t eanc 0 VOL. 43, NO.8· Friday, February 19, 1999
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
iillqnp (@1:!llallty nfftrll mtllllagt fnrJJ1tnl Dearly beloved in Christ,
us and teaches us how to forgive one another.
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FATHER FRANCIS L. Mahoney, left, and Father John P. Cronin flank memorial photograph of Father Paul F. McCarrick at ceremonies Feb. 9 dedicating Father McCarrick's sports collection to the Keeley Library at 8.M.C. Durfee High School. (Photo by Liz Silvia, president, Student Government Association at Durfee High School)
High school re~eives beloved priest's sports collection ~
The trove of area sports will be on . permanent display at the school's library where his legacy of love for youth and sports will remain for all to see. By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
FALL RIVER -'The Father Paul F. McCarrick Sports Collection .was formally dedicated as part of the Ambrose F. Keeley Library at B.M.C. Durfee High School at ceremonies there Feb. 9. Many turned out to fondly remember the lat~ priest whose work with young people and involvement in local sports mq.de him a legend. Father McCarrick was ordained a priest for the Fall River Diocese on St. Patrick's Day in 1956 and served as pastor of St. Joseph's Parish from 1974 until his death on Dec. 12, 1996. He was named director of the local Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) in 1965 al)d in 1970 became diocesan director of the CYO, a position he held until 1994. Over those many years with the CYO, Father McCarrick served the youth of the diocese and developed a great love of sports, both local and professional. He collected sports programs from B.M.C. Durfee football games dating back to the 1950s and the collection includes more than 250 books on baseball history alone. "Father Mac had a wonderful collection of books and memorabilia. He collected a lot of local baseball stuff from his CYO involvement and really loved lit-
The second element of the Sachere is a familiar proverb ~ rament is contrition. This is the that says: ".TO err is huThe sacrament is referred to in essential act of the penitent. Conman, to pardon divine." various tel1I1s,ie~reconciliation, trition is being truly sorry for our How true this is. We sin, penance, coqfessio~, all of which sins and resolved not to commit but God forgives. Lent reminds us are appropriate, eacH emphasizing them again. Our sorrow should of how costly that forgiveness a particular elemen~ of the sacra- flow from our conviction that God came. As we so often sing: "When ment. ActuaJ,l)i:1hetr are five ele- loves us and that to break His I survey the wondrous cross on ments of this ~acra.rI1ent. The first Commandments is a great act of whi~? the Pri~ce of Gloryndied,--isouf:pers.onal inventoryt.~rthe~- ingratitude an~ rebellion. The my nchest gam I count butrloss,:<exammatlOn of 90nscI7nce.:;(more we grow m our awareness an.d ~~ur contempt on ~Jt_rJi~ S,9C~~!e.s, o~ce. said t~~t ;ah~L~~~~d'slove and mercy, t?e more pnde. . une;xfl!!llnedcht:e,lS .I10t woryllhv- our hearts become contnte, and . ~ . ing. Ifis'impossible to ipfpfove our we will want to seek His forgiveLent is a special time, an op- life spirituallyjf'we~e unable or ness. Our great consolation is that portunity to enter more deeply into unwilling to recogIlize those areas our God likes to forgive. There is the mystery ofGod and His mercy. of our life where~efrol to live by more rejoicing "over one repenWe begin the season with ashes God's law anpii His .love. We tant sinner than over 99 just." ~ on our foreheads as a sign of pen- need to prepare'our cQofession by ance, but Jesus invites us to clean reviewing ouiiife~1i{the light of The third element is the actual the inside of the cup, the inside of the Ten CottunaridITl:ents and of confession ofour sins. It is not easy our hearts. The great gift that the the Gospel. Sometinies we sin by to open our hearts and share the Lord gives His Church is His own breaking the CO.glmandments, embarrassment and pain of our power to forgive sins, the help we sometimes we sin 9Y our attitude, sins with another person, but need to begin again. Our Lenten sometimes by oul)paction. The Christ has given us this opportu- . , prayer is that ofthe Prodigal Son: Parable of the ~aspudgment re- nity for humility and healing. "Yes, I shall arise and return to my minds us ofhowJysus will say: "I When taken out of their hiding Father." -', was hungry [and.Y9~ did not give place,our sins "melt like snow at ~/~~~/-- ---'2 me anything to eat."1 . the -'glance of the Lord." As the We draw near to the:o=-tkone of (~ "Catechism" expresses so well: God's mercy in thy"sacrmnent of If we have troubl~ recalling the~'The confession of sins, even from confession. Chutchteachingte)l~)l~ Commandments; tije priest can ;,~ simply human point of view, ofthe necessity oftohfessing'all of. assist us in this examination. Our "'frees usand'facilitates our reconour serious sins in c9tiff(ssi~d~il~ast, honest evaluation, ~ith the help . cilhltif?Qwith,others." By this disonce a year. If we '~"iiia'-state ofthe H()ly Spiri~, wiJ!prepare us closu~~,\we look squarely at our serious sin, it is also ~e6~s~¥Y tq' to be}liore cohsCious·of the his- .~ins and··.tak~ responsibility for receive the.s~cramerf9f penanc( ~Ol)'pfs~n.i~our~rspnallivesand ,t~ym; arid~Hlereby, we open ourbefore receIvmg othe~!sacraments:" m the areas where we have need selves agam to God and to the such as theEuchari~t:({onfmnation\ offdrgi~eri~ss aridhe~ng~A thor- communion of the Church in oror matrimony. Ho\v~V~~,-~~;sacraj oug~ examinatiqn-of' 9ut: con- der to ~*e;ar~w future possible. ment is notjust fo,r ~ripl.JS'~rmqrtiu, sci,ence at thyemfqfeach diiy can 1 ': "', 1/ {<'~~'.~ sin; we can, and~~hiuld;jiJ~.9'con- alsb deeperCour awareness of sin "The:fOl.lrtli;eIement is the penfess other sins and use the sacrament in our life and our need for God's ance. After confessing our sins, in an ongoing program of personal mercy. In today's world \\There the the priest gives us a penance, usuconversion and spiritual growth. For notion of sin is so weak, frequent ally some prayers or works of each time we go to confession, the celebration of this sacrament can mercy, that we are to offer to God, sacrament is a personal Gncounter help us to know ourselves better with the merciful Lord who forgives and grow closer to God. Turn to page J 3 - Message
Tum to page J 3 - Priest
Pope urges reconciliation with God this Lent -
Page five
1999. '
Actor to portr~y Father Damien at St. Stanislaus Church Feb. 28
Manuel G. Andrade 'TAUNTON Manuel G. Andrade, 78, husband of Augusta (Camara) Andrade' of C. Longmeadow Road, and father of Father David M. Andrade, pastor of Saint Jean Baptiste Parish, Fall River, died Feb. 10 at the Wedgemere Nursing Home, Taunton, after a long illness. Born in Norton, the son of the late Antonio and the late Rosa (Mendes) Andrade, he resided in Taunton for most of his life. Before retiring in 1998, he had been the owner of Manny's Lounge in Taunton for 23 years. He was a member of St. Anthony Parish, Taunton. He was educated aJ schools in Norton
Saint Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges contributions to _ the Tribute Fund during January: Through your 'generosity, our mission of ' 'Caring for 0\lr Community" is profoundly enhanced.
IN MEMORY OF: Jean Armstrong Raymond C. Banville George Botelho Jay Brown Frank Campagna Aime Chaunt Ruth Connery Wilson Curtis Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio Theodore Dugal Walter J. Eaton Elizabeth Francis Edward Gonet JQao G. Gonsalves Lureese Hassoun Wilfred A. Houle Willie Holmes Claire Iwanski Edward Iwanski Antoinette Janeczko Louise Landry Blanche Lapointe Helene Lapointe Joao Lima Therese V. Lussier Thomas P. McGillick. Claire Martel Manuel Mello Jose G. Pereira Doris Raczkowski Robert W. Riemer 'Frances Santos Joseph e. Saulino • Thomas Smith Gail Squillace Joseph M. Taylor Rita L. Thompson IN HONOR OF: Cas Iwanski James Nannery
SAINT ANNE'S HOSPITAL 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741 Member Caritas Christi He~lth Care System -As of January 31,
and Portugal. . Besides his wife and priest son, he leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mary Laranjo of Raynham and Mrs. Deolinda Roche of Taunton. He was also the brother of the late Tony, Frank, Edward and Joseph Andrade. . His funeral Mass was held Monday in St. Anthony.Church, Taunton. Interment was in St. Joseph Cemetery, Taunton.
FALL RIVER - Charles Baker will perform a one-man show, "Damien," the heroic and inspirational story of Father Joseph de Veuster, known as the "Leper Priest," at St., Stanislaus Church on Sunday, Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. Admission is free, but a free will offering will be taken. . The story centers on Father de Veuster, who in the spring of 1864 arrived in the Hawaiian Island to begin his life as a missionary priest and upon ordination took the name Father Damien. He volunteered to minister to ,the lepers on the Island of Molokai, and in 1884 contracted the illness of those he ministered to. He died Apri.l 15, 1889 after a five-year battle with the dreadful disease.
Pope names coadjutor bishop of Wichita' WASHINGTON (CNS) - Pope John Paul II has appointed Msgr. Thomas 1. Olmsted, president and rector of the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, as coadjutor bishop of Wichita, Kan. . The appointment was announced Tuesday in Washington by A{chbishop Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio to the United States. As coadjutor in' Wichita, Bishopdesignate Olmsted will have the right to succeed Bishop Eugene J. Gerber , immediately upon the current bishop's retirement or death. A 52-year-old native of Oketo, ~., Bishop-designate Olmstead studied for the priesthood in Denver and Rome and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Lincoln, Neb., in 1973.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Services Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET FALL RIVER 675·7496
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 PM
ACTOR CHARLES Baker is the leper priest in 'Damien.'
Cardinal urges reflection on truth' following end of impe~chmenttri.al By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
, Feb.24· "
Make lhe Way
01 Ihe"Cross II HOmet
Fr7;~iscans .
Feb. 26 Feb. 27
Fr. Robert Lynch O.F.M.
P.O. Box 23 Boston, MA 02112-0023
Feb. 28
Eucharistic Holy Hour and devotions to Our Lady of LaSaBene' Olne.1 : Divolnle Merrcy @/re lneHcl
~ecllnle$~~y @t lJ: U!$ ~aMa
un Nie lPeo/pOe's <ellilellP~O . elf /!"el$elOette $llirui1l<e C9)q}.11 Pelrk $t. AM-Ue/l)crc 0
1Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 16:13-19 Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7,1619; Mt6:7-15 ·Jon3:1-10; . Ps 51 :3-4,12-. 13,18-19; Lk 11 :29-32 Est C:12,1416,23-25; Ps : 138:1-3,7c-8; Mt7:7-12 Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt5:20-26 Ot 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2,45,7-8; Mt . 5:43-48 Gn 12:1-4a; Ps 33:4-5,1820,22;2Tm 1:8b-1 0; Mt 17:1-9
In Your Prayers
93E? So. Main St., Fall River
. . "We will fail as a people if we do not recognize the lessons which must be learned from our country's moral and spiritual climate over the past year," he said, calling on Americans to develop "a new appreciation for issues of truth, personal responsibility and moral conscience." "I will continue to pray that our representatives in Washington exercise good judgment for the sake of our country and the good people who comprise it," he added. "With our prayers and a trust in God, we are assured that a greater good will come .from what we have witnessed."
morality to the forefront oftheAmeriPHILADELPHIA - Now that can people," Cardinal Bevilacqua the presidential impeachment pro- . added. "I hope, as well, that this imcess is over, Cardinal Anthony J. peachment process has prompted Bevilacqua of Philadelphia ex- more people to think about the value pressed hope thatAmericans are left of living moral lives." with "a new respect for absolute Clinton had been charged with moral truth." lying to the grand jury and ob"Truth is not relevant to one's structing justice in the Paula Jones own situation~ Truth is unequivo-' case' in an· attempt to conceal his cal, unchanging and absolute," the relationship with White House incardinal said in a Feb. 12 statement tern Monica Lewinsky. after the U.S. Senate acquitted Cardinal Bevilacqua, who has President Clinton on two counts in taken no position on presidential his impeachment trial: impeachment or censure, urged 'This crisis has brought truth and Americans to "move forward from a presidential crisis that has torn at the moral fiber of this country."
Daily Readings
111111111.11111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese of Fall River. Suhscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
Please pray for the foll9wing . priests 4uring the coming week ,.
•\ \
February 22
, 1?c97, Rev. Msgr. Jovit~ Chagnon, Founder, St. Joseph, New Bed~. .
\ .
February 25
1988, Rev. Leo 1. Ferreira\· Vicar General of ]JrownsvilIe Diocese ~~~' and Pastor, St. Mary, Browrts~iIIe 1998, Rev. William T. Ba~b~,~St;".:...~ary;North Attleboro /,'
~~Fe~ruary 27
1874, R;?y."PhjJip Gillick, Founder, St. Mary, North Altleboro I?S6;-Rev....-Joseph N. Hamel,\Founder, St. Theresa, New Bedford 199S-;"Rev. John G. Carroll, Retired Pastor, St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay ,
PRIESTS CURRENTLY SERVING February February February February Febmary February February
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.
James S. Medeiros Fredenck 1. Meyers, SSCC Alphonsus MitchelI, SSCC John F. Moore Raymond Moquin, MS Thomas E. Morrissey Leonard M. Mullaney
Saint Anne's hospital hosts ."Healthy Heart" specialist
SUPPORT - The Vocations Awareness Team of Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich, led by Father Iienry J. Dahl, parochial vicar, top, right, visited St. John's Seminary in Brighton recently to join seminarians ~t Mass,at lunch, and to see the places where they live and study. It offered the parish team the opportunity to meet with diocesan seminarians for whom they have been praying for almost three years. (Photo by Margaret Dittami)
FALL RIVER - In support of American Heart Month, Saint Anne's Hospital's Cardiac Rehabilitation Department will hold a free community program on Feb. 24 from 3-5 p.m. entitled "Lifestyle Changes for the Healthy Heart." A FalJ River native,' Dr. Mary McGowan, America's leading cholesterol specialist and author of the best-selling book, Heart Fitness For Life, along with Lisa Ferreira, registered dietitian, will discuss ways to have a healthier heart by altering your daily schedule while still being able to enjoy life. Cardiac disease is the number one cause of death among adult Americans. Many heart experts suggest that in order t,o reduce your risk of heart disease, you must drasticalJy alter your lifestyle. McGowan, through her many years of clinical experience, has come up with a down-to-earth approach to help reverse cardiac disease. "Dr. McGowan and Lisa Ferreira's insights into personal en-
couragement, medication, diet and exercise provide individuals with enough information to make informed decisions," said Patricia McLaughlin, director of rehabilitation and pulmonary services at Saint Anne's. "We hope that this freeprograIl} will present the community with information helpful to maintain a happier and healthier life." . The program will. be held in room 134 of the hospital's Clemence Hall and is open 'to the public although reservations are required. For more information or to make reservations caB the Department of Rehabilitation Services at 235-5300.
Group Departure March 13-20 $1089 per person Last Call 1/4 Seats Left!
"92 Years Combined Travel Experience" 260 North Main Street, Fall River, MA
RCIA candidates take' final steps Sunday to DleDlbership in Church
• Cards • Bibles ~ • Music • Rosaries • Gifts 1.1 . Tel. (508) 997-1165 Mon. - sat 9:30 am - 5:00 pm 88-A STATE HIGHWAY (Rt,G) • NO. DARTMOUTH
MAY 25-JUNE 5 Personally Escorted! Group Depar· ture!
RCCL Legend of the Seas FALL RIVER-More than 150 attracting you to the Catholic twoyears. Each week, they would catechumens and candidates for full Church." After this period of ini- "break open the Word" with the asLisbon-Barcelona-RomeAcross From Stnng ",S, Ne.u Door ID BUItOnwod RestnnmmJ communion in the Church will for- tial discernment they celebrated sistance of catechists who would Corsica-Malta-Monte Carlo malJy be calJed forward in St. the Rite ofAcceptance in their par- share their own life offaith with the $2499 & 2889 per person Mary's Cathedral Sunday as they ish. At this time they were marked catechumens, Father Degagne exNEED A GOOD PLUMBER? TAUCK TOURS move into the final preparation to with the sign of the cross and plained. Throughout this process, be baptized or complete their ini- claimed for Christ. The parish com- the teachings of Jesus and the TraCANADIAN ROCKIES tiation. munity welcomed them and they dition of the Church were shared I For your home or business. May 28-June 9 Bishop Sean P. O'Malley with them. Personally Escorted! Group Departurel will preside at the 3 p.m., Rite On Sunday, at the Rite of I $3199 Der person of Election ceremonies mark,'They have seen the faith lived Election, the catechumens I AGENTS FOR ing the final step of those in and practiced by other good will sign their name in the I CONWAY, PARAGON & Plumbing & Heating Book of.th~ Elect. Along with I the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation ofAdults. Catholic people and these inquirthe Candidates for Full ComEst. 1920 Lie. 10786 COLETTE TOURS The catechumens and can- ers want to share that same joy munion, "They will, respond GWV & TNT CHARTERS didates started two or even and sense ofbelonging they have to .the bis!1Q.p's inv\tatipn to, three years ago in a period'of witnessed," Father Degagne said. deepen t~eir love of God's I "The Experienced Call for FREE Brouchures on inquiry. Word, to grow in discipleship Plumbing People" all of the Above '''Father; I would like,to ..... . . and to prepare themselves for, I Providing' a Full Line of Plumbing & Heating Services I become a Catholic,' are the a life.ofwitness around God's I CALL(508) 675-6331 L ~L;:I~ .1.w~s~ ~M~S~ .I words that every priest lives to were brought into the Order of Cat- table of the El,Icharist," Father hear," says Father Richard E. echumens. Now they would begin Degagne said. :'Please join your Degagne, pastor of Sacred Heart . a period of study and reflection on prayers with the catechumens aQd Church, No,rth Attleboro, and didc-the Word of God. candidates on this weekend. Let us esan director of the RCIA. "It often The Sunday readings from the thank God as a diocese for these Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Parish happens after a Mass on a weekend "Lectionary" would become their men andwomeJ'\' who seek to give when someone will approach and catechism for a period of one to witness to the f~th." Elementary School is seeking applications for the ask what they need to do to be bapposition of Principal for the 1999-2000 academic year. tized or to be received into fulJ The school, K-8 of 250 students and a 16-member communion with the Church." These are words most often spofaculty; is accredited by the New England Association ken by enthusiastic people' who of Schools and Colleges. have had a positive experience in Applicant must be Roman Catholic in good the Church, Father Degagne noted. NEW BEDFORD - The New to determine a suitable memorial for For priests and those involved standing. Minimum of 5-8 years teaching experience in the RCIA, it is the opportunity Bedford City Council recently the late priest and that it specifically required. Master's degree or equivalent preferred. to evangelize a person who is ea- agreed to consider the idea of explore the possibility of naming a naming a city fire station after the fire station in his honor. The mo-, ger to learn the faith, said Father Salary based on credentials and experience. Send Degagne. "It is the beginning of a late Father Thomas E. O'Dea, who tion is now under consideration by resume and 2 letters of recommendation before March great opportunity for an entire par- served as chaplain of the New' the council's Committee on MemoBedford Fire Department for more rials and Dedications, Sharek re31 to: ish to reflect on its own participation in the Church. It is a spiritual than 35 years. Father O'Dea, 64, ported. He said that none of the process that calls the whole Church who was parochial vicar at St. city's stations currently are named Search Committee Lawrence Martyr Church here, in honor of people. to greater witness and discipleship." Saint John the Evangelist Church Father O'Dea was appointed After initially making their in- died Jan. 19. According to City Councilor chaplain of the New Bedford Fire tentions known, candidates began One Saint John Place with a period of discernment when Steven C. Sharek, who sponsored Department in 1963. He had served Attleboro, MA 02703 they discussed the question, "Why tht< motion, the council agreed on as parochial vicar at St. Lawrence's become Catholic?" and "What is Jan. 28 to support the resolution for nearly 28 years.
:. (508) 678-5,571,
New Bedford City Council mulls memorial to Father O'Dea
the living word
themoorin~ Let the earth bless the Lord! Amid the various positions concerning the fate of Camp 'Edwards .and the tragic pollution of the Massachusetts Military Reservation some have questioned why ,a Church newspaper should form a stance on the issue. To be quite frank, the Church has long been on the side of ecology. Few have recognized that there is indeed a Catholic theory concerning the enviromnent. The stakes are high. At the Second VaticaI). Council, the Church was called to read ''the signs of the times" and interpret them in the light of Gospel issues like global warming; the ozone layer, pollution, natural resource management and local problems like safe drinking water, toxic storage and clean up. Pope John Paul II asserted that 'The ecological crisis is a moral issue." , Reflecting this, the U.S. Catholic Bishops in .their 1991 pastoral statement "Renewing the Earth," called upon theologians and ethicists to explore deeper the insights of our Catholic tradition and its relation to our environment. This indeed presents new challenges that are not only technological but moral, affecting people and communities. The ecological crisis impacts both of these: how individuals treat the environment and how communities and civic groups respond to obvious abuses to the environment. The crisis has today reached such proportions as to be the responsibility of everyone. Even people without any regular religious persuasion bilt with an enduring sense of their responsibility for the common good recognize their obligation to contribute to the restoration of a healthy environment. It should be more than obvious. that people who believe in God the creator and who -are convinced that there is well-defined unity and order in the world would speak out on the problem. Christians should realize their own personal responsibility towards creation and their duty towards nature as an essential' part of their faith. TheuRderstanding of this concept is basically biblical: "God looked at everything He had made and saw it was good" (Gn 1:31). The earth, the Bible reminds us, is a gift to-all living creations, to all mortal creations that are on the earth. In this light, all men and women have 'a. uniqueresponsibjlityunq~r '.ood to safeguard, not ., • abuse, the created world and to.e'nhance'itWe respect all of life.: ", Again;' it is intp~rative to state -that t6ci<lY's crisis, be,:it gl9b~ or local, demands concerted aildcreative thoughts and, effort .on"the , part of all of us, whether we, be scientists, business people; conservators or citizens equally. Methodologies might di~fer, solutions ~ght vary and potential conflict might surface, yet, we must work together to demonstrate our concern for the earth. None of us can escape from the dangers that abuse and lack of care has inflicted upon our community. From the toxicity of the Acushnet River to burying munitions at Camp Edwards, environmental realities are on our doorstep. It is only in recent times' that we have raised our level of concern. As details of environmental damage surface in our backyards we begin to realize' how much people have been kept in the dark about these issues. Military defense should not be manipulative. To come forth with solutions to remedy the faults of the past we should avoid posturing and pretense. Today, humanity is at a crossroads. Having read the signs of the times, we can either ignore the harm we see and witness further damage, or we can take up our responsibilities to the Creator and ,creation with renewed courage and commitment. The work aheadin, this area of our world is difficult and intricate. No single solution will ever ~ ad~quate for th~ work. that l1).ust ,be accomplished. We are now, once again called to' be genuine stew,ards of nature and build' a new human world. This will require and :.1, even demand new attitudes and new action.' •
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ILetters to the Editorl Dear Editor:
be accomplished. In the event of a 'natural, I am writing in response to the January disaster, the loss of the National Guard 29 editorial in The Anchor about the Maswould be catastrophic! If water is the issue, sachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) and why has the DEP and the Cape Cod Comits future use. Though well intended, there mission supported a regional landfill next are many misconceptions expressed. The to the MMR? The answer is obvious - the MMR is not the number one cause of ground motivating factor is political, not environwater pollution on Cape Cod. In reality, the mental. CUlprit is the overabundance of septic sysChina has the military technology to tartems and cesspools. The largest plume on get our cities, thanks to our political leadCape Cod emanates not from the MMR but ers. Our freedoms depend on a strong, wellfrom the Barnstable Treatment Plant: The trained military. The best water in the world worst plume comes not from the MMR but is tasteless and worthless to a slave. from tt)e Old J. Brayden Thomson civilian junkyard. Regarding lead leaching into the Patricia A. Stewart grour,l,d' water,:a program first cleaned the North Eastham lead- and,the'n a, sprayed substance; which absorbs the lead, prevents it from ,leaking , " / " " T h e 'Editor intO- the ground:water; A recently released , ," , . , report,coO,cl.u,ded,that it was not apparent'" Dear..E~ltor. . ' ' ,',' e'",', ,that-traini~g?ctivities_~aveimpacted on the,~: The readers of The A{7chor:,should be aquifier. Taer 5,,900 poundsof'propellant 11lmade aware of the latest estimates on the & usedeach'year are insignificant' compared" number ,of abortions performed .since the ~ " ' .J: ' ,:iwith the 37,500 pounds .used"in:9rie hour's' ,Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. The frightful = OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE rALL RIVER ;,' worth of firew.orks! t: ,-, "":".: '0<""" and alarming figure has reached the 38.. IT' The'MMR has a state of the arteiiviron- 'million mark. ',/' " ,; Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River " mental 'pr()gram and has complie'd~ith aJl' : ,,' Pro~liferssh6uld c~>ntinue to spread the 887 Highland Avenue ; P,O, BOX 7 , existing environmental regulations that en- truth on the abortion issue, especially about Fall River. MA 02720 'Fall River, MA 02722-0907 'sures continued protection of dozens o1'w,lo- the new chemical techniques. . Telephone 508-675~7151 life and plant species. The training att,he It is ".veH to consider the pope's recent FAX (508) 675-7048 ,base is imperative to the military defense of emphasis on hUman life and that the CathoSend address,changes to P,O, BOll 7 or, call telephone number above this country. Almost 50 percent of U.S. mili- lie Church is opposed to abortion at all costs. tary personnel comes from the National EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Guard and Reserve forces. There is no NEWS EDITOR Thomas A. Walsh Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault James N; Dunbar other regional area where this training can Roslindale
' ' ' . , anc 0 th h ~ or
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Carmelite Sisters offer dedicated, loving service to the area's elderly
THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 19, 1999
Diocese to offer End of Life Issues course
FALL RIVER - In keeping with all interested adults and nurses are esthe Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall pecially encouraged to attend. River's position on compassionate Sessions will be held on Tuesday end of life care, the Diocesan OffIce of evenings, Feb. 23 ,through April 13, . By SISTER MARGARET JACKSON, and our desire to dedicate our whole en t approach to the care of the eld- Adult Education will offer an eight- from 7-9 p.m. at the Catholic MemoO.CARM. life to him." erly and infirm. In addition to ful- . week series to explore the Christian rial Home, 2446,Highland Avenue, Fall What also develops is sharing filling physical and spiritual needs, meaning of human suffering and end River. For more information or to regFALL RIVER - For the five Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and In- love for older people and it contin- she stressed the importance of a of life issues. The, program is open to ister call Lisa Gulino at 678-2828. firm who serve those in home-like atmoresidence at the Cathosphere that encourlic Memorial Home aged residents to here, it is a ministry of • mai ntain their perserving the Christ they sonal sense of dignity see in others. and independence. "Our ministry is To that end, one of joy because we Mother Angeline are called by God to a Teresa founded a new very special work, carreligious community, ing for his aged and the Carmelite Sisters infirm who need our for the Aged and Inlove, our compassion firm. With six other sisters, she set about and our care morning, noon and night," said making her vision a Carmelite Sister Marreality. "Mother Angeline garet Jackson, one of Teresa's philosophy the quintet serving at the home on Highland of care is the keystone Avenue. of the Carmelites' commitment. The sis- ' Natali of the nuns are nurses, she said. terslabor· to make each Carmelite home Some sisters are dieti'a genuine haven of tians, personnel direclove and Christian tors, social workers, joy, serving each physical therapists, guest as if ministering pastoral ministers, to Our Lord himself," bookkeepers and adSister Jackson exministrators. "But replained. gardless of our parThe end result is ticular area of ministhat through their lives try, all of us work toof prayer and dedigether to bring to the cated service the elderly in our homes Carmelite Sisters share the best possible care." CARMELITE SISTERS - The habit or dress the Gospel message The Carmelite sisters came to the Fall River of candidates fpr the Carmelite Sisters changes with the people ofGod Diocese and this city as they advance in spiritual formation: at feft, a "and bring his love and 276 Meridian St. • Fall River in 1939, and in subsepostulant; top, a fully-professed sister and at right, healing to the aged enquent years sent memtrusted to our care:' Sis.~ 673-9426 a novice. ter Jackson said. bers to minister in RICHARD S. AGUIAR, owner For further inforBoston and Marian We are one of Fall River's oldest gardeners. ues to grow as one learns more mation about the Carmelite Sisters Manor in Taunton. Let us put over 36 years of experience to work for "The Lord leads each sister to , about the elderly and comes to ap- for the Aged and Infirm, contact religious life by a different path," preciate more fully just how spe- Sister Margaret Jackson, O. Car~., you.' Contact us if you have a lawn problem or for a at the Catholic Memorial- Home, said Sister Jackson. "No matter how cial they are, she said. free estimate. varied our stories, the one thing we It was in 1929 that Mother M. 2446 Highland Ave., Fall River, Fully insured - No Job Too Big or Too Small share in common is our love of God Angeline Teresa pioneered a differ- MA 02720-4599 or by calling (508) 679-0011. COMMERCIAL· INDUSTRIAL· RESIDENTIAL
Pope John Paul II's Lenten Message VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II urged Catholics to retum to the sacrament of penance during Lent this year and rediscover the true sense of penitence and reconciliation with God. Speaking at a blessing at the Vati-' can Sunday, the pope said Lent was supposed to be a time of "remm to the house of the Father" through one's personal liberation from sin.. "Isn't this the most appropriate context for the rediscovery of the sacrament of penance, in its deepest sense?" he said. He said the personal conversion and reconciliation offered in penance was "more urgent than ever in today's society, in which the very foundations of an ethical vision of human existence often seem lost." The pope, who opened the Lenten season with an Ash Wednesday service in Rome, was scheduled to begin , a week of spiritual exercises in the Vatican on Saturday. Earlier Sunday, the pope visited a Rome parish and asked members to participate in the "city m,ission" he
has launched ahead of the year 2000, a program of spiritual encounters and personal visits aimed at renewing the faith in the Diocese of Rome. He said two elements deserve special attention during this renewal project: pastoral help to families and to young people preparing for marriage, and concrete solidarity toward the poorest in Rome. The pope said he was looking forward to World Youth Day celebrations in Rome during the jubilee year, and said he hoped the meeting would provide a moment for young people to consider priestly and religious vocations. In a visit to Rome's major seminary Feb. 13, the pope advised patience and persistence in finding new vocations to the priesthood. . ''The work of the fisherman is hard. It requires constant effort and patience. It asks above all faith in God's power," he said. "Therefore, don't be rushed, but be watchful and attentive in order to make the best of God's opportunities," he sai4.
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THEANCHOR.--- Diocese ofFaJl Rivl?!"- Fri., Feb. 19,199~
Will Catholics listen to the pope on the death p,enalty? Again the pope has come to America, mesmerizing thousands of youth and adults through his charismatic presence and insights about human needs. His words that struck me most forcefully were about the most serious conflict we face today "between a culture that affirms, cherishes and celebrates life, and a culture that seeks to declare entire gro~ps of human beings - the unborn, the terminally ill, the handicapped and others conBy sidered 'unuseful' - to tie outside the boundaries of legal pro~ection." Among those "others" are pris~ oners on death row. The pope urged Catholics to oppose the death penalty, calling this "cruel and urinecessary '" even in the case of someone who has done great evil." Pope John Paul II believes so deeply in this need to work for a universal culture of life that he took an unexpected step. He asked Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, a Bap-
tist, to commute the death sentence of Dimell J. Mease, convicted of killing three people in 1988: Amazingly, the governor responded by commuting the sentence to
The Bottom
Line Antoinette Bosco life iJ.11prisonment without the possibility of parole. He explained he did this not because he had changed his mind about the death penalty, but ou! of respect for the pope. And so, our amazing pope came to America, gave great inspiration to great crowds of people and achieved something dear to his heart: He saved a li(e.
News stories after this speculated how tion was the most intense moment of truth I American Catholics would react to his strong ever had to struggle with. In Montana, two sons and I had .to taste condemnation of the death penalty. A New York Times story said that lay Catholics sup- the death in that bedroQm, with the bullet port the death penalty by a two-to-one mar- hole in the blood-stained wall. We fell to gin, reflecting "an implicit rift" between our knees, praying to the Lord to exorcise the evil, from that room. Strangely, in that many Catholics and the pope. I, personally, was overjoyed that the pope , moment, I didn't want any more death. I saw clearly that we are wrong to put the was firmly outspoken against the death pen,alty, a position I have held for a long time. I emphasis on "penalty" when it should be have had a hard time with the inconsistency on "unnatural death" and all the horror this I've seen in some Catholics who join the word conveys. Unnatural death at the hands crusade against abortion, but cheer the kill- of evil is horrendous, hateful to the life-giving of prisoners. ing Lord. My faith taught me that. But it My readers know that I do not come to also taught me that equally horrendous is my anti-death penalty position as an aca- murder when it is sanitized by calling it ofdemic. My life was seared by murder when ficial and lawful. God is the one in charge an 18-year-old cold-bloodedly shot my son of life and death. We have no business tryJohn and his wife Nancy five years ago in ing to take over. Montana. The young man faced the death God bless our pope for his courage in penalty, and I had to ask myself, "Does any- coming to America and urging us to end the one who could steal the lives of two good death penalty. We should follow our holy , people deserve to live?" Facing that ques- leader's example.
Dealing with an adult child living at 'home Stop attempting to reason with hi~, that is, living at home by paying for room and board. sign it to indicate that you are all aware of the Dear Dr. Kenny: Our son is on the "10year-plan" to finish college. Wethought this telling him what to do. Lectures have not Charging him $15 per day would be reason- terms. Since you cl~arly love your son, you would be his last semester, but he manages to worked to motivate him. No matter how good able, below the rate most states give foster par- want to take no chances on any misunderstandfind a way to change his major, drop a course, your reasoning, and even if your son 'agrees ents to maintain a foster child, He cannot beat ings that might later cause hurt or angry feelings.· fail something or find some new way to pro~ with you, lectures are misleading both of you. long his time in school. We've reasoned with You believe he is about to change. He believes Money is control. By providing it, him, and he always agrees but nothing hap- , nothing is going to change. you have allowed your son time to pens. He's 2S years old, living at home, and ~ study and learn and prepare himself Make a contract with your son. Set specific . has yet to find a full-time job. He claims that , deadlines. Make this the last sel11ester you will . for adult life. Now you must withhold would interfere with'his studies. How can we pay ariything toward tuition. From thii' day forit to motivate him to get a job and w,ard, more spending money. If he needs move on. , get him going into life? -'- IQwa > ' _ ' With Dr. James & There comes a time in raising a You do have ultimate control 'of the _situa~ money badly enough, he will find some way to tion. You have to be prepared to set specific earn it. Getting at least a part-time job and supMary Kenny child when nurture is harmful to deadlines and to let him fend for himself. porting himself is a more important step,for growth. By" being firm in ending fiWho pays his tuition? Where does' h'e get' your son than completing his college degree." _ 'nancial support, you let your son , his spending money? If you are providing life . Inform him that you will begin to charge ',that,deal onhis OWf\.. " _, _ . . know that you believe in him. You believe he support, you are enabling him to' delay his en-, him room and board two weel\s after his poten-. Put all these term~ in .~riting. Y9 over it no longer needs you financially, atld you betry into the world. - . tial graduation date. He is welc;onw ,t9 .r~niai!!, ,~J!!l YO!i£,~9J1,':..S!gl},itYo.!i~.e.lf,. a!!d ask him to lieve,he has..the ability to m(j1lage, on ,his own.
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February 21. First Sunday of Lent. Cycle A. Readings: 1) Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1~7 Psalm 51:3-6a, 12-14. 17 2) Romans 5:12-19 3) Matthew 4:1-11
By Jean Denton
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Jef; doesn't He steadfastiy will not gossip. Ever. Refuses to : join in any conversation in which gos~ip is involved. Leaves the room.. Occasionally he will m~ke a comment in defense' of a person Whose name is being . smeared, but he never condemns the gossipers, never even says so much as" "Let's not talk this way about ," or . , "You know this. is 'gossip'." Sometimes he shakes his head as he walks away, a subtle hint that he's saddened and disappointed, but I've never detected anger. For a long time I didn't notice this, but it became obvious after he backed out of several one-to-one conversations with me. Jeff is one of my closest friends. For ,years y
'he's been someone with whom I talked about nearly everything.includirig deep personal concerns. But when I would begin to make critical or judgmental comments about another person, his gaze would drop, , and he'd stand up, indicating that the ' . discussion was coming to, a: close.
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rtce I. reaiized what was driving Jeff away in those instances, ffelt awful. One. because I had disappointed. my friend and. made him uncomfortable; but two, I could see that what I was doing was, unkind 'afld harmful to the person who was the object of my gossiping. THen I felt ashamed. Like Eve in today's first reading, I ' became painfully aware of my sinfulness, -arn::ti wanted to hide - to crawl into a hole. Still, in my sinful human condition, as characterized by Eve,I .continue to be tempted t9 equate my knowledge with God's and bring my judgment on others.
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But obedience to the Father, relayed to me by Jeff's obedience to Christ, strengthens me to change.T~day·s second reading reminds me that Jesus' mercy in. redeeming me from my ,sinful·act frees me to be obedient to h~m, through my own desire, and to participate in his goodness.
,Just as through one man 5 disobedienc.e all beca~e sinners, so through one man 5 obedience all shall become just. " ~Romans
QUESTIONS: To what sin(s) are you repeatedly tempt'ed to give in? What consequences of that sin can you foresee that will help you to choose obedience to God?
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jl Copyright © 1999, Diocese of Fort Worth -
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The Church's position on cremation Q. Could you please give us the Church's POSi- ditional custom (in our culture at least) of burying tion on cremation? For years we have been told the body,in a tomb. cremation is permitted anytime, for anyone. St. Augustine noted 1,600 years ago that ChrisNow, some of our clergy claim that cremation tian funeral rites are more for the living than the is allowed only in emergencies (epidemics, disas- dead. He meant that at a time of death, friends and ters with many casualties, etc.) or when individu- relatives have many lessons to learn about life and als are too poor for a traditional funeral. death, the shortness of time on earth and priorities This has upset some older people who have al- that become confused in the normal course o(daily ready arranged, living. with . their . - - - - - - - - - - - His point was that we need children's consent, the reminders that confront us to be cremated. Is in the presence of the body of a there a change or friend, in the Eucharist we offer is the information and in placing the body in the we received grave. All our funeral liturgy, wrong? (Pennsylfrom wake to burial, spell out By Father vania) those reminders in the context John J. Dietzen
Questions and Answers
A. Catholic Church law permitti ng cremation has not changed basically since 1964, when the Congregation of the Holy Office lifted the long-time ban on the practice. As you probably know, cremation was once forbidden because it was promoted years ago by groups, particularly in Europe, who used cremation as an argument against the Resurrection and immortality. It is ridiculous, they claimed, to believe God can gather all that smoke and ashes together to make us rise. Almost no one holds that position today. Reasons for desiring cremation have more to QO with health, economics and other private or public concerns. Thus, the relaxation of the rule. In fact, Catholic funeral liturgy explicitly provides for burial ritu~ls in the context of cremation. (See Introduction to the Rite of Funerals and Canon 1176.) More recently (1997), regulations were relaxed even further, allowing funeral Masses with the ashes present. I don't know how your parish staff might have come up with those conditions, but nothing in Church law limits cremation to e~ergencies, financial straits or other such circumstances. Two important cautions do need to be considered, however. First, while it allows cremation, our Church makes clear a strong preference for the tra-
of Jesus' own death and resurrection. The .second concern is somewhat related. At the time 'of death we need to consider how what we plan will affect loved ones left behind. The very least we should do, when family is involved, is discuss the decision thoroughly with them, and make sure they are spiritually and emotionally comfortable with the arrangement. Anthropologists tell us you can learn much about a culture by the way people treat their dead, and how they ritualize their loss and grief. We cannot· allow ourselves to lose contact with the great spiritual realities that confront us as Christians in times of death. and burial. .
Dear Readers: A few weeks ago I devoted this column to organ donation and included some inf~rmation about registering our willingness to ~x ercise this kind of charity. I have learned of another source for information and free donor cards, the National Coalition on Donation Sponsors. Call 1·800·355·SHARE. A free brochure on ecumenism, including questions on intercommunion and other ways of sharing with people of other faiths, is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, III. 61651. . Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.
Novel ministries to meet continent's crying needs . I have been accused by some persons of preferring to "make up" ideas for new ministries rather than actually "do" something, which is absolutely a horrible thing to say to someone working diligently to come up with a solid, working mission statement for a parish-based, but nationally funded, pape~-shuf fling ministry (PSM). I invested the better part of an afternoon working with the acronymical possibilities. However, I rejected almost everything: . MOPE (ministry of paper executives), OOPS (outreach of paper shufflers), POOPP (parish outreach to 01' paper pushers), etc. I decided PSM is straight to the point. Besides, it might fool some large pharmaceutical companies into sending along monster grants. The point is, however, that PSM was an outgrowth of a conversation about another crying need across North America and even parts of Minnesota - especially at this time of year when you see "Little League Sign-Up" signs popping up in snow banks and on reader boards: VCR (volunteer coach retreats). This is such a great idea it's hard to decide if it should be taken up by a parish's social justice committee, evangelization team, retreat promotion coordinators or hospitality committee. Regardless, and I know this for a fact, there are tons and tons (33 or 34 tons at least) of people out there right now who are going to vol un-
teer to coach little people about cilities there is a cyclone fence be- . baseball. I say "little people" be- tween the playing field and the cause most· of the players who are stands. What irritates coaches, of going to sign up are, in fact, little course, is unsolicited advice like, people. "Hey, you so-called baseball coach, There's a caveat, however. It .------------~r-==;:-I is only fair 'to point out that an unusual number of teams - ' against which the teams I coached in the By Dan Morris past played had connections - - - - - - - - - - - in forgery rings and managed to ob- why don't 5'ou have them throw it tain documents claiming very large around the horn?" I would just smile, knowing that "little people" were 10 years old and could play against "my" 10- nautical terms would only confuse the boys. Besides, I always felt that year-olds. It appeared t9 me that most of kicking the ball from l)ase to base these other teams' players had been reduced chances of head injuries shaving for years, probably worked and built skills they could use later part-time as piano movers and in soccer season. could crush soda cans (I assume it So, I am sincere in proposing was soda) into ball bearings in one that volunteer coach retreats fist. . could be a great place for people You can sense already, I'm sure, to "get their heads on straight," the many potential issues VCRs as they say in football, and reflect could address. Take parents. Please. on the work they are doing for <Actually, that's not fair. It is an young people. It would .be good, however, to overused axiom that parents who are normally nice, polite, hard- make sure these are scheduled after working (even paper-pushing) trading deadline and that the retreat folks all of a sudden turn into rant- master was familiar with Little ing idiots when they see their chil- League rules for substitutions and dren in a game. Not fair. By far they stealing bases.' . rant the loudest when their son or Comments are welcome. Write daughter is NOT in the game. Uncle Dan at 6363 ChristieAve. No. During games, parents are only 222, Emeryville, Calif. 94608; or mildly dangerous, and at many fa- e-mail: [cnsuncle@yahoo.com].
The offbeat wor 1d of Unc 1e Dan
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Decision on ~ig Ten highlights
.Notre Dame's religious identity By GENE STOWE CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
NOTRE DAME, Ind. - The University.ofNotre Dame's decision not to join the Big Ten athletic and academic consortium highlighted the school's Catholic identity in the national press. Holy Cross Father Edward Malloy, Notre Dame's president, returned to the theme frequently on Feb. 5 when he announced the trustees' decision to remain independent. "Just as the universities of Michigan or ,Wisconsin' or Illinois have core identities as the flagship institutions of their states, so Notre Dame has a core ,identity, and at that core are these characteristics - Catholic, private, indepen-
dent:' Father Malloy said. ''The issue of religious identity is not, as might be thought, a question of our Catholic character somehow being diminished by an affiliation with secular institutions," he _ added. "We alone are responsible for the vitality of our Catholic character. "But that character gives a unique perspective to ,our education mission and permeates our campus culture," Father
FATHER NICHOLAS Rachford displays an icon of Christ and the jewel-encrusted book used in Byzantine liturgies. The Catholic priest of the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma, Ohio, recently explained the Eastern rite to second-graders at , Cincinnati's S1. Lawrence School. (CNS photo by Mark Bowen, Catholic Telegraph)
Technology c~uld . ~hange Bible's message ByTRACY EARLY CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
"The Bible has been connected with technology from the very beNEWYORK-Peopleconcerned ginning:' he said. "Writing is a techabout the place of the Bible in the nology. There was a sophisticated future need to consider the impact of technology for copying manuscripts transmitting its message in the new in the MiddleAges. Printing is a techworld of computers anc;l other devel- nology." oping technology, according to parBroadcaster Bill Moyers questicipants in a conference at the head- tioned whether the new technology q uaI1ers of the American Bible Soci- could add much of value. "I am skepety in New York. tical about the ability of the new techThe conference, held last week, nology to open us up to spiritual fulwas ,arranged by the American Bible fillment," he said. "'It gives speed at Society in collaboration with the the expense of memory, and works Public Religion Project directed by against depth ofexperience," he said. the Rev. Among Martin E. tho s e Marty, reWhile avoiding any attempt to pre sen t tired pro. reach a consensus, conference was Auxilfessor of participants explored whether the jar y American message and impact of th,e Bible B ish 0 p ChristianEmil A. would be changed when it was Wcela of ity at the University disseminated through different Rockville of Chicago Di v i n i ty '"-media. â&#x20AC;˘ Centre, graduatea School. While avoiding any attempt to reach a consensus, conference participants explored whether the mes_sage and impact of the Bible would be changed when it was disseminated through different media - perhaps becoming something received on a CD player rather than read in a book - or how much it would be changed. Some saw the coming period as a time of drastic change, but others emphasized continuity and interpreted the computer age more as just another transition in the pattern of many similar times of the paSt. Jesuit Father Paul A. Soukup, a professor ofcommunications at Santa Clara University in California and an American Bible Society consultant, noted that people seeking to spread the bil:>lical message had already adapted to use of radio and film.
of the Biblical Institute in Rome and a member of the bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Review of Scripture Translations. In an interview Bishop Wcela said the caution necessary in using new technologies in religion concerned individualism. "For Catholics, the most common experience, of the Bible has been at Mass:' he said, If the computer, the CD ROM or other such forms of technology become the primary ways people get the Bible, the result could be an individuaIistic religion of "God in me" that finds no place for gathering with other Christians at the Eucharist, he said. Father Soukup called it "a marvelous intellectual challenge" to use' another medium in trying to convey the message to teen-agers and young adults "who are not reading much of anything," he said.
NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL - Fighting Irish quarterback Arnez Battle, right, struggles, against the University of Southern California Trojans in a game last November. Notre Dame will not join the Big Ten Conference, university officials announced in early February. (CNS file photo from Reuters)
Malloy said. "Our most basic decisions concerning student life, our faculty, our core curriculum, even the fields of scholarShip and research in which we aspire to make a significant con'tribution, all reflect the fact that we are a Catholic university." While the question of football alignment played a role in the decision, along with size and focus on undergraduate education, university spokesman Dennis Brown said the Catholic identity was vital. ''That was pointed out repeatedly, and it was one of several reasons it wasn't a good fit for us," Brown said. ''This is a reafflfmation of both the Catholic char'acter and the undergraduate tradition." Brown said the choice, and the frequent reference to the religious identity, contradicted a Feb. 5 New York TImes article that said Catholic universities including Notre Dame "only give a passing nod to their religious affiliation." The Faculty Senate, eager to become part of the Committee for Institutional Consortium, the academic side of the Big Ten that focuse~ on research and graduate studies, voted in favor of the change. But the athletic department, many alumni and many students opposed the move. Students were chanting "No Big Ten" at basketball games to express their views. Notre Dame would have been the only small school in the consortium and the only one with a religious affiliation. "As a Catholic university with a national constituency, we believe independence continues to be our best way forward," Father Malloy said, "not just in athletics, but, first and foremost, in fulfillment of our academic aspirations."
S'choolchoice initiatives face uphill battle, say speakers ~
NCEA symposium hears bright message on proposed voucher system. By CAROL ZIMMERMANN CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGlON - Speakers ata four-day educational symposium in Washington likened the school choice movement to a "new arena of civil , rights" with a "long march" ahead. Speakers at the recent symposium, sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, were confident that school choice provides ajust , solution to those unable to afford private school education, but they did not gloss over the struggle ahead in gaining public and legislative support for their convictions. _ ''The challenge is great and comes to us on many fronts," said the Rev. Floyd Flake in his keynote address to an audience of 100 school superintendents, diocesan representatives and Catholic education officials. Rev. Flake, a longtime supporter of school choice, is a former U.S.
Democratic representative from New York and pastor of an African Methodist Episcopal church in Queens, N. Y. He said he's learned from personal experience, as one of 13 children and also as director of his own private school for more than 15 years" that disadvantaged and even troubled children could achieve and become successful in a school environment that challenges them. His school, The Allen Christian School, has 480 students in kindergarten through eighth grade and a waiting list of 150. "Two-thirds ofour graduates go on to Catholic schools," he said. 'Their parents make thatchoice because they don't want their kids to be in an environment where standards are low ¡or students can't achieve." 1\vo U.S. senators who were given awards at the symposium for their support of school choice, Sens. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, and Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., also highlighted the work ahead for voucher support-
ers. Lieberman co-sponsored a measure last year in Congress that created
.a federally funded scholarship program to allow low-income ~tudents in the District of Columbia to attend public, private and independent schools. Although a version ofthe bill passed both the House and Senate, the bill was vetoed by President Clinton. School choice faces a "long march in Congress, where there is entrenched opposition" to vouchers, said Lieberman. But he encouraged participants to persevere, saying, "Keep on marching forward until we get it done." 'Voinovich, former Ohio governor who promoted the Cleveland project that provides vouchers for low-income families, said getting the initiative passed was not easy. "I've found that most people are fair-minded" and would be convinced about such programs if they saw how the programs made a difference for the targeted students, said Voinovich. "If we can get a track record, we can get people to believe us and start atidal wave in America," he said. But, he cautioned, "it won't happen overnight."
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., Feb. 19, 1999
Programs abound for area seniors At Council On Aging (COA) buildings and Senior Centers throughout the diocese there is a wide array of programs and special interest groups. They meet to enjoy hobbies, movies and share aspects of their lives. Below are some activities in local areas. For more information contact your local COA.
, Chatham A blood pressure clinic is held at the Senior Center every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. Hearing tests will be conducted on Feb. 24. Call the coA at 9455190 to make an appointment. A non-competitive 'bowling group meets at the Orleans Bowling Lanes every Thursday at 10 a.m. The Busy Fingers Workshop is held every Thursday from I :30-4 p.m. Bring knitting, cro,chet, cross-stitch or needlepoint to share with others and work on your projects. Newcomers always welcome. Tax assistance is available now through Feb. 15. Call the COA to set up an appointment. Cribbage games are held every Monday from 1-3 p.m. in the senior center. A b,ridge club meets on Fridays at 12:30 p.m.
Dennis The movie "Hope Floats" will be shown at the COA on Feb. 24 'at 1:30 p.m. An exercise class for active older adults will begin on Feb. 22 from 8-9 a.m. and continue each Monday thereafter. A program on financial management for surviving spouses will be held on Feb. 26 at 1:30 p.m. by Attorney Michael Lavender. All welcome. Professional entertainer and the National Anthem singer for
the Boston, Br'uins, Rene Rancourt, will perform at the COA on April 23 at I :30 p.m. He will be performing Irish songs, love songs and other favorites. Call the COA at 3855067 for more information. Volunteers are needed for the SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program. For an application call Beth Fletcher at 1-800-334-9999. ADiet Support Group meets every Monday ,at 9:30 a.m. as does a rug hooking club. Line dancing is held on Monday's and Fridays at 11 :30 a.m. Quilting, caning, and model shipbuilding groups meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. A' square dance' class meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blood pressure clinics are held on Wednesday's from noon to I p.m. Call the COA for more information and other activities it offers.
Frazer at 669-6628. Arrangements can be made to meet either at Prime Time or at Lincoln Village. Seniors who are interested in computers or would like to learn more about them should call the COA office at 823-0095. They also need people with computer knowledge who are willing to share it with others. Exercise classes are held on
through April 14. For more information call the COA at 4307550. A program entitled "Aging Well into the 21 st Century: A Psychological Perspective," will be held on March 4 at 1:30 p.m. in the town hall. For more information or to register call the COA: The creative knitters club meets every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. For more information call Jeanne Egan at 4322012. The Friendly Visitor Program is in need of volunteers and in search of seniors in need of visitors. For more information call Claire Hickey at the COA. Sight A Loss Support Group will meet on Feb. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pine Oaks Village, John Nelson Way. It is for the visually handicapped and people with progressive eye disease. For more information call Sight Loss Services at 394-3904. Have your blood pressure checked at the COA. Services are available every Monday and Friday from 10-11 :30 a.m. A program about long-term care insurance will be held on Feb. 22 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Make your appointment through the COA.
For our s=~iors Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Part one of the movie "Titanic" will be shown at 10 a.m. on Feb. 23. Part two will follow at 1:30 p.m. A bridge group meets at 1 p.m. on Fridays.
A low 7 intensity exercise program with weights has begun at Prime Time, located at 978 Somerset Avenue, lower level, to benefit those inte'rested in preventing or controlling osteoporosis. Classes. are held on Fridays and persons interested can call 669-6272 for more information. If you like to play chess or are interested in learning call Bob
The Registry of Motor Vehicles is offering a 50-minute presentation on safe driving. Specific topics include tips on how to be the best driver possible and getting a handicapped plate or placard. It will be held on Feb. 25 in the town hall at 10 a.m. All welcome. Income tax assistance is available through the COA now
Cholesterol screening will be held at the COA on March 23 from 1-2:30 p.m. Blood pressure can also be monitored. For ap'pointments call the COA at 2617368. Fuel assistance is ,available to seniors. Contact Sharon White at the Social Services Office at 261and her late husband Luis, former 7465 for mQre information. owners of the Silver Star Cafe in COA volunteers work a comPawtucket, had three children and panion line every morning to give six grandchildren. seniors a call to say hello and make sure everything is all right. For more information call Althea Sankey at the senior center. Every Tuesday, Bingo is played at 12:30 p.m. and a painting group meets at 1 p.m. Line dancing is held on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and exercise classes meet at 1:30 p.m. every Friday.
96-year-old Madonna Manor resident becomes U.S. citizen NORTH ATTLEBORO Conceicao Pais da Costa, a 96-yearold Madonna Manor resident, recently fulfilled a lifelong dream and became an American citizen. She did so in front of friends and family with'a simple "yes," and the raising of her right hand. "It feels good," declared da Costa who gripped an American flag during the ceremony. She was sworn in by Karen Hayton, assistant director for adjudications, and Emily Costa, an officer of the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Services. A reception followed and Hayton said that "Ceremonies like this one are the most pleasant part of my job." Born on April 3, 1902 in Moimenta da serra, Portugal, da Costa immigrated to the United States in 1920. She worked in the Loraine Mills of Pawtucket until 1951 and was also a homemaker. She lived in Pawtucket for 68 years. As a devoted mother, grandmother and friend, da Costa enjoyed cooking, crocheting bonnets for newborns, afghans for nursing
home residents and gardening. She is known for her generosity in helping the needy and spo.nsoring fellow immigrants in this country. She
AMERICAN CITIZEN Conceicao Pais da Costa, a resident of Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, raises her right hand and'is sworn in as an American citizen at the home. The 96-year-old resident was joined by her granddaughter Linda Cardinale and son Albert, right.
The COA presents a program entitled "Caring for People with Alzheimer's Disease," on March 8 from 10 a.m. to noon at the senior center. For more information or to register call the COA at 487-7080. Income tax assistance is available for seniors now through April 14. Call for information. The COA is looking for persons interested injoining a weight watchers program in March. It will be held on Wednesdays from
10:30 a.m. to noon. Call the senior center for details. A social service worker is available every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the COA. If you need help filling out forms, applications for food stamps, fuel assistance or and personal or financial assistance call for an appointment. A book discussion group meets every first and third Tuesday of the month from 10-11 a.m. All welcome. Seniors are invited to use the free exercise equipment at the COA from 1-2 p.m. every weekday. An aerobics class meets from 10:30-11 :30 a.m. every Monday and Friday. Movies are shown at I :30 p.m. on the same days. The French club meets from 1-2:30 p.m. each Tuesday. Painting classes are available from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday and Bingo is played every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. A variety of board games are played between 2-4 p.m. each Friday. Call the COA for more information.
Rehoboth The COA announces that it will sponsor a representative to assist seniors with tax preparation on Feb. 23 at 9:15 a.m. To make an appointment call 252-3372. A support group entitled Grandparents Raising Grandchildren meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Rev. Larson Senior Center, 25 South Main Street, Attleboro. For more information call 222-0240. A Cribbage and cards group meets at 9:45 a.m. every Monday at the COA. A Hi Lo Jack group meets on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. A quilting group meets on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.
Sandwich The Sandwich COA is looking for volunteers to join its Friendly Visitor Program. Individuals visit a frail and/or homebound senior to bring companionship for an hour or so each week. For more information call the COA office at 8884737. Volunteers are also needed at the V.N.A. Adult Day Heath Center to play games, help out witli crafts or play piano for one or two hours a month. For more information call 833-0223. Seniors who live alone can receive a daily telephone call via the Telephone Reassurance Program to make sure all is well. For more details call the COA. Outreach assistance is available by appointment. Have your questions 'answered about resources and programs you may be entitled to. Call the senior center to schedule an appointment. Each week on Monday a painting group meets at 1 p.m. and a watercolor group meets at 2: 15 p.m. A quilter's group meets at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesdays. Wednesday brings the meeting of the craft group at 9:30 a.m. and the men's group at 10 a.m. Line dancing is held every Friday .at 9:45 a.m.
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THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 19, 1999
"God Said; 'Ha!'" Withers on screen
letters, and her best known work, "Gift From the Sea," NEW YORK (CNS) - the folmeditations on women's roles (which has been in print since lowing are capsule reviews of mov1955), and nurnerous others. ies recently reviewed by the U.S. 'Besides the kidnapped in- Catholic Conference Office for Film fant, the Lindbergh"s had five and Broadcasting. , "God Said, 'Ha!'" (Miramax) children, three boys and two ,Filmed performance ofcomedian' girls. Jon, the oldest boy, be.came aNavy frogman; Land's Julia Sweeney's one-woman show wife died after three months in which she gives a humorous acof marriage; Anne, after two count of putting her life on hold in her mid-30s to care for a brother dydivorces~ died in 1993 at age 53; Scott works with endan- ing of cancer, then facing further gered species in Brazil; and ,complications after her parents Reeve, mother of three chil- move in to help and she herself is dren and a grandmother, has shortly later diagnosed as having published children's books cervical cancer. Also directed by Sweeney, the monologue is mildly and novels. The death of Reeve's own amusing in its self-deprecating anfirst-born infant son, eerily re- ecdotes about the comedian's Irishpeating what happened to her Catholic upbringing, her torturous 'parents, brings mother and but loving family relationship as daughter closer together and . well as her "amicable" diVorce and provides a healing continuity expectations of single life; but the across generations. Mourning , performance withers on the big her beloved older sister, Anne, who screen and the thin material fails to dies ofcancer after chemotherapy ses- sustain feature-length interest. sions, evokes 50 years of shared ex- Comic but never mean~spirited periences and reconfirins Reeve's dedi- treatment of serious matters involving family, religion, sex and medi,cation to writing. The conviction to keeping on cal procedures as well as a reference "knowing" family members enlarges to flatulence. The U.S. Catholic Reeve's capacity for adjusting to Conference classification is A-III ,change, for acceptance "ofliving and adults. The Motion Picture Associaworking in the family tradition" of tion of America rating is PG-13 professional writers, and for the '~com parents are strongly cautioned that plicated legacy" of being a some material may be inappropriate Lindbergh. for children under 13. The 1932 kidnapping of Charles, ''Blast From the Past" (New Line) Reeve's "lost brother," thought to be Amusing comedy in which a 35the defining identity ofthe Lindbergh year-old (Brendan Fraser) born and family, is rather part oftheir growth to raised in a fallout shelter by parents maturity. (Reeve believes the infant's (Christopher Walken and Sissy death was accidental.) Spacek) fearful of a nuclear attack , "I am sorry that so many other finally emerges and asks a skeptical "', People have attached their own mis- local girl (Alicia Silverstone) to help ery to this piece ofour family history;' him find a wife. Director Hugh Wilshe says. For mother and daughter, writing , is "a secular religion." Few other notable American women writers, with successful careers of their own, have raised adaughter who could write such an elegant autobiography and acute social history. , By GERRI PARE "In spite of the tragedies and the' CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE newspapers;' her parents' creative partNEW YORK - A letter to a dead nership is "the living language of a marriage." Reeve Lindbergh's sense woman changes lives in the gauzy ofsharing - her candor and humility . romance, "Message in a Bottle" , - bear witness to a remarkableAmeri- (Warner Bros.). Briefly vacationing at the beach can family. Allen. a veteran English professor while her little boy visits her former and college administrator, is now a , husband, Chicago Tribune researcher Theresa Osborne (Robin Wright free~lance writer and editor. At yourbookstore or order prepaid Penn) comes upon a 10ve'letter inside from Simon & Schustltr, Total Ware- a corked bottle that has washed onhouse Services, Radcliffe St., Bristol, shore. The sender, "G," is writing to PA 19007., his late artist wife, ''Catherine;' of his undying love in words so tender and heartfelt Theresa is 'deeply touched. Sharing it with her colleagues leads ,ter Break." Musical special in which to its publication in the paper and the 'Grammy-winning country-po'p Theresa is assigned to find and write a singer performs, along with guests story about the romantic mystery man.' Elton John and The Backstreet Boys. Clues, like the personally designed Friday, March 5, 9-10:30 p.m.' stationery, reveal the writer is loner EST (PBS) ''Star Crossed Lovers." Garret Blake (Kevin Costner), a boat From the ''Great Performances" se- builder living on North Carolina's ries, tenor Placido Domingo and so- Outer Banks. • prano Renee Fleming perform selecWithout revealing her purpose, tions from. ''Faust,'' ','Otello;' "Romeo Theresa finds him and strikes up an and Juliet,~'-'The Merry Widow'.' and "West Side Story" with the Chicago acquaintance that each realizes includes genuine attraction. They part Symphony Orchestra. Saturday, March 6, 8-9 p.rn. EST as a couple a few days later, she deter(PBS) ''In Search of Thscany With mined not to write the story and he John Guerrasio." Special in which tom by conflicted feelings for her and the food critic and author guides , loyalty to the memory of Catherine. Unbelievably" Theresa's boss viewers through the heartland of Tuscany, exploring the heritage, cui- (Robbie Coltrane) doesn't press her sine, wine and crafts of Northern to write the promised follow-up story. Italy's small towns and such tourist Back on the coast, Garret, urged by m.eccas as Florence and Sienna. his crusty dad (Paul Newman), decides
Opening a door on the personal life of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, this true-to-life memoir.by Reeve, their youngest child, is a book of intergenerational family remembrance and healing. ' , "UnderAWing" is neither another . -- account of the Lindbergh kidnapping, the shocking historical event the fam: ily is usually associated with, nor a biography 'of 20th-century icon Charles "Slim" Lindbergh, sometimes called the "last hero," who flew the Atlantic solo in the monoplane 'The Spirit of St. Louis" on May 21, 1927. Born in 1945 long after her father's aviation exploits and the kidnapping and its sensational aftermath, Reeve Lindb~rgh reveals that behind the public ,image of daring pilot was a demanding father, obsessed with privacy and later an ill-fated isolationist who died oflymphatic cancer on Aug. 26,1974, on Maui, Hawaii. The account ofms passing in Chapter 20, ''Father;~ probing an elusive core of understanding between parent and child, is both brilliant summary of the intermingling of courage and insensitivity that was the character ofCharles Lindbergh and touching tribute to a devoted, difficult father. The ITnirriage to Anne Morrow Lindbergh, his equally famous wife, ''fragile-Io,oking ambassador's daughter," trained aviator in her'own right, aristocratic and introspective, is a "many-layered love story." A hard-working professional writer, Anne Morrow Lindbergh published accounts of early flying experiences, four collections'ofdiaries and
NEW YORK (CNS) - Here are some television programs of note for the week of Feb. 28: Sunday, Feb. 28, 9-11 p.m. EST (CBS) "Behind the Mask." Fact,based story of one man's (Matthew Fox) search for his father and another man's (Donald Sutherland) quest for his son's love. . Tuesday, March,2, 9·10 p.m. EST (A&E) "New York Underground." From the ''Inside Story" series" an exploration of the world beneath the city, including a subway system where concert violinists vie with graffiti artists for the public's attention. Wednesday, March 3,' 8-9 p.m. EST (CBS) ''Shania Twain's Win-
ROBIN WRIGHT Penn stars in the romantic drama "Message in a Bottle." The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13. (CNS photo from Warner Bros.) son orchestrates some goofy fun as '(Chris Cooper) insistence he come the innocent breezes through the work in the mines and instead en- • complexities of mean-spirited lists three schoolmates to help build modern life, never forgetting his a functioning rocket in hopes of manners and winning friends with winning a college scholarship. Dihis unshakable wholesomeness. rector .Joe Johnston's atmospheric, , Mild sexual refererices, occasional fact-based drama captures the improfanity and an instance ofrough poverished community, familial language. The U.S. Catholic Con- conflicts and the dogged ambition of youngsters to persevere and betference classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Asso- ter themselves with higher educaciation of America rating is PG-13 tion. A mining tragedy, fleeting pa- parents are strongly cautioned rental abuse and a few muttered prothat some material may'be inappro- fanities. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults priate for children under 13. "October Sky" (Universal) and adolescents. The Motion PicUplifting tale set in 1957 rural ture,Association of America rating West Virginia where a miner's son is' PG - parental' guidancesug(Jake Gyllenhaal) defies his [ather's gested.'
'Message in a Bottle' offers captiving, scenic but tearjerker film of 'bestseller to go visit Theresa in Chicago and meet her little boy. There they become lovers, but he accidentally discovers his letter - and something else just as unexpected - which sends him home to further brood about the past and whether he can ever trust Theresa again. Just as she has been deeply hurt by an unfaithful husband and needs , a man who can be totally coIJimitted to her, so Garret must decide if he can chance loving again with its attendant risks. Spun out in a halting pace, the
,film Ideview story is padded with a subplot about Garret's in-laws blaming him for Catherine's death, a peculiar ~ugges tion that pregnancy killed her, and his rigid insistence on not sharing any of her paintings with her family. In one bitter confrontation, his father threatens to cut up a canvass, Solomon-like, so that each side could, have a piece of Catherine's art to remember her by. None of this comes across very credibly - and the reso-
lutI~n later achieved also seems too pat, considering the long-standing rage that preceded it. Yet, for those ofa romantic bent- . such as the readers who kept the Nicho'las Sparks' book on which the movie is based on the New York Times' bestseller list for six months - director Luis Mandoki's misty movie may be more captivating. The film is reminiscent of a younger version ofthe Clint EastwOOdMeryl Streep romance, 'The Bridges of Madison County," but slower and with the contrived family conflicts , plumping out the narrative. Costner plays it in a strong-silent Gary Cooper-type mold; Wright Penn stresses her own character's romantic longing and vulnerability; but Newman isn't given enough to work with, but does convey his genuine feelings for his son. Sappy might best describe the use of love songs in the most obvious ways imaginable. The Maine coastline stands in for the Outer Banks with appropriately pretty imagery of seas, sails and sunsets. Due to a discreet bedroom scene, fleeting violence and occasional profanity, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Saginaw Diocese to begin consolidating weekend Masses ~
only 10 under age 50. According to the 1996 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, the diocese averaged 1,645 Catholics per priest, about 500 more than the national average. Father Frederick Kawka, task force member and pastor of Blessed Trinity in Frankenmuth, said the focus of the plan wasn't to close churches, but to cut back on week-
"For generations we've been used to separate sittings at the tabie causing this Michigan of the Lord," he continued. "I undiocese to regroup. derstand it. I've grown up with it. By DAN DIGMANN "But when you look at other CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE faiths, many have only one celebration on the weekend and almost SAGINAW, Mich. - Because of none of them have as many as we're used to," he said. a shortage of priests, the Diocese of Saginaw will begin consolidating Two parishes joining for weekweekend Masses in July. end Masses is like two close famiAn overall plan to address lies meeting by chance at a the' shortage was developed "Our intent was to find a way to restaurant, he said. There's by rep res en tati ves of provide access to Eucharist every nothing wrong with eating Saginaw's 12 vicariates and Sunday for every Catholic in the separately, but pulling the finalized by a nine-member tables togethe.r and sharing Task Force on Planning for diocese." the meal enhances it. Ministry appointed by - Bishop Kenneth E.Utitener Diocesan officials said St. Bishop Kenneth E. Untener. Diocese of Saginaw Bernard parishioners likely The bishop told The will attend weekend Masses Catholic Weekly diocesan pa- ~ _ . . . . . . at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini per the plan will be phased in as end Masses and avoid overlapping in Vassar, about eight miles away. needed over the next five years. . Masses within a vicariate. The parishes already share staff and Beginning in July, he said, there Many parishes have begun to cut a business office. no longer will be weekend Masses back, he said, as March 1 was the The bishop said no churches at St. Bernard in Millington, St. target date for elimination of un- would Qe boarded up. Parishioners can use church buildings for Martin de Porres in Perrinton and n'ecessary Masses. St. Agnes in Pinconning, and Bishop Untener said almost ev- - other parish functions, weddings Masses will be celebrated every ery parish will experience a cutback and funerals. "It will be the 路reother weekend at St. Leo in Winn "in orderto make a priest available sponsibility of the neighboring and St. Patrick in Irishtown. Four to somebody else who might not parish to maintain the property," of the five are mission churches. otherwise have one." he said. "Our intent was to find a' way to Though people prefer' certain He said the priest is not supprovide accesS to Eucharist every Mass times, the bishop said, the posed to perform the Mass but "be Sunday for every Catholic in the Church is built on the Eucharist caught up in the prayer." The limit diocese,", said Bishop Untener. and there are advantages to con- of three "protects it from becoming There was no'choice,. he added, solidating eucharistic celebrations. mechani~al,': he added. given the number of priests and "The Eucharist is always a big He also said the diocese is "douparishes in the diocese. event, like Thanksgiving dinner," bling and redoubling its efforts" for Today, 79 priests whose av- he said, noti~g that families cel- priestly vocations through projects efage age is ~5~St;fv.e 111.par- ebrat,~ Jh~r:t~~,g.iv!~g at,~n~,~ig _s.u,ch as the, t\V~-week. focus in Ocishes. But, in seven years, there meal rather than at separate ones ,tcbef iUld'ihe'recen'tly devdoped will be 58 under age 70, with' ,throughout1he day. . vocations site on the Internet.
Shift in stance on 'just w~r' perceived in recent statements WASHINGTON (CNS)- Recent pronouncements by the pope and U.S. bishops about military actions may be shifting the Church's 'just-war" doctrine, worry some analysts. Participants in a seminar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center last week discussed what some described as a shift in tone in recent statements about war by Pope John Paul n which they said make it sound like there may never be a theologically justifiable reason to take up arms. Robert Royal, director ofCatholic studies at the center, opened the seminar by raising his concerns about phrases from papal statements decrying military intervention in Iraq, for instance. "There has begun to creep into papal statements the very nonedifying view that war is never appropriate," Royal said. The Church's criteria for deternlining whether aconflict is a 'just war" has eight specific areas of consideration. They include probability of success, intention, proportionality, right intention and abandonment of peaceful alternatives. In remarks to diplomats Jan. 11, the pope referred to December's missile and bomb attacks against Iraq, which were led by U.S. and British military forces. "The recent conflict in Iraq has shown once more that war does not solve problems," the pontiff, said. War complicates them, he added,
"and leaves the civilian population to bear the tragic consequences." Coupled with a November statement issued on behalfofthe U.S. bishops during their annual fall meeting by their then-president, Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland, which questioned the necessity of plans to attack Iraq, Royal said he senses a new ''Catholic pacifism" emerging. Royal said those statements and others with similar references disturb him because the Church has long held that under certain circumstances, war is an appropriate response to injustice. He said he.fears references like one in Bishop Pilla's statement; quoting a previous papal critique of the Gulf War, will be misused to justify staying out ofconflicts which realistically can only be settled by armed response. The pope has said, "Never again war, which destroys the lives of innocent people, teaches how to kill, throws into upheaval even the 'lives of those who do the killing and leaves behind a trail of resentment and hatred, thus making it all the more difficult to find a just solution of the very problems which provoked the war." He has made similar comments several times in recent years, including in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 1997. Jesuit Father Drew Christiansen, a fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center, and former director of the U.S. bishops'
InternationalJustiCe and Peace Office, noted that Pope John Paul has himself said he is "not a pacifist," and in fact supported the use ofmilitary force to end the conflict in Bosnia. But the pope's comments about military intervention' and other criticisms of the Iraqi bombing from the Vatican do not come with explanations of what goes on behind the scenes in drafting those statements, Father Christiansen said. Considerations likely include religious-moral issues, shifts in thinking aboutjust-war theory and diplomatic concerns, he said. ''We're ina special kind of time, dealing with types of conflicts we've not dealt with before;' he said. "Proportion weighs more heavily now," Father Christiansen said.
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,Feb. 19, 1999
Catholic composer to appeal after losing plagiarism suit WASHINGTON -Catholic liturgical music composer Ray Repp said he will appeal a federal jury verdict which denied his song plagiarism claim against theatrical composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. But he'll have to go solo. His attorneys, who were working on contingency hoping to get a chunk of multimillionaire Webber's money, have bowed out of the case. He said he has been given help by a "pro se" office in federal court which assists people who are representing themselves in filling out the required paperwork. Repp said he did not expect to file an appeal until March. In court, Repp tried to prove Webber had stolen his 1978 song, "Till You," and turned it into the "Phantom Song," a theme which runs throughout his 1985 "Phantom of the Opera."
Repp said the jury appeared starstruck when Webber testified in his own defense, as did Sarah Brightman, Webber's ex-wife who has starred in many of his musicals. The suit was filed in 1990. "It has taken on a life of its own, and it would be wrong just to stop," Repp said. He has not recorded a collection of liturgical music since filing the suit. Even by representing himself, Repp still faces costs. A complete copy ofthe case transcript costs $30,000. "I am hoping out of total naivete I can camp out on the courthouse steps," he said, "and read them without purchasing them." Repp is no stranger to deferred justice. When he sued his first publisher, PEL Publications, for not paying royalties for his liturgical music, he had to wait more than 10 years to get what he sought - his copyrighted songs back.
CONTEMPORARYWAY OFTHE CROSS Fri., Feb. 19 - 7: 15 p.m. - Chapel Fr. John Gabriel
COFFEE HOUSE: ROBBIE C. Sat., Feb. 20 - 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria - Good-will donation
HEALING SERVICE WITH MASS Sun., Feb. 21-2:00 p.m. Fr. William Kaliyadan & Prayer Community Music Ministry: John Polce
GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM Mon. Feb. 22:.6:30 p.m. "Grief & Reconciliation" . Counseling Center - $10/session
LOAVES & FISHES: LENTEN SHARING Fridays in Lent - 1:00 p.m. - Cafeteria Fr. Richard Delisle & Fr. John Gabriel (Lunch can be purchased at ttie Harvest House)
ST. PATRICK'S CELEBRATION Dinner & Show with "The Dingle Regatta" Sun., Mar. 7- 6:00 p.m. - Call fo~ ticket info
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lliEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., Feb: 19, 1999
In India, murders, rapes spread panic among Christian'community By CATIiOLIC NEws SERVICE
joined the peac~ rally Feb. 7. BERHAMPU~, I~dl~ - Pa~ic Father George:Mattathilany, secre~ spread among Christians in Orissa tary of BaiasoreDiocese, told UCA state after the rape of a nun, the rape News Feb. 5 that the nun's congrega- , and murder ofr,a, young ,~hristian tion,initially refused tp I:eport the matwoman and the murder, ofher brotl1er., ,te.r tp the police. The nuns a~ after m~ders ~U!J'ed fou'r Mys af~'" ,Bish~p7bom~ 1hirutlJillil :~fl3ai~.ore ' ter unidentified,m~n dressetj as w.!?Illen _and priests convinced th~m not ~o. treat raped ariun'ih-Baripad~townin'Ori;;sa, itns an isolate<i:case"tj'Je pri~st said: : Where'suspectedBindumiliJants had '" The incidel}t h~s p~nic~edChris-' burned alive an Australiani Protestant., tians ,in the. qiocese" ,father, missionary and his two sons Jan. n· ,Mattathi'lanY,said.. Tlu.s.w~; Iqdia's 'Father Lancy Rodriguese, treastir~r ~ second case of rape ,inyolvinganun l of Cuttack"Bhubaneshwar: Archdio~' in ,the past [lve months. Three nuns! cese, told UCAN'ews,:anAsiari church, 'were· gang,raped ,in at central Indian ' news' agency based inThailand,'that"village Sept,23:,'.~ ", : the 'Church,does not know the mo-" ";·Meanwhile, the president Qf -the tives for the attacks,'" ',' Catholic Bishops' Conference oOn-' , The priest said the youqg woman idia has Writteh to the Indian president and !.ierbrother, fro!'rithe'ai'chdiocese's and prime minister 'condemning the; Mondasoro parish; had 'gone into the rape art,d s~king 'immediate'steps to, SWISS. GUARD COUPLE -'-: An undated ,file'photo 'shows Swiss Guard CoL ,Alois 'forestto collect firewood as usual. He restore confidence among Christi'fuls 'said \he~ attaCkers' r~pe<;nhe IS-year~ . ~'i'~;Orissa;,; :': ~' "" .),: Esteirmahnand'his wife, Gladys Meza.,Romero.ArecentVatican' report confirmed that the old, then,killed ner and-her IO-year-' .Father Rodriguest? ~datlfCks on two were murdered last May py Swiss Guard Cedric Tornay, who then killed himself. (CNS 'old.or9ther. Theyalso wounded a teen: " Christi~s'ha~e 'shined'to' th~ eaStern file photo from Reuters) age tribal youth who tried to save the state ofOrissa from the ,west¢m Iridian woman. That yO).lth was hospitalized; ,state of Gujarat, where suspe'l:;ted Father RodJiguese sqid. . " ,Hind~Jnilitan~burned cQurch~s and The priest said the incident oc- schools and attacked missi9naries. curred aday after a silent peace march: .' While ;the.pro,:tIind.u Indian in Bhubaneshwar, capital ofOrissa,to People's Party rules'Gujarat, the opprotest the killing of Australian mis- position Congress party ,is in. power sionary Graham StuartStains and his in Orissa. ''We are not sure the (Orissa) sons and the Feb. -3 rape of the nun. government is taking adequate steps cused' himself by saying that on panic and anxiety; subsequent ~/nvestigator's final Father Rodriguese said that some to check attacks on Christians;' the one of those nights he had fallen parts of the report repeatedly em5,000 Catholics and Protestants, priest said, report on May 4, 1998 asleep in the street after drinking phasized that Tornay was anxious. killings' and suicide of too much. The report also noted that an , A month before the shootings, autopsy turned up a cyst "the size Vatican guard member Estermann said in a dossier about of a pigeon egg" on the part of 'is released. " Ae rUJRe ead/l, ad Tornay that he had "little balance" Tornay's brain "traditionally called , and did not behave "correctly with 'the organ of civilization,''' a fronBy LYNNE WElL his superiors, (arrogant, without tal lobe associated with behavior CATIioucNEWS SERVICE control and cognitive function. judgment)." Investigators' interviews with Tests of Tomay's urine after the VATICAN CITY -Drug use and physical disorders may have helped shooting revealed a bodily reaction Tomay's fellow Swiss Guards and Oh ado~able and Divine Will, benold me here before the improvoke a Swiss Gua~d to commit a 'to the presence ·ofmarijuana. :Bllt acquaintances outside the Vatican . mensity' 6fYour Light, that Your eternal goodn~ss may open to, d9uble murder and suicide last year, since blppd Jests did- not provide also revealed that he may have been me the doors and'make me enter into It .to form my life 'all in the same:co,nclu,sion, inv~stigators waiting in vain for a job offer in said excerpts of a report. , , ' 'You, Divine Will: Therefore, adorable Will; pro,strai~ before Excerpts of the' investigators' fi- said that ifTornay had used the sub- Switzerland on which he had Your Light, I; the least of all creatures, p~t myself into .the little nal report of the May 4 killings were stan~e;ii WasilOhvith.in hi~ last pinned his hOPt:s to leave the corps. group of the sons and daughters ofYour Supreme FIAT., ProsOn the day the report was rereleased at the Vatican 'last week. 'three i:tours, and so didl}ot affect trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it leased, Tornay's mother, who had They showed 'tHat guard member his actions that night. . ',,clothe me and eclipse all that dOes not pertain to You, Divine Cedric Tornay had a cyst on his ~owever,:~a 'caraully:worded given numerous interviews to ItalWill. It will be my Life, the center of my.intell!gence, the brain that could have affected his statement frqmJhereport shows ian, Swiss and French news organienrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want 'reason and indicated suspicions that the investigators ~'susp~cted," zations after the shootings, was that he was a chronic marijuana user. based on general report~; of. his be- quoted as saying she did not bethe human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cas~ it The report' confirmed officials' havior and appearance, that Jbrnay lieve the Vatican's account, and she away from me and th~s form the new Eden of Peace~ of happiinitial explanation for the incident: "was a chronic user." It saiO a search appealed for public support for an ness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a A disgruntled Tornayentered the of Tornay's quarters revealed a con- investigation of her own. singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and , Vatican spokesman Joaquin Vatican home' of Col. Alois tainer with the stubs of 24'hand,conducts th~m to God. Estermann and his wife, Gladys made cigarettes with "clear traces Navarro-Valls, whose office reHere prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity Meza Romero, shot them with his of cannabis derivatives.'" ' leased the excerpted report, told an that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and service revolver, then .put the Citing a U.S. pharm.!icological Italian television broadcaster that thus return in me the first order of creation, just the creature muzzle in his own mouth and text, the report noted that mari- "the pain of a mother is understandwas created. pulled the trigger. juana has been credited with caus- able ... but a very detailed investiHeavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, The report confirmed that ing "hallucinations, delusiqn and gation leaves no room for an alterEstermann and his predecessor, Col. paranoid feelings," confusi?n, native hypothesis." take, my' hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Roland Buchs,- had reprimanded . Will. You will be my guide, my most tender'Mother, and will ' the 23-year-old Tornay more than teach me to live in'and to maintain myself in the order and the. once for acting out ofline. Not long ,~ounds of the Divine WilL Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my before the shootings, Tornay , whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the learned that he had been passed qoctrine 'of the Divine Will and I will listen -most atteritivelyto By CATIiOUC NEWS SERVICE , over for a !I1edal of recognition to founded by Mother Teresa of Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the be awarded to several other guards~ ROME - A Missionary of Char- Calcutta, died Jan. 29 in an exinfernal serpent dare not.penetrate into this sacred Eden'to enmen at the same public ceremony ity who was kidnapped; wounded, change of gunfire between their tice me and make me fall into the maze ofJhe human will. . where Estermann was to accept his then released by rebels in Sierra rebel kidnappers and West African Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You.will give me Your ,new duties. Leone died in a hospital 'in troops supporting Sierra Leone's flames that they may bum me, consume me; and feed me to These details were augmented , Conakry, Guinea, one week after government. in the report, by other indications her release. Another member of the order fonn in me the Life of the Divine Will. that "Tomay's actions did not come Sister Hindu, an Indian, died of died Jan. 22 after being shot by Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my from a single cause, buffrom a com- cardiac arrest the night of Feb. 5 the rebels. heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will·, plex of motives" - physical and while under treatment for a gunThe sisters as well as a brother keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that shot wound to the abdomen, ac- and several priests belonging to psychological, as well as external. I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. , Tornay's behavior was judged to cording to MISNA, a Rome-based the Xaverian Missionaries were My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everybe occasionally immature, "irrev- missionary news agency 'which seized Jan. 12 Cj.nd 14 dliring thing so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that erent and irresponsible." For ex- filed a report last week. Her funeral reBel raids on Kissy, just outside draws aU men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ample, he once spent two nights w~s celebrated Feb. 6 in Conakry. ofFreetown, the capital of Sierra' , Two other members of the Mis- . Leone. The survivors were reaway from his lodgings in the Vati( /n Honor of Luisa ficcarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will) can without permiss50n and ex- sionaries of Charity, the ord.er leased Jan. 29.
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dr,ugs, cys't 'D1ight have .pro'voked Swiss Guard murder
'Y"'Ag 9Ungdom- 6;me,' iulU On
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Consecration to the Divine Will
Missionary' of Charity nun dies after rel~a~ed by kidnappers
TIffiANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 19,,1999 Continuedfrom page one
not as a price for forgiveness, but as a gesture of our sorrow and our desire to reform our Iives. It is not our penance, but Jesus' blood shed on the cross, that washes away our sms.
own lips, those words that can change our lives: "Go in peace, your sins are forgiven." ~
ment. If we do nothing else this Lent, we should try to deepen our love for this lifegiving sacrament and commit ourselves· to receive it more often as a way of deepening our friendship with the Lord.
At that moment, the penitent is profoundly touched by each Person ofthe Trinity: The ~ Father receives the repentant The fifth element of the sac- child who has come home As we begin this holy searament is the absolution. The again, Christ places the lost ·son of Lent, I assure you of priest does not say, "Christ sheep on His shoulders and my prayers for each of you. absolves you from your returns it to the sheepfold, and May our Heavenly Father resins..."; rather he says, "I ab- the Holy Spirit resanctifies the veal His mercy and love to you solve you ....", in the same "temple of God" wherein He in the sacrament of reconciliway as when the priest says now dwells more fully. ation, so that His peace may always reign in your hearts. ~ at Mass, "This is my body... "Go in peace, your sins are this is my blood." At these two Devotedly yours in Christ, moments, the priest is ab- forgiven," is like hearing from sorbed into Christ and speaks the doctor, "Good news! Your in His name. What a relief, an cancer is cured, you will live." overwhelming joy, a sense of That is the joy our Heavenly Bishop of Fall River peace, to hear, as from Christ's Father offers us in this sacra-
,<:.11\': ... I i~trinebead Cites 'need formonil absolutes' c).
. .'.
:.:' .• '. .'
,.: ~ Calif. (cNS)- Meeting with rePorters Feb. 12 after a m\ll~nati9~~<:J~~9liCd~a1 consultation, yaticail doctrine chief Cardinal Josep~ Rat~ger wamed against moral relativ~m, saying there is a "need fO&m2@f1' ··,utes."AJ'(;hbishop Daniel E PiJarczyk of Cincinnati, one of theWeeU.S.participants, said the fact tJ-lat some people don't . g ddes not mean the teaehing[is :mongo Rather, he follow churcij', saicl, it urchJel!;o.r~tO''fing.ne~,.)':'.illY~''..tr,:>getthe teaching acmss. . g>llSuitall()n>vas held at 9J.r.,YallOJ;Ilbrosa Center, a San FranciscO .' ~. ;!pd conferencel'~~ten miMenloPark.
1Sl9yepi8;~SePt(:IQ~tot>eat!fy bisb9P . •.. , <.. (CNS) ..> Pope John PaI,lIUiS visit Slovenia in September~(,~aJ9tb~lltUry bishop, theVatieansaid. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Na\1arro-Valls ~a Feb: 15 the.p'opewould be in Maribor, Slovenia, on S~'J 9 to preside at the beatification of Bishop Anton Martin Sl()mse~~. Apget~writeri.n.ag<!i.tion to the first bish9P. of Maribor, Bishop Slomsek ~as. with helping keep the Slovenian •language and culture aliv~ ~der {\~trian J:Uie. / '.... i OrtbodQx 'be8~.irivites pope,lq. visit. ~omania;. ~y ~P considered VATICANqJX (CNS) -:-:The head ofthe ~omahian Orthodox Church hasipvit.ed!,o ." .' •PaW to~it his F.agt ~~ country, clearing the way for'li.prob, .. trip ~sPring. The Vatican said'Feb. 13 that the pope had accepted the'wvitation previously extended by the Romanian government an~<:Jlltholi99urcllleaders. No date was set for the visit, but Vatican sources said they were considering a possible trip of 2-3 days in the middle ofMay.'/; , Pope,iA.nglican .leader discuss India violence, ~ cooperation VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John PaW n met Archbishop George Carey of <:J~terbury, spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion, to discuss church cooperation for the year 2000 and shared concern over recent anti-Christian violence in India Archbishop Carey, head of the Church of-England, met privately with the pope for about a half hour Feb. l3.1n a statement, the archbishop said the two had "expressed deep concern over the incidents of persecution of Christians and others in the Indian subcontinent." They also talked about pastoral problems in Sudan, another country where Christians have frequently complained of discrimination, and pledged that their churches would work together in the African country. School of Americas foe heartened by groWing opposition WASHINGTON (CNS) - The-massive tumout at November's protest in Georgia may have been a turning point in the movement to close the US. Anriy School of,the Americas, according to the priest who started the effort. With increasing public awareness about the campaign, the organizers are now figuringout hpw to manage the logistics of rallies that draw thousands of people from ~ss, the country. They're also looking tOward investigating other U.S. trilining programs for foreign militaries; Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois described for students at GeorgetownUniversity Feb. 10 how his one-mari protest of a decade ago grew into a nationwide grass-roots campaign involving clergy, elderly nuns, college students, veterans and families. '
Continued from page one
estate, and John C. Carey, Jr., a social studies teacher at B.M.C. Durfee High School. Both were close friends of Father McCarrick. James M. Gibney, superintendent' of public schools for Fall River and former president of the CYO; members of the Fall River School Committee and Albert J. Attar, principal of B.M.C. Durfee' High School, welcomed those attending. Father Francis'L,'Mahoney, pastor of Holy Name Church, Fall River, gave the Benediction. A plaque and photographs will accompany ihe' collection. The coll'eciion was donated through the generosify of Father McCarrick's sisters, Eileen Cahill and Mary Wood, who felt that Durfee's library would be a most appropriate place for it given Father McCarrick's close ties to the school. Attar has also arranged for funds to be allocated to help the collection grow and stay contemporary. "He was very special to the By LISE ALVES youth of Fall River. He had a CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE great dedication to youngsters. It was through his constant inSAO PAULO, Brazil'- The intercession that students were clusion of a Catholic hymn in the gi ven another chance if they Carnival repertoire of a samba failed," said Silvia, who first school drew criticism from Church met Father McCarrick when he . offiCials. was, in high schoql. , One of Rio's most traditional ,,'·'He used sports as a means samba schools, Salgueir.o, has deto reach out to kids. He had a cided to use v.erses of "Raise your big heart and looked out for kids Hands," a song composed by Fa24 hours a day}' said Silvia. ther Marcelo.Rossi of the Diocese ,"He reall.y cared," h~. added. of Banto An;aro in Sao Paulo, 'to , Fathe'c McCarri<<k was also warw, up the. ban~ b~fore it enter.s . very. active in, the Fall River the parade avenue. . ." . ,-eomnlunity' serving a~' chaplain Bishop Fernando Figueiredo of to. the Fall River Fire and Po- Santo Amaro was quotea in a local lice departments. He was a newspaper as saying that although member of the Attorney the Church would not prohibit the 'General's Task Force 'on Drugs hymn from being sung, he would 'and helped to found the Drug have preferred the song used for the • Clinic at Saint Anne's Hospital. purpose for whi<:h it was composed: . The sports-collection will be evangelization. on permanent display and open Bishop Figueiredo said the song to the public at the school's li- was not part of the liturgical rites, POPE JOHN Paul II kisses an infant as he arrives 'at a brary where Father McCarrick's so the Church would not protest Rome church Feb. 14. The weekend before Ash Wednesday legacy of love of youth and formally against the samba school. the pope urged Catholics to return to the sacrament of pen- sports will remain for future A spokesman for the Archdiogenerations to see. . cese of Rio de Janeiro, Adionel ance during Lent. (CNS photo from Reuters)
erature," said Fall River native , Philip Silvia, Jr., a professor of history at Bridgewater State College and a close friend of the late priest. "He was very interested in local sports." That interest in local sports 'by Father McCarrick led to his collaboration on a book with Silvia entitled, "Twenty-five major leaguers from Fall
River," which provided pictorial and biographical sketches of local athletes who achieyed major league status. The dedication ceremonies included an invocation by Father John P. Cronin, director of St. John Vianney House, Fairhaven, and remarks by Atty. Arthur D. Frank, administrator of Father McCarrick's
Use of Catholic hymn at Carnival criticized Carlos da Cunha, said Cardinal Eugenio de Araujo Sales of Rio de Janeiro released a statement saying the use of Father Rossi's song during the Carnival parade was inappropriate. . Cunha said the cardinal would ask the president of the samba school to r~consider allowing the participants to perform the hymn at Carnival. But Paulo Cesar Mangano, president ofSalgueiro, said the hymn "wili be used.to inspire those at the bleachers tastand up and cheer." , Mangano said the most of the 3,000 'members of the Salgueiro school are Catholic, and the song would be a tribute to them as well as the, thousands of Catholics and admirers of hymns who would \;le watching the parade. , . The annual, pre-Lenten four-day Carnival festivities took place Feb. 13-16 throughout the country. Father Rossi has become an overnight sensation in Braz!I, and his outdoor Masses attract thousands of followers in the city of Sao Paulo.
Assisi basilica restoration moves quickly ~ Since the 1997 earthquake unique partnerships have advancedthe' rebuilding.··· By JOHNTHAVIS . CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
'. ASSISI,.Italy - Stone by stone and brick by brick, restoration experts are piecing together the Basilica of si. Francis in Assisi, where a double earthquake in 1997 brought dow~ sectiOns of the ceiling and weakened the 750year~old wails. . In Italy, restoration projects typic'ally run overtime, and a chronic lack' of funds can' halt worJc in mid-repair.' But the 'or-posite has happe'ned in Assisi:, The seriously dartuig~d uppetba~ si'lica is now' 'expected to .be reopened for Christmas Mass this year: ' . ,.' . Although the ceiling frescoes that crashed to the floor will not be reassembled' in time ror the re()pening, the vault will be fully rebuilt. Already work is nearly finished on the church's damaged bell tower, tympanUin and s'upporting walls. . ' The success story owes much to art and architedure specialists in the Umbria region, who are overseeing the $30 million fixup job. Some of them have.a personal interest in the project: Two regional public wqrks officials, along with two Franciscan friars, were killed when the ceiling collapsed Sept. 26, 1997, "One of them was a friend of mine," said technician Claudio Spezi.ali, an Assisi native,. as he rode a construction elevator to the roof of the basilica in early February. Ai the top, leaning i'nto a cold, wirid"'hl?"ambl~dup to .the
Here, staff members removed more than 1,500 tons of debris -'-- the rubble of seven centuries that, when Ghurned up by the earthquakes, knocked two holes in the ceiling. Today, the upper chambers are spotless, swept clean by giant vacuum cleaners. . When restorers say they're working "brick by brick," it's not a metapho'r. On the top side of the ceiling vault, experts have tagged and numbered each brick and then, usi~'glarge syringes and plastic .tubes, have replaced and reinforced'aging mortar with a liquid resin: The job is strictly monitored so no damage is done to the ceiling frescoes that lie underneath . After' the operation, giant gauze' ;baridages are stretched · acros's the convex, surfaces, lend· ing _add~t.i.omir support. In a large room off the Francjscan monastery, a separate fac'et of· the restoration is proceeding at a painfully slow pace. Here, · tens of thousands of fresco frag· ,.rnents are b~ing rearrang~d by a . ~ r~am of 25.ypung specialists. The ·'life-sized paintings of eight saints · apd other figures, some of them 'i attributed. to .Italian masters Cimabtie 'and 'Giotto, are slowly 'regaining form. "The ultimate, ideal goal is to Sl!iiIfiliIliiioMlIlI.·' return the frescoes to their origi-' nal site in the ceiling. But that will take much more time," said Giuseppe Basile, who is overseeing the work. THE ~AS.ILI~A of St. Fr~ncis of Assisi, with its bell tow~rc'qr:npletely covered in ~jyeb .9f .. To speed.up the process, the. scaffolding, IS stili undergOing repairs after a double' earthquake' hit in 1~97. The church is experts have begun photographing and cataloguing fresco fragexpected to r~open fo~ Christmas Mass this year. (CNS phot,? by Nancy Wiechec) ments to create a "virtual archive" pinhacle of the building and aging to hide it all, which is es- through the stone and'iriserted of pieces. New'software may even pointed to a seemingly random sential for the at<stheii~ value of 166 steel rods', ·then closed it all allow the computer to d.o reassem}.Ip again'. ' .. , . . . bly work. The hope is tpat somepattern of steel: 'rectangles fas- the church," he said: '. . In ,the' le.vel berieath,the' time early next ceri.turY, the 1,700 . To lend stability. to the fivetened to the roofing surface. "We're giving the structure new story bell tower, w,hich ri!!ked'cpl- roofline alld' ~bove .the, vaulie~ . square feet offallen' fresco can be strength with'steel, using rods and' lapsing during the quakes, the ceiling of the church, a hi<ide,! :replaced \yith mo~tly oi-iginal mapanels. What's we're man-' t~am dril.led horizont~l holes wor~s~,op hums with activity. teriaI. . more, . '
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~IECES OF a fres.co (left) depicting St. Anthony are matched to a life-size photograph of the painting in a workshop near the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. Above, Claudio Speziali points out pillars that were-replaced high on the bell tower of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Feb. 5. (CNS , . 'photos by Nancy Wiechec)
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., Feb. 19, 1999
Our Rock and Role IfIIhat jealousy teaches us By CHARLIE MARTIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
The Boy Is Mine (Spoken Introduction) Brandy· Uhm, Can I talk to you for a minute? Monica· Sure. You know, You look kind of familiar. B • Yeah, you do too. But uhm, I just wanted to know, Do you know somebody named, You know, you know his name. M • Oh yeah, definitely, I know his name! B • Weill just wanted To let you know he's mine. M· Heh, oh no, he's mine. Chorus The boy is mine. You need to give it up Had about enough It's not hard to see The boy is mine. I'm sorry that you Seem to be confused. He belongs to me. The boy is mine. (Brandy) I think it's time We got this straight. Let's sit and talk Face to face. There is no way You could mistake him For your man. ,Are you insane? (Monica) You see I know that you may be Just a bit jealous of me 'Cause you're blind if you can't see -That his love is all in me. (Brandy) See I tried to hesitate, I didn't want to say what hetold me. He said without me he couldn't make it Through the day. Ain't that a shame? (Monica) And maybe yoiJ misunderstood 'Cause I can't see how he could Want to change something that's so good Because my love was all it took.
Chorus (Monica) Must you do the things you do? You keep on acting like a fool. You need to know it's me not you. But if you didn't know it, Girl it's true. (Brandy) I think that you s!lould realize. I'm trying to understand why. He is a part of my life. I know it's killing you inside. (Monica) You can say what you want to say. What we have you can't take. From the truth you can't escape. I can tell the real from the fake. (Brandy) When will you get the picture You're the past in the future Get away it's my time to shine If you didn't know the boy is mine Repeat Chorus Bridge (Monica) You can't destroy This love I've found Your silly games I won't allow The boy is mine without a doubt You might as well throw in the towel (Brandy) What makes you think that he wants you When I'm the one that brought him to This special place in my heart 'Cause he was my love Right from the start? Repeat Chorus You need to give it up (Not yours) Had about enough (Not yours) It's not hard to see (Not yours) The boy is mine . I'm sorry that you Seem to be confused He belongs to me The boy is mine Written by Rodney Jenkins/Brandy/Lashawn Daniels/Fred Jenkins IIVJapheTejeda Sungby Brandy and Monica Copyright (c) 1998 by Atlantic Recording Corp. (for the U. S.) andWEA International (outside . the U. S.)
BRANDY'S AND Monica's hit "The Boy Is Mine" much of my self-esteem depends on this person? is' a good song from 1998. These two R&B stars sing a 3. Is the person I am dating trustworthy? If so, then dialogue duet of two girls claiming, ''The boy is mine!" my feelings reveal more about me than anything else. One can't help but wonder why they would fight over 4. If the person is not trustworthy, then I need to ask: a guy who is obviously two-timing both of them. Aquick Why am I in this dating relationship? What have I chosen comparison would show that he is hardly worth either to deny, and why, in order to continue to go out with this girl's affection. person? However,jealousy has a way of overwhelming reason. These are difficult questions. Yet, answering them Should these girls come to their senses, they might want to can bring some new understanding of yourself. ask: What is going on within me that I feel so jealous?, Whatever the answers, remain compassionate toward Jealousy usually includes hidden or denied fear. Could yourself. Most likely, you were doing what you thoughl each of these girls be afraid that she is not as important to to be the right decision at the time. However, now you the guy as she had hoped? have new information. If you are dating someone and you begin to feeljealIn making needed changes, remember that you are ous, stop and genuinely notice those feelings. Carefully : created in God's image, and that fa9.t m~!ills you possess observe what you are feeling while asking yourself: ',great dignity that deserves 'respect ~ by'.you and others L What fears lie behind my jealousy? Most li~ely, ..' you invite into your life... • ,'. there is something that you are afraid will occur. ' . " " ,Yo'Urcomments are always wekom~,Please address: 2:• How do J experience my value as a person? H6w.: ,'CharlleMartin, 7125W 200S, Rockport,tnd; 47635. . • " • .1 . • • ".
THE U.S; Postal Service'is issuing a new stamp 'commemorating Ireland's great famine, and migration. The stamp will be available Feb. 26; (CNSphoto courtesy U.S. Postal SerVice)
When a student dies By AMY WELBORN
Such thoughts aren't morbid. The fact is, someday, it will be you, and me, and everyone else who has been given mortal breath who will die.
It happened in a local school this week. Perhaps it has happened in your school too - this year or last year. No matter when it happened, I've no doubt that when you allow yourself to think about it you still hurt. ' A student in your school dies. Our tragedy oc'curred when a young man, a student in a FOR YOOTH flBOOT YOOTH large high school, a . . ... basketball player and all-around, well-liked guy, It's a truth that is painful and was kill'ed in a car accident. difficult to grasp. It leads some A teacher at the school told me people, unfortunately, to what we that even though she didn't know call a nihilistic view of life what had happened immediately, thinking that since you're going she could tell the minute she to die nothing matters. You hear walked into the school building that a lot in certain types of conthat something was wrong. It was temporary popular music. You see as if a somber fog had descended it a lot in self-destructive, selfish over the students. behavior. If your school has el'perienced But it doesn't have to be that this kind ,of tragedy, you know way, and it shouldn't. When we've how it makes people feel and the cleared the tears from our eyes and questions it raises. are able to look at our friend's It's almost impossible to be- locker or desk without feeling as lieve at first. Are we really not' if we've been kicked in the stomgoing to see him again? Ever? ach, we will always feel sadness, She's never going to be standing but there comes a point when his at her locker, talking and laugh- mortality and our owl) should lead ing? That desk in front of me is us to live more joyously, not less. going to be empty? After all, the pain you feel The enormity of the loss of life when considering the passing of strikes us shockingly hard. It's so a friend or schoolmate tells you much different than when some- something. It tells you that his life one moves away. We know we made a difference. If it didn't, you may never see that person again, wouldn't hurt. It wouldn't matter. but, the fact is that we know that But the fact that the death of a person's space on the planet still fellow human being causes a is filled with breath" wound and a hole tinged with But the death of someone who sadness means that life is worth was just yesterday walking in living. front of you in the hall is such an It's worth taking the life you've absolute. It leaves a hole that's been given and making as generhard to take and even harder to ous and joyous a gift of it back to understand. God and his creation as you can. It leads us to face up to our It's worth not wasting a minute mortality. It could have been me, on self-destructive behavior or we think, as we hear the details of morose self-indulgence. And it's the accident and ponder the many worth saying no to hopelessness, times we've,driven too fast or have and embracing the hope born seen accidents happen just, four anew each time we awaken to ancars ahead of us: other day.
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Pope u'rgescouples to be open to . , children, 'condemn~'human cloning' . VATICAN CITY (CNS) -Pope John Paul II, celebrating Italy'S prolife d~y, urged couples to put aside selfish interests and make room for children: ' Speaking at a Sunday blessing, the pope, also strongly condemned human cloning and lent his support to a medical petition against the practice. , Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and the pope referred to several of the reasons most commonly given by couples who decide to put off or avoid having children. ' "One naturally thinks of the obstacles that often get in the way of the generation of children: the lack of decent wcrk, adequate housing 'or a safe and healthy environment for living," he said. He asked that Italian lawmakers
~ork to create an atmosphere increasingly favorable to the birth of new human beings. In a separate message marking the pro-life day, the pope said the roles of father and mother were essential for all people. "No one can refuse the gift of paternity and maternity. Not for themselves, and not for others. It is a specific task for every person to live this gift according to their own vocation," he said. The pope strongly supported a statement signed by some 400 Italian teachers of biological science.-, who condemned hum:lO cloning a" a method of human reproduction. The statement said such cloning repicsents an attack on the biological individu<Jity of the person anu said the rractice risks being exploited cconomicaliy. '
TIffiANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 19, 1999"
'leering pOinl, Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box.7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON MON· DAYS. Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not normally carry notices offundraising activities, which may be advertised at. our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at (508) 6757151.
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ATILEBORO - The LaSaiette Coffee House continues Saturday at 6:30 p.m., with Robbie c., a newcomer to the LaSalette scene. Pf.::ople are invited to the Shrine's 4:30 p.m. Mass and then to the Harvest House for a meal before the Coffee House begins. A healing service will be held at the Shrine on Sunday at 2 p.m. FAIRHAVEN- St.Mary'sParish will host a prayer workshop 01) March 23 from 7~8:30 p.m. in the church basement. Pat Pasternak, director of Religious Education at St. Thomas More Parish, will discuss "Eastern Spirituality and Icon Prayer." All welcome and admission is free. FALL RIVER - St. Joseph's Church is hosting a parish mission March 1 through 4 conducted by Father Barry L. Conneerton. Mass will be celebrated at 7 p.m. nightly. All welcome. FALL RIVER -St. Anne's Par-
ish and Shrine holds a healing service in the Shrine on the fust and third Sunday of every month at 3: 15 p.m. The next service will be held Sunday. All welcome. FALL RIVER --: St. Joseph's Church is celebrating its 125th anniversary on March 14 with a 10 a.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley. A banquet will follow at White's ofWestport at noon. For more information call 673-1123. FALL RIVER - St. Vincent's Home, 2425 HighlandAve., will hold a Winter Breakfast, Sunday, Feb. 28, 8:30-J 1a.m. There will be entertainment for children. TicketS may be purchased at the door or oy c;1lling Karin Dejesus at 679-85 1'1, Ext. 328. FALL 'RIVER - The Fall River Widowed Group will meet Feb. 22, 7 p.m., in St. Mary School Hall6ii Second Street. All widows and widowers are welcome. For more information call Annette Dellecese at 679-327K FALMOUTH - The St. Partrick Council ofCatholic Women will host an ecumenical World Day of Prayer designed by Christian Women of, Venezuela, Friday, March.5, 2-3 p.m., following a gathering from 1-2 p.m., at St. Patrick Church, East Main Street.
prayer group meets on the fust and Separated - Divorced Support Group third Wednesday of each month at meeting will be held on Feb. 22 from 7:30 p.m. in.the chapel of Christ the 7-9p.m. in the Diocesan Family Life King Parish. All welcome. For more Center, 500 Slocum Road. Kathleen information call Heather Kirby at Chesto will lead a discussion ''Where 548-2364. . .is God When Life Hurts." All welcome. NEW BEDFORD- The Prayer Group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help ORLEANS - The Separated Church, 235 North Front St" will meet Divorced Catholics Support Group Feb. 23, 1 p.m. for the recitation of will next meet Sunday at the St. Pius the Divine Mercy Chaplet, recitation X Parish Life Center.. The topic for of the rosary and Benediction. All the evening is "Dream's End: Comwelcome. ing to Terms, Letting Go, 'Moving On." Welcome is at 6:30 p.m. and NEW BEDFORD - The Youth the meeting begins at 7 p.m. For Group of Sacred Heart Church will more information call Father Rich~ sponsor a spaghetti supper, Saturday, ard M.Roy at 255-0170. Feb.. 27 in the parish hall from 5 to 7 . p.m. For tickets call Kathleen ROCHESTER - The Hearts & Dufresne at 994-9870. Hands will conduct a six-week be. reavement program beginning . NORTH DARTMOUTH March 9 and continuing Tuesday Retrouvaille, a program to help nights 6:30-8:30 p.m., at 707 North heal and renew troubled marriages, Ave. For information and to register will be held'April 9-11. It offers a ' call 763 c9?03 or 7(53-9705. chance to rediscover oneself and one's spouse and a loving relationSOMERSET - The St. Thomas ship in marriage. For more infor- More Parish Vocation Awareness mation call 1-800-470-2230 or the Team will sponsor a prayer service Diocesan Office of Family Minis- for vocations Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m. in try at 999-6420. the church. Itwill include Benediction. Refreshments will follow. All NORTH DARTMOUTH - A welcome.
STOUGHTON - Pastor Father Joseph P. McDermott will celebrate Mass and conduct a healing service Sunday at 2 p.m., in Immaculate Conception Church, 122 Canton St. For information call (781) 762-2029. TAUNTON - St. Jacques Church is seeking choir members. Choir practice is 'held Mondays at 7 p.m., in the church at 249 Whittenton St. For more information. call Frank Wilhelm, choir director at 678-9649. WEST HAR~ICH - The Perpetual Adoration .Chapel at Holy Trinity Church, Route 28, invites people to spend an hour or two in prayer. This regional chapel of the mid-Cape area depends on people's support. All ages welcome. For more information call Jane Jannell at 4300014. FALL RIVER - Fall River CloClub - Interested in membership? Our purpose: promote patriotic, social, ci v.ic and cultural awareness of American citizens of Irish descent. Open to male citizens of Irish-Catholic descent. For information and application, contact president Dave Quigley. at 6695351. v~r
San'Antonio Shrine of Little Flower is designated as minor basilica By MAURA CIARROCCHI CATHOucNEws SERVICE
.The petition first received approval from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, then underwent , two years ofscrutiny at theVatican. In a decree issued by. the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacram~nts, dated Aug. 27, 1998, the Nation3.I Shrine of the Little Hower was declared a minor basilica. Basilicas, from the Greek word "basilike;' or royal, are designated as
"major" or '~minor." There are only six major basilicas - four in Rome and two in Assisi, Italy. The title of minor basilica is granted to certain churches "of notable size and· beauty" which have "prestige in the life of the archdiocese" and hold "special relics of a canonized saint," in this case, St. Therese of Lisieux, known as the Little Hower.
SAN, ANTONIO - Archbishop Patrick Hores ofSan Antonio presided at celebrations last week marking the official proclamation of the National Shrine of the Little Hower as a minor basilica. The historic church in San AntoMASHPEE- A young adult nio becomes the second basilica in Texas. Since its founding in 1926, the church has been run by the Disc;1lced Carmelite friars. It was entered into the National Register of Historical Places in 1998, signaling that it is considered worthy ofpreservation because of its historic and architectural significance. St. Mary's Cathedral in Galveston had previously been the only other Catholic basilica in Texas. The ,mother church of the 14 dioceses of Texas, ii was elevated to basilica status in 1979. The process leading·to Pope John Paul II's declaration of the National Shrine of the Little Hower as a basilica began in December 1995, when MarianistBrother Edward Loch, archivist of theSan AntonioArchdiocese, suggested it to Carmelite Father Magdalen, Suenram. After receiving Archbishop Flores' approval to begin the 1999 process, Father THE NATIONAL Shrine of the Little Flower in San Antonio, Texas, has been Suenram became di- designated a minor basilica by Pope John Pa'ul/1. The diocese celebrated the rector of the basilica designation in a ceremony at the church in early February. (GNS photo by Fapromotion project. ther John Suenram, OeD) MANSFIELD- If you or aloved one needs extra prayers or would like tojoin the Prayer Chain ofSt. Mary's Parish, call Rita' Roah at 339-4483 or Marilyn Healy at 339-2668.
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