"With God, man can perfect his nature. Without God, we are weak and puny, next to nothing. Here is
Vol. 14, No.7, Feb. 12, 1970 Prce 10c $4.00 per Year
where Faith comes in," Bishop Connolly has told his flock. The Ordinary stressed the theme in his "Faith and Freedom" Lenten pastoral which was read at all masses-in all diocesan churches last weekend. Bishop Connolly emphasized that "works of creation do not change. But we do, because we are free." The Bishop's letter:
'New Rite For Mass Clarity, Reform SimplificClItion" Invite Great-eli' Participation The new rite of the Mass, effective March 22, 1970, encompasses the reforms and simplifications wished by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. There has been a strong emphasis on simplicity, the clarity and truthfulness of the rites and signs used and a greater invitation for a 'wider participation by all the faithful. The documents strongly urge a real celebration by the people, presided by the priest, in which as many people have duties as possible. To make this as effective as possible, the celebrants (priest and people) have options -various rites for various occasions-to make the actual celebration of Mass as fruitful, rewarding and effective ~s possible. Entrance Rite Preparations: The altar should be covered with at least one cloth. Two candles (or four or six for solemnity) and a crucifix are to be provided and may Turn to Page Ten
"God made man free, and left him to make his own decisions. Before man is life and death, good and evil, and whatever he chooses will be given him." Book of Deuteronomy. Beloved in Christ: "Our text stresses the fact that man is born free, God willed it so. The heavens proclaim the power and glory of their Maker: They move in preordained pat-
terns. They have no choice. The earth on which we live could be as barren as the moon if we had no atmosphere. That is what makes the difference. There could be no life, no changing seasons, nor warmth, nor vegetation without it. This is the wonder of the universe. But man, "made in the image and .likeness of God" possessed' of power to do good or evil,路 is a greater wonder. "Works of creation do not change. But we do, because we are free. Civilizations flourish and die as men seek noble or selfish ends, The fact of our high aspirations is evidence of God's existence. With God, man can perfect his nature. Without God, we are weak and puny, next to nothing. Here is where Faith comes in. The fact of our existence on the only planet that
sustains life, our insistence on freedom, the conscience that distinguishes right from wrong cannot be E'xplained by chance. "Reason tells us that much; but revelation puts it on a solid base of certainty. "God made man free, and left him to make his own desisions, right or wrong, heaven or hell, and what we choose will be given us." Evil is not willed, but tolerated by a Divine Providence that takes the consequences for giving man freedom. "Our troubled times are the fruit of free-will abused. This is far more evident in a smug society, with racial discrimination, and callous concern to get on, get honor, and then 'get honest, than it should be. There is freedom of speech, but it is used to villify or bear false witness
against one's neighbor. There is freedom of the press, but that is too often used to propagandize. There is freedom of religion, but that does not mean freedom to fight one another. Truth is e,ssential and truth must prevail. There is freedom of conscience, but conscience cannot be blind and must: not be stubborn. There is the cherished freedom to dissent that most of us wait to produce one constructive idea, "Faith has its place here. In man's relationship one to another there must be trust; there must be willingness to serve and secure peace, on every level, supported by justice. "We are not to build on prejudices. We do not prove our virtue, like the Pharisee, by despising the rest of men, or nations. Turn to Page Seventeen
Seek Ruling on Consftitutionality of Catholic School Aid The General Court of the State' of Massachusetts is attempting to come to the aid of parochial schools and
thereby help the cause of all education in the State. In a proposal, draft no. 370, presented to the Committee on Education by Kevin B. Harrington, Senator of the Second Essex District,' the Commonwealth was apprised of the need for such aid and the manner in which the State could help. The reasons for help at this time were enumerated by the Senator: "Whereas the general court hereby determines. and declares that a time of acute public exigency and distress now exists in commonwealth with respect PARIS (NC)-The French the to educating its children, due to bishops support Pope Paul's. the combination of an extreme decision to keep obligatory increase in the cost of educaand an intense new recognicelibacy for priests of the tion tion of the need of all young Latin rite. "The letter of Pope Paul VI to citizens for excellence in educathe secretary of state (Jean Car- tion; -that if the educational crisis dinal Villot) on the bond between the priesthood and celi- in Massachusetts is to be rebacy is an opportunity to affirm solved, the total educational reour fraternal communion with sources of the community must the successor of Peter," said be utilized in the effort; -that 254,601 elementary and Francois Cardinal Marty of Paris, president of the French secondary school pupils or 19.1
French Bishops Support Pope On Celibacy
$!:~ iH~
Bishops' Conference, in a communique published after consultation with the board of the permanynt council. of the bishops' conference. "The bishops of France, like ail the bishops of the universal Church, will always be available to work with him who confirms their brothers in the faith. "In France, for some time now, a reflection has been coming to light and the ministry and life of priests. "Let us say again: We are calling to the priesthood only men who have decided to lead a consecrated celibate life. Priests released from their obligations cannot exercise their priestly ministry. "The men' of today need priests enthusiastic about their mission to the point of leaving all in order to follow and announce Christ the Saviour."
Bishop Connoliy, in Lenten Pastoral, Says: With God, Man Can Perfect His Natu're
per cent of the entire pupil population of the commonwealth, in the exercise of conscience, obtain their education today in nonpublic schools; . -that without allowance for inflationary increase, the fuIl cost of educating these pupils in public schools would each year be an additional $179,000,000; -that these non public schools perform a secular function, recognized in the compulsory attendance law, and thus make an important contribution to the public welfare; -that hazard to the education of all Massachusetts children, arising from th~ educational crisis, may be substantially reduced and all the education in the commonwealth improved through the purchase of secular educational services from Massachusetts nonpublic schools, based on fair and adequate consideration; -that the commonwealth has the right and freedom to enter into contracts for the purchase of needed services with persons or institutions,路 whether public or non public, sectarian or nonsectarian; -that education being one of the first objects of public care, the good and welfare of this commonwealth are advanced by the purchase of secular educa-
tional services as herein provided, and Whereas the deferred operation of this act would tend, in part, to defeat its purpose which is to provide for the purchase by the commonwealth of secular educatiOnal services from non public schools commencing with the first day of July in the current year, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency
law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience." He therefore recommended that: "The commissioner of education . . . shall establish rules and regulations, make contracts with nonpublic schools or nonpublic school systems for the purchase by the commonwealth of secula:r educational Turn to Page Fourteen
Pope Asks Annual Renewal Of Vows by All Priests Traditionally, the first Mass of Holy Thursday, celebrated by the Bishop in the Cathedral, has been the special celebration for all priests. There the Bishop consecrates the Oils that will be used in the administrati.on of Sacraments by his priests throughout the diocese for the year. and, in the light of present obeand celibacy crises, has Recent liturgical changes dience asked that during the celebration have emphasized the fact the priests renew. before the and have rewritten the Mass 路propers so that the fact of the celebration of the institution of the Christian Priesthood may be adequately stressed. (Later in the day, at the Commemoration of the Last Supper, it is the institution of the Eucharist that is celebrated.) Pope Paul VI has sought to make this celebration one of greater dedication by the priests
Bishop and in public their vows or promises of obedience and celibacy. The entire proposal has been implicit in the past when the priests concelebrated with their Bishop during this liturgically Turn to Page Two
Pope Asks American Youth Aid Overseas Fund Appeal NEW YORK (NC)-Pope Paul VI appealed to the more than five million U.S. Catholic elementary and high schools students to contribute generously during Lent to the 1970 American Catholic Overseas Aid Fund Appeal. His appeal in an Ash Wednesday radio message, He said more than two million persons, many of them children, carried by the country's ma- died of hunger, but many more jor networks, marke'd ~the would have died "if American
e Y 0: Rev. John A. Gomes, assistant at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Taunton has been named CYO Director for the Taunton area.
opening phase of the 24th annual overseas aid appeal. He reminded the students there are "millions of boys and girls, in many countries of the world, who are poor, hungry, sick, without a home or shelter." The Pontiff recaned his visit last year to Uganda where he learned of the suffering as' a result of the Nigerian-Biafra war.
Catholics like you and your parents had not given generously ror emergency aid." The Pope said the generosity of U. S. Catholics "also consoled and relieved the poor and the sick in many other lands, such as Vietnam, Palestine and Latin America." "And you have been so gcod, Turn to Page Eighteen
eeA: Rev. Bento R. Fraga, assistant at St. Joseph's Parish, Taunton, has been appointed director for the Catholic Charities Appeal for the Taunton
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12,' 1970 ,
Boa rd Resolves Entrance Plan
Diocese of Fed I Riv~r APPOINTMENTS ,I Rev. John A. Gomes, assistant at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Taunton as CYO Director for the Taunton Area. ' I Rev. Bento R. Fraga, assistant at St. Joseph Parish, Taunton as Catholic Charities Appeal Director for the Taunton' Area. ' , j Appointments are effective immediately. ,
,l'e.-ar Bishop of Fall River.C:::
Sees, Administration Coop,eratio~ With C;yi~ Right Commission
NOTRE DAME (NC)-The U~S. Civil Rights Commission has no c ticed improved relations with the Nixon Administration since the commission five months ago criticized Justice Department procedures in enforcing school desegregation, according to the head of the commission. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame president and commission chairman, said in a locally televisied news conference that governmental agencies in :Washington have be~i1 showing "increasing cooperation." "The Agriculture Department, for example, has done a complete, switch-around," he said. "On an operational level. our contacts are better than they have ever ~ been before." The Notre Dame president was named chairman of the Civil Rights Commission last year by President Nixon after serving' som'e years as a member. Last September the commission had ,found fatilt' with the way the U.S. Justice Department was getting involved in federal law en~
. Cincinnati to Host Hospital Concention
CINCINNATI (NC)-More than . 5,000 health services personnel from Catholic hospitals, nursing homes and affiliated organizations are expected to attend the 1970 convention of the Catholic Hospital Association, to be held June 9-12 at the Cincinnati Convention-Exposition Center. Mass in St. Peter' in, Chains , cathedral on the evening of June 8 will precede the convention, and the opening general session will take place Tuesday morn-' ing, June 9.
Day of
Feb, 15-St. William, F a II River. ' Santo Christo, Fall River. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven. ' Feb. 22-LaSalette S h I' in e , Attleboro. ' St. Mary, Mansfield SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Espirito Santo, Fall River. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722, by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription priCe by mail, postpaid "'110 per year. '
The Parish School Board 'of Holy Name School, Fall River has established a new policy of accepting applications for admission of pupils. Students to be enrolled in first grade only are to be registered on the first two Sundays of March each year. A parent of the .child must register personally and priorities for admission have been set as follows: Children retained in grade one; children of parishioners whose family has another child attending Holy Name School; children of parishioners whose family does not have another child attending the school; children of non-parishioners. Application fQr admission to other than first' grade, and to first grade after the school year begins, must be' in written form. No applications can be dated orior to Feb. 8, 1970. Priorities for these applications are as follows: Children advanced from prior grade; children retained in grade; children of parishioners whose family has another child attending Holy Name School whose requested transfer is from a parochial school which has announced its intended closing; children of parishioners whose family has no other child attending Holy Name School whose requested transfer is from a parochial school whose intended closing has been announced; children of parishioners whose family has another child attending Holy ,Name School whose requested transfer is from a school other than a parochial school whose intended closing has been announced; children of parishioners whose family has no other child at.tending Holy Name School whose transfer is 'from a: school whose intended closing has been announced. A waiting list will be established for children not admitted. The same c'riteria will apply to the waiting list. Positions on the list will be subject to change if there are applicants which take higher priority in accordance with the criteria.
forcement of :racial integration of schools. i As he has in the past, Father Hesburgh stressed in the televised interview that the, danger of creating two separate I socie c ties in the United States Iwould continue "until we have ,real equality of opportunity." I FIRST NEGRO STATE DEPUTY: Newly elected State Deputy He declined to comment on of the Knight:; of Columbus of Wyoming is James W. Byrd. Nixon nominations to the U.S. 'Supreme Court, beyond ~aying the first member of the ~Iack community to be elected chief that ev~ry_ President appoints official of the society in his jurisdiction. He is pictured with justices whose ideas about the Bishop Hubert M. Newell of Cheyenne, whose diocese e'ncourt fit in with the President's composes the Mate of Wyoming. Nc Photo. own .ideas. I, Father Hesburgh describ~d the status of the, nation's six-million Mexican-Americans as iworse than that of the 20 million blacks. He said ,Notre iJ~ame ,President Urges Ameru:ans to Demontrate would start a black studies proSpiritual Leadership andlldealism gram of'its own next September, with financial support coming WASHINGTON (NC) - Amer:,- sentatives from many walks of in, part from the university's ica should ,!!et an example of life attended the event, which earnings from its rare post-sea- ,spiritual leadership and idealism was sponsored. by, the Senate son play in ,the Cotton I Bowl for the world, -President Nixon and House prayer breakfast football game last New IYear's has told the eighth annual Presi- groups. The annual Presidential Day. Prayer Breakfast was started in dential Prayer Breakfast here. The nation's Chief Executive 1953 with the late President emphasized the importance Of Eisenhower attending; I the spiritual strength that has Continued from Page One guided the United States from Mass Ordo important and educational cere- its beginnings. . mony. Now it becomes e:kplicit. The destiny, of America-"a FRIDAY-Friday after Ash WedJust Some In the new rites, the Bis110P nation ',under God"-is not to nesday. Violet. Human beings do not do all will address three questions. to conquer or exploit the world, SATURDAY-Saturday after Ash the evil of which they are caphis priests: one on general priest- Nixon noted, "but to give to Wednesday. St. Valentine's able. -Montherlant ly intent;,one on devotion to cel- : other nations of the world an Day. Violet. ibacy, and, the final one on the example of spiritual- leadership priests' continued will to cele- , and idealism whiCh no material SUNDAY-First Sunday of Lent. Violet. Mass Proper; Creed; i brate, the Eucharist. strength or military ,power can Preface of Lent. The 'priests are expected to - provide." answer "Yes" together. : FUNERAL HOME, INC. Some 3,000 top government MONDAY - Monday of First Week of Lent. Violet. It is expected that not all leaders, diplomats, and repreR. Marcel Roy - Go Lomine Roy TUESDAY-Tuesday of the First Roger LlFrance priests will always be thJre be_ Week of Lent. Violet. cause of parish or other ~uties. FUNERAL' DIRECTORS Their 'absence should tiot be 'Zero Population' 'WEDNESDAY - Wednesday of 15 Irvington Ct. taken to mean that they' enter- .At Notre Dame_ , the First Week of. Lent. Violet. New, Bedford tain' ,reservations concerning NOTRE DAME (NC) -- Dr. THURSDAY, - Thursday of the 995-5166 ' their' renewal ,or their Iactual First Week of Lent'. Violet. , priestly duties. It is encoJraged, Thomas L. Griffing, assistant however, that all priests 'should professor of biology at the Uni"to, the, extent possible'! take versity of Notre Dame, has an. part.', ' I ' , nounced that a chapter of an 0,1'" Attention ~ CCD - CYO - CHOIR DIRECTORS One source "revealed Ulat the ganization known as Zero Popu~ FQ~ text of the Bishop's question lation Growth will be established would be: "Do you wish I to be at the university. PRESENTS . It was described by Griffing more intimatelv united and close to the Lord Je~;us by reno~ncing as a non~profit, volunteer group yourselves in the joy of your which 'sponsors . education and Explanations and Discussion of the Mass and Sacraments consecration by means of celi- lobbying efforts to stem the tide Place of Musi~ in the Liturgy bacy and by means of obedience of population growth. Special emphasis on Folk Music for use at Mass I to your bishops?" Conducted by I Russell J. Roide, S.J. Robert Doherty, S.J. LAMOUREUX Necrology i Peter McLaughlin, S.J. . fUNERAL HOME FEB. 20 I
:Calls for, Example
Renewall of Vows
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ROUND HILLS CIENTRE FOR RENEWAL P.O. Box P-A, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748 Tel: 617-997-7368 John J: Tucker, S.J., Direclor ~'#Q"#"#####'#"#####'#~'####'##########'#",,,#,,,###,## ##~
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 12. 1970
New Lectionary Use
S@c:ittd Service lEssay Contest
Begins on March 22 WASHINGTON (NC)-Twenty-five years of scholarly ecumenical' cooperation will reach a climax on March 22 when the newly approved Lectionary of Scripture readings and Psalm Responsaries is introduced into the Sacred Liturgy of the Mass. The American Version, as it is added that the "collaboration of to be called, has been trans- several non-Catholic biblical scholars in the new translation lated from the original lan- gives the work an ecumenical
guages by American biblical scholars, Catholic and Protestant, all members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. "A great majority of the faithful will be hearing the word of God in a fresh, meaningful, dignified, and thoroughly intelligible vernacular translation in the language of today, said Father Stephen Hartdegen, O.F.M., of the United States Catholic Conference Division of Religious Education (CCD). First Father Hartdegen told NC News Service that the New American Version will soon be published in its entirety besides its use in the new Lectionary. He described the work as "the first translation in the United States of the entire Catholic Bible made directly from the original languages into English." Father Hartdegen noted the New Testament portion is not related to and should not be confused with the readings of the Roman Missal in use since 1964, nor with the revision of the Rheims - Challoner revision from the Vulgate in 1941. Faithful "It attempts to avoid' 'Bible English' of any period, 'archaisms, words"or speech patterns, no longer in use," he said. "It does not confine itself to a limited vocabulary, nor is it modern-journalistic in style. It seeks to be as faithful as possible to the various styles of the biblical authors." "The new text reads beautifully, and carefully avoids the snags to which objection was made in the 1964 Lectionary due, understandably, to the haste with which the text was ordered to be prepared for the liturgical changes of that time," Father Hartdegen continued. He
Answers Attack On' Mission·ers ROME (NC)-British Member of Parliament Woodrow Wyatt was "talking through his hat" when he accused Catholic missioners of spreading pro-Biafra propaganda, according to one of the missioners. "Our people were suffering desperate hunger, and we asked the world to get food to them," said Father Dermot Doran, C S.Sp., who helped organize the massive airbridge that brought about 60,000 ·tons of food and medicines to the blockaded zone. "You can't call that propaganda. You can't call that political. Whoever this Woodrow Wyatt is, he's talking through his hat." In the House of Commons Laboritt! Wyatt attacked Catholic missioners and Catholics in key posts in the British mass media for allegedly slanting Nigerian news in favor of Biafra. He claimed also that the British mass media had shown a pro-Biafra bias and that one of the main causes for this were the Catholic missionaries in Biafra who had been going about putting out propaganda.
character." Sample A sample of the New American Version found in the Lectionary is the following passage from Paul's letter to the Philippians: 1,20-24, 27. "Christ will be exalted through me, whether I live or die. For, to me, "life" means Christ; hence dying is so much gain. If, on the other hand, I am to go on living in the flesh, that means productive toil for me-and I do not know which to prefer. I am strongly attracted by both: I long to be freed from this life and to be with Christ, for that is the far better thing; yet it is more urgent that I remain alive for your sakes. Conduct yourselves, then, in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ."
SPECIAL LENTEN SERVICES: Plan Special Lenten service at La Salette Shrine. Left to right, Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S., Rev. George Morin, M.S., Shrine Superior, Rev. Paul Charbonneau, M.S. and Rev. Paul Rainville, M.S.
Special Services
WASHINGTON (NC)-A May 1 deadline has been set for the 1970 Msgr. John O'Grady Award essay contest conducted by the National Conference of Catholic Charities. . The award is given for the best manuscript of 5,000 words or less dealing with basic Catholic social service and in areas essential to advancement of these principles. Other contest rules include: Six manuscript copies must be submitted; manuscripts become Conference property and will not be returned unless requested. An editorial board will select the winning manuscript which carries a $250 cash award. The competition is a memorial to the late Msgr. O'Grady, who served as NCCC secretary from 1920 to 1961. Entries should be sent to National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036.
Nightly Lenten PlI'ogram Will Be Conducted New Clinic Opened Next Week at LaSalette Shrine At Leprosarium
Special Lenten services will be held at the La Salette Shrine in Attleboro beginning at 7:30 Monday through Saturday evening, Feb. 21. The purpose of the services WASHINGTAON (NC)-Con- is to provide people with an octemporary college students are casion to highlight the Lenten "physically and intellectually season and to up-date and remore mature than those of a new what was formerly called .generation ago" and are "fired the parish mission. with a moral sensitivity unparal"Many people," said Father leled since the age of campus crusades for social and' religious George Morin, M.S., "miss the parish. mission when a missionreform at the turn of the cenary .priest would come in for a tury,'" according to the first an- week to challenge people to. a nual repQrt of the Campus Min- new faith-vitality; We 'hope that istries Department of the Center our week of special services and for Applied Research in the sermons will an~wer the needs Apostolate (CARA). of those looking for something The report warns, however, special during Lent." that "a good number" of those' Father Morin went on to say students regard traditional relithat "we hope to underscore the gion as "irrelevant." Furthermore, for the first time very heart of Christianity, the in history, it states, each year Mystery of Jesus, the Call to discipleship and the meaning of the "fewer graduates register as death and resurrection of Christ. memb.ers of parishes or congreBut .we do want to do this in gations in the communities the light of La Salette. where they have decided to "In the past few years, we live." may have been overly embarrassA recent address by Coadjutor ed to speak about an Apparition. Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of St. But La Salette docs mean a great Paul and Minneapolis, a CARA . deal to us here at the Shrine. board member, underlines this "It's our family heritage; challenge facing the Church in "We have many new friends higher education today. at the Shrine an-d during this The report quotes Archbishop Byrne as saying that tpe modern university has "already sup- Dominican Becomes planted the traditional church as . - the principal locus of spiritua' Lutheran Assistant energy" in American society, WASHINGTON (NC)-Father and that the 2,500 campuses of Christopher Philip Grimley, O.P., the nation "seem to be moving 39, 'resigned as chaplain of the hesitantly in the direction of Catholic University of America becoming churches themselves." to become assistant pastor at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in suburban McLean, Says Priest Gave Va. Private Opinion Father Edward Daley, O.P., PANAMA CITY (NC) - The assistant Dominican provincial, archdiocesan chancery office told NC News Service Father here said that a priest who en- Grimley is automatically excomdorsed Karl Marx at a labor municated by his decision to join . union meeting was voicing his another church. If Father Grimley had reown views and not the church's. Father Pablo Gonzalex, S. J., quested a dispensation from his told the convention of the Work- vows in the Dominicap. order to ers Trade Unions Federation that become laicized, he would have Marx was "a great prophet for been able to leave the order and mankind," and then asked work- continue receiving the sacraers to join "the miiitary who to- ments, Father Daly said. Father Grimley's petition for .day have taken. up the banner of . "progtess" in Panama "along release from his vows is now a with a new Church stretching formality. Father Daley said Father Grimley submitted it by out her hand to the workers." A military junta drawn from phone to the Dominican provinofficers in the National Guard cial in New York following his has been ruling the country after announcement to the university a coup d'etat in OctOber, 1968. of his resi~nation as chaplain.
Cites Maturity Of Students
Lenten season, we would like to invite them into our home and share our family heirloom with them. It's like taking out· the family album. You only do that with friends." On Monday, night Feb. 16, Rev. Robert Boucher, M.S. will speak on "La Salette: The Humanness of it All." Rev. Paul Charbonneau, M.S. will speak Tuesday night on "La Salette: Good News for the World." Wednesday night, Rev. Raymonr:! Moquin, M.S. will speak of La Salette as "A Call to a Change of Heart." Thursday night, Rev. George Morin will speak of La Salette as "A Call to Worship." Friday night, Rev. Paul Rainville, M.S. will show how La Salette is "An Echo of Calvary." Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. will conclude the series Saturday night when he speaks of La Salette as "An Easter Mystery."
PHU CAT AIR BASE (NC)A new orthopedic ·clinic, built by the patients at the Qui Hoa leprosarium near here and financed by donations of U. S. servicemen, has been opened. Over its door, the new clinic has a plaque with the insignia of the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing, whose men, stationed here, contributed to the building's construction. Funds were raised at a carnival on the base last year. Many of the more than 900 patients at the Qui Hoa leprosarium are "burnt out cases," in whom the disease is no longer active. Those whose limbs are in relatively· good condition work at helping support the leprosarium and keeping the buildings in good repair. Their work on the new clinic took more than a year.
P'relate to Address lutheran Assembly
GENEVA (NC)-Jan Cardinal Willebrailds, president of the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity, will be a major lecturer at the 5th assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Brazil this Summer, Dr. Andre Appel, the federation's general secretary announced. Another prominent churchman announced as a speaker at the assembly, scheduled for July 1424 in Porto Alegre, will be Dr. Kent S. Knutson, U. S. Lutheran theologian and president of Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa. The lectures by Cardinal Willebrands and Dr. Knutson will examine Lutheran and Catholic ecumenical roles, highlighting a main thrust of the assemblyconsideration of the ecumenical commitment of world Lutheranism.
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Ask Alleviation Of Poverty'
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Seminary Figures On Voc.ations Can Mislea.d
SYDNEY (NC) - The Australian bishops· have called for the. alleviation of poverty in Austra: - lia and for increased Australian " aid to developing nations. In a statement issued at the end of the first of their two meetings for 1970, the bishops said: "We are convinced that the alleviation of poverty and the removal of its causes should rate high in the priorities of people of all religious persuasions. "Here in Australia, there are pockets of poverty which could. and should, be eliminated without undue delay by appropriate action from our parliamentary representatives." The bishops also called for increasing acceptance by Australia of its obligation to" help de'veloping nations. They expressed the hope that in the 1970's Australian aid and trade help to those nations will expand even beyond the one per cent of gross national product that the United Nations has set as an appropriate level of assistance.
ST. PETERSBURG (NC) - A seminary rector' said here statistics designed to show a shortage in vocations tG the. priesthood can be misleading. Msgr. Thoma~ P. Campbell, rector of ·the Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington, Ohio, told a meeting of the seminary's alumni here. "The key statistic, as far as vocations are concerned, is the number of men ordained to the priesthood each year.. In 1969 there were 168 more priests ordained than in 1968, so the decline in vocations figure can be very alarming, but also very misleading." . Up and Down Msgr. Campbell said that from 1956 to 1966, vocations to the priesthood in this' c0!1ntry doubled. Then, from 1966 to 1969. "there was a 20 per cen't drop," he added. "The big decrease was in hi~h school seminarians' where only one in 16 or 17 eventually are ordained to the priesthood," he said. Chief reason for the drop in high school seminarians was the closing of many high school seminaries, he noted, citing as examples the closin~ of the high school seminaries of the Josephinurn and of St. Gregory Seminary in Cincinnati. "'This automatically meant 500 less seminarians. When we consider the great number of high .school seminaries that are no longer in existence, we can appreciate why there is a 20 per cent drop in vocations," the monsignor said. Record Msgr. Campbell said there are 221 enrolled in college work and theology at the Pont.ifical Colle~e Josephinum. "This is a record for our 80year history. We had never had 200 before.· Every room in college and theolo~y is now occupied. The nice thing about this figure is that the bulle of the enrollment is in first year college and first year theology. We have 51 first year collegians and 34 first year theologians. This gives us great hope for the future," he declared. He said the drop-out rate at Josephinum last year was 13' per cent, including students transferring to another seminary and leaves of absence. He said: "This was a record low.".
Families Campaign To Build Church ..
ECUMENICAl. DiSCUSSI,ON: Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, and Archbishop Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil, were among speakers at the WCC-sp0!"sored Consultation on' Ecumenical Assistance for Development Projects, held in Switzerland. An ecumenically sponsored fund to aid development in the Third World is one project discussed. NC Phot~. ,
College AS$ociation Discusses. Unrest Relpressi~n AlI1sw'er
HOUSTON (NC)·-It is a rJre college president who thinks that repression is the answer ito campus unrest, "except in extremely rare situations," according to Sister Ida Gannon, pre~i dent of Mundelein College, Chicago, and chairman of the AsSociation of American Colleges.~ "Most college pl:esidents recognize the healthy thrust t}1at is coming from students and f~c ulty for a change on campus," she said, discussing the thertte of the 56th annual AAC meeting, College and Society: Repression Or Reform? ! More than 1,000 presidents and deans from liberal arts cdlleges and universities throughout the United Sta:tes attended the three-day meeting, at which . Sister Ida presided. i A member of the congregatiqn of the Blessed Virgin Mary, slle is the first nun to serve as chaitman of the AAC, consisting ~f representatives from both secular and religious' institutions, Turns From Opera and is also one '(If only fi~e women to serve as chairman in Music to Liturgy the past 50 years., ' STEVENSVILLE (NC)-When The repression-reform them'e the Council Fathers told musi- was chosen to examine various , cians to "get with it," Tom I Shelley turned from "La Catholic Pap,er Has Boheme" to liturgy. In 1946, Shelley was the street , urchin on the first coast-to-coast New Ownerstlip LONDON (NC) -- Associated broadcast of Puccini's masterpiece by Arturo Toscanini and Catholic Newspapers Co., pub~ the NBC symphony orchestra. lishers of The Universe, a 'Iarge Cathol.ic weekly The former New Yorker, now circulation living in this Michigan commu- new~paper, will be taken over by nity, has turned to strumming in a secular newspaper" group, The the sanctuary, to helping the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo:. In a statement, the Post and Christian community's "voices ring out!" as the Vatican Council Echo said they agreed' to buy 90 per cent of the issued common' called for. In October, 1967, Shelley ac- and preferred stock 0:[ Associated cepted a job of teaching Mass- Catholic Newspapers for nearly I . songs to the Confraternity of $600,000. The agreement indudes safe~ Christian Doctrine at St. Joseph parish in a mission-like annex guards for the editorial policYI here. His first song, "It's in our of The Universe, which for the, Hands," was well accepted by past 10 years has been printed. by the Post and Echo group. the young people. 1
• In
Rare Situations
SUN CITY CENTER (NC)The 130 Catholic families in this Florida community are well along the way. in their determination to build their own parish church, without any help from the diocese. In their "paying for pews by inches" campaign, they now have raised $127,000. Land fronting on a state road has been purchased and plans call for a 12sided church with altar in the center. Offices will connect with an octagc;mal rectory... , . Bishop 'Charles. B. 'McLaughlin of St. Petersburg has. agreed to the plans and approved a suggestion that the church be named Prince of Peace. Chief among contributors are persons retired on fixed incomes, which means making sacrifices -giving up trips back home, donating jewelry-to swell the fund. Two residents are hand· carving the Stations of the Cross. No money has been spent' on fund raising or advertising.
attitudes that colleges and soci- ion has been expressed during ety at large have toward this tht;.ee-day. meeting and ~uch changes occurring on campus, indicates that educators, liI(e everyone else, have a diversity of Sister Ann Ida said. R~pression refers to the use of opinion," Sister Ann Ida said. force in response to student de"One thing is very clear: Instimands, she explained. Reform tutions of higher education can means seeing in these demands a . only continue if they have the need to re-examine the processes support of the American people. and curriculum on campus, to This includes not only financial change things that need chang- support but also the more cruing and to reaffirm that which cial assistance of understanding has an essential relation to the the developments that are occurcollege function. . ring on every campus in the "I think that many (college) country." presidents recognize that protest is taking new form's," she said. hll All Textbooks "Some of ,them are valid alNEW DELHI (NC) - India's though very surprising. Other Now ••• Gives Your forms of reaction are question- National Council of Educational Research and Training has anable and can be judged only in the light of each unique circum- nounced here that it would make More Biting Power "deliberate attempts" to inject stance." Just cprlnkllng FASTEETH on "A good cross-section of opin- birth control 'ideas in school your dentures does' all this: f 1) textbooks now in preparation. It Helps hold both uppers and lowers longer; (2) Holds them more is the Council's aim to evolve a . firmer comfortably; (3) Helps you eat Express Disapproval common syllabus for the whole more naturBllY.FASTEETH Denture Adhesive Powder Is alkallne-won't country and to have its textOf Carswell Choice sour· under dentures. No gummy, gooey. pasty taste. Dentures that books adopted by all schools. CHICAGO (NC)--The National fit are essential to health.. So see your dentist regularly. Oet easy-toCatholic Conference for Inter- The birth control concepts would use FASTEETH at all drug counters. be included in social science, racial Justice has asked President Nixon, by telegram, to history and . geography books. , withdraw his nomination of f·D".~8~"#~#.#"'#"""'##""'#"""""""~"""",,~ Judge G. Harrold Carswell to the U. S. Supreme Court. Executive Director James T. Harris Jr. told the President the nomination is a "throwback to the thinking of many decades ago" For Diocesan Priests and Religious that would destroy "public confidence in the courts." Men and Women The message cites early racist statements and several decisions Dates: March. 1st-March 6th, 1970 of Judge Carsweil,' charging that his r:ecord' "scarcely instills conDIRECTED BY ROBERT J. WilliS, S.J., Ph.D. fidence that he has cast off the Assisted by SlSTER BESSIE CHAMBERS, 'RSCJ, Ph.D. yoke of Southern segregationalist thinking and behavior." Sponsored by The Conference also opposed President Nixon's earlier nomiROUND HILLS CENTRE .FOR RENEWAL nation of Judge Clement HaynsP.O. Box Massachuse"s 02748 .. P-A, South Dartmouth, . worth who was rejected by the Senate for a high court seat. For further information or reservation;;, please write or call The Carswell nomination is ROUND HILLS CENTRE FOR RENEWAL being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Name Speakers For Educators' Annual Meeting
fHE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Orthodox Leader Pleads for Unity
ATLANTIC CITY (NC)Eighteen thousand educators are expected to attend the National Catholic Educational Association's annual convention slated for March 30 to April 2 here, to explore the "global dimension" of Catholic education. Among those who wilJ highlight the convention program are Dr. James E. Allen, Jr., U. S. Commissioner of Education; Joseph Califano, special assistant to former President Lyndon Johnson; Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York; Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review; James Farmer, assistant secretary for administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Also, Brother Albert Kessler, S.M., an official of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education; U. S. Sen. Edmund Muskie of Maine, and Charles A. Malik, former president' of the United Nations General Assembly. Globr.1 Dimension Theme Honorary convention chairman is Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of Camden. Father Joseph A. von Hartleben, Camden diocesan school superintendent, is general chairman. The convention theme, Catholic Education: The Global Dimension, is an observance of International Education Year, desi~nated for 1970 by the United Nations. Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem., NCEA president, said International Education Year calls for Catholic educators "to attain a broader view of what It means to be a Christian today, a better grasp of the interrelationships of cultures, and a better comprehension of the fact that the problems of world starvation, racial bitterness, and armed conflict can be approached only via the educational route."
TAIWAN SCHOOL: A Swiss lay missionary explains a lathe operation to a student at the technical school in Taiwan founded by the "Bethl,ehem" missionaries of Immensee, Switzerland. The Church has contributed heavily in people. money. time and talent to the post-war rise of Taiwan from an agricultural to an industrial economy. NC Photo.
Concern for Church Status in Taiwan f'ewer Conversions; Mass Attendance Drops
TAIPEI (NC) - Although the Catholic Church in Taiwan entered 1970, with an impressive 20-year record of large numbers of converts, rapid growth in church organization, and a crash program of church, school and hospital building, some aspects of this effort are today being questioned. The marked slow-down in con- ' Special Events versions of recent years, the Other organizations meeting drop in Mass attendance, especoncurrently with NCEA will be cially among the young, and the National Catholic Music Ed- what some consider a lack of ucators Association, the Nation- real Christian community spirit al Catholic Business Educators . among the newly baptized, are Association, the Jesuit Associa- the main reasons for the doubts tion, Catholic Audiovisual Edu- raised. cators, and the Catholic Adult The critics are' ~nswered by Education Commission. those who contend that although The convention program in- the situation is far from perfect, cludes a number of special still it is normal in the circum~ events, including a filmed mes- stances, that routine, hard work sage to delegates from' Pope will recoup many of the losses, Paul VI and a multi-media pro- and that from now on one may duction called "Our School." expect a slower. but surer More than 350 manufacturers growth. and publishers of school equip- . Personnel Increase ment and material will sponsor WhIm Taiwan was returned to displays at the NCEA convention. NCEA also announces the China at the end of World War first issue of its new journal, II-after 50 years of Japanese Momentum.. The magazine, is- rule - there were less than sued five times annually, suc- 10,000 Catholics ministered to ceeds the NCEA Bulletin and by a handful of Spanish Dominexplores trends in Catholic edu- icans and three Taiwanese cation throughout the United priests. Taiwan was one apostolic prefecture. States. Today Taiwan comprises one archdiocese . and six dioceses. Making possible this growth in St. John's Appoints organization was the rapid inNew Vice-President crease of Church personnel and JAMAICA (NC) - Father Jo- surprisingly quick build-up of seph I. Dirvin, C.M., 52, has been the Catholic community. During the 1950s great numappointed vice-president for university relations at St. John's bers of priests and Sisters路 arrived here, both' Chinese who University here. His new duties involve coor- either fled the' communists or dinating existing departments of who after studies abroad could public relations, development, and alumni relations. He is a Privilege of Strong native of Philadelphia, has been To be independent is the busia Vincentian priest since 1943 and has been serving at. the uni- ness of a few only; it is the privilege of the strong.-Nietzsche versity since 1966.
not return' to Chinese mainland dioceses because of communist persecution, and foreign missioners forced to leave the Chinese mainland. Members of almost every religious order active on the mainland came in at least token numbers. By 1955, there were 378 priests and 222 Sisters working here. Today there are 364 Chinese and 446 foreign priests, and 701 Chinese and 422 foreign Sisters in Taiwan. ' Peak In 1957 The 1950s also saw a wave of conversions, reaching its peak in 1957 when there were more than 25,000 adult Baptisms. The number of Catholics in Taiwan passed 100;000 that year, and though conversions began declining gradually Catholics numbered more than 300,000 by 1968. Together with the growth in numbers went a program of church, school, hospital, dispen: sary, hostel and social or student center building. Almost 700 churches, large
Seek Information On Contractors WASHINGTON (NC)-As part of their legal training, s~ven Georgetown University thirdyear law students filed a suit in U. S. District ,Court here, designed to force disclosure of previously withheld information regarding defense contracts. The suit. was aimed against the U. S. Renegotiation Board, a little known government agency set up to eliminate excessive profits on defense contracts and .subcontracts. The suit charges' the board's policy of withholding information violates the Freedom of Information Act. The students are in a new Georgetown law seminar, "Law-' yering in the Public Interest," taught by Professor Joseph Page.
and, small, a university, a girls' senior college; 24 high schools, 5 vocational schools, 10 primary schools, 44 student hostels, 23 hospitals with a total of 1,301 beds, and 115 dispensaries were constructed. A Jesuit-operated radio and television program service with its own facilities and studios. two radio broadcasting stations, and 7 publishing houses have been established. The fact remains, however, that conversions have slowed down cpnsiderably. In 1969, there were less than 5,000 adult Baptisms, and Mass attendance .~as iropped off.
Book Available WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. Daniel J. Flood of Pennsylvania, a co-sponsor of a Congressional resolution to make available a book on Captive Nations Week, observed annually since 1959, said the book can be used in many ways in bringing attention to the problems faced by captive nations. This anthology of proclamations and statements is available from the Government Printing Office. '
NEW YORK (NC)-The head of the Greek Orthodox church in North and South America underscored that the fundamental characteristics of Orthodoxy" as a religion of reconciliation," arc "true piety and Christian peaceseeking." The message of Archbishop lakovis was read from the pulpits of all Greek Orthodox churches, emphasizing that while the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed Jan. 18 to 2~i, "every day and every week of our 'ecclesiastical calendar constitutes a prayer 'for the stabliity of the holy churches of God and for tine union of all.... Th,~ archbishop's letter stated in part: "Chrisitan union is a subject wholly and deeply rooted in the Orthodox conscience. It is a subject that requires a meditated and wholeheartedly approved analysis and dissemination of the Orthodox Faith on it. It is a subject of inner unity and agreement of faith, conscience, and life. It is a subject aimed at reconciliation and as such is in need of devotion and service on our part. "It requires knowledege and deep understanding of our Orthodoxy, a system of belief and practice' much greater in essence and significance than mere words, insults, accusations, and anti-Christian anathemas. All these abuses are characteristic of people wrongly believing, not of people correctly believing, as the term Orthodox signifies for the true member of our Church."
Maine College Plans Course in Religion NORTH WllNDHAM (NC)-A three-year certificate program in Religious Studies will be conducted at St. Joseph's College, North Windham, Maine. from JU~'le 29 through Aug. 7. 1970. The primary purpose of this course is the preparation of teachers, lay and religious, in the field of religious education. The course is open to men and w()men, with a Baccalaureate degree and bears two credits. Classes, which will meet Monday through Friday, will consist of three 50-minute lectures. The director is Sister Mary Dolores Sablone, M.A., M.A. Order of Merit, Republic of Germany. Faculty members will include Rev. James E. Connor, S.T.D:, J.C.D., Department of Theology; Rev. Andrew F. Nar'gaj, O.F.M., Ph.D., Department of Philosophy; Sister Mary de La Salle, Ph.D., Department of History, Sister Mary George O'Toole, Ph.D., Department of Sociology. Facilities for room and board will be available to Sister students.
LINCOLN PARK BALLROOM ROUTE 6-botween Fall River and New Bedford
One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities
Now Available for BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. FOR DETAILS CALL MANIAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984
Standard Bearer
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Felli River-Thl~rs., Feb. 12, 1970
Pontiff Stress'es Council Impulse To Teachings
Celibacy Priestly celibacy, while not a matter' of Church doctrine but of discipline and custom, has deep meanipg for the priest and for the people to whom he ministers. It is a sign of t)1e priest's complete dedication tb God and to the people of God and this oil a full-time b~sis.. , The priest freely accepts celibacy before he asks for the priesthood, a state to which he has no right but which he petiti9ns. the Church to give him. He ,willingly ~grees to draw away from one family in order to be a member of every family. He gives up what most men hold pr~cious -a family and home of his own-in order to be a member of all families and to minister to all on a full-time • I
. baSlS.
J '
VATICAN CITY (NC) The Second Vatican Council has given an optimistic jmpulse to the teachings of the
MUst su~ceed
'9'\ banishing War
Church in contrast with the condemnations issued by many councils previous to it, Pope Paul VI told a general audience. The Pope noted that councils Qf the past have tended toward condemnations of errors, but t~at "the teachings of the Second Vatican Council aim- instead at emphasizing what should be prQised, appreciated, done and hoped for." The Second Vatican Council produced a good "spirit," the Pope said, which is "the heart of the healthy optimism which seems to come forth from the moral style of the entire council." The Pope said: "This optimism first of all sees things in a serene light, the light of divine economy in human destinies." This' optimism is not "diffi-
The work of a priest is not alone to be an ~nter mediary between God and men and to give sacraments. He has the role of proclaiming the things of, God: and their importance by his very being. He insists on thi$ not only by his' words and acts but by ·his very state.! And his celibate state shows that he is willing to sacrifice, to underline his sincerity and his conviction that'! God does matter. \ His celibacy is an overwhelming argument to: the world that men are willing to make sacrifices for God and for those whom they would draw to God. It i~ an argument of being, of act, and not of words alone. A priest may be brilliant or average, holy or striving! for holiness, an eloquent speaker or a fumbler. ~lt wor~s. ;But the fact that he has deliberately given up the married state shows his utter selflessness, his complete giv~ng" his wholehearted generosity. As he walks down the street each day he· is a man of meaning, a continuing sign that God and God's people "are worth this sacrifice on his part. As the late great Cardinal Suhard of Paris once wrote: , "To be a witness does not mean to spread propaga~da, or even to create an impression, but to create a mystery. It means livirig in such a way that one's life would i be inexplicable if qod did not exist." The priest is called: to be such a witness. And his acceptance of .celibacy attests to such witnessing as few other acts of his could.. ,.!,
.A Salute
Civi Ii~ation
X ~ ~
;li ~
~, ..... .
mooQlnq Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. SS. Pe~er & Paul, Fall River
The· ',' Mouse that Roared'"
..... i
The public 'h~s become used to reading and heafi'pg stories of young people in all stages of distress and d,ifficulty. ' : It is a happy ch~nge of pace to salute this week the Boy Scouts of America as they observe their national week. , A great deal of fun-most of it, good-humored-lis poked' at the Boy Scouts. The life style that they supp'drt seems almost too good to be true. But .a moment's reflection makes a person realize that here is one group'that brings young people together in a wholesome, and hap~y community, a group that stands for all that is honorable and desirable, a group that strengthens all that a godd i home and school and community try to teach. The,' Boy Scouts have a positive ·program. They ate not interested in merely tearing down or criticiizing. The~ are not anxious to overturn an established order just tp create a vacuum. They propose a program of living and working and ,recreation that instill' positive values, and ideals into young people. I . Altogether, a most· desirable approach. . I The young people in distress .and difficulty will, stil~ command J:he attention, of the press and will still shout out their problems in loud and' strident tones. And will 'I, still need attention and help. " But it is wonderful to know that there are manYt good young people and many excellent progr~ms doing such good work. \
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'The present conflict" between the. Dutch church and that o( Rome is but another chapter in what seems to be an eternal struggle. All that can be seen in the present situation is crisis anq confrontation by those who are devoid of a sense of humor and a knowledge of history. ent' conflict of ideas which' en-' 11 d' gulfs the church of Holland and " ThIS IS ,rea y sa . the church of Rome is the beginWe take each other so ning of the end, then that indiseriously that we have lost all vidual never really understood· perspective in what amounts to what the Church really is all the 'all-important now.' ,about. The Low Countries, Belgium This is a difficult concept for and Holland have been at odds Americans to grasp since we are with Rome for years. The ques- more Roman than the Romans. tion of celibacy is but another conflict' between two opposing Isn't it remarkable how eight mentalities. The Alps are not B,ishops have upset the appleonly a geographical division but cart? they are also a mental barrier in Eight Bishops out of well-over the total living pf the European. 2,000 heads have the church in Thfs is especially true of reli- , turmoii. It is really like Peter Seller's' gious matters., The Church north of the Alps movie, "The Mouse that Roared." has never been understood or This movie depicted how a mythquite trusted by the Church ical postage-stamp-country won south of the Alps. a peace by losing a war to the At the same time, tlte' Church ' powerful,_United States. of Rome, has had its most ChrisThe -eight Holland 'Bishops tial1 support over the centuries have a great press. Otherwise, from the south, not, from the ' they could never get their story north, of the Alps. across, always making' poor After-all, who ever' heard of Rome look like the villain. three Dutch anti-popes or a ,'But, no matter how hard they Dutch B()rgi!l?' try, their story never quite rings If anyone thinks t!lat the pres- true.
. enjoy in lashing out at faults which are easily discovered in any man, who, the higher he rises, the more he makes them evident. "It does not specialize in purely satirical and destructive criticism, nor does it raise questions merely in order to show off by denouncing, them, aggravating them and making them into troublesome and harmful points of disturbance." Good aJ1d healthy optimism, said the Pope, "can frankly' judge. evil, which often grows precisely together with the progress ,of modern development." ." On the contrary, this optimism 'tendeavors' to, solve"problems, not be magnifying desires ·to an impossible extent, but by being content with a little and constant effort toward the good desire in small as well as in, big things." In short, said Pope Paul, "it always tries to be constructive and not to demolish,and to seek in every situation the traces of Providence."
Smothers Virtues Sloth, if it has prevented many crimes, has also smothered many virtues. -Colton lI""mllllU''''UI1I'IUltllllltllU llllln'JIl'''I''llllllmtlllllllltlIUItIUlll1l11l11l1ltlllltllllllll1
kicking after two world, wars and a hundred years. The Dutch are going to give everyone a run for their money. And. for this, we should be thankful. What a dull world and a dull church if everyone was of the same mind with the same great thoughts. Pointing' the finger of guilt and placing the blame is to miss the point in this present conflict of ideas and tug-of-war. However, we should not be so serious as to believe that every event and item in the life of the church is a crisis ·of major proI portion. Pope John tried to show us the way, but, so many couldn't Lesson From the Boelk of Po'pe John I , It is almost like the days of Romans either could not' quite take him for real. He warned, in " .'. , Erasmus and his greatbook, "In understand 'what he was trying his opening remarks to Vatican . Praise of Folly." After all, to get at or they knew too well Council II, about the prophets of " doom. After all, who knew these OfFICIAL NEWSPAPEIlt OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Erasums had to go to Holland what he was attempting to do. Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese 01f Fall River I to get his books and ideas pubMany have tried to Jteep the people better than John. hi d Iished. Low Countries in line and all They had placed his name on 410 Hig an Avenue : Rome never understood this have failed. the list of people suspect of ModFall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 scholar and placed his ideas on The Dutch were knocked about ernism. What did John do? He PUBLISHER the 'Index.' from the days of Philip II to the became. .Pope and he took his Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. And, they remained on the time .of Hitler, yet. they never name off the s,uspect list and GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER 'Index' from the sixteenth to the seem to have given up. had a good laugh. Rev. Msgr. Daniel F: Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll present century. It is almost unEveryone was ready to kiss Pope .John, who knew his hisMANAGING EDITOR believable that one of the great- the church of Holland good-bye tory, had a sense of humor. Hugh J. Golden, LL.B. est scholars of the Renaissance at the end of'the first Vatican' Would that more of us were like ..,.leary Press-Fall River ' could not be read because the Council. Yet it is still alive and him!
' ' ,. .\ ,dJ Tbe ANCH4~R ,@ '. ':
Stresses Value Of Computers In Schools POUGHKEEPSIE (NC) "Father Raymond Lucker, director of the department of education, United States
THE ANCHORGolden Jubilarwn Sister of Mercy Is Tower Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970 Of Strength in St. John Baptist Parish War Protesters
By EHen Andrew St. John the Baptist in New Bedford is one of the Diocese's most impressive parishes with its church, rectory and convent on County Street, and a modem elementary school on nearby Orchard Street. Bu t one of its institutions, and a tower of strength in the parish is not a building, but a 72-year-old Sister of Mercy who recently celebrated her Golden Jubilee in religious life. Sister Theresa Marie has been teaching in the fourth, sixth
Catholic Conference, urged a marketing executive institute here to help Catholic educators understand the possibilities of computers. To many of them, computers. and seventh grades at St. John's used in their schools seem "too 22 years, and formerly taught in complicated, too expensive, too Fall River. new," he stated. She celebrated her 50th anniComputer systems arc in!,lica: versary with a concelebrated live of a "whole new era" in Mass at St. John the' Baptist education' and Catholic educa- Church, followed by a reception tors are "wide open" to innova- and buffet in the school hall. tion and experimentation, Father "What a memorable day!" she Lucker said. said. Major drawback of computers, The Most Rev. James J. Geris that "the initial outlay is rard, V.G., auxiliary bishop of very expensive," Father Lucker the Diocese of Fall River and said, urging the executives to pastor of St. Lawrence Church, make Cat~olic school administra- attended. Rev. Manuel Ferreira, tors aware of the "time-sharing" administrator of St. John' the program, whereby a school can Baptist Church, preached. Sister pay for the time spent using a Mary Eva, principal of the computer, rather than buying school and co-ordinator of the one. convent, was ,there with other Catholic System nuns. "A Mass such as this is alHe said Catholic schools could use computers for educational . ways one of the 'highlights in. planning, accounting, fund-rais- one's life," Sister Theresa Marie ing programs, class scheduling, continued. "What pleases me and such projects as a "data even more is that I was able to bank" of information on U. S. share my joy with the people of Catholic education which the the parish. National Catholic Educational "The people of St. John's do Association has been gathering so much and do it so well. It for the past year, under a Car- was nice to have so many of negie Foundation grant. them at the Mass and at the soFather Lucker was one or cial that followed. SISTER THERESA "And that buffet at the hall! several guest speakers to address the 300 executives at an Such a spread of good food. Catholic Teachers' College in advanced education institute on Everyone seemed to have such Providence, did her thesis on' current educational develop- a good- time." "The Delinquent Child." ments. His talk on "The Future Among those would be a del"Actually, I don't believe there of Catholic Education" also egation of cousins from Middletouched on the organization of boro, including Mr. and Mrs. really is a delinquent child," she the Catholic school system and John Scanlon, Mr. and' Mrs. John - said. "It's the parents who are trends that might indicate the Souza and Mr. and Mrs. John delinquent." Sister Theresa Marie is spry direction of Catholic schools in Marshall. the future. Sister Theresa Marie, is one and alert and looks amazingly respect, can't understand all the well for one in her 70's. Free to Experiment No Secret He explained that many ob- fuss over her whether it be the servers tend to think Catholic Mass and reception in her honor, "I have no secret," she schools are organized in the her picture in the daily news- smiled. "I just don't like to sit paper or anyone wanting to same way. But the public school around. I like to be doing some· system is "more highly central- write a story about her. thing all the time, like sewing, "I'm sure you've got more imized." The Catholic school syscooking or just plain housework. portant things to do," she says tem is "highly de-centralized," he You might say I like to be on the said, "with a lot of local con- modestly. "I don't know what I go." could say or,what I've done over trol." The Sister reads and likes to This "decentralization" is a' the years that would warrant watch her favorite television such attention. decided weakness financially in "When you get all your notes programs, like the Lawrence such areas as purchasing power, Welk Show, The Virginian and but it offers "decided advantages together, I'm sure you'll have The FBI. enough to fill about this much in curriculum development," he' "I like to watch The FBI Sunsaid. Because there is "not as space," she remarked, holding much red tape," Catholic edu- her th~mb and forefinger about day nights. It's so exciting." Most evenings are full for cators have been more free to two inches apart. More Important Things Sister Theresa Marie. There are experiment with new concepts. Sister Theresa Marie's jubilee preparations to be made for the Father Lucker said there are was in June, but she next day's classes and, as she approximately 14,000 Catholic actually elementary and secondary "just never got around to doing says, "There isn't that much schools and 211,000 Catholic anything about it. i had more, time unless you want to stay up late. I like to go to bed early so school teachers. They serve al- important things to do." Finally, her Mother Provincial, I'll be ready for what the next most 5Y2 million students-four million in grammar schools, one Sister Mary Kieran at Manville, day brings." million in high schools, plus R. I., contacted her on it and She likes to travel and often the wheels were set in motion goes to Claremont, N.H. to visit 450,000 in Catholic colleges. for "her day" as a jubilarian. her brother John and his wife. Sister Theresa Marie was born Sister Theresa Marie, in· her Offers Npl1lS Year's in Lydonville, Vt., one of five quiet, unassuming way, says she children of the late Mr. and Mrs. doesn't mind the changes that Study in Theology John Lamaire. have taken place in the Church AUCKLAND (NC)-Chanel InHer religious life began June and with or.ders like her own stitute for Sisters, which has 1919 at Mt. St. Mary in F~II Sisters of Mercy. opened here, offers a new ap- 27, River. She was 21 years there "I can adjust to these proach in preparing nuns for reserved six years as super- changes," she says. "I can't say ligious life in the modem world, and a full \ year of theology and re- visor and principal at St. Vin- I like it better than before, but I cent's Home in Fall River. can change, too." lated study subjects, including' Then, in 1948, this kindOne of Sister's greatest joys Scripture, Church history and the relation of psychology to hearted Sister of Mercy came to is seeing men and women she St. John's, and has been there had in school making successes religion. of themselves in late years. The institute is being con-' ever since. "I like teaching at the gram"I'm so happy for them,"she reo ducted cooperatively by several communities. Some of its guide- mar school level. I wouldn't marked, as her eyes lit up. "And lines have come from the Xavier want to do anything else," she when they come back to renew , old acquaintances it's a joy to Institute in Sydney, Australia, says. The Sister, who holds bache- see them again and find they are and the Mater Dei Institute in lor's and master's de~rees from doing so well. Dublin, Ireland.
MARIE, R.S.M. Hundreds upon hundreds of boys and girls have gone through St. John the Baptist School over the years, richer for having come in contact with Sister Theresa Marie. She has' dedicated her life to the service of God and in so doing, has helped countless young people. She radiates love of God to the children who come undec her guiding hand for "there is nothing so important today as the Catholic education of our youth. "We do our best at St. John's, knowing God is looking over us and guiding us."
C,onduct Fast WASHINGTON (NC) - Two anti-war groups are conducting a 70-day fast in front of the White House here in the nation's capital. Objectives, according to its sponsors, are to show that there arll thousands of people still con· cCl'ned about the Nixon Administration's Vietnam policies and that they are willing to publicly dedicate themselves to the cause of peace. Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam and the Fellowship of Reconciliation are sponsoring the fast which will cover the Lenten and Passover periods. A statement issued by the' Lenten·Passover Fast Action Project declared: "We choose, willingly, and with no illusions of the possible political effect, to fast for a period of time ,from Feb. 11 until April 27. To say that we have no illusions about the possibility of peace being declared because of our actions, is not to say that our actions are vain attempts to reach the President of the United States and illtcit from him a positive response for peace. 'Moral Imperative' "We will fast because we do want that response from the chief executive. But we will fast first and primarily because that is what we believe Our Lord would have us do during these days." Groups from across the nation have been invited to participate, wi.th each person being asked to make a commitment to fast for 24, hours or longer. The statement said that "while it is debatable whether this action will produce a new world without war, it is nevertheless true that it has the potential of producing new people who will work harder for peace. "We fast because we feel there is a moral imperative at this time to do so. We fast beClwse we must."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970 ,
Colleg1e Movi,egoersE~ehave
Li,k,e Grade Sc,ho,o~ K:ids
! ,
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
Last weekend Marilyn and I had the dua.lpleasur~ of attending a good movie al)d of being entertaill~d simu1t~n eously by a group of college kids who were also attepding it. It may seem condescending to say that we w~re entertained by the college saint has, been dropped from 'ithe crowd, but we truly were. ,Church calendar it's unthinkable First of all, one definitely to imagine February, without i his had the feeling of beiqg day. Speaking l~S a memb~r 'present at a costume party. The kids were decked out in the most outlandish costumes I h~ve ever witnessed in one assemblage, representative of every decade since the "Gay Nineties" and except for a few exceptions were cute and kind of fun. We arrived between shows and rather than brave the cold we decided to enter the theatre midway through the feature, This left us seated as the crowd entered and left the show between performances. One thing that struck me immediately was that the incoming crowd was rather excited about getting a good seat, going out for popcorn, etc., and I couldn't help but' think back to my own early teen Saturday morning and afternoon experiences in the local theatre, when we looked forward with great enthusiasm to a day at the movies. ChUdlsh'Reaction The film was "Z," a good movie about the assassination of a political leader in Greece and the subsequent search for his assassins. The movie was obvlously anti-military and was emob tionally moving,ut we were overwhelmed when' the 'audience broke Into 16IJd' cheers' and handclapping when the villains were given their comeuppance. This was a spontaneous reaction of the crowd which was repeated three or four Umes during the movie. All I could think of was my own reaction when I was a boy and Robin Hood finally got the Sheriff of Nottingham or the Durango Kid made his appearance on his white charger just in time to
of the "married 'more than I 10 years generation,'" I must admit that I still find something quite romantic about Valentine's ~ay, with all the quotes and quips and heart-shaped boxes that! go ! with it. In fact, now is as good a tIme as any to get on :my little sQapbox and spout thllt it's those of us who have been married !tiore than a few years who need a nudge every now and then i to remind .us of the virtues of ~he other member of the Mom and Pop duo and if it takes St. Valentine to do it, so be it. '[ Early Pr.~sent In a way, I rec,eived my Valentine present early, for last we~kend Joe and I (sans c~i1 dren, thanks to 'the aid of kInd grandmothers) spent a night and day in Boston. Now, to those of you who frequent Aruba I or Antigua, as I frequent the corner store, there's nothing very ~xREADS SCRDPTS: Father Donald Connolly' of the National citing about an overnight stay Catholic Office for, Radio and Television, New York, with Sally in a city only 50 mile,S away;' but if (like us) trips to far-b ff Field, star of the "Fiying Nun" TV show.' Fr. Connolly, who places are somethin~ to lbe reads all scripts for' the program in advance, admits that dreamed of for the future, the show annoys some real-life Sisters but thinks that it has heaven is 24 hours ill Back Ba,y. helped the image of the s'isterhood. NC Photo. A quiet and elegant hotel,' a g'ourmet dinner an.d a, shoppi,ng , saunter along Newbury Street are just enough of a chan'ge! to restore one's equilibrium.' ! Most Popular Government PubliqJtions Let the quiet soak into yqur every pore, stor:e it up and yo':!'11 Concern Infants return home wih II slightly difWASHINGTON (NC)-Ws ,an get it in the mails for other ferent outlook than that with whiCh you I~ft. And while i:t's old saying that something is as readers. Considering how thick th~ not any cheaper than a visit ,to "certain as death and ·taxes,'~ a psychiatrist, it's certainly: a If you stretch a point, you might Record can be some days, and today say that something is as how late ,one or both houses lot more fun., ! of the Congress can stay in sesThis is just one suggestion'for popular as birth and taxes. Three of the four best-selling sion, this is really an amazing a Valentine gift to help keep; a little 'romance in our child- items published bv the Govern- job. But the National Geographic save the pretty maiden from centered lives. Perhaps your idea . ment Printing Office here deal Society here sent a reporter the Bandilletos. I This kind of reaction is antici- of escape will be quite different, with infants. The fourth deals down to the GPO to find out pated when you take kids to see but whatever it is, give it a wh,irl with taxes. And when you con· ' what else it publishes, and found WID' . b 't d this Valentine's Day-don't let sider that GPO is easily one of out that it's plenty. It has passed a a t Isney mOVie, ut I oes ,the under-30 generation have '\ 'a· the world's largest printing es- some of its findings along. seem out of keeping in a college tablishments, this takes on addThe GPO does an annual bus· ,: audience. In a word, it is child- monopoly on romance. , iness of $200 million, and 15 of ish. Here's a pretty pink cake ito ed significance. It is fairly well known that its publications have sold over Th' f th .. add glamour to your Valentine IS aspect 0 e evenmg Im- Day dinner table' lind also giV,e the GPO does Ii phenomenal job one million copies. ' pressed me.' I have read and of printing the ,Congressional Most Expensive heard a great deal about the your midwinter mEmus a Iift'i Record, which only very rarely But the best, best-seller is generation gap, but I was unPink Crown Cake I threatens to be a runaway best "Infant Care" (20 cents), of prepared for what I consider imI package (2 layelr size) white- seller. Each evening and night which 14 million copies have maturity. The whole evening cake mix i the GPO prints some 50,000 been sold. National Geographic smacked of childishness: the red food colorlng ; , copies of the CongressionI Rec- says this is twice the number costumes, the racing to and fro 1 8 ounce package soft cream ord, which chronicles what has of copies sold of a commercial looking for a seat, the cheering cheese I been done in Congress during the best-seller like "Gone With the -all were throwbacks to early 2 Tablespoons milk : , day just ended. Wind." . Yz teaspoon vanilla extract I adolescence. The GPO must' get it printed The next best-seller at the In this instance the kids were Yz teaspoon rum eJetract I in time to reach each Senator' GPO is "Your Federal Income well-behaved, although they 1 cup sifted confectioner's I and Representatives before , Tax" (50 cents), 9.15 'million copbreakfast the next day, and to ies; the third is "Premttal Care" W<;lre having a good time and sugar I nothing occurred in our presence Yz cup finely chopped walnu~s (20 cents), 7.9 million copies and that we could consider objection- 1f.J cup finely snippt~d cherries ~ the fourth is "Your Child from able,' but we were surprised to' 2 packages fluffy-white frosting Gradually beat in confectioners' One to Six" (20 cents), 6.1 milmix. ' I sugar until smooth. Stir in -the lion copies. observe what we did. We, certainly do not set ourselves up as I)Using 2 8-inch. layer cake walnuts and ,cherries and use to The most expensive' work judges and maybe our observa- pans and a 350· oven (greaSe fill three cake layers; top ,with among the GPO's 27,000 current tion is all wet, but this ,childish and' flour pans) make up cake remaining layers. titles selIs fot $76. It is the War,4) In another large bowl make ren Commission Report on the behavior certainly made a strong mix as package label direct~, impression on us. ' adding a few drops of food col- up. fluffy white frosting mix ..as Assassination of Prseident Kenoring to tint it a dlelicate pink. package labe): directs. Tint a nedy. It comes in 26 volumesIn the KitehenBake for, 30 ,to 35"' minutes, , set delicate pink with a few drops of and more than' 2,300 sets have food coloring.' ,Continue, beating been sold. Even the staunchest' New En- aside 'to cooL i glander must admit' that' t~ere 2) When cakes are' cool split until frQsting. is stiff enough to The.GPO has 146 presses, 375 isn't a drearier' month than each layer, in half: horizontally, hold shape. typesetting and casting' ma5) Frost entire cake lightly to chines, '41 'stitching machines, storm-tossed, ,grey-.andscap~d baking 4 equal layers, (if you set crumbs and then generously '37 c,utting, machines, and 39 February., On'e bright spot does' have an electric knife this does refrost. With the frosting that is, folding machines. An electronic glow in the seemingly endless. beautiful job).'. ·i procession of its 28 or 2'9 days, 3), In a large,.bowl, with mixer. 'left over, decorate .,cake, with system composes One page of. and that's V~len.tine'spay. a,t medium speed.,;blend cream, ros~ttes, ,candy hearts or ,pink type-l,OOO characters--per '-sec- . '" ond. Even though'· the venerable.. cheese with milk and extracts., mints. • _ ' . -', ".J., . "'r'
~~t· '\"\,' ,"
Joins in F:i'ght Against Rubella WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) is supporting the National Foundation March of Dimes in its endeavor to eradicate rubella (German measles), it was announced by Mrs. Norman Folda of Omaha, NCCW president. She said it is urgent that every woman "be informed of the importance of getting every child vaccinated against rubella," Mrs. Philip H. Des Marais of New York, chairman of the NCCW family affairs commission. said: "Now that a fully-tested vaccine has been licensed (June 9, 1969), the government and voluntary agencies are joinin~ forces to coordinate their efforts in an effective campaign to get every child (from one year tc puberty) vaccinated so there will be no further possibility of them spreading this virus to their pregnant mothers. "Rubella is a preventable cause of birth defects only if we all cooperat~." '
Charges High Court Establishes Religion WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina says "while demanding that the states remain neutral with respect to religion in public schools the Supreme Court is itself establishing the religion of secularism." He has joined a new nation)Vide campaign to return voluntary prayer to public schools, this time as a living memorial to the late Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of, Illinois, who had crusaded for a constitutional amendment providipg :'f9r.: .,p.ublic"J school "':. prayers.' "The same First Amendment which proscribes laws" respecting religion and prohibits the state from establishing religion, Thurmond told NC News Service: "also 'forbids' enactment of laws 'prohibiting the free exercise of religion.' "Freedom should not be a oneway street," he declared. "The children in the public schools are free not to pray but· they are not free to pray even if they want to,"
'Real Estate Rene L. Poyant, Ine. Hyannis 279 Barnstable Road 775-0079
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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Says Cesar Chavez Needed By Consumers of Am,erica'
Back Nuns Stand On Integ'ration
By Marilyn Roderick
NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The executive committee of the New Orleans Catholic Human Relations Commission has endorsed the policy adopted recently by the Conference of Major Superiors of Women. The stand taken by 23 orders of nuns was concerned about possible transfers of white students to Catholic schools now undergoing integration. The Sisters said they were prepared to withdraw from any school which they felt practiced segregation. They further called for a positive program within all Catholic schools to assure substantial interracial and intercultural educliltion of all students. In announcing the endorsement, F. Winter Trapolin, president of the commission, also announced that a committee is being set up to' study the goals and nature of Christian education and' to draft a set of admissions policies which it will recommend for parochial schools. The committee will study the effect of past practices and conditions in order to recommend more effective ways of integrating school life.
Every newspaper .report tells the fashion conscious woman that accessories will be the big thing for Spring and Summer 1970. At first this sounds like heartening news and many creative women will daydream about how they'll change the whole . look of their wardrobe with ning evening bag that was obviously good, yet after one use a few well chosen accent the chain broke away from the pieces and save money in handle. I was able to fix it, but why the bargain. This latter belief will have to be restated, how- should one have to repair a new ever, to read bag, especially an expensive one. "spend s 0 m e However, this is the workmanmoney," for ship we have learned to expect this season a in this age of mass production. good accessory Help Needed costs a goodly Frustrated is the word to deamount. Las t scribe how the consumer feels, weekend, while because there is such a demand shopping in a for consumer goods that it nearby city I would take a mighty powerful decided to buy boycott to get manufacturers a much needed even to notice what the public handbag. I must admit that it feels or thinks. What the conhas been a while sincE: I've sumer of America needs is a bought a bag (especially a good Cesar Chavez to bring the cause Winter one) and needless to say of bctter workmanship before the prices were staggering. the public. So many' of us are I finally settled on a small aware that we are not getting black leather for $24 but the one value for' our dollar, but few of that truly appealed to me was us knoVi what to do about it. one in the $50 range, and this price was the rule, not the exception. Of course handbags are not the only item pertaining to clothing that is hitting the highRev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocprice mark. Everything from esan CCD Director and Edward scarfs to shoes to underwear is getting repriced and the con- McDonagh,. CCD lay coordinator sumer is on the losing end. They for the Fall River Diocese, were may be touting some of the among participants ,in the quarnew designs as the "poor girl terly meeting of New England look," but what's really meant CCD Directors, held in Proviis that you'll be a poor girl after dence. The unit .accepted and enyou've paid for them. dorsed priorities for religious . Poor Workmanship Labor goes up, overhead goes education formulated by an ad up, the middleman wants his fair hoc committee of New England share and someone has to pay teachers, emphasizing the proand this year it looks as if it's gramming of religious education the consumer. Higher prices for adults. Training Parents would seem justifiable if we Representatives stressed the were getting better quality, but the reverse appears true. Even importance of training parents to on the so-called "better" level become involved in their chilseams come undone, there is dren's catechetical formation careless stitching and that one of and of initiation of programs for a kind button faUs off and dis- the development of catechists. Also considered were special appears after the first wearing. Having a new garment cleaned programs for exceptional chilfor the first time is like taking dren and adults. The directors urged use of a chance on the Irish Sweepstakes. The odds are really not competent professional research in your favor that the garment in evaluation of religion texts will return looking as it did and use of communication arts when it was new. In most cases at all levels. this turns out to be the fault of . poor workmanship and not that Aims to Streamline of the cleaner. The aforementioned handbag Church in India is a good example of an item for MANJUMMEL (NC)-A priest which the consumer pays a high has returned here with Vatican price, yet seldom gets her approval for a movement that money's worth. Just before the may change the face of the holidays a group for which I did church in Kerala state. a style show gave me a. stunHe is Father Joseph Kannath, director of the Pastoral Orientation Center. the first inter-rite Regional Conference cfiort by Kerala's 16 dioceses to streamline the Church here Elects Officers EL PASO (NC)-Father John through a process of reorientaBeno of the Pueblo, Colo., dio- tion of its lay and Religious percese, was elected president of sonnel. Father Kannath returned with the Southwest Liturgical Conference at the conclusion of a study recognition for the center from week here. ' Maximilian Cardinal de FurestenOther officers include: Father berg, prefect of the Congregation Arthur J. Plessala of the Galves- for Eastern-rite Churches, and ton-Houston, Tex., diOcese, vice Archbishop Sergio Pignedoli, president; John B. Shaw of the secretary. of the Congregation the Evangelization of Oklahoma City-Tulsa diocese, for secretary, and Father Daniel R. Peoples. Already from its temporary Huber of the Pueblo diocese, treasurer. headquarters here, the two-yearThe Southwest Liturgicai Con- old center has begun to revoluference is a federation of dioc- tionize the teaching of religion csan liturgical commissions from through some 400,000 copies of dioceses in Texas, Oklahoma, the first real catechism textColorado, New Mexico, and boolts in the Malayalam lanAdzona. ~ua~e.
CCD Directors L is't Priorities
Seek 'Backward Class' Aid for India Christians INTEGRATlO(l.~:
At West Point, Mbs., a white girl waits with Negro students here for the doors of the formerly all black Southside Elementary school to open for second semester registration. There was no trouble during registration. NC Photo.
M'em,orial Service Christians, Jews Pray at Jerusalem Shrine for Nazi Victims JERUSALEM (NC) - A Catholic priest and a Jewish layman who both lost close members of their families in Nazi' concentration camps took part in a memorial service at Yad Vashem Martyrs' and Heroes' Shrine on Remembrance Hill here as an interreligious group of 60 Amer.ican journalists watched. The commemorative ceremony was held in the rectangular Hall of Remembrance, on a somber gray mosaic floor inscribed with' the names of Hitler's 21 largest. death camps. The Religious Journalist's Middle East Conference, a tour of Catholic, Protestant~, and Jews, stood hushed around the memorial area. A wreath was set on a raised slab by Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher of South Orange, N. J., Dr. Joseph L. Litchen of New York, and the Rev. Alfred P. Klausler, executive secretary of the Associated Church Press of Chicago. Msgr. Oesterreicher, a Jewish convert in his youth, read a prayer he had compiled, including some of the idioms taken from the daily Jewish prayer book. The priest, whose father died at Theresienstadt and whose mother was killed at Auschwitz, said he had also brought away from the shrine testimony forms about other relatives and friends to be filed in the Hall of Names at Yad Vashem. "We trust that the murdered victims now live under the wings of your love," he prayed. "Still, the evil deed can not be undone. "What can be done is that we alliive worthy of their memory. Their angui!?h must compel particularly us who are Christians to be on the side of the perse-
cuted and never on the side of the persecutors." Partners, Frienclls Msgr. Ooesterreicher became a Catholic when he was a student at the University of Vienna. He was ordained in 1927. He fled Austria five weeks after Hitler came in, and twice escaped the Gestapo. The tour was his first trip to Israel and he was impressed most with the "peacefulness" of the country. It did not seem "foreign." Catholic-Jewish dialogue here, he said, is primarily among the intellectual elite. It is among scholars who are "partners and friends" who now "look forward" to greater rapprochement with Moslems. "It is my impression that the rights of Christians to visit the shrines will be safeguarded by the Israelis," the monsignor said. Several government spokesmen had supported this in various statements -to the groups. Dr. Lichten, director of Intercultural Affairs of the AntiDefamation League of B'nai B'rith, lost his first wife and daughter at Belsen-Belsen, and his parents in' other death camps. Attached to the POlish embassy in the U. S., he never return~d to Poland.
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POONA (NC) - India's Christian Democratic Party called here for recognition of the entire~ Christian community in the country as a backward group eligible for spzcial government aid. Pointing out that the community is in reality an economically weak section, the party's national executive board said Christians should be included in the list of baGkward classes so that they would enjoy special educational, economic and employment opportunities. The executive board decided to launch a struggle in the event the central and state governmEmts fail to take satisfactory steps to meet the demand. Government authorities have long taken the stand that the special privileges of backward communities are the preserve of members of the Hindu backward groups. Converts to Christianity frol!l these groups lose some of their old privileges when they change religion.
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fHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-.Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970 "
'New Rite Starts Next J~onth Continued from Page One be carried in procession. They can be placed on or near the altar: The Gospel book may be 'placed on the altar beforehand. At arrival in the sanctuary, the priest and assistants make reverence to the Blessed Sacrament, the altar (kiss) and go directly to the place from which the priest will preside. . The priest will then greet th.e participants. The answer of the people is now simpler and mo~e natural: "And also with you" instead of "And with your spirit." A brief introduction to' the Mass is given-:-the nature of the feast, the particular occasion to cel,ebrate, etc. There follows a brief penitential rite during which the priest invites ali to penance, an examination of conscience and an expression of contrition. This is done by all together and not first by the priest and then by the people as before. The Kyrie, if it was not used in the penitential rite, then is recited with the people. simply responding to the invocation of the priest and no longer. the intricate threefold recitations. The Gloria, with slight. translation changes and simplifications is then sung or recited. The priest then invites all to pray (no greeting first) and after a brief private pray'er, he recites the Collect for which he has many choices. Liturgy of Word Normally, three readings will form the Liturgy of the Word: one' from the "Prophets" (Old Testament), one from the ."Apostles" (New Testament) and finally the Gospel. ' The first two readings, to be delivered. by a lector, are always , ended by "This is the Wurd of the Lord," to which all respond "Thanks be to God." After the first reading, a cantor or commentator will respond (with the people) with the Gradual psalm. Following the second reading by the lector, the response will be that of the Alleluia or Tract. The priest will then recite the Gospel. His preparation has been shortened to "Almighty God, cleanse my heart and my lips that I may worthily proclaim Your Gospel." He ends the Gospel with "This is the Gospel of the Lord" and all respond. "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ." The homily follows and the announcements are not to be made at this time. The Creed will sometimes follow (with some translation changes) as will the Prayer of the Faithful. Liturgy of Eucharist Offertory: The antiphon may be omitted if not sung. It is recommended that the gifts be brought to the priest by membersof the congregation. . The bread will be offered with the prayer: "Blessed are You, Lord, God of all creation, Through Your. goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made. It will become for us the bread of life." If the people are not singing, they answer "Blessed be God forever." The other prayers of the Offertory have been shortened but remain about the same. It is the
Close Vote NEWARK (NC)-By a scant four-vote margin, Newark archdiocesan priests have decided to retain their affiliation with the National Federation of Priests Council. The priests voted after a division developed among them over the affiliation.
act of the off,~rtory that is stressed and a clear attelJlPt to show that it is not THE .off~ring of the sacrifice here but only the. preparation for TH~ off~ring within the Canon. : .' The offertory rite conch,ldes with the "Prayer over the gifts" or Secret~' !. Eucharistic: Prayer I ' A' number' of new prefaces will introduce one of the four Eucharistic Praye,rs that ev~ry one should have been used to by now. . The priest will now genuJlect only three times:' after each lelevation and before his Communion. I Communion Rite . The Lord's Prayer will introduce the Communion Rite. There follows the Embolism ("I?ellver us, 0 Lord * *.") and all! re~ spond with: "For the kingdpm, the power and the glory lare so. AnrLEBORO AWARDS: Rev. Roger L. Gagne, assistant at St. Theresa's ~hurch,.SO are yours, now and forever." I . The priest then recites ithe tleboro and parish scout chaplain, presents the Pro Parvuli Dei award to DaVId Ca~r1er, MIPrayer for Peace aloud and i all chael Turgeon, James Calista, Donald Clark, Edward O'Brien, and Mark Savoie. Standing: Norsecond it with ..their "Am~n." .mand Carrier, cub master and Robert St. Pierre, committeeman.. The priest then makes it more particular "The peace of :the Lord be with you always" ~nd all respond "And also with yqu." Reciti.ng "Let us offer each, other the sign of peace," the priest introduces the rite wherein is exchanged by all pres~nt . WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. that.-would mean for the future. an entirely different type of some appropriate and customllry Francis T. Hurley said here that I eagerly look forward not only work, dealing with an aspect of SIGN OF PEACE AND LOVE. his appointment by Pope Paul VI to renewing acquaintances but the life of the Church that can (A handshake" in:. the Uni~ed as titular bishop of Daimlaigand to making my home there." be observed only in the bishops' States). I national conference. .auxiliary bishop of Juneau, Alas"It will not be easy to leave The priest breaks the hpst ka, is "a great honor and assigns Washington, D. C., but neither 'Admirable Staff' with the prayer "May the ~in him to "a new and intriguing was it easy to leave San Fran"During the twelve and a half gling'3< >I> >1>" aloud. Then all re9ite post" cisco when I was assigned to the years here J found both the the "Lamb of God" while he conNational Catholic Welfare Con- bishops' conference and WashThe bishop-designate who has tinues to break the. host(s) •~nd . I worked in the secretariat of the ference in 1957," the bishop- ington, D. C. fascinating. Living it may be recited as many times in the Nation's Capital J learned United States bishops here since designate continued. as necessary with the last inyo- 1957, and has_ been associate "I was -entering a new world, to respect an~ admire the career cation begging peace. : .people in the .Federal governgeneral secretary of both the The priest then makes a primlmt, people who from afar National Conference of Catholic POp<e N@me$LenG'el'll vate preparation for Communion, Bishops and the United States , . seem lost in a faceless bureaucthen he shows the host to the Catholic Conference since 1968, Retreat Leader racy but whose work is vital to people saying: "This is the Lamb . will be auxiliary to Archbishop VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope the nation. of God Who takes away the sins Joseph T. Ryan in the latter's Paul VI has selected Father "Working at the bishops' naof the world. Happy are those capacity as apostolic administra~ Jacques Loew, a former worker- tional office, I received my ini-. who are called to this supper." tor of .Juneau. . priest on the Marseilles docks tiation, into. extensive interreli. All answer with a single "Ldrd and founder of the Missionary gious cooperation with ProtesArchbishop Ryan is also arch- Congregation of SS. Peter and tants, Orthodox and Jews. I am not worthy." I The Communion antiphon: is bishop of Anchorage, Alaska, Paul, to give the Lenten retreat "But above. all, I became closebegl.;ln while the priest recei~es but the bishop-designate will be in the Vatican this year. ly associated w"ith an admirable Communion and it is repeat~d his auxiliary only for the Juneau During this week of retreat, staff of co-workers, the laity, throughout the Communion iof diocese. Feb. 15-21, all audiences, includ- priests and Religious of the Nathe faithful, or a hymn may re"The diocese of Juneau is not ing the regular We4nesday get:!: tiona I Conference of Catholic place the repetition. / I unknown to me," Bishop-desig- eral audience,. will be suspended. . Bishops and of the United The priest will,after commu- nate Hurley said. He recalled Father Loew was a Dominican States Catholic Conference, as nicating the faithful, proceed that 17 years ago he traveled the when he founded his congrega- . the old NCWC is now called. with the purification if it p~s famous inland Passage through tion of w.orker-priests. "Al1 of them are singular in torally useful 'or advisable, 'or Ketchikan, Wrangell and Peters. This is the second time Pope their service to the Church. It he may purify the !iacred vessJls burgh to Juneau. Paul has called upon a founder was my privilege to have learned only after the Mas~;. i The priests were gracious of . a Religious community to from them the intricacies of naThe priest may now return ~o hosts," he recalled, "particularly lead his retreat. Father Rene tional issues confronting the the chair. A period of· silenfe Bishop Dermot .o'Flanagan, now Voillaume, who founded the Church, to have been inspired may be observed, or a psalm or retired, who proudly showed me Little Brothers of Jesus Accord- by the force of their convictions song of praise may .be sung. T~e' the city of Juneau. Little did ing to the Spirit of Charles de and now to be able to count rite will be terminated by the either of us realize then what Foucauld, conducted an earlier them as friends whom I love recitation of the "Prayer after papal retreat. dearly." Communion." . I Urge End of Bias Dismissal :Rite i If there are any brief ahToward Converts nouncements, they may be made MADRAS (NC)-A Protestantat this time. I Catholic memorandum pleading The greeting, blessing, dismi~ sal and recession take place in for removal of discrimination On your savings allowed by Federal regulation. substantially the Slime way ~s against converts to. Christianity was presented here to an official present, though there are some --I nvestment commission of the Madras state minor changes in translation. i government. . The faithful may be dismissed Savings Accounts Seeking rev.ision of the basis with the words "Go in the peace Investment savings earn Sif4 % a year When on deposit six months or Jonger. MUltiples of of Christ" or "The Mass is end- for determining backwardness, $1,000, No withdrawal notice required. Your ed, go in peace" or "Go in peace or the condition of being disadfunds available when needed. memorandum to love and serve the Lord." T~e vantaged, . the SAVINGS INSURED SAFE BY U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY answer is always the sarrie stated that all members of back"Thanks be to God.'~ .\ I. ward classes, without reference Systematic Savings Accounts earn up to 5~ % The priest ~ill then venerat,e to their religion, were entitled Earn bonus dividends by saving a filed amount monthly. the altar, the Blessed Sacrament to special government aid and Interest compounded quarterly. save by Mail, Postage paid both ways, if it is there, and leave. If ther,e privileges. Deposit by the 10th of the month, earn from the lst. Dividends exempt from state tax. Assets over $47,000,000. is any liturgical ,service that India's central and state govfollows the Mass (funeral for ernments interpret the eligibility . example) the entire dismissal in such a way that converts to rite is omitted. : Christianity from the backward N.B. Weekly articles will fol- and former ·"untouchable" comand Loan Association of FALL RIVER low to explain and ,comment o? munities lose most of the conNorth Main St., 02"722 Phone 674·4661 the reasons for the c:hanges con- cessions' as a res!.!lt of the tained in the New Rite of Mass. chaoge of religion. I
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.Msgr. Hurley Named Auxiliary Bishop ·of JuneaLi
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Prelate Declares Schools Source Of Leadership
Boy DrOI)·Outs Philadelphia Survey Shows Large Number Of High Schoolers Miss Sunday Mass
The new Archbishop of Los Angeles went to the heart of the Mexican-American community here and pledged to continue spending money on Catholic schools because "they are a source of leadership." The neighborhood was upset several weeks ago by demonstrations of Mexican - American groups, protesting the spending by the archdiocese of too much money on church buildings, hospitals and other institutions, instead of channeling it to Mexican-American poor. Archbishop Timothy Manning, in a sort of homecoming, went to Bishop Mora Salesian High School, which has a student body of 900 boys. He blessed the schools's new gym, which also will serve the neighborhood community, and offered Mass. Except for two years when he was bishop of Fresno, the archbishop had come to the school each year since its founding in 1958 on the feast of St. John Bosco and celebrated Mass. Center of Unity The archbishop spoke particularly of the relationship between the community and its bishop in his homily at the Mass. "The one who holds the office of bishop may be very fal1ible," he said, "but in God's plan h e holds the center of unity. Anyone who fragments this, who distorts this center of unity, fragments the body of Christ. "Consequently," he continued, "in your life there must be a sensitivity to this center of unity at aH times." In this sensitivity, he said, the bishop must be recognized as "the supreme teacher in the community. He may not be the wisest or the most bril1iant, but he is the center of the authentic teaching of the Church." Priesthood First Student body president Ray Chavez, on behalf of the students, told the archbishop: "We hope we shaH profit from our education. We know the work and sacrifice it takes to keep up the school. We realize that people from all over the diocese contribute to keep this operation going." . Archbishop Manning, responding to Chavez's talk, said that in d~signating priorities that he would follow for the archdiocese, he placed the priesthood first and then education. "I am asked why we spend so much money on Catholic schools. My response is that they are a source of leadership," he declared.
Schedule Closing Of Two Schools ST. PAUL (NC) - Two high schools operated by the Christian Brothers in the archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis will close at the end of the present school year, the archdiocesan education board announced. Board chairman Jerome Julius said "further drastic steps" would 'be necessary without state and federal financial aid. The two schools to be closed are Benilde High School in St. Louis Park, which has an enrollment of 830 boys, and Hill High School in Maplewood, which enrolls 861 boys. The Ghristian Brothers operate two other boys' high schools in the archdiocese and administer two coeducational high schools.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12: 1970
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A poll of boys attending Catholic high schools in this area disclosed that 38 per cent are not attending Sunday Mass regularly. The survey was made among 1,793 boys in six archdiocesan high schools located in city and suburban areas by the BucksMontgomery area' Serra Club, devoted to encouraging vocations for the priesthood. The tally shows 38.4 per cent do not attend Mass at all or attend only occasionaHy. Mass at-
tendance was 72.5 per cent among freshmen but dropped sharply among students in upper c1asst:s to 58 per cent. Benjamin Romine, survey chairman, said 71 per cent favor a' special Mass for young people and 62 per cent feel such an arrangement would increase Mass attendance. "The Church in general has to have some program which is youth oriented," Romine concluded.
PART OF CIViLlZAYION: Antonio Cardinal Bacci, the Vatican's 'top Latin expert, consults a copy of the fifth edition of his Latin Dictionary, telling the photographer to go ahead and .snap the "Photographicus fulgor" or flashbulb. Latin, according to the Cardinal, "is a fundamental part of our civilization," and far from being a dead language: NC Photo.
You are needed ••. to act as a Mom or Dad to an orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. GIVE The cost is very little. The satisfaction is great. A More than half of l:he 1,400,000 refugees.in the CJ'lILD Holy Land'are boys and girls. A grea~ many are A orphans. Some barely exist by begging for milk, HOME food, clothing. Others are in the Holy Father's' care - supported by the generous friends of Near Ea;t Missions ••• You can 'adopt' one of these children and guarantee him (or her) three meals a day, a warm bed, love and companion" ship and preparation to' earn his oWn living. An orphan's support costs only $10 a month ... " $120 a ,year. Send. u;..the first month's support and we wili send your 'adopted' child's photo. You can write to him or her. The Sister who cares for your child will write to you, if the child cannot write' yet. A close bond of love wi/[ develop. Please send the coup0!l with your offering today.
Questions Delay Alderman Seeks Investigati,on of Case Involvin'g P'riest CHICAGO (NC)-The case of Father Carl Lezak versus the Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity (CCUO) has reached the Chicago City Council. Father Lezak, 32, an assistant pastor at St, Sebastian Church here, has not been approved by CCUO ,as an advisory board committee member for the Montrose Urban Progress Center even though he was elected to the post 17 months ago. Robert Lerner, Montrose advisory board chairman, told • Father Lezak that Mrs. Murrell Syler, CCUO executive director, explained the confirmation delay by allegedly calling the priest a ."subversive" and a "pinko," among other things. . Alderman William Singer has introduced a resolution in the city council cal1ing for an investigation of the case. Singer asked that a committee be formed to discover what procedures are used by CCUO to place people on advisory councils. The resolution was referred to the rules committee. Singer said in his resolution the CCUO director claimed Father Lezak "would not be approved because he had aHegedly failed to pass an FBI investi~ation."
The CCUO director, the resolution said, "would not reveal any information regarding Rev. Lezak's status other than he had not been confirmed." Father Lezak, it added, "had no opportunity to respond to malicious and unwarranted charges." Singer concluded that "the entire process by which members are appointed to these advisory councils is called into question." Mrs. Syler was unavailable for comment. However, CCUO public relations agent Robert Jackson said Mrs. Syler <tenied ever having called anyone "an American, a Communist, or a pinko." She refused further comment, he said. Mrs. Syler has been CCUO executive director for 10 months. Asked why Father Lezak has not been cleared, when he might be, what the norms of clearance are, and who does the clearing, Jackson answered, "No comment."
Bishop Named OTTAWA (NC) - Bishop G. Emmett Carter of London, Ont., has been named a member of the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship. Bishop Carter is president of the Canadian Catholic Conference's office for liturgy, English section.
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Sponsors Assert New Voluntary
iHE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Thurs., I:eb. 12,1970
Says Strokes of Fortllne , Growt'l.!.n Often A.-dJBy','''':Iat.·onal Barbara Ward I~
When 'anyone recommends inteniational :'aid for development, there is always somebody' else ;lVho argues t h at no nation has ever made its way by doles' and handoutS. The only way forward, they maintain, is thrift,ihvestment, dedication to edu,: cation and a sustained abil'- ,and education were in the natu're "free g'ft" t th .. ity to work hard. These are of a I 0 e growl\lg ~ United States economy, the the pioneering virtues which equivalent of a capital sum 'at 1
tion picture industry's year-old voluntary film-rating system has been called "a gratifying success" by its three sponsoring organizations. In an announcement made by Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America; Eugene Picker, president of the National Association of Theatre Owners; and Munio Podhorzer, member of the governing board of the International Film Importers and Distributors of America, the results ofa nationa,1 survey on the rating systern and statistics' from over 3,000 theaters were ~eleased.. "When the system went into effect on Nov. I, 1 1968 ," the statement began" "we said we would keep it constantly under review and would make a reexamination at the end of a year's trial period. 'We said we would not hesitate to make changes if they would improve the program." Raise Age Limit
children." ,The second change is that the age limit of those theater-goers admitted to "R" (Restricted)" movies unles accompanied by parent or guardian has been raised from 16 to 17. Consequently, the age limit for the "X" rating, (which formerly meant "No one under 16 admitted" under any circumstances) was also raised to 17, though age limits may vary in certain areas. Symbols in Ads In addition to "GP", "R", and "X", the film rating system' also includes "G" for films considered suitable for general audienc'es. A survey conducted by a group of young executives in the National Association of Theatre Owners, said that 89 per cent of the 3,164 theaters polled across the country "usually" or "always" used the rating symbols in 'their advertisements. In addition, the' Opinion Research Corporation survey indicated -that 58 per cent of 'the '2,600 people questioned found the ,rating system "very useful" to' "fairly useful'" in helping them decide, the proper movies for children to view. And 70 per cent of the teenage moviegoers polled found the system useful. "The Code and Rating Adininistration will immediately Start using the revised ratings," the stafument said, "and the entire program will become effective on a nationawide scale on March I, 1970."
enabled America to open up the least as large, spre,ad over time, prairies and develop its' frontier as the Marshall plan-itself poslands. Contribusibly the' most c:reative "frce tions or capit~1 gift" ever given .,n an intJr from, ,one govgovernmental basis. ; ernmEmt to an- " Cap'ltal 'For Free' BIllIOTHE JOSE other simply rot " R PH BERG peoples' fib r e B u t we do not have to delve and turn them back into history tCl discover ex,into 'nations of ampIes of '.Iargely unearn~d" mendicants. But grants playing a creative part ~n is this really the development Clf the world ,',LiO,I,how a lot of de- " economy. The new decade has velopment has opened with a most striking e)c- " WASHING:rON (NC) - Holy happened? Counample of how useful and pra,c- ,Cross Brother Joseph Berg, a tries have, in tical it can be to give out a lot ,specialist 'in work with disturbed . of capl'tal to gove'm"ments "fo'r c'hl'ldren, has been appol'nted to The "re~exainination" prompted fact, enJ'oyed many more free 't 1. II . ff' f two principal revisions. The " 'th t "gifts" of resources in the course free WI ou any s ern mora IZ- serve as , alson 0 Icer or the I C f f C' h I' "M" (Mature) rating has been 'ng b t h d k d t' N t' a IOna on erence 0 at 0 IC of their development than the I ff a ou ar wor an ~x fa , e ort . Charities with the 1970 White changed to "GP", meaning "All sterner moralists like to suggest. .' I ages admitted. Parental" GUI'd' On January I, 1970, some House Conference' on Children Ta ke th e d'Iscovery 0 fmmerthree and' a half bl'III'ons of do'Iance Suggested." als. Every time a new survey is ~nd Youth. ' made oJ Australia's deserts, lars were added to the reserves This ,change was 'made, the some new, and, extraordinary which the governments, in' t~e Brother BerR is the former di- statement said, because anareserve of valuable minerals 'is main, the wealthy 'governments, rector of St. Charles' Boys Home tional survey, conducted by discovered. Bauxite, iron ore, hold with the Interrlational Moil- School in Milwaukee County, Opinion Research Corporation. Wis., a residential treatment "found that fewer than o'ne'l'n 13 . t t' d Th e Fun d eXls nickel-one ,after anot.her the eta ry Fun. so' new resources, are uncovered. provide the worldng capital center' for disturbed boys. , persons had accurate knowledge Msgr. Lawrence J. Corco'ran, of the specific admissions' policy This is sheer good fortune. needed for world trade and to Eleven million Australians are in see ,that temporary, positions bf ,NCCC secretary, said' Sister for 'M' films. Public confusion possession. through geographical debit and cre~it betw,een natiOl;tSMarie Gaffney of the Missionary ,and misunderstanding over the chance, of a variety of reserves do not disturb the even flow and, ' Servants of the Most Holy Trin- word 'mature' tended to, result." . ity, formerly of New York Cath-, Under the new "GP" rating, many of ,which 600 million In- expansion of commlerce. Thinking Reed dians, simply do not command. In 'the last decade, world trade oUc Charities, has been named theaters wiU admit persons of all Man is but a reed, the most Does this mean the Australians has rarely' grown by less th~n 'an NCCC consultant to a num-, ages, "but parents may still are more sternly hard wor~ing eight per cent a year. The ne~d her of NCCC units. '.... choose to ,obta,jn more informa- feeble thing in nature, but, he is,' -Pascal than the- Indians? Of course not for working capital has therefore' tion on the movie to guide the' a thinking reed. '"':'"they are simply more fortu. grown rapidly. But. the Fund:'s nate. reserves have not. Other sources -dollars provided by America's , Historical Fortune deficit, gold, largely from South The Australian example is part Africa _ could not keep' pace of an infinitely larger' historical without raising acute politic~1 stroke of fortune - the amount problems. So, very ,sensibly, the of largely empty fertile land nations have agreed! to do what which was still available on the banks do inside nations when ' planet in the 19th century when they create credit: The new three the Europeans began their drive and a half billion dollars ate to invent and build the modern called, Special Drawing Right~. ' technological society. But they are money drawn out They took over the "'prairies of thin air and wril:ten into the and pampas' of North and South ,books of the I.M..F. Dispose of Trash America, the wheatlands of AusEighty per cent of, these r~ and Garbage traUa and most of what was serves go to the rich nations. -' temperate and fertile land, in 'But no one is accusing them tif ' in an indoor Africa. One could add Turkestan receiving doles and handouts. and Siberia. the three billions had gone to the The original occupants-whose poor nations - who certainly hunting and food-gathering had need them more -, they would not disturbed the soil for over a .have been used in exactly tile thousand years-were killed or same way, to buy needed goods, driven off. or herded into "re- on the international market. Db ' AUTOMATIC serves." we then argue that gifts to tileI With' not much more invest- rich are harmless but that we .... ment than a good, plough, the undermine the poor nations' vitrich soil could be opened up and tue by giving aid? ' . '~ the havests began to pour in I Today's modern home accumulates after 1850, providing the indussteadily)ncreasing amount of waste trialization of Europe and Amer- Protestan'ts F~eject ! paper, trash and 'garbage. Pick-up lea with a' tremendous stimulus. Un!·on 'of C'h"I'rche's ! service is becoming more costly and But .the new farmers were not harder working than the Chinese GLASGOW (NC)- After '15 " less reljable. - peasant. On the contrary" many 'years of negotiation, a union' of ,The only logical and sensible answer of them were spendthrift, igno- the Presbyterian Church of Scotis a modenl' smokeless-ordorless gas rant, ,extensive 'farmers who land and'the' Congregational turned over a hundred' million Union of Scotland has beeri disposer by Warm Morning acres' to irretrievable erosion jected by majoriti.~s' irihoth installed, indoors through careless husbandry. But church bodies. "" " 1, they were lucky. The land had The Presbyterian' Church' "of not been. worked out before they Scotland has 1.2rilillion memReg. $209.95 came. ' b e r s 'and' the Congregation~1 Nor should we forget that the Union of Scotland 27,543. Agreefarmers were probably them- ment failed over issues' of church selves part of one of the largest government and the role of the No Chall'ge for Delivery and Normal Installation , "free" grants a developing coun. ministry'. ' ' i try ever received. In the critical The Church of Sccltland is thik year:;' of America's expansion country's' largest" 'Christian some 40 million migrants crossed church. The Catholic Church has t~e Atlantic. '800,000 members. ,1rh'e CQngr~Company They had been'raised abroad. gational Union is 'one" of the Many of them alrepdy had us- country's smallest ,denomina~ 155 NORTH MAiN STREET - PHONE 'OS 5-7811 . able -skills.- Their, early -nurture - tion5. ',' .• , '
Appoint Brother son O,fficer
, UGH •
f!M'1II1J1,'6~1f i '
Cardinal Dearden Urges FolI«>,wing Path to Peace
THE: ANCHORThurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Spread Doctrine TlI1rough Media
DETROIT (NC) - John Cardinal Dearden, cautioning against the complacency which may result by termination of the Nigeria-Biafra conflict, emphasized' that the continued Vietnam war, the Middle East crisis, violence and mount· ing tensions are problems which still must be solved. The archbishop of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, asserted "the expenditure of astronomical sums for military purposes" must be limited. The cardinal called for an understanding of those who demonstrate against war and tools of war; of those who have "selective conscientious 'objection" against war. Excessive Nationalism Cardinal Dearden's .statement, published by the Michigan Catholic, archdiocesan newspaper, was viewed as supporting principles against violence and poverty asserted byArchbishop Heider Pessoa Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, during his visit here. The cardinal recalled the antiwar views expressed by Pope Paul VI before the United Nations in 1965 and in the col.: lective pastoral of the U.S. bishops in 1968. "Certainly, the expenditure of astronomical sums for military purposes must be limited. It can~" not be justified morally, politically 'PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS': Solo parents get help, mutual en_~ouragement from Attleor socially. Somehow, we must move away from a climate of . boro chapter of "Parents without Partners," international organization for divorced, widowed excessive nationalism into one or separated parents. Families of Mrs. Lillian Johnson and Mrs. louise Zito, both officers of Atthat makes us open to a higher tleboro group, benefit from lively youth program it sponsors. From left, rear, Russell lito, 18; degree of international collabora- Cindy Johnson, 11; Matthew lito; 12; Susan lito, 16; lauren lito, 13. Front, Michelle Zito, 8; tion for the benefit of all," 'the Mrs. Johnson; Mrs. lito; Raymond lito, 5; David Johnson, 8. .Not present for picture, Stephen " cardinal..said. and Roxan!"e Jqhrson, ).4 year old twins. , .. , Prayer, Work "." , ," "Our general concern for peace has found an anguished expression in our present involvement in Vietnam. Without exception, we are all concerned to have peace restored as speedBy lJ)oroth y Eastman ily as possible. And our steps to disengage ourselves from that Thirty-three adults in the Attleboro area are getting a new lease on. life, thanks war must be constantly accelerated. The moral fiber of our na- to an organization called "Parents Without Partners." The children of these widowed, tion has been weakened by this divorced or separated parents are reaping benefits, too. The international, non-profit, conflict," he declared. "One sign, however, is clear. non-sectarian organization is dedicated to the welfare and interests of single parents As servants of the Prince of and their children. AccordSocial activities for the parPeace, we must detest war and ing to Mrs. Lillian Johnson With professional help, the organization conducts a program ents and for families are an indo everything that we can to banish this evil from the earth. of Attleboro, president of the in which lectures, discussions, tegral part of the P.W.P. proNo follower of Christ can do less. local chapter of P.W.P., and publications and recreational ac- gram. Besides regular Monday "We must actively try to press the mother of four children, "P. tivities aid the individual single evening educational and business for' peace through prayer and W.P. is geared to help single parent to cope with the many meetings held at the First Feder· work. We must do all that we parents achieve happier family problems he .or she must face. ai' Bank public lounge, adult can 'in positive and constructive lives." The organizatio!l contends P.W.P. International, with members schedule several "eatways to become the blessed that since our society is based on headquarters in New York City, ingout" activities a month. Sunday is family outing day whom Christ so loved, the the traditional two-parent home, charters the individual chapters Peacemakers," he said. and is not equipped for, nor does and supervises their programs. and lively doings are always on it understand, the special prob- It publishes "The Single Parent," tap. Sledding, roller skating, vislems faced by the millions who a magazine which -features ar- its to museums, picnics, and carAccuses University must bring up their children ticles on such topics as child avans to the Cape in the Summer alone, an organization such as tearing, income taxes, psycholo- months are among family activiOf Retaliation this is urgently needed. gical problems and adjustments ties. WASHINGTON (NC)-Joseph The last Sunday' of each and education. ' Since all members themselves E. Paull, an assistant professor month is "birthday party" day It also prepares and distributes at the Catholic University of have gone through and experifor all children under 12, and America here, has filed a suit in enced the despair and discour- educational material and pro- this month it will be a combined gram aids to chapters, along birthday and Valentine party. U. S. District Court charging he agement that accompany the loss - with a monthly bulletin. It auwas denied entrance to a doc- of a mate, and the struggle to thorizes and conducts research Under the guiding eye of re-establish a new kind of life, toral program because he was Mr. Lamoreaux teeninto the many unexpected areas agers Edward have a program within a associated with a 1967 strike at they' can give, each other encour- of single-parent living. agement and support. program, that includes weekly the school. It also brings single-parent ~et-togethers at the 'home of The Attleboro chapter received He asked the court to find problems to the attention of the that he was discriminated its charter in November follow- public and government agencies. Mrs. Louise Zito. The youngsters ing a year of organizational achave sponsored several highly against by school authorities and Individual or local chapters or- successful teen dances, the profto direct the school to admit him tivity. Members of its' advisory board are Rev. G. Wetzell, min- ganize and conduct educational its of which pay for bowling and to the program. ister of the Murray Universalist programs to fit the needs of their pizza parties. A CU spokesman said Paull Church; Atty. Max Volterra; Sis- members. In the last few months Susan Zito, one of Mrs. Zito's wants to obtain a doctor's de- ter Barbara McMichaels of Bish- Attleboro members have heard six children, is chairman of the gree in the School of Social Ser- op I='eehan High School; William lectures on teen age pshychol- teen group, which includes. 18 vice, of which he is a faculty J. Crowley, Jr. city councillor; ogy, mental he'alth and family . young people. member. it is against th~ policy Michael O'Connor of the Attle- finances. Mrs. Johnson says that "newof the university, as it is in most boro Mental Health Clinic; and . Each chapter publishes a comers will be warmly wei· institutions of higher. learning,. Rev. Raymond Moquin M.S. of monthly newsletter'with news of comed" and a regular Nev.:for faculty members to be stu- LaSalette Shrine. national 'and local programs and coiners' Night is, scheduled at dents in the same school, the The purposes of the organi- a calendar of. activities for the the Rome restaurant the next spokesman said. iZation are basically educa~ional. month. to last Friday of evefY month.'
'Parents' without Partners' Aid Each Other In Adjusting to Solo Parenthood
MILWAUKEE (NC)-An advisory communications committee to help spread Christian doctrine through modem communications media has been named by Archbishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee. Dr. John P. Treacy, professor emeritus of education at Marquette University here, is temporary chairman. In announcing the committee, the archbishop commented: "The Apostles were told by Christ to teach His Doctrine to all nations. He did not suggest to them specific ways or means, but left it to their own ingenuity to preach effectively. "I see this advisory committee as an apostolic group of experts recognizing the task of the Church to teach, bringing a layman's viewpoint to a better meeting of our responsibility." A similar committee to advise in administrative and financial matters was appointed by Archbishop Cousins a year agc. The committee has already had some formative. meetings, according to Dr. Treacy, out of which an objective has been outlined: "To help people develop an understanding and appreciation of archdiocesan problems, policies and programs and to project the true image of the Catholic Church."
Association Objects To Parish Listing CHICAGO (NC) - The coordinating board of the Association of Chlcgo Priests (ACP) has issued "a statement of concern" to its members and to daily newspapers here which recently printed a list of parishes "not recommended for assignments for young priests" drawn up by the Young Priests' Caucus (YPC). The YPC, formed last Spring bl~cause few young priests were elected to ACP's board, drew up a list of all parishes in the Chicago archdiocese, following investigation by the YPC's 11man grievance board. The ACP's statement charged that the YPC "did not consult either the pastors nor the associates assigned to the parishes, and made some judgments on secondary evidence." APC' said the young priests' action, "publicized as it was in the daily press, was a cause of hurt and bewilderment to many clergy, Religious and laity in the Roman Catholic Church, Such an action was without precedent in the history of the archdiocese."
lEM,lEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Sales and Service ~"""'S . for Domestic ::;' and Industrial . Oil Burners
HELP WANTED MALE . Live-in position in Connecticut Catholic boarding school for ac· tive sober man for household cleaning (janitorial) work. Good wages and benefits. Reply in writing to: Box 7, Fall River, Massach4setts.. 0272~.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs ..; Feb. 12, 1 70
Connolly, Prevost, Jesus-Mlory To "'old Supper Saturday To Raise F'undsfor, 'SICA' It was Blue Thursday at Fall River's Dominican A;~a
demy last week as students enjoyed Color Day, for Wh,ICh they could wea; "regular clothes, providing they' were l:>lue and white." Of course, uniforms are blue and whIte too, ~ut not many chose those. Col- ' '. lege acceptances: latest are fMarpch 13'"It'1l be, titled "A Tilme . p M M~ , I Holy Family semors eggy Upcoming at Holy Fam!ly. is Kramer, Salem State; Mau- . the' National Merit Quah.fy,I.ng
reen Lloyd, St. Anne's School 'of exam, and al~o at HF the se~lJor Nursing' Leslie Palimeri, ,Bridge- class is deep 10 plans f~r graquawater ~nd Salem; Jane Martin, tion (ictivities. C~mmlttees. ',are Stonehill. at work on a prom the.m.e~ glff to " At, DA: Pat Leduc, Bridge- the school,. and activities Ifor ' water: Elizabeth von Trapp, yearbook mght and cl~ss day.· Salve;' Denise Francoeur, Union Something ".new an~ dlffer~nt" Hospital. 'is wanted thiS year, IS the wQrd. Forgue, Dolores Vieira, At'-. Jesus-Mary Academy: Six delegates from th~ '~eeh.an STUDY PERiOD: Hitting books are from left, High, New Bedford. Denise Parent,' Salve; and at Journalism Club are antlclpat10g vesque and David letendre, all students at St. 'Prevost, Jon Gallant, Stonehill; the weekend of M~rch! 12 Bertrand Goulet" Stonehill and through 14, when, they II .att~nd UMass; Thomas Lemay, W ~nt- the 46th, an.nual conve?t,l.on I of worth' Arthur Yokel, PC; Mlch- the Columbia .ScholastICPIl~SS ael D~mont, PC; George Shaker:, Association in 'Ne~:ork. C~ty. ,Johnson & Wales. . 'The six.,an~lVlartm DU~uc, Sp~iar YearbOok , Denise Fortin, Charles Laf~nd, So special ,is, the upcom1Og Karen Chab?t, Mary Sedlak and TORONTO (NC)-Nationwide Regis College (Catholic); St. ~u- 'a question of economy l) l) the yearbook at Stang High in North Gerard ~archand. ' ~oder~tor planning "to promote excellenc.e, ,gustine's Seminary, (Cathol~c); thought has been expressed that Dartmouth that it won't be will be ~Ister Susan Con~ell, ecumenicity and economy 10 St. Michael's College (Cathohc); even if all theological schools ready for' distribution until next R.S.M. theological education", is one of Trinity College (Anglican); and had ample financial resources to September; So the resou~ceful carry on alone. co-operative ed.uBasketball wiDs the suggestions made in ~ repo~t Wycliffe College (Anglican). editors, headed by Rod BiShop, There has been "considerable cation would still be the deSirDominican reports' victo*ies' on theological education 10 are ,planning a get-together over Durfee and Taunton Highs English-speaking Canada. cross-registration" in the, Toron- able proced'ure. "As things are, there does apyearbook dance f?r when. th.e in recent basketball games. Bpth "Surely some, serious soul- to School of Theology in its first "Torch" will be ready for Igm- the DA varsity and jayvees won search'ing is in order for all de~ semester of operation. pear to be much duplication of tion. It's a good way to have an their respective matches. The report observes that ~cu effort and dissipation of reI nominations which have a, stake instant alumni reunion, Also at Dominican AcadeJPY,' in theological education," the re- menical cooperation "is not Just sources," the report said. Unusual features will include seniors and juniors will atten~ a port state~ "The fact of many a burlap cover and end sheets seminar for physical and occupa- small theological colleges strugcomprising a picture of the ~en tional the~apy next Thursd,ay, gling in their isolation is cause ~chool ior class forming the peace Sign. during the vacation week, at ~he for grave concern." , amount of money equal to the A Bay State senator ~ill ~e Fall River RehabiHtation (.:en~er. Continued from Page One The report, "Project' on Reamount of money sought in rejourneying to Prevost, High 10 services . . ." A director of And DA sodalists are planning sources for Theological EducaFall River before the end of the a mother-daughter Mass Mon- tion in' Canada," was the result the Office of Nonpublic Educa- imbursement. Such accounts school year, there to present day, March 23. tion and personnel is also en- shall be subject to audit by the ! of an eight-month study. state auditor. James Jackson with a $1000 visioned. t Holy Family juniors are pl~nQuestionnaires were sent, to coI'lege scholarship. James won ning their prom, to take place 35 Canadian institutions engaged What ,the state would pay The State government would the award as a United States Friday, April 17 at Ken~~dy primarily in training candi~ates then appropriate a fund from would be the salary of those Senate Youth Program delegate, Center. Heading the decoratl9ns for ordination or for some direct which such services could be teachers who teach secular subone 'of 102 across the nation. committee is Beth Humphrey, ministry in the Church. Thirty purchased and they could be iects that are also taught in pub,Also part of the prize were a ' withBea .Guilmette in charge I of replied. Project director was from only this fund. "No money iic schools. week's tour and stay in Wash- tickets. Theme wi[[ be "Thro~gh Father John Hochban, S.J., regis- raised by taxation in the towns The secular subjects referred ington. .. the Looking Glass" and p~oceeds trar at the Toronto School of and cities for the support ,of the to are "one of the following , Christian Life Commumtle~ of will help to defray semor ex- Theology and Regis College here. public' schools and no. monies courses found in the curricula of Connolly, Prevost and Jesu~ penses for class mem~ers.'! Enrich Preparation ' which may be approprIated by the public schools of the comMary will sponsor a meat pie: And Principal's List makers "There is a growing trend in the commonwealth for the 'sup- , monwea!th, and which does not supper from 5 to ~ Saturday at Dominican indude Seni9rs Canada," the report. states, port of common schools shall contain subject matter expressnight, Feb. 1,4 at, Notre. Dame Elaine Lapointe, Pat Leduc, Eli?:-, "toward closer cooperatIOn be- be used either for the purch!1se . ing religious teaching or the school hall. Proceeds wIll help abeth von Trapp, Denise Arse-'tween theological schools to pro- of secular educational services moral doctrines or forms of wordefray c~sts of a Summer Insti-" nault and Jeanine Letendre. i vide theological education and here under or in connection with ship of any sect: language a~ts, tute of Christian Action to be Juniors are Elizabeth Almeida, . training for the, ministry in ,~n the administration of this chap- mathematics, modern foreign held in August at. St. Franci.s Susan languages, physical science, phyCosta, Jo Anne Pitera, ecumenical context, 'preferably 10 ter:" College, Biqdeford, Me., The DI- Vivianne' "To be eligible to receive pay- sical education, vocational edu.Beaudoin, Suzanne connection with a major tiniverocesan Queen of Peace Union of Caron, Janet Ross, Gail Leite. : ment under contracts entered cation and business education," 'sity. , ' .. Christian Life Communities, into ... a nonpublic school shall The 'salary that will be paid Sophomores indude ,Cheryl ' "Propinquity' to such a Ul1lwhich has chapters in' all Fall have a policy of open enroll- will be "the base amount in dolRomanowicz, Cynthia Raposo,' versity, puts theol~gical schools River and New Bedford Diocesan Sheryl Nowak, Pauline Dion, ,within re~ch of intellectual stirn- ment, shall have employed in lars actually paid by nonpublic high schools, 'is official host of Monique Desmarais, Denise Can- .ullition ana makes. po~sible' a courses contracted for, solely schools to a nonpublic school SICA '70. It's announced that textbooks and other instruction' I, 'variety of interdisciplinary and al materials approved' by the teacher and not including allowamong keynote speakers for the tin.And freshmen ances, contributions or credits are Louise D~s- interprofessional, ,associations event will be Rev. John ,Camp- rochers, Diare Melancon, Jeanp.e ' that can greatlyenrichprepara- commissioner, and shall have at- for any form of insurance, for bell, S.J., former 'national direcAnne Marie 'Baptista, Ro- tion for the ministry,".it asserts. tained a satisfactory level of retirement or pension funds for tor of Summer Schools of Cath- Dore Dube, Loufse Lafle*r, Ecum'enical cooperation in pupil performance in standard- the 'value of contributed services, olic Action, and Rev. Richard chell~ Susan Rebello, Margaret Vezi!la,' theological edu~ation alr~ady e~ ized tests approved by the com- for the cost of additional teacher Madden, O.C.D. training or education. or for any Denise ,Patenaude, Madele1Oe, ists in'. varying degrees 10 Hah- missioner." Honor Roll "Any public school seeking other fringe benefit." Furtado Nancy Francoeur. , fax' Montreal" Toronto, SaskaHighest 'honors at ~revost "Such salaries shall be deemed Tomo'rrow junioi~ 'and seni'or too~, Edmondton and, Vancouver. such reimbursement (in payment) High for the first semester went secretarial ,stude~ts, ,at DA Wiil! . ' The most significant' project is shail maintain such accounting in any case to be limit~d to the to Juniors Richard Garand and take a field trip to a Boston bus- the '. recently' formed.Toronto procedures, including mainten- salary paid in the pubhc school Roger Ouellette; and to Sopho- iness school; ,While Freshman' School' of Theology, comprising ance of separate funds and ac- system of the public school di~ mores Richard Tremblay and Class 9B will' give a Varenti~e' seven theological' ,schools-Em- counts pertaining to the cost of trict in which the nonpubhc educational services as to school is located, for the teacher Ronald Gendreau. One, 'senior, program· for residents at :t~e manuel College (Uriited Chu~ch); secular establish that it actually expend- of similar experience and edufour juniors and four sopho-' Catholic Memorial "Home. " I Knox' College . (PresbyterIan); ed in support of such services an cation." mores merited high honors; and 'On todaY'sagen~a'atDA'isi~ honors were won by eight seniors, seven JUIliors and 'five soph- Mass 01)' the, the~e "Love a.f>ld Cite-shnportcu,ce Brotherhood;" which will ,be c~l- Of ·w' , 0' m" a'n' P'O'",:er ',,' omores. ebrated for juniors and seniors WashiJlgton's Birthday is the CINCINNATI, (NC) _ Today's date for a faculty-student bas- by Rev. Maurice Jeffrey and Rev. Richard Gendreau. world needs woman's involveketball garr-e at Jesus-M~ry, ment and may not survive withwhile seniors at the Fall River Di~conatet Plan I out it-according to a Cincingirls' academy will take !in Army aptitude test, come L1O- . SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Pla~s nati woman who is very much coin's Birthday. What this for the establishment of a per- involved. Mrs. James M.' Dolbey, namanent diaconate in the San 'Anproves, we don't know. Former Latin students were tonio archdiocese moved forwa~d tional' president of Church guests of honor at a banquet when Archbishop' Francis J, Women United, said here that 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven held by the Dominic~n Academy Furey announced the appoint- the woman's liberation moveLatin Club, while the Folk Club ment of 11 men to serve on t~e ment required as much courage 994-5058 will sponsor a coffee house pro- admissions board· to screen pc;>- as the black revolution and was just as necessary., gram in' DA's auditoJ;'iI,lm Friday, tential candidateS.
Educ~tion' Trend .Toward Training in Ecumen'ical Context
Report on Canadq's .Theology
Seek Court Ruling on
24.HQur Wrecker Service
Catholic School Closings Mean Increasing Taxes
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Sees Revolution-Social or Bloody' even if it means losing friends, central business district stores and shops for several months. money and church support. "We are called to be prophets, White leaders iii Cairo have and you know what happened to blamed the priest for Cairo's them;" he said, racial troubles, which have in· "If you want to get a white cluded frequent outbursts of man, you hit him in the pocket- shooting. Bishop Zuroweste has book-and it hurts. The only said he has given Father Montsalvation for the black commu- roy support. nity is to organize, organize, organize," he added. f'ersonnel Problem problems, in a talk at ImmacuBishop Albert R. Zuroweste of late Conception Seminary, his Belleville, III., sent Father Mont· SARASOTA (NC) - A reoralma mater, he said the clergy- roy to Cairo in August 1968 to ganization of a priests' personnel man must be a public conscience help create economic, social and unit designed to alleviate probreligious programs among that ,Iems involving assignments of priests in the St. Petersburg community's poor. Two Views He has been a leader of the diocese has been effectcd by thc A sens~ of duty' is useful in diocesan Senate of Priests here work but offensive in personal United Front, which has been in- in Florida. volved in a black boycott of relations. -Russell CONCEPTION (NC)-"Unless
SAN ANTONIO (NC)-"Taxes will increase for every America. wants a bloody revolutaxpayer in Texas if our Catholic schools are forced to tion in five or ten years, it had close." This prediction of Archbishop Francis J.' Furey of bettcr start a social revolution now," Father Gerald Montroy, San Antonio has been 'conveyed to lay leaders and moder- who has been deeply immersed ' in the racial troubles of Cairo, ators of the 23 organizations be forthcoming," nevertheless III., told a seminary audiencc affiliated with the Archdi- warned that the "ever-increasing in Missouri. . ocesan Council of Catholic salaries required for highly hcre Speaking about the involveMen. .The Archbishop has trained teachers," as well as ment of c1crgy in black ghetto onnounced the beginning of the "skyrocketing costs at every first p:lases of a "campaign of level of education," will necessier.lightenmeot and education by tate help from either the federal the Texas Catholic Conference or state government. Choice of Schools to help build support for legislaHe said that' this financial tion which would make state educational assistance available crisis is facing not only Catholic schools but schools staffed by to private schools in Texas. "We all know, we all admit other faiths such as Lutherans, that in Texas, as in every other Episcopalians and Je;ws. Noting it is doubtful any help state, our private schools cannot go on forever without some pub~ can be expected SOQn from the lie assistance. We can go on for federal government, he said the a number of years but we are next step is up to the state. going to come to the end of the Archbishop Furey outlined the line without state aid," the fight for state aid being conArchbishop declared. ducted by the Conference and "There are people," hc added" Citizens for, Educational Free"who don't realize what it would dom. The latter, he pointed out, mean psychologically, morally "is a non-religious, non-partisan and spiritually if private schools group fighting for a fundamental are forced to close. "And one of American right-the right to a the consequences of the end of freedom of choice in education. private education will be an in- "Without private schools," 'he creased burden on the public said, "there will be no choice," system and an increased tax burFundamental Right den on Texas citizens of whatFurther stressing the· imporever denomination, he stressed. tance' of non-public schools,' the ' Basic Justice "We've got ·to get thesc facts Archbishop pointed out that across to the general public, Pope Leo XIII said "It is not sound out our potential and enough to teach religion as a prospective legislators and find subject. Instead, it is necessary out in advance how they feel for every subject to be permeated with religion. ' about this issue," he asserted. "Do you want your children to "We hope to get the aid and assistance ,of others besides know about God and religion?"· Catholics. The Presbyterians, he asked. "If you do, you will Lutherans, Episcopalians, Jews want your child taught, along and others have a stake in this. religious lines. We are fighting "We feel," thc'Archbishop for a fundamental American continued, "that there :is a mat- right. It will take work and sacter of justice here-basic justice rifice on the part of everyone of for our children. And we have you to accomplish our goals." too much invested in blood, swcat and tears to ,let our Announces Support schools go down the drain." ,Assistance Necessary For Grape Boycott The Conference, composed of SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Supthe II Bishops of the state, will port for the table grapc boycott have a lay representative in each being spearheaded by the United diocese who can coordinate the Farm Workers Organizing Comschool aid drive in preparation mittee headed by Cesar Chavez for the 1971 legislative session. was announced by the San AnThe importance of the new tonio archdiocesan Commission Texas Catholic Conference drive on Church and Society'. was also emphasized by the At the same time, the San Anarchbishop at a meeting of the tonio Grape Boycott Committee archdiocesan Federation of Cath- coordinated by Franklin Garcia, olic Parent-Teacher Clubs.' He international representative of observed that non-public schools the Meat Cutters Union,. exare being besieged by mounting pressed hope for "all-out support costs at virtually every level and the churches" as it begins cannot survive without outside , from to extend the boycott to major financial support and added that, San Antonio and South Texas while the help is bound to come, supermarket chains. it will require work and sacrifice The local boycott,' similar to, on the part of citizens who bethose called in several other licve in private education. The Archbishop, stressing his states, has received pledges of belief that "help will eventually support from 500 persons who were among the more than 1,000 people who attended a rally in January here which featured Appeals Decision Chavez as the speaker. On Replacement At that time, Archbishop SALTIMORE (NC) - The city Francis J. Furey expressed his of Batimore appealed a decision support for the cause of the farm by the Superior ,Court of Balti- workers in their struggle to atmore, City that replacement tain the right of collective barcosts be paid to churches "con: gaining. demned for public purposes. The ruling was handed down .Celibacy Survey last May in a case involving the LONDON (NC)-The Catholic city and three "condemned" Baptist churches in the inner-city. Laity Commission here is planThree other intervening defend- ning a survey among Catholic ants including the Baltimore lay groups on obligatory celibacy Catholic archdiocese 'were in- for priests. Kevin Muir, the commission secretary, said the survolved in that decision. Thl) issue involves the finan- vey is being taken despite the cial compensation of churches talk by Pope Paul VI upholding whr.n the city has reason to ac- the celibacy obligation for quire the property on which the priests. Muir said th-e survcy is merely seeking ,information. church structure exists.
THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH SEND YOUR Thl! Right RI!I'(!fl!nd Edward T. O'Ml!ara National Director 366 Filth AI'I!nllC New York, Nl!w York 1000/
Tlrc Right Rcv('Tl!/ld Raymu/ld r. CO/lsidi/le DiOCI!Sl1/I Dirl!ctur 368 Nurtl' Main Street Fall Ril'cr, Massacll/lsCIIs 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Bernad-ette ,Devlin,'s -"'Boo'l(Series of Vivid Pictures
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall. River 02722.
, By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. KennE!dy How many people write autobiographiE~s at the: age ,of '22? Bernadette Devlin disclaims any such intention in the foreword to The Price of My Soul (Knopf, :501 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. $5.95). But her t>ook is autobiography none the ' : less. It ,is also she says "an nies the charge that she is Com'. ' munist and declares that: the attempt to explam how the Communists hav;~ had no hand complex of economic, social, in the demonstrations for :civil and political problems 'of rights and social justice.
ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Men of St. Joseph will attend a Communion breakfast in the school hall following 8:15 Mass Sunday morning. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild will sponsor a whist party at 7:30 Saturday night, Feb. 14 in the school hall on Rdute 177. '
Northern Ireland threw up the ~armth, .Humo~. : . phenomenon" of herself. She was Her ,PIcture. ot. condltlO!1~ .m. born in CooksUls~er IS convIncIng. Her l~~lg~ ST. PATRI~K, town, Ulster, in n.atIon at them ,and. deter"'\InaDR. DHARMENDRA FALL RIVER 1947. Her partlOn to work for radical cha~ge ents, both Cath. a.re understandable. Her dedlcaThe Women's Guild will sponolics, exempli~Ion to the cause of all the. wor~-, sor a Valentine whist at 8 Saturfied in their l~g p~ople,\ ,:",hatcever their relI day night,. Feb. 14 in the school glOn, IS. admlrab~e. . ' I. own lives some auditorium, ' with Mis. Joseph of the characShe IS a bel1E'vIn~ CatholIc, NEW BRUNSWICK (NC)-A Drobyski as chairman. She anteristics of the but outspokenly critical. of ~ the noted' leprologist from India has nounces that gifts for the event country. ElizaChurch m Ireland,. which Is~e been named to receive the 1970 may be brought to the school bebeth D ev lin ~alls ultr~-cqnservatlve and, In married J 0 h n ItS J;lractlce, an obstacle,.to Damien-Dutton _Award for out- tween 7 and 9 tomorrow night Devlin against equalIty and freedom. She de~.les, standing work in the eradication and that anyone wishing to volunteer assistance in preparations the wishes of that the Church .ha.s anyt~l~g of leprosy and the rehabilitation may contact her. , her proud mother, who did not' to fear from a SOCialIst order m of its sufferers. He is Dr. Dharmendra (he uses OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, .' .. I consider the young, man good her coun~ry. enough. For her choice, Eliza~he wnt~~ ea~lly, gIVIng us .a no first name), a leprosy consul- NEW BEDFORD ' beth was penalized for the rest senes of vIvid plcture~. There IS tant in 'several countries for the The PTA will meet at .-7:30 of her life. But her marriage ~ar!fith and humor In her ,de- World Health Organization. was a good one. ,plctIon of people. She forese~s Sunday night, Feb. 15 in the Announcement oithe 18th an. no woeat career Jor herself I In school. Members are requested John DevlIn, a carpenter, was the Parliament at, Westminister, nual award was made at路 the to bring canned goods and gifts Damien Dutton Society head, .' forced to go to Engl.and to work of which, because of herexperifor a Family Games Party to be ~e~a~se, for unexplamed reasons, cnce there, she has a very low quarters here to coincide with held in April. Arthur DeMello World Leprosy Day, which will ~IS Insurance car~ w~s. stamped opinion. : will speak on h9using and rewith, the words P?lItIcal sus-, 'Religious and political troubles be observed Sunday, Feb.' 15. lated problems of area residents. Howard E. Crouch, founder-dipect and nobody In Northern feature also in Diane Davidsoh's Mrs. Gloria Ferreira and' Mrs. Ireland would employ him." , novel, Feversham (Crown, 419 rector of the society, announced' Dolores Vasconcellos will be I~ was her fath.er v: ho acPark Ave., So., New York, N.:Y., the presentation will be made hostesses for a social hour. quaInte~ B~rnadet~e wl~h her 10016. $6.50), (the story of; a during the annual Sprin'g seminar c~untry s hl~tory. IncludIng the murder, its antecedents, and 'its on leprosv held by American ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, allen plantatl~n of the ~o~t~ after aftermath in Tudor, England, Leprosy Missions at the U. S. ClENTRAL VILLAGE the Reforma~lOn,~he diVISion .of during the reign of Heriry Public Health Service LeprosariMrs. Matilda Schelter, chairth~ ~oun.try 10 1~~1, and th.e dl~VIII's spindly son, scarely dut um at Carville, La., by a mem- man,' has announced that a Valber of the society's board of entine Whist Party will be held cnmInatIon agaInst CatholIcs In of childhood, Edward VI. Ulster. In the town of Feversham. ,in p,overnors, Father Joseph Walter, at 8 on Saturday night, Feb. 14. Problem of Ulster Kent, Alice Arden, wife of I a S.J., director of the CathoJic MedDespite t~e family's poverty prosperous, landgr,abbing aspir- ical Mission Board, New York HOlLY NAME, NlEW BEDFORD and her father's early death, Ber- art to position and title, is ac- City. The Women's Guild will sponThe Damien-Dutton Society nadette managed to get an ed- cused of the murder of her husucation, finally reaching Queens' band. She and those said to be provides funds for research, med- sor a Valentine Card Party at University in Belfast. Here she her accomplices are swiftly tried, ical assistance, rehabilitation, ed- 8 on Wednesday evening, Feb. was involved in debating clubs found guilty, condemned to ucation and recreation for lep- 18 in the parish hall at County rosy patients regardless of race and Studley Streets. and political groups among the death. I Mrs. Roland Blanchard and students. Here, too, she came to Alice is the step-daughter of or creed, in' all parts of the see the problem of Ulster in a Sir Edward North, already w~ll world. Its members are priests, Mrs. James Welch, co-chairmen, new light. placed in court cirdes and arit- Religious, and lay people of all have announced that it is open to the public and door prizes willTraditionally it was Pr~tes- bitiou~ f?r f';1rther wealth, P?~er, faiths., ,Dr. Dharmendra, born Feb. 4, be ,awarded. Refreshments will tant ,against Catholic, Catholic . and distInctIOn. If he~ convlctIqn against Protestant in the North. c~nnot. be ,reversed, ,hiS prospects 1900, in' Lahore,,-studied at K. E. be served, Medical College, Lahore; Punjab S11'. S11'ANISLAUS, But really, as she concluded, re- wIll Wither. , I Univ~rsity and the University of ligion wa.s being used to divide Holds Interest I, FALL RlIVER the workmg classes and prevent He "engages his' friend ' Sir London. He started his career The seventh and eighth grade them from making concerted, Thomas Cheyney to search tile as a research worker at the Cal- students will sponsor a spaghetti cutta School of Tropical Mediirresistible demands for social case for any, semblance of errdr supper from 5 to 8 on Saturday justice. which can be used to get Alic'e cine in 1928, and for more than evening in the school hall. Tick40 years since ha3 been engaged And this division was the work off. ': ets will be available at the door. not only of the wealthy ProtesIn .doing so, Cheyney closely in research, teaching, treatment, The Men's Club will have a control and welfare activities tants, but of the better off Catti- questions all the condemned. He 'Communion Breakfast 'after the olics as well. finds that, quite apart from wish- pertaining to leprosy. 8:45 Mass on Sunday morning, . The movement which develop- ing to accommodate so well Feb. 22 in the school hall. Joe ed in 1968, and resulted in placed a friend as North, he is Andrews, an outstanding Durfee marches and riots in 1968 and himself anxious to save Alice, laymen Permitted athlete of the past, will be the -- 1969, was not, in her eyes or this for reasons which do not To Give Communion guest speaker. in those of other organizers as- become clear to him until the NASHVILLE (NC)-Permission sociated with her, one of re- close of the narrative. 'I ligious prot~st, but aimed 'at a The story holds one's inter- for laymen to distribute Communion will be granted any ge~uine democracy. v:hich, she e~t throughout. It is cleverly belIeves, c.an be attamed only pieced together' and, except fo~ priest or parish in Tennessee requesting and needing such American'sEconomy King by revolutIOn. And she further one or two lapses into cliche F"r tbe Best Deal Come To believes that' revolution must shows a nice talent for the use help, Bishop Joseph A. Durick of Nashville announced. come i~ the South as well. of the la~guage; I Broadway Rambler He said permission will be Her first hand account of the But perhaps more impressive INC. troubles in the past two years than the fiction which Mrs. Da J granted in any of three situaRAYNHAM, Mass. on Rt. 138 is graphic but avoids melodrama. vidson has imaginatively created tions: 768 BROADWAY She describes the successive from the known facts of this The 路absence, insufficient numClIIARLES J. DUMAIS. Pres. marches in which she partici- actual case, is her conveying of, bers, of those who are considpated, especially the Londonder- the spirit, the social character I -ered ministers of the Eucharistry march of 1968, the long march and the attitudes of mid-six:: ordained priests and deacons. from Belfast to Londonderry in teenth-century Englaind. The difficulties involved in 1969, and the terrible hostilities' Under Edward, theProtestant-'! at Bogside in the same year. ization of the island was beingl discharging this ministry by a INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. .~II of these saw the pol~ce vigorously. pushed. The people priest who is ill or elderlY. The inconvenience experienced faIlmg to protect marchers, In- were, in many if not most in-] 96 WILLIAM, STREET deed attacking them,~ and the stances, attached to the old be- I ,by the Christian assembly when NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Bogside riot is shown to be en- liefs and observances. Their dis~ I the time of distribution is unduly prolonged, particularly in protirel~ of th~ir doing.. may at the dislocation they were i 998-5153 997-9167 Mls~ I?evlIn proclaims hers~1f undergoing, and the ,loss they i portion to the time c~nsumed by PERSONAL SERVICE a SOCialIst, and says that lIfe felt, are effectively communi- I the other parts of the EUCharistiC .celebration. has made her one. She de- cated. -
Leprosy Expert Award Winn'er
HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Explanations of cha!,ges in the liturgy to take effect on Palm Sunday will be held at 7:30 Tuesday evenings Feb. 17 and 24 in the school hall. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Following a 7:30 Mass Wednesd,ay evening, Feb. i8 new members will be received into St. Anne Sodality. Former Children of Mary members are invited- to join the unit at this time. After a business meeting, there will be a games program at the church hall. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER ' CYO members will sponsor a fashion show at 7:30 Wednesday night, Feb. 25 at The Coachmen restaurant. Norman B. Weinstein will be commentator and models will include CYOers and their parents. Miss Deborah Medeiros is chairman. Tickets will be available at the door. During Lent confessions will be. heard at 6:30 in the morning and 3:30 in the afternoon daily. On Saturdays the schedule will ' be 3 to 3:45 in the afternoon -and 7 to 8 at night. - A Portuguese parish mission is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 22 through Saturday, Feb. 28, with services at 7 nightly. Rev. Joaquim Silva, C.M. will be mission director. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH New officers - of the Holy Holy Name Society are Leslie Ryder, president; Joseph Colgan, vice-president; Walter West secretary; Edward Starr, trea~urer. Installation ceremonies were highlighted by an address from MSgr. Christopher BroderiCk, St. Pius X pastor, and by presentation of a check for the church building fund by Vincent Fowler, outgoing路 president. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD Initial social event of the newly-formed parish Couples Club was a Valentine dance, held in the parish haIl. Chairmen were Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Racine, aided by Mr. and Mrs. Ar, thur Villeneuve and a large committee. Highlighting the evening was a theme song with lyrics by Rev. ' Roger LeDuc. A. large heart painted by Edgar D. Trudeau' emphasized the Valentine theme.
944 County St. New Bedford
992-6216 NEW BEDFORD
Lenten Pa,storal Continued from Page One Our Blessed Lord, echoed by St. John and St. Paul, summed up the whole ,message of religion by insisting that we love God first, and then our neighbor as ourselves. "How can anyone say he loves God, Whom we do not see, when he hates his neighbor whom he sees?" "Little children love one another as I have loved you," such was Our Lord's last message to the apostles. "We are all stewards spending God-given talents to make the world better for our being h<;re, and to enrich our souls so that we may find ourselves at home in heaven. "As we go into the Lenten season, we know that it shares in the mortification and Passion of Christ. There should be sacrifice; otherwise we lack something essential. And surely there has to be prayer. Here is where we find ourselves at our best. "Mind and heart and will turn in adoration and thanks to the Good God Who sent us a Redeemer. We renew and share His offering of Himself for us in holy Mass. In every parish, Our Lord on the altar is the first and chief parishioner. He wants us to join with Him in giving praise and thanks to the Father. We ap- . r-roach Him through 'Christ Our Lord, Amen.' He is our media" tor. He lives to make intercession for us. "As good Catholics, we believe this. But do we always act in the belief? Is our prayer chiefly a matter of what we want? Is it prompted more by need than by Faith? "Is there not such a thing as prayer of gratitude or fervent thanks for all that God has done for us: health, home, happiness, and the undeserved summons to an eternity with the bll::ssed. Ev~ry day, w~, are, hlV(~ed ..tp 'proclaim the mystery of Faith: and we reply: 'Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.' In the hope of a glorious Resurrection. we live through Lent. If our Faith is faint, we pray God to strengthen it. 'I believe, o God, help my unbelief.' 'Lord teach us to pray.' If we are stifled and discouraged in good intent, we might well turn thinks around, and ask to be made instruments of peace, replacing hatred by love, injury by pardon, seeking more to understand than to be understood, more happy to give than to receive. "This is like providing an antidote to cure disease. And there is sickness of soul in society today. Too much self-pity, too much escapism, too much concern for ourselves. In a spirit of Christian confidence, let us cast our cares on the Lord. He is as near to us as our conscience. It is a pity that we talk together so little. Talking to the Lord is prayer. May we have more of it, confident, constant, remembering that there are things religious, social, and material that only we can do. "If we fail to grasp the chance to be peace-maker, comforter, or guide in and out of the home, things go from bad to worse. "Here I am, Lord, send me," must always be part of prayer. 'What would you have 'me do?' "But the best prayer is the Lord's Prayer. 'Our Father, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Will be done on earth, as it is is heaven. Forgive us as we forgive th9se about us. Let us not be left to fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Freedom is a great gift, but it must always be tested in the light of Faith. "There can be no better use ~f free choice than that w~ ma,ke
THE ANCHORThurs.• Feb. 12, 1970
Proposes Church Ul1lity Plan
Pope Names Three Auxiliary Bishops Two Prelates to Serve in New York, One in Alaska WASHINGTON (NC)-The associate general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and of the United States Catholic Conference is one of three priests Pope Paul VI has just elevated to the hierarchy in the United States, Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, announced here. Msgr. Francis T. Hurley has been named titular bishop of Daimlaig and auxiliary to Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan, apostolic administrator of Juneau, Alaska. Archbishop Ryan is also archbishop - of Anchorage, Alaska, but Msgr. Hurley will be his auxiliary only for the Juneau diocese. Msgr. Patrick V. Ahern, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Church, the Bronx, has been named by Pope Paul to be titular bishop of Naiera and auxiliary to Terence Cardinal Cooke, aFchbishop of New York. Msgr: Edward D. Head, director of Catholic Charities of the archdiocese of New York, has been named titular bishop of Ardsratha and auxiliary to Cardinal Cooke. Bishop-d~signateFrancis Hurley is a brother of Bishop Mark J. Hurley, recently installed as the Ordinary of Santa Rosa, Calif. His work in Washington for the bishops of the United States, first as assistant general secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and, since 1~68, as associate general secretary of both the NCCB and USCC, has made him one of the best known priests in the United States. Bishop-designate 'Hurley was born in San Francisco, Jan. 12, 1927, the son of Mark J. and Josephine (Keohane) Hurley. His father is deceased; his mother resides in San Francisco. Secretary to Cardinal Bishop-designate Ahern was born in New York City, Mirch 8, 1919, the son of Patrick J. and Margaret (Flood) Ahern, both of whom are deceased. He attended Blessed Sacrament grammar "'lllllllllllll'''I1IHlI1l11lt1ll11ll1'''"IIl11I1IUII''llllltHlllUIl''llllmllmmillllllllIIlmlttllm.
it serve God every moment of our life, and our neighbor for the love of God. Lententime is the season for planting this idea. Please God, it may grow and give meaning to the mystery of life, which is simple enough when we remember 'God has made us for Himself,' and our hearts will not rest until they find peace in Him.' Faith, in prayer, finds true peace,"
school and St. Agnes' high school, both in New York City, Manhattan .College for one year and Cathedral College, New York, for two years. He made his seminary studies at St. Joseph's in Yonkers. He was ordained -Jan. 27, 1945. the Following ordination, bishop-elect made studies at St. Louis University and the University of Notre Dame in kerygmatic theology. He has held pastoral assignments at St. Helena's parish, the Bronx, and St. Patrick's Cathedral parish. He was a member of the New York Apostolate Mission Band from 1947 to 1954; professor of homiletics and catechetics at St. Joseph's Sefuinary from 1955 to 1958; secretary to Francis Cardinal Spellman from 1958 to 1967, and pastor of Our Lady of ·the Angels Church since 1967. Catholic Charities Director Bishop-designate Head was born in White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1919, the son of Charles William and Nellie (O'Donoghue) Head, both of whom are de-
Teachers' Demands Exceed $3 Million PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Contract demands totaling more than $3 million have been presented to the archdiocesan high school system by the Association of Catholic Teachers, bargaining agent for the more than 830 lay teachers in the 31 high schools of the Philadelphia archdiocese. Included in the contract demands are proposals for salary increases ranging from $2,000 for beginning te~chers (who now earn $6,009 a year) to $4,500 for teachers with more than 10 years experience (who now make $9,400 per year). Other monetary demands in current contract talks are annual cost-of-Iiving increases for teachers with 10 years service and salary increases for department heads and for teachers wth more than 10 years in the school system. The association, an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO), has also asked tenure for teachers after four semesters of service instead of six and a strict seniority and a Religious-lay teacher ratio system in the event that the number of teachers is reauced in the archdiocesan system.
ceased. He attended St. Luke's elementary school, the Bronx; St. Ann's Academy, New York; Cathedral College and St. Joseph's Seminary. He was ordained, Jan. 27, 1945, by Cardinal Spellman. He made postordination studies at Columbia University, New York, taking a master's degree in social work. The bishop-designate has held pastoral assignments in Sacred Heart parish, the Bronx; St. Roch's parish, Staten Island; and St. Veronica's and St. Monica's parishes in New York City. He taught at Notre Dame College: Staten Island, in 1946 and 1947. He was appointed to the staff of Catholic Charities in 1947, and was named director in October, 1966.
Bushop Insta lied In California SANTA ROSA (NC)-St. Eugene's cathedral here was filled to capacity for the ceremony marking the installation of Bishop Mark J. Hurley as second ordinary of Santa Rosa. Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, conducted the installation of the former auxiliary bishop of San Francisco, with James Francis Cardinal McIntyre of I:os Angeles presiding in the sanctuary. Bishops from throughout the United States, civic officials, ministers of other faiths, and relatives including the bishop's' mother, Mrs. Joseph Hurley, Sr., and his brother Msgr. Francis?T. Hurley, assistant general secretary of the U. S. Catholic Conference and a Mass concelebrant, were in attendance. In his homily during the installation ceremony, Bishop Hurley quoted another bishop, St. Augustine of Hippo: "For you, I am a bishop; but with you I am a Christian ,;, ,;, ':' The first office is a danger to me; the second is salvation. If then I am happier by far to be redeemed with you than I am to be placed over you, I shall, as the Lord commended, be more completely your servant."
Propose Archbishop For Nobel Prize THE HAGUE (NC) - Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, has been proposed as a candidate for the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize by Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement. A letter signed by Cardinal Alfrink of Utrecht, Pax Christi president, and C. Ter Maat, the movement's secretary, said: "For years, . Dom Camara has stood up for better world relations. As bishop of Olinda and Recife, he devotes himself to the cause of social justice. His example and endeavor 'is important for the whole of Latin America as well as for other continents." The Pax Christi letter continued: "By his constant struggle against injustice in behalf of the oppressed and by carrying out his program of renewal and training of young leaders, he contributes in a real and exemplary way to cooperative development, which is a must for securing a prospect of world peace."
1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111J1 III III III III 11111111 III 111111 III 111111111
• • •
Busy Find Time' Those who have most to do, and are willing to work, will find the most time. -Smiles
LONDON (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Christopher Butler, O.S.B. of Westminster proposed at a London unity service the idea of a "g)'eat church" of the future in 'which a separate Anglican Church would be in communion with Rome and acknowledge the primacy of the Pope. The Bishop, vicar general to John Cardinal Heenan and one of the leading intellectuals in the English church, said that under such a scheme the Anglicans could retain their own bishops, liturgy and other traditions. He said he did not consider the field of disagreement between the two churches involved essentials. Bishop Butler told reporters later that papal primacy should not present any greater difficulty to Anglicans in the future than the present formal status of Queen Elizabeth as "Supreme Governor" of the Church of England. The bishop, himself a former Anglican and now a member of the Joint Permanent AnglicanRoman Catholic Unity Commismission liere, said the proposal was not new. It was made as long ago as the Malines Conversations in the 1920s when English Catholics and Anglicans held unofficial talks at Malines, Belgium, on the question of reunion. "It is entirely orthodox," he added.
90-DAY NOTICE TIME OPEN ACCOUNT Interest Compounded Quarterly
P@pal Oversea~ FUfid Appeal
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Continued from Page One and so generous, that this relief work of American Catholics probably gives more help, to more people, than any other group in ahe world," the Pope said. "You have done a great' deal' but much more still re.' to be done" '.. mams In recent years contl'1~utlOns to the annual overseas aId f)lnd during Lent by U. S. school children . h.ave exceeded more than $1 mllhon a year. The annual appeals are conducted under auspices of the U. S. bishops.
As~erts ~ nBti~t~v@ lBe;I@[('ljg~ To AJI Leve~s of ChUf~h1, I By Msgro George Go Higgins Director, Division of Urban lLife, U.S.C"C.
Sometime within the next month or two Little, BrQwn and Company will publish a new book entitled "Silence of Pius XII" by Carlo Falconi, an Italian pIiest who Iresigned from the ministry some 10 or 15 years ago an4 is ,l ' now a prominent journalist . . . and author living in Rome. m the Church. In hIS VIew, I,the . " . structure of the Church requ,lres The word "silence In Fal- that "initiatives must mainly coni's title refers to Pius come from below >I' "*" I
The 1970 appeal will' be c1imaxed during the second phase of the campaign for adults with the traditional Laetare Sunday, March 8, collection, taken' up in parishes throughout the country. . . . The fund IS the prmc!pal source of revenue for operatIOns of Catholic Relief Services, the overseas aid agency of U. S. Catholics. As a result of last year's campaign CRS was enabled to alleviate sufferings of more than 40 million destitute in 70 countries.
Pope '8 Message to U.S. Students
Dear Children:' other lands, such as Vietnam, XII's real or alleged failure to . He arg.ues that the oppo~ite This is your Holy Father, Palestine, and Latin America. speak out effectively against the vIew (whIch he charactenzes as speaking to you from the VatiNow, the only way they can mass murder of ecclesiastical "triumphalism") iex can, as we do every year on the send this help to boys and girls several million alts the Pope's authority at the first day of Lent. During this just like you, in many countries, Jews by the expense of his power. "This,"i he season of self-denial and sacri- who. have' not enough food, or Nazi regime in says, "inhibits the growth of it he fice, We would remind you of schools, or hospitals, or even Germany. Sight church by first discouraging, all the millions of boys and girls, in good homes to live in, is by the unseen I would but Papal initiatives and then: by many countries of the world, support you and your parents expect'Falconi's encouraging the Pope to make who are poor, hungry, sick, contribute to the program of the running. In case after c~se book to be exyour bishops. tremely critical all that happens is, that the Pope SPEAKER: Bishop Samuele Ruiz without a home or shelter. of the Pope. speaks and that is that." i' Garcia of Chiapas, Mexico., We tell you of their sufferings, And you have been so good, addressed the opening session so that you will use your little and so generous, that this relief Our readers will Wrong Quarter recall that this Applying this argument to the of the 7th' annual conference sacrifices during Lent to help work of :American Catholics same charge of Hoch~uth-Lewy-Falconi att,ck of the Catholic. Inter-American and comfort them, by giving of probably gives more help, to culpable "silence" on PlUS XII, Professor Jo~n con- Cooperation Program in Wash- vour self-denial to the Annual more people, than any other Overseas Aid Fund of your bish- group in the world. was levelled against Pius XII tends that the' "reproof is 'di- ington. D.C. NC Photo. ops. You have done ,a great deal; very' dramatically, just a few rected to the wro~g quarte~'''1 For m9re than 25 years, your but much more still remains to years ago, by Rolf Hochhuth in In other words, he contmues, Texas Classes bishops have been sending be done. That is why, today, we a controversial play entitled "the persecution of the Jews was wholesome food: warm clothing, ask you to give as much as you "The Deputy." , , not something that could h~ve 'For H@:ill'll<dlic:apped The publication of "The- Dep- been coped with by any papal SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Ecu- and good medicine, to millions of possibly can do to the collection uty" and its presentation on the pronouncement in the way often menical Bible classes for excep- needy children. This wonderful for your bishops' overseas aid stage in London" New York, assum~d. It was the. duty a,nd tional children of various reli-' work is done by Catholic Relief . fund. We ask you in our own name; Rome and other major cities the failure of the ordmary Cath - gious fajths in this Texas area Services, as the bishops' agen<;y stirred up a rather nasty contro- olic at the level of the parisI:t are pla~ned under a program co- abroad, in performing this im- we ask· you also in the name of portant task of the Church, in all the children, everywhere on versy. The media, as might have and diocese that we must lo:ok ordinated by the archdiocesan earth, who will be helped by been expected, played up this to. I Confraternity of Christian Doc- the world of today. So, if you support this annual your sacrifices and donations controversy for all it was worth. If the Pope could have stop.d trine office. In due time, however, the public at the head of the Church of hIS Sister Bridget Bugden, pro- appeal actively and generously, and prayers. suddenly got tired of it all and day-not over it 0:: outside itt- gram ~o-ordinator, said inter- you are obeying Our Lord's 'Give With Love' turned its fickle attention to and spoken out 01' the context faith classes in religion will be teaching to love one another, You can provide them with a other matters. of intense aspostolic action lat established in as many neigh- and to help our brothers and nourishing school lunch each day Attitude of lProstrllltlon every level but particularly tl1at borhoods as possible and geared sisters in their necessity. for the next year. For most of , 'lDied of Hunger' , That, was the last we heard at which the persecutions were to needs of all exceptional chil'them, that will be the only., meal Not having, enough food, or they will eat during the whole, about the Hochhuth controversy taking place," Professor John, dren. Particular attention will until, a year or two later, an- concludes, "then we should haye be given the needs of the men- education, or a good job, is al- day. You can help build for other German author, Guenter seen what the authority of t~e tally retarded, young people af- ready a great burden for many them, schools and training cenLewy revived it with the publi- Church can mean. He had no flicted by blindness, deafness people. But today, things are ters, so that they can learn to made even worse for them, be- earn a living when they grow up. catio~ of a book entitled "Cath- such backing and nothing was, , and other. physical defects. cause wars are going on around olic Church and Nazi Germany. as nothing could be, achieved You can put clothing on a boy them, and cause food to spoil, or girl who is now wearing only Lewy's book never really except by individuals." I caught on, at least in the daily Disciplined Army ,j of "triumphalist" theology has ,schools and hospitals to be de- rags. You can give those poor media. It remains to be seen Many of those' who, in their done great harm to the Church stroyed, nomes to be broken up, children medicine to cure them and families to be separated. when they are sick, and a hospiwhether or not Falconi's book wisdom, have already fourtd in recent centuries. You know that last year we ,tal to go to, when they suffer will do any better. I rather doubt Pius XII guilty of ,cowardice br For his own part, Professor it, for once the public has turned criminal negligence in the fate Markus argues that i~ has led visited Africa. Our heart went and are in pain. Please be generous, therefore, off a subject, it takes a lot of of Hitler's slaughter' of the Jews us to place much too great a out to the boys and girls, with doing to get it back into the will undoubtedly r,eject Profe~ premium on clerical, episcopal their fathers and mothers, who dear children. Give with love, headlines again. All things con- sol' John's argument as an artful or papal leadership within the are suffering especially because like the love Our Lord has for sidered, I suppose that's prob- debater's dodge, or, if you witl, , Church. He says that we in- 'of the civil war in Nigeria. More each of you, to provide all these ably just as well. as a clever rationalization after stinctively tend to think of the than two million of them, it is necessary things for your brothIn saying this, I don't mean the fact. : parish priest, the bishop, the said, many of them being chil- ers and sisters everywhere. Jesus to suggest that Pius XII's real or' They will argue that Pius XII pope as leaders of thought and dren like yourselves, have died will reward you and your families, if you make a sacrifice for alleged "silence" with reference should have taken BL much mo~e action; and if they fail in leader- of hunger. Even more would have died, noble purpose. to the persecution of the Jews vigorous lead in condemning the ship, we a're inclined to blame and pain and sorrow would be, It is in His Name that we call in Nazi German is of no impor- persecution of the Jews, regard- them or regret the fact. much greater, if American Cath- down from heaven richest graces tance, Much less do I mean to less' of whether or not the CathShare Responsibility olics like you and your parents for each of you; and that we suggest that Pius XII (or any olic people of Germany were "This," he maintains, "is pre- had not given generously for impart to you, dear boys and other Pope) is above and beyond prepared to follow suit. : girls, to your parents, your teachThere is' undoubtedly some- ~isely the assumption which has emergency aid. criticism, or that the subject of In fact, your American bish- ers, the priests and Religious of Hochhuth's play and the Lewy thing to be said for this point df to be discarded, and discarded at and Falconi books should not be view, assuming, merely for th~ every level." By that he means ops' agency, Catholic Relief your parish, and to all your pursued any further. The subject sake of argument, that Pius XII' (and here he would seem to be Services, has given more food friends, our affectionate apostolic itself cannot and should not be could have done more than he echoing the clear teaching of Vat- and medicine to the people of benediction. God' bless you all! swept under the rug. ' actually did to save the Jews in ican II) that leadership and ini- Nigeria, we think, than any tiative properly belong to all other organization. In the last Moreover, I would agree with Germany." ' i levels of the Church's structure two years, it has sent more than the British' Catholic historian There is just as much to be and that "the function of -eccle- $10 million worth of help to that Eric John, when he says in a re- 'said, however, for Professor NEW 'RATES!! siastical authority is to encour- unhappy land. cen,t book, "Pastors or Princes," John's argument, that theologi~ I age and foster lay initiatives 'So Good, So Generous' that precisely "bec~use the pa- cally speaking, we (both the der >I' ., . " , especially in the political Regular Savings 5% i But Catholic Relief Services pacy is so important to the fc:ndants and the critics of and socio-economic order. have also consoled and relieved Church >eo '" » one cannot assume the papacy make a mistake iri 90 Day Notice 5 %% The German people can't pa~s the poor and the sick in many an attitude of uncritical prostra- thinking that the Church funcr tion before the Pope as though . tions like a disciplined army the buck to Pius XII any more Systematic 6% he were a caliph of Chairman through a clear chain of com~ than we Americans can salve Daily Inte~est % Mao." ' mand starting at the Vaticart our consciences by making a Bad Theology (the Pentagon) and working scapegoat out of a series of U. S. Term Certificate 5 % On the other hand, I would down, by a process of blind Presidents for what went wrong also agree with Professor John' obedience, through bishops (Gen~ in this country in the field of when he says that "the contro- , ,erals) to parish priests (CapJ race relations generations ago versy about what Pius XII tains) to curates (sergeants) td and is still very, wrong even in should or should not have done the' laity (enlisted men and! the year 1970. about the persecution of the women). ! If there is white racism in the Bank by Mail , Jews" is a good example of putTriumphalist Th,eology I United States we are all at least we pay the postage ~ ting the theological and ecclesiProfessor John and his fellow-: partially to blame and must all astical cart before the horse. 'British historian Robert Markus,~ assume our fair share of respon• SOUTH YARMOUTH • HYANNIS~ The Professor's point is that co-author of the new volume on: sibility for resolving the national ~ • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PlAZA ~ it's bad theology to expect the the papacy referred to above, crisis, which the sin of racism ~ • DENNIS PORT • OSTERVILLE \ ~·~~v& .... ~..,; __~ Popes to take all the initiative are of the opinion th~lt this kind l has'inevitably provoked.
4% %
Bass River
Savings Bank
famous for.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 12, 1970
Billy W Qlsh of New Bedford
Impresses St. Anselm's Frosh Coach Former Holy Family Star Fine Varsity Prospect BY LUKE SlIMS Billy Walsh of New Bedford, former Holy Family' High School busketball ace, has made the jump to college with no ill effect to his prowess on the' hardwood. The ex-Parochial star, who made everyone's All-Star team in his senior year, is a member of St. Anselm's freshman team and is currently pouring in the points at the rate of 14 per game. Considered one of the "finest prospects the school has had in a long lime," by head Coach Frank Harlan, Walsh has been in the starting lineup since recovering from an ankle. sprain during the first week of the sea- I son, "A healthy Bill Walsh could make the difi'erence," said lIarlan, whose team has found the victory trail somewhat elusive. The loss of their 6-10 center and I Walsh's early season injury had slowed the Manchester, N. H. I~ quintet to the point where in its BillY WALSH first eight games, St.A. was 3-5. .Four of thOSE;! setbacks, however, eventual championship over a were by less than five points. much bigger North Andover Harlan expects his chargers quintet. to improve over the seacond half All-Scholastic Honors of the season and one of the rea- ' Despite being only 6-1, Walsh sons is Walsh. was among the tallest players on League's Top Scorer the Holy Family squad, and as a result, was called upon to play The son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul the pivot on offense and under F. Walsh, 233 Arnold Street, is the basket on defense. He pera 6-1 sharpshooter who can formed both assignments in near score from any spot on the floor. flawless fashion. At Holy Family he was a Following the memorable senthree-year star for Coach Jack ior year, Biily was named to the Nobrega's Blue Wave which cap- first All-Star team in both the tured the Tech Tournament Boston Herald Traveler and SunClass C title twice during those . day Advertiser. He was a second years. He led the Narragansett team choice in the Boston Globe. League in scoring during his jun-In gaining the Boston honors, ior and senior years, pouring in Walsh was the only schoolboy 418 points for a 26.3 average in his fourth season. He topped the 1,000 career point total during Ask Housing Proj~(t his senior season. Billy's greatest thrill was help- Sohltion in Texas ing his team to the Class C SAN ANTONIO (NC) - PostTech title a year ago. His two ponement of construction of a free throws with 10 seconds to play gave the Blue Wave its multi-unit housing project for first lead of the night and the 200 low-income families has been urged here by the San Antonio Archdiocesan Commission on Church and Society on the Receives Mayor grounds of financial strain. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mayor The commission has charged Carl B. Stokes of Cleveland and the housing proposal, as it now his wife were received by Pope s~ands, is "unfair" to the EdgePaul VI in a 20-minute special wood Independent school district audience. Vatican officials de- "since it is more than the disscribed the audience as "very trict's limited educational dollars cordial" and the Pope and the can bear." Cleveland Negro mayor discussed The controversial complex has at length race and urban problems in Cleveland and elsewhere. drawn fire from school district officials who claim the districtalready hard-pressed, financially ing to a close, individual scoring .due to a low tax base--cannot afford the Influx of a large numhonors are up for grabs. In the Bristol County League ber of students. The commission explained it Joe Mills for Bishop Stang has a slight lead over Mike Fleming of "is not against housing in the Durfee. A little more than a Edgewood area. But we are point separates the two in the against more of it until a compoint per-game average. Mills is prehensive plan, meeting housaveraging 22 points per game ing needs is agreed upon. while Fleming has a 20.5 average. "Education and housing are Dartmouth's Rich Regan leads basic human needs," the commisCapeway Conference scorers sion said. "Our citizens have a with an average of almost 26 right to the best of both. Probpoints per-game. And, in the lems of education and housing Narry loop, Pete Trow of Old must be solved together:' Rochester Regional in Mattapoisett leads Steve Beausoleil of Self HeDp Diman Regional in Fall River by What is best for people is a slim margin. Trow has a 31 point average while Beausoleil what they do for themselves. is presently at 30. -Franklin th~
It's been a cold Winter, but plenty of "heat" will be generated in area gymnasiums this coming week as six local teams stage do-or-die batttles for post-season tournament bids. With one week of scheduled action remaining, only five berths to the annual Eastern Massa- tied for league honors. Coach Gordon and his Case Cardichusetts schoolboy basket- Bob nals have all but wrapped-up the ball tournament have been. Narry crown. Both contests be-
, secured by schools located within the confines of diocesan territorial limits. However, Southeastern Massachusetts could possibly send a total of 10 to the "Tech." Most· high schools within the diocese are rated in the Class C tournament bracket. Thus, the area annually has a stronger representation in this particular class. This year is no exception. The Narragansett League will be bidding for its third consecutive Class C title come March when its representatives will again be Case High of Swansea and Holy Family High of New Bedford. A year ago, the Parochials won the title and the year before, Case. In those two seasons the rivals
tween the two went right down to the wire with Case edging the Blue Wave both times. The two losses in one season, in Narry play, were the first suffered by Coach Jack Nobrega since he took over at the New Bedford school 10 years ago. A third confrontation in tournament action should prove very interesting. But, the Narry clubs will have to defeat strong opponents before that possibility arises. Possible Class C foes include Lawrence High of Falmouth and Oliver Ames of Easton. The Clippers are headed for the Capeway Conference championship Oliver Ames in the tough Hockomock League.
Two Ding-Dong Cape Battles Coach Ray Charron's Cape club has a two-game lead with three remaining and would have to suffer a complete let down, which seems unlikely, in order to "blow" the championship. If the Clippers annex the title, it will be Lawrence High's third of the scholastic year. Falmouth captured the Capeway Conference football title last Fall, then won the Winter track championship. The Oliver Ames Tigers h8.d . their sights set on the Hockomock League championship before the season began in their determination to give their Coach a title before he relinquishes his basketball duties. Coach Val Muscato will get that championship, and, now his boys have their eyes peeled on another "go out" present - the regional Class C tine. With these four clubs already assured of post-season action, area fans should have enough to cheer about when they make their annual trip to Boston Garden to partake in "March Madness."
But, there may be more, Barnstable and Dennis-Yarmouth, both of the Capeway Conference, have not yet mathematically qualified for the Tech but, in all probability, will be in the C bracket at the conclusion of the season. Entering this week's action the Red Raiders owned a 13-3 record, and the Regionals sported a 12-3 mark. Both should stay above the 70 per cent mark needed for qualification. Three Bristol County League teams still have the opportunity to' qualify for the Class A br.acket as that. loop enters its final phase of the campaign. Durfee High of Fall River has already qualified. The Hilltoppers surprised no one by qualifying, in fact, one wonders what a Tech tourney would be without Durfee. For Tom Karam this Winter will mark his tenth consecutive trip to Boston with his Hilltoppers.· He has never coached a team that did not win the required· 70 per cent. '
J'ust 'Take Durfee for Granted Over the past 26 years, Durfee teams have been among competitors 25 times. And more often than not, Durfee has been one of the best in the elimination competition. At this writing, three Greater New Bedford teams in the County circuit are among Tech hopefuls. With three games remaining New Bedford High and Bishop Stang of Dartmouth must win all to qualify. New Bedford Vocational can lose one. In past years, as many as four of the eight Class A teams in the area have qualified, but, this year indications are that only Durfee and Vocational will make the grade. '
Down on Cape Cod, Harwich and Nauset are hooked-up in a neck-and-neck battle for the Cape and Island League championship. Both, having lost four games in over-all play this Winter, are on the verge of being eliminated from Class D competition. If this happens, the victor will gather the spoils, since league champions automatically qualify for the Tech. In addition to the seven Cape and Island' teams, only Norton of the Tri-Valley Conference is among Class D schools. However, Norton has already been mathematically eliminated from the tourney. With the season rapidly com-
r I
eager from Southeastern Massachusetts to receive first team AII·Scholastic honors. Among the long list of awards, was the coveted King eager Trophy, Walsh received from the New Bedford Basketball Associa· tion. The award is presented annually to the top basketball player in Greater New Bedford. Equal To Task With three seniors and five juniors on this year's St. Anselm's varsity, Coach Al Greenert will be relying an his freshman aces to carry the load over the next three seasons. From past performances Billy should be equal to the task. The Walshs are communicants of St. Lawrence Parish and are avid sports enthusiasts. Both were frequent spectators during Billy's high school appearances. They still follow the activities of the Parochials. Younger son, Paul, a sophomore 's a member of the Holy Family varsity and is one reason why the Blue Wave is presently in second place in the Narry League. Standing only 5-9, the younger Walsh is the ball handler and floor general and plays a strong game on defense. Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Walsh have a lot to be proud of.
Mother Virginette Heads Felicians LOD! (NC)-Mother Mary Virginette, a native of Wilmington, Del., who is provincial general here in New Jersey, is the new superior general of the worldwide Felician Sisters. Mother Virginette has been provincial superior for 12 years. After entering the congregation she studied at Jagiellonian University in Poland, receiving a masters' degree in philosophy in 1938. The Felicians are a branch of the Franciscans and were founded in Poland in 1855. They first came to the U. S. in 1874, primarily to staff schools in Polish parishes: They are also active in hospital work.
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