
Page 1

Bring Subscriptions to Church Sunday

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL

Fall River, Mass.

Vol. 2, No.7

Thursday, Feb. 13, 1958 Second Cia.. Mail Privilell'e<I Authorized at Pall River. Mus.

PRICE 10e $4.00 per Year

MGet the Whole Truth··· Read Your Catholic Press"

Christian Family Movement Fosters Happy Home Life . Alt~ough it has been active in the Diocese atIvely httle known organization is the Christian members ,scattered in various parishes and towns, Dame de Lourdes parish, Fall River, where three of the Rev. Roger Poirier and the lay leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dumais. "We are anxious'i;o share the

blessings of the Christian Fam­

ily Movement with other couples

in the Diocese," states Mr. Du­

mais, "and we hope that any

husbands and wives interested

in working to promote happier

family lives for themselves and

others will contact us for more

information about our organiza­


The CFM, Mr. Dumais ex­

plains, had its origins in Chi­

cago, from where it has spread

'throughout the United States. Headquarters are still located in the Midwest and the central of­ fice publishes a monthly news­ paper, "Act," and yearly man­ uals for the guidance of mem­ bers,Turn to Page Twent;r

The ANCHOR should be received and read every week ill all Catholic homes in the Fall River Diocese. A Subscription to the Diocesan Newspaper provides assurance that the whole truth, emphasized in the theme Iff Catholic Press Month, will be available to every member of. the family. The past year has seen the Catholic press reach its greatest strength. The total subscriptions to magazines, ~Inducted periodicals and newspapers now number approximately 23,400,000. This high figure could not have been reached The first members to be in­

without the self-sacrificing' efforts of priests and the loyal ducted into Gama Theta Chap­

Mlpport of subscribers. ter, Delta Epsilon Sigma, na­

tional Catholic scholastic honor

The ANCHOR, the official newspaper of the Diocese society established at a regional

ttl. Fall River, has, during its first _year of 'publication, convocation held at Assumption

brought into Catholic homes the precious words of the College Saturday, were the Most

Rev. John J. Wright, D.D.,

Holy Father, the guidance of your Ordinary, Bishop Con­ DOily, and a wide range of instruction on matters of faith Bishop of Worcester, and Dr.

Francis Rogers, former dean of

aDd morals. Harvard University.

Born and educated in New

As a newspaper, it has brought news of importance to Catholics that Catholics can't get anywhere else. This Bedford, Dr. Rogers, a former

of St. John the Baptist

applies not only to the number of events covered; but also member Parish, New Bedford, holds the

~ complete reports, which the daily newspapers -are not following degrees: Cornell, A.B.;

prepared to give, for many reasons. If it is true that the ,Harvard, ph.D. He was Dean modern Catholic should be an informed Catholic, ·then it of the Graduate School of Arts .. equally true that all Catholics should regularly read their and Sciences for six years, Pro:" fessor of Romance languages at diocesan newspaper. ' Harvard and was awarded the Legion of Honor from the French The obligation to know the truth by reading the Cath­ afie press implie$ the obligation of supporting the Catholic Government. Son of Mrs. Laura Rogers of preas. This support can be increased if every reader would 106 Arnold St., New Bedford, a become a salesman for The ANCHOR by encouraging rela­ member of St. John the Baptist tives, friends and acquaintances, to join in' subscribing to Parish, Dr. Rogers resides in 'lhe ANCHOR, because its future growth depends in large Belmont with his wife Natalie· and 12-year-old daughter Sheila. lIleasure on the help of an alert Catholic laity.

qoctor Rogers Into Honor Society

Helen Gannon

Wins .Double

National Honor

Helen Gannon, only Merit Finalist in the Fall River area, a senior at Sacred Hearts Acad­ emy; has just been named a semi-finalist in the General Motors . National Scholarship eompetition. This honor places her in the select group of 800 candidates out of the 21,000 applicants who entered the competition. These 800 are students "of high academic promise" as stated on the Certificate of Merit, a copy of which was sent to Miss Gannon and to the Prin­ cipal at Sacred Hearts Academy. They were chosen on the basis of their scores in the College Entrance Board Examinations taken on January 11. This is the second National Scholastic honor won this year Turn to' Page Twenty .,"'~~"'~"""""",.,'

Lenten Policy SCOU1' AWARDS: Nicholas Cruz, left, and J oaquim Realizing that the regular social events and dances are .wn'l'Bmento, right, are congratulated by Rev.· Edmund G. eliminated in the penitential Francis, SS.CC., chaplain of their Boy Scout Troop No. 40. season of Lent, February 19 to 'l"be boys were among 40 Scouts from New Bedford, FairApril 6, it is the policy of The haven, Wareham and West Harwich who received the Ad ANCHOR to anticipate notices AItue. Dei award at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, of spiritual activities from . . . Bedford, last Sunday. The McMahon Ass'embly, Publicity Chairmen 01 Parish, Guild and Youth grouPl'l durPour'" Degree Knights of Columbue N~ 161, New iJed.. . In&" this holy period." . . ..... lfPoDBored the aw~ ,,, ' , ••••, . Y L-...


fOf' the past four years, a compar­ Pamily Movement. Beginning with the group is now centered in Notre units are active under the chaplaincy


Bids on Catholic Memorial High School Are Announced The Most Reverend Bishop has announced that the H. V. Collins Company of Providence was low bidder on the job of constructing the new Catholic Memorial High School for the New Bedford area. The firm's total bid was $2,313,300. No· announce­ and Walsh Brothers, Inc. 01. ment was made as t.() a eon­ Cambridge, $2,593,000. Architect for the regional tract award. Other bidders and their total prices were M. S. Kelliher Com­ pany . of Boston, $:Z,356,()()(); Volpe Constructi!>n Company of Malden, $2,414,449; Theodore Loranger and Sons of New Bed­ ford, $2,432,229;· Gilbane Build­ ing Company of Providence, $2,475,000; Frank L. Collins and Sons of Fall River, $,2,582,400,

high school is Chester Wright of Waltham. The school is the first of several regional high schools that will be . built throughout the Diocese. An exteJ;lsive drive for fun<b was carried on last Fall through­ out the Greater New Bedford area, with a goal of $1,500,000. Turn to Page Twent;r

Girls' Academies Announce E"trance Examinations The four Fall River Catholic Academy high schools for girls - Dominican, Jesus-Mary, Mount Saint Mary, and Sacred Hearts-announce the entrance examination for incoming freshmen at' 9 A.M. Saturday, March 15. All eighth grade girls A fee of one dollar must acCOrD­ from the parochial :I.nd pub- pany. the ap~lication. '. . . lie schools who expect to ThiS reqUired exammatIon ­ • . ' a departure from the procedure ente~ th~ nmth gra.de at any of previous 'years when onl,. of these high schools 1Jl Septemherr ~958. must re~ort. fOl' this exa":lmatIon. Apphcahons must he filed· not, later than Feb. 28. The necessary forms may be procured from the principals at the various .elementaJry sch~ls and at each,. of the academies.

those students who were com­ peting for scholarships took the exam. This year the exam­ ination is for all prospective freshmen. It will serve a three­ fold purpose: 1) entrance ree­ ord; 2) placement data; 3) schol.­ arship award.

By Ellen Kelley It's Springtime in the world of fashion. Yes, just about everywhere you look ..• you'll note delightful new fashions in dresses" suits .. in coats .. in accessories. The relaxed look .. is the new look. Call it the shift, the sacque, the chemise, the Chanel in­ Skirts are definitely shorter fluence .. but call it-won­ for the new' season. However, derful. And, don"t for a style-conscious American women minute say "It's not for me" and girls . . . are not following . . because, among the many of this easy line .. you'll find theee's at least one adaptation that makes you look and feel completely smart, lovely, and up-to-ihe':minute. I hasten to add' .. th t the sheath is an equal favqrit J too . . as is the shirtwaist fas ,Lion • . and indE~ed ... anythin elae your heall't 'is let 00.

delil~htful variations

the Parish theme of short, short skirts. Usually, Spring skirts here measure about 13 inches from the floor. This length, in­ cidentally, is a modest length, and extremely becoming. The short, short skirts are nothing

short Of ridiculous. ,They're out

of proportion . .' and a~ eli..­

tinctly \lnfllittering.,

, TurD to PaP IUCIlt·,

.OFFICIAL Diocese of 'Fall River C.LERGY APPOINTMENTS Rev. Vince~t F. Diaferio, assistant at Holy' Rosary. Church, Fall River. Rev. Clement E.' Dufour, assistant at St. Michael's Church, Ocean Grove.


For Fast and Abstinence


To foster the spirit of penance and reparation, and to

gu~de her children in the footsteps of Our Divine Savior,:

Holy Mother Church imposes by law the observartce' of fast and abstinence. . . According to the provisions of Canon Law, as modified through the use of special faculties granted by the_ Holy See, we her,,:with publish the following regulations: .


~,. LOURDES CENTENNIAL YEAR: Year-long observances at Lourdes which began on February 11" the 100th anniversary of the first apparition of the Blessed, Mother to St. Bernadette Soubirous. NC Photo. .


Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is bound to observe the law of fast. .. The weekdays of Lent are days of fast. On these days only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, ! sufficient to maintain strength, may pe taken' according to each one's need; but together they should not equal another full meaL . ­ Meat mai be taken at the principal meal on a' day of fast except FridaYS, 'Ash Wednesday and Hoiy Saturday. Eating between meals is not permitted;. but liquids, including milk and fruit juices, are allowed. When health and ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not ·oblige. In doubt concerning fast or abstinence a parish priest or confessor should be consulted. .

.ON ABSTINENCE Everyone over seven years of' age'- is bound to observe the law of abstinenc~. Complete abstinence is to be observed on Fridays, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Saturday, all day. On days of complete abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat'may not be used at all. . Partial abstinence is to be obsElrved on Ember Wedneg;. day ana Saturday. On days of partial abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat maybe taken ONCE a day at the principal meal. . We earnestly exhort tlle faithful to .hear Mass and to receive Holy Communi~n often during the Holy' Season of Lent; to take part more ,frequently i'n .exercises 'of piety; to· give generously to works of religion and charity; to perform act.,' .of kindness toward the sick, the aged and the poor; to practice voluntary· self.,.denial especially regarding alcoholic drink and w.orldly amusements; and to pray more fervently, particularly for the intentions of the Holy Father. . " . . . Obligation to fulfill the E~ster duty may be 'satisfied ­ from Sunday, February 23rd, the first Sunday of Lent, until June 1st,Trinity Sunday. .

Pope's M'is$ion Int'entions


Mass O~do " FRIDAY-Mass of Previous Sun­ day: Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Second Collect St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr; 'f,hird Col­ lect for Peace; Common Preface. SATURDAY - Mass of, the Blessed .Virgin for Saturday. Simple. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; .Second Collect Ss. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs; Third Collect for Peace; Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY-Quinquagesfma Sun­ day. Double of"II Class. Vio­ let. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Creed; Prefac.e of Trinity. . MONDAY - Mass of Previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. 'Mass Proper; 'No Gloria ~r Creed; Second Collect for Peace; Common Preface. TUESDAY - Mass of Previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Second Collect St. Simeon, Bishop and Martyr;' Third Collect· for Peace; Common Preface. WEDNESDA Y-As~ Wednesday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect for Peace; Preface"of Lent. The . Blessing and Distribution of Ashes. The Beginning of the Lep.ten Fast. . . THURSDA Y - Thursday After Ash Wednesday. Simple. Vio­

let. Mass Proper; No Gloria;

. Second Collect for Peace;

Preface of Leht. -

Thtl complete list follows: VATICAN CITY (NC)-The . work of the Church in Asia and January Conversion of . Africa figures largely in the list ·Japan. of monthly mission intentions of February-The Faith iri.China. His Holiness Pope Pi.us. XII for . March~A Christian Indone':' aia. .' . . 1958. Nine o'f the 12 mission inten­ April~The Church in: Ceylo~. May-Christianity in-'India.· . , tions, released by the Sacred Congregation for the Propaga­ June-Peace in the Middle tion of the. E:aith,' concentrate' 'on East. Jul:,-Social justice' in Afrf-'• uch topics' as the Church in Ceylon, tli;e, need 'for social jus­ can cities. ., . August-The Church in Ni­ tice rn certaip ·African cities, and geria. \ . • tudents in Asia'and AfJica. September - College students in Asia and Africa. . . . FORTY HOURS October-The Pontifical So­ ciety of ·St. Peter the· Apostle· DEVOTION, (an international organization Feb. 14-La' Salette semi­ dedicated to the fostering 'of na­ nary, AttleboJ'o tive vocations in the Church's Feb. 16 - St. William, Fall mission areas). . River . ' November - Catholic men in St. Anthony, .East Fal-. Latin America. mouth December':'- The Ch~rch OIl Catholic Memorial Home, Formosa.

. Fall Riyer

Feb. Z3-Holy Family, Taun...,

.: .. 'ton . ' . . 'i' - . st.·' James;' New Bedford March 2-:Santo' Chrisio; FaU Riyer.> ."..... .

'Rome Eternal' M.ONTE CARLO (NC) - The highly successful "Rome .Eter­ nal" . television series is being shown at the week-long Cath..., o~ic television festival in· pro­ gress ,here. ,.


• St.··Augustine, . Vineyard,'

. 'Haven'" , .' .~.

. Our Lady's Haven,. Fair~

~. haven' ':;.





1il,B... ~,~~~O • .'w':"',..··;S':t: ... ·~. e-.nd..,l..... mail pHvi\ea'es autb0riM4 .t I Fall.. River. I(as~. ,.Published . -67 ' Thul'llda:r"at '410 Highland Avenue. FaD River•.• a..... by the Catholie Pr""".of1he Dioo""e of ,.,,1.1 Riv~r. SUbsuipi~ . . ~ _il,' _tpaid' $4.00.- :r""', . <.";''';'.



....'" ,. '


Chancellor Adenauer's Priest-Son

St",dies American B~siness Policy

. WASHINGTON (NC) -, The ness' poiicies and their signifi­ pr,iest-son of West German cance for Ger.many.. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer is ,-Father ~Adenauer, has indi­ studying American' small busi­ cated that the rapid expansion . ness' .practices at Georgetown of the West German economy University ;here. has favored large \ business at the expense of the small busi­ . Jesuit Father Paul Adenauer is engaged in an eight-week nessman. He added 'that small study course as part of his work business is the foundation of for a doctoral degree at the Uni­ . democracy. versity of Muenster, Germany. He has expressed praise for He said he hopes to put the ~.he United States and its people. -results to work in helping Ger­ They put Genpany on Its -feet man small businessmen and saved my _country from . F th 'Ad tho ld st communism," he said. a er enauer, e 0 e child of Chancellor Adenauer's second marriage, was born in 1923, when his father was Lord Mrs. Emmett P. Almond, Mayor of Cologne. He began his President of the Diocesan Coun­ studies for' the priesthood in cil of Catholic Womeriannoun­ 1941 at the University 'of Bonn, ces a board meeting for 8 ,but in that year was drafted . o'clock, Monday night, in the into the German compulsory CYO Club, 130 High Str~et, labor service., He later served Taunton, Mass., to formulate with the German' army, until . plans for the annual convention 1945: to be held in. May. Returning to theology studies upon his release from-the army. GUARANTEED Father Adenauer' was ordained in 1951. He was assigned to a T.V. and RADIO

, post as parish priest in Pon, a SERVICE

small German industrial town AUTO RADIOS near Cologne, where he exam­ Member R.T.T.G. ined social problems. Foundation. of Demoerae:r He began his doctoral work at 46' MIDDlf RD.

the University of Muenster in ACUSHNET W'r 5-7548

1957. . He is now completing a thesis on American small busi")£1 U£Z

Board Meeting

'ames E. Norton.





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Family Division Reports $125,000 Raised for Stonehill Development More than $125,000 of a $:-125,­ 000 goal was reported raised last night at the third meeting of the Stonehill College Family Divi­ aion held at the North Easton campus. :rhe sum is part of a $5-million development program being conducted by the college. Rev. James J. Sheehan, C.S.C., college president and family division chairman, stated that the funds came from :-125 donors, representing an average of $381 each. The parents' division,' under the chairmanship of Judge Beatrice Hancock Mullaney of Fall River, has reported $65,060 raised; Alumni, Rev. James V. Lowery, C.S.C., chairman, $14,000; clergy, Rev. Ernest P. Royal, C,S.C., chairman, $4,100; staff Miss B. Anne Thomas, chai;man, $2,988. Build Student Center Faculty, Dr. John J. Reedy, chairman, $2,202; Stonehill Ladies Guild, Mrs. Leo Welch, chairman, $25,000; House Mothers, Miss Helen Derby, chairman, $3,100; suppliers, Augustull Sullivan, chairma'n, $7,432. The $325,000 being raised is ~ be used for construction, fur-

nishings and equipment of the new Student Center now being built. Rev. Thomas C. Duffy, C.S.C:, director of development, has announced that the next re­ port meeting will be held at the college next Wednesday.

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs" Feb. 13, 1958


CommunaonMass In Hollywood Draws'1600

HOLLYWOOD (NC) The realism of spirituality was dem­ onstrated 'here by Catholics in the motion picture industry, More than 1,600 of them filled Blessed Sacrament church on Sunset Boulevard for the motion The 40th anniversary of the picture workers' seventh annual Assumption C ire 1 e No. 74, Communion Mass. Daughters of Isabella of Fall In a sermon at the church and River is slated to take place at in ta'lks at a breakfast they 'were 6:30 Sunday night in the Lin-_ reminded Of their spiritual res­ coIn Park Ballroom. Mrs. Rose ponsibility and potential. E. Sullivan was appointed gen­ 'Msgr, John J. Devlin, spiri­ eral chairman by Regent Mrs. tual advisor to the movie work­ George F. Tourgee at a meeting ers, reminded them from the held last Monday night in the pulpit of their obligation to Catholic Com.:nunity Center. "serve truth and virtue." Also chosen were Mrs. James His Eminence James Francis A. Hennessey and Miss Mary Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop Giblin, co-chairmen of the tic­ of Los Angeles, who offered the ket committee. Regent Mrs. Mass, told the breakfast gather- . Tourgee announced that all past ing that their attendance had regents are automatically on the given evidence of the great general committee. "spiritual potential" possessed Senator John S. Kennedy will by 'workers in the movie industry. be the guest speaker at the Producers Responsible dinner. Husbands and guests Concerning Catholics in the are cordially invited. industry, Ms gr. Devlin ex­ plained, "theater managers are forbidden to present programs contrary to sound morals, or knowingly enter into contracts where they will be forced to show such programs:" Actors, he continued, are not permitted to lend their talents -"to things contrary to sound morals. Rather, he said they should use their ability to in­ spire the public and to give virtue to their private lives. The heaviest responsibility is on the producers, Msgr. Devlin declared. . Master of ceremonies at the breakfast was Frank Capra, the movie director.

Senator Kennedy Guest Speaker

Legion, of Mary Acies March 16

THIS MOMENT-A PRIEST FOREVER: "Adsum," -"Here I am"-answers the ordinandi as they arf( called before the ordaining prelate who lays his hands on the head of each. The true story of why and how a boy be­ eomes a priest is told in text and pictures, in "The Making of a Priest," written by Father Albert J. Nevins of Mary­ knoll. The book applies to seminaries and seminary train­ ing all over the U. S., and tells the stofY, of Fath.er TOJ.ll Donnelly, pictured above, from when he fIrst receIved hIS vocation while on the Byrd Expedition to the South Pole, to the time of his ordination and concluding with his assign­ ment to Africa as a missioner. NC Photo.


. Most Rev; Bishop James L. 'Connolly will preside and deli­ ver a sermon at the annual Acies ceremony of the Legion of Mary at 3 o'clock, ~~~ Sun day afternoon, March 16, instead of March 2 as previously announced, in Notre Da m e Church, Fall River. Vice-President Joseph Reilly made the announcement at a cu­ ria meeting Sunday night· in St. Vincent's Home, Fali River. Also on schedule is an illus­ trated talk which will be given by Rev. Joseph W. Reagan, at 8 o'clock Monday night, Feb. 17 in St. James Church, New 13ed­ ford. Father Reagan has given 20 years service as a Maryknoll in China and the Phillipines All active auxiliary members and friends are invited. Praesidia from six parishes reported on activities for the past month. The work accomp­ lished was most encouraging to the other praesidia. The establishment of a new preasidium at St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford, with Rev, Louis R. Boivin as spiritual director, was announced.

Lenten Fo urn for Young Adults To be Held at Kennedy Center title of those sessions is "Lee. The Forum for oung Adults Talk About Marriage." marriage that will be held Purpose of Forum on the Sunday ev nings during In ,all these conferences the Lent will have th general title speakers will discuss the sacra­ in New Bedford 0 "Let's Talk ment of matrimony in all ita About Love." aspects. Motivation for the se­ The Forum will e held in, the ries as announced by Rev. Wal­ Kennedy Youth C nter starting ter 'A. Sullivan, C.Y.O. director Feb. 23, sponsored by the Spir­ in Fall River, is an increasing itual Committee of the Center in awareness of the wrong impres­ cooperation with the Family sions of matrimony fostered by Life Bureau of the Diocese. many moving pictures and tele­ The conference will be in­ vision shOWS. The purpose of formally conducte , on the five the talks is to give right atti­ Sundays of Lent nd are open to young adults, lOse 16 years , tudes toward the sacrament. Speakers in 'Fall River will of age and over. Registration be Rev. John P. Driscoll, Rev. will be held at t e first session Reginald M. Barrette, Rev. An­ and the confere ces will .last thony M. Gomes, Rev. Raymond from 7:30 'in the ,evening until W. McCarthy and Dr. Francis J. 9:30. D'Errico. Talks Sch duled The sessions ar as follows: to Feb. 23-Miss Yvette Gagne Officers and members of the and Normand Bo let, presiding; Board of Directors of the Dio­ Rev. Bertrand R. Chabot speak­ cesan Council of Catholic Nurses ing on "Is Marri ge for You?" will meet next Monday night at March 2-Atty and Mrs. H. the home of Miss Ruth Fielding, Ernest Dioime, residing; Rev. R.N., 4 Maple Avenue, Taunton. J'ames A. Clark speaking on to complete plans for the con­ "What Is This Thing Called cert to be given under sponsor­ Love?" ship of the council on April 17 March 9-Mr. nd Mrs. Philip in Cohannet School, Taunton. Hemingway, pI' ,siding; Rev. John F. Hogan sp aking on "The Girl (Guy) of Ml Dreams." March 16-A ty. arid Mrs. W.illiam Freitas, presiding; Dr. Arthur F. Buckl y speaking on "In Sickness an Health." March 23-Mr and Mrs. Al­ bert Morris, Pjresiding;. Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca speakmg on "Looking Aheadf' All sessions a e informal and there will be question and answer period fter each ses­ IRELAND


Similar confeliP.nces are being FRANCE

held on the Sun~ay evenings of GERMANY

Lent at 7 :30 in 1 all River at the Catholic Coml unity Center, TaB NEW YORK­

Franklin Stree. The general MAY 11 • AUG. 6





Joh lB.



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MOTHER G ~NERAL WELCOMED by students at Jesus Mary Aca emy. Left to right, Jenine Picard, Anita Cadoret, Mother St. Vincent de Paul, Principal, ~oth~ Maria del Rosar' 0, ,Mother General, Mother St. FIdehs, Assistant Gener 1. Rear, Sister Reginal.

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Exc'ellent~Lenten Re.adi~ig By Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jobn S. Kennedy At the start of Lent, the Church draws our attention to a Gospel passage which depicts one of the most myster­ ious events in the life of our Lord, H.is triple temptation by Satan.. This came as a prelude to His public life, and is certainly of capital signifi- rally and in~vitably desire: af­ cance for every Christian.. fection, security, comfort, joy, Yet few of us have looked pleasure, rest, relief from pain deeply into it. We can do so 'or 'strain or worry, and the en­



CO"~e01e ~:.~ )n'~eS ,,;

R~ :;~p~ent S~J)e~ial ..

of Award

JERSEY CITY (NC) St.' Peter's College has announced it will confer its lOth "Rerum Novarum Award" on Hugh E. Sheridan, impartial ch<1irman of the New, York City Trucking Authority. . The honor is conferred annu­ ally on a Catholic' who has dis­ tinguished. himself in the field of labor-man~gement relations by his fidelity to the principles of the social encyclicals, the an­ nouncement said. The award is named 'after the encyclical on the condition of the working classes issued in 1891, by Pope Leo XIII. " The college's statement' said that for the past 26 years, ""Mr. Sheridan has decided more than 1,400 disputes. None of his de­ cisions has been reversed, al­ though a number were. carried to the New York State Court of Appeals and one to the U. S. Supreme Court, the. college said.

now, thanks to.a new book, The joyrnent of health, and well­ Temptations of Christ by Father being.". But we 'can easily do Gerald Van n, what Satan does - , pervert the good things" of life by putting a .P., and Fath er P. K. Meagher, them to evil uses.' a.p. (Sheed amI This work serves a double Ward. $2.75). Purllose. In the ffrst ,place, it . LIFE SI~N.TENCE BY RED COURT: Charged with M 0 I' e suitable guides us through a key scrip­ taking part in the 1956 Hungarian uprising, Msgr. Egon Lenten reading tural 'passage which is' ~ick. can hardly be with difficulties; explaining it Turcsanyi, at right, seCretary to His Eminence Jozsef found. thoroughly .in the light 'of the Cardinal Mi.ndszerity, Primate of Poland, has been sentenced In their in­ teaching of the Fathers, the to life imprisonment, by the Hungarian Communist regime. troduction, the theologians, and modern exe­ The above photograph is the last known to be taken authors dwell getes. In the second place, it of the Cardinal and his secretary before return of Com­ on something relates our Lord's experience which is either and action to our own, showing munist tyranny in Hungar),'. NC Photo. denied or little regarded in our us how we are to perceive, eval­ time - the reality of the Devil. uate, and deal with temptation. The slighting of this truth is Gems of Wisdom responsible for grievous moral ,Along the way are many inci­ For Younger Teenagen Contains articles on current disorder, for it inevitably leads dental gems. Take this· one: C.tbolic Boy: Provides Dot 'problems plus those of a reli­ to ignoring hell, then to .dis­ "There is a world of difference. and Father Walter Farrell's last gious and popular nature. only wholesome recreation, ad­ counting sin'" But if sin either between trying to be-perfect and work, Only Son (Sheed and SiJ'n: Contains a resume of venture, sports, and hobby newll, is a fiction or matters not at all, being a perfectionist.. ~ Trying Ward. $3.50). The former is a ~ut .' alSo virile inspiration. world affairs and informative" the Incarnation and Redemption to be perfect means. trying to collection of some"of the finest timely articles on a wide range sp$ging from a Catholic phil­ 'are unaccountable, and the make the best possible use of pieces on the subject in English; osophy ~ of life'. of subjects. whole history of man's relation­ the gifts, natural and super­ '. the latter is a brief, inspiring Today: Proposes..a Catholic ap­ ship to God is inexplicable. natural, which God has given Catholic Miss: A popular mag­ account'. of the Saviour'·s life. azine for the young teen-ager' 'proach to the sociological, cul­ Reality of Devil us; and that in turn means being . Appropriate and a wonderful tural and apostolic problemll whose coverage will attract the Hence our Lord was at pains aware of, and accepting, our help to meditation is Caryll physical, psychological and spir­ poorest of readers to indulge of our time. Houselander's The Way .of the to establish for us the reality and ,profit. ' of the Devil. He chose to meet itual limitations. Being a per­ Cross (Sheed and Ward. $2.75). For Young Adults Satan in combat. The tempta­ fectionist means fretting at , For Teenagers America: Accurate resume of Two books which I have found those limitations, refusing"w ac­ Ave Maria: A weekly magazIne the week's news. Good general tions which He underwent,. th~ , -immensely valuable have to do authors maintain, "were at least cept them, and eating one'. of general interest. Timely. ar:" articles, book reviews, etc. with the Sacred Heart of our in part a matter of internal sug­ heart out because one cannot be ticles, book revie~s, etc. . Catholic World: Presents the Lord. Mother Margaret Wil­ gestion rather than of outward something which in fact is out Catholic Digest: A monthly Catholic approach to contempo­ liams, in The Sacred Heart in occurrences." But they came to of one's range." rary problems, together with fie­ the Life of the Church (Sheed' magazine for the high school Or these:· "If we . find our­ student and general reader, the tion, essay, poetry, drama and Him from without, and of course and Ward. $3.75), traces the involved no evil impulse within selves aff·licted with loneliness. 'doctrines a-nd devotion in the articies of which will afford its book reviews. His own nature. .' we might do well to think of, it Church from the beginnings' to subscribers recreation, informa­ Jubilee:. Current events, gen­ The three temptations were as God's attempt to give us; to tion and inspiration. 'eral articles of contemporary our own day. Father Jean Galot, connected with our Lord's role force on us, a solitude we should QueeD's Work: Official'publi­ and historical interest, all fO­ S.J., in The Heart of Christ as Messias: 'Satan sought, not bother, or wish,' to achieve cused on the Church and ber cation of the Sodality Movement. (Newman. $3.50), opens up the through 'deceit, to dissuade our for ourselves." "If you want to Written for both boys and gir~ll. people. Highly iIIustrate~. inner life of the Saviour as in­ Lord frort:! fulfilling His minis­ progress in the moral virtues dicated or intimated in' the try in the manner willed by His you are wise .to see an increase Gospels. Father. That is, Satan vividly of faith as the first step . . . the Then there are the pithy, di­ suggested "the difficulties, the emphasis will be where it ought rect spiritual writings of Dom hardships and pain and agony" to be: on God." "Cynicism Hubert van Z~ller, O.S.B. His involved in doing exactly what is often a rather pitiable 'de­ books are rather. small, the '. GET MORE FOR YOUR FOOD DOLLAR . the will of the Father required, fense mechanism: if you' dis­ chapters generally short. They and indicated the showy success believe in ideals' you are saved WHEN YOU BUY are,. therefore, easy to read at and popular glory to be had from the self-reproach of' not odd moments: while the kettle from not adhering precisely to pursuing them." "It is pOssible boils, fClr example. And ~ever the Father's plan. . to become 'a pillar of the parish' do you 'go through a few pages But the Saviour, in rebuffing not. because you love God but That are RICWN'YEUOW'N'ROBUST the tempter, showed that God's because you enjoy being a pil­ . without saying, "Why this chap must know me. At least what· will must be done to the full, lar." be is talking about is my diffi­ that God's work must be done These excerpts will convey culty, my need." Most of. the in God's way, that worldly the fact that, besides being illu­ . Just off R't'e 6 145 Washington street, 'Fairhaven van Zeller 1?ooks are published means are not to ~ resorted to minating and of grel\t practical by Sheed and Ward. ~ in order to attain a divinely' ap­ worth, the book is verY read­ pointed end: able. . Also for Lenten reading; I Road ot SufterlD&" recommend the following. books, It is the idea of power mis­ none of them new, but all of' used, say the authors, 'which "forms the essence of th'e three­ . ~r~~~n!};~:~~~ you can buy the dired on the fast and popular 21,OOO-ton vessel fold temptation as a whole." Image Books edition of the New Christ did indeed have the power Testament in the official Con­ from New York Apn1 12 to turn stones into bread, to fraternity translation. Nothing dazzle the multitude by plung­ rivals the Gospels as Lenten . from Boston April 13 ing from the pinnacle of the reading, and here is a well n for great temple unhurt, to overawe­ printed, portable volume which all nations at a' single stroke. contains them, the Acts, the ' But He would not use it, for His Epistles, and the Apocalypse as Father had appointed another well. .- _ A companion work.is The Life road to the goal, that of suffer­ ing, of spiritual and moral cOn­ ques{ of Our Lord by Father Constant Fouard, available for 50 cents in The authors point out general b k . differences and ,likenesses be­ a paper ac published by the Catechetical Guild Education tween our Lord's temptations Society. and our' own. For' example, there Other paperbacks apt for use .O' . is . the difference that He went at this season are The Imitation ~' .O' out to meet His, while o.urs come of Christ (Image Books. 65 . to us unbidden. cents), and the classic by St. T,here. is the likeness that His Francis de Sales, Introduction to occurred after a moment of spir­ the ,Devout Life (Image ~Books. itual exaltation (His baptism 85 cents). . • This .·magnificent transatlantic liner off~rs comfortable and the sounding of His Father's Excellent books about our voice from heaven), and we' Lord are The Book of the Sa­ accommodation~ in first and tourist class' beautiful air­ . " must expect and be ready for viour (Sheed and Ward. $4) conditioned lounges; Dining Salons; Sports Decks. Enter­ ~articular. trials in the wake of You will enjOT , . particular favors. tainment, lido Swimming Pool. The finest in, C~ntinen­ bea~tiful days OD the There is -the further likeness tal Food; Incomparable ~rvice'.· Azores Islands. Re­ that Satan approached our Lord when He w.as hungry al)d ex­ turning on the same hausted after a fast and vigil 'of ship, which will leave MINIMUM ONE WAY RATES 40 days and nights, and we are Ponla Delgada on' TOURIST CLASS especially pro.ne· to temptation June '27; 1958. Arri~al when fatigued. '. OIL BURNERS Dormitories ..: '.. $225.00 . at New Tork OIl Double Purpose Also complete Boiler-Burner 'J \ Staterooms ~ : 255.00' The book also underlines or Furnace Units. Efficient July 3, 1958. FIRST CLASS 355.00_. low cost heating. Burner. and specific lessons for us in\ the fuel oil sales and service. several temptations. Thus, "The For Inlor••tioo '.D<! R~n.tio... SEE ,"our TRAVEL AGENT bread in this story," the authors GENERAL AGENTS,' 476 Boylston Street, Boston 16, Mass. say of the first temptation, "can UO Mt. I'leasant Street stand as a symbol of all the good _ _ _ _ _ FRATELLICOSULICH, EuropCloa·Gfl...,.ol Agfl1l14 _ New Bedford . WY 3-26" . thi~ of life whicll we nato­

Magazines for Teenagers

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G:ves Challenge to Lutheran Leader' Religion Denies Increase CHICAGO (NC)-5ome 1.000 persons here heard a nuclear Of Religic)n scientist de'clare that science THE ANC1-l0R­

Thurs., Feb. 13, '1958

-Photo by Calvey, Ta,untQfl.

RECEIVE AD ALTARE DEI AWARD: Rev. James F. Lyons, area chaplain, pre­ sents coveted Catholic Boy Scout recognition to, left to right, Peter Hickey, Philip Pas­ kell, John M. Hickey and James F. Moran. Member/'! of Edward Douglas White Assem­ bly, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, serving,as guard of honor are Arthur J. Shaw, Clarence J. Rose, James J. Powers, Clayton B. Rennie. Hugh A. Moran, Joseph A. Bet­ tencourt, Jack Correia and Francis J. Tum mono

Diocesan Scouts Receive Ad Altare Dei Cross Twenty boys from the various parishes within the jurisdiction of the Annawon Council, -Boy Scouts of America, were recipi­ ents of the coveted, "Ad Altare Dei" cross at special ceremonies held on Scout Sunday, Feb. 9, In St. Paul's Church, Taunton. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Edward F. Mitchell, as­ listant at Sacred Heart Church, Taunton. _ The following members of the Edward Douglas White Assem­ bly, Fourth Degree Knights of' Columbus, formed an honor fUard in the church: Arthur J. Shaw, Clarence J. Rose, James J. Powers, Clayton B. Rennie, Hugh A, Moran, Joseph A. Bet­ tencourt, Jack Correia and Francis J. Tummon. Prescnt at the ceremony were troops representing St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro; St. Mary's, Mansfield; Immaculate Concep­ tion, Taunton; Sacred Heart, Middleboro, and St. Paul's, Taunton. The pr6Sentation of the awards W88 made by 'Rev. James F. Lyons, Area Chaplain of Anna­ won CounciL The ceremonies concluded with Solemn Benediction wHn Rev. John J, Griffin, pastor of St. Paul's Church, celebrant; Rev. Edwin J, Loew as deacon and Rev. Cornelius O'Neill as subdeacon. The children's choir of St. Paul's Church provided the musical program. Scouts who received the award were the following: Robert Norman April, Troop 16, St. Stephen, Dodgeville; Rus­ llell John April, Troop 16, St. Stephen, Dodgevilie; Paul Ar­ thur Audette, Troop 16, St. Joseph, Attleboro; Philip G.

DOANE, BEAL & AMES Incorporated

Audette. Troop 16, Holy Ghost, Attleboro. Gary Joseph Candelet, Troop 30, St. Mary, North Attleboro; Robert Joseph' Candelet, Troop 30, St. Mary, North Attleboro; Ronald M. Churchill" Troop 16, Holy Ghost, Attleboro; Charles Edward Cronan, Troop 27, St., Mary, North Attleboro. Harvey Philip Dumont, Troop 16, St. Stephen, Attleboro; Law­ rence Paul Gilberti, Troop 13, Sacred, Heart, Middleboro; John Michael Hickey, Troop 6, St. Mary, Taunton; Peter Francis Hickey, Troop 6, St. Mary, Taun­ ton. Eugene Walter Lallier, Troop 16, St. Joseph, Attleboro; Paul Henry Lallier, Troop 16, St. Joscph, Attleboro; Russell Roger LeBlanc, Troop 16, St. Joseph, Attleboro; James Francis Moran, Troop 40, SL Joseph, Taunton. Philip Josef Paskell, Troop 6, ,Immaculate Conception, -Taun­ ton; Christopher John Qualters, Troop 14, SL Mary, Mansfield; Robert Daniel Stuart, Troop 13, Sacred Heart, Middleboro; Rob-, ert Steven Welch, Troop, 13, Sacred Heart, Middleboro. Forty Boy Scouts of the New Bedford area' received the Ad ' Altare Dei Medal on Sunday in

Our Lady of Assumption Church.

Rev. Leo Sullivan, Area Chap­

lain, blessed and awarded the

medals. The sermon was

~ preached by Rev. Edmund

Francis, SS,CC.

The closing ceremony of Solemn Benediction was cele­ brated by Rev. John Godealaer, SS,CC., Deacon, Rev. 'Luke Zim­ mer, 5S.CC. and' Sub-deacon, Rev. Raphael Flamina, SS,CC. The recipients and their par­ ishes were St, Lawrence, Joseph Kelleher, Arthur Payton, Walter O. Shepherd; Sacred Heart, Ev­ erett Gravi~l, Paul LeBlanc, Jeffrey Hotte, Richard A. Me­ thia, Leonard Rivet. St, Mary's, New Bedford, Rog­ er Bisson, Wilfred Savoie; St. Anne's, Ronald Suprenant, Mich­ ael Bellavance, Robert Hough­ ton, Leonard Amaral; St. John the :Qaptist, Bernard Cabral, Nelson Silvia, Caesar Cardaso. Hoiy Name, Gordon Good­ fellow;. St. James, Kevin Oui­ met, Wayne Pittsley, Nathaniel Monteiro, Joffre Gracia,Bruce Gifford, John Telesmanick, Our Lady of Assumption, Nickolas Cruz, Joachim Livra­ mento; St, Joseph,' New Bedford, Leo Paule.. Dalbec, Brian E. O'Leary, Claude Racicot; St. Joseph, Fairhaven, David Silvia, J,ohn Sullivan, Richard Gelinas, John A. Lucas,· Wayne Leshyk, Don,ald Gifforp,' Robert Lopes, Edward Mello, St. Patrick's. Wareham, David Boucher; ,Holy Trinity, West Harwich, Manly Boyce, William O'Donnell: A similar ceremony was held in Notre Dame Church, Fall River, where 23 Fall River

ATLANTIC CITY (NC) - A Lutheran Church leader said here that the preoccupation of college students with secular values signals the beginning of "a new era of pagan religiosity." Dr. Donald R. Heiges of Chi­ cago, director of college ana-uni­ versity work for the National Lutheran Council, challenged widely held opinions that col­ lege and university campuses are in the midst of a religious awakening. The Lutheran minister ad­ dressed the annual meeting of the council, which represents eight separate church bodies. Dr. Heiges said student interest in' religion reached its peak be­ tween 1946 and 1951, and the student of today is "preoccupied with sccular values and insulated against eternal is:iUes,'' Lutheran campus pastors agreed generally, he stated, that the typical student of today is "self-centered, complacent, utili­ tarian, superficial, socially irre­ sponsible, conformist but tol­ erant."

Theatre Guild Play

On Radio Sunday

"Through Different Eyes," the newest radio pla)r by the talen­ ted Miss Ellen Gaughan, will be broadcast at 7 o'clock next Sun­ day night on WNBH by the Catholic Theatre Guild. Miss Gaughan, a Guild mem­ ber, has written in her warm, inspiring style, an emotionally stirring story of the problems of a blind artist. The story evolves around the artist's struggle to "accept" the new world of darkness in which he finds himself after an auto accident. Most heart-warming is the touching presentation of how, in the artist's intense personal struggle, a fortu.nate friendship with an orphan boy named Jim­ my gives new meaning to the blind man's pitifully drab exist­ ence. The program, the 11 th in this season's series of broadcasts, , will be directed by Christopher A. Best. Organ music will be played by Miss Agnes Ellison. Scouts received the a~ard. The awa,rds were blessed and given out by Rev. Walter A, Sullivan, Diocesan Scout Chaplain, and Rev. William F. O'Connell, Area Chaplain. The sermon was deliv­ erd by Rev. Rene R. Levesque.

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In the face of this challenge,

he concluded, "how does reli­ gion maintain the old values? Can it make usc of the magni­ ficent view of the universe sup­ plied by science and the ma­ terialistic necessities and luxury supplied by its applications to give us a sound moral life and noble aspirations?" ,

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"offers little to support a belief in the dignity of men," and its rapid growth poses "one of the greatest challenges to religion," Speaking at a conference on the theme "Religion Faces the Atomic Age," - Dr. Harold C. Urey, nuclear scientist at the University of Chicago, said sci­ ence provides luxuries and necessities but does not add to the belief that man's life is valuable. The conference was sponsored

by the Federated Theological

Faculty of the University of

Chicago; Science Limited Dr. Urey said that as a result of scientific achievements "we can boast today that man pos­ sesses the most magnificent view of a marvelous universe that he has ever had," But he added that science "has in no way given us a valid personal rea­ son for our existence on this planet, or for the belief that each human life is valuable." "In a word," he continued "it offers little to support a b~lief in the dignity of men. It is precisely in this field that reli­ gion has made its great contri­ bution to civilization at all times. In fact, science and its technical applications, tend to lead us to a purely materialistic view of life." "What reason do we give for doing anything today?" Dr. Urey asked. "Our answer seems to be that whatever we propose to do will give' us more food, clothing. shelter, more automObiles, bet­ ter health, better military weap­ ons . . . We do not say that we ~iIl become 'better people; what ~ better or worse; that we will understand our freedoms that we will have a better philoso­ phy governing our lives and our relations with others. Challelll:'e to Relil:'ion "We ~alk of spreading our democracy to other countrie. but do we not think of auto­ mobiles and radios rather thaft the Bill of Rights of our Consti­ tution'!"

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"The explorer is the 20th Century's challenge to believ­ ing men and women - a chal­ lenge for us to launch our prayers which can and do go higher and further' than a satellite, rocket or space ship can ever reach .. "My father was a plain, hard 'worker for many years at the Vermont Marble Company. But from him and ,from my mother I learned of integrity and of the love of God - two guiding beacons for any life. "As I grow older, I feel the need for divine guidance every day. Without that kind of guidance, where can you find the courage to .goand do what you know is right." Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau New Army Chief of Re­ search and I>evelopment.

Lent ... A 40, Day Mission The holy season of Lent is upon us.

Lent is a time of mission for the entire Church. As

,the concluding prayer for the blessing of the, ashes, says, "Grant us, 0 Lord, to begin with holy fasts the exercises of' our Chrsitian warfare; that as we are about to battle with the spir:its of evil, ~e may be defended by the aid of self-denial." . \ . , . ., As in every mission, the purpose of this' great mission of Lent is to bring about a spiritual renovation. This work 'is'accomplisped by both God and man: by God, principally through the Holy Eucharist; by man, mainly by fasting and prayer and almsgiving under the inspiration and with the help of God. I The purpose of Lent is not so much to make us dif­ ferent as to uncover to us what·we are-<:hildren of God.. By the fact of Baptism we are children of God, mem­ bers of the family of God, called on to live Christ-like lives, redeemed lives while still in this life of trial and exile. Unfortunately, we do not always live up to our calling. We are not consistently true to our real natures-<:hildren of God bearing .His image 'in our souls. We betray that image by neglect and sin, We need a mission to recall to us what we are and should be. The French Jesuit and spiritual writer, 'Raoul Plus, says: "We need to recall the divine dignity that Baptism ,confers by engrafting us upon Christ Himself, making us living members of the mystical body of Christ w,hich is the Church, communicating to us the very life of the :Blessed Trinity, making us partne:r:s in the royal.priest­ hood of Christ and His Church, uniting us in a common 'kinship with all our baptized brethren by this, spiritual solidarity which' is the communion of saints, consecrating us as living chalices, as living temples to the personal and social worship of the one true God." . . This, then, is the purpose of our 'Lenten prayers and fasting and almsgiving. Not fasting for fasting's sake, but fasting that will ·"curb our vices, lift up our minds, give us strength and reward." Not prayer to multiply words or devotions, but the real contemplation of God,. the striving to come as often as possible into contact with God, th4:! state of habitual recollection. . If to fulfill this program as' children of God entails l!Iacrifice of some indulgence, then all well and good. We are the richer by it. Just as the sculptor .strikes and' chips the m~rble to transform the shapeless block into the radiant statue of his dreams,' so must we fashion our lives with self':denial to draw out our true natures. And with this God-like living crm come the only true happiness and joy.,As Paul Claudel has written: "Whatever you may think, you will never approach happiness without approaching its source, which is God and Christ."


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue .. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., Ph.D. ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Danie,1 F. Shalloo, M.A . Rev. JO!ln P. Driscoll ' MANAGING EDITOR .-\ Attorney ,Hugh J. Golden'


-THE ANCHOR . Thurs.,Feb.J 3, 1958


Weekly Calendar Of Fe.ast Days TODAY-St. Benignus, Priel$­ Martyr. He was a priest of Tod( in U~bria, Italy, who was tor­ tured and 'put to death in the persecution under Diocleti3Jl ,about 303. TOMORROW-St. Valentine, Martyr. He was a Roman priest who with St. Marius .and hu family aided the martyrs perse­ cuted by Emperor Claudius II. He was beheaded about 270. SATURDAY - SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs. They were brothers who lived in the second century and preached Christian­ ity during the early persecutions in the city of Brescia. They were arrested anL tried person­ ilIly by Emperor Hadrian. They were beheaded in 121. . SUNDAY-St. Onesimus, Mar­ tyr. He was a slave who r3Jl away from his master and wu converted by St. Paul in Rome. In his behalf St. Paul wrote hi. Epistle to Philemon. The Roman Martyrology relates that he suc­ ceeded St. Timothy as Bishop of Ephesus, was taken to Rome 811 a prisoner' and was stoned to death for the Faith, but some Sage and Sand" , /' authorities hold he has been confused with another OnesimlH who was Bishop of Ephesus. MONDAY - St. Polychronius, Bishop-Martyr. He was Bishop of Babylon. About 250 in the By Most ·Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. persecution under Decius, he Bishop ~f Reno '. and his clergy were imprisoned. , The history of any aristocracy, as Chateaubriand ~>nce He was martyred by being remarked, is distinguished by three su,ccessive stages, super,. struck in the mouth with stonCli until he died. iority, privilege; and vanity. It begins with the successful assertion of power by' a young and virile social group and TUESDAY St. Simeon, Bishop-Martyr. The son of St. 'he assumption of privile,ges ' the political and moral superior­ Cleophas and a kinsman of Our as necessary to the main- ity of the people who had made Lord,he was among those present · tenance of that power. It the New World along the Atlan­ on the day of Pentecost. Mter progresses to a point where tic seaboard of North AmeriCa the death of St. James the Less, that power and the privileges their ,home. They had spiritual he became Bishop of Jerusalem. associated with it are taken for courage to match their physical He, governed the Church for granted as part of the inevitable strength and their economic self­ more than 40 years, revered by ordering of things. Finally, as sufficiency. They believed Jews and pagahs as well as by the curtain falls, it degenerate.s strongly and vigorously in the Christians. At the age of 100, into pure vanity, -the utter un':" absolutes of the natural law,' he was put to death by cruci­ realism of those who have al- which they had analyzed and fixion in the reign of Emperor lowed themselves to become po- codified under the influence of Trajan about 112. litical and social anachronisms.' their predominant Ch-ristianity. WEDNESDAY - Ash Wedne9­ The classic example, of course, It is no idle boast to say of the is the ancien regime. of France founders of the Republic that day, the first day of Lent. Feast before the Revolution of 1789. they were a superior people. of St. Gabinus, Priest-Martyr. The feudal aristocracy had its They had human faults and He was a Roman, the brother of origins in the necessities of the weaknesses, in common with all Pope St. Caius and the father of the martyred St. Susanna. He less world which followed upQn mankind, but to a degree prob­ the breakdown of Roman un-. ably never ~qualled before, tney also was related to the Emperor Diocletian. ·He was ordained perialism.. It had astonishing had a tremendous respect for youth and vitality, enough to the dignity of the human person late in life and died in prison give ita leaseholq upon history and an .abiding respect for his or by the llword about the same time his brother, tpe Pope; died, good for a thousand years. God-given rights. in 296. But imperceptibly its' original Superiority Replaced superiority began to melt away. The superiority of the AmerPrivilege ,alone, .unsupported by ican democratic experiment, morality have gravely degener­ ated and threaten ,to decline .. anything more substantial than manifestly, rests upon .the pres­ custom and inherited' wealth, ervation _and enlargement of still lower levels. On the other · became its sole basis. Even so, _those qualities of mind and soul hand it has held up extraordi­ narily well in important re­ potent as was its first impact, it which inspired its launching. spects, or shows positive signs-of endured for, centuries as a fa- As these deteriorate, or are for­ miliar knd unquestioned part of gotten, or are ignored in 'our renewal. the- political background of philosophy, superiority is re­ The point is that our whole western Europe. placed by something which cor- salvation lies in the restoratioa Only as the 18th century ad- 'responds pretty closely to mere of the full substance of' Amer­ vanced did it become apparent privilege, the privilege, for ex­ ica's greatness. It means a con­ that the abuse of privilege had' ample, of simply living in Amer­ scious return to the basic moral­ turned to unmitigated vanity. ica and benefiting from its accu­ ity which gave tone and strength )Vhen it collapsed, suddenly and mulated .political and social ad­ to our beginnings. without warning, on that Spring vantages. If the: natural law Realistically, it is difficult to day in -the Hall of Mirrors at basis of our understanding of see how this can be done with­ Versailles, it created a vacuum rights and duties, morality and ' out a genuine return to the into which rushed all the wild immorality, justice and equity, Christianity which inspired and winds of the French Revolution. begins to be dissolved in - an nourished them. The contempo­ Warnings in History emulsion of selfish interests and rary revival of religion in Amer­ But democracy no fess than personal indulgence, then some­ ica is undoubtedly the most aristocracy can be marked by thing of our superiority is dim­ hopeful sign of the times. just such historical stages. It too inished. This month we honor the can begin in superiority, go on If fundamental Christian prin­ memory of tvyo men, Washing­ to privilege, and end in vanity. ciples of human dignity and re­ ton and Lincoln, who symbolize This is 'not to suh."scribe to any sponsibility to God are sup­ for us, with- all the humility of theory of historical necessity, or planted.... by materialistic values true greatness, the superiority · to say that such a pattern is unand a secularism' which ac,. av·oidable. It is merely to recall knowledges nothing beyond the of American democracy. Let 1M consider well that the privilege that there are precedents for the exigencies of this life, then there of sharing their dream is depen­ pattern and warnings to be ob- is nothing but privilege to dis­ served from them. tinguish us from those na,tion5 dent upon our grasp of the sub­ - We believe, rather, that under for whom democracy is nothing stance of their faith and our God man can-defy the "laws" of more than a politician's catch­ courage in acting as Christi3Jl men. Else it all evaporates in history and plow new paths in word.

vanity and the final vexation of the destiny of the race. But all Today's Signs Confusing

spirit. ' depends upon their intelligent It is extremely difficult to de-'

understanding of the lessons af- termine whether, at this mid­

New Movie Theatre forded by history and their de- point of the century, America

termination to avoid the mis­ has actually lost her democratic ROME (NC) A modera takes which have brought ruin superiority and is living on the" movie theater built by the upon so many of the brightest inheritance money of her privi­ Catholic Cinema Center of Italy hopes of our humanity. _ lege. The signs are mingled and was opened here in the Vatican­ Our American democracy, confusing. owned Palazzo Pio auditorium ,tainly, . ,was conceived and There is no' question but that building in the presence of sev­ , brought, to birth as, a result of oertain phases of our national eral top Vatican officials. ' 0

Basic Morality 'Necessary

For American ,Sup~riority


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.• Feb. ,13; 1958

Socials Carry On

The Parish Parade 8'1'. MARY'S, NEW BED.'ORD Rehearsals are well underway fDr the production of "Show Time" to be presented by the Women's Guild on March 17 in the Normandin Junior High School Auditorium, with Mrs. Gerard Beaulieu as chairman. Arthur Pastie and Albert Coucci are directing, with Jeremiah McDonald as stage manager. Mrs. Francis Hanrahan will direct musical arrangements and Mrs. Gerard Guillotte is pro­ gram chairman. Choreography is by Mrs. Lawrence Hughes, as­ sisted by Mrs. Owen Devlin, Mrs. Albert Coucci and Mrs. Theodore Pageotte. Mrs. Herbert Isherwood, chair­ man of the ~icket committee, will be assisted by Mrs. Alex­ ander Krowchun, Mrs. Romeo Beaudin, Mrs. Bertrand Allaire and Mrs. George Rothmyer. Proceeds will benefit St. Mary's building fund. ST. PATRICK'S, FALL RIVER Members of the Woman's Guild under the co-chairman­ Ihip of Miss Helen M. Buckley and Miss Anne M. Hughes will hold a cake sale in the church basement next Sunday morning

following all Masses.

President Mrs. Thomas Bag"': Jey requests that all pastries be left in the church basement. " ST. PAUL'S, TAUNTON Lt. Bruce Grannan, Com­ manding Officer, Company "AU, 739th AAA Battalion, Rehoboth Nike Site, was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Holy Name Society which was held last Sunday in the church auditorium. Lt. Grannan discussed the development, construction, mis­ sion and efficiency of the Nike­ Atlas Missiles and showed a short motion picture of actual target test made at the White Sands Proving Grounds. ' SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO The St. Anne Sodality and Holy Name Society co-spon­ sored a pre-Lenten dance which toOk' place last Saturday night in the church hall with Mr. and ­ Mrs. Arthur Chabot in charge. , Serving on the assisting com­ mittee were: Mr. and Mrs. Ade­ lard Canuel, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Cloutier, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Lalancette, Mr. and Mrs. Nonnand L'Homme, Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Precourt, and Mr. and Mrs. Rene Roberts. . Also Mrs. Maria Alex, Mrs. Adna Fisher, Mrs. Beatrice Fre­ chette, Mrs. Leona Jacobs, Mrs. Flora Masse, Mrs. Yvonne Poi­ rier and Mrs. Rose Ringuette. Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson gave a talk on the Lenten Sea­

,son during a meeting of the Ladies of St. Anne's Sodality.

held in the parish hall with Mrs.

Lena Precourt presiding. . Mrs. Philibert Destremps, hospitality chairman in charge of the social, was assisted by Mrs. Idola Briere, Mrs. Claire Dechenes, Mrs. Irene Tondreault,

Mrs. Lorraine Tondreault and

Mrs. Theresa L'Homme.


ST. JOSEPH'S, TAUNTON Captains in charge of the an­

nual "parishola" which is slated for next Monday and Tuesday nights in the school auditorium are: Mrs. Charles Dunn, Mrs.

Paul Maynard, Mrs. Margaret

Mulcahy, Mrs. John Trucchi, Sr., Mrs. Louis Bird, Mrs. Hugh A. Moran, Mrs. James McCaf­ fery and Mrs. Edward Gotham. Holy hour for the· Diocesan

Council of Catholic Women of

the Taunton area was held from

7:30 to 8:30 last 'Tuesday night, following which a meeting of the Assumpta Guild took place. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL 'HELP, NEW BEDFORD . Our Lady of Perpetual Help· Society is sponsoring a Pre­ Lenten supper and card party which is scheduled to. take place at 4 o'clock, next Sunday after:" noon in the church basement. Proceeds will be applied toward ~e society pledge for a picture of Our Lady in the Catholic Memorial High School.. '

ST. WILLIAM'S. FALL'RIVER A ~'what's my line" panel featured the meeting of the Woman's Guild which took place last night in the Church hall with Mrs. Francis Gauthier acting as moderator. Mrs. Wil­ liam Barnes and Mrs. Rene Beaulieu acted' as co-chairmen. Participants included: . Mrs. Frederick Kozak, Miss Grace Flannagan, Mrs. Joseph Phil­ lips, Mrs. Albert Caron, Mrs. Antone Almeida, Mrs.' George Neville, Mrs. Edward Shaw, Mrs. George Chabot, Mrs. John Potts and Mrs. James P. Mc­ Knight, :II'.


Vatican Rad io Adds Pr.ogralns

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Using its newly installed directional antennae, Vatican Radio' will transmit its first broadcasts beamed directly to the Western Hemisphere next week. The broadcasts will be experi­ mental and will not be regular­ ly scheduled until reports on the tests have been received and studied. The transmissions will be di­ rected mainly to Latin America, and there will be no English broadcasts. Three directional antennae will beam the broadcasts at' three major areas. The north­ ernmost area includes Mexico and southern' United States. FUENTIDUENA (NC)-Three This will enable the large num­ hundred and eighty tons of bers of Spanish-speaking Cath­ olics in the'southwestern states stones, the dismantled 11th cen­ . tury chur<;h of this little town, . to listen'to the broadcasts. 'Vatican Radio has also started have been sent to the United broadcasting a series on "Faith States where they will" be re­ assembled by New York City's and Science" beamed to coun­ tries behind' the Iron Curtain. Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum will display. the The series, broadcast in all Iron Curtain country languages, is reassembled church as an ex­ ample of Spanish architecture expected to last throughout the year. of that era. .

Church Dismantled

Former Security Counsel Warns Of Dangers in Exchange Program NEW YORK (NC) - Robert Morris, former chief counsel for the Senate Internal ~urity subcommittee, told a Catholic press group here he doubted whether the U. S.-Soviet cul­

tural exchange pact will benefit this country. Asserting that "we have been, losing our shirts" in past ex­ cha'nges with the Soviets, Mr. Morris said that formetly Soviet "secret police have passed as farmers, ice skaters, clergymen and scientists for the purpose of conducting espionage operatioNi in. this country." "Our previous exchange dele­ gates," ,lie continued, "have been politically u~trajned people, who, occasionally, were even in­ fluenced by communist propa­ ganda while abroad." Mr. Morris spoke here before' 500 members of the Catholic Institute of the Press at their 14th annual Communion break­ fast. Mr., Morris 'recently resigned as counsel for th~ Senate sub­ committee. He will seek the New Jersey Republican nomination for U. S. Senator in the April 15

Series.of Stamps, To Honor Lourdes

VATICAN cri'Y (NC) ~'A new series of stamps commem­ orating the 100th anniversary of the Lourdes apparitions will

be issued here on Feb. 11 by the Vatican post office..

The series is of six denom­ inations and depicts t h I' e e scenes: S1. Bernadette beholding the Blessed Virgin; a sick per­ son praying at the Lourdes grot­ to, and the Blessed Virgin ap­ pearing as the Immaculate Con­ ception.

primary lo succeed Senator·H. Alexander Smith, who is retir­ ing. Failure in Com~uDieations Mr. Morris said this country "has DfaHed to comprehend the regime of the Soviet Union over

the last 12 years."

He attributed this failure to "our flaw in the realm of words" in the mass media ,of communi­ cations. Consequently, he said, the U. S. is "in great peril today," even though it was "the strongest power on earth" after World War II. He urged that this country's delegates develop '''political s0­ phistication" to insure success in the forthcoming exchange. "Every delegation from the Soviet. Union," he asserted, "is an undercover agent for espion­ age, an undercover for the secret police. This 'is their ',advance guard. They are salesmen of despotism." Mr. ,Morris said that testimony given before the Senate sub­ committee from Soviet secret police who defected disclosed that a visiting"delegation of Rus­ sian farmers included "more than one" member of the NKVD and that a visiting group of lICientists was "shot through" with agents.·


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Appmved by

The Most Rev..lames L. (o~nony,


Bishop of. Fall River

Nation-wide Move'rs WYman 3-"0904


Council are serving on commit­ tees planning the affair: Anne Coyle, Diane CaroB, Claudette Caron, Doris Dupont, Margaret Powers, Mary Lomax. 'Claire Sinotte, Rachelle La­ breche, Patricia Golden, Georg­ ette Campbell, Annette Leconte. Paul Gosselin. Roger Raymond, Charles Don­ ~Aission nelly, John Cruger, Anthon,.' Ruggiero, Elaine Maltais. Joba LUANDA (NC) Catholic Harty. William Reilly, Roger Vallln­ missions in this Portuguese col­ court, Diana Levesque, Claire 001' in Southwestern Africa will Reilly, Muriel Boutin, LouWe receive more than $1 million in subsidies from thle Portuguese" Levasseur.

William Connelly, Dale ·Sil.....

government, it has been an­ Sylvia Houle, Pierrette Le­ nounced here.

vesque, Patricia Kearns, MarUa The subsidies, which total Duffy and' Rita Faria. $1,219,680, are $UI2,090 greater than last year. The' extra money in this year's NO JOB TOO BIG subsidy is allocated to include salaries for primary school NONE TOO SMALL teachers, defraying of the cost· of building an episcopal resi­ dence in Nova Lisboa, and the expenses incurred by the estab­ lishment of the n,ew Diocese of Malange, established in Decem­ ber.

Fall River, New Bedford Cape Cod Area



. Catholic' Students' Council of Fall River will sponsor a Valen­ tine Hop from 8 to 11 Saturday night at the Fall River Woman's Club, 542 Walnut Street, with ..recorded music handled by Tru Taylor, radio disc-jockey. The following members of the

Kinds Of Insurance



.. Stock for Immediate DeIi"eF7

Fall River Catholic Students' Council Plans Valentine Hop




DECORATIONS COMMITTEE: Discussing plans for the Valentine Hop to be held by the Fall River Catholic' Students' Council Saturday night are, left to right, Anthony Ruggiero of De La Salle Academy, Catherine Costa of Sacred Hearts Academy and Louise Levasseur of Domini~ Academy, all members of the decorations committee.

304 Kempton St. New Bedford

Membel'$ will visit Lourdes during TheYear of Jubilee-proclaimed by

the Holy Father to commemorate tbe IOOth AMi'fersary of Our Lady'.

Spiritually Directed by Rev. Edward A. Oliveil'Clt Diocesan Moderator Legion of Mary

appearances to St. Bernadette. Leaving New York May 6, 1958


for Naples, J!ome, Nice, Lyons" Paray-Ie-Monial, Ars. Seville. lourdes, Lisbcll1 and Fatinia ••• 33 day•••• from


MtKe than 60 Pilgrimage departure. January through October. For complete information. contact




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": At~~r.':I0.~.~::;:-.:.

...:' ;.:)~r;·>::Ti;~ ';: . . ';~;.:;~":' j··.~.:¥1~~·····~·"

.:M~r'l:ory.~:J·b9gerS"·S¢:rY~:~··:W.~lf· . On', Lo~g'Road' of:;Ed'ucat'i6n:

'By Mary Tinley Daly' . : "What's for· homework; Ginny?" we asked as we fin­ .ished the dishes. "Get part of it done before dinner?" "I guess so," Ginny slapped her leg with the dish towel, glanced up gulltily and put the towel into the soiled ", clothes bag. "Gotta memor­ . · . . ~. B I the date of Columbus' aiscovery lze a poem, reVIew·' ib e oj' America by the' .jingle: "In history or do 'rithmetic.'; fourteen hundred' ninety-two This; vle sensed, was no Columbus sailed the ocean~blue'" time to men'tion the dish towel 'ana which monihs have 30 day~· \







',:;oay $.. -F.osh-··· '. 'On,$~

".:' ""~"""d'


:':~'. ,.' ,;;' ,:'



"Continued from Page ODe ...


.Sister. Ar.astasi"·;"· ~~~~::t·l;d~~. ~~~tU;::i~I;:~h~; .' . ' .. . . :horizon! Indeed, ·theY are Ute BenedIctine Nun" . Paris· souffle piece de resistance of the . showings. Fabulously For .75· Years' ,bulky, unbelievably weightless 'and warming - the blend' is

whipped of 40% nylon and 20% ST. JOSEPH (NC}-A Bene­ wool, plus a goodly portion 6f dictine nun here at St. Joseph's air, convent who remembers vividly · The colors are' delectable . . ilie day. 81 years ago of Custer's last stand has achieved the dis- . there, are brilliant blues, reds, gold and orange tones .... with tinction' of being the first mem-· ber of her 'community to' com­ plete 75 years in the -religious NEW COLUMNIST incident; comes back via the childish:, life. Ellen Kelley was ·fashion· com­ "Want t() say "Thirty days hath September Sister 4~astasia" who is 93, mentator for The', Shepard the poem. first April; June and November.'" , has good cause to remember Stores, Provi.dence, for a num­ and get it out I . Th~n the chemical fOrnlula, June 25, 1876. That was the day ber of years and is now Copy of the. way?" -for water and sUlph~ric acid: when" Gen. George Armstrong Chief and Fashion Director of We went into "Here lies Johnny Jo'nes, now he Custer and 276 soldiers of the the' same· store. the dining room is no more. For what he dr.ank 7th Calvary were massacred by She is a guest "lecturer . on as Ginny laid as H20 was H2S04."" . a force' of. united Indian tribes ':out .her books. And the mathematical one as on the banks of the Little Big' Fashion Mer'chan'dising' and Ca­ ~eers' in Advertising at' Bryant "B Y J 0 h n to right angled' triangles: "Hey,. Horn River in Montana. The Henry Cardi­ youse! Sum -of square of 'other Indians had been united by ; College, and has given numerous' ­ courses' o.nGood Gto'omjng a'nd nal Newman." sides---square of 'hYP,otenuse:" Sioux Chie"£ Sitting. Bull al)d .Serious students ,in, universi­ . their fighting leaders w ere' How to Dress Well - For Little. Ginny drew a ,Money., " dee p breath, . , ties and colleees don't need.such Chiefs Gall and Crazy Horse. · She is' a writer of many years' plumped . down trickS-they have motivation and . :At the time, 'Sist~r Anastasia in a chair, shut 'a real'interest"in study; 'But for and her' two sisters were stu':' experience, and contributes fash­ her eyes tight, and, began a sing­ grade school pUPiJs, the "~rious dents' at old St. Gertrude's' ion 'columns to seVeral news­ papers. lOng: "Lead .kindly light amidst students" of the future, these Academy conducted by the the encircling gloom. little memory-joggers a Benedictines in S h a k 0 pee; . Miss Kelley is writing, this column on fashions exclusively · "Lead Thou' me on. -' shot-in-the-arm.· Minn. They received a letter "The night is long,'" Ginny For them, there is- ~ much to from their father, Frederick for The Anchor. : h~sitated. is dark?" So Frands Gerard, out , .......h .. '~The ht . night "

f much of it dead'ly of For't Ll' 1 who . .served t t dl~arn-and II H .I.e mg IS.,. U ., ' . a ew .guideposts, via nco n as an m erpre er' Ginny' peeked in her, book.. fun or e.v~n nonsense, eanbe 'for the' army .among the Indians. sno'.:v, white a prime favorhe.' ''- -rhe night is' dark· arid I-am':' implanted, let's cUe' them in! The letter told how their father Spring coats feature new top­ far-from-home. with a few' others n,arrowly es-··· width, _larrow-hem, silhouettes' . "Lead me .Thou on." poor Prize '-. caped, with their lives from the "in long or short versions. .. , Ginny' .heaved a . d eep' sigh. ' LANCASTER (NC.}··.·.:- When . Little Big Horn massacre. The -Suits are prettier than ever ""'ul'de Thou my step's . my' letter, dated July 5,' 1876 which thl'S" Sprl·ng.' Yes, they"re pretty' . .I.~ee placed .the U. S. fatalities at enough, and different enough, to ~t?"" .•• ,. Mrs. Don'Schroder won the_d'oor ' . The, heartless dissection of prizeattl!e. Lanclister ~nighti;" more than,3od, was recorded in cause you, to buy a new. suit .. ' . , of Columbus' harvest ". dinner •. the history of the Benedictine f h . .here; that's just' what· she community' here, "wifh Lamps or e new . ·C t Shortseason. Jackets _ wmce N:ewman's , go -a house' door,' gift 'Wrap- . . Burning;" by Sister Grace ·Mc. 'Sing-so.ng Has Meanilllt .. ~. ,. ;.' Donald. ' .The sho~t jacket is the' key­ "Don't .learn it that way," wlt ' note 6f the season's' young an<t whispered,. with an arm arou'nd lovely suifIook . '. . but,th~ sho'rt her shourders. 'tAsk Daddy 'to jacKet in \Taried 'shl!pes:.' :-Mosi' play 'Lead Kindly Light.''' '. . outstanding fashion news is the "Play the piano before home­ "unwaisted" short jacket, con­ work?" Ginny brightened. toured longer in back. . . the "Sure!" ,new wais~-length,.blousonjacket . As the two of them sang, .•. the new shorter Chanel jacket effortlessly the beautiful words •.' the. low-belt "chemise;' ja,cket. of all the verses became part of Important too' . . coordinated Ginny's consciousness. . overblouses.. . detachaille fur "Um-m, nice," she murmiJred,. c~llars .. misty pastel colors ..• returning to' the dining room brilliant to!1es of red, green, blue and repeated without a mistake . . . crisp .little; checks '. ... an,d, the whole of the poem. The of cour.se, the fashionable color­ "sing-song~' this time had mean­ ~io of navy, beige-and gray. ing. . ' ' . The Dress-and-Jacket costume "Now Bible history?" we sug­ is very much in fashion' evidence. gested. "Look.it oVer and we'll There's fashion news .in the hear you." . jacket. : the new waist-length "Goliath was a giant and blouson, the barrel-back the David was a shepherd boy," she chemise-look easy fit,.' brief read under. her breath. "Wish jackets to, or above the waist. you' had '11 song about "Goliath, ". There's n~ws in the dress .... paddy,~, Ginny called 'into'the' , . chemise and blousot:l sfyles . .'as . living room where the Head Ot , ' . . , , . . .... the. H.~~se,was.. r~!ld(ngt'ti.e 'eve'~: . " ... _' " ning. paper. :" : I: ·~ "who .say's I .:,:haven~t?,i ,'he " ealled:t>ack. ~'TheI!e's the: 'Bibii­ ,eal'Baseball Game'. Don't know whQ. wroie"ii 'blitlet'splay ~t.;' Bible 'Baseball So. Dartmouth Ginny snuggled ·up against a'nd .Hyannis· hef daddy on the piano bench,. her blond head pressing his So. Dartmouth shoulder arid the Head of the House sang his baseball song:. WY 7-9'384 SACR.ED HEARTS CEREMONY: 'Fwo New Bedford' "Eve stole first, ~nd Adam' young ladles .ma9~/ significant steps' in their' lives at the • . ,Hyann~ 2921 'stole sec.ond; •• _. _ ...... "St. Peter umpired the game. S3;CI:ed Hearts Academy Chapel, Fairhaven. Sister' Cath­ "Rebecca went down to the erm~ Mary, left, formerly.Catherine O'Neil, received well JVith the pitcher habIt of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus "While Ruth in' the field aqd ~~ry~. SistetEj~ard Marie, right, formerly Marlene gained' fame: .



. ".~

.c~assic mad~.dam:e



. .'-.. ~

well ~ full-sk~~ted, pleated~11M . slim- sheath silhouettes. . corne in for, a great ~eal of' pleased comment. Bright Tones There's news in .c~lors .. muck emphasis, of 'course; is placed 011 navy, a perennial favorite . . • although beige and gray are close 'runners':up. . However, you'll note this Spring . . the new, lightened bright tones .• and soft, misty .pastels ill , costu~es . . in hats . . and ill accessorles-in-general. 'There's news in prints • • • prints for the entire costume •• and prints coordinated with solid colors, with telling fashion effect. Coordinated separates are very much to the fashion-fore. They have a new ,"dress" look . . you'll note Shirts or' blouse. 'with J!latching skirts that com'~' bine into new chemise, over':' blouse and blouson dre~ses. C~ ordinates have a new "suit" look, too . . jackets and skirts team together .. while favorite accompanying blouses are: th~ blouson, the barrel-back, the Chan~l, and the low-belted style.


.~.,:J B'


Nautical Ideas Coordinates favor new color' themes . . such· as orange, yel­ low, brillial1t green, red and white. There are new looks ill the check field .. lots of white- . ground checks . . plenty '01. houndstooth ,checks. There are c?lorful prints, too, in chiffon, sdk, blends, cotton . . even i. b~sic separates. And-.:there are delightful new miutical .ideas new versions of navy with red and white .. with lots of 'middy details. , . All-in-all . . Spring fashioM arelgvelier than ever - do im excellent job of flattering-yOu!

W.omen's .Apparel, ,262 Union St. New Bedford

The . Franciscan . . . .' Father,S. -. .

, rhiri'O'rd~r:R~g':;lar,:'''' ~

, .' 'St. Fr:ancis "~' .

Offer to Yo~ng"Meri an~'B9iI OPpOrtunii!es·"te, study for the Priesthood. Lack of funds no obstacJeCan'di-' dates for the' religious Lily Brotherhood also accepted. For further information, write

.7":' . speci~J'







Rodl:!rlques, maqeher:. temporary profession of" vows.


"Goliath, he was struck out . by David, "Abel got a'base hit off Cain' "And the· Prodigal Son maW: . a big 'home ru'n;. "Brother ,Noah gave out checks for rain!:" "Gee; Daddy, ,th~t's funny!" .Ginny laughed aloud.' "And it's true, too:, We've studied all those things. in school-but this 'kind~ makes me· remember' "em better." . We w~nt ·back·.to·Bible study ;- -:-sans mu~ic~then on to' arith­ metic with no gimmicks whatso­ ~ver-inversion of fractionS__ Gimmicks Help .. Certainly the light. touch can't be added .to homework every night. Superficial - the gim­ cracks? Of ·course. But ho)IV often do all of us resort to the . intriguing - gimmicks acquired along the way _ of education? Perhaps they propel us along to the nex.t step. Most of us recall






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Color Film ,of Cistercian Life To be Shown in Fall River The faithful of the Fall Rh'er diocese will have an opportunit,. to "'visit" within a Cistercian ao­ beT on Sunday, Feb, 23, when an original color film of Trappist life will be shown' at Sacred Heart Academy, 466 Prospect Street. 'l'he film will be shown by Vincent Andrewil of St. The­ resa's parish, South Attleboro. The showing, which will begin at 2:30 P. M., is sponsored by the Sucordium Club of the Acad­ ,

~es of addhig to it. More pic­ tures were taken in Glocester,

R. I., where the monks were in temporary residence and in Spencer, Mass., where they set­ tled in 1951. Background music for the film is from Mr. Andrews' own pri­ vate record collection. "Classi­ cal music was my main hobby before I became so involved with the film," Mr. Andrews comments. Many of his own fa­ voriU: selections are used in ap­ propriate backgJ:ound spots. The ' emy. . film' is entitled "Pax Intranti­ Mr. Andrews, an Attleboro foreman-printer, devotes prac­ bus," which, translated, means tically 'all of his spare time to "Peace to Those Who Enter." his unique lay apostolate-tne Offering for Abbey

filming of scenes of the Trappist

The film is shown only by in:. abbey at Spencer, Mass., and vitation and after each exhibi­ their showing throughout New' tion, a voluntary offering for England and beyond. the Abbey is made. Mr. An­ The photographer - producer drews emphasizes that ,neither' IIIld his wife, Ida have made he nor anyone connected with hundreds of appearances with the Abbey is seeking money the film in their own diocese and which should be going to indi­ ill those of nearby Providence vidual parishes. and Worcester. ,"We think of this as an enter­ They've been in Canada, aU tainment in one sense," he says. over New England and in New "We !Iuggest that those who are' York and Philadelphia countless able, contribute what they. times. Often they return to the would pay to see a secular Ame parish or club for a third er fourth showing as they'll be movie." doing March 21 when they pre­

8ent the film' in Roxbury,

)4<\ss., for the fourth time.

Mr. Andrews, a hobbyist-pho­

tographer, first became inter~

ested in the Trappists about nine

,ears ago when they were at the

Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley

in ,Cumberla'1d. R. I. Fire de­

Itroyed this establishment in

March, 1950.

In th~ weeks following the

~re, ml\ny groups throughout

New England became actjve in

fund-raising efforts to aid the'

micken monks. The abbot, ~he

R1. Rev. Dom M. Edmund Fut­

~rer, O.S.C.O., asked Mr. An­

drews if any of his pictures

could be compiled into a film

which would be of value in ex­

plaining the work of the Cis­

tercians to these groups.

So successful was this brief

-Ronsan Photo film, Mr. Andrews became even

more interested in the possibili-


Fall River Women to Attend Panel Discussion on Cana Conference Members of the Fall River District Council of Catholic Women will meet tonight in the basement of ~nto Christo Church to hear a panel discus­ .ion on "Cana-the Conference, and its Significance," which will be conducted by Rev. Anthony 111. Gomes, Rev. John F. Hogan

and Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca,

.... ,.th Rev. 'Raymond M. McCar­ thy, director of the Family Life Bureau of the diocese, as mod':' erator. All are active in Cana Conference work. Preceding the panel discus­ .ton, Mrs. Frederic Tuttle, Coun­ dl chariman, will conduct a - .hort business meeting at 7:45. Acting as chairman of the ses­ ~on, and conducting a question and an'swer period following the panel discussion, will be Mrs. Vietor S. Aguiar, head of thl;! district family and parent edu­ cation committee. Other district, council chair­ men to be introduced at the meeting include Miss Ruth Mc­ Ardle, discussion' clubs; Mrs. Oscar Granito and Miss Mary E. Cronin, co-chairmen of the' youth program; and Mrs. Theophane Lavoie, spiritual development. Refreshments following the

Diocesan Nurses Plan Pilgrimage Catholic Nursea of Fall River will leave for Canada by, train ona pilgrimage' Monday, May 5, with Mrs. Edna Dube in charge ef arrangements. Scheduled to leave Boston at ene o'clock, the group is plan­ ning to lodge in the Pilgrim House in Montreal and will visit Our Lady of the Cape, St. Anne lie Beaupre and St. Joseph'. Oratory, all in Montreal. All Catholic Nurses of the Di­ ecese are cordially invited' and l'eservations may be had by con­ tacting Mrs. Dube, 44 Norwood Street, Fall River, DO later thaD aext SaturdOlT.

meeting will be served by mem­ bers of the Guilds of' Santo Christo, S1. Patrick's, St.' Louis, Our Lady of Health, Our Lady of Angels and St. Mary's par­ ishes.


Thu~., Feb. 13, 1958


Milan Mission Sets Plan ROME (NC)-The two years of planning for last fall's Great Mission of Milan made it "a first class pastoral experiment, worthy of study by all of Italy and even foreign nations." This was stated by Msgr. Francesco Olgiati, professor at Sacred Heart Catholic Univers­ ity of Milan, in an article in the Review of the Italian Clergy. Msgr. Olgiati said the un­ equalled success of the mission preached to 1,400,000 Catholics in Milan's 127 parishes last September resulted from "a long and patient task of or~'8n­ ization which required two years of diligent work." The writer said that each parish, in Archbishop Giovanni B. . Montini's archdiocese wu entrusted to the prayers of a monastery or a convent. In December, 1956, almost" a year before the mission was to be held, pastors were called on' to SODAI..}TY PJROFESSION: Profession into the Ch~ stimulate interest among their , dren of Mary Sodality took place recently at Sacred Heart.l ,parishioners' in the' coming' Academy, Fairhaven. Shown receiving the ribbon, center. 'event. Each family was given a is Kathleen Perry; 'left is Catherine Norris and right. "Ritual of the Family" booklet, Mother Mary Geor'ge, Superior. containing prayers suitable for

special family occasions such as

weddings, births ot a son's de­ parture for military service. An estimated 450,000 booklets were distributed along" with copies of

member of the Missionary Cea­

a letter by Archbishop Montini - Members of two Cape Cod parishes, Osterville and Ware­ acle Apostolate, the lay asso­ announcing the mission. ham, were, saddened to learn of ~iates who bring the virtues and Parish Plan' the ,death of Sister Berenice of spirit of the Missionary Servant. Pastors subdivided their' pa-" the Holy Face, Missionary Serv­ rishes into zones,' streets and into their homes and work. 1D ant of'the Mo~t Blessed Trinity. houserows with a layman as..; 1927 Sister went to Alabama ' . Sister' Berenice was the first signed to each :division." Using join the Missionary Servant&. custodian of St. Patrick's Cen'­ this zoning system, priests and Aftei' her novitiate'in Holy Trin­ acle in Wareham, serving in laymen conducted conferences, ity, Alabama, she trained as a that capacity from Jl940 to 1944. distributed booklets on the mis­ professional nurse at the HoI, sion's theme "God the Father," Name of Jesus Hospital, Ga. Sister spent six years as cus­ and gave retreats and training den, Ala. todian of Our" Lad~' of the As­ courses to parochial committee sumption Cenacle in Osterville. As a zealous miSSIOnary members. from 1950 to 1956. She had just equipped with the added advan­ 'Processions of penance, daY'll finished her term at that mission tage of a nurse's training, St.­ of the sick, periodical letters to when she became sick and went tel' Berenice spent the greater the families and v.isits to home. lO the Motherhouse of the Mis­ part of her religious life in the and to the families of fallen sionary Servants in. Philadel­ active mission fields. Her work away Catholics were among phia. Sister was th,ere when she was in Mississippi among the other programs aimed at stimu­ died and her Requiem Mass wu Indians, and colored people; .. lating interest in the mission. ' celebrated in the Ji'ather Judge New York State, and on Cape M.emorial Chapel. Cod. Her work on Cape Cod brought this Diocese into her SAN GIOVANI ROTONDO, Professional Nurse debt, for she is remembered for (NCj -Padre Pio, famed Italian The former Agnes Feldhouse her kindness and gentleness priest stigmatic, appears to have of Meriden, Conn.,' Sister WlUl which always characterized her recovered entirely from a sev­ active from 1911 to 1927 as a zeal. ere illness.

Sister Berenice Remembered As Zealous Miissionary on' Cape Cod

Padre Pio

Father ":logan Guild Speaker _I

, Mrs. Pauline Be'rtholdpre­

ilided at the meeting of the

Infant of Prague Guild of St.

Mary's Home, New Bedford,

with Rev. John Hogan, director of the home, offer'ing the open­ ing prayers. Father Hogan also addressed the members, congratulating them on their work, and closed the session with prayer. The hospitality committee headed by Mrs, John Newby as chairman in charge of the coffee hour included Mrs. Arthur Ben­ nett Jr., Mrs. Antone Medeiros, Mrs. Leo Lake, Mrs. Francis Lawler and Mrs. John Remil­ lard.


See the new



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Countless Hours of Enjoyment

Available'in Books for Children

Conflict in Northern Ireland B'ackground for Land of Cain

. By PatriCia M(:Gowan "Train up a child in the. way . he should .go and when he is old he will not depart from it" isa· eaying :as applicable in the field 01. juvenile reading as in any other department of child care.. Soinetimes, 'it's .true, ·non.,.read... Jag children turn .into, reading adults!-and sometimes' :quin­ iuplets are born to' surprised parents; too. But one event is almost ,as· likely as' the other; Mid neither should be counted

By Rev. Roland Bousquet

~re .priced a·t $1 each; and the

St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford

other titles· include '''A is f<?r Apgel," ,an alphabet book; ':U I'd Been Born in Bethlehem," a .little girl's imagfnings about the. Christ-child; 1'1£ Jesus Came to My House," a simIlle poem .of how a little boy wouh' share his tOys and good times with. the infant· Jesus; and: "Our Father," ·ari·explanation of .the Lord's' .Prayer. . Ages Five to Eight .

like a floorwalker.") Brian finda

The LaQd of Cain, 'by Peter l!I'ork as' an apprentice steam

Lappin. 288 pp. Doubleday. fitter in a Queen's Island ship­ $3:95. . yard. .' Peter Lappin, a' p~iest· in the Salesian order of St. John Bosco Tension Rises and editor of the Salesian Bulle­ The stage is set for' tlie trag- . " . tin, Iiresents his first novel, a . moving story abou't Ireiand. As edy. The tension between Prot­ estants and Catholic's' mounts to a youth, the author witnessed the boiling point. One particular the strife and violEmce which he . year around the 12th of July vio­ relates fn The Land of Cain: lence explodes in the ·city. Sean The .Protestant-Catholic con:;' persuades Brian' to defend a flict of Northern Ireland in the monastery against the Specials. 1920s form the background of In the battle that ensues Brian the book. Peaceful men and "with one shot . . . has stepped women were drawn into the into the landof Cain where Abel. whirlpool of violence. The lay murdered and where no love streets of Belfast, saw neighbor was. . ." pitted against neighbor in an Sean,'a captain in the I.R.A.,

inter-credal strife. is killed by the Specials. Em­

The fortunes of BriatJ, Paul bittered by his brother's death,

and Sean .Tracey form the core of Brian joins the I.R.A. and takell

the book. Driven from the an­ part in the massacre of some

cestral farm by his own brother,' Specials. 'Obstinate in avenging

Michael, the boys' fath.er moves his brother's death, he is denied

CATHOLIC HEROES: to Belfast where he obtains a absolution. "With the revenge

J. Kenedy .& Sons' new modest job in a Post Office. The he had obtained in the ambush

American ,B a c k g r 0 u n d family 'lidjusts itself to its· new he had .cut himself from the

Books contain biographies of surroundings, all except Brian. friendship of man and now witb

This is'·. The mein?ries of th~ idy!lic d~ys his rejection of' forgiveness, be

Ca.t holi c heroes. '. . . '. on the farm remam WIth hIm. had cut himself from the love

about Padre Olmed~ and. :lIe cannot accept "the dull, grim of God." .

'. Cortez. walls of the houses and the dingy The'Land of' CaitJ is a good . 'windo~s of the shops. .. . ." t1ovel., . Loyalty to country and lives of Catholic heroes and 'Nothing, however, was to in­ heroines '.prominent in Ame.rican " f1ueilce his life more than the' .l.oye of religion .are delicately .history.' , '.. ;, religious strife that would even-' interwoven wjth ,viviq dfi!scrip­ tionsand dialogue thatrin~ Other bOoks for this age groUPtUally .~n~.M him. As a School­ ·true. ~he au~or ,has a'sensitive include' the' very' popular "Wild- . bOy, Briim finds himself in' 8 ear to grasp the chord of human life Cam:erahlim" 'by Jim Kjel-. . rock'7throwing battle. His. own emotions. At· times, however, gaard .('Holiday, $2.75), the story Stone knocks down a: Prptestant the author seems to tell us the of a boy's' adventures in' the boy, Clute Wilson. The boys story instead of letting the story cOurse '!lummer spent taking quickly become friends and in' tell itself. We hope that Peter pictures of' ·wild animals;· "A their boyish wisdom' recognize Lappin will take up his pen ' . Book of .Angels'~. by Marigold· the Senseless antagonism which give us another novel soon. Hunt, (Sheed.& Ward, $3.00), sets neighbor against neighbor. which tells just about every­ . Manhood accentuates the in­ thing. there is to be known of dividuality of the Tracey boys those : "pure spirits without. Sean is 'anintellectual absorbed & bodies" of which most of us in Gaelic culture who enlists in ONE STOP

have such erroneous concep­ the Irish..Republican Army; Paul tions; and "The Bishop's Boy" is the black sheep of the family, SHOPPING C~NTER

by Floyd Anderson ($2), the preferring the attractions of the Television • Furniture story of a Bishop's courier in city to his famil~'. ("He looked, Appliances • Grocery colonial New Jersey. thought Brian, more and more

OIINearly always a reading adult .... A; Cai~olic Child's Picture. has been.a reading child. Given Dlcbona.ry by .Ruth. Hannon that the love of. books is a de­ (~1.50) ~s. bou,?,d 10 sturdy p~a~­ .lJirable .characteristiC; it follows '~c an~ gIves II~ustrated defIm­ that the earlier a' child enters bons of CatholIc terms. Deal­ the world of literature the' hap­ ing with a little girl's First Com­ pier and the more at home he munion is "Thomas" by Mary will be in it. Harris (~heed & Ward,. $2.50), ,Although our generation has the amus10g stor~ of a bIrd and more to 'distract it from books a cat who complIcate the mat­ and reading than did any pre.,. ~r of ma,kin g a First Commtin­ vious age, it is also true that it .1On dress for Frances.. .. has more,and better books avail­ Not. nE;w, but IrresI~bblY able to it. .The most casual. beauhf~l" are t~o books Illus­ ~owse through the children's . trate~'" by. ElIzabeth;, Orton department of a lib,rary or book.,. Jone~: ~ong of the Su~, ($2.25) .ore will demonstrate the richa~d L~ll~by for Eggs .. ($.1.75) Dess of words and pictures avail­ both ~ublI.shed ~y MacJ?'llHan.. · able to our. children' and at The fIrst ~an' Illustr~bon of , minute ~st.· '. ., St. Fran,?is' .famous "<::lantic1e of You can, of course, pay four . ,the Sun and tht! secorld a ten­ .. five dollars for a child's book der portrayal of a· poem about 'but you can' equally well pay 25 bi~ds' .eggs. T~e pictures g~ow _ eents for. Ii., well-printed and .. WIt~ hfe and ~In be returned to ,aily.. illustrated Golden. ~ook, "agal.n ~nd. "a~a1O b)'.youngsters.. oi' for itsCat.holic coun~~rpart, , ,Blbl,e sto~~e!l ~re. v:'ell~epte-.· a Catechetical Guild "First·. se.nted by A ChIld s, . LI.fe of Book.". . Jesus" ($l.), by Fulton'Oursler; Bet~~en these price ranges lie ~'The' Story 'of No~h's·. Ark~ literally. thousands of children's~$.2.50), by. Tony. P~!a~o; and books,. discussing, like their. . .?e .~to~y of Jesus by. Maud adult equivalents,' every subject a~~ MIska Petersham ($2.50);. in and out of the world-with ~hIle . one ~uthor has even at­ special. ,emphasIs, in this satellite' .. ,·.~mpted,and dc:me a w~nderf';ll' \ age' on.oiJt-of-the-world matJob of render10g the claSSIC ter;. "" '.. ,"Imitation of ·Chr~st". into. the Introducing children to this language of .8 chIld. En~tled treasure trove can be among .~Jesus and I,'" it's by Frenc~ the most rewarding and delight_auth?r"Jean Plaquevent and 18 ful tasks of the parent or edu­ publIshed by Sheed & Ward at eator; and one it's almost impos­ .$1.75. sible to start too early. A two­ Ages Eight to Twelve year-old will.carefully turn the "ThE~ Lost Dragon of Wessex" pages of a picture book and by Gwendolyn Bowers ($3) is greet familiar objects with sure' to to exCite youngsters with chuckles of glee. Now and then its tale of Saxon England ·in the he'll even listen as a jingly days of King Alfred, as ·seen rhyme or a very simple story is through the eyes of 13-year-old .read to him. Wulf, a page in the King's For Two and Up .court; while the twentieth cen­ "Pantaloni" ($2.50, published tury is represented by "ChildreD

by Harper and Brothers), writ.;. . of Light" by Katherine Eyre

ten and illustrated by "Bettina,'" . ($2.75)" an ~bsorbing telling for

h; a 'lovely picture book about : children of the discovery of. the

Italy. It tells the story of Pan­ Dead Sea Scrolls, and what they talonj, a little. dog who runs mean to Biblical scholars. away and is hunted by his. mas­ A ~uly outstandiI;lg series of ter, i Beppolino. The pictures, books . ~or children in this age full ;of detail, tell the story' al­ ~oup'are the' Landmark Books, most without need of words. publi~hed by Random House 'at O~' the American scene, au­ $1.95 each.. Dealing with various' thor..illustrator Don . Freeman people ':and epochs of ~erican has ;made a beautiful picture _ history, they are wdtten by. book 'of San.Fr·ancisco in his ·acknowledged.exper1!l, authors "Fly High, Fly Low" (Viking, such as John Gunther, Mackin­ $3), which tells the story of Sid, lay Kantor, Bob Considine, a pigeon who lives in .the "B" Quentin Reynolds and samuel of a large sign overlooking the Hopkins Adams. Golden Gate' City. Some might feel such men are Also'laid in California is "The' wasting their time in writing for' Butterflies Come" by Leo Politi children, but the popularity of (Scribner, $2.75). Story and pic­ the Lanc,Imark series belies such ture's tell of the beautiful Mon­ a statement. Many Fall,.River arcH butterflies which return to children in fact own the entire the : same Monterey Peninsula lkries of over a' hundred books, tree~ year after year, to be .wel­ and their grades in history 're­ comed by a children's parade. flecf their enthusiastic absorp­ "Sparkle and Spin" by Ann tion of their contents. Rand, illustrated by Paul Rand ~ AgllS Ten to Fourteen .. (Harcourt, $2.95) is, as its sub.,. title indicates, a book about This is the golden age for words, serving by pictures to series; Ten to fourteen-year­ introduce children to words olds ~re catered to on every "gay and bright' and full of light hand, from the Signature Books, like tinsel and silver and sparkle' at ·$1.95 each, which present and spin" and to words that biographies of famous person­ sound just like the' noises they ages, to the Vision ,Books of represent _ "thunder," . for in­ Farrar, Straus, and Cuday, ($1.95 8tance, "toot, toot," and "whee!" each) presenting saints' lives, Ages Three to Seven . and the American Background "My First Golden Counting Series of P. J: Kenedy & Sons, Book" by Lilian Moore (Simon

& Schuster, $1.) ,teaches children to count with the aid of colorful

animals, drawn by Garth Wil­ liams, while "The Giant Nurs­ ery. Book" by Tony Palazzo­ (Garden City, $3.95) contains a wonderful assortment of games, stories, verses, and big, beauti­ ful pic.tures. A whole series of books ideal for three to seven-year-olders are those by Joan Gale Thomas.' Only one. "One Little Baby," a Christmas story,' is' a new book,. 'but aU are ~ell worth Davirig,in '.cbild's,iiprary; ~:Alf'


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Ag~S 'l)velve to Fifteen every day like a. smooth - well, Once again Random House supplies material well worth reading.in its World Landmark Books, also $1.95 each. With the same 'notable. authors, these . · books range over world history, considering persons as diverse · as Marco Polo and Marie An­ CREAM toinette, and ranging from Genghis Khan and the Mongol. LEO R. BER1}BE, Mg:r. Horde, to· a Consideration of 'Slade 8t. Tel. OS 5-'7836 951 Scotland Yard. Claire Huchet Bishop contrib­ utes "Toto's'Triunlph" ($2,50) to the' teen-age reading list. .In' it, she tells the adventures of a . Tuning, RepairiDg French boy . who' seeks to find ,& 'Rebuildin« ' .. a home for. his family. Sketches of 13 teen-age' saints are con.;. tained, in "Saints Without ,Wrinkles" by' Florence Wedge ($2), while the trials and joys of .a typical teen-ager are de-. "Designers & Builders tailed in Lenora Mattingly Web­ of er's books about Beany Malone, PIPE OR(;ANS of which the. newest are ~'Happy Birthday, Dear: Beany" ($3) and P. O. Box 347 : New Bedford "Make a Wis!t for Me"($2.75). WYman 3-8683.




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.' 202·and 206 ROCK ST.-TEL. OS 5-7829

Spirit of Region Is Portrayed ~~~r~~~:b~~"i, In Hough's New England Story"~""'"":"c-

In 'Where Did You Go?' 'Out'

Boyhood Experiences Portrayed

By Rev. John J. Regan

By Rflv; Patrick J. O'Neill

Sacred Heart Church, Fall River

St. Thomas More Church, Somerset

The New England Story. By from New, York, Enoch Adams "Where Did ,You Go?" "Out" hood. And as' far as I 'ca'1 recan, Henry .aeetle Hough. 346 pp. presents a challenging oppor"What Did You Do?" "Nothing" we were quite flattered when New York,: Random House. $3.95. tunityto' 'gain' fame, Having by Robert Piml S,mith. New an adult condescended to umpire To many an outsider New ,accidently discovered the longYork, W. W. Norton & Co., 1957 our ball games and I don't think England presents a rather conlost letters from the captain's 124 pp. . '. ' , it would have' taken too much fused picture -:. 'traditional and daughter, 'Charity, l;Iartwell, is As the title suggests, this is convindng to 'get us to use a distant, :~old and secretive. Yet, , "convinced' ' that' Templeton's the heartwarming reminiscence nice new Little League ball to a life-long resident like noyel ~antly characterizes this of the auth'or's boyhood experi- ' I am sure that we would' have Henry Beetle Hough, New Enl~- bold captain. ences,~n' the days when parents been delighted'to play on a regu­ land is none of these things. It Certain that it fails to grasp left chl1dren alone. It is, at the lation ball field', since the dutiful iI; warm and imaginative, dis­ him at all, Edgecomb Sets out same time, a striking though policeman was 'determined to tinctive and human: 'for Dinton Port to discover the . exaggerrated, . denunci~ltion of keep us off the broad lawn in In his latest work, The New ful.l character of the captain. He parental interfernce in the activ- the neighborhood park. I can· , England Story, Mr. Hough l>octs is not disappointed. ities of modern boyhood. ,still feel the supreme thrill of out to show that, though New At the time of his arrival The author has an amazing being allowed' to fetch 'tools fOr England may be different, it is Enoch's two granddaughters are memory for details, and he re­ my idols,' the workmen at a real and vivacious. Taking as epgaged in a bitter contest over' captures the fu~l color of uni­ nearby boatyard, and try as I bis background ~e tiny New the family estate. Miriam, the versal boyhood experiences with might, I can't remember any 01. England seaport of Dinton Port, elder of the granddaughters, an accuracy that is certain to my pals being insulted when Mass., ~he author weaves his represents the staid, traditional, awaken nostalgia in the heart of their parents (rare though it story around three generations secretive picture of New Eng­ every reader. , was) offered to take them to of the. Adams family that left its land. NanCY,the younger grand­ Hand in hand with th.e author, New 'York. deep Impact on this salty resort. daughter, is, the antithesis of the reader once more walks

I just wonder if it is so bad

Enoch ,Adams grew up in Miriam-passionate, hot-headed through the wondrous days when that parents are now interested

Dinton, P.ort to become one of and restless., ~ightning bugs were collected in in their children, so long as they

the great whaling captains of Young .Mr. Hartwell rents a Jars, when a scout knife was don't become children them­ th~ nine~eenth century. Immor­ cheedess room from the elderly used only for playing mumbly­ selves. I wonder if l:cids have

tahzed In a famous Ameriean Miss Harriet Craddock. It is not peg, and when every right to have nightmares in order to

novel, Arc~er Templeton's Bil­ w1thou~. ;reason. She w~s, for minded kid. played immies as have dreams, and I wonder if

d.ad's Locker, this man drew many years, Charity's house­ MARYLAND FIGURE: soon as the ground had thawed. God really intended that paren"

81ghs of pride from all his fel­ keeper. Self-sufficient, reli­ Dorothy Fremont Gran.t's Those were the days when the should mind their own businea

low natives. Here is a man of gious, parsimonious, and greedy' "Adventurous Lady" is first. thing you did after buying Has Mr. Smith forgotten, «

whom the town could joyfully Miss Craddock gives Edgecomb, b a fIve cent baseball was to didn't he experience that kida

boast, a man who embodies in much v.aluable information about a out Margaret Brent of '" smother it with tape before it of the good old day; were allllt

his very nature the strong, salty, the Ad~ms family. And in the Maryland. had a chance to fall apart, when bored, and lonely, and fright­

unwieldy figure that symbolizes. end' sh~ surprisingly gives bim of Miriam and Nancy Adams, a bU7.oZ saw eould be made with ened? I wonder, in short if the

New England. ' "'the most important information especially the latter, with whom a button on a'string, and when old days were as good' as be

Opp~rtu"nib for. Fame of' all..:....:.~~' ~issi~g, pages, Hom'. 'he falls in love, that Mr. Hart,..' the obvious p.urpose of a phono-, claims?

To Edgecomb Hartwell, the ,the capUlin's journal. .. , well is !I ble to learn the story of gra~h was .to determine how far ' At any tate, the book is Vf!!f7

young 'e~ergetic literary figure Yet, His ~~t without ,the help,t,h'e real character of 'Captain varIous objects would fly when .. entertaihing; and theexperi­ , Enoch Adams and the secret he dropped on, the turnta,ble. ences that he described an

left to his ,heirs. With this ,You' will recall with the !Iuihor 'warmly human. And althougll

knowledge ;Edgecomb is able to how t~r~e kid~ at a time would we cannot agree with the au­

write his New England'story. read the,latest Tom Swift ad­ thor's extreme criticism of mod­ venture, and you will surely 'er,n parents, we certainly admit Conflict Is Theme agree that horse, ..chestnuts were the value of the warning wia Written in a fast-stepping, the npblest work o:f creation, which the author concludes. suspensive style that moves the mad~ "for "the one purpose of "My fear," he insists, "is that'

'novel along 'at a smooth pace, The rublllng your thumb over their all of"us grownups have be­ ,New England Story does portray marbleds~rface. come so childish that we don'

an interesting insight .into the ' Style Amusing leave the kids much room ..

spirit of New England. Whether Although at times one feels, move around in, that we fool­ it depicts 'the' New England that the author is trying too hard ishly believe that we understand

story is another matter. to be clever, his styll~ is for the them so well because we share

Underlying the wholf story is most part amusing and thor­ things with them," Extreme.

the major theme that the basic oughly refreshing, After extoll­ no doubt, but worth consideringt

conflict of New England is not ing the marvels of a treehouse, No Fear between passion and the repres­ for example, he condudes, "We VATICAN CITY (NC)

sion of puritan ideas; but, were so high up in the empy­ rather, between romanticism and ream we were on a level with "Dogma is not afraid of sci­

the inelegance of bodily things. the bedroom windows. You may ence," His Holiness Pope Pita

XII told 135 Fulbright students '

With subtle maneuvering of toe think this was only one story up and professors here during a

main characters, Mr. Hough ' in the air., How, then, do you special audience.

tries to bring this forth. This is account for the fact that the ali­ Speaking in English, the Pope

the forceful theme that makes was thin, and we were continu­ HENRY BEETLE HOUGH

said that the Church's libraries,

New England different. ally surrounded by E~agles!" , m use urns, and universitie.

Author of "New England Slory"

We ar,e accustomed to a New' On the other hand, his rather prove that "dogma is not afraid

England with, characters like casual reference to stealing, read­ of science."'

Sto~y the proud Captain Adams, the ing of lewd '~agazines, and other 'straight-laced Miriam, the un­ moral issues of boyhood could easy Nancy, and the self-suffi­ have been easily omitted. cient Mis~ Craddock; but, at the However, it is when the author .When it's time By, Rev. Jame~ A. Clark

same time, we are less familiar becomes a philosopher that he St. Mary's Church,New Bedford

with the exuberan~ of passion really partS' 'company with the to retire • • • Buy Michelangelo - The Floren­ . , ' . that these people at times dis­ reviewer. 'His delight in the fact tine,: by Sidney Alexander. Ran­ WIth the exception of the Jew, play. ," .' that in his day,' "!;he grownup dom' House. $4.95. Andrea., Yet Mr. Hough knows bow to was the natural enemy of the Somehow one never expects Mr. Alexander does· have an write in a truly arresting style' child" might well be' questioned. ' to read a novel about Michel­ enviable facility with words and that personalizes his characters Although I cannot claim as many angelo _ and it possibly would in great part the thread of a quite, well. From the pages of years as Mi". Smith. I think I do be better if one didn't if this ill story fairly speeds along, but this volume, the salty saga of belong to his generill era of boythe book one must ch~osc. The often it bog!; down in a tangent the colorful Captain Adams and nearest this book comes to that has little reference to the Michelangelo is the, cover which story. The 'author overdoes his his family become a vivid living bears his name. ' ability with words to the point adventure. One can well imag­ ine Dinton Port with its people, The theme of the book is: can of boori!!~ness; what for exam.,. pIe, does sfuinatura mean - it its customs, and its ideals. And anything Christian be of any one can well appreciate the life gO~? It is truly historical 'fic­ occurs twice and like much of that people lived in the small '. ': tion, Saddles with an unfathom­ the text can be skipped by the coastal harbors of a New Eng­ able confusion of sequence, plus reader without loss. land port in the whaling days of .:l':.' . a . p,lethora of 'Renaissance­ There is a repulsive coarse-, yesteryear. sounding names inter-twined' ness to the book, unexpected in FALL RI,YER into the story with no obvious the treatment of so noble a per­ 276 Central St.. Fall River MAILING ERVICE purpose other than to prove the sonage. Many of these are be­ erudition of the author. The yond mentioning, but as exam­ OSborne 6-8279 characters are weakly drawn, pIes: he refers to the wife of 234 SECOND S1. fAll RIVER APPRAISER Pope Alexander as the "bride of REAL ESTATE Christ;" and explains that An­ drea could never bring himself ~~'~~~~~~~,~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to kneel before "a tormented INSURANCE Jew hanging on a cross." WY 3-5762 The author sets a scene and 136 Cornell st. ~~ then quotes from the Vatican \ New Bedford diaries, which are thus made to \prove what the author has out­ lined. He repeats the old chest­ nuts of selling indulgences and -7@ SAFE DIEPOSIT BOXES AT LOW COST absolutions and shows a lack of ARE AVAILABLE AT ability to distinguish between sin and punishment when be ALL OF OUR THREE BANKS wonders why a' person who has been absolved from his sins, North Rank 14<)1) should still be banged for his Acushnet erimes. French Blvd. (0 "PHNI~ Ave. 273 CENTRAL AYE., One closes the book with a feeling of regret that such a ~ OF NEW BEbFORD NEW BEDFORD great Christian ,figure bas been ~ ;{~ MAIN' BJ'NK - PURCHASE AND WILLIAM STREETS disto.rted at the bands of a movie ~narist, rather than' described ~ , M_ber Federal Deposit Insurance C~Gtion WY 2-6216 _ at the bands cd a 8Cholarly biIJ­



Alexander's of Michelangelo Distorts Great C;hristi~n Figure




James F. O'Neill


SECURE YOUR VALUABLES JJj Safe From Fire and Theft















1 the Yardstick

.. ' /.; .. '

".' '"

~otes Steady·:h~·prov~m'~~f· I... Catholic Pulbli'cations' . By Msgr. George C: Higgins Director NCWC Social Action Dept.

During these first' few weeks of February, which .is annually observed: as Catholic' Press Month, there have been a number of editorials in Catholic newspapers and magazines on the purpose and .status of the Catholic press in the United States. The As . a concluding footnote to writers of these. appraisals theS!! random observations on seem -to agree that the the status of the Catholic press, Catholic press, in spite of it might be pointed out that


-THE, ANCHOR Thurs., Feb..-13, 1958

Credit· Unions Fight Against Comunism

MADISON (NC) - A Mary~ knoli rtJ.issioner who started the first ·credit union in Peru char­ acterized such organizations "one of the most powerful forces available today to-fight the in­ roads of' communism in South America." Father Daniel McLellan, M.M., many handicaps; is fulfilling its started his first credit union two there also seems to have been purpose reasonably well and is years ago in Puno, Peru, at his in ,recent years a decided im­ s tea d i 1 y im­ mission parish of St. John Bapprovement in the correspon­ proving fro m tist. " . . I dence or "letters-'to-the-editor" year to year. Visiting the headquarters here 2 columns of many 'Catholic pub In our judg­ of the Credit Union National As­ lications, including a number of sociation, Father McLellan' said ment, this is diocesan papers. certainly true credit unions enable the "small Honest differences of opinion people" to borrow funds at low and particularly

are' being expressed ina more interest and through cooperation sO in the field

friendly and vigorous manner in . with others in the union improve of' Catholic so­

' these columns than was formerly nieir lot: ' cial thought and

the case. As a columnist .who This helps bridge the wide Catholic' social

h,s acquired a number of scars division between'the few rela­ .·c t ion. The

on several of these journalistic tively rich people and the' mil'­ news coverage

battlefields, I think I can grate-' lions' of poor in South America' In the Catholic

that makes the area a ripe 'target .

'fully say that this is a whole­ press of current . for communism! he said. developments _ in this field' is , some change foJ;' the_bett~r .. better today than ever ·before in. tenns of quality as well as quan- . ~roud lity. \The credit for this is dueprin72Y~ars cipally, I think, to the NCWC' . News Service, ·which provides SEATTLE (~cj - It's five his. servic~s 'in' the .eathedrals the diocesan papers with an . o'clock Sunday morning when a and dowI1town .churches. ever-increasing' amount of· in;" small cassocked. figure appears' Serves Prelate . fonnation and· background ma- from the sacristy door' to ··.light tedal in the field' of Catholic the·two:cilndles on St. James ·In Seattle's·,St. James Catpe-' sOCial thought a'nd Catholic Cathedral's main altar. dral he" has ,served Mass for

" .... Archbishop· Thomas A. Connolly social action. . 'He' we"ars glasses and' his h'air of S eattle; Arc h' bis'h op Wi11'lam' Documents Valuable . Is'gray. But his movement beMark Duke: of Vancouver, Brii. The News Servi~e is to beco~~' lies his age. At 5:15 he preIsh Columbia, and Archbis~op . ,ratulated especially on its' iili:;" cedes the celebrant to the foot Jerome ·Fernandez of'Delhi, I!'':'· tiative . in 'furnishing its slit>.:. , of the altar. dia. . .cribers very promtly with the: The Server is 80':'year-c:ildDr. . He. recal:ls serving ,Archbishop eomplete texts of the most·itn,Michael James Scott, Sr:, a well Paul,·Yu.Pin in New York's LeO' portant statements, speeches and known surgeon on whose skilled House the same day the ~hinese,

official documents in this, field and' once 'steady hands . have' Reds published a statement'

as' well ~ as in· many others.' depended inany' lives in the warning the Nanking prelate to These documents are indispen-, .operating room. . stay out of China. In Washing­ sable as' background material, It' ,is 'estimated that he has ton, .D. C."he served Archbishop and even those editors who served more than 32,000 ,Masses Patrick A. O'Boyle. haven't the space to publish all in 72 years of service in the At times mistaken for 'a of them in their entirety are un- sanctuary. Dr. Scott is proud Brother, the doctor now serves dOubtedly grateful to NCWC for of baving had the 'privilege of, at St. James Cathedral on Sun­ lIlaking them available with a IlCrving five archbishops, 27 \ days and Holy Days at the 5:15 lIlinimum of delay. bishops, three abbotS, a number and 6 a. 01'. Masses. Then' he - Speaking of documentary'ma- of monsignori and many priests hurries to Our Lady of Mount ferial in the field of Catholic in cities from coast to 'coast, Cannel Center in Seattle's skid­

lIOCial thought and ,Catholic 50- and from Canada to the Gulf of row district where he is sacris­

'clal action, we should also like to Mexico. . tan and server for the 9 a. m. put in a good ,word for The Born near Symington, TIL, Mass. 'On weekdays he serves

Catholic Mind and The Pope August 27, 1877, Dr.' Scott and the. 6:25 a. m: Mass., then fre­ Speaks. These two quarterlies family moved to Seattle'in 1934.' quen,tly the.,8:15 at the Cathedral which admirably complemetit Wheneyer he traveled to other for Auxilfary Bishop Thomas E. one another in their coverage cities, he made it a point to offer Gill of S,eattle,who, is his 'pastor. of official and unofficial Catholic documents, are r,equired read­

litg ..for anybody who wal}ts to.

keep abreast of developmentS· in:

catholic thought., ,,' . i Sound Interpretation

·'.:The dissemin~ti9n of. .news,

and the publication of documen.., ,

tary material are obviously very

important sel'vices, but a sound

interpretation of the news from

the point of view of Catholic

teaching. is probably of even

greater importance. Here again

it seems to us that the Catholic

press is doing a 'better job than

ever before. There is still a great

deal of .room for ,improvement,

of course, particularly in the

ease of'the diocesan press. "

It is our impression that di­

~san papers-with a steadily

increasing number 6f eXce'lL'"' ."s

~it"her shy away completely

from any discussion of contl'';­

versial social. and economic

pn)blems .(lOcal problems espe-' AN ALTAR BOY FOR 72 YEARS: Dr. Michael J. cially) or play it safe editorially Scott, Sr., pours 'water over 'the hands Of Father Linus by. remaining in the realni· of Stahl, S.J., during the ~'Washing of the." Hands.", during abstract principle. In all fairness; of course, the low Mass in Seattle's St. James' Cathedral. Dr. Scott, a familiar figure at the Cathedral a.nd at times mistaken for diocesan press cannot be 'ex­ pected to carry the full load of a' Brother' -has served daily Mass for' approximately 72 interpreting the news. That's. years~ A well known surgeon throughout the country, he primarily the function of the is,: 80· yea.rs old. NC Photo• . magazines and' the more speda'­ iz~ ne~spaper, many of whiCh,

are doing a very .creditable job.

Best Labor' :Paper

In the field of social reform,

the following publications, in our opinion, are deserving of

. 8p~cial commendation: Social Order, America, The Common­ Feill River's Largest weal, Ave Maria, The Sign, and last but not least, Work,-which Printers and Lithographers is published in Chicago by the Catholic Council on Working School Year Boo~s South Life and is regarded by many ~Sts• people, including this writer,' as ' 62 County St., Fan' Ri.ver, 'Tel. HY 81 the be~t l~hor paper in the Hyannis Tel.054-3525 " United State..

W.ell:"'Known: Surgeon .0. f Serving" .Mass.








, Our Responsibility


.God Love You



By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. Souls are lost. no~ just because of lbe evil they have !lone, but ..Iso because of the (oo.d they have left undone. Our Lord implied this in His parable of the empty house, that was not filled with virtue when evil was driven out. St. Paul also asks:. "How shall we escape if we negleCt?" In his last Encyclical on the Missions. the Holy "'ather asks if we who have the faith are-conscious of our

respousibility to bring the faith to lbe pagan world?

Two areas in the Mission world come to

olir mind, one Africa, the other Viet Nam.

Many Bishops from Central Africa who come

to our office tell us that each year they have to send away from fifty .to a hundred. appli~ cants for the priesthood, because they cannot afford to educate them. From the Vicariate of Qui-Nhon, in Viet! Nam, we le~rn that if there were forty more priests there would ~ ~me million cOl1verts .within the next ten ye~rs. O",e entire village met a missionary as

he passed through and asked to be baptized.

On another occasion, "an entire \village of

2:500 people, all of them. quite poor, pooled

their 'resources to purchase a hunrded .Papal

Flags as a sign of their earnest desire ,to become Christiana An old

priest, a former Communist prisoner, numbers his converts in term.

of villages not persona.' Within a period of four.~montha twenty

villages have enrolled under his instructions.

~t happens lbere ,to some extent depends upon us. Onb

fifteen dollars a month will educate and maintain a catechist Mt

instruct converts; a few hundred dollars will educate a priest and

build a chapel. LaSt year, the Catholics of the United States gave

thirty cents each to the Holy Father for him to aid all'the Missions

of ~he world. ManY'an .American could sacrifice that much a cia)'

and nev~rmiss it. Why ,not give your'~uls a treat by making an act

of· faith' in. the Vicar of Christ by sending him your· sacrifices.

These Sacrifices to· the Holy 'Fa~her' are transmitted through his

Society for the Propagation 'of the Faith which was founded

for- just that purpose•. , .

'- . GOD LOVE YOU to P.A:T. "I received new skates' and sold my old ,ones to a friend for $2. I give to the Missions' in school too, and I . give, my allowance" once a' month. I 'am eleven years old:~ . . • to Anon "I am stru'gglirig in order to live on a salary of $32'a week; also ,helping to· support iny brother's "falnily of six. Enclosed is $1 which I -w'asgoing ,to use in a"classified to obtain work at a higher . salary.. May it help us :both."·, .. to M.O. "Regular pay day contri­ bution: belated $1, current $liextra $1, in all $3." ' •


How man)' continents are there in lbe world? CaD ;'o'u Dame them! There is an eas)' and beautiful- way io remember all the peopl~s of all five continenf& Yo. ean remember them i,D )'our prayers on the WORLD MISSION ROSARY .which we wiil'8end at )'our re'quest aeeompanied b)' )'our $% sacrifice-offeriD&'. Cut out this oolumn, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Re~. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The SOciety for the Propagation of 'the Faith. 366 Fifth Ave~1Ue, New York I, N. Y., 01' your.DIOCESA~ DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, F~ll River, Mass.

Polish Bishops Must Stay Home

LOURDES (NC)-Polish bish­ ops will not attend the Lourdes centenary celt~brations this year becauSe .they "must stay at home to .. guard' the ,treasure of the Faith, of the Ch.urch and "of. •







God." This message was received here from His Eminence Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, by Bishop Pierre-Marie Theas of Tilrbes and Lourdes.






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Yearbook Mqin Proiect


.,' ... ~

J '"




. fohurs... ,Feb. 13;, ,195.... ,_

,,',: ' 's 'h I" " .',' term the honor r'oJl was ~Sted. Spotlight,'ing Our, ,c,' 00 s,', ,,- , Ther~ were 67 studenis on the ESUS MARY AC,u)EMY. J ALL RIVER F The JMA '58 yearbook "Echo" h as been progressing . steadily ·t d b since the ads were sohcI e y the senior class. The theme, "The JMA Creed" has been car­ ried out by the staff editor-in­ chief, Catherine Goulet, a~sisted by ,Annette Parent, MUriel La Chapelle, Jeanne Plante and Jacqueline Plante and Jacque­ line Caron, Copy for the annual was typed by seniors Mary A~m Levesque, Gertrude LaVOie, Jeanne Levasseur, Dorothy ~or-, est Doris Mathieu, Lorrame, and Maureen O'Con­ nor. A holiday' was graciously granted to the faculty and stu­ dent body of the academy and of the elementary school. Notre Dame by Rev. Edward Gorma?, Superintendent of Catholic Schools last Tuesday in honor of the festivity of the Centennary of Our Lady of Lourdes and the visit of the Rev. Mother General of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. The parish church Notre Dame de Lourdes, has been en­ tirely renovated ~or the occaBion. Honor roll for tbe rirst semeB.,. ter is as follows: J Seniors: Diane Caron, acque­ line Caron, Doris Dupont, Flor­ ence Heon, Annette Jusseaume. Muriel La Chapelle. Gertru de Lavoie, Cecile Na­ deau Jeanne Plante, Lorraine St. Georges, Catherine Goulet. Juniors: Diane Duquette, Claire Delisle. Sophomores: Claudette Bar­ aby, Pauline Beaulieu, Ann~tte , Cousineau, Vivianne DlOn, Claire Durand.', 'Dorothy McMillan, Georgette Nunes, Patricia LaFleur, Paul­ ine Roy Pauline Le Boeuf. Fresh:nen U3: Muriel Le­ Jacq ueline vesque, Allard, Ma:'


deleine Lacroix. , Cote, Col­ Freshmen US: Diane lette Jusseaume, Muriel St, Amand. Grade eight: Phyllis Claudette Beaulieu, eanmne Picard. bl M t Honora · was ac d h ef 11 en IOn corde t eJ o owm • g'. Seniors: eanme U ' l , Claud A . Ba"':n C ette aron, n nette Parent ,'. Juniors: Dolores Larrivee, Judith Goulart, Cecile D\1.charme, Annette Desautels, Jocelyne Cyr. Sophomores: Doris Letendre,', Colette Posey, Lise Toupin. Yvette Mercier. Freshmen US: Alice Cote, Pauline Gauline, Diane Ouimet. Grade eight: Doris Lagasse,' Patricia O'Brien, Kathleen Mor­ ris.



A freshman committee under the joint chairmanship of Muriel 'Cote and Donna Silvia is prepar­ ing a program for tl1e annual Catholic High School Day, which will be held at the Acad­ emy the afternoon of Feb. 27, for eighth grade girls of paro­ chial and public schools of F.all River. Committee members 10­ elude Janice Berube, Nancy Ho­ lewka, Jeannette Desrosiers and Jocelyn Cote. Student councillors and the presidents of the ~ari~us extr?­ curricular orgamzatlOns WIll join' the freshmen, in entertain­ ing the eighth grad~rs and in showing them the advantages they may gain by attending a Catholic high school next year. Varsity basketball team topped Dartmouth High 39-26 on the Dartmouth court, while jayvees won the preliminary game, 27­ 24. Madeleine Gariepy with 17 points and. Hannah Sullivan with 14 were high scorers for DA varsity. Therese Bisson'and Madeleine Kelley both netted 9 points for the jayvees. ..' A negative team of,Domlmcan Debaters will meet New Bedford High this afternoon in New Bed­ ford. Members of Our Lady of the Rosary sodality enjoyed a sur­ prise Valentine party Monday night when they assembled for, their weekly meeting. The plan­ ning committee included prefect Claire Si,notte, and Claire ReillL


list. The seniors Jed .with 22 and Hannah SulJivan, Bet.ty Menar~" also had·the highest number. 10, Catherine Perry, MIldred MI­ on high honors. dura and Gallagher of the The Sodality was inaugurated Central Councll. with sophomores and juniors SACRED HEART ACADEMY, eligible for membership. A com­ F AlRHA VEN . mittee was chosen to post the Members of the American Leg'ion of Decency, ratings of History class participated in a local films, the Apostolic work debate on the topic' "Capital for February. The Sodality Punishment" recently. Joanne members will strive to think Craig, Louise Charbonneau and ' 'with the, mind of the Church Catherine Blaise presented ar­ and to accentuate the positive. guments in favor of capital pun­ SACRED oHEART ACADEMY. ishment while Mary Agnes F ALL RIVER Caron, Anne Fitzgerald an,d S.H,A. debaters bowed to St. Magdalena Fern took the pOSI­ 'Raphael's of Pawtucket at a tion that capital punishment debate held recently. Upholding should, be abolished. The latter the affirmative for S.H.A. were team was victorious. Gene K. Nancy LaFleur and Mary Gal­ Callaghan was chairt:nan. lagher. This debate marked the Rev. Stanislaus Bernard, first loss of the Debrabant De­ SS.CC., chaplain, received the baters. following candidates as memb~J:!l Keeping up with .their usual of the Children of Mary Sodal..:, standard, S.H.A. downed Rogers ity: Magdalena" ,Ferro... , Alice High School at a debate held Wojcicki, Anna Barboza, Joan 'here recently. Winifred Welch Ellison, Mary Joan Fernandes, and Barbara Levesque upheld Helene Frechette, ,Kathleen the negative for S.H.A. ' ' Marrinan, 'Kathleen Perry and The feast of Our Lady 01, Benita Shea. ' Lourdes was commemorated The foJlowing ~ere accepted with a'n impressive ceremony in as aspirants: Nancy Fauteux, which the faculty and student Jacqueline Cusi<;,k, Janice Fau­ body participated in the school teux, Joan, LaFleur, Barbara ,chapel. Baker Alice Oliveira, Claire For their outstanding athletic Reinh~rdt; ' s k i l l 20 freshmen were chosen J u d y Gonet ,oanne J Santos• to participate in ,e seDlor gym 'th· Joan Hayes, Carole Reag'an, meet which was held yesterday JoAnn McKenzie, Elizabeth and again to,morrow. The Green Caron, Maureen'"'Bartholo. Team's honored freshmen in­ 'Margarida Carreira, Charlene eluded Joan Aguiar, Shirley Lapointe, Jeanne uingras, ane ~ J t 'Amaral; Jeannine Charest. Clare Blanchette, Lucille Gautreau Grace, Barbara Medeiros, Judith Jean Parent, Therese Teixeira, Paiva, Charlotte Pilar, Martha Patricia RebellO. Plourde, Nancy Raposa and Joanne Viera was the Acad­ Pamela Salvo. . , emywinner in the' recent Betty Supporting St. - Margaret's Crocker coptest and has been Team were Judith Campbell, awarded the "Homemaker 01 Maureen D'Andrea; Mariette Tomorrow" Desmarais, Mary Deslauriers, Sister Anthony, SS,CC., p~in- Corinne Hambly, Kathleen cipal, was a guest at the preVIew Kelly, Kathleen 'Ledo, Emily of "Scltoolroom Progress Miean, Patricia Nobrega and the nation-touring museum Colleen Price. • Bed ­ train, -on display in, New 'MOUNT ST. MARY·S. ford. ,






ST. MARY'S HIGH. TAUNTON Students participated in a day of recollection as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the apparition of Our Blessed Lady at Lourdes. The exercises began with Holy Mass attended by the , , , student body. Rev. James V. Lowry, C,S.C., of Stonehill College; held three conferences in the church' arid was avail\lble' fOF consultations and discusiions between. talks. The program ended with Bene­ diction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of. the Lourdes hymn, "Immaculate ,Mary." " At the cloSe of the Corona whist party, a special" drawing was held for the high school students, as reward for their. cooperation in the selling of tickets. Nancy O'Connell '59 w~n the prize, which was four free driving lessons. With .the closing of the mid-


PLUG FOR THE' CATHOLIC PRESS: Thes~ sopho­ mores at Sacred Hearts Acadl:lrnY prepare f~r theIr class­ mates. They are the budding po~ts o.f' SIster Stephen, Dolores' English Two class who had theIr poems accepted,' for publication in AMERICA SINGS, the .19.58 ~ntholbg~t. of'the National ,High School Poetry AssocIatl?n. They are, left to right: Mary McGuire, Mary Lou ~mght,. bot~ of. whom received "Special Mention" -for theIr contrIbutlon~, "'. and Eileen Perr'ault. Others in the cl~~s wh.o han th~,lr poems accepted ar.e Paulette Dion, PatrIcIa Drlslan, JudIth Hunt and Barbara Tavare.s

' d scorer' was Dianne erry, . P '61 parochial, who wish to atten With 37 points. the Academy in September, The basketball team won an- . ]958. This examination is to be' other victory over Taunton given at 9 o'clock Saturda)' 'High Varsity at Taunton. T h e , . h M t. _Varsjty score was 46, Taunton morning, March IS, at t e oun High 41. The Junior Varsity All who intend to take this team lost to Taunton High Junexamination and who desire ie ior Varsity; enter the academy in Septem-, The record of th,e Mount basber, '1948, are ,urged to register 'ketball team" to date is as folat the academJ' as soon as po.. lows: Mount St. Mary Academy, sible for this examination. varsity basketball team: 7 vic-, Mount St. Mati"' tories, 2 losses; Junior Varsity Academy will play host to the: basketball team: 13 victories, 3 Dighton High Basketball team. losses. '. ,The ''Academy Forensic Club The midwinter vacation bearid the De La Salle Forensic t M t I 'J)

ginsMary on February group R. Debate' ., WI

St. Academy. 14 a , oun meet Narragansett . inofa Newport,


FALL RIVER , T h e Catholic Press drive ended' Rosalina Magano, class of 1958, successfully on last Monday. is attending -the 11)-week course William Barnatt, the director, given by the C.C.D. congratulated -the girls on their is one among 264 people taking fine Catholic Action.

the course. d th'

The Academy was again vie­ Announcement was rna e IS,

torious on Tuesday when they week of the coming scholarship

met Westport Basketball team and' entrance examination for all at the Mount. The Junior Var-, _ eighth grade girls, public and' sity and Varsity teams both won. The score of the Junior Varsity -Mount St. Mary Academy 21, Westport 19. The Varsity team: Mount St. ,Mary Academy 68, Westport, 58. The MoUnt high







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- The Family Clinic


Failure. to 'Accept Reality Causes Marital Problems

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., Feb, 1.3, 1958

New· Anthology

By Rev. John L. Thomas, SJ. St. Louis University

I think my problem is solved-I'm just checking! Looking back ov~r five rough thOugh happy years "of mar­ riage, I feel most of my difficulties and disappointments stemmed from.failure to accept reality. What a gap between .expectations and actual ex­ c:ries when he learns that sand perienc~! My husband, child-· in the sandwiches, flies in the ren, home ~ all proved· so lemonade, and rain at high noon ,_ different from. what I had are all part of the picnic.

On Vital· Issues For Press Month

MILWAUKEE (NC) - What competent Catholic journalists have written about vital and provocative issues of the day are collected in a. new anthology of non-fiction articles. The book, "Realities," will 'be published Feb. 13, during Catholic Press Month. . dreamed. After' five years, I Count Your BlesSings Described as signiqcant writ­ finally see how· different, yet Ho~ happy they. could be if ing from- the Catholic Press, the how much bet­ tiliey would just come out of· articles were .selected from' ma­ their imaginary world and learn terials that have appeared in ter, big g e r, to appreciate and' enjoy what Cath~lic newspapers and mag­ m 0 r e signifi­ they have--a faithful partner, azines between 1950 and 1957. eant. Do others learn so slowly, children, a job, a home, health, The anthology is a project spon­ ANTHONY N. Di NATALE FATHER HILARY SULLIVAN friends, and so forth. Still they sored by the Catholic Press As­ or am I a persist, "it is all so different, sociation of America and was "queer one?" , we ex­ things aren't the way edited by Dan Herr,_president No, Sue, you

. pected!~ of all persons using the high­ Saint· Anthony Shrine on of the Thomas More Associa­ are not queer,

Well, if we can't help such ways. tion, Chicago, and Clem Lane, -Arch Street, Boston, Mass., is but you are ma­ people, at least we can profit by < Last month Fr. Hillary Sulli­ city editor' of the Chicago Daily the national headquarters of. the turing; 0t: ~ettheir mistakes. Keep learning, Society of· Our Lady of the­ van, O.F.M., named MassachU­ News. The volume is from' the ter· I should a 'y, growing keep growing. Our ,glowing to­ setts Public 'Works Commis­ Highway with Fr. Hillary Sul­ press of Bruce Publishing Com­ • morrows will become drab to­ sioner Anthony N. Di Natale livan, O.F.M., as the national pany here. up. All of the days only if we expect the noon­ National Chairman of the High­ executive of the religious en­ Wide Range really impor- . .. ..- l' h hings in life can be. ful~y ....y Ig t to retain the deceptive way Safety Crusade. • deavor to highway. safety on tant t Representing 21 publications the national leveL romantic tints of sunrise. 'Real­ In accepting this positiOil understood only through expen­ the selections range from mental Commr. Di Natale said: "Thw ence. Knowing them ~om. afar itY is different, Sue,' but as you Saint Anthony Devotions and is ~ only,.. reli~ous endeavor . . only from the outside IS, of SR.Y, it can ,be better and more . illness, Sex, academic freedom and atomic energy to religious Prayers are offered every morn-. in the nation that is so closely course, on~ form of knowled~e, significant. art, liturgy, politics and the 'lng at 6 o'clock for the safety associated with highway safety." OUgh it tends to be superfiCial Your observation suggests one th labor· movement. These consti­ . final thought. H the experience and can be deceptn~e.·. . ' of marriage proves to be so diftute the opinions of bishops, Experience, as you. have diS-: ferent, yet so much better and priests and laymen, authorities covered, may prove a ro~gh fuller than you dreamed, what teacher, ruthlessly brushmg 'wiU the experience of Heaven be aside our world of dreams, unlike! For "eye hath not seen, erature .and Censorship". by, Wbt better Ilewa could y_ receive at the end 01. a tborough realistic aspirations, and ro~an- . nol[' ear heard, nor hath· it Father John Courtney Murray, pJa,sical exaniination?!! Ash Wednesday (February 19) marks the tic fancies. Still, we all need tered into the heart of man to S.J.; "The Christian in Politics" beginning ot another "heart examination." ber discipline, for she makes.us know the good things that God byU. S~ Congre~an Eugene,J. L ...~st (J). The Church pleads with y_ to take a ~ things as they re~llY~· hath stored up for .those that McCarthy of MmnesOta; a dlB··V ' ' ' d ' long. har:d, clear look at your heart lUld Paradoxically, our growmg ~1? is love Him." quieting pictu~ of the Atomic.c. d' • by prayer and penance· to make it "8ne" largely a process of comIng Age' by Thomas E. Murray, for~ spiritually. l'our Lentell pe'naDOe can. ~wn to reality. . mer member of the. Atomic ~ :j make it possible tor others to pray. U Energy Commission and now a cr(1\ there is room in your hean tor the suf­ Applies to All .. consultant, for 'Congress' Joint ferinp ot the Mystical Body ill Adgheda I like your observation, Sue, Committee on Atomic E n e r g y , ( E t h i o p i a ) . Here, in Northern E~hiopia. because it .applies ,to all. voc~and a 'personal story on racial your missionaries are working with tbeir "tions. What mature pnest· JS prejudice by BisBop Vincent S. "bare bands," ~d this among a largc not aware ho~ infinitely more Waters of Raleigh, N. C. 7« Hoi] FiItkr~ MiIJiM AiJ ~pulaUon of ~early 5,000 souls. $3.000 fulfilling has been his life than The title "Realities" is' sug. . will. at least &'Ive tbem a chapel (they he dreamed at ordination! What · tat .t f' C" hr' haye Ilone now) in which their converts can pray tor the strength and g ested y a semen 0 IS. ' , b seasoned religious does not look to h D ~ "Wh t · 'tal the grace they need to remain. strong ill the taitb-why not d. . . P er awson: a 18 VI

for Lent 9 ? back at her first vow-day and . is to recover the moral and spir­ ... smile at how little she kne~ Uual foundations on which' .the THE HEART OF FAITH ISA· HEART OF PENANCE!!! about what it means to be. a lives of both the individual::and. ~ouse of Christ? And you, llke BOW DO. 1'0V .MAKE A PRIEST?!? Take

the culture depend; to' bring many other brides, have also had home' to the average man that twelve generous souls! •.. one dollar a week

to discover that anticipation and, from each • : • fifty weeks . . . put them 'aU

religion is not a pious fiction experience may be worlds apart. together' and you have a priest. Perhaps a

which has nOthing to'do with You say, "reality is so differ­ dozen .f your eo-workers 'in the office or

' . the facts of life, but that· it is Ute shop would' be willing to help Elias or

ent, yet somehow much better concerned' with the rea)ities, Charles .who are waiting in .tbe ~atin'Patri.

and more significant." I ~o~ld that it is· in fact the pathway arcbal. Seminal')' (Jordan) for someone to

add "provided you are wllllng to reality and the law of. life." sponsor their studies tor the priesthood.

to iearn, to grow up.". y'es, Each neect.s $100 a year (total cost $600) to

there's the rub! Some ~arned help him to become anOtber Christ.· Why not start a group contrib.

people childlishly refuse to g.ive' tio~"for Lent...· . -. . . , up their romantic, premarital fancies. 'REMEMBER YOUR LAST END":"'ARE THE MISSIONS We might .say they keep con­ IN YOUR WILL!n .HIs Eminenoe Thomas' Cardi. tusing the honeymoon ~ith' the nal Tien, Archbishop of Peking. WILL rOUR BANDS bind .the wounds of tIM! whole of marriage;' though as a· takes part in the f.'!stival cele­ Mystical ·Body .this Lenteritide!! Tbey w~Il, it sage remarked, "Marriag~be?in~.. bration 'of;St: Gabriel in Vieri· . Anthracite & Bituminous you' help S.ister Ange-Marie or Sister Aimee te . only after the honeymoon falls.· na, marking the 50th anniver­ complete her training with the Maronite Sisters When experience forces them to sary of ' the death of the re­ of the Holy Family (LebanO"n). The total cost face reality, th~y keep saying, nowned ~ missionary to Chlna,­ for each is $300. You can pay ill any mauner "how different," or "if I. had Father Frelhademetz, who was you choose. . a lump sum , .. by the week , •• Automatic Coal Stoken

only known my' partner would .the C8rdlnal'steacher. (NO by ~he month . . . by the year. Bag Coal' - Wood

be like that," or "if I ever Photos) thought that marriage would Charcoal



mean/this!" .. DURING ,LENT

Refuse to Learn ,DINE AT -------What has happened to them! YOUR LENTEN OFFERING TO THE HOLY FATHER ••. your

membership offerings are "stringless gifis" to help our Holy Father

Well Sue, they just quit grow­ earl')' on his mission work in the Near East. Both living and dead

ing. .' Somewhere along the line', ~ may be enrolled-individuals $1 a year. $20 perpetually; fam­

perhaps at eight or ten, perhaps ilies $5 ailDually and $100 perpetually. They share in 15.000

DEUGHTFUL CUISINE later, they stopped trying to face Masses yearly and are remembered in the daily Masses of our Hol.7

OPEN SUNDAYS life squarely and learned the Sp«iaJ Children Prices ·640 PLEASANT ST. Father, of Cardinal Spellman, o~ President, and in all UJe prayen

convenient trick of escaping 386 ACUSHNET AVE.

and sacrifices of our missionary priests and sisterS.

into their own dreambuilt world. NEWB.EDFORD , Near Union St. New Bedford

It is not that they lack experi­ GREGORIAN MASSES AFTER YOUR DEATH CAN BE l~or·Res. WY %:'1703

WY 6-8271-28"":3 ence, they simply. refuse to learn '. ARRANGED NOW. ASK ABOUT OUR SUSPENSE CARD from it. . GIFT CARD SUGGESTIONS In marriage they sometimes Why Dot share the:truit of your Lenten saerifice with

pose as frustrated ·ideallsts":'.:­ )'our missionaries?? -. These heroic souls ueed sacred

people with high aims and as­ articles for their simple chapels. Why not give an arti­

pirations who .have had the mis­ Do You Work in a Factory, eie for Lent!! You can also share the Joy ot a special

fortune to be saddled with a oeeasion .•. a birthday remembrance ... an anniversary

Garage; Machine Shop or . dull, insensitive mate. Actually, Jrif-t . . • by giving an article for tbe intention of your

they .are refusing to accept the • Gasoline Station? ,­ loved .ones. We will send them a beautiful gift card In ~=~

fact that reality is different from your name.

'We -pick up and deliver.cll~an their cherished premarital Mass bell $ 5 Monstrance .... $40 Altar stone .... $11

and repair overalls. Also. we' have dream. CruCifix • • • • •. 25 Picture ••.•.. 15 Statue ...•••.. 38

a. complete line of Coveralls. Pa'nts When I meet them in a coun­ Altar ...••.•••.. 75 Candles ...... ~ .. 20 Chalice .••••••• ·M

and Shirts for sale. se\ing situation, I sometimes ask GIVE T0' SAVETHE WORLD FOR CHRIST We reclaim and wash any'oily. what they really want out ~f marriage-what changes ~ould , ' .. d ·Irty or \ greasy ra~s;,.. they make if they could have Why "uy W~en We Suppii their way. Some Of them dori';t know, they just .feel frustrated FRANCIS CARDINAL,·.SPELLMAN•. Presiden' and dissatisfied. ' : . Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y Others feel that they' know, '. , Serid all communications '0:­ but as they struggle to plit ·their CATHOLlC-'NEAR 'EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION aims and desires into words, we . ... .,~~() ~e>.Ci~gton Ave~;:at 46th S~.:.. N~w '(ork 17". N:V. become aware that they are,v~ry 2" H.owardAve., New Bedford .~ . much like the ~ small bqy . who c-',..i!i.;.•..,11 :11 ;. .,.il!~IIJII,. _Phone, '!,Y' 9-6424 'or WY .9-6425~:_ _iii ...•.._ . •11I ~---,...,..~,.....--,-.,.,..,-..,....--"­..-~-.-.. - ­ - - - - - - - - - - - '

Highway Crusade Seeks Safety

~:c~~~e~~~ t~:tii~l:i:nU~~~~ "YOUR

HEIiIlT IS FINE ....:"



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VALENTINE FROLIC: Proceeds of the Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, dance, held Saturday night at the Kennedy Community Center, New Bedford, are to go to Aymerian, school yearbook. Among the 200 students at the dance were, left to right, Kenneth DeRego who es­ corted the dance chairman, Magdalena Ferro, and Cath­ erine Norriss, yearbook editor, with her escort, William Pendergast.

Sodality Offi.cers

Spotlighting Our Schools HOLY FAMILY HIGH, NEW BEDFORD The members of Our Lady's Sodality elected officers, this week: Jeannette Benoit was chosen Prefect; Brian Harring­ ton, Vice-Prefect; Kathleen Maguire, Secretary; Lorraine Bourque and Carole Kelly, Con­ wltants of the recently formed unit. The Sodalists will pre­ .ent a special program this week commemorating Our Lady's ap­ parition at Lourdes. ' Judith Giblin and Marily Young, two senior members, have o'ffered their services to assist the Sisters at Our Lady's Haven in the care of the aged, a few hours after school in much the same way as volunteer work ia done in the local hospitals.. Members of the faculty and atudent body were permitted a view of the differences of the modern classroom and those of an early date by a visit to the train of Schoolroom Progress, U.S.A., brought to New Bedford as a public service by the New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company. Three Holy Family Students Elaine Kijah, '58; Mary Jane Walker and William Balderson, '59, have been chosen as JA rep­ resentatives to the New Eng­ land Junior Achievement Con­ ference to be held in Pittsfield, Mass. Jeffery Nunes, '58 has been named as an alternate: New Bedford Institute of Technology was host to the fac­ ulty and student body of Holy Family on Friday and Satur­ day. Those members of the fac­ ulty and student body who

Catholic Colleges

Total 66 in India

AHMEDABAD (NC) - India's 86th Catholic college has been opened here with the inaugura­ tion ceremonies at the Jesuit college of St. Francis Xavier in this thriving industrial center. Of the Catholic colleges in In­ dia, 27 are for women and four are co-educational. The rest are for men. They together have a total student· enrollment of nearly 32,000. There are 12,456 Christians, of which about 8,000 are Catholics. The rest are most­ ly Hindus and Moslems. The total number of profes­ , sors in the Catholic colleges i. 1,800, among whom 978 are Catholics. Meanwhile, two new Catholic colleges are nearing completion in separate centers in the COUD­ try. There are 2,000 Jesuit teach­ ers working in 20 Jesuit col­ leges, in 76 high and middle schools, and ill 265 prim8J'7 .chools.

availed themselves of this oppor­ tunity to visit the local Institute wete much impressed by the facilities which it offers, and by the attention and courtesy ex­ tended by the faculty of the In­ stitute and its students. Jane Marie Doran, a senior, and William Balderson, a junior, are the presidents of two of the three winning companies par­ ticipating in the Junior Achieve­ ment Week activities concluded on Saturday. This year's choice of a stu­ dent representative to Boys State. is William Balderson, a junior, who will enjoy a week at the University of Massachu­ setts during July. .

Trappist Seeks Perfume Outlet CINCINNATI (NC) - Every­ thing about Father Eugene Boy­ lan, Irish-born author of the. modern spiritual classic, "This Tremendous Lover,'" is extra­ ordinary. The 54-year-old T rap pis t prior, taut as a harpstring and just as vibrant, came here for a visit with his sister, Mother Mary Fintan, who is in charge. of retreats at the Convent of Mary Reparatrix in nearby Clif- , ton. In a rapid-fire, 15-minute in­ terview, Father Boylan turned out to be not only an authority on lay spirituality ("Interior life for the laity is the most impor­ tant need of the moment") but alsa a marketer of perfume manufactured in his Trappist (monastery off the coast of Wales. He's an international retreat master also, and on his current· tour of the U. S., he will give retreats'to Trappists of five Am­ erican abbeys. Physics Lecturer And if he draws many of his spiritual observations from the world of science, it may be re­ called that before joining the Trappists in 1931 he h,ad lec­ tured in physics at the Univer­ sity of Dublin and had spent three years at the University of Vienna doing research on atomic disintegration. When Sybil Connolly, famed Irish dress designer, asked the Caldey Trappists to develop a new perfume for her, Father Boylan turned the problem over to a Polish chemist who is one of the Trappists there. Now the perfume, "Sybil," is a' regular product of Caldey, along with other perfumes, some of them manufactured from the island's own wild flowers. One of the reasons for Father Boylan's visit to this country is to interest American retailers in· the Caldey products and help keep the monastery solvent.



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J;iicia\ls D~ny P~J'ir~'uf'~ To Attend .Lourdes Celebr~t~on

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati.­ can officials have denied any knowledge of a rumored forth­ coming trip by His Holiness Pope' XII to the centenat·y celebration at Lourdes. Earlier it had been reported by . a sec~lar news agency that ' the organizing committee of th(~ centennial year celebration said it was preparing for a one-day visit of the Pope next September. . . An officiai of the Vatican Sec­ retariate of State said that noth­ ing has been issued by that of­ fice and that it is douptful that the Pope will travel to Lourdes. 1t is known, he said, that there bas been talk of the Pope's wanting to go to Lourdes and that overtures have been made "from certain quarters;' to en­ courage him to do so. But, he added, nothing has been issued through normal channels say­ ing that he will go.' Bishop Martin J. O'Connor, rector of the ·North. American College and vice-president of the Lourdes centenary commit­ tee here, said that he knew nothing about Vatican consent to preparations for a papal visit to Lourdes. He believes the re­ port false, he said.

ciatlon and anniversary of 'the day on which Our Lady,uc;­ clared her Immaculate Concep­ tion to St. Bernadette. His Em­

inence Angelo Cardinal" Ron­

calli, Patriarch of Veniee, consecrate the underground Church of SLPius X. April 8-i:i: International Ilil­ grimage of the Blind. Cardinal to Preside JUlIe 6-8: International Aero­ nautical Pilgrimage, led by His Eminence Maurice Cardirial Feltin, Archbishop of Paris. ' June 14 and 15: Cardinal Fel­ tin will preside over the Inter­ national Military Pilgrimage.1 July 4-7: Pilgrimage of ~e International Federation of Lit­ tle Singers. I July 16: Anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady to St. Bernadette. I August 4-7: Bishop Jean M~,. nard of Rodez will lead the Iq­ ternational Pilgrimage, of Deaf -Mutes. August 5-9: Members of th¢ Children of Mary will meet a~ Lourdes for the organization~s international pilgrimage. 'I August 10-15: Archbishop Emile Guerry of Cambrai will head the International Pilgrim.. age of Workers. August 15: Feast of the ~ aumption of Our Lady. E,'ents Sche~uled National Pilgrima&'e A list of congresses and 'meet­ August 18-22: People from aUI Ings to be held at Lourdes dur-, Ing centennial celebrations baa over France will travel LOW-des 'in the National Pil-' been issued by the central com­ grimage of France. mittee of the centenary. ·September '10-.1 7: Interna- :' It follows: February 11: opening day of .tiona I Marian and Mariological, Congress to be presided over by IIIe centennial year and the an­ aiversary of the first· apparition.' -. papal legate as yet unnamed. I will be held at the shrine, while I After a tridulimat the shrine, the Inte'rnational' Congress of I His Eminence Pierre Cardinal Pall: Christi, international Cath- , Gerlier, Archbishop of Lyon, otic pea<;.e organization, will al­ .ill open the jubilee year. so meet. At the same time, the Febt'uary 18: feast of St.· Ber­ Catholic Esperanto Congrea aadette Soubirous and anniver­ lvill take place. ary of the third apparition of December 8: Feast of the Im­ Our Lady. The ceremonies at maculate Conception of our the shrine will be presided over lady. by Archbishop Henri Audrain February 11, 1959: Cardinal ' .et. Auch. ' JI"eltin will close' 'the . jubilee March 25: feast of the Annun- 'y-ea:r. ,.


, I



Montrea I Sta r Bac;ks Prelates' Complaints



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OD P~e



Vat:ica,n'Paper Says Reds Withh.old 'Truth About Italian Prisoners

MONTREAL (NC) - Follow­ ing public statements by two members of the Canadian hier­ archy deploring th~ prevalence of obscene literature and calling for official action to stamp out the evil, one of the country's leading secular ·newspapers has called for a clean-up of printed filth. His Eminence Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, and Archbishop Mau­ rice Roy of Quebec, Primate of Canada, issued the statements. The Montreal Star declared in an editorial: "The decent people of the community are fed up with the fiithy displays which greet " them from every news­ stand. They are sickened by the flamboyant and suggestive head­ lines of the gutter press. They are worried over this introduc­ tion to the immature to partake of the seamier side of life. They are'deeply concerned, too, over the number of theoretically ma­ ture who must revel in the stench this so-called journalism gives off, else there would not be enough sales to make the ventures pay."

The paper said it is expected that a province-wide action by the Quebec government may be . expected soon. It also pointed out that the Quebec Board of Censors, which primarily is con­ cerned with motion pictures, also .acts in connection with maga­ zines and that now there are

152 of them which dealers are forbidden to handle.

Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the ,list/> in their res­ pective classifications: Unobjectionable for General Patronage-Damn Citizen, '·Mus­ tang, Story of Vicki, Toughest Gun in Tombstone. Unobjectionaple for Adults and Adolescents - Count Five .nd Die, Safe~rl!cker. Unobjectionable for Adults­ Goddess. . HEADQUARTERS For

. I


CITY (NC~-L'Os­ ~rvatore Romano, Vatican City daily' has accused the' Soviet I ' government of withholding the , I . • truth about the fate of Italian '~risonets of war held in the, Soviet Union. , L'Osstirvatore was' cOmment-: fug on reports brought back by Giuseppe Pollifonte, an Italian soldier who escaped from a Rus­ sian contentration' camp. Polli­ f6nte tol'd of an estimated 5,000 Italian soldiers who are still held -prisoner i~n the camp from which he escaped. ,The Vatican' City daily de­ clared ,th'at if Pollifonte's state­ m~nts are true, then the re­ Peated denials with whic~ the Soviet government has dis­ missed the many inquiries about­ prisoners :of war are all the more barbaric. : Remain Silent On the ~ther hand, L'Osserva­ :.-< said, I if 'Pollifonte's story is faISe, "the fact still remains to NEWSPAPER BOY IN RO~IE: Chosen out of 10,000 be explaihed' why the Russian Minnesota newspaper deliv~ry boys, .lucky young Billy government should have' re­ ma'ined silent about this single Bevan, 14-year old Minnesotan shakes hands with a Ser­ geant Major of the Vatic~n Swiss Guard. Billy also had priSoner, ~hould have denied his eJi:~ience; :why he was held and I' an audience with the .Pope as part of his good-will tour of compelled ito flee in order to see, the world representing his home state which celebrates its his' fatherl~nd once more and to . constitution's 100th anniversary this year. NC Photo. . return to ~ociety,



, 1


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Lent Begins Ash W~dnes~ay, f;ebruary 19 ,

, I ,




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Pollifonte was taken prisoner in Albania in 1943 and shipped. to Siberia, Later ne was trans­ ferred to ·Odessa.. In March, 1957, he was transferred to a concentration camp in Hungary, from which he escaped. While passing through Yugoslavil'l h~ was arrested and placed in a Yugoslav concentration camp. He remained there until his sec­ ond escape and return to, Italy,. Despicable Complicity 'Referring to the action of the Yugoslav go;ernment, L'Osser­ vatOre added that "the interven­ tion of Yugoslavia to prevent the repatriation of these unfor­ tunate men and the' fact that they are arrested whelll they manage to escape, denotes a complicity that is all the more despicable since it is willful. • , No matter what interpretation . be ,put upon Pollifonte's ac:­ count; L'Osservatore concluded, "the entire matter constitutes a . most painful and astonishing event, involving the most funda- ." mental practices 'of civllization."





L..::::-.~hurs .• Feb. 13, 1958



Holy Roman Church, discussed sacred music in mission coun­


tries. Mention of Olis subject in the recommendations is seen as an

THE ANCHORThurs .• feb. 13, 1958

1;7 I ~

echo of the Cardinal's statement: "Indigenous melodies must be

accepted r.': C;u':stianized the Church, Sacred music mission countries should based on the native culture those countries."

by in be of


He looks too innocent!

-Suggested by Francis Sherry, Taunton

Top and Bottom Round - Choice Grade -

Music Congress Recommendations Stress Role of Solemn' Mass PARIS (NC)-The importance side Gregorian chant. Its use of the Church's Snlemn Mass and and the composition of new poly­ of the music sung at such Masses phonic music should be encour­ as the norm for other liturgical aged in accord with the direc­ functions is underlined in a tives contained in the encyclical on sacred music. ' eeries 'of recommendations re­ leased here by the organizers of The delegates to the congress the third International Congress urged that, wherever possible,' the traditional pipe organ be of Sacred Music. Formulated during congress used, rather than newly designed electronic organs. Manufacturers sessions here last July, the rec­ of electronic organs' are urged ommendations have just been re­ to perfect their instruments to leased. bring them to 'the quality of tra­ One strongly counsels that ef­ ditional pipe organs. forts be made to teach church "The role which the congrega­ music and congregational sing­ tion traditionally plays in the ing to all Catholics. It states that Church's liturgy should always this would provide fuller partici­ be safeguarded," one recom­ pation by Catholics in the mendation said, "and the con­ Church's liturgy. gregation's participation in non­ Consisting of 33 suggestions, liturgical functions-Benediction the recommendations of the con­ of the Blessed Sacrament, for in­ gress constitute a code, based on the 1955 encyclical Musicae stance-should be by means of popular and simple hymns, writ­ Sacrae Disciplinae (On Sacred Music) of His Holeness Pope ten 'in their language." The recommendations warned Pius XII, which puts forth the agait;lst imposing foreign music Church's desires and ideas with and hymns on people in mission regard to sacred music. countries and urged that mis­ Rightful Place sioners strive to develop a native Beginning with a recommen­ music and hymnody in their dation that sacred music be various mission areas. given its rightful place as a "privileged liturgical art," the The recommendations end wiOl two suggestions: code lists in detail the various 1) That, in countries where functions of sacred music, its they do not already exist, an proper use, and the attitudes to be safeguarded by those who association of church musicians be formed, with the approbation compose or teach it. of the hierarchy, to foster The solemnized liturgy of the Church, the list of recommenda­ the composition of indigenous Church music and to afford mu",: tions says, should be recognized as the norm upon which al: OUler tual cooperation and encourage­ ment to musicians and compos­ liturgical functions must be ers. based. In addition, the tradi­ ,(2) That an international asso­ tional liturgical chant of the ciation of sacred music be Church, Gregorian chant, should formed, unaer the sponsorship be considered as the model for of the Holy See, to consolidate all church music, without pre­ the work being done through­ judicing the privileged position long held by polyphony and out the world in Oli15 most im­ portant field. polyphonic singing. .The congress in July gathered Composers of' church music together composers, directors, are urged to do their work in a teachers and choirs from many ~irit of art, basing their compo­ parts of the world. During the !litions on artistic norms rather meetings some of the world'. than on the ease with which a most famous. choral groups per­ composition may be taught to a f9rmed and took part in discus­ choir or congregation. sions. of sacred music in the The recommendations urge that Ole traditional music of the , light of papal teaching. Oriental Rites of the Church Native Culiure ....ould also be taught in insti­ During the congress, a letter tutes teaching the music of the from His Eminence Celso Cardi­ Western Church. In writing nal Costantini, Chancellor of the music .for the 'Oriental Rites, composers should avoid using western ,h~rmonies and styles, and should strive to maintain the traditions of the East. Use of Polyphon:r Polyphony, Ole recommenda­ tions continue, has a place along-




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Ignorance of Europe's ·Kno~ledge Hampers, Am~rican Scientists

Lack of Knowledge Responsible Fci'r Inadequate Aid to Missions. ;Cros:,s Word Solution

ST. LOUIS (NC) . - Neglect ledge that the experience of the wise men who went' before him some of the fundamental truths contained in manuscripts has created," Father Reinert I~~~ L S :T - ERA S R 'A H A in the Vatican Library is res­ said. AiLE SIZE OTTO o BOA ponsible for many 0'£ the diffi­ The Pope Pius Library, i~' I E j T RET NOS PRE SL M C E with its Knights of Columbus­ culties facing the United States on the international scene to­ underwritten Vatican film col­ ~' '0 -y L S AMC A REST A o S E CO C_ day, speakers said here at the lection, will embrace a combi­ ODORS ARROW CLA cornerstone laying ceremonies nation of all the best values to F S E R S A S T E for the Pope Pius XII Memorial be found in ancient, medieval A T '0 R Library. and modern civilizations, Father CANAA S~EM~j,t LASH BITS .. ~ Reinert said. The library will , 0 J! ,ll. The $4 million library, which house some 700,000' bound vol­ will also house St. Louis Uni­ S~AR!RS YARN I~[~~ ~ETI 00 MOO umes, more than 40,000. pamph­ EAT I!l versity's 600,000 book collection, LESS NEED REED lets, and 11 million microfilmed will contain' complete micro­ pages of manuscript. film copies' of ancient and modern manuscripts previously available only in the Vatican Library. '~e D~stroyed I St. Louis Archbishop Joseph BERLIl1 (NC) The main 1:, . Ritter laid th'e cornerstone VATICAN CITY (NC) ~The communist news{japer in the at ceremonies prior to. the uni­ Ukraine has said that religion Sacred Congregation of Sem­ versity's mid-year graduation. stih remains a problem in that inaries and Universities has dis­ Keyes Metcalf, Harvard Uni­ Sot.-iet republic and must be versity librarian, emeritus, sug-' closed 'lat there are 400 major statnped d.ut. . gested ,that American scientific and 590 minor seminaries, with ";All the. forces of ideological knowledge had been held back a total enrollment of. 140,500 stu"­ influence must be mobilized in because American scientists had dents, under its jurisdiction. a str~ggle i against religion-the not read about discoveries made The figures' do not include cinema, didio, television, and .". others,' which have been seminaries of mission territories; cla~s and: _ individual discus­ printed and are available in those behind the Iron Curtain, sions," said Pravda Ukrainy. ~me European libraries. excepting those in Polan'd; or ~hile religion persists in the Jesuit Father Paul C, Reinert, 160 ;:>re-seminaries that have SOYfet Unton primarily as a St. Louis University president, 13,500 pupils, curiosity! Sljiid the paper, it does said ~he "cult of the uncommit;­ Major seminaries have a total so among '~nstable and unedu­ ted m'ind" had led to a national of 21,500 philosophy students cated" - elements and anti-re­ emergency.. and 27,000 theology students. Minor seminaries are attended e ligious lectures alone are not Uncommitted Minds

enough to. Combat it. ' . Noting that one-third of all by 92,000 students. The 'statistjcs issued by the GIs captured ....during the Korean

. war were guilty of some' form Congregation disclosed that 6,000 Electrical priests were ordained in 1957; '" of collaboration, while impri­

and tha.t 3,400 priests died. ~ned Turkish troops, by con­

, Contractors trast, had no such record, the

priest suggested it was because the U. S. "for too long a time exalted the :vague ideal of the §AlES - SERVICE

uncommitted mind and the un­ committed conscience," Commercial - Domestic

Many universities, he said, Air. Conditioning' are encouraging their students to refuse to take a stand---4>r 9.44:Coun~y St. ~ WY 85558 even to confront the great and central questions facing man's , A. V. McGUIRE & SON New Bedf~rd life and destiny. 100 Weld St. . N. Bedford "The man who makes great strides in life is the man who I

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Vatican Gives Selminary List






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SAN FRANCISCO (NC).,-In­ adequate American support· of fore'ign missions is due to a lack of knowledge, not a lack of gen­ erosity, Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York, national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, said here. He.pointed out that the Amer­ ican Catholic per capita dona­ tion to,the missions is an annual 30 cents. He contrasted this fig­ ure with the $54 average annual per capita expenditure for liquor in this country. However, he asserted that H Americans do not· suffer from , want of generosity, but from want of knowledge. They just don't know the need of the mis­ sions. Bishop Sheen declared that the Church is not wasting men and money by missionary efforts in ):emote and often ho~tile areas. "Judas called it a waste when ointment was poured on the feet of Our Lord,". he said, "but it was not a waste. . . We should not be discouraged. We are all called to be witnesses to the truth, 'to Christ, and we must not measure missionary prosperity

as the world measures 'it.. ,Bishop Sheen said that the greatest mission need at present is a large· number of native clergy. He pointed to last year's total of 548,000 converts in Africa and declared that "whole countries would be Catholic to­ morrow, if we had the priests.·

Catholic Opposition HONG KONG (NC) - The stubborn and heroic opposition by Catholics to Red China's cur­ rent campaign against the Church is coming into better focus here, thanks to the Chi­ nese communist press. '



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Sports Chaffer

Holy Cross vs Providence At Alumni Hall.Tuesday By Jack KineaVy Somerset Higb Scbool Coach

Holy Cross and Providence College, 'two of the East's outstanding collegiate quintets, are scheduled to pair off. next Tuesday' night at Alumni Hall, Providence, in what points up as the game of the season to date in this area. The .Cross bounded back champion, is the pre-tourna­ from last Monday's defeat ment favorite in Class C. 'Saint on His Team' at the hands of Pitt to Tech Tourney time signals the sweep N.Y.U. and Seton Hall over the weekend and bring their cumulatiye record to 10-5. Friar Coach Joe Mullaney, in his third year at the Friar helm, will be lee kin g his first win over Al rna Mater. Joe captained the 1947 Cru­ sader team that went on to the N.C.A.A. championship. Provi­ dence currently boasts an ex(:el­ lent 14-3 record. It could be the Friars' night. Later this month, Feb. 25 to be exact, Providence College meets St. Bonaventure Univers­ ity at Olean, N. Y. The game will initiate competition for the Johnny Kreiger Trophy given in memory of the late Rev. An­ lelm Kreiger, O.F.M. Father Anselm was named All-American while a student at Providence College. After graduation he entered the Fran­ ciscan Novitiate. He served as Director of Athletics at St. Bonaventure University from 1942 until failing health neces­ litated his resignation in 1947. Memorial Trophy Father Anselm died two years ago after a prolonged illness. The trophy in his honor is suit­ ably inscribed with the official .eals of the two institutions as well as the following testi­ monial: "Presented by the 1931 Class, of Providence College for eompetition between St. Bona­ venture University and Provi­ dence, College, in loving mem-' ory. of Father Anselm Kreiger, O.F.M., a classmate of whom we are justifiably proud and whose deeds in life reflected the highest qualities of true sports­ manship and Christian virtue." The interscholastic basketball leason is rapidly drawing to a close. Bristol County concludes scheduled pla'y next Tuesday; Narry winds up the following Friday. League titles in both circuits are still up for grabs, however. Durfee 'and New Bed.,. ford Voke are deadlocked at '9-2 for the County leadership; Dartmouth and Somerset jointly rule the roost in the smaller circuit. Voke vs New Bedford The game of the week pits Voke at New Bedford. The Crimson are only one game off the pace but they need two more victories to qualify for Tech. Vocational, finalists in Class A last year, have already· qualified for post-season play. Durfee needs only a single vic­ 'tory to enter Tech for the 14th consecutive time. The Hilltop­ pers have twice gone all' the way to annex· New England honors. Narry will also have three qualifiers in Class C competi­ tion. Case, defending Narry and Tech titlist, is in for the second consecutive year as is Somerset. The Raiders, elim­ inated in the qualifying rounds the past two years, are peren­ nial entrants in the post-season extravaganza. Dartmouth, 1957 Bay State B crown bearer, is the third school to have quali­ fied. Oliver Ames, Hockamock

onset of the training phase of major league baseball. We'll soon be following with interest the glowing, reports emanating. from Florida, particularly those with a Sarasota dateline. The Sox are set at several positions, we're certain, but one of their best bets almost didn't materi­ lize. Just ttow close .third base­ man Frank Malzone came to giving up the game in 1956 was revealed last week in a story by Joe Buchiccio, Albany Evan­ gelist writer. Disillusioned by his failure to stick with the Sox in 1956 and terribly depressed by the un­ -timely death of his 16-month-old daughter, Susanne, Malz~ne was ready to hang up his glove and spikes. Returning home to Oneonta, N. Y., Frank was counselled by Fathers Phillips and Caldara who reminded him that he now "had a saint on his team." The encouragement of the two priestS and his de­ voted wife, Amy, prompted Frank to reconsider his future' in baseball, a decision which he and the Red Sox will never regret.

l.ittle Sharpshooter SAN DIEGO (NC) - Basket­ ball may be a big boys' game, but a "little" sharpshooter from St. Augustine's..High School here apparently hasn't heard about it. In a sport. supposedly reserved for "timberliners," five-foot, eight-inch Tom Shaules ot' St. Augustine's has netted 1,120 points in 41 games for an aver­ age of 27 points per game. He is the first St. Augustine cager to score a total of 1,000 points. His specialty is the'jump shot. St. Augustine's' is a prIvate boys' school' operated by the Augustinian Fathers, It bas an enrollment of 800.

THE ANCHORThurs.• Feb. 13, 1958

Family Theatre Films Available I ALBANY (NC) - A special

film rental department has been

established by Father Patrick

Peyton, C.S.C., at his .Family

Rosary ,Crusade headquarters here. ' Father Peyton said the de­ partment was formed to fulfill frequent requests from Catholic organizations for copies of tele­ vision programs' produced by Family Theater, which Father Peyton founded and directs. The films are religious dra­ mas and many Hollywood stars have appeared in them. Among' those' available are the following: "Hill' Number One," a story of the Resurrec­ tion; "The TriUIhphant Hour," a drama on the meditations of the Five Glorio'us Mysteries of the Rosary; and' "The World's Greatest Mother," which depicts events in the life of ,the Blessed Mother. A small fee is charged for the, films to cover expenses in­

volved: The Family Rosary

office is located at 773 Madison Ave., Albany 8, N. Y~

Catholics Fail Press RelatioM ST. LOUIS (NC)-Don't look now, but Protestants are scor­ ing a big public relations beat here over Catholics in the field of press relations. They're doing it with two short words, "Thank you." Checks made here of all ma­ jor communications media ­ newspapers, television stations and radio stations - disclosed that the newspapers and statioOl • almost never get a letter of thanks for running a Catholic story or program. They are getting them-quite a few of them-when Protestant programs appear. The newspapeJ:s, and statioOl aren't complaining, and had not mentioned the matter until it was brought out in interviews with media representatives in the St. LOuis Review, newspaper of the St. Louis archdiocese. "We don't expect' to get thanked for stories," said one

St&inlell Steel Track Window

Ornamental Iron

Chain Link Fences

IUS Aeub_& AYe• . New Bedford WY 4-lin Rome. Tel. WT t-GSGS.

SURE, IT'LL FLY, MISTER!: There's no worry about Russian Sputniks for five-year-old Johnny. He's just built a "Johnny-nik" and what's more, he's pretty c&tain it will fly-if thrown hard enough. Johnny is one of a hundred youngsters cared for by the Daughters of Charity at Guardian Angels Settlement in an older section of St. Louis. NC Photo. city editor. "Getting stories is our business." Reaction Neecled However, a good many of the stories are feature-type material that is ~onsidered optional with the papers, as are the more elab­ orate special events programl carried by the radio and TV sta­ tions. All three media tend to judge the effectiveness of these special efforts by the reaction the public gives them. All too often, special Catholic ·stori.es and programs have re­ sulted in, absolutely no reaction, pro or con, it was disclosed. The Review survey also un-

covered the fact that scores of press releases from religious or­ ganizations are ending in the wastebaskets simply because the senders haven't taken the time to mention basic details.




All kinds upholstering FABRICS O. E. NERBONNE. Prop. 1863 Purchaae St.. N... Redford 43 Center St.. 8,..nnl.

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FIRST PRIZE WINNER: John E. Silveira of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, New Bedford, won first prize in the 1,000 yard dash during' the State Meet held at :Boston Garden. '


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Family Movement 20 Continued from Page Oae

PAULIST CENTENARY: A Pontifical Mass for those separated from the Church has been offered as part of the Paulist Fathers' Centenary Ob~ervance. Pictured above is Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the U. S~, who is escorted by Msgr. Joseph B. Code, Director, St. Paul's Guild, New York, and Msgr. James G. Wilders, Director, N. Y. Archdiocesan Hospital Apostolate. The prelates are about to enter the sanctuary of the Paulist Fathers'C:p.urch of St. Paul· !the Apost~e, New J York City. NC Photo. )

Sandwich School'l'eacher Se,ts T.woRecords in IPrice Rig' ht


A record-breaking series of appearances on~\ one of televi­ Ilion's top giveaway programs came to an end last Monday night for 22-year-old school, teacher Kerin O'Brien of Cor­ pus Christi parish, Sandwich. But before yielding her" cham­ pion's crown on "The Price is Right," Kerin set two records: as the program's biggest all­ ever winner, of '$33,553, and its bi~gest single-session winner, of $12,915 worth of merchandise. Her winnings over the past, "'weeks have included two fur coats, a color television set, a live peacock, a diamond br~ce­ Jet, all the fixings for a . gala party, two cars, and a 40-day: lIlIfari to Africa. Reached at Sandwich, where she was p~ying a flying visit ge­ tween appearances on "The 'Price is Right," Kerin displayed all the bubbling enthusiasm that made her a popular figure on the television screen. "I attended the show with • me friends," she explained, when asked how she became a member of the price-guessing panel, "and I was chosen from the audience to appear on the panel. I've never studied prices

Particularly-I really think the

luck' of the Irish is what

brought me success!"

On the show, a panel of four

members are shown all types

of merchandise, and must guess

retail costs. The nearest gues­ EI" wins the mercha·ndiSe. , , "Whatever did you do' with '. peacock'?" was our first ques­ tion. While decorative, we didn't think of them as ,house­ hold pets, and nor did Kerin. "Oil., I gave it to the Franklin Park Zoo!" she laughed. However, she has happy plans Jor her other prizes. The cars abe WOh, one a 1901 collector's item, the, other an up-to-the­ minute '58 model, are much ap­ preciated by her and her three roommates, also tea c 11. e rs. They've been getting around in • ear they clubbed together to

Hi.gh School Bids l


Meetings, which include" dis­ cussion of the New' Testament, some aspect of the liturgy, and problems relating to family life, are outlined in the yearly man­ uals, and are immensely prac­ tical, according to Mr. Dumais. Groups are also encouraged to perform acts of, service on their own initiative, and a major proj­ ect of the Notre Dame units has been the visiting and welcoming of new families in the parish. Members are also taking an ,active part in the organization of a paroch\al Communion Club, and are currently sponsoring a series of Cana Conferences under the direction of Rev. Raymond McCarthy, diocesan director of the Family Life Bureau. The next conference in the series is scheduled for 7:45, March 3, in the Notre Dame scho.ol hall, and it is hoped .that a new CFM unit will be formed as a result of it. Also among future plans is the attendance by members at a closed ·retreat for husbands and wives. I \ Among . the advantages of membership in the CFM pointed out by Mr. and Mrs. Dumais are that it gives couples. a shared interest; it acknowledges the father's importance and respon­ sibility, as head of the family; it creates new and close friend­ ships for both parents and chil­ dren; ana it awakens a realiza­ tion of the ~lose relationship between religion and everyday life. Couples interested in attend­ ing a CFM meeting to see the· 'organization in action are cor­ dially invited to contact Mr. Dumais at 83 Goss Street, Fall River, or to telephone him at OSborne 3-7676.

from Page One A grand total of $1,668,624 in buy for $25.00 last, summer. cash 'and pledges was realized. "But with a '58 I'll be able to Very Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, spend lots of week~nds at home, I pastor of St. James Church, New in Sandwich," enthused Kerin. Bedford, was moderator of the A 1957 graduate of the Boston drive. Dr. Arhtur F. Buckley College School of Education, : was generai' chairman of the she 'and her roommates, all col-' 3,000-lpember general commit­ lE,ge friends, are teachers at ,tee. Joseph P. Duchaine was Farmingdale, New York. Kerin': chairrr\an of the 800 men com­ teaches 4th grade and says 'that _ ,prisin~ the memorial gifts com­ since her TV fame, she's trailed 'mittee.' Business chairman was all over school' by admiring John Correia deMello and chair­ youngsters.' 'man of the friends committee As for the party package she 'was Mitchell S. Janiak. won, complete with 5-piece 01'- ' The new scqool will be co­ chestra she's determined to educational, accommodating 1,000 hold the affair in her four-room :studentS. Plans call for class­ apartment, even though it's a ;rooms,' cafeteria and kitchen, problem where she'll put the library,: laboratory facilities,and orchestra, and stillmore ofa gymnasium-auditorium. There problem whether 'there'll be ""ill be an area for athletic Accountants Sought space for dancing once the' 01'events." In addition, there will DAVENPORT (NC)-A St. chestra is settled. The trip to 'be administration rooms, and a Ambrose College survey here Africa, which will ,include a <;hapel dedicated to Our Lady of has, shown that graduates who stopover at the World's Fair in Lourdes!, There will also be a hold, degrees in accountancy and , Belgium, hasn't yet been sched-, convent for the 35 Sisters of business' administration are the uled for a definite date, but Notre Dame de Namur who will :tnost sought lifter by business Kerin's eagerly anticipating it. staff the, schoor. and industrial firms. They out= Not only her family, includ,;. ' numbered the demands' for Economic Folly ing her mother, Mrs. Edward graduates wno· hold degrees in .0'Brien, her sister Joan, a med­ SACRAMENTO (NC) In chemistry, engineering and phy­ ical records librarian, and her aD unprecedented ' joint state­ ',sics ~y 2-10-1. .' grand-uncle, Edward' Driscoll, ment, '.qalifornia Democratic have been· her eager Monday leaders have condemned a pro­ , SORRY! No HerriD& night fans, but also the whole posal to re-tax non-profit or Lobster Stew ­ town of Sandwich. During, her schools iIi the state. They de­ BUT you're sure, to third appearance, the Town, fettded the tax exempt status, Fall ia Love with Meeting was recessed so that as, "morally right, legally justi­ members could watch ,her, and fied and economically sensible." PIZZA last Monday the local Board of ' They branded as "sheer eco­ Trade was similarly adjourned. Ilomic folly" the ,imposition of a at the NEST Particularly proud, of her tax; on non-profit schools "which achievements are her pastor,' remove a $118 million annual Rev. James ,Dury, and the num-' tax burden from the backs of Rte. 6 MattapoiseU. Mass. erous Sisters who've been in, all. California taxpayers." voking heavenly assist~nce for her; to say nothing ot the en­ tire monastery which one 'of her fourth grade studentseniisted in the ranks of her supporters. For the present, blonde, blue­ eyed Kerin plans to, continue her teaching career. But it's a safe bet she won't soon forget IN 1910 her glamarous month ip ,the TV [I, A PRIZE OF spotlight-and she'll' be enjoy­ tJ I$IQOOO WAS ing her fabulo'us prizes for years to ·come.. AWAI<DED FOR AN

Helen Gannon

'Continued from Page One by this high ranking senior. In December Helen was named a semi-finalist in the National Merit Scholarship competition as a result of her high scores in the Scholarship Qualifying Test taken October 22. She is the' only student in the Fall River area to attain this distinction. This award places Helen in the group of 7,500 students who outscored their 300,000 fellow seniors who took this exam in 14,000 high schools throughout the country. Both of these hon­ ors put these candidates in the final running for scholarships to colleges of their chqice. Helen is the '17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Gannon of 202 West Canoni­ cus Street, North Tiverton, R. 1., and a graduate of the Pocasset school. Since entering Sacred Hearts Academy she has been a top ranking student. In the placement test for incoming freshmen she outstripped her classmates, and she has main­ tained her record as a high honor student in the Classical Course for the four years.





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',OS 8·5286 ,



·..A: Qua/ih;.Atdk FALL RIVER,





CONGRATULATE NEW PRESIDENT:. Receiving gavel as president of the National Diocesan Sodality Direc­ tors' Conference is Father Gerald Sequin, at right, of Omaha. Retiring president at-left is Father Erwin A., Juras­ chek, of San Antonio. New Officers of the Conference were elected, at an an~ual meeting in St. Louis. NC" Plio,to..,


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Feb. 13, 1958


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