er,.. <!.f. St.. oTQl!eph;s pariSh" P~nehs.ts w111 conduct info.rmlll M~~;. Ho,::hwaIt,·,sa'iq. he·f,ound··,.' '~i> spend four and se.ven-eighth~ . ~ken, ", at .' Bl'idg~water .Stat¢, I;lorth ,.P1ghton, ,and was, a mem.,: d.lScusslons on these subJect.!l,. it "disheartening" that the finan-", per ee~t.to,get the money., ',," Teac~~r~ ~ollegl:l ~n;.pE!,~emb~t: '!Jer 0.f,t/leG,:'i',9. 1)asE!ball.tea~ ,: a.nd a'demonstration in' the praccial ~9ntJ;ibution m~de ,by pri~ 'o''. .. Senators Saltonstall (R:-Mass.) '., ~ ph~slcal ,~xa'!l- an~ personal" ~J,1 that parish. At school h.e is tICal use of the Language Labo.vate .$(;h~o1s was ,oV;~I;looked in"" .•md J'astore, (D-R. 1.). voted, for, lI~terrr,;; ~l1J ~~llo,w. ,)"uftlier a.ctiv~ ,in the ·.r.C.. S. an~. is, a : -ratory 'at ,the Academy will, be the Senate debate. . . the Morse .bill. Senator Green q~a .lc.a Ion Will. ,maKe . them ,,~ember oPh~BiologiClub.' He' a part of the afternoon program. "In 'the long run;" he. added, ,'(D-RI.) was, ,recorded in. the' 'ehglble f?r, approximately. 52h,as be,enaccep~ed'at Northeast"the ~~l;lns wou~d'h~v¢ incr~ased,.:: n;egative. Senator KennedY.(D_~~eg~s ~~corpor~t~d in the' ern tJpi,v~r,sity imd hopes t6 at:" substantially the schools" contri- ,~ass.) was paired as a "no" vote... ", ·Th·O.Tf:P.: progran,t.. tend .. eitl:u~r Northeastern or " " , ' . , . . . "," ' . ' e lve young men'. ' " '" U'niy.~rsHy. . ' . . wh¢i'e ' , "'N 0 tr'~ D' ,ilme i1 00', Willi'ain E. EverettWheelocil;: Wheelock sOIl' of' : he ,\\?~l,m.fJ,or m electrical engi., Mr. a.nd .Mrs. neermg.. · '. , ' , '


C I H. h lye oy e .Ig Senior$ Poss First St.ep f or'Ad miSSion, · · .into ' T.e. .,



AUeyiati.o' of' Wo,'.iII,ld's','·H'.' u'n'g'er. G', ,'1." . ' '" Re'I·Ie'f" F'un d A .' II of 49, West Street,. Attleboro. 1\.. ," B·IS hOpS 'ppea. member of St. John the Evan~ OF WASHINGTON (NC) _ The' the basis for maintaining the gelist parish in Attleboro, he is

''1' I





Dennis,M. Cody, !l0n of Mr. and :rs. John Cody. of 11 New-. 14th annual appeal for the agency's relief operations. an honot student and a member ton treet, Mansfield, is a mem_ worldwide overseas. relief pro. In 1959, he said, the donations of the track team,' Dramatic ~.e~dof ~t. Mary's parish, Mansgram of U. S. Cathohcs has been of U. S..Catholicsenabled CRS- ClUb, Biology Club and cheerIe. e is an honor student laun hed w'th emphas' on ho leader for. the past two yea'rs. at Coyle and hopes to attend c 1 IS W NCWC to function in 51 coun- . He l'S l'nterested l'n attendl'ng the. Northeast~rn University and curbing hunger and deprivation tries, among 40,000,000 needy " . can help the cause of world people. U. S. Air Force Academy or major ~n engm·eering. eace . Notre Dame Unl·versl·ty. He Ronald F. O'Reilly, son of Mr. P . "It also enabled CRS-NCWC d M rs. Ronald O'Reilly of 39 hopes to make Engineerl'ng h'l'S an. · . dNorton; ' .is a memTh e goa1 se t f or th e Ca th 0 I~c. . to ship overseas' for the thl'rd major field. . . AId er. R oa, Bishops' Relief Fu~d Appeal is. successive year more than one ,Joseph F," Callagh,an, son' 0# bel' of St. Mary's parish Norton. $5,000,000. The dr~ve. begin.s on,. b,illion pounds of clothing, medi- " Mr. ,and Mrs.. Joseph.·Callaghan He h opes ' t"0 a tt en d ·el'th er Tufts Ash W.~dnesday, MaJ;ch 2, With .a ,. ,~ines, and U. S. ,government sur- Sr. of, Simpson Lane', Assonet. " or Nb" t' U mversity .. . l' th"easern and Lenten t;:ampaign, in Cathohc, 'plus .food valued at more than A., mem,'J;ler of, St., Bern,ard's par~ , , major . . .. "1 e~g.ineering. ' ' In. CIVl schools. $115,000,000," he said.. Ish, Assqnet, he is an honor stuThe· week of March 20 to 27 Lar"'est Ag' n . . ' dent d b ' , will be observed in most of the' " ' . . . " .' . e. cy • an a mem er of the vllrsity nation's 16,500 Catholic churches Smc~ Its .mcephon m 1943, the First Five Americans' as the time for. local appeals "C~~hohc agency has be,come the· with a special collection on Lae- ' largest'''voluntary relief agency Join Mill Hill Society tare Sunday, March 27. of its kind in the world," he said. . SLINGERLANDS (NC)-The This was announced by Ai'chIn these 16 yellrs, . .the tot~lfirst five American candidates bishop Karl J. Alter ot: Cin- a~ount of food, clot?ing, 'me~i- "for the Mill Hill society brothercinnati, chairman of the adininis-: cll~es and ~ther ~ehef ,supphes .hoodhave been admitted to th'e " trative board of the National : shipped by the Bishops age~cf . Brothers' training center at the' Catholic Welfare 'Conference, h~s totaled 5,310,999,101 pou~ds, ,society seminary here in, New the U. S. Bishops' voluntary With. a value of $804,791,478, ac- York. ' ThomasF. Monaghan Jr. coordinating agency. cordl~g to CRS-NCWC records. The Brothers of St. Jos'eph's "The hunger and deprivaiion While unemployment, p~verty, for Foreign Missions work with Treasurer that continue to exist in so many and other problems made It necthe Mill Hill priests in 12 of the parts of the world and which essary for CRS-NCWC to main- 16 mission areas under the together with the refugee prob~ tain large relief pr?grams ~n society's care. 142,SECOND STREET lem, must be alleviated if world Eur?pean areas, parhcularly In . - - - - - - - - - - - - -•• OSborne 5-7856 peace is to be achieved, JTlake. Spa.n, Portugal, ,?reece anc:l _ BOYHAVEN the success of this year's appeal Italy" the ,emphas~s on the West Newbury, Mass. FALL RIVER more important than ever," he a~ency s efforts durmg the· pesaid. nod was concentrated on ~m4er:' ' Conducted by eveloped e f L t' A " ~807. Brothers of Cha'rilY .1959 "Th'en t 00, "he a dd e, d "th ' ,d• arthas 0F a Em t merA' d It • BoardingSchool' d ' L t: Aere: i ' 1ca, .(>.Sla, e ar as an. rrrl,vate are th e nee s In a m mer ca: Africa. f B G d ' that have been stressed by the . , ' . 0 1 ' , oys ra es '5-6-7-8 ' , Holy Father and for which addi- " ' In Europe, It conc~ntrated Its 'Write: Call or 'come for tiortal appropr'iatlonshave' had" ,efforts o,n newly arriving refuInformation to be made" gees, for whom integration and· . Tel. HOmestead 2-4663 '. Dl' resettlement is available oeesan D' . Iree t ors. from the U. su'pport S. government and ':====:;:======::~ I ,I







"'.~,~t ~


11 you are Interested In becoming a Sister In the field 01 nursing, write today for information to: Reverend Mother General ST. MARY OF THE ANGELS CONVENT 1000 30tll Street Rook Island. Dllnolll




Archbishop Alter extendeq an Invitation to the Bishops to par-' ticipate in the·campaign by ineluding their dioceses in .the Laetare Sunday' appeal and by appointing diocesan directors for the 1960 drive. In the meantime, in New York,. where CRS-NCWC ha's Empire State Building' headquarters', Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, execu:tive director, said the minimum goal of $5,000,000 provides

in' supplying surplus food cloth-' ing and other materials t~refu-: ge'e camps. '

Jesuits Open New, ·Sch.ool in ;J'amaic~' . .





KINGSTON (NC) -:-, T b e :..NE". ~BEDF6~D.•. MAS~~ ',' American Jesuit conllllunity. in 'DIAL wy' Jamaica has opened a '. second tegular high school in Kingston.' . ': . Personal Sftrvice Called Campion College, the --~~-.....--:....;'..:'.;;,;..._ .-....-~ school has as its first rector ' 'Father Charles A. MacMullen, Thomas More Medal S.J., former headmaster of CamCHiCAGO (NC)~Sheed and pion's sister school, S1. George's Ward, Inc, publishers, have College. Both schools are staffed been selected for the Thomas by members of the New England More Medal for "the most dis-' 'Province of the Society of Jesus. tinguished contribution to CathFather MacMullen was born 273 CENTRAL' AVE. olic publishing in 1959." The in Belfast, Ireland, in 1911, and publishers were cited for publ- emigrated to the' Boston area NEW BEDFORD ication of "The Image Indus- with his parents at an early age. tries" by Father William F., He entered the Society of Jesus Lynch, S.J., which won praise in 1930 and was ordained in 1942.' WY 2-6216 from critics and reviewers in the.. , ~e has been stationed' in Jamaica Catholic anel general press.' for 14'years. .




..._".- - - - - - - - - -....- - - '


looking tor girls Who are willmg to serve God as nurses. nuramg instructors. supervisnrs, ad... 'Dinistrators. technlcllln' dleti~ians. medical librarIans cooks. geamstresses, sacristans. and ill the many other departments ill wh1ch they are needed rhe need tor Sililen, III great. More hospitals could oe opened it there were enough Sisters to 9taft them. Is our Lord callinJl

FREE lor


. Top ''Palue . Si~mp'" . G~ven at SlOt:'. & Shop



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 1 h 1960 ---~~----......;:.............:---,...,------~

Obligation to Share

Contends Blanshard ~Makes De,mocracy Ersatz Religio~

God Love .You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D~D. . Nothing ever strikes 118 less than a contlnaing favor. We 'are never grateful lor the SUD which rises ever,. morning, nor lor -the stars which every night shine like "guttering tapen Jlghtecl about the day's dead sanctities," nor for our faith, n.or our datly bread, nor the' Real Presence, nor for the Spiritual Head 01 the Mystical Body, the Vicar of Christ. We are grateful only when there are surprises. Would we be more grateful to God lor the sun after six months of continuous night? And as St. Augustine asks. do we ever thank' God for the sins we never committed or , were prevented from committing through the power of His grace?

By Msgr. George G. Higgins

Director, NCWC Social Action Department

Paul Blanshard, who several years ago hit the jackpot with, a sensational book on the "encroachments· Catholic power and policy upon the democratic way of life," is now back at the same old stand with an election-year sequel entitled God and .Man in "The discerning liberal," he Washington. Under ordinary con tnues, i " . • • wants 'a f ree eircumstances there.' would culture where neither church be little, if any, justification nor state can penalize man for


_ We once asked a missionary is the Pacific Islands what was for my discussing this book in religious non-conformity." Taken . the outstanding virtue of the people. His answer was:' "I can teU • specialized column like The in cortext, this means that "the you their virtue in terms of the fault which . Yardstick, but discerning liberal" wants a cul.makes them most sad.' It is what they call m view of the ture in which ,the Church will 'Kai Po,' the sin of eating alone. Sometimes fact that I was surrender to the government her they will go three days without eating eonsulted by teaching authority in the field of .because they have no one with 'whom 'they Mr. Blanshard social morality. cau divide their meal." , at the time he In any event, that's what Mr. . Among gifts to be shared, none is more was writing it, Blanshard wants,' for he flatly important than the gift of faith. Have you 1 feel that I asserts that "the complex moral CARDINAL STEPINAC ever thanked God for it by helping someone ought to 1 e t and political code that passes for else find it? Have. you ever made a con· illf him know pubreligion in the Catholic Church 'vcri? Not to have done so is to lail our t;jl~ licly what I includes a great many policies oblig~tlow: contracted in the Sacrament of think about it. and' principles (sic) that nonC~ntinue" from Page One ConfIrmation. We must bear Witness to' 10/.., . I remember Catholics consider governmen- did not attend the Consistory' in Christ ,if we have the 'Spirit of Christ. II te 11 i n g Mr. tal." Rome for he would not ask Maryou cannot go to Africa or Asia -send the ti Blanshard durP er h aps th,e mos t · ·ft ' t shall Tito for a visa, fearing the slgm can 'mlssionari~s, who. will bear· witness in your name. tOg our very cordial, very frank: . andsure ' 1y the mos t d'Isconcer . tpossibility that he would not be but very inconclusive 'conversa- mg . ' examp Ie o f 'Mr . Blans h ar d' s re,admitted to Yugoslavia. tion several months ago that, in te n d ency . t 0 ma k e a reI'IglOn . Birth control is· wrong iii the spiritual order as wen' as the out Soldier in World War I b my opinion, he has mad.e a su· of democracy is his unqualified physical order. Be not spiritually barren. Ou Judgment Day God .ti~ute or an ersatz 'eligion out. statement that "America.is Cardinal Stepinac, born of a . ,will 'ask: "Where are·.your children?" Priests ,and laity. allkemtist ".; of democracy and that this; firmly committed to the gospel well-to-do farming family, in show new life in Christ.. You can do' this by aiding the Holy " 'rather than his fear 'of ·the, al'; (sic), of publicresporis'ibility"fot Croatia,served in the Hungarian· ..Father's, own 5<?ciety for the' Propagation the Faith' whiCh ~nd8 ;!eged power of the "dictato~ial'.'.. Army during World' War I., He 1 .. ··" American hierarchy, i r the real . 'education on a non-credal basis." ~as taken prisoner' by the"Iial- 'missionaries to"all parts of'the world;' reason he is so obsessiv~ly crib, By this he means that educa-. ians and because of his sym-. 4.aI of the Catholic Church.: flon is "the primary responsi-" pathy for Croatian independence GOD LOVE' YOU to A.K. for $1 ''I am in the seventh grade. I After readIng God an~ Man in bility of government." As a mat- joined the Allied - sponsored often read your MISSION. ~gazine 'and the column. Enclosed Washington, I am all the more' ter of fact, he comes 'perilously Yugoslav volunteer corps' an(\. is a smail saerifice ,tor the PG9r" • ; • to M.B. and R.S. lor $10 ","', eonvince·C!. of this. i say this in ' . close of saying that, education is" .was' discharged . in 1919' as il "I have' beensa,l"ng pennies, the'missions.- Five dollars .of this Spite of Mr. Blanshard's. pl'otes":' - the' exclusive responsibility of, lieutenant., amount comes from the·',,.enny bank." The 'other $5 sent to ""'tations to' tlie'contrary;",He' government. '" ';He studied agriculture' and. me by my son who has 5 small children:He was to be laid off " ;, States that'he has tried' iit his· ,,' Catholic".Reply~:·economics,took over his father's" "from' his' job'at 'ChristmaS' time,· :buta :lew '~yS ..before he was ." neW-book to present a.poin~ of: .,. 'estate;':arid worked it until 1924 .' told to disregard the:'laY"'off. He is stlll working and' asked me to "'Yiew "that is neither secularist: ,There is a good short,reply to when he enrolled :in the Ger':." send'tou this' amount iIi"thanksgiving...· •.••. to H.S. lor $3 "I "". Itor se'ctarian" and addS;' ·that' . ¥r.. Blanshard's canonization 0(, 'man~HungarianCollege in Rome. was 'going to nse this 'mon'ey "for a:' 81Ibscription' to a sport's , ""e book "is a study not. in the the public school in Christopher to study for the' priesthood, He' "magazine, bat I can do without U. The"misslons Deed the mODe,. .... , field. of theology, but in ·the 'Dawson's 'latest bOok, The His~' ·received degrees in philosophy more... '''''field of church-sta~ relatloll- toric Reality' of Christian Cul- and theology in Rome and was Unbreakablereprodubtlons of the' statue 'of Our Lady of Tele._ips." ture. ,ordained Oct. 26, 1930. vision are now available of pu~ white with gold-colored' CI'OSIil Charles Coell'clon' :Mr. Dawson says, ~mong.other While working iu the Chanand halo and measUring '10 inches from 'the base to the croils; For things, that ~'even the' libet:al . eery- of Zagreb he was named a $3 offering and your' request we .will be' happy to send you CUtO I find it absolutely impossible democratic state is beeoming Coadjutor Archbishop of that of these statues.. , : to reconcile this innocent state- tOtalitarian when it asserts the , See and' w:as consecrated on July . . m.ent of purpose or intent with principle of the singie ~hool 24, 1934: He succeeded to the IUs monotonous criticism of' and claims a universal. monopoly See D 7 1937 , " CathoHc 'teaching' o.n "divorce, . .' . 'on ec., . Cut out ,this eolumn", pin "o'ur' -~ri1"lce""to It and mal'l ~ 6~ ~... ..of teaching." , Bishop' 01 Catholic Action " ...... ... "'" """'" ;."eontracePtion"mixed:hi~aiTiages,·,. ".According to Mr. Blanshard,' Upontaldng oyer the Diocese,' ·M98t'Rev. Fulton J~ Sheeo; National Director of the SOcietv i/<al? .",;' edMUcra.tionB'laannds'hoarendsors'r"ePp·'ea'··tedl','," most Americans y.'ould, com- he'began to develop all forms of . ,the 'Propagation of the.Faith, 366'Fifth'A\renue;- New York 1,- H.Y.. 'I I I d' 'th tho . or your Diocesan Director"iRT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, ....ticizes the' C.'hurch,..;(rom,. the. pete y Isagree WI 18 con-', ;Catholic Action and to· warn ;: elusion. I' don't think that's against the dangers of, both' . 368.North Ma~n StI:eet; F~ll River; MasS. ", :.: point of view of philosophy or:., . . " ..... ~_...- - ~ ~ - ~ _ - - - _... theology and not merely ill .true, and I hope arid pray it will nazism and communism. D\1ring'" .r DAUGHTERS Of ST.' PAul. .; ter s of her .alleged political .never be, for as Mr. O'a'Yson , ' the occupation af Yugoslavia he' , " .....pointS. out, if. the Church·.~~losel!t,.·, ·mairitained only the correct for-' ,. po:er. In';;.. V~uft9' girls '(i~U) to lab. . . Chri.... vast' vineyard _ GIl Apostle of tile He'lilrg ues, in effect, thati the,: ,the rIght.. ~.-teach,. it, ean no'" mal relationl\hip with the occu":''' 'i Editio1'l' Press, RacflO,' Movies aad 'e!eehurch doesn't have any busi...",}~ng~r eXIst. 'i." piers 'established ininterna-" " "i.j~·WIltl tItese" cnadem _ . . . ..... ness telling even her own m,em~, " .~nd .even Mr. Blanshard, I ,tional law. Dtu:ing. the .war he" Mis.i,""", ,$Qt... bring Christ'. Dodrlae ',i;.': ~rs what is right' or" ~ro~ in take it, doe~'t necessarily want'" ·gave· aid· and shelter ·to many",,' ~,.aU. ·,:.p~d"~ of ~~: ~ror the field-of social morality;: the Church ill the United States" refugees,' both Christian :and" Par 1!If_atiolS wri.. tol iI Moreover, he explicitly ;':~n- to go out of business. He merely' , 'Jewish, and helped many Jews REV. MOTHER SUPERiOR' 1 tlends that the regulationS of wants it to repudiate the Pope, lio escape abroad. 10 H. PAUL'S AVl. 8OSTON 30. MASS. Canon Law on the subject of to muzzle itS "dictatorial" On Sept. ,18, 1Q46, a little more marriage, for example, or in the Bishops; and to turn itself into a year after the end of the field of education are "coercive" a theological debating society in war and a few months after the and, without' producing his cre- which decisions on matters 01. establishment of the People's dentials as a spokesman for the social morality would be.arri;"ed Republic of Yugoslavia, he was American people, casually as- at "democratically" by a show arrested and put on trial by the INC. ~rts that most of them "consider of hands' or; better still, referred communist - contro~ed govern. ~rcion in Such mat~rs, the to the government as the ulti... . ment. He was accused of politI: essence of intolerance." . mate arbiter of right and wrong:' lcal activity 'against the governi ment and colJ,aooration with'the, 'I, war-time Croat puppet Perversion ,of Justice ' Continued from Page One If the thesis of Malthus were SOfDe of the witnesses who tfons in the U. S. that it looks eorrect, he added; the popula':' appeared against him -indicated as if foreign aid alone is keeping .tion explosion would have come later that they had been tortured US from going down the drain." and gone several times in the and their families threatened But since winning her . free: pa~t 200 years., But w~th all the' if they 'did not testify against the dom in -1947, Mr. Gilani'said, .checks: and balances In natur.e, then Archbishop. The trial, F~NCIS J. DEVINE 'ARTHUR J. DOUCEJ India has nearly doubled the ,the~e, .IS no foreseeable time ~n which brought world-wide at.:. number of 'acres under irrigation India s future w~en !,he cannot tention to the Zagreb courtroom, 363 SECON D ST.' FALL RIVER, MASS. and food production increase has ~~port he~ entIre pop~atlon. gave clear evidence of the' per- ·~~"~""~"~"~""+4""+4~""~"'''+4 ~Kt already outstripped population . d ~hat IS ~ue of. IndIa, he version of justice and the antigrowth with more wonders saId, IS true of the entIre East. religious· and anti-Church ,senb~ing performed daily with ferSupport Possible timent of the communist governtllizers and equipment. ment.· , . . . . The India press, Mr. Gilani Sentenced,. "Indiml agriculture is,o~o the .said, is. beginning to wonder On Oct. 11, 'he' was sentenced average, only one-quarter as whether the U. S. is so interested . ' ... 'efficient 'as America's. 'Think of in. controllirig India's population ~ 16 years at hard labor; three what will happen when' India's because it fears her eventuat days after, the Holy See excom_;' farm producti'on becomes only power or desires to enerva~e her municated all who had contribtwi~e all efficient. as it is now'-:middle ciass before it can stand uted to the prelate's persecution. . . In December, 1951, the prelate . whIch -would ··be .Just half .~s ef- 011 its 'own., ' was released from' prison and flcient as America's,". ... he·'co~· " . '. '" . tlnued. "People tell me an this talk sent to his native village to serve "This can be done allnost, ,is 'desigh~d,~ .raU!~ an issue j u~t the rest of his sentence under _ overnight. The Red '. Chinese' 'to hurt the chances'9f.a Catholic confinement there. The alternate proye.d,it, ~ere,. in spite. of I;'av.· at the. po~. I:thirikthis might choice was to ~ave the country which he refused to do. againg floods, food pToduction be so," Mr. Gilani declared.' The la!ePope Pius XII crewas stepped up 50 percent in.. . " . tlhree years. E~erywhere he ,speaks, ~e ,ated him Ii Cardinal in 1953, thus , . . " . Indian sta:t~Sman said, he finds ,Showing before the world the Smce, 1949, Mr. Gi~ani _con- American people surprised to gr4i!at esteem for the Primate of BREA.D finued, there has been only a learn that India ;;lnd the rest of" ,Croatia and the, Yugoslav peofew . s~r.ay. deat~ due to mal- the Eas~ are not starving to ,pIe and his concept for commuQo..autnholl, In India. death in: complete' UliteJl'aqt. . ist so-called justice. ", '

Cardinal's Death

fA' I










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Pop'ulatioli'l EX,',.·plosionls. lNo'nsense






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Feb. 11, 1960

, SCOUT SUNDAY: Boy Scouts throughout ,the Diocese are observing the 50th anniversary of the founding of the organization. They gathered at churches last' week to mark Scout Sund~y. Lef.t, Taunton boys, meeting' at Sacred Heart Church; 'study Ad Altare 'Dei ~ertjfic.ate. *1I are holders . of the award. Left to right, Leo Hunt, John Dupont, Joseph Wach, John " Colton. 'Over 250 attended the J'auntonservices. Center, Cub Scouts at

Spiritual Consideratio.,s

Spotlighting Our Schools' ST. MARY'S mOR SCHOOL, TAUNTON " The annual day of recollection is in progress today, highlighted by a dialogue Mass and c~rifer": ences under the direction of Rev. Thomas Tobin, C.S.C. Plans are in progress for'. Spring fashion show ,to. be presented by the 'seniors. Lucille Demers is general chairman. General chairman of the jUD~ lor prom, "Ice Enchantment,'; set !lor Monday. Feb. 22, is Sandra Chiesa. \ ' SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY" FALL RIVER Based on their three and one-

Speedster Q~alifies , For.Olympic Games COYTESVILLE (NC) -Don McDermott of Holy Trinity parish here is one of five iceskating sprinters chosen to rep. resent the United States in the Winter Olympicfl,. McDermott was selected as a result of trials held Jan. 30 at Squaw Valley. Calif... where the games wi! be held from Feb. 18 to 28. It was the third consecutive time the 30-year-old New Jersey star qualified for all, Olympic berth. He was at Helsinki, Finland, in 1952 and al Cortina, Ita4r, in 1056.

half years ratings the top 'to seniors at' Sacred Hearts, Acadeiny have, been named :'by the Pr!n~ipat' as, follows: Winifred Welch, who plans.to enter Eminanuel in Septe.mber'; Margaret Lahey, beaded for Boston College; Barbara" :tavares" going~ to_ Immaculata; JoAnn Caspar, to Bridgewater; Mar-, garet McNerney to Stlmehill; Susan Roy and 'Mary Jane Collins, both 'to Newton college of the Sacred 'Heart; Judith Hunt to Massachusetts School of Art; Gladys 'O'Connell an~ Mary'Lou Knight, to University of Rhode Island. SHA's Debate Team has scored two victories and one defeat. The affirmatM! team ilt home won unanimously over Holy' Family; the negative team at Rogers won a 2-1 decision over , their 'affirmative; and the negative team at Durfee' iost on a 2-i decision in favor of :Durfee. DOMINICAN ACADEM:Y, FALL RIVER Rev. James O'Reilly will con. ,duct the ,annual retreat Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. The debate team won from Colt High School in the third round of Narragansett 'League competition. Tomorrow is the last photograph¥ daf for the yearbook.

St. Mary's, Mansfield, receive Parvuli Dei Award from Rev. Edward O. 'Paquette. Left to right, Paul Lemieux:Jay MaddOck, Francis Faria. Right, ~boys of Troop '40, St. Michael's, Ocean Grove, compare merit' badges. Left, Roger Lizotte, Life Scout; right, Robert Lambert, First Class rank. Troop ,40, invited other area units to its Scout Sunday service. Ad Altare Dei awards were g.iven Scouts last Oct. as a feature of Christ the King Sunday.

·PI(1n Young Folk Franciscans Return to Monastery , 'Action, Schools , Near Last Supper Site in Israel ,ST. LOUIS ,'(NC)-The 30th ,JERUSALEM (NC) -'- The annual Summer' Schools of Israeli government has told the' Catholic, Aeti,on for' Catholic Franciscan Friars that they are teenagers will' be held in nine now free to return to their Ad U.S. 'cities this summer from Coenacuhim (Near the Ceriacle) June' to Septeln\?er. mo'nastery near ihe site' of Since 1931 the Schools have Christ's Last'SuPper. The Israeli trained- more than, 210,000 ·stu. government has also agreed to ~ dents 'in principles of Catholic pay for repairs to the war-dam' , ' action. Sessions have been held aged building. in more than 35 cities in this . . tr' k A mmIS y spo esman sa id . cOuntrY and Canada. that 'the Religious Affairs MiriisThis year priest and lay staff . ter,', Rabbi 'YaacovMoshe Telemembers of tbe Catholic action dano, had informed Bishop Pier 'program 'w-ill, ,travel more than "Georgia Ch'iappero, O.F.M.• of government!s' decision. ,12,000 miles to conduct some 30 , the elective ,courses. Theme of the Bishop Chiappero is Vicar for Summer Schools of Catholic Ac- Israel of Latin Rite Patriarch ,tion will be "Freedom and Albert Gori, 'O.F'.M: of Jeru'Peace,' topic' of: a statement is- salem' ' . , , ',sued last November by the U.S. , The ,Franciscan monastery is ,Catholic Bishops. ' located on Mt. Zion adjoining the spot where Jesus is ,tradiJail Priest . ALGIERS (NC) _ A French -Wmally believed to have eaten priest 'has been placed under' 'the Last Supper. ,'It is also di,house arrest here in Algeria for rectly across from the walls of the old city pf J~rusatem which "endangering internal security.." Authorities charged Father Jos- "now form the border betWee.D. "eph Kerlan with aiding Algerian Israel and Jordan. rebels fighting against, French ~""""""'-"""'. rUle.





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During the Arab-Israeli war in 1948 the monastery was baddy damaged by mortar fire. ,When . Israel's Defense Ministry warned 'Franciscan a~thorities it was un. safe for members of the Order te 'return, Israeli troops occupied . the building. , Franciscan officials ,have arinounced' the monastery need. extensive repairs and that they '. th d " are now assessmg e amage, III order to demand compens,atiOD fro~ the gov~rnment. The actu.al roo~ o.f the Last S~pper is I~ a bUlldmg ~n Ml ZIOn occupIed for 'ce~turles by Moslems. The room Itself was used. for M?sl~m religious ceremOnIes untIl It was taken over by Israel. which still recognize. the building as Moslem propertlr.




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The Tnppilt 'mon'" who d"velopec!' , Ibio ddicious loaf cae DO meat, G.b... "88". Bread Is tho backbone Di tbek ample dice. Ooly tlc fiaest lagrcdicnco ... 1ISC:d. Tnpph;q have been (.moue , ,... cbclr homo-m2do bn..d for 300 ~






., " '.i








THe ANCHO~"";DiOcese'of F.afI.River-Thun.,Feb... 11" 196"· •. '

. •








Formed Relations

Hearty M'e~ic:an: Beef Stew·'


~ith Tur~ey


. ,., . .

day's of accelerated livm,g, does not seem to be enoug;h time. II ere, ,. . n'evertheless, is' . Ii: recipe that tak" 'little es at' . m or e h' 1m e than. t ~~ ha~erage diS to prep ~ r e~~t , you ~111 .ag e that, ,It w111 . 11., be t A k tU f tir?e we . s~en . e eo ; JUICY: MeXIcan Beef Stew' has·. mor:e, .than flavor to recommend 1" dish it." It s a mea -m-one,.e?sy 10 prepal~e and cook, and. lund 10 the' budget. ItS little flavor accent changes' this .ordinary .stew into an extraordinary. dish! " Since meat is one of the. c;liet "musts" because of 'its bigh-. quai~ty protein, vitamins ,~n~,' minerals Ws wise to use some. ef ~IJhe' 'equidly . deliciOUS . ~~,t :. inexpensive cuts _ boneless chuck, heck, plate or heel of round.. . . Cut. the meat. for Mexica.n: Beef Stew into I-inch cubes and' shake' the cubes in seasoned flour' to. 'a' 'paper bag. 'Brown the alowly' and evenly in ,hot fat" 10 :a heavy' I'kettle. Cover" the" ) pari'tightly and' simmer, . dc:iri'~': bOil,' ',for IIh to 2'hou'ts, until" the~ meat is tender; Serve Me~i~" can Beef Stew on noodles, With. tossed salads, fresh fruit, and big mugs of coffee. Your fami17 will love it! MEXICAN BEEF STEW

. %. teaspoon sal.



lA cup butter 'or margarine

1 egg . 3 teaspoons baking powdel-· . % cup milk . ~ . - 1 ~easpoon ,:anilla .. Rmse, dram .and .chop raIsIns. Cream butter and sugar together and blend in beaten egg. 'Sift flour. with balting 'powder and salt. Add to creamed mixture alternat~ly with milk; inbcing thoroughtly. Blend in raisins and . '11a. F'III greased. m uffi n.pans vanl about one-half full. Bake in ,nlo,derately hot \ oven (375 de-. .. ' F) 20 t 0 25 mmu . te· grees. s. F rost if desired. Makes about I dozen k ca" es. . . .. BroccolI W;}~, ParmesanAlm,,2nd Butter . IS a flavorful way to prepare.this'_member . of th~'cabbage famIly. Tbe comblDatI99-. Qf al.!Jlonds, ~heese, lemon, and~utmeg in the butter adds .appetIte appeal to tender broccoli.. There is' an. abundant ~,J)­ pl~ o,f almo~ds In .the. markettl ~lS ye~r, prIces are reasona~le, and a btUe goes a long ~ay. '. l i . BROCCOLI wrrB, PARMESAN-ALMOND' 'v BUTrER :.. , IVa to % pounds broccoli ' . . .,. ''', '(or- 1 or 2 packages, ~f: IJ& "cup -butter or -"'margarine ~" . .,::



Sman ·WhiteStoles.: Replace' Robes. At Converts Baptism Ceremony:'

LEXINGTON (NC) - Use of small white stoles in place of' symbolic white baptismal robes in the baptism of adult converts is being adopted at the headquarters of the Nati9 n al Guilds of St. Paul here in Ke.!1t~ckY. --Msgr. Leonard Nienaber, 6 d er an . d'·na t'JOnaB.' 1 d'Irec t or of ..oun the convert -clubs 'used the stoles in the recent ba~tism of a c1aSa of eight converts. The stoles were made by ·members.of the Lexington G·uild.· of'St. .PaU:l~ who became eon':' . v~t,s, themselves in. the.,last,f~w y~a,rs.. Serving as a "welcome". to .. the. 'convert club, .the. stole. also is a symbol of the new ciIih-' olic~s . admission ,"to the· great, multitude 'before the' throne' 'of : God clothed in white stoles/~'" which St. John recounts in the %tabl~spoonsgrated'Pannellail'" '. cheese . . . ""':. ApOcalypse,' . Normally a vestment reserved t:b;=nn::~lemoDJ~~" to the' priest, the stole preseniea l,4 cup slivered blanched almooo. iri the baptismal ceremony indi-. teaspoon grated lemon rlnd cates'. the' baptised' person's pafSalt : Cut off large leaves and some .ticipation in the work of the· priest. of· lower stalk of broccoli and. New Graces . discard. Wasb remaining brae2 . pounds boneless beef chuck, _ coli well. Cut heavy stalks into .A circle with the. chi rho,: cut into I·inch cubes sinall pieces and ,place in large Greek letters for Christ's name, lA cup flour ~ . skillet with 1 inch boiling salted inside ,is embroidered in red on % teaspoon pepper 1 clove garlic. minced water; cover and simmer about· the .'stole which is. also fringed in lA teaspoon chili pOwdel; .5 minutes. (Or' follow package , re<!. The white stole symbolizes 1 % 'teaspoons aslt direction :for cooking' frozen, the new ·graces and new life 2 tablespoons fat. broccoli.) . If .using fresh,' add, within the convert's "soul; red symbolizes the fire enkindled in I (No.2) can-·tomatoes ~aining broccoli, cover and ,1, ieaspoon Worcestershire' saUCCl ". continue cooking just until them to share witb others the 3 drops Tabasco tender, about 5 to· 10 minuteS. gift of Faitb, according to Msgr. I"small green pepper, diced 1M cup ripe olive, sliced (optional) , longer. Meanwhile, melt butter, Nienaber. The red c~i rho ..reminds the Coat beef cubes with flour, add almonds· and cook gent17 combined with salt and pepper until almonds are very light· ne~ Catholic that ne is redeemed and brown on '. all sides' in hot .. · g~lden brown. Add cheese, ,by the !>lood of Christ, the.~oo-:. fat in heavy kettle. Add minced lemon juice arid rind, nutmeg signor said, and the circle garlic, tomatoes, chili' powd~r, '. and salt to taste. Pour over hot , mi~ds, him that his Faith. shoukl. Worcestershire sauce and Tabas- 'drained broccoli. tossing llghtiT' . spread to others to encircle the eo· to meat. Cover and simmer' .,to,· blend. ' " . ' world for Christ. First group to receive the for'lIh to 2 hours, until meat is· . CELERY SAUCE FOIt ~B stoles. in .this area began iIistructender. Add the green pepper' . 1 can cream of .celery BOUP _ tions in early September. Mem..,. and ripe olives for the last half 1 tC!U!poon p.r:epared mustard. . bei:s of the Lexington Guild of. hour of cooking time. Serve over optIon~1 . lA cup milk ' St. Paul attended the baptism. Doodles. Makes 6 servmgs,3 tablespoons sweet pickle ~ish,·. In . addition to his baptismal. CHEESE BISCUITS I hard cooked egg, chopped . sponsors, each convert received S d h t "Ch B"t " Empty soup into saucepan; older guild member to act as .erve .o. • eese ISCUI. s blend in mustard and'milk. Add "guardian angel;" aiding him' are,. an excltmg bread for famIly relish and egg. Heat over LOW' in becoming better acquainted Of company meals. These. Ius- 'heat.· Makes about 1~ with· the Church and his fellow CIOUS breads make a good top-, . sauce . cups parishioners. ping for casseroles or creamed ..

meat· ;


The practice of'substitutingthe ·stole for the "white garment" was first introduced by the Guild of St. Paul at St. Matthew'sCathedral in, Wa.shirigton, D. C. Msgr. Nienaber learned of the. 'cere~ony through' Msgr. W·'lli It' splrl ··tuaI d'l.1'eoI am '"A wa, tor of the Washington guild.


... ST.' VALENTINE, ~eb. '1'&11), a' doctor,. Is famoas •.i." £.. for' .~ ,geo,e.-ous kindn~ to ~BB ~, . ~.' NEEDY OF mS,TIME. You can.show ..... ,,' QI" ~" A . SENSE OF' ST, yALENTINE'S., .~ ~. ·VALUES ",BY Y~URSTR~G~S .. · ." ,.:: .... "GIFT: TO.POrE ,JOHN. xxm FOR . , '.t;HE NEEDY ARAB REFUGEES OF , . ~. . OUR ,TIME.; Such'" g~ would be' ia keeping with the great charity which' motivated the actions of ONE 01' .71Jt HoIj FaIhtri Misirm Ait/ AMEiuCA'S MOST FAMOUS PRESIDENTS, ABRAHAM LINCOLN (~ the 0rimkJ ChttrdJ birthd~: I'~b. 12th.» . fh



LOVELY CHOICE OF NAMES MARIE AND THERESE - With these names THEY 'CAN'T MISS being good sisters-When eachOl them has a pledge of $150 for each year of their two-year noviti· ate. HABIB AND ELIAS ~ Judging from these names. EAST IS EAST. A promise of $100 for each year of their six-year seminary course will allow HABIB AND. ELIAS to ,continue the GLORIOUS HISTORY OF · THE PRIESTHO()D' in' the Eastern Church. WILL YOU WILL? YOU WILL? WELL, WILL WELL. YOUB WILL' IS 'IMPORTANT 'TO YOUR RELATIVES. I'RIENDS AND THE NEAR EAST MISSIONS.



have '. raised $2,000 to rebuild their parish church which was LEVELED' BY A CY-' CLONE Tins PAST AUGUST. Your gift towards the $3,000 necessarY to FINISH THE CHURCH wIi..L PUT THEM BACK' IN BUSINESS.


That's wbat we ~ when everyone Is :COing out 'and there's .nobody , home. Our priests, brothers an~. sisters' are ALWAYS MINDING THE STOltE, even in' tbe moSt remote mission areas. You can help them keep'tbe stock of GOD'S SPIRITUAL. AND M'ATERIAL GIFTS ~ASILY AVAn,. ABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION by J'our membership' in the Catholic Near East Welfare Associatio~ Dues: Perpetual Individual $20, Annual Individnsl $1, PERPE~UAL 'FAMILY $100, ANNUAL FAMILY

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SilDple Sweet Lunch boxes and between . meal snacks call for simple' sweets. "Easy Raisin Cup Cakes" are a boon to the busy homemaker . because they' can be . whipped up in a hurry and are as good plain as frosted. Plump, chewy raisins fill these delightful little cakes and please everyone.



Priesthood a,nd Brotherhood','· lack of funds NO Impediment. Write tot

P. O. Box 5742 Ba!timore 8;. Md.




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A DECEASED RELATIVE OR FRIEND Cl8Il be:' ChaD_ $40. Monstrance" $40. Stations of the Cross $!S, Complete M_ e $109, Altar Crueifis $25, Altar $75, Confessional $50, Sanotaar;r.Lamp $15. Or.. YOU MAY PREFER to earoU them In &be 1II0NICAGUIL~~bich watches. ov.erlbe material needs ol 011I' churches and chapels, MARY'SBANK-a IIllvinp aceount ~ the, expclI8e$ of _.conventS, THE LEPER'S FUND-Need _teDJ'Qu .thc~eed? FOR ANY 01' THESB CLUBS, A Pra:r_ ."A~~ and.A Do~"':A-MODtb. .' .....

··W TlnRTY ,The Shoppi~9 ~ce' ThGt


"J'".' .priest and:, medical

" : '~~S

." Inter-Jaith ; BOSTON (NC)-Father Frededck' P. Walker, Maryknoll' missioner of East Boston,' reported to the Lahey' Clinic here for observation'.· Doctors sent' .him to the New England Baptist /HollPital .where it .Jewish doctor' treated him.



an his


diplomatic relations... It said that' Turkey will appoint an ~bassado~ to the Holy See. The Holy See will name an Internuncio - the papal diplo-' matic rank equivalent to' that of . minister plenipotentiary-as its representative in Istanbul. The formal announcement had been lhe subject of speculation for some. time, 'increasing after the vi~it of Turkey's President Celal Bayar to',pope John last year. Pope John himself served as' representative of the Holy See in Turkey, in'the non-diplomatic capacity of Apostolic Del-egate,from 1934 until the end' of :1944. ., Establishment of' VaticanTurkish' diplomatic relations' will bring to 48 the number ,of countries having diplomatic missions at the Holy' See.Thirtyfive of these are headed by ambassadors and 11 by ministers. Two-those of the governmen~ in exile of Poland and Lithuania -are headed by administraton of affairs.

": .

re- .

entrees, too. Prov_iden~e ,Auxiliary'. 2 pimientos 'Xo cup 'milk Consecr~tHon 11,' 2 cups bis,;uit mix PROVIDE CE -I. cup grated American cheese N (NC) . - The ,Melted butter or margarine '. '" . Most Rev. Thomas F. Maloney' \ (If desired, add % cup olives.), Will, be cons,ecrated here May n If olives are used cut into. medi-o\lS Titular Bishop of Andropolia. um:sized pieces; chop pimiento. to serve as Auxiliary Bishop 'in Combine biscuit mix and' milk the Providence diocese. . to make moderatelY stiff 'dough,' Bishop-ele~t,'Maloney, 56, has Roll out on floured board 'into returned in order to finish his an oblong about' 10 x 14 inches.' 'work as rector of the American Sprinkle with cheese olives ami" College of Louvain 'UniversitY pimie·rito. Starting from' long in Belgium, a post he has held. side.' roll up as for j~llyroll; for seven years. He plans to, pinch lengthwise' seam and ends, return. here at. least a week to seal. Cut, on the diagonal. into .. · before the, consecraUon cere-; a~utl8 slices. Arrange on !tl~ny. ... ',' greased baking sh.eet; brush tops , with ,melted .butter. Bake· in,a,· hot, oven (425 degrees. Fi).for' about 15 minutes or until golden brown. SeI"l,e hot.. Makes about, "', ' lIh', do~en. . ..


VATICAN. CI';l'Y' (NC):"'The Vatican". iias' 'cbnffrniea' that the Holy See and 'Tur:' key are establishing formal

By J~n Meadows .. ' Time waits for no man. Who, then, would deny that· it is our master? Yet, is, it' not also,our ser-vant? Time is. a, possession owned by each of' us in the amount of' 24 hours a day. Rich or poor, good or bad, we cannot buy, beg, bor~ow or .steal an, extra min~te.. EASY RAISIN CUPCAKES Surely how we use our bme· .1 cup light or dark'raisins will influence our times-%. cup sugar and our Eternity. In these ,I % cups sifted ~ll.purpose flour

. "


. ~'l2ear&stOlis$ioos"

b .


FRANaS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. PNSld.... ..". Pete,P. f~,. Mati Sec'y Send C!H ~"'uftlcatl_ lot



CATHOUC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOQAnON ' .480 I:ex~n!Jton Ave. ,at ~th St. New Yorfcl.7, N. Y.

Request Dealers.' Use Consciences On Magazines PORTLAND (NC)-Porlland newsdealers have been asked to apply "Community moral standards, existing

Maryknoll Missioner from Fairhaven; Enjoys Second Summer in Bolivian Assignment The year has had two Summers for Sister Mary from Fairhaven who has been in Bolivia since November. it's mid-Summer now, and the Sisters stationed there Sister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harding, entered the MaryJmoll community in 1953, after a high school career in which she was student council

Harding, Maryknoll Missioner In the South American country are enjoying mountain hikes. 27 Adams Street, Fairhaven,




Bedridden Priest Brings Com. ". I To Shut-ins BARAGA (NC) -


laws and their own consciences" the aid of modern electronIn evaluating the morality of ics a permanently bedridden magazines they sell. priest brings spiritual consoThe appeal was made in a lation to other shut-ins throughstatement issued by Mayor Terry president and active in many out the country. D. Schrunk's office to explain other organizations. further a campaign the Mayor She's enjoying life in Cocha. Victim of a progressive disease launched last ;;fall to clean up bamba, Bolivia, where she's which makes even talking lor city newsstands. attending language school, aclong periods an effort, Father The Portland Committee for cording to her mother.....;e will Marion Roessler, O.F.M. Cap.. Decent Literature and Films, a be studying Spanish and the has long been an invalid at the clvic organization, has been inIndian dialect of the area where Sacred Heart novitiate of the she will eventually serve for Iltrumental in the drive. Capuchin Fathers here in Michigan. The sta tement issued by the about a year, then she will enter Mayor's office said the decency active missionary work. But disease has not sapped his Friends from HQm!l committee does not plan to %eal to help others. Father Roesgive newsdealers lists of publicaA highlight of Sister Mary's sler has recorded a series of tions it considers objectionable. time in Latin America has been readings from spiritual classics Instead, the matter will be left the. meeting of several girls from which explain to the chron ically up to the good sense of individMassachusetts, in the country for ill God's purpose in permitting ual dealers, the statement said. a year as - volunteer teachers their suffering. under a plan originated by Regis Rabbi Chairman The series covers an entire College. She mentioned in a year and includes two records Meanwhile, it was announced letter home that she also had per month. Subscribers pay two that Rabbi Jack Segal of the DeWS of Mary Lou Bettencourt, dollars" for each two-record set. Portland Rabbinical ,Council hal a New Bedford participant in There are now more than 100 been named chairman of the the lay apostolic project. Mary SUbscribers, according to Father decency committee's speakers' Lou, however, stationed in La Roessler. bureau. The bureau will pro:paz, Bolivia, has not visited vide speakers on request to orPurpose of the project, the Cochabamba. ganizations interested in learnCapuchin says, is to "supernatuSister, a member of St. Josing more about the community ralize the trials of the chronicSISTER MARY AND PARENTS eph's parish, Fairhaven, was problem caused by objectionable nlly ill for their own spiritual honored there in August at a lege, and attended the Univer- . literature and films. The Maryknoll Sisters were good and that of many others." reception attended by ove.r 150 sity .of Massachusetts' for two founded in 1912 by Mother Mary The Mayor's office said Cath- wellwishers. Foremost among olics have been "most respon- them was Rev. Regis. Kwiat- years. Joseph Rogers of Jamaica Plain, Francis Cardinal Spellman" under the direction of Bishop sive" in backing the decency NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The kowski, SS.CC., assistant at the presided at departure cere-· James A. Walsh. The Maryknoll drive launched last fall. "HunD. H. Holmes department sto._ parish, who has also served in monies for Sister Mary and Fathers were founded at the dreds arid hundreds" of letters sOuth America. in New Orleans and Baton Rouge same time. IUpporting the campaign have took a full page ad in the Janothers, held last Slimmer at the Serving God runs in the been received, it added. The Sisters conduct missions uary 3 issue of Catholic Action Maryknoll motherhouse, Mary. Harding family. A . brother, The antiobscenity campaign in 13 foreign countries and' of the South. The ad simply reknoll, N. Y. also was mentioned in MayOI' Stephen, is a member of the among Orientals, Negroes and minded: "A good resolution for Congregation of, the Sacred Schrunk'~ annual message to the Mexicans in the United States. New Year would be to keep Hearts, studying' for the prie~t­ Portland City Council. There are over 1350 Sisters holy the Sabbath. The Sabbath hood at Queen of Peace MISpresently active in the com- should be a day of rest, recreN~ Private sion Seminary, 'Jaffrey, N. H. LOS ANGELES (NC)-Msgr. munity. . ation and prayer." "Morality is not simply a priSister, whose missionary work Patrick J. Dignan, who guided vate affair, nor is it wholly a will include teaching, holds a Los Angeles archdiocesan schools . CSSSiSS%%%\S%Si%%SSS\%S%\SSSSSS%S%%i%\%S%%%%%%S» matter of religious opinion," he bachelor of education degree through 'a sixfold expansion in aid. . from Maryknoll Teachers Col. 21 years, has relinquished his "Certainly, censorship is not post as superintendent to deate issue here," he stated. "There vote his full time to his post' as INSTITUTE OF ADULI EDUCATION is no desire to violate anyone's pastor. . constitutional rights, but I have Two superintendents will now VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatlong felt that my rights and the guide the system which jumped Tuesday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30, March 1. 10 .May 24 (omitting April 19). Reglrtroican City's daily newspaper has Ii'ights of citizens of this comfrom 26,839 stuclents when Msgr. fion by mail or 7 to 8 P.M. March 1 and March B in Holy Cross Hall. No prerequisitee. accused an American magazine munty are constantly being vioDignan took over in 1938 to the Credit course•. Fee $15. for 12 sessions. t lated by publishers and peddlers of inaccurate reporting. current total of 155,016. ' CERTIFIED. PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY IlEFRESHER COURSE - English Usagewho place far more emphasis on An editorial in L'Osservatore Father Joseph E. Sharpe, a MaryV. Yosgandes, M.A., Dean, Stonehill College. Business Administration and the dollar than they do on the Romano said that an item in the Denver native and former Navy Accounting - Professor Henry M. Cruickshank, M.B.A., Chairman of the moral and social welfare of the January 25 issue of Newsweek chaplain, will be superintendent' Secretarial Department of Business Administration, Stonehill College. community." regarding His Holiness Pope for high schools and Father John XXIII lacked all foundaTOWN MEETING - Moderator, Mr. Leo N. Harlow. North Easton - Nineteen pro_ James B. Clyne, a native of inent town, city, county, and state officials will discuss the functions and proble.... tion and was at complete variHartford, superintendent for eleof the Moderator, Selectman, Town Manager, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Town Clerlr,. ance with the facts. mentary schools,' Both have docTown Accountant. Planning Board, Town Coun.el, Assessor, School Superintendent Continued from Page One The magazine item had· stated torate degrees in 'education from (Elementary and Regional High), Police, Fire, Water, Sewerage, Public Welfare" that the Pope approved of Ital- the Catholic University of AmerPublic Health, County Government, State Government (Accounting for Towns). told the U. S. Senate it is a ian President Giovanni Gron- ica. "travesty" for Congress to conUNDERSTANDING ADOLESCENCE - Moderator, Mr. Lawrence S. Stepelevich, M.A.. chi's planned trip to the Soviet cern itself with juvenile delinInstructor, Stonehill College. Seven Authoritie. on adolescent psychology from the Union. quency while at the .same time A series of lectures on teach- . VA Hospital. Brockton, Old Colony Association of Mental Health, Massachusetts L'Osservatore Romano said that , ings of the Church is in progress Hospital School for Rehabilitation, Bridgewater Correction Center, and Stonehill Federally-licensed TV stations College compose the faculty for this unique course. Newsweek "enjoys a reputation carry objectionable programs. at Our Lady's Chapel, New BedHe cited a specific TV movie for seriousness for the accurate ford. They are held every Mon- . HOW TO START, STAY WITH AND SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE SELLING TODAY control which it exercises over 'day evening and are conducted which he described as "lewd and - Mr. Henry W. Palmer, Greot!,r Boston Real Estate Board and Multiple Listing indecent." He also pointed out information that comes into its by Rev. Adrian Donachie, O.F.M. Service, will present 12 lectures covering 24 fundamental steps in building greater success in real estate salesmanship. that the Senate has passed a bill possession." But, it added, in this The public is invited to attend. to provide $25 million to combat case it relied on information of INSURANCE - YOUR CAR, YOUR HOME, YOUR BUSINESS - Mr. Abraham Brook.. delinquency. doubtful worth. LL.B., Insurance Expert, Lecturer at Stonehill College and Northeastern University.


New Year Reminder

Two Priests to Head Los Angeles Schools


Vatican Critical Of U.S. Magazine

Co-educotiona I

TV Clean-Up

Lecture Series


How Do You Rate on Facts of Faith

Pilgrimage to ~'

by Brian Cronin L





Where are the catacombs?: (8) Jerusalem' (b) Madrid! (c) Nazareth? (d) Rome'! In High Mass, the Gospel is sung by: (8) The Subdeacon'! (b) The Deacon'! (e) The Celebrant'! (d). The Master of Ceremonies? Historically, the first novena celebrated in the Church is commemorated during the nine days preceding:. (a) Pentecost'! (b) All Souls' Day'! c) Corpus Christi? (d) The Ascension? To whom did Our Lady appear in 1250 with the brown scapular of the Confraternity of Carmel?: (a) st. Margaret Mary? (b) St. Simon Stock? (c) Catherine Laboure? Cd) St. Bernadette? Which of the apostles was called Christ's Beloved Disciple?:, (a) St. Peter? (b) st. Andrew? (c) St. Matthew? (d) St. John? OB,what occasion·in Christ's life on earth did the Holy Ghost appear in visible form?: (a) The Nativity? (b) His Baptism? (c) The Last Supper? (d) The Crucifixion? The changing of the Missal from the Epistle side to the Gospel side represents what event?: (a) The passing of the faith from the Jews to the Gentiles? (b) The exit of the Jews from the Promised Land? (c:) The transition from the human to the divine? In what sacred vessel is the Sacred Host placed for Benediotion? (a) The Chalice? (b) The Monstrance? (e) The Ciborium? (d) The Paten? Give yourself 10 marks for each correct answer on page 18 1latine: 8O-Excellenti 7o-Very Goodi 60-G00di ~Fair


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"It is wiser to have insurance - and not need it than to need insurance and not have it." MAKING YOUR GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY PAY DIVIDENDS - Build confidence and facility in correspondence, communicatian, and composition (beginning and advanced). English Department, Stonehill College. SOS (SCIENCE OR SUPERSTITION) - The Science Department of Stonehill College will present the FACTS and FICTION of satellite., radiation (fall-out), the human body, heredity, the chemistry of everyday life, geology of our area, plants and animal. and their dis!ases, "SCARE" publicity. CHRISTIAN UNITY AND DISUNITY - Reverend Thomas Brennan, M.A., Instructor. Stonehill College, surveys the Protestant RefarmCltion and' Eastern Schism with an eye 10 the prospects of reunion and the coming Ecumenical Council. EFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND THE CONDUCT OF MEETINGS - Herbert A. Wes" ling, M.A., Assistant Professor, Stonehill College - "Learn how easily you can goin a ma.tery of yours,,1f and be in control of the situations which confront you." PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION AND PLANNING - Mr. Daniel J. Looney.

Jr., B.S. B.A., Instructor, Stonehill College. Preparation of income tax returns. You'D llGve dolla.. thi. year and pion your next tax year' HOW TO ENJOY AND APPRECIATE' POETRY - Rev. Joseph A. Lorusso, C.S.C..

M.A., Aasistant Professor, Stonehill' College - Emphasis on enjoyment. Course' wID cansist of the critical reading and informal discussion of poems from a comprehen.Ive but inexpensive anthology. For those who want to deepen their appreciatiOSll of paetry as well as' for beginners. SKETCHING AND ETCHING - Mr. Fred Patrone, Commercial Artist and' Art Teacher, Brockton - Minimum' supplle. required. Beginners and experienced stu- . dent. may develop a hobby or pursue commercial advertiaing.

Please register with: Director of Adult EducatiOn Stonehill College North Easton, Ma.s.




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"THE ~NCHOR-Oiocese _fall River~Tihurs.,:Feb. '1 ',~9'Q

'F"IOml:IOrna'r . -I- 'S I'M·. . ISIIng 'InNewBlancihard ~Book lJ), Most..Rev• Robert J. Dwy;er, U.D. lHshop


Listen, my ~hildren, an(f you shall hear;·Mr:. ~au! iBlanshardis 'growing up. YOtlC8n stay awake ,at night and hear him grow. The better angels of his' nature are touching themysne ehorc1s ofh:is. polemie. For in his new book, God and Man in· In ·his account ofr.elations Washington,' he exhibits a of American' government with .degree of tolerance for the or;ganized religion, Catholic, Rom a n Catholie Church Protestant, or Jewish, he shows


which is altogether breathtaking. 'a refreshing willingness to disIt is a·lmost ,as ,thcugh he were ouss problems on a rational basis. There are problems, and if .they 'inviting intelliare to' be solved or even debated gent debate on sensibly much more of cold reathe subject. ,son is needed 'than of ·the emo. The reputationalism which has so far' distion he bas - ,tinguished his discourse. B 0 ugh t, thus Invites Discussioq far, 'has been 'Thomas Jefferson may .!lot that of an exhave attached the enormoussigceedingly angry 'nificance .to his image of '.'the man altacking wall of separation" that later a ruthless encommentators have read into it, emy. The image but it is unquestionable that he he has drawn invented a touchstone of controof the Catholic power in his previous pUblica- versy) In all fairness, Blanshard tions and in his nationwide appeals to :the prejudiced-has romescloserto admitting that if the wall has been breachOO: been that of .a sinister force dedicated to the overthrow of A:merican Protestantism has 'by . 'long odds ,been the most tY'pical the Ft(~public. He has used every device at offender. But what does the phrase his command to advertise -his own particular dogma, that the mean and .bow far does it ·comChurch is much more of a coven- .. 'mit the American government to a purely negative or to a posia~t with death and a league with lbell than was the :slave-power ·to ,tively secularist frame of action! Mr. Blanshard is much less VIilliam .LloydG.arr.ison. apodictic in his reply ,than be !Uelibernte Distortion 'was in his salad days. There is To ·establish his contention 'he evidence that he has read much Ibas played fast and loose with and reflected more. Something . thehistorir,;al record and with ',of ,the modest sun .of' wisdom honest documeI).tation. Be has ,begins to. shine thl'ough !his practised through' deliberate dis- mental fog. wtion .of facts (for he is an Still Su~picious mteillgent man) ,to justify :his He is still emphatically clear illusion. that. the ,American pUblic school And he has consistently in- 'sy'stem is a matter of secu1ar sisted on placing, the worst posrevelation and .mustnot be sible interpretation of mQ.tives questioned by any heretic. in ·eva.luatiiJ.g therelig'iousor He is still suspicious that the' political action ,of Catholics. A:mericanCathollc hierarchy is Mr. Blanshard is still an angry '''out to' get" the public school. man, but somehow we miss the He ,cannot conceive' how fhe familiar snarl in the pages of his suggestion of public funds for !latest eontribution to ·the liter- ,pri¥ateschools ,can be anything ature of religious controversy. . but subversive. What has happened? Has he Now .the whole educational actuall;r matured in these middle ,controversy has been so ,suryears of his life, or is this only- 'charged wi,themotionalismthat • symptom of his graduation it is extremely ·difficult to keep frGUl puberty? the discussion on.a rational basis, [t is an advance, at any rate, and Blanshard II1~kes.no attempt .nd. it is observable that he ,is ,to do so. . even able to employ the ·phrase He does not discuss the mod'"'Catholic hierarchy" without ,erate proposals of N :C.W ,C., :for turning purple with indignation. ·ed'ucation; he dismisses them' as . . l:temains Secularist worthless. But they are not; ,th,ey Lest this be judged a preamble ;represent a reasoned 'and reason,to 'his conversion, l~t it.be clearable approach to a national prob:Iy underst,?od that Paul Blanlem. He ·has only· 'scarnfor the shard remains the avowed secu- . solution suggested by His "Emikr,ist has always . asserted nence, ·Cardinal McIntyre, 'envi- , himself to be. He does himself a sioning parental control of ,taxes grave disservice in describing for tuition. Blansbard, manifesthimself as a liberal, for nothing ly, is at his worst nere, substituteouldbe more shockingly illibing for thought loaded phra§es eral' than his moral reluctance and unpleasant innuendo. :to !live in the same world' and "Godless schools" maybe an 'breathe the same air as Catholics unfortunate phrase for the. em:who re,~lly believe in God and . s ubscribe to ,the truths' ·of· battled orthodox, but it is ,difficult to escape the" conclusion divine revelation. that Blanshl1-rdreal,ly wants' This, indeed, is the 'heart of his them that way and will settle for problem. His quarrel actually is nothing l e s s . . . , , iDot with the Church but witli But once .again, his quarrel is tbe very idea ,of ,God. . not with an imagIllarybencb' of . That some dim realization(1f ,bishops :but with tp,e very 'exist,aus fundamental fact was imence 'and relevance of . a pifiged . on ,his awareness ma,. personal God. . account for the lesse:ting ,Df ibis CatholicPresideJri 'Vio'lence:. Forhels not so 8Ugr,.Time was when Paul' .Blanin this book as he is ,sad: Sad that there'are men olZ good-wilt 'Shard woUld. have ,blanched at theprospeet of a Catholic in ,the m ,this· IlIVorldwho ,cannot 'be as WhiteHouse. Be still turns a !he is, monolithic 'secUlarists. trifle pale,though .his alar.m is I -much .more .sophisticated :than ThreE= Church .that of the Baptist ministers w,ho recently besought Providence Arou!teSusp,icion to ·deliver ,the nation from ,such BUFFALO .(NC)-Three £ires in less than a month in Catholic a calamity. . It might be risked, he 'sugChurches in Buffalo are 'being gests, if the candidate would investigated by the Arson Squad. Two .fires,at St. Law.rence guarantee to give up his faith' church and5t. Rita'~ ,church, ·for four 'or eight years as-the occurred on Jan. 26. 'St. 'Mary case might he. This is'a generous of Sorrows churc:h was damaged concesSion :for which weCatholics as ,second-class· citizens" on Jan. 16. ought to be properly grateful. Damal~e was estimated at It .indicates ,the .amazingevo'$50,000 :at 5t. !Lawrence, where the interior was destroyed. St. lution of a bigot into a most Rita's slllffered mino!' damafie. reasonable, not to say chiu'ita'ble# man. It might wen ~ estimatea$'7:000 10Sll 'was 4ene to aside81tara1 ,SLO '-";' ~OUI phrase -to l'ead: "Wabqt Sorrows. . "ington .isworih ,& iMass!'" :\.. .

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Study Ado!escent At Stonehill Seven authorities on adolescent psychology will compose the faculty of a unique evening course to be conducted at Stone- . hill Collegebe~i~ning Tuesday, March 1. The seven, all experts in their field, will lecture during the 12session course entitled "Understanding Adolescence." It will be part of the college's Institute of Adult Education. Lawrence S. Stepelevich, instructor in philosophy at Stonehill, will moderate the course to be conducted on consecutive Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30. . The guest lecturers and their topics will be: Dr. Arthur J. Waites, Chief, Psychology Service', Veterans' Administration Hospital, Brockton: "Overview." Dr. Robert A. Page, Chief Psychologist, Old Colony Association for Mental Health, Brockton: "Basic Needs of Pre-Adolescence" and "The School." Dr. David S. Goodenough, Psychology Service, VA Hospital, Brockton: "Adolescence as a Period of Transition." "Facilities for Working with Adolescence" and "Decision-Making as to Job, Mate, Independent Thinking." James J. Furdon, Massachuzetts Hospital School for Rehabilitation, Canton:' 'Behavioral Problems of Adolescence." J. Fred Glynn, Chief, Social Work Service, VA Hospital, Brockton: "The Family" and "Physical Adjustments Involving Sex." The Rev. James V. Lowery, C.S.C., former high s!-=hool and college retreat master and former director of student religious activities at Stonehill: "'The Church." The Rev. John Wilcox, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Bridgewater, Chaplain at Bridgewater Correction Center: "Post-Adolescence and Its Problems." Stepelevich will present the final summntion of the lecture series May 24. The showing of four film[l will supplement the ~ourse.

The course, like other adult Institute courses, is open to the public. Enrollment information may be obtained by applying to the Director of the Institute of Adult Education at Stonehill College. -

St. Peter's College To Honor Cardinal JERSEY CITY (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, will receive the Rerum Novarum Award on March 6 from St. Peter's College here. The award is given to a Catholic for distinguished work in labor-management relations in accordance with principles of papal social encyclicals. Previous winners include Secretary of Labor James Mitchell, industrialist Henry Ford II and Archbishop Karl J' .Alle!' 01 Cincinnati.

Family Orchestra Among Many Enthusiasms Of Mt. St. Mary Student Body President By' Patricia...McGowa!!. Bubbling with enthusiasm for life, that's pretty Kathryn Magriby, student body president at Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. Her crowded days include, in addition, to her presidency; many other 'extra-curricular activities. She's glee club president and its accompanist, vice president of the debate club and co-editor of the school newspaper~ In spare time she's secretary C'~"""""7'~~-;_""'-'" ',:,," '" of the Cya Young Adults group, with headquarters on Anawan Street.."We officers


Buffalo Movie

so excited about the shiny teen-

lDontinued fll"om Page One it in April, 1958. With the assistance of a group 0'11 pJ7.iests and' laymen, including ,Blase A. Palumbo, a' lawyer and parishioner, the theater was put into operation. "We found that Catholie Theater attracted mostly children, so we geared it primarily for their enjoyment," Mr. p~ lumbo stated. - He said the theater is able to get films at nominal cost because of the type of its operation.

age world she inhabits. She's made her year as student body president a memorable one for the Mount, keeping it abuzz with activities from a "welcome week" for freshmen at the be:' ginning of the school year, down to'the already-planned-in-detail senior prom, still to come. '

"We do make a little money on the movies," he said, "but the profit is so negligible that it could essentially be called a nonprofit organization. The theatre pays its help the regular wage scale, but neither I nor any of the parish laymen involved in the operation receive any pay.'"

were. sent to the Bishop's Ball," she reported proudly. "We had a wonderful time." Kathryn talks in italics,' she's

Loves Music A member of the Fall River Junior Music Club, Kathryn plays piano and organ'and has catholic tastes in music, liking classical, semi-elassical and poplar selections. Right now, "I want to get into college more than anything else." She hopes to take a liberal arts course, majoring in history. She ought to get there, since she's been a' highest honor student throughout high school. English is Kathryn's favorite subject and she's the rare student who's completed a four year Latin course. Once homework is done, there's no lack of things to do in the Magriby household, she says. The family includes two brothers and a sister. One brother is a freshman at Coyle .High School, and the other brother and little sister are in the seventh and third grades respectively at St. Mary's Cathedral school. "We have sort of a family orchestra," says Kathryn. "One

Anti-Catholic Usage Soon to be Dropped COPENHAGEN (NC)---'An old custom forbidding Catholics to teach history in Danish primary and secondary schools will soon be dropped, it is believed here.




"'····'1 ¥"




See Larger Attendance The theater, which has a seating capacity of about 1,200, usually attracts 600 to 650 customers for 'its Sunday perform. ances. Its only recorded full house was last Spring when it presented "The Miracle of S\. Therese." According to Mr. PalumbO, '75 per cent of the theater's patrons come from Holy Cross parish, : the remainder from adjoining -parishes.

1 ,I

"We believe that attendaft€e will eventually spread into .' cross section of the city as. f.be, theater becomes' better knowa. tbrough its promotion in the' pulpits," Mr. Palumbo stated. brother pIa y s the clarinet, another- the sax. We're just waiting for my sister to get a

Schedule Open House At Falmouth K of C Falmouth Council, Knights of Celumbus, will sponsor an open, house at 8 Tuesday night, Feb. 16 in the Council hall. A film OR 'Christopher Columbus will be featured. A bean supper will' be held It 6 Saturday night, Feb. 20 with Joseph P. Rose Jr. as chairman.

little older so she can play the drums." Swimming, dancing, ice skating and basketball are among Kathryn's hobbies. "i've had lots· of them," she admits. Stamp collecting and "looking up words in the dictionary" have been other enthusiasms. She's the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Magriby, 551 Plymouth Avenue, and a member of the Cathedral parish. "We have lots of fun as a family," she says. It's a safe bet there's lots of fun wherever Kathryn is.

The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs recently asked the bishops of the Danish state church (Lutheran) to cOmment on th~ desirability of retaining such a practice. It was agreed by aU 10 bishops. that it should be

N'uns to Meet Continued from Page One MoslRev. Christopher Weldon.. Bishop of Springfield, will open the meeting by celebrating Hol:J' Malis at 9 o'clock in Sacred Heart Convent chapel. HeY. John Y. O'Connor, S.J., reetOlT ()f Weston College (Mass.), will address the group during 1:he morning session. The afternoon seminar will be conducted unde7 the leadership of Mother L0retto Julia, S.N.D.,· of Fairfield, Connecticut.

"He CoIled'


The Ministry of Education is now conducting an investigation that is expected to lead to an: end to the practice.

Me a

The custom had its origin in. the fear that Catholic history teachers in a Lutheran country might unfavorably interpret the history of the Reformation. In recent decades many exceptions' to the practice have been made.

SISSY· · ",'

Serra Club in New Bedford Begins Program to Increase Vocations The Serra Club of New Bedford has instituted a Vocation Program throughout the parochial grammar and high schools in the New Bedford area. These schools as well as all Christian Doctrine classes will be visited by a member of the Lecture Committee of the New Bedford Club who will talk on the encourageCATERER ment of Vocations to religgious life and explain the great COMMUNION need for more priests and sisters.

The program will commence tomorrow. It is expec'ted 29 parishes in the area will be covered by .he end of March. A Vocational Prayer card of the Serra Club's prayer for Vocations will be left with each classroom and Friday of each week has been designated as Vocation Day on which day the students and their families are urged to pray for more vocations. The Serra Club has as its objective the fostering of vocations. It assists in the education as. young men for the pristhood.

THE ANCHOKThurs., Feb. 11, 1960

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Parish Parade

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs;, feb. 1 1; 1960


HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON , A Whist Party is scheduled for Saturday night in the American L,egion Hall, on Cedar Street. Mrs: Helen Zieba is chairlady of the event. Plans have been formulated for the comfng Penny Sale. Mrs. Valerie Gagda and Miss Mary Walczak' are co-chairmen. .


IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will be hostess to the District Council of Catholic Women at 7:45 Monday evening, Feb. 15 in the church ball. An afternoon of recollection is set for 1 to 4 Sunday afterrioon, March 13. Junior and senior girls of the parish are invited to attend, in addition to guild members. ST. PATRICK'S, FALL RIVER 'A motion picture showing life in a Trappist monastery will - feature the Monday:, Marcl;J. 7 meeting of the Women's Guild. Animal guildola is set for Monday, April 25, w:ith Mrs. Th.omas B. Bagley and Mrs .Joseph Drobyski co-chairmen. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The Holy Name Society will' hold a malacada supper and' penny sale at 5:30 Sunday eve. ning, Feb. 21 in the parish hall. James V. Santos is ticket chairman a~d announces that tickets available from all Holy Name members.

HOLY ROSARY. FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will bold a penny sale in the parish hall Monday, Feb. 29.

OUR LADY OF GRACIE. NO. WESTPORT .A short busin'ess meeting will be conducted by the Women's Guild on Tuesday, March I, in order that the scheduled Fashion Show of tlie evening may start on time. It will be an open meeting and tickets' may be purchased from any of the Guild members;

8S.. PETER AND pAUL. FALL RIVER A ham and bean supper will precede the next regular 'meeting of the Women's Club, at 6:30 Monday evening, March 7. Mrs. Charles Holland and Mrs. Lynwood G. Barlow are co-chaj.rmen. The club will be hostess for an open meeting on "Liturgy in the¥amily" Wednesday evening, March 9. HOLY REDEEMlER, CHATHAM ' The Association of the Sacred Hearts will hold a Valentine card party today With Mrs. Eva Boudreau as chairman. Whist, bridge lind cribbage will be played. O,ther plans include a regular meeting Monday, March 14; Communion Sunday March 6 at 8 o'clock Mass; a penny sale Friday, April 22 and, the annual ,banquet Thursday.. May 12. '


SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER . The Women's Guild will hold an open meeting at 8 Monday night, March 7 in the school halL All parishioners and holders of tickets on the drawing for a trip to Bermuda are itwited to attend. Returns on the drawing should be made to any member of the executive board as soon as possible. Guild members will also be in the school .hall to receive returns following all Masses this Sunday.

MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK "Carmel Night at the Grist .I Mill," to be held Wednesday, Feb. 17, is a get together for all CRUSADERS GATHER: Members of th~ Holy Cross in the parish boundaries, which Glee Club scan program ~t Linco'ln Park with two of the include Seekonk and Rehoboth. 1\. highlight of the evening will AluI]lni. Left to right, Roger St. Pierre '~n, New Bedford; be the' opportunity to meet the Joseph R. Hathaway '2,7; Charles Guillette '60, A,ttleboro; newly appointed parish administrator, Rev. Lester L. Hull, and James F. Mooney Jr. '52, Fall River. who replaces Rev. Daniel E. ST. ,JOHN BAPTIST, ST. DOMINIC'S" Carey. Father Carey is noW' WESTPORT. SWANSEA The Ladies Guild will hold a . The Women's Guild will meet assigned to Our Lady of the Valentine whist at 8 Saturday at 8 Monday night, Feb. is, in' Isle, Nantucket. He will return to Mt. Carmel for the Grist MiD night, Feb. 13, in the parish hall. the .parish recreation hall. Miss .. Mrs. Ambrose Vieira, and Mrs. Jane Borden, president, will con-' meeting. Father Hull, first native NanGenevieve Whitty are co-chairduct. the business session and men. The regular gui~d meeting 'Dr. William Schwartz, F:,all, tucketer to be ordained to thewill be held at 8 tonight in the River:, will, present a discussion. priesthood, was a 'seminlU'J' classmate 'of Father Carey. -hall. of Handwriting Analysis.

': .i4d'lil~!11,:~J.lli~'J!jf~ll,


ST. MICHAEL'S, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women wil sponsor a Valentine dance from 7 to 11 Saturday night, Feb. 13 in the school auditorium. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild· and Holy, Name Society will co-sponsor a variety. show Saturday night, Feb. 27 at Dartmouth High School. Proceeds will benefit the parish building fund. ST. ANTJIIONY, FALL RIVER , The Council of Catholic Women will hold a potluck supper Tuesday night, Feb. 16. Members are requested to bring linen for use in making surgical (Iressings for Rose Hawthorne Home. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI NEW BEDFORD The League of st. FranCis of Assisi will hold a surpris~' pro"'; gram this month. National Catli:'; olic Book Week will be observed Feb. 21 through 27. ST. MATHIEU, FALL FIVER The Women's Guild wiII hold a fashion show at 2 Sunday afternoon. Mkrch 20 in the parish hall. Mrs. Lionel Du~al Is chairman. The next regular meetin" is set for Monday nig~t, Feb. 29. with Mrs. Roger Lafleur in charge of the social hour·.. ST. LOUIS, FALL RI'TER 'The Women's Guild wiII hold a pei\ny'saIe W ed·nesday. Feb. 24 with Mrs. William O'Neil' Sr. and Mrs.· W~lliam Lynch as , chairmen. 1\ potluck supper and floral demonstration wit com,:, prise the 1\larch meeting. : . Members will. be. the, host umt for Catholic Guild for the, Blind meeting Sunday, Feb. 2~... OUR LADY OF· PERPET,UAL, '-. RELP:-NI:W BEDFORD., .' '\". Polish-American' War Mothe.!'S .hold a card party Sunday, Feb. 21 in .the church hall. , . SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN . . '., Mrs. Francois Mercier .will· serve as pt'esiiient 'of thl~ Ladies'. of sf Anne' for the 15th ter~, assisted by Mrs. Maurice R .. Hevey, vice ,president;' Mrs.. Joseph Tremblay, secretary; and Mrs. Elphege DesRoches, secretary. Next regular meeting is let for Sunday, March 27,











ANSWERS: i (d); 2 (b); 3 (a); 4 (b); 5 .(d); 6 (b); 7 (a); 8 (b).,


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See' "FORD STARTIME" in riving color Tu~sdays on NBC-TV - - - - - -

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River~Thurs.t' Feb. 11 t 1960'

Ed Mee'han of Oliver Ames




St. Michael's Colleg~ Quintet Close To Sixth Successive State Title

Establishes Mile Record By Jack Kineavy Track reigned supreme at Boston Garden Saturday. The occasion was the 43rd Annual State Indoor Meet which this year attracted a record number of entries. Almos,t 1100 contestants, most of them from the Metropolitan Boston area, vied for honors in the Roger Sylvia, Darbnouth's extravaganza that spanned talented weighbnan, put the 12 a seven and a half hour pe- pound shot 44 feet 4 楼4 inches to riod. The program got under- finish second to Paul Duggal\,

By John .!,::orrigan St. 'Michael's College in 'Winooski, Vt., is worrying about a "poor season" in basketbaJI this Winter. Nonetheless, they, are well on their way t;q Capturing their sixth successive Green Mountain Conference Championship-that is, the state title. St. Mike's equi~alent to Phi Beta Kappa ill record 'at this writing is a a secular university. Reddan is a' 6'5" rebounding not particularly earthshak- stalwart, and is also a Dean's ing 9-5, but the wins include List student. Incidentally, St.

way prompUy at 9:30 A.M. when of Concord and add four big decisive ones over Middlebury Mike's boasts a pretty good prestarter Steve Patten launched points to the Little Green's total. John Morse and Ken Turgeon (88-66 and 95-53), Norwich medical course, best measured the first of the placed third in the 600 and mile, (81-61, 66-51, and 67-62), and by the fact that in the past 17 Class D 45-yard respectively. their arch-rivals across the years, every boy recommended hurdles trials. Somerset proved very strong Winooski River, the University has been accepted in an accredOrganized panin the hurdles where sophomore of Vermont (74-61). Another ited medical school. demonium then surprise Willard St. Onge nailed victory over the latter would set in as the JIM BROWNE Hoop Anomaly down third place, a stride ahead complete an undefeated record schoolboys ,gt. Michael's College Along with the wins and of teammate Manny Silvia. A in State competition. dashed, jumped losses, 'one game stands out as third Raider finalist, Brad Simand hurd led J~rsey B@,. ~S Browne 'Tremendous' sort of an anomaly in modern cock, finished out of the points. with abandon. 1/ Captain Jimmy Browne, a hoop affairs-St. Michael's 38-30 Alex Martin placed 4th in the . The wearisome ftl!n'lftl A ~ftl'l'..JI Navy veteran and a "tremendous win over St. Lawrence College D 300 and then' turned in an P ~ LP'"'" A f f 'WI U U yet absorbing ballplayer'" in the words of in Canton, N. Y. St. Lawrence excellent anchor, leg to assure activities NEWARK (NC)-Six Explorer spokesman John Donahue, is the figured that the only chance ground to a halt with the run- the Raider relay team of second Scouts from South Orange, N.J., only senior on an otherwise they had to knock off the raceplace in that event. ning of the last of the Class A will bec9me the first in the 'green club. Browne's poise and horse St. Michael's quintet was relays at 5:00 P.M. United States to receive the 'maturity are outstanding assets to play a "holding" game. Thill Third in 1000 The Meet was under the capand provide a needed and wel- ' 'was acceptable to the VermontNew Bedford High, the only Pope Pius XII award. able direction of Joe McKenney They will receive the honor come leavening influence on'the ers, and, as the outcome sho~ area school to compete in Class and his redoubtable band of from, Archbishop Thomas A., two juniors and two sophomores it turned out in their favor. assistants all of whom did a great A, had a five point aggregate Boland, of Newark in Sacred who, along with Browne, com-' With the advancing years, St. job in administering the gigantic and placed eighth. Pete Looney Heart Cathedral here next Sun- prise thl! starting unit. Michael's basketball schedule program. To top off the hectic gave the Crimson a third in the day. ,The Pope Pius XII Award With four starters gone from has stiffened noticably, Donahue day, Joe and several of his staff 1000, and miler Bill Young was established by the National last, year's, squad, the St. points out. The current state i8 subsequently officiated at the chipped in with a fourth in his Gatholic Committee on Scouting ,Michael's story 80 far is the .somewhat of a transitional one. sPecialty. Jeff Purvis with a B.A,A. Games at night. in 1957. . ,chronicle' of a development with certain small colleges rethird in the D 300 rounded' out Somersd and Dartmouth , Among the necessary qualifics' ,process,carried out under the luctant to take on Coach Jacobs' Fairh~ven'8 ~oring for the day. tions are knowledge and prac- able guidance of ,jDoc" Jacobs, five,' and certain of the larger While it is true that track in An interested spectator at the tice of the Catholic religion. The the knowledgeabie and veteran schoolS unwilling to take a this area doesn't enjoy stature comparable t9 that of Greater Meet was Attleboro coach Dud' boys had to set up and carry head coach who first arrived in chance on an upset from a good, Boston, nevertheless the Somel'- O'Leary whose squad was unable out, with the aid of their chap- Winooksi in 1947, after 10 years fast, l>ui small school. lain, Ii daily plan of prayer' for at Villanova'. set and Darbnouth squads came to compete this year. Down from Some coming games ought .. Al Baldine, a 6'1" soph, teams prov(dea fair portion of exciteup with superlative efforts to Concord, N. H. was Bill Luti, themselves. They took part in discussion in the backcourt with Browne. ment: St. Michael's makes its place second apd third in Class former Somerset track mentor. D. Concord, perennial D leader, Luti's 1959 Concord cross coun- programs with priests on charity He is 路averaging slightly more only appearance within handy and vocations, were asked to asthan 13 points per game, mai~ly range of the' Fall River Diocese again copped division honors try squad was the best in the state of New Hampshire and sist in charitable works, and had on the strength of a masterful on Saturday night at Providence with consummate ease. AmOng the Catholic schools placed a strong sixth in the New to select, plan and carry out set shot. The'high scorer on the College; contests with dangeroull programs involving the spiritual team is big (220 lb., 6'4"), fast entered, St. John's Prep of Dan- Englands. Fairleigh-Dickenson and with AI Weir, who began the current From Colby College, Water- works of mercy. potentially dangerous Northeast,,vers, Malden Catholic, Lawrence campaign as a sixth man and ern are also in the offing. Central and Boston College High ville, Me., came coach John has since broken into the startThe next two or three yean made terrific impressions. St. Simpson whose freshman and two-mile relay teams were enJohn's Prep ran away with VATICAN CITY (NC) - Fa- ing five by dint of some hard should be good ones-better than the present one-if the freshman Class C honors and though we tered in the B.A.A. Games. ther Thomas Morris, vice presi- work, a lot of hustle, and condon't pretend to be a track buff, Rounding out the former Somer- dent and professor of dogmatic siderable natural promise. Weir team, which has twice knocked usuallY hits for about 16 per off the powerful Dartmouth in our humble opinion the Dan- set coaching contingent of a few theology at St. Patrick's College, freshmen aggregation, comeo vers contingent would have done years back was Bill Kearns, now Thurles, Ireland, has been named, ' contest. Bazinet on Dean's List through to supply the varsity basketball coach at Weymouth Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland, handsomely in Class A. Another speedster is junior with capable ball players. In John Barrett, fleet 300 run- High. by Pope John. He succeeds the Hank Knobloch, a forward and Tops in Skiing ner, St. John's had one of the On deck the Tech Tourney and late Archbishop Jeremiah Kin-' a good floor man who can be On another front, St. Mike'5J Meet's outsanding figures. Bar- its qualifying round. ane, who died iast February. depended on to hit double figremains unchallenged in Cathlrett, the son of "'Red" Barrett, ures most nights. What height olic circles: "The other Catholic former major league pitcher there is, is provided by center colleges in New England simply with the Boston Braves and St. Jim Fitzgerald, a 6'7" sophocan't 'compete with us because :Louis Cardmals set a new allmore who is slowly' rounding we're too far north," Donahue' ~ime, all-class 300 yard record into shape and adapting to' col- says,' and rightly so, because the of 32.6 seconds in a trial heat. lege basketball. game under discussion at that Then in ,an amaZing effort aD The two strongest reserves ,are point was skiing. hour and a half later he came senior George Bazinet and junior Joannes Trapp, of the noted up with a new' 32.6 record John Reddan.Bazinet is a Trapp Family Singers, is a membreaking performance. hustling ,pre-medical student ber o~ ~he, freshman slopes unit, BarJ:rett was pushed to tI\(l who combines brawn with and in, addition to having a won- , record clocking by two, teambrains. He maintains a Dean's deiful year as a skier, is also mates John Buckley and Jim List average a'nd has just been marking up some scholastic disGiarusso who finshed second elected Delta Epsilon Sigma, the tinctions. and third. Malden Catholic runNational Catholic Honor Society, This past weekend, St. ners pulled up fourth and fifth Michael's hosted Harvard, Yale, in the event tei make it' an all Colby,' and Paul-Smith's College Catholic affair. St. John's much THURLES (NC) Msgr. (of New York) in the New sought after shortstop, Dan MurThomas Morris, vice-president England Class B Ski Championphy, won the 50 yard dash, much of S1. Patrick's College here, has ship Tourney, held in part OD to the delight of the highly' been appointed Archbishop, of the college's own, newly convocal Prep contingent in the Cashel and EmlY by Pope John. struc~d ski jump. stands. ' Reeoi'd Breaker Southeastern Mass. had its own leading candidate for Meet honors in the 'person of Ed Meehan of Oliver Ames. ~ehan turned in a fantastic 4:23.9 mile to set a new'Class D record in that event. The time was just one-tenth of a second over the all-time, all-c'Iass record set by William SquiJ:es of Arlington in 1952. ' A unique .f~ve-way tie for first place in the Class D high 'FAIRHAVEN, MASS. IjNION WHARF, jump found S9merset's vel'Satile AI Morris among the winners. His 5' 8" effort established' a new school record. AI also placed fourth in the 1000 yard run to lead his mates to their second place finish, 'the highest ever in the history of the school. Capepash' Man' In a record..~q'uiUU~ pe!loJ,'~ ance, Dennis.:,'Ya}!'rtlouth'll:' CflaJ,':',:'",: ley Wilkins captuJ:e'dth,e'::Q '50~' '. : yard dash in 6;6. I;)a~e,!1'oupi.n.6f .:~ Father John P. McHugh, Fairhaven was third. What a' difference a year makes., Loren direetor of DeP~ul High School, Wayne, N. J., gives his Flagg (University of Mass. via blessing to Cornelia (Pooch) Harrington, as the' 16-yearEast Bridgewater) who also tied old junior left for Squaw Valley, Calif., to represent the Successors to DAVID DUFF & SON the mark in the '59 Meet made U. S. in the ice-skating. events ,at the Winter Olympics. NO New Bedford Tel. WY 6-8271 640 Pleasant Street the semi-finals of BAA Saturday night. , Photo.

New Get

Irish Archbishop

Names Archbishop


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THE ANCHOR~Diocese . '.' , .of:' fall . River-Thurs., . ..... '.. . Feb. 1·1, 1960 ,;


DEDICATED WORI{ERS: Rectory housekeepers at St. :Lawrence's, New Bedford, symbolize self-effacing serv~ce of women in charge of priests' residences throughout ~he country. Left, Mrs. Anna P.eters, cook,

Urges ·Austrian Catho~ics Help World's Needy


, takes just-baked cookies from the oven. Center, Miss Mary'Doyle polishes silver, a never-ending ta,sk. Right, Miss Margaret Manning catches up on contents of the sewing ,basket.

ai St. Lawrence, New Bedford

Typical' 0'/ J)edi'cated Group, of Women

, By Avis C. Roberts ' VIE:NNA (NC)-FranzisMultiply the duties of the 'average homemaker ,about three times, ,add to that the' kus ,Cardinal Koenig has constant .interruption of phones and door bells and you'll come up with a segment of' appealed to Austrian Cathothe most dedicated Catholic laywomen in the .land-the rectory housekeepers. Typical lics to 'save money during' Lent to help feed the world's of this shy and, self-effacing group is a team at St. Lawren~e Rectory,' New BedfordMiss Margaret Manning, who uled at night," Miss 'Manning Dungry and aid refugees overThe cook and housekeepers seas. I has been housekeeper .since almost sighed, "the telephone get a couple of hours, respite in' · Through charity' toward op1957, and'Miss Mary Doyle, never stops ringing all that day." the afternoon to read, rest, knit There 'are the 'expected' calls or watch television. Then it's pressed and suffering peoples of, who has' been' downstairs· the world, he said, Catholics promote international peace. · The Archbishop of Vienna made the appeal during a press conference. He spoke on behalf of the Catholic Bishops, of' Austria. · During "the. pres,s conference

worker and . doorbell-answerer' ror 28 years; Third' member of, the team is Mrs. Anna 'Peters.. cook. ' ' .The trio ',tends carefully' the, material need's of the Most Rev. James J. Gerrard,' auxiliary' bishop of the Fall Itiv.er'. Diocese, ,who ,is pastor ,oI" the the directo'r of the Austrian Church, and' his three' assist-" mission, of .. Catholic 'Relief ants-the ,Rev. 'John J. 'Murphy; , Services '-, National Catholic the Rev. 'Arthur K. Wingate ,'andWelfare Conference, received a" the Rev. J,ustin J.:Quinn." , ., , $4000 check for aid to Tibetan' , ' r¢fugees,. ' -, ' ' , "The. priests are 'very easy' to care for and they are all sociable' · ,-he money was presented tQ. wi th us. The" Bishop 'is .most' Father' ~'abian Flynn, C.P., .re'p- - kind," said, Miss Manni~g, 'whose, "resentati~e in Austria of the job it is to oversee the smooth U~ S. Bishops' o'verseas relief running of the vast three-storey' agency, on behalf of Caritas, rectory which' has more than 20 the Austrian national Catholic, rooms.' ' agency. ,'The women rise at 6:30 daily 'A spokesman for Caritas reand breakfast is served anyported on other Austrian Cathwhere from 7, on depending on ' , olic refugee t:elie( work during the hour each priest says Mass. , the current World Refugee Year, "The day continues the same as 'which b'egan last Summer. He" in ". '. other house'" Miss Mimsaid that observance of a "Famning coq.tinued, cheerfully ig. ily Fasting Day," begun in 1958 noring the idea that not many by the Austrian Catholic women run such a huge house. Women's 'Movement, has "so . "I vacuum, dust" make up' the, far netted $300,000 for refugee priests' rooms (the girls do their relief in Korea. He said Caritas own rooms). Each' priest has two is now planning a seven million rooms and a shared bath,on me dollar fund-raising program to third floor. On the second floor intensify its activities at home is the Bishop's study, bedroom and abroad. ,and bath and 'two guestrooms and bath for visiting clergy. The first floor (Miss Doyle's domain) houses the kitchen, dining 'room, parlor, '-smoking ALB ANY (NC)-The New room and two offices. York State Catholic Welfare After' clea'ning the, house Mis's Committee has attacked a pro- Manning .. confers with Mrs.' posed law which would deny Peters on the day's menus. Buypublic assistance to residents of ing ,is done mostly, on a day-toless than one year. day basis" Miss Manning reA committee headed by Bishop ported. , Then comes a session with the William A. Scully'of Albany has - said such legislation would be in sewing basket, when Miss Man.' opposition "to' the established ning' repairs curtain, bed linen, public policy of the state, which table linen and other household, is based upon the moral and apurtenances which are wearing religious principle that we are thin. Lots of Sewing our brothers' keepers ...w.hether Each day and evening task' is native-born or newly arrived." accompanied by a musical back"The practice of a society ground of "bells, bells, bells." which feeds its hungry, heals its ,Telephone bells and doorbells sick, harbors its homeless and 'are a' major factor "in 'regular .safeguards the oppressed does -sectory work. Parishioners call not, go unrewarded," the committee said. "New York, through to chat or to check on announceits history of responsibl,ll Chris- ments "which' were delivered in tian charity, has been repaid in Church last Sunday." Some of the queries: "Is this rich benefits from the developed a fast day? Is this an ember day? ' skills and substantial accomplishments of its immigrants, What time is baptism? What time, whether from foreign shores or is benediction?" froin other states.", , "When- there is a Mass sched-

Attack Proposed Law Restricting Welfare


Prelate Stresses Newsmen's Role As Ed ucators "BOSTO~ (NC)-A Bishop told Catholic newsmen here that the power of the press to make men thin,k "assures

it a permanent place in the development' of human society and the progress of human ideas."

time for dinner and evening -Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. chores until the, rectory' closes Riley of Boston, who' preached at 9 :o,'clock. at the seventh annual journal,-Eve'ning callers vary. Some ists' Mass at the Paulist Center seek advice, some come on social here, also said that newspaper, _are receiving, in. ' men ar.e "educators in the truest visits, some structions. M,a r r i'a g e s are' sense of the word." planned and, vocations discussed.. ' . The Boston prelate stressed Mis,s Doyle, interchangeably the journalist's need to be con:~itb Miss Manning, 'turns' the' cimied ab,out '.'the'foundations of, callers over to the priests on truth" . 'duti during ,the day and even-', ·"M'·' I t ' t t h ' f ing. ," " ," , ere.y 0,Presen e new~ 0 'M' D 1 t th d ' · ' ,the day ImplIes the presumption ISS •. oy e se s e Ipmg that it happened as you are rer~om table for meals~ doe~ ~he p~rting it,'" he added. "And if 'dishes after each meal ,mam- the ne of the d t h ,tains downstairs rooms" "and, ws. ' . ' ay mus, ave she does it very well," in Miss It~ foundations In fact, th~ same M ., ..' , m u s t be true of your commenanmng s opmIOn; taries on it; the inferenc~s which CHI C AGO (NC)-Sixteen ,The cook, housekeeper and yqu draw from it and the predicFranciscan ,priests experienced in the radio and television fields her assistant have a day off ,tions whi<;h yo,u make in itl-,: have completed plans' for thE,' each week and every third Sun- light." new Franciscan Institute of, day afternoon and evening. The _ _ remaining two double up in perThe new.smen, members o~ the Radio and TV. The Institute will train Fran- forming ,the usual chores of St. FranCIS de Sales Society, elected Thomas J. Fitzgerald of ciscan' pri~sts in radio and tele-- three. the Boston Globe as president, vision techniques. , '''It's a 'big house to take care Father Edward B. Kron, C.S.P., Fat her Alcuin Mikulanis, of," Miss Manning says. "But presented to the group a mosaic O.F .M., Q,irector of the Christ we all enjoy it." of St. Francis de Sales. the King Radio Hour, is chairman of the organizational committee, which nlet at Christ the King Seminary near here...... for priests to miQister to the sick· and dying and calls for baptismal and confirmation records.• "Around confirmation time we aiways have a lot of children calling,"" Miss Manning smiled. "They're .looking for baptismal records.'~ " , , , Then : 'there's an~ther fairly constant type of'caller, "looking for handout."·, ' . " "Material or spiritual?" -Miss Manning was asked. _, "Mostly material,", was her wryreply'' -


'Frandscans to Have Radio-TV Institute

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