Eight Synod Commissions Organize
At last Friday's firs,t meet ftw.x of the General or Pre ll'llratory Commission fOl' the ~~·thl'oming diocesan Synod, llie nine-member Commission 0stablished eight Commissions and chose Chairmen and Secre rories for eaLh. The proposed Commission on Church in the Modern World was dropped and ~ work divided between the
Commission on the Laity and the Commission on Catholic Ac tion. It was, believed that this would result in the'matters be ing handled in a more concrete way "and without overlapping. Commissions and their Chair men and Secretaries are as fol lows: ' 1. Clergy: Chairman, . Rev. Gerard J. Boisvert; Secretary Rev. George W. Coleman.
2. Religious: Chait'man, Rev., John J. Brennan, SS.CC., Secre tary: Rev. Fulgence Gorczyca, O.F.M. Conv. 3. Laity: Chairman, Very Rev. Robert L. Stanton; Secretat'y, Bento R. Fraga. 4. Liturgy: Chairman,' Rev. John':? Driseoll; Secretary. Rev. Edward J ..Burns. 5. Sacraments: Co-Chairmen, Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau,
S.T.D., Very Rev. William A. Galvin, J.C.D.; Secretary, Rev. Roland Bousquet. 6. Catholic Action: Chairman, Very Rev. William D. Thomson; Secretary, Rev. Ronald A. Tosti. Chairman, 7. Temporalities: Rev. James F. Kenney; Secretary, Rev. John J. Smith. 8. Ecumenism: Chairman, Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel; Secretary: Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, J.C.D.
These Commission Chairmen and Secretaries will meet with the General Commission at Bish op Cassidy High School in Taun ton on Tuesday, March 14, at 2 P.M. for the purpose of choosing other members of the eight Com missions. Advisers and experts from the clergy, religious men and women, and laity will be subsequently chosen by each Commission.
fall River, Mass., Thursday, , Feb. 23, 1961
Yol. 11, No.·8
$4.00 per Year, , PIlICE Ilk
©-1967 The Anchor
LAETARE SUNDAY APPEAL LEADERS: Rev. John F. Hogan, administrator of St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village, and Diocesrm Director of the Catholic Bish ops Overseas Aid Fund Appeal, meets Rt. Rev Daniel P. Reilly, Director for' the Provi dence Diocese, and Most Rev. Edward E. Swanstrom, Executive Director of the CRS, at a conference held in New York a's the Appeal opens.
School Board SetsH olydays, Teachers Pohc~ At the monthly meeting ,tend school on holydays begin ')etc! on Tuesd'ay, Feb. 14 at ning, in September 1967. Tradi 'tionally, parochial schools' have m,"Ihop Cassidy High Schooi, .observed all holydays as seh'ool Taunton, the Diocesan School holida:-s. However, after discus ·Boarcl voted that ·the parochial l)ltpil~ of the diocese would itt-
sion it was noted that holydays could be celebrated more mean-
Two .MaiorMemorials
.At Connolly High Two major sections of the new Bishop Connolly High .[School, Fall River, are ~he results of Memorial gifts, each lMDH>unting to upwards of $100,000. . The chapel has been given as a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. (Agnes Mc Ann, Elizabeth, Ellen, Mal'garet, ,Bride) Connolly and their Agnes and their four sons Ed wihlt'en Mary, Margaret, ward, Francis, Jeremiah, and Francis T. Jr., John E., ,Jo Michael. seph V., Bernard P. and James L. The library is a gift from the A~ncs W. Sullivan Estate, and Utose to benefit fl'om the memo l.I'~al are Edward and Johanna '" SuBi van and their five daughter,S
This new educational Diocesan institution will be the fifth erected ,under the direction of .the present Ordinary of the 'Diocese, 'Most Rev. James L: Connolly.
American Bishops Endorse Masses in Private Homes' '\v ASHINGTON
(NC)-'l'he U. S. Bishops' Commission 00 the Liturgical Apostolate favors the celebration of Masses liRn private homes and the use of contemporary music in the ~turgy. The commission-a sub-committee of the National i00nference of Catholic Bish unacceptaable for the liturgy." GllpH-has endorsed both prac The commission's statcment t.nceK. declaring that they cites a recent joint declaration GllmuKt not be deterred by by the Congregation of Rites and Ohe regl'ettable abuses of some." Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta, commission chairman, noted the "positive v,iew of home, Dnd neighborhood Masses, pro '\lid : no unauthorized liturgical innovations are added." "DiocC£8n programs for such l'JIasses," he said, "can be a help mot a hindrance in developing a better parish spirit and better t'lillderstanding of the Sunday IYlass in church. "We also bope that the state m~nt will allay fears that sound ~ltemllorary styles of music are
the Postconciliar' Liturgical Commission concerning unau thorized home j,Vlasses and ex perimental music has' "been the subject of misinterpretation." According to the (:ommission, the Vatican statement, which has been construed by some as a ban on home Masses and use of modern music, was "not a new decree or new legislation." "The ,warning to observe the present liturgh:al discipline," the commission said, is "directed against abuses, not against the Turn to Page Silt
ingfully in school when Mass is students. The state requirement a part of the school day, and a of 180 school days per year has special program on the signifi meant that the parochial schools cance of the day can be provided. have had to be in session longer Many parents are' working, due to the holydays having to and having young children at be accounted for. Several dio hOlT - on a working day has cre ceses in the area have already es ated problems. It was also noted tablished this policy of attending "that there could be greater co school on holydays.. ordination with the public The Board also voled thal the .schools, especially in cities ,or requirements for Teacher ,Ap ,towns where children ride the proval as established by the di same busses as public school' ocese in 1963 be sanctioned with the addition that at least two 'thirds of "the religious and lay faculty of each school possess permanent approval. Also that. within five years every elementa . ry school would have one teach-
'Marine Chaplain 'U rges Respect For Teenagers
LOS ANGELES (NC) A U.S. Marine Corps chap lain admonished adults here not to Undel"estimate the character and capability of tcen agel's, and to respect them. Capt. (Father) 'William P. L~ ne, U.S.N., chaplain of the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base, told a meeting of archdioc esan Catholic Youth Organiza tion advisory poards that the averagl. age of our fighting troops in Vietnam places them in : the teenage bracket. ' "There is a growing conviction among military leaders," Father Lane said, "that our troops in Vietnam are better than their e~ads in World War II, and better than their older brothers in Korea." "T,hese are teenagers. Respect them," he declared. Citin the problems faced by "oung men in military service today, the chaplain said that some of them are "built in." These young men, he asserted, come from a society that has encouraged them to be individ ualists, and has neglected to in culcate a respect for authority including that of parents, teach ers and law enforcement - in them. "Milita,ry leaders have no con trol over the raw material they receive," Father Lane said. "Mil itary service in itself is neutral. It won't make a good man bad or a bad man good."
er with a minimum of 15 credits in each of the following subject areas: Religious Education, Sci ence, Mathematics and Reading. The Board recommended that schools should pay lay teachers a salary, comparable to the pub lic !'chool salary for the cit~· or town in which the school is located, and that the schools of fer lay teachers a yearly written 'contract according to a form suggested by the Catholic Schoo! Department.
Education Board To Close School In New Bedford
The Diocesan School Board, at its meeting last week, Is
voted regretfully to approve the closing of St. Hyacinth A Synod?
The convocation of a dioc esan synod is not an every day occurrence in the life of a diocese. The tremendous study, evaluation, planning un dertaken by so many in a dio cese gives it a special importance. 'H;owever, the holding of a synod should not be the cause of alarm. It does not mean that the particular diocese is in Some kind of a crisis. It is an impor tant, but normal, step in the careful· and conscientious admin istration of a diocese. ,The general law of the Church understands that there are to be periodical synods in the life of each diocese-one every ten years. The Church thinks that after the bishop has visit.ed the entire diocese, and comprehends its Turn to Page Eighteen
[?O[j'~fr Oll'il S@)[j'O®~ This is the first in a series of articles explaining the "diocesan synod," what it is how it works, what it hopes to de; based on the "Roman Pontifical", the liturgical ritual used by bishops.
School in New Bedford. The school, associated with St. Hyacinth Parish, has decreas ed in numbers due to population scift in the area. The building is old and inadequate and has dou ble grades and these considera t:. ns 'led to the (Iecision by the School Board. Turn to Page Six
Diocesan A.reas Hold Programs Special programs featur ing a deeper understanding of Catholic values and prac tices will be taking place in various areas of the Diocese this week. St. Patrick's Hall in Ware ham will be the setting next Monday evening at 8 for "Lenten Customs for Christian Homes." The Program, sponilored by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, will feature home ob servances for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter. A narrator at each table will explain the origin, symbols, foods and religious articles significant for each feast. All this will serve Turn to Page Eighteen
Cnurch Relat,;~l1ls W~th YMCA
THE ANCHOR"-Diocese of Foil River:"'"Thurs:, Feb. 23, 1967
Conege o
S)~~fr® UJ01lBV{@f{'$Otl'y
.Praise Ccop®lfatfiv~ ~U'@~IT@m, SALINA (NC)-Qnefull seMester has been completed in a program of interinstitutional co operation - including excha'nge of-teachers--between a Catholic college' and a state university. Officials of both institutions say they are pleased with the results. The Marymount College-Kan sas State University program be gan last Fall. after KSU officials :worked out details with Mary mount administrators. Sis t e r Louise Marie Vaughan, academic dean, coordinated the program on the Marymount camP4s. Wil liam Stamey, KSU associate dean of arts and sciences, did the co ordinating at Kansas State. Retain Identity "So far my impressions of the proiram are good," Staniey said here. "This is a true cooperative situation. While no college has to take the suggestions of the co operating university, Marymount has been anxious. to accept our suggestions. and seems ,pleased with what we. have been able to do. The proper spirit of .c90pera lion appears to exist between the .two institutions." , , , Emphasizing that cooperative institutions must always retain their identity, Stamey. said he believes Marymount wllrnot lose its' identity as a liberal arts col lege through its assoeiation with Kansas Slate. "The. assistan<;e of federal funds has'been most 1nel'pfuI," be .
Sealtle c Univell'sity T O· Name Laymen
SEATTLE (NC)-The addition of laymen to the present all .Jesuit· oard of trustees at Seat the University will bc formally announced within .a few weeks. According to Father Joseph E. Perri, . S.J., vice president, the administration now has. "under consideration and study~' a plan that will expand its present trus,. tee board by ·namin.g . laymen, giving them power.s and voting strength in the universities poli cies new held exclusively by priests. .. At present, under Father .John A. Fitterer, S.J., president, Seat tl~ is governed by a six-man beard of trustees. An advisory board of five memt>ers.alsohas priests in the majority, three to-two. Members of this group have no voting powers, serving_ ir a consulting .capacity only. The board of regents consists· of six laymen and two women. .
ROM;E '(NC)-American Bishop Francis Reh, rector of Rome's NoJ1;h American College, bas been appointed'ehaplain delegate for United, States military per son:lel in the Medi.terranean area.•
WASHINGTON (N C ) - . said. ,"We hope' that assistance Archbishop Philip M. HaID:? will continue, but it is also our nan of New Orleans and Wi]}. desire that Marymount continue to mllke progress academically bur M. MeFeeley of the N2P . through s u c h .cooperative ar tional Board of Young Men~ rangements regardless of wheth Christian Associations join~ . er or not federal funds are fm:th announced to day committoo coming beyond the· five-year meetings to explore the possis program currently funded." bility of .improved relations ~ tween the Catholic Church an~ . Seek Federal Funds' the YMCA. Plans for the second year in Archbishop Hannan, chairmam 'the "five-year cooperative pro of the Youth Department of thl$i gram between the two schools U. S. Catholic Conference, an~ are now under way. A budget . I McFeeley, chairman of too for the fiscal year 1967-68 was YMCA's national committee. submitted to federal officials in I~'t commented that in two, joh~ Washington recently in whkh meetings the groups have J'ec> Marymount asked for federal i.. I! viewed the purposes and policiEQ funds' to help finance the pro 4 . " o f the YMCA and the Ob]jglltionilJ gram. A $16,668 federal grant was re';' BROTHERHOOD WEEK: Dr. Gerald Rosenthal, right,·. ,of membership in the wor~dwickl ceived this year supporting three president of Attleboro Lodge of B'nai B'rith; greets, from. mosvement. f b areas of cooperation-the India ' to . Rev. Leo T h'b M.., S 0 f the La S · · ' stated pokesmen or- oth grou~ left. rIght, I ault, alette that the meetings in New program, a program to broaden Shrine Center, Rabbi Philip Kaplan of Agudas Achim Syna- York on October 25' and ~ the quality. of education in the basic areas, and the teacher edu-. . gogue, and Rev. Bruce E. Hanson, rector of Grace Episcopal· Washington on 'November ~ cation program. Church in North Attleboro and chairman of the Christian .clarified many issues that pre-> Stamey said he was..pl~ Unity Department of' th~ Attl~boro. Area Council of'" .y:iously had .been misund~rl3to~ with the Catholic c()llege~s .h . .. "Th Eff t f V t· C "1 ,. ,Bo~ commIttees are pr~arms e ec 0 a lean, :.o,unc~" reports of their findings to 'bel ,achievements in the area ofll()n;. .Ch ure es, at ~ Sy,~pos1Um on . Western studies. The fntema II on Our FaIths sponsored.by the 19(1ge.. . :': .; "Jlu~mitted ~ their governi~ tional dimension was introduced , : OOdies. :.. this Fall when anthropologist i . . In addition to McFeeley, me""" Paul' Hiebert, a sPecialist. on ber, of the YMCA commit.tee ar.
India, lectured to Marymount Robert P. Stice, chairman of th.
students and faculty. . .'. Pacific Southwest Area. BoanU
Stamey taught non-Euclidean VICTORIA (NC) - Divergent' 'The meeting was held .in the. of YMCAs; James F. BUIl.tino,
geometry at Marymount during treJids of thought among the' living room of Bishop Remi :t. coo g e ne.r a 1 secretary,N:ationa!l
the Fall semester: William 'Bron dell of KSU gave a course. iIi ad"'l' 'elergy were shown clearly dur- De Roo's suburban home.I'It gM' ,.CouncII of YMCA:', and :J. Ed->
vanced moderngqmm:;lr at the iog·the January meeting' of the' . warm, so some priests'shed their ward Sproul,:chalfman "()~ .~htl
Victoria, diocesan priests" ~·nate.· coats, collars 'arid black vests and YMCA commIttee o~ Chnst~al)
Catholic college.· .' . r, sat in shirtsleeves. They' we're re:':' I • Purpose and. EcumenIcal Aff3lJ1l.
Marymount student teachers The meeting was described as T f Ii' he members.o the Bishop were video-taped' during ,their the first of its 'kind in North laxed in talking too. The' bishop classroom teaching in the Salina America, perhaps in the world, addressed them by their first" Lay Committee are Thomas D. names rather than "Father." Hinton, Washington, D. C., chai .... public schools this Fall, another that was open to the press. Lay Council man; Jos~ph M. Fitzgerald, at aspect of the Marymount-KSU' Discussions sho'wed' the' majorThe main business was consid torney of Miami, Fla.; Fran~is X. cooperative program. ity of the priests in the senate eration of a proposed diocesan Ganadllapgher, attorney of BaltJm~ro are progressives - 'optimistic council to be composed mainly of .. eter F. Murphy Jr., MII about lay involvement and will- lay persons with some represen waukee. ing to make experiments, even tation of Religious. . . MAR. 3 at the risk of also making misBishop De Roo told the senate Teacher - , Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney, takes. . , he met with groups of lay per;- . LL.T., 1960, PCistor, Holy Name, The more skeptical mi'1ority sons, heard th,¢ir ideas, and then " ZACAPA (NC);--Two huudred New Bedford. emphasized need for caution, drnfted a proposed constitution and fifty prisoners in the pl'isOJll MAR 6 foresaw dangers rather than the for the' council,' based on the :here have learned to read' and Rev. Johh' W.• Quirk; '1932, opportunities in new· proposals. ideas submitted. He circulated a wriie, thanks to the effol'ts of F~under, St. Joseph, Taunoon. . copy of this draft constitution to . I Sister Catalina Choto. The"pris Rev. Bernard P. Connolly, S,S.; The senate is comprised of the· priests, and ,invited ~h.em "to'. elDers are ta ught rea eli ng, wn't·ma. 1932, St. Charles College, Md, . seven elected ptiests represent . . . '.' tear it apart." '. . reIi gum, CIVICS and 'In d us t rl_ MAR..7 . ing tbe 50 priests ip the ·diocese. . rts Aft . t· b One priest mentioned. ·the. need a '. e~ an eX~Ina Ion Y · Rev. Arthur P: J. G.ainon,: The decision to let .a' reporter' to cla.rify the relationship be-· ·be M'lOIS . t ry 0.. .. Educa t'lon,' they " 1958, Pastor, Holy Rosary, New' 'sit in on the meeting for a while tween the' proposed lay, c~>unci1'i . reeeive a.cliploma. Bedford. .' was. considered by some of &he' . and.. priests.' senate. B.isho. p De t>riests'as daring.' , :'. MAR. 9 ; ... . Roo.'s ~ns:wer was ,typical of his .. .---------~--:Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon, V.G:, aJ>proac~. . . ," '.". 1947, . Pastor, St. James, .New • . "It's partly my fault that the ,.1 Bedford; 3rd Vicar General,:Fall Sea A pos tl es h rPrelationship is not madeciear. I R' 'er, 1934-47. . NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The deliberately did not gi've precise 22nd annual meeting of the Na- terms of reference to the senate.. tional Apostleship: of the Sea I felt it was better for us to work Conference will be . held .April lit it'for a while, and let it devel~;. F ..... IDAY-St. Matthias, .ApOstle':. ~7 to 19 in Cleveland. Father I>P, and then we will be better A. McDonough, .C.Ss.Ro, able to see what the terms of. II. Class. R~d. Mass Proper; · .Glory; , 2nd· Prayer Friday of ·conference national' secretary.· reference shOUld be," the bishop ·VA 4-5000 and New Orleans port chaplain, said. . n Week of .L·ent; Creed; Pref : sa:dthe theme of the meeting ~ce o~ Aposles.. : SATURDAY-Saturday of II will be:. the "Place of the Seaman Week of Lent. II Class. Violet in the. Church Today." Mass Prop~r; No Glory or . Creed; Preface of Lent. : Funera' Dome . SUNDAY-III Sunday 0'£ Lent. 571 Second Street
550 Locust 'Street I .Class. Violet. Mass 'Proper; fall River, Mass.
Fall River, Mass. No Glory; Creed;· Preface. of FUNERAL HOME. INC. Lent. . 679-6072
. 672-2391 R..Marcel Roy - G. Lorraine ROJ MONDAY-Monday of III Week MICHAEL J. McMAHON
..... !toger laFrance · of Lent. III ("'Iss. Violet. Mass Rose E. Sullivan
Licensed Funeral .Diredor
rFIlJNEI(A~ DIRECTORS· >roper; No' Glory or' Creed; JJeffrey E. Sullivan
Registered Embalmer
Preface of Lent. D5 Irvington Ct. TUESDAY-T u e 13 day of III 995-5166 Week of Lent. DI chiss. Violet. New Bedford . .Mass Proper; No Glory' or · "reed; Pre.face of Lent. . W1<;DNESDAY - Wednesday of III Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory or, Creed;. Preface of Lent. THURSDAY -"- Thursday of III 1 .Perry ! FUNERAL HOME
Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. ~~. Mass Proper; No Glory or AVf!nue 469 LOCUST 'StREET
.'-_11/ - "';.'ft ' Creed; 'Preface'of Lent. Votive FAU RIVER, MASS. Ma~'in honor of Jesus Christ, Taunton MasS.' ,AME.RICAN· the :'i.:ternal High Prkist, per
672-31381. mitted.
Wilfred C. James E. . . '822-2282 : Tomorrow is tbe fiFst· Friday
.. ~~.. ~~IIi~a.,. Jr•.. : ... of *be monib.
:" It i
'Canadian Diocese" ~olds, 'First' Session of Priests' Senate
Nun Prison
Funeral Home.
. MassOrdo
123 Broadway
, _nas
Funeral ...... Home
FORTY' HOURS DEVOTION Mar. 12-Holy"Family, Taun ton. o.ur I Lady of. P(~rpetual Help, New Bedlorii Feb. 2f}....:.St. Mary, Mansfield.. ·SS. Peter imd Paul, Fall River. . MaI:. 5-St. Anthony, E as t Falmouth. :, • Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton. Marian Manor, Taunton.
THE ANCHOR second Class Postage Paid at Fall River lIIlIss. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue.... FilII .River. l(ass., il2722 by the C8t1101le "ress oOltlle Diocese of' fall IlIver. SubscriptiOll price lIS' lllIlil, postjlald $.4.00 per year.
D. D. SuUovan It Sons
O"s Malee Warm Friends· 'Our Heat!,..
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 23, 1967
'Major Education Parley To Reevaluate Future
Prelate StreS$es Group A$pect
WASHINGTON (NC)-'l'he ~ational Catholic Educa tional Association has announced preliminary plans to con WIle a major national conference on the future and goals of Catholic education in the United States. Students in U.S. Catholic schools On all levels !lOw total nearly six million. seek to continue its school sys There are more than 4.2 mil tem at its present dimensions, it across the board at all . Iron Catholic elementary expand bivels, or concentrate its main school pupils, more than 1.1 mil Don Catholic secondary school studentc, and over 400,000 stu (;l<"ltS in Catholic colleges, uni versities and seminaries. The NCEA, the nation's largest Catholic school organization, said the planned conference would focus on the present problems and future prospects of CathoUlI: education.
. "n will seek to reevaluate the
American Catholic educationall.
effort in the light of Vatican
(' uncil II, and develop guide
Ilnes for its future growth," an JliCEA statement said.
Preliminary plans for the COI\ L lce were announced follow Ing a meeting here of the organi pion's execu~ve board. Date ard place of the conference and. Its specific agenda will be made public later.
The conference, however, ns
expected to take place this year and to include, leading. speclal tsts in a number of fields related to education. Among the questions with JVhich the conferees presumably sill deal are: . Goals -Whether the longstanding lIOal of "every Catholic child in a Catholic school" is still prac tleal in the 1960s. -What provision the Church should make for the religious ilormation of the 50% or more of Catl'olic children who are not in eatholic schools, as well as of Catholic adults in order to bring them up to date on the changes m the Church. -Whether the Church should
Los Angeles Starts School TV Program LOS ANGELES (NC)- The Los - Angeles Archdiocese will inaugurate its' instructional tel-' evision system in Match by. beaming a program into 20 ele mentary and five high schools. David G. Moore, archdiocesan ftV program coordinator, said programs will cover a wide range of elementary and high school topics.' . "The philosophy behind the programming," Moore said, "is 811 supplementary. The develop ment and future of the system
depends on the feedback from
fhe teachers."
Moore, a Methodist, is forme1l'
director of engineering for the
Jladio, television and movies de
partment of Northwestern Uni
versity in Evanston, Ill.
educational thrust on one level. The statement said attendance at the conference on the future and goals of' Catholic education wUl be relatively restricted. The National Catholic Educational Association's annual convention, scheduled for March 27-30 in Atlantic City, is expected to dTaw some 20,000 delegates.
Workers Request Texas Retailers Boycott Fa rm RIO GRANDE CITY (NC) -Retail chain stores will be asked by representatives of the United Fann Workers Organizing Committee not to sell produce of La Casita Farms, the target of a long strike by agricultural workers. Tony Orendain, national sec retary-treasurer of UFWOC, which has been on strike at four large farms in the Rio Grande ~ity area since last June 1, said the boycott has been called be eause officials of La Casita have refused to permit workers at the farm to vote on whether they want to join the union, an affil .Iate of the AFL-CIO. Ray Rochester, vice president and general manager of the farms, told reporters he has not allowed a vote because' the workers "do not want any union dealings." Back at ]'osts
HONOR YOUTH LEADER: Honoring: the retiring di rector of the U.S.C.C. Youth Department, Msgr. Frederick, Stevenson, second from right, who is returning to Phila delphia as a pastor, are left to right: Archbishop Philip J. Hannan of New Orleans, chairman of the youth depart ment; Msgr. Thomas Leonatd who succeeds Msgr. Stevenson in the post; and Archbishop John P. Cody of Chicago, a f'Ormer chairman of the department. NCPhoto.
Carthusians to Start Construction On 1,OOO-Acre Vermont Estate
BENNINGTON (NC) - The first Carthusian monastery in the United States will be' built some 20 miles· north of here. The 7,000-acre property, known as Mount Equinox,' is the estate of Dr. J. G. Davidson, retired vice president of Union Carbide. Title to the major part of the property was transferred to the Carthusian order in December, 1963, when plans for the new monastery were started. A master plan for the entire monastery has been prepared Because of their action in sui>. by Victor Christ-Janer and As port of t~e striking" farrh work sociates, an architectural firm en, two San Antonio priests in New Canaan, Conn. There will were recently sent on a retreat be cells for 24 choir monks and m the New Mexico mountains. 20 Brothers. Three-ton mono They had entered. the Browns lithic blocks of Vermont granite ville Diocese - in Which Rio will be used to construct the Grande City is located-without monastery which must be built eeclesiastical permission to join to ,last for centuries. A road to pickets at La Casita Farms. They the .site was completed last year and 10 acres of forest. land and three oUter priests were ar rested during the demonstration. cleared, Construction is expected The priests - Father William to start as soon as possible and KiH;an, editor of the Alamo continue -through 1968. Two Fathers from the Grande Messenger, archdiocesan news France, the paper and Father Sherrill Smith, Chartreuse in motherhouse of the order, are archdiocesan' social action direc tor - returned to San Antonio currently in the United States to complete arrangements for and resumed their jobs.
CINCINNATI (NC) - Arch bishop Karl J. Alter called on priests of the Cincinnati arch diocese to reemphasize "the fact that t:le Mass is a community and social act· of worship, as directed from an individual one." He urged emphasis in the pres ent year on two additional as pects of the Mass liturgy, -"That it is a public act of worship as distinct from a pri vate devotion." -"That it is a memorial of Christ's death, resurrection, and! ascension; a true sacrificial gift of the whole Church in union with Christ the High Priest; a banquet to which the faithful are invited as guests to the table of the Lord; the primary exercise of the priesthood of the laity in U' ',n with the ordained priest at the altar." Expressing confidence that these "essential features of the liturgy" already had been ex plained, the archbishop said "repetition is necessary to have these truths sink deep into the 'minds and hearts of our parish ioners."
Dedicate Interfaith Room at Airport
Plan U.S. Monastery the construction progr~m. The Carthusians, established in Europe 900 years ago, took up residence in a temporary mon astery in the United States in 1950, At present two Fathers and two Brothers serving here receive American applicants into the order. Candidates are sent to' Europe for novitiate and ~raining. . There are now 16 Americans in Charterhouses in France, En gland, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Upon completion of the, Vermont Charterhouse, the Americans will return to form the nucleus of the new commu nity.
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-An interfaith meditation room for use by travelers and other j was .d· 'licated at the New Orleans ~nternational airport Sunday. The cost of decorating and fur nishing the room was shared by the N-·-, Orleans archdiocese, the New Orleans Rabbinical Council ar.:1 the Greater New Orleans Federation of Churches.
FOllow St. FranCIS. Become a
CAPUCHIN BROTHER Worll. with hands, head and heart for Cod. Special' we.ek.end vocation re
treats conducted
New York and Nolii'
England to t1elp you prove your ¥OCD·
lion. For ltee Capllchin Brother litera·
ture or retreat information. contact VOCATiON OFf'ICE. 110 SHONNARO PL •• 'tO~'ERS. N.Y. Phon.: (9141 YO 9·7339.
Second(uy Schools Receive Tax Aid TORONTO (NC)-The Toron
separate school board has de
cided to take on responsibility
fur grades 9 and 10 in Catholie
schools in the metropolitan· area.
When this is done, Grades @
and 10 will receive a. share of
omx revenue and provincial
grants on the same' basis as
olementary grades in CathoHe
Catholic parents in Ontario
have the right to organize mi
nority school districts and to di
rect their property taxes to these
"separate" schools, which also
lleCeive grants from public funds.
But this right has never beeR
_tended beyond the elementary
level of the separate, or Catholic;
sehool. s¥stem.
~. Jolly good
A little biggerl
A IIttlelPlumper! A I1ttle lEnglisherl
i (l";;' '"
Sunbeam Eng/ish Muff~ns
"First in A"to Financing"
Fastest Guitar Alive Fanlomas (Fr.·ltal.l Flight of the Phoemx. Follow Me Boys . Gambit 'Ghost and Mr. Chicken, The. Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon Goal! Good Times Hansel and Gretel ·How te Steal a Million ·1·Deal In Danger ·I!lvasion Quartet Is Paris Burning?
Jack Frost Last 01 'he Renegades Lassie's Great Adventure 'Man Called Flintstone Man for All Seasons My 'Son, the Hero' Mysterious Island Namu, Killer Whale Monkeys Go Home' rojight of the Grizzly ?aradise Hawaiian Style Pied Piper of Hamelin Pirates ·of Tortuga Plainsman, The Purple Hills
Redeemer, The Reluctant 'Astronaut Return of the Gunfighter Russian Adventure 'Russians ·Are Coming, The' 'Rings Around the 'World Romeo and Juliet Secret Seven Sergeant A lady Singing Nun, The Sleeping 'Beauty Sleeping ·Beauty, ThelRussJ Sound ·of Music, The Spinout Thunderbirds Are 'Go
Tarzan and the Valley .rJ Gold Those Magnificent Men IIil Their· Flying Machines Teenage Millionaire
Texas Across the River
That Tennesse Beat
Tiko and the Shark Trouble With Angles,lhe Ugly Daschund, The Voyage to the Bottom of .., Sea When the Clock Strikes White Mane IFrench) Willie McBean
After the Fox Agony and the· Ecstacy, Tile Alphabet Murders. The Apache Uprising Assau It On a Queen Atlantis, The Lost Continent Big Hand for the Little Lady, SECTION 2 Big T.N.T. Show. The o BounJy Killer. The MORAUY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR ·Boy Cried ·Murder.The Brides of FuManchu ADULTS AND AOOtESCiNTS Bridge to the 'SlIn '§ Brown Eye-Evil :Eye . 5' Brown Eye·Evii.Eye iittmllll11I11111111I1"11""""1111I11I11IIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU C'mon. Let's Live a Little· Come Spy With 'Me
:Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine Easy Come, Easy Go Eye For An Eye, An First to Fight Farenheit 451 Frankie and Johnny Frantic Fort Utah Glass'Bottom Boat, The ·Great Wall, The (jap.J . Guns of Darkness 'Gunfightin Abilene Gypsy Girl Heroes of Telemark 'Hostile Guns
Jokers, The Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter Joh\ny Nobody Juhnny Reno Judex Judith Kid Rodelo Kwaidan (Japanese) L<lBoheme Let's Kill Uncle Little Ones, The Lollipop Cover, The Mao Executioners, ·The· Marco ·the 'Magnificent
One Spy Too Many One Million Years 'B£. O.S.S.. Mission For A Killer Out of Sight Pit and the Pendulum . Plague 01 the Zombies Planet Of The Vampires Poppy Is Also a ~Iower Ps ychopath, Thf1 Red Tomahawk 'Projected 'Man . 'Reptile. The Spy With A 'Cold ~ose Sardonicus Scorpio letters Shadow 'of :Evil
Shame less Old Lady Shoot- Loud, L~uder • 0 D 0 Don't Understand Spy In Your Eye Stagecoach Sweet Light in a Dark ~ Texican, The Tobruk To Sir, With Love Traitor's Gate Trunk. The Twenty Plus Two Warning Sllot ' Waco Weekend With Lulu . Young Warriers
Ada Alphaville (Fr.) ·Alvarez Kelly Ambush Bay 'Any Wednesday Arabesque Armored ConimaRd Bang, Bang You're 'Dead Blues For Lovers SECTION 3 Breakfast At Tiffany's Bunny t'1ke :js .Missing 'Busy Body MORALLY UNOBj)~TIO.NABLEFOR Cast -A' GiantShadew ADULTS' Chamber of Horrors Claudelie Inglish ·Couch. The Dead Heat on a 'MerfY~~ $IH1I11II11II11""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImlllllllllllll"lIIlO . Deadly Affair 'Devil's Own Round ElDorado , EI Greco
Enough Rope fortune Cookie 'Funer<ll in Berlin 'Funny Thing Happened On . the Way to The Forum Grand. Prix 'GreatSpy Chase, The Great War. The Haiy! Mafia ·He Who 'Must Die 'Hot 'Rod to Hell Hotel HUstler. The· 'ldol; The (BrJ ·Inside 'Dai~y Clover Island' of Jerror Johnny Tiger
Ouiller Memorandum Madam X Return -of the Seven Main Chance Male Companion lfr.l 'Ride Beyond Vengeance. Rocco and His Brotfters lItal:> McGuire 'Go ·Iftome· 'Rotten to the Core UlrJ Mickey -One . Sandra Mister .Bud~wing. 'Sweet Love, 'Bitter· ModestY.,Bhiise '(BrJ 'Sand Pebbles 'Moment To 'Moment 'Sands 'Of the 'Kalallari 'Money, :Money, 'Money 'fFr)' Season 'of PassiOll . Mo[gan o Naked P.l'ey, The' Second Best 'Secret- Agent in -the 'Whole 'Wide WoI'Id ~anny, 'The Not 'On Your l:ife ·(SpJ Secret 'AgefIl 'Super 'Dragon · Not With eMy 'Wife,~ou'Donlt 'SllakespeareWa"ah .ltndial S!lop 'On :MaifI 'Street, he Night of the Generals Pawnbr.aker, The Spirit Is Willing Pad ·andHow ··to ,Use 'It; ·lbe Spy 'Who Came -ill from the 'Picture Mommy;Dead Cold, Too P.anic in Ye<tr ,Zero Spy With A'CoId -Penelope Stop the Work!, I· Want To Profess ionals, The'- . Ge~ 'Off ·Promi.se tier 'AnyThing Sucker, The (fr.-tng.l
Itlanie and the Fire Georgy Girl Girl With Green Eyes (Br.1 ·ltilL The lJl1i)ortant Man (Mexican) Intruder Juliet 'of the Spirits ·(ltaL) I<nack. The tBr.l L·ShapedRoom, The . '
I"""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""III"III"UIO"""_"""'' '.
Battle Of The Bulge Birds Do It· Bolshoi Balle.t, The (Russ.l Billy the Kid vs. Dracula Bremen Town Musicians Capture That Capsule Christmas That· Almost Wasn't Country Boy Daydreamer Or Who and the -Daleks Evening With The .Royal Ballet, An Fantastic Voyage Fighting Prince of' Donegal
'_:= ~ _=',.
'Alfie Anatomy ·of A Marriage lI'rJ Collector. The ' Cool World. The Darling Divorce, Italian' Style lItal;) Dr: Strangelove. Eclipse (ltal.) 8% (Ita I.)
Agent ·forH./tR.M. Amorous 'Adventures of' Moll Flanders An American Dream ArrivederCi, Baby Blood ~nd Black Lace CLAS~'B Boeing. Boeing Beautiful Swindlers Cassanova 70 MORAllY 081~~T10NABIl.E Cincinnati Kid, The Cit) of Fear IN PART !FOR ALL' Cry of Battle Curse 01 the Voodoo Covenant With Death, A Corrupt Ones ~1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"1II1II1IIIII111m Dementia 13 Desert Raven Devil and The Ten Commandments
Affair of the. Skin, An Balcony. The Bamllole (ltal.> Bell'Antomo (ltal.l Boccaccio 7t (ltal.) Bqnne Soupe, La (Fr.l Breathless (Fr J Blow·Up Christine Keele, Affllir, The Circle of Love Cloportes IFrJ Cold Wind 111 August Contempt (Fn Cui. de Sac . Dear John (Swed.l Doll. The (SwedJ DU'lI1g One Nighl (Br.l Eric Soya's 17 tmpty Canvas
ttingRat La Visita, L~t Command. The liquidator,'The
life at the Top. '!British) l:olit~
lord love -<l Duck Love a la Carte . 'MarrialW, Italian Style CDalJ Moment of Truth. The .Nigtltof the Iguana Nothing ·8uttheBest lBrJ Organizer. The lItalJ
Pressure 'Point Pumpkin ·Eater, file Red Deserl Servant. The Storm Center Strangers 'in .theeity Taboos ·of the World OtalJ This Sporting life
Too Young to L-ove
Study in Terror Susan Slade Ten Little Indians trunk to Cairo. Thousand ClOWns, A. . Three On a Spree. Thunder of· Drums Thunderball Times L{)st' and Time Remembered To Trap A Spy Town Without Pity Two Women (ltaU Up To His Ears Veneian Affair Walk. Don'~ lIun Weekend <It Dunkirll West Side Story W~ere the Bullets flJ Wher1! The Spies Ale Wild Seed (was: Fargo)
,.. Victim IDrJ
Visit, The .
WOO's Afraid of Virginia
Yellow Rolls Royce, The
Young and the Willing .
Zorba, The {;reek .
'Duel At Diablo love on the ·Riviera Deadlier Than The Male ~oved One, The -Doctor, You've Got To Be Male Hunt Kidding . Man in the Middle Eva Marriage ·on the Rocks Fine Madness, A Money Trap Frorr, RUSSIa With Love Mozambique 'Fistful of Dollars Night Must Fall Group. The No Greater Sin (was: 18 and l Girls on the Beach AnXIOUS) He Rides Tall Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mommy's Honeymoon Hotel Hung You in the Closet now to Stuff a Wild Bikini and I'm Feeling So Bad Irma La Douce · Oscar, The Kissin' Cousins , ," Our Man Flint Lally L Pistol for Ringo Last of the Secret Agents Psyche 59 Long Ships. The Prehistoric Women Looking For Love . Racll1g Fever
Rasputin Red Line 7000 Return to Mr. -Mote. The Sandpiper, The Seconds Seven Women Seventh Dawn Sex and The Single Girl Shot in the Dark, A Silencers, The Sleeping Car Murder. The Small World of Sammy lee, The (Br.J Soldier in the Rain Space FI ight 1C-1 (BrJ Sp) With My Face Strangler, The Swinger. The This Property is Condemned
Three Bites of theApple Torn Curtain Vice and Virtue'{FrJ' Village of the Giants Viva Las Vegas Viva Maria Way, Way Out! What A Way to Go· What's New Pussycat? WhL Killed Teddy Bear? ." Who's Been Sleeping 1m .~ Bed Why Bother To Knock: Willl Angels What Did You Do in Ute War. Daddy? Welcome to Hard Times I Young Dillinger Zombie
Game Is Over Green Mare (Fr.) High Infidelity-(ltal.> I Love. You Love (ltal.> Image of Love Joan of the Angels? Jules and Jim Kiss Me Stupid Knife in the Water La Fuga (ltal.l Knif. in the Water (Pol.) La Mandragola .iltal.) La Notte (Nightl lila/.) Lady Chatterly's Lover (FrJ Law. The (Fr J Let's Talk About Women Love Game (Fr.J Love Goddesses. The . Love in 4 DimenSions (ltal.)
Nude Odyssey, TheUtalJ Odd Obsession UapJ Of Wayward Love lItal.) pscar WioIde (BrJ Passionate Summer IFr.-ltalJ Phaedra (GreekJ Playgirl After Dark lBrJ Please. Not Now! IFrJ Port· of Desire Pot Bouille ILovers of Parisi (Fr.J Prime Time Pnvate Property Question of Adultery Repulsion Saturday Night and Sunday ~lOrning IBn Seven Capital Sins fFrJ Smet and SOUl (frJ
Silence. The (FrJ Swedish Wedding Night (Swed.J Take It All' (A Toue Prendrd (Can.1 Tales of Paris (FrJ Temptation (Fr.·ltaIJ Terrace. The (SpanJ To Love (SwedJ Too Young, To~ Immoral Viridiana (Sp.l Wasted Lives and Tbe. ~
01 Twins
Weekend (Dan.)
What's Up Tiger Lily?
White VOices Utal.l
Woman in the Dunes UapJ
Women of the World (Itatl Young World, The fFrJ
Love and Marriage Love Is My Profession (frJ Love on 11 Pillow (FrJ Lovers. The (Fr.J Loves of a Blonde Loving Couples • Modemoiselle Magdalena (Ger.) Maio in Pans (Fr.) Married Woman, The fFd Mating Urge Miller's Beautiful Wife lItal.) Mistress for the Summer, A' ·Molesters, The • Mom and Dad tSideroad) Mondo Pazzo (/tal.) My Life. to Live (FrJ New Angels. The (IlalJ Night Gamf
Thurs., Feb. 23, 1961
Prelate to Raise ConfirmationAge
WASHINGTON (NC)-More than 40 bishops met in oorecutive session here. for two days to prepare for the meeting of the U. S. hierarchy on April 10-13 in Chieago. Acting in the dual capacity of administrative committee of %he National Conference of this field and for encouraging Catholic Bishops and admin istrative board of the U. S. their prayers and financial sup for works of communica Gatholic Conference, the port tion. ~ishops reviewed preliminary rreports of ad hoc committees set op at their November meeting, and of USCC departments in preparation for the general meeting of the bishops in Chi cago in April. Since all the reports were only j!)reparatory, they were not made public. It was noted, however, that the reports included such topics as pastoral councils, the li'etirement of bishops, and the' National Newman Apostolate.. The bishops approved submit iing a proposal in April that the National Conference of Bishops meet twice a year, instead of once-in the fall during the w;eek J!n which Nov. 15 occurs, and again in the second week after Easter Sunday. OOD Source Book It was also decided that the lYCCB administrative committee and the USCCadministrative board would meet four times. a ;rear, instead of twice. The extra meetings were considered neces aary in view of the amount of work that must be done to 1m.:. plement (,the decisions Of' the Second Vatican Council. In November,the bishops bad lilUthlMized the Confraternity of ebristian Doctrine to develop a oouroe book for catechetical in atrucflOR. A plan to carry out tbii authorization was discussed lit this week's meeting, with the proPtlsal of a coordinator to bring together the wor,k of those preparing different parts of the
book. During the two-day' sessions., CIte 'bishops also met with the usec staff to discuss depart lIlentalreorganization. The focus of attention included a review .t the activities of the depart ments and a closer coordination tf these activities. eem.nuDications Day T-be biShops outlined a plan lor observing World Communi eations Day, which is set for Sunday, May 7. Those bishops dealing with the communications media - that is, the NC News Service, the USCC Bureau of Information, the National Catb olice Office for Radio and Tele toision, and the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures-will prepare materials for circulation in advance to assist participation in the observance. 1ft the Second .:can C()un cil's decree on the Instruments of <;ocial Communication it was 8tated that every diocese- should sponsor an annual communica tions day for instructin' the faithful on their obligation in
Urges Spain Revise
Labor Union Laws
MADRID (NC)-A drastic re wsion of Spain's laws on laoor 1IUlions was urged here by a prominent Catholic lahor leader. In an interview with El Alca \Illr, a dally newspaper. published by Opus Dei, an apostolic asso eiation of priests and laity, Bel gian-born August Albert Vanis tendael said the Spanish govern ment-controlled labor 'unions do "not take into account the Span llflh workers' desires." Vanistendael called for n "'complete liberalization of gov <amment labor unions." He said the prospect of a new law on labor unions "is a great oppor tunity to attempt" the needed
The Pontific:al Commission for Social Communications has - set the Sunday after Ascension Thursday, which this year is May 7, as World Communications Day.
'rr®@@!f® O~(9)@~eS ~in th~ CIhJ@[JO~e
Abortion l@'W TUCSON (NC) - Bishop Francis J. Green of Tucson, in a letter addressed to all Arizona state. senators, said a proposed bill to relax' the state's abortion laws has not been sufficiently discussed or examined. The bishop said: "This bill proposes a drastic change in the trnditional American concept of morality and law." He said that although presslll'e rna)" be exerted on legislators. by those who would favor such a change; the enactment of the- bill .would be a shock "to· a large· nwnbc:' of people of Arizona'." Bishop Green said· the pro pelled cbange "has such implica tioos and ramifications that it sll()Uld Hot be considered· without ·a ve.rY' intelligent and thorough examination of aU the problems eor .ected with it by all the peo I'1~ of the state." He' added, "This certainly has not been done-." QuestAoDS Support
Since the bill
not raised- as
aa issue in the previoWl elec tions, Bish~ Green said, he be lieves it is unfair to make a rad ical change without a suitable mafldate from "the voters. "Bishop Bernard T, Espe}age of Gallup, in whose jurisdiction is the northern part of Arizonac, has asked that I inform you that he is equally disturbed about this bill." Bishop Green said. He questioned. the extent of the legal and medical profes sions' support of the bill, and· noted there is considerable dis agreement 01ll the issue within these gields. Bishop Green: said, ill. view of "these reasons and many more," the senators should not pass the bill. '
'Multi-Ethnic' Books In Grea1l'e.' Supply WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of "multi-ethnic" text books listed by the National Education Association has in creased from 25 to 400 in the past III months. John S. Gibsl)ll, director of the Lincoln Filene Center for Citi zetiship and Public Affairs at Tufts University, says -that be cause of the emergence of new nations in Africa, "the minority status of the white man will be come increasingly apparent" in years. to come, and teaching materials are as important as integrated classrooms -in prepar ing students to live in such a world. Gibson believes the failure of textbooks to present· multi ethnic images in the past had effected children's'values, partic ularly those of Negroes, very "early in the game." A Negro child, he pointed out, is "keenly aware" of his color at the age of four and realizes its "liabilities" in terms of his future.
Committee Discusses Plans For Meeting of Hierarchy
DISCUSS FUTURE CATHOLIC EDUCATION~ An nouncing plans at a press conference in Washington for a major national conference on the future of Catholic edu -cation in the United Stat~s, are Father C. Albert Koob, executive secretary of the National Catholic Educational -Association, and Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester, N.H., president general of the N.C.E.A. NC Photo. ,
St. Paul Tod'oy
German Cardinal Links Apostle's Thought With Council's Appf'ovol .
ROCHESTER (NC)-The age at which the Sacrament' of Con firmation is administered will be raised in the diocese of Roches o tel' from the usual 9 to 13 to 17 or 18. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen an nounced the change, which will be implemented gradually over ~he ne'xt f've years, at an annual conference of diocesan teachers at the Columbus Civic Center here. He told some 1,300 teachers present that the change would be made because "bishops are now being a~ked to confirm ll-year old tot~ who haven't yet reached the age Qf puberty. We have for gotten there are' three ages of youth-birth, puberty and ma turit~·."
Maturity, he said, is essential to the proper reception of the . sacrament and most youths are not ready to become lay workers for Christ until' they are read~ to graduate from high school. Bishop Sheen also announced he will ask educators of the dio r~e to prepare a new course preparatory to the reception of Confirmation so that those to be confirmed may learn a"reveren't and prudent attitude toward sex, a concrete and practical love of neighbor and an understandin~ of the spirit of Christ in coatJ'll'l4 to· the spirit of the world.
WASHINGTON (NC) "'111 day. Washington visit filled with receptions; luncheons, press. ·con-· St. Paul were to write his epistle today, . what do you think he ferences and meetings. would say to Christians here io Wa!'wngton?" With this question, Julius. Cardinal Doepfher of Munich illd Freising linked the though~ of St. Paul the· Apostle with the renewal fathered by the Secondo . Vatican Council. !lJ . Preaching at. a Pontifical Mass. in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. his final "I':.' official appearance here,tbe ~ car.ffinal answered his questiaR; "Perhaps. Paul would exhort us· not to· become infected ·with the spirit .of sterile criticism; \1 perhaps. he· would urge us to. see that our married life and family life was sealed, by' ll' . strong, deep and courageous .love; that we should fulfill :ali ,. • .1ktlUtifullyl1lus.trated With- Reproductions of our duties at'. least as. ·weft· if not better than those who· do· Classic Art and ContemportJry Photography not believe in God. . Sllperb l«'1.ueTe-d cover size-S*N x 11" - SO pages "That we, -precisely as Chris.. tians, be ardently concerned for " ~ A ti~ely collection of his Excellency's re peace in the world; that we· work' "I nowned works that give a deeper and more together with other Christians, \ spiritual understanding of the solemnity of with 'all men, in an all-embrac .~ . .' Lent and the full meaning of the glorious ing understanding love." Cardinal Doepfner's hGmi17, . Easter Season. described by one priest as "the f[ ~ 1\ epitome of what a homily should be," was introduced by Wash ington's Archbishop Patrick.".A. ~ Reward yourself, relatives and friends with O'Boyle. The archbishop wel i comed the German prelate to the this magnificently illustrated book "Lenlen shrine, and extended to him the Ima Easler Inspirations", As always, Bishop greetings of the priests and· Sheen's stimulating articles,meaningful essays people of the archdiocese. and beloved ~s make this book a treasured Present in the sanctuary dull" reading experience' throughout the year. ing the Mass were the three auxiliary bishops of Washington. Bishops Edward Herrmann, Wil liam 'McDonald and John Spence, . $ ..' Ava~able at newsstands,book stores, ~ as well as theologians and Reli super-m~rkets, and department stores. ... gious from the Washington area. The shrine 'Mass and the ~.'. By the publishers of Bishop Sheen's "Christmas Inspirations" ... Catholic University luncheon that' _followed it closed a four MACO PUBLISHING CO., Inc., 757 Third' Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10011
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THE.ANCHOR-Dioc0110 o~ ~ail ~iver-Thurs., Feb. 23, 1967
Revolution -, Red' or Christian?
"It is not hard f~r one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one;s life.• ' ••-
This quotation could, of course, be 1;aken from any talk
by any spiritual writer or speaker. As a matter rif. faet
it is one of· the quotations from Chairman M-aoTse-tung '~f China, and he is speaking in the framework of c~mmUIlist :revolution and the necessity ()[ each person's doing not a bit of good once in a while but consistent good for the lake of the' party and the revolution. . .Christian~,ty is also revolution. The ancient Christian ' term for Lent is ,Christian Warfare. The purpose of Ghris-, tianity and of. Lent is' to revolutionize lives, to' remake and to reshape, to establish a ,new )ife. For this to be done, the old life has to be ass'Rulted and re'mopeledaf,ter the pattern of Chri,st. The methods' ~re prayer and penance and alms gIving and the living consistently of the life of the Christian ,revolutionary. It means doing good all one's life. It 'is rather sad to consider that those who are bent on establishing a program of atheistic Communism are so much aware of the means that should be; u'sed ~ indeed, they have taken over the purposes and techniques of Christianity and have substituted the city of man for the city of God, the state for the Almighty. It shows that the goals and methods of Christianity are valid 'for revolutionizing the lives of men. But have they been used?
By Edward P. MeDoDagb .;.
The Diocesan Executitll
evening adult program schedule« tor March 15th at 7'.30 P,M.
F'!Jl({PTlJemelJ71, ft
Reverend Malcolm Boyd, controversial Episcopalian Contin~ed from Page One priest, has spoken about what he calls an "underground proper celebration of Mass in movement" taking place in the United States among people homes and, neighborhood com interested in religion. And he says that the "burning issues munities with the authorization to them ,are poverty, war, peace, sex and race." of the local bishop." , Rev. Mr. Boyd speaks truly, of course. Th~se issues The commission pointed out are of deepest concern to most thinking people .and to that "private innovations in the liturgy disrupt the desired unity younger people especially. and order in the community," And why is this? but made it clear that "diocesan Because these issues are among the issues that Concern programs for the celebration of genuine religion. Religion is first and above all else the Mass on weekdays in private' homes or small neighborhood relationship of man with God. Unless this has primary and communities are not affected by paramount importance, then the strlicture and relationship the ~arning against abuses." is not one of religion but one of humanitarianism, indeed, Worshiping Community could also be just the innate desil'e of many people to play The Bishops said that Masses God in the lives of their neighbors. have long been celebrated in the But if there is a genuine religious conviction, an aware- home for the sick and that "obvi ness of GO,d as different and yet 'as present to His people, ously other serious reasons will then certain conclusions follow inescapably from this. prompt the use of such faculties, One of these conclusions is that all men are children of ,in particular, ·dioces~n programs for.the weekday Masses in homes God regardless of the color of. their skin. Almost two" and neighborhoods." thousand years of Christianity have gone into making'men They also said that home in America today much more conscious of this ''fact. ' Masses should ,not ordinarily be .restricted to one or two families Since all men are children of God and brothers to one, 'as their "purpose should be to another, then it is an obligation on each one to see that form a small worshiping' com his brother is treated with the dignity'that he deserves as munity in which the genuine God's child,and degrading i:ioverty is not a fitting setting ser..Je of community is more for one of such dignity. This is arid has been a concern readily experienced, In turn, this experience can contribute of all men of religion ever since Jesus Christ said that what' significiantly to growth 'in was done for the least of His brethren was done to Him. . awareness of the parish as com The concept of the family of God certainly suffers in munity, especially when all the the face of brother fighting against brother and' so peace :- oithful participate in the parish must oe the concern of every person as a condition in which Mass on the Lord's Day." God's family should be living.' Meaningful Music · f b . . ' h ,In regard to contemporary A n d t h e Issue 0 sex ecause It IS so very muc music in the liturgy, the Bishops' present to the lives of each normal person - is an issue commission empl;1asized that "if that can be seen only in .the larger framewor~ of a power free from improper, associations, from God, a faculty created by God with God-given purposes the music of any age can be and goals. .. . .accommodated to the service of the liturgy." . Indeed, when Mr. Boyd speaks of an "underground The commission repeated the movement" he is perhaps not realizing that 'all these issues recommendations it' made last are as old as man. There is nothing new about thenL April calling for "inusical com ,If what is new' is that people are taking these more positions in idioms that can ·be seriously than ever before, then that is good. It means that the work' of religion is being done -- not perfectly, B.C. Plans Laymen but enough to get some people thinking and wondering and On Trustees 'Board asking and - please God -:- receiving the right answers. BOSTON (NC) - Father Mi 0
O==Ir.DI\L NEWSPAPER Of THE DIOCESE OF fALL ~DVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, .. 410 Highland -Avenue . Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., PhD. , GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J •. Golden
the. Confraternit\f of Christian D~rine todaf announced plans for a specla)
chael J. Walsh, S,J" presid~nt of Boston College, said here that a plan to include laymen on the college's board of trustees has been under study' for more than a year. The change ·in the Jesuit col lege's administrative structure was undertaken with the encour agement of Richard' Cardinal Cus1)ing of Boston. Boston College reportedly will be the first majot Catholic school. in New England to bring laymen into its governing structure. The present board is composed of 10 Jesuits. An l8-member body of laymen serves in an advisory capacity.
, Designed for matureCh.... fians, the CCD-sponsored pro gram is entitled "Change: Cha. or Challenge?" And will be pre sented simultaneously in all fiIIlII areas of the Diocese. Rev. Joseph Powers, Diocesall CCD Director, indicated that the March 15th program is specifJe ally aimed at highlighting ftJ8 opportunities for adult Christiara education. He said that "this iB the beginning of a concerted CCD effort to implement the decrees of the Second Vaticau. CC".1m.", through intelligent pro-. grams directed at the mature layman and woman. Five different lay speakers as sociated with the CCD Diocesan sung by the congregation and Board will give the principal thus further communal partici address of the' evening. They. pation." are Mrs. Mary Fuller who wiD It also reiterated that at sef'V'o speak at Bishop Stang Higll ices for young people "the choice 'School, No. Dartmouth; James of music which is meaningful to ' Kelliher at Mt. St. Mary's Acad persons of this age level should emy, Fall River; Edward Moo be considered valid and purpose Donagh at Bishop Cassidy High ful" prestipposing that the mush~ , School, Taunton; Miss Patricia has genuine merit; that instru-,. '~"'lkin at Holy Trinity Church 'ments other than the organ be Hall, West Harwich and Thomas played in a manner suitable for Flangheddy at Bishop Feehan 'publie worship; and that litur High School, Attleboro. gical texts are respected. The program, which will be More Vital Living identical at each of the indicated "Finaily," the Bishops' com- locations, will begin with a Bible, mission said" "both'the develop.. Service at 7:30. The principal ing programs of neighborhood address of the evening will then Masses and the newer modes of be given, followed by supple meaningful music, which are the mentary discussion session::. A responsibility of the local Bishop, Mass, celebrated by the Area must not be deterred by:' the, : ,CCD Priest-Director, will10110w ',regrettable abuses of some. " the discussion sessions. Refresh"Our concern is to satisfy ments will be served at the con legitimate desires for needed elusion of the program. litu,rgical change. The condemEdward Angelo, l~y PresideDt natIon of abuse must never ob- of the CCD Diocesan Board said struct desirab~e a';ld necessary that widespread promotidn oI! programs of hturglcal renewaL the program is planned and that It must never. encourage or give 'over one thousand people are com~ort to a negativis?1 which is expected to attend the sessions. foreIgn to the promptmgs of the He emphasized that "Chang~ . Holy Spirit for change in our' chaos 'or Challenge?" would be dar.. , . open h all priests, religious and . A pOSItIVe a~d open appro~ch laypeople in the Diocese and not IS n,eeded. ThIS means takmg' 'just to those involved in CCD advantage of the changes already ,work,
accomplished and . making C ommen t'm g on the p rogram,
t' . them 't 1 more d eep1y e ff ec Ive m VI a h 'd "Ch g ' If 'd t Christian living." e Sal an e IS a se -eVl e? fact to laymen and laywomen 1ft the Renewed Church of today. Unless we are aware of our re Non-,Priest Service' sponsibilities in this renewal , and the tools that are available For Lay Catechists at every level for intelli'gent MOROGORO (NC) - A mis sionary priest, Father Theodor understanding of our role, we Slaats, C,S.Sp., has composed an will inhibit this, renewal, noli outline for Sunday services 'to advarce it." The Confraternity of Christi_ be conducted by lay catechists when no priest is available for Doctrine is the agency respon sible ,for the religious educatiOli , Mass here in Tanzania. Because there are more than of all those not in attendance at Parochial Schools. ,3,00~ churches and chapels in . Tanzania ane' only approximate ly 1,300 priests; many Catholics in outlying areas have no opportunity to attend Sunday Mass. Continued from Page One , For the Scripture readings of ,the Liturgy of the Word, Father Members of the Board ae Slaats advises that the catechists knowledged the services ren. read chapters from "Historia ya dered by the priests of the Pap wokuvu wetu" (History of Our ish' and the Sisters of Holy Cross Redemption) - a shortened ver- who have staffed the school. sion of the Bibile in Kiswahili, Their pupils-past and present- the, common language of East have made their mark on the Africa. ' , civic and spiritual life of the The second part of the service area. -the Liturgy of the EucharistClosing of St. Hyacinth's at the corresponds roughly to the Eu- end ,of this cshool year in .June charistic Prayer and communion ,will mean that the diocesan eda service. The "Prayer. of Thanks- cational system will then include giving" of this part is modeled , 58 elementary cshools, 14. hilla on a Eucharistic prayer of the· schools and two school for e~ early Church. ~epiional children.
School C'los.-ng.
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 23, 1967
Missiona.y . P,r~st, Former Film Star, in Cas~~; ~f New Movie
P~iest Med iat6r
)JIIN~EAPOLis (NC)''':'':~en- alone again In my dressing room':, ever Humberto Almazan:s&s a holding that durob statue." . .' b~ana he thinI<s of I Sdphia The eXPEh:ience, hesald, made' Loren and a movie ,they wo~ked him :facetlle priestly vo~a~ioIl. , 'JERSEY CITY (NC)-Fflther Oil in Italy in the 'early 195Os. he had been avoiding; but he 'Victor Yanltelli, S.J., president Almazan, cast as a marathon still said no. He describea to' the ·of St. Peter's College here, has dancer, was to eat a 'banan'a students "how he attempted to agreed to serve as mediator in while dancing and then. throw fill his life 'more by "staying du't the teacher salary dispute be the peel toward Miss Loren as later,: dancing, til 2 an'd 3 A.M.. tween thE! city and the Jersey ber cue. Mistakes occurred re Oh, ti':!w. ~ love to dance.'" . C"'y Education Association.. " Contnmlles Smdnes ' peatediy in the filming and, 'each The Jesuit educator was pro I H~'cotltinued his 'career for .time· the director, wou.ld:,call, posed for the post at a meeting ~~ j '"Hold ... cut ... places everyone five',years more but by~ 1960, he' between Mayor Thomas W~alen o .' • another banana for Mr. recalled, he was no longer able . a~d the association's executive Almazan." "to say no to the Holy Spirit." . board. The association claims a The actor ate 13 bananas, the Father Almazan entered the membership of 1,000 teachers out ( ' 'daY the scene was fHine(!:" , priesthood in 'Mexico and prior 'bf a total of 1,600 in the school ' The handsome Latin" ffi'ovie to his February 1966 ordination, system. ,star recalled this and other 'high studied for some four Years at The mediation will take in 'lIghts of· his film ca'ree'r 'rec'ently Catholic University in' Washing.. teachers' demands for a mini for the students at St. Marga:ret's 'ion, "C ' ' mum. $1,300 salary increase, paid D . . ' Academy here. ,,, ; He is continuing' his studies, hospltaliziation, and credit for ·He returned to the stage as there and this year will go back 'military service and teaching Father Humberto Almilzan, to the fHm wortd to star in a 'experience in other school ,sys M.S.S.R., to tell the studentsl why commercial kovie on the life of tems. , ,the same hands that tossed the 13 Father Pro, a Mexican Jesuit Ground ,rules for the mediation banana skins at sophia Loren killed during the Calles admin sessions are expected to be today "can consecrate bread and istration in the 1920s. worked out with members of the wine." Royalties from the film will be association's executive board, the Seventeen years in the motion used to establish seminaries board of education, a represen picture and television industries, throughout Latin America for tative of the mayor and Father .he recounted, netted him a two Father Almazan's congregation, Yanitelli. This will be the year scholarship with a Paris the Missionaries of the Holy priest's first attempt at media drama academy; a chance to Apostles, and to assist in con tion. work with such stars as Sophia struction of a new theater for Walter O'Brien, field repre Loren, Anna Magnani and In the drama department at C.U:. sentative for the New Jersey grid Bergman; a huge house', association, said: "Father Yani equipped with bar, pool, con telli is of such stature that he vertible and servants; and "afew C~c~e will appraise the situation, and! minutes of happiness a day when if he feels that the city cannot I really worked at it.'" ,'~' SChCO~$ AT RED MASS: Chief Justice of New South Wales, afford . , meet the teachers' de 'Happy All the Time', , " .. PESOTUM (NC)-Low enroll", Sir Leslie Herron, right,: with other ,members of the be~ch, . mands, he will say so. lle willi . .' He swapped the life of a movie .. ,m-.,ts and shortage of teaching 'attended the Red Mass"at St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, also make recommendations tG star for that of a priest andtold,niIns will force grade schools in '. Au~ti'alia, the first time Her Majesty's Judges and Justices the contrary if he sees that the the stul:ents, "Now I'm happy all' ' St., Mary's and St. Joseph's par have appeared in their legal regalia outside a law court. city can afford to do so." theFather time." Almazan's long acting ishes here in Illinois to close With the Chief J usbce II . IS . A rc hb'IS h op J ames P . Carro, $7 Million Drive eareer reached a climax in 1955 next June, making a total of six Auxiliary to Norman Cardinal Gilroy of Sydney. NC Photo when he won the Mexican equiv schools in the diocese which will FLINT (NC) - A $7-milUon alent of Hollywood's Academy be discontinued. campaign has been launched Award. Father B. E. Drendel, St. here in Michigal to build two He described the evening of Mary's pastor, said there are no~ new Catholic h:gh schools which the award presentation "as the 63 pupils in the eight grades of will accommodate some 2,003 worst night of my life and I had the parish school. Father Wil students each. The schools, ex worked hard for 17 years to liam C. Feeney, pastor of St. Decision Follows Dispute Over Diocesan pected ~ be completed in the make it the best night of my life Joseph's, said the parish enroll~ fall of 1970, will replace eight ••. after the lights went GUt, the ment is 70 students in the eight Paper's Pro-Labor Editorial Policy
parish high schools in this areL h Id od g,ades. The parish high school buildinp people left an d t e co' or . Each school is staffed by three. 'filled the aUditorium~' I' was ,School Sisters of St. Francis whe VIctORIA (NC) - The 72-, policy of the Alamo Messenger, will be converted into expanded will be reassigned. year-old pastor of St. Mary's newspaper of the San Antonio grade and junior high schools. "~ulog''1~'S"t !.. . church here in this Texas com"': archdiocese. Closing of four other grade ' munity has resigned his pastor "Apparently," Said the friend; schools in the Peoria' diocese illl ate rather than accept 'a new. ,"Msgr. Beck feels that the edi Offering You June was announced earlier....... assignment from Archbi!lhop torial policy of the Alamo Mes Cathedral in Peoria,St. Joseph's" ELf S Ant . 3 Savings Plans senger stresses only the rights . ucey 0 an 0010. TORONTO ( NC)-The "paster' 'in La Salle, St. Joh n the Baptist Robert The resignation of Msgr. of labor but never the obligation Home Financing of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Clinton lIlnd St. Patrick's in Frederick O. Beck climaxed a of labor. He feels that the Mes long-standing dispute with the senger policy stresses only the . "e gave the funeral oration for Seneca. his friend of 40 years, the Rev. archbishop over the Church's obligation of management to se Fred Wise, Presbyterian pastor. role in labor-management rela cede to the demands of unions C 0 ens Ip rlzes
Msgr. Andrew R. Beroa re tions. and that management has no cor eaBed the many joint ventures In Oratory Contest
While Msgr. Beck has said he responding rights. he had undertaken with his . is quitting his post at st. Mary's "Msgr. Beck also feels that this friend and noted that in the WASHINGTON (NC)-Sixty March 1 and plans to move to 261 MaIn St.. Wareham, Mass. . h e six Catholic colleges and univer ear1y d ays 0 f th e D epreSSlOn Rockville, a resort town on the editorial policy does not repre Telephone 295-2400 1 sities have offered four-year tui · sent the true voice of the Cath th P d b t an e res y enan c ergyman Gulf Coast in the Corpus Christi BanIl-By-MalJ Servlc. AYlIIl8tI h a d work e d t oge th er t 0 mee t th e tion scholarships as prizes in the diocese, he insisted that he is olic Church." nee d s 0 f th e commUni·ty WI·thou t national oratorical contest of the not retiring. "I plan to keep . . National Catholic Youth Organi glvmg a th ought t 0 d'" enomma serving the Church in some. .. zation Federation here March 27, tion. manner," he said. Msgr. Beros spoke at the fun and 28. Msgr. Beck refused to discuss' eral service at the request of Msgr. Thomas J. Leonard, di the reasons for his resignation. ~ rector of the Youth Department, i ' A -friend who- asked not to be' . /- the family of ,Dr. Wise. 'United States Catholic Confer-. : identified said it stems from' 'ence, said dioceses affiliated with". disagree~ent with the editorial" " ',Marymount Co".":e'·g·""....the '-:ational CYO' Federation,. , ,'I'U dB' ',:111 ". and, national affiliated organi';" .; " "n pwar 0 ...."111 zations are eligible to send"con :, ',' .. PALOS VERDES eN C:) ~. ",te-'ants to participate in any of 20 Hour cOurses On" Marymount College will partici-. the three categorie5-"-the,teenage pate this Summer in the "Up- 1";)y or teenage girl divisions and ward Bound" program for high.. the young adult division. sch~o~ students from low-income A special prize will be a com familIes. plete set of the new Catholic The project is financed by 2l Encyclopedia to the teenage girl department of the U. S. Office of and boy winners. • Appraisal Economic Opportunity to' en Belins Felt. courage high school students to Center further their education. I~ ew • PreparltiOl fir Marymount, 0 n I y Catholic LATROBE (NC) - GrounciLicense Elall goal on 8ner~~ college in California which has breaking ceremonies for the new Regias M•. 111 joined the program, will invite science and classroom center at you get from ' $50 Per ee- 60 girls from six southern Cali- the Benedictines' St. Vincent fornia public schools "to the . College here in Pennsylvania 8I!ND FOR IIRGDIlUIIE
a slice of , campus for eight weeks,begin- were held Sunday. The center
...... of CkNstInutnc &doc..... · Batter Whipped === ning June 26. To be eligible, a ' is expected to be ready for occu':' , girl must be finishing the lOth' pancy for Jhe 1968 fall semester. , Sunbeam Bre~d 'ar 11th· grade, intellectually able,' : Total cost, including equipment No EaMon. Mass. lIS8-2OIl2
9 ...._ Line: 696-0400 'and fit the governmentpOvedJ" and furnishings,' is estimated a! .Ueria. $2~800.000. ..' ... 1;....... ....;_. .
I'll Pay Daspute'
Daoces'e Six
Texas Pastor-Quits
,,Prelate ' For Minister
S h I
Score another the
·Stonehill CoRege ,
THE ANCHOR-Dlocesa.~ ~Cill ~iver-1hun;., Feb. 23, 1967
Sailing ot Solve Set for Spr ~ng
New Lenten Regulations Put
ResponsibHity on Individuals By Mary Tinley Daly In the old'days, the Head of the :House gave up cig arettes and was' cross as a bear until about the fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday, when he began to get used ta it, by that time gaining poundage from the cigarette Bubstitute' chocolates. The . At the other end of the day, kids and I gave up candy, those Wednesday and Friday autoonatically, the thing one evenin'g services, sandwiched be did for Lent. We listened tween sessions of homework, carefully to the lengthy "Lenten made bed a welcome experience, Regulations," brought them home even though hunger gnawed. and tacked them Aura of Fish to the family We had lists of spiritual read bulletin board. ing, but scant time or energy for In add i t ion, actual performance. More per there was the tinent were the lists of different Catholic Family kinds of fish and how to vary Calendar on the their preparation. And the aura door to the of fish permeated the house, basement, its 40 even getting, into th0 curtains, days of Lent from Ash Wednesday until rr "ked in big Easter. b • a c k letters But we lived "by the Rules," "F A S T," its somewhat gastronomically ori Wednesdays and en ted rules! Fridays with superimposed illus . The Head, of the House has trations of a red fish 2nd the given up cigarettes permanently word "ABSTINENCE." -a lung, not Lent precaution;! Rigid lLaws we of the distaff side ha'{e lost Ingrained in us was the will of our taste for candy, thanks to the Church making mandatory dentists and fashion designers; CANADIAN TOPS AUSTRALIAN EXAM: Twenty under pain of sin those rigid sd' it would be no real penance to laws: give it up. , three-year-old Robin Duncan of Montreal has gained the "1. The law of abstinence for Lent 1967 requires Friday ab highest grade in Australia's top nursing examination. A bids the use of flesh meat and of stinence, but the only fast days trainee at St. Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, she .willreturn the juice thereof (soup, etc.). are Ash Wednesday and Good to Canada in April to begin a working holiday. NC Photo. 'Ii1e law of fasting forbidil more Friday. Easy to remember, cer than one full meal, a day, but tainly, and needing no bulletin does not forbid a small amount board posting, no consultation of' food in the morning and in with the Catholic Family Calen the evening." dar. If we choose to fast, it is not Then the variables. Xf the to avoid sin but a penitential act main meal were' taken in the for our own soul's, enrichment. evening, the other two "colla tion's" could be' ,breakfast and Grown ,Up Now lunch, between them not equal No more dawn-rising, with Having two darling daughters up in a sitting position as a ing the full meal, providing in Masses conveniently scheduled of my own I know it isn't the minibelt. The results are em practice quite a bit of juggling. dt: 'ing' the day and evening, easiest thing in the world to dic": barrassing in. a classroom situa "2.. All Catholics seven years Wednesday evening Lenten ser tate to the younger female gene- tion. old and over are obli<1ed to ab mon being pa'rt of the Mass. ratl'on what the ~hould w ar .., y • e. Parents' Responsibility stain. All Catholics frQn1 the There is time and inclination for ,In fact, this week at school completion of their 21st to the spiritual;: ~ading. . my Melissa is School dress seems to be the beginning of their 60th year, un It's as though the Church were sporting a stock. tY.::l of. clothing that elicits the less lawfully excus'ed, must fast. saying to us, "You're grown up ing hat that most discussion. Recently a high How Much Labor? now," making us responsible for started life as school made the headlines when "3. Abstinence is prescribed our own individual discpline in a hand knitted it forbade its coeds to wear tight every Friday, unless a holy day observing the penitential spirit Christmas stock. sweaters, tight skirts, fishnet falls thereon. Fasting and ab l. Lent, 'of preparing for the re ing; strangely :' 'ldngs a!1d eyeshado,w. stinence are prescribed in the new 1 of our Baptismal promises enough, she has I'm sure the school authorities United States on the Wednesdays as Eastertime.' ,. fallen in love' heard from a few irate pal:entB and. Fridays of Lent and Holy , Len' '67 bas acquired another, . "'ith this par for having the audacity to die-" Saturday f~renoon... A dispen': . new . look-not, really new. but ticulllr article of tate t() their children what, they "sation is granted to the laboring r·· !-' er revived"": that .foliowing ·~ni.Jsiial apparel. . should' wear. '. What these same classes and their families on all 'SelI-examination·of. conscience . Their' . , strari'ge '!-arents don't reali~ is that· one' days ~f fast and abstinence' ex_our rtm~wal·shou14no~ ·be. solely. h:':ts of dress', . of the last- things' school officials' eept ·Frjda·ys,.Ash ·We~ines.day in' p'erso~al l,mt. sb~)\ll<l iI::lc~uc:1e .1()ye 'such as .refusing. to wear. that" .want to Qother'.v..:1jh' is the ·ward- . F ,.~ Week; Holy Saturday Jlore- ,·,.of n~ig~~!,. whe~her:: ~r ,not ~.at. " beautiful imported' swea'ter""be·"-', rl.·le. 0': their students but tha1: noon."" . . neig~~o.r livt}1l ~ll th~ l!~rpe.street, . cause it's too ". scratchy," . may· .Le fashions .of toda)' .fofce. theri! How ·much and what kind of in the' same city, or even iD UMi . ,amuse· us w~en ~hey' ~re young, to. become censQrs to protect ~h~ ".. labor"made one a member 'of the "l'Jllmc .coliritrY. , " : : ' . . ' but all: they'sta'rt"to', entettheii . moral.climate of the Clal!sroom. ·"iaboring.classes"? .. lf Pop had II . ,,"S~c~c)i>.th ~Ild :.~es"~':' teens thei'daste in' clot.hes shc.mld Such things as dan'gUng ear ~~ ~k jo~and MQm did plenty f# . Vatican JI. "" 'take some serious tjlought on the rings,-' clinking 'bracelets;' 'and' manuaLlabor at 'nome, who Ilet , p a r t of the' parent whose respon- clicker tappe.d· shoes add nothing· the stalldarc) here?. Pre--Sc.hool Program a,ibility. it i.s t~, !l~e .that. their to a learning "situation but dis..,. Alarm clocks .were set to ring 'fashion taste doesn't overstep the tract· from it more than anyone ear!ier so everybody could g'l to For :'Poor Children.' bounds of good taste. . mot in the education field could ~ ''ISS and receive Communion,. LO'S A'NGELES .(N,C·) _ ....._ .Tight, 'Short Shirts possibly imagine. . , eome home for breakfast before ~,.., University of Southern Califor Short skirts arc here to stay, at Today's moral climate is such school Jr wQrk,: l.ia illlC Mount St. Mary's College least for a season 'or 'so, and I that the y~ung are. demanding have laun~hed a pre-school pro must admit that no, one looks and it seems getting more and gram for economically disadvan cuter in them than the preteener more freedom but all of us as. Church Councils Join taged children. The school will or the teenager. 1'hese novices parents have a responsibility te Project .Equality also serve as a laboratory for in the fashion whirl however see that: the budding taste of the teacher education. should be advised that whe~ young is exposed to the d~fferHARTFORD (NC) - T h r e e A 22-room mansion, just a few their skirts are tight along with ence between being in fashioD councils of churches have joined being short" any . up-to-the- and being indecent. Connecticut Project Equality, blocks from the university cam minute mod, look is taken away. Inc., an interfaith, statewide pus, ill the pre-school's home, ac equal employment Qpportunity .commodating ~5, boys am;l girls Another aspect, of the short program with headquarters here. 'three and four· years old'. Some "ened skirt that applies not 'only Joining the group as full par of its rooms are ,bigger ,than aU ·to the daughters put to the moth-.
ticipating membe~s" were the A.e li""1gspace the:YOung::'·'ers ers· as ·well is that a' lesson is '
Connecticut Council of Churches, ever have known.' needed' iIi sittingartd bending
the Greater Hartford Council of All of the children'"are over in a hemline that"ends above the
:. '. .
Churches, and the Waterbur.y coming. difficulties' in behavior' kneecap.' Council of Church'es. ' . " .As a teacher i view, a great
and learnirig, especially in.devel Project Equality, . w hie Ii on'TIent of vocabularies :indo abil many 'young girls in the class
pledges religious groups to foster ity to ·talk: Some from 'families r60ms 'during the' course. of a
equal opportunity in their own where they may have fcH ne-. week and not: one seems" overly
institutions and in the firms . glected . are beginrling to loSe concerned with ,how she is' sit
which supply them with goods their shyness and are less witil.. iing..... Legs. are sprawled hither
. ' yoh; their spines seem made
and services,. ~as. instituted in drawn. Instead of sitting alone Connecticut in 1965 by the in corners, they talk and play of rubber and the skirt that
started out as a miniskirt ends Catholic archdiocese of Hartford. with the other children.
Present at the annual meetift1jj of the New England Wome~ Intercollegiate Sailing Associa- . tion, held at MIT, was a delega tion from Salve 'Regina Colleg~ Newport, at which time tbD group presented. their appliea tion for memberShip. As an assoCiate member of·thQ New England organization, girl., from Salve will take part iI!l competitive, ,racing. througho'" April and May in the Bosto.1il area. ' The delegation included: MI,., Beth O'Neil of Tiverton, com modore; and Miss Rita O'DoJllco nell, Attleboro.
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T!re~$ M®frce~@D1@D~~
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 23, 1967
Reco~ lection
, lB1 .]'~ lllim~' lWall"ilYJl1l ~oqfi~ll'i~lk , We are approaching the buying season again. It won't ~ long before nurseries will be stocked with new plants and every place one turns there will be plants and trees for sille. There is a great temptation to buy impulsively and to buy what appears to be a All in all, if any color is going bargain. We have written to be added to our lives, it cer about this before but it will ,. tainly isn't going to come from do no harm to repeat what nature but will have to be the
Set for Sunday . A Day of Vocational Enlight-· enment (DOVE) will be con ducted .for young women from public and Catholic high schools, as well as those out of school, on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 26, at the Coll~ge of the ·Sa.cred Hearts, 520 .Rock Street, Fall Ri ver. The. introductory remarks will be made by Rev. Edmund T. Delaney, assistant at St. Joseph's Church; Fal~ River, and will be centered around the theme of wohlan's basic need to give her~ self. The awareriess of this need leads to the all-important deci sion of where and how 'to exem plify this ideal in life. Following the initial talk. dis cussions and exchange of views will start at 2:30 and the Cele bration of the Eucharistic Ban quet will take place at 3:20. A social hour in the novitiate will complete the program. Registration will be from 1 :30 and the progra~ will opeJi at 2.
we have said coricerning bar": result of our own creativ'ity and ...<lins. Take the position of the initiative. . '. , grower who puts his products up for sale. If he is selling tUl T01llch oil (JoUor evergl'een, he has most likely" You can change a mood with started it from a cutting, grown ,. color, you can change a dress it under special care in terins of' , with a touch of color, and you watering and fertilizing, suffer 'can change a room with color, ing a number of lost plants, and Why, you can even change your kept it in his nursery for two own personality with the shades or even three years. that you choose to wear. He then bales it in burlap and I once read a magazine story ships it to the retailer where it entitled "Red Shoe!! Run Faster" is t·, be sold. Under these condi and it always seemed to me that tions one expects to pay two or the author had an insight into three dollars for an evergreen, human nature for even the au depending on its size, If it is' thor of Dorothy and the Wi1;ard difficult to reproduce, the price of Oz realized that the magic Boes up accordingly. slippers that Dorothy wore New Orleans Elects couldn't, possibly be any color lP'oor Quality but red. Lay Council Members The same can be said for most . While I'm not suggesting that NEW ORLEANS (NC) -The plants. Roses take two to three we all go out and buy a pair of names of 26 laymen elected from years, azaleas and rhododen red shoes I am suggesting ,that throughout the archdiocese of drons as much as four and five one new use of color in your' New Orleans to serve on the years, and some of the trees may wardrobe, in your home or even archdiocesan advisory council be 10 years or older. on your dinner table could do have been announced. wonders for your spirit. A man and a woman were The question then arises as to elected from each of the 13 dean Perh::ps a new tablecloth, what the bargains represent. eries. Six priests, six nuns anell When you buy a bargain plant, b9ught or made, a new fresh two Brothers will also be named vibrant coat of paint on kitchen why should it be selling at bar to the council which will confer and. bathroom cabinets (we just gain prices? Archbishop Philip M. Han There are number of answers painted one of our. bathrooms FEED THE HUNGRY: Little Indian girl reminds us with nan" archdiocesan policy on antique blue, put a blue wall-to 1Jo this question. The most obvi . that the annual collection in U.S. parishes on Laetare Sun education, charities and general wall rug on the floor and an eye OilS "nswer is that the whole day, March 5, by the Bishops' Overseas Aid Fund Appeal participation of the laity in the sore became a very pretty room) saler has placed a bargain price helps to feed the poor and helpless in more than 80 countries. work of the Church.' or even one of those dazzlIng on inferior merchandise which o new cooking' pans to add a spot hc is then shipping to' the re of color in your kitchen. tailer. Not every cutting which is Change OutJoo11l: rooted is a good quality cut Any of these things could ting. One may have a poor root change your whole February and ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) systcm, another a poor shape, an Reg. Master Plumber 293«il won 16 awards since its became other may have 'been grown in March outlook. While visiting a _ The Long Island Catholic, the first religious publication GEORGE M. MONTLE friend's home the other evening newspaper of the Rockville Cen- granted membership in the pro poor soil or under adverse condi Over 35 Years
tions and may be in substandard I noticed what app'eared to be a . tre diocese, is the first religious fessional group three years ago. of Satisfied Service
large canvas ablaze with brilliant p'lblication to win the top prize : More than 400 1. 'Ith when it is shipped.": " :', newspapers '806 NO. MAIN STREEi
abstract shapes that just lit up for community service awarded throughout the state are mem Fall River 675-7491
~ommon Compnain~ one corner of her living room. by New York state's 115-year-. bers. ' At 'ariy rate, the' grower witt My modest friend, who always old 'professional newspaper selcct that stock which is not of claimed that she couldn't draw a group. good qi.uility' for 'sale to the b~r- straight line crooked, admitted, Th~ .paper's. continuing. cam ON CAPE 'C.OD gain merchandiser. ., . sheepishly that she· had painted paign on the Constitutional Con-,
1 As a, buyer your chances of the. ,can,vas with her children s. vention was cited by the New ' .
get ng a first-:J;ate. prod,uct. .fr9JP pos.\er, paints, varnish. and paper, York. Press Association as the
a bargain are relatively slim. A doilies for the express pcrpose of 'outstanding achievement in com., , bargain fruit tree. will be most he-.. 'ng something to brighten :the .' munJty. :service by ·a. newspaper . ." "') roqm without dimming, her, "in 'N¢,W,YO~~state during 1966., '\" likely an unsuccessful hYbrid.or ~',' 5-0700~' "'-!J, will be mislabeled (this is the buclgct. " '.!;)4e' dio'2esan paper also won I most common complaint of bar So no matter what area or' three other citations-first place : in hunters), or will tak,e six or medium you choose to put a little 'for best use ··of photographs; seven years to bear. 'A bargain < ~or.. ill your life, it will help second plabe. for' general excel JrO: will be unable to withstand pass .the time until mother na- lence,·and honorable mention for, . the first Winter. .' ture .returns to her i.nterior deco ~ 'vertising excellence.. rating job. " The Long Island Catholic has The bargain is to be :.f.o~md in the good plant which', prQd,uces Strawberry .Banana 'Quickie excellent flowers· Or fruit and 4 perfect dessert for a change
which is dependable. Bettei. to of pl:\ce and morale boosting,"
I?ay two dollars more ·fbr ea!'h plant and have them for..l0.years family meal is this, Strawberry, •
thaI. to buy'a plant that will be Banana Quickie that was given '"
• me by Mrs. James Johnson of·' , gone by the time you begin .-.\, OUl: Lady. of Fatima Parish, 1 'lin-hunting next Spring. '\' ,Swansea, Mass. in, the .Kitchen '.').,. . .• '" " . box of thin vanilla wafers Would you believe ":at Febru " l' quart of strawberry ice ary, .js, absolutely, positively, tl)e cream (slightly softened) most depressing' montl. of the 1 banana, sliced year? Having no scientific fa cis 1) In a 8 by 8 pan place a to back up this statement I'll just layer of the wafers (whole) have to base my opinion. on fe male intuition and prespring 2) Spoon over the wafers the " softened ice cream and then blues. , . plae ~ on top of thir the slice<{' The landscape outside changes ,bariana and the remaining pint of day to day from resembling 'the' ice cream. . ·\forth Pole on a bitter cold Mon day to looking like a gigantic 3) Top with lrmother layer of
the wafers.
r- ld pl.;ddle by the following un ,lieasonably warm Thursday. 4) rut in your freezer, .at least
As I'm typing this column ,I until quite ·"rm.
an see out of my bedroom win To serve remove from
1Ii< 'and the garden that is a riot freezer from 10 to 15 -minutes
of color from April on, has all ah~ad of time, and cut around
the appeal of a muddy artist the wafer 1'01' each sf' "
palette with a spectrum of. CQlor!i Top w.ith whip. 1 cream
y ~ing from dirtJ wbi~' to and chopped nuts. Winter Blues
tattletale grey. --Good By.
Publioation Wins Top State Honor
Montie Plumbing &
Heating Co., Inc.
,BUILDING MATERIALS '. , , 'SPring ',' " ..
Holsum,Bread is tIultgood!
l .~
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Feb. 23!
Notre D@rMe '61
Honoll's G®rmerQ ~
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~M[J'W®~ ~[}u@'W~ NEW YORK (NC) - The number of boys entering minor seminaries run by re ligious orders has dropped drastically in the past six years, 'according to a report issued by the Eastern AssoCiation of Reli giousVocation Directors. But according to a survey of religious communities in the eastern U. S., some of the slack has been taken up by an, increase in admissions to the last three yeal's of college seminaries and Brotherhood schools. ~ The association reported on the results of a questionnaire sel1t to 133 vocation directors of, men's religious orders. Replies came from 44 cOl'nmunities with 12,100 priests and Brothers working in the eastern U. S. J.<'ewer Novice,,; Their 35 minor seminaries and juniorates report a 46 per cent drop in freshman admissions from 1961 to 1966 and a 60 per cent drop in sophomore admis sions. Junior-yeal' admissions were unchanged, bu! senior ad missions increased by nine per 'cent. The number of novices also 'decl;eased 19 per cent from 525 to 426 in the samc period.' There 'W3,S also a 25 per cent i:Iec'rease in the number ,of freshmen en ''b~ring 'eollege'-I()V!;1 seminaries and Brothei'hobd schools'.' ' , ' . , After that, howevel', the ~ic turewas brighter. Sophomore entrances increased 27 per cent, junior entrabc'es61 per cent ani;l senior entrances went up by 82
POLISH GIPT: Sanctuary dome high above the main altar in the National Shrine of the' Immaculate Conception, Washington, :p.C., has been complet.ed. The mosaic is ·the gift of the Polish people of th~ U.S. througH the episcopal committee for the chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa. NC Photo. '
NOTRE DAME (NC) - OeR. William C. Westmoreland, U. ~ military commander· in Vietnam, has been named the 14th recip ient of the annual Patriotism Award of the University of NotJ:0: Dame Senior Class. Educated at the Citadel and the U. S. Military Academy" Westmoreland was commanding general of the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, N. C., from 1960 until his appointment illl 1963 as head of the U. S. military effort in Vietnam. Westmoreland was unable tCl> attend' the award ceremony ho person, so the traditional Wash ington's Birthday Exercises at which the recipient usually speaks were not held this yea~ according to Patrick Nash, Chi cago, IlL, president of the seniOG' class. Instead the award was given to a representative 02 Westmoreland at a priv,ate difllo ner Feb. 21. "Testmoreland was chosen by members of the senior class wh@ vote each year to select an out standing American for the honor. Sen, Everett M. Dirksen olZ Illinois, the Senate minority leader, was the 1966 recipient. Other winners have included Adlai Stevenson, Richard NixOl'~, John F. Kennedy" J. Edgoo Hoover and Robert Kennedy..
New York PlI'iests Continue Education
NEW YORK (NC)-Somc 30C> pI'iests from' the archdiocese c!l New York are attending classetl ., .. ... . . on the latest developments in theology, liturgy and seri pturCl at ,St. Joseph's Seminary ill ' COLUMB~ ,(-NC)~A stud~ institutions of higher' learning illl> staled,' "liav,c estimated that Yonke)·s. .' The priests areparticipatiJlfl 'per cent., ' on Catholic studeilts at Ohio's by 1980 and 91,000 of them in religious' 'gl;OU'p affiliated per But, 'cautioned the association,' lai'ge ,public colleges and unive'r: public scliools. ' , sons---chaplains and/or worl!:ers ill a' continuing educatiopa f pro lfJ'am ,of. the archdiocese, tb4l while the percentages' appear eri sities ftorn -1965 to 1980 reveals "Various . authorities, Cath-' -should be available for consul Priest's Conference on Pastorall eouraging, the' 'actual numbers that N'ewm;:m centers at these in tation and activities for each olic' al~": Protestant!" Dr. CalJ(Life, The current semester they represent falls' far shod ol. stitutions 6f 'higher, learning are -q,OOO stu'dents. offsetting the drop in earlier badly und(lrslaffed:' , '''Other authorities, including , opened Feb. 6 ,and will continue through 'May. ' ," vocations. the ,National Newman ,Aposto- , . The study indicates that by AmOlig those enrolled fo'r the late," he continued, ~'alnlOst 1,9!l0, the state) 1,2 m~jor pub scinester 'are priests rnngin(l dOlible the number of workers liCI supported schoqls, which :Stresses' C:ontii1loed . iil nge f,'om' 25 to 70. For some' requi!'ed for the same' number of enroll almost 70 per cent of . the ciasses are their first formal , NEW ORLEANS (NC)- The . students." ', Ohio's college sludcf\ts, will re Efforts for'Unity ones in 10 or 20 years; for oth,eqJ need fOI' more housing for fhe Allother report conclusion de ESSEN (NC) - Bishop Franz quire almost twice as mall)' full they end absenpes from the c:.. ss poor is one' of the most cl'ucial rived by DI·. Calkins is that time 'priests, Religious and lay ; Heligsbaeh 'of 'Essen has urged facing New Orleans and until it o'hio's colleges and uni versfties room of only si,x: months, people as they need today. ; German Catllolie and Protestant is met education, employment, suffer from a serious shortage of
The report was p'repared by 'church leadp-rs to" continue their crime and health problems will facilities for religious "worship Dr. Francis Calldns of the bu Sisters Insured 'effort.s for, Qhristian unity even continue to moun't, according to and service. • ,though tJ1C problems fliCing. reau of busines~ reSearch at Ar:chbishop Philip M. Hannan. ALBUQUERQUE (NC) - The Ecumenical Approach West~rn Reserve University in church union ;n'c' great. school board of the Sante Fe Calling on community leadel's Cleveland and financed by the "Large city institutions which archdiocese has issued regula In a comml,plicatioll to Luth and federal officials, to expedite Ohio Stnfe Council, Knights of are' publicly supported are gen eran Bisho'ri .Joachim Beckmann, tions on the amount of inslll'ance el'ally deficient in this area. Bishop Hengsbach pointp-d out 'Columbus. The K of C have housing' programs for the poor, covera:Je Sisters teaching in pa Archbishop Hanllan. urged those pledged $1 million fo'r Newmnn "I,f religious activity of any that the greater the problems rochial schools must have. The work in the state over a 10-year. not convinced of the need to tour denomination, worship or sel'v separating the churches, the president of the board noted t.hae the city's slums and see for them period. ices, or even counselling, is to more tIiey should wOl:k together. it was the first time that Sistenl selves the sub:-standard housing be :lnied on" some provision for were required to be covered by One-Third Catholic Tne Catholic bishop pointed that is "home" to more than facilities should be afforded the,' , a health plan. to three problems dividing 'Cath Dr, Calkins, who believes the 100,000 residellts of the city. various denominations, or at olics and Protestants -, mixed report is the first of its kind in marriages, ,Baptism alld the Archbishop Hannan 'pointed least made, available for the Worry of the U. S., said the p'roblem is' more representative religious out that the, archdiocese formed fuhlre o,f the denominational massiv~ enough "to demand at gl'Oups," Dr, Calkins concluded. church _.- and' asked Pl'Ot()stants a non-pl'Ofit cOI'poratibn, Chris tention aild action from both topher Homes, last June to spon to hy, to :imderlit.and the Cath The survey l'eport, has been the Catholic hierarchy and the Slipping or Irritating? sor federally aided ]ow~rent sent to Ohio's Catholic Bishops olic vJewpoint on these ques laity. Don't be.embluTassed by loose fnlse tiol~s. . 'ho~lsing for the elderly but has and" to other church leaders teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling . "Delay or lack of action 'can ,when you eat, talk or laugh, Just "sin<:e t.heir statements' generally not yet been "able to secure the only mean possible'd'eterioration spJ'Inkle a IIttlc FASTEETH on your plntes, TIlls pleasant powdcr gives a in the moral and'·religiou$' fil;:>er necessary clearances to go ahead called for an ecumenical ap Pittsburgh Priests
J'emnJ'kablc sense of I\ddcd comfort with the fi rst project." proad' to the' problems of deal ,of the potential leaders of com and sccuJ'lty by holdIng pIa tes more illg years,", he asserted. fiJ'mly. No gummy, gooey. pnsty taste. "Yet I am informed by officers ing with the religious and moral Form ~ssodcition ,
DentuJ'es that fit nre cssentlnl to Approximately, one-third of of Christophel' Homes that '85% needs of students," Dr. Calkins henlth. Sce your dcntlst ,·cgulnJ'ly. PITTSBURGH (NC) - Priests <said. Gct FASTEETH at all mig counteJ's. of the persons in New Orleans Ohio's college 'students -:- 82,000 in the Pittsburgh diocese have o _ 65 years of age are existing out of 246,000 are Catholics. organized an informal associa on income below the poverty .A survey taken in conjunction tion to pl'Omote a grass-roots im plemcntation, of Second Vatican' with this report noted 49,000 level," he said. "Among' our Catho'·l.s: 25,000 in state schools, Negro citizens, 95% of those over Council decrees. 19,000 in Catholic schools and 65 have incol'nes below this' The priests have been meeting level." for p-ight months as a study 4,500 at other private schools. Dr. Calkins j&rojects a total
group, without official status, college enrollment in Ohio of
but with the kn()wledge Jlnd 304,000 students by Ji980-three
sanction of the diocesan ehan out of four of them in public in
cery. More than 100 priests have stitutions. He projects a need participated in discussions. MANUFAC1'URERS
Just Across The The association keeps'diocesan for 90 full-time Newman work Coggeshall St. Bridge NAl'IONAJ.. ,BANK
ers by 1980 in 12 large colleges officials and other priests of the Fairhaven, Mass. which are expected to enroll of RIC IS'I'OI. COUNTY
diocese informed of its delibera Finest Variety of more than 1,000 Catholic stu tions through a monthly news THE AREA'S'MOST ACCOMMODATING BANK
letter, Bishop J~hri' J, Wright of dents each. ' SEAFOOD Sh"rtage "r l<'aciJities Pitt'sburgh stated in a letter his , ATTLEBORO 'FALLS Served Anywhere - Also appro,,;'! of the association and He estimates thllt 140,000 Cath , STEAKS-,CHOPS'-CHICKEN NORTH ~ TTLE.B~:"RO • MANS'FI,ELD its efforts. __ olic" studel1t~. will be in' Ohio
Co'llege:.. '·Newman Centers. Understaffed -
,Ohio.survey' Warns ·of· h;creasnn9
Prelate Stresse's Homes for Poor'
New Archbishop Sets Program At fP>@[f't~@lD'W@ PORTLAND (NO) - "My program is simply to get on with the work," Arch bishop Robert J. Dwyer told 1,200 prelates, priests, ReligiOl~ and laymen as he was installed as sixth Bishop of Portland in Ore gon. Archbishop Dwyer, who had been Bishop of Reno since .1952, succeeds Archbishop Edward D. Howard, who retire" last year after 40 years as spiritual leader o~ the Portland archdiocese. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, apostolic delegate in the U: S., was installing prelate and prin cipal concelebrant at the Mass . and enthronement at St. Mary's Cathedral here: 'Difficult Times' "It is the common saying now adays that these are difficult times for the Church," said Archbishop Dwyer in his homily. "I am keenly aware that there nre areas of concern and theo logical speculation in moral de cisions and in disciplinary ad justment, whel'e the difficulty is very real. "Let us not lose our perspec tive, however. Difficulty is a constant of the pilgrim Church, and we ought to have learned from experience that hel' posi tion is never more dangerous and imperiled than when all things seem to be, in the quiet si lence, quiescent and inactive. , " "My program is simpl:' to get 'on with the work; whether it be ·in Catbolic' education, in' the social mfssion of chal'itv,in liturgical education or' in. the vast field Of ecumenism."
....-"'.!Ililo;\"" ... .IIi........
'!" ~1
I;j.~h .
••_ _i..iil... rr .. II~,11II4_.
Thurs., Feb. 23, ] 967
Mer. Dev~frU' W @ []'[]'i)~
AT INSTALLATION: Archbisho!?,Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the U.S. was the-presiding ptelate as he installed Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer, left, as sixth archbishop of Portland i'J'1 Oregon, succeeding Archbishop ]~dward D. Howard, right, who resigned his See last fall ~aS he Jle~ire(l his 90th ye;lr, having been Archbishop of Portland more than 40 . )'e;us,' NC PhotQ t d
Brotherhood ~eek
To 'Start Sunday
NEW YORK (NC)-"The same mcthods of education,' of 'dia roguc of teaching, of pcrson-to person communication and rea soned confrbl1tation which h'ave b.·ought about a new era of ecu lYienical understanding in Amer H:a must be applied with even ~rcater vigo~ -to eradicatc th~ poison of racial prejudicc that is" disrupting OUI' country today.lI This was the theme voiced by Dr. Sterling W. Brown, president o' the NatiOnal Confcrence. of G,hrislians and Jews; in launch ing the annual observa.nce Sun dny of National Brotherhood Week. "Let us mn!<e a searching ex nminatiol1," DI·. Brown said, "to determine what specific things need to be clone 1.0 make Amer ica a safe I', a beltel' .ind " .finer place in which 1.0 live.' Then, wor'king together dul'ing the 51 weeks following Brotherhood Week,Jet us take whatever' steps may bc' necessary-with all the knowledgc and "esourccs at our command- to insure' that all Americans are tl'eated equally,as citizens of this democracy and :lS brothers in the family of mankind."
K of C Contribute
$5,000 for Center
NEW HAVEN (NC) - The Knights of Columbus have con t ..ibuted $5,000 to the U. S, Cath olic Bishops' Committee fo .. Ecu menical and Inl.erreligiolls Af fairs towa ..d the establishment of :l p..oposed national ecumen ical research cente ... The 1.2 million-membc.. Cath olic f ..aternal association made Ule g ..ant in ..esponse to a re quest f ..om Bishop .JOhn .J. Car be ....y of Columbus Ohio, ch:lir m.m of the bishops' committee. Thc request .was 'endo ..sed by Supreme Knight John W .. Mc Devitt and approved by the asso ciation's boal'd 01 directol·s.
Clergy Oppose Abortion Law. Changes Christians, Jews .Attack Proposals NEW YORK (NC)- Four .Christhlll and Jewish clergymen have added their weight to the opposition to New York's abortion reform bill. . At the same time in J;laltimore, Lawrence Cardinal Shehan at tacked both proposals to libel'al ize Maryland abortion law and. the present law itself. The New Y"'rk statement was signed by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, president of the New York City Protestai)t Council; Arch bishop Iakovos of the Greek Orthodox Al'chdioceseof Nortll awl South Americn; Rabbi Julius C Neumann, a member of the city human rights commission, and Rabbi Jehuda Melber 0:(
Queens'. "The liberalization of existing abortion l:lW would le:ld to a serious detel'ioration in Ameri can family life," theY asserted. "Men of all creeds hold that life comes from God, the Creator and belongs exclusively to Him. This
Refuses Cardinal's OHer to Resogn COLOGNE (NC) - Pope Paul VI has refused an offer to resign from Joseph Cardinal Frings of Cologne, who recently observed his 80th birthday. The cardinal, former head of the German Catholic' Bishops' Confe ..ence, received pe'rsonal congnltulations on his birthday from the Pope, who also thanked him fOl' what he has done for the ChUI'ch in Germany. Cat'dinal Frings is the founder of Misel'eor, the Germ:ln Catho lic ovel'seas ..elief_ agency, and of Adveni:lt, the German Cath olic agency to Ilid the Church in Latin America.
exclusive ownership the Al mighty has underlined hi the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill.' To assume - that abortion is not included in this prohibi. tion :is ?nti-religious." Their statement was sent out under the letterhead of the So l ' ~ty for the Protection of Chil dren's Mental and Moral Health. , Dr. Peale and HaiJbi Neumann are directbrs of the society. lIuman. Life S"--'~d Cardinal Shehan's statement against Mat'yland's abortion law was mnde as Gov. Spiro Agnew ca.ne out in support of the mea sUI'e, which would permit do'c tors to perform abol·tions if a'
physiciari 'and psychiatrist had grounds' to believe tha1 it was necessary for the mental' and physical health of
the mother.
"In 1rcivilization," said the'
cardinal, "human life ha" always
been' held sacred. In case of
doubt as to the existence or non
existence of h"man life, the ex
istence of human life has re
ce;- ". the benefit of ~ny doubt. "This general attitude is in
conformity' witl- Christian teach
it-,g as held by the Catholic Church, I am therefore strongly opposed to the existing abortion
law as well as the proposed amendment."
M@[f@ ~
CHICAGO (NC) - The chief officer of the Knights of Colum bus declared here that the moral sense of <the U, S. is in need of r.habilitation as much as the nation's cities. Supreme Knight John W. Mc Devitt made the observation in an address following a cere mony which raised some knights to the fourth and highest degree attainable in the 1.2 million member fraternal society of Catholic men. McDevitt recalled the words 011 George Washington's farewetll address in which he warned that no genuine and effective democ racy can exist unless it is based on a national morality of firm religious principles. I "1 regret to say that the moran landscape of America today gives evidence of blight alld de cay which were not part of the robust ethical life which George Washington envisioned," the K. of C. official declared. "One moral disease 011 our landscape is the increasing en shrinement of violence and the tendency to confound democl'acy with mobocracy, There seems W be an insidious assumption on the part of some groups in ou" society that constructive progresD can be made only by a resort t() violence because violence makes headlines and focuses attentioJm on t1' problem they are trying to coned," McDevitt said. ' ,
Blackfriars. Stage Presbyterian's Play NEW YORK (NC)-The Blaeh friars' Guild, Catholic exper.... mental theater and New YorkOe oldest off-BI'oadway theater, ill staging the play of a youll(l r _'sbyterian writer, William ill. Thompson. Thompson's work, "The Mail Who Washed His Hands," is ;)f.l existential probing into the mincll of Pontius Pilate. The new pt'O
quctioll wi!l run for five weeks.
New Bedford Hotel
Seminarians Spen~ Pastoral Yeor VIENNA (NC)-Seminarians in thei:' final year of study for . t' Pl' 3thood here will now be required to spend a year in pas toral work before ordination to th priesthood, according to .new regulations of the Vienna al'ch diocese. The purpose of the "pastoral year'" is to acquaint the students with parish work and to give them an oPPoL'tunil.y to deter mine if they are ready for the worK and life of a priest.
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@@@ [b@\7®
By Rt. Rev. Edwar411·· T.
"Send missionaries to· f~r~ign lands." 'll'hiS appe~U, sho1llt<a<il through the ages, is stun h~ard and must. b~ ~ear.cll. !But tlln<a Missions have grown up anell today we must dlstlDgUIS~ betweenn missionaries from the outside and native clergy.·lIt IS sacll ~unt true that in the past missionaries often did not develop III native clergy. Such was the case in the Philippines as w~lI as, in tlla<a Congo and the rest 'of Africa. Regardless of our affech~n forr Asians or Al'ricans, we would not want aIn the clergy Illl tImlll. United States recruited from other lands. llUghUy we would feen that we should be spil'.itilally ministered to by our own peopll<a.
By JRt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy" .The Claffeys and the Gilligans are tin~ers. (Ple~se gentle lady, put that brick' down. I'm not saymg an~th~ng about your family, or 'your hi.lsband's, but m~rely b.egmmng to synopsize a new novel.) We meet them III Bryan Mac Mahon's The· Honey Spike· And so had bride and. groom (Dutton.. · $4.95; 201 Park started off together. They made Ave., S., New York, N.Y~ for the north, partly, Breqa. be 10003), which is a (~uriously lieved, because Martin waI?ted
Our brothers in mission lands feel the' same .~ay: The primary disappointing performance. In . to .stay out of the way of oold purpose of. the missionary is to train teachers, pnests, brothers and s)m~ of its 'parts, especially its . Winifred. The reader may well E:lt' 'pieces, it .
religious who understand the psychology believe that they did so, partly 'approaches per- .
and history. of the people they serve. T~e . too because of the novelist's missionary may leave his mark as one dId fection. As a
wi;h to describe various parts whole, it ap-'
on one of my good friends in Nigeria, of Ireland in various seasons. proaches failure.
Brian Boru Usanga. An Irish missionary This he does superbly. Sky It tells .of Mar
baptized him Brian after he was born. and sea and' .landscape leap to tin Claffey and
Although his first name. was Irish, his the eye as he pictures them. Breda Gilligan,
family name was ·African. Today he is There is a brilliant passage de NCEA: Executive Secre man and wife
a Bishop. W£: may giv~ Christian names tailing the effects of an unusual tary of ihe Wational Catholic but we must at the same time prepare although
stretch of bitter Winter weather, neither is yet
native priests and bishops, The missionary with heavy sriowfall and icy Educational Association;elec 20. They are of
winds. ("One morning 'Martin ted on Feb. 14 at a meeting who does not integra"te his mission into the tinker families
and herself awoke to find the of the executive board in' local community is like an umpire which have ever
always watching the game but never wor'<1 white and the east wind Washington, is Father C. Al been 'at odds, but 'sometimes at spitting pins into their faces.") pl~ying it. one in warfare against the bar
bert Koob~ O. Praem. Father Martin was rough and gener barous McQueens.
Koob has served in an inter When miss'fonaries are driven out of a country so often Itt fiB Tinkers are not gypsies, and ally articulate.' But he loved im status since the death in llike the iearing' down of a scaffolding, leaving the Church thu<a her fiercely., and .she was con they are not tramps, while hav half built. 1[f they have left no native priests behind, they hlllv<a September~ 1966 of his pre: ing something in common with tent. Poll-Poll was often a nui left the Church with onlY part of a foundation. Our missionaries each category. There are said to sance and always sharp-spoken, decessor, Msgr. Frederick G. have to remember that they are "Western," belonging to a segment but she could show affection and be 10,000 of them in Ireland, Hochwalt. NC Ph9tO. of ·the world now on the defensive - ' the affluent West. We ar<il roaming the roads selling pots solicitude. Breda was entranced saving souls.in the Missions, but that is not all·we do! We ar.lll. with being a wife an'd deiighted and pans of their 'own making, slll~ing situations; societies, secular institutions but this cannot ",:ad S@}?S , (llJliUoW@[f'$OffO@$ . until not. above a bit of swindling, at t:le prospect of ~ child. "tomorrow" for tremendous, demonic forces are destroYlDg cheating or steali~g, as iively the "humanness" of humanity. And yet today in many of the Periolous Journey' (6@fJ'ilS©~B~@fhe they. are dirty. . seminaries of Africa we turn away 150 to 200 young men each yearr The race for the Honey Spike, When we meet MarCin J and simply' because we cannot find enoUgh' funds to support am!! once Martin had been persuaded ATLANTIC CITY (NC;)-The Bl:eda, they hav~ been married ed.ucate them! about a year. S.he is with child: to make it, is beset with more president of St. LO'lis University perils' than that of the possible predicted here a rapid cOnsolida her time is almost at hand. They are in the far north of Ireland; collapse of cart or beast. There is, tio" of American Catholic insti Many of you readers have not a priest in the family. Many of at the Giants' Causeway, in fact, for example, the incident at the tutions of higher learning. you are perhaps childless. Many of you reading about the desperate • This development will offset and she is determined to get to border. world situation ask "what can I as an individual do?" If you send .Rf licy Spike in the far south, ... Breda and Martin are encamp-, the "excessive and unplaimed us S250 a year for six years, or $1,500 which will completely educate before the birth of her child. ed for the night on the Ulster proliferation of Church-related a native priest, you wi!! have brought a nation closer to God through side, preparing to cross in the institutions," Father Paul C, one of their own. The financial burden of this may be too great Penniless Paili' morning. This is the very night Reinert, S.J., told an education fOI' some. But do not let this deter you! No matter how small Ch01 ~n by an I.R.A. contingent writers' seminar which preceded · a sacrifice you make, it will help toward the education of a native The Honey Spike, it appears, for a raid on an Ulster police. the opening of the annual m.,~t is a country hospital, run by barracks. ing of the -American Association priest-son. Let the Holy Father choose. the seminarian and the seminary. You may never know.the name of your adopted priest nuns o~ which Breda has pleas- One of the I.R.A. men; wound of Secondary"School Administra but your name will eveJ: be upon his lips . . . those same lips ant ~ecollection. She' is super- ed at the barracks, stumbles into to:'s.· . stitiollsly convinced that, 'for:' .their camp, and they. help him "We can look forward in'15 each' day for his entire life turn br·ead. and wine into His Body and 'luc:' 'her child miJst come into' 'get' away. Shortly' thereafter. the. years·to having perhaps six truly 'Blood and care for thousands of souls because of you. Write to me. the world there. The whole ;dis:.·.. poli-:e ar.e on hand, 'and it looks. '. great C~th9lic universi~y 'cent~rs When begging' for Christ. we ask Dot just for riion~ but any tanc'.' of Ireland, anc the whole as if the couple will.·be, j~i~~d. .of learmng;" Father Remert smd. valuable that can be sold and the money given t~ the poor. So weight of ·Martin's reluctance, But Breda's pleading"and.a con:- . "We. ·might end up with ahout seitdus your old gold 'and jeweiry _ look in the dusty corners of arC: ! etween her and her goal. venient distraction,· prevented 200 Catholic schools committed· your jewel box 01' top drawer for your grandparents' gold eyeglaSs eTPhaei\.rr apreos·vseirstsIJ.loanll.fcp'oennslll·:,·.-t that,' . :, ' : . . . . .artts, frames or watches, for'Ule or:ring';you no longer wear,. 1 ~ ~ More serious. is Martin's res- an, havmg. no aspJra Ions, ·0 .. ' the cuff links yOU 'never liked.. Your semi-preciou's anil precious of the rags on·~heir };>ack,s,;!1 flat .olution to stop off for Puck·Fair. .graql,late programs," he contin.-, .. ; jelvels will .win· precious souls for .'Christ. Our' address: The (' ';t. and a cob' to dra";' it,' sbme . ed . .' i 'A' . "'T Brenda likes nothing' about' that" 'U ;'. '.. ,... '.' .. :'.' .. : : Socliety 'for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 F fth venue, ... ew,.... tin:'and some .tools, ijn4 a few idea." It meansdeHiY.·''It'·'also' 'TQe priest also predicted"that ',' York, N. Y. 10001.' '. ' .,
.otl~er bits. .. ' "'. means'danger; For' at. the fait' ·,tli.e·:t;~ W~ll .be .fewer ,anddewer, ..
They are not travelling alone. .theE~ will be dririking'and'figlit.:.' "coli':lges with lesl!. than ,500. ,stu•....... .. , in': the.ir: own rig are ~artin's. ing. There will also be 'Winifred . dents, and a growing number of . <::OD LOVE YOU to Mrs, H'. M. ~~I ·have. WOrn these· rings for . mother,' Poll-Poll Claffey, and :dCQI' n. Martin swears to by- Catholic' junior colleges'. :,.. 20 years and I have finally' decided to .replace.• them with.a plain',' her third husband, Martin's step pass the fair, but to" the ..fair' Within a decade, he forecast, gold band. Taking care of 8 children, mixing pie crust and cleaning. fattier, Mickle ,Sherlock, a cou they go. ' the vast majority of Catholic pie as picturesque as they are colleges.'will. have some laymen , hOUSI~, ju"st makes diamonds· a nuisan~!.. I~ gives .me .great joy .to smelly,. ·sh.e.~_d"o1Jr~ and. q'ld.ck, t,9 . Contrived Ending . on their governing board of trus · know these will help someone else to.l!ve .. ; . to J. S. ~'Enclosed . is another $1,500 to make a seminarian ~ .prie.st. It's l! great sacrifice. ra~e, he nimble of .foot and of tees. Last month St. Louis UniWinfred is there, and. hostility . .. " for me but now my husband and I have 4 priest-sons.'? ... to M. M. fancy;' versity announced that it is giv . flares. Unable to get Martin to .
"Please sell this ring....,. it is a Yljllu~~i.~· piece, 0.£. jewelry, .. ~ have ' k pre'ss on. to. the HoneY .Spike, :dnc·.controi of the Uiliversity to wanted so much' to help YOU;' since 'POPe PauJ gave '.us a jeweled, intricate Flashbae s . ".·a board composed' of 1.8 laymen ". . ·v··.·.·. Breda induces' her godfaiher, a As Martiii imd 'Breda make tramp known only as Dickybird,'of several religious faith's and 10 :piece 'more preciousthimaqythihg I ~~04}{'i~ye 4g fo.r. the p.oor ;, · o{ the world,""'" '. ,·.'Je.suit pl".iests. . thegr way down, the length of Ireland, the· young: wife' lonks to drive her there. back on her. life, and espedally . Once' the rest of the" tinker . .' c.ut· out this e.tlumn, pin your sacrifice to it ~nd mail it to on her association' with M;lrtin.· .clan learns of this, tht;!y are off Laity I., Majority . Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara, National Director' of The SocietJ'
The present action. of .the.,novel, in mad pursuit;. a·~lamorous car COPENHAGEN (NC) -f. The for, the Propagation. of the ·Faith, 366 Fifth Avevue, New York,'
is interrupted for these fIlashavan headed f()r 'the"ext·r.emity. laity will have. a majority in the N.,Y. 10001, or toYOdr Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Hsgr. Raymond
b "s, in an intricate' pattern' of.. of Kerry. Brenda,- there b~fore diocesan synod established by T. Considine, 368 North Main' Street, Fall River, Mass. cutting which resembles film them, discovers that the hospital Bishop. Hans .Martensen, S.J., of technique. is closed, the nuns scattered. She Copenhagen. The synod will The' had met in childhood, as will have to give birth in a consist of 65 priests, 25 nuns and their' two tribes encountered tumbledown shed. 110 members elected by the laity. each other from time to She does so, but th lry does' Each parish will elect candidates, ,. , time: Once Martin had saved not en" in jubilation. What hap who must be at least 18 y.ears . . " . . her' 'from drowning: He knew pens must be left for the reader. old.' ~~n~~ "OAOSON BURNERS :;:s ~ ~ ~ all about her father's death at to discover. Perhaps, like the .~• • # • • • • ,##.#.##o~#~~~,,## the;nands of the McQueelH1, dur reviewer, he will find it con 24-Hour Oil Burner Service ing :puck Fair. Of a sudden, ac trived. St.FlI'ancD.~"··.:.:' Famous Reading HARO COAL =~ HELL quaintanceship ant! only casual As writing, the book is, for ~It It .. in~ '~st had given way t<' love. the most part,. l>eautiful work. Resid,.ei1ce::: . NEW ENGLANO COKE ~ ~ ~ There were complications. For At its lyric best, it shimmers and FOR YOUNG ~9MEN
. ~,~~ :;;.t....h " .~~,-.; one' thing, that hussy Winifred sings. The speech of it~ people 196 Whipple S~., j:iblii ·River
McQueen had her eye on .Martin is vivid. Being illiterate is said . by. Frcin~iscan
ConduCted and could be counted on to make "to be' blind of half the world." Missibn~,i~ o~ 'McIry .. ~rouble. For another, there was A distrusted person. is. told, 'llOOMS ." MEAlS the suspiCion between the C~af "You'd steal the nails out of a I OVERNIGHt HOSPITAUTY feYF and the Gilligans. But true.. crucifix." If only Ute principals .tAlluir" 673-7m &40.Pleasant Street Tel. 996-8271 New Bedford .ve.had foun~ a way. had as much life!
··:tod·'u'nde~graduate li~ert~l
SHELL IIlPremiumllHeating Oils .' em i!!iE'~~~
Pontiff Supports Bishops' Overseas Aid Fund Appeal
Thurs., Feb. 23, 1967
Faithful to Vote
DETROIT (NC)-Pope Paul VI has issued a personal appeal to the bishops of the United States for aid to "the untold millions of people on this earth, our brothers in the' human family, who have to live their lives sometimes with alit even the basic necessi ties." The Pope's plea was worldwide relief organization of made in a letter to the U.S. U. S. Catholics, which last year aided more than 40 million bishops supporting their needy people in 80 countries.
1967 Overseas Aid Fund Appeal and made public here by Arch bishop John F. Dearden, presi dent of the administrative board, U. S. Catholic Conference. With a minimum goal of $5 million, the 21st annual appeal will be conducted generally throughout the country from Feb. 25 to March 5, culminating with the traditional Laetare Sunday (March 5) collection in more than 18,000 parishes. The Pope told the bishops of the "source of comfol't and con solation" the appeal has been to him and his predecessors. "The helping hand of you, the hierarchy of the United States of America, is a manifestation," he said, "not only of your well known charity but also, in these days, of your desire to imple ment fully the words and spirit of t'1e ecumenical council which reasserted that men are obliged to come to the relief of the poor, and to do so not only out of their superfluous goods.", Aided 40 Million "In this praiseworthy endeavor to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and comfort the suffer ing," he continued, "you are as sisted most generously by your faithful people, who give so will ingly to the fund set up for this purpose, and who particularly share of their goods in the col lection which you organize for' Laetare Sunday." The annual bishops' appeal sustains Catholic Relief Services,
Clergy's .Radio Show Popular ALBUQUERQUE (NC) - A radio program, featuring a Cath olic priest, a Lutheran pastor and a Presbyterian minister, is such a success here in New Mexico that a local station is thinking of adding an hour to the show's weekly broadcasting time. ' . '
On Use of Funds
The Catholic aid is dispensed solely on the basis of need, without regard to religion, race or politics.
Joint Task GI1'OUp To Develop PI@n [f«Dr
y (O)utI~ W@f(k
WASHINGTON (NC) The first joint Catholic Protestant Consultation on Youth Work has decided to strive for establishment of an inter-religious task force to pur sue opportunities for joint study and action. The consultative group, com posed of representatives of the Youth Department of the United States Catholic Conference and the Youth Ministry Department of the National Council of Churches, also committed itself to meet on a regular basis "to continue to identify common problems and develop possible means of cooperation and joint action." Apostolic Ministry Participants in·a far-ranging discussiOl agreed with the Sec ond Vatican Council's Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity which states that "Young people themselves should become the first and immediate apostle to the youth * ,. *" Msgr. Frederick J. Stevenson, retiring director of the usce Youth Department, and Rev. John S. Wood, executive director of the NCC's Department of Youth Ministry, were in charge. Mr. Wood said, "since the Second Vatican Council we have increasingly become aware of the common ,calling of the whole Church to minister to the youth of this generation." Msgr, Stevensonstrl~ssed that the "forms and modes. of youth, ministry and programs, are in . need of renewlu and' agiiorna ,~ento if ~hey are apt to be faith-, ful means of ap,ostolic' ministry , and 'present in the Ufe ami' world of'yo~th." ' "'"
SENIORLEAJ)ERS: Senior class leaders at Dominican Academy, Fall River, are front, from left, Beverly Stinton, Senior B president; Vivian Fiola, Senior A president; rear, Dianne Ratte, school president; Susanne Brodeur, sodality prefect.
Vocations Lag
Home Masses Paterson Bishop Casey Again Encourages Continuance in New Jersey Diocese PATERSON (NC) - Bishop Lawrence B. Casey said he will continue to encourage celebration of Mass in private homes in the Paterson diocese. The practice, which has grown in popularity in recent months, had come under question due to a recent Vatican decree on litur.., gical experimentation. The Bishop explained that the document's objections to "family Eucharistic banquets celebrated in pri'vate homes, and ,followed by a meal" 'do ,'not apply to , proper M,a/lS~S., celebrated ill , homes on portable altars., , 8..uO*ioDfi ' Felt. Musle . "The: repol'~ of no\v :meaning~' "'(and sanctifyin'g ceiebra-: 1jionli ~ave been ~n'~be palishes: .
ST. B~RNARD (NC) - Mem bers of St. Clement's parish in this Ohio community will vote on whether to use available par ish funds for improvements in the' church building which was seriously damaged by fire in 1963. Father Albert Senn, O.F.M., pastor of the 1 17-year-old pal'ish, said that approximately $25,000 had been earned as interest on parish investments in the past year. Adult parishione:.1 who use church-support envelopes were eligible to vote on the use of the funds by placing a ballot in their envelopes in Sunday's church collection. The parish has been conduct ing a "very successful" campaign for funds for a new church, Father Senn reported, with about $600,000 collected so far. However, erection of a new church is tied in with St. Ber nard's urban renewal program, which may require a wait of three to five years more before construction begins. Meanwhile, temporary repairs have been made but the interior of the church still bears the scars of the 1963 fire, The question voted on Sunday was whether to use the $25,000 interest earned last year to paint the church interior, install an acoustic-tile ceiling, and add new light fix tures to improve the church for the intervening years.
which have them leads me to hope that they will be continued for pastoral reasons," the Bishop stressed. In a related matter, Bishop Casey pointed out that so-called folk Masses are not affected by the decree which objected to "music of a totally profane and worldly character not worthy of the sacred action."
VATICAN CITY (NC) -The number of priests in the world is not keeping up with the increase in the number of Catholics, ac cording to an annual report of the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities. At present there are one diocesan priest for every 4,083 Catholics in the U. S.; one for every 1,150 in Europe and one for every 10,549 in Asia IIlnd Africa.
"It would be wrong," the Bishop said, "to apply this ,to the folk ' music sometimes accom panied by guitars which have alreadY,'borne rich, :fruit .among the :young of ,our diocese." .
The weekly program, which runs for 90 minutes, sets a topic for ,Bristol County for the three clel'ical guests' and then lets listeners phone in their eomments and questions. , ~he clergymen, who have dis-" Pol.ic~A't.end BUiidiri~, cussed to~icssucb as religion On PuertoRi~o CbUrse campUll, dope addition, the com ~ Masonry· mercializatiOil of 'Christmas and , PONCE' (NC)-,-Officials .fro~ "Is God dead?", have said they u major U. police' depart find the directn'ess of this type ments concerned, about, rela'tions T~UNTON, MASS.
of communication' extremely with Puerto Rican minorities are . stimulatiilg. attending a month-long Police THE BANK ON , Institute Understanding lilt the .. /, TAUNTON GREEN
Catholic University of Puerto Seek Compensation Rico here. . 7 JEANETTE STREET • So. Dartmouth • Member of Federal Deposit The training and orientation For Tax Losses FAIRHAVEN WY 4-7321 Insurance Corporation program is being conducted by • and Hyannis _ TRENTON (NC)-A bill giv the university,'s Larrain Inter ~i%SSSS%SS%$SSS%S$S).; ing the legislature power to com American Center. It has the sup : So. Dartmouth 997-9384 : pensate municipalities for pos_ port of the U. S. Justice Depart • Hyannis 2921 _ sible tax losses due to the loca ment's office of law ,enforce tion of college campuses in the ment assistance. area has been introduced in the New Jersey Assembly. ~IIIHIIIIIIIIII'"'"II11I11""l1l11l11lll11l11l1l1l11ll1nIlIllHIlIllIIlIIllIllItIl"lIIl1ll11l11ll11l1ll11l1ll11l1II111111111111'b A number of sUbl;~ban munici palities have' changed zoning . , laws in recent years to prohibit this type of land use. One of the StraoghlT' to reasons generally given is that it would take too much desirable
Sea Foods property off the tax rolls. -BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES The Assembly bill would pro lor best vide for an independent estimate $. COMMUNION, BREAKFASTS of the amount of tax revenue ~choice lost .... any municipality in FALL RIVER 1~43 PLEASANT STREET which " college is located. The Seafoods. 993-7780 legislat.ure then could appropri ~ UNION WHARF. IFAIRHAVEN Tel. 997-9358 ate funds to make up all or part of the loss. ·~InUmIlIUUlllmlllmllllnlllmullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlI1l1l1l1lmllllIUIIIIUlmIIlUlIllIIlIIIIUIIIIII~
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the in selected
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Bris,to' . County
Trust Company
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'" ,14 ; r~E ANCH~~E>,ioc~9~i~f.f~ River-:-1 huf'S.:, f.eb.,.2~;
Says Latin Labor Movement
SiSJD1lifi<t:ant SociGl~ For~e
From "Social Revolution in the New Latin America" Edited by John ,]'. Considine, M.M. William C. Doherty, ,]'r., tllue first directoJr of the Amui
e3.IIl linstitute for Free Labor IDevelopmen~ (AliFlLID), pre
sented at the 1965 CICOP conference in Chicago the expand
Ing program of labor educati'OIIl llllU Latin America' which is
:Ii source of sUlCh deep satis faction to so many trade mala that I was not a communist. lmionists of, the Ulnited Now, eight years later not only : .yself but literally dozens 9f@.,;' , ,,~tates~, ~r. ~oheJ;~Y;'~ .. ~a.t~~I·:American trade unionists' 'can, i, ' ! ," ....,. ,ment constitutes the,. first, part: work throughout Latin America .' Qf this chapter. , 'f" ,'", . J: '" " WithoiJt this accusation being Since the lLatin 'America~ held over their heads;.. I think
speaker engaged to present the' this is significant of the change
development of the Confel1ler- that has taken place in Latin
atior of lLatin American Chris- l~erica, tian Trade Unionists (CILASC) First Agreement
~lOuild n~t. participate at, the I J-.ave had the privilege of or-
ClICOl? conference, we quote as ganizing strikes some of which
second. part of this chapter .from have lasted as ~any as 90 days,
~ article ~n CLASC published in order to get recognition for
lD the ,Sprlllg of 1965 '!>y the unions winning strikes and .los
Inte!n~tlOnal )Ii' e d e ~ a t n 0 llll of ing strikes in Latin America.
Christian Trade ,unnons w~ose I had the pleasure of writing
headquarters are III Brussels. and seeing signed the first col-
Applies Theories . lective bargaining agreement in
. I am a Christian, I am a Cath- the whole communications in
olic, and I'm very proud of that dustry of Brazil. I feel that I
fact, At Catholic have shared many happy mo-
University and ments and many sad moments
at Georgetown with the workers of Latin Amer-
I have read and ica,
studied the enI understand their needs,' their ,cyclicals, subappetites, their desires and some
scribed to the of the' fears that. are prevalent
theories as exin that part of ,the world, I think
pressed therein, in order to properly understand
and tried to apmany of the fine talks that we've
ply them in my heard here today and throughout
personal I i f e the course of the week and will
an, in my orheat in the future that there has
ganizationallife. to be a better understanding of
I am also a North American the labor movement of the.West
trade unionist, and I am equally em Hemisphere.
proud of that: I sometimes have There are manymisrepresen
difficulties deciding where Cae- tations of the U. S. trade union
aar's role begins and where it point of View rampant in the
ends, but I think that all of us world today, and if you'll bear
have that problem on occasion. with· me, I'd like to make a brief
I've been given 11 great deal of analysis of the· labor ,movement
p:~asure during the course of the ' - perhaps more - quantitative
last 15 years of my lIfe in that than qualitative, but I don't have
it has been devoted to the inter- much time.
national labor movement. I hali Forty-Two Mimon
~he ~rivile~e of liv~g and:worlcThere are approximately 4Z
mg III LatlD America durlllg the million organized trade union
eours~ ofth~ p~t ten years. I members '., the Western Hemi
li-ved ID MeXICO City for close to sphere, if we were to give to the
~ur yea:rs and for several years claimants the total membership
m BraZIl. , , which they assert. If we were
I have SIX chi~cllren" three of to use a criterion of dues-paying
~hom were born m Latm Amerpaid up membership as we do in
lea. And I feel, ~he~efore, t~at I the United States, probably it
~ ,at lea~t, half Latm Amerl~an. would be considered to be an
m addItion to t~e other thmgs j" lated figure.
that I ~, I consld~r myse~ a - There are within the Western
great frIend of Latlll AmerIca Hemisphere four general 'broad
..nd for that r~ason I am proud classifications within which the
to be here thiS afternoon. 't h' h th 42 'II' . f umons 0 w IC ese ml lOn I th' k th' CICOP' III IS , con erence souls belong fall. I might add,
is. a t.re,m~mdous. event, and I tU.lt 'f you take the conservative .
think hIS IS the type of confer- figure of giving four mouths to
ence that could not have been h b " h Id h 'th 't f Ch' eac read-WIDner, and I repeat, fie ere III e CI y 0 Icago that is conservative because our ;e years ~?o. .' Latin American friends, like my
:" h thsomIC ,~es J dhon t:, ,knod,y!" own' family, which is Irish; :'are", ' ,
K 'ko:t . ~~thegl~:edi~ ~r ,t~na~\~ , r~t~er pro~ific, 'you'll s.~e·,)~,a,ti·'"
we re talking about 60 million , F ·1'd. eI C as t rOo P ro b a hIy th ey b 0 th p eople' have to share the respon~ibility, . Significant Force the blame or ,the credit; ~~t This is substantial when you ?evertheless we re here .and It s talk hi terms of the effect of the I!"'" portant that we be here. labor movement whether it be New Atmosphe"e in the United States or in Latin 'ght years a.: I was organ- America.
lung unions in Latin America. This is why this afternoon's
In one particular country,. Gua- speakers, I t~ink,. to a man 01"
temala, I was trying to organize t(' a lady refer first to the labor
• subsidiary of the United 'Fruit movement as being a significant
Company. I was not permitted ':oe with which we have to deal
10 go into' Guatemala at ,that ,when talking about social
time by the government M Ydi.- . change.
g<._'as Fuente because I was BCOf that 42 million about 30
eused of being the chief commu- milion associate 'themselves witl1
nist agent for Central America .·an organization known as ORIT,
and, .as such, a dangerous ele- the Organizacion Regional Inter
ment vorking among the work- . 'americana de Trabajadores.' Of
er" of Central America. that 30 million within the ranks
It took personal intervention of ORIT, about 15 milion are in b;, th€ n Under Secretary of Latin America and about 15 mH State, Robert Murphy, to con- lion are in the United Sta~ . lee the President of Gua~~'" and Canada. . .." j
There'. much .that'a new at First.National theae daya .•••. andthlaslgn at the meat caie la one otthe most exciting. But. don't thlnk,for'a moment, FIRST CHOICE MEAT I, merely a new name. If yo.u hav",·t shopped our meat casU lately, you're In for a'happy sUi'pr~se. We've always enJoyed a great reputation for,meat ••• have alway~ sold the pick of choice meats ••• as Inspected and 'graded by the U.S.'Department of Agrloulture. (U.S.D.A.) ,' But now wl~h our You ~me First policy our meat oases .have taken on a new look. Our finicky policy of selecting only the choicest of .the . choice .'•• has become, believe It ornot~ even'more finicky. The trimming and outtlng Is oloser and more careful ••• to give YO(l·thegreatest'meat·value,.and·most flavorful meats In First Na:tI'onallhlstory~Our oounters'are the cleanesfand our·' ,.", butchers morel eager than ever to lend you a welcome l1l'ea( planning Idea. Such a great new spirit demanded a great new name • •• FIRST CHOICE MEAT. All U.S.DA graded and Inspected • • • atl the very pick of the oholoe ••• eaoh' and every out the belt you can blJlY•. Another way we prove ..
fl-·,.I,' "
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You COlD. first at. First ,National .:.,.' f~,
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DIE ANCHOR-Diocese of faltiver-Thur'$., Feb. 23, 1967
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TII;s .Message Sponsored by The following,. Nn.diwiduals and Business Conc:el'ns
In The Diocese of _Fall -R·lye, faD River BRADY EtEC1RIC SUPPlY CASCADE DRUG
fHE ANCHOR-Di()cese of Fall River-Thurs., ",
Coun~~I' Directive
West Point Graduate Observes 50th Anniversary as Jesuit
23, 1967 I
(NC)-Father John
IJ. Markoe, S.J., who was gradu
Chris~~~[fii SQcial Act?i~n
By Msgr. George G. Higgins , '(Director, Social Action Dept., NCWC) Thirty-odd years' ago, as I can well remember, ArnoIC1 ]Lunn enjoyed a very enthusiastic following among American seminarians and among those Catholic college and university students' who were at all interested in apologetics. A convert to Catholicism who proudly 0 and almost belligerently wore occupation with the plight of' the ... poor, i can assure him that if this his religion on .his sleeve,· he is our only haeresis in the United had a contagious flair for States, we are a militantly "01'
what has since come to be known ' th jox" people indeed. Would pejoratively as· muscular pole that we were much less "ortho mics. And while, dox,'b at least in this particular as 'a literary respect. CIlraftsman, he In the final analysis, however, was never a the extent of U. ·S. Catholic pre match for his occupation-or lack of preoccu oonior contem pntion-wit~ th,e plight of the FIGHTS CHANGE: Msgr. Jl)oraries, Hilaire poor is substantially beside the William F. McManus, New Belloc and cf? point. llt.~ Chesterton, Sir Arnold's essential point is York archdiocesan Family !me had much in that our alleged "preoccupation Life Bureau director, says of <common wit h with economic and socialprob the attempt to revise state ~em, not least lems is evidence of declining be II robust sense lief -in the primary misSion _of abortion laws: "One thing is qpf humor and a the Church, the salvation of souls certain; those who are cam 4lecent respect for ahe persoiHll· and the conversion of those who paigning for a change a.r.e fIllJ.tegrity, if not for the intelli now reject the supernatural:' articulate. and organized." ~ence, of the assorted rationalists Sp,iriJuaJ, Social Duties lind agnos"tics with whom he'de " , I mean no disrespect to Sir 1I.ighted in doing batll~. ' • Amold when I say that this is a Implement Teaehing classical example of ha~resis if So much for the 'Arnold Lunn I ever saw one-"not heresy (to I8If the far-off 30s. During the quote his, own definition) in the CAMDEN (NC) - Some 291 iillltervening years, he has been sense of repudiation ,of defined IlMtnoredby the Queen:-and de d'ogmas but ,haeresis in the sense laymen occupied ·the pulpits eL , IJervedly so-but, sat;! to relate, of choosing one particular aspect 130 parishes and missions in tke be bas gr8dually droPped' out of of Catholicism and -ignoring , Camden diocese in the cause af . CIte picture as a literary figure other eqUally important aspe~ts:' charity• The laymen appealed fe",' sup LHld is seldom heard from any Sir Arnold, as a' solicitous Bore. watch.:og of Catholic orthodoxy . "port of 1967 House of Charity To be sure, he still writes, an and presumably, therefore, a campaign which seeks, tG raise clCcasional. article, bu~ he has lost careful student of conciliar'and $750,000, explaining, the work Illis punch-and, more than that, re-conciliar sources, must be a ' objectives of the various llIiis sense of balance and his sense aware of the fact that there are diocesan ebarties agencies. The project was approved by ~ humor. umpteen directives in umpteen' These arc admittedly hat'sh Church documents on the danger Archbishop Celes'tioe J. Dami- , llVords, but in vi,:,w of some 6£ 9f drawing such a sharp dichot . aoo, bishO!l of Camden, an adVl!J Mr. Lunn's recent diatribes omy between one's "spiritual" or cate of greater lay participatien against a large segment of Amer "religious" duties on the 9ne. in diocesan affairs. The laymen ~iUl . Catholicism, I think. they hand and his social or temporal pr::achers. had a brief semen are fully justified. , duties on the other., . with Father John H. Casey ef ,the charities office staff" whe His ,most recent article, The most recent and· most sol "Changes in American Catholi emn of these directives are'to be furnished a sermon' outline but .<eism," which appears in the Jan. found in the Vatican Council's left it up to the laymen to pre 16 issue of the London Tl,lblet. is Pastoral' Constitution on the. pare their_own talks. tiadly lacking in respect, riot only 1&>1' the intelligence, but also for Church in the .Modern World. &be personal integrit.y ot"those One of them read!!, in part, as 'American Catholics--and theil' follows: Daoe is legion':"'-'who see things Vital SyntheSis MANILA (-NC)-For the first <ilifferently than he does,' and, "Christians who take an active ll'ighUy or wrongly, happen to part in modern socio-economic time in over 400 years of Chris think that, in their writings as ,development and defend justice tian 'history in' the Philippines, well as in their pastoral prac and charity should be cQnvinced this.. country's Catholics are tG observe meaUess Fridays tice, they are faithfully imple that they can make a great con menting the teaching of Vatica!\ tribution to the prosperity of throughout the year, with cer u.'" mankind and the peace of the tain optional' substitutions out side of the Lenten season. . Worried About Amerieans world. . During Lent,. all Fridays are Mr. Lunn repeatedllY carica "Whether they do so as indi 4iures these so-called liberal 01' viduals or in association, let their days of abstinence. Throughout the year, except progressive Catholics as "ap example be a shining one. After peasers" and comes within an acquiring whatever skills and during Lent, Catholics may sub stitute one' of the following for· inch of accusing them of being experience are absolutely neces ,formal heretics. sary, they should in faithfulness abstinence: any spiritual or cor , "They are in danger," he says, to Christ and His qospel observe poral acts of mercy; any act of "of losing all pride in being the right order of values in their piety; any act of penance; or any work of the lay Catholics . . ." and "not content earthly' activities. . apostolate. with belittling the pre-Vatican "Thus their whol~ lives,' both Council Church, do all that the¥ individual and .social, will be ean to play down the differences permeated with the spirit of the NO JOB TOO BIG
between the Catholic Church and beatitudes, notably with the NONE TOO $MALL
aU other communions:' They are spirit of poverty. "an active and mischievous mi,''Whoever in obedience to Illority leading the Church Christ seeks first the kingdom of astray." And so on and so' forth. God will as a consequence re Mr. Lunn is particularly wor~ ceive a stronger and purer love PRINTERS
ried about those American Cath for helping all his brothers and olics who have enlisted for the for perfecting the work of jus Main Office and Plant'
duration in their nation's long tice under the inspiration of, 95 Bridge Sit., Lowell, Mass.
overdue war against poverty. charity." "Perhaps," he says, "the most· Present' company definitely Tel. 458-6333
pernicious haeresis in modern excluded, many so-called liberal Auxmciry Plants (American) Catholicism is the. or progressive, American Cath I illusion that the only Catholic olics are trying desperately to BOSTON activity of importance is social achieve this kind of vital synthe CAMDE~,- N.J. work' among the poor:' sis in their own lives. Would OCEANPORT, •N.J. Minitantly 'Orthodox' that there were more of them. MIAMI As one who can modestly but And if this be haeresis, we will c:mfidently claim to know much simply have to make the most of PAWTUCKET, R.1. more, than Sir Arnold knows it. For my own part, I find it as . -PHILADELPHIA about the extent of Catholic pre orthodox as the AposUes' Creed.
.Laymen Preach In ChulJ'ches
ated from West Point in the class of 1914, marked 50 years as a Jesuit at a testimonial dinner in Creighton University Student Center here. The former star end at the U. S. Military Academy, now 75, was an early leader in the work for civil rights, and Auxiliary Bishop Harold R. Perry of New Orleans was the principal speaker at the jubilee observ ance. The jubilarian's brother is Father William Markoe, S.J., of Marquette' University, Milwau kee. 'Father John Markoe was born.in st. Paul, and was gradu ated from West Point a year ahead of ,Dwight "D. Eisenhower. Following his ordination as a Jesuit, priest; he served in par
NEW YORK (NC)-A detail-' ed examination and analysis of two Michelangelo frescoes, taped in the Pauline and Sistine chap els in the Vatican, will be re broadcast as an hour-long spe cial Sunday, Feb. 26 on'the CBS television network.
'fheteacherln hungry Gam ,said: ''Do you ,a. that ,little elght·year·old7 He's 'bUnd, ,of ilOUnJ8, but for'the ·flrst time In· 'life 'he's ~appyl 'He has 'Ilad some lunch, and now he's outdoors p1aylns :baH wIth other'chiidrenJ" •• .-The'ballltas,a·bBH ·Inside; '~ik9 the ball you give, a JilU~. "Unfortu nately, blindness means playing' ball. by ear•••• Some of them are older, but t~re are, aU;totd, 76 blind boys and girls In the Ho'b' Father's
Center for the Blind In Gam. They are tearnlfllJ
·to read. and ,write Braille. to raIse chicken88nd .
rabbits, to weave beautiful Gam r~, .Someday, p1eas._ God. despite bOndness they'll he .able to support themselves! ••• What do ,these,bUnd children needl 'Each one needs .0nJy '$10 • month for food, ~hing. sa~ an~leamlng materials. Wall· happiness ever cheaper? • • • If YOU'd like to send $10 regularly each, montfi (or $100 to take care of '01), ,we·" send you... photo-and the eame-.of the blind bCW or gIrl you'U be' helping, other gifts, lllrgeand·amall, are neede,Uoo. Make this yoursacrfflce fOrUnU
o CI
$2,400 Cost oh new 5chootbll8. $1;000 Complete CllrB for 9'bHnd ch"dren. $250 Part of the equlpment'for.a new
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Philippine· Fridays" " Present Choices'
$100 Part of the equipment for a new _ classroom. 0$14 Buy lunch for one-year for II youngster over 12. [] $11 Buy lunch for one year for a youngster under 12. 0 $5 Provide books In Brallle,the finger language., ' $3 Buy shoes for a blind boy. $2 Buy gas for the bus that brlng6 blind children' to school. ' ,0 "$1 Buy lunch forone month far one blind chlld.
u· MASSES Vet, our priests In the Holy Land can offar FOR promptly th'8 Masses you request (Remember LENT Ing the deceasedl) Usually, Mass offerings ....
. our priests' onlY-Income.
,ishes in predominantly Negro areas of St. Louis and in more recent years has given leader ship in civil rights efforts in this ar.ea. He has taught at Regis Cobege, Denver; St. Louis Uni versity and Creighton. The jubilee dinner was ex pected to assist the Father John Markoe Scholarship Fund, to help defray tuition costs fpr Negro studimts at any accredited college or university.
Deir "MontJpor Ncilam PleasG
return coupon
withyoUf offering
$ _ _~_ _~
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NEAR EAST MISSIONS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Presldant MSGR. JOHN Q. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR £AliT WELFARe Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue·New York, N.Y. 10017
Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 23, 1967
Unity Experts Begin Work On Practical Guidelines VATICAN CITY {NC}-"Piecemeal guidelines covering various aspects of ecumenism" are being set by leading Catholic ecumenists meeting in Rome to prepare practical aspects of dialogue and education required for ecumenical' activity. The special meeting missions; (2) Baptism and the of 30 experts from various practice of conditional Baptism llilItions was called by the for converts to Catholicism .from Secretariat for C h r ist ian other Christian churches and Unity. The results of their dis cussions and the set of guidelines prepared will be submitted to the second plenary session of the Secretariat scheduled for April. Participants in ~he program were divided into two sections; The first includes Msgr. Wi~ ]lam Baum, executive director of the U. S. Bishops' Committee f{)r Ecumenical and Interreli gious Affairs. Its subject includes the nature, purposes, conditions, themes and participants in ecu menical dialogues. In the second section, which has been asked to prepare the guidelines for ecumenical edu cation at all levels within the Church, from seminaries and universities to neighborhood "conversations", the U. S. is rep resented by Father Colman Barry, O.S.B., president of St. John University, Collegeville, Minn., (chairman of the U. S. Bisoops' Subcommittee on Edu cation for Ecumenism) . and Father Bonaventure Schepers, O.P.; of Holland, Mich., (profes sor of ecumenism at Rome's "A;n .gelicum University and a' mem' bel' of the U. S. Bishops' Sub committee' for Conversations wit h Presbyterian - Reformed ChurcheS). .. Other members of this sec~iou are: Rev. Bernard Cooke, S.J. (cha~rman of Marquette Univer sity's Department of Theology), Rev. Vincent O'Keefe, S.J. (As sistant to the General in Rome and ' former president of Ford h-University, N. Y.), Miss Eiletl-ll Hogan (Avery Hill Col lege, Eltham, London), MiSS Suzanne· .M~rt~neau (Poi tiers, France). Guidelines The plan docs not envision a forn .. l '-handbook", Msgr. Bau!'l1 said, but "piecemal guidelines covering various aspects 'of said but "Piecemeal guidelines The first set of proposed direc tives on this line _was sent to the world's bishops last March. Theil' comments and criticisms were used· by the Secretariat in revising the directives during the first plenary session in June, after which they were submitted to the papal Secretariat of State Ilnd the Doctrinal Congregation. Augustin Cardinal Bea of' the Unity Secretariat said recently in a Vatican Radio bl"oadcast that the guidelines' publication was being delayed for "reasons which do not depend on us" but did not eiaborate except to ex press hope that they would be out soon. This set of directives' is di vided iilto four major sections: (1) the estabiishment of national. and diocesan ecumenical com-'
Layman Principal Of Catholic School MARYVILLE (NC)-Richard J. '-'iederholt, 24, will become the first lay principal of - Cath olic high school in 'the Kansas "'Ly_St. Joseph diocese on June 1. Mother General M. Vincentia of the Sisters of the Third Order of . St. Francis appointe~' him principal of Mount Alverno j ~ademy here. She said: "A lay administrator . a necessity I'or the contir.~ed success of the school." Wieder h 'd has been teaching English, l'rench and journalism at the academy since 1963.
communions; (3) the spiritual aspects of ecumenism; (4) the delicate area of "c9mmunicatio in spiritualibus" - the most de tailed section - treating among other things the possibilities .of interconfessional prayer services and common reception of the Sacraments.
First Ecumenical Bible Published For Italians MILAN (NC)- A new Bible in Italian-the result of collaboration between Cath olic, Orthodox, Protestant
FATHER GOES TO SCHOOL: Columban Father Michael Molloy prepares for hi~ missionary work in Japan by studying the language with a sixth-grade c'lass at Ob~ .. ' . yama, Japan. NC Photo.
and Jewish scholars - will be published this year. ". The "Ecumenical Bible," ~ls9 known as the "Ra\~enna Bible," was prepared by a private inter religious commission of nine that was 'organized in 1959. The translation. of the Scriptures w~ r WASHINGTON (NC) _ Six pre.p~~(r ul,lder their direction by teen prelates - including Law 36 biJ>lic~I'scholars chosen from rence Cardinal Shehan of Balti among various religious confes sions and communities in Italy. nwre - and two Catholics~cial . The translation of each book action agencies have asked the of the Bible will be preceded by U. S. Supreme Court to void "State laws prohibiting interracial a historical and literary intro duction and accompanied by a marriage. Their plea asking the nation's set of brief notes. It will also eontain the seven' so-called ·top court to declare such laws "Deutero-Canonical Books" of ullconstitutional is contained in a 23-page "friend of the court" the Old Testament. brief filed in a case challenging Official Approval Virginia's anti - miscegenation These books are considered as laws.. divinely inspired by the Cath Equal Protection olic. Churc.1:l but are not accepted .. In their brief, the Bishops as p~rt of tlte Scriptures by most argue . that' anti-miscegenation . P~testapt$ and Jews. hrws unconstitutionally prohibit Many non-Catholics strictly the 'freeexercise' of religion, follow the ancient "Hebrew deny'couples the ·right to' bear Canon" or collection officially children, violate constitutional accepted Scriptures agreed upon provisions of due process and by Palestinian Jews. Catholic equal protection, violate the "tradition :in' this regard follows Fight of privacy, and are in con_ that ancient canon of the Hel flict with federal laws guaran .Ier.:stic (Greek) speaking Jews teeing civil rights. cen' ~l'ed in Alexandr~a, whose "Marriage," the Bishops argue, biblical text in Greek is called "is a fundamental act of reli "Septuagint." . gi0l1 and, because of this, mar The inclusion or exclusion of. riage comes within the Constitu these books has been one of the tionally-protected "free exercise obstacles in the past to "com of religion." rr.on" projects: as has the inclu Religious Right sion of explanatory notes which They point out that the Cath the Catholic Church has insisted olic Church disposed of the prob on. lem more than a century ago, The book wil: contain both an when an Ainerican Catholic the "imprimatur" or official ap ·ologian wrote that "marriage be proval of Catholic officials and tween· whites and Negroes ", C Q a "documents of consent" of Orthodox, "Protestant and Jew ish authorities.
Seek to Void Anti.Miscegenation Laws"'::
Prelates In Plea to ·Nation's Top. Courrt,
Jhllld ff' go 5<dI ~ ~f!~ COLOGNE (NC)-Joseph Car dinal Frings 'of Cologne has called on German Catholics to make all Fridays "days of social ju;'" ::e" by contributing money saved through penitential prac tices to aid underdeveloped countries. A special box for this intention shall be placed in every Catholic Church in the country.
cannot be forbidden (by clergy men) because of legal prohibi-" tionor ·publie opinion 'since they. are exercising a natural right." . They also cite previous court cases in which marri"age is rec ognized as a religious act and in which the government's right to regulate marriage is limited to take this into account. In the second part of their argument, the Bishops state that the Virginia anti-miscegenation laws "are unconstitutional on their face for the .further reason that they deny to such persons the right teo beget children. Fundamental ltight ".Since the,. statutes make race the. test of w~ether' a man and
Bishop, Preaches COLUMBUS (NC) - Catholic Bishop John J,' Carberry of. Co lumbus, gave the sermons at R.time Lenten' Bervices in downtown Trinity Episcopal Church here MODda~' and Tues day.
woman may many, they ther~: fore bar those who cannot meet· this racial test from one of tbt chief'la'wflil rights in, "marriafI~: the right of having children." . The right to have children. they argue, "is recognized as :ill fundamental human right." And they cite the United Nations Unll versal Declaration of Human Right.., as well as earlier U. S court cases in their support.
or Phone
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thuf'$., Feb. 23,1967
Honors Henning
Mrs. George Duffy and Mrs. Henry Chambers are serving as co-chairmen of the st. Patrick's Day Buffet Dinner Dance sched uled for March 17 8't the Orleans , Yacht Club. This affair that will be con ducted for the benefit of the par ish will conclude with d8'ncing from 9 to L Tickets are $5 pelt" couple and are available from 1:he co-chair men or any member of the large committee that is, working for the success of this "bit of Ire mnd" Night on the. Cape.
GEORGE, WESTPORT , A re-orgS'nizatlon meeting of the CCD Discussion group will be held in the school hall on Sunday night, Feb. 26, at 8. Social events scheduled are: 'Ilhe Holy Name Society SPOll sored Chicken Bar-B-Q on Sat ut:day, Feb. 25; Pre-Baster Fash ion Show at White'!; under the sPonsorship of the. Women's Guild on Monday night, March. 8, at 8; a whist party on Saturday night at 8 in the school hall.
WASHINGTON ~nder Secretary of Labor John F. Henning has l'eceived an' award from St. John!s eollege High School here :for his "many eon- trlbutions to the labor move- ' ment." Henning, recently appointed by President Johnson as Am bassador to New Zealand, was awarded a President of St. John's Medal, presented each year to noted alumni or friends of the Christian Brothers at St. John's, the oldest military high school m the United States.
The Under Secretary was hon ored as a labor spokesman in California, as Under Secretary of Labor and as an outstanding "Brothers Boy." Henning is an alumnus of a Christian Brothers school.,.... St ',Mary's in Moraga, California. His son, Patrick, is a 1964 gradu ate of st. John's.
OUR LADY OF THE CAPlE, BREWSTER Rev. Paul E. Bergeron, M.S., assistant director of the Brothers' Juniorate at the La Salette Sem inary in 'East Brewster, will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of .the Women's Guild scheduled for Tuesday night,' 'Feb. 28. ST. ANTJH[ONY OF PADUA, lFAlLL RIVER Members of the parish CYO will receive Holy Communion in a group on Sunday morning,
Feb. 26. The CYe> will sponsor a cake sale after all the morning ;Masses on Sunday. ST. PATRiCK, FALL RIVlER The Wpmen's Guild will hold a Fashion Show at White's on' Thursday evening, Feb.' 23, at 7:30. Special prizes and door pt"lzes will be awarded. Tickets may be obtained at the door.
For Public Schools'
MEDAL WINNER: John F. Hennings, Under Secretary HOLY GHOST, of Labor and Ambassador-desigilate to New Zealand, and ATTLEBORO 'a distinguished graduate o~ a Christian Brothers' school Members of the Women's Guild wi~l recejve corporate in California, received the "President's Medal" from BrothCommunion on Sunday morning, , er Bernadine Graham, president of St. John's College high' Feb. 26, at the 10 o'clock Mass. , school in Washington. NCPhoto. '
. HARRISBURG (NC) - Penn,.. sylvania State University's <leo partment of religious study Is developing a voluntary religious literature COUl'se which wilJ be ,used in all ,of Pennsy:W~nia'8 public schools.
Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, as sistant at the Holy Name Church, Fall ;RiveI:, will give 8'n illusContinued from Page One ,tra~d lecture. on the Second, • . . . . Vatican CounCil at the monthly Adults will have Rev. John P.'
Continued from Page One stron~ and weak pomts; Its suc- meeting of the Guild' scheduled' to point oilt 'how religious cus Driscoll of the Family Life Bu cessf~l . end~avors and Its faults for Thursday evening, March 9, 'toms can be adapted to modern ' reau of the Diocese speaking on , or difficulties, he should call a, at 8 in the church hall. times and to Christian homes, to Young Adults-Their Changing,
8¥~od. . 'Refreshments will' be served recreate in the home setting the Natures and Problems. This will,
WYm~n ~ ',!here in the midst of hIS and guests lire invited.
. 3-6592 . 'great mysteries of Christianity. take place in the Catholic Com-, pnests, he should make very , Adults and young adul~s of all munity Center on Franklin dear to his priests and faithful SACRED HEART., CHARLES F. VARGAS denominations are welcome to Street at 7 in the evening. his own intentions; nlans and NO, ATTLEBOR9 attel'\d the program, w,hich is the 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE ,resolute opposition to possiQle The CYO will sponsor a Last Sunday evening's first abuses. There, he should also Camy-Whist on Saturday eve open' meeting of the Altar and talk by Rev. Joseph Lennon, Rosary Society. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. provide, after consulting with ning at 8. All proceeds will be O.P., Dean of Providence Col
"Again on Cape Cod, this time lege, attracted more than 400
bis diocesans, for what is neces- ur-:I for parish repairs. on the Lower Cape, the Adult young adults of senior high
sary or useful in the nmooth adLenten Forum of St, Joan of Arc school age. ministration of the Diocese and Ask Rep,'e'senfat."on Church continues with a talk in
what he, and'they, find is good School Library this Sunday
for the people. Making . ,the evening at7 by Rev. John Con OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Bishop legislator SEATTLE (NC) _ Student nor, Dean of St. Clement's Hall However, Church law makes body presidents of 19 Jesuit in in Boston, on the Easter Liturgy. ' thing crystal' clear: the only stitutions voted here in favor of Father Connor will show how legislator in the synod' is the student and' lay faculty repre-" the events of Holy Week are not bishop himself. All other opin sentation on all 'major policy., simply a series of special func lon, be it as strong, as vehement, boards of Catholic universities' tions but living examples of the" as unanimous as it might oe. is 8'nd colleges; , role of Christ in the Christian's only that-opinion and, careful , ' During, two-day meeting, at life. ,advice. Se t"l In Fall River, the second talk Following the decisi.on, of the, a • e University here the stuof the Lenten Forum for ,Young Vatican Council as expressed in, . d~t leaders, represepting '146, 365 NORTH FRONT STREET the documents on The Ghurch, 000 students in 28 Jesuit colleges ,NEW BEDFORD 'l'he Duties of Bishops, The Life 8'nd universities, asked in a reso , :!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I I11I11I1111111111I11I11I11I11I11111£ and Ministry of Priests, The lution for academic freedom 992-5534 DRY CLEANING' ~, , Laity" the bishop is, of course, without political and financiai', ~ not only to deliver 8'n importa,nt pressures on the university'com- ' == and == OCOOOOQO~)o()o(>OClOCoo06 lecture and set of new laws but munity. Students also ,agreed FIUR STORAGE
is to listen to his priests and that Jesuits, when possible dele
faithful. But the ultimate re- gate' administrative dudes to sponsibility of what will be de- suitable lay faculty members.
'~You Ou~r = = :.,., elided is, before God, his and hill ~ 3444 Cohannet Street -~ alone. Since the last synod in the ~'Taunton 822·6161 ~Dioce'se of Fall Rlver--June 28, CUI' i/l See Us ' ffillllllllllllllllllllllll 1I!1II111I11I11I11I11I1II111111111111111IE Q : 1905 there have been many ~~ • • • • • • • D • • • • • • • # , 'ehanges in the Church, the peo YOUI' Sel'v;ce , About" D ' I ple, the area. The bishops of
FOR HOME DELIVERY CAU 998-5691 the diocese, through letters and
eonferences, have, adapted to the
various chan~es.
raxcav<ciltirnlg • However, with the energetic
burst of the Vatican Council,
~ C@l1'Ilhad@ll'$ & so. DARTMOUTIHI, MASS. • , many more adaptations and en ~ 0 deavors have been called for to Wareham' Falmouth ~ ill ~ <CROSS S'iI'., !FAiRi1IA"IE~ P make the C:.urch most meaning :!1II111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111J1II1J1I1I1I1II111I11I1111I11I111I1111111111I111I11I11I1111111111I11I11I11I11 1I1111111il~ WYman ,~.486:l! t:y 5-3800 1<1 8-3000' ful to, the worl(J of today. Thus the extraordinary but normal ~=.C:>.=<><=OE:>O<=OC:>.~ %DQQDDDDDDO~DD~D~ means of the synod seems to be
oalled for.
(Jathedran (Jhurc1ll
The Church's law indicates
that the diocesan synod should
be held whenever the bishop
IU. '6-Beiween !Fall Riveii' aneD New Bedforcll decides that the time is right. One of ihe Finest, Fa~i1ities illl Southern New England! :It should be a time of the year
during which the priests of ,the
.Availabre for: , diocese can pour all their ener
gies into this i.mportant work.
BANQUETS • TESTIMONIALS , The synod should normally FASHION SHOWS and SPECIAL PARTIES : be held in the Cathedral Church, , ' , the bishop's own parish church, FOR COMPLETEINFORMATaON CONTACT: but any reaso~able cause' could, 999·6984 , .636-2744 . ~ - have. the bishop choose some, ST. '.-fAlL RIVER, MASS. , ot"~r church of ~e diocese. iillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIIIIII/l,I'UIIIIUIIIIUUlUUU/lUIIII!I!m.,lIlljiiil!l~I"IIII1UlIlIIll!IIIU}IIII1I1IU1IUIWIIIHUIIIIIi
Diocesan Areas Programs
1ft Policy
Heati,ng Oils
and lBurners
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rpi;';-i~-'B-;;'iidf .
I' ~
Can Whip Cream, but
You Can't Beat Our Milk!"
; low Cost Financing I, GRAC[A BROS6~: = g t WAREHAM £~ V~~G$ B~~K I
. .' .', .. :,.,.
Gull H Always at
Route Man ;s
I A,:~fl!~~~~:GI
,1·~,6.~ SE~~)~'I),
• Falmouth Wi,u Tracie Title
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ot'FaU River:....:Thurs., Feb. 23,1967
,Ho~y, ~amny and w~ilrh~ven End Hoop Season tlJfrrn[b®gt~rm OO®f:ly JF~mm~~y' Grad. BelmttE~y~i&iff By PETER BARTEK" Norton High Coach <> One of the two scholastic bisketban clubs within the il'lonfines of the diocesan lines which finished the season with unblemished .records will have to fall from this small and distinguished group in the State before the (~urtain fi nally comes down on the curent campaign. Coach Jack Vineyard League. The latter trio Nobrega's amazing Holy finished in a three-way tie for first place in their ll~ague. Nol!' Family of New Bedford, with ton qualified by winning one of
IJM-GSif', VGeUa fJ blJUe Hoopster, ,
mv JOE MIRANDA Gerald J. Robillard of New Bedford has earned a place in Bentley College basketball his tory. An excellent student at Bent ley, Gerry plans a career in ac counting and is already making arrangements to start work with' a New York firm following his graduation in June. ' The 20-year old senior, who will turn' 21 March 4, is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Robillard of 2155
a skein of 40 straight league the two divisions in the Clover triumphs stretched over a three Valley circuit. year period, Coach Angelo Stavros' Diman managed a per Vocational team of Fall River fect 19-0 record had to settle for to annex the th r" .. , a Narragan '!,. Avenue" New Bedsett League crown for the loop but Stavros [~ St. Joseph's Parish second straight produced two of ,~~~ Gerry followed the path of year while the three in-!,,,, his older brother Walter and at Conch Wayne ~ividual league \ " ' tended Holy Family High School WilBon's Fair leading scorers. ~ in New Bedford. He is a member haven BIue Walt Koneni- ' of St. Joseph's Parish. Devilschalked Peter owskipaced the lj -' '1 ~ His all around performance on 'up 1'1 consecuBartek
N a r r y scorers /. the basketball court has drawn tive wins to eorral the title in
with a total of 'l~i~': trenendous praise, especially the firSt seasOn of the Capeway 288 points, an ' from head coach Al Shields who' Conference. '
average of 20.6. :" I terms the New Bedford athlete, Powers Meet Tomorrow points per game.' "Bentley's most valuable hoop-' The two Greater New Bedford His teammate, ster," , combines will participate in the Ed Bed n a r z " 'A I Robillard was a member of Class 0 division of the Mass. tossed in a total s:;,ge 0, the first varsity hoop team at' Tech tournament in Boston.' of 255 points to vros Eentley, starting as a ~reshman Time Mone will tell whether tie for second honors with Steve and has been a mainstay of the they will meet bead-on, but, in , Lawless of Holy Family." "Squad for four campaign!!. ' . any event, one must taste defeat Southwick Cape's Best Picked As Frosh lor the first time this Winter if ~d~m Hi~ mQ~ve b perchance the other should go on finished last in the six':team The ex-Holy Family star e gan his college career by an to capture the Tech divisional flag. And, both are rated among Cape-Vineyard League yet Billy swering a call for tryouts ,from Southwick tossed in a total of Shields during the 1963-64 sea the Tech Class C favorites. 231 points for a 23.5 average to t.m and was picked as a starter But, Holy Family and Fair haven will have plenty of area top the scorers in that league. from among 100 candidates. The Bentley coach said Robil company in the Boston tourney. The honor of being a leading Thirteen of the 35 schools within scorer is nothing new to South- lard was picked, because of his the diocesan territory will have wick who gained the same honol!' ability, determination, drive and representatives in the three tour- last Fl(\ll in the Cape scholastic personality ,and has led the club soccer league. in steals and assists for four I sections. Steve Robbins of Harwich and ,years.
Coach' Tom Karam's Durfee Bob Jones of Nauset were :;;ec-,
High Hilltoppers, with an over ond and third, respectively, in AF. a freshman, Gerry played all 17-2 mark, the Cape-Vineyard scoring race.,' ': the entire 20-game schedule; easily walked Robbins had a 21.9 point aver- ' tossing in 203 points for a 10 away with the GERALD J. ROBiLLARD age, based on 349 points, while' point per game a,verage,' but Bristol County Jones netted 209 )llOints for an 'moFe important to Shields" his League, cham average of 20.9 a game. ' ,! yearling find had led, Bentley eoach, ShieJ:ds said. All-Narry League player ~ pionship with a 'in' ar-sists and established himself (}oUDeil President, 'gUard during bis senior camGomes BeL Leader :', as a leader on the hardwood. 14-0aceomplish However, Robillard went, to paign, being selected by 'eight ment, the first Tommy ~omes ~f New B~d-"J Sidelined by SUrgery college to learn accounting and", 'of the nine coaches for the honoll' unbeaten league ford Vocational hlg~ ," R ~b"l1 d was SI'd e }""d'm 51 basketball is a sideline in, his' 'after he finiShed fifth am'ong scoring honors gained in the,tl1e Bristol I ar me. 0, r e c o,r d' i t County league with '8 30.1 aver- "of hIS sophomore campaign ,.be ,career pians. Other bobbies, in-' league scorers with 240 pointS for achieved since age. ""cause of emergencyabdormnal' elude mU~ic, tennis, g<!~",base- "a l!'i-per' game 'output. ' 1948. The Fall Five hoop games are all, that surgery, but managed t~BCore:" ball and Swimming. ,', " Whtm a ju'nior at Holy Family, River boopsters rem~n tl;l be, played in this, area. 165 markers for an ll-pomt avGerry is president of. the Stu- 'Nobregn uSed Gerry in every tnckle New They are: erage. .. '. dent Council and has held the game, but,' sparingly, bringing Bedford High Tomorrow (Friday) _ New . As a JU~lor, Robillard was office for two years. He is also the youthful backcourt ace along of the Greater Bedford v. Durfee at Fall River; back in achon at full steam ~d an officer of the Student Aid slowly but surely. :'08ton Subur Bishop Stang High v. Cardinal ~entley was ~eaded for a tern- Fund and, an officer of the StuHe was, credited for his" de ~n ~eague at Tom Spellman at Brockton flc season, With Gerry quarter- dent Budget Committee. He is a len.siYe~lay as a junio~ and,. the former's Karam Feb. 27-Dartmouth ~t Sharon. backin~ t.he hoopste~. Again member of Alphll Gamma Pi fra': iIlpened the 1962-63 season witb court tomorrow
Feb. 28-Stang at Fairhaven., he mamta.med, a 10;-pomt aver- ternity. a reputation of an excellent ball night in what could ,well be II
Bentley is cur.rently headed" handler and playmaker. "warm-up" for a Class A Tech , March 1 - Sharon at 'Dart- age, led him mates 10 steals and mouth· a:;;sists and continued to rate as for its best season in history Ro.billard also played baseball meeting.
L~wrence AU the Way' the'team's outstandin~ defensive with a 15-2 record. The Shields- for Holy Family under Nobrega, Plenty of Company Winning eight of 10 first performer. men h"ve been successful in two switching ,between second 'Qase Two diocesan schools will also places, Lawrence .High of FalAs a ~enior Robillard has caged tournaments and in both it ,was, and shortstop to fill the .Blue be represented in the Class A competition of the'Tech tourney mouth walked off with the bon- 241 pomts and o~l\ms. a 14-per Robillard's outstanding perform- Wave's needs. whi:h gets underway in a couple ors in the Southeastern, Mass. !Conte.st. average wI,th five games ances that spelled victory. Holy Famib; Captain
of weeks. Bishop Stang High of Winter Track AssoCiation. Coyle r~mamm~. Bentley s h~a~ strate of Taunton was second and New gist conSiders Gerry, Without a Robillard established' himself Polcinds Oldest
North Dartmouth finished sec 'doubt the most" unsung player as a basketball player while at
ond and Msgr. Coyle High of Bedford High placed third. BONN (NC) - The death of The individual winners' ev~r at Bentley. Holy Family when he captained Poland's oldest Bishop, formel!' Taunton was third in the final 45-yard hurdles - Pete' BrigShields s?id, that Robillard coa~h Jack Nobrega's Blue Wave Auxiliary Bishop Wojicech To Bristol County League standing. ham, Falmouth, 6:2. m~kes us chck, he holds us t~- to a 13-3 record. during a build This area is without a com maka of Przemysl, 92 ye"rs old, 50-yard dash-Paul Hendricks, gether and neve~ get~ any credit ing season. petitor in the Tech Class B play, has been reported. He had been ' f o r the outstand~ng Job he does Robillard was chosen as an consecrated in 1934. but there will be five in Class C Falmouth, 5:9. Two mile run-Park Brigham except among hiS teammates.
and four in Class D. ' !Finest in N.E.
In addition to Holy Family Falmouth, 10:13:8. and Fairhaven, the other area One Mile run-Ed Rossi, DartShields terms Robillard, "If lass C contestants will be Case mouth, 4:35:6. not the b~st at least one of the o~ Swansea, runners-up in the 300-yard run-Greg Anderson, finest little men in New England Narry loop; Oliver Ames 02 Falmouth, 34. College basketball. _ North Easton which tied for the 600-yard run -,Don Bumpus, ' The' Bentley mentor' has Bockomock League champion Falmouth, 1:19:6. ,nothing b~t praise for the 5-8 ') ship and 'Dennis-Yarmouth 1,OOO-yard run--Geoff Cahoon, backcourt Robillard who is scor \) which placed second hi the Falmouth,2:23:9. ing at a 47 per cent pace from $ ~ Capeway Conference. Relay Falmouth (Gl!'eg tbe floor and hitting on 73 per o 'Serv~ce Korzenlowski Top S410rer Gagne, Cahoolll, Bumpus, Ander- cent of his free throw attempts. son) 2:32:9. ' , Gerry has an inbred, ,uncanny The four Class D Tech repre Rntatives are Norton Bigh ., '653 Washington i ,Street, Fai'rhaven Kgb Jump - Call'l Gonsalves, sense in basketball, he is a lead the Clover, VaDq Conference, Fabnouth,5-7. , er .",ithout being overbciaring or aoMt, Nauset, Harwich and Mar Shot put-BiD Co1emtm, Dart- obnoxieus and has won the re-' ~-U%:' ' .. - " " ~.l&f his teammates and. " . .'. ViDqatd .. ~' Cape-
::irdthF:~~?; !.~
i i i
i t
BISA l'J Ji )@~i§ ,GA'RAGE
24-Hour Wrecker 994~5058
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur,s., Feb. 23, 1967
Mission Spirit
Dominicans, to form the spirit of the new institute along mis sionary lines. He studied the methods of aU the larger missionary societiea this year. abroad, consulted leading prel Friday, Feb. 24 will be the ates and priests in AmericaJ tOOth anniversary of the birth leaned gl'at~fully on the expe of the Most Rev. J'ames Anthony rience of seminary directors and Walsh, founder of t)·~ M,uyknoll heads of religious orders, and magazine and'co-foundel' of the thus gracefully knit the com society. bined missionary aims w.Jth the In addition, this year marks spirit of Catholic America. the 60th anniveJ:sary of the Practical Vision Maryknoll magazine, said Rev. He did not vision a society Albert" J. Nevins, M,M:, editor. spread over. all the mission The Maryknoll magazine was fields, or, if he did" he was pru first published in January 1907 dent in his silence, content to under its original title of The cope with problems as they Field Afar. , arose and never forcing the issue. Bishop Walsh, then ordai ned Yet in laying the foundations of 15 years and yet to request and Maryknoll in its widely scattered recei ve Papal permission to be houses, he showed a foresight l gin the Catholic Foreign Mission of a future America when en Society of America, mailed the thusiasm for the missions would first issue from the Boston of not be confined to the Eastern fice of the Society for the Prop States, and he also prepared thus agation of the Faith, He was the for the quick expansion of mis iocal director. sion work demanded by the The purpose of thl~ magazine, havoc of both wars. . sail- Fa~her Walsh. born and Whether' as a director of the raised in nearby Cambl'idge, was Propagation of th~ Faith Society "to deepen and widen the mis FIELD AFAR EDITORIAL ROOM: Most Rev. James A. Walsh, right, founder of the or later as initiator of the novel Ilinn spirit 'in the United States." magazine in 190J and co-founder of the Maryknoll Mission Order, died in 1936, i~ show.n idea of American missioners and ~arYknoll's Literature planning the makeup of an issue with Fat\1er James E. Walsh, M.M;, today a prIsoner m as founder and superior during ,the :"ormative period of the new When in 1911, Father Walsh Red China: . S' ;iety ,of Maryknoll, Father ·0 nded the Maryknoll society Walsh demonstrated a foresight with ,another diocesan priest, To prove to Ameri~a that 'the ,posItion of, the mission problem. of America's duty towards the Rev. Thomas F. Price. the fledg- , beards seemed e~sentla1 to the type. missions were. integral, to Cath-, He appreciated fully and used' missions of the Church and • ning publication became the oUi Father Walsh saw that AlT\er, olic .life, he' jourl~eyed .through successfully the means of mod~ practical vision of its possibility ecial organ of Maryknoll, It was JIl'ather Walsh's belie:f that "no lea needed to be given a cor ,Europe,' studying the problem ern 'public',ty for his cause,. but and accomplishment. idea can succeed without its own rected vision of' the missions; as:>lved by 'other 'nations. He 'he was careful to give it only that would require calm, steady continued to give the American due proportion along with the Iliterature." When Father Waluh entered instruction without ballyhoo. In ,press items'to show ho~ wide.. rest of the many-sided ·life of the ChurCh, thereby arousing on -his duties as Boston Di rector this quiet, scholarly wuy he spread and accepted was the no of the Propagation of the Faith la~:- ched The Field Afar ,as an tion of missioners of every race. little or no antagonism to rival , . He presented, for the first time, claims on attention. Society, he quickly sized up organ of information. AmeriCan Taste . a broad view of i.ntensive mis For ·many years Father Walsh the situation and attacked the With his quick eyefol' news sion organizations. throughout considered himself merely as a problem with fundam~ntal rorn toned to the American sense of Europe and' entered into wide a promoter of the mission cause, adies. humor, he presented the mission correspondence' with outstanding and one of the ,chief motives in The Society for the Propaga tion of the Fai It was nominally cause without emotion, He spoke missioners throughout Asia and :iourneying thro·tgh Europe was Africa. Alld in depicting them to enlist the aid of any European established in many dioceses,l:1ut and wrote English without· ora tory or pre,tense, using terse; t gently corrected many' mis., missionary.society that was will- , m. only .two or thr(:e wus it pointec: understatement in a con conceptions of mission life. ing to establish a branch in I." 'lctioning with any success, Mission Cause .'America... The reason was the notion of a versational style that put ,the Father Walsh begari pubiishlng;', : ,He alw,aysdoubted his ability world-wide mission was too whole argume~t witp,out preach . books-':lives' of missioners that .to launch' such a society him vaguely grasped by the Amcri .ing. His manly presentation in it made; them hliman: and modern self and it was only after fre ean Catholic. An annl.1lal collec tion and a ,row school pennies self was an innovation less to American i·caders. The Whole .quent urging from prudent coun was America's contribution 'to striking today than fifty years book ptiblishi~lg 'business 'had ". sel that, ,in despair of outside ago. I~itherto, the' mission idea been modified ,greatly during the, ,aid;. he entertained the 'notion the mission cause. ,I. was judged exotic, partly due to past four decades,' but Father seriously' of, a native American T~_ realized that the unknown eamlot attract, that. int.erest and 'the Ii I. era 1 translations in Walsh was in the vanguard, thus society, and then on'y at the in wretched En~lish of foreign promoting the mission cause as siste'nce and with the cooperation s'ympathy must fkst be devel oped, that knowledge would writers, stereotyped 'sob' stories pace maker to the rest Qf literary ,of,Fa1her Price, a veteran North lead to cooperation ill mission. in odd· gallic~sms that alienated ~ inerica, wi(houtflow' of pious Carolina missioner. platitudes or foreign atqlOsphere; But once decided, his vision endeavors. He underst.ood, 'too, the r e a d e r . ' Father Walsh was possibly the It is difficult to ,appreciate was shown -in his prudent choice that mere emotion would be superficial, a point too often' first to present the missions in today how .refreshing' was,: his c ~ professors in veteran mission- , missed, and so he appealed to language akin to the American. treatment of saintly missioners ers from the Paris Foreign the deeper motives of convinced taste. He was readable and read,., to a' generation that shied at Mission Society, the English Mill and his mission' items,increas . Catholic books. Hill Society .and the French sacrifice. He began his life Prudent Vision ,long campaign for volunteer ingly appreciated by the Catholic' Perhaps most characteristic of press, were' perhaps . the first' missioners. mission f- ~s that were consid his traits as a missioner was his' Missioners, Outlandish ered as news, apart from their patience. He did not expect to Today with itS several thou religious origin. rev91utionize Amer,ica overnight, Where A !land U. S.. missioners. the call He was objective in all his nor was the tone of his writing fOI' American youth to volunteer v'aried interests and he .c'arried· . 'mptory; he was content to' ~' G~pD NAME f.or the missions is (:ol11mon ,/ t h a I. unemotional, impersonal con'vince by calm persistent ex:,,' '. place, but when Father Walsh touch into his mission arguments. Inoached the program, it was as He appealed to the understanding "Means A a~_en to the American view. . rather than °to the ,emotions, and 0/' a.. SYSTEMATIC Few Americans had evei· seen ,he insensi91y convinced Amer. GRE~T DEAL • 10 year SAVINGS ' u missioner, and when 'they did, ica that the Church was essen 96 monthly deposits required hI" was slightly outlandish, tiall~' apostolic, and that the. sneaking broken EngIl.sh and mission cause was normal to our 0/ fN~ESTMENl life and necessary to OUI.· growth. 1 hailing from some unpronounce o 10 v:ar SAVINGS able corner of dim AlJia. His, 90 day notice for withdrawal story was purely emotional, of disease and famine and flood, ELECTRICAL REGULAR a endemie in pagandom, and al year SAVINGS ~ Contrc;Jctors ways an emc"geney that a mod est sum could °apparently care ~@$$ ~OW®I]' for. .
His local sponsor oftell inter ~@WOO'il®$ .~@O'il[k preted for him and, perforce V@@V f}(( OD'iJIg},$ /J={]Wr th-ew' little 11ght on the Bubject, Bank By Mail content if he could avoid sturn We Pay The Postage '~ "'ing over foreign names. 'fNllEW ~fEft»~@~[Q) Though the performance ih the o SOUTH YARMOUTH 0 HYANNIS '~~ pulpit was as decorous ,:IS pos • 0 YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA _ sible,. there was a pleasing(arorna Operra IEvenings 944 County St. about it of the 'Wild Man of Bor oOENNIS PORT '" OSTERVILLE !"lew Bedford 0 . DCa', especially as IUlxul'iant
MARYKNOLL (MM) National Catholic Pre s s Month has added meaning :f.or 'the Maryknoll Fathet·s
5 50
5 00
~ ~