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Vol. 10, No.8


1966 The Anchor

PRICE 10c $4.00 pcr Year

lEast Falnwuth First on Capel

~ Chalk up a first for Rev. -~:-l == Luiz G. Mendonca. i 1_ The pastor of St. An­ I thony's Church in East Fal­ mouth today notified our Circulation Department that he has achieved complete family coverage of The An­ chor. > 'il~ , His is the first to accom_"i1 ~,..;;;;:•.~l~ '. ' ~' plish this goal on Cape Cod

which has always bee n

strong in its support of this

,/V diocesan newspaper. As a

matter of fact, Cape parishes

have subscribed higher, per-,_~ ~ centage-wise, than many of

~ == ;_

the,big city parishes to this newspaper. Meanwhile, the Circu]8tion Department has re­ ceived a number of quota re­ ports but the pastors have asked that we withhold their announcements while a last ditch effort is made to get into, the total coverage bracket. Fr. Mendonca's announce­ ment brings to five the total now with complete, family coverage-a weekly mailed copy in every home in the parish.



Msgr. Childs and Fr. Laughlin Retire

Two revered veterans: of the priesthood-who have given a combined total of 100 years' service in the Vineyard of the Lord-today became Pastors Emeritus. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Felix S. Childs, pastor of the, Sacred Heart parish in Fall River since 1960, and Rev. John F. Laughlin, pastor of the Holy 'G host parish in Attleboro since 1952, will leave the active demands He s~rved as an assistant in Circle, Daughters of Isabella. placed upon them. as the several areas. They included St. Somerset and also the Assump­ heads of two large diocesan Francis Xavier, Hyannis; St. Jo­ tion Circle in Fall River. seph's, North 'Dighton; Sacred parishes. Msgr. Childs received three



March Vocation Exhibit

Christian Panorama is the title of a Vocation and Mis­ sion Exhibit to be held at Bishop Oassidy High School, Taunton, Friday through Sun­ day, March 25 to 27., This ex­ liibit, sponsored by the Diocesan Office for Vocations, will be open to all. The theme of this Diocesall\ exhibit is "United and Dedi­ eated." Since it will feature the work of priests, religious and laymen in bringing the good news of Christ to the world, there will be a concentrated effort to show how these many groups are united in their efforts to make Christ known and bring his message to all. In announcing the theme for

Pope Paul Asks More Sacrifice And Not Less Pope Paul VI, in the Apo­ stolic Constitution "Poeni­ temini" has permanently changed the obligatory ex­ ternal rites of penance for the" whole Church and, in a decree that breathes of the Scriptures, he has carefully explained "the significance and importance of the divine precept of penance." Pressed on, the Pope ex­ plained, by the "fuller and more profound vision of the Church and its relationship with the world given recently by the suTurn to Page Eighteen

this exhibit, Msgr. John J. Hayes of New Bedford, Diocesan Di­ rector of Vocations, stated: . "We know how these 'groups are one in their efforts to serve the Church. We wish 'to indicate also how they are truly dedi­ cated. The Catholic Youth Organi­ zation of the Diocese will work closely with the comnlittee in charge of the many facets of this exhibit. Area CYO chaplains will serve as coordinators· of personnel. Turn to Page Sixteen


'Redeemer' Fi~m Worth Seeing, The special premier show­ ing of "The Redeemer" at the Stt-and Theater, Fall Riv­ er, at 8:15, Wed. night,

Monsignor Childs The Fall River prelate, born Oct. 23, 1891 in Centerville (Barnstable), is the son of Wil­ ton L. Childs and the late Emma J. (McKenney) Childs. . The Monsignor' attended St. Anselm's College in Manchester, N. H" St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore and the Apostolic Mission Home at Catholic Uni­ versity in the nation's capital city. Msgr. Childs was ordained on May 18, 1918 in St. Mary's Ca­ thedral, Fall River, by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, the second Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River.

Heart in Fall River which he later returned to 'as pastor.

degrees from St. Mary's Semi­ nary. They were: Bachelor of Arts, 1912; Master of Arts, 1914­ The retiring Fall River p~stor and Bachelor of Sacred Thelogy" has headed five parishes includ­ 1917. ing the Sacred Heart in Fall In February 1964, he was ele­ River. The other four were: St. vated to the rank of domestic Peter's, Dighton; St. Patrick's, prelate with the title of mon­ Somerset; St. Louis, Fall River· signor by Pope Paul VI. and the Immaculate Conception, Father Laughlin Fall River. Father Laughlin is one of the Msgr. Childs was long active few golden jubilarians in the in the diocesan matrimonial diocese., He marked one-half court. He served as defense of century laboring for the salva.. the bond, promoter, justitie, and . tion of souls on June 13, 1964. pre-synodal judge. In addition, The Attleboro pastor was bom he w.as chaplain of the Knights on April 5, 1890 in'Taunton, the of Columbus, Councils 86 and son of the late James and the 295, chaplain of the 'Columbian late Margaret Helena (Craig), Squires and of the' As·sumption Turn to Page Sixteen -.

Frs. Hull and 'Carroll,' ·iri 'New Positions; 'Bishop' Connol:ly ·Adva.nces Fr. Couza Most Rev. James L. Con­ nolly, Bishop' of Fall River, today ,announced the' trans­ f~r of two diocesan pastors and 'the appointment of a new administrator. The changes are effective next Thursday, March 3. The changes are: Rev. Lester L .Hull, pastor of St. Margaret's Chuch, Buzzards Bay, to pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. ' Rev. John G. Carroll, pastor

ot St. John the Baptist Church, . Hull' and the late Helen (Ayres' Oentral Village (Westport), .to Hull: pastor of St. Margaret's Church, The only NantUCket native Buzzards Bay.' . serving in the diocese attended Rev. Donald, ·A. Couza, as­ sistant' at'.Holy. Name ChUrch, Holy Cross College in' Worces­ Fall' River, to administrator of ter and studied philosophy and St. John' the' Baptist' Church, theology at St. Bernard's Sem­ inary in Rochester, N.Y. Central Village. ' Thenew Fall River pastor Wile Father Hull ordained in St. Mary's Cathe­ . The new Fall River pastor re­ dral on May 26, 1934 by the, turns to a parish which he ser­ late Most Rev. James L. Cas­ ved 19 years as an assistant. sidy, third Bishop of the Dio-o Fr. Hull, born on Oct. 2, 1907, is the son of the late Lester V. Turn to Page Sixteen

March 2, ant", at the Arcade Theater, New Bedford, at 8:15, Friday night, March 11, will be under the co-sponsorship of: Ser­ ra Clubs and Councils 'of Cath­ olic Women in'the two cities. Turn to Page Fourteen

Jubilee Mass Bishop Connolly 'will com-· memorate the completion of the Second Vatican Council at a Jubilee Mass to lle offered Sun­ day afternoon, Feb. 27, at 3 o'clock in St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford. The Bishop wilt go to five Churches in the Diocese on five Sundays of Lent. Rev. John R. FoIster win 9reach on Sunday.

1 i.





Says Pope Likel,

To Visit Fatima

THE ANCMOR-Diocese of Fan River":"Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966

LISBON (NC) - The vice­ chairman of the celebratio. that will mark the 50th anniver­ sary of the apparitions at Fatima has' declared that there is a real possibility Pope Paul VI wiD make n pilgrimage to the Marlaa shrine in 1967. Father Galamba Oliveira em­ phasizc~ that nothing is knoWII: officially about a papal visit, but said in hiS opinion a visit • Pope Paul is likely. The anniversary celebratiOnll will be held in Fatima from Mal: to October, 1967. Lisbon wiD host the 5th International Marl~ logical CongresE; and the 12t1a International Marian Congr~ in August.' . Father Oliveira said plans ani underway to establish a large Marian library in Portugal ill connection with the two event-.

Diocese of Fal ~ River


< ..

Itt. Rev. Felix S. Childs Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, becomes Pastor Emeritus.

ReV. Jolin F. Laughlin, pastor of Holy Ghost Church, Attleboro, becomes Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Lester L. Hull, pastor of st. Margaret Church, Buz­ zards Bay, to Sacred Heart, Fall River, as pastor. . Rev. John G. Carroll, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village (Westport), to St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, as .pastor. . Rev .Donald A. Couza, assistant at Holy Name Church, Fall River, to St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village,

as administrator.


Appointments effeeti~ Thursday, March 3, 1966.

~~~~~ , Bishop' of Fall River [?'[j'@[9)~li" [FO[j'~{{




M@~~ ~@ll,

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INTROIT: He shall call upon me, and I will answer ,him and glorify' him; with length of days I win gratify 1.. · . .. Y ou wh 0 dwe11'm th esh eIter 0 f th e M os t H'Ig... h 1m ' shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Glory be to the Father, etc . . . He shall call upon, me and I will answer him and glorify him; with length of days I win gratify him. '

lECUMENliSTS MEET IN GENEYA: "Fellowship must be experienced, if it is to grow" says a report to the World CouncH of Churches central committee meeting in this Switzerland City attended by Dr. Eugene Carson Blake of 'Philadelphia, newly elected General Secretary of the WCC, , 2Ild R(\v. Jerome Hamer, O.P. NC Photo.

[P@1(~Dcm® [Q)D~®mmWu@] ~[j'@$U<dJ@liilfr @~ U(1J)n<e~~ l!.IJliilh?@!i'$uUy /IJJD$~l!!l$$@$ [P?@~@ @~ ~@~U®U@1iil gl1ll <C@~ U<£'®e «:t!8Ii'li'D~l!lJ UMB'ill

TOLEDO (NC)-Religion itseIf,aI ong WI'th colleges an d un!-, people today talk very 'little

versities, must asume some re­ about religion. They remain sl­ spc)nsibility for the apparent lent-not because they are mili­

neglect of religious teaching in ' tant ' or atheistic, certainly not

institutions of higher learning. because they are indiHerent­ This appraisal has been ex­ but simply because they Ore

GRADUAL: To his angels God has given command pressed to the Toledo Ministeri­ profoundly bewildered. . 11 U at Association by Dr. William "They are bewildered because about you, tha.t they guard' you In a your ways. ~poDt S . C · arlson, Umversity of Toledo the orthodox church does not h 1 d their h an ds they shal1 b ear you up, est you as your.lOO president. He sees today's young seem to speak their language against a stone •.• You who swell in the shelter of the people as no more Irreligious Because, 'when religion doerJ Most High shall abide in the ,shadow of the Almighty. Say than young people always have speak, Its language seems to have 'to the Lord, "My refuge and' my fortress, my God, in been. ' lost its vitality and meaning." F h ' 1 1 f th f th Profoundly Bewildered Basis for Decisions " t Colleges fll~e a dilemma" said Wh om I t ru~. or e WI rescue you rom e snare 0 e

fowler, from the 'destroying pestilence. With his pinions ' He said discussing religion at Dr. Carlson. "We may introduce 'heiwillcover you, and, under his wings you shall take refuge. all in the universities is rather , reli~on into the curriculum and ,., ,H,j~ faithfulness isa buckler' and a shield; you s,hall not, rare, adding: thereby risk ,~ncurring criticism "T~e greater number of young' t I fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day; or ex erna pressure and inter­ ".nor the 'pestilence, that roams in darkness; nor the devas­ M...,ss, Ord"" vention. Or, we may seek to "'" \!,II avoid such dangers by ignoring tating plagUe at noon. Though a thousand fall at your side, religion though we are over­ , ten thousand your'right side, near you it shall not come. "RI,DAY-Friday Aft e r Ash looking many students', needs Wednesday. III Class. Violet. and wishes." " For to his angels he has b"'iven command about you, th,at ,Mass Proper; No Glory or . Wh ' , they may' gtiard.·you in -'all your ways. Upon his 'hands , Creed; Preface of Lent. en religion courses are they sha,l"t :~.af" ii,' up, lest you dash your foot a....ainst a, "SATURDAY-Saturday after ,taug~ at a public college, they '" cannot be compulsory for all stone. You shall tread upon the asp and the viper' 1'0111 Ash Wednesday. III Class. Vi­ stUdents, nor should they be he t" 1e down:" ' 't,'he l'Ion and th e d"rago!l. B,ecause ' 1 olet. Mass Proper; No Glory or ' '.S h ~'II'"ramp .IIle. " Creed' Preface of Lent observed. "The courses should eli~gs to me I will deliver :him;, I will set him on high ,SUNDAY:-:-I Sunday of Lent. I be aval1abl~, to students who , beCause he acknowledges my name. ,He' shall call upon me Class; Violet. Mass Proper; No need them and desire them, They . It.ild I willanswer,hini-; I will' be with him in distress. I Glory; Creed; Preface of Lent. ' ::~, ::'d o~u~ ~~hbeac:e~~~ , wi11~e1iver him and glorify him'; with length of days I MONDA~-Monday' ~f I Week ~.st in character. There is a sub­ "';":'1 ' t'f ' h'1m' ~d.. ! '!1 s how.. 'h"1m my' , ," l' . of Lent. III Class. VIolet. Mass . 1 • Wll " ~a ~,r sa vatlon. Proper; No, Glory or Creed; JeCl-:matter to be presented, and "'0'Fi:. ' R''TO''RY" "W'"'th 1." •• th Lord ' :11 ' Preface of Lent. ,th~ teacher's tun~tion is to pre­ E , ',' .1\, .:. 1 ulS pIllIOnS e WI cover TuESDAY""':"''ru d" 'If I W k sent it. His task is not converting 'd h" h tak . f h' f 'tli es ay 0.. ee you, an d un er' IS wmgs you s a e re uge; IS al ­ of Lent. III Class. Violet: Mass s t u d ents to religion-or away fulness is a buckler and a s,hield. ' " ,Proper; No Glory or CrE!ed; from' it-but providing them­ Preface of Lent.

with a pasis of understanding ' , CO!\-JMUNION: With hi&pinions the Lord' will ;Cover WEDNESDAY-Wednesday of I fol' their own decisionS."







you, 'and under'h1-s wings you shall take refuge; his faith­ fulness is a buckler and a shield.

Week of Lent. II Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory, or' : . Creed;, Preface of Lent., , THURSDAY - Thursday of I lPIease aip and Bring to Church on Sunday Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. FUNERAL HOME. INC. Mass Proper; No Glory or IL Marce' ROJ - G. Lorraillfl Ror

Creed;' Preface of Lent. One Roger Lafrance

MARCR 6 Votive Mass in honor of Jesus FUNERAL DIRECTORS

'Rev. John vi" Quirk, 1932, Christ the Eternal High Pri,est, FORTY Founder, St. Joseph, Taunton. ' , permitted,' , 15 Irvington Ct.

Rev. Bernard P. Connolly, S.S.. Glory; 2nd Prayer Thursday 995.5166 DEVOTUON

1923, St. Charles' College, Md. of I Week of Lent; no Creed; New Bedford MARCR'I Preface of Lent. ' Mar. 13--St. Mary, Taunton. Rev. Arthur P. J. Gagnon, st. Francis Xavier, 1958, Pastor, Holy Rosary" New ACIlShnet. Bedford. ' r st. James, Tmunton. MARCR' , Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon,V.G.. :reb. 27-St. Anthony, East 1947, Pastor, st. James New Falmouth. Helen Aubertine Brough

Bedford. 3rd Vicar Gener:.t I'd St. James, New-Bedford. River, "1934-47.' , William H. Aubertine,

Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton. liE 1IIC801 Brian J. Aubertine

flecorlCl Class Poi_e PIta .. hi ... Mar. ~. Augustine, Vine­ Spacious Parking Area Mass. Publillbetl _ " Thursday .. .i) ~TAUNTON yard Haven. HIBhIaIlll Avenue rill River, Mass.: 02722 bY'tIIl catholic Preas 1II tile Dloeese of rill 2-2957' Holy Family, Taunton. VA 41-5000 RJver, SubscrlPthlll "II, "''PIN 'l~ Me" St. lew 8edf.n lit, JIII'. ' , " ..., , '.•"





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Mark A!nl81lftversgry

Of OM®d '(J:!lrish

S'I'. AUGUSTINE (NC)-­ Three cardinals will come tc Florida this year to dedicate monuments marking the 400tb anniversary of the oldest parisb . and the oldest mission in the United States. , At the invitation of Archbish­ op Joseph P. Hurley, bishOp of St. Augustine, William Cardinal Conway, archbishop of Armagll and Primate of all Ireland, will dedicate the Cathedral of Saint Augustine Wednesday, March I. Other cardinals, whose nam~ have not yet been announced, have been invited to dedicate the votive church and the Great Cross at the Nombre de Dioe Mission, St. Augustine's oldest. The Votive church dedication. set for April 17. The Great Cross, a 20-story beacon to be dedicated Sept. 8, marks the spat where the Spanish founded the city.

pcio~r A~~ear R",isel

,$150,000 for India VA'rICAN CITY (NC)-P~ Paul's appeal for famine-threat.­ ened ,India has brought in about $150,000 in the first week" aNI the,sum is still growing. Italy's state-run radio and.. te}. evision network issUed a similar appeal and has collected, mON them $500,000. '

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Waneral Donee 55ft I,ocust Stt"


Fall RIveI'. Mass.'

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,Prelate Says Christiani'ty Means Responsibility

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Feb.' 24, 1966


DETROIT '(NC)-"If Christ were alive today, He would be involved. He would be committed in a thousand .ways to the resolution of the tensions and problems in which we live." Involvement was the keynote of remarks b~' Archbishop John F. Dear' den of Detroit to the kickHe said that the ecumenical council's Pastoral Constitution off meeting of "Project Com- on the Church in the Modern mitment" here. World begins by "calling our The project is a new neighborhood-focused program begun by the archbishop for selected busines:;, professional and parish :i.eadC'J's. The role of the Church, school, community and business in leading and improving racial harmony is to be discussed in a series of eight weekly meetings. Eventually all 15 archdiocesan deaneries will join in the effort, aimed at greater understanding amollg citizens of all races. "To be a Christian brings with it a special measure of responsibility," Archbishop Dearden said. Problems

"If there are about us prob­

lems of housing, of educational

opportunities, of injustice, intol­

erance, of prejudice, we must be

in the forefront of those who en­

deavor by positive action to root

out of our society the very basic

evils that beset us," he told rep­ resentatives from 27 parishes in' Detroit's Wayne North Central Deanery.

Increase Relief For Ind~(J WASHINGTON (NC) ­ The bishops of the United States have given $100,000 to help relieve famine in

attention to the fact that we, the people of God, are intimately bound up with all the concerns of those among whom we live." "For the Church, in a true sense, is not of the world, it is in the world and we who consti­ tute it are called upon to share in the concerns, the joys, the sorrows, the triumphs, the de­ spairs, and the defeats of the wotld itself. "We cannot stand apart from them or be indifferent. Our destiny is bound up with that of the people among whom we live," Archbishop Dearden said.

Pope Paul Offers Five Guideli,nes For Ma rriage

VATICAN any -' Pope Paul VI has fixed five prin­ ciples to guide Catholics in their attitudes on marriage

VOCATION MATERIAL~ Preparing for vocation 'ex­ hibit that will be held at their school next month, Rose­ mary Gregory, left, and Janine Bedard, Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton, study material on religious com­ munities. '

and procreation. He declared: First, that marriage and the family "are works of God and answer to an essential design which He Himself has traced LONDON (NC) The and which stand above the .\ roar of a motorbike, followed changeable conditions of the Holy See Grants Permission for Use

by a loud crash, will sound times." Second, that in marriage God Beginning March 27

through pitch-dark West­ has joined "two of the greatest WASHINGTON (NC) - The minster Cathedral in Passion human realities: the mission of and the other prefaces of the Week. Then a spotlight will transmitting life and the mutual Holy See has granted permis­ Mass will be permitted begin­ sweep the sanctuary and pick up and legitimate love of a man and sion for the use of four new ning on March 27, at the same a couple in leather jackets and a woman." Marriage "finds in prefaces of the Canon at Masses time that such. other priestly in the United States. helmets scrambling to their feet, human love . . . the fundamen­ The four are for Advent, for prayers as the collects, prayers trying to recognize where they tal law of its moral value." over the offerings, postcommu­ are. Third, that "in the observance Masses of the Blessed Sacrament nions and the Libera following such as the feast of Corpus Thus will begin a Passion Pilly of the divine law, God in fact the Lord's Prayer may be re­ entitled "This Is For Now" con­ has entrusted to their (the Christi, for all' saints and patron cited in English. ' trasting the confused '60s with spouses) responsible decision the saints, and for the feast of the The addition brings the num­ the time of the Crucifixion. The task and the joy of transmitting dedication of a church. ber· of prefaces in the Roman 'Permission for, use of the new so-called "mod" drama-in the life, and no one can substitute style of Britain's teen-aged himself for them or coerce their prefaces was communicated to missal to 20. The special Ad­ Archbishop John F. Dearden of vent preface thus supplants the '"mods"-was written by a 23­ will." Detroit, chairman 'of the U. S. use on the four Sunday. im­ :rear-old teacher' and former Fourth, that marriage, al­ Bishops' Commission on the mediately preceding Christmas agnostic, Terence Cooling, and though the most c~mmori· form Liturgical Apostolate, by the of the preface of the Holy Trini­ adapted by two theologians. of Christian life, "is not ,an easy ty, the prefac:e used on most The three performances dur- , way of Christian life," but rather Congregation of Rites in Rome. Sundays of the year outside of The congregation's action, in a· Ing Passion Week will' be the "a loilg path toward holiness." Lent and Easter time. document 'dated' Feb 3, was made 'first public presentations at Fifth, that conjugal chastity, The announcement said the public here by the secretariat Westminster' Cathedral since "is not 'a new or inhuman law," increase in the number of pre­ of the bishops' liturgical com-, 1903. Producer of the Passion but "throughout the ,cen~uries fa~es is "a development related Play is Alan Rye, secretary of has redeemed womal1 frqm the mission. to the greater emphasis on the The announcement ·saidthe the Catholic Stage Guild of Lon­ slavery of a duty submitted to pr.eface as ·a prayer, of -praise, text, in· Latin and English, to­ don. . through force and with hu/Uilia­ blessing, and thanksgiving at the gether with mU,sical settings for tion." , beginning of the eucharistie sung Masses, will appear jn' the The Pope was speaking to par­ prayer or Canon of the Mass." Schedule Classroom ttcipants in the 13th n~tIonal new missal 'supplement for li­

turgical use, the English-Latin

eongress of the -Itali'an Women's TV in New York Sacramentary, which is being

Center. NEW YORK (NC) - Class­ published in March.

ELECTRICAL . room television ,will begin _in 'The use of English for these Contra~otS New York arc h d i 0 c e san Schools CO'operate', ElChools Saturday, May. 14; with . Ac;:cept I.,vite, Reading C;lasses programs beamed to more than LOS ANGELES (NC)...".. Two

250 elementary and high schools. WARREN (NC)- About 30 members, of" the Los Angeles

The announcement. was made Catholic 'pupilS will soon' begin Archdiocesan Commission on

....~ at the Catholic Teachers' ,Insti­ , remedial reading classes here in Ecumenism have 1;>een appointed

tute here by Msgr. Joseph T. northern Ohio's 'first venture in observers at the annual conven­

O'Keefe, associate superintend­ cooperation ,between Catholic tion of the Episcopal Diocese of

. ent of schools and coordinator of and public schools under a re­ Los Angeles in response to an instructional television. cent federal law. ,invitation by Episcopal Bishop 944 County St. May 14 was chosen because it The Warren public school Francis Eric Bloy. New Bedford b the 50th anniversary of the system, which obtained federal ordination of Francis Cardinal funds for the program under the Spellman of New York, Msgr. Elementary and Secondary Edu­ O'Keefe said. The rest of the cation Act of 1965, has assigned schools to be included in the sys­ a teacher to teach slow readers 3 Savin~s Plans tern' will start receiving pro­ in tw'o Catholic grade schools, grams in September, he added. Home !=inancing Children from two other Cath­ olic schools will receive free Asks for Counci~ transportation to the classes. WAP~MA~ The Catholic pupils, who are BONN (NC)-The Rev. Wolf­ Commercial Industrial gang Sucker, president of the in grades 1 to 6, live in the at­ Institutional Protestant Federation of Ger­ tendance area of six Warren Painting. and Decorating many, has suggested that this public grade schools,"and became country's three major Protestant eligible when this area was Fall River OSborne 2- U911 261 Main St" Wareham, Mass, dlurches hold a council similar chosen for a language arts proj­ Telephone 295-2400 tlo Vatican II in an effort to ect financed by a $161,000 fed­ 74 Williamson Str~et Banli·By·Mall Service Available '3crive at unity. eral grant.

To Give Mod Passion Play


Four New Prefaces

India, especially among children. At the same time it was an­ nounced that Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Welfare Conference will in­ crease its food program in !Julia by more than 50% and will co­ operate . with Church "r.J) TId Service, aid agency of till' l0rld Council of Churches, in ~alief programs. Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom of New York, direc­ tor of CRS-NCWC, announced, "The relief agencies of our re­ spective churches are working side by side and, in cooperation with the United States govern­ ment and the government;, of India, are making every effort within their means to alleviate the acute suffering and wide­ spread hunger wrought by the famine," . }'eeding , Bishop Swanstrom said CRS had upped its feeding program in'.India from 132 million pounds of, food to 200 million pounds. He also said a special shipment of 22 million pounds of flour is being sent to the six areas the Indian government has desig~ nated as famine regions. The increased aid to India came only a day after the Cen­ tral Committee of the World Council of Churches approved 11 joint program by the WCC and tt-.e Catholic Church for emer­ gency and development aid to combat famine in India and Africa. It would be the largest joint effort in history by Chris­ tian churches iii the relief field, if it is approved by the Vaticaa.

Famine Fund Grows ROME (NC)-An anonymou. gift of $165,000 raised the total

amount in Pope Paul VI's famine relief fund to $720,000.


I~ i' \







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Cardinal Shehan Heads CARA

THE ANCHOR·-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966

WASHINGTON (NC) -Law­ rence Cardinal Shehan of Bal­ timore has been elected presi­ dent for 1966 of the Center for Applied Research in the Apos­ tolate (CARA).

S~y~ S®~~. K~D1J~dJ~m .of .God





By Joseph 'il'. McGloin, S.1. Every now and then you get the idea- that Americ:;tn laughter is coming through sort of phoney. And this is surprising, because, as a rule, we are a rather charming­ ly simple people, whose laughter is quite genuine. But there are times when you won­ normal, happy indi­ der ... It's interesting some­ balanced, viduals. -times to notice the things You can,' as a matter of fact, audiences -'- or, more accu­ seek happiness up all the wrong rately, parts of audiences-laugh at. Take Dr. Strangelove, for in­ stance * * * Yciu'llremember that this show ended with the bomb being dropped and that this portended the destruction of the whole world.. Now there were some humorous p a r t s in Strangelove, and yet this ending hardly fit com­ pletely into the hum 0 r 0 u s category. And as the audience at one performance sat in rather stunned silence, from a couple of teen-agers came a loud burst of laughter, .not genuine, care­ free laughter, but forced and . very nearly hysterical. And long after I have forgotten all about Dr. Strangelove, I'll be remem­ bering the weird laughter of . those two scared kids trying to show their bravado through phoney laughter. . Legitimate Escape One· of our foreign visitors said recently that while Amer­ icanswere dedicated to thepur­ suit of entertainment, there didn't seem to be much joy go­ ing with the entertainment. And the fact is that. we look for en­ tertainment as an escape. And while this is an essential­ ly better way of living than seeking the escape in too much booze, still it is in the same .gen­ eral category of escapism. The difference is, of course, that what I mean here by "entertain­ ment" is a legitimiate escape, while . the over indulgence in booze is not. Both, however, have some psychological harm involved in them, because you simply can't go throul;h life "escaping" rather than facing its problems and still expect to be anything 'but im­ mature as you go - which is probably the most basic psycho­ logical defect in the human race. Stresses Faith Joy is a far different thing from entertainment orcomforl or even laughter. You can be entertained all day and half the night and still be quite joy­ less. And,.. on the contrary, you can be uncomfortable, even illl pain, and quite happy. If you see no purpose or benefit in any ty"e' of suffering, then, of course, you are going to be miserable about it and seek "escape." But once you understand the reasor. behind everything, even anguish or suffering or discom­ fort of some sort, then you can find joy in jf because of its very purpose. Not that we seek out suffering or trouble of any sort, but when it does come-as come, it must-then, with the right understanding of what this life is all about we will be able to maintain our joy and happiness in its presence. In other words, faith, and not escapism, is what will keep us

alleys, unless you learn early in life where to look. You will not find it in entertainment or dis­ tractions (though these things are meant to help, but not as a~ absorbing "escapes") .. Materialistic Goals Much less will you discover it in self-seeking or selfishness, which is the way to misery in­ stead of happiness. Keep all· your goals materialisti<; and you will either never attain them, or having attained them, you will find nothing but emptiness in them, body· or soul. Keep your eyes solely on this ;­ world, and of course you w~ll laugh hyterically at Dr. Strange­ love. And the reason for the. nervous, forced nature of your laughter will simply be that, While you are seeking an escape in "entertainment," it is impos­ sible to "escape". Solid Happiness No amount of "entertainment" can nullify today's very mate­ rialistic threats. But see your final goal clearly and maintain your faith l.lnd trust, and you will experieRce' solid happiness and the genuine laughter that· goes with it, instead of the' hys­ terical laughter that tries to con­ ceal bravado and 'fear and de­ . "­ spau. "The escape artist" gets only a passing moment of uncertain "happiness" when ,he is being "entertained," .just as the' alco­ holic forgets only momentarily the problems he should be fac­ ing, as he boozes it up. But the ~rson with his eyes on God, where they belong, can have joy, not just in the enter­ taining things in this life (that too) but in every phase of his life-relaxation or work, suffer­ ing or fun, pain or comfort. Every bit of his life is worth something, and not just the "fun" parts of it.. Essence of Joy' And this is the eseence of joy -understanding that .everything we do is worth sOl:nething, there­ fore worth being happy about. With this attitude; a person can look on even frightening things an~ still enjoy life-because he knows none of these things can stop him from his real destiny. This is nothing new. Christ often told us all about it. "First," He said, "look for the 'kingdom of God, and then all these other things will be added for you." "Spend your life seek­ ing anything else,". He might have added, "and you'll end up with' nothing but frustration­ even in this life."

librarians to Hear RCA Consultant

JAMAICA (NC) - Dr. Carron V. Newsom, director and consul­ tant of the Radio Corporation of America and former president of New York University, will be the featured speaker at St. John's· University's annual Congress for Librarians, scheduled. for the university's Jamaica campus next Tuesday. Immigration The theme of the 1966 con­ NEW YORK (NC) - The gress is "Legislation: Opportu­ American Committee on Italian nities for Service." Leading fig­ Migration will open several of­ ures from the world of books fices in Italy to help implement will take part in panels covering this to.rW> the 1965 Immigration Act.


Cardinal Shehan was chosen president of the national resarch, coordination and information agency during the annual meet­ 'ing of the CARA board of direc­ tors at its headquarters here. Other officers elected by· the board for 1966 are Father James M. Darby, S.M., president of the Conference 'of Major Superiors of men, vice-president; and Mother Kathryn Marie, sup~rior general of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, secretary-treasurer.

lHIAS NJEWlPAlIUSlHf: Mary­ knoll Fath~r John M. Breen of' Fall River has been ap­ pointed pastor of a new, as yet unnamed parish in San Salvador, El Salvador. He plans to "build a commu­ nity" in the parish, then worry about constructing a church. He also sees the mid­ dle class of Latin America, of which his parish is com­ posed, as the hope of the . Church in supplyirtg native vocations. He has served in South America 14 years.

Alleges Diversion Of Church funds MIAMI '(NC)-~The bishop of Columbus, Ohio, has filed suit in Circuit Court here seeking'an accounting and recovery of more than $200,000 said to have been diverted from church assets.. The suit by Bishop John J. Carberry names as defendants Joseph G. :Foley, the brother of the late Father George H. Foley, pastor of Our Lady of Peace chu(ch, . Columl;lUs, and tWG Miami firms. The suit alleges that assets of .Our Lady of Peace church were invested with a stock brokerage . firm of which Joseph Foley was a sales representative. It claims that Joseph Foley between 1963 and 1965· withdrew all funds from the parish account. . In Columbus, a spokesman for the diocesan attorney, John D. Connor, said the Miami suit seeks an accounting, of the funds, a request that the court declare the rights of the parties in­ volved, and if the funds are held to belong to the church, an ,order that they be paid to the diocese.. The spokesman said that Fath~r Foley had invested funds in the name of the parish, hop­ ing to benefit the parish. When his regular representative with the brokerage firm died, Father Foley decided shortly before his own death on Feb. '2, 1965, to let his brother handle the ac­ count, the spokesman said.

Protestant Officiafi

Urges Joint Action

OTTAWA (NC)-A Protestant_ cnurch official urged here that aU Christian churches take joint action with Roman Catho­ lics on pressing social problems. "The Churches ought to speak with one voice," Rev. It; M. Ben­ nett of Tcronto, secretary of the Canadian Council' of Churches' committee on international af­ fairs, said. Rev. Mr. Bennett's remark came after some 100 seminar participants h ear d Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Society of Friends and United Church rep­ resentatives tell about the "in­ ternational concerns" in which their churches h~ been in­ volved during 1965r

Appointed to the board's five­ member executive committee, in addition to the three officers, were Msgr. John L. May, pub­ lisher of Extension magazine,

and Harry J. O'Haire, executi'\lll!l .director' of Serra International!. Father John J. Considine. M.M., director of the Latin America Bureau, National Catb-- . olic Welfare Conference, is Q member of the Board of Direo­ tors.

.SWCistikas Painted On Catholic'- Church IRVINGTON (NC) - M 0 r e than 20 swastikas were painted on windows and doors of the church-school building of St. Paul the Apostle parish here in New Jersey. Msgr. Eugene R. Gallagher, st. Paul's pastor, called the vandalo ism "the work of a sick mind.'" He said' whoever painted tho swastikas was apparently resent­ ful, "although I don't know OVel? what."



Yes, the,.. are people who keep voluntarily the old Lenten Jews 1165 days a yoar. They are priests, Sisters, lay missioners by the hundredS LASTS who give away·thelr own food overleal 10 their ALL YEAR hungry nelshbors can stay alive. Share what you have this Lentf Father Ronald Roberts (from England) must 'ADOPT" -A get help to feed hIs 'famIly' of 47 deaf·mute DEAF-MUTE· Arab boys 1ft Hamsa, Lebanon. Boys nobody . BOY wllnted, they are becoming solf-supporting typists, walch-makers, beauticians, thanks to him. To feed the 'family' for one day costs only $15.51 (141 meall at each). Or you can 'adopt' • deaf·mute boy (pay all his expenses) for as IIttle-al $10a month. We'll !lend you the boy's photo, alk him to write to you. DOCTOR o Doctor 'annyTornago (from Italy) and six FOR EUropean volunteers are_ provld.'ng free-of­ ntEDE8ERT charge the only medical care avaIlable to 25,­ 000 Moslem and Christian Arabs In the Hauran desert In Syria. "Doctor Fanny" needs desp.e", ately a second·hand car (cost $1,275) to drrve . patients to the hOlpltal In Damascul 54 miles away. Your lifts will help buy the car, food and medicines. TRAINED o Father John Roussos, who ltudled at St, IN BOSTON, John's Seminary (Boston, Mals.), reports from FATHER JOHN his parish In GallsS8, Greece, that the Sunday . NEEDS collection averaBes $1.50. To teach his pennI­ HELP less parishioners (427 right now) religion, hy­ INQREECE giene, crop·lmprovement, etc., Father John must build a parish hall ($3,650). It will be used elso for Sunday Mass...• Name It for your fa­ vorite saint, In your loved ones' memory, If you build It all by yourself. Send as much as you can at leaat., 'ather John and his people will pray for you at every Mass.






Masses this month for your loved ones, esp... cially your deceased? The Masses will be offered right away If you send your Intentions to us today.... In addition, why not enroll your family and friends In this Association? (Family membership: $100 for life, $10'for a year. One person's membership: $25 for life, $2 a year.) The persons you enroll share In the Masses, prayers, and hardships of all our missionaries. Your offering helps the poor.


Dear ENCLOSED PLIlASE fiND $ Monsignor Ryanl- FOR' Please NAMI, return coupon with your· BTREET offering OITY....,...


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NEAR EAST IVIISSIDNS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELfARE ASBOC. 330 Madlaon Avenue ·New York, N.Y. 1(01) Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840

Plan Court Case To Protest Ban On Negro School


Training Meetings For <;oordinators WASHINGTON (N C ) A training conference for diocesan ~verty coordinators was held at National Catholic Welfare Con­ flerence here. The week-long meeting was sponsored by the National Cath­ olic Coordinating Committee on Economic Opportunity of the National Catholic Community l&ervice. Participants studied the Eco­ momic Opportunity Act, the llnousing act, and other legisla­ ilion, putting special emphasis on participation in these progl'ams by private agencies. They met \With heads of NCWC depart­ ments, the National Conference @f Catholic Charities, and offi­ eials of the Office of Economic <Opportunity.

Synagogue Speaker BLACKPOOL' (NC) - Auxil­ tary Bishop Thomas B. Pearson of Lancaster, England, set a precedent here by addressing a pthering of 300 in the syna­ r:ogue of the Blackpool Reform .Jewish Congregation. His sl.lb­ ~t was the Vatican Council.


Stude~ts to ~\8ii Me~ft'C111 p~{',~ern'~'''' "'tl_", __ .l0

NEW ORLEANS (NC) ­ Failure of 'a Negro Catholic hig-h school to gain admit­ tance into the Louisiana High School Athletic Association apparently will result in a court case. The application of st. Augus­ tlne High School for boys for admittance into the association bad been approved early in Jan­ 'Illary by the five Catholic Schools in the New Orleans dis­ trict of the association. At the biennial LHSAA meeting in, Alexandria, La., however, the application was voted down 185 b II. There was no discussion of the application at the state meeting, and there was no doubt that the school was turned down because ft is a Negro school. The re­ "luirements for approval as an accredited school by the state board of education and other standards had been met. Action Necessary The Josephite Fathers who conduct St. Augustine school have announced no decision on whether they will pursue the matter at this time, but the school's Fathers Club said it would go to court on behalf of the school. Dr. Edgar Dapremont, presi­ dent of the St. Augustine Fath­ ers' Club, said the club has con­ sulted with an attorney. The sit­ aation left little doubt that court action would be necessary, since the LHSAA is not scheduled t6 meet again and consider applica­ Clons for membership for another two years. Meet Reqalrements "We have tried. all normal procedures," Dr. Dapremont lIIlid. "We would have liked to have gotten in on our merits. We have met all requirements. We ha ve to feel at thi" time that the only requirement we didn.'t meet is the color' of our skin. "We are ready and willing to tJO to court." Sitting back and waiting gets us nowhere," said tile dentist who has a son on the St. Augustine basketball team. He has two other sons who were gr-aduated from the school. One ill now attending Loyola Uni­ versity and the other iii at Tu­ lane University, both in New Orleans. The 'Josephite Fathers have btdicated they will support the Ilathel's club in a court effort to O'Vercome the LHSAA action.


Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966

CEDAR GROVE (NC) - Stu­ dents from two Catholic institu­ tions are among 43 collegians participating in a unique pro­ gram at Overbrook Hospital here in this New Jersey community. It is designed to provide indi­ vidual 'companionship for care­ fully selected "lonely and a11­ but-forgotten mental patient";," according to Mrs. Lillian Bru­ nell, hospital psychologist. The program has worked so well, she said, that plans call for recruiting an adl:litional 60 vol­ unteers. Cur r e n t volunteers come from Seton Hall Univer­ sity and Caldwell College for Women, as well as four other colleges. According, to Mrs. Brunell, there are only five other pro­ grams like it in the country, al­ though "personal attenti'on is recognized as a vital factor in the treatment of mental illness,"

. .CIRCUIT RIDING CHAPLAIN: Father (Lt. Cmndr.) Nilus W. Hubble, USN, a Pas­ SIOmst from .Ne~ark, N.J., offers Mass for Marines'stationed on the island of Ky Hoa near Chu LaI, VIet~am. Father Hubble: regimental chaplain of the Fourth Marine Regi­ ment, conducts servIces for a congregatIOn of more than 800 Marines spread over three islands in the South China Sea. NC Photo.

Primate Anticipates Visit With Pope

Archbishop Ramsey -Stresses Brotherly Relations

BIRMINGHAM (NC)-Arch­ bishop Michael Ramsey of Can­ terbury, Anglican Primate, told a crowded meeting in Birming­ ham's town hall that he hopes and prays ,that his coming visit to Pope Paul VI will promote and increase brotherly relations between the Anglican and Cath­ !tHc Churches. "I believe those brotherly re­ lations must include the discus­ sion between our two churches of doctrinal questions. But X WQuid add this: that they must also include the discussion be­ tween us of practical matters in which, one church lY,lay help the consciences of members 9f the other church." New Emphasis The archbishop, scheduled to meet Pope Paul at the Vatican on March 23, declared that al­ though the ecumenical council did not change Catholic teach­ ings-, it presented them with far less emphasis on dogma. Without

Resources Available For ,Food Supplies WASHINGTON (NC) - B.R. Sen, director general of the United Nations Food and Agri­ culture Organization, believes "technical means" for increas­ ing world food supplies to meet growing world population "are available" but the task "cannot be accomplished easily," The reason is obvious: F AO studies, Sen said, "indicate that the total food supplies of the de­ veloping countries will have to be increased fourfold in the next 35 years, to give their vastly increased population an ade­ quate, though in no sense a lav­ ish diet." What is the alternative to in­ creased food output? Without such expansion, Sen warned, "Malthusian correctives will in­ exorably come into play." In short, the prospect is for starva­ tion and social cataclysm on a hitherto unimagined scale Ut:\.­ less the necessary steps are tak­ en to bring world food produc­ tion in line with IrQwing world 9OPulatioa.

altering doctrine, he continued, the council put a far greater em­ phasis on baptism and on 'the mystical unity of all Christians. "This," he said, "is a new and welcome emphasis, and perhaps it is linked to this that since the Vatican Council there have beeR many more possibilities for practical cooperation between Roman Catholics and other Christians. "The occasions when in many parts of the world Roman Cath­ olics and other Christians are publicly worshipping together have greatly increased." Another 'new fact promoting Christian u nit y', Archbishop

Urges TV I~dustry To Censor Screen WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. .John O. Pastore (D-RI) has asked the television industry to keep the government out of ceR­ lI6rship by keeping television clean. "The industry must guide it~ self so it doesn't dirty up the television screen," Pastore told a board meeting here of Ameri­ can Women in Radio and Tele­ vision. Television has "a voracious appetite and there will always be the dilemma of programming. Already we are running out of good themes and running into duplication," he said. Pastore, chairman of a Senate communications subcommittee, is concerned about what the in­ dustry will do when it uses up available movies and turns to others not acceptable for home viewing,

Ramsey said, is the participation of the Orthodox Churches in the World Council of Churches and in the British Council of Churches. The division between Eastern and Western Christian­ ity, he noted, is an ancient one and its end is a matter of con­ cern to all Christians.

So. Caroiina Prelate Hails Oneness Goal COLUMBIA (NC)-"Lord, it is good for us to be here," Msgr. William J. Croghan told repre­ sentatives of major, Christian denominations at a ceremony closing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity here in South Carolina. Clergymen represent­ ing Lutheran, Epi/;copalian, Bap­ tist, Presbyterian, Greek Ortho­ dox and Catholic churches took part. "The pursuit of oneness means we realize that we are all through Baptism, members of the one Body of Christ, that we are all members of the family of God," Msgr. Croghan said. "This means we realize that the Holy Spirit can and does W0 r k through and in all churches; that the Holy Spirit is alive and active in all faiths; that we accept truth, and good­ ness and holiness and scholar­ ship wherever they are; that we be willing to listen to each other, to learn from each other."

VATICAN CITY, (NC)-5ail­ ors from the ai rcraft carrier USS Forrestal showed up Rome's USO, club looking for an audience with Pope Paul VI. With only an hour and a half to go before the weekly general audience, the club's director Miss Alice Colllns, marched them up the Via ConciIiazione to Vatican City and asked of­ ficials to give the 150 sailors tickets to the' audien'ce. But there were no more places left in the Hall of Benedictions where the Pope bad scheduled it. After consultations, a place was made for the sailors in the Royal Hall" a smaller hall the Pope passes through on his way to the audience hall, By the time the Pope reached the Royal Han, he had a speech ready and read ~t to the sailors in English, urg­ mg them to see reminders of God in the beauty they encoun­ tered on their voyages through the world.


Aids India's Hungry BONN (NC) - The Catholic Church in Germany in answer to Pope Paul's plea for aid for the hungry of the world has sent $125,000 to famine-stricken India. The money was taken from the Misereor fund, collect­ ed every Lent for overseas re­ lief.


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Pontiff Addresses Forrestal Sailors




THE ANr:H()P-Diocese of Fall River-:-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966

Not Less ,Penance-More

New York Plans Academic Study At St.. John's .




It is unfortunate that the Holy Father's action in ,ALBANY (NC) _ ~ modifying the Church's laws of fast and abstineIiceW~ state EducatiQn Departnient 'taken by many to mean-and many headlines so proclaim- , ' has announced it, will make ed-:that Catholics would do less penance from now on. i~formal fOOt-findiDl That is Ji()t so. study'ol the' acadenuc oHerin,j It ~u~t always be tern,embered that the Church's laws 'aj st. John's University, . . . · maiea. are made and meant for the whole Church-for the CathDr. Allan A. Kuusisto, direetae oJic in Tanzania as much as for the Catholic in' Taunton, of the Division of Higher E~ for th~ Cathoiic in Bombay as much as for' the Catholic cation, disdosed the study. st. in Boston. And the fact is that the old regulation on fastJohn's, operated by Vincenti aD , Fathers, has been struck ~ ing-one full meal, a light breakfast and lunch, no eating members of a teachers' uniOll between meals-has little relevance to many of the world's --since ,Jan. 4. Catholics since this so-called "fast" diet spells out luxury At the Vincentian Fathers' in­ to those who consider themselves fortunate if they get stitution, Father Joseph T. Tinnelly, C.M., a spokesman, said One little meal a da,y. So this law of "fastI,'ng" was. applithe study would be welcomed. cable only to the affluent nations of the world-to the Dr. Kuusisto said that although United States and 'the countries of Western Europe-but St. John's regularly has informed it had no meaning for the many Catholics of Latin Amerthe division of major events and . ica, of Asia' and Africa. ",,~-' ~~:ng~~soan~o~~at f~~~rm::~: The Holy Father, then, in proclaiming by Church law ~~,.~""""".' " "".'.~ sources, he said the department that there are now but two fast days-Ash Wednesday ---./~:"',,;,~''" felt it ::hould send a team to g~ and Good Friday-has simply modified the law so that it ', ....-. -- '-~,,>':~ a ·:~lt;rh~~l~,i~r~~~~'.:~e have will apply to all Catholics the world over. But he has also ~ ~~.,:......~ .. _,,~"-.. a responsibility to see that stan~ insisted that 'the divine coml11and of Jesus Christ that 011-, " , ards are observed, so we decidec1 men do penance is not and cannot be abrogated. Pope Paul's we should arrange visit 3n4l words are clear: " ... :where economic well being is'greater, ' 0, 0 I, OWS .interview people.". ~ , He ,s~id such a study could 80 much more will the witness of asceticism: ,hllve -to be' lead to, reconsiderati~n of ,!be, given iii' order that the son's of the Church ·may not' b e O ' university's, accreditation, esPe­ involved 'in th.e spirit' Qf"Ph~' ~w,orld.,' and at ;th.~"~ame' time . 'cially in' liberal'artS wheremosa the witness of charity, will have·tQ'.be given"to the brethren Pope Paul·.V-i in· the-Ap6stolic'Constitution' "'POeni- " of, the teachers ~b'sent.or, Ii.... , yon"d .any b ' f a " ' · · " · ' ed' Th d 'F'b 17' 1966 t t d"l,n -h~ mIssed had been teachmg."BuI t a~ d" h unger.be , ~ h 0 au ff . ~rJ?O~~r,y arJ,"~.er 0 ,n~ -'. tefuml ' 'ISSH' o~··urs'I~%' ,e.;: , ' " . ' a.a e ,a~ded It IstoOearIY' to pre­ . ,tion or ,conbnent. On~he, other.han~, ~n; countrIes )Yh.e,r~, ... order that, the faithful, ,h9w~"er; may be, umted m a' com-' dict any such action. ' ,, , tile stand;tr~ Qf living -is', lower it, will ,be more' pleasjngto . mon celebration of, penitence, the' Apostolic See intends to :' . He'note~ that a previous l.ie­ , God the F~tl).er andrnore useful to the' members of 'the, ~stablish certain penitential '' ,cred,itati~n st4dy.at St.' Johr" BOdy' of' Christ •if Christians--while they seek in every d' ..' d' . oils chosen:V : All ~rivilege~ and, induItS, had led to. the .clo.sIng of ~octora1 ," , ' '.;. . .- , ' ' ays, a~ .seas. " " . whether' general' or particular, programs JI1 P~YSICS, for~Ign l.a~ way to' promote bette,r, SOCial Jusbce-offer tqe~r suffer- among those which m the, are abrogated with thes~ norms,. guages and political science lasa ing in prayer to the ,Lord in close. union with the Cross of course of the liturgical year ,but nothing is changed either' September. Christ."" ' , 'are closer to the paschal mystery regarding the vows of anyphys"We have no squawk about



p'p'e,· P' I M d efe.Ies L ,au "f" 'F'" ,'" d Ab e " ,ast,,an . ,st.,nence







'., .

' , o f Christ or might be required ical or moral person or regard- . the good will and cooperation of by the special needs of the ec- ing the constitutions and rules St. John's," he said, "but some clesial community. of any approved religious con- of the material they have sent "Therefore the following is gregation or institute. , u s is not ~omplete ~nough. For declared and est,ablished. , VI. I)-In accordance with the, exam~le, It ~ooks like many of I. I)-by divme law all the conciliar decree ,Christus Domithe bIOgraphIes of new and sub­ faithful are required to do pen- nus regarding the pastoral office stitute teachers were put toanee. . of bispops, number, 38, 4, it is' gether very· hastily." : 2)-,The prE!scriptions of eccle- the task of episcopal conferences siastical law regarding penitence to: . Third' Order' Plans' are totally reorganized 'accord\ A~Transfer for just cause the A'nn,ua' I Con ference': ing'to·the followirig norms: days of penitence, always taking n.· I-The time of I:.ent pre- into account-,the Lenten season;, 'CLINTON (NO) -- The 11th serv~s its penitential character. B:-"Substitute abstinence and ' annual, National Conference :01 The days of,penite~lce'to be op- 'fast wholly or'in part with otb.er : the Third 'Orde!, College Fnit~r­ served under' obligation through- , forms ,oi penitence and espeCially nity .of' Lay Franciscans will be out the Church are, all Fridays . works of 'charity and the exei- . held March 25 to 27 at Mo~ot and Ash· Wednesday,· that, is to 'cises of piety~' , . - St: Clare' College here in Iowa~ " , .. I!~ma~· nature bei~g what it.'is, m~n he~d ,gentJe p~r­ say ,the first days "Grande Qua2)-,BY .. way ~f inf6rmati~n, " F.'ather Albert Ni~eth, O.F.:M.. suasion to do as they should. They need encouragement, 'resima~' [Grea.,Lent], according episcopal conferences's h 0 U I d Chlca?o, ~ation~l d!rector of ~ They need pressure. But this Post-Council Age is hoping to the, diversity of the rites. communicate to the Apostolic orgamzatIon, saId Father Lou~ Their substantial observance 'See what they have decided on M. <?olonnese, ,of .the Latin that pressure of law may be 'kept to a minimum and pres­ gravely. ' t h e matter Amenca Bureau, NatIonal Cath­ sure of love of Christ may be the dominating force impelling binds 2)-Apart from the faculties VII Wh:l' th f It' f . olic Welfare Conference, men to act. referred to in VI, and VII re..' ~ e e acu .Ies 0 .m-, give the main address based OR

garding the manner of fulfilling dIVldu?1 bishops of dISpen~Ing, the convention theme "Co]]e­

Catholics must rise to this chailenge to their ·rnaturity the precept of penitence on such accordIng to the decree Chnstus gia S ·r·t . d th A t i t "

'mber 8B a' n pI 1 an e pos 0 a e. and sense of responsibility. ,They must let love of Christ days, abstinence is to be ob- Dom'111US, nu , ,re~ In Delegates from all college fra­ 'day which unchanged, pastors also for Just t ·t· f th F . Th' d every FrI served on in their lives be as strong-stronger 'than respect for cause and in accordance with erm Ies 0 e r~nc?scan Ir does not fall on a holy day of the ptpscriptI'ons of the OrdI'nary Order have been lllvlted. Church law which heretofore has been directing their obiigation, while abstinence and ;:or penitential l i v e s . ' , fast is to be observed on Ash may grant 'to individual faithful Wednesday or, according to the as well as individual: families The three traditional ways of complying with the di­ plishworks of charity and pen­ various practices of the rites, on dispensation or commutation of vine precept of penitence-prayer, fasting, charity-are the first day of "Grande ,Qua- abstinence and fast into other itence. X. I-T h e s e prescriptions still in force. The specifics are left to the consciences, to resima" [Great Lent} and on pious practices. The superior of which, by way of exception, are a religious house or cleric~l in­ promulgated the Christian maturity, to the religious responsibility of Good Friday. by means of L'Os­ lII.l)":"-The law of abstinence stitute enjoys the same faculties individual Catholics. 'rhey must not fail this Lent to walk servatore Romano, become ef­ the use' of meat, but not for his subjects. : fecti ve on Ash Wednesday. of with Christ the road that is so unmistakable, hard though ., forbids of eggs, the products of milk or VIII. In' the Eastern rites ~it this year, that is to say on the it may be. condiments made of animal fat. is the right or .the patriarch to­ 23rd of the present month. ' 2)-Tne law of fasting allows gether with the sY,nodor su­ 2)-W her e particular privi­ only one full meal a day, 'but '. preine auth9rity of every rite, : leges and indults have been, ia does not prohibit taking some together with the " ·council of force until now-whether gener­ 'food in. the morning and eve- . hierarchs; ~o determine the, days al or partil:ular of any kind­ ning, observing-as far as quan- ,of fast and, abstinence in accord-' "vacatio legis" [suspension ,Of tity and t;,uality are concerned-=-' ance with the conciliar decree " the law] for six months from the approved ~ocal custom. ' , , on the 'Eastern rites,· number 23. day of promulgation is to be re­ IV. To ,the law of abstinence IX. l)-'-It' is' strongly de,ired garded as granted. those are bound who have com- that bishops and all pastors of We desire that these norms OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVE~ p~eted their 14th year. of age. To . souls; in addition to the' more and prescriptions for the present , the law of fast those o~ the faith- 'frequent use of the sacrament and future be established and Published we~kly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ,ful are bound .who have com- . of ,pEmance, promote with ze~l, effective notwithstanding-inas­ 410' Highland Avenu~ .' pleted their 21st year and con- . paJ:ticularly' during the Lenten much as is necessary-apostolic Fall River, Moss. 02722 675-1151 tinues to, the beginning of their season, .' extraordinary practices constitutions and regulations isPUBlISt-Jr:q 60th year, i.e. on' their 59th . of penitence aimed at expiation , sued by our predecessors and aU birthday.' , and i!l1~etI:ation. , Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., .,other prescriptions, even' 'if ,As regards those of a lesser ~It -is strongly recommended ',worthy of particular mention ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENE'RAt MANAGER age, pastors,of souls and parents to all the faithful that they keep and 'revocation. Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Sholloo"M.A. "~v. John, p,. Qrisc~1I should see to it with particular deeply rooted in their hearts, II Given at Rome, at 5t.,Peter's, MANAGING EDITOR care that 'they "are educated to genuine Christian spirit of pen- Feb. 17, 1966. the third year CIi Hugh J. Golden , 2 true sense of penitence. ' itence to spur ~em to 'a:ccom- our 'pontifIcate. '. ' , ..'

Those CatholIcs lIy~ng m affluent SOCieties, then, must do without in order that they may keep away from the'· spirit of the world and to provide more for those who have, little of this world's goods. Those who are poor must offer, . . . h . thelr forced sacrifIces to CrIst. What the Holy Father has done is to bring to the fore the concept that the Fathers of Vatican Council II kept insisting upon ove'r ~nd over agaip-personal respon­ sibility, Christian mat!lrity. Each Christian must heed the words of Christ and :must have responsibility enougl!. to see' that th~y.:apply; to. him ,and ~aturitYen?\.lghto lay,': dow.nfor li.im~elf a plan:, of penance. and niOI:tif.ic.ation, that,' has ,relation, to, his' capability, and needs. : ' : :,.





Better Hospitql Public Image Modern Need CHERRY HILL (NC)-A Catholic Hospital A~socia­ tion official admitted here that hospitals in general have done a poor public., rela­ tions job and '''as a res~t our hnage, and frequently the image of the physician, has su,ffered." Father John J. Flanagan, S.J., executive director of 'the 'CRA, told the 20th anniversary dinner of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Auxiliary here: ''People are in­ elined to take hospitalS for granted and do not properly un­ derstand their value to the com­


.Diocese Sends Fir~t Priest to Latin America;' .T~h:r~~~~~R-;4, 1966 Hu Sisiecr A~'tf(E([)laJly Serving with PAVLA ~frr@~~'~$ .~ ts'~~~~fr A possibly unique brother-sister team from the Fall River Diocese will soon be serving the Church iii Latin. America. Already in British Honduras under auspices of the Papal Volunteers for Lathl America is Anne Murphy of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford. Her brother, Rev. James E. Murphy, will begin a training oourSE~ March 15 in . Cardinal Cushing in response to Lima Peru in preparation , , I urgmg . f or Ql·d to Latin for five years of service as papa. 1l. Soci f Amenca. a member of tne ety 0 He notes that the young or­ St. James, priests' organi,ganizationhas about 100 memzation serving Latin America. Presently a curate at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, Father Murphy will be the first priest from this Diocese to join the Society of St. JlUW."S, founded by

M@!fy!and C~urt U T""""N'

Is convinced that hospital costs are excessively It.. fL.JI ~~"l'Irch high, Father Flanagan said, but P!itJOJtiO S ~I)l*l disregard what it would mean E'WlI!!Ilmntl·O~ if there were DO hosI1italS, no IO'l Ai:\. _Iiiii IF lUI emergency rooms in this "acelANNAPOLIS (NC)-The dent-prone era." "Does it have Maryland Court of Appeals any idea how many physicians, Durses and technicians must be has upheld the historic prac­ ready at a moment's notice to tice of granting tax exemp­ lIJive their service?" he asked. students on 'secular college People take it for granted that tionS on church-owned property. at midnight on a Saturday a' perThe court unanimously held IIOD can be rushed to a hospital the tax exemptions are constitu­ for an emergency operation, but, tional, and also a recognition of do nolr realize "the, number of the contributions made by: reli­ physicians, nurses, anestheSiolo- gious organizations ~ 'the gen­ gists, technicians, aides, ~uip- . era! welfare. ment 'and medications' that must The suit chanenging the ex­ be available.... " ' ..,. emptions contended they force There are a number. of steps other property owners to pay: being taken to help cut. down on higher taxes, aner, said this hospital costs, the CHA offici~ amounts to taxation ,in support laid. . of religion. "'One of the best is the newly The suit originally was brough~ developed concept of community by atheist Madalyn ,Murray 01' area-wide planning for hospi",: O'Hair who initiated the first tal nnd health service," he de- suit which resulted in the U. S. dared. Supreme Court decision that Such planning Is now being compulsory· prayers in public .riously considered by organi-. schools are unconstitutionaL zations like the American Med-. Substantial Benefit leal Association, American Hos-' The Maryland court's opinion, pital Association, Catholic Hos-" written by Judge Reuben Op­ pita! Association and the Blue penheimer, admitted that rel,i-­ Cross, he added. gious groups benefit from the "'The cJanger in the hospital exemptions, and that "members field is that of unwisely dupli- , of the general public pay higher eating services" Father Flana- taxes than they would if the ex­ san continued. :.unnecessary du- emptions were not in effect." plication means unnecessary But this, Judge Oppenheimer IOOSts to patients." said, does not' make the exemp­ tions unconstitutional. , Churches, he said, carry on many activities "of substantial' benefit tQ the community, such . as aid to the poor and aged, day TOLEDO (NC)-8tudents at nurseries, care of the sick and !It. John's High School here will efforts to elimi.nate racial inlID to .the movies on official equalities.' , Rbool time. "Progress such as these serve The Jesuit school opened in September with a freshman public needs; performance of these functions by private agen­ elass but the movie apprecia­ tion program will form. ,a part cies saves the state the expense of providing the same services," 01. the school curriculum for the lour-year course. After watch­ be said.

Pupils See Movies On School Time

ing a film, the students will have • 10-minute break before a 30­ minute discussion program. Daniel P. Liderbaek, S. J .. lesuit scholastic in charge of the program , said its aim is to de­ velop good taste for movies. "We think films can be one af the most humanizing parts of education. We do take them seriously. These movies win not be a reward, It lark, a break. They will be definitely a study," the program director said. There is thought that the se­ lected movies will have particu­ lar usefulness for the religion instructors, helpful in getting IlCI'OSS the relevancy of religion III everyday life, he added. The St. John project win ben", eftt from the work of the new­ ly announced International Sec-, retariat for Communication of' -.e Society of .Jesus, he said.

Hospital Conclave CLEVELAND (NC) - The Catholic Hospital Association win hold its annual eonverition lit the new Cleveland COAYeD­ . . . Center beze JIl.Tune.

bers, representing 38 Dioceses and five foreign countries. It

Parish for Chinese Blessed in Korea INCHON (NC) - A. parish church run by an American priest for Chinese residents of this Korean city has been dedi­ cated by Bishop William J. Mc­ Naughton, M.M.. Massachusetts­ bom bishop of Inchon. The church of Our Lady of Lourdes is under the' care of Fat her' Joseph McCormack, M.M., who in his %8 years as a missionary was twice expelled from China, once by the Japan­ ese in World War n and later by the communists. He has been vforking with the Chi~ese community in IIlcboo since 1960.



Plan Instit"te Of Ecumenism WASHINGTON (NC) The Catholic ,University of America 'has announced it: will establish' an Institute of' Ecumenism to spread the teach':' iogs of Vatican Council II. "It 'is our hope," said Bishop William J. McDonaid, rector, that the institute will serve all Americans as a source of schol­ arly enlightenment in the stren­ uous exercise of understanding, inquiry and spiritual and social reconstruction that lies before us if the word 'ecumenism' is to be written deeply and ineradi­ cably in this nation's soul." "Distinguished visiting schol­ ars and visiting lecturers, both Catholic and non-Catholic, will be invited to participate in the institute's work," he said. Bishop McDonald said' the proposal for an institute at the national Pontifical university has been presented to the' aca­ demic senate and given full approval. , Penetrate Meanings He said a select faculty com-' mittee will organize the institute and name its members, in col-, laboration with the deans of the university and members of the schools and departments con­ cerned in its work, The institute should be formed by September, 1966, he said. "The daily excitement of tlie council now gives way to a more enduring thrill," the bishop said, "that of the intellectual efforts of scholars to penetrate the deeper meanings of Vatican II." Council discussions, he said, were fruitful because of the sus­ tained study of the experts available to the bishops. "Now, all of us in the United States, Catholic and non-Cath­ olic alike, need such expert guidance in making the ~uncil'. great ideas our oWn.

O~ L~t~M@[J]~@ WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. John J. Rooney of New York has called for a renewed effort to bring the case of Lithuania and other captive nations before the . United Nations. Speaking at a meeting of the Lithuanian Society of. Washing­ ton celebrating the 48th anni­ versilTY of the independence the small country won in 1918, and lost il\ 1940, Mr. Rooney said, "All of us here must dedicate ourselves anew to the task of trying to find a solution to the grim problems" faced by thosa in Lithuania. "Each of us must sE!ek to en­ list more and more Americans in this cause," he added. "Each of us must help to increase the gifts of food, clothing and medi­ cines to those for whom such gifts mean life itself. "We must constantly consider an these efforts as a part of the broader responsibilities w h i c h we must assume to obtain a resasonable assurance of world peace, a task to which His Holi­ ness Pope Paul is devoting)l1Uch of his time and energy."

Refuses Involyement In DePauw Issue"

WASHINGTON, (INC) .,- The American Association of Univer­ Sity' ProfeslJors baa declined to 'PUrsue a request by Father Gommar A. DePauw that it take ,action on his transfer from Mount St. Mary's Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. The AAUP has informed the controversial priest that his re­ moval from the seminary was a matter of Church discipline, not an academic question, and he should seek solutions within the Church, a'spokesman said. Father DePauw, a Baltimore priest stripped of his priestly functions for disobedience of in­ structions that he quit the Cath­ olic Traditionalist Movement and return from New York to Baltimore, had alleged to the Leads in Awarding AAUP tbat he was illegally sus­ pended from the seminary last Of Scout Medals September. He had taught canon BOSTON (NC) - A bishop, law. . noted here that the Boston 'arch­ diocese led ,the, nation for .the. Two in One 15th consecutive year in awards of Ad Altare Dei medals, highest' TOLEDO eNC) - St. Ursula Catholic honor in ;Boy Scouting. Academy has arranged for 52 of Auxiliary BIshop Jeremiah F. its high school students to take Minihan of Boston presented the two pre-college classes at Mary medalS to 572 scouts at a cere­ Manse College here in Ohio dur­ mony in Boston College. The Ing the second semester. largest number of awards in one )"ear in this country was 796 conferred oa' Boston scouts in 1960.

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Liaison Personnel ST LOUIS (NC)-Joseph Car­

dinal Ritter of St. Louis has ap­ Pointed 102 laymen to an ad­ visory board on education. Mem­ bers will serve as liaison per­ 80unel betweerl Catholic and public achoola • &be archdio­ Cese.

serves slum parishes in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. "We work with the native clergy," he said, "and it is the society's policy never to outnumber the Latin priests in an area." In Seminary The young priest has been in­ terested in the Latin American' apostolate since seminary days. He said his thoughts were turned in that direction through friendship wIt h seminarians from Latin lands. At the moment Father Mur­ phy's acquaintance with the Spanish language, which he will use in his parish work, is strictly of the high school variety, but he expects to learn a lot quickly during four months of intensive training in Lima" ~llowing, which he will ,be assigned to a parish. He 'hopes to manage a ~t with his sister at Stann Creek Town, British Honduras, on his way south, but plans in that. de­ partment are uncertain. Anne Murph7 has been teaching at Austin -High School in Stann Creek since September and ex­ pects to return to ,the United States at the end of the school year in June. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of St. Lawrence parislt are the par­ ents of the brother and sister volunteers, and a married sister is a teacher in New Bedford. Parishioners at St. Patrick's in Fall River will hold a buffet in Father Murphy's honor from 5 to T Sunday evening, Feb. 27. He has served the parish since his ordination in 1963.



. Tel. WY 6-8271

Inc. New Bedford


THE ANCHOR-Diocese fA foft ~,",~., ~, ~, ~ ','





' :




Student' Help

Snow. Provides Welcome RelRef From Daily Chores, lErr2JD1lds

WASHINGTON (NC) - ~ Knights of Columbus, who ain~ 1914 have given graduate fel­ lowships to nearly 500 studentlr at the Catholic University i!A America, have announced a new $500,000 scholarship fund for 12 Catholic University undergrad.... ate scholarships each year. The "Pro Deo and Pro PatrltP'l (For God and For Country) funGI will provide ten $1,000 CatholiG University scholarships annually. to members, their sons anell .daughters, and to brothers an4ll sisters of Hving or deceased members of the Knights of Co­ lumbus. Two scholarships d $1,000 each will go each year • entering freshmen who are Co-· lurnbian Squires, junior mem­ bers of the Knights.

By Mary 'il'mley Daly '"Where aYe the snows of yesteryear r asked French jjX)et Francois Villon. Well, sir, prob~bly those 15th-century snows have gone where all good snows go eventually, deep into Mother Earth to provide nourishment for all living things. But we know for like the bears, even &:lure where the snows of hibernate enjoy hibernation, and that's t.oday-196~are. They're what happened. here, right here, right now. There was a keeping in touch 'When the first one came,. there . was the familiar thrill, remnant @f child. OOod days as we watched the falling fl a k e IJ with a feeling cf gratitude that

thill would

bring relief to a thirsty earth.

We remembered John Mason' Neale's familiar quatrain: Good King Wenceslas looked out On the Feast of Stephen, When the snow lay all obout, Deep and crisp and even. . And. it stayed "deep and enllP and even" around our house, with dire warnings telephoned by children that "Daddy is not 110 shovel snow. Not under lIDY condition! Understand?" Snow-Bound We understand, all right, ha..... Ing seen tOo many disastrous re­ sults when men his age did bat­ tle with the heavy white stuff. With enough food and firewood em: hand, we felt like the folks in Whittier's Snow-Bound, "Shut in from all the world without, We sat the deanwinged hearth about." Hearth-sitting, after some S8 bours, can get a bit monotonous, 110 we tackled some of the jobs that could be "done any time," and consequently weren't done. at any time in .the reasonable past: cleaning and rearranging . book shelves, linen \closet and kitchen cupboards. Then snowstorm number two: m more inches, and, ere clauso trophobia ~et in, arrival of our Happy Warrior, Tim Gorman and his family, Mary, Litt.le Tim mtd Tara. Armed with a biS Movel, Tim toiled nearly the en­ tire afternoon, his strong young arms heaving mow from steps, sidewalk and diggi1}g III pathway for the ear. Batnec1l Out

Freel A trip to the grocery lItore for II thorough stock-up, just in case, but it ~uldn't snow any more, not for a while at least. It didn't, not for a while, at least,. but a man-made inven­ tion locked us in as tightly as before. You've guessed' it-the ,mow plow which ham't digni­ f 'our street with its presence . in a quarter-century; burled the ear roof-high, then mow utOi'm




Somehow, hi this time It didn't· matter: We'd hole ,in until ·the Sprins thaws .~ n~ces881'¥.·

by phone with family and friends, a listening to occasional news broadcasts, but that's as far as outside contacts went. This was a hiatus, a lacuna im­ posed by exterior forces. Re­ lieved temporarily of the press

of day-by-day activities, of go­

ing here and there, we relaxed like . hot spaghetti. No longer

was there the compulsion to seek out "busy-work" as there bad been· during snow I. Wa eould write long, heart-opening letters to friends afar, not mere "duty notes." AU's Q1nid Television, for the most part, mood sulkingly quiet in its cor­ ner as we "caught up" on mag­ azinelr-everything fro Ave Maria to Commonweal to Bar­ ron's Weekly. There was the lit­ erary experience of devo.uring Truman Capote's new book, "In Cold Blood," more slowly dip-· ping into Dag Hammarskjold's "Markings." And as fringe bene­ fits from cleaning the bookcases, we delved once more into works Father . James Keller's ''Three

Minutes ~ Day" and Nicholas

of Thomas Merton, C. S. IAlwis,

Darvas' ''How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market," ''The Thurber Carnival" eatholic reading in the broader sense d the adjective. . We tried "dipping" but foUDd ourselves completeb' re-reading two old favorites: Willa Cath­ er's "My Antonia" and William. E. Barrett's intriguirig "Woman on Horseback." . With this Nature-made hiatus, we join in the chorus: '"Let it mow, let it mow, let it mow!"



favolrS Student . ~ Drivers Program

MEDICAL MISSIONARY: SisterM. Claude Voss, M.D., of Milwaukee, attends a Bengali mother and child in the Medical Mission Sisters' hospital in Mymensingh, East Pakistan. NC Photo.

Society Has SO 'Doctors Medica! Mission Sisters Also' Include' Nurses, Pharmacists, Technicians'

TRENTON (NC) - State Se~ Ned J. Parsekian, a former New. Jersey commissioner of mow.. vehicles, . hall introduced a biD in the State Senate to provide tax-supported driver educatioa courses in public and private schools. The program would be avail­ able to utudents between 16 a~ 19, and to youngsters of that age who have left school. The State Division of Motor Vehiclell would subsidize the program up to $28 per pupil. It would be financed by adding $1 to. the annual eosi of a state' driver'. license.

Sueordium Club

The Sucordium Club of Sacred

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The eruited women willing to serve sisterhood which pioneered in as physicians and nurses in mis-' Bearts Academy, Fall River~ introducing nun-physicians on sion areas. Because of the ban' will hold a Bible Vigil Sunda~ March 6. at the school. Rev. Ed­ the worldwide mission scene against nun-physicians, the or-­ now has 50 of them. Thirty years· ganization was founded as .. mund Delaney will, conduct the ago Sister-doctors were prohib- "pious soCiety" but when the ban SE!rvice. itec: by Church regulation. was lifted hi 1936 became n The· pioneer Socrety of Medi- sisterhood.' . eel . Mission Sisters, which has In addition to 50 nun-physi­ headquarters' here, credits. the· cians, the society also has nUDfl­ Where A late Dr. Agnes McLaren, a Scot- 'serving as nurses, pharmacists,' tish convert, with persuading technicians and in oth'er capaci­ GOOD NAME Church authorities to allow nuns ties at 33 hospitals and training to practice medicine. centers iii. Pakistan, India, Dr. McLaren never met pera Ghana, Uganda, Venezuela, jor­ Means A lIOnally Anna Dengel, who came dan, Indonesi~, the Philippi~s Mount Ange~ College from' the. Austrian Tyrol, but and South Vietnam. ~I E' arranged for her ~ study mediSeveral other missionary s»II ans xpanSIOUll cine at the University of Cork" terhoods also have nuns serving MOUNT ANGEL (NC)-MQUDt Ireland, in 1913. Dr. McLaren, as physicians, nurses and tech­ Angel College her e • who died the same year, had nielans in mission areas. Oregon· has launched l!lft $8.'7 made five trips to the Vatican, million expansion program de- advocating the' cause of nuno signed .~ triple the eollege'. physicians. On Feb. 11, 1936, the Dize 10 1200 atudents within Congregation of the Propagation eight years. of the Faith' issued the decree The program calltJ for eem- granting the permission. struction of 28 new buildings on lFounder the 240-acre campus, including Meanwhile, Dr. Dengel com-­ COMPANY. . / , " eight doimitories, a library and pleted hier studies and worked· . instructional facilities center, for three years in Rawalpindi, H~, CompJete line

and a convent to house teaching now in Pakistan, among veile4 members of the Benedictine Muslim women, whose strict Buil~in9 Materiali.

Siaten who, operate, the eoll~ge. rule of purdah (seclusion) for-_ . ·bade them to be treated by male • SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN Australia Teachers· ·doctors; Dr•. Dengiei fourid m~ny. OpenE~enin9S ... Sc~iel of these women had died from' ·Pr:... wyman 3-261-1 .., . . .....: illnesSes 'whlcbwere easily pirea; ~N~- tNC)";:;'A gro~p Q1' ··ventabie· &ndeurable.,· . >,...- _......;.IIlIIIiIio........IiIiIiIi....~_

·:i8t··~acheril·. ~gedan' .angry, . . Dr. :Dengel, .with the help oi IP....;,~_·';.).'_.;...~,,;,;,.!"\'""'-+~ ....~~_~~"!-!....~;'...'';';'."!".~'~'-!-.., protest' meeting' ,here· to· demand Father. WehrleI' Mathis,' C.S·.c~ .. .'. " . " higher' '1Drg~ .~.fOund~·the Societiol CatholiC' .. ·.CO~.·. I:E~iT to·M:aUcai " . \, : ,.: : . .' . ., '. ' .



.Institute·: .to·~ Foc\ps .R,elig·iou.· s· 0.f .TodCiw . ,


te· Pay... st'

wartem. anil ·ereati~.,og.a'tetlchei¢'l;inioii

Inent speakers }nBt~te win b~ fea~red Sydney :approved·.tbe in a 'four-day on Reo . Of Official' salsly seale ;.for firSt Jay' )lg!ous Life fri' the modem World teachem In' archcUoc:esaD: sehool& at St. Louis UniVe~ity here • . - ' .. , . . . . . " : . i:.. . institute, which is opea


Hyaneinth 01,: " '

~ 'priests, Sisten 'and Bro~era, . Hyacinth'Circle; New Bedflrnl

will seek to bring together rep-. Daughten·of. Isabella, Will a$­ . lfesentatives. of a wide range of.tend corporate C;ommunion at l» offices and works to e1tarilble· o'clock MasS SUnday morning, two basic questions. They will March 2'7, at Holy' Name Church, attempt to distinguish. the aCa' New Bedford. Breakfast will folo

eidental from the essential illl low in the church hall, County

religious life, and will seek the and Studley Streets. In charge of meaning of the essentials ilm arrangements is J4n. .ADM the twentieth centurY. ·Rielly.


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. ~gaiii .~Ith·. C~urc1l ;iu~oriti~· 'biiiOn, ~ c~ iiii~' ~926, " .an~ .Jie.; The meeting .came two weelul . . . . ' , ' .' .

ST. LOUIS (NC)-Elghtproa- : after Norman Cardin81Gilroy








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~ A "'iCHOR~~., Feb. 24.

Aspec~ of Gardening Lore" By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

d!iit few gardeners have kept up with the times and ap··-~-~h new fertilizing meth~th cautioI\. Fertilizers mans, etc., I have had the op.. portunity to discuss cooking lQlIle In two forms. organic from the male point of view. Al.mt inorganic. The former - most invariably, when I have those fertilizers, such as aniasked If their wives were goa<'. mal manures. which are pro- cooks who would be willing "-to duced naturally and which regive me their favorite recipes, tum to the soil those chemical 1hey swd ~~~~ng like ~ constituents ~l;.\_~~JA nll.ffi:e up "My Wife is a good cook but she SffimlS. Inorganic :fertilizers are doesn't use a recipe. She usually .. man-made chemical compoUnds throws 1J;l a pinch of this and a wblch contain the same ingredi- little of that. J doubt if she could ents. Fertili!ers are usua.J.b' even write it down." The look numbered. that is, 5-10-5 or 10- on their faces as they tell me in.. 10-10, or even 2O...2()...20. 'nlcse dicates that they consider this figures refer to the weight per type of eooldng far saperior to HONOR ACTRESS, PeglJ7 Wood. who portrayed the 100 pounds of the ehemical comwhat we recipe followen tum Mother Sup<>rior in ~"The Sound of Music," accepts an award pounds found In the fertilizer. out. Saying th.t their wives do . on behalf of 20th Century-Fox from ~hbishop John J. .Por hud:anee~ a ferUllzer num- not cook by rectpe la to them • ~ &.1()...5 contains five way of bestowing • badge of 1Cro1 of Philadelphia. chairman of the U.S. Bishops Comhonor on their spouses. ntittee for Motfun Pictdre8. "The Sound of Music" was pounds per 100 of nitrogenous. 10 pounds per 100 of phosphorI disagree beartily. J certainly selected by the National Catholie Office for Motion Pictures _ and five pounds per 100 of. admit that there are gifted cooks lIS 1965's "best film for general audiences...· NC Photo. potash. This obviously leaves 80 cap.ble of cooking by the pounds of filler in this partieulM aenses of touch, taste and 2lPpearfertilizer, which is esaentiall7 a anee, but these few and far aU improver.. . between. Most of us amateurs Nitrogen basically promotes rely upon these gifted souls for-.. Je3f growth, phosphorus pre- guidlmce. Baslc knowlroge Is ob- . Prelate Says Mother Katherine Drexel 1I1otesstem growth and the p:ro" tamed from recipes and after ,..ears of recipe tesUng general duction of seeds and iruits:. and As Modern as Vatican .1 potash promotes • good roo! principles eoncerniDg the art of PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A Bishop Connare'. tribute to ,erowth. In comparison to inor- cooking may be learnd arid-.'.APOO nun who pioneered in the inter- Mother Katharine, in a sermon ganic fertilizer,$: which are us- plied. racial apostola:te was praised by' at a Mass of than~sltiving on the .ally high -in chemical content, Recipes offer endless variety many of the animal fertilizers which makes our tables more Bishop William G. Connare of annJversal14. traced her concern Greensburg, Pa., here on the for the underpriVileged groups are relatively low In -the----aDove exciting and cooking more fun. One final word about the use of 75th anniversary of the commu- to the dayS when she traveled mentioned chemicals. . For instance, (!OW manure hal recipt:s. Unless you are an artist nity she founded to care for IUthe length and breadth of Indian c o-ttn. try, establishing a 2-2-2 count which mearis that in the kitchen and are thorough- Negroes and Indians. Bishop Conn:are called Mother schools for Indians with Drexel 04 per cent of the fertilizer 17 schooled In the use of basic which you spread on the garden ingredients so that you are cap- Katharine Dre,xel, foundress of family funds. Is filler. In this instant!e, how- able or subsUtuting and changing the Sisters of the Blessed Sacra.. t.a8llno- ContrfbatlOll ment for Indians and Colored ever, this is why cow manure is cooking methods, follow the "The thoughl of giving her People. "as modem as Va.tican 80 effective. In reality it serves recipe eA:actly! total person, as well as her man." and commended her «total the dual purpose of acting as a This recipe is from Mrs. Irene terial .bounty, to the serVice of fertilizer and also as a soil t!on- Ainsworth, a fonner Fall River de4icatJon of person, which far {;od's poor had long tortured the cUtioner. In the long run the resident now l1ving in st. transcended any ordinary phil- mind of Katharine Drexel,anthropy. ~ d of these functiODI is Petersburg, Florida. ThIll III • Bishop Connare said. prob.bly more Important 1I1an delicious. crunchy pie. "It came to Ol head wilen, ill the first. SGutheru. Peaaa 1'ie Urges Equal Benefits J885. Pope Leo XIU asked pointWh.t kind of fertilizer should 3 eggs blank why sbe .honld not atsrt 70U use in your garden? There For All Students .¥.o cUP sugar • religiOtul communJ:ty of her III no best fertilizer. What you . BUFFALO (NC)-A spokes- """ to serve the needs of the 1 oup clark com syrup 8hauld use ' depends upon your If.o cup melted hutler or mar- man 10r Citizens for Educational Indians and Negroes' of: America.80U and what is available to you. Freedom has urged a state leggarine OIl Feb. 21, 1891, me proIf your 80U is he~vy and almost 1 oup pecan halves of other Sslative committee on education aouneed her final VOWI and was Impenetrable 1I1en obviously y"" nul me.ts (I hove used thla to treat children in all schools named firsl Mother General of Mould use a fertilizer which win recipe with wainuts) aJ.1k:e in recommending neVi the eongregatiOlL eondition the soil, such as one education legislation• J 9 inch unhaked pie shell .t the organic manures. HowMother Katharine's "Iaotin, I) Be.t the eggs thoroughly Robert Scholz of West Sen.... ever, if the soil is In good condi- with the lI\lgar. a dash of salt, N. y .. told the joint committee contribution to American Cation it is simpler and m~ch com syrup and cooled melted that education measures bene- tholiclsm," Birhop Connare said, more converiient to fertilize with butter. fiting public flchool children -cannot be measured in the coin inorganic fertllizers. These ferof the· republic, but must ha 3) Pour the mixtore into the only are a l¥cruel hoax." tilizers have another'advantage pie shell. sought in her personal sacrifice The comMittee is considering In that ther are quick acting. to the cause of racial justice. 2) Stir In the nut me.ts. recodification and simplification alnce ~-Inost are in a gr8nular ") Bake in a 358" oven for of state education laws. Scholz, Iorm which is more easily In- about 50 minutes or until • knife testlfying on behalf of 1I1e eorporsted In the soil. Inserted haIfw.y between the western New York region of lIy point is that there is room outside and center of flJling CD. said 900,000 children in "r botb types of fertilizer in comes ()ut clean. New York state attend non-pub~our garden and that one .. 5) CooJ before cutting. Serve lic schools and declared ((no rerather silly to stick to one ferti- plain or with whipped _ vision or recodification can be lizer when there are so maD7 complete which ignores 25 per avall.ble for diHerent purpeaes. _ of !be mle's oohool clli1-



Lauds Foundress



_I _


Recently President .foluuMlll tore himselt .way from the Vlletnam situation. the New y.,rk:

and other major

issues long enoup to e.rf!~te ~ bit of • stir the - . . . bY firing hII chef. It - - - , " tIiis .eooker Of.. French iiui,oIne and LBJ didn't see eye to eye ... tlishini up vittles for the Wl;Ute


Sets Spring Retreot

AI • meetinll of the _ _ oommIttee lIDd l2gla1alhe _ _ ell of Our Lady of Good Counsel :Retreal League beId: at Bishop Cassidy mgh School, Tsunton. BeY. walter SuUlvan, newb" _ poiDted D100e0an DIrector of Retreats, announeed thol • Spring retreat was Icheduled at _ D10eessn Retreat Hou.e for the wll6kend of May 20 to 22.

House tsble. The chef refused to follow recipes, and indeed became qulte Inlllgne,nt .t the Fund Raisers ...ggeslion.Withoot wanting to . st.· Catherine's Fund ltablng bke sides In thla domestic· lIlIu.bble, we must .dmit that CommIttee of the Dominican eooks of thia calibre should have Sisters of Park Street, Fall River, win sponsor a whist party free reign In the kitchen. From this man·, -point of view, anT Saturday, Feb. 28 and a~fuhiOll ..oman can. cook using a recipe. rhow Wednesday. Mardl 30. Next regul.r meeting of. the More recently with so many _r!<men tripping In and ...1 oi unil III set for 7:30 TIIeodq ... " - _penton, ~ 1lI1bt. Marell ..


Priests to Elect Diocesan Senate

It bas been my experience that one of the subjeetB ~rdeners talk about most and understand lea.t is fertili~. Why this should be the case I don't lQtow, but I suspect

In Ute





. WORCESTER (NC) - Priests 0..' the Dillce<:r' of Worcester an': balloting in _:<:!ctlOil of a "senate" of priests to advise the bish-

op on administration. ::if the dio-oese. In a letter accompanying the ballot, sent to all_ ~02 priesta of the diocese, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan said he was establishIng the hody in keeping with the directives of the Vatican Council's Decree on the Ministry and Life of PrIests. The decree suggests establishment a l'representative body"" of priests -W give the bishop effective assistance in the administration of the diocese." The senate - will include IS


members serving three-year t.erms. eipt of whom will be elected. The other four will be .ppolnted by Bishop Flan....... I'or purposes of the e1ectioa" priests were divioied into eight

groupe .....rding to seniority. Wal asked to .me

Each :priest

for one candidate from eadl group - thus assuring. Bishop J'lanagan said, "th.I the body will be truly representative of alI age groupings in the diocese." The s@nate

Win not replace the

to-member diocesan board of consultors; but will tunctioa ill. addition to it..

Bishops Approve New Catechi5m~ for Canada OTTAWA (NC)-A new catholic catechism for all Canada wu apvi-vveQ in principle at a joint meeting of the French and English Bishops' Committee DB Religious Education..

,As • first step, the new Frendl Canadian catechetil!al


Introduced last September for primary grades is betpg adapted.

and revised as lID Englisb version. It la hoped thst the _ English material will be avaIl.ble next June, and thai • _ pilot projects will be started ill September. ' It Ia expected to SPread grad-



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs" Feb,


~4, i96~,!!ji"~<i'"'·ij!.fe,,;i'~n

·North Easton Parish Again Presents Lenten Speakers Once again Immaculate Conception Church in North Easton is presenting an impressive program of speakers in its Annual Adult Lenten Forum which begins Sunday, The first speaker will be noted Catholic author and illustrator, Mary Reed Newland, ford, Conn., and Doctor of Letwho will speak this Sunday ters by St. Mary's College, Notre evening at 7 in the Parish . Dame, Indian~l and is 8 rn~mber .' of the Catholic Art ASSOCiation Ball. On March 6, Dr. WI!- and a tertiarY In the Third Order Ham A. Lynch of MUton, prom.Snent physician. will speak to )'oung adults. Rev. J ahn Mowatt of Our Lady of ~azan Church, South .BostOl:', w1l1 celebrate.a ByzantIne RIte Mass on April 3.. After the Ho:y Thursda~ e.veJung Mass. Apnl 7. Rev. WIlham .F. Hogan,. C.S.C. of Stonehill College WIll ·conduct a Seder Supper. Mary Reed Newland Mary Reed New~an.d was born In. K.alamazoo, Michigan: From MlC~lgan she: moved WIth her famIly to IndIana, then to Texas, and on to New York, where she ~as educated in the Port Washmgton, . Lon~ Island schools" at the NatlOn~l Academy of DeSIgn, Pratt Institute ~nd the New School for SOCIal Research. After a brief career in several of New York's leading department stores, she entered the aavertising field. She abandoned her advertising career for marriage in 1943 to William J. Newland. The Newlands are the parents of seven children--one daughter, 22, and six SOI1lS ranging in age from 12 to 20. The ten Newlands ~-Mary, Bill; Grandma Reed, a retired doctor; the seven chil~ren , a number of dogs" cats, ducks and goats together with the wild-life abundant in their woods and pastures, account for 'the populatjon of the lO3-acre farm the Newlands took title to in Monson, Mass. in 1948. At last count the Newland house eontained 14 rooms. Author, Illustrator Mrs. Newland has been a fretJuent contributor to Catholic periodicals and is the author of five books, "Our Children Grow Up", "We and Our Children," "The Year and Our Children," ~he Saints and Our Children," dealing with the spiritual education of children in the family. and "The Adventures of Catherine of Siena," written and illustrated by Mrs. Ne\vland for children, all of which are published by P. J. Kenedy & Sons. She is also the illustrator of both How God Made You and How You Were Born by Robert P. Odenwald, M.D., published by P. J. Kenedy & Sons, which have won wide critical acclaim from Catholic educators and librarians 'throughout the country. Popular Speaker

Mrs. Newland has been awarded the honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by St. Joseph College, West Hart-

of St. Dominic. She has been a popular speaker before many Catholic organizations, including recent sessions of the Liturgical Conference, the Catholic Art Association and the National Congress of'Third Order Dominleans. Active in the affaira of her town, Monson, Mass., Mrs. Newland says one of her faVOr:i.te activities is as storyteller at the Monson Free Library and in the Monson Elementary Schools. In addition to her many other activities, she has also televised a series of "Children's Story Hours" in Springfield Mas H stories included liv~s t~: saints and classic fairy tales, which she illustrated wit h blackboard drawings.

• Society of United·States Moles Changes In

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Kenneth G. Stack, Vice President, has been named Acting President, beca:use of the long illness of J.tt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph B. Lux, President. Msgr. Stack will be in full eharge of the Society's operations in its Chicago headquarRl....

&el to the Society.

Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York declared here. The cardinal had high praise for American servicemen~ and warned against the Htragedy of ingratitude" of forgetting their sacrifices. Cardinal Spellman m ..de the -remarks at the 25th anniversary dinner of the United Service Organizations, Inc. (USa), Where he was cited for outstal1ding leadership and distingUished service to ~he U. S. armed forces. The cardinal, who is also Mili.. tary Vicar to Catholics in the U. S. armed forces, said he came to the dinner not to receive an award but "to pay a tribu te of honor to those who are fighting a war which is terribly unpop.. ular." "There is a real danger," he warned, "that the longin~ for peace and the voices which call out for it on every side may cause us to forget their sacrifices. and if this ever hapP'ened it would be a ·tragedy ing-rati_ tude." Frightful Conflict He said uno man in his :tight mind wants war," and added: "Every true American joins them [American servicemen] in the longing for a peaceful settle_ . ment of this frightful conflict_ a just settlement which honors the God-given rights of all /Concerned * * *" "But there is a vast differ~nce between honest negotiation and the abject surrender of the finest values of freedom and of hurnan dignity which remain in the world, and until we can set the stage for negotiation without a shameful compromise of others' freedom, someone must stand and make a defense with arms. "This is. the harsh reality (lur men in Vietnam are facing with almost unbelievable courage ilnd


First in Uruguay MONTEVIDEO (NC) -


tirst two missionary priests from Canada have arrived here. 'l'hey/' are Redemptorist Fathers. Con"": rad Montpetit and Michael Bertrand. both from, Quebec.

Msgr. May will be responsihle

Revamp AdlvltietJ

Magazlnet. Extension :Hi still • 'leader,,:' IiJ. circulation among ClatlloJtll Publication., but of-

The personnel reassignmema

Rev. Thomas J. McCabe, who was Field Director of the Extension Volunteers, is the new CirculQtion Manager of Extension. The National Director of Volunteerll, Rev. John J. Sullivan, remains in his post. Previously

purchasing church supplies, as well as subsidies for eIergy in needy areas and education of seminarians for 'the home missions," Msgr. Stack said. "However, we have come '10 realize tbet the greatest - . of the Church in America :now lie in the area of personnel That il the reason for our training and 'research eenter. We have even

for the tevtslons planned for the

went Into effeet wltbln a few days of a deeision tll·· revamp Extension'. activities,;,o the,. will be most fully relevant. the present needs' of the, Chureh. in this country. Plana :-are heio. mad,e for a national reUglm. t,-Ilining and research eenter,

t1.,..;;:~ ..... Society have deetde4I ·It.aeeda many changes to _ . . . . . , .... - readers. While theft ....·""'8 shift to depth reiIoi1bw ..., _to aM trends of ..... ·Ch_, partieularlY·1n this

revised our concept of the term "home missions." Previousiy we concentrated on rural areas,

principally in th@ South om! Southwest. Now we are sending Extension Volunteers into metropolitan slums and even into suburban areas," he added. At present, more than 400 Volunteers are serving as teachel'5. parish workers, campus workers, nurses and secretaries. Applications are being accepted from prospective volunteers for the next training session, beginnin. ill .July.




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U. S. No.1

episcopacy." What has come up, he said. ·'is the question of forming priests for an open, effective, genuinely priestly apostolate among the working people." Commenting on the re-establishment in France of the priestworker experiment, the Spanish bisho1p said: "It is possible that

the Catholic faith on the frontier of Western civilization just <IS Israel was selected to preserve the fa.ith in one God in a pagan world. Bishop, Alexander Zalesld preached in Polish at a Pontifical Mass offered by Miami's Bishop Coleman F. Carroll in St. Mary's Cathedral to mark the beginning of the Polish millennium observance in the Miami diocese. More than 1,000 persons of Polish descent in south Florida assisted at the MaRS on the. anniversary of the baptism of Polandl's first king, Duke Mieszko, founder of the Pipst dynasty, through whose example the nation accepted the Catholic faith. -4The calling of individuals and nations to the realization of 1he pla.ns of divine providence is always something secret, something inscrutable," Bishop Zaleski said. Nation ChOtien "However, at times, God, through revelation or inspiration of the Holy Spirit, enables us to know part of His will. Such as for example when He caned Abraham, whom God sent from his own land .to a country unknown, where the promise of God would be fulfilled, that He would become the father of a people, a chosen people from among whom our Savior Jesus Christ came," the prelate said. "Just as in the Old Testament a natiorn was chosen that was unknown, small and without fame in culture, in a like manner a thousand years ago the Polish nation, still at the start of its existence, was chosen and given the task of standing on the frontier of western civilization· as a guardian of the Catholic faith before the Tartars, pagans, and heretics/' Bishop Zaleski declared.

. College to Confer Degree on Rabbi WINOOSKI

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BARCELONA (NC)-A Spanish bishop holds that public opinion in this country would show "tlnderstandinj( and trust" toward working' priests. Bishop Antonio Anoveros Ataun of Cadiz told the daily La Van~ardia here, however that "up to now . . • tt th t 'f th the experlme~t may b~ extendt'd such a ~a er as a 0 e to other countries. To take working priests ,has not down the wall that· still sepacome up before the Spanish rates the working masses from

MIAMI (NC)-The bishop of Lansing, Mich., said here that Poland was chosen 1000 years ago as a guardian of



Spanish·· Prelate Discuss~s Policy of Priest-Workers

Pontifical Mass Marks Beginning Of Mil~nnium

HERE'S WHy....)

Prelate Stresses Just Settlement Of Vietnam War PHILADELPHIA (NC)Any peaceful settlement of the war in Vietnam must also be a just settlement.

date of 19118 for fun ,operation.. Training will be offered to laymen, clergy and !'eHglous,



'rJiIE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966 country, it win .un be directed to a general family audience. "Certainly we eball continue granlll for bUilding chUfeh~s lina

with • target

announced wail appointment of William J. Jacobs ,as Executive Secretary ~f Extension Volunteers and public relations eoun-

Very Rev. Msgr. John L. M..y becomes Publisher of Extension Magazine. He had been General Secretary of the Society. He is replaced in that post by Rev. Joseph Cusack, who previ0l.l..sly was Circulation Manager of the magazine.

Changes of key personnel in the Extension Society of the United States have been announced by the Most Rev. John P. Cody, Archbishop of Chicago and Chancellor of the Society.



Karl' ltee4 Newland




Michael's College will confer an honorary doctorate of humane letters on Rabbi Abraham Joshua Hesche! during' its second Workshop on Ecumenism, March

7 to B. Rabbi Heschel, professor of Jewish ethics and mysticism at the <JeWish. Theological Seminary of America, played an important role in discussions with key figures involved·'in the Vatiean Council's deliberations on Catholic-Jewish relation&. .

th~ Church in· order to bring them closer to a true meeting with Christ is not a phenomenon exclusively F r en c h. Unfortunately, and I am saying this with oeep affection and r~gret, there are countries-also those with tl Catholic stamp-----where this [ac1: (of separation) is a reality, lJII large or small degree." Asked whether he thinks there is a real gulf in Spain bctwE'en the Church and the labor world, Bishop Anoveros replied: "I believe thnt in Spain there is a bit of everything. Regionswith labor masses that remain apart from the Church .~ '" • meaning by such a sep:wation an animosity against the Church, <Inti-clericalism. the development of life outside of the normal practices of a Christi::m . "In other zones of Spain there are labor groups that, though fulfilling their Christian duties more or less frequently, implicate the Church itself-1 refer to the hierarchy and pric;·ts-in a social situation which they themselves deplore and condemn. "1 point out the facts. I am not passing judgment, nor hying to explain them. I am only saying that we are doing what i's possible in behalf of social' justice and of a genuine and ef-: fective Christian among all so~ ~ cial classes."

Sends Golden Rose To Marian Shrine VATICAN CITY (Nc") - Tho Golden Rose, ancient sign of high personal esteem by a pope. is being sent to the Marian shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico by Pope Paul VI. The ornament, fashioned of gold and gems in imitation of a spray of roses, has been presented by the popes from time to time for over 1,000 years to r u I e r sand 0 the r s, and to churches and cities distinguished for special service to the Church. The last presentation of the GOlden Rose was to the shrine at Fatima, Portugal, and was announced by Pope Paul at the closing of the third session of the ecumenical council, in November of 1964.

Suggests Physici"ns Lecid Fi9ht on Smut TOLEDO INC) - Bishop George J. Rehring of Toledo has repeated his appeal to the med", . ieal profession to lead the fight against pornography, . . Bishop Rehring said physi.cian,s have an "invaluable and essential" role to play in, the unOf,g<lnized campaign he first pro.. : posed a year a g o . , " "From experience they know' the effect of passion-arousing material on the human body; the tensions, jitteriness and ner.. vousness they cause. . "Physicians, it seems to me,' hav'e many opportunities to' s13eak to indivIduals and t. groups; to point out the harm that people are infictlng', upon themselves by occ:upying them.'-; selves with this trashy material. Their warnings may not he heeded by everyon~ but they· will be heard by l'esponsibl~, coirscientious men ~nd, women 811 . well as boys and girls who wI. profit by them," he decl~red.







Finds' Diversion in Books On Weekend Train Trip

God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Bheetl, D.o.

I beDeve that more souls are lost because of the ItOOd tbe7 leave undone than for the evil they _have done and repentect.. Ybe man who buried his money instead of investing it was conde oM d And on the Last Day who are they wbo will be sentenoed to • They who neglected to give food and drink and shelter to <:lo1l!!ll in ·'the least of IDs little ones." The little aid we could have ..... ~ and did not-this will be the major disappointment at the eIiI'-_ li1e. Look back at other so-called disappointments. Were the,~. really blessings? "High over my head a flower waved a Year .... I reached to grasp It with an earger hand-God did not win W.. I thought that ~ower the rose of life a year ago! Now, _."" bended knees, l!ly God I thank, He did not will It ....

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy

In the unlikely event that, 25 years from nQW, anyone wants to know what I was doing on the last weekend of January, 1966, the answer is that I was making my way to and from Washington, D.C. This expedition had something of an epicsl quality, at least fur somoone whose were ever going to get an engine. Over cplQ over again, we life is as dull as mine. There were told.. '~here Will be a demay even be in it the mak- lay of at least 30 minutes.H- Some Ings of a film script, and the principal action (or inaction) would be confined to a single' 8etting- a din&y. dirty railroad coach. I went to Washington to preach

at the Red Mass, annual event to which lawyers,. judges, and of-

ficers of govemlOent are invited. This year, the

Mass was to be eo SundayI Jan. 110. I planned to go to WashIngtMl or.. saturday, return OD. Sunday, both ways b,. air. It is a ...ery short flight. On the sunny lI10rning of. Sat_day. Jan. 29, there 'W"ere happy mutterings on the radio about • big snow storm Immediately In the offin& with Washington beginning to get this pleasant 8UI'Prise in th~ early afternoon. It seemed well to shift from plane to train, ,which I grumpily aid. Winter Wonderland At Trenton some snow was - falling, at Philadelphia more. at Wilmington still more, and at Baltimore one looked out on a landscape arctic save for the telephone poles. Coming into WashIngton was like coming into the ~ dead of a Moscow Winter. When I arose at seven, I peered out the wiI1dow-at steadily falling snow. The stann was DOW being ealled a blizzard, the . eIty appeared to be paralyzed, there was no delivery of papers; ehurches where services had not been cancelled were very scantIly attended, although ~meone reported that a one-legged wom. . had somehow made her wa., to Mass.. Would the Red 1.1... be held? The telephone rang constantly. and. always the answer was "Yes"-a mighty act of faith. It was held, although mow and wind never let up. But No ED&iDe .The President attended, aceompamed I>Y Mrs. Johnson and their daughter Lucl. Speaker .John McCormack was there, too. Chief Justice and Mrs. Warren anived late. There were m&.n1" empty places In the churcb, but the amazing thing was that . . many people did manage to get tIlere.

Since J bad some appolnt-' _ t s tor Monday, I .... eager to get ctarted homeward, J .... lI1'lIed 'lot to attempt the trip, IIiIt, ...hen it seemed' lIketT _ t tl'alns would run (or at least 8lOVe)1' and when I ~ assured tnnsporlatlon to the 'raiIroa<i Matlon, I started. out. And there, In the station, was .... cheeI'7 <eel sign lIQDOUIleln& tbe'deParture of my train. It ..as ..IJ.; five minutes after the ldteduIed departure time that tile gates were opened and we - . , allowed to board. There we... drifts everywhere, the wJo.d was fterce. but we ....ere Ml. ~ptimistic lQt as we clambered abOard. Then it developec that tbe train was complete except .... an engine. Still No E....iIl. For the next five hours one Mard inquiry, speculation. deuto wbeD. or whetl>e< we


said the engine was on the lower level,' and apparently reluctant to come out in the cold. Others said the engine was on its way from Baltimore., and apparently had lost the way. ' The snow stopped, the sun came out. The sun sank IQwer and lower in the west. The day di~, night fell. The cold intensified, and the wind biew madly. stin no engine. Meanwhile. a train had erept into the station' on an adjoining track. Everyone OD our train gathered on the side toward that track and looked at that train as if it were a vehicle from Mars. n was rumored that we were loing to get the engine from that train; it was also rumored that that train was going to start back to New York ahead of us. 011 the Wa:r I got a seat in a coach alread7 erowded. but not so crowded as it was to 00. Beer cans and papers from candy bars littered the aisle. People sunk. in the seats were reading paperbacks, Sunday supplements, dream books. Finally the train, like a disturbed sleeper, gave a lurch or two. It moved a short. distance, stopped, heaved, backed, slid forward. We were on our way. waving pityingly to those who had stayed on the first train (which became last). The New York. streets were ley and scourged by wicked winds. There were no taxis to be had. Hotels near the mtion were besieged by people seeking rooms. I made my gasping way uptown. found • hotel room, crawled Into bed at 2:45, and got home the next day early enough to keep two -of m:y appointments. Meanwhile. I had read two boob (pleDty of time for _t). One was The Dark b:r John MeGahem (Knopf. $3.95). Ita scene ill Ireland, its subject the adolescence and. emergence into adulthood or a farm boy whooe bitter and overbearing father•• widower, b puritannicaJ and resentful of his lonely and 1aborious life. Ha.... a Pleuanl Trip The boy Is unusually intelligent, but has to fight to staT In schooL Be wins a university sehoIarship, but Is fInalIr undone by the Insecurity and fe.... with which edstence' at home has burdened him. ThIs stark, and stlII beautiful, work Is expHclt and brutal la its account of the aexuaI eIperience of the boy. In this, it wiD shock _ a reader, but Jt ill certainl:r strong and telling In Ito Indictment or puritanisbl and the tenible toll of that aberration. The other _ "as The Bve. nIng of the HolIday by a super!alive writer. named . SbirIeJ' . Haszard (Xnopf. $3.95). n' reeounts an encounter, and an 81-· _ , In Italy between an Italian architect, separated- from his

wife, and a younger woman 01· Italian and English parentage. Thus a jolting book and . . ' oblique book affordocl diversion in the leaden hourll of ·walt!n8. Across the back of ever'7 leat OIl train was the legend "Ra.... a Pleasant TrIp." Thanb to two authon, and not at sn to the railroad, it _ ' t 0DI\l'eII' _ p1easlw*.

",,; I

'~I"Utt~ ...;..


You who read this eol-.unn are for the most part "JIUIe. people"-Qodf. DeOple. You may be IncliDed to think Uuq; Qed es:pects poeat thinl'S of YOll. No! Maybe your ute's work. Is to write oaly ODe

TO ALASKA: Arebbi... hop-elect JQseph T. Ryan, who was"'named by Pope Paul VI, Feb. 9, to be Archbishop of Anchorage and head of a new ecclesiastical provinCE» .of Alaska, with suffragan Sees of Fairbank8 and Juneau, has bee serving since 1960 as nlitional secretary of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, the Vatican agency which trains priests and Sisters and supports mission activities in 18 cQunt!:ies. NC Pholy.

~"''''''''"'Ye Ded~;on

In Z')"""UJ Case TRENTON (NC)-Arguments were concluded before the New Jersey Supreme Court here in a five-year-old zoning suit brought by the archbishop of Newark against the borough of Hohokus. The court reserved judgDient in the case, which it was hearing for the second time. The archdiocese purchased,," 2O-acre tract of land in Hohokus in October, 1960, and announced ita intention to build a regional high schooL Opposition from. residents led to adopUon of a zoning ordinance barrinC the school construction. The archdiocese built the school in nearby Montvale instead bec8U8e of the delaJ' involved, but it proceeded with litigation beeause it owns other property In the borough. The Superior Court ruled the ordinance disCriminatol'J' f but the Supreme Court upset that decision and ordered a new trial to judge whether the borough. acted arbitrarily in adopting the ordinance. The Superior Court then held that the ordinance Is arbitrary and unreasonable. It Is tlliJI deslon that Is . being appealed .,. Hobokus. '

page. to ere,ct one pillar. to lay ODe stone, "'*» paint ODe nower. to Bet wde ODe dime a da-;v' for the poor In Asia. Africa. Latin America. 8t. Paul waated io_ . . .. Bith:rDia .but the Hol:r Spirit did not aDow It. DaQl willed to bnlld the Temple, but God told him that Ills Jnteut ooanted as the deed. Each of . . at birth '" given a \H!n and two empty boob. We wiD write one of them ton of our Ioft:r ambitions but .. we cet older we !lee "at we write auoth-er. Dot the eDe we hoped to write. LIf. Is full of wlthholdIngs. What mal\en Is thai the lesser book written and the - . . . deeds done have aU beea done ID DIs Name. Do not: tara. ~ ever the paces. moaning over the blots and smudges--4INo __ patti.... his hand to the plow and lookln.. boek Is fit for the kiDtr- . dom 0' heaveD.II Make lilt for the crooked furrows by plOW:laW· skal«ht ana 1Jeec1in1' weD from DOW on. The smears ean be . . . . . bJ" love :for "Love coven a multitude 01 sins". We receive thOusaDds of letters from good BOU1s who, to make reparation for their sins, send sacrifices to help give the faith. _to others and to aid the poor. These letten are increasing, lor our Catholic ,people are beginning to know that the Holy Father's ciety for the' Propagation of the Faith does not invest your A<:rlflees. but sends them to be spent within the year for the poor of the world. Thank God the Church has one Society through which PoOl' souls can help poor souls in every area of the entire world! Would to God, the rich Would take advantage of it, too. for on the Last Day Christ will not say "1 had six mllllon invested in common IJtocka and you made it seven". But He will say MJ: was hUDg1'7 and you gave Me to eat. thirsty.and you gave Me to drink., nllked and you clothed Me, homeless and you sheltered :Me." Let me hear from you. God Love You!


GOD LOVE YOU 10 the L. Famlb' for m "Even tho1IcIa . we are a nu"tr0a4 workda :family aJU1 b7 IIUUlJ" daDdaa'd8 . . Ilvln&' h1..h, the pie_es ....d stories ill :rour _asfneMl8SIOlI' made us think of .......oed foed, ....rm _ ..... """'- _ III the cold. TJds .. t . thNe have DOthtDc."


'In _ _ to Innumerable demands, the recorded taI1aI ~ Bishop Fulton 3. Sheen, which be has used privately for over to. ,.ears to help people of all faiths find meaning and deeper .... piness in life. are now available to the general public: on 25 reeals -THE LIFE IS WORTH LIVING series. In 15O talks of aboUtllJ minutes each, His Excellency offers wise and Inspiring guidcue 011 problems affecting all age groups-love, maniage and rafslr ehildren. _ring, anxiety and loneliness, alcoholism and del\ as wen as the prlnclples of the Christian falth. PrIoed at $511 and sold on1Jr as a complete set, the LP b!gh-fldelity album (lilt ufactured by RCA custom department), can be ordered from BlI .., Fullen ~. Sheen, at _ Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1M

Cat out tbk oolaam. pia :rour lI&OI'IfIee to It aad mall I ~. S--. N_nat _ '" TIle 8DC11e1 for the Pro_ation of the Faith, SM FIfth Anua.. New VOl! K. Y. 11001 . . ta :rour _ . direotor, Rt. Rev. Ills..... BaYJDOII 2'. COlUd.b..... 161 Rodll ..... 8WMt. Pan &IYer., . ._"....... ta Most \lev. FuItoa


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What WISh


Ie Reany About

'!9tI! ANCriOtr­ Thurs., Feb. 24, 't966

Is Day-to-Day Plugging, Producing Report Cards to Cheer About What'.s high school reaJ1y about? Not the sports,' h ext1"a-curnculars, the thia-and-thats that rate most of OW" news space; what it's really about ia the patient day-afteF­ day, night-after-night plugging at stu.dies that occupies the majority of teens fo1' four Wednesday, March 16' at Coyle vital years of their lives. But and Wednesday, April 13 at seRsions under the study Taunton High. The John F. Ken­ lamp don't rate headlines; nedy Major Tournament is set



Paper Recommends

Interracial Survey

HARRISBURG (NC)-A blocll;.. by-block education and infof'o mation survey of Negro areas ~ Greater Harrisburg to furtheli' interracial justice has been eli\= vocated. The Catholic Witness. Harris­ burg diocesan newspaper, said that if representatives of variouo human rights groups in the areQ "cooperated in such a project n would help reduce the long dis-­ tance we have to travel to em­ sure equal rights for all persollf\ regardless of race." The paper said the project . "would solicit information, crit.e icism and suggestions" from Negroes in the Greater Harris» burg area, "and it must encou.... age the help of members of bot!':1 races at the grassroots level.so

they're like the thousands 00: for Saturday, May '1 at Bishop bricks in a building, each vital, Cassidy, Taunton. but none standing out for special At a debate tournament at IVlt. attention. However, the thou- St. Mary Academy, 15 of 18 Bands of bricks form 1Il building rounds were won by Sacred that does command attention; Hearts Academy teams. SHA ill and the daily,. nightly sessions now highest-ranking school in add up, in many happy cases, to the Narry League. And on the report <cards worthy of hurrahs llghteX' side, debaters provided and positions of pride on school yefreshments llIt BHA'II annua1l honor rolls. So this week, as gym meets. holidaying students relax, we At a Narragansett League salute the top Diocesan scholars, tournament held at Stang High those who know what high in North Dartmouth, Prevost de­ school's really all about. baters compiled a 4-0 record, At Jesus-Mary Academy, Fsn downing Coyle, Feehan, Cassidy teen Cassidyites will be modeh!, River: Anne Marie Grillo and and Taunton. . _ while Patricia King and Jeaill Suzanne Lagarde. At Prevost. Meanwhile, debatern mt Holly Carter will dance and ElizabetJ:). Fall River: Robert Lacourse, Family are busy saving their Cyr, Mairy Lou Hall and JSM! Roger Lizotte, Leo Talbot, Paul pennies towards tl trip to DaCosta will offer solos. Dextraze, Philip Sabra, Edmond Georgetown. A cake sale held Choose Representatives Tremblay, Nelson Charest, GU.. last week helped swell ~e At a student government l1:ljoa bert L'Italien, Marcel Lizotte, treasury. sembly, Bishop Stang claSBelll Paul Lizotte, Paul Martel, Ron­ Kateri Detelli19 and Claudette chose their representatives for ald Petrin, Jean Poisson, Robert Ouimet, both sophomores a1 the year and also at "Spartan Rheaume, Roger Yokell, Thomas Bishop Feehan High in AttIe­ Barry Hodge has been BLEST BUT UNIMPRESSED: This youngs'ter slept Village" Barnes, Donald Corriveau, Paul 001'0 placed first and second i!l1 named a National Merit finalist. t)lrough a recent dedication ceremony by Bishop Thomas He has received an early accept.. Cabral, Donald Harrison, Donalcll m play-off round of the 29th an­ ance from Brown University. Lauzon, Donald Polailli, 'James DUal American Legion oratoricmll K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth, at St. Theresa Home for In Stang sodality news. juniC!' Reid, Robert Thibault, Edmond oontest. Good talking, girls! Children, where more than 60 boys and girls are cared f« boys have returned from a re­ Tremblay, Donald Valiquette" Science Fairs in Fort Worth. NO Photo., treat at Sacred Hearts novitiate Allan White. . Girls at SHA Fall River Bll'e in Wareham; sophomoye girls D 0 min i c lil n Academy, FaD. :readying exhibits for the school River: Patricia Niedbala, Denise science fair to be held Friday, Cassidy, respectively, to the up- held by Senator Edward M. are discussing the taping of lit-. eraturefor' donation to guilclJJ Turcotte, Diane Cloutier, Debra March 4. Entries are musts for coming junior and sophomore Kennedy at which representa­ ·staffs. Last issues of the papers tives of organizations such as the for the blind; and all sodality Lay, Madeleine Delisle. sophomores and freshmen, op­ units are preparing for In B!b1le Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall tional for juniors and seniOl'tl. will be propuced by the· new Red Cross will discuss the refu­ gee problem. vigil to be held next month and River: Helene Auger, Diane School winners will enter the staffs. Dominican Academy hoopsters At Bishop Cassidy the second followed by If social. Boulay, Lynne Chrupcala, .10­ regional fair in April. A eorrection: last week"tl anne Greene, Susan Jenkinsolll, At Bishop Stang the science closed their season on a wave of annual initiation of the Future Carol Laroche, Elizabeth Misek, fair already belongs to history. triumph, meeting and defeating . Secretaries' Association' was Anchor carried a picture of Ho~ Helen Murphy, Vivianne Pre­ Senior division honors went to JMA, SHA and Bishop Cassidy, held. with four seniors and 12 Family students identified ll$ student council officers. They vost, Margaret Ruggiero. Alan Roskiewicz for a study ~ three in a row. Baseball intra- juniors accepted into member­ weren't. They were seniOX' dl¥.l!l Also Annette Santerre. Janice the action of certain drugs (ltD. murals are slated to begin at the ship. Christine Barros is presi­ Sepanik, Marlene Shea, Anne the brain, and junior winner WlMl Fall River school, under direc- 'dent of the Cassidy chapter of officers. tion of intramural captains, and the organization. She. together Sullivan, Carolyn Walas, Carol Peter Kenyon. . Bednarz, Jacqueline Flanagan, Holy Family's science fair til also under way is an officiating with Elaine Laudurante, vice­ Kathryn Golden, Nancy Medei­ also over, with· Louise LaFleuli' course sponsored by the Athletic president; Lorraine Macedo, roo, Veronica Plaziak, Diane taking first place with her ex~ Association. This course will· secretary; and Kathleen Fraga, Viera, Jeanne Boulay, Ruth Far­ hibit on quantitative and qua!i:" prepare students to referee bas- treasurer, were guests at a ill, Diane Rochfort, Ann Bibeau. tative analysis of protein; second ketball and volleyball g;lmes. State House reception Tuesday, Prerequisite is two years of gym" at which they met Governor Carol Costa. place going to Darlene Kolasin­ At Prevost, student council .. Volpe. It should be noted U!.at not ski for "The Experimental Sub­ Also at Cassidy, the annual every Diocesan high has been marine"; and third place to Jay :members will participate in the WYmat'l heard from as yet, also· that Dwyer and Kevin Harrington Heart Fund drive this Sunday, ~ashion show for the benefit of some schools .award "highest for"A Geological Study of Cape Feb.. 27. And Glee Club mem- the publications department will' 3-6592 bers are preparing for an apbe held Tuesday, March 1. Fif­ honors" to a very few top rank-, Cod and the Islands." Eight hon­ CHARILES F. VARe~S ing students, while other schoolll . orable mention winnern Ye=o pearance at a testimonial Sunday in honor of Rev. James E. Mur­ have a category of honors for all «:eived certificates. 254 ·~OCKDALE AVENUE students with an average 90 or Bishop Feehan's fall' witi be phy, who is leaving the Diocese better. This accounts for the he 1 d Wednesday, March ~ to work in Peru foy five yeal'tl NO JOB TOO BIG NEW BIEDFORD, MASS. fact that some schools have only through Sunday, March 16. Stu­ . lMl III member of the Society oil NONIE TOO SMALL two oX'· three "honor students," dent chairmen are Charles Mesa Gt. James.. To Represent Sehooi While others have dozens! mer and Robert Blythe. College Acceptances Off Broadway . Diane Vieira of the Mercian Colleges and other schoola <If Although far off Broadway. mtaff at Mt. St. lV,[ary Academy, PRINTERS higher education continue to Bishop Feehan's production ~ together with Lynne Chrupcala, l!end those magic lettel'tl to area "Camelot" .was an immense llUe­ editor, and Sister Mary Austina, Mahl Off~ and Plant seniors. Acceptances at Prevost ft!SB, flay attendant&!. The musical moderator, will attend the Co­ include Paul Blais and Alfred played to a total of 3,000 people. ·lumbia Scholastic PreSfl Associa~· 95 Bll'idge St., Lowen, Mass. Mailloux, Providence College; Practically everyone at 'Stang tlon conventioll\ to be held at Tel•. 458-6333 and Robert Lacourse, UMass. At ifl publishing his own newspaper, .Columbia University Thursday .through S~turday, March 10 Dominicam Dorothy Ferreira, it seems. .The well-established . AuxiliarY Plants A,nnaMaria; Barbar!!, F.rench, Stangscript put out itaJ' ·third 'tlll'o\1gh 12. Also making 1he .~ iOSTON URI; Cheryl Robidoux, Johnson· issue this month; junior sodalistl trip.to New York will be a del~­ ;iCAMDE": N.J. ;md Wales. At Holy Fa'mi,ly, New are ~preparing their oWn' news-. . Iation tiom Feehan High. Bedford:. Gerald Fran~is .and letter. for junior.: classes onl,.; At 'Taunton's Coyle High, 1he OCEANPoRT, N.J. Maura Harrington, ~it~h~urg. and· the French department· wiD ,student' Counei:i· has ,acquired, a 'MIAMI' (}a17 At Je~us-Mary:. LOrq1ineT~ iIlmne its own sheet eo~e ApriL ,new stereo lmit; , PAwTUcKET,. i. J. ~t, Johnson ~d Wales; .Rita. Editors' wiD, bE 'BarbaiaByeJW ': Kingsbury and William MBnS.- , Laflamme,' Cardi~aJ. Cushing and Peter Holt: . . .:field' :will represel)t their fellow. HEATI~GO.lL " PHIlADEI.PHtA . At.starig ~ci.' .. :BiShOP :!ltudenta at • conference to N .College. .. Debate Nelft All road\! lee. to Stopehill Col­ ',­ - t lege last Saturday Dioces8J! B j debaters attended .the eighth an- t a !)ualInvitational Hfgh School I · Deb ate' Tournament.. Among '1 r;chools represented were St. An­ thony's and Holy Family,' New · Bedford; Coyle High; '1'aunton; I Md Prevost, Fall River. I Upcoming on . the debate I schedule at Sacred Hearts, Fal! I · River, are novice debates at ~t. 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven ., 103 S. Water Street Catherine's, Newport, Saturday, . I March 19; and Gt Coyle Satur­ WYman 4·5058 New Bedford day, April 16. VerB!ty debatea aft) mated b' '~~_i.liiiliii_~~~~~!!!l-!J!lli;;~liii!;;~_!!;;;!!l!lliril_!'!!IfI __~-!IIIIIIIII!-~~-I!iII_"llIi,IilI_--~tJ!#lillll!llll~














'24-Hour· Wrecker' Se"ice



'Redeemer' ,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966 " f_'

Continued from Page One 'tickets may be obtained for this special ,screening from any member of the organizations and the price, is $2.25. ,The first nights ~ill be for the benefit of Bishop ,Connolly's care for the exceptional children. "The Redeemer" deals with , the last three days in the life of Christ and was produced,by ReV. 'Patrick Peyton' 'of, the Holy Cross Fathers and universally known for his Family Rosary which developed the theme, "The family that prays together, stays together." The picture offers scriptural accuracy and audience involve­ ment not shared by many other attempts along this line, perhaps due to the music of David Rak­ sin, the narration of Sebastian Cabot, the voice of Macdonald Carey, or perhaps because Father Peyton who was the mo­ tivating factor behind it aU suc­ ceeded in infusing his own deep convictions into it. The audience is saved from the saccharine, the distracting, and 'disappointing, and opened lip -new insights by the conceal­ ment of the face of Christ. This is a triumph of delicacy and In­ ':genuity. Each viewer is inex­ orably drawn to supply'his own , Ideal image of' the Redeemer.


Merai's' ,CG~M


By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Soda} Action Dept~ ,N.C.W.C.)" , The report of the' National Commission ,'on ~rechnol­ ,

ogy,Automation and, ,gconorilic Progress to which, rElf¢rence was made in the last lrelease ,of this column has not yet re­ eeived as much attention as one ,might have expec1;ed. As T.R.B. remarks iri his regu­ , lish Ii common framework of , Jar column, "From Washing­ assump~ions upon the basis of 'ton," in the' Feb~' 19 issue what both governmental and of The New Republic,' ,the private organizations w'Juld de­

commission "got out its 210-page termine their separate policies report * * * and then seemed to and action. disappear with To many Americans even this hardly a ripple. limited form of so-called "indic­ President John- , ative planning" or "program"7 son didn't even ming" is synonymous' with: Issue a state­ 'Jcreeping socialism" and is ment," T. R. B. therefore anathema. himself is very It is interesting to no1te, how­ en t h u s i a s - " , ever, that 275 memQenl of the tic about the board of trustees and of the sev- ' commission's reo­ eral standing committees o~ the port. He says it National Planning Association­ contains enough including the business' ,~oinmitnew ideas "to tee-issued a joint policy st'ate­ keep the ,coun­ ment calling for a form. of na~ " 'try busy for' 20 !ears'" tional economic planning which .. : I ain 'riot· sure that' I· would, closely parallels, the proposal , agree' with all of theinmyself, made by the laoor members of WORDS THAT HAVE LIVED FOR CENTURIES:' but in general, 1 think that'the. the National Commission on 14 distiguished members of the Technology, AutomatiOlll' lind "Who, are you and what ,have'you done ?'~ is Pilate's question' , to Christ in the motion picture "The Redeemer" that will 'commission have carried" out Economic Progress. their' Congressional' mandnte re-' Rate of Growtll have a special first showing at the Strand Theater, Fall miukably' well. 'Isharii' T';R~B.'. , The NPA join~· statement, River;ort March 2, and at the ArCade Theater, New Bedford The FaURiverGuild for the opinion that tney'have :come' up'-rhe Employment Act-benty , on' March 11. . , . Blind will meet' Sundfl7' , at 2;15 with "a swell report."

YearS' . Experience and, the 'Fu-, 11& at. .Joseph's Chui'cb:- ' , Futun Goals

ture,'; commemoraies the 20th . Some'of the cominissioD.'s rec­ anniversary of the Employment oinmendations are highly eon­ Act of 1946. ,The statemE!nt rec­ troversial and win probably be­ ommends, that 'the economic re-, lJeverely criticized, in many cir-' ports of the PresidE!ntbe eles when public discussion of' changed by adding intermediate the document gets under way. and longraIlge proje,ctions for Take, for example,' the last of economic development in the ,Its recommendations, namely, United Sta-tes. that some sort of representative The Employment Ad, the' body be established for the pur-' Statement 'points out, "was born pose of' carrying on a continuing out of the duel experiE!Dce of' discussion of 'national eco:nomic mass unemployment during the' depression and full empl,oyment goals. "Such a body,'" the commis-. 'during the war years, and was, ' Sion says, "would be' Concerned thus, concerned primarily with with 'monitoring' social change" offsetting cycles in business. In 'with forecasting social bends, recent years, however,elll1phasis and suggesting policy alterna- has shifted to sustaining a de­ ,Uvea to deal with them. Ita role sirable rate of growth as a pri­ would not be to plan 'the future, mary goal under the Employ-' but to point 'out whatalterna­ ment Act." tives are achievable and at what. The 275 signers of th«~' NPA" costs." statement feel that loilg:"i'ange Labor's Viewpoint, study will be particularly :needed Even within th~ commission in 'determining both the socially itself there was a measure of beneficial and the, socially disagreement 'about this partic­ harmful consequences of tech­ ular recommendation. One Ill.em­ , nological advances. and in tail­ ber of the commission remarked oring policy to minimize 1D1de­ in a dissenting footnote that, . sirable side effects. while he believes it may be de­ Technological unemplclyment airable from tin\e to time to es­ and underemployment, the y tablish ad hoc comrni.ssions to suggest, Rill increase unless serve limited ,purposes. the est­ ,stress is put on the matching of tablishment of a mngleofficial job seekers to job opportunities. agency of the type recommended Gains Respeetab(Ub' in the report would represent They also point out that edu­ , Don't walt for .... auft - dry dothes

"'the denial of the essence of a anytlme,ln any weattt.r •••,they are

free society." .' cation, training and othelr pro-' ready In mlnut... lave Ironing time

grams will need continual adap­ On the other hand; the labor tation to meet the, changing sit- , . too - b8cauutheN are .... wrinld...

members of the Commission 'felt uation. Confidence in the 'gov­ that the above-mentioned rec­ ernment'srole' in supporting na­ ommendation was stated too tional economic growth could be timidly. They would have pre­ turthered, in" their opinion, by, ferred to have the commission the' increased use 'by the Presio: come right out in the open and dent's Council of Economic Ad­ pointedly recommend some form viserS of, "consultative commit­ of national economic pl~ning. tees of representatives of busi­ "It is our firm conviction;" ness, labor, etc., as,authorized illl they stated' in a separate Jioot­ the Employment Act." note, ,",that some f.orm of dcmo­ The fact that this Joini' NPA; eratic national economic plan­ statement was signed by a large ningis essential to the United, number of influential business­ States in order to assure not only' men and industrialists, together' !No'moreiiftfng No'damage fnmt dUItJ' winds, dlrtr sustained' full employment but with a representative group of. wetwalh. No: stooping CIllId stretching hnet or cIoth..,ln ...... No aun-fG6proper . allocation of economic labor leaders, economists, et al,'" Ilo hang It up. 51ntp1)'. .... dlal,uncI In" you n hww dothel lMicauie resources to BSSW'e prompt is most encouraging, for it 'would Itt Reddy, do ,.. work. they can be -.... dryecl .... meeting of our ,most 1lIl'gent na­ seem to suggest that. at long .... day. tional needs in both the public last, we may have' reached the '. . " . Bectric Drr'" COlI Much ILea. and private,sectors:" pOint where national eColllomic Common Framework, planning is gaining 'respectabil';' Your 01 Th~ labor members· hastened ity and can be discuSsed calmly to add that the kind ofnatitDnal and objectively on itS merits. : economic planning they envisioo This ':'epresents real progress. would involv.e no compUlsion. Now let'S. get on with' the dis"; but would seek. rattier. to ambo~i~ ~ a'..~~ 0



Fall River Guild

From where' Isif

an electric

clothes ,dryer









and tun"'l heGvr





lJrges 1.ay-Low' Help to Solve Social Ills

rHE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 24, 1966

WINTERSVILLE (NC)­ The "lay-low" Christians­ those who "didn't like what they saw but thought that



sr-; ~~ts

In Home


CHICAGO (NC)-C'--;'~es cd key personnel in the Extension Society of the United States have been announced by Arch­ closing their eyes to the mess bishop John P.-Cody of Chicago, would take it away"-":'must get society chancellor. involved in solving social ills. Msgr. Kenneth G. Stack, vice This is the message' Bishop' president, 'has been named act­ John King Mussio of Steuben­ ing president because of the long ville has given the Knights of illness of Msgr. Joseph B, LUJ!, Columbus here in Ohio. president. Msgr. Stack will be Challenge Stays in full charge of the society's Bishop Mussio cited some s0­ operations in its Chicago head­ cial evils noted in modern times quarters. by the Popes but "shunned by Msgr. John L. May, former those seeking guidance." general secretary, becomes pub­ "Our hope," he said, "was that lisher of Extension magazine. He in time the challenge would go is replaced as general secretary away by itself. Instead it stayed by Father Joseph Cusack who and those who looked for spirit­ previously was circulation man­ ual direction went another way, ager of the magazine. unimpressed by a Christianity Father Thomas J. McCabe, that seemed to have no rele­ who was field director of the vance to modern living. Extension Volunteers, is the new Shun Champions FIRST SEMINAR AT NEW RETREAT CENTER: Members of the faculty and Bos­ circulation manager. The na­ "We have no more time for lome of the tional director of the Volunteers, ton College students take notes at general session held on Saturday, this kind of spiritual waste. We Father John J. Sullivan, remain:J are all face to face with the, 47 attending meet at a seminar following one of the lectures. in his post. necessity of our complete and , The Extension Society is en­ total personal involvement in a gaged in work in the home mis­ true Christian program of almost sion field and is currently stress­ revolutionary action. If things ing the ,apostolate to the inner are to be sunnySide up, we must city, and to rural areas of the turn over a lot 'of our thinking South and Southwest. More than and living today," said the Ohio 400 volunteers are, serving 'all prelate; ,' , .. ' ,,' " " _ '.. , ' , ' " ,,', •. , ' , '_ ' teachers,paris,h workers, campuiJ Come In, saId, the Rev. John L. qan-ey, S.J., le.admg the way l'I1to the magJ:llficant 'workers nurses and secretariee. . The Bishop'slngled out "the So­ cial evils and the injustices that· reeeptioI)-hall a'tRound' South Dartni:ci~th; the area's newest Retreat, House. It was: ,'. , . '. festered between races, between cold outside, with wind 'sweeping off the water arid snow"flakes tumbling in the chill ' Consecr~te Alaska: rich and poor, laborer and man­ breezes. But inside, it wascomforhlbleand bright. At the far end of the hall to the tight, agement, high and low!" He added: ' that .Iead,s' past, the chapel ' residence in the former Colo- . Clancy is ready to begin speak­ Ordinary March 2S nel Green marision Feb. 7, while ing engagements at schools and ALBANY (NC) - March ~ "Who got involved' in slum, and hbrary, a SIzable group of Boston O)llege students workmen were putting the fin- ­ before Cati'lolic organizations of has been set for the consecra­ clearance, in poverty relief, in along with members Qf the ishing touches to the extensive the area to build up the retreat tion of Archbishop-elect Joseph human slavery, when it meant renovatio.n p.roject that turned schedule at Round Hill. T. Ryan ,appointed to thc newly trouble to do so? By far the Boston College administration created archdiocese of Anchor­ most professed Christians kept and faculty were absorbed in a R oun d H III m t 0 a re t rea t h ouse. In early Spring, he and the age, Alaska. The ceremony will silent, content to allow the few discussion on how to better uni­ The jovial white-haired priest permanent staff of four Jesuits be conducted in Immaculate valiant ones to champion Chris­ versity communications. -a former Army chaplain and to be .assigned to the house, will Conception cathedral here by tian values against constant The 47 Boston College repre­ long-time educator - took the hold an open house for area Francis Cardinal Spellman. harassment." ' sentatives "christened" Round, invasion of the Boston College clergy of all faiths. Something to Give Hill last weekend. They arrived contingent in stride. As a matter Later, he plans to hold another The archbishop-designate ex­ Calling for inv,olvement by Friday afternoon, were assigned of fact, he enjoyed the company. open house so that South Dart­ - peets to take up his duties in Next full scale event at Round mouth residents and other resi­ Anchorage shortly after Easter. "every person who thinks in to their rO,oms - there are ac­ Hill will bea retreat for Boston dents of Greater New Bedford This occasion will be his initial terms of Christian service," commodations for 64 retreatants College shiden'ts scheduled for can see what has been accom­ visit to the territory of his See Bishop Mussio added: ' at a time-and then assembled "That is what the Council is for 'dinner in the newly deco­ next month. plished at Round Hill. in the 49th state. . telling us: no one is going to do rated dining room., . Father Clancy, who came here In the meanti~e Father Clan­ Archbishop-elect Ryan, orig­ our job for us. We have no right Opening address of ~he week­ - f.rom a 17-yellr teaching anda~- cy is calling on ~ld friends in inally from the Albany Diocese, to expect anyone else to do our end semiT!a,r was. d.ehvered by ministrative ass!gnment at .Fair­ the area and' meeting new ones is currently secretary of the work. And we shouldn't want the Very ~ev..WIlham C: ~c- ' ,fieJd, is no s~ral1ger ~o, the Fall as he settles down to ,his new Catholic Near East Welfare As­ anyone, else to do it. We have rnnes, S.J., preSident of FilIrfl~ld " River Diocese. "assignment: 8oCiation in New York City. something to, give that others University, Conn., who was dln­ As an Ar'my chaplain from want." 'ner speaker. 1937 untii 1946 he served at the . Gene.ral sessio~s and-group fOrIner' CCC 'Camp in East ~lscusslOns comprIsed the sem­ Brewster, helped open the old Says Sciences Help mar schedule Saturday and Sun­ Camp Edwards and "was in and 427 Second St. Cor. Morgan

day. The program ended Sunday out of Fort Rodman" in New In Study of Bible lEd. McGinn, Prop.

afternoon with a summary of Bedford. MIAMI (NC) - Application of discussions and an evaluation of A 1 OLIVETTI

the seminar. cal~ m~n, whose ca mness sciences to the study of the Calculators-Adding & Ace't.

, His housefull of guests did not stood him m good stead last Bible is having a tremendous MQ.:hines

disturb Father Clancy, who was week when. workmen. raced to impact on translations and for Bristol County assigned as superior of Round ":leet the !~Iday deadlIne of the knowledge of Sacred Scripture, We Do Duplicating

Hill early this month. He took fiTst arrIvIng guests, Father according to Father Raymond E. Tel.

Brown, S.S., professor of New 679-6712, 675-7806 -7807

Testament at St. Mary's' Semi­ A~umni Homecoming INSPIRING BO.OKLET FREE! nary, Baltimore. Bri~tol B~ood Bank Planned Speaking at the 16th annual "'The Holy:Face in the Maurice Gusman Institute con­ Comn«l'~Y Forthcoming events at Stone­ DRY CLEANNG

, Way Gros.s.,') ducted at Temple Israel, the Sul­ hill College include the annual and

" ' pician was the first Catholic to homecoming, set for Saturday FUR STORAGE

TAUNTON, MASS. lecture to the institl,lte. A record­ night, Feb. 211. A reception at the breaking audience' of Catholic, college, will follow a varsity THE RANK ON

Protestant and Jewish religious basketball game. leaders heard him. A blood bank will be held at CLFANF-~S TAUNTON GREEN

the college Tuesday, March 1; Three types of 'science-lan­ 34-44 Cohannet Street Member 01 Federal Deposit,

guage studies, historical science with area residents invited to join students in donating blood, Taunton VA 2-6161 Insurance Corporation

arid archaeological science-now are utilized in Biblical studies, which will be earmarked for Americans in Vietnam. Students Father Brown said. He empha­ sized: "Science represents a new in charge of arrangements are tool at the service ,of the church Daniel Dempsey, Attleboro and For the unusual in food and dessert visit our or synagogue. This does not Terrance Sweeney, North Easton. 'l"is I_1. .. fJIId lor IiI" ... place any blame on the past for Gulf Hill Parlor on Gulf Road, South 8artmouth. ~'kl':ll~~r~s~;~l~~ not using knowledge that was Stalion nn eloquent etching not available," he added. by Hippolyte J.azerlles with OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. soul-solisfying med.tntiolUl nUp until approximately the wrilten by Father Pase. Just Across The

beginning of' the 19th century, Whil" supply 148'_"""'" . Coggeshall St. Bridge

coupon-only <>dulls piecH. the Bible· was almost the only Fairhaven, Mass.

ColuiiibaiiFathe~-St.COijj~hans~Neii"rl witness of all civilization that GULF HILL DAIRY, INC. , Plea... send fREE "Way of tbe Cross" book., preceded Greece' and Rome,"', Finest Variety' of

,M... (PI_e, the Sulpician declared. "The • Miss Print) , GULF ROAD, SO. DARTMOUTH SEAFOOD,

ye r y important civilizations • Address ' ' " were not known; some were Served Anywhere - Also'

ICily. , I Stale 'Zlp _ _ completely forgotten. Our onl,. STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN

Witness was the Bible." ~----------~----~-~ q

,So. Dartmouth's Round Hill, Extends Welcome To First Guests at Jesuit 'Retreat Center'" :am,


Tri-City Office Equip.




of tWe












THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966

M~turre U. S" Laity Can Aid Peo~~~ of latin America From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited b:r John J. Considine, M.M.


Parish' Youth Provide ,rutoring

For Culturally Deprived Children

NEWARK (NC) - Some 270 culturally deprived children are receiving special educational as-' sistance this year as a result of a projec't initiated by' a parish priest in 1964. Dubbed Project YOU (Youth Organized for Understanding), it has 220 young persons be­ tween 18 and 26 tutoring fourth, fifth and sixth grade children on a weekly basis. J The tutors are high school graduates or college students re­ cruited from lo.cal college cam­ puses and the Young Christian Workers. They meet their pupils at three centers here, two in Jersey City and one each in Eliz­ abeth and West New York. All but one of the centers use the facilities of Catholic parishes. The program was devised by -PAX ROM.1\NA: Father Father Charles Reilly, formerly Brian J. Egan, O.S.B., has stationed in North Bergen but now at the Maryknoll Seminary been named to dire:ct the in­ ternational program of Pax in Hingham, Mass. Currently the .program is directed by Father Romana, a worldwide intel­ Joseph Ryan of Sacred Heart lectual p 0 s t 0 I ate of the Cathedral here, assisted by a co­ Church. Formerly president ordinating committee and direc­ tor at each location. of St. Bernard College, Cull"­ Tutoring is offered in many man, Ala., and more recently areas, but YOU's basic purpose , chaplain at the Catholic stu-' is to improve reading skills and dent center at Penn 'State to develop the confidence of the University, Father Egan will have his headquarters at the Pax Romana secretariat in Continued from Page One New York City. NC Photo.. Laughlin. He attended St. Laurent Col­ lege in Canada and St. Mary's , . Seminary, Baltimore. Continued from Page One The .retiring jubilarian was Rev. Walter Sullivan, Dioce­ ordained on June 13, 1914 inSt. san CYO Director, has asked all . Mary's. Cathedral ,by the late' area chaplains to make the ex­ Bishop Feehan. He served as a hibit known to groups in their curate at Holy Name in New area. Bedford until 1925 and then he "This is one way to bring became pastor of parishes in St. out the spiritual and cultural Paul, and' Dar_win in Mirinesota aspects of CYO", said Father and also a pastor of St. Anne's Sullivan. He added: parish, Great Falls and St. Vic­ "We urge every area chaplain tor's in Hilger, both in Montan1}. to boost the Christian Panorama The Attleboro pastor was an display as a means of uniting assistant at Sacred Heart, Taun­ the youth of the Diocese, thus ton and SS. Peter and Paul's, allowing them to meet and ex­ Fall River. change ideas. This will be a Since 1952, he has been pastor great asset to the CYO program of the Holy Ghost parish in At­ throughout the Diocese of Fall tleboro. Prior to that assignmen't, River". he headed St. Peter's in Dighton. Working with Father Sulli­ van will be these area chaplains: Attleboro, Rev. Donald Bowen; Cape Cod and Islands, Rev. Thomas 'Harrington; Fall River, like to Rev. Paul McCarrick; New: Bed­ ford, Rev. Edward C. Duffy; Taunton, Rev. Francis Connors.

the all-important though specifically r:estrieted area of bocial .issues,' David O'Shea, national secretary of the Paphl Volunteers for Latin America, notes a general parity of e:l\periences of the Europeans in North and Latin Ameri­ ea. He continues by point. 'b t· h' h programs, such as the Grail, ing out a- contrl u Ion w IC Loveland; Ohio; the Association our laymen may make in this for International Development pa.rticular area: It is in this (AID), Paterson, N. J.; Interna­ context that Father Roger Veke- tional Cat hoi i c Auxiliaries mans, the Jesu~t social scientist (lCA), Evanston, Ill. The first acti ve in mlmy dioces~ to have such a program phases of the was Los Angeles. Under the ju­ Church's work risdictional and financial respory.­ in Chile, sugsibility of the Archbishop \lnd gests that the the personal initiative of the late mature, well. Msgr. Anthony Brouwers, this informed layman Archdiocese' .had launched. the from the United Lay Mission Helpers Association. States can make As an element in the cooi;>er­ a great contriation program of the Holy See, bution to the the Pontifical Comwission for people of Latin Latin American on May 19, 1960, America. The approved the establishment of North American the Papal Volunteers for Apos­ is a Catholic who has already tolic Collaboration in' Latin adjusted to the demands of life America. The thinking of the in a rationally organized techno- Commission was expressed as logical society. follows: He has achieved an integration 1. All those who experience of his spiritual life (baSed on concern for the difficulties stable and eternal values) with which tne Church is faeing i'n tit needs of his human exiBtence Latin American countries, are where the only 'constant is quite aware that the .greatest sin­ change. Ideally, he understands gle obstacle is the distressing that to esablish a social order in shortage of priests and religious. which there will be no 'poverty Hence the continuous preoccu­ is just as important as serving pation of the Pontifical Commis-. the needs of the poor, and that sion, of CELAM, and of all those . it is precisely science and tech-' concerned with the future of the' nology which make this possible. Catholic religion in Latin AmerThe Christian tradition in ica to encourage the inflow of Latin America, Father Veke- many apostolic workers in those mans feels, needs to undergo countries. what he calls a "cultural DlutaUnfortunately, although. we tion," transforming its other- have obtained some success, worldly orientation into a con- there is much more to be, done cern for the pressing realities of and the number of priests as­ the here and now, and a I:Offi- signed, to this important task re­ mitmeint to the concept of hu- mains inadequate for the' pur­ man progress. pose. Men and women from the 2. In this situation no Catholic United States, conscious of their can con:sider himself alien to the own heritage, and open to the ~ suffering of the Church, which different and no less valuable is a Mother to all. More than historical experience of the peo- ever we can see how appropriate pie of the Latin America 11 rea, to our times are the words of can be enormously helpful as St. John r.hrysostom(In 2 Cor. witnesses to the potentialities @f the Christian life within the 18, 3,· P.G. 61, 527): "We cannot framework of technological ,and place the obligation of every ac­ tivity of the Church upon the pluralistic civilization. priests; the burden. falls upon Aprort from' the generalized each one of us in the Church, role of the North American in because each and all of us are terms of culture - contact lInd members of that one body." Homes For Needy social change, his presence is re­ CATAM4RCA (NC) -Bishop quested by Latin American Therefore we must appeal to Church leaders to help them in the l"ity, who become ever more Alfonso ':'orres of Catamarca has specific projects. The current aware of the desire of the Holy donated an eight-acre city lot, distribution o~ Papal Volunteers See to see them engaged in the originally bought as a site for a new seminary, for construction in Latin America by project· apostolate of cooperation with of housing for Argentina needy. eategories illustrates this well. the hierarchy. Missionary Apostolate 3. It is of paramount imporSome 30 years before this cur- tance that laymen be made to rent period 01 strong resurgence understand the necessities of the of the Church in Latin America, Church in Latin America and an organized lay apostolate for the' many problems involved. Fall River, Mass. service overseas had come into For the Latin American coun­ being in Europe, a rebirth' of lilY tries, when restored to the an­ ON OUR STAGIE participation in the missionary dent vigor of their Catholic life, WEi)', MARCH 16. 7:45 1'.1\1. apostolate .that has existed in the will become a reservoir of Sl)ir­ Church in various forms since itual energy that will meet not apostolic times. only its own needs but thos~' of Here in the United States sev- many other parts of the woJdd. eral lay sending societies for 4•. There is a well7founded overseas service operated their hope that selected teams of gen­ erous laymen in various coun­ in response to the appeal AMstralians Re~eow~ tries, of their bishops, can be organ­ lenten Mite BOJu~$ i2 i to VOlunteer for the service of the Church in Latin America SYDNEY (NC)-"Mite boxes" for a given period of years. have been distributed to Catho­ a PROGlIUlljTIIIIIT'. lics in the archdiocese of Sydney These laymen, convinced that DIFfERU BY a and the diocese of Lismore, Ar­ '''the great hour of the Christian CIIlIlI THAT'S OIIl1lli midale and Wollongong foll' conscience has struck" (Pope Lenten contributions', that will Pius' XII, Easter, 1948), ready to Orch. & Loge 4.50 be used to help needy people in leave their fatherland and pre­ Bale.. 3.'50; 2.40 nations near Australia. pared \ to suffer and to toil for Catholics have been asked to the cause' of Christ, deserve the Special Arrangemeats Clontribute money that would: title of "Papal Volunteers for . for School GrOllPS

etherwise be spent on candy, Latin America," and are worthy PlIo. F. I. l-GJ7·9J51 cigarettes, liqu'or, entertainment of association in aft organizatioD ~nd lottery ti~kets. bearing this title.

participating youngsters. Tutors undergo academic, socio-psycho­ logica" and theological formation programs.

A~~o~~tments Continued from Page One cese of Fall River. He has also served as an as­ sistant at the Sacred Heart par­ ish, Oak Bluffs; St. James, New Bedford;· and St. William's, Fall River. . In February 1960, he was ap­ pointed administrator of Mount Carmel parish, Seekonk and in March 1963, he 'was named pas­ tor of St. Margaret's at Buzzards Bay. Father CarroBU The newly appointed Cape pastor was born in Fall River on Dec. 19, 191,1, the son of the late George A. and the late Catherine (McDermott) Carroll. Father Ca"rroll attended Prov­ idence College and studied phil­ osphy and theology at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. He was ordained June 3, 1939 in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Bishop Cassidy. He served as an assistant at Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; St Mary"s and Sacred Heart, T;unton; St. Patrick's Ware­ ham; and Sacred Heart, Fall River. The Central Village parish head became administrator of the Westport church in Septem­ ber 1961. Father Couza The Holy Name curate, who will take over, on March 3 next as administrator of the Central Village parish, was born in New Bedford on Sept. 23, 1917, the son of Charles and Agnes (Fla­ herty) Couza. Father Couza attended Provi­ dence College and undertook philosophical and theological studies at St. Bernard's Semi­ 'nary in Rochester. He was ordained June 5, 1943 by the late Bishop Cassidy in St. Mary's Cathedral. He served as an assistant at Sacred Heart, Taunton, and for almost 14 years, he has been stationed at Holy Name in Fall River.


Reti rements

'Vocation Exhibit·



. we











NeW, Bedfor"'. V es Bank"





Downtowa Drive·ln: SIXTH ... MARKET



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall ,"ver-Thurs., Feb. 24, tM6

TV CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE CLASSES: Left: Preparing for a "de­ but" is Kathleen Boyle with the aid of her mother, Mrs. James M. Boyle of St. John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. Final instructions are given to Kevin Craig and Dana Bergerson of No. Easton by Sister Miriam, O.L.

V.M. "On the air" are Dana Bergerson, Kathleen Boyle, Diane Stone

Sister Janet Marie, O.L.V.M., Kevin Craig, Gail Dukeman, and Thoma~

Donahue: The Victory Noll Sisters are celebrating their first anniversary

as T.V. mstructots.

Avers Cha rities Mirror Vatican Council Concern

Victory Noll Sister Teaches Religion On' TV for Youngs~ers

SAN FRANCISCO (NC) -The Vatican Co un e i 1's "outlook" and Pope Paul's peace efforts have particu­

Each Saturday morning at 9:30, thousands of youngsters in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut "go to school" in front of a television screen to learn about the Catholic religion. Their instructor is a diminutive nun named Sister Janet Marie, who claims to be 5 feet 1, bui who scarcely tops her kindergarten-age pupils. Sister Janet Marie, a member of Our Lady of Victory Missionary tory Noll house in North Easton, is, she says. "We follow the LI­ "studied" once a week at Chan­ turgical year, explain the feasts Sisters' - more commonly nel 6. known as Victory Noll Sis­ Sister Janet Marie continues The children behave "very

lar relevance for Catholic chari­ ties in the country, according to Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, secretary of the National Con­ ference of Catholic Charities. In its Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, he recalled, the Council addressed itself to the secular world. Communib Conscious "This outward look is of spe­ cial interest to Catholic chari­ ties because this is our whole work. Programs of charity are simply giving expression to the spirit and virtue of charity which exist in the Mystical Body," Msgr. Corcoran pointed out. . "Charity of its nature is ex­ pansive, generous a.nd, therefore, outward looking. So we see a very intimate relationship be­ tween what the Council repre­ sents and our whole work," he added. - "Much emphasis is being placed upon the Church being community conscious," he noted. "The conference has been a forerunner of this spirit." International Effort As an example, he pointed to the newly formed Inter-Reli­ gious Committee Against Pover­ ty, which h~ said is an out­ growth of NCCC interfaith rela­ tions antedating Vatican II. He also cited the high degree of cooperation existing on na­ tional, state and county levels between Catholic Charities and government programs, and Pope Paul's Yankee Stadium homily last October in which the Pope stressed the contribution to peace of efforts to remedy social ills and poverty. Seen in this way, the Monsig­ nor said, charities work is a major factor in promotion of peace. He added he would like to see U.S. charities programs more fully involved in fighting pov­ erty on the international level.

Vincentian Meeting Fall River Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will meet in Holy Name School ball at 8 Tuesday night follow­ Ing Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the church.


Scores Spanish Press Law


ters-conducts The Little Flock her explanations as she helps program on Channel 6. ,two of her young students take The haH-hour program is off their coats and settles them taped on Friday afternoon and down on benches in the Channel the getting-ready is a story in 6 lobby. "We'll be ready to go itself. in a little while," she says. "I Sister Janet Marie and her have some business to take care sister "television star," Sister of first." Rose Annette, who is a towering Catechism at Home -by comparison- 5 feet 7 and Gail and Tommy sit swinging % inches, arrive at Channel 6's their legs. studio on County Street in New The "study session" over, the Bedford with "five or six chil­ Little Flock went on the air and dren," an equal number of tot­ met a warm response. Sister size chairs for the studio "class­ Janet Marie conducts a regular room" and art wl)rk of all kinds religion class with her small that will be used in the day's 'ones for 20 minutes and then Sis­ lesson. ter Rose Annette spends five More than one driver rolling minutes speaking to parents, along County Street does a dou­ teaChing them how to continue' ble take at the sight of the nuns instruction in te home. carrying chairs in the front door Gail gets up from her bench of the station. But the Victory and heads down the stair. Noll Sisters don't mind. "Thomas," says the small nun "Our job is teaching religion," with the eyes in back of her Sister Janet Marie says of her head like all teachers, "tell Gail order, "and we realize we have to come up here please." to reach as many people as we Tommy in turn disappears can. Today, television is the down the stairs, returning to re­ thing that gets into people's port: "She's getting a drink of water." homes." BishOp's Blessing The Victory Nolls first came to Members of her order first Massachusetts 12 years ago, es­ tablishing their first house in tried television in Midland, Tex­ West Harwich. They moved off as, three Summers ago, she ex­ plains. "They conducted a. two-' the Cape when a parish school week Summer school and it was was opened in West Harwich and religious instruction was no very successful." So, "with the blessing of the longer needed "outside" for the bishop, we talked to Father' children. Now they are living in Hogan (the Rev. John F. Hogan North Easton, conducting classes of St. Mary's "Home) and he there and working in Diocesan talked' to the people at Channel officers teaching others how to teach religion. 6. "It's part of CCD," Sister Janet "They said if we'd come in and Marie says. learn what television was all Forget Camera about first and then if we had \ The youngsters who appear on something worthwhile to pre­ sent, they'd give us the time. the program originally were They've been just m~gnificent Jr..embers of the religion classes conducted by .the Sisters. "But to us." Consequently, from November now, we have one child each 1964 until the first Little Flock week from among those who program went on the air in send in homework regularly,"­ February of 1965, Sister Janet Sister explains. " The television class Is con­ Marie, Sister Rose Annette, Sis­ ter Miriam and even Sister Joan ducted exactly the same way any religion clasS for small children Louise, the superior of the Vic­

much as they do in a regular class. Sometimes the cameras disturb them, but when we get involved in the' lesson, they completely forget about them. The pre-school age is· wonder­ ful to work with because they are completely unselfconscious." In addition to the studio audi­ ence, Sister Janet Marie has a vast unseen audience. She knows because of the number of letters she receives. Children· at home .can follow the class sessions and do regular homework that is mailed in to her. "We award a certificate at the Turn to Page Eighteen

SARAGOSSA (NC) - T h. chairman of the Spanish bisho~ commission on press and, com­ munications has attacked the Spanish government's new law that is supposed to lift censor­ ship restrictions imposed in thi!l country 28 years ago. Archbishop P e d r 0 Cantem Cuadrado of Saragosso told a meeting of journalists here that the Catholic Church has a divine commission to teach, that it hafJ right to maintain its own preSfl outlets and needs freedom to do so.


The new law now being im­ plemented removes censorship barriers erected during the Spanish Civil War, but it main­ tains a "de facto" censorship by controlling the journalist's pro­ fessional association and by re­ serving -the right to inspect alii publications prior to distribution. Archbishop Cantero said the law contains a "void" in that it does not protect the freedom of Church publications.

Enjoy Dining IN THE






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Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966·


Parish Parade

ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild W!m meet Monday, Feb. 28 with its pro.. gram highlighted by a dothing demonstration offered by Mrs. Ronald L. Poitras with guild members as models. ST. JAMES, NIEW BEDFORD Msgr. Noon Circle announces its annual style show, to feature Spring fashions and to be held at 8 Tuesday night, March 22 at. Kennedy Center. <OUR LADY OF ViC'Jl.'Ollt1Y', CIENTERVILLE Women's Guild ~embers will sponsor a covered dish !IUpper at 6:30 Monday night; March 14, preceding the unit's regular meeting. Members and guests are invited. Entertainment will feature Mrs. Dorothy A. Dower of. Weymouth, presenting "Dor9thy and Her Hats." . 1\ ham an(l bean supper is planned for 5 to 7 Saturday night, March 26, with Mrs. Roger Carlson, chairman, assisted by parishioners from",West Barn­ stable. Mrs. Bradley Parker heuds a committee plallning an Easter brunch for Wednesday, April 6 at the home of' Mrs. Walter Baker; and the unit's annual' rummage sale will be held from 10 to 1 Saturday, April 16. Miss Katherine F. Dooley, chairman, will be aided by the guild's sew­ ing group. High school students are spon­ 80"ing a Sunday brunch to be served ;he first Sunday of each month following 10:30 Mass.

PLAN CAPE COD DAY AT VOCATION PANORAMA: Arranging fora tour by Cape Cod youths of "Christian Panorama" on SaturdaY,March 26, at Bishop Cassidy High, Taunton,are; seated,' Kathy" Connors and Constance Swift of Brewster CYO officers; Standing: Rev. Francis A. Coady, moderator of the new Our Lady of Victory Parish CVO, Centerville;-Daniel Hennessey, president of St. Pius Xth eyO, So" Yarmouth; Den:' . · nis Cheng, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis.

Pa pO I ' De"cree Asks More' Sacrifice

Not .Less

Continued from Page Seventeen end for children who send in their homework regularly," she says. And to give the at-home youngsters even more reason for "going to school" regularly on Saturday mornings via televi­ sion, "we are allowing one or two outside of the class to ap­ pear on the program." Reward for Work It is not "bribery," she insists, just a reward for good work. But Sister Janet Marie smiles as she says it. Gail and Tommy start getting restless. Their attention span is brief. Sister Janet Marie and Sister Rose Annette begin gathering their belongings and "buttoning Gail and Tommy into their Win­ ter clothing. "Who's going to drive?" Gail asks. "I don't know," Sister Rose Annette replies. . "Are the Sisters good drivers?" Gail is asked. Pupils Same She looks at them soberly, head cocked, and then shakes her head. "Yes," she says, "they're ·good." Then, impatiently, she holds out her hand. "Are we going now?" The Sisters smile. A television ·pupil" is no different from any other kindergartner.

Engineering Chair DAYTON ,(NC) -The Frank M. Tait Chair of Engineering has been established at the Univer­ sity of Dayton, here in Ohio, in memory of the benefactor who has bequeathed almo.st $400;000 to the Marianisl: school.

Continued from Page O'ne the Old. Covenant that is not acts of penance. The primary preme ecumenical assembly (the only a collective awareness of ways of doing penance will be: Council)" he felt obliged to take sin but constitutes 'in reality a 1. "In persevering faithfulness "more vigorous steps * * * among condition for belonging to the to the duties of one's state in life, the grave and urgent problems People of God.' in the acceptance of the difficul­ which summond * • • pastoral Sign of Sanctity ties arising from one's work and concern." It can also be established "that from human coexistence, in a Every Christian, because he, penitence was represented even patient bearing of the trials of is intimately bound to Christ, his' before Christ as a means and a earthly life and of the utter in­ Head; because he is himself a sign of perfection and san~tity. security which pervades it." sinner; 'because he is only on an Judith, Daniel, the Prophetess 2. The sick, infirm, poor, un­ earthly pilgrimage, must do pen­ Anna and many other elect souls fortunate and persecuted "are in­ Phar~acy OUR LADY OF ANGELS ance. First, he must imitate the .served God day and night with vited to unite their sorrows to Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharm. penitent Christ, help expiate his fasting and prayers, and with the sufferings of Christ in such FALL .rIVER DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM a way that they not only satisfy Junior CYO members are own and others' sins, and he joy and cheerfulness.'! SUPPLIES Here too, we' have chosen' more thorollghly the precept of holding a raffle for a transistor must strive to free himself from 204 ASHLEY BOULEYARD

penitence but also obtain for the radio, portable tape recorder and all that might sidetrack him souls "who offered themselves to satisfy with their own perbrethren a life of grace. and' for New Bodford

a 'basket of fruit. The drawing from heaven. Though penance is a dominant sonal penitence for the sins of themselves that beatitude which will be held Wednesday, April WY 3-8405

13 and tickets are available f['Om value of all religions-Christian the community." Then the Pope is promised in the Gospel to and non-Christian-it 'is espe­ speaks of Moses' fasting and ·the those who suffer. aU members. cially in the Bible that we'learn description of the Servant· of ~. Priests must .especially be ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, its valued elements.. : Jehovah. . penitent because of their inti':' FALL RIVER Penance. Persona. But it' is in the New Testame~t macy with Christ and His min­ A scholarship to be presented The Old Testament· shows us : that we relish and understand istrY.. ~e.ligious too .because' of annually by the Women's Guild the great richness of penance.. in. detail ~hat penance is. "Re- the undertaken pursuit of per­ has' been named in honor of the The Chosen People'undertook pent and believe in the Gospel" fection; . ~OUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. iate Rev. Francis A. ;McCartliy, - penance as an aftermath of sin, 'is, the summary' of a Christian ·4..The Church, however,in~ the unit's second moderator. . to placate the wrath of God; in life.· . vite~ 'all Christians without. dis. Near Fairhaven Drive-In " time of grave calamities or speChange of Head .tinctionto re;spond to, the divine Italian Dinn~rs Our Specialty ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Cial and imminent dangers; so as' '·Christ. preached 'that to '·be a precept of penitence by some FALL RIVER Service . 0.. .Patio to obtain benefits from God. . member of His Kingdom' one voluptary act, apart from the The Council of Catholic Women The external penitential'prac';' had to have a "change of heare' renunciation ·.imposed by the ~ ~

announces .a cake sale and mal.;. tices :were accompanied by an "an intimate and total change burdens' of everyday 'life. assada breakfast· to follow nIl inner attitude of.. "conversion", arid 'a renewal oithe entire man (Tex,t . of .the '.directives that· ~asses Sunday morning. MarCh of condemnation 'of ,and detach­ ~f all his opinions, judgements, the Pope establishes are found .' . , . 6 merit from sin,' and a strivhig . and decisions-which takes p~ace . on page six),' .toward qod.,. .. . . . in him in the light ·of the sanc-... ST. WILLIAM, It is therefore a persollal tity ~and charity ~f GOd, the sahc~. FALL RIVER St~' tity and charity which were · A mystery ride is planned for' thing. "Penance becomes a reli­ .'wednesday, March 9 by' the gious, persomii. a.ct "which has mariifesteil ·to us iii the Son and as its aim love and surrender co!riffiunicated fully:'" . . \'Vomen's Guild, which will also' FOR YOUNG WOMEN to GOd: fasting for the sake of". .This· is . preached and' illus'­

.~sponsor' a public w~ist Tuesdl,l)'; .1..9~'YhippleSt., Fall. Riv~ March 1. ' . ,.' . " . God, not for one's own' self. Such .,t,l'ated by Christ. So among the

Conducted by' Franciscan .' it must remairi also ir\. the' vari~ "early ·Church even to today we ) 'STREET ( OUR LADYO~ PERPETUAL · ous penitentiaL,rites' sanctioned . have a personal, intimate penMissionaries of Mary

~ . NEW ~EDFORD .'. ( HELP, NEW BEDFORD · by law," the PoPe "insisted. ance; a' social or ecclesial pen'­

ROOMS - MEALS · The Women's Guild 'will meet · E'urthermore, 'even in the Did ance and also chosen souls to' OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY ~ . WYman 2-5534 'Inquire OS 3-2897 Sunday, Feb. 27 in the ~hurch Test'ament, we see ·penance as... U!ldertake penance for their own hall. Corporate Communion is social undertaking, a liturgy of sins and for the health of. the whole membership of the planned for 8:30 Ma3s Sunday Church. morning, March 13. A breakfa~t SACRED HIEARTS, will follow in the hall. Also NORTH FAIRHAVEN Thus, today, ali must do pen­ planned, in cooperation with the Ladies 0: St. Anne will receive ance. The inner conversion of Holy Name Society, is a darice' cor POl' ate Communion, at 8 the spirit must be joined with a Saturday, April 23 in Polish, o'clock Mass this Sunday morn­ voluntary exercise 'of external American Veterans Hall. John ing. The monthly meeting will Izdebski, chairman, will be be held in th'e school cafeteria at ~m • • m~~G~~BmE.~~.~ aided by Mrs. Emily Chmiel' as 7:30 Monday night. An attend­ ~ I .co-chairman. ance prize will be awarded and entertainment feature a hat ~ ~ VISITATION GUILD,

show presented by Mrs. Irene II E' • II .NORTH EASTHAM'

II . xcavatll1"lg III Plousse. Guests will be welcome. Donatiofls for the soc i a 1 ~ ~ of BRISTOL COUNTY , .planned by the G,uild for Friday, HOLY NAMI~,

l!I Contractoll's I FALL RIVER

W II ;.' March 4, at the home of Mrs. THE AREA'S MOST ACCOh\MODA1l'ING BANK ST' r FAIRHAVEN II 'Leroy Babbitt may be made to A rehearsal for the Spring IIII 9 CROSS ' . . II NORTH ATTLEBORO • MANSFIELD , ·,Mrs. Babbitt, Mrs. Michael Kane variety' show will be held at II ..wYman 2-4862 II ATTLEBORO FALLS l :; ilK.. Mrs. Donald ;Walwec. ! :30 tonight. ~ • • • • • • B • • • • • • ~.~







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Holy Family· Gains Class B Title in Catholic Tourney.


A doff of tbe hat to Coach Jackie Nebrega and 'his Holy Family Class B New England Catholic schoolboy bas­ ketball tournament champions and hearty congratulations to Coach John O'Brien and his Bishop Stang High Class A runners-up. The W h a lin g will compete for tll1e Class c: City Parochials stretched championship. their all-winning streak to Coach Tom Karam's Durfee 21 games this season in their " High team of Fall River looms

St. Francis Coach Plans Resign


Prre!a{f@ (1!)@[i'lhf - ~·s Ring \r@ $crme'"' ~

By Fred Bartek

ll-point win over St. Mary's as the strongest area contender in the big-school elimination' High of Worcester in the tour­ competition ·bas"ed on its 13-1 ney final. Car­ league record which copped the dinal Spellman loop championship honors. High of Brock­ Stang, which scored the only ton gained the league triumph over the Fall Class A cham­ River Hilltoppers, and, Attle­ pionship wit h boro from the northern periph­ its six-point ery of the county round out the triumph 0 v e r area Class A representatives. the North Dart­ Seek Mother Mark mouth Spartans Holy Family of New Bedford, in the Tuesday of course, is buoyed-up for the night final at all-school tournament as a result Lawrence. Holy of its all-winning record this Family moved to thetitle by overwhelming Don season plus the fact that it bas Bosco High of Boston 70-44 and already captured the Catholic school Class B crown. then captured' the Class B ban­ Coach Jackie Nobrega's boys ner with a 63-54 win over the are aware of the predicament of Worcester club. Providence'Colle,ge's club in that Shori Lived LelMl .

every opponent is seeking to The 'cinderella' Stang club

, walloped Bishop Brady High of score the big upset over a front­ runner in its class. Concord, 82-52 in the quarter­ Second place Westport High finals and then moved into the of the Narry League will also final round by virtue of a 61-57 participate in the Tech Class C victory over Catholic Memorial title play along with its neigh­ High of Boston only to lose to bor, ~ndependent Dar t m 0 u t h the Shoe City outfit in a closely­ High, and, the perennial com­ contested finale. Stang, ham­ peter, Oliver Ames of North pered by the loss of Paul Gillis Easton. due to a leg injury for part of Same Old Story the championship game, thrice Dartmouth, which will play in closed 10-point gaps and, at one stage in the last quarter, eased the new Tri-Conference next mto a one-point advantage, season, qualified sometime ago only to see the lead slip away to as did the Whaling City Nobre-­ a six-point deficit in the fading gamen. This is the seeond straight Winter that Coach Ai minutes of play: . The Class B Catholic school Palmieri has led the Dartmouth title is • dream-come-true for aggregation to the Boston tour­ Jackie Nobrega after six years nament. Oliver Ames, like Durfee of at the helm of the small New Bedford school while John Fall River, just seems to qualify for the Tech competition year O'Brien's boys can take satis­ faction from the fact that this after year. Coach Val Masquar­ season's aggregation attained do's well-balaqced aggregation greater heights than any other will be led by sharp-shooting court outfit to represent the the Tom Clay, junior, who racked up more than 20 points per game North Dartmouth diocesan sec­ during the regular season. ondary school in its compara­ Jewelers Get Assist tively short history. Attleboro, of the seven county Eyes on Tech . competitors, is probably the Attention of the scholastic most lucky to reach the cham­ basketball fans now shifts to the pionship competition. It garnered Tech tourney which gets under­ the nece~ary winning percent­ way in the Commonwealth's age when its .early season defeat capital city next Monday night. at the hands of Taunton went The Bristol County League "into the record book as a vie­ will send three members to the tory via the forfeit route. Taun­ Class A title play while four ton used. an ineligible player County smaller school combines which forced the Herring City school to forfeIt its victory. The rule infraction was de­ tected just before Taunton's sea­ " lion's finale which it then lost to to Bishop' Feehan High of Attle­ LORETTO (NC) - Rounding boro. ·Hence, Taunton 'blew' its out 21 years as head basketball «mly chance. to win.. a 'valid' coach at St. Francis College here game.

in Pennsylvania,' which he -Bay state Play

brought tv national prominence, Those" who are not looking Dr. William T. (Skip) Hughes Boston-way will be watching has resigned, effective the end the Bay State tournament close­ of this season. ly. Case High of Swansea and In letters to Father Gabriel J. Dighton-Rehoboth will represent Loncosky, T.O.R., president, and the Narry League in this compe­ Vince Davis, athletic director, tition. the coach said he decided to re­ Plenty From Area tire "simply bec;ause I feel 21 Lawrence High of Falmouth, years is quite time enough for any man to devote to coaching Bourne and Barnstable are the Cape Cod representatives in the My sport." Bay State. Dr. Hughes also is a Hollidays­ Mansfield and Norton, from burg, 'Pa., dentist. During the basketball season he has driven the other end of the county, will 15 miles back and forth nightly . also contest for the tourney title. Stacked Against Power from his home to the college. The Bristol County Agricul­ He became head coach in the 1945-1946 season and compiled tural School in Segregansett h. .• record of 285 victones against its· eyes focused on the Class D 186 defeats. His teams played in Bay State flag while North At­ 1 ~ mid-season and post-season tlebOro lIIigh is the only area dub entered in the Class A tournaments, including the Na­ tional Invitation Tournament in competition. But, North has it. work ~ut out for itself. ~ew Yor"

Feb. 24, 1966



Leo C. Byrne, apostolic admin­ istrator of Wichita, presen~~d bill jeweled ring to t'he stud~nts of St. Mary's High School here illil

Kansas. Following the preced-nt of Pope Paul VI, who gave his tiara to the Catholics of the United States for their generosity te other nations, Bishop Byrne sin~ gled out the St. Mary's student body for their "extraordinary Interest in Church and school.'" The Wichita prelate suggested that the students "use the rin~ to enable them to purchaSfl equipment for the new Catholie high school which will be con... structed here." A spokesman for the studenbl said later that everyone in the . diocese will be offered an oppor­ tunity to win the bishop's rinll10 Students will visit the parishefJ" to invite all to participate in &J drawing. Bishop Byrne will' draw tlbtl winner's name on Easter lVIolll:E> day, April 11.

rDiT. rnH@~l:® ~@~[j'@\fcr"IT'J @g: W@[j'~@ ~@Qi]01ld~ . ANNUAL CAlPECOID AREA CYO TOURNEY: Pre­ paring for the second basketball tournament that will open on Sun.day, March 2.0, at the Barnstable High School Gym, Hyanms, are: kneelIng, Brad Kennedy and Pat Sweeney of St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay, defending champs; standing: Richard Cross, GK of Council No. 2525, that will award the Monsignor Daley Memorial Trophy; Coach Ed Savage of Buzzards Bay, Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, moderator of St. Margaret's CYO Buzzards Bay. .

Stirring Appeal Po~e

Paul' Pleads With U.S. PupiDs'To Help YOMr Less Fortunate Bll'others and Sisters'

NEW YORK (NC)-Pope Paul VI pleaded with the more than five million U.S. Catholic school pupils "to help yoUr le~s fortu­ nate. brothers and sisters, living in areas of need throughout the world" by making sacrifices during r..ent. The Pope reminded U. S. youngsters that "in other parts of the \Yorld, there are children with "lined and· sorrowful faces, looking old before their time, .their little bodies racked by disease and wasted by hunger, with no 'medicine to relieve their pain, no food to satisfy their hunger." The' appeal, made. in the tra­ ditional Ash WednesdaY radio bro.adcast by the Pope, inaugu­ rates the school children's phase of the 19th annual Bishops' Ov~rseas Relief Fund Appeal. In recent years, the U.S. pupils have raised more than one mil­ Uon doilar$ annually. The general fund appeal for adult U.S. CatholicS is scheduled from March 13 to 20. It will culminate with the customary Laetare Sunday, March 20, col­ lection in parishes throughout

the nation. The campaign goal is $5-million. The fund is the chief means" of support of Catholic Relief Services-National Cath­ olic Welfare Conference, over­ seas relief agency of U.S. Cath­ olics and the largest private agency of its kind in the world. The Pope's radio appeal to the school children was carried into classroomn and homes by the country's major radio net­ works. The Pontiff assured the youngsters they could succeed in helping the world's children "by self-denial, by prayer and by giving.-

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GE~VA (NC) The Revo' Eugene Carson Blake a lead­ ing American ecumenist and l;) top spokesman for Presbyterimw ior the past 15 years, has b~1il elected general secretary o:f the World Council of Churchea. Dr. Blake, 59, was elected ~ the post which automaticallly makes him one of the world'il most important figures in the movement working for the unity of' a divided Christendom ~ the WCC Central Committee Dr. Blake, since 1958 chier executive officer of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.s. A.-with 3.3 million membenl the largest American Reformed church and the sixth largest church in the United StateG-== held a press conference immedJ1­ ately after his election. ''No church has been unaffected by the ecumenical movement," lltl said.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Feb. 24, 1966


by giving to the



in your· Church

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Ann Dale Products. Inc. Brady .Electric Supply Co.

~SUNDAY,FEB.:27, 1966 ;'~"~"~"'~""""""~""""""'~~"'~"'~"'"~"""~"~"'~""_ . . . ~



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Textile' Workers Union of America. AFL·CIO Yellow Cab Company

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