East F:almouth Seeks Top Honors
St. Anthony1s Pastor Promises Largest Family Circulation "More people will read The Anchor in St. An thony's parish in East Falmoubh this coming year than in any other parish in the entire diocese," Rev. Geol·/te E. Amaral, pastor, promised today. "You can quote me because I am positive of what I am saying," the Cape Cod pastor confidentally enthused, adding: "We are second in to"tal weekly subscriptions in the diocese right now, only 10 or 12· behind the leader in family coverage. But, this year our territorial parish wiU be first. "I am particula,rly proud of the members of St. Anthony's parish here in East Falmouth. We are no where near as large as many, IUS GR. GOMES many parishes yet we can justi-
fiably boast that more families are reading The Anchor in our parish than any other Parish in the diocese, except one. "And, starting this month, we will not have to look uP. We'll be looking down. It is a fact that Father Amaral's Cape Cod par ish has the second largest fully-paid subscription list in the diocese, trailing by only 12 the total number of paid subscriptions in Our Lady O'.f the Angels parish in Fall River where Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes is as ,determined to hold first place honors as Father Amaral and his parish coun cil are to take it away from the See City prelate. There were several years when The Anchor re ferred to Msgr. Gomes 'as 'our best f.riend.' The Monsignor's sobriquet is being challenged seriously this year by Father Amaral. An ambitious lay coun cil in both parishes is at work in the first place drive.
'all River, Mass., Thursda.y~ Feb.. ~S, ~9108 Vol. 12, No.7 © 1968 The Anchor $4.00P~~~\~
Bishop Announces Retreat
And Vincentian Positions "
. Bishop Oonnolly haos &nnounced 'new Vrincenti'an 9noderator and instituted the new popsition of coordinator in the Lay Retreat Movement. Rev. J. Orner Lussier, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro, has. been named D'loderator of the Particular Council of the St. Vincent de of the increase of retreat centers Paul Society of the Attleboro in the. Diocese. There are, at Area. Father Lussier suc present, four centers: ceeds the late Rev. :Edmond L. ; OU1'- Lady' of Good Counsel. mckinson, who died on Oct. 27, Retreat House, Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. 1967. La Salette Retreat House, 947 Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, Park Street, Attleboro. loJdministrator of St. Mark's Par ish, 'Attleboro Falls, has been Holy Cross Fathers Retreat uarned Diocesan Moderator and House, Washington Street, North eoordinator of the Lay Retreat Easton. Movement. Our Lady of Round Hill Re :rhe position of coordinator treat House, Smith' }\leck .Rd;, bas become a necessity because So. Dartmouth.
)1 l~v~ r.
~.' 1
IitEV. J.
"' \
Nuns, Laity Named To Roman·Curia
We reported last week that Rev. John J. Casey, pastor at the Immaculate Conception in North Easton, is bent upon the most complete parish cover age in the diocese. "We cannot gain as many SUb scriptions as many other parishes , ....... ....... -._. , because· we are not as large. But, .[' we will strive to achieve the most complete coverage of any parish " in the diocese," Fa.ther Casey noted today as he expressed satise ~~ faction with the drive in his par ish on the periphary of the dio cese. "Don;r quote me," said another pastor who insisted he remain anonymous when he· declared "we'll be piling up subscriptions as never before while -the others Turn to Page Thirteen FR. AMARAL
Pope I;>aul VI has' furthered his reorgani~ation and modernization of the Roman Curia by mtming not only more internationai members as his advisers but by even choosing members of the J.aity and religious. A Canadian priest, four leaymen, three laywomen and five women Religious are now members of the Roman Cuda. All the nominations, ex cept the Canadian p r i e s t s , ' . " have been to the Congrega number of consultors to the con~ Mother Laetitia Malinowska. tion for the Evangelization grcgation, this time naming 36 superior-general of the Sisters of of . Nations (formerly the new· consultors. St. Peter ClaveI'; Mother Jean : Re;. Dorio M.. Huot, S,M.: a Philippe; superior-general of the Congregation for the Propaga of Our Lady o·f the Apos tion of the Faith). In all, the Ca.n'adian· Montfort Father, has SI·~ters '" Pope practically doubled the been chosen by the Pope to serve tles; Mother Mary Antonietta, asUnder~ecretary for the Secu superior-general of the Banna lar Institutes Section of the Con bikirR Sisters of Masaka; and gregation for Religious and Sec Mother Mary Theodosia, supe ular Institutes. rior-general of. the Apostolic Pope Paul VI has followl-"d the Carmel. directive of Vatican IT as con The, four laymen a're M.G. tained in the Decree on the Koenen, secretary-general of the Gabrille Maria Cardinal Gar Tum to Page Three. rone, prefect of the Sacred Church's Missiona,ry Activity when it stated (No. 29): Congregation for Catholic In "Communities of Religious struction has announced that a women, regional undertaking on special day of Prayer for Priest ly and Religious Vocations will behalf of the missions and lay. be '. held on April 28, 1968, the ' organizations- especially inter national ones-should be suit Se~ond ~unday after Easter. . This particular Sunday was ably represented." Among the newly named are chosen because it is known as Good Shepherd Sunday as is ev Mother Marie of St. Agnes, su The Adult education divi ident from' the Gospel read on perior-general of the Franciscan sion of St. Mary's CCD, No. that day. Missionary Sisters of Mary; Attleboro, has scheduled a dis~ussion course on the Sec ond Vatican Council. Entitled "The Spirit of Renewal", it will be held on eight successive Thursday evenings beginning Feb. 22. Some of the topics to be cov ered during the sessions include WORCESTER (NC) - Bishop Council.. The ,Diocesan Council the LitUrgy, the Mea,ning of the 'Bernard J. Flanagan called on was formed here 18 months ago Apostolate, Ecumenism, the priests and laity of the' diocese out of a consolidation and ex Church in the World and the to begin work immediately pansion of the former Diocesan Parish in Renewal. toward est;1blishment of .parish Council ,of Catholic Men and The discussion forinat will be councils in each of the diocese's Diocesan. Councii of Catholic supplemented by audio tapes by Women. 129 parishes. . '. "Rev. Bernard Cooke, S.J., a , Speaking at a' seminar called .. At the' time ,the bylaws were 'Marquette University theologian, to explain bylaws for parish promulgated, the bishop set Tum to Page Three councils promulgated by him Sept. 14 as the date on which in early December, the bishop councils must be established in 'said the parish council repre each parish. The date is the sents "a new concept of author second anniversary of the estab ity within the Church." lishment of the Diocesan Coun S~rD~s If they are to work, he said, cil. the concept of authority lJlust . Under the council system, each Staft'i@ii~ be properly understood by pas parish will be represented in tors. "The pastor must not look one of the diocese's 11 areas by CLEVELAND (NC) - A upon himself as a ruler holding a parish (lay) representative. television series dramatizing dOq1inative authority, .but as a Each of the 11 areas will be rep servant of his people," Bishop resented on the diocesan board the Life of Christ in the form of 15 Rosary Mysteries Flanagan said emphatically. of directors by an area coor "We bishop and pastors, are dinator (layman) and a spiritual will be shown on some 200 U. S. TV stations, plus the world tQ serve your needs," he said, director (priest). Both the Dioc speaking directly to the laity esan Council and parish councils wide Armed Forces TV network, among the 750 seminar partici will work through committee according to Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., originator of the pants present; "our service must systems. be to let you exercise your free In addition to the five dioc-' Family Prayer Crusade. dom as sons of God." The color series is called the esan committees (social action, . The bylaws for ..P;;lrish coun ecumenism, world responsibility, Family Crusade's Prince of eils were 'drawn up by a SPecial fam.i1y life and religious educa- Peace Movies and'will be shown . . Turn io Page Three Turn to' Page Thirteell' , committee of the' Diocesan
Vocation Prayer Sunday, Apr. 28
North Attleboro CCD Plans Set Of Lectures
Asks Pa'rish Council
To Share Authority
'Life of Christ' Television On 200
t ~~,"J { ' : : "
,- .'-.
In Pitt$burgh ',: ,
.. .. \ . ' ~
PITrSBURGH (NC),The Pittsburgh Catholic ,Dio cese and the area's major P r () t est ant denomina.
Diocese of' FaI ~ River
tions have formed a non-profiO agency to build low-incoIJ10 housing.
Called the Interfaith Housing it began with a, $35Q,OOO fund $100,000 each from Catholics, Presbyteriano and Methodists and $50,000 from the Episcopalians. ,
Rev. J.' Orner Lussier, pastor, of Sacred Hea·rt Parish Attleboro, as moderator to the Attleboro Area Particular Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, administrator of St. Mark' Parish, Attleboro Falls, as Diocesan .Mod4ilr~tor and Coordi nator of the Lay Retreat l\IIov~eiJ.t.
Religious leaders thei~ ae- tion in 'large part' has, 'resuJtoo from pressure by a, clergy'~~iviil , rights coalitiqn calle4 the .. 9iti,.. zens-eler~ .c;?o.rdinlilting I £om mittee :which has supported"rent strikes and' other action t,o:',}m- . prove ghetto housing ~nd~,~~,ons. Just 'A, Beginm.ing Bishop RiverC-!· , Heading ,the corporation is Dr. William Ruschaupt, general ' presbyter of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. Msgr.' Charles Owen: Rice, veteran labor and civD rights priest, is one of three AWARD FOR'LEADERSHIP: William P. Kelly" di ., ' rector of'the Job Corps, received an award from the, Youth other officers. ~orporation .officials bidieWi Department, U.S. Catholic Conference for "his outstand present fund is just a'begin ing leadership and achievements in-be~alf of the disadvant the ning. They also said policy' de NEW 'YORK (NC}-President Johnson warmly saluted . aged youth of our nation:' The award was present.~: by cisions will be made' by" com Msgr. Thomas J. Leonard, director of the Youth ,I>ep~rt mittees of the poor in the neigh Catholic Relief Services, overseas relief agency maini.ained boJ:lloods the housing will. serve. by U. S. Catholics, on its 25th anniversary. "The ,highest'" men£' NC Photo. Other groups represen~~~ ill tribute to your dedication and compassion lies inth<~' im 'I"~ the corporation are the Byzan tine Catholic di0celi..e of Pitts ", proved lives of the' ,millions ' who have benefitted '.from' administrator of the New York, 'i"j burgh, Baptists, tJ:nited; C~Qrcll of Christ, Lutherans, Disciples of your quarter of a cent,ury ~~~~~~~se, presided·' aL, the A~«::hbishop Says Capital Punishment';;: Christ and' the Salvation' Arm3J,. ,'of humanitarian work;'" th«f Jewish community representa President safd in a letter to is:~~e:~:~:p:;~~u';;a~~j~-: . tives are studying the proposalll B " ishop Edward E. '·Swan.st,rom;. 24 It' '11 b lim ed 1 th ',' WI e c ax ,y e ATLANTA (NC)-'-Archbishop a civilized state should start and may come in later. CRS executive director. tr"d·ti I L ta S d 1. a I ona ae re un a,y eo - '. Paul J. Hallinan ,of: Atlanta as- living by civilized la~." "I whoieheartedly join theR lection, generaliy tak~n iilp .on serte<1 here that "about the only , The edi.torial,. at th~ outset; Church' grateful men and· women; in' that day -'March ~4) m pansh .. 'goood"thing that can be .said recalled .that in 1964 a man 21' wi,shl,'ng you, continued success churches throughout the U S . . .. .. " of state executions is that they years of age was 'conVicted of Welf~re' in your efforts to bring aid and comfort to the' world's less ·for . ,Goal $5 Million are cheap, fast and politically" rape and, more recently,. a 76-. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Four tunate' citizens,;' the President ' Bishop, Swanstrom said the satisfying." year-old man was sente~ced tc:! top Gfficials of' the Philadelphia added. minimum goal this· yea:r ' has "The~e aTe, sordid substitutes," death in a' slaying. ' archdiocese have issued a state . Later .it ~id that "GeQrgia ment backing the local, Welfare , ,Bishop Swanstrom read the been set at $5 million., He ex';' ,he said, "for law, orde,r, justice President's letter at a meetingplained- thatCRS. continues to'3n~r humap d~gri~ty." , ' , ""in aWk~a'r.dprotel.lt agatr~ it.tJ', Rights "Organization's deMand fol" an increase iii public' :U!,e;iBt. !, 'here' of' directors 'of the' 22nd . function through the ,genE'l,osity' ',. Ar(:hbishop, .. H;l1linan, . in D, . ' aritiquate~" ~aw: has, ,not" taken ' ' ,,' "I,; annual Catholic Bishops' Over~' of U. S." Catholics to the ~nnual signe<l editorial .on capital pun a human life since 1.964/~( but, ance grants. , seas Aid-·Fund' Appeal, from 39 fund campaign. ishme-nt appearing. in t.he ,Geor~ ,that i'the ~aw l!till,hangs here, ' Tbe~tateme~t,'w~ch, q~pted archdioceses and dioceses in the CRS, world~s' largest ,.olun- ,gia Bulletin, ,archdiocesan :news:.. in this ,stat!'! over the lives·.pf at', POpe John"s ,.,en~rclic,a.l, '·:r.~cem eastern section cd the nation. tary: ',~elief.''.;and rehabilitation,. paper, said, "most American least twoinen.~, . ::. . in Terris, empha~ized the hu.maa Archbishop John J. M~gui~e, ; agenCy;' alln.u~lly aids some 40 states, like most' .civilized, na ,". right to 'a decent subsistence, .. million hUhgry, homeless ~nd ill tions, have outlawed the death , " the responsibility 'of govern Appr~v,~s' 0 'd ,-' ' ", ""peOPles', in, 70 countries through- penalty. But the law still hangs ment to protect ,this right, and M " out the· 'world. here, in· this state, over the heads, ,the duty of the disadvantaged to claim ,their ,rights. FRIDAY---,.M·a·~'of ,p~ding' " Ms~r.: :Matvin Bordelon, di of at least two men. 'JOLIET (NC)-,-Bishop .ROmeo Sunday.:' IV Class. VIolet: MaSs 'rectO!; ,; ~Ctlie ~,Secretariat for ~'It is not just the executioner, J:>rop!'!r; Commo~, ~refa~: .. , 'r~rld: Jus,tice ,arid Peace, N~- the warden, the jury,' judge or . Ii: Blanchette of Joli,et has given Catholics In the 'diocese permi~ SATURDAY _ MaSs of 'Blessed tl~mal conferenc!,! of C?th~h" proseeutor," the archbishop con sion to become members the V' ai~ (III) IV ClsViolet' BIshops" w~,the prmetpal tinue<1. "It is not the governor, Ir.,.n. . .:' . a~. , . -" speaker 'at the campaign's kick'Young Men's Christian Asso Mass 'J)roper~, :,.~Jory, Pref!l~ off rrie~ting here~ alone who can stop it, but the ciation and to serve on' the of Blessed Vlr-gm. , .. ,. General Assembly could lift that YMCA board of directors. SUNDAY--sexag~sima:.sWlday:Bishop '.s~anstro~ said. that stain .from our statutes." The decision. was made in II Class. Violet. Mass .Proper; o.~her "meetmgs WIth ~eJ~lon.al "" "It is our mutual. action, our Creed·'.Preface of Trinity:'.: dlrectprs fo~ t.h~ campalgIl wIll pooled, responsibility," be de-' view of a set of, principles issued , , , " . ', Qe held. wlthm the nexl few by the YMCA after consultation MONDA~-Mass" of Pr~mg weeks :in Dallas" San Francisco clare<'L "You and I, through our Mth the National Conference of Sunday. IV Cla~. Viol~~:'~as:s ,ancfNew Oriearts~ representatives, pull that switch. Catholic Bishops. The principles Proper; Common Prefa:ce.'. '. ". '.:" . " "When men die this death, we, affirm the religious freedom of TUESDAY-Mass ,of. prec"eding G·,: ..,"" "h .. 1_ sign the fact of the killing," be .YMCA- members and state that Suqday. IV dass. Vioiet. Mass ' 1$' ,A.~II{" added. '''We approve." the organization is not of exclu' sively Protestant composition o~, Proper; Common Preface. Refuge'~"s WEDNESDAY-Mass of 'preced 6 Ii'" • Archbishop Hallinan declared. orientation. - ing Sunday. IV Class. Violet. ' ~ONN·(NC)-In a joint l.etter, "it is ,'way past the time that Mass Proper; Common· Pref the Catholic and Prott~stant '" . bishops of' Germany have asked ace. ., THURSDAY-The, Chair of, St. West German Chancellor Kurt Peter the Apostle. II Class. George Kiesinger that the same Student nurses of St. Anne's White. Mass Proper; 'Glory; .aid 'b~, given to refugees from .Hospital School' of Nursing will Creed; Pr~face of Apostles. East Germany as has been given hold an 'auction 'at 7 Wednesday tc refugees' from the former night, Feb. 21 at the school au German territories now govern ditorium, 243 Forest Street, Fan ed,bypoland. .River. Proceeds will benefit the The p-erman state has com schooX,' according to co-chair FORTV HOURS peilsated 'the refugees from the men Miss Madeleine Brodeur' fO,rmem ,German. territories east and :Miss Karen Lopes. They , D~VO'iDON of the ,Oder, ,and Neiss,e llivers will be assisted by faculty rriem.:. for the ,property they had lost. hers llind students. Contributions Feb. IS--st. W'illiam, Fall The bishops are seelting the same are welcome and donors may treatment for', refugees from River. call the school at 674-5741. - Santo Christo, Fall River. commuist-ruleqEaSt Germany. St'. Augustine,' Vineyard . Haven. 11I1E ANCHOR
>", .\. ,' A~point~ents' are 'effectiv.t:·~,~~Ej~t~,t~Ii./': "~ '
. ~,~lb~;';;'/;>' .
0; F~ll
Catholic Relief Services . Mark· 25th Anniversary
,',.Sordid Substitute'"
,Replaces Law,'Oll'der, JU,stice." ', ..,
Pa.' Back
Diocese Membership in, 'v,'
ass, " r o· '; , ,',
Leaders Drive
famous for
erman' H'e-"" for
23-LaSalette Attleboro.
second Class Postage Paid ot Fall' River Mas. 'ublishea every' Thursday "I Hlghlanc ~venue, 'Fall Rlvel Mass" 02722 by the ';atholl( Press 01 the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscriptiOll .prlce by' mall. liOStpak! '$4.00 per ) I I l a r . ' "
!FEB. n Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, 1958: Foundier, St. Theresa, :New Bed ford.
THl:i. ANCHOR - Tfnir·s:; j:~b.' 15,
;.. "(?iacomo Cardinal.LereQ·r.o 'Resigns,' :. As- Archbishop Qf Bologna
Report Marriage Of Maryknollers
VATIC.t\N· CITY (NC)':-Pope
oa's major seminary- as profes sor of Scripture. fiilation because of age and health In 1937, he was named pastor , $f Giacomo Cardin81 Lercaro, of the Basilica of the Immacu MARYKNOLL (N C) - A ti:6, of ·Bologna. late Conception, the largest par spokesman for the Maryknoll ""' . . . ish in Genoa, where he remained ....ardInai Lercaro reslgne? Ia~t until th~ end of World War II. Fathers here issued a statement ooont~. as head. of the V?tlcan s He was known during the war confirming the marriage of € o nslhum for unplementmg the f th 'd h t "h t' Father Thomas Melville, M.M., "" d V a,t'lcan C ounci'1' s d ecree f or . te al d e gaved 0 "d e an ..,CCon 11' 1d to Sister Marian Peter Bradford, (OOl liturgical reform. ' asclS un ergro~ an a Ie , , troops. At one tIme he had to a Maryknoll nun. The statement said: "Accord He attracted attention in Jan reside under an assumed name mary by issuing a statement say in a monastery outside the city ing to the Maryknoll superior mg that tJ;1e Church has as an 'to escape fascist reprisals. in Guatemala several letters 0bligation to ask the United Named archbishop of Raven have been received there from States to stop -bombing North na in 1947, he organized lectures Father Thomas Melville and Sister Marian Peter stating that :'Vietnam. and conferences in all parts of they had been married." . Cardinal Lercaro is the third ,of the See to combat commu Father Thomas Melville and eardinal to resign recently from nism. He also greatly increased his brother, Father Arthur Mel ~ residential See. The others the ~hurch's social work among ville, were recently suspended ~re Angel Cardinal HetTel'a y the poor. Because ~ these mea by the society for failing to re Oria, who resigned the See. of SlUCS' he was generally credited port to Maryknoll headquarters :Malaga, Spain, arid Paul' Emile. with the, defeat of the commu in New York after being ordered Cardinal Leger, who resigrlE;d nists in Ravenna's 1951 elections. INTERRACIAL AWARD: Archbishop Thomas A. Con -along with Sister Marian-to ~e See of Montreal. On April 19, 1952, he was nolly of Seattle, center, received the St. Martin de Porres leave Guatemala by Father 'One of nine childreil of a transferred to 'the See of Bolo Award for his activities in behalf of racial minorities at John M. Breen" M.M. regional ikuck farmer, Giacomo Lercaro g n a . . . Father Breen 'said he was born at Quinto al Mare Oct. Pope P~us XII made him a the annual banquet of the Catholic Interracial Council of superior. had evidence the three mission 28, 1891. He studied for the cardInal In January, 1953. He Seattle. Bishop Harold R. Perry, S.Y.D., auxiliary bishop ers were tied directly to "guer j!»riesthood dn nearby Genoa, becam~ a member of the. Con rilla" forces in Guatemala. Where he was ordained on July gre?a.tlOns of the 'C:0un~l1, of. of New Orleans, right, was the principal speaker at the They left Guatemala on Dec. banquet. The award is being presented by Father D. Harvey 25, 1914. He completed his ReliglO~s: and of SemInarIeS and 21 but deplaned en route to New studies at the Pontifical Biblica~. Univer~lhes. . McIntyre, CIC moderator. NC Photo. York. Their exact whereabouts l!'nstitute in Rome. Cardl,nal Lercaro was respon" , . ' s~ble for the first Italian Na since then is unknown but they 1 Shortly after his ord llation tional Congress of Sacred Archi are believed to be in Mexico :World War I broke out ~U1d tecture and the Internatio~al Ex seeking re-entry to Guatemala. Father .Lercaro was called l11to bibit of Modem Sacred Art in . ~e !tahan a~my. He served a.s ~ Bologna in 1955. lieutenant In the chaplams In 1956 he created the Organ oo~ps. After the war he w,as ap ization for Study and Informa In a feature story on the pomte~ to the faculty of Gen- tion on Sacred Architecture. "Come to the Father" catechet Cardinal Lercaro visited the LANSING (NC)-More than sons stu<lied and discussed the ical program in The Anchor for United States in 1959. While in 5,000 persons are' expected to Second Vatican Council decree Feb. 8, Sister Cecilia Marie, the U. S. he sPoke at the North attend the first diocese renewal . on the apostolat,e of the laity. R.S.M. was erroneously identi American Liturgical Week and congress here in Michigan next , Continued from Page OIlC Bishop Alexander Zaleski of fied as principal of St. Joseph'. Sunday. Feb. 18. The gathering Lansing says "I look upon this. SChool, Fall River. She is the Pontifical Missionary Wot'k in was awarded 'an honorary de Belgium; John Nimo, secretal'y gree by the Unive'rsity' of Notre of clergy, Religious and elected congress as a most significant ' first grade teacher. Sister Ma17 Da~e. laity representing the 115 par event in the diocese, for it -will Silveria, R.S.M. is principal. of . the Pax Roman'a and the ishes and ritissioIiS of the Lan constitute a 'local assembly Legio,n of Mary for Ghana; Aloys sing Diocese climaxes a two W100re the Church of Christ-'-one, ~u"yangaju, president of the month home-discussion program holy, catholic' and apostolic &,lci~ty of St. Vincent de Paul. Continued from Page.. One in ·which more than 20,000 per- trulr lives and works." lor. Ruanda; and a Dr. Miura. . SHE~T The three 1aywomen are Miss in almost every majo~ American Father William J. Rademacher, J. TESER, Prop. city, he said., . ~a~ita Perera from, CeylQn, diocesan director of the Office RESIDENTIAL Traditional titles ,of the Mys.,. Vice-president of the World of Renewal Through Vatican' STATEN ISLAND (NC)-Sec;. . Council II,has described the INDUSTRIAL Move,",ent of Christian Workers; teries wHl have updated word retary of Housing and Urban congress as the "visible family ings. Therefore,. the Annuncia COMMERCIAL Miss Gladys Parentelli from Ul'Uguay and tihe International ' tionheComes ''The. Word waS Development Robert C. Weaver of God talking together, listen 253 Cedar St., New Bedford M:ovement of Farming and Rural Yes"; the Visita,tion; "The Sound has announced approval of a ibg .together and worshipping 993-3222 $1,665,000 College Housing Loan. of ·Praise." , Yoiith; and Miss G. Compere' together.." . "The Unlikeliest piace'~ is the for the construction of a student .rom Belgium, president of the aparment at the St. Vincent's new name for the fifth Joyful !nternational Feminine Auxili Mystery, "The Finding in the Medical Center of Richmond aries, a seculaT institute. here. Temple." The Nativity becomes Join Others "The Promise.". Clerics also appointed by the The series will be shown in Pope were: Msgr. Carl Bayer, segments - five Mysteries for secretary-general of Caritas In . the Easter period this year, and SYDNEY (NC) ~Australia's ~rnationalis; Father Maurice 'five for Christmastide; plus the bishops who had earlier voted Queguiner, superior-general of final five for Lent of 1969; The against adopting the new En tb(' 'Paris Foreign Missions So-' movies', however, are. so pro-: glish Canon used in the Mass in .iety; Father Gaspar Caulfield, duced that they '~an ,be used at most of the English-speaking C.P. of Woburn, ¥ass., general world, have now approved' it,' any time in the future. ~retary for Passionist missions; .At the ciose of each' episode . effective Ash Wednesday, Feb. Father Theodor van Asten, su in the Life of Christ, there is a . 28. Perior-general of the White Fa discussion which relates ·the thers; and Father Gerald Mahon, events 'to modern life. Show' -~I sUperior-general nf the Mill Hill business celebrities discuss the Fathers. subject with' F'ather Peyton. '1'he priest also announced two new Family Prayer Crusade projects: A do-i~-yourself ar rangement under which any di GRAND RAPIDS (NC) Forty-nine year old Bishop ocese can conduct its own prayer crusade with help from Father Charles A. Salatka will be in stalled as the ninth Bishop of Peyton's staff, and, a training Marquette (Mich.) on March 25 center in which Family Crusade next. Pope Paul named the experts will train priests from Grand Rapids Auxiliary Bishop anywhere for crusade work. • Diyidends Earned from Day of Deposit to to succeed Bishop Thomas L. End o~ Diyidend Periodl Noa who has ,resigned. The lat ter has been the Marquette • Diyidends Co,:"poundecl,' Paid Eve;Y 3 Months! Bishop since September 1947. Continued from Page One • Diyidends Exempt from Mass. Porsonal fte new Michigan See ordinart speaking on ''The Challenge of Iac_ Taxi has been auxiliary bishop since Vatican II".· Movie films will • An D~posits Insured in FULL' Uttder. ~wt
1962. also complement the' text and and discussion material. " . HGREATER FAU RIVER'S HELPFUL FAMILY BANK-
The course is open to all adult members of the community. Classes start at' 8 and will be Now available from Double held in an informal atmosphere day and Company and st. An • in the library of St. Mary's thony's Guild is the 1968 Catho SAVINGS lic Almanac, edited by Felician SChool. There is a registration and text fee of $3.00. A. Foy, O.F.M. The annual pub ElANK'c Those interested may obtain lication gives factual information MAiN on the universal Church, with further information from Rev. ~f~ particular emPhasis on activities A. Annunziato, St. Mary's Rec ALL DEPOSITS INSURED !!!.-!!!!:!:. UND~R LAW tory (695-6161) or from Mr. nnd organization's in the United 1. .9 e-g" • Edward McDonagh (699-2573). ~---States. '~
lPaul VI has accepted the resig
Rousing Success
Two-Month Michigan' Discussion Program, To Attract 5,OOQ at Renewal Congress
Roman Curia
Television 'Series
Norris H.Tripp METAL
Housing Loan
English in Canon
Marquette Bishop
CCD Lectures
.Catholic Almanac
'Let Us Loyally
The Anchor'
Bishop Connoll,.
• •
o so.
• •
" i \
School Principals'
THE:A'hKI;IQR-D.iocese. of. Fall: Rt;'er:-lil1ulls,. lie:Jlll. 1;5\. 119.Clta;
S:eek hllclTease·d Fin'glm~5~~ Aid: €HICAGO, (NC),.-Prinm..: pals of Catholic high schook>.. here; have p}anned' a stud,. o:fi the possi'bilityr af gettirir:f
By' Rt,. Rev.. Ms~: Jolm S•. Kennedy; .&. great many ~ericans are both! :fias.cinatecl; and' mystified by the Central I'ntellig~nce ~ge:ncy (CIA:.)\. anet not a few are sharply critical of' it. The' cri'ti«ismi stems;,
froID the supposition' that. tne Bay, 0::6' Figs; :fii'a,Scol aarn~ lie laid' tOI the: CIA, from CIA ferred to' the slMlond\ acmvities\ in Vietnami. :fjnoon; Waxtime JE~periimcC!s'. Mr. K'irkpatrick> giiv.es; sOlTle tlie revela1lion' tha1i tlhe' CIW su:Osidized tl1e' NationaL Stu' 60 pages' 'to, his~ w.artime· expent dent Association for a number of, y,ears. The CIA is. seen· as seeKing, to be vii:tually omni. present. a·n d omnicompetent,. while cloaked in, the Se<:l:ecy w,h i.c h. in u.s t characterize' an. intelligence 01' ganizatiim. Ly B: Kirk patrick', Jr. au thor of Tlie Real:CrA: (Mac
Millan, 60' Fifth Ave., New'York,
N: Y. 10022: $6:95), is a' former' executLv,e director' of the agency: He was connected' with ~it> . from its' establishment· im 1947/ until his resignation in 1965. Before 194.7,., he· served~ during
World War Ii, with the Office of Strategic Services' and: after the wa~, with tlie' CentTal Intelli"
gence G'rouR. All tom,. he' spent· 231 y'ears iiI' intelligence work ":kll' toli:l:'" PC familiar expres sion, Naturally; it' does noti ap ply' to M"r: *irkpatrick's boo~ fol" anxone' presently' or fbnmeI" 'ly invol\ted' in intelligence oarr not tell, all,. M1l.. Kinkl?atnick. cen-~ tainly' does; not~ do so' in these pages; One doeg-' not. expeot himl to. Yiet the reader experiences Baf flement andl annoyance' rather ftilquently, as person&- and! inoii dents are re:funnedt tOl not merely· ofiliqJlelw but. ex,tremely fuzzily. One then has no. notion 01'. w.hom. orr what' the authoT is' talking aUout. 'This detracts consiilerably from· the book's interest and effectiveness. Granted that no~ inside story of the CIA cani be' set. forth by anyone saMe' per haps a defector, no more~ can anyone give us "thc]' real, Glk" when writing w.ith: tlia· delibeJ:-· ate vaguenesll-' that: Mr.:. IGrli:..... patrick is, otten. obliged) hll use; "PerliaRs< the' mostt imRoctant, duty of'the € M \:" says'Mr.:.J£ji:1lt patrick, "andl its<haadl, tI1e·direc- tor of Centeal! lhrelligence:, ii;; the' eoordinatiom ofi the' total! intelli gence effont1. ofl the' tTnited: States". Thene w.as, a compleUI' lack of any,thing; off Hie' sorti previous to) 194.'7;~ andl indeed;. American ihtelligance' maYI be' said to have' beem mer.elM-' oooa.. sional up' until:. them. It was Pearl Harbor. which demonstinafudl tile· need. of' ihtell ligence;, and. eSI/eciilllY of' its, 00 ordination.. The State Depark mentl" .the'. Nav.x,. tho.' JlI:B!I(" fOll·' example;. had,. some' infomnatiom as to what the Japanese migltt be~ up to, but it. was' neven' as: sembled in one place, analyzed) and evaluated" with! the.~ results· laid before the President so. that he could decide on action. Mr. Kirkpatrick did not. set out to be an intelligence' expert~ After gnaduatiom froml Hriitce:-,
ton,he went into journalism in Washingtqn. In 1941, he was drawn into what was to be his intelligence career when WH' !iam J. BonoMan: was in' cha.uge of' the Office of' E:boTdinator oft Inf()rmatioDl.
This office w.as. Boon sIllit up. into the Office' oe War rnfurma>. tioiJ and the Office' of Slmatemo Ser.v.ices.. M.L.. Kirkpatr,ic& was, Iiriefly in tlie first, then trans.. ·
increased financial aid' from state· and federal sou:rces.
Ninety-four high' school prin cipalll;. meeting. as' the Hignh
School PolicY' Commission; . am..· vooated increasedl al'chdiocesaQ financial ·contribution. as, well 00' study! of federall; stiate· and pri..· vate' means of financing: tho Catholic high sChools: '.Dhe: commissiom statemen~: saidt "The: private' secto);' ~ American: education. can mako' a. significant. contl'itJution, by en gaging; in creatLrv:e and experi.. , mental programs.~· . , It also assentedi' "In a free, open~ society;" parents; should 00 fnee: tal choose' a; v:ali.le>.centereclll education, for' theiit' children, w-iffiout: sufferJng; a tot.al loss 00 tax> funds for the education' oi(. their' childrem imslMlular sub jlMltll; since' education serves 0 public purpose;" The principals' aIllo called· fu:iI /Weaten' efficiency! ii:u manage-: mentl of the' financial\ affilins-; oW the~ schools; andJ saidt: "There' Do' oonsidellable: inefficiencYi and
wast'e: ill! high schooll as a. res~ ofj poon business management:."'·
ences, and these' are tlie·liv:elie 3t and. most' communicatiMe. in the book. HiS, accountl on iiltemgenue' wonk: then;. and' on' so-called: iJ:-, regular wanfilre;. oli' men' like' Bradlew and. Patton;, off hiiF inill~ sion to a Nazi' concentraticn campi just ov.euum by. A,medcan forces; is graphic. In' early' 194~; President 'I1tu man set the' Central I:ntelllu gence, Groum w,mch; was' meallti to, be;, as its, name indicated, a, central- intelligence orgjmization SIG:NS·OF' THE, TLl\fEs'·:; Marching, With tlie R'ev.o]il:tion.. to provide the information n: is. the, sJiogan of this poster. prepared: by. Christian Social, quired· by' Uie' Ptesidim~. Mr: Bemocra.tic. ;y;outJh; for a. demonstration in Bogota, Columbi&. Kirkpatrick joined it in. 19417, Revolution in Latin American iSl coming; ether. peac!lfun~ Later the same year, the CIA came into existence, and the au: or otherwise, the~r say. NC Photo. thor continuedl Withl thaV.: The successive' directors ufl the CIA have been Admiral' Roscoe· S. Hillenkoetfer.' (;velY~ briefly), General Walter BedeU· Smith;, AIlem WI. Dulles" JOhnl ..11\. Arclt&mmp> N.ames VrcfrJ>li'Yt' N:O~ll S'rsfer Centtal'PbrcH~ng
McCone, Admiral William R~! Father H. Robert Clark, asso Tal AIllc:h-diocesan~ e,~ice\ born ('briefly.·), andl Richard' ciate superihtendimt of Chioago Helms; M'r: KirkIlatricit' wOl'ked1 SANl AN.'llQNIOi (NC) - "'11$ tillIe: San, Antonio,cArahdiocesanl arehdiocesan scliools, disagreoo with, eacn' oftheml 'andl liinrs' there: W,3S: ev.en· a time' when, \10-· Coondinator Ion' Vioaations. to' the o withe tlie assertiom tl\at' busineoo titeir' pClJSonalities; and, somE'; managlWlent. ot: the~ high, scl1ools' thjhg oD thein acoomplishments· cation' wmm:. w,as absolutely. nec-, Religious; €<Immunities-; ofi Wom;.. essaIW it is. now,: We' must shoWi em. W.aB, ine££icient" butt agreed! ttnati im the: agency,:. Officially appointed by A:roh... ""ider use shouldl- be~ made CJti;. His greatest: respeatl seems, 10. toda:ws G:~ltholic' girls· thene'· i& a, bishop' Robert E. Lucey and ap central pUl!llhasinm. go) to, General! Smith tol wUOInu . definite.' Dlace fon' Sisters· in' the' contemIlor:a1W w.onld andl that tl1e' pro.ved.. bJll' Mother.' Plorentine;, he~ was; executi¥el assistant,. He~ 'l1J1e' commissioDJ alllOI "o¢ool l rates· :Mr... McCbne· sligpvIM- undE'n way.oS; Sistem; seme', the' G:huEch. sUperior general of the V:iatOl'yl unaniinousltw tm recognize' tbe Noll, Sisters, at,Huntingtonl, Indo', rightt o.fl. teachers; to.. oolleotive the generalL 0ne· detects; a b:ltt ar.e; changj.ng, w.ithl the times." Sister Melita, will. add a vitaL bangjlining.. This sc.rious· look at the chal ot. resentment. over. the' foncing out of; General:. Smith when.' lenge !facing the vocation. effort diinension to' the vocation.. pr.or 01l; the subj~tt ali. relatioJl!! ElsenlioweJ:' became President!, was made By' Sisren }\felita graDL. of.. the: aJ:chdiocese-that· wJ.th~ public: schoolS}, the' Higll: SChooL .Polie» G:bmmission. - . and. J'ohn. Foster Dulles.obtainedl Schmitz;. 0 .•h:W.M'.,. who' has· of' g¢uihg, y;oung women, to tJif} the dii:ector.'>liin, of.' the . CD~ f(j,r.. moy,edtinti) herr new office at, the·. religJous: life•. fO.ElDed b~ Johm Calldinal' Cod,. 'The almointment o~ a, Sister. to\ last. ~ea.n: to, set. centnal policy his. brother,. But. Mr. IGr.kpatr..ic'\C,.' Sam Antonio· chancery. 'as- valid' testimonx; to> hen own' obsenv.ance ser,vei in. the> anchdiooesaDl \'Ooa.. does Rraise· A:l1en Dulles.. for, schools,-·call~ for. mom ti-on . office resulted ftom, t.he' parlicinatiolli in, cfual. eDl:ollmeJllti Mr; KidcpatricR: has. had a that. "the~ '~MS' Sisters Sen\le' the :hand in the organization' and' Churoh\ are: changing· with. the, amhbishop:s; desire to, assist· programSi., links, with. "magnetl · times/" the reorganizations' of the agen communities; oD. religioUS' womern school.S~ and. nomine coope~ &Ids; Dimension c~, He beoame~' its inspector iru. them contbiuing~ renew.a~ and! tion with, educational. gack. com. general and! fiIlallM its executive· Sister Melita is tackling· am to» co.oroinate! .thein effOntll; to: plexes. directon;, the~ numUer 3 man. 'He important new job with a long increase vocations' to, the· reli~ . contihuedl inl the'~ork despite mous; life:. Dout. of( polio· \Wiich left him w;or,}ting: Un cooperation. witlt
handicappedi. al oriticaL evalilatiQnas· to~' the F).'llltthte~r- EawIlence Stuebben;
In' the' eanl)y H150;s Senator chances; of! success; or; failure:. It<, arclidiooes3ru diir:lMltor.· of' vooa.... J'oseprn M"ca:lmtfi~y or~ated diffi was; essentiall~ the: same gJ:ouDI tions, SlilteIr Melita'si full,,-time' culties; f(u: the' CI:A'>.. Iti was of{ people' processing~ the' ihtelli~.~ worih. w.iU soon, enoompass· an. of' hiB' fav,orit'e tangets, when he genael, Illanniilg. the' operation;. 3I:naY! of,' dilties r;anging' from· let' flY;' witID char-glis' oli Commu 'sellihg!' thel project1 to; the policYj "extensive: a;vel;' and' pel'sonal1 nist! ihfiltratiom. Tlius; on onlf makers;, :mdl final1~' diJ1e<ltinw. contact:" tb, "coordination' with oacasioDl he'. assentedl that. 1Z the final elfod." lay" groups: sucit· as' the' There>.· pClJSons~ who: Wiere! seourity risks Invaluable Service slans wllo) are promoting, V4)03.... w~ro' w.oDlting; ih! the a,gencl', As, to)G:I&acti;vitYI in, V;ietnam; tions;'" . Eightt of( tliose' named! had never especially in· tlie time of-Diem. been', nellrCt of by; me' CIA, tw,i) Mr. Kirkpatrick himself ques had! om:e· w.or.kildl for it, tw,) tons the wisdom of combining: wero' stiIll wonltihg; forr it. action and, intelligence in one CIA\ Ji'ailbr~ or.ganiZatibnl. unless there is Tlie Bay of" Pigs; . and th~ whatl he' callS; str.ict compart I OJ . CIA~s. Rar.t. in, it.. are. tlleated at ,mentation: that is,' within the length;. :M.l1.. :K1ii1lq~at:rJ.olk goes organization' there should be l ' fl baaki. OMen- the' last! ~an· oft Ba complete seRaration::> of these· j tistals, I1UI~ in! Gubaj the' de\lel functions. ) opment! ofl € l Istro's' insurgencJl, He' aRpear.'> to} feel that there I the triumpH: of' tlie latter, th.! was' wannantt fOr. € I A subsidiza gnadual realization that GastfJ) tion of student organizations, but was communizing € u ba an,l admits, that. disclosure of this B:l1ead~ American: disillusionment after actiMi·!;Y.:> cum much to harm the prowillng' $2®;OOO;OOO worth of agency!s reputation and resultlS~ aidl. in recommendations that an1 The~ assault., on the' Bay of g!>~ernmEmti. funding of sm:h i Pig!,,, ""as· of' course, a., project p11Ojecti;:1 sliouIa· be open. J
of" CuBari refugees, but the- CIA If Mr; :Kirkpatrick does, not J
wasl commanding; andl directinl~ begin ·to answer all one1s queries it. The plan was, beset with about. the CIA\ he' :atl leost is' I j
troubles, not least by tbe leak,j' persuasi¥e' in' his' conrention of information. ~astro) wa:~ that it is :responsibly; conducted,
aware: of what was' comiiIg,_ and and; despite- lapseS-i. has' rendered.
tooK effective' steps; to meet it. . invaluable service. to the nation.
Drastic: clianges;. were' made at One. sometimes thinK-s;. reading
tite.lllsttmihute by; Uie' A:rriericall him, that the worst hazards fac authorities~' ing~ the: ag~ncY.r· ar.e· not those
Tlie' failure: Mr. Kirkpatricl: posed by foreign enemies but
-admits;. was; primarily that oJ those involved in surviving and
It~B; BiJtl'elJ lflTiioped' the' CIA.. "'.I:here> w.as, no; reall~~ operating in the bureaucratic .j detaclied' cody of' experts givinl:' j~ngle: wJiiclil is· Washiilgtl)n~.
·Spea.kJour mInd
ani extra ITo. Ift-\-V""'~~\~" onl tlte enefllJl . you g,t ftllml a sliceJ of Sun-hum)
.) (
!Prelate '~®~;~es' from ClD ~@C§J7d Of T U"tll~([@®:;S
New Bedford Man Completes Scale Model Of Sflo Anth@lfTJY of Padua Church By Patricia Pralllci'S
Father John P. Whalen, aot Ling rector of the. Catholic Univergity of ArneriGa, an llWunced the resignation from Che board of trustees of Areh lb>ishop Bryan J. McEntegal't, IWshop of Brooklyn. "I know .of no way in which I coould adequately express the Q'lebt of gratitude which the uni ':lersity owes to him for his crervice as rector and as a mem I))er of the board of trustees," Uather Whalen said. Father Whalen said Arch1I>ish @P McEntegart made enormous =ntributions to the university (jj1urfng his long association with ,ti. "During his term as rector, iCrom 1953 to 1957, an extensi~e building program was initiated ilor the Catholic University cam pus," he said. The priest noted that .more ,than a dozen new buildings-in cluding science halls, residences v.nd student centers-were com Jj)leted under .the expansion pro ~ram for which the cardinals, nn'chbishops and bishops of the .m.ation pledged $3,6 million uf L1rchbishop McEntegart.
Father Whalen stated that thE! orehbishop's subsequent servic~' !ilS a member of the board was lll111ique, "since he brought to the Il'Osition of ·trustee a special ttnowledge of the university, and o deep concern for it." . ' In his letter of resignation, ATChbishop McEntegart spoke 01 a cherished association with ehe university and added: "The .burden of Office increases here m the diocese of Brovklyn. I 'wish, accordingly, to reserve all ,ehe enel'gy and time at my dis 'll»osal to attend to the matters, ~evelopmentsand problems of ~e diocese." Archbishop McEnte,gart re.:. eently celebrated his 50th anni versary in the prieshood. Before ooming to Catholic University, '!he was bishop of Ogdensburg, ·N. Y., to which he was named in lJ943 after having served as ex ooutive director of Catholic Re Mef Services, the U. S. Catholics' oversees relief agency.
Manuel Ferreii~, 200 Nash Road, New Bedford, probably is the only person in the Fall River Diocese with two churches in his living room. Ferreira, 47, was stJarted on fA unique hobby several years ago when a relative from Montreal visited New Bedford and suw a Chinese pagoda model he had just finished building. "You ought to build a model of St. Joseph's Ora tory," she said. "I need pic tui'es to do that," Ferreira said. "I'll send you some," she pl"Omised. Shortly after her return home, Manuel Ferreira received a post card from Montreal. It was a pi<lture of the front of the Or atory.. "That was all I had to work with," ,he recalled. "I never did see the back of the 'church, but r finished it the way I tho~ght it shollld be." St. Joseph's is 28 inches lang, 27 inches wide and 20 inches high. It ·took him six months to complete. The following .year, when his MOll.tI·ea] relative paid a return visH to New Bedford, "she was amazed. She said it looked just like -the :reaI.one." St. Anthony lViIode.n His latest project, however, is even more intriguing. It is a scale model of St. Anthon", of Padua Church in New Bedford, complete with tiny pews, a pipe organ, statues and decorations "just like the real church." Msgr. Albert Berube, pastor of St. Anthony's, recently saw closeup pictur~s of .the model. He was amazed. , "What a tremendous project," Msgr. Berube said. "I do not see how he did it without archi tect's dl·awings." Building the model was 18 months of patient work for Manuel Ferreira-and for his wife and two' daughters who helped with his "research." Mrs. Ferreira was "counter-in chief." Her assignment was counting pews, statues, and columns and bricks. Their daughter, Darlene Joyce Dawson, 20, an art student ,at SMTI, and Cindy Lou, a 9th grader at 'Normandin Junior High, were photogrlllphy staff for thepl'oJect. They .took: pictures ~d then more pictures. Mr. Fert"eira did rough sketches of
THE ANCHOR Thurs., feb. 15, ~ 968
000 "bricks" of balsa wood, paint ed them and glued ,them in place. Each is %-inch by 3j16ths by 1/16. The entire front of the model swings open to reveal the light ed interior. The "swing" is Mrs, Ferreira's major contribution to the completed project. "He had me looking through toys and breaking them up for gears," she expplains. "Finally, I thought of a Chl'.istmas tree turntable." That proved to .be the answer -although it did eliminate St. Anthony's rectoI;y from the model. "The rectory is in the wrong spot at the corner," Ferreira explains. "If I built it, we couldn't open the church." The construction all was done in the living room of the Fer reira's third-floor apartment. There was just lone house rule in effect during the building per iod. "He had to dust it," Mrs. Fer reira says. "If it got broken, I didn't want to be the one responsible." There was one last question. Was Ferreira a member of St. Anthony's parish? "No, I'm not," he admitted. "I~m in 81. Kilian's. :But St. An thony's is such a beautiful! church. , ."
1\'10DEL CHURCH: Manuel Ferreira, New Bedford, with his models of St. Joseph'sOrat0I:Y in Montreal and St. Anthony of'Padua Church in New Bedford. sections he was working on. Then the family would go home and night after night the "church architect" would work on his St. Anthony's. Now that 1t isfiriished, he laughs as he remembers 'how it all began, with a suggestion by St. Anthony's organist, Michel Labens. "He 'thought I should try to do a 'model of the altar," Fer reira explains. Oncestarlted, ho.we,ver, he couldn',tstop. 'Consequently, the ,altar now is surrounded ,by church. .:As tiny as the medel is by comparison \With 'theotiginal 42 inches 1011g, .25 .mcheswide and 38 ,inches :high linatead <of .250 feet long and .249 ::feet ~gh it is almost identical. The small St. Anthony's, .like the "grown-up" edifice, has 198 pews. Fashioned of balsawood, each is 3 inches lOng and %, inch 'high. . It has 37 statues, each carved
TOURNAI (NC) - AnglicllJll Archbishop Michael Ramsey a1 Canterbury and Leo Cardinal Suenens of Malines-Brussels will join with church officials here to dedicate Belgium's first ecumenical chapel, a new build ing for the use of military per sonnel at the Supreme Head quarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE).
individually and placed in the same precise spot in the model as its counter-part.in the real church. It has 117 "stained glass" windows, created from celluloid and paint. Over 3.5 Years of Satisfied Service
Rellll Music: Reg. Master Plumber 7023
ll'he choir loft, complete with' JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. a tiny organist at the .keyboard, even provides "real music-with 806 NO. MAIN STREET the help of a 2-inch speaker in Fall River 675-7497 stalled in the back that repro duces the carillon 'chimes of St'. (Anthony's and the strains of Ave Maria, t~pe recorded in. 51. .CONRAD Anthony's one night Oy 'Mr. La i bens. Aluminum or Steel The model 'has a 38..,;inch bell 9A4-Courrty Street t.ower, bathed in ,light 'by eight ~NEW :~IiDFORD,MASS. tiny 'f1!lootnights"at 1lhe flick of a switch. WY;2.,6618 Inside the small 'churoh, -:tiny holes are bored in· the oeiling arches .to represent light bulbs. Bulbs positioned OV(lr the holes reflect light into ,the interior, For the, exterior, Manuel Fer reira car.ved approximately 13,
Montie Piumbing &
Heuting Co.
,SA~~~~~~~~:r ~:~~:~the~::)nw:i~~&~:: ~::~,~:eJ
the defensive and offensive and sincere;" .~ '§ POPE JOHN XXIII:
of a p1'ess that is Catholic, loyal §
,-= ~= = = =
"TheUnited Catholic Press not and onlyvitltl. impo1·tant but necessary. Its activities in ,the States areisvast The Dio'aesan pape1' belongs in every home;" .
POPE PAUL VI: "Love your Catho'Uc 1n"eSS, spread it ab1'oad, dedicate to it your time,
~= =_~ BISHOP c-u;;~~~~~~ts, your 1'esources and your devotion."
.._ _
"The parish pulpit needs the hell) of The ANCHOR, Much of our con viction, and most of QU1' learning depends on what we 'read, unde'tstand .and believ.e!' , ~
INTERIOR: Mr. Ferreira w'hows interior,of'St. Anthony :~ ,model, wbich took 18 montlw to complete. iJIlUlIlIlUlIllUlllllllllfllllUllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlUllllllllfHIlfHlllllllllllllllfllllllltllllllllllllllllllllll1llIIlUlIlIIlIlillllllllllllRlIIIIIllIllIJAlllIllIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlllllJi§
The··o·Work to :, be Done'
.. THE.', ANCHOR-:Diocese .of Fan River-Thurs. ' . . . ·Feb. ,15, .1968 ','
:The Youth 01 Today
Parish Priests· On Strike
LENS (NC) - Catholic priem ..' ;4'·'*'~'1~;~· -with the permission of thefm1 Malcolm Muggeridge, a former editor of PUNCH, the bishop - Protestant ministerq British satirical magazine, is a respected mime in ·both and Jewish rabbis in thio jo~rnalism and education. Last month, he angriiy resigned northern French town went em: from his post as rector of the University of Edinburg·h. strike in protest against th;g The reasons for his abrupt departure from the university closing of local coal pits. Although there were no bu~ can be traced to his dissatisfaction with the conduct of als and weddings, priests offereell the youth at' the dignified and hallowed center of learning Mass each morning as usual anell in Scotland. In a fiery farewell speech Muggeridge angrily were available for the admiJlc> denounced the present generation and its proclivity to "pot istration of the sacraments' tmi the sick. and pills". . . ~ , . The walkout by the clergymen: It certainly C'omes. as nO ,surprise to any alert person @ was part of a general strike to learn that our 'younger generation it a. restlelils and called by local unions to' protest feverish one. Ther are many pressures being exerted on government plans to close the our college students and young people. We are all, sQme mines, and make 30,000 jobless in the area over the next seven how, tragically aware that our society is hollow and un years. oonvincing.· Our art and literature convey the frantic re Teachers, shopkeepers, gov> sults of living in a materialistic societY. As a result, our ernment workers and even tpe literary endeavors quite often are simply incoherent. More, local fire brigade joined in the strike. we are a nation writhing in agony with a troubled conscien,~e Bishop Approves over the morality of the increasingly unpopular war :in A spokesman for Bishop Gel' Vietnam. . ' ard Huyghe of Arras said' the All of us are. concerned about the youth of the nation. bishop had appro.ved the priests" The indiscriminate ,use of pot and pills by some, indicate participation in the strike, but an unhealthful situation. Admittedly, Malcolm Muggeridge that they were acting as inde offered a bleak picture. Much of what he write"s concerning pendent Christians and not as represen tat-ives of the Church. the degenerate lives of some students is true and distur'i> When asked ~hether this ing. The "drop~outs" trom society; the use of psychedelic could be interpreted as a poili<t-o and other drugs, the mind extending "happenings" aJ~ ical move, the spokesman saicll:: at best pitiful attempts in a desperate quest for a proper "Every change has a politil;aIl significance. But our aim is t4l> meaning to reality. draw attention to the human' Why do decent young men and women become pariahs · suffering caused by unemplo:l/' from a society that carefully nutured them and can offt!r ment in the area. them so much? The constant search for the Utopia syndrom is as old ,as mankind itself. Thoreau, chafing under Ule $Ds1l'el!' on Lutheran
puritanical restrictions of the nineteenth century~' sought· his own brand of Nirvana at Walden Pond in nearby Coll-' [J)lTi1cvel1'$ofy F~](tr.dty
cord, Massachusetts. Adolescents generally tend to· rebel COLUMBUS (NC)-Dominl can Sister Maryanna Childs haa against authority. They see in their parents, and teacher,~, Rev. John F. Moore, StJoseph's, Taunton become the first Ca,tholic' nun and superiors, symbols of authority. Authority means dill .to serve on the faculty of Cap.. cipline. This they dislike. Their only natural reaction is to ital University, a co-educational! .rebel and protest. It is pleasant and easy for them to Lutheran institution here. identify with other heros of rebellion-Dr. Timothy Leary, . A professor in the English de partment of St. Mary of the Ghandi, Alan Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Martin/Luther Kin1~, Springs College, she is now ro name but a few. teaching creative writing three The escape from reality to an exalted mYstic~1 e>.: 'M' days a week at Capital. perience is for them the sum total of existence. Thankfully, . 'f . Dr. David Owens, chairman of the Lutheran school's English not all of .our young men and women turn to LSD and other $@Ill'ii'il<e AlJ'® 1rlJ'\\9DIJ'Il@ fr@ ~@ SomethD!I1I9' department, said that when the drugs. Those who use them are a minority. Most of our )J regular teacher of the course youth are decent people. They strive to take their place in How will the parochial and private schools of this became ill, "I needed the beSt society. They atempt to conform to the. accepted norms country eontinue to make ends meet? The financial burden person I could find to teach cre of behavior. As proof of this we have only to look to the. is becoming excessive. Tension and ulcers are now the ative writing. Through ·mutual generous offerings by the young to VISTA and the peace lot of administrators who must attempt to keep their schools friends, I learned of 5isteli' Maloyanna. ' corps programs.. functioning in a competitive "Early repQl'Its from studentlJ . Mr. Muggeridge, with hjs sober observation about t~~. man n e r. Government aid Membership in CEF is open · indicate their delight with helt' youth .of today, deserves a respectful hearing. He concluded. seems to have had Ji.ttle con- to all who believe. in the con class. All of us are pleased Ui> his farewell address from Edinburgh with this thought: sideratioJll for' the parents · stitutional rights of parents to have her on our staff thUJ direct and control the education semester," he said. . even though our civilization, like others before who seek an education for their · of their children without penal if children. In fact, it seems as • it, finally flickers out, the' light C hrist shed shines 'their rights have been ignored.' ty, t11at is, without suffering the
as brightly as ever fo,r t!tos~' who seek ·an escape . I n constitutional law and by loss of educational tax. funds if Vermont's p'roposed h T D· . .' from darkneijs: Toe tniths Christ spoke .will- an- '... ' . the nature of the family, parents they choose' a church-related.or Ch urc ax Yln9: other 'indepen~ent schoo~.·' . swer. all· dilemmas and assuage. f~ar. He willbr.ing.: "have: cerUiLinrights in the edu . CEF is committed· to the BURLINGTON (Nt) - The hope to .the hopeless, 'zest:-to .the·: despairing, . and·.: '. cation'oftlieir ·children. ,Toe principle' that'·. eveIW "AJrierican proposal of Gov.·PhilipHoff a,nd .. d 0'" state may, com~l the education - .. . . 'love to ·the .loveless,' precis~li as:happene200.·'· ° :·olchiidre~.Parents have the child is entitled toa fair share' the sta tc tax department, 'to . years ago and tprough alJJhe~cenhldes...Chi:ist'i~ :.': ' : rjgh.t ie-.' dir~t·tlie :e<t~ca\ion.~f . Of' educational'· taxes ~lJid' this abolfsh tax. exemptions on Jan~ . can be achiMEld:ortly . 'owncd by churches, c611eg~ always ready to emerge from··the. shadows ·arid.' faIr.' '" their cliilclren. They; have the fair'share ibroughactive . partlcip·~tioil· iii 'sllhools, loeIlgiouS' and. other' non in step.··~long' ,the dusty: way..~· :.. '" , '''-',~~'''': righi':~lD~,.fespons~bi~ity ~f d~- the demOcratic processes•.' .' . .~rofit. instit~tio~s appeal's to lie . . . '. ... .. ., .' ., . .' . ..". " r.·· :. yelop'l~g ~he hel!rts. a!1$l.mtp~.s of : The adversaries of, private. and dying.' .. ' ". Perh~ps, af~erall; we can learn' somet~llngJ~m ~~~l: their ~children. ''!'hesenghts are , · church relC!.ted. e:ducati6n..,in~~.: At a hearing conducted by the ~belliop.. o(:~~r,.youth. Much /0£': the~~: dissat:ista.c:tiWr::i~: tP.H :'::a:od-g~ven: :~,·.TtUiY .' ~ni:iot' .be aie'~numerOU6.T}ieir voices:bave . state House Ways ,and Meime result of shattered idea,ls, As.}ong·.as ,they continue .tos~,.. ~~rped?'r.·cont~lled :by the ba'd.; the biaring' . effect "0' ,. a Committce here .fdayor :FranCui in ways which at times- are' bizar.re,. th~ elements ;'of" thll .'sta~." 1 . 't·· : 'f" '. i>atteryof air. raid ,alar~s" ~hey·: Cain of Burlington flatly op." .. I th . '11' f ' "t" "t" t . t . -d" t'h The fmancla strue ure 0 our 'made the·generalp.ublic .' posed the proposal; Chairmaili ~pmtua, ,,~y .. .w~, 0 n~c~s'S~'y gravl, Uli, e O.~~~;,S .' W~ci~ty'as .we.ll. as the soci~l .have . Ideals ofqlirlstlamty. And thIS IS for tp,e gO?d: Dyqngthes.n. upheavels',i)four'tbriesriow seem 'deaf to the needs of· .theSe Emory Hebard. 'of the House. sChools. They have'also forgotten Ways and Means Committee said : diIficult tiIJ:les of· crisis we all must, exercise ,patfefice~ '.' to t~ll~eaten. the parental exercise that ·the education of children iil the proposal looks' "like' a dead . " .. .of .. these rights. .' a' private' .01' parochial school duck,'~ and four J:Ilembers of tbcl ---~...;:..-~~----------~_ .......;.........;.._....:.._.:.;".'.. ,In addition to this factor, par serves '8 public purpose. The committee agreed little will be community 'certainly derives ',a done 'with the proposal at uu. public benefit from their edu session of the Legislature. Only ] 5 persons showed ap cation. . ·R·.·:.··.·.·•. .It" 'is about time 'some organi';' here for the hearing, one of five lem. Mere mutterings to the zatio~ has been formed not as a scheduled within the next week . . .. . sChools '. of:ficials' will do little mere rebuttal to these critics but throughout the. state. as .an 'activeorganizer of positive ('\1:11:''''' ' l NJ:W''''-'''''ER OF Tl-fE .0I0CESEOF i=l\LLP.·VE~~ to "bring this situation to a prog,;ams. " Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the.Dioces~ ~f Fa'lI Ri~el' .. bead. Milk Program'· ,Keep your eye of CEF. Fol ,., 410 H~9hland Avenue .. , ' ., SomeAreTrying': BOMBAY (NC) - Ami. '. Fall· River, Mass. 02722 ' . 6 7 5 . 7 1 5 1 . N o w , at last, they can act:if lOw, its: course· Of aCtion.... f~eding program' begun here III . '.' _ . . . PUBLISHER they. so desire. An organization It 'certainlywiil revive the . India by the U. S, overseas reli~' . ·,has ,been 1'ormed on .a"national slumbering .' parent to be con Catholic ~lief Services,
. , Most' Rev: James L. Connolly,'. D.O., P,hD~: ." ...... level called..Citizens. for Edu~ sciouS of. his constitutional role ·agency, will assist 2,009 children' Ia
GENERAL MANAGER . ASST. 'GENERAL ··MANAGER. :. cational.. Freedom· (CEF). ,CEF,is in ·education. UCEF can' do this, Bombay~s slum di~tricts..
Rt. Re~, bq'lliel·f~S,hc"lIoo,M.A. .'~~Y. ;'ohnP.'Ori$co!1 , ; . ':deqicated.,Jo the cause ,of~,;. . "our' ed~cational system might· 'expected .that 6,000 others '. . . "" MANAGING EDITOR· .. curing fretldom:.and equality,in .. again ."become·' democratic, ·in be added' eventually..to the ..... . Hugh, J. Golden . . . . "" ". education,:,., ., . :' ,fact, as it, is ~law. tribution total ., .
.e lal y
SP@L'1Sibility forthe
f h'urnan SOCiety On
- U.S. ~ishops
.past@ra 1·1 ettf:~The ~hllrth in OurD"y
Fair Share for
E e ry ChiId
@.•~h·.··e· . A:'· ,i.
GQ-Ilic ,,C,ulture. Will Be 'i"SpotUght At St. Anthony's H.~gh School.' ·LangliCl.ge Day Tomorrow
See Publicizes Financial Report
.Tomorrow is "Language Day" at St. AnthonyPs High -&hool l New Bedford. The langu·age is French and from - beginning to end of the day students will be exposed to a kaleidoscope of Gallic cultu.re, song and spoken word. The program is student coun eil-sponsored and will be un row, Rosemary Ducharme, Union der the speci& direction of aospital; Pamela Desmarais, · Daniel Brulep council vice June Zagol, Bridgewater. president . Classes and discussion groups will concentrate on French cul ture and an assembly period will Ci>e addressed by Msgr. Albert )Berube, pastor of St. Anthony's <Church; Sister Lucille Cbam l\)agne; a representative of the Anlerican Field Service; and Misss Catherine Feilloley, an exchange student from Le Havre, France. St. Anthony's glee club will perform and a folksinging group of seniors will olso be heard. Climaxing the day will be a showing of ·a Ilrench film. Observers from area Catholic lllighs have been invited to the onique program. . lHIonoll' RoE
Jesus-Mary reports that Mad eleine St. Denis has been ac cepted at Northeastern with a $1200 scholarship to frost the cake. She has also been accepted at Fordham. Other acceptances include: Susan Goulet,. North eastern; Jackie Robert, Stone hill. At New Bedford's Holy Fam ily High, Margaret Mary McIn tyre has advanced to national competition in the Homemakers of Tomorrow contest. We'll be watching her progress with in terest. Also at EF, Richard Taber has been accepted a.t Notre Dame. Dominican Academy girls are wearing nametags this month. It's part of a monthlonl~ concen tration on the yearbook theme, "Happiness Is Loving." Girls who wear their tags all month will be eligible for competition in a special contest. Retreat SessicPlllS Coyle High SchooL'i seniors have made new-style retreats at La Salette Center of Christian Living during the past two weeks. In two groups, 96 seniors have spent "45 hours c){ intense Christian life" at the Attleboro center. Programs have included small discussion groups, meditation periods, viewing of film strips, brainstorming sessions, and two Masses with full participation and reception of Holy' Commu nion under both species. Jesus-Mary girls are proud of Cheryl Dobson who gained' the sports spotlight by netting 36 points in a basketball game against Case High. Al'lo at JMA students saw a film, "Our Youth Culture," as part of their reli gion course. At Holy Family, Cynthia Rego and Karl Fryzel will rep resent their school lit debates to .be held at Georgetown Uni versity. And HF girls heard an address by a representative . Of the' women's branch of the Air Force. .. . . Dominican AC»lIC1lemy
tHE ~CHOR T'hUnl:, Feb. 15, 1968
; f
I ··1
The honor roll for the second <ilIuarter of the scholastic year has been announced at Prevost High in Fall River. Highest honors went to seniors' Paul Lizotte, ." Paul Martel, Robert ..._"",""ir....J:J>:....,..__..",_.".......'' .... _,... . __.__ __ - Rheaume, Marcel Lizotte and · Jean Poisson. MUSIC, SPORTS: Leaders in music and sports at Also to juniors Donald Harri Dominican Ac·ademy, Fall River, are these girls. Front, son, Kevin LlilFrance, Mark from left, Patricia Maurano, glee club president; Jeanine Lynch, Thomas Barnes, Richard Levesque, Rob e r t Thibault; eollard, athletic association president; rear, Betty Ann sophomore Arthur Yokel; and Samson, head .cheerleader; Denise Janson, orchestra presi · Freshmen M i c h a e I Andrade, dent. ' Frederick Blanchette, D a v i d Normandin, Richard Robidoux, Paul Banville, Richard Briere, Pierre Patry. Nineteen PrevosUtes merited high honors and 34 were named to the honors list. At Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, it was a night for COLUMBUS (NC)-A group these citizens, simply because dads and daughters last Satur of Jewish, Lutheran, Christian they have elected to send their day as lIhe fifth annual father Reform and Catholic parents has children to a school wh~re they daughter dance took place with can be taught about religion as won court approval of its ef the theme "My Heart Belongs well as all other required secu forts to support aid to non-pub to Daddy." Some 100 father lie school students granted by lar courses." daughter couples danced to the Ohio's 1967 School Foundation
music of Bebe Alves and ad Act.
mired a hearts-and-flowers dec orative scheme planned by a The parents' motion to inter eommittee headed by Patricia vene in a lawwsuit against the O'Brien. Mothers got in the act act was granted by Frankiin County Common Pleas Judge too, with Sucordium Club mem bers preparing and serving re Myron Gessaman. . freshments. The lawsuit challenging the Talking of dances, Jesus-Mary act had been filed by. Protestants Academy seniors have decided Dominican Academy in Fall and Other Americans United for GIl the .spot for their senior River will hold, its second! annu Separation of Church and State 1 prom. It'll be at the Colony al alumnae game of the· year (POAU)', which says the eduea Moto-r Inn, Cranston, R. I. Date ,Tuesday, Feb...2'1.' Alumnae are tional aid to non-public sChool .~, yet to be anno~ced. .out to· win, says ~rter Susan students' violates provisions of Fauteux, after the· defeat they both the U.S.' Constitution and School' 'Acceptances -suffered in their last'encounter the Obio, state conliititution. , 'J»ost-;-high .' school acceptances .with ,the DA basketball varsity. .~. cOJ:ll,ing., in faster now. At ", Also at DA, eight .juniors are . Invokes 400.000 ,~dy :tI,i!WTaunton, Diane .busy making vestments for ,the .,' :The s~te' act, provides ~n\e
Quigley has been accepted as a ',academy' chapeL 'The. seam '$16 milli()n 'Per yeilr in' eduea
.,membe,r .~f the ~onors Group; "stresses, ,are, Debra Lay" Claire tiona! iserivces ~ and' materials 'to
.,Patricia " "Eugenio, also Mar .Desrosiers, Jane· Arruda,Paula the' 'state's non~publie school
· '"'t~tte; ;Kathleen. Goldrich, Sa "Labounty, Rita Deschenes, Gail students., '
~ state; Barbara O'Brien and ',F.urtado, Monique .Michel and .David. Young, attorney tor :.~ h lil rO.n 'l\oi<:l,\fann, Stonehlll; ,Cynthia Pickup..', thoSe .~4Pporting the act, said Ali,ce Velo~, RICE; Joanne ,Meanwhile DA ,freshmen are the group aSked to intervene in ,.J\:rnaral, .Bryant. -planning a gym. meet and are the suif "in behalf of parents Of · . ,41$0. Rosemary Ferrari, St. practicing hard for it. some 400,000 elementary - arid ~9Seph:s, North Windham, Me.; high school pupils in Ohio who Eile~J:1 Goye, Brockton Hospital; are attending 'stateacc'redited <;aro.lyn, .McCaffrey, Burbank 'Spir8~ual non-public sch,ools." Hospital and Faulkner Chil 'He said his group rejects at dren's Hospital; Debi Quinlan, , Greenfield Junior College; Mary BOGOTA (NC) - Organizers rempts, to "q.eny. legitimate ~ ucation and welfare benefits ,to ,BeI:Ube, Stonehlll; Gail McMor- of the 39tl1 Interna.tional Eucha ristic Congress have' launched here' a novel radio and television '"school at home~' to gIve Colom NEW YORK (NC)-Clement bians III 20-week "spiritual tune ,I. ,Wagner of Ridgewood, N. J., up" for' the congress.' The ..programs 'are called .. puJ;lli~h~r. ,of several Catholic " Est. 1897 · ~r~odica~; ·.was invested as a ,''\family reunions," because fam ",Knight of Malta in St. Patrick's ,l.qes and ,friends in a neighbor leat1;J.e~h..al.ltere.. Wagner heads a ,/~ood can. meet each Tuesday 2343 . Purchase St,eet • . fi~ whi~.publishes the Cath ..night ~ participate .. in disc\J,S ,Cl!1ic Ed~c.at.~r .l)Jld the HomileUc sions o,f temporal·. and religious .. New: ·Bedford .questio~ prompted _ by the :.d,.,P~to~. Review, amon« '9~5661 ~r periodicals. and booU. , radio-TV pt'~il'aq.
Win Court Approval
Interfaith Group Supports State Aid
To Students in Private SchooBs.
OTrAWA (NC) -ArchbishOp Joseph Aurele Plourde of Otta wa had made public a statement on the assets and liabilities of the archdiocese, as well as an updated policy on parish and clergy finances. In a decree entitled Article 11 on parochial and clerical fi nance, Archbishop P lou I' d e stated that the "basic remuner ation of the archbishop will he $300 per month, and that of the auxiliary bishops $250 per month. Trips outside the diocese for ministerial reasons are charged to the diocese." The basic salary for full-time priests runs from $185 to $225 monthly, including transporta tion, it was reported. In the first archdiocesan state ment, dated Dec. 31, 1966, assets are listed at $3,897,962.44 and liabilities at $9,791,292.12. Assets do not include buildings, it was explained, becc:use evaluation of churches is practically im possible, and they can hardly be sold to meet debts. The archdiocesan budget for 1968 was estimated at $428,003, including interest, administra tion and apostolic works. The budget would be covered, it was stated, by parish contributions, rents, Lenten offerings and in terest. The new regulations for par ish finances make many services uniform, fix olle collection at Sunday Mass, cancel a number 0.. different kinds of fees, re place weekday sung Masses by announced Masses, and down grade "spontaneous" gifts to departing clergy.
LARIVIERE'S Pharmacy Prescriptions called for and delivered ' lOFT CHOCOLATES
600 Cottage St. 994-7439 _. New Bedford
.family .. coverage fifty~five Dioceses in the United States Today,Hclve a PlGn of Complete family
For Colombiao,s
arm· ~f
Knight of Malta
Sturtevant Hook
Builders Supplies .
ShOuld Reach And Be
Read By Every Family In~ Every Parish in the
~iocese-Bishop Connolly
TH~ ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Feb. 15, 1968
Mrs. Johnson lauds' NCCW
Freedom House Aids Cub'aln
Pa.efugees to Find New life 1
By Mary Tinley Daly
MIAMI, FI'Orida. The plane was in, and on time. Us passengers had boarded a bus and been unloaded, wi1;h their scant baggage, here 'at "Freedom House," a big rambling building where they would spend 24 to 48 hou:~s before embarking on a whole Dew way of life. This, was that has to be seen to be be a "Freedom Flight" for Cu lieved. Voluntary Agencies ban refugees, shuttle, be
The whole Cuban Refug,~e
tween Varadero Airport, 60 Program is a government-spon
miles east of Havana and Miami sored operation through the D~ Interna
parlment of Health, Education tional Ai-rport, a and Welfare, in which four vol mere 90 miles untary'agencies cooperate. The;e away from Cas are: the United States Catholic tro's communist Cohference, which handles the 7egime.llnother largest number through its D,~ planeful-90 to partment of Immigration; tbe :BOO persons .-:.. Church World Service, an org~,n W 0 ul d arrive of the World Council I)f this afternoon, Churches; the International Re:; ~ vVere told. cue Committee and the Hebrew 'l'wo planes ar Immigrant Aid Society. rive each ~ay, Monday through Friday, in an All of these agencies have operation that has been going Spanish-speaking staff _mem on since December 1, 1965 and bers in that- big waiting room in represents the largest family Freedom House to assist reftt reunification program ever re ugees on a first-come, firsl: corded in history.. served basis. No questions ale The faces of these Cuban men, asked as to race or religion, The MISSWN SISTER: At an orphanage in India, a f'Ound-" women and children reflect refugee, applies to the agency (If ling chil,d is given gentle ca!l'e by a nursing Sister of 81;. their seriousness of purpose in 'his choice. If he has a relative fleeing communism. Their good., 'anywhere in the United state:;, Joseph. NC Photo. natured cooperation with the a phone c'all is made, the situa " plans made for them foretell the tion explained and the two al successful resettlement that has - lowed to talk. If the relative is marked the progress of their able to take over-from there, as predecessors in t11e Cuban Ref By ,_. . is usually the case,' well an,1I ~. • •• , . ~, ugee Program. good, the government paying the transportation costs. Human 'Simpatico' The agencies mentioned abovte Staffed by 19 Spanish-speak have been successful in findini!~ ~g personnel, Freedom House is the first touch of the United homes and jobs for all who' call Do wom,en dress to please men help but be concerned with her States for these lonely people. work, relief for those ,too oM or to please other women? The appearance. Routine' necessary, paperwork, or sick. In the Catholic fiel.l answers to this question, I'm When' you' look good, you inoculations, chest X-ray and there are 179 resetttement offices sure, would be many and varied. feel good. Nothing does more the like are of high priority in located throughout the count~, Personally. I feel that the ma ,such a vast, undertaking. But , each run by its own Diocese and 'jority of women dress to im "for your whole outlook on life the liuman "simpatico" comes . cooperating with the program .. press oth,er women,but of ",than a new dress or chapeau. first: "You must, be hungry . As part of the ,resettlement' plan, course the single female seeking An overlong dress, a missing after your trip? Free snack bar each 'refugee _ .receives ' new :a mate does haVe the male in button, a moth-eaten sweater may' not bother the viewer but is right here!" There the visitors clothing ~table for,the area ~. mind when she Clhooses her ward 'the wearer can become miser which he is going.
find sandwiches, coffee, milk, ,robe. I have a able and distracted just thinking soft drinks, cake and baby, food , Many; of course, prefer ~l ,philosophy of
about them. donated and sent in daily by stay right in Miami, lelU'nin,t· dressing that is
The married woman lYWes it commercial and, volunteer English and finding jobs. Thll contradictory to
to her hu.sbanc;l to keep, up ap groups.. language, barrier is serious, bU1; both these an-·
pearances, the career girl owes No luxury quarters, certainly, so are the Cubans. They stud,· , swers: Dress not 'it to, her job, but we all owe it at Freedom House but refugees hard, take jobs many an Amer.. to please o:r im to ourselves. This theory doesn't are made to feel they are wel ican would tum down and riSI' press someone mean that·we should be so con come guests, signing in as at a amazingly in their work. ThE' else but dress cerned with looks and fashions hotel and with rooms assigned "busboy to banker" slogan is not for your that everything else of impor on a family basis wherever pos a myth for those who pa5.!: self. Lest you tance becomes secondary; but it sible: Two double decks are in through Freedom House on theil' think that this, , does mean thad; the WQman or most bedrooms with a cri'b for way to freedom. sounds a bit the baby. Spotlessly clean linen self-loving, let me clarify the man ,who knows his appearance is on all bed; diapers, first aid point. A woman or man who is is at its best can go on with the Church Organizations supplies, wheelchairs and well dessed and well groomed business of living and enjoying crutches are on hand for those san go forth and face the world the wonders of life. Aid Sicily Victims in need'. without giving himself or his ,VATIGAN CITY (NC)-The 'appearance a sesond thought. The dining room, run on 'a Pontifical Relief Organization eoncession basis, accommodates Everyone, at one time or other (POA) the Pope's charitabl~ has found herself in a situation 125' at a time, 'serving American style breakfasts and lunches 'but organization for Italy, has dis such as walking down the aisle always a typical Cuban dinner, I tributed more ~n $96,000 ,to , ,in church and having her hus assist earthquake victims in "just like home" with old favor ..band whisper, "Don't' look now, ites such 'as white rice and 'black Sicily. honey, but you have a big run The Sicilian relief program , down· the back of your stock-' beans. by Ohurch agencies was report ing." , Required by the Cuban gov Sensational tasting - ernment to leave all other pos 'ed in, a rounQUp published· in O,,~e It to Self L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican sessions behind, each man is' al Hollywood I)iet Bread It takes ,deep powers of con lowed bU,t' one suit; a ',woman 'City daily. Msgr.' Abramo' Fre made from ' schi, POA president, was sent centrationto sit through Mass may bring two dresses; Ii child may have a' toy 'and' essential to Sicily immediately after the or whatever event it is without .flours! vegetable first devastating quok~.,: your thoughts· turning back elothing,' a sad situation. Your choice of In the first reliefeffor.ts he '~gain and again to that run. At 'Freedom House, trained 'Tbis seems like an awful waste LIGHT or DARK nurses are' on hand at all times, distributed $32,000 to the ~ bish ,Hollywood I a doctor pays a twice-daily visit ops of the dioceses hardest hit of energy and thought, but a and a priest is on duty' from. by th~ disaster. In a second Visii woman ,being a woman can't' Baked by 10:30 on. ,The ou,tdoor nursery he, distributed another ll:l4;oOO your for children is useable most to assist the homeless and suf 'Sunbeam BEFORE YOU days in balmy, Miami but, for fe:dng~ In addition, POA rushed in. 10,000 blankets, and foO(~ sup ,rainy days, there is also an' in IB>IlJY-TRY plIes. _ . i door nursery.
W I~ '~.
Walking ~bout the grounds, TV viewing and a movie each evening are popular. But the pulse of Freedom House is the comfortable waiting room where actual resettlement takes place with an efficiency and speed
Among the funds distributed by POA were a large but un specified sum of money taised by the diplomatic corps accred ited to the Holy.See and another contributed by Ualian cardinals resident in Rome.
Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault 67 Middle Street, fairhaven
Recruit Social Worker : Volunteers for VietnaM NEW YORK (NC) _ A J&o eruiting drive for qualified sOo>' cial workers to live and work
': i~;:~~~::Cc:~~~~~t/~':~:~
~ ,~:~e~; P~~~;~~c ';::i~n~~~:i~~ -overseas aid agency of Amep..
WASHINGTON fNC) - Mtli. Lyndon B. Johnson praised "tIKi enviable example of construl>' tive civic involvement the ~ tional Council of Cathoiic WOlllbd en continues to set." Citing the recent statement 4lij , ~he NCCW board of directors om ,the treatment of crime, whicllil was presented to Mrs. JohnsoliiI at the White House, she terni~ , it "another new proof of a tiJDeq honored public purpose that baD won your members the respe~ 'and appreciation of all Amen., cans." In a :tetter (Feb. 2) address~':' to Mrs. John Shields, NCC~ 'national president, Mrs. Jo~ son startes: "HlYW grateful I was for tho opportunity to thank you person... ' ally for the enviable exampio ' of constructive civic involve-" ment the' National Council oa ", Catholic Women continues 11m> set under yOUI' leadership. ' "The strong statement em crime adopted at your recen$ meeting is just another new proof of a time-honored publ;.a , pur,pose that has won yOUli' members the respect and ap.. preciation of all Americans.
," ,
Jean Catholics.
The social workers will serVcl
,on salaried, 19-month assign.. ments as part of the agency's medical-social work teams Sta tioned throughout South Viet- nam in areas with large refugee populations. The teams will bo involved in implementing com munity and self-help projects 'as well as improving the overa]Jl ,health and welfare of the' ref.... ': gees.
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 15, 1968
Breakfast Frantic Occasio'il
In Columnist's Household
By Joseph and Ma.rilyn
Recently Marilyn :vas
Plan Re!oxat!on
Of Nuns' Rroie
overwhelmed with 1Jhe opipre8
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-The Sisters of the Holy Child of Jesus have decided to relax their rule and permit changes ranging from experimentation with religious garb to greater freedom of movement. In a special general chapter at suburban Rosemont College, the nuns discussed modifications in their rule, to pennit wider experimentation in many areas. ' In the future, Holy Child Sis- ' ters may: change their habit to one of the approved modernized habits; return to use of baptis mal names or retain the reli gious names; go out unaccom ~nied and engage in civic or" Church sponsored Summer proj- ' ects; limit community prayer to Mass and parts of the Divine OHice, attend a directed, preached or private retreat, and adapt private prayer to personal needs and circumstances; adopt the title "Sisters" for all mem bers of the community who are not superiors, in place of the fonner title "Mother." The chapter directives also" call for special emphasis on . w<lrking with the 16 to 25 agj!l . group and for a survey of edu. cational work and present per-, .' sonnel in the congregation.. ·1 The Society of the Holy Child
of Jesus has 500 professed SUP
ters in the United States.
mveness of a _dark Wintry day that she dropped into the
florist's shop and picked up a handful of yellow mums
ood six blue and yellow dutch iris. By the time she arrived
home, she was 0 b v i 0 1ll sly
,it turned out that her grand feeling guilty at having mother was the fortunate soul spent her last few dollam on at the other end. of the line and
flowers, but the feeling of I'm sure she was just delighted
to be a~used from her sleep to
answer Melissa's urgent request:
''Grandma, I've just got to have
an egg carton for art today, can
c:oom. , I too. was impressed with bow you bring it right over?"
Within a few minutes (aided
they lit up the house and made it cheerful. It was a, wortbwhile 'by some threats) peace and
extravagancel ' . quiet did descend but by that
"?'e" a~ , already approaching time- I knew this was to be a the time when we can get 11 cold cereal morning. Some be;ld stint on Spring by forcing mornings are right for leisurely !BOrne of the Spring flowering breakfasts with one or two com shrubs. Pussy willow 'mllly be fortably sipped cups of coHee cut now and placed in water for for the elders but one that starts out wi,th such an opening as ~ early bloom. There is still a:bove certainly isn't one of oome wild pussy willow grow OUTDOOR CATECHISM: Father Tazath JozE~ph of hlg near our home and it is a them. Rather, such a morning is pleasure to take the children best gotten through quickly with the diocese of Nellore, in Anhra State, Indi'a, tells the chil for a walk after'school to search as little,talk as possible and hope dren of his village about God. NO',Photo. \ £t oot, cut' it and get it started that lunch will bring a better in watet 'in the basement. I ·ou·tlQok. OJ lilave never been too deeply imJi'rantic Time presse,d,'Yith the ~auty of pussy, Breakfast is not my favorite willow '. but it's' better than meal of the day. Psychologically II1Ot,b~ng in the house. speaking, I'm sure it should be National Conference ofCat,holic Bishops' . How to Force a time ()f calm and quiet comIn a .few ,weeks we will be .posure; a time when you gather Committee V~ices' Approval' euttfng,forsythia for .forcing and ' your thoughts and fortify your WASHINGTON (NC)~"Music,' this or that part ~'~y o~, should
nlthough it loses Us vivid color 1body .for the coming day. Well, h
whe.n forced, it is as welcome as ' on :~a working day with small more t an any other resource, be S\.lpg, ,The statement attempts
the. first. crocus. Some of the ' ,chiklren to get oH to school and makes a celebration of the lit- '!e- ~ffer criteria, including some
'ld trees \ u~ an attractive human expe- :cone,rete, applications to the celeWJ. can also be foree(l \!l l¢rrible twoer to console be- nence . into bl ,.. .aceord ing to a state- 'brati6n of Mass but notes that oom if you can flnd a de- cause he's staying at home, in ment issued by the Bishops' "no< set rigid pattern can be Grants, Housing Loans
.erted orchard near your home our house it's more hectic than Committee on the Liturgy of proposed." (there are several not too fall' composed. To Catholic Colleges
!rom my garden, but I WQft't Foodwise,i1:16 in the morning the ~atio~al Conference of ' E~pressioD of Faith ...._-b Cathollc BIshops. am t·, ,f . . win WASHINGTON (NC)' - The Inen ti on tbem f or f ear of com"""""" not ring, oat the best o f ' oun 0 smgmg , Y. S. Department of Housing and ttetition) and are careful to Be- creabive'powers in even the most T~ statement, "The Place of Y8ty aecording to the circum teet young twigs for ·forcing. We gounnet of cooks and fur speed ' ~slC" in Eucharistic Celebra- stances,. the statement says, Urban' Development has ap proved a $400,000 college hous have also successfully foreed and efficiency most mothers re- tions, w~s drawn up after since "music serves the expres ing loan for the University of ' beautiful pink flowering quince. sort to those old standbys bac0n study by the Music Advisory , sion of faith." Puerto Rico and a $2,845,000' Forcing is a simple matter. and, eggs, or to ODe of those B?ard , ,and su?mitted .to the "Music 'in worship is a func eutl?\~p 8b~~ on a diagonal ' cracky, crunchy, yupuny caeals BIshops Co:;:ml~,tee, WhiCh ap- tional sign. It bas a ministerial housing loan for King's College. Pa. The lOaDS .' II f~o~ or ,two down the stem de,W'e,bave" been forced into buy- , r~~, ~. ~ecomme,,~s ~, mle;, It ,must always' servetbe WilkeS-Barre, will- liSsist both schools 'in oon-'" pen~~~~ ~ tbe. type, ~ pIQnt,.ing"be.caus~ Captain Something01' ~conSlderation by all. . expression: of faith~ It affords' struction of additional facilities. and immediately immerse the~ , Gr-~,tberis .on the back of the, , The purpose' of ,the statement a quality of joy'and enthusiasm At Kin,gs College, conducted'
In water. Place the container in 'cartoll•. ,' I is f;o:offerguidelh:ies'.on·whether,1 . to the ,community!s' statement II dark place (a basement is W~ekends do bring more in the particular circumstances' ' of faith that cannot,be gained in by Holy Cross Fathers, the loan
fin~) and leave it. From time to into our lives and I look forward ,of the" .individualeelebration, .any" other way. ,In so doing it' will ;lid in bUi~(iing a donnitory'
tim.'e add fresh water or change 'to fllakl~~ m~ins Oil' pancakesimp~rtsa,sense of unity to the and a combination dining-room
student, union. Ttle . tot8l project
the' water completely, but otber- .~ ~, S~turday monling when ".congregation. , wiSe leave the shoots alone until ,time Is no problem. Also recent- ' Newsmen' Urge. Code The statement cites three will cost about $3,623,0110. The
they bloom. 131' i 'have been baking ~ couple T C b P h ' judgments which must be made other loan will apply to con
~othing could be easier. The 'of loaves of rich dinner bread 0 ur ornogrp ,Y abowt music in worship. They struction of a women's doimi flowers resulting are not so vivid on' S'uriday' and this gives us a R9 ME (NC)-:-A delegation of are, musical, liturgical and pas ,tory at the Rio Piedras campus at the Univers1ty of Puerto Rico. iln color as those which are al- 'change' of diet on Monday Italian· Catholic journalists has tora!. lowed to develop naturally, but monting.' . presented Italy's President Giu they are II pleasant substitute Even so, breakfast remains a seppe Saragat with plans to NIH Grants for the real thing and are cer- bit frantic in our house there- draw up a professional code of YOURS FOR minly more economical than fore until everyone goes'to col- ethics for Italian newsmen. ST. LOUIS (NC) -The de visiting the florist to overcome lege I'll skip gourmet cooking The delegation was led by partment of pharmacology at St. file Winter blues. until later in the day. Raimondo Manzini, editor the Louis University school of med Everv homo should hovo CI In the Kltell1eD For day's that you have a bit Vatican City daily, L'Osserva- icine has received three Na reminder 01 thO ciucilled The other morning as I sleerr more time for a leisurely break- tere Romano, who is also presi- tional Institutes of Health grants Sovior. illy descended the stairs I was fast, the f<lllowing pancake reci- dent of the National Catholic totaling $223,696~ The money This all metol cruclfl. II greeted with the usual morniag pe is a delight. PressUni<ln. Manzini gave the will be used to support research 5-3/4" long. Send 254 and *H\fusion. Meryl had let in the Lemon Pancakes President a report which was on the causes of cardiac failure, a aelf'Oddrossed envelop. .lymph formation and evacuation, lIIlllk"1an who was very politely 2 cups flour the result' of a recent round to, mquiring how many milks to 2% Tablespoons sugar table discussion of the respon- and theeHects of hormones on CRUCIFIX, OFFER leave :over ,the din of Jason who 11k Tablespoons baking powder sibillties and freedom of news , the synthesis of liver protein. , Departmeftt 9 was screaming because he hadn't :lh teaspoon salt men. ' Salvotorian Center llJeen .the one t~ open the door. 2 eggs;" separated The roundtable had agreed
Wlaconsln 5306\ ~ea.nwhlle Melissa was busy 2% cups milk that 'an' ethical code was needed
dialIng the phone' at this un-' 2 Tablespoons melted butter in the light of a wave of por godly. hour of 6:15 and between grated rind of one lemon' D.Ography which has been de coughing fits I was tTying to in2 Tablespoons lemon juice veloping recently and which' 01 e SAYIN" !iect an Inquiry as to who in 1) Sift together ,the flour, Pope' Paul VI has also deplored.' • 70 rear SYSTEMAnC god's name she was calling this sugar, baking powder .and salt. Among the practical means of MONTHLY DEPOSITS <early in the day. ?) In another bowl beat the dealing with pornography it ·has yolks of the eggs unUl they are been urged that economic sanc 01 a INVESTMENT creamy a!1d stir in the milk, the tions such as cutting oH gov Protestants Request • 70 year SAYINGS butter, the lemon rind and the emment-granted reductions in NOTICE, ACCOUNTS ' Catholic Participation lemon. juice. the price' .of newsprint ' be .' 3) Add the liquid mixture into invoked. JAM~HEDPUR (NC) The Indian Christian Association of the sifted dry ingredients with Worry of Q ' local :Protestants 'has requested as few strokes as possible. 4) Fold in thoroughly the egg that ~ representative of each of the two Catholics parishes be whites that have been beaten until. they hold their shape. . Darned to its executive commit Slipping or Irritating? tee. .' 5) D.rop this batter by table:" Don't be embarrassed byloose false Banlc By Mail
teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling The request, which won the spoons onto a hot oiled griddle When you eat. talk or laugh. Just We Pay The Postago
or pan and cook until tops ~ole-hearted approval of Bish sprinkle a little FABTEETH on your plates. This plellSant powder gives a I8P Lawrence T. Picachy, S.J.; of bubbly. Turn and brown on the remarkable sense of added comfort ,Jamshedput, came as a gesture ether side. and. securIty by holding plates more • YARMDll'f1 SHOPPING PlAZA firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste. of inter-church goodwill dqring G) Serve warm with melted Dentures that fit are essontIal to • SOUTH fARMOUTH • HYANNIS Christian Unity observances here butter and' warm honey and to health, Scp your dentist regularly. For Get FABTEETIl at au c:ll'ug countem.. • DENNIS 'DRl • OS~qVlW III Janua17. heck with the calories'l
guilt SOOB disappeared as sbe arranged them into displays for the living room and dining
5 50
5 00
4.50% ~81 ~~=
'Bqss River SaVings Bank
ANCHpR-Diocese of foil River-Thurs. Feb.' 15, 1~~'68
CARMELITES ARE.SELF-SUPPORTING: Carmelites in South Dart .mouth support themselves with ceramics, manufacture of vestments. Left, Sister Mary of the Trinity places ceramic sailboat in kiln f,)r firing. Center, Sister Anne cif the Resurrection paints ceramic piece. Right" Posulant Chris
Military 'c;ourt Tries. . S Cath().~ics b .' u For' RIO' DE
; i
tine Homen (at machine) and Sister Mara of Jesus Crucified work on vest ments. Current ceramic project is manufacture of shamrock dishes, which have been nationally advertised. Basic work of OarmeHtes is prayai' but each Carmel is self-supporting.
A Church
" . By lPatricia, "~rancis. " . . . ..~fficialhere has warned agains1l . ,." .." . a possible communist couP' iliU 'The, '13: .in~iribers. of '. the. Carmelite :om~unity.j~~uth Dartmouth 'are "Irish ~iml-. ,In'diafollo\fing, a ~eino)lst.r~tion
JANIDIRO o(NC). Michel" Thibault a . ' ~en'c4 ..:, , ' . ' . ' " ed'" ahead of·tIme thIs ~'ear as they walt wIth trepidatIon to see what the mailman , b~ nearly 15,QOQ.. para-mlhtal'f. CitIzen and deacon b' It b' . ·t'h I '" C' "I th '.. h ., . , If . . Red volunteers '.w',orkI'ng f' , t'he' 'd' .oce'.e' J ..' rll1gs.. , egan WI' ·a nl e ·OJ. .' arme ----;- at. eac, 'monast~ry IS se supportmg. Dart- ..., ...: . :." " or. "1,,, ..8 ... 1U'1. th' .C'" . , 1" .. ' . .' t' . Th , ' . ' 't I 't I" th' f " Sol 'M' H", 't I .Dressed 11\ a red. shirt ant! :Barra do Pirai':':Yoltit Redonda; m~>u ,s· . a~m~ '.~ no eXCE,p.Ion.· e com,mum y" oca. e< m. ' e ormer -e,. ar Q8PI a,' khaki trouser·uniform the vol ~~ic~ 'em~races' the lar~es~ in'-.' : st~n' is !~ d~bt :f~r..it."3 ~orne; ',·Now·they are, !taiting for the· in:g to h~Veag~od,water:,bilHor' uJ!teerS"inostl~.C?f the,~25';35 a~ · dwitI'lal'complexof 'BraZIl, IS' on I~ addItion to thIS, $50,OO() mailman.·" ' that;" Mother, s a y s . ' gr_oU~, ~arched.. throug~ ,th€ l . tr~~l ?e.re" on, ~~ha~,ge, ()f dis-: : debt,th~ ·DartIDOl).th Car,mel· . No Lawn Mower ·"we heard of a man near Bos- . ~t~ee~ in ~ ~how o~. ,strengiliJ} trtbubng subverSIve llterature also must· SlfPWrt its mem ' ton who carves seagulls" says '... " " . he . . , . - marking.· the conclUSIOn of :l
CommYni~t COUp P~ssibl~ in India
,'Carm,eli'te C'om';',lnity.'0/80. Dartmoutll , HO,.ne"",s,! -fo.'r",.L4vala,nche o'J -f' 'Irish' 'Ord,:.ers,·.· .. r J'
among. , workers 'last November. 'bers . ,'a'n'd.'mal'ntal:n 'I''''ts' 'b'ul"ldl"I'lgMother "He he~.ther~ ~ .. lawn , / " ." ,' .' " 'J'herese ' '. , , 'put in an. a T mower.IS we dq~e~~tlOn Idn' mow . Also ,on trial are.thr:ee Br~zII:; , and grounds. " .:,. . .'ad, a1?-d got ,2,Q,000 orders." the. lawn .at all last year," she )~n youth~, ~embel's of C~thp-. , To earn their keep, the Dart- . ~ouQdmg ,1l0rrl~l,ed" :she" says, explaii:l~, "we didn;t have a lawn. lic,. orgalllzah.on s:.. who either: mouth Carmelites ma~e priests" ,.We c,ould never ~o that!. t;rlowe'r. We should do something prmted or dlstnbuted Jea!lets vestments altar cloths and 'ball-' Paymg. off bhe,lr debt and a\:iout that" , asking for betteI: wages in the ners, , ' ' . ".:~eepi~g :o~rtmQUth ,.9armel ~o-:',Most of~ all, though, Mother government-'operated Volta Re Th'h t b ' h " mg fmanclally as :~ell as sptr~ ,Therese would like to see" the " t ey ave es a, Its ed a c,,'t' 11' b' ' b " , ' . donda S teel W . ork~, and at ack.. "I t ,,' . h t . -, I ua y IS a Ig Jo. .. , ' massive debt for 'the' mon'astery ing imperialism an'd dictatorship, dramlc. ahc ory, w .,etre hey PN- , "~ut the Lord. always helps' start shrinking' She do,esn't uce suc varled .J ems as NaC M th " , "H" '. ' ' I t ' tivity ,sets r;mging fri'mi $6510 ~rmeI" s, 0 er S~ys', C In: worr'!' about it. "The Lord will T he t ria star:d yesterd~r, $80 Under a natIonal securIty law 11' 1 b ,'t I spJres people to do thll1gs for proVIde" But it· would be nice . " , sm~ ; Jewe . o,xes tha 'SE' 1 'us lJ . ., , . ' , . trials on' sut;hc.harg~s are ~n- for $1.95; "old-fashioned b o , v l ' ", ' ,. to',help Him, she admits, .• ducted by the armed for,ces., The ts t $12 iJ . d The CarmeIttes do not eat ,The Carmelites h,' y' the rules d 'teh trial is pre~ided o~er. by' a~ ban bPI, her, lie t'a 'f' ,5, .a~i. mellt. They are a~lowed to,have of their' order a;e' nOt allowed " . . ar er s op qual' et Igurmes,- fi h th h 'd th " '. ". , ,
air' force officer;' Au'reo. de Souza complete withbarbe~'po'le-tb;~t 'Is, hOu,g , at~ er~ are Pf~oh- to ;lsk for things.
Almeida, ' , ,'., t $19 An" .' 'I' b'l' ' pew 0 flome Imes. gIve us IS. 'However if they are 'asked '" ,. cos " . are aval a e,,~t tile It's very l~ood here' much better ' ' ", , The arrest of the four defend monasterr·, , " " ,than ifi Boston." , :;~:: they neel1, they are allowed ' No.w they are in business ,(In · ants by an ~rmy, pa~!o~ led to Milk is another staple in the ' ' y. . ' '" " " char~esd by,Blshop Waldlr,e Cal a 'national'scale, they fea'rfully Carmelite diet· but. whole milk be~onwtid~esd the.lkneSed . mt,lght '. h' N . 'f B d , p o w ere ml orne lmes elros e ovals 0 arra 0 hope. . is ."much too ex,pellsive for 13 . ' ...., ..' Pirai-Yolta Red 'd th t h" It b , , ' . . . coffee or butter or flour. · .' on a! a IS ' , egan with, a letter from of, us. We mIx It wit-h powdered reSIdence had been Invaded by Reverend Mother to American, milk. When' it's cold' you don't " eci n:r~r need eg~s bec~use · the army The army denied. this, Home 'asking :. how know the difference!' e lllan w,ho IS·us a fne!ld. . ch 'tmagazine Id ," . ' . . ofa~ocnarmel supplies WIth ThIbault w~s placed under mu ... ,1 '. wou.. CQs~, .toplace an KeeplD~: .the big building " them;! Mother'sa s .,. , .. house ~rrest· m '~ccembel':, In ,ad m Its .. sh9p.pll1g. ar!>un~", warm d~rin~ the ,cold Whiter. Lately, becauseYof ·the shol't a m~etlDg later WIth .BrazIlI~n column, .', . ,~ea.therIs.a problem, ~heCarage of fresli'fish the Cal'melites PreSIdent Arthur da Costa e SII The reply was a phone ca.l1 mehtes have dIscovered the anhav' b ' t.' . 'h' d ' h' OP' 'C a lh" from a'n e d't 'thO'e a d ' too, e' een canne va, B IS mros defended I or say.mg swer to that, variety The ea dmg "e t I . the'deacon's social'work:and the insertion would be done on a . . ' y 0 no comp am, 'd t ' t dl " ,. "charitable" oasis a d k' Co~y Thermostats They ,are grateful for whatever presl en repor e y promIsed n as mg " " , t h e y have that the deacon's' case would what ,the Carmelites wanted to We put: pIeces of blanket over .:. . be handled by civil and not a advertise. . th~ th~r~ostats so they don't go ,TheIr Job IS prayer. Their military court, ' ' ' ' W e sent, three, things aild she on at; 1lI1fht," Mother Therese lIves are ~partan: They are hapsuggested we concentrate on a explams, "It works, famously." py. devotmg their ~resent and s ham roc k dish;" Reverend There is no heat at all in the thelr fU~Utr~ tFo ftrRa~mg Df?r the Mother explains, ceramic workshop area, "We peol? l e 0 e a Iver IOcese. Protestant Groups
There was just one "catch.'" have a couple of electric heaters ' ~I~ht now:, however, they are Carmel had to assure Ameri- to plug in when the Sisters are . waIting anXIOusly, To Invite Catholics
can Home it would be able to working there. We don't need it How ,many "I~ish" orders will DUBLIN (NC) - Members of fill orders for a minimum of the rest of the time," bhe maIlman brmg? the Irish Christian Youth As
The hea.t is kept low in the • sembly, a coalition of ' Protestant 500' to 600 shamrock dishes beyouth groups, agreed here to fore St, Patrick's Day, if that nuns',living quarters when they U
ar~ not there,
invite .members and officials of number of orde'rs .was rece~ved, .' We spend three hours
the country's' Catholic youth
Prayer, Not CeramiCS st!'aight in the chapel mornings"
. groups to attend the assembly's
"We immedi'ately bought thre,~ Mother says. "We don't ne~d
future meetings, " ~ore ~olds," .Mother says, add,· heat in the other wing then, We
More than 200 young people mg a lIttle wlstfully, "Our real have steam heat there and it
from all over Ireland attended wOI-k is prayer, not cerall1ics," . comes up in about five minutes
~he 'assembly's meeting. Deci The Carmel ceramic;",ists have, when we need it,"
sions made' at the meeting in been working steadily. eve:: The shamrock dish sales
cluded appeals for more social, since. As of last week ,they had. money - i:Eany - is earmarked
slightly more .than 400' dishe:; for installation of heat in an
awareness on the part of church The Falmouth National Bank authorities and for a condem ready" "We can_ have 1,000 bJ" 'unused wing where water pipes FALMOUTH. MASS, , burst during the last spell 'of nation of war as a means of St. Patrick'~ Day if it·s reall)' By the Village Green Since 1821 .... :' .. necessary," 'Mother Therese ,says;' -frigid ,temperatures., "We're go- solving ,political pl'Oblems.
'. .,
'week-long state session ' P k' C - . '··of 'u~. pro-e mg O~unIS~ p~~ty. . ~s~r. Cornelius ElanJlk~all" p~o vIcar general ·of the. alch: dIOcese o~. Verapoly, saId thql d~monst~atlon sh0'Yed" that ~h~ pro:"Pekmg party 18 assumlllf,\ more ft ~ d more s t reng tl" 1 a ell' becoming ,the do~nant p<;lI'tneJl' in Ke ala t t ' 10 th 1-" . r sa e s -mon -0 "" Umted Front govemment. The priest said that th a', ," e 1m of !he comunists appears to bl2l to Increase the strength of the volunteer force If th t I . he' al'd . . t a lapp~n~ s , a c~mums coup mig••• become poSSIble. Comunist sources ~dmi Ued tho .vQI~ntee1"li wi~l be ·trained fur ther by ,discharged army per . neutralize , any repi sonnel to ' " ' . 1j.beratlO~ .". ' " htlOn .of the struggle of 1959 that ended in dismissal of siate's' first' '.. Kerala' '' ," . ' . comma
.1lI~t ~ov~rpmen~.
'. --- ••••••• ~:" . . _-~--
MONTH t S .. fJseription Time
-_ ..... ~~-------...
Christian as Member of Community Topic Of Jletreat at Coyle Hig~- School
Prelate Scores 'Probe of Fraud Among Poor FRESNO (NC)-l'he dJ· rector of the Fresno Diocese C,a th 0 Ii c Social Services ehided the sta~e for spending
more time on loolcing for fraud in welfare p;rograms than in so lutions to the problems of the poor. Msgr. Roger, Mahony, a wit ness at a hearing on welfare fraud conducted by the Califor nia state Department of Social Welfare, said: "I seriously won der whether fraud in the wel fare system is any greater among the poor families than in any other form of g!lvernment. "I would estimate that' the number of families receiving public assistance as a result of willful fraud constitutes less' than one per cent of the case load," he continued. "I would hope that the State pepartment of Social Welfare might direct its attentions bet ter to far more urgent and com pelling problems of the remain ing 99 per cent of the poor." Msgr. Mahony told the legis lative hearing, one of five being held throughout the state: "When I learned that the State Department of Social Welfare was scheduling five hearings throughout the State on' the question of welfare, fraud, my immediate question was: Is wel fare fraud the most pressing problem of the poor; in the State of CaHfoJ'nia?, , Outmoded System "When one considcrs· the mis ery. hopelessness, and abandon ment of so many. I)f our families, '. doos fraud become the most urgent· and crucial object of our attention? J certainly do not in tend to condone' fl'aud in any way ,or in any. situation, but" what are the' Jjlore serious' im., plications for conducting hear ings on welfare fraud?" "If a few families' are able' receive welfare aid fra'udulently, I wonder whether it is totally their fault. Could it' 'not b.e. that thElreason for the' al:leged. fJ;aud is the welfare system itself, rather than the poor sbac~led to a system so outmoded .in, its philosophy, objectives and administration? . "Our experience in our.Cath olic Charities agenc'ies here in the valley is that the number of families seeking public ,assist-. ance fl'8udulently is so small as to be negligible. Far more often, we fina that the family genuine ly in need is denied benefits which should be·a matter of. light. I would estimate that the number . Qf famil'ies' receiving public assistance' as a result of willful fraud (.'onstitutes .less than one pel' cent of the case load."
Name Notre Dame Law Sc hool Head NOTRE DAME (NC)-Judge William B. Lawless of the New York Supreme Court has been named gean of the University of Notre Dame law schoo1. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., university president, said the Buffalo jurist, 45, will take office July 1, succeeding Dean Joseph O'Meara, 69, who is re tiI'ing after serving as dean since 1952. Lawless became a justice of the New York Supreme COUl·t on .Jan. I, 1!l60. In earlier years he engaged in private practice and served as COl'pol'ation counsel of the city of Buffalo from 1954 to 56, as special counsel to former Gov. Averell HatTi man from 1955 to 58, and as pl'esident of the Buffalo Com mOll Council from 1956 to 59.
THE ANCHOR." Thurs., Feb.. 15, 1968
By Dorothy Mi tcheIn Eastman
If you were asked to draw up a men tal picture of the perfect retreat master for high school and oollegestudents, you might s'ay he should be young, brilliant, sincere but casual and above ,all, in rapport with the young generatioo. What you would have, then, would be a description of Father William J. Brooks, OM!. For obvious real.lons he is a retreat master who is much in demand. Father Brooks has conducted re treats for sttldents at Coyle
111 ._~
.Stud~mJtrs Attend Search Retreat PHILADELPHIA (NC)-More than 400 students from 30 local high schools have participated in 11 weekend "Search" retreat programs this year, according to Father John Nevins,' "Search" coordinator. "Searches" 'differ from ordi nary spiritual retreats in that the emphasis is placed on dis cussiQns led by young adults un der the general supervision of a priest-spiritual director. Broth ers, Sisters and seminarians have also participated in the "Search" weekend discussions. Students from 16 area colle,::cs have served as leaders of the "Search" discussions, which wpre originally intended for high school seniors. Juniors in high school have since been admittelll to the program.
and Cassidy High Schools in Taunton this'year and for stu dents at BishQp Stang High School last. year. The Oblate Fathers Novitiate in Tewksbury is home base for the sHm, good-looking priest, who seems much younger than his 34 years. Resting for a moment at the end of a two-day retreat at Coyle, he stretched back in his chair and recalled some of the highlights of the retreat. Just a few moments before he had cel ebrated Mass and the auditori um had rung with the voices of !Fve'si m~l1DIMl®mlO~(QJ~ the student body singing "Shout MeetBIi1l@ QUi) C®~~COJmJ from the Highest Mountain." "During one of the confer COLOMBO (NC) - For the ences yesterday the microphone first time in the Church's his went dead and I really had to tory in Ceylon, Catholics, An shout from the highest moun glicans, Baptists, Methodists and tain," he grinned. ' Presbyterians held a joinll Dead mikes are bhe kind of pra~'er service in S1. Lucy's thing that' he obviously cilll take Catholic cathedral here. RETREAT MASS: Barbara 0' Brien, a student at Bish in his stride after six years as op Oassidy High School Taunton, brings the wine and water In a sermon at the service. retreat master and East Coast Thomas Cardinal Cooray, O.M.I.. to the altar during the Offertory procession. recruiter for t.he Oblates of of Colombo reminded the con Mary.. . gregation that the Second Vat Previous to this he was conagers are rebelling against go ing' to the God of their child ican Cou,ncil had suggested fessQr at the Shrine f)f the Im- ing to Mass and' the sacraments hQod, he wondered. there should be a dialogue ~ maculate COl'lception I in, ,.wpsh.,. ,are aware of the currellt teach .. "Parents' m4st be willing' to love, a dialogue ofassociatiollp ingt~n, D. C. , .' . 'ing apprQilches, to the Ma'sS' and a 'coming together at the humaIm take' .upon themselves the re . ':pte main .thellle. of F.ather. sacraments? The sacraments are sponsibility, the, awes'ome re level. . Brooks' retreat, for ;the Coyle'. not ' spiritual IBM machines, sponsibility, . of learnillg more·
boys was. the conimumir diinen-: ~hey are' processes of growth' about their faith. This is some" sion of Christianity. In seven _ anq instruments .¢ , freedom," thing'! 'consider' absol~telY es- . conferences he' stressed .the need' ',he said; "
sential;~ , f.or .positive C.hrir;tianity ~ con-.: .."If. these parents ,are really
He looked at· his' watch. He cern for the needs and salvation' concerned they'll ,be doing a ', .. " . : great deal of reading in Catholic was due at Bos.ton College. in an ·of Qthers: Each conference Was' followed newspapers, magazines and cur- hour for a class in guidance aild counseling in the graduate seooI. ·by group discussions in home- rent books. They'll. find matePer AnnUM Some of the Brothers and stu rooms. rial 'tQ help them discuss these Ask about Is Optimistie th:ings 'intelligently with their . dents came over tO'say goodbye and thank him for' two wonder Surely" a'ft,er speakin'g' to children and' help lessen the ful days. INVESTMENT , thousands of teenagers on high ' cQmmunication gap between the SAVINGS schooi and college' campu'ses, generations." ' Father Brookl; has some v<lluAre parents con<;er'ned enp~gh, Dedicate Project CERTIFICATES able' insights ..on the younger 'do they have faith enough to generation. ,.,... '" , t r y to continually' grow in, their NEW YORK (NC)~Archbish- SAFETY - Savings insured safe by al "I'm trel1lendously optimistic life in Christ or are they clingop John J. Maguire, administra agency of the U. S. Government. about the' YOUilg' people of to- . t.or of the New York archdioAVAILABILITY - No notice reQuiroo. ·day," he said leaning fQi'wa~' • '. cese, helped' dedicate a new over the desk. "I feel very hOPe-Pittsburgh Engages _ ~oderate income housing devel Your funds available when needed. ful .about th.is: iEmer;Hion.'~ . Plann'ing Consultant opment here. The project, SAVE by MAIL - We process promptl!7 "People fail to realize there's . , known as Haven' Plaza Apart and pay postage both ways. always a much larger percentage ptttIsTbTU~gBhUDRGl'oHcese(NhCa)s hl'reTdhea m.ents, i~ 'the' £.i.rst., Of, its kind of sheep than shepherds .in any .s.sets over $41,000,000 age group, and it's true of 'this . 40-year.,.0Id former anti-poverty In the .N:ortheast to receive 2 one, too. There are many young' official to serve ,as Bishop John federal. rent supplement for people .who are conforming J. Wright~s .special assistant for low-income tenants.. blindly. But there is leadership, J,>l'anning and renewal. S':'ving~ and Loon Associatiolll among' today's youngsters in ,Kie'rnan F. 'Stenson had been thei'r spirit' of non-acceptance, .assi9tant director of the ci,ty's W"'it~'s Farm Dairy. in the right sense of the word. anti-poverty agency, deputy ex There isa refusal to accept what .ecutive director of ACTION "SPECIAL MILK u;1fortunately is' 'often shallow housing agency and a' consultant ~-~-"-""'---------~ 'From Our' Own or hypocritica1." " . on urban problems with the ,rfirsl federal Savings .. Loan Assa. q '.1 lIerth Main St., fall River. Mass. q "What about the gl'eat interest U. S. Office of Economic Oppol' Tested Herd"
: ;rip: 02722 Phone 674·4661 ~ in the Indian 'spiritual teacher tunity and the U. S. Department Acushnet, Mass. 993-4457
of transcendental 'meditation, of Labor. : Please open a savings account. Enclosed ~ , Is a check In the amount of S _ q Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?','. His new job will involve co• Special Milk "I certainly think that this is ordinated studies of demo : 0 Individual Account 0 Joint Accounl ~ • Homo~,enized Vito D Milk a sign that the youngst'ers are graphic pa-ttenls, legislation and , Name(s), • Buttermilk seeking deeper spiritual values. public and private plans ·se. that • Tropicana Orange Juice , _ .._.__. _ - - - - - _ --_ _ - - q Maharishi is making a most he can advise diocesan officials , Address __ q • Coffee and Choc. Milk , d Christian statement on spiritual of their future needs and help : Make application by phone if vou wish. ~ • Eggs Butter awareness." . plan for them.
Could the young priest who
has his ear to the heartbeat of OOOOOOOOOO00OOOOOOOOOOO ilIIIIIIIIIIII III II II III I111111I11111111111 II II IIII I11111 II III I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII II III 1II11111111111D~ the restless generation give any advice to their parents? § We § He was eager to offer his ad vice. "Parents need to have a basic attitude of understanding. They must realize that the sense CLAMS of absolutes the older generation has always had is just not pres OYSTERS
. ent in youth' today. Today's o QUAHOGS
young people arc nf)t looking for the safe and secure system. • 365, NORTH FRONT STREETll NEW BEDFORD The fear of God approach just won't do any more." § UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Tel. 997-9358 ~ 992-5534 "How many parents who are so concerne!i because thei'r teen- OOOOOoooooonooooooooooo .ftJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111 III11I1I1KIIIIIIIIIIUlllll1l11ll1lnlllllllllllllll:JlIIllIIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIl1 IIIlUmlllll~
Higher Ea'rr;n'gs
, ,
DEBROSS OILg co. HeatiWi1g' Oils
and Burners 8
~ ~
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 15, 1968
The Parish Parade ~'lI.'. MARGARET, ~"T. KllLIAN, BUZZARDS BAY NEW BlEDFOllU[]) The Women's Guild will con 88. Margaret-Mary Guild will duct a 'cake sale on Sunday, Feb. sponsor a public whist party at 18 in the school on Earle Street. 8 Saturday ni'ght, Feb. 24 at The sale will be held after all St. Margaret's Kindergarten the Masses starting with the . hall. Twenty baptismal robes 8 o'clock. have been presented to the par- ' Donors of cakes are asked to ish by members for use at bap eon tact Mrs. William j. Richard tism ceremonies. j f they wish their donations to The next guild meeting will be picked up or they may bring be held at 7:30 Wednesday them to the school before the night, March 6 at an East Ware sale: ham supermarket. It will fea J! . ture 'a' meatcutting demonstra HOLY NAME, tion. lFAI,.L RIV;ER . . The unit donated $100 to a The ,pans,h co~ci1. "!In meet . priests' health hostel in Michi at. 7:30 .to~lght in the rectoQ'.", gan and accepted an afghan do All., ,parIshioners . are welcome· 'nated by Mrs._ Wiiliam 'Scholl to a~.tend., . . ' " for a future fund-raising project. Contemporary mUSIC Will, ,ac~ " Members heard an address by eomp~I1Y ,the 8:30. Mass Sundlly Miss Jean Sullivan on CC:D~ mornmg, Feb. 18. .. work with retarded children. As of Feb. 11, n~ offering. 18 t:o The unit's executive board be" ~ade at the time a ChIld IS meeting will be held Tuesday, F'J[RST IN NA'.rIA"loN? • Mrs. baI)tIzed.. . ' Feb. 27 at the home of Mrs. 'U' The second program in a An' 'Eld'd Robert King w'ho has l...~en Christian Living Series will be me rl ge. , ,. ~ held at 8 Tuesday night, Feb. 20. name~ one of two lay trusA discussion. of a 30-minute . ST. JOAN OF ARC, tees of St. Bern:ird's parish, filrri, '''The Detached AmericanS," '::ORLEANS Stewartville, Minn., by Bish wilf 'be .led by Sister Johll,' '.. Tick,ets, are now available for 'Edward .A. F'itzgerald of Alid'a, S:U.S.C: of Sacred Hearts' 'a parish-sponsored St. Patrick's Win,)na, may be the first Addemy~' . ' I Day dinner dance, to be held . THe'third program. in the ~. ',from 7:30 to midnight Saturday w{)man'appointed to such a ries; 's'cheduled for the same 'nigh-t, March 16 at the Lobster position in the, ·U.S. NC time Tuesday, F"eb. 27, will fea-', I. Poo~,o,n ~ute,6, North Eastham., PhotQ.,
ture'li' panel discussion of con;";' The b'uffet dinner will be served .,'"
temporary"moral probllmui "fronl 7:30 to 8. Tickets are ob'. • •
the ~fierds of medicine,'marriage, 'tainable from S1. . Joan of Arc poliHcs and law. A question" Rectory· 'and from Mrs. Henry' ' .', . , ' . ,
periOd will follow the panel. '.':~hambers and members of her' Cur~»s
Tl1e'''sei'ies is held at Holy' "committee,' , " . , .', . . .... Name' Schtlol on' Pearce Street' " . ,. MEXICO CITY (NC)-When and is open to non-parishioners.' .HOLY TRINITY, 'Mexico had 20 'million peOple a Tickets will be available at' tb.eWEST .BARWICH . ~w y,~ars ago, food ,iimports were door,·' . draining 'its econollny, yet to Women's Guild members eaThe . Parem-TeachersGuild day,' 'With a' population 'of 40 joyed a wig' and hairstyle sb.(J>w will sponsor a square dance at millio.n and unexploitecl at 'their monthly meeting, with 8:30 on Friday night. Feb. ·23 in lands, ~ Mexico feeds. its people Mrs. Robert McConnell heading ,the· church hall. Proceeds- wiH' and' in addition exp.l>rts food. a large arrangements committee;· go towards the school- library Thu: is'one of th,e argumenu fund. OUR lLADY OF ANGELS, Tickets may be obtained froin Dr. Hene Roo Jm~sents in a 1'4,LL RIVER ' the parents of the school chil- series of articles in tbe magazine (fhildren of Mary will hold a dren or from· Arthur Frost Vocero opposing birth control ea~~ sale following all Masses (4..~-~575) or .~. ,Shaw measures here. , Sunday, Feb. 18. A malassadla (432-0569). Dr. :~oo' also critiCized the in su~per and dance are slated for Eddie Vieira of New Bedford, creased commE!rciai /publicity Sa~l,lrday night, ,Feb. 24. Malasprofessional caller, will direct for piUs and '(Other contracep saaas will be served from . 6 ,-to .,-the dancing; " ' .\ tiYeS. "We are 'planning·"bestial 8 ahd dancing will be fro*o:'I"': . '. instincts, not· "parenth09d," he to . 'midnight. wrote, adding, that indiScriininate Mass will be celebrated at 7 . birth cl>ntrofdestroy:; the family Asl;i' Wednesday morning,' Feb. '. '. . . arid is an insult to God:. '. . 28,: at 4 in the afternoon and at 'Accordingto ~eCE!nttal~gis., at night, with sermon and distry off::ce of Mexieo City,·birt·bs NEW ORLEANS (NC)-8up-' trib u ti on 0 f ,as h es.. exceed deaths. here by a ratio J)<!rt for aid to nonpublic scAool children must begin on a grass- 0:( two to one. ST, STANISLAUS: roots' level, a national board. Acco:1ding to ~the l~egistry of FALL RIVER Acolytes will sponsor a public me'\llber of Citizens for Edul;a- fice, the birth control pill is' not doi ng much to CUit down the wl)iSif; at 7:30 Saturday night. tional Freedom said here. Ivan E. Zylstra, administrator population increase ill this cap Feb. / 17 in the parish hall on of government relations f6r 1Ibe i-tal cit)'. " R«kkland Street. National Union' of, Christian Adding to this. 'g!'owth is • SANTO CHRISTO, Schoois in Grand Rapids, Mich., ,~onthl)' average of' 5,000 new- Fi\.LL'RIVER stressed that "government in its comers from other p.arts of the A malasada supper and penny own initiative does not enact country, sale will be sponsored in the education legislation." chlj,rcl:I hall on Columbia Street "The government gets its dy We:dnesday evening, Feb. %1. namic drive from interest groups Resel'ves to ,H4tnn~r Supper will be served from S to • .... By failing to organize ef:' 8 ~ild the penny sale will follow. fective interest groups to WASIUNGTQN (NCr - The TiCkets will be 'available at the sent' our children, we only invite late frcmcis ,Ca'rdinii! Spellman door or from: commit'tee 'mem "and'make possible a disci-imina 00;. New York will be honoi'ed be~s. Supper chairmen are Mrs: ' tio~: against them," he said~ '. by the'Re~erv~'-oHi(:ers AssG Sarah ' Sousa· - and Mrs. Mary Zylstra described Citizens for. ciati~n at its inid-W:lnter oon Capeceiras; in charge of the side are' Mrs. Amelia Mendonca and Ed.l:!cational Freedom as "a group' ference here on Feb. l!3. composed of parents who are MrF' Mary M."Pereira. " ~OA will :qtak,e a p'l>st!lumous ,committed ~. educating their presentation ,.of its "Minute 'Man ehildren according to the dic Hall of Fame" award to Cardi ;. .'~ . l.. . .tates of their. hearts." nal Spej~lman in recognition of . "Although parents are given his 28 yt:ars of work News'$tter . military , I : , . tb{ constitutional right of send vicar of the U. S. Arm,ed Forces. ~HICAGO (NC)-The Chica inl{ their children to independent go; 'Voice, a newsletter to. pro mote Christian public opinion schools," he said, "their children in ithe Chicago archdiocese, will are'· deprived of all public edu publish its first issue Feb. 5. It cation benefits. They are cut off from tax funds provided by all wi~l be issued 20 times a year. ONE STOP . :qernard Lyons,' editor, said taxpayers for the education of SH,OPPING .CIENTER all children. thei newsletter will pr:omote di "Such a p'enalty, imposed on alogue on archdiocesan topics. .• Tele'fisiol'i • Gmcerv the exercise of a constitutional Itivill ron reports and evalua • Applliances • !Furniture right, is an economic compulsion ations on archdiocesan and par 104 AII,en St., New I!edford, ist( programs, and will cover to conform to the state-estab lished orthodoxy in tile 11hiags soc~al concerns of the Chicago 997-9354 gommunity, he· said. of mind and spirit.-,
U'ThankYou for the Jolt t" .' People of-ten ask me, "What sort of reaction dO ,you get, from your advertising?" "Are you getting. your point across! These .are difficult questions to answer, for our success cannot be measured only in dollars and cents. It. is your, reaotion~d action that is our aim. The following letter sent to one of our Diocesan Directors is a g0oc,i example of what I mean: "Dear' Father: WE DON'T lLIKE THE PICTURES YOU USE lFOR YOUR ADVERTISING. it was the one jarring', unpleasant note to Ule festive Christmas season. Isn't Christmas. alter aID, a time of JOY, tinsel, lights and cQlors? Because we have a bit more mone,. this year than ever before, we made our apartment ready for the season-a bigger tree and, therefore, we .could buy more G»rnaments: Lights in the window this 'year- just like every: body: else, and I even purchased a $5.00 wall hanging of an angeL
JOLT! -And God forgive us.
husband said that, from now on" we, no longer go 'along with this' business of exchanging gifts at Christmas time; Be said how wonderful it would be if' everyone, instead· of exchanging .,gifts, were to take whatever,. money they would ,have spent and iIIonate it to a worthy cause. From now on that wonderful thought of his is' gomg to be our policy. Our contribution to TheSocietJ'''' for' the Propagation "of the FaIth is the, result of a very uneasy . conscience .and a" new 'undersianding .G)f 'what Christmas IS REALLY ALLABOUT.~ .. - My
,Ph'rslclan Hits.'
is a letter like this a laural wreath on our efforts! Be
cause it eOluirms that the words, "SALVATION AND SERVICE,· are Dot_iust a slogan. They. belong to you-all of you-the Church! There must 'be a conscious "why" behind every human .act. The missionary in the iield can tell' you why be is' there. HisYef7 presence is a sign to the people .among whom he works. But for every missionary. in the .field there are anywhere from one to several hundred "missionaries" at home for whom be is theslga, 0( their service to their fellow man.' .
.We ,we as repelled .by. pictures of destitu&n aacl pover~J' ~ ;)"011 ,are, .Weshow them to awaken ,~' s,lum~erini' afiIi:aen~':~. " this. land. ~the condition. of,their b~~e,s; ..the, other, two-~_ 01 the ~orld. Because they are '.'unde~rl!ileged" does not .m~ . th;lt ,God. h~ ~I~d ,them-iLmeans that w~"bave fail~ to be eo-missionaries with Christ. for ,it is only. through us that tile ' m~ion of' Christ on earth. ean be ~~pleted.· .' . .'. ..
Urge Grassroots'
. The ~pirit'pf .thisletter is the spi~it.il.. which, so 'm~ny older :paople selld us sacrifices from .their pension, c,hecks;so many :chi1 ,dren give carnivals to raise money for. ~he PD9r; so many ordinary 'everyday people deny themselves little unneCessary luxuries to 'buy the necessities of life for their br9thers in mission lands. .Join them-your action speaks louder than our words.
PupilAid, Effort
SALVATION and SERVICE 'are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. 'Please cut out this column. and sead you offering to right Reverend Edward T. O'Meam, Na tional Director. 366 Fifth Avenue,' New York, N.Y. 10001, or dfreetly to your local Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. lOG)nsidine, 368 North Main .Street, Fall River, MassaehuseUs
,821%0. '
repre Card,ina' 'Spellman
pians PUbiicQtion Of
Baked by your Sunbeam Baker
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 15, 1968
Baltimore Priest Says Race Riots futile, fatal
Minister PIi"CB$GS Macao Pwelate's Anti-Red Stand
BALTIMORE (NC)-Fa ther Henry J .. Offer, S.S.J., director of ,the Baltimore archdiocesan urban commis sion, called racial unre8lt the "crisis of the city," and declared that riots and insurrection are both futile and fatal. F'ather Offer urged partici pants at a joint workshop on problems of poverty and racial justice, conducted by the Mary land State Council, Knights of Columbus, and the Menorah Lodge, B'nai B'rith, at St. Jo seph 'Spiritual Center here, to "learn the situations and the causes" and to "follow good will with action." Father Earl Keating, C.P., di rector of St. Joseph's center, planned the workshop at which 20 members of each organization explored ways of working to gether to help solve community problems. Problem lor All Other workshop speakers In cluded Rabbi Israel Goldman vice chairman of the Maryland human relations commission; Dr. M.D. Gilligan, Knights' state deputy, and Parran Mitchell, di 'rector of the Ba},tjmore Commu nity Action Agency. Rabbi -Goldman said that ra cial justice, like poverty, is a problem for all men. The challenge today, he said, is a "quest for ethical values" in which men must draw upon rthe precepts of Christianity and of Judaism to solve the problems of racial unrest. The rabbi called on the mem bers of both organizations to "make our religious convictions relevant to the problems of the day-to transform the world."
Parish' Council Continued from Page One tion) that will have their coun terparts in each parish, parishes have been urged to establish other committees, such as fi nances, services, liturgy. Each parish council will have elected as well as appointed del egates, with the number depend ing upon the size of each parish. Each parish council will also have representation from any religious community within its boundaries (Sisters or Brothers). The bishop acknowledged that some of the councils, because of the attitude of pastors, will be "only paper councils," that is, existing only on paper and not operative in fact. But, he added, "I pray God that the number of parishes where this will be .the case will be few."
Top Honors Continued from Page One are fighting the battle of words. Results are. what count. We are making no claims publicly but you can be sure we'll be close, at least, when the fi~al' tally' is in. That's as much as I want to say now,'" he conclud'ed. Renewal in the church led many pastors throughout the entire diocese to dwell upon the ,necessity of Catholic Adult Edu eation in depth in sermon's' at last Sunday's Masses when they urged increased subscriptions for The Anchor. ' Envelopes for ne~ and newal subscriptions ~hould be dropped in the baskef at Masses ~xt Sunday. i
Getting Close
WASHINGTON (NC) - om , eials at the University of Notre Dame say they are w'ithin scor ing distance of their $52 million tund raising BoaL
HONG KONG (NC)-Ad miration for the stand taken by Bishop P.aulo Tavares of Macao against the bulldozing
COWBOY BISHOP: Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia, 43, of Ohiapas, Mexico left some times called the "Cowboy Bishop" because he travels his ~5,000-square-mile'di~e on horseback, vis.ited recently with, Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco. Bish op Garcia was in California to meet volunte ers to help him in his far-flung diocese. NC Photo.
Mother Advises Serious Ailsw~rs, Fun As Help to Growing Children CINCINNATI (NC)-A mother of seven who leciures and' writes books to aid dads and moms survive the years of rearing their, bewildering off-spring, counseled here, "if you think you can make children good, you're making a terrible mistake." Mrs. Mary Newland of Monson, Mass., who lectured here befure some 1,500 persons, said of ' ,, parenthood bus' . -. k"theb twhole problems of today s youngsters malaise among them living toe llness IS, ns y, u ~ou was the "affluence of our society soft a life," she said. reaI y CIaIl t do anythmg -the lack of struggle." Mrs. Newland, whose own more than give it a good Have Fun seven children range in age from
try ."
Speak Freely ''The struggle with faith isn't buried as" it used to be," she said, "because the youngsters are more articulate today. They speak more freely and honestly. Their alarm clock seems to have been set ahead, and the real cri';" , sis of fai,th occurs now before they go to college." "I believe they're actually go ing through a dark night when this happens/, Mrs.' Newland said, "but the truth is they don't really know what is happening to them. It's as much a crisis of immaturity as anything." 'Crisis But while It represents a nor mal stage in a child's maturing, , it is a crisis, and Mrs. Newland guessed that "u lot of. young people are walking out of the Church because they're not get ting serious answers to ,their serious, questions." Pastors and parents who simply say, "Shush," or who do nothing more than appeal to "old loyalties" are failing to meet the needs of young people, she said. Part of the problem, she said, is ,"a certain naivete" which leads youngsters to "expect too much. "They expect everybody to be _ a 'roaring saint," she declared. At the same time, she' added, "they do have a legitimate gripe, for' they're asked to take an aw fully tough stand for themselves on such things as honor, integ rity, and ,chastity by a lot of people who' are mediocre." - ., Although. she usually refuses to give advice or spell out form ulas for parents, Mrs. Newland declared: "There is one thing adults can do, and that's not to talk so much but to be the thing that young people are looking :!lor, and !De able to ride out the crisis. The adult must see that he has an adventure with God that is his own, and must allow' the child to have his." Another factor cited by Mrs. Newland as complicating the
"Our youngsters don't have the astringents of economic struggle in their lives. They have to find'their own discipline, and this is harder. There's a kind of
23 to 14, said she was "appalled at how many parents don't have fun with their children, don't enjoy them, constantly yell and shriek at them,"
tactics of the communists was praised here by a Protestant leader from New Zealand. Following a brief visit tl» Macao during a stopover iJIl Hong Kong, the Rev. ROIll O'Grady, head of the Council of Churches in New Zealand, said that Bishop Tavares told the communists, in effect, "that he'd see the Catholic schools burned before he would surrender them , and I could see that he meant what he said." The Protestant clergymen, Q member of the Disciples of Christ, was en route to the as sembly of the East Asia Confer-', ence in Bangkok, Thailand. Voice of Povefty Commenting on what he called the present "excessive" quiet of Macao, he said. "The only thing that speaks loudly there is the voice of poverty-the need of the people for work and a chance to stop living from. dol lar to dollar. And some of them don't even have the dollar!" He was impressed, however, by what was being done, witb very Httle, to help the people and the amount of activity Bish op Tav,ares is promoting "im spite of everything," not only in c;lre of the aged and indigent but in providing educational and social center facilities for more than 20,000 young ,people. "Education is obviously the ,key to the future in Macao," he said. "If the communists can't control the schools they'll get nowhere!"
with a
A Calcinator Cas Incinerator eliminates messy garbage pails and the nuisance of daily trips outdoors with trash in all ' kinds of weather. It is smokeless, odorless. automatic and foolproof. Simple aad inexpensive to operate. Buy one now and save. BUY NOW and SAVE
Intern.c:a.t:~,8ev~n'.eSetyi.ce, .;:Tells <.
.THE ANCHOR-DioCese of fa.nJRiy,r-Thun~·Feb.:15/1968 .. .
' , . .... _.. ';i
.~, ~
:;,.-. ::
i :,':'
~~;riest Tells Clergy: :Conf~r~nce
Where' the Money': Comes F'rom:;·
'. Alcohol ism Triple Sickness 'NEW YORK (NC) - A priest use by those suffering from the defined alcoholism as a triple effects of the disease through sickness "of body, of mind and utilization of community organ soul" before an all-day Clergy ization processes; to educate the Conference on Alcoholism at professional and lay community to the disease concept of alco..; the Carnegie International Cen holism, 'and to secure coopera 'ter here. . Father John C. Ford, S.J., of tion of the professional commu Weston College, asserted that nity in treatment of alcoholism. The purpose of the clergy "fundamental to any discussion of the education of the clergy conference was to generate a' men on alcoholism is a sickness new awareness and in increased or a moral problem." concern by the clergy in alco The Jesuit, nationally known holism. The priest, as an inte Q6r his work in combatting alco gral part of the professional holism, was unable to attend the community, has a great contri , <l:onfetence, bu't his address was bution to make in alcoholism · read by Msgr. John M. McNa counseling. But, it was emphasized, the mara, director of St. John Vian day of merely taking·the pledge !ley Residence here. and praying, is past. The alco Th,e residence has been de · scribed as a pioneer effort of holic is a sick person and must be treated as such, it was point 'fue New' York archdiocese in lhelping alcoholic priests. It has ed 'out. lP'eculiar Blindness accommodations for nine resi Father Ford stated: "The cler ~' dents and access to medical and gyman's role will be a coopera psychiatric facilities of St. Vin tive one. He will' be part of a <cent's hospital. Father Ford and Dr. Vernelle team t!hat is helping the alco Fox, director of the Gregorian holic to find himself. He will not try to cure bodily and men -Clinic in Atlanta, Ga., who dis G:ussed "The Disease Concept of tal sickness with merely spiri Alcoholism," were the principal tual medicine." He reminded the clergy that · opeakers. ." . ,Explains Aims even in their own part, the spir ". Some 150 priests, ministe~s itual part, the grace of God will , and 'rabbis attended the session, play the most important role. , "Alcoholism is Characterized ·which was co-sponsored by the ·Committee of Religious Leaders . by a peculiar blindness. Nobody ·znd by the Alcolholism Commit ~an say where. psychology' leaves tee of the Community Council off and' divine grace steps in to cure this blindness. But as cler fIIJf Greater New York. The aims of the alcoholism gymen it is our task to prepare : program it was explained, are to the way for that grace, to re · increase treatment resources for .move the obstacles to it, and to alcoholics and their families; to bring the sick alcoholic closer to ·promote their fullest possible the God who loves him," he said.
Jersey Big Brothers Give · Award to Benedictine Sister.
COLLEGn~ PJRESHDEN'lI.': Dr. Robert W. Strickler, as sociate professor of educa .tion at the University of Notre Dame, has been ap pointed president, of M-ary mount College, Salina; Kan. He becomes the latest in a series of laymen named to head colleges formerly head I~ by members of Religious ,)rders ' and congregations which .operate the colleges. :~C Ph()to.
Apostolate ,IOostribl1llt<el$ Kit WASHINGTON (NC) -A kit (If materials for commemorating Cardinal Newman Week was cilistributed here by the National Newman Apostolate, U. S. Cath olic Conferencl~. The kit includes a sampling of programs from Newman Cen t4~rs across the country, a fact : siiteet with statistics on the New Dian organization since its be ginning 75 years ago, back ground information and reprints o:E articles and brochures on the Newman Apostolate. , The first Newman organiza tion was formed at the Univer sity, of Penns~'lvania in. 1893. T:xlay more. than 1,450 priests and 68 Sisters staff 320 New man centers in colleges across ,the country. It .is estimated that Catholics enrollied in secular ccUeges ...,.... the group directly served by the Newman Apostol ate--total more than 1,100,000 ,ar:d tQat, by 19E15 there will be 2,~100,OOO Catholic students in se::ular colleges,or some 80 per cellt. of .all.:Catholics in higher ed~catioil. '
ELIZABETH (NC) Big She 'believes in the boys who Brother is really a Sister. come' to her and figures it's beThe Big Brothers of Elizabeth,' cause she grew up in a family who annualy make Big Brothers of 12 children living in a small awards to men who have made house. · apecial impact on young people There never was, a time : in Elizabeth, this year presented when we were alone," she. said. · a special award to a Benedictine. "Besides my family, there were ,.: Sister. always other children in our She is Sister Scholastica, a home - Negro; Chinese, Puerto : 15fth and sixth. grade teacher at Rican, Cuban. · Blessed Sacrament School here. Sister spends a lot of her time · Sister Scholastica's interest in helping the boys who come to , voung people has taken her be - her 10 find jobs and housing. · ~ond the confines of her class She keeps in touch with them :- room and she has been working . and 'with their employerS. , with boys in trouble with the . One 23-year-old "has been off , police, .dope addicts, Negro ~ stuH for three months and· youths and children :who can't is holding a full-time job," Sis';: , ' , lIuite make the grade in school. ter beams proudly; . . . He went 'to St. Christopher's,', Boys come to Sister. Scholas .-: tiea :frorri all over the city. They Inn at. Graymoor, she noted, buL are youi;ig people from gramma~ "he had t~ kick 'cold tUrkey'tO:..: , IIChopl 'age up to ,the early 208. go. But he was determined and .:" . "Some,times," Sister Scholas-" he did it.".· "'. . tica ,told 1m interviewer, "they,'~. . .ent':, by' priests. But worQ : 81miaqs~ :quickly among the Jesuit ·Gets Highest ; junk'leliHind when they've found Honorary A~ard .~ .• frieiJd they' let others kIiow." : She,'~ec'~s that "one boy who' HANSCOM FIELD (NCl__A' : eam~ left saying, 'Sister, I'm·, Jesuit priest fl'Ol1l Boston COl · goi~g'.out and bring my friend.' : lege, received. the' highest Air '. He comes all the time now 'and Force honorary ciVilian ': bring~,a .different boy with him." in a ceremony at the headquar,. ." .:._ , Finds Jobs'ters of the U. S. Air "Foree Elee Si.ster embarked on her. spe- tronics Systems Division here.. ' cial' .apostolate three years a~o '. F~t.herMe,rr~~ .~ ..;Gl'~en.ed;.J, as a, volunteeJ; in Elizabeth's i receIved ,the :awa.rd .£orhis··ser..;:. elergy-organized Summer of ~ y-icesas civilian'auxiliary chap- , Service, a, program 'to cool ~ lain to the Air Force of Hanscom things down in the city after Field since September, 1952. · rioting had broken out. }'.'' . The, citati.on, signed by Air
'Force Secretary Harold Brown
t· States: "Father :Greene disin~ "
r ssocla Ion "guishedhims~lf in the develop. ,~ · COLUMBUS (N':) - Relgious: m~nt an,dgrow,t;h. of' the chapel ' ,,'tr;";ItJt·~"""., · broadc~sters assOC'lated wit h' program and chapel facilities.' "'-'
· CatholIc and Protestant organi His most significant accom' '.' : ~t~ons here have formed an .,.plish~en.t has been his personal · OhIO Association of Religious" ability to instill' illl hundi-eds of . . ' . . -,,' B~adcasters. The new group of military and their dependents : :. , : wIll sponsor ec~enical ~#orts 'a lPn~J:e love.of'G«i and. a:ded-:': : '; ~ fosterQ~nd .improve religious {cation .. 'and -cievotiOll'lO,·.. their" c-:~IEATn~G .~ prQgrammwg :In the state. OOWltry;" . .' ~
Fo m"A
WASHINGTON (NC)-"-Whne politicians, and others, are ask ing where the money ~es, the Internal Revenue service is tell ing the nation where the money comes from. From you and me. The IRS reveals.' that the $148.4. billion 'in taxes collected for 1967 was an autime high. It was $19.5 billion more than in 1966. And there were 105 million 'tax returns for 1967, up one million over the year before. Of the grand total, $69.4 billion, almost' one-half, were collected in individual income tax returns. Just about one-fourth of the total collected- $34.9 billion was collected in taxes paid by corporations. For the rest, $27 billion were' ,collected in employment taxes, $14.1 billion in excise taxes, and $3 billion in estate and gift taxes. With 1967 the first full year of operation for its automatic data processing (ADP) system, the IRS says more than 70 mil lion individual taxpayer ac counts and six million business accounts are now processed by computers. With A:DP' helping to process returns, the scrutiny of returns last year resulted in recommen dations that $3.3 billion in addi tional ta~es be assessed. It also resulted in an additional $190 million in refunds to taxpayers being recommended.
Altogether, $9.6' billion was refunded to taxpayers in 1967, .another high" which exceeded 1966 refunds by $2.3 billion. IRS said individual income tax show , the greatest increase both in the number and amount of refunds, and it attributed this, in part at least, to the ~ay, 1966, increase in withholding rates. Duplicate Refunds The ADP system' of IRS has been called one of the most complex data processing sys tems in the world. It must han dle hundreds of millions of transactions "with every proper regard for the,intricacies of laws and regulations, and sound accounting principles." The ADP system, the IRS re ports, makes i,t possible to . identify taxpayers who file 'more than one return requesting refunds. During the last fiscal year, .$4.8 million in duplicate refund requests were detected before refund action was taken. Judging from the the report, there is not as much duplicity in this duplicate request business as one might .be tempted to think. The IRS says many dupli 'cate returns are filed because taxpayers mistakenly file a re turn for each withholdin'g state 'inent received. . Others file a second return when they want'to inform IRS of a change in address, the re port s~ys.
Teachers, Parents Want Religious Education in Secular Schools The survey also showed that LONDON (NC) - The .vast majority' of teachers in this most parents firmly favor reli ..gious instruction for their chil country feel that religious edu cation should be continued in dren. Some 96 per cent want Christianity. the secular state Schools, ac cording to a survey conducted More than 1,700 parents from by P. R. May, lecturer in educa all social classes and occupation tion at Durham University. groups ,were questioned. Two-thirds of them think it Under present law, Christian should remain compulsory and religious instruction is a com only 3.7 per cent are against pulsory school subject in Britain. Christianity being taught at all. All schools are also required to Even if school worship were begin each day with a collective not compulsory, 78 per cent act of worship. would like it continued, accord About three-quarters of the ing to the preliminary conclu parents questioned in the survey sions of the survey. felt religious instruction should Mr. May's' reSearch involved be retained compulsorily. But if 2,615 teachers in 337 schools. the law were relaxed, more than '9() per cent would still "The .resuLts show. quite con elusively that the ,pressure to want .the schoOl to provide les sons in religion and 88 per cent ehange the law has ~ gener ated by_ good propagapda fr~ a would want .them to provide small min9rity. of humanis~" daily· worShip, according - to the he said. ' , , survey. '
Profess()rs. Clasli Po'litical Use "of . U niversity .Facilit'ies' SOUTI{ '''oRANGE
Seton- Han UniverSity bas . 'critiCiiled' .. the' faculty - and admiJiiStration "lOr Permittirig cariip\fS facifities'~ 'be. tIse~, 'for 'political' PUrPoses 'but another professor eOij.t~icte4')lim.:"" Dr:J'ooepb T.Skehari; chaIr man of the faculty senate,' ob-- jected to the use of rooms in the Bishop Dougherty Student Center for a-meeting to' consider the selection' of a successor ·to the retiring Democratic Parly chairman in Essex County.' lie said such use of 'the facil ities did" :C'agreat disservice' to the .reputation of 'the Catholic University of New 'Jersey' 'Whose top.administrators..·· are . 'prelates'" of" the' CathOlic Church." Auxiliary Bishop:'John ,.J. Dougherty:... of. Newark is president of Seton Hall., ..., •. .,.Ho:wever., .the .. uSe .of..campus facUities.. was .defended.; by D,r. Francis ,McQuade, .faculty. ,sen " ate parliaJ;tlen,tarian., McQuade ,.i8id be: ,h.ims~U, .bl.ci :made tbe
·\~.~ngements for the ~se. oft-.
rooms... '
,.. ;. ¥.e " sa~d
,~at, just like, ~y IQ,~h~r,ou~ide orga~izati()D•. ~e ,::p,~ocra~ ,paid ~e ,normal rep ~ in. this case '75 - ~or ..the : ~o~. I He noted..tb.at. the ,me~t
ing took. place after exams so ;,tb,ere ,were no stu~ents on cam pus.at the time and that last Fail three Republican affairs had been held in the student .center dining hall. ' .. , ~Dr. Skehan said that no om 'cial faculty body had approved use' of the university facilities ·."to.r this Ji!,ost.partisan ~f po!!t-, ical activities." But Dr. Me .Qua,de'!laid the, ~eeting, had .been advertised, prior to a ses 'siQD,- of 'the university. council '"n~ no.., objectioris., had' };leen '. ., . I , ,r~ised. ~ _," : Skeb~n sil1d hi$,st8teinent,~flS' .~9rmalJ)9tlfication "Qf _disasso ,~iatjQO ~f. ~he -,H:holarly commu.. ,n.i~Y.. .from ,;my pplit.ical :par:ty. .. :U~~,v~rs.i~y pfficJals,had DO COlD ment on his.. ~"'r'~"i .f ,,;.:i.
Name Speake'n For Convention·, Of Educators WASHINGTON (NC) The u.s. Commissioner of Education, Harold Howe n, will be one of the featured
Thurs., Feb. 15, 1968
A$k Fa irr Housing ~M~O[Ji)~ @)j Court WASHINGTON (NC) - The three major branches of Juda~ i"i ism have joined Catholic, Prot~ ,0, " I estant and Orthodox groups in , asking ,the U. S. SUl?reme Court to affirm fair housing as a con stitutional right. ! , In a friend-of-the-court brief supporting a suit brought by 1Il St. Louis couple, the Jewish groups said: "The stark truth is that, where housing is concerned, most Negroes in' America today are compelled to reside in de factc 1 concentration enclaves, with nc escape in prospect. "We submit," they said, "that 1 the right to life where one chooses, within the limits of economic inhospitality of others who enjoy the collateral right to VIETNAM CLlINlIC: Sister Clement and her nurse-assistant confer on proper medi move should they choose, is n right equally worthy of protec-~ cine to give patient at a clinic operated by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in Viet tion by this court." nam. Current guerrilla warfare has further strained efforts to meet the medical needs The brief was signed by the of the civilian population. NC Photo. rabbinates of Orthodox, Con~ servative and Reform bodies. fOUl' national Jewish service or ganizations, and 81 local Jewish councils. Within the past two weeks, 24 Catholic bishops, the Na tional Catholic Conference on LOUISVILLE (NC)-Bellar the cooperative college-semi young men studying for the Interracial Justice and the Na~ amine College and Ursuline nary program between Bellar priesthood in the Passionist tional Council of Churches have College here will merge by mine College and the Passionist community e'nrolling as fulltime filed briefs urging the Supreme June 1 and be known as Bellar Fathers will continue with members of the study body. ,Court to support open housing. mine-Ursuline College for a period of at least three years.
speakers at the 65th annual Na tional Catholic Educatiomil As sociation (NCEA), convention in San Francisco, April 15-18. About 12,000 delegates are ex pected at the convention, which will have as its theme "The Dimensions of Catholic Educa , tion in a Changing World." The NCEA is the nation's larg est Catholit;: school organization. This will be its first San Fran cisco convention in 20 years. Sessions will take place in the recently modernized Civic Audi torium and in three hotels. Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta will give the keynote address at the opening general session. Bishop Ernest J. Pri meau of Manchester, N.H., NCEA president-general, will preside. Archbishop J 0 s e p h T. Mc Gucken of San Francisco, con vention host, will offer a Pon tifical Mass for delegates follow ing the opening session. Bishop Timothy Manning of Fresno will preach. . ' General chairman of the con vention is Father Bernard A. Cummins, superintendent of schools for the San Francisco archdiocese. Separate Meetings Speakers for other ,general sessions include Father C. Albert Koob, O.Praem., NCEA execu tive secretary, and Dr. John I. The merger agreement was Goodlad, dean of the graduate reached at a joint meeting of school of education at the Uni . the boards of control of the two. versity of California at Los An The merged institution will be a y geles. Catholic coeducational' liberal About 200 separate' meetings arts college, sponsored by the dealing with topics ranging from Louisville archdiocese and sev elementary through graduate eral Religious communities. school education will be held "The agreement is general in during the convention. Individual meetings will be nature and will require sub held by each of the NCEA's stantial implementation and de tail and further agreement of seven departments: major sem inary, minor seminary, college the parties with respect to va and university, superintendents, rious proposals"--such as em and elementary, secondary and ployment of faculty and staff, educational facilities and assets, special education. the two boards stated. Auxiliary Bishop James A. Hickey of Saginaw, Mich., a Among points of agreement member of the Bishops' Com are: the charters of both col mittee on Priestly Formation, leges will be amended, but 'the will address a joint luncheon merged college will function meeting of the major and minor under the amended Bellarmine seminary departments. College charter, and for legal Clifton Fadiman, author and purposes will retain the corpor TV personality, will be the main ate title Bellarmine College. speaker at the school supervisors' The Bellarmine-Ursuline Col luncheon, which will be part of lege board of control will have ~e school superinten,dEmts' de as members both laymen and partment program. " representatives of the clergy of'
the Louisville archdiocese "and
the . Religious communit~es in-
, , ,'VQlved in the. college; the ad~,
"administrative· . organizational
8usi~g, CHICAGO (NC)-Th~ Cath~ ,structure will De revised. , \ ' llc Interraci~l Council (CIC) 01 . Student'Commitinebt to spec},;, Chicago has praised Jqhn Car"; ,fie' programs'~ st~dy will be . ,cHnal Cody for msannounce 'honored to' th~ ,e~tent possibl~; 'ment that archdiocesan schoolS faculty contiacts for the comhig will ' participate ip a'program' Summer' session' 'and academic to bus Negrochild'ren from year will be negotiated as soon' crowded inner-city schools' to as 'i>Oss~Dle, through, the prest less crowded schools in, the sub- 'dents of the ~xistirig colleges.' \lrbs. ~' - 'Permanent Site The controversial plan was first proposed w the public" Aft~ , June' i" Bella,qnine-, school board by Superfntendent ' Ursuline College will retain and James F. Redmond. 'n:was en make use of all the present as- dorsed by the interfaith' Chicago sets of Bellarmine College. The Conference on Religion and permanent site of the merged Race and Cardinal CodY. said the college 'be the pre!lent Bel,:, Catholic schools would' begin Q larmine campus, but the merged program in suport of and sim New flameless electric, clothes dryers, have special settings for per , college temporarily will use ilar to, the Redmond plan. ' manent or durable press clothes to get them hot enough to remove un elassrooms, office space and "Your announcement of'" residence, facilities for, women· wanted creases, produced an air flow that puffs the garments up to their Catholic school busing" program em the present Ursuline College 'original permanent pressed shaPe and cool-down that prev'ents any new and ,your support of th~ embat campus. tled proposed publie' sc~ool bus heat-set Wrinkles. ' " In the merged college, the ing program were timely and Franciscan Conventual Fathers; coUrageoUs acts," 1Ibe ,O)C state ~Appl;cinc:e who have been an integral part ment said. "They an: in the )Ughest Christian tratliUon oi Of Bellall'llline since its estab lishment in 1!)5() by the Louis the bishop as prophe~ leading )Us ,people to see the meaning G! archdiocese, will continue,
'~ De a significant factor. Also. - ;,;.,N..,H,,.....H.;....H,N..H.....:-,.;.H-...,.,<H;....._..,._...._..,.,:;,,·..·H,.·......,.....,ffl,w##-<..H...........,..,. IaWl ill \bek time." ,
Kentucky Colleges in Merger Agreement BeUarrmine-Ursuline Co-ed Liberal Arts
No Weather Worries When You Electric Clothes Dryer
Laud Archd'iocesan School
Call .YP4It
Deale,t, Or
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of 'Footl :River-irhufs. !F.eb. ~:5, ~'968
Church Officio:ls . I Alien .Agents' . '.
iSu,gg]i(§illU'ill (Cor~~~t~vtrJ .SC)fr(~:~S For ;,@ ~®@[fl)C@ ~«J0 :~ar@@fr®{ffiJ1
lBy lW8gl".George G. Higg,ms ~
Congressional h~arings have recent)y begun in the on the muoh cliscllssedquestion ,of so-called '''''green card" com.muters. These ,ane the tens ot thousands
(jjlf Mexican citizensliying along the border who have managed tQ .secure jobs in zens of jobs ,and from depress JEt Paso,Brownsville~.,san ing general wage scales ,and 1lJlliego, '::md other U.S. ,cities working conditions north .of .the ,and who commute every day, border. Of the several corrective
MINNEAPOLIS (NC)- GIl1V De Young,. :a self-professed atheist and anti-reli,gious writer, :Said here that the United States should- require registration :of ,all Roman Catholic Church lof tficialsas '~alien agents" :because .of their ,connection with the Vatican.
De Young was the center ,of a controveJ:SY in Duluth ,at .Ohristmas time because 'of .his successful but unpopular ,attempt . to bar holiday religious pro ,grams from the public schools. He made his request for regis-, .trationof .Catholic :officials whileappearingal a .coffee, house .here. He said he' would seek ihe aid -of the Minnesota Human Rights . Commission in promotio,gsuch' registration by requesting :a' "federal investigation 'of :.the· 'Church's ·activities.
Uleaving their homes in 'Mexico steps now ,under consideration, at least twodeserveimniediate t'm the morning andreturn1:ng in irnplementaillon: '. ~e evening at . 1) 'Tille use of "green ,card" ·ate end of a commuters as strike breakers dlay's labor. The must .be .stopped. A first .step in great majority this direction was taken last en these worker.s JWle when the Immigra1iiop and ',tD:!'e uneducated Naturalization :Service 'finally .13 Il'd unskilled. made .use ·of its authority-:tocon mecause the i r trol the' influx of commuters c:tandard of liv and to bar them. from taking. ¥ (!ar...O~d p(II tng in Mexico jobs in the U. S. at a -place ~>o so low and . where ;the Secratary .of iLabor ~Sch@o~ tcClc$@ 1Decause the y has .oertified that a 'labor dispute . MT. VERNON .(NC)-St. Vin 'a;an live more exists. cent H~gh School, w.hich has a:hea.ply in Review status Mexico at this depressed ,stand .operated .here in Ohio :since 1885, \willclose its ,doors for ,good ..in Clid, they are usuaHy willing to . Since this ruling does not. POPE~S VISllTORS: Pilgrims from Vietnam w:er-e wel ,work longer hours f()r iless pay cover "green card" ,commuters .JuD,e. ' (lhan U. S. citizens recei'V'e. . , already employed in the U. S., ·eorned by Pope Paul VI at an audience. The Pope's 'addres's Father Thomas Sabrey, pastor Even when they are protected and since its effective date is the to -the pilgrims included .a renewal of his plea to "those of 51. Vincent parisn, said the: .':\l)y law, they are often exploited' time of the Labor Department's . who rule over the ,destinies of thecomfl.icting parties (in 'consensus of pariShioners ,yoting, ',{\)eca-use of their ignorance ..of certification and n()t the' time 1(lietnam) to put an end to the horrors of war." NC Photo.• , Jan. 28 has been confirmed by !!&be ,English language !U1d of of the actual begioning .of .the the Parish Advisory 'Council. '0. S. customs and tradition and" labor dispute, and finally ,sirice
Robert Andoder, par ish . :]l)ecause 'of their fear ofheing: .the responsibility forimple
Council president, said the deci ilired at the drop' of a 'hat fO,f menting the directive is on .the.. sion was reached after a four ·,Wsubordination. would-be ."green card" ·com-:
month study by that council and The "green card" comriuiters. muter and not on the emploYeI' ;.)
C«l)[l'll{f«H'@Ifil~~ :Rep~«lJces lnOl\\.!l~(\JJm~i@nl .principals of the pariSh's ele ;ooine from the poorest and ''least' who wishes to hire him, it really mentary and high scho.ols. As :aileveloped sections of Mexic~: isn't very effective. O~ il.@U'~lfto Hea~hb PIUles]td!:enl' sisting'in the study was Msgi'. ''lr.h.ey are willing to risk ,exploi Hopefully, however, th'e s,e Bennett Applegate, Columbus tati()n in the United :States be loopholes ,can becorrecled, .and, DENVER (NC) -:- A national .ueatiQn from ,the University ,of d'i 0 c e san superintendent of 'c::ause of the persistent lack of when they are, we. will have cl)nference . on "G<>vernance in Denver in 1967. schools. employment in the northem begun to move in the right di American' Catholic Higher Edu ,lJtates of their own country. rection. cation" marked the inauguration , 2)' Secondly, I ' would also E~tend Poverty OJ: Sister Patrida Jean Manion
urge the enactment of a Bill Many of the current sugges
all the ninthpre,sident' of Loretto
(8.2:7.90) recent~y introduced :bY .1lions for assisting in the indus:"
-Heights College,. .trial development of the .border Se n 'at 0 r Edward .Kennedy The IConfereIlcer~p1aced the 'sectionsof Mexico Should be whiCh, in simple terms, 'would I aeriously investigated ;and, if' require the Secretary ,of Labor traditional formal inauguration I at the request :of SiSter 'PatriCia to re:view the .status of "green ;j1()und to .be 'viab1e, ,should be Jean. It 'brou,ght together some card" holder.severy six .months; ··1 oupported, to the greatest 'pes-! HIO participants: .from .27 states,' The reissuance of their green Oible extent,~ythe U.S. Go v el'l1ment .and:by U.S. industry. cards wO.uld -depend on ;whether incluclin.g71 college :!presidents,' collegebolird m.ember.s ;and ex
'. Neverlhe1ess,the poverty of or not their~ontinued .emplQY ,1lttese disadvantaged !Mexican '. ployment would "adver.se~y;affect pt!Tts in .the fiel'd ,of 'lii,gher edu
eitizensShotild not be :used as 'W.ages ,and' wDrkingconditions cation.
of workers in the 1:Tnited :States
excuse for ,extending :poverly 'They discussed major :aspectli. i
Illnd priv.a1liQnacrossthe ';h<ilrder similarly employed:" ,of .boards :OfCOlltrol .at \catholic...... I
'T<here is no doubt ,about ifue ,blto the United ,States.. [JJ'n$(j)rlu ,.colleges .and universities .a.nd re- . flaa te~y, bowe;ver, this ,is 'what .is. fact that :the. w.ages ;and 'working ,cent and- future changes in such
Ilnappeni.ng .at .the present:time.' conditions of thousands ,0:£ control. .
On Sept. :22, 1967., :Secretary American .citizens :along :the ·hor
!M Labor WdllardW. WJiditz, ift del' :are ):/,ery definitely !being . \I])r. Fr.ancis Kerins .ar. :Loretto
adv,ersely affected at lthe :!pres- . H:~ughts, local ,chairman ,of too .\
(\Iiscussio,g the ",green ,card'" .fl)robllem, :stated':"'l"here .'~'!I()' ent time ,by the .iinflux ·of "jgxeen eO::lferen~, wd it was ,held.at I
a :Wne '''whenuldependent 001- .1 doubt that .8 :serious ,dimeu}ty 'card" ,commuters. ilel~es .and ·univ:er.sitiesare (exa1lllI 'Ilaasexistedfor .MeXlieans ,and 'Thus :the enaclmenf:and ,etfec has' oexeI1ted an .ad\VIerse ,effect ,en ~-YeadlDinistr.ationof :Senator iriing' theirgOYel::nanee ,and used I llhe wages andworki:D;g (cGn~U K-enuedy~s Bill w.ould ibe .another .th4~ occasion of Sister .iP.atrici81 .!
J.ean's inau,gura1J.0ill 'to :provide' .j ti-ons ,(ilf \11.. ,5. w:orkers. 5lIDle Step in the ri,ght ,drr.ec.tion. mE'aningfu1serv:iee·.to :higher ed- I llIleasure '.ofrelief .ils :needed ['Il thepr.esent :Sad ;Situation HOME lMPtROVEMENT LOANS ·ucation· in 'kee;\)ingwith her '/pI·omptly." ;the .obvious iloser.s are :the iW:ork
wiHhesandphiloSQphy;" i . I n referring to the :co~uters ,erg ;themselves~ whether they ibe ,. lp,ERSONM iLOANS i ·tbemse1ves, ithe .'Secretaly p@int Hr. E.arl J.. ,M<:Grath, director I Mexican nationals ;01' :MeJcican- .
ced eut .that":by :our :s:taDd~trds" American citizens..As ,citizens ·of . .of the .Institute ~()f Hig.her Edu- I,
• VACAT.ION il:OAN.s they are l~plolted in nobs pay
cation, .Co1umbia University, ! the most .affluent sociew 'in .the mg less Jlihan .a iliving~age '10 w.orld, we must do ;everything wa; . national chairman .of tbe. GNE 'STOP 'COMPLETE lBANKING SERY:ICE "'TANY Ame.rJcan<wolikers." we can to assist the form~, ·hut cOI.ference rand SI~lWed ,as ,a sem
Depress M'.lI,ge :S.caies not .at the expense of the latter. inar leader.
Of ~OUR :6 ·HANDY 'B:6~KS
Admittedly·the ",green tearer' J:nconciusion, it .should ,also At a luncheon,SisterP.atricia
problemds ,diffJ.eult and I!lom :benoted, . for the record, ';that J~an was presented as the ninth
,DRJVE-IN SERVICE AT ALL ,BANKS plex. 'The .cities :that have . gr():wn U.:S. ,efforts io .solvethe "green ·pr.~sident of Loretto :Heigbts up on either ,side .of the lborder card" problem ,are not dir.ected .College by Dr. Dixon under s~x :CONVENIIENTL'Y ,LO,CATED :BANKS ar;'e tied :to ,eacb other ,eCGDOm at the -commuters themselves but wh,)m she .served asa fellowiin
icall-y in many w.ays, rand no only at thealiuses involved in acaiemicadmiriiBtration .at An
serious person suggests 'that ·the the present ,commuter system. tio<h College in 19.65",,66,
border be closed. If 'the green :carders desire to
Archbishop James V.Casey 'of Nevertheless -a way must be take out American citizenship e • ' , ' I · fuund ro prevent alien workers and become permanent residents Denver celebrated a Pontifical 'i . .' . ' . . ". , . . r, " Ma~:s forfacultyan~ students .. hom depriving America~citi- of the United States: they will " '" . '. ' ! " ',. ~ . • . " . '. in 1he :college ,chap.el. be more :than welcome.
Appe@~~ ~@[i' Aid S.'ster Patricia Jean, 42, a
IN ,NEW BIEDfO'RD Or, if :they 'prefertoretain MUENSTER (NC) -'- Bishep . their Mexican ,citizenship, -they foiro.er r.~porter for .the St. Louis SOUTHBANK-.:CoveSt. 'at Rodnev .French Boule.yard will still be welcome to come Glo')e-Democrat, is the youngest .Josef Hoeffner cif Muenster . WEST BANK~Kempton Street atMiilStreet
nun to serve 'as president of Lo to the U, S, as daily commuters ealled on the Catholics of his '..LUND'S ,CORNER ,BANK-A\l:ushnetAve. neaa'Lu.na~s·.Corner diocese to' donate money for. so long as they do not compete rettl) Heights College. She was
unfairly with U.:S. workers by 'born in St. Louis, was graduated Catholic-sponsored projects in IDARJMO.UTIH .BANK~Darimouth Street :near :Rockddle AYe. Scandinavia. Institutions for the signing on as strike breakers or 'from Webster College, and took ,'NORTH 'BANK-'AcushnetAve. at Coffin Ave.
vows in the Con,gregation of the by agreeing. ,to work for :sub training of laymen, ronV:ents•. Sistl:rs of 'Loretto in 1948. She
;CENT.ER .BANK....,Pur.chase ,and William ,Sis.
and libraries will receive 1lllo!rt standard wages under substand . received her Ph.D.. in higher ed-
ard conditions.' <k the fwd&.
'Head!) .Me,et
,with 'the MERGHAN'S
'''Economy'' Aut,o Il1»on fJan
OM'a:liortae B'
Young Christian Moveme.nt Acts
To Improve Ghetto Housing
NEWARK (NC) - Months of they would receive eviction
patient .work has paid off for a notices or that their rents would
small group of young adults be raised. Most of' the homes are
working til> improve housing three-story dwellings with two
conditions in the ghetto area families to a floor, with rents
in the unfurnished flats starting
here. The young people, members at $65 for four or five rooms.
The young; people chose IS of
of' the Young' Christian Move ment at Queen of Angels parish, the worst homes to concentrate
have been able to encourage. on and were' able to convince
eight tenants living in slum eight people to sign complaints.
The complaints were processed
housing' to file formal com by Newark Legal Services and
plaints with the Newark De then forwarded to the' health
partment of Health. depar:tment. PUblic hearings will
They have also won the sup port of' Newark Legal Services, be scheduled once the depart
ment conducts its own investi an anti-poverty agency which gation. .
helps the poor with legal pJ:Ob Afuaid to. CcmpIa...~
lems. Aceording'to Joyce Smith, one
The YCM members, all Ne- . groes between the ages of 18 of the 10 YCM members who
and 25, were aroused by living led the drive, man:>r tenants had
conditions in the area. Last complained to, building man
Spring they checked ownership' agers but. nothing: was ever done
records at Newark City Hall and and tenants were afraid to carry
decided to concentrate on one their complaints further.
Miss Smith said that if the
man who' held title to 160 pieces complaints result in rent in
of property. creases, the, YCM" with the help Biggest Problem of Newark Legal Services, will Patiently, they visited each of try to seek legal restraint. the apartments to inspect condi Slle' noted', too, that with tions and talk to tenants. While Newark Legal Sel!vices in the they £ound an abundance of" picture, court action is possible code violations, ranging from if complaints are found valid craclted outside walls and but nothing is done to rectify broken· windows to broken them;,
flooring and the' absence of re
The' area in which the drive quired supervisory personnel, is concentrated was the scene their biggest problem was in of hea~ rinting; last Summel'. encouraging the tenants to me Intolerable living conditiOns is formal complaints. general1Jl; regardeli as- one' fac.' Negro residents were afraid tor- behinli the rioting.
COn,Cel1R for' SuHe~in9
Humonit, ,Is; Christi-an Mission, Bi'shop So,ys S:A:N FRANCISCO, (NC) CODcern we.' show for- those who Thday's G<>od Samarit~n hears need us; tlie. ~ from' the' Negro ghetto: Time Running Out and victiins of war and, he acts., "'rhis. kind of· G:hllistian con Auxill~ Bishop James P, Shannon of! St. Paul' and MinDc~ cepo fOr suffering humanitYi is apolls, tolli Catholic, Protestant the kind\ of witness the non_ Chnistlan world expect's of· us. and Orthodox worshippers at a And it also seems to me the Service 0'£' Unity here. ' After reading the paJ;able of: kind of witness Christ expects of' us;"; . the Good' Samaritan from St. ,B'is II 0 D Shannon declared: Luke's Gospel, Bishop Shannon eohoed the question:' Who is my "SensitiVe and knowledgeable • observers, reacllnl( the signs of neignbol'?' this day, warn us that time is "We' have, Christ's answer running; out for us in our efforts anyone' who' needs me,'" he stated: "Anyone who needs, me, to secure orderly" lawful and peacefUl means, fOl," better hous ~ltat I have; my counsel, my, ing, better educatioll and im learnfug; my skin, money, cloth ing; shelter, my presence when ' proved job opportunities for: Negro citizens. in our cities. I 'he Is lon~ly:'" The ominous tones of Adam· He' cited. how modern means at communication have expand~ Clayton Powell's, address last, week at UCLA are a pregnant ed' the' concept of' neigllborlY symbol of' the· dramatic shift needs: "Because r ha,ve' new among: black people from the k-nowledge' of my neighbor, I non.--viblen1t civil rights move have' new duties toward him. ment of Martin Luther King to Famine' in India, war in Viet the violent style of' revolution nam, earthquakes in Sicily, right now· call~d' for by Stokel:Y apartheid (.rao1al segregation) Carmichael and' H. Rap Brown." in South Africa, in South Chi
eago, and in South Milwaukee
ar~ today realities for everY
ahristian no matter where he
lives. Because in these' troubled Mee.ts Vatic.aD.' areas his brothers are suffering." VATICAN G:Y:CY (NC)-The. Bishop Shannon then said: third plenary session cr.t the> -Scen in this· ligjlt, ecumenism Council of' the Laity is being, or Christian, unity takes on new held in the Vatican this week. meaning and becomes a reli Twelve members and 13; lIGn~ Cious caB to demonstrate our suitors are attending,. the' ses allegiance with Christ by the sions., Aft~· the meetingll con,. elude, some' of Ute· me-mbe-ns and consultors will loin; a ~oup, of Wi~consi.n Catholics for meetings at Glion,
Units Franue" Feb., 16...18\. fo:!! ecumen.-·
ical meetings with repl'esenta
MADISON (NC)-Bishop Cle tives of the laymen's section Gf tus F. O'Donnell of Madison has dlrectecf all pnstorli in the di~ the \\l'orld Council of Cliut:ches. The lay council's meetings in
eese to organize parish: councils. the Vatican wIll study docu Bishop O'Donnell said the ments prepared b.y the third eouncils should be org,mized in World Congress of the Laity oocordance with guideHnes rec held in Rome- in late· 1967 and ommended' by. the Laity Com mittee of" the Priests' Senate. study meaDS 1'01' the concrete 'rniey call for elected lay mem , organization of its act,ivities on national, geographical and in bers-the number depending on ternational levels. It will also parish size - and lay officers study the' doctrinal implications with the pastor and the Rell mous superior or her designee of the layman's role 'm the as ex-officio membcrB. C~urch.
Co,u.ncil, of LQi:1!yi
See Head Orders,. Parish
Thurs., Feb. TS, 19'6S
Past©HI'G~ Owfers Serm~~ ~QJ~Dects LOS ANGElLES (NC)-Jamw Francis Cardinal McIntyre has recommended to priests of the Los Angeles' archdiocese th~~ they take subjects from tl:c American bishops' collective pastoral letter, "The Church iiil Our Day," for. sermons in their parishes f l' Q m Septuagesimn Sunday, Feb. 11, to Easter Sun day. . Sermon sub;ects may be takeD from the pastoral for SundaYfJ' after Eastc:r, as is convenient. The' Cardinal told his priesb in a letter that the pastora1l. "provides much material th~$ can be distilled profitably fo~ t.he consumption of the faithful, to and that, as the priests have been informed, they will receiv() "man;y copies of this book fe:? judicious distribution to yOll!:? . people." The cardinal· also said the pastoral and the proposed anly Ses of it in homilies and paro cnial· sermons "seems to affom a veI'y unusual opportunity fOil' COGperative thinking among~. t.he Catholic 'people of the COUiil try at this- time."
PREACHES IN VIE.TNAM: Father James A. (Major) Feterman, Milford, nel., priest,. speaks to his. men from the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, at Mass UtWihg military' operation Yellow.stone, 75 miles northwest of Saigon near the Cambodian. border. Father Peterman, who has sexv:ed one year with the- 25th Infantry,. has vol· unteered for another- year's duty in Vietnam as deputy chaplain to the 10Ist Airborne Division. NC Photo.
While leaving it to the inoo.. vidual priest to select the palfoo ilcula1'" subjec1:s for his sermons" the e:ll'dina~ "ventured" some guidelines.
First NCEA Plan, Aprif Release for Docum.entary ·Fi~m on Catholic Education 'mateIliaJi for- the comp.rehensive . VWJ1.ADELPH:I:A (N€ ) -0£ of the. National Catholic do,cUmentar".. Ed.ucational Association paid a Lyons, wbose-fHm "What's
quiet v.isit here- to "catch" a the- Big' Idea?" won a silver
private' screening of the first medal at the New York Inter
NcrElt mO'\lie--a' documentary national Film Festival, was
filln; on modern trends and commission~ by NCEA execu
achievements. in <I:atholic educa tive secreta~ Father C. Albert
tion. Release' is set for April, Koob; 0, P:raem~, to "wTi,te, a
1968;.l'unning time is- 25 minutes. film that will show in pos-itive
terms the forward movement
In, the' G:he~ Street studios O'! nationally of Catholic schools
Ralph Lopatin Productions, the as they deal with the problems of
school executi'les from Washing tow' saw "I:ush. prints" of film modern education."
taklm: in. a San Francisco grade Father. Koob maintains that
school where· first and fifth American Catholic education
grade childJ;en are receiving, the world's largest private scll!>ol
oomputer-assisted instruction; in system-has DOt, as its critics
a Peoria, rn. board room where havecnarg~been slow to adopt
a lay advisory group of 18 top the changes O!f'modern "quality
level executives otters financial education."
counsel to the diocesan board of pastors; in St. Edward'S' high school, Lakewood, Ohio, where a teallll-teaching; program was introduced! seven. years ago; and in Most, Procious' Blood and Our Lady of Mercy parish schools. Philadelphial where the Lopatin IIlameras recorded the efforts be 94 TREMONT STREET ing, made in the archdiocese, tel ~·A.U.NTON. MASS. offev q ~ education for inner city, youngsters. TeI~ 822-0621 The' film will have' its world premiere in San Francisco at the annual NiC E A convention, then spiImoff for color TV presen_ tation i1ll. 10co1 time slots.
(eadinsr Garden Center
CON,LON 6 DON,NELLY South: Main & Wall Sts.
ATTLEBORO 222-0234
Gasoline Fuel qnd Range
OIL, BURNERS For Prompt' Delivery it, mO)! &: N,ii;g,l'lt Service
••• Cleansers •••
Iluml: Bottted! Gas Servica
Wciter--resclWc!ier for the, film was Philadelpliia. public relations man: John T. Lyons, an ex 0lympic lEarn oal-sYnan who tra. velled' 8)000 miles. tcr g~ther.
We suggested: that, for Septua. gesima Sunday, there be a tiefllp Q!1'31 introduction and descripti~ of the pastoral and its purposcll" ','and an exhortation to the ~o-. pIe to treat it as a document fo:!. h~me and serious reading." "JIbe pastornI's' section em tlwJ priesthood was suggested ae Seflnon material fOI!' the secoDli and third SundayS' of Lent.
6;1 COHANNET ST. TAUNTON AttlebCllra- No.· Attleboro Taunton'
Any Sacrifice
v ai n
will yOQ'
build· ~hurehestl
pre a c h missions t
found schools. AU YlQur
efforts will be destroy,ed'
,unless yon wield the: defensiiv.e
and offensive weapon 01! a;. press\ that
:is Oatholic, loyal and sinceJle; I w.il1J make
any Sc'1Crifice, even to I»lwning my pectoraf cross,
ring and' cassock, to support a ea.tholfc newspaper.
Pal)1C St. Pius X
- , ~,tlnive·ri'ity to·Seek " •
. •
• . .
~ •.,.."
. He-gro Students· '.
Pra·ises Bishop'S~ Racial Ju~tnce Work in5)lOJMY'h' PHILADELPHIA (NC) 'The late Bishop Francis E. Hyland. was depicted as' a bulwark in the Church's ~ stand for racial justice in the Georgia-South CaroHn'a area, The salute came from Auxil !iaiy Bishop Joseph L. Bernar clin of Atlanta here in eulogy of .the Philadelphia native who Iilerved from 1956 until 1961 as fhe first bishop of Atlanta, B ish 0 p Bernardin recalled, I\ftlat at a time when it was un~ Popular:in the S,outh to speak out on the racial issue, BishOp Hyland . joined with Bishop Thomas J. McDonough of Savan nah, Ga. (now archbishop, of Louisvllle) and Bishop Paul J. Hallinan of Charleston, S. C. jnow a~chbishop of Atlanta) in ~ joint pastoral on racial justice. "It' was this pastoral which served notice in the two-state area that the Church's teaching on' racial equality would be im plemented, and· it effectively prepared the way for the social chimges which are now general ']y accepted," Bishop Bernardin said. Laid Groundwork Bishop Hyland, "':ho died at age 66 here, was ordained to the priesthood in 1927 and was eonsecrated in 1949 to serve as auxiliary bishop of the Savan,. nah-Atlanta diocese. When At-. "lanta became a separate diocese" be was named its first bishop tn" 1956:' Atlanta ",as raised to' ..t. archdiocese in 1962. . . "I pay tribute to Bishop Hy~ iand 'for his contributions to the Churcli" in- Georgia," 'Bishop Bernardin~ said. "Although 'still ilelatively' 'small numerically, Ule archdiocese of Atlanta today is well organized and is a major' . voice. not only in the religious . eommunity of northern Georgia,' bUt also the civic community. '''A great deal of the credit for Chis must go to Bishop Hyland lor it was his leadership ano .,-ork' which helped to lay the groundwork upon which we are building today," Bishop Bernai':: din said."
FLYING MISSIONARY: Hundreds of contributors from all over the Uni,ted States enable!i, Father Tony Gendusa, M.S.C., to purchase twin-engine Skymaster for use in South Pacific missions.
. DAYTON (NC)--Concem for its low level of Negro enroll ment has prompted the Univer sity of Dayton to establish an office 'of human relations. Charles R. Hirt, Jr., a 21-year old senior who will head the office on a full-time basis after his graduation in April, was named acting director. Brother Elmer C. Lackner, S.M., university vice-presid~nt for public relations, said the new office will "initiate mean in,gful programs at the univer sity to elimina,te any problems of discrimination on campus." Of more than 10,000 full and part-time students at the uni versity, only 143-slightly. more thim one per cent--are Negroes. "Establishment of a recruit:' . ment program for' Negroes M the University of Dayton will be one of our 'first major efforts," Hirt said. He added that the major portion of the program "will eventually move out into the community, witii the uni versity b'ecoming involved in the urban interracial crisis."
Priest Gets Airl~lane for Mission Diocese 'American ~enerosity M'I:JIktes Dream Come True
Club Discards 'White Only' Policy SAN FRANCISCO (NC) ~ San Francisco's century-old Olympic Club has amended the club's by-laws by removing the requirement that members must be "only white."
When Rev. Anthony Gendusa, sio~ary years on the island of missionaries began to build a network of airstrips on their' The club's policy was called M.S.C., returned home last year New Britain were years of re on leave from his South Pacific construction in the' wake of the widely scattered islands in into question by some members preparation for the day when and also by Mayor John F. mission pa'rish he had just second World War. one object in mind - to raise Wheh the nE~W diocese of the dream of a mission-owned Shelley. Several officials of the San ' Francisco' Archdiocese re-· ,enough money to buy an air- Kav-iengwascreslted in' 1957 and. airplane would becom~ a reality. signectthefr memberships to
plane., . . placed in 'the 'care of the Amer "'We knew that some day we protem t his discrinrninatory H~ and his. fellow' mission- \ lean Missionaries of the Sacred would get 'this. airplane," said policy. Among them were. Arch aries .had long' needed a' small Heart,' Father 'Tony beCame Father Tony, "and our people bis~op Joseph T .. McGucken, aircraft. for mercy flights' and pastor of a 17-mile-long parish have' worked hard preparing, Msgr. Donnell A. Walsh, secre ,to airlift'·s.upplies and persoimel on the island of New"Ire,land. for that 'day. We never coul~ tary to the. archbishop; Msgr. to ,Hie dozens· of islands. dotting" .F.:avieng's bishop, Most Rev. grow enough coconuts to buy Thomas J. Bowe,chancellor and, th'e 85,000-square-mile 'expanse 'Alfred Steinper, M.S.C., knew the 'plane and that ·is why Bish- " 'Msgr. Peter' G. Armstrong; di of the' South Pacific that is the thai: the island peoples of his di op Stemper asked me to tum. .rector of the. archdiocesan Cath~ . diocese: of, ka~ieng" Territory' of 'ocelle' were' isolated by natural to 'our friends here in the' ~lic Youth Organi~tion. New Guinea'; bar::iers and ha:~ardous travel States. ," . ,
Tha~ks iii large part. to. the . conditions and ",as well aware.
"Be~ause of their generosity, generosity 'of the'· parishioners. of the. ma?y u~e~ for small air the missionaries in,New Guinea of, St. 'Catherine of. Sienna par-" craft In hIS mIssIon area. will now be able to serve better iSh, Npryv~od, Mass;,an~. their: . Build AUI'Strips LOUISVILLE (NC)-The na ·the needs' of our people." pastor, Msgr,. Ro~ert ~J.: Sennott, H:iwever the limited funds tional executive secret~ry' of he n~ hos a twm:en~n~ Ces~- available i~himinthe new dio;;; ·U· 's' Citizens For'Decent Literature, na SkYJ:.llaster. for hIS mIssIon dl- i>cese were urgimtly 'neede'd for ."'IIl . 'speaking here on pornography ocese.' , . higl;,er" prio'dty· projeets.:iuch !lr'!d juvenile crime,' said' that. After the close'of World~War as expanding educational faeil ~fgood books can cause' good n, Father Tony was one of the ities and 'consh'uct;lng'maternity :SAIGON (NC)-,The Medical. actions, then certainly bad 'books fi~ American missionaries. as,:" care centers and medical' aid · Mission Sisters in Qui Nho'nm can cause bad action!!.'" . . signed to the. New Guinea~rea, stations at:niission ·outposts. are safe' and their' Holy Family The main problem is the dif and ,~e. earned his pilot's 'Yi.~gs F~ther TO~y,' arid' his' felioW hospital undamilged, NC' NeWs ~i~ulty. in defining obscenity, at Wmgs of Mercy AeronautIcal . " . . Service learned. ,Ray Gauer stressed. The SuSchool" 'Belleville, Ill., before,
The 14 Sisters' in the hospital pr:-e~e Court 'has been inconsis PARIS (NC)-Journalists must leaV'i,ng for the South Pa,cific., ~am,e~La'y~~en,b~rs · inClude five, from' the United tent on this-point in the past,' he avoid substituting their, own Limited Funds Stat¢.s, " two from India,. three . sai.d at a press conference, after views fo'r those of' the Church, 'T~ from. 'thePhilippines and three:· SPeaking ,to the Crime Commis . ,Archbish'op Paul Gouyon 'of Ren ; '. But; his desire to become a sioUx CITY,' (NC) ..:....: Briar · from Canada. The' hospital was sioh here. ' .~·fiYing missionary" wasn't to q.essaid· here. " Cliff' College will', have lay £ound~d from' the provincial , be easily realized. His e~rly mis. Archbishop Gouyon, recently members. on itsgovernirig board headquarters, in Philadelphia. named president of the French . for the first ':til;ne 'in its 38-year. ELECTRICAL Qui ~Nh~nJh," ~ port 'city and bisHops' c~mmission ~n commu:' S~pports· history.:' ' . '. Contractors capital of Binh Dinh. province Ilication media, was addr.essing Sis';er Mary Matilda' 'Adams, in central Vietnam, was one of Association of Religious boa'rd . chairnianllnd Superior the principal objectives of the Newsmen. SANTA FE (NC)-Archbish ''Genel:al of the Franciscan Sisters communists' Tet (Lunar New The archbishop stressed the op James P. Davis of Santa Fe of the Holy Famillr, announced Year, festival) offensive. service rendered by newspapers is among the leaders of a new that a nine-member board taking The U.S. Sisters stationed at which in. recent years, he said, national committee formed to 'offiCe March 1 will include four the Vietnam hospital are: Sisters had helped the public to know support the Taos Indians in·their local community leaders. ' Isa Benedict Young, M.D., of better the Church's nature and efforts to reclaim their sacred Four ex-officio :board mem way of action. It is a job, he Blue Lake lands in northern bers ()f the' Franciscan Sisters Philadelphia; Virginia Sayers, · M,D., of Toledo, Ohio; Isabel aaid that journalists have done New, Mexico. who fGunded the college in 1930 Healy of Buffalo, N.Y.; Sheila 944 County St. in their own way, which often The pr~me tas~ will be. to asa ·two-year school for girls. McGinnis' of Troy, N. Y., and consists in presenting the spec- . help enlist nationwide support It became a four-year, degree.:. New Bedford Rosalle Pollinzi of Dall!ls~Tex. . tacular or even sensational as- for the Indians in their 60-year- . granting institution in 1938. pect of. things. ., old, struggle to regain their sa- Briar' Cliff, now in its second .. Archbishop Gouyon then 'crea lands which are now part year of co-educatit)n,' has' 299 . warned that the journalist who . of, the' Carson National Fo~est. . .'men 'and' 773 'women students. writes on religious matters: must A 1965 .couJ.:t ruling held that be oompetent and must be care':' : the 50,!>00-acre area which £Or ful not to present his own views 'centurieswas a tribal religious as those of the 'Church. . .sanctuary was seized unjumly Moreover, the archbishop . by, the Federal, Government in at stressed, it is .imprudent to pub- 1906~ lish news of theological research' :, Legislation to restore owner in such a way as to give' tpe im- .\ ship of the 'Blue Lake area to pression that what are only hy-' the Taos tribe, introduced into potheses are definitely admitted the national House of RepJ;'esen COnclusions. Such reporting, he tatives, is pending before the 11 5) . WIlliAM 51'. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.. said, can' cause scandal among House subcommittee on Indian the filitMw.l. Affairs
Says' Por.nog·raphy.
Fosters' Crime
M.·ss.·on ...... ns a"f',e,' :. · Hosp.ital .Undama.g'ed
French, Prelate Warns N.ewsmen
Coi'lege .lioard , .
.Le'g'' ishltion Indian Land Claim
.. ;..:.
,Spotlight on New" f1et!ford: ". . . . ;
Area 'Sending Classy Clubs ::'To Tech ',Hdop Tournament
Prie~\l'~ j'
DES MOINES (NC)' Letters have been sent to four prelates by the Associ ation of Des Moines Priests
!'" .~ r" "
Norton High Coach
Southeastern M'assaohusetts again this Winter will be well represented with a number of classy and competent oombinations in the Tech tournament in Boston. New,Bed foOrd High, still leading the Greater Boston suburban league, looms as the best Olass A
the wire Hockomock league fin representative. Ironically" ish with Stoughton, Dennis Durfee High of F'all River Yarmouth of the Cape Cod loop, '" an annual powerhouse which second place Case (Swansea) O f : : 1 V ; \i takes second place to vei-y few , over the long haul-may be tale , 'least fonnidable ?:"i<'",'""",,:, , of all area cluoo. .' All -' winning H oJ.y Familly' , High in the Nar ragansett League 2Jld undefeated Fairhaven of the Capeway Con ference loom eertain to give good account
Peter ings in'the Class C championship Bartek eontests w h i I e Nauset of the Cape and Island eompetition is expected to do very well in the Class D bracket. Oliver Ames of North Easton, 'atJD booked-up in a down-to-
ill l''''~
d N rt
Hi~h :~e c~~~~a~~y co~fe~~
h 1\: ~'';'
ence--a,t the other area extreme f' d: are almost assured ,of tournament berths. : , it :" " Coach R '0 g' e r Lemenager's ! > .,!w ij 1 New Bedford Whalers, who ; ,4 ':, 1 dropped an early season verdict i ! ' ,; to Durfee, appear to have j.' t ~ '! usurped ,the Hilltopper's claim I ,~ " , as the number one combine in' 'L,~:'.~' , I, ..:.... _ •.__ the area. Led by high scoring Tom 1 b
Baroa, the Crimson ,and White FLYING MISSIONARY: Pere Harme, a mem er of the bas established itself as one of White Fathers of Africa, founded by Cardinal Lavigerie the'State's Class A powerhouses.' in 1868, served during World War II in the RAF. Now he The GBL leaders, who have im- uses his plane to serve mission stations in the Sahara. NC proved steadily throughout the Photo: campaign, could very well project the Bristol County area to the top of Class A and' the State championship.
Strong ,RepresentQti~n,in, C!Cl1SS C
~®~®crrco~,; Of NI~w lBi~~op
• 1.9
' "'-"
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 15, 1968 '
t] \
Encourages Teachers
Prelate Says Parochial School Boat Roc,ki~g, Not Sinking
expressing concern over the de lay in naming a Bishop for the Diocese of Des Moines.
Msgr. L. V. Lyons has been serving as administrator since last October when Bishop George J. Biskup left to become coad jutor Archbishop of Indianapolis. The association has reiterated its request that diocesan priests have a voice in the nominatiion of the next bishop. ,', " The letter has been sent' to Carlo Cardinal' Confaloniere, proprefect of the Consisforial congregation in Rome; 'Arch bishop James J. Byrne of Du buque, Archbishop Luigi Rai mondi, Apostolic Delegate. in. the United States and Archolsh op John F. Dearden of Detroit, head of the National Conference cf Catholic Bishops. The association letter strf~ses that members who represent, ,the "people of God" find it difficuli to work with a "bishop as, ,yet unnamed" and are concerned with the delay in ,appointment of D bishop. Cite Reason Continuing, the letter ~tee that "the choice of the ,right DNlD for this office is of tremen dous importance for the Ghurcb and this diocese" al)d ~hi\~ ,I "it is not something that is, don£.l in baste or without careful ~on sideration." "Many important projects are at a, standstill until our .. l)ew bishop arrives. Several privi leges accorded to other dioeeses by the Holy See but at the dis cretion of the Ordinary are ,de nied us because the administra
tor of the diocese cannot preju
dice the rights of the nexthish
Johling New Bedford in 1he debate for basketball enthusi- large school division will be,' asts who ,contend that often Durfee, Bishop Stang of D'art-' Class B and/or C produces the NEW YORK' (NC-Auxiliary the United States." , mouth and possibly Taunton. The ' best team in ,the' state. 'The All-, Bishop" Edwin B.Broderick of' , While admitting that "some of three will represent the Bristol Class tournament whieh is held, ,New York told a' group of Cath- 'the ,crew, brave 'abandoned ship," County League. following the competion of th,e olic teachers here that the paro- the bishop said it is inconceiv Each of the three clubs is cap- Tech supported this contention. chial school boat may be' rock- able that the ,parochial school able of defeating any team in' last Winter as Melrose (B) and, ing "but is far from sinking." 'system would sink. the State on a given night but, Holy 'Family (C) emerged as, Bishop Broderick, rector of St; He said, however, that the ~ey must play c~msistently well the tOp two teams in the compe- Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, bishops "do acknowledge the to advance in the tournament. tition. " , ' 'spoke to more than 2,000 teach- immediate need for more re All have experienced moments' A duplication this time around,.. ers at a three-day teachers in-' seareb to evaluate' our present of brilliance at various times' may be too much to expect from sUtute., ' . endeavor, to' project our future during the course of the season' Holy Family but another su'bTl' ,. d to k
and, if anyone could "catch 'perb pedorriuince in its own ,'Noting, that few encouraiing responsl 1.1 les an ' ~a 'e n fire" m' the Boston Garden com- class is well within the realm words have been ,written in re- "thorough l~ventory of our re ' " a,bout parochial " , sources' petition it could cap a season of ',·of probability 'for Coach Jack .cent years school fi " In' personnel and ~~ ,.~ upsets 'which 'has been marked: Nobrega and his Parochials. 'e<tucation'" the. bishop tried fro nance. by one oddity after another. 'Case, the Blue Waves' tun- bolster' the confidence of the, The Tech Class B division ning mate- iIi the Narry citcuit, teachers' in view of widespread action will be without a club also has tlh.e potential of making" instances of school closings and from within the confines of di- a strong showing in the Boston reports that priests and Religious ocesan limits. tournament. Coach' 'Bob Gor-, might be withdrawn from class"". The various class groupings in don's Cardinals have height and room duties. It. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford " the statewide tournament have a balanced bench, bOth essen More Research constantly been the subject of ~als for tourney play. One' of Southern New England's Finest facilities
Bishop' Broderiek quoted from a statement by the National Con Nauset is the only area club ference of' Catholic Bishops at Fairhaven and Dennis-Yar mouth along with Oliver Ames to qualify for Class D play to iUl meeting in Washington last date but the small Cape club November: "We declare today participate in C competition rates an excellent, chance of that Catholic elementary and along with the two Narry en secondary schools are an indis proving that small school bas trants. All five clubs are worthy ketball on the Cape is on the ' pensible component of ~ representatives but unfortu Ch~,reh's total commitment i& nately, in all likelihood they upswing.
The Winter has been bigb-,
will be paired-oft against each other in the early rounds of the lighted b~T many upsets. Only Establishes Center
the best have earned the right, classic. The pairings will make for interesting local contests to play in the Garden. But, there For Urban Affairs but will impair the area's, is action aplenty in store tomorST. LOUIS (NC) _ St. Louis ehances of producing another row night as the curtain falls University has established a Class C champion. on another thrilling hoop cam- Center' for Urban Programs as paign. , "a response to a clear neecll in In the Bristol County League, " Notre' Dame Seniors Atleboro will be in Fall River the community. tonight to' tangle with Dui'fee, Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., H~noQ" John Gardner Taunton m~ets Stang 'at North, "University president, said the NOTRE DAME (NC) - John Dartmouth, Attleboro will play 'center will engage in teaching, W. Gardner, retiring Secretary Dartmouth, N ~rth Attleboro, will 'research and community service play its last County game related to urban problems. 6f Health, Education and Wel fare, will be tlh.e 15th recipient against Vocational in New Bed- , of the annual Patriotism Award ford and Bis~op Feehan High, of the University of Notre Dame 'opposes Msgr. Coyle at Taunton.. Final Narry action lists Som senior class. erset against Holy, Family in' Gardner plans ,to retire from New Be~ford; Dighton-Reho the cabinet in April. Prior to· both vs. Case at Swansea, Dimam his HEW Secretary appointment at Seekonk and Prevost: &t in 1965, he spent 19 years with Westport:. the Carnegie Corporation of And, in the Capeway Confer-' New York. ence the season's closing will be Gardner will speak at a uni highlighted by the Dennis-' versity convocation on March G Yarmouth IlIt Jl'airhaven contest. South • Sea Streets
when he will receive the award. The rest of the docket lists The senior class each year se Barnstable at Wa.reham, Dart. lects an outstanding American mouth at Bourne and Old Boch. Hyannis Tel. 49-81
for the honor. ester at Falmouth
Now' Available for:
Cape Codders Sole Class [[) Entrant
FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER 636-2744 or 999-6984
Score another 'goal on the energy· fi~ you geffrom ,~
a slice of
Batter Whipped
Sun~eam Bre~d
THE ANCHOR:"'-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 15, 1968 . .
You Haven't Time
To Read
·.You .00 ~
R'2ad Your Own' .
\ ....Til ·:l·e.. ANCHOR .
'Thi$ Message Sp(t)llils@/led by The ':ollowDlYIg 8/f'iJ<fl1oviduCClls I , OIlTJ The Dj'ocese @I IFIWDU RiveII'
~ncl Business Co~cerns .
' North Anleboro
lIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIUWwwuwlllllllllllllUllllllllllllnlllllRlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIllIllIIlIUilllllllllllll1ll1II11111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIUlilIIIIIIIIlIIilllillllllllllillllllllilllllWllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII1I1I1IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIII. .' ., . ' ' . '. ' . \ , '