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VOL. 47, NO.7· Friday, February 21, 2003

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Two men to be ordained transitional deacons ~ Bi~hop

Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., will return from the Diocese of Palm Beach, Fla., to ordain the seminarians.

IRAQI CHILDREN light candles at St. Joseph's Chaldean Catholic Church in Baghdad during a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, Pope John Paul II's personal peace envoy to Iraq. The cardinal told worshippers that the pope was praying to avert war so all Iraqi people may live in peace. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Church teaching on war, nukes important in terrorist age By AGOSTINO BONO CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration's favoring of preemptive nuclear strikes gives new importance to Catholic moral teachings in the age of the war against terrorism, said several speakers at a nuclear morality workshop. Two Church officials noted that Catholic teachings on war

and peace oppose a pre-emptive war and the first use of nuclear weapons. An expert in defense issues said that pre-emptive strikes permeate the Bush antiterrorism policy. The workshop was held recently during the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington. Bush's pre-emptive policy inTum to page 13 - Teaching

six months prior to ordination to being a chaplain at a hospital and the priesthood. . at a high school; and also serving Michael J. Fitzpatrick, 33, is at the Shrine at Mount Saint Mary the son of Michael and Elena Seminary. Fitzpatrick of Wrentham. His He was admitted to candidacy home parish is Blessed Sacrament for holy orders on Nov. 16,2002; to the ministry of lector on May in Walpole. He attended St. Catherine of 28, 2000; and to acolyte on May FALL RIVER - Two semi- Sienna School in Norwood, 11, 2001, all at Mount St. Mary narians en route to the priesthood graduated from Xavarian Broth- Seminary. Ethan McCarthy, 29, is a nawill be ordained transitional dea- ers High School in 1988, and recons March 29 at 11 a.m:, at cer- . ceived a bachelor of arts degree tive of Annapolis, Md., and the emonies in St. Mary's Cathedral in philosophy from St. John Semi- son of Permanent Deacon Dana nary College, Brighton, in 1996. McCarthy and Diane McCarthy here. Fitzpatrick has worked as a of Harwichport. He is a member Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Ethan McCarthy will be ordained child care counselor and as a resi- of Holy Trinity Parish in to the diaconate by Bishop Sean dential teacher at the May Cen- Harwichport. He attended Harwich ElemenP. O'Malley, OFM Cap., the ter. His field assignments, includformer bishop of Fall River and ing summers at St. Michael Par- tary School and Harwich Junior who had known the two through- ish in Swansea and St. Mary's High School and graduated from Cathedral, Fall River, involved Harwich High School in 1994. out their formation He briefly atyears. tended The Fall River dioFramingham State cese has been without College and rea bishop since Bishop . ceived a O'Malley took over \';ij bachelor's degree the Palm Beach dio- . in philosophy cese in October 2002. from St. John Fitzpatrick and Seminary College, McCarthy are curBrighton, in 1998. rently in their fourth His field assignand final year of theoments have taken logical studies at .". him to St. Julie Mount St. Mary Semi- , Billiart Parish in nary in Emmitsburg, North Dartmouth, Md. Notre Dame ParChurch law requires that they serve Tum to page 13ETHAN MCCARTHY as deacons for at least MICHAEL J. FITZPATRICK Deacons

Local Catholic musicians offer a port in a stormy sea By DAVE JOLIVET EDITOR

ATTLEBORO - Turn on your television or radio and the stream of bad news seems endless. Threats of war, terrorism in our own country, abuse and crime - the litany goes on and on. Where can one go to escape from all of this? To what can one turn to find peace and joy? The answer is quite simple - music - and to be more specific, music with a message. Thanks to some very talented and dedicated people living on the northernmost fringes of the Diocese of Fall NEW CREATION, a band comprised of River, that music is available at the touch of CD player local musicians, has recently released a CD button. Philippe and Sue Fortin, members of St. John's Parish in Attleboro, and members of the musical group , of Christian music for all ages.

New Creation have recently completed co-producing a 12song CD filled with the hope and joy not readily found elsewhere. The compilation of prayer and praise consists of some original works and some written by international composers. ''The whole purpose of the CD is to add to the concerts, Masses and performances we do in order to bring the good news to young and old alike," said Phil in a recent Anchor interview. "All of us are so humbled to be able to do this." The "all of us" includes Phil on acoustic and electric guitars and vocals; Sue on piano, synth, Hammond Organ and vocals; Rose Parenteau, a parishioner of St. Stephen's, Tum to page 13 - Musicians

: February 2003 - Catholic Press Month . I


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THE ANCHOR -'- Diocese of Fall River -,- Fri., February 21, 2003

Notes From the Hill 'Editor's note: In an effort to or Senate and final actions. As a help keep Catholic voters in Mas- result of the changes. what used to sachusetts informed about impor- take place dUling a frenzied spring tant legislation concerning life, of the first year of the session, will family, marriage and finances, now be spread out over the two The Anchor will routinely run years between elections. State legNotes From the HilL . islators will have their hands full This brief synopsis ofpolitical this spring dealing with the goings on in Boston and Washing- Commonwealth's fiscal crisis. Congress will be struggling with ton is provided by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference (MCC), national security issues in the face the public policy voice of the of the impending threat of war in Catholic Church in this state and the middle east and rumors of tergoverned by the bishops in each rorist attacks in this country. A list of MCC legislative conof the dioceses in the Common~ cerns will be included in a subsewealth. The legislative sessions are un- quent "Notes from the Hill." Please pray for peace! derway for botn the federal ConResources: gress inWashington D.C. and the Interview with Archbishop General COUlt (the official name of the Massachusetts legislature) in Renato Martino, president of the Boston. War and deficits are on the Pontifical Council for Justice and on "just war": minds of both federal and state of- Peace www.natcath.org/NCR_Onlinelarficials. In Massachusetts, the General chives/021403/021403e.htm(.) Speech of Michael Novak on COUIt changed its rules of procedure, moving into next year dead- Iraq and "just war" at Vatican City: lines for committee hearings, tak- www.nationalreview.com/novak/ ing votes on the floor of the House novak.asp(.) For more information about topics in this column, contact Montie Plumbing MCC at West _End PltlCe, 150 & Heating Co. Staniford Street, First Floor, Boston, MA 02114-2511; E-mail: Over 35 Years staff@macathcontorg; or Phone: of Satisfied Services 617-367-6060. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET FALL RIVER 508-675-7496

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Vatican yearbook shows small decrease in numbers of priests VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Vatican's latest statistics show a continuing decline in the number of priests in the world, but an increase in the number of seminarians. Meanwhile, the worldwide Catholic population reached 1.06 billion at the end of 2001, an increase of nearly one percent from ~e previous year. The statistics were released recently when the latest edition of the Vatican yearbook or "annuario" was presented to Pope John Paul II. The Vatican said the number of priests. declined by III during 2001. That reflected a decrease of 778 in religious order priests and an increase of 667 diocesan priests. The number of seminarians increased 1.5 percent over the same period, from 110,583 to 112,244. The most significant increases came in Asia, Africa and the Americas,




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MADONNA MANOR employees Linda Jarosz and Deb Paquin pose as cruise directors during a recent program, "Cruising Your Way tei Improved Documentation:' It helped point out different ways employees can assist by accurately reporting and documenting activities _ throughout the h o m e . .




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Daily Readings Feb 24

Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1-2,5; Mk 9:14-29 Feb 25 Sir2:1-11;Ps 37:3-4,18-19,2728,39-40; Mk 9:30-37 Feb 26 Sir 4:11-19; Ps 119:165,171172,174-175; Mk 9:38-40 Feb 27 Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1:14,6; Mk 9:41-50 Feb 28 Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119:12,16, . 18,27,34,35; Mk 10:1-12 Mar 1 / Sir 17:1-15; Ps 103:13-18; Mk 10:13-16 Mar 2 Has 2:16b,17b, 21-22; Ps 103:14,8,10,12-13; 2 Cor.3:1 b-6; Mk 2:18-22


1111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.mO) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am ,the wec;k after Chrisunas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. ffn1f) by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send i1ddress changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

while Europe and Oceania regis- 'secular institutes, 139,078 lay mistered a reduction. sionaries and 2,813,252 catechists. The Vatican said other sectors of The Vatican noted that the numthe paStoral worl<force increasoo sig- ber of baptized Catholics in the nificantly in 200 I: permanent dea- world had grown from 757 million cons increased 4.9 percent, members in 1978 to l.06.billion at the end of ofsecular institutes were up 2.7 per- 200 I. The greatest growth has been cent, lay missionaries increased 10.1 in Africa, where the number of percent and catechists were up 6.5 . Catholics increased 148 percent percent. since 1978. Significant increases Overall, the number ofpeople in- also have 'occurred in Asia, the volved in the Church's pastoral Americas and Oceania, while the workforce rose from 4.1 .million to number of European Catholics has 4.27 million in 2001.-That included remained about the same over that 4,649 bishops, 405,067 priests period.. (138,619 religious order priests and. The Vatican also said that after 266,448 diocesan priests), 29,204 exchanging ambassadors with East permanent deacons, 54,970 non- TImor and Qatar the Holy See now priest religious men, 792,317 reli- has diplomatic relations with 175 gious women; 31,512 members of countries.

In Your Prayers' Please pray for the following priests during the coming' week Feb. 24 2002, Rev. Edward F. McIsaac, retired, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River .

Feb.2S 1988, Rev. Leo J. Ferreira, Vicar General of Brownsville Diocese and Pastor; St. Mary, Brownsville . 1998, Rev. William T. Babbitt, St. Mary, ~orth Attleboro

Feb, 27

1874, Rev. Philip Gillick;.Fou~der: St: Mary, North Attleboro 1956, Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, Founder, St. Theresa, New Bedford . 1995, Rev. John .G. Carroll, Retired.Pastor, St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay

Feb. 29 1980, Rev. Msgr. James 1. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, Taunton . . . . March 1 . 1906, Rev. James F. Masterson, Founder, St. Patrick, Somerset . 1948, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter L.D. Robert, P.R., Pastor, Notre Dame.. Fall River . March 2 1936, Rev. Antonio Berube; Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro 1941, Rev. James J. Brady, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford 1952, Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen, SS.Cc., Sacred Hearts Monastery, Fairhaven . 1962, Rev. Alphonse Gauthier, Pastor, Sacred Hearl, New Bedford 1970, Rev. J. Orner Luss.ier, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro

Pro-Life official praises House committee for ban on cloning WASHINGTON (CNS) - The Douglas Johnson, legislative diU.S. bishops' Pro-Life spokes- rector for the National Right to Life woman has applauded the House Committee, also praised the Judicial)' Committee for approving committee's vote, calling it "a step a bill to ban human cloning, which toward preventing cloned human clears the way for the measure to embryo farms from opening for be considered by the full House of Representatives. Cleaver applauded the "The Judiciary Committee should be commended for approv- committee in particular for ing a real ban on human cloning," "rejecting amendments to said Cathy Cleaver, director of authorize the most groplanning and information for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish- , tesque application ofhuman ops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activi- cloning - mass producing human embryos to destroy ties. The committee passed the Hu- them for experimentation." man Cloning Prohibition Act, introduced January 8 by Reps. Dave Weldon. R-Fla., and Bart Stupak, business." D-Mich., in a 19-12 vote. The Human Cloning Prohibition Cleaver applauded the commit- Act, or HR 534, would prohibit tee in particular for "rejecting people from knowingly attempting amendments to authorize the most to perfonn human cloning or pargrotesque application of human ticipating in such a procedure by cloning - mass producing human shipping or receiving an embryo embl)'os to destroy them forexperi- produced from human cloning. In mentation." Such amendments previous statements Cleaver has would have allowed the cloned em- warned that without a ban on all bryos to develop for days or weeks human cloning, cloning for reso that scientists cou Id harvest their search would gain momentum. stem cells '01' uSe them for other reThe Weldon-Stupak bill is search purposes. nearly identical to legislation that

Politicians criticized for Medicaid proposals WASHINGTON (CNS) - Nei- abled individuals who qualify and ther Republicans nor Democrats have for eligible low-income families proposals which would substantially with children. Eligibility is deterimprove Medicaid, said Elizabeth mined by each state with the federal Fowler, health care staff counsel for government reimbursing part of the the Senate Finance Committee. cost. "Republicans would tum over the Another speaker said she did not program to private insurers because see how, under current proposals, they feel this is more efficient," she states would be able to save money said.. and include new groups in the proDemocrats would keep the fed- gram. eral program alive but without sub"I wonder where the fat is in Medstantially expanding coverage, icaid," said Ci'1dy Mann, research Fowler told a workshop on poverty professor at Georgetown University's and health care. Institute for Health Care Research The workshop was part of the and Policy in Washington. annual Catholic Social Ministry She said that mandatory services Gathering held in Washington account for more than 84 percent of \he block grants given to states by February 9-12. Fowler said that a flaw in the pro- the federal government, leaving little posal to pJivatize Medicaid is that funds or flexibility for states to promany Medicaid enrollees are elderly vide services to groups not,currently people and people from rural areas. covered. 'These are not the populations that States would be hard-pressed to do well in private plans," she said. expand coverage to other groups, Federal tax cuts proposed by such as people just above the povPresident Bush could reduce the pro- erty line, without taking away sergram because of their ability to lower vices to people already in the prostate income needed to pay the state , gram, she said. share ofMedicaid costs, said I-owler. Rising Medicaid costs are part of Most state income taxes are the overall rise in health care costs based on federal returns so "a cut in and no more than the rise in private federal taxes means a cut in state health care costs, she said. taxes," she said. ' In 200 I, private health care rose Medicaid pays health care costs 10.5 percent and Medicaid costs rose for needy. elderly, blind and/or dis- 10.4 percent, she said.

was approved by the House last summer, but was never acted on by the Senate. It is also similar to a current bill co-sponsored by Sens. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Mary Landrieu, D-La., which would prohibit all cloning research that involves creation of human embryos. It would allow the use of cloning techniques for animals other than humans and for research involving cloned DNA, tissues and organs. Competing cloning legislation expected to come before the House floor in late February is in a bill cosponsored by Sens. Orrin Hatch, RUtah, and Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., which would allow cloning research to legally proceed as long as fertilized embryos are not allowed to be implanted in a womb. Cleaver has urged defeat of this measure saying it "authorizes the cloning of human embryos for research." She said the Human Cloning Prohibition Act "deserves swift approval by both houses ofCongress" because the "United States must join the rest of the world community in responding to the threat of human cloning."

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003

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Correction In the February 14 edition of The Anchor, it was incorrectly reported in a headline that Glenys Dwyer and Heidi Kuliga were Taunton Catholic educators. In fact both are teachers at Holy Family-Holy Name

School in New Bedford. The two individuals had given testimonies regarding Catholic education during a liturgy celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The Anchor regrets the error.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri., I:'ebruary 21, 2003

. the living word

themoorin~ Senior difficulties' With a nation caught up in a mind-set of war, so many national necessities are put on the back burner. Among the issues that are buried by war footing propaganda are the serious diffi:culties being faced by so many senior citizens across the nation. The plight of so many retired people is becoming extreme to the hardworking men and women who intended to put some of their income aside for their retired years'. Today, many have either had drastic financial reductions or have lost everything. The scandal of industry and the manipulation of pension plans have placed so very many seniors in a position where their so-called nest egg just does not exist to meet their life needs. Manipulation by the Treasury Department to convert traditional pension plans to cash balance plans could reduce expected retirement benefits by as ,much as 50 percent. The war dollars are not a good investment. Toget\1er with the strengthening Euro and an ever-increasing national budget deficit, th~ portents for future investment secu,rity do not burn very brightly. Millions of mid-life workers who have not been given the "golden handshake" will find it an uphill battle to save their hard-earned retirement income. People in this age group who have been given early retirement are really in tough straits. They can't find jobs to help them supplement their income, and if they do, they have to settle for minimum wage. These people are in a financial limbo. Now mix this situation with ever-rising costs in health care and prescription drugs and the manipulations of the pharmaceutical industry, anp retired people have additional burdenJi to carry into their old age. These very real difficulties will never be solved by a nation determined to spend its monies for war. Daily, billions are being poured into armaments that many experts feel we really do not need. Likewise, untold sums are being spent on experimentation for new weapons of war. The nation seems to have a bottomless pit for weapons of destruction, while at the same time it has no monies for many needed social services, especially in those areas of living'affecting so many senior citizens. The picture is even bleaker than predicted. Deficit spendi!,!g has caused local governments to curtail needed service's. The boom days 'of the 90s have come to a crash~ ing fizzle. State goyernments are centering their efforts on cutbacks in order to balance a budget. In the process those in need become the victims of political maneuvering, especially seniors who depend on those state agencies for so many daily needs. In our efforts to clean up state waste and Big Dig debt, we should not reduce people to mere路 beggars for those' realities that they are entitled to by law. Everyone agrees that it is going to take some time to return fiscal balance to states that are now immersed in debt. We also know from the hard days of Vietnam that guns and butter fiscal vision does not work for the welfare of people. As our seniors strain to live out their retirement years with dignity and grace, they should rightfully be helped by benefits from a gove'rnment that cares and is concerned for their welfare. On their part, citizens who are retired should become active in civic efforts that , will assure their well-being. As the most reliable voting block in the country, they should use the clout that only they can bring to the voting booth. Their organizational powers are tremendous once they are unified. Let's hope they will be able to take charge of thei r future. '

The Executive Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River

887 Highilllld Avenue '' P.O. BOX 7 Fall Rive,; MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 , .", Telephone ,508-675-7151' 'FAX 508~675~7048 ..' " E-mail: TheAnl::hor@ Anc~ornews.or9: . , Send address: changes ,to P.O. Box, callor'iJse E-mail address .



,','-. EXECUTIVE EDITOR, 0 " , Rev. Msgr:"John F. Mo()re



EDITOR, ,. ,- '. 'N'EWS ~D1tbR., DavidB. JOlivet ', .. James N. Dunbar

' OFFICE MANAGER Barbara M. Rels







The need of a temple in our lives By


to laud the blessed vocation of realize that it was not me or a prayer that was wanted, rather journalism you bequeathed to us. "Father, this is late notice, but "May Tammy 'and all of us those people needed a temple. could you give the benediction at devoted to journalism always re- They wanted the ballroom and its the National Press Club this spect the power of the word en- secular overtones momentarily to evening? With the death of the trusted to us. be transformed into a sacred place astronauts today, we need a mo- , "May we always strive to gen- where they could pay respects to ment of prayer." erate understanding - the best the dead, pray for their loved ones This request came from a fel- weapon in our arsenal for main- and rekindle their own faith in life low columnist and dear friend, taining peace and harmony and ,in God's providence. Tammy Lytle, who was being in- among those we serve. . This same need for a temple stalled that evening as president "May we be true to ourselves in the midst of disaster happel)ed of the National Press Club. and the words that issue from us, with 9/11. Whil" "1ost of WashA prayer that both celebrates and in doing so tie an inspiring ington, D.C., was evacuating, not and mourns a moment is no easy example of honesty. all did sO immediately; many task. The atmosphere of-black-tie "May we never forget that our came to our church, St. Joseph on dinner, cocktails and lighthearted audience has a heart as well as a Capitol Hill, to pray. conversation all spoke of celebra- mind. No one wants a catastrophe in tion. But a cloud hung over the "May we always remember which people lose their lives. Yet room. Most people there were that our business is your business; when a disaster strikes it has a journalists who had just written as you are the Herald of the Word, blessed way of abruptly shifting one or two heart-wrenching sto- so we herald the word. people out of their secular world ries on the tragedy. "0 Lord, at ,this time of trag- 'into the temple - God's world. It took evelY minute of the four edy in which seven astronauts The conventional wisdom of the hours I had to compose the bene-' have lost their lives, may we com- media does not satisfy, only didiction: municate, as best we can, the vine wisdom will do, and the "In the Book of Ecclesiastes compassion and courage you are temple is where it is best found. we are told there is a time to re- to their families, relatives and a We are also reminded that, joice and a time to mourn .. To- mourning nation. when Christ said "biessed are night we come here to do both. "Let us now pause in silent they who mourn," it was not "Lord, as we assemble to cel- prayer to remember the crew of mourning per se that he lauded ebrate with Tammy thenew honor the Columbia." . but mourning as a means for bestowed upon her, we also gather As I reflect on that evening I drawing us closer to hi~. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Will the fall come in spring this year? How sweet is it to finally start Derek Lowe will pick up the getting our daily dose of spring slack and win 45 games for the Sox, training coverage on local news sta- but will lose the Cy Young Award tions? What can be better than sit- to Roger Clemens who will post 49 ting in a warm, cozy living room, w's. with snow piled up to the window Manny'Ramirez will lead all of sills watching the boys of summer the majors in home runs and warm up on an emerald green car- ground~l1Ile doubles. Not due to his pet? awesome power, but simply so he Football may now be Amelica's game, but there - - - - - - - - - - will always be the feel of newness and hope associ~ ated with spling training. With that said, it's time to make some fearless predictions for the 2003 Major By Dave Jolivet League Baseball season. _ I'll get the big one out of .... the way first. No, this will not be THE year for the Red Sox. won't have to I1In hard on the base Frankly, they could field a team of paths. Hall of Famers and still fall short. To prove there are no hard feelFor some reason, a reason we may ing having been on the trading never know, the good Lord feels block all winter, Shea Hillenbrand, more good comes out of this than who was coveted by the New York if the Sox were to win the whole Mets, will change his name to Fenway Hillenbrand. shebang just once more. To Red Sox fans, though, that Some time during the season, doesn't matter. We continue to hope Nomar Garciaparra will pull a hamagainst hope to the bitter end, which string muscle, and instruct the this season may come before sum- sports scribes, when referencing his merdoes. injury to spell it h-a-M-M-s-l-r-i-nBy the first week of May, the g, as a t1ibute to his blide-to-be, Mia Sox will have fallen 10 games be- Hamm. hind the Yankees, and Pedro Outfielder-first-baseman-DH Martinez, irked by what he deems Kevin Millar will eat a bad piece a "lack of respect," says the pen- of sushi and be lost for the season. nant race is over and he'll shut The headlines will read "Millar gets down for the season so he won't a raw deal," an irony not lost on Iisk injury. the Chunici Dragons.

My View From the Stands


chor, is a former sports editor! writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique


world ofsports. Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@anchornews.org.




When the new 2003 baseball cards come out, the Red Sox w'ill lead the majors in outfielder-firstbaseman-DH players. The Red Sox will also set a Major League record with the most. pitchers who have earned a save in a season. In all, 14 So'x pitchers will pick up at least one save, with premier utility player, infielder-outfielder-catcherpitcher Lou Merloni leading the team with four. Trot Nixon, Jason Varitek and Johnny Damon will give their all each game they play. . And Fenway Park purists will find the famed net back on the Green Monster, which was unceremoniously removed before the start of the season to make room for three rows of seats on the left field wall. Unfortunately, the net won't be in the same location, but placed a bit lower to catch over-zealous fans who fall from their precalious new seats. When it all boils down, the Yankees will win the American League East, the American League pennant and the World Series. Once again, Red Sox fans will have to wait until next year, when we sit in our warm, cozy living rooms, with the snow piled high outside, watching the boys of summer prepare for the 2004 season. And our hearts will be filled with hope. Dave lolivet, editor of The An-

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003


ARCHBISHOP GIUSEPPE Bertello, papal nuncio to Mexico, center, joins Bishop Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, left, in celebrating a Mass in the Tzetzel Indian town of Ocosingo that included many elements of indigenous culture. (CNS photo by Jose Luis Coutino)



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Continued from page eight

ton. It later became part of the 1951 Bishop Cassidy initiated anProvidence diocese when this re- other renovation but died shortly gion was separated from Boston in thereafter and it was left to be com1872. In 1904 it became part of the pleieQ by his successor, Bishop James newly established Diocese of Fall L. Connolly with the able assistance River and Bishop Stang chose "Old ofthe then MonsignorJames Gerrard Sl. Mary's" as the pro cathedral who was serving as rector. In 1979 priodo the celebration because it was the Mother Church of the See City and at that time was of the 75th anniversary of the diocapable ofseating 1200 people. The cese, Bishop Daniei A. Cronin unnew bishop's intention was to build dertook a re,novation with the goal a new cathedral but he died before of bringing the Cathedral Church into conformity with the liturgical setting these plans into motion. Being the Cathedral palish has , norms established by the Second certainly impacted the life of St. . Vatican Council. Most recently, Mary's and the appearance of the Bishop Sean O'Malley, QFM Cap., church over the years. St. Mary's initiated a renovation which uphas undergone five major renova- dated the climate control systems tions since its original completion. of the church and 'enhanced the Father Chlistopher Hughes com- decoration of the sanctuary and espletely redecorated the church dur- tablished a new baptistery, ambry, ing his tenure as pastor pl;or to its and reconciliation room. Through the years St. Mary's solemn consecration in 190 I. The then Monsignor Cassidy expandeg has seen the consecration and inthe sanctuary and installed mu~h of stallation of bishops of the diocese the carved oak statuary and dark and the ordination of the priests oak wainscoting during his reno- who serve its many palishes. The Mother Church is the setting for the vation in 1912- 1913. During his tenure as bishop, annual awarding of Malian MedBishop Cassidy initiated the con- als to the laity of the diocese and it stlllction of the Bishop's Chapel in is the location for the many litur1934 which when completed in gies and ceremonies associated 1935 provided a crypt for the de- withlhe office of bishop who shepceased bishops Stang and Feehan herds the diocese from his chair who had been blll;ed in the yard of called the Cathedra, which is lothe Cathedral. Situated as it is oppo- cated in the apse of this church. As site the Lady Chapel,. which was the last half of the last century has constl1lcted in 1869 under Father brought great changes to the Murphy's administration, the "Corky Row" neighborhood of Fall Bishop's Chapel completes the CI1l- River, consequently the pal;sh has ciform design of the building. In experienced a shjft in the makeup

of its congregation. The once traditionally Irish area was able to support a parochial school staffed by the Sisters of Mercy until 1972 but a steady dwindling in enrollment and fewer numbers of religious to teach necessitated its closing. While the predominance of Irish surnames on the palish rolls has given way to a much greater diversity in ethnic makeup this has brought a celtain vibrancy to this small inner .city palish. So'as the diocese prepares to mark its lOOth anniversary, St. Mary's Cathedral Palish continues to do what it has been doing from the first days of its 165 years, before the diocese was ever even founded, which is welcoming the stranger and supporting the faith of those newly arrived in this country. Indeed from 1838 to this very day, hospitality is the overall mission of St. Mary's Cathedral Parish because every Catholic in this diocese no matter their ethnic background or native language must feel welcome in this old but very beautiful house of the Church which is called "Mother." Father Edward J. Healey is the current rector. Fathers Thomas E. McGlynn and Jonas DeMoraes are in residence. The Cathedral is located at 327 Second Street, Fall River, MA 02721-2007 and can be reached by telephone at 508-673-2833, and by FAX at 508-672-0667.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri., Febru~ 21, 2003

Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. ATTLEBORO - A Mass and healing service will be celebrated _by La Salette Father Richard Lavoie at the La Salette Shtine Sunday at 2 p.m.

995-2354. NEW BEDFORD - Volunteers are needed for the Donovan House, a transitional home for women and children. Share your time, knowledge and skills. Training and ongoing support will be provided. For more information call Debra Kenney of Catholic Social Services at -508-999-5893.

NEW BEDFORD - Holy Family-Holy Name School will hold its annu'al Penny Sale ApJiI 12 at the Holy Name Center, 121 EAST FREETOWN - An路 Mount Pleasant Street, at 4 p.m. For Emmaus Retreat for young adults more information call 508-993will be held February 28 to March 3547. 2 at Cathedral Camp. Emmaus is a co-educational weekend offering NEW BEDFORD A an opportunity for young adults to Marian Day of Prayer and Reflecexpetience God's love and share in tion will take place Saturday at St. a ChJistian community. For more Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 information call 508-822-6549. Acushnet Avenue, from 10 a.m to 4:30 p.m., with Mass at 4:30 p.m. FALL RIVER - The "Seniors All invited. The rosary will be rein Motion" program helps seniors cited. Bring a bag lunch. and handicapped individuals obtain mobility equipment including moNEW BEDFORD - Devotion tOlized and manual wheelchairs and to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is celis usually available at no cost. For ebrated every Tuesday and devotion more information call 1-800-594- to Divine Mercy every Thursday fol1225.. lowing the noon Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. For more . MANSFIELD - St. Mary's infOlmation call 508-992-9378. Church invites all to join them for a family rosary February 27 at 7 p.m. NORTH ATTLEBORO路in the family room. For more infor- Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School mation call Linda Loeffler at 508- will hold its fifth annual auction Sat337-6015. urday at 7 p.m. at ChJistina's in Foxboro. To make a donation or for MISCELLANEOUS - The more information call Larry Burke Diocesan Council of Catholic at 508-695-3072. Women's annual rt;treat will be held ApJiI 4-6 at the Dominican Sisters NORTH FALMOUTH - The of the Presentation facilities, 3012 Disttict V meeting of the Cape and Elm Street, Dighton. Father Michael Islands Council of Catholic Women Racine, parochial vicar ofSt. Mary's will be held Sunday at I:30 p.m. at Parish, Dmtmouth, will be spiritual Saint Elizabeth Seton Church. For director. For more information call more information call Peg Mullin at Claudette Armstrong at 508-672- 508-428-8694. 1658. WEST HARWICH - TheNEW BEDFORD - St. Jo- Celebrate Life Committee of Holy seph-St. Therese Parish invites all Trinity Parish will hold a holy hour to add their recited rosaries to its Ro- Sunday at I:30 p.m. in the church. sm)' DJive for Peace. For more in- All are welcome to come and pray fOlmation call Alice Beaulieu at 508- for an end to abortion.

-.\ POPE JOHN Paul II greets the head of Rome's Jewish community, Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, at the Vatican recently. In his first official meeting with the pontiff, Rabbi Di Segni and the pope discussed Jewish-Catholic relations and the need for peacemakers in today's world. (CNS photo from the Vatican)

Leavened bread at 'Mass? For 20 years or so, many spiriQ. A few weeks ago I attended you attended was validly consetual directors and retreat masters Sunday Mass in another part of crated. Q. A friend and I have been in- here and abroad have found that a our state. To my surprise, the priest brought a small loafo(what vited to an enneagram retreat at person's awareness of his or her perlooked like hard-crust bread to one ofour Catholic retreat houses. sonality compulsion can signifithe altar and shred it into smaU What is an enneagram? Are these cantly facilitate the kind of spiritual portions. He then ostensibly con- legitimate Catholic retreats? Ifso, growth a retreat hopes to bring secrated these pieces and distrib- what is the difference between this about. Jesuits who use it in conducting uted them at Communion time. and regular retre~ts? (New York) A. First of all, it is not quite ac- retreats, for example, see it as closely Is such a consecration valid? (Michigan) . curate to speak of "regular" or ge- matching the method ofspiritual disA. Roman Catholic regulations neric retreats. Every Catholic spiri- cernment taught by St. Ignatius in require unleavened wheat bread tual retreat is based at least loosely his Spiritual Exercises. Others trace the (baked without a substance, enneagram idea back to the such as yeast, to produce theology of the human pasfermentation) for a valid sions developed by the and lawful consecration of desert fathers and other the Eucharist. early Christi~n spiritual If the wheat bread is teachers. The nine compulleavened (ordinary wheatsions, in fact, correspond to based table bread for exBy'Father the traditional "seven ample) the bread would be John J. Dietzen deadly sins," plus deceit and valid, but not lawful, for the fear. Eucharist. In other words, Self-knowledge, . achieved apmt from a serious emergency or on a specific approach to spiritualconstrained circ;umstances, it would ity. It may be Benedictine, through this or other means, is a prebe wrong for a priest to use leav- Franciscan orJesuit, for example, or cious and useful spiritual gift. Obened bread, but the bread could still any of many other possible struc- viously, it does not in itself make one become the eucharistic body of tures of prayer and reflection better spiritually. But it can help in prompting the retreatant to a deeper achieving humility and the other virChrist. Both leav~ned and unleavened relati9nship with God, oneself and tues to whiah God's grace leads us. As one author wrote of the bread can come in many' forms. our neighbor. Many parishes specially prepare. . So-called enneagram retreats are enneagram, "Knowing your type unleavened bread, at least for Sun- relatively new. They utilize an in- gives you less excuse for being the day liturgies. Hundreds of people, strument for sclf-knowledge that way you are." for example, requested and used a identifies nine possible "compul- . Two Vatican agencies said rerecipe for a thicker baked unleav- sions," or self~images, that can un- cently that enneagrams can create an ened bread which I offered derlie and motivate one's respOnses - "ambiguity" concerning Catholic doctrine but did not elaborate. through this colurim a few years to the daily events of life. The word comes from two Greek Several years ago the American ago. The bread can be broken into pieces for distribution at Commun- words, "ennia" (nine) and bishops were reportedly prepming "gramma" (a diagram). The com- a cautionary report about ion time. From a.distance, one might not pulsions, which supposedly most of enneagrams. To my knowledge, easily recognize whether bread is us deyelop as strategies to cope with however, nothing final of this nature lea~enedor not. At any rate, from life from our earliest years, are has materialized up 'to now. what you tell me there is no reason grouped into the three centers of Enneagram retreats are available in many Catholic retreat centers. to doubt that the bread at the Mass head, gut and hemt.

Questions and Answers

The Armenian genocide remembered I can still hear my late son Peter's why she had chosen to writ~ this voice telling me about the genocide book. She said she had been interin Turkey in 1915 where more than viewing descendants of the survione million Armenians were killed vors of that genocide for an Armeor died from starvation and expo- nian paper. She found ainazing sucsure. He was writing a book.on cess stories that.were linked strongly World War I, and his research kept astounding him as he piled up story after story ofthe atrocities people in so many countries endured because of that inhuman war. The memory of Peter's By Antoinette Bosco pain at man's inhumanity to man, and especially his hor'1'01' over what had been done to innocent Armenians by their own neighbors, ex- to the families and heritage of the plains why a book titled "Memory past. "After 15 stories, I thought I'd Fragments From the Armenian do a book," she said. Genocide" (Mystery and Suspense As for background, the history of Press, 2002) grabbed my attention. Armenia, a land impacted by its loThis is a book of family stories cation between Iran, Turkey. and about relatives, those who perished' Russia, is a troubled one, with the and those who escaped and made people, who were Christians, often new lives. It was wlitten by Marga- living under threats from the nonret DiCanio, a sociologist and writer Christians around them: In the late Peter had introduced to me. 1800s, some 200,000 Armenians in DiCanio had written an impres- Oriental Turkey, seeking reforms sive "Encyclopedia of Violence" as due to injustices against them, were Peter wrote "World War I," both for massacred 'by the Turks. Then, in the same publisher, Facts on File. I 1915, the Turkish government, in a speculated that I had this book in hand power move, deported the entire Arb~cause Peter wanted me to know menian population. Any women and that some good had come out of the children left behind were forcibly evil of the Armenian genocide! converted to Islam: I talked to DiCanio路to find out ''The Turks eliminated 1.5 mil-

The Bottom Line

lion Armenians by assassination or forced exile," said DiCanio. "They murdered men and boys, and drove women with small children and old people from their homes. Troops herded the exiles through mountains and desert, often driving them along zigzag routes or in circle~. Exhaustion and starvation ki lIed many, leaving a trail of makeshift graves along the way. Armenians who live in the New World are mostly descendants of those who survived." In her book, DiCanio lets the reader hear the voices of these descendants, who have done great work in their lives. We hear a pho~ojournalist, a violinist, an opera singer, a dentist, a former California governor, an author, a newspaper editor, a college dean, a basketball coach, a libnuian, an Armenian priest and more. All of them have struggled to comprehend the enormity of the Almenian genocide. All express awe and respect for their relatives who endured and made it to America or Canada, crediting them. for a spirit that remains alive as their legacy. Reading this book reinforccd a belief I have long had, that - recognized or not - our heJitage remains perma)1cntly with us, like pmt of our genetic code.

Are you confused too by indulgences? Purgatory? Here is your multiple-choice question for the day: Is "Enchiridion Indulgentiarum": a) The 1677 treaty declaring peace between China and Mongolia? b) A terminal disease of the endocrine system? c) The Vatican's manual of indulgences released in 1999? You undoubtedly picked the correct answer ....

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003


Eucharistic Holy ..., Hour and devotions to Our Lady of LaSalette and Divine Mercy are held every Wednesday evening at .,: I 5 p.rn.

Eastern Television Sales And Service

missed a number of things we could have done this year to reduce time in purgatory. At least that's what those marketing the calendar (the nice folks at Bridegroom Press in Peoria, Ill.) kind of indicate. . I confess indulgences confuse me. Same for purgatory. I blame the confusion largely on being a

temporal punishment. I· know there are plenary and partial indulgences. I can wrap my brain around "partial." "Plenary" meaning total remission of sin is not so easy. However, Father Ivan Fucek, a theological consultant at the Apostolic Penitentiary, said a person will "go directly to heaven" if he or she dies "imme·, diately after receiving a plenary indulgence." Don 'f get too excited because: a) This is an article for . too quickly and think that Catholic publications. accidentally falling in b) Answers to mulfront of a train right after tiple-choice questions in a plenary indulgence this column are always might be a good thing. By Dan Morris "c,"and/or (Note: Father Fucek is a c) You are related to L.. -I~ Jesuit.) In addition to consomeone at the Vatican's fession, Communion and Apostolic Penitentiary, which convert, and partly on cradle prayer needed for a partial indulhelped issue the document. Catholics who seem to want to gence, a plenary indulgence reYes, there is a Vatican peniten- avoid talking about indulgences quires one to be free from all sin tiary. As far as I know it houses or purgatory. They almost always and sinful attitudes. Personally, I no inmates. Actually it is a kind answer one of two ways: I) "The could come up with all kinds of of Church court that deals "pri- Church doesn't teach about indul- sinful attitude stuff between the marily with the internal problems gences and purgatory much any- time I tripped and the time the of conscience and procedural more because of the Protestant train tookme out. matters concerning indulgences," Reformation or something." Or, Maybe this is too simple, but according to Catholic News Ser- 2) "Ask a priest." indulgences seem to be based vice. That clears that up. Candidly, not a lot of priests mostly on doing things Jesus told Now-retired Cardinal William exactly leap at the chance to ex- us we should do - for him, ourW. Baum of the United States plain indulgences and/or purga- selves, others, God's kingdom. used to head it (the penitentiary, tory. They take a couple of really Maybe a calendar to remind us of not eNS). No, no, his title was deep breaths, then start with some specific options is a good not "warden." It was "major peni- something like, "Well, this is a idea. At the same time, can an intentiary." teaching surrounded by a lot of dulgence be earned by' not buyI bring this up because there is misunderstanding." ing the calendar .and instead do. I know that part. . a new calendar for sale that lists nating the $12 to those in need? all the dates for indulgences for. . I know indulgences remit the" Can an indulgence be earned by 2003. If you don't have one, then te'mporal punishment for sins. Sin whacking a recalcitrant teen both you and I have already I understand, but am fuzzy on across the pants pockets when he or she dawdles while getting ready for Mass? I wonder if they've translated "Enchiridion Indulgentiarum" I I .,.-;, ; .=;;;.;;..;..;.;,'-;.;;,.;;;;,......~;;;;-;.;;,--'.;.;·~;",,;,.;=;.....;;;F==..;.,;;;;=;;.;;;;;...;;;;=...;;;;;=~I into English yet.

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Fall River diocese marks 'itscentennial


The following are the next in a series ofhistorical skttches ofthe parishes comprising the Diocese ofFaU River,founi1ed in 1904. The series will run in chronological orderfrom oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary ofthe diocese.

81. Mary Parish, Taunton TAUNTON - When this old in Fall River. reded that apostolate at St. mill city was still young its first The new church was dedi- Mary's in Taunton, talked about Catholic pastor arrived from time cated in 1872, and consecrated the growth of the Hispanic comto time on horseback or by stage- Oct. I, 1916. On the same day, munitythere. . coach to say Mass for the Irish Father James Coyle, pastor from "These people are very compioneers employed by the 1896 to 1931, was named a do- mitted and most dynamic in the Taunton Print Works. mestic prelate. pra~tice of their religious beIn answer to the pleas of his In 1908 St. Mary's opened a liefs," Sister Sansor told The penitents, Boston-sent mission- parochial school, staffed by Sis- Anchor. "I was at the Taunton ary Father Robert D. Woodley ters of the Holy Union of the Sa- church for nearly two years and hired a schoolhouse 'and prom- cred Hearts. And in 19 f1 a high you could actually see increase ised to say Mass for them once a school followed the grammar in parish membership of those month. Records show the ftrst school. of Hispanic heritage. They freMass said in Taunton was probIn recent decades, St. Mary's quent the sacraments and once ably on Sunday, Feb. 10, 1828. has been served by many fine they realize ... find they are By 1830, Father John Corry priests. Father Jay T. Maddock welcome, then they are truly .was named the town's ftrst per- served as an administrator; and active participants in parish acmanent pastor by Bishop pastors included Father William . tivities, and of course this is viBenedict Fenwick of Boston. M. Costello, and the current pas- tal to the life of any.Catholic The pastor build the ftrst St. tor; Holy Cross Father Francis T. parish." Mary's Church on grounds now Zlotkowski. .Besides Father Zlotkowski, the occupied by the rectory. It was Changing populations and de- parish is served by Holy Cross dedicated Oct. 28, 1832, subse- inographics show ihe current Father William H. Kelley as paquently suffered a .fire, was re- . breakdown of the parish ethni- rochial vicar. Sister Alicia Lopes modeled as a hall and eventually cally as about 15 percent of Irish heads up the Spanish Apostolate, moved to East Taunton. . descent, 36 percent of Portu- and Brian Cote is principal of the In 1848 the land for the. guese heritage, 10 percent His- parish school. present church was purchased . panic. " . St. Mary's is located at 14 St. and the building was designed Sister Aida Sansor, assistant Mary's Square, Taunton, MA by P/atrick C. Keely of Brook- director of the Spanish 02780-3184. It can be reached by 1yn(N.Y., who was also the ar~ Apostolate at St. Mary's Cathe- telephone at 508-822-7116 and chitect for St. Mary's Cathedral dral in Fall River, and who di- by FAX at 508-822-7117.


Parish of the Cathedral of 81. Mary of the Assumption, Fall.River FALL RIVER ---' At 7 p.m. each. Saturday evening the stately English Gothic style church on the corner ofSpring and Second streets in Fall River is filled with the sounds of guitars and drums which accompany a Mass celebrated in the language and style of the Brazilians who have recently arrived in' this city. Each Sunday in the early afternoon the language and music. are distinctly Spanish as worshippers from the various Latin American countries and cultures gather for the liturgy. In welcoming newcomers, the Cathedral Parish is perhaps being most true to its 165-year history. The parish came into being in the first half of the 19th century in order to serve the spiritual needs .of those Catholics newly arriving from Ireland who had come to work in the textile mills of Fall River. The first official sacramental records for the parish date from July 1838, but the roots of the parish in fact go back at least a decade further路with the pastoral work whjch was being done among Catholics 'throughout Southern New England by Father Robert D. Woodley. In 1830 the newly ordained Father John Corry was sent to assist Father Woodley in his nussionary work in this region and he soon suc-

ceeded him. Father Corey's pastoral duties involved serving the Catholic people of Taunton, Fall River, and . Newport in Rhode Island.' It was Father. Corey who oversaw the building of a chapel fQr the faithful of Fall River which when it was completed in 1836 was a' 6O-foot by 4O-foot wooden building placed under the patronage of St. Johri the Baptist. From its official beginnings in 1838 until the completion of the new church in 1856, this wooden chapel served as the ch~h for the then parish Of St. John the Baptist in Fall River. In 1840, the parish came under the leadership of Father Edward MurPhy and it was during the decade that followed that the Irish Catholic population of the city began to swell. . Even though Father Murphy had expanded the wooden chapel it became clear to him by 1850 thatit would not be long before the ever increasing congregation would completely outgrow the building. Father Murphy procured the services of Patrick Keeley of Brooklyn, N.Y., the most well-known church architect of the day, to design the present church. The impressive granite structure that has stood on the comer of Spring and

Second streets for 148 years took four years to build and was.dedicated on Dec. 16,1855 and placed under the patronage of St. Mary of . the Assumption. This building is the very heart and symbol of the ever-evolving community of faith that has worshipped here over the many years oftheparish's existence. St. Mary's was the only Catholic parish in Fall River until St. Anne's Parish was established 1869 to serve the increasing population of Frenchspeaking Catholics from Canada. Prior to the building of the first St. Anne's, the priests sent to serve the Caruidian immigrants lived with Father Murphy and conducted Masses in French atSt. Mary's. The first territorial parish to be c~ed out of St. Mary's was Sacred Heart Parish in 1871, this trend' would cOntinue with the es~blishment of St. Joseph, St. Patrick, St. Louis and St. Peter and Paul parishes in the' city. In 1875 a new group of recent immigrants was welcomed to St. Mary's as a mission was held for Portuguese-speaking Catholics who had begun arriving in Fall River. St. Mary's Parish has been part of three dioceses, originally established by Bishop Fenwick of BosTum to page five ~ Cathedral


THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., FebruaIy 21,2003


Social ministers urged to help Church restore its credibility Bv AGOSTINO BONO CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

than words," she said. Chiles also asked priests, religious and laity to hold the institutional Church up to the same standards it demands of other public institutions that need reforms to better serve its members. "We need a dose of our own medicine," she said. "Regaining our authority is not about finding the right words ' to move us forward," she said. Regaining authority involves "far-reaching structural change that will create a safe environment for children and youth and will create a system of transparency that will spare us from a return to this nightmare," she said. "Our moral authority will be regained when we continue to do our ministries, when we demonstrate that the behavior of abuse and cover-up will never be tolerated," she said. Positive signs that the sex abuse crisis is being fought effectively include a "hierarchy which with rare exception is committed to systematic change"; a national policy capable of "real, effective and meaningful" reform; and "laity, religious and clergy who refuse to slow down the work of Jesus," said Chiles. In introducing Chiles, Bishop Wl1ton D. Gregory of Belleville, Ill., president of the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops, said that his stewardship as conference president has been "somewhat overwhelmed" by the sex abuse crisis. "We are turning a corner ... but a lot more has to be done to restore trust and credibility," the bishops said.

WASHINGTON The Church has "one shot" at restoring its tarnished credibility because of the clergy sex abuse scandal and needs the continued efforts of people in social ministry to be successful, said a member of the U.S. bishops' National Review Board. "If we backslide, if we settle for less than full accountability and complete transparency, I suspect we will not get a second chance," said Jane Chiles, former executive director of the Kentucky Catholic Conference. The National Review Board was created by the bishops last June to oversee implementation of the bishops' policies on child ALEX STEWART, Laura Bumford and Gabrielle Goulet make rosaries out of parachute abuse. cord and plastic beads at St. Mary's High School in Annapolis, Md. The students hope to show Chiles spoke at the opening U.S. soldiers that they are being cared for by God while they serve their country. The rosaries session of the Catholic Social were to be blessed by their parish priests and sent to military units preparing for possible Ministry Gathering held last deployment to the Persian Gulf. (eNS photo by Owen Sweeney III, Catholic Review) week in Washington. The meeting brought together more than 400 Church workers from 42 states. Chiles said there are indications that other groups are reluctant now to work with Catholic . organizations on social and public policy issues because of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Bv CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE rosaries with them. But they "I hear our traditional partidea for a rosary," he said. WASHINGTON - From With the help of his wife, Bar- can't be just any rosary; they ners and coalitions may be sugMarylal1d to Tennessee, in bara, and the eldest. of their lQ~ have to be GI issue. gesting that we stay home, that "You're looking for' a rosary our presence could be a 'spoilschools and in homes, Catholics children, Ristaino. made 800 of are working to keep U.S. soldiers the rosaries, which were distrib- that the soldier can use that won't ing' effect upon the work to be uted in Bosnia. They proved to stand out," Father Madej told the done," said Chiles. "We may supplied with rosaries. In Annapolis, Md., the para- ' be wildly popular, with chaplains Tennessee Register, Nashville's find ourselves in some cases diocesan newspaper. That means 'flying solo' in our work," she chute cord used by U.S. soldiers requesting more every year. . ''They match the uniform and the beads have to be tan or other added. - designed to hold up to 550 But she urged Church social pounds of weight - is also sup- they look military," said colors that can blend into the porting the prayers and special Ristaino, noting that the ranger路 deserts of the Middle East. If a efforts to continue as a way of intentions of hundreds of ser- rosaries include no metal parts soldier loses a rosary, it will sim- regaining public trust and credthat would reflect light or make ply blend into the sand, Father ibility. vicemen. "Our actions speak louder Students of St. Mary's High rattling sounds in the field. Madej explained. , "They're' very durable," he School have been using strands of olive-green parachute cord and added. "They don't break apart black plastic beads to craft hun- like a lot of regular rosaries." . dreds of ','ranger rosaries" since Ristaino acknowledged that January. The rosaries will be most of the men and woman who blessed by the Redemptorist accept the rosaries don't know priests of the parish and donated how to use them. Some are Protto members of the Maryland Anny estants who simply like the idea National Guard and the 82nd Air- of carrying a spiritual reminder borne Division who are preparing in their pockets, he said. "It's a start," said Ristaino. for possible deployment to the ''The whole message of the roPersian Gulf and elsewhere. with Gospel Meditations & Songs Identical to the ranger rosaries sary is a message of peace. We St. Mary's parishioners made a train hard for war and pray for few years ago and donated to peace." - . , \jF , In Nashville, Tenn., Army U.S. soldiers in Bosnia; the spiritual gifts are designed to show chaplains Fathers Paul Madej Following the recent inauguration of the ". ~\ \ _.;o~~~ '{ support for the men and women and Michael Albano hope to take Luminous Mysteries ofthe Rosary by ~ -:- ,()\ '_ ! serving in the American armed 5,000 rosaries with them to hand the Holy Father, Marilla has recorded this .;. "I>{'fj~}~. out to soldiers deployed to the forces. special album. Join Marilla as she leads us in prayer from the hidden life in The ranger rosaries were the Middle East for war exercises idea of Frank V. Ristaino, a St. that were planned long ago or if Nazareth, to the public life of Jesus through the five new mysteries of light. Mary's parishioner and a ser- President Bush sends troops to ,(,,~,@@)~t geant in the Maryland Army Na- war in Iraq. For soldiers, "there's a lot of tional Guard. During training as All major credit cards accepted P.O.Box 29, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ~ a young army recruit in 1981, down time," said Father Madej, . o CDs $15.00 +$2.00 s&h I o Tapes $10.00 each + $2.00 s&h Ristaino used the parachute cord who is an Army chaplain at Fort and beads in land navigation Campbell. "When you're in a i o ChecklMO enclosed for $ _ Payable to: Merciful love Music drills. Every 72 paces, he pulled place where there's not a lot of Credit Card No. --,Exp Date _ one of the beads down his cord TV and not a lot of magazines to Name Signature _ to indicate that he had walked read, soldiers do a lot of thinkAddress _ ing.... (The rosary) is a simple 100 meters. / "I looked down at it one day way to pray and keep focused." City State ~Zip Code - - - - - The priests want to take 5,000 and thought it would be a great

Catholics work to keep U.S. GIs supplied with rosaries

Marilla Ness

The Luminous Mysteries of The Rosary

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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003

eNS video reviews featuring ·Black History Month NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are video capsule reviews from the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Theatrical movies on video have an Office for Film & Broadcasting classification and Motion Picture Association of America rating. In honor ofBlack History Month, here is a sampling of films addressing social justice issues or honoring fine performances by African-· Americans. "Cora Unashamed" (2000) Compelling and complex drama set in a small southern town during the Depression about an AfricanAmerican servant (Regina Taylor) who becomes the confidante and protector of the daughter (Ellen Muth) of her tyrannical. socially conscious employer (Cherry Jones) who forces the teen-ager to have an abortion. Director Deborah M. Pratt's fine production is a quietly powerful story with wonderful perfOlmances that presents the abortion issue from a negative perspective. An implied sexual relationship and an abortion. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. (PBS Home Video) "Cry, the Beloved Country" (1995) . Fine adaptation of Alan Paton's novel set in 1946 South Africa where a black minister (James Earl Jones), whose son has killed a white man, reconciles with the victim's father (Richard Harris) in a story exploring the artificial barriers of racial differences. Director Darrell James Roodt emphasizes the human dignity of the characters, the equality of all in the sight of God and the injustice of a society based on racism. Restrained violence and sexual references in a justice context. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. (Miramax) "Lilies of the Field" (1963) When an itinerant jack-of-alltrades (Sidney Poitier) stops to help a group of Gelman nuns newly arrived in New Mexico. his cheerful generosity is disdained by the stem, demanding Mother Superior (Lilia Skala) until he builds them a chapel with the aid of the local Mexican.American community. Directed by Ralph Nelson, the movie's simple little story of the triumph of faitn coupled with good will has enormous charm in the winning performances of the two principals, some good-natured comedy and an infectious theme song that wi II leave viewers humming "Amen." The USCCB Office .for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patronage. Not rated by the

Motion Picture Association of America. (MGM) "A Soldier's Story" (1984) When a black sergeant (Adolph Caesar) is murdered at an Army camp in 1944, the investigating officer (Howard Rollins Jr.) discovers that the victim was a ruthless tyrant who had been well hated by his men. Director Norman Jewison's fine proc duction looks at racial prejudice from a number of perspectives with unusually effective results. Some violence and rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. (Columbia Tristar Home) ''To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962) When a Southern lawyer (Gregory Peck) undertakes the defense of a black' man (Brock Peters) accused of rape, he has to help his young children cope with the town's racial hostilities and their own fears of a retarded neighbor (Robert Duvall). In this fine adaptation of the Harper Lee novel, director Robert Mulligan evokes a nostalgic picture of small-town life as seen mostly through the eyes of a youngster whose father is a reassuring figure of integrity in the confusing world of adults. Excellent for discussions of racial prejudice. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting clas. sification is A-II - adults and adolescents. Not rated by the ,Motion Picture Association of America. (MCNUniversal Home Video) ''To Sleep With Anger" (1990) Tensions within a black middleclass family escalate when a boyhood pal from the Deep South (Danny Glover) shows up on the Los Angeles doorstep of the family patriarch (Paul Butler) and slyly insinuates himself into the family circle. Glover's multilayered performance and a fine ensemblecast help director Charles Burnett meld comedy and drama into a cohesive whole contrasting the servile ways of the rural South with modem urban life. Mild violence and a few vulgarities. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting Classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. (Columbia Tristar) ''Uptown Saturday Night" (1974) Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby· playa couple of would-be sharpies who get caught in the middle of a Harlem gang war when they try to enlist the services of gangster Harry Belafonte to get back the money stolen from them. Also directed by Poitier, it's a pleasantly entertaining, good-natured comedy with some good acting. The U.SCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggeste~1. (Warner Home Video)

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Irish-A'merican Catholic fiddler calls her music 'a .blessing, By MARK


York City. "I've been to his place a few times, and had a few good chats," she added. Ivers' music has been .garnering wider acclaim. WASHINGTON ~ Eileen Ivers has been practicing her fiddle since she was eight years old. She played two sold-out concerts over ThanksgivShe;s been practicing her Catholic faith her whole ing weekend last year with the National Symphony Orchestra under the direction of MarVin Hamlisch life. , Ivers - whose new album, "Eileen Ivers & 1m: at the Kennedy Cen~er for the Performing Arts in ' migrant Soul" fuses the music of contemporary Washington. In another symphonic setting, Ivers shared the African and Latin American immigrants to America with that of her own Irish heritage - calls her mu- stage with jazz violinist Regina Carter and classi.cal violinist Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg and the sic "a blessing." Boston Pops. The con"I'm very blessed to • ".::" '<~{~.1 .;'11 cert was taped and see what types (of 1;1, ... "'i". _ ~"t' - :..;.;; : ",f~, :'~~; ."':'" ~ shown last summer on people) come and see ,d' , t , .... "1>•• 0;.. PBS '. d h , . •:13,.';'J":'?''' .~~ statIons un er t e us play our music," she '''!:' , .~. ;J.'}.. ~-k:.' }, title "Fiddlers Three." told Catholic News '~'";.r.' ~. .~. <'( .:f:'~. ;.~ The merging of mu- . Service in a telephone ,'_\~; .. ~~ . sical idioms, Ivers said, interview from New ca'me natur~lly from York City. Their pergrowing up in the formance, she added, multicultural setting of "touches people, New York. Still, she moves people in a good said, when she studied, way. I feel I'm in a it was "the fiddle," not good place." the violin, and most of She added, "As a her early studies were practicing Catholic all I~aming by ear. my life, (the music is) But, she said, she just a part of you. It's a detected enough simipart of the spiritual part larities in the Irish muof a person. It's part of sic she learned by fidyour soul, part of your dling and in the music personality. What you of other cultures that bring to the instrument she thought she'd give is a part of you." it a try professionally. Ivers won a fistful of One song on the new fiddling cham.pionalbum, "Paddy in ships as a youngster Zulu land," was done in when she attended St. SINGER EILEEN Ivers is pictured in an' un- the studio in one take. Barnabas Grade School and, St. dated photo. Her new album, "Eileen Ivers& Im- Thinking they would Barnabas High School migrant'Soul," combines sounds from African, play for about four minin the Bronx. Yet, Latin American and Irish music. (CNS file photo utes and have the engiwhen she enrolled in by Clay Patrick McBride, courtesy JLM Public neers fade the track at the end, the seven-memChristian Brothers-run Relations) Iona College in New ber band kept playing York, she was prepared to put her fiddle on the shelf and playing for about eight minutes. "A conversawhile she studied mathematics. tion happens musically," Ivers said. They kept 5:24 "I was always into school. I love math and sci- oOt for the album, then culled another 1: I 0 from the ence very much," Ivers told CNS. "My goal of goals session for a reprise at the end of the CD. was to work in the space program in some capacity. Selecting songs for the album from among the And they told me that if that's what I really wanted many extras rehears~d and recorded is a matter of then I should study math." emotion, according to Ivers. "For me, the best CDs Ivers even pursued graduate studies in math at are the ones that you put on and you have this overIona before the lure of the fiddle proved to be too all emotional experience," she said. great. Ivers and· her band plan to tour to support the However, she still keeps in touch with Jesuit new album. Her husband, Brian Mulligan, serves Father Robert Dobbins, "my favorite math teacher" as the group's road manager. Mulligan's father, from Iona, she said, who now lives as part of the Barney, recited the poem "Parting of Friends" for ' Jesuit community at Fordham University in New the album. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Affleck) who seeks to save his new girlfriend (Jennifer Garner) from a vicious killer (Colin Farrell) by using his sharpened' remaining senses and gymnastic abilities as a masked, nighttime enforcer of vigilante justice. As written and directed by Mark Steven. Johnson, superspeed stunts and special IC~S ~'t()viile effects can't disguise the shal- . low characterizations, flat diaICa.IV~Ulllle~ logue and muddled moral message. Sympathetic treatment of NEW YORK (CNS) - The vigilante justice, some brutal but following are capsule reviews of' stylized violence, a discreet movies recently reviewed by the sexual encounter and an inOffice for Film & Broadcasting stance of profanity. The USCCB of the U.S. Conference of Catho- Office for Film & Broadcasting lic Bishops. classification is A-IV - adults, "Daredevil" with reservations. The Motion (20th Century Fox) Picture Association of America Gloomy, comic-book based rating is PG-13 - parents are tale of a blind attorney (Ben strongly cautioned. Some mate-

rial may be inappropriate for children under 13. "The Jungle Book 2" (Disney) , Fun-filled sequel to the 1967 animated classic about Mowgli (voice of Haley Joel Osment). a boy raised in the wild who must choose between life in a "manvillage" and his jungle friends, including the lovable bear, Baloo (voice of John Goodman). While .the new film lacks the originality and enduring' appeal of its precursor, director Steve Trenbirth combines cutting-edge animation and a jazzy score to create a charming tale of friend·ship and family. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G - general audiences.

Pope names New Orleans vicar general as auxiliary bishop ~

Bishop-designate Morin is a native of Lowell. By PETER FINNEY JR. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

NEW ORLEANS - Pope John Paul II has appointed Msgr. Roger P. Morin, vicar general of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, as auxiliary bishop ofthe archdiocese. Bishop-designate Morin, who will tum 62 March 7, has been vicar general and moderator of the curia in the archdiocese since June 15,2001. A date had not yet been set for his episcopal ordination. "I rejoice that our HC?ly Father has recognized our pastoral needs and blessed this Archdiocese of New Orleans with the appointment of Msgr. Roger Morin as auxiliary bishop," said Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes. "Bishop-designate Morin will bring to the office a remarkable history of priestly service to this

archdiocese," he said. "He has made a singular contribution to the Church's effort to serve the poor. He has earned the respect of people in every walk of life in the Church and in the wider community." Bishop-designate Morin expressed his "deep, heartfelt gratitude" to Pope John Paul for his episcopal appointment. "My filial devotion to the Holy Father is rooted, in part, from the . firsthand eyewitness experience . of his own pastoral ministry when he visited us in 1987," he said. "I saw for myself the tireless energy and love that impels him to be present, to reach out and to touch people through a caring message of hope." Bishop-designate Morin, who was ordained a priest for the New Orleans Archdiocese in 1971, also thanked the three archbishops under whom he has served: Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, who retired as head of the diocese in 1988; Archbishop Francis B. Schulte, who retired in January

2002; and now Archbishop Hughes. A native 'of Lowell, Mass., Bishop-designate Morin was born on March 7, 1941, the son of Germain J. and Lillian E. Morin. After high school and college studies, he earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1966 from St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., and continued theology studies at St. John's for two years of graduate school. He came to New Orleans in 1967 to work in the new summer Witness program, conducted by the archdiocesan Social Apostolate. When he returned to New Orleans in 1968, he became director of The Center, a neighborhood social service organization run by the Social Apostolate. He enrolled at Notre Dame Seminary, studying in the evenings and on Saturdays in addition to his full-time position at The Center. He was ordained to the priesth<;>od by Archbishop Hannan on April 15, 1971, in his home par-


THEANCHOR-DioceseofFa11 River-Fri., February 21, 2003 ish of St. Therese in Dracut, Mass. His first parish assignment was at St. Henry Parish in New Orleans. In 1973, he was appointed associate director of the Social' Ap6stolate and in 1975 became the director, responsible for the operation of nine year-round social service centers sponsored by the archdiocese, Bishop-designate Morin holds a master of science degree in urban studies from Tulane University and completed a program in 1974 as a community economic developer. He was in residence at Incarnate Word Parish beginning in 1981 and served as pastor there from 1988 through April 2002. In 1981, he assumed the fulltime position of vicar for commu-

nity affairs, with responsibility over nine agencies: Catholic Charities, Social Apostolate, human relations, alcoholics' ministry, Apostleship of the Sea, cemeteries, disaster relief, hospitals and prisons. He was named a monsignor by Pope John Paul in 1985. In 1995, Bishop-designate Morin received the Weiss Brotherhood Award presented by the National Conference of Christians and Jews for his service in the field of human relations. Reflecting on his 25th anniversary of priesthood in 1996, Bishop-designate Morin said: "In my wildest imaginings, I could not have dreamed of the delight and the excitement of my life as a priest."

House lTIoving quickly on welfare reauthorization By


munity service for 30 hours a week, with up to 20 hours of that time sper~lt in vocational training WASHINGTON The or job search programs. The House is moving quickly to pass House bill would change the para welfare reauthorization bill that ticipation rate to 70 percent of relanguished in end-of-term cipients, who will have to work gridlock last year, speakers told 40 hours a week, only 24 hours Catholic social ministries workof which could be in job ers in town for lobbying vissearch or vocational educaits to Capitol Hill. tion. A called for House vote Catholic Charities president FaThe letter also found would be unusually quick, even for a bill that differs ther J. Bryan Hehir and Washington fault with provisions of HR 4 that would enable states little from that which was approved by the House in Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, to turn their food stamp prothe last session of Congress. chairman of the committee, said in grams into block grants Speaking to the annual the letter that the bill's work hours with funding frozen at 2001-03 levels. Catholic Social Ministries Cardinal McCarrick and Gathering in Washington re- and caseload reduction requirecently, Doug Steiger, a mem- ments will limit states' abilities to Father Hehir said the bill ber of the Democratic staff of count education and training toward makes promising steps in some areas, including fundthe Senate Finance Commiting programs for marriage tee, said it would be a while work requirements. and family services, setting before a Senate version of poverty reduction as a goal welfare reauthorization is inchairman of the Domestic Policy and increasing spending on child troduced. Rebecca Shipp, a Republican Committee of the USCCB said care, among other advantages. staff member of the same com- they cannot support HR 4 because They said they would like to see mittee, said new chairman Sen. of provisions including those that those provisions included in a fiCharles Grassley, R-Iowa, hopes would impose a "one-size-fits- nal bill that they could support. Curran asked the conference to bring the bill to a vote by Sep- all" approach on states instead of giving them more flexibility to participants to stress four points tember. In the last session of Congress, design programs suitable to their about TANF reauthorization in their meetings with members of the House bill was passed in a own situations. Catholic Charities president Congress. They include: benparty-line vote of 229-197. The program has continued to operate Father J. Bryan Hehir and Wash- efits to legal immigrants; creatunder a temporary extension ington Cardinal Theodore E. ing no new burdens on aid repassed in lieu of reauthorization. McCarrick, chairman of the com- cipients such as an increase in Kathy Curran, policy adviser mittee, said in the letter that the required work hours; allowing in the Office of Domestic Social bill's work hours and caseload re- TANF recipients to receive food Development for the U.S. Con- duction requirements will limit stamps and Medicaid benefits ference of Catholic Bishops, said states' abilities to count education for a full year after they leave the House bill still has the same and training toward work require- . the system for paying jobs; and supporting marriage and family provisions to which her office ments. Under current law, 50 percent by getting rid of harsher eligiobjected a year ago. They include an increase in the of welfare recipients must per- bility requirements for two-parnumber of hours aid recipients form some kind of job or com- ent families. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

must work to receive assistance under the program, known as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families or TANF, from 30 to 40 hours a week. A letter to members of the House from the president of Catholic Charities USA and the

FATHER MOON Gyu-Hyun raises an anti-U.S. poster during a rally outside the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, recently. Protesters criticized U.S. policy toward the North Korean government and urged Europe to help ease the crisis. (eNS photo from Reuters)



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THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., February 21, 2003

u.s. theologian tells Vatican officials war with Iraq would be self-defense By JOHN NORTON CA1HOUC NEWS SERVICE

given his recognized contempt for intemationallaw, qnly an imprudent VATICAN CITY U.S. or even foolhardy statesman could Catholic scholar Michael Novak trust that these two forces will stay made a case for war on Iraq to a apmt forever. At any time they could skeptical Vatican audience, arguing combine, in secret, to murder tens that military action was justified of thousands of innocent and unsusunder traditional self-defense p'lin- pecting citizens," he said. Such an attack, like the Sept. II ciples and not under some new concept of preventive war. attacks, would come without any of Brought to Rome by the U.S. the normal criteria analyzed by justState Depmtment, Novak met pIi- war theOlists to determine if a threat vately last week with Archbishop is sufficient to justify military action, Jean-Louis Tauran, the Vatican's "neither conventional military equivalent of foreign minister, and movements, nor visible'signs of atofficials of the P()ntifical Council for tack, nor the authority of a hostile Justice and Peace, and later detailed nation state," he said.. The responsibility of determinhis Vatican presentation at a Rome symposium organized by the U.S. ing whether Iraq poses a sufficient Emhassy to the Vatican. threat to justify war falls to civil leadNovak argued that Iraqi President ers like U.S. President George W. Saddam Hussein had disrupted in- Bush, Novak said, citing the "Cattelllational order by refusing to dis- echism of the Catholic Church." arm and that Iraqi weapons' risked Not only do civil authorities have falling into the hands of a new breed a primary duty to protect the lives of intelllational telTorists eager to of their people, but they are also the stIike countties around the world closest to the facts and are privy to with no advance waming. highly restricted intelligence infor"A limited and carefully con- mation, he said. ducted war to bring about a regime In recentmonths, a growing chochange in Iraq is, as a last resort, rus of Vatican officials has wamed morally obligatOly," Novak said at against resolving the Iraqi disarmathe Rome symposium. ment problem through military "For public authorities ~o fail to means, saying the use of military conduct such a war would be to put force would not appear to be justitheir trust imprudently in the sanity fied based on available evidence reand good will of Saddam Hussein," . garding Iraq's potential threat. he said. In January, Pope John Paul II The two-haUl' symposium, about spoke out against a possible war, half of which was dedicated to ques- telling Vatican-accredited diplomats 'tions,wa~ attended by some 150 inthat military force always must be vited guests, including lower-level "the very last option." Vatican officials, professors from Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Church universities in Rome and program director of Vatican Radio diplomats accredited to the Vatican. said "Novak's arguments are conNovak, a Catholic thinker and vincing if they are considered from director of social and political stud- a negative perspective, that is, the ies at the American EnterpIise In- fear of terrorism after Sept. 11. But stitute in Washington, said the Sept. what Novak lacks is the positive, that II, 200 I, ten'OIist attacks "threw is, how we remove the roots from the behavior of Saddam Hussein which hate comes and how one into an' entirely new light and en- builds peace by building up works hanced the danger Saddam Hussein of peace." poses to the civilized world a hunNovak repeatedly emphasized dredfold." that he was not representing the On one side, Iraq maintains American govelllment or the U.S. weapons of mass destruction, and Catholic Church and that his views on the other, intelllational terrorists were strictly his own. The ~cholar's m'e seeking to procure them. visit was sponsored by the U.S. State "Given Saddam's proven record Department's intelllational speaker in the use of such weapons, and program.


PAPAL ENVOY Cardinal Roger Etchegaray meets with Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan, center, and Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz in Bagrdad recently. The cardinal's meetings with Iraqi authorities was a last-ditch effort by Pope John Paull! to help avoid war, (CNS photo from Reuters)

As U.S.-Iraqi war looms, Israel lDakes preparations for fallout By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY CATHOLIC NEWS SERViCE

wouldn't be involved even if there trying to lighten the atmosphere is a war. I have faith there won't in the gathering; the teachers SHFAR' AM, Israel - It was be a war, and even if there is a laughed nervously. not just any teacher-training semi- war I believe in the strength of this Sisters of Nazareth School nar that some 50 staff from the country to protect its citizens." . Principal Loris Damuni said she Physical education teacher was relieved that her staff was Sisters of Nazareth School and the Catholic Apostolic High Rami Maroune said many of his receiving a briefing by the Home students ",ere talking about an Front Command. School attended after classes.. The topic was enough to make outbreak of war, but they did not "In my heart I don't believe anyone's hair stand on end: gas understand why if the United there will be a war, but today masks and sealed rooms, nervf; States attacks Iraq they would be people are saying that there will gas and antidotes, anthrax and in danger from missile attacks be. It's quite frightening. I hope mustard gas. ' from Saddam. and believe there won't be a war, ."They don't understand all that but better safe than sorry," As a U.S.-led war on Iraq appeared probable, the teachers re~ complicated connection," said Damuni said. "We are worried for ceived a lecture and demonstra- Maroune, who was 16 during the our students, not for ourselves." tion by a young Israeli soldier, first Gulf War but now feels the Throughout Israel, supermarShal, on the proper ways to use weight of responsibility as a kets are stocking up on rolls of the gas mask kits being distrib- teacher. "Before someone was PVC plastic and package tape; the responsible.for me; now I am re- items can be found on checkoututed to every Israeli. "Until yesterday I didn't think sponsible for others." aisle shelves next to chocolate During the first war, he said, bars and chewing gum. there would be a war," said seventh-grade teacher Nivin his family made their whole house' Jerusalem;s hotels and guest Mabareeki, laughing nervously. into a "sealed room" by securely houses are receiving phone in"But now I feel like the war is covering all the windows and quiries about reserving rooms. doors with heavy sheets of PVC Israelis, especially from the Tel right at our doorstep." . During the 1991 Persian Gulf plastic that would not allow fot Aviv area, have deemed JerusaWar, Iraq reacted to the Ameri- outside air to seep in during a lem - one of Islam's three holican-led attack by launching scud- chemical aitack. est cities - as possibly the safest He liberally sprinkled his dem- place to be inIsrael during a U.S. missile attacks at Israeli targets. . "It is more frightening this onstration with jokes and asides, war on Iraq. time. Now I have a one-and-ahalf-year-01d daughter, and I am . also responsible for my students," Mabareeki said. "I also think this time will be a harder war since now everybody is talking about chemical and biological weapons. Before we just had to deal with scuds." .... She said she thought there were other ways of dealing with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein . besides starting a war. First-grade teacher Nahal Abir said she had just begun talking to her class about the possibility of war. The children spoke about the meaning of war and drew pictures of missiles and 'planes falling from the sky, she said. ~'Some said they' were afraid, . THEOLOGIAN MICHAEL Novak confers with U,S. Am- while others said they weren't," TEACHER NIVIN Mabareeki checks the fit of a gas mask bassador to the Vatican James Nicholson at the Center for Abir said. "Others said they were American Studies in Rome, (CNS photo by Alessia Giuliani, afraid of dying. I tried to calm at Catholic Apostolic High School in Shfar'am, Israel, recently, them by saying that maybe we (eNS photo by Debbie Hill) Catholic Press Photo)


Continued from page one

volves flexible military capabili-. tics that include using tactical nuclear weapons to destroy bunkers and strategic centers believed to harbor terrorists or weapons of mass destruction, said Robert Love, a national security researcher at the National Defense University. The university, located on the Army base of Fort McNair in Washington, offers graduate programs on defense topics for military officers and policymakers. The terrorist attacks of Sept. I I, 200 I, dramatically showed that nonstate enemies are now major security threats, causing the Bush administration to seriously question diplomacy and nuclear deterrence as the primary m·eans of protecting the country, Love .said. Diplomacy and nuclear deterrence work with a state but are ineffective against stateless terrorist organizations, said Love. "Nonstate actors can't be deten·ed. They have no state you can hold hostage to nuclear attack," he said. Love said that instead of deterrence the Bush policy proposes having flexible military capabilities to attack opponents. For this the United States has to develop low-yield tactical nuclear weapons which means resumption of nuclear testi ng to perfect arms, he·said. Arms reduction treaties are seen as "inhibiting the ability to face future security threats," he said.

"Pre-emption doesn't work unless you have a first-use strategy" and capability, said Love. Another U.S. worry is that a terrorist group could get possession of a nuclear weapon from another country to go along with biological and chemical weapons, he said. The Bush policy would allow for unilateral U.S. military action and use of nuclear wt?apons against any weapons of mass destruction, even if they are in a non-nuclear state, he said. Love said the development of the pre-emptive policy was accelerated by the" September II attacks, but the roots go back to the administration of Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, and the policy was kept alive by the Clinton administration. Regarding Iraq, Love, said there is a "scary" aspect of ap-. plying a pre-emptive U.S. strike. Iraq does not have the missile capability to reach the United States but it could immediately retaliate in other ways, he said. "If Iraq uses its biological weapons against Israel, where does that get us?" he said. Stephen Colecchi, head of the International Justice and Peace Office of the Diocese of Richmond, Va., said the Church can provide ".fear-free zones" to discuss national security policies. The Bush administration is heavy on instilling fear into

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003 public debate, said Colecchi. "This heightening of fear by the administration is making rational discussion difficult," he said. Colecchi suggested that parishes and dioceses invite experts on the moral, political and strategic aspects of security policy to conduct forums and dialogues. People also should be made aware that they can influence policy, he said. "This is still the world's strongest democracy. Let people know they have the civic possibility to act," he said. Colecchi said that war is not the best option for fighting terrorism. He suggested better intelligence gathering, better police-type actions to break up terrorist cells and better international cooperation. Gerry Powers, director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for International Justice and Peace, outlined the bishops' teachings on nuclear morality over the past 20 years. He said main aspects include: - Rejection of warfare again,st civilian populations. - Opposition to first use of nuclear weapons and pre~ emptive use of military force. - Retaliatory use of nuclear weapons could not be ruled out. - Nuclear deterrence was an acceptable policy under conditions that it was'a step toward disarmament and that there was no seeking of nuclear superiority.

IRAQI WOMEN pray during a liturgy celebrated by Cardinal Roger Etchegaray in Baghdad, (CNS photo from Reuters)


Continued from page one

ish in Fall River, St. Francis Xavier Parish in Fall River, and St. John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. He has served in hospi-

tal chaplaincy and in college campus ministry. He was admitted to candidacy for holy orders o~ Nov. 16, 200 I;

to the ministry of lector on April 16, 1999; and to acolyte on May 12, 2000, all at Mount St. Mary Seminary.


PHIL AND SUE Fortin, center, of St. John's Parish, Attleboro; Brian Fligor, front left: St. Mary's, Mansfield; Rose Parenteau, front right, of St. Stephen's Parish, Attleboro; and Marty Doyle, rear right, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk, are members of the group New Creation, that recently released a CD of music with Christian Iilope and values.

Musicians Attleboro, on vocals; Marty Doyle, an Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk, parishioner on bass; Brian Fligor from St. Mary's, Mansfield, on acoustic 12-string guitar; and Tom Havlin, Mary Ivanoski, and Greg Goldberg from the Boston Archdiocese rounding out New Creation. Well-known singer/songwriter/ musician Tom Kendzia invited the band to record the CD at his studio in Westerly, R.I. "It was a tremendous experience," said Phil. "Some of the band were a bit nervous having never been in a professional studio and in such a controlled environment before, but everything went smoothly." Phil has an e'xtensive musical background, having graduated from the Berklee College of Music and played for more than 20 years. Sue has a master's degree from Northwestern University. The group was founded shortly after Phil and Sue became involved in music ministry at St. Stephen's Parish in Attleboro. "Eventually we became very interested in LifeTeen, a national program that used Masses, music, evangelization and nighttime activities for teens to foster an in~erest and appreciation for the Lord," said Phil. "That road took us to Immaculate Conception in Stoughton where the LifeTeen program is thriving." But the group isn't stingy with its talents. Besides ·the LifeTeen involvement, New Creation has played many times in the Fall River diocese, at area churches, La Salette Shrine in Attleboro, Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton, and recently and the

Continued from page one

inauguration of the St. Pius X awards ceremony at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River. What's important to note, according to Phil, is the group's main focus is to minister. "It's a vocation, not a job, and that makes it so wonderful for all of us," he said. "Currently, part of the' proceeds for the sale of the CD goes to support the LifeTeen program in Stoughton," said Phil. "However, it has always been the mission of this music ministry to make ourselves available to the youth of our Church wherever they may need us." Response to the CD has been "tremendous," said Phi I. "And when we perform in concert, people, young and old alike, are literally dancing and clapping in the aisles. People take the music and make it their prayer to the Lord." The band has planned a release·concert at Immaculate Conception Church in Stoughton on February 28 at 7:30 p.m. New Creation's sound isn't particularly geared toward any age group. "The music is upbeat, contemporary, and enjoyed by all ages," added Phil. New Creation isn't a fulltime job for the Fortins. Phil has another full-time job and Sue teaches music in an elementary school. The Fortins have four children: Ted, 21; Amanda 19; Caroline, five; and Timmy, three. For information about New Creation, call Phil or Sue Fortin at 508761-6872. For information about LifeTeen, contact the Website at www.stoughtonlifeteen.com. which provides a link to the national Website.



Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003

Diocesan CYO All-Star tournaDlents "are this weekend

, '"'--'

,FALL RIVER - The Fall River Diocesan CYO will hold its annual All-Star Basketball Tournaments Sunday pitting the best CYO players from around the diocese against one another. . The Junior Girls Tournament will take place at the SullivanMcCarrick CYO Center, Fall River. The Fall River All-Stars will take on those from Taunton at I p.m. The winner will face New Bedford at 2 p.m. A presentation of the All Tourney Team


and MVP trophies will follow all 2 p.m. games. The Junior Boys Tournament will be held at the Kennedy CYO Center, New Bedford. At I p.m. the Fall River team will face off against Taunton. The winner will take on New Bedford at 2 p.m. The Prep Boys Tournament will be held at Taunton Catholic Middle School. Fall River will match up against Taunton at I p.m. with the winner facing New Bedford at 2 p.m.

CARlY lAVERTY, left, sits next to her friend Hailey Trial, a second-grader at St. Francis Xavier Sc~ool, Acushnet, during a recent visit to the school. Hailey and other students' held a fund-raiser for Carly who has an aggressive form of cancer and is undergoing expensive treatment Everyone in the school wore a pink bandana in hobor of Carly.

THE FRESHMAN class at Bishop Stang High Sch,ool, North Dartmouth, recently held elections for its class officers. Those elected were Jared' Zelski, treasurer; Gracie Mullen-Thompson, president; Lauren White, vice president; and Lauren De~rosiers, secretary:

Stang senior receives路 full'scholarship



,NORTH DARTMOUTH Bishop Stang High School Senior Bethany Lemenager has received a full athletic scholarship to Sac cred Heart University, Fairfield, . Conn. A standout student athlete SECOND-GRADE reli"gious education students alSt. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth, at Stang, Lemenager will be a proudly present a shrine th!=ly made in honor of the Blessed Mother. Standing at left: Brendon ' member of the Sacred Heart DiQuinn and Charles Barrett. Standing at right: Mitchell Winterhalter, Cody Hebert and Cameron vision I softball team. She served as captain for both Pimental. Kneeling at left: Joseph'Mayall, Andrew Mello and Desiree Fedder. Kneeling at the, basketball and softball teams right: Juliana Vieira, Brandon Farnetta and Carley Barbosa.

at Bishop Stang for her junior and senior years and has been a fouryear varsity starter, on both. Lemenager is also a member of the school's chapter of th~ National Honor Society, its Yearbook Committee and volunteers as a CCD teacher at St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. She is the, daughter of Normand and Ann Marie Lemenager.路



... a

SIXTH-GRADE students Elias Lagesse and Patrick Gouveia, left; help one another during r.ecent class project at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, "New Bedford. At right, Brittney Ferreira, Meg'ahn Mrias and Chantalle Chaves discuss the dangers of strepthroat during a recent class at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. The sixth-graders completed a project on childhood diseases and shared their findings with classmates.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., February 21, 2003

High school students with link to space shuttle offer prayers REDFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (CNS)-Kelsey Bean, 15, still wants to be an astronaut, even after the February I space shuttle disaster which killed all seven astronauts aboard the Columbia as it was returning to earth from a 16-day science mission. 'The tragedy doesn't change my mind about going up in space someday," said Bean, a ninthgrader at Bishop Borgess High School. Bean was one of 23 students from Bishop Borgess High who participated in the Space Experiment Module Program, sponsored by the NASA Shuttle Small Payloads Project. Bishop Borgess was one of 10 schools from across the country to be chosen for the mission. Ninth-grader Pauline Smith said when she saw television broadcasts showing the shuttle breaking apart she wasn't worried about losing the science experiment, but concerned for the astronauts and their families. "I said the Lord's Prayer as soon'as I saw Columbia was in trouble because it was so unbelievable. I prayed to God to help the astronauts and their families," Smith told The Michigan Catholic, newspaper of the DetroitArchdiocese. Originally the school was going to have a Mass to celebrate the students' accomplishments in the mission because they sent virus cells, prescription medication and fluorescent dyes in their experiment module. Instead, the focus of the Mass changed to mourn the astronauts and to celebrate their lives. 'The crew of the space shuttle did not die in vain. They died in the pursuit of excellence," said

FatherGeorge Williams, pastor of St. Suzanne Church in Detroit, during the Mass attended by more than 200 students, teachers and staff.

'The legacy that they give us is the challenge to pursue excellence even at great personal cost. We honor the heroes of Columbia when we choose to pursue greatness in all of our endeavors and especially in the service to God and humanity," Father Williams said. The Shuttle Small Payloads Project of the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration was open to students and science club members from preschool through college. NASA provided free containers for students' experiments for their flight on the shuttle. The experiments were created, designed and built by students with teacher guidance. The student experiment modules were flown in a carrier, which sat in the cargo bay of the ,space shuttle. The students did not make contact with the astronauts, but received E-mails from NASA every other day with a progress report. During the first day of school after the tragedy, Sister Joan Chamley, the school principal and a Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, read a prayer over the public address system. The prayer was written by the' Venerable Solanus Casey, a Ca- , puchin Franciscan friar who primarily cared for the sick and those' in poverty and who served in Detroit for many years before dying' there in 1957. "Life is to live and life is to give' and talents are to use for good if you choose. Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger."


The beauty within By CHARLIE MARTIN· CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE BEAUTIFUL, Yes, words can't bring us herself of her wOlth and goodness. (Spoken) Don't look at me Facing self-doubt is normal, but down. Oh no Every day is so wonderful We are beautiful in every her way of doing so is not likely to Then suddenly it's single way leave her feeling more secure. InYes, words can't bring us deed, each person has many gifts hard to breathe and abilities, but no one is "beautidown. Oh no Now and then I get insecure So don't you bring ful in every single way." In fact, From all the pain. I'm so ashamed me down today most ofus are quite capable ofsome I am beautiful, no matter ugly behavior! Oh, oh. Don't you bring me However, through our personal what they say down today ,Words can't bring me down choices we can manifest the innate Don't you bring me down. I am beautiful. in Oh. Today beauty in our souls. For example, every single way Sung by Christina Aguilera how beautiful are the genuine smiles that you share with your Yes, words can't brfng me Copyright (c) 2002 by RCA . down. Oh no ' Listening to ChristinaAguilera's friends. Or consider the goodness So don't you bring and beauty found in freely given me down today ~ D .11' kindness and generosity. Practicing To all your friends, spiritual qualities like these always demonstrates your personal beauty you're delirious You're so consumed in all' Dr and allows the goodness of God ~ present within you to shine fOlth. your doom; oh A special and more rare form of Trying hard to fill the' emptiness D beauty emanates from people who II. j are truly at peace with themselves. The piece is gone and the These people encounter fears and puzzle undone doubts, but don't give the.m too That's the way it is 'Cause you are b,eautiful, no with trust, recognizing that God's matter what they say goodness 'and peauty dwell within Words can't bring you down. . them. They react with more selfOh no acceptance to mistakes, difficulties 'Cause you are beautiful in and other life challenges. They every single way new "Stripped" CD I hear the in- know that it is not necessary to Yes, words can't bring you fluences of Gospel and jazz along prove their basic goodness because down.Oh no with her extraordinary vocals, they are made to the image and likeSo don't you bring which are the basis of her growing ness of the Creator. me down today For a teen, this type of beauty is No matter what we do popularity. (repeat) Off this disc i~ her chart hit reached through facing a variety of "BeautifuL" The song prompts the ups and downs in life. Through No matter what we say question, What creates the beauti- these experiences, you strut to no(repeat) tice both the beautiful and not-soful and good in each of us? When the sun is The girl in the song seems to be beautiful parts of your personality.. shining through considering this question. In her Sure, there may be fears and doubts, (Yeah, oh yeah) words: "Now and then I get inse- but put your focus on the good Then the clouds won't stay cure from all the pain. I'm so within you. This is the path to the And everywhere we go ashamed." She appears to want to beauty that reflects your uniqueness (repeat) believe that "I am beautiful, no as God's son or daughter. The sun will always shine Your comments are aUways matter what they say. Words can't, (repeat) And tomorrow will find a way bring me down. I am beautiful in welcome. Please write to me at: every single way." Given her pre- chmartin@swindiana.net or at All the other times vious comments, these words 7125W 2008, Rockport, IN 'Cause we are beautiful sound like an attempt to convince 47635. No matter what they s'ay



How important is it, really? By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

ended eight months after it began. So - if you're still with me here Ms. Jennifer Lopez sings in - if she wanted to get married in one of her songs, "I used to have the Catholic Church again, the a little, but now I have a lot," and first marriage would have to be annulled. that's true. That means the Church would J-Lo is rich, makes records and movies, and has everything she look at the origins of the marriage. wants. Except one thing right If it found that the two people now: She's not going to get mar- getting married couldn't or didn't ried to Ben Affleck in the Catho- give their full, free consenUo lic Church. At least not right now. what they were doing, then the See, they were going to get marriage, while legal, wasn't sacmarried on Valentine's Day ramental in nature. Once a marriage has been deweekend in the Church. But Jennifer Lopez had a problem. She dar,ed null by the Church, the had been married not jusr once, people are free· to get· married again in the Church. But not until but twice before. . The first marriage was a then. Which is OK because Jesus Catholic ceremony and ended a year aftcr it began. The second said some seriousstuff about marone was a civil wedding and liage. What kind of Church would

we be if we didn't take it seriously too? So there's Jennifer Lopez's problem. And if the news reports are correct, she's pretty ticked off -~~

"\ '-~I

• Coming


flge about the whole thing, mad that the Church won't hurry up and speed through the process. Now we have to be careful here, because you're really not supposed to judge other people's lives, but J-Lo is a celebrity, and

she doesn't seem to mind living a lotofher life in publiC. So it's OK to take this mess and ask some questions - questions that don't just apply to Jennifer Lopez but to the rest of us too. They say that she's mad because getting married in the Church is really important to her. But important enough to t~y to understand what the Church actually teaches about marriage? Important enough to familiarize herself with what the Church asks of people who want to get maiTied? How important could it really be then? Lots of us can be guilty of this kind of thinking, even if it's not in relation to marriage, can't we? We could all make a list of things that are really important to us: our

families, our friends and even our education. But how important are they, really? Are our families important enough to spend time with? Are our friends important enough to hear the truth about stuff they're doing that's wrong? Is our education important enough to take seriously? Or are our words about how "important" these things are just words, leaving us surprised when we feel alienated from our families, when our friends self-destruct and when our grades drop? Hope not. We hope that we're working hard to make sure that our actions match our words about what's really impOltant to us so that as life goes on we don't get any rude surprises, but lots of joy instead!



Diocese ofFall River- Fri., February 21, 2003


packages' fot Catholic troops By CATHOUC NEWs SERVICE WASHINGTON -:- Spiritual "care packages" are now available to Catholic members of the U.S. military from the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services, thanks to the generosity ofanonymous donors. Each package contains a New Testament, a handmade rosary, a religious medal and small crucifix that can be worn on a dog-tag chain, a Catholic prayer book and two holy cards. The packages may be re-

quested by a member of the U.S. armed forces or by his or her relatives or friends. ''This packet is provided and sent directly to the designated Catholic troop at no cost, as a way of spiritually supporting our Catholics in uniform," said an announcement on the archdiocese's Website at: www.catholicmil.org/htmll care_req.html. Only one packet may be sent per request and only to locations served by U.S. postal delivery (APO).

ELIAS TAMS, left, coach~s a Pa;lestinian youth in the fine points of pingpong at the Terra Sancta Center in Jerusalem recently. The center provides entertainment for youth in a city rocked by violence. It also houses a committee of lay Christians that hopes to foster a culture among Christian Palestinians that defends democracy, nonviolence and peace. (CNS photo by Debbie Hill)

"Holy Land Christians organize to foster fellowship, dialogue , By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

AN EVENING Mass is celebrated in the atrium of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center at the closing of a study conference for the World Day of the Sick observance recently. The building is reflected in a pool of water outside the center in northeast Washington. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec)

Cardinal Law to move to convent in Maryland By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE



BOSTON - Cardinal Bernard F. Law said he plans to move to a convent in Clinton, Md., run by the Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich. ' In a brief written' statement releas~d recently, he said: "I am very grateful to the Sisters of Mercy of Alma for their kind invitation to be their guest during this time of transition." The cardinal resigned as archbishop of Boston in December after a year of growing scandal over his handling of priests who sexually abused children. In his statement he said he





was still on retreat and no date has been set for his move. He said he hopes to serve the nuns as a chaplain. " The Sisters 9f Mercy of Alma broke away from the Sisters of Mercy of Detroit in the 1970s. They were among the congregations of sisters who rejected membership in the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and who in 1992 wer:e given Vatican permission to form the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious as a second canonically recognized U.S. national organization of heads of women's orders.

JERUSALEM - After two years of planning and research, a new Christian laity committee has formed in the Holy Land. The' group was organized by cousins Yusef Daher, 35, and Francis Tams, 33, members of Jerusalem's Melkite Catholic community who were disenchanted with the role Christians were playing路 in the intifada, or Palestinian uprising. They said many of their Muslim neighbors sought answers concerning the role of Christians in the uprising. "We looked at the situation and our Christian role in Palestinian social, political and economic life and saw that it needed organization. We ate less than two percent of the population in the .country, but we want our presence felt. We want to be able to point to something and say: 'This is what the Christians in.the Holy Land are doing,'" Daher said. He said he believed the Christian community needed a body of independent lay people because church leaders often were pressured by Palestinian and Israeli authorities to take sides. "We thought we needed to build a body of independent lay people from the different'Christian denominations who wouldn't have any constraints when dealing with the political level," Daher said: The laity committee moved into a small office in ,Jerusalem's Beit Hanina neighborhood after two . years of planning. Made up of 36 volunteers, including 'a sevenmember executive committee, the committee aims to activate the role of Christians in society, foster Christian-Muslim dialogue and strengthen cooperation and coordination between church and political leaders;' Daher said Christians have been pressured by Muslims to become involved in the Palestinian resistance. "Muslims were saying that Christians were not paying the 'blood tax' for the independence of the country. We need our voice to be heard, but also we need to tell them that they have their ways and we have ours - which may even be a greaterway than blood ways for my country," said Daher, general coordinator of the committee. A goal of the committee is to support a culture among Palestinian Christians that "defends democracy, human rights, nonviolence and justice and peace." . Daher said there was potential that the Muslim ,community could see the committee as being racist

or exclusive. To counter this, the committee's initial statements should remind all Palestinians that they "must live together as brothers, equally sharing the same history and same future," he said. The committee started a pingpong club as a way to reach out to Palestinian youths. Very few activities are available for young people, especially in the Old City, where youths are prone to drug use and criminal activities. , "We want to get the youth involved in sports instead of other activities," Daher said. The club uses space at the Franciscan-run Terra Sancta Center in Jerusalem. The friars donated a pingpong table and serving machine. One of the club's players, Walid Abu Gharfeh, recently won first place in the 18-and-under ~at颅 egory in Jerusalem. "My father was also a champion, and I want to follow in his footsteps," Abu Gharfeh said. "I take a taxi here from the Old City. Most of the guys there chase after girls or drink and do drugs. I don't want to get into that kind of thing, so I try to stay away from thatand come here," he said. The goal is to get the club's top players onto the Palestinian national team, Daher said, adding that the club eventually hopes to add a women's team. While the pingpong club has flourished, the laity committee has had less s!1ccess coordinating all Christian youth movements, mainly because ofjealousies and politics among the various groups, Daher said. . ,He said because their community is so small, it was imperative that the various youth groups coordinate their activities. ' The committee is also collecting funds and food for Palestinian Christians,in the West Bank. They hope that by meeting such needs within the Christian community, they will be able to reduce the growing tide of emigration, Daher said. Though it hopes to reach all Christians in the Holy Land, the committee's main area of work is in ,Jerusalem and in the West Bank towns of Bethlehem and Ramallah. The next big project it is tackling is creating a database about the Christian population in the Holy Land and its social and economic position, Daher said. As with everything, work on the database is slow because of a lack of funds. "I don't see anybody giving the right numbers about the Christians here; some people say there are 2,000 Christians in Jerusalem, others say there are 3,500," he said. "Once we put our database together, . it will be free for anyone who wants to use it."

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