t eanc 0 VOL. 25, No.9
20c, $6 Per Year
Pontiff may recognize Patriotic Catho,lics of China
!!!...pastoral letter
Lenten sacrifice urged hy bishop Dearly beloved in Chriist, In his 1981 Lente:n Message, our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, describes the holy season which we are about to begin as "a time of profound truth," a season of grace in which "Christians, called by the Church to prayer, penance, fasting and sEllf-sacrifice, place themselves before God and recognize theltl1selves, rediscover themselves." As we place ourselves before God, both individually and as a community of believers, during this Lenten season, we cannot but be reminded that we are, all of us, the creation of a loving God. So often, the many technological advances and discoveries of our day, wonderful as they indeed are, tend to obscure, even bring into doubt, this awesome truth. Lent brings this truth before our minds in a powerful manner. This holy season also directs us to thoughts of the divine life which we are~ privileged to share through Baptism, a participation in the very life of the God who created us. Turn to Page Six
BEIJING, China (NC) - Pope John Paul II is considering recognizing the National Association of Patriotic Catholics of China, an organization condemned by the Vatican in 1958. The statement was made by Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, papal secretary of state, in connection with the pope's call for friendlier Vatican-Chinese relations, made during his trip to East Asia. The cardinal added that there "are also some signals from China" about a possible papal -visit, but that "the obstacle of Vatican relations with Taiwan remains and makes things difficult." The papal appeal for friendship received a cool reaction from Bishop Michael Fu of Beijing, whose jurisdiction is not recognized by the Vatican. Before relations can improve the Vatican should "recognize clearly its past policy toward China and attitude toward our church, and correct it," said Bishop Fu. The Chinese still remember "some very unfriendly language toward China" in past Vatican statements, he added. Today, with his whirlwind tour of East Asia behind him, Pope John Paul is scheduled to celebrate Mass in Anchorage, Alaska, en route home to Vatican City. He was to travel about six miles from Anchorage International Airport into the city, meet with Catholic, Protestant and other religious leaders at Holy Name Cathedral, then celebrate a public Mass expected to be attended by some 100,000 persons from throughout the sparsely populated state. Among those present will be U.S. Cardinals John Krol, John Cody and Humberto Medeiros, Archbishop Pio Laghi, apostolic delegate in the U.S.; and Archbishop John Roach, president of the U.S. Catholic Conference. In Japan In Japan, the pontiff's last stop in Asia, he met with Emperor Hirohito. At their parting, 'according to a Vatican communique, there was "an absolute historic first," when the em-
peror bowed to the pope. Traditionally, the emperor, once considered divine, never. bows to anyone, including the highest-ranked royalty. At a Tokyo meeting with youth the pope won the hearts of some 4000 people when he sang along with two Polish folk tunes and joined a circle of danG,ing children. Throughout his stay he frequently ventured into Japanese as he began and ended talks. He had been studying the difficult language for some weeks
prior to his Far East journey. Also in Japan the pontiff visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities leveled by atomic bombs during World War II, and met thousands of the estimated 400, 000 Catholics in the largely nonChristian nation of 117 million people. It was the first visit by any pope to Japan and in startlin~ contrast to the cheering crowds which greeted the pope in the Philippines, residents of Tokyo virtually ignored his arrival. Turn to Page Seven
Decision 'does not alter moral principles' Commenting on last week's decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court concerning use of tax dollars for "medically necessary" Medicaid aborc tions, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin said: "The decision is regrettable: however, it does not alter moral principles, and therefore the teaching of the church with regard to life remains inviolate. The church will continue to uphold the sanctity and the dignity of human life." The court ruled unconstitutional a 1979 state law limiting public financing of abortions to cases where the woman's life might be endangered by giving birth. In a 6-1 decision on Feb. 18, the court ordered the state to pay for all "medically necessary" abortions for women on welfare, even if their lives are not in danger. The decision involved the claims of three unidentified women, each of whom had "decided after consultation with her physician that she wishes to terminate her pregnancy," said the majority opinion written by Justice Francis J. Quirico. The majority held that, because the state chose to subsidize childbearing and health costs, it must do so with "genuine indifference" to the options made . ava~lable to a pregnant woman by the allocation of pub-
lic funds. Each of the women _was "entitled to non-discriminatory funding of lawful, medically necessary abortion services," the court ruled. It enjoined public officials from withholding payments under the state Medicaid program. In a long dissent, Chief Justice Edward Hennessey said: "It is olear to me that the majority thus equate a financial inducement toward childbirth with an obstacle to a woman's freedom to choose abortion. The logic fails. It may be an appropriate argument to address to the legislature, but it is not a valid premise for a conclusion of unconstitutionality." Gov. Edward J. King, who campaigned in 1978 on a pledge to seek limits on public funding of abortions, said his first reaction was to "proceed to amend our constitution so the abortion issue is properly handled." John Reinstein, of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, which challenged the law, said the ruling meant the state's constitutional protection of a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion was "broader than the right recognized by the United States Supreme Court." Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of limits imposed by Congress on federal funding of abortions.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb." t6~ 1'981
newl brlefl people/ plaCel/eVentl NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) - The University of Notre Dame is planning a celebration March 23-25 for the Peace Corps' anniversary. Notre Dame was one of the first educational institutions to provide volunteer training programs for the corps.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Despite a decrease in the number of school-age children, enrollment in Catholic elementary and secondary schools has remained relatively constant over the past five years, a study by the National Catholic Educational Association indicated.
MELKITE RITE Patriarch Maximos V Hakim of Antioch, 72, rests in Beirut hospital after receiving minor facial cuts during an assassination attempt. "I love everyone. Why did they do this?" queried 'the aged prelate.
TORONTO (NC) - An injunction by the Ontario Supreme Court halting an abortion has set a precedent in Canadian law by recognizing that "fetuses and natural fathers' have rights in addition to mothers' rights." The injunction to halt the abortion was sought by the unborn child's 17-year-old father, who said he will raise the baby.
WASHINGTON (NC)-The improvements shown by mentally retarded youngsters after an experimental treatment program in Norfolk, Va., shOW "a clear need for our society to rethink its priorities'''' in medical research dealing with handicaps, according to Father Edward Bryce, director of the secretariat for the 13ishops' Ad Hoc relgBPeCommittee for Pro-Life Activities.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Greek Orthodox Archbishop Diodoros Karivalis is the new Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Vatican Radio has reported. Patriarch Karivalis, 58, has been archbishop of Amman, Jordan, since 1962.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Marjory Mecklenburg, president of American Citizens Concerned for Life, is being considered for head of the federal Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs. The office aids teen-age mothers and counsels on birth control.
BEIRUT, Lebananon (NC) - Melkite-Rite Patriarch Maximos V. Hakim of Antioch escaped an assassination attempt last week when gunmen riddled his'limousine with machine-gun fire.
POPE JOHN PAUL II blesses residents of Manila slum as he drives past their houses. (NC Photo)
MANILA, Philippines (NC) - Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, a well-known figure among Rome's prison population, celebrated Mass last week for inmates of the MuntinlupaPenitentiary on behalf of Pope John 'PaUl iII.
LONDON (NC) - Amnesty International has blamed the death of about 3,000 Guatemalans during 1980 on a "government plan under the direct control" of President Romeo Lucas Garcia to eliminate the alleged subversives.
WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (NC) - Connecticut's property tax system for local governments is unjust and contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church according to a Hartford archdiocesan official, Frederick Perella, who said property tax systems tend to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.
ST. PAUL, MINN. (NC) - Schools that participated in a Minnesota Marathon for Non-Public Education raised almost $1.26 million, according to a final report released by the marathon office. DUBLIN, Ireland (NC) - A decision by the Irish Rugby Football Union :to send a team to play ,in South Africa has been strongly criticized by the Irish bishops. The trip would be used to help justify the white-minority government's racial segregation system of apartheid, said Cardinal Tomas O'Fiaich of Armagh, Northet;n Ireland, head of the bishops' conference of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
I WANT TO GO HOME might be the pope's thought as strain of his tightly scheduled trip is manifested during a Mass in Cebu, Philippines.
WASHINGTON (NC) - A Catholic-supported trade union movement in Brazil has sent its leaders to Europe and North America in search of support before their trial in military court on charges of inciting to "collective disobedience," the government term for labor strikes.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, . reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
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!tal JEFF HATHAWAY, 31, gets typing instruction from Terry Gendreau, a 'Newport College junior and special education major. ~-~
'Fr. William J. -Rattery, S.J. invites you on a
Retarded adults 'go to college'
A very special celebration of The Newport program is unthe International Year of Qis- usual not only because of its abled Persons is taking place at teaching philosophy and methods Newport College/Salve Regina, ~but because of its rarity. While where 33 retarded adults, ages 21 there are many educational opto 40, are "going to college" in portunities available for pera tuition-free continuing educa-' sons up to age 21, there are few tion program. for those older. The weekly evening program. At the Newport center the open to Massachusetts as well as student-teacher ratio is one-toRhode Island residents, offers one with the retarded adults. adult level educational opporIndividual goals are as simple tunities to exceptional persons. as learning how to read safety Program director Kathryn signs or as complex as preparing Flood emphasizes that curricu- for a high school equivalency lums and instructional materials examination. do not "challenge the integrity . One adult is studying for a of the person" by app(~aring ju- driver's license. Another, prevenile. paring to move into his. own
apartment, is learning money management and budgeting. Upcoming projects for the students include writing. directing and presenting a "PM Magazine" type videotape show and studying basic banking skills, such as handling checking and savings accounts. The center opened in 1975 with six students. Since that time Sister Charles Francis Dubuque of the college faculty has aided the program, as have special education professors. J'he program, sums u'p Ms. Flood. says to the exceptional: "We know you can learn. You are worth being taught."
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The Parent Aide pr10gram offer families in which children are abused or neglectE!d the opportunity to develop "ill supportive relationship with a caring individual." Because abuse oft4m occurs when parents are isolated from family or friends, su(:h a relationship has proved an effective prevention technique in many communities, said Fall River officials.
Volunteers able to commit three to five hours a week to the program are needed. They will receive training and supervision and expenses incurred for transportation and child care will be covered. The project is sponsored by member agencies of the Fall River Child Protection Council, including St. Anne's Hospital and the Fall River Office for Children. Parents Anonymous Parents Anonymous is a crisis intervention program helping parents deal with destructive attitudes and behavior toward
their children. It offers support and reassurance and instructs in positive ways of handling children. Learning to deal with emotions and feelings will be a priority for members of the new group. which is open to any parent who feels in danger of harming his or her children. There are no charges for memo bership and child care will be available during meetings. Information on both programs is available from the Fall River Office for Children, 243 Forest St., Fall River, telephone 6750588 or 675-0589.
'felevision Masses planned Homilies of the dioeesan television Mass, aired at 10:30 a.m. each S\Jnday on Channel Six, will present a unified catechesis during the Lenten season according to announcement made by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, secretary of the Divine Worship Com-
mission. The schedule of celebrants and their topics follows: - March 8. Rev. George Bellenoit, "Lent and its meaning;" - March 15. Rev. William Campbell. "Fasting and abstinence;"
(Rome - Assisi - Venice - Padua - Milan) DEPARTS FROM LISBON
llemedies for child abuse Two programs dealing with child abuse are being organized in greater Fall River. They are a Parent Aide project and Parents Anonymous.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
the .living word'
To Russia with Love For some strange reason, during the past decade Amer~ icans have had a James Bond view of the Soviet Union. In the post-Vietnam fallout Russia became some sort of mythical teddy bear. Smarting under the personal embarrassment of selfinflicted defeat, America wanted to be seen as an international social agency. As a result, a viewpoint developed that appraised communism as just another politicial philosophy. Ignoring historic fact and daily reality, there were people in government who really believed that Russia and all that it currently stands for in the light of international communism should be seen in the rather foggy light of diplomacy and statesmanship. To view Russia as tainted with the remnants of bolshevism was ridiculous and laughable. Few answers were forthcoming as to the real role of Russia in Angola via its Cuban satellite. Heads were turned, lips 'were sealed when the Soviet might invaded Afghanistan. Somehow the real plight of Soviet Jews and persecuted Armenians was discounted by slick media ploys. The exile of Catholic and Protestant dissidents to the dehumanizing labor camps of Siberia was not even to be mentioned by a government that honestly thought it could shake hands with the devil. After all, detente was the all-important and overriding concern of American foreign policy. Nothing could stand in the way of American and Russian attempts to ease the tension of the so-called cold war. Few would admit that the Soviets were writing the script and the Americans were becoming bit players. Fortunately, things have changed in this regard as far as Washington is concerned. If the present Reagan administration has done one thing in its short time in office, it is that it has served notice to the country and to the world that the Soviet Union will no longer be spared the consequences of its actions. This about-face is not only refreshing for Washington but also necessary. The people of this nation and of all nations must be told the truth about the unchanging intent of Russian communism to control the destiny of the world family. Once again Russian aggression is not a matter to be hidden by our government in order to gain some mythical advantage in the world community. One would not want a return to the insufferable tantrums of the McCarthy era, but at the same time we' must stop viewing Russia as a collective Disneyland. The Russian reaction to this change is also refreshing. It is good to see them on the verbal defensive. For too long have we been the reactors. Now we have seemingly gained tpe courag~ to expose the plots and foibles of Russian intent. As the Reagan team begins to refine and define its foreign policy, may it be encouraged to stand firm when the Russian bear rears. Things have not changed in the Soviet Union. The doctrines of Marx and Lenin are taken as seriously today as when they were first penned. We Americans, fortunately, have been reminded of this by our government. We should be grateful for this to the new administration as the attempt is made once more to put our foreign policy into correct focus.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. . EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. JQhn F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~
leary Press-¡Fall RI,ter
'I reprehend myself and do penance in dust and ashes.' Job 42:6
• -Treasures, In Clay' By Father Kevin J. Harrington Lent is an opportune time for spiritual reading. The popularity of religious authors marketing religion as psychology boggles the imagination. One used to find the religious section of a bookstore next to the philosophy shelves, but in the past 10 years religion has shifted to the psychology section.
God's grace. Fulton Sheen was ,always aware that he was just a pitcher. His popularity did not seduce him from his calling. He was ever aware that he was only a man and that Satan's power was a real force with which he had to deal. He was literally tOl:n between the comforts that success brought and his call to embrace the Cross.
The sales of "how-to" books seem infinite. People are seeking instant solutions to problems that take a lifetime to work through.
I asked a bookstore clerk for Archbishop Sheen's autobiography. She replied: "No one reads him anymore. Isn't he dead, Father?"
It is with this in mind that
Perhaps if Fulton Sheen's autobiography had appeared 20 years ago, it would have sold as many copies as it deserves. But, in the past 20 years Fulton Sheen discovered meaning in his trials.
Catholics can greet with delight "Treasures in Clay," the autobiography of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Few religious leaders in the history of our country have had so much impact on so many people. Archbishop Sheen's life was a testimony to three loves that totally absorbed his incredible zeal. He loved to teach about God in a way that all could easily understand. He loved the Eucharist, as evidenced by the holy hour he made daily in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. As Christ had instructed his beloved disciples to do, he loved Mary. The fact that Christ was the center of the archbishop's life was so evident that he inspired millions throughout the world. He proved that a man can be molded by the Divine Potter as a pleasing pitcher pouring forth
side. Maybe He will recognize me from that scar and receive me into His Kingdom." Further reflection on those same wounds caused the archbishop to examine his conscience rigorously. He writes: "In the crown of thorns, I see my pride, my grasping for earthly toys in the pierced Hands, my flight from shepherding care ih the pierced Feet, my wasted love in the wounded Heart, and my prurient desires in the flesh hanging from Him like purple rags.
"Almost every time t turn a page of the Book of Life, my heart weeps at what eros has done to agape, what the "I" has done to the "Thou," what the professed friend has done to the Beloved." In his autobiography he is at . times chatty, at other times He shared, for instance, a preachy, but he is always the beautiful Lenten reflection after Fulton Sheen that millions of his open-heart surgery: "I was people admire and emulate. Ever glad that I had open-heart sur- aware of his lofty calling, he regery because when the Lord mained humble for he was aware comes to take us all, He will that he was but clay containing look to see if we have any marks the precious treasure of God's of the Cross upon ourselves. love. "He will look at our feet to see if they' have been thornbruised and nail-pierced searching for lost sheep; He will look at our heart to see if that has been opened to receive His Divine Heart. HOh what joy is mine just to have endured the miniscule imitation of His sufferings on the Cross by having a wounded
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur" Feb. 26, 1981
Mardi .Gras bits With Lent upon us and the spectre of six serious columns ahead, this is a Mardi Gras mosaic of some
of the items of a lighter nature that didn't quite makE! it to a column of their own. Just as Christians of old ate up all the good stuff in the house before Lent, you may digest these as a pre-lenten treat: Did you know that every time you laugh, you burn up three and a half calories but every time you worry, you bum up eight? Or that a man in Nebraska had "Go Big Red" insl:ribed on his mother's tombst.:me last year? Yep. When Gary Hamilton's mother, Mary died, he had etched on her stone, "Mary L. Hamilton, 1916-1977, Go Big Red." The news story added, "Mrs. Hamilton died last Oct. 15, shortly after Nebraska's loss to Iowa State." Some sacrifices are greater than others. Or that another TV innovation awaits us? We'll soon be able to summon more than one channel to our screen. Sets capable of two-channel split sc:reens are already on the market, and coming in the future are sets that will display up to nine channels simultaneously. One for each member of the family, I presume. Or maybe we can get 9 football games on at one time.
Or that Norman Mailer, whose divorce from his fourth wife became final last Sept. and whose child care payments now support 14 persons, made plans for a 5th and 6th marriage with a fifth "civilized" divorce sandwiched in between them? Liz Smith in the New York Daily News explained it all. Mailer has been living the past 6 years with Norris Church, mother of their 2 year-old son. He will marry her but first he will marry jazz singer Carol Stevens, with whom he lived earlier and had Jl daughter. That accomplished, he and Stevens will divorce and he will then marry Church, thus legitimizing all the children, if not the unions. Go Big Chivalry. Or that venerable Frank Sheed, 82 year-old writer/theologian said he saw nothing wrong with the ordination of women but that with an allmale priesthood, you could be certain that at least one man would be present at each Mass. Or that a friend of mine was told after she sang at church for awhile, "I don't care what anybody says, I always enjoy your singing." Or that the Catholic Church is the third largest user of telephones in the U.S. Only the federal government and General Motors spend more in the aggregate talking on the phone
Stoc]~man's The way we'll live in the next four years is being determined by a young man named David Stockman the director of the OffiCE: of Management and Budget, who has been working 20 hours a day cutting the federal budget. About Stockman's head there is no argument. About his heart there is doubt. Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, during the confirmation debate, called Stockman "callous" about the poor. But Glenn went on to praise Stockman's character. William Proxmire, D-Wis., suluted the former congressman's courage in voting against the Chrysler guarantee. Stockman is 100 percent pure in his opposition to government subsidies. He was in Baltimore as a debate rehearsal stand-in for John Anderson, whose aide he had been for five years. Stockman, 34, fee:ls no disloyalty about impersonating his former boss to warm up his present employer. "I disagreed with him," he said. "He became the candidate of the left." Stockman was once on the left himself, but he has ':he zeal of the reconverted. His intellectual odyssey began on the Michigan farm where he spent his boyhood. "I was a Goldwater conservative," he explains. Michigan State University changed all that. For a required freshman course, his teacher was
an atheistic socialist. "In five months, he had completely dismantled all my beliefs." Stockman became an activist in "Vietnam Summer," as the FBI discovered in its check. But Reagan defended him. Everyone, he sai~ makes youthful mistakes." The person who took Stockman back to his boyhood beliefs was Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan, DN.Y., in whose Cambridge house he lived for a year. Moyniha!l was counselor to President Richard Nixon and Stockman was attending Harvard Divinity School. He intended to become a theologian, being attracted to the teachings of Reinhold Niebuhr. Moynihan not only reassembled Stockman's earlier thought system but steered him into politics through a job with Anderson. Stockman is rather like Anderson, slight, intense, verbal, intellectual - and given to phrasemaking. He warned of an "economic Dunkirk" unless radical measures were taken - a bit of hyperbole which brought a public reproof from Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, who wants to be the principal economic spokesman. In 1976, Stockman was elected to the House from Michigan. He was, according to one colleague, "a little data-crazy, but devastating in debate." He was also popular with liberals. "His word was gold," says Rep. Toby
than the $HO million the Church spends yearly. So heard the bishops from experts at their November meeting. Makes us wonder how the Church survived nearly 1900 years without yellow pages. Or that the reason 6th and 7th graders can't sit stiIl is because it's psychologically impossible? their coccyx (tailbone) is stiIl growing and serves as an irritant when they sit still. No wonder seasickness is an occupational hazard for jr. h~gh teachers. Or that, according to a poster seen in a zoo, the Sweetest Phrases in the World are: I love you. It's quitting time. Sleep until noon. You've lost weight. Dinner is served. Keep the change. This zoo is really clean. (Thank you for making the last phrase possible.) Or finally, that when John Paul II was named pope, the Denver Post received a call from a woman who was angry over his selection. '\He's all right, I guess," she said, "but I sure wish they would have chosen a Protestant. The Catholics have been in there too long."
Moffett, D-Conn., who disagrees with Stockman about everything. Like everyone else, his old colleagues are watching to see where Stockman's axe will fall. The answer, it seems, is everywhere. And that accounts for Stockman's confidence that the "jolt to the economy" will be accepted. Apparently, the cuts will be so cosmic, so radical, that individual voices will not be heard amid the universal wail. ,But Stockman says, echoing Reagan, that the truly needy will be looked after. All he will say for sure is that "it isn't going to be a milliol1' here and a million there, it is going to be a billion here and a biIlion there." ."1""1111111111111'""'11111'1'1'11"'111'1'11I"'''10'"111111''''''11'''1'11111111111I11I111111111I11I_
THE ANCHOR (USPS¡54'-D20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass.
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Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ;hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722
for Concern I was reprimanded recently by a good friend for rapping the "peace and justice" institution called the Center for Concern. They were, my angry friend told me, "good people." I am prepared to concede once and for all that they are good people. My question has always been whether their "concern" is a substitute for competence. The point is nicely illustrated in an article by Joe Holland in an article called "The Crisis of the Family" in a recent issue of Center Focus, the newsletter published by the Center for Concern. Mr. Holland begins with a quote from an "authority" (sociologist Urie Bronfenbrenner) that asserts the "American family is disintegrating." He then adds his own opinion that "the crisis of the family is one of the most profound social and religious problems before us." He then proves his thesis with evidence from "everyday experience: rising rates of divorce, abortion, decreasing time spent by parents with their children, high levels of infant mortalitY', juvenile crime, vandalism, drug abuse, a national decline in academic achievement, and a youth suicide rate which has tripled in twenty years; growing accidents among the young, many fatal; and child abuse and even child killing on a scale of national tragedy." He continues with an analysis of the "conservative" and "liberal" view of the family, in which, among other things, he asserts that "liberalism is an anti-family culture" and concludes with his own recommendations: a renewal of the cooperative movement, Marriage Encounter, a family-based social action movement and special commitment to family ministry by religious orders. One hardly knows where to begin. There is a large body of sociological thought that dissents from Bronfenbrenner. Indeed, I think it safe to say that the majority of family sociologists who take empirical evidence seriously don't believe the family is disintegrating or even that it is in acute crisis. The point here is not whether these sociologists are right, but that it is utterly irresponsible for Holland to ignore them. Moreover, many of his facts from "everyday experience" don't prove the family is disintegrating. Divorce rates have risen mostly among the poor and mostly because legal services are now available for divorce. Abortion has increased because it has been legalized by the Supreme Court. Test scores have declined because standards of
teaching have declined as a result of the 1960s radical notion that you don't need standards since they hurt the "poor." Infant mortality rates are not high in the United States and have certainly not increased (they should be lower but that's a matter of poverty, not family disintegration). Child abuse does not seem to have increased, only our awareness of it. Youthful suicides and accidents are "yesno" indicators that tell us nothing about the families in which such things don't happen and not a linear measure as Holland's misuse of the statistic implies. Nor can one accept the wild generalization that liberalism is anti-family. Some liberals may be, others surely are not. U things are so bad, Holland's recommendations are curiously mild. CF1M is more than 30 years old. Marriage Encounter by its own self-definition is not for families in crisis. One fails to see how either can pull the family out of the disaster in which Holland claims it is mired. There is no discussion in the article' of some bf the very real problems modernfamiiies' face;the high expectations we have for fulfillment in family life with little in the way of matching skills, life cycle phenomena that affect husband - wife, child, - parent relations, the development of patterns of relating to another adult who is also your parent/child, the need to keep sexual romance alive. Joe Holland his written an inexcusably incompetent and irresponsible article in whiCh his concern for the family (which I admire and share) has apparently blinded him to the inadequacies of his analysis and the shallowness of his recommendations.. Unfortunately this sort of contribution has been all too typical of" the center in its decade long history. Moreover, the impact of the center and its allies in the "peace and justice" movement on the posture of the American church has been considerable, and in my judgment harmful. At one time - in the days of John Ryan and then George Higgins - those who were experts in the field of "social action" (as it was then called) could assume that Catholic spokespersons knew what they were talking about. Now, in an 1!I'a when American Catholicism's contribution is so' heavily influenced by the Jesuit sponsored Center for Concern, "W'eR-jnformed Catholics and non-Catholics llilke assume, normally quite correctly, that the church doesn't lmow what it's talking about. Sadly, it usually doesn't.
THE ANCHOR-Of,. of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
DR. EDUARDO BONNIN, a co-founder of the Cursillo movement, was in the Fall River diocese in 1975 as cursillistas celebrated the 10th anniversary of the movement here. Asssisted by Dr. Joseph Ryan, a diocesan leader, he placed the last piece in a picture representing efforts of each diocesan ultreya to witness Christ.
The "fourth day" By Robert T. Reilly Second in a four-part series "When the Cursillo started," says Father Marcel Salinas, head of the Mount Claret Cursillo Center in Phoenix, Ariz., "it was a new experience and there was great enthusiasm," What has happened to the some 750,000 people who have traveled the Cursillo route? What are their "fourth days" like? (The "fourth day" is the term cursillistas use to describe one's life after the three-day Cursillo experience. When a Cursillista dies, he or she is said to be living the "fifth day," in heaven.) Former members seem to fall, like the scattered grain of the New Testament, into three categories. Some remain active in the movement, meeting monthly with their li'ttle cell group; some have turned to other spiritual fulfillment but credit the Cursillo for their awakening; some have rejected the Cursillo altogether. Ralph Barker, a university professor, is among the disenchanted. He made his Cursillo in 1964 and his wife made hers the following year. For four or five succeeding years they faithfully attended the weekly meetings, called ultreyas, relating their spiritual successes and defeats, reinforcing themselves and their colleagues. Then they stopped. "None of the people I made it
with are still in it," he says. "Some have left the Catholic Church altogether. In our city, which has'half a million people, there are some remnants of older groups but not many." At first Barker welcomed .the Cu~sillo as the most important thing in his life. He was an evangelist, a persistent recruiter. "I think we started with a good idea,. with a lot of brotherhood. Then we became elitist, in bred, feeling sorry for the poor souls - including priests and bishops - who weren't with it. We moved from a message to the message. We felt duty-bound to make all other Catholics understand." When a priest whom he 路admired rejected his Cursillo overtures, Barker began to have doubts. Not much later, he was out. Salinas explains much of this "falling away" as the result of expectations being unfulfilled, of change not occurring fast enough. "They thought they were going to solve all the problems of the world but found they couldn't," he says. ''Then they路 gave up." Barker doesn't agree. "I think our enthusiasm just ran ahead of our brains," he feels. "We began to do all sorts of things in the name of the Cursillo. The end really justified the means,"
Lenten sacrifice DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER
1981 Lenten Regulations 1.
LAW OF FAST a. Those who are 21 years of age, but not yet 59 years of age, are obliged to observe the law ()f fast. b. On days of fast, those bound by the law are limited to a single full meal. This meal is meatless. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength may be taken according to to one's needs, however together these two meals should not equal路 another full meal. c. There are two prescribed days of fast: Ash Wednesday (March '4th) and Good Friday (April 17th).
LAW OF ABSTINENCE a. Those who are 14 years of age and older are obliged to observe the law of abstinence. b. On days of abstinence, those bound by the law ; abstaln from meat. c. On all Fridays of Lent, abstinence is prescribed. ThIs, of course, includes Good Friday. Abstinence is also prescribed on Ash Wednesday.
LENTEN DISCIPLINE a. No Catholic will hold himself or herself lightly excused from the law of fast "and abstinence. Commenting upon the mitigated Lenten regula. tions promulgated several years ago by the Holy Father, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States noted: "The obligation to do penance is a serious one; the obligation to observe, as a whole or 'substantiaDy,' the penitential days specified by the Church is also serious." . b. Lent is a most appropriate time for the voluntary practice of self-denial or persOnal penance. This may be physical mortification, temperance, or such workS as Christian charity and witness.
Continued from page one
It reminds us that, in truth, we are the People of God,
redeemed at the price .of the blood of the Son of God; we are the Body of Christ and the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. What great mysteries, what profound truths this blessed season teaches us! Our Lenten observance also invites us to reflect upon the destiny that is ours to share the life of God completely in heaven. It reminds us of our obligation to know, love and serve God faithfully in this life as we journey toward our heavenly inheritance. We are to be responsible to the Lord, both in life and in death. We are to be his servants always. These, too, are the profound truths which are an important part of our Lenten reflections. As we place ourselves in the presence of God during this season of truth, we recognize, as well, the reality of sin in our lives, our deliberate refusal, at times, to serve God and neighbor. We are led, in recognition of that truth about ourselves, to undertake appropriate acts of penance and selfdenial, both individually and as a faith community, in atonement for sin and with a firm resolution to change our lives, to serve the Lord more faithfully and to love our neighbor in the manner that Christ has taught us. Lent should indeed be, in the words of Pope John Paul, "a time of profound truth which brings conv:ersion, restores .hope and, by putting everything back in its proper place, brings peace and optimism." As Bishop of Fall River, I sincerely pray that this Lent will be "a time of truth" for all of us, a holy season, of spiritual growth and renewal, which will prepare us, in a fitting manner, for the coming Feast of our Lord's Resurrection and our own rising to new life with Him at Easter. Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bishop of Fall River
Now he experiences some discomfort when he recalls the selling job he did, equating it with some of the secular marketing tools. "If you can be swayed by group dynamics, you'll be taken in," he says, with a trace of bitterness. "There's a lot of power in a group. It isn't until later, when you're alone, that you begin to see the flaws in some of your reasoning," Among the things that bothered Barker was the meeting of team leaders each night of the Cursillo during which time they discussed individual cursillistas and how they. were reacting to the sessions and how they could get them to react the way they wanted. "I'm not sure now that this was a good idea," he says. "We justified it because it was for a good cause but it was still mind control. A lot of people became unglued." He also found fault with the "rather stern" manual which was followed religiously, despite arguments for change by some members. And he began to des. pise the person he had become. Next week: More Cursillo problems: .Reprinted
frOm U.S. CATIlOLlC, published by Claretian PubUcatiol1lS, 221 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. 60606.
Operation Rice Bowl Beginning on Ash Wednesday diocesan Catholics will be able to participate in Operation Rice Bowl, a national Lenten program of family sacrifice and prayer for the world's poor. "Since its inception in 1976, Operation Rice Bowl has raised over $14 million," said Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan coordinator. "This money enabled Catholic Relief Services to satisfy immediate food needs in emergency situations and to fight the root causes of poverty by supporting long-range, self-help projects in dozens of developing countries around the world," Once weekly during Lent, participating families eat a simple low-cost meal and pray for those less fortunate than themselves. The money saved at the meal is placed in a cardboard "rice bowl" on the dining table. Each Sunday of Lent the family brings its contribution to church where it is collected with those of other families. Of the money collected, 75% goes to Catholic Relief Services while 25% remains in the diocese for local poverty problems. CRS, the official relief and development agency of American Catholics, uses its portion to help millions of poor in over 80 countries. Projects supported range from nutritiop education to agricultural development programs..
WASHSlNGTON (NC) President Reagan has appointed a California businessma.n, William A. Wilson, his personal representative to the Vatican. The White House said Wilson, a long-time personal friend and political adviser to Reagan, would visit the Vatican from time to time to exchange views with Pope John Paul II a.nd other Vatican officials "on internQtional and humanitarian subjects of interest and concern to the Holy See and the United States government." Wilson, a convert to Catholicism, replaces former New York Mayor Robert Wagner, who was appointed President Carter's personal envoy in 1978. Born in Los Angeles. Wilson is a Stanford University graduate and a World War II veteran. A millionaire, he is a member of Reagan's "kitchen cabinet" of close personal advisers. The job of personal ,~nvoy to the Vatican is unpaid, although travel and entertaining expenses are provided. The amount of time spent in Rome varies from envoy to envoy. Wagner averaged seven or eight trips per year, usually fot' only three days to a week. Americans United fol' Separation of Church and State had asked Reagan not to a.ppoint a replacement for Wagner. The organization, which traditionalll' has opposed the appointment of the envoy, urged the nl~w president to "let this position die a quiet death."
Parish punishes plump pastor WEST WARWICK, RI. (NC) - Father Donat Barrette, the portly pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in West Warwick, after three months of dieting was still too plump to collect on cash pledges made by parishioners for each pound he lost. But he is ready to try again. Parishioners pledged to make donations ranging from one cent to $5 for each pound lost. The money was to be used to redecorate the rectory. According to the rules of the' "weight-a-thon," Father Bar· rette, who'began his pound-shedding campaign on Oct: 17 when he weighed 234 pounds, was to lose at least 25 pounds by Jan. 22, his 52nd birthday, to collect on the pledges. On Jan. 22 he weighed 212 pounds, three pounds out of the money. But though he didn't lose it all, all is not lost. A number of parishioners have decided to honor the pledges anyway and a few have said they'll do so "as soon as those last three pounds are gone." Meanwhile, the Weight-a-thon committee, Robert Perron and Normand Pelletier, have decided that as "punishment for goof. ing" Father Barrette must bring his weight under the :200 mark by Easter.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1991
Patriotic Catholics and staff at Guam Memorial Hospital. His talks dealt with spiritual issues, avoiding local political matters. And his greeting upon arrival added another language to his large repertoire, as he said in Chamorro, "I am happy to see your beautiful island and you, children of God."
Continued from page one Only a few Japanese seemed to notice the papal motorcade on. its way to the Tokyo cathedral, until Pope John Paul got within yards of the building, where about 3,000 people waited. In Guam
In the U.S. protectorate of Guam the situation had been far different There thousands lined the streets of the tiny island, located about 6,000 miles from the West Coast of the continental United States. More than 90 percent of Guam's 120,000 inhabitants are Catholics. During his overnight stay on the island the pope addressed priests and nuns at the Agana cathedral and celebrated a morning Mass in the town's main square. He also visited patients
In Philippines
In the Philippines, cheering crowds, colorful spectacles and banners proclaiming love and devotion greeted 'Pope John Paul II wherever he went during his six-day visit. The 60-year-old ·Pope John Paul celebrated seven Masses, led more than 20 motorcades in a variety of "popemobiles" and had 14 meetings with groups ranging from Moslems to Catholic laymen and from slumdwellers to professional people.
February 27 Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, 1956, Founder, St. Theresa, New Bedford Rev. Philip Gillick,' 1874, Founder, St. Mary, North Attleboro
March 1 Rev. James F. Masterson, 1906, Founder, St. Patrick, Somerset Rt. Rev. Peter L. D. Robert, P.R., 1948, Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River
In a nation where per capita annual income is about $750, the pope placed the Catholic Church firmly on the side of the poor anh the worker.
March 2 Rev. James J. Brady 1941 Pastor, St. Kilian, New B~dford ' Rev. Antonio Berube, 1936, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen, SS. CC., 1952, Monastery of Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven Rev. Alphonse Gauthier 1962 Pastor, Sacred Heart, Ne';' Bed~ ford Rev. J. Orner Lussier, 1970, 'Pastor, Sacred Heart, North At'tleboro
Saving is
interesting hClhlt CIt :'\ HIS com part' our ratt·s
March 3 Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney, LL.D., 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, New Bedford
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During a nearly three-hour ceremony at Manila's Luneta Park, more than a million people saw the pope beatify Lorenzo Ruiz, a Filipino layman martyred in the 1600s, and 15 others: nine Japanese, four Spaniards, an Italian and a Frenchman. In a major address, broadcast throughout Asia on Radio Veritas, Pope John Paul called on all Asians to work for peace and urged greater cooperation with non-Christian religions.
February 29 Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan 1980, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary: Taunton
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He described the Feb. 18 beatification of 16 priests, brothers, nuns and laymen as the most important event of his visit. All were martyred in Japan during the 17th century.
March 13 -
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THE ANCHOR..:..Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
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A little • WIne
from Timothy NEW YORK (NC) - What better name than Timothy could a Christian Brothers superior have chosen for someone who would become a cellarmaster? It was another Timothy who got St. Paul's celebrated advice, "Use a little wine for the sake of your stomach" (I Tim. 5:23). Brother Timothy. Anthony George Diener when he entered the Christian Brothers in 1928, reminisced, "We used to have a brother who always emphasized 'a little'." ,But cellarmaster Brother Timothy said the brothers all believe in such moderation for themselves and the public, whatever the effect on sales. Profits fro mthe wines and brandies produced by the Christian Brothers' San Francisco province, the only one in the, wine business, go mostly to its schools. "This helps us' keep tuition lower and give education to some poor students," he said. "We also support some mission activity and send money to our motherhouse in Rome." The Christian Brothers, a teaching order begun in France ,in 1680 by St. Jean Baptiste de 'la Salle, are in 80 countrjes. They celebrated their tricentennial last year, but nowhere else in quite the manner of the San Francisco province, which produced a "tricentennial wine," a 1975 Cabernet Sauvignon. Brother Timothy is an advo-
BROTHER TIMOTHY cate of blended wines and only recently has marketed wines by year. "Sometimes a little young young wine can make, an old wine better, and sometimes an old wine can improve a young Wine," he said. "Blending can make for continuity year after year, and the consumer doesn't find unpleasant surprises. It also produces complexity, so that as' you drink a wine, it keeps presenting new facets." 'But now Brother Timothy has given in to changing market forces and the widespread assumption among buyers that a wine of a particular year is of
'A-bomb priest' changes thinking MINNEAPOLIS ~NC)-Father ,George Zabelka, chaplain to the Air Force crew that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, says it _took him 20 years to clarify his thinking and become an active pacifist. "Especially as a Catholic priest, I was supposed to know the teachings of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount," he said. ",But I just slid over those passages about loving the enemy and doing good to those who hate me." Now a retired priest of the Lsnsing, Mich., 'Diocese, Father Zabelka brought his message of non-violence to St. Frances Cabrini parish in Minneapolis. Ordained in 1941, he was assigned as chaplain to the crew that dropped the bomb that killed 80,000 people and injured thousands more in Hiroshima. ,Father Zabelka said that initially he believed that his role as a chaplain was not immoral because he wasn't doing any killing. He said his first reaction to the Hiroshima bombing was like everyone else's: 'lit's too had but it's necessary." But two weeks
'later, he flew over Hiroshima and was shocked to see the city still smoldering. In 1946, he returned to Rint, Mich., and began to formulate his ideas about non-violence. Today he believes that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were immoral and unnecessary, that disarmament is a must and that the production of nuclear weaponS must be halted. Most important of all, he said, Christians must unite to outlaw war, to tell the world that "Christians no longer will suppor.t the slaughter of other human beings, physically, economically or in any other way." "The way to conquer evil is not through more evil," Father Zabelka said, "but by just the opposite: doing good. That's the heart of the matter, and it's a difficult change for anyone to make."
The Difference "We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." '- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
higher quality than a. blend. Blended wines will still be sold, however. 'Brother Timothy's province has sold wine since 1882, when local' clergymen and neighbors started buying some of what the brothers had been making for themselves from a vineyard in a recently purchased novitiate. .Even during Prohibition, he said, the community was allowed to sell wine for sacramental and medicinal use. Today the Christian Brothers vineyards cover hundreds of acres in the Napa and San Joaquin valleys, and sales reach $90 million a year. Brother Timothy has carried responsibility for the wine production since 1935. A native of Elizabeth, N.J., who was taken to California as a child, he started religious life as a teacher of chemistry and other ·sciences. Then in 1935, the superior asked him to serve as "wine chemist." But with Prohibition in the hackground, the superior first ascertained .that neither the young brother nor members of his family would have any qualms of conscience. He reported finding his sense of religious vocation fulfilled: "I've taken a vow of obedience, and as long as I'm doing what my superiors want me to do, I am satisfied." In addition to being cellarmaster, he is vice president of the production company, Mont La Salle Vineyards, having outlived three presidents. Last November Brother Timothy reached the biblical age of three score and 10. But he has found St. Paul's advice about taking wine to be sound, and he is in good health, despite minor complaints such as II- circulation problem that makEls him put his feet up a lot. "My superior would let me retire if I asked," he s~id. "But as long as I can handle the job, I'll hold onto it."
A doer of the word WASHINGTON (NC) - It sounded simple the way he explained it: ",Involuntary poverty is a prison. Voluntary :poverty is a type of liberation. It's a freedom." So. by his own defintion. Father Marvin Mottet is free. The 50-year-old priest is executive director of the Campaign for Human Development (GHD). the U.S. church's domestic: antipoverty program. He's also a resident. by choice, of one of Washington's sleaziest neighborhoods, a prostitute- and drugridden region where murders aren't unusual and the houses are crumbling relics from the turn of the century. It's also an area where Father Mottet and' eight other pe,:>ple active in urban ministeries live in cramped quarters loaned by a Lutheran church to the Catholic Worker Movement. The house, and an adjoining street medical clinic, refugee assistance program, and other social service projects. are part of an e,cumenical effort to assist the poor and derelict of Washington. As Father Mottet and his friends said, the needs are great but so are the blessings. :And Father Mottet thinks that for the head of an anti-poverty program, there's no other way to l:ive. "This way working for justice doesn't become an intellectual exercise. This way you're more associated with poverty every day," he said. "You've a greater sense of urgency." Besides, he added, he can't ask people to contribute to an effort to end poverty without setting an example himself, or work to change social conditions and institutions that oppress people without himself being involved in direct service. Other house residents work in in the peace movement, for the homeless, in the clinic or other neighborhood programs. Their philosophies, likE~ Father Mottet's, are rooted in the Catholic Worker movement, anti-war and racial equality rtheories and - above all - in Christ'f; gospel. "The really spiritual reason (for adopting such a lifestyle) is that this is the way Christ lived," Father Mottet said, b~fore a handful of others joined him for an early evening Mass celebrated in his narrow third-floor room. "Christ made a decision to associate with the poor ;iln4 the outcasts and the alienated," he said. "If we truly believe we're one family, that we have one Father and that we're aJ.l brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, it's pretty hard to see how we can live otherwise." Father Mottet's top-story room looks out through gray, plasticcovered windows onto dingy city blocks. Noise seeps up from the parking lot and street below. "That's where that guy got stabbed, right down thl~re," he said, referring to a murder which occurred "outside my window right before Christmas." He attributed the killing to a fight over drugs or prostitutes and said the victim's blood "was like
The house waUs are decked someone had painted footsteps with CHD posters and peace with red ink." If the walls to his room don't movement signs. The living room shut out the noise, they don't offers saggy chairs. Gaping holes which were once doorways are shut out other things, either. "I kicked a rat out of here last boarded over. The Catholic night..... he said calmly. The rat Worker residents are house huntwas after candles kept for the ing - ,but not because of their broken-down surroundings. They evening liturgies. At the Mass, Father Mottet's sImply want a bigger house so mattress lay on the floor near they can take in more people. Father Mottet admitted he the altar, a sinall table. sometimes wants to stop living The priest works at a makeshift desk, also in the cramped in poverty, but so far, he hasn't. room, surrounded by piles of He lived in a Catholic Worker books on poverty and social jus- house in Iowa, too, and was tice. Because his room gives Davenport's Diocesan Social Aconto one of two bathrooms in tion director before heading up the house, the other male resi- CHD. His current housemates dents traipse through it at night. praised his attitudes and actions. "He's very homey in his apJesuit Father Richard McSorproach to things," said Father ley of the Georgetown University McSorley. "He helps make it a peace studies center celebrated Mass. Others attending were home to others." "Marv is very humble," added Hung, a Vietnamese refugee, Jim and Monica Siemer. 21- and Jim Siemer. "He's a great guy to 18-year-old cousins active in the live with. He's really been a peace movement, and Father good example for all of us. He preaches with his life." Mottet. They sat on the floor. Father Mottet disdained any "People think you need rich surroundings to have a beautiful compliments. "The desire to live liturgy," Father Mottet said. But with and work with the poor is a "It's the devotion, it's the spir- movement of grace. You can't itual feeling rather than the rich take credit for it, it's a gift," he surroundings" that count, he said. "That's the 'cure for selfsaid. righteousness right there."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of'FolI River-Thur., Feb, 26, 1981
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Dear Friend: . There are 1.8 million refugees In the Holy Land, each one the voiceless victim of a war that began 32 years ago. Mostly children, they are torn to shreds by war's aftermath. We mend them best by giving them hope. Hope is $5 that can provide a pair of shoes, food, clean blankets, a chance to receive the the sacraments. Hope is a handful of practical-action people -priests, Sisters, and qualified volunteers-who leave their own homes and become refugees in the Holy Land for the refugees. They are people who feed, teach, heal, clothe, mend, fulfilling the love-mission of Jesus Christ, in Beirut, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Cairo, Damascus, and trouble p'tlints in between. Their strategy is service - the works of mercy, person-io-person, in the name of Jesus Christ. Just $25 will help one of them care for a refugee for a month. There is hope in the heart of the blind child in the Gaza Strip because he is learning a trade in the Pontifical Mission Center for the Blind. Only $50 pays for a full month's training for a blind child. In Abu-Dis, outside Jerusalem, an elderly Muslim prays contentedly to Allah because a Sister from Ireland is at his side. It costs just $65 a menth for his complete care. Six Sisters from India - a physician, two nurses, three social workers - live in Jordan, to work in the camps. They are no better off than the refugees. All six can live, teach, and work for only $150 a month. We beg you to help us keep hope alive for the refugees. Please pray for us and share what you can. Use the coupon below. I'll write personally to thank you for your gift. . Gratefully yours in Christ, Monsignor Nolan
NEAR EAST MISSIONS SEATED ON his bed, a thin mattress on the floor, Father Marvin Mottet discusses his life style. (NC Photo)
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River·-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
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Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: My S-year-old daughter masturbat~ This has been an ~ff-and·on occurrence since she was about 3. All the secular ehild-caring books say this is perfectly nonnal and merely to instruct the child to do this in private since some people will find the practice ~ barassing. Isn't there something more Christian and caring to say and do? (Ohio) A. Thank you for asking so directly about a matter which is very common but which nobody wants to mention. Children do touch their genitals with some frequency, and adults find this behavior embarrassing. What to do? You ask for "something more Christian and caring to say and do." Remember that values toward sexuality can be communicated in many non-genital ways. Hugging and touching your child is a positive way to say bodies can express affection, a valuable message both dad and mom can communicate to boys as well as girls. Through such behavior you can begin to express your own values about physical love even with young children. Let me suggest two extremes which are best avoided. As a child I was told that any unnecessary attention to" a private part of the body was seriously sinful. Such a negative in-
r ~
Sexual values
troduction to sexuality is unfortunate. The other extreme is to tell the child that masturbation is a normal and healthy part of growing up. Most parents take a position between these two extremes. Most parents want to say that sexuality is a beautiful aspect of life, but don't do it now. As a result, most try to stop the masturbation while saying nothing. The message to the child may well be that sex is a matter that cannot be discussed. In other words, parents try to give a double message: "Your body is nice, but don't play with it at this time." Say that. The clear and spoken double message will be less confusing to the child than a half-silence. Personally, I oppose hypocrisy. What is unacceptable in public is also unacceptable in private. I would simply tell my child that it is not acceptable to put her hand on her genitals even though her genitals feel pleasure and are a beautiful part 'of her. You must distinguish between your values and your strategy. My parental value is that I do not wish my 5-year-old to masturbate in public or in private. My strategy would. involve two parts. First, I would give the "nice-but-not-now" message about sexuality directly in order to cause as little confusion as
possible. Second, in order to be effective and to avoid undue em· phasis on the entire issue, I would for the most part ignore her behavior. Ignoring is not doing nothing. In fact, ignoring is the best way to stop a specific behavior permanently. Masturbation in a 5-year-old is not all that heavy. I would treat it like se~ words (shockers) in a 7-year-old. A rather firm admonition: "Don't do that." And then, let it alone. Masturbation, like sex words, is not a sign of eventual corruptHn and dissolution. It is a fairly normal attempt to explore the body that, with "reasonable parental help, a child will outgrow. A heavy-handed parental attempt to wipe out this activity right now and forever may have unfortunate implications for the child's self-image. She needs to know her body and her genitals are God's creation. They are not dirty. On the other hand, the parent can tell the child rather directly to "stop it" without ruining his or her future sex life. Finally, keep the whole issue in perspective: troublesome, yes; weighty, no. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to the Kennys c/o The Anehor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Reproducing plants is gardener's joy By Joseph Roderick One of our projects last Summer was to take cuttings of azaleas to root for new plants for the spring. As of this date, we have been very successful. We put the original cuttings in flats in late June and through July. These were treated with Rootone, left in shade and constantly watered. In the fall they were transplanted to pots con.taining a mixture of peat moss and sand. Those that did not have a root system were discarded, but we ended up with 75 or 80 rooted· cuttings.
At this stage they are about an inch tall and having been kept in an unheated greenhouse for the winter they are now producing flower. Approximately half will bloom this year but they are so small that their bloom is a curiosity rather than something of beauty in itself. Of all our garden activities, nothing gives us quite the thrill that comes from starting plants from seed or producing new ones trom cuttings. Obviously, of course, our new azaleas will be a long time coming to adult size, at least five
Have a priest in your family IT ONLY COSTS $10 A MONTH
of one's goal doesn't always accompany a vocation. And this is where you come in. Are you willing to give financial assistance to help a young apostle realize his dream? Adopt one of our needy seminarians and have YOUR PRIEST who will pray for you daily, correspond with you regularly and whose priestly studies you can help to pay for with as little as $10 a month. Or, instead of paying by installments, persons of means may prefer to pay $1,000 once and for all. The boy himself pays a little and we complete the cost of his board and tuition and other expenses with donations from our benefactors. Only $10 a month and one of our boys may prepare to give a lifetime to God and to his fellow countrymen.
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years before they become garden specimens, but that is beside the point. What is significant is that we have reproduced something of value. There is no way that we will use all of the plants we reproduce and we will probably give most of them away, but now that we have been successful with the process, we will be on the lookout for excellent azaleas from which to take cuttings in exchange for our yearlings we have produced. Aside from the money savings, this gives us the opportunity to find good plants with .some fun and pleasure in the search. The same fun can be experienced by collecting seeds from the gardens of friends. Growing plants from such seed can be very rewarding. Too often we go to seed~catalogs and fail to collect seed on our own. Growing anything from seed can be fun, of course, and it still strikes me as a miracle every time I see a seed sprout, but there is added pleasure in collecting your own seed and initiating the reproductive process.
Survivors CINCINNATI (NC) - Private colleges have a gooc:l (:hance to survive if they prellerve their difference from pu!:llic institutions, Jesuit Father Timothy S. Healy, president of Georgetown University, told a group of civic leaders in Cincinnati.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
Q. Our local newspaper said a few weeks ago that tlul U.S. bishops bad come out Sigalnst capital punishment. I caD understand that. What I can't understand is that the bish· ops compared capital punis:hment with abortion, aDd said that we should respect the life of criminals Just as much as we should respect the life of tmbom babies. How could they do that? There's a lot of diftereJJCe, it seems to me, between I' DUU1I who is in prison for murder and a baby who isn't even bo.m yet. (Del.) A. If your report of what in your local paper is accurate, the truth got garbled somewhere. It's true, the bishops did declare their opposition to capital punishment, not In theory but because of the circumstances with which it is used in the United States. Their basis fl,r this position is that capital punishment is disproportionately used in our country against th,e poor, racial minorities and otbers on the lower levels of the social scale. They· also question the claim that capital punishment is a deterrent to crime. The bishops did not compare condemned criminals to innocent unborn human beings in taking their position, but rather to the principle that human lifl~ must be respected and that this repect must apply also to the issue of capital punishment. In taking this position, they referred to the taking of unborn human life. Opposition to capital punishment, they stated, "removes a certain ambiguity which might otherwise affect the witness that we wish to givfl to the sanctity of human life ill: all its stages. We do not wish to equate the situation of criminals convicted of capital offenses with the condition of the innocent unborn or of the defenseless aged or infirm, but we do beliE:ve that the defense of life is strengthen-
. ed by eliminating exercise of a judicial authorization to take human life." In other words, if courts are allowed to take human life in some instances, it too easily opens the door for an attitude that allows them to permit the taking of human lives in other circumstances as well. Q. Your column reeently quoted the deeply moving letter of a distressed woman who had an abortion. Nearly every major city has at least one emergency counsel· ing center to urge pregnant women to consider alternatives before having an abortion. 111ese may be found in the phooe book under such names as: Birthright; Alternatives to Abortion; LifeLine; The Society for the Preservation of Human Dignity; Help-Line; PregnaDey Guidance; Problem Pregnancy Help; Pregnancy Counseling; Help Inc.; Guidelines; Personal Crisis Service; Alternatives 1De.; Choose Life; Birth Choice Inc:.; Heart· beat; Pregnancy Aid and Right to Life. Of course, there is also the National Pregnancy Hotline 800-356-5761 (toll free phone number) which can help or refer pregnant women. In Tucson, Ariz., we have Reach Out Inc. it would be helpful if you could from time to time, when you write about abortion, a Human Life Amendment, and sO on, publish some of these names, especially the number of the National Pregnancy Hotline. (Ariz.) A. Thank you for the suggestion and the information. All these groups, perhaps in a special way the National Pregnancy Hotline, perform a continuing valuable service to women with problem pregnancies - as you have also, by sending your letter. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Diet· zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
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The new law stipulates that total property taxes in any community in the state may not exceed two and a half percent of the fair market value of pr-operty in that community. "In the absence of a revenue surplus, major tax decr<eases in ~ time of rising inflation mean a significant reduction in public
services," leaders.
GEORGE A. MILOT, prin· cipal of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, spoke at a convention of the National Association of Secondary School Principals held this week in Atlanta. Discussing parental involvement in secondary schools, he emphasized the need of keeping parents aware of their children's develop. ment and the goals of the school attended. Academics, discipline and fund~ising were also among topics he covered. Milot is a member· of the national advisory board of the principals' organization. He also serves on the execu· tive board of the Massachu· setts Association of Second· ary School Principals and is a member of the Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Educational Council.
Fall River, Mass.
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Warning that the needs of "the poor, the fixed income, the unemployed, the sick and the victims of discrimination must not be overlooked in the press of claims made by the more powerful," the religious leaders called for preservation of direct payments and other essential services to welfare recipients and for efficient administration of all public programs.
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CLOSED SUNDAYS . Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital 12 McARTHUR BLVD.• BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE
Many people in Massachusetts "see evidence of poor stewardship with tax dollars," the religious leaders said. This perception by the public has resulted in erosion of public trust in gov. ernment, they added.
Funeral Home
frederic's flowers
2 1/ 2 stressed
BOSTON (NC) Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Bostqn and 14 Protestant and Orthodox churchmen in MSlssachusetts have urged the state "to protect the neediest and most vulnerable among us'" from bearing the brunt of a t~m limitation measure. In an open. letter Feb. 12 to Gov. Edward J. King lind the Legislature, the churchmen discussed the human effects of "·Proposition 2Yz", adopted hy public referendum last November.
ORTINS By Father John Dietzlm
DANNY THOMAS, founder of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, will receive the Father Flanagan Award for Service to Youth from Boys Town, Neb., at an April ceremony.
'. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
Lent at St. Leander's By Lenore Kelly The Lenten Home Program is a personal focal point for St. Leander's parish in San Leandro, Calif. Parishioner Anita Marquez says those she has met through the program, are. "like a new family." "When my dad died," she said, "they were there immediately to do what they could." Another parishioner had cancer surgery several years ago. When a second operation was needed she says she managed much better because her Lenten home group gave her so much support. Now in its third year, the Lenten Home Program began as an
effort to build neighborhood community among St. Leander's 2,500 middle-class families, many of whom are Portuguese. The first year, parishioners were encouraged to see Lent as a time to "Journey to Jerusalem." Concentrating on growing closer to each other and to the Lord, families volunteered their homes for weekly evenings of prayer and felection. Parish staff members prepared materials, including a prayer service based on Sunday scripture readings, discussion questions and family activities, to make the Lenten themes more concrete. Parishioners who had participated in a prior communication skills workshop were group lead- \
ers for the English-speaking and 12 Portuguese-speaking groups. Many of the leaders successfully enticed neighbors who ordinarily did not attend parish functions to join the weekly sessions. Mrs. Marquez led a discussion group of 12 adults and eight children. "It was hard at first but with each week it became easier," she said. In her group, children eagerly volunteered to do the readings. After adults discussed the significance of a scripture symbol, such as Noah's Ark or a rainbow as a sign of God's committed, the youngsters could color the symbol. A community celebration for Turn to page thirteen
The meaning of freedom By Father John J. Caste10t
What is time?
Time out
By Father PhUip J. Mumion Time is peculiar. Some periods .&hort according to the calendar or clock seem to last forever. Yet some long periods seem to flash by. . Time and its rhythms have always been important in the church. And Lent has always been one of our most interesting . times. This 40-day period befQre Easter goes back a long way in church history. Perhaps most people think Lent is a time to give up something, a time when the church is cloaked in purple. It is that, and more too. The season is filled with fas(lnating symbolism. It invites reflection. - It is a season when the church concentrates on baptism 'and its theme of bringing life from death. This is a time for thinking about how Christi~ns can infuse new life into their own worlds. - It is a season for looking ahead to the resurrection, a time for thinking about how Christians participate in God's creative action in the world. - It comes in spring, whose .natural symbols encourage Christians to think about ways they can begin to grow again. Lent can be a time of remembering the desirability of selfdiscipline and the possibility of serving the world. In other words, Lent can be a pivotal time, a time when Christians emerge from the winter of reflection into the spring of renewed life. .Parishes may observe Lent in many ways: - With evening services, many make it easier for adults to attend weekday Mass. - The "Ashes to Easter" program, adopte(l in many places, offers the opportunity to consider the symbols of Lent ashes, light, palms, water, oils - and to see how they relate to our own lives, our pain, hope and joy.
Linked to Lent in many parishes is the effort to realize world suffering and to help as parishes and individually by supporting programs such as Rice Bowl and Catholic Relief Services. - Some parishes suggest family activities, with Christians, in their homes, talking about their Christian life. For a time, it was unpopular to talk about giving up something during Lent. Emphasis was put instead on what we can do for others. However, in a rather wealthy society, fasting and abstaining can still have value, especially when linked with work that deepens concern for those who suffer or feel hopeless. If the opportunities of Lent are used to consider what union with Christ and each other implies, then this season can play a very important role in parish life.
II For children I By Janaan Manternach One day Paul and Silas, his co-worker, were walking through the city of Philippi to a place of prayer just outside the city gates. As they walked, a slave girl followed them. Under the power of an evil spirit, she seemed to foresee the future. Her owners took advantage of her. They made a lot of money by having her tell people's fortunes. The girl walked behind Paul and Silas. "These men are servants of the most high God," she kept screaming. "They will make known to you a way of salvation." This went on for several days. Paul felt sorry for the poor girl. He turned around and said to the evil spirit which possessed her: Turn to Page Thirteen
There were always people who questioned St. Paul's authority as an apostle. Some Corinthians argued that since he didn't exercise the rights of an apostle, he must not be one. In Chapter 9 of First Corinthians Paul shatters this reasoning by answering two pointed questions: "Am I not free? Am I not路 an apostle?" First he demonstrates that he is indeed an apostle, then as to his freedom sys, "Although I am not bound to anyone, I made myself the slave of all so as to win over as many as possible." If he followed Jewish customs
when preaching in a Jewish community, it was not because he felt bound by those customs. He subjected himself to them in order to establish rapport. It would have been impossible for him even to get his foot in the door if he, a known Jew, had offended Jewish sensibilities by acting contrary to their cherished lifestyle. In no way did he abrogate his freedom, as he is quick to point out: "To those bound by the law I became like one who is bound (although in fact I am not bound by it), that I might win those bound by the law." When he approached gentiles, "those not subject to the law,"
he lived according to their customs as far as possible, from the same motives: to establish rapport and to meet them as persons. In this he was following the lead of Jesus, who associated freely with Jews and gentiles, with saints and sinners, with路 men and women. Both Paul and Jesus took people where and as they were and won their hearts. The mention of those not subject to the law seems to have reminded Paul of a problem he treated earlier: the attitude of the "strong," who fancied themselves free of all constraint whatTurn to page thirteen
Are you creative?
II By David Gibson
Most people agree that a list of creative people should include composers, dancers, artists and authors. Most people also know a creative teacher. They know creative cooks, much admired by people who like to eat; creative office workers who can turn things around in a company; creative farmers who make the earth produce well under trying circumstances. As I write, an exhibit in the National Gallery of Art tells the story of a Picasso painting "Les Saltimbanques." Researchers have found that under it is a very different work, done by
Picasso in the process of working out his final creation. Did the idea for this work by Picasso spring' out of the blue like a bolt of lightning? Not in finished form. And he has much of company in this process. Writers like the late Flannery O'Connor have told how hard they worked to produce anything worthwhile. Along with the gift of imagination, it seems creative people need a gift for hard work. They also seem to have faith that new things can be accomplished, and the courage to work from insights or intuition. Then, creative people seem to see in special ways, from fresh perspectives. Perhaps this is
because they look very carefully at people, things and complex situations. In a sense, the season of Lent focuses attention on the need for creativity in this world. The early Christians often called Easter the Eighth Day - the day of the new creation. It is possible to act creatively by continuing the work of the new creation in personal situations and family problems, for example. It should be possible to gain understanding of creativity .by looking into the book of Genesis, where the story of God's creation of the world is told. The Israelites understood God's creativity at the worle of the God of love - an action of love.
know your faith
No moneyc:hangers in temple By Ulrich Sahm
BETHLEHEM, Israel (NC) "Who are the best buyers among pilgrims and tourists?" I asked Mike Freij, a 35-year-old shopin Bethlehem. The designs are Bethelehem. While showing coppeJr and brass souvenirs to an Arr..erican lady, he said: "Well, I could,not tell you who is the best. The Americans take whatever they like and don't care about the price. They even buy more expensive jewelry. The British must be absolutely convinced that they get something worth their money. The Germans are a little less rigid about that. And the Italians buy a lot, but only rubbish and very cheap things like rosaries out of olive wood." Mike Freij is the owne,r of a supermarket-like shop with virtually anything a tourist would want to take home from the Holy Land. This is an old industry in Bethlehem, a town of 35,000 inhabitants eight miles south of Jerusalem. Lithographs made 100 years ago show nothing has changed regarding souvenir hunting. "People want traditional designs. We could not make any money with modem-style crosses," Freij said while showing me figures of Jesus with and without a cross, Moses" Mary and replicas of Leonardo da Vinci's praying hands. Everything is carved from olive wood . and set up in shop wind,ows in long rows like soldiers at attention. But Freij is not completely happy with his site. At first glance it seems the ideal location for a souvenir shop, situated next to the big parking lot in front of the Basilica of the Nativity in thll center of Bethlehem. Dozens of buses park at the lot and pour out hundreds of tourists a diiy. Just a few yards away, tradition says, Jesus Christ was born. The site of Freij's shop would seem ideal for making money. But no, he said. The rE!ason is the stiff competition on the road to Bethlehem.
Along the highway from Jerusalem are a dozen big shops with colorful names such as King David Store, Oriental Souvenir Ship and Shepherds Tourist Center. They are not situated near each other, thus when buses park at one of them, there are no counterattractions for tourists. Everything is well organized. Sellers stand at tables full of fancy crosses, rosaries, icons, socalled antique, and talk to the customers. All get a card promising a 10 percent discount. "These tourists are not used to bargaining as we do in the bazaar. So we give everyone a discount," said an Arab shopkeeper. ,But he does not lower the price intially, "otherwise they would believe they had got a good. bargain." The break is not only for the tourists. After the crowd has left, tour guides get a 10 percent Bethlehem. bought. Most of the souvenirs are made in Bethlehem. the designs are old, but production methods are modern. Freij took me to his factory and showed me how the mother of pearl items are made. Shells from Australia and the Philippines are cut with mechanical saws. Then four men cut, grind and polish them with equipment like dentist drills. The mother of pearl items include the star of Bethlehem and, crosses. In another room, women prepare shipments of souvenirs to such far-away spots as the Bahamas, London and New York. "We have a standing order of 15,000 mother-of-pearl crosses for New York," said Freij. The nearby Basilica of the Nativity was erected by Constantine the Great in 326. Souvenirs are also for sale in the church. At the right of the staircase leading down to the grotto which tradition says is the birthplace of Christ, there is always a monk selling "holy Jordan water" and candles. Big bills in any currency are willingly accepted. When someone asks for change, the answer is: "Sorry, I don't have any."
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Feb. 26, 1981
For children Continued from page twelve "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you, come out of her!" The evil spirit left the poor girl immediately. She became very calm and quiet. But her masters were furious because they could no longer use her for their own profit. . So they attacked Paul and Silas for taking away their easy income. They pulled them before the city magistrates. "These two men are disturbing our city," they said. "'Besides, they are Jews. They practice customs forbidden to us Romans." By this time a crowd had gathered. They were prejudiced against the Jews and proud of being Romans. They felt that made them better than others. The magistrates had Paul and Silas flogged with leather whips. The police beat them mercilessly, then took them to prison. The jailer locked them in the maximum security cell and chained their feet to a stake driven into the s!2ne wall. The two men collapsed onto the cold, damp floor. Their bodies ached with pain' and they were shocked at the crowd's hatred, but after a few minutes
Freedom Continued from Page Twelve ever, even the constraint of love and considerateness for others. This may be why he mentions at this point his own attitude to the "weak," Christians of rather delicate conscience: "To the weak I became a weak person with a view to winning the weak." Paul is free enough to identify with all sorts of people. "I have made myself all things to all men in order to save at least 'some of them." Finally, Paul reminds the Corinthians that life is a race which is not over until one crosses the finish line. "I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having, preached to others I myself should be rejected."
Lent Continued from page twelve all groups was held during Holy Week. The second year, groups followed the theme "Journey of Man to God." New materials were developed and the family activities were made available to all parishioners. A follow-up has been organization of scripture groups to continue through the entire year. Pastor Father Richard Mangini explains that the Lenten is an outgrowth of the parish staff's "abiding desire to form small groups of people. Because people are praying, caring and sharing together," he says, "they will bring light and meaning to each other's lives."
they were singing hymns. They praised and thanked God. They asked his care and help. The other prisoners heard them. They were amazed. They wondered what could make them sing in so awful a prison. ~
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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 26, 1981
Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees lawn Fertilizer - Loam • Annuals Landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
By Charl/e Martin
548-4842 JESUS IS LOVE
Funeral Home' 123 Broadway
TAUNTON 824-5000
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Dome 550 Locust Street
FaQ River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. SuUivan WUIiam J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
Father help your children And don't let them fall by the side of tbe road Teach them to love one another a That heaven might find a place in their hearts. 'Cause Jesus is love He won't let you down And I know he's mine Forever in my heart. We've got to "walk on through temptation 'Cause his love and his wisdom Will be our helping hand I know the truth and his words Will be our salvation Uft up our hearts to be thankful and glad. I know, I know his love's the power "His love's the glory forever. I want to foIlow your star Wherever it leads I don't mind Lord, I hope you don't mind I want to walk with you And talk with you And do all the things you want me to do. Sung by the Commodores, by Jobete Music Co. Inc. and COmmodores EIlt. Pub. Corp.
HAVE THE Commodores bebecome evangelists? Several recording artists have sung about their born again conversion experiences. I do not know if this is what· has happened with the Commodores, but the popularity of "Jesus Is Love" indicates that rock listeners are open to hearing such a message. How seriously do we take our Christianity? We may not want to proclaim our thoughts about this in song. Yet another route" always ,is open - action! What we do means more than what we say. Jesus is Jove, the Commodores procI2~:n. But we are the ones who have to show this love. But how is this done? How do we translate peace and love into a way of life that heals the world's brokenness? Is th'is task too big and our world too out of control? Will our efforts make any difference? A Christian walks the same path Jesus took centuries ago. The world of Jesus was not ready for his message. And his challenge shook the structures of his society. But Jesus knew he possessed a message about a better way. Christianity is not a religion for the self-seeking or indjfferent. Christianity is for people who want to care about others and who will demonstrate this.
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Tradition, 'little extras' are what count
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The following essays were winners of a Catholic Schools Week contest at St. Joseph's School, New Bedford.
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'Little extras'
what Catholic schools do. Make it "the best they can. I hope this made you do some thinking. Now maybe you will understand why we start these traditions so it is easier for your child to ,grow up. It actually makes growing up fun. At least, that is the way I feel. Maybe you will too someday.
By Laurie Kehoe Grade Eight There is one question that almost everyone comes across sometime in their life: what do Catholic schools have that other schools don't? Well, Catholic schools have a number of "little extras" which they offer to the students. Sure, . they have the basic reading, By Richard Quintin writing and arithmetic, but CathGrade Seven olic schools go one step further. They make school fun! Our school is built upon tradiDuring the nine years I have tion. Tradition is the passing been attending Catholic school down of beliefs and customs. there have been many new ac- There are many things that stay tivities, and the start of new tra- the same through the years but ditions has almost in itself be- there are also things that have changed. For instance, when my come a tradition. mother went to school in 1938 All of these traditions have she had all sisters; when my become a very important part brother Ray went to school in of our school year. For example, 1962 he had mostly sisters; and we dress up on Halloween, we up to the fourth grade I had have an eighth grade Christmas mostly sisters too. And now Festival, we have pep rallies, there is only one sister left. fund raisers and many more. When my mother went to Field day is one of the most school, half of her day was in loved in our school. French. My brother had one Having all these extra activi- period of French during the day ties helps us a lot. Maybe we and we - have French twice a don't learn to add 2 plus 2 dur- week after school for the kids ing a field day, but isn't learning who want it. how to accept defeat just as important? I think it is. We learn One tradition that has been carried out for years is field day. good sports~anship. Every year classes compete To receive a good education against each other in different takes a lot of hard work on the events. part of the student. Of course Another tradition we started the teachers expect you to do your very best. But when you participating in three years ago are in an environment you en- is Catholic Schools Week. One joy it is made easier. That is week out of the year the whole
school does different things like changing classes, dressing differ-· ently, open house, and whatever else we might choose to do. Another tradition that everyone participates' in is the Kit Drive. Everybody goes out and sells as much as they can so their class can win and go on a field trip. But the most important tradition about our school is that everybody does their part to make this school a better place.
"'OPERATION Rice Bowl, starting Ash Wednesday, offers a way for kids to help kids, like this little girl in a famine and drought-ridden area of East Africa.
Being alone By cecilia Belanger People of all ages are much too busy these days. There are students so bogged down with work and extracurricular activities they say they are lucky to have time to brush their teeth. Certainly when things get this bad, we must strike a balance. The situation reminds us of the story of Mary and Martha. There's plenty of justification for "getting out of the hot kitchen and into the front parlor," as it were,' in that .little classic in Luke. While it is only a few sentences long it presents a situation that speaks volumes. However, we caMOt praise Mary and put Martha down. There's a little bit of each in all of us. Martha worried about getting a good meal for Jesus, maybe a huge meal. One cannot picture Jesus wanting this. We picture him as satisfied with a humble meal and needing,' more than food, understanding and receptivity. This is where Mary comes in, as she shows how eager she is to hear his teaching. Children coming home from school when mother is busy around the kitchen will often say, "Ma, I've got something to tell you!" Mother will answer, "Not now, I'm busy. Later." Child: "But I have to tell you now!" Mother: "Can't you see I'm getting supper?" To the child, being listened to is more important than the meal. What I heard were cries of desperation from people who wanted to get off the merry-goround and just be quiet enough to hear God. We are a generation and a culture full of "busyness." We seem uneasy with solitude and listening. There's an old story about the non-Quaker young man, a guest in a Quaker household, who was unfamiliar with the custom of a silent grace. Later he told a friend, "There was this embarrassing silence when we first sat down at the table, and nobody knew what to say, and everybody looked down, so I came to the rescue and told a funny story and that seemed to bereak the ice." Weare all too prone to fill the silences of life with funny stories, television, radio or meaningless conversation. Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes, "If one sets aside time for- a business engagement, a social engagement or a shopping expedition, that time is accepted as inviolable. But if one says, 'I cannot come because that is my hour to be alone,' one is considered rude, egotistical or strange. What a commentary on our civilization when being alone is considered suspect; when one· has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it, like a secret yice." Jesus always took time to be alone, to develop the power that was in him. His followers can do no less.
By BiII'Morrissette
pons watch Diocesan IHoopsters In Title Bids Three diocesan high schools Bishop Connolly, Bishop Feehan and BisHop Stang - are represented in the South Sectionals of the Eastern Mass. Schoolboy Basketball Tournament, which got underway Tuesday. Competing in Division Two of the tourney, the Bishop Connolly Cougars were the first of the trio to see action. Runnersup to champion Bishop Feehan in Division Two of the Southeastern Mass. Conference, the Cougars, who entered the tourney with a 17-3 record, met Dorchester, 146, last night. The survivor is paired against Apponequet Regional, the Mayflower titlist, in the quarter-finals at 4 p.m. Saturday in New Bedford Vocational High School. Also competing in, Division Two, the Shamrocks of Bishop Feehan High, boasting the
school's first-ever undefeated season, open their bid for the section crown against Abington, 15-5, or Sharon, 14-6, at six p.m. tomorrow at a site and time to be announced. Abington and Sharon met Tuesday and the outcome of that game will determine the site and time of tomorrow's game with Feehan, which is undefeated in 20 games. The Bishop Stang Spartans, 17-2, who share the Southeastern Mass. Conference Division Three crown with Old Rochester, are competing in the Eastern Mass.' tourney's Division Three. Considered the surprise team of the conference, the Spartans drew a bye in the opening round and will meet Mission of Roxbury, 16·4, or Norwell, 13-5, in a quarter-finals game in Taunton High School' at seven o'clock tomorrow night.
Other Qualiifiers Within The Diocese Besides the diocesan !ichools, several schools from within the diocesan area advanced to the South Sectionals. ThOSE! competing in Division One are Barnstable and New Bedford High. Barnstable opened against Quincy Tuesday, New ~i3edford meets Boston English at seven o'clock tonight in Brockton High School, _ Barnstable, 16.4, and New Bedford, 15-2, share the conference's Division One championship. Barnstable or Quincy will meet Boston College High in the quarter-finals. Martha's VineY,ard, BristolPlymouth, Norton, Cape Cod Tech, Diman Voke, Old Rochester are competing in the tourney's Division Three and Dighton-Rehoboth in Division Two. Martha's Vineyard and Bris-
tol-Plymouth met Tuesday and the survivor of that game opposes Dover-Sherborn in the quarter-finals at seven o'clock tomorrow night in Durfee High of Fall River. Diman Voke opposed Roxbury yesterday and the winner of that contest takes on Old Rochester at one p.m. Saturday in Braintree High in the quarter.;finals. Old Rochester and Diman Voke are· cochampions of the conference's Division Three.
Case, Somerset, Olive:r Ames and Wareham all saw action yesterday in first round games in Division Two. If vk:torious they advance to the quarterfinals tomorrow. In Division Three quartl~r-finals games today it is Martha's Vineyard vs. Norton at Middleboro High, 3 p.m.; Blue Hills vs. Old Rochester, Middleboro; 6 p.m.; West Bridgewater vs. Sandwich at Westport High at 5 p.m. Bishop Stang High, the only diocesan school entered in the New England Catholic Tourney, was eliminated, 61-53, by St.
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. , Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone: A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanationl: C-condemned. New Films "La Cage aox FolIes U" United Artists: This sequel to a popular comedy about a homesexual couple isn't up to the original.
~~~~:.a~~~r~~i~g;e~~:~i~~it~:i~ original roles it has some divert, ing moments before getting bogged down in an improbable plot about counterespionage. Because of its subject matter, it is classified A4, R.
"My Bloody Valentine" (Para. mount): This cheaply made Canadian exploitation film has the usual absurd plot soaked in gore. A demented coal miner stalks the usual attractive young victims with a pickax on Valentine's Day. C, R "The Sphinx" (Warners): A beautiful young £gyptologist (Lesley-Anne Down) eludes hordes of villains and discovers a cache of ancient treasures sto· len by grave robbers. This thoroughly muddled thriller is s6 bad it will have most audiences starting to giggle halfway through. Because of its violence it has been classified A3, PG. On TV
Dighton-Rehoboth, the Division Four conference champion, met J. E. Burke High Tuesday in first round action, with the winner slated to meet South Boston or Rockland Saturday in the quarter-finals at a site to be determined.
Girl!i' South Sectionals Attleboro and New Bedford are competing in Division One. Attleboro meets Weymouth North or Braintree in Oliver Ames High, New Bedford takes on Marshfield or Quincy in Middleboro High. Both are quarterfinals games starting at 6 tonight.
tv, ID9v1e news
Mary's of Worcester in Class C play Saturday. The Bristol County CYO Hockey League rings down the curtain on its regular schedule tonight when champion New Bedford opposes Rochester and runnerup Fall River South takes on Somerset. The twin bill starts at nine o'clock in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. The same pairings will prevail when the post-season playoffs best-of-three semi-finals start next Sunday evening in the Driscoll Rink.
Peace wanted SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador The San Salvador Archdiocesan Office of Communications said the country's bishops want to mediate a peace between the government and the opposition Revolutionary Democratic Front. (NC) -
drama preaching moral relativism in an extremely crucial area. Sunday, March 1, 10:30-11 p.m. (PBS) "Broken Arrow: Can a Nuclear Weapons Accident Happen Here?" This documentary probes the dangers of storing nuclear weapons in Ught of last year's Titan II accident in Arkansas.
Need money for a new Something? NBIS likes to say 'yes'
Monday, March 2, 9·11 p.m. (NBC) "The Acorn People." Ted Bessell stars in a drama about bright but severely disabled chiJdren at a summer camp and one of their counselors who overcomes his initial shock of seeing their physical problems. . Sunday, March 1, (ABC) "DI' rectlons": Robert Clark interviews Archbishop- James Roach, president of the National Conference of Catholic !Bishops, on issues facing the church and nation and on the role of the church in world affairs. (Check
local listings for time.) Sunday, March 1, 10:30 a.m. ' EST (CBS) "For Our Times": Religious activism and the antinuclear movement are discussed Direction of by Archbishop Helder Camara Rev. J. Joseph Kierce of ,Brazil; former Prime Minister Author and Producer of Olof Palime of Sweden; author Studs Terkel and the Rev. Wil- rhe New England Passion Play liTHE CHRISTUS" Iiam Sloan Coffin. (Check local listings for time.)
Film on TV Sunday, March 1, 8 p.m. (CBS) "The Amityville Horror'''' (1979) - The anemic plot of this horror movie concerns a suburban couple whose home is possessed by an evil force. Its garish special effects are relatively restrained but its superficial religious dimension makes it adult fare. A3, R
"I Think I'm Having a Baby," CBS, Mar. 3, 4-5 p.m. In this episode in CBS Afternoon Playhouse a 15-year-old high school freshman behaves indiscreetly with a senior, then realizes she might be pregnant. She is advised by a nurse and a teacher named Mr. Fenning (David Birney.) The nurse says it would be easy to have an abortion if she really ·is pregnant - No, in this state, you wouldn't ,have to let your mother know - and when the symptoms turn out to be a false alarm, counsels prudence the next time. 'Prudence is equated not with abs'tlnence but with some method of birth control. Mr. Fenning's wisdom is dispensed in a class in "adult living." One option in the case of teen-age pregnancy, he says, is abortion, and the only time he gets stern is when a Chicano girl says abortion is another word for murder. Like the nurse, however, he stresses that birth control is the preferable option. Thus every girl should be prepared, even if the boy isn't. For the benefit of the parents, then, these are the signals your children are likely to pick up from this calculatingly cute little
THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 26, 1981
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Feb. 26, 1981
Itc~ering pO-Inti SACRED HEARTS,
are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town shOUld be . included as well es full dates of all ,ctivitles. Please send news of future rathe' than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos. whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spirItual programs, club meetinRs, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing prolects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151
FAIRHAVEN Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Match 6, under auspices of the Committee of the Adorers of the ·Blessed Sacrament.
An evening of appreciation for religious education teachers will be held at 7:30 p.m. Shrove Tuesday. The guest speaker will be Sister Rita Pelletier, SSJ, religious education coordinator at St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. Her topic will be "The Catechist as the Herald of Good News." Classroom materials for Lenten use will be distributed. ST. MARY, SEEKONK
A few openings remain in the pre-schoolers Bible class, meeting weekly during 10 a.m. Sunday Mass.
The Women's League will meet at 8 tonight with a program on Special Stitchery to be highlighted. Lenten commitment forms will be distributed at all Masses this weekend.
Father Robert Kaszynski will be the first of six speakers to be heard on the six Sundays of . Lent. He will discuss "Penance: Are We in Need of Conversion?" at 7 p.m. March 8 in the church. ·ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, GREATER FALL RIVER
7 p.m. Mass on Tuesday at Es-
pirito Santo Church, Fall River. Conferences are asked to return ballots for national president before Monday.
The Tuesday morning discussA Marriage Encounter informa- , ion group will resume March 3. tion night for all married couples A family renewal program, an will be held in the church basement at 8 p.m. Sunday, March 8. extension of "We Care/We The Encounter weekend 'will be Share," will begin with Father Robert Kaszynski speaking at all discussed. Masses the weekend of April 4 ST. JOSEPH, and 5. He will then conduct parFAIRHAVEN ent nights April 7 through 10. A first penance service will ST. STANISLAUS, be held in the church hall from FALL RIVER 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 7. .Lenten Bible study will begin
with a ~
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The parish council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, March 16 in the parish hall. Ashes will be distributed at 7 a.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Masses on Ash Wednesday.
Council members will meet for
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Father William Baker will address confirmation candidates, parents and sponsors at 7:30 tonight on "Commitment of Confirmation."
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Sunday, March 8 at a time to be announced on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Chaplains to diocesan prayer groups will meet tomorrow in the lower chapel with members of the diocesan service committee. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA
Parish women are asked to volunteer assistance with patients at a Mass to be offered at 10:30 this morning at Country Gardens Nursing Home. Young people will meet tonight to plan a dance for Friday night, March 20. Also tonight a liturgy planning meeting will be held in the rectory at 7:30 p.m. The folk group and parish choir resumed rehearsals this week, the folksingers at 7 p.m. Tuesday and the choristers at 8 p.m. Monday. Both groups seek new members.
A parish retreat open to the public will be conducted Sunday through Thursday by Rev. Robert E. Carson, O. Praem., of St. 1K0rbert Abbey, De Pere, Wisc. Father Carson will speak at all weekend Masses, conduct services at 7 each night through Thursday and offer daily Mass at 9 a.m. Ordained in 1946, Father Carson, a native of Hawaii, did graduate work at the North American College in Rome. He is active in historical and political learned societies, the Sierra Club and the German-American National Congress. Since 1966 he has been engaged in fulltime preaching and retreat work. He wili be available throughout the week for counseling. A children's Mass will be offered at 1:15 p.m. each Friday of Lent. A parish council meeting set fer' Sunday has been postponed to 7 p.m. Sunday, March 15. The social concerns committee will meet at 7 tonight. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET
A class for adult candidates for confirmation will be held at the CCD Center at 1 p.m. Sunday. Candidates will need certificates of baptism and first communion and a sponsor's certificate if the sponsor is not a member of St. John of God parish. A prayer meeting Thursday, March 5, will begin at 7 p.m. with Mass and will ,be followed by a social hour. LA SALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO
Ashes will be distributed at the shrine at 4:15 p.m. Ash Wednesday for the convenience of working people. At all Masses and services from Wednesday through Sunday, March 8, money and non-perishable foods will be collected for McAuley House in Providence.
Major Meilical that's worth aMillion•. - - - - ---- - . - - - --
ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER A school science
fair will take place tomorrow and Saturday in the school cafeteria. St. Anne's ultreya will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the church basement for all information night and pre~Lenten service. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER Monthly meetil)gs of the Council of Catholic Women will resume at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the parish center. New members are welcome. ALHAMBRA ORDER, REGION ONE
Region One Council of Caravans will meet at 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 13 at Loyola Hall of Holy 'Cross College, Worcester.
Bible available in 273 languages Translations of the complete Bible are available in only 273 of the world's approximately 3,000 languages, according to United Bible Societies, an association of Bible societies in 100 countries. About 600 groups of translators - totaling about 3,000 people are working fulltime around the world to provide more Bible translations, the group said. The New Testament has been translated into about 500 languages, the association reported. Its estimate of the total number of languages in the world does not include local. dialects or languages spoken by small minorities. Most translating projects moderated by the association include Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox participants to provide translations acceptable to all three groups. The total budget for the 600 projects is about 2.5 mIllion each year, even with the translators working at reduced salaries, the association said. The United Bible Societies distribute 9 million complete Bibles and 12 million New Testaments annually.
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