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dJ The ARCHOR Vol. 21, No.7 - Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Feb. 17, 1977

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul


Diocese Prepares to Enter Solemn· Season of Lent

REMEMBER, MAN: In ancient rites, ashes will be blessed and placed on foreheads of faithful on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 23. (NC Photo)

Diocesan Women At NCCW Parley In California Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, and Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, were among executive committee members of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) who met in Lafayette, Calif. to make plans for NCCW's national convention in November, for a United Nations seminar to be sponsored next month in New York, and for effective participation by members in relevant political ~ctivity. _ Mrs. McMahon is national chairman of NCCW's Organization and Service Commission and Mrs. Paulson is director of its Boston province. Turn to Page Seven

Families First, Says Carter WASHINGTON (NC) - Since entering the White House, President Jimmy Carter has taken the name "The First Family" seriously. In addition to his nine-yearold daughter Amy, he has moved his sons Chip, 26, Jeff, 24, and their wives into the White House. But beyond that, he has tried to make sure Cabinet members, White House staff and government employees in general do not let their jobs interfere with their family lives. Turn to Page Nine


"As Shepherd of the Diocese of Fall River, -I earnestly encourage clergy and faithful alike to spend this season well," declares Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in a Lenten Pastoral Letter to be read at all Masses this weekend, preparatory to the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 23. The Ordinary also reminds the faithful of the obligation to receive the Eucharist during the Easter Season, which this year extends from Feb. 27 through Trinity Sunday, June 5.


February 17, 1977 Dearly beloved in Christ, This year, The Anchor, our diocesan newspaper, will complete twenty years of faithful service to the apostolate of the Catholic Press. The Anchor, however humble in format or appearance, has been a forthright voice for Catholic truth in our midst. It has without .embarrassment" or hesitancy embraced revealed truth and the authoritative teachings of the Church's Magisterium and proclaimed them with courage and a sense of mission. It is, after all, the mission of the Catholic Press to participate in the teaching aposto(ate of the Church. This The Anchor has done admirably over these many years. May its good work continue into the future. As the official voice of the Catholic Press in the Diocese of Fall River, The Anchor is a useful source of information about the Faith for our Catholic people. Our diocesan newspaPl!r is also an invaluable teaching instrument for clergy, religious and laity engaged in the awesome apostolate of proclaiming the Good News the message of Jesus and the values taught in His Gospel. Furthermore, The Anchor communicates news items of interest from all areas of the Diocese, thus creating a sense of diocesan identity and fostering bonds of unity among our diocesans .from the Attleboros to Cape Cod and the Islands. It gives me great pleasure to announce that this coming Sunday, February 20, 1977, has been set aside as "Anchor Sunday." I take this occasion to recommend The Anchor to all in the Diocese of Fall River and to urge that it be in every home in the Diocese. Devotedly yours in Christ,

Bishop of Fall River

He notes: "Acts of self-denial and sacrifice can also help us deepen our life in Christ during the Lenten season. In a day which has evidenced a serious breakdown of spiritual values, there is an ever greater need to discipline our wills through penance so that we might better arrange our lives according to· the holiness and love of God." In this regard, the Fall River diocese will again this year participate in "Operation Rice Bowl," a program of prayer, sacrifice and almsgiving sponsored

by Catholic Relief Services, the national relief agency of the American· bishops. Part of Rice Bowl is the serving by families of one sacrificial meal a week during the Lenten season, with money saved to be given to works of charity. Also encouraged by Bishop Cronin is reception of the sacrament of reconciliation "as an indispensable means to the change of heart to which Lent calls us." Although the Revised Rite of Penance became effective Turn to Page Three

Deacons Are Seen As New Resource For the first time, the Diocese of Fall River has been represented at the Annual Meeting of Diocesan Directors of the Permanent Diaconate; held last week in New Orleans. Present at the meeting was Father John Moore, Diocesan Director of the Permanent Diaconate. Reflecting on the convention, he has offered the following comments: National conventions of vari-

Whites Protest Rhodesian Rite SALISBURY, Rhodesia (NC)More than 1,000 blacks and whites stood through a drizzling rain for the funeral here of seven Catholic missionaries killed by terrorists, but the mourning was marred when several whites walked out in protest. The whites left after the homilist, Jesuit Father Isidore Chikore, said, "The majority of the people of Zimbabwe - call it Rhodesia if you like - are denied the law." (Many blacks object to the name Rhodesia because it commemorates the 19th century British colonizer of the area, John Cecil Rhodes.) One of the protesters who left was overheard saying, "Why don't they arrest that black bastard?" Rhodesian Premier Ian Smith also responded angrily. when he learned that Father Chikore Turn to Page Seven

ous aspects of Church life have a unique effect, insofar as they bring together a broad sector of the Church as it really is functioning to do the Lord's work here in this land. When such a meeting is attended by representatives from a hundred Ameri· can dioceses to learn, share and discuss a particular phase of the Church's ministry as reflected ir the witness of the sacrament 01 Holy Orders, it is not only in· formative but stimulating. The convention of Directors . of the Permanent Diaconate is an annual event sponsored by the Bishop's Committee for the Restoration of the Permanent Diaconate. The central theme of this year's event was ministry in the Church, in partiCUlar the ministry of the Permanent Diaconate. The secretary of the Bishop's Committee, Msgr. Ernest J. Fiedler, in giving hi~ annual report, noted that there are now 1,474 ordained deacons in the Ameri. can Church, with 2,507 currently enrolled in programs of various dioceses. In addition, there are 21 dioTurn to Page Seven

MORAL CHOICES In this- week's article on mora' choices. Anchor columnist Father Andrew Greeley discusses sexual intimacy in terms of traditional and moral viewpoints. It's on page 8.


Read The Anchor: Largest Weekly Newspaper In Southeastern Massachusetts



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977



Won!t File JERSEY CITY, N.J. -For the third consecutive year, a priest here has written to\ the Internal Revenue Service and declined to file a federal tax return. Father John P. Egan of St. Boniface parish, in his most recent letter to the IRS, said he does not intend' to file a return in protest against government expenditures for armaments and the support of certain foreign governments.


death-and-dYing bills being considered by the state legislature here. One bill would give patients the right to refuse or discontinue· maintenance medical treatment if their condition was diagnosed as terminal. The second bill would write' a definition of death into the state public health code. The conference director, Ray Rufo, questioned whether it· was necessary to draw up as a law in either area.

It's Out of Context

Sentence Czech Pr'iest

VATICAN CITY - American Cardinal John Wright has flatly denied that a letter he wrote to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1971 could be viewed today as "encouragement" for the prelate's activities. The Latin letter from the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy was recently reprinted by Archbishop Lefebvre in a booklet publicizing his seminary at Econe, Switzerland.

VATICAN CITY - Vatican Radio reported here that a Salesian priest in Czechoslovakia has been sentenced to two years in prison for urging students to listen to Vatican Radio broadcasts and for carrying out an active youth ministry .Father Stefan Javorsky, 52, recently lost an appeal on an earlier court ruling which condemned him to 13 months in prison and suspension from priestly functions for two years. He now' must undergo two years in the "reeducation section" of the Czechoslovakian prison.

Appeal NLRB find'ing LOS ANGELES - Church officials here and in nearby Orange have appealed a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision finding them guilty of unfair labor practices for refusing to bargain witl1 a union chosen by Catholic school lay teachers last May. Sharp Whitemore, Los Angeles archdiocesan attorney, said the appeal was filed in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco shortly after the NLRB decided the case in late January.

Blast Oppress'ion PRETORIA, South Africa - South Africa's bishops have blasted the "social and political system of oppression" of this country's white-minority regime. In one of their strongest statements ever issued, the bishops called for an end to white supremacy. They also demanded and investigation into what they ealled 'seemingly systematic beatings and unjustifiable shootings during disturbances and cold-blooded torture of detained persons." The statement was issued here Feb. 10.

Questions Bills INDIANAPOLIS - The Indiana Ca,tholic Conference has questioned two

Want Injunction PHILADELPHIA - Five Philadelphia pastors are trying to stop the National Labor Relations Board from holding union elections for Catholic school lay teachers following the NLRB's decision Feb. 9 not to voluntarily postpone them. The pastors are seeking a preliminary injunction against the board from U. S. District Court Judge Donald VanArtsdalen, who had asked the NLRB to postpone the union elections until a court decided the constitutionality of the labor board's intervention in disputes involving Catholic schools.

Carr'ibbean Socialism GEORGETOWN, Guyana - Socialism in the Caribbean is the concern of religious leaders who have scheduled a regional meeting here at the end of this year. The Caribbean Conference of Churches said that during the November meeting on "Working Together with Christ" it will deal with socialism, racial discrimination and the cultural values of blacks who make up the majority in the conference's member churches.

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News Briefs

Hustled to Jail CINCINNATI - Hustler Magazine editor and publisher La'rry C. Flynt and his corporation were convicted here Feb. 8 of pandering - selling allegedly obscene material - and engaging in organized crime as defined by Ohio law. The publisher of the nationally circulated men's magazine was sentenced to seven to 25 years and fined $10,000 on the organized crime charge and six months and $1,000 on the obscenity charge.

Caution Span'iards


MADRID - The Spanish Bishops' Conference has told Catholics they must withdraw all support from political factions using violence, hatred and deceit to achieve power. The conference's steering commission issued its statement during a wave of terrorism that left lOpersons dead and seven seriously wounded in January. The steering commission also stated that although the Church encourages Catholics to participate actively in politics, "it does not enter the game of the political parties."

Still Hop'ing CHICAGO - The president of the, Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago (JSTC) said he hoped the Church will soon call women to the priesthood. Jesuit Father William G. Guindon, JSTC president and former head of the Jesuits' New England province, made this comment as the school announced that Rosalie Muschal-Reinhardt, a mother of four, would be the first woman to receive its Master of Divinity degree. Her male classmates have already been ordained.

Programs Continue ORURO, Bolivia - Contrary to government assurances, birth control programs continue here among the poor, said Bishop Rene Fernandez of Orura. He cited recent distribution of literature and contraceptives in shantytowns by the Family Protection Association, government-supported agency.

Ethical Issues WASHINGTON - A new center here will bring together theologians, ethicists, policy-makers and others to study the ethical dimensions of public policy. The Churches, Center for Theology and Pub-

Iic Policy has held seminars on world hunger, disarmament and urban problems and will deal with similar problems in the future. Dr. Alan Geyer has been named the center's executive director. He is Dag Hammarskjold professor of peace studies at Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y., and former editor of Christian Century, a Protestant weekly opinion journal.

Philatelic f'irst VATICAN CITY - For the first time in its history, the Vatican Post Office will issue postcards with postage prepaid.

Terror Continues SALISBURY, Rhodesia - Authorities here said black nationalist guerrillas attacked another Christian mission in Rhodesia, stealing money and burning buildings, the day after terrorists killed seven white Catholic missionaries in another part of. the country. Authorities also said a bomb threat forced a mission school for girls to close. No casualties were reported in the attack.

. food Day WASHINGTON - The third annual Food Day has been scheduled for April 21. Food Day is a day marked by educational and organizational activities directed at both domestic and world hunger. The day is sponored by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) based here. Church involvement in Food Day programs has been extensive.

Tortu re of Irish LONDON - The British government has admitted that its agents tortured detainees in Northern Ireland in 1971 and has told the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg that the technique involved will not be reintroduced in any circumstances in the United Kingdom. But the Irish government is seeking to have the court order that those responsible for the torture be prosecuted in Great Britain. It also wants the court to recommend that the European Convention on Human Rights, signed by 17 European nations including Great Britain and Ireland, be written into Northern Ireland's law.

March 3 . Rev. Msgr. Timothy P. SweeFeb. 27 ney, LL.D., 1960, Pastor," Holy Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, 1956, . Name, New Bedford. Founder, St. Theresa, New Bedford Feb.Rev. Philip Gillick, 1874, Founder, St. Mary, North Attleboro March 1 20 Rev. James F. Masterson, 1906, Founder, St. ,Patrick, Somerset Rev. Msgr. Peter L. D. Robert, P.R., 1948, Pastor, Notre 'Dame, Fall River March 2 Rev. James J. Brady, 1941, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford Rev. Antonio Berube, 1936, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen, SS. CC., 1952, Monastery. of Sacred Heart, Fairhaven "'"IIIIllI'lllltl''''''I'''''''"'''''''IfII1'••''"''un.ull''luU'''''....".11"1"""""""""""·'· Rev. Alphonse Gauthier, 1962, THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New BedMass. Published every Thursday at 410 ford Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 Rev. J. Orner Lussiet, 1970, by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall pastor, Sacred Heart, North At- River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid tleboro $5.00 per-year.



OFFICIAL 1977 Lenten Regulations 1. There

2. 3.



are two days upon which both fast and abstinence are prescribed: Ash Wednesday and G<lod Friday. On all Fridays of Lent, abstinence is prescribed. Those who are twenty-one years of age, but not yet fifty-nine years of age, are obliged to observe the law of fast. All those who are fourteen years of age and older are obliged to observe the law of abstinence. On the two days of fasting, those bound by the law are limited to a single full meal.

Two other meatless meals, to maintajn sufficient strength, may be taken according to one's needs; however together, these two meals should not equal. another full meal. 6. On days of abstinence, that is Qn Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays of the Lenten Season, those b<?und by the law abstain from eating meat. 7. No Catholic will hold himself or herself lightly excused from the laws of fast and abstinence. Commenting upon the mitigated Lenten regula-

tions promulgated several years ago by the Holy Father, the National Conf~rence of Catholic Bishops in the United States noted: "The obligation to do penance is a serious one; the obligation to observe, as a whole or 'substantially,' the penitential days specified by the Church is also serious." 8. Lent is a most appropriate time for the voluntary practice of self-denial or personal penance. This may be physical mortification, temperance, or such works as Christian charity and witness.

Subscriptian Sunday, Feb.

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 17, 1977

Cancer Seminar To Study Pain The nursing department of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, and the regional cancer program of Boston University Medi.cal Center will co-sponsor a seminar on Cancer Pain: Assessment and Nursing Intervention from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23 at Dominican Academy auditorium, 37 Park St., Fall River. Registrations, limited to registered and licensed practical nur-· ses, will close Thursday, March 10, and may be made at the Department of Nursing Education of St. Anne's Hospital, 795 Middle St., Fall River. The program has been approved for credit by the Massachusetts Nurses' Assn. and the Licensed Practical Nurses' Assn. of Massachusetts. To be discussed are the theory and causes of pain, methods of pain management and its sociocultural aspects.

Lent Continued from Page One in the dioceses of New England at the beginning of last Advent, it takes effect this Sunday for the universal Church, hence there is renewed emphasis on communal celebrations of penance, always with individual confession and absolution. Also recommended is continued study of the Revised Rite on the part of all, to the end that reception of the sacrament may become more fruitful.

Suggested Rice Bowl Menus HONOR NEW PASTOR: Father James W. Clark, new pastor of St. John's Church, Pocasset, meets young members of his flock at a reception in his honor. From left, on receiving line, Jane Duberge, CCD coordinator; John Nel~on, parish council president; Kay Laird, Women's Guild president; Father Clark and Father James A. McCarthy, former pas: tor of St. John's, now pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth.

The Parish Parade·

Family Mission At O.L. Angels Rev. Lawrence P. Deery, OMI will conduct a family mission at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Fall River, beginning at 7 p.m. Sunday. Feb. 27 and continuing through Friday, March 4 with services daily at 4 and 7 p.m. The mission, for both parents and children, will be centered on family life. Father Deery, a member of the Eastern Province mission band of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, has preached missions, retreats, novenas and triduums in the midwest, south and northeast sections of the United States for the past 20 years. Most of his work has been in the northeast and he has preached in most of the New England dioceses as well as in New York and Brooklyn.

Serrans Sponsor Vocations Club Serra Clubs of the Fall River diocese are joining a "Vocations 31 Club" project sponsored by the national headquarters of the vocation-fostering organization. Michael Coughlin, vice-president of the 'Fall River Serra Club said "Vocations 31" asks members to promise to offer Mass on a given day each month for one year for vocations to the religious life. Parishes participating in the program are displaying sign-up sheets in church vestibules, he said. Other parishes and individuals interested in the club may contact him at 672-7713 for further information.

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town shOUld be Included. as well as full dates of all Bctlvltles. Please send news of future rather than Dast events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement severa I times.

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Rev. R. Gabriel Blain, O.P., pastor, will speak on Felix Leclerc, poet and song writer, at 7:30 tonight in the student lounge at Bristol Community College. At a special goal-setting Mass at 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, parish societies will present their hopes and desires for the coming year. Also on Feb. 26, the parish committee will sponsor a meat pie supper at 7:30 p.m., followed by dancing until 12:30 a.m. The Ernst Jurina theatre group of Munich, Germany, will present a 17th century play, "The Mystery of the Holy Mass," in the supper church at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28. Tickets will be available at the door and may be obtained in advance at the rectory or from any member of the parish board of education. ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER A three-day bus trip to New Jersey will be sponsored Patriots' Day weekend, April 16 through 18, by the Women's Guild. The program will include sightseeing tours, meals, accommodations and an evening of entertainment. Information and reservations are obtainable from Mrs. Paul Batchelder, telephone 674-9538.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Anchor subscription renewal envelopes should be dropped in the offertory basket this weekend. Choir members are needed who would be able to attend an evening rehearsal weekly and sing at 11:15 a.m. Mass each Sunday. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Registration for the second

annual Arts and Crafts Show to be held this weekend in the church basement will take place today and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., also in the basement. A testimonial dinner for Rev. Joseph F. D'Amico, former associate pastor, will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday. March 23 at Venus de Milo resturant. Tickets are available from ushers, Women's Guild members and at the rectory. Turn to Page Thirteen

1st Week-Potato soup, a slice of bread. 2nd Week Macaroni and cheese, vanilla pudding. 3rd Week-Egg salad sandwich, rice pudding. 4th Week-Tuna fish sal~d, chocolate pudding. 5th Week-Spaghetti with tomato sauce, jeBo. 6th Week--ereamed peas on toast, pound cake. 7th Week-Tomato soup, crackers.

Separated, D'ivorced A support group meeting for separated, divorced and remarried Catholics will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22 in St. Anthony of Padua Church hall at Bedford and 16th Streets, Fall River. Rev. Daniel F. Hoye of the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal will be the main speaker.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17,1977

Subscribing to the Truth


In an age when Cahtolic principles and ethics are the subject of ridicule and derision, it is more than ever a need for a Catholic family to have a current source of information to help them in their own search for not only what is real but above all what is true. . Our diocesan newspaper, The Anchor, serves as a very special medium that has as its chief purpose the promulgation of Catholic principles and facts as they apply to our daily living. It is of the utmost importance that each and every Catholic family in our diocese have a resource that can provide them with current Catholic thought as reflected in the events and circumstances of th~ international, national and local scene. During Catholic Press Month, it is our feeling that The Anchor is worthy of your special consideration. In this diocese of Fall River there are close to 100:000 Catholic families. At 'the present time about 27 percent of these families receives The Anchor. As we begin our subscription drive for this year, we realize only too well that we have a lot of growing to do, not only as a newspaper but also as an effective means of reflecting the "Good News." However, we do feel that we are trying to do our best in bringing the message of the Gospel to the events and incidents of our own life and times. We need your help and encouragement to continue these efforts. We hope that each and every parish priest in this dio.: . cese will support and promote this most important undertaking. Our ultimate goal is to have full and complete coverage in ev.ery Catholic home in this diocese. Only with personal coo{>eration and honest commitmeqt will this goal be achieved. Some may say, sure, that- this objective is too idealistic and impractical. To this, may we reply that the message we preach and print by means of this medium was thought to be the same when heard by its first listeners. . We assure all our readers t~at the entire Anchor staff pledges its sincere and honest efforts to keep all subscribers well informed of the truths of our faith as they are reflected in the tensions and dynamics of daily living. We do this, not just because it is our job, but because we realize more and more that a Catholic press can help you, not only in the daily decisions of life but also in the guidance and direction you seek for yourself and your family.

The Suffering Church It is so easy for American Catholics to achieve a false sense of security. In fact, this comfortable Christianity is perhaps one of the most insidious dangers that affects the Church in this land. It perhaps takes an event such as the massacre of

Catholic missionaries in Rhodesia to make us realize once more that the Church of Christ has always been and will always be a reflection o(His sufferings. Too few of us realize the persecution of the Church in today's so-called free world. We are路 aware that behind the Iron ~urtain the Church lives a continuous suffering. Yet we fail to realize that priests and missionaries in the socalled friendly nations are' also being imprisoned and tortured. In Brazil and Argentina, Korea and the Philippbies, hundreds of Catholics are suffering because of the faith. Their belief in the rights and freedoms of man has brought down upon them the wrath and fury of dictatorial government. These are no freaks or hippies who are imprisoned, but Catholic priests and missionaries who' seek to preach the truth and help their felloW' man. So the next time you sit back in your easy chair- and think that all is well reflect for a moment on your brothers and sisters who toss and tum on their beds of pain and torture because they believe the same things you do; because they realize only too well that suffering is never removed from one who dares to say that he or she is a Christian. And above all, do not get too comfortable in that chair, saying that it could never happen here in this land of the free. History has a funny way of making us accountable.


A small group is in the midst of discussion As one woman speaks . . . the rest lean forward to catch her every word ... There is a sense of active, almost energetic listening . . . a feeling of respectful and honest sharing. Few things 'seem more needed today . ; . in families . . . among friends ... between spouses ... in government and business . . . in the Church . . . among churches ... than honest dialogue' in which people in an atmosshare their thoughts ... and feelings phere of respect and trust. How rare it is in our age of advanced communication techology for people to share honestly. Even rarer is sensitive listening ... When was the last time someone really listened to you.. . . with his heart as well as with his ears? . . . When did you last listen intently to someone ... struggling to understand . . . to feel with . . . him or her? Spirit of Jesus ... teach us to share ourselves with others . . .teach us to listen ... with sensitivity . and compassion ... as Jesus did. Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service

The New Poverty Debate By Jim CASTELLI Welfare reform will be a top priority in the Carter Administration. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano says he will have the outlines of the Administration's program by May 1. A key question in the upcoming debate will be how many people are really poor. A recent report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will influence that debate. For the past few years, the number of people living in poverty has been calculated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, which uses the federal poverty level of $5,500 a year for a fam-

ily of four and $2,500 for an individual. , Last September, the Census Bureau said 10.5 million families and individuals - 13.8 percent of the total population - live in poverty. But the Census Bureau counted only actual income; it did not count "in-kind'" benefits such as food stamps, medicare and Medicaid or federal housing assistance. The CBO did count such aid as income and, using the same basic standard, found only half the number of people living in poverty claimed by the Census Bureau. The CBO said 5.4 million families and individuals, 6.9 percent of the total - live in poverty.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore. M.A. Rev. Msgr. Johll Regan ,,-leary Press-f,1I Riv...

The CBO report certainly provides useful information. But it is likely that many people who are at best only lukewarm about welfare reform to begin with will use the study to suggest that poverty is no longer that great a problem in America. But this is not the case, for several reasons. First, even the CBO acknowledges that includIng Medicare and Medicaid benefits as income distorts the real situation. The elderly. using Medicare and Medicaid pay a disproportionate amount of their total income in medical costs. The end result is that they still live below the poverty level in terms of food, clothing, shelter and so on. When Medicare and Medicaid are not included as income the CBO study said, 7.4 million families and individuals, or 9.3 per cent of the total, live below the poverty level. Poverty Relative But is important to remember that poverty levels are relative and that the federal poverty level is an arbitrary figure. One of the best estimates of the amount of money needed to run a household is the one used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In late 1975, the BLS said a family of four living in a city needed an income of $9,198 a year to maintain a "lower" standard of living. About 65.5 million Americans , have incomes below that levelalmost one American in four. This figure is based only on cash income, not the in-kind income counted by the CBO. But the 65.5 million figure is still more informative than the official poverty level figures because it comes closest to describing the actual conditions in America today. Discussions of poverty figures also tend to focus on detailed numbers while ignoring the time factor. Put simply, most people can survive a short time on a poverty budget. But the impact of long-term poverty is far greater than a temporary period of poverty. . A recent National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on the family recognized this. 'It recommended that a minimal goal for income maintenance for families would be to guarantee that "no child should be deprived of access to a family living standard lower than half of the median family income level (after taxes) for a substantial period of his or her own childhood, and this income should not fall below the government-defined poverty level even for shorter periods." The median family income for a family of four is $14,327. And even the figure recommended by the NAS study is below the BLS lower living standard. The CBO stUdy is helpful because it shows us that in-kind income must be considered in some way in determining pov- . erty levels. 'But the main point is this: No matter what any study says, poverty - and the problem of people living near the poverty level - remains a serious problem in the United States and will remain so for a long time to come.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977


Priests Look at the Legion of Mary


What do priests think of the Legion of Mary? New Bedford area priests nave this to say:


Father Alexander Zichello, spiritual director of the New Bedford Legion Curia: "Publicity is not the aim of the Legion. The work is done quietly for love of God and neighbor and not for praise."

Christians should not let themselves be overwhelmed by "the daily diet of too much bad news," Pope Paul VI told a crowd in St. Peter's Square, urging them to maintain and spread the spirit of the Gospel despite growing social decadence. "The daily diet of too much bad news," said the Pope, "broadcast by every means of social communication, begets a growing humiliation as one is forced to witness a progressive decadence in the ethical-social order and an alarming spread of delinquency that was yesterday limited and individual but is today collective and organized." /He said that the problem is increased because people feel that the forces of the social order which should protect life and rights appear to be unequal to their task. This discourages people, particularly the young, from making the necessary efforts needed to achieve the ideal of justice, he said, and as a result a spirit of permissiveness and irresponsibility takes over. "Where shall we find that 'worthy and clear conscience' that Dante once said was flourishing among our people?" the Pope asked.


The Pope recently told 250 priests and seminarians of Rome's North American College, including several from the Fall River diocese,' that they were much appreciated and loved in Rome. He urged the seminarians to base their priesthood preparations on an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. "Like yourselves," the Pope said as he received the group in an audience, "I also came here from a city outside the province of Rome, but you. must not feel like strangers. "From the Vatican 1 can see your college, and 1 often think of you and pray for you." The Pope referred to the American bicentennial, saying he hoped that "this event will succeed in marking a fresh spiritual beginning, a new period in your lives and in the lives of all Americans."


Speaking at his regular weekly audience, the Pope condemned what he called nominal Christians who "live in the shadow of uncertainty about their faith and breathe in insufficient amounts of spiritual oxygen." "Unfortunately this mentality is not viewed as a result of ignorance or of religious superficiality, but as a sign of maturity in thought and experience . . . Today many intelligent people want to remain free from religious profession and religious affirmations which demand adhesion to truth." He challenged Catholics to "reconstruct the castle" of their faith.




Father Matthew Sullivan, SS. CC., St. Mary's parish, Fairhaven: "These are loyal and dedicated people, loyal to the Church and willing to move ahead under the guidance of authority. These days, so much stress is being put

Letters to the editor

letters are welcomed, but shOUld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Listen to Elderly Dear Editor: Respect for the dignity of human beings, unborn and elderly, young and middle age: the elderly and the unborn are having the hardest time of it. The unborn are not given the chance to grow to know God. The elderly are not given the opportunity to be loved, respected, and to give' of their spiritual growth. Listen to the elderly! After you leave them, think, ponder over what they said. You will uncover gems, words of wisdom and God's graces. Two good friends of mine visit nursing homes to talk, listen and pray with the lonely old people. These two ladies have made good friends with the ill up to their death. They have given of their. time and love, but have gained much in return. Don't wait until the old become ill. ,Listen, living is an education, which does not earn a diploma but a degree in God's love, Jesus, because Christ is love come to life. Mrs. 'F. 1. Bouchard North Dartmouth

Letter From Vatican Dear Editor: This is to let you know I received a letter from the Vatican from the Secretariat of State, Most Rev. J. Benelli, after writing to the Holy Father giving him my loyalty and concern for the United States Roman Catholics. It reads: "The Holy Father has directed me to acknowledge your letter. "His Holiness is pleased that you should wish to share with him your thoughts on the Church in the United States. He appreciates the sentiments of loyalty and of concern which prompted your letter. "Assuring you of his prayers, the Holy Father willingly imparts to you his paternal Apostolic Blessing." I am very proud and honqred by this letter an<1 the Holy Fa-


ther's good blessings. I continue to pray for the United States Catholic Church, which is in need of prayer. Gilbert J. Canuel Jr. Fall River

Active in Legion Dear Editor: II had been an Auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary for many years, and had been asked many times to become an Active member but could not make up my mind, until almost two years ago. I attended a few programs put on by the Legion of Mary, and thought they were very inspiring. Such events- as the living Rosary and the Acies, which is held at the Cathedral once a year. I also attended the Legion Retreat which was held last October at Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairhaven. I had been thinking of joining some program to do good for other people and at the same time help me to spend some of my leisure time. So, I prayed to God and the Virgin Mary to guide me, and I made up my mind to become an Active member in May 1975. I enjoy going to the weekly meetings and doing the assignments which are only two hours per week. It has helped me spiritually and morally. I hope to b~ able to stay in the Active membership for many years to come. Theresa Blais New Bedford

Life's Sunset I wish to address this letter to our senior citizens: Congratulations! When '.'1e

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20

on the apostolate and this is something the Legionaries have been doing right along. Being solidly spiritual, they concern themselves with the spiritual needs of people."

Msgr. Henri Hamel, St. Joseph's parish: "The 'Legion of

Mary in a parish is a powerhouse of blessings to the entire community. Members develop a sense of obedience, dedication and loyalty and become a valued extension of the clergy in bringing the peace and love of Jesus in the lives of those accepting their ministry." Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan director of the Legion of Mary: "I consider the Legion to be a sign of vitality in the spiritual life of each parish where it is established. Our hope is to expand the number of parishes actively involved in Legion work."

reach the age of 70, 80, 90 or even younger, we may be said to be at the sunset of life, and we all know the glories of the sunset. Surely, it' is the most beautiful hour of the day. Before he leaves, the setting sun reaches out to give all he has. He tints the fluffy clouds with rose, spreads his rays of orange and gold over all the earth ,then in a last farewell, with hues of deepest red, tells his regret to leave, al.1d his joy in the approach of a new and glorious day beyond the horizon. Isn't our life like this? We need not regret its morning or envy the strength of the young, for we can still share with

others the greatest of gifts, our peace, our joy and our love. Our sunset is a time of joy, for soon we shall meet One Who .is all joy, Who understands and Who loves us, not because we deserve it, ,but because He is LOVE. Of course, I know we have many little aches and pains, perhaps big ones too, but they will not last long and our joy will last for ever. Congratulations, and much love. If we do not meet before, let us meet in the home of our Father. Sister Olive Goody, F.M.M. Cardinal Hayes Home, Millbrook, N. Y.

Father Edward Correia, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pdrish: "I think that the greatest attribute of Legionaries is their willingness to cooperate fully with the priest in whatever he proposes. Also, fidelity to prayer is another important aspect of the Legion."

For Information Call: 762路8722 or write 30 Mann Street, So. Attleboro, Mass. 02703 FALL RIVER - Tuesdays 6 PM Retail Clerks Union Hall, 291 McGowan St. FALL RIVER - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 9:30 AM Holiday Inn, Milliken Blvd. ATTLEBORO - Mondays 1 PM & 7:30 PM V.F.W. Building, 196 Pleasant Street FAIRHAVEN - Wednesdays 8 PM VFW, 126 Main Street NEW BEDFORD - Tuesdays 6 PM & 8 PM, Thursdays 10 AM VFW, 929 Ashley Blvd. NEW BEDFORD - Wednesdays 8 PM Moose Club, 446 Dartmouth Street NEW BEDFORD - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 10 AM YMCA, 25 South Water Street NORTH ATTLEBORO - Thursdays 7:30 PM K of C Hall, 287 Smith Street NORTH DARTMOUTH - Wednesdays 7:30 PM Smith Mills..Congregational Church Parish Hall, 11 Anderson Way (off Rt. 6) PORTSMOUTH - Tuesdays 9:30 AM & 7:30 PM Ramada Inn, Jet. Routes 138路114 SOMERSET - Mondays 7:30 PM, Thursdays 9:30 AM, 6 & 8 PM, 970 County St. SWANSEA - Tuesdays 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus, 143 Old Warren Road TAUNTON - Wednesdays 10 AM & 5:30 PM YMCA, 71 Cohannet Street WESTPORT:""" Thursdays 7:30 PM Westport Grange, Main Street


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977

Would Like Other Comments on Detroit Meeting By REV~


I really get frosted at those who support you off the record and are silent or even endorse the other side on the record. You really don't need that kind of friend when the lights go out in the barroom and the fight begins. As far as I know, I'm the only one who is not part of the ne-

anderthal wing of the Catholic church who has been critical of the Detroit putsch of the liberal bureaucratic clique which apparently effectively succeeeded in usurping the role of representative of the Catholic laity and clergy over against the hierachy. Of course, I can understand the problem. Few bishops really wish to go on the public re.cord and say that Cardinal Dearden made a disastrous mistake in turning the bicentennial celebration over to a scheming clique of liberal incompetents. On the other hand, if you have to live and work in an environment peopled by some of the characters who went to Detroit,

you really don't want to pick a' fight with them. They are not very bright, but they are convinced of their own moral goodness; like all enthusiastic fanatics, they can make life very difficult indeed for those who have to put up with them. But just to show you that I'm not the only one made sick to his stomach by the Detroit meeting, let me quote from a letter from a well-known liberal Catholic academic - who, since he must live in the same environment as the crazies, discreetly remains anonymous: "The caucuses of 'National Catholic' crazies and their forced 'revisions of initial bad tests;

the overwhelming quantity of undigested materials; the blownup confused delegates, etc. - all made Boss Tweed look like the angel Gabriel. I kept thinking through it all of the performance of the Fulda Conference in Germany and the splendid, solid texts, prepared for their national conference four years ago. "If the National Conference of Catholic Bishops could only mature and support competent research, interdisciplinary coopera" tion, it would have had a better game plan, and also support publication o'f such research with peer evaluation, as the Fulda Conference also does, as an ongoing budget line.

"You have been courageous and shrewd to spot the whole procedure from its inception and to blast it consistently along the way. It is already said that you are excessive in your language against the pirates amongst the princes. I judge they need such blunt exposure. I don't know which I dislike more: the fanatics of the right or the guerrillas of the left." I disclaim the courageous bit; neither the fanatics of the right nor the guerrillas of the left have anything I want, so it's not courageous to take them on. In fact it's kind of fun. But it would be more fun if others would join in.

W;hy Aren't Our Kids Going tlo Mass Any M,or,e? By


I met a friend at Mass last Sunday. Like me, she's in her mid-forties, raising a flock of kids ranging in age from early twenties 'to pre-teens. We haven't seen each other in quite a while. She had her two youngest daughters with her. There are four older children, high school



The Untted Steelworkers of America (USWA), the largest union in the United States, held its quadrennial election of officers Tuesday. It was more hotly contested and attracted more attention in the media than any union election in recent memory. To a greater extent than usual people from outside the organization took sides,



Every year at this time when there is just a promise that spring might really arrive one of these days, we start thinking of what we might buy in spring and summer attire. Each year and season there are certain trends an~ changes

and college age. I didn't think there was anything unusual about just the two little ones being with her. I had only two of my youngest with me. The children walked ahead. We were alone. She raised an awful question. "Sometimes I wonder if it's all been worth it. I wonder if I've done anything right. I wanted to bring them all up as good Catholics... "You see who still comes with me... Just the two little ones. None of the older ones goes to Mass. My husband doesn't go ... I wonder if my example has done any good at all . . . And . how much can I be teaching the little ones if my husband and

the older ones don't go? Her eyes were moist. It wasn't idle conversation. She was deeply upset, straining to control it. "We scrimped to give them all a Catholic education, for elementary school, anyway. We really couldn't afford even that, so' there was no way we could have sent them to Catholic high schools. But I don't even know if that would have made a difference..." Combed, Shining I had no pat answer for her. We sent ours to Catholic high school. As soon as they graduated, the boys quit going to Mass. And it bothered me deeply.

But as my friend and I stood there in the Church parking lot that day, talking about it, I think we both realized we had gotten married with a dream of raising such a nice, devout Catholic family. Twenty years ago we envisioned all these children, combed and shining, attending Mass as a family every Sunday. It hasn't worked out that way. And it seems we are the rule, not the exception. Afterwards, I realized that almost all of the families I know are following this trend. Maybe, as parents, we need to take a hard look at why we want our children to go to Mass. Was some of our reason sim-

ply to earn praise as "good mothers?" Was some of it because we had created an equation: family at Mass equals automatic goodness? I believe the reason I wanted my children to go to Mass was that I love the Mass. I've found it renews my faith. And my faith has sustained me in some hard times. I'd like to pass that along to my children. But there are other things I've loved that I've wanted to pass on to my children. Sometimes I have ... sometimes I haven't ... 'But, when you come right down to it, hasn't that been true of all parents for all time?

• Steelworkers' Elections Outside Interference In generally against the so-called official slate and in favor of the opposition. I deliberately stayed out of this controversy while the election campaign was under way, for I knew that anything I might say would be misinterpreted by one side or the other, probably both. But now that the election has been held, I can't resist putting in my two cents worth. I am not sure I fully understand why the incumbents and 'their supporters got¡ so upset about outside "interference." After all, this wasn't the first time outsiders spoke and raised money for their favorite candidate in a union election. And I sus-

pee! that the incumbents (who happen to be friends of mine) might have reacted less excitely if the same group of outsiders had supported them instead of siding with the opposition. In practical terms, I thought that at least some of the outsiders made a nuisance of themselves and left themselves wide open to the charge of being a bunch of 'busybody reformers. I would bet the final tally will reveal that this kind of clumsy interference was resented by some otherwise neutral USWA members. If 1 were a union member, I think that regardless of my personal choice of candidates, I

would have been turned off by a few of the outsiders who were obviously trying to peddle their particular philosophy of trade unionism. Professor Galbraith Prof. John Kenneth .Galbraith, recently retired from Harvard, is a case in point. A distinguish'ed economist with a flair for language, Galbraith has opted in recent years for a vague form of democratic socialism as the only hope for the American economy. That's fair enough. But if I understand his writings, he attaches little importance to the, labor movement as a force for constructive change. A decade ago he concluded

that the labor movement is in the early stages of a permanent decline. He is obviously entitled to this opinion. But why did he waste his time getting so deeply invol, ved in the steelworkers' election and by serving as the principal fund raiser for the oppositon slate? I am sure J: don't know the answer to that one. I do know, however, that if Galbraith really believes what he has written, and never taken back, he has lots of gall trying to tell any group of organized workers for whom they ought to vote in a union election. The Yiddish word for that is "chutzpah."

that we may like, or not, depending on our individual taste. Relaxed is the word we see being used for the fashions of '77. This is a concept that may very well be needed in. a world that spends ~ost of its time being uptight. what the designers actually mean by' this is softness, feminine lines and 'an appropriateness to our way of Hfe. Look for lots of sundresses, many with jackets, for the younger set and also for those not so young and T-shirt dresses for on the jOb, along with our favorite shirtdress, of course. In materials, look for a great

Combs will return and for use of eyelet, small floral print&, large sheer plaids, dotted swiss, those who wear their hair up or pique, seersucker and a return in a chignon, they are the perof that very elegant natural ma- fect accessory. Look for these terial, linen. Why I even noted combs to be worn also in any one designer's comment that he length hair, caught just above felt linen looked just as good the ear for a classic look. They wrinkled as pressed! will steal the show from the Back to Nature barrette. In accessories, look for a Always charming are earrings strong "back to nature" influ- and very young girls are wearence. YoU'll see garden growth ing these in novel materials. Unand exotic flowers strung in the usual pairs seen lately featured hair and appearing at the throat, . tiny toy blocks and children's waist and wrist. Stalks of deli- beads. Be sure, however, that cate wheat make romantic hair your daughter doesn't try do-itcombs, a fashion accessory that herself ear piercing! Canvas bags are expected to I personally love.

become very important after Easter, along with the natural look of straw, macrame and jute. Leather will be fi.ne for the very tailored look but with the return to softness the material bags will be in style. All in all, '77 is going to be a very feminine year. Thrust of Spring "The great forces running through the Church, the waves surging up from the depths and uplifting her, are n{lt the signs of death. They show the rising of the sap, the thrust of spring." -Emannuel Suhard

Whites Protest Rhodesian Rite

WORK'S THE SECRET: ''Work never killed anyone," is a favorite saying of Mrs. Ida Tetrault, and it must be true. She celebrated her hundredth birthday last week at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. Watching her cut cake are her daughter, Mrs. Walter Chase, and her son, Norman, both New Bedford area residents.

Deacons New Resource Continued from Page One ceses currently initiating diaconal programs, including our own diocese of Fall River. It is obvious that the growth of such a ministry in the American Church in such a short time is without precedent. As growth continues, however, so do some of the difficulties that must be solved. In order to help and serve the needs of priest directors of the Permanent Diaconate, a national association of such directors was formed, separate from the Bishops' Committee, which will dedicate itself to promoting effective communication and facilitating exchange of information and resources among members. Variety of Ministries The prime theological presentation of the convention was given by Father Joseph A. Komonchak, profesSQr of systematic theology, at Dunwoodie, the theological seminary of the Archdiocese of New York. His topic was' "The Permanent Diaconate and the Variety of Ministries in the Church." Flowing from this central theme, various workshops devoted their efforts to newly developing ministries, with particular reference to the Permanent Deacon; for example, team ministries for deacons on college campuses. It was quite apparent among the delegates that before this concept of various ministries is formulated for the deacon, a given diocese must be aware of the basic needs that can be fulfilled by a restoration of the diaconate as an intregal part of diocesan life. The diaconate arises where ministries already exist. (In this respect, it should ,be noted that any candidate for the Permanent Diaconate in this diocese must already be serving in some form of ministry in his local community.) During the convention, great emphasis was placed on the role of the deacon serving in community and not just as a liturgical functionary. The deacon is to encourage and foster new ministries in the Church by his own example of dedicated service. As

in the early days of Christianity, the Church has a need, based on its very nature and its mission, for other ministries. The general tone of the convention was very positive. This was reflected in a very particular way by the Archbishop of New Orleans, the Most Rev. Philip M. Hannan who had nothing but praise for the Permanent Deacon program in the American Church and his own Archdiocese. This positive feeling also permeated the convention delegates. To be sure, time was given to some of the many problems that each diocese faces, not so much in the formulation of a diaconal program, but in the post-ordination life of the deacon. it was most interesting to note that the vast majority of Diocesan Directors felt that the screening process whereby candidates are selected for a diocesan program is perhaps the most important aspect of such a program. All路 agreed that the chief tool providing basic reliability in the selection process is that of the personal interview, of which candidates undergo several. Many dioceses also employ various forms of psychological testing in their programs as another indication .of the future candidate's ability to function in ministry. For our own diocesan program; this information was encouraging, since personal interviews and testing are both employed in our selection process. To sum up, then, the convention was beneficial, not only from the aspect of information but also to assure the effectiveness of our diocesan program, which will shortly be submitted to the Bishops' Committee in Washington. Reflecting on the gleanings of this past week, the people of the diocese may have firm assurance that we will have a Permanent Diaconate program that will not only be an effective witness of the Bishops' Committee's guidelines but will also be an instrument whereby the witness of the deacon in this 'diocese will truly reflect the mind of the Church. Any man 32 years or over,

Continued from Page One quoted Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali to the effect that, whoever actually killed the missionaries, the government itself was "remotely responsible" for their deaths. Upon his return here from a trip to South Africa, Smith noted that Bishop Lamont had been convicted last year of not reporting the presence of guerrillas. "We kQOW what happened in the recent court case," said Smith, referring to the IO-year sentence imposed on the bishop. "Under those circumstances, I don't think it should surprise anybody that he has resorted to this kind of talk." Despite the路 controversies, the prevailing mood of the funeral, held 'out of doors to accommodate the large cro~d was one of mourning.

presently active in Church ministry in his parish, who wishes to seek further information on the Permanent Diaconate Program of the Diocese is most welcome to write to: the Office of the Permanent Diaconate Diocese of Fall River Box 7 Fall River. Mass. 027Z.2

In his homily, Father Chikore, senior African priest in the country, quoted the words of 65year-old Bishop Lamont, longtime leader of Church opposition to apartheid in Rhodesia: "I cannot say who is immediateiy responsible (for the seven deaths). Those remotely responsible are the authorities who


THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 17, 1977

have refused to face the fact that the majority of the population does not enjoy equality under the law, nor equal opportunity in the civil, political, economic and cultural. life of the country, nor do they have an effective share in decision-making."

Diocesan Women in California Continued from Page One A statement issued at the close of the three-day meeting declared that women's new roles in the Church "should not obscure what is even more important than such relatively specialized functions - namely, the general apostolic value of the daily tasks performed by women in the home, parish, marketplace community and the world at large." The statement also said that the committee will seek to prevent the "new specialization sought for ~omen in the Church from degenerating into bureaucratic role-playing." The committee praised the "visible and positive action" of Pope Paul VI in raising the papal Justice and Peace Commission and the Pontifical Council on the Laity to permanent status last December. . Mrs. Arthur Horsell, NCCW

president, presided at the meeting, attended by officers and 26 province directors from across the country, program commission leaders, a representative of national organizations affiliated with NCCW, and a representative of priest moderators of the council. As a sidelight of the meeting, Mrs. Paulson noted that executive board members voted not to use the term "chair-person" to identify officers - "only the term 'chairman' will be used by the NCCW." "This motion made everyone quite happy," she added. "All of us feel more comfortable with the term 路chairman.'''

Life Work "To obtain the gift of holiness is the work of a life."-Cardinal Newman.


OFACROSS God's "Valentine" to man came in the shape of a cross. Missionary Sisters, like this one in southern India, are spreading the word by their loving service to the poorest of the poor. They serve and look to you for the help that permits their work to go on. Won't you be their Valentine-not by sending cardsorcandy, but by your earnest prayers and sacrifice?


Yes, I want to bring Chrisfs love to the Mission-poor. Enclosed is my giftof 0$1,0000$5000$2000$1000$500$200$100$5 OOther $

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The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considin1 OR: Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, MassachusettS 02720






Thurs., Feb. 17, 1977

Second, sex is between persons - between human beings with hopes, fears, insecurities, expectations, vulnerabilities. It is not an automatic act, a responsibility that must be fulfilled, an exploitation of the weak by the strong. It may be fun, but it is

By Father Andrew Greeley

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It is unfortunate that' so much debate has raged on certain aspects of Catholic sexual ethics that the broader and more positive elements of the catholic sexual viewpoint have been overlooked - often even by Catholics. It must be remembered that when Christianity appeared in the world, human .thinking about sexuality was dominated by two opposing curl1ents. On the one hand there was an intense pagan hedonism that sought only pleasure and regarded others as instruments of pleasure. On the other, there was the contempt for the human body as the prison of the human spirit, a mark of most philosophical systems after Plato. Sex was viewed as debasing because it was the most powerful of forces that confined the human spirit in its physical bondage. Christianity opposed both errors, and in the process often permitted itself to be contaminated by the body-hatred of the platonic world view which dominated philosophical and religious thinking in the late stages of the Roman empire. Part of the reason for such a drift, of course, was that in their pastoral work Christian thinkers like St. Augustine were confronted with the survival of pagan hedonism. However, in the marriage liturgies and the popular devotions of the ordinary faithful, the basic insights of the Christian sexual vision persisted - often despite what the theologians were saying. When St. PaUl chose to compar~ the sexual union between man and woman to the union between God and His peopIe, Jesus and His church, he did so to illustrate the closeness of these unions. He gave the definitive Christian response to the antisex puritans of his own time and subsequent times. And so, for that matter, did Jesus when He worked His first miracle to keep a marriage feast at Cana from turning into a failure. Three Utemes run through a mature Catholic sexual vision: life, person, and commitment. While Catholicism has never taught that every sexual act must be procreative, it does believe that sexuality is linked to the continuation of humankind and the propagation of human life. Life is sacred and must be respected. To treat it with disrespect or contempt is to threa, ten the basis of all human existence and civilization. Such a teaching is not superfluous in an era that has seen the holocaust in the concentration camps and at Hiroshima. Sex is for pleasure, of course, but it is also for life. As such, it is the most sacred and precious gift possible. Human reproduction is not merely a biological function; it is an activity filled with moral and religious responsibility, a truth that humankind has known from its earliest years.

break our hearts. More than that, in the ordinary course of events the other will hurt us, and we will hurt the other. The joy of sexual love involves the pain of being hurt by the loved one as well as the guilt of knowing we have caus-

postive quest for improving the quality of the common . life together - in bed and out of it. Catholicism is in the process of reevaluating some of its traditional sexual norms, not because any fundamental principles have. changed but because the circumstances in which those principles must be applied have changed and because we have new insights into human behavior that we did not possess in years gone by. The Church has always opposed divorce because of its conviction about the importance of the personal commitment involved in sex, although that opposition has never excluded the possibility of "divorce" under some circumstances. T~e Church still believes that a full marriage commitment between two baptized people is irrevocable. However, in recent years, with advances in psychological understanding, the Church has come to recognize that a considerable degree of psychological and personal maturity is required to make a full. marriage commitment, and that many marriages from the beginning were not by such a commitment. Hence "annulments" - the decision that such maturity was not present - are more frequent than they used to be.

not just fun; if the basic humanity of the sexual partner is not reverenced and respected, then sex becomes a perverted ·evil. Finally, there is a strain in sexual activity toward commitment. Obviously it is biologically possible to have sex without it, but psychologically there is a cost both in the diminishing of sexual pleasure and in the injury done to the persons involved. Sex is one of the best "sacraments" (re-presentations) of the love of God for h'IS· peop Ie precisely because of its built-in tendency toward commitment. God speaks to us in the world mostly through other people. The God who created the world is also the God who calls us forth. For most of us, the most powerful invitation to break out of the narrowness, the timidity the defensiveness, the selfishness behind which we too often hide comes through sexual love. God in other words, calls us forth to be the best of which we are capable through sexual love. I

But the challenges of sexual intimacy are very great. For the payoff of. sex to continue and grow, two people must be not only physically but psychologically vulnerable to one another. Fear, insecurity, and shame destroy the possibility for growth through sexuality. Yet vulnerability is hard because it means that we are so open, body and spirit, to the other that he or she can hurt us, wound us, even

One must also say candidly that there is substantial disagreement among Catholics on the subject of contraception. No one would argue that unlimited fertility is required, but the official (though "non-infallible") teaching of the Pope is that all "artificial" means of birth coned pain. It also requires the trol (including the pill) are constrength and faith to begin trary to God's law. The grounds anew. for this decision are basically Often married people turn the conviction that the "life" away from such vulnerability and "person" aspect of the Cabecause while the pleasures it tholic tradition could not otherbrings are very great, the risks wise be adequately safeguarded. seem even greater. Much of the. Many Catholics - theologians difficulty with human sexuality priests and laity - disagree. in the present era is that we They argue that the 1968 stateexpect much more from our sex- ment by the Pope did not take ual intimacies than our ances- sufficiently into account the extors did, yet. we have not ex- periences of Catholic family life panded our skills at being vol- nor the entirely new situation of nerable ourselves and being ten- very low infant mortality rates. der with the vulnerabilities of Less than 100 years ago, for example, 10 pregnancies would be others. required to produce two adults Vulnerability and tenderness who would survive into their particularly throughout a own child-bearing years. Now 10 long period of committed rela- pregnancies can easily mean 10 tionship - require courage and surviving children - and a confaith. It is hard to be both gentle sequent population expansion. and open unless one believes But this controversy, however . that one lives in a world in important it may be, should not which good is stronger than evil, lead Catholics and non-eatholics purpose more evident than ab- to overlook the rest of the Casurdity. tholic vision on human sexuality. For Catholic Christians, then, the image of a God who is committed to us in passionate love . with implacable fidelity is a gu18 arantee that one does live in an ultimately benign world where it is safe to risk oneself in the taking and the giving of human intimacy. It is that faith that can and should support humans as they strive to develop the physical and psychological skills that are necessary for their common life. Fidelity is not so much a negative thing, like staying out of someone else's bed, as it is

SubscripUI. SundlU, Fib.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977

Manly Duty Asked of Men, Womanly Duty of Women

Ask Colleges Stay Catholic NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Archbishop William D. Borders of Baltimore urged Catholic col.. . . lege and unIversIty offiCials meeting here to avoid compromises that would lose the Catholic identity of their institutions

Dear Father Herb: Do Pro-Lifers admit woman has the right to control her own body and yet deny her the right to an abortion? Yes. Not only do they admit woman has a right of control over her own body; they would to God she would manly duty of men, why not·demand womanly duty of women? use it. Man and woman's Abortion is a kind of treason to self control is the only ade- the human race. quate moral means of dissipating the abortion demand. A woman has a right to control her body, but not the right



to use it for any purpose whatever, and not the right to. refuse its use without consulting her responsibilities. The same' applies to a man and his body. A woman's body belongs in varying degrees to her God, her husband, her child, her nation, her reason. To God: God holds Author's rights over the body. He has expressed the basics in the Ten Commandments. He also teaches the Christian: "You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body" (1 Cor. 6:19). We give that glory by using our bodies responsibly. To her husband: All people~ recognize that by marriage a woman shares with her husband ~e right to use her body, as he shares with her the right to use his. All married lovers accept the words of Paul: "The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to the husband. The wife has not authority over her body, but the husband; the husband likewise has not authority over his body, but the wife" (1 Cor. 7:3-4). Attacking this truth attacks marriage. The attack has been launched and many marriages are wounded and dying. To her child: Nature and nature's God have made the natural use of sex simultaneously, love-giving and life-giving. Responsible use of sex means taking responsibility for the new human life generated. The man who fathers a child owes it protection with his presence and support with his labor. The woman who conceives a child owes it the natural use of her body to nurture it and bear it. To her fellow citizens and her nation: A nation is organized for the common good. It should never legalize any use of the body that destroys the rights and the bodies of others. Further, a nation requires for its security that a soldier expose his body to danger and often to death. Cowardice and treason are punished by disgrace and even by death. If we demand


- To her reason: Reason sees the foregoing truths. Rights and obligations are partners. Our right to the use of our bodies is limited by the effects our actions have on our selves and on others 18,000 DISAPPEAR: FaTo deny sane limits is to espouse ther Patrick Rice, recently lawlessness. It is. even a form expelled from Argentina, of insanity. 18,000 people have dissays The question of abortion is not that country appeared in a question of women but of mothers and babies. The mother as a result of politi~al activiwho procures an abortion arro- ty. (NC Photo) gates control not only over her body but over that of her baby. She sacrifices his life to her concerns. That goes beyond' the rights God exercises over man. Over 100 bishops, major supHuman sacrifice is a horror· to Him. Should it not be to a .eriors of religious orders and others in church leadership pomothers? sitions will participate in a three day Psychotheological Institute sponsored by the House of Affirmation, Whitinsville, Mass. Continued from Page One Today through Saturday at the He sent a handwritten note to Marriott Inn in Providence, parhis staff, spoke to his Cabinet ticipants from the United States heads and talked to employees and Europe will hear House of of the Department of Housing Affirmation staff. members give and Urban Development (HUD), presentations in the areas of all with the same basic message spiritual and psychological di- protect the "integrity" of rection, celibacy, 'loneliness, and their families. the problems of community livCarter's comments are not friv- ing. olous. Anyone who knows anyBishop Bernard J. Flanagan thing about the government is scheduled to open today's sesion and 'Bishop Louis E. Gelinscene in Washington knows as stories of divorce and sexual eau of Providence will be th..e escapades indicate - that pres- principal celebrant of a concelesure, long hours and the political brated liturgy tomorrow. Bishop limelight can take a heavy toll Timothy J. Harrington will 'speak at the closing dinner on on family life. Carter told a Cabinet meeting Saturday. Father Thomas A. Kane, exthat he did riot want his department heads to let their govern- ecutive director of the House ment responsibilities deprive of Affirmation said that the institute is being held at the retheir families. In the note to his own staff, quest of bishops and major suhe said there will be crises periors who wish to learn more "where you'll need to spend the about the ministry of the House of Affirmation. Its theme is night on a couch here." "When Church Leaders Care." But at other times, he said, The House of Affirmation is "watch yourselves and keep a ministry to religious professyour families together . . . ionals providing an opportunity "You'll be so much more use- for self discovery though the ful to me and to the country if contemporary approach of psyyou do have some recreation, chotheology, realized through get some exercise, see your chil- a program of service, education dren and your spouses." and research. Carter also carried his message to sub-cabinet level government employees in a talk at Spanish-Vatican Ties .HUD. Are .Strengthened . He grinned and the audience VATICAN CITY (NC) - Deof several hundred laughed as cades of cool relations between he said: "Those of you who live the Vatican and Spain were cerein sin, I hope you will get mar- moniously swept away here as ried. Those of you who have left Spanish King Juan Carlos and your spouses, come back home. Queen Sophia said the first Those of you who don't know visit to a Pope by a Spanish your childrens' names, get to head of state since King Alfonso know them." XIII visited Pius XI in 1923. Carter's own schedule, though Pope Paul told the 39-year-old full, has been structured to al- monarch that he hoped "the tenlow- him time with his family. sieins springing up recently out He works from about 6:30 a.m. of very sad events (in Spain) to 6:30 p.m. and spends evenings would be overcome." It was an and weekends with his family, obvious reference to right-wing except for occasional phone calls murders and terrorism lately ocand meetings. curring in Spain.

Institute Begins In Providence

for the sake of governmental and corporate funding. He also ~ppealed to the educators. to Implement the recommendatIon of the Detroit "Call to Action" conference that "people be educated about social justice on all levels."

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'f 0

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977


Hasn't He Got The Message ? LONDON (NC) - Jens Thorsen, the Danish film maker who planned to make a pornographic film here about the sex life of Jesus Christ, was recently refused entry into Britain by immigration Officials at London's Heathrow airport. The immigration official who questioned Thorsen decided' that his- presence might lead to demonstrations so he refused him entry. The script for Thorsen's proposed film depicts Jesus engaging in a variety of sexual activities, including homosexual acts. He has tried unsuccessfully to make the film in France, Den. mark, Finland, Sweden and Great Britain. Strong public protests have moved officials to reject funding requests or threaten"

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By Father John Dietzen


.Q. A magazine artiele I read referred to someone as a possible "anti-Pope," and implied that he would not be the first one in history. Were there really antiPopes? I thought there could only be one pope at a time. (Florida)

ER: Rev. James G. Keller, A. It has happened more than M. M., 76, founder of the once that strong political or reChristopher movement, died ligious factions in the Church last week in Manhattan. have not liked the man chosen With the motto, "It is better as Pope - or perhaps thought to light Qne candle than to he was chosen unlawfully curse the darkness" and by and so picked their own mall, and called him Pope. way of the Christopher News These are complicated messes Notes, books, films, televisusually, and difficult to untangle. ion and radio, he spread the While there is technically only message that one person can one Pope at a time, historians change the world. Cardinal sometimes have a hard assignTerence Cooke of New York ment sorting out which is which. presided at his funeral Mass A classic example was during at St. Patrick's Cathedral a considerably hairy time for and he was buried last Fri- " the Chureh in the third century, day at Maryknoll, N.y. when Pope Callixtus and a very

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Question (orner

a ban on various legal grounds. Last year, Cardinal George Hume of Westminster and Anglican Archbishop Donald Coggan of Canterbury denounced Thorsen's proposal to make the film in Great Britain and Queen Elizabeth II let it be known that she found the project "obnoxious." L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican City daily, has denounced the proposed film as a "blasphemy" that "offends the hundreds of millions of believers" in Jesus. In response to a report that Thorsen might attempt to make the film in Israel, the government there has announced that it "will not allOW any film to be made that would be offensive to any religious group."



WASHINGTON (NC) - The nations of the world spent $371.26 billion on arms in 1975, according to a government report. This was fairly close to the amount reported spent in 1974. But it marked a large increase over a 10-year period beginning in 1966. That year, arms expenditures came to $183.99 billion. Even allowing for inflation during that period, arms expenditures rose from the equivalent of $278.98 -billion in "constant 1974 dollars" in 1966 to $339.76 in "constant 1974 dollars" in 1975. Meanwhile, the United Nations will spend $118 million this year on birth control and other population programs. The governing council of the UN Development Program (UNDP) approved in February nearly $23 million in support of projects by the :UN Population Fund. The fund itself expects to allocate some $95 million in family planning aid - the highest figure it has ever reached through voluntary contributions. News of the record population funding levels here came just a week after the UN released its 1975 Demographic Yearbook, a massive compilation of data which showed, among many other things, that the world population had reached 3.967 billion by mid-1975.

Large Print Services Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 E. 23 St., New York 10010, announces the availability at no cost of large print material for the visually handicapped, including special editions .\of the four gospels. Also obtainable are Braille books and tape and disc recordings.

popular anti-pope, Hippolytus, spent a good deal of their adult lives condemning each other. Yet today both of them are honored as martyrs and. saints. There hasn't been an 'antiPope, by the way, for over 500 years. Q. A spiritual book, written by a priest I thought was very reputable, contained these" words: "We have an exalted human dignity only when we are in obedience to God • • • Jesus, too, learned this truth the hard way." How eould one who knows all things, who sald He is the way, the truth, and the life, learn any truth "the hard way?" (Dlinois). A. We can and must, say this, because there are some human truths - such as, for example, how to suffer and how to die that any man can only learn "the hard way," even if that man is also God. Our firm belief in the truth that Jesus is God is admirable and necessary. As I've mentioned here before, however, we cannot forget, though we frequently seem to, that a denial or playing down of His humanity is just as dangerous to the Christian faith, and just as heretical, as would be a neglect of His divinity. The New Testament is often at pains to stress His humanity, to make clear that it wasn't just a game Jesus was playing, but that He went through all the stress, frustration, confusion and fear that other men go through. The letter to the Hebrews puts it quite strongly, insisting that Jesus was like us in everything, even in temptations that were with Him throughout His life, with the one exception that He never sinned. St. 'Luke's Gospel tells us that Jesus grew in wisdom and overall manliness in the sight" of





God and man. As Hebrews puts it, Jesus is able to be the compassionate and effective priest He is because he once shared our weakness, and was Himself "made perfect," and "learned obedience" through the things He suffered. The quote you give simply repeats, therefore, what the Bible says about Jesus' humanity a most important truth if we are to properly appreciate the mystery of the incarnation and His role as our Savior: Q. Can the marriage of a Catholie and a Protestant (who is now a Catholie) be annulled with the right to" remarry, if the Catholic spouse did not live up to the vow of "in sickness and in health" and has not divorced and remarried? There was a problem of temporary depression and nervous breakdown in the first marriage. (Missouri) A. An annulment is a declaration that there was never a marriage between a supposed husband and wife because of a major obstacle (impediment) to a true marriage. For an annulment, that obstacle must have been present from the beginning of their marriage. It might be, for example, a later-discovered close family relationship, physical inability for sexual relations, or some deep psychological incapability for living a truly common life as a married man or woman. An impediment that arises after a true marriage is present is not grounds for an annulment in either civil or Church law. If this matter concerns you, I would suggest you ask; counsel from your parish priest, or another priest in whom you have confidence.

Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen in care of The Anehor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722.

Scholarship Dance Council 86, Fall River Knights of Columbus, will hold a scholarship dance at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 at the Council Home, 1492 Columbus Drive. Proceeds will benefit the council's high school scholarship fund. A council social meeting. will take place Monday, Feb. 28, also at the home."

Subscription Sunday, Feb. II

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977






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Confirmation Schedule MOST REV. DANIEL A. CRONIN March 6 - 3:00 P.M. St. Mary's, Seekonk March 15 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Rosary, Taunton March 22 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Name, Fall River March 24 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary's, Mansfield March 31 - 7:00 P.M. Santo Christo, Fall River April 11 - 7:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet April - 15 - 7:00 ,P.M. Holy Name, New Bedford April 17 - 11:00 A.M. St. Killian's, New Bedford April 17 - 3:00 P.M. St. Mary's, New Bedford April 21 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Angels, Fall River April 24 - 3:00 P.M. St. Michael's, Fall River April 24 - 7:00 P.M. Espirito Santo, Fall River April 26 - 7:00 P.M. St. William's, Fall River April 28 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Victory, Centerville May 7 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, New Bedford May 8 - 11:00 A.M. Regina Pacis, New Bedford May 15 - 11:00 A.M. St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River May 15 - 3:00 P.M. St. Casimir, New Bedford Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford (at St. Casimir) May 16 - 7:00 P.M. St. Dominic's, Swansea (at Cathedral) May 17 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony's, East Falmouth May 21 - 10:00 A.M. St. Patrick's, Somerset, Group 1 May 21 - 1:00 P.M. St. Patrick's, Somerset, Group 2 May 24 - 7:00 P.M. St. Roch's Fall River May 27 - 7:00P.M. Immaculate Conception, North Easton May 29 - 11:00 A.M. ADULTS - St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River May 29 - 3:00 P.M. St. Patrick's, Fall River June 7 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk June 9 - 7:00 P.M. St. Patrick's, Flrlmouth REV. MSGR. LUIZ G. MENDONCA, V.G. March 20 - .3:00 P.M. Holy Trinity, West Harwich March 23 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary's, Taunton March 27 - 3:00 P.M. St. Peter's, Dighton

March 28 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Family, East Taunton March 30 - 7:00P.M. St. John of God, Somerset April 12 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Grace, Westport April 14 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anne, Fall River April 20 - 7:00 P.M. St. Michael's Ocean Grove April 25 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford April 26 - 7:00 P.M. St. Theresa, So. Attleboro May 3 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, No. Dighton May 5 - 7:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, New Bedford May 7 - 6:30 P.M. St. Joseph's, Attleboro May 9 - 7:00 P.M. St. Bernard's, Assonet May 22 - 3:00 P.M. St. Paul, Taunton May 22 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mark's, Attie. Falls June 5 - 2:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, New Bedford June 6 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Ghost, Attleboro June 9 - 7:00 P.M. St. John the Baptist, Central Village REV. MSGR. HENRY T. MUNROE, V.E. March 18 - 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph, Taunton March 25 - 3:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, Taunton March 27 - 7:00 P.M. 'Immaculate Conception, Fall River March 29 - 7:00 P.M. St. Augustine's, Vineyard Haven March 31 - 7:00 P.M. St. Pius Tenth, So. Yarmouth April 17 - 3:00 P.M. St. Patrick's, Wareham April 22 - 7:00 P.M. St. John's, Pocasset April 24 - 11:30 A.M. Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket April 25 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Fairhaven April 27 - 7:00 P.M. St. Mary's, No. Attleboro April 29 - 7:00 P.M. 51. Mary's, So. Dartmouth May 2 - 7:00 P.M. St. Thomas More, Somerset 8 - 3:00 P.M. St. John's Attleboro May May 13 - 7:00 P.M. Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford • May 20 - 7:00 P.M. Sacred Heart, Fall River May 23 - 7:00 P.M. St, Louis, Fall River May 27 - 7:00 P.M. Holy Rosary, Fall River June 3 - 7:-00 P.M. St. Anthony, Taunton June 6 - 7:00 P.M. St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River June 8 - 7:00 P.M. St. Margaret's Buzzards Bay



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977

KNOW YOUR FAITH The Sign of Peace

Lay Persons in Pastoral Ministry New Wine

By Msgr. Joseph Champlin

By Michael Warren truly an innovation in the liturgy, but merely the reintroducJohn and Sharon no longer Recently an undergraduate tion of a practice which has its come to Mass at Holy Family. stopped by my office to discuss roots in early Christian tradition Their families do and they did career possibilities. As a' drama and even existed before the time until a few months after tlieir 'major in a state university, he of Jesus. marriage. Throughout the initial Christ- became involved in charismatic At that time, however, the ian centuries, this sign of peace prayer -groups. The experience young wife, rather shy and some- occured at the conclusion of the convinced him he needed an inwhat timid, experienced a pain- homily and the liturgy of the depth understanding of his religious tradition, so he transferful rejection one Saturday night' Word. at the Eucharist. During the Furthermore, at that position, red to St. John's as a theology Sign of Peace, she turned with just prior to the presentation of major. Like many such students, some hesitation to a neighbor, gifts, it linked naturally with , he wishes to become involved in full-time parish ministry. offering her hand and cautious these words of Matthew: Today;s young people are de- smile as a gesture of Christian "So then, if you are bringing love. The individual frowned, your offering to the altar and veloping a keen sense of their then faced in the opposite direc- there remember that your broth- possibilities for ministry. Some tion. er has something against you, years ago, they would have gone The next week John joined his leave your offering there before to religious novitiates or semwife for Mass. At the Sign of the altar, go and be reconciled' inaries. Today, as graduate stuPeace, both experienced similar with your brother first, and then dents, they select for their reunfortunate rejections" It was come back and present your of- search theses subjects such as the ministry of the catechist, more than they wished to en- fering." (Mat. 5,23-24). dure. Soon they joined another Nevertheless, in a century or problems facing team ministry, parish which had not yet intro- two, the pattern changed and the place of women in team minduced the gesture of reconcilia- the gesture of reconciliation was stries ,the complementarity of tion. moved to its present location, ministries in the Church. And I doubt if that event would re- after the Our Father and before all but one of my graduate students seeking a master's degree peat itself today. A recent na- Holy Communion. are lay people. tional survey indicates some 75 S~ific Practice What is happening? One percent of Roman Catholics now The Sign of Peace exchanged accept the Sign of Peace. ' following the Lord's Prayer priest with whom I discussed this said he thought most of The gesture of peace is not Turn to Page Thirteen them were "frustrated priests." I do n9t agree. I feel they have a deep commitment to the. Church and consequently are making the effort to prepare themselves to serve her. They By Father Paul Palmer, S.J. No Conflict have recognized certain gifts At the close of the second they have for ministry and want Many readers of Know Your century the process of desacral- to exercise them. In most cases Faith will be surprised and disappointed that the New Testa- lization or spiritualization is they are searching for a lifetime ment never refers to the Apost- complete enough to allow Hippo- service to the Church. les or their successors in the Iytus of Rome to apply the term The future catechetical leaders ministry as priests, and that the "priest" to the newly ordained in my classes are ready to conEucharist or Lord's Supper is biยงhop who "offers the bread vince volunteer catechists in never explicitly referred to as a and the cup," giving thanks to parishes. they will serve of the the Father, "because you have beauty and importance of their sacrifice. commanded us to stand before Our best biblical scholars sug- You and minister as priests to time-honored, privileged role as , gest t.hat the terms sacrifice and You" ("Apostolic Tradition," IV, lay catechists. Priesthood is being put in the priest could not be applied to 11): frame of reference that unites the early Eucharist and its minIt should be noted that the all those who offer service withisters until Christians, had separated themselves from the pray- "Apostolic Tradition" of Hippo- in the 'heloved community. This ers and sacrifices of the Jewish Iytus was adopted and adapted allows priests to understand temple, and had come'to see in by the Churches of the East and anew their key rolll as affirmers the breaking of the bread and the West as the model for the of the gifts of the community. the blessing of the cup a meal Eucharistic liturgy, and that the It helps them and all others in Canon of Hippolytus is basically ministry leadership roles to see with sacrificial overtones. Time was needed before such the same as the second Euchar- that they are to be ministers to cuItic words as temple, priest istic Prayer of the New Order of the ministers. The young undergraduate I and sacrifice could be applied to the Mass. talked about earlier plans, after -It remained, however, for the the place where Christians asgraduation, to marry and have a theological genius of an Augustsembled, to the ministers of the Eucharist, and to the sacrament- ine to show that there need be family, but he is not expecting al rite in which the eucharistiz- no conflict between the spiritual wealth or even a very comforted bread and wine were offer- sacrifice which Christians offer able economic status through ed. Such cultic words had to be in the temple of their own bod- Church ministry. "Is there a desacralized, that is, interioriz- ies and the sacrament-sacrifice place for me? Is it worthwhile ed before they could be used of the Eucharist which is cele- to pursue a career in ministry?" without misunderstanding of brated visibly at the Christian he asked. altar. "This is the sacrifice of Difficulties of Ministry Christian liturgy or worship. I told him the difficulties: The process of spiritualiza- Christians: 'We the many are tion as it applies to temple, the one body of Christ' (Rom. 12, ' about some of my friends who priest and sacrifice is seen in 5). And this also is the sacrifice dropped out of catechetical minthe first letter of Peter, in which which the Church continually istry because they could not find he exhorts the baptized: ". . . celebrates in the sacrament of a parish that would pay a living like living stones, be yourselves the altar - which is known to wage; about discouraging statisbuilt into a spiritual house to be the faithful. In it the' Church tics on the job stability of para holy priesthood, to offer a learns that in the offering she ish catechetical coordinators. And I told him the joys: about spiritual sacrifice acceptable to makes she herself is offered" those I know who have found God, which is your spiritual sac- ("The City of God," 10.6). immense satisfaction in their Turn to Page Thirteen rifice." (Rom. 12, 1).

Whole Christ OHers


MICHAEL WARREN WRITES of the growing number of theology students seeking careers in lay ministry, seeing this as a hopeful sign for the Church. This young man discusses an art project with a boy at a migrant reading program in upstate New York. (NC Photo) ministries; about dioceses where bishops, diocesan leaders, and many local pastors have created an excellent climate for lay people seeking full-time ministry.



I encouraged him to write the National Conference of Diocesan CCD Directors at 1312 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, Turn to Page Thirteen

Am I a Priest?


Vatican Council II seems to have brought together all these The word priest is surrounded views of priesthood. House liturwith a multitude of meanings. gies are restored, while Church In the Old Testament it is as- liturgies are retained. Church sociated with temple worship. ceremonfes, once redolent of anThe priest is the one who per- cient temple liturgies, are now forms the sacrificial rites, whet- vastly simplified. her offering lamps or incense or Stirring Moment driving the scapegoat into the The uniqueness of the presiddesert. In the New Testament' ing priest is affirmed, while the the priest becomes the celebra- value' of the people of God as a tor of the Eucharist. . . royal priesthood is retained. The In early Christian times, the role of priest as one ordained to priest offered Eucharist in offer Eucharist is enriched by homes. There was none of the the title of minister, so that he paraphenalia of the Hebrew tem- shl!ll never forget his obligation ple priesthood. The first priests to serve the people. of the New Covenant followed Whereas the meaning of priest more the custom of the presider in former times was tied to his of a Jewish household at a Sed- "being" more than his function, er meal. there is now a greater emphasis The fourth century 'liberation on function. This is dramatized of Christianity by the emperor much better now at ordination Constantine witnessed introduc- services, where the priest candition of basilicas as worship cen- date is presented to the ~ople ters. As worship moved from the for their approval. When this is home to the church, so did the received and the bishop affirms priest. The style of temple lit- the will of the people that this urgy from the Old Testament re- man is called to priesthood, the asserted itself. Once again, the congregational applause is a stirchoirs, the altars, the candles, ring moment of participation by the incense. The simple bread the, people in the ordination evand wine of the house Euchar- ent. ists assumed the imagery of the What has really occurred in sacrificial lamp. The presider at the recent search for the identity the table of the Lord became of the priest is a recovery of the the priest at the altar. community and human dimenThe Reformation revolted sion of priesthood. In a way it is against the ceremonial role of a new celebration of the incarthe priest and began to speak of nation of Christ. God so loved him as minister, and of the human beings that he decided to priesthood of all the faithful. Turn to Page Thirteen By Father Alfred McBride


The Sign of Peace Continued from Page Twelve translates one of its petitions into specific practice. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." The gesture is also a preparation for Communion. It is hardly fitting for individuals to receive the Lord of love and forgiveness who are not reconciled, who bear bitterness in their hearts. Offering a sign of reconciliation to those around us in church can help remove those poisonous attitudes and make our inner' selves more suitable for reception of the Eucharistic Jesus. . For that action' to achieve this purpose, we need to see beyond the actual worshipers next t~ us in the pew. Those individuals re-

present every human who has touched our lives, including the ones who have in any way hurt us. When we say, "Peace be with you," we really should mean, "I see in you and wish to be at peace with all persons, especially those against whom I hold any hard feelings." Such an understandably difficult gesture will nevertheless free our hearts and allow us to approach the Lord's table in peace. (Copyright (c) 1977 by 'NC News Service)

Christ Offers

VATICAN CITY (NC) Citing news reports from Vienna, Vatican Radio reported here that the Czechoslovakian dissident authors of "Charter 77" intend to publish soon an expose of religious persecution in their country. The Vatican Radio said that according to the Austrian CathOlic news agency Kathpress, several priests and the former Czech minister for cult, Kadlecova, are among signers of the forthcoming document. "Charter 77" was issued by 300 Czech dissidents recently. It charged that basic human rights guaranteed by the Helsinki agreement were not recognized in Czecholsovakia. The Czech government has begun arresting some of the charter signers. Despite repeated attempts at dialogue by the Vatican, the Czechoslovakian government has continued to exert tightening pressure against the Catholic Church in the nation. The situation of the Church in Czechoslovakia is considered among the worst in Eastern Europe.

Continued from Page Twelve With this classic passage from Augustine in mirtd, the Fathers of VaticanTI declare: "Through the ministry of priests the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful is made perfect in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the sole Mediator" ("On the Ministry and Life of Priests," I, 1). To the celebrated question: "Who offers what in' the Eucharist or Mass?" the instructed Catholic should answer: "The whole Christ, Head and members of Christ's mystical Body, offers the whole Christ, through the sacramental ministry of the ordained priests." It has been my experience in dialogue with non-Catholic Christians that this Catholic reply strikes a responsive chord in the hearts and minds of many of our separated brethren. As members of Christ's body, many are more than willing to allow that the personal and individual sacrifices of Christians ·are caught up in the ongoing offering and spiritual sacrifice of Christ to the Father, an offering which is given visible or sacramental expression in the Eucharist. (Copyright (c) 1977. by NC News Service)

Am I a Priest Continued from Page Twelve become one. The new emphasis on, the human is but a renewal of what is always affirmed at Christmas, the value of the human asserted by one no less than God. This richer tapestry of priesthood should eventually mean a fresh resurgence of ordained priesthood as well as a broader community consciousness of the royal priesthood of the people of God. (Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service)

Subscription Sunday, Feb. 20,


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"THE GESTURE OF PEACE is not truly an innovation in the liturgy," Msgr. Champlin writes, "but merely the reintroduction of a practice which has its roots in early Christian tradition and even existed before the time of Jesus." (NC Photo)

The Parish Parade

cussion and the creation of symST. STANISLAUS, bols such as banners and colFALL RIVER The Fall River Clergy Assn. lages. Mary Fuller is program will meet today in the rectory chairperson. A Mardi Gras dance, sponsorconference room and Rev. Robert Kaszynski, pastor, will speak ed by the social committee of the pastoral service team, will be on preaching themes for Lent. Registration for the parochial held from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. school for next September will Sunday, Feb. 20. Music will be follow 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, by the Three Bees, and hors d'March 6 and March 13 in the oeuvres and a buffet will be served. principal's office. Parishioners are invited to The Women's Guild will hold a cake sale following all Masses join a Bible study group which this weekend. Donations may be meets at 12:30 p.m. each Tuesleft in the school kitchen at any day in the parish center under the direction of Mary Shields. time Saturday or Sunday. A Lenten mission will take ST. MARY, place at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday FAIRHAVEN evening during Lent, beginning The semi-annual parish antiFeb. 27. que sale and flea market will OUR LADY OF LOURDES, take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. TAUNTON Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 19 The annual parish family style and 20 in the church hall. twenham and bean supper will be ty-two displays will include potheld from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Satur- tery, china, brass, Chinese items, day, Feb. 19 in the school hall. depression, pattern and carnival Tickets may be reserved by call- glass as well as other glass obing the rectory, telephone 822- jects, and some furniture. The 0357. sale is open to the public at no ST. MARY, admi' :on charge. Refreshments Continued. from Page Twelve NEW BEDFORD will .; available. D.C. 20005 for their fine booklet The Women's Guild will hold on parish catechetical coordina- a French meat pie supper dance SACRED HEART, tors. Finally, I offered to review Saturday, Feb. 19, with the meal FALL RIVER The adult education comhis resume and suggest some served at 7:30 p.m. and dancing mitte of the parish is sponsoring dioceses he might wish to con- following from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. a public program dea'ling with tact. to the music of the Golden Clefs. social problems, with sessions This young man represents Tickets are available from Mrs. to be held from 7:30 to 9:30 some of the frustration lind hope Brenda Swain, telephone 995- p.m. for five successive Tuesof the present situation of lay 2809 and Mrs. Helen Cotler, 995- days, beginning March 1. Regministries in the Church. The 3655. istrations will be accepted at the fact that he may not find a par- ST. MARGARET, rectory, the convent and by ish' to pay him a living wage or BUZZARDS BAY committee members. other pastoral people willing to ST. MARY, A dance will be held from 8:30 work with him as a peer and full ONSET p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday colleague in ministry are sources A greeting card program for March 5 at the school with muof frustr~tion. -both parishes has been organ- sic by the New Sounds. The fact that he wishes to ized by Mrs. Georgina Lipps and ST. JOSEPH, bring his considerable talents to parishioners are asked to notify FAIRHAVEN A movie on Christian life, the service of the Church is a her or the rectory of those who most hopeful sign. And the fact should receive acknowledgement "Changing Faces," will be that he is theologically trained of special moments in their lives, shown at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. and has a maturing spirituality such as births, deaths, marriages 19 in the school hall. A free behind that training is also a and special honors. Cards to be wil'l offering will be asked. used feature pen and ink sketsource of hope. ches of both churches, designed In sum, then, something won- by Keith Songer. CCUM Head derful is happening in the Notre Dam'e, Ind. (NC) - SisA communal service for chilChurch. It is coming from the dren receiving First Penance will ter Margaret Cafferty, who has grassroots levels. It is coming take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, been program director for the from a new sense of ministry Feb. 19 at St. Margaret's. National Conference of Catholic among lay people. It is of the For the second year, a Neigh- Bishops' (NCCB) bicentennial Spirit, and it is a sign of great borhood Church Program will committee, has been named exehope. take place during Lent, with par- cutive director of the Catholic ishioners meeting once a week Committee on Urban Ministry (Copyright (c) 1977 by in homes for Mass prayer, dis- (CCUM) it was announced here. NC News Service)

New Wine



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 17, 1977

___your basic youth page Life



fotus on youth ...


By The Dameans

By Cecilia Belanger

LOST WITHOUT YOUR LOVE Lost and all alone I always thought that I could make it 01;1 my own Since you left I hardly make it through the day My tears get in the way and I need you back to stay I wander through the night And search the ~orld to find the words to make it right AU I want is just the way it used to be With you here close to me and I've got to make you see And I'm lost without ~ur love Life without you isn't worth the trouble of I'm as helpless as a ship without a wheel A touch without a feel, I can't believe it's real But someday soon I'U wake And find my heart won't have to break Yes, I'm lost without your love Life .without you isn't worth the trouble of And all I want is just the way it used to be I need you here with me, oh, darling, can't you see If we had love before We can have it back once more by David Gates (c) 1976 by Elektra Records


In earlier articles we have commented on David Gates' songs. So often they seem to deal with separation and broken Jllve. And this new release has the same ingredients. . While this song most obviously deals with the relationship Detween two lovers, the circumstances out of which it comes the reunion of David Gates' singing group, prompts som~ thoughts about a group. When a musical group looks back over its time together it seems to have gone through a number of stages: the honey: moon, maked by the thrill of crowds and the excitement of new sou~ds ~nd the high that comes with the flood of engagements commg m. In the second stage, bright lights and autographs become less important. Group members begin to look at themselves as individuals, and to become painfully conscious of personal shortcomings. It appears that the other group members contribute so much more. They sing better, attract more girls, or prove to be the finer stage personalities. .. The group may split up at this time, it may go through qUiet warfare, or, there may be a painful time of facing issues. Whatever, if the group is to last there is another stage to enter, when .members begin to suspect that a group is far more th.m anyone person. It becomes something entirely new when it is together. M?st relationships go through similar growth stages. The~e IS. no es~aping that it takes time before the very different tastmg mgredlents of flour, butter, milk and yeast become the new and nourishing fare that is bread. So it is with David Gates' group, Bread. So it is with all of us.



"The church is a buffer between man and his government." "The church can offer the personal touch that government lacks because of its bigness, "said another. • Personal Touch Needed This personal touch was a major consideration in the student essays, sUrfacing again and again. "Society is too big and complex for the church. Government is the only institution that can cope with its problems. But goverment is impersonal and empty. If religion can solve the impersonal disassociation of people, it is in for an exciting revival," one said. Another, "Religion should help man at the personal level, not as a group. Religion should be kept simple." "The church should minister to those confused by our impersonal society," from still another. This last opinion touched on a main area of concern, if not the major one in the class-the hectic life being lived by modern man. How religion can help to alleviate life's fast pace was, significantly, sometimes stated in language that reflected speed, as a Jewish girl summed it up: "Religion is not dead! It's alive and living in each of us. The church or synagogue is there to serve as an expressway for pur feelings."

What do college students think , of the role of religion and the church in today's society? A professor at West Virginia University, wanting to test the writing capacity of his class and looking for a subject he hoped would call forth strong feelings, asked for 300-word essays on the above topic. Responses were varied, sincere and thought-provoking. In an unusual way of expressing herself, a journalism student wrote, "I bet God throws up every time he sees the polluted ! state of the rivers, air, and ~.. minds of Christians on this earth." She added, "God is a very complex being. He created this beautiful earth and beautiful people on it. "God is not dead," she continued, "but he's not in the church. He's in the ghetto trying to give the -blacks faith in humanity after their Christian brothers destroyed it. And he works so hard he doesn't get a chance to go to his own church to play bingo on Friday niglit." Recession in the stock of the church was a major concern of many students. They attributed this largely to the static nature of religious thought. Some believed the Bible to be static (other students would argue that point) and not subject to experimentation and advance. They thought it lacked the excitement of such fields as science and technology. One student, on the other hand, recently wrote me that he Champagne and hors d'oeuthought the Bible "the most dy- vres will be served during a fasnamic book he'd ever attempted hion show to be held at 8 p.m. to read." Monday, Feb. 28 in the cafeteria Another said, "The church of Bishop Feehan High School. must adapt to change, especially Other happenings at the Atas it affects the young." "To sur- tleboro school include a film and vive, the church must get a new talk on China presented recently breath of life," said ,another. for students by Congresswoman The Bible came under fire Margaret Heckler (R-Mass). A again from another student who Valentine dance held Monday was sponsored by the student wrot~, "Our constitutions can be amended, but the church has no council, while the social studies OPEN TO WONDER: amendment procedure for the department, under chairmanship of Neil Loew, arranged a dem"Man's soul must be open to Bible." He explained that this is onstration debate by members of why he thought that governbeauty, to wonder and to the ments have outstripped the the Boston College debating beings of the universe," church. team for members of social stuPope Paul VI told a recent dies and speech classes. But students who strongly Paul B. O'Boy, Feehan viceweekly audience. "This is advocated change were almost the prime way to become re- precisely balanced by those who principal, has been named to a Mass. Conference ligiOUS, especially for you suggested that the chureh return Southeastern committee developing a rating to a more fundamental apyoung people. Youth can system of officials in sports evview immense panoramas. proach. ents. A black student felt that the they should be happy, joy- church And Drama Club members, is being undercut by ful and drunk with pleasure well-meaning groups. "What we with Sister Marialyn, attended a about this possibility." He 'need to do is to rely on tested demonstration dress rehearsal of said that from the sense of 'old' institutions - chiefly the an Emerson College production, in order to gain an understandwonder at the beauties of church." She added, "Many ma- ing of the director-cast relationthe world springs the ques- jor improvements of black life ship. in America find their roots in tion: why and how did the the black religious setting, parworld come to be? To that, ticularly the African Methodist CATHOLIC PRESS MONTH he declared, the only answer Episcopal Church." is God. (NC Photo) Another point of view was, READ THE ANCHOR l>:",.~,,-,.Oq.,,-

" '.'-';';'

'\" ~


Feehan Slates Fashion Show





Thurs., Feb. 17, 1977


Jesuit Explains 'Right to Die' NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) "Right to die" language can be theologically correct if used in a narrowly defined way, according to Jesuit Father John R. Connery, speaking here at a symposium on the terminally ill. Father Connery, a moral theologian from Loyola University of Chicago and former senior research scholar at the Kennedy Institute Center for Bioethics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., indicated that a patient has a right to die in the sense that he is not morally obliged to make use of extraordinary means to preserve his life. ,But there is no right to die when the taking of innocent life is involved or when ordinary measures are available and will prolong !ife, he said.



, Conference Basketball Nears End By the time the next edition of The Anchor rolls off the presses, high school basketball teams will have completed their conference and league schedules, with a few exceptions, and those who have qualified will be looking ahead to the Eastern Mass. playoffs - sometimes referred to as "the spring madness." Durfee, with its third straight Division One Southeastern Mass. Conference championship clinched, winds up its conference schedule tomorrow night against Barnstable in the Bank Street Armory, Fall River, but' still has a non-league game at Brockton on Feb. 25. Other One games tomorrow night are Bishop Stang High at Bishop Connolly High, Taunton at Dartmouth and Holy Family at Attleboro. Holiday games Monday list Dartmouth at Holy Family and' New Bedford at Stang. Dartmouth is host to Stang and Barnstable to New Bedford in Wednesday' games. The Division One finale is set for Feb. ~5 when COIlnolly will

entertain New Bedford in a make-up game. In Division Two, Fairhaven, now an odds-on favorite to win the championship, visits DennisYarmouth tomorrow night, Coyle Cassidy Monday and closes its season at home to Wareham Wednesday. In other Division Two games tomorrow, Wareham is at Coyle-Cassidy, Old Rochester at Somerset and Bishop Feehan High at Falmouth. Monday Falmouth is at Seekonk while Coyle-Cassidy will be at Falmouth Wednesday. Old Rochester will play host to Feehan Feb. 25 in -that division's season finale. For Division Three teams, the conference season ends tomorrow night with St. Anthon:Y at Bourne, Norton at Case, Westport at Diman Yoke and DightonRehoboth at New Bedford Yoke. Non-league games scheduled for Monday have Diman Yoke at Connolly and Somerset at Case. Old Rochester is home to Diman and Case entertains Holy Family in non-league encounters Wednesday..

Stoughton Takes Hockomock Lead A victory over King Philip as Sharon lost to Oliver Ames last Friday enabled Stoughton to take undisputed possession of first place in the Hockomok League. Sharon had gone undefeated in league play until it lost to Stoughton on Feb. 4, involving the two in a first-place deadlock. Tomorrow night Sharon is at Foxboro and Stoughton has a

bye while Tuesday night Sharon has the bye and Stoughton visits Mansfield. In other games tomorrow night, Mansfield' is at Franklin, Canton at North Attleboro and Oliver Ames at King Philip, and, Tuesday's schedule lists Foxboro at Canton, Franklin at Oliver Ames, and North Attleboro at King Philip. The league closes its season Feb. 25.

Mayflower League Also In Windup Drive Sacred Heart of Kingston, is down for a trio of home games as the Mayflower League runs down its schedule. The Hearts take on West Bridgewater tomorrow night, Avon Monday night and pacesetting BristolPlymouth Wednesday. Other Mayflower games tomorrow are South Shore Voke

at Southeastern, Apponequet at Bristol-Plymouth and Bristol Aggies at Avon while holiday games Monday list West Bridgewater at Apponequet, BristolPlymouth at South Shore and Southeastern at Blue Hills. Wednesday it will be West Bridgewater at Bristol Aggies, Southeastern at Apponequet and Blue Hills at South Shore.

Hockey Finales This Weekend Bishop Connolly High and Somerset meet at eight o'clock tonight in ·the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, in the Division One Southeastern Mass. Conference finale . for both schools. The game is the nightcap of a twin bill which starts at six when Case is host to Dighton-Rehoboth in Division Three.

The finales are set for Saturday night when Barnstable visits Falmouth in One while in Two Attleboro is at Seekonk' and Dartmouth at Fairhaven. Also scheduled for Saturday night in a non-league contest listing Bourne at Dennis-Yarmouth. Non-league games on the holiday have Somerset at DightonRehoboth and Durfee at New In their last Division One ap- Bedford. pearances of the season New Teams that have qualified Bedford and Taunton meet at. and there are quite a few in the eight o'clock in the Taunton area of the Fall River diocese State Rink, where at six Coyle- are patiently awaiting the pairCassidy hosts Feehan in Three. ings for the Eastern Mass. playAlso tonight, in the Hetland offs in hockey and basketball. Sunday is the closing date for Memorial Rink, New Bedford, Durfee is at New Bedford Voke the hockey tournaments but the at six in a Two game and Old cutoff date in basketball is Feb. Rochester opposes Wareham in 25, with preliminary rounds Three. scheduled to start March 1.


THIS TEACHER'S ALL WET: High school. students in Motherwell, Scotland enjoy fimdraising activity dubbed "Soak the Teacher," at which they kick ball in effort to release bag of water on teacher. (NC Photo)

Schedule eyO Events Taunton area CYO will sponsor a showing of fight films of the late world heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 in Taunton Catholic Middle School. The films will include bouts with Louis, Moore and Walcott, including the champion's knockout ofWalcott which gained him the world crown. The program will be presented and commented on by Peter Marciano, the champion's brother. Tickets are available from CYO members and will also be sold at the door. There will be a special rate for children under 12. Cheering Tourney The 18th anm.lal diocesan CYO cheerleading competition will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 13 at Kennedy Center,

New Bedford, with participation open to all grammar, CYO and high school cheering squads in southeastern Massachusetts. There will be separate divisions for grammar school, jay-vee and ninth grade, and Senior CYO and high school varsity squads, and trophies will be presented to the first three squads in each division. Regisration for the tournament closes Wednesday, Feb. 23 and entry forms are available from CYO Cheerleading, 403 Anawan St., Fall River.



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New York Teens Visit Pontiff

VATICAN CITY (NC - Two teenagers from New York were received in private audience by Pope Paul VI Jan. 26 as a reward for writing winning essays What Do you Read? on the Pontiff's World Day of CPA Wants to Know Peace message. ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. Rebecca Gauci and Jeanne (NC) - The Catholic Press As- Lesley Kenny spoke to the Pope sociation (CPA) has received a about how they would put his grant from the Lilly Endowment, Peace Day message into practice Inc. for a national study of the if they held the reins at the UnCatholic reading audience to be ited Nations. conducted by· the Gallup Poll, That was the theme of the Princeton, N.J. contest, opened up to teenage Results are expected to aid. children of UN employees by the publishers of Catholic newspap- Pontifical Mission to the United ers, magazines and books in de- Nations. termining editorial direction and Miss Kenny, now majoring in training programs. Gallup will survey a represen- 'English and communications at tative 1,500 Catholics through- Boston College, said she stressed out the nation, probing religious in her essay that practice of attitudes, beliefs and practices; Mahatma Gandhi's ideals of nondemographics (age, sex, race, in- violence and total disarmament come, etc.); readership (time are the only solutions to world spent with television, secular violence. Miss Kenny is the newspapers and magazines, and daughter of the chief of UN pubCatholic newspapers and maga- lications. zines); and reading preferences Miss Gauci, daughter of a (what Catholics want to read). member of the Maltese mission to the UN, stressed the "importance of education for cutting Profession First "Marriage is an order in which short the passing' on from genthe profession must be made be- eration to generation of prejufore the novitiate," -.Jean dices which cause all the world's Pie,rre Camus problems."

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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 17, 1977



Parish Parade ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER A Mardi Gras Ball is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 19 in the church hall on the comer· of Eagle Street and Bradford Avenue. Music will be by the Al Rainone band and Italian food will be featured for refreshments. Reservations may be made at telephones 676-8603 and 6781503. Costumes are optional. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Cub Scouts will hold a Blue and Gold banquet at 7:15 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20 in the parish hall, at which time five boys will receive the Parvuli Dei award. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO An open meeting on the Marriage Encounter movement will be held at the church hall, foilowing 7 p.m. Mass Tuesday, March 8. All area couples are invited to attend.

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Burris Recliner - Recliner-Rockers These are but two of the hundreds of values In Mason's Million . Dollar Clearance. We're clearing our floors of all floor samples, odds and ends as well as one and few-of-a-kind items to make room for carload shipments expected soon from the nation's leading furniture manufacturers. Every department is represented with big name brands and everything must go regardless of cost, loss or sacrifice. Act now while selections are at a peak!

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER A holiday whist party is sche.duled for 1:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21 in the Father Coady Center, with Mrs. Arthur L. Duffy as chairman, aided by Mrs. Noel T. Harrison.


IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON A Mardi Gras whist party is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, Feb. 22 in the church hall.

Reg. $167 $119

ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Devotions hOIJoring Our Lady of Fatima will be held in the church at 8 a.m. for the next five Saturdays.


ST. JOHN OF GOb, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23 to finalize plans for an upcoming fashion show. The Holy Ghost committee planning a roast beef dinner dance will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22 in the rectory .basement. All who wish to volunteer their assistance are invited to attend. Malassadas will be sold from 3 to approximately 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19 at the church hall. ST. MARY, NORTH FAIRHAVEN Tickets are available for a Shamrock Dance to take place from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, March 19 in the church hall. Music will be by the Horizons II and breakfast will be served at midnight. Reservations may be made with Joseph Cataldo, chairman, telephone 994-8542. ST. MARK, ATTLEBORO FALLS The Women's Guild will meet following 7 p.m. Mass Wednesday, Feb. 23. A Gentleman's Night scheduled for the evening , has been cancelled. The unit will sponsor a dinner theatre night, open to the public, at Chateau de Ville, Randolph, Tuesday, March 29. Buses will leave the church parking lot at 5 p.m. and reservations will dose Sunday, March 6. ,They may be made with Ida Rogue or Elaine Panos.

Guild crafted by Burris with deep soft-cushioned seats, backs and arms and tailored in rich, glove soft vinyl and stain resistant Herculon tweed in your choice of colors. Also equipped with shepard casters.

BURRIS Deluxe RECLINER-ROCKER Reg. $254 $159 This luxurious Recliner-Rocker is just what the name implies. It rocks as well as reclines and· tailored in glove soft vinyl that looks, feels and wears like real leather. Also available i" stain resista'nt Herculon tweed. Both chairs are in yaur choice of colors. Note the attached magazine pocket.


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