dJThe AKCHOR Vol. 20, No.9-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Feb. 26, 1976
An Anchor
of the Soul, Sure and Firm-8t. Paul
To Dust You Will Return
Remember You Are Dust
Offer Various Opportu nities For Lent Eucharistic Weekends
Adult' Education and Penance
Eucharistic Weekends of Prayer will be held throughout the diocese during Lent, as part of a spiritual program of preparation for the 41st International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Philadelphia this August. Rev. John J.' Oliveira, diocesan coordinator of Congress activities, has announced that programs for the first weekend of Lent will take place on Saturday and Sunday, March 6 and 7, at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Our'Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford; and Immaculate Conception, Taunton. Programs will vary from parish to pal'ish but will often include Benediction services, holy hours and scheduled hours of adoration for organizations or specific groups of parishioners. Each parish will announce hours of its activities and memberc; of other -arishes in each area are urged to take advantage of the opportunity to honor the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. ' Forthcoming Weekends Schedules for Eucharistic Weekends for the reminder of Lent are: Second weekend, March 13 and 14; Notre Dame, Fall River; St. Mary, North Attleboro; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; St. Joseph, New Bedford; St. Jacques, Taunton. Third weekend, March 20 and 21: St. Stanislaus, Fall River; St. Theresa, South Attleboro; Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Joseph, Fairhaven; Sacred Heart, Taunton. Fourth weekend, March 27 and 28: St. Michael, Fall River; St. Mary, Mansfjeld; Holy Trinity, West Tum to Page Nine
Dates and locations for a four week Lenten enrichment program for adults. "What's Happening to Confession?" have been announced by Rev. Michel G. Methot, Associate Director of Adult Education for the Fall River diocese. Discussing biblical, historical, sacramental and liturgical aspects of the sacrament of penance and providing an explanation of forthcoming changes in the rite, the sessions will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. for four weeks on dates varying from parish to parish. There will be no charge for the program. Fall River programs will be held at Holy Name School, Pearce Street, on Wednesday, March 10, Tuesday, March 16, Wednesday, March 24 and Wednesday, March 31, with Rev. John Gomes, Rev. Raymond Monty, Rev. Bruce Neylon and Rev. Ralph Tetrault. Also at St. William's Center, Stafford Road, on Wednesdays, March 17, 24 and 31 and AClril 7, with Rev. Ciro Iodice, OFM, Rev. Maurice Jeffry, Rev. Pierre Lachance, OP and Rev. John Moore. Serving Somerset and Swansea residents will be a series at St. Louis de France Convent on Buffington Street, Swansea, scheduled for Mondays, March 8, 15, 22 and 29, with Rev. Richard Gendreau, Rev Daniel Hoye, Rev. Joseph Maguire and Rev. Thomas Rita. In Attleboro Falls sessions will be held at St. Mark's parish hall on Stanley Street on Tuesday, March 16, 23 and 30 and April 6, with Rev. George Bellenoit, Rev. Richard Chretien, Rev. Philip Davignon and Rev. George Harrison. In New Bedford the north end of New Bedford are invited Tum to Page Eight
Rice Bowl and' SIGN It could be the best Lent ever.
That's the reaction of those who've had advance looks at diocesan plans for the penitential season, including Eucharistic Weekends of Prayer and a fourpart series of discussions on the sacrament of penance, both fully deSCribed in this issue of The Anchor. Additionally and very importantly, the diocese is giving full support to two national programs: Rice Bowl and SIGN (Service in God's Name). Both aim to involve Christians actively in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. People taking Rice Bowl seri:>usly, for instance, can expect to feel very hungry one day a week, and may grow in compassion for the 500 million poor of the earth for whom lifelong hunger is not a matter of choice. The interfaith project, designed to help feed the the world's hungry and sponsored by the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, will be launched nationally on Ash Wednesday, March 3. The congress asks that families eat a sacrificial meal each Wednesday during Lent, and contribute the money saved to their local churches for distribution to the hungry through international charitable organizations. Suggested menus appear on page 9 of this issue of The Anchor. "PrimarY among man's hungers is the basic hunger for food, a necessity for survival," noted Msgr. Robert J. ColI, Rice Bowl chairman, who conceived the idea last year as part of an interfaith fund raising effort in the Allentown, Pa., dioces~. Pain of Hunger "We ask American families gathering around their Tum to Page Nine
In This Issue-----------------------------------_ Regulations
Catholic Charities
A Look At
Pass It On
For Lent
Head Named
Ford Budget
Parish Newsletter
For Lent
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 9
Pages 6 and 9
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
National Oppose Death Penalty PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Affirming the "Godgiven value of life," a group of religious leaders in Rhode Island , including Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence, have issued a strong statement opposing the death penalty. "It is our belief," the religious leaders said, "that the imposition of the death penalty in today's society is an attack upon the inviolability Of human life and an affront to human dignity."
No Internationalized Jerusalem
gional panel of the President'~ Commission, on White House Fellowships. She will assist in selecting national finalists for White House Fellowships offering educational assignments with the Vice President, members of the Cabinet and the President's staff.
dential election campaign, according to a poll conducted for the New York Times and the CBS television network.
National Boycott
FRESNO-A nationwide boycott of certain brands of raisins, processed foods, nuts and other products of several Fresno County growers was announced by Cesar Chavez, pre'sident of the United Farm Workers of America. He said his union will try to extend the boycott to the European Common Market and charged that growers to be boycotted are behind efforts to squelch revival of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board.
LOS ANGELES-Israel has no intention of permitting the internationalization of Jerusalem, Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin told a press conference here. "Jersusalem is the capitol of Israel. It is populated 75 percent or more by Jews. There has been a Jewish majority in this city for the last 150 years ... We don't believe that this holy dty for Jews, Christians anti Moslems should be again divided by barbed' wires, machine g tl nests, anti tank guns.
HARRISBURG-Catholic parishes in the Harrisburg diocese spend half their income to support parochial schools. Of every dollar con, tributed in the Sunday collection, 50 cents go to the parish schools. About six cents are used to aid the poor in the US and abroad and the remaing 44 cents are used to finance 10caJ parish programs.
Name Mrs. Zilly
Most Controversial
WASHINGTON-Bernice Zi.1ly, past president of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) has been appointed to the Chicago re-
NEW YORK-Abortion, busing; unemployment and control of social programs are among the most controversial issues in the 197'6 presi-
Parish Spending
World VATICAN CITY-Pope Paul has appointed a socially conscious Irish missionary bishop to head South Africa's largest diocese. He is Archbishop Joseph Fitzgerald, O.M.I., president of the Southern -Africa Catholic Bishop's Conference, who is noted for his unambiguous statements in defense of human rights in South Africa, whose government follows a policy of strict racial segregation.
Food-lor-Work ROME-The World Food Program of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization is granting $1.2 million to Guatemala for food-for-work operations, which will supply rations of rice and beans for Guatemalans working on urgent tasks such as clearance of rubble, building temporary ' shelters and burial of victims.
Pope Meets Anglican VATICAN CITY-Pope PaulVI received the secretary general of the Anglican Communion, Bishop John Howe, in private audience, mark,ing the 10th anniversary of the historic meeting between the Pope and the Anglican Primate, Dr. Michael Ramsey. The Anglican prelate brought to the Pope the greetings of the present Primate, Dr. Donald Coogan.
Necrology MAR. 2 , Rev. James J. Brady, 1941, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford Rev. Antonio Berube, 1936, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen, SS.CC., 1952, Monastery, Sacred Heart, -Fairhaven IRev. Alphonse Gauthier, 1962, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford Rev. J. Omer Lussier, 1970, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro MAR. 3
Rev. Msgr. Timothy P. Sweeney, LL.D., 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, New Bedford MAR. 6 Rev. John W. Quirk, 1932, Founder, St. Joseph, Taunton Rev. Bernard P. ConnoIly, S.S., 1932, St. Charles ColIege, Maryland MAR. 7 Rev. Arthur P.J. Gagnon, 1958, Pastor, Holy Rosary, New Bedford MAR. 9 Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Noon, V.G., 1947, Pastor, St. James, New Bedford; 3rd Vicar General, FalI River 1934-47
OFFICIAL Lenten Regulations 1976 1. There
are two days upon which both fast and abstinence are prescribed: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
,2. On aU' Fridays of Lent, absti,nence is prescribed. 3. Those who are twenty-one years of age, but not yet fiftynine years of age, are obliged to observe the law of fast. 4. All those who are fourteen years of age, and older are
obliged to observe the law of abstinence. 5. On the two days of fasting, those bound by the law are limited to a single fuU meal. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one's needs, however together they should not equal another fuU meal. 6, On days of abstinence, that
is on Ash Wednesday and on aU Fridays of the Lenten Season, those bound by the law abstain from eating meat. 7. No Catholic will hold himself or herself lightly excused from the laws of fast and abstinence. Commenting upon the mitigated Lenten regulations published ten years ago by the Holy Father, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States
noted: "The obligation to do penance is a serious one; the obligation to observe, as a whole or 'substantially,' the penitential days specified by the Church is alsq serious." 8. The Lenten Season is a most appropriate time for the voluntary practice of self-4enial or personal penance. This may be physical mortification, temperance, or such works as Christian charity and witness.
Name Fontaine Head Of Charities Drive Bishop Daniel A. Cronin today announced appointment of Richard C. Fontaine of St. James parish, New Bedford, as diocesan lay chairman of the 1976 Catholic Charities Appeal. In accepting the post Fontaine, In a telephone conversation with Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the appeal, said, "I thank Bishop Cronin for this opportunity to work with him, the priests, religious, my fellow Catholics and all the friends of the Appeal. My wife and our nine children are very pleased. We will do all we can in this thirty-fifth annual call for assistance in the many apostolates of the diocese. With God's help and the assistance of everyone, Bishop Cronin will be able to continue land expand the works of charity, mercy, social service and educational endeavors to all peoples, regardless of race, color and creed." Since 1961 Fontaine has been administrative assistant to the general manager of My Bread Baking Co., New Bedford. He was previously personnel manager for the company. Currently he is second vice-president of the New England Bakers Federation. A native of New Bedford and
Living Rosary St. John Council, Attleboro Knights of Columbus, will sponsor a Hving rosary at 8 p.m. Saturday evening, Feb. 28, at the Council Home, 2 Hodges St. Those attending are asked to bring flashlights. THE ANCHOIL Second Class Postale Paid at Fall River, Mass. Pub Iished every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Iliver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid ,s.00 lIer year.
fr l'lT
and some schools are collecting canned goods and clothing for· quake victims. Turn to Page l'~n '11I11I11I111I11I11I11I1111I1111I111I11111111I11I1111I11I11I11I11I111I
Enroll for Fall All Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Fall River will receive applications for new and transfer students on Sunday, March 7, and Sunday, March 14. Parents wishing to enroll a child or obtain information should go to the school of their choice on either day between 9 a.m. and noon. For a child entering school for the first time, parents should bring a birth or baptismal certificate. For transfer students, a copy of the child's last report card is requested. 11I1111I11I11I11I11I111111I11I111I111I11111111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1
a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'
La Salette
of St. Ann's parish, the Appeal chairman graduated from StAnn's grammar school and Holy Family High School. In 1953 he graduated magna cum laude from Providence College. He is married to the former Eleanor Smith, a native of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, and a 1951 graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, Providence. She is the president of St. JamesSt. John's Merged School Board and a member of the New Bedford Catholic Nurses Assn. The couple has nine children. Anne and Mary are students at Providence College and Edward is a freshman at Southeastern Massachusetts University, while Barbara and Joan are enrolled at Bishop Stang High School. Richard, Delia and Natalie attend St. James-St. John Merged School, which pre-schooler Margaret will enter next year. Serra Head Fontaine's military service includes duty with the U. S. Army as an enlisted man from 1948 to 1949 and in 1953 with the U. S. Army Reserve, in which he was commissioned in the Transportation Corps. At various times he has Turn to Page Four
Rush Local, Worldwide Aid to Quake Victims Individually and through organizations, Catholics in the diocese, nation and world have rallied to the aid of earthquakestricken Guatemala. Here, fol~ lowing an initial emergency contribution of $5,000 sent to Catholic Relief Services by Bishop Cronin in the name of the Fa'll River diocese, parishes have announced special collections
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs, Feb. 26, 1976
Pre-Lenten Sale LASALETTE Religious Articles Store
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1976 CATHOLIC CHARITIES appeal lay chairman Richard C. Fontaine, Mrs. Fontaine and their nine children.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
CCA Head
Continued from Page Three served as president of the Holy Family Alumni Assn. and the New Bedford Serra Club and as vice-president of St. James parish council, chairman of the parish Cub Scout Pack, and a director of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. Since 1966 he has been a lector at St. James Church. In 1970 he received the Marian Award for service to the parish and diocese. Active in the community, Fontaine is a member and past chairman of the New Bedford Zoning Board of Appeals and chairman of the New Bedford Citizens Salary Review Committee. In the hitter post he received a special commendation from the New Bedford StandardTimes. The Special Gifts phase of the Catholic Charities Appeal will extend from April 19 to May I, said Msgr. Gomes, and will solicit support of professional, fraternal, business and industrial organizations. The parish phase will take place from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 2, when over 17,000 volunteers will visit 104,500 diocesan homes asking for contributions. A kick-off meeting will take place at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, when clergy, religious and laity will be briefed on the annual program.
A Lenten Overcoat? The Holy Father, in' a recent audience, warned his visitors that Catholics are "not to wear religion like an overcoat, which covers a person without changing that person." A Christianity based on "habit, custom, protocol or established ways, of behavior-a Christianity worn like an overcoat covering only the external part of a person" is not desired today, the Pope explained. Authentic Christianity, the Pontiff went on, "demands simplicity of heart, a transparency between a man's interior and exterior behavior, and a veracity which shoots the same light through the mind, the emotions, speech, actions and gesture which define a person." Lent is that welcome time of reflection and evaluation; that time of personal self discipline so as to be more Christlike in our judgements, our actions and our love. The aids at our disposal this year-Adult Education on the Rite of Penance, SIGN, Rice Bowl and the weekend Eucharistic services can all supplement our diet of Lenten penance to make it a time of more Christliness. Our Lent, this year, presents us with the opportunities to delve more deeply into our Faith and relish it the more. The various "operations" at our disposal can well discipline our appetites and translate the energy into a welcomed service to others, a loving joining. in God's Providence for the less fortunate. Feel this Lent intently, let it sink into every little selfish corner of our lives. May the concerns we will live bring us all closer to the all-concerned Christ and may what we all suffer together understandably lighten the burdens from each one's shoulder-for what we undertake will be-not an overcoat, not a devotion for devotion's sake, not a leisurely assumed trifle-but an accepted, chosen and valuable penance and discipline with the Lord. , May this new season of Lent be a most holy and profitable one' for you ,and for all your brothers and sisters in any need.
Pass It On r
We welcome the Buzzards Bay parish newsletter into the journalistic world. The endeavor, born of a truly pastoral spirit has already welded and strengthened the deeply felt ties of Christian parishioners. Congratulations. Such mini-newspapers, fired with pastoral concern, can do much for a parish. May the experiment not only succeed but spread to many other parishes. The Anchor welcomes such endeavors and stands ready and willing to make your contributions even more widely felt and known, and eager to pass on the inspiration to others. Yes, truly-pass it on-put us on your mailing lists that we too may-pass it on-to the ever more sensitive diocesan parish' we are all part of.
* * * Letters Welcome Letters tQ the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
.@rhe ANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John R. FoIster, S.T.l. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~leary
Press-Fall River
iii ~
I , THE LORD SPEAKS TO THE HIEART - This theme is depicted in these readings for the weekend of February 29: First - The Lord will speak to the heart of Israel forever (Hosea 2: 16-7, 2122), Second - The Spirit in our hearts give life (2 Corinthians 3: 1-6), Gospel - The new law of the Spirit in men's hearts will replace the old law (Mark 2: 18-22).
A Look at Ford Budget When a President and a Congress are as much at odds as President Ford and the 94th Congress,a presidential budget at best can only offer one possible option for Congress to choose. This is particularly true today with the new process in which Congress is taking a long-range look at the budget. For starters it is unlikely that a $395 billion budget will bear any relationship to actual federal expenditures for the 1977 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. Many economists and congressionalobservers are certain the hudget will go to almost $420 hillion this year. The budget projects a decrease in the unemployment rate. But the Congressional Budget Office , has said that, with no new jobcreating programs in the budget and w,ith projected spending levels, there is no reason to. expect a decrease in unemployment. Because each one per cent of unemployment costs the federal government about $15 billion in lost revenue and in' income-support payments, this means that federal income will probably be less than anticipated in the budget and, with continued inflation, will probably be worth less. Some other examples:
DCCW Executives
-The budget assumes that Congress will sustain a veto of a Labor-HEW appropriations bill that was $916 million above the President's recommendation; Congress overrode the veto just a week after the budget was released. -The budget proposes consolidating child nutrition, health, education and social service programs into a variety of "bloc grants" that would be turned over to the states at a total cost of several billion dollars below last year's funding level. When the president made a similar proposal last year for <:hild nutrition programs, he eould not find anyone, even within his own party, to introduce his bill in Congress. There is no reason to expect he would have' any better luck this year with child nutrition programs or with the same approach in health, education or other areas. -Last year the Administration estimated an income of $8 billion from offshore oil drilling and received $3 billion; this year the estimate is $6 billion. The budget also presents priorities: more money for military spending, more money for big business, less money for the
Memhers of the executive board of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 7 at St. Mary's Rectory. St. Mary's Square, Taunton.
poor and nothing for the middleincome "working class." Some examples: -A "catastrophic illness" coverage plan for M~dicare patients . would hurt more people than it would help; new benefits would . not take effect until the 75th day of hospitalization, and outof-pocket expenses for Medicare patients would increase more than $100 for the first 74 days. -Another proposal would raise the Medicare deductible in proportion' to the cost-of-living increase,s in Social Security. -The budget calls for cutting some $2.4 billion in food and nutrition programs including Food Stamps, school lunches and child nutrition programs. -The budget would cut $37 million in feeding programs for the elderly, while not funding other elderly programs, such as community service and homemaker programs, supported overwhelmingly by Congress. -The budget would cut a quarter-of-a-billion dollars from aid to Families of Dependent Children. -The budget proposes large increases in funding for weapons systems such as the B-1 bomber. Looking at the budget, it is easy to see that it is virtually impossible for either Congress or the Administration to come up with new 'solutions to old problems when they are involved in squabbles about programs which, though imperfect, have broad public support.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Letters to the editor Human Life Amendment
Dear Editor, Massachusetts Citizens for Life and its chapters will publish the position of candidates on the human life issue, and each member is encouraged to support pl'o-life candidates. Massachusetts Citizens for Life absolutely rejects abortion for any reason where abortion is understood to mean the willful destruction of an unb?rn life. We are not opposed to measures intended to preserve the life of the mother such as the removal of tubular pregnancy but we are opposed to direct abortion for whatever reason and will work to restore the moral code which reveres all human life without exception. Only a Human Life Amendment will remove the right to life fl'om the vicissitudes of the political arena. A "states rights" amendment will subject our state legislators to the cyclical fluctuations of public morality. The issue of human life should, hopefully, be removed from the area of public opinion forever; and, therefore, a "states rights" amendment is not acceptable. "Alternatives" to abortion are in existence now; but they should never be considered adequate reasons to avoid the need for a Human Life Amendment protecting the born and the unborn, the young and the" old, the sick and the poor, the wanted and the unwanted. Yours for Life, Pamela A. Smith Swansea Co-chairman, Greater Fa;ll River Chapter Mass. Citizens for Life
Supports Cardinal
Dear Editor: A letter in "The Anchor" of February 12 calls for some comment. It nurported to s"eak of abortion, but was tied in with the general suh;ects of warfare and capital punishment. The reference to the late Car· dinal Spellman was uncalled for and unfair. For some reason the so-called liberals in our midst have of late years shown much delight "in criticizing and condemning Cardinal Spellman. So he was the Catholic Vicar of our armed for,ces during World War 2! Is there anythin~ wrong with that? Where would our country be today if it were not for our armed forces? Cardinal Spellman was a humble and noble man; a devoted priest and shepherd. No sane person prefers or wants war, 'but due to the malice and caprice of men, wars are sometimes nece'lsarv. A'l to their justification, that has been argued pro and con for centuries. Regarding the sad and tragic evDear Editor: ents in Vietnam, history has yet A brief article in a recent to make the final judgment. issue of The Anchor announced Statements that the Catholic that the Sisters of Mercy of the Church remained silent during Province of Providence, which the days of Adolph Hitler and includes the Dioceses of Provi· his Nazi regime should be put dence and Fall River, are soon to rest once and for all as they to celebrate the one hundred are false. True, the Church had twenty fifth anniversary of their a concordat with Germany, but coming to the area. that does not mean it a~proved This is an aopropr,iate time of Hitler or his acts. Germany for us to recall with gratitude was one third Catholic and the the devoted service of so many concordat was an attemT)t to Sisters over the years. Most will protect the rights of the Catholic associate the Sisters with the people. Hitler later violated the parochial schools, now reduced concordat, dissolved Catholic in num'ber unfortunately, but the Youth organizations, imprisoned aoostolic works of the Sisters of priests and nuns and silenced Mercy have been varied. bishops who spoke out against They came first to our diocese him. in 1873 to St. Lawrence Parish Pius XI, who reigned from ,in New Bedford where they est- 1922 to 1939, was instrumental ablished a hospital, the first in in spiriting Jews out of Gerthe city, but after several years many and arranged with a Latin of operation financial difficulties Amer,ican Cardinal to give them forced St. Joseph Hospital to refuge and succor. close. Since 1885 the Sisters His successor, Pius XII who have cared for children at St. reigned during World War 2, alVincent's Home in Fall River so performed many charitable and in more recent Hmes they and creditable acts toward rehave devoted themselves to the fugees during the war. Despite education of exceptional chil- this he has been much maligned dren in the Nazareth Schools in in recent years. Fall River, Hyannis, and AttleAnd' who can forget Cardinal boro. Mundelein, Archbishop of Chi· In the field of secondary ed- cago, who, in 1937, called Hitler ucation they staff Bishop Feehan "an Austrian paper-hanger and
Spirit of Mercy'
Press Roles Discussed
High School in Attleboro, and serve on the faculty of Bishop Gerrard High School in Fall River. Although the Sisters of Mercy withdrew from Holy Family High School in New Bedford in 1974, the work they began in 1883 continues under the guidance of several of their former students serving as lay teachers together with other Religious on the faculty. Our congratulations to the Sisters are 'accompanied by the prayerful hope that the Spirit will lead more young women to continue the spirit of Mercy in our .midst. Sincerely, Rev. Barry W. Wall Fall River
STREET BAPTISM: Despite earthquake, life continues in Guatemala and Church welcomes new Christians. In ChimaItenango. a baptism ceremony is held in street because church behind is unsafe. (NC P~oto)
Taunton Parish Slates Series On Justice A Bicentennial lecture series on Religion and Justice open to the public at no charge will be presented in the gymnasium of Sacred Heart School, Taunton, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first four Thursdays of Lent. Beginning the series will be Rev. Robert Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, who will speak on March 4 on "Justice and Jesus." Noted as a spiritual director and retreat master, Father Kaszynski has recently formed within his parish a prayer-faith community dedicated to an intense spiritual life.
The second speaker is Paul Gastonguay, professor of biology at Stonehill College and a columnist for "America" magazine. His topic will be "Justice 'and Medical Technology." Speaking on "Justice and the Church" at the third session will be Rev. James Haddad, professor of theology at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and a nationally known author and lecturer. Brother Loyola Christoph, C.S.C.," a pastoral psychologist and provincial assistant 'for the Brothers of the Holy Cross, Riverside, Conn., will conclude the series with a discussion of "Justice and the Aging."
a poor one at that". What a furor that caused. The German Embassy ,in Washington wanted an apology for the insult - but they never got it. James L. Gormley Pawtucket, R. I.
Thanks Dear Editor: Thank you for the article on Lynda Landry in last week's Anchor. Father Timothy Goldrick Buzzards Bay
NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The board of directors of the Catholic Press Association (CPA) has expressed "deep concern" over recent disputes between bishops who are publishers of Catholic newspapers and the editors of those news"lapers. In a statement approved unanimously at its meeting here, the board called for dialogue between the bishop-publishers and the editors. It also condemned any form of prior censorship as an interference with "harmonious editor-pubfisher relationships and the reader's right to know." The board "makes no judgment on the merits of several recent disputes between editors and publishers of certain Catholic newspaper," the statement said. "No such judgments have been formally requested from the board by any of the parties to the disputes." But, expressing "deeo concern over instances of editor-publisher conflict," the board reaffirmed "the principles agreed upon at the Bergamo Bishop-Editors Conference held in Dayton, Ohio in December, 1969." The board cited that conference's aff,irmation of the need for the Catholic press to provide "a forum for dialogue within the body of the Church" and to help "fulfill the bishop's obliga-
tion to tea'ch and instruct the People of God . . . and to hear it in return." The board also cited the Bergamo conference's call for "a definition of the roles of pUblisher and editor, a mutual trust and understanding and frequent dir· ect communication between them." TIle board quoted further from the Bergamo conference statement: "The editor must recognize the bishop's pastoral responsibility and the bishop must recognize the editor's necessary freedom. Both should recognize that the right to information is a right of, the reader which should not be abr,idged." Noting that neither bishoppublisher nor editor is ever com· pletely free but "always limited by the demands of the common good within the Church and within the civic community," the board concluded: "In the spirit of reconciliation so ardently desired by Pope Paul VI, there must be a willingness of the bishop-publisher and the editor to listen and to attend to each other. In this connection any form of prior censorship interferes with harmonious editorpubHsher relationships and the reader's right to know. We be· lieve if such a dialogue is carried out in mutual respect few difficulties will ever arise." • • • • ••
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Religious Educators-1 A Special Event, Especially for You. ,. : ,
••. and II'. Ju.1 whal you've been hoping someone would do for youl PAULIST PRESS is holding a fr~ one·day religious workshop for all principals! parish directors, clergy and teachers to present Information about available religious programs and to help you select educational texts and programs to meet your needs in the coming year.
What's on schedule? Your day of informative experienc~ begins. with a 9: 00 registration followed by monung SessiOns on Faith as Process/Come to the Father as Process, and Religious and Educational Content of Come to the Father. Following a free lunch provided by Paulist 'Press, the afternoon sessions deal with Lesson Plan Methodology of Come to the Father, Philosoph¥. and Design of Education to Won~r, and Family-Centered Religious Education, !neluding the Sacrament of Peace and Famdy programs. When and Where: March 6 or March 20 Aquinas Junior College, 15 Walnut Park, Newton, Mass. How to Sign Up: ' Registration for the PAULIST PRESS EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP is limited by space available so please reserve a space for yourseH and yOU; people right away. . CALL THIS NUMBER: (201) 265-5770, Exl. 21,22,29
Mark your calendar and register todayI
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26,1976
Offer W'om,en's Worksh1oprS
Says Empathy with Hungry At Stonehill College Women's workshops on how sary and basic information for Taught b,y 'Rice Bowl' to start your own business and women who would like to start In the past year or so our food bills have doubled, a trip to the market is a trauma, and we find that luxury foods such as lobster, shrimp, and expensive cuts of beef have all but disappeared from our tables, or are reserved for special events such as birthdays. With our concern for serv- have to at least double this recipe. ing our families well for less This potato soup recipe is a uppermost in our minds, we little more elaborate but I think manage to find enough buys to provide nutritional meals for a smaller amount of money. Perhaps we stay away from the
Iy MARILYN RODERICK fringe items, potato chips, candies, etc., or maybe we hesitate to buy baked goods, vowing instead to make our own; but still our tables are not bare. Most famHies, even in this time of recession, eat well if not expensively. So the question arises, with such a large percentage of the world's population starving, how do we, who live such an insulated existence, relate to this problem? How do we teach our children and make them aware that they are responsible for their neighbors, even though across an ocean and inv,isible to them. Rice Bowl One very viable, visible way couid be to have your family participate in Operation Rice Bowl each We4nesday this Lent. The project, designed to help feed starving people throughout the world, is a very positive way to observe Lent. Elsewhere' in this issue of. The Anchor is an excellent article on the program. so I don't want to be repetitious except to say that having a sacrificial supper each Wednesday of Lent certainly couldn't hurt your family and could only help it to have empathy for the hungry of the world. Lent is a perfect time for such sharing and I truly miss both my Lenten recipes and the feeling of sacrifice we had when we t1'\ied to cut down on our eating. I find Rice Bowl a very meaningful way to celebrate this Lenten season. I searched for a potato soup recipe that could, be used with the first suggested Wednesday menu and I came up with the following two: Potato Com Chowder 2 Tablespoons chopped green pepper 1 Tablespoon margarine 1 (10~ ounce can condensed' cream-of-potato soup ~ soup can of milk ~ soup can water ~ CUll cooked whole-kernel corn 1 Tablespoon chopped parsley 1) In a saucepan cook pepper in the shortening until tender. Add the remaining ingredients. Heat, stirring now and then. Serves 3. FO,r a family you would
it is basic enough to meet the requirements of Rice Bowl: Potato and Spinach Soup 1 quart potatoes, peeled and diced ' 1 large onio", peeled and coarsely sliced I quart basic stock 2 ounces butter or margar,ine 1 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper ~ pound spinach leaves, washed 1 cup milk Put the potatoes and onion in a large pot. Add the stock, bring to a boil, cover with a loosefitting lid, adjust heat to simmer and simmer for 30 minutes or until, potatoes are tender. Add shortening, salt and pper. Turn the heat off and add spinach. Stir until spinach ds wilted. Pour the mixture through a food mill, or blend in a blender until smooth. Return the mixture to the pot, add milk and' heat. Do not boil. Serves 6.
how to develop effective media publicity techniques for women's interest groups will begin next month at Stonehill College. Starting on successive Wednesdays on March 3. and contin~ing through April 7, a six-week session workshop, "How to Start Your Own Business," will begin. The two-hour course will run from' 7-9 p.m. and is co-sponsored by the Small Business Association. This business workshop has been designed to provide neces-
Wome'n Will See Congress Film A film presentation on the forthcoming Eucharistic Congress by Rev. John J. Oliveira, vice chancellor of the diocese and secretary to Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, will highlight an open meeting of the Taunton District Council of Catholic Women, to be held at 8 p.m. Monday, March 1 at St. Jacques Church, Taunton. Mrs. Martina Grover, chairman of the Organization Services Commission of the council, is in charge of program arrangements and members of St. Jacques Council of Catholic Women will be hostesses for the evening.
their own business on a full or part tiOle basis. The course will deal with such topics as business organization, records and credit, financing, personnel management. marketing and advertising. The seminar will be teamtaught by Dr. Beth McGregor, an attorney and a member of the business department at Stonehill College. 'Getting Word Out' A workshop on effective publicity techniques for women's in-
terest groups, "Getting the Word Out," wiU be held on Saturday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This seminar is geared towards helping publicity chairmen for clubs and organizations make more effective use of the local media as well as to help improve understanding between commu路 nity groups and the press. The second part of the day will also. offer tips on how to write effective news releases and feature stories that wi'll catch the reader's eye. The instructor for this course is Ms. Diane Millikan, a writer and newspaperwoman. For further information on these workshops, contact the women's coordinator, Conferences and Institutes Division, at Stonehill College.
Wine, Cheese The fourth annual Friends of La Salette wine and cheese festival will take place at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 in the cafeteria of La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. In keeping with the Bicentennial year, only American wines and cheese will be served and an American square dance program will be presented. Aiding with arrangements are Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Butler of Norton. Reservations may be 'made by telephoning the shrine.
Lively Eve.-Muslc-Fun路Slnl-Dance
Playinl Pretty for the people at
Lincoln Park Ballroom EVERY FRI.-OLD TIMERS 8路1
SUN. & WED. 12-5
Give From Your Hearl To Save Your Hearl This Message Spolnsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER TOM ELLISON QUALITY M~N'S APPAREL
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Computerized Herea·fter Hardly Worth Dying For
The Parish Parade PUblicity chairmen of Darlsh orlanlzatlona Ire liked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. 0, Box 7, Fill River. 02722. Name of city or town should be I#.cluded as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
A department store fouled up my charge account and I phoned to get an adustment. This is no longer a matter of just talking to a clerk who notes the adjustment on your account. I was informed that since the store has computerized its accounts, it (They called it a buswas necessary for a second vacation. iness trip.) vice-president to authorize However, his assistant, AGLthe necessary data entry 4238 would help me. cards to effect the adjustment. But the second vice president was in conference with the sales manager and couldn't be disturbed.
I asked for a first vice president but he was on vacation (they called it a business trip) and when I asked for the president I was told he was out to lunch. (It was 3 in the afternoon.) Discouraged, I decided to go right to the top. I called God. I got through to Heaven's switchboard. The operator was sorry but God and Darwin were in conference trying to formulate a promotion that will sell Genesis and evolution in one package. I called a couple of hours later. "Sorry ... God's in conference-indefinitely-trying to explain marital sex to St. Paul." Next morning I tried early. "I'm sorry, God's in the Data Processing Department ... and I have no way of knowing when He'll be back." By now the seraphic switchboard operator was getting to know me, so she offered a bit more explanation: Computerized Heaven "You knew, of course, that Heaven has been computerized. "Instead of St. Peter having to hand catalog all the transgressions with a quill in his great big book, all we do now is keypunch everything. It has its advantages. It's so much faster that we can keep track of all the virtues as well as the vices. Judgment Day, you just get a printout." The angel went on with her explanation. "Keeping track of all the acts of men didn't use all the available time for the computer, so we started recording all the things that men say are 'God's wilL' "That's where God is now ... trying to figure out from His computer all the things that men have said He wanted . . . and wondering what in Heaven's name He said in the first place that men could scramble so." The angel offered an alternative. "Let me connect you with AGL-4237, in charge of handling problems concerning department store accounts." She put me on hold ... and· harp music flooded my ear. Finally, that department answered ... but AGtL-4237· was on
When they looked for him, he wasn't there either. He was out to lunch. (By now, it was 3 in the afternoon.) They switched my call directly to St. Peter, but he had gone to help the 4,236 other angels who were all trying to find God. God was buried ... someplace ... under miles and miles of computer printout. In the background I could hear -frantic voices ... "If He's really lost, who'll run things?" "What'll we tell the Catholics?" "It'll sure overjoy Madalyn Murray O'Hair." Over the bits I heard a more authoritative voice ... "Let's just wait three days. It worked for Me." My eavesdropping on Heaven was interrupted. A "computer voice" spoke on the phone, "At the sound of the chime if you will leave your message, it will be electronically recorded. Someone will call you on the'\next regular business day." "Ding!"
Now, Let's Hea'r
From Cardinal VATICAN CITY (NC) - Today's reliance on computers and statistics for solutions to human problems threatens the sen<;e of personal freedom and responsibility, Cardinal John Wright warned in a recent speech. The American cardinal, who is prefect of tJooe Vatican's Con~re gation for the Clergy, as<;erted, however, that God's power is still able to "throw a monkey wrench in the best of comput· ers." Cardinal Wright's Italian speech was delivered at a theological seminar for laymen in Enna. Sicily. Speaking of threats to human freedom and responsibility today, the cardinal stated: "The threat rests especially in the mentality that is acclimatized to rely in an impersonal way on ~tatistics, which are often manipulated, for solutions of problems in which human factors love, loyalty, ho,e, courage, faith, and passion for freedomare not only directly or indirectly part of the efJuation but are elements which absolutely cannot be programmed, processed or electronicized by a compu-· ter." But Cardinal Wright asserted that the battle has not been lost by Christian humanists. "This materialistic backwash is not new," he said. "The power of div,ine intervention has enough elasticity to pUll the rug out from under the feet of despots and to throw a monkey wrench in the best of computers."
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, NEW BEDFORD St. Anthony High School Boosters' Club will sponsor a style show at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 2 in the school auditorium on Ashley Boulevard. Refreshments will be served and the public is invited. Tickets may be reserved by calling 9955437 or 993-2818. They will also be available at the door.
Concert to Mark J ubi I,ee Year Of Cathedral The New England Conservatory Chorus will present a concert of sacred and secular music at 'St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, Thursday night, April 8. The occasion will be the first in a series of activities marking the 75th anniversary of the con· secration of the Cathedral. Anne Marie Lingard, music chairman of the celebration, announces that all present and former parishioners are invited to attend the concert. Reserved seats will be available for patrons, sponsors and benefactors. The New England Conserva· tory Chorus. under the' direction of its founder, Lorna Cooke deVaron, was organized in 1947. Composed principally of voice and music education students, the chorus also numbers among its members instrumentalists. composers and pianists, all learning thE! art of ensemble singing. Through tours and numerous recordings with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the chorus has distinguished itself interna· tionally. Under the auspices of the Cultural Presentations program of the U.S. State Department it was heard in Spain and the Soviet Union in 1966, and toured Europe in 1972 garnering praise from audiences and critics. ,In its 28 year history, the group has performed under such conductors as Seiji Ozawa, Erich Leinsdorf, Nadia Boulanger, Leonard Bernstein, Charles Munch, William Steinberg, Randall Thompson, and Michael Tilson Thomas. Lorna Cooke deVaron, one of the country's most distinguished choral conductors, received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Wellesley College where she studied with Nadia Boulanger, and her Master of Arts from Radcliffe College where she was assistant conductor of the Radcliffe Choral Society under G. Wallace Woodworth. The St. Mary's Cathedral concert will be part ofa New England sryring tour by the chorus and will include works by old masters such as Bach, Brahms and Faure, Russian church music and selections by modern American composers.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP. NEW Bf-DFORD A potluck supper and penny sale will be sponsored Saturday, Feb. 28 by the Women's Guild in the church hall at 235 N. Front St. Supper will be served from 6 to 7 p.m. and the sale will follow. The public is invited. Turn to Page Sixteen
Sister Mary Bernard Of Joan of Arc Nuns
Word has been received here of the funeral on Feb. 13 of SisSS. PETER AND PAUL, ter Mary Bernard of the Sisters FALL RIVER of St. Joan of Arc, the former The Home-School Organiza- . Mathilda Boutin. A native of tion will hold a Las Vegas Night Notre Dame pardsh, Fall River, from 4:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and a graduate of the former Saturday, Feb. 28 in the Father Jesus-Mary Academy, she was a Coady Center on Benton Street. religious 42 years until her Refreshments will be available death at age 61. and admission, for adults only, She served in rectories in will be free. Boston, Portland, Me., Man· world. chester and Nashua, N. H., Rochester, N.Y. and Quebec, and ST. JOSEPH, is survived by five brothers and TAUNTON six sisters, nearly all in the Fall Ms. Barbara O'Brien, Home River diocese. Economics Specialist for the Her funeral and interment Extension Service of the Bristol took place at the motherhouse County Agricultural School, will discuss the making of wills at of her community in Quebec and the Women's Guild meeting set a pro-burial Mass ",vas celefor 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, March 2 brated for her last Satu,rday at in the church hall. Plans will be Notre Dame Church, F'!'H' River. made for a potluck supper to be held at the April meeting. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will resume regular meetings at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 1 in the parish hall with Miss Helen Kenny and Mrs. Joan Melvin as hostesses.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Operation SIGN: Service
SIGN aims at involving through schools and youth programs between four and seven million young people· in contributing 100 million hours of service to the neeedy, lonely and disadvantaged. These hours will be symbolically placed on the altar at a Eucharistic Congress Mass for Youth on Aug. 6 in Philadelphia, to be celebrated by Cardinal Timothy Manning of Los Anof food left. This, said the car- cerned with othere, i.e., with the geles. dinal, "was as if Jesus had ex- hungers of the human family. Explaining the program, pected more guests and for some Such a people, a Church, is atthe Cardinal told young peo- reason they didn't show up. The tractive to many, including the
ple, "We haev gone through a process of searching for something that can fill the hunger of the heart. They have tried the Peace Corps, transcendental meditation, Oriental mysticism, Jesus moevments, and none of these have satisfied it. Now they are making this profession of faith in the fact 'that in the Church, and in the Church alone, is that satisfying Word to be listened to and live by." He said that after Jesus had fed the multitude through the multiplication of loaves and fishes, there were still 12 baskets
Youth living the Eucharist National goal: 100 million hours of service to help satisfy the hungers of the human family. Cont8ct lEe DIocesan Coordnator
SIGN is aprogram of the
or NatIonal SIGN OffIce, ~ 41st 222 North 17th Street,
~~ (In Pa.,215-564-2271)
'tburhours pledged will be placed on theaJtar at the Youth Mass. August 6.1976
Adu,lt Education and Penance Continued from Page One to St. Anthony of Padua parish hall on Nye Street on Fridays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26, with Rev. Henry Arruda, Rev. Marc Bergeron, Rev. Roger Leduc and Rev. John Perry. South end residents may attend sessions at St. John the Baptist parish hall on Wing Street on Tuesdays, March 9, 16,23 and 30, with Rev. Edward Correia, Rev. Thomas Lopes, Rev. John Steakem and Rev. Horace Travassos. On the Upper Cape the program will be held at St. Patrick parish center, East Main Street, Falmouth, on Tuesdays, Marc:h 9, 16, 23 and 30 with Rev. Robert Carter, Rev. William Costello, Rev. John Magnani and Rev. James McLellan, Taunton discussions are scheduled for the CoyleCassidy Library at Adams and Hamilton Streets on Wednesdays, March 10, 17, 24 and 31 with Rev. Richard Beaulieu, Rev. James Fahey, Rev. Robert Kirby and Rev. Michael Nagle. Those interested in attending the program are asked to fill out the registration form on this page of The Anchor and bring it with them to the first session. Forms are also available from parish priests and religious education coordinators. There will be no charge for ,the program.
It's more than a parish bulletin that members of St. Margaret's and St. Mary's Churches, Buzzards Bay and Onset, have been getting monthly for nearly two years. "Pass It On," is a bright eightpage newsletter produced by members of the parish Pastoral Service Team. The February issue is typical, leading with an introductory story on the forthcoming revisions in the Sacrament of Penance, announcing a Mardi Gras, and announcing a Lenten calendar. A day by day parish activities calendar fills the center pages and feature stories highlight· .""""""""""""""""-""""",,,,~ a successful Family Program now under way in St. Margaret's parish center. ~EGISTRATION Brief items welcoming new parishioners complete the news:What's Hflppening To Confession? :-- letter. "Pass It On" has been warm- ly received in the parish, said - Mrs. Judy Trant. Its monthly cir- culation is about 600 copies, including distribution to a nursing : Name : . home and a small mailing list. Its attractive logo features a : Address :- phoenix, the legendary bird that rose from its own ashes "and also represents the vitality of :f City Phone..................... :_ the Holy Spirit," explained Mrs. f . I - Trant. She paid tr:ibute to the ~f Parish. :_ leadership role of Rev. John G. f _ Olrroll, pastor and Rev. Timof _ , PLEASE FILL OUT, CLIP AND BRING TO THE FIRST _ thy J. Goldick, assistant, in mak: seSSION YOU ATIEND. : ing "Pass It On" and many. other good things happen in the two.~ .church parish.
: . : ,,
,:, ,
A Lenflen Pro91"om tior 1976
, ,,
12 baskets were intended for the no shows. "For them the bread is waiting. It is interesting to note that when Jesus multiplied the bread, He gave it to the disciples to distribute. He could have willed it to be in front of each person, but no. Hes gave it to His disciples as if somehow the actual nourishment would be done by human instruments. That same situation is with us today. "We have the bounty of God's house and there are many who do not yet share His faith nor His life," the cardinal said. Hence ':he Church comes to youth with ~he challenge" to reach out to those who are in need and share with them what you have received from the table of the Lord. "It is a great, great moment . in the Church. All we can say is we love you and thanks be to God." Young People of God SIGN organizers added that one of the goals of the program is "to demonstrate nationally to those inside and outside the Church the existence of a youthful People of God truly con-
alienated and those tempted to be. Such a people celebrate the Eucharist with integrity, for they celebrate the life style of Jesus as their own life style, in union with him." "Service is defined as the performance of any act or acts that are beneficial to others for which the one offering the service receives no commensurate material reward. These services will be as diversified as the needs of the people they are intended to benefit, but they must be done "in God's name." The fundamental guidance for service will be found in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, added organizers. Corporal works are feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and burying the dead. Spiritual works are admonishing sinners, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries and praying for the living and dead.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Operation Rice Bowl:· To Feed Hungry Mt" :'$:
">Ii' ..'
Rice Bowl and SIGN Continued from Page One dining room tables to make their tables an altar, to pray and to eat a sacrificial meal," Msgr. Coli said. "This will lead them to experience the agony, the pain of hunger." The congress suggests that the sacrificial meal be held on Wednesdays. Each Sunday following, the Congress proposes that money saved by the meal be placed in special "rice bowls" at local Catholic churches or participating Protestant and Jewish congregations. III most dioceses, 75 per cent of the donations will be dispensed by Catholic Relief Services to the poor overseas, and the remainder will be app'lied to helping the poor and hungry in the United States. Msgr. Coli noted that some 500 million people, half of them children, live on the brink of starvation. "It is estimated," the priest said, "that this year some 10 million people will die from hunger and disease related to malnutrition. Half wrIl be children under five years of age." As a way of gauging what a donation will buy overseas, file congress published the following estimates: $5 will buy 12 pounds of powdered'milk, enough to give 10 children a glass every day for two months; $15 will buy 48 cans of evaporated milk; and a $9 contribution will buy a 100 pound sack of kidney beans. The total collected during the Rice Bowl project will be announced Aug. 2 on the Family Day of the Eucharistic Congress,. to be held Aug. 1 through 8 in Philadelphia.
Eucharistic Weekends Continned from Page One Harwich; Sacred Heart, New Bedford; St, Ann, Rayn, ham. Fifth weekend, April 3 and 4: 51. Patrick, Fall River; St. Mary, Seekonk; St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset; Holy Name, New Bedford; St. Anthony, Taunton.
Sugg1ested 'Rice Bowl' Menus
Bath Tub Ruined ?
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Local, Worldwide Aid for Victims Continued from 'Page Three Nationally, the Holy Child· hood Association announced a Guatemala Emergency Appeal, asking pupils in the country's 8,000 Catholic schools and in Confraternity of Christian Doc-' trine classes "to share their blessings with those who have been immersed' in incredible misery." Funds collected were turned over yesterday to relief agencies. Also the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Pontifical Mission Aid Society of the' Catholic Church in the United States, has announced an immediate grant of $50,000 for assistance to Guatemala earthquake victims. Major responsibility for AmerAID BACKUP - A volunteer unloads a truck as relief ican Church-sponsored relief efforts continues to be assumed supplies for Guatemala pile up in a warehouse at the New by Catholic Relief Services, the Orleans airport. A shortage of aircraft with available space overseas agency of the United to carry the food and clothing has forced agencies to seek States Catholic Conference, headquartered in New York ships to move the 150 tons of earthquake, relief. City, with Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom as executive direc- cathedral will be out of service idarity has up to now been found." for years." tor. More Tears Than Ink The Pope, encouraging all who The cardinal's letter continued, In Rome, Pope Paul VI, urging "The worst thing of al:l is all of contributed toward relief work, help for Guatemala, made pub- our dead and the hundreds upon concluded: "We want to take lic parts of a letter to him from hundreds of wounded. The living some consolation from this: good Cardinal Mario Casariego of are sleeping in the street among exists, good is working and actGuatemala City. the dead and wounded. It makes ing to open the ways to trust "I write to you more with one weep." and to esteem for humanity tears than with ink," the Pope The Pope commented that which lead, even if through quoted the cardinal's let- about a million people were left tears and misfortune, toward ter as 'saying. "Seventeen homeless by the earthquake and the civilization of love." churches are completely de- that an unusual cold wave was stroyed in the capital, and the making matters worse for the Vincentians to Meet victims. But the Pope said that "a Fall River Vintentians will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March comforting demonstration of so2 at Immaculate Conception cial compassion and active Church on Thomas Street. Mass Christian presence" is at work will ,be 'celebrated for the beatifi· in Guatemala through the help cation of Frederic Ozanam, of church organizations and 679-5262 founder of the V:incentians, and "friendly governments." "The good is fighting alongfor the welfare of a seven-year· old patient at the Rose Haw- side generosity and, is trying to LEARY PRESS thorne Lathrop Home. A busi- defeat an earthly evil for which no remedy except human solness session will follow.
NEW YORK (NC) - The CBS radio network will transmit to all its affiliated stations a Lenten message from Pope Paul VI to school children of the United States Ash Wednesday, March 3, it was announced here. The Pope's message, which will run approximately five minutes, will urge school children to make personal sacrifices during Lent. The network advises that lis· teners consult local listings for the time of the broadcast.
LINCOLN PARK BALLROOM' ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
'SERVICE Robert l. Studley. freas, Howard C. Doane Sr, ,Gordon l. Homer Howard C, Doane Jr, Robert L, studley HYANNIS 775-0884 Sautll Yarmauth 391·2201 Harwich Part 432-0593
For only $200 in India you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal ParecattiI will write to thank you also.
TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue'. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480
363 SECOND ST. 'FALL RIVER, MASS. ~"".""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I''
Dear Monsignor Nolan:
Archbishop Mar Gregorios will write personally to say where he'll locate if you enable him to buy ($975) two acres of land as a model farm for a parish priest. Raising his own food the priest can teach his parishioners how to increase their crop production. (A shovel costs only $2.35, a hoe $1.25.)
Please return coupon with your offering
D & D'SALES AND SERVICE, Doane'Beal'Ames
The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's needed. Sometimes, besides, they build the church in memory of their loved ones, name it for their favorite saint.•• ,Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and villages in our 18 country mission world. In the little village of Devagiri, in India, for instance. The devout, anti· Communist, but desperately poor farmers of St. Sebastian's Parish need a church to replace the too small and inadequate chapel they built with their own hands. You can build it yourself for just $3,000. You'll be doing something need· ed where it's needed, for Christ-and for people who 'cannot dp for themselves. . . . Do some· thing at least, as much as you can ($100, $75, $50, $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $3, $1) to help build this church! Your gift of any size will be a Godsend! ... Have you been looking for some· thing meaningful to do? Help these poor farmers build a simple but lasting church! The Bishop will write to thank you on behalf of his people. We will send you a sketch of the proposed church, when we thank you.
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Pope's Message
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
Where Have the Women Gone, Asks Fr. Greeley
Hopes Tripoli Mistakes Will Be Redressed
Whatever happened to the nuns you were talking about 10 years ago?" an old friend and companion in arms asked me the other day. "Remember you were predicting that the religious women were about to enter an era of great influence in the Church? What went nedy, John McKenzie, Avery Dulles, Henry Nouwen, Richard wrong2" McBrien, and Joseph Fichter. It was a fair question- Nor are there any younger womthough one doesn't like to be reminded of one's mistaken predictions. And I didn't know the answer. In 1965, in the postconciliar euphoria, the prediction
Iy REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY seemed so reasonable as to be almost certain. The religious orders of women had given their members much better academic training than their male counter· parts-to say nothing of the diocesan clergy. Graduate degrees from the great secular graduate schools were almost a matter of course for religious women long before the men arrived on the scene - and they were doing first-rate work on their dissertations, or so every one heard it said. So the women's orders seemed in much better condition for the postconciliar modernization than the men's orders; and they began the process of "renewal" (as we called it in those dear dead days of the happy past) much more systematically and confidently. Their superiors were stable, sophisticated and openminded people; the women ware in the forefront of social action, cultural creativity, and intellectual endeavor. It looked as if a golden era was about to begin. Who Knows Why? But it all turned sour, and I do not think anyone yet knows why. Vocations have dried up; tens of thousands have resigned, and the loss in membership is close to 35 per cent. Many of those who have departed blame the orders for failure to modernize, yet it seems precisely those who most rapidly modernized that suffered the greatest losses. And in many communities, it was precisely those who led the successful struggle for change who thereafter decamped. That it has happened this way is clear enough, but why it has happened has never been explained satisfactorily. And I cannot think of a woman religious - despite their superior intellectual trainingwho exercises the kind of influence in American Catholicism as, for example, do Eugene Ken-
Loved "In order ceive that should love, loved, while not."
that we might relove whereby we we were ourselves as yet we had it -St. Augustine
en on the scene who promise to have the impact of a John Shea or a David Tracy. Finally, while there are some women college presidents with considerable influence, none has an impact anywhere near that of Ted Hesburgh. Jacqueline Grennan was going in that direction, but her career as a religious came to an abrupt end. Why should this situation be? It may be argued that there is so much male chauvinism in the church that the leadership of scholarly or influential women would not be accepted. I am under no illusion about chauvinism -it is to be found even among some of those who claim to be liberal. (I could name names, but won't--on this occasion at least.) Yet the church has provided more women with bases for ,influence than any other American corporate institution. Nor am I aware of any woman religious who is seriously striving for such a' position. If there were, for example, a female Eugene Kennedy or David Tracy around who couldn't get her work published because she was a woman, then the chauvinist argument would explain the problem. But if there are such people they are not protesting very loudly th~ discrimination against them.
By the time this column appears, I will be attending an internatinonal conference on Catholic-Jewish relations in Jerusalem. It is a safe bet that the original Jerusalem agenda, which I have not yet received, will be revised ~etween now and the start :>f the meeting to take ac- rush to get out a final statement and from unfamiliarity with the :ount of what happened at Arabic language, in which the the recent Catholic-Moslem drafting session was conducted.
dialogue in Tripoli. Jewish leaders all over the world are terribly disturbed about one aspect of the Tripoli meeting and will
ST. JUNIPERO SERRA? Bronze statue of Franciscan Father Junipero Serra stands on spot in San Diego where he founded first California mission in 1769. He is among 1,037 candidates for beatification or canonization currently under study at Vatican. Others of American interest are B1. John Neumann, 19th century Bishop of Philadelphia, Father Francis Xavier Seelos, Baltimore Redemptorist, Mother Katharine Drexel of Philadelphia and Katharine Tekakwitha, the "Lily of the Mohawks." Also listed are Popes XII and John XXIII.
Srong Boosters Set Style Show
The Booster Club of Bishop Stang High School, North DartIt may be that many of the mouth, will present a buffet and most gifted women religious left style show, "Array of Fashions," the religious life because there at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 10 was no room in it for their in the school auditorium. Teletalents. But then their talehts vision personality Salty Brine should have flourished once they will be the commentator and left and we would be hearing models wearing spring and sumof them. Yet we do not. mer styles will include students, their mothers and fathers and It may be that so much energy went into the radical political. younger brothers and sisters. Mrs. Gerald Bruce is general activism of the sixties and the chairman and Mrs. Leo Poinmilitant feminism of the seventies that there was no time or eault is ticket chairman for the opportunity left for church-wide' event, which will benefit a fund intellectual, religious, and hu- to su-,ply the Stang gymnasium man influence; but somehow I with extra equipment. The most don't think such an explanation recent gift made to the gymnasium by the Booster Club was a helps us very much. weight machine. I have asked this question seriously of many people in the O'ROURKE past few weeks and can find no plausible explanations. I con· Funeral Home clude that there is an immense 571 Second Street amount of talent out there Fall River, Mass. whose contributions are being 679-6072 frustrated, but I do not know MICHAEL J. McMAHON why. Nor, in truth, do I think Registered Embalmer the ordaining of some of that licensed Funeral Director talent-however desirable such a goal may. be - would solve' anything. I don't expect much in the way OUR LADY'S of a serious response to this RELIGIOUS STORE question. This level of hatred and paranoia in the American 936 South Main St. church today is such that I am Fall River already bracing for the response (Corner Osborn St.) of vituperation. (Forget it, girls, COMPLETE LINE OF it will all go into the wastebasRELIGrOUS ARTICLES ket.) But it remains a serious quesTel. 673-4262 tion.
MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS undoubtedly request that the Jewish conference take whatever steps may be necessary to set the record straight and redress the balance. Desmond O'Grady, an Australian-born journalist who has lived in Rome for many years, covered the Tripoli meeting for the National Catholic Reporter. He warned his NCR readers that "political issues threatened to dominate" the meeting, but then went on to say that "the worst fears" in this regard proved exaggerated. Alas, he spoke too soon. The fact is that while political issues may not have "dominated" the Tripoli, dialogue, the worst fears of observers like O'Grady proved, in the end, to have been anything but exaggerated. At least two of the 25 resolutions adopted at the final session were blatantly political, despite the fact that the Vatican, according to O'Grady, had extracted a pledge in advance of the meeting that such issues were to be excluded. The two most objectionable resolutions were aimed, of course at Israel. Paragraph 20 of the joint statement issued at the end of the meeting called Zionism "a racial, aggressive movement, foreign to Palestine." Paragraph 21 said that the parties to the resolutions "reaffirm the national rights of the Palestinian people and their right to return to their homeland, and ·affirm the Arabism of the city of Jerusalem and the rejection of Judaization, partition and internationalization projects." That same paragraph also urged the liberation of all occupied territories." It called for the formation of "a permanent commission to investigate the alteration of sacred Moslem and Christian sites and to reveal all these to world public opinion." At this writing, it. isn't alto~ gether clear how the Catholic participants in the Tripoli dialogue happened to get trapped into voting for these extremely offensive resolution. According to the NC News Service, Vatican sources said that the embarrassing situation resulted from the
In any event, the Vatican has already taken steps to set the record straight, Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli, head of the Vatican delegation at the Tripoli talks, said, upon his return to Rome, that he had been unaware that the controversial paragraphs had been accepted by a small group of Vatican representatives in their haste to complete the Arabic-language resolutions. He said the paragraphs came as a complete surprise to him when they were read publicly, and stated that they must be considered in suspension unless ap· proved by competent officials at the Vatican. That approval has now been refused. A front-page announce· ment in the Feb. 11 edition of Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, said the Vatican is not able to accept the above-mentioned resolutions "since their content does not correspond in essential points with the position, well known to all, of the Holy See itself." It must be said, nevertheless, that the Jewish community has every right to be indignant about what happened at the Tripoli meeting. The two resolutions referred to above served to remind them once again ...;.. as if they needed another reminder - that hostility to Israel on the part of all too many Arab leaders, religious and secular alike, is virulent and unrelenting. This has been a nerve-wracking year for the Jewish people throughout the world, with the United Nations and UNESCO having indulged in a type of fanatical anti-Zionism which, from the Jewish point of view and from mine, can hardly be distinguished from anti-Semitism. For this reason, the Vatican's prompt rejection of the anti1lsrael resolutions adopted at the Tripdli meeting must have caused a sigh of relief in Jewish circles throughout the world. While the Tripoli fiasco will undoubtedly be reviewed at the Jerusalem conference, let us hope that it will not loom so large on the agenda as to distract the delegates from their own essential purpose, namely, to promote the cause of CatholicJewish understanding. While this has been a traumatic year for the Jewish people for the reasons mentioned above-and for many other reasons as well-it has also been a year of significant progress in the field of Catholic-Jewish relations. It would be a tragedy if the Tripoli fiasco were to prevent Catbolics and Jews from making even further progress in this area in the months and years that lie ahead.
.. 12
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
KNOW YOUR FAITH Emergence of BeUef in Afterlife Weaving its way through the Old Testament from the Pentateuch to the Books of Wisdom, Daniel and Maccabees, is a thread of revelation that confronts man's age-old question of why the just suffer and the unjust frequently prosper in this life.
At the base of the problem is Israel's ancient belief that meaningful existence ends with death (Ps 39:13) and that the dead are no more. Existence beyond the grave is limited to a shadow existence in Sheol without hope or experience of God (Is 38:18). Ooupled with this was the equally ancient teaching that man would be punished for his sins and rewarded for his justice (Dt. 24:16, Ez 18:4). Given these persistent teachings is it any wonder that Job grappled with the question of earthly justice asking pleadingly, "Why do the wicked still live on, their power increasing with their age?" (Job 21:7).
I read recently of devout MusThe anguish of Job ~nd pragmatic pessimism of Ecclesi- lims who are able to recite the astes (Qo 7:15ff) do little to re- entire Koran from memory. solve the dilemma caused by the There are said to be Jewish beteaching that God rewards the lievers who know the whole Hejust man and punishes the un- brew Bible by heart. In accounts of survivors of Nazi concentrajust in this life. It is in the last books of the tion camps it is not unusual to Old Testament that an answer read of the courage and comfort is forthcoming when the concept inmates drew from sharing with of an afterlife' and eternal retri- . each other passages of the Bible that they had memorized long bution surfaces in Judaism. During the persecution of the before. Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid despot, many Jews made the ultimate sacrifice of martyrdom (2 Macc 6:18-7:42) rather than worship the pagan gods of Greece. Others betrayed By their Judaism to save their lives. FR. CARL J. It was inconceivable that the Jew who died rather than aban- PFEIFER, S.J. don God could be worse off than the Jew who did abandon Him and live. If you or I were thrown into A recognition of afterlife and eternal retribution is contained a concentration camp tomorrow. in the accounts of the Macca- with no books, without a printed bean martyrs, particularly in the Bible, how much of the Scripstory of the widow and her tures would we remember well enough to draw upon for our seven sons (2 Mace 7:1-42). own and other's encouragement? The .concept is also found in two other af the last works of I fear most of us would have litthe Old Testament, Daniel and tle more than one or two phrases like "You are Peter and the Book of Wisdom. Daniel is part of that literary upon this rock I will build my genre or form known as apoc- Church" (Matt. 16:18). This is not surprising. The alyptic that flourished in the last centuries before Christ and in Bible was not a strong part of the early Christian era. An over- our early Catholic education. We memorized doctrinal stateTurn to Page Thirteen ments from the Baltimore Catechism, supplemented by Bible stories. Memorizing segments of God's Word was not widely practiced. Our Protestant neighbors were dozen persons). It was not, howmeanwhile focusing their reliever, an unusual approach for gious education on the Bible. this Archbishop or for the other Memorizing Bible texts was enbishops in that section of our couraged in all kinds of ways~ country. Bible games, Bible puzzles, Bible These men gather bi-monthly songs. How much the Bible came at a central location for a day to mean to many Protestants in of prayer and recollection; on helping them cope with life's ups the alternate months each bishop and downs, I have come to learn makes a similar day of his own. in recent years from close assoArchbishop Hunthausen's re- ciation with Protestant lay men quest for prayer, his conscious and women. dependence on the Holy Spirit, While Protestant religious edhis spiritual attitude were not, then, out of character, but the ucation has been criticized for natural result of such an inten- its often naiv~ and sometimes sified inner life. Moreover, these meaningless memorizing of Bible bishops have found their person- texts-much as Catholic catedirected retreats and monthly chesis has been criticized for recollection days have led them too much memorizing of abto other noteworthy actions, stract doctrinal statements e.g., living in small apartments there does seem to be a real valrather than large homes, feeling ue in learning Bible texts-and a greater concern for the poor doctrinal statements by heart. If the Bible is meant for helpand rejected of society, mixing more closely with both clergy ing us make sense out of our Jives and Jive me more meanand laity. --.Atonement Friar Dennis Sin- ingfully and happily, it is imnott operates the busy book important that we gradually bestore located at Graymoor on come more familiar with it. listhe Hudson River. The texts he tening to the Scriptural readings finds in demand today are works each Sunday at Mass is one imon prayer and sacred Scripture, portant way of slowly becoming a trend in sharp oontrast to the acquainted with the Bible. Readpopularity 5-10 years ago of ac- ing the Bible at home on occation, conflict and speculatively sion is another means. theological publications. Memorizing Bible texts seems -The Newark, N. J. archdioc- to be a very useful way of makesan liturgical commission and .ing the Bible your own and reTurn to Page Thirteen lating it to daily experience. But
The Dawn of AGolden Age Last week I forecast a golden decade of spiritual growth within the Church, a period in which Pope John's dream of renewal in Christian hearts would at least partially. come true.
In this column I will cite a few illustrations from around the country which indicate to me that such an era of inner reform and progress is already in its beginning stage and upon us. -"I would ask you now to pause for a moment in silence praying that the Holy Spirit will inspire my words so they may be of some help to you." Archbishop.Raymond G. Hunthausen of Seattle made that request of 3,000 participants at a convention Mass during last fall's Northwest Religious Education Institute. This somewhat different introductory part of a homily brought complete silence (except for the repeated clicking of a tape recorder being shut off by a few
Melmorizing Bible Texts
"I RECENTLY read of devout Muslims who are able to recite the entire Koran from memory. There are said to be Jewish believers who know the whole Hebrew Bible by Heart." An old woman in Bethlehem reads her Bible diligently. we will not do so in our usually hectic and scattered lives unless we find a simple, meaningful way of working at it. Here is what one family I know does. Each week they will find a Bible quotation that they like, one that says something to them. For example, a recent text they found meaningful is from Psalm 31, verse 15: "My trust is in you, 0 Lord; I say, 'You are my God.''' Another favorite was from St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians: "By God's favor, I am what I am" (I Cor 15:10). Where did they ever find those quotes? From one of the children's religion textbooks. What did they do with the quotes? They had one of the older children copy the quotation onto a piece of paper. One of the younger children then colored it. They hung it on the refrigerator door
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in the kitchen. It stayed there all week. They found it interesting and easy in an informal way to read the text, perhaps pray it, talk about it a little at times when they bumped into each other reaching into the refrigerator. The text also provided something the younger children could draw or illustrate. During the week the one test路 wove itself quietly in and out of Turn to Page Thirteen
Funeral Home 123 Broadway
FAIRHAVEN LUMBER CO. Complete Line Building Materials 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611
tHE ANCHORThurs Feb. 26, 1976
'Shy Speaker' Will Talk For Sake of Pro-Life She's so shy that she "chickened out" when she was scheduled to deliver her very first speech and she was delighted when it became so cold at Fall River's recent March for Life, which she helped organize, that her planned talk, was canceled. But Pamela Smith of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, has' summoned her courage and is currently looking for speaking engagements to carry her prolife message to area voters before the March 2 presidential preference primary in Massachusetts. She is one of several Massachusetts citizens so convinced of the importance of pro·life representation on the ballot that they have all but given up their normal activities until March 2 in order to work "48-hour days" for their cause. Mrs. Smith named John Dembroski and Bernard Shannon, Stoughton businessmen who have "closed their offices" until after March 2. They were in Swansea last week promoting area pro-life efforts and they joined Mrs. Smith in urging citizens to participate in what is usually a verY small turnout of registered voters. Mrs. Smith, mother of three children, ages 6, 5 and 19 months, said she had been "incredibly naive" about abortion, feeling' that no o~e could nossibly favor it except in the direst of circumstances, until membership in a civic organization which went on record as sup· porting abortion legislation "opened my eyes." "Then I began reading everything I could get on the subject and I became more and more convinced that abortion was murder and I had to do what I could to oppose it." She is helped in her efforts by her husband, James, who is also willing to mount the speaker's platform, and by her three children. The other night, she said, when very few people showed up for a pro-life meeting at her house at 592 Stevens Road,
Golden Age
Swansea, her eldest son tried to encourage her. "Mommy," he said, "if the people don't come, why don't you and Daddy build robots and let them talk about pro-life." And 19-month-old Maggie, who has become a familiar sight in area newspaper, television and radio offices as her mother hand-delivers news releases, doesn't need to talk. All by herself, she's an ad for pro-life.
Memorizing Continued from Page Twelve the ordinary routine of family living. By the end of the week everyone knew it by heart Fllmost without trying. And because they learned it in so natural a way, in touch with daily' living, it seemed to mean a lot to everyone in the family. Other passages for other weeks were found in the Sunday readings heard at Mass, or in the priest's homily, or in the diocesan newspaper, or' by reading the Bible. Try it. You may not wind up "THE SOULS of the just are in the hand of God and no being able to recite the Old and New Testaments by heart, but torment shall touch them ... they are in peace," is the teachyou may find the Bible really ing of the Book of Wisdom on. deat.h. E~e~hiel's vision of has something to say to you in the majesty of God is portrayed m thIS pamtmg by Raphael. your everyday living.
Emergence of Belief in Afterlife
PRO-LIFE FAMILY: James I. Smith family of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, is, deeply involved in pro-lif~ activity. Standing, Smith; seated, from left, Wilson, Maggie, Mrs. Smith, James Jr.,
Continued from Page Twelve ly simple explanation of apocalyptic would be to describe it as literature written to console a people undergoing persecution by comparing their present ordeal to a similar ordeal in an earlier era. It reassures the persecuted that God has not abandoned them and that just as he brought about justice to their ancestors he will bring about justice in their present circumstances. Daniel is the ancient figure through whose experiences, the sufferings of the Jews exiled to Babylon in the 6th centurr B.C. are shown as parallel with those being suffered by the Jews of the second century B.C. under Antiochus Epiphanes. , In the latter part of Daniel the tribulations of the Jews of the Maccabean period are described as if in prophecy. It is in this section where the significant reference to afterlife and eternal retribution is found. Referring to the persecution, the author says: "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace" (Dn 12:2). Another reference is found in the Book of Wisdom. Although the book is traditionally attrib-' uted to Solomon, most scholars agree that it was composed in Greek, probably at Alexandria in the 1st century B.C., by a pious Jew. The book sees God, the God of Wisdom and the God of the Israelites, as wise, just, loving and saving. It does much to pave the way for the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. The teaching of Wisdom on death is clear: "For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made
him. But by the envy of the devil death entered the world, and they who are in his possession experience it. But the souls of the just are in the hand of God 'and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace." (Wis 2:23-3:3). As the birth of Christ nears, Old Testament revelation reaches a point where pious Jews can acknowledge that "the just live forever, and in the Lord is their recompense, and the thought of them is with the Most High. Therefore shall they receive the splendid crown, the beauteous diadem, from the hand of the Lord" (Wis 5:15-16).
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Bome 550 Locust Street FaD River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. SuIIivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
Continued from Page Twelve the ColumbUS, Ohio, diocesan religious education department sponsored workshops on the new Rite of Penance for priests, religious, teachers, religion coordinators and, concerned lay persons last November. The planners hoped for 600 in Newark; a crowd of 1,200 filled the auditorium. The Columbus committee planned on 500; over 800 arrived on the scene necessitating a closed circuit television arrangement in an adjacent hall for the overflow. In both sessions, the audience listened with remarkably serious and sustained interest to a lengthy presentation on the revised ritual of Reconciliation. This lecture sketched external modifications in the liturgy for Penance, but more importantly stressed the need for a radical change of attitude within both priest and penitent. Those in attendance seemed quite ready, even anxious for that latter type of challenge. -Many members of a tiny parish in the San Angelo, Tex. diocese are deeply involved with the charismatic movement. It is not unusual for 50 of them to assemble at regular sessions, there reading God's word, sharing insights, and praying with unique success for the healing of those suffering various ailments. -High school students in religion classes are expressing a hunger for more doctrine in their courses, seem disposed to prayer experiences and appear unhappy with approaches which tend to be exclusively humanistic or social action oriented. -On the refrigerator door in the home of a "Marriage Encounter" couple is a reminder for all in the family to pray on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. (Blank). This kind of praying for others has become a standard procedure fpr the father, mother and children in that family since they encountered six months ago. Their reaching out for others in such a prayerful fashion is not unique, but common to thousands of M.E. couples and families.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 26, 1976
=your basic youth page fo'cus on youth
• • •
I don't know what's the matter with me. I just don't feel at home anywhere. Do others have this feeling at one time or another? I feel lonely in crowds, at home, at the dinner table, in school. The only time I seem to get it together is when I'm A. If I've been asked one off by myself, away from question more than any other, people, away from every- this is it. People of all ages ask thing. Now do I overcome it. The eternal longing of the Q.
this lost feeling? T.D.
soul to find its place, to find
" .•away from people, away from everything"
By The Dameans
All By Myself When I was young I never needed anyone And makin' love was just for fun Those days are gone Livin' alone I think of all the friends I've known But when I dial the telephone Nobody's home All by myself , Don't wanna be, all by myself anymore All by myself Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore
Hartl to he sure Sometimes I feel so insecure And love so distant and obscure Remains the cure All by myself Don't wanna be, all by myself anymore All by myself Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore by Eric Carmen «c) 1975 C.A.M. BMI) There's something strangely romantic about ghost town. I remember one such place. The buildings were nestled against some of the most beautiful scenery one could imagine. Mountains, rocks, trees, streams and wildlife gave the sense that life was there for the taking. The town itself was a mining community that sprang up overnight, woodframe shops and stables, hotels and saloons. now weatherbeaten and impossible to keep up. The townspeople undoubtedly loved it when life was high; there was the flash of discovery and the dreams of more to come tomorrow. But sadly, it was obvious that there was nothing permament either in the town's construction or the people's relationships. Those who had chosen this way of life had come to take when they could get. They were not interested in building an economy or returning any-
"home," to find where it really belongs. Your question, T.D.. takes me back to a talk I heard given by a minister who seemed to. have experienced what you are going through. He said he hoped people wouldn't accuse him of sounding too romantic and childish, but that places have always been important to him. I find myself agreeing'with this ~tatement. . He said that when he was six years old, on a very hot day' in Missouri, his father decided to take the family where it was cooler. So they went to Colorado. As they aporoached the mountains on the highway going to Denver, something stranBe happened to him, because. "he suddenly knew that that was where he belonged." That was his place. He said that whenever he could find enough time and money, he went back "to God's country. This was the place where my spirit dwelt." He urged others to find "a place where their spirit dwells" and t9 go 'to it as often as possible in order to find themselves. ' With this knowledge, this feeling, there also comes a sense of faith. It is almost miraculous. It's not the Bible's fault if man does not believe. The fault rests
within man himself. His VISion of the world has become distorted and the Bible's doctrine of God seems somehow primitive and archaic. What the Bible says grates on his scientific reason. But one day there comes a time when- all his sophistication, h:is knowledge, his power have become the real stumbling bl,ocks. He becomes like the Prodigal Son, far away from home and lost in that far-off
country. He has forgotten the ABC's of life. Evidently, T.D., you are looking for a purpose in life, for a .healing of your spirit, and I think that's the reason you keep looking for places, to be by yourself, to find 'that place where you are intended to be to function at your best, where you can put it together. And that ain't always easy! No, not in a world where we Turn to Page Sixteen
'Most Loyal Fan' Honored ~'t Gerrard Pep,Rally By DEBBIE SMITH School Correspondent A special tribute honoring 'Sister Mary Evangelista, RSM highlighted the fifth annual Pep Rally Night at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River. Introduced as the basketball teams' most loyal fan, Sister Evangelista, who has never missed a home game, was presented with a bouquet of pink carnations by varsity captain Melissa Toulan. Also on the program was a welcoming address by school president Sandra Madore, a Bicentennial Salute honoring the
American flag presented by Gerrard cheerleaders, and a pompom dance, also by cheerleaders, choreographed by varsity cheerTurn to Page Sixteen
Music thing to the community. And only a ghost town was left. Eric Carmen's new album entitled with his own name gave me the same feeling as that ghost town. It is romantic and apparently once full of I.ife, but sadly lonely now. His current chart song, "All By MyseU," reveals a life that is a dusty shadow of the past. "When I was young I never needed anyone and makin' love was just for fun; those days are gone." Yes" the days were glorious and high, full of friends and laughter. In the rush' it never 'occ:urred to anyone that the times would end. Somehow the sunset one evening and rose the next day to find that everyone was gone. "Livin' 'alone I think of all the friends I've known hut when I dial the telephone nobody's home." Where did the people go? Why would they leave? Where is the answer? It is settled dn the mountains of Colorado, in a ghost town. When people get together just for fun, not planning to work, when they rush together to see what they can get, not expecting to return anything of value, when they build (;heaply, not planning for many winters, you can bet that the neighbors will be gone as fast as the vein disappears. For Eric Carmen, it is dear that the friendships of the past were not built on anything stable. From the vantage point of history, the truth emerges that good financial economy and good personal relationships require the same thing investment. Without a reinvestment 'of what a person receives, all things must pass. ' Far too often love is seen as a conquest, a conquest that might he compared to the prospector who fortunately discovers the vein of great worth, successf:JlIv stakes his claim, and makes the most of it until a more profitable course is available. Actually, good economy and genuine love are rarely due to discovery; they come from the risk of investment when a person puts on the line everything he can spare. What is required is not the emptying of the other person, but' rather, the emptying of self. "All By Myself" stirs through dusty memories to reveal the truth that loneliness only passes when people make the leap to give abundantly of themselves. (All correspondence should be directed to: The Dll;means, P.O. Box 2108, Baton Rouge, La. 70821) (Copyright (cl 1976 by NC News Service)
AT GERRARD: From top, Sister Evangelista, RSM receives bouquet from Melissa Toulan, varsity basketball captain; cheerleaders Jackie Melanson, varsity captain Celeste Morin, Elaine Guimond prepare for pep rally; CLC members, clockwise from lower left, Judith Coppinger, Claire Desrosiers, Sister Mary Albertus, Inez de Costa, Paula Hinman, Cindy Lake, plan "Be Aware Week."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. feb. 26, 1976
Norton High ,Coach
Seventeen Area Hoop Teams Begin Championship Journey Seventeen schools from within the confines of diocesan territorial limits will embark on the championship trail this week when the Eastern Massachusetts Schoolboy B~sketball tournament commences. Predictably the unpredictable transpires over winners of the three divithe course of this gala single The sional titles in the South secelimination tourney. Only tional will join the divisional ti:he "elite" from the school- tlists from the North and West-
boy ranks qualify for event and any school is capable of stringing together the four victories needed to earn the title Eastern Mass champion. There are no clear cut favorites entering the extravaganza. All teams participating have either won their respective league championships or, a minimum, of 59 per cent of their games. There is no such thing as a soft touch in tourney competition. Under the new format, local schools will vie for the right to represent Southern Massachusetts in the state finals which will be staged in mid March.
ern Mass. to form the field for the state playoffs. Alignment of schools within divisions for the tourney is accomplished strictly on male enrollment in grades 10-12 basis. The largest schools compete for Division I honors while the smallest battle for the Division III crown. Only two local schools have qualified for play in Division I. Durfee High of Fall River and Attleboro both from Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division I. Realistically, Attleboro's chances of success are limited while Durfee's are good.
Level of Competito,:, Sets Tourney Tone The Hilltoppers have been impressive all year enroute to their second consecutive league title. The fact that they have not been seriously challenged could hurt against stronger competition, or prove their suspected superiority. Durfee makes its tourney debut tomorrow evening against the winner of the Braintree-Quincy game in Taunton. Many schoolboy baskeball followers believer that the level of competition experienced during the course of the regular season sets the tone for the tourney. In Durfee's case the competition has not been consistently strong, but for Dartmouth and Bishop Connolly High of Fall River the situation was reversed. The Indians and the Cougars who will participate in Division II of the state tourney competed against
Conference Division I opponents all season. Dartmouth will be tested by Roslindale while Connolly meets Rockland in opening round action. It will be interesteing to compare the fate of both with qualifiers from Division II of the Conference. Qualifiers from that bracket include Somerset, Seekonk and Barnstable. Somerset and Barnstable are paired off against each other in preliminary action scheduled for tonight at 7:00 at Old Rochester High in Mattapoipoisett. Seekonk plays Westwood in its first tourney game. Dighton-Rehoboth will step up a division from its Conference III position to compete against schools of equal size. The Falcons will be the only team from the area moving up a notch from Conference placement.
Oliver Ames Area's Best in Division II Of the seven area clubs chas- their small enrollments. Both ing the Division II title, OJiver are expected to fare well. Ames High of Easton is the only New Bedford Vocational and non-Conference team. The Tigers Norton will also play in the III will represent the Hockomock League as champions of that 10 bracket along with three repreteam circuit. On paper and per- sentatives of the Cape and Isformance OA appears to be the lands League. The latter includes diocesan's strongest representa- Martha's Vineyard, Sandwich and Nauset. The eighth area tive in the second grouping. Tonight's docket lists Oliver school in the division is SouthAmes against the winner Of the eastern Regional of Easton and Burke-Plymouth-Carver game at the Mayflower League. Brockton while Dighton-RehoAll preliminary rounds of the both will meet Boston Trade at tournament will be completed Bridgewater. by tomorrow. The survivors will Wareham and Bishop Feehan advance to the quarter finals High of Attleboro, who battled . which will be held tomorrow and Somerset and Seekonk for the Saturday. The semi-finals in all Conference's Division II crown, divisions are slated for Wedneswill participate in Division III day, March 3, and the finals for of the state playoff because of the following Saturday, March 6.
...:: CYO ALL-STARS: Excitement marked the Junior CYO All-Star Tournament, held at
Anawan Street CYO Center, Fall River, as Taunton All-Stars defeated Attleboro in the first game, then Fall River nipped New Bedford for the right to play Taunton for the cham,pionship., In a well-played game, the Fall River Stars squeezed out a 47-46 victory to take the tournament. Named to the All-Tourney Team were Alan Berard and Brian Donnelly, Fall River, Bill Williams, New Bedford, Scott Clemmey, Taunton. At top, from left, Alan Berard, All-Star; Tim Leary, Taunton, MVP; Brian Donnelly and Scott Clemmey, AllStars. Bottom, left, Leary goes up for a shot; right, so does Clemmey.
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The Parish Parade ST. THOMAS MORE, HOLY NAME, SOMERSET FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces Parents of children preparing to receive First Penance and that noted portraitist John ColdFirst Eucharist will meet in the well will judge the parish Amschool at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March ateur Arts and Crafts Show to be held in the church hall this 2. Registration for Holy Name weekend. Coldwell, whose art School for the coming year will studies were made in Paris, is take place during regular school active in the Fall River Art hours for the first two weeks of Association. Registration for this weekend's March. Parents are asked to bring with them their child's baptismal event, open to all parishioners, will be held from 1 to 3 and 6 to certificate. 8 p.m. today. Judging will take ST. ANNE, place tomorrow and the exhibit FALL RIVER will be open to the public from Rev. Kevin Tripp, chaplain at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bed- 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday and from ford, will speak at a Home and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday: Mrs. School Assn. meeting at 7:30 Kathy Pietraszek is general p.m. tonight. His topic will be chairperson. "Realistic Approaches to Death OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER and Dying." A malasada supper from 6 to Allen G. Brown of Barrington College will be guest. artist at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 in the an organ recital to take place in parish hall will be followed until the church at 4 p.m. Sunday, 11 p.m. by a penny sale. A Portuguese language misFeb. 29. The public is invited. sion is scheduled for the week ST. MARY, of March 7 through 13. TAUNTON SACRED HEART, CYO cheerleaders and basket- FALL RIVER ball players will benefit from a The monthly meeting of the dance to be held in VFW Hall on Women's Guild is scheduled for Ingell Street Friday night, March 8 p.m. Monday, March 1 in the 5. Tickets are available from school hall. Rev. Michael Nagle, Ralph HodgMembers of the bowling league son and Lorraine Miller. are making plans for a game ST. LOUIS, night. FALL RIVER ST. JOSEPH, The Women's Guild will meet ATTLEBORO in the church auditorium at 7:30 Knights of the Altar will leave p.m. Tuesday, March 2, instead from the schoolyard at 7 tonight of Wednesday, its regular meet- for an evening of roller skating. ing date. The change is made in On Saturday, Feb. 28 Boy order not to conflict with Ash Scouts will take an overnight Wednesday services. A St. Pat- camping trip, returning Sunday rick's party will highlight the afternoon. meeting, with Mrs. William IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, O'Neil, Miss Agnes Murphy,and FALL RIVER Mrs. Raymond Morin in charge An Irish program will highof arrangements. light a meeting of the Womens Guild set for 8 p.m. Monday, ST. ELIZABETH, March 1 in the church hall. Mrs. FALL RIVER The annual Women's Guild Clare Long and Mrs. Ann Turner inalasada supper will take place will be in charge of refreshfrom 6 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, ments. Feb. 28 in the church hall on ST. MARGARET, Tucker Street. A penny sale will BUZZARDS BAY A World Day of Prayer will follow, beginning at 7:45 p.m. Proceeds from both events will be observed at 10 a.m. Friday, benefit the parish hall fund, ac- . March 5 in the church by Church cording to an announcement Women United and representamade by Mrs. Mary Oliveira, tives of all area churches. All guild president and chairman for are invited to participate in this the evening. Penny sale tickets chain of prayer uniting millions will be available at the door and of people in 169 countries of the a limited number will also be world. ST. JOIJN OF GOD, on hand for the supper. SOMERSET The church building fund will benefit from the annual dinner and fashion show sponsored by PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. the Women's Guild, to be held this year at 6:30 p.m. WednesSales and Service for Domestic ~ day, March 10 at Venus de Milo and Industrial ~ restaurant, Swansea. Men's, Oil Burners women's and children's styles 995-1631 will be shown and reservations 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE may be made by telephoning NEW BEDFORD 673-6145 or 674-0246.
PLUMBING & HEATING Contraetors Since 1913
699 Belleville Avenue New Bedford
Gerrard Fan Continued f.rom Page Fourteen ing ca,tain Celeste Morin. The annual basketball game between varsity and jayvee teams was the featured event of the program. Sister Elizabeth McAuliffe, RSM, Gerrard principal, noted in her message, "In this, the day of the abbreviation, CIA, FBI, BGHS, the letters PEP should have some deeper meaning. As witnessed tonight, they stand for Purpose, Enthusiasm, Pride." The annlUil pep rally is sponsored by the Gerrard cheering squads under the direction of Sister Mary Agnes, OP, to hpnor the school's 'basketball teams. Also a cheering captain, in addition to Celeste Monin, is Jeanne Gagnon, jayvee head. Basketball captains are Melissa Toulan, Norma Comeau and Mary Jane Bryant, varsity; and Nancy Torres and Patricia Sullivan, jayvee. The event is emotional, noted Sister Mary Agnes, "because it's the cheerleaders' way of saying a very special, fond farewell to the senior players on the basketball team." Be Aware Week Earlier this month, members of Bdshop Gerrard's Christian Life Community (CLC), led by Sister Mary AI'bertus. RSM, held a "Be Aware Week." Its purnose was to better develop a Christian atmosphere at Gerrard through prayer and "simply being more aware of each other as members of the Gerrard community." Sister AIbertus stressed that "what should make Gerrard different from other schools is that there is a smaller enrollment, which allows for better personal relationships." During the week CLC mem-' bers served coffee to faculty and students in the senior lounge and faculty and students were asked to create colleges of themselves depicting "strong, positive aspects." Each class and the faculty was assigned a day during which baby pictures of members were on display. eLC officers said it was their hope that such activities would help bring about "the evolution of full human beings able successfully to deal with themselves and each other in a more considerate and loving atmosphere."
focus on youth Continued from Page Fourteen tend to be too consumer-oriented, where the utter sameness of Holiday Inns and Dari-Freezes are perhaps a poignant symbol of our modern, industrial, technocratic society. I wonder if these things contribute to man's rootlessness, disorientation, where mobility of body and soul cause people no longer to have homes but merely places of residence, a world where men deface the contours and outlines of the physical world for the sake of faster and more. and better. As important as getting an education is the importance of finding your place, your niche. If you are to retain your spiritual life in its deepest meaning, you must find a place where you can belong as one with the land, where you can truly be yourself. Do this and all else will be added unto you.
Photo and text by Father Carl J. Pfeifer, S.J. A MAN LIKE EVERY MAN ••• OR? Hands on hips . . . a young man stands thinking . Christ seems to dominate his horizon . . . His Tshirt proclaims faith in Jesus Christ ... as eternal life. His stance suggests an inner pondering ... a sense of wonder shared by all who seem to know Jesus Christ ... a questioning felt already by Jesus' first deciples . . . who asked themselves . . . "What does this mean?" (Mk 1:27) ... "What sort of man is this?" The experience of Jesus Christ in one's life ... and serious faith in Him . . . is always marked by wonder . . . questioning . . . awe . . . "What sort of man can this be?" (Lk 8:25). Mighty in awesome power . . . "even the winds and sea obey Him" (Mt 8:27) ... Jesus is at the same time sensitive and gentle . . . "the bruised reed He will not crush" (Mt 12:20). He is a king who rules by serving ... a priest at home with sinners . . . a prophet who remains awesomelyapart ... yet loves intimately ... Jesus power. fully stills storms ... yet is Himself engulfed in waves of inner anguish and fear . . . He heals others while being broken himself ... loved. and hated ... persecuted and condemned . . . yet loving even to the end . .. He finds new life in the ultimate agony of death. Jesus Christ a man like every man ... while so much more than an ordinary man ... asks each of us . . . "And you . . . who do you say that I am?" (Mt 16:15)
_:===============.1 No matter where you live in
the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *AlTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAlRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 14.0, *FALLRlVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.