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VOL. 30, NO.7




$8 Per Year

INDIAN PRIME MINISTER Rajiv Oandhi路~ center, greets Pope John Paul 11 in New Delhi as an Indian bishop helps the pope adjust a welcoming garland. (NCj UPI-Reuter photo)

On papal visit to India

Sensitive issues aired By NC News Service

Pope John Paul II addressed the controversial issues of birth control and evangelization when he visited India Feb. 1-10, but did so in the words of Indian leaders. When speaking of birth control, he quoted Mahatma Gandhi, the late Hindu philosopher and activist known as the "father of the country." Speaking of evangelization, he quoted the Indian constitution's guarantee of "the right to profess, practice and propagate religion."

During the 14-cityjourney, which took the pope from' remote no(theastern India to the strongly_ Catholic regions of the southern coasts, the pope spoke of the need for religious dialogue with nonChristians and unity among Christians. He also wenLinto the heart of Calcutta's slums and prayed for the dead and dying in a charity house I:un by Mother Teresa. India's 746 million people form one-seventh of the world's population. Although the annual growth rate has dropped to less than 2 percent, at the current rate India

would have a population of nearly I billion by the year 2000. The government estimates that between 35 and 40 percent of Indians' use some contraceptive birth control or have been sterilized. The nation's Catholics -less than 2 percent ofthe population -have been urged by church leaders to use natural family planning. "Moral results can only be produced by moral restraints," Pope John Paul said Feb. 9, quoting Gandhi's writings. Turn to Page Three

Church role in PI, Haiti

MSGR. JOHN J. OLlVEIRA with Sisters of Mercy Josepha Haskins (left) and Janice Brady. (Torchia photo)

By NC News Service pears to be widespread electoral The Catholic Church has been - fraud. prominent in the tumult surroundChurch people also have been ing the flight from Haiti of Presi- criticized by President Ferdinand dent Jean-Claude Duvalier. Marcos, who, responding to quesIn the Philippines, the Church has been a rallying point for both dismayed government vote counters and for supporters of the路 opposition. In Haiti, Port-au-Prince Archbishop Francois-Wolff Ligonde urged Haitians to desist from violence after widespread killings and lootings following the collapse of the Duvalier government. In Philippines The Philippines' leading Catholic churchman, Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila, has condemned what ap-

tions about alleged election violations by his supporters, said the real problem was that voters路 were being "held back by priests, nuns and Namfrel representatives." Namfrel is the National Movement for Free Elections, a private election-monitoring organization. Marcos also said that Catholic priests had denied him a landslide victory by trying to dissuade people from voting for him. Reports of ballot box theft, violence and intimidation of voters have marred the election. Cardinal Sin praised Namfrel during the election. He urged "all those in power, all those who are involved in the process of counting Turn to Page Six


St. Anthony School, New Bedford

Let's hear it from the kids Photos by Joseph Motta

QUESTION Why and how do you' celebrate Valentine's Day?

SISTER MARY CECILE Lebeau, esc, principal, left, and teacher Mrs. Janet Jasinski agree that the first graders at St. Anthony School, New Bedford, are a bear-y nice bunch of kids.

.c. THE MORNING KINDERGARTE~ kids at Holy !aD;!ily-It0ly N~~e School, New Bedford, wish you.a happy r-Val.¢i1tine's Day, along with their principal, Sister Mary F-N:athan Doherty, RSM, left, and their teacher, Mrs. Debra [,Lo,n,g. ., .



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Sensitive issues aired Continued from Page One "This, dear brothers and sisters, is the church's profound conviction," the pO'pe told about 200,000 people gathered for a Mass at Bombay's Shivaji Park. Although the pope did not mention the government's promotion of abortion, he told the crowd that families must "proclaim that all human life is : sacred from the moment of conception." Meeting in Madras with 250 representatives. of various religions, including Hindus, Moslems and Sikhs, the pope pledged a dialogue based on "friendship" and "interior persuasion," then turned to the issue of spreading the faith. Referring to the religious freedoms guaranteed in the constitution; he called on all Indians to "support this precious principle." The pope said the Catholic Church's idea of religious freedom precludes "coercion on the part of individuals or social groups or any human power." No one, he said, should be forced either to act against his or her convictions or be prevented from acting in accordance with them. Hindus, who form a large majority in India, do not evangelize, and some have been resentful of Christians who do. In recent years, three Indian states have adopted "anticonversion" laws which strictly limit a~tive evangelization. ,The pope's visit had'been con. tested by small groups of extremist Hindus who said the visit would result in numerous conversions. About 300 protestors were arrested a few miles from New Delhi's airport~uring~he welcOming cere- . mony for the pope Feb. I: One ~ group burned an effigy of the pope. Although crowds were small in New Delhi, which has about 37,000 Catholics among its 5.7 million population, they increased as the trip progressed.



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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Feb. 14, 1986


Northern Irish victims . fund begun by NCCB,

Tens of thousands of people packed Calcutta's old quarter Feb. 3 as the pope visited Nirmal Hriday, a two-room center run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries-of Charity. Many of the 44 women and 42 men touched by the pope were unable' to rise from their mattresses Oh the'floor. The pope, accompanied by Mother Teresa, walked slowly through the house, stopping to hand plates of sweet curd to each of the suffering. , Many cried as they touched his hands, and one woman shouted in ,Bengali, "I am alone, I am alone -come back again." A 'vatican spokesman said Mother Teresa, who sees such things daily, was able to smile throughout the visit, but when she asked the pope a question at one point, he was too emotionally caught up to reply. Outside the house, the pope told the crowd that the center was a place of "anguish and pain," but also "a house built of courage and faith." Later that day, about 400,000 people gathered in Ranchi to hear the pope appeal for just wages and working conditions. Many who heard the pope were tribe members who work in the area's coal mines and steel plants. "No one should be used as a mere instrument for production, as though' the person were a machine or a beast of burden," the pope said. "The churCh rejects any social or economic system that leads to the depersonalization of workers."

tribution will contribute to peace WASHINGTON 1NC) - The U.S. bishops have started a national' and reconciliation, not violence." No special collections or fundfund in cooperation with the bishops of Ireland to aid victims of ralsmg campaigns are planned for violence in Northern 'Ireland's 16- the new fund, he said, but "it is highly desirable tnat this new fund year-old civil war. , be publicized in all dioceses." Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, president of the NaHe said that the money donated tional Conference of Catholic to the fund would be used espeBishops, announced formati~n of cially to help "organizations that the fund in a letter sent to Ameri- concentrate, on the promotion of, can bishops Jan. 30 and released interreligious human relations, rethe next day. conciliation of traditionally hostile groups and persons, and conHe,said the fund will be called the NCCB Fund for reconciliation flict resolution." in Northern Ireland. It will chan"The primary problems in Nornel money through the Irish bish- thern Ireland," Bishop Malone ops' conference to "assist various wrote, "are psychological and emoorganizations engaged in human tional, resulting from having to PAPAL YAWN at a Mass and community development, so- , live with violence, from the loss of in Madras, India, proves that cial services and employment train- loved ones through violence, and even popes suffer jetlag. ing and counseling in Northern from the sense of hopelessness Ireland," he said. 'associated with high unemploy(NC/UPI-Reuter photo) ment. Solutions can come only by The Irish bishops' conference reconciling antagonists, reducing includes the bishops of both the level of violence, and creating a Northern Ireland and the Repubbetween Latin and Eastern bishops lic of Ireland. climate which encourages the creahave been strained over jurisdiction of new jobs through investBi~hop Malone said the fund tional issues. ' ment." was formed in response to conIn other events during the trip, cerns of Americans seeking to help Bishop Malone said contributhe pope: tions may be sent to NCCB Fund out in Northern Ireland but look- Gave the final marriage bless- ing for assurance "that their confor Reconciliation in Northern Ireing to 150 Syro-Malabar couples land, 1312 Massachusetts Ave. in Trichur Feb. 7 and urged them , N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. to preserve and defend family traVinci Airport, was advised not to di~ional devotional traditions. land and flew. on to Naples . - Conducted a short meeting On the Naples tarmac, Vatican with Anglican Archbishop Robert advisers held a hurried strategy Runcie of Canterbury, England, session. Should they send the pope Portugal France Feb. 9: The archbishop said the Spain Italy He said the church insists on a two discussed women priests, but to the archbishop's residence and, wage high enough to 'support a, made no progress toward resolv- the 75 journalists who flew with 16 Glorious Days him to a Naples hotel or put worker's family and made a spe- ing the issue. under the spiritual direction of together a three-car "papal express" cial plea for those unemployed - Beatified a Syro-Malabarese Father John A. to glide through the white hills of because of "discrimination based nun and priest Feb.9. southern Italy at dawn? on religion, caste, community or - Knelt in silent homage Feb. I PaI1C~111 VICIr, O.r I.I~, Hlllt~ language." It was the first time the at the Raj Ghat monument, New "We had to do it in a train - it C~.rc~. Fall Rim pope had referred explicitly to Delhi, the site of the cremation of was the most beautiful solution," India's now-illegal caste system, Mahatma Gandhi. 'said Archbishop Eduardo Martinez which has kept millions of people Somalo, assistant secretary of state. in poverty for generations. It was the pope's first train trip In the southern state of Kerela, in Italy since he helped inaugurate where St. Thomas the apostle is a new railway line in a symbolic believed to have landed in 52 A. D., gesture several years' ago. This the pope said the church needs to time, it was for rear - complete restore unity "where it has been with ice on the rails, snow on the WASHINGTON (NC) ABOARD THE POPE'S weakened or tarnished." hills and tiny towns waking up as '1999 ~~~m~~k June 5 th Benedictine Abbot Joseph Gerry The church in Kerala has three TRAIN IN ITAL Y(NC) - On his an unknown guest rolled by. Rome Florence Pisa of St. Anselm Abbey in Manches- branches - the Latin, Syro- Mala- way back from a .JO-day trip to How much of that was seen by Avignon french Riviera ter, N.H. has been named auxil- bar and Syro-Malankara. Relations tropical India, Pope John Paul II the pope is uncertain. Vatican aides Nice Madrid' Lisbon iary bishop of the Diocese of got caught in a snowstorm. reported that the blanket-covered Lourdes Fatima Manchester. And that explains what he was pontiff was fast asleep. doing at 3 a.m. in a Naples, Italy Then he woke and read some Bishop Odore J. Gendron has train station - surrounded by Hindu philosophy, they said. been head of the Manchester Dioand many other spiritual privileges journalists, an impromptu knot of Journalists; phoning ahead to plus a comprehensive tour cese since 1975. cheering well-wishers and a few Rome, managed to get out the VATICAN CITY Send this coupon today lor your Bishop-designate Gerry, 57, has street people who were trying to . word of the change in the papal day-by-day llinerary brochure. been abbot since his election to the get a good night's sleep. IR;.~h-;A.-R;-pO~- - - - (ph;;n;' travel plans. At the city's tiny train lOur Lady of Health Rectory 672· I post in 1972. 'He is also ex-offico A freak winter storm that drop- station, a group of shivering RoI 642 Cambridga Str"'" 2793) I chancellor and chairman of the I I Fall River. MA 02721 ped eight inches of snow on Rome mans cheered the pope as he step- , I Dear Father: I governing board of St.' Anselm, forced the closing of both'airports ped carefully onto the icy platform. I Please- send your brochure to: I College. there while the papal plane was on I Name ' I The pope said he "never imaI Address." .... ".. ..., ......... ,., I its return flight late Feb. 10. The Since 1974 he has been a mem-' gined" he would return to "this I_C!!}'''-'''-'.c.;,c.;,c.;~p-'---'-,-'-,-'-,''-'-'-I plane circled Rome's Leonardo da ber of the abbot president's counwhite panorama in Italy." cil ofthe American Cassinese Federation, the largest Benedictine congregation in the United States. The new bi~hop also is a member of the National Advisory Council on Equality of Educational Opportunity and is president of the board of directors of the American Benedictine Review.

Benedictine abbot new N H auxiliary



Tropical trip ends in snowstorm




Born Sept. ,12, 1928; in Millinocket, Maine, Joseph Gerry was' 'ordained to the priesthood June 12.1954. He studied theology at St. Anselm Abbey Seminary and.in 1959 earned a doctorate in phiIo,sophy at Fordham University.


992..;5534' '1999-12261 1999-12271











Diocese of Fall River -

the living woid'

Fri., Feb. 14, 1986

themoorin~ Lenten Fulfillment This week, as Catholics enter Lent, it is well to strive tow-ards a more meaningful and positive appreciation of this holy season. For too long we as a people have had a negative attitude and limited vision with regard to Lent. From Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, the giving-up mentality was encouraged in thought and enacted in law. Somehow the notion got abroad that the more we gave up, the better we would be. Thus, to achieve sanctity, candy, butter, desserts and the like were forgone. This rather simplistic attitude really achieved very little. After Easter, _everyone went back to his or her old self. The rigors of Lent boiled down to nothing more tQan a passing spiritual fitness program or a grand excuse to go on a diet, not for the Lord but for the old body. Some of this negative mentality still prevails; however, it really is more than encouraging to realize how today's church is celebrating Lent. First and foremost, the mind is positive. Following the Lord does not mean giving up, but growing up. It means meeting the challenges of our time with the church of our time; addressing contemporary realities not with yesterday's solutions but with present r~medies; looking upon Lent not as a personal put-down but a community.challenge. Look around and see what parishes are offering people ~s a ~eans of developing a deeper awareness of God's revelation. More.and more local churches are encouraging frequent daily sharing in the Eucharist,the most dynamic of all ways to celebrate Lent. In most cases Lenten Mass schedules are adapted to 'the convenience of parishioners. When this is done, the people do come, the community does assemble. The fulfillment of Jesus' prayer at- the Last Supper is made real in the assembly of discipleship. . Beyond this eternal gift, we see parishes gathering members·, into Bible.sttidy,groups, ,wit.h men and WOmeg c;(;)I'n.il1gJQg~th.er to share the Word of the Lord. T-his·Lent, many Catholics·will in this way meet JesuS in his Word and learn to believe in and' live according to that Word.



'Let the old with the younger praise the name of the Lord.' Ps. 148:12

Archbishops discuss AIDS By NC News Service

Two West Coast 'archbishops have recently addressed the AIOS problem in their archdioceses. Los Angeles Archbishop Roger Mahony se~ks to establish a hospic'e for victims and to form a spiritual organization for Catholic homosexuals; while Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen, in a letter Other opportunities of increasing spiritual awareness and puplished in the archdiocesan newsencouragement may be found in diocesan or parish retreat paper, stressed that AID~ is not a programs, prayer groups and Lenten musical programs. All punishment from God but a disthis, of course, is in addition to the t~aditional Stat10ns of the ease calling for healing and pasCross, penance services, missions and lecture series. All clearly . toral care. Archbishop Mahony announced indicate that Lent remains a holy time in the lives of concerned his plans during a Mass Feb. 2 at and caring Catholics. ; Blessed Sacrament Church in HolAppreciation of L~nten regulations, \"olun~arY'adoptionof lywood. The Mass ended a 40fasting programs and acceptance of spiritual obedience to hours devotion for sufferers from Church directives are indeed enhanced by this positive AIDS, acquired immune deficiency approach-to the celebration of LenL;Today the vast majority - syndrome. Jesuit Father Willia:mV. Thom, of people enter into this special season not b-ecause they have Blessed Sacrament pastor; esti,to, .but because they want to. This is exciting. mated that 20 percent of his 5,000 The history of the Church clearly shows that the most fruitparishioners were homosexuals. ful periods in her long life h~ve emerged from the free-flowing Archbishop_ Mahony said the current AIDS probl.em places a life of the Spirit as reflected in grassroots moveme_nts. There can be little do.ubt that the yearning and thirst seen in today's . pastoral obligation on the church "to respond with care and comChurch indicate that we are in such a period': passion to the individuals sufferAmid material programs and concerns, there remains firm: ing from this disease and also to belief in the hearts of millions that the Lentenjourney of Jesus the society threatened by it. " He said followers of Christ must points the only way to personal resurrection. . provide spiritual and medical comThe'material wurld does not and cannot offer that assufort to AIDS sufferers and educate rance. The human heart yearns for more than this world can. people about the disease so give. "everyone might recognize and Lent is a specia:I time when such yearnings approach 'accept their moral responsibility in halting its spread." fulfillment. The Editor Quoting from the U.S bishops' 1976 pastoral letter "To Live in Christ Jesus," Archbishop Mahony added that "homosexuals are called to give witness to chastity, . avoiding with God's grace, behavior which is wrong for them, just as OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River nonmarital sexual relatioris are wrong for heterosexuals." , 410 Highland Avenue Archbishop Mahony said he and Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 Auxiliary Bishop Juan A. Arzube PUBLISHER of Los Angeles would work with • Mosl Rnv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD. Catholic hospitals to determine if EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR the archdiocese can establish a hospice and would contact Mother Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan Teresa about the availability of . . . . . Leary Press-Fall River


sisters or broth~rs from her order, the Missionaries of Charity, to run it. Last December: Mother Teresa opened.a residence for AIDS victil1l~ i!lNC;W York City: ' " The archbishop .h~s as!ced MaJ-' ianist Father John McEnhilI to help c()ordinate archdiocesan programs for homosexuals and outreach to other groups in the field. Father McEnhill, a psychologist and a doctoral candidate, has worked in AIDS ministry for two years. Archbishop Mahony proposed that:. . - The archdiocesan priests' council sponsor workshops so priests will understand "the nature of pastoral care which will include the gay Catholic in the full life of the church." - Parish centers be established to provide homosexuals with spiritual support. ; - The archdiocese start an organization to help homosexuals live .ch!iste lives and encourage them to attend Mass and receive Communion often and to foster community spirit among homosexuals. Archbishop Mahony said he would invite priests, members of religious orders and permanent deacons to establish official groups for homosexuals and to help other Catholics accept homosexuals "as members of the body of Christ." According to Father McEnhilI, three-fourths of the congregation at the Mass was homosexual and represented the "largest gay gathering" he said he had-seen. The priest s~id that two homosexual political leaders he knows described the archbishop's statement as "awesome." "What struck the people of the (homosexual) community was the personal care and concern shown by the archbishop, the fact he understood,"the priest said, adding that there are "very few gay people who have not lost friends to AIDS." In the Seattle Progress, Archbishop Hunthausen wrote thai"given

that our God is a God of love, we as Christians can in no way claim that AIDS is a punishment from God. This kind of explanation would ~e unworthy of our God." .., :rhl'·~i-ch~ishop.~ai~ No.S i~ no J;11ore:a plinishmen~ from 90d than lung. cancer is a' punishment for 'smokin'g or a heart attack a punish~ent for obesity. . . . If anything, he said, all these diseases are "a call to treat our bodies with greater care and respect, but it should be remembered that the God whom Jesus has revealed to us is one who reconciles and heals, not one who seeks to condemn and punish." "It needs to be said that we must not turn people with AIDS into outcasts, "the archbishop said, citing the example of Jesus' concern for lepers. He-called on.~'ociety to commit its financial resources "tQward the healing of those with AIDS and toward slloppingt!le sp~ead of this disease"<;lnd urged parish communities to support organizationsthat provide nursing care, housekeeping services and housing for AIDS patients. Archbishop Hunthausen said that although AIDS seems in most cases to be contracted ~hrough homosexual activity, it is not fair to assume that a particular person contracted the disease in that manner. "Even ifit becomes known that the disease has been contracted in that way, the church and its ministers should still reach· out pastorally in order to heal and reconcile those suffering from the disease," he said. .'''For the church to do so is not to· compromise its clear teaching on the immorality of homosexual activity; it is rather to acknowledge that pastoral initiative always lies with the healing love of God which the church and its ministers are called to represent," the archbishop said .

On ¡1£1 y ministry The latest study on layministry training programs confirms that the Jay movement in the United States is becoming better organized and stronger each year. Approximately 100 dioceses have one or more training centers. We have identified more than 160 programs. If you are a person contemplating lay-ministry training, what should you expect? To start with, half or more of your class probably will be lay women between 30 and 50 years old. Their main purpose for being in the program will vary equally between wanting to make lay ministry a paid or volunteer church' career. About two-thirds of the participants will be married. The majority of your'classmates will be white American business or church professionals. Most of your classmates will not be formally committed to future church service. They will not be on a contract. ' Your classes will be much more academic than oriented to skills development or field experience.. You can bet on getting courses in ecclesiology, Christology, Scripture, spirituality and liturgy. Chan-

ces are good you will take social justice and ethics courses. Less probable are courses in church history, sociology and psychology. There also will be courses in communications and group dynamics with a 50-50 chance that you will study counseling, spiritual direction and administration.


research asking parents to choo.se the top 10 everyday stresses in family life, one man wrote in. bold script across the page: "MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! It may not be the root of all evil but it's sure the root of all stress." A lot of families agreed with him because money was overwhelmingly named as the top stress in family life today. Although respondents named insufficient money as their basic stress, it is not. Money was chosen as the top stress among all income levels. So having more money doesn't do away with the stress. What, then, are the money stresses in families? Disagreement over how it is to be spent, between a spender and a saver, over the power it represents in the marriage, on how to deal with children and money; on who' pays for what in the two paycheck marriage, and a myriad of issues like credit cards, loans, and balancing the checkbook. My objective was to study families who deal'with money stresses and share with readers how they do it. Here is what I found in these families: ' I. They talk about money rather than fight about it. More than one couple stressed by money told me that tht; only time they talk about money is when they fight about it. No so in stress-reduced families. They taJk about money freql}ently, about how'much they have and how each wants to spend it. The children know what their parents' take-home pay is, what the rent or house payment is, and how m'uch is left over for discretionary spending. They hear their'pa'rents discuss expenditures. In many families, children are brought into spending discussions. I invite families to rate themselves

on a scale of I to 10 on how able they are to talk about money openly, freely and dispassionately. What hampers your family from discussing money? Can you make a shared effort to talk about it before it erupts into anger? If so, how and when? Can you schedule a family money evaluation at the end of each month or when the checkbook is balanced? 2.Families who deal well with money develop money management techniques. In short, they budget. They don't always stay within their budget, but they try. They build in monies for unexpected repairs and broken bones so they don't fall apart when something or someone in the family does. On a I to 10 scale, how well does your family budget? Is one person made responsible to make ends meet or are all involved? What most often jeopardizes your family budget? 3. They don't equate money with self-esteem. The person who earns more isn't worth more in the family. The stay-at-home mother and the father who takes a cut in 'pay aren"t treated less 'valuable because they don't make as much m'oney. What evidence is there that your family does or does no do this?' , 4. They teach their children about money. Not just how to earn it but how to 'useii. These children are not permitted to use their allowance or paychecks for, instant gratification but are taught responsible saving, charitable giving, and contributing to the family when neces-

, THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020), Second Class Postage Paid al Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass, 02720 by , the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $8.00' per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P,O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722,

Fri., Feb. 14, 1986




tribute something significant to society. It is the urge to rise above If you are serious about getting our age of consumerism and matea degree it probably will take you rialism and to tie together the mysthree years. Be prepared to foot a tical order of the divine with the large part of the bill. world of today and thus raise it to a higher level of excellence. Once you have completed your The essence of the lay movecourse of studies you can expect , ment is religion and religion is at that you will attend periodic semthe base of the revolution to make inars to keep you up-to-date, and society better through peaceful you probably will have formed a means. network of contacts and friendThe increasing number of layships with persons who are in the same work. They will be your ministry programs is moving us into a new era in the church. No main source of support. doubt, like all new movements, There is nothing in the study some persons will be attracted to that gets at the personal satisfac- lay ministry for reasons out of line tion you will receive. I would ven- with its true purposes. ture to guess that the new spiritual On the whole, however, I think vision that will be added to your life will give you a peace and happ- the increase in numbers represents an increase of interest in the church iness heretofore unknown. and shows us persons who are , The laY',mQvement is more than looking to widen their vision and academics and skills. Behind it is a increase their level of hope in the spiritual urge - the urge to con- church.

Managing money Gather the family, light a candle, say a Lenten prayer and let's talk about money. ' When I conducted my stress

THE ANC.HOR ~ Diocese of Fall River -



sary. I found we do a much better job as a culture in teaching children how to earn rather than how to manage money. How well do your children manage their money? Do their spending habits cause stress in the family? What rules do 'you have? What rules would you like to develop? FinaJly, if there is one area you could change to make money less stressful in your family, what would it be? No fair saying more money because that doesn't do away with the stress.

[necroloQY] February 15 Rev. Joseph G. Lavalle, Pastor, 1910, St. Mathieu, Fall River Rev. James C. Conlon, Pastor, 1957, St. M~ry, Norton February 16 . Rev. Alphonse J. LaChapelle, Assistant, 1983, Holy Ghost, Attleboro ' February 19 Rev. Andrew J. Brady, Pastor, 1895, St. Joseph, Fall River Rev. Leopold Jeurissen, SS.Cc., Pastor, 1953,' Sacred Heart, Fairhaven ' , Febru~ry 20 Rev. James H. Fogarty, Pastor 1922, St. Louis, Fall River

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The place for baptism Q. My husband and I are expe~t­ ing the birth of our second child. My husband is not baptized but is deeply religious and attends Mass with the family each Sunday. He feels unable at this time to join the Catholic faith because of personal reservations; I respect his wishes. We were left with little feeling of celebration after our first child's bapmmthree years ago. Wearebecoming more active in the parish but our Catholic friends are scattered all over the city. We asked the priest who married us, a close family friend for many years, if he would baptize our baby in our home. He agreed, pending approval of our parish' pastor. Our pastor, however, says that a baptism can only be conducted in the parish church except' in an emergency. Every priest we asked se'ems'to have his own personal opinion but none seemed to know the rules of the church or where to find them. Whllt is your opinion? , , (Iowa) A. Before I gjve you the answer, let's review a couple of facts that will help to explain it. For us Catholics, our community or parish church holds a place of special reverence. It is more than simply a handy building in which to do our religious business. It is literally the home of a parish family as a group of believers, who together share their faith in their worship of God in the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments.




The regulations explicitly state: "Except in case of danger of death, baptism should not be celebrated in private houses." Except in emergency or some other pressing pastoral reason, baptisms are not to take place even in hospitals. When such an emergency occurs the parish priest is responsible for being sure that the parents a(e "suitably prepared beforehand." Most priests with whom I am acquainted try to be as considerate and permissive as possible in such situations. However, they do have a responsibility to consider the faith of the individuals involved and the faith of our whole parish family, and to respect the church's instructions for the administration of the sacrament. Your priest friend will surely be welcome at the ceremony. I hope his presence and the increased familiarity you have gained with some of the people in the parish will help make the baptism of .your new baby the joyous celebration it should be fo'r everyone. Q. I attended a church recently where the priest dipped the host in the chalice at Communion time and distributed it to the. people. We have participated in Communion by drinking from the chalice several times, but I've never seen this before. Is this one of the possible ways to give Communion? (Wisconsin) A. The method you describe, called intinction, is one of the prescribed manners for Communion under both species. A church building is, therefore, The church's instructions cona sign and symbol that reminds us cerning the Mass provide for three of many things about our religion, alternate ways to receive Comnot least of which is the responsimunion under both species, besides bility we have for each other in the most obvious and common developing and supporting the faith way of drinking:(General Instrucwe share together. Admittedly, no tion ofthe Roman Missal, 240-252) parish does this perfectly, but it is One is from a tube, or straw, what we are about, and what we which is generally silver. This aim at trying to be with and for method is extremely rare. To my each other. knowledge it has been used, in This explains the church's cen- modern times at least, mainly in turies old bias for locating impor- some solemn liturgies, celebrated tant 'events of our faith in the by the pope. community's special place of worAnother method is with a spoon. ship. This same conviction is behind . The pieces of consecrated bread its present rules for the celebration would be laid into the wine and of bapljlsm. dipped onto the tongue with a These rules are really not that spoon. This method is common in hard to find; they are in the intro- many Eastern Rite churches. The other is, the one you indiduction to the rite of baptism for children which I would' assume ' cate, .in which the host is dipped any priest, certainly any parish, into the precious blood and then owns. The regulations that bishops, distributed to the person receiving priests and others are expected to Communion. One advantage of this method, of course, is that it follow are contained there. permits Communion under both According to these guidelines, kinds without the confusion of "so that baptism may clearly appear large numbers of ministers of Comas the sal;Jament of the church's munion, particularly in larger faith and of admittance into the crowds. people of God, it should normally Wherever it is feasible, and can be celebrated in the parish church." be done with dignity, the preferred The bishop, after consulting the ' method for Communion under both species ,is obviously drinking local parish ,priest, may permit from the cup, since this symbolizes '"baptisms to take place at a bapmore clearly the "eating and drinktismal font in another church or ing" of his body and blood which public place of worship within the Jesus prescribed. parish boundaries, but in these Intinction, however, is a liturgiplaces also it is the normal right of cally acceptable method of distrithe parish priest to celebrate bapbuting the Holy Eucharist. tism.


Diocese of Fall ~iver -

Fri., Feb:'14, 1986

Deterrence unit formed



M~NILA CARDIN At Jaim~ Sin (left photo) is fingerprinted after voti~g in the Philippine ele~tion; right ph,oto, joy lights Haitian faces in Miami at news' of the flight of President Jean-Claude Duvalier from their homeland. (NCj UPI photos)

Church role in PI'-.:Haiti Continued from Page-One the vote ... to act in the light of their conscience. Speaking at the same Mass, Mrs. Aquino also praised Namfrel workers, giving "thanks for all those brave people who have given so much in the last days." As the vote was being counted in Manila the same day, 30 employees of a government vote-counting center walked off their jobs, saying that computer printout numbers favoring Mrs. Aquino were being ignored. One worker said Mrs. Aquino was ahead by 100,000 votes in the computer tally, Qut the publicly posted figures showed Marcos ahead by more than 30,000 votes. The workers, mostly computer terminal operators, tOQk refuge at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Manila and discussed what to do. Many were sobbing, according to news reports, and appeared to be frightened as they left the cOl,lnting center. They refused to give their names. Later, a spokesman for the group said they had left because "we feel that we,l)ave been used." , "My feeling is that the count is being managed, manipulated," U.S. Sen. Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., said Feb. 8. Lugar led a U.S. delegation to the Philippines to monitor the elections. The United States has a keen interest in the island-nation because of its strategic position on Pacific shipping lanes af\d because it is the home of two large U.S. military bases. In Haiti , Following the flight of President Duvalier,' protesters disinterred t~e bQdy of hi~ father, Francois "Papa. Doc"- ,Duvaliel', scattering the-remalns. Many members

of the Ton'ton Macoutes, Duyalier's feared and hated secret police, were summarily executed. Among targets of looters were Duvalier's luxurious hillside home and the Catholic Relief Services~ warehouse in Port-au-Prince. In Miami, Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy celebrated an outdoor Mass for Haitian refugees, while in Boston members of the Haitian community stormed the city's Haitian embassy, ripping pictures of Duvalier from the walls. In a letter read in Port-au-Prince Catholic churches, Archbishop Lig路 onde said, "We do not have the right to hate anyone, even those people we call our enemies or the enemies of our nation. As human beings, as Christians, we must pardon the outrages, forget the insults and love one another." The archbishop also called Duvalier's ouster a "victory oftruth,justice, prayer and love." On Feb. 10, the archbishop said the church was neither for nor against the interim six-member governing council, headed by Army ChiefofStaffGen. Henri Namphy. Two of the council's members are civilians. "The priority in Haiti is to restore peace, to ensure there is no further violence," he said. -"The government is a step toward this goal." About $300,000 of U.S. government-supplied food and medicine was taken from the CRS warehouse Feb. 8, said Beth Griffin, spokeswoman for CRS in New York. The food was used for <t'school 'feedi,ng program run by CRS, the U.S. bishops' overseas development agency., ' .,. Ms: Griffin said a CRS vehicle was damaged, and files were scattered and torn dUPing the looting.

WhenCRS' Haiti director John be withyou in your joys and your Klink entered the warehouse, she anxiety. We love you and admire said, he found hungry Haitian your pilgrimage for freedom." children eating raw bulgur wheat Bishop Thomas Daily of Palm and dried milk of~the floor where Beach, Fla., where more than sacks had been sP1l1ed. 20 000 Haitians reside issued a CRS has star~e~.a Haiti emer- "st;tementprayingfor"a'quickand ge.ncy fund and Imtlally has com- just resolution to the conflicts and mltte~ $100,000 for future recon- injustices which have existed for str~c~lOn ~nd developmen~, Ms. so long among the Haitian people." GnffIn said. The money IS. not "May the violence and unrest related to the stolen foo~, Since cease and may the Haitian people tb~t was government supplied, she join hands to forge a new governsaid. . . . ment based upon the equality and In Miami, Archbishop McCarthy dignity of all men and women" he tol~ ~ore than 3,0~0 ~~fuge~~ that said. ' .Haltlans w~u.ld bU~ld a H~ltI that The Vatican newspaper, L'OsIS free, a ~altl that IS committed to servatore Romano, said in a fronthuman n~hts~ a pla~e where peo- page editorial Feb. 9 that Haiti 'pie . ca~ live In peace and pros- now needs "effective and profound penty. . socio-economic reforms. "Don't be discouraged or dlsTo delude the aspirations and appointed," t~~ arch~ishop tOI.d hopes of these people who have the refu~ees. A nation that IS suffered so much would, above all, d~adly Sick cannot recover ove.r- be a real crime," said the editorial. mght. We assure you that we wlll '

Pope to host leaders for world peace prayer d~y ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul II has invited world religious leaders to join him in St. Francls' birthplace for a day of prayer for world peace. The pope, who has made the search for world peace a key theme of his seven路year pontificate, has launched contacts with Christian and non-Christian leaders to establish a date.

movement of prayers for' peace which, surpassing fmntiers of single nations and involving believers of all religions, will embrace the entire world," the pope said. The pontiff added that he chose 1986 to organize the prayer day because it has been designated by the United Nations as the International Year of World Peace.



He said he chose Assisi because it was the 13th century-birthplace of St. Francis who "transformed the place into a center of universal fraternity."_ ,

"Wars can be decided by just a few people, but peace requires the' strong commitment of all," the pope said at a recent ecumenical prayer service at Rome's Basilica The saint, ,who fO\1nded 'the of S1. Paul's Outside the Walls. Franciscans, whs noted, {{)r. his "The Holy' See, wants 'to con-; efforts for peace a!1d. harlllony ".,' tribute to' ~wakening a world among people.'

WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago will chair a new U.S. bishops' committee studying the morality of nuclear deterrence. Formation of the new Ad Hoc Committee on Deterrence was announced in Washington Jan. 27 by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The bishops, at their general meeting in Washington last November, voted to establish the committee. Named with Cardinal Bernardin to the new committee were Cardinal John J. O'Connor of- New York, Archbishops Iloger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and John R: Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, 'Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Norwich, Conn., and Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit. Cardinal Bernardin also chair: ed the bishops' committee which crafted the 1983 pastoral letter on war and peace. That pastoral's "striCtly conditioned moral acceptance" of deterrence prompted several bishops at -the, November meeting to seek fuller exploration of the moral acceptability of deterrence. Bishop Gumbleton, who heads Pax Christi USA, a Catholic peace group, argued at the meeting that conditions for moral acceptance of deterrence were no longer being met because of U.S. defense developments since 1983. The bishops then voted to establish 'a new study committee on deterrence. Cardinal O'Connor' and Bishops Reilly and Gumblt~ton served on the committee which drafted the 1983 pastoral, which was titled "The Challenge of Peace; God's Promise and Our Response." Father J. Bryan Hehir, USCC secr~tary for social development and world peace, will serve as staff to the deterrence committee, as he did for the 1-983路 pastoral. Committee memqers will try to determine whether conditions cited by the pastoral letter as necessary to jusify the morality of deterrence are being met, said Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, president of the NCCB, who announced formation of the committee.

Election set The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., will: elect new general officers at the first session of a general chapter of the congregation, to begin Feb. 23. 'Sister Mary Catherine Guiler, eastern provincial superior with headquarters in Fall River, is a chapter member. A general chapter is the'highest governing body of a religious congregation. In the case ofthe Sisters of Providence, it meets every five years and is composed of ex-officio administrators, elected delegates from .the congregation's five American provinces and a representative from the region of Taiwan. Installation of the new officers will take' place at Ii second chapter session in June, whe'n members wiil nlilke plans for the next five years.


African bishops consider nonviolent action

In Indonesia MALANG, Indonesia (NC) ~ Indonesia's Catholic bishops have called for greater cooperatiop between heirarchy and· religious, said laity should be responsible for politit:s,. and suggested greater Christian ecumenical dialogue. Religious should follow a simple lifestyle and should proriJQte VOQ.lions to the diocesan priesthood, the bishops said in new pastoral guidelines.. Lay people should handle political affairs and intensify education within the family, the bishops said. They also suggested developing experts in ecumeniCal dialogue and said it is important Catholics be "open-hearted."

PRETORIA, South Africa (Nt) - Southern Africa's bishops said they may join non-violent action, induding economic pres. sure and passive resistance, to cnd apartheid, South Africa's system

of racial discrimination. The Southern African bishops' conference has instructed its administrative board to prepare a statement saying the bisnops are seriously considering such a stand.

The board has also been lold to prepare an extraordinary plenary session for May at which the bisnops will decide what 10 do. The bishops noted "rapidly escalating violence" in South Africa and said "we find ourselves

Tridentine woes

obliged to consider alternatives to such violence as a means of bring~

jog about radical social change." "We see no choice but to envisage .forms of non-violent action, such as passive resistance, boycott and economic pressure, to move our country away from its present state of racial conflict," they said. The bishops made their statement ina message released Jan. 31 during a meeting in Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital. They quoted Pope John Paul II's statement that "our repudia~ tion of every form of racial discrimination is convinced and total." The goal of any action would be "full participation" of all South Africans "in the structure of government," the bishop said. Black South Africans, who are the majority in the population, are barred from voting in national elections and from holding national office. On Jan. 31, South Africa's president, Pieter W. Botha, said that blacks would be invited to sit on "national statutory council"' which he said would be a ''first step toward institutionalized power.sharing. " Botha made the announcement as he opened Parliament with a promise of change in the country's racial po!il;ies. He repeated the announcement in two-page advertisements in South African newspapers in which he committed himself to sharing power with blacks for the first time. The advertisements also promised equal education and an end to the "pass laws" which limit black access to segregated townships on the fringes of the country's major cities. Critics of the Botha plan noted that it did not inc:lude giving blacks a seat in Parliament.


Hesburgh Award WASHINGTON (NC) School Sister of Notre Dame Maura Eichner of B.altimore has received the Theodore M. Hesburgh Award of the Associa.tion?! Catholic Colleges and Umverslties. The award recognizes outstandingcontributions to Catholic higher educ:ation. Sister Eichner has taught English at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, since 1943. She is the author of seven books of poetry. and 17 of ber students have also published books.


Friday, Feb. 14, 1986

VINCENTIANS of Holy Rosary, parish, Taunton, aided by other parishioners, load a truck with goods for Ghana.

Taunton Vincentians aid Ghana Concluding a yearlong "Goods for Ghana" drive. members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Holy Rosary parish, Taunton, recently shipped a final truckload of goods destined for missions in Ghana. West Africa, to Franciscan Mission Headquarters in Granby. Throughout 1985, the Vincentians collected over 6000

pounds of light clothing, 1000 health care items, 300 farm i"mplements, 400 hand tools, 500 pounds of nails. bolls and other fasteners and hundreds of pounds of nonperishable food. for people in Ghanaian missions served by the Friars MinlJr Conventual who staff HoJy Cross parish, Fall River, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help pari~h, New Bedford, as well as Holy Rosary.

The tools will assist the Franciscans in teaching trades and in building churches, dispensaries, hospitals and st:hools, said Vint:entian officials. The foodstuffs were gathered during a parish "Sacrifice for Lent" drive which will be repeated this year, again for the purpose of aiding the Ghanaian missions. .

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NC) Bishop FrankJ. HarrisonofSyracuse has halted an experiment with Tridentine Masses in his diocese. saying they were used as occasions for dissent and rejection of church teaching authority. He said that during question periods conducted after four experimental Tridentine Masses last fall, participants in each Mass voiced "attacks on the integrity of church officials and on the orthodoxy of church teacbing pertaining to the Mass of Pope Paul VI." In October 1"984 Pope John Paul II restored a limited permission for occasional use of the older rite, as last modified in 1962, at the discretion of local bishops.

LEMIEUX HEATING, INC. Sales and Service '~

Christophers still 'light one candle' By Tr.ey [.rly NEW YORK (NC) - After 40 years, the Christophers still believe that "it is better to light one candle than to l;urse the darkness," Maryknoll Father James Keller, who founded the Christophers, made that ancient Chinese proverb its motto and it remains its guiding principle. But for the Christophers, it is more than a slogan.. said Father John Catoir, director since 1978, in an interview at the agency's New York headquarters. "We'te talking about Jesus Chrisl as the light ofthe world, a broken and wounded world jn need of healing," he said. Through the "Christopher Closeup" television program, radio spots, newspaper columns, books and other media, the Christophers stimulate intereU in spiritual values among people of all faiths or of none. The idea that it is better tQJight cal1dles than to curse the darkness, he said, does not mean avoiding confrontation with evil. Rather, he said, Father Keller took ii as an expression ofthe biblical command to "conquer evil with good." So instead of condemning what is bad in the. media, the Christophers hold an annual awards ceremony honoring producers, directors and writers who have contributed worksofvalue, Father Catoir said. Another keynote of the Chris·

tophers is individualism. As a Maryknoller, Father Keller was assigned to promotional work in the United States, and when he addressed lay people he told them that they were all missionaries carrying the light of Christ, Father Catoir said. Father Keller's founding of the Christophers in 1945 continued that emphasis, he said. Trying to convince lay people that each of them could make the world better, Father Keller narrowed the Christopher idea down to two bask points: "there's nobody like you" and "you can make a difference." When Father Keller retired in 1969, Maryknoll continued his work until 1978. then decided it did not really fit into their foreign mission apostolate. Father Catoir, a priest of the diocese of Paterson, N.J., who had been influenced by reading Father Keller's book, "You Can Change the World," was then chosen to become director. He heads a staff of about 50 and also chairs the Christophers' board. He is t:urrently expanding the Christopher program for young people. "Kids today are not reading books," he said. "some of them don't know what a vocation is. Some don't know what prayer is and what it means in their lives. They need to be told why Christ is the light of tbe world." So the Christophers will produce cassettes 10 meet this need, and make them

available at a low price for church educators, The Christopher "News Notes·" go free to people in 125 countries. Also free are the television programs now used by more than 60 commercial stations and hundreds of cable outleu. The organization gets about 52 million per year in t:ontributions, 97 per cent from individualsupporters. Some materials, such as books, are sold. It has also been able to build up its reserves so it now receives several hundred thousand dollars a year from endowment income. "We are at the vestibule of a,new age in the church regarding media, and the Cbristopbers are wellestablished to be a part of that future, "-Father Catoir concluded.

Progress reported WASHINGTON (NC)- Initial progress by a commission in a7ycar-old labor dispute bel:ween farmworkers and the Campbell Soup Co. has brought "new hope" for a workable solution, said Cardinal John J. O'Connor· of New York. Cardinal O'Connor, speaking as t:hairman of tbe Committee on Social Development and World Peace of the U.S. Catholic Conference, expressed pleasure that the commission, established last year, has brought representatives offarmworkers, growers and Campbell to the negotiating table. His comments came in a statement re«ntly released in Washington.

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Christians called



• •



Tim A.NCNUK - Diocese 01 Fall River - FrL Feb. l4. 19.86

BEIRUT, Lebanon(NC)-Lebanonis tiny, three-fourths the size of Connecticut. But in this small Middle Eastern nation of 2.6 million people, members of the world's two largest religions, Christianity and Islam, have been in bloody battle since 1975. Lebane~

debate whether this is

a religious war, or a territorial war with religious labeling.

More than 100,000 Lebanese have been killed and hundreds of thousands more pushed from their homes by the war. If loss is mea-

sured in acres, the Christians have lost.

Ten years ago, Christians lived throughout the nation. During the

war they were driven from their homes in the Lebanon Mountains,

ill the southwest, and from homes in West Beirut. Now they are settled around East Beirut and in the cit· ies of Jezzine and Zahle. "Christians are being systematically eliminated," said Msgr. John Esseff, a St:ranton, Pa. priest, who heads the Pontifical Mission for Palestine. The mission provides war relief and other social services in Lebanon. Msgr. Esseff sleeps at his office in Christian-controlled East Beirut, He cannot safely go to the Pontifical Mission apartment in Moslem-controlled West Beiruf. "People want me to c~rry a gun,

to have one in the car," he sa'd. But he noted that an armed body· guard couldn't prevent the kid· napping of American Servite Father Lawrence Martin Jeneo, director of Catholic Relief Services in Lebanon. Fa~her Jeneo, abducted by Moslem extremists, remains a captive. Msgr. Esseff deals with antiAmerican sentiment in Leban()n by flying a,papal flag on his Car and wearing a purple·trimmed CIllSsock to emphasize his church amlia· tion. "I'd never wear this in Scran. Ion," he said. "The Cnristiaa presence in Lebanon is a wart on the Moslem nOS'e. The Moslems can't stand it," said the Pontifical Mission director, "It's so smaUand insignificant that they would like to destroy it." He stressed the significance ()f driving Christians from their homes. "The Islamicization of Lebanon is by the land:' he said. "if they can't Islamicize the people, they will lslamicize the land." His asseument is agreed with by his d.lIlIsmate, Msgr, Norman ..-. Ferris, pastor of SI. Anthony of the Deserl parish, Fall River, and b)' Father George I. Saad, Ihejustretired longtime pastor of Our Lady of Purlliltory parish, New Bedford. Bolh pandes &ern Maronileand Melklte Catholics, tbe latter be~ uuse there are no Melkite par.

I'hes In Soulbeaslern Massachu· the Abbot in Beirut, said his order, ,etls, founded in 1700, has also grown. "Le~anon is an o.,ls of Chrf.The order has 100 monks, 21 tlanity antid the Moslem countrfes men studying for the priesthood in of the Middle Easl,'~ 'ald Falber Rome and 23 more novices in Saad, Lebanon. "For the LebanHe Cbrktians. "Before the war, Lebanon was life has been a continuouistruille butlhanh to the pro1ec1ion graDled rich and wealthy, and young men to ,tbem by the European po....ers were not very religious," Father Sader said. "The war has caused Cbrldians and Moslems were foryoung men to reflect on religion. merly able 10 live In peace. "The ongotng civil war' wu to deepen in prayer." fomented by fundamentalist Mol" He also credited Lebanese famiem countries like Libya and Iran ily life for nurturing vocations. and by Syria. Syria wanh 10 annex "There still are very deep reliLebanon and it is in her InterHt to keep the Ilaugbter, noW-In Its 11th . gious roots in the Maronite fam· ily," he said. "Vocations mature in year, lolnl in tbat counlry. "The absolute alienee oUbe Uni· this climate." Antonine Sister Clemence ted Slat" and the other counlrl" oflhe West K hard to understand, Helous, president of Lebanon's May Our Lady of Lebanon grant Association for Major Superiors peace to the land dedicated to of Women, said war relief work her!" , has improved the spiritual life of Similar sentiments were expres- orders. sed by Msgr. Ferrls, who noled "We opened our houses to refu· that his parents' native village in gees," said Sister Helou. Lebanon was wiped out in the "We were full," he said. "All our course of the long civil war. He urged tbose anxious 10 see conventi were housing refugees, Ihe struggle end to write to Presi~ and we had to deal with them, dent Reagan and to tbe Massa- serve them, hear them." chusetts senators and representaFounded in 1935, her order lives, ureing them to support peace- today has 107 members, as well as making measures, eight rtovices and eight postulants. "How come they've forgoUen Along with increasing member· th.ese people (Ihe Lebanese)," he demanded, cban.clerh:lng the na· ship and a deepened sense of mis· tion's Christians as "marlyrs In sion, there's a dark side to the life of the Lebanese orden. waiting." But Lebanese President Amin "We accept to die," said Fran· Gemayel, a Maronite Christian, ciscan Sister Violet Ayoub, a says the fighting is not based on school admlnistrator and member religion. He said Lebanon has tra- of the Franciscan Sisters of the ditionally been a land of religious Cross of Lebanon. "tolerance and coexistence." "If the supedor teIls me to be in However, the president also voiced concern for preserving "the a Moslem area, it signifies that Christian patrimony of Lebanon." God has called me to be there and to be a martyr," she said. Charles Malik, a Greek Orthodox, said Lebanese Christians are victims of a "squeezing.out phenomenon." Malik was president of the U.S. General assembly BEIRUT, Lebanon (NC) - A in 1958and was Lebanon'sambassador to the United States from decade of Christian·Moslem civil war has created "one huge prob· 1946 to 1956. lem" of homeleS8ness in Lebanon, "This region is solidly Christian, John Esseff, director of said Msgr. more than anywhere else in the Middle East," Malik said. "We the Pontifical Mission for Pales· have a Christian culture, society tine. and tradition. Seven miles from About 500,000 of Lebanon's 2.6 here is a church on the spot where million people are homeles~, he St. Paul landed. We're mentioned said. The displaced live in monasin the New Testament two or three teries, des~tted office buildings, times. Now we'te in danger of bombed·out hotels, movie thea1extinction. " ers, refugee camps - wherever a family can squeeze itself.

A homeless people

Spiritual gain BEl RUT, Lebanon (NC) Lebanon's long, bloody civil war has shattered the nation, but it has also brought its religious orders more members say church officials. Fatber Pierre Ani, dean of the school of theology at Holy Spirit University in Kaslik, said that at the end of this academic year, 25 to 30 university students will be ordained to the priesthood.

PRESCHOOLERS at Debayeh refugee camp near Beirut carryon school as usual, despite their stressful living conditions. (NC photo)

Anloninc Father John Sader, superior of the community at the Maronite Church of St. Anthony

Holy Family Sister Georgette Noujaim, a sociai worker at Debayeh refugee camp near Teirut, cited moral and morale prob· lems which have developed in the camps. The Debayeh camp, with

Rle. 2S, East .Falmouth

"The people live too close to one another." she said. "There's no glass in the windows. There's no privacy. there's no running water in the houses. There are open sew· ers They have no interests or goals ..


Children suffer AIN WAR, Lebanon(NC)-A shower at the Blessed Sacrament Sisters' orphanage in Ain War comes from a bucket of water. Saturday is shower day at the home, 10 miles north of Beirut, which houses 225 girls, mostly 812 years old. Some are {)rphans. Others have been placed at the home by their families for safekeeping. "Four of the girls have had brothers killed on the demarcation line" between the Christian and Moslem sectors of Beirut, said Mother Francois Douehy, one of eight nuns who founded the order 20 years ago. Its original work - to educate young women - has been eclipsed by war relief efforts. "The devotion of the nuns", is key, Mother Douehy said, as she pointed out home-canned fruits and vegetables the nuns had prepared from the convent garden harvest. There is a waiting list to enter the orphanage, where children sometimes must sleep twotoa bed in an 160-bed unheated dormitory in which winter temperatures reach freezing.


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Franciscan Missionary of Mary Sister Madeleine Mansour, who works with many refugees, said the elderly from rural areas feel particularly helpless.

"Not -only were people displaced, but whole villages- were flat· tened, completely destroyed by bulldozers," Father Eid said. "Cit· ies and' villages have been completely plowed under. There's no evidence of their even having existed. "

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about 5,000 residents~ is home for 350 Lebanese and 200 Palestinian refugee families.

"Most come from small villages where their vegetable garden was their way of life," she said. "They've had to change their whole way oflife. They're not used to going to Ihe store to buy anything. They're used to getting everything from the earth." Father Raymond Eid, pastor in Jezzine, described the IkJim el· Kharrouh area, where more than 28,000 were driven from their homes in 1985.


" ;;:;-~ ~ •

The Way of the Cross' in Lebanon


Series of 5 concerts following the noon Mass ApprOXimately 30 minutes.


FATHER MARTIN M~DERMOTT. SJ, shows visitors a sandbag barricade library of St. Joseph University, Beirut. (NC photo)



University under fire BEIRUT, Lebanon (NC) Pieces ojrockets and artillery shells which have hit St. Joseph Univer· sity Oriental Library fill a display case outside the reading room. They testify to the civil war sur· rounding the main campus of the school run by Jesuits, six ofwhom have been killed during the conflict. Several St. Joseph's students and staff have also been killed picked off along a campus street by snipers. The university is in a hot spot -on the so-called "green line" which separates Christian~omin­ ated east and Moslem-controlled west Beirut. Despite the dangers, the Jesuits remain, running a 5,500·student university with schools of medi· cine, law, engineering and arts. Currently, 5I percent oithe stu· dents are Maronite Christian, 37.5 percent other Christians, and the rest Moslem. The university also maintains t:ampuses in Sidon and Tripoli, where recent battles have forced Christians \0 flee. Jesuit Father Martin McDermott of West Hartford, Conn., told how he was wounded in the foot in 1916. "I got shot coming out of the library," he said. "We usually ran when we left the library, but that time we were walking beclusethere was a cease·fire." Father McDermott recovered quickly, but other Jesuits haven't been as lucky. French. Father Michel Allard, dean of the university'g School of Oriental Letters, died when a mor· tar shell exploded next to his bed in 1976. "We found most of his body," said Father McDermott. In 1984, a fellow U.S. Jesuit, Father James Finnegan of New York, was on his way to celebrate Mass at lhe St. Joseph University Medical Center when he was hit by an artillery shell. A shrine marks the spot. .' ,

Father Louis Dumas, former dean of the medical school, was killed by a sniper while crossing the street in 1915, and Father

Alban de Jerphanion was shot in 1976 after Moslems commandeered his car.


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Member F.D.I.C.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese'of Fall River.:.....Fti~, Feb. 1'4, '1986






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LettIng bygones be bygones

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I recently took JI


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job •• • junior ~xtcutJu wk" 11

firm and "as aboeked to find that oae ofmy eo-worken "as. former ri"al for tbe same prl. It brought back tbe hurt of our ea... out. We ban Dot seeD each other In eigbt yean.; He .nd. bad been very close frieDds~ tbea he toot illY lirlfrlend .".y•• tlDderst_d she "eat on to lRarry ,someone else, but our breac:h .... aCTcr bnled. There baa been a eold sUenu between tIIat' wotk. 'I'IIh ia lUll'ortg. nate, since we will Deed to wo.k togetber. Should I take the lint step? I sdll feel wroDaed, bot really, wbat does it matter aftcr elabt years! I would like to pwt our trouble In tbe past. (New York) Good for you. Yes, take the first step. Sonteone has to and the gentleman a.lways makes the first move. The first step in overcoming years of hostile silencers important. There are sneral ineffective openings to avoid. Don't start in public. Don't be confrontationaL Don't ·be overly formal. Find a private place to talk. This is not a matter to address in {ront of others. Perhaps one ofyou has a

private office. "Jack, I'd like to see you for a minute in your office." Lunch or a drink after work would be possibilities. "Jack, how aboulletting me buy you'a drink_ J"d like to call a truce between us." A brief note bas some advantages for openers.ltgives you the chance to make your point well and then for Jack to get past his first emotional reaction pefore you meet. , What do you say? This is no time to set the past straight. Some people have a fatal compulsion to set everything right for the record. with a clear admission of who is right and who is wrong. As you write in your letter, "What does it matter aCter eight years?" 1 agree. Don't renew the confrontation. Instead, say: "I don't like the cold war we have faUen into. We were friends once. lam sorry about what happened, and I'd like to reach the point where we can at least talk comfortably with each other.~

"I'm sorry" is not an apology. You are simply saying you are not happy with what has happened over the last eight years. If he accepts your sugg~tion to talk. fine. But what if he does not? Suppose he responds bycontinuing

to b!.ame you, or worse, by saying he feels no need to rectify matteR. Allow him his first negative rtSpofiSe. Don't try to defend yourself. Tell him you understand his feelings and are still open to peace· making, if and when he feels differently. If lack is open to, a meeting, aHain stay with the ..... messages. Focus on your feelings now about the silence, not the originaldisagree.:. ment. As much as ponihle, let the past alolle. You, may be able- to discuss it someday, but not for starters, Stay positive. bo something to~ ther, such as having lunch~ to take the pressure off your personal relationship. Discuss your wo-rk tQjether. FiIJ each other in on what has happened in your lives since the alienation. Make plans to meet again~

Bridging an eight-year wall of time and distance is no easy task. Give "I" messages. Focw on the present, Stay informal. And keep trying. Rnder questions on family H~· int and child care to he answered In print are In~hed. Adclresl the Kennys, Box 171, St. Joseph'a Col· lea;e, Re~er, Ind. 47971.

Remembering Samantha By Antoinette Bosco



MY OTHER HAND?" Oh, it's good to have a hand to hold, Little Ting Pao of Taiwan knOWs that. But when you're four years old and all alone in the world, two hands are even better. Give us your hand! Please send your generous gift today to the

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t Please ask the missionaries to remember the following intentions al Mass: _ I Send your girl ANCH 2/14/86 I The Society for I ~~t:THE ~:~~~~~~~~o~:'.THE FAITH I I. 368 N""" M"n .''0'.' Fall-Ri"er, Massechuse-tts 02720 L_ City - - - - - - - -



The people of the Soviet Union continue to honor Samantha Smith, America's Young ambas· sador for peace wh~ WilS tragical1y killed'in a plane'trash last AugUSt. Samantha was the to-year-old from Maine who wrote to Soviet leader Yuri And.ropo~ in 1982 asking that the United States and tne Soviet Union work together for a peaceful world. Andropov responded by inviting her to visit the Soviet Union, where her innocent sincerity captured the heartsofthe people_ In Samantha·s honor, it is now ~orted, the Soviets have named a diamond, a flower, a street, a poem and a book. They have issued a postal stamp with her picture on it. Schoolchildren have established a mUlleum and an international friendship club in her' memory. Children from morethan 100 Soviet schools have competed to have their schools renamed Samantha Smith. What strikes me is that the reverse would never happen here. lt is inconceivable to me that a little girl from the Soviet Union, could receive official recognition frOnt the U.S. government. I cannot imagine the face of a Soviet child on a U.S. postal stamp. 'So why are the Soviet peopte so eager to embtace the memory of an American child? Two reasom, I suspect. The first may be Soviet government propaganda, which seeks to undermine the strength of the U.S. government by port,aying our people - symbolized by Samantha Smith - as at odds with our political leaders. This is unfair and untrue. The second reason. however, is sincere and just. I believe that tbe Soviet people themselves have embraced Samantha Smith because they desperately want peace, and they may be even mcrre frightened of our government's pOlicies than we are of theirs.

We get so few glimpses of what the Russian people are really like. Almost everything we read or see in films about Soviet life comes through the screen of politics. I'"e only seen Qne postwar" Rus~ called "No Tears for Moscow." It wu produced completely independently, of the Soviet government. The film portrayed a woman's struggle to balance a 'stable family life, financial security, romantic intimacy and career. It showed the heartfelt tears and laughter of warm and vulnerable human beings ------: a rarely seen picture oftypical Soviet people with normal, non-political, human concerns. sian~made made movie,

I once had a conversation with aSoviet defector who was teaching Russian history at' a New Yor" state university. Her comment surprised me: "If I had to find one' word to describe the true character of the Russian people," she said, "it would be charity. The Russian people are filled with warmth and constantly giving. ,. Many people have said that the 1985summit meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev accomplished nothing of substance. I disagree. Tlte two leaders opened up cultural exchange so that our nations might share ineach other's art and humanity. Cultural exchange is a major step toward peace because it reminds us that the people far away in a foreign land are as human as we are. 1 ant by no means whitewashing the horrendous. government-sanctioned human-rights violations in the Soviet Union or its unconscionable foreign policies, but if we could develop a sense of trust and respect between citizens in both countries, we might establish a lasting peace. Ultimately, a heartto-heart relationship between our peoples will form a stronger bond than imy political agreement ever could.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 14, 1986

,TV, network,. spo.nsors get boycott warning WASHINGTON (NC) - Nearly 1,600 Christian leader~, including more than 100 Catholic bishops, have called, on major television networks and advertisers to "stem the tide of filth" on TV or face a possible boycott. The leaders also urged "an immediate end to the anti-Christian stereotyping presented in network programming.

can Motors, Wendy's, Noxell and Warner-Lambert. Melvin also said letters of appreciation will be sent to Sears, Phillips Petroleum, Mars and International Business Machines Corp. for sponsoring more acceptable programs. Further action will depend on network and sponsor response, Mr. Wildmon said.

Their comments came in a statement issued by Christian Leaders for Responsible Television during the recent annual conventionof the Nation~I'Religious Broadcasters in Washington.

The statement cited studies on the number and effect of acts of violence on prime-time television. A 1983 U.S. Departm'ent of Jus, tice report, the statement said, noted that "virtually 100 .percent of agressiori researchers agree that there is a cause-effect relationship between the consumption of'violent entertainment and an increased tendency toward anger and violence in normal viewers."

The statement and the CLRT organization follow a 1985 statement coordinated by Rev. Donald Wildmon, head of the National Federation for Decency and signed by 600 religious leaders. Mr. Wildmon, a Methodist minister, is CLRT executive director. "We call upon the television networks and the advertisers to take immediate steps .'to reduce incidents of sex and violence and profanity by at least 35 percent in the fall of 1986, and to wor\( for another such red uction in 1987," the statement said. ' At the news conference, Billy Melvin, CLRT board member and executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals, said that CLRT will attempt in the next few weeks to meet with the heads of the three major networks, to ~xpress t~~.i.r cP!l ce r!'1s., I He added that CLRT will also seek a meeting with representatives of several corporations "which lacked sensitivity and concern" in the selection of programs they sponsored last year. Those corporations, he said, are Ameri-

statement added, shows that use of profanity on prime-time television more than doubled' between 1978 and 1984. ,Auxiliary Bishop Nevin Hayes of Chicago is listed as a CLRT board member. Other Catholic bishops signing the statement included Cardinals Joseph Bernardin of Chicago and Bernard Law of Boston; and Archbishops John Quinn of San Francisco, Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, Edward A. McCarthy of Miami, John F. Whealon of Hartford, Conn., Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, John R. Roach of ~t., Paul-Minneapolis, Edmund C. Szoka of Detroit, john L. May of St. Louis, Raymond G. Huntausen Seattle, William D. Borders of Baltimore, Daniel Sheehan of Omaha, Charles A. Salatka of Oklahoma City, lind Cornelius Power of Portland, Ore.

Try an experiment. Go in and turn off the TV set. Do your children snarl, snap and hiss? After an hour of no television are they, or you, turning on the micro to watch a hot dog burn? After two hours are they watching the fish bowl, sitting in front of. the radio staring into a speaker or watching the clothes dryer spin? Do I exaggerate? Maybe - but then again maybe not too much. '. It is my unscientific, instinctive conclusion that too many of our families, and I include ours, are more hooked on television than we like to think. Inour own hous,e we have gone without television enough times,' planned and unplanned, to be able to tell a difference. ; Crusades make me uneasy but I'd like to invite you to join me in'a word-of-mouth crusade to give our families a sp.ecial present: a week (or more1) without teie.vi.sion~ You might'ihiitkl'm ~ve'rstating again, but a week away from the tub~ can give you a fresher perspective on what 'our Catholic,bishops are telling'us 'is' aco,nsumeristic, materialistic ·society.' i'

I'm not comfortable with what values television commercials or programs deploy in other areas either, like what they portray about women; how they should look and how they should act. Or men for that matter. If you have teens, you run the risk of scoff attacks. "Talk about television, you want our house to be like 'Little House . on the Prairie?' " '

"Play Chinese checkers? You must be kidding!"

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Ordinations to the diocesan clergy worldwide increased by more than 7 percent in 1984· over the previous year, the Vatican has reported, adding that the number of diocesa'n major seminarians worldwide increased more than 4 percent during the 'same peribd.

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An aunt, Miss Pearl O'Leary, is a resident of Acushnet. Father O'Leary briefly entered the Cistercian abbey of Our Lad y of Gethsemani in Trappist, Ky., before determining that his vocation was to the diocesan priesthood.


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MemMrsF~detal Deposii Insurance Corporation.

Vincentians, Lions aid eye pattertf Fall River District members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul working through the newly~~stab~ lished conference at Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, together with Swansea and Somerset Lions and Lionesses clubs, have assisted a needy Swansea resident in obtaining a lens implant operation. The successful procedure took place Jan. 2, restoring useful vision to the patient's left eye after a three-year period of virtual blindness. "

Humane act? INDIANAPOLIS (NC) Archbishop' Edward O'Meara of Indianapolis, chairman of the Indiana Catholic Conference, has questioned the morality of a' "humanitarian" death penalty proposal in Indiana that would execute criminals, by lethal injec-' tion instead of electrocution.

Let them grouse. It's good for their skin. Besides, you might even' "For me, it has become increasbe surprised to see them rediscover , ingly difficult to accept the notion the fun ofbaking co?kies. that the deliberate taking of a One of the greatest gifts we can human life can ever be humane give one another is time. act," the archbishop wrote in a letTell a friend.' ter published in The Criterion,., newspaper of the Indianapolis Archdiocese'.


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F ATHER Daniel P. . O'Leary, a native of the Fall ' River diocese and,a graduate of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, has been ordained a priest of the diocese of Baton Rouge, La. where Monitoring by the National his parents, Timothy J. and Federation for Decency" the Jeanne O'Leary, now reside.

A 'gift, of time By Hilda Young

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.


Although we -must all be concerned with increasing violence in our communities and demand strict accountability from those who harm others, each oJ us, and especially those who acknowledge Christ as our teacher, must-indeed carefully reflect on the humaneness of life-terminating action that is carried out in our name," he wrote.

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"RUssia will spread her errors throughout the world causi~g wars ~nd persecution.of the church." ..

Mary 'at Fati~a July. 13, 1917


-.- ....... ""

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 14, 1986











On the crime of trespass By ATTY. ARTHUR MURPHY



Smack! Little Georgie Ruth has just' walloped another home run in the paJ:k across the street and, as u'sual,' the ball has come to rest in your garden. Almost instantly a slew of outfielders are rummaging through your tomato plants in search of their cowhide. Despite th~ -fact that these are nice kids from the neighborhood, you're reaching the limits of your tolerance. Besides having them turn your tomatoes into ketcl1up, you're worried ~bout these' budding Red Sox getting hurt while on your property. Will you be liable if they do? Can you prevent them from trespassing to retrieve their ball? If so, what mea-



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3) the child must either not dissures will the law allow you to In general, a landowner has no cover the condition or not appretake? duty to protect tre'spassers; since The crime of trespass is commit- they're wrongdoers they must ciate the danger involved because ted when a person enters someone asSume the risk ofwhattheyencoun- of his immaturity; and 4) the need else's property without a right after ter on the prQperty. Two excep- for the owner to maintain the dan- , being forbidden to do so. Once the tions to this rule are made however gerous condition must be slight as crime has been committed the tres- for people who trespass regularly compared with the risk to the child passer may be ,sued by the private, . on the land and for children. In involved. As for people who regularly party who possesses the property addition to these two exceptions, or he may be prosecuted as a crim- to be discussed shortly, a landowner cross a land'owner's property at a inal by the government, or both, also has the duty to refrain from particular place, the law imposes depending upon circumstances. using unreasonable force to repel a upon the landowner a duty to use The person with a possessory trespasser, and this includes set- reasonable care to discover the interest in the property who is ting traps. Furthermore, an inten- trespassers and to protect them entitled to sue is also usually the tional battery committed against a from harm. A landowner may take action against these regular tresowner, but in the case of apart- trespasser is illegal. ments or other multi-unit dwelUnder Massachusetts law, Iia- passers only after he's notified lings this is often not true. Here the bility is imposed on a landowner them to stop trespassing, As for money damages, the tenant 'would have a possessory for any willful or wanton conduct interest arid would therefore be that does not meet the standard of amount recoverable after an illeentitled to sue illegal.trespassers. care that a reasonable person would gal trespass varies according to the The landlord could only join in the use to ensure a trespasser's safety. circumstances. The trespasser is tenant's suit if the trespasser caused This means, for example, that a liable for all the damages that flow permanent damage to the property. landowner will be liable if he digs a directly from his trespass. This could Although damage is necessary deep pit on the edge of his prop- ' include the cost of repairing the fo'r an absentee landlord to sue, erty and, as a result of his failure to property, the amount of money by the person with a possessory inter- fence it off, a trespasser falls in it which the property value has decreased, and, in appropriate situaest in the land could sue even if n'o and is injured. tions, the loss of rental value and actual harm occurred as long as A landowner owes a greater profits. the trespasser intentionally entered ' duty of care to children ,because of the land or caused a thing or third their immaturity and possible inIn addition to money damages, person'to enter'the land. Thus the, ability to appreciate any danger a landowner ma~ obtain aq injuncmere act of dropping a gum which ,may accompany the tres, tion to prevent a trespa/,s of a conwrapper on anot~er person'sl~wn pass. If four conditions exist a tinuing ,nature. To get an injunccould constitute an illegal trespass. landowner will be liable to a tres, tion the landowner must assert his Also, if Art pushed Bart onto your . passing child for any injuries he ,:'rights promptly upon discovering property, Art would be guilty of , sustains. The conditions are: I) the the trespass; otherwise, he may be trespassing;'not Bart. 'landowner must know that the limited to money damages. In an Now that it's clear that the ball- child is likely to trespass at that , action for an injunction, it's irreleplayers were trespassing, wh~t duty place; 2) the landowner must recvant if the amount of money dam~ do you owe, to them to protect ognize the possibility of an unreaages suffered is small or if the tresthem from harm? sonable risk or harm to the child; passer acted in good faith.

The law does allow a person to enter another person's property legally in some circumstances, even though it would otherwise constitute a trespass. For example, a person has implied license to enter another person's land to save the landowner's property from destruction or to save a person from harm. Also, Massachusetts statutes protect surveyors and owners of adjoining property who must enter the land of another to maintain and repair their own property. Returmng to our garden-trouncing little leaguers, it's most likely that you wouldn't be liable for any injuries that they sustained while on your property as long as your garden isn't unusually dangerous (we assume you aren't growing killer tomatoes,) Your best course of action would probably be to erect afence around your yard, or at least your garden, with proper warnings posted to advise trespas'sers ;to stay out. Of course you'd probably be smar~ to fetch Georgie's ball yourself and throw it back; with the way he's hitting, in a few years he11 probably be able to get you complimentary Red Sox 'tickets when he makes the team.' ,


The 'Murphys practice law in Braintree.

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usce backs Christian school right to fire new mom WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference has backed the right of a Bible- oriented Christian school to fire a married, pregnant faculty member who sought to continue teaching after her child was born. In a friend-of-the-court brief filed with the Supreme Court the USCC argued that dismissal of teacher Linda Hoskinson by the Dayton (Ohio) Christian Schools is not a matter fpr government intervention because it was based on church doctrines, including the belief that a mother is supposed to stay home to care for her child. The high court in November accepted the case, Ohio Civil Rights Commission vs. Dayton Christian Schools. The USCC is the public policy arm of the U.S. bishops. " '; , Mrs. Hoskinson, who taught in the system's elementary school for five years, informed school offi~ cials in 1979 that she was pregn'ant and wished to return to h~r teaching job after the baby was bo!",n. She was told that she would not be allowed to do so because "as. you will be a new parent. ..yOU( teaching would be in contract to the schoo,I's philosophy." After Mrs. Hoskinson consu,l~ed an attorney, she was firec;l' for "religIOUS, ~isconduct." , , . ' ,, .,. ,,The Ohio Civil Rights Commis~ sion intervened in the case 'on the basis of discrimination against Mrs. ,Hoskinson and told the school to rehire her, but a federal appeals' court found .t,he school acted within its rights.

The usec brief, by Wilfred R. Caron, general counsel, and Mark E. Chopko, assistant general counsel, said the Supreme Court should reject the state civil rights commission's effort to override the religious tenets of the Chris~ tian schools system.

such as threats to life or to public order, the USCC said the Dayton case does not raise such issues. "In a doctrinal dispute involving employment decisions, where the decision affects only the 'dissenter,' bound to church authority, the free exercise claim (of the Dayton schools) must prevail," the brief stated. The USCC attorneys also noted, that previous court rulings involv-

ing churches have suggested that "dissenting members are free to leave a church over any matter at any time." In a footnote, the USCC reaf-' firmed its opposition to discrimination. "This amicus (friend-ofthe-court) brief stands squarely against wrongful discrimination against anyone ,because of race, sex, national origin, age or alienage," it said.

. They said Mrs. Hoskinson took the job "as a believer and practicing member of the faith community" and was "fully aware of the nature of the institution" and its employment philosophy. The USCC brief also said Mrs. Hoskinson refused "to comply By NC News Service he became rector of San Ambrosio with doctrinal interpretations" or College, and was pastor of a Peruthe school and said she was not Msgr. Albert I Koenigskencht, vian highlands' parish. justified in seeking the civil rights In Peru, he worked among Aymcommission's intervention "into 69, a Maryknoll Missioner and apostolic administrator of Juli, ara and Quechua Indians, earning her religious dispute." Peru, was killed Feb. 9 when 'his a reputation 'for publiCly defendAt iss'ue, according to the car collided with a truck on an ing their rights. When four Aymara USCC, are two points of religious Andean road, a spokesman for the men were jailed by police on what doctrine. The first involved the Maryknoll order said. Msgr. Koenigsknecht believed were school's decision "rooted in reliHe was driving to a meeting unsupported charges, he denounced giou's belief' that mothers should with Peruvian President Alan Gar- the action on local radio and the be at home to rear their young cia in the town 9f Puno to thank men were released. children. The second involved her the president for supporting Indian The missionary directed literacy discharge after-seeking legal advice peasant farm~rs, said the spokes- campaigns by radio for I million because "she violated,a fundamen-' , man. .Aymaras, and was awarded a silver , tal religious belief of (the) ChrisA funeral Mass and burial were . medal- for social service by the tian school that its faithful should scheduled to, be held at San Pedro mayor of Arequipa, Peru, for his resolve disputes among themCathedral in Juli. Memorial Masses , work among the poor of that town. selves... In 1855,' Msgr. Koenigsknecht were scheduled to be held in MaryWhether the secular world knoll, N, Y., the order's headquar- was named local superior of Maryagrees with the d()(:trinal interpre- ters, and Fowler, Mich., th-e mis- knoll missioners in Arequipa and tationof the religious community in 1973 was named apostolicadminsionary's home town: " ; , is not relevant and government Msgr. Koenigsknecht was known istrator of the 'Juli Prelature, an should not interfere in such relito friends as K-13, a nickname area 'one-fourth the size of Michigious matters, the USCC brief derived from the number ofIetters gan with a population of 350,000. said. "When I came to the missions, in his hard-to-pronounce name. While the Supreme Court has Ordained in 1945, his first assign- we had all the answers," the monruled that state control of religious ment was to Tepic, Mexico. In signor said in a recent interview. practices is warranted in instances 1948 he was posted to Puno where "Now we have none."

Peruvian crash kills Maryknoller

THE ANCI-tOR"":"-Diocese ofFall Rivei':":"'Fri.; Feb.:14,1986



March 4 - 7:00P.M. March 6 - 7:00 P.M. March 13 - 7:00·P:M.

St. Joan of Arc, Orleans St. Patrick, Wareham Immaculate Conception, Fall River March 18 - 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conceptiop, New Bedford March 20 - 7:00 P.M. St. Rita, Marion March 24 - 7:00 P.M: St. Mary's Cathedral, Blessed Sacrament, Holy Cross, St. Mathieu, St. Vincent's Home, all I 'Fall River,at Cathedral April April April April April

I 7:00 P.M. 4 7:00 P.M. 6 6:30 P.M. 7 7:00 P.M. Ii - 7:00 P.M.

1:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. April 28 April29 - 7:00 P.M. April 30 7:00 P.M. Ma,y 2-- May 5 May6 May 8 May 12


May 13 May May May May May

7:00 7:00 7:00 3:00

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

3:00 P.M.

16 18 19 20 22

7:00 5:00 '7:00 7:00 7:00

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

May 23

7:00 P.M.

May 27

7:00 P·.M.

May 29 June 6

'" !

.7':00 P.'M: iOO'P.M.

St.-Anthony;· Taunt-on .. ·Holy Ghost, Attleboro Holy Name, New Bedford Sacred Heart, Fall River St. Augustine, Vineyard : Haven; St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs, ~t Sacred Heart Our Lady ~f the Isl~, Nantucket Sacred Heart, Taunton Adults at Cathedral St. Julie, North Dartmouth St. John, Attleboro Sacred Heart, North Attleboro ' bur Lady of Victory, Centerville St. Francis Xavier, ,_ Hyannis \ ' St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet Notre Dame, Fali River '(or when completed) ,



7:00 P.M.

St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River 0

March 12- 7:00 P.M.

St. Mary, South Dartmouth

April II

7:00 P.M.

April 14

7:00 P.M.

April 18 April 23

7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M:

Our Lady of Health, Fall River ·St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford St. Mary, MaIJsfield St. Paul, Taunton

May2 May9 May 14 May 23

7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

May 28 May 30

Feb. 28

7:00 P.M.

St. Anthony, Mattapoisett

March 10

7:00 P.M.

St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay Immaculate Conception, North Easton Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea St. Joseph, Taunton,

March 14 - 7:00 P.M. March 17 - 7:00 P.M. , March 21 - 7:00 P.M. April 4

April I Mt. Carmel, Seekonk April II Holy Cross, So. Easton St. Anne, Fall River St. Lawrence, New Bedford April 14 Sts. Peter & Paul, Fall River . April 25 Holy Name, Fall River ' St. Anthony, New Bedford April 28 , St. Michael, Fall River ' Corpus Christi, Sandwich May 12 - Group I May 16 Corpus Christi, Sandwich - Group 2' . May 19 St. George, Westport ., St. Dominic, Swansea May 27 Mt. Carmel, New 'Bedford' I

April 18 7:00 P.M. April 24 7:00 P.M. April25 - 7:00 P.M. April26 - 11:00 A.M.


P.M., Santo Christo; Fall River P.M. Espirito Santo, Fall River P.M. St. Elizabeth, Fall River P.M. ' St. John the Baptist, New Bedford 7:00 P.M. St. Anne, New Bedford 7:00 P.M: Holy Rosary, Fall River

7:00P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00


7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M .

St. Pius Tenth, So. Yarmouth St. Peter,' Provincetown Christ the King, Cotuit/ Mashpee Our Lady of Cape, Brewster St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River . St. Mark, Attleboro Falls St. Jacques, ,Taunton St. Anthony, East Falmouth Our .Lady of Grace, Westport Our Lady of. Fa~im~, New Bedford


HAITIAN YOUNGSTERS gather remnants of grain and powdered milk from floor of CatholicRe~iefServices. ,ware~ house in Port-au-Prince, looted in tumultuous aftermath of flight of President Jean-Claude, Duvalie.r. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo) I

Annulment cases

Pope asks


VATICAN CITY (NC) -The Vatican appeals court responsible for judging marriage annulment matters should speed up its han,dling of cases,-Pope'John··Patll f.Isaid recently., REV. MSGR~ JOHN J. REGAN, V~E. , Long delays can cause people to choose solutions "in clear contrast March 3 ' 7:00 P.M. St. William, Fall. River to Catholic doctrine," he added. March 7 - 7:00 P.M. St.Thomas Mo're, But the pope also warned the , " 'Somerset March 10 - 7:00 P.M. , St. John of God, Somerset court's officials against granting annulments based on ~'innovative, March 12 - 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Falmouth imprecise Of incoherent interpreMarch 17 - 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick, Somerset ; tations" of psychological reasons March 19 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, New Bedford which'might preyent a valid CaqlOlic marriage from takjng April 2 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Taunton place. ' , April 6 11:00 A.M. St. Joseph, Fall River Such interpretations are the April 7 7:00 P.M. St. Louis, Fall River result of a "superficial permissive April 9 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, New Bedford mentality," he,siiid. April II , 7:00 P.M. St. Michael, Swansea ' Ap~i114 -' 7:00 P.M. ,Our L~dy of Ass~mption, 'The pope spoke' at a! meeting OsterviU~ with 'officials of the Roman Rota, the church's appeals ,court. Most May I 7:00 P.M. St. Louis de France" , of its 'work is reviewing 'marriage Swansea cases from dioc;esa'n tribun'als. . May 15 7:00 P.M. St. Stanislaus, Fall River , The pope quoted canon law .May 20 7:00 P.M. St. Peter, Dightori " which says that the rota should strive to conclude each case with s'ix months.' ' VERY REV. JOHN J. SMITH, V.E. He told the officials to' commit themselves "to the maximum so March 5 -' 7:00 P.M., Holy Family, that the case is concluded with the East Taunton solicitude that. the good ,qf souls March 20 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anne, Raynham requires and which the new Code April 3 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, North Attleboro of Canon Law prescribes." April 9 7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, At the same time, the pope told Central Village the officials that their main job is April 15 - 7:00 P,M, St. Mary, Norton to promote justice by defending April 18 7:00 P.M. Sf. Joseph, North Dighton the permanent unity of sacramenApril 21 7:00 P.M. St. James, New Bedford tal marriage. April 29 . 7:00 P.M. St. Mary, Seekonk "Undoubtedly, the ~pplication May. 6 7:00 P.M. St. Theresa, of the new code can run the risk of innovative, imprecise or: incoherSouth Attleboro May 9 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Lourdes, ent interpretations, particularly 'in Taunton the case of invalidating psychic May 12 ~- 7:00 P.M. St: John, Pocasset problems, or in those of impediMay 15 7:00 P.M. St. Bernard, Assonet ment through fraud and of error May 22 7:00 P.M. St. Theresa, New Bedford which conditions the will,'" the May 23 7:00 P.M. St. Stephen, Attleboro pope said. Examine each case on its own merits "without giving in to a superficial permissive mentality 7:00 P.M.


which'd'oes not take adequate account of the unbreakable demands of sacramental' matrimony," he added. 'The' pope did not give any examples ,erroneous ·,interpretations of psychological or fraudulent causes for invalidating Ii ,marhage. ' , The new ,Code of'Canon Law gives those as reasons which can invalidate a marriage1?ut does not cite specific examples, leaving judgments to be made On a caseby-case basis. ' - This has led some church officials and canon lawyers to complain th'<it some .church courts are interpreting th~se ,canons too broadly ingrant'ing a,nnulments. Canon, i095/s~ys' that people cannot coiltract a' sacramental marriage\f they "~re not capable of assuming'the essential obligations of matrimonydue to causes of a psychic'ma'Um:!:'\ . But the law_do~s. not say. whic~ types '<;1f' :psy,chic. disord'ers ~can incapacitate a person for man:iage. Many cano'n:.htwyers say'tliat .the key issue is not whether a specific psychological pr:obl~11) j~ automatically an impediment, b1,J.t rather the. degree of its' h'armful' effect upon the ,interpersona': .'relation~hi'p of.t~e :couple: ."", _'" "Regarding fraud, canon W98 says "a persontontr'acts invalidly who enters marriage deceived by fraud, perpetrated to obtain consent, concernin'g'some quality of the other party which 'of its very nature can seriously disturb the partnership of conjugal life. " The previous code did not contain a similar canon, although a similar concept had developed through jurisprudence. The current code, however, does not define the misrepresented qualities which can seriously disturb the couple's relations,



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THE ANCHOR-'-7-Dio-cese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 14, 1986

hungry and the educationally ,deprived. Television glamorizes a life of plenty. Even though many live more modestly, most of us have what we need.


CIi By Charlie Martin

America Aristocrats on a mountain climb money losing time Communism is just a word But if the government turn over It's be the only word that's heard. America, America GQd shed his grace on thee America, America Keep the children free. Little sister making minimum wage Living in a one-room jungle monkey cage Can't get over she's almost dead She may not be in the black But she's happy she's ain't in the red. Freedom, love . Joy, peace. Jimmy Nothing never went 2 school -They made him pledge allegiance He said it wasn't cool Nothing made Jimmy proud 'Now Jimmy lives on a mushroom cloud. Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom, boom, boom, boom The bomb goes boom. Maki~g


Written and recorded by Prince and the Revolution. (c) 1985 '.. by. Controversy Music. ' . CRITICiSM OF THE WORLD and its many problems is often present in Prince's m4sic; "America" is a recent example of Prince's style: We need to hear the things that Prince describes. Yet I question the value of the cynical, negative attitude that is present in the song.


What's on.your niin·d? Q. Do you think it is wrong to smoke pot? (New Ham'pshire) A. Some people would a~k, "How can it be wrong when it feels so right?" .. Others, however, raise some additional and' serio'us questions about marijuana.. :. Susan,'still a teen-ager,. says: ,"I smoked pot for quite a while and lots of times I was zombiefied out of my mind. 1 finally quit'because r didn't like what it was doirig to me. "All 'my" senses were assaulted by this drug, or it seemed that way" to me and,l think, my sight'a'n'd my hear~ng_ are: among God's' most wonder~]J1 gifts. , . "It's not just marijuana. r think all mind-alt~ring drugs are harmful to oUr bodies and so I think it's insulting to God to harm his great gift of olir bodies. ''

PrilJce speaks of those people inAmerica who live very difficult and sometimes even desperate lives. For both "little sister" and' "J immy Nothing" life offers little hope or promise. Prince is right to remind us of these victims within society. Too often we forget the very poor, the


Jim, a construction worker, told me: "I smoked pot and drank hard from the time I was 15 until I came to my senses at the age .of 23. All that time I was escaping from the problems and pains and chall~nges Of life. Never once did I face'up to life.' "All that time I hadn't grown at all. I woke up at the age of 23 and found out I was still'an emotional 15 year old. I 'was in bad shape. Real bad shape." '. Kevil:l is now 27 an'd he says of his teen years: "I was on the fooi: ball team in high school and us,u- ' ally after a game I'd go out with the guys :to relax.. But I never smokedmarijua,qa, Some instinct' warned me against it. "

"I've learned since ,that. in the, long run it can impair your think_~ ing and can harm your respiratory, system,your heart and even your: "These drugs work on your mind' ' too. AndJ'wa~tmymindto'be in reproductive o r g a n s . , . "Even after high scho'ol l never' good shape to face the, challenges of life right now. and also in my' smoked pot: I ,think I alienated,' some people. We'd be sitting ac:iult life." '

However, most communities harbor people whose only goal is to keep surviving. Acknowledging such situations is admitting that America has problems. Yet such a statement need not lead to .cynical hopelessness. in fact, Prince's ~ttitude erodes the positive energy people need to work on, problems. Teens too can find, several ways to help. '. First, examine your lifestyle. How much money do you spend, and for what types of experiences or things? If such an evaluation shows that quarter after quarter is spent at the arcade, a teen might realize that there are other ways to lise money. Perhaps teens could spend less on entertainment that requires money and give more to programs that help the poor. Better yet ifthey added themselves to their money and personally worked in such programs. Second, look at attitudes toward the poor and all types of poverty. Perhaps there are individuals in high school who are not academically talented. Do their peers look down on them or exclude them ·from a' social group? I know that most young people will see through Prince's defeatist cynicism. What can you do to 'help make our world ,a . more livable and caring'place? Your comments are alwa'ys welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Avenue,' Evansville, Iqd. 47714.

around and everybody would puff on the joint and it would come to me and I'd just pass it on and say I didn't want to smoke. But nobody ever ended a friendship over it. "I think it's also very important to remember that when you smoke pot you're breaking the law." One last opinion - mine. I suggest it's wrong to smoke even experimentally because of the risk involved. Just too many human tragedies have come to light to deny that the risk is enormous. That fir~t time you try pot will always remain in your memory. When the going gets tough laier, you will reinemberthere's a 'way to ease the pain. ,You just cannot ,be certain of what ,the first experience of marijuana will lead to. So I'd say don~t take Jhe risk. Send questions to Tom Lennon, 131'2 Mass. Ave. N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20005.

,,' Friendly Forces "In the difflcuit,a:re the friendly forces~ die hands that workonus." -'Rainer Maria' Rilke • • • y.-• • • • • • • • • • . +

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d:>"OD:.ANCHoR HOLD'· • '! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t

CARDINAL JOHN O'CONNOR of New York donates a.pint of blood at a New York blood center. Many U.S. cities are experiencing a blood shortage this winter mainly because some people have the mistaken fear they can get AIDS from donating. The cardinal said he gave so that his exaQ1ple might help dispel some of these·fears. (NC photo)

My friends in Christ By Cecilia Belanger I would like to pay tribute to my friends who have gone on to their reward. They were gentle, kind people who never occupied the center of the stage. Some died young; they went on to an early immortality. And they are immortal in the hearts of their friends .

that their faith blazed out in their last days. And so I salute those humble, quiet people. They live in our hearts as reminders of true greatness. They saw God's entire world as an altar ~nd prayed constantly. It doesn't matter that a. large portion of the world did not know them. We honor their memory.

. All these servants of God felt that he' had crowned their lives with goodness. They were thankful even during their bad time~. Theyprayedalot; God j:lad become VATICAN CITY (NC) - Peos'o close to them as to bea part of pie in ,the, media should help turn their minds. public opinion against the spread, One of my friends iii Christ lefting practices of abortion, divorce tWo son's; inthem I see much of her 'and birth control, Pope'John Paul kindness. During their mother's II said in a World Communicalast illness, bowing to God's willtions Day message. The pope said witnout a murmur, they and their ,Christian communicators have ,a fatj:ler e:ndured and overcame." special respo'nsibility to fight for , . '~She-is. in God's hands," the'y oiaws protecting the sick, the hansaid>and with tears streaming down ,'dicapped and the unborn: He said the trend in some countries was' , theirfaces,knelt together in prayer. "t d"'" I h ,,' ': ' , ' " owar unjust' aws, suc as There, are so many unkno:wn ,'.t\:lose legalizing abortion. " A mater- ' 'saints,!,o many good people whose ., ialistic 'and hedonistic mentality is ' lives were rooted in the, certainties spreading, o'ne'sees life as worthy of. the grace of Christ, They were ,of" being Jived only' when it is , so su~e of the love of Gog and the healthy, young and beautiful," he' communion of the Holy, Spirit, said. '

Media job

. tv, mOVIe news '


By Bill Morrissette

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

portswQtch SEMC Hoop super, There are Super BoWls, super this and super that, but the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division One game in which the Durfee,HilItoppers and the New Bedford High Crimsons clash tonight in Durfee's' Luke Urban Fiel.d House really deserves the adjective. In their first encounter of the season, Durfee defeated New Bedford on the latter's court, but the Crimson hoopsters. came back to bop Durfee later in the season at the Urban Field House. Both teams are in the top three in the state ratings. Depending on the outcome of Tuesday's DurfeeBarnstable game, not available at press time, tonight's contest could make New Bedford Division One

titlist or result in a first-place tie for New Bedford and Durfee. Other conference games tonight will see Bishop Feehan at Somerset, Bishop Connolly at Dartmouth, Coyle-Cassidy at Falmouth, Attleboro at Stang and Dennis-Yarmouth at Barnstable. In girls'basketball today, Feehan 'hosts Dennis-Yarmouth and Stang is at Attleboro, while the South Sectional Swim Meet takes place in Quincy. . Tomorrow lists boys' and girls' Mayflower AIl-Star basket baIl games, along with the South Sectional, Gymnastics Meet. A state track meetwilI begin at 10 a,m: at Harvard University. In hockey tomorrow, Connolly treks to Falmouth arid Durfee hosts Feehan. ,',

, Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. . General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morallY offensive.

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio' programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.

"Down and Out in Beverly Hills" (Touchstone Films) stars Nick •Nolte as a supertramp who relieves the psychological miseries of a wealthy Beverly Hills family. Aimed at a sophisticated adult audience, this is the first production ofthe Disney su bsidiary Touch:Seekonk tops swim and track meets ' stone to be rated R. Seekonk High runners and Development swil,l1 meet,Seekonk. Richard Dreyfuss' is the father swimmers 'captured champion- earned 249 points for its first place who has little to worry about except ships in meets last Saturday, with finish. his jaded, uptight wife (Bette Midboth boys and girls winning seven In gymnastics, host Somerset ler) and two alienated children: his out of 10 events at the first South High won the All-Southeastern daughter, a snobbish debutante, Court Indoor Track Champion-. M as sac h u set ts, Co nfe re nce and his son, who has a sexual idenships. In the South Conference gymnastics meet with li9.4 points: tity crisis. into this comes the Nolte character, Jerry, the stranger who tomes CYO hockey to dinrier and: stays long after to become the source of a strange Results last Sunday: Fall River Standings: Fall River South 13- power. in the household. South 6; New Bedford I; Somerset 1-2(won, lost, tied); Mansfield 10Dreyfuss sees Jerry,as a street5; Fall River North I. 4-0; New Bedford 8-6-1; Fall River wise guru and quickly emqiates his North 3-12-0; Somerset 2-13- I. Goal scorers: Fall River.South, lifestyle. John CarroIl 3; Paul Hogan 2; This comedy of manners and Ray Kitchen; New Bedford: Chris morals astutely observes the South~ Labonte; Somerset, Chris Ripley ern California scene but its charac2; Rob Hitchcock, N~t Earle, ters are limited by stereotyped GQD'S .ANCHOR HoiDS Chris Borge; Fall River North, emotions and pre'occupations. Brian Farquhar. . The tramp appears to solve everyone's problem thro'ugh a series of sexual encounters and Mazursky leaves us with a sardonic conclusion in which there is great doubt as to who has been'exploited. Because of its preoccupation with sex as motivation for all the characters, thisfilmis rilted 0; R.

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"Turtle Diary" (Samuei Goldwyn) - This is amovie adaptation of playwright Harold Pinter's story of an author and a bookseller brought together by theIr desire to free three sea turtles from the London aquarium. Even the significant talents of Glenda Jackson and Ben Kingsley are insufficient to render the subtleties and 'nuan,ces of this delicate contemplative, narrative. it is a celebration of gentle souls who set simple goals' and celebrate small private victories. Because of a brief but intense scene of violence, it is rated Ai, PG.

"~ron Eagle" (Tri-Star) - An action-adventure yarn about a teenager who takes seriously his high school commencement challenge to accept adult responsibilities. When his father's reconnaissance, plane is shot down over disputed airspace near a small unfriendly nation, the youth takes matters into his own hanlis and attempts to rescue his captive dad. The film's problem is its mildly antiauthoritarian attitude. Because it employs foul language and advocates violence, it is rated 0, R.

Films on TV Monday, Feb. 17, 9-11 p.m. EST (NBC) - "Flashdance"(1983) - A supremely silly movie about a _ lady welder who by night is a barroom dancer, this offers little more, than flashy eroticism and foul language. Because of the absence of moral perspective and because of sexual exploitation, it is rated D, R. Monday, Feb. 24, 8-10 p.m. EST (NBC) - "Annie" (1982)Although lacking the charm of the stage version, this is, on the whole, ' good family entertainment, except for several instances of profanity and adult humor. 'Noting these questionable but innocuous cases, "Annie" is rated AI, PG. . Religious TV Sunday, Feb. 16 (CBS) -- "For Our Times" - CBS presents an exclusive interview with Archbishop. Denis Hurley of Durban, South Africa, president of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Co n'feren'ce: ' . " ' :' '. Religious Radio Sunday, Feb.' 16 - (NBC) "Guideline" - Program host Marist Father Joseph Fenton reports on the'growing number of homeless in America and efforts being made to assist them.

Spaghetti sauce will aid missions

'Newman, who gives away all profits from his food enterpr-ise, gave $18,000 to the mission organizatio'n last year. The org(inization said that Newman's gift will provide a jeep for a brother in South Korea, a station wagon for a nun in. Ghana, a pickup truck for a priest in Tanzania, a motorcycle for a priest in Bolivia, a truck for a, priest in Namibia, a station wagon for a priest: and a team of nurses in Papua New Gu'inea,'and'a pickup tru~k for ~ p~,iest in ·Libe·ria. '

"The only'way to make a man tFustworthy is to trust him."·Henry'Stimson





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n5-411O John & Mary lees. Props.


WASHINGTON (NC) - Actor Paul Newman has donated $25,000 earned from sales of his spaghetti .sauce, salad dressing and popcorn, to the Missionary Vehicle Associ'ation, a Washington-based charity that provides rugged vehicles to missionaries in developing countries.


Friday,' Feb. 14, 1986'

102 Shawomet Avenue

. :" The Only Way

PO PE JOHN PAUL II greets mem bers of the Ba by Band of the St: Thomas Scho~l il'l: Madras, India, who played the Indian national anth~m for him at the hill shrine where St. Thomas was believed to have been martyred; (NC- Wide World photo) ,


nation by its advertisements." , , Norman DO,uglas .. ,

UK pronuncio VATICAN CITY (NC) -;- Pope John Paul II has named, Archbishop Luigi Barbiuito, f)3, as pronuncio to the Unifea Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland. Form'erly pronuncio to Au's:' tralia, Archbishop Barbarito succeeds Ardibisiiop Bruno' Heim,' who resigned because -of age. '



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, 16

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri'., Feb. 14, 1986

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722,. Name of city or town shOUld be inclUded, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events., Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos; whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual Iuollrams, club meelinlls, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising 'projects may be advertised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steerin~ Points items FR indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.

ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Lenten video program on families , by Father John, Powell, SJ: Family Messages, Feb. 18; Memories, Feb. 25; The Meaning pf Life, ~arch 4. Guest speaker on "HealIng and Reconciliation" March 18 and 19. All presentations in church hall. ST. MARY,-SEEKONK Alcoholics Anonymous: 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, church hall.. Lenten Masses: 9 a.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Also 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stations: after morning Mass Thursdays and evening Mass Fridays. ST. ANNE, FR Exposition of Blessed Sacrament: after II :30 a.m. Mass today: Hour of adoration: 2 p.m. today, shrine. O.L.-GOOD COUNSEL RETREAT CENTER, EAST FREETOWN National Federation for the Blind Conference: Feb. 15 to 17. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Prayer'group meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Visitation hall. Parish choir rehearses 7 p.m. Thursdays, Orleans. New members welcome.


Family Mass 9 a.m. Feb. 23, Church of the Visitation, Eastham. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN A parish census will be conducted; volunteers are asked to sign 'up in the church Sunday. ST. MARY, NB' Parish support group for divorced, separated and single parents meets 7:30 p.m. each first Tuesday, Religious Education Center. Parish women's retreat first weekend of March, Family Life' Center, No. Dartmouth. Information: Terry Breton, 995-3696, between 9 a.m. and noon, or rectory, 995-3593. ST. JAMES, NB Couples' Club meeting 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, church hall. Lenten Masses 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. daily. Chapel mass 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Stations of the Cross 5 p.m. Fridays.' ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Babysitting service during 9: 15 a.m. Mass Sundays. Vincentians meeting after 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, sacristy. Lenten Masses 7:30 and 9 a.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Lente'n mission by video: tapes by Father Vincent Dwyer 9:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. each Thursday starting Feb. 20: church hall. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Stations of the Cross 7 p. m. Lenten Fridays.

ST. STANISLAUS, FR Daily Lenten masses: 8:30 a.m. (Polish) and 7 p.m. (English), chapel. Devotions to Our Lady: 6:35 p.m. Wednesdays. Stations of the Cross: 8:05 a.m. Fridays, Polish; 6:35 p.m. Fridays, ' English. Gorzkie Zale: 7:30 a.m. W.ednesdays and 3:30 p.m. Sundays. Polish-language- Lenten Bible-prayer series 3:30 p.m. Sundays, upper church, conducted by Father Janusz Jancarz, parochial vicar. Parish school Gr!lndparents"day: I to ~:30 p.m. today, postponed from last week. CATHEDRAL; FR Vespers 7:30 p.m. Lenten Fridays, • Lady Chapel. Lenten Masses 8 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. daily, main cathedral. Lenten parish mission March 6 to 8, conducted by Father Matthew Sullivan, SS.CC. Lenten concerts immediately after 12:05 p.m. Mass, Lenten Tuesdays. ESPIRITO SANTO, FR Stations of the Cross 7 p.m. Lenten Fridays. Ladies Guild Mass 6 p. m. Sunday. DIVORCED, CAPE Separated, Divorced Catholics of Cape and Islands: meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, St. Francis Xavier parish. center, Hyannis. Guest speaker: tax filing consultant. Information: Patti Mackey, 771-4438.

O.L. VICTORY,'CENTERVIl.LE Lenten Masses 7 a.m. weekdays, 9 a.m. weekdays and Saturday. Discussion follows 9 a.m. Friday Mass. 5:30 weekdays at Our Lady of Hope Chapel, West Barnstable. Stations of the Cross 7 p.m Fridays, O.L. Victory. Lenten luncheons: noonWednesdays starting Feb. 19, parish center. Benediction and evening prayer 7 p.m. Sundays, O.L. Victory. Inquiry class 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays starting Feb. 19, religious education center. O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Lenten Masses: '9 a.m. weekdays and 7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Stations of the Cross 7 p.m. '. Fridays. Rite of Election for prospective converts: 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Stations of the Cross noon Fridays, Polish; 7 p.m. Fridays, English. Gorzkie Zale: 7 p.m. Wednesdays. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET Lenten Masses 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. 7 p.m. Tuesday devotion includes rosary and Benediction. Stations of the Cross 7 p. m. Fridays. Rosary 3:30 p.m. Thursdays.

ST. JULIE, NO. DARTMOUTH Guild scholarship applications available in rear of church. Application deadline April I. Lenten Masses 9 a.m. and 5: 15 p.m. weekdays. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Prayer meeting 7:30 tonight, small FAMILY LIFE CENTER, chapel. All invited. NO. DARTMOUTH Stations of the Cross 3 p.m. FriEngaged Encounter begins today. Guided retreat for religious begins , days, small chapel. Feb. 17. ST. FRANCIS XA VIER, ST. PATRICK, FR HYANNIS Lenten Masses 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rosary 7:20 and 11:50 a.m. daily. ' daily. Prayer group meets 8 p.m. Tuesdays, parish center. HOLY CROSS, FR Lenten Masses 7 a.m., 12:10 and Healing service led by Father 5: 15 p.m. daily. Stations ofthe Cross Gabriel Swol, OFM. Conv., 3 p.m. and Benediction 7:30 p.m. Fridays. Feb. 23. All welcome.

CHRIST THE KING COTUIT/MASHPEE Ad'ult choir rehearsal 7:30 p:m Feb. 17, Queen of All Saints Chapel. ST. PIUS X, SO. YARMOUTH A series of lectures on the Epistles of St. Paul wi!1 be offered by Father Thomas L: Carifpbell; CSC, STD, the parish hall at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday of Lent. Participants are asked to bring a Jerusalem Bible, a Ne'w American Bible or a Revised \Standard edition. The series offers a Lenten opportunity for growth and enrichment. All welcome. Also during Lent, an additional Mass will be offered at 12:10 p.m. Monday through Friday.


ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR The hospital has established a DRG (Diagnosis Related Groupings) hotline open from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, tel. 674-5741. Nurses' workshop on Laughter and Healing, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 18 at the hospital. Information: hospital education department, 674-5741, ext. 2480.

'Grave deviations' VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II recently warned a group of Brazilian bishops that some theologies of liberation contain "grave deviations" that are incompatible with the faith. In its work for the poor, the church cannot be reduced to a "sociopolitical" role, the pope said. Its special commitment to the poor is to bring them the "message of full liberation: the message of salvation," he said. Referring to BraziIjan priests, the pope said they should understand that they are expected to work for their people, but "in matters concerning God."









Rev. Msgr. John


Oliveira, V.E.

368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 672-7781


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