VOL. 38, NO.8.
Friday, Februar)' 25, ]994
AT FAMIL Y MINISTRY awards night, Bishop O'Malley presents award for widowed support to Dorothyann Callahan; with Father Horace J. Travassos presents Family Ministry Award to Rosa and. Octavio Canhoto;
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
Per Year
and blesses the youngest participant in the event, Patrick Howey. Patrick's parents, Maureen and Jon Howey, teach Natural Family Planning classes at St. Mary's parish, Mansfield. (Hickey photos)
Family mfnistry volunteers honored at awards night O'Malley. 'to highlight that the By Marcie Hickey In this United Nations-des- family is "central to the life of the ignated Year of the Family. the church," Five couples and four individustaff and volunteers of the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry are als accepted awardS from the bishop witnesses to the fact that "in the and family ministry director Father Horace Travasso$ for their work church. every year is the year of in marriage preparation. natural the family." said Bishop Sean family planning. parish family minO'Malley. istry. and support for the widowed The family ministers gathered last Saturday at the Hawthorne and .the divorced and separated. An additional award went to a Country Club in Dartmouth for new ministry. Rainbows for All an awards dinner. held every two God's Children. which helps chilyears to recogni71: volun~eers in dren who have lost a parent through t he office's va ri ous progra ms. Bishop O'Malley and priests asso- divorce or death. while the Family Ministry Award was presented to ciated with family ministry celeIHated Mass at St. Mary's Cathed-' Octavio and Rosa Canhoto of Espirito Santo parish. Fall River. ral. Fall River. prior to the dinner. for overall contributions to family Pope John Paul II has declared a corresponding Year of the Fam- ministry. ily observance. said Bishop In all. 569 volunteers assist the
diocesan office. said Scottie Foley. who with' her husband Jerry is family ministry program director. 267 volunteers responded to a recent office survey which revealed that together they have amassed over 2.000 years of service. amounting to about 13.000 hours annually. said Mrs. Foley, Those volunteer hours include 54 diocesan marriage preparation programs a year. programs that are essential to Catholic familv life. said the bishop. . So many "young people today get married without knowing much about marriage," he said. "It's easier to get a marriage license than it· is to get a driver's license. What the church can do to help in this area is so crucial." Acknowledging the contribu-
tions of all the vo'4nteers. Father Travassos commented that "Someone once said that the best way to say thanks is never to forget." Family ministry has a lasting effect on thosc it touches. he said. "and thosc' people will be cternally grateful." The award recipielits and their contributions follow: Natural Family Planning: Dan and Kathy Couet, Dave and Joan Pepin. The Couets and Pepins have been teaching Natural Family Planning in the diocese for more than a decade. Throughout changes required to ensure NFl' instructor certificatioQ. they have remained dedicated to the ministry and continue to participate in the nine annual marriage preparation ses-
sions in the New Bedford area. Thcy are also available to work individually with couples. Parish Family Ministry: Edward and Helena Bobrowiecki. The Bobrowieckis have been the family ministry leadership couple at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish. New Bedford. since 1980. and in that time have never missed a meeting with diocesan leaders. Over the years they have brought to their parish dozens of ideas for enriching family spirituality and have been involved in implementing many parish events. Marriage Preparation: Gene and Jeannine Sasseville, Bob and Anne Geary, Father John Raposo. The Sassevilles have been working with engaged couples for 17 Turn to Page 13
Mother. Teresa asks U .8. high court to hear fetal rights case WASHINGTON (CNS) - In an unusual plea from a noncitizen to the U.S. courts, Mother Teresa has formally asked the Supreme Court to consider the question of when human life begins. In the case of a New Jersey man who has asked the court to decide whether a developing fetus has individual civil rights, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning founder of the Missionaries of Charity petitioned the Supreme Court as "a true citizen of the world," said her attorney, Robert P. George, a professor at Princeton University. Alexander LOCI~ sued the state of New Jersey after its courts rejected his attempts to prevent his fiancee from having an abortion. He was convicted of trespassing after he and several companions went to the abortion clinic where she had an appointment and at-
tempted to block the entrance to the operating room. His fiancee had the abqrtion. In finding him guilty of trespassing in April 1991, Morristown, N.J.,'Municipal Judge Michael J. Noonan said Loce had presented credible evidence to prove that human life begins at conception. However, Noonan said U.S. law "legalized the execution of a human being" and therefore he had to find Loce's actions legally inexcusable. Subsequent rulings by New Jersey courts upheld the conviction, but did not address questions about the stage at which a fetus has civil rights. The Supreme Court is expected to decide before the end of February whether to hear the case. In a Feb. 15 press conference outside the Supreme Court, George said Mother Teresa's appeal to the
court was carrying on "her life's work of-devotion to the poor, the weak, the despised, the forgotten." Although originally expected to deliver the brief herself on a visit to Washington in early February, Mother Teresa did not do so and it was filed through her attorney. The world-famous nun's ninepage friend-of-the-court brief said her interest in the case stemmed from her own experience in helping those who are treated as outsiders - the starving, the crippled, the impoverished and the diseased - as well as mothers and their children. A native of Albania who has lived most of her life in India, Mother Teresa said that while she is an outsider in the United States, she and· her congregation are "supremely conscious of the common bonds of humanity that unite us
and transcend national boundaries." Quoting from the Declaration of Independence, which sets out unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the brief credits American hi~tory as almost always moving toward assurance of those rights. "And your steps, though they may have paused or faltered now and then, have been pointed in the right direction and have trod the right path," through most of the nation's history, it said. The brief noted that the court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision pointedly avoided deciding the question of when life begins. "It was a sad infidelity to America's highest ideals when this court said that it did not matter, or could not be determined, when the inal-
ienable right to life began for a child in its mother's womb." Mother Teresa said she sought to recall the United States to faithfulness to what it once taught the world. "Your nation was founded on the proposition - very old as a moral precept, but startling and innovative as a political insight that human life is a gift of immeasurable worth, and that it deserves, always and everywhere, to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect," she said. Loce's attorney, Patrick J. Mullaney, said whether the justices agree to take this case or not, the court has an obligation to eventually decide the questions it raises. "All we're saying is, 'Please evaluate the values that underscore our law,''' he said.
t 'THE ANCHOR'~'Di(jceseofFa'I~'River ~ Fri.~ Feb. 25,1994'
Emmaus prbgr:~im'" holds tOOth retreat
Ethics symposium to study health care reform issues Access' to health care for all Americans is a major concern for society and healthcare. providers alike. As the search for solutions to the issues of access, quality, cost and accountability continues in the reform of our nation's healthcare system, we are further challenged with ensuring that new policies are ethically sound. The fifth annual ethics. symposium of Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, "Ethical Issues in the Healthcare Reform Debate," will provide a forum for nationally known speakers and healthl:are providers to discuss their views on the future of healthcare policy. Central to discussion will be the Catholic Church's challenge to ens'ure these issues are decided ethically. . . The half-day symposium is scheduled fo~ Monday, March 28, at the Martin Institute of law and Society at Stonehill College, North ,Easton. Sponsored by the Saint Anne's Hospital Ethics Committee and Physicians' Education program, "the symposium is intended to spark lively discussion and give insight into some ofthe more difficult reform issues facing healthcare policymakers today," said Diane Santos, RN, BSN, chairperson of the symposium planning committee. "The final reform package must provide'reasonable access to health care as well as illness care," she added.
All are invited to the closing Mass of the IOOth Emmaus T(:treat . 7 p.m. ~unday at Neumann tIall, Cathedral Carpp, East Freetown. One of two keynote speakers, 17 team members and 32 candi-· Marc J. Roberts, Ph. D., Professor dates are attending the re':reat, of Political Economy and Health which begins tonight. Policy at the Harvard School of The Emmaus program, founded Public Health, will discuss his in 1974 by laypersons and Sllcred book, "Your Money or Your Life: Hearts Fathers, invites young The Healthcare Crisis Explained." ad ults in college and older on a Sister Bernice Coreil, D.C., B.S., weekend faith journey including M.A., the second keynoter, will spiritual talks and small and large address "Health Care Reform: Can group discussions, led by a tea,m of it be ethical?" Sister Coreil, senior laypersons, clergy and religious. It vice president for system integrais a time of reflection on one's relation for the Daughters of Charity tionship with God and community National Health System, based in and of learning to recognize Christ St. Louis, Missouri, is also chairin self and others. person for the Catholic Health The retreat community also holds Association leadership task force monthly Galilee gatherings, inon national health policy reform. cluding witness talk, Mass and fellowship,6 p.m. second Sundays at Also on the program will be SISTER KATHLEEN Murphy, at work. on one of Neumann Hall. Robert E. Flynn, MD, president Emmaus 101 is set for AprU 22her many projects. (H ickey photo) of Waltham-based Caritas Christi, 24. with application deadline April a healthcare system of which Saint 5. For information call Adele ParaAnne's Hospital is a member. He dis, (401) 723-6787. and Joyce Passon, RN, Ph.D., will The 100th Emmaus comes durpresent the practitioners' response ing the program's20-year anniverto healthcare reform. This will be sary, which will be observed April followed by an open discussion led 10 with a Mass celebrated by Bishop. Sister Kathleen Murphy, OP, volved in activities in connection O'Malley at St. John Neuniann by the keynote speakers and prewith preparations for the opening Church, East Freetown. senters and moderated by M. Cath- has been named February Perso'n leen Kaveny, JD, Ph.D., associate ofthe Month by Fall River Mayor of Hope House, a residence for AIDS patients sponsored by Saint in the health law group of Ropes & John R. Mitchell. . "[Her] work on behalf of people . Anne's Hospital. 9ff.~rs Gray, B,oston. with physical and spiritual needs "None ofthis was possible withRegistration deadline' for the has made a tremendous difference out many, many caring people symposium is March 18. Further in the community," said the who've made it easy for me," said Holy Cross Church, South information is available from the mayor. "Her accomplishments are Sister Murphy. "Fall B,iver is a Easton. has sched uled a two"part physicians' education department most imp'ressive and deserve to be caring city. If you have a need, Lenten program to be held 1\1 onof Saint Anne's, tel. 674-5600, ext. recognized. Sister's life is an inspi- usually you'll find somebody ,to day nights Feb. 28 to March :!8 in 2480. ration to the community." help with no trouble at aIL" Holy Cross Church hall. 225 PurA Fall River native, Sister chase St. Murphy is a Dominican Sister of The first part of the program, the Presentation. The community "Simple Suppers," will· begin at operates Saint Anne's Hospital 5:30 p.m" inviting participants to share a main dish and punch or WASHINGTON (CNS)' CTN A has named two winners in coffee. The second part of the procatechist formation, ad limina vis- and Marian Manor nursing home its 1993 youth video contest and gram, "Words of Wisdom," will be its of bishops to Rome, links with in Taunton. Its provindal headhas announced it will hold the held from 7 to 8 p.m. with various the church overseas, and the oper- quarters are located in Dighton. presenters. competition again. ation of its institutes for educaSister Murphy works primarily On Feb. 28 and March 7, S:,ster In the 1993 contest's high school tion, scientific research, charity, from an office at St. John's Episcategory, the 10th grade acceler- Jon Julie Sullivan, SN D de Namur. copal Church in Fall River, from health and the press. ated theology class at Villa Maria will speak on "So It's Lent Aga.in." _ Freedom for Catnolicsfrom which she directs many activities Academy in Erie, Pa., was the Sister Sullivan holds a theo:,ogy government - required abortion. that comprise, as Mayor Mitchell winner. Brother Sean McGrath of degree from Harvard University. The statement also demands said, "a ministry of caring." On March 14, Dr. Joseph Mcdisbanding ofthe two governmentShe founded and coordinates Nada Hermitage in Crestone, approved church bodies - the Dayspring and Spiritual Connec- Colo., won in the college/young Cool of Brockton. a marriage and family therapist, will speak on • . Chinese Catholic Patriotic Asso- tions. Both are organizations ded- adult category. Each winner will receive a plaque "Com"munication and Confli<:t in dation and the government-sanc-' icated to helping persons with dis. the Family." tioned bishops' confer~nce; . ab~li~ies be.come in~olved. in the and a cash prize of $1,000. On March 21, Sister Patricia CTNA, the U.S. bishops' tele. Asserting that a redrawing of, rel,l,glOus falt~ ?f t~elr chOice.· McCarthy, CND, will speak on diocesan borders is needed and Persons hvmg m group homes communications arm, will sponthat major dioceses must beheaded often ~ave trouble conn~cti~~wi~h sor the contest again in 1994. It is "Attaining Peace of Heart." Sister by pro- Vatican bishops, the state- a. pansh. or con~regatlOn, s~ld open to any young person up to· McCarthy is the founder of"O live Branch" in Providence, RI, 'and ment also ,calls for the appoint- .. S,ster Murp~y, We work With age 28: ' lectures on peace and nonvioknce ment'of younger bishops. Many of pastors, rabbiS and others to match Entry deadline is Aug. 5. For the current underground bishops individuals with the denomination details, write to Father Dennis both in. the United States' 'and ,'" ,are well beyond the mandatory that may fulfill them spiritually." Diehl, CTNA, 3211 Fourth St". abroad. The March 28 session will <:onretirement age. . . She said that these interested in N.E., Washington,·DC 20017; or sist of a sacrificial meal of bread '," Anthony Lam Sui-ki, an expert. fil1ding a church home or in help- call (202) 541-3458.' and broth at 6 p.m. followed hy a on the churc)l ip China, said that;, ing either program may.<;o·ntact, penance service at 7 p.m:" the ·statement· shows the under-' her.at tel. 675-5780. gr9~nd Cath9iic c9mmunity is, "Sister ~u'rphy.is among fo.u~dworried th'ai its interests might be ers of the Fall River Commumty VATI CAN CITY (CNS) - Care sacrificed as' pai"t of negotiations Soup Kitchen,and the Fall River for uproote'd people incli.1d'es "debetween ,China 'and the.Vatican. Food Pantry. Slie also founded an ilOuncing the injustice andviolence Accordin& to Lam; executive '. an~ual ~alk for Food and S~elte~ that force them to flee their homes, '. secretary ofthe Hong Kong dioce-', which raises funds for Ou~ Sisters Come and See, a- group for said participants in a recent meetsan Holy.Spi~it S.!uqy Cente~, ~ince . Plac~, a shelter for Fan ,RI~er are:'l I ing on African refugees, migrants Catholic singles ages 20 to 40, will the Vatican ,has· not· offiCially battered women and their far~l1 and displaced people. "The church hold a Lenten program 3 to 5 p.m. a'pptoved the undergroun~'con-' ~i~s, and for other local'grqups ald- wants to witness to a universal Sunday at St. Patrick's Church, ference, the "loyal" bishops fear, mg th~ homeless and ~ungry: charity, living and working ~ith Somerset. their status may not be recognized. A hcensed therapist,. she· has the uprooted without distinction Themed "A Reconciled Heart: worked in the specialized field of and attempting to work with the in the future: Broken Hearts Can Mend," the ,He said that neither the govern-' bereavement counseling for retard- faithful of other religions to pro- program includes Mass celebrated ment-approved episcopal confer- ed ,persons. F?r several years she mote more justice and peace and by Father Bob Oliveira, reflecti'ons ence nor the underground bishops' was ~uman nghts officer at t~e to affirm the sacr~d character of on the Lenten pilgrimage to wholeconference has sought papal re-. Corngan Mental Health Center m life," said the final statement from ness and conversion, and opp orcognition. 'Fall. River. , the meeting, sponsored by the tunity for the sacrament of reconMost participants at the inaugSister Kathleen also teaches on Ivory Coast bishops' conference ciliation. Louis Raposa will provide ural meeting of the underground the graduate and.underg.radu~te and the Pontifical Council for the reflective music.· conference in late 1989 were later levels at Salve Regma Umverslty, Pastoral Care of Migrants and A Lenten meal of soup and arrested. Newport, RI, and has been in- Travel.ers. bread will begin at 5 p.!TI.....
Sr. Kathleen Murphy name(J Fall River Person of Month
China's underground.rCatholics seek Vatican action on r~ghts ~1~~hi~:;~~;e,~~t~einaF~fIwR~V~~~ HONG KONG (CNS) - C'hi-' na's underground Catholic bishops have asked the Vatican's help in gaining religious'rights for their followers, . The call came in a 12-point statement of proposals and petitions to the Vatican issued by the secretariat of the Chinese' Bishops' Conference on the Mainland, UCA News. The statement said news of possible normalization of Sinoc Vatican relations has sparked a dispute among <;hinese Catholics, who are deeply concer~ed about its results on the future of China's' Catholic Church. A Taiwan Catholic source who' asked to remain anonymous confirmed that the statement· was issued by the underground bis'hops' secretariat after a dozen represen'tatives of the clandestinely ordained bishops met last July in north-'" western China. .. A mainland source' said the meeting was attended" by. three bishops, nine priests·and Catholic' delegafes from nine dioceses in.. China. ' " The underground statement says that while China and the Vatican must make concessions t~ estab~ lish normal relations, certain'. standards must be observed, including: - Separation of church and state. The Chinese Communist Party should not interfere in church affairs such as the appointment of bishops. . . - Return of seized church land and properties. - Full freedom of religion in areas such as preaching, prayer meetings, Bible study, clergy and
Holy Cross Lenten series
CTN A video contest ,- 'offered again
. Migraitts'nee.d 'care
Lenten prQgram is '. for .singles
F'ootb'all'c()'ach was boss of bishops
DISTINGUlSHED GRADUATE: Dr~ Carol A. Duphily, center, receivl~s 1994 Catholic Elementary School Disting~ished Graduate Award from Angela Stankiewicz, principal, and Father John F. Moore, pastor, ofSt. Mary's School, New Bedford, during Catholic Schools Week. A chiropractor, Dr. Duphily graduated from St. Mary's in 1973.
Spiritual Well-being, Aging are 'conference topics Catholic Social Services of the Fall River diocese is among cosponsors joining with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs to present a ,;onference on Spiritual Well-Being and Aging Tuesday, March 8, at Cathedral Camp Retreat Center, East Freetown. Addressing a holistic approach to the spiritual well-being of elders will be several speakers, They will include Franklin P, Ollivierre, secretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and Rev. David King of' th'e 'Miissachuse:us' Interfaith Coalition, who will give the keynote add ress. Workshop and panel presenters will: include Rev. Claud A. Par-
rish, Church of Christ, Providence; Donna Howard, planner for Coastline Elderly Services; Sister Kathleen Murphy, OP, a founder of the Fall River Community Soup Kitchen and the Fall River Food Pantry; Donna Brown, a licensed social worker; Mary Dolan of RUACH, a Hebrew word meamng "the breath of God" used as an acronym for Social agencies representing various faiths; and Sister Katherine Green, women's division administrator of. Boston's Pine Street Inn. " Information as ,to" 'continuing education credits available and cost of the conference may' be obtained from Sister Eileen Driscoll, tel. 1-800-882-2003.
come back," Gagliardi said. '''By then, I told Father Hunthausen, I liked it at St. John's." And he still does. He's now in an WASHINGTON (CNS) - Af- elite class of college football ter a 77-12 blowout last October coaches with 300 or more wins over Bethel College in St. Paul under thier belt: Eddie Robinson, Minn., it was 300 wins and count- now in his 53rd year at Grambling ing in John Gagliardi's college State, 384 wins; Paul "Bear" Bryfootball coaching career. ant, 323; Amos Alonzo Stagg, 314; Gagliardi, 66, head coach at St. and Glenn "Pop" Warner, 313. John's University in Collegeville, Gagliardi could pass Bryant, Minn., said the Catholic college is Stagg and Warner before the 1995 "the perfect place to be," and he season is over. plans to keep coaching, at least for Asked if he could overtake Roba while. inson, Gagliardi said, "I don't At Gagliardi's only other college think I could go that long. I doubt coachingjob, at Carroll College in , it. I can't see it. It's a tough grind. Helena, Mont., he had as assistant Ask me a couple of years from coaches two future bishops: now- now. If we're winning - big -and retired Archbishop Raymond G. my health is good." Hunthausen of Seattle and nowThe Johnnies are 57-11-2 since deceased Bishop Bernard J. Topel 1987. of Spokane, Wash. And Gagliardi does it with no Bishop Topel was "an incredi- weight-lifting program, spring bly fine, outstanding man," Gagli- practices, blocking sleds, tackling ardi told Catholic News Service. dummies, hitting during practice "He was a giant." The bishop, who or wind sprints. died in 1986, was widely known "I've never seen a sled in a game. for his humble lifestyle, in 1969 I've never seen any dummies. Noselling his episcopal mansion and body does any wind sprints on the moving into his cathedral rectory, field," Gagliardi said. Instead, he And Archbishop Hunthausen? merely runs plays during practice. He was Carroll's first priest-coach, "We just don't have tackles. We recruited after Gagliardi pleaded pull up a little short," he said. for help on a college campus with Not only has this unorthodox few lay faculty members. regimen worked, it's proven popuWhen Gagliardi took the coachlar. While the student pool for coling reins at St.. John's 41 years ago, leges is declining, the St. John's he was asked for names of candidates to succeed him at Carroll. "Why don't you let Father Hunthausen take it?" Gagliardi remembers saying. is accepting applications for part· According to Gagliardi. thentime Office Assistant. Computer lit· Father Hunthausen told him, "Oh eracy preferred. God, don't do this to me," But Letterof Interest & Resume may be Gagliardi, whose team won three mailed to: conference championships during his four years at Carroll, talked Kyrst6l'l Winter-Gt'HIJ him into it. . . Clemence Hall • Rm225 When Carroll's president died 243 Forest Street unexpectedly, Father Hunthausen Fall River, MA 02721·1798 went from' being coach to being president, and "one of the first things he did was to ask me to
talent and treas'ure given to us. Stewardship engenders a spirituality that deepens our relationship with the Lord, Stewardship involves intentional, planned and proportionate giving of our time, talent and treasure.
The diocesan committee has defined stewardship as follows: Stewardship is based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus all1d where it has been practiced, lives have ,.been changed, Stewardship is a way of life, a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a portion of the time,
The deanery meetings provided, the opportunity for priests to ask questions and maker comments and suggestions about the stewardship process. Father Bouchard, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, reports that the ste~ ardship concept has been wellreceived as a mea,ns 0.1' revitalizing parishes. A main concern of the committee is guiding parishes in itnple-
Diocesan Directory now available The 1994 Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide, offering convenient listings of alI parishes and diocesan offi'ces, is now available at the Anchor office. Those wishing' to, pick up copies at a cost of $5 each may do so fr<?m 9 a',m. to 5 p.m. MO,nday through Friday on}he second'" floor of 887 Highland Avenue (corner of HIghland and Hood Street). Mail orders at an additional cost of $2.00 for postage aild handling may be placed by calling (508) 675-7151 or writing to PO Box 7, FalI River, M A 02722.
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Diocesan Office of Aids Ministry
Ste'wardship process moves ahead Father Marcel H. Bouchard, chairman of the Diocesan Stewardship', Committee, and committee member James Riley of St. Mary's parish, Mansfield, have completed presentations on stewardship to priests in the five deaneri,es of the diocese.
all-male enrollment remains stable at 1,750. And tryouts for the Johnnies are up. This year, 160 students tried out for football, and 140 have stayed. Despite his 300-95-10 career record, Gagliardi hasn't produced pro football stars or coaches. But his legacy will come in the form of a Division III player-of-the-year award named after him starting this year.
menting the process. Father Bouchard has announced a series of action steps and a time line for accomplishing them. After an initial survey of priests and deacons in the diocese to asses~ their 'needs and attitudes, they and parish lay leaders will be invited to an educational session to learn about stewardship. This will be accomplished before the National Catholic Stewardship Council's annual conference in Boston Nov. 7 to 9, which diocesan representatives will attend. Lenten J Durney 1994 Father Bouchard has initia,ted "Stewardship Process: Lenten Journey 1994" at Sacred Heart parish. This is the first s'tep in the parish effort to adopt stewardship' as a way of life. All parishioners have been invited to attend one of nine small group meetings to be held in March. Committee members will lead these groups in assessing the needs of the parish. This beginning will mainly involve listening to parishioners. The process will continue through the' year as the committee, working in conjunction 'w'ith the parish pastoral council, ,makes plans to respond to those needs. Parishioners have received a letter inviting them to meetings, along with a schedule and a stewardship prayer, which they have been asked to offer daily for the success of this effort. .
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Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Feb. 25,1994
the living word
Restoring Family Life Families are the heart of all societies, the prime community to which every person belongs. A healthy social order reflects healthy families; if the family breaks down, so too the community. But today families face tremendous obstacles to maintaining strong ties and relationships. The lightning changes of social mores, the ever-growing diversity of our society, the revolution of values within our culture and the influence of the mass media have put them under tremendous stress. Recently William Bennett published "The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators." Its findings are appalling in general and its statistics on crime, illiteracy, disease, abortion and addiction are especially horrendous. One population group that seems totally out of control is that of teens. The murder and assault rate in this age group is unprecedentedly high, especially among inner city youth. The number of unmarried pregnant teens has doubied in the past 30 years; the number ofteen suicides has tripled. It must be remembered that teens reflect families. Most social scientists agree that a good society is founded on adherence to a strong family-c~ntered moral order. When family life crumbles, chaos will inevitably follow, with moral values, sexual behavior and personal discipline its first victims. It has been pointed out that over a quarter of the men in this country between the ages of 25 and 35 live in non-family situations. This alone is a mighty contributor to the high rise in the male crime rate. There are many other areas that could be noted, but let it suffice to say that families in America are experiencing difficult times. Ifwe as a nation refuse to face this reality, goodbye America. We spend millions to save whales and spotted owls and we simply ignore our human tragedies. Our consent to abortion has not only been responsible for the murder of millions of babies, it has induced a callous indifference I . , towards every other aspect ofliving. We do not remember that the basis offamily relationships is the fundamental equality of each person as a being created in God's image. As the Fathers of Vatican II clearly stated: "The mission of being the primary vital cell of society has been given to the family by God himself." And they continue, "This mission will be accomplished if the family, by the mutual affections of its memb~rs and by family prayer, presents itself as a domestic sanctuary of the Church; if the whole family takes its part in the Church's liturgical worship; if, finally, it offers act~ve hospitality and .practices justice and other good works for the benefit of all its brothers suffering from want." Scoffers will say such ideals are impossible. This defeatist mind-set has led us to our present disastrous situation. We need an upbeat frame of reference, ignoring those who would burden us with their Godforsaken psychology and supporting Church efforts to bring families together. To achieve this vision we must be healers, reaching out to the brokenhearted, helping one another and, in one significant area, striving to improve marriage preparation programs. . If we are truly appalled at the shattered lives of so many of today's families, let us emp'hasize, especially in this season of Lent, that the family that prays together will indeed stay together. ' The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE路DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall River
"How long, 0 Lord?" Ps. 88:47
Mysteries of universe awe scientists By Father Kevin J, Harrington One ofth'e problems which faces every religious person' and every religious institution is what to do with science. During the last three centuries science has developed at an astonishing pace as an autonomous realm, proclaiming truths in all domains of human life, while being accountable only to itself. . Many people believe that religion has no place in our modern world and that religious thinking must be sacrificed at the altar of human reason..The court of science has become sacrosanct. Until the second half of the twentieth century it was difficl;dt to be a rational person who believed in science and to be at the same time路a religious person. But so startling have been the findings of recent research in the subatomic field and in the matter of the vastness of our to to 15 billion-yearold universe that scientists are struck with awe and wonder at the mysteries they are probing with the tool of human reason. Indeed, as far back as 1951 Pope Pius XII invoked the "Big Bang theory" and its observational evidence to assert: "Scientists are beginning to find the finger of God in the creation of the universe." However, those who conduct experiments to verify cosmological theories are often in disagreement with the role of God in our expanding and evolving universe. Contemporary science writer Paul Davies, author of "God and the New Physics," has gone so far as to argue that "science offers a surer path to God than religion." While I would not go that far, I do applaud his insight that the simplicity, symmetry and harmony of the basic mathematics which describe the universe are so beauti-
ful' that one could well feel that they point to God. Not surprisingly, other scientists scoff at such talk. They look upon the same universe and conclude that because they are intelligent enough to derive its rules from logical deductions that God becomes an unnecessary hypothesis. Such scientists invoke the medieval principle of "Occam's razor" that states that one must not unnecessarily multiply entities to. explain observed phenomena. Many renowned scientists hesitate at using Occam's razor to excise God from their equations. This has created a golden age of dialogue between science and reli- . gion. Writers used to approach science with a great deal of scepticism, reflecting their deeply-held suspicion that by reducing nature to its parts we humans would lose
Prayer for Lent Lord Jesus, accompany me as I set out this Lent to find you anew. May the A shes of Ash Wednesday be a sign of my desire to celebrate - not just remember - your dying and rising. LordJesus, help me during this Lent to realize anew who I am - and who I am called to be byyour redemptive grace. A men
our consdousness o( 'God as' we explored its complexity. Wordsworth express'ed this fear in these lines: "Sweet is th~: love which Nature brings our med,dling intellect. Mis-shapes the be:auteous form of things: - We murder to dissect." Goethe showed how threatened he felt by science when he condemned the splitting oj[ light by means of prisms in experiments confirming the validity of Newton's theorems. The great German poet warned, "Friends, avoid the darkened prisons where they !~inch and tweak the light." Thankfully, today's environment is more conducive to dialogue! . Two of our most eminent cosmologists draw opposite conclusions as they view the same universe using the same complex tools. In 1977, Professor Steven Weinberg published "The First Three Minutes," one of the finest popular books on cosmology. In it he conjectured: "It is very hard to realize that this beautiful Earth is just a tiny part of an overwhelmingly hostile universe. It is even harder to realize that this pro~sent universe has evolved from all unspeakably unfamiliar early condition, and faces a future extin,;tion of endless cold or intolerable heat. The more the universe seems l;omprehensible, the more it also s;~ems pointless." In 1993 Weinberg's student, Professor George Smoot, published his masterpiece, "Wrinkles in Time," in which he differs with Weinberg in th'ese appropriate words of c.onclusion: "To ml: the universe seems quite the opposite of pointless, It seems the more we learn, the more we see how it all fits together - how there is an underlying unity in the sea of matter and stars and galaxies that sur. rounds us.:'
Studies of teens present gloomy statistics
Burning our childrten Gen. 22:1-2,9,10··13,15-18 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10 Jim Swetnam, one of my Scripture professors, sometimes doled out parental advice. "Never be afraid," he used to say, "to burn your children'" Thou~h it ~ounds revolting, the con~ept IS qUIte sound. Supposing our Ideas to be our "children," Fr. Swetnam was simply saying that we should never hesitate to sacrifice old opinions for better ones. Just because we gave birth to an ~d~a do.esn't mean we should keep It In eXIstence forever. The people who wrote Scripture agree with him. They knew that those who follow God are frequently t~ought to be child-killing pyromamancs. We good folk always keep one eye on our "children" and the other peeled for matches whenever a real disciple enters a room. But try as hard as we can, we're never able to totally fireproof all our ideas. Child-burning people continually slip into our lives, reminding us that true faith in God is a constant process ?f gi~ing birt.h, burning, and givIng birth again. This is especially true in today's first and third readings. . Jesus' earliest followers quickly discovered that being a disciple obliged them to change. Not only did they continually have to alter their ideas of the people and the situations around them, they also had to transform their opinions about him. Though Scripture scholars believe Mark's Transfiguration narrative could only have been passed on in its present form after Jesus' resu.rrection, those who listened to the Lord during his earthly ministry recognized that the reasons they continued to follow him were different from their original reasons. Their motives ended up beingjust as transfigured as their understanding of Jesus. Probably the fishermen who comprised the nucleus of the Lord's company originally thought he was no different from anyone of a do.zen itinerant preachers they dally encountered along the shores of the Sea of Galike. .
Daily Readings Feb. 28: On 9:4-10; Ps 79:8-9,11,13; Lit 6:36-38 March 1: Is 1:10,16-20; Ps 50:8-9,16-17,21,23; Mt23:112 March 2: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6,14-16; Mt 20:17-28 March 3: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4,6; lk 16:19-31 March 4: Gil 37:3-4,1213,17-28; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43,45-46 March 5: Mi 7:14-15,1820; Ps 103: 1-4,9-12; lk 15:13,11-32 March 6: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; In 2:13-25
By FATHER ROGER I{ARBAN But he made more sense than the others. He touched them so deeply that they not only spent lots oftime listening to him, they eventually abandoned their boats to accompany him on his travels. Certainly after ·'... the Son of Man had risen from the dead," his disciples realized that having him in their midst fulfilled all their dreams of having Yahweh visit them in the "last days" (symbolized by his white clothes and Petcr's request to ..... erect three booths on this site"). And they also came to understand that Jesus was the complete fulfillment of Scripture (symbolized by Moses the lawgiver and Elijah the prophet); Paul, showing his own change ?f he.art, no~ finds all his security III his relatIOnship with Jesus. "Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones?" he asks the Romans. "God, who justifies? Who shall condemn them? ChristJesus, who ~ied or rather was raised up, who IS at the right hand of God and who intercedes for us?" If we spend our lives "running with Jesus," we've got nothing to fear. Ironically, one of the most memorable biblical narratives of someone learning to burn his children revolves around Abraham finding out he shouldn't burn his. Our Genesis pericope took form ~ore than 2,700 years ago. At that time, many devout persons, because of their pagan fertility cult r?ots, believed that saci"ificing their flr~t~born s.ons was a sign of deep reltglOus faith. Unlike our culture they wanted to have as many chil~ dren as possible. To assure this they sacrificed their oldest boy t~ the local fertility god or goddess. Seeing their dedication the divinity was expected to best~w a multitude of sons (and a few daughters) on them. . The p~ophetic authors who produced this particular passage wanted to show that such devotion th?ugh very admirable, was qUit~ misplaced when it came to Yahweh. That's why, throughout the narrative, they emphasize Abraham's desire to d.o whatever the Lord wants. If he ends up not killing and burning Isaac, it isn't because he wasn't going to do it. It was because he realized Yahweh didn't want him to do it. "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you acted as you did ... 1 will bless you..." Obviously a dedication to God is a dedication to change. And only the Lord knows which kid he/ she will ask us to burn next! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Institute for Healthcare Research (NI H R)reports that a study published in a recent issue of Adolescence shows that teenagers committing suicide in Miami are disproportionately Latinos. The study is the first to analyze the psychosocial risks for suicide in Latin American youth. Teenage suicides have increased t~reefold since 1960, making suiCide the second leading cause of adolescent death after auto aet:ide?ts. Suic~de in the genera! jJOpulatl?n has Increased only slightly dunng the same period. The researchers investigated all teenage suicides in Miami during an 18-month period. Fourteen adolescent Latinos committed suicide, 61 percent of the total suicides. Latinos comprise only 46 percent of the general population in the Miami area. The number of Latinos aged 13 or 14 who died of suicide was twice the national average, suggesting that they may be a high risk group. All but one completed suicide had an identifiable trigger event such as a romantic breakup or an argument with a family member. Almost 80 percent of the vicims were male, and were predominantly from lower to lower-middle-class families. Three of the suicides (21 percent) were imitations of recent suicide attempts by close family members or friends. Compared to other teenagers, the victims had more difficulties with school performance, previous personal problems, or stressful family relationships, such as divorce or alienation from a parent. Other Studies In other recent studies reported in professional journals. and abstracted by NIHR, the American Journal ofDrug and Alcohol Abuse published an article showing that about 96 percent of teens admitted to an alcohol treatment facility were also users of other drugs. Marijuana was used by 94 percent of the population studied. cocaine by 50 percent, hallucinogens and sti~ulants by about 33 percent, vahum by about 20 percent and hard narcotics by 10 percent. Almost half the adolescents had used three or more drugs in addition to alcohol. The A merican Journal (){ D'i~ eases (~{ Children reported that a study indicated that a high percentage of babies born to mothers addicted to cocaine are maltreated. Researchers compared 47 infants of mothers using cocaine to 47 infants of non-addicts. By age 2. 23 percent of addicts' infants had been maltreated or neglected. as opposed to only 4 percent of nonaddicts' children. " A study appearing in Adolescence indicated that, although it is generally held that both unmarried pregnant teenagers and their offspring are better off if the baby is adopted, in actuality the adoption option is chosen in only 5 percent of cases. In 40 percent of cases, the mother opts for abortion. Among reasons teens cite against adoption are that they feel it is not a socially acceptable decision; that they are not aware of its advantages for both mother and child; that counselors do not routinely suggest it; and that teenagers feel they will suffer prolonged psychological distress if they do permit adoption.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri .. Feb. 25.1994
Famous geneticist decries human cloning experiments WASHINGTON (CNS) - Recent steps toward the artificial creation of human twins represent "not a breakthrough of science but a breakdown of common sense .. according to an internationaliy known geneticist. Dr. Jerome Lejeune. the French scientist who first identified the gene that causes Down's syndrome, said in an interview with Catholic News Service that experiments at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington should not properly be termed the "cloning" of human embryos. Scientists in the university's in vitro fertilization program recently reported that they had successfully split single human embryos into twins or triplets. All the embryos died within six days. To call such results "cloning" is an "abuse of words," Lejeune said. "Cloning is used when you reproduce beings by bypassing the sexual reproduction system." But the Washington scientists "started with fertiled eggs" and were able to produce artificial twins or triplets from them. Such results already have been achieved in goats, cows and sheep and are "no novelty" in science. Lejeune said. But many animal scientists have stopped experiments in artificial twinning because "the amount of failure is too high to consider that it would increase the yield," he said. , Although the George Washington researchers said their efforts were aimed at increasing the chances that an infertile woman could give birth. Lejeune said the likely
death of many embryos in the process makes it "perfectly wrong." . One much ballyhooed possibilIty would be for twins to be created in the lab. with one implanted in the womb and the other"put in the fridge" for future use, the French scientist said. \[ the first twin were to get sick and need a transplant the second twin could be implanted in a donor and grown as a "stock of spare pieces," he added. In addition to the fact that he believes such a process would not ~ork scientifically, "it's a totally mhumane way of thinking about your brother," Lejeune said. He said he thought noted British geneticist J.B.S. Haldane was "extremely wise" when he said 30 years ago that he "could not find a name in history. male or female, that should have been reproduced to the benefit of mankind." Although twins and other multiple births do occur naturally. "I think nature has been very astute to generally reproduce us one by one," Lejeune said. A member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences since 1974, Lejeune was in Washington for a series of lectures on "Human Nature and Scientific Knowledge."
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, The Anchor Friday. Feb. 25. 1994
By ANTOINETTE BOSCO Most olus have favorite authors, 'and one of mine is the late C.S. Lewis, the versatile Christian writer and Oxford University teacher 'and scholar. My guess is that a lot of people who had never heard of C.S. Lewis now will know his name because ~f the popular movie, "Shadowlands."
By FATHER JOHN J. DIETZEN Q. Lectors in our parish were told some time ago that we should end the reading with "The word of the Lord" rather than "This i~ the word of the Lord." The priest or deacon says simply, "The Gospel of the Lord." . What is the reason for this? (Florida) Three reasons have been offered for this change.
By Dr.JAMES&' MARY KENNY Dear Dr. Mary: I have read your columns about capturing a family's history by talking with older relatives. My difficulty is drawing them out. My aunts and uncles just can't seem to get started. Not everyone is talkative about "the good old days. "-Pennsylvania If your relatives arc not natural storytellers. thc, hurden falls on you. You must become an interviewer. Two guidelines might help. First. do your homework to draw
. "Shadowlands" is the story of how love came late into Lewis' life, a story that deals with,the truth that happiness and pain are often intertwined. The movie is full of heart and insight about life's unexpected turns. . The film tells how Lewis' love for Joy Gresham led to marriage. But their life together was cut short by her death from cancer. Once of my favorite books by C.S. Lewis is his autobiographical "Surprised By Joy." It tells of his lonely youth, his mother's death when he was only 9 and his distant father, with whom he and his brother never really had a positive or nurturing relationship. ' The author's incredible pain and
. . '.
loss at seeing his mother dead put him in a no-man's land when it came to faith. "Surprised By Joy" tells of his spiritual journey into atheism and then back to Christianity. But always he was searching for joy, not to be confused with pleasure or happiness. He writes of a place and time when he had "tasted" joy, and he calls this "the fullest possession we can know on' earth." It struck me when I saw "Shadowlands" that the woman who came late into his life was named Joy. That coincidence was not lost on C.S. Lewis, who so equated joy with heaven .. By the time Lewis reached his early 50s, this man, famed for his spiritu'!Unsights about suffering,
had managed, to insulate 'himself from such pain as he had suffered, after his mother's death. But then God sent him this woman named Joy. The intense love that developed between them once again opened Lewis' heart to feel. The happiness brought him the joy he had searched for. His wife's early death brought him the sort of suffering we all would prefer to avoid. But it was Joy who had the wisdom to make him see that happiness and pain are in~ertwined. "That's the deal," she said. . Before my so~!eteL.died" he gave me an'Advent reading from C.S. Lewis which affirmed the
"deal." I'd like to share th is with you: '" magine yourself as a living house. God comes in to .rebuild that house. At first, perhaps. you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on .... "But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and db~s not seem to make sense. What on earth is he up to. The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of.. .. You thought you were going to be made into.a decent'littre cot-'tage;-buth~ is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself."
Why Mass readings,' concluding words changed One is to be more faithful to the Latin text. The missal gives "Verbum Domini," the word of the Lord, as the conclusion of a II three readings, including the Gospel. Another is to honor the parallel between our "reception" of the word of God and our reception of the eucharistic body of the Lord. Obviously there are enormous differences between, these two presences of Jesus Christ in our prayer and worship. A profound similarity between them, however, is a long and sacred part of the' church's tradition. At communion.'when the min'ister proclaims, "The body of Christ."
we respond in an acclamation of faith: Amen. I believe it. It is appropriate that a similar proclamation and acclamation take place when we are fed with the word of God. "This is the word of the Lord" is more a description than an acclamation inviting the congregation's response: Thanks be to God, or, Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. ' The newer recommendation seems to fit the situation better than the former way. The third reason is perhaps the most important. It emphasizes that the word of God is not it book or a printed page. This impression could
be given when the reader holds the book up, or gestures toward it and says, "This is the word (or Gospel) of the Lord." Maybe we can 'grasp the idea a little more clearly if we focus on the Gospel. We are accustomed to thinking of "Gospel" as one of the four books at the beginning of the New Testament. The word itself. however, in Greek and Latin. and in the origins of our English word. literally means "good news." Each of the four evangelists has his own interpretation and theol-
ogy, and way of presenting that "good news." We may miss much of thi:; reality when, by word or gesture, we locate the primary "place" of that word in the book itself, rather than in G'od speaking and empowering his word in our hearts. Common sense tells us that in certain ways the book. and the proclamation of the readings, even our response to them, can be t:alled the word of God. The first and essential meaning, however, goes beyond all those. The change you ask about, however small it may seem, is intended to help us realize that.
Techniques f9r ,captur.iJ;lg.family·,hi~(:ory , " _' .'.; " .' . r. r-: . . J
out their memories. Second. re- "d~signed to help someone recall cord your history using techniques events from childhood and growing up, with which you are both comfortIf you rarely see your relative. able. consider a telephone Interview. I f you ask your relatives to .write Many elderly enjoy talking on the down memories of childhood. vou phone. You can make notes as you will probably get nothing. Gi~ing talk. the person a tape recorder will Old. photos are another good probably also fail. Your subject memory trigger. Go over the picneeds prompting to reminisce. tures yourself. point out people or Start with what you already scenes you rec'ognize and ask quesknow about some family history tions about things you don't know. or event. Ask leading questions. If When your questions are effecyou ask questions that can be an- tive. let your relative talk. When s~ered yes or no, that is probably you get little. try another question. all you will get. [nstead talk a little another photo. another approach. about the event. then say, "Tell me Have lots of questions ready. but more." . do not interrupt with another Chicago Tribune columnist Bob question when the memories are Greene and his sistt;r D.G. Fulford flowing. Today the choices of ways to have written a book. "To Our Children's Children" (Doubleday). communicate have 'greatly exoffering hundreds of questions panded. Will you usc a tape
recorder. a video camera. a combination of media? Whatever your choice. use something familia'f to you. Even note taking can disturb your suhject if you appear more intent on your notebook than on your relative. If you have never used a tape recorder. you probably cannot capture an interview smoothly the first try. Your efforts to fiddle with this gadget might intimidate your relative and spoil the interview. On the other hand there are small battery-operated tape recorders that can be set on a table scarcely noticed. Recording an interview with a video camera can be the most rewarding, a chance to watch your relative ashe/she relives family events. On the other hand, if you have little experience or skill with
a camcorder, you are unlikely to get a memorable interview. and you may make your relative un,;omfortable. . If you are interested in audio or video recording. you might consult "A Family Remembers'" by Paul McLaughlin (Self-Counsel Press. 1704 N. State St.. Bellingham. Wash. 98225). The subtitle is. "How to create a family memoir using video and tapt: recorders." Consult a local library or bookstore for further help. Sometimes family stories do not come easily. Prepare yourself wit h questions. photos or other memory stimuli. Decide the most effective way to record your efforts. Finally. do not limit yourself to a single interview. Consult different relatives on different occasi,)ns. Family memories are worth the effort it takes to capture them.
Change doesn't have to be your enemy
ad hoc groups are being emp9wered to experiment. Children's lifestyles are changing. Not only are their minds being EUGENE reshaped; they are being physi. cally reshaped. HEMRICK Why? Because today children are more likeiy to purchase a video game than a football or basketExcitement is in the air! Almost every time we turn around some ball. The hand-to-eye coordination important aspect of society is being and mental challenges of video games are apparently more fascireshaped. Companies are downnating to them than romping sizing, quality control is upgrading and government is retooling. outdoors. The number of women in the Eve,n the way we eat is changing. Products boast that they are low work force has doubled since 1966. fat or low cholesterol. Dare we representing a major social change. Corporate top managements hope that vascular and muscular are talking of "adhocracy." In- systems will improve? Then there is the church. A 'perstead of looking to executives for ideas to guide a company, small son from the past would be in awe think tanks are b.eing creiited 'and' , of the newconfigl!rations ofchurch-
Joy. in-the life of ,C,.S-._~Lewis:'
new state of affairs and they can- e.r we really understand the ca uses es and the form the liturgy has not even envision what the new of the changes. proceeding to list taken. Imagine people receiving the those we consider reasonable and state will be. Eucharist in their hands. layperPain accompanies change when those we consider unreasonable. 'sons reading from the pulpit and women distributing the Eucharist. it comes as ajolt, seemingly abrupt Do we see the good outweighing As wholesome as this reshaping , and shocking. The threat of change t he bad or not? W ha t be·:ter may be, not everyone wants to get arouses anxiety while it is still just changes would we introduce? into the act or wants to see others a threat and not an actuality, while Furthermore. can we envisi<in a getting into it. Reshaping means too many possibilities remain open "new state" as we would like it to change, which Dr. Rosabeth Moss' and before people experience them- be and how certain changes mi'ght Kanter, an expert in business selves in the new state of aff~irs. in fact be leading to it? My guess is that many of us are organizations, says "has a downNote that the questions I pose side." With "feelings of loss of con- not all that excited about all the, trol and helplessness in the face of ~etooling around us _ that there is ' assume that we confront cha nge decline," it can appear that change a feeling of being on the outside head-on, avoiding a passive stance. looking in. Change can be as exciting as we is an enemy. What can we do about it? want to make it, or it can become Change implies loss when peoFirst, we can get a hold on what our enemy. It all depends on bow ple are unprepared for it, when their current capital'fund of assets is happening by listing changes well we face it and prepare fOJ: it, being experienced on the job. at . whether we recognize its reality, and skills is rendered obsolete, when no resources are available to home, in recreation, at church. explore its ramifications and sh;lpe Next. we'can'ask'ourselves'wheth- '., it ,with our thinking." .: J r~tl . 'heli>'them make t.he trahsi.tiol) to a
To our priests Dear Editor: This is an-open \letter to diocesan priests of Massachusetts. The Order of Knights of Columbus in Massachusetts is writing to our faithful priests with an expression of commitment to each and all of you. The Knights of Columbus was founded by a priest, Father Michael J. MNcGivney. For 112years, this order has made manifest our undergirding principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Today 53,000 Massachu'setts members continue the work of Father McGivney. We do this work imperfectly, of course. Central to the order's effectivenes's is a close association with our local priests and bishops and a commitment to the Magisterium of the Church. The Knights of Columbus remain in solidarity with our priests. We share your suffering at the public revelations concerning a few. These few have sown seeds of mistrust amid both Catholics and non-Catholics, in a destructive game of Whom Do You "Trust (to paraphrase the old TV game show title). Dear Fathers, your good works and lives have infused our order with abundant graces. We do not' forget. We do not abandon. We lose our raison d'etre if we do not keep faith with the ordaiped clergy, from Holy Fathl~r to diocesan p.riest. Please accept this state deputy's letter as a note of encouragement and support. God bless you. Kenneth N. Ryan State lDeputy Norwood
A way with counties! Dear Editor: County government, a 300-yearold bureaucracy, wastes money, serves as a haven for patronage and nepotism, and forces taxpayers to subsidize an all but dead layer of government. As a detailed report issued in January outlines, an estimated $25 million could be saved by municipalities if the carcass of county government was finally buried. Dollars are urgently needed for education, for putting more police on the streets, and for expanding health care services. But instead taxpayers are forced to waste money to prop up a fat-filled layer of government from which they receive virtually no benefits. Connecticut, which possessed a structure similar to Massachusetts, elirpinated overnight the rotting corpse of county government with sweeping legislation. According to Prof. Rosaline Levenson of the Institute of Public Service at the University of Connecticut, few citizens "were aware of what was happening" and c:ven fewer cared. She added that abolishing "the counties in 1960 merely meant removing the corpse of a government organism that had died long ago ..." I n Massachusetts, a growing number of local, county, and state officials from both political parties agree that courityadministra-
tion serves no purpose. County functions such as correctional facilities would better function under an.umbrella of accountability, consolidated within state government, and not with the tinkering hands of self-interested county commissioners. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the report or the legislation may call my office at (617) 722-1544. . Sen. Arthur E. Chase Worcester CNS/ABC
The real agenda
Pope's right about' TV,. he says
Dear Editor: I agree whole-heartedly with the writer of the letter 'titled "Outrage Wanted" (Anchor, Jan. 28). I wonder why your paper does not tell your readers the real agenda of Senator Kennedy! In a letter to me, he states 'that he is one of the PRINCIPAL sponsors of the dreaded FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT, which protects a woman's right to a safe and legal abortion, (of course it also murders her baby). In a second letter, the Senator states that he introduced S.I, the "National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993" which allows fetal tissue transplantation research to proceed. This is called the D&X procedure. Ultimately, in this horrible procedure, the babies' brains are sucked out for further USl:. Please note the duplicity used in naming the Senator's bill to prevent us from really knowing what it entails! Please insist that Senator Kennedy tell the people of MassachuSetts what he is re;illy doing in their name, before they decide whether or not to reelect him~ E.C. Klein GUlfport, Fla.
NEW YORK (CNS) - Pope John Paul II's criticism of television as being too violent and harmful to society are largely on target. says an ABC executive. . "The pope is right. There is a lot
. ,.
events and current issues ... carrying exploitative advertising tha.t appeals to base instincts and ... glorifying false visions of life that obstruct the realizatioJl of mutual respect, ofjustice and of peace." he added. "Parents who make regular. prolonged use of television as a kind of electronic baby sitter surrender their role as the primary educators of their children." the pope said. Those who work in the television industry, he ~aid, must show respect for their audiences and for the families who make up a'large part of that audience.
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M~rch 3 1960, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Timothy P. S wee ney, L 4. D., Pastor, Holy . c"
of very violent television on all over the world." said Ted Harbert, president of ABC Entertainment. at a recent panel discussion of the International Radio and Television Society New York. But Harbert also said the U.S. networks are unfairly charged with emphasizing violent and antisocial shows in their programming and not given credit for reducing violent scenes in network shows in rece nt yea rs. Other broadcast panelists said their rivals in the cable industry and in other non-network programming air more violence than they do. In remarks released Jan. 24 at the Vatican, the pope said TV can cause harm "by propagating degrading values and models of behavior, by broadcasting pornography and graphic depictions of brutal violence." TV can cast doubt on religious beliefs and present moral truths as relative, (he pope said in his message for the May 15 observance.of World Communications Day. It can also spread "distorted, manipulative accounts .of news
Fri .. Feb. 25. 1994
Catholic Child Sponsorship For JU'st $10'8 Month
Feb, 27 1874, Rev. Philip Gillick, Founder, St. Mary, North Attleboro 1956, Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, Founder, St. Theresa, New Bedford Feb. 29 1980, Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, Taunton March I 1906, Rev. James F. Masterson, Founder, St. Pa~rick, Somerset 1948, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter L.D. Robert, P.R., Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River March 2 1936, Rev. Antonio Berube, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro 1941, Rev. JamesJ. Brady, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford 1952, Rev. Tar"cisius Dreesen, SS.Ce., Sacred Hearts Monastery, Fairhaven 1962, Rev. Alphonse Gauthier, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford . 1970, Rev. J. Orner Lussier, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro
.~~roe. Nl;WI!.l;d,r.9~9
Diocese of Fall River -
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Make checks payable to: Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA) FAR 2/94-8 Financial Report available upon request / Donation U.S. tax deductible. liIIember: u.s. Catholic Mission Association· Nat'l Catholic Development Conference· Catholic Press Association I : Ir)t'l Uaisor;l qf'~9Iu~~~ ]n Missi.ol1 :,!'!lit'l ~olic.$.tElV)'arqsrip ~?yncil . !'Jat'l Cath~,?oy'~for H~nic ~st'Y ---.J
Diocese of Fall River -
Christopher Award winners named
Fri., Feb. 25, 1994
Justice ca1:lses'linked WASHINGTON (CNS)- Environmental justice is inextricably linked to th$: traditionally Catholic cause of justice for the poor, said bishops and other Catholic officials on a national teleconference. The teleconference, called "The' Environment: Hope for a Renewed Earth," aired recently
Lighthouse Christian Bookstore
from the Washington headquarters of the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America, "Social justice is at the heart of the solution to the environmental problem," said Walt Grazer, manager of the U.S. Catholic Conferenpe's new environmental justice program. "Without justice for the poor .there is no justice for the earth," he added. .
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HE'S GOLDEN: Alaskan Tommy Moe holds Olympic gold medal aloft. ~e later won.a silver medaL (eNS; Reuters photo)
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First U .8. Olympic gold won by Alaskan' Catholic WASHINGTON(CNS)-Catholic skier Tommy Moe may have been unknown before he picked up the United State's first gold medal in the 1994 Winter Olympics, but back at his parish in Alaska he's remembered as a nice guy who helps the parish's teens. "He's genuine. He's a genuinely nice young man," said Moe's pastor, Father Michael Shields of St. Michael parish in Palmer, where Moe lives. Moe, whose 24th birhtday was Feb. 17. edged Norway's Kjetil Andre Aamodt by four-hundredths of a second to win Olympic gold Feb. 13 in downhill skiing with a time of I minute. 45 seconds.
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He celebrated his birthday by winning a silver medal in the men's Super-G slalom. Father Shields said Moe has gone out of his way to be helpful to parish teens despite his rigorous training regimen. But the priest hasn't seen much of the skier recently. Palmer is 47 miles north of Anchorage. and Moe trains in Girdwood, 40 miles south of Anchorage. "I just know Tommy was very dedicated in his training and he was training all out," Father Shields said. Father Shields said he watched the television broadcast of Moe's winning downhill run. The cameras caught him crossing himself before going on his winning ride. "It was very obvious that he was very excited." Father ~hields said. In addition to Moe's training regimen, another factor in his win could be the religious medals he wears on the slopes. Often his choice is one of St, Christopher. The medals come to him courtesyofhisgrandmother. ValerieT. Moe of Whitefish, Mont., where he was raised. In a telephone interview with the Montana Catholic, newspaper of the diocese of Helena, Mrs. Moe said that before the Olympics started she drove to St. Matthew School in nearby Kalispell to get him a special medal, which she tiad biessed by her pastor, then sent it to her son, the skier's father, who took it to Lillehammer. As youngsters, Moe and his brother Michael lived with Mrs. Moe for about 10 years an.d she and their father would take them
NEW YORK (CNS) - Chris Burke, a spokesman for the National Down's Syndrome S,)ciety who starred in the ABC series "Life Goes On," was honored with a youth award at the 45th annual Christopher Awards presented yes. terday. The Hallmark Hall of Fame was named to receive a special Christopher A ward for'its long-standing commitment to excelle'nce ir., television drama. Other winners of Christopher Awards include the writers, directors and producers of four movies, six TV specials and II book!:. Burke received the James Keller Youth Award, mimed for the founder of the Christophers.. The award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the well-being of young people. Movies named to win Christopher Awards are "In the Name of the Father," "Schindler's List," "Rudy" and "Shadowlands." Television specials honored in-' clude PBS' "Something Within Me" and "The American Expe. rience: Eisenhower" and ABC's "There Are No Children Hen~." Among the books named to receive awards are "Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account ofthe Death Penalty in the United States" by Sister Helen Prejean, a Sister of St. Joseph of Medaille; "Having Our Say: the Delany Sisters' First 100 Years" by centenarians Sarah and A. Elizabeth Delany with Amy Hill Heath; and former Beirut hostage Brian Keenan's "An Evil Calling: The Five-Year Ordeal of a Hostage..... Young 'people's books winning awards include "It's Our World, Too! Stories of Young People Who Are Making a Difference" by Phillip Hoose, and "Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary" by Ruud van der Rol and Rian Verhoeven, and translated by Tony Langham and Plym Peters.
Stang alumni to reunite in Florida Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, plans just the thing for alumni heading south to escape thewinter weather: A Florida All Class Reunion. The event will take' pla.ce March 5 in the Jupiter / Hobe Sound area on Florida's east coast. Organized for the more than 150 alumni, parents of alumni and former Stang teachers who ",ow live in Florida, the reunion will welcome all with connections to the high school. For information . call the alumni office at 993-8959. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 during Moe's boyhood, would tease the lad, saying he would beat him at skiing someday. Mrs. Moe t!ikes her relig:.on seriously and her care for her grandchildren includes concern ror their spiritual side. "I've made nove.nas to St. Therese since c·.ay one," when Moe was a premature and underweight baby, she said. She has lit vigil candles for him for 14 years and asked for novenas and prayers from Carmelite priests in Illinois, especially before an important race. "Many, many prayers are said for him," she said. Mrs. Moeisproudofhergral1.dson's character. "He doesn't brag,
A~ing\~~f.~c~\~~.,~~,~~.}~t~,.. Aoesn't have a bad ~o~d~~J&Y•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~'."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ., '_~'" . ._ ,~' _ . ....·N......'.- ......,.:...:. ~::.'~.f~~~eh~ ~~~~£~.~~'1!!l:.,?e.r.;o,.p.!}s.!R·r:.~; ..!?!?~y':: ~he said: .."': tJ:J
Catholic identity "in crisis"
eNS photo
Change, don't blame world urges ~ligh court justice WORCESTER, Ma.ss. (CNS) in life," he reminded the Holy - Speaking at his alma mater, Cross students. "How we deal with : Holy Cross College in Worcester, them will tell how we deal with our I Supreme Court Justic,~ Clarence future diffic\.!lties and the people Thomas urged students to take we become." Far more thanjust a responsibility for changing their means to earning a living, the process of getting an education is a own world. In a lecture at the college earlier way to learn how to liv~, he con' this month, Thomas encouraged tinued. students to reject the current tenCritical of current campus bedency toward "shoveling r.espon- ha viol' codes and standards of polsibility on others" and to fall back itical correctness, Thomas called I on education as a way of " learning them "poor substitutes" for civility to grow beyond our current condi- and manners tha't '''are doomed to tion." disruptive failure" and "destined Thomas, a 1971 graduate of the to promote conflict that is silly, I Jesuit college, spoke at a program dangerous and distracting." I that was part of the school's 150th In hindsight, Thomas said of his anniversary celebration. own college years that he should As a child living with his grand- have avoided the more passionate , parents in Sa vannah, Ga .. it was enterprises hejoined and developed ; made clear that getting an educa- friendships with peopll( who were interested in ideas more than causes, ! tion was to be his paramount goal, Following his speech, Thomas, said Thomas. "Because my grandparents didn't in response to a question on , have education or fref:dom, they resolving campus racial tensions, I valued both," he said. He and his said, "If people are civil, you can , brother were warned not to attempt address problems. When you're to avoid school and were told "if not angry, you'd be surprised at we died, my grandfather would what you can accomplish." I take us to school for three days to I make sure we were not faking." In time, Thomas willingly spent VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Vathours at the Carnegie Library ican officials said that discussions "the Negro library" -- which helped are underway on a pos$ible visit by I prepare hi.m to enter Conception Pope John Paul lI.to the United Seminary in Missouri as a college Nations in October which would freshman. There, in "an all-white include other stops in the United world" for the first time, Thomas States. Tentative plans would have i took on new academic challenges. the pope making brief pastoral vis, "Latin was a demon to be its to New York, Newark, N.J., , subdued, and Latin class ... well, and Baltimore, said the officials. that was a daily confirmation Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, general , hearing," he said. Thomas' Senate secretary of the National ConferI confirmation hearings in 1991 re- ence of Catholic Bishops, said that I suited in a series of debates about although there had a,lways been everything from his belief in natu- "rumors about the possibilities of ral law to whether he sexually the U.N .," he was surprised to hear harassed an employee. the pope might visit other cities. Transferring to Holy Cross in "I've heard absolutely nothing 1968, Thomas found a niche in the about it," he said. Black Student Union, joining a walkout to protest what members considered unfair discipline of VATICAN CITY (CNS) black students. By the end of his junior year, Thomas said he was Pope John Paul II gave more than "drunk with anger" at injustice $1.3 million for disaster relief and and oppression; but fortunately, assistance to war victims in 1993. The donations came from money i he said, several of his professors helped pull him back from the that religious orders, individuals an~ institutions gave the. pope to brink of self-destruction. "We all suffer bumps and bruises spend at his discretion.
Pope to visit U.N.?
Papal donations
MORRISTOWN, N.J. (CNS) - Now more than ever, Catholics need 'to go to church in order 'to preserve their Catholic identity, said Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland of Milwaukee. Because the "very 'strong" ethnic, family and community supports for Catholics are no longer in place in the United States, going to church has become essential as a way of participating and feeling a sense of belonging, the archbishop said in an interview with The Beacon, diocesan newspaper of Paterson, N.J. Archbishop Weakland was in Morristown for a presentation at St. Mary's Abbey on how Catholics should prepare for the 21st century. During his address he recalled a pastoral letter on Catholic identity he wrote earlier this year during his archdiocese's 150th anniversary. In the letter, he said, he ended up describing the Catholicism of various European ethnic groups who came to this country over the past century rather than describing Catholicism today. Today, the Catholic identity is. "in crisis," said Archbishop Weakland, because of a lack of the essential "sacramental concept" that God acts through signs and symbols. "Catholics don't see the sacraments as such as imparting grace. That's the real problem with penance now," he added. By contrast, he said, other Christians see the sacraments as important clements of being Catholic. For example, he said a Russian Orthodox bishop in Moscow recently asked him about fundamentalism, and in particular, the Rev. Billy Graham. "I did the best I could to explain the evangelicals to him and then he asked me, 'Does Billy Graham use incense?''' "When I told him no, he said, 'Billy Graham will never do well in Russia,'''"thus illustrating how the Orthodox view the sacraments, the archbishop said. Archbishop Weakland stressed the need for support systems for Catholic professionals and manual laborers to replace those that were provided by the ethnic communities of the past. He also said that Catholic schools could do their part outside of religion classes through "Catholic socialization - introducing Catholics to being Catholic." Part of learning Catholicism would involve feeling the "guilt" commonly ascribed to Catholics, he said. He described feeling guilty as very much a Catholic tradition because it connotes a "passion for the poor, the underprivileged." Quoting Pope Paul VI, the archbishop said, "How can anyone go to bed at night and not feel guilty" about having so much in a world of so much need. Another area he said would enhance Catholic identity would be the stimulation of Catholic culture - the best in art:, literature, music - because "handing on a faith is not just handing on a formula," he stressed. As for music in the post-Vatican II church, he said it is a "little better" than it had been in the beginning of the liturgical changes, although he feels much oCthe new church music will not last. Reminded that he has predicted continuing changes for the liturgy because "we are a pilgrim people," he said the church in general is
"only at the tip of the iceberg as to change." He also said he still worries about the current "rigidity and fear" in the Catholic hierarchy's response to theological discussion, and he recalled that in the golden age of theology bishops and theologians were the same people. "We have always been a people whose tradition tends to be 'both/ and' not 'either/ or,''' he said,
recalling how the Greek and Arab Renaissance philosophies had been absorbed by Catholicism. "We absorb the good and the beautiful wherever we find it," he added.
Devil in His Place "The world is richer for having the devil in it, so long as we keep our foot upon his neck."- William James
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THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 25,199.4
A.test.for drug, alcohol problems
By Christopher Carstens What's a drug problem? Drugs and alcohol can be dangerous, even life threatening. Everybody knows that. Lots of teens have problems . with drugs and alcohol. Everybody knows that too. But when teens come in for counseling..they may.admit to getIMPRESSIVEPAIR:-Husband and wife TO'dd and Lori ting high now and then, but still Habiger have nearly identical jobs in the Catholic pre:;s. Both have a hard time seeing that the drugs they use "for fun" are start- are reporters for 'Catholic newspapers, 'but in different dioceses. Todd is a reporter for The Catholic Key, newspaper of ing to change the way they live. I developed this test to help the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo. Lori wotks, for The By Monica and Bill Dodds A health care professional has teens see if drugs and alcohol are Leaven, newspaper of the archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan. There's the rock and there's the the responsibility, the training and . causing problems in their lives. (CNS photo) . hard place. There's your aging the experience to see the overall Only you can score the test because parent and there are the profes-. picture, to assess a person's general only you know the real answl:rs. sionals. One is saying - begging well-being; to see if that older perTo find out if you have a drug or for - this; the others are strongly son is receiving the proper care, if alcohol problem, read each quesrecommending ·that. that person is safe under the prestion. and mentally put the answer By Mitch Finley From this, one learns to fly by And there you are. The adult ent living conditions. "yes" by every item that is true for faith, to peer around fogged por-' child. Wanting to make Mom or Last spring Kathy and I bought An adult child needs to keep in you. tions' of the windshield -- or one's Dad happy. Wanting to make sure a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle. Commind also that a professional looks Be truthful. There's nothing to life - and hope for the 'best. One your parent is safe and well cared· at many. many older people, while 'pletely restored, it looks much as it gain by kidding yourself. Instruclearns to accept technology's limfor. must have when it rolled off the often the family comes in contact o tions for scoring the test are at the itations, not expect a scientific Mom doesn't want to move to a shown;lOm floor nearly 20 years with only a few. . end. answer to all problems. Cold nursing home. Dad doesn't believe ago. ' Obviously the news the ad ult weather, and cold time!:, will be he needs someone in the house 24 Coincidentally, 1974 was the Family and Social Problems child doesn't want·to hear can be there no matter what, so learn to hours a day if he's going to remain year Kathy and I were married. I. Has a member of your family even more devastating for the aging live with it, the Beetle says. Bide there. She is absolutely set against ever expressed concern about your The label inside the driver's-side parent. ·It can immediately bring your time. Don't'lose your cool. surgery. He would be crushed if door indicates that our Beetle left alcohol or drug use? so many questions, so many fears, I mentioned the Beetle's wing someone took away his driver's 2. Do all or almost all of your the assembly line in February, and One way adult children can show windows. New cars don't have license. But that's what the doctor friends 'use drugs or alcohol? . our wedding was in March. wing windows, but they were a is saying. The visiting nurse. The a parent the·y. are on M om's or 3, Docs your drinking or drug Our new/old Beetle is metallic Dad's side is to help answer those great idea. You want th,~ wind in social worker. use lead to family fights or goid and has a spirit of its own. I questions, help address those fears: your face as you run aro'Jnd town What can an adult child' do? arguments? tl.'Y to learn its lessons day by day, Together, they can get more inforIt's easy to find excuse~.. "Mom or cruise the highway? Open the driving around town or over the 4. Have you had problems with mation. They can explore what the has always been forgetful" wing windows, catch the breeze. hill on errands ofleisure or obligafriends' parents because of drug or Hlalistic options are. They canjoin "Dad never had good eyesight." Open the wing windowH of your tion. alcohol. use? "She'was just tired." "He got·con- a support group that welcomes soul, the Beetle says, c:atch the . The Beetle is the only car ever 5. Have you ever been arrested both an ,aging person and his or fused with all those questions." Spirit. or stopped by the police because of .built that one may "whip around" . The Beetle needs frequent care. Maybe more than anything else her fa~ily members. in. Perhaps this is because its airdrinking or drug use? To maximize the life oftbe engine, it hurts to hear.that news. It hurts \ It is important to remember that cooled engine is ,in the rear, mak6. Have you ever engaged in change the oil every 2,000 miles to have someone say a parent's the danger in giving in tothe temping the Whipping movement posillegal activity because of drug or health is getting worse. It hurts to .tation to blame - and ignore and be sure to adjust the valves sible. Whip, whip, whip, around I alcohol use, such as using a false the messenger is that the message every 5,000 miles. Ne'glect these be so bluntly reminded of a pargo, in no particular hurry but ID, theft to purchase drugs or ent's mortality. , is also lost. And often that is a. basics and you can expect big without wasting time either. alcohol, or selling drugs or alcohol? On the other hand, it can help to message that can enhance the repair bills. This has taught me to budget Medical Problems remember that a professional assess- quality of your parent's remaining Don't complain, the Be'etle says, my time and energy,making every ment is based on a range of abilitime on earth. 7. Have yo"u ever noticed changes look at my need for freqw:nt mainmove count. Human days are limitties covering a number of areas: in your mood or behavior' due to tenance as a reminder that you That, it goes without saying, is ed upon the earth, so use them physical, mental, emotional and drugs or alcohol, such as periods need to provide care for yourself, what every concerned adult child well, the Beetle says, and find joy social. of anger or sadness which lasted and probably more often than you wants. in your duties whenever you can. after the high had worn off? think. There is nothing selfish The Beetle is notorious for win8. Have you ever been unable to about this; it's just the way you're dows that are stubborn about deremember things you did while made. MANCHESTER, England (CNS)two strips of bacon, a small can of you were under the influence of· frosting in cold weather. Hot air Our little VW needs its oil comes from the engine to heat the Princess Diana may have family baked beans, half a loaf of bread, drugs or alcohol? changed, and I need regu.lar times problems, and British Prime M inand'two indigestion tablets. 9. Have you ever used drugs or car's interior, but just try to get for prayer and reflection. The Bee. that windshield defogged! ister John Major's political future "Lack of imagination andculialcohol in the morning to help you tle requires valve adjustments, and •Our, Beetle has a rear-window "get going"? . may be a bit uncertain, hut they nary talent are essential fpr this I need to make time to read and defroster, an improvement over think, to adjust my mind and pick took time from. their worries to meal," Father Fisher wrote in the 10. Have you ever had hallu~i earlier models. However, the only come up with recipes for a Catholic book. "It is therefore the obvious up insights to share with others. nations due to drugs or alcohol help for the front window is to parish in the north of England. choice of a priest. This flamboyant When I take care of OItf Beetle, (not counting wnen you were on open the wing windows on both The princess and the prime minrepast is usually prepared when it whips down the interstate at 65 hallucinogens like LSD, PCP or sides and brave the cold air that ister were among a group of celebthe housekeeper is away. mph as if it was standing still, and mushrooms)? rities asked to contribute recipes Among Father Fisher's kitchen 1-1. Have you ever had "the comes in, which helps keep the when I take care of myself, I'm windshield defogged. to a fundraising cookbook for St tips: "Place the ras.hers [bacon shakes" because you needed a drink ready to' use the gifts God gave me 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Joseph's in Pontefract, Yorkshire. strips] in the frying pan. There or drugs? "to the max." Princess Diana suggested a should· be a ssshhh sound from the If you responded "yes" to even Such is the basic wisdom in a School Problems watercress soup recipe and Major rashers. If not you may have failed one of the items on this test, then Beetle spirituality. 12. Have you ever used alcohol submitted Mexican chicken folto turn the gas on. ,drugs or alcohol have begun causor drugs while cutting class or lowed by summer pudding. "Cook the egg until it looks like ing problems in your life. ' being truant from school? His predecessor, Margaret Thatthe egg you used to get from mum Drugs and alcohol usually pro13. Have you ever gone to school cher, replied to the parish request whenyolJ were younger," he wrote. duce family and social' problems ROME (CNS)- Two) French high? with a recipe for pasta with pork Parishioners Margaret and Ray first. while medical and school Catholic hospitals have agreed to ,14. Have you ever missed school problems come later. and basil. Valente cooked up the idea for the stop providing in vitro fertilizabecause you were using alcohol or Bishop David Konstant of Leeds culinary fund raiser. 'If you answered "yes" to even tion services, but several others drugs or were hung over? came' up with the details for a "To be quite honest I haven't one problem in each of the three continue the practice, said Father 15. Have you ever used alcohol "poor man's caviar," while Labor tried all the recipes yet," Maragroups. then it is almost certain Olivier de Dinechin, Fre:[lch bishor drugs in the school building? opposition leader John Smith garet Valente said. "I have tried that drugs and alcohol are causing ops' spokesman on bioethical is16. Have·you ever been sent to offered poa'ched salmon. the Princess Diana soup and it's major disruptions in your life. You sues. The three or four hospitals the principal's office due to drug The book has raised more than very good." have moved beyond the experistill doing in vitro fertilizations are or alcohol related behavior? $1,50'0 towards' the estimated' The royal soup ingredients in. mental stage into a dangerous communicating with the Vatican 17. Have you ever seen a school $750~000 cost of new buildings at c1uded butter, flour, chicken stock, pattern of drug abuse. or with local bishops about the counselor because· of alcohol or, St. Joseph's infant and. nursery watercres~ and a pint of cream. . If this test has shown that you situation, he said. Father De Dindrugs? school. Ace cricket player Geoffrey Boyhave a problem with drugs or echin discussed these case:s in writAssistant pastor Father Paul COtt replied that since he cannot alcohol. it's time get clean and Scoring Instructions ten 'answers to questiom: submitFisher was among the, contribu- cook he could not contribute a ,Scoring this test is simple. If sober. ted by Catholic News Se:rvice. In tors with his "Ecclesiastical Gap recipe. If the test shows .that you have drugs or alcohol cause problems in vitro fertilization is the uniting of Filler. " H e sent'a Y ' your life. then you have a drug or moved. into,serious d rug,~buse" it's orkshlre pud.ding sperm and eggs in a laboratory - . _.,. . . . __J ·:-_The.ingredients.in,c1ude o~~gg, .,. instead. alcOhol! pr.oblem\·c"· ,,~!~ . ", i '.1' 1 .ti.m e ,tOI~~t:J1~\P·.r: (',r:/'J, t) :i,~ '"dish:. r';.. .',,1 'J.Jh"
When professionals and your aged parent'd.isag.ree
.Beetle spirituality
Cookbook contents are royal treat
Some in vitro stops
way to teach the children to build toys for sale. "We try to help them gain dignity and pride in what they do. They discover their self-value and then their value in front of others," Sister Anna Clara said. Recently, young shoeshiners at the Yerbateros house got together to decide how much they were going to charge, what quality of work they would do and how they will respond if they are _treated poorly. --_.-Unlike other children on the street, kids involved in Manthoc band together to solve their problems, Sister Anna Clara said. "In Manthoc, they learn to give, to build little by' little a better situation for themselves. The children take responsibility for changes," she said.
Church centers help Peru child workers organize
THE ANNUAL !Lenten retreat of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will take place: March 4 to 6 at the Family Life Center, North Dartmouth. From left, above, Mrs. Kitsey Lancisi, DCCW first vice president; Mrs. Bella Nogueira, DCCW president; M iss Theresa Lewis, DCCW second vice president, checking retreat schedule. At right, Father Robert Oliveira, spiritual advisor to DCCW Church Communities commission, who will celebrate a ' televised Mass at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at St. Julie Billiart Church, North Dartmouth, to be shown at 8 a.m. March 6 on WLNE Channel 6, looks over Mass readings with Kathy Splinter, Church Communities chair. Also to partiCipate 'in celebration is Sister Jane Sellmayer, S USC. ~ll DCCW members are invited to attend the Mass and are reminded that reservations are still being accepted for the March retreat. They may be made by calling Mrs. Nogueira at 673-6145.
Interfaith Center changes South Africa policy I
NEW YORK (CNS) - Church groups in the corporate responsibility movement are using 1994 stockholder resolutions to call for responsible investment in South Africa rather than economic withdrawal. The position shift is reflected in the annual compilation of churchsponsored proxy resolutions issued by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, which coordinates most church-related activitv in the movement. . Resolutions filed for action at annual meetings of 16 corporates call for endorsing an investors' Code of Conduct written by South African churches. Resolutions filed with six banks ask for loan policies "conducive to South Africa's longterm democratic development." Timothy H. Smith. a United Methodist layman who directs the interfaith center. said several resolutions had been withdrawn since the compilation went to press because companies involved signed statements expressing support for the code. "The whole tone of the South African discussion has changed," Smith said. "In the past it was adversarial. This year it is low key and polite. It is a megachange." Church use of stockholder rights to press corporations on peace and justice issues began with a 1971
resolution asking General Motors to withdraw from South Africa. In subsequent years, the movement's primary focus was on South Africa. The code that companies are now asked to endorse was adopted by the South African Council of Churches last .J uly. It sets such guidelines as avoiding discriminatory treatment, working cooperative)y with local communities and making special efforts to deal with black-owned businesSes. The 1994 compilation reports a total of 201 resolutions filed by religious bodies with 138 corporations, down from 220 resolutions with 152 corporations last year. A new effort of the corporate responsihility movement challenges K-Mart and Wal-Mart on sale of firearms, pointing out that such sales are contrary to their image as stores serving family needs. The K-Mart resolution is supported by the diocese of San Angelo"Texas; Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Mich., who are owners of 46,000 shares; and seven other orders or agencies of nuns. The Wal-Mart resolution is supported by five orders of nuns and a Unitarian Unversalist agency. Smith said some orders of nuns involved in health care have contributed their expertise on issues like pricing of pharmaceuticals. Movement members give major
LIMA, Peru (CNS) - It could have been an elementary school cafeteria - four long tables teeming with children busy with lunch and the air full of chatter. But the shoeshine boxes and fold-up candy stands laid along the wall, momentarily forgotten by the hungry youths, told a different story. _The children were taking a few hours off the streets of Lima to eat and study at the Manthoc center near the Yerbateros market. Manthoc, run by children, is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Peru's 200,000 working children, who are between the ages of 7 and 18. "The kids come to eat, they pass the word among themselves. They see we give good food and give it with love. From there we move on to other things," said Sister Anna Clara, an Italian member of the Sisters ofthe Ascension and Manthoc center coordinator. The Adolescent and Young Children of Christian Workers Movement (Manthoc is taken from the Spanish initials) began in 1976 when Christian Youth workers in the shantytowns of Lima began an experimental project that encouraged the children to take the lead. After a rocky start under military dictatorship, Manthoc reached its current form in 1978. The organization has groups in Lima and II provinces, reaching I,200 child workers. Each group works to build subgroups of 10-15 , child workers with one adult to help out. The houses offer food, education, health care" recreation and moral formation. Most children helped, do have homes, but often their parents work two or three jobs to meet the family's basic needs and do not have time to provide the children with a home environment. An association of adults assists with legal and accounting matters, but the organization's leadership and direction is controlled by an eight-member national committee of children. "The best child's association isn't about what the educator has to offer, it's about what the children can learn to do for themselves," said Moses Bazan, the national committee's adult collaborator. Children involved in Mant~oc
echo the same confidence in their ability to make a difference. "When I entered the group, I didn't know that to work was a good thing," said 17-year-old Nury Callata. "I knew what work was, but I didn't know that I had companions who worked, too; that they had probl~.~s,_to_o; that my work-was·-important; that I was important. . "I didn't know I had rights. I realized there were many problems in my country, I realized there were many problems in my neighborhood and that I had to do something about it," she said. Miss Callata joined Manthoc through her parish when she was 9 years old. At the time, she worked in her home while her mother sold goods in the market. Later, she peddled soft drinks and beer at a local soccer field, tended her mother's stand in the market and spent four months herding cattle in the Peruvian Andes. "I supported my family. My mother went to work, too, but it wasn't enough for food, for clothes, for education, all of that," Miss Callata said. Since she turned 17, she has worked at the Manthoc house in Villa Maria del Triumfo, a Lima shantytown. Manthoc centers provide the space to bring children together for activities after lunch and in the evenings. "The reality is that these kids live their lives apart from their families. The pa,rents work, the children work. They ·,rarely see each other. It's another form of the family unit," said Sister Anna Clara. The house shows educational videos and holds discussions afterwards. Volunteers - often adult, former Manthoc community members - run workshops on nutrition and health. Center staffers see that the children receive proper medical care. A program is under
School choice out WASHINGTON (CNS) Catholic school officials said they were disappointed but not completely disheartened by the U.S. Senate's rejection of a school choice proposal as part of President Clinton's education bill. In a '52-41 vote, the Senate defeated the proposed amendment that would have provided $30 million for an experimental voucher plan allowing poor students in six U.S. school districts to choose between attending public or private schools. Michael Guerra, executive director of the secondary schools department at the National Catholic Educational Association, said even though the proposal was rejected, he was delighted 41 senators voted in its favor.
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attention to equal employment opportunity and are making efforts to get companies with operations in Northern Ireland to follow the MacBride Principles. Developed by the late Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Amnesty International Sean MacBride they offer guidelines for overcoming discrimination in employment. Other 1994 resolutions include efforts to get business withdrawal from Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. until democratic rights are secured; end promotion of infant formula in Third World nations; reduce production of such munitions as land mines; promote adoption of the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics Principles, formerly the Valdez Principles; and stop beer sales to minors. Further information on the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility is available from the center at Room 5'66, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y.,IOIlS.
Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. ST. LOUIS CHURCH 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River
Build your own home now with aConstruction Loan from Citizens-Union Savings Bank. tan Rhi"''' ~ Mal.. orne,,;" So. Main Sl~t. 67H·1641, 335 s ....rrord R_d, no RutH-110ft Nlr-4. HI boy Sue"., 4&48 North Main St..-l; Som..rlJf"( Plua (Rte. 6), 5154 Wilbur A".. nup, Swan';'.
F'rench cardinal dies when train smashes into car TOULOUSE, France (CNS) Cardinal Francois Marty, retired archbishop of Paris, who was a leading figure in the French church in the turbulent late 1960s, died whe'n a train smashed into his car Feb. 16 in southwest France, police said. Cardinal Marty, 89, was driving near the,Jown of Villefranche-deRouergue when his autO'wastrapped on the tracks between the barriers of a railroad crossing and was struck by a train which dragged it about 100 yards. None ofthe train's passengers was injured. A police official said the crossing's warning systems seemed to have been working normally at the time of the accident. "He must 'have been stranded. It's too early to know why," the official said. Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger of Paris celebrated a funeral Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral Feb. 19. Cardinal Marty was buried Feb. 21 beside his parents at the cemetery in Pachins, southern Fra·nce. Cardinal Marty, who headed the Paris archdiocese for 13 years during the turbulent period after the Second Vatican Council, sought to keep to the middle road between
traditionalists who denounced council reforms and those who believed that the conciliar decrees did not go far enough. He was one of the leaders during the Second Vatican Council's deliberations on the role of the priesthood in the modern world and a main figure in formulating the coun~il's Decree on the Ministry and Life:oLPriests.'" ... . ~-.----.
In November 1968, during his first year as archbishop of Paris, he appealed for greater dialogue between priests and bishops. Recalling the student disorders and strikes that rocked France six months earlier, then-Archbishop Marty said: "It would be grave if our assembly forgot them. They are the signs of the times which summon us. Authority and obedience are in question. We must' seek truer modes of action in exercising our ministry as bishops. "We must also seek a true dialogue, more humble and solid, between bishops and priests, both on the personal and collective levels. In 10 years, we will have onequarter fewer priests. Patching up will not suffice. Priorities must be found, and our diocesan and na-
CNS photo
tional structures must be rethought." Practicing what he preached, Archbishop Marty appealed a month later in a letter to his priests to tell him what changes they wanted in the conditions of priestly life. He also sought to put into effect new styles of Christian community: - Specialized "cells" of Catho-
lics in various sections of Paris, organized along the lines of Catholic Action movements, for evangelization of specialized occupations and groups such as university communities, health workers, artists or immigrants. - Increased use of priests specialized according to sociological categories, in "team ministries," who could reach out on behalf of several parishes to the workers in a certain area. . "~"'Parishes of Welcome" near the city's five major'railroad-stations, where Catholics might find silence, deepen their faith and take marriage preparation and instruction courses. Wearing the black suit of a priest, without any symbol of office except for a cross in his lapel, he regularly went for walks, mingled with people, asked them questions. In June 1970, Cardinal Marty sold some of the furniture of the archbishop's residence to aid aged priests and to make a symbolic gesture on behalf of underdeveloped countries. By the sale of period pieces, which brought in about $18,000, the cardinal said he was seeking to do away with "riches incompatible with the poverty of Christ."
The son of a peasam: family, Francois Marty was born in Pachins, in southern France, May 18, 1904. He was ordained a priest in 1930 and made bishop of SaintFlour in 1952. In 1959 he was made c,oadjutor archbishop of Rheims, where he became archbishop the following year. He became known for his activities with farm workers and factory workers and in 1965 he WE:S placed in charge ofthe Mission of France by -Pope. Paul. The mis:;ion, an association of priests working with alienated, de-Christianized laborers, was considered one: of the most important projects of the French bishops. In 1968 Pope Paul named him archbishop of Paris and made him a cardinal in 1969. A simple and good-h.umored man, Cardinal Marty retired in 1981 to a monastery in his home region and was often seen driving the modest Citroen 2CV he was given as a retirement gift. In his spiritual testament, written in 1984, he said: "The Second Vatican Council was the great event of my life. It brought me light and comfort. It remains a great task to be completed."
Countering racism helps everyone says Margretta Stokes
CNS photo
PITTSBURGH (CNS) - Racism continues to afflict both society and the Catholic Church' in the 1990s, according to the head of the nation's oldest diocesan office dealing with the African-American apostolate. "In the '60s and '70s, laws were enacted, but hearts were not changed," said Margretta "Greta" Stokes, who recently assumed the post of director of the Pittsburgh diocesan Office for Black Catholic Ministries. ''I'm interested in the change of hearts," she added in an interview with the Pittsburgh Catholic dioc'esan newspaper. ''I'm interested in how we bring people to an awareness of what is just. how does that impact on our' faith as Catholic Christians. and how does our faith impact upon ,how we make changes. ''Can we discriminate a'gainst any group of people and yet call
ourselves followers of Jesus?" Ms. Stokes asked. "We know Jesus would say no." Ms. Stokes has a bachelor's degree in religious studies and psychology from Seton Hill College in Greensburg, Pa.. a master's in religious education from Du,quesne University in Pittsburgh and is working on a doctorate in theology at Duquesne. She and ,her husband, Vincent Tucker, have a 5-year-old daughter, Alysia. "Sometimes the church is unfortunately a reflection of society," Ms. Stokes said of racism. "I look forward to the day when we will not have,to talk about this issue. Sometimes I wonder whether or not· that will happen in my lifetime, oreven in my daughter's lifetime. So while'it is still very much a part of American society, and very much a part of the church. we have to do what we can to eradi,cate it."
She said events like the National Black Catholic Congresse:, in 1987 and 1992 have helped to "move black Catholics into the: mainstream of the church." The congresses' recommendations on issues such as jobs. health care, unemployment and homelessness can help "families regardless oJ color," :., she added. "I think and truly beliJ:ve that African-Americans and AfricanAmerican Catholics have such an important leadership role. to play in this country and this church," Ms. Stokes said. "The issues that affect us are going to touch upon the greater soci~ty. "What we do, what we: e'nact, what we reflect upon in the end helps everyone," she. added. "So I think it does behoove the: larger part of the society to listen to the [black) community."
Arcltbis~op ;Levado·calls 'new catechism, four~pa.rt·~ymphony 'sacrame'nts (what the church celePORTLAND, Ore. (CNS) The new "Catechism of the Catho- brates); it is pres~nt' to enlighten lic Church" is a "symphony in four ,and sustain Catholics"as God's parts," Archbishop William. J. children in their actions (what the Levada of Portland told about 500 church lives); and it is the basis for church leaders gathered for a sym- prayer, the expression of which is posium he hosted earlier this the "Our Father" (what the church prays in hope). ' month. The symposium drew particiHe said the catechism can be a pants from across the country and valuable resource' for ensuring the elsewhere to take an in-dept h look security and conviction about the at the new catechism. faith which will enable Catholic The catechism contains four people to put that faith into action, sections, dealing with faith, the and to explain with charity and sacraments, the commandments persuasiveness their reasons for and prayer. In his keynoteac1dress, doing so. Archbishop Levada, who helped Scholarly presentations were write the document, expressed hope given through the week by theolothat a copy would soon be found gians and catechists invited by the in every Catholic household. archbishop. He said the four pillars of the The new catechism cQmes in catechism emerge as the natural response to the hurly-burly of framework of the Catholic faith: multi religious culture, said The creed presents the Christian Dominican Father Joseph A. Dimystery as the object offaith (what Noia, executive director of the the church believes); it is celebrated Secretariat for Doctrine and Pasand communicated in liturgy and toral practices for the U.S. bishops.
In the past 40 years, particularly in'the United States, he said', Catholicism has become one of many options in what seems to be a supermarket of religions, ranging from long-established faiths to storefront pantheist temples. Thu's Catholicism needs to establish its identity by setting down in writing what it believes. Another speaker, Father Michael Maslowsky of the archdiocese of Portland, said the catechism's discussion of revelation refers to God's communication with humanity as a revelatory dialogue rather than an imposition of law. The chapters
on revelation;the first three in the catechism', closely follow Vatican II's' "Dogmatic Constitution' on Divine Revelation," a document that modified a 300-year-old image of God as stern lawgiver. "What we are dealing with here is God's initiation of a dialogue that is self-revelatory," said Father Maslowsky, director of the archdiocese's Office of Ministry Formation. "And Jesus is the final word, the fullness of revelation." Mary Jo Tully, author, chancellor of the archdiocese of Portland and former director of religious education for the archdiocese of Chicago, said the combination of the new catechism and Pope John Paul's newest encyclical, "Veritatis Splendor" ("The Splendor of Truth"), offers a new look at morality. "We can no longer look at morality in terms of how little we can do," she said. "We've moved from a time when spirituality was for
priests and sisters and mO~fllity for the rest'of the folks." Msgr. Francis Mannion., cathedral rector and diocesan theologian in Salt Lake City, UtE.h, said the catechism brings bad rich elements of Catholic tradition that have fallen into disuse since the Second Vatican Council. Msgr. Francis Kelly, professor of catechetics at Pope John XXIII Seminary in Weston, Mas •. , said the catechism presents wha.t Vatican II taught about the (:hurch. "The church is more than just the people of God," he said. "It is also a sacrament of Christ." The catechism also shows what is unchanging in the church, said Dominican Father Benedict Ashley, professor of moral theology at the Aquinas Institute in St. Louis, Mo. "The chu'rch is a mother who helps guide us," he said. "Her guidance is not meant to assl~rt her power; like a good mothl:r, her guidance is based on love."
Florida keys parish linked to treasure
Family Ministry volunteers honored
Continued from Page One years, first through Evenings for T AVERNIER, Fla. (CNS) the Engaged. and now with the San Pedro Parish in Tavernier was diocesan Marriage Preparation prothe early founded as a mission in gram. They regularly attend team 1950s, but it has links to an earlier workshops, can fill in on short time - 18th-century missionary notice and are strong recruiters for work and the 1733 shipwreck of new team couples. For the last the Spanish vessel San Pedro. year. they have also been coordiWhen San Pedro was begun as a nating half the New Bedford Marmission in 1952, it became the first ' riage Preparation sessions. Catholic community in the upper The Gearys coordinate sessions Florida Keys since early Spanish for lower Cape Cod which have missionaries had preached to the gained high praise from particiCaloosa Indians in th4~ area in the pants. Their most recent program 18th century. Construction on a was planned and presented while church was begun in 1954, and in Bob had the flu. Anne's post1959 the mission was designated a session reports always lift the spirparish. its of the office staff with their Father John McGrath, pastor vision of Christian community and since 1981, said in an interview CNS/BC photo a characteristic sense of humor. that it is believed that the bishop of Father Raposo. parochial vicar FATHER MONAN the St. Augustine dioc4~se "selected and religious education coordinaSt. Peter as the mission's patron tor at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel because the search for the ship San presid~nt parish, New Bedford. has been Pedro had already begun." with the Marriage Preparation ProThe San Pedro was one of a fleet gram since 1983, longer than any of ships sunk in a storm as they BOSTON (CNS) +- Jesuit Fa- other priest in the ministry. He has carried millions of dollars in coin ther J. Donald Mohan has an- served as a director in the Fall to Spain from Mexico via Havana River, Taunton and New Bedford nounced he will resign after 22 in 1733. deaneries. bringing his understandyears as president of Boston ColA circular planting bin lege and will accept the new posi- ing. gentle presence and concern surrounding a statue of St. Peter for the sacrament of marriage from tion of chancellor at the school. at the church's entrance is made Father Monan, 70, has served one program to another. He brings from the ballast taken from the longer than any president in Bos- his giftedness to the married as wreck. "The ship's ballast is also in ton College's 131-year history. He well as the engaged, having served the church's foundation," said said he would stay on as president on Marriage Encounter teams for Father McGrath. until a successor is named by a many years. According to Helen Burton, Widowed Support: Dorothyann search committee that will seek a parish historian, archives of the new president among U.S. mem- Callahan. Indies kept in Spain revealed that Each month for more than 12 bers of the Society of Jesus. "on May 25, 1733, the annual plate When Father Monan became years, Mrs. Callahan has gathered (coin) fleet left Vera Cruz, Mexpresident in 1972, Boston College the newlywidowed of Cape Cod to ico, and rendezvoused! in Havana, was considered a "deathbed" col- offer support, practical help and preparing to transport the annual hope. Her compassion is famous lege; having to borrow money to output from·the mines in Mexico meet expenses until tuition pay- and the topics of the meetings she and Central American areas in ments came in. Since then, its coordinates are as useful as they Spain." endowment has grown from $4 are creative. Also aboard the galleons was Divorced and Separated: Father million to $375 million. the annual output of a mint in . Mexico City. Today, both Barron's and U.S. John Cronin. One of the diocese's pioneers in News & World Report rate it On July 13, 1733, a fleet of 21 outreach to the divorced and sep~ among the United States' 50 best ships left Havana bound for Spain arated, Father Cronin has devoted schools. by way of the Gulf Stream. The next day the wind increased and Father Monan increased female many hours to Fall River and by July 15 was a full··force hurriand minority enrollment at Bos- Taunton deanery support groups cane. ton College and transformed it and maintained contact with hunThe fleet became scattered, and from a commuter school to a resi- dreds of participants through a several ships were wrecked along dential campus. Admission appli- newsletter. He has always made the reefs of the Florida Keys. cations have doubled during his time to attend meetings at the family ministry office in a continuous Nineteen ships in all were lost, and tenure. treasure valued at more than $68 I £I a statement, the priest said he . effort to find new ways to bring the million sank to the ocean bottom. hoped as chancellor he could "be church's consolation to those exThe data on the sunken treasure of some help" in forging "a newly periencing the pain of broken marcame to light in the 1950s in cooperative relationship" between riages. Rainbows for All God's Childresponse to inquiries from diver the church and Catholic univerSister Eugenia Brady, SJc. ren: and local resident Art McKee, sities. In her work with children as who was researching his 1948 find Jesuit Father Paul'Tipton, presfrom the wreckage, silver coins ident of the Association of Jesuit associate director of religious eduthat bore a Spanish imprint. Colleges and Universities, said in cation in the diocese, Sister Brady became aware of the painful impact 1992 that Father Monan was inWith the new information divdeath or divorce of parents has on. strumental in redrafting of the ers went down again, found the children. In the past year she began wreckage of the San Pedro and the apostolic constitution "Ex Corde the groundwork for establishment Ecclesiae" ("From the Heart of the Rosario and brought up pieces of of the Rainbows program in the eight, gold doubloons, jewelry, Church") on Catholic higher edudiocese. After attending training cation. He is now on the U.S. crosses and religious medals. sessions in Illinois. she established bishops' committee charged with During the salvage efforts, a a corps of leaders in the diocese to applying the papal document to perfectly preserved gold and bronze begin meetings with children last U.S. Catholic colleges and univermedallion was discov(:red. One side ·fall. Time for Rainbows comes in sities. depicted Christ's crucifixion with addition to her already demanding an inscription in Spanish that said Born in Blasdell, N.Y., in 1924 schedule. but Sister Brady is ever "Holy Crucifix of Villa Quesida." to a family with roots in Northern calm and cheerful and her love for On the reverse side was the like- Ireland, Father M¢nanwas orchildren is boundless. ness of a bishop with a small child dained in 1955. The Family Ministry Award shown as an angel holding his He earned a doctorate in philosThe parish family ministry leadcrozier and the name"B. Thoribio ophy at the University of Louvain ership couple for Espirito Santo Mogrovejo." in Belgium and did postdoctoral parish since 1980, Rosa and OctaThe image was of St. Turribius, work at the universities of Paris, vio Canhoto have assisted in and who was canonized in 1726, when Oxford, England, and Munich, facilitated all types of family enGermany. the medal was struck in his honor. 1111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 He had been the archbishop of In 1960 he joined the philosophy Lima, Peru, and had confirmed a department at LeMoyne College orary degrees from Harvard Unismall girl who later became St. in Syracuse, N.Y., and a year later versity. Northwestern University, Rose of Lima. became its chairman. Seven years Loyola (111.) University and elseIt is believed a passenger aboard later he was appointed academic where. He has been in numerous the ill-fated San Pedro was wear- dean and vice president, then actleadership roles in higher educaing president before going to Bos- tion, including serving as chair of ing the medal when the ship sank. the Association of Jesuit Colleges Today, buoys mark the site of ton College. Father,Monan l1asre~eived hon~ and Uni:versities. the ships-' wreCkage.
BC's will be its chancellor
GREETING THE BISHOP are Office of Family Ministry program directon Jerry and Scottie Foley (center), Cape Cod Marriage Preparation coordinators Bob and Anne Geary, Father Travassos (top photo) and Mario and Maria Barboza, Mary and Deacon Manuel H. Camara. (Hickey photos) richment programs: a support group for married couples, parish renewal, World Marriage Daycelebrations. They have also been involved in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Marriage Encounter. Cursillo and currently, Teams of Our Lady. Married 25 years themselves, the Canhotos are part of the Portuguese Marriage Preparation team, working with Fathers Jack Oliveira and Gastao Oliveira and 10 other couples to prepare Portuguese-speaking couples for the sacrament of matrimony. The plaque presented to the couple reads: "Diocese of Fall River Family Ministry Award presented to Octavio and Rosa Canhoto in appreciation for their years of ded-
icated service to the people of God by Reverend Horace J. T ra vassos, Diocesan Director of Family Ministry, February 12, 1994." The awards night was originally scheduled for Feb. 12, but was postponed by bad weather, and the Canhotos, unaware they were the surprise award recipients, almost couldn't make the rescheduled dinner, said Mrs. Foley. So they had to be subtly convinced. "I told them that we had never announced who was getting the Family Ministry Award, but that I knew they were good friends of Father Jack and would want to be there." "We're relieved they made it," she joked, "because the plaque is engraved!"
FAMILY MINISTRY Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. (Hickey photo) .
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By Charlie Martin
By'Christopher Carstens In the good old days - maybe 25 years ago - the sexualabuse of children was somcthing'''nice people" hardly ever heard about. Some people argue that sexual abuse was just as cominon back then, but we somehow didn't know it was going on. I don't believe it. I' think that child sexual abuse is far more common today'than it was in the 1960s when I started working as a psychologist. My first job after graduation was in a community mental health center where we sa w people from decaying inner-city neighborhoods and people from plush suburbs. In my four years there, I can remember hearing only two cases of children being sexually abused. Not even one ever showed up in my own case load. It was just something I heard about with horror during staff meetings. On a single recent day". I saw four kids who were victims of sexual abuse. ·None of the kids I met that <lay had ,been .molested bya parent or,' even a member of the immediate family'. One'was a 5-year-old who had been the,victim of a predatory cou'sin. Two brothers. one II and one 13. had'some distasteful expe- J riences with a man renting a room. : in their house.' ' The last, also,a teenage boy, had suffered molestation at the hands . of the brother of his mother's second husband. Why is there so much s~xual , . I abuse? , First, 'because !here is so mu'ch ' single parenting, divorce\lnd recomDining-of families; more,and more· kids live with at least one adult who is not a biological parent. , lihere is clear evidence-.that.child-. [en are' much, ino~e likely ,to' be molested by someone who is not a ~atural par~nt: a. b~o'ther. or a' sister. . There, IS .'.a strong,~and., effective
taboo against sexual incest, but sadly it doesn't provide quite as much safety for step-children, stepsisters or others who aren't your own "flesh and blood." Second, I can't believe that all the blatant sexuality on television and in the movies hasn't had an impact on this sort of behavior. Cable movies bring explicit sexual acts directly into the home. and pornographic film can be rented at, virtually every corner video rental store, Younger and younger people are watching that stuff, and watching encqurages experimentation .. Now, if the only potential partner around is your 4-year-old niece, she may just be out of luck., I'm not interested in making anyone paranoid, but I want you to know that this stuff is real and that it happens even inside "nice" families. If it happens in yours, here) what t9 do. . Tell somebody in your family right away. Tell your mom or your 'dad or your aunt. Somebody must know: Be.. s,pecific and tell, what really hap,pened. Don:t say"U ncle , Dave,makes me feel uncomfortable" when wlJat y'ou.mean is" Unde, Dave came into the bathroom while, I was taking a shower, and he wouldn't go away wh~n It old him to:" Tell the truth, and give the, ' details that back it up. ' If they don?t listen or they don:t do' something serious 'about>'the;· problem. then tell somebodyciutside the, family. like. a teacher.' school counselor or youth le'ader at your church. . Sexual abuse 'is dreadfuL If nobody finds out, it doesn't stop all by itself.' If you don't :tell'someone. it can go :on for yeats. and' it, can' get worse. Y'ou.. must tell:' The're's no other es'cape. " Your comments are welcomed by Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic N.eWs Service, 32 UFourth ' St. N,E., W~shington: D.C. 20017.
I walk a wire every night I can't decide Between wrong and right I've lost control Over the things I do Because I'm hopelessly Falling in love with you Now the one Who never took a chance Becomes a victim Of circumstance I've lost my way Now I'm so confused Because I'm hopelessly Falling in love with you Now the one Who' always played it safe Becomes another Who's lost his way I can't believe it Though I know it's true Because I'm hopelessly Falling in love with you And all my dreams Begin to blind me I was so confused I don't care About the things I could lose Because I'm hopelessly Falling in love with you I'm no good at fighting I'm going to choose· , To hopelessly fall To hopelessly ":Falrinlove:with'you ,'11<';" ~ /):. I : " , ' ' ' ' " ' 1,. Written by Rick Astley and Rob Fisher. Sung by Rick A'stley (41993 by BMG Records Ltd. •
' . " .
I WAS HAPPY to see Rick· Ast1~y back on. ~he ~harts. It Il)ust be two years si.nc.e·hislast hit. "Hopelessly" demonstrates, that his strong vocal ability ,continues to be his chief musi,ca'l ass,et. . , The song presents a familiar ; theme in pop music: falling in love. The guy' in the song has "Io:;t ,control over the th~ngs"
that he does and he ,no longer c~res ,"abou~ the things I "ould losei" . Previously, he had ~'always played it safe." He "never took a chance~' when it: comes to' romance. However now he's "going to cnoose to hopelessly fall ... in,love with y~u." Given such extremes, you might wonder if this individual
ml'rid:What this guy needs is a little perspective and balance. Diving into a new relationship the way he suggests' is a sure path to landing on the hard rocks of a broken heart and shattered dreams. Sure, the thrill of a new romance is a rush, but that doesn't mean that we can't practice some common sense. To keep your mind while falling in love, consider these suggestions: I. Healthy, enduring relationships aren't built on a flash of emotion orthe sweep of infatuation. Slow down your feelings and plug in your brain. Get to know the other person as a friend. How many mut,,!~11 interests do you share? Wha.t are some' of your'differences?'Discuss your dreams and goals with each other. 2. Check out' what,:your friends think about your' new love.. How does the person~he.~t ' your friends? Doe~ the p(:r~on want, you' to spend 'time with your friends too, or does he or she ask you to be together"with him or her all the time? :' 3. What kind of moral v,llues does he or she have? Deies a clear sense of right or wrong seem to be part of the indi~lidu aI's character? DQes he oJ:' she respect your values? . 4. Can you name at least two things that you don't like about the other person? Contral!y to pop music's belief, real love is not blind. If you see the other person as "perfect'" for you, you are losing your ability to ha've a balanced view of the relation" ship. 5. Get to know the either person's family. No matter :what a person 'may tell you. mdst of us are significantly' influenced by our families and many times are very much like them.: How do you feel about the way 'they appear to treat each other?' Falling in love is exciting. but it shouldn't take away hoii< we make"good decisions for' our lives. Pause to listen to reason as you e~joy the wonder of romance., '. ' 'I Your comments are welcci'med by Charlie Martin,RR 3, Box 182, Rockport', IN' 47635:', ,.
'CYQ. basketball all-star games set: . 4'" • . . ': '.. . ~'
The diocesl!n GYO hold a: series of basketball all-star tour~aments ~etwe~ri'~ Feb. 27 and ~arch 6 Involvll~,~,.teams of ~he , Dest C: YO player~. from pansh, teams In the Fall RIver, New Bedford, Taunton and Attleboro areas, br all divisions, an'all-tournament team and most v!1luable player will' De named. '~, ,: .. ' . The games are scheduled as follows: -,. " 'I" I"
, ., .
Junior . , Boys Division , Games will be" held Feb. 27 at' the Fall River CYO according to " the following schedule: " I p.m. _ Fall River vs; Taunton, 2 p.m.;-: New'B~dfordV~. Attleboro ,.,' 3 ,p.m. - Winner of game I vs.'
I .
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winner of game 2," followed' by , awards ceremony: . ' , Prep Boys Division Fall River vs. Tauntqn 2 p.rn> Feb. 27, Taunton CYO (Taunton C Catholic Middle Scll'ool). ' . , ' .. , .' Junior Girls Di.vJ~i9n G,ames will I?e held March ,3at New B~dford eYQ (Kennedy Center) according to ·th~, following;
6 p.:m. -;- Fall River, vs. Attle- . boro 7 "p.m. - N~w Be dford vs.''T' ,aunton ." . 8' p.m. _ Winner:of g~";"e I v~.; winner ,of game 2, followed by awards ceremony. Senior.Boy~·Division ' Fall River· vs. New Bedford 2' p.m.:March 6, Kennedy Center. "
DIVISON CHAMPS: TheS't. Mary-Sacred Heart School; North Attleboro, grade 6 girls' basketball' team took first place honors in boththe Mercymount-Midget Girls"and.the St. John's Kaleidoscope-Girls' A divisions. H olding'first place trophies are team' members '(kneeling, 'from \'eft) 'Megan: Rothmich; Sarah Leydan, Erica Santos, Ca'ssie Cottr~au, Cass;~ndra Baron, Allison'La:ne; (standing, from left) ,Kathlee:n Crounse, Coache~Nissa Eric.kso:rl and Stacy Santos, and Leighann Goguen. . ',' '. ~':." , ..
THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fall River-Fri" Feb. 25. 1994
In our
Bishop Feehan High School
schools,' iBishop Connolly I The guidance department at $ishop Connolly High School, fall River, will host its annual prec;ollege meeting for students and parents, "Life After Connolly: A rreparation," 7 to 9 p.m. March 2 In the school cafeteria. i Guest speaker will be William B. Galloway, a dean of admissions tor more than 30 years at three ~olleges, including Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI. I Topics discussed will include: The role of students and parents n the admissions process; enhancng chances of admission to the ollege of one's choice; narrowing ~own college choices; I~reparing for campus visits and interviews. I Also: The college application process; criteria colleges use in the /ielection process; the role of firandal aid in admissions. The program is gearM to jun~ors and their Pllrents but all students and parents are invited. I Senior Kathryn E. Marino has achieved finalist standing in the '1994 National Merit Scholarship IProgram. Only about half of one percent of U.S. high school gradiuating seniors reach finalist status. : Miss Marino, a Warren, RI, res'ident, is in competition for one of imore than 6,500 Merit Scholarships to be awarded this spring. IAbout 46 percent of finalists will :receive a scholarship, which must Ibe used for fulltime atte:ndance at Ian accredited U.S. college or Iuniversity. I Th.ree ~ypes of Merit.,Scholarships will be awarded: 2,000 NaItional Merit Scholarships of $2,000 . each; 1,200 scholarships supported I by corporations, busilDesses or foundations; and more than 3,300 I scholarships funded by colleges and universities. I At Connolly, Miss Marino is i president of the National Honor Society, a member of the drama i society, and participant in varsity : volleyball, basketball and tennis. ! Seniors Laurie Leal of Swansea I and Sarah Thiboutot of Tiverton, RI, have received scholarship certificates of merit from the National Honor Society Scholarship Program. Both have been nominated for a National Honor Society Scholarship. Physics instructor John A. Cheney recently attended the seminar "Using Cooperative Learning : to Enhance Your Science Instruction." Presenter Jack Hassard, an expert in cooperative h:arning and I science instruction, discussed strengthening student motivation and achievement.
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BISHOP O'MALLEY with Coyle-Cassidy students who served as altar boys during the bishop's recent school Mass: from left, Chris Shehadi, Jason McGovern, Jason Ventura, bishop, Jason Webber, John Thomas, Chuck Shehadi.
High School
Coyle and Cassidy High School Juniors David Chace of Midwelcomed Bishop Sean P. O'Mal- dleboro and Tom Souza of Taunley and more than a dozen alumni ton were selected to play in ,the priests for the bishop's annual pas- Southeast District Festival band. toral visit. 400 of 1,200 students who audiBishop O'Malley celebrated a tioned were chosen for the district Lenten Mass for students, faculty band. and staff. He was joined by school Souza, a clarinetist, also qualichaplain, Father Gerald Barnwell, fied to audition for the All-State ' and diocesan education director Festival. Chace, who plays the euphoFather Richard Beaulieu. Also attending was diocesan secondary nium, was invited to play in a Proschool superintendent James Mc- fessional Musician's Union concert in East Bridgewater. He was Namee. The readers for the Mass were one of 50 outstanding high school seniors Julie Amber and Jamie musicians invited to perform with Frazier. The offertory gifts were the professionals. Headmaster Michael J. Donly presented by juniors Kate Tenney and John Foley. is the winner of an essay contest Student Body president Ken sponsored by Catholic School Wong presented Bishop O'Malley Management, Inc. of Madison, with a check for $500 from the . Conn. school for the Catholic Charities Donly's submission, "Improving Appeal, a Coyle and Cassidy War- Management of Catholic Schools," riors winter jacket, and a pair of was selected by the CSM editorial Warrior athletic socks to wear review committee for publication with his Franciscan sandals on in the March 1994 issue of The these cold winter days. Sophomore Catholic School Management Letartist Ross Charpentier gave the ter. The committee called Donly's bishop an original painting of the essay "extremely well written and most thought provoking." crucified Christ.
Many people tend to associate the study of law with obscure facts, boring, dusty textbooks on legal statutes and intricate penal codes. But not Sister Maria Jude's students. The 35 members of the sister's "The Individual and the Law" course at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, are discovering that the law is about them, their lives and real-life, every day experiences, The one-semester course, open to juniors and seniors at all academic levels, includes an introduc-. tion to the law and legal system and explores criminal law, the criminaljusticeprocess, family law, and individ ual.rights and liberties. Sister Maria Jude's alternative teaching methods generate as-much interest as her topics, There are no weekly quizzes or regular chapter tests (with the exception of midterm and final exams); instead the emphasis is on research and other in-depth assignments, Recent projects examined gun laws and supreme court justices.
St. Mary's School Catholic Schools Week celebrations at SL Mary's School, New Bedford, began with a Jan, 30 liturgy at which Dr. Carol A. Duphily received the 1994 Distinguished Graduate Award (see page 3). Events continued with Blue and White Day, which included'a pep rally led by the cheering squad. Members of the girls' and boys' basketball teams were introduced, and a "free throw" contest was held between teachers and the boys' "A Team." The students won 10-0 and earned a no-uniform day for the entire student body. Families and volunteers joined together in fellowship for the annual Fam'ily Dance. Years past were recalled during an open house at which photos of the school's first faculty and kindergarten were displayed along with albums of school pictures through Christmas 1993. School tours were led by members of the seventh and eight grade Service"Club. The week. closed with a Commitment Prayer Service during which students, parents and teachers offered prayers for their ministri~s.
St. Joseph's School
Official na,med "
NEW YORK (eNS) - Jesuit I Father Edward J. McMahon, a staff member at the ,Je:mit Retreat House in Auriesville, N.Y., since , 1990, has been named president of the Catholic Medical Mission I Board. The board, which has offices in New York, provides medii cines and other assistance for church-related medical programs in mission areas. In 1993, it gave aid valued' at more than $22 million and placed III volunteers in mission·posts. A native of Bergenfield, N.J., Father McMahon : served 20 years as a chaplain in the U.S. Navy before his assignment to the Jesuit Retreat House. '
) .', _.I:,.~ ..,.~ . FOUR "DIMENSIONS": Coyle-Cassidy juniors Justin Frye (top left), Geoff Cook, Mary Catherine Savard (bottom left) and Beth Await have been selected to participate in Stonehill College's "New Dimensions" program, designed to develop college level critical thinking skills. The students were chosen for the program at the North Easton college based on academic performance, high SAT scores, motivation and creativity.
SL)oseph's School, Fairhaven, _ held its annual science fair Feb. 3. Winning stJldents were: Christopher Stephens, Peter Cavicchi, Sarah Goodhue, Betbany Stephens, Melissa Gray; Lindsey Baccelli, Aimee Belanger, Katie MiII~, Sarah McBrien, Dylan Mello; Courtney McNefI, Peter Bergeron, Tyler Russell, Nicholas Bakarat, Sara Aiello; Allison Kelly, Stefanie Polchlopek, Matthew Shea,James Martin, Angela Bakarat; Matthew St. Gelais, Peter Lucas, Connor Gaudet, Matthew Guerra, Jonathan Negri; Emily Ann Kaeterle, Karen Whitehead, Matthew Jarvis, Laura Booth, Anthony Bakarat. Judges from Polaroid were'Dr. Raj Vaidyanathan, Dr. Marshall Cohen, Julie Holden, Manuel Irujo, Jim Daly, and Edouard Kaeterle.
Sister Maria Jude also brings in the experts: each week students hear from guest speakers about the particulars of various fields, Sister Maria Jdjde emphasizes that the course "is not just lecture, Students need to list~n and are required to do a lot of critical thinking, nOljust regurgitate facts." The 16 guest presenters this semester have included: Daniel Taylor, "On Being a Correctional Officer and Life Inside a Prison"; Atty. John Herlihy, "Physician Assisted Suicide-Legal Aspects"; Judge Edward F. Casey, "On Deadbeat Dads, Child Support and Being a Judge"; David Paine (a Feehan graduate). "On Being a State Trooper and Massachusetts Law"; Atty. Frank O'Boy, "On Being a Defense Attorney and Presenting a Criminal Case." Besides teaching law, Sister Maria Jude, CSJ, is vice principal for academic affairs at Feehan.
Success .. Few people are successful unless a lot of other people want them to be."-Charles Brower
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DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE 95 years ofgiving free, hands-on nursing care to incurable cancer patients. Our Sisters come from 01/ wall" oflift, Prior nursing erperitme not required, CONTACT: Sr.Marie Edward Rosary Hill Home· 600 Linda Ave, Hawtborne, New York 10532 (914) 769-4794
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-.- "
Iteering pOint,
FR,-, ,.', , ~.. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament noon to 6 p.m. with holy hour 5 to 6 p.m. Mar.ch 6. St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Ave.. FR.
ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Little Rock Scripture discussion group 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays, rectory meeting room. ST. MARY, MANSFIELD A parish Boy Scout troop is being formed; meetings will be three T~urs days a month. I nformation: Bruce Oldmixon.339-8655. NOTRE DAME, FR Father Richard Degagne will lead "How to Read the Bible" 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 28. March 9,15.23.28; registration forms at church entrance. ST. JOSEPH, WOODS HOLE All are welcome at Lenten Forum 1994, a series of spiritual n:flections to be presented from 2 to 3: 15 p. m. Sundays Feb. 27, March 13 and March 27 at the church. To be heard Feb. 27 is clinical psycholoOgist Dr. Susan Baur, who will speak on "Wrestling with Spiritual Problems in a Culture of Disbelief." Father William W, Norton, spiritual director for Cape Cod Charismatic Renewal and pastor of St. Joseph's. will speak March I jon"A Christian Reflects on Matters of Life and Death"; and psychotherapist Dr. Florence Davidson will speak March 27 on "The Spiritual You." ST. MARY, NORTON Scripture from Scratch Bible study 7 p.m. Tuesdays during Lent, parish center meeting room. Monthly food collection for St. Joseph's Food Cellar, Attleboro, this weekend. Divorced/ separated Catholics meet 7 p. m. SU!lday. parish center meeting room. ST,STANISLAUS, FR Gorzkie l.ale. Polish Lenh:n chant, 8:40 a.m. each Lenten Sunday. followed by Mass. WIDOWED SUPPORT, ATTLEBORO Meeting7 p.m. March4, St. Mary's Church hall. Park St.. N. Atl.leboro; plans will be made for the Yl:ar. CHURCH WOMEN UNITED, CAPE COD Observance of World Dily of Prayer March 4 I:30 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Church. Orleans. and 7:30 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier. Hyannis. This year's theme. "Go. See and Act," was developed by women in Pale'stine. . ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH Father Thomas McElroy.SS.CC .. will conduct parish retreat March 7-10.
SEPARATED/DIVORCED CATHOLICS, ATTLEBORO Support group meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 27, St. Mary's rectory, ,N. ·Attleboro. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Emmaus 100 retreat Feb. 25-27; St. Patrick, Wareham. confirmation retreat Feb. 26; Holy Name, FR, confirmation retreat Feb. 27. SEPARATED/DIVORCED CATHOyCS,NB ' Sup.pott"lgroup,meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 28, Family L,ife Center. N. Dartmouth; open discussion. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Ad ult confirmation preparation following 4:30 p.m. vigil Mass tomorrow and continuing next four Saturdays. Ca'ndidates will be able to receive confirmation with parish youth March 21. Marian devotions 7: 10 p.m. Monday's. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Stations of the cross 7 p.m. Lenten Fridays, parish center. with Eucharistic devotion March 4. Prayer meetings changed to 8 p.m. Fridays. preceded by rosary at 7:30. Job Seekers meet 7:30 p.m. first and third Fridays. parish center; information: George Sowpel. 385-2432. Vincentians see-k volunteers for nursing home and shut-in visits; information: John Forte. 428-4041; Eileen Emery. 833-0839. STONEHILL COLLEGE, N.EASTON The college Jewish-Catholic Dia'Iogue Committee will present "Journeying Together. in Faith." a program for Catholic and Jewish religious school teachers and youth. leaders. 3:30.to 5:30 p.m. 'March 6. Martin 'Institute auditorium. Auditorium is accessible to persons with disabilities and p'rogram is free and open to the public. D. of I. Daughters of Isabella Alcazaba Circle 65 meeting 7 p.m: March 3:K. of C. Hall. Hodges St .. Attleboro. with games and social; small gift donations requested for prizes. Public is invited. Benedict Circle 65. N. Attleboro. is sponsoring a drive for "Newborns in Need" through March 26. coordinated by June Mann. Boxes for donations. decorated by Crescent . Day Nursery School students. are at ·SI. Mary's and Sacred Heart churches, N. Attleboro; St. Mark's. Attleboro Falls; and St. Martha's. Plainville.
"., , , \·,II,"·"·'O.L c'APE,'gatwsTI:R : Stations of the cross and Latin Applications for Ladies' Guild Benediction 7 p.m. Lenten Tuesdays. Scholarship available at rectory or HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM by calling Ma.rguerite. McGirr, 896'. Redemptorist Father John Devin ~594: or. Manon .Luplca,. 896-3073; will conduct parish Triduuin March application deadline Api'll II. 7-9 with Masses daily II a.m.and 7 SACRED HEART, p.m. Confessions will be heard N. ATTLEBORO beginning half ~n hour before Mass S.tations of the cross noon Fridays dunng Lent with students from St. by Father Devin and Father James Buckley. Mary-Sacred Heart School.
Intercepted by UFOs
MARILYN GUSTIN, author, retreat leader and lecturer from Sandgate, VT, will lead a day of recollection, "ChoosingJoy for Lent," 10 a.m. t04 p.m. March'S in the LaSalette Shrine theater, Attleboro. The program invites participants to get past negative attitudes about Lent and view the season as an opportunity to cooperate with God in spiritua! transformation, leading to abundant joy. Ms. Gustin, whose latest titles include the book '.'Y ou Can Know God'~ and the tape series "What the Bible Says About .. :', will also hold a book-signing2 to 3 p.m. March 6 in the Shrint; gift shop, Preregistration for the day of recollection is required by March I. Information: 2225410.
By Dan Morris Well, I immediately sa.W the fire was low and needed a log. (Hint: People ask if I ever experience Here's where the UFOs become writer's block. obvious.) That is. do I hit dry spells during Sure enough. our SOilS had left which ideas or the flow of words or the wood box low on logs. Logithe construction of a written page cally. I went outside.to I"etreive an becomes difficult. perhaps even next to impossible. leading to armload of fuel. As ti FO logic would dictate. there wa~:very little extraordinary frustration (panic) split. I reached for the ax. but its which. at the m'oment, would UFO-minded handle WHS loose. appear insurmoutable and leave What could I do'! L.eave the the writer feeling as if he or she should not even consider himself house to, freeze over?' Of course not. I climbed into my pickup and or herself fit to sit before a keyheaded into town to 1>uy some board. much less ever have entershivs for the ax handle. tained the notion of forming more My son works at the 'hardware than five-word declarative sentenstore. I arrived at the sarrie time as ces which should only be spoken his UFO Ilinch break. so .he conned . ("I am hungry." "I!'is cold." "My tlie old dude into buying him the name is .....) and never committed Blue Bird Cafe special (meatloaf to paper or the electronic scream san with UFO beef barle:y soup.) (sorry, screen)? Later. after gassing the truck. Hmmm? Do I? picking up some bre\ld and saying No. Nope. Never. hello to the gang at the bakery. my However, a few times over the years my work has been inter- shivs and I headed home'. "How's your writer"s block. rupted by what I call unavoidable HemingwayT' spouse gl'l=eted me. factual occurrences (U FOs). ,For example. the other day I "I see your chair is in its thinking position." was in the middle of a nice little "Writer's block?" I responded. paragraph which had been tantal- ' izing my curiosity for the better "I never get writer's block. No. N ope. Never." part of an'hour when a cup of cof"Aw. my little king of the keyfee sounded good. board," she teased. "are'we expe'I gotup from my chair, my kickriencing the UFOs again today?" ing foot elevating the chair quite The woman just doesn't undcrnicely into the corner so it would stand writers, that's all. Write? be out of my way, and went (Sorry. Right?) upstairs.
LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Father Leo Maxfield. MS, will lead "Mary's Way of the Cross" 7: 15 tonight; participants will see, through Mary's eyes, what Jesus endured on t)'le way to Calvary. Healing service with Brother Armand Binette. MS. 2 p.m. Sunday. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Applications for Father Tom McMorrow and Vincent and Rose Curran scholarships available in parish office and in Barnstable H.S. guidance office; appliclition deadline April 18.
IT'S TIME TO ORO R THE 1994 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY The FalfRiver Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information and atelephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons. . Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of ordination and atable of movable feasts beyond the year 2000. It may be ordered by mail, using the coupon below. , THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage arid handling per copy).
········.. ,
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P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 Please send me _ _ ' copy (ies) of the 1994 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY A.ND BUYERS' GUIDE _ _ Payment enclosed ($5.00 per copy plus $2 postage and handling per copy) NAME: ADDRESS: ----~::-:-i"'Ti'i7\"i'\:":':------,.:-;------:;-:---Street/PO Box City Zip
A SONG IN THEIR·HEARTS: Dominican Academy, Fall .River,' first-graders Diana Scliroeder (left froot) and Tracy Ferreira give their all at a recent pageant.:M usic di:rector John Travers accompanies them. (Gaudette. photo)