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YOLo 48, NO.7¡ Friday, February 20, 2004


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Jl Letterfrom misliop george W Cofeman to tlie cfergy, re{igious, and faity of tlie Parr1?jver(j)iocese Editor's note: The foUowing is a letter from Bishop Georgt: If. Coleman along with a report of sexual abuse (pages 12-13) in the SUPPORTERS OF traditional marriage boarded buses Diocese of Fall River. The report leaving from Fall River, New Bedford and Cape Cod to at- details the diDcese's response to the tend the Constitutional Convention in Boston on February problem of child abuse for more than 10years, and also reveals that 11. (AnchotlGordon photo) the diDcese wasfound to be in compliance with the provisiDns of the Charterfor the ProtectiDn ofChildren and Young People. A copy of this sexual abuse report pamphlet will be available at all weekend Masses on February 21 and 22 at churches across the diocese.

Mass legislators fail to. support ban on gay marriage resolution


Fall Riverpilgnins in solidatity Wllh tmditionalmamage make theirstance known. BvMKE GoRDoN AtotoRSrAR'

BOSTON - Hundreds from the Fall River diocese wereamong thousands who showed up at the State House on February 11th hoping to influence ajoint Massachusetts Constitutional Convention into accepting maniage as the union ofone man and one woman. Several amendments were proposed and voted down that would have defined maniage as between one man and one woman as were others that would have opened the door or granted civil unions between

gay and lesbian couples. The session ended in a stalemate February 13, and the topic was to .be taken up again March 11. The pilgrims traveled on buses sponsored by the Massachusetts Voices for Traditional Marriage Group and the Coalition for Marriage. Organizer Bea Martins was pleased with the turnout and encouraged their cause on the ride. "You're presence here on this bus is important because we're showing we care about this issue," Martins told supporters. 'The constitution is supposed to support and protect the common good and the best setting for children to grow is in a marriage between one man .and one woman. We are here today to protect our rights." With only 80-125 tickets availTum to page five - Marriage

RULES FOR LENT Wednesday, February 25 is Ash Wednesday.. The Church's regulations for the Lenten season follow: abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays during Lent and Good Friday for those aged 14 and older; Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are to be observed as days of fasting for those aged 18 to 59. Fasting is defined as eating only one full meal and two light meals during the day. Eating between meals is not permitted; however, liquids are permitted.

February 20, 2004 Dear Friends in Christ, Next week we begin the season of Lent, a season in which we are called to embark on a spiritual journey of repentance and renewal. It is in this spirit in which I write to you on a topic that has brought much pain and anguish to the entire Catholic community. The tragedy of clergy sexual abuse of minors has touched every diocese in the nation and affected in some way every Catholic. The sinful actions ofa few priests and the inadequate response ofsome bishops have caused serious harm to victims and to their families. All ofus in the Church have been profoundly shaken by this scandal. Many are left with conflicting feelings of hurt, embarrassment, betrayal, and even anger. To those who have suffered. abuse at the hands of anyone ministering in the name of the Fall River diocese, and to their families, I extend as bishop my most sincere apologies. I offer to them my heartfelt prayers for healing and offer to them the help of the Church through its counseling programs and other supportive services. In the past few years we have all come to understand how great and far-reaching is the damage caused by an incident of sexual abuse. This damage is compounded when the act is perpetrated by a priest. I pledge my firm, unequivocal resolve to do all within my ability to prevent any occurrence of abuse to any child or young person by any priest, religious, employee, or volunteer ministering as a representa-

tive of this diocese. The Charter for the Protection ofChildren and Young People, with which our diocese is fully compliant, was adopted by the U.S. bishops mJune 2002 in response to the clergy abuse crisis. In the context of the Charter the bishops commissioned the John Jay SchoolofCrirninal Justice to conduct an unprecedented study to report the scope of sexual abuse of minors nationwide by Catholic clergy over the past 50 years. The findings of this national quantitative study are scheduled to be released next week. At this time I wish to share with you this report on sexual abuse in the Diocese of Fall River. The statistical information was compiled for inclusion in the John Jay study. The report includes statistics on allegations ofabuse that have been brought to the attention of the diocese since 1954. It also includes infonnation on settlements reached in abuse claims and how those settlements were funded. This report also details how the diocese has responded for over 10 years to the problem of child abuse through its outreach to victims, its policies and procedures, and its prevention initiatives. Mter being ordained as your bishop several months ago, I realized that one of my immediate pastoral priorities would be to support this diocesan community offaith on the journey of healing so needed in the wake of the abuse scandal. By sharing the infonnation in this report, it is my hope that we will have a more complete understanding of how the diocese has been affected by this troubling matter and the steps it has taken to address it. The Fall River diocese was confronted with the tragic realities of clergy sexual abuse with the case of fonner priest James Porter almost 12 years ago. Since that time, the implementation of policies and practices designed to safeguard children has been a priority. I can assure you this remains a priority today. Our efforts in the area of sexual abuse response and prevention will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and improved where needed to ensure that we take all possible precautions to avoid any incident ofabuse in our diocese.

It is tragic that our Church has been so deeply wounded by the scourge of sexual abuse. It is a sin, an affront against the dignity of the human person, and a crime according to both Church and civil law. It is imperative that we all remain ever vigilant against its occurrence. As we enter the season of Lent, I suggest that we look to Christ and the Church. The Vatican Council IT .teaches us: "Christ, 'holy, innocent, and undefiled,' knew nothing of sin, but came only to expiate the sins of the people. The Church, however, clasping sinners to her bosom, at once holy and always in need of purification, follows constantly the path of penance and renewal." With our attention given to Christ and the Church, let us follow the path of penance and renewal by praying for our Church and all its members, especially for those harmed by sexual misconduct. Let us pray also for our priests. By far the vast majority of them have lived lives dedicated to serving God and His people. In the short time I have been privileged to serve as your bishop, I have received the promise of your many prayers. I want you to know that I am deeply grateful to you for them. Know that I will remember you in my prayers, and I ask that you continue to do the same for me. Sincerelyyours in the Lord,

+~ 1J~ ~ShOP of Fall River

Friday, February 20, 2004

'CSS announces spring abuse training s~hedul~ FALL RIVER - Catholic Social Service's diocesan Abuse Prevention Unit has announced the spring 2004 schedule for the Abuse Prevention Training sessions throughout, the diocese': The sessions are for' all individuals, paid or volunteer, who w?r~ with childr~n in ~ny. way wlthm the Fall River dlOcese. " . Class~s are normally two hours In duratton, followed by a question and answer period. All those who attend the sessions will complete a questionnaire and participate in the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) test, ing. , For further information about the sessions, contact Catholic Sodal Services at 508-6744681.' The spring schedule is as follows: March 1,7 p.m. - St. Patrick Church Hall, 306 South Street,

Eastem TeleVIsion

Somerset, 508-672-1523; March 11, 7 p.m. St. Francis Xavier School art room, 21 Cross Street, Hyannis, 508775-0818;March 18, 7 p.,m. - St. John, the Evangelist Hospitality Center, One St. John Place, Attleboro, 508-222-1206' March 22, l'p.m. -St. Mary's (Dolan Center), 14St. Mary's Square, Taunton, 508-822-7116; March 25, 7 p.m. - Our Lady of Victory, 230 South Main Street, Centerville, 508-7755744' M~ch 29, 7 p.m. '-St. Mary's (Dolan Center), 14 St. Mary's Square, Taunton, 508-822-7116; April 5, 7 p.m. - Notre Dame, 529 Eastern Avenue, Fall River, 508-679-1991; 'April 20, 7 p.m. - St. Anthony Church HaU, 1359 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, 508-993-1691' April 26, 7 'p.m. ...:...- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 230 Bonney' ,Street, New Bedford" 50'8-993-



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Marion pastor will retire; new pastor is appointed Neri and St. John's Seminary in Brighton. He was ordained a priest on Feb. 2, 1963 by Bishop James L. Connolly in St. Mary's Cathedral. Father Campbell served as parochial vicar at ,St. Patrick's in Falmouth, St. Mary's Cathedral and Holy Name Par,ish in Fall River, . before being' years. named pastor of The anSt. Dominic's in nouncements Swansea in 1980. came last week, From 1994 to and were effective on Wednesday. . 1995 he was pastorofSt. Patrick's Father Lamb, in Fall River, and 67, was ordained since 1995 has a priest on June 8, been pastor at St. 1996 in' St. Rita's. Mary's Cathedral While at the by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley,OFM. Cathedral he suCap. pervised and diA native of rected the CatheWa'shington, , dral Choir and the D.C., he is a 1960 concert choir called Choristers graduate of Notre FATHER WILLIAM G.' CAMPBELL FATHER PAUL T. lAMB Dame University;' , ' Pro Mlisica, and holdS ajuris doctor degree from The Hyanilis, as weI. as chaplain at later developed it into Diocesan Catholic University of America in . Morton Hospital in Taunton. Choir Guild which he directed until ,Washington, D.C.; a master's degree Father Campbell, 73, a native of 1980. He has been music consultin theological studies from the John Vmeyard Haven, graduated from the ant to the diocese, and was a memPaul II Pontifical Institute; and a New England Conservatory of Mu- ber ofthe Diocesan Liturgical Commaster's degree in divinity from sic in 1953. He studied for the priest- mission. He was also the co-founder Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, hO?d at Boston's School ofSt. Philip .of the Falmouth mterfaith Choir. FALL RIVER - Father Paul T. Conn., where he began studies for. Lamb has been named the pastor of the priesthood in 1992. St. Rita Parish in Marion by Bishop Father Lamb was the parochial vicar at Holy Trinity Parish in West George W. Coleman. At the same time, the bishop has Harwich from June 1996 to June accepted the request for retirement 1997, when he became parochial ofFather Wtlliam G. Campbell, who vicar at St. Francis Xavier Parish in bas been pastor at St. Rita's for nine r--------------,


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FALL RIVER - Catholic Tuesday," February 24 from 9 use of evidence-based practice. Memorial Home will ·sponsor a- a.m. to 3 p.m. It's a lighthearted The fair is designed to inform Mardi Gras Day, when attendees way of sharing innovative ap~ .' and educate home staff and comcan get the "skinny" about Wound proaches to the treatment and pre- munity healthcare agencies of the Prevention and Treatment on "Fat ,verition of pressure ulcers in long- work undertaken and some of term care facilities and hospitals. Catholi,c Memorial Home's acSince October 2003; the home complishments sirice joining the Dally Re,dlngs has been participating ina Na- national collaborative. . , tional Nursing Home ImproveThere will be i~formation Feb 23 Jas 3:13-18; Ps ment Collaborative whose mis- ·booths,·vendors, food and fun. 19:8-10,15; Mk sion is to achieve, in 13 months, For additional information on 9:14-29 breakthrough improvement in the Mardi Gras Day, contact Sherrie Jas 4:1-10; Ps Feb 24 assessment and treatment of pres- Grime, director of nursing, at 50855:7-11,23; Mk' sureulcers through the cons~stent 679-0011 9:30-37 . Feb 25 JI2:12-18; Ps 51 :3-6a,1214,17; 2 Cor ' 5:20-6:2; Mk ' 6:1-6,16-18 Feb 26 Ot 30: 15-20; Ps Please pray for theJollowing' 1:1-4,6; Lk 9:22priests du~ing the coming weeks. 25 . Feb 27 Is 58:1-9a; Ps ' " , eb. 24 51 :3-6a,18-19; 2002, Rev. Edward F. Mc~al;lc, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall Mk 9:14-15 River . . " . ,\~ . Feb 28 Is 58:9b-14; Ps

In ¥ourPrayers

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fM.a~ it

Feb 29

86:1-6; Lk5:2732 Ot26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2,10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13

easierfor tftose you lOvt 111111111111111111111111111111"

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Chrislmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass, 02720 by the Catholic , Press ofthe Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The ' Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River. MA 02722.


" ~Feb:-2S 1988, R~v. Leo1.-Ferreira-;'Vi6ai\General of Brownsville . , Diocese and Pastor;StMary~ Bro\vhsville 1998',~ev. William T: Babbitt, S,\Mary,'North Attleboro ,', Feb. 27\ ' 1874, Rev. Philip Giilick, Founder~S~. Mary, North A~tleboro 1956, Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, Founder., St. Theresa, New Bedford " , . \ \ 1995, Rev. John G. Carroll, Retired Pastor, St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay , \.) , 1~80,

Rev. Msgr. Taunton "


Feb. ,29 J. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, '

Friday, February 20, 2004


In Lenten message, pope calls "' for greater conce~n for children By CAROL GLATZ CATHOUC News SERVICE

Paul said: "There are young people who have been profoundly hurt by the v.iolence of adults: sexual'abuse, forced prostitution, involvement·in the sale and use of drugs; children

Vatican's coordinating agency for Catholic charitable agencies. VATICAN CITY - Pope Archbishop Paul Cordes, John Paul II spoke against viopresident of the council, said all lence directed toward children, proceeds from the sale of the including. sexual abuse, human stamp, which will sell for .45 trafficking and the use of euros, or about 56 cents, child soldiers. . would be donated by Pope In his annual Lenten John to a new project The pope asked that this Lenten aimedPaul message, the pope also at helping AIDS orspoke of "the tragedy of season, which for most Catholics phans in Kenya. AIDS and its devastating begins February 25 this year, "be a The United Nations esconsequences in Africa," time,ofevergreater concern for the timates that in Africa's especially its effects on sub-Saharan region more needs of chIldren, in our own fami- than 26 .million people are children. "Humanity cannot lies and in society as a whole: for living with HIV/AIDS and approximately 3.2 million close its eyes in the face they are the future o(humanity" of so appalling a tragedy," people were infected by . the pope said in his mesthe virus last year. sage. The special-issue stamp At a press conference to re- forced to work or enlisted for - which will go on sale in May lease the pope's text, the combat; young children scarred - pictures an African child and Vatican also announced the forever by the breakup of the infant whose eyes seemingly. launch of two initiatives to help family; little ones caught up in have been scribbled out by a the obscene trafficking of or- white marker. Written in large African AIDS orphans. In his message, Pope John gans and persons." red capital letters below are the "What evil have these chil- words in Italian, "Children, Vicdren done to merit such suffer- tims of AIDS." ing?" the pope asked. The stamps could raise up to While human reason may not 500,000 euros (US$620,000), be able to answer the question, the archbishop said. Archbishop Cordes said the pope said, "Only faith .can make us begin to understand so these initiatives would not enprofound an abyss of suffering.'.' tirely solve the problem of AIDS He said children are "an in- orphans, but he said, "It is a sign centive to rediscover the sim- that beyond all the words, the plicity and trust which believ- Church does do work in the field ers must cultivate in imitation of and works effectively." the Son of God, who shared the U.S. Jesuit Father Angelo lot of the little ones and the D' Agostino - founder of the poor." Children of God Relief Institute The pope asked that this in Kenya, the 'beneficiary of the Lenten season, which for most Vatican initiatives - said his Catholics begins February 25 organization currently cares for this year, "be a time of ever 93 abandoned children who are greater concern for the needs of BISHOP GEORGE J. children, in our own families Lucas, of the Diocese of and in society as a whole: for Springfield, 111., will present a they are the future of humanity." retreat for all priests of the At the press conference, the Fall River diocese September Vatican post office unveiled a 29 - October 1. The theme stamp dedicated to children with will be, "Devoted to Christ: A AIDS; the stamp was issued at fresh look at the devotional the request of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," the life of a diocesan priest:'

HIV-positive. The institute provides medical care and schooling in a residential environment. Archbishop Cordes said the theme of the pope's Lenten message, "Whoever Receives One Such Child in my Name Receives Me," is a message of faith

and "not a simple appeal for giving." . "The child is a particularly suitable model for us Christians," he said. The theme of the child is not meant to "stir up a naive sort of sentimentalism, but to reflect our behavior toward God."

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Heritage and Hope: Faithful Past, Faith-Filled Future Join us in Boston for the conclusion of NCEA's Centennial Celebration!

Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the resignation of the Rev. Francis T. Zlotkowski, C.S.C as Pastor, St. Mary Parish, Taunton.

National Catholic Educational Association 101" Annual Convention & Exposition Boston, MA • April 1:-3-16, 2004

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Effective July 1,2004 His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the nomination of the Very Reverend Arthur J. Colgan, CS.C, Provincial Superior of the Congregation of Holy Cross, and has made the following appointment: Rev. William H. Kelley, C.S.C, Pastor, St. Mary Parish Taunton. Effective July 1, 2004


and Hope


For information contact: NCEA Convention Office, . 1077 30th St., NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 200073852; Phone (202) 3::\7·6232, Fax (202) 333·6706; www.ncca.org

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Lm~;Frldaw, February 20, 2004 0:'o:t¡\? ,<& '"


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the living word

Public honesty Compromise, maneuvering, split the difference, meet one halfway, make the best of, and sit on the proverbial fence are the very descriptive actions taken by our Massachusetts Legislature in their attempt to exercise their legitimate role in ovenuling the horrendous decision of the Supreme Judicial 'Court in regard to same-sex marriage. As of this ~riting --;. due ~o our holiday deadline'- the actions on Beacon Hill have been nothing more than a political cp.arade. Few of our elected officials really came to terms with the issue. Those who represent the 400,000 Catholics in Southeastern Massaohusetts were a disgrace in their manipulations. Of course no one even dares to surface the question of r~calling the appointed justices' of the SJ.C. That.would simply be politically unthinkable. . All know well that the senators and representatives simply wish that they did not have to make any decision in this matter. Their procrastination on the issue two years ago hils led them to.the hot seat on which they now find themselves. Now that they cannot avoid showing their political maneuvering, thanks to the all-seeing eye of television, they operate on the premise that the public, in time; will forget their dubious compromises. Theil- quibbling and even their duplicity for the sake of political stature, has reduced this constitutional convention process to the level of mockery. In a time when weare striving to bring true peace to the very , embattled world, it is most disconcerting that we have fallen into' a mind-set that really turns its back on personal honesty. To be sure, every man and woman has to struggle with this in his or her personal , life. However, when one is called to serve in a public way, personal -honesty is indeed the measure of the individual. The most fundamental and basic requirement for.public or personal peace is honesty. Whether to reflect truthfulness in a generalserise, an awareness of one's own condition, the ability to call a spade a-spade, or the ability to admit failure in front of others, honesty is the basic premise for peace. In his book, "Seeking Peace," ~ohann Arnold reflects, "We may strive and struggle for peace until our dying breath, but we will never find it as long as we are unwilling to place ourselves under the clear light of truth. Dishonesty is one of the greatest impediments along the path to peace because it prevents us ,from finding a square footing on which to base our search." There is a certain self-centeredness in 'being.in the public spotlight. The driving ego for political acceptance and position can be a very untruthful spirit. The desire to please everyone and lose oneself in the process is an ever-present danger. Self-centeredness can lead to a duplicitous attitude. To avoid this; all oius must face issues we have previously avoided. Elected offiCi~s cannot be like the ostrich, . which buries his head in the sand, and see what really is taking place. Sad to say, this can happen to all of us because we fear the changes that might be demanded of us. It is easy to avoid the situation when we can find a scapegoat under the guise of political partisanship. This is a time for our legislators to seek a genuineness of person as they address the serious and grave issues of the times. Without that genuineness we become hypocrites and must constantly adjust our image so as fo manipulate the way others see us. Duplicity can become a habit. Once we are used to it, it can become a way of life. When this happens it will take a concerted effort to strip away the , deceptions and the misstatements we have been hiding behind. It is not an easy thing to be honest in the public eye, giVen tqe politi~al pressures <?f party' and constituent. However, today especially, in this tremendous social and ethical debate, it is.a demand that must be reflected by all who hold the public trust.






Each morning I take the Washington Metro to work because I find it relaxing, and I especially enjoy studying the people who ride the train with me. , 'Lately, I have been disturbed by young people who use it to travel to school. Many, put not all, tend to be loud, uncivil. The Executive Editor What further disturbs me is walking home from the train station and hearing well-dressed young women and ,men using 'undignified language. Interestingly, mariy of these people, hold high positions, but from ' their language you might not think so. , In watching television, I often hear the, same crude ' language. People ar~ shoutirig at each other, using off-color words or words with double , meanings. No:doubt many of you . experience the' same thing. Isn't it time to address ,thissituation? There is no better place to begin than in our own,homes

and with ourselves. When we find ourselves viewing a TV program that overflows with repulsive ianguage, I suggest , that rather than turning it off we "go to school on it" - that we reflect intently on exactly what is disturbing about it. Could it be that it is filled with sexual iimuendos that are 'degrading? Even though the lal)guage may be cast humorously, what is the problej1l here? Is it that those using this language have lost respect for the sacredness of sex? Or could it be that the language is used to ,denigrate a person ~ to make him or her feel degraded? ,If people are shouting at each other, tearing each other apart, what in p;uticular about this bothers us ? Is it that they seem to mimic the behavior of vicious animals? Or is it that a survival-ofthe-fittest tone is being conveyed? Once we have defined exactly what is degrading and undignified, we are on the way to correcting any tendency we might have to use such language. We also are in a better ,

position to model appropriat~ language. Those who have children might employ the same strategy with them, asking them to reflect on what they are hearing and what exactly is distasteful about it. When Cicero, the Roman philosopher, wrote to his son Marcus about the principles for living a nobler life, he counseled him: "Our organ of speech is the voice, in using which we should aim at two things; to be clear and to be melodiol.!s. Both are gifts to be sought from nature. Clarity may be increased by practice and melodiousness. by imitating those who speak softly and pleasantly." This ancient advice still holds true. God gave us the gift of voice. It is meant to ennoble us and those with whom we converse. When used well, the voic;e and the words it utters are not only melodious but enriching; used improperly, our character shrinks; we lose dignity and dignified friends'.

Friday, February 20, 2004

the anch~

'The King and I I'm not really sure how to react when all this came down, but I to the "A-Rod is a Yankee" bomb- guess it was like driving' by an acshell. cident scene ... you just have to First of all it came from no- look. where, so not only was the news If newsprint could laugh, the devastating, it blindsided us to boot. Times would have been in hysterAnger, disbelief, disappointment, anger, frustration, hopelessness, anger - take your pick. I'm still experiencing them all. What I do know for sure though, is that Tom Werner and John Henry now know By Dave Jolivet what it's like to be playing hard ball- against George Steinbrenner. What King George pulled off ics. The article I read called the Red last weekend was the coup of Sox perennial losers on and off the coups. Not only did he pick up the ' field. And the sad part 'was, I greatest player in the game today, couldn't disagree. but he made fools of Red Sox NaHow many times will the Yanks have our number? tion ... again. I don't know what made me go Before spring training even to the New York Times Website started, I had lost interest in the

My View From the Stands


2004 season. Why bother? But after consoling a brother-inlaw in California about the whole situation, telling him not to give up noW, I convinced myself of the same thing. There are a few things to look forward to this season, but I don't think a World Series win will be one of them. For one thing, anything short of a Yankees' World Series title will be a failure for King George. With a payroll at nearly $200 million, I don't think being the bride's maid will cut it. Secondly, how long will the greatest shortstop in the game today be comfortable playing third base alongside a clearly less talented fielder? How many bad hops ricochet-

Continuedfrom page one

able for the gallery chamber to witness the Convention in person, pilgrims had to watch proceedings in the Gardner Auditorium in the base-' ment of the Statehouse. That didn't keep them from letting senators and state representatives know they were present and what they wanted as they chanted "Let the people vote," and held up signs declaring that sentiment outside the doors of the Convention. They also wore stickers reading "Support One Man, One Woman, The Coalition of Marriage." They were met by cries of "EqUlllity Now," by those in favor of gay marriages and the back and forth banter continued for some time. "We're here to support traditional marriage and because of the way this decision was made by the judges,". said Pat Pasternak of St. Stanislaus" Parish, Fall River. "It's not an issue of civil rights, but of judicial powers being extended too far. Traditional marriage and families are a stable part of society and need to be protected." The decision that Pasternak referred to is the November 4-3 vote made by the Supreme Judicial Court which gives gay couples the benefits of marriage come this May. Even with an amendment approved by the state it will not get onto the ballot' for Massachusetts voters until 2006.. Anthony Branco of St. Anthony ofPadua Parish, Fall River, was glad . to show his support for traditional marriage and was among the crowd outside the Convention doors. 'This is about democracy. It's about protecting our rights in this great country. All we ask is that they let us vote," he said. What Catholics were hopeful the joint session would be voting on was the proposed amendment by Rep. Phil Travis ofSeekonk which reads: "It being the public policy of this Commonwealth, to protect the unique relationship of marriage in order to promote, among other goals, the stability and welfare of society and the best interest of-::hildren, only

the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or ~ogIDzed as a marriage in Massachusetts. Any other relationship shall not be recognized as a marriage or its legal equivalent." . But as the convention opened, that proposed amendment was amended and a new one'drafted by the Massachusetts House Speaker Thomas Finneran was introduced. The Finneran amendment recognized the union of one man and one woman as a marriage in Massachusetts, but went a step further leaving the door open for civil unions to be possible by the general court. . Massachusetts State Senate President Robert Travaglini said, "It is no secret that this has been an emotional period and decisive time," for the state. Finneran said ''Attention around the world is focused here today," and went on to call the court decision a "libelous" one and that they "may have taken note of the 38 states who have already passed a DOMA statute," defining marriage between one man and one woman. The debate went on for several hours and many senators and representatives gave their opinions on the issue. One was Rep. David flynn of Bridgewater who called the vote the toughest he has faced in five decades. "It is not about religion or civil rights or civil law. It's about natural law. The Supreme Court cannot repeal the law of nature," flynn said. That measure was debated for several hours and was not voted on until the pilgrims had left for home. It was defeated by a close vote of 100 to 98 with some of Finneran's own appointments voting against him and showing that there is much division on the issue. Later in the evening the Lees/ Travaglini Amendment was introduced and also eventually voted down 104-94 before the convention closed for the evening. That legislation wOlJld have banned gay marriage, but proposed civil unions for gay and lesbian couples. It was

drafted by Travaglini and Senate Minority Leader Brian Lees. Among those present in Boston was Franciscan of the Primitive Observance Father John Sweeney who traveled with six others from . New Bedford. He expressed the seriousness ofsuch a vote and was glad to answer the call of the Massachusetts bishops to speak out. "We strongly believe that civilization passes through the fainily and marriage is the foundation of the family. We're aware of the great responsibility of being citizens of Massachusetts at this moment in history. The world's hold on marriage is being defined here and we have to influence our legislature," Father Sweeney said. Dan Avila of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference was confident they had done all they could as he waited in the State House lobby. "We'll just keep praying and we're comfortable that we did ~verything we could." He said that one good thing that has c9me is that "legislators are running scared. People are making them accountable." For many the issue is one ofcommon sense,according to Henry Dion of St. Michael's Parish, Swansea who said we need to do more to support traditio~a1 marriage. 'The problem is people don't get involved unless it affects them personally. There's lots of complacency." As pilgrims headed hqme, they were glad to have expressed their views on marriage,but there was an uneasy feeling among many ofthem after hearing the terminology of civil unions being tossed around by legislators. . "We made an impact today," said Martins, "but I'm not pleased there seems to be consideration for civil unions. It's destructive behavior and not good for the common society." Fellow pilgrirnMaddy Lavoie of . Our Lady ofGrace in Westport said she was a little frightened. "I hope they [legislators] have second thoughts. It's unnatural to have a same-sex marriage."

5 ting off A-Rod's being will be enough? 'And how decimating will a key injury be to the Yankees? There are just so many things that can infuriate King George this season, so at least that will be fun to watch. And hey, stranger things have happened. David and Goliath, the 1980 U.S. hockey team, the Patriots against the Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI.


What fun is it being a favorite anyway? Yep, Sox fans, we're right where we want to be - angry, frustrated, disappointed, and without hope. We're ready. Play ball! Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports editor/ writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world ofsports. Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@anchornews.org.




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.FrI.day. February 20, 2004

A visit to a Mormon temple for Sunday services and other vivid to her as if she had witnessed It's one of the fastest growing, religious groups in the worl~, a activities. This one had the plain it herself. look Of it funeral home chapel. ."She stood at her door and unique, homegrown, bbrn-in-theUSA faith. . Not every community has a looked bacK: at the pictures on the Since we have many friends temple, an impressive structure for wall and the rug on the floor. Then P,ublicity Chairmen are Catholicism on March 7 from 6-8 and neighbors who areMormon, the holiest rites,. including marshe left." asked to submit news items for p.m. in the school. The topic is my teen-age daughter and I riage. After the open house, this Her grandmother's shoes were this column to The Anchor, "Fully Catholic Response to the ' decided to attend a tour offered at ' temple, like others, would be old, she said, and as the winter P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Jay Report on, Clergy Sexual the newly expanded Mormon closed to all but Mormons in good journey continued, she left Name of city or town should be Abuse." temple near ourhome. standing. footprints of blood in the ice. But iricluded, as well as full dates . There will be a Lenten Mission . We weren't alone in our While we waited, we found the she made it to Utah. of activities. DEADLINE IS at 7 p.m. March 8- i 1 at the church. curiosity. The weeklong open older woman sitting next to us Our tour group was called. As . wanted to chat. I glanced impawe rose she offere4 one final ' IDAYS. NOON ON FR . It is themed "Getting More out of house' was packed. ' ents published must be of f Officially the Church of Jesus tiently at my watch. Later, I anecdote. Ev the Basics: The Five Pillars 0 S' I <: -. interest, and open, to oUr general Holiness." Confessions will pre-:- Christ of Latter Day 'Saints, th "AfterI thesedamts th elt, 1 readership. We do not carry nothe Mormon faith was born e peop e u ,e temp e . N auvoo £, tices of fund-raising activities, cede each night and it will include in western New Yi'ork'III 'm or w hatever Sacra- the early 19th century they wanted. Th e Lord which may be advertised at our. Benediction of the Blessed . aJoseph ll ·said he that, regular rates, obtainable from ment. For more information c when Smith must not have 1:I'ed ll.l\C our business office at 508-675- 508-775-0818. ' had discovered golden •0 U because it was struck by 7151. plates on which were lightning and burned MISCELLANEOUS ~ The written the Book of By Effie Caldarola down." ATILEBORO - A healing Diocese of Fall River is offering, Mormon. An Internet source said service in Portuguese will be held . need-based scholarships through American history hasn't . . . . ..J that the templew~ at 2 p.m: Sunday at the La Salette the St.Mary's Education Fund for always been kind to this desecrated and partially realized the few minutes spent burned, then a couple years later Shrine. Father Manuel Pereira will the 2004-2005 school year. Stu-, native faith. Reviled because of .celebrate Mass and it will include dents currently enrolled or who are their unusual beliefs and clannishlistening to her were the blown down by a tornado. Overall, '!fternoon's highlight. her story sounded credible. music and the opportunity to be ,acceptedforenrollmentataCatho- ness, Mormons often faced She lives in a small town where After a short film, we removed prayed over individually. For more lic elementary or middle school 'upheaval. information call 508-222-5410. J!lay apply for aid. This faith continues to intrigue she attends a Mormon chapel. Her our shoes and were led quickly The sacrament of ReconciliaAmericans. Jon Krakauer's recent own great-gliat-great grandmother through the temple's small, NORTH DARTMOUTH - ' book "Under the Banner of . had lived in Nauvoo,llI. magnificently appointt;d rooms. ' tion will be available Saturday ,from 2-3 p.m. A Diocesan Divorced-Separated Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith" Joseph Smith and. his followers Devoid of cross or altar, the Support group will meet February takes an often unflattering look at established Nauvoo. Smith was . "celestial room;' looked like a CHATHAM - Una Voce 23 from 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life ~o~on hist9ry· Krakauer. ,killed by a mob in 1844 while in a small lobby in a swank hotel. Cape' Cod and the Latin M,ass Center 500 Slocum Road; It is an mvesllgates murders COIllIll1tted by nearby jail. He is buried in Cookies in the gym next door Nauvoo. completed our afternoon. My " , , . members of an offshoot brand of .community are preparing to cel- open meellng. R~freshme~ts wI1l.~ Mormonism which continues to The woman's great-great-great daughter was duly impressed with grandmother had been part of the a glimpse of a faith so different ebrate the second armiversary of follow. For more Informallon c_all promote polygamy. The book the return of the Latin Mass to the. Bob Menard at 508-673-2997. became a national bestseller. exodus from Nauvoo after Smith's from Catholicism. Diocese of Fall River. The special· Back at the open house, my death. 'They were told they had a . And I was left to marvel at the anniversary Mass will be celNORTH DARTMOUTH . daughter and I were escorted to the half hour to get out of town:: she tapestry of religious life in said. Describing her ancestor's American history, woven with ebrated by Father Richard Neilson A Widowed Support Group, for chapel's last pew where we at Our L~dy of Grace Church, those widowed five years or less, ,prepared for a long wait. Every final moments in Nauvoo, her yam colored by the blood of Route 137, South Chatham, at will meetFebruary 25 at 7 p.m. at Mormon community has a chapel voice broke, the oral history as . footprints left on snow. 1:00 p.m., followed by a reception the Family Life Center, 500 in the church hall. Slocum Road. In addition it was announced that John Malloy has been named ORLEANS- Then next,· choir director. Malloy has a degree gathering of the Separated-DiThe fust step toward a successcollege to find God or a religion, state, ''I am going to a very in music, and has sung locally with vorced Catholics group will be ful future as a religious person to is or perhaps considering joining the expensive Catholic university the Cape Cod Opera. He will con-. February 29,'7 p.m., at St. Joan of decide on a religion. There ate Peace Corps or the Jesuit Volunwhere the MBA program almost centrate on building the choir Arc Parish Center, Canal Road. A many ways to do this - includ-\ .. teer Corps or some group called guarantees you a six-figure salary around the extensive music and video by Andy Morgan, "Accept- ing; but not lirnitedto, watching Young People Groping for God, out 'of the gate," then everyone will chant that is synonymous with the ing a New Identity," will be Oprah, CNN or the History please be cautious. Do not tell smile and congratulate you, tell Church's traditional liturgies. viewed and discussed: For infor- Channel. PBS can be OK .you how proud they are Anyone wishing additional infor- mation or directions call Father as well. of you and hope you mation on the Latin Mass or the ' Richard Roy at 508-255-0170, Some'claim that the don't ask t1}em for any Traditional Choir can call Joseph Psychic Hotline is a good . . help with the room and Gallante, Una Voce chairman at TAUNTON - Beginning on route, but I find myself board. God won't be 508- 430-1229.' ', March 2 and continuing for six among those who fear mentioned. weeks during Lent, Our Lady of these folks will try to pass . Same with military EAST FREETOWN - A the Holy Rosary Church will host as a kind of religion. service. If you enlist to post-Confirmation Yes Retreat the rosary and prayers for hea!-ing themselves and, thus, not . become a Green'Beret or will be held March 19-21 at Ca- and vocations to the priesthood be totally objective'in a tank commander or an thedral Camp. For more informa- and Benediction of the Blessed divining the. best religion expert in missile launchtion write: Yes Retreat, 477 Sacrament from 7 to 8 p.m. for you. (Get it, "divining"?) , anyone you are going to college, a ing, you will be patted on the back. Milford Road, Suite 175, Swansea Beware of false religions along. corps or a group to find God. However, this is rarely the case if MA, 02777, or call Frank Lucca WEST HARWICH - The the way, notably the World . It is OK to. tell them you are you announce you are going to at 508-324-4576. Celebrate Life Committee of Holy . Wrestling Federation. going to a Jesuit university, grow a beard (especially if you are Trinity parish will hold its monthly One of the major ways to however,to earn your master's a young woman), load a backpack FALMOUTH - St. Patrick's holy hour Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in decide on a religion is to ask your degree in business administration, and set out to see a little of the Council of Catholic Women will . the church. There will be a medi- parents their own religious but do not tell them you are going world - and search for where and observe Ash Wednesday, Febru- tation entitled "A World Without affiliation. Sometimes, as is often there to look for God. who God might be. ary 25 at a Day of Recollection Marriage." For more information the case with Catholics, you don't People will look at you funny. Thus, one of the major lessons in the church beginning with call 508-432-4000. need to ask. You have been , Yes, this might sound odd, but to learn about being a successful Mass at 9 a.m. celebrated by . yanked to Mass from the time you try the folloWing for yourself. religious person is to not make too . Msgr. John Perry. A meeting in YARMOUTHPORT- Fa- were old enough to dissolve pew Stand up at your next family . big of a deal about being one. . the church hall will follow featur- ther Roger Landry will lead a vamish with baby spit. . . reunion and pronounce, "I am If you make a big deal about ing guest speaker Pat Patenaude. Morning of Recollection March 6 . One way that some decide to going to college in hope of finding God and are talking about divine Lunch will be held.. from 9 a.m. to noon at the Sacred stay with their parents' religion is or becoming closer to God!" mysteries and t!le meaning of the Heart Chapel. It will include the to reject it totally, then take a In addition to a lot of blank holy and stuff like that all the time, HYANNIS - Father Roger celebration of Mass, the opportu- couple of years to realize they miss stares, your Uncle Earl will say you are going to put off a lot of Landy of. St. Francis Xavier nity forreconciliation and talks on it like crazy and now love it - but . something like: ''Can't you go to people. Just ask Jesus. Church will lead an adult educa- the theme. "Living Lent with on their own terms, thank you. the mountains or the ocean? The , Comments are welcome. Etion course on the controversial Christ." For more inforniation call If you are about 19 or so and tuition is a lot cheaper." mail Uncle Dan at and often misunderstood issues in 508-775-0818. thinking about going away to However, if you confidently cnsuncleOl @yahoo.com


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J or'rne . ey

Succeeding' as a religious person


Friday, February 20, 2004

Baptisms at home

Church began the practice of "supplying the ceremonies" for baptism. In serious emergencies, as you know, there is normally no time for anything except pouring the water and saying the necessary words. When this happens, and there is an opportunity later, the child is brought to church for the other elements of the baptism liturgy Scripture readings, profession of baptism vows, anointing, bestowal of the baptism candle and soon. This is not just a superfluous ceremony. Everything in the baptism liturgy is designed to announce and rejoice over the public reception of this new member of our faith. Through baptism we become, and are accepted as, part of the body of Christ on earth. While the "supplied" ceremonies symbolize and celebrate the

Q. I understand that bapfamily where they share their tisms are not to be celebrated in faith and worship of God in the private homes, only in a celebration of the Eucharist and church, except for emergencies other sacraments. The building reminds us of many things, or pressing pastoral reasons. What would pressing pastoral reasons be? Certainly not just that someone wants a baptism at home? Have these rules changed? I know a priest recently came By Father from another state to John J. Dietzen baptize a small baby, and this ceremony took including our responsibility to place in the parents' home nourish and support each other in because, someone told me, the the faith we share. parents didn't want to do it in their church. This expla4ls the Church's centuries-old bias for locating If a baptism does take place important events of our faith, in an emergency and certain parts are left out, is the baby still such as baptism, in the brought into church to complete community's particular place of worship. the baptism? (Indiana)

private homes" without the bishop's permission (12). Except for emergencies or other compelling reasons, baptisms should not take place even in hospitals. In any case, the parish priest is obliged to be sure the parents are suitably prepared. or Spanish, answering ques- . Pastoral reasons are tions Catholics ask about not limited to physical baptism practices and sponsors emergencies. They may is available by sending a apply, for example, when stamped, self-addressed a parent or other signifienvelope to Father John cant relative is too ill to Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IT. leave home to attend the 61651. Questions may be sent to baptism. One way or another, the bishop is ultimately responsible Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: for establishing guidelines that determine when the need applies. jjdietzen@aol.com. It is not uncommon for another priest, perhaps a family member, Eucharistic Holy to receive permission to minister the baptism either at home or in Hour and devotions church. In any case, the pastor to Our Lady of The Rite of Baptism states, must consider the spiritual needs Montie Plumbing LaSalette and of the individuals involved and of "Outside of a case of necessity, & Heating Co. Divine Mercy are held the entire parish family, and baptism is not to be celebrated in Over 35 Years every ~ednesday . assure respect for the Church's of Satisfied Services .. evening at 1: I 5 p.m. instructions for administration of Reg. Master Plumber 7023 the sacraments. I have the feeling in the Shrine Church JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. this was all done properly in the at LaSaiette Shrine 432 JEFFERSON STREET situation you describe. 94., Parle St. Attleboro FALL RIVER 508-67&-7496 About 600 years ago the . "At the biological level, everything is pre-ordained so that the human body will be characterized as male or female in its totality, structure and function," it said. Father Serra said the research increasingly has implicated genetic and other biological factors as important in the development of homosexuality in men and women. Many people suffer homosexuality Feitelberg Insurance has been navigating the insurance as "an involuntary pathological state," he said, and they deserve the marketplace since 1916. Let us put your bu~iness insurance greatest respect. program on the right course. The article suggested that for these people the biological or psychological sciences rpay eventually find a way to intervene and correct the situation, in order to "give back to everyone the sense and dignity of a person capable ofrecognizing oneself as 'man~ or 'woman.'" The article said that even those who see their homosexual behavior as a natural right also deserve the "greatest understanding," but that the Church must clearly and forcefully state its arguments against their p0sitions - all the more because they would eventually diminish the role of the traditional family. The claim to civil recognition of gay marriage reflects a culture that wants to elevate the ''right of absolute autonomy and limitless freedom, denying or refusing the value of a natural law whose principles ought to be recognized and accepted by a truly human society," it said. The Vatican document, "Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons," was issued last summer by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It said legal recognition of same-sex unions would in effect Fall River • W. Bridgewater • Somerset ~.lTAA approve "deviant behavior" and *t..~· Plymouth • Dartmouth • Hingham weaken traditional family values. It asked Catholic lawmakers to fight such proposals.

.Questions and Answers

A. There has been no change. The church building is the spiritual "home" of a parish

fuller meaning of baptism, they do not, as you say, "complete" the baptism. When the proper matter and form - pouring the water and reciting the words of baptism - are administered, the sacrament is already complete, and the child has become a full baptized member of the Church. A free brochure in English

Jesuit magazine defends Vatican document opposing gay marriages


VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In defense of a recent Vatican document against "gay marriage," an influential Jesuit joumal said homosexuals deserve respect and understanding but that legally recognizing their unions would cause "grave damage" to society. The magazine, La Civilta Cattolica, said in its February 7 issue that recent research confirms homosexuality as a condition clearly outside the limits of ''normal'' sexuality, with likely biological causes. 'This situation, it should be underlined, does not imply any responsibility or, even less, condemnation for those who find themselves involun~y and truly in such a condition," the article said. "The Catholic Church is not against people who experience a state of suffering when ... the orien- . tation of the potent force that renders them 'man' or 'woman' becomes altered. On the contrary, it welcomes them with a deep sense of understanding, love and assistance," it said. "However, when faced with certain trends in society, the Church feels a duty to remind political leaders of the risks ofgrave damage that would result from conceding to homosexual couples the rights proper to marriage between a man and a woman," it said. The magazine's articles are reviewed by the Vatican Secretariat of State prior to publication and are thought to reflect Vatican opinion. Written by Italian Jesuit Father Angelo Serra, a retired professor of genetics and honorary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the article reviewed recent research on homosexuality, especially by geneticists. It said science has shown that. normal development, of human sexuality leads to a clearly demarcated identity of being and acting as a man or as a woman.

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S1. Julie Billiart Parish, North Dartmouth NORTH DARTMOUTH - In High School auditorium. Bishop the 1960s the town of Dartmouth Daniel A. Cronin dedicated the new and the adjacent West End of New church on Oct. 11, 1971. From the very beginning, St. Bedford grew rapidly. Many new homes were built, bringing young Julie's Parish Community enjoyed families into the area. Bishop James tremendous vitality and benefited L. Connolly believed a new parish from the generous spirit of its memwas needed to serve the expanding bers. Contributions to the building . community and on Nov. 17, 1969, fund and fund-raisers brought the St. Julie Billiart was established un- sizable mortgage under control. der the patronage ofSt. Julie Billiart. Weekly Bingo provided much canonized that same year. It was the needed assistance for 2<) years. Anfirst church in the country to honor nual events such as the Septemberfest and Merry Market the new saint. The church is bounded by But- brought members of the parish totonwood Park on the east, the gether while providing important Westport line on the west, the . revenue to defray parish expenses. Between 1980 and 1990 parish Dartmouth town line on the north and Sharp Street to the south. The membership doubled and reached local community welcomed the new more than 2,000 families straining parish and soon some 600 families the church's facilities. Looking to the future, the parish had purchased a called it home. Bishop Connolly appointed Fa- large parcel ofland on the south side ther John F. Hogan as the first pas- ofthe church, the fonner Poole proptor and it was his responsibility to erty, when it became available in secure plans and a location for the 1981. The house on that site was sold new house of worship. After con- and moved and in 1984, the upper sidering a few sites, the DeMello parking lots were situated on a por- . Farm on Slocum Road was selected. tion of that land. Our Lady's Grotto Adjacent to Bishop Stang High was also constructed at that time. It School, the property contained a was the last major project under.house and bam. The house would taken by St. Julie's founder. Father Hogan died Aug. 7, 1986. serve as the parish rectory. Msgr. Patrick 1. O'Neill was apGround was broken in the spring of 路1970. During its construction, pointed pastor on Sept. 17, 1986. Masses were held in the high Msgr. O'Neill realized that St. Julie's school's cafeteria and the Dartmouth would have to consider an expan-

sion program to enlarge the church turned to its refurbished and greatly enlarged home for weekend and parish facilities. The last Mass at the original Masses on the first Sunday in Adchurch was held Jtine 28, 1992. It was vent. followed by a procession to Bishop The parish celebrated the return Stang High School with the Blessed to its enlarged facilities in a weekSacrament and other liturgical items. end ofthanksgiving June 26-27. The During construction, Masses were .highlight of the weekend was the again held in the school auditorium blessing of the new office wing by and daily Mass was offered in the Msgr. O'Neill. This was his last official act as Bishop Stang Chapel. In November 1992, work on the pastor of St. Julie's. He retired on main church was close to comple- July 28; 1993. He died July 8, 1995 tion and a grateful congregation re- and his funeral Mass was celebrated

in the new St. Julie's. Father Brian J. Harrington became pastor on June 28, 1993 and is still the current pastor. Claude A. Leblanc is the deacon. Mercy Sister Theresa M. Sparrow is pastoral minister to the sick, Peter Healy is coordinator of religious education, and Barbara A. Wenc is the parish sec" retary. The parish address is 494 Slocum Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747. Itcan be reached by telephone at 508-993-2351; and by FAX at 508-993-2437.

路81. Rita's Parish, Marion MARION - At the corner of from Wareham would offer Sunday Front and Vine streets stands St. Masses for Marion Catholics at the Rita's Church. Prior to 1920, those Sippican Hotel Casino on Water in Marion attended Mass at St. Street. A portable altar was used at Patrick's Church in Wareham, the Beverly Yacht Club for visitwhich had been a parish of its own ing priests to say Mass there as well. since 1911. Many Cape Verdeans路 were lookDuring the summer, a priest .ing to attend local Masses and the

need for a Catholic church in the town began to grow. Tired of driving their Irish Catholic household staff to Wareham for Mass, many Protestant summer residents also recognized the need for a church. With the help of non-Catholics, money



was raised and plans drawn up for a Catholic church. . In August 1916, Bishop Daniel F. Feehan dedicated the church as a mission of St. Patrick's. Masses were held only in the summer because the church was unheated. In the winter, Catholics went to Mass at St. Patrick's. St. Rita's finally received a heating system: And when a new St. Patrick's was being built, the pews from there were moved to St. Rita's. In July 1941, the latter received a new oak altar, and a rose and a bee, symbols of St. Rita, who lived in Italy in the 16 th century, were carved into its wood. Through the 1950s and 1960s, St. Rita's continued as a mission church of St. Patrick's, ministered to by priests assigned to the Wareham parish. Sisters ofthe Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity from St. Patrick's taught religious education classes in the church and.in parishioners' homes. St. Rita's became a parish on May 13, 1972 and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin appointed Father Gerald T. Shovelton as its first pastor. The first organization for men of the parish was the Holy Name Society, and the first for women was the Altar Guild. In 1974, FatherJustin Quinn succeeded Father Shovelton as pastor. The 1813 era Pitcher House across from the church was purchased.

Father John Steakem became pastor in 1978 and in an ecumenical spirit he and the minister at St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church led ecumenical youth groups. Father William Blottrnan was named pastor in 1983 and trained eucharistic ministers to bring Communion to those at the Sippican Nursing Home. In March 1992, Father Timothy Goldrick became the next pastor at. St. Rita's, serving until September 1994, when Father James F. Green succeeded him. At the time the parish counted 444 families. Father William Campbell was assigned as pastor in September 1995. During his pastorate, many .changes to the church, its sanctuary, floor, ambo, organ and appurtenances were made to mark the parish's 25 th anniversary in August 1997. The parish raised $125,000 for the restorations. The pastor also instituted prayer days, retreats and penitential services to revitalize the spiritual needs of parishioners. Father Paul T. Lamb is the newly-assigned pastor. The religious education coordinators are Eleanor Brown and Kathy Packard. The rectory is at 113 Front Street, . P.O. Box 902, Marion, MA 02738. It can be reached by telephone at 508-748-1497; by FAX at 508748-0604; and the Website is www.strita.org.


Frlday. February 20, 2004


St. Bernard's Parish, Assonet ASSONET - If historians' contentions that the coat of arms of the king 'of Portugal and the date 1511 on Dighton Rock were carved by Portuguese explorer Miguel Corte Real, then the first Mass said in America might well have been celebrated by his ship's chaplain in the area which now belongs to St Bernard Parish. The history of St Bernard's actually begins with the Baptists, who gathered in Assonet in the 1700s. Their second church, built in 1833, called the First Christian Church, had a steeple and a bell. The historic building became the home of the parishioners of St Bernard faith community in 1979. Earlier, in 1904, when the Fall River diocese was established, and before Catholics had a permanent home in Assonet, Father Bernard Boyland, pastor of St Joseph's Church in Fall River, would travel by horse and buggy to Assonet Village to say Mass every two or three months in various homes. The first Mass, in a renovated house, was celebrated on Aug. 15, 1918. Father John Ferez would say weekly Masses there, as did Father Charles Donovan of St Vincent's Home in Fall River, beginning in 1927.

In July 1937, under Father William Harrington, construction of a church began on land of the former Pierce estate. The church was dedicated by Bishop James Cassidy on Feb. 6, 1938, and named St. Bernard's in honor of the patron saint of Father Bernard Boyland. Of neo-Colonial design, its capacity was 192 people. In 1950, when Father John Boyd succeeded Father Harrington, St Bernard's continued not as a mission of a larger mother parish, but of St Vincent's Home. There was no rectory or resident pastor. A former restaurant as well as garage were purchased to provide for parish activities. Father John Cronin, who succeeded Father Boyd at St Vincent, renovated the buildings, doing much of the work with his own hands. Father Armando Annunziato followed Father Cronin. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin declared St Bernard's a parish of its own in 1977 and named Father Luciano Phillipino at the first pastor. But it was Father Leonard Mullaney, in residence at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, who became the first resident pastor at St. Bernard's. He sold all the lands and buildings. The aban-

doned, former First Christian Church, was gutted and renovated. It remains the home of St Bernard's Parish. In 1986, a two-story addition was made, followed by another addition in 1988, when Father Edward Correia was pastor, and the facility was blessed on Aug. 20,1989. Father John Andrews succeeded Father Correia in 1991, and in 1994, Father Timothy Goldrick succeeded him. By odd coincidence, Father Goldrick is a direct descendent of 'William Chase, whose son Benjamin was the first English settler to live on the land now occupied by the parish. The current pastor is Father Goldrick. Paul Levesque is the pastoral assistant Sue Nordeste is administration assistant; directors of religious education are Dr. Marlene Correia and her husband, Brian Correia. Kathy Martin is youth minister. The parish address is 32 South Main Street, P.O. Box 370, Assonet Village, MA 02702-0370. It can be reached by telephone at 508-6445585; by FAX at 508-644-2136; and by E-mail at Stbernardassonet@aol.com. The Website address is: stbemardassonet.org.


S1. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish".. North Falmouth NORTH FALMOUTH The community of Catholic people who reside in North Falmouth, West Falmouth, and Hatchville areas of Cape Cod, since 1915 have gathered together in two different places of worship, one a chapel dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, and, since 1977, in a church dedicated to St Elizabeth Ann Seton. Prior to 1915, this whole area and all the Catholic faithful therein, were within the confines and the fold of the parish

of St Joseph, Woods Hole. As the number of Catholics increased, an abandoned summer casino-theater building on County Road, Megansett, was purchased and converted into a place of worship. It became the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, where all the faithful residing in this section of St Joseph's Parish gathered for Mass and spiritual guidance and refreshment - and their children for religious education. There was no resident priest, however. The chapel was a mission outpost of St

Joseph's, Woods Hole, where the pastor resided. The number of Catholics continued to increase, and in 1977 Bishop Daniel A. Cronin of the Fall River diocese, of which Cape Cod is a part, separated this chapel area from the parish in Woods Hole, and erected it a parish unto itself. He appointed Father Joseph L. Powers as is first and founding pastor. Plans for a new church was begun - and on June 11, 1977, Bishop Cronin joyously celebrated the first Mass in the

newly-completed church. The stained glass windows in the following month, July 17, 1977, nave represent the biblical charArchbishop Jean Jadot, the Ap- acters and events of salvation ostolic Delegate to the United .history from Abraham to the States, consecrated the church Crucifixion. The windows in the under the title of St Elizabeth wings of the church, many of Ann Seton. She had been can- them conceived by Father Powonized a saint just two years be- ers and custom-made, represent fore, and was the first Ameri- the universal Church, the begincan-born saint to have been so nings of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, including St. honored. Since then the parish has built Joseph's, Woods Hole, and the a new and comfortable rectory Chapel of the Immaculate Conand has contributed to the elimi- ception, and representation of St Elizabeth Seton herself and nation of all indebtedness. The church is built in the of the saints, symbolizing the shape of a cross, the main en- faith and missionary works of trance being at the foot of the the Church. Following the retirement of cross, with the altar at the top. The two wings of the cross, as Father Powers, Father John F. well as the nave of the church, Moore succeeded him, becomcontain pews seating 650 wor- ing pastor of St Elizabeth Ann shippers. On each side of the Seton Parish on June 20, 1995. The parish celebrated its 25 th main door on the outside of the church hang the coats of arms anniversary in 2002. The current pastor is Msgr. of Pope Paul VI and Bishop Cronin, during whose pontifi- John F. Moore. The pastoral ascate and bishopric the church sistant is Deacon William A. Marwas built. The main altar occu- tin. Other deacons are Vincent J. pies the center of the elevated Coates Jr., Peter M. Guresh, and sanctuary, while the altar of re- Paul K. Roma. The parish secreposition, containing the taber- taries are Patricia Stone and nacle, is on one side and the Shirley Fulone. The coordinators baptismal font on the other. The of religious education are Margacelebrant's chair is elevated ret Bushy and Anne Marie Carr. above the sanctuary floor The parish address is 481 Quaker against the wall behind the al- Road, P.O. Box 861, North tar, while the lectern and organ Falmouth, MA 02556. The recare to the presiding priest's tory may be reached by telephone right on the lower level. All the at 508-563-7770; the parish office furnishings, including the at 508-563-7774; by FAX at 508pews, are solid oak and richly 563-7794; and by E-mail at www.stelizabethseton.net. The finished. The church's brilliant, Website is: seton@capecod.net






Friday, February 20, 2004

Lenten Reflection - Christ's passion and death BY HOLY CRoss FATHER THOMAS FEELEY

his passion and suffer death on the cross for us sinners, his heavenly Father put Jesus to the test. Suffering is always lessened when we can share our burdens with those who love us. We visit the sick and suffering to give them strength. Westrengthen those who are terminally ill with the promise'of eternal life. We remind them that God makes all things work for the good of those who love him (Rm 8:29). But during his passion Jesus received no such consolation. His Father had withdrawn from him in the shadows of Gethsematie and Jesus had to endure his passion and death with absolutely nothing to console him while he carried the sins of the world upon his back and poured out his life's blood on the cross. Jesus was left alone to experience for himself the horror of sin. Because he was sinless and had always lived in intimate union with his heavenly Father, He began to experience - profoundly

When Jesus, the all-holy Son of God, left Nazareth to begin his public ministry - to be about his Father's affairs - he first went to the Jordan and received John the Baptist's baptism of repentance. Although John the Bap. tist objected, Jesus insisted. He was without sin, yet he waded into the waters of the Jordan, where sinners were confessing their sins, and received John's baptism of repentance. Why did he do this? He was about to begin his public ministry. He was about to announce the coming of God's kingdom - akingdom ofjustice, peace and love - and to invite all of us to enter it. At the very start of his public ministry, therefore, he received John's baptism ofrepentance not to be cleansed of sin, but to take on the pollution ofour sin:fullless and to free us of its burden. And his heavenly Father approved. For when he came out of the water and was at prayer, God thundered his approval: 'This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus would reveal God to us as our loving " and compassionate heavenly Father. As one with his Father, Jesus, the Son of God, was compassionate too. Compassion is not the sameas pity. Pity is a feeling, an emotion. We feel it for 'those who suffer, but we may not be moved to help them. We may even feel pity for ourselves, but to wallow in self-pity is a weakness. C9mpassion, on the other hand, opens our minds and our hearts to those who suffer and moves us "to experience their suffering, to take responsibility for them and come to their aid even at great cost t6 ourselves. John the Baptist, who saw the Holy Spirit come down from heaven and rest upon Jesus, proclaimed him to be "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" (In 1: 29). Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, was the incamation ofdivine compassion and his whole life would manifest his compassion for sinners. Christ, the good shepherd, went in search of sinners. He invited himself to their homes and ate with them. He let his feet be washed by the tears and dried by the hair of the sinful woman. He called sinners to be his disciples and, knowing well their human frailty, invited some of them to be his apostles. He became known the friend of publicans and sinners. He taught them by word and example to resist evil with good, pride with humility, hatred with love and cruelty With compassion. Anyone who has had to stand by ~d see a and intensely - the frightening loneliness and "dear friend or member ofone's family in great emptiness that comes when God is absent from pain knows that one's own anguish is in pro- our lives. He experienced the rejection of his portion to one's love for the sufferer. Because people and the abandonment of his friends. he was sinless and his love was perfectly self- Because he had identified himselfwith us sinless, Christ's love and his compassion for sin- ners at his baptism in the Jordan River and ners were perfect. He could look deep into taken on himself responsibility to free us of the hearts ofsinners and see the pain and con- our guilt, he felt, in addition, what all of us fusion that resulted from their alienation from sinners experience when we look deeply into God, their neighbor and themselves. He knew ourselves: the shame and remorse for the evil the burden of guilt that sinners endure and try we have done and cannot undo; the confuto ignore. He had committed himself to re- " sion we have injected into our lives; the meanlieve their anguish and restore them to the inglessness of life devoid of goodness, beauty peace and joy that loving union with God and truth. Jesus experienced the terrifying alone can bring. That is why he had wept over numbness that suffocates our hearts when our the holy city, which had rejected him and his love grows cold. offer of mercy and peace. Christ who had never sinned, whose heart , It was at the end ofhis public ministry, how- had never grown callous from compromising ever, that he manifested the perfection of his with evil could experience what all of us sin'love and compassion. Beginning in the Gar- ners experience precisely because his perfect den of Gethsemane, as he was about to un- love and compassion for uS allowed him to dergo his passion and death, Jesus, the com- penetrate our minds and hearts and experience passionate Son of God, confronted sin and evil our horror for himself. Though he recoiled in a way he had never done before. , from the horror of our sins, he embraced us Throughout his life Jesus had lived in inti- sinners with love, but the tension put such a mate union with his heavenly Father. He had strain on his human na~ that "his sweat often spent the night in prayer and found re- became as drops of blood and trickled to the freshment for the,labors of the coming day. ground" (Lk 22:44). But as he was about to undergo the torture of In the Garden, however, Jesus' suffering


was just beginning. He would be put to the test. He was deserted by his friends and taken prisoner. He was tried and rejected by his own people, condemned unjustly, scourged mercilessly, crowned with thorns in mockery of, his message, forced to carry his cross to Calvary through the narrow streets of Jerusalem - past the gloating priests and mocking Pharisees, through the uncaring and uncomprehending crowds who shouted their insults and curses at him - Until he reached Calvary, where he was n'ailed naked on the cross and hoisted up for all to see. He hung there in agony for three hours praying for our fmgiveness. All during his passion Jesus did not speak in his own defense. He did not-want pity nor did he ask for mercy. In fact, he did not even try to lessen his pain. It was his Father's will that 'he should suffer and he always did his Father's will perfectly. No matter how much he suffered from the whips ofthe soldiers who scourged him and beat the crown of thorns




into his bleeding head, no matter how many times he fell under the crushing weight of the cross and the whips of the soldiers, no matter how searing the pain when the nails were driven into his wrists and feet, no matter how much he endured as he hung upon the cross for three hours struggling to breathe as his lungs filled with fluid - raising himself up by putting all his weight on the nails that pierced his wrists - throughout all this torture Jesus would not complain or defend himself or try to lessen his pain. He had come to suffer and he would accept all his pain and anguish willingly and withoutcornplaint. And he would endure all this in complete anguish of spirit, deprived of his heavenly Father's comforting presence. Having taken upon himself the sins ofthe world he felt the full effects of sin. The darkness that covered the earth until the third hour was nothing compared to that which penetrated the very soul of Christ. For during his passion God had withdrawn from him and without the presence of God there is nothing to give meaning to human life, to suffering and to death. The desolation of spirit that Christ experienced on the cross was complete and total. He cried" out, revealing the source of his greatest torment, "My God, My

God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Mk 15:34). Still Jesus endured until his human nature could endure no more. When he knew his death was immanent and he had done uncomplainingly what his Father had asked, he said, "It is accomplished" (In 19:30). He had been put to the test: He had conquered sin and selfishness by perfect submission to his Father's will, by his perfectly selfless love for his Father and for us. His victory over sin and selfishness was complete and 'he uttered his final words, ''Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Lk 22:46) and bowing his head he died. Why did God the Father ask so much of his Son? It was the only way possible for him to prove the perfect benevolence and selflessness of his love for us. St. Paul made this very clear when he wrote, ''What proves that God loves us is that he sent his Son to die for us when we were still sinners" (Rm 5: 8). The complete and utter selflessness of Our Lord's life, especially as revealed in his passion and death, reveals the perfection of divine love. In his passion and death Jesus has shown us what holiness is - complete submission to God's will. He has revealed divine compassion to us and shown us what we must strive to imitate if we are to be compassionate as our Father is compassionate (Lk 6:36). For "God is love" (Un 4:8) and his love for us is pure lxtnevolence, utterly selfless. But if by his passiqn and death Jesus has revealed the perfection ofdivine compassion, he has also shown us why we should see the crosses that we have to bear, not as instruments of torture, but rather as instruments of salvation. For Jesus has taught us that God is our loving Father and that we should always pray to do his will because he only wants what is best for us. When crosses com~ our way, therefore, we should not get angry and complain but ask God what he wants us to learn. IfJesus told the discouraged and faint-hearted disciples <?n the road to Emmaus that is was ''necessary for the Christ to suffer in order to enter into his glory" (Lk 24: 36), there ,must ,be no other way for us sinners to enter but by bearing our crosses as he did. And we will bear them eagerly andjoyfully if we bear them in faith, which changes our crosses from instruments of torture into instruments of salvation. The presence of Jesus makes the differ"ence between a cross and a crucifix. ' The Letter to the Hebrews gives us another , lesson we should all take to heart: "Indeed it was fitting that when bringing many of his children to glory, God ... should make perfect, through suffering, their leader in the work of salvation" (Heb 2: 10). "He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way so that he might be a compassionate and faithful high priest before God on their behalf' (Heb 2:17). How consoling it is for all of us who believe in Christ to know that "we do not have a high priest who is unable to feel compas- ' sion on our weakness, but one who was tested in every way that we are, but never'sinned. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy from him and to find grace when we are in need of help" (Heb 4:15-16).

.Father Feeley is the vice postulator ofthe Cause for CanonkPtion of Servant 'of God Father Patrick Peyton, eSc. Holy Cross Family Ministries, which carries on the works ofFather Peyton, is headqum1eredin Norlh Easton, and serves Jesus Christand his Church bypromoting and suppoTting the spiritual well-being ofthe family in 15 countries worldwide. For more information call 800-299-PRAY or log on to'" www.hcfm.org.


Friday, February 20, 2004




Second-grade teachers have much in common - including a kidney By JOSEPH O'BRIEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

she was truly a match for Steffek. Steffek said the surgery was MARSHFIELD, Wis. - Tami a miracle on two accounts Schlagenhaft and Sue Steffek are first, that she should find an ora perfect match. gan match in her own coFriends and co-workers for 18 worker and friend and, second, years, they both teach second that both of them had the courgrade at St. John the Baptist Priage and commitment, by the mary Schoolin Marshfield. They grace of God, to see the process live on the same block. They atthrough. tended Viterbo University in La "I believe it wouldn't have Crosse. They are members of Our been possible without the Masses Lady of Peace Parish, Marshfield. being said for us," she added, inAN AERIAL view of the Vatican shows St. Peter's Basilica They both are cluding those celand Square, as well as several other buildings in Vatican married and ebrated by City, in a 2001 file photo. The Vatican celebrated its 75th have two chilSchlagenhaft's birthday as a city-state on February 11, which marks the signdren. brother, Father But the Jeffrey Burrill, ing of the Lateran Pacts of 1929. Under the agreements, the bond between pastor of St. Vatican recognizes the Italian state and Italy recognizes the Mary's in Durand, pope's absolute sovereignty and independence over the 109them has been even stronger Holy Rosary in acre property. (CNS photo from Catholic Press Photo) since January Lima and Sacred 8, when one of Heart in Mondovi. Schlagenhaft's Perhaps the strongest pillars for kidneys was the two were their transplanted families. While apinto Steffek. volume of more than 2,800 arVATICAN CITY (CNS) prehensive about The Vatican has completed a draft ticles of Church teaching was too Diagnosed the surgery, ac- of a 150-page minicatechism and ponderous for many Catholics. approximately cording to Steffek, is sending the text to cardinals and 20 years ago Cardinal Schon born, who her husband, Will- bishops' conferences for review, helped write the longer catechism with the kidiam, and sons Brad a Vatican source said. ney disease more than a decade ago', was SUE STEFFEK, left, received a new lease on life after friend and Kyle were IgA NephrPope John Paul II commis- named a member of the commisopathy, also and fellow second-grade teacher Tami Schlagenhaft donated completely sup- sioned the shorte.,r, simpler ver- sion charged with preparing the known as her kidney in a successful transplant operation in early Janu- portive during the sion of the 865-page "Catechism shorter compendium. surgery and con- of the Catholic Church" last year, Berger's dis- ary. (CNS photo by Joseph O'Brien, Catholic TimeS) In constituting the commission tinue to be during and a 10-member commission has last year, the pope said there ease, Steffek knew that she eventually would 'You know, I think we have the the recovery. been working on the text since seemed to be a widespread desire have to have a kidney transplant. same blood type.' She told me she Schlagenhaft said the same March. for "a brief compendium containIn the meantime, she used dialy- wanted to do this for me, give her goes for her husband, Jay; and" The source said that during the ing all the fundamental elements sis, the usual therapy for those kidney to me. It was incredible. I their daughters, Megan and next few months the commission of Catholic faith and morals, forsuffering from kidney maladies. somehow knew everything would Jenna. would consider the input of car- mulated in a simple and clear While there wasn't much be OK after she told me." As for the patients themselves, dinals and bishops" conferences, manner." physical discomfort, Steffek said As Steffek and Schlagenhaft their faith in one another and in God and that a final draft is expected At the same time, he cautioned the dialysis machine waiting for were to find out, wanting to give carried them with calm determina- to be completed later this year. that experience had shown it is her at home at the end of every a friend a kidney is not the same tion into the operating room. The minicatechism outlines not easy in such syntheses to day was one cumbersome ele- thing as actually doing it. Besides "God was in the whole pro- Church teachings in four parts, . "fully safeguard the completeness ment of her life she could do with- the initial blood test to establish a cess," Steffek addt<d. under the headings of profession and integrity of the content of the match between Steffek's and out. "We consider ourselves sisters of faith, sacraments, com,mand- Catholic faith." "I never missed a day of teach- Schlagenhaft's blood types, 'now," she said. "Her family told ments and prayer, the source The pope said the new, shorter ing because of my condition," she Schlagenhaft underwent a battery me after surgery, 'You are now a said. text wOQld "faithfully mirror" the told The Catholic Times, newspa- of tests - from tissue match to part of our family.' My family, The work on the draft was con- "Catechism of the Catholic per of the Diocese of La Crosse. physical fitness to psychological too, is elated that I have given the sidered unusually fast by Vatican, Church" and would be "an au"But the surgery would increase health - to determine whether gift of life to another." standards. Last ye¥, Cardinal Jo- thoritative, sure and complete seph Ratzinger, head of the synthesis." Vatican's doctrinal congregation and president of the drafting commission, said he expected the preparation work to take about Sales and Service two years. for Domestic and Industrial The pope asked for the By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE Oil Burners clusively at St. Anselm's abbey and 90, while also being spiritual direc- minicatechism at the suggestion tor there. college. As bishop of Portland, he WASHINGTON - Pope John 508-995-1831 of several bishops. One of them, He served as chaplain of the Cardinal Christoph Schonbom of Paul II has accepted the resignation urged Catholics to remain ''faithful 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE NEW BEDFORD of Bishop Joseph 1. Gerry of Port- to the Lord of life" in their efforts Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Stu- Vienna, Austria, said the current land, Maine, and has named Auxil- against abortion, assisted suicide and dent Center in Cambridge, 199093, and was named archdiocesan iary Bishop Richard 1. Malone of capital punishment. Bishop Gerry's successor, director of religious education in' Boston as his successor. He also has accepted the resig- Bishop Malone, 48, has been an aux- 1993 and seCretary for education nation of Auxiliary Bishop George iliary bishop of Boston since 2000. in 1995. Bishop Wrrz, who turned 75 on ffism~mwo~befureth&timehad O. Wrrz of Madison, Wis. . Prompt 24 Hour Service . Automatic Deliveries January 17, had been among the last been in Catholic education. Bishop Gerry, who turned 75 . Call In Dellverlea . Budget Term. Available Born in Salem, he was ordained dozen active U.S. bishops to be apthe normal retirement age for bish• Free estimates pointed by Pope Paul VI. on May 20, 1972, as a priest a priest ops -last September 12, had been Born in Monroe, WIS., he was orYou Never Had Service bishop of.Portland since Feb. 21, of the Archdiocese of Boston. He Until You Tried Char/ie's 1989, and had served as auxiliary also earned a degree in theology dained a priest on May 31, 1952. As a bishop of Portland for three years from Boston University with a spe- young priest, he accompanied thenWem locatedat ... Bishop Wtl1iam O'Connor of Madicialty in religious education. before that. 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River Besides parochial assignments, son to the opening of the Second Born in Millinocket, Maine, he orcall... 11, 1962. Vatican Council on Oct. was ordained a Benedictine priest on Bishop Malone served as chaplain 508-675-7426 • 508-674-0709 Named an auxiliary in Madison at Xaverian Brothers ffigh School, June 12, 1954, in Manchester. Until his appointment as auxil- Westwood, 1976-79, and taught the- on Dec. 20,1977, he was ordained iary bishop in 1986, he served ex- ology at St. John's Seminary, 1979- a bishop on March 9, 1978. kidney function." When it was discovered that her kidney was functioning at only 10 percent, Steffek knew it was time to put her name on a list of candidates for a new kidney. Expecting to receive a kidney from an unknown,donor, Steffek was surprised to discover that her new lease on life was signed by her friend, co-worker and neighbor, Schlagenhaft. "Tami came to me and said,

.Vatican sends draft copy of minicatechism to cardinals

Maine bishop retires, successor named; Wis. auxiliary also retires



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,Frequently Asked. Questions

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,Friday, February 20, 2004

Policies and Procedu,res of the Diocese of Fall River

- Criminal background or, WHAT STEPS HAS THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER TAKEN CORI checks and abuse prevention IN RESPONSE TO SEXUAL workshops for clergy, employees, 'and volunteers who have ABUSE? Procedures to befoOowedwhen an ated by the Massachusetts Department than seven, but no more than 10 mem. For more than a decade now the unmonitored contact with children. Employee or Volunteer ofthe Church of Social Services, is to be properly bers; at the Bishop's discretion. The AN ALLEGED ,WHATIFIAM Fall River Diocese has been a leader members shall, at a minimum, include: in the Diocese ofFaD.Riveris ru:cused noted.' among dioceses nationwide in ad- , VICTIM OF SEXUAL ABUSE? 7. If ail allegation of child sexual - an appropriately credentialed o/SexualAbuseofaMinororSexual : , If you or someone you know has dressing the issue of sexual abuse abuse or misconduct involves a par- mental health worker who has experMisconduct with aMinor. been the'victim of an incident of of children. ish employee or volunteer, the pastor tise in matters concerning child abuse; GENERAL PROCEDURES In 1993, ·the Diocese imple- abuse by an agent of the Diocese of - a civil lawyer; 1. When there is reasonable cause should contact the family of the al,mented an extensive policy detail- Fall River (priest, religious, em-. to believe a child under the age of 18 leged victim and offer spiritual care - a canon lawyer; ing steps to be taken in response to , ployee or volunteer), the Diocese' is suffering serious physical or emo- and support, as his function is strictly - a priest with a pastoraVparochial allegations of abuse of a minor by a urges you to report the incident. tional injury resulting from sexual pastoral in nature. Catholic Social Ser- assignment; - an adult survivor ofchild sexual cleric. A Review Board was estab- Please contact Catholic Social.Ser- abuseinflicted upon him or her by a vices will be available to provid~ con~ lished to serve as an advisory body vices at 508-674-4681: Tell the re- lay employee or volunteer, the person fidential counseling and/or identify abuse;' ....:. a parent of a victim of sexual in general matters concerning sexual ceptionist you need to report an in- , in charge, or their, designee, of such other resources for assistance. Procedures to befollowed when a . abuse; and institution or facility, Diocesan Direc, misconduct and to serve as a moni- cident of/abuse; you will then be Cleric orReligious Brother or Sister a lay person. tor' or Department, Agency, toring and advisory board when an connected to the appropriate staff' Apostolate, Program arid Institution, in the Diocese ofFaD.Riveris accused The members ofthe Review Board allegation is made against clergy. By person of the Child Protection Unit. as well as Pastor, within the Diocese ofSexual Misconduct witha Minor. are appointed by the Bishop, for a tenn ONCE AN ALLEGATION OF where such alleged abuse has been repolicy, Review Board membership The Diocese commits itself to the of five years, which can Qe renewed. is composed of a credentialed men- ABUSE IS RECEIVED BY THE ported shall imm~(liately report such following action: The Review Board is composed of tal health worker with expertise in DIOCESE, WHAT STEPS ARE allegations to the Directorofthe Abuse * There will be an immediate re- men and women, lay and clergy, who ' child abuse cases; a civil lawyer; a TAKEN? Prevention Unit of Catholic Social sponse to all alleg~tions ofsexual mis- have (or gain) expertise in the area of In the matter of an allegation of Service. He or she will then notify the· conduct by acleric or religious brother child abuse. It is anticipated that the canon lawyer; ail adult survivor of child sexual abuse; a parent of a vic- abuse of a minor, the Diocese files a Moderator of the Curia and the Mas- or sister with a minor. For allegations members of the Review Board will tim 6f sexual abuse;.a priest with a Chapter 119, Section 51A report sachusetts Department of Social Ser- ofsuch conduct made by a person who have staggered terms in order to asparish assignment; and a layperson. with the Massachusetts Department vices. If following an initial investi- is an adult at the time the allegation is sure continuity. This body is to serve received by the Diocese, the response in an advisory capacity to the Bishop One member i~ appointed by the of Social Services. The allegation is gation by the Director of the Abuse Prevention Unit ofCatholic Social Ser- shall be made within a reasonable pe- with reference to policies for Diocesan Bishop to serve as his delegate and - also reported to the appropriate dis- vices, it is determined that the allega- riod of time, not to exceed thirty (30) agencies and apostolates. Among to chair the Board. The Bishop's trict attorney's office., ' other things, the Review·Board shall tion of abuse has substance, the vol- days. Delegate is currently Mrs. Joanne WHAT DOES THE DIOCESE unteer or employee is to be suspended * If an initial review reveals that assist these agencies in the developLong. ' DO FOR THE ALLEGED VIC- with pay (if applicable)' pending the' the allegation is credible, the cleric or ment and/or refinement of personnel A Sexual Abuse Unit was estab- TIM? religious· brother or sister will be policies for all diocesan employees reoutcome of the final investigation. If the Massachusetts Department placed on administrative leave pend- garding sexual abuse, the development The Diocese reaches out to the lished by the Diocese within its Catholic Social Services agency in alleged victim to begin the process of Social Services finds the allegation ing further investigation. Adrninistra- of appropriate continuing education 1994 to expand diocesan efforts in ofpastoial healing. Appropriate and to be supported and subsequently the tive leave involves the transfer of the programs for clergy and laity, etc. response to abuse. Among the unit's confidential counseling is offered to alleged perpetrator isfound not guilty. residence of a cleric to another resi- , . Among the tasks the Bishop shall give first accomplishments w~ the de- the alleged victim and his or her fam- by a court of law, a decision shall still dence, the private celebration ofMass, to the Review Board is to work with then be made as to whether or not the and restriction ofhis celebration ofthe the Vocation Team of the Diocese and velopment of procedures covering ily. Catholic Social Services is avail- employee/volunteer shall be rein- Sacraments. The alleged offender will the Office for the Per'manent diocesan response to allegations of able to provide professional coun- stated. Such a decision concerning re- not be permitted to celebrate Mass Diaconate to establish a system to resexual abuse of a minor by a dioc- ,seling and/or to identify other quali- instatementshall be made after a con- , publicly, to wear clerical garb, or to view the psychological screenings esan employee/volunteer; sexual fied sources for assistance. The Dio-, sultation by the Moderator of the Cu- present himself or herself as a priest given to potential candidates for the misconduct with a rninor; physical cese underwrites the cost for this'" ria with the head of a Diocesan De- or religious brother or sister. The Dio- diaconate or priesthood. Moreover, a abuse of a minor; and harassment service. Depending on the nature of partment, Agency, Apostolate, Pro- cese will continue to pay the salary and ' protocol has been developed to screen benefits of a cleric while on adminis- . clerical personnel from outside 'the of an individual. This 'unit, now the case, appropriate pastoral care gram or Institution or the Pastor. 2. If the allegation of sexual abuse trative leave. Diocese before an assignment is given , cailed Child Protection, oversees is extended to the parish community involves a cleric or an employee of * Any suspected case of sexual or confirmed by the Bishop to minis' abuse response and reporting, coun- and others. WHAT IS BEING DONE BY Catholic Social Services, then the nor- misconduct with a minor will be re- tel' within the Diocese of Fall River. seling and pastoral care, and prevenmal'investigative procedures of the ported to civil authorities. FinallY,the Board will consult with the THE DIOCESE TO PREVENT Bishop's Review Board shall apply tion and training. * Confidential counseling will be Bishop's Representative for Religious The Fall River Diocese was one SEXUAL MISCONDUCT? and in all such cases the Bishop's Del- offered to the alleged victim and his/ to assure that appropriate procedures , Candidates seeking adinission to egate shall be the designated agent to her family. of the first in the country in 1994 to ' are in place to deal with accusations require a mandatory CORI check on the seminary for the Diocese or to investigate/report the allegation both , * No cleric against whom a erect- of women religious and non-ordained any person working or volunteering its Diaconate Program must undergo to the Massachusetts Department of ible allegation ofsexual abuse of a mi- men religious conceming sexual misiIi. a position with unsupervised ac- a thorough background review, a Social Services and to notify the Mod- nor has been made will be given any conduct with minors. . assignment in or by the Diocese ofFall . 2. The Bishop shall appoint a Delcess to children. Since that time the CORI check, psychological screen- erator of the Curia. 3. The alleged perpetrator em- River or be authorized to seek pasto- egate from among the members of the Diocese has had CORI checks pro- ing .by professionals, and frequent Review Board to serve as his repreevaluation by those involved in their ployee or volunteer will be notified of ral work outside the Diocese. cessed on 22,123 persons. the allegations made against him/her, It should be noted here that both sentative in cases involving an accuWHAT DO THE POLICIES formation. and given an opportunity to respond' the law of our land and the'law of our: sation ofsexual misconduct by acleric AND PROCEDURES OF THE Prospective diocesan and parish during the initial investigationprocess. Church calls for the presumption of or religious brother or sister with a miemployees or volunteers who may Anyone affiliated with Catholic So- innocence. While every allegation will nor. The Delegate will chair the ReDIOCESE REQUIRE? The Fall River Diocese is com- have unmonitored access to children cial Services will be notified by the be investigated seriously and fairly, we view Board. The Bishop is free to apmitted. to keeping children safe. Its must attend an abuse awareness and ' Bishop's Delegate. " . must remember that, an accusation point a substitute Delegate as circumpoliCies and procedures in place prevention workshop conducted by 4. The initial investigation involv- does not mean that someone is guilty. stances warrant. The Bishop's Delsince 1993 are updated periodically, Catholic Social Services. Atten- ing non-clerics should include inter- Such a judgment can be ma4e only egate represents him in these.matters. views with the accused employee or after all parties are heard and the evi- This person may be any member of 'most recently in November 2003 at dance is documented. I the Review Team. For various reasons the direction of Bishop George W. '. In the context of the workshop; volunteer, the person making the com- ,dence is reviewed. The procedures do not detail the a substitute or alternate Delegate may Coleman. They cover all d~rgy, re- . each employee/volunteer must com- plaint, and any witness(es). The interligious, employees, and volunteers plete an informational questionnaire, view will be extended to members of processes that are found in the Canon be named to assume the role. It could the alleged victim's family and with of the Church. In order to appre': be that the Delegate is not available at involved with ministries of the Fall which is to be' kept current and on the alleged victim if permission is ciate the rights and obligations of the the time or that a particular case may River Diocese, including parishes, file by the entity or parish oversee- given by a parent or gliardian to inter-, clergy in it more complete manner ref- call for a certain type of person being schools, an~ agencies. ing the position. Each employee/vol- v;ew the'minor, and it is deemed ap- erence needs to be made to the proce- named by the Bishop, e.g. a woman Key elements are: ~teer is provided with diocesan propropriate. When a young child is in- dural and penal laws of the Church. rather than a man, someone who - Mandatory reporting of sus- ceduresregarding sexual and physi- terviewed, it should be done by a recThese procedures are not "written speaks a foreign language, etc. pected case.s of child abuse to civil cal abuse of children and mus( ac- ognized expert in this field. Interviews in stone." They are to be reviewed and 3. Upon receipt of an allegation of and Diocesan authorities. knowledge receipt of such in writ- should be perfonned in person, but perhaps revised on at least an annual . sexual misconduct with a minor by a - Offer of counseling and pas- ing. Finally, each employee/volun- telephone interviews might be neces- basis. Comments and suggestions for cleric or religious brother or sister, the improvement are always welcome. Delegate (or a substitute Delegate) toral support for alleged victim and ' teer must give consent by written sary in exceptional circumstances. 5. If after these initial interviews PROCEDURES. shall conduct a preliminary investigahis/her family. , signature for a CORI check to be 1. A Review Board shall be estab- tion and' shall file a report with the -'-- Placement of alleged perpe- processed by the Diocese on his or theal~egation has been found to be initially ci:edible, an oral report ofthe sus- . lished by the Bishop to serve as an ad- DepartJ:nent of Social Services, if retrator on leave from ministry during her background. ' pected child abuse or misconduct must visory body in general matters con- quired. This initial review is expected investigation of allegation and perAll priests, deacons, religious, then be given immediately to the Mod-· ceming the issue ofsexual misconduct to be completed within twenty-four to manent removal if allegation is employees and volunteers must sign erator of the Curia as described above and to serve as a monitoring arid advi- seventy-two hours of the receipt of an found credible. a Code of Conduct as a condition of . in number one. sory board when a specific accusation allegation involving a victim who is a ~ Review by .a predominantly providing services to minors en6. The personnel file of any em- ofsexual misconduct by acleric or re- minor. For allegations by adults who lay Review Board of allegations trusted to the care of any diocesan ployee or volunteer against whom an ligious brother or sister with a minor were minors at the time of the alleged allegation has been finally substanti-. is made. The Board will have no less made against clergy. entity. ' Continued on 'page J3



Friday, February 20, 2004 Continued from page 12 act(s), the initial review is to be completed within two weeks ofthe allegation's receipt If the cleric or religious brother or sister is a member of a religious order, his religious superior is to be notified and made part of subsequent steps in the process, with due regard forthe requirements of canon law. The procedures call for immediate action when an allegation is received by the Bishop. The intent of this point is that the investigation be done without delay. It is recognized, ofcourse, that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. This does not preclude, however, swift action in response to any and all accusations of this nature. Finally, this point calls attention to the fact that Church law requires the involvement of a religious superior when the accused is a member of a religious order. . 4. The initial review will ordinarily include interviews with the accused cleric or religious brother or sister, the person making the complaint, and any witnesses. The review may include interviews with members of the alleged victim's family and the alleged victim himself/ herself (with a parent or guardian's consent if with a minor) and it is judged appropriate to do


. The Delegate, and in certain limited circumstances, another individual, at the Delegate's direction, is to talk to the key people involved and as many others as he/she feels are warranted. The intent of the initial review is to clarify the natw-e of the claim. Ordinarily, the interviews should be done in person, but circumstances may wmnmt a telephone interview with some individuals. When a small child is interviewed this is to be done only by a person with recognized expertise in this specialized field. 5. The accused cleric or r-eligious brother or sister is to be advised of his/her rightto retain independent legal and canonical counsel. He! she shall also be provided with a list of approved clerics or religious brothers or sisters appointed by the Bishop from which to choose a "support advocate," but not for the purposes of either actively pmticipating in l:h,e proceedings or rendering civil or canonical law advice. It is important that the cleric or religious brother or sister be aware ofhis/her rights under the laws of church and state from the beginning of the process. The cleric or religious brother or sister is to be advised of his/her right to seek the advice of his/her own counsel and that of a canon lawyer so that his/her rights may be protected. 6. Upon receipt of an allegation, the Delegate shall notify the Review Board which shall meet within forty-eight hours of the completion of the initial review, when the alleged victim is a minor, and within a reasonable period of time upon completion of the initialr-eview, when the alleged victim is no longer a minor. If the alleged victim is presently a minor, the Delegate shall immediately notify the proper civil authorities, as required under State Law. The Board oversees all the steps ofthe procedure dealing with the accusation. It is the intent of this 'point that the Board is convened without delay. The Board reviews the results of the initial investigation conducted by the Delegate and advises the Bishop regarding the need for additional action. The Review Bomod receives periodic reports from the Delegate and offers its advice to the Bishop until the case is concluded. Substitutes and additions to the team may be made by the Bishop as neededo The alleged victim and his/her parent or Guardian shall use their best efforts to convey all necessary information regarding the alleged incident to the Delegate, in a timely nianner. A recommendation by the Board to the Bishop should be made no later than six weeks from the date of the Delegate's initial receipt of the allegation, when the alleged victim is a minor, or three months when the alleged victim is T.O longer a minor. 7. If the Delegate, after receiving the results of the initial review, concludes that the accusation of sexual misconduct has some credibility then, by virtue of his executive power of governance, the Bishop may immediately place the accused cleric or religious brother or sister on immediate administrative leave, pending the results of further investigation, including professional evaluation of the accused. The professional evaluation is to take place at a recognized treatment facility. Administrative leave

does not carry with it any presumption of guilt cess in accord with canon law, then for even a Temporary residence is to be provided by the single act of sexual abuse of a minor, past, Diocesewith no contact with minors. The priest's present, or future, the offending cleric will be or deacon's faculty to preach is removed and the permanently re.moved from ministry, not excludpriest's faculty to hear confessions is suspended ing dismissal from the clerical state ifthe case so and he is advised to celeb~te Mass privately. If warrants. In every case involving canonical penthe cleric or religious brother or sister refuses to· alties, the processes provided for in canon law cooperate, the appropriate procedw-es of canon shall be observed. law shall be invoked. If after an investigation 8. Appropriate and confidential counseling has been completed, the accusation is found to is to be offered to the alleged victim and his/her be without merit, the Diocese will assist with family. When necessary, the needs of the parish appropriate measw-es to respond to any harm and wider community should be included in done to the cleric's or religious brother's orsister's the response of the Review Board. reputation and ministry, especially if the accuPart of the care and concern of the Diocese is the offer of counseling. This extends, of course, sations were made public. The Review Board is to give its recommen- to the alleged victim and the family. Depending dation to the Bishop as soon as possible. It is on the nature of the case, appropriate pastoral noted that administrative leave has no direct care is extended to the parish community and



Statistics the f)iocese Parr tRiver as reyorted to the john jay study A. Number 01 priests who served In the Diocese during the last 50 years: Diocesan prieslS: Religious priests serving in Diocese: Tolat:

423 ----2JQ


B. Since 1954 allegations 01 sexual misconduct Involving minors have been made Involving 32 priests, --l2 or 2.365% of all priests 1,353

None of these individuals arc in oetive ministry; sOllie in foet arc deceased.

C. The number 01 claims: Porter claims Non-Porter claims Tolal Claims:


or 60.65% of IOtal claims made

-.fi2 or 39.35% of IOtal claims made 216

D. Occurrence 01 the Incidents that comprise these claims: . 1ncidents that occurred prior to 1980 Incidents that occurred since 1980 Total claims


--'l 216

Please lIolC that 90% of the above claims wCle not brouglll to the (It/ention of the Diocese until after 1990.

E. Financial Settlements: Poner claims Non-Porter claims Total seulements:

131 ·$13,281,000.00 or 82.98% of IOtal settlements 85 272500900 or 17.02% of IOtal settlements $16,006,000.00

F. Funding 01 financial settlements: Porter claims: Non-Porter claims:

13I 85 .

Insurance Companies $ 5,770,000.00 805 859 00 $ 6,575,859.00 or 41.08% of total


Funds $ 7,5 II ,000.00 191914100 . $ 9,430,14 LOO or 58.92% of total

G. Diocesan Funds Used In Settlements: Like other non-profit entities. Ihe Diocese uses fund accounting such that separate funds have· been established that are designated or restricted for specific purposes. For example, there is a separate Catholic Charities Appeal Fund, a separate fund for Parish SaVings Accounts, a separate fund for Perpetual Care Monies, etc. There are currently twenty-five of these separate funds. None of these monies were used in the financial settlements of these claims. These funds remain separate and intact. In addition to the designated and restricted funds, there is one undcsignated fund. What comprises this undesignated fund? The proceeds from the sale ofl non-parish properties, °unallocated investment income, and other non-designated or non-restricted monies would be credited to this aCCount. Over the last fifty years, this fund had grown to more than $11,000,000.00. These are the monies that were used to pay the Diocesan share of $9,430,141.00 of these settlements.

~udit Pinds f)iocese in Comyfiance with C~arter The Fall River Diocese was found to be in compliance with the provisions of the Charier lor the Protection 01 Children and Young People in the Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the PrQtectlon of Children and Young People, released by the U.S. Bishops' Office 01 Child and Youth Protection on January 6, 2004. The Charier, approved by the U.S. Bishops in June 2002, called for an audit in every diocese to monitor its compliance with the document. Independent auditors from the Gavin Group of Winthrop, Mass., conducted their audit of the Fall ~iver Diocese Irom October 20-24, 2003. Most of the procedures made mandatory for U.S. dioceses by the Charier were already in place in the Fall River Diocese since 1993.

parallel in canon law but it has proven to be a others. The Diocesan Department ofSocial Seruseful instrument to protect both the accused vices will be available to provide confidential and the accuser. It should be clear that admin- . counseling and/or identify other qualified istrative leavedoes not imply guilt but rather sources for assistance. The Diocese will undera n~ for time to pursue a serious accusation. write the cost for this service. 9. All applicable civil reporting laws are to The cleric's or religious brother's or sister's faculties are removed on a temporary basis. Finally, be followed. Any suspected case of child abuse involving the evaluation of the cleric or religious brother or sister is to take place at a recognized treat- an alleged victim who is a minor is to be rement facility. Ordinarily this evaluation takes ported to civil authorities by the Delegate'. This place over several days. If the accusation is with- step recognizes the legitimate right of the state out merit, it is important that any damage to the to be involved in these cases. Allegations of cleric's or religious brother or sister's reputation sexual abuse of a minor received when the alleged Victim is no longer a minor shall be reand ministry be addressedo When sexual abuse of a minor by a cleric is ported to the office of the district attorney for admitted or established after an appropriate pro- the district where the oalleged abuse occurred,

when reasonable cause exists. 10. If the alleged misconduct is a matter of public record, the Diocesan Office of Communication shall issue a statement and serve as the ongoing liaison with the media. The members ofthe Review Board should not serve as spokespersons. Beyond reporting the alleged abuse to the appropriate civil authorities (cfo No.9 above), the Diocese is not under an obligation to make accusations a matter of public record. Indeed, at times the victims request that they not be. If it is a matter ofpublic record, the Review Board and others should refer all inquiries to the Diocesan Office of Communication. This office will deal with the matter in a manner respectful of the rights of all concerned. Charity, candor, and prudence are to be the characteristics ofpublic statements. 11. The alleged victim and family will be kept informed of the response of the Diocese through regular.reports from the Review Board or its representative. This step is included in the procedures to help guarantee that the alleged victim and the family are aware ofwhat the Diocese is doing to respond to the accusations. 12. These written procedw-es ru-e to be given to every incardinated cleric or religious brother or sister ministering in the Diocese of Fall River. It is important that all clerics or religious brother or sister know what procedw-es govern allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. An appropriate process to assw-e that this is communicated to all ordained ministers currently serving in the Diocese is to be developed by the Chancery Office. Any cleric or religious brother or sister beginning his/her ministry in the Diocese is to be given a copy of these procedw-es. 13. These procedw-es are to be reviewed on a yemoly basis or as needed, by the Sexual Abuse Review Board and must be approved by the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Priests' Council. This point asks that some appropriate body review these procedw"es each year to see that they respond in an adequate fashion to the issue at hand. Two possible units to review the procedures moe the Diocesan Pastoral Council and the Priests' Council. The review should include persons familiar with developments in the civil law and the psychological sciences. • 14. Anyone wishing to report an incident to the Bishop's Delegate should call Catholic Social Services at FaH River 508-674-4681. Catholic Social Services shall immediately thereafter contact the Delegate. 15. The Board shall h~ve nojurisdiction over cases of allegations involving a cleric, or reii. gious brother or sister who, at the time of the Delegate's receipt of the allegation, has resigned or is deceased. 16. The investigation of religious brothers or sisters should devolve to their community, and the Diocese stands ready to t-efer the matter to the Review Board for its investigation if the religious community lacks procedw-es of its own to deal with this issue. 17. In the event that any of these procedures shall be determined to not be in compliance with the Essential Nori/ls for Diocesan! Eparchial Policies Dealing With Allegations ofSexual Abuse ofMinors by Priests or DeaCOIlS of November 13, 2002, or any mnendments or revisions thereto, then the Norms and not these policies shall govern. All Fall River Diocesan policies and procedures regarding sexual abuse respollSe and prevention are available on the Diocesan Website: www.fallriverdiocese.org or by contacting Catholic Social Services, Post Office Box M, South Station, Fall River,MA 02724, telephone 508-674-4681. Also available on the Website is the U.S. Bishops' Charterfor the Protection ofChildren and Young People. Forfurther infonnation on the Child Protection Unit of Catholic Social Services, please contactMrs. Arlene McNamee, Director, at 508-



Forfurther infomzation on the Diocesan Review Board, please contact Mrs. Joanne Long, Bislwp's Delegate and Clwinnan, at 774-6443077. To report a suspected incident of sexual abuse by any agent of the Fall River Diocese, please contact Catholic Social Services at 508674-4681.


Friday, February 20, 2004

SS. Peter & Paul School showcases cooking program FALL RIVER - When the students had the chance to taste cooking program at SS. Peter and and guess its secret ingredierit. .Paul School began four yean; ago, Students had a chance to question no one could have antic:ipated the Gentry about workings of the resgrowth and excitement it would taurant and enjoyed- the experibring to students. The school in- . ence according to Burt. They also had a visit from vited local businesses to work with ilie middle grade students to Denis Bachand of Applebee's in promote career opportunities and Fall River. Bachand and students it's been a success according to prepared nachos and a chicken School Principal Kathleen Burt. oriental salad and learned about "We are thrilled that our com- portion control and food presenmunity businesses are providing tation. They also learned about opportunities that are career fo- confidentially agreements, comcused for our students. It's a great petition, employee management . program and one that was created and menu items. witli~ll the right ingredients." This month students will learn . The IO-week program led by about table settings and napkin cooking instructor Janine Sullivan - folding from Rachel'S Lakesider is carefully planned to tie in all of Westport. Asian Platter and areas of curriculum including Nancy's Bakery of Somerset will math, science, history and technol- also be participating in the pro. ogy. The school welcomed repre- gram. STUDENTS AT St. Josentatives from area restaurants The grand finale of the proseph-St. Theres.e School, and before their arrival students gram will be a buffet luncheon New Bedford, recently researched each business for infor- prepared by students and served dressed' as their favorite mationregarding stock, franchis- to invited guests. They will be saint, biblical figure or angel ing and marketing strategies. responsible for cooking, settings, for the school's "All Faith Outback recipes and centerpieces. . Dartmouth's. Stelikhouse proprietor, Cole.Gen"I love our cooking theme, -Day:' It was one of many activities they held during. try was one of the first to visit with Flying to New Heights," said the middle school students. He Burt. "It truly exemplifies the Catholic Schools Week. and students prepared one of their wonderful educational atmospecialties, seasoned croutons and 'sphere here at our scho~l."

THESE EIGHTH-GRADERS each received a $1,009 scholarship to attend Bishop Connolly High School next year by taking top honors in its annual placement exam. From left are: Matthew St. Louis, Holy Name School; Zachary Boutin, Notre Dame School; chaplain Father Michael A. Ciryak; Clifford Sutter III, Notre Dame School; and:Melanie Pavao, Seton Academy.



• SENIOR PAUL Sullivan of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, signs a letter of intent with the University of Virginia. Sullivan- has been a member of the Shamrock swim team since his freshman year and will bring those skills to the team ranked first in the Atlantic Coast Con- . ference for the 2003-2004 season. -

OUTBACK $TEAKHOUSE proprietor Cole Gentry gem~ onstrates mixing techniques with 'students from SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River. Below, Applebee's representative Denis B~chand shares nachos with a student. Both were on hand as part of a school cooking program.

'Real World' couple firm in shared Catholic faith By DAN SUWVAN CA-rHOUC NEWS SERVICE

Superior diocese. She said being a part of Life Teen helped shape her life during the impressionable teen-age years. The youttJ. movement was started at her f~rmer home parish, St. Timothy ip. Mesa, Ariz. "It was a

Although he didn't attend the faith was an integral part of my Catholic school growing up, faith upbringing." He, too, was an altar was a part of the fabric of Sean . server as a youngster. ASHLAND, Wis. - Sean Duffy and wife Rachel Campos In college Rachel Duffy was acDuffy's household, too. "All of us kids and my parents tive in the campus Newman CenDuffy have flirted with the bright went to church on Sunday," he ter at Arizona State University. lights of fame, but have remained She said she carried her faith said. "We went to religion classes; grounded in their shared Catholic on to ''The Real World," a show faith. , that many would' consider rather "Faith is a big part of our lives," Rachel Duffy said. liberal. . Sean'Duffy admitted to straySean, 32, who is originally from ing away from the faith in his Hayward, in the Diocese of Supeyoung-adult life. rior, and Rachel, 32, who was He also confessed that he was raised in numerous locations as the not being a good Catholic at the daughter of a diplomat, are both time of his "Real World" expericradle Catholics.路 . ence, but said the idea of "CathoEach had a stint as a cast mem, lic guilt" was always on his mind ber of MTV's ''The Real World:" during the show. one of television's earliest reality"Even though I went away and based series. lived this kind of wild and crazy He is an alum of "The Real lifestyle on MTV, my morals and World: Boston": and she was on values are still core in who I am. ''The Real,World: San Francisco." The Catholic faith really helps They met on the first MTV "Road keep kids on track:' he added. RuleslReal World Challenge" and ' One thing Sean Duffy is happy were married five years ago. about from his MTV experience Rachel Duffy also did numeris that he found' someone, like ous guest co-hosting spots on"'The Rachel. She helped bring him back View:' ABC's daytime talk show, to his faith, he added. and Sean Duffy has appeared as a The Duffys have two children, commentator for ESPN's lumberEvita Pilar, four, and Xavier, two. jack shows. A third child is due in March. About two-and-a-half years ago As members of St. Anne Par- . they moved to Ashland, where ish in Sanborn, the Duffys have Sean Duffy is district attorney for helped start a YQuth group and Ashland County. youth discussion forum. Rachel Duffy, who attended "It's important to encourage Catholic schools, said she grew up them that they are on the right track surrounded by faith and has manand they are doing good," Rachel aged to hang on to it throughout Duffy said. the years. RACHEL AND Sean Duffy are committed to passing the Catholic faith on to their chilHer husband added, "Outside "It all started with my parents, who are very devout Catholics," dren, Evita Pilar, four, and Xavier, two. Both parents had appeared on one of TV's early the discussion group we do she said in an interview with the reality-based series, "The Real World" on MTV. They are pictured at home in Ashland, Wis. healthy, fun activities. It helps get . them away from sex and drugs." Catholic Herald, newspaper of the '(CNS photo by Dan Sullivan, Catholic Herald) very active and fun youth group with a lot of my friends," Rachel Duffy said. "Faith created my sociallife, I went to Catholic school activities and took part in a Catholic youth group." She was an altar server as a youngster.



The attractive concept-of 'enough.' By KAREN DIETLEIN CATHOUC NEWS SERVI~E

'in school when I was busy trying to avoid showing off iny flabby arms after dodge ball. ' "If only I were thin enough. ."Enough," I muttered, picking ,Then I'd be happy." at the dress with my left hand. Those words came me out How much weight loss was of nowhere as I twisted and . enough? At first I mused 10 twirled in front of a department pounds - but wouldn't 30 be store mirror last'week. I was . better? Or 40? Was I looking to trying on a cocktail dress,' fit into this particular frock or watching as the material was I trying to be as skinny as bunched and. stretched in all the Gwyneth Paltrow? Did I actually wrong places'. I looked terrible. ever have a weight~loss goal that In an instant I flashed back to I was going to stick to and be high school and saw myseIf happy with or was I just trying to standing in the' corner of the pour Water into a bottomless cup, girls' locker room feeling that I mistakenly e~pecq.ng it to just wasn't pretty enough, that I overflow with blessings? just wasn't smart enough, that I '''Enough'' is an attractive just wasn't thin enough and that I, could never pe really happy until concept. Society implies that I was. . once we get "enough" we can coast through ,life much as Then somethIng occurred to , Gwyneth glides gently across the me as I readjusted tha~ too-tight . skirt. I'd never thought of it back red carpet at the Oscars.


to play the violin, feel the'music > I'm not pretty enough. I'm not But without a clear, definitive . flow through me and enjoy it. So smart enough." , goal "enough" become~ a lie . And I can't imagine how, what if I'm not as good as Itzhak a false promise of happiness, an awful that would feel. Perlman? I wanted to write, to undefined and often unattainable There is happiness in the place words together in order high. point. It becomes the carrot future, in the things that we will and consonance. So what if I all eventually see and do and don't have a Pulitzer Prize yet? experience. But there's also Big dreams and great ambi- , happiness right here - right tions are necessary. I, have quite a few myself. I try t.o keep them , now - even though we are , imperfect people, even though close - and in perspective. . Because if there's one thing I've' we don't always ,win firstprize, learned in my experience with . get the guy or look our best all the time. the word "enough" it's that And happiness starts with people don't have to wait for it to knowing what's "enough" for us be truly happy. forever dangling just out of right here, right now. Even if I waited for "enough" reach. It becomes the treat that's It took practice to eliminate and became richer than Midas, forever in the future, the Christ"never enough" from my life, but with the body of Helen of Troy mas morning that never comes. I'm quite conten~ed with the and the writing talent of At what point does "enough" results so far. After all - "I am Shakespeare in my pinkie toe I become - well, enough? pretty,'" "I am smart,". "I am still could wake up one morning, . I didn't want to, sacrifice my good." face myself in the mirror and say own personal happiness on the Don't they sound great? altar of "never enough:' I wanted bleakly: "I'm not good enough.





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In 1879, Ireland suffered from great famine and poverty. On the evening of August 21, in the small town of Knock, Our Lady appeared before 15 witnesses. Although she never spoke, the apparition was a symbol of hope, consolation, and strength for the Irish people in their most desperate times.


Blessed at the Shrine of Our Lady pf Knock in Ireland, let this Irish rosary remind you of Our Lady's message of hope to the Irish. She can offer you hope as well. Q Heart-shaped green glass beads


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Q Traditional Celtic cross crucifix Q Centerpiece depicts the apparition of

Our Lady of Knock



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We'd like to pray for you and your needs during our St. Patrick's Mass Novenas both at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Dlinois, and at the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland. Please write your petitions below and return to the address above.

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